uni inr Correspondence College of Agriculture DAIRYING PART ONE OF THE COLLEGE OF THE CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE DAIRYING, PART I DEVELOPMENT OF THE DAIRY ... BY ... EDWARD H. FARRINGTON, M. S. Professor of Dairy Husbandry in the University of Wisconsin This is the first of a series of six books giving a complete course of instructions in DAIRYING COPYRIGHT, 1910 THE CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE ' NOTE TO STUDENTS In order to derive the utmost possible benefit from this paper, you must thoroughly master the text. While it is not intended that you commit the exact words of the text to memory, still there is nothing contained in the text which is not absolutely essential for the in- telligent dairyman to know. For your own good never refer to the examination questions until you have finished your study of the tex t By following this plan, the examination paper will show what have learned from the text. Part I. DAIRYING LESSON I. INTRODUCTORY I. Development of the Dairy Industry. 1. Dairying is one of the oldest industries known to man. Ancient inscriptions and documents seem to indicate that butter was made one or two centuries B. C., and that contributions of cheese for the support of monasteries were common in about the year 500. Early literature also shows that for many years no great attention was given to the development of the dairy cow as a large milk producer, or that the processes of butter- making and cheese making were changed much from year to year. The cows in existence were milked and the butter and cheese made in about the same routine way for many years. 2. Milk production and dairy manufacturing remained nearly stationary until about 1875, when the centrifugal cream separator began to show some promise of becoming useful. This invention called attention to the large losses of butter fat in skimming milk by the old gravity methods, and led to the establishment of creameries where the milk of many farmers was skimmed and butter made in a much more economical way than formerly. 3. A second stage in the development of dairying dates from the invention of the Babcock and other milk tests in about 1890. oo 4 : DAIRYING. The Babcock test furnished a means of detecting the losses of butter fat in skim milk, and thus showed the need of perfecting cream separators until such losses were reduced to a 'minimum. Previous to the invention of the Babcock test, skim milk contained at least three-tenths per cent fat, (0.3%) but this loss has now been reduced to less than one-tenth per cent, (0.1%) thus making a saving of two-tenths per cent, fat, (0.2%) due to the common use of this test. By these means creamery buttermakers have learned the necessity of controling the conditions that give a uniformly efficient skimming of milk by centrifugal separators. This saving of two-tenths per cent fat (0.2%) over the losses of former years is five per cent (5.0%) of the fat in average whole milk, and it represents a saving of $50,000 for every $1,000,000 worth of butter manufactured from milk testing 4.0 per cent fat. 4. After the value of these two machines the separator and the milk tester was thoroughly understood, the dairy industry began to grow rapidly along three lines. 1. The improvement of dairy manufacturing processes; 2. The study of economical milk production; 3. The marketing of dairy products. 5. The study of these questions was first taken up by European farmers who understood the benefits to be derived from co-opera- tion; and in about 1880, farmers' co-operative associations began to be organized for the purpose of carrying on co-operative feeding experiments, factory inspection, and the sale of dairy products in- the best markets. Such co-operation has not been extensively suc- cessful among dairymen in the United States, but our dairy develop- ment has been helped by state dairymens' associations, farmers' institutes, state and county fairs, the farm and daily press, long and short courses in agricultural colleges, and experiment station bulletins. A Dairying Compared With Other Lines of Farming. 6. The statement is often made at farmers' institutes and similar gatherings that a change from grain farming to dairying has lifted the mortgage from many a farm. The truth of this asser- tion has been proved over and over again ; and numerous illustra- tions might be cited to show that there are farms, counties, and even states which owe their present prosperity largely to this DAIRYING. HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN COW. HoLSTEIN-FRIESIAN BULL. 6 DAIRYING. change. In many grain-growing sections of the country where for- merly the uncertainty of the crop each year made the farmer's income somewhat precarious, the fertility of the land has been im- proved, and the general prosperity of the farmer has been increased by the introduction of dairying. 7. Soil exhaustion from constant cropping of the land is an important matter in- all lines of farming ; and the advantages which dairying has over other lines of farming in this respect are worthy of consideration. "When only butter is sold from the farm there is very little fertility removed from the soil. The carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen of which butter fat is composed are taken from the air and from water by the aid of sunlight, and so these elements are maxle to contribute to the food of man without exhausting the soil to the extent that grasses and grains extract its fertility. a. Fertilizing Materials in Dairy Products and in Farm Crops. 8. One ton of butter contains about 1,688 pounds of fat, 272 pounds of water, and 20 pounds of milk sugar, and lactic acid, and 20 pounds of casein and mineral matter.* The first two sub- stances, fat and water, comprise 1,960 pounds of the ton ; and their formation does not impoverish the soil to any great extent. This leaves only the 20 pounds of casein and mineral matter as the fertilizing ingredients taken from the soil. This is a comparatively small part of the ton, and no other farm crop removes so little fertility from the land. 9. In a ton of mixed hay there are about 220 pounds of ash (mineral matter) and protein; in a ton of corn 240 pounds; and of wheat 275 pounds. These constituents are similar to the ash and casein of butter, and a comparison of the figures shows that the hay, the corn, and the wheat are 11 to 15 times more exhaustive to the soil than is butter, when one ton or about $400 worth of butter is compared with one ton of hay. 10. The case is somewhat different with milk. A ton of whole milk removes from the soil about 88 pounds, or over four times as much fertility as does butter. This difference between milk and butter is largely due to the casein in milk, but the fertility which it *Exclusive of salt added. DAIPtYINGL 7 contains is saved to the farm if the skimmed milk is kept at home or returned from the creamery in a condition suitable for feeding calves and pigs. 11. In the foregoing comparisons between butter and farm crops it has been assumed that the casein, protein, and ash are of equal fertilizing value, in all the products mentioned. An analysis of these products, however, shows the exact amount of plant food in each one of them. An average of some results of such analysis is given in the following table. It includes not only the fertilizing constituents but their value per ton. Fertilizing Constituents in Crops and in Dairy Products.* Nitrogen per cent. Phos. Acid per cent. Potash per cent. Valut per ton. Hav 141 27 1 55 $ 4 91 Corn 1 82 70 40 5 26 Wheat 236 89 .61 6 63 Milk 53 19 17 2 17 Skim Milk . . . .56 .20 .18 2.31 Butter .12 .04 04 49 Whey . .15 14 18 84 Cheese 393 60 .uu 12 .j.^ 1419 These figures show the advantages which butter selling has over the disposal of other farm products, when the matter of soil exhaustion is taken into consideration. 12. According to the 12th Census, the value of the dairy products of the United States amounted to $472,369,255. This is more than the value of any one grain crop excepting corn (maiz), which was $828,000,000, while wheat was $369,000,000, vegetables $242,000,000, cotton $370,000,000, fruits $131,000,000, eggs $144,- 000,000. There was not much difference between our exports and our imports of dairy products. These nearly balance each other; the value of the imports being $3,500,000, "and the exports $4,888,000. We import considerable cheese, and export condensed milk, as well as small quantities of low grades of butter. Our exports of corn pun jj aoj ^ooqpuTJjj s DAIRYING. DAIRYING. 9 (maize), however, amount to $47,000,000, and of wheat, meal and flour $46,000,000. When we remember that two pounds of butter is often worth as much in the market as one bushel of corn, the American farmer needs to consider seriously the economy of keep- ing his corn at home and feeding it to his dairy cows, rather than sending it across the ocean for feeding the cows of the more intensive farmers of Europe. 13. It is claimed by Lane, that the gain In fertilizing constit- uents to a farm of 76 acres in seven years with thirty or forty cows amounted to an equivalent of 27.6 tons of nitrate of soda, 29.6 tons of acid phosphate, and 2.47 tons of muriate of potash. HORTHORN BULL. These results are found by subtracting the pounds of fertilizing materials in the milk produced, from the weight of these fertilizing materials in the concentrated feed bought and fed to theso COAVS during this period of time. Or in other words, there was a gain to the farm for a year of 1,230 pounds of nitrogen, 1,010 pounds of phosphoric acid, and 353 pounds of potash from the grain fed to the COAVS. b. Feeding Value of Skimmed Milk. 14. Another important item in farm dairying is the feeding value of skimmed milk for young stock and poultry. Many prac- 10 DAIRYING. tical and scientific experiments have demonstrated that calves and pigs will thrive on warm, sweet, and undiluted skimmed milk nearly as well as on whole milk, especially when a small quantity of ground flax seed is fed with the milk. It is also claimed that for feeding pigs, 100 pounds of skimmed milk is worth nearly as much as the price of a pound of butter, or one-half as much as the price of a bushel of corn. One pound of butter is sometimes worth more than a bushel of oats, and in some places more than two bushels of potatoes. c. Dairy Products Not Bulky to Market. 15. Besides these advantages of fertility and feed which milk producing gives to the farmer, he can by dairying convert his farm crops into concentrative products like butter and cheese, which are not so bulky to market as grain, hay, roots, etc. This makes a great saving in the cost of transportation and handling of such crops. d. Utilizing Waste Land. 16. Another thing in favor of dairying is the fact that on some farms there are waste places which cannot be cultivated and made to yield crops by the bushel, but which may be utilized as pasture and thus produce .an income, which although it may not be so great as that from tillable land is far better than nothing. e. Dairyman a Manufacturer. 16. An intelligent dairyman is not only a producer of such raw material as grain and forage, but he is also a manufacturer of this raw material into milk, which is a high priced food product. In some instances the income from milking a few cows may seem to be small, but while the cows are busy all day converting their food into milk, their owner is able to do a fair day's work in addition to the milking. f. Employment Throughout the Year. 17. Dairying gives constant employment to farm labor in all DAIRYING. 11 kinds of weather and during every season of the year. While the cows are working in the pasture in the summer, the dairyman is planting, cultivating and harvesting their winter feed. During the winter the laborers who were employed in producing the feed are kept busy in caring for the cows, which convert this summer feed into winter milk. There is no time for idleness on a dairy farm, and hired help can be profitably employed during the entire year. g. Profitable Returns for Study. 18. No branch of farming gives a greater opportunity for profitable thought and study as well as skill and expertness in management, than does dairying, and no line of work gives better returns for intelligent thought than the dairy. Problems in breed- ing and feeding, and in economical production are constantly before the dairyman, and on the proper solution of these depends his pros- perity. The dairyman of all men learns to be kind, gentle, and progressive, as his experience with cows will so'on show the necessity of developing these traits of character to become successful. The favorable statements already made in regard to dairying in general might be still further added to without exaggeration, but those given will apply to any community. It often happens that a certain locality has special advantages for this line of farming, and these should be utilized in every case. There is always room at the top in dairying and success is attained by reading and thinking, and by attending dairy conventions, visiting other dairy farms, and by putting into practice the ideas accumulated in this way. B Peculiar Characteristics of a Dairyman. 19. Certain traits of character seem to be particularly adapted to dairying; and w r hen we consider the reward a man may receive for his labor in this line of w r ork, it seems worth while to cultivate the disposition most needed for success. A dairy farmer must give constant attention to his business. The cows give milk every day in the year, they have no holidays, and since the milk as well as other dairy products are perishable, they must be properly and constantly cared for ; any neglect of either the cows or the products means a loss to the owner. 20. The dairyman must possess a gentle disposition, as harsh 1.2 DAIRYING. treatment will reduce the flow of milk as well as lack of feed; and when the stock shows a tendency to run from rather than towards a farmer, it shows that he does not possess the disposition necessary for a successful dairyman. 21. He should also possess good judgment, as this is especially needed in the buying of concentrated feeds and in determining whether it is profitable for him to grow certain crops on his farm and sell them, using the money to buy feed particularly adapted for milk -production. He must also consider whether in his particular locality it is more profitable for him to turn his attention to winter or summer dairying. As a rule, winter dairying is more profitable because the prices of dairy products are higher in the winter than in the summer. But in some cases, cows require less care during the summer time than in the winter, and many farmers prefer to have their cows produce the largest quantities of milk during the summer time, even though the prices of dairy products are lower at this season of the year. C Winter Dairying. 22. The season of the year in which the largest quantity of milk is produced varies with different dairymen. Those who wish to supply a trade that calls for approximately the same amount of milk each month, arrange to have some cows in the herd come in fresh every month. In some localities, especially where the winter seasons are not extremely severe, there is a tendency to have the cows freshen in the spring, allowing them to browse in scant pasture, timber lots, or swamp through the summer, giving what milk they will for several months, and then allowing them to dry up and run in the corn fields or around straw stacks during the winter. 24. Milk produced in this way is usually very expensive, even though it does not cost much to feed the cows, as the amount of milk given per cow does not sell for enough to pay for the new cows that must be bought to keep up the herd. No herd will endure such treatment many years; and the loss of cows as well as the cost of the feed that may be given them is enough to discourage anyone from keeping cows on such a system as this. 25. A farmer's attitude toward dairying will change entirely when he begins to make preparations for winter dairying. This DAIRYING. 13 necessitates protection for the cows in a comfortable stable, and usually a silo well filled with corn silage for feeding the cows dur- ing the winter. Neither the cow nor the farmer needs rest in the winter; and a herd of good cows in a warm, well ventilated stable gives profitable employment for both farm help and cows through this season of the year. 26. Feed does not cost more in winter than in summer, and labor is cheaper during the winter months; therefore, the cost of producing the milk may be less in the winter season, and the prices paid for it are much higher in winter than in summer. 27. In 1909 the Elgin market price of butter was in May, 27 cents; June, 26% cents; July, 26% cents, and in November, 32% cents, December, 36 cents and January, 32 cents. The market price of cheese was in May, 15 cents; June, 13% cents ; July, 15% cents, and in November, 16% cents ; December, 16% cents, and March, 16% cents. The quotations for milk for city supply were: 'May, $1.35; June, $1.35, January, $1.79, and February, $1.64 per 100 Ibs. 28. These figures show the difference between summer and winter prices, and if the cows are fresh in the fall they will be producing the most milk when prices are the highest. They will also give more milk during one milking season as the flow of milk will be kept up during the winter and turning them out to pasture in the spring stimulates the milk producing organs so that there is an increased flow of milk at this time. It is sometimes stated that "cows fresh in the fall are fresh twice in the year." 29. The fall calf grows through the winter when there is time to look after it and when turned out in the spring it grows better and is better able to fight the annoying flies than a spring calf. It is claimed that a fall calf will grow as much in twelve weeks as, a spring calf in eighteen weeks and a fall calf makes a stronger heifer and cow than a spring calf. 30. It is also claimed that cows calving in the fall are less likely to have milk fever than in spring. 31. By winter dairying a more economical use of the land is made than by summer pasture, which is too expensive, especially on high-priced land. 14 DAIRYING. DAIRYING. D Location in Its Relation to Kind of Dairying. 15 32. The distance from market is an important factor in deter- mining the kind of dairying best adapted to a given location. 33. On high-priced land near a city the selling of milk directly to the consumer or to a city milk dealer is a common practice. A high price is usually paid for such milk, as it can be delivered quickly and in good condition with little cost for transportation; but under such conditions a large amount of the feed must be BROWN SWISS BULL. bought, and if crops are raised the land must be kept up to a high state of fertility with manure and fertilizers bought from the city. 34. Cities are constantly reaching out farther into the country for their milk supply, and the lower value of the land as well as the decreased cost of producing feed as the distance increases, makes it possible on these remote farms to pay greater transporta- tion charges. 1G DAIRYING. 35. Butter making or cheese making is not often undertaken within the limits of a city demand for whole milk. The sale cf sweet cream to ice cream dealers in cities is a very profitable line of dairying when the farm is so situated that the cans of cream can be conveniently shipped by steam or electric railroad. 36. Cream selling does not impoverish the soil of the farm on which it is produced, and good prices are paid for a uniformly sweet and rich cream. 37. Farms located beyond the reach of a city demand for milk, find the local creamery, cheese factory, or condensary a profitable enterprise to patronize. The creamery takes the cream, leaving the skim milk at the farm, and this is worth about twice as much per 100 pounds- for feeding purposes as the whey returned from a cheese factory. The condensary uses all the milk, returning noth- ing to the farm, and on this account pays more for milk than the creamery or cheese factory. 38. Farm butter making and the shipping of a can of sour cream once a week to a distant point for butter making gives the isolated farmer a market for the products of his cows. 39. The difference in receipts for milk sold to a city milk dealer, a creamery, or a cheese factory will depend upon the market prices of these products at any given time, -and the cost of making the butter or cheese. This may vary in different localities, and it is also influenced by the amount of patronage at each factory, the cost of manufacture being less per pound at a large factory than at a small factory. 40. Taking 100 pounds of milk testing 4.0 per cent, fat as a basis for illustration, the amount that may be received for it when sold to each of three places may be calculated as follows : 41. 1st. Selling milk at 3 cents per quart to a city dealer is the same as $1.50 for 100 pounds of 4 per cent. milk. 42. 2nd. If taken to a creamery this 100 pounds of milk should make 4.64 pounds of butter, which at 30 cents per pound amounts to $1.39. To this should be added the value of 80 pounds of skim milk and 15 pounds of buttermilk, which at 25 cents per 100 pounds amounts to 24 cents, making a total of $1.39+24=$!. 63. From this should be subtracted the cost of making the butter, which at DAIRYING. 17 3 cents per pound gives 4.64X3=14 cents, leaving the net receipts for the 100 pounds of milk from the creamery $1.63 .14=$1.49. 43. 3rd. If this 100 pounds of milk is taken to a cheese fac- tory, it will make about 10 pounds of cheese, which at 15 cents amounts to $1.50.; to which should be added the value of 90 pounds of whey, which is one-half that of skim milk or 12 cents, making the total receipts for cheese and whey $1.50+12=$1.62, from this must be subtracted the cost of making the cheese, which at V/ 2 i^nts per pound gives 10X^2=15 cents, and $1.6215 cents=$1.47 as the net receipts for the milk if taken to the cheese factory. 44. A summary of these figures the receipts for 100 pounds of milk, testing 4 per cent, fat when sold at 3 cents per quart as $1.50; when sold to the creamery, $1.49; -and when sold to the cheese factory, $1.47. A comparison similar to this can be made by substituting other prices for milk, butter and cheese as the mar- kets change. II, Selecting Cows for the Dairy. 45. According to the Twelfth Census, taken in the year 1900, there were 18,112,707 cows in the United States. The total amount of milk produced per year is reported as 7,728,583,350 gallons. A calculation made from these figures shows that the average milk production per cow per year is 3,600 pounds. A somewhat more recent estimate of the number of cows was reported by the United States Department of Agriculture in 1906. This gives the total num- ber of cows in the United States at that time as 19,793,866. This is an nicrease of over one and one-half millions in six years, so that it is evidently safe to assume that at the present time, 1910, there are at least 21,000,000 cows in the United States, and that the average production per cow per year is not far from 4,000 pounds of milk. 46. This average production seems like an extremely small figure, especially to farmers living in localities where milk produc- tion has been carried on for several generations; but it shows what a great opportunity there is for increasing the amount of milk pro- duced per cow per year when this figure is compared with some of the records that are published of herds in which the average pro- duction per cow is from 6,000 to 8,000 pounds of milk per year, and 18 DAIRYING. of single cows whose record has reached 15,000 to 20,000 pounds of milk per year. 47. Persons somewhat familiar with the keeping of cows would consider that an increase of 100 pounds of milk per cow per year would not require any great effort on their part. Many of them would think it comparatively easy to do this by giving a trifle more attention to the care and to the feed of their cows. But if this were done and milk is worh $1.00 per 100 pounds, such an increase wo aid add $21,000,000 to the value of the dairy production of the United States each year. 48. One of the best ways to add this 100 pounds, more or less ,to the annual production of each cow is to weigh the rnilk at milking time and find out how many pounds each cow is producing in a year. If the average per cow per year is 4,000 pounds of milk, there must be a great many that produce less than this amount, and the number of cows below the average must be many more than the number above the average, as one 10,000 pound cow will take the. place of five 2,000 pound cows. 49. Statistics show that there is a great need of "weeding out the unprofitable cows." Farmers will discharge a hired man who does not earn his wages, and a great deal of the farmer's time is occupied in killing weeds in his crops; but the weighing of each cow's milk is generally considered "too much bother." It is a fact, however, that many farmers can increase their income by keeping records of their cows, and disposing of those that give less than 4,000 pounds of milk, or 200 pounds of butter in a year. 50. Nearly every farmer would eagerly accept an offer of $20 for 15 minutes ' work once in two weeks for a year, but he can easily earn more than this by weighing and testing the milk of his cows. The following illustration shows how such work was valuable to the owner of the two cows in plate 3. These belonged to a herd of 12 that were all fed and cared for in the same way. These two cows were of the same age, color, and general appearance, except that No. 1 was thin and No. 2 fat. The owner was induced to weigh and sample the milk of each cow in his herd once in two weeks for a year. The samples were sent to the creamery and tested. From these weights and tests the total production of each cow was calculated. 51. The records at the end of the year showed that cow No. 1 DAIRYING. If) gave 7,600 pounds of milk testing 4 per cent. fat. This is equal to 360 pounds of butter, which at 25 cents is worth $90.00. Cow No. 2 gave 5,400 pounds of milk testing 4.1 per cent, fat, amounting to 260 pounds of butter, which at 25 cents is worth $65.00. Cow No. 1 produced 2,200 pounds more milk than No. 2, and 100 pounds more butter, which at 25 cents per pound amounts to $25.00 to which should be added the value of the 2,000 additional pounds of skim milk. 52. A feed record kept by the farmer for the year showed that the cost of feed per cow in the herd was about $30.00. Both cows required the same amount of care and whether or not the farmer wants "to bother with" the weighing of the milk as a means of se- lecting the profitable cows in his herd, depends on the purpose for which he is keeping cows. Does he wish the cows to support him, or is he working day after day to support his cows? 53. The low average production of milk per cow per year shows that many farmers are either so much attached to their cows that they do not care to part with any of them even if it is proved that some do not produce milk enough to pay for their feed, or they think that they know enough about their cows without weighing and testing the milk of each one. This indifference to an exact know- ledge of the profit and loss from, cows is common among* farmers, and on account of it they suffer annually large financial losses. 54. Many observations have been made in recent years to show the actual production of milk by cows throughout the country. In Illinois, records were obtained of 556 cows owned by farmers sup- plying milk to either a city, a creamery, or a condensary. The results obtained were classified by dividing the total number into four lots of 139 cows each. The average production of the poorest lot was 133 pounds of butter per cow, and of the best 301 pounds of butter. The profit from the poorest lot of 139 cows was $100, and from the best lot of the same number of cows $4,000. A further study of the records showed that it would require 1,021 cows of the producing capacity of some to equal that of 25 other cows. 55. The records obtained by weighing and testing the milk of each cow in a herd are valuable not only to the owner as an aid in selecting those he wishes to keep; but such records if good ones, help to sell the calves of the cows, and they raise the value of the 20 DAIRYING. DAIRYING. 21 22 DAIRYING. cows themselves. "Weighing the milk of each cow and testing a sample with the Babcock test as described later is now taking the place of farmer churn tests. 56. Churn tests are now out-of-date, as it has been shown that butter can be made to contain an abnormal amount of water by artful manipulation. The fraudulent compounds thus obtained are no longer accepted as butter. Legal butter according to recently adopted United States standards, must contain at least 82.5 per cent, fat, and since the amount of fat in butter is necessarily a variable quantity on account of the method of manufacture, the butter record of a cow is now based on, the weight of butter fat in her milk instead of the butter that is reported to have been made from it. 57. The Babcock test and a pair of scales are the means now employed for making permanent and valuable records of dairy cows. They measure the milk by an absolute standard which is not subject to variations when honestly used. The test takes the place of the churn, because the same accuracy cannot be obtained with scales and churn as with the scales and test. The most expert dairy- man is not able to divide 100 pounds of cream into four or more equal parts and make exactly the same weight of butter from each part, but the Babcock test will show the same percentage of butter fat in the different lots. a. Average Milk Producers. 58. The statistics already quoted indicate that the average cow in the United States produces about 4,000 pounds of milk ; and if this tests 3.5 per cent, fat, and an overrun of 16 per cent, is assumed, the average butter production per cow is 162 pounds. The average farm value of the 21,801,000 cows is reported as $35.79 per cow in the 1909 year book of the United States Department of Agriculture. 59. Taking these figures as a basis, the value of cows producing more or less than this amount can be estimated. If a cow producing 162 pounds of butter is valued at $35, a cow producing 200 pounds is worth more than the value of the increase in butter. Assuming both cows to be an equal expense to the owner, then the one producing 38 *The increase of the churn over the test or the difference be- tween butter and butter fat. DAIRYING. pounds more butter than the other brings at 25 cents per pound, 38X25=$9.50 more income. This $9.50 is a little more than 6 per cent, of $150.00, and since many people consider money at 6 per cent, interest as a good investment, the cow producing 200 pounds of but- ter may be assumed to be worth $150 more than the cow producing 162 pounds of butter. 60. The difference in value of cows may in this way be based on the amount of money on which the excess of production over the cost of keeping will pay a fair rate of interest. There may or may not be a difference in the amount of feed consumed by the two cows. This will depend on the individuality of the two animals, but the cost of stabling and caring for them is the same, and the owner's profit comes from the margin obtained over the cost of keeping. 61. The average production of milk per cow shows a great need of improvement in our dairy cows ; and while it may be difficult to buy better cows, they may be raised by the use of a pure bred dairy sire. The figures given show that it will be a good investment to pay what may seem to be excessive prices for both cows and bulls of the dairy type. b. Exceptionally Large Milk Producers. 62. The development of dairy cows by careful feeding and handling, so that they will produce a maximum of milk on a mini- mum of feed is a business in which many people are enthusiastically engaged. Formerly a great deal of attention was paid to the pedi- gree of a cow, and this is still of considerable importance, but it is far from being the only record that is in demand at the present time. The opinion is fast gaining ground that an official test of a dairy cow's performance as a milk and butter producer is of th'e first im- portance. 63. These tests are best made at home, where the cows are undisturbed by strange surroundings. There may be educational advantage in having exceptionally good cows exhibited at fairs and places where many people see them, but cows nearly always produce more milk at home than at a fair where they are more or less excited. This is well understood by dairymen ; and when an excep- tionally large milker is to be tested, the owner usually sends to an agricultural college for a man to come to the farm and watch the 1 24 DAIRYING. milking, then sample and test the milk of such cows as he wishes to be tested. The cow is thus given every advantage possible to do her best, and the record she makes is an official one, since it is certified to by a disinterested party who is usually a representative from an agricultural college. There is nothing spectacular about these home tests of dairy cows, but they are being quietly made in many of the states and the interest in them is rapidly spreading. 64. The best one-year records of cows belonging to four of the dairy breeds up to 1910 are the following: Ayrshire cow, Rena Rose, milk 15,072 pounds, test 4.26 per cent, fat, butter fat 643 pounds. Guernsey cow, Dolly Dimple, milk 18,459 pounds, test 4.96 per cent, fat, butter fat 907 pounds. Holstein cow, Colantha 4ths Johanna, milk 27,432 pounds, test 3.64 per cent, fat, butter fat 998 pounds. Jersey cow, Jacoba Irene, milk 17,253 pounds, test, 5.53 per cent, fat, butter fat 953 pounds. 65. These figures certainly must inspire respect for the dairy cow as a producer of human food. A circular issued concerning the record of Jacoba Irene states that her milk for one year contained 2,527 pounds of solids, and that this is equal to the edible solids of 25 steers. 66. The Missouri Agricultural College compares the solids in milk of a cow giving 18,405 pounds of milk in a year with the carcass of a 1,250 pound steer, and gives the following figures. Dry Matter or Solids. Milk of 1 cow 18,405 pounds. Steer 1,250 pounds. Protein 552 pounds 172 pounds Fat 618 pounds 172 pounds Milk Sugar 920 pounds . . . pounds Ash : 128 pounds 43 pounds Total 2,218 pounds 548 pounds The dry matter from the milk is all edible solids, while that of the steer includes hide, bones, tallow, etc. This shows that cows and not steers must be kept on high priced land. DAIRYING. 25 67. A good daily grain in live weight of a steer is two or three pounds, and this is nearly half water, while a cow giving 50 poiinds of milk per day is manufacturing six pounds of solid food for man, which is more digestible than even 12 pounds, gain in live weight per day in the steer. 68. The milk of the Holstein cow (27,432 pounds), would sup- ply 94 people with milk for one year, provided the estimate of 290 pounds of milk per capita is a correct one. 69. It is claimed that the dairy cow produces human food more cheaply than any other animal, and to equal the production of a cow giving 50 pounds of milk per day, a steer would have to allow 10 pounds of steak to be cut from his carcass every day. c. Choice of a Dairy Breed. 70. There is no best dairy breed of cows. This is the conclusion of many broad-minded dairymen. There are four so-called dairy breeds of cows which arranged alphabetically may be named Ayr- shire, Guernsey, Holstein and Jersey. In addition to these there are many cows producing large quantities of milk in the following breeds: Brown Swiss, Short Horn, Dutch Belted, Devon and Red Polled. The selection of a breed by each dairyman is about the same sort of task as choosing a cream separator or a sewing machine. 71. There are good cows and poor cows in all breeds as well as excellent ma'chines in all makes. Each breed of dairy cows possesses certain characteristics which are more or less well known, but it is hard to prove that any one breed contains a higher percentage of economical milk producers than another. 72. Two cows of the same breed, fed, cared for, and milked in the same stable may vary as much in milk production as two cows of different breeds. The individuality of the animal is of as much importance as her breed. 73. The selection of a breed should be based on a person's likes and dislikes, and the disposition to be made of the milk. In sec- tions of the country which supply cities with milk there are often found large numbers of cows of the breeds which have the char- acteristic of producing large quantities of milk, and a heavy flow is nearly always accompanied by a lower per cent, of fat in the milk than when the amount of milk produced per cow is smaller. 26 DAIRYING. *Yield and Test of Milk from Cows of Several Breeds. BREED No. of Cows Fat % No. of Cows Milk per day Ibs. Calc. Butter per day Ibs. Jersey 491 4.98 425 27.3 1.36 Guernsey 191 4.77 151 29.7 1.42 Holstein-Friesian 679 3.28 503 48.8 1.60 Shorthorn 370 3.73 275 43.5 1.62 Ayrshire 108 3.84 50 37.0 1.42 Red Polled 50 3.73 50 37.3 1.39 Brown Swiss .... 20 3.78 14 37.3 1.41 Devon 50 4.57 27 13.2 .60 Dutch Belted 5 3.40 5 27.2 .92 Polled Jersey . . . 5 4.66 5_ 22.0 1.07 French Canadian 5 3.99 5 27.0 1.08 74. It is also claimed that the grade or conformation of the farm should be considered in selecting a breed as light, active cows can climb hilly pastures better than heavy cows which are more appropriate for level land. 75. When a dairyman has a definite purpose in view, .and he wishes to place cows in a certain locality with which he is well acquainted, the problem of selecting a dairy breed is cmnparatively easy. Some are influenced by the characteristic color and form or style of a certain breed, while others want a rich milk or a large quantity of milk from each cow. 76. Certain breed fanciers find all the good qualities in one breed, while others see good qualities in all dairy breeds. Each person must therefore, make his own selection after consulting his fancy, his location, and his market, make a choice and stick to it, then develop by breeding and selection exceptionally fine representatives of that breed. 77. The cows of any one breed need as much study to determine which ones are. the economical milk producers as do the different breeds. It should not be claimed that the cows and calves of one breed are stronger than another, or that they can stand more hard- *WoU's Handbook. DAIRYING. 27 ship than another, because the profitable milk producer has i'ot been developed for the purpose of enduring hardship. Kough treat- ment, cold stables, and scant feed will destroy the dairy qualities of any breed, and unless cows can be well fed and cared for during the entire year, the choice of a breed is not of much consequence. But when once made, there is no particular advantage in changing to another; stick to your choice in the same way that you would to a certain line of work in which you have invested money. There will be no profit in changing after a decision has been made. 78. The "special purpose" cow or breed is better for a dairy- man than the "dual purpose" cow. It is fair to assume that dairy COW T S are kept to produce milk, and as a converter of feed into a large quantity of milk, the "special purpose" cows are more profitable than the "dual purpose" cows, which give a fair quantity of milk, and raise a good, veal calf each year or that have a tendency to make more milk when given an abundance of feed. Cows of the latter type are not strictly dairy cows-. 79. It can no longer be claimed that cows of a certain breed are cheese cows, while others are butter cows. The dairy test at the Chicago World's Pair showed that there was not much difference in the * ' cheese value ' ' of the Jersey and the Holstein cows, and although it is a well known fact that there is proportionately more casein in normal milk containing a low per cent, of fat than in milk of a higher fat content, it has also been demonstrated that the per cent, of casein varies as much as one per cent, in the milk of cows which contain the same per cent, of butter fat. 80. It is also true that the richer the milk the better the quality .of the cheese made from it, and that the slightly lower yield of cheese per pound of rich milk than per pound of thinner milk is balanced by the increased value per pound of cheese made from the richer milk. 81. In actual cheese factory practice, however, where the mixed milk from different herds is received, the purity or cleanliness o the milk received has more influence than the richness of the milk on the quality of the cheese as it is now sold in the market. d. Cost of Keeping a Cow. 82. Although it is a very complex problem, there is no subject of 28 DAIRYING. DAIRYING. 29 greater importance to the owner of cows than the cost of producing the milk. This question will give better returns for time and. study devoted to its consideration than nearly any other part of the dairy- man's work. It is difficult to determine just what should be included in the cost of producing milk, as this will vary from nearly nothing on farms where cows are kept and allowed to wander over waste, rocky land, timber land, swampy land, etc., for nearly six months in the year, and then given little or no shelter during the winter, to the expensive farms where cows are kept on high priced land in expensive stables and where the feed as well as the labor must all be obtained at the highest market price. 83. In considering the question of the cost of producing milk, the cow owners of the country can be divided into three classes: First, those engaged in what is termed general farming, where the cows are kept as a part of the farm stock only ; and in addition to milking the cows and selling either milk or cream from them, 'die farmer produces and sells hay, grain, potatoes, pork, poultry, mutton, and some vegetables and fruit. Such farmers buy very little feed for their cows; they keep no record of the milk production, and give the cows no special attention. This class includes by far the great majority of cow owners in the country. 84. The second class of so-called dairy farmers make the dairy cows the important part of their farm operations,. The cows are selected by keeping careful records of their milk production, feeds for milk production, and the entire attention of the owner is given to the production of milk in the most economical way> 85. The third class of farmers, which is an exceedingly small one, devote their time to intensive milk production; and their work may be compared with that of the owner of trotting horses, as they are interested in developing some one or a few of the cows in their herd so that they may have the honor of owning a cow which has broken all previous records in the total amount of milk and butter fat produced in a given time. This line of intensive milk pro- duction has also been carried on in the dairy tests conducted at the Chicago Columbian Exposition and the Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion held at St. Louis in 1904. 86. Attention has been directed to the cows kept on the farm 30 DAIRYING. DAIRYING. 31 where milk is only one of the products sold each year in many different ways. The results of one of these lines of investigation have been reported under the heading of "Cow Census Record" in Hoard's Dairyman. These records are usually obtained by a representative of this paper visiting the farms in given localities and- by talking with the owner of the cows, and obtaining an esti- mate of the amount of the feed given the cows on each 1'urm. 87. The figures concerning the amount of milk produced by each herd is gnerally obtained by consulting the creamery, cheese fac- tory, or other buyer of the milk sold from the farm. This work has been very valuable as it directs the attention of the owner of the cows at each place, to the opportunties he has for finding 'out what the milk approximately costs that he is selling from the farm. The figures reported may lack some exactness, but they give a general idea of the approximate cost of the feed per cow per year on the farms where the cows are only one part of the general farming operations. In obtaining these figures no attempt was made to determine the cost of any other part of the cows' expenses. The data refers entirely to the feed cost in each locality. A summary of some of these figures is as follows : Average of Results Obtained from Cow Census. STATE Illinois No. of Herds 100 No. of Cows 1,400 Average Cost Fexi per Cow $32.76 Iowa 100 1,062 28.23 Massachusetts . . 50 453 36.27 New Hampshire 100 872 35.67 New York 100 1,724 46.78 Total 450 5,511 $35.94 88. The figures in this table do not give information con- cerning the expense of keeping a cow excepting the estimated cost of the feed, There are, however, other things which enter into the cost of producing milk besides the feed and among these may be considered the following: 89. First, the cow stable. This, of course, must be large enough 3 DAIRYING. to house the necessary feed the cows will consume as well as the cows themselves. The cost of the cow stable may be variously estimated, but under average conditions it seems safe to place this at $50 per cow. This estimate will allow $1,000 for a building to house 20 cows or $1,500 to house 30. The proportion of this expense which the cost of maintaining a cow should bear is represented by such items as taxes, insurance, interest, depreciation in value of the stable each year, etc. These items will certainly amount to so. much as 10 per cent, of the money invested which in this case is $50 per cow and will amount to $5. 90. Second, the value of the cow. There is a great variation in the value of cows. This is a figure which may vary to wide extremes, as in some localities it is difficult at the present time to buy cows for $75, while in others they can be obtained for about $30. Plac- ing the average value per cow at $50, we can use this as a basis on which to estimate the amount that should be charged to each year's milk production for the money invested in the cow. It has been estimated that a cow remains a producer of milk about four years. The milking period of some cows is much longer than this, but on account of the losses from accidents, sickness, poor milkers, and other causes, a cow's usefulness in a herd does not extend much over a period of four years. Assuming, then, that at the end of four years, a cow must be sold for beef, or for about $30, there is a depreciation of $20 in four years, which amounts to about 10 per cent, of the original value of the cow, which was $50; making the annual expense of the cow $5.00, expressed as depreciation in value. 91. Third, the cost of feed. This will naturally vary with dif- ferent cows and in different localities. An experiment made by the Illinois Station illustrated this point in the following way: Two grade cows, six and nine years old, both fresh in the spring, were given the same kind and proportion of feed for one year. They were also milked and cared for in the same way. Careful records were kept both of the feed consumed and the weight of the milk and butter produced. The results of this experiment for the year show that cow No. 1 consumed during the year 20,196 pounds of feed. She produced 11,329 pounds of milk, which according to its test was equal to 658 pounds of butter. Cow No. 2, consumed DAIRYING. 33 19,598 pounds of feed. She produced 8,121 pounds of milk, which according to its test was equal to 364 pounds of butter. There was a difference in the records of the two cows for the year of 598 pounds of feed and 3,207 pounds of milk and 294 pounds of butter; expressed in percentage, the difference between the two cows was 2.9 per cent, in feed, 28 per cent, in milk and 45 per cent, in butter. 92. Calculating the pounds of butter produced by each cow at 16 cents per pound gives the total pounds of butter produced by cow No. 1 as worth $105 and of cow No. 2 as worth $58, there being a difference of $47. In this case one cow produced $47 worth more of butter than the other and the difference in feed consumption was about 600 pounds. This illustrates the influence of the cow's indi- viduality or dairy temperament on the economy of milk and butter production, showing that not all cows produce the same amount of milk on the same quantity of feed. In a previous statement we have estimated the average cost of the feed per cow per year as $35. 93. Fourth, the cost of caring for a cow. There is a great difference in the expense of the labor necessary to feed, care for and milk the cows. This work is done in some places entirely by hired help. In others the members of a farmer's family are doing some kind of farm work each day and while their labor is just as valuable and should be charged up to the expense of keeping a cow in the same manner as the labor of hired help this is not the case, and the cost of milking and caring for the cows in some localities is not placed at a very large figure. It has been variously esti- mated that one man can milk, feed and care for 15 to 25 cows. Assuming 20 cows to be an average number, and the wages of a man is $40 per month, then the cost of the labor per cow per year is $24. The time required for milking a cow on an average during the year has been estimated at the Missouri Experiment Station as 60 hours. The value of this time per hour can be variously placed at 15 cents, the total cost of labor for milking a cow on this basis is therefore $9. From, the statements given, it seems fair to assume that the expense of caring for a cow per year may be safely placed at $15. 94. Fifth, miscellaneous expenses. There are certain tools and implements needed in caring for cows. The expense of these, while not very great, amounts to something, and it should be included 34 DAIRYING. in the annual expense of keeping cows. Among these various items are included the milk pails and other tinware, hay forks, shovels, brushes, medicine, etc. A fair figure for these expenses, per cow is $5. In addition to the value of the milk there are two items of the cow's production which should be taken into consideration. 95. First, the value of the calf. This varies all the way from $1 to $100, or more. In some cases the calves are considered of very, little or no value, while in others, especially the calves from pure bred stock, may be sold for high prices. An average value of a calf, however, may be placed at $5. 96. The second items with which the cow should be credited is the value of her manure. It has been estimated that an average cow produces 75 pounds of solid and liquid manure per day. From the composition of this manure the fertilizing value of its various constituents can be calculated. Such an estimate places the value of this manure at about 8 cents per day which amounts to $30 per year. 97. The importance of saving the solid and liquid manure of cows is not appreciated in this country to the extent that it is in the older dairy sections of Europe, where in some places, it would be impossible for the owners of cows to make a living if they were so wasteful of the manure as we are in this country. This unneces- sary waste is avoided by building cement vaults just outside of the cow stable for the purpose of storing the liquid manure which runs from the cement gutters behind the cows into this vault. A large proportion of the solid manure is also stored in these vaults. The mixture is pumped into wagons and sprinkled over the fields, mostly where grass used for feeding the cows has recently been cut. This makes it possible to retain on the farm a large share of the fertilizing constituents of the feed the cows consume. The only part of it that is lost is that contained in the milk or cream sold from the farm. It is only under such conditions as this that the manure of the cow can be considered as worth $30 a year. Under our wasteful methods of farming in this country, fully two-thirds of this value of the manure is lost, and it is assumed that the value of the manure per cow is $10. It is doubtful if even this much is realized from the manure per cow in many cases. But a good opportunity is here offered for the dairy farmer to increase his DAIRYING. 35 profits by giving more attention to the saving of his stable manures. The nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash which make plants grow, and which are also contained in human food, such as milk, may by this method be used over and over again, and the only loss of these valuable elements is in the milk, cream, butter and cheese that are sold from the farm. This small loss is made up in some sections by the corn, the oil meal, and other grains which may be bought and fed to the cows. 98. A summary statement of the expenses and receipts from a cow per year may, therefore, be given as follows : Expenses. Cow stable, $50, per head, int., taxes, etc $ 5.00 Value of the cow, $50, depreciation 10 per cent 5.00 Cost of feed 35.00 Care and labor . , 15.00 Total expenses $65.00 Receipts. Calf $ 5.00 Value of the manure . 10.00 Total $15.00 The difference between the expenses and receipts is $50, which must be covered by the milk produced. 99. Assuming that the total cost of keeping a COW T per year is $50, a calculation may be made to show the cost of milk per 100 pounds and per quart when the total production per cow varies from 3,000 to 10,000 pounds per year. If a cow gives only 3,000 pounds of milk per year, and it costs $50 to pay her annual expenses, then this milk costs $1.70 per 100 pounds, or 3.3 cents per quart. If the cost of keeping a cow remains the same, $50, and the amount of milk she produces per year increases, the cost of this milk per 100 pounds and per quart is shown in the following: 36 DAIRYING. DAIRYING. 37 Milks pounds per cow par year 3,00.0 4000 Cost of milk per 100 pounds $1.70 125 Cost of Milk Per quart .. .3.3 cents 2 5 cents 5000 . 1.00. . . . . .2. cents 6000 83 1 7 cents 7000 71. . ... 1 3 cents 8 000 "62 1 2 cents 9000 ..... .55 1 1 cents 10.000.. .50. . . 1. cents 100. It cannot be expected that the cost of keeping a cow giving 10,000 pounds of milk per year will be the same as that of a cow giving 3,000 pounds of milk. The difference, however, will be mostly covered by the feed consumed, as the other expenses of stable, labor, etc., are approximately uniform, excepting that the annual interest and depreciation in the value of the cow may be somewhat different. The figures are of importance, however, as they show the approximate cost of the milk to the owner of cows producing different amounts of milk per year. According to these figures, with a cow giving 5,000 pounds of milk the cost of the milk is $1.00 per 100, or 2 cents per quart, and unless it is sold for a higher price or the expenses of keeping the cow are reduced, the owner will receive no profit for his labor and his money invested in such a cow. The Creamery or Buttermaking Value of the Milk. 101. A calculation similar t othe one given above may be made for estimating the value of different amounts of milk produced per cow per year when the milk or cream is either sold to a cream- ery or is used for making butter at the farm. Under such circum- stances, the value of the milk is found by adding the value of the skim milk to that of the pounds of butter made from the cream. Assuming the average test or per cent, of fat in all the milk to be 3.5 also that the skim milk is 80 per cent, of the whole milk, and this skim milk is worth 30 cents per 100 pounds, and the overrun is 16 per cent, the value of the different amounts of milk on a butter basis may be calculated for one year. Taking for example, 38 DAIRYING. DAIRYING. 39 three cows giving 4,000, 6,000, and 8,000 pounds of milk, each testing 3.5 per cent, fat, the value of this milk on a butter basis may be calculated as follows: 4,000X3.5:= 140XU6=162 6,000X3.5=210X1-16=243 8,000X3.5=280X1.16=325 Value of the Skim milk : 4,000X80 per cent, equals 3,200X30 cents, equals $ 9.60 6,000X80 per cent, equals 4,800X30 cents, equals 14.40 8,000X80 per cent, equals 6,400X30 cents, equals 19.20 102. Subtracting the value of the skim milk in each case from the $50 which represents the cosj; of keeping each cow a year, leaves $40.00, $35.58, and $30.80. Dividing these figures so obtained by the pounds of butter produced in each case gives the cost of the butter per pound as 24.9 cents, 14.6 cents, and 9.4 cents. On this basis the cost to the owner of the butter sold from the cow produc- ing 4,000 pounds of milk is nearly 25 cents per pound, the one pro- ducing 6,000 pounds of milk, 15 cents per pcfund, and the one pro- ducing 9,000 pounds of milk, 10 cents per pound. 103. The difference in the values of the three cows on a butter basis may be shown- in another way. If the butter sells at 25 cents per pound, in each case, then the cow producing 4,000 pounds of milk and 162 pounds of butter pays for her keeping and nothing more. On this basis, all cows giving less than 4,000 pounds of milk per year are kept at a loss to the owner. The cow giving 6,000 pounds of milk from which 243 pounds of butter may be made is considerably better than the cow giving 4,000 pounds of milk. Subtracting 162 pounds of butter contained in the milk of the latter, from the 243 pounds of butter of the cow producing 6,000 pounds of milk leaves 81 pounds of butter. If this can be sold at 25 cents per pound it amounts to $20.25. Adding to this, the value of the skim milk in excess of the skim milk contained in the 4,000 pounds of milk produced by the first cow, it would be $14.42 minus $9.60 or about $5, giving a total of about $25.00 as the value of the cow producing 6,000 pounds of milk over that of the cow producing 4,000 pounds of milk. A similar calculation of the cow giving 8,000 pounds of milk and 324 pounds of butter shows 324 niinus 162 pounds of butter equals 162, which at 25 cents per pound amounts 40 DAIRYING. to .$40. Adding to this $10 as the value of her skim milk over that of the 4,000 pound cow, makes a total of $50. 104. According to these estimates, a cow giving 4,000 pounds of milk allows her owner no return, while the cow giving 6,000 pounds of milk makes a profit of $50 which is 10 per cent, on $500. These figures show that dairying is especially well adapted to the farming of high priced land, as it not only keeps up the fer- tility of the soil, but allows a fair interest on the money invested provided the farming and feeding are intelligently done, and most important of all, provided the cows are carefully selected and only those giving milk enough to pay for their feed and a margin besides, are kept on the farm. According to these figures it may safely be calculated that while a cow giving 4,000 pounds of milk is worth nothing, a cow giving 6,000 pounds of milk may be worth $250, and one giving 8,000 pounds of milk may be worth $500 to her owner. E Estimating the Value of a Cow. 105. Certain items in the cost of keeping a cow are nearly the same for all the cows in one herd. These are the cost of stabling, of attendance, of labor, the general care of the cows, and of the utensils such as milk pails, shovels, forks, etc. A uniform charge against each cow, good, bad and indifferent, can be made for these items of expense. 106. The variation in the expense of keeping the cows will fall almost entirely on the feed consumed; and although it has been demonstrated that two cows will often give different amounts of milk on the same amount and kind of feed, still the amount of feed consumed is a large item in the cost of keeping a cow. 107. The relation between the cost of feed and the milk and butter fat produced by different cows may be seen from the follow- ing, taken from records of 25 cows at the Wisconsin Agricultural College for the year 1908-09. Cost of Milk Butter feed Ibs. fat Ibs. Highest $64.33 14,484 689 Lowest 26.44 4,516 243 Average . : 41.05 8,493 363 Average for six years j- 37.70 7,454 315 DAIRYING. 41 These figures show a difference of about 10,000 pounds of milk and $38.00 worth of feed between the extreme cows or nearly $4.00 worth of feed for every 1,000 pounds of milk when the milk pro- duction is above 4,500 pounds. If then, the cow giving this amount of milk, (4,500 pounds), is worth a given sum, and milk is worth $1.00 per 100 pounds, each increase of 1,000 pounds of milk adds $6.00 to the value of the cow, as this represents the difference between the $10.00 for the 1,000 pounds of milk and tjie $4.00 worth of feed required to produce this milk. 108. Fraser places the value of a cow producing 2,000 pounds of milk and 80 pounds of butter fat at $30.00, and adds $5.00 to the value of the cow for each increase of 1,000 pounds of milk up to 7,000 pounds. Where a cow produces 7,000 pounds of milk and above he adds $10.00 for each 1,000 pounds of milk produced per year. 109. The cost of feed and other expenses of keeping cows has been variously estimated in different sections of the country. Wing of New York gives the following figures : Cost Per Cow Per Year. 20 Ibs. hay for 180 days at $10 per ton $18.00 8 Ibs. grain for 180 days at $30 per ton 21.60 26 weeks pasture at 30 cents 7.80 1 man to 20 cows at $40 per month 24.00 Interest on $50 at 5 per cent 2.50 Depreciation 5.00 $78.90 110. Connecticut, Storrs Station ** average of five years record with herd of about 20 cows : Cost of Cow Per Year, Feed $53.46 Labor, stable, etc 33.00 Interest and depreciation 4.16 $90.62 ^Hoard's Dairyman. **Bul. 29. 42 DAIRYING. 111. The New Jersey Experiment Station 7 years' record of a herd of about 40 cows with an average production of 6,500 pounds of milk, cost of feed per day 12.3 cents, makes the feed cost of milk per quart 1.5 cents. 112. The amount of feed that may be obtained for $35, which has been assumed to be the average cost of feed per cow per year, is very different in different sections of the country, as is showji by the following figures reported as the feed consumed by one cow at the Nebraska and at the "Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station : Feed Consumed Per Cow Per Year. Nebraska "Wisconsin Price Per Ton 1905-06 1908-09 Nebraska Wisconsin Corn 1,017 Ibs. 702 Ibs. $12.50 $16.00 Bran 585 Ibs. 762 Ibs. 15.00 17.50 Oats 317 Ibs. 22 Ibs. 18.75 18.00 Linseed Meal ... 209 Ibs. 32.00 Silage 3,498 Ibs. 6,696 Ibs. 1.75 2.50 Alfalfa hay 2,828 Ibs. .... 6.00 Clover hay 1,166 Ibs. 10.00 Pasture . $6.50 .... 1.00 per mo. . . . Soiling crops 196 1.50 Distillers' Grain ...... 546 26.00 Milk, Ibs 10,773 5,362 Fat per cent 3.64 5.66 Butter fat 392 503 Cost of feed $35.26 $35.17 This shows the variation in prices of feeds in different sections of the country, and the. need of determining the facts on each farm rather than measuring one's herd by the standard of some other locality. F Cost of Equipment for Testing Cows by the Babcock Test. 113. Several types of Babcock milk testers have been designed by various manufacturers of these machines, but the process of test- ing milk is the same in all of them. The hand tester is most com- DAIRYING. 43 monly used for testing cows at the farm unless high pressure steam is available, in which case a turbine tester may be used, or if elec- tric current is handy the tester may be run by an electric motor. All hand testers at the present time are made with cut gear instead of belts or friction pulleys for transmitting the power of the crank to the whirling bottle frame. Hand testers vary in size from tw^o to twenty-four bottles. 114. The two-bottle tester can be clamped to a table or bench. They sell for $4.00. This price includes the necessary apparatus for making tests complete. A four-bottle tester of this type sells for $5.00. The bottles in these small testers, however, are enclosed in separate pockets which whirl around in front of the person turning the crank. 115. Many users of testers prefer the slightly more expensive machines in which the whirling bottles are enclosed in a cast iron frame. These give the operator complete protection from broken glass or spilled acid in case of an accident. 116. The cast iron machines are made to test from 6 to 24 samples at one time. The prices of these testers with apparatus com- plete for making tests are about : $ 8 for a 6-bottle tester. $ 9 for a 8-bottle tester. $10 for a 10-bottle tester. $12 for a 12-bottle tester. These testers weigh about 75 pounds and are substantially made. 117. The acid used in making the tests may be bought by the gallon in jugs at about 60 cents per gallon. These must be shipped by freight. Larger quantities can be bought by the carboy at about 2 cents per pound. One pound of acid will make 14 tests. When the glassware breaks, it can be replaced at approximately the follow- ing prices: Per Each. doz. Milk test bottles $ .15 $1.25 Cream test bottles .20 1.50 Skim milk test bottles 60 Acid measures 15 Milk pipettes .15 44 DAIRYING. DAIRYING. 45 118. Any owner of cows can well afford to invest $10 in an 8-bottle tester, $3 in a milk-weighing scale with an adjustable loose hand on the dial for balancing the weights of the pail, and 50 cents in milk record sheets. The information obtained by the use of these in getting an exact knowledge of the milk production of each cow will be worth many times the price paid for it. G Methods of Testing the Milk Production of Cows. 1. Farm Tests by the Owner. 119. Many good dairymen consider the information gained by weighing each cow's milk at each milking, well worth the time required to do this work. It has been shown, however, that weigh- ing the milk of each cow two consecutive milkings one each week or even one in two weeks, and multiplying the figures thus obtained by the number of days elapsed since the preceding weighing, will give a fairly close agreement with the results obtained by weighing the milk of each milking. 120. The number of tests necessary for showing the total pro- duction of a cow depends largely on the uniformity of her milk in quality from day to day. The milk flow of all cows gradually de-' creases with the progress of the period of lactation, but the rich- ness of some cows' milk varies more than others from day to day, hence the number of tests necessary to show her average produc- tion will vary with the peculiarity of the cow in this respect. Some information on this point has been obtained by comparing the results obtained by adding together the weights recorded at each milking with those found by calculating the total production of milk and butter fat from weights and tests made once each week, two weeks, and four weeks. Such a comparison made with the records of each one of six COW T S showed- that weighing and sampling the milk of two consecutive milkings once a week gave 98 per cent, once in two w r eeks 97 per cent, and once in four weeks, 96 per cent, of the amount of milk and of butter fat obtained by daily weights. This shows that there is a probable error of about 2 per cent, in the calculation of a cow's annual production of milk and of butter fat when such calculations are based on weights and tests made for one day either once a week, or once in two weeks, and that a probable error of about 4 per cent, exists in records based on weights and 46 DAIRYING. OF THE COLLEGE OF DAIRYING. tests made for only one day in every month. This reduction in the amount of record work is quite an object with some cow owners, and the information obtained by weekly or bi-weekly weighings is ol more value than no record whatever. It is true, however, that when a start has been made with this work, the interest increases, and if semi-monthly records are made at the beginning, the gaps between weighings will be closed up as the work progresses. 121. Weighing and testing the milk of one milking only is likely to give a very erroneous impression of the actual milk producing capacity of a cow as very sudden and unexplainable varations in both the weights and the test of a cow's milk may occur at any one milking. These variations are, however, qualified by mixing the milk of two or more consecutive milkings. 122. A profitable cow, or one producing more than enough milk to pay for her feed and care, may not require any more attention than one that is running her owner in debt every day of her life but the profitable cow can be made more valuable by increased attention, which if bestowed on the other cow is wasted. It would seem then that it ought not to be necessary to present arguments to cow owners to convince them of the cash value of records of milk production of each cow. Many neglect this work because they do not know exactly how to make the records. 123. When once convinced that weighing the milk of each cow is necessary for profitable milk production, it will pay to make a business of fitting up a convenient place for the scales, record sheet, sample bottles, etc., as awkward arrangements for this work tend to make it distasteful and it is more likely to be neglected than when a comparatively easy and handy way for weighing and recording is provided. 124. A spring balance with two hands on the dial is the most convenient scale for weighing the milk. If the divisions on the dial indicate pounds and tenths of a pound, the additions of the weights of milk will be easier than with a scale which weighs to ounces. 125. The records may be kept on sheets made for the purpose that can be bought of dairy supply firms. These are usually arranged as follows: 48 DAIRYING. Cow Name or No. 1 2 3 4 Date A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. August 1 2 3 4 This sheet is usually tacked to a board and kept on a shelf near the weighing scales. Various arrangements have been suggested for keeping this record sheet so as to protect it from dirt, and make the writing of weights convenient for each milker. Another way of keeping the records is to give one page or more of a small book to each cow and rule the pages in the following way : Cow No. 1 Milk Record Age Fresh, Date Breed Sold (alf, Date Date Time Night Morn Tola Date Time Night Morn Total P.M. A.M. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. P.M. A.M. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. This has the advantage of keeping all the information about one cow together and the disadvantage of being less convenient to record! the weights on the various pages of a book at milking time than on one blank sheet. 126. A number of wide mouthed glass bottles holding about four ounces may be provided for taking a sample of each cow's milk. A small amount of powdered bichromate of potash (about as much as will be dipped up on one-fourth inch of a pen knife blade) should be added to each bottle to keep the sample of milk sweet until it may be tested. These bottles should be corked and numbered to cor- respond with the cows. A small sampling dipper will be needed to take a sample of each lot of milk after weighing it. 127. The complete outfit for testing the cows includes : 1. A milk weighing scale. 2. A record sheet or book. 3. Sample bottles, one for each cow. 4. Preservative. 5. A sampling dipper. DAIRYING. 49 6. A lead pencil. 7. A Babcock milk tester. 128. A general plan on which the work may be arranged will be understood from the following directions: 1. Give each cow a permanent name or number. 2. Provide a place for using the scales at milking time. 3. Select a milk weighing pail, or bucket. 4. Record the weight of this empty pail, or provide some sure way of deducting its weight from each lot of milk. 5. After milking a cow dry, pour all her milk into the weigh- ing pail. 6. Record the weight of this milk in the proper place in the book. 7. Pour milk from weighing pail into milking bucket and immediately dip a sample from it into a bottle having 'the number of this cow. 8. The sample from the first milking should only fill the bottle one-half full. 9. At the next milking, repeat the weighing and sampling and pour the second sample into the same bottle that w T as pre- viously half filled. 10. Each sample bottle should contain a mixture of milk from two consecutive milkings of one cow. 11. Cork the sample bottles to prevent evaporation. 12. Weigh and sample the milk of each cow once, twice and four times per month. 13. Note time of each milking. 14. Record the date each cow calves. 15. State how many days each calf w r as fed its mother's milk. 16. Record how you disposed of each calf. 17. Weekly statement of cow's feed, including the weight, price of grain, if any, with the amount and kind of hay, cornstalks or other coarse fodder. 18. Health of cows. 19. Note change of any milkers. 20. Record date when cow was dry. 129. A farmer with twelve cows has estimated that fifteen min- utes' extra time was required to weigh, sample and record the milk DAIR YING. MILK TESTING^OUTFIT FOR WEIGHING AND TESTING MILK OF EACH COW AT THE FARM DAIRYING. 51 of his cows on testing days. Such records are sometimes taken by a boy who is too young to milk, but capable of doing the extra work required at milking time on testing days. At one farm this work has been done by the women. ACCURACY OF THE RECORDS. 131. The accuracy of such records as these is necessarily influenced by the conditions common to nearly all farms. Milk- ing is usually clone with more or less haste, especially at the planting, haying or harvesting seasons. The milkers as a rule are not accustomed to the use of scales and often consider a weight within one pound of the true figure "near enough." They do not understand the necessity of promptness in sampling milk after it has been poured from one pail to another before the cream has begun to separate. In spite of these and other disturbing fac- tors, results have shown that tests of dairy cows can be made by the farmers themselves with sufficient accuracy to give a very satis- factory knowledge of the performance of each cow. 131. From the results obtained every week or two weeks, the total annual production of a cow is found by multiplying the average of weights representing the milk production of one day by 4he num- ber of days in the month and adding the figures for each month. 132. The money value of each cow's milk for the month may be found by multiplying the monthly weight of butter fat by the mar- ket price of butter for that month if the farmer wishes to know the creamery value of each cow's milk. This does not take into account the so-called "overrun," which is the increase in butter over the butter fat, because the cost of making the butter is an item that should be taken into consideration and it may be assumed that this is offset by the overrun. If one wishes to calculate the produc- tion of a cow to butter, it may be readily done by adding one-sixth to tfee weight of butter fat. The figures obtained by such records for one cow are given in the following table : 52 DAIRYING. Details of One Cow's Milk Record. Cow No. 32. DATE. WEIGHT OF MILK, LBS. Test, fat, per cent. Butter fat, Ibs. Morning' Night Total Aug 1 8. 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 6.5 5.2 5.0 4.5 5.0 4.2 5.0 3.9 .34 .22 .21 .19 15 22 Average 5.37 4.5 .24 Sept Dry. Fresh. 6.5 18. 18.5 16.5 4.5 16. 16. 14. 11. 3.6 34. 4.5 34.5 4.3 30.5 5.0 .33 1.53 1.48 1.52 Oct. 26 Nov. 7 14 21 28 Average Dec. 5 27.5 4.5 1.23 TOT 1.55 1.46 1.58 19. 19. 21. 20.5 15.5 17. 18.5 18. 34.5 3.1 36. 4.3 39.5 3.7 38.5 4.1 13. 20 26 Average 37.1 3.8 1.41 Jan. 3 10 21. 20.5 18.5 21 20! 19. 16.5 15.5 18.5 17. 40. 37. 34. 39.5 37. 4.3 4.0 3.4 3.8 3.8 1.72 1.48 1.15 1.50 1.48 16 23 31 Average 37.5 3.9 1.46 Feb. 6 17. 16. 19. 15. 16. 18.5 17. 17. 33. 34.5 36. 32. 3.7 3.4 3.4 4.1 1.22 1.17 1.22 1.31 14 22. . 28 Average 33.8 3.6 1.23 Mar. 8 * 17. 17.5 19. 17. 16.5 15.5 16. 14.5 15.5 17.5 11.5 34. 34. 34.5 42 3.6 3.6 1.43 1.22 1.24 16 26 Average. 34.1 3.9 1.33 April 2 19.5 19. 19. 15. 17. 35.5 33.5 34.5 32.5 28.5 3.8 4.2 3.8 4.4 3.8 1.35 1.41 1.31 1.43 1.08 9 16 23... . 30 Average 32.9 4.0 1.31 May 7 19. 19.5 18.5 15.5 14.5 14. 12.5 9. 33.5 33.5 31. 24.5 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.7 1.27 1.27 1.17 .90 14 21 28.... Average 30.6 3.7 1.15 June 6 13. 12. 12. 7.5 10. 8.5 9. 7.5 23. 20.5 21. 15. 4.0 4.6 5.1 4.2 .92 .94 1.07 .63 11 20 27 Average 19.9 4.5 .89 July 6 12 7. 6.5 4. 3. 7.5 5. 3. 2. 14.5 11.5 7. 5. 4.2 4.8 4.4 4.4 .60 .55 .30 .20 20 28 Average 9.5 4.4 .41 DAIRYING. Monthly Summary of Preceding Table, Cow No. 32. Months. AVERAGE PER DAY Multi- plied by days. MONTHLY TOTAL *Price per Ib. fat Value of fat Milk Test. Fat Milk Fat Aug Sept Lbs. 5.37 Dry 4.5 Lbs. .24 31 Lbs. Lbs. 166 7.44 Cts. 16. 18.6 21.75 22.0 21.1 19.1 18.9 18.25 17.9 15.3 15.4 16.0 $1.19 Oct Nov ""825" 1,150 1,162 946 1,057 987 948 594 294 36.90 43.71 45.26 34.44 41.23 39.30 35.65 26.70 12.71 ""s'iii 9.22 8.64 6.51 7.52 7.03 5.45 4.11 2.03 27.5 37.1 37.5 33.8 34.1 32.9 30.6 19.9 9.5 4Ji 3.8 3.9 3.6 3.9 4.0 3.7 4.5 4.4 1.23 1.41 1.46 1.23 1.33 1.31 1.15 .89 .41 30 31 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aver. Total 26.75 3.97 1.06 323." 18.4 '""059.81 304 8,131 *Creamery price which was one half cent under the average Elgin market price for the month at that time. This shows the method by which the total milk and butter fat production is obtained and the way in which its cash value may be figured. Variations in the Test of Milk. The daily tests of the milk show to what extremes the milk of one cow will vary from day to day, a difference of one-half of one per cent, and occasionally even more than one per cent, being noticed on some days. This is shown by these records for August, Novem- ber, December and June. Such variations, however, tend to equalize each other from day to day, and milk of unusual richness is gener- ally followed by exceptionally thin milk, so that the average rich- ness of the two lots comes near to the normal quality that the cow produces. This daily variation in milk is much more striking in some cows than in others, even in a herd having the same feed and care ; it seems to depend largely on the health and more or less excitable temperament of a cow, nervous cows showing a much greater tendency to unevenness in the quality of their milk than cows of a quiet disposition. 54 DAIRYING. Feed Records. There are but few farmers who keep any records whatever of the feed consumed by their cows during the year. AIL the cows at one farm are usually fed in the same way, no attempt is made to vary the feed of each cow excepting where grain feeding is practiced, it is usually stopped while a cow is giving little or no milk. It may not be profitable to keep feed records for each cow in a herd at the beginning of a systematic study of the cows, but every farmer ought to know how much the milk his cows are produc- ing is costing him. A record which was kept on a farm where twelve cows were milked will illustrate one step in this direction. Estimated feed cost and receipts from twelve cows: Expenses. Grain bought during year $181.00 30 acres corn stalks, $2.00 per acre . ." 60.00 10 tons of clover hay, $5.00 50.00 10 acres good pasture and 15 acres woodland 65.00 Total cost of feed $355.00 Receipts. Received for milk at creamery $572.00 Sold 12 calves at $5.50 66.00 $638.00 60,000 Ibs. skim milk, 10 cents per 100 Ibs 60.00 Receipts exceed feed cost $343.00 $698.00 The grain feed consists of corn and oats ground together, corn meal and bran, or about 15 tons of grain at $12.00 per ton. This record shows that the estimated cost of feed at this farm was nearly $30 per cow; and the total receipts $698.00 divided by 12, the number of cows in this herd, gives a little over $58 as the average receipts per cow. Assuming that the manure will pay for the care of a cow, the owner of this herd received an average profit of $28 per cow. Each cow was fed about the same amount of grain and hay during the period of stable feeding November 1 to May 1. The grain was fed dry just before milking, ten to fourteen pounds per head being fed per day, excepting the dry cows, which received DAIRYING. 55 very little grain. Hay was fed the last thing at night after milking. During day time the cows were turned out into a sheltered yard where they were fed corn stalks that had been stacked near the barn at husking time. The corn stalks were well eaten and it is probable that the cows satisfied their differences in appetite on the corn stalks, if, as stated, each one was given the same amount of hay and grain. The cows had access to well water during the entire year, and were in pasture from May to November. When cows were fresh the calf was allowed to have its mother's milk for about three weeks, when it was sold for veal'. 133. An inspection of the records of each cow at this farm shows that the butter in the milk of one cow in this herd brought $53.35 in a year, and that of another $28.72. These figures do not mean that cow No. 1 is worth $53.00 and No. 2, $28.00, because if the feed of a cow for a year cost $30, cow No. 1 earned an annual profit of $23.00, but the farmer lost $2.00 by keeping No. 2. In five years No, 1 would pay $115.00 into the owner's pocket, but if he kept No. 2 during this time, a loss of $10.00 must be made up from some other source, and inspection of the receipts from twelve cows on each of two farms shows that at farm A. there were three cows which did not produce enough milk to pay for their feed. The entire herd only paid a profit of $7.00, and three of the twelve cows paid $50.00 of this amount, while the combined profit of the other nine cows is only $25.00. In this case three cows earned 100 per cent, more money in a year than was earned by nine cows on the same farm. On the other farm, twelve cows earned a total profit of $228.00, instead of $75.00 as on the first farm, but even at farm B. there is a considerable difference in the cows. No. 1 earned only about $8.00 profit while No. 2 earned nearly $31.00, a difference of about 400 per cent, in the annual butter value of these two cows to their owner. 135. These tests are of more value to the owners of the herds tested than to anyone else, but some illustrations of general interest may be drawn from them. The cows on one farm were tested for three years. The average receipts per cow in 1898, from the creamery were $36.30 ; in 1900, $39.20, and in 1901, $38.92. The figures do not show much indication that the owner profited by these tests. Two cows that did not produce enough milk to pay a profit on their 56 DAIRYING. ' feed were kept in the herd for three years, and five other cows pro- duced less than $30.00 worth of butter in a year. The annual pro- duction of the mature cows during the three years shows that the poor cows did not improve from year to year, but continued to give less milk than required to pay for the feed consumed. The one good cow was equally persistent in doing well. The creamery value of her milk for three years was $200. This is $110 more than the cost of her feed when we take $30 per year as the value of 'a cow's feed. The butter produced by the other five cows tested for three years amounted to only $114 more than the cost of their feed during the same time. The milk of one cow, therefore, paid the owner within $4 as much profit in three years as the milk of five cows in the same herd for the same length of time. In another herd the excess of butter over cost of feed of two cows was worth $60, while that of five other cows was worth only $56.00. Thus the owner received at the creamery $2.00 less for the milk of five cows than he did for that of two cows in the same herd. Many more startling illustrations might lie given from the records of the different herds. 136. If, as has been stated, each farmer fed all his cows in the same way, and the time and labor of milking and feeding the cowrf were approximately the same for both good and poor cows, it fol- lows that it did not cost any more to feed the best than the poorest cows in the herd. The information furnished by these tests may be very valuable to the owner of the cows, and should be of im- portance to the cow as her life ought to depend upon the record she makes. Previous to making the tests, the owners of these cows had no accurate idea of the relative value of their cows ; but the records show that the information gained is worth many times the cost of a milk weighing scale, a Babcock test, and the time neces- sary to use them. DAIRYING 57 58 DAIRYING DAIRYING. 59 EXAMINATION Note to Student These questions are to be answered inde- pendently. Never consult the text after beginning your exami- nation. Use thin white paper about 6"x9" for the examination. Number the answers the same as the questions, but never repeat the question. Mail answers promptly when completed. QUESTIONS ON LESSON I. 1. How far back in history does the dairy industry extend? 2. "What two machines had an influence on the early development of dairying! 3. Show by a calculation the amount of money that may be saved by the Babcock Test in making $1,000 worth of butter. 4. What was the approximate test of skim milk before and after the invention of the Babcock Test, and what percentage of the total fat in average milk does the saving by this test represent? 5. Along what lines has dairying progressed during the past 30 years, and when did co-operation among farmers begin to pro- duce results? 6. Why is co-operation among farmers in the United States un- successful ? 7. Why is cream and butter selling less exhaustive of soil fertility than the selling of milk, cheese or grain crops from the farm? 8. Which of the constituents of dairy products and of farm crops have the greatest and which ones have the least money value? 9. Show by a calculation the money value of the fertilizing con- stituents in 3,800 pounds of hay, of corn, of milk, of butter, and of cheese. 10. How does the annual value of dairy products compare with that of some farm crops? 11. Why are the exports of dairy products from the United States so small and of what do our imports of dairy products consist? 12. Why is it profitable for the European farmer to import grain for feeding cows? 60 DAIRYING. 13. A cow giving 8,500 pounds of milk in a year consumed the fol- lowing amount of feed : 9 6.1 7 9 6.5 8 3 8.0 8 6 6.5 9 2 8.8 In this case only a small amount of milk was- drawn in each of the several samples into which the milking was divided. A more striking difference between the richness of the first and the last portion of one milking is shown when a cow gives a large ** Kirchner Milchwirtschaft. * Kirchner Milchwirtscaft. 26 DAIRYING quantity of milk and the samples are taken of only the first and the last portions Per cent of Fat in First and Last Quart of Milk Drawn from Each of Three Cows at One Milking.** Cow No. i Cow No. 2 Cow No. 3 Milk, pounds 40 28 40 Fat per cent in ist qt 1.4 1.8 .08 Fat per cent in last qt 7.4 4.3 6.4 174. The changes in richness of milk during one milking is still further shown, by dividing the milk of one milking into 13 parts when the following results were obtained.*** Sample Fat per cent. Sample Fat per cent. No. i, 1.3 No. 8, 5.8 No. 2, 1.7 No. 9, 6.1 No. 3, 2.4 No. 10, 7.2 No. 4, 2.9 No. n, 8.1 No. 5, 3.3 No. 12 9.7 No. 6, 3.8 No. 13, 11.5 No. 7, 4.8 175. It is a -well known fact that the milk of a cow is not of the same richness throughout the entire milking, the first portions or "fore" milk are thin while the last or "strippings" are rich. The cause of this difference in richness between the first and last milk is sometimes said to be due to the raising of the cream on the milk in the udder. This is extremely doubtful because milk is secreted during the milking process, and very little of it exists ready formed in the udder when milking begins. The most probable explanation of this difference In richness is that the fat in the milk accumulates in the fine tubes of the cows udder from the first to the last of a milking and as the milking process proceeds the hand pressure and manipulation of the teats and the udder is greatly increased, and by this means the butter fat which has clogged the fine ducts is squeezed out with the last portions or "strippings." This is well illustrated by the fol- lowing results : ** Mich. Zeitung, Vol. No. 36, Pg. 575. *** Stohmann Milch und Wolkereiprodbete. DAIRYING 27 176. A cow was milked dry ; the milk obtained was divided into three portions, the per cent of fat in these three portions was :* ist, 1.04; 2nd, 3.57; 3rd, 8.61. The average of the three por- tions of mixed milk of this milking was 3.6% fat. A second milking of the cow after 15 minutes gave a small quantity of milk which contained 7.8% fat; a third milking after another period of 15 minutes contained 6.0% fat, and a fourth after 15 minutes con- tained 4.4% fat ; showing that the difference in the richness of the milk is not due to a change in the milk secretions or the creaming of milk in the udder, but that some of the fat of the milk is mechanically held in the fine ducts of the cow's udder and when these are rinsed out, the milk returns to about its normal richness or fat content as in this case from 3.6 to 4.4%, the latter figure representing the newly formed milk in the last 15 minute period after the ducts had been rinsed out by the milk secreted during the two preceding 15 minute periods ; the newly formed milk having about the normal per cent of fat. 177. Many analyses have shown, however, that the difference between the first and the last milk is confined almost wholly to the per cent of fat and that the other constituents, casein, milk sugar, etc., are present in about the same amounts in the milk from the beginning to the end of a milking. It has also been noticed that other things besides milking, that give the udder extra manipula- tion such as the butting of a calf, moving around through the day, and the extra manipulations given by milking on the right side of the cow have a tendency to increase the fat per cent, in the milk, as the night milk is richer than the morning milk when the interval of time between the milkings is the same and the milk from the right side of the udder is richer than that from the left side because of the extra manipulations on the milking side of the cow. D. Intervals Between Milking. 178. The question is often asked, "Which is the richer, the morning's or the night's milk?" The answer to this question is another question, "What time are the cows milked in the morning and at night?" If the milkings are at five o'clock and there is just 12 hours between them, there will be'very little difference, if * Kirchner Milchwirtschaft. 28 DAIRYING any, in amount, and in richness of milk of the two milkings. When farmers are busy during the long days of the year, the cows are often milked at 4:00 A. M. and at 8:00 P. M. At such times there is an interval of eight hours between night and morning milkings, and 16 hours between the morning and night milking. Under such conditions the morning milk is the richer, as the longer the time between milkings the thinner the milk. 179. Fleischmann made careful observations on the weight and composition of milk from a herd which averaged 129 cows during a year. His figures show the following: Average richness of morning and night milk of herd of 129 cows No. of Cows Morning Milk Night Milk Oct. to Jan 126 Jan. to April 117 April to July 139 July to Oct 136 Fat % 3-15 2.97 3-32 3.60 Average 129 3.26 3.18 This shows that with herd milk, where there is not much dif- ference in the number of hours between the night and morning milkings, the richness is very uniform. 180. The variations that may occur in the night and the morning milk of one cow are shown by the following figures : Daily Average and Extremes in the Milk of One Cow.* Month of | Lactation Milk Period Extr. Night milkings Morning milkings Ibs. j Fat per cent. Milk Ibs. Ave. Extr. Ave. Extr. Ave. Fat per cent. Extr. I Ave. Oct. 8.5-12 10.6 4-6 4.8 10-14 12.3 3.4-5.2 4.3 Nov. 6. -9.5 8.3 2.9-6.5 4.9 9.5-12 10.7 3.3-6.1 4.4 Dec. 3.5-9 7.5 3.3-7.3 4.9 8 -11.5 9.5 3.8-5.8 4.5 Jan. 7.5-9.2 8.6 3.9-9.4 5.0 10-12.5 11.1 4-11.2 4.8 Feb. 7.5-10.5 8.7 4.1-10.2 4.7 9.2-11.7 10.6 3.6-6.8 4.5 Mar. 7.2-9.5 87 4.5-6.2 5.0 8 9.5 8.8 4.4-5 8 4.8 Apr. 6.2-10.2 8.1 4.0-7.1 5.4 5-10 7.7 4.5-6.9 5.4 May 7-9.7 8.4 4.0-5.9 5.1 6-9.5 7.6 4-7.2 5.4 June 5-7.2 6.4 4.6-7.1 5.6 5-5.7 6.3 4.7-7.5 5.8 July 1-5.7 3.8 .3.3-9.7 6.3 1.5-7 4.2 4.2-12.3 6.3 Aug. 1-2 1.5 *6.2-9.2 7.3 1-2 1.3 4.6-6.7 5.5 Illinois Bui. No. 24. DAIRYING 29 At the beginning of the lactation period the weight of the morning milk was a little greater and the per cent of fat somewhat less than the night milk, but on certain days both the weight and the test of the milk varied considerably at both milkings from the average figures for the month. This cow was milked throughout, the year in the way and at the times each day that the cows are milked on the average farm and the figures give a fair representa- tion of results that will be obtained under such conditions. E. Number of Milkings in One Day. 181 The practice of milking cows twice each day is nearly universal. Some cows giving large quantities of milk and others during the beginning of the lactation period are milked three times in 24 hours. 182. An experiment was made with 8 cows by Backhaus** in which the cows were milked twice a day for one week, and four times a day the following week. A comparison of the weights and analyses of the milk during these two periods showed that 10% more milk and 6% more butter fat was obtained by milking four times each day. Hittcher found that with fresh milking cows 6.3% more milk and 6.8% more butter fat was obtained by milking three as compared with two times a day. Fleischmann tound that when the day was divided into periods of 9 hours between night and morning milkings, 8}/2 hours between morning and noon, and 6y 2 hours between noon and night milkings, that the following average figures per cow were obtained during a six months' record of a herd: Morning Noon Night Milking Milk, pounds 8.5 6.7 5.1 Fat per cent 2.7 3.0 3.7 Hours preceding milking 9 6^ The last and the richest milk was obtained after the shortest period of time between milkings. This is in accordance with the usual observations, but it has shown that the evening milk may be richer than the morning milk even where the time elapsed before ** Kirchner Milchwirtschaft. 30 DAIRYING the evening milking is longer than before the morning milking as it is claimed that exercise of the cow during the day has a tendency to make the udder secrete somewhat richer milk than is the case during a quiet night period. 183. There is no doubt that the act of milking excites the activities of the milk glands, and consequently the greater the number of milkings in a day, the more milk will be obtained, but whether or not the increased amount obtained by three or four milkings each day and the price received will cover the expense of time and labor in doing this extra milking, and caring for the milk three or four times instead of twice a day, is a question that each man must decide for himself. F. Milking One Teat at a Time. 184. It has been shown by a number of trials that when the milk from each teat is kept separate there is a difference in the amount and in the richness of the milk obtained from the different teats. The average of four trials made with one cow milked one teat at a time gave the following figures.* Milk Ibs. Fat % (A) Right fore teat 2.17 3.76 (B) Right hind teat .2.15 3.93 (C) Left hind teat 2.95 4.26 (D) Left fore teat 2.05 3.69 9.32 3.92 It was found, however, during these trials that the difference was not always the same, but the amount and the richness of the milk obtained from each teat was influenced by the order in which the teats were milked, and by changing the order at each of four milkings the following variations in the milk from each teat was noted : * Wis. Exp. Sta. Report 1889. DAIRYING 31 Teat A Right fore Teat B Right hind Teat C | Teat D Left fore | Left hind When Milked Milk Fat Ib. percent. , Milk Fat | Ib. percent. Milk Fat Ib. percent. Milk Fat Ib. percent- First Second Third Fourth 2.5 3.56 2.4 3.6 2.3 3.9 1.5 3.6 | 2.1 | 4.9 2.3 3.5 2.5 4.0 | 1.7 I 3.2 3.0 | 4.47 3.1 | 6.00 2.7 | 2.37 3.0 | 3.93 2.2 2.3 2.0 1.7 3.5 4.4 4.5 2.0 Average 2.17 3.76 I 2.15 | 3.93 2.95 | 4.26 | 2.05 3.69 G. Milking Fast and Slow. 185. It is often claimed that a strong, fast milker will get more milk than a boy or than a milker who prolongs the milking time by indifferent attention to his work. The effect of fast and slow milking was tried (**) on nine cows which were each milked rapidly (3 to 4 minutes) for a period of time and then milked slowly, taking double the time of the fast milking, some cows being milked fast and some slow each day so as to eliminate other disturbing conditions. The results showed in .every case that the fast milking gave a richer milk than the slow milking, the gain in butter fat by fast milking being 11.73% f r the herd. The gain from fast milking was greatest with the three cows giving the most milk ; 49 pound, or nearly one-half a pound of butter fat per day being the sum of the increase in fat for the three cows. The effect on cows giving but little milk was not so marked. During these trials it was noticed that whenever a change was made from fast to slow milking or the reverse, there was not at the time of this change a decided difference in the milk, but after continuing one way of milking for a few days, the milk gradually returned to its normal amount and richness although slow milking never gave quite so good results as fast milking. H. Change of Milker. 1 86. Nearly everyone who has owned cows knows that the milker has a great influence not only on the amount of milk ob- tained from a cow, but on the persistency with which the cow gives milk. Some milkers will dry up the cows while others by their way of milking will develop the milk producing qualities of Wis. Exp. Sta. Report i 32 DAIRYING a cow so that she is constantly gaming in milk production from year to year. Many trials have been reported of the difference in the amount of milk obtained from the same cow or cows by dif- ferent milkers. From one cow in a herd as reported by Henkel * a good milker got 18 pounds of milk testing 4.2% fat 'while a poor milker got 12.5 pounds of milk testing 2.7% fat. At the Wisconsin Agricultural College one milker got 244.5 pounds more milk from five cows in a two weeks* period than a poor milker got from the same cows in two weeks. A trial is reported by Babcock in which four cows were milked for periods of one week by each one of three men all of whom were considered good milkers. The results show- ed that one of these three men always got more milk and more butter fat than the other two men. The greatest difference in the yield of milk always occurs at the first milking after the change of milkers, but in the 16 changes from milker A to B there was obtained 1.7 pounds more butter fat by B than by A in milking the same cows. A Summary of the Results Calculated per Cow per Day Were as Follows: Cow 2 Cow 3 Cow 4 Milk Fat perce't Milk Fat perce't Milk Fat perce't Milk Fat perce't Milker A Milker B Milker C 20.2 22.0 20.0 4.5 4.85 4.85 15.3 16.2 4.45 4.75 21.0 23.6 18.8 3.94 4.84 4.06 17.8 18. 3.9 4.1 These figures show that B got more and richer milk from the same cows than the other milkers, and with cow No. 3 he got over one quart more milk and the milk tested 1.0% more butter fat Beach* reports that from six cows there was obtained 22.3 pounds milk testing io'.6%fat by stripping them immediately after they had been milked by careless milkers. This amounts to 2.4 pounds of butter fat, or 2^ pounds of butter, which at 30 cents per pound gives 82 cents as the loss at one milking from six cows by careless milkers. * Kirchner Milchwirtschaft. *Storrs Conn. Expt. Sta. Report 1903. DAIRYING %^|3 . Carlyle** found that with eight cows milked by men who were all kind and' capable milkers, and for whom the cows all showed a certain' amount of "affection;" there was not so much difference in milk obtained by the regular and the irregular milkers. The av- erage yield of milk per cow for the four days of the trials was by the regular milkers 69.3 pounds of milk testing 4.75% fat, and by the irregular milkers 73.7 pounds of milk testing 4.85% fat. The relation between 'the milker and the cow should be a cordial, one, as any feeling of fear or of dislike for the milker will have a ten- dency to reduce both the amount and the quality of the milk a cow gives. I. Milking a Cow Dry 187. The necessity of "stripping" a cow dry each time she is milked is very generally understood among milkers, as leaving some milk in the udder or stopping the milking before the glands stop secreting milk is one of the best means known for "drying up" a cow. Many illustrations of this fact have been known and one of those reported by Soxhlet and Svoboda* shows that a cow which gave 71 pounds of milk from six milkings gave only 44 pounds at the next six milkings when she was only half milked at five of the last six milkings. This is a loss of 39% ; and by continuing this inefficient milking for 10 weeks the cow was ruined as a milker. J. The Hegelund Method of Milking 188. This method of milking consists of a set of manipulations used after the usual milking and stripping of a cow ; these are de- signed to obtain the last traces of rich milk left in the udder. This method of after-milking has attracted considerable attention and several investigators have reported on its use in a number of herds. The following description of the manipulations and the illustrations are given by Woll in Wis. Expt. Sta. Bull. No. 96. Description of the Manipulations in the Hegelund Method of Milking. First Manipulation The right quarters of the udder are pressed against each other (if the udder is very large, only one quarter at a time **Wis. Expt. Sta. Report 1903. * Kirchner Milchwirtschaft. Fig. 1 First manipulation of udder, right quarters. Fig. 2 First manipulation, left quarters Y \ Fig. 3 2nd manipulation, right fore quarter. Fig. 4 2nd manipulation, right hind quartes Fig.5^2d manipulation, right hind quarter, rear view Fig. 6 Third manipulation PLATE 3 The Hegelund Method of Milking. DAIRYING 35 is taken) with the left hand on the hind quarter and the right hand in front on the fore quarter, the thumbs being placed on the outside of the idder and the four fingers in the division between the two halves of the udder. The hands are now pressed toward each other and at the same time lifted toward the body of the cow. This pressing and lifting is repeated three times, the milk collected in the milk cistern is then milked out, and the manipulation repeated until no more milk is obtained in this way, when the left quarters are treated in the same manner. (See Figs. 1 and 2.) Second Manipulation The glands are pressed together from the side. The fore quarters are milked each by itself by placing one hand, with fingers" spread, on the outside of the quarter and the other hand in 'the division between the right and left fore quarters; the hands are pressed against each other and the teat then milked. When no more milk is ob- tained by this manipulation, the hind quarters are milked by placing a hand on the outside of each quarter, likewise with fingers spread and turned upward, but with the thumb just in front of the hind quarter. The hands are lifted and grasp into the gland from behind and frora the side, after which they are lowered to draw the milk. The manipula- tion is repeated until no more milk is obtained. (See Pigs. 3-5.) Third Manipulation The fore teats are grasped with partly closed hands and lifted with a push toward the body of the cow, both at the same time, by which method the glands are pressed between the hands and the body; the milk is drawn after each three pushes. When the fore teats are emptied, the hind teats are milked in the same manner. (See Fig. 6.) Hill's reports on the use of this method that the extra milk ob- tained about evenly balanced the extra expense ; and, unless the cows' udders are clean, the extra manipulations of the udder causes considerable more dirt to fall into the milk than by the ordinary way of milking. Wing reports that by the after-milking or by stripping cows thoroughly, the residual milk obtained averaged 8.75 pounds per cow per week and .6 pounds butter fat. Woll reports that by using this method for four weeks with 24 cows the average gain per cow per day was i. pound milk and .09 pounds butter fat; the greatest increase for any one cow per day was 5.5 pound milk and the least .2 pounds milk. The extra time required for the 'after-milking manipulations was about three minutes per cow, or 20 cows per hour, and this time at 15 cents per hour makes the cost of labor per day 30 cents. If the average increase is .1 pounds butter fat per cow per day, this for 20 cows is 2. pounds, which at 25 cents per pound gives 50 cents from which subtracting the cost of the extra labor, 30 cents, 36 DAIRYING leaving a margin of 20 cents per day or $6.00 per month earned by applying this method of after-milking to a herd of 20 cows. The evidence all shows the great importance of carefully milking each cow dry at every milking. K. The Use of Milking Tubes 189. As a rule milking tubes are only used when a cow has a sore teat or quarter of her udder and hand pressure is so painful that milk cannot be drawn in the usual way. The insertion of the tubes into the cows teats is a painful operation with most cows and a disturbance of this kind will have a great effect on the milk secretion. Babcock reports a trial of milking tubes with 8 cows for seven milkings. Four tubes were used on each cow at once, and after milk stopped flowing from the tubes the cows were hand stripped but no more milk was obtained. Some cows did not object to the milking tubes while others did; but in all cases the milk drawn by means of the tubes contained less butter fat than was obtained by hand milking. There was obtained from the 8 cows by hand milking 140 pounds of milk testing 4.7% fat and by use of the milking tubes 134 pounds of milk testing 2.9% fat or 6.6 pounds of butter fat by hand and 3.9 pounds by tube milking, or a loss of 2.7 pounds butter fat from the use of the tubes. This shows that they should be used only in case of injury or soreness of the cow's udder. L. Effect of Changing Quarters, Dehorning, etc. The illustrations previously given in regard to the effect of change of milkers, method of milking, etc., show that the dairy cow is a very sensitive animal, and that the sudden disturbance of her normal quiet life has a depressing effect on her milk production. This sensitiveness is greater in some cows than in others: as a rule, the better the cow the more sensitive she is to any irregularity. Certain disturbances seem to have a temporary effect on the milk production, causing a loss of milk and butter fat in the milking immediately following the excitement, but the cows seem to recover from this loss in a short time. M. Change of Quarters. 191. Babcock found that when two cows were taken from their home stable to a neighboring barn one mile away that at the DAIRYING 37 first milking in the new quarters one cow gave 2 pounds less milk and that this milk contained 1.0% less fat than at the last milking before leaving her home quarters, but at the second milking in the new quarters the loss of the first milking was recovered and she continued her normal flow of milk. The other cow showed the same tendency, giving nearly I pound less milk testing 1.5% less fat than at the last milking before the change of quarters, but recov- ering her normal production soon after. Hill reports results from 7 cows driven 3^2 miles from one barn to another in which there was a general increase in yield of milk during two days following the change of quarters, but six of the seven cows gave milk of a poorer quality after the change. The effect of transportation and change of quarters with cows exhibited at fairs has frequently been noticed, and the so-called "milk tests" at these fairs for one or two days only, are likely to give an erroneous impression of the milk producing qualities of the cow under normal home farm conditions. N. Dehorning. 192. A number of observations on the influence of dehorning of cows on the amount and richness of the milk given by the cows have been made. Babcock reports results of dehorning on 10 cows. The details of five records are as follows : Cow 1 Cow 2 Cow 3 Cow 4 Cow 5 Milking be- Milk Fat% Milk Fat% Milk Fat% Milk Fat% Milk Fat% fore Dehorning 11.2 4.2 8.4 4.4 9.1 4.0 8.5 4.0 3.5 3.8 After Dehorn'g 8.1 3.9 7.2 3.8 9.1 4.6 6.0 2.7 3.7 3.6 The results obtained from the five other cows were similar to these. There was a decrease in both amount and quality of the milk at the first milking after dehorning, but this was only tem- porary, as by taking the herd of ten cows as a whole, the weight of milk for two days before dehorning was 289 pounds, and two days after dehorning was 244 pounds, while for the next two day 3 it was 280 pounds. This shows that cows can be dehorned witho.it seriously affecting their milk yield. Other observers report similar results, although Doane found in observations made with a number of cows that they failed to regain the normal flow of milk until about 8 days after dehorning. O. Weather Exposure 193. Nearly every creamery and cheese factory owner lias 38 DAIRYING noticed the effect of continued hot weather in summer and a cold, raw wind or storm at any season of the year on the milk supply received at the factory. The loss on account of such exposure of the cows can be more than saved by providing a shelter in the pastures in summer and comfortable quarters in winter. Plumb made a comparison from Jan. 27 to Mar. 10, of the amount of milk obtained from six cows which were all given the same kind of feed, and as much as they would eat of it. Three of the cows were kept in a comfortable stable while three were left outside regardless of the weather. The results showed that the cows in the comfortab'e stable ate less feed, gained more in live weight and gave more milk than the unsheltered cows. The financial results showed $12.79, or $4.29 per cow in favor of the sheltered cows for this short period of about six weeks. P. Stable Temperature 194. The effect of keeping cows in a stable at a temperature of 55 degrees F. as compared with a temperature of 45 degrees F., and tried at Wisconsin. Several trials were made with 12 and 6 cows in different years. An increased yield of milk was noticed with cows kept in the stable at 55 degrees F. during three trials, and in the stable at 45 degrees F. during two trials. The average of results, however, was in favor of the higher temperature. Brooks reports a trial made in Massachusetts with six cows from Dec. 18 to Mar. 8, in which one lot of three cows was kept in a stable heated by hot water pipes to a temperature of 55 de- grees F., and the other lot in a stable not heated. He found but little difference in the milk yield of the two lots, the increase not being nearly enough to pay for the cost of heating the stable. Cows need plenty of fresh air and they can stand a cool tempera- ture without loss of milk, but protection from exposure to storms and cold winds is always necessary as the food a good dairy cow eats should be converted into milk and not into a layer of protective fat on her ribs for the purpose of keeping her warm. Q. Changes in Stable Routine. 195. The effect on their milk flow of feeding cows before, after or during milking depends on the training or habit of the cows. If accustomed to any one of these practices it is not advisable to change. Emery, of North Carolina, reports a falling off in milk DAIRYING 39 from 7 pounds to I pound with one cow, and in per cent of fat in the milk from about 4.0 to 1.6 with another cow when the grain which they had been accustomed to have during milking was not fed until after milking. This must not be interpreted as showing the advantage of feeding cows during milking, because many cows have not been accustomed to being fed at that time and they give as much milk as can be expected of them ; probably they would not give more if they were fed during milking. It shows a serious loss in milk may be caused by failure to follow a certain routine in feeding to which the cows have become accustomed. R. Age of the Cow. 196. The usefulness of any cow as a milk producer will naturally depend on her individuality and her treatment during the different years of her life, but under the best conditions there is a limit to the number of years she will give milk at a profit. The rate at which the milk production increases and decreases dur- ing the average life of a cow has been studied by a number of in- vestigators. Hills, of Vermont,* reports the following figures from an exhaustive study of the yearly records of 99 cows. Age of cow years . . 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 910 Milk, Ibs.. 4172 4797 5061 5394 5493 5549 5613 5678 5642 Fat % . . 5.43 5.33 5.34 5.27 5.21 5.33 5.37 5. 25 5.28 These are only a few of the many figures given in Hills' study of this question, and he concludes that "the differences one year with another in no case are large, and that heifers practically "strike their gait" so far as the quality (or richness) of the milk is con- cerned in their first lactation period." An inspection of the records of 150 cows in Germany gave the following results.** Lactation period ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Beyond6th Milk, pounds ....5490 6600 7040 7209 7535 7434 6790 Fat per cent 3.65 3.68 3.64 3.65 3.61 3.62 3.58 Another study of records of 2454 cows showed an increase in the annual milk production to the seventh lactation, and after this *Vt. Expt. Sta. 1906. ** Kirchner Milchwirtschaft. 40 DAIRYING a decline with a slight change in the per cent of fat in the milk from 3.37 in the first to 3.19 in the sixth lactation period. The evidence indicates that cows as a rule begin to decline in milk production after the sixth to the eighth lactation period. S. Abortion. 197. The statement is sometimes made that abortion ruins a cow as a milk producer, and she should be fattened and sold. This is a mistake, as abortion can be cured ; and after recovery a cow may produce a satisfactory yield of milk. Several observa- tions have been made which show the effect of abortion on the milk yield. Hills* gives the average per cow of six that aborted as follows: Normal Calving Abortion Period Milk, pounds 6115 3902 Fat per cent 4.93 5.43 Fat pounds 351 247 Beach** reports the records of 10 cows under normal calving and through an abortion period to the following normal calving period. The average milk production per cow per year before abortion was 5,892 pounds milk and 283 pounds butter fat. "These cows aborted seven months (average 211 days) after conception" and the average time per cow before another normal calving took place was 2.1 years. During this time or the abortion period, the the average per cow was 5,196 pounds of milk and 268 pounds of butter fat per year. The milk was 696 pounds, or 12% less per year during the abortion period. The satisfactory yields are at- tributed in part to the complete removal of the after birth, and the thorough disinfection of the animal after abortion." No trouble arose from failure to breed -after abortion when time (about six months) is given to recuperate from the effects of abortion. T. The Use of Tuberculin. 198. When cows are tested for tuberculosis by injecting a small quantity of tuberculin into the circulation an increase in the temperature is noticed in the reacting cows. This treatment does *Vt. Expt. Sta. Report 1895. **Storrs Conn. Expt. Sta. Report 1907. DAIRYING 41 not have any serious effect on the health of the cow, and it has been found that the effect if any on the milk flow is temporary. Bohm*** reports that with reacting cows there was a falling off in milk within two or three days after injection, but a return. to normal milk yield within one week. In non-reacting cows there was no diminution in the milk yields. Trials made by de Schweinitz**** showed that when large doses, 30 cc. of tuberculin, were injected into healthy cows there was no variation in the fat in the milk, but with some reacting cows "a marked decrease in fat was noted." The data collected indicates that the testing of cows by injection of tuberculin into' the circula- tion has no serious effect on the milk secretion. U. Sickness of a Cow. 199. Any disturbance of a cow's digestion which is sufficient to cause her to refuse to eat, or the appearance of a feverish con- dition as well as the occurrence of a more serious sickness has an influence on milk secretion. The most common change in the milk is a decrease in the amount, and an increase in the per cent of fat. If the milk of cow is being tested at each milking, and a sudden increase in fat is noticed at any one milking, this is a good indica- tion of some disturbance of the health of the cow provided nothing else, like the breaking loose of some cow in the stable at night, has happened. The" per cent of fat in milk varies more than the other constituents of milk and although severe sickness may change the entire composition of a cow's milk, the per cent, of fat is subject to so much variation from one milking to another that the old idea of feeding a baby with the milk of one cow only, is no longer considered advisable. The mixed milk from several cows is much more uniform in composition from day to day than that of one cow, as the entire herd of cows is not likely to be influenced by the same disturbance that may effect one or more cows in the herd. V. Protection from Flies. 200. Many remedies have been proposed for keeping the flies away from cows, and a number of trials have been made to note ***E. S. R. xx 85. **** B. A. I. 13. 42 DAIRYING their effect on milk production. The general impression seems to be that so much of the cow's time is wasted in fighting flies, when they are exceptionally numerous, that she does not have sufficient time to eat feed enough to keep up her milk supply. Beach* tried a proprietary remedy for flies on the Experiment Station herd for two years, and found that while the cows were not troubled by flies when these remedies were used, there was no change in the milk flow that could be attributed to the fly pro- tectors. He concluded that the annoyance of cows by flies is overestimated. Carlyle* ' kept a herd of 14 cows in a well venti- lated and fly screened stable where they were protected from flies, and by comparing their milk and butter production with that of 14 cows given the same treatment excepting that they were kept outside in a shaded paddock where flies were numerous, he found that the cows protected from flies "produced more butter fat, but the increase was not sufficiently great to pay for the trouble and expense." One of the best protections from flies that has been found in recent years is a barnyard floor built of concrete. When the manure of the stable is removed from the barn and the barnyard is kept clean and dry, the number of flies is greatly diminished and the cows as well as the milkers are relieved from a large share of the usual annoyance from flies. W. The Effect of Drought 201. It is a well known fact that the lack of feed for cows during a long and continued drought will diminish the flow of milk and usually when a cow "dries up" the per cent of fat in the milk increases. It has been noticed however, that during a severe summer drought, the yield of cheese per 100 pounds of miik is not what would naturally be expected from, normal milk of a giver, per cent fat. This led to an investigation by Babcock which showed that the per cent, of solids-not-fat in the milk, wHch usually is com- paratively uniform was decidedly low in the milk of cows receiving scant feed during a dry season. At a factory where the milk of 50 patrons was received the *P>ul. 32 Conn. Storrs. Expt. Sta. **Wis. Expt. Sta. Report 1899, p 92. DAIRYING 43 per cent, of solids-not-fat in the milk was about 9.0% in April, May and October, but in July and October it dropped to 8.4%. It was further shown that in those herds fed grain during the drought, the per cent of solids, not fat, in the milk was about normal, while with no grain feeding it was low. The average of five herds which were fed grainduring drought was 4.28% fat; 8.82% solids-not- fat, and 11.03% pounds cheese per 100 pounds of milk. The average of five herds receiving no grain during drought was 4.02% fat; 8.19% solids-not-fat, and 9.86 pounds of cheese for 100 pounds of milk. A similar condition of the milk has been noticed at other cheese factories, showing that long continued drought and insuf- ficient feed at such times has a tendency not only to reduce the milk flow but to reduce the per cent, of solids-not-fat in the milk. This makes a low yield of cheese, although the per cent of fat in the milk would indicate the contrary, and the yield of butter at such times would be increased. X. Warm or Cold Drinking Water. 202. An exhaustive study of the effect of warming the water in winter on the milk production of cows has been made by Prof. F. H. King. He made observations during two winters from about Jan. 2ist to March 3ist, covering periods of 64 and 80 days respectively. Six cows kept in a good stable were divided into two lots. To one lot of three cows was given water at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Each lot was given water at one of these temperatures Fahrenheit, and to the other lot of three cows water at 32 degrees for a period of about 16 days and then changed to water of t^2 other temperature. The observations showed that the cows re- ceiving the warm water drank about 10 pounds more water, ate more food and gave about i.o pounds more milk during one year, and J4 pound more milk the second year per day per cow than those given cold water. The cows on cold water required 1.54 and 1:41 pounds food per pound of milk, and those on warmer water 1.44 and 1.39 pounds. A calculation of the financial difference in the returns from the two lots based on the same prices of feed and milk, and assuming the cost of warming the water for 40 cows during 120 days to be $15.00, showed a profit of $26.40 the first year and a loss of $5.98 the second year. Every cow showed a preference, except one, for the warm water. Other investigations 44 DAIRYING report little or no financial benefit from warming the water for milch cows, but it is certainly true that a sensitive cow especially when fresh in milk may be injured by drinking cold water, while other cows not accustomed to a comfortable stable and producing little milk may not be disturbed in any way by drinking cold water. PLATE 4 A Well Balanced Udder. Y. The Form of the Udder 203. In judging or in selecting a dairy cow the form or shape of the udder is an important point to be considered. It has al- ready been shown (Par. 184) that the different quarters of a cow/s udder may give milk containing different per cents fat, but this only varies with the order in which the quarters or teats are milked. The udder as a whole secretes milk of the same average composition from all quarters. The development of the udder, however, may have considerable influence on the amount of milk produced by each quarter. If the udder is well balanced, ap- proximately the same amount of milk will be produced by the fore as the hind quarters. Hills reports trials with five cows which gave 46 per cent, of their milk from the fore quarters and 54% per cent from the hind quarters. Plumb found that with well balanced udders the difference in yield of milk from the fore and the hind quarters was only about 0.2 pounds per day. The shape of the udder is largely an inherited characteristic, and since faulty fore udders are more common than defective hind DAIRYING 45 PLATE 5 THE MAMMARY GLAND udders, a development of the fore udder by selection and breeding will undoubtedly have a tendency to increase the yield of milk. Z. Milk Secretion. 204. The secretion of milk is a process that is not thoroughly understood in all its details. It is known however, that there are only two mammary glands in all mammals. The number of lobes or teats on each gland varies however, with different animals from a large number, as in the case of the sow, to one teat on each gland as in the goat's udder. The cow usually has two teats on the right and two on the left gland. Occasionally a tliird, smaller teat occurs on the udder of some cows. The two glands of f he cow are separated by a membrane or partition, the ligamentum suspensorium mammarum* which helps to support the udder and * Kirchner Milchwirtschaft. 46 DAIRYING hold it in place. This fibrous partition is attached to the abdomen in front and to a point between the thighs in the rear. There is no passage of the milk from one gland to another on each side of this partition, but there is some passage of milk from one teat- to another on the same gland. This may be shown by milking dry the two teats on each side of the cow or those on the same gland when approximately the same amount of milk will be obtained from each pair of teats. If the two fore teats or the two hind teats which are each on different glands are milked dry it will be found that the weight of milk obtained from each of these pairs will be influenced by the order in which they are milked as the milk of each teat of a pair in this case comes from a separate gland. If. however, the milk from each teat on one side or on the same gland is weighed it will be found that the most milk will be obtained from the teat milked first, showing that there is some communication GLAND-LOBULE. AtVf-OLl~~i PLATE 6 Cow's Udder Showing Gland Cells. DAIRYING 47 between the sections of one gland and that some of the milk in the second quarter milked will be drawn away through the first one milked. Condition of Milk in the Udder. 205. Milk ready formed in a liquid condition is not stored up in the udder like water in a sponge for if this was the case, there would be no change in the milk from the first to the last of a milking. It would all be of the same richness from the beginning to the end of the milking. Neither is milk filtered or diffused directly from the blood, because the constituents of milk such as casein and milk sugar are never found ready formed in the blood. Milk -cis- tern and Outlet Tube of Mi Ik -gland, laid- open. Two-thirds of natural slzs. a, Basis qf teat; Z>, upper end of milk- cistern ; d, lower end of same and ; upper end of teat; ' c', dilatation ? 6f canal of the teat; /, rosette on end of lower portion . of canal of teat; h, small, and o, large ^land-ducts, (Furslenberg.) _ r f. PLATE 7. I\ ilk is the product of active gland cells, a collection of which is called a gland lobule and these cells are capable of changing the raw materials of the blood into the peculiar constituents of milk. The characteristic composition and richness of each cow's milk is 48 DAIRYING determined by the gland lobule cells, just as the color and variety of an apple is a characteristic of certain cells in each bud. A change of food of the tree will have no effect on the color or the other normal characteristics of. the fruit of that tree. A Baldwin tree contains cells that produce a Baldwin apple ; and green colored appLes as well as red apples are produced on trees side by side in the same orchard. The nature of the cells determines the char- acteristics of the fruit, and no amount of food in the way of a fertilizer can change this quality.- In the same way each cow is born with cells in her milk glands that secrete milk ot a certain composition, and no amount of feed or lack of feed will change their character so long as the cow is in normal condition; more feed will produce more milk by making these glands more active or by building up a larger number of cells, but the milk secreted will always have the same characteristic composition. If this were not true it would be possible to make a cow give cream by feeding a suffciently concentrated feed, and we could by changing the feed obtain either Jersey or Holstein milk from the same cow. It may be asked how does it happen that we have Jersey and Holstein milk if feed does not change its richness, and why is not the milk of all cows of the same percentage of composition? The answer to this question is that there is a variation in the cell structure character- ictics of the milk glands of cows when born and by selecting animals that give a little richer or a thinner milk than the mother, a strain of cows has been developed that after a few generations give milk of a different percentage composition than that of the first cow. The change in the per cent of fat (which is the most easily varied of any of the milk constituents) is accomplished in much the same way as the change in the color of a cow's hair. There is no change during the life of one -cow in this particular, but her offspring may be of a slightly different color than its moth- er, and succeeding generations will show still greater variations from the original animal if careful selections are made with this point in mind. 206. The Milk Glands are located in the udder near the body of the animal as shown in Plate 8. Blood circulates through the arteries and veins to the gland lobules which takes substances in the blood and convert them into milk by means of microscopical bodies called alveoli. When milk is being produced by the gland DAIRYING 49 Gland -lobules, e, Outlet tube, (x 00.) (Furstenberg.) Alveoli, d, Common duct, (x 800.) (Furstenberg.) PLATE 8 The Milk Glands. these alveloi become swelled as shown in i, but at other times are flat and contracted as in 2. During secretion the milk flows from these alveoli in the gland lobules through fine ducts or tubes that increase in size as they near the milk cistern which is a cavity holding about one-half a pint located just above the roots of the teat. From this milk cistern the milk flows through the tube in its center to the end of the teat when the sphincter muscle closes the opening. The cow has no control over this muscle and but little control of another muscle at the root of the tent which helps to hold the milk that accumulates in the cistern. The muscles surrounding the gland near the body of the animal are partially under control and this enables the cow to "hold up" her milk under nervous excitement. The control which .a cow has over her milk secretions is similar to that "which a man has over the salivary and the tear glands. Certain conditions cause one's "mouth to water" or the saliva to flow and one's "eyes may water" either voluntarily or in- voluntarily. In the same way the act of milking causes the milk 50 DAIRYING gland to begin the secretion of milk and this continues until the gland is emptied or until some sudden excitement causes the nerves surrounding the milk gland to check the milk secretion. After birth of the young the blood which was used to nourisji the young mammal before birth is sent to the udder, and this causes the glands to become active. The inside of the gland lobules is covered with a layer of epithrelial cells which are swelled when secreting milk and flat when no milk is given. The outside o f the gland lobule is covered with a network of blood and lymph vessels which nourish and build up the gland. The more of these glands there are the more milk is produced, but a certain amount of the milk is undoubtedly formed during milking, as the milk given at one milking weighs more than the entire udder and its contents before milking began. The cow's milk glands ordinarily weigh between two and three pounds, and the solid matter alone in 20 pounds of milk will amount to about two and one-half pounds; while with cows giving 50 pounds of milk, the solid or dry matter amounts to six pounds. The activity of the milk glands in a cow is therefore influenced by the inherited milk-giving capacity of the animal and by the treatment the cow receives such as milking dry at each milking, regularity of time between milkings, promptness and gentleness during milking, protection from excitement, and an abundant sup- ply of palatable feed at all times. These are points to which the owner and the milker of cows should give close attention in order to develop and maintain the maximum activity of the milk glands. The milk veins under the abdomen of the cow extend for- ward from the udder to a point near the middle of the abdomen where they enter the body, and then pass on to the heart. The size of this opening which the blood passes through as well as the size of the milk veins is some indication of the milking capacity of the cow. 207. Too Frequent Milking or too long a time between milk- ings tends to diminish the activity of the gland like the tiring of a muscle by excessive exercise, but with a normal amount of milk- ing the emptying of the glands seem to be a stimulus to milk se- cretion and a knowledge of this fact may aid cow owners in their DAIRYING 51 efforts to develop the milk giving tendency in cows. Some investi- gators have suggested that since the fluctuations in the flow of milk- has a great effect on the per cent of fat in the milk the secretion of fat is a controlling factor in milk formation. Collier* found that when the time between milkings was exactly 12 hours the average for 9 cows of five breeds was .696 pounds of milk per hour during the night and .7 pounds of milk per hour during the day; the average per cent of fat in the morning milk was 4.26 and of the night's milk 4.22 showing a great uniformity in the milk secretion, and in the fat per cent when there are no fluctuations in milking. The great activity of the milk gland has also been illus- trated by Collier in a calculation based on the figure obtained above .7 pounds or 19.6 cc milk per hour, and on an -average of 150 obser- vations on the milk of 15 cows of six breeds which later showed 152 fat globules in one-one-thousandth of a millimeter of milk; his calculation showed that under these conditions the milk gland is secreting 136,000,000 fat globules per second. This gives some idea of the great activity of the milk gland. The subject of the source of the fat in milk has been studied by a number of investi- gators; but this question can not be discussed at this point. One experiment made by Collier showed that for every one pound of fat in the milk, the cows received 1.21 pounds of fat in their feed; and although it may be possible that a cow converts some of the other constituents of her feed into milk fat, there is usually more fat in the feed than in the milk. AA. The Breed of the Cow. 208. The general characteristics of certain breeds of dairy cows are well known. The Jersey and the Guernsey cows as a rule give less and richer milk than the Ayrshire and the Holstein cows, while the Brown Swiss, Shorthorn, Red Polled and Devon breeds come about half-way between the two extremes in the amount and quality of the milk they produce. The richness of the milk, or the per cent of fat it contains, is a breed characteristic, as is also the size of the animal, earliness of maturity, disposition, persistency of milking, length of milking *N. Y. Geneva Report 1891, page 28. 52 DAIRYING periods, etc. Some breeders are now trying to combine many of the good qualities of several breeds into one, such as a large quantity of rich milk. Such a development as this may be promoted by keeping in- dividual records of both feed and milk per cow per day as the feed consumed per unit of milk or milk fat is of great importance in the collection of data to be used in selecting cows to breed from and from which to build up a herd having the characteristics most desired. The breed of a cow, however, does not always insure her pos- sessing the peculiar qualities of that breed, as there are many ex- ceptions and considerable variation in the cows of one breed. This is well illustrated by the following figures collected during the Dairy Cow Demonstration at the World's Fair held at St. Louis. The cows of each breed were all under one management which was trying to make each cow give the most milk possible at the least food cost; but the figures show considerable variation in the ca- pacity of the cows of each breed. Variation in Milk Production of Cows of One Breed St. Louis Dairy Test, 120 Days' Record. Holstein Jersey Best i Poorest ! Ave. Best ! Poorest I Ave. Milk per day Ibs 67 47 53 48 39 42 Test of milk 3.5 3.2 3.4 4.8 4.1 4,7 Butter fat Ibs. 2.35 1.51 1.83 2.33 1.61 1.93 Feed cost milk ] er quart Feed cost butter per Ib. 9cts. llcts. 1.2cts. 16.4cts. 1.07cts. 13.5cts. l.lcts. 9.7cts. 1.3cts. 13.2cts. 1.16c 10. 5c No. cows in he id 15 25 ! SLorthorn Brown Swiss BnPt Poorest i Ave. | Best Poorest Ave. Milk per day IDS 43 4.0 1.73 1.09cts ll.Tcts 21 3.9 | 0.84 2.15cts. 23.4cts. 35 3.8 j 1.28 1.3cts. 15.3cts 51 3.4 1.75 1.09cts 13.6cts 38 | 3.8 | 1.48 ! I Acts. \ 15.5cts. 44 3.6 1.6 1.2c 14. 7c Test of milk Butter fatlbs Feed cost milk per quart Feed cost butter per Ib. No. cows in herd 28 5 DAIRYING 53 The figures show the characteristic richness* of the milk of these different breeds and their milk production. The cows were selected at that time for the purpose of making as good a showing as possible for each breed. The feed cost per quart of milk is low- est in the case of the best Holstein cow and the feed cost per pound of butter fat is the least with the best Jersey cow, but there were cows in each of the breeds which produced both milk and butter more economically than some one cow in every other breed. . BB. Feed. 209. The calculation of standard feeding rations and related questions will be discussed under another head, but the effect of the feed on milk secretion is a matter of importance independent of compounding of rations. Economical milk production depends largely on healthly and active milk glands, and since such glands, like muscles, are nourished by the protein feeding stuff's, an ample supply of this constituent should be available in the feed of milch cows. The fat in feeding stuffs is also important, as it doubtless aids in supplying the fat of milk, although the food fat is changed by the digestion process and does not appear as such in the milk. A sufficient amount of food fat has a favorable action on milk se- cretion, but an excess not only makes a feed too expensive, but it may disturb digestion and thus reduce the flow of milk. An in- sufficient amount of fat as well as a scanty supply of other feed fails to keep the animal up to its producing capacity, and this deficiency may reduce the flow of milk. It is necessary, therefore, to supply the cows with an ample quantity of feed of the right kind in order to keep the milk glands in a healthy and active con- dition. Even green feeds are not always nutritious, as it is well known that pasture grass and other feeds grown during a continued wet spell of weather have "no strength" as stock feed, and brew- ery slop feed, roots, etc., fed in too large quantities do not aid * See also page 24, Lesson i. 54 DAIRYING milk secretion. A consumption of large quantities of water either m feed or as a result of feeding salt to such an extent as to make cows drink more water, fails to increase the milk flow or to diminish the per cent, of solids in the milk. There is a limit to the amount of concentrated feed and of protein that should be given cows for the purpose of increasing their milk flow, as a point will be reached at which the Increase in milk is not sufficient to pay for this increased feed and when there is no further gain in milk it may be assumed that the feed is suf- ficent for a maximum flow of milk. A feeding rule for cows has been suggested that is based on the amount of milk given. This rule is to feed as many pounds of grain per day as the milk of the cow contains pounds of butter fat per week, or one-third to one- fourth as much grain as the cow gives pounds of milk per day> varying it according to the richness of the milk. If a cow gives 30 pounds of milk testing 4% fat the amount of grain she may be fed per day according to this rule is either one-third of 30, 10 pounds ; or one-fourth of 30, 7.5 pounds when the calculation is based on the amount of milk given. If based on the richness as well as the weight of milk, the amount of grain to be fed per day is found as follows: 30x4% equals 1.2 pounds of fat in the dairy milk, and seven times this figure (1.2x7) ' ls 8.4 pounds of grain. The butter fat in the milk is a better basis than the weight of milk only for calculating the amount of grain to be fed a cow, as it takes the richness of the milk and the consequent increase in ac- tivity of the milk glands into consideration. When fed by this rule a cow is supposed to be given all the roughage or coarse feed such as hay, silage, roots, etc., that she will eat. By regulating the amount of grain or concentrated feed that a cow may have, she is permitted in this way to satisfy her appetite on the coarse feed and thus use her judgment as to the amount of feed she needs. 210. The palatability of the feed is all-important, as cows will not eat spoiled hay, although such hay may contain a sufficient quantity of nutrients to produce milk. The addition of grain or something that tempts the cow's appetite will sometimes induce her to eat such spoiled hay, but these same appetite-exciters will not be needed to increase the consumption of well-cured, palatable feed. The condition of the animal will also have an effect on the DAIRYING 55 amount of feed eaten, but increasing the feed to an under-fed cow will not change the richness of the milk, although it does increase the amount of milk she gives. There are no feeds, however, that permanently change the normal per cent, of fat in milk. Milk secretion is influenced by other things than the amount of nutrients in feed. One of the most conspicuous of these is the change from stable to pasture feed in the spring. This green feed containing an abundant supply of easily digested protein and the exercise in the open air after several months in a closed stable, have a stimulating action on milk secretion and an immediate effect is noticed in the milk; it changes color, flavor, and viscosity* there is a sudden increase in the per cent, of fat in the milk with a slight decrease in amount, but by the second week on pasture the per cent, of fat returns to its normal figure and there is a gain in quantity of milk. Fleischmann reports the following figures ob- tained from the record of a herd of cows that show the effect of changing from stable to pasture. Last week in stable l /2 week in stable 1st full wk. ^wk. at pasture at pasture 2d wk at pasture Milk per cow It) 19.3 Fat ner cent. , .3.08 18.5 19.9 3.78 3.50 20.7 3.21 Observations on the changes that take place in milk when cows first go from stable- to pasture have been procured at the Vermont Experiment Station for eight years. 'The herd varied in number from 30 to 50 cows during the different years. The milk yield on going to pasture increased each year but one. This in- crease may be expressed in the proportion of 100 pounds of milk during two weeks stable feeding before pasture to 107 pounds during the first two weeks on pasture, and 103 pounds during the next four weeks on pasture, excepting four years when it was 95 pounds in the last period of four weeks. The per cent, of fat in the milk during these periods of the different years is shown by the following figures. 56 DAIRYING Average per cent, fat in milk 2 weeks Stable 1st 2 weeks at pasture Next 4 wks at pasture 4 years showing increase . . . . . . 501 5 39 5 08 1 year showing increase 4 88 5 02 5 r 8 3 years showing increase . . . . . . 5 11 5 11 5 08 Not every cow in the herd showed the same effect of this change each year, but during four years only 2% of the cows gave thinner milk on pasture than on stable feed. In one year 7% of the cows and during three years 15% -of the cows gave thinner milk during the first two weeks on pasture than in the last two weeks on stable feeding. The results as a whole show that milk from pasture feed is not as a rule poorer than from stable feed, and that there are no facts to uphold the double standard of milk which has been adopted by some cities and states where a thinner milk is permitted during the months the cows are at pasture than in the winter months of the year. 211. Effect of Heavy Grain Feed. Many trials have been made to show the relation between the amount and the richness of a cow's milk and the amount and richness of her feed. There is an impression among some cow owners 'that rich feed makes rich milk and vice versa. The experiments made on this point invariably show, however, that while an increase in the grain ration may cause a gain in the milk flow and more butter is made, there is practically no change in the per cent, of fat, or in the richness of the milk. If a cow is giving 20 pounds of milk per day, and it tests 4% fat this amounts to .8 pounds butter fat or about one pound of butter per day. If her grain ration is increased she may give 25 pounds of milk per day, but this milk will test approximately 4% of fat the same as it did before. This increase will make more butter than formerly, even though the test of the milk has. not changed, since 25 pounds of milk testing 4% fat gives one pound of butter fat. This is about 1.2 pounds of butter, or a gain of 20% .in the amount of butter made by the cow in consequence of the increase in feed, even though there was no change in the test of the milk. The following figures were obtained in an experiment made by the writer in which an attempt was made to increase the .grain ration of three cows to as large a quantity as seemed safe without DAIRYING 57 making the cows sick. During this time the milk of each cow was tested daily and note made of. the changes if any took place. When the experiment was begun the cows were not fed as much as they ought to receive. The results obtained are given in the following table. Feeding period Corn and cob meal Wheat Bran Oil Meal Timothy Hay Corn Silage Dry matter in feed Days Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. I 25 II 12 III 27 IV 15 V 51 VI 6 VII 16 IX 31 6 4 8 4 10 5 12 6 12 Pasture luxuriant blue 2 2 4 5 6 6 6 grass. 10 6 12 12 12 12 22 20 20 18.6 23.7 24.9 28.4 32.0 26.5 25.2 Daily Weight and Test of Milk Cow i Cow 3 Cow 5 Milk Ib Fat % Milk ib , Fat % Milk tt> Fat % 16.7 4.6 ii-5 3-8 25 3-6 184 5-2 14.8 37 29 3-9 19.9 4-9 16.3 3-6 3i 37 19-5 4-5 16.6 3-5 3i 3-5 17.6 4.8 14.9 3-8 28 3-5 18.6 5-o 15-2 37 26 1 34 13-6 5-9 12-5 4-2 19 4.0 16.0 S- 2 14-5 37 23 34 These figures show that an increase in the grain ration from two pounds to 24 pounds per cow per day did not change the aver- age test of the milk of these cows, even though the heavy grain feeding was continued for nearly four months. There was an in- crease however, in the flow of milk amounting to three pounds of milk per day for cow No. i and five pounds and six pounds per day for cows Nos. 3 and 5 respectively. It will be noticed that the milk flow of each cow increased on the heavy grain ration for about 60 days, that there was then a slight falling off for about 60 days, and a decided decrease in milk 58 DAIRYING with all the cows during the last 16 days, when the grain was re- duced to six pounds per day. But it will also be noticed that as soon as the cows went to pasture, the milk flow gained again to nearly the same amount as four months earlier in the cow's milk- ing period. The drop in the test of the milk when the cows went to pasture was simply bringing it back to the same richness that the milk had before the cows began to dry up on account of a reduction in the grain ration. The conclusions of all careful experiments on this point have been the same; and as before stated the richness of a cow's milk is a natural characteristic like the color of her hair. Changes in feed do not permanently affect it so long as the cow is in normal con- dition/ The net profit or a profitable return for the feed consumed is the all important point in feeding and breeding dairy cows, and records of milk produced and feed consumed if carefully obtained by the owners of cows or by farmers' Cow Testing Associations will furnish valuable information concerning the animals to be selected for breeding purposes in order that milk may be produced as economically as possible. DAIRYING 59 EXAMINATION Note to Students These questions are to be answered inde- pendently. Never consult the text after beginning your exami- nation. Use thin white paper about 6 in.x 9 in. for the examination. Number the answers the same as the questions, but never repeat the question. Mail answers promptly when completed. Questions on Lesson II. 1. Briefly describe the origin and the advantages of Cow Testing Associations. 2. Give some of the important points that should be included in a contract to be signed by the members of a Cow Testing As- sociation. 3. What is the cost to each member per year and what does he receive for his money? 4. What points should the Articles and By-laws cover? 5. What are the requirements for becoming a voting member? 6. Describe the kind of a man needed for doing the work of the Association. 7. From the following record of one cow : Milk A. M., 10 pounds, P. M., 12 pounds, test 3.8, price of butter 30 cents, feed eaten 12 pounds of hay, cornstalks 40 pounds, corn meal 8 pounds. Price of hay $12.00 per ton, corn stalks $1.50 per ton, corn meal $8.00 per ton. Calculate the feed cost per 100 pounds of milk and per pound of butter fat, also the total milk and 60 DAIRYING butter fat production for 30 days, and the receipts from butter fat for $1.00 worth of feed. 8. Mention six or more ways in which these associations may be a benefit to the members. 9. What is the -tlifference between Cow Testing Associations and Advanced Registry testing of cows? 10. When and by whom was the Advanced Registry testing begun? 11. Where are the headquarters of the Secretaries of the Associa- tions which make Advanced Registry tests of cows? 12. What is an official test, a semi-official test, and how long a time does each coyer? 13. W 7 hat is meant by a retest? 14. W 7 hat are the requirements for admission to the Advanced Registry in each of the dairy breeds? 15. What is meant by "Dairy Cow Competition" tests? 16. Mention some of the individual characteristics of a cow that are of importance to a dairyman. 17. What is the usual relation between amount and richness of a cow's milk? If the milk suddenly increases in weight what is the common change in richrfess? 18. What kind of cows show the most striking variations in rich- ness of milk? 19. What may a sudden change in richness of a cow's milk indicate? 20. To what extent may the test of one cow's milk vary from day to day? Give figures. 21. Is this variation the same with all cows and how does it differ? 22. What is meant by "Lactation period'' and what influences its length ? 23. What is a satisfactory "standing dry" period in days? 24. How may the lactation period be lengthened? DAIRYING 61 25. What per cent, of dry matter in the milk is the fat at different parts of the milking period ? 26. To what extent does the richness of a cow's milk change in different portions of one milking? Give figures. 27. Why is the last milk, or stripping, the richest, and what kind of treatment tends to make the milk richer? : 28. What influences the richness of the morning and night milk? 29. To what extent does the w.ejght and the test of the milk of one cow vary from morning to night? Give figures. 30. When is it profitable to milk cows more than twice a day? 31. What portion of the udder gives the most and the. richest milk? 32. What effect does fast or slow milking have on the milk ob- tained J Give figures. 33. How much difference in wages can a good milker earn more than a poor milker? Calculate from one of the records given in paragraph 186. 34. How much money may be lost per cow by failing to milk dry? Calculate from record given in paragraph 187. 35. What would be the value of the milk and butter fat saved in a year if all cows were milked by the Hegelund method and the figures reported in paragraph 188 were obtained by its use? 36. What are the advantages and disadvantages of milking tubes? 37. What is an objection to State and County Fair tests of dniry cows? 38. What influence has dehorning cows on the test of their milk? 39. What may be the financial loss if 10 cows are exposed to the weather for six months, based on the results reported in paragraph 193? 40. Is there any necessity of heating cow stables in winter? 41. Should cows be fed during milking? 62 DAIRYING 42. At what age does a cow begin to decline in milk production and richness of milk? 43. Is it necessary to fatten and sell good dairy cows after an abortion period, and what may be the loss in milk during- an abortion period? 44. What effect on milk flow is caused by testing cows for tuber- culosis? 45. Why is not advisable to feed the milk of one cow to a baby and what effect on milk has the sickness of a cow? 46. What effect have fly protecting medicines on milk flow and what is a good protection from flies for cows? 47. In what way does scant feed during a dry season effect the composition of milk and yield of cheese? 48. How much money could a farmer afford to use in buying grain for his cows during drought if he kept ten cows that gave 30 pounds of milk each per day and cheese is worth 15 cents per pound? 49. Does it pay to warm water for cows in cold weather? 50. In what part of a cow's udder is the most milk produced? 51. Are the teats diagonally opposite on a cow's udder on the same gland, 'and which of these two will give the most milk when milked first.? 52. Give proof that milk is not filtered from the blood. - 53. What determines the richness of a cow's milk? 54. How are thin-milk-giving cows obtained? 55. What muscles of the udder are under the control of the cow, and what control over milk secretion has the cow? 56. What are the alveoli? 57. How may the activity of the milk gland be stimulated? 58. What are some of the characteristics of a dairy cow that are peculiar to the breed to which she belongs? DAIRYING 63 59. To^what extent do cows of the same breed vary in their economical milk production? 60. Why is abundant feed economical and why are protein feeds especially appropriate for cows giving milk? 61. What objections may be made to feed containing too much fat? 62. How may the activity of the the milk gland be illustrated? 63. If a cow gives 50 pounds of milk testing 3.5% fat, how much grain and rough feed should be fed her? 64. What effect does the feeding of salt or of watery feeds have on the milk and milk production? 65. How does turning out to pasture affect the milk of cows during the first and later weeks? 66. What changes in the standard of richness in milk should be made during the season when cows are on pasture feed? 67. What are four or more changes that are noticed in milk when cows are first turned out to pasture ? 68. Did the increased milk and butter fat obtained in the case of Cow i, 3, and 5 in paragraph 210 pay for the increase in feed at present prices of milk, butter and of the feeds used? Write This at the End of Your Examination I hereby certify that the .above questions were answered entirely by me. Signed Address. . Si Correspondence College of Agriculture li DAIRYING Part III L COLLEGE OF THE Correspondence Colleg of Agriculture FT. WAYNE, INDIANA DAIRYING Part III Cream Separation By EDWARD H. FARRINGTON, M. S. Professor of Dairy Husbandry in the University of \Visconsin This is the Third of a Series of Six Books giving a Complete Course of Instruction in Dairying COPYRIGHT, 1911 Vhe CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE NOTE TO STUDENTS In order to derive the utmost possible benefit from this paper, you must thoroughly master the text. While it is not intended that you commit the exact words of the text to memory, still there is nothing: contained in the text which is not absolutely essential for the intelligent dairy- man to know* For your own good, never refer to the examination questions until you have finished your study of the text. By following this plan, the examination paper will show what you have learned from the text. DAIRYING DAIRYING-Part III Cream Separation 212. Wherever milk is used as a human food some attempt is ordinarily made to skim off the cream. Nearly every civilized person considers cream to be the most valuable part of. milk. A higher price is paid for it than for either butter or cheese, and none of the common milk products are so expensive as cream. On account of this superior value which cream possesses, a con- stant effort has been made in the past, to separate "the cream from milk by the most economical means possible. Two forces have been used for this purpose in the past, the force of gravity, and centrifugal force. The former costs nothing, while the application of centrifugal force to cream separa- tion is more or less expensive. Gravity, which works in a per- pendicular direction, was used almost exclusively until about 1876, when centrifugal force, which acts horizontally, began to be used for skimming milk. High temperatures favor the separation of cream by cen- trifugal force, because hot milk is less viscous than cold, just as hot syrup is thinner than cold syrup, but cream rises slowly by gravity, and on this account milk must be cooled to prevent its souring and coagulating before the cream has all come to -the surface. DAIRYING Another possible cause of the cream rising better at a low than at a high temperature is that the surface tension is increased at lower temperatures, and the fat globules in milk unite more rapidly at low than at high temperatures, forming larger lumps of fat, that rise to the surface easier than smaller ones. Up to the. present time, no method has been devised that will recover all the fat of milk in the cream; losses occur during each handling of the milk, first from waste by milk sticking to the pails, cans or machines, and second, some fat is always left in the skim milk. The amount of butter fat lost in these two ways may be very small or it may be a large percentage of the fat in the whole milk. The extent to which the milk fat is recovered in the cream will depend largely on the efficiency of the method of cream separation used, and the ability and carefulness of the person doing the work. In the early days little was known about milk except that cream will rise when it is allowed to stand quietly for a few hours. This is the simplest division of milk into its component parts, i. e., separating the cream from the skim milk or the fatty portion from the serum. We know at the present time that the solids in the milk have a very complex composition, but without going deeply into the subject we will consider briefly the relation which the milk constituents have to cream separation. CAUSE OF CREAM SEPARATION 214. When milk is divided into cream and skim milk, the greater portion of the milk serum is left in the skim milk. A cer- tain amount of it gets into the cream, but this cream-serum is of about the same composition as the milk serum. Skim milk con- taining no fat is therefore a good illustration of what is known as milk serum. It is heavier than water, having a specific gravity of 1.04; and in normal milk the butter fat, which has a specific gravity of .9, is suspended in the milk serum in the form of microscopic globules. DAIRYING 5 215. The term specific gravity means that if a certain quan- tity or measure of water at a given temperature weighs 100 or 1000 pounds, the same quantity of milk serum, or skim milk, weighs 104 or 1040 pounds, and the same quantity of butter fat weighs 90 or 900 pounds. This difference in weight between the milk serum and the fat is the cause of cream separation. If the butter fat were free to move in the serum there would be a complete separation of the fat by allowing milk to stand, but this is not the case. The curd or casein of the milk and other sub- stances present act as a retarder on the fat from coming to the surface. A certain amount of the fat of milk rises when the milk is left standing quietly and forms a layer of cream on the surface, while the skim milk underneath retains some fat, depend- ing on certain conditions. The amount of fat left in the skim milk is the standard commonly used for measuring the efficiency of different methods of cream separation. 216. The condition of the serum varies in different lots of milk. The casein is not always in the same condition, and this influences the thickness or viscosity of the serum. The greater the viscosity, the more resistance there is to the movement of the butter fat, and the less the viscosity, or the thinner the serum, the easier the fat rises. This viscosity of the serum is not only influenced by the con- dition of the curd or casein, but by the amount of milk sugar, etc., in solution in the serum. Milk rich in fat contains usually more solids-not-fat than thinner milk, and the more solids in the serum the greater its viscosity and its resistance to the separation of the fat. If the serum of milk was always the same, rich milk would skim easier than thin milk. 217. The size of the fat globules in each lot of milk has considerable influence on cream separation. It has been found by looking at a drop of milk under a microscope that the fat is distributed through it in extremely small drops or globules, and that these globules vary in size. As a rule, they are larger in the milk of a fresh cow than when the same cow is a stripper. It is evident that the larger the fat globules, the quicker they will separate from the serum, and this, together with the increased DAIRYING percentage of solids-not-fat in the milk serum explains the difference between the skimming efficiency of milk from a fresh and from a stripper cow. Late in the milking period the fat globules are small, and although the milk may be rich as is usual with an old milking cow, the cream does not separate so well as earlier in the milking period, because of the change in size of the fat globules. 218. Dean reports results from setting milk in cans in ice water in which the skim milk from fresh cows contained .4% fat; at the middle of the milking period, .6% fat; and late in the milking period, .7% fat. Another investigation on the influence of the size of the fat globules on cream separation showed that the richness of the skim milk increases as the number of the small fat globules increased. Each lot of milk was examined with a microscope and graded according to the percentage of fat globules having a diameter of .003 millimeters. These were skimmed with a separator and the following results reported : Milk of Lot Per cent, of the fat globules .003 m.m. or less in diameter. Fat, Per Cent. Whole Milk Skim Milk 1 33.9 4.63 0.11 2 53.9 3.17 0.12 3 56.8 3.53 0.16 4 58.0 3.65 0.17 5 58.2 3.98 0.17 6 60.2 3,33 0.19 7 74.0 2.54 0.21 This shows that when only one-third or 33.6 per cent, fat, the skim milk tested about one-half as much as when three-fourths or 74.0 per cent, of the fat globules were the diameter mentioned, and the whole milk tested 2.54 per cent. fat. DAIRYING 219. Results similar to this were reported in Bulletin 122 of the West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station in which mixed Holstein and mixed Jersey milk were skimmed, with the following results : Holstein Jersey Number of Trials Milk, Fat % Skim Milk, Fat % Milk, Fat % Skim Milk Fat % 7 3.77 .077 5.65 0.95 29 3.45 .188 5.71 0.38 It is a well known fact that the fat globules in Holstein milk are much smaller than in Jersey milk and the difference in the per cent, of fat in the skim milk here given is undoubtedly caused by this fact. 220. The effect of agitation of the milk is to break up the fat globules into smaller ones, and thus reduce the skimming efficiency. Cream will not rise on milk that has been transported either by rail or by wagon nearly as well as it will on the same milk before this agitation. And heaters used for bringing milk to a skimming temperature for centrifugal cream separation should not agitate the milk violently. This is shown by the following experiment. Milk was churned for five minutes in a churn having a dasher, at different temperatures, and it was found that the churned milk always left more fat in the skim milk than the un- churned. The effect of the churning increases with the temper- ature of the milk. Temperature of milk 87 F. 122 F. 185 F. Milk not churned 13 .12 .13 Milk churned before separated... .14 .69 .72 The influence of agitation on the rising of cream when milk is allowed to stand for some hours in pans or cans is much greater than when milk is skimmed by a centrifugal separator. 8 DAIRYING 221. Grouping of the Fat Globules. When milk is first drawn from, the udder, the serum is in its most limpid condition, and the fat globules are evenly distributed throughout the serum, in which they move readily. After standing for a time at ordinary temper- atures without immediate cooling, the serum thickens somewhat, and the fat globules group themselves together into clots or clus- ters which rise to the surface slowly. This grouping seems to cause the clusters to drag on their way to the top of the milk. An entirely satisfactory explanation of this grouping into clusters has not as yet been given, but there is some similarity between it and the action of the corpuscles in blood. 222. Similarity Between Blood and Milk. If blood in the veins is examined with a microscope it will be noticed that the corpuscles appear to be uniformly distributed throughout the liquid, they do not touch one another. This condition of the cor- puscles changes, however, when blood is exposed to the air at ordinary temperatures, the corpuscles then group themselves into clots in very much the same way as the fat globules arrange them- selves in the milk after it stands a while. 223. Another similarity between the action of the fat globules and the blood corpuscles is the behavior of certain alkalies towards both substances. If caustic soda or potash is added to milk, the grouping of the fat globules is prevented, and the cream rises quickly. These same alkalies prevent the coagulation of blood. It has been further noticed that when blood is immediately cooled to a temperature below 40 degrees F. that it does not coagulate, but remains liquid. A similar action is shown by the fat globules in milk. They remain apart and rise quickly to the surface when the milk is cooled to about 40 degrees F., immediately after draw- ing it from the udder. This cooling must be done at once as a delay of even a few minutes allows the grouping of the fat glob- ules into clusters which rise much more slowly than do the single globules. The substance which entangles the globules is appar- ently heavier than the fat and acts as a load on them. This has been illustrated by certain experiments which have shown that when cream is obtained by "deep setting" of cans of milk in cold water, there may be a loss in the cream if the milk is allowed to DAIRYING stand twenty or thirty minutes before placing it in the cold water. When the cans of milk are set in cold water immediately, the sudden chilling of the milk next to the walls of the can by the cold water seems to prevent the groups of fat globules in the milk from attaching themselves to the walls of the can and hastens the cream rising, even though the interior temperature may not be brought to 40 degrees or lower for some little time thereafter. 224. These comparisons of the blood corpuscles with the fat globules, together with a knowledge of the fact that the fat in .milk is suspended and not dissolved in the milk serum, help to make clear the reasons for some of the manipulations and arrange- ments that are commonly used in the various methods of cream separation. It is obvious that the thinner the layer of milk the quicker the fat will rise to the surface, and since the serum cools faster than the fat, cooling has a tendency to hasten the rising of the cream because it increases the difference between the specific gravity or weight of the butter fat and that of the milk serum. Heat, however, has the opposite effect and retards the rising of the cream. A. SEPARATING CREAM BY GRAVITY. 225. Cream is usually obtained from milk in one of two ways, first, by the so-called "gravity processes," and second, by means of centrifugal force. The "gravity processes" have passed through two stages of development during the years they have been in use, starting with ''shallow setting" and progressing to the "deep setting" process. a. "Shallow Setting." 226. The first method of cream separation, historically speak- ing, is the shallow setting of milk into tin pans or in earthen vessels. The details of this process of creaming milk are very simple. Directly after milking the fresh, warm milk is strained into tin pans which are about fifteen inches in diameter and four inches deep. The pans have floating sides and are filled two- thirds full of milk. These pans of milk are set in the pantry, the buttery, or some other convenient place about the house and left io DAIRYING standing from 12 to 48 hours. The temperature of the milk dur- ing this period is the same as that of the surrounding air and varies with the seasons of the year. The temperature of the room in which the milk is set should control the depth of the milk, if the room has a temperature of 60 degrees Fahr., three inches is deep enough, and some idea of the rate at which the cream rises at this temperature is shown by the following observations : 227. When set at 60 degrees Fahr. the percentage of the fat in the milk that was recovered in the cream was as follows : After standing 8 hours 43.5% or at the rate of 5.44% per hour. The following 8 hours 11.5% or at the rate of 1.44% per hour. The following 12 hours 11.4% or at the rate of 0.95% per hour. The following 12 hours 6.7% or at the rate of 0.56% per hour. Total, 40 hours 73.1% The higher the temperature at which the milk is set the richer the cream and the smaller the quantity of cream obtained. AYhen set in this shallow layer the fat globules do not have far to rise to reach the surface ; the cream separation therefore begins at once. The cream which rises first is rather thin, but it gradually thickens by standing, and if the room is warm and dry there is so much milk surface exposed to the air that the constant evaporation makes a rather tough, leathery cream. This drying of the cream may be somewhat overcome by setting the pans of milk in a well ventilated basement or cellar, where the air is partially saturated and where the temperature does not go b.elow 60 degrees F. Condition of Cream When Skimmed. 228. If sweet cream for the table is wanted, the milk must be skimmed before the souring process has begun. It is, however, very difficult to skim off such cream without losing a considerable quantity of it by the mixing which is nearly unavoidable when the skimming is done. Not much more than one-half the cream in milk is obtained when it is skimmed sweet by this process. DAIRYING ii 229. When cream is skimmed for churning and butter mak- ing, the milk may stand until the souring process has thickened and curdles the skim milk. This often gives the milk some 48 hours or even longer to stand. Nothing is gained by this pro- longed standing excepting the advantage of skimming the cream from curdled milk. Cream will not rise on sour milk, but after standing long enough the cream becomes thick and somewhat tough on the surface, and this aids in taking off the cream be- cause there is no danger of setting up currents which may remix the cream when the skimming is done. 1. Conditions Influencing "Shallow Setting" Cream Separation. 230. The completeness with which cream is separated by the "shallow setting" process has been found to be influenced by some one or more of the following conditions : . The temperature at which the milk is set. The length of time the milk stands. The condition of the milk serum. The period of lactation of the cows. The size of the butter fat globules in the milk. The depth of the milk layer. The skill of the person skimming the cream with the shallow cream skimmer. 231. The effect which these conditions have on the complete- ness of cream separation by this process may be briefly explained here, as they also have more or less influence on other methods of creaming milk. First, a temperature of 40 to 50 degrees F. is favorable for cream rising, as the serum, being the better conductor of heat, is cooled more quickly than the fat and consequently the difference in specific gravity is increased and the cream rises quickly. A thermometer should therefore be placed in the room where milk is set for creaming in order to indicate the temperature, and to show what changes may be needed for keeping the milk at the tem- perature best suited for cream rising. 12 DAIRYING Second, more cream will rise in twenty-four hours than in twelve hours. The difference between the weight or the specific gravity of the butter fat and the milk serum is not very great and the cream is therefore slow in rising to the surface. It will con- tinue to rise so long as the milk is perfectly sweet, but it is stopped by the souring and thickening of the milk. Third, the milk of a '"fresh" cow contains fat globules of a larger size than those in the milk of a "stripper/' and the cream will therefore rise more quickly at the beginning than at the end of the cow's period of lactation. This gradual diminution in size of the fat globules, together with the increase in viscosity of the milk from the beginning to the end of the lactation period, has a tendency to retard the cream separation by any process. Fourth, the fat globules of milk are not uniform in size with all breeds of cows ; the average size of these globules is to a cer- tain extent a breed characteristic. The Holstein and the Ayrshire cows, as a rule, give milk which contains smaller fat globules than those in the milk of the Jersey and Guernsey breeds. On this account cream will separate more quickly and completely from the milk of some cows than from that of others ; the larger the fat globules the more quickly the cream will rise and the richer it will be when all other conditions are uniform. Fifth, cream is ordinarily skimmed from shallow pans with a skimmer, made clam-shell shape and about six inches in width. Several small holes are punched in the center of its bowl to allow the skim milk to drain away from the cream while skimming. If this skimmer is skillfully used, the cream is nearly all taken from the milk, but a careless handling mixes the cream more or less with the skim milk, and fails to get all the cream. 2. Characteristics of "Shallow Setting" Cream. 232. The "shallow setting" method is a rather crude one, but it has been used for many years, and is still found in some local- ities. Earthenware crocks of varied sizes are occasionally substi- tuted for the tin pans, but the process of getting the cream differs only in the shape and material of the containing vessel. DAIRYING 13 The cream obtained by "shallow setting" is comparatively rich in fat, provided too much skim milk is not taken with the cream when it is skimmed ; and since cream rises more slowly on warm than on cold milk, it becomes compact and thick by long standing. 233. The only effort commonly made to control the tempera- ture of the milk set in "shallow pans" is to keep it from freezing in cold weather and from souring in warm weather. If the milk stands 24 hours or more in these pans in a room at a temperature of 60 degrees F. or higher the cream which rises will be some- what ripened as the souring begins quickly at this temperature. 3. The Principal Advantages of the "Shallow Setting" Method of Creaming Milk Are: 234. First, the inexpensive outfit needed for separating the cream. The tin pans and skimmer do not cost much, and milk is usually set on some more or less convenient shelf about the house. Second, it is a convenient way of obtaining cream from small quantities of milk. Third, the cream will separate from the milk of stripped cows better by the shallow than the deep setting gravity method, 4. The Objections to the "Shallow Setting" Method of Cream Separation Are : 235. First, that the large surface of milk exposed to the air will not only collect dust and taints from its surroundings, but molds may also grow on the cream surface. Second, it may be claimed that it is an advantage to have the cream ripen during the time it is standing and that it will there- fore be ready to churn when a sufficient amount is obtained at one time to make a churning. This may be true in some cases. but when the quantity of milk set each day does not give cream enough for a churning, each lot of cream held after skimming will continue to ripen and will be overripe when more cream is skim- med from subsequent milkings. Overripening of cream is the source of much of the strong flavor in butter. 14 DAIRYING Third, the evaporation from the surface dries the cream and tends to form clots of dried cream which will not churn, but may be carried into the butter, making the white specks often noticed when cutting through a piece of farm dairy butter. These white specks are also caused bv lumps of sour skim milk or curd that are skimmed off with the cream. Fourth, this method of cream separation often fails to get more than three-fourths of the fat from the milk and it is thereby responsible for a loss of at least one-fourth of the butter. The efficiency of the "shallow setting" method of cream sep- aration is the lowest of all the means employed for taking cream from milk. The average of a great many tests of skim milk from "shallow settings" is nearly one per cent. fat. In some cases where the milk is skimmed sweet only about one-half the fat is removed in the cream and the skim milk may test as high as 2% fat. Fifth, the lumps of sour curds in "shallow setting" cream are often the cause of white specks in butter. Sixth, much more space is required for setting milk in shallow pans or crocks than to skim the same amount of milk by other processes. 236. A thick, rich cream can be obtained by setting the milk in shallow pans, such cream often testing as high as 30% fat and being of a different consistency, because of the long time standing, than centrifugal separator cream of the same richness. The body of "old fashioned" cream which is so frequently referred to as much superior to that of modern ceram may be de- veloped in centrifugal separator cream by allowing it to stand a day or two at a temperature which will prevent its souring. 237. In using the old methods of "shallow setting" milk no attempt was made to control the temperature of the place where it was kept except to prevent the milk souring in summer and freezing in winter. b. Devonshire Cream. 238. This is a cream which is rich and nearly solid. It is made by setting milk for 12 hours or more in pans, which, after DAIRYING 15 the cream has risen, are placed on a stove or over hot water and heated to about 190 degrees F., or until. cream melts into drops of butter oil around the edges of the pan. These are then allowed to stand 12 hours longer and the cream is skimmed off in a layer of thick consistency that is considered a great delicacy. c. "Deep Setting." 239. The second step in the development of cream separation methods was the so-called "deep setting" process. This differs from "shallow, setting" in the shape and size of the vessel used PLATE i "Deep Setting" of Milk for Cream Raising. for setting the milk and the temperature at which the milk is set. The process is carried out in the following way : 240. The freshly drawn, warm milk is strained into cylin- drical cans 18 inches high and about 8 inches in diameter. Some of these cans are covered, but the cover is made so as to prevent water from running over the tops of the cans into the milk, even w r hen they are submerged in water. The cover fits over the out- side of the can and permits the circulation of air above the milk. This protects the milk from flying dust and unwholesome odors and at the same time provides a simple way of keeping the milk i6 DAIRYING at a uniform temperature, which is maintained by adding ice to the water around the cans or by keeping a small stream of water running through the tank in which the cans are set. 241. The fat globules in the milk in these cans have a much greater distance to travel to reach the surface than is the case when milk is set in "shallow pans." This naturally leads one to inquire where there is any advantage in the "deep setting" over the "shallow setting." The answer to this question is, that the temperature of the milk when set in the ice water is much more PLATE 2 The "Deep Setting" Cooley Process for Skimming Milk. DAIRYING 17 favorable for cream rising than is that of the rooms in which the shallow pans of milk are usually set and the milk does not sour so quickly. 242. The sudden chilling which warm milk receives by sub- merging the cans in cold water is beneficial for gravity cream separation because it retards the grouping of the fat globules into clusters, as already described. When a temperature of near 40 degrees F. is maintained for 12 to 24 hours the cream separation is nearly complete if all the conditions are favorable. 243. (1) The "Cooley process" is a good illustration of the "deep setting" method of creaming milk. After milk is set in the "Cooley" cans, the cream is obtained by drawing off the milk from the bottom of each can through a faucet, which is so made that the flow of skim milk will stop when the cream is reached. A strip of glass placed in the side of the can enables the operator to see the thickness of the cream and to adjust the faucet ac- cordingly. 244. When the skimming faucet at the bottom of the can is once opened the flow of skim milk should not be checked until the cream is reached, as repeated opening and closing of the faucet sets up currents in the milk, which again mixes the cream already separated. This practice not anly makes the cream thin, but it allows too much of the cream to pass away with the skim milk and diminishes the efficiency of the skimming. The skimming faucet is usually set so that the flow of milk will stop at about one to two inches below the cream line. If drawn close to the cream line there will be too much loss of fat in the skim milk. 245. The "deep setting" cream may be skimmed every 12 hours or just before the next milking, so that the same cans may be in constant use. The thinness of the cream is due somewhat to this short time of setting and is also influenced by the carefulness with which the skim milk is drawn off. This "Cooley" cream usually contains from 15 to 20 per cent. fat and the skim milk may test as low as 0.2% fat, but the average test of the skim milk from deep setting is about .75% fat. This is 0.25% fat less than the average skimming done with shallow setting so that on the whole the "deep setting" of milk for cream 18 DAIRYING rising is an improvement on the shallow setting. In former years the "Cooley" process was used a great deal and developed to. a high degree of efficiency. At 165 farms in Maine where this pro- cess was used and the cans of milk set in water tanks in which ice was continually kept, the per cent, of fat in the milk did not exceed 0.2%, the average being 0.15%. 246. (2) The "Shotgun" can is similar to the Cooley can in shape and dimensions, but the cream is dipped off from the top by using a conical dipper which should be dipped in water to wet it before using. Considerable more care is required to skim off PLATE 3 Equipment for Cooley "Deep Setting" Process. the cream efficiently by this process than by drawing off the skim milk at the bottom as in the Cooley process. 247. The cream from "deep setting," which usually contains about 20% fat, is rather thin for selling direct to the consumer. There may be no objection to churning such cream, but it is hardly thick enough for table use; the best way to thicken this cream is to add that skimmed from several cans into one can and let the cream rise a second time on the mixed cream. More skim DAIRYING 19 milk may be drawn off from this cream and such a practice not only furnishes a thicker cream, but it removes the necessity of drawing- off the skim milk too close to the cream the first time and encroaching- on the directions to skim to "one inch below the cream line." Some of the conditions already mentioned under "shallow setting'' have an influence on cream separation by the "deep set- ting" process, especially those which affect the size of the fat globules in the milk. These have been shown to be affected by the breed of the cows and their period of lactation. Effect of Richness of Milk on Cream Separation. 248. It has been claimed that milk which is rich will skim cleaner by the gravity process than that poor in fat. An experi- ment has been made on this point in the following way : 249. A herd of cows was divided into five groups, those giv- ing the richest milk being placed in one group, and those giving the thinnest milk in another, with intermediate groups between them. The test of the milk from each group was as follows : Group 1 5.46 Group 3 4.36 Group 2. 5.33 Group 4 4.21 Group 5 3.85% fat. The milk from each group was set at the same temperature and skimmed in the same way. The per cent, of fat found in the skim milk of the two extreme groups was, Group 1, .12, and Group 5, .44. The intermediate groups did not seem to follow any rule, as the test of the skim milk of Group 2 was .29% fat, Group 3, .25% and Group 4, .26%. These results indicated that there was a difference in the efficiency of the cream between the richest and poorest milks, but there is no indication of a definite relation between the rich- ness of the milk and its creaming qualities in all cases. Losses from Delay in Setting the Milk. 250. The effect of immediate and delayed setting of the milk after milking has been shown by Babcock in some experiments in 20 DAIRYING which one lot of milk was set within four minutes after milking and another lot within fifteen to thirty minutes. The test of the skim milk showed it contained .3 to .4 per cent, more fat when there was a delay of thirty minutes in setting the milk than was found when the milk was set four minutes after milking. The advantage of immediate, over delayed, setting was conclusively proved. Influence of Temperature on Cream Rising. 251. The effect of different temperatures on the cream rising by "deep setting" the milk in cold water has been shown by set- ting milk at various temperatures, between 35 and 58 degrees F. When set at 35 to 45 degrees F. it was found that the skim milk tested .23% fat, at 48 degrees F. it tested .30% fat, at 50-54 de- grees F., .74% fat, and that set at 58 degrees F., .95% fat. These results indicate that the milk set at the lowest temperature was most exhaustively skimmed. 252. From these figures a calculation may be made to dem- onstrate whether or not one can afford to buy or put up ice to cool the water used in the "deep setting" process. The difference be- twen the best and the poorest skimming, .23 and .95, is .72 of a pound of fat. This will make three-fourths of a pound of butter, which is worth at least fifteen cents. The problem resolves it- self then into determining how much ice may be bought with the money lost at the rate of fifteen cents per one hundred pounds of milk. 253. If small quantities of milk only are skimmed, and if ice is expensive in a certain locality, it probably will not pay to go to any great expense for ice, but in the milk given by the average cow in a year, there will be about 4000 pounds of skim milk ; this is forty 100 pounds, and if the loss from lack of ice is fifteen cents per 100 pounds, the loss per cow per year will amount to $6.00 when milk is set at 58 degrees F. instead of at 40 degrees F. The important points to be kept in mind when using the "deep setting" method of creaming milk are : First, to set the milk immediately after milking by getting the cans into cold water in less than five minutes after it is milked. DAIRYING 21 Second, keep the temperature of the water in which the milk cans are set below 50 degrees F. Third, do not skim closer tlran one inch below the cream line when drawing off the skim milk. 254. The efficiency of the skimming is influenced by the same conditions that influence the "shallow setting" process, tem- perature of milk, period of lactation of the cows, size of the fat globules, richness of the milk, length of time milk stands before skimming, delay in setting cans in cold water and the agitation of the milk before setting. 255. The advantages which the "deep setting" process has over the "shallow setting" are: 1. Less space is required for setting a given quantity of milk. 2. Less labor in skimming. 3. Milk and cream are not exposed to the air. A sweet cream is obtained. Less fat is lost in the skim milk. Tin cans are mostly used for "deep setting" milk, although stationary glass jars placed in a cabinet have been made. These are hard to clean, and as the glass is not as good a conductor of heat as the tin, the skimming is not so satisfactory. "Deep setting" cream is usually sweet because the milk is cooled at once after milking. If the milk is clean it will not sour for 36 hours or more when the cans are set in ice water. The cream will all rise on fresh cow's milk in 12 hours, but strippers' milk must stand from 24 to 36 hours. 256. Cream shrinks in thickness or volume by standing too long a time in cans. Dean states that in cans 8^ inches in dia- meter and 20 inches deep, the shrinkage of cream is about one- eighth of an inch for each 12 hours standing after the first 12 hours. d. Cream Raising by Dilution with Water 237. Separating cream from milk by adding water to it is a very old idea, but every few years some agent is found traveling 22 DAIRYING around the country with a cheap combination of tinware, tubes and a faucet, trying to induce the farmers to buy this "Most Valuable Invention." This so-called ''separator" is simply a painted tin can with' a funnel shaped tube on one side of it. Milk is poured into the can through the top cover and water through the funnel tube at the side. The mixture of equal parts milk and water is allowed to stand from "30 to 90 minutes," and then the skim milk is drawn off through a faucet near the bottom of the can. What is drawn off appears to be a very thin skim milk, but as it is more than half water, considerable cream is required to make it even look like skim milk. SECTIONAL VIEW PLATE 4 Type of Can used for Raising Cream by Dilution and Water. 258. A great many trials of this dilution method of cream raising have been made at experiment stations. Professor Wing, of Cornell University, has tried three different kinds of apparatus devised for this purpose. He did not get nearly so complete a separation of cream with any of them as was obtained by the centrifugal separator, the shallow setting or the deep setting of the milk in cold water. At 5 farms where these "new" dilution methods of cream separating were used, the skim milk tested from 0.66 to 1.20 per cent. fat. At 40 farms where milk was set in DAIRYING shallow pans the average test of the skim milk was 0.39 per cent, fat, and at 30 farms where deep setting of the milk in cold water was practiced, the average test of the skim milk was 0.39 per cent. fat. It is a well-known fact that centrifugal separators will skim milk to 0.1 per cent, fat, which is about ten times better than the results obtained by these dilution methods. 259. The difference between the effect of warm and of cold water for diluting milk to aid the cream rising is shown by the following results reported by Professor Wing: Cooley cans of milk in ice water at 44 F. ]/2 warm milk Y> cold water 47-60 F. 10-100 parts milk 10-100 parts hot water Per cent, fat in skim milk .23 1.28 1.11 No. of trials. 11 11 4 These "aquatic," "hydraulic," or "ventilated" cream "separ- ators" are all operated on practically the same peculiar plan, and any tin can with a faucet at the bottom will answer the purpose for which these painted wonders are sold at large prices. Dairy- men should know that they are not so efficient as the methods ordinarily used for skimming milk at the farm. Average Results of Skimming Milk by Gravity Process. 260. The following summary gives the temperature, also the test of skim milk and cream that may be expected from the three gravity methods of cream separation under average conditions : Method Temp, of milk F. Per cent, of fat in Skim milk Cream Shallow setting. . . . Deep setting 60-90 40-50 40-140 .5- .10 .2- .5 1.0-1.5 10-35 15-20 10-12 Dilution, aquatic. . ., 24 DAIRYING 261. The skimming efficiency of any method of cream sep- aration is sometimes expressed in percentage which the cream fat is of the whole milk fat. If 100 pounds of milk containing 4 per cent. fat is so skimmed that 85 pounds of skim milk testing .2 per cent, fat is obtained from it, the .17 pounds of fat (or 85 X 2%) subtracted from the fat in the whole milk, 4.0 pounds, leaves 3.83 pounds of fat in the cream. The per cent, which the fat recovered in the cream is of the fat in the whole milk represents the skim- ming efficiency of the method, or expressed in form of a propor- tion, 4 :3.83 :: 100 :X = 9575%. This figure will be influenced both by the richness of the milk and the amount of skim milk as well as by the test of the skim milk. If the milk tested 3.0 per cent, fat, and .17 pounds fat was left in the skim milk as before, the skimming efficiency i-s 3 minus .17=2.83, and then 3 : 2.83 : : 100 : X or 94-35 per cent. If 80 instead of 85 pounds of skim milk is taken and this tests .2 per cent, fat, the skimming efficiency of milk testing 4.0 per cent fat is 80 X .2 per cent, or .16 pounds, and 4 - - .16 3.84 pounds, which is the fat recovered in the cream and using the same proportion, 3 : 3.84 : : 100 : X = 95.78 per cent., which repre- sents the skimming efficiency. e. Centrifugal Cream Separation. 262. It has been shown that there is a considerable loss of fat when cream is obtained from milk by either of the common gravity methods of cream separation described in the preceding pages. These losses are now almost entirely overcome by the modern "centrifugal" cream separator. This machine has made a wonderfully rapid development in its construction since the time it was first proposed for this purpose. It is now only about twenty years old, though the principle of using centrifugal force for separating the fat from the milk serum was recognized some fifty years ago. 263. Before considering the stages of development through which the separator has passed it may be well to get a slight idea DAIRYING 25 of the force which acts on milk while it is in a centrifugal separ- ator. The contrast between the action of the force of gravity on a body and the centrifugal force exerted on a body revolving about a center may be illustrated by comparing the weight, or the gravity of a body with the pull on a string to which the same body is attached, when whirled around one's head at a high speed. If a weight is hung on a spring balance and swung around in a circle at various speeds, it will be noticed that the pull of the weight on the balance will increase if the speed increases. A dif- ference will also be noticed between the pull exerted by a small weight as compared with a larger one where both are revolved at the same speed. This explains the action of centrifugal force on milk ; the cream is separated from the skim milk because the fat is lighter than the serum when milk is revolved at a high speed. 264. If the weight of a certain volume of milk serum is 1.04 Ibs., then that of an equal volume of butter fat is .90 lb.* The difference between the weights of these two volumes is .14 lb., and the effect which centrifugal force may have to separate the fat from the serum can be calculated by determining the pull which i-s exerted on a weight of .14 lb. when revolved at any given speed in a circle of a given diameter. If the weight .14 lb. is hung from one end of a spring balance one foot long, and this is revolved about the other end as a center at the speed of 100 revolutions per minute, the indicator on the balance will show that the weight is pulling .48 lb. Increasing the speed to 200 revolutions makes the pull 1.92 Ibs. At a speed of 1000 it is 48 Ibs., and at 5000 revolutions per minute the pull of this .14 pound weight on the balance is 1200 Ibs. This shows the differ- ence between gravity and centrifugal force to be as .14 is to 1200 when milk is revolved at a speed of 5000 revolutions per minute in a circle having a radius of one foot. Calculation of Centrifugal Force The centrifugal force in pounds exerted on any body may be calculated by multiplying the weight of the body in pounds by the * These numbers are taken because they represent the spec- ific gravity of milk serum and of butter fat respectively. 26 DAIRYING square of the velocity in feet per second, and dividing by the radius in feet multiplied by 32.2.* Centrifugal force equals W X V 2 in feet per second RX 32.2 In the above illustration the centrifugal force exerted on a weight of .14 pound when revolved at a speed of 100 revolutions per minute in a circle having a radius of one foot is calculated as follows: 266. The velocity in feet per second is found by multiplying the diameter of the circle by 3.1416, in this case it is 2 X 3.1416 = 6.283, then multiplying this figure by the speed 100, and dividing by 60 to reduce to seconds, gives the velocity as "10.94 ft. per second. The square of 10.49 is 110, which multiplied by the weight .14, gives 15.40, and this divided by the radius, one foot, after multiplying by 32.2, gives 0.48, the centrifugal force in pounds. 267. The effect of centrifugal force on milk in a cream sep- arator has also been illustrated by Fredericksen.** "When a par- ticle of matter is swinging round a central point, the force by which it presses outward from the center revolution depends upon the gravity, the speed, and the distance from the center. Sup- posing a weight W to revolve around an axis, the distance from the center (the radius) being R feet, and the number of revolu- tions S hundred a minute, then the centrifugal force F=3.4X RXW'XS 2 . Consequently, if R is one foot and W is one pound the centrifugal force will be: For 100 revolutions a minute 3.4X 1= 3.4 pounds For 200 revolutions a minute 3.4X 4= 13.6 pounds For 400 revolutions a minute 3.4X 16= 54.4 pounds For 1000 revolutions a minute 3.4X 100= 304. pounds For 5000 revolutions a minute 3.4X2500=8500. pounds * The velocity of a body falling in vacuum increases in each second by 32.2 feet per second. **2 J. D. Fredericksen in The Dairy Messenger. DAIRYING 27 268. In other words, for 1000 revolutions a minute the dis- tance from the center R being 1 foot, the centrifugal force is 340 times the weight of the matter; R being 2 feet, it is 680 times; R being 3 feet it is 1020 times the weight, etc. Supposing the weight of a particle of fat in the milk to be 10 weight units, and that of an equally large particle of milk serum to be 11 weight units, then the force by which the fat is naturally driven towards the surface by gravity only will be 11 10=1, while the centrifugal machine making 1000 revolutions a minute with an average radius of 1 ft. the force will be 340X1 1340X1 0=340. Thus the tendency of separation is increased 340 times by the centrifugal forces, and if the speed is 5000 revolutions per minute, the increase will be 8500 times. This gives an idea of the efficiency of centrifugal creaming as compared with any gravity process, and also suggests the enormous strain to which the drum of a separator is sub- jected. Supposing a stick to make 1000 revolutions a minute around its center in the horizontal plane, at each end carrying a pail with milk weighing 60 pounds, and supposing the average radius to be 2 feet, then the force with which each pail will pull the stick is 340X2X60=40,800 pounds or about 20 tons." 269. Besides showing the difference between the force of gravity and centrifugal force these figures give some idea of the tremendous strain there is exerted on separator bowls run at a high speed. It should be noticed in the figures given that the pull on the balance does not increase directly in proportion to the increase of the speed or the velocity, but to its square. Doubling the speed or velocity quadruples the centrifugal force. These brief statements show that the strain on the walls of a separator bowl is influenced by three things, the weight of the material revolved, the diameter of the bowl, and its velocity. The smaller the bowls, the higher the speed at which they may safely run. Pail and Drum Separators 270. Many experimental machines were made for the purpose of separating cream from milk before any satisfactory results were 28 DAIRYING obtained. One of the first applications of this principle to cream separation was made by a Massachusetts man in about 1870. He placed graduated glass tubes filled with milk in pockets some- thing like those now used in the Babcock milk tester and whirled these tubes in a machine constructed for the purpose. Aft^i- whirling about 20 minutes the thickness of the cream was meas- ured in each tube. This machine was designed to be used as a cream tester for milk. It was, however, a pattern for the first, commercial cream separators which were constructed on the same plan excepting that pails holding fifty to sixty pounds of milk were substituted for the glass tubes. These pails of milk were whirled at a speed of 400 revolutions per minute and when they were stopped the cream was skimmed from them in the same way as gravity cream had been formerly skimmed from milk. This operation required a great deal of time and power. It was of no particular value except as a demonstration that cream could be separated by centrifugal force. A number of machines of this type were made, but they all had to be stopped after whirling and the cream skimmed off as in the gravity methods. 271. These so-called "pail" machines were followed by the "drum" centrifuge, which was a revolving, vertical cylinder filled with milk. Four wings extended from the walls to the about one- half way to the center of the drum, in order to carry the milk with the drum. After whirling for some time the drum was stopped and the skim milk or the heavier part thrown toward the circumference of the drum was drawn off by means of faucets in its walls. The cream was then removed from the center, a new- supply of milk added and the whirling process repeated. These "drum" centrifuges were experimented with for some time. Dr. Fleishman used one holding 200 pounds of milk, which was whirled at about 900 revolutions per minute. The time required for this heavy drum to stop after it had attained full speed was about one-half hour, and this long time was a serious drawback to its use. It was demonstrated, however, by the use of this machine that 95.6 per cent, of the fat in normal whole milk could be separated in this way and that the completeness of the cream separation is influenced by the temperature of the milk and the length of time it is whirled in the centrifuge at full speed. DAIRYING 29 The Continuous Cream Separator 272. The next suggestion in the way of a mechanical sep- arator was the revolving bowl, from which the skim milk and the cream are removed while the bowl is running at full speed. The Danish-Weston was one of the first separators of this kind. It appeared on the market in about 1880. A continuous flow of milk was delivered into the open, top, center of the revolving bowl, and when it attained full speed, the skim milk was thrown by the centrifugal force to the outside walls .of the bowl and the cream towards the center. The skim milk and cream were removed by skimming tubes or arms which curve over the top of the bowl into the center where one of them dips into the milk and the other into the cream. These separator bowls were about 15 inches in diameter, and 12 inches high. They were run at a speed of nearly 4000 revolutions per minute, and skimmed about 2000 pounds of milk per hour. One of the advantages claimed for this ma- chine was the opportunity it gives the operator to change the thickness or richness of the cream by adjusting the skimming tubes while the bowl was revolving. This is done without inter- rupting the flow of the milk into the bowl. One of the objections to this machine was the way in which the skimming was some- what interfered with by the milk supply as it entered the bowl. The cream layer or core in the center was constantly being broken up by the milk as it entered the bowl. The whirling motion forced the milk through the cream layer already formed and thereby partiially mixed the cream again with the milk. 273. This difficulty w r as overcome by what is called the Peterson ring. A tube or ring is placed at the bottom center of the bowl and through this tube the milk is delivered back of the cream core. This allows the milk supply to enter the bowl without interfering with the separation which has already been done. This separator soon had a competitor in the DeLaval Standard. The bowl of this machine was radically different in construction from those formerly made. A spindle is attached to the hollow bowl and the cream and skim milk are thrown from the openings at the top of the bowl into tin covers placed 30 DAIRYING over the bowl. From these covers or pans the skim milk and the cream are conducted into cans or vats by the side of the machine. The required speed of this bowl is 8000 revolutions per minute and about 1200 pounds of milk are skimmed per hour. 274. These two machines were in use from 1879 to 1892. They had nearly the same skimming efficiency ; approximately 0.2% of fat was left in the skim milk. Since then the separator bowl has been considerably changed, but the construction of the frame which supports the bowl and the method of attaching power to it, together with some other features, are practically the same today as they were in those old machines which possess the distinction of being the first successful power cream separators invented. At the present time some of the largest cream separators will skim 300 pounds of milk per hour so that not more than one-tenth of one per cent, of the butter fat is left in the skim milk, and in addition to this the sweet milk from cows of any breed or in any part of their lactation period may be efficiently skimmed. 275. The power cream separators were the first ones used extensively. These may be divided into two general classes, the "hollow bowl" and those having the bowls filled with discs or plates of some sort. In both types, milk enters at either the top or the bottom of the bowl and by whirling in the bowl it is separated into three layers, first, the dirt, ash and precipitated albumen, and casein of the milk, which being the heaviest, flies to the walls of the bowl and is deposited as "slime ;" second, the layers of skim milk, and third, the cream which increases in richness towards the center of the bowl. 276. Both the cream and the skim milk are discharged near the center of the bowl and the nearer the center these openings are placed, the easier the bowl runs. If the skim milk discharged at the circumference of the bowl considerable more power would be required to run it. The size of the skim milk tubes in the bowl are also regulated by the size of the milk inlet and the speed of the bowl. DAIRYING 277. In developing the separator the manufacturers have tried to increase the capacity and still have efficient skimming, also to overcome the interruption of the skimming caused by the milk entering the bowl without interfering with the cream passing to the center and the skim milk to the walls of the bowl. The entering milk is now delivered in the bowl at a point 'between the layer of cream and skim milk where the specific gravity is nearly the same as that of the whole milk because the cream and skim MILK RECEIVING CAN FEED CUP CREAM PAN CREAM SPOUT BO'WL OILCUP SKIM-MILK SPOUT GEARS ALL ENCLOSED SIMPLE BALL BEARING OIL DRIP PAN PLATE 5- -The De Laval Cream Separator. milk travel in opposite directions after entering the bowl, and the continuous inflow should interfere as little as possible with these currents. Advantages of Centrifugal Over Gravity Skimming 278. The same conditions that affect the cream rising by gravity influence centrifugal cream separation, but to a less degree. 32 DAIRYING First the friction of small fat globules is greater than large ones, as they have more surface for a given amount of fat. Second, the condition of the fibrium in milk makes cream separation easier directly after milking than after standing some hours, and third, the depth of milk in the bowl or the greater the distance the milk must travel before leaving the bowl, the more efficient is the skimming. 279. A comparison of the centrifugal and gravity methods shows : 1. That the centrifugal separator skims milk satisfactorily at a greater range in temperature, say anywhere from 80 to 120 degrees F. 2. There is less exposure of the milk to air, dirt and bacteria. 3. There is greater certainty of skimming all the fat from the milk, as the machine is not subject to all the influences which man cannot regulate, such as the temperature and weather, lack of ice, transportation, etc., which affect gravity skimming. 4. The separator cleans some of the dirt and slime from the milk during the skimming. 5. A better quality of cream is obtained where milk is skimmed immediately after milking and the cream is perfectly sweet, although it may be soured to churn or kept sweet. 6. The richness of the cream may be easily regulated. 7. Skim milk is in the best possible condition to feed when separated right after milking. 8. The cream is nearly all skimmed from the milk, the skimmed milk containing only a trace of fat when all the condi- tions of skimming are the best. The Development and Classification of Cream Separators 280. Competition among manufacturers and the widespread use of cream separators has caused a great development in these machines in recent years. The great number of separators now DAIRYING 33 on the market makes it impossible to describe them all, but some have stood the test of years and proved their superiority. The number of hollow bowl machines now on the market is not large, but some of these are as satisfactory as those filled with discs or plates. 28.1. The discs in a separator bowl divide the milk into thin layers and subject it gradually to the action of the centrifugal force. This reduces the power required to turn the bowl of a given capacity and it also reduces the length of time necessary to subject milk to the centrifugal force in order to give a satis- factory skimming. The discs may increase the capacity of a bowl about three times over that of the same bowl without discs. 282. The time milk remains in a separator bowl may be calculated from the amount of milk it holds and the amount skimmed per hour, e. g., if a bowl holds 10 pounds of milk when rilled and its capacity is 3000 pounds per hour, or 50 pounds per minute, milk must remain in the bowl about one-fifth of a minute, or 12 seconds, during the process of skimming. 283. The development of the cream separator may be seen from the following results * obtained in Germany, where several tests were made of machines from year to year. The average per cent, of fat in the skim milk in 1894 was .19; in 1898, .22; in 1900, .16, and in 1904, .11.** 284. Further reduction in the amount of fat left in the skim milk can hardly be expected, but the capacity of the bowls may be increased by greater speed as stronger material may be found from which to manufacture the bowls. Cream separators may be classified first, according to the method of attaching power to the bowl, such as belt, turbine, and crank or cog gearing attachments, second as hollow or filled with discs or plates, third, bowls with or without a spindle, fourth, sus- pended bowls. * Kirchner Milchwirtschaft. ** These tests of skimmed milk were not made by the Bab- cock test. 34 DAIRYING All cream separators may be divided into two principle parts, first, the frame with power attachment, oiling devices, milk sup- ply, pan, cream and skim milk spouts, and second, the bowl with its peculiar features. Selecting a Cream Separator 285. Among the great variety of separators now on the market there is no one that is always the best under all circum- stances. The manufacturers are making improvements and changes PLATE 6 The U. S. Cream Separator. in various parts of their machines each year, but perfection has not been reached in any one of them. At the present time a clean skimming of the milk to at least one-tenth per cent, fat in the skim milk is to be expected of all standard makes of separators. Some of the important points to be considered in a cream separator are : DAIRYING 35 1. The simplicity of the bowl and of the construction of the machine in general. 2. Method of attaching power to the bowl or to the spindle. 3. The construction of the bowl, its diameter, weight, and the amount of time required to clean it, also the bowl bearings. 4. The cream regulating device. 5. The capacity or amount of milk skimmed per hour. 6. Time required to put together, take apart and clean the bowl and its attachments. 7. Protection of the operator from moving parts. 8. Convenience for oiling and amount of oil needed. 9. Smoothness of the cream. 10. Power required to operate the machine. 11. Durability. 12. Convenience of obtaining repairs. 286. Some separators have more of these points satisfactory than others, and in making a selection one must decide to what extent these requirements are satisfied in one machine more than in another. When the price is the same for equally good skimming and the amount of milk skimmed per hour, the advantages of each in construction should be considered. 287. The price of a separator per 100 pounds of milk skimmed varies according to the capacity, the largest capacity machines costing much less per 100 pounds of milk skimmed than the smallest ones. The power required to run the separators varies a great deal, some requiring 10 to 15 times more power to run them than others to do the same amount of skimming. The ex- cessive strength of material used in some cases may be responsi- ble for the great difference in power needed, but accidents from a machine breaking seldom occur except when the instructions of the manufacturers are not followed. 288. The best separator, therefore, is the one which skims the most milk per hour at the lowest speed, at the lowest tem- perature of the milk with the least expense of power, and is the 36 DAIRYING most durable as well as the most easily cleaned. Some separators do good work when all conditions are constantly watched and kept up to or exceed the instructions of the manufacturer, but a slight variation from these, such as a low speed, high feed, low temperature of milk, etc., seriously affect the test of the skim milk and cause a loss of cream. Several tests of a separator should, therefore, be made, before final judgment is passed on it. These tests should cover not only the skimming qualities of the separator, but they should be extended to an inspection of the upper or neck bearing of the bowl, the lower bearings, the gear- ing, if any, the advertised capacity and speed of the bowl, the way in which the height of the bowl is adjusted, the cream screw and its adjustment, the skimming tubes in the bowl, and the means by which the power is applied to the bowl to re- volve it. Method of Testing a Cream Separator 289. Nearly all manufacturers are willing to have their machines tested by the purchaser before buying it. Such a test may include some or all of the following observations: 1. Time required to take apart, clean and put together ready for skimming. 2. Time to get up to full speed. 3. Turns of crank per minute (if hand machine). 4. Noise of machine and space occupied. 5. Weight and measure of the frame and bowl and its part. 6. Weight of cream, Ibs., and of skim milk, Ibs., collected from the machine in one-half minute, both to be sampled and carefully tested when first the bowl is running at speed required by the manufacturer; second, when running 10% under normal speed; third, when temperature of milk is 75 degrees F. ; fourth, when temperature of milk is 85 degrees ,F. 290. From the weights of cream and skim milk collected in one-half minute the capacity of the separator or the pounds DAIRYING 37 PLATE 7 Sectional View of a Cream Separator. DAIRYING of milk it was skimming per hour may be calculated by multiply- ing the weights obtained by 120. If one-half a pound of cream and 5 pounds of skim milk were collected in one-half minute, there w r ere S l / 2 pounds of milk passing through the bowl in one- half minute, and this is at the rate of 5 l /> x 120, or 660 pounds per hour. Hence the capacity of the separator at that trial was 660 pounds per hour. Careful tests of samples of skim milk and of cream taken each time will demonstrate the skimming efficiency under the varying conditions of speed, temperature of milk, and capacity, that may be tried. PLATE 8 The Tubular Cream Separator. 291. In making tests of any separator the printed directions furnished by the manufacturer should be carefully .read, and al- ways followed whenever the machine is used. The book of in- structions should be as carefully kept as any of the various parts of the machine, as it may be the means of preventing large losses in using the separator each day, and it is also essential for ordering new parts or in getting repairs when needed. DAIRYING 39 Scale of Points for Judging Cream Separators 292. If a number of cream separators are to be tested they may be compared with each other according to the following standard of points : Skimming efficiency 60 Construction 10 Ease of cleaning 20 Power required 10 100 Recording a Separator Test 293. The capacity and the skimming efficiency of a separator may be recorded with the following observations : 1. Date 2. Name of separator 3. No. of separator bowl 4. Speed of bowl, r. p. m 5. Temperature of milk 6. Weight collected in minutes. 7. Cream Ibs. Skim milk Ibs. 8. Skimming per hour .Ibs. 9. Proportion of cream from milk 10. Test of skim milk 1 1 . Test of cream* 12. Test of the whole milk 294. A series of records like the above may be made when the separator is running below speed as well as at normal speed. This will show the effect of variations in speed on the skimming. Other tests made when milk is skimmed at different tempera- tures and when more or less than the advertised amount of milk This may be calculated if necessary. 40 DAIRYING is being skimmed per hour, will show how these variations in capacity, in speed and in temperature will affect the skimming. The best separator is one in which the skimming is least in- fluenced by such variations. The following example illustrate^ some of the calculations made in tests of this kind : PLATE 9 A Belt- Power Type of Cream Separator. 295. When the separator is running under normal conditions the cream may be collected in pail No. 1 and the skim milk in pail No. 2 by holding these under the respective spouts of the separator for a certain number of seconds. If one pound of cream and nine pounds of skim milk are caught from the separator in DAIRYING exactly one-half minute of skimming, the total weight of milk skimmed in one minute is 20 pounds, and in one hour it is 20 X 60, or 1200 pounds. The capacity of the separator then is 1200 pounds per hour according to this observation. The proportion of cream from milk is one pound of cream from each 10 pounds of milk md the test of the cream may be calculated from the weights and tests of the milk and the skim milk. If the whole milk tested 4.0% fat and the skim milk one- tenth of one per cent, fat, the test of the cream may be found is follows : the record shows that in each 100 pounds of milk jkimmed there is obtained 90 pounds skim milk and 10 pounds cream. They also show that in this 100 pounds of milk there ire four pounds fat. If the fat separated in the skim milk is mbtracted from the whole milk fat, that which is left must >e the cream fat. The weight of this fat is obtained first by mltiplying the 90 pounds skim milk by its test, .1%, which gives X.001, which equals -09 pound fat. Subtracting this from 4 >ounds of fat in the whole milk leaves 3.91 pounds fat in the [0 pounds of cream and the test, or per cent., of fat this repre- sents in shown by the proportion 3.91 : 10 : : X : 100 in which X equals 39.1% fat, or the calculated test (fat %) of the cream. Points Common to All Separators 296. A cream separator consists of first, the frame; second, the bowl, provided with some arrangement by which it is brougm to a high speed ; and third, the milk supply can and the cream and skim milk spouts or pans. Nearly all separator bowls should be filled with milk or water >efore starting them or soon after they begin to revolve. The bowl should be started slowly, taking several minutes to get it ip to full speed. This caution helps to preserve the machine and prevents any unnecessary wear from too sudden starting, and bringing it up to full speed too quickly. 297. In coming up to full speed there may be more or less trembling of the bowl, but this ought to entirely pass away in a 42 DAIRYING short time and the bowl should run steadily and smoothly when it has attained full speed. Separator bowls are balanced to run quietly at a certain speed, but this does not always insure their running with the same smoothness at other speeds. Some un- steadiness and jarring of the frame and of the bowl may be safely ignored if this is noticed while the separator is coming up to speed, and disappears w r hen the bowl reaches its normal speed. PLATE 10 The Simplex Cream Separator. The separator bowl should be put into place in the frame very carefully, as a sudden dropping of the bowl into the bearings may cause serious injury to them, and such rough treatment may also bend the spindle or break the gearing, pins, etc., in the lower bearings. All the bearings of the bowl and of the spindle should be perfectly smooth, clean and bright and the oil started in all the oil cups as soon as the bowl begins to revolve. DAIRYING 43 Clogging of the separator bowl is usually indicated by a change in the thickness of the cream. When the bowls become so filled with slime that milk cannot pass through the skim milk tubes, it must leave the bowl through the cream tube, and con- sequently the cream becomes thin by the milk passing out the cream spout. Factors Influencing the Efficiency of Cream Separators 1. The speed of the separator bowl. 2. The temperature of the milk, and method of heating milk. 3. The richness of the cream separated. 4. The amount of milk skimmed per hour. 5. Sour or clotted milk. 6. Cream outlet becoming clogged. 7. Bowl not clean. 8. The steady, smooth running of the bowl at full speed and the uniformity with which the bowl speed, the milk feed, and the temperature of the milk recommended by the manufacturer are maintained. 1. The Speed of the Separator Bowl 299. The manufacturers determine, by careful tests, the safe speed at which their separator bowls may be run. This will vary with their diameter, as it has already been shown that the cen- trifugal force exerted on the walls of a bowl increases as the square of the diameter ; a ten inch bowl may be run at a speed of 6000 revolutions per minute ; and one three inches in diameter may safely make 20,000 revolutions per minute. The speed recom- mended by the manufacturer ought to be known by each user of a cream separator, and the speed should be maintained when- ever the machine is used for skimming milk. If run below speed there may be an unnecessary loss of butter fat in the skim milk, and too high speed may be the cause of serious accidents. In- creasing the speed will sometimes improve the skimming done by some separators, but there is more or less danger from such a 44 DAIRYING practice, followed. The manufacturer's instructions should be careful! 1 When the separator is driven by some power the connecting pulleys should be of such sizes as will give the proper speed to the bowl and some sort of reliable governor ought to be placed NTERMeDIATE GEAR PLATE n Sectional View of the Bluebell Cream Harvester. on the power, so that the bowl will not run either above or below the required speed. Calculating Size of Pulley for Running a Belt Separator 300. The required speed of the separator bowl and of the intermediate pulleys is given in the book of instructions sent DAIRYING 45 with the separator by the manufacturer. In order to obtain this speed it is necessary to provide a pulley of a certain diameter on the line shaft from which the intermediate is run. This dia- meter is found by multiplying the diameter of the driven pulley by its speed and dividing this product by the speed of the driver. Such a calculation may be illustrated by assuming that the small pulley on the intermediate is five inches in diameter, and makes 910 revolutions per minute, and that the line shaft has a speed of 300 revolutions per minute. The diameter of the pulley needed on the line shaft is then found by multiplying 5 by 910, which gives 4550. Dividing this by 300 gives 15 inches, which is the diameter of the pulley needed. The line shaft pulley should have a flat face at least six inches wide and the belt which connects it to the intermediate should be at least 2^ inches wide when power cream separators are used. The speed indicator on power machines should always be in place and in good repair. Frequent observations of the speed should be made during each run, as losses of fat in the skim milk caused by irregularity of the bowl speed, may amount to a considerable figure. With hand machines the number of turns of the crank may be regulated by using a watch to time the turns per minute. 301. The following table * shows the effect of variations in speed of a hand separator bowl on the efficiency of skimming milk. The figures represent the average of 12 trials in each case. Per cent, fat Skim milk Cream Turns of separator crank or Highest Lowest Ave. Highest Lowest Ave. speed Normal . . . 42 21 28 .04 .02 .03 10 too high 48 24 32 .04 .02 .03 10 too low. 36 19 26 .10 .10 .12 20 too low. 34 17 23 .38 .14 .21 * Indiana Experiment Station, Bulletin 116. 46 DAIRYING 302. These figures show a difference in the per cent, of fat in the skim milk of .18% (.03-.21) between normal speed and 20 turns of the crank below normal speed. This is a loss of one-fifth of a pound of butter in each 100 pounds of milk skimmed or at least 5 cents worth of butter per 100 pounds of milk. Calculated on the basis of 8000 pounds of milk per cow per year, the loss amounts to $40 for a herd of 10 cows, or about one-half the price of the machine, and with the herd of 20 cows, the loss would be equal to the cost of some separators when new. The figures show that it pays to give attention to the speed at which the separator is run every day. 303. The speed of the turbine separators is somewhat regu- lated by the pounds of steam pressure shown on the steam gauge, but frequent use of the speed indicator is always advisable. A variation in speed affects both the cream and the skim milk. Too low speed tends to thin the cream and enrich the skim milk, while too high a speed will thicken the cream and diminish the per cent, of fat in the skim milk. Variations above and below normal speed during one run are very wearing on the machine as well as expensive in losses of more or less butter fat. It should also be remembered that there is a limit to the strain which the separator bowl will endure without bursting, and on this account the speed of the separator bowl should be carefully watched. Skimming Temperature of the Milk. 304. The temperature to which the milk is usually heated for cream separation ranges from 75 to 85 degrees F. When cows are receiving a large amount of green feed and when they are fresh or producing a large flow of milk, the cream is separated easier than is the case with milk from strippers or from cows receiving dry feed exclusively. These two factors, the feed of the cows and their period of lactation, have an influence on the temperature to which milk may be heated before separation. When many cows are fresh a tem- perature of 75 degrees F. is often high enough for the milk. Dur- ing hot weather it is the custom at some creameries to skim the DAIRYING 47 milk without heating it. A temperature above 75 degrees F. may not do any harm, but the best separators will skim summer milk at. a temperature of 75 degrees and leave only one-tenth of one per cent, or less of fat in the skim milk. In the fall and winter seasons when the cows are drying up, the milk should be heated to 80 or 85 degrees F. for separating. If the temperature falls below 70 degrees F. and in some cases below 80 degrees F., there may be an unnecessarily large loss of butter fat in the skim milk as a great fluctuation in the temperature during separation is detri- mental to the best skimming. The higher the temperature of the milk, the better the skimming, and it has been suggested that by heating milk to 160 degrees F., or to a pasteurizing temperature, that nearly all the fat in the milk may be skimmed out. Such a high temperature will undoubtedly aid in removing the last traces of fat from the skim milk, but the uniform heating to 80 degrees F. is the temperature commonly recommended and used. 305. The temperature of the milk changes its viscosity and this influences the separation of the fat globules ; the warmer the milk the thinner the serum, and the colder the milk the thicker the serum becomes. There is not much increase in efficiency of skimming- when the temperature of the milk goes above 90 degrees F. A higher temperature than this does not give enough better skimming to pay for the extra heat. Skim- ming milk at a pasteurizing temperature, 160 degrees F., in- creases the capacity of the separator and more slime is thrown out of hot milk than when skimmed at 85 degrees F. 306. When first drawn from the cow, milk skims better than after standing several hours. This may be due to the solidifying of the fat globules, to the enclosing of these globules in the curd or casein to some extent, and to changes in the casein which make the milk more viscous. 307. A change in the viscosity or fluid condition of the milk las been noticed when cows change from stable to pasture feed, ind again when they return from pasture to stable feed in the fall. The following figures* illustrate this change in the skim- efficiency : *Kirchner Milchwirtschaft. 48 DAIRYING Per Cent. Fat in the Skim Milk. Spring. Fall. .11 Stable Feed 14 .13 Mixed Feed 16 .15 Pasture Feed 18 308. The stable milk skimmed a trifle better in each case than the pasture milk. Whether this is due to the difference in viscosity or the effect of exercise of the cows is uncertain, but it has been noticed that morning milk skims better than night milk, and milk that has stood quietly better than that which has been transported. The effect of such differences in the skim milk may not seem to amount to much, but .1 pound buter fat is worth 2^ cents, and this loss may easily occur in each 100 pounds milk skimmed, if all the known precautions for skimming clean are not taken. Methods of Heating Milk Before Skimming. 309. Holding milk at a skimming temperature (85 de- grees F.) for one-half hour or more before skimming is not ad- visable because of the rapid development of bacteria at this tem- perature, and a partial ripening of the milk which may be re- sponsible for objectionable flavors in the cream or the butter if the latter is made from the cream. This makes the heating of milk in a large receiving vat at a creamery objectionable because it may be thus heated for too long a time. 310. Heating milk by forcing steam directly into it is also objectionable, first, because of the unevenness of the heating; second, because the excessive heat from the steam may coagulate particles of casein around the fat globules, and third, the steam may contain impurities from the water, or the boiler from which it comes. Milk heaters with a revolving dasher that throws the milk in a thin film around a steam heated drum are not the best kind of a heater because the excessive agitation splits up the fat globules, DAIRYING 49 PLATE 12 Cooley Milk Heater. PLATE 13 Factory Milk Heater. PLATE 14 Tempering Vat for heating Milk before Separating. DAIRYING and this tends to leave more fat in the skim milk. The higher the speed of the dasher the more fat is left in the skim milk, as is shown by the following- figures : Revolutions of Dasher Per Minute. 200 300 400 500 Fat in Skim Milk, Per Cent. .11 .13 .20 .23 PLATE 15 2oth Century Milk Heater with Pump Attachment. Milk heaters in which the milk passes over a metal surface heated with hot water or the revolving discs filled with hot water are very satisfactory for heating milk to a skimming tem- perature. 311. The influence of different temperatures of heating milk on the efficiency of skimming is shown by the following figures,* which are averages of the eight trials in each case : *Indiana Expt. Sta. Bui. 116. DAIRYING 51 Temperature of Milk Skimmed. Per Cent, of Fat in Skim Milk. Highest Lowest Average 90 75 60 .04 .07 .20 .01 .04 .09 .022 .051 .120 Here is an average difference of .1% fat between skimming at 90 degrees F. and 60 degrees F., and if butter fat is worth 25 cents per pound, this difference in fat lost amounts to 2y 2 .cents per 100 pounds milk skimmed, or $2.50 per day at a factory where 10,000 pounds of milk are skimmed. Richness of the Cream. 312. Many separator bowls are provided with a cream screw by means of which the richness or the thickness of the cream may be changed. This screw can be adjusted so that a thick or thin cream will be separated when the bowl is skimming its normal amount of milk and is running at full speed. A certain amount of variation in the richness of the cream has no effect on the richness of the skim milk and the best separators will skim a cream con- taining 40% fat as well as thinner cream, but fluctuations in the richness of the cream should be avoided. 313. Most of the standard makes of cream separators will leave as little fat in the skim milk when skimming cream of 20% as 40% fat, but there is some difference in separators on this point. Some of them skim a thin cream with less loss in the skim milk than when rich cream is skimmed. The very rich cream, 50% fat, is successfully skimmed as a rule only when the skimming is done under normal conditions of speed, temperature and capacity. Importance of Cleaning a Separator. 314. Observations of dairy inspectors among users of farm separators indicate that about one-third to one-half are washed 52 DAIRYING after each skimming, and two-thirds to one-half are not washed until after using two or three times for skimming milk. This attempt to save work and to put off the cleaning as long as possible has an injurious effect on the quality of the cream or butter made from the cream, because the slime and dirt left in the separator bowl after the first skimming decomposes very fast and taints the next lot of fresh, sweet milk run through it. This is one of the important causes of the inferior quality of farm sepa- rated butter, about which so much has been said in recent years. A dirty separator is not only the cause of a loss to the user of such a machine because it taints the cream from sweet milk, but the dirty separator does not skim so well as a clean one; the slime left in the dirty bowl may clog the small skim milk and cream tubes in the bowl and thus prevent the free passage of milk through them while the separator is skimming. 315. A report made by Hunziker on this point showed that at 35 dairies where the separator bowl was taken apart and thor- oughly cleaned each time it was used, the highest test of the skim milk was .12%, the lowest .02%, and the average .038%, while at 23 dairies where the separator bowl was cleaned only once a day the skim milk tests ranged from .72% to .02% with an average of .1% fat, making an average difference of .06% fat in the skim milk from the clean and dirty separators or from washing it once or twice a day. If the skim milk from a dirty separator tests as high as it did in one case, .72% fat, this means a loss from using a separator without washing each time after skimming of 35 pounds fat in the skim milk of a cow giving about 6,000 pounds of milk in a year, or 40 pounds of butter at 25 cents per pound amounts to $10, and the same loss in a herd of 10 cows amounts to $100 per year, which added to the cost of a new machine that in many cases is $100, makes the hand separator an expense, of $200 per year to the dairy that fails to wash the separator each time it is used, and on this account leaves .72% fat in the skim milk. If this is added to the losses caused by taints introduced into the cream from a dirty separator, the total losses amount to high pay for the time required to carefully clean a separator bowl and all its parts after each skimming. DAIRYING 53 316. The efficiency of skimming by a separator is influenced in much the same way as just described if the milk is not per- fectly sweet at the time of skimming, or if it is sweet and not well mixed before skimming, as any lumps of sour curd or dried cream in the milk will clog the tubes in the separator bowl in the same way as the slime and dirt left in the uncleaned bowl interfere with clean skimming. CAPACITY OF A SEPARATOR. 317. The amount of milk skimmed per hour indicates the capacity of a separator bowl. This is determined by the manu- facturer. If too much milk is forced through a bowl the skim- ming will not be satisfactory, as under such conditions the milk does not remain long enough in the bowl to receive the full effect of the centrifugal force and some of the cream is consequently carried into the skim milk. 318. Each separator bowl is designed to skim milk at a cer- tain rate and to remove all the cream excepting a trace of fat which goes into the skim milk. The amount of milk which will be skimmed clean indicates the capacity of a separator. This may be increased somewhat by excessive heating of the milk, but as a rule the capacity advertised by the manufacturer is under- stood to be the amount of milk which the bowl will skim per lour when heated to about 85 deg. F. 319. It is very essential that the supply of milk shall be kept iniform during skimming; an irregular or fluctuating flow of milk lot only interferes with clean skimming, but in some cases the ibes in the bowl become clogged, especially when the milk sup- >ly is stopped for a few minutes. With some separators the bowl mst be cleaned after each stopping before skimming can be mtinued. An even feed, even speed, and a uniform temperature )f the milk are three very important points to be watched in using separator. 320. A change in the amount of milk skimmed per hour ioes not cause a uniform change in the test of the skim milk. 54 DAIRYING If a separator has a capacity of 600 pounds per hour and leaves .1% fat in the skim milk, a reduction of 10% in the capac- ity or to 540 pounds, may cause a 10% drop in the test of the skim milk or from .1% to .09% fat, but an increase ' of 10% in capacity, or to 660 pounds, makes more than a 10% increase in the test of the skim milk. It will probably test .15% instead of .11% fat, and a further increase to 720 pounds will raise the test of the skim milk more than 20%, probably to .2% rather than to .12% fat. 321. The amount of milk running 1 into the separator is usu- ally regulated by a float under the faucet in the milk supply pan, and this should always be used, as it feeds the milk into the sepa- rator at the rate designed by the manufacturers for giving the best results. The effect of a variation in the capacity of a separator is shown by the following figures* taken from six skimming trials in each case : Per Cent. Fat in Skim Milk Normal amount of milk 02 to .035, average .028 Above normal 13 to .165, average .145 Below normal 02 to .035, average .027 322. The capacity of a separator bowl may be changed by the accumulation of dirt and slime as the skimming progresses.! This fills the bowl and naturally reduces the amount of milk the bowl will hold. If there is .05% of dirt and slime in milk and a separator bowl when filled holds three pounds, and further if milk is passing through the bowl at the rate of 600 pounds per hour, there will be accumulated .05%' of 600 pounds or .3 pound dirt and slime per hour, and this is 10% of the three pounds, or the capacity of the bowl is reduced 10% per hour while skimming such milk. 323. When the bowl is clean, milk passes through it at the rate of 10 pounds per minute (600 pounds per hour), and if the bowl holds three pounds then the milk remains in the bowl *Indiana Experiment Station Bui. 116. IKirchner Milchwirtschaft. DAIRYING 55 .3 minute or 18 seconds. If the dirt and slime accumulates and reduces the space from 3 pounds to 2.8 pounds, the time the milk will remain in the bowl is reduced from 18 to 16 seconds and this w.ill have the same effect on the efficiency of skimming as in- creasing the amount of milk skimmed per hour. The Separator Slime. 324. A deposit of dirt, hair, and a greyish white, slimy sub- stance is left on the walls of a separator bowl after it has been used for skimming milk. The amount of this deposit varies with the sw v eetness and the cleanness of the milk and the temperature jf the milk at the time it is skimmed. It increases with the acidity and with the temperature of the milk. If perfectly sweet milk is skimmed at a pasteurizing temperature, say 160 deg. F., this slime will accumulate in the bowl very rapidly and may soon fill the bowl so that it is 'necessary to stop the skimming and re- move this slime. 325. Besides the dirt in the milk and many of the bacteria, the bowl slime contains a nitrogenous constituent of the milk which is probably in suspension and heavier than the milk serum. The amount of slime taken from milk varies from .01% to .3%. Many analyses of it have been made and its composition is shown by the following figures :* Water 66. to 75. % Fat 1 to 4.1 % Nitrogenous matter 17.5 to 29.4 % Other organic matter 85 to 7.75% Mineral matter 1.5 to 4.1 % This leathery coating of slime taken from the inside of the separator bowl when cleaning it should be burned and not washed lown the drain or fed to any animal, because of the large number bacteria it contains, and while these may be harmless at times, lere is danger of spreading diseases by feeding it to any animal. *Kirchner Milchwirtschaft. 56 DAIRYING Steady Running of the Separator. 326. If the separator runs roughly and trembles when under full speed, an efficient skimming may be interfered with. The cause of the vibration should be located at once. An uneven or unsteady motion which makes the separator pans or frame vibrate may be caused by 1. The separator frame or bowl is not level. 2. The bowl is out of balance. 3. The bowl spindle is bent. 4. The bowl is too high, does not run freely. 5. The bowl is not put together properly. 6. The upper bearing is too tight. 7. The frame is not securely fastened down. 8. Milk enters before bowl is up to full speed. 9. Oil not good, or gummed bearings. 10. Defective gearing or too tight belt. 11. Worn or dirty bearings. 12. The bowl is running backward. This is dangerous, as the cover may be thrown off when the bowl turns in the wrong direction. 13. The speed is too high. 14. The cover is not screwed down to the mark. 327. Running a high-speed separator bowl when it trembles perceptibly at full speed is not safe. An effort to remedy the dif- ficulty should be made at once, and if unsuccessful in overcoming this by such means as are available, the bowl should be sent to the manufacturers for repairs. When a separator bowl needs re- pairing it should not be sent away until after a ''loaning bowl' is received from the repair shop. "Loaning bowls" are usually kept on hand at the factory and can be put into the separator frame and used until the one needing rebalancing or other repairs is returned. DAIRYING 57 328. The effect of an unbalanced bowl and uneven, rough -mining- of a separator when at full speed and skimming milk is >hown by the following figures :* Per Cent. Fat Balanced Unbalanced Cream Skim Milk Cream Skim Milk 42 28 32 .03 .03 .03 25 28 31 .15 .16 .18 Avera, ?e.. .03 .16 A loss of .13% fat in the skim milk from unsteady running of the separator, and this on the milk of one cow for a year or about ',000 pounds skim milk, amounts to 6.5 pounds butter fat, which is equal to 7.5 pounds butter; that at 25 cents per pound is worth $1.87, and for 10 cows $18.70. This will more than pay the ex- >ense of repairing the bowl and keeping it in good running order. Important Points to Be Observed in Running a Cream Separator. 1. Read and preserve the manufacturers' book of instructions. 2. Test the spirit level to be used in leveling the frame and the bowl. 3. Carefully clean all the small tubes in the bowl and its cover. 4. Soap the rubber bowl ring before screwing down the cover md do not leave the ring in the bowl after cleaning, but hang it on a nail to dry. 5. Screw the bowl cover up to the mark. 6. See that the oil runs freely. Keep dirt and milk out of he oil and shut off oil when the machine stops. 7. Do not drop the bowl into its bearings. 8. Start speed slowly and keep a uniform speed. 9. When through skimming, flush the bowl with warm "Indiana Expt. Sta. Bui. 116. 58 DAIRYING water or skim milk to clean last traces of cream from bowl and from skimming pans. 10. Clean the separator bowl before the milk sours in it. 11. The separator bowl should revolve in the same direction as the hands of a watch. 12. Keep the milk float in supply pan when skimming. 13. Turn faucet of milk supply can full open at once when bowl is up to speed and allow full flow of milk to enter the bowl. 14. Inspect the bearings and oil tubes before each skimming. Setting Up Power and Hand Separators. 329. The smoothness with which a separator runs and the efficiency of the skimming done by it, are both influenced by the care and accuracy with which the separator is placed in position to run. Some separator frames are placed on rubber cushions enclosed in tin cases, one at each corner. A lag screw passes through the center of the rubber and case with an iron washer under it. These lag screws fasten the separator to the floor, but they must not be drawn so tightly as to destroy the elasticity of the rubbers. Lag screws may be made to hold firmly in a stone or cement foundation by using just enough strips of leather for filling the hole in the cement as to make the screw fit tightly. The separator frame ought to be raised somewhat above the foundation in order to permit cleaning out the oil, milk and dirt which accumulate under it. Leveling the Separator. 330. When the frame is securely fastened to the foundation, place the separator bowl in it. Then place an accurate level on top of the bowl and turn the bowl slowly. This will show whether or not the bowl is level at all points in the circle. If it is not, the necessary adjustment may be made by placing thin pieces of wood, tin, and even paper, under the corners of the frame where needed. 331. The belt which connects pow r er separators to the inter- mediate should make a straight line from the left side of the sepa- DAIRYING 59 rator pulley over the top of the intermediate pulley and move away from the separator so that the bowl turns in the direction indicated by the arrow stamped on the bowl cover. The belt must not be too tight, as the tight belt may cause the lower bear- ings to heat and require an unnecessary amount of power to run the separator. A tight belt may also increase the wear of the bearings. When a flat belt is used the unpainted side should be placed next to the pulleys. The upper side of the belt is tight and the lower slack. A new belt should be put on in the evening if possible so that it may be stretched over night. When the belt becomes stretched by long use, the belt tightener should take up the slack. Cleaning a Separator. 332. A new separator bowl is often covered with a coating of grease to keep it from rusting. This is cleaned by first wiping off the grease from all parts of the bowl and the tin covers and then washing them with hot water containing a little sal soda. It is not often necessary to remove the bearings of the bowl or the lower spindle of a new machine unless there is some defect in the running of the separator. These bearings, however, must be clean and bright, with no grit or threads left in them. Cleaning After Separating. 333. When through separating, the bowl is first flushed out with warm water before there is any reduction in its speed. This will remove the cream frorii the bowl and from the cream cover. The bowl is then allowed to stop or to "run down." Both the tin covers, the float, and the faucet are then taken off and thoroughly washed in a sink. This tinware should also be scalded, then placed where it will be dry and not rust until used again. 334. The separator bowl of power machines is nearly always emptied by using a siphon. This must be done before the bowl cover is unscrewed. After the liquid is all drawn from either a hand or power bowl the cover is unscrewed (left Handed), by using wrenches made for the purpose; the different parts of the 60 DAIRYING bowl are thoroughly washed in the sink, rinsed with scalding water or steamed and kept in a clean, dry place until the next skimming. 335. The slime that collects in a separator bowl can often be removed in one large piece and burned. It should not be left in the sink or thrown into a drain as it will easily clog them. The tibes in the bowl should all be cleaned by passing a spiral wire brush through them. This is very important, as small pieces of curd or slime left in any of these tubes will interfere with the skimming. The tinware and parts of the bowl should be steamed after washing and made so hot that they will dry. Never wipe the tinware with a towel or cloth, but keep these after steaming in a clean place until needed for the next skimming. Causes of Variations in the Richness of Separator Cream. 336. Any treatment or condition of the milk that has a ten- dency to make the serum thin will help to increase the richness of the cream coming from a separator when all other conditions are the same, and thus increase or reduce its richness. Hot syrup is thinner than cold, but the hotter the milk when skimmed the richer the cream. There are objections, however, to heating the milk much above 80 degrees F. for skimmings, first bcause of the cost of the fuel ; second, the cost of cooling the cream; third, it is more wearing on the separator to skim hot milk than warm milk. Excessive Capacity. 337. Allowing too much milk to run through the separator bowl makes a thin cream because any excess of milk over the amount designed by the manufacturer must flow out of the cream spout, as only a certain quantity can be thrown out as skim milk at a certain speed. Too little milk makes a rich cream, because the amount of skim milk remains constant and any deficiency as well as excess must come on the cream. DAIRYING 61 Position of the Cream Screw and of Skim Milk Tubes in the Bowl. 338. When the cream screw is turned in, a richer cream is obtained because it takes cream from nearer the center of the bowl. Turning the screw out will naturally make the cream thinner. A fraction of one turn of the screw is often sufficient to make a difference of several per cent, in fat in the cream. When adjustable skim milk tubes are placed in the bottom of the bowl these should be turned out to make the cream richer, as this will force more skim milk through them. Variations in Speed. 339. The amount of skim milk thrown out the skim milk tubes may be increased by increasing the speed of the bowl, and this will naturally make less and richer cream. Reducing the speed gives opposite results and makes a thinner cream. If the cream coming from a separator is getting thin this may be due, first, to clogging of the bowl with slime so that the skim milk cannot pass through the skim milk tubes of the bowl ; second, to a reduced speed; third, to too much milk flowing into the sepa- rator; fourth, to a change in the cream screw. 340. One of the most common causes of a variation in the richness of cream from the farm separator is the different amount of water or skim milk that is used to flush out the bowl when through skimming. Most of this goes into the cream spout and the extent to which the cream is diluted by it will depend on the imount of rinsing water used. Uniformity in all the operating processes will help to give a :ream of uniform richness. 341. The following figures show the effect of various condi- tions of operation on the richness of separator cream, most of the igures being taken from Kan. Exp. Sta. Bui. 137: Influence of Temperature of Milk. . of milk, F. deg. . 115 110 90 80 70 :ream test, fat % 32 30 29.5 29 27 )kim milk test, fat % . . .01 .01 .012 .02 .039 62 DAIRYING 342. The richness of the cream increases in these trials from 27% to 32% fat as the temperature of the milk is raised from 70 degrees F. to 115 degrees F., showing that the milk should be skimmed at the same temperature from day to day and a ther- mometer used at each skimming. Influence of Speed of Separator Bowl. Normal speed Cream test, fat % 28 35 28 30 35 Skim milk test, fat % . . .02 .02 .01 .02 .03 Low speed Cream test, fat % 25.6 30 24 25 28 Skim milk test, fat % . . .035 .045 .025 .05 .055 343. Failing to keep the speed up to that required by the manufacturer reduces the richness of the cream and increases the test of the skim milk. Change in Flow of Milk or Capacity of Separator. Full capacity Cream test, fat % 28 35 28 30 35 Skim milk test, fat % . . .02 .01 .01 .02 .03 Half capacity Cream test, fat % 36.8 43 35 40 41 Skim milk test, fat %.. .01 .01 .015 .01 .02 A reduction of one-half in the flow of milk gives a cream of about 8% more fat than with full capacity. Influence of Steadiness of Running. Steady- Cream test, fat % 38.8 29 32 25 25 Skim milk test, fat %.. .01 .015 .02 .025 .02 Unsteady Cream test, fat % 24 27 18 21.2 9 Skim milk test, fat %.. .03 .25 .04 .05 .30 DAIRYING 63 Influence of Acidity of Milk. Acidity of milk, % 26 .29 .50 .42 .29 Cream test, fat % 31 28 36 32 30 Skim milk test, fat %-. . .015 .01 .01 .01 .05 Effect of Change in Richness of the Milk. Milk, fat % 2.3 3.1 3.9 4.6 6.1 Cream, fat % 20.7 24.5 28.2 33.1 38 344. The results given above illustrate the way in which farm separator cream is affected by lack of uniformity in the everyday running of the machine. The centrifugal cream separator is a very valuable machine in the dairy and the creamery, but it is not an absolutely automatic machine. A reasonable amount of atten- tion must be given to it in order to get the most satisfactory re- sults. Losses of fat in the skim milk may easily be reduced to a satisfactory figure and uniformity in the richness of the cream may also be obtained, but these results require some care on the part of the operator of the machine. Advantages of a Rich Cream. 345. When cream is sold from the farm there is sometimes a tendency to skim too thin cream on the assumption that the- more cream sold the more money will be received for it. This is a mistake for the following reasons : First, skimming a rich cream gives more skim milk for stock feed than a thin cream. Second, the richer the cream the smaller the quantity to cool, and this is sometimes an important matter where ice is scarce and expensive. Third, rich cream occupies less space and reduces the weight and transportation charges. Fourth, if butter is made of cream, more starter can be added to a rich than to a thin cream, and a rich cream can be churned at a lower temperature, which gives a better body and more ex- haustive churning than is the case with thin cream. DAIRYING THE COST OF SKIMMING MILK BY A CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATOR. 346. Many farmers have been accustomed to the inexpensive outfit needed in the gravity process of skimming cream from milk and are inclined to consider the $100 charged for a centrifugal cream separator as more than they can afford to pay, and further, the number of years such a machine may be successfully used, as well as the cost of operating it, are items that may easily make one hesitate to buy one of these machines. A little figuring will, however, show that the butter fat that may be saved from the skim milk by the centrifugal separator will soon pay for the machine. 347. Professor Hunziker in Ind. Bui. 116 gives the following as the average per cents of fat in 223 samples of skim milk col- lected from farms in different sections of the state. One hundred and fifty-six (156) of these were from hand separators with an average of .05% fat; 17 from "deep setting" with an average of .34% fat; 15 from "shallow pan setting" with an average of .50% fat; 35 from "water dilution" with an average of .57$ fat. He also gives the following figures which show the value of the fat lost in the skim milk from one to 20 cows in a year on the basis of 85 pounds skim milk in 100 pounds whole milk, an over- run of one-sixth, and butter worth 23 cents per pound : Value of Butter Fat Left in Skim Milk. Method of Skimming the Milk No. Cows Lbs. Milk Water Dilution Shallow , Pan | Deep Setting Hand Separator 1 6,000 $ 6.68 $ 5.86 , $ 3.99 $ .63 5 30,000 33.43 29.32 19.95 3.16 10 60,000 66.86 58.65 ; 39.90 6.33 15 90,000 102.90 87.97 59.85 9.49 20 120,000 133.72 117.30 79.80 12.66 DAIRYING 348. These figures show that the fat saved from the skim ilk when milk is skimmed by a centrifugal separator, as com- ared with gravity skimming, is worth from $4 to $6 per cow per ear, and with a herd of 10 to 20 cows enough fat will be saved o pay for the separator in one year. 349. The number of years that a separator will keep in good unning order depends on its construction and on the kind of use t has at the farm. There is no doubt but these machines, as made by the manufacturers who have been in the business for many years, will last for ten years or more ; but it is probably safe to place the depreciation in value and interest on the money invested in a separator costing $100 as about $15 per year, or about five cents per day. 350. Other items of expense in running a separator daily are, first, the power, which, if run one hour each day, is worth 25 cents ; second, the separator oil and some repairs, which may cost about five cents per day, and third, the cost of the labor of clean- ing, w r hich may be about 20 cents. The sum of these daily ex- penses is 55 cents, and if 100 pounds of milk are skimmed per day, the cost of skimming is a little more than one-half a cent per pound or about one cent per quart. The cost of the machine and its operation will, however, be about the same for 1,000 pounds of milk per day as for 100 pounds of milk, and when the larger amount of milk is handled, the cost per pound of milk is reduced to one-tenth of a cent per quart or one-twentieth of a cent per pound of milk. This, together with the quality of the sweet cream and sweet skim milk obtained by using the centrifugal cream separator, make it a valuable machine for farmers owning cows and who either make butter or sell cream. HAND SEPARATOR POWER. 351. People who have traveled extensively among farmers where hand separators are in use, state that the kind of power used to run the separator in various localities is something that seems to be regulated by custom in each locality. In some coun- ties or localities the machines are all turned by hand, while in 66 DAIRYING others some tread power is used, and in still other places a gaso- line or steam engine is the customary power. In addition to these, electric motors and water power may be used. 352. The tread power is not always satisfactory or econom- ical unless some farm animal besides a horse is used. A dog or sheep is not satisfactory in a tread power, but a bull is occasionally used for this purpose with excellent results. The power must require little attention ; it must be uniform and so attached to the separator that its speed will not vary. Gasoline engines are used a great deal ; electric motors give a uniform speed, and a steam engine has not only the advantage of being a good power, but the necessary steam boiler gives a sup- ply of steam and hot water that is always useful and needed for heating the milk and for cleaning the tinware, separator bowl and other utensils used in handling milk. 353. If large quantities of milk are to be skimmed each day, several small separators are better than one or two excessively large ones, as one may be started earlier than the others and later on stopped and cleaned while the others are running. 354. The cost of the power is not always in proportion to the amount of milk skimmed, as the equipment must be large enough to take care of the maximum amount of milk that will be received and all the machinery must be run except some of the separators for smaller quantities of milk. Hand power at farms may be expensive for running separators because of the uneven- ness of the speed kept up. This, however, may be regulated by using a watch to time the crank revolutions if necessary. 355. If small quantities of milk are to be skimmed at a farm by steam engine power, the milk must either be cooled at one milking and then heated to a skimming temperature at the next milking, or steam raised in the boiler after each milking. The difference in labor or expense of the two practices must be de- cided at each farm. DAIRYING 67 ADVANTAGES OF CENTRIFUGAL CREAM SEPARATOR TO FARMERS. 1. If farmers have been accustomed to haul their milk to a creamery and bring back skim milk from the factory, the cost of this hauling is seldom less than 10 cents per 100 pounds of milk, or about three cents per pound of butter. 356. If the milk of a cow contains 200 pounds butter in a year the farm separator, by saving this cost of hauling, earns $6 per year or $60 for a herd of ten cows. The cream hauling, how- ever, costs about one cent per pound butter fat and this will re- duce the $60 to $40 gain per year by cream instead of milk hauling. 2. The feeding value of the skim milk as it comes from the farm separator directly after milking is better than at any other time. Mixed creamery skim milk is not only older, but may be diluted somewhat, and it may also be the means of spreading tuberculosis from one herd to another. 357. The condition of the creamery skim milk is often the cause of keeping some whole milk on the farm to feed calves. This is rather expensive feed when butter is worth 30 cents per pound, but the calves will not need whole milk when they can get sweet skim milk from the farm separator. The farm skimming therefore helps not only in raising calves economically, but it helps to increase the amount of milk fat sold to the factory. 3. The farm separator reduces the loss from an occasional can of sour milk which may be sent to the creamery when whole milk is delivered. 4. The farmer can keep more cows when a farm separator is used, as he has more time at home than when delivering whole milk. 5. There is more demand for cream than for milk and it can be economically shipped longer distances and thus give farmers the benefit of a wider territory or more extensive market than he is able to get for his milk. 358. All these advantages which may be obtained from the use of a farm separator are based on its supplying a perfectly 68 DAIRYING clean and sweet cream. This -necessitates a constant effort on the part of the farmer to keep the machine clean and the cream cool. If this is not done and a sour, tainted cream is produced at the farm, the returns from using a farm separator will be less than those from selling whole milk to a creamery. 359. In recent years the rapid introduction of the farm sep- arators has brought a new problem into the creamery industry. Many gathered cream factories are receiving farm separator cream and the amount of it is constantly increasing ; in fact the whole milk creameries find their patrons in some cases voluntarily changing from the old way of delivering milk, to the new one of using a farm separator and sending their cream to the factory. The rapid development of this tendency among farmers indicates that the system has merit which they appreciate, and that the creameries must necessarily arrange to receive such cream and to make the best butter possible from it. Quality of the Butter 360. The experience of many creameries with farm gravity cream in the past has been such as to cause them to doubt the practicability of making so fine a quality of butter from farm separator cream as they formerly have made from factory sep- arated cream. The standard of butter quality certainly ought not to be lowered by farm separator cream; for when it is skim- med from the warm, new milk, cream is in a purer condition than that skimmed from milk which is twelve or more hours old. The sooner cream is separated from milk after milking the better the cream for any purpose. This being true, faults in the butter made from such cream cannot be charged to the farm separator. In many cases, butter made from cream not properly cared for does not sell for the top market price, and since there is a growing tendency to sell butter on its merits, giving only the price its quality deserves, there will be difficulty in disposing of butter made from a poor quality of farm separator cream, at prices equal to those of butter made at whole-milk creameries. Considering the question, however, from the mechanical side of the butter making process alone, there is no good reason why DAIRYING 69 farm separator cream should not be equal to, if not better than, that separated at a factory with power separators. Defects in Farm Separator Cream 361. The defects found in gathered cream butter usually arise from improper care of the cream before it is delivered to the factory. These defects develop or are introduced into the cream either by the method of caring for it at the farm or by the way it is transported to the creamery. A perfectly clean, sweet and satisfactory cream is produced on many farms and delivered in good condition to either retailer, an ice-cream maker or a creamery. There are, however, places where tainted and defective cream is found and in some cases it is being mixed with cream of a better grade. This is hardly fair to the producer of a first-grade cream and in order to raise the standard of the entire product to a grade equal to the best, the following suggestions are offered as a guide to persons not familiar with proper methods of caring for cream. Care of Farm Separator Cream 1. The farm separator should be placed where there are no bad odors. It must be thoroughly cleaned each time it is used; the bowl and all tinware must be scalded and placed out of the reach of dust. Under no circumstances should the separator bowl be left until it has been used a second time before the cleaning is done. The bowl-slime and rinsings left in the separator after skimming begin to sour and decay in a very short time, and if the cleaning is not done immediately after skimming, the taints of this sour milk are hard to remove. 2. Cool the cream to near 50 degrees F. immediately after separating it. The ideal way of cooling separator cream is to conduct it from the cream spout of the separator directly over a water cooler. The cream must then be kept at a temperature near 50 degrees F. by setting the cream cans in cold water. When a cream cooler is not used the cream cans should not be over six inches in diameter. They should be set in cold water and the temperature reduced to 50 degrees F. or lower. This should be 70 DAIRYING done at once and the cream stirred frequently in order to hasten cooling. A tin disc to which is attached a strong wire handle two feet long makes an efficient agitator for this purpose. 3. Never mix warm and cold cream or sweet and sljghtly tainted cream. 4. Provide a clean and covered water tank for holding the cans of cream, and change the water frequently in the tank so the temperature does not rise above 60 degrees F. A satisfactory arrangment may be made by allowing running water to flow through the milk and cream cooling tank to the stock watering tank. 5. Skim the cream immediately after each milking. It is more work to save the milk and separate once a day and less satisfactory than skimming while the milk is warm, since the milk must be heated again when saved until another milking. 6. A rich cream testing 35 per cent, fat or more is the most satisfactory to both farmer and factory. The best separators will skim rich cream as efficiently as a thin cream and more skim milk is left on the farm when a rich cream is sold. 7. Cream should be perfectly sweet, containing no lumps or clots when sampled or delivered to the haulers or to parties buying it. There is a good demand for sweet cream and it can easily be supplied by keeping the tinware, separator, strainer-cloth and water tank clean and the cream cold. 8. It is best not to attempt to turn the farm separator by hand, but to provide some power such as a tread power on which a bull or horse can be worked, or use a small gasoline engine. 9. When patrons persistently fail to take good care of their cream at the farm, some creameries adopt the practice of grading it ; and by keeping the tainted, sour cream separate from that of good quality they make two grades of butter, paying the farmers according to the purity of their cream. 10. The best way to prevent the use of farm separators from destroying the reputation of butter made in localities where these are numerous, is to collect the cream daily in small cans which are washed at the factory; each can containing the cream from one farm only. DAIRYING PIRATE 16 Showing complete equipment of the Cream Hauler. No. i is the stirrer and sampler. No. 2 is the rubber scraper used for scraping the farmer's pail and the weigh can. No. 3 is the box holding the sample bottles. No. 4 is a firmly secured hook on which to suspend the weigh pail. No. 5 is a 6o-pound capacity cream spring scale, and No. 6 is the weigh pail. Ind. Expt. Sta. Bui. 116. 72 DAIRYING The Cream Hauling 362. It often happens that cream which has been well cared for at the farm is damaged during transportation to the creamery. The cream gathering wagon starts out early in the morning-, and the first cream which it collects must remain in the wagon until it returns at night. This trip when taken in the hot days of summer or the cold days of winter is likely to be injurious to the quality of the cream. An efficient protection from these ex- treme temperatures is a problem which must be solved if the butter made from such cream is to grade as extra in quality. Sampling- Cream 363. When cream stands for any length of time the top layer will be richer than the cream below; this makes it neces- sary to thoroughly mix each lot of cream by pouring from one can to another just before taking a sample for testing. If the cream is lumpy it should be poured through a fine hair sieve before sampling. 364. Gathered-cream factories have in some cases adopted the following method of sampling cream : Each driver is pro- vided with a box of numbered bottles having a capacity of about four ounces each, one bottle being provided for each patron. This box is protected from heat in summer and cold in winter so that the sample bottles of cream may arrive at the factory in nearly the same condition as when taken from the farms. This gives the butter maker a chance to inspect each patron's cream and locate the defective lots, if there are any. 365. After inspection at the factory the samples are either tested before souring or poured into composite sample jars which contain a preservative, no preservative is added to the bottles taken to the farms by the man who weighs, samples and gathers the cream, but he must protect these samples from changes caused by heat and cold during the different seasons of the year. In some factories each lot of cream is tested as received. This is considered more accurate and satisfactory than tests of composite samples. DAIRYING 73 Cream should be sampled with a tube or some arrangement that gives the same aliquot portion of each lot. 366. When the composite samples are tested, the cream shoul be weighed into the Babcock cream test bottles. Meas- uring cream with a pipette of any kind or size does not give ac- curate results in testing with the Babcock test. In Wisconsin the law requires that cream should be tested by weighing into test bottles, and legal cream must contain at least 18 per cent. fat. 367. Testing cream accurately requires greater care than testing milk, especially in reading the per cent, of fat. The short necked cream bottles, graduated from 40 to 50 per cent., do not afford an opportunity for exact readings, because the column of fat is so wide that the menicus may include nearly one-half of one per cent, fat, and uncertain readings that may be either too high or too low are the result. Cream test bottles should have a narrow neck. This makes it possible to graduate the necks to divisions representing less than one-half of one per cent, each. Very accurate tests of cream may be obtained by weighing half the usual quantity of cream, or nine grams, into narrow necked test bottles that are graduated to two-tenths of one per per cent., like the whole milk bottles, and multiplying the read- ings by two. Testing Cream When Received 368. The tendency at the present time seems to be towards testing each lot of cream when it is received. The method of taking composite samples described in preceding paragraphs is not con- sidered by some factories and farmers so satisfactory as gather- ing or shipping each farmer's cream in his own can and then weighing and testing this cream when it is delivered. Some creamery managers find it more satisfactory to confine the cream hauler's duties simply to the delivery of an empty can and the collection of a full or partially filled can of cream at each farm than to expect the hauler to both weigh and sample each lot of cream when he collects them. Gathering the cream in separate 74, DAIRYING cans gives the manager of the factory an opportunity to inspect each lot of cream and to do the weighing and sampling at the factory, where he has better facilities for this work than the driver has on his route. 369. If the cream is used wholly for butter making the butter maker at the factory may place a small amount of carefully prepared starter in each clean can sent to the farms and in this way exert some control on the fermentations started in the cream as it is poured into these cans at the farms. DAIRYING 75 EXAMINATION Note to Students These questions are to be answered inde- >endently. Never consult the text after beginning your examina- ion. Use thin white paper about 6 in. x 9 in. for the examination, 'umber the answers the same as the questions, but never repeat question. Mail answers promptly when completed. 1. Why is an effort made to separate cream from milk and t two forces have been used for this purpose? 2. At what date did centrifugal cream separation begin to >e studied? 3. In what way does heat and cold affect gravity and rentrifugal cream separation? 4. Give an explanation for the separation of cream from lilk. 5. What is milk serum and what is its sp. gr. ? 6. If a given quantity of milk weighs 1039 Ibs. and the same [uantity of water weighs 1000 Ibs., what is the sp. gr. of the dlk? 76 DAIRYING 7. Explain how the separation of cream from milk is in- fluenced: 1. By the composition of the milk serum; 2. By a cow being "fresh" or a "stripper;" 3. By the size of the fat globules; 4. By agitation of the milk. 8. What similarity is there between milk and blood? 9. What effect on the cream raising has the addition of caustic soda to milk? 10. What are the names of several methods of gravity cream separation? 11. Briefly describe the "shallow setting" process. 1 12. At what rate does cream rise when milk is set at 60 Fahr. ? 13. Describe the effect of different temperatures on gravity cream raising. 14. How many hours is milk usually allowed to stand for cream to rise by "shallow setting" and how many inches deep is the milk? 15. Does setting milk in a warm place give a richer or thinner cream than keeping it cold? 16. Why is hand skimming of sweet milk more difficult than skimming sour milk? 17. How may shallow setting of milk cause white specks in butter? 18. Give at least 3 points in favor of the shallow setting process for creaming milk. 19. Explain at least six objections to the shallow settinj process. 20. How is Devonshire cream made? DAIRYING 77 21. Explain the "deep setting" process of cream separation. 22. Describe the equipment needed in this process. 23. Wliy are better results obtained by the deep than by the shallow setting process? 24. What temperature of the milk is best suited to the deep setting? 25. Which gives the best results, skimming from the top or the bottom of the milk? 26. What is the average richness of deep setting cream? 27. What effect has the richness of the milk, also delay in jetting the milk on the richness of the skim milk obtained by this >rocess? 28. What objection is there to opening and closing the skim tilk faucet while skimming? 29. What are five advantages of the deep setting over the shallow setting process? 30. Describe the process of cream raising by dilution with rater and what are its advantages if any? 31. What is meant by the skimming efficiency of a process? 32. Give the average temperature of the milk, the richness >f the cream and of the skim milk obtained by each of the three gravity processes of cream separation. 33. If 100 Ibs. milk testing 5% fat gives 80 Ibs. skim milk ;sting .3% fat, what is the skimming efficiency? 34. Briefly explain how and why cream is separated from iilk by centrifugal force. 35. If a weight of two Ibs. is revolved in a circle six inches diameter what is the amount of the centrifugal force exerted >n it? 78 DAIRYING 36. What difference in centrifugal force is caused by doubling the diameter and by doubling the speed of a separator bowl ? 37. Briefly describe the stages of development of the cream separator. 38. Of what benefit are discs or plates in a separator bowl? 39. Into what three layers is milk divided in a separator bowl? 40. Why is the skim milk opening of a separator bowl near its center or axis? 41. At what point in the separator bowl is milk delivered? 42. What are some of the advantages of a centrifugal sep- arator? 44. Which is the best separator? 45. What observations may be made for testing a separator? 46. If 5 Ibs. cream and 5 Ibs. skim milk are collected from a separator in 20 seconds, how much milk is being skimmed per hour and what per cent, of the milk is the cream? 47. If 100 Ibs. milk testing 3.5% fat give 80 Ibs. skim milk testing 2% fat what is the test of the cream? 48. Explain how^ at least five different things may influence the skimming efficiency of a cream separator. 49. If a 4-inch pulley on separator should make 200 r. p. m., what size pulley is needed on a driving shaft having a speed of 50 r. p. m.? 50. What is the best temperature for milk skimmed and what are the objections to skimming at a high temperature, say 170 p.? DAIRYING 79 51. How does the method of heating milk affect its skim- ming efficiency? 52. Why should not milk be kept warm a long time before skimming? 53. Give an illustration of the damage that may easily be done by not washing a separator bowl each time it is used. 54. What is meant by the capacity of a separator? 55. How may the capacity of a separator be determined? 56. Give figures showing how long milk remains in a sep- arator bowl while skimming. 57. What is separator bowl slime and what is its composi- tion? 58. Give some of the causes of a rough running separator? 59. What is meant by a loaning bowl? 60. How does an unsteady running bowl affect the skim- ming. 61. Give some points to be observed in running a separator. 62. Describe the setting up of a separator. 63. Describe the cleaning of a separator. 64. Explain in detail at least 5 different causes for separator earn varying in richness. 65. How does the speed of the bowl change the richness of le cream? 66. If milk testing 3.0% fat gives cream testing 20% fat lat test of cream will milk testing 5.0% give? 80 DAIRYING 67. What should induce a farm separator owner to skim a rich cream? 68. If a cow gives 5000 Ibs. milk, what would be the value of the fat left in her skim milk if skimmed by each of 4 different methods of separating cream and when butter fat is worth 30c per lb.? 69. What is a fair estimate of the cost of skimming milk by a centrifugal cream separator? 70. How is the quality of milk affected by the hand sep- arator? 71. Give an outline of a good method of caring for cream until it is sold. Write this at the End of Your Examination I hereby certify that the above questions were answered entirely by me. Signed - Address oirespondence College ulture --Part IV THE Correspondence College of Agriculture FT. WAYNE, INDIANA DAIRYING-Part IV Care of the Dairy and its Products By EDWARD H. FARRINGTON. M. S. Professor of Dairy Husbandry in the University of \Visconsin. This is the Fourth of a Series of Six Books giving a Complete Course of Instruction in Dairying COPYRIGHT, 1911 ?he CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE INOTE TO STUDENTS In order to derive the the utmost possible benefit from this paper, you must thoroughly master the text. While it is not intended that you commit the exact words of the text to memory, still there is nothing: contained in the text which is not absoltuely essential for the intelligent dairy- man to know. For your own good, never refer to the examination questions until you have finished your study of the text. By following this plan, the examination paper will show what you have learned from the text. DAIRYING DAIRYING Part IV CARE OF MILK. 670. Pure, clean milk is one of the most healthy and nu- tritious of human foods. This or a similar statement is made so often in print and in lectures that the value of milk as a food, especially for infants and invalids, is well nigh universally known. In former years milk consumers were supposed to need protection from the watering and skimming of milk only, and a determination of the amount of cream and of natural, solid mat- ter in the milk was about all that was considered necessary in order to protect the public from a fraudulent milk supply. This Reeling of security and confidence in the milk supply so long as it was rich enough, has in recent years been sho\vn to be abso- lutely wrong. The developments in bacteriology and in medical science have proved beyond the slightest doubt that milk and other dairy products may be among the most dangerous of human foods. Such diseases as typhoid fever, tuberculosis, diphtheria and many others, also the disturbances of the bowejs that cause suffering and often death of many infants and children arc spread by dirty, contaminated milk. It has been proved that the germs that cause these and other diseaeses find milk about the best possible soil to grow in, and since it has also been proved that one germ will multiply into millions in a few hours and that small particles of dust and dirt, as well as the legs of flies, con- tain thousands of germs, it certainly is clear that the germ,, and the dirt content of milk is of more vital importance to humanity 4 DAIRYING than is its per cent of cream or the amount of solid food it con- tains. 671. An enormous amount of milk is consumed in the United States every year. It has been estimated that the milk sold from house to house, the so-called market milk, is equal to the production of about 7,600,000 cows, and that used in butter- making 9,700,000 cows, and in cheese-making 800,000 cows. If has also been estimated by the Illinois Experiment Station that the 2,000,000 inhabitants of the city of Chicago consume over ten tons of dirt every year in their milk. These figures are startling although they are undoubtedly true, and while a little filth dropping into the milk pail may not seem to amount to much to the milker at the time, it is contributing to the tons of dirt that are being unconsciously consumed every day in our milk supply. A realizing sense of the truth of such statements as the fore- going, as well as the frequent proof that contagious diseases have been spread by means of milk, makes people in some localities willing to pay 12 to 20 cents per quart for milk which they know is perfectly pure and clean. The increasing number of sanitary milk-producing farms, where milk is simply protected from disease, dust and dirt to such an extent that it will keep sweet for weeks, is certainly an indication of the advancement of civili- zation. 672. It is a well known fact that most of the milk brought to creameries and cheese factories will not keep sweet for more than one day in warm weather. The reason why this milk spoils so quickly is also well known. It is not the fault of the cows; they are innocent of any wrongdoing; it is the person who feeds ?nd milks the cows that is responsible for the dirt in the milk. If the milk producer wants a higher price than he is now re- ceiving for his milk, no matter to whom he is selling it, the surest way for him to accomplish this is to keep the milk clean ; there is always a good demand for pure milk and when a factory re- ceives such milk, the butter, the cheese or the cream it sells will be so improved in quality that a higher price can be demanded for it than those products made from impure milk. Persons buying such milk will be glad to pay an extra price for it. This DAIRYING 5 has been the case in many instances and the reputation of a farm or factory that is based on the purity of its products is standing on a firm foundation. Certainly everyone that is connected with such an enterprise may justly be proud of it. A reputation of this kind arouses an interest in one's work and puts the neces- sary effort to obtain it on a higher plane than that of mere drudgery. THE NUMBER OF GERMS IN MILK. 673. Milk produced in the common way without any special precautions to protect it from dirt during milking contains from 100,000 to 20,000,000 germs in 1 cc. (1 cc. equals about 20 drops). Many samples of sweet milk taken from bottles delivered to the city consumer and from the weigh-can at a creamery or a cheese factory have been found to contain many millions of germs in one cubic centimeter, or at least one million germs in each drop of milk. a *'6 Plate 1. Effect of temperature upon growth of bacteria. A, a single bacterium; B, its progeny in twenty-four hours in milk kept at fifty degrees F. (5 bacteria); C, its progeny in twenty-four hours in milk kept at seventy degrees F. (750 bacteria). From Bui. 26 Storrs (Conn.) Agr. Expt. Sta. Nearly all these germs get into the milk after it is drawn from the cow, showing that the number may be easily reduced bv carefulness and cleanliness of the milker and of all others 6 DAIRYING who may handle the milk up to the time it is delivered to the factory or to the city consumer. Since the number of germs in milk is due largely to the way in which it is handled, some cities have passed ordinances requiring milk sold in that city to contain not more than 500,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter. Other cities have adopted a different standard, but this is about the average figure. There is a strong tendency on the part of health officers and of manufacturers of a high quality of dairy products to insist on clean milk and a frequent inspection of the cow stables, as well as the methods of handling the milk at the farms, is being en- forced to a greater extent each year. THE KIND OF GERMS IN MILK. 674. It is claimed at the present time that there have been found at least 200 different kinds of bacteria in milk. These may in a general way be divided into the good, the bad, and the indifferent gerrns. The lactic acid bacteria which cause milk to sour, may be classed under the head of "good" germs, in so far as they aid in the development of desirable flavors in butter and in cheese after it is made, but these same bacteria may spoil the milk for cheese-making if they are too numerous in the fresh milk. 675. Under the head of "bad" germs may be included the disease producing bacteria and those that cause bad flavors in milk, butter and cheese. The "indifferent" germs include a, large number that grow rapidly in milk, but have no particularly injurious or beneficial effect on dairy products, or on the con- sumer of such products. It is true, however, that the entire absence of germs helps the flavor of milk and cream while their presence may spoil these products, and when one realizes that 16 million bacteria may grow from one bacterium in 24 hours, the necessity of protecting milk from dirt, dust and dirty utensils can be readily understood. Each hair that drops in the milk DAIRYING 7 during milking may bring thousands of bacteria with it, and each particle of dirt and dust may be swarming with germs from the alimentary canal of the animals, while the strainer cloth, if one is used, and the tinware of all kinds, if not thor- oughly washed and scalded just before using them, will continu- ally be adding their supply of bacteria to those already accumu- lated in the milk. PROTECTION OF MILK FROM GERMS. 676. Persons handling milk in any way may be divided into two general classes ; first, those who understand the ways in which milk may be contaminated by dirt and careless handling, but who fail to do so well as they know how ; and second, those who are ignorant of the best methods of handling milk in order to protect it from contamination. Both classes of people should feel their responsibility to humanity in handling such an easily contaminated food product and they should never relinquish their efforts to keep the milk absolutely free from dirt and dirty utensils while it is in their possession or care. 677. The protection of milk from dirt and disease germs is an easy or a hard matter according to the conditions under which it is produced. If cows are milked in a dark stable where the floor is saturated with water, the walls spattered with manure and the ceiling decorated with hay or straw, squeezing through loose boards, these and other conditions that usually accompany such a place make it nearly impossible to produce milk fit for human consumption or for making good butter and cheese. Expensive stables and high-priced cows are not, however, necessary for producing clean milk; constant attention to simple details will protect milk from contamination in a cheap barn as well as in any other place. Some of the conveniences and necessary arrangements for keeping milk clean are included in the following specifications: 8 DAIRYING INFLUENCE OF STABLE CONSTRUCTION ON CLEANLINESS OF MILK. 678. The place where cows are milked should be as clean as the place where it is consumed. In other words, the cow stable should be as clean as the dining-room and the cows and the milkers as clean as the household cook. A cow stable should be built so that it can easily be kept clean and the cow clean and healthy, while in the stable. It need not be an expensive building, although the place where the cows are tied up is usually a part of the farmer's barn in which other stock as well as the hay, grain, etc., are housed. 679. A few things necessary in a cow stable for protecting the milk from contamination are the following: 1. Ventilation, which is best secured by some well-con- structed and easily operated device (see par. 718) rather than by loose boards or accidental holes in a window. The walls and ceiling of the. stable may be purified by a coat of whitewash which can be effectually applied with a spray pump ; this ought to be used several times in a year. Some cow stables are cov- ered with straw or old hay placed on boards with large cracks between them. No amount of whitewash will keep such a ceiling in a sanitary condition. Chaff and loose straw dropping through the cracks are a constant source of dust and dirt during milking ; the floor above the cows ought to be as tight as the walls of the stable. Smooth, tight walls and ceiling which can be whitewashed with a spray pump or brush at least twice a year are therefore necessary. 2. Sufficient light should be provided by windows that can be opened and shut easily. See par. 717. 3. A smooth, watertight floor that drains to the gutter and thence away from the barn. After cleaning out the cow stable, at least twice each day, a sprinkling of plaster over the floor will aid in absorbing the liquids and in preserving the wooden floors; DAIRYING 9 cement floors do not need plaster as they may be flushed with water from a hose. Any stable floor should be sprinkled with water before sweeping. 5. Comfortable stalls, stanchions or cow ties. See par. 723. 6. Clean bedding free from an excess of dust and odors. 7. Feeding mangers that can be easily cleaned. 8. A handy place for keeping the milking stools and tools used for cleaning the cows and the stable, such as brushes, manure forks, shovels, etc. 9. Place a name or number at each stall and provide a milk weighing scale and record sheet. 10. The presence or absence of each one of these simple, Plate 2. One way by which milk becomes contaminated. From 1st report, Kans. Dairy Comr., June, 1908. 10 DAIRYING DAIRYING ii easily obtained conveniences may be noted by the inspection of anv cow stable. THE COW YARD. 680. Pools of standing water in the yard, around the water- ing tank or in the pasture ought to be drained or fenced off to prevent the cows getting into the stagnant water. When cows walk through such places more or less mud sticks to their legs and body, making the milker a great deal of trouble when he tries to clean the cows. The dust from this mud finds its way very easily into the milk at milking time. Such milk sours quickly and the dangers from diseases are increased with the amount of mud in the milk. Deep well, spring or running Avater are the best sources of supply for watering cows. The concrete cow yard and the manure carriers not only help to keep the cows clean, but solve the fly question by removing their breeding places from the stable and its vicinity. INFLUENCE OF CARE OF COWS ON CLEAN MILK. 681. Tuberculin testing is absolutely necessary in order to be sure the cows are all free from tuberculosis. The germs from this disease may get into the milk from a tuberculous udder and from the excrement which dries and the mucus which adheres to small particles of dust and dirt that fall into the milk. When buying cows insist on a certificate of good health and freedom from tuberculosis. A place should be provided for keeping sick cows separate from the herd. 682. No dusty bedding or musty feed should be used and feeds having a strong odor, like silage, turnips, etc., should be fed after milking. 12 DAIRYING Waste feed should be removed from the mangers and not thrown under the cows for bedding. This applies especially to silage, which will not contaminate milk except through the air. If the waste is left in the stable the air becomes saturated with silage odor and this is absorbed by the milk after it is drawn from the cow, but not before. Silage fed to cows will not con- taminate milk if the stable is well ventilated and the milk is never exposed to a silage laden atmosphere. 683. A gentle brushing or carding of the cows every day will be found to be very beneficial to them; if this is not done regularly, the flanks and udder of a cow should be brushed just before milking in order to remove all loose hair and dirt that might fall into the pail during milking. The mud which cows have gotten on their legs and udders should be brushed off be- fore milking is begun, and before the pails are brought to the stable so. that the dust will not settle on the tinware and thus get into the milk. Just before milking the udder of a cow should be washed with a clean damp sponge and then wiped dry. 684. Dairy COW T S must be kept quiet and never hurried or worried; rough treatment, loud talking and dogs will diminish both the milk flow and its richness. Abundance of sound feed is economical but be careful to make all changes in feed grad- ually, as too sudden changes may bring on indigestion and dis- turbances that interfere with milk secretion. Milk should not be used for 20 days before or until 3 to 5 days after calving. INFLUENCE OF THE MILKER AND THE MILK PAIL ON CLEAN MILK. 685. When a man is milking, he should bear in mind that he is handling a food product which will undoubtedly be placed on the tables of many people in essentially the same condition that it is obtained from him. He should be just as particular and as careful when milking to supply his customers or for a factory as he is when filling the glass pitcher which his wife or child brings him when milking and asks to have it filled for his own supper table. DAIRYING 13 Many of our food products are "purified by fire," or cooked, before they appear on the table, but milk and its products are, as a rule, used raw, with all the impurities that may have gotten Plate 4. An inexpensive but clean dairy house. Milkers in clean white suits; pails and cans handled in a sanitary manner. From Cir- cular 142, B. A. I., U. S. Dept. Agr. into them on the way from the cow to the table. The consumer does not like to be reminded of these possibilities of contamina- tion and he would therefore gladly pay an extra price for milk which is known to be clean and wholesome. 686. Milk is sometimes a source of positive danger to a community, as it has been demonstrated that diseases may be spread by this food product from one farm to many households. When such contagious diseases as typhoid fever, diphtheria, scarlet fever, etc., occur in a family selling milk, the fact should at once be made known to the proper authorities and the milk produced on that farm should be disposed of as directed by them. A sick person or one convalescing from any contagious disease, or any one acting as a nurse for the sick, should not be 14 DAIRYING allowed in the cow stable or permitted to take care of cows. He also should neither be allowed to handle nor deliver the milk, as it is one of the best food materials for disease germs. In it they thrive and multiply with alarming rapidity. This makes it neces- sary to use every precaution possible to prevent the spreading of diseases by criminal carelessness in handling milk from an i3- fected localitv. THE MILKER'S PREPARATION. 687. The milker should wash his hands with soap and water just before milking and wipe them dry with a clean towel. His finger nails should be cut close so as not to injure or irritate the cow. No loud talking should be permitted during milking. Go about this work promptly and quietly, with as much regularity in the time of milking as is possible. Some success- ful dairymen milk their cows "by the w r atch" and are very par- ticular about the exact time each cow is milked. They are also careful to have the same cows milked by the same men in the same order. Experience has taught them that regularity in milking aids in developing a tendency to prolong the period of lactation. Always milk with dry hands; moistening the hands with milk or water during milking is one of the most filthy practices imaginable. MILK THE COW DRY. 688. A great many milkers are in too much of a hurry to get through milking to milk the cows dry. This loss may amount to one-half a pound of milk from each cow at every milking, as was found to be the case by a farmer who followed his hired man and milked all the cows after him. By this second milking he got over a pound from some cows and less than one-half a pound from others, but from ten cows he got five pounds of strippings at one milking. This to some does not seem to be a very large amount of milk to bother with, but if milking in gen- DAIRYING 15 eral was done so carelessly, the total loss of milk in the United States from lazy milking would amount to sixteen million pounds per clay. This startling figure is undoubtedly as correct as the statistical reports which give the number of milch cows in the United States as 16,292,360, and it shows that a great saving may be made by milking the cows dry. The last milk or strip- pings is also much richer than the first milk, so that it is worth an extra effort to obtain it. 689. It has been estimated from careful observation made by Professor Woll that the yield of milk can be permanently in- creased nearly twelve per cent by a systematic udder manipula- tion and further that there is such a difference in the way cows are milked by different persons that some milkers are worth at least $14.00 a month more than others on account of the differ- ence in the amount of milk an extra good milker will obtain from a given number of cows as compared with other careless milkers. This fact was obtained from some experiments made at the Wis- consin Experiment Station in which the difference in the amount of milk obtained by four different men from the herd of fifteen U. S. Dept. Agr. B. A. I. Circ. 131. 26 DAIRYING OOM fi/LH ftOOM 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o a i \s E w a Y Plate 12. Floor plan of one-story stable. From Circular 131, B. A. I., U. S. Dept. Agr. Plate 13. Cross Section of Barn shown in Plate 12, looking toward front. * DAIRYING 27 I 1 Ml f D / N G Plate 14. Floor plan of two-story cow stable. 131, B. A. I., U. S. Dept. Agr. From Circular than to places where cows need good protection during a long winter. The one-story stable is also supposed to be easily kept clean because the feed is brought in and the manure taken out of the building each day and the concrete floor of the entire building flushed with water daily if desired. The manure is re- moved from the building by carriers on an elevated track and feed brought in by the same means by from nearby feed barns. These same aids to clean cows and clean milk may be had in a two-story cow stable and in cold climates the hay loft over the cows helps to keep them warm in winter. 713. The necessary ventilation should be provided in either type of stable, although the one-story building in a mild climate has less need of such provision than the two-story stables of colder countries. The details of construction for sanitary cow stables have been worked out by building firms and dealers in farm machinery. Bulletins on the subject are also published by the IJ. S. Department of Agriculture at Washington and by a 28 DAIRYING number of state agricultural experiment stations. Space will not permit more than a general discussion of some of the essential features needed in a sanitary cow stable, but such plans are numerous and easily obtained, nearly every agricultural college will supply blue prints and publications on application, and some manufacturing firms make a specialty of furnishing plans and specifications for dairy barns appropriate to the needs of the applicant. Plate 15. Cross sections of stable shown in Plate 14. 714. The location of the stable should be on well drained land and near a satisfactory water supply. This is self-evident. It is also well known that protection of the stable from the hot sun and .from cold storms by means of trees or a side hill will DAIRYING 29 DAIRYING .;_> 56.8 70.1 53.4 54.7 73.0 59.3 38.2 20.7 60.6 78.3 40.1 58.1 20.8 64.9 63.8 47.7 55.8 62.5 63.3 65.1 49.1 42.6 43.8 65.5 61.2 12.5 18.1 15.X 12.8 10.4 5.6 16.5 12.5 8.9 13.1 16.4 13.8 9.1 5.1 6.5 42.3 39.6 36.3 48.1 48.9 37.3 32.8 49.8 40.4 Total DiyestihU Matter DAIRYING 49 736. The nutritive ratio of the feed is a matter of considera- ble importance and this should be determined as well as the amount and the composition of the feed. Many feeding experiments have shown that for cows produc- ing milk the nutritive ratio should be about 1 :7. This means that the daily feed per cow should contain one part digestible protein to seven parts digestible carbohydrates. As an illustration of a nutritive ration calculation take the figures from the table above for corn meal. These are digestible protein 7.9, digestible car- bohydrates 76.4, and dividing 76.4 by 7.9 gives 9.67, showing the nutritive ration of corn meal to be 1 :9.67. 737. Calculating a ration from the standards given let us as'sume that the cow weighs about 1000 pounds and she is giving milk that contains 1 pound of butter fat per day. The table shows that the daily feed of such a cow should be about 23 pounds of dry matter and this should contain about 16 pounds digestible dry matter and 2 pounds digestible protein. Selecting some of the more common feeds from the table, a ration that nearly satis- fies this requirement will be made up as follows : Digestible Dry Protein Carbohydrates Matter Ibs. Ibs. 30 pounds corn silage 8.85 .36 5.43 8 pounds clover hay 6.78 .54 3.17 2-4 pounds corn meal 3.56 .32 3.06 4-6 pounds wheat bran 5.32 .70 2.86 2 pounds oil meal . . . : 24.51 1.92 14.52 Nutritive ratio 1:7.5 or 14.52^1.92. 738. This ration gives 24.5 pounds dry matter instead of 23 pounds ; 1.92 pounds digestible protein instead of 2 pounds, and 1.92 + 14. 52 = 16.44 pounds digestible dry matter instead of 16. The nutritive ratio is 1 :7.5 instead of 1 :7. It comes, however, near enough the standards to make a satisfactory feed for cows of this weight and producing 1 pound of butter fat in the milk daily. The important problem to be considered after clearly 50 DAIRYING understanding the method of calculation here given is the use of feeds, either those raised or bought, that will cost the least labor and money and provide the combination of nutrients desired. In some cases it is more profitable to sell certain feeds grown on the farm and use the money for buying feed more suitable for making the kind of ration needed to produce milk economi- cally ; the market price of oats may warrant the selling of oats from the farm and buying such concentrated, protein feeds as gluten meal, malt sprouts, and some others; the market prices, cost of delivery, and all expenses connected with the buying and selling of such feeds must be taken into consideration in making such a calculation, but it pays well to keep posted about market prices of feeds and to give the matter of economical feeding, as well as balanced ration feeding, constant attention. 739. The two tables given, contain sufficient data for mak- ing the necessary calculation as to a proper feed for dairy cows in almost any locality, and it is much better to understand the method of using them than it is to have a number of different rations recommended and then make a choice for them. 740. A feeding rule which requires no calculation as to digestible protein, etc., etc., needed per cow has become quite popular in recent years, as has also the mixing of the grain ration in large quantities and giving each cow the number of pounds of this mixture that her size and milking conditions require. Some of the grain mixtures used at the University of Wisconsin* dairy barn are : No. 1. Wheat bran 2 parts, ground oats 2 parts; corn mea) 2 parts ; gluten meal 1 part ; oil meal 1 part. No. 6. Wheat bran 3 parts; corn meal 4 parts; distiller's grains 3 parts. Either one of these grain mixtures "When fed with corn silage and hay or corn stover, will furnish a ration having a nutri- tive ratio of 1 :7. Each cow should receive as much roughage as she will eat up clean, and a portion of this should preferably be of a succulent nature, like grass, silage, soiling crops, or roots. *Bul. 200. DAIRYING 51 Of concentrates it has been found a good working rule to feed as many pounds of grain feeds per day to each cow as she produces pounds of butter fat a week, or one-fourth to one-third as much grain as she gives pounds of milk daily, the amount depending upon the per cent of butter fat in the milk. In the case of cows producing milk with a low per cent of fat, one-fourth would be required. Care should always be taken to avoid an increase in body weight above the normal for each cow, since the milk secre- tion, as a general rule, is likely to suffer when cows commence to utilize their feed for the formation of body fat." 741. Palatability and digestibility. It has been stated that a chemical analysis of ground leather will show a percentage of protein and carbohydrates similar to those of a concentrated cat- tle feed, but the ground leather is worthless for feeding stock of any kind. This striking example only illustrates another very important point in feeding dairy cows, which is that all the feeds they receive must be fit to eat and wholesome ; musty, moldy grain or hay, and decayed silage will not give good returns as milk pro- ducers, even though the figures in the table may show them to con- tain percentages of digestible protein. 742. The important points in feeding dairy cows profitably are first, a cow that w r ill respond w r ith milk when given a liberal ration : second, sound, palatable feed, both coarse feed and grain mixture, and third, give all the coarse feed of some sort the cows will eat, but regulate the amount of grain mixture by the pounds of milk produced daily. BEST SEASON OF THE YEAR FOR FRESH COWS. 743. This question should be considered from the standpoint of the cow, the cost of the feed, and the sale of the products. The advantages to be obtained from fall calving cows have been dis- cussed in Lesson I, under the subject of Winter Dairying. The arguments there given are all favorable to the production of the maximum amount of milk during the winter, but a large per- centage of the cows throughout the country are fresh in the spring 'Woll and Humphrey in Wis. Expt. Sta. Bui. 200. 52 DAIRYING and give the largest flow of milk in May, June and July. spring freshening of the cows is defended by some farmers on the ground that there is usually more help on the farm during the crop raising season than in the winter and this, together with the smaller amount of care required for stabling and feeding the cows in summer as compared with the winter season, is sufficient reason for the widespread adoption of this practice among farmers. The question of summer or winter dairying must therefore be largely decided on the basis of the importance of dairying or of milk production in the work of each farm. If a few cows are kept for supplying the family with milk and butter, spring calv ing cows will probably give the least trouble to the farmer, but if cows are kept for the purpose of converting feed and labor into milk which is to be sold at the best price possible, then fall calving cows will be the most profitable. RAISING HEIFERS FROM THE BEST COWS. 744. There is undoubtedly more satisfaction and more profit in raising heifers from the home herd than in buying cows from outside sources for keeping up the herd. This is especially true if a bull of a distinct dairy type and cows with good milk records have already been procured as a foundation for the herd. By rais- ing the heifers of cows with well known characteristics, such as a well balanced udder, easy milkers, persistent milkers, and cows that have a tendency to convert feed into milk rather than into live weight, the owner may have reasonable assurance as to the kind of cows the heifers will make. Such herds are likely to give a much more substantial profit from year to year than a herd made up entirely of strange cows. If a thoroughbred bull is used in the herd, it will be continually improving from year to year, and the improvement will be much faster than many cow owners think. 745. Heifers need good training and special attention during their first milking period, which is best begun at the age of two years. The most intelligent milker should have charge of the heifers, as they need to be taught' to have no fear of the milker; they should be milked dry at each milking in order to help de- DAIRYING 53 vdop the milking habit, and they should be milked up to within about two months of their second milking period. In raising a heifer it is advisable to note the state of develop- ment which she has reached at the age of two years, as a too early milking period will tend to stop her development, if she is im- mature at that time, while a too late (after 3 years old) milking period may retard the milk producing tendency and develop a disposition to convert her feed into an increase in live weight rather than into mlik. 746. If a cow is inclined to be an unprofitable milker it is better to feed her heavily and milk her at the same time, continu- ing this until she is fat enough to sell for beef. This is more profitable than trying to fatten the cow after she is dry, as at- tempting to fatten dry cows is usually a waste of feed. If on the other hand a cow shows a tendency to give milk nearly up to calving time, it is better to continue milking her as long as she gives milk, than to force her to go dry by occasionally omitting a milking or by not milking clean at each milking. THE PURE-BRED SIRE. 747. After the importance of weeding out the unprofitable cows by weighing and testing their milk has made an impression on the dairyman, he often begins to wonder where he can get cows that are worth keeping. Profitable cows are always worth a good price, and one of the surest ways to supply a farm or a neighborhood with such is to use a pure-bred sire. A bull for this purpose must be carefully selected. He should come from a milk- ing strain of cattle or from a family that has shown the dairy temperament for generations. He also ought to have the power to transmit the milk producing capacity of his ancestors to his sons and daughters. This characteristic cannot always be de- termined by external appearances, but it can be assumed that a bull of good milk-producing ancestors and of a dairy type will help to add many valuable cows to a herd or to a community. Farmers do not always seem to realize how fast the blood of the bull may be made to accumulate in a herd, but a calf of the first 54 DAIRYING generation will contain 50 per cent of the blood of its sire, one of the second generation 75 per cent ; third generation 87.5 per cent, and fourth generation nearly 94 per cent. This is a fast grading up of a herd and it shows how important it is to watch the breed- ing of the cows, in order that the herd may be on the up grade rather than in the opposite direction. A sire of no dairy breeding or characteristics will produce calves like himself; they will not be any better than he is, and may be worse if the dam has no milk- ing tendency. 748. A grade sire can never help to build up a herd in the same way as a pure-bred sire. It is true the grade sire may be cheap, but the milking capacity of the cows in the herd does not improve under such breeding. If a half-blood sire is bred to a scrub cow, the calf will have three parts scrub and one part of the better blood. This is no improvement of any consequence, and even if a three-fourths blood sire is bred to a scrub cow, the off- spring will be five parts scrub and only three parts of a possibly higher quality blood. Progress is too slow by this breeding, and many generations will pass before the pure blood begins to show any impression on the scrub stock. When a pure-bred dairy sire is used his daughters may easily produce more milk in their first milking period than the mothers of these daughters ever produced. In buying a pure-bred sire an inspection should be made of something more than the pedigree of the animal. The milk records of his ancestors for several generations are of far greater importance and these should be the evidence on which an estimate of his value is placed. It is often stated that "The bull is more than half the herd." This is an especially important statement for a milk producer to consider and in thinking about his herd the dairyman should re- member that in building up or improving the milking capacity of his cows, that he can raise good cows from good cows and a pure-bred sire, and that although a high standard of producers has already been reached, this may be raised still higher. An effort should therefore be made to strengthen the constitution and vigor of the breeding animals. Breeding for the purpose of ex- tending an animal's pedigree is of no value, but improving the practical value of the cows as milk producers is worth while. DAIRYING 55 749. Observations reported from the Missouri Agricultural College showed that 10 daughters of a dairy sire produced an average of 110 pounds butter fat per cow more than their mothers, while 10 daughters of a scrub sire produced an average of 216 pounds butter fat per cow, which was 18 pounds butter fat per cow less than their mothers produced per cow. The Indiana Ex- periment Station reports an average of 64 pounds more butter fat per cow from herds in which pure-bred sires were used than in those not using such sires ; the butter from the improved herd was also produced at a cost of S 1 /^ cents less per pound than in the un- graded herd. 750. An increase of 100 pounds butter per cow at 30 cents amounts to $30 per year, and this for a herd of even 10 cows means a difference of $300 per year which the pure-bred sire would earn for even a small herd. If such a sire is used in the herds for an association of farmers he would be a profitable investment, even if he cost $1000, while the sire that failed to increase the milk pro- duction in the different generations of cows would not be worth anything as the milk flow from the cows would be constantly diminishing. 751. In selecting a sire, the records of his ancestors should cover more than a short period of 10 to 30 days, as these may be misleading, but annual records will show a substantial basis on which to base one's judgment of the milk producing qualities of his family. The age of a sire is not a safe standard by which to measure his value in a dairy herd. An aged bull whose daughters have satisfactory milking records is better than a young one without a record, and a young bull should not be condemned if he has good ancestors, until the records of his daughters have been obtained. The power to transmit characteristics to the offspring is something that must be determined for each individual, as this is not a universal trait in all animals. It is much stronger with some animals than with others, even of the same family. COMMUNITY BREEDERS' ASSOCIATIONS. "52. There are many advantages to be obtained by co-opera- 56 DAIRYING tion or by uniting the interests of many individuals in one organi- zation. Farmers and dairymen have realized this in the past and have started many co-operative societies that have been helpful to them. One of the more recent of such organizations is the Community Breeders' Association. Statistics show that the number of cows in dairy sections of the country is continually increasing. This is encouraging, bur along with this gain there should be some development in indi- vidual production, and the question is now being asked, is the quality of the cows improving as well as the quantity . The amount of milk produced per cow is of as much, if not more, importance than the number of cows milked on each farm, and it is for the purpose of raising the standard of production per cow that these associations are being organized. BENEFIT OF THE ASSOCIATION TO ITS MEMBERS. 753. The Community Breeders' Associations that have al- ready been successfully started have shown : 1. That the co-operation of owners of cows of a certain breed in a community is much more beneficial to them than is a spirit of rivalry and competition. If a certain community gets the reputation of having a supply of excellent representatives of a given breed of cows, all the cow owners in that neighborhood, profit by it, and the more they do to aid each other, and the more they strive to deserve a high reputation for excellent cows, the greater the benefits derived from such a reputation by all the cow owners in the community. More progress is made by such co- operation than by each farmer working independently of each other. 2. Such community organization gives an added interest to questions of breeding ; they provide a wider field for observation than the herd of one man supplies, and these more extensive ob- servations make some impression on old fogy and erroneous ideas that may be in existence in the community. 3. There is better protection from tuberculosis and con- DAIRYING 57 tagious diseases when all the cows' owners combine to stamp out' such diseases and the advertising of such a place gives a better chance to sell stock at higher prices than when each farmer works independently of the other. 4. In buying stock, purchases can be made from each other, and the buyer may be supplied with full information about the various ancestors of the animals bought. A community may also buy a carload or more of stock to better advantage than a single buyer, therefore the advantages of both buying and selling are greatly in favor of the community organization. Jersey Island is a good illustration of this idea, and when the well known reputation of that island is extended to various com- munities throughout the land, the breeders located in each com mimity may reap the benefits therefrom. 5. Such an association may issue an occasional publication or bulletin, giving a list .of the stock available in that community, and in this way a market "may be found much quicker than when each breeder devotes his own time to selling his stock. 6. The idea of the association is not one of coercion, as no one is obliged to belong to the organization, and a member must not expect a sudden change in the character of his herd or to dis- pose of his stock at a high price at once, but by co-operation to aid and to encourage the improvement of the stock in a neighbor- hood so that it will have a reputation that w r ill be beneficial to all the members. 754. Too much territory should not be covered by each as- sociation, as members need to see each other and to see the stock on the various farms. Members in good standing will always profit by such an organization to the extent to which they take an interest in its work. The plan of forming such an organization is usually for any leading person in a community to call a meet- ing, and after discussing the matter with possibly the assistance of a representative of some similar association, draw up a consti- tution and by-laws, elect officers and issue certificates of mem- bership. The organization and its work may be understood from an outline to be found in Wisconsin Bulletin 189, in which 58 DAIRYING state thirty associations have been organized during about tw, years. Each association is composed of 7 to 70 members, the annual dues range from 50 cents to $3.00, and the number of pure bred animals owned by members varies from 4 to 1000. THE TUBERCULIN TEST. 755. There is little if any objection to the tuberculin testing of dairy cattle at the present time. It has been demonstrated in the last few years that the test when properly made has no bad effect on healthy cows, and that one tuberculous animal may spread the disease not only to all the other stock in the stable, but to the hogs kept on the same farm, and in some instances, the poultry have been found to be tuberculous. The disease spreads rapidly, and a tuberculin test of each animal in the herd should be made at least once a year. When cows are bought, these should be kept out of the herd until they have been tested twice and found free from the disease. 756. Tuberculous cows do not always show symptoms of tlu disease ; they may be as fat and healthy appearing as the sound cattle, and the only way of detecting the condition of each animal is to make the test at least once a year, unless no trace of the disease has ever been found, and no new stock has been brought into the herd. In such cases testing once in two years is often enough. 757. Tuberculin testing is usually done during the cold sea- son of the year when cows are in the stable. The cows should all be in normal condition when tested, and remain quietly in their stalls during the test. They should not be allowed to drink large quantities of cold water just before the test, and the test should not be made either just before or just after calving, or when a cow shows symptoms of any disorder. The test, which is comparatively simple, may be made by the owner of the cows, or by any careful person. The necessary tuberculin may be obtained from the U. S. Department of Agri- culture, and this, together with a clinical thermometer, an injec- tion needle, and a graduated hypodermic syringe, are all that is DAIRYING 59 needed for testing the cows. The tuberculin should not be used if it has become turbid, and it should be kept in a cool place, pro- tected from light. DIRECTIONS FOR TUBERCULIN TESTING COWS. 758. The syringe and needle should be placed in boiling water for at least 5 minutes just before using them. The temperature of each animal to be tested should be taken several times (about once in 2 hours) during the 12 hours preced- ing the injection of the tuberculin. The temperatures are all taken by inserting the thermometer into the rectum of the animal, where it should remain for 3 to 5 minutes before removing. The temperature is at once read and recorded. If these preliminary temperatures run as high as 103 F., the tuberculin test of such animals cannot be depended on, and cattle in advanced stages of tuberculosis do not respond to the test. The general appearance of such cattle, however, is usually sufficient evidence of their diseased condition. Very few animals are included in these two exceptions, and the preliminary records of temperature nearly always show a normal condition. 759. After these records have been made through the day, the tuberculin is injected between 8 and 10 p. m. of the same day. About 1.5 cc. tuberculin is a dose for stock under two years old; 2 cc. for mature cows, and 3 cc. for bulls and large cows. 760. The tuberculin is injected by means of the needle and syringe under the skin, either at the side of the neck or just be- hind the shoulder blade. The next morning, temperature records should be made again about once in 2 hours from 6 a. m. until evening. If these show a rise of 2 degrees or more above the temperature of each cow, as recorded before the injection of the tuberculin, this rise in temperature is an indication that the animal has tuberculosis, or it "reacts." Animals that do not show a rise in temperature to 103 F. during the day after the injection of tuberculin are not tuberculous. 60 DAIRYING 761. Winslow* states that "When the temperature is be- tween 103 and 103.8 the test is doubtful and the animal should be re-tested after 3 months." "When the temperature rises gradually to 103.8 F., or over within 15 hours after the injection, the animal may be considered* positively affected with tuberculosis, provided this constitutes a rise of 2 over the maximum temperature recorded before the injection. " MILK FEVER. 762. This disease is said to be more common in cows calving in the spring than in the fall, and it is also claimed that milking the udder dry in the first 24 hours after calving brings on milk fever. The disease causes the cow to become very uneasy, and she lays down with her head drawn to one side. Relief and cure of the disease is now obtained by forcing air into the udder through the teats. This, it is claimed, has been suc- cessfully done in an emergency by means of a bicycle pump, but a small syringe designed for this purpose should be owned by everyone who keeps cows at the present time. A complete and in expensive outfit for giving this treatment to cows is now adver- tised in nearly all the agricultural and dairy papers. ABORTION. 763. The premature birth of the calf may be caused by an accidental injury, or by bacteria, which are responsible for con-' tagious abortion. The latter are spread by the bull and by germs present in the air or dust of a cow stable. An aborting animal should be isolated at once, and all the bedding burned, the floor disinfected with lime or some other *Production and Handling of Clean Milk, p. 348. DAIRYING 61 germ destroyer, and the walls of the stall or stable washed and whitewashed. Everything possible must be done to destroy the germs which may escape from the discharge of an aborting cow. The sheath of the bull, as well as the uterus, tail and legs of the cow must be thoroughly and repeatedly washed with non-irritating antiseptic liquid. Among the solutions recommended for this purpose are: A 2% solution of carbolic acid. A solution of bichloride of mercury, 1 part to 400 parts of water. A 2% creolin solution, and many others that may be recom- mended by a competent veterinarian. Contagious abortion can be cured and the cows become healthy, normal animals, but the herd must be carefully protected from this danger by looking up the records of new cows bought, and of bulls used in the herd. A PLAN FOR IMPROVING A CITY MILK SUPPLY. 764. An unlimited supply of clean, healthy milk is desired by everyone, including the milk producer, the milk dealer, and the consumer. In order to obtain such a milk supply these three classes must unite with the local board of health in a spirit of co- operation that will protect the rights of each one. This has been found to be the most effective way of obtaining the kind of sup- port for this movement that will produce results. The producer or the cow owner furnishing clean milk should be protected from the careless, indifferent producer of dirty milk and from the milk of diseased cows. The retailer who has contracted to pay a given price for a certain kind of milk has a right to expect such milk from the pro- ducer and the consumer has a right to know that his milk is produced in clean surroundings and neither diluted nor polluted in any way before delivery to his table. 765. When all persons interested in an enterprise combine to attain the same end a certain amount of pride is taken in the busi- 62 DAIRYING ness and this is an incentive to make improvements where needed After the responsibility of all these parties is well understood, the first thing to be done is to require all dealers in milk to procure a license ; this is a protection and a privilege as it gives the citi- zens a means of knowing what dealers are willing to conform* to reasonable regulations and also those who will allow anyone the privilege of visiting either the farm where the milk is produced or the depot from which it is distributed. The adoption of a standard or a score card by which each farm and dairy may be measured, or inspected will be the next step towards raising the general condition of the milk supply oi any community, because ignorance on the part of the producer as to what is needed at his dairy to bring it up to the required standard is sometimes the cause of impure milk and there will doubtless always be different grades of clean milk coming from the many farms that produce it. 766. The dairy farm score card is a standard by which dairy farms may be measured and their standing as to cleanliness, etc., recorded; it is based on a systematic arrangement of the various conditions that have an influence on the purity of milk and these are then given a numerical value. A number of different score cauls have been proposed for the use of inspectors as a means of recording the conditions under which milk is produced at each farm visited. 777. The following is the one used by the City of New York. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. The City of New York. Division of General Sanitary Inspection. Dairy Report. Inspection No Time A. P. M. Date 1912 1. Dairyman Owner 2. P. O. Address : P. O. Address 3. County State. . . . Party Interviewed 4. Milk delivered to Creamery at Formerly at 5. Operated by Address 6. Distance of farm from Creamery Occupied farm since 7. No. Cows No. Milking. ..... .No. Qts. produced DAIRYING 63 8. All persons in the households of those engaged in producing or handling milk are free from all infectious disease. Weekly reports are being filed 9. Date and nature of last case on farm 10. WATER SUPPLY for utensils is from a located feet deep and apparently is pure and wholesome State any possible contamination located within 200 feet of source of water supply, or if water supply is not protected against surface drainage 11. Water supply on this farm analyzed 191. .. Result 12. Style of Cow Barn -.Length. . . . ft. Width. . . . ft. Height of ceiling 13. DAIRY RULES of the Department of Health are posted 1'4. DAIRY HERD examined by on 191. .. Report Perfect Allow EQUIPMENT. 15. COW STABLE is located on elevated ground with no stagnant water hog-pen, privy, uncovered cesspool or manure pit within 100 feet 1 16. FLOORS, other than cow beds, are of concrete or some non-absorbant material 2 i 17. Floors are properly graded and water-tight 2 18. COW beds are of concrete or planks laid on con- crete 2 19. DROPS are constructed of concrete, stone or some non-absorbant material 2 20. Drops are water-tight and space beneath is clean and dry 2 21. CEILING is constructed of and is tight and dust proof 2 22. WINDOWS No total square feet there is 2 square feet of window light for each 600 cu. ft. air space (1 sq. ft. per each 600 cu. ft., 1) . . 2 23. VENTILATION consists of . . . . sq. ft. muslin covered openings or. . . .sq. ft. open chutes in ceiling or .which is sufficient 3, fair 2, poor 1, in- sufficient 3 64 DAIRYING Perfect Allow 24. AIR SPACE is . . . . cu. ft. per cow (600 and over-3), (500 to 600-2), (400 to 500-1), (under 400-0) 3 25. LIVE STOCK, other than cows, are. . . . excluded from rooms in which milch cows are kept 2 27. Separate quarters are provided for cows when calving or sick . 1 28. COW YARD is ... .properly graded and drained 2 26. There is 4^ rec t opening from stable into silo or grain pit 1 29. WATER SUPPLY for cows is unpolluted and plentiful . . . i 1 30. MILK HOUSE has direct opening into cow barn or other building 1 31. Milk house has . . . .sufficient light and ventilation. ... 1 32. Floor is properly graded and water-tight 1 33. Milk house is ... .properly screened to exclude flies. . . 1 34. Milk pails are of smoothly tinned metal in good repair 1 35. MILK PAILS have . . . . all seams soldered flush 2 36. Milk pails are of the small mouthed design, top opening not exceeding 8 inches in diameter, Diameter. . 2 37. Racks are provided to hold milk pails and cans when not in use 2 38. Special milking suits are provided 1 40 METHODS. Perfect Allow 39. STABLE INTERIOR painted or whitewashed on which is satisfactory 3, fair 2, unsatisfactory 1, never 3 40. FEEDING TROUGHS, platforms or cribs are well lighted and clean 1 41. Ceiling is free from hanging straw, dirt or cobwebs 3 .... 42. Window panes are washed and kept clean 1 .. . . DAIRYING 65 Perfect Allow 43. WALLS AND LEDGES are free from dirt, dust, manure and cobwebs 2 44. FLOORS AND PREMISES are .free from dirt, rubbish or decayed animal or vegetable matter 2 45. COW BEDS are clean, dry and no horse manure used thereon 2 46. Manure is removed to field daily 4, to at least 100 feet from barn 2, stored less than 100 feet or where cows can get at it 4 47. Liquid Matter is allowed to saturate ground under or around cow barn 2 48. MILKING STOOLS are clean 1 49. Cow Yard is clean and free from manure 2 50. COWS have been tuberculin tested and all tuberculous cows removed 7 51. Cows are all in good flesh and condition at time of inspection 2 52. Cows are all free from clinging manure and dirt. (No. dirty ) 4 53. LONG HAIRS are kept short on belly, flanks, udder and tail 1 54. UDDER AND TEATS of cows are thoroughly brushed and wiped with a clean damp cloth before milking 3 55. ALL FEED is of good quality and distillery waste or any substance in a state of putrefaction is fed 2 56. MILKING is done with dry hands 2 57. FOREMILK of first few streams from each teat is dis- carded 2 58. Clothing of milkers is clean 1 59. Facilities for washing hands of milkers are provided in cow barn or milk house 2 60. Milk is strained at and in clean atmosphere 1 61. Milk is cooled within two hours after milking to 50 degrees F. 3, to 55 degrees F. 2, to 60 deg. F. 1 3 62. Ice is used for cooling milk 1 66 DAIRYING Perfect Allow 63. MILK HOUSE is free from dirt, rubbish and all material not used in the handling and storage of milk 1 64. Milk utensils are rinsed with cold water im- mediately after using and washed clean with hot water and washing solution 2 65. Utensils are sterilized by steam or boiling water after each using 2 66. Privy is in sanitary condition, with vault and seats Covered and protected 1 60 Remarks . Equipment 40 per cent. Score per cent. Methods 60 per cent. Score per cent. Perfect Dairy 100 per cent. Score per cent. 778. A detailed explanation of what constitutes perfect under each head may be prepared from the information already gone over in this lesson. These may be distributed at a meeting of all the milk producers and milk men which should be called if this is feasible. At this meeting the plan of inspection is ex plained and an announcement is made of the public posting in the city hall or in the local papers of the standing of the various dairies as indicated by the* score cards; such public posting is not usually made however until the inspector has visited each farm .a few times and thus given an opportunity for the owners to bring the sanitary conditions up to a higher standard than may exist at some farms. All parties interested are of course left free to join in the movement or not, as they please, but the inspection of a farm usually helps to develop a pride in the dairy with a desire to elevate its reputation, if this is needed. 779. The next step is to hire an inspector who will devote his time to visiting and scoring the farms and dairies. He should know something about milk, as well as farm conditions and should be able to explain how each farm may be improved. After making the inspection he should give each owner a copy of the score card filled out at his farm. This affords each man a chance to see DAIRYING 67 where his dairy stands in the grading and why it may have a high or a low sc'ore, also what it is necessary for him to do to deserve a higher score. Such inspection encourages one to pro- duce clean milk and shows that efforts in this direction are appreciated. 780. After a few weeks another meeting of all parties direct- ly interested in the milk distribution of the city or the locality is called and the results of the score cards are discussed ; these will show how improvements may be made at the least expense and they may be used as a basis for making different prices for milk from certain groups of dairies for a period of time. 781. Inspection outside city limits is purely a matter of courtesy but licenses should be granted only to retailers of dairy products from inspected farms. 782. After a few months of this inspection and scoring ot the dairies and every one has been given an opportunity to avail himself of the benefits of this movement, the last score card or the standing given each dairy by the scoring of all the milk producers and dealers, is published in the local papers or posted in the city hall. This gives the consumer a chance to inform himself con- cerning the milk, etc., sold by each dealer he is patronizing as well as all others. A good inspector's report is a good advertisement for a dairy or a dealer and the plan, if carried out, will induce the owners of cows to seek information rather than to force it upon them; and the poorly kept dairies will be forced to clean up in order to compete with others. Many dairies could raise the score given their farm methods at a very little expense by cleaning up the cows, stables, etc., and by using a plenty of cold water for washing the milk utensils, as well as steam or hot water for scald- ing these. 783. This plan for improving the milk supply of a com- munity has been tried in hundreds of cities and towns in recent years and has given excellent satisfaction. Some cities have adopted the system of classing as excellent all dairies given a scoring of 90 points or better ; good 80 ; medium 60 and poor below 60 points. 68 DAIRYING It lias been found that in a very few months a large propor- tion of the dairies will move up from a lower to*a higher class and will nearly all be in the class "Good'' and above or go out of business. w THE CITY MILK PLANT SCORE CARD, 784. A score card similar to the one described for dairies has been suggested for giving information concerning the con- dition of city milk plants, creameries, cheese factories, etc. The details of these cards have been worked out for the use of in- spectors or anyone interested in such reports and copies of such score cards may be found in some text books or obtained by writing to the Dairy Division of the U. S. Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C. SCORING BOTTLED MILK OR CREAM. 785. The score card system that has been used so many years for recording a judge's opinion of butter and cheese has been applied to milk and cream which is to be delivered to the consumer. When entries of bottled milk and cream are competing in aiv exhibit these are scored by the following standard. Flavor 40 points Composition 25 " Bacteria 20 " Acidity 5 Appearance 10 ' ' Total 100 " 786. Each exhibitor is usually required to answer a number (of questions in regard to the milk or cream. Some of these ques- tions are the following: 1. Date and hour of milking the cows producing the milk entered. 2. Place, date and hour of shipping the milk. 3. Is the entry a fair average sample of the milk produced daily? DAIRYING 69 4. Give a detailed statement of the way milk is handled from time of milking to shipping. 787. In scoring certain classes of milk such as "certified,'' the exhibitor is asked what per cent of butter fat and of total solids as well as the number of bacteria are guaranteed. In judging the "flavor" of milk and cream the samples are heated to 100 F. ; this brings out the flavor and shows very striking differences in the various samples. Some are lacking while others have a rich, pleasant flavor and aroma. The bacteria counts are usually made after five days' incubation. These have shown that expensive stables are not necessary, but that milk containing but few bacteria can be produced in a stable where ordinary clean- liness only is the practice. 788. The following score card with directions for using it illustrates this method of judging milk and cream: SCORE CARD FOR MARKET MILK. Exhibitor: . Address: , . NUMERICAL SCORE. Flavor, 40. Composition, 25. Bacteria, 20. Acidity, 5. Appearance of package and contents, 10. Perfect score, 100. Judge's score. DESCRIPTIVE SCORE. Flavor. Composition. Bacteria. Acidity. Package and contents. Excellent. Perfect. Perfect Perfect. Perfect Good. Fair. Fat, per cent. Total, . per cent. Foreign matter. Bad. Flat. Solids not fat, Liquefiers, . Metal parts. Bitter. per cent. Weedy. Unattractive. Garlic. Silage. Manure. Smothered. Other taints. Remarks: Date: -, Judge. 70 DAIRYING DIRECTIONS FOR SCORING. FLAVOR. If rich, sweet, clean, and pleasant flavor and odor, score perfect (40). Deduct for objectionable flavors and odors according to con- ditions found. COMPOSITION. If 3.25 per cent fat or above and 8.5 per cent solids not fat or above, score perfect (25). Deduct 1 point for each one-fourth per cent fat below 3.25 and 1 point for each one-fourth per cent solids not fat below 8.5. BACTERIA. Less than 10,000 per cubic centimeter (perfect) . . 2U Over 10,000 and less than 25,000 per cubic centimeter 19 Over 25,000 and less than 50,000 per cubic centimeter 18 Over 50,000 and less than 75,000 per cubic centimeter 17 Over 75,000 and less than 100,000 per cubic centimeter 16 Deduct 1 point for each 25,000 above 100,000. When an unusually large number of liquefying bacteria are present, further deduction should be made according to conditions found. ACIDITY. If 0.2 per cent or below, score perfect (5). Deduct 1 point for each 0.01 per cent above 0.2 per cent. (If Mann's test is used, dis- continue adding indicator on first appearance of a pink color.) APPEARANCE OF PACKAGE AND CONTENTS. If package is clean, free from metal parts, and no foreign matter can be detected in the contents, score perfect (10). Make deductions according to conditions found. [United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal In- dustry, Dairy Division.] CLASSES OF MILK. 789. A number of different kinds of milk are now offered to the consumer by dealers and dairymen. Some of these were first suggested for advertising purposes as a means of drawing the attention of the public to an exceptionally clean and healthy milk supply. At the present time the following names have been generally adopted as describing certain kinds of milk and their meaning is universally understood. DAIRYING 71 790. Market Milk is a term used to distinguish milk sold directly to the consumer either wholesale or retail in cans or in bottles from milk sold in cans to creameries, cheese factories and condensaries. Some years ago an estimate was made of the number of cows supplying milk for different purposes in the United States. This estimate divided the milk production as follows: 7,600,000 cows produce the market milk. 9,700,000 cows produce the milk for butter. 800,000 cows produce the milk for. cheese. 791. Certified Milk. The use of the word "certified" as applied to milk is limited by law in some states to milk from cows and dairies that are regularly inspected by a representative of a board of health or a medical milk commission. A certificate of inspection is given to the owner or manager of a dairy furnishing such milk. Milk commissions may be formed for the purpose of supplying milk conforming to certain conditions and the commission may make contracts to supply the consumer with such milk and to find out if each producer has the necessary equipment and is capable of living up to the required conditions ; a certificate is sometimes issued with each bottle of milk sold. Some of the conditions under which certified milk must be produced are the following: 792. The cows, the stable, the feed, and the milkers must always be up to the highest standard of health and cleanliness. The water used at the dairy must be examined by a chemist and by a bacteriologist. The milk must not be more than twelve hours old when sold and contain less than 10,000 bacteria in one cubic centimeter. The milk must be sold in sterilized bottles and kept at 50 F. or lower until delivered to the consumer. 793. These and other conditions that protect the purity of milk can easily be provided without excessively expensive build- ings and equipment. Some dairymen are now doing this as is shown by a record kept by a man producing 250 quarts of milk 72 DAIRYING daily. He estimated that the cost of 29 cow stanchions, cement floor, water supply, milk cans, 1000 bottles, bottle washer, capper, rack, milk cooler, boiler, pump, and milk pails, was $1631.70, and the bacteria content of the milk produced at this dairy was 2500 per c. c. as an average of 17 tests made of milk taken from bottles on delivery routes. Six of the 17 tests showed less than 1000 bacteria per 1 c. c. This good record can be made by any owner of cows if the cows are healthy and clean, the stable has a tight ceiling, no cob- webs or dirt are allowed to accumulate in it, the woodwork is whitewashed, cement fjoors provided, no feed or bedding stored in the stable except that needed daily, wood shavings are used for bedding, 600 cubic ft. space and 4 sq. ft. window space provided per cow stall, cows groomed not less than one hour before milking, udders carefully washed and dried before milking, washstand or sink provided for washing milkers' hands in stable, milk pails .with small openings are used, the first jets of milk always drawn into a separate can and not into the milk pail, clean clothes are worn by the milkers, and the milk removed from the stable and cooled immediately after milking. 794. Inspected milk is a clean milk from healthy cows that have been tuberculin tested and their general health examined by a veterinarian. The cows are kept in a stable that is well lighted and ventilated and their feed and water in good condition, but not up to the standard of "certified" milk. Milk of this class is delivered to the consumer in sterilized containers, kept at 50 F. or lower until delivered, and it should not contain more than 100,000 bacteria per one cubic centimeter. 795. Pasteurized milk includes milk that has been heated to a temperature ranging from 150 F. to 180 F. for a period of time that varies with the temperature and after heating is then cooled to 50 F. or lower. Milk from dairies that do not comply with the requirements of "certified" and "inspected" milk may be made safer for human consumption by pasteurizing, as this process, if properly carried out, will destroy disease germs that may be present in the milk and prolong the time it will keep sweet. All milk of an unknown origin may be placed in this class. DAIRYING 73 It should not be allowed to reach a temperature as high as 60 F. before pasteurizing and the equipment for pasteurizing should be under the personal inspection of a board of health officer. A sick cow should not be allowed to remain on a farm even if the milk is pasteurized. 796. The principal advantage of pasteurizing milk comes from the killing of disease germs such as those of tuberculosis, typhoid fever, diphtheria, scarlet fever and some of the intestinal diseases of children. Some of the objections that have been made to the pasteuriza- tion of milk are that it has a tendency to make people handling milk 011 the farm more careless in keeping it clean, it increases the cost of milk, and that dirty milk ought to be allowed to sour, and no attempt be made to keep it sweet by pasteurization. The advantages seem to outweigh the disadvantages, especial- ly when milk is pasteurized in the bottles in which it is delivered to the consumer. THE PASTEURIZATION OF MILK AND CREAM FOR DIRECT CONSUMPTION. 797. The milk supply of cities and towns ordinarily comes from farms some distance away and during warm weather it is often difficult to deliver this milk in a condition perfectly satis- factory to the consumer. State laws and city ordinances forbid the use of either solid or liquid preservatives in milk and the expense of sufficient refrigeration to keep milk cold enough to prevent its souring is so great that pasteurization has in many cases become a necessity. 798. Within the past few r years a great many dealers in milk and cream have taken advantage of the improvements made in pasteurizing machines and have fitted up their establishments with the modern apparatus and supplies needed for furnishing the consumer with pasteurized milk and cream in bottles. These products have become popular principally because it has been found that they will keep sweet longer than unpasteurized or raw milk and cream. 74 DAIRYING An infinitesimally small proportion of the world's milk sup- ply is produced in the way described under certified milk; the common methods of milking and of caring for milk are such that it becomes thickly seeded with bacteria which may not necessarily be disease germs but by their rapid growth cause milk to sour un- less it is kept sufficiently cold to prevent the development of the souring germs. 799, It has long been known that boiled milk will keep sweet longer than raw milk, but the flavor of such milk is not a desirable one and the consumer will usually object if anything like a cooked taste in the milk is noticed. This objection has been entirely over- come by the pasteurizing process which means simply that the milk or cream has been heated to a temperature that destroys nearly all the bacteria, but not sufficient to impart a "scalded" or "cooked" taste to it. The bacteria in milk are not all of the same kind or character ; some are easily destroyed by a short heating while others are only killed by continued boiling ; this makes it difficult to always obtain uniform results by practically the same treatment. Milk that is fresh from the cow* and has been well cared for, will contain but few bacteria while that which is obtained from cows that are not cleaned, then milked in a dusty stable and the milk strained through a tainted strainer cloth into sour smelling cans will be seeded with a multitude of germs that even the pasteurizing pro- cess cannot completely destroy. 800. Pasteurization does not add anything to the milk; it simply aids in preserving the good qualities that are there present and on this account it is useless to attempt to pasteurize dirty milk ; the dirt remains in the milk and it usually contains a large number of the bacteria which produce putrefactive fermentations and are also spore forming ; these spores are not easily destroyed and often survive the heat of pasteurization and start to grow when the pasteurized milk and cream are kept at a temperature favorable for their development (above 50 F.). This is the reason why pasteurized milk and cream have such a repulsive odor when decomposition begins, the sour milk (lactic acid) bacteria have been destroyed by the heat but the putrefactive DAIRYING 75 Plate 29. Arrangement of equipment for a pasteurizing plant. bacteria spores which were not destroyed have changed the nitro- genous constituents of the milk into products that are quite dif- ferent from those noticed in ordinary sour milk. These same putrefactive changes take place to a certain extent in the normal souring of milk which has not been pasteurized, but the predom- inating odor and taste of such sour milk come from the products of the lactic acid fermentations and they are sufficiently pro- lounced to make the putrefactive odors less noticeable. Various names have been given to the process of milk pas- teurization depending on the method used for heating the milk. 801. Home Pasteurization is done by using the "double toiler." As soon as the water boils in this boiler it is taken off the stove, the milk added and after covering the boiler is al- lowed to stand at least 20 minutes. Milk treated in this way is usually heated to 165 F. It should then be cooled to near 40 F. and kept cold until needed. INTERMITTENT OR "HELD" PASTEURIZATION. 802. When the application of pasteurization was first pro- posed for preserving milk and cream it was deemed necessary to heat these to about 155 F. and hold them at this temperature for 15 to 30 minutes. This continued heating was supposed to be needed to destroy all disease germs that might be present and it DAIRYING M/LK OUTLET ^THERMOMETER M/LK /A/LET STEAM /A/LET STEAM AND --WATER JACKET PEVOLV/NG 'PADDLE M/LK CHAMBER Plate 30. A simple type of pasteurizer. is undoubtedly the most effectual of all the methods of heating in so far as destroying the bacteria is concerned. It was found, however, that when milk is heated to so high a temperature for so long a time, the cream will not rise on it in the same way that it rises on raw milk. This made the intermittent method of pasteurizing milk unsatisfactory to dealers because their custom ers will not believe that there is cream in milk unless they can see it, even though a test of the milk shows that it may be of nor- mal richness. Another peculiarity of the intermittent heating is noticed in the body or consistency of cream pasteurized in this way ; cream containing as high as 25 per cent fat often appears DAIRYING 77 TO COOLER STEAM 'CHAMBER 'A/R-P/PE Plate ing tank. 31. A "Regenerative" pasteurizer for use without hold- to be as thin as milk and it is hard to convince the consumer that such cream is as rich as the actual test proves it to be. These two features therefore have made the intermittent process un- popular. 803. The next step in the use of the pasteurizing process for preserving milk and cream was the suggestion that the tem- perature be reduced from 155 degrees to 145 degrees F. and then DAIRYING Plate 32. Holding tank with automatic emptying device. hold the milk or cream at this temperature for about 15 minutes. Investigations proved that this treatment was effectual in de- stroying the disease germs and that a great deal better cream separation took place in bottled milk than was the case when it was heated to 155 degrees F. for 15 minutes or longer. This temperature of heating (145 degrees F. for 5 to 15 min- utes) is undoubtedly the most satisfactory one to use in pasteuriz- ing milk and cream when the question is considered from the standpoint of those who wish to guarantee freedom from disease germs of all kinds in the products supplied, but the heating of large quantities of milk or cream in this way is not a rapid process and in some cases it may not be any more efficient than the con- tinuous process, as the thoroughness of the pasteurization depends to a large extent on the condition of the milk handled. DAIRYING 79 Plate 33. A type of beer-pasteurizing machine adaptable to the pasteurization of milk in bottles. 804. If a clean milk from healthy cows is to be pasteurized and there is no danger of its being contaminated with the spores of putrefactive bacteria or the germs of the tuberculosis bacillus, or other disease germs, then the temperature and the length of time of heating may be greatly reduced, as the lactic acid bacteria are destroyed at near 130 degrees F. and heating to this tempera- ture will greatly increase the length of time that such milk will keep sweet. If, however, on the other hand the milk supply is obtained from many farms, that are never inspected and about which little or nothing is known, it may contain many spores of the putrefactive bacteria and an unknown variety of disease germs. Such milk as this may often be rendered less harmful by pasteurization, provided it is heated while the milk is still sweet, but after pasteurization it will only keep sweet a limited length of time because the spores are so numerous that they are not likely to be all destroyed by the heating. The longer the period of heating, the greater will be the number of spores destroyed and on this account the intermittent process of pasteurization is best adapted to the handling of mongrel milk. 8o DAIRYING COLD #** HOT Plate 35. Sectional view of another type of Regenerative Cooler. The machines shown in Lesson V, pp. 62-63-64, are now used for pasteurizing milk and cream by this method. THE CONTINUOUS HEATING PROCESS. 805. In supplying cities with milk the question of pasteuriz- ation is usually considered from a commercial standpoint only. The dealers naturally wish to reduce expenses to the lowest terms but at the same time gain any advantage possible from the improved keeping quality of pasteurized milk. The contin- uous process of pasteurization has therefore appealed to them as better adapted to the handling of large quantities of milk than the intermittent process. The principal thing that has led to the DAIRYING 81 approval of continuous pasteurizers by milk dealers is the rapid- ity with which the cream rises on bottled milk. This is a very important point as it appeals'to the eye of the consumer and when milk will keep sweet twelve to twenty-four hours longer than formerly and also shows a satisfactory layer of cream on the sur- face, there is little to be desired besides this on the part of the iverage milk dealer. The physician however may know that even if such milk has been pasteurized, the process used has not necessarily made it germ-free because the milk has not been heated long enough to kill all the germs although it may have destroyed over 90 per cent of them. 806. The number of bacteria found in milk after it has been pasteurized will be influenced by the number present in the raw milk and the length of time it is heated as well as the temperature to which it is exposed during pasteurization. An increase in the time of exposure to a temperature above 145 degrees F. will have a tendency to reduce the likelihood of a satisfactory raising of the cream on the milk and the two desirable qualities of freedom from bacteria and a good cream line are therefore to a certain extent antagonistic, the longer the exposure to a pasteurizing temperature, the less likely will there be a good cream line on the milk and the shorter the exposure, the fewer the bacteria killed. An exposure of one minute even, will destroy more bacteria than the so-called flash heating, and when the length of time of heating is extended without interfering with the cream-raising properties of the milk or the capacity of the machine, a pasteurizer is ac- complishing an important feature of the work it is designed to do. COOLING AFTER HEATING. 807. A sudden cooling of the milk or cream from the pasteur- izing temperature to near 50 degrees F. is a very essential part of the pasteurizing process. A slow cooling not only diminishes the keeping quality, but it retards the cream raising on the milk. The spores which are more or less numerous in nearly all 82 DAIRYING pasteurized products will begin to develop whenever a tempera- ture favorable for their growth is reached. This should be well understood by everyone handling pasteurized milk or cream. If after heating, the cooling goes on slowly, spores that have not been destroyed by the heat will begin to grow and many of fchern PIP Plate 34. View of anotherjtype of regenerative cooler. may have developed sufficiently during the cooling to seriously interfere with the keeping quality of the milk ; this will make the Seating process of no particular value and many failures to suc- ceed in the handling of pasteurized milk or cream have been due to the lack of appreciation of the necessity of keeping the milk .and cream at a low temperature (50 F. or lower) after it is pasteurized. APPROVED PASTEURIZATION. 808. According to a Bulletin issued in January 1912, by the Health Department of the City of New York "Only such milk or cream shall be regarded as pasteurized as has been subjected to a process in which the temperature and exposure conform to one of the following: DAIRYING 83 No less than 158 degrees for at least 3 minutes. No less than 155 degrees for at least 5 minutes. No less than 152 degrees for at least 10 minutes. No less than 148 degrees for at least 15 minutes. No less than 145 degrees for at least 18 minutes. No less than 140 degrees for at least 20 minutes. STANDARDIZING MILK AND CREAM. 809. When milk and cream are sold directly to the consumer either in bottles or in any other way, a uniform richness in these products from day to day is very much desired. Such uniformity is not only a recommendation to the buyer, but it is more profit- able to the dealer to standardize each lot of milk and cream to a certain per cent fat than it is to have no definite knowledge of their richness and run the risk of losses through variations in the per cent of fat. Many ways have been suggested for reducing the figuring necessary to determine how many pounds of milk and cream of a given richness must be taken in order to get a mixture of a certain per cent fat. Tables of figures have been published and short formulas given for making such calculations but one of the most common methods of calculation recommended is the following : 810. Place at the left hand corners of a square the tests of the two kinds of milk or cream that will be used for making the standard product. In the center of the square place the test of the milk or cream wanted, then subtract diagonally, placing at the right hand corners of the square the differences between the figure in the center of the square and the figures thus obtained. liese latter figures at the right hand corners represent the pro- >rtions in which the milk and cream should be mixed. 811. Standardizing milk. If milk testing 3.0% fat is wanted id two lots of milk, one testing 2.5% and the other 4% fat are available, the proportions in which these two should be mixed may be found as follows. See directions given above. 84 4 .5 2.5 32 1.5 18 18 32 32 14 18 '30 H 28 16 20 DAIRYING This shows that by mixing .5 parts 4.% milk with 1.0 parts 2.5% milk, the mixture will test 3.% fat or 1 part 4% milk added to 2 parts 2.5% milk will make 3 parts 3% milk, and if 100 Ibs. of milk testing 3% fat are wanted then 5/15 or 1/3 of 100 = 33 Ibs. milk testing 4% fat should be mixed with 10/15 or 2/3 of 100 = 66 Ibs. milk testing 2.5% fat. 812. Standardizing cream. How much skim milk is needed to reduce cream testing 32% fat to cream testing 18% fat. This shows that by adding 14 Ibs. skim milk to 18 Ibs. cream testing 32% there will be obtained 32 Ibs. cream testing 18% fat. 813. ' Substituting milk testing 4% fat for the skim milk and the amount of this needed to reduce the 32% cream to 18% cream may be found. In this case mixing equal quantities of 32% cream and 4% milk gives 18% cream and if 100 Ibs. 18 per cent, cream are wanted mix 14-28 or 1 /o = 50 Ibs. 32 per cent, cream with 14-28 or y 2 = 50 Ibs. 4 per cent. milk. 814. Weight of cream to be added to given weight of milk to make cream of given test. If 50 Ibs. milk testing 4 per cent, fat are to be made into cream testing 20 per cent, fat by using 30 per cent, cream according to these figures the milk and cream must be mixed in the proportion of 10-26 milk to 16-26 cream and 50 Ibs. milk will require 10:16: :50:X = 80 Ibs. 30 per cent, cream to make a cream test- ing 20 per cent. fat. DAIRYING 815. Mixing butter and skim milk to make cream. If cream testing 18 per cent, fat is wanted from butter containing 80 per cent, fat which is to be added to skim milk the propor- tions of each needed are as follows: Showing that 18 Ibs. butter fat mixed with 62 Ibs. skim milk will make 80 Ibs. cream test- ing 18 per cent. 816. Calculating the Ibs. cream of a given test that can be made from a given weight of butter. How many Ibs. 18% cream will 40 Ibs. butter make if the butter contains 80% fat? This may be calculated from the figures obtained above and gives 18:62::40:X = 138 Ibs. skim milk to which 40 Ibs. butter are added making 178 Ibs. 18% cream. 817. Another simple method of making the necessary cal- culations in standardizing milk or cream is to multiply the weight of cream by its test and divide the product by the figure repre- senting the standard wanted. If 500 Ibs. cream testing 30% fat is to be reduced to cream testing 25% fat the calculation is made as follows: 500X30 = 15000 and 15000-25 = 600 showing that 500 Ibs. cream testing 30% fat will make 600 Ibs. of cream testing !5'/ fat by adding 100 Ibs. skim milk to the 500 Ibs. 30% cream. 819. A still shorter way to make the necessary calculations is to subtract the test of the standard cream which in this case is 25% from the test of the cream to be reduced or 30%, then multiply the pounds of cream to be standardized by this dif- ference, 30 25 = 5 and 5 X 500 =2500 which 2500-25 = 100 Ibs. the weight of skim milk that must be added to the 500 Ibs. 30% ;rearn to reduce it to cream testing 25% fat. If cream is to be standardized with whole milk of a certain test instead of skim milk the calculation may be made in the same way by dividing the product by the difference between the test of the milk used and the figure representing the standard wanted. In the above calculation if milk testing 4% fat is to be used instead of skim dlk then divide the 2500 by 21 which is 254 = 21 and the imount of 4% milk needed will be 2500-21 = 119 Ibs. which idded to 500 = 619 Ibs. cream testing 25% fat, 820. Another illustration of this method of calculation may 86 DAIRYING help to make it clearer. If 350 Ibs. cream testing 28% fat are to be made into cream testing 18% fat by using skim milk the Ibs. skim milk needed may be found as follows: 2818 = 10: 350X10 = 3500: 3500-^18 = 195 showing that 195 Ibs. skim, milk added to 350 Ibs. cream testing 28% fat will make 545 Ibs. cream testing 18% fat. If milk testing 4% fat is used instead of skim milk then 2818 = 10 and 350X10 = 3500 and 184 = 14 and 3500^14 = 250 therefore 350 Ibs. cream testing 28% fat + 250 Ibs. milk testing 4% fat = 600 Ibs. cream testing 18% fat. RETAILING MILK IN BOTTLES. 821. This line of work is now carried on in three different ways: 1. The owner of the cows distributes his own milk and pos- sibly some of his neighbor's milk directly to customers in a near- by town or city. 2. City milk dealers ship milk in cans to their city establish- ments where it is bottled and distributed. 3. City milk dealers build a milk bottling station in the country and ship the bottles of milk to the city in refrigerated cars. The object to be attained is the same in each of the above cases and supplies and machinery suitable for equipping both the large and the small milk bottling plant have been designed and described in the circulars and catalogs of dealers who make such supplies a specialty. 822. The general methods of handling bottled milk are the same for the large and the small . dealers. The milk must be clean and sweet, the bottles washed, sterilized and filled, and then kept cool until distributed. As a rule the milk is cooled before bottling, but in some instances the warm milk is filled into bottles directly after milk- ing and these placed in ice water or in a refrigerator where the DAIRYING 87 milking takes place after filling. One of the objections to the latter method is the possible lack of uniformity in the composition of the milk in all the bottles filled at one milking. This may be over- come by waiting until all the cows in the herd are milked before bottling of the mixture is begun. If bottled as fast as the cows are milked the difference in the richness of the milk of different cows will be noticed in the various bottles filled during the milking. 823. There are objections however to holding a large quan- tity of warm fresh milk for any great length of time before cool- ing and the general custom has been adopted to cool the milk at once after milking and bottle the cold, mixed milk of the herd after milking has been completed. Any of the efficient and economical milk coolers may be used and the milk should be filled into the bottles as soon as possible after milking and cooling. 824. Many bottle fillers have been placed on the market and these save time and labor. The simpler the construction the bet- Plate 36. Bottle Filler. 88 DAIRYING ter and all bottle fillers should be as plain and as smooth as possi ble so as to make the cleaning and sterilizing of the bottle filler easily accomplished. Rubber parts should be avoided because of the tendency of rubber to soften and swell when exposed to' the necessary sterilizing temperature. All bottle fillers should be covered and the cover used when the tank is filled with milk, in order to protect it from dust, flies, and other outside contamina- tion. 825. A sterilizer for heating empty bottles and all milk utensils and tinware after cleaning them is absolutely necessary. It is true that large, power bottle washing machines rinse the bottles with hot water and this may be made efficient enough to leave the bottles nearly germ-free without heating them in a sterilizing oven, but such ovens are essential wherever milk is handled in quantity as the milk pails, dippers, cans, and all uten- sils need to be heated to a temperature up to or above that of boiling water in order to destroy the germs that sour the milk and the disease germs that grow so easily in milk. Sterilizing ovens can be bought of any desired size. They are usually made of galvanized iron and large enough to hold the bottles in crates on a car which may be wheeled into the oven. An oven with two compartments is a great convenience, one for heating th-e crates of glass bottles and the other for heating tin- ware. Such ovens are heated by forcing steam into them through perforated pipes laid on the bottom of the oven. A temperature of 212 F. can be obtained in this way and this should be main- tained for one-half hour or more. After heating, the hot bottles should not be removed too suddenly from the oven, but allowed to cool somewhat before the door of the sterilizer is opened. A sudden rush of cold air into the oven chamber may crack the hot bottles. 826. A higher temperature of heating the bottles may be obtained by using the high pressure sterilizing ovens which are made to stand several pounds of steam pressure. The greater the pressure the higher the temperature and the shorter the time necessary to expose the bottles and utensils in order to destroy all germ life. DAIRYING 89 These high-pressure ovens are very expensive and they are unnecessary if the bottles and utensils are well washed and rinsed before the final sterilization. The size and the construction of the sterilizer may be adapted to the needs of each place a small one may be made of wood or tin and large sterilizing rooms are sometimes made of cement. These have been very satisfactory in several instances. Plate 37. Bottle Sterilizing Oven. If shelves or partitions are built into an oven they should be made of perforated metal so that the steam will pass through them and it may be a convenience to have such made movable. The sterilizer should be large enough to hold all the bottles an5^ J ' "^-_4 1 4 ' '' i '! 1' ' *"""^" -rf ^ , .JAJ IZ3 .u Plate 43. Floor plan of combination ice and dairy house, into the refrigerator through the floor, and out near the ceiling ^Hoard's Dairyman, Jan. 21, 11, p. 1504. IOO DAIRYING into the ice storage room. This ice is packed closely, no saw- dust is used, but it freezes into one immense block insulated by the walls of the building, but kept away from the walls by 2x6- inch strips ; concrete girders 4x10 inches are built in the concrete floor, and across these girders are laid 2x6-inch timbers on which the block of ice rests. cm en CZ3 cm Plate 44. Elevation of combination ice and dairy house. The cold air passes through the space between the girders to the floor of the refrigerator, which is made of narrow plank about 1 inch apart, and so built that it may easily be removed and cleaned. In building this or any other arrangement for a dairy house and cold room it is well to have a clear understanding of some of the general principles concerning insulation, weight of ice, dryness of the air, etc., etc., and then work out a plan suitable for each locality. 845. There are at least three ways of supplying the low temperature for a cold room, which is so necessary for handling dairy products in hot weather: First, by means of an "ice ma- chine ' ' ; second, by using a mixture of ice and salt which is held in a series of cylindrical metal storage tanks at one side of a room, and third, by the use of ice alone. The cost of this reduced temperature will depend to a large extent on the location of the dairy. It will be readily understood DAIRYING 101 that in some climates and places, where a body of water is handy, and ice can be easily obtained, the use of natural ice is cheaper than a mechanical refrigerating machine, while in other localities, especially if power is cheap, or can be obtained at a reasonable Plate 45. Section through combination ice and dairy house. price, and no body of water is convenient for supplying ice, the ice machine may be a more economical investment than the ice house in which natural ice is stored. THE TEMPERATURE DESIRED. 846. In handling bottled milk or cream, and in buttermak- ing, a temperature below freezing is not necessary except in the 102 - DAIRYING case of storing butter, which will not be here considered, as this is an industry of the large cold storage establishments. A tem- perature below freezing will, of course, preserve milk and cream a longer time than a higher temperature, but when these ar<> frozen it has been found that the fat, casein and albumen collect in lumps that do not liquify satisfactorily when the frozen milk or cream is thawed. There 'is, therefore, no necessity of provid- ing a freezing temperature in a farm dairy cold room, but for getting the best results in handling dairy products, especially bottled milk and cream, a temperature of 35 to 45 degrees should be available. The length of time one wishes to hold milk sweet before de livery to the consumer must also be taken into account in con- sidering the temperature to which these products are to be cooled. Nearly everyone has learned by this time that the sooner milk is cooled after milking or after the heating process in pasteuriza- tion, the better the flavor of the milk and the longer it will keep sweet. No amount of cooling will restore good qualities to oki milk, even though it is still sweet. 847. Milk should always be cooled as soon as possible after milking. If the products, such as milk and cream, are consumed by customers within twenty-four hours after milking, a tempera- ture of 50 F. may suffice, but if it is desirable to preserve the products for a longer time, a lower temperature is needed. It is not, however, considered good practice to keep milk several days, even if it is sweet, as certain changes take place in milk before it sours, and the sooner it is consumed after milking, the better. ICE STORAGE AND COLD ROOM CONNECTED. 848. A convenient arrangement for a dairy is a construc- tion which provides for the ice storage, the cold room or refrigera- tor and the milk or cream room in one system ; that is to say, an arrangement by which the three rooms are connected. This is much more convenient than to have the ice stored in a separate building some distance from the milk room, as the labor of trans- ferring the ice from the ice house to the refrigerator is thus avoided. DAIRYING 103 The construction of the ice storage house and the cold room or refrigerator, however, should be somewhat different because of the purpose for which the two are used. First, the refrigerator should have an insulated concrete floor, while the floor of the ice house should be covered with sawdust or some insulating ma- terial on which the ice is stored. In one case the insulation is above and in the other it is below the floor. Second, the construction of the walls of the two buildings must be somewhat different. A thin air space is needed in the in- side wall of the ice storage house next to the ice or the sawdust in order to prevent the dampness of the ice penetrating the insu- lated walls of the ice house. The extra air space is not always necessary in the refrigerator because in this room the air must be dry and the ice is not placed near the walls, consequently they are not exposed to the dampness that comes from contact with ice stored against them as in the ice house. 849. Dry air is one of the most important things to be secured in a refrigerator. First, because it prevents the growth of moulds which may be responsible for a musty odor in the refrigerator, and second, because it makes the insulation effective. A damp atmosphere will penetrate wooden walls which, when wet, become good conductors of heat, and their insulating value is thus much reduced. INSULATING MATERIAL. 850. The prime object of insulation is to prevent the passage of air currents and protect the space enclosed from changes in the outside temperature. The cold temperature which may be obtained by means of ice is held in the room by the insulation. Protection by insulation is obtained by means of walls varying in thickness, but built in such a way that currents of air cannot pass through them. The construction ordinarily used for this purpose is a board, a brick, or a cement wall on the outside, next to this is a space varying from four to twelve inches, which is filled with some insulating material such as shavings, sawdust, mineral wool, etc., and inside of this a covering or wall built of 104 DAIRYING matched lumber; this is then covered with two thicknesses of damp proof paper with edges overlapping at least two inches, and on this paper another layer of matched ^lumber is placed. This last layer gives the inside finish of the room. 851. The so-called empty, "dead-air space" should be avoided, or no effect made to secure it, as a strictly dead-air space is nearly impossible to obtain. There will necessarily be a difference in the temperature of outside and the inside wall en- closing such an empty space and this difference in temperature will cause the warm air to ascend on one side, and the cold air to descend on the other, thus creating a current in this "dead air" space and interfering with true insulation. It is also about im- possible to get the walls so carefully built that there will not be cracks or nail holes in them which will allow currents of air to pass through the "dead air" space. When such an empty space is filled with dry shavings, saw- dust, etc., these currents of air are prevented and the inside room will be insulated and protected from changes of the outside temperature. 852. It is very essential, first, that all insulating material should be absolutely dry when placed in these dead air spaces; (if shavings, sawdust, etc., are used, these should be spread out in a thin layer and thoroughly dried before using) ; second, that the walls should be built so that cracks or nail holes are few, if any, as both these defects will diminish the effect of insulation; third, the lumber of the walls should be matched boards, and no tar paper should be used because of its odor; fourth, protect the insulation from dampness that may come from melting ice, by a thin air space and the use of damp proof paper. CONSTRUCTION OF FLOOR OF REFRIGERATING ROOM. 853. A wood floor of any kind is not suitable for a farm refrigerator room, because when it is wet it is a good conductor of heat and it decays easily. Dry wood only is suitable for a cold room, and it is not probable that the floor of a dairy refrigerator will be kept dry all the time. DAIRYING 105 The floor should be insulated as well as the walls and ceiling. Ruddick, of Canada, made extensive experiments with various kinds of floor construction, including the use of hollow brick, concrete blocks, etc., and got satisfactory results from a floor built as follows: A four-inch layer of concrete covered with eight inches of cinders, on top of which is placed tar paper, and above the paper a two-inch finishing coat of concrete. The tar paper prevents the wet concrete from filling the air spaces in the cinders and spoiling the insulating effect of the cinders. Some other material than tar paper, like roofing pitch, may be spread over the first coating of concrete. The cinders must be kept dry and thus make them an effective insulating layer. A sufficient slope should be given to the floor to drain it, and the opening to the drain provided with a trap to keep out currents of air. THE FLOOR OF AN ICE STORAGE HOUSE. 854. The floor of an ice storage house must be well drained so as to carry away any water from the melting ice. A layer of gravel on top of this drained area can be covered with sawdust ten inches or more deep, and the ice blocks packed close together on this dry sawdust. No sawdust should be allowed to get in be- tween the cakes of ice. The walls of the ice storage room should extend into the ground far enough to prevent circulation of air under the foundation, and a coating of pitch or waterproofing placed on the outside of this wall, especially below the surface of the ground. THE WALLS OF THE ICE STORAGE BUILDING. 855. The outside walls can be built of lumber, brick, con- crete, or cement blocks. All these materials should be given a coating of waterproofing material, either paint, pitch or paraffin, in order to prevent the absorption of moisture which makes the walls a good conductor of heat and reduces the insulating efficiency. If a waterproof covering is not used the inside of io6 DAIRYING concrete, brick or cement walls can be covered with matched lumber by nailing narrow strips of wood to the wall, and after covering these with waterproof paper, nail on the matched boards; this will take the place of an outside waterproof cover- ing of some kind. When paper is used for protecting walls from dampness each layer of paper should lap over several inches, and two layers are better than one. The studding are placed against this outside wall, and a space of six to twelve inches is left for filling with dry shavings, sawdust or some insulating material. On the inner side of the wall around the studding space, matched lumber is nailed, then a layer of paper, then narrow strips of furring, to which is nailed the inside layers of matched lumber; the object of this air space furnished by the narrow strips of furring being to protect the shavings or insulating materials from the dampness of the melt- ing ice. These directions are given only to illustrate a way of ob- taining the essential features of insulation, which are, the pro- tection of the insulating material from moisture and from cur- rents of air, both of which may come from the outside and from the inside of the building. Any suitable material or combination of materials may be used in building the walls. The principal objects to be attained are efficiency and economy of construction that will keep the insulating material dry a* all times. 856. The walls of a refrigerator do not need the air space provided by the strip of furring mentioned above, as there should be no dampness coming to the wall from the inside of the room. This inside wall in the refrigerator, however, should be built of odorless wood, which may be either oiled, shellacked or white- washed. It is claimed that a little salt added to the whitewash will prevent its rubbing off when touched. The so-called cold water paints may be used, and to these or to the whitewash some disinfectant may be added to kill molds, and if the place is at all damp, formalin or dilute solution of corrosive sublimate may be used. DAIRYING 107 THE WEIGHT OF ICE. 857. A cube of ice one foot square, weighs about 58 pounds when the ice is solid. There will be some variation from this in actual practice, depending on the amount of snow and shale in the ice. An approximation of the amount of ice needed by the user of the plant may be calculated by determining for how many days a given amount of ice will be used during the year. If a space five feet square and five feet deep is packed solid with ice, this is 5x5x5, or 125 cubic feet, which multiplied by 58 Ibs., gives 7250 Ibs. This will supply about fifty pounds of ice per day for 125 days, when a loss is allowed of about eight pounds per cubic foot from waste. Similar calculations may be made for supplying different amounts of ice per day for any number of days. The ice house in the plan submitted with this article will hold about 10x14x9, equal to 1260 cubic feet, which multiplied by 58, gives 73,080 pounds, which is about 36 tons of ice. CITY MILK ORDINANCES. 858. In former years very little attention was given to the regulation of anything, but the skimming and the watering of milk. The developments in bacteriology have shown, however, that milk may be the means of spreading many contagious diseases, and on this account it has become necessary to protect the health of the people by means of city ordinances which are designed to make it impossible to sell any unsanitary or diseased milk or cream within the city limits. Such ordinances are usually made to cover the following points at least : A license for which $1.00 is paid each year must be obtained by everyone selling milk or cream in the city. The location of the dairy or dairies, and the number of cows supplying the milk, as well as permission to inspect the barn and premises where the milk is produced must be submitted. Each delivery wagon must have its license number marked on it. io8 DAIRYING All cows must be examined by the tuberculin test at least once each year, and the results of such tests determine how soon a retest should be made. The sanitary condition of the cow stable, milk house, ap- paratus, bottles, cans, wagons, etc., etc., must conform to certain regulations. The pasteurization of milk or cream must be done at certain prescribed temperatures and held for certain lengths of time at these temperatures. A standard bacteria content per 1 c.c. milk and cream may be adopted, together with standards for fat and solids-not-fat in whole milk, skim milk and cream. The use of any kind of a preservative in milk or cream is always forbidden, and provision made for making complaints, as well as for inspection and for fines when any of the provisions of the ordinance are violated. Experience with city milk ordinances has shown that unless an inspector, who may devote as much of his time as is necessary to this work is provided, the public gets very little protection or benefit from such ordinances. STATE DAIRY LAWS. 859. The laws of a state relating to the sale of dairy pro- ducts may include all the regulations contained in city milk ordinances and many others. Strict regulations are usually made concerning the sale of butterine, oleomargarine and filled cheese, the shipping of un- washed, empty milk cans, the location of a farm cream separator, the use of a state brand or stencil or label, the capacity of Bab- cock milk test glassware and the lawful reading and reporting of test results. Provisions are also made for prosecuting any violations of these laws, and the enforcement of all penalties. DAIRYING 109 Some of the standards contained in state dairy laws are the following, taken from the Wisconsin laws: Milk is the fresh, clean, lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows, properly fed and kept, excluding that obtained within eight days before and four days after calving, and contains not less than eight and one-half (8.5) per cent of solids-not-fat, and not less than three (3) per cent of milk fat. Modified milk is milk modified in its composition so as to have a definite and stated percentage of one or more of its con- stituents. Skim milk is milk from which a part, or all of the cream has been removed, and contains not less than nine (9) per cent or milk solids. Pasteurized milk is milk that has been heated below boiling, but sufficiently to kill most of the active organisms present, and immediately cooled to fifty (50) degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Sterilized milk is milk that has been heated to the tempera- ture of boiling water or higher for a length of time sufficient to kill all organisms present. Evaporated milk is milk from which a considerable portion of water has been evaporated, and contains not less than twenty- eight (28) per cent of milk solids, nor less than eight (8) per cent of milk fat. Condensed milk is milk from which a considerable portion of water has been evaporated, and to which sugar (sucrose) has been added, and contains not less than twenty-eight (28) per cent of milk solids, nor less than eight (8) per cent of milk fat. Condensed skim milk is skim milk from which a considerable portion of water has been evaporated. Cream is that portion of milk, rich in milk fat, which rises to the surface of milk on standing, or is separated from it by centrifugal force, is fresh and clean, and contains not less than eighteen (18) per cent of milk fat. Evaporated cream, clotted cream, is cream from which a considerable portion of water has been evaporated. no DAIRYING .Milk fat, butter fat, is the fat of milk, and has a Reichert- Meissl number not less than twenty-four (24) and a specific gravity of not less than nine hundred five thousandths (0.905) at forty degrees (40) Centrigrade compared with water at the 'same temperature. Butter is the clean, non-rancid product made by gathering in any manner the fat of fresh or ripened milk or cream into a mass, which also contains a small portion of the other milk constituents, with or without salt or added coloring matter, and contains not less than eighty (80) per cent of milk fat. (Wis. law is now 82.5% fat). Renovated butter, process butter, is the product made by melting butter and reworking, without the addition or use of chemicals or any substances except milk, cream, or salt, and con- tains not more than sixteen (16) per cent of water, and at least eighty-two and five-tenths (82.5) per cent of milk fat. Cheese is the sound, solid, and ripened product made from milk or cream by coagulating the casein thereof with rennet or lactic acid, with or without the addition of ripening ferments anc seasoning or added coloring matter and containing, in the water- free substance, not less than fifty (50) per cent of milk fat. Ice cream is a frozen product made from cream and sugar with or without a natural flavoring, and contains not less than fourteen (14) per cent of milk fat. Fruit ice cream is a frozen product made from cream, sugar and sound, clean, mature fruits, and contains not less than twelve (12) per cent of milk fat. Nut ice cream is a frozen product made from cream, sugar and sound, non-rancid nuts, and contains not less than twelve (12) per cent of milk fat. DAIRYING in EXAMINATION Note to Students These questions are to be answered inde- pendently. Never consult the text after beginning your exam- ination. Use thin white paper about 6 in. x 9 in. for the exam- ination. Number the answers the same as the questions, but never repeat the question. Mail answers promptly when com- pleted. 1. In what way may milk become a dangerous food? 2. About how much milk is used for making cheese each year in the United States? 3. About how many pounds of dirt is consumed per year per man by the milk consumers of Chicago? 4. How does the condition of the milk supply indicate the state of civilization of a community? 5. About how many germs or bacteria in one drop of com- mon, sweet milk? 6. What is the usual standard of city ordinances in regard to the bacteria content of milk? 7. What general names may be given to the bacteria in milk, and how many kinds have been found therein? ii2 DAIRYING 8. How many bacteria may grow in one day from one gei and what is meant by a "good" dairy germ? 9. From what sources do bacteria get into milk? 10. Is an expensive stable necessary for producing clean milk, and why? 11. Name at least 10 important points that should be con- sidered in building a cow stable. 12. How may the cow yard influence the number of flies around the cows? 13. What kind of a water supply do cows need, and why? 14. In what 3 ways may cows and milk be seeded with tuberculosis germs? 15. How may silage be fed so as not to convey the silage odor to milk? 16. Explain the grooming necessary for a cow before milk- ing. 17. What effect on milk flow has rough treatment, loud talk and dog chasing of the cows? 18. What is the least number of days that milk should not be used both before and after calving? 19. How is milk different than most other food products when consumed? 20. Why should not a sick person or one with sore hands be allowed to milk or handle milk? 21. Why should cows be milked with dry hands, and what benefit may come from regularity in milking ? 22. What effect has lazy milking on the amount of milk produced each year? 23. Show by an illustration the difference in wages per month that a good milker may earn over a careless milker. DAIRYING 113 24. Why should the first jets of "fore" milk be kept separate from the rest of the milk? 25. What is a covered milk pail, and how much dirt may they keep out of milk? 26. If milk strainers are used, how should they be made, and how cleaned? 27. Describe 3 methods of cooling milk, and why should milk be cooled at once after milking? 28. Is aeration of milk necessary, and when should warm milk be mixed with cold milk? 29. Into what two classes may the odors in milk be divided, and how may silage be safely fed to cows without contaminating the milk? 30. What milk flavors cannot be removed by aeration? 31. Describe a satisfactory washing of milk tinware. 32. Why should night and morning milk be kept separate, and give directions for transporting milk in cans? 33. Name some injurious common feeds for dairy cows. 34. Describe a satisfactory milk house. 35. Briefly describe two types of dairy barns. 36. Give 3 points to be considered in locating a cow stable. * 37. How may stable and barnyard construction influence the number of flies in summer ? 38. Describe several kinds of drinking water supply and methods of watering cows. 39. How much light is needed in a cow stable and why is it important ? 40. Give general description of conditions that make ventilation possible. ii 4 DAIRYING 41. How much air should a cow be supplied per minute and what influence does bad air have on cows? 42. What is a good indication of poor ventilation in a cow stable? ,43. On what basis may the size of a cow stable be calcu- lated ? 44. Mention at least 6 important points in barn ventilation. 45. Give the advantages and disadvantages of each of 2 ways, of keeping cows in place in a stable. 46. Give some of the important details of construction in building a cow stable floor, a gutter and a manger. 47. About how much more milk and butter fat may one cow produce than another from the same amount of feed ? 48. ' How much difference between the food required by an 800 Ib. cow and a 1500 Ib. cow to produce 1 Ib. butter fat? 49. Calculate the nutritive ratio for each of the following feeds: Wheat, bran, alfalfa hay, corn silage, potatoes, cabbage, and mixed hay. 50. Calculate a ration for a cow weighing 1200 Ibs. and producing 1.5 Ibs. butter fat in her milk daily, using the follow- ing feeds: Corn silage, clover hay, corn meal and wheat bran to make up the ration. 51. If a cow gives 20 Ibs. milk testing 4.0% fat per day, how many Ibs. grain mixture should be fed dail^, and how many when she gives 40 Ibs. milk, testing 3.5% fat; also when giving only 8 Ibs. milk, testing 4.5% fat? 52. What 3 things should be considered in determining the best time of year for cows to freshen? 53. Give points to be considered in forming an opinion about raising heifer calves. 54. Give some of the points that make a bull profitable to a dairy herd, and which generation will contain over 90% of the blood of a bull. DAIRYING 115 55. Give some examples illustrating the increase in value of a herd by using a pure bred sire. 56. Give at least 6 benefits that may be derived from a community breeders' association. 57. How may tuberculin testing protect both man and beast? What animals are subject to the disease, tuberculosis, and how do they contract it? 58. How often should tuberculin tests be made, and at what season of the year? 59. Give brief description of tuberculin testing of cows. 60. Describe a remedy for milk fever, and the treatment of abortion in cows. 61. How may the people interested in a milk supply be classified, and what is the responsibility of each class? 62. Give a brief outline of a way to secure the co-operation that will be effective in improving a milk supply. 63. Give at least 30 observations that should be made in scoring a dairy farm. 64. How many meetings of the milk men should be held be- fore a score of each dairy is made public? 65. What score must a dairy have to be classed as "good" and as "poor?" 66. What is the scale of points on which bottled milk is scored? 67. What is the difference between market milk and certi- fied milk? 68. What is meant by a milk commission? 69. What standards must "inspected" milk pass? 70. What are some of the advantages of pasteurized milk, arid some of the objections to it? u6 DAIRYING 71. Why has spoiled, pasteurized milk such an offensive odor, and what effect has pasteurizing on dirty and on clean milk f 72. Describe "home" pasteurization, giving temperatures. 73. What has made the "held" method of pasteurization unpopular, and how may this be overcome? 74. At what temperature are lactic acid or milk-souring bacteria destroyed, and why is a higher temperature needed in pasteurizing ? 75. How may milk be pasteurized and still retain a cream line in bottled milk? 76. What advantage is obtained by cooling after heating in pasteurizing milk? 77. How long a time must milk be heated to 158, to 148 and to 140 degrees F. in order to have it pass as pasteurized? 78. How many pounds of milk testing 3% fat must be mixed with 250 Ibs. milk testing 5% fat to give a mixture testing 4% fat? 79. How many pounds milk testing 3% fat must be added to 175 Ibs. cream testing 30% fat to give a mixture testing 20% fat? 80. How many pounds cream testing 25% fat can be made from 60 Ibs. butter containing 82% fat, using skim milk to mix with the butter? 81. What are the objections to bottling milk from each, cow as soon as she is milked? 82. What are the objections to rubber parts in any ap- paratus used for handling milk? 83. Describe some of the important points in a sterilizing oven used by a milk dealer. 84. Describe the treatment of milk bottles from the time they are received empty until filled with milk and ready for de- livery. DAIRYING 117 85. How may the ca r pa"ity of pint milk bottles be tested? 86. How long will a glass milk bottle last in daily use, and how many will be needed in a year to supply a business of 1000 bottles per day? 87. How much of the money paid by the customer is re- ceived by the dairy man or the milk producer per qt. of milk? 88. Give at least 10 ways in which the consumer or buyer of milk and cream may be the cause of its spoiling too soon. 89. Give 5 or more essential points in a milk house. 90. What are 3 ways in which a dairy refrigerator may be kept cold? 91. What objection is there to freezing milk in order to keep it sweet? 92. Describe the making of walls of a refrigerator and of an ice storehouse; how do they differ? 9:1 Mention 2 ways in which dry air helps a refrigerator. 94. What is the objection to a dead air space in an insulated wall? 95. Describe the construction of a concrete floor for a refrigerator and for an ice house. 96. Describe the construction of the walls of an ice house. 97. How many pounds of ice may be stored in a room . 10x20x9 feet? 98. Give some of the essential points to be included in a city milk ordinance. 99. Give some of the regulations that should be included in state dairy laws. 100. What per cent of fat is required in legal milk, cream, ice cream and cheese? n8 DAIRYING * Vs Write this at the end of your Examination I hereby certify that the above questions were answered en- tirely by me. Signed - Address Correspondence College of Agriculture DAIRYING Part V lHB"Rai^ l 3If=^^=r,r=n^i^nr^^^irim THE Correspondence College of Agriculture FT. WAYNE, INDIANA DAIRYING Part V Butter Making By EDWARD H. FARRINGTON, M. S. Professor of Dairy Husbandry in the University of Wisconsir This is the Fifth of a Series of Six Books giving a Complete Course of Instruction in Dairying COPYRIGHT, 1911 Zhe CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE NOTE TO STUDENTS In order to derive the utmost possible benefit from this paper, you must thoroughly master the text. While it is not intended that you commit the exact words of the text to memory, still there is nothing contained in the text which is not absolutely essential for the intelligent dairy- man to know* For your own good* never refer to the examination questions until you have finished your study of the text* By following this plan, the examination paper will show what you have learned from the text. DAIRYING DAIRYING Part V BUTTER MAKING. 370. In a general way the process of butter making is the same "on the farm as it is in the creamery. Cream is churned until the butter separates in the shape of small granules about the size of wheat kernels, the butter milk is then drawn off, a little water added to rinse away the last traces of butter milk, the granular butter salted, then worked, and finally placed into jars or tubs and sold. The quality of the butter made at either the farm or the factory depends largely on the condition of the cream when it is churned and on the skill of the butter maker in handling the granular butter after it is churned. The quality of the cream depends to a large extent on the way in which it is skimmed from the milk. A great deal of the farm butter is now made from what we have already described in a previous lesson as gravity cream, and nearly all the creamery butter is made at the present time from cream which has been skimmed from the milk either at the farm or at the creamery by a centrifugal separator. This difference in the kind of cream commonly churned at the farm and at the factory makes the process of butter making somewhat different in the two places. The farm butter is made from milk of one herd and the cream from this milk is therefore more susceptible to conditions that influence churning, such as feed, stripper cows, etc., than is the cream at a creamery which 4 DAIRYING is a mixture of cream from many farms. In the creamery the peculiar characteristics of the cream from any one farm are lost in the large quantity of which it is a part in the factory churn. The difference in conditions under which butter is made at the farm and at the creamery require a somewhat different discus- sion of the process as carried on in the two places, but the farm butter maker may gain many useful points that will aid him in improving the quality of the farm butter, by carefully following the discussion of the creamery butter maker's methods, which will be given somewhat in detail after the general description of farm butter making. FARM BUTTER MAKING FROM GRAVITY CREAM. 371. Cream From "Shallow Setting". If cream is obtained by "shallow setting" the milk and this is allowed to stand until the skim milk underneath is sour and thick, such cream is more or less ripe or sour when it is skimmed. This will cause a difference in ripeness of the cream from day to day and make the butter of different churnings very uneven in quality. It is therefore nearly impossible to get a uniform grade of butter from week to week when the cream is obtained in this way. The only satisfactory treatment of such cream is to churn it as often as every other day. After allowing the mixed cream from two to four skimmings to stand for at least 12 hours, this cream should be strained through a cheese cloth placed over a hair sieve into the churn. This will remove the lumps of curd and dried cream that are often responsible for the white specks in butter. By churning as often as every other day, the best butter possible to make from such cream will be obtained, provided the cream does not get over-ripe and it is kept in a cool place before churning. If such cream stands longer than two days it may become tainted and sometimes strong from the excessive souring that goes on, especially if it is allowed to stand several days and sometimes a week between churnings. 372. The losses from low prices in selling such butter be- cause of its defective flavor that comes from the cream several DAIRYING 5 days or a week old will be greater than the expense of churning as often as every other day. The only way in which a satisfac- tory grade of butter can be made from "shallow setting" gravity cream is to either churn every other day or to skim the cream before it sours and then keep the sweet cream in a cool, clean place so that it sours very slowly during the days between chu.rnings. There is more danger of making defective butter from over-ripening (see Paragraph 470) than from under-ripen- ing such cream, and the sweeter it is churned the better the quality of the butter obtained from it. 373. If cream stands so long that the whey separates, this whey should be poured off and not put into the churn with the cream, as the richer the cream in the churn the better the quality of the butter. In churning all gravity cream, any handling that will increase its richness will improve the quality of the butter and reduce the length of time necessary to churn the cream to butter or to make the "butter come." 374. Cream From "Deep Setting" Milk in Cold Water. If cream is obtained by setting milk in cold water in deep cans, it differs from the "shallow setting" cream in two particulars: First, it is sweet when skimmed, and second, it is thin, containing only about 20 per cent. fat. It is therefore possible to make a much more uniform grade of butter from deep than from shallow setting cream because the sweet cream gives an opportunity for controlling the ripening process. This may be done by placing the sweet cream in a can. or vat which is so arranged that its temperature may be controlled. As a rule the cream should be warmed when sweet and after it has soured, cooled and kept cold until churned. It is not advisable, however, to hold even sweet cream longer than two days before churning it. The practice of adding a small amount of sweet cream to a can or vat each day for a week and then churning the mixture will never make so good a grade of butter, no matter from what source the cream comes, as churning every other day. 375. Sweet cream should not stand at a temperature near 70 degrees F. for more than ten hours, as a longer time at this 6 DAIRYING temperature will make it too sour and the butter will have a strong- flavor. After standing at 70 degrees F. a few hours, or until it has a perceptible sour smell, the cream should be cooled to near 50 degrees F. and held at this cold temperature until churned. (See Paragraph 479.) 376. "Deep setting" cream can be made richer than it usual- ly is when first skimmed by allowing- it to stand in a tall, narrow can having- a faucet at the bottom, and after 12 hours or more, draw off the skim milk or whey that may have collected at the bottom of the can. Plate 1 The Barrel Churn 377. The Farm Churn. The common barrel churn with no dasher or other works inside is the best farm churn to use. Sev- eral thousand patent churns have been recorded in the U. S. pat- ent office and new ones are still being added to the list nearly every year, but no churn has yet been made that is superior to the barrel churn. The "lightning," "one minute" and other fancy named churns have no real advantage over the barrel churn as the churning of cream is a process which requires agitation or concussion of the cream at a temperature that will leave the smallest amount of butter fat in the butter milk and give a gran- ular butter that has a firm body and from which the butter milk drains without leaving much of it adhering to the butter gran- ules. DAIRYING 7 Another advantage which the barrel churn has is that it is easy to clean ; the cover opening is large so that the butter may be easily removed and when not in use the drying of the wood does not make cracks that can not be repaired, as the hoops of the churn may be easily tightened by driving them down a little. 378. Churns for which startling claims are made as to the quickness with which cream is churned by them into butter are inferior to the barrel churn because they contain dashers, discs, or some contrivance inside the churn that is hard to clean, or it easily gets out of repair or cracks and does not make the butter come any sooner than a barrel churn if the latter is used under exactly the same conditions as the wonderful new churn. 379. Among the types of churns commonly used on the farm are the stationary churns with a dasher that is worked up and down by hand, the revolving churn and the swinging churn. Many modifications of these three types of churns have been proposed, the difference between them being principally in the construction of the interior works which may be dashers or discs revolving at different speeds.' Some of the important qualifica- tions of a churn are the following: 1. It must be of simple and solid construction, with a tight fitting cover that is easily put on and taken off. A narrow strip of cork around the edge of the cover that fits on a metal rim around the opening in the churn is better than a large rubber band or washer for making a tight joint to prevent leaking around the cover. 2. The churn must be easy to clean. The dashers and discs in some churns are not only hard to clean but they may be the cause of considerable loss from cream and granular butter that sticks to them. The churn should have a large opening or cover, not only for the purpose of taking out the butter easily, but to give plenty of room to ventilate and sweeten the churn when it is not in use. 3. The churn should require a minimum amount of power to run it and give a complete churning of the cream, leaving very little fat in the butter milk. The claims of the maker of the churn concerning the efficiency of its churning may easily be 8 DAIRYING tested by following the directions for using the churn and then testing the butter milk with the Babcock test. If the richness and temperature of the cream are satisfactory the butter milk should not test over 0.3 per cent, fat when the butter granules are about the size of wheat grains. 4. The churn should not in any way contaminate the cream by grease or particles mixing with it during the churning process. 380. Claims for a certain churn that it will make a larger amount of butter from the same cream than a barrel churn, may get the user of such churns into trouble, as an excessive amount of butter is only obtained by incorporating an illegal amount of water or butter milk in the butter. Legal butter must not hold more than 16 per cent, water. A seller of butter containing more than 16 per cent, water must pay a tax of lOc per pound for all such butter sold, and he must also obtain a license for the privilege of making it. Such butter is classed as adulterated butter by the U. S. laws. 381. Preparing the Churn For Use. Just before using a churn it should be scalded with hot water to sweeten it and to close the pores of the wood so that the butter does not stick to it. By placing the cover on the churn and revolving it a few times when about one-half filled with hot water the steam and hot water will penetrate all the seams and destroy any ferments that may have started in the wood or in the cracks of the churn. After drawing off the hot water, fill the churn nearly full with cold water and let it stand until the wood has become thor- oughly cold before adding the cream. 382. A new churn or one having any kind of a disagreeable odor should be allowed to soak several hours after filling it with hot water to which a little soda or alkali or lime has been added. This water may be changed several times, and finally sour skim milk or butter milk revolved in the churn for some time. 383. Never forget to draw the ventilating plug after the first or second revolution of the churn, as this will let the steam escape and prevent an explosion. After churning sour milk, rinse with cold water and repeat this treatment until the odor of the churn is entirely satisfactory. DAIRYING 9 384. Filling the Churn. When the churn has become cold the cream may be added, but it should always be strained through a hair sieve or some other fine sieve. This will remove lumps of curd, dried cream or butter granules that will make white specks in the butter if not removed. 385. The churn should never be filled more than one-half full, and one-fourth full is better. A churn that seems to be too large is better than one too small for the dairy for which it is bought. 386. The butter color is added to the cream just after filling, using the amount of color desired by the customers to whom the butter is sold. Vegetable butter colors are now used almost exclusively, as most of the pure food laws of the various states forbid the use of aniline or coal tar colors. Butter color should be fresh and have no rancid odor as well as no sediment in the bottom of the bottle. BUTTER COLOR. 387. A uniform color is one of the desired qualities of com- mercial butter. The natural color of milk fat from which butter is made varies considerably during different seasons of the year. Some of the causes of these variations are the feed, the breed, and the period of lactation of the cows giving the milk. Butter made when cows are on full pasture feed is of a deeper yellow color than when the cows are given dry feed in the stable. The milk of fresh cows often makes a more highly colored butter than that of strippers, and the characteristic yellow color of the butter of Guernsey cows is well known to most dairymen. 388. All these factors influence the natural color of butter fat to such an extent that a collection of samples of butter from different herds of cows may show as many shades of yellow as there are packages of butter. Some markets prefer a more highly colored butter than others, but all demand that the particular standard preferred shall be a uniform color. These peculiarities of the markets and of the cows have led to a nearly universal io DAIRYING custom of adding- artificial coloring matter to butter in order to satisfy the demands of the trade. 389. The addition of coloring matter to butter is, therefore, not a deception, but is the result of a desire to cater to the popu- lar demand for a uniform yellow color in butter at all seasons of the year. The brands of butter color now on the market may be divided into two general classes : 1. Those made from anatto seed by the use of some oil as a solvent, commonly called vegetable butter colors. 2. The aniline or coal-tar color, sometimes called mineral colors. In former years aniline butter colors have been more exten- sively used than vegetable colors. There seems to be some un- certainty in the popular mind whether or not aniline butter color is harmless as used in the manufacture of butter. On account of this doubt, which with some amounts to prejudice against the use of coal-tar coloring matter in any article of food, manufac- turers of butter color have of late made an effort to meet this demand for vegetable or anatto butter color. 390. The vegetable or anatto butter colors are not so strong as the aniline colors and a larger quantity of anatto color is therefore needed to give butter the same depth of color as aniline colors would give. The anatto color will fade when exposed to direct sunlight, but this does not diminish its value as a butter color, since butter is not often kept in direct sunlight for any length of time. Experiments have shown that butter colored with vegetable color held in cold storage for one year did not fade. 391. Aniline butter color is a fast color. Butter colored with it will not fade, even when exposed to direct sunlight. It is a strong coloring agent, a small quantity only being necessary, and when properly made, imparts no flavor to the butter. The prin- cipal objection to it is the uncertainty as to its harmlessness and the popular demand that everything used in food products should be above suspicion. 392. Amount of Color Needed. The amount of butter color to use will vary with the season of the year and the strength of DAIRYING ii the color. A good basis on which to calculate this amount is the number of c. c. per 100 pounds of butter fat in the cream of the churning, to which it is to be added. This will vary from about 25 c. c. in summer to 50 c. c. in winter per 100 pounds butter fat in the cream. If butter color costs $2.00 per gallon and 25 c. c of it per 100 pounds of butter fat are used, the cost of this 25 c. c. is about one and one-third cents. If one gallon of color weighs 8 pounds and this costs $2.00, then the color cost 25 cents per pound, and as butter usually sells for at least 25 cents per pound, this color added to the butter, sells for about the same price as is paid for it. 393. The color is usually added to the cream in the churn just before churning. If this should be forgotten, the color may be stirred into the salt and this mixture added to the granular butter when it is ready to be salted. The color will then be dis- tributed through the butter when it is worked in the usual way. The butter color should be kept in a cool place, and small bottles of it that have stood in a grocery store for some time should always be examined before used, as a rancid odor some- times develops in butter color, and this may be imparted to the butter. 394. Salt deepens the shade of color in butter, and different amounts of the same color must be added to salted and to un- salted butter in order to get approximately the same shade of color in both kinds of butter. If the cream contains lumps of butter before churning, these will not take the color added at first, but such butter becomes evenly colored by standing. 395. After placing the tight-fitting and securely-fastened cover on the churn, revolve slowly a few times, then stop it and pull the plug or ventilate the churn in order that the gases and compressed air may escape. This should be done at least twice during the first ten revolutions of the churn. It is a good plan also to take the temperature of the cream in the churn after the first few revolutions and if this is not near the temperature de- sired, warm or cold water may be added to the cream until such a temperature is reached. 12 DAIRYING The churning is continued at a uniform speed until the sound of the cream in the churn indicates that it is becoming milky and the butter is coming. CHURNING. 396. Cream is churned for the purpose of separating the fat globules from the serum of the cream. This is done by solidify- ing the liquid fat globules and then sticking them together into sufficiently large lumps or granules to float on the serum. The object of churning is to accomplish this separation exhaustively and within a reasonable time. Butter fat itself is not a simple or an elementary substance, but is composed of several so-called "glycerides of the fatty acids." These, component parts have different properties ; some of them are hard, like tallow, while others are soft like lard, and the proportion in which the hard and the soft parts are present is somewhat variable. This lack of uniformity in hardness is due principally to the breed of the cow and to the part of the period of lactation in which the milk is produced. Jersey butter fat as a rule contains more of the harder, tallowy parts than is com- monly found in average butter on the market, while Holstein but- ter fat is below the average in this particular, and contains a large proportion of the softer parts. This difference in the com- position of butter fat is one cause of the variation in temperature at which cream churns satisfactorily at different times. By churning, the fat globules are made to adhere to each other, be- ginning with the microscopic drops which gradually accumulate and stick together until the mass becomes large enough to be seen, and finally to form granular butter. The point at which the fat globules begin to stick together varies according to the com- position of the fat and its temperature; pieces of tallow need to be warmer than pieces of lard in order to make them stick to each other, and if both are heated so high as to melt and become oily, such particles would break apart and fail to stick together when brought into contact with each other by churning. This property of tallow and lard to become sticky and adhesive at different temperatures illustrates the differences in churning that DAIRYING 13 are often observed in butter-making. When butter fat contains a large proportion of the harder component parts, the globules will stick together, or churn, at a higher temperature than is the case with fat which has more of the softer component parts. A Jersey cream will therefore churn in a satisfactory way at a higher temperature than a Holstein cream. These two breeds represent the extremes in this particular, and between them are found the great majority of cows. Temperature of Churning. 397. The churning temperature of cream is the temperature of the butter-milk when churning is completed. This is not nec- essarily the temperature of the cream when it is put into the churn, because the room where the churning is done may be colder or warmer than the cream, and will change the cream temperature before churning is completed. 398. In considering the question of churning, it is well to remember the objects to be attained by churning, which are: (1) To complete the churning in a reasonable length of time; (2) to have the butter come in a firm, waxy condition, and (3) to churn out all the *butter there is in the cream. The efficiency with which these three things are accomplished depends largely on the temperature of the cream when it is churned. 399. No fixed temperature can be adopted as a standard to be used in all churnings, but a few general statements regarding churning temperatures may be made as applying to normal con- ditions of cream: 1. A thin, sweet cream. 2. A thin, sour cream. 3. A rich, sweet cream. 4. A rich, sour cream. These statements are intended to apply to the mixed cream of several cows or herds where the influences of breed character- istics and the lactation period are eliminated by the numbers and variety of the cows producing the cream. 14 DAIRYING 1. A thin, sweet cream containing less than 25 per cent, fat and under 0.3 per cent, acid will not as a rule churn exhaustively at any temperature. If churned at a temperature high enough to bring the butter, which will be near 60 degrees F., a rich "but- termilk will be obtained and considerable butter lost in this way; if churned at a sufficiently low temperature, near 50 degrees F., to reduce the richness of the buttermilk, the butter will not come, because thin cream churned at so low a temperature as 50 degrees F. will swell up and fill the churn without separating into butter and buttermilk. Cream of this kind is not often churned, but when it is attempted the churning must be done at 60 degrees F. or above, and the rich buttermilk so obtained may be run through a cream separator in order to recover the butter left in the buttermilk. 2. A thin, sour cream having an acidity of 0.5 to 0.6 per cent, and containing less than 35 per cent, fat will churn exhaust- ively at about 62 degrees F. This is the old temperature rec- ommended for churning farm cream. It is marked on many of the so-called "dairy thermometers" as the "churning tempera- ture," and it has proved to be a very satisfactory temperature for certain kinds of cream. A lower temperature will often prolong the time of churning beyond a practical limit for churning and a higher temperature will reduce the length of churning time, but it will increase the richness of the buttermilk. The butter will also be soft and lacking in body. The best temperature, then, for churning this sour cream is near 62 degrees F. 3. A rich, sweet cream containing about 40 per cent, fat and 0.3 per cent, acid may be churned satisfactorily at a temperature between 50 and 55 degrees F. If warmed up much above 55 de- grees F. such cream will churn in a few minutes, but the butter- milk will be very rich. A temperature near 50 degrees F. is most appropriate for making an exhaustive churning of this kind of cream. Sweet cream butter may be made by churning a rich cream at a low temperature. 4. A rich, sour cream of 40 per cent, fat and 0.5 per cent, acid will churn at a very low temperature, the nearer 50 degrees F. the better. It will, however, often churn unevenly because of its thickness and its tendency to stick to" the sides of the churn, DAIRYING 15 which may make the churning of such cream impracticable. A rich cream may be skimmed by the separator, but it is usually diluted with the starter*, and this thins it sufficiently so that it may not test over 30 per cent, fat when churned. This is the condition of most factory cream, and it represents as nearly ideal conditions of cream for churning as any practice now commonly in use. : 400. The skimming of a rich cream is one step in the pro- cess of overcoming the faults in milk by reducing the amount of tainted serum or skim milk in the cream. Such a thick cream will not, however, churn well, and it is therefore thinned by add- ing a sufficient amount of selected starter and the whole milk to make it contain near 30 per cent. fat. This cream is then ripened to about 0.6 per cent, acid and churned at 50 to 54 de- grees F. When churned at a much higher temperature than this, there is too much loss of butter in the buttermilk, and the body of the butter may lack the firmness which is so much desired in that of a fancy, extra quality. When to Stop Churning. 401. Butter is supposed to be sufficiently churned when the granules have attained the size of kernels of wheat. This has been the universal rule for many years, and it answers the pur- pose of a guide for beginners at the present time. Experienced butter-makers are not so particular about the exact size of the granules when churning stops, as they are about the temperature of the granules. When butter has come soft in the churn, the granules will stick together and make larger lumps of butter than is the case when the granules are cold and hard at churning ' time. 402. The churning of soft butter should be stopped as soon " as possible after the cream "breaks" and the butter granules be- gin to show distinctly ; for if it is continued beyond this point, the butter will quickly f.orm large lumps in which more or less buttermilk will be enclosed. This is hard to wash out, and if *The cream ripening starter will be described in Les s son 16 DAIRYING left in the butter, it makes a milky brine and a butter that will keep but a short time. Buttermilk changes so rapidly that it helps to produce the old, rancid flavors which characterize "strong" butter. This is one of the common difficulties met with in farm butter; the cream being churned too warm and too much, and the butter holding an excess of buttermilk which ferments quickly and produces the objectionable qualities that are frequent- ly characteristic of farm butter. 403. When a thin cream is churned at a low temperature, such as cream containing 25 per cent, fat churned at 55 degrees F., the butter usually comes in round shot-like granules that are hard and firm. It is often difficult to get such butter to stick to- gether to form granules large enough to be held by the strainer, but it may be done by warming the cream. Granular butter for exhibition purposes may be made in this way ; the shot-like gran Plate 2 Large and Small Butter Granules ules churned from thin, cold cream are washed with cold water and added to brine in glass jars or bottles, the colder the cream the more nearly round and the harder are the butter granules. 404. The ideal size of granules may be easily obtained by churning ripe cream containing about 30 per cent, fat at near 52 degrees F. The butter when it comes will first show pin -head granules which will quickly grow to the size of wheat kernels, DAIRYING 17 and at about this size the buttermilk will usually drain away thoroughly from the butter without any of the granules being lost through the buttermilk or the hair sieve strainer, which is ordinarily used in drawing off the buttermilk from the churn. Exhaustiveness of the Churning. 405. The amount of fat left in the buttermilk or its richness is influenced by the temperature of the churning, the richness of the cream, its acidity and the length of a churning. Short churnings give a rich buttermilk and a soft butter, as the cream is churned too warm. Long churnings of fine butter granules give a thin buttermilk because the cream is thin and cold. 406. The richness of the buttermilk is usually influenced by the same conditions that affect the length of churning. Churn- ings will be uniform in time and in richness of the buttermilk when cream of about the same richness is ripened uniformly and churned at the same temperature, but mixtures of lots of sweet and sour cream will give a rich buttermilk. 407. Over-churning injures the body or grain of butter and reduces its keeping quality as too much buttermilk is enclosed in the large lumps of over-churned butter. 408. A quick churning may be made by warming the cream to about 70 degrees F., but at this temperature a large portion of the butter is left in the buttermilk and is therefore not an eco- nomical churning. The butter is also too soft to handle well when the cream is churned at this high temperature and on ac- count of the law concerning the amount of water that butter shall contain, as well as the losses of butter in the buttermilk, the temperature of churning should not be higher than 62 de- grees F. Cause of Long Churning. 409. Excessively long churnings are caused by one or more of the following conditions : 18 DAIRYING 1. The cream is from the milk of a stripper cow or from cows whose milk flow is drying up. This difficulty may be over- come by so arranging- the herd that fresh cow's milk or milk trom cows early in their milking period are distributed through- out the year and the cows do not all "dry up" at the same time. The particular condition of the milk of stripper cows, that causes long churnings may be somewhat overcome by adding cold water to such milk and separating the cream from it by the water dilution process. This will cause a somewhat excessive loss of fat in the skim milk as has already been described in the lesson on cream separation, but when butter is made from a small herd of cows and the majority of them are strippers, it may be an economy of time in churning to use the dilution method of creaming the milk of such cows. The cream so obtained may be mixed with that from other cows' milk and a satisfactory churn- ing made. The cream is too thm. This is especially the conditior of cream from deep setting of milk in cold water. Such cream may not contain more than 15 per cent, fat, and this is very diffi- cult to churn, especially in cold weather. Cream having a rich- ness of about 30 per cent, fat gives satisfactory churning results and if it is thinner than this an effort should be made to con- centrate the cream either by taking more skim milk when skim- ming or by allowing the cream to stand 12 hours or more and then draw off the skim milk that may separate from it at the bottom. 3. The cream is too cold. Churning on the farm should not be attempted until the cream has been brought to a temperature of about 60 degrees F., and some check should be made on the accuracy of the thermometer used. These sometimes vary from 2 to 10 degrees and unless one knows by comparing the ther- mometer used with some other one that is accurate, the ther- mometer may be the cause of a long churning. In taking tem- perature observations the thermometer should be allowed to re- main in the cream at least five minutes before reading it. 4. The churn is too full. The cream should not fill the churn more than one-half full, and one-fourth full is better when churning begins; if an attempt is made to churn more than this amount of cream the time of churning may be abnormally long. DAIRYING , 19 A combination of these causes of long churning may easily occur at any one farm, viz. : stripper cows, thin cream and too cold cream, but by overcoming them the time of churning may be reduced to about 45 minutes, which is a reasonable time for churning cream. Remedy to Be Applied. 410. When a churning on acount of some of the causes men- tioned above has been going on for several hours and there is no indication of the butter coming because the cream has swelled and foamed until it revolves around with the churn without falling from end to end, as the churn revolves, the best thing to do in such a case is first to add a handful of salt to the cream in the churn. If after churning a few minutes longer the cream does riot break or change its condition, a quart or two of water either hot or cold, depending on the temperature of the cream, may be added. The water should bring the temperature to near 70 de- grees F., and then the churning should continue. 411. If neither salt or water added to the cream is of any aid in making the butter come, the cream may be taken from the churn and mixed with the next churning of fresh cream which should be rich and warmed to near 60 degrees F. when put into the churn. In this way the butter may be saved from the cream that seemed to have "witches" in it and failed to churn. Drawing Off the Buttermilk. 412. As soon as the butter granules have reached the de- sired size the buttermilk is drawn off through a hair sieve or a buttermilk strainer. This catches the granular butter that comes through the draining plug of the churn and separates it from the buttermilk. 413. The granular butter should be allowed to stand for at least 15 minutes after the buttermilk has all drained off in order that the last traces of buttermilk may drain away. If the butter 20 DAIRYING is soft, a few pieces of clean ice may be placed on it in the chum during the draining- of the last of the buttermilk. Washing the Butter. 414. After all the buttermilk is removed, cold water having a temperature of about 55 degrees F. is added to the granular butter until the churn is about one-half rilled. The cover is then put on and after standing until the granular butter has hardened cr reached a temperature of about 55 degrees F., the churn is then slowly revolved from five to ten times so as to rinse all the buttermilk from the butter granules. This wash water is then drawn off. Another washing with cold water may be given the granules if they seem to show a milky or curdy appearance. This second washing is seldom necessary, but it is sometimes bene- ficial, especially if the cream was a little too ripe when churned or the butter granules too soft. 415. The wash water should be absolutely pure and whole- some, as defects may easily be started in the butter by using an unclean wash water or ice, as these may introduce putrefactive germs into the butter. Nothing but the purest drinking water should be used for washing the butter, soaking the churn and all other utensils used in butter making. 416. The temperature of the wash water is very important, as churning the granular butter in water that is warmer than the butter tends to soften the granules and to make an excessive amount of water stick to the butter fat. By excessive churning of the granular butter in warm water or in warm buttermilk, the water content of the final butter may easily exceed the legal limit of 16 per cent. This may be avoided, however, by washing the fine granules of butter with water cold enough to harden them and not leave the butter in a soft, mushy mass. 417. Under certain conditions of churning the granular but- ter needs no washing. If a ripe, rich cream is churned at a low temperature so that the buttermilk is about 50 degrees F. when drawn off, it will be noticed that the last drainings of buttermilk are watery and the granular butter shows no milky buttermilk DAIRYING 21 in the churn. Such butter, when salted and worked without wash- ing usually has a high flavor and if consumed within a few days is a very satisfactory product. It does not have good keeping qualities, and this practice is not followed very often at the pres- ent time. 418. The market demands for butter are now different than some years ago. A mild, clean flavor is more satisfactory than a pronounced butter flavor which is likely to change soon to a strong, nearly rancid flavor. Under such market demands the washing of butter' once or twice with cold water does not remove the desirable flavor of the butter. The amount of washing but- ter needs depends on: (1) The temperature of the churning; (2) the amount and kind of acidity in the cream ; (3) the size of the butter granules. 419. Butter from over-ripe or from tainted cream may some- times be improved by excessive washing, and butter containing white specks of curd from over-ripe cream may be improved by repeated washings, as the curd is heavier than the butter and may sink to the bottom and be drawn off in the wash water. Salting the Butter. 420. The old rule for salting butter is to use one ounce of salt for each pound of butter. The expression, "an ounce to the pound" is a very common one. This is a good standard, but the amount of salt that remains in the finished butter is not always the same when this rule is followed. More or less salt is wasted in all churnings. The amount retained in the butter depends principally (1) on the amount of water in the granular butter when the salt is added; (2) the fineness of the salt crystals and their solubility, and (3) the amount of working the butter gets after salting. 421. Several ways of salting butter are more or less com- mon among farm butter-makers. First. Brine salting, which consists simply in adding brine or salt dissolved in water, to the granular butter after drawing of. 22 DAIRYING the wash water. This method of salting requires considerable more salt than dry salting and gives a very mild salted butter because the brine does not stick to the butter in such quantities as the dry salt. Brine salting gives an even distribution of salt through the butter and is therefore a sure prevention of "mottles" in butter. Second. Dry salting in the churn is a good way of mix- ing salt with butter. This is an economical use of salt, but the uneven mixing it receives in the churn and the uncertainty of the weight of butter and necessary weight of salt to use are two oi the objections to this method. Good results are obtained by add- ing a part of the salt to the granular butter in the churn, then swing it back and forth a few times until well mixed ; after this let the butter stand for at least one-half hour for the salt to dis- solve. It may then be taken from the churn, placed on the worker where the remainder of the salt is added and the work- ing completed. Thjrd. Dry salting on the butter worker is a method by which the salting may be most easily controlled. After the gran- ular butter has thoroughly drained in the churn and while it is still in granules, the butter is taken from the churn with wooden ladles. (A good butter-maker never puts his or her hands in the butter), weighed, and then spread in a layer on the butter worker. About o.ne-half of the weighed salt is sprinkled or sifted over it, being careful to use a fine sieve so as to take out all lumps, sticks, etc., from the salt. The butter is then mixed with this salt by folding layers of butter over and over with a wooden ladle. It may then be worked a few times with the lever of the worker and left standing for the- salt to dissolve. This standing after salting is always desirable, but it neces- sitates doing the working in a clean, cool room, where the tem- perature does not go above 60 degrees F.. as the butter may be injured by the warming up and softening during working. After standing awhile, the remainder of the salt is added and the working completed by pressing the lever into the butter and folding the butter over and over. A little working at a time and waiting about ten minutes between workings will help to evenly distribute the salt through the butter as fast as it dissolves. DAIRYING This will prevent mottles in the butter and remove the gritty taste that is so objectionable in finished butter. Fourth. Dampen the salt with about as much water as there is salt, using from one-eighth to one-tenth as much salt as there is butter, or about one and one-half oz. salt per pound of butter. This damp salt is then sprinkled over the granular butter and worked into it a little at a time, allowing the butter to stand between workings. m 1) term ortrf Crystal Plate 3 Types of Butter Salt Crystal* all Magnified the Same 24 DAIRYING The Butter Salt. Many brands of butter salt are now on the market. They vary from fine to coarse grained. They also vary in the shape of the salt crystals. When a butter-maker is accustomed to the use of one size of salt crystal it is sometimes difficult for him to get the same results in his butter with a radically different salt crystal. It will take some time to adjust his practice to the change in salt. The coarse grained salts dissolve more slowly than the fine, and the working of the butter should be regulated to fit the grain of the salt used. More fine than coarse salt is usually wasted in butter-making, and as a rule the fine grained salts are cheaper than the coarse. 423. Before any salt is used, a tablespoonful of it should be added to a glass of clean water and the solution of the salt noticed. If it has a muddy color or a fine sediment that will not dissolve, another lot of salt that gives a clear brine should be used. 424. Analyses of samples of the principal brands of butter salt on the market have shown them to contain from 97.8 to 99.2 per cent, sodium chloride. The difference between these figures and 100 per cent, is principally made up of calcium sulphate. 425. The difference between the fine and the coarse grained salts is shown by measuring the space filled by the same weight of each salt. Comparing weights with volumes on the basis of one pint weighing one pound, then one pound of the finest grained salt will just about fill a pint measure, while one pound of the coarse grained salt will fill approximately one and one-half pints, or 385 grams fine salt equal 400 c. c., and 385 grams coarse salt equal 550 c. c. 426. The length of time required to dissolve the coarse and the fine salts is shown by the following figures : A given quan- tity of coarse salt dissolved in 45 seconds, of medium salt in 30 seconds, and of fine salt in 25 seconds. The coarse salt required nearly twice the time to dissolve it as the fine salt. The form, as well as the size of the salt crystals has, however, some in- fluence on the rate of its solubility. A cube of salt does not dis- DAIRYING 25 solve so rapidly as a flaky crystal, and these facts are of some importance in getting the salt dissolved and evenly distributed through the butter. 427. The amount of added salt that is retained in butter after working varies from one-fourth to one-half. If butter is salted at the rate of "one ounce to the pound," this is using about 6 per cent, of salt and since the finished butter contains all the way from two to four per cent, salt, more than one-half the salt used is sometimes washed out during the working. Plate 4 Bricks of Butter which have been kept (3) in dry air aad (5) in moist air, showing salt crystals on (3) and drops of brine on (5). 428. The appearance of salted butter is usually quite differ- ent from that of unsalted. Salt "draws out the moisture*' which is in the form of microscopic drops too small to be seen in the fresh butter, into "beads of brine" that are easily visible in the salted butter. This makes salted butter look as if it contained more water than unsalted, which is not always the case. An- other way in which salt sometimes affects the appearance of but- ter is in the formation of white crystals on its surface. These 26 DAIRYING crystals sometimes accumulate in such quantities as to form a white incrustation nearly covering the entire exposed surface of the butter. At other times only occasional patches of white crystals are formed. These white spots are seen most frequent- ly in winter and on one pound prints or bricks of butter that have stood in a refrigerator. They often appear within 12 hours after butter is made and increase in size so long as the butter remains under conditions favorable for their formation. Such spots are not an indication of defective salt, bad butter, or poor work- manship ; they simply show that the butter has been kept in a cold place which at the same time has been so dry that the water of the brine evaporated, leaving the salt on the surface of the butter. This appearance of salt on the surface of butter may be prevented by moistening the air of the room or the box in which the butter is held. 429. Salt will absorb odors, and before adding any salt to butter, its odor should be noticed ; it should also be kept in a clean, dry place where there are no bad odors, but plenty of fresh, dry air. Working Butter. 430. The three operations of washing, salting and working butter are so intimately connected that directions for carrying out each one of these cannot be given without some repetition. In discussing this part of the butter making process an attempt has been made to cover the ground under the three heads, rather than to give all the information possible under each one of them ; it will be necessary therefore to read the preceding pages on washing and salting butter in order to get all the instructions that may have been mentioned in regard to any one of these processes. 431. The appropriate working of butter will be influenced to some extent by the washing and salting it has previously re- ceived. It would be an easy matter to describe a number of possible variations in the amount and kind of working butter should have, when washed and salted in different ways, but this DAIRYING 27 is not of such fundamental importance as an understanding of the reasons for working butter. When a butter maker is familiar Hh them it is comparatively easy to work butter in a way best suited to accomplish the desired results. 432. The purposes of working butter are (1) to remove the buttermilk and surplus water; (2) to distribute the salt, and (3) to unite the granules so as to obtain the desired butter consist- ency. There is no hard and fast rule by which these three things may be always accomplished in an entirely satisfactory way by the same treatment ; the different working must be varied to suit the different conditions of the butter, and the butter-maker should know what influence each particular condition may have on the three objects to be attained. 1. To remove the buttermilk and surplus water will require different amounts of working according to the hardness and the. size of the butter granules, as well as the amount of water they contain, which is influenced to some extent by the length of time the butter is allowed to drain in the churn. The hard, small granules of butter which are usually ob- tained by churning at a low temperature will need but little working to remove the buttermilk and surplus water, and such butter can stand a great deal of working without injuring its grain. A rather soft, sticky butter does not drain freely, because both the buttermilk and the water stick to it and in this condi- tion butter will not stand much working without injury to its grain and body. Betwen these two extremes is the medium granule, about the size of wheat kernels which is firm, but neither soft nor hard and which will drain as dry as necessary in about fifteen minutes after the water is drawn from it. Such butter will not be injured by a fair amount of working. 2. Working butter to distribute the salt is best accomp- lished by repeated workings, allowing it to stand between each working as long as practicable, the longer the time the better the salt is dissolved. After a few revolutions of the worker, the but- ter may be tested to see if it contains the right amount of salt. 28 DAIRYING If too fresh, add more salt and if too salty, add water to wash out the surplus salt; do not wash it too much, as the subsequent working will remove some of this extra salt. If the working is all to be done at one time the butter should be allowed to stand one-half hour at least between the first and the last portions of the working. Two or more workings are surer than one, of evenly distrib- uting the salt without injury to the grain of the butter. This is especially the case when a coarse salt is used. When twice working is practiced, the butter is taken from the worker and the salt is well mixed, then put into tubs which are placed in the refrigerator and left a number of hours, usually over night. During this time the butter has hardened and the salt dissolved so that when taken out and worked a second time, the desired results may be obtained with less working than when it is all done at one time. Repeated working of cold, hard butter presses out more or less brine at each working and an excessively dry butter with too much loss in weight occurs if the butter is not warmed up at the time of working it. Salt attracts the fine drops of moisture in the butter into larger drops of brine and these are easily ex- pelled by excessive workings. 3. The mixing of butter granules into a firm and waxy mass is best accomplished by pressure rather than by grinding. The perfect grain or body of butter is obtained by working the wheat- like granules until a broken surface of the butter resembles a piece of broken steel ; the fracture is distinct and not sticky ; the butter has a velvety, springy feeling that is hard to describe, but easily recognized by careful observation and practice. 433. The butter working should be stopped before the but- ter shows a tendency to be stringy and to pull apart like grease with thread-like connections between the t.vo parts. Overwork- ing has a tendency to give the butter a greasy appearance like lard, which is not attractive to the consumer. If the butter is cold and hard when worked, there may be a great loss of weight by the expelling ot both salt and water from the butter, and on the other hand working at a too high temperature has a tendency to incorporate instead of removing 1 water. DAIRYING 29 Many successful butter-makers work their butter by the watch or by counting the number of revolutions of the worker or rollers of the worker. This is a safe practice to follow, as it aids in producing a uniform body in the butter of different churnings. 434. The amount of working to give butter will be in- fluenced by: (1) The amount of butter worked at one time; (2) the temperature of the butter; (3) the size of the butter gran- ules when salted ; (4) the richness of the cream and the tem- prature of churning; (5) the feed and the freshness of the cows; (6) the solubility of the salt and the size or shape of the salt crystals ; (7) the time butter stands during the working. 435. The working of butter may be stopped: (1) When no gritty salt is noticeable; (2) when streaks of light or whitish Plate 5 The L,ever Butter Worker color caused by salt all disappear; (3) when mottles do not ap- pear after butter stands about six hours ; (4) when the surface of butter cut with a string or wire shows a uniform color; (5) when the brine that drips from the worker is no longer milky. 436. The lever butter worker is always satisfactory for farm butter making. It should be scrubbed and scalded with hot water and then cooled with cold or ice water just before using it, and this same treatment should be given to all the wooden ladles and paddles as well as the butter worker lever, before 30 DAIRYING / using them in the butter. This scalding and then cooling closes the pores of the wood so that butter does not stick to it. Work- ing butter in a wooden bowl with one's hands is a practice of former times that has been abandoned by all modern farm butter makers. It is unsanitary and it fails to make butter with a sat- isfactory salt content or texture. Washing the Churn and the Butter Worker. 437. After removing all the butter from the churn it should be partly rilled with scalding hot water, the cover put on and churn revolved a few times, taking the precaution to ventilate the churn to prevent an explosion. If the water is hot enough, the churn may be left uncovered in a clean place after drawing Plate 6 Butter Paddles off the hot water and the steam and heat will dry the wood so that it will be in good condition for use next time. If the churn is left to stand for weeks and months it should be filled with lime water or slaked lime. This will prevent it from drying out and the wood will be kept in a sweet condition. The same scalding process used on the churn should also be given to the worker and butter paddles. It is claimed that a coat-- ing of whitewash or slaked lime is also beneficial for keeping these implements in good condition between churnings. DAIRYING 31 The Yield of Butter. 438. The amount of butter obtained in the churn will de- pend principally on the amount of butter fat in the milk and cream churned. The butter, however, when ready for the jnar- ket, contains something else besides the butter fat of the milk and cream. Some water and salt are mixed with the fat and a small amount of the curd of the buttermilk always stays in the butter. This is shown by the difference in the taste of butter fat and of butter. The pure butter fat oil as it exists in the milk and cream is tasteless, while butter has more or less taste, due to some extent, to the salt and the curd tha't have been mixed with the pure butter fat. It is evident therefore that if all the fat of the milk and cream is recovered in the butter there should be obtained considerable more butter than there was butter fat. The amount of this increase of butter over butter fat will de- pend on the extent to which these so-called foreign substances have been added to the fat. Butter usually contains about 83.00 per cent, butter fat, 14.00 per cent, water, 2.00 per cent, salt and 1.00 per cent. curd. There will be some variation in these fig- ures from one churning to another, as it is impossible to make each churning of butter contain exactly the same per cent, of fat, water, salt and curd. 439. The law in regard to butter at the present time is that it must not contain over 16.00 per cent, water and the buttermaker should be sure that his practice of churning, work- ing, and salting butter from day to day will make legal butter. This is not a difficult matter and if the methods described in this lesson are followed, there is little danger of making butter con- taining over 16.00 per cent, water. The average per cent, of water in butter is about 14.00 as already stated. The Butter Overrun. 440. Since butter is not all butter fat, but a mixture of salt, curd, water and fat, the amount of butter that may be made from either milk or cream can be approximately calculated by finding out how much fat there is in the milk or the cream 32 DAIRYING and adding to it the increase that will come from the water, salt and curd when the butter is made. This increase is called the overrun and it is usually expressed as a per cent, of the fat in the milk or cream skimmed and churned. If 1000 Ibs. of 'milk testing 3.5 per cent, fat is made into butter there will be a slight loss of fat in the skim milk and in the buttermilk. Nearly all the remainder of the fat of the milk should be recovered in the butter and when the water, salt and curd are added to this butter fat, the net increase in weight will be about 16 per cent, of the fat in the milk. In this case 1000 Ibs. milk multiplied by its test, 3.5 per cent, fat gives 35 Ibs. butter fat and the approximate amount of butter that may be made from it is found by adding 16 per cent. lo the pounds of butter fat or 35 pounds x 1.1 6- 40.6 pounds butter- This weight of butter may be reduced by greater losses in the skim milk and butter milk than are included in this calculation, also by incorporating less water in the butter and from excessive losses by waste of milk, cream and butter that sticks to the cans, vats, churn, etc., during the skimming and churning of the milk and cream. 441. The overrun or yield of butter from milk and cream is influenced by: (1) The losses in skimming; (2) the losses in churning; (3) the losses from waste; (4) the accuracy of weigh- ing, sampling and testing the milk, cream and butter; (5) the amount of water, salt and curd incorporated in the butter. When a practice is adopted that gives a uniform skimming and churning and accurate weights and tests are made of the milk, cream and butter, the yield of butter or the overrun will be uniform from day to day. CALCULATING THE OVERRUN. 442. The overrun is calculated by first multiplying the weight of milk or cream by its test. This gives the pounds of butter fat handled ; second, weigh the butter and from it subtract the pounds of butter fat found by the first calculation; third, find what per cent, the difference between the weight of butter and of butter DAIRYING 33 fat is of the pounds of butter fat in the milk or cream started with. If 1000 pounds of milk testing 3.5 per cent, fat gives 40.6 pounds butter then the overrun is calculated as follows: 1000 X 3.5%=35 pounds butter fat. Then if 40.6 pounds butter is made the increase is 40.6 35=5.6 pounds and this 5.6 pounds is what pen cent of 35 pounds (35 :5.6::100:x=16%.) 443. The overrun from, cream is a few per cent, more than from milk because the losses in skimming are not considered in the cream overrun. If 100 pounds cream testing 35 per cent, fat gives 42 pounds. butter the overrun is calculated as follows: 100 * 35%=35 pounds butter fat and this subtracted from the 42 pounds butter leaves 7 Ibs., which is a certain per cent, of the 35 pounds fat in the cream. This may be found in the following way Plate 7 Paper Butter Package (35:7::io:x=2O%.) An overrun calculation may be made from data obtained in any churning, but it is always necessary to know the pounds of butter fat in the milk or the cream and the pounds of butter made from this butter fat. Unless these two figures are known, the overrun cannot be calculated. FARM DAIRY BUTTER PACKAGES. 444. Wood or paper packages of various shapes and sizes are more satisfactory than any other material used for this purpose. Tin rusts and glass or crocks are generally too heavy for eco- nomical transportation. Crocks make a clean, attractive package so long as no cracks or scars are found on them, but as soon 34 DAIRYING as they are nicked or the glazing broken the rough surface is hard to keep clean enough for a butter package. 445. The paper boxes made of various sizes for selling butter in small quantities are light but firm enough to make a satisfactory package. They are usually lined with parchment paper and are made substantial enough to be shipped by express or by freight if crated. These boxes require no soaking or other preparation before using and the butter may be packed directly into them after churning. Piates 8 and 9 Butter Tubs 446. Among the wooden butter packages are the bail box and the small tub ; both must be thoroughly scrubbed and then soaked in first hot and then cold water. The soaking in cold water should continue several hours. Steaming such packages is helpful in killing any mold spore that may be present and in removing woody flavor, although these are generally made of wood selected especially for this purpose and do not often impart a woody flavor to the butter. 447. All wooden packages should be lined with parchment paper after both the wood and the paper have been thoroughly steamed and soaked. Strips of parchment cut to fit the sides and circles for the top and bottom of the package are commonly fur- nished with the box or tub. 448. All boxes and tubs should be filled solid by packing the butter a little at a time and pressing it firmly into the package be- DAIRYING 35 fore more butter is added. Any holes or cavities in the butter reduce its attractiveness to the buyer. When the package is filled the butter should be cut off by drawing a wire or string across the top. This gives a smooth, even surface on which the cloth circle may be placed. A thin sprinkling of salt sifted on the top of the cloth makes an attractive finish. The parchment paper side-lining is sometimes large enough to come up about an inch above the top of the package and this is folded neatly over the smooth cut surface of the butter before putting on the cloth circle. The top of the butter should not show any finger prints and the exact net weight of the butter in each package should be recorded. An occasional test or comparison of the scales should also be made to insure accurate weighing as this is important to both the buyer and to the seller of the butter. Plates 10 and 11 Butter Printers 449. One pound prints or bricks of butter are coming more and more into favor. Hand printers of various types may be bought for this purpose and one side of the printer carved with a trade mark or ornamental design which should not be too elabor- ate as this increases the difficulty in keeping it clean, but such a brand may be helpful in selling the butter, especially if the quality is uniform and characteristic. Each print or brick should have square edges, no cavities and always weigh 16 ounces. A butter maker should never neglect 36 DAIRYING to weigh a few prints at every churning as this insures full weight and it also prevents losses from overweight which may amount to considerable money in a year. Each print or brick of butter should be wrapped in parch- ment paper which can be bought of the right size and on which the trade mark of the maker' as well as his name may be printed. 450. A paraffined paper carton or wrapper for each print of butter is now used a good deal as this protects the butter in handling, especially in delivery from house to house. It is custom- Plate 12 Butter Package tor 1 Pound Bricks ary to have the maker's name printed on this carton and also a sentence or two concerning the best way to keep the butter after it is delivered to the customer, such as the following: 451. To preserve the fine qualities of this butter which is fresh from the churn keep it cool and keep it away from fruits, vegetables, cooked meats or other materials having odors. The quality of butter is often spoiled in the house refrigerators after leaving the dairy or creamery where it is made. 452. A favorite way of shipping print butter to customers buying a certain amount each week is to pack 2, 4 or 6 or more of the prints in a wooden box. These boxes may be "knocked down," of any size desired and when nailed together will exactly fit the number of prints each customer wants. This makes a convenient package for shipping by express or by parcels post. 453. In order to be up to the times some sort of a package should always be used as the old way of molding butter into cakes, balls or rolls of varying sizes is now out' of date. The DAIRYING 37 appearance of the butter is nearly as important as its flavor and butter simply rolled up in a cloth is not so salable as the same butte in a neat package or in a well-made one-pound brick. 454. Wooden packages should not be jused a second time as it is impossible to keep them clean enough and most of them ar cheaply made with the expectation that they will be used but once. Plates 13 and 14 Crates of Butter Packages MARKETING FARM BUTTER. 455. Selling butter to the country store or a grocer in a city is generally unsatisfactory as the price paid at the store must be below the market price unless some particular customer has taken a fancy to a certain make of dairy butter and is willing to pay an advanced price for it. The only advantage a store sale has over private customers is the saving of time in delivery. 456. Supplying special customers with butter by shipping or delivering directly to them is the most profitable way of dis- posing of farm butter. In order to do this in such a way. as to command a fancy price it is necessary to make butter of a uniform quality and to deliver it regularly and promptly. 38 DAIRYING 457. When customers of this kind are once obtained they will soon become attached to the butter and notice the difference, between their butter and all other butter. The butter of each dairy has its own* characteristics and it is because of this fact that some customers are willing to pay $1.00 per pound and more for butter of a certain dairy. The price of farm dairy butter in general is not so high as that of creamery butter, but a higher price is paid for some farm dairy butter than for any creamery butter. This shows the opportunity there may be for selling farm butter for fancy prices, but in order to do this, considerable time must be given to the farm butter making and it is generally more profitable for a farmer to devote his time to economical milk production and sell his milk or cream to a creamery than it is to make small quantities of butter to sell at the best price he can get. BUTTER MAKING FROM SEPARATOR CREAM. 458. The making of butter from separator cream has many advantages over the making of butter from gravity cream. The richness of separator cream can easily be controlled and when skimmed from perfectly sweet milk the cream should be in the same condition from day to day and give an opportunity for making butter of a uniform quality. Such an opportunity is more within the grasp of a farm butter maker than a creamery butter maker because the former has the cream from his own separator only, while the latter receives either milk or cream from many farms. 459. The process of making butter from separator cream has been studied and developed to a high degree of efficiency during the past fifteen years. Many different machines and methods have been tried and certain ones of these have stood the test of time and proved their fundamental importance to the industry. These methods and general principles apply to farm as well as to factory butter making and some of them will be given more in detail than already described in the preceding pages. DAIRYING 39 COOLING THE CREAM 460. It is admitted by all buttermakers that cream should be cooled before it is churned (1) to aid in giving the butter a de- sirable body and grain ; (2) to obtain an exhaustive churning, and (3) to check the souring process. 461- The cream as it comes from the separator has a temper- ature of about 75 to 85 degrees F. Some good authorities advise that it should be run from the separator over a cooler into the ripening vat as a cooling of 20 degrees or more and the aeration it gets by the cooling are beneficial to the flavor of both cream and butter. This treatment, it is claimed, removes some taint from cream and gives it and the butter a cleaner flavor and bet- ter keeping qualities than is the case when cream is ripened with- out this cooling or aerating. This practice is recommended and followed in Danish dairies and in other European butter-making establishments. In America, however, the common custom of butter makers is to allow the cream to flow from the separators directly into the cream ripening vat without an intermediate cool- ing; it being claimed that cooling after ripening answers every purpose and that unnecessary work and a waste of water or other cooling material is thereby avoided. 462. The fat in cream hardens and crystallizes slowly, not entirely on account of its failing to reach the same temperature as the cream serum in a given time, but because fat changes from a liquid to a solid condition less readily than the serum cools. Stirring or any sort of agitation, will aid in hastening the crystal- lization of the fat, and the solidifying point of butter fat. A thor- ough cooling of the fat requires the maintainance of a tem- perature near 50 degrees F. for two hours, or more. This is usually done in the ripening vat before churning. 463. Cooling cream by placing large blocks of clean ice in obtained. The cream immediately surrounding the cake of ice is necessarily chilled to a much lower temperature than that a little distance from it, unless the ice is kept in constant motion. This may cause an uneven ripening as well as an unsatisfactory cooling of the cream -and should therefore be avoided whenever possible. 40 DAIRYING Ice broken in small pieces and added to cream in a vat or to the churn is less objectionable and this is sometimes done with good results in an emergency. If continued as a constant practice, how- ever, there is danger of injuring the churn, as broken lumps of ice will deface the wood somewhat by scratching it during the churn- ing. CREAM RIPENING 464. The principal reasons for ripening cream before it is churned are: (1) To give flavor to the butter; (2) to aid in churning within a reasonable time and (3), to improve the keeping quality of the butter. 465. When cream sours a certain part of the milk sugar (lactose) is changed to lactic acid. This and other changes that take place are caused by the growth of bacteria, which are sup- posed to be responsible for much of the flavor in butter. A great deal has been learned about these microscopic plants, but there still remains so much to be found out concerning the part they play in the development of butter flavor that their relation to it will not be extensively discussed at this time. 466. In a general way it may be said that the milk and cream bacteria may be divided into two classes: (1) Lactic acid bacteria which sour milk and cream by the production of lactic acid, and (2), putrefactive bacteria which change the nitrogenous consti- tuents, such as the casein and curd of milk and cream, into products having an offensive odor and a disagreeable taste. 467. Both classes are usually present in large numbers in the milk which comes from many herds. The putrefactive bacteria, however, are usually more numerous in the winter season than in the summer, because of the stable milking and the house care of the milk and cream. 468. The lactic acid bacteria are the ones which the butter- maker should try to cultivate in the cream ripening, and the putrefactive bacteria are not so easily destroyed as many of the other germs in milk and cream. They will survive a temperature DAIRYING 41 that kills the lactic acid bacteria, and on this account are very troublesome, especially at the seasons of the year when they are likely to get into the milk in large numbers. 470. In making raw cream butter the buttermaker can best deal with these undesirable bacteria by ripening a very rich cream with a starter which contains a sufficiently large number of the acid-producing bacteria to suppress the growth of the purefactive organisms. The safest way, however, is to so care for the milk and cream at the farm that it is kept free from these undesirable bacteria. 1, Effect of Ripening on Butter Flavor. It is a well known fact that pure butter fat is nearly tasteless. This shows that most of the butter flavor is the result of a more or less complex mixture of butter fat, cream-serum, curd and salt. The fat is not the single source of taste in butter, but by the ripening of the cream, products are formed from the fat, the casein, and the cream serum which are partially absorbed by the butter fat, and give the butter its characteristic flavor. When the ripening process goes too far the fat itself is changed somewhat and objectionable flavors are produced. If the butter is not properly cared for after being made, the ripening process may continue to go on to such an extent that the butter fat be- comes rancid and gives the peculiar flavor of "strong" butter. The characteristic difference in taste between sweet cream butter and that made from sour or ripened cream shows the effect which the ripening process has on butter. Sweet cream butter has a flat, sweetish taste with very little aroma, while butter from ripened cream has the characteristic "butter" taste and aroma which is more or- less pronounced, depending on the extent to which the cream is ripened before churning. The opinions of scientists differ somewhat as to the kind of bacteria or ferments that are best fitted to ripen cream and produce a desirable flavor in the butter. All agree however that lactic acid ferments are always beneficial, but some claim that -a mixture of certain other ferments with the lactic acid bacteria produces equally as good and sometimes a better flavor and aroma in the butter than lactic acid alone. 42 DAIRYING The presence of air is not necessary for cream ripening as the lactic acid bacteria grow in the presence and in the absence of air. Aeration and stirring are beneficial during cream ripening, as they prevent a musty smell in the butter and distribute the ferments uniformly through the mass of the cream. RELATION BETWEEN HARDNESS OF THE FAT AND THE BUTTER FLAVOR 471. Butter fat is a very complex compound, but for the pur- pose of butter-making it may be considered as made up of the hard and the soft fats. The relative proportion of these components affects the body and texture of the butter. The proportion is in- fluenced by the cow's feed and by her period of lactation. When cows are fresh and when they receive a liberal supply of green feed the relative proportion of the soft fats is greater and the butter is often much softer and melts at a lower temperature than is the case in' the latter part of the lactation period or when cows receive dry feed exclusively. The hardness of butter may be an indication of its flavor. High flavored butter is usually softer than low flavored butter and hard, tallowy butter is inclined to be tasteless. The relation between the amount of hard and of soft fats in butter is not changed, however, by the cream ripening process. It is either a breed or an individual characteristic of the cow or it is subject to the changes already mentioned in the period of lactation and the feed that the cows receive. It will thus be seen that the fermentations which take place during the ripening of the cream are not the only source of butter flavor. These ferments are however of great importance, and their propagation and control is discussed under the head of Start- ers in lesson VI. 2. The Effect of Ripening on Churning. It has already been stated that one of the reasons for ripening cream is to aid in churn- ing the cream in a reasonable length of time. A well ripened cream will churn under ordinary circumstances in about 45 minutes, DAIRYING 43 and very Trifle butter fat will be left in the buttermilk if the churn- ing temperature is an appropriate one. The effect of ripening on* the churniiTig of cream may be demonstrated by dividing a lot of cream imtto two parts, one of which is held at a temperature cold enough tto prevent ripening and the other ripened at temperatures fitted to give the best results. When both lots are churned at the proper temperature for churning ripe cream and in churns of the same size, it will be found that the ripened cream churns first and gives more butter than is obtained from the sweet or unripened cream. The ripening has had some effect on the curd of the cream and aids the separation of butter fat from the serum. There are other things, such as the temperature and the richness of the cream that have an influence on churning, but these are discussed in another place, par. 399, and are only outlined here to call atten- tion to the fact that cream ripening is one of the important factors in churning. 3. Effect of Ripening on Keeping Quality. One of the strik- ing differences between sweet cream butter and ripened cream butter is the way in which they hold their fresh flavor. When but- ter is kept at the ordinary temperature of butter cellars and house or store refrigerators near 50 F. the fermentations character- istic of cream and butter are not materially checked ; they continue to develop in the curd of the butter and may often have a marked effect on its flavor in a short time. Sweet cream butter usually contains more curd than, that made from ripened cream, because the curd does not wash out so thoroughly during the butter making process. The sweet cream butter therefore goes "off" flavor much more quickly than the other butter, because of the accumulation of these fermentation products. The continued ripening of the curd in butter, after it is made, may improve the sweet cream butter flavor for awhile, but when the fermentations are not stop- ped by cooling the butter, the butter fat absorbs the fermentation products formed, and their accumulation, as well as the changes which take place in the fat itself, produce the old and rancid flavor which is so objectionable in butter. 472. The ripened cream butter will, as a rule, keep in a fresh and acceptable condition under the same conditions of temperature 44 DAIRYING for a longer time than the sweet cream butter, because the ripening before churning has reduced the amount of curd left in the butter. The expression is often heard that butter which is once good is always good, meaning that high scoring butter will retain its good qualities better than butter which has never been exceptionally fine. This is undoubtedly true in many cases, but exceptions are so common that it can hardly be accepted as a foundation principle in buttermaking. Cases have frequently been known in which prize butter has gone "off" flavor in a short time after it was scored; and while such instances may not be so common as those in which high scoring butter has retained its good qualities longer than poorer butter, still the exceptional case is of sufficiently fre- quent occurrence to make it unsafe to predict the future of any piece of butter with certainty. 473. Many opinions and more or less positive statements re- garding butter flavors are sometimes advanced which cannot be proved, but they receive a certain amount of respectful attention because of the inability of the listener to contradict them. Such statements are often based on a few observations made without the support of scientific investigation, which up to the present time has not revealed the principles or laws on which butter flavor and its keeping quality is founded. If these laws were known it would be possible so to formulate them that men of ordinary intelligence could follow their directions and obtain uniformly good results. 474. The part which bacteria, lactic acid and curd play in butter making is not thoroughly understood by the best author- ities, but the ripening of cream with a pure culture of lactic acid bacteria either alone or with some of the so-called flavor-producing bacteria is recommended as good practice. The results obtained will be influenced by the cleanliness, and the sweetness of the cream started with, and the ability of the butter maker to judge when to check the ripening process and when to churn the cream. LENGTH OF RIPENING PROCESS 475. The rate or rapidity with which cream ripens may be in- fluenced by a variety of conditions. Some of these conditions are : DAIRYING 45 1. The richness of the cream. 2. The condition of the miik. 3. The weather conditions. 4. The number of bacteria present, whether added by a starter or from other sources. 5. The temperature at which the cream is held. 1. EFFECT OF RICHNESS OF CREAM ON RIPENING Some idea of the rate at which cream is ripening in the early stages of the process may be gained by using the tests for acidity which are employed for this purpose. Both Mann's acid test and Farrington's Alkaline Tablets are capable of giving satisfactory results. These tests do not necessarily measure the ripeness of cream, but they may in the early stages of the process serve as a guide to show how fast the acidity is progressing. Cream reaches the limit of its acidity at a lower percentage of acid than milk. The fat in cream is neutral, and since the acidity must be de- veloped entirely in the cream serum, the amount of serum present will be governed by the percentage of fat in the cream. A cream testing 20 per cent, fat contains 80 per cent, serum and one testing 50 per cent, fat contains only 50 per cent, serum. The amount of acid that may be developed in the thinner cream will therefore be considerably larger than it is possible to obtain in the richer cream. The serum present may contain the same percentage of acidity in both cases, but on account of there being so much more serum in the thin than in the rich cream, the fat in the thin cream is mixed with a larger quantity of the acid serum than is the 1 case with the rich cream. This doubtless has ,some influence not only on the rate at which cream ripens, but on the extent to which the butter flavor is developed by the ripening. 476. A simple calculation will show the serum acidity of cream of any richness corresponding to a standard acidity for cream containing a certain percentage of fat. If, for example, 0.6 per cent, acid in cream testing 25 per cent, fat may be accepted as a standard, then the corresponding serum acidity of cream testing DAIRYING other percentages of fat may be found as follows: Cream testing 25 per cent, fat contains 75 per cent, serum; and since the fat is a neutral substance the 0.6 per cent, acid is held in the 75 per cent, serum. If we have .6 Ib. acid in 75 pounds serum, there is .6 divided by 75 or .008 Ibs. acid in 1 pound of serum. This .008 pounds acid is then the standard acidity per pound of serum, and the pounds of serum in cream of any per cent, fat should be multiplied by this figure in order to determine the serum acidity, which will corres- pond to .6 per cent, acid in cream testing 25 per cent. fat. The results of a few such calculations are given in the follow- ing table: Acidity of cream corresponding to .6 per cent, in cream testing 25 per cent. fat. Cream fat per cent . . 70 25 30 35 40 45 50 Serum, per cent 80 7S 70 6S 60 55 50 Aciditv, per cent. .64 .60 .56 .52 .48 .44 .40 An acidity of any other standard may be calculated by the same method. LIMIT OF ACIDITY 477. It will be explained under the discussion of starters that there is a limit to the percentage of acidity that will develop in either skim milk, milk, or cream. In skim milk this point is reached at about 0.8 per cent, acid ; in cream it will be reached at a lower per cent, acid, depending on the richness of the cream. A series of trials have shown that by allowing samples of cream containing from 25 to 50 per cent, fat, to sour several days or until no more acid in quantity would develop, that the limit of acidity obtained was the following: Showing the extreme acidity which developed in skim milk and in cream testing different per cents, fat. Fresh 17 14 14 13 13 13 .11 24 hours . . . 55 SO .38 .35 34 3 I * 48 hours . . . 64 S7 .47 46 46 * 72 hours . . 76 60 53 SO * 96 hours 78 6? 54 SO 108 hours . .78 .TO .55 *Too thick to draw into pipette. DAIRYING 47 478. These tests show that the acidity of the different samples reached a maximum beyond which it did not develop even though they were held under favorable conditions for souring. They also show that buttermakers should not expect cream con- taining 25 and up to 50 per cent, fat to develop an acidity beyond the figures given in the table. A cream containing 25 per cent, fat may reach 0.6 per cent, acid, but a richer cream such as a 40 per cent, fat cream will not sour much beyond 0.5 per cent acid. 2. CONDITION OF THE MILK The cream from a perfectly sweet, clean milk will ripen more slowly and in a much more satisfactory way than cream skimmed from milk in which the ripening has already started. Milk that has not been .properly cooled after milking and has begun to sour from age or impurities will not supply a cream free from taints. The defects of the milk are carried into the cream, and they are often the cause of an abnormal ripening of the cream. When the milk is pure and free from all foreign matter as well as taints the cream skimmed from it will be in such a satis- factory condition that the buttermaker may be able to control the ripening process and make an excellent quality of butter. This is not to be depended on, however, if a great variety of bacteria is carried to the cream from the impure milk. A large churning of butter may be injured by one lot of im- pure milk and the entire quantity of milk or cream to which it is added suffer a loss in butter price on that account. This does not seem fair when a reasonable amount of care will keep milk and cream sweet and pure. 3. THE WEATHER CONDITIONS During hot, sultry weather bacteria- thrive and multiply rapid- ly, but in a cool, clear atmosphere the growth of these ferments is somewhat retarded. The effect of changes in the weather is often noticed in cream which is ripened in open vats. Damp, dark, and 48 DAIRYING warm days are favorable for a vigorous bacterial growth and when cream is exposed to such weather it should be watched closely in order to prevent the ripening process from going too fast. This may be checked by cooling the cream to 50 F. and lower, but even at this temperature the cream may continue to ripen in muggy, warm weather faster than in bright, dry days. This tendency of the cream ripening to be influenced by the weather should receive due consideration from day to day by the buttermaker. 4. NUMBER OF BACTERIA IN CREAM The number of bacteria present in cream at the time ripening begins has an important influence on the rapidity of its ripening. The supply of bacteria in each lot of cream should therefore be controlled by the use of more or less starter depending on the rate at which it is desired to have the cream ripen. This is similar to the growth of vegetation in well prepared soil. The ground may be covered with a luxuriant crop if a liberal amount of seed has been planted, but with a scant seeding very little growth will be seen even if the soil and other conditions are favorable. 5. THE TEMPERATURE OF RIPENING A large number of the bacteria which ripen cream grow rapidly at a temperature between 70 and 90 F. Both the activity and the ripening of cream are hastened at these temperatures. In practice, however, it is not customary to warm cream much above 70 F. when one wishes to hasten the ripening; and it progresses so rapidly at this point that a few hours is usually sufficient to bring about the desired effect. Checking the ripening is not such an easy matter as hastening it. The growth and development of bacteria may be retarded by cooling the cream to near 50 F., but some changes continue to take place even at this temperature. The ripening goes on ex- tremely slowly, however, and cooling to as low a temperature as DAIRYING 49 possible and as suddenly as possible is about the only safe means the buttermaker has at his disposal for checking the progress of the ripening. *RAW CREAM BUTTER 479. Quick Ripening. The point to which cream is ripened before churning may be reached in a comparatively short time after separation if the buttermaker so desires. When quick ripen- ing is practiced a large starter is added to the sweet cream and it is then held at a temperature of 70 to 75 F. from two to four hours, or until the cream has reached about 0.5 per cent. acid. The cream is then cooled to near 50 F. and held at this tem- perature at least two hours or until it is churned. Some butter- makers of long experience profess to be able to get the best quality of butter by churning immediately after the cream has been brought to the proper stage of ripeness and then cooled sufficiently for churning. This method it is claimed will produce a more highly flavored butter than that made when the ripened cream is held at a temperature near 55 F. for 12 hours or more after ripening, or until the morning churning. The butter intended for competition in prize contests is sometimes made in this way, the buttermaker watching the cream and churning it in the night when it is "just right" rather than running the risk of loss in quality by allowing the ripened cream to stand until the next morning and then churn- ing it. 480. No satisfactory theoretical explanation for the immedi- ate churning after quick ripening has yet been offered, and the success of such a practice depends largely on the ability of the buttermaker to detect the point at which the cream is in the proper stage of ripeness for obtaining the desired quality of butter. The acid tests will not do this, as they measure only the amount of acid developed by the ripening. After a certain point has been reached the acidity fails to increase, but the ripening changes con- *Raw cream butter is understood to be butter made from cream which has not been heated above the usual separating temperature of milk that is about 85 F. 50 DAIRYING tinue to go on, and usually the butter flavor is more or less affected by their progress. In many cases the butter is injured by allowing the cream to stand very long after a quick ripening, and this makes the practice rather an unsafe one for inexperienced buttermakers. The safer practice to follow until one becomes expert in detecting the proper point to which cream should be ripened, is to hold the cream at a lower temperature and allow the ripening process to develop slowly. 481. Slow Ripening. The ripening of cream from 20 to 40 hours is far more common than is a quicker ripening. The usual practice where milk or cream is handled daily during the entire year is to run the sweet cream from the separators directly into the ripening-vat to which a starter may have been added at the beginning of the separation. If the cream is all separated at about eleven o'clock, it is then thoroughly stirred and its temperature may be about 70 F., while the acidity is near .2 per cent. The cream is held at this temperature until its acidity has reached about 0.4 per cent. This may be attained at about 4 p. m., depending on the conditions already mentioned (par. 475). At this point the cooling of the cream is begun and continued until its temperature has reached 50-55 F. This temperature is maintained until the next morning, when the cream churned is of moderate richness. Cream should not be held many hours after it has reached 0.6 per cent, acidity, as the butter loses its fresh, clean flavor by continu- ing the ripening after this point. 482. When milk is separated every other day, as is often the case in winter and the colder seasons of the year, the cream is held for two days before churning. Under such conditions the tem- perature of the cream should not be allowed to go much above 56 F. It is kept near this temperature until the acidity has reached about 0.4 per cent. This will require some time, as the ripening process goes on slowly at 56 F. under normal conditions. If the milk when separated is partially ripened the cream will ripen quickly and so high a temperature as 56 F. may not be a safe one at which to hold the cream, but with sweet cream /and a moderate amount of starter there is not much danger of over-ripening the cream by holding it from 6 to 12 hours at 56 F. Frequent acid DAIRYING 51 tests of the cream will show the progress of the ripening, and when .4 to .5 per cent, acid has been reached the cream should be cooled to near 50 F. and held at that temperature until it is churned. The acidity at churning time should not exceed 0.6 per cent. 483. The so-called "48 hour" or slow ripening of cream is practiced and recommended by some buttermakers who produce an extra quality of butter, even when milk is skimmed daily. The body of the butter may be firmer, than that made from cream ripened a shorter time at a higher temperature. The practice is a safer one to follow with perfectly pure and clean milk than with milk of uncertain sweetness from day to day. Milk from one or a few large herds well cared for and in prime condition each day will furnish cream which may be much more safely ripened for 48 hours than that supplied by a number of more or less careless patrons. UNCERTAINTY OF RIPENING BY RULE 484. The foregoing discussion of cream ripening is intended to apply to the ordinary conditions at the present time where either milk or cream or both are made into butter. The conditions of this supply may vary from day to day according to the weather, the season, and the extent to which the milk producers are dairy farmers. Some butter is made from milk and cream from many small farmers who keep a few cows as a side issue and do not give the cows or the milk much attention. At other places the milk and cream is produced by men who make a business of dairy farming; they keep good-sized herds of dairy cows and provide the necessary arrangements for taking excellent care of the milk and cream. These differences in the supply have an important bearing on the cream ripening and the butter quality. On account of this variety in condition, it is impossible to give directions for cream ripening that may be followed in the same routine way each day and at all places. 485. A definite knowledge of the reasons for ripening cream and the influence which temperature, acidity, etc., have on the 52 DAIRYING process should be possessed by the buttermaker, and these with his experience and his own careful observations should be his guide in ripening each lot of cream. He cannot successfully follow any set form of directions as to the number of hours that the cream should be held at certain temperatures each day, or the amount and best kind of starter to use. He must understand thoroughly the cause and the effect of the various tests and manipulations em- ployed in cream ripening, and govern his work by this knowledge. PASTEURIZED CREAM BUTTER 486. Nearly all the desirable and the objectionable flavors ex- cept food flavors found in milk, cream and butter, come from fermentations that are started in these products by bacteria. The souring of cream is an illustration of the growth of ferments in cream that help to develop in the butter. If these are of the right kind a good butter flavor is obtained, if not of the right kind an objectionable flavor is noticed. It is evident there- fore that a control of the fermentations that occur in all dairy products is a very important matter. One of the ways in which an attempt has been made to control the fermentation in butter making is to heat the cream to a temperature ranging between 150 and 180 F. then cool it to near 50 F. Such a heating is called pasteurization. If the heating has been thorough, nearly all the bacteria that cause the fermentation or souring of cream will be destroyed and if a carefully selected starter which contains the right kind of bacteria is then added ; this seeds the cream with ferments that develop the desirable flavors in the butter. UNIFORMITY IN QUALITY OF PASTEURIZED CREAM BUTTER 487. The secret of success in butter making is to make an article of uniform quality. Consumers from day to day like to recognize the taste that they have become accustomed to in their butter, and an introduction of a new taste arouses suspicion and provokes expressions of dislike. These may not always mean that DAIRYING 53 the butter is inferior in quality ; but that the familiar taste is lack- ing. 488. A uniformity in the salt, the color and the texture of butter is the result of careful and uniform workmanship, which is largely mechanical ; but to make butter which shall have a uniform flavor throughout the year requires a certain amount of expertness and good judgment, that is something more than mechanical. Uni- formity in flavor cannot always be obtained by following fixed rules. This is especially true of raw cream butter where the fermentations which take place in the cream are subject to the varying conditions of milk, cream and weather that influence their growth. When the cows receive sound, wholesome feed and are milked in a clean way, as is generally the case after a rain in June, milk often has a different taste from that produced only a few months later by the same cows, which may be standing all day in stagnant water fighting flies in a pasture that has become barren of feed in consequence of a continued drought. There is a great difference in the purity of the milk produced under these two conditions and in the variety of bacteria found in the cream obtained from it. 489. The butter made from such milk will naturally vary in flavor under the opposite conditions, especially when churned from raw cream, because in this case nothing has been done to re- duce the number of bacteria usually present in such cream. This difficulty may be overcome by destroying the bacteria present and by introducing a pure culture of selected bacteria. The butter maker has therefore much better chances of making butter that is uniform in quality during the entire year, when he pasteurizes either the milk or cream and ripens the cream with a carefully prepared starter. So long as the pasteurizing is well done and the starter is uniformly good, the butter will possess the same mild and sweet flavor which, though not so high and pronounced as is sometimes obtained in raw cream butter, will yet be more satis- factory to the trade because of its uniformity in flavor and its good keeping qualities. 490. The objections that have been made to pasteurized cream butter in America as the result of a few widely scattered 54 DAIRYING trials at creameries and experiment stations, are the mild flavor, the salvey texture and the diminished yield. Recent work in this direction has demonstrated that these defects were largely due jto the lack of experience which the butter makers have had in making this kind of butter and to the machines and appliances used for pasteurizing the cream. 491. Within the past few years an interest in starter-making has become widespread among American butter makers, and the knowledge gained from this work has taught them how to produce a desirable and sufficiently-pronounced flavor in pasteurized cream butter to entirely overcome the old prejudice against such butter on account of its flat and mild taste. The other objections relating to the salvey body or texture and the diminished yield of butter from pasteurized milk or cream have now been overcome by the modern machines used for heating the cream to a pasteurizing temperature. An important point in pasteurizing seems to be the immediate and sudden cooling of the cream after it has been raised to a pasteurizing temperature. This coling, apparently, helps to restore the proper texture which has been made more or less salvey by the. melting of the butter fat when the cream is heated. It also helps to prevent losses in yield of butter, although the exhaustiveness of the churning is also in- fluenced by the temperature of churning (see par. 399). 492. A series of experiments made at the Wisconsin Dairy School showed that there is no necessity for a loss in yield, and comparative scorings of pasteurized cream butter have shown that it may be made equal in flavor and texture to that made from raw cream. The advantages gained by pasteurizing cream in keeping quality and in the uniformity of the butter are of sufficient importance to justify a widespread adoption of this method of butter making. The theory of the practice is sound in every par- ticular, and the successful application of it is within the reach of buttermakers of average intelligence. 493. It is not however an automatic process of cream ripening and buttermaking, but requires careful attention to the details of pasteurizing the cream, making the starter, and ripening the DAIRYING 55 cream. When these details are mastered the careful and intelligent butter maker is more surely rewarded by uniform success by making butter from pasteurized cream than he can hope to attain from the churning of the ripened raw cream. 494. Pasteurizing the cream must not be expected to remove all the taints which may be present in the milk from which the cream is skimmed, but it will preserve the good qualities that are present in the milk and will prevent the development of some de- fects that would become prominent when the raw cream is ripened. Pasteurizing also gives the pure-culture starter but little to con- tend with besides its own bacteria, and thus affords the butter maker a safer foundation for obtaining the benefits of his expert- ness in selecting a starter than it is possible for him to obtain with raw cream in which there is always present an unknown variety of good and bad germs. 495. High flavors are likely to be irregular because of the extreme difficulty butter-makers have in controlling the milk and cream supply and in determining the exact point at which to check the ripening_process when it has reached the delicate stage where the high and short-lived flavors attain their maximum development. The element of luck enters largely into the making of such butter, and records show that these extremely high flavors are not lasting. Such butter does not keep well ; the flavor is so delicate that it passes away quickly, and a taste of "strong butter" takes its place in a much shorter time than is the case with butter which has a less pronounced flavor when-it is freshly made. RIPENING PASTEURIZED CREAM 496. On account of the destruction of nearly all germ life in pasteurized cream by the heating which it has received, a generous amount of starter must be used to complete the ripening process within the usual time. The cream passes from the separator to the pasteurizer, where it is first heated to 160 or 185 F. and then cooled to near 70 F. It enters the ripener at this temperature 70 F. and is there mixed with about 10 to 20 per cent, starter, depending on the richness of the cream. If the cream contains 56 DAIRYING about 30 per cent, fat, 10 per cent, starter is usually sufficient. The cream and starter are thoroughly mixed and held at nearly 70 F. for four to six hours, or until about .5 per cent, acid has developed. At this point the ripening may be carried further than is safe in raw cream, because in the pasteurized cream the starter is supposed to contain nothing but desirable bacteria, and hence the products they will form by continued ripening should not be so injurious to the butter flavor as is the case with raw cream, because of the variety of bacteria present and the uncertainty as to what products will be formed and taken up by the butter during the ripening process. 497. When the cream has reached 0-5 per cent, acid it should be cooled to near 50 F. and held at this temperature for two hours at least, or until churned. It is often held from eight to ten hours after cooling begins. While cooling, the cream should be thoroughly mixed, and when the cooling has once begun it should progress rapidly until the lowest possible temperature is reached. If the cream* is not cooled to a temperature that will check the growth of bacteria, the ripening process will continue and may go so far as to spoil the butter. It is therefore important that the cooling should be done quickly and the cream kept cold until churned. The ripening of pasteurized cream is subject to the same influences, such as rich- ness and temperature of the cream and condition of the starter, as is described under raw cream ripening. These points need to be watched and provided for as carefully in one case as in the other, but the pasteurized cream ripening has the advantage of being more under the control of the butter-maker than is usually the case with raw cream. PASTEURIZING GATHERED CREAM 498. The cream churned at a gathered cream factory is very often tainted and more or less sour when it is received. This con- dition is usually due to the lack of proper care at the farms and to the age of the cream when collected. It is rarely gathered daily, DAIRYING 57 the common practice being to make trips every other day in sum- mer and twice a week in winter. When cream is kept for so long a time as this it is often sour before it leaves the farm. This, in many cases, is caused by carelessness or because no great effort has been made to keep the cream cool until it is delivered to the haulers. A certain amount of such tainted cream is usually gathered on each route, and when no precautions are taken by the gatherers to keep the inferior cream separated from the sweet cream, that has been well cared for, the bad qualities of the former are transmitted to the entire lot and the butter suffers a loss in quality on this ac- count. Such inferior cream is not always found on every route ; but even when the many patrons deliver a perfectly sweet cream to the gatherers, there will be a great variety in the flavors and in the freshness of the different lots; and this lack of uniformity in the cream will necessarily have its influence on the quality of the butter. Some of the defects of gathered cream butter are often be- yond the control of the butter-maker, and he is obliged to do the best he can with that which is brought to him. 499. In hot summer weather an acidity of 0.6 per cent, is often developed in the cream w r hen it is delivered to the factory; such cream is sour enough to churn, but since it is usually very warm, it could not be churned at once without suffering a large loss in the butter milk; the sourest lots would churn first and leave some of the less ripened cream in the butter milk. This loss may be avoided by stopping the ripening immediately, either by cooling or by heating the cream to a temperature that will check the growth of the bacteria which are responsible for the cream souring. 500. The course sometimes adopted in handling this cream is to place large pieces of ice in the cream as soon as it arrives at the factory; usually about 6 p. m. The vats of cream are left to cool as best they may during the night, with an occasional stir- ring of the floating pieces of ice through the evening. The next morning it will be noticed that the acidity of the cream has not increased much; but the ripening has continued, and the tem- perature of the cream may be near 60 deg. F. At this temperature the cream is churned, and the butter obtained is of a more or less 58 DAIRYING inferior quality on account of the excessive and uneven ripening of the cream. The principal objection to this practice is the slowness with, which the cream is cooled. This delay permits a continual de- velopment of the undesirable fermentations which the cream may contain and thus increases the chances of producing an inferior butter. 501. An improvement on this practice has been made, by cool- ing the cream as quickly as possible, after it is all received in the evening. The cream is then churned at about ten o'clock at night, and the butter obtained is of much better quality than when the cream is held over night and churned the next morning. In this way the only defects the cream contains are those present at the time it arrived at the factory. 502. A much quicker and more efficient way of stopping the development of undesirable fermentations in such cream is to pas- teurize it at the factory as soon as it arrives. All that is needed is steam, a good water supply, and a continuous pasteurizer and cooler. Sour cream may be heated to a temperature of 160 F. and cooled to 60 F., or lower, in one of these machines. This treatment will stop the fermentations that may be present in the cream and remove some of the taints which have already developed in it. 503. The necessity of further ripening after pasteurizing will depend on the sourness of the cream when it is received. If the acidity when the cream is pasteurized is near 0.5 per cent, no further ripening is necessary ; but a sweeter cream may be warmed and held until about this amount of acid has developed. When sufficiently ripened, the cream should be cooled and held at as cold a temperature as possible, near 50 F., until it is churned. The quality of the butter made will be influenced by the amount and kind of ferments in the cream-before it was pasteurized. 504. No great benefit can be obtained from the use of a starter in such cream, because in most cases it is already too sour, and a starter would not have much chance to exert any great influence over the fermentation products that are already formed. The curdling and separation of whey from sour ceram when it is pasteurized need not be feared, as this is caused by carelessness in heating, either by allowing the temperature to run too high or by DAIRYING 59 failing to keep the cream in motion while it is being heated. When the cream curd is cooked into hard lumps these may cause con- siderable annoyance, but they may be removed by straining the cream into the churn and by washing the granular butter several times. The curd specks are heavier than water and will sink when the churn is half filled with water and allowed to stand. These may then be drawn off with the wash water and the operation repeated until most of them are removed. SWEET CREAM BUTTER 505. A somewhat limited demand for sweet cream butter is usually found in large cities. Such butter is churned a short time after the cream is separated from the milk, and for most people it has what would be designated as a flat, insipid taste. None of the flavor due to cream ripening and souring is present, and the characteristic butter flavor sought for by the general market is almost entirely lacking when such butter is freshly made. 506. Sweet cream butter does not always keep well, and it must be shipped to customers frequently and in small quantities in order to keep them supplied with a fresh and agreeable article. Perfect cleanliness is absolutely necessary in making this butter, as the introduction of foreign flavors by means of dust, dirt, or by the absorption of surrounding odors is very quickly noticed on account of the uniformity in taste of fresh butter; the best grades have such a delicate flavor that slight taints are very easily noticed. 507. Sweet cream butter may be made by skimming a rich cream testing about 40 per cent, fat; then, by letting this stand at near 40 F. for two or three hours to harden the fat, the cream may be churned in a reasonable length of time, and practically all the butter churned out. If the cream is much thinner than this, the churning may require several hours, and if the temperature is allowed to rise much above 50 there will be a large loss of butter in the butter-milk. 60 DAIRYING Sweet cream butter is made in all other respects like ripened or sour cream butter, except that it is sometimes wanted with neither color nor salt added to it. "Sweet Butter" in the New York market is the term applied to unsalted butter, but this is not necessarily sweet cream butter. SUMMARY OF CREAM RIPENING METHODS 1. Hold sweet cream testing about 30 per cent fat at a tem- perature of 70 F. until .5 per cent acid develops, then cool to 50 F. and hold at this temperature until churned, usually the next morning after skimming the cream. 2. Ripen sweet cheam as fast as possible at a temperature of 70 to 75 F. until .6 per cent, acid is developed in the cream, then cool to 50 F. and after one to two hours holding at this temperature churn at once. 3. Hold the sweet cream at 55 F. for about two days and then churn. 4. Add 10 to 20 per cent, of a carefully prepared starter to sweet cream containing 35 to 40 per cent, fat and continue as in 1. 5. Add 5 to 10 per cent, starter to sweet cream and churn at once. 6. Pasteurize sweet cream, add a starter and continue as in 1. 7. Pasteurize sour cream after neutralizing the acidity with lime and churn after holding about two hours at 50 F. 8. Tainted cream may be diluted with either sweet milk or water and run through a separator, then ripened with a starter as in 4. CREAM RIPENING VATS 508. In most American creameries and farms where butter is made the separator cream passes directly into the ripening vat where it is held for a number of hours before churning. At the present time there are many kinds of cream ripening-vats in use. DAIRYING 61 They are a'll made with the same object in view that is to protect the cream from the surrounding air temperatures and to change the temperature of the cream as desired. 509. The Channel Bottom Open Vat is the oldest cream ripening-vat in common use. A space of several inches between the tin and the wood sides of the vat is rilled with water, and in some of them an ice box is built at one end. In this vat the cream must be stirred by hand with a tin dipper or a wooden stirrer when the butter maker wishes to change the cream temperature. On Plate 15---The Boyd Cream Ripener account of the small porportion of the cream touching the tin sides of these vats, changes in temperature are made rather slowly when large quantities are ripened at one time. These vats have been used extensively in the past, and many dairies and creameries are fitted up with them, as no other vats were proposed for a number of years. 510. The Twin Cream Vat is made on the same plan as the open vats, except that it is composed of two long narrow tin vats placed inside one wooden box. Both the vats are surrounded by the same water and must consequently be held at the same tern- 62 DAIRYING perature. This may be a disadvantage, especially when one may be filled with ripe cream and the other with sweet cream. It is not often that these two kinds of cream are intentionally held at the same temperature, but when a twin vat is used there is no help for it, for when the temperature of one is changed that of the other will necessarily be changed also. The only advantage the twin vat has over two separate vats is that it occupies less space and is cheaper. All open cream vats should be provided with a clean light cover ; this is usually a wooden frame covered with wire netting and light oil cloth. Such a cover is necessary to potect the cream from flies, floating dust and dirt which may be blown into the vat or drop into it from above. Plate 16---Farring-ton Cream Ripener 511. The Boyd Cream Ripener. The Boyd vat as it is com- monly called, is an insulated box provided with a cover which is also insulated. Inside the box, a coil of tinned iron pipe is sus- pended in the vat and may be moved back and forth by turning a pulley connected with the coil. Either cool water or brine may be forced through the coil and this by being moved back and forth will change the temperature of the cream and mix it at the same time. DAIRYING 63 The special point of advantage claimed for this vat is the opportunity it gives the butter maker to maintain a uniform temperature after the cream has been brought to such a tempera- ture as he wishes to hold it. The insulation of the walls with several thicknesses of suitable material is supposed to protect the cream from changes in temperature of the outside air. 512. The Farrington Cream Ripener. The Farrington ripener consists of two horizontal cylinders revolving on a common center, the inner one of tin and the outer of wood with a space between. Plate 17 The Wizard Agitate r Through this space either hot or cold water or brine may be forced for the purpose of changing the temperature of the cream which is in the inner cylinder. The ripener is revolved by means of a belt attached to a pulley. This revolving motion keeps the cream thoroughly mixed and brings it into contract with the tin sides of the cylinder, thus giving the butter maker a ready control of the temperature. This control of the temperature is most important. Every butter maker knows that no one temperature should be maintained during the entire time of ripening, but that a change is 64 DAIRYING often imperative owing to certain weather conditions, or the rapidity with which the ripening is progressing. This ripener is completely closed with the exception of a brass tube which connects the inner cylinder with the outside air by passing through one of the gudgeons or bearings of the ripener. In this way the cream is protected from outside odors and dust, and at the same time it is provided with a circulation of air between it and the outside even when the ripener is revolving. 513. When ready for churning the cream may be forced from the ripener into the churn by means of a pump which is oper- ated by a belt connecting with some shaft in the creamery. This pump forces air into the ripener and this pushes the cream from it into the churn through an iron pipe connecting the two machines. Plate 18 The Simplex Cream Ripener Cream may be pasteurized in the Farrington Ripener by opening the steam valve and heating the water surrounding the cream. By revolving the ripener during the heating the cream may be uniformly heated and it does not burn on the tin while being warmed to the desired temperature. DAIRYING 65 514. The Wizard Agitator is a rectangular wooden vat the inside of which is lined with tinned copper. A spiral coil of tinned copper resembling a series of discs extends through the vat and by turning this at a speed of 60 revolutions per minute the cream is stirred or mixed and its temperature changed by pumping either warm or ice water which is held in a box at one end of the vat, through the inside of this spiral coil. The water pump is attached to one end of the vat and may be used or not as desired. The vat is covered and made in sizes of 300 to 1000 gallons. Plate 19 Eclipse Cream Ripener 515. The Simplex Cream Ripener is somewhat like the Boyd ripener. The interior is tinned copper and the outside sheet steel, some insulating material being placed between the two. Several rows of pipes are suspended in the vat and these swing back and forth through the cream changing its temperature according as the pipes are warmed or cooled by water passing through them. 516. The Eclipse Cream Ripener contains a coil of pipe run- ning from one end to the other of the vat and this stirs the cream as well as changes its temperature when it revolves at a low speed. Several other modifications of these types of cream ripening vats are on the market, the essential features of them being some 66 DAIRYING mechanical means of stirring and cooling the cream when desired during the ripening process. All cream vats should be so made that cleaning is a reasonably easy operation and the cream does not get into the bearings of the stirring arrangement. DAIRYING 67 EXAMINATION Note to Students These questions are to be answered inde- pendently. Never consult the text after beginning your examina- tion. Use thin white paper about 6 in. x 9 in. for the examination. Number the answers the same as the questions, but never repeat the question. Mail answers promptly when completed. QUESTIONS ON LESSON V. 1. What are some of the differences between farm and factory butter-making ? 2. Why is the quality of butter made from "shallow setting" cream likely to vary and how often should such cream be churned? 3. What, is the best way of handling "shallow setting" cream for butter-making? 4. What are the advantages of deep over shallow setting cream for butter-making? 5. How may thin gravity cream be made richer and what effect will this have on churning such cream? 68 DAIRYING 6. What are some objections to churns with revolving dashers or discs? 7. Which is the best farm churn, and why? 8. Give four or more important points to be considered in select- ing a churn. 9. How may a new churn be prepared for use? 10. How should a churn be treated before and after each churning? 11. When is the butter color usually added in butter-making and at what other time may it be added, if necessary? 12. What are some things that may cause a variation in the natural color of milk fat? 13. What are the two types of butter colors and how do they differ from each other? 14. How may the butter color used influence the change that may occur in butter when it is exposed to sunlight? 15. If butter color costs $1.50 per gallon and weighs 8 pounds, how much more is received for the color when butter sells for 30 cents per pound than is paid for it? 16. What effect does the salt in butter have on the butter color? 17. What happens when cream is churned and what conditions of the milk fat influence churning? 18. When should the churning temperature be taken? ""Q. What are at least three of the objects of churning? 20. Describe the different temperatures to be used in churning sweet and in churning sour cream. 21. When should churning be stopped and why? DAIRYING 69 22. What conditions give a rich buttermilk? 23. How may small, shot-like granular butter be made for ex- hibition ? 24. What is over-churning and what objections may be made to it? 25. What does a quick churning indicate? 26. What are some of the causes of long churning and how may they be prevented? 27. If the cream swells and fills the churn so that the butter does not come, what may be done to such a churning of cream? 28. How and when should the butermilk be drawn off from a churn? 29. On what does the amount of washing of batter depend? 30. What temperature of wash water should be used and how many washings are advisable? 31. What effect may too warm wash water have on the butter? 32. What influences the amount of salt held by the finished butter? 33. What advantages has brine salting butter? 34. How may dry salt influence the water content of butter? 35. How do butter salts differ from each other? 36. How may salt be tested and how should it be kept? 37. What per cent, of sodium chloride in butter salt and what are the usual impurities? 38. Which occupies the most space, a given weight of coarse or of fine salt? 70 DAIRYING 39. How much longer does it take to dissolve a coarse than a fine salt? 40. What per cent, of salt is added to butter when it is salted 1 oz. to 1 lb.? 41. What effect does salt have on the appearance of moisture in butter? 42. How may the white crystals sometimes seen on the surface of butter be prevented? 43. How may the working of butter be regulated, and when has butter been worked enough? 44. What is the object of working butter, and what objections are there to using a butter bowl? 45. How should the churn, worker, ladles and all butter-making utensils be kept betwen churnings? 46. What conditions influence the amount of working butter needs and how may one know when butter is worked enough? 47. What is the butter overrun? 48. What is the difference between butter and the butter fat in milk? 49. Mention some things that will cause a high overrun and a low overrun. 50. What makes the difference between the milk and the cream overrun ? 51. What is the greatest possible overrun when butter containing 82.5 per cent, fat is made? 52. If 32 pounds butter are made from 1000 pounds milk testing 2.8 per cent, fat, what is the overrun? DAIRYING 71 53. If 720 pounds butter are made from 2000 pounds cream test- ing 30 per cent, fat, what is the overrun? 54. Describe some of the packages in which butter is sold and their advantages. 55. How should all wooden butter packages be treated before fill- ing them with butter? 56. How may butter in one pound bricks be prepared for market and how shipped? 57. What is the minimum express charge on butter at your sta- tion? 58. What objections are there to selling butter to a grocer or to a general store? 59. Why is the highest priced butter made at farm dairy? 60. What advantages has separator over gravity cream for but- ter-making? 61. Why should cream be cooled as it comes from the separator? 62. What objections are there to cooling cream with lumps of ice? 63. How long should cream be held at a cool temperature before churning? 64. For what purposes is cream ripened? 65. What effect does the ripening of cream have on the quality of butter? 66. Is there any relation between the flavor of butter and its hardness? 67. How does ripening the cream influence its churning? 72 DAIRYING 68. If cream testing 30 per cent, fat has an acidity of .5 per cent, what would be the coresponding acidity of cream testing 20 per cent, fat? 69. To what per cent, acidity may skim milk be soured and how does this differ from cream testing 40 per cent, fat? 70. How does the weather affect the ripening of cream? 71. How do changes in temperature influence the ripening of cream ? 72. Give temperatures and hours of holding cream for quick ripening and for slow ripening. 73. What is pasteurized butter and what are some of its char- acteristics? 74. How may sour cream be pasteurized and churned? 75. How may sweet cream butter be made? Write this at the End of Your Examination I hereby certify that the above questions were answered entirely by me. Signed - Address = Correspondence College of Agriculture DAIRYING Part VI OF THE COLLEGE OF THE Correspondence College of Agriculture FT. WAYNE, INDIANA DAIRYING-Part VI Butter-making (Continued) By E. H. FARRINGTON M, S., Professor of Dairy Husbandry in the University of \Visconsin. This is the Sixth of a Series of Lessons giving a Complete Course of Instruction in Dairying. COPYRIGHT, 1912 Vh* CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE NOTE TO STUDENTS In order to derive the the utmost possible benefit from this paper, you must thoroughly master the text. While it is not intended that you commit the exact words of the text to memory* still there is nothing contained in the text which is not absoltuely essential for the intelligent dairy- man to know. For your own good, never refer to the examination questions until you have finished your study of the text. By following this plan, the examination paper will show what you have learned from the text. DAIRYING DAIRYING--VI BUTTER-MAKING. CON T. 517. The flavor and keeping quality of butter is largely influenced by the way in which the cream is treated before churning it. There are often certain variations in the results obtained even when apparently the same method of treatment is followed from day to day, but the general characteristics of the three kinds of butter commonly made in American creameries may be illustrated by a series of experiments made at the Wisconsin Dairy School. The general plan of the experiments was to mix ten to fifteen hundred pounds of sweet cream from the separators in a large vat. This cream was then divided into three lots, A, B, and C. Some of the details of one experiment are given below; these will serve to illustrate the course pursued in all the others. 518. Lot A, was cooled to about 50 F. and churned sweet. The acidity of the cream was about 0.3 per cent, and its test 30.0 per cent fat. This churning required about one hour; the temperature of the buttermilk being 52 F. and its test 0.1 per cent fat. The granular butter was washed twice, the temperature of the water being 50 F. The bulk of the butter was packed in tubs and four ten-pound packages were 4 DAIRYING also filled. The latter packages were numbered and placed in the refrigerator having a temperature of 45 to 50 degrees F. One package was sent to a commercial butter judge who was requested to score the butter when first received and to hold all packages in his cellar where the temperature ranges from 40 to 50 F., and then to score them a second time in order to test the keeping quality of the butter. 519. Lot B. was taken from the large vat and heated to 185 to 190 F. in a continuous pasteurizer. The hot cream was run over a water cooler and cooled to 54 F. It was, then placed in a ripening vat, about 15 per cant starter added, and warmed up to 75 F. After the starter was added the cream tested 28 per cent fat and 0.3 per cent acid. Five hours later the cream had a temperature of 70 F. and 0.46 per cent acid. It was then cooled arid held over night and was churned the next morning at about 7 o'clock. The temperature of the buttermilk was 56 F. and its test 0.1 per cent fat. Packages of this butter were saved as in the case of Lot A. 520. Lot C, the raw cream, was ripened with the same starter as was used in lot B. Lot C was held at about 75 F. for three hours and at 70 for two hours when it had reached 0.5 per cent acid. It was then cooled and left to stand over night. The next morning this cream churned in 40 minutes ; the temperature of the buttermilk was 54 F., and its test 0.1 per cent fat. Packages of the butter were held in the refrigerator as mentioned under Lot A. 521. The washing, salting and working of the three churn- ings from each day's cream were made as uniformly as possible, the point in the investigation being to note the differences there might be between sweet-cream butter, pasteurized-cream butter and raw-cream butter, all made from the same cream. The packages of butter were examined every few days at the dairy school, and scorings were also received from the com- mercial judges. The following comments made by the writer about one set will illustrate the general quality of all the butter made in these three ways. DAIRYING Comments on the Sweet-Cream Butter. 522. When one day old it had almost no aroma but a fresh, sweet-cream taste. Its texture was more like the pas- teurized than the raw-cream butter; very little moisture showed on the surface and it had a close solid body. After three days this butter had a suggestion of age in its aroma, but the taste was still sweet. The butter remained in this condition for three weeks, gradually getting a little more defective in aroma, but still sweet to the taste. At that time the flavor was de- cidedly strong, like that of old butter. The flavor did not improve after the first day, but gradually showed its advancing age by becoming a trifle rancid rather than by developing a clean, sour taste. Comments on the Pasteurized-Cream Butter. 523. When this butter was one day old it had a clean taste, but not much aroma; it was rather flat but resembled the raw, sour-cream butter more than that made from sweet cream. After three days, more aroma developed and this continued to increase until the butter was three weeks old when the aroma changed somewhat, becoming a trifle sour. No other indication of age was shown until the butter was five weeks old, when a slightly old taste began to be noticed. The texture of this butter was close, but not smeary, and fully equal to that of the raw ripened cream. The butter surface, however, showed almost no brine but looked dry and smooth, quite different from that of the raw-cream butter Comments on the Raw-Cream Butter. 524. The day after churning the flavor of the raw-cream butter was the highest of the three. The butttr aroma in- creased a trifle each day for about two weeks when the butter began to show age, and in three weeks it was decidedly strong, almost rancid. The texture of this butter was coarser and more DAIRYING open than either that from the sweet or the pasteurized cream- butter, and considerable brine showed in drops on the surface, making the appearance as well as the flavor of this butter decidedly different from that of the others. CREAM RIPENING STARTERS. 525. The use of a starter in cream ripening is becoming more common among butter makers every year. It is nearly always made of skim milk which has been carefully soured and in which the butter maker has attempted to propagate a more or less pure culture of bacteria. 526. The purpose of a starter is to supply cream with a large excess of the ferments or bacteria which will control the souring process and thus aid in developing good flavors in the butter. Butter fat absorbs odors or flavors produced by the sour- of cream and it is therefore essential that only such fermenta- tions as will give butter its peculiar flavor are permitted to grow in cream while it is ripening. Butter fat absorbs objec- tionable as well as desirable products formed during the souring process and the flavor of the butter is therefore influenced by the kind of fermentation that takes place in the cream. 527. The addition of selected sour milk to sweet cream is something like adding yeast to bread, it "starts" the desired fermentation in the cream. There are many becteria in milk and cream, but the starter is used to control and to multiply the good ones whose growth forms products that give butter a de- sirable flavor. Milk and cream usually contain a great many kinds of bacteria ; some of them are beneficial, others are in- different, and still others are positively detrimental to the good qualities of butter. 528. It is generally believed that the lactic acid bacteria are among the most desirable germs* for cream ripening, as they convert milk sugar into lactic acid and produce the normal sourmg of milk and cream. If there were no other kinds of bacteria in cream, the butter made from day to day would * As a rule, the words bacteria and germs have the same meaning, and they are therefore here used synonymously. DAIRYING undoubtedly have a uniformly good flavor. Other kinds of bacteria may also be beneficial for cream ripening, but little definite information on this point is available at the present time. Besides the beneficial and the indifferent bacteria, there are other kinds which are directly responsible for defects in butter, among these are the "digesters" and the "gas producers." These may be present in such large numbers as to control the fermentation of the cream and overcome the growth of those bacteria which produce its normal souring. The buttermaker should therefore make an effort to suppress the injurious bac- teria and cultivate the beneficial ones. In order to do this suc- cessfully an acquaintance with the conditions both favorable and unfavorable to the growth of bacteria will be helpful. It is not, however, the purpose of this description to discuss the subject of bacteriology, but simply to give brief directions for the dairy- man to follow in making a starter. 529. In order to get good results in starter making, a butter maker should understand that bacteria are microscopic forms of life which are present nearly everywhere. The air of the barn and dairy is full of them, and the milk utensil-s, which have not been heated to the temperature of boiling water are "lined" with germs. It is also claimed that 50,000 germs have been found on one house fly. Bacteria multiply very rapidly and cause milk or cream to sour by changing the milk sugar into lactic acid ; some bacteria produce what are called spores and others do not. These spores are not so easily destroyed ; it being necessary to repeatedly or continuously heat milk containing some kinds of spores in order to kill them. Spore-bearing bacteria are usually most plentiful around dirty barns and other filthy places ; they are the cause of a great many defects in dairy products. It is necessary, therefore, in preparing skim milk for starter making, to heat the milk to a high temperature, near the boiling point, for one-half hour or more, in order to kill the spore-bearing bac- teria present, which if not destroyed will grow and spoil the starter. The effect of the putrifactive and other objectionable products formed by the spore-producing bacteria may be largely neutralized by getting the acid-forming bacteria to grow in the DAIRYING starter as soon as possible. The spore-bearing bacteria do not grow well in milk containing a large number of lactic acid bac- teria. Making the Starter. 530. The common method of making a starter as practiced by butter makers is about as follows : For the foundation, or soil in which to grow the bacteria, sweet skim milk* is selected from the separator or gravity skimming when the cleanest milk is being skimmed. This is pasteurized** by heating it in either the modern starter-can or by setting a can of it into a larger can or tank of hot water. While being heated, the milk is stirred occasionally to prevent its burning onto the tin. The temperature to which the milk is heated will depend somewhat on its purity and cleanliness. When exceptionally clean, the few bacteria which the milk may contain will be destroyed by heating to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a sufficiently high temperature to kill a large number of the fully developed bacteria, but if the milk has been more or less contaminated, by careless milking and dirty handling at the farms, a large number of spores from the spore-making bacteria will survive this temperature and make it necessary to heat the milk higher. Heating to 185- degrees Fahrenheit for one-half hour is the temperature usually recommended for preparing the seed bed or foundation skim milk in which the pure culture of bacteria is to be grown. 531. Necessity of Thorough Heating. It is very essential that the foundation skim milk should be nearly germ-free, as any undesirable bacteria that may have been left alive in it after heating will grow and multiply as fast as the desirable ones whic^t have been added in the form of a pure cculture ; the pr,od- ucts formed by the growth of these undesirable bacteria may be * Besides skim milk, whole milk, and thin cream, such milk product* us unsweetened condensed milk and milk powder may be used for th foundation material in starter making. .Sterilizing and Pasteurizing. The proper use of the words "steril- izing" and "pasteurizing" is not understood by all butter makers. They are likely to use either word as a name for heating milk to some temper- ature near scalding. This is not correct, as each word has a meaning of Us own and should indicate a different treatment of milk. DAIRYING the cause of some defects in the butter. If, on the other hand, the skim milk is very clean, heating to a temperature of 150 de- grees Fahrenheit is sufficient to kill all the bacteria in it. Re- peated heating to a high temperature will aid in reducing the number of bacteria and of spores. Some of the spores will sur- vive one heating. This is especially true of the putrifactive bacteria which may be the cause of serious defects in butter if they are not held in check. 532. When the foundation skim milk (or milk free from weeds) is made as nearly germ-free as possible by heating, it is covered with an over-lapping cover and left to cool. Cooling the Skim Milk. The cooling is done in any conveni- ent way, either by allowing cold water to run around the hot can or by setting the can in a refrigerator ; stirring while cooling will hasten matters, and the more quickly the cooling is done Plate 1 Covered Milk Bottle for Propagating Starter the better it will be for the starter, as sudden cooling checks the development of the spores which may have lived through the heating. When the skim milk has cooled to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, the pure culture is added to it. This pure culture may be a small quantity of some sour milk which has been selected and allowed 10 DAIRYING to sour naturally, or it may be a bottle of solid or liquid com- mercial culture which has been prepared for this purpose. The prepared seed or pure culture grown in a small quantity of sour milk which is to be added to this carefully prepared soil or pasteurized skim milk is often called the "mother" starter or startoline. 534. Preparation of "Mother" Starter or Startoline. In order to get the best results in making the "mother" starter, or startoline, there should be provided : (1) Several quart bottles each equipped with a glass tumbler cover, and a long-handled, silver-plated spoon. (Fig. 1.) A glass vessel is better than any other for this purpose, as it enables one to see the way in which the milk is souring, and whether the curd is solid or wheyed off and gassey. Tin, crockery, or earthen ware are more or less Plate 2 A Small Steam Sterilizer for Starter Bottles. porous, or cracked, and are not so easily kept clean and germ- free as glass. 2. A galvanized iron can, with cover and steam connection at the bottom, as shown in Plate 2. A perforated shelf is placed on strips so as not to stand directly on the bottom of the can, and it also helps to distribute the heat from the steam. When DAIRYING n steam is not available this can, with its bottles, may be heated by means of hot water, which should not be filled above the top of the bottles inside. 3. An Incubator. (Plate 3.) This is simply a box in which a fairly uniform temperature may be kept by providing walls, bottom and cover filled with felt, paper, hay or any in- sulating materials, and is used in the same way as a fireless cooker in the kitchen. The pail is filled with warm water and when the cover is closed the bottles are kept at a temperature which hastens the souring of the milk, and they are protected from changes of the outside temperature. It may be necessary Plate 3 An Insulated Box for Incubating Starters. to change the water in the pail occasionally, but water at a temperature of about 90 degrees Fahrenheit will hold a tem- perature of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit in the box for several hours. 535. The clean milk bottle, tumbler and spoon must be sterilized by dipping in hot water just before using them; each 12 DAIRYING bottle is then two-thirds filled with clean, sweet, fresh, whole milk and two or more of these bottles are placed in the gal- vanized iron can, or sterilizer. Steam or hot water is then turned into the can carefully, so as not to break the bottles, and the heat gradually raised to about 180 degrees Fahrenheit, which temperature is held for at least 15 minutes. The entire heating process may take one-half hour. This heating kills all the bac- teria in the milk, except some spores, and provides a nearly germ-free soil in which to develop the pure culture. The bottles of milk are allowed to cool without removing the glass tumblers used as a cover; when cool they may be used as needed for building up a starter. Adding the Pure Culture. 536. When small bottles or packages of pure culture of bac- teria are bought for starter-making, the cork or wrappings should be carefully removed, in order to prevent any outside contami- nation. All the liquid, or the powder, should be added to one of the bottles of sterile milk previously prepared. (See par. 535.) The glass tumbler cover is then placed on the bottle and the contents mixed by occasional shaking. It is then placed in the incubator and a pail of water added to the box, so as to bring the temperature up to about 80 or 90 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature the pure culture bacteria will soon begin to grow and the sterile milk in the bottle will coagulate in a few hours. It is then rilled with millions of the bacteria needed for making the starter, and after transferring a spoonful of the coagulated milk from this bottle to another bottle of sterile milk, which is then put in the incubator for the next day, the con- tents of the first bottle is added to a larger quantity of pasteur- ized skim milk. This is then thoroughly mixed and when the laiger amount has been held at a temperature of about 80 de- grees Fahrenheit for a long enough time to coagulate it. this sour milk is added to the cream, which is to be ripened. 537. By this process there is added to the cream many millions of bacteria like those in the pure culture bought. The DAIRYING 13 success in developing them depends largely on the care used in all the various steps of the process and the prevention of con- tamination of the starter during the making. The starter should be carefully covered and protected from dust and currents of air; such protection is one of the most essential elements of success in starter-making, as the slightest exposure after heat- ing, to the air, drops of water, or the use of a cover or stirrer, which has not been sterilized immediately before using it, may introduce injurious bacteria into the starter, and by contamina- tion impair its efficiency. 538. Developing the Pure Cultures. The commercial cul- tures, if active bacteria are present, will soon begin to grow in skim milk when held at 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If maintained until the milk begins to thicken, this will require from 18 to 36 hours. This sour milk may then be added to a larger quantity of skim milk which has been previously heated to 185 degrees Fahrenheit. This second transfer, or second generation of the starter, may then be held at any temperature between 50 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, which will promote the rapidity of growth desired. This will depend on the time when it is needed for the cream. The souring process goes on rapidly at 90 degress Fahrenheit, but is nearly checked at 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature of the starter must, therefore, be regulated to accommodate the cream in which it is to be used; warming or cooling the starter to any temperature between the points mentioned that may be deemed necessary to hasten or to check the souring process. Natural and Commercial Starters. The starters now in use for ripening or souring cream may be divided into two general classes. First: The Natural Starters. 539. This name is sometimes given to sour whole milk, skim milk, butter milk, or thin cream which has soured without the addition of an artificial pure culture of any kind. The fer- 14 DAIRYING mentations they contain have developed from the bacteria that get into milk, cream, etc., during the usual handling of these, products. Excellent starters are often made from selected whole milk. Several sterilized milk bottles, provided with covers, as previously described, are two-thirds filled with milk from differ- ent cows, or from different herds; each bottle is labeled and placed in the incubator at a temperature of about 80 degrees Fahrenheit until the milk sours. The sour milk in each bottle is then carefully inspected, and those in which the curd is solid with no holes and have a pleasant, but acid, taste*, are the safest ones to use for making a starter. This kind of a starter pos- sesses the advantage of being easily changed in case the butter flavor becomes unsatisfactory. In some places bottles of milk are collected daily for the purpose of selecting a new starter from them whenever wanted. 540. It is claimed that milk from a fresh cow, or early in the milking period, is much better for starter-making than the milk of a stripper. If the udder of such a cow is carefully washed and dried just before milking, and the first few jets of milk kept separate from the remainder of her milk, which is then milked directly into sterilized bottles, a very satisfactory starter may be built up by setting such bottles of milk in the in- cubator to sour, and then adding this sour milk to a larger quan- tity of pasteurized skim milk. Three to four pounds of sour milk, added to 100 pounds of pasteurized skim milk, will gener- ally become sour enough to add to cream, if kept at about 65 degrees Fahrenheit for twenty-four hours. 541. Buttermilk or sour cream are not usually recommended as starters for ripening cream, because a churning of cream may * Milk is sterilized when all bacteria and spores in it are killed. This Is a very difficult thing to do, and is only accomplished in laboratories where facilities are provided for repeated boiling's for periods of at least one-half hour long. Between boilings at least twenty minutes should elapse and the milk allowed to cool to about 80 degrees Fahrenheit in order to develop those spores which have lived through the first boiling. When these have matured they will be killed by the subsequent boiling. From three to five days are generally needed to sterilize milk completely. It is not possible for butter makers with the ordinary dairy or cream- ery appliances to sterilize milk. They may pasteurize it, however; and this is the name that should properly be given to the ordinary heating f milk for starter making. The temperatures used in pasteurizing are not sufficiently high or prolonged to destroy all germs and spores in milk, but in many cases, over ninety-nine per cent, of the bacteria may be kill by pasteurization. DAIRYING 15 become over-ripe, or tainted, and if some of it, or of the butter milk from it, is added to the next lot of sweet cream, these defects may be transferred from one churning to another. The sour cream and the buttermilk starter should not, however, be altogether condemned. They may sometimes be used with good results, as they are not always bad. The principal objection to such a starter lies in the fact that the butter maker has no choice in selecting his starter, but must use the same thing each day. Sour cream and buttermilk are not safe sources of new starters, but after a good one has been obtained from some other source, its good qualities may be carried along from one churning to another, for a while, by saving some of the cream or the butter- milk for ripening the next lot of sweet cream. 542. When a desirable starter has been obtained, an attempt is usually made to retain the bacteria it contains as long as possible. This is done by saving a small quantity of it each day and adding this as seed to a new lot of pasteurized skim milk. In this way the good butter qualities, which are due to these bacteria, are transferred from one churning to another. 543. Best Condition of Starter for Use. The starter ought to be used before there is a separation of whey from the curd, as a coagulated starter is too sour for producing the best results in cream. The object of a starter is to propagate the largest possible number of selected bacteria in a vigorously growing condition ; and from our present knowledge it is supposed that this point is reached just as the milk coagulates and before the whey separates from the curd. The method of controlling butter flavor by means of a starter may seem to be an easy one to follow, but in general dairy and creamery practice it has been found that there are many ways in which the starter or the pure culture becomes contaminated with undesirable bacteria. These are introduced so easily by careless handling from day to day and by a lack of knowledge regarding the propagation of starters that it is im- portant for the buttermaker to understand not only the mechani- cal manipulations, or how to make a starter, but he ought also to be familiar with the reasons for each step taken in their propa- r6 DAIRYING gation. Second: The Artificial or Commercial Starters. 544. These are of two kinds, the liquid, such as the O/ Douglas Boston Butter Cultures, and S. C. Kieth, Jr., Baccillus Lactis Acidi, which is shipped in four small glass vials in one mailing case, and the solid cultures of Hansen, Ericsson and Parke, Davis & Co. The commercial starter is designed to supply a pure culture of bacteria, which may be transplanted into skim milk and built up to a large starter. It was formerly claimed that the buttermaker could be supplied with different kinds of bacteria, and he could order the particular one wanted, such as acid bacteria, neutral bacteria, and several other kinds. At the present time it is very generally believed that some variety of the lactic acid bacteria is more beneficial to both the buttermaker and the cheese maker than any other kind, and the manufacturers are dealing in this one only. 545. The liquid cultures are short lived, but each package is dated to show when the culture must be used. They also, when fresh, begin to work quickly after being added to pas- teurized skim milk. The solid cultures keep a year or more, but are weakened by age and several generations must be propa- gated* before they are used, as they improve with each transfer. 546. The directions for using these cultures given by the manufacturers are essentially the same in principle, but differ somewhat in detail. A few of the more important instructions regarding each culture are given in the following table. *The manufacturers of Hansen's lactic ferment recommend the propo gation of three generations of the skim milk before using it as a starter in cream. The dry powder is added to pasteurized skim milk which is allowed to stand at 80 degrees F. until it begins to thicken. This is called startoline and is added to a fresh lot of pasteurized milk to make a second startoline. This second generation is propagated in a third lot of pasteurized skim milk; and when this third generation has soured it is ready to be used in cream. A small quantity of startoline is saved each day to make a new starter as it is claimed that the germs in the dry powder are somewhat dormant and are not aroused to their full activity until several transfers of them have been made in skim milk. DAIRYING A brief outline of the manufacturers instructions for using commercial butter culture: KIND OF CULTURE Details of Preparation Hansen's Lactic Ferment Douglas Cultures Keith's Cultures Errisson's Butter Culture Flavorone Foundation or mother 175 deg. F. 180 deg. F. 180 deg. F. 185-200 deg. 180 deg. F. skim milk is for 1 hr. 30 min. 30 min. 30 min. 30 min. heated to This skim milk is cool- ed to tem- 75-80 F. 85-90 F. 90 F. 58-70 F. 90 F. perature Amount of culture to use. 1 oz. 8 qts. 8 qts. Iqt. 1 qt. culture in skim milk 1 small package in 4 Ibs. skim milk 1 large package in 20 Ibs. skim milk Hold for first growth of cultures 75-80 F. 80-90 F. 70-75 F. Even temp. 80-90 F. at Length- of time, hrs. 18-24 24 36-48 16-18 18-20 To propa- 3% -5% and 1-2 pints to gate from hold at 60-65 25 gal. past. day to day, F. Gradu- 8 qts. to skim milk add to pas- teurized skim milk about ally dimin- ish amount of startoline as germs "regain vi- tality" by About 7% holding at 75-80 F. about 24 hours until thick 10-20 gal. past, milk holding at 70-75 F. about 18 hours until holding at 65-67 F. in summer, 70-72 in win- ter and let stand from One part "starter" to 50 parts "sterilized" milk. the trans- coagulated. noon till fers from next morn- day to day ing. Amount of 5-10% in starter to use in 5-6% summer and 10-20% in 5-10% "The more the better" 10-20% cream winter Tern, of ripening 65-75 F. 70 F. 60-68 F. 70 F. cream Use fresh bottle of culture Every 2 weeks Each week Each week Each week Each week 18 DAIRYING 549. Selecting the Starter. The first thing for a butter- maker to learn about starter-making is how to transplant de- sirable ferments from one day to another into the sweet cream* without introducing a great many undesirable bacteria at the same time. Another important point in starter-making is the skillful selection of a desirable starter. This knowledge is obtained by close observation and by training the senses of taste and smell to distinguish a good starter from a poor one. The ability to detect the peculiar odor which experience has shown to be char- acteristic of a good starter and to determine whether or not it will injure or improve the butter is more easily acquired by some people than by others. Some people have a very acute taste and a keen sense of smell ; they can tell instantly whether a starter will give good or bad results if used to ripen cream. This acuteness is often a natural gift, but nearly all persons may cultivate it by a systematic training obtained from daily obser- vations regarding the effect which certain starters have had on butter flavor. Some peculiar odor of a starter may often be noticed in butter made from cream in which the starter was used, and by repeated comparisons, the buttermakers may, after a while, be able to state before a starter is used whether it will produce a good, a bad, or an indifferent flavor in the butter. A sharp, clean, acid taste with no trace of an offensive odor is about all that can be given in the way of description of the desirable flavor to be sought for in selecting a starter. 548. Vigor of the Starter. Another thing to be considered in starter-making, besides the purity of the culture, is the vigor and the thriftiness of the ferments which have been selected. A weak or enfeebled growth of even a desirable culture may not produce good results in the cream, and an effort should be made to provide conditions favorable for a vigorous development of the bacteria wanted. The growth of bacteria in a starter may be compared with that of vegetation. When plants are transplanted in a greenhouse or garden, the strong and thrifty ones get started more quickly and grow better than those which are weak DAIRYING 19 and feeble. The same thing- is true of bacteria; the healthy, vigorous germs develop quickly, and bring about the changes in milk which are peculiar to them much more rapidly than is the case with wilted and enfeebled bacteria. The garden plants may be sorted over and the vigorous specimens selected for transplanting, but there is no similar means of detecting the hardy bacteria. The buttermaker must form his opinion of them from the acidity and age of the starter, as well as the tempera- ture at which it has been kept and the rapidity with which it has soured. 549. Acidity of the Starter. It is a well known fact that the vigor of bacteria is diminished by an accumulation of their own products, one of which in the case of milk and cream is lactic acid. When the acidity of milk has reached 0.8 per cent, the bacteria cease to multiply rapidly, and those present in such a strongly acid liquid are greatly reduced in strength and vigor. The starter is therefore supposed to be in its best condition for use before the acidity has reached 0.8 per cent; about 0.6 per cent acid is probably a more favorable stage of acidity than 0.8 per cent. This amount of acid (0.6 per cent) is often developed before milk coagulates ; better results will therefore be obtained by using the starter just before rather than after it has curdled or wheyed off. Thus, as we see, the two things most needed in a starter are, first, a large excess of some desirable kind of bacteria, and, second, a vigorous and healthy growth of the bacteria which have been selected. 550. Amount of Starter to Use. No fixed rule can be given for determining the quantity of starter that ought to be used in each lot of cream. The condition of the milk and cream and of the starter must be considered in estimating the amount needed. A quick ripening of the cream is aided by a large starter and a slow ripening is obtained by using a small quantity ; a thin cream needs less starter than a thick cream, and the sourness of the starter itself is of importance. In a general way it may be said that the amount of starter to be recommended in the summer, 20 DAIRYING when the cows are on grass, is from five to ten pounds of starter per 100 pounds of cream. This amount is usually added to cream testing about 30 per cent. fat. In the winter, when cows are milked in the stable and receive dry feed, good results have been* obtained by skimming a cream testing 50 to 60 per cent fat and using at least 25 per cent of starter. The flavor of the butter may also be benefited by the addition of clean and sweet morn- ing's milk to the cream. 551. The starter is sometimes added to cream immediately after the first cream is obtained. It is often placed in the cream vat the first thing in the morning and the cream from the separator run directly into it. When this is done the butter- maker should know beforehand approximately how much milk will be skimmed and the quantity of cream that will be obtained. This will give the necessary information for calculating the pounds of starter needed. No great exactness in this particular is necessary, however, as a few pounds more or less of starter will not seriously change the ripening process. 552. Stirring the Starter. In the early stages of the starter it is often necessary to stir the skim milk in order to aid in uni- formly heating it and also to mix the pure culture thoroughly with it. No harm -will come from this early stirring before the starter has soured, but when all the necessary mixing and heat- ing has been done, the starter should not be disturbed. It should be allowed to coagulate quietly, and the soft, sour curd added to the cream. This curd is often run through a hair sieve to remove any hard lumps that may be present. Curd lumps in a starter are often caused by stirring it after souring, and on this account directions are usually given to omit stirring after the first neces- sary mixing of the pure culture with the skim milk. 553. Starters and Food Flavors. The principal use of a starter is to improve the butter flavor. Some starters undoubt- edly are injurious to the flavor because of the undesirable fer- ments they introduce into the cream, but the fundamental idea of a starter is either to increase or to improve the butter flavor. The starter is not, however, responsible for all butter flavors; some of them, both good and bad, are produced by the cow's DAIRYING 21 feed. The "J une " flavor, which is so much desired by consumers of butter, has not been propagated during the entire year by using a "June" starter ; nor have the germs been isolated that are responsible for the onion, the garlic, and the weedy flavors that sometimes are noticed in butter. These flavors come directly from the cow's feed. Luxuriant pasture feed in the spring and summer, and weeds eaten at any time of the year, impart charac- teristic flavors to both milk and butter. The effects of these feeds on butter flavor are familiar to many buttermakers, and are known to be entirely independent of the starters used in ripening the cream. 554. Overcoming Food Taints with Starters. The objecc- tionable food flavors, such as the onion and weedy flavors, may, however, be somewhat surpressed, if not entirely overcome, by skimming a very rich cream, containing 50 per cent fat and diluting this with 15 to 30 per cent of a starter which does not contain these flavors. Milk for this purpose may sometimes be difficult to obtain, but it is useless to try to overcome the weedy and onion flavors by using starters tainted with these flavors. The heating which skim milk receives in starter-making cannot be depended on to remove such taints. The starter must always be made from milk entirely free from taints of any kind. It has been suggested that the cream from weedy milk may be mixed with hot water or with skim milk and run through the separator a second time as a means of purifying it from onion and garlic flavors. Goodrich has recommended adding one teaspoonful of saltpetre to each gallon of the hot water used. The purpose of this dilution is to remove the objectionable flavors by washing them out with hot water or with a weak solution of saltpetre. Sterilizing Utensils, Care of Starters, Etc. 555. On account of the wide distribution of bacteria in the air, water, and flying dust, it is extremely important that all the utensils used in starter-making should be completely sterilized. The time and attention given to starter-making may be entirely 22 DAIRYING thrown away and the starter ruined by any neglect in this direction. The cans, buckets, dippers, stirrers, cloths, covers and every- thing used in the preparation of a starter should be thoroughly steamed after they have been washed and rinsed with clean water. A steaming box or oven may be provided for this pur- pose and the tinware should be heated in it to a boiling tempera- ture for at least one-half hour. An exposure of the starter or of the cans to the air, by leaving them uncovered, or by rinsing the cans with water which has not been boiled, may spoil the work already done, and it is therefore very important that every precaution possible should be taken to prevent the contamina- tion of the pure culture with undesirable bacteria. Even the but- termaker's hands should be rinsed in water which has been boiled and he should also avoid putting his hands inside the cans, pails, etc. After these utensils have been sterilized, the cans used for holding the starter ought to have covers made with overlapping sides that fit outside instead of inside the can walls. Bacteria are so numerous and so widely distributed that in starter-making it is safe to assume that they are always growing on anything which has not been previously heated to a suffi- ciently high temperature to destroy them. On account of the susceptibility of a starter to outside contamination, it is always safest to skim off and throw away the top layer of an inch or more.. This often contains some undesirable bacteria that have found their way into the can in spite of all precautions to keep them out. General Precautions Regarding Starters. 556. Strict rules in regard to temperatures and the length of time that the starters must be kept at definite temperatures cannot be safely followed from day to day. The maker must use his judgment in regard to the best conditions necessary for the starter in each case. DAIRYING 23 1. If the starter is not wanted for immediate use, and it has already become sour, it may be kept a few hours by cooling to a temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit, or lower, and if the milk does not sour fast enough it should be warmed in order to hasten the souring process. 2. If the starter is spongy and gassy, the skim milk has not been properly pasteurized, or else it was obtained from tainted milk. Such a starter should be thrown away and a new one made from perfect milk. 3. Whole milk may be used for starter-making instead of skim milk, and the milk from fresh cows or those in the early stages of their milking period is preferable to that of strippers. 4. Nothing need be feared from a cooked flavor by heating the foundation skim milk to a high temperature. This will dis- appear before the starter is ready to use. 5. Do not let the starter get over ripe, and remember to save a bottle of mother starter or startoline each day for seeding the fresh lot of pasteurized milk which makes the starter for the next day. 6. More benefit will usually be obtained from a starter in pasteurized cream than in raw or unheated cream. 7. The bottles or packages of pure culture should be kept in a cool place protected from strong light until they are used, and not opened until everything is ready for emptying the con- tents into the pasteurized or sterile skim milk in which the cul- ture is to be grown. 8. By careful handling, a pure culture may be carried along and used daily for weeks and months, but until one becomes expert in handling starters it is best to begin a new one each week, as the starter may degenerate from the impurities which get into it from day to day. 9. In developing a starter the bottles of milk should be kept at a constant temperature until soured sufficiently; then cooled and kept cold until added to the pasteurized milk. Too 24 DAIRYING high a heat, about 130 degrees Fahrenheit, will kill the lactic acid germs in the starter, but cold does them no harm. 10. Always pour out some of the starter into a cup for examination, and never place a thermometer, pipette, or spoon in the starter after it is made, although these must be used in the early stages of the process. 11. Every effort possible should be made to protect the carefully soured milk from contamination after the pure cultures have been added and a good growth of lactic acid germs is ob- tained. JUDGING THE QUALITY OF BUTTER. 557. The various qualities of butter are classified under the following heads : Flavor, texture, color, salt and package. When an expert butter judge, or a butter buyer, gives his opinion of butter it is generally expressed with figures. The American commercial standards for perfect butter are the follow- ing: Flavor 45, texture 25, color 15, salt 10, package 5; total 100 points. 558. It is not customary to give any butter a score of 100 and thereby acknowledge it to be perfect in all its qualities. Scores of 98 are, however, sometimes reached, although in ex- hibits of butter entered for prizes there are not often more than one or two entries out of one hundred with a score of over 97 points. Only about one-third of the total number will score 93 points or better. The proportion of the total number of entries exhibited that score above 93 will vary in different exhibits and in different seasons of the year. Butter that scores 93 or better is usually marked perfect on at least two qualities and sometimes on three, but almost never on flavor. (See par. 569.) Defective flavor is the most common fault found in butter. Such qualities as texture, color, salt and package are more under the control of the buttermaker than is the flavor. DAIRYING 25 It has become customary to express one's opinion of differ- ent butter samples by fractions of points, such as 41, 41^4, or 41 1/> on flavor. Many tubs of butter are scored about the same figure, there often being no greater variation than one-half point between them. 559. In scoring a large number of different lots of butter, the judges usually go through the entire lot first and then give careful attention to a few of the best tubs that they have picked out as superior in quality. There is so little difference in these best lots that they are carefully studied in order to detect some difference in them. The final test may be narrowed down to two tubs between which the judges often find considerable difficulty in deciding which is the better one; the final decision placing only a difference of a small fraction of a point between the two lots of butter. The finer points of butter scoring are difficult to explain and errors of juudgment may frequently be made. These can, however, be largely eliminated by having three or more judges work independently, each one recording his opinion of each lot of butter and then submitting the different judges' reports to either the buttermaker or to another judge, who may further in- spect such samples as show a wide variation in the scores sub- mitted by the different judges. 560. The best judges of butter as a rule are men who are constantly buying and selling butter. They may know very little about butter making, but they have become familiar with the demands of the market and can quickly distinguish between salable and unsalable butter from the market standpoint. The constant training which butter buyers get fits them for detecting the fine points that wsuld not be noticed by a person less familiar with the great variety of butter that conies under their notice. Anyone having a sensitive nose and tongue can by training dis- tinguish slight differences in the quality of various packages of butter. If the butter judge has an ideal standard in mind, he can easily determine how near this standard each package of butter approaches, and give his reasons for such an opinion in each case. 26 DAIRYING Judging Dairy Butter. 561. Foreign judges of butter distinguish between flavor, and aroma, the former refers to taste and the latter to smell. In the United States the single term "flavor" is used and the ideal flavor is one that has a mild, rich, creamy and dean butter taste. Some of the defects in butter flavor are designated by the following terms : Flat, light, cheesy, rancid, briney, fishy, weedy, bkter, feverish, etc. 562. In most cases the word used gives a sufficient ex- planation of what is meant by the defect ; feverish flavor, is a term that has been applied to a disagreeable, sickening taste sometimes noticed in butter when cows first go to pasture in the spring, and is possibly caused by an unhealthy condition of the cow because of the sudden change of feed. 563. Fishy flavor has been found to occur mostly in butter made from excessively ripe cream, and into which considerable air has bee worked by over-working. It is supposed to be due to an oxidation process, rather than to bacterial growth. The bitter flavor usually comes from holding cream too long at a low temperature. This defect is seldom noticed in butter made during the summer reason. Butter Texture. 564. Under this head is usually included the "body," con- sistency, firmness, and the "grain," or appearance of a broken surface of butter ; also the condition of the brine in the butter as to whether it is clear or milky. The texture may be desig- nated as greasy, tallowy, spongy^ or sticky, with a cloudy or an excess of brine. A judgment of the texture is made by noticing the feeling of butter on one's tongue and by pressing it with the finger. 565. The texture may be iajured or spoiled by over-churn- ing, over-working", and by under-working, which latter may leave too much brine in the butter. The feed of the cows and the DAIRYING 27 character of the butter fat also have an important influence on butter texture. When cows first go to pastuure from dry feed the butter usually has what is called a "weak body." Judging Butter Color, Salt and Package. 566. The greatest and most common defect in color is "mottles" but objections are also made as to the amount of color such as "too high" or "too low." The color should be bright and even with no streaks or white specks in the butter. Unless some market wants a particular shade, the color of natural June grass butter is a good color standard. 567. The salt in butter must be all dissolved and evenly distributed, a "gritty" salt or defective flavor from impure salt are the most common of objections to butter on account of the salt. 568. The butter package should be clean with no finger marks on it or rounded corners on square bricks. Solid packing will leare no holes or pockets in the butter and a towel should never be used to cover the top of the package. 569. The following illustration of a score card gives an idea of the way in which the quality of butter may be expressed by figures : Flavor Texture Color Salt Package Total Standard 45 25 15 10 5 100 "Extras" 40 23 15 10 5 93 "Firsts" 39 22 i4# 9^ 5 90 "Seconds" 35 23 15 W W 87 Selling Butter on Basis of Its Quality. 570. Selling butter according to its quality is a practice that has been discussed to some extent in recent years. It seems only fair that butter scoring 96 points should sell at a higher price than butter scoring 93 and 93 butter should sell 28 DAIRYING for more than that scoring 90. No great progress has ever been made in putting this plan into practice, but certain market terms have been used instead of figures to designate the quality of the butter, such as ''Extras" which means butter scoring 93 points, and "Firsts" which means butter scoring between 90 and 93 on the Chicago market, or between 87 and 93, on the New York City market. 571. "Seconds" includes on the Chicago market butter scor- ing between 90 and 87 and on the New York market between 87 and 80 points. "Thirds" is a grade of butter which on the New York market scores from 80 to 75 points. The following statement made by a commission merchant of many years' experience in buying and selling butter, gives some information concerning the system used by such mer- chants. MARKET TERMS AND DEMANDS. 572. "The highest grade of butter is termed "extras," and to pass inspection as such they 'must be of the very highest for that season : That is, during the winter months, it is not expected that butter will have quite the high flavor or aroma of butter made when the grass is in its most perfect state in spring and summer, but in all other respects it must be equal to the best June goods the year around. The flavor must be quick, fine, fresh and clean. The body must be firm and solid with a perfect grain or texture, free from salviness. The color must be uniform, neither too light nor too high. The salt must be well dissolved, thoroughly worked in, not too high nor too light salted. Packages must be a standard five-hoop, white ash tub, holding sixty pounds of butter. Should there be a failure to meet any one of these specifica- tions it lowers the grade of the butter. DAIRYING 29 573. The next grade is called "firsts," and must be below "extras," lacking somewhat in flavor, which, however, must be good, sweet and clean. All other requirements being the same as in "extras." 574. "Seconds" consist of a grade just below "firsts," and the flavor must be fairly good and sweet. The body must be sound and smooth boring. The color must be fairly good, although it may be somewhat irregular. There may be some defects in salting, it being high or light salted. 575. "Thirds" consist of butter below "seconds," defec- tive in flavor, showing strong tops or sides; it may not be smooth boring, may be mixed or streaked in color, irregular in salting and put up in miscellaneous packages. 576. "Grease" butter consists of all grades of poor rancid butter below "thirds." The above classification holds good for dairy butter, with the exception of the package which may be of reduced size. A very small package is not desirable even for dairy butter, and tubs for dairy butter holding 30, 40 or 50 pounds net are recommended. 577. Today the buyer accepts nothing as first-class except it be of a very high grade, every hoop in place, every cover perfect, the tub evenly filled, covered first with a cloth neatly cut and sprinkled with a very light covering of butter salt. In shipping, a small stencil should be used, and the package marked on the top where it may be easily erased in case the goods are sold to a dealer for reshipment or for storage. The cover must be secured with three or four neat tin strips, the smaller number is preferred, and no dealer ever wants to see the wire hooks used for this purpose. 30 DAIRYING 578. Do not overload butter with brine. No man wishes to buy butter and then find that he has paid for one or more pounds of brine, and if he be a shrewd buyer he would not buy such butter a second time except at a greatly reduced price. Of course, there are tricks that work for a few times, but they lose the trickster money in the end. Pack the butter solidly in the tub so that there will be no vacant spots when the butter is turned out on the testing board for examination. Do not put salt in the bottom of the tub." Honests Weights in Selling Butter. 579. Market quotations on butter are usually made daily or weekly in the largest cities. Such quotations are approximately the same figure each week in different localities except that prices in the eastern, Atlantic coast cities are often one cent or more higher than those in the central-west section of the United States. 580. Butter sold on the general market must as a rule possess better qualities to bring top prices than butter sold to regular customers as the latter will overlook occasionally defects that a general buyer will object to. 581. A great many different arrangements are made for selling butter; some ship to a commission merchant who sells at a certain figure above or below the market price and who charges the creamery 5 per cent commission for doing the busi- ness. Other merchants do not charge any commission but agree to pay a certain market price f. o. b. the city to which it was shipped. 582. The diffeent agreements between seller and buyer are numerous and may be for a longer or a shorter time than one season. Such agreements are a matter of business between the buyer and the seller and require no particular discussion, but there is one point in selling butter that every butter seller should insist on and that is honest weights. No agreement should be DAIRYING 31 made with a buyer except on the basis of the net weight of butter contained in each tub or package as determined by the weights obtained when each tub is filled at the factory. It is possible that oi.e-half pound or so on each 60-pound tub of butter should be allowed for shrinkage in weight, but the net weight of butter in each tub should be known and the butter paid for on the basis of the net weights of all the tubs of butter in each lot sold. 583. A creamery can often afford to sell, its butter at a lower prict per pound on the basis of honest weights than at a higher price per pound with no agreement as to weights. The net amount of money received for the butter churned at the creamery and for which the patrons should be paid according to the butter fat delivered in milk and cream is much more important than an offer of one-half cent or more above the market quotations for the butter f. o. b. the factory shipping station. The price per pound is of some importance, but payment x for the actual number of pounds of butter delivered is of much greater importance. 584. In order to get accurate weights of the butter shipped from a creamery the tubs should be paraffined then weighed with cover, and this empty weight marked on the side of the tub. After the tub is filled with butter and the cover nailed on, the gross weight may be marked on the side of the tub ; the difference between the 'two weights will show the net weight of butter in the tub. If the net weight is then reduced one-half pound per 60 pound tub this reduction, together with the cost of the tub, amounts to more than one-half cent per pound of butter in the tub, so that instead of receiving 25 cents per pound for the butter as stated in the invoice the creamery will actually receive something less than 24*/ cents per pound of butter, assuming that it was sold at the market price, which happened to be 25 cents at the time. A statement of the net and the gross weights should be sent with each shipment of butter to market and if the creamery is sure of its weights and the buyer complains of any shipment that the weights do not "hold out" such a shipment should be transferred to another 32 DAIRYING buyer or returned to the creamery and reweighed. This will show whether the creamery or the buyers weights are correct. Moldy Butter. 585. The selling price of butter is sometimes reduced by the appearance of a green or white mold on the butter package and sometimes noticed on the butter itself. This mold may grow after the butter has left the point from which it is shipped or it may have started in the package, when this was filled at the time the butter was made. Mold spores are omnipresent and they will begin to grow as soon as conditions favorable for their growth are provided. Dampness promotes the growth of mold and dryness retards such growth ; so long as the butter packages are kept in dry air, there is little danger of the mold spores starting to grow although there may be millions of them present. 586. It is evident therefore that to prevent butter or the butter package from molding, it is necessary to either destroy all the mold spores present in the package and its lining and on the walls of the refrigerator, or other room where the butter may be kept; or the butter must be held and transported in a room, car, and storage where the air is always dry. The greatest losses from moldy butter are suffered by creameries. The butter from these factories is usually shipped to market in 60 pound tubs. 587. The so-called Elgin butter tub is a 5 hoop, asn tub holding from 58 to 63 pounds butter. These tubs cost from 18 to 26 cents each and the freight varies according to the distance shipped; \ l / 2 cents per tub is about the average freight charge that must be added to the cost of the tubs. In buying tubs those should be selected that have no dark colored staves, but the wood is smooth and free from knots ; the covers should fit well and when received the tubs should be stored in a dry place and kept upside down so that the hoops DAIRYING 33 do not drop off as the tub dries in the store room before it is used. Preparing Butter Tubs for Use. 588. Many suggestions have been made concerning the best way to treat both tubs and other packages before filling them. It is evident that they must be perfectly clean, as near water-tight as possible, and free from mold spores. These con- ditions can be brought about in a more or less satisfactory way by any one of the following treatments. 1. The day before the tub is to be used it may be filled with saturated brine and allowed to stand twenty-four hours. After this brine-soaking, which should be given to the parch- ment paper tub lining also, the tubs are washed and steamed, then filled with cold water and held in this way until filled with butter. During the brine soaking the covers may be kept on the tubs to prevent warping. The time of soaking in brine may be reduced to two hours if hot brine is used and a steaming box may be made for heating the tubs after soaking and thus reduce the cost of steam used for this purpose. 2. The tubs may be immersed in scalding hot water for one-half hour when sprinkled inside with salt and allowed to stand over night empty. In the morning place them for about three minutes over a steam jet, after which each tub is filled with cold water and stands this way until filled. 3. Soak the tubs in brine containing 5 per cent formalde- hyde and the parchment paper linings in brine to which 1^ ounce formaldehyde has been added per gallon. 4. Place each tub over a steam jet long enough to heat it thoroughly, then coat the inside with hot paraffin. This may be done either with a brush or by pouring hot paraffin into each tub, which is then rotated until the inside is all coated. 589. The hot paraffin destroys all mold spores, and as they do not get nourishment from paraffin, those that may fall on its surface later will not grow. The paraffin melts at a temperature 34 DAIRYING of 250 to 260 degrees Fahrenheit, and the cost of paraffin is about 2 cents per tub on the basis of using 3 ounces of paraffin costing 8 cents per pound. Paraffining the tubs need not cost more than the usual brine soaking process. Coating the inside of each tub is better than dipping the entire tub in hot paraffin, as the latter method requires more paraffin and the paraffin tub cannot be marked with a pencil. Paraffined tubs are usually 1 to 2 pounds lighter than brine or water-soaked tubs, and this should be watched to prevent loss in selling the butter. 590. The net weight of butter obtained by actually weigh- ing each tub before and after filling with butter should be marked on the tub and- a record kept of such weights. Paraffining butter tubs is the most satisfactory way of treat- ing them, as it prevents mold from growing on the tub and on the butter, it protects the butter from taking any flavor from the wood, it gives the tub a neat appearance, and it reduces the loss by shrinkage in weight when butter is shipped to market. 591. In addition to the treatment of the tubs mentioned, the butter and the tub should be protected from mold by keeping the factory refrigerator and the shipping car refrigerator dry. Butter often becomes moldy after it leaves the creamery, be- cause it is transported in a damp refrigerator car, or held some days in a damp sales room. The growth of mold in a refriger- ator may be retarded by occasionally wiping the walls with a cloth moistened with a 5 per cent glycerin solution of corrosive sublimate. Mottled Butter. 592. The unevenly colored or mottled appearance of the smoothly cut surface of butter is a defect which shows a lack of knowledge or of skill on the part of the butter maker. Mottled butter never grades as "extras" in quality, and butter judges as well as buyers do not hesitate to reduce its score or its price on account of this imperfection. Mottles are caused by an uneven distribution of the salt throughout the butter too much salt in DAIRYING 35 one place and not enough in another. Unsalted butter is never mottled ; it has a uniform color which is somewhat lighter yellow in color than the same butter has when salted. Salt deepens the color of butter to which no color has been added, as well as that which has been artificially colored. The darker and the lighter colored places consequently show an uneven mixing of the salt. Uncolored butter may therefore be mottled, as well as colored butter. 593. Continual working will remove mottles, as this eventu- ally causes the salt to be evenly distributed, but there is danger of injuring the body or texture of butter by an excessive work- ing and the salvey, greasy appearance which over-working pro- duces may be as objectionable as the mottles. In order to pre- vent mottles without injuring other qualities of the butter the butter maker must understand the conditions which aid and those which interfere with a uniform mixing of salt with butter. Salt is more evenly dissolved and more quickly distributed in soft than in hard butter, but soft butter will not stand so much working without injury to its body as will hard butter. These facts indicate the necessity of varying the amount of working according to the consistency of the butter. 594. When butter comes in small hard granules that are allowed to drain rather dry before the salt is added, an even distribution of the salt is much more difficult to obtain than when the granules are softer ; such hard butter is therefore often mottled unless it is worked a great deal. Mottles are also rather difficult to prevent in butter which has been over-churned until the granules are excessively large. In such cases the butter working should be extended over a considerable length of time, allowing the butter to stand about thirty minutes between each three or four revolutions of the worker. The same amount of working does not always have an equal effect on both hard and soft butter, and it cannot safely be assumed that when different churnings of butter are worked for the same length of time that mottles will or will not appear. The amount of working neces- sary to prevent mottles becomes, therefore, a matter of judg- ment based on observations which are made from day to day. 36 DAIRYING 595. Butter which is worked but little at a time and allowed to stand between workings is much less likely to be mottled that* that which may be given the same amount of working at one time without stopping. Dry, hard butter to which dry salt is added is more often mottled than that which is soft and some- what moist, or has been salted with damp salt. Any condition of the butter that will aid or retard the solution or distribution of the salt, such as its water content, its hardness and the size of its granules, will have an influence on the mottled appear- ance of the butter, and an uneven distribution of water in the granular butter may be the cause of mottles by dissolving dif- ferent amounts of salt in various parts of the same churning. 596. Hard and soft granules, as well as small and large ones, will hold different amounts of water, which in some parts of the churning may be so plentiful as to dissolve the salt read- ily, while in other parts there is less water and the solvent ac- tion on the salt is slower. The presence or absence of mottles is therefore entirely within the control of the butter maker and he should not be satisfied until he is capable of making perfectly even colored butter in which there is no suggestion of mottles. When butter is freshly made the salt may not have had sufficient time to show the effect which it will have later on the color of the butter. This makes it difficult to determine whether or not the butter will be mottled after it has stood long enough to harden, and a positive statement in regard to the future ap- pearance of mottles in the butter cannot be safely made without a knowledge of the details of both the salting and the working of the butter. 597. It has been claimed that too cold wash water will cause mottled butter, and this is undoubtedly sometimes the case, but the effect it will have depends on the extent to which the butter is cooled, to the temperature of the water. If only the surface of the granules are cooled by the water standing on them a short time the salt will not be uniformly 'dissolved by the butter and this may cause mottles, but if the granular butter is thoroughly and uniformly hardened by the cold water there DAIRYING 37 is not much danger of mottles appearing- on account of the cold wash water. 598. When salt is added to butter, it should be of about the same temperature as that of the butter and contain no lumps. It ought also to be evenly distributed over the granular butter, as the churn cannot do this when the salt is all thrown in at one place in a heap. The amount of working necessary to prevent mottles varies with different seasons of the year, as the butter varies from soft grass butter in the spring, to hard, dry-feed and dry-cow butter in the winter, and the butter maker should change his practice of working to suit the conditions during the different seasons of the year. Streaked, Spotted or Speckled Butter. 599. These are imperfections in color that are different from mottles; they are caused first by lumps or specks of curd or dried cream which have not been removed, and second, by small lumps of butter that are floating in the cream before churning and failed to take the color when it is added. These defects in butter may be prevented by carefully straining the cream when it is put into the churn. The hard lumps of white curd sometimes noted in cream are usually caused by over-ripeness of the cream, or by failing to stir it sufficiently during ripening. When sour cream is allowed to stand without stirring, the curd and whey separate, and the longer such cream stands the tougher the curd becomes. If these white specks are so small as to pass through the cream strainer, they may be removed as described under Washing But- ter, but they are ordinarily caught in the strainer at the time the cream is put into the churn. The lumps of dried cream sometimes noticed usually come from scraping off the sides of the vat where the cream has splashed up above its surface and dried onto the sides of the vat. 38 DAIRYING This dried cream is better left on the vat than scraped off and put into the churn, as the defects it may cause in the butter are worse than the loss sustained by not saving- them. 600. Lumps of butter are sometimes noticed in cream be- fore churning. They are caused either by the separator not skimming smoothly, or by agitation from stirring, or during the transporting of the cream. They are often too large to be pene- trated clear through by the butter color that may be added to the cream. In this way the inside of these lumps being of a different color than their surface, an unevenness in the color of the butter is caused. If these lumps are strained out, they are of no injurv to the butter, and it is claimed that even when allowed to mix with the butter, the color will spread through them so that no serious defect comes from their presence in the cream. The Water Content of Butter. 601. The difference between the amount of butter fat shown by the Babcock test in milk and cream and the weight of butter made therefrom may vary from 10 to 20 per cent ; this variation is caused by the difference in the loss of butter fat by skimming and churning during each operation and the amounts of salt, curd and water, which may have been incorporated in each churning of butter. Butter is a mixture of butter fat, salt, curd and water, and it is not easily made to contain exactly the same amounts of these constituents in every churning. 602. The difference between the weight of butter fat in milk or cream and that in butter made from them, is called the" "overrun." This subject is discussed in detail in par. 440, but one of the factors which has an influence on the amount of "overrun" obtained in each churning, is the water content of the butter. The same amount of water is seldom mixed with each lot of butter, but the average variation is not sufficient to be DAIRYING 39 generally noticed by the consumer and in fact appearance may be deceitful in regard to this point. In so far as the water is concerned, the consumer is equally well pleased with any good butter that contains from 10 to 15 per cent of water, but to manufacturers this difference of 5 per cent between extremes given is a very important matter. He would naturally prefer 15 to 10 per cent of water in his product if one sells as well as the other. 603. Butter makers and consumers generally form their opinions regarding the amount of water that any given lot of butter contains by the brine that leaks from the package, or by the amount of moisture on the butter surface. It is perfectly natural to conclude that butter which shows drops of brine on its freshly cut surface contains more water than that on which no drops are visible, and this difference in the appearance of butter has been frequently noticed and com- mented upon. It was plainly shown by the American and for- eign butter exhibited at one of the conventions of the "National Creamery Buttermakers' Association." 604. American butter was represented in that exhibit by entries of 600 30-pound tubs of butter from 600 different cream- eries and foreign butter by about 30 packages of butter purchased in London by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Among these foreign butters were packages from Denmark, Sweden, France, England, -Ireland, Australia and several other countries. Some of the foreign butter showed as much moisture on its sur- face as was noticed on American butter, but one package of but- ter appeared so dry and mealy as immediately to attract atten- tion to this particular point. One-pound samples from each of the foreign butters and also from the three prize-winning packages of American butter were obtained at that time for analyses. These analyses later showed that the particularly dry appearing sample of foreign butter contained 15.10 per cent water, which is 3.66 per cent higher than the average analysis of American creamery butter, which was 11.44 per cent of water in the average of 473 samples of butter, as reported in Bulletin No. 74, Wisconsin Experiment Station. 40 DAIRYING 605. A complete analysis of this dry appearing, foreign butter and of the American prize creamery butter gave the fol- lowing results : Water Per Cent Fat Per Cent. Ash (Salt) Per Cent. Curd Per Cent. Foreign 15.00 82.94 .44 1.52 American 12.46 83.31 2.68 1.55 These figures show that the foreign butter contained nearly 3 per cent more water and over 2 per cent less salt than was found in the American butter. The foreign butter probably was but very slightly salted, and a considerable portion of this 0.44 per cent of ash doubtless came from the mineral matter of the buttermilk and curd which the butter contained. The unusual high water content of this apparently dry butter was very striking, and it led the writer to try to find an explanation for the apparent contradiction. 606. A series of experiments was therefore made by salting one-half the butter from a lot of cream and by making the other* half in exactly the same way except that no salt was added to it. During the working of each lot of butter the dry appearance of the unsalted butter was very noticeable, while moisture and brine showed distinctly on the salted butter. This difference in apparent dryriess was so plain that either lot of butter could be accurately selected without consulting th'e numbers of the packages and the record book. Considerable brine also leaked from the salted butter, but the unsalted butter was very dry. An analysis of the two lots of butter showed that although both were made from the same cream, churned and worked in ex- actly the same way, the salted butter always contained less water than the unsalted. 607. It should not be inferred from these results that all salted butter will contain less wateer than unsalted butter, but rather that when all other conditions, such as cream ripening, churning, washing, working, etc., are the same and the cream of one ripening is made into two lots of butter in the same way, DAIRYING 41 that the salted butter will contain less water and show more drops of moisture or brine on a cut surface than will be the case with the unsalted butter. The total yield of salted and unsalted butter from the same lot of cream in these experiments was about the same, as the salt replaced the water and it was shown that an increase of water in the unsalted butter does not necessarily mean an increased yield from a given amount of butter fat. 608. In a number of trials the butter was worked twice, each lot being about half worked on the day it was churned, then placed in tubs and set in the refrigerator until the next morning, when the working was completed. At the second working it was noticed that considerable brine had collected in the bottom of the tubs containing the salted butter. This leak- ing of the brine doubtless accounts for the generally low per cent of water found in the salted butter worked twice, as com- pared with that which was worked once. 609. Considerable more attention has been given to the water content of butter during the past ten years, and since the observations just mentioned were made. In 1898 butter on the general market contained approximately 11.00 per cent water. At about that time butter makers began to note the importance of uniformity in the water content of butter and of keeping up the percentage to a figure that will not diminish the yield sufficiently to cause excessive losses in weight and consequently in profit from the manufacture of butter. In 1902 the average water of 800 samples of creamery butter was 11.78 per cent. In 1907 the average of 658 samples of butter from as many cream- eries was 13.56 per cent water. This shows an increase of about 2 1-2 per cent in the water content in about ten years. In 1906 the average water content of 2.786 samples of Danish butter was 14.29 per cent, showing that our butter was then one per cent lower in water than Danish butter. A uniform water content in butter from day to day means a great deal to the maker and to the farmers who produce the milk and the cream from which it is made. 42 DAIRYING 610. If butter contains 12.00 per cent water one day and 15.00 per cent water the next day, the difference between the two lots amounts to 3 pounds in every 100 pounds of butter made. This 3 pounds is worth 90 cents, if butter is 30 cents per- pound and if 300 pounds are made daily, the difference is worth $2.70, which is more than the buttermaker's wages in some cases. 611. Water is held by butter as a film around each granule and in the pockets between the granules. The smaller the granules the greater the amount of butter surface and conse- quently the larger the amount of adhering water. On the other hand the larger and the more irregular the granules, the more and the larger are the pockets to be filled with water. The amount of water held by the butter is influenced therefore by certain conditions which the buttermaker should understand. Some of these are the following: A rich cream churned warm in a churn filled to its full capacity brings butter in waxy granules which contain an excess of water. Effect of Size of Butter Granules on Water Content of Butter. 612. It has been shown in previous pages that salts helps to expel the moisture in butter and since the salt will be more thor- oughly and uniformly mixed with small than with large butter granules, it seems fair to infer that the water contents of butter will be increased by churning to large granules and decreased by churning to small granules before the salt is added to them. The standard size of butter granules is that of wheat kernels, as it has been found that the curd can be more easily washed out, and the salt more uniformly worked into such butter than is the case when it is gathered in larger lumps. The objection to stopping the churn when the butter granules are still finer than wheat comes from the possibility of mechanical loss of those fine granules in the buttermilk. DAIRYING 43 In order to obtain some evidence on the influence of size of the butter granules on the water content of the finished butter, a series of 22 churnings were made : a one-half of the churnings were stopped when the granules were about the, size of a clover seed, and the other half were about the size of corn kernels. The butter made in each case was analyzed and the average per cent of water was found to be 1.74 higher in the butter churned to the large than to the small granules when all other conditions were the same. it is to be expected that more water will be squeezed out of the fine than out of the coarse granular butter by a given amount of working, because as compared with the large granules the small ones hold more water between the granules and this water is more easily pressed out by the working, than is that held within the mass of larger granules, provided the butter has a solid, firm body. Effect of Temperature of Wash Water on Water Content of Butter. 613. Of all the factors that influence the water content of butter, the most important are undoubtedly the temperature of the wash water and the amount of churning the butter is given in the wash water. It is usually recommended to churn cream at as low a temperature as possible in order tc get an exhaustive churning. This is undoubtedly good practice, but if the granular butter is then washed with cold water the yield may be abnormally low even though an exhaustive churning as indicated by the test of the buttermilk has been obtained. When churnings are made at a low temperature, the gran- ular butter should be washed with warmer water so that it will retain the normal amount of water and churning the fine granules into larger ones in this warm wash water will increase the water contents of the butter. 44 DAIRYING Any agitation of the butter in water while it is warm and sticky will tend to incorporate water with it, while the opposite treatment such as hardening the granules with very cold water will tend to expel water from the butter. 614. A uniform and normal amount of water in butter may be obtained by churning at a temperature that will give a low testing buttermilk; then washing the granular butter with water having a temperature a little above that of the buttermilk, but not sufficiently warm to injure the body of the butter. It is further necessary to increase the size of the butter granules a trifle by churning in the wash water then salt and work the butter sufficiently to prevent mottles and give it a waxy body. The fine, sound, hard granules repel water and make a dry body, as the softer the butter fat the more water it holds. The less viscous the cream, such as sour as compared with sweet cream, the easier the water slips away from the granules ; sweet cream butter therefore contains less water than sour cream butter, because the sweet cream butter needs more working to remove the buttermilk and milky brine, which stick to it more tenaciously than to sour cream butter. Overchurning causes an excess of water in the butter, as does also the working of butter in warm wash water and damp- ening the salt before" adding it to the butter. Churning to fine granules and working but little afterwards gives butter with much water. 615. Butter worked in water a short time loses water, but continued working in water incorporates an excess of water in the butter. This is shown by the following figures, which illus- trate also the effect which more or less water has on the quality *f butter. Churning in Water Water Per Cent Score of Butter 10 minutes 15.03 93.9 15 minutes 17.44 92.4 20 minutes 18.81 93.1 DAIRYING 45 Relation Between Water Content and Quality of Butter. 616. As a general rule the conditions that favor an increase in the water content of butter are detrimental to its quality. Some of these conditions are over-churning, which leaves too much buttermilk in the butter, churning too warm cream, which causes excessive losses in the buttermilk, churning too rich cream, which gives an uneven churning, and working in warm wash water, which tends to make a greasy texture. These and other conditions have a somewhat contradictory value in butter making. They may increase the yield at the expense of the butter quality. Although this relation may exist, it has been repeatedly shown that there is no direct relation between quality and water content in all butter, as both high and low scoring butter may have either a high or a low water content. In 1902 the Dairy Division of the U. S. Department of Agri- culture took samples from 802 tubs of creamery butter exhibited at a National Convention and found that the five tubs of butter receiving the highest score contained 11.03 per cent water and the five receiving the lowest score contained 10.06 per cent water. It has further been noticed in butter exhibits that eight tubs marked by the judges as having "too much water" contained an average of 12.67 per cent water and two tubs marked "full of water" contained 11.11 per cent, water, while two tubs marked "worked too dry" contained 12.27 per cent water. These and many other observations have shown that the quality of butter does not regularly follow the water content. 617. A uniformity in water content is obtained by uni- formity in the following- churning operations : 1. The amount of cream in the churn. 2. The richness and the ripeness of the cream. 3. The temperature of the cream and of the buttermilk. 4. The size of the butter granules. 5. The amount of draining before salting. 6. The temperature of the wash water. 7. The amount of working the butter receives. 4 6 DAIRYING The Butter Workers. 618. The implements and machines used for working butter are the farm dairy lever-worker, the power table-worker and the combined churn and worker. The amount of working that butter should be given with each of these workers must be determined by observations made during the buttermakers' daily work, either by allowing a cer- tain number of minutes working with a lever worker, or a num- ber of revolutions through the rollers of the other workers. The table workers are usually allowed to make from 25 to 30 revolutions and the combined churn workers about 16 revo- lutions. These figures cannot be adooted as sure guides to inevitable success artd no figures cai be authoritatively given as the un- varying standard for this purpose, but those mentioned may aid beginners in establishing uniform methods of working which are best suited to the condition of the butter in each case. Plate 4 Type of Combined Churn and Worker The Combination Churn and Worker. 619. Nearly all creameries have now replaced the two pieces of machinery formerly used in butter making, the box churn and the table butter worker, by the combined churn and worker, in which both operations of churning and werking are carried on in one machine. The introduction of the combined DAIRYING 47 churn was con>paratively slow. It was claimed by some that the new machine was expensive, hard to clean, the butter maker could not see the butter during the working process, butter would get into the bearings, and that the salt would not be evenly distributed through the butter. All these objections seem to have been overcome during the years of development which this machine has undergone. Two distinct types of combined churns are now on the market and both are extensively used in factory butter making. One type is represented by the Simplex churn, in which the worker is removable. It may be placed in the churn after the cream is churned. The other type includes the cylindrical churns in which the working rollers are always left in the churn and never removed during the churning. 620. Among the advantages claimed for the modern com- bined churn and worker are': Plate 5 Showing Working of Butter in Combined Churn and Worker 1. The butter is not handled or taken from the churn until it is ready to be placed in the finished package. 2. It is a saving of labor. 3. The butter is protected from the air, dust, flies and heat of the room in which the work is done. 4. It requires less space than the two machines formerly used for this work. 5. Large amounts of cream may be churned at once. DAIRYING 6. The extent to which the churn is filled has no particular influence on the churning. 7. The working of butter is nearly automatic and uniform results may be obtained by counting the number of revolutions in working each lot of butter. 8. The details of construction have been carefully worked out so that the modern machine is durable and can be satis- factorily cleaned. The amount of working which each combined churn gives butter varies with the number of rollers in the churn and their location, so that the same directions do not apply to all churns, but in a general way the following practice may be found satis- factorv. Plate 6 The Simplex Combined Churn and Worker 621. After the buttermilk is drawn from the granular butter, fill the churn one-half full with water, having a temperature about 2 degrees warmer than the buttermilk. Revolve the churn about four times on the slow gear, then allow the butter to pass through the rollers about six times. Draw off the wash water, DAIRYING 49 after which the salt containing no lumps is added ; then revolve the churn six times and let it stand a few minutes to drain off the surplus water; revolve again four times and let stand five minutes, then repeat this working, with short intervals of drain- ing, until the salt is dissolved and evenly distributed through the butter. A little practice and careful observation of results will soon determine the number of revolutions and intervals best adapted to give satisfactory results with each churn. It is not, however, a machine that can be successfully used by a careless workman, as it is more complicated than a table worker and requires judgment in running it and some knowledge in arithmetic for calculating the amount of salt and color to be used in each churning. 622. It is true that different lots of butter varying in salt content can not be easily obtained from one churning for different customers, but the total amount of butter in each case can be calculated from the weight and test of the milk or cream and sufficiently accurate figures obtained for determining the amount of salt and color used for each churning of butter. The combined churn is not an automatic machine that will do satisfactory work by simply pulling the lever or shifting a belt and then leaving it to run, but its operation must be watched and regulated. One thing that is especially necessary to be sure of and that is to see that all the butter passes through the rollers the same number of times, and that some of it does not escape them. When this is the case the butter will be unevenly worked and may be mottled. Such a possibility may be easily avoided by not attempting to work more butter than the churn is built to handle and by inspecting it occasionally during the working. 623. In warm weather when the butter is apt to be soft, ice may be placed on the rollers and the door closed, thus confining the cold from the ice in the churn until the butter has hardened when the ice may be removed and the working finished. 50 DAIRYING THE CREAMERY INDUSTRY. I. Benefits of a Creamery to Farmers. 624. A Better Price for Butter. In many farming communi- ties there are often found localities where the butter made on one farm is selling for ten cents, while that from the adjoining farm brings twenty cents per pound. This difference in price may be continuous throughout the year, even though the cows and the feed are of about the same quality on both farms. When a creamery is established in such a community, the farm on which poor butter is made will naturally receive more benefit from the factory than the one which supplies private customers at fancy prices. The latter class of farmers will, however, be glad to patronize the creamery, because they will continue to receive the highest market price for their butter without the trouble of making it. The reason for this is apparent. All the principles of manufacturing, such as reducing expense and waste, by operating one factory instead of several, apply to the cream- ery as well as to other manufactories. 625. Cost of Making Butter Reduced. The creamery sub- stitutes one churn and other dairy utensils for the fifty or more farm churns. This is an enormous saving, as the time of one or more men at a creamery and one fire under the boiler is much more economical than the time and. fuel used at each of the farms in making the same amount of butter. There is also much less waste by the factory operations than is the case when the fifty or more lots of butter are made at the fifty farms. This saving of both cream and butter, which is necessarily lost by distributing it over fifty or more small cans, vats, and churns, is shared by all the patrons. The difference in the expense and amount of energy used in operating a creamery as compared with the usual number of farm dairies which it supplants may be illustrated by the contrast in economy of moving one thousand people across a river by row boats as compared with trans- porting them by means of one steamer. The work is much more economically, quickly, and safely done by the steamer than by the row boats ; and when the comfort of the one thousand people is considered the two methods of transportation are not in the DAIRYING 51 same class. A well managed creamery brings the same kind of satisfaction to the one thousand or more people interested in it as is felt by the one thousand passengers. 626. Butter of Uniform Quality. The creamery produces a much more uniform article of butter than can possibly be made at the different farms. In the matter of color and salt in butter, to say nothing of the variety of flavors obtained in the farm butter, the creamery product has a great advantage. The quality of creamery butter is also, as a rule, far superior to that of farm butter, the market quotation always placing extra creamery but- ter at the top of the list. The milk therefore which was formerly used in making the dairy butter may thus be converted into a higher-priced article at the creamery than at the farm. The creamery will also market more butter from the same amount of milk than it is possible for a number of farm dairies to make. The churning will be more exhaustive and the general waste will be less. 627. Economy of Time in Marketing the Butter. The time spent in delivering farm butter to private customers and the annoyance of collecting and of waiting for them to pay bufcfcer bills is entirely avoided by patronizing a creamery. Much less machinery and supplies are also needed at the farm when milk is sent to a creamery than when it is made into butter at home. 628. More Cows on Each Farm. A large number of cows may be kept on the farm when they have to be fed and milked only and the farmer's time is not occupied with butter making. This will enable him to concentrate his thoughts on the produc- tion of milk, and he will find that the reducing of its cost to the lowest terms will be a most profitable study for him. 629. The Farm Women Relieved From Some Extra Work. The benefits of a creamerv to farmers would not be completely enumerated if we failed to mention the relief it brings to the farm women. They have many duties about the home each day, and although there are excellent butter makers among them, churning is extra work, and in some cases a heavy tax upon a woman's strength. All good American farmers are glad to 52 DAIRYING relieve the women of the household from this task, and the start- ing of a creamery in a community usually has no stronger ad- vocates than the farmers' wives and daughters. 630. Monthly Cash Payment. From a business standpoint the creamery is beneficial because of the monthly cash income which it brings to each patron. A definite amount of cash in hand at regular intervals places the farmer in a position to plan his work advantageously, and his whole family is cheered by the anticipation and the realization of the benefits from the monthly milk or crearn check II. Development of the Creamery. 631. The creamery as commonly referred to at the present time is a modern institution. In the past butter was made in a room or small building at the farm, where milk was kept and all kinds of dairy work was done. The creamery now takes the place of the farm dairy, and is equipped with machinery and ap- paratus for making butter of the milk and cream brought to it by a number of farmers. 632. Amount of Butter Made in Creameries. The first American creameries were built in New York state between 1860 and 1870. The industry gradually spread to the West, until at the present time there are about 10,000 in the United States. Even now, however, only a little over one-third of the total amount of butter made in the United States is creamery butter. According to the United States census of 1900, there was made in the United States 1,492,700,000 pounds of butter; only 420,- 950,000 pounds of .which was creamery butter, while 1,070,700,000 pounds was made on the farm. 633. In some parts of the United States the creamery in- dustry is growing rapidly at the present time, and the amount of butter made in these factories will undoubtedly continue to increase in the future. A movement has already begun among creamery patrons towards the improvement of their herds by keeping a record of the performance of each cow and disposing of the unprofitable ones. This kind of work will not only make DAIRYING 53 the farmers more prosperous, but it will increase the creamery products in localities where factories have been in operation for some time. 634. The Milk and Cream Supply of a Creamery. The butter made at creameries under present conditions is churned from cream which is either separated at the factory from milk delivered by the patrons or skimmed at the farm and gathered by teams which deliver it to the factory. These two methods of skimming milk have given rise to two distinct kinds of creameries, the whole milk creamery and the gathered cream factory. A rather sharp distinction between these factories has existed in the past, but it is becoming less marked in recent years. Formerly the whole milk creamery re- ceived nothing but milk and the gathered cream factory nothing but cream; but at the present time the hand separators are so extensively used by farmers that many whole milk creameries now receive farm cream as well, and the exclusively whole milk creameries are consequently diminishing in number. The gath- ered cream factories on, the other hand are still without separa- tors and are equipped and operated on about the same plan as when first started. Each of the two kinds of creameries has its peculiar fitness for butter making and for accommodating the farmers who patronize them. The gathered cream factories were the first ones started. They formerly were supplied en- tirely with gravity cream, most of which was obtained at the farms by deep setting the milk in cold water. At the present time such factories are -receiving more or less hand separator cream, as well as gravity cream, and the change from gravity to hand separator skimming is rapidly being made in many localities. 635. Advantages of the Gathered Cream Factory. When cream instead of milk is gathered from the farms, a larger terri- tory can be economically drawn from because of the difference in weight between the cream and the milk. The cream is only about 15 per cent of the milk, and its transportation is less ex- pensive, not only on account of its smaller weight, but because there is no skim milk to be returned to the farms. The time and 54 DAIRYING teams of many farmers is therefore saved by the one man and team which does the drawing for a large number of farms. A saving in the cost of milk-carrying cans is also made when cream only is sent to a factory. The danger of spreading disease from one farm to another by means of the factory skim milk is also avoided. Cases have been known in which tuberculosis has been conveyed to a herd by the factory skim milk being fed to calves ; and although this may be prevented by a thorough pasteurization of the skim milk at the factory, such a mode of protection is not equal to keeping the skim milk on the farm where it is produced and receiving none from other places. But the greatest of all the benefits of this kind of creamery to the farmer is derived from the perfect feeding condition of the skim milk when it is separated from the cream with the farm separator at milking time. The food value of this pure, warm skim milk is not always fully appreciated. When it comes from a separator it is cleaner than before skimming. It is un- diluted, and is a wholesome, nutritious food for both man and beast. In fact, a glass of warm skim milk from the separator will not be distinguished by the majority of people from a glass of new milk taken directly from the cow. 636. Advantages of the Whole Milk Creamery. The whole milk or power separator creameries began nearly twenty years after the gathered cream factories started, and it was the superior skimming of the power separators that led to the introduction of the separator creameries. The old methods of farm skimming by the gravity system, left from one-half to one and one-fourth pounds of fat in every one hundred pounds of skim milk, and this butter fat, even though it was kept on the farm and fed to stock was extravagant feed. When the power separators were introduced, the farmers were soon convinced that they could save this loss by drawing their milk to creameries sup- plied with power machines. They also found the losses in churning to be less at the factory than at the farm, and the quality of the butter was superior to that made at the gathered cream factories. DAIRYING 55 These two punus of economy in skimming and churning and the improvements in quality of the butter made, are the strongest ones in favor of the separator creameries. It was soon found, however, that farmers would not draw milk much more than five miles to creameries, and in order to cover a larger territory, the owners of separator creameries in some cases built and equipped skimming stations. 637. The Skimming Station. This is usually a building erected only for the purpose of skimming milk. Its equipment includes the weigh-can, platform scales, milk sample jars and sampler, a large milk vat, cans for holding the cream, a skim milk weigher, a power separator, and some kind of power for operating it. In some cases turbine separators are used and a boiler only is needed to run such a separator. Some power will be needed, however, to operate the water pump and the milk pumps. When a belt separator is used at these stations an engine must be provided as well as a boiler. A good water supply is also needed. This equipment, it will be seen, is nearly equal to that of a creamery, the only difference being in the size of the building, and a few additional fittings, such as the cream vat, the churn, butter worker, and refrigerator. The boiler of a skimming station may also be considerably smaller than is needed at the creamery, especially when a gasoline engine or possibly a tread power is used to run the separator. A tread power is economical in cases where the horses which operate it are used to draw the cream to the creamery after the skimming is done. A small boiler can be so arranged that danger from freezing in cold weather may be avoided by draining it, together with all steam and water pipes when the day's work is done. It can be filled, when needed to begin work, by the pump, which is operated by the gasoline engine or tread power. 638. Economy of Gasoline Engine. When a skimming sta- tion is located some distance from the fuel supply, the gasoline engine is a very economical power, as it has been demonstrated that the cost of the gasoline necessary to operate the engine which skimmed eight thousand pounds of milk per day at a station, was no greater than the cost of drawing the coal eight 56 DAIRYING miles to this station, if a steam engine had been used to do the same work. In this calculation the use of gasoline, however, saved the first cost of the coal, as the cost of drawing the gaso- line is not included, because it was drawn by the cream hauler. The gasoline bill only amounted to the price of drawing the ioal.* These and other suggestions in the line of economy in build- ing and running a skimming station should be carefully con- sidered when the subject is under discussion, for while there are localities where they are undoubtedly profitable, this is not uni- versally true. The conditions of any locality must be studied by themselves, as it is not s*afe to conclude that when a skim- ming station is a success in one place it will be so everywhere. III. Directions for Starting a Whole Milk Creamery. 639. When a number of farmers become convinced that a creamery will be beneficial to the neighborhood in which they live, the first thing to be done is to make a careful canvass of the surrounding country for the purpose of ascertaining the number of cows that can be depended on to furnish milk to the factory. The best way to- accomplish this is to circulate a paper which must be signed by each farmer, pledging himself to send milk to the creamery from a certain number of cows. In order to assure the success of the enterprise there should be found at least three hundred cows within five miles of the factory. In some cases creameries have been started with less than this number of cows in sight, but unless there is good reason to expect the number to increase to three hundred or more in the near future, the creamery cannot be expected to prove a paying investment. 640. The Milk Supply and Cost of Operating. The milk supply from three hundred rows will range from three thousand to six thousand pounds per day during the year, depending on the kind of cows kept. In a new territory, where the creamery is usually started, not much more than four thousand pounds of milk per day during the vear can be depended on from three hundred cows. Assuming that this will test 4.0 per cent fat and make 4.5 pounds of butter per hundred pounds of milk, the \ * Private Communication from H. B. Gurler. DAIRYING 57 average daily product of the factory will be about 180 pounds of butter. If 3 cents per pound is charged the patrons for mak- ing the butter, this will amount to $5.40 per day, which sum is available for paying running expenses. This $5.40 may be used in the following way : The buttermaker's wages should be at least $1.66 per day, the butter tubs, salt, color, and supplies will cost about $1.00, fuel $1.00, taxes and insurance 15 cents, and interest on investment 42 cents per day. The sum of these items is $4.23, leaving 77 cents as the fund from which the depreciation of machinery and building mut be kept up. 641. These figures show that a creamery will be operated at a loss if less than 4,000 pounds of milk, or the cream from it, as an average per day is supplied to it during the entire year. In some localities this amount of milk may be produced by less than 300 cows, but the probabilities are that it will take more than this number, as these figures mean a production of over 200 pounds of butter per cow per year, and the statistics of the last census show that the average cow does not produce over 150 pounds of butter per year. If the creamery is started in a locality where the average cow is not producing more than 150 pounds of butter per year, there should be at least 400 cows pledged for the enterprise. These figures represent the mini- mum volume of business that the promoters of the enterprise should expect to carry on without doing it at a loss, unless local conditions are such that some of the items may be reduced, or the products sold at a greater margin. 642. After it has been found that there are enough cows within a reasonable distance to support a creamery, the building and machinery must be provided. This is done in several ways: 1. The Proprietary Creamery. An individual or a firm may erect and equip the creamery and operate it entirely in- dependent of the patrons, charging a certain price per pound for making the butter. 2. The Joint Stock Creamery. The creamery may be built and operated by a joint stock company, the stock of which may be bought by patrons of the creamery, by business men, or by any one wishing to invest in such an enterprise. The butter 58 DAIRYING is made for a stated price per pound, and any profit or loss in the business is divided among the stockholders. 3. The Cooperative Creamery. There are many different , ways of organizing cooperative creameries, but the general un- derstanding i regard to them is that the entire business, factory, and machinery, is owned by the patrons supplying the milk, and that instead of charging a certain price per pound for making butter, the running expenses of the factory are deducted each month from the gross receipts. The balance is divided among the patrons according to the amount of butter fat contributed by each one in the milk or cream sent to the facory. 643. Organizing. The organization of such a creamery is usually started by calling a meeting of those persons interested in the enterprise. Officers and directors are elected, a constitu- tion and by-laws are adopted* and the association incorporated according to the laws of the state. A competent lawyer should be employed to draw up the articles of incorporation and attend to other legal matters connected with the organization. Without going into details regarding the constitution and by-laws of such an organization a few suggestions may be helpful in this direc- tion. The usual officers, such as president, vice-president, secre- tary, treasurer, and general manager, with a board of directors, which is sometimes composed of the officers named, are elected annually by the stockholders. The duties of these officers are those usually performed by such officials. 644. The only one of these officials who receives pay for his services, as a rule, is the secretary, who is also general manager; and the amount paid him is determined by the board of directors. His duties are to look after the general welfare of the business, and he should be a man in whom the stockholders have uni- versal confidence. He should be permitted to manage the busi- ness as seems best to him, after consulting the directors, and any criticism of his work should be in a spirit of helpfulness and of promoting the best interests of all concerned. The success of the creamery depends, in a large measure, not only on the business ability of this official, but on the attitude of the stock- holders towards him. His annual report to the stockholders * A sample constitution and by-laws is given at the end of this lesson. DAIRYING 59 should contairra statement in detail of the receipts and expendi- tures for the year, with a record of all meetings and transactions authorized by the directors. A copy of this report should be supplied to all stockholders. 645. Raising Funds. The money needed for building and equipping the creamery is raised in different ways, each locality determining for itself how this may best be done. In some cases a sufficient number of shares of stock at ten dollars or one hur> dred dollars per share are issued, and this stock is bought by the farmers who expect to patronize the creamery. Another way ot raising the money is to let two or more of the responsible patrons borrow a sum of money (probably $3,000) on a joint note. This note with interest is paid by deducting a sum of money, five cents, more or less, per hundred pounds of milk, as previously agreed upon, from the monthly dividends of the different patrons. When the payment is completed, stock is issued to the patrons in proportion to the amount each one has contributed towards this fund. 646. Assessment of New Patrons. The acquisition of new patrons to the creamery after the original stock is all paid for will be beneficial to the stockholders by reducing the cost per .pound of making the butter, as it is a well known fact that oper- ating expenses diminish as the amount of milk increases. When patrons own stock in proportion to the amount of milk they are furnishing the factory there is no necessity of taking into con- sideration the item of interest on the stock, as the patrons are receiving the benefits of the creamery in proportion to their separate investments ; but in the case of new patrons who are not stockholders, it is only just that a reasonable interest on the stock should be added to their monthly expense account. This will be an assessment on all patrons, but it will be returned to the stockholders as interest on their stock. 647. Sinking Fund. In addition to the item of interest which is sometimes ignored, it is wise and just to create a sink- ing fund. This fund is used to pay for the necessary wear and tear of the machinery and building, and to distribute this ex- 60 DAIRYING pense uniformly over a number of years or dufing the life of the machinery. When a creamery is new there is little expense for new machinery and very few repairs are needed, but as time passes some of the short-lived apparatus, such as vats, churns, butter workers, and tinware, will wear out and must be re- placed. On this account the cost of operating the factory will increase, and if no sinking- fund has been accumulated, the cost of the new apparatus will fall on the farmers patronizing the creamery at that time. This is not fair to these patrons, if others have dropped out and taken advantage of the smaller cost of operation while the factory was new. An assessment of the patrons for this sinking fund should be made every month in order to permit those who may bring milk for a short time to pay their share of these expenses. The amount of this fund may be estimated by assuming that the vats, churns, workers, tinware, etc., will depreciate 20 per cent of their original cost each year; all other machinery 10 per cent; and the building 2 per cent. This depreciation of a creamery costing about $3,000 will amount to about $200 per year. 648. Estimate of Monthly Expenses. It has already been stated that the milk checks or monthly dividends of a cooperative creamery are paid from the money left after deducting the run- ning expenses from the gross receipts of the creamery for the month. Some idea of the items which should be included in this monthly expense account may be obtained from the following list which, it is estimated, will be the legitimate expenses of a creamery costing about $3,000 and receiving an average of 4,000 pounds of milk, or the cream from it, per day during the year: Buttermaker's wages $50.00 Secretary 5.00 90 60-pound butter tubs, 25c each 22.50 Tub fasteners, parch paper, etc 2.00 360 pounds salt 3.50 \Y-2 gal. butter color 2.00 4 gallons oil 1.00 Fuel at $1.00 per day 30.00 Taxes 1.25 DAIRYING 61 Insurance 3.00 Interest 12.50 Sinking fund 16.66 $147.41 649. Though the sum of $147.41 per month may seen to be a large figure to people who have not had experience in this business, it will be found that the items are legitimate and must be paid for directly or indirectly, sooner or later, by every creamery. On the other hand, the figures given are estimated and may be made greater or less at different factories. 650. By carrying the calculation still further, we find that if 180 pounds of butter are made daily from the 4,000 pounds of milk, the cost of making this butter for the month is nearly 2.8c per pound. This it will be seen is very nearly 3 cents per pound, which is a rather common charge among creameries. This illus- tration should not be understood as a recommendation of 3 cents per pound, as the standard creamery price for making butter, for the reason that there are localities in which a creamery cannot be successfully operated for 3 cents per pound commission; but even in such cases it may be for the best interest of the farmers to have a creamery in operation at such a price per pound for making as will give it a living profit. IV. The Creamery Building. 651. Drainage. In selecting the site for a creamery build- ing, the matter of drainage should be given careful considera- tion, not only because a great deal of water is used about the factory, but because of the nature of the drainage which comes from a creamery. The daily washings contain more or less milk, grease, etc., which decompose easily and makes the drain- age a public nuisance unless properly disposed of. They may also accumulate in the drain pipe until this is entirely closed up. 62 DAIRYING For this reason in choosing a location these two possibilities should be kept in mind and provision made to overcome or pre- vent them. Drainage through an 8-inch tile into a running stream of water or a town sewer is to be preferred whenever possible. When the creamery is located in the country, where this cannot be done, this tile drainage should be conducted at least 40 rods from the building before it is allowed to come to the surface; and the outlet should be placed at some point where the natural LONGITUDINAL SECTION Plate 7 Side Hill Creamery elevation of the land is such that the drainage is satisfactorily distributed. There are some localities where it is impossible to secure the outlets mentioned, and in such cases it may be sug- gested that the drainage be conducted into a cess-pool. This way of disposal should be adopted only as a last resort and never attempted except when these cesspools can be located in a gravel or porous sub-soil. More than one cesspool is to be recom- mended, as by using them alternately one may be undergoing DAIRYING purification, while the other is receiving the drainage. If cess- pools are used, they should be so placed that the drainage from them will not contaminate a well or other water supply. 652. Side Hill and One-Floor Plans. In locating a creamery the elevation of the land leads to the consideration of two general plans of creameries, the side hill plan and the level-ground plan. When built on sloping land, the machinery may be placed on three different levels; the milk being delivered at the receiving Plate 8 Creamery all under One Roof room, which is on the highest level. From the weigh can it flows to the milk vat and separator, which are on the second level ; while the churn, butter workers, and refrigerator are on the lowest level. The boiler and engine may be placed on the same level as the separator, and the cream vat on either the second or third elevation. The principal object in distributing the machinery in this way on different levels is to avoid the use of milk and cream pumps. There are, however, at the present time, pumps which may be teken apart each day and so thor- 6 4 DAIRYING oughly cleaned that no objection can be made to their use; and the extra effort of going up and down stairs in a sidehill cream- ery makes the plan a rather undesirable one. Taking every- thing into consideration the creamery built so as to accommodate all the machinery on one ground floor is to be recommended. The milk-receiving room, however, should be elevated sufficiently to permit the flow of milk by gravity from the weigh can to the milk vat. 653. Plans of creameries are here given to show the general appearance and arrangements of such factories as now built. One of these (Plate 6) is the plan of a side-hill creamery; the other Plate 9 Creamery with Wing for Boiler and Engine DAIRYING two are plans of creameries built on level ground. Of these latter two, one (Plate 7), is a plain rectangular building, with everything under one roof; and the other (Plate 8), is made to accommodate the boiler, fuel, etc., in a wing at one side of the main building. (Plate 9). The location of a creamery so as to accommodate the great- est number of its patrons is an important matter, which should be given careful consideration. If located in town, there are some advantages in having it on a railroad side-track, especially if fuel, tubs, and other supplies are bought in car-load lots. Plate 10 Exterior of a common type of Creamery Building'. 654. Partitions in the Creamery. Many modifications of these plans may be made to suit the localities in which they are built, and the ideas of people for whom they are built. On account of the dust from ashes and fuel around the boiler it is well to place a partition through the building, so as to separate the boiler from all other machinery, especially the engine, which may be placed in the room with the separator. Another parti- tion which will separate the churning and butter working from the main creamery room is advisable, and when it is so placed 66 DAIRYING that the refrigerator door opens into this butter room its tem- perature may thus be advantageously cooled while churning and working the butter in summer weather. A clean, dry room* should be provided for storing butter tubs and salt. Salt will absorb odors and may easily spoil the butter if this point is not watched. 655. The Refrigerator must be provided with a good circu- lation of air and perfect drainage, as a damp refrigerator may be the cause of serious losses from mouldy butter. 656. The Milk Receiving Room. This should be built large enough to give the buttermaker plenty of room to inspect the milk and cream before it is poured into the weighing can. A serious mistake in the construction of some creameries has been made by building the milk receiving room so small that the buttermaker does not pretend to get into it, but takes the milk which patrons pour through a spout connected .with the weigh can, which is placed in a box-like attachment to the outside of the building. This is a very poor arrangement. The milk re- ceiving room ought to be built to accommodate the patrons when unloading cans from their wagons to the platform and permit the buttermaker to take off the can covers handily, if he chooses to do so. The room ought also to be provided with an arrange- ment by which two conductor spouts may be connected with the weighing can. This will give the buttermaker a convenient means of conveying the milk or cream to two vats, if he wishes to separate some lots from others on account of their good or Dad qualities. 657. The Creamery Floor. The question often arises as to the advisability of laying a wood or a cement floor in a creamery. The first cost of a cement floor is approximately one-third more than that of a two-inch matched wood floor, but the cement floor can be so laid that i^ will not crack if the foundation is made firm enough to prevent uneven settling, while from a sani- tary standpoint it is far superior to the wooden floor. The cement floor should also wear three times as long as the wooden floor. DAIRYING 67 658. Making a Cement Floor. A solid foundation is first provided, then concrete is laid on this to a depth of about 4 inches and a cement facing of about ^-inch thickness spread over the concrete. The concrete is made by mixing two sizes of hard rock with clean sharp sand and Portland cement; the following propor- tions may be used as a guide: Crushed rock 57 per cent or 12.7 parts Gravel or screenings. . .27 per cent or 6 parts Sand 11.5 per cent of 2.5 parts Portland Cement 4.5 per cent or 1 part After mixing the dry sand, gravel and cement, enough water is added to make the mixture pasty; the thoroughly wet, crushed rock is then added and the whole intimately mixed. The floor should be laid in blocks to prevent cracking, and the mixture of stone, sand and cement laid as fast as mixed. The finishing surface made of two parts sand and one part cement is spread over the concrete after this has been pounded sufficiently to bring fine cement to the surface, but before the concrete has set. The finishing surface is smoothed by trowel- ing, then wet with a whitewash brush and pure, dry cement sprinkled over it. The surface is then troweled until smooth and hard. In making this concrete, the rocks and gravel should be carefully cleaned from adhering dirt before using in the mix- ture. Any adhering dirt forms a coating over the surface that prevents the cement from firmly sticking the pieces of rock together. A proper pitch of the floor to the gutters and drains should be provided for when laying the foundation for the concrete. 659. If a wooden floor is laid it is a good plan to fill in between the joints with cinders until the flooring rests on the cinders. This will help to preserve the wood from decay. A double floor accumulates moisture and rots out sooner than a single floor. The application of > two coats of boiled oil to the floor before it has been wet will fill the pores of the wood and 68 DAIRYING help to preserve it from decay. Whatever the material used, the floor should be given a pitch of about one inch in four to five feet to the gutters. 660. Trap in floor drain. A trap should alawys be built in the floor drain or gutter. One placed inside the building is espe- cially convenient for cleaning. It may be made by placing under the floor at some point a simple box so that the gutter forms a part of the cover. This cover can be easily taken off and the dirt which collects in the trap removed. 661. Painting. Painting inside the factory may be done satisfactorily with the cold water paints, which have no odor and can be used at any time without danger of injuring the quality of either milk, cream, or butter in the room painted. The outside painting of a creamery ought to be given careful attention and a fresh coat put on every two years at least. A newly painted, neat-looking creamery, is an ornament to any locality and reflects the quality of the milk and cream received and the butter sold from it. 662. The smoke stack. The smoke stack or chimney for the boiler should be at least 30 feet high and extend 10 or more feet above the roof. A good draft through the grate is important for the most economical use of fuel. In this connection it may be added that constantly poking the fire to keep up steam is a great waste of fuel ; it will pay therefore to provide a good draft for the fire. In some places this may be done by connecting the exhaust steam from the engine with the smoke stack or chimney; this steam, however, will shorten the life of either chimney or stack by rusting the iron and disintegrating the mortar and brick. A chimney will last longer than an iron stack of the same height, but it will cost more and will not give so good a draft on account of the two turns necessary to make connections with the boiler, the iron stack being placed directly on the boiler. 663. Windows and ventilators. The creamery windows should be loose fitting, as steam swells them. They ought to be made to open at the top for ventilation, as well as at the bottom. There should be a ventilator in the roof to carry off DAIRYING 69 heat in summer and steam in winter; and at least one large door or window should be provided for getting large churns and other machinery into the building. 664. Skim milk platform. The arrangements for delivering skim milk to the patrons at a creamery should receive careful consideration. The hose through which the patrons fill their cans should lie on a platform when not in use. This platform is built water-tight with a raised strip around the outside to prevent milk and water running over its sides. A sewer con- nection is made with it, and the platform together with the skim milk and buttermilk tanks should be cleaned daily. Some such arrangement as this will help to overcome the foul odor which surrounds some creameries, where the skim milk hose is allowed to drain on the ground outside the building. 665. Roof of the creamery. Whenever metal roofing is used it must be covered with paint to preserve it^ otherwise it will soon rust out. It is not advisable to use a metal roof at any place where steam comes in contact with the underside, as this will soon rust out even if painted when put on, because the paint cannot be renewed on such places. 666. The creamery equipment. An estimate of the fittings and machinery ordinarily needed in a creamery which will handle from 3 to 8 thousand pounds of milk per day is included in the following list. The prices of these fittings will vary so much from year to year that no attempt to give them is made, but quotations may be obtained from creamery supply firms by persons wishing for this information. It would be well to get quotations from several dealers. This list may not contain everything that every creamery should have, but it will give a general idea of a whole milk creamery equipment and it may be changed to suit the require- ments of different localities and buildings. 1 15 H. P. Tubular boiler complete with stack; 1 injector or boiler feed pump; 1 10 H. P. horizontal engine including sight feed lubricator; 2 milk pumps; 1 separator, capacity 2500 to 3000 pounds; 1 milk heater; 1 cream cooler; 1 80-gal. weigh can with 70 DAIRYING 3-inch perfection gate; 1 500-gal. milk receiving vat; 1 300-gal. cream vat ; 1 churn and butter worker or combined churn and worker, capacity 400 Ibs. or more of butter; 1 wash sink with draining board ; 1 cream strainer ; 1 hair sieve for straining starter ; 1 buttermilk strainer ; 1 20 bottle turbine Babcock milk tester, with glassware complete ; 1 starter can ; 1 butter printer ; 1 conductor head and 6 ft. pipe; 2 200-gal. galvanized steel vats for skim milk and buttermilk; 1 skim milk weigher; 1 noiseless water heater; 3 rubbed mops, 14 in.; 1 100-patron milk ledger; 1 dozen milk record sheets; 5 dozen quart jars with top and tag for composite milk samples ; 1 8-oz. graduate (for butter color) ; 6 floating thermometers ; 1 butter packer ; 2 butter pad- dles ; 1 canvas apron; 100 butter tubs and parchment liners; 1 6oolb. double beam platform scale; I butter salting scale; i well water pump ; shafting and belts ; pulleys and iron piping, wren- ches and other tools. If the creamery is to receive cream only, there is no necessity of buying the separator, skim milk weigher and a few of the other items which may easily be omitted from this list. Suggestions for Operating a Co-Operative Creamery. 667. A co-operative creamery may draw up its constitution and by-laws to suit the parties interested in the organization. The following suggestions are given to guide the members in selecting such regulations as they may choose to adopt: 1. The undersigned residents of hereby agree to become members of the Co- operative Association formed for the purpose of manufacturing butter from whole milk and cream. We agree to furnish milk or cream from the following number of cows: Names Cows This paper should be preserved for future reference. DAIRYING After securing signatures to the above paper a meeting should be called of all those signing the paper and others in- terested in the creamery. At this meeting the Constitution and By-Laws may be discussed, adopted and signed by all the stockholders of the association. Officers of the Association. 1. The Officers of his association shall be a president, v^ice-president, secretary and treasurer. These with three other members of the association shall constitute the board of direc- tors. 2. Election of these six officials shall be made at the annual meeting and they shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. 3. The President shall preside at all meetings of the asso- ciation or of the board of directors. He shall call special meetings of the association or of the board of directors when deemed necessary. 4. The Vice-President shall act as president in the absence or on request of the president. 5. The Secretary shall keep all records and send notices for all meetings of both the directors and of the association and of appointments on committees, etc. He shall sign all orders on the treasurer and other official papers of the association, conduct the business of the asso- ciation as required by the directors and certify to the correct- ness of monthly milk and cream pay sheet, showing the details of weights, tests, etc., and amounts due from or to each patron. 6. The Treasurer shall give a receipt for all money passing into his possession and belonging to the association, pay out this money on orders given by the secretary or president or both, as provided and give such bond as the board of directors may require. At the expiration of his term of office he shall turn over to his successor in office upon demand all the money and records in his hands belonging to the association. 72 DAIRYING 7. The Board of Directors shall have full management of the business of the association. They may borrow a sum of money not to exceed thousand dollars, purchase a site, adopt a plan, erect necessary buildings, buy machinery and other equipment and supplies as needed. They shall audit all just claims against the association and from details furnished by the secretary determine the amount to be paid to each patron each month. They shall require of the secretary each month a complete report of receipts and dis- bursements and determine the amount to be deducted for a sinking fund. The balance left each month after all just claims are al- lowed shall be divided among the patrons according to the amount of butter fat in the milk and cream furnished by each patron. The board of directors shall be responsible for making and enforcing such regulations as may be for the general good of the association. Among these regulations may be included the following: Milk Supply. (a.) Each stockholder shall furnish all the milk and cream from his cows except such as is needed for his family. Any stockholder failing to furnish all the milk and cream for the month or more shall forfeit his share of the dividends on his stock unless relieved by the board of directors. (b.) The time of delivering milk and cream to the factory each day will be determined by the board of directors. (c.) All milk must be sweet, fresh and unadulterated. No milk shall be received from cows not in good health, and not until the third day after calving. (d) All milk patrons shall receive 80 pounds of skim milk for each 100 pounds of whole milk delivered to the factory. (e.) No milk will be received at the factory on Sunday. (f.) The foreman in charge of the factory is authorized to reject any lot of milk which is tainted, sour, or in any way de- fective. The board of directors is authorized to impose such DAIRYING 73 penalty as they may deem wise to enable the enforcement of these regulations. The following- may serve as an illustration of such penalty : Any patron of the association convicted of skimming, watering, or in any way adulterating milk or cream, or of sending bloody milk or impure milk to the creamery, or by taking more skim milk than he is entitled to, shall be liable for the first offense to a fine of five dollars, for the second fif- teen dollars, and for the third offense he shall forfeit all interest he may have in the association, including stock and dividends which may be due or which may become due. (g.) All stockholders must own, rent or control cows pro- ducing milk or cream to furnish to the factory, and any stock- holder failing to furnish milk or cream to the factory for two months during any year shall not receive the dividend on his stock. (h.) A patron's premises may be visited by the board of directors or their authorized agent for the purpose of suggesting improvements in the caring for the milk, cream or cows, and of the proper drainage and general cleanliness of the premises. Such agent is also authorized to secure samples of milk from the cows at the farm when it is deemed necessary. (i.) The milk and cream of each patron shall be tested as often as three times per month and more frequently if deemed wise by the directors. The board of directors are authorized to suspend the oper- ation of any of these by-laws as they deem expedient for the best interests of the association. Selling Cows. Any stockholder, selling or disposing of his cows shall thereafter cease to receive any dividends on his stock, but he can sell or dispose of his stock only to person or persons eligible to purchase the same, and then only to such as may be acceptable to the board of directors. The board of directors may purchase the same from such person or persons for the association on such terms as may be agreed upon. 74 DAIRYING Transferring Stock. After stock has been issued, the same can only be disposed of by such stockholders upon the approval of the board of directors, to the end that the board of directors shall have the sole right to determine to whom the said stock shall be sold. The board of directors shall not issue to any one member a greater number of shares of stocks than the number of cows owned and listed by him for the creamery. Filling Vacancies. Any vacancies in any office of the asso- ciation shall be filled by appointment by the board of directors. Quorum and Powers of Amending By-laws. A quorum to do business shall consist of a majority of all the stockholders, and these by-laws can be altered and amended only by a two- thirds vote of the members present at a duly constituted meeting. Special Meetings. The president or a majority of the board of directors are hereby authorized to call special meetings, but can do so only upon giving, at least, ten days's notice of the time and object of any such special meeting to the stockholders. In case the said special meeting shall be for the purpose of amending the by-laws, it shall be the duty of the secretary to notify each stockholder at least ten days before such special meeting that the same is called for the purpose of amending the by-laws and the general character of the proposed amendment shall be inserted in said notice. Warning. Professional creamery promoters are often useful to farmers in awakening an interest in the enterprise and in giving vlauable suggestions concerning equipment, etc. Such persons should be paid a reasonable sum for their services, but the so-called creamery "shark" is a promoter who attempts to swindle farmers by inducing them to raise money for building and equip- ping creameries in localities where there are not 300 cows within three miles of a given point. He also charges excessive DAIRYING 75 prices for building and machinery. Among the tricks of the creamery shark are the following: 1. Treating a few leading farmers to a trip, with all ex- penses paid, to some creamery which is similar to a "salted" gold mine, in that a few of its patrons tell extravagant stories of their receipts and give an excessive figure as the cost of their creamery and its machinery. 2. Making a present of shares of stock to some of the pro- spective patrons of the proposed creamery, with the understand- ing that their "influence" pays for the stock. 3. Securing signatures before definite specifications are written in the contract. 4. Supplying old, out-of-date machinery and failing to in- clude all that is essential for successfully operating a creamery. Protection from such swindlers may be obtained by sub- mitting the local creamery proposition to an expert and then by dealing with firms having an established reputation for fur- nishing building and equipment at the lowest cost consistent with good material and workmanship. Investigate thoroughly, know of whom you are purchasing, and look up the reputation of a firm before signing any contract. ;6 DAIRYING EXAMINATION Note to Students These questions are to be answered inde- pendently. Never consult the text after beginning your examina- tion. Use thin white paper about 6 in. x 9 in. for the examination. Number the answers the same as the questions, but never repeat the question. Mail answers promptly when completed. QUESTIONS OF LESSON V. 1. Give a brief outline of sweet cream butter making. 2. What is the appearance, flavor and keeping quality of sweet cream butter? 3. How may pasteurized cream butter be made? 4. How does pasteurized differ from other butter? 5. What is the process of making ripened cream butter? 6. What are some of the characteristics of sour cream butter? 7. What is the purpose of a "starter?" 8. How and in what way may a starter affect the flavor of butter? 9. Into what three general classes may the bacteria in cream be divided? 10. Which bacteria are beneficial and which injurious to butter quality? 11. What is the source of most of the injurious bacteria? 12. How may the injurious bacteria be suppressed? 13. What is the foundation or soil of a starter and what may be used for this purpose? DAIRYING 77 14. What is the difference between pasteurizing and steri- lizing? 15. To what temperature and how long should the founda- tion part of the starter be heated? 16. To what temperature should the foundation of the starter be cooled? 17. When should the pure culture be added in making a starter? 18. What is meant by "mother" starter and by "starto- line?" 19. What is the best kind of container for the startoline and why? 20. What must be included in a complete equipment for making mother starter? 21. Mention the various steps in making a starter and on what points does success depend? 22. What temperatures hasten and what retard starter growth ? 23. How may the best natural starter be made? 24. Is there any objection to using buttermilk or sour cream for building up a new starter? 25. When is a starter in best condition for adding to cream ? 26. What is an artificial or commercial culture and what two general kinds of them are on the market? 27. What is meant by a "generation" in starter making? 28. How do the solid and the liquid cultures differ from each other? 29. How do the directions of starter culture manufacturers differ from each other? 30. When is a starter in the best condition for use? 31. What acidity is favorable for a good starter? 32. How much and when should starter be added to cream? 33. What precautions should be taken in stirring a starter? 34. How are food flavors affected by a starter? 35. Mention some of the precautions that should be taken in handling starter utensils. 78 DAIRYING 36. Mention some important points in starter making. 37. What is the standard butter score? 38. What is the cause of "fishy" and of ''bitter" butter? 39. What are some of the defects in butter flavor? 40. Under what butter quality of butter is an excess of brine scored? 41. How is the texture of butter determined? 42. What are some of the defects caused by salt in butter? 43. What is the score of butter called "seconds?" 44. If butter scores 88, 91, 96, what is the name of the grade to which each one belongs? 45. In what way do "firsts" differ from "extras" and from "seconds?" 46. What weights should be made in filling butter tubs for market? 47. Which is the more critical of butter quality, regular customers or the general market? 48. What is one of the very important points in selling butter? 49. What two factors tend to reduce the net receipts for butter? 50. How may moldy butter be prevented and how de- veloped? 51. Describe two good ways of preparing butter tubs for fil'.ing. 52. What amount of paraffin is commonly used for one tub ? 53. What are some of the advantages of paraffining butter tubs ? 54. What is an important condition of a refrigerator car for shipping butter? 55. What are some of the causes of mottled butter and how may they be prevented? 56. In what way does soft butter affect mottles? 57. Do mottles appear in butter immediately after mak- ing it? 58. How does the temperature of the wash water affect mottles? DAIRYING 79 59. What may be the causes of streaked butter? 60. Which has the dryer appearance, salted or unsalted butter ? 61. How does the amount of salt affect the water in butter? 62. If 400 pounds of butter contains 10 per cent water and 5 per cent water is worked into it, how much more is the 400 pounds then worth to the maker if butter is 25 cents per pound? 63. What is about the average water content of Danish and of American butter? 64. What is the difference in yield between salted and un- salted butter ? 65. If 400 pounds of butter contain 12 per cent water one day and 15 per cent water the next day, how much wages would the buttermaker receive if he was paid the difference in yield at 30 cents per pound? 66. In what ways is water held by butter? 67. Which contains more water, butter from large or from small granules? 68. How does a warm wash water affect the amount of water in butter? 69. How do methods of increasing the water content of butter affect its quality? 70. Mention at least 5 conditions in butter making that have an influence on the water content of butter. 71. How does the Simplex butter worker differ from others? 72. What objections have been raised to combined churns and butter workers? 73. Mention at least 5 points in favor of combined churns and butter workers. 74. Give a brief outline of butter working with a combined churn and worker. 75. Explain how a creamery may benefit the makers of both poor and good farm butter. 76. Give at least 7 advantages which a creamery has over farm butter making to the farmer. 77. About what proportion of the total butter is made on farms in the United States? 8o DAIRYING 78. Give at least five advantages of a gathered cream fac- tory. 79. What led to the building of whole milk creameries?* 80. What is needed to equip a skimming station? 81. Show by a calculation that the milk from 200 cows will not be enough to make a creamery profitable. 82. Explain three methods of organizing and operating a creamery. 83. How may funds be raised for starting a creamery? 84. How may new patrons be added to the cooperative creamery and on what terms? 85. What is the "sinking fund" and how is it raised? 86. What are some of the items that should be included in the monthly running expenses of a creamery? 87. Why is the location of a creamery important and what are some of the advantages of a level ground location? 88. Mention some important points in planning a creamery building. 89. Give details of constructing a cement floor. 90. Mention some important points in building a wooden floor. Write this at the end of your Examination I hereby certify that the above questions were answered entirely by me. 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