GIFT or ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OP THE PAPTPTf ASTRONOMY DEPT. LIBRARY PACIFIC CATALOGUE OF 1680 STABS FOE THE EQUINOX 19OO'O L.BRARY OF THE ASTRONOM CAL SOCIETY O- r i PACiFK FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, H DURING THE YEARS 1905-1906, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Sm DAVID GILL, K.C.B., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S., HON. F.R.S. ED., ETC., FORMERLY HIS MAJESTY'S ASTRONOMER, WITH INTEODUCTION BY S. S. HOUGH, M.A., F.R.S., ETC., HIS MAJESTY'S ASTRONOMER. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY, IN OBEDIENCE TO HIS MAJESTY'S COMMAND. EDINBURGH : PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY NEILL & CO., LIMITED, BBLLEVUE. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN & SONS, LIMITED, FETTER LANE, EC. ; or OLIVER & BOYD, EDINBURGH ; or E. PONSONBY, 116 GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. 1907. Price Three Shillings. [All Rights Reserved.] c "y? ASTRONOMY DKPT. PREFACE. I TAKE the opportunity presented by the publication of the last Star Catalogue that will probably appear in connection with my name, to write a word of farewell to the members of the staff of the Cape Observatory. I desire to thank them, one and all, for their faithful co-operation in the work of the Observatory, for many acts of personal kindness, and for the loyal service they have rendered to me during the twenty-eight years in which I filled the post of H.M. Astronomer at the Cape. DAVID GILL. 34 DB VERB GARDENS, KENSINGTON, LONDON, W., 1907 JUNE 25. 750 493/1453 S/07.-N. & Co., Ltd. 701159 CAPE CATALOGUE OF 1680 8TAES FOR 190CTO. INTRODUCTION. ON the completion of the work required in connection with the Cape General Catalogue of Stars jor the Equinox 1900'0, the energies of the Meridian Staff were largely diverted to the formation of a Fundamental Catalogue of Stars with the new Reversible Transit Circle, for which a working list had been carefully prepared. In order to avoid interruption of the observations of this list, the old transit circle has continued in use, and to it were assigned miscellaneous observations of stars whose places were required in connection with the Geodetic Survey of South Africa, stars of which occultations by the moon have been observed and stars required for various other purposes. About the same time a request was received from Prof. Boss for observations of a series of some 1100 stars south of declination 36 required in connection with the formation of his fundamental catalogue. These stars were added to the working list for the old transit circle, the observations for which were completed during the years 1905-6. The present volume exhibits the results of the observations in catalogue form, the reductions having received preferential treatment and been pressed to this stage in order that they might be available to Prof. Boss for incorporation with his general scheme. The separate observations, together with details respecting the instrumental constants, are reserved for publication in a volume of Cape Meridian Observations, vi CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0. which will include also the results of observations with the New Transit Circle over the same period. The instrument used, and the methods of observation and reduction, were similar to those employed for the purposes of the preceding Cape Catalogues ; the only modification to which attention should be drawn being that the method of illumination of the field described in the Introduction to the Cape Meridian Observations, 1896-7, was abandoned and the axial illumination as previously in use reverted to. OBSERVERS. * The majority of the observations were made by Mr Cox, denoted by C. ., Power, ,, J. P. Pead, A. P. Occasional observations were also made by Mr Pett, denoted by P. ,, Woodgate, W. Cheeseman, ,, R. C. Wilkin, A. W. ,, Jeffries, ,, J. ,, Mullis, M. Wood, J. W. while on several occasions the circle-microscopes were read by Mr Scragg. The whole of the stars belonging to Prof. Boss's list were observed by Messrs Cox, Power, and Pead. Observations made by other observers were confined to stars north of the zenith. OBSERVATIONS OF RIGHT ASCENSION. All transits were observed by the chronograph method, except those of circumpolar stars used only for the purposes of determining the instrumental azimuth and not retained for the direct purposes of the present catalogue. A reversing eye-piece was used in observing clock stars when necessary to make their apparent direction of motion the same as that of the Catalogue Stars. INTRODUCTION. Vll The places of the stars employed for the determination of Clock-error were those of Newcorab's Fundamental Catalogue. A correction has been applied for the observer's personality depending on magnitude based where possible on the observations made for this purpose during the years 1900 and 1904 (Introduction to Cape Meridian Observations, 1900-1904). For the observers who did not take part in the investigation on those occasions, mean values have been adopted. The adopted values are given in the following tables : CORRECTION TO R.A. FOR MAGNITUDE EQUATION. STARS NORTH OF THE ZENITH. Hag. p. C. J. P. W. A. P. R 0. A. W. Other Observers. s a 8 s 8 s o O'OOO O'OOO O'OOO O'OOO O'OOO O'OOO o-ooo O'OOO 4-0 ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo OOO 5-0 '016 '003 -004 '006 -009 -005 + "OOI -005 6-0 - "39 '010 '009 - -013 -018 - -015 '001 'OI2 yo '070 '019 - -015 -021 '026 - -032 -008 'O2O 8-0 -108 - -032 'O2I '029 - -034 -056 -018 '029 9-0 - -154 - '047 -028 'OSS '042 -085 - -032 - '39 lO'O - -207 '065 '036 - '47 -050 -121 '050 -050 STARS SOUTH OF THE ZENITH. Mag. Corr. s O'O O'OOO 4-0 ooo 5-0 6-0 'OI2 '023 7-0 8-0 - -031 '038 After completion of the observations required for the catalogue, an additional series of observations for the determination of personal equation depending on magnitude were made by Messrs Power and Pead. These observations consisted of differential observations of Right Ascension of sets of stars of widely different magnitude whose relative positions were at the same time determined with great accuracy by means of heliometer measures of distance and position angle. viii CAPE CATALOGUE OP STARS FOR 1900'0. Thirty-three such sets, consisting in each case of a bright star intermediate between two faint stars, were selected for observation, these sets of stars, however, all culminating north of the zenith. The observations were reduced on two different hypotheses : first, that the magnitude personality increases uniformly with the magnitude ; and, secondly, that the magnitude personality could be expressed by means of the formula a l + /3 m 2 where m denotes the magnitude. 6* On these hypotheses the corrections required to reduce all observations to those of stars of the fourth magnitude were as follows : FIRST HYPOTHESIS. Mag. J. P. A. P. s s 1 +0-015 +0-036 2 + -OIO + -024 3 + -005 + -012 4 5 -005 -012 6 -oio -024 7 -015 -036 8 -020 -048 9 -025 -060 SECOND HYPOTHESIS. Mag. J. P. A. P. s s 1 +0-038 +0-024 2 + -023 + -Oiy 3 + -oio + -009 4 ; -008 -on 6 -013 -023 7 -016 -036 8 -015 -051 9 -014 -068 INTRODUCTION. 1Z Except at the extreme limits of these tables, where the values of the quantities derived depend rather on the nature of the formula employed, which serves as an extrapolation formula, than on the direct evidence furnished by the observations, the results are in substantial agreement with those derived by previous methods. These serve to show that the observer's magnitude personality had not undergone any appreci- able alteration during the period over which the observations for the present catalogue extend and to vindicate the method of determination of the magnitude personality by means of screen observations. OBSERVATIONS OF DECLINATION. The observations of declination have been reduced with refractions computed with the aid of the tables in the Appendix to the Cape Meridian Observations, 1896-7, which are based on the Pulkowa Tables. The adopted flexure of the instrument was + o"- 3 7 sin . derived from observations on the collimators concurrent with the present series and generally taken once a month, denoting the South Zenith Distance. The adopted mean latitude of the transit circle was -3356'3"'5. The observations have been corrected for variation of latitude, depending on the Chandler polar motion in accordance with the following table, the data for which were supplied by Dr Albrecht from observations made at Carloforte. VARIATION OF LATITUDE. Date. Corr. to S. Date. Corr. to 5. Date. Corr. to S. Date. Corr. to S. 1905-0 + 'l7 1905-5 - o"'l8 1906-0 + 0-I9 1906-5 0-16 I + "OS 6 - -09 I + -09 1906-6 -12 2 - -08 7 oo 2 -OI '3 - -I 5 8 + -08 '3 -10 1905-4 "2O 1905-9 + -14 1906-4 - -17 CAPE CATALOGUE. X CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0. The observations available for determining the correction, to the adopted mean latitude used ( - 33 56' 3"'50) are the following : 5 5 Star. above ' minus m. n. P- Star. above, minus m. n. P- below. below. 6 + iV 10 2 5 1044 0-14 5 5 7 79 + J'i9 3 7 6 1091 + 071 9 6 8 118 + rii 4 2 4 1 169 + O'OI 6 3 6 237 + 0-87 8 3 6 1226 + 0-76 3 5 5 324 0-05 4 6 9 1284 + 1-14 3 6 6 480 - 73 6 3 6 I3 6 5 076 2 '9 5 695 + i "42 4 3 5 H43 + 0-73 3 5 5 827 1 + 0-48 7 3 6 '594 + '23 5 6 7 863 + 0-92 9 4 7 1643 + O'lO 3 7 6 Here m, w denote respectively the number of observations above and below pole and p the combining weight computed from the formula 4 inn m + n + \mn The resulting correction to the adopted latitude is 0"'24. As, however, the observations concerned are few in number and not well distributed, this correction has not been applied, and the originally adopted latitude, which is based on long series of past observations with the transit circle, has been utilised without further modification. EXPLANATION OF THE SEPARATE COLUMNS or THE CATALOGUE. The entries in the separate columns have the following significance : Column 1. " No." The rotation number. * and t attached to a number indicate a footnote, t being used for double stars. Column 2. "Mag." The magnitude from Prof. Boss's list, Harvard College Publications, and a few from Cordoba Publications or B.D. Column 3. " Name." For Bradley Stars the name in Auwers' Bradley has been adopted ; for stars south of declination - 23 the C.G.A. has been followed, with the exceptions adopted by Auwers in Vol. XLVII. of the Monthly Notices. For stars otherwise unnamed, a Catalogue number is given in the following INTRODUCTION. XI order of preference : Bradley ; Mayer ; Lacaille ; Piazzi Lalande ; Weisse's Bessel ; Brisbane; Catalogo General Argentine (C.G.A.); Bonn Durchmus- terung (B.D.); Oeltzen's Argelander (O.A.) (old number) ; Cape Photographic Durchmusterung (C.P.D.). Columns 4 and 9. "Mean R.A. 1900'0" and "Mean Dec. 1 900 '0 "respectively. The mean right ascension and declination derived generally from the observa- tions made for the purposes of this catalogue and referred to the mean epoch of observation but to the equinox of 1900'0. The right ascensions quoted only to 8 '1 are, however, supplied from other sources, the stars in question having been observed for this catalogue in declination only. Columns 5 and 10. " M. AE." The quantities tabulated in these columns are the corrections to be applied to the quantities in the columns immediately preceding on account of proper motion to refer the latter to the epoch as well as the equinox 1900'0. . Columns 6 and 11. "Precession 1900'0." The values of the precession for 1900'0 based on Newcomb's determination of the precessional constant and computed from the formulae Pa = 3 B 'O723 + i !- 3365 sin a tan 8, Pj = zo"-O468 cos a. Columns 7 and 12. "Sec. Var. 1900'0." The secular variation of the precession computed by the formula A + B tan 8 + C tau 2 8 for right ascensions, and by the formula A 1 + B 1 tan 8 for declinations ; where A = o"-ooi86 + [7-81251] sin 2 a, B = [8 -47510] cos a [6-75435] sin a, C = [8 -i 1353] sin za, A 1 = [7-93044] cos a [9-65 1 19] sin a, B 1 =- [9-28965] sin 2 a. Columns 8 and 13. "Proper Motion." The values adopted have been taken from Newcomb's Catalogue, a list supplied by Prof. Boss, Auwers's Fundamental Catalogues, and a few from Bonn Observations, vol. vii., Cincinnati Publications, and the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1890. When necessary, corrections have been applied for the difference between the precessional constants used in computing the proper motions and those of Newcomb. xii CAPE CATALOGUE OP STABS FOR 1900'0. Column 14. "No. of Obs." Indicates the number of observations, generally the same in both elements. When the star has not been observed in right ascension, as indicated by the entry in Column 4, the number, of course, refers to the declination observations alone ; and where the number of observations in the two elements otherwise differ, two numbers are quoted, the former being applicable to the right ascension observations and the latter to the declination observations. Column 15. "Epoch, 1900 +." The mean epoch of observation, expressed in years in excess of 1900. Where the epochs of observation are not identical in the two elements, a similar remark will apply to that made with reference to the preceding column. The reductions of the observations to the stage of apparent R.A. and Declination were made under the supervision of Messrs Pett and Cox, the subsequent reductions under the charge of Mr Power. The early completion of the catalogue, amidst the pressure of other work, is due to the untiring energy of these officers. S. S. HOUGH. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OP GOOD HOPE, March 6, 1907. CATALOGUE OF 1680 STAES REDUCED WITHOUT PROPER MOTION TO THE EQUINOX 1900'0. CAPE CATALOGUE. CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0. No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900-0. Ma-^E. Precession i goo'o. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900-0. MS.AE. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + it 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 '3 H 5 16 '7 18 '9 20 21 22 2 3 Ht 2 5 26 27 28 2 9 3 3' 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39t 40 5'9 6-8 3'9 2-9 77 7-2 4'4 7' 2 5-6 6-0 8-6 7-0 6-0 2-8 2'3 5'5 6-5 5' 4'5 4'3 6-4 7-0 57 5-6 6-0 6-0 6-3 5-6 4-6 6-2 6-0 4-6 5'i 5'4 5-8 5'5 7'i 4'3 7"3 6-5 Lacaille 9732 li m 3 2 40-2 3 5977 4 20-31 8 5-13 8 11-40 O 12 29-5 14 53' 28 14 56-66 16 0-87 17 12-59 o 18 10-31 19 48-15 20 16-5; 20 33-95 21 2O-62 o 23 30-73 25 3472 26 35-74 26 57-82 26 58-54 o 29 8-91 29 28-49 29 42-49 32 12-99 . 35 45 - 5 o 37 12-94 37 54"3i 38 12-08 38 51-56 39 "'I, o 41 4-28 43 2 9 -6 5 45 7'3o 46 8-12 49 2 S'3i o 51 16-20 51 27-23 53 47-25 54 0-25 54 12-86 s - -06 oo oo -1-61 - -29 + -oi 4-10 -I I - -05 + -02 - 'OS - -07 - -06 - -0 9 -02 - "7 - -50 - -70 - -06 + -02 '12 - 'OS - -03 - " 2 5 -02 - -03 + -06 + -oi 8 + 3-0656 3-0396 3-0458 3-0846 + 3-0345 0-7862 + 2-8827 + 3-0810 + 2-8134 + 2-6017 + 3-0887 2-9270 3'75 2 2-5194 2-9571 + 2-9557 2-9407 2-8921 2-7576 27572 + 2'55 6 3 2- 9 !27 2'8437 2-9838 27125 + 27390 2-8941 2-5739 2-7II2 2-8876 + 2-8068 3-035 2-0638 2-7360 2-5004 + 2-2546 2-6668 2-8937 2 '3336 2-5018 s -OI I -039 029 + '010 -O2I + Z'3 9 2 -066 + 006 -066 091 + 007 -032 + -004 148 -023 -O2O O2 I 027 044 "044 -056 "O2I 030 oio 3S -032 017 040 032 017 024 + 008 036 024 -032 -032 "024 008 030 028 s + -0097 + '0003 + -OOO2 + -0062 + -275 + -49 '0014 + -7026 + -0188 + -0094 -003 + -0134 + -OU7 + -oio + -015 + -003 + -03 + -1004 + -121 + -oi i -003 + -0198 + -014 + -0055 + -0428 + -004 + -005 -oio -0018 -23 3 5 '9 -54 33 32-5 -46 17 57-8 + H 37 38-8 -38 22 44-4 -88 55 8-6 -65 2 7 37'3 + 5 44 I2 '9 70 10 48-1 -77 58 53-i + 8 47 40-5 -5i 35 2 9'3 + i 23 9-0 -77 48 59-9 42 50 58-8 40 28 2T -4" 2 9 34'3 -49 21 23-5 -63 30 32-6 -63 31 o-i -71 49 3-2 -42 5 8 597 -52 55 31-8 -25 19 3-0 60 o 55-8 -57 3 5-o -39 4>'4 66 i 2-3 58 o 40-6 38 58 20-5 -48 6 3-3 + 7 2 26-5 -75 28 3-9 -51 31 56-6 -63 24 51-2 -70 4 4-4 -53 43 58-4 -29 53 5 2toris X 1 Toucani . p Phcenicis rj Sculptoris X 2 Lacaille 207 63 Piscium & Hydri X Phcenicis p Lacaille 253 Toucani X 2 Sculptoris a Lacaille 272... Lacaille 271... i. 5-9, 11-3 2"'i 174 18977. Fainter star not seen. Z4. 6-3, 6'3. Close binary. 39. 7-6, 8-9 o '6 333 1900-5. CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0, No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900 'o Ma-AE. Precession igoo'o. See. Vtx. igoo'o. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900-0 W.AE. P^cession igoo'o. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 41 42 43 44t 45t 46 47 48 49 5 5' 52 53t 54t 55 56 57 58 59t 60 61 62 63 6 4 65 66 67 68 69 7 7i 72 73 74 75 76 77 78, 79 80 7'3 57 6-3 87 3'3 5'4 5'5 3-6 4-2 7-0 6-2 5'i 7-0 6-6 7'i 3'8 5-6 3 '4 37 4-0 9-0 6-6 5-6 9-0 6-9 6-3 6-4 0-4 6-2 6-0 6-4 6-0 5-8 5'8 37 6-6 5-6 5'3 5-6 6-7 Lacaille 274 h m s o 55 52-56 56 38-10 57 48-21 o 59 56-44 1 i 37-33 i 3 13-85 3 2I'II 3 33-6i 4 10-91 6 9-38 i 8 9-10 10 40-75 12 22-76 13 35H5 18 28-00 i 19 1-44 20 15-27 24 i'37 26 7-82 27 S'37 i 28 18-91 28 30-51 29 44'6 29 59-82 3i 28-43 i 32 58-86 33 4^3 33 59'43 36 0-22 36 o-So i 37 3-98 37 38-48 38 22-52 38 38-20 39 2471 i 41 17-44 42 1075 42 17-60 43 7-8 43 25-87 S - -03 - '5 + -5 + 03 - -05 - -07 -oi - -04 - '39 - '37 + -03 -or + -or -01 - -08 -oi + -03 - -05 -21 - -18 + 02 oo + -60 -09 -01 - -04 oo + 2-8312 2-8033 .2-5480 3-I47 6 2-6882 + 27443 2-3775 3-0031 2-5292 2-4776 + 2-7621 2-6513 1-9675 2-0823 2-0199 + 3-0032 2-6593 2-6124 3-2022 2-4901 + 3-1387 2-4672 2-9243 3'i57i 2-6294 + 0-3556 2'2OI I 2-228O 2-2446 2-2446 + 2-6332 2-65IO 2-0567 2-2981 + 2-9063 O'058O + 2-3525 + 27774 -3-9603 + 2-6225 s --OI3 -OI 5 -025 + 012 -018 -015 025 ooo 022 O22 -012 017 017 oi 8 -014 + 002 -OI2 -012 + 014 --OI4 + '010 -013 -ooi + 'OII 'OIO + 116 -013 -013 -013 -013 009 008 OIO 'OI2 + 001 + 162 on oi i + ''74 -007 s + -0049 + -0083 -008 - -0057 + -008 + -0144 + -0012 + '0069 + -067 + *-747 - -0057 + -0018 -0029 + -0015 + -0133 + -0043 + -ooi - -0047 + '0104 + -035 + -030 - -0034 ooo -1199 + -015 + -002 + -007 + -0086 "OOOO -3 6 46 37-9 -39 27 22-6 -57 32 26-6 + 12 17 46^2 -47 15 i>-2 -42 I 17-5 62 18 32-9 -10 42 44-9 -55 46 48-2 -57 23 36-8 38 23 i i-o -46 3 54'6 -69 24 19-5 -66 55 31-3 -66 54 25-7 - 8 41 59-1 -42 o 46-3 -43 49 51-Q + 14 49 48-7 -49 35 31-0 + 7 3 2 45-4 50 14 22-9 16 u 19-6 + 9 24 34'4 -40 27 24-5 -79 447 58 46 50-8 -57 44 40-0 56 42 10-3 -56 42 3-8 -38 38 23-5 37 2O I2'0 -61 17 34-1 -54 '4 3i-8 16 27 46-6 -79 39 7'7 -51 18 57-8 54 i 26-2 85 1 6 29+ -37 39 3>"2 + "o'3 O"2 O'O + o-i o-o + 0-6 O'l + 0-2 - '9 '4 + i-i + 0-2 f- I-I o-o - 0-9 O'l o-o + 0-7 + O'2 - '5 + 0-4 + 0-1 + 0-6 -4-3 o-i + 0'2 - 0-4 O'l OT + i9 : 454 . I9-438 i9'4i3 19-365 19-327 + 19-289 19-286 19-281 19-266 19-217 + 19-167 19-101 19-056 19-022 18-883 + 18-867 18-830 18-714 18-648 18-617 + 18-577 18-570 18-530 18-521 18-471 + 18-419 18-416 18-384 18-313 18-312 + 18-276 18-254 18-228 18-219 18-190 + 18-121 18-087 18-083 18-051 18-039 "I I I I lo '3 u '12 io "13 1 I 'I I - 'IS -13 "IO io I I - -16 'H 'H 18 H - -18 H -17 18 16 - -03 13 14 H H - -16 17 13 '5 >7 oo - -16 - ''5 + -24 - '17 -'043 + 031 oo 024 oo -125 + 018 -038 +15 +089 - '2 I 3 -028 -225 003 +152 + 'OI2 'OO -123 041 + '09 -07 -017 io +858 + 01 -03 +07 + 028 + -O2O 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 : 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 2 3 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 3 5-88 5-87 5-88 5-91 5-00 5-89 5-89 5-00 5-90 5-87 5-88 5-88 5 -co 5-88 5-89 5 - oo 5-89 5'Oo 5-00 5-88 5-91 5-89 5-88 5-91 5-88 5-90 5-89 5-00 5-88 5-88 5-90 5-91 5-88 5-9 5 'oo 5-91 5-91 5'9 5-00 5'9 Sculptoris .f Lacaille 288 . B. D. + 12* 131 pr. Phosnicis. .: ^8 PhoBnicis v Toucaui t 31 Ceti r/ Phcenicis .. . Lacaille 325 Lacaille 328 Phoenicis v Toucani (N*) K Lacaille 361 seq. Lacaille 391 4? Ceti.. ...0 Lacaille 392 Phoenicis. ..y 99 Piscium.... . -n Phcenicis 8 B. D. + 7 230 .. Lacaille 450 4.Q Ceti... W. B. I. 476 Lacaille 465.. Lacaille 505 Lacaille 479... Eridani a Eridani p Ei'idaiii p Lacaille 496 Lacaille 501 . Lacaille 507 Eridani y 1 5 2 Ceti r Hydri . T l Lacaille 520 Eridani.. q z Lacaille 634. Lacaille 526 ... . 44. Double. Observed over bright wires. 54. 6 -6, 9-6 z"-o 340 1887-9. 45- 4' 1 . 4' 1 '"'3 '8 1900-8. 59. 3-7, ii i -o 15. Fainter star not seen. 53- 5'. 7- 5 'o 353 1902-1. FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THE YEARS 1905-G. No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. igoo'o. Ma-AE. Precession 1900*0. M. Var. P r P er 1900-0. ; Motion. Mean Dec. 1900*0. ^5-AE. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. igoo'o. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + Bi 82 83 84 85 86* 87 88 89 9 9 1 9 2 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 IOI IO2 i3 104. 105 106 107 1 08 109 1 10 1 1 1 1 12 II 3 114 "5 116 117 118 "9 120 8-3 6-6 6-4 4-8 6'3 var. 5'3 3'8 4'8 4-2 5-6 3-0 6-4 6-3 67 87 7"i 6-0 7'5 4'5 6-9 6-z 5'6 3'8 7-2 57 5-8 5'4 4'3 7'' 5-6 6-2 6-7 5' 5'7 5'5 5'4 7-8 5 '4 4'3 Lalande 3318 h m s i 43 54-11 45 29-89 47 1-65 48 22-65 49 5-00 i 50 2-77 50 13-09 52 4-46 . 5 2 2 4' 02 55 '7' 6 ' i 55 3i'5 2 55 37 -2 9 56 0-69 i 57 3-62 2 4 1-68 2 4 13-13 4 2 9' 2 9 5 972 5 38-39 7 4 ''9 2 IO 22-00 10 29-10 12 8-93 12 56-23 13 5'65 2 13 23-31 16 39-79 17 58-06 19 57-96 20 I5-8.I 2 22 5-95 22 l6-OO 30 30-I6 30 37-5I 3i 47 2 33 46-99 34 . 6 '47 35 2 9'9 37 32-93 38 3-06 S + -03 + -05 -01 - -5 - -04 + '04 - '43 - -08 - '4 + -04 - ''4 '22 + '03 + 05 -02 + -oi 'I I + 04 - -03 - 'OS - '7 + '05 + 05 + -18 + -oi + -oi -21 -oi - -04 L'i0 s +3-1627 2-5931 2'337 2 3-1010 2-5750 + 1-5100 2-4961 2-2657 1-5031 2-8.77 + 2-4807 + 1-8545 0-2117 + 1-5661 + 2 '4 1-47 + 3'Z434 1-4895 2-4023 2-3526 + 3-1764 0-0688 + 2-4319 + 1-2404 + 2 '357 + 2-5309 + 1-2345 1-9426 27311 1-0639 1-8777 + 1-6851 0-3435 2-0454 3-1460 + 2-9535 -1-4311 + 1-9686 -9-4292 + 1-8620 + 0-8919 s + -OI 1 -007 -009 + 008 007 + 009 008 -poS + 009 -ooi 007 003 + 157 + 007 006 + 015 + 010 006 006 + "QI2 + '23 005 + 021 '004 004 + 021 'OOI 'OOI + 029 poo + 004 +075 ooi +. Qio + 005 +251 poo + 2-486 + '002 +033; s '005 - -008 + -0015 + -008 + -007 -006 + '7 2 5 + -013 + -0082 '007 + -0277 + -037 -005 -008 + -003 -0013 + -018 -007 + -0062 + -0139 + -0138 -0098 -008 -030 -OO2 -0025 - -0037 + -0429 + -O022 '0209 + -006 + -0170 + 8 46 43-5 -38 54 23-8 -50 42 4-1 + 2 41 37-6 -39 5 16-7 -68 26 12-6 -42 59 14-8 52 6 21-6 -68 8 20-0 -2i 33 45-1 -42 3 46-9 -62 3 217 78 50 13-8 66 33 2-9 -4 2 21 17-5 + 13 55 59'5 -66 25 13-5 -43 59 19-0 -45 5 6 I8 '7 + 8 22 39-5 -77 5 35-i -41 37 56-6 -68 18 29-0 -51 58 30-0 -36 26 48-6 68 12 35-1 -56 24 13-7 24 16 14-7 -69 6 51-8 -57 16 3-8 -60 45 34.7 -74 5 54' 6 -51 31 52-4 + 5 9 2 4'3 - 8 15 59-3 -79 32 44-1 -52 S 8 3V.9 86 9* 42-2 -54 58 4-7 68 41 42-9 - I- 9 o-i O'l - '5 O'O + 0'2 - f7 - 0-6 o-o + 0-8 0"! - 0-4 + 0-1 + 0-5 + 0-3 + 0-1 O'Z + 0-2 + 0-1 0'2 + + o-i + 07 + 0-1 + 0-2 + 0'I + 0-4 + 0-2 + 0-3 O'O + 0-2 O'l + 18-022 17-960 17-900 17-847 17-818 + 17-779 17773 17-697 17-684 17-563 + I 7'553 I7-549 i7'53 2 17-488 17-182 + 17-174 17-161 17-130 17-109 17-015 + 16-890 16-884 16-805 16-767 16-760 + 16-746 16-587 16-523 16-423 16-409 + 16-316 16-306 15-877 15-871 15-847 + 15-701 15-684 15-607 1 5-494 15-466 "2 I 17 16 21 18 'I I 18 17 'I 1 21 - -18 H po 12 19 - -2 5 12 I 9 I 9 .'25 'po '2O 'I I i 8 21 . 'I 1 17 . ..'23 09 . 'i6 - 'IS 04 19 29 - -27 + 'I 2 - -18 + -86 - -18. - -.99 + '3 2 + 01 + '021 + 08 oo -04 + 280 + 10 -008 13 + 027 +06 oi t.. -08 -:5 016 + 03 -04 029' + 036 -077 + 020 '12 -016 -03 -018 060 -.'37 -045 + 005 -03 + 015 5 ' 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 5:6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 4 = 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 6 3 3 5-91 5-88 5-89 5-00 5-90 5-91 5-89 5-91 5-89 5-00 5-89 5-00 5-92 5-89 5-89 5-91 5'9I 5-91 5-92 5-00 5-90 5'93 5-9I 5-00 5'93 5-91 5-91 5-00 5-00 5'9 - 5-92 5-90 5-90 : 5-00 ; 5-92 5 '00 ; S-g*. 5'OO 5-90 : i 5'9 6 Lacaille 536 Lcicaille 547 ...... 1 1 1 Piscium . . Hydri rf .Eridani v Hydri. rr Laciiille 599 * Hydri Lacaille 688 Hydri TT Lacaille 717 Fornacis K Hydri 8 Lacaille 739 Horologii A 78 Ceti v So Ceti . Hvdri.. ...a. Horolo ff ii 77 Lacaille 1029 Horologii.. ... . Hydri ; > e 86. Suspected variable. L., 6 '6-7 '5. CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0, No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900-0. Ma-AE. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900*0. W.AE. Precession IQOO'O. Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 121 122 123 I2 4 125 126 I2 7 128 I29t 130 13' 132 133 134 135 136 >37 138 J39 140 141 142 H3 144 '45t 146 I47t 148 149 150 151 152 '53 154 155 156 '57 158 '59 1 60 6-1 6-4 4'3 7-0 6-6 6-0 5' 6*3 6-0 4-8 5-6 4-8 6-3 6-6 3'3 5 '3 6-8 5'2 4"i 7-0 5'3 6-8 57 8-4 3-8 6-9 6-3 6-0 7-1 6'2 7-2 7'3 6-4 7-2 57 5 '3 6-4 57 3-8 8-0 Lacaille 841 h m s 2 38 7-60 38 32-4 39 2I 79 40 9-70 41 4176 2 43 19-23 43 59'99 45 2 5'i 46 I 2 '19 4 6 30-11 2 46 37-96 JI 6-46 5 2 59-2 53 3873 54 28-19 2 54 28-90 54 4 2 ' 6 3 56 54-27 2 57 58-89 3 o 20-15 3 i 15-37 i 43"6 2 2 '60 3 53' 7 49'5 3 8 9-16 8 55-09 10 1-15 10 3-56 10 42-2 3 12 36-38 12 37-64 14 II-O3 14 20-90 15 37-02 3 16 3-51 '7 58-3 18 26-80 19 25-82 21 48-94 S -oi + -oi -10 - -08 - -03 + -02 -01 + -06 -oi + -oi + -02 -oi + -05 + -06 -02 '12 - -04 + -oi + -02 + -oi -I-I5 I-IZ - -18 + -02 - -06 +2-3881 2-1598 2-8544 2-4308 1-0174 + 1-2709 0-8982 2-661 1 2-4222 2-7242 +2-4249 -0-4312 +2-5382 +2-3393 +2-2792 +2-2791 17337 1-1206 2-6550 2-1492 + 1-4183 + 2-8935 + 0-0861 -35-4860 + 2-5224 + I-4957 2-0984 1-5138 2-2690 2-5804 + 1-3561 z'3473 1-9552 3-3039 1-0995 + I-I02I + 2-5779 -1-6174 + 3-2283 + 2-2477 s -OO2 -ooi + 003 'OOI + 026 + 017 +033 + -QOI 'OOI + 002 "OOI +119 QOO ooo ooo ooo + 005 02 1 002 ooi + -OI3 OO5 7 I 20-093 OO2 + -OIO "OO2 oio ooi QO2 + -OI3 ooi 003 013 oi 8 + 018 "OOZ 192 oi i OO2 s + -0014 -0012 + -017 + -0135 + '044 -0044 + '002 'OIO + -0025 -0025 '005 + -OO2 '0104 '0123 + -0034 '0617 + -0240 + -007 -OO23 '0026 "OOZ + -193 + -19 + -0353 -0046 + -0097 -38*48 37-5 -46 56 52-4 -14 16 55-5 -3 6 43 49-i -67 8 5-6 -64 7 2 5-8 68 2 I2-I -24 58 17-1 36 15 27-6 -21 2 4 58-3 -36 5 13-6 -75 28 31-2 -30 15 26-3 -38 35 3^9 40 42 18-0 40 42 17-6 -55 24 53'2 -64 28 7-3 -24 o 59-3 -44 "7 i8'3 -60 7 32-3 10 38 17-8 -72 17 33'2 88 34 21-2 29 22 49-6 58 ii i z-6 -44 47 397 -57 41 44-8 -39 I0 5i7 -26 28 15-6 -59 S 2 5 8< 3 -36 3 32-3 -48 7 5-2 + 13 o 50-3 -62 57 23-5 62 53 u'2 -25 56 44-3 -77 45 u-4 + 8 40 36-2 -38 39 5' 8 O'O + "i + '4 - 0-4 O'l + 0-! + 0-5 O'O O'l O'l O'l + O'Z + 0-2 + 0-3 O'l + 0'I - 3' 2 + 0-1 + 0'I + 0-1 O'Z -3-8 -3'8 0'2 + 0-4 O'l + I5*462 I5 + 38 I5-393 I5-348 I5-26l + I5M68 I5-12 9 I5-048 I5-002 14-985 + '4'977 H7I4 I4-602 14-563 H-S^ + I4-5I2 I4-499 14-365 I4-300 I4-I54 + I4-097 I4-068 14-048 I3-933 I3-68 3 + I3-662 I3-6l2 I3-542 I3-539 I3-498 + 13-374 13-373 I3-27I I3-26l I3-I78 + I3-I49 I3'02I 12^91 I2-924 12764 - "23 2 I 27 23 I I - 'IS 9 26 -24 2? - -2 4 + -04 - -26 - -24 - "23 - "23 18 12 28 23 - 'IS 31 *O2 + 371 - -28 - -17 23 17 25 28 - 'IS 26 22 '37 13 ~ -13 - -2 9 + -16 - -36 - -26 + ''005 *OI2 -06 +065 +024 -017 -08 oo + 018 + 024 + 03 -04 -044 -054 +014 *oz6 + 637 *02 -O2O 023 + 03 + '64 + -6 4 + -04I 074 + 020 3 3 i 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 i 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 : 4 3 5-92 5'94 5'00 5-92 5'93 5-9I 5'93 5*92 5-94 5*00 5'94 5*92 5*92 5'97 5*00 5'OO 5'95 5-92 5-00 5^2 5'oo 5'97 5*92 5-00 5-00 5-92 5'95 5-96 5'97 5'93 5'94 5'99 5 "94 5'97 5*96 5*92 5'97 5'oo 5-00 5-92 Lacaille 848 89 Ceti TT Lacaille 857 Lacaille 893 Hydri.. t Eornacis y 1 ' 2 Eridani r' 2 Lacaille 935 Eridani Piazzi IH 239 Lacaille 960 Horolofii B II Eridani.., r 3 Lacaille 976 Horologii /JL Lalande 5770 Hydri 6 Lacaille 1848 1 2 Eridani .... Lacaille 1023 Lacaille 1016 ... . Lacaille 1040 Lacail'e 1018 Lacaille 1021 Lacaille 1057 Lucaille 1045 . -. Lacaille 1058 Lalande 6134 Reticuli Lacaille 1071 Hydri I Tauri Lacaille 1099 129. 6-0, 10-5 4"- 9 13" 18977. '45- 3'9. 6 '9 i "6 33 '8977. 147. AB. 67, 7-5 o '8 18* 1901'!, FROM OBSERVATION'S IN THE YEARS 1905-6. No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900-0. M .AE. Precession i9Oo'o. Sec. Var. igoo'o. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. igoo'o. MS- AE. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. No. of Oba. Epoch 1900 + 161 162 163 164 165 1 66 167 1 68 169 170 '7i 172 '73 174 175 176 i77 I7t 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 '93 194 '95 196 '97 198 199 200 6-6 6-5 5-8 6-2 6-3 6-3 +'9 4'3 6-0 5'2 4-6 5-8 8-0 3'7 4'5 4'3 3'8 6-5 8-1 5-8 5' 1 4'2 7-6 6-3 3'i 4-8 8-6 7-0 3'3 5'9 7-2 6-4 5'8 4'5 8-0 4'5 4'9 6-9 5-8 7-6 Fornacis x 1 li in s 3 22 3'9 8 23 36-63 23 40-99 25 8-22 26 3978 3 27 24-50 27 38-19 29 22-23 29 50-09 3' 44' 3 33 30-38 33 37'ofi 34 53' 38 27-39 39 7-63 3 4 2 32'58 42 56-90 44 3-87 44 37-37 44 54'24 3 44 54-53 45 42 - 7o 47 07 48 43'5 48 47-05 3 49 2 7-4 49 33'07 51 40-12 53 21-83 54 48-7 3 55 23-34 56 34-08 56 41-2 57 9'8o 58 6-23 3 59 27-01 3 59 4-86 4 i 18-65 3 20-39 3 57'4 s -02 - -06 -02 + -02 - -04 - -2 9 -oi 00 + -09 + '03 + -04 + -06 - '29 - -04 - -04 + -02 - - 5 -02 '01 oo + -oi + -oi oo - -04 s +2-3154 0-2266 2-3178 0-2554 2-1381 + 1 -9166 0-9820 2-6456 0-5966 2-7300 4-2-1530 2-291 1 +2-6228 +2-8782 +2-2306 +2-5916 0-6904 2-2548 3-4535 2-2068 +2-2067 +2-2483 +2-7206 +2-6915 0-9908 +2-5498 3-4618 2-1537 2-7931 2-8117 + 1-7143 1-2793 2-3890 09399 3-5097 +0-8579 +0-9547 0-3867 +3-4821 + 2-8886 s + 002 053 OO2 051 OO2 + 004 023 003 035 004 + -OO2 231 003 OO6 OO2 + 003 028 'OO2 OI 5 003 + 003 002 004 004 107 + 003 OI 5 OO3 OO4 O05 + -O06 OI2 OO3 019 OI 5 + 'O2I 018 064 014 005 s + -003 + 'OIO + -004 -003 + -007 + -048 + -0023 + -ooio "OOO2 - -0155 -0062 '0069 -OII4 + -0486 + 'OO6 + -Oo6 -0036 + -0095 + -0014 + -0047 + -ooi ooo '0020 'O022 ooo + -0079 36 16 16-2 -69 58 32-8 -36 I 43-8 69 41 8-4 41 42 26-7 -47 4 2 59' 1 -63 17 21-3 -21 58 5-4 66 49 40-9 -17 47 53-2 40 36 9-8 -78 41 11-7 22 38 49-6 -io 6 2-8 -37 37 44-8 -23 32 44-9 -65 7 17-0 -36 24 49-6 + 18 57 0-4 -37 55 39' -37 55 32-9 36 30 i ro -17 27 55-8 -18 43 54-1 -74 32 42-7 -24 54 29-2 + 19 5 21-0 -39 3 4'4 -'3 47 34'9 12 51 28-5 -49 53 45'6 -57 23 9'8 30 46 19-2 61 40 56-7 + 20 47 40-8 62 26 17-5 61 21 30-9 -71 26 37-7 + 19 20 41-5 - 8 56 6-6 O'l O'O + o-i + .-2 o-o 2"O + 0-2 + 0-1 + 0-2 + 0-5 ~ 3'7 + 0-5 + 2-4 - 0'5 + 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-2 -0-6 O'O + 0-5 O'l + 0-4 O'O o-i - 0-3 + 0-2 + 12743 12-642 12-639 12-539 '2-435 + 12-383 12-368 12-248 I 2'2l6 12-083 + 11-959 II-95I II-862 i r6og 1 1-561 + 11-315 11-286 11-205 1 1-165 11-145 + 11-145 1 1 -086 10-991 10-865 10-860 + 10-81 1 10-804 10-648 10-522 10-414 + 10-371 10-283 10-273 10-237 10-167 + 10-065 10-048 9-923 977 9722 */ - -27 03 27 03 " 2 5 '22 '3 3' 07 32 - '26 + -26 - '3' - '35 - '27 - '3' io 28 42 27 - -27 - -28 - "34 - '33 + -ii - -32 43 27 '35 35 '22 16 30 12 '45 -II '12 + -04 ~ '45 - "37 + '02 oo 02 '20 "OO + 33 -039 009 -028 -082 + 73' 085 482 + 079 02 02 028 + 117 003 'I IO + 02 -07 -OO2 + 009 + 05 -044 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 6 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 4 3 5-97 5-92 5-97 5-92 5-98 5-92 6-01 5 - oo 6-00 5-98 6 -oo 6-00 5-98 5-00 6-00 5'oo 5-98 5-98 6'O2 6-02 6-04 5-99 6-00 6-00 5-00 6-01 5-42 5 '99 5'oo 6 - oi 5 '99 6-00 6'O2 5 - oo 5^ 6-01 5 '99 6-00 5-00 6'oi Lacaille 1132 Fornacis . . v~ Lacaille 1 139 Lacaille 1125 Lacaille 1130 Reticuli K 19 Eridani r'" Lacaille 1 164 Eridani y Brisbane 593 Lalande 6784 2 3 Kridani 8 Eridani h 27 Eridani r 6 Reticuli ft Lacaille 1238 Lalande 7064 Eridani ./ EriJani ... f Eridani ' 5'5 17 38 50-6 -14 29 58-4 42 4 28-2 -83 6 55-8 62 16 27-4 -19 51 48-5 -51 52 6-8 o-i - i'5 - '3 + 0-2 + I-I + 0-7 O'2 I'l + 0-1 + 1-2 I'O - 0-3 + 0-2 - 0- 4 o-o O'l + 1-6 - 0-6 + 0-1 + 0-8 0'2 O'l + o'5 + 9-607 9'544 9+75 9-472 9'45- + 9-270 9-231 9*204 9'-73 9*013 + 8-992 8*985 8*937 8*886 8*880 + 8*745 8-680 8*558 8*408 8-374 + 8-299 8-251 8-178 8-096 7^44 + 7*911 7-853 7-749 7*722 7705 + 7*686 7*613 7-523 7-522 7-38o + 7-343 7-308 7-216 7-179 . 7-136 - '-24 - -9 + '37 - "34 - -27 _ -46 29 26 24 io -21 I I '45 H 12 - -0 9 33 '33 09 30 - -25 - "47 -ii + '55 -10 - -30 "47 40 "39 - -32 + 74 - -48 - -18 - -36 - '37 - -27 + * 9 S *IO - -36 *2O + '01 +-25 +047 -033 -230 *I2 + 044 + -I78 026 -2O + -I7I + 06 -034 + 072 005 + -OIO -257 + 10 on -154 +04 +017 -077 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 o : i 3 1 1 3 3 3 6'OO 6'02 6'02 6-02 6"oi 5-04 6-00 5-00 6-00 5-00 6-04 6'oo 5-00 6"oi 5'99 6-00 6-01 5'99 6-01 6-00 5-04 5-00 6-00 5-00 5 '99 6-03 ' 6-03 5-03 6-01 6-04 6-00 6'O2 5-00 6-03 5-00 6-00 5*00 5'99 6-03 6-01 Lacaille 1392 . . .. Lacaille 1444 Lalande 7874. Horolo a ii -S W. B. (2) IV. 130... Brisbane 673 Horolo<*ii. a Lacaille 1402 Doradfts y Lacaille 1425 14. Tauri. . ...y Reticuli e Lacaille 1430 Lacaille 1443 Lacaille 1422 Rsticuli rj Lacaille 1447 Lacaille 1458 7 4 Tauri c Menses 8 Lacaille 1523 Lacaille 1495 Lalande 8561 46 Eriduni. Menses v Lalande 8654 Lalande 8732 53 Eridani Lacaille 1543 Lacaille 1707 34 28-7 35 35-56 36 4-0 36 35-66 Doradus R 54 Eridaui Lacaille 1558 215.7-2, 8-2 i"-o 339 1897-3. 238. L., 4*8-6*8 : P., 3 45<. 216. 6'8, 8-9 5 'o 4 1897'!. 217. 6-7, 6-7 o '6 310 1898-0. 228. 5-7, lo'z i '8 52 1898-7. Fainter star probably not seen. FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THE YEARS 1905-6. No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. i goo'o. Ma-^E. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900-0. Mj.AE. Precession igoo'o. 1 Ser. Var. 1 900 "o. Pro|ir Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch. 1900 + 2 A I C'3 Coeli /3 h in s 4 38 31-28 s -02 s + 2-1166 s + 004 s + -0029 37 20 21-4 ri + 6 ; 978 n ' 2 9 + ''184 3 6 - oi 5-j 4O I2'C4 + '04- 1-5391 '007 -006 50 40 9-6 O'2 6-838 -22 + 04. 2 6*00 z T 8-0 Piazzi IV. 177 40 i C/O2 3-4957 oio + 18 37 2 '9 6-836 48 2 60? *43 4- T 4.0 -50-10 -oi 2-9968 005 + -ooii 3 26 16-1 O'O 6-815 41 'OOO 3 C'OO *TT 6-2 Lacaille 1586 42 26-3 2-3945 003 28 16 6-0 6-656 "ii. 3 6'O2 *^5 6'2 Lacaille 1594 4 4.2 32*67 + -02 + 2-0316 + 004 "0040 39 32 13-0 + 0'2 + 6-647 '28 -o?c 3 6*0? Doradus K 42 SO'CI oo + 0-8947 014 ooo eg 54 58-0 O'l 6-622 'M + 02 2 6'oo 24.7 248 5 6-c Coeli 4-3 CCX + 2-3369 003 30 ii 59-6 6-1:33 '33 3 6'Q? u > r.Q Mensse /* 4-4 3'6l oo -0-6218 048 ooo 71 6 51-1 O'l 6'C2I + -08 + 02 3 6"oo z -fy J 7 7'6 Lacaille 1613 4.6 2Q*7 + 2-4184 003 27 16 19-3 6'?IQ -54 3 6*0 1 250 / u 6"t Lacaille 1626 4 47 1*04, + -oi + 1 '9496 + 004 'OOI 41 29 35-3 0-5 + 6-276 -27 4- 'OQ 3 6-00 *5 * C '7 Lacaille 1628 4.7 4Q*Q 2'l8o2 003 51; 4 z6'o 6-2 I O "?o 3 6*04. L }L C'8 Pictoris ' 48 41*36 + '02 1-3446 008 "004 c-j 37 tvc O'C 6-137 'IQ + 08 2 6'oo *)$ 254 2 C C 67 ?'Q Brisbane 811 48 42-55 4Q 2 ' C 4 + 04 oo 1-3447 5-1230 008 006 "006 + "OOO2 -53 37 4 6 ' 8 + 2 16 ?6-i - 0-5 o-o 6-135 6-108 19 '44 + 08 + -OOC 3 2 6 - oi C'OO ^1)3 2C6 J 7 6-T Lacaille 1658 4 ci 33*86 + 2*0085 + 004 39 47 2l'2 + 5-898 - -28 5 6 - oo 2 C7 6-1 Lacaille 1679 C3 I4'C7 - -06 + 0-9662 oio + "OIO 58 42 26-8 0-3 C'7^6 '14 + -OC 1 6"oo 2c8 4'Q Piazzi IV. 285 cj c/3 + 2-C99I 003 20 II 50-8 C-43C '?7 1. 6'oo 2CQ C'4 18 3-47 'OI 17650 072 + "0017 7C C 2C'2 0-3 C'313 + '2C + -OCC 3 6 - oo *37 260 6-7 Lacaille 1700 c8 14*78 'OO -1- 1 '0066 "OO4 + "0007 30 ci 47-7 O'l C-5?7 -28 + '016 3 6'O2 26l C'C Lacaille 1704 4 CO 44'C + 2'48^i; -h*oo? 24 31 37'4 + C"2IO -2C 3 6"O2 262 r-fi 5 011 *66 + "O4- I*C7I ? "006 "006 40 17 ?VQ O'2 C'I73 '22 + 0; 3 6"oo 263 7-2 Lacaille 1719 O 22'O I'C4l6 006 49 CO 43-1; c-icS 22 3 6"o? 26-1 6'3 Lacaille 1715 O 42'2 I'QI 36 004 41 C? 16-3 C'I3O '27 3 6'O2 26C 3*4 2 Leporis . .e I I3'6c "OI 2-5^67 001 + 'OOI2 22 3O IQ-? 4-o-i c-oSc *6 '064 c'oo '266 6'7 Lalande 9698 C 2 48'"" + 2-6128 + -oo^ ooo IQ ?1 C, V? - 1-6 4- 4.'QC2 "37 + 27 3 6'O2 267 5-0 68 Eridaui ^ 46'^ + 2-968? 004 "0006 4 jc 9-9 O"2 4-870 '42 + '034 3 6'O2 268 t-8 2 j.7'76 + 'OC 4-I'O287 OIO "OOQ C7 ?6 ?2'4 0-8 4-868 '14 -4-'I3 7 6*0? 260 C*4 Mensse /3 A. O'4I + -o^ O'7Q23 "O3Q J ^7 "oo; 71 27 2'I O'2 4-81:0 + 'I I + 04 3 6'oo 27O 6-6 Lacaille 1731 4d. 1 ' I 4-2*1 ^J.7 *oo^ 3C CO CO'O 4'7Q2 -?o 3 6-o? 27 I 7'O Lacaille 1737 c c \TA_A_ + "08 + 1 'Q2OC + 'OOC 'O I ? A. i 20 c6* c 1 -Q -L. A-7A.I '27 + '32 3 6*00 */ * 272 C*4 Lacaille 1772 6 47'O^ 4-o*d.6oQ "016 6^ 31 32'3 1 7 4'6l ? 'O7 3 6'oo 275 6-1 Mensse . . I O 1 J." I 2 + 'OQ 6'Q82O 284 "OIJ.Q 82 ^6 14*4 O'O 4'32O -1- 'QQ 'OOI 3 6*00 - 6*01 274 6-0 Lacaille 1773 10 56*62 ^7 + 2'I2O^ "OO? Jll ry 36 C 2Q'3 4'2C8 T 77 '3O 3 6'O2 27C a-6 20 Orionis T 12 4^'O^? 'OO -|-2 P QI28 "OOJ. "0009 6 C7 Q'2 O'O 4'1O4 '42 -ooc c-oo 276 C'7 Bradley 74-1 Q I ^ 4*6 -l-2'7CC I + 'OO? "OOI 13 37 34'C + 0'2 + 4-071; '3Q 031 3 6'Oi 277 1-8 I )oradus 6 17 4Q'QI 'OO O*OC77 'O2I ooo 67 17 *CI"4 O"2 4"OI I + -oi + 'O3 3 6'O2 278 c-7 Pictoris l6 C4'8c 'OO -1- 1*4676 *oo6 'OOO CO 42 47*O I "2 ?"747 '21 + 20 3 6'oo 279 280 8-3 r '2 Lacaille 1826 18 35-96 1 8 cc'6 -01 +2-0234 003 + -0023 '0027 -38 35 7'* 14 i 1 6* i - 0-4 O'O 3'6O2 3'C7A - ' 2 9 -40 + 070 -4--OO7 3 3 6-00 C'O? CAPE CATALOGUE. 10 CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900*0, No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900*0. /-...AE. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1 900*0. Mj.AE. Precession igoo'o. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 281 282 283 184 285 286 287 288 z8g 290 291 292 293 294 *95 296 297 198 299 300 3' 302 3 C 3 304 35 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 3'3 3H 3'5 3>6 37 38 3i9 320 7'* 5-8 6-5 7-0 6-1 7 '4 6-1 5-8 5' 2-5 57 6-0 5'5 3-0 6-6 5'4 3'8 6-1 87 5'2 57 6-6 5-8 9-0 5'6 67 67 5'' 3-6 5' 7-0 77 4'5 3'9 5-8 5-8 7-8 4'4 5'' 7-0 Lacaille 1836 h m s 5 19 '79 20 5-96 20 31-57 20 39-0 21 56-89 5 23 36-9 23 52-74 24 48-55 24 51-59 26 53-85 5 2 7 24-43 28 45-57 29 2936 30 32-47 3' 45-35 5 3 2 26-99 32 45"43 35 30-82 35 4677 35 5'55 5 36 7'9 36 54-79 37 '4"-2 38 24-80 38 58-9 5 40 12 "02 40 50-84 42 16-9 42 25-46 43 4'' 5 44 20-68 44 30:88 44 35'55 44 55'00 45 7'9 6 5 45 42-9 47 4 6 ' 6 48 0-63 48 37'49 48 44-65 8 oo + -02 oo oo oo oo oo - -04 oo - -15 + -05 -02 oo + 01 oo + -04 oo - -50 - -05 oo + -oi s 4-1-4087 1-9768 1-1033 2-6069 1-7854 + 2-9620 1-9237 2-0657 0-8744 3-0637 + 1-6462 1-7013 2-0155 2-9336 1-1803 + 0-3163 +0-5172 + 1-9268 + 3-6266 2-4264 + 2-2196 0-0028 -1-5052 + 3-5917 + 2-6244 + 1-9767 1-6991 2-2285 2-7188 1-6610 -1- 1 8875 + 377 10 + 0-1090 + i'4'95 -4-9352 + 2-5061 2-6494 1-0792 ''3557 1-9067 is + 006 003 007 003 004 + 004 004 003 008 -004 + 003 004 003 003 006 + 'OIO '009 OO3 005 045 + 003 01 I 025 004 003 + 003 OO3 "003 003 003 + 003 "004 008 004 054 + -OO2 "OO2 004 O03 '003 s ooo '003 "OOO ooo oooo -0004 + -oooi + -006 + -OOO2 + -025 -009 + -0030 ooo -0013 -006 ooo -0081 ooo + -082 + -009 ooo 'OOI 51 40 20-4 -39 46 15-8 -56 13 40-7 19 27 50-2 -44 > 8 5'3 - 4 46 44-7 -41 i 47-1 -37 1 8 49'3 -58 59 47-5 O 22 23-5 -47 8 58-9 -45 59 54'i -38 34 587 - 5 5 8 3'7 -54 58 7-1 -64 17 36-7 -62 33 17-5 -40 45 47-4 + 22 38 n-8 -76 24 41-5 -32 40 54-9 -66 36 58-9 -73 48 i-i + 21 19 22-2 18 36 ii-o -39 27 3'8 -45 5 2 4i-7 32 20 39-6 -14 51 33-0 46 38 2'O -41 37 26-9 + 27 39 227 65 46 21-9 -51 6 8-6 So 32 33-6 -23 o 7-2 -17 34 48-0 56 u 29-8 -5 2 7 54'3 -41 7 44-2 0'2 + o-i - 0-5 -0-3 o-o + 0-9 o-o o-o + 0-1 - 1-6 o-o O'O - 0-5 o-o O'l + 0-3 O'O - 0-6 -6-5 + 0-3 + 0-7 o-o + 3 : 56.5 3-473 3'43 6 3-4 z 5 3-3I3 + 3-169 3' 1 47 3-066 3-061 2-885 + 2-841 2-725 2-661 2-570 2-464 + 2-404 2-377 2-137 2-115 2-109 + 2-084 2-015 1-988 1-885 1-836 + 1730 1-674 J'549 1-536 1-426 + 1-369 '353 1-347 1-319 1-300 + 1-249 1-069 1-048 0-995 0-984 "2O 28 16 38 26 - '43 28 30 13 '44 - -24 25 29 '43 17 - -5 08 28 '53 34 - '3 2 oo + '22 - -52 - -38 - -2 9 25 32 4 24 - -27 ~ '55 '01 -21 + -72 - -36 '39 16 20 28 + 03 "O2 + 09 + -0 5 -OO2 -188 -002 + -OOI 026 +27 oo '005 + 08 -ooi + 01 -05 OOI + 10 + 1-08 -05 12 oo 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3'-6 3 9 2 3 3 10 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6'oi 6-00 6-03 6-03 6-00 6-03 6-01 6-03 : 5-53 6-01 5-00 5-00 6'oi 6-04 5-00 6-oi 6-02 5-00 6'O2 6-06 6-01 5-04 6-01 6-03 5-06 5-04 6-02 6'O2 6-03 5-00 5-03 6'05 6-05 5-00 6-08 6-04 6-01 6-05 6-01 6-03 6-06 Lacaille 1834 Laoaille 1853 Lacaille 1850 B D. 4 1141.. .. Lacaille 1862 Lacaille 1868 Doradus A 34 Orionis ... ... . 8 Lacaille 1888 Lacaille 1896 Lacaille 1895 44 Orionis .*. Lacaille 1923 .. .. Lacaille 1949 Doradfts /3 Lacaille 1941 B.I). + 22 991.... Mensse y Lacaille 1936 Lacaille 1985 Lacaille 2016 B. D. + 21-953.... Lalande 10874 Lacaille 1973 Lacaille 1981 Columbse [i 14 Leporis Lacaille 2003 Lacaille 2005 . .. Doradfis 8 Pictoris /3 Mensae TT Lacaille 2002 0. A. 4388... Pictoris y Lacaille 201:2 , Lacaille 2040 . FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THK YEARS 1905-G. 11 No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900*0. Ma .AE. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. igoo'o. fij.AE. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1 900 *o. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 321 322 3*3t 324 325 326 327 328 329 33 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 34 34 1 34*t 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 35 o* 35' 352 353 354 355t 356 357 358 359 360 8-6 5-8 7-2 6-2 5'3 6-0 8-5 57 5'' 5'4 4-6 6-9 6-0 3'9 57 6-8 7'3 6-0 7'5 rs 66 6'2 4'5 6-5 5'4 5'7 6-5 8-5 6-0 5'i 67 5-6 6-4 4'9 var. 7-2 5'3 4'3 4"9 8-8 B.D. + 19 1128.... Lacaille 2041 h in a 5 49 477 49 8'6o 49 z6 74 49 336 49 5975 5 5 33'5 51 9-69 51 37-26 52 3-41 52 38-01 5 53 20-3 53 44-55 55 39" 66 56 5-14 57 i-57 5 57 I3-3 57 55-o 58 28-49 5 59 *'9 6 6 o 37-1 6 i 35' 6 7 i 47-55 i 51-77 3 35 59 4 5^9 6 4 46*61 5 37-93 5 4^8 6 2-30 6 8-65 6 6 9-5 6 5672 7 47-42 8 21'00 8 50-49 6 9 4-2 9 22-68 9 58-6 ii 2-06 12 37-97 s oo -02 oo - -'3 -02 + 05 + 02 + 05 + 'OS -oi + -04 oo + 03 + - O2 + -03 + -02 + -02 + 'O2 + 03 s + 3-5473 + 2-0424 + 2-0086 -1 1-6978 0-0618 + 2-9640 3' 6 504 1-9527 2-0609 1-3216 + 0-4368 +0*2716 + 1-7801 + 1-8341 -4-0538 + 2*9522 2-3808 1-4090 0-9250 2-2316 + 1-7342 17323 3-4250 1*8570 2*0567 + 1-8634 1-7668 2*2694 0*0680 '5453 -15-7095 + 1-9380 + 17245 + 1-1687 + 3-6265 + 2-3492 -0-3743 + 2-9263 + 0-1341 + 3-5477 s + 003 003 003 I 3 8 007 + 'OO2 OO3 003 OO2 OO4 + 005 005 003 OO3 014 + 'OO2 OO2 003 003 OO2 + 003 OO3 "OO2 OO2 "OO2 + -OO2 OO2 OO2 ooi ooi --II7 + 'OO2 + 'O02 + 'O02 ooo + 'OO2 ooi + 001 ooo ooo s - "0135 ooo + -0030 ooo + -021 + -0040 '009 -004 -0089 -008 + -0013 -006 -oooi '005 -003 -0266 - -0047 -004 '0027 -0039 -005 -0007 + 19 3 5 7-6 -37 39 8 7 -38 32 5-2 84 50 6-5 -66 55 33-8 - 4 37 59' 6 + 23 24 19-3 -39 5 8 29-1 -37 8 6-6 -52 39 25-2 -63 7 8-7 -64 29 54-2 -44 2 30-2 -42 49 '4'z -79 22 41-5 - 5 8 15-2 27 21 27-6 51 13 I0'9 58 6 10-9 32 10 10-8 -45 2 8-4 -45 4 4'2 + 14 46 49-3 42 17 10-6 -37 H i9'3 42 8 17-1 44 20 20-4 31 o 20-3 66 i 31-5 62 8 1 1-6 -85 55 52-5 -40 20 57 -45 '5 34-3 -54 5 6 4 6 7 + 22 32 9'0 -28 26 15*1 -68 49 18-4 6 14 39-8 -65 33 55'3 + 19 36 37-0 - 0-4 o-i + 0-1 1-2 ~ 3'2 + 0-3 - '3 0'2 - I'4 - 1-4 + 0-1 O'O O'O + 0-2 + 0*3 0*0 O-2 + 0'I O'O + 0-1 O'O + 0-1 + ' : 955 0-950 0-923 0*913 0*875 + 0-826 0773 o-733 0-695 0-644 + 0-583 0-547 0-380 0-342 0-260 + 0-243 + 0-182 + 0-134 + 0-082 - 0-054 0-140 0-157 0-163 0-314 o-359 - 0-417 o'493 0-500 0-527 o-537 - 0-539 0-608 0-682 0730 0773 - 0793 0-820 0-872 0-965 1-104 - V - -30 - -29 + 1-71 + -oi - '43 '53 29 30 19 - "07 - -04 - -26 - -27 + -59 - '43 '35 20 13 33 - -25 25 50 27 30 - -27 26 33 01 08 + 2-29 - -28 - '25 - -17 - -53 - "34 + -06 - '43 -02 - ^2 + 086 + 02 '017 + '20 + 53 042 + 05 + 04 + 225 + 26 025 oo oo -03 -05 + 004 + 041 -02 004 -016 oo -02O 2 3 3 20 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3:6 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 10 3 3 3 3 3 6-04 6*09 6*01 5-00 6-05 5-04 5-07 6-01 6-04 6-06 6-01 6*05 6"O2 6-05 6-06 6-03 6-07 6-03 6-03 6-04 6-04 6-03 : 5-53 5-00 6*03 6*05 6*03 6-05 6- 1 1 6*08 6-08 5'oo 6*04 6*05 6*04 5-00 6*07 6-06 5-03 6*04 6*04 Lacaille 2046 Lacaille 2296 Doradus t Lal'iude 1 1 2 2 1 B. D. + 23 1119.... Lacaille 2067 Columbse Lacaille 2087 Lacaille 2106 Lacaille 2113 Lacaille 2098 Columbse 17 MenssB K Lalande 1 1 45 I . Lacaille 2105 Lacaille 2123 Lacaille 2133 Lacaille 2124 Lacaille 2137 Lacaille 2141.... seq. 67 Orionis v Columbse jr 1 Columbpe Columbae ir 2 Lacaille 2174 Lacaille 2163 Doradus rf- Lacaille 1766 ... Lacaille 2512 Lacaille 2182... Lacaille 2191 Pictoris 5 7 Gfniinorum ...77 Lacaille 2 1 89 Doradus .. v 5 Monocerotii-* Doradus rf W. B. (2) VI. 269... 323. 7-2, 11-0 i"'i 123 1901-0. Fainter star probably not seen. 35. Lacaille'a ft Doradus. 342. 6*2, 9'i 4 'o 226 1900'!. 355. L, 3-2-4*2: P., 23i <1 '4. 355. Var. 9 i -i 294 1900-9. Fainter star nut seen. 12 CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0, No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900*0. /V^E. Precession 1900 "o. Sec. Var. igoo'o. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900*0. -J.AE. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 361 36a 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 37 3?i 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 3it 382 383 384 35 3 86f 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 39 6 397t 398 399 4Oof 5-2 5-7 8-0 6-5 6-9 77 87 7-0 7'4 87 4'4 6-9 5'8 7-0 5'9 6-5 5-8 7'3 7*5 57 * 5'9 5'5 57 5-6 5 '4 5'3 6-4 6-4 7-6 5'3 6-5 9'3 9'3 8'3 5-5 5'9 4'5 7'8 5-8 Mensse a h m s 6 13 13*16 3 37'5 14 33-27 >4 55'5 M -7-9 6 15 23-01 15 44-27 16 30-30 '7 4'5 18 27-7 6 18 28-16 20 I 8'2 20 32-86 2O 38-07 21 8-70 6 21 29-80 22 8-8 22 34-43 23 0-29 23 34^7 6 25 13-2 25 29-16 26 19-77 26 48-8 27 17 6 27 21-55 27 44-48 2 7 47-45 28 7-10 28 52-48 6 28 55-69 29 48-60 30 0-25 , 30 12-25 30 13-03 6 30 19-13 30 28-96 30 51-88 31 8-47 3* 55' 62 s + -oi oo + 03 oo + -02 + 02 4- -oi + 03 + 05 oo -02 oo + 01 - '01 s -I-8II2 + 2'O4I I + 3-5878 + 0-8379 + 2-8890 + 3-5908 3-59-7 1-9757 2 '3'45 2-3091 + 3-1805 2*0709 2-0818 2'O82I I-07 5 8 + 1-9468 + 3-0672 + 1-9196 + I-8 9 27 0-5662 + 2-5215 + 0-9519 0-5040 + 2-3755 + 2-8838 + 1-4814 1-0462 9 2 53 2-0776 3-6905 + 2-0505 2-0164 3'543o 3-5410 3-545 1 + 2-1043 0-8955 2-5133 3'534 6 2-0859 s '01 I + -OO2 ooo + -OOI + 'OOI ooo ooo + -OO2 + 002 + 002 + 'OO I QO2 OO2 OO2 ooo + -O02 + -OOI + 002 + -OO2 009 + -OO2 -ooi 009 + -OO2 + -OOI + -OOI ooo + -OO2 + 'OO2 -OO2 + -OO2 + 'OO2 -QO2 'OO2 002 4- -002 'O02 + -OO2 002 + 'OO2 s '002 ooo -009 '005 '0004 '0026 "004 + -0026 -ooi -005 -008 ooo + -004 oooo 'OO2 + -0022 -74 43 8 ' : 3 -37 4 2 9' 1 + 21 8 0-5 59 10 2-2 - 7 49 43' 1 + 21 14 40'2 + 21 17 I2'3 -39 z6 32-5 29 37 22-6 -29 48 34-5 + 4 38 37' -36 57 40-5 36 39 18-6 -36 38 54*8 -56 1 8 57-3 -40 13 39-9 - 12 57-9 -4 54 59'5 -4- 34 38-2 -69 55 43-8 22 31 3O'9 -57 56 17-6 - 6 9 37 57'5 27 42 0'2 - 8 5 11-4 50 10 67 -5 6 47 3'3 -40 50 43-7 36 52 io'8 + 2 4 59 547 -37 37 i3'6 -38 32 54-4 + 19 33 '57 + 19 29 0-5 + 19 38 18-9 -36 9 25*2 58 40 41*8 -22 53 8-7 + 19 14 36-6 36 41 56-6 + I'M* - 0-4 + I'S + 0'I O'O O-2 + 0*1 - o-i - 0-8 O'O O'O -0-5 + 0-5 + 0-1 - 0-6 O'2 - I/: i55 1*191 1-272 i'35 1-338 - i-345 1-376 1*442 1-492 1-613 1-614 1774 1795 1-803 1-848 - 1-877 J'933 1-970 2 - oo8 2-059 2'2O2 2*224 2-298 *--34 2-358 - 2*387 2'420 2-424 2-453 2*519 - 2 '5 2 3 2*600 2 - 6 1 7 2-634 2-635 - 2-644 2-659 2-692 2715 2783 + "26 - -30 - '5 2 -12 - H 2 - '5 2 52 29 34 34 - -46 3 30 "3 16 - -28 - '44 - -28 - -27 + -08 - -36 - 'H + -08 - '34 - -4 2 "21 '5 28 "3 '53 - '3 29 "5- '5' 51 - -30 13 36 5i "3 -'24 + 07 -25 '01 + 009 + 040 '02 + 011 + 13 oo oo + 08 -08 014 + -IO +035 3 3 5 3 3 5 2 3 3 3 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 I 3 3 6*04 6-06 5-10 6-04 6-13 6-07 6-08 6-04 6-05 6-05 5-00 6-06 6-08 6-08 6-07 6-1 1 6-08 6-09 6-1 1 6-12 6-05 6-04 6 - io 6-09 6-ii 6-08 6-13 6-12 6-1 1 5-07 6-04 6-09 6-17 6-12 6-10 6-14 6-08 6-02 6-06 6-06 Lacaille 2217 Lalande 12053.. Lacaille 2242 Piazzi VI 73 Mayer 26 C .. Lalande 12094 Lacaille 2233 Lacaille 2232 O. A. co^i .. 8 Monocerotis Lacaille 2263 Lacaille 2265 Piazzi VI. 1 12 Pictoris v Lacaille 2276 78 Orionis Lacaille 2284 Lacaille 2290 Doradus -n* 1 Lalande 12509 Lacaille 2328 Doradus . . . TT* Lacaille 2309 Lalande 12545 Lacaille 2333 Laoaille 2343 Lacaille 2326 Lacaille 2324 Lalaude 12554 Lacaille 2334 Lacaille 2338 B. D. + I9*i397- B. D. + 19 1399... W. B. (2) VI. 806... Lacaille 2541 ... Pictoris . . u. 5 Canis Majoris 2 Lalande I26co... Lacaille 2359 381. 6'9, 9-0 2''*6 119 1898-2. Probably brighter star observed. 386. 6*1, 6*2 o '7 275 1897'!. 397. 6'i, 8-3 2 '2 234 i89-T3. 400. 6*2, 7-2 i -i 261 1897-2. FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THE YEARS 1905-6. 13 No. Mag. Name. Mean K.A. 1900*0. Ma .AE. Precession 1 900 *o. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900*0. yttj.AE. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 4.01 fS-8 Lacaille 2364 h in s 6 32 4.2-0 S s + 2-2520 s + -OO2 s a t ft 31 4.8 I V7 n 2'8C2 // ' H I 6'08 AQ2. 4*4 32 46*30 + -oi I'12-?7 ooo 'OO2I ?2 C3 ^8'c O'O 2-8c6 'IQ 'OO2 i 6'ot; 43 4-6 6-n 8 Canis Maj oris v 3 Lacaille 2375 .... 33 29-5 1,1. ^8'i5 oo 2-6389 2-0^71 ooi "OO2 *ooo8 'OOO 1 8 9 3'o 28 3 4.3 "Q O'l 0*2 2-918 2*Q3 I 3 8 *2Q + 015 + 'O4. 3 3 6-08 6-ii 4 U T A OC 6-0 J? 4.TQ4. 'OO 2'O7o6 OO2 'OOO 36 54 18*8 0*3 2*04.3 *3O + -OC 3 6-1 1 4-UJ) 6 1A. 4.2'OQ QO -l-I-gicy + 'OOI + *OOOQ 4 o - i *" 7TJ 1*O4- '26 "O I Q "i C'OO 1 7'O Piazzi VI. 206 1C IC'I 2*044.0 OO2 43 u *y u 37 C4. 2I'6 3'O7 I *2Q WJ 7 3 6-06 fwy 4.08 8-0 3.C c6'7Q I 'COQ7 OOI 5/ ST * i8 7 4.0*1 3*131 6 7 *2 3 3 6-ii Lacaille 24.02 ic t7'6^l I'CQQC 'OOI j Q 7 J_O*7 3*1 32 '23 3 6-08 49 t T o 3 7*O Lacaille 2397 36 32X2 2*O^QO 'OO2 38 3 c6 m i *3r* 3-182 '2Q 3 6'ot; /J.IU 6-1 Lacaille 24.1 1 6 ?? c8 - i;2 4- I"QC67 + 'OOI 40 i c 16*0 3*to6 -28 1 6"O7 4 1 ' fi-fi *8 4'28 + -02 I "6326 + 'OOI 'OOt O'O 3*3 I C *23 "OO 6*00 4' 4'3 7-2 8'2 Lacaille 2418.... seq. 3 8 53-28 78 CA'C 2*0320 O P 8776 + 'OOI "OO^ 4/ J g Jj w 38 18 3*1 CO I lO"* J 1 D 3-385 7-587 29 '12 3 3 "y 6'12 6'OQ 914, ^ 1 C r "I J.2 17*4. 2*7 t7O 4-OOI '0018 ^)V * 5y ^ 5-678 *3Q + 'OIO "7 6'OQ T 1 !> 4.l6 3 3 1-8 18 Monocerotis 6 42 ^8'7g + -oi -t- vi 3O2 "OOI *OO2O 14 19 71 4-231 I7'6 + O'l V7OQ J7 '4.C -016 " "7 C'OO 417 6-1 Lacaille 24.47 4.2 4.6'^C 4- -at 2*oc8c + "OOI 'OOC 37 4.O C'C 4 0-2 ^'7 IQ *2Q "O^ t 6-07 4.18 C'Q Lacaille 24.71 4.7 ^6*^8 I '^74.^ 'OOI 52 1 8 7 *o 3 I l y 3'7QI *2O 3 6-08 A I Q C*4 4.3 C6'OQ 4- -01 2*OC4.O 4*ooi ooi 8 4 O'2 / 7 1 3'82O *2O *O27 3 6'O7 T 1 V J.2O 7*3 Lacaille 24.60 4.4. I '4.Q oo I -6^O8 ooo 'OOO j/ *ty y ** 4.7 J.I A 3* 3 4 o-i 7-827 *7 '23 'OI 3 6'io A 2 I C'8 6 4.C 21*77 _|_ T*I7O7 'OO2 T/ "t 1 *tJ J 3*OJ_2 *I7 3 6'O7 422 J.2 3 5-8 7*O Lalande 13198 . .... Lacaille 24.89 45 43'5 4.6 ?7'^ ... 3-0627 I '74.26 'OOI 4"ooi '0003 > j *5 44 * o 25 i ro j r 27 A'C + ro 3 VT^ 3-974 4*oco 44 "2C -'I6 3 3 3 6-06 6'K "fr* J A24 C * I J.7 C'^2 + 'OJ_ i *6ot ^ + 'OO2 *oo6 T> */ T i 4*080 '24. + '4.O 3 6'O7 T^T 4.2 C 5 '2 Pictoris a. 47 O'S? 4. -oc 0*6290 "ooc *oio6 6l CO O"2 * T I "2 4'OQ7 '08 4-'238 C'OO 4.26 4* A. CarinsB A 6 4.7 4.1 O2 -1- i'3O4.8 "OO1 C 3 3O I Q'O ^V/ 4,'lJ.I - -18 4 6'12 4.27 S-a Lacaille 2493 4.8 IO'7Q 4- - o^ 4-2-1 1 8q 4 "ooi *ooc 36 6 30*0 + 0*3 4/184. '3O 'OC 3, 6'12 4.28 f-l-8 Mensse 4.8 22'^C + 'O2 4."QI CO -IC6 _ '0040 r\'A 4'2OO + '70 4-*o82 3 c'oo J.2Q 14 Canis Majons ...t J.Q ^2'CQ 4- *o? _l_ 2*7060 1 }J *ooo 1 1 C4 4.8*2 u 4 4*3OO '3Q 008 IO C'oo *t A 7 A3O A' I 1 6 Ganis Majoris o* 2 ^ C *C7 -1- 'OI 028 42 14 199 4 45" /i-c6o 4- 'lo 4-01 6'oc 433 j_3j.t 3 u fl"> C5 4.2 'Q "/ 33 _1_2*1 J.O3 [_ *QOI 4 3"" 4.-6C6 '3O 3 6'12 j 3 r 7'7 O A 5988 C4. 5? "7 _J_ 'OOI 5!) " */ 4.-728 '3J. 3 6-1 1 T J5 J in 8-n Mayor 290 6 54. ^6'8c *OI 4 / ?'6^Q2 "OOC _L. *OOI * u J4 -t 1 4 4- O'l 4'75? "C I "OI C C'oS A37 6-r Lacaille 2565... CC CQ'C 2 *2 IO3 4- *oo i T*J ^*t 44 V 4*84.0 "3 I 3 6'O7 TO/ 438 6-6 Lacaille 2578 17 7X 2-2207 + *OO I ^5 iw ' ^ u 33 IQ 33 'O 4"Q4*" "3 1 2 6'O7 439 44 6-9 5' 1 Lalande i 3692 Lacaille 2601 58 20-6 58 25-76 oo 2-6878 I "4604 ooo 'OOI ooo -16 33 14-0 -51 15 35-2 + 0*4 743 5'49 5-056 3 8 20 -06 3 3 6-15 6-09 434 6'4, 7 '9 o"'6 200 190 '5- 14 CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0, ' No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1 900*0. Ma-AE. Precession igoo'o. Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1 900 'o. W.A. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epocli 1900 -\- 441 J.J.2 4 -I 6j 23 Cams Majoris y h m s 6 59 14-07 6 CO 32'12 S ' '00 + -06 s + 2-7144 _LO"Q3Q7 s ooo -oot; s -J- '0003 *OIO -15 29 .7-9 c8 47 c6*2 + o"i O'4 - 5*' I2 4 C"I4Q - "38 '13 *OIO 4- -06 5 t 5 'oo 6* ij. 44 * r -I Lacaille 2646 . . 7 O O-87 + 'OA 0*0876 -018 "006 67 J.6 4.2*4. I'* C'lQO + '02 4--22 t 6*1-! 443 A A A 8-0 W B VI. 1827 ... O 2C.'Q "T 4-2"7C4-Q 'OOO I 3 4.Q 0*4. C'22X -3Q TL 6*10 TTT A AC C'4 PuDnis... C O C.2'57 + 'O4 -4- I 'QO34. + "OOI *oo6 42 ii art; O'C C*263 - -26 4- -08 t. 6-12 ,14.6 C *Q Lacaille 2608 .. 7 O CV24. + 'O7 _j_ 1-84.08 _|_ 'OOI *OI I 43 28 6*2 2*2 C'26j. "2 C 4--7C- I 6-16 44 5 7 7'i" Piazzi VI. 337 o i-4'88 + 'O7 1*84.07 4-*ooi 'Oil 4.3 28 I7'4. 2 "2 5-266 2C 4-'* 5 3 6-16 44 / 4.4.8 5-4 Lacaille 2642 2 26'4I + -O2 I'I2O3 'OO4. -004 c6 ^c ci'7 + o-i C'504 'i ; "02 3 6"io 6-3 Lacaille 2625 2 36*27 + -02 2-0586 4- *ooi "OOJ. 38 I ^ 44.""^ O'O c*4o8 *2Q oo 3 6*12 44V 450 4.C I 8-7 5-6 W. B. (2) VI. 1842.. Mensse 6 2 4.8'20 7 2 cv8* -4- -06 36299 2-7208 '007 *I4.6 'OOQ + 23 25 45-1 7Q l6 3C*Q 4- o-i 5'4 2 5 1'431 51 + '53 'O2 5 4 5*12 6*16 45 4C2 6-1 Lacaille 2651 4 4.0-4.1 + -O? 4- 1 "4.4.08 "OOI *ooc ci 48 40*2 - 0-3 5-coc; -20 + -05 3 6*oq j C 1 4,'Q C 2O'CQ 4- '01 -4- 2*OI C C -|_ 'OOI *OOI2 2Q 2Q 4.1 '4. O'O t'6z i - -28 "OOO 3 6'OQ 4>3 6'7 6 C7*C C '77A *37 7 6-12 454 ACC 6-7 Lalande 14018 u I)/ 5 7 4-4. + 2' C64.7 -4- *ooi 1 / *7 3 U u 21 38 l6*2 5 / /-t 5'784 - -36 3 6'O7 4c6t 6-1 Lacaille 2668 7 8 C2'6o -4-2*1 32O 4- 'OOI l6 22 32*2 c*Q'--;4 - 2Q 4 6-ie T3 U 1 AC.7 r*C PuDDis .. ,..E 8 C7-O7 + 'OI 4- 1 '0887 + 'OOI 'OO2I 40 iq 47-0 O'O C-Q4O '27 003 3 6'io AfK 7'7 Lacaille 2671 90*4. 4-2*1^.28 4- *oo I 36 3 c6*i C'Q4? -20 2 6'IQ T3 4.CQ 6-0 Volantis y 1 Q t*C2 -07 O'4o64. *O^2 4- '013 70 20 4*0 0-3 C'OQ2 + -07 4-*o6 3 5'oo TJ7 3*8 9tc*o8 *oo O2 2 "j- '0004 70 20 1 1*0 O"4 C'QQ4 + 'O7 4- -078 3 "TOO 4.6l 8-n Lacaille 267 5 53 7 7 IO 2Q"7 -l-2*C2^t 4- "001 23 l8 C7'C 6-060 -35 3 6-i i 4.62 1-6 54 Geminorum X 12 20-78 + -01 2 '4.C4O *oo6 'OO2Q 4-l6 43 14*2 + 0-2 6*224 48 045 9 5-00 T 1 -'-' 4.6? C*O Lacaille 2713 I* 4"?4 2'O7C8 + 'OOI ?8 8 2I--Q 6*284 28 3 6*12 J.6 w - U 7 50 28*6 -{-2*2240 + 'OOI 35 36 54-8 Q*2O3 - '28 3 6-17 520 5 '6 Lacaille 3097 C2 4,8'82 + *o6 4-I'2C6o 'OO7 "OIO 57 2 I7'2 0'2 Q'474 -1 5 + 04 3 6-15 C3O 7-8 Octantis A C 3 I "7 -16*885 'O4.OO 88 34 24-6 o-o Q*4QI + 5-60 + 008 6 C'OO 53' c-6 Lacaille 3087 7 C* 4.1 *l6 -1- 1*067*? + 'OOI 43 13 55'T T U 3 CA I4.'l6 -I- 'O2 i y^^^ I *C ^06 -OO2 'OO4.^ C2 4.2 CO*6 O'O 0-583 iq + 006 J 3 C'OO C34 c -8 Lacaille 3113 JT 1 T * C4. *7'*12 1*0198 'Oil 60 ic 28*7 9*6l3 13 3, 6'IQ C7C r-I *OO7 C 5 24. 2 C'3 O'l Q'622 38 + "OIO 7 6-21 536 4-c Lacaille 3105 54 44 4 7 C C 2 I*QO tJUA 3 4- 1-7268 "OOI '""-'.> J 48 c8 24*6 Q'67O '22 7 6-16 C37 7*7 Lacaille 3117 / !>D A1 7 U CC t7'C I *2 C6^ *OO7 C7 12 28'6 Q'600 16 2 6-23 538 7*1 Lai ande i 5 6 7 2 cc 38*3 2-7218 "OOO 1 6 4.O 4.4.'Q g*6go 34 3 6-23 C3Q c-8 Lacaille 3122 DJ 5 3 cc c 6*4.6 *J.7 I "O4.4.6 *OOQ 4- '076 60 2 4*1 0-4 Q'7I 3 13 + 07 3 6-16 54 5'3 Lacaille 3103.. .. cc c6'c6 t/ -1- '06 2*I24.Q -vy 4-*ooi 'OIO 3Q I 2O*6 O'O 0*714 26 oo 4 6-20 541 6'5 Lacaille 31 12 7 C6 22*Q3 _(_ t *6oC2 'OOI 4.0 4.2 12*1 0748 -21 3 6-19 C42 6-8 Lacaille 3112 C6 24." I I I * ^^3* I *6o C A. *OOI 4.Q 4.2 O*6 Q'74Q 21 3 6-16 154.3 fi-1 Lalande 15717 i wy^^ y*r\4 QR 6 1 31*1 Q-SJC *7 5 C'i i 544 6-; 0. A. 7850... 57 3* * C7 4.Q'O 2*4.8 IO + "OOI u 3 J 1 * 26 C6 I2*C 0-858 31 7 6'20 545 C'l Lacaille 3 1 40 C7 C4-*QC i "03 1 8 "Oil *ooo 60 18 41*1 o'5 q-86c 15 + 08 3 6-15 546 6-0 Lacaille 3118 >/ i)T V3 7 C7 C7'QO _|_ 2"IQ C C | *OOI 17 O 21*4. 9-860 -27 3 6-17 14-7 TO Carinse D CQ 4*10 i * *y>5 "Q 17 63 17 24/2 0-052 oq 3 6-18 548 c-8 Lacaille 3128 J7 T 7 CQ 18*4.4. + *O7 2"o6?A 4* 'ooi 'Oil 4.1 I 4.7*0 O'? 0-070 25 + 05 3 6-15 54-Q 7*1 Brisbane 1880 5 7 *" TT 7 CO CO'C 1 "7084 001 4.O 4.O It'8 JO'OI I '21 3 6-21 ceo 2'O Areus ... t / 57 J w D 8 O A* 17 **O 4.3 l6'7 O'O IO'O28 26 -006 3 5'oo 55 1 CC2 6-0 6-0 B. D. - 8Z222 Lacaille 3156 \J 4. 1 / 8 i 38-5 I CJ.'2 + 2-8907 1*6848 *OO2 "OOI UU44 'OOC - 8 57 27-9 -co 18 17 *Q + O'l -10-147 10-167 - ^6 21 '01 3 3 6- 1 8 5-11 553 5' 6 Lacaille 3162 2 zS'ig i-c cc8 *oo^ C2 4.0 17*6 IO'20Q 19 3 6-15 554- 2'Q Argus ...p t I7'O7 + 03 1 j^;) 2*c6i o 4~*ooi *oo6c 24. O C7'I o 1 * IO'27I 31 +052 ii 5-00 555 4'9 Lacaille 3163... i 2777 I *Q 2 6 1 + *OOI 44 C.8 38*2 IO'284 24 3:6 6-17 : 5-68 556 <>'3 Lalande 15961 .... 8 4 i2 - i 4-2*8488 _,,. '00 I II 2 5 I 'O I0'340 '35 3 6'ig CC7 6-n Lacaille 3181 6 10*65 4.8 23 24.*O 10-488 '22 3 6-18 558 5'3 Lacaille 3180. ... 6 i8'i3 4.3 4.Q 4.0*2 IO'4Q6 24 3 6'20 rCQ I*" Brisbane 1916 6 2d.*4.6 1 y/93 1*8^.0 c 4.7 3 2*O 10-504 22 3 5-00 c6o r6 6 Z7'o8 I O^^kj A_1 2 3 I "O 4- o'i 10-508 22 on 3 5-00 5*7- J Puppi i in U. A. FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THE YEARS 1905-6. 17 No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900-0. Ma .AE. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. igoo'o. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900-0. wAE. Sec. Precession y ar ")'- ,900-0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 56, $62 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 57 572 573 574 575t 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 59 59' 592 593 594 595 596 597 598t 599 600 9-1 5'9 6-6 4-8 4 '4 4'2 4'9 6-5 5' 1 5" 2 6-z 4'3 5'6 6-2 5 '4 6-8 4'5 5-0 5'3 6-4 6'2 5'5 6-9 5-8 '4 TO 4-0 5-9 5'6 67 7-0 5'3 5'5 4-2 3'5 5 '2 6-6 5-6 7-0 5'4 B. D. + 18-1870... Lacaille 3208 h m s 8 6 47-98 7 23-97 7 9'99 7 2 1 -oo 7 36-56 8 7 47-19 8 3-19 8 16-7 8 44-19 10 12-98 8 10 13-43 10 29-89 10 40-48 ii 11-15 13 45-04 8 13 58-6 14 48-68 17 12-46 "7 34-43 17 47-11 8 18 58-57 20 6-36 20 17-4 20 17-80 20 2774 8 20 54-7 21 6-79 21 l6-8 22 21-97 22 37'5 8 22 38-1 22 40-38 22 58-60 2 3 38-58 24 38-9 8 24 5I-94 25 22-63 25 55-25 26 5-30 26 5-38 s + 10 oo oo + -06 + -OI + -02 -16 + 22 + 04 + '06 + -0 3 s + 3-440I 1-4018 2-2168 1-0243 0-2178 + 2-1435 2-0271 3-552 27589 2-2533 + 2-2527 2-1265 1-7367 1-9279 0-9202 + 2-7891 2-2541 0-6722 2-2661 2-1702 + 1-3382 0-1418 + 2-8310 0-1382 + 1-2394 + 2-6353 1-5086 + 2-7882 + 2-0997 + 2-2013 + 2-2013 + 1-7122 -0-4924 -1-6773 + 0-6712 + 1-6540 2-0945 1-8957 2-O2IO 2 -O2 10 s -oio "005 + -O02 -014 -'37 + 'O02 + -00 1 -004 ooo + -OO2 + -OO2 + -QOI -ooi + 'OOI oi 6 ooi + 002 '024 + 002 + 002 007 058 ooi 058 009 + 001 -146 ooo + 002 + '002 + '002 ooi 078 -I6 S O26 'OO2 + 002 + -OOI + -OO2 + 'OO2 s -oi 6 -0009 ooo -0096 '0013 '0042 + '025* - '449 '0070 -oio -005 + 17 55 2 6 : 8 -55 47 25-3 -36 59 42-0 -60 59 57-2 68 19 23-2 -39 '9 '3'4 -42 41 19-3 - o 51 55-4 -15 29 13-2 -36 i 8-4 -36 2 15-0 -40 2 32-5 -49 53 33'2 -45 3i 47'7 -62 36 24-3 -14 15 15-1 36 20 57'2 -65 17 55-2 -36 9 577 39 18 8-2 -57 39 '3'6 71 ii 46-6 12 26 24-4 71 ii n-6 -59 n 14-9 -21 48 55-6 76 36 ii'4 -14 36 15-3 -4' 49 33'3 -38 43 S'-2 -38 43 56-1 -51 24 07 -73 4 34'2 -77 9 42-5 -65 48 11-7 -52 45 26-7 -42 15 14-5 -47 35 41-8 -44 23 20-5 -44 23 25-2 + 1-6 O'O + 0-4 - 0-5 O'O O'O - 07 O'l + I'O O'O + 0-1 -'o : 534 10-566 10-574 10-575 10-594 10-607 10-627 10-643 10-678 10-787 -10788 10-807 10-821 10-858 1 1 -047 11-063 11-124 11-297 11-324 U'339 -11-425 11-507 11-519 11-520 11-532 -11-563 11-578 11-591 11-667 11-683 -u-686 11-690 11-711 11758 1 1-829 -11-845 11-881 11-919 11-931 11-931 - "42 17 27 12 O2 - -26 25 '37 '34 27 ~ ^7 26 21 23 II - '33 27 08 27 26 - -16 + -02 - '33 + -02 ~ "H - 'SI + -18 - '33 - '24 - -26 - -26 '20 + -06 + -21 - -7 - -I 9 24 '22 23 23 // --25 + -OOI -06 + 089 OOI + 008 +109 + 017 -168 oo - O2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3= 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 3: 6 3 3 6'2 3 6-22 6-2 3 6-22 6'2I 6'2O 6-)8 5-11 5 'oo 6-17 6-15 6'2O 6'2O 6'ig 6-15 6'2O 6-18: 5-56 6-19 6-16 6-19 6-16 6-17 6-22 6-l 7 5 - oo 6 - ig 6'ig 5-20 6-16 6'24 6-26 6-19 6-21 5-00 6-16 6-17 6-20 6-2i : 5-70 6-21 6-21 Lacaille 3183 Volantis c Puppis h} Lacaille 3197 C G A 10907 20 Puppis Lacaille 3219 . ... Brisbane 1942 Puppis 7i 2 Lacaille 3236 Lacaille 3237 Carinae pr C Piazzi VIII. 45 Puppis a Lacaille 3313 Lacaille 3281 Lacaille 3287 Lacaille 3315 Volantis K 1 Lalande 16552 Volantis x 2 Argus e B. D. - 21 2426.... Chamseleontis a Lalande 16578 . Lacaille 3323 Lacaille 3324 C.G. A. 11333 Lacaille 3 3 1 7 . . . Chamseleontis 6 Volantis ft Velorum F Lacaille 33 c 3... Velorum A C. G A. 11428 . . Lacaille 3366 . 575- 5'4, 8-5 4"'o 63 1894-4. 598. 5-6, 8-3 3 -7 241 1876-1. CAPE CATALOGUE. 18 CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0, No. Mag. Name. Mean R ' A - 1900*0. M a .AE. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. igoo'o. Proper Motion. Mean Dee. igoo'o. MJ.AE. Precession igoo'o. Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 60 1 602 603 604 605 6o6f 607 6o8f 609 610 611 612 6,3 614 6,5 616 6,7 618 619 620 621 622 623! 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 63, 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 6 39 f 640 6'3 5-6 6-5 6-8 6-5 5'9 57 * 4'9 4-2 6-6 6-1 5'5 4-8 6-5 5'3 8-5 4 -I 5'5 7-8 6-5 57 5'3 5 '4 5-6 3'6 3'5 5-8 4'4 5'5 5'3 6-3 5-8 5'i 5' 2 8-0 3 '9 5 '9 3'5 6-0 Lacaille 3368 h m s 8 26 29-63 27 2-58 27 54-6 27 57'* 28 o-i 8 29 18-29 30 15-09 30 42-57 31 40-37 32 21-75 8 32 49-8 32 52-90 32 56-10 32 57-98 33 =+'8 8 33 35'9 34 3'2 34 7' 1-3668 1-8127 + ' '47 2 5 2-6770 2-2418 3-0041 1- 4974 + 2-2284 2-3010 1-3860 2-9929 0-6990 + 0-9582 1-8652 3' 2 553 2-8279 2*9028 s , -002 + 002 003 + 'OO2 'OO2 '222 002 + 003 + 003 + 003 -226 -OO2 + 003 + 003 + 004 004 '024 OO3 247 OO7 + -O02 "OOI + 004 008 + 'OOI 005 + 002 + 004 '003 004 + 004 + 004 008 003 032 022 + '002 OOg ooo 'OOI s - "0035 "003 -018 -0088 -004 -OI2 - -0043 '003 + -oio + -oio -0196 ooo '0061 -005 - -0174 -003 - -0034 - -0054 -O2O - -0033 -0013 - -0348 - "0 2 77 e / II 54 2O 32-O -45 4 3 2 '5 -55 2 9 28 '5 -45 3 2 45' 6 ii 24-0 78 36 0-4 - 8 15 56-4 -39 56 5 2 -3 38 46 12-4 -44 56 8'3 78 42 I2'I - 6 48 9-4 46 9 18-4 -40 36 37-5 -38 20 47-9 -57 15 25-2 66 25 io - i - 5 3 20-8 79 8 2-8 + 6 19 33-6 -47 8 24-8 -54 34 497 36 44 1 8-0 60 15 44-2 52 20 20'8 -58 50 35-0 22 18 97 -40 5 1 51-4 - 4 3 5 2 "' -58 42 1-3 41 28 18-1 -39 o 3'7 -60 34 15-3 - 4 46 32-4 68 17 20-5 -65 59 49-0 52 6 38-0 + 11 4 14-2 -14 44 7-8 IO 21 O"6 +"o"5 o-o o-i O'2 O'O O'2 o-i + 0-2 - "3 - 0- 9 o-o -0-4 o-o + 0-2 O'O - 0-3 + 0-1 0'2 - ''5 + 0-6 + 0-1 + '-2 + 0-5 -13-015 13-061 13-091 13-092 13-095 -13-199 13-204 '3' 2 79 13-289 I3'305 -I3'3 2 5 13-325 13-360 13-428 I3-477 -13-482 '3'493 13-504 13-518 13-550 -'3-574 13-695 13-700 13-722 '3755 -13-832 13-891 13-948 13-958 13-985 14-028 14-068 14-079 14-098 '4-175 -14-229 14-260 H'3'9 14-406 14-423 - -'18 '22 '7 22 32 + -22 - 'SI - " 2 4 - -24 -22 + '22 - "3 2 '22 - ' 2 3 - " 2 4 - -16 - -08 - '3 2 + -23 - '34 '21 '7 " 2 4 '4 19 - -'5 28 " 2 3 31 '5 - " 2 3 23 '4 30 07 - -09 19 '33 28 29 'IOO oo + 02 + 033 oo +04 + 014 -04 +05 + '5 '004 + 07 + 007 04 007 + -5 019 + 029 + 24 'IO2 -013 '2OO '084 '3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3:6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 10:9 3 3 5 -oo 6'2O 6-21 6-18 5-25 6'2O 6:23 6'ig 6-21 5-19 6-19 6-23 5' 2 5 6-18 6-21 6-23 6-21 6-24 6-18 5 - oo 6-21 : 573 6-22 6-22 6-21 6-22 5-00 6-22 6-19 5-18 6-19 6"2O 6-23 6'2O 5-18 6-20 6'2O 6-23 5 - oo 6-21 6-24 Veloruni .. c Lacaille 3544 Lacaille 3530 Lalande 17362 Chaiuseleontis t\ Lalande 17418 Lacaille 3556 Lacaille iz ?7 Velorum g Lacaille 3644 1 5 Hydrse Lacaille 3577 Lacaille 3580 Lacaille TC 04... Lacaille 3609 W. B. VIII. 1219... Lacaille 3669 . 16 Hydrse Lacaille 359^ Lacaille 3614 Lat'aille 3605 Velorum . . H Carinse . . b^- Lalande 17808 Velorum w Lalande 17831 Ca. rinse 6 2 Lacaillo 3651 ... Lacaille 3655 Lacaille 3673 Lalande 17889 Lacaille 3694 Volantis a Brisbane 2329 76 Cancri K Lalande 18067. .. Lalande 18069 641. i 8, 4-9 z"-o 175 1900-3. 6 5 2 - 5' 6 > 77 '9 '43 1897-2. 6 53- -5' z i 9' 6 3 "' 8 4 l8 97' 1 - Fainter star not seen. 665. 4-8, 7 '4 2 '6 342 1900-3. 20 CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0, No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. igoo'o. Ma-AE. Precession 1900*0, Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900-0. W-AE. Precession igoo'o. Sec. Var. igoo'o. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 681 682 683 684 685 686 68yf. 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 73 704 705 706 707 7 o8f 709 710 711 712 7'3 7H 715 716 717 718 719 720 1-8 4-8 +*4 5-8 5-0 3'4 6-4 4"i 3'8 6-6 7'3 57 5'4 6-2 5'3 5-2 4'9 47 'S 6-5 4-i 2'O 5'4 6-3 5'5 6-0 7-1 5'5 5-8 4-8 6-5 6-0 5-8 2-4 67 7-0 8-0 4'9 rs 5-3 Argils A. h m s 9 4 19-04 4 49-5 4 53' 7 23-9 7 26-65 9 8 20-09 8 48-53 9 "49 9 9-80 9 18-9 9 10 6'o 10 18-58 10 40-57 10 57-84 II 14-2 9 II 2O'OI II 40-13 II 44-98 12 5-98 12 6-8 9 13 22-60 14 24-85 14 46-20 M 39' i5 53-3i 9 l6 8-35 16 41-1 17 36-00 1 8 0-46 18 3272 9 1 8 40-8 1 8 44-9 18 47*26 19 0-99 19 53-0 9 21 16-7 22 33-3 22 43-5 22 49-8 23 2-67 s + -oi + "09 + '04 + '09 - -04 + 04 + '5 + 03 + '04 + 16 + -02 s + 2-2070 0-5122 0-1923 27516 2-1756 + I-5839 2-2195 1-3729 3-II57 2-8418 + 2-0458 + i'57i7 + 2-2385 + 2-3905 -77593 + 1-7837 2-3687 2-3977 0-7063 2-9037 + 1-6982 1-6099 1-9971 2-4870 0-8714 + 1-0445 + 3-0361 -0-0579 + 2-2972 + ''4459 + 2-3631 2-1887 1-8337 1-8581 2-1224 + 2-8031 2-1529 2-7318 2-9888 1-9527 s + 004 -043 062 + -OO2 + 005 '003 + *005 '009 OO6 ooo + 004 003 + 005 + 005 -1-615 + 001 + 005 + 005 036 -ooi ooo 'OO2 + 004 + 005 "029 -O20 -004 -088 + 'OO6 'OO6 + 'OO6 OO6 OO2 OO3 O06 + 002 + 'OO6 + 003 -OO2 + 004 s "0015 - -015 -0062 - -015 + -0088 -003 - -H35 -0066 - -0309 - ' 00 55 -006 - -025 '003 - -0033 '002 + -0176 - "CIS -43 i' 43 : 5 70 8 9-0 72 12 0'7 ig 2O 2O'O -44 27 3i-3 -58 33 26-1 -43 12 7'4 61 54 23-0 + 2 44 9-4 1 4 1 6 51-4 48 40 48-2 -59 3'9 -42 48 47-4 -37 ii H'9 -85 15 47-0 -55 9 187 -38 9 11-4 -36 59 46-4 -69 18 18-1 10 41 0-3 -57 7 22-1 -58 51 207 -50 37 48-9 -33 40 49-0 68 16 3-3 -66 37 45*3 2 22 3'0 74 28 20'0 41 46 I'l 61 58 42'! -39 20 56-9 -45 37 H"4 -55 5 22-3 -54 35 "9 -47 5i 28-7 -17 30 55-6 -47 19 39' 6 2i 54 19-6 - 5 38 4'3 -52 56 43-5 O'O o-o O'O O'O + 1-6 + 0-2 0'2 O'l - '5 O'O O'l O'O O'l + 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-9 + 0-3 -14-440 14-469 H'474 14-625 14-628 14-681 14-710 14-721 14-730 H739 -14786 14-798 14-819 I4-837 I4-8S3 -14-859 14-878 14-883 14-904 14-905 -14-978 15-038 15-058 15-109 15-123 -i5 -I 37 15-169 15-221 15-244 15-274 15-282 15-286 15-289 15-301 15-350 -15-428 I5-499 15-510 1 S'S 1 S 15-526 "22 04 oi 27 21 - ^5 21 "IS 30 27 -20 ~ 'IS -21 - "23 + 77 - -17 '22 23 06 28 - -16 'IS 18 23 07 - -09 - -28 + -oi -21 ~ 'IS - 22 20 17 17 I 9 - -25 I 9 -25 27 17 "007 + 003 '007 QO -312 -03 + 041 + 014 +093 + 006 + -oi oo + -OI -018 'OI -150 -06 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 i 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 = 6 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5-00 6-22 6-21 6-23 6-18 6-23 6-22 6-24 5'OO 5-26 5-34 6-23 6-18 6-24 5-00 6'22 6-27 6-24 : 575 5-00 6-27 6-21 5 'op 6-19 5-19 6-21 6-20 5-32 6'2O 6-23 6-23 6-26 5-28 6'22 6-2 3 5'2I 5-29 6-2 3 6-25 5'2I 6'2O Carinse E Carinse G Piazzi IX. 13 Lacaille 3723 Carin^e , o, Lacaille 3729 Carinse i 22 Hydrse . B Piazzi IX. 21 Lacaille 3746 Lacaille 3760 Velorum z Lacaille 3748 Octantis Lacaille 3762 Velorum I Veloruiu k Arsus. . ...B Lalande 18329 Carinse g Ar cr us ... t Velorum K Lacaille 3784... Lacaille 3811 Lacaille 3809 Lalande 18456 Lacaille 3846 Lacaille 3803 Carinae... K Lacaille 3805 Lacaille 3808 Lacaille 3813... Argus... ...K Lacaille 3820 0. A. 0601;... N Brisbane 2488 ... Lalande 18630... Lalande 186^7... Velorum I 687. 6-4, 6-8 2" -9 183 1897 'i. 708. 6'i, 6-5 o '3 259 1902-2. FROM OBSERVATIONS I.V THK YEARS 1905-6. 21 No. Mag. Name. Mean B.A. 1900*0. jUa.Al'.. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. M-an Dec. AE 1900*0. Precession 1900*0. Sc. Var. 1900-0. T> No. PP er of Motion. Qba Epoch. 1900 + 721 7>t 723 7*4 725 726 727 728t 729 73 73i 732 733 734 735 736 737 738* 739* 74 74< 742 743 744 745 7461 747 748 749 750 75i 75 2 753 754 755 756* 757 75 759 76of 6-5 57 6-0 77 7'3 5'6 5-2 3'5 6-0 5'9 5'5 6-8 6'3 2-8 5'5 7-2 T* var. 6-0 5'6 4' 1 8-5 8-0 57 7-0 5-6 5-6 3'8 4-6 5'3 5'4 6-0 5-8 6-5 7-0 var. 6-0 8-0 6-8 29 Lacaille 3890 h in s 9 24 34-06 25 28'2 25 38-4 25 39-17 25 39-6 9 26 7-10 z6 33-39 26 45-56 27 22-4 27 28-14 9 27 28-95 27 41-7 28 6-8 28 10-99 28 21-07 9 29 27-8 29 30-1 29 43-67 30 9*23 30 51-33 9 31 32-58 31 40-6 3< 44'0 32 51-6 32 56-6 9 33 5^83 34 7'5 35 48-81 36 34-82 36 49-48 9 37 3774 37 52-45 40 18-49 40 58-1 41 26-1 9 42 30-00 42 36-43 42 42*26 43 16-8 44 36-03 S + '06 + '5 + -03 4* -09 + 38 + -04 + *01 + -04 + '04 -oi *oo + 05 + *o6 + 04 + *o6 + *OI + -06 -02 + -02 + 1-3148 2*6626 2-8468 3*2282 3'i95 + 0*6347 3*2448 2-3764 2*4884 1*7556 -1-7830 + 2-1725 + 2*9558 + 1*8261 + 2-3782 + 1*9329 3-0289 1-5172 2-1516 0-4829 + 1*7416 2-557 2*5924 2-5775 2*6007 + 2'oo8i 2*3382 3-2159 1*6673 1-5942 + 1*8499 1-8853 2*0409 2-6370 2-8068 + 1*6504 2*3366 2-4651 2-5888 1-5040 3 on + 004 + -OOI 009 s *OIO - -0097 -008 '0063 -0180 *o6i -0056 *OOT *oo6 -006 + *OO2 *ooo -0096 *OI2O -007 *OIO *ooi8 *OIO + '0029 002C -64 29 45-8 26 9 4*6 15 8 13*0 + 10 35 41-1 - 3 37 34'9 71 10 2-0 + 11 44 32-3 -40 i 43*5 -35 '6 9'5 -57 55 '9'9 80 21 l6'7 -47 30 4i-8 - 8 3 43-0 -5 6 35 35'4 40 12 24-8 -54 23 16*5 - 3 2 37'4 62 20 45-3 -48 33 38-0 -72 38 14*2 -58 47 1*2 48 41 1*0 30 47 6-8 -31 43 44*8 -30 31 15*1 -53 '3 5'9 -42 44 22*1 + 10 20 49*8 60 52 30*6 80 29 31*4 -57 3' 43'3 56 48 11*1 -53 25 59'5 -29 44 32*9 19 1 6 0*7 62 2 47-0 -44 '7 32-9 -38 51 39'6 -32 46 44*1 64 36 28-4 -o"6 + o'S -0-3 + 0*4 O-2 - '5 O*O + 0*1 0*0 O'O O'l + 0-4 + 0-2 O'l O'O o-o 0*0 O'l + 0-5 + 0*1 15-610 15*660 15-669 15-670 15-670 -15*695 15*719 15730 15763 15769 -15-770 15-781 15-804 15-807 15*816 -15*876 15-878 15-890 15-913 15-950 -15-986 15-993 15*996 16-055 16*060 16-108 16*121 16*209 16*248 16-262 16-302 16-314 '6-437 16*470 16*494 16-546 16-551 16*556 16-584 16*649 ti 24 25 29 27 - -5 29 2O 22 '5 + -18 - ''9 - -26 - -16 '21 - -16 26 '3 18 03 - 'IS 18 *22 '22 22 - "17 '20 - '27 - '13 + ''4 - -'5 '5 16 *2I 23 - -13 18 20 21 12 + MO -079 + -0 5 084 + 038 + 08 + 004 ! oo *oo + 02 -06 -33 + *OI9 oo oo ooo + 01 -086 -017 3 3 3 2 3 3 i 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 6'2O 6-. 5 6-26 6-22 5'I8 6- 20 5 - oo 5 - oo 6-26 6-21 6-23 5-29 6-30 6-25 6-21 6-25 5-25 6-21 6*21 6*22 6-20 6*23 6-25 5 -*8 6*24 6'*o 6-23 5-00 6*21 5 - oo 6*23 6*21 6*21 6-24 5*26 5*00 6*22 6*24 6*24 6-21 Lacaille 3860 Lalande 18715 ' Lalande 18696 Lalcinde 18705 . Lacaille 3914 -043 *OIO + *oo6 + *oo6 + -OOI -305 + 007 *OOI +003 + 007 + 005 003 '004 + 007 056 + 001 007 006 006 006 + 006 + 008 009 'OOO -297 + 004 005 007 006 003 ooo + 008 + *oo8 + 007 '005 5 Leonis Arsfis ... . . . i^ Lacaille 3880 Lacaille 3904 Chamseleontis i Lacaille 3897 Lalande 18794 Lacaille 3900... Lacaille 3916 Lalande 18832. .. . Carinse R Lacaille 3917 Carinse h Brisbane 2560 Lacaille 3926 ...???- Lacaille 3Q3Q Lacaille 3936 Lacaille 3961 i4Leonis o Carinse tn ChamsBleontis Lacaille 3990 Lacaille 3992 Velonim O Lacaille 3997 Lalande 19196 Cannae ... ... .1 Lacaille 4022 .. Lacaille 4016 Lacaille 402 1 . . Argus v 721. 57, 15 4"'! 178 1897-8. Fainter star not seen. 746. 6-3, 6-4 o""> 170 1902-2. 738. L., 4'5-io'o:P., 3O9 d- 7- 7*8. 3-7, 57 o '5 339 1902-2. 7 6o. 2-9, 7-0 4 -9 125 1880-3. 756. L., 3-6- 5-0 : P ., 35 '5. 739. 6'o, 6*6 2 -4 207 1900-2. 22 CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0, No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900*0. Mn.^E. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1 900 *o. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900*0. ^.AE. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. tfo. of Obs. Epoch. 1900 + 761 C*q 6 Sextan tis h in s q 46 I 1'7O S -01 s + VO2-J7 s *OO3 s + "OOI I J " 34-6 2Q*7 +"o*i 16-726 '24. '028 7 762 C'4. 46 i8'6o 0-0502 -IOI 76 18 3C-3 l6'7"? I "OO 6-21 763 6-0 4.6 ci"o 2-5OO-! + -OOO 46 28 O'6 l6'7CS 18 764. C*Q Lacaille 406 1 48 C'OI 1-8617 + -ooc c8 C7 10-7 16-816 "14. 2 5 6-21 ?6c C"7 48 6'QO 1*6884 4-'OOI 62 l6 14.'"* i6'8i8 6-7 - /"> 766 6-n Lacaille 4070 q co 10*1 + 2-1968 + 010 -003 ?o 40 28-6 + o-i i6-Qi -; 1 J - -16 -O2 5 2, r- 7 T 767 6-7 C: G. A I3C07 CO I3'2 + 2-870C + 002 1C 43 l6'Q 16*918 "22 768 7'2 CO 3C'C + 3-0160 -OO2 4 to 6'C ifi-Q^a. *2 3 3* ?6O fi-fi Lacaille 4139 C2 2Q'O8 O-76Q--J "2OQ 70 ?*; 21-0 I7-O2"*; H- "07 5 3 1 6-2? 77O V? Arefls. d> C3 21 'O3 + -02 + 2'IO? C + -OOO -oo-n C4. C ^O'2 + O'l 17-062 *I C *O2 I 2 U tj 6*2 J 771 6-6 Lacaille 4092 9C3 C2'4O + '0-! + 2-2077 + 010 -ooc 47 c6 i^'2 + 0-3 17-086 '17 "O4. 2 " 'J 6-26 772 C-3 Antliae -n C4 34'q 2-1:780 + -QOQ *ooqc -?C 24 44'6 + o-i I7'I IQ 'IQ 'O26 5 773 1-8 CA CC'7Q + -oi 2*176^ 008 "OO2Q -1- 8 31 2C'Q + o-i 17*1 "iC "2*? 'O27 8 ^3 774 77 c 7-0 6-5 Lalaude 19624 Lacaille 4135 9 57 427 10 o 10-92 + -02 3-0653 2-C22C 004 + 010 + -0004 "OO27 - o 34 58-6 JO 2Q 27"! + 0-7 + 0-2 17*260 17-1,60 '22 18 -135 038 '3 2 5-25 6'23 77 6 777 57 C'l Chamseleontis //. 10 3 24-27 e 8-81 + -22 + -oi 1-4070 + 2'27O2 -347 + "OI2 - -0348 "OO2 -81 43 49-9 CI iq I4.-C O'l + O'l -17-507 I7'c82 + -ii "1C + 'OIO oi 3 2 6-26 6-2-; 778 VQ 41 Hydras X c 4270 + '07 + 2-Q38I + -QOI "OI37 II CI 3C-C + 0-4 1 7 '606 -20 -088 *5 C *OO 77O C'4. Lacaille 4184 C CC'C "OO + 1-6836 + -OO3 "OOO 6c JQ SI'Q 0-4 I7'6l4 -ii + 06 3 6'2Q 117 780 7"A Lacaille 4246 6 2'Q3 0-9882 '277 8 1 a. 43*0 I7'6lQ + -08 2 6-26 78l* var. CariueB S 10 6 10*64 + I-Q2O7 + *000 61 3 34*1 17-624 "12 2 6'2C 782 6-n Lacaille 4202 Q 3O'4q + "O4. 2-ecci oi i -OO7 30 ci 1-8 o-o 17-762 16 oo 3 *6 6*26 5'8o 78? VQ IO 32-2C + '08 2-C264. 'OI2 'QIC 3 4.1 '*!7 34'q O-2 I7'804 16 + '032 2 C'OO 784. C'4 Carinse M 10 40-82 1-7022 '004. 6c C2 36-4 I7'8oq i i 2 6-2 s 78? r8 Lacaille 4222 II iq'72 OO 2*CIOQ *OI2 "OOO 42 36 47't; + O'3 I7'83C 16 -06 3 :6 6-27 c*8i 786 3*4 10 ii 2i'56 + "03 + 1*4^71 008 '001:1; 6q 32 2 8 '6 O'O 17-836 -oq -OO2 2 6'?o 7 8 7 788 9'3 3-1 W. B. (2)X. 189.... CarinaB q II 51-06 13 44-48 + -03 3*2467 2-0015 'OI2 + 'OI I "0041: + 16 i 3-6 60 40 57-6 O'O 17-856 17-030 21 '12 + 'OOI 5 3 6*30 6-24 78q 6-3 Lalande 20059 i s r6 2-0834 + -OOI - 8 33 18-1 17-080 18 3 C'2C 7OO 7'2 Lacaille 4251 1 1; ?-6 2-363I + -QI4 CO 12 C2'4 17-08*1 14 3 C'2C 7QI 4/C Lacaille 4263 IO 1C CI'^I + 2*24.QO + 'oi; C4 31 37-3 18*012 -14 3 6-27 / 7 1 7Q2* 4-'6 Lacaille 4272 17 H'CI 2-2276 QIC CC 32 22'1 18-063 13 3 6-27 7Q3 4*Q 18 2-21 + -02 2*c6q8 -013 -0031 41 8 47 'q 0-4 iS'oqC 15 + 062 3 6-27 173 c-6 Lacaille 4278 IQ 6-48 4- -08 2'6^C^ 012 -0131 37 30 8-6 + 0-4 18-135 15 070 3 6'2Q 7QC C't Carinse L 20 0-28 1-7708 007 66 23 43-8 18-168 'ID 3 6*27 /7.) 706 4-1 4.2 Hvdrse .. ,..u IO 21 15-18 + '04 + 2-0088 + 004 -0080 16 19 33*4 + 0-4 -18-215 -I 7 079 8 C'OO ty" 7O7 4.-O Carinae I 22 24'8 J 'j 4- '04 1-2061 '023 -0067 73 31 2 1 '4 + o-i 18-257 06 -oiq 3 6-27 171 708 ;<> Brisbane 3017 22 C7'66 2-'?o6'! + 016 C4 22 3'8 18-277 13 3 6-27 17 7QQ C'O Lacaille 4310 23 40*0 ; 2-2284 + 017 57 7 43' 1 18-302 12 3 6*2Q 177 8OO 4.-O Ciiriii'U s H12-CO + -oi 2-106*; + '016 -0014 c8 13 43-0 O'O 18-321 12 'OO4 3 6-27 781. L, 792. J \ 5-8- 9 ;< elorum i > : P., H n U. A. 8 d> 7. FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THE YEARS 1905-6. 23 No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900-0. PO,A& Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1 900 "o. /tj.AE. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. No. of Obi. Epocli 1900 + 80 1 802 803 804 85t 806 807 808 809 810 811 812* 8-3 8 H 815 816 8iyt 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836* 37t 838 839 840 6-4 5'8 7-1 5'3 6-4 5-1 4'9 6-1 3'4 4'9 5' 1 var. 4'5 7'' 5-0 5'3 4-0 6-9 6-4 57 4-0 47 4'3 6-9 77 5'9 6-7 6-4 5' 2 5-6 7'5 2-8 4'4 67 5'i var. 2-6 5-6 5'5 5'5 Lacaille 4321 h m i 10 24 1 6-06 24 51-8 25 2-15 25 33-02 25 58-4 10 27 28-43 27 48-74 28 16-2 28 28-00 28 42-13 10 28 43-62 3 4 6 '34 3 1 4479 32 0-7 32 32-1 10 32 35-84 33 5-87 33 9' 2 33 33-9 8 33 38-39 10 34 17-23 34 56-67 35 -9'55 35 2 5'45 35 45' 10 36 43-52 36 55-1 37 35'3 38 41-20 38 48-59 10 39 5-01 39 2 3' 2 9 39 4373 40 2-0 4O 29-81 10 41 1 0-8 1 42 28-05 42 39-19 42 51-00 4 2 55^4 s + -31 + -02 - -06 "OO + -03 -t- '04 + '09 + 11 + -04 + '03 -oi + -02 oo - - 3 oo s + 1-8993 27717 2-2525 1-9910 3-0057 + 2-3703 1-5104 2-5676 2-1282 1-4073 + 2-5264 2-6608 2-2981 2-9991 2-8199 + 2-2428 2-5286 2-7236 1-1286 2-2787 + 0-7576 2-2762 2-3810 2-3816 2-5244 + 2-0729 -3-0488 + 2-9598 + 2-1228 + 2-3101 + 2-7043 2-1337 2-2766 2-2938 2-1636 + 2-3176 2-5641 2-1656 2-1778 2-4127 j + 'OII oio 017 014 ooo +017 003 +015 +017 008 + -oi 6 014 019 ooi 009 + 019 + 017 + 013 -031 + -O2O 069 + 'O2O + 'O2O + -O2O + 018 + -oi 8 -1-076 + 004 + -O2O + -O2I + 015 020 O2 2 O22 021 + 'O22 020 O2 2 O22 022 s - -0037 -050 '004 '003 + -010 ooo -004 -006 -0180 - -017 -006 -0092 -005 + -oo 1 1 - '43 -QOO2 + 'O066 ooo 65 II 40-6 -29 9 7-7 56 43 18-6 --63 39 37' 2 - 7 7 *8'3 -53 12 24-9 -71 28 41-9 44 6 1 1-2 61 10 14-8 -72 42 25-9 46 29 17-6 -39 2 43-3 -57 2 23-2 8 19 12-2 -26 53 39-5 -59 2 40-8 -47 42 21-7 -35 12 2-1 -75 47 2 6' 2 -58 12 50-3 -78 5 20-7 -S 8 39 44'7 -55 4 56-3 -55 5 io-i -48 45 32-0 -64 34 42-1 -85 34 2PO -13 27 5-4 -63 56 34-8 -58 41 31-2 -38 32 4-0 -63 52 13-8 -60 3 31-3 -59 35 347 63 26 10-0 -59 9 3'9 -48 53 29-9 63 59 16-6 -63 44 iro -5 6 '3 47'9 It o-i - 1-3 + 0-2 O'l o-o - '3 O'O + 0-6 + 0-3 -0-3 O'O + 0-1 o-o o-o + 0-1 o-o + 0-4 + 0-3 -18-323 i8'344 18-350 18-368 18-383 18-436 18-447 18-462 18-469 18-477 18-478 18-547 18-579 18-587 18-604 18-606 18-623 18-625 18-638 18-641 -18-661 18-682 18-694 18-697 18707 -18738 18-744 18764 18-798 18-802 18-810 18-819 18-830 18-839 18-853 -.8-873 18-911 18-916 18-921 18-924 n MO 'IS 12 II 17 -12 08 '4 ii 07 - '13 H 12 16 4 ii '3 '!4 S ii - -3 n '12 12 12 -io + -17 - 'H -io -i i - ''3 io io I 1 io -11 12 10 io I I H + -OI5 + 20 -'04 + -OI oo +04 oo -10 -051 + 04 oo -023 oo +005 027 009 081 -04 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 6-3, 6-31 6-29 6-27 5'34 6-27 6-30 5'35 6-30 6-29 6-3, 6-27 6-27 S'34- 6-31 6-*6 5-00 6-32 6-31 6-26 6-31 6-26 6-29 6-29 6-30 6-27 5-00 6- 7 6-26 6-31 6-30 5-00 6-29 6-33 6-3, 5-00 5-00 6-30 6-29 6-33 Lacaille 4306 Lacaille 4320 Bradley 1462 Lacaille 4336 CarinsB K Lacaille 4339 Carinse . . . p Lacaille 4367 Velorum t Lacaille 4358 CarinsB r Lalande 20539 Lacaille 4370 Carinae t l Velorum . . p Lacaille 4.374.... Lacaille 441 1 .. .. Lacaille 4388 Chamseleontis .... y Carinae < 2 Velorum. x Brisbane 3136 .. Lacaille 4400 Lacaille 4418... Lacaille 4510 Lalande 20680 Lac.iille 4440 Lacaille 44??.. Lacaille 4426 Argils 6 Cari'ise w Lacaille 4448 Lacaille 44. c t; Arcu.s . . -n Arsus... u. Lacaille 4471 ..... Lacaille 4473 Lacaille 4468 805.' 6'4, 9-9 z"'9 166 1886-3. Fainter star not seen. 812. L., 5 '5-7 '5 : P., unknown. 8l 7- 4'5i 5' 7 z6 ' ' 8 97'i- 836. L., > 1-7-4 : P., irregular. 837. 2'6, 7-2 2 -4 61 1900-4. No note of duplicity. 24 CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0, No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900-0. /l a .AE. Precession 1 900 'o. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. Moan Dec. 1900-0. W .AE. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900+ 841 842 43 844 845 846* 47 848 849 850 851 852* 853 854 855* 856 857 858! 859 860 86 1 862 863 864 865 866 867 868f 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 5'I 7*1 5-6 4-6 6-2 var. 56 6-5 5'3 6-9 3-8 var. 8-0 47 var. 77 4'i 7'3 77 5' 7'5 57 6-3 8-0 6-5 6-2 4'7 5 '4 6-0 3'9 5'5 57 4'5 8-5 6-6 47 6-3 5-6 6-0 6-0 Lacaille 4.4.7:... h in s 10 43 12-73 43 57-i 44 18-92 44 5074 46 0-5 10 46 45-4 48 25-00 48 357 4 8 35'9 49 1 8-68 10 49 25-93 51 17-51 51 46-5 52 3-50 53 43-6 10 54 47-* 54 53*95 54 5 6 ' 2 56 ii'i 56 43-6 10 57 30-0 10 58 14-7 II O I 'O i 30-4 i 41-5 II 2 O'l 2 26-35 2 39'II 3 13-10 4 19-02 ii 4 24-13 5 4'9 6 44-35 6 52-8 7 2 5'6 ii 8 18-55 8 23-1 8 36-83 9 9-60 9 in s + -09 - -04 oo -06 + 16 + 05 + -06 + 02 oo + -06 s + 2-1770 3-0067 0-6296 0-6281 3-S33 + 2-9135 2-4470 2-9631 2-9265 2-4140 + 2-4159 2-3892 2-6437 2-7824 2-4331 + 2-5744 2-9523 3-o53i 2-6119 3-0599 + 3-0123 4- VOO4.7 9 + '022 + 'OO2 -095 098 -ooi +007 024 005 007 025 +025 026 02 1 016 027 + 024 + 007 ooo +024 ooi +003 + 004 -322 +005 +005 + 025 031 O2O 032 030 + 032 OI 5 oio 025 015 +032 025 035 027 032 3 + -0029 -0190 + -0043 + -0060 ooo + -01 I 2 - -0327 + '0003 - Oo6l ~ ^565 '009 - '008 'OI '003 "OOOO -009 63 51 22-8 - 8 34 I5 -8 -79 56 29-3 80 o 46-1 - 2 33 44'5 20 43 i i'i 56 42 32-0 -H 54 45'5 19 36 2-6 58 21 407 58 19 ig'l CO CO 8*3 + 0-1 O'O + i'4 O-2 -0-6 + 07 - '5 + 0-1 + 07 O'O o-i - 0-4 O'O o-i + 0-5 o-i -18-932 18-953 18-964 18-979 19-01 I -19-032 19-076 19-081 19-081 19-101 19-104 19-153 19-165 19-172 19-215 -19-241 19-244 19-245 19-275 19-287 19-306 19-324 19-364 19-397 19-401 19-408 19-418 19-423 19-435 19-458 19-460 ' 9'474 19-508 19-511 19-522 -I9-539 19-541 19-545 19-556 19-556 -10 ''3 02 02 ''3 'I 1 on 004 -226 + 025 + -IO -138 + 108 028 -115 005 + -oi + 06 oo + 02 -106 + -OI 3 I 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3:6 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 13 $ *j 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6-2 7 6-33 6-31 5-00 6-28 6-29 6-26 6-32 6-3, 6-31 6-30 6-26 6-3, 5-00 6-31 6-30 5-00 6- 32 6-30 5'35 6-30 6-30 5-00 6-33 6-33 5'34 6-27 6-30 6-30 6-30 6-28 6'33 5-00 6-37 6-34 6^29 5'34 6-30 6-30 6*29 39 Sextantis Chamseleontis S 1 Chamadeontis S 2 Lalande 20891 Lalande 20918 .. . Lacaille 4507 'IO 12 12 10 -io 9 '1 I I I 9 '10 I 1 12 'IO I I -II -II + -O2 '10 -io - -09 08 09 07 08 - -08 09 09 08 09 - -07 08 07 08 07 Lalande 20967 Hydra ft 2 Brisbane 3272 Carinse u Carinse T Brisbane 329* .. -47 33 25-9 36 36 0-9 -59 ii 49-6 -53 '4'4 -i7 45 57'9 - 2 56 9-9 -51 24 38-1 - i 5 6 47-i - 9 27 25-3 -10 45 447 84. ^ Zl'A. Antliae < Lacaille 4542 Lacaille 4.C4.7... 7 Crateris a Lacaille 4561 61 Leonis ,p 3 Lalande 21189 Lalande 21203 Octantis 17 0-2490 -2-9951 2-9980 + 2-6676 2-4506 27733 2-1552 2-549I + 2-4834 2-8755 2-9462 27II2 2-8832 + 2-5593 2-7267 2-4730 2-6865 2-5817 Lalande 21289 -12 52 35'9 12 27 38-2 -50 24 58-9 -61 53 1-2 -4 2 5 55'5 70 20 13-1 -5 8 25 59'7 61 24 19-5 31 49 28-0 22 16 48-4 -49 37 34' 1 -3' 53 z6 "3 -59 4 6 2 4'9 -49 n 3'7 -63 37 33"' -52 41 17-6 -59 4 2 97 Lalande 21294 Lacaille 4601 Carinse z Lacaille 4603 Lacaille 4625 Lacaille 4629 Lacaille 462 3 II Crateris /? Brisbane 3440 . Lacaille 4641 Carinae y Lacaille 4650 Lacaille 4657... . Lacaille 4656 Lacaille 4661 858. 7-8,8-4 i"- 7 314 1900-3. 846. L., 67-9-5 : P., 5752 5'5 6-0 77 5 '4 7-6 4'9 6-9 7'4 6-6 6-3 5-2 4'9 37 5'5 6-3 7 "4 47 4'5 4'9 5-8 5 '9 * 8-5 5-8 5'3 4'3 4'9 6-2 7'5 6-8 Centauri C 2 h m s II 31 4-69 31 10-01 3i 35^ 31 42-22 32 22-77 ii 32 43-07 32 48-5 33 16-46 33 23-3 33 26-90 " 33 44'4 34 5 1 '43 36 9-92 36 55-9 37 43'8 ii 37 49-85 38 28-32 38 4478 39 4'" 6 3 40 52-98 n 41 40-42 41 44-11 42 25-91 43 i8'3 43 24-6 ii 43 25-71 44 48-95 45 9'32 45 29-41 45 3 3 '4 n 46 38-1 46 57-61 47 3'6 47 I 3'3 47 5 1 '4 n 47 51-4 47 5i-4 48 237 49 7-0 50 25-4 s -01 + '4 + -06 + -06 + -06 oo -01 + '3 + 84 - -25 s + 2-8914 27506 3-0468 2-7813 27858 + 2-9009 2-9785 27049 2-9715 2-7905 + 2-9499 2-7608 2-8165 3-0129 3-0655 + 2'6oI2 2-9791 2-8403 3'344 2-8202 + 2-8827 2-9832 2-9139 3-0556 3-0322 + 2-8528 2-8970 2-8390 3-0758 2-9I34 + 3-0268 2-9121 2^9691 2-9601 3-0257 + 3-0257 3-0257 3-0258 3-035* 3-0471 3 + 028 045 005 042 043 + 029 017 054 018 044 + -O22 5 I 046 013 OO2 + '076 O2 I 048 OIO 056 + '47 022 042 O06 013 + 059 053 069 ooo 052 + -oi 8 058 039 042 020 + -02O "O2O 021 018 014 s + -0015 - -0073 -oio -oio -oio oooo + -0018 -019 '004 - -133 -0116 + -494 -006 - -i57 "0050 -0050 -0050 -47 5 14-0 -62 27 59-9 - 8 45 34'5 60 29 56-7 -60 43 47-5 -47 ii 38-9 -30 39 48-8 -67 3 58-8 -33 3 6-8 61 16 22*7 -38 41 37-8 -64 50 36-5 -61 32 77 -23 49 50-3 - 2 59 21-9 74 40 20-1 -36 38 4-2 61 56 3-6 -17 47 4i-3 66 io 27-3 60 37 20-4 -39 57 '9'3 -57 8 28-7 - 9 45 16-4 22 32 6-9 66 15 30-9 -63 13 57-3 69 40 10-5 + 2 19 39-5 -62 5 35-7 -30 16 15-7 -64 38 57'9 -53 51 10-2 -56 25 56-2 -33 21 5-6 -33 21 6-3 -33 21 6-8 -34 3 34'8 -30 21 3-4 -24 18 8-5 + 0-1 - 0-3 o-o O'l + 0-3 + 0-2 - 0-3 + 0-1 - 2'5 + 0-9 + ''4 + i'9 o-o O'O o-o o-o 19-888 19-889 19-893 19-894 19-901 19-906 19-906 19-911 19-912 19-913 -19-915 19-926 '9'939 19-946 I9-953 -i9'953 19-959 19-961 19-969 i9'977 -19-983 19-984 19-988 19-994 19-994 -19-995 20-003 20-005 20-007 20-007 20-013 20-015 20-015 20-016 20-019 20-019 20*019 20-021 20-024 2O-O3O - '04 04 05 04 04 - -04 05 04 04 04 03 03 04 04 03 03 03 04 'O2 O2 02 O2 02 -O2 O2 O2 "O2 O2 -O2 02 O2 oi 02 - O2 O2 oi oi oi '064 027 oo + 02 040 -0 4 I + -5 '02 + ' 4 -'35 -275 -30 005 + 004 + 004 + 004 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 3 3 6-30 5-00 6-36 6-3, 6-28 6-3, 6-37 6-31 6-35 6-28 6-37 6-32 6-28 6'34 6-35 6-28 6-36 6-30 5-00 6-32 6-30 6-33 6-31 6-35 6-36 6-30 6-34 5-00 6-32 6-37 6-3, 6.36 6-32 6-37 6*37 6* 37 5-38 6-35 6-31 Centauri A. W.B. XL 507 Lacaille 4810 .... Lacaille 4816 Centauri C 8 Lacaille 4812 Lacaille 4826... Lacaille 4818 Brisbane 3689 Lacaille 4824 Lacaille 4843 Lacaille 4856 Lacaille 4858 Lalande 22165 Lacaille 4866 Lacaille 4863 Lacaille 4868 27 Crateris .. Muscse X Lacaille 4885 Lacaille 4887 Lacaille 4892.... Lalande 22302 Lalande 22306. Musca) fi Lacaille 4903 Lacaille 4907 c Vir 3-3019 + 3-2826 3-1977 3-II34 3*2981 3-3237 + 3-5352 3-2375 3-I373 3-535I 3-2803 + 3-0916 3-2852 3-3079 3-424 3-0316 + 3-3849 3-3903 3-2550 3-I793 3-0758 + 3-3657 3-4787 3-6363 3-4211 3-1200 s + 01 I -047 003 031 058 +083 087 028 018 069 + 006 058 041 028 059 +053 031 012 055 'O6o + -II9 -035 015 101 040 +007 +038 + 042 + 064 'OOI +055 056 031 019 "004 +049 069 101 057 'OIO s -014 -0036 - -0235 -oi I -006 "006 -0027 -0140 '0028 -0091 -oio -0088 -02 1 - -0195 + -0058 -008 ooo -0085 "OO2 "O2l6 15 z 1 8*6 -54 35 H-O 06 40-5 -42 o 24-5 -59 50 54*8 -66 58 1-3 -67 45 3'9 -38 21 23 + 25 26 1-4 -62 34 4*2 - 5 2 17-6 58 26 17-6 -49 40 36-5 -38 29 14-9 58 28 13-4 -55 58 20*1 41 io 567 -15 57 32-6 -5 6 33 12-8 -58 52 17-1 -7i 34 49'9 -44 6 58-5 -19 58 3i-3 -68 35 4-0 -47 59 26-1 - 5 26 3-8 -45 35 537 -48 24 377 -59 8 12-5 + 10 47 10-9 -55 2 3 53-6 -55 37 39' 6 -39 37 4 6 '2 -25 45 n-7 - o 53 25-0 52 12 29-1 60 25 56-1 -67 33 38-4 -55 5 6 29H u 16 1-7 + 0-6 + 0-1 - 0-6 - 0-3 + 0-2 + 0-1 + 0-1 + 07 + i-3 + 0-1 + i-3 + 0-2 o-o + 0-1 + 0-5 + 0-1 + 0-4 + 0-2 + O*2 0*2 20-014 2O'OI2 20-005 20-000 19-998 -19-995 19-994 19*982 19-970 19-963 -19-958 19-955 19-950 19-946 19-935 -19-934 19-932 19-931 19-922 19-917 -i9'9'3 19*883 19-867 19-861 19-850 19-814 19-802 19-800 19798 19789 -19784 19-780 19-773 19769 19*764 -I9754 19747 19740 19-732 19-722 + -03 04 04 04 04 + -04 04 04 5 5 + ^5 "5 05 05 06 + -06 06 06 06 06 + -07 07 07 08 07 + -08 08 08 09 08 + -09 09 09 08 08 + -0 9 09 io io 09 io -027 +089 +05 -05 *02 -oio -149 -261 -013 20 029 oo 019 -107 -02 -06 -027 -03 + 025 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 6-37 6-34 5-00 6-37 6-36 6'34 6-3, 6-34 6-35 5-00 6-37 6-3, 6-34 6-31 6-35 6-34 6-33 5-00 5-00 6-35 6-33 6-33 6-36 6-33 6'34 5-39 6-34 5-00 6-39 5-00 6-36 6-37 6-34 6-36 5-64 6'37 6-33 6-36 6-36 6-39 Centauri F 15 Virginis r) Lacaille ^100... . ... Crucis Muscse 2 MUSCBB * Lacaille 5130 Lacaille 5143 Lacaillo 5147 Lalande 23270 Lacaille 5 1 57 Centauri o* Centauri u Brisbane 4072 .. .. Lacaille 5175 Lacaille 5173 7 Corvi seq. 8 Crucis y Lacaille 5185 Muscse y Lacaille 5207 Lalande 23543 Centauri T Lalande 23656 Lacaille 5242 Centauri y Lacaille 5241 30 Vinrinis ... ...o Laciiille 5249 Lacaille 5251 Lacaille 5254 Lacaille 5257 Lalande 23736 Crucis i Muscee B Lacaille 5273 Lalande 23806 1028. 2*9, 2-9 -"-5 353 i95"5- >38- 3"7, 4' i '3 345 '95"7- FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THE YEARS 1905-6. 29 No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900-0. M..AE. Precession 1900-0. Sc. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900*0. MJ.AE. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. i goo'o. Proper Motion No. of Obs. Epoch. 1900 + 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1 06 1 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072! 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1*1 5'7 6-0 5'4 6-0 6-5 6-0 4'3 4'3 6-5 4'9 4-2 5'5 6-0 57 37 7'3 6-9 3'5 6-8 3' 5-0 77 6-5 5-0 4 '4 57 6-1 4"4 6'5 5 '9' 47 4'9 5"i 5' 4-8 6-0 3'3 5-8 2-8 Crucis fi h m 3 12 41 52-53 43 16-00 44 17-2 44 26-9 45 '4'54 12 46 26-41 47 24-05 47 27-23 47 53-82 48 28-5 12 48 42-76 48 42-82 4 8 44-09 49 5'57 5 3'39 12 50 33-82 5 I 56-0 53 '0-2 55 23-61 56 57'4 12 57 11-83 57 45-88 12 59 45-4 13 o 17-36 o 28-83 13 i 4-18 i 39-67 i 41-62 4 4 6 '3> 5 0-91 '3 5 57-9 1 6 2-80 6 28-34 8 3-32 8 28-07 13 10 28-51 II 25-89 13 29-05 14 32-99 '4 58-34 s + 03 + '04 + 04 + -io -04 + 05 + 03 + 16 - -25 + -9 + 05 + '05 + -02 + "4 + -oi + 'OS + "OS + -22 + 22 + 03 + -04 -O2 + '5 + 3-4788 3-8191 3-5-43 5-7872 3-4I07 + 3-2911 3-5436 3-38I7 3-3021 3-0904 + 3-5342 3-5005 3-5005 3-94I4 3-5064 + 3-0522 3^34* 3-2934 4-0017 3-2453 + 3-0052 3-4555 3-2554 4-6952 3-4583 + 3-4825 3-8261 3-5427 3-1050 3-55-7 +4-8444 37H2 3-3632 3-7122 4-0156 + 3-9919 3-4605 3-2481 3-6233 3-3864 s + 066 34 069 858 050 + 031 070 044 032 006 +067 06 1 06 1 142 060 +003 022 "029 142 O22 -ooi + 046 + -O22 + -28I + '45 + 047 "096 055 008 053 + 293 073 031 071 II 5 + -I0g "039 "019 055 030 a "006^ + -0360 -006 -007 -016 + -0060 -008 -004 -0318 + '494 -0186 - -0075 -008 - -0037 - -007 -0029 -OI2 '008 ~ -337 ~ -034 "005 '006 + -0046 - -0293 -59* 8 31" 5 71 26 26-3 -59 5' i8'9 -84 34 48-3 -52 14 32-4 -39 8 9-2 -59 47 5'9 48 23 56-6 -39 38 6-1 - 3 4 47-8 -58 36 13-2 -56 38 5-0 -5 6 37 3''4 -71 38 34-4 -56 17 37-0 + 3 56 -28 19 34*9 -35 44 4'5 -71 o 34*2 -27 44 547 + n 29 47-0 48 59 22-2 -27 58 51-6 -77 54 36-8 -47 55 37'8 -49 22 14-4 64 46 16-5 -52 55 27-2 - 5 19-3 -52 2 I- 9 -77 54 58-8 -59 23 18-3 -37 l6 21-5 -58 34 8-1 -67 21 52-4 66 15 18-0 -43 27 5'2 -22 3 8 38-5 -52 I 3 19-6 -36 II 5-9 + ; 2 o-i o-o O'O + 0-4 + 0-2 + 0-2 O'O + 0-2 o-i O'O + 0-2 + 0-2 + 0-1 + 0-2 + 0-4 o-o O-2 + ''3 + 0-1 + 0-3 + 0-3 + 0-5 -19713 19-690 19-674 19-671 19-658 -19-637 19*620 19*619 19-61 1 19-600 -19*596 19-596 '9*595 '9-S7S 19-571 -19-561 '9'534 19-510 19-464 19-431 -19-426 19-414 19-369 9-35 6 I9-353 -I9-339 19-326 9-325 19-252 19-245 19-222 19-220 19-210 19-169 19-159 -19-107 19-081 19-025 18-995 18-984 tt + -io II II 17 II + -io II II II io + -12 II II 13 12 + -II II 12 J 5 '12 + -12 13 '3 20 '4 + -H 16 ''5 '3 '-5 + -21 16 "'4 16 18 + -18 16 16 18 16 -'033 + 024 oo oo -06 -035 -03 oo -060 -031 +015 oo -03 026 '02 040 -06 oo + 027 -20 -02 - >0 4 -053 096 3 3 3 IO 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 5-00 6-34 6-36 5-00 6-33 6-36 6-34 6-37 6'37 6-39 6-38 6-36 6-36 6-38 6-36 5 - oo 6'2O 6-36 5-00 6-37 5-00 6-37 6-36 6-37 6-36 6-40 6-35 6-39 5-00 6-36 6-38 6-35 6-39 6-35 6-37 6-36 6-36 5-00 6-36 5 - oo Lacaille 5279 Lacaille 5288 Octau tis i Lauaille 5294 Lacaille 5303 Centauri .. . ...e Centauri n Lalande 24015 Crucis A. Crucis fi Brisbane 4238 Lacaille 5318 Lacaille 5321 Lacaille 5337 Lacaille 534.4. ... Muscse 8 Lacaille 5367 47 Virginis e Centauri f 1 Lacaille 5387 Lacaille 5369 .. Centauri 2 Muscae 6 Lacaille 5398 5 1 Virginis 6 Lacaille 5413 Lacaille 5 406 Lacaille 5418 Lacaille 5429.. Lacaille 5437 MUSCSB ij Lacaille 545 1 Lacaille 5464... 46 Hydrae ...y Lacaille "-484. . Centauri i 7 2 - 5"5, 5"5 "'1 96 '897'i. 30 CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0, No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900*0. Ma .AE. Precession 1 900*0. Sec. y ar no-par 1900*0. Motion. Mean Dec. 1900*0. ^.AE. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 1081 1082* 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092! 1093 1094 i95t 1096 1097 1098 1099 1 100 IIOI I IO2 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 IIIO till ma 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 IIZO 6-8 4-6 6*2 6-6 5-0 4'5 5 '5 6-0 6-6 5'* 5-6 3-8 7'9 3'4 57 6-8 5'9 2'3 5-8 5'5 5-6 5'3 6-5 6-1 5-6 7'i 3'5 3'3 5'9 5'2 5 '9 5-5 5-8 6-0 2-6 47 4-0 4-0 10*0 9'5 Lacaille 5490 ll III S 13 16 7-78 16 10-05 16 ing 17 4-02 17 13-69 13 17 17-12 18 32-08 18 33-42 19 21-32 20 19-81 13 24 42-0 25 I4-59 29 13-58 29 3573 3 25-33 13 30 38-09 33 io'S4 33 32-9 8 33 55-97 35 2 o-33 13 35 22-90 36 21-72 36 2376 40 11-9 4! 22-22 13 42 49-60 43 30-29 43 35-43 44 o >8 5 44 26-14 '3 45 35'5 45 38-09 47 12-44 48 45-07 49 17-95 13 50 24-47 52 11-45 52 30-04 54 45-82 55 28-00 s + 04 + 02 + '20 -oi + 15 - "OS + 01 + -io + -03 + -02 + -06 + -0 4 + 04 'O2 + -0 4 + -02 + -0 4 + -04 + -0 7 + 03 + 03 + -0 3 + 03 3 + 3-8409 3-8419 3-6238 3 -5628 4*6509 + 3-9794 3*99l6 4-3I35 4-6722 3-4470 + 8-9II2 3-4641 3*1888 3*0731 4*0059 + 5-oi75 4"'593 37752 3*5119 3-8170 + 3-94 6 5 3-i5 9 3-8894 3*2268 37496 + 3-5033 3-5827 3-5975 4-5911 3'2593 + 3-6963 3-8417 4-5030 3-8446 37255 +4-2980 3-6305 3-6875 3-2647 3-2672 s + 080 080 054 047 208 +098 097 146 208 035 + 1*620 34 013 006 087 + 241 IO2 59 036 062 + -75 *OI I 069 015 053 +032 038 039 145 016 +046 059 129 057 047 + -IOI 039 043 oi 6 016 s -006 -003 - -032 + -ooi -024 + *OI2 - -0751 *OOI2 - -0195 "005 - -0039 '009 *oo6 - -0073 - '0055 + -0024 -0069 -0031 - -0077 "003 -007 *OII -0070 -004 -004 -004 60 26 52-5 60 27 50*6 -51 39 32-0 -48 2 21-5 -74 21 43-3 -64 o 44-5 -63 57 4 6 ' 1 70 6 207 -74 I0 H'5 -39 13 59-8 85 16 24-4 -38 53 27-1 -12 55 52*5 - o 5 5*5 6 1 i o 41*0 -75 I0 257 -64 4 7'i -52 57 28-6 -39 32 32-9 -54 3 9'5 58 16 50-9 8 1 1 54-6 56 15 46-0 -15 15 55-0 -49 49 '3-8 -36 37 43'o 41 u 21-4 41 58 31-8 68 54 17-1 17 38 10-6 46 24 10*6 52 18 56-0 -67 9 3i-9 -51 40 6-9 -46 47 45'8 -63 u 47'5 -4 36 44'3 44 1 8 56^0 -16 41 354 -16 48 25*7 H o-o O'l + 0-7 + 0-2 0*0 + 0*5 + 0*1 + 0*2 0*2 o-o + 0-2 + 0'I + 0'1 O'2 + 0-2 O'O + 0-1 + 0'I + 0-2 + 0-3 + 0-3 O'O + 0-3 + 0-4 + 0-2 o-o -18*951 18*950 18*949 18-924 18-919 -18-918 18-881 18*881 18*857 18-828 -18*693 18*676 18*547 18-534 18-507 -18-499 18-412 18-400 18-387 18-336 -18-335 18*301 18-300 18*161 18-117 18-063 18-037 18-033 18-018 18-001 -17-956 I7-954 17-893 17-832 17-810 -17765 17-692 17-679 17*585 I7-556 + "19 *I 9 18 18 23 + -20 2O *22 '*4 18 + * 4 8 19 18 18 23 + -29 25 "23 21 *22 + -24 -19 24 22 24 + -23 -23 -24 *30 "22 + -25 26 30 26 26 + '3D 26 26 24 24 oo + 01 -105 -*03 *oo -08 -023 -027 + 040 oo OtQ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 6-36 6-36 6-37 6*40 6-40 6-36 6-36 6-37 6-40 6-37 5 - oo 6-36 6-39 5-00 6-38 6-35 6-35 5-00 6-38 6-35 6-38 5-00 6*37 6-36 6-36 6-36 6-40 6-42 6-36 5-00 5'4' 6-36 6-37 6-37 5*00 6-38 6-38 6-39 6*41 6-41 Lacaille 5492 Lacaille 5498 Lacaille 5507 Centauri m Lacaille 5509 Lacaille 5506 Muscse i 2 Lacaille 5531 Octantis K Centauri d Lalande 25077 7Q Virginia .. ... Lacaille 5589 Lacaille 5C77... Lacaille 5609 Centauri . . e Lacaille 5625 u jy *O2 02 + 032 -34 -006 '022 '021 040 -05 -04 oo "064 -07 -03 oo Centauri Q Lacaille 5627 82 Virginis m Lacaille 5640 85 Virginis Lacaille 5674 Lacaille 5680.. Centnuri v Centauri ft. Lacaille 5678 89 Virginis Lacaille 5702... . Centauri N Lacaille c6o6... Lacaille 5727 Centauri * . . Lacaille 1:733... Centauri Centauri u 1 B. D. - 16 3776... B. D. - 16 3780... 1092. 4'4, 4*7 o"*2 105 i897'2. 1082. J Centauri in U. A. 1095. 6'2, 6-7 o '3 233 1900-6. FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THE YEARS 1905-6. 31 No. Mag. Name. Mean E.A. 1900*0. * a .AE. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900*0. MS.AK. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + II2I* I 122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 I 129 I 130 II3I 1132 '133 "34 "35 1136* H37 1138 "39 1 140 1141 1142 "43 1144 "4-5 1 146 "47 1148 "49 1 150 "5i 1152 "53 "54 "55 1156 "57 1158 "59 1 160 var. 4'3 0-5 6'5 6-5 4-6 6-9 4-8 6'5 5-0 5-6 4'3 5'3 5-8 6-0 var. 5'3 5'4 3'8 4 '4 4'5 4'2 5-2 7-0 5-8 4-6 7-0 5'9 47 4"4 6-0 5 '4 6-2 5'9 5-6 5-8 4-6 7 '4 2-4 6-3 Apodis h in a 13 55 34-32 56 33'39 56 45-81 59 I' 2 59 4'55 13 59 56-37 14 3 077 3 15-21 3 4-8 5 39"-3 14 6 32-43 7 33' 6 ' 7 59'2 8 32-0 8 44-43 14 9 2177 10 16-35 12 3I-O8 12 59-98 13 2O-23 14 13 41-82 14 28-36 15 27-16 15 27-60 16 48-53 14 16 52-43 18 30-57 19 771 19 42-98 19 44-84 14 20 45*20 21 48-24 22 9'3 22 55-24 23 41-13 14 23 41-43 25 52-6I 27 58-2I 2 9 9-31 29 11*92 + S i5 oo + -02 + '04 + 02 + -06 + "IS + '09 oo + -06 + -oi + 02 + 01 + -0 4 + -04 + -02 + -06 + -O2 + -0 3 + -12 + 03 + '03 + 03 + -03 + -0 3 + 02 + -08 s + 5-7242 3-0493 4-1963 3-1292 3-9921 + 3-6469 3'Wl 3-9796 3-1917 7-25 z 3 + 4-0092 3-'944 4-1470 3-6984 4-6804 + 4-2836 7-0106 4-3798 3-8205 4-1581 + 3-2411 3-6386 4-2641 4-2643 4-9077 + 3-6822 37164 47352 3-8314 3-8357 + 3-8610 27951 3 - '494 4'935' 3-9766 + 3-853 4-0195 4-2701 37942 37783 3 + 297 OO6 085 oio 064 +038 056 06 1 012 '574 + 062 OI2 073 039 124 + -08 4 '497 OgO 045 070 + 014 034 078 078 140 + 036 037 II 9 044 044 + '45 ooi oio '35 052 + 044 054 071 039 038 s -0291 + -ooio - -0033 -007 - -0037 -009 -O2O -OOO3 - -'34 + -OOO6 -oi 8 -009 -ooii "003 -0024 -0058 -007 -0029 -oio -0032 -004 -019 -0052 -0060 -005 -004 '0046 -004 -0032 "OI2 76 1 8 5o'*8 + 2 I 41-8 -59 53 *5"9 - 4 54 3'2 -54 " ""3 40 42 2'2 -51 I 47-6 -52 57 45-2 -95' 38-8 80 32 20-3 -53 " 44' 6 - 9 4 8 29-4 -5 6 37 4'2 41 22 IO"2 -66 7 17-5 -59 26 51-5 -79 38 50-6 -60 48 33-5 -45 35 47-8 -55 55 32-6 -12 54 38-8 -37 25 31-5 -58 o 7-2 -58 o 16*6 -67 44 25*3 -39 3 '8-5 40 18 3-0 -65 22 9-9 44 46 8-6 -44 55 37-9 -45 40 54-2 + 19 40 34-6 - 5 4 97 67 16 9-9 -49 4 18-1 -44 52 27-6 -50 o 49-4 -56 7 22-7 -4' 43 7'3 -41 4 42-9 // + 0-1 + 0-1 + o- + 0-3 + 0-2 + 0-3 + 07 O-I + 0-3 - 07 + o-3 + 0*3 0*0 + 0-2 O'l + 0-1 + 0-3 + 0-2 + 0-3 + O'l + 0-1 + 0-3 o-i + 0-3 + 0-3 + -5 + 0-1 + 0-3 + 0-2 - 0*3 -I7'55I 17-510 17-500 I7-4 4 17-401 -17-363 17-228 17-217 17*198 17-108 17*068 17*021 17-001 16-976 16-965 16-936 16*893 16*787 16764 16748 -16731 16-694 16-646 16-646 16-581 -16-577 16-496 16-465 16-436 16-435 -16-384 16-330 16*313 16*274 16-235 -16-235 l6'l2I 16*012 '5 "949 I5-947 H + HI *22 *30 -23 29 + -27 30 30 25 56 + -31 25 '33 2 9 '37 + "34 56 '35 31 34 + -27 30 '35 35 41 + -3i 31 40 33 '33 + '33 24 27 43 '35 + '33 '35 38 34 '34 '029 '029 -033 -04 027 -04 II + 014 041 + 132 -06 -*0 4 005 -03 + *O2I 'O2O -04 -037 -*0 5 030 'O2 -*0 S + -OI5 060 -04 -07 -O22 -05 -032 + -5 3 5 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3:6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5'OO 5-00 5-00 5-42 6-42 6-40 6-38 6-41 5'4> 6-41 6-40 5*OO 6*43 5-4+ 6-41 6-40 6-39 6*39 6-41 : 5-91 6*43 5*00 6-37 6-43 6-44 6*37 6-43 6-43 6-37 5*00 6*45 6-39 . 5-00 5'4i 6*4, 6*43 6-45 6-39 6-39 6-42 6-40 Q"?Vir 6 -64 32 23-9 -46 57 32*3 -78 37 12*9 -37 21 5 1 ' 8 + '4 9 2 5'5 62 26 CC*Q + i'5 + O'2 + 0-2 + 0-2 + 0-1 + 0-6 + 0-3 + 0-6 + 0-6 O'O + 0-2 + 0'4 + 0-4 o-o + 0-1 + 0-6 + 0-4 + O'2 + 0'I + o-5 + 0-1 + 0-2 + 0-2 o-o -15*916 15-863 15-666 15-619 15-611 -'5-593 '5'559 15*504 '5'4'3 5-355 -'5-344 15-238 15*191 'S'174 15-104 15-066 15-063 15-052 14-986 14-981 14-906 14-858 14-829 '4795 H795 14-662 14-622 14-606 14-488 I4-397 -'4'393 14-285 14-279 14-248 14-231 -14-146 '4''37 '3'937 13-921 13-881 + :/ 35 '35 '44 '37 67 + "35 27 '44 2-31 40 + "33 "34 32 57 '47 + -38 32 "32 65 37 + "45 47 42 '4' '4 1 + .-39 39 38 '39 32 + '5' -36 42 4 '43 + '43 '55 '47 36 60 -239 -035 024 -035 '025 * IO 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 i i 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6*46 6*43 6*39 5*00 6-39 6*45 5-00 6*39 5*00 6-38 5'47 5-51 5-52 6*42 6*44 6*42 5*00 5-00 6 -44 6*42 6*42 6-43 6*42 6-45 6*45 6-44 6-44 6-44 6-41 5-48 6-43 5*00 6-44 6*44 5'47 6 '43 6 "44 6-43 5'47 6-44 Circini a Lupi a 30 Uootis.. Lacaille 6039 . . Octai it is z -87 44 31-0 -5' 57 37'2 -25 i 7-4 -26 13 38-6 -16 55 17-2 72 46 38-0 -63 23 47-8 -43 9 4i-5 -'5 34 53'9 -'5 37 35'2 -76 15 18-4 -37 2 3 29-9 -59 42 12-3 62 22 28-5 -52 2 4 13-2 -47 28 23-1 -47 28 23-4 -42 43 51-8 -41 42 10-3 37 28 48-8 -37 39 377 - 2 45 59-5 -63 38 197 -24 53 20-5 -4 6 39 35'3 -40 4 o 37-2 48 29 36-6 48 42 6-6 -66 41 56-3 -54 57 55"' 20 8 15-4 69 42 7-0 065 -0 9 1O6 *GOO -'3 -074 '076 oo '02 'JO 062 026 -018 10 *O2 048 -035 OO5 Lupi b C4. Hydra).... ry Hydrae .. Lalande 26940 Lactiille 6066 ... Lacaille 6095 Lupi o 8 Librae 9 Librae a Lacaille 6077 Lacaille 6124 Lacaille 6119 . Circini Lacaille 6141 Lacaille 6141 Luoi . ...B Laeaille 6178 Lacaille 6186 Lalande 27342 Scorpii I H y Lupi IT Lacaille 6209 Lacaille 6205 Lacaille 6217 Lacaille 6197 Lacaille 6236 Lalande 27567 Laeaille 6222 i 6 7- 4'7i 4'8 "'4 H4 '95 '4- "73- 7'4, ** i '7 *5 1898-3. 1174. 5'7, 9'o i '6 103 i9oo'5. Fainter star probably not seen. 1193. 4'7, 4*8 i *z 86 1900-4. FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THE YEARS 1905-6. No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900-0. /i a .AE. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900-0. /i fi .AE. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900+ I2OI 4'O Luni . . . . . t h m s ic 4 58-79 3 + 'OS s + 4-1580 s + 047 s -0123 48 21 27-8 + o''4 I ?"'864 + -44 062 3 6-43 I 2O2 5-a Brisbane 5207 5 0-34 + -06 4-1583 047 -ooq 48 21 4q - 3 + 0-2 13-862 44 -O3 3 6*4.4 I 2O3 3 '4. 5 5' 8 9 + '08 4-2061 055 '0126 CI 43 7'7 + '4 I3'8c6 46 -066 3 6-46 I 2O4 4-7 6 3riO + -02 3-4147 017 '0031 iq 24 48-4 + O-3 13-766 ,- 7 'O53 2 C'OO I 2O5 C'O i IjUpi . 8 2Q-7 3-6643 025 -OO22 31 8 44'7 O'O I 3-641 '30 -OO7 3 C'C\ 6-2 ic 8 3i'8c + 4-8058 + 084 60 31 c.6'2 I 3*637 + 'C.2 3 6'43 I 2O7 7 'A. Lalande 27719 8 30'07 3-4017 Ol6 18 34 47'C 13-630 'M C s'4-Q I 2O8 5 'A 8 51-46 4-8121 084 60 3C IO"O I 3 '6 1 7 "C2 3 6-45 I 2OQ T 4*Q Q II'7Q -oi 5-0202 'oqq + "OOI 63 14. 26*0 + 0-3 I 3'^QC "C-i -oc 3 6'43 I2IO I 2 I I 7 2-9 4 '2 Trianguli Aust y 9 34'3 ic q 4O'8i + -0 7 + '08 5'5454 + 4-6737 140 + -O7C - -0137 -OI3 68 1 8 26-0 c.8 2C 41-0 + 0-2 + ro -3-571 13-564 60 + '?o -04,1 '1C 3 3 5-OO 6-46 1212 c-6 Lacaille 6272 10 4571 4-7030 082 60 7 43-4 13'4Q3 C2 3 6 '44. I2I3t 4'C, Lupi u. I I 34/44- + 3 4-1 CAC 045 - OO4 47 3O 2C'2 + 0-3 I 3 '44 1 '45 'oc 3 6*4.-.; 1 2 I 4 6-s ii 36-24 4*1 1:4.0 04 c 47 3O 4.O'7 I 3 '44O 4 c 3 6-41; 121 C V4- Lupi 8 14 48-37 -oi VQ234 034 + -ooii 40 17 7-8 + 0-2 I3-23O 43 024 3 6*4.4. 1216 r-8 Lacaille 6309 ic ic 3/Q7 +4-8341 +082 60 17 4.8'Q I 3*21 3 + 'C4 3 6'4.3 12 iyt 4'6 Circini y 1C 24-57 + -oi 4-7447 076 "OO2 c8 cj 38-0 + 0'3 I 3'IQO C* 'O4. 3 6*48 1218 -.- Lui>i 1 1C 27-5 3-8ooq 'O2O 3C C3 Ci'Q IJ'iSS 'A.Z 3 c*co 1219! j-r Lupi 1C C3'3I + -02 4-01:73 O3Q 'OO26 4.4. IQ 4.7 -C + O'l I 3'I CO AC -O2O 3 6-46 1 220 7'I Lacaille 6327 1C C VC3 -4- '04. 4'^^4-^ "OC2 "006 C I 22 77*4. + o-i I3'I ?8 48 *O2 -2 6'4.C 122 I 1-8 Lupi .. ... u 6*4.4. I 24.O C'O 42 Librae tA 22'I t-C3oq oi 8 'OO26 23 2Q 3 C ' 1 + 0-8 I I *8oQ ' I C j c co yy 1 > 5 J 3 W -213 1217 1219 i2 34 5'i 5' 2 3'7 3'5 , 5-5 i"7 156" i? , 5'5 ' ' 8l '< , 5 '9 o '8 281 iS , 37 o -4 96 ic 97'i- 00-4. 97''- OI'O. CAPE CATALOGUE. 34 CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOB 1900'0, No. Mag. Name. Mean R. A. igoo'o. a .AE. Precessi 1900-0. Sec. Var. igoo'o. Proper Motion. Mean Dee. igoo'o. MJ.AK. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. igoo'o. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900+ 1141 1242 i*43 1244! 1245 1246 1*47 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 i*53 i*54 '*55t 1256 "57 i* 5 8t i*59 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266! 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 i*73 1274 1275 1*76 1277 1278 1279 1280 6'3 S'4 5-0 5 '9 6-0 5'9 5'4 2-8 5-0 6-0 6-0 4-0 3-6 5 '9 4'9 47 5'2 27 4'4 5'9 67 6-2 4'9 5'4 S' 2 4'i 5 '9 5'3 57 5-0 4-8 4' 1 3'3 6-8 5'5 P 5'5 3'8 5'4 5'9 Lacaille 6470 h m s 15 35 22-90 36 8-19 36 1 1 -02 38 45-92 42 31-72 15 43 20-36 45 36-4 6 46 19-46 47 31-66 47 40-07 1 S 49 47-49 5' 5-!3 53 29-60 54 4 6 7 55 *3'79 15 55 51-71 56 45-02 15 59 37-26 16 o 1-42 i 5 -I 3 16 4 9-2 4 28-50 5 2 3-49 5 30-86 5 35-38 16 6 19-94 7 3378 7 59-60 8 53-5I 9 31-55 16 12 5-7 12 21-20 13 1-84 14 5-58 17 14-86 16 17 42-87 i7 51-55 18 5-81 18 39-83 19 48-93 8 + 05 + "4 + -02 + -03 + 15 + -oi 'I I + -oi + 10 + 01 + -oi + -oi + -08 + 03 -oi + -OI '01 + -03 + -II -03 + -02 -05 -22 + 26 - -06 8 +4-3210 3-8905 3-4523 5-4250 4-53io +4-6369 5-8705 5-2732 3-4768 5-0265 + 5-4605 2-7478 3-9650 6-6132 4-8671 +4-3874 3-9796 3-4825 3-9298 4-9056 + 36589 4' 843 8-8080 8-7955 47095 + 5'4 2 27 4-9340 4-3428 4' 6 737 4+744 + 37153 4-4880 3-1652 4'39 8 5 4-0462 + 6-3592 3-9921 9-0953 5'5305 5-0382 s + 044 028 oi 6 101 051 + '55 124 087 015 072 + '94 005 027 165 059 + 040 026 014 024 058 + 017 028 '337 '335 048 + 078 056 034 045 038 +017 037 008 034 024 + 116 "O2 2 321 074 053 s -008 -006 - -0035 -005 "0291 -0017 + -O2 U -0023 -Ol6 -ooi -ooi i -0016 -OI2 "0051 + -OO2 -ooi + -0013 -004 - -0039 'O2l6 + -0054 'OO3 + -0070 + '34 -0409 + -009 -49 10 3-4 -37 6 13-8 19 21 17-8 -65 7 43-3 -52 54 7'2 -54 45 2-2 -68 18 17-1 63 7 20-1 -19 52 5-9 60 ii 6-7 -64 44 49-8 + 15 59 9'3 -38 6 39-6 -72 7 29-4 -57 *9 3 6 7 -48 57 2-1 38 19 25-0 -19 31 55-1 36 31 48-0 -57 39 547 -26 38 42-7 -4 5 1 '77 -78 26 37-3 -78 24 57-1 54 22 l8'I 63 25 48-1 -57 39 z 7-o -47 7 1-8 -53 33 36-2 -49 49 4'5 28 21 56-5 -49 54 36-5 426 c c *8 + 0-3 + 0-1 + 0-5 + 0-4 + 2-0 + O"2 + 6-4 + 0'2 + 0-6 + 0-2 + 0-1 + 0-2 + O-g + 0-3 + 0-1 O'O + o-i + 0-4 + 0-8 + 0-3 O'2 + 0-2 + 0-1 - 0-8 + 0-5 O'O -ir827 11-774 11-770 11-586 11-316 -11-258 1 1 -094 1 1 -040 10-953 10-942 -10-786 10-635 10-512 10-416 10-370 -10-335 10-268 10-052 IO-O2I 9 -94I - 977 9-681 9-611 9-602 9-597 - 9-539 9'445 9-412 9-342 9' 2 93 - 9'94 9-074 9-021 8-938 8-690 - 8-652 8-642 8-622 8-578 8-487 + : 5' 46 41 65 '55 + -56 72 6 4 '43 62 + -68 '35 50 83 6 1 + '55 5 '44 '5 63 + '47 '53 1-13 1-13 6 1 + -70 64 56 6 1 58 + -49 58 42 58 '54 + -85 '53 1-19 73 67 -'04 -O2 -106 -06 -407 046 1-289 -34 -09 -03 -028 -33 -"'4 -055 -02 oo -017 -06 -127 063 + 037 -03 "O2I + 12 -082 oo 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6-46 6-46 5'OO 6 '44 6-44 6-44 6-45 5-00 5-00 6-47 6-47 5-00 6-45 6-47 6-45 6-46 6-44 5-00 6-45 6-45 6-49 6-44 5-00 6 -47 6-45 6-45 6-47 6-47 6-45 6-45 6-48 5-00 5-00 6-45 6-45 6-48 6-48 6-46 6-47 6-44 Lupi h Lacaille 6520 Lacaille 6524 Tiianguli Aust K Trianguli Auet JB Lacaille 6559 Luni.. ...rj Lacaille 6573 Normse i 1 Lacaille 6644 8 Scorpii ft L u i >i . . . . . 6 Normse f Lacaille 6719 Lacaille 6715 Apodis S 2 Normas K Trianguli Aust 8 Lacaille 67 22 JSormse 6 Lacaille 6735 2 Ophiuclii . Lacaille 6783 ^U }} -47 56 51-9 -38 57 32-9 -69 51 30-5 -37 19 56-9 78 40 21-3 -63 49 50-2 58 22 20-9 Lacaille 6810 Trianguli Aust Lacaille 6816 Trianguli Aust. . ..t Lacaille 6812 1244. 6'6, 67 2"-: 153 1900-5. 1255. A.B. 5-6, 5-8 o -8 266 1897-1. 1258. A.B. 27, 10 i -i 93 1898-3. B not seen. 1266. 4"i, 10-4 o 7 177 1891-6. Single 1900. FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THE YEARS 1905-6. 35 No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900-0. Ma-^E. Precession igoo'o. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900*0. MJ.AE. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900+ 1281 C'l Lacaille 6824. . ... ll 111 s 16 21 56*01 3 + 'OC 3 4- C"o34 3 + 062 s *OO7 * /^ OI 24. X2'7 ti 4- 0'2 8*310 */ 4- '7i '026 i 6-44 1282 r-6 Lacaille 684.1 .. .. 22 27'44 + -oi 4'^^^8 *O2Q *OOI 4.6 I l6'2 O'O 8*277 eg oo i 6-48 1283 {6 Lacaille 6809 23 i6'7C 6 - c67Q I2O 7O 4.6 IQ'O 8*212 88 3 6-44 1284. 6--> Lacaille 6545 23 34'4 2i*t3i;2 2*313 + *OO I 2 86 10 43*2 O'l 8*188 2*84 4-'Ol2 q C'OO 1285 8-8 A 12667 2} CO-87 ^5464 *OI 3 21 13 3C*I 8-166 4.8 c c-c6 1286 1-8 10 Ophiuchi A. l6 2C C2- 8 + '01 + ^-O2C2 -(-006 "OO22 4-212 Q'2 4- 0-4. 8*001. 4- -41 *O7Q 2 C'OO 1287 C'C Trian y v 77 l8 71 'O 4- 2'2 / 7*3 7 '77O I'I4 '31 3 6*4.1 I 2QO 6" Lacaille 6890 31 2I"67 4*2 3J.C 7*c6z T *C7 7 6*17 I2QI fi-c Lacaille 6881 l6 33 Il"s2 4-6'O3I7 + *O82 ^5 l * W / 67 14 I4*O 7'J.OQ 3/ 4- -82 3 ** T/ 6*47 I 2Q2 fi-R Lacaille 6912 ... 33 lQ*8o A'j.8o6 *O2Q 4_8 tA I'O 7*36l 61 3 6*10 I 2Q3 6-n Lacaille 69 1 2 33 CO'Sl 4*4806 **7 1- 31- * 7 7' 360 6 1 7 w j|.y 6*4.7 1 2Q1 C'l Lacaille 6906 36 3"*"8q 4- 'oi 6*0036 *O77 *OO2 T JT * ' 66 C C 2 I '2 O'O 7*1 3C 82 "OO 3 6-4C, 1 2QC 6-0 Lacaille 6928 37 IQ'OI c *i ooo 'OAC C8 IQ 1'A 7'Ot6 70 2 6'44 I 2q6 i'7 Trianguli Aust a 16 38 4/37 'OI 4-6'3O7C 4-'o8o _|_ -0028 3 *y 5 T 68 CO 37"C -1- O-2 7*O I 4. 4- -87 *O1Q 3 C'oo 1207 fi'7 Lacaille 6053 ?8 46-;c 4- '02 4.*386l i vv y "O26 J- Q'2 6*Q C7 60 ^"03 7 6-48 I2Q8 C'q Lacaille 6936 38 48-4: C'OQOC 6*OC4. *7O 6'44 1 2QQ C'7 Lacaille 6970 30 C,7'6 .> ^y w 3 J.*OQ6 I **TT 'O2O 5 V * 1 i W 7JT 6*8co C6 7 u TT 6-48 1 ^OO VI Ane ..7? 4.1 8'QO -OS C* I C J.O QA.C c8 c i 46*0 4- o-* 6*762 "7 I "O4.7 2 6'4C I ^OI 6-; Lacaille 6954. l6 42 10*74. -1- C'7Qo6 \jq.) 4-'o6c T u i - 6*677 4- -80 3 u "j-3 6"4C I ?O2 c-c Liicaille 7000 11 3C/3I 4* I 7J.O 6*4.78 c8 7 6"4C I 303 3-1 Scorpii /x 1 4.C c-jS 'OO 4.*o!;68 'OI7 T 1 J J u 7 37 C2 32*8 4- o-i 6*436 3 6 *O23 3 v T> 6'47 I 3O4 3-7 Scorpii ft? AC 3 3 '6? + -oi A*oc6> 018 4- 0*2 6"3Q7 c6 'O?2 1 6-47 1305 6-3 Lacaille 6983 46 4*70 C"C7I 1 OCJ. j/ l) u 4V u 6 1 6 1 2*1 6*3C4. '77 3 6'4C i 306! fi-c Lacaille 7017 1 6 47 O'77 4- 4.'2OO7 J- "O2O 6 '277 4- -t;8 7 6'47 i 307 6-1 Lacaille 7019 47 2VO6 4"228j. + 1 3 ^4 ^ 42 18 48*1 ' CQ 6*4C no8 vc Scorpii f 2 47 3 2 '7 I 4- '08 4*2237 + I'C 37 c8 '2 77 6'4.Q 1300 6-8 Lacaille 7024 48 2C"QI 4- '02 4.'6i c8 'O27 1 5 4- O'2 6-158 3 '64 j/ *O3 7 * T7 6'4C 1 310 6-9 Lacaille 7038 0.8 4C'^6 A* I I C 3 *oi8 i> tj 3 U 't-t * 'C7 6-48 I '11 I IS-? Lacaille 6989 1 6 4.8 4Q'C I T ** 5J -4- *o8o 39 20 33 z 3/ 4- '80 6-ci 1312 3-0 Arse Co 20-1:2 4- -01 4*QCOO 4-0-2 6q 048 7 * >* C'OO MI 3 C'R Lacaille 7045 CQ 34'8* 75^7 4*6188 W 5T 55 49 55 rn 78 cR-^ 777 uy 6c 6-48 1^14. 4/1 Arae e 1 CI ?6"7O 4- - oi 4*7680 Ut / + n"i V/V c-8oi 67 'O I 7 6'4C ! 3'5 3-4. 27 Ophiuchi K C2 CC'Ql + -10 2'gr7c 53 2 3 4 + 0*1 5 93 5-787 "4.O *OI I 2 U ^.J S'OO 1 316 c'c Arae e 2 |6 CC Q'24. 4- '01 * J/ b _L j-78o8 01 V9 V i* 4 4 -U I *T 5 /J T w J- -67 17 6-48 1 317 CM 30 Ophiuchi.. CC 47'l6 + 'OI 7*1628 53 5 '3 5 T . + nj 3 37 U o C'OO 1318 6-0 Lacaille 7072 .... CC C5-64 J IU 3 5'OQ3Q QIC - 4 4220 o 4. 544 r -r t C T5 "72 6-48 1 310 6-n Lacaille 7069 . 16 58 29*00 W 7 J7 6*17O2 U J> 068 5/34 35 68 42 58-8 3 333 6-48 1320 6-6 Lacaille 7102 17 o 58-63 5-4570 O4O 61 32 38-2 3*7 5 107 yu 77 ^ 6-48 130* 7'3 , 7'3 0"'Z Z70 1897-5. CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0, No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. igoo'o. M..AK- Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var 1 900 'o. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900-0. MS .AE. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. 1 900 "o. Proper Motion. No. of Otis. Epoch 1900+ i3*'t 13*2 i323t 1314 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 '33' 1332 333t 334 1335 i336t '337 1338 1339 134 1341 1342 1343 1344 '345 1346 1347 1348 '349 1350 '35 1 J35* '353 '354 '355 1356 '357 1358 1359 1360 2-6 3'3 5-8 6-6 5-8 4-8 6-1 6-0 3'4 3'4 27 5'3 5'5 5-8 6-0 7'4 4'3 6-6 3-6 27 27 8-5 6-3 '5 4'3 5 '4 1-8 37 4-6 2-4 3'5 5'8 5'3 6-3 2-9 6-4 3-0 6-0 3'i 6-6 3? Ophiuchi.. ...n h m s 17 4 38-56 4 59+2 5 2173 7 45-9 10 56-40 17 ii 32-26 12 44-92 '4 37^3 15 52-06 16 58-55 17 16 59-11 1 8 12-03 19 28-95 19 29-01 '9 59-83 17 20 38-4 2O 58-04 21 25-2 22 4-14 2 3 57-89 17 24 6-61 24 59-03 26 4-32 26 49-05 *9 39-55 17 29 52-82 30 7-91 3' 5''59 3* 24-5 35 34-I3 '7 35 55-09 3 6 3-64 36 12-25 38 9-6 38 31-90 17 40 1775 4 35'45 42 20-08 43 3'" 43 5-65 S -oi -oi + 02 + 03 - -5 oo oo oo -oi + -oi + -oi oo + -06 + 02 + 'O2 -oi oo + 01 + -07 oo + -02 oo + -oi + -oi + -02 + -oi oo - -03 s + 3-4347 4-2874 4"'383 37551 6-6638 + 6-2530 i n 191 5-6181 3-6812 5-0398 + 4-9781 4-6691 4-4230 4-4230 4-7696 + 3-72I5 3-8259 3-4443 5-4"8 4-0748 + 4^343 3-6356 4-2254 4-0700 4-1285 + 4-9252 4-3052 3-436' 3-2602 4-1476 + 5-8810 4-0702 47604 3-3907 2-9651 + 5-0000 4-1932 4-8782 4-0770 4-8473 s +007 017 014 oio 062 +050 238 034 008 023 + 022 017 014 014 017 +007 008 006 026 009 + 015 006 oio 009 009 +015 oio 005 004 007 + '021 O07 on 004 003 + 'OIO O06 009 '005 008 8 + -OOiy + -O022 -OOz6 '005 + '0084 -OOO6 -0005 -0004 + -ooi "OOI -ooi -0004 -0098 -0024 '0036 + 'OOI -0004 'OO2 'OIO -0009 -0038 -0014 + -0004 '0028 -ooi '003 '0026 + -0005 + -0049 -i 5 3 6 3 : 8 -43 6 277 -39 22 54-5 -27 40 41-3 -7 ' 37 -67 39 57-2 -80 45 58-2 -62 45 55-9 -24 53 59' 56 17 0'2 55 26 6-6 50 32 30-6 -45 45 '2-6 -45 45 n-2 52 12 3O-I 26 14 38-8 29 46 36-8 -15 46 07 6O 36 0'5 -37 >z 577 -49 47 48-2 -23 5 52-2 -4' 5 57'i -37 ' Si' 2 -38 33 53-7 54 26 o-o 42 56 2-6 -15 20 9-4 - 8 3 29-1 38 58 42-0 64 40 32-8 -36 53 42-5 -51 46 51-2 -13 27 35-0 + 4 36 32-4 -55 21 53-5 -40 5 17-1 -53 34 43-7 -37 o. 40-5 -53 5 S^-i - 0/: 5 + 2-0 + 0-3 + o-3 + 0-3 + 0-2 + 0'I + O'l + o-3 o-o O'O + 0-8 + 0-8 + 0-2 + 0-5 + 0-2 + 0'I + 0-9 + i-o O'O + 0-3 + 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-4 + 0-2 + '-3 - 0-8 o-o 0-2 - 4795 4766 4734 4-530 4-259 - 4-207 4-i 3 3-943 3-837 374' - 3-740 3^35 3-526 3-526 3-482 - 3-4 2 6 3-398 3-358 3-303 3-I39 - 3-127 3-051 2-956 2-892 2-646 2-627 2-605 2+55 2-408 2-'33 2-102 2-090 2-077 I-907 1-875 1721 1-696 ''545 1-482 I-478 + : 49 6 1 "59 '54 "95 + -89 1-59 80 53 72 + 7' 67 64 64 69 + '54 '55 5 78 '59 + -6 7 '53 6 1 '59 60 + 7' 62 50 "47 60 + -85 59 69 '49 "43 + 73 6 1 71 '59 7' + 091 306 052 -04 -039 036 oio -027 -04 oo oo -160 'I2O -035 08 3 -03 -027 -'9 '5 -009 060 oio -015 080 -03 - 2O + 'I 5 8 008 + '024 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 i 3 3 3 i 2 3 3 i 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 5'OO 6-48 6-49 6 5 I 6-48 6'49 6-48 6-48 5'oo 6-48 5-00 6-48 6-48 6-48 6-49 6-58 5-00 5 -60 6-48 6- 49 6'49 5-6, 6-48 5-00 5-00 6-5, 5-00 5-00 5-6, 5-00 5-00 6-49 6-5, 5 -60 5-00 6-49 5-00 6-48 6-51 6-50 Scorpii ij Lacaille 7159 Lacaille 7175 Apodis L Apodis Lacaille 7088 Lacaille 7199 42 Uphiuchi Arse y Ar /3 Lacaille 7267 (mass) Lacaille 7267 seq. Lacaille 7265 Lacaille 7296 45 Ophiuchi..., d Lalande 31712.. . Arse. 8 34 Scorpii . v Arse a C. P. D. - 23" 6602 Lacaille 7325 35 Scorpii A Scorpii Q Arse TT Scorpii B 57 Ophiuchi /i Scorpii K Pavonis tj Lacaille 71Q7... Arse fj. Lalande 32305 60 Ophiuchi. .. B Lacaille 7413 Scorpii i 1 Lacaille 7426 Scorpii G Lacaille 7428 1321. 3-1, 3-6 o"'5 254 1899-4- 1323. 6-3, 6-9 o -6 294 18977. 1333. 5-8, 7-1 2 '4 264 i886'6. 1336. 7-4, 10 4 'o 323 '8977. Fainter star not seen. FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THE YEARS 1905-6. 37 No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. i goo'o. fa.AE. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. A r* ui.Ar.. igoo'o. Precession 1 900*0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. No. or Obs. Epoch 1900+ 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 I3 6 7 1368 1369 '37t i37't 1372 1373 '374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 i383t 384 1385 i 3 86t '387 1388 1389 1390 I39 1 1392 1393 '394 1395 1396 "397 .398 1399 1400 5 -0 6-0 8-0 37 5-2 5-8 7-1 3'8 4'4 6-0 6-4 5'5 37 47 6-5 7-8 5-8 4-0 9*5 5-6 7-2 57 3-0 6-3 8-9 4"3 5'3 57 3'4 5'8 6-8 6-0 6-0 5'9 2-9 47 57 5'3 5-8 5'4 Scorpii i 2 h m s 17 43 "'49 52 8-08 53 7'47 53 31-28 5 6 4'3 17 57 16-31 57 32-0 5 8 574 58 57-21 59 52-02 18 i 5-5 i 8-31 2 36-48 3 48-40 4 2-6 18 6 278 6 10-79 7 4 6 '9 8 7 49"' 8 42-07 1 8 9 49-6 10 9-12 10 51-52 " 537 12 53-21 1 8 14 0-62 15 24-89 16 6-50 16 7-97 '6 4373 18 19 34'5 20 4-86 21 19-79 21 32-IO 21 47-96 l8 22 2'08 22 24-5 24 38-20 2 4 42-85 2 5 23-46 S + 01 oo + -06 + 01 -oi + -06 + 02 + 04 -O2 oo + -04 + 07 + 03 -oi -oi + 19 -oi + -02 - -3 s + 4-1930 4-0732 3-5599 3-3022 35'83*9 + 8-3895 3'49 6 5 4-6706 57732 7-6369 + 4-4456 5-5881 *-8475 4-4547 3-4042 + 4-1612 5-7035 3-5873 3'539 2 5-0564 + 3-8858 8-0853 4-0707 3-3027 3-5979 + 5-5332 4-1407 4-0667 3-1404 4-0510 + 3'45i 77236 5-1679 4-1520 3-7063 + 5-6105 4-5128 4-4400 4-3365 4-1779 s + 006 003 003 002 268 + 008 002 002 003 ooo + 001 002 + 002 ooo + '001 ooo 004 + 001 + '001 003 ooo -O22 -QOI + '001 ooo '009 -OO2 '002 + -OO2 'OO2 ooo 036 on '003 OOI --OI5 O06 006 OO6 OO5 s -OOl -0007 - -105 '01 'OOIO + '001 -oio - <0 45 -0067 + -0030 -0004 -006 - o 1 09 -0041 -004 + -ooi + 'OOI - -0379 + '002 - -0034 + '0042 40 3 2 8 '6 36 50 51-8 -20 3 9-9 - 9 45 4 2 " 1 -87 39 52-i -75 53 38-3 17 36 40-0 -50 5 52-1 63 40 21'2 -73 40 50-4 -45 4 6 42-1 -62 i 18-8 + 9 32 57-7 -45 5 8 17-8 -13 57 4-0 -39 10 52-5 -63 4 52-1 -2i 5 6-4 19 16 5-8 -56 3 157 31 21 9'O -75 5 87 -36 47 30-9 - 9 47 33-8 21 29 56-6 61 32 20-7 38 42 6-9 36 42 58-2 - 2 55 33-4 -36 17 13-0 -14 i 57-9 -74 i 38-3 -57 35 4'4 -39 3 1 8-0 -25 28 37-5 62 20 29-6 -47 17 i'9 -45 49 3^7 -43 34 32 + 39 46 22'8 O'O + 0-6 + 0-6 + 1-9 + 0-3 + i'4 - i'7 -0-4 + 0-3 + i-3 o-o + 0-1 + ro + 0-5 o-i + 0-4 + 0-2 + 3-5 + 0-6 + i'3 + 0-7 H - 1-47 0-688 0-60 1 0-567 0-344 - 0-239 0-216 0-101 0-092 O'OII + 0-095 o-i oo 0-228 0-333 0-355 + 0-529 0-541 0-68 1 0-684 0-761 + 0-860 0-888 0-950 1-040 1-127 + 1-225 I-348 1-408 1-410 1-462 + 1710 1755 1-863 1-881 1-904 + 1-924 1-957 2-150 2-156 2-216 + -6, '59 -52 48 5-22 + 1-22 "51 68 84 I'll + -65 81 4' 65 50 + -61 83 52 52 73 + '57 1-18 '59 48 S 2 + -80 60 '59 '44 '59 + '49 I-I2 75 60 '54 + -81 65 64 63 60 oo 120 -I2 4 -'3 050 '22 + '27 + -08 7 -045 '200 'OO2 O2 -152 -08 + 02 -06 -03 '691 -10 --I99 'log 3 3 2 : 3 5 21 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 i 3 2 3 3 3 6- 5 I 6-49 6-49 5-00 5'OO 6-48 5^3 6-50 6 50 6-50 5-68 6-48 5-00 6-48 5-62 6-49 6-49 5-00 5-67 6-50 6-54 6-49 6-53 5-65 5-65 6-49 6-50 6-53 5-00 6-50 562 6-49 6-49 6-53 6-54 6-5. 5-68 6-49 6-53 6-49 Lacaille75i3 Lalande 32861 .... Lacaille 7473 Lalande 33031 Arse Pavonis ir Lacaille 7507 Lacaille 7558 B. D. - 13 4863... Lacaille 7? 77... 13 Sagittarii fi. B. D. - 19 4907... Lacaille 7608 Lacaille 7639 Octantis Bradley 2292 "B. D. 21 4943... Pavonis Lacaille 7671 Lacaille 7677 58 Serpentis TJ Lacaille 7684 B. D. 14 5039.... Lacaille 7642 Lacaille 7696. . Lacaille 7712 22 Sa >r ittarii A. Pavonis v Lacaille 771 3... Telescopii ... . 8 2 Lacaille 7737... Lacaille 7748 1370. 6 - i, 9'i i"'5 230 '894. 1371. 6-4, 10 4 -i 256 1897-2. Fainter star not seen. 1383. 3-0, 10 3 -9 105 1897-4 1386. 4-3, 10 3 -i 151 1895-7. ,, ,, 38 CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0, No. Mag. Name. Mean R. A. 1900*0. i 1900-0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900*0. u Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900+ 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422* H Z 3 1424 1425 1426 1 4*7 1428 1429 1430 '43i H33 H34t H35 -437 H38 '439 1440 7-0 5*8 4-6 6-5 6*2 77 4' 1 6*1 6*9 5'4 4'9 4'7 5'5 6*0 7*1 5-9 4'3 5'5 7-o 9'5 var. 8*0 5-0 7*1 5*6 S' 1 4*2 6-4 4'9 2-6 5'9 5'3 5'4 6-3 9-0 Maver 74.0 .. h in s 18 25 26*98 25 52'9 26 2175 26 29-32 26 29-35 18 26 36-12 31 21-27 31 40-20 3- 56-8 32 24-02 18 35 37-86 36 47-91 36 55-40 38 0-45 38 48-06 18 41 5*3 42 23-43 42 57-12 44 43-65 45 7-92 18 46 32-06 46 38-44 48 24-42 48 59-2 49 43-io 1 8 49 45-4 49 47-52 49 53-68 50 27-83 51 58-65 1 8 55 5-00 55 50-6 56 2-05 56 14-96 56 28-19 1 8 58 24-99 59 16-87 59 23-37 59 3279 59 39-5I s + -06 -01 oo oo + 03 -oi oo + "01 + -02 + '02 + -04 + 'I' + 01 + -08 + -02 'OI + -oi 'OI - -15 - -05 s + 3-5290 4-2840 4''39 6 + 3-5306 7-0325 3-3641 4'3 '79 3-2848 4-1186 4-1700 5-9209 + 3 + 139 4-3209 5-5735 47638 4*2452 + 3*6192 6*2104 37385 3-440I + 3-4588 3-8138 4-0725 4*8075 4*0622 + 2-7262 3H30I 4^497 3*8215 4-0994 + 4-7570 6-3654 4-5299 3-7245 4-0529 s '001 ooo 006 005 "005 ooi 043 009 ooi 008 028 ooi 007 008 032 -OO2 oio 029 017 oio '004 046 005 003 028 '003 007 009 O2O 009 + *OOI 004 -013 008 01 I -O22 064 OO7 oil s 'OI I + '001 ooo -0058 ooo -0040 + -0020 "0005 -OO2O '0025 '0030 '003 -007 - '017 - -0035 -ooi -oi 1 6 -0042 + -ooi "0024 + '001 + '023 + -008 -1 8 58 2l'-0 -1 5' 53-5 -42 23 4*2 -38 47 30-9 -38 47 52*8 -19 2 39*2 -71 30 49*2 -47 59 44'6 -12 25 577 43 16 iS'3 -64 57 54*2 - 9 8 53*5 38 25 10-2 -39 47 10-8 65 10 52-0 -14 33 52-2 -43 32 39-5 -62 18 6-3 -52 13 19-5 -41 49 32-2 22 40 29-9 67 21 30-8 -27 o 51-3 -15 43 40*0 -60 19 537 -16 29 55*5 29 36 16-0 -37 28 147 -53 4 io-i -37 H I5-9 + 14 55 56-0 -15 25 25-1 -42 14 13-3 30 i 23-6 -38 23 50-4 -5 2 29 15-1 68 34 4O'6 -48 27 0-7 26 47 29-0 -37 12 25-5 + 0*2 O'l + 0*8 0*1 + I-I 0*0 + 0-4 + 0-5 + i-3 + 0-1 + 0-2 O'l O'O + 1-2 o-i + 0-6 + 0-4 + 0-4 + 0-1 + 0-7 O'O + 2"O + 2-221 2*259 2*300 2*312 2-312 + 2*321 2-734 2*761 2786 2-825 + 3-104 3-205 3-216 3-309 3-686 3735 3-888 3-922 + 4- 43 4*051 4-203 4-315 + 4-319 4-321 4-330 4-379 4-507 + 4772 4-836 4-871 4-890 + 5-055 5-127 5-I37 5-150 5-160 48 62 60 60 + '5- I -01 66 48 62 + '85 47 59 60 85 + '49 62 80 68 60 + "Si 88 '53 '49 76 + '49 '54 58 68 '57 + -38 48 60 54 58 + -67 90 64 52 '57 it "2O -03 + -oi -164 + 02 --,63 'OO6 "065 083 -22 9 -O22 -03 + 02 oo 189 + -OI 098 -081 -06 019 H oo -30 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3:6 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 5 2 3 2 5 3 3 3 5 3 3 S 3 2 : 3 3 3 5 i 5-62 5'66 6-5, 6-5, 6-51 5-65 5-00 6-52 6-5, 6-54 5-00 6-51 6-51 : 6-10 6-5, 6-51 5-00 6-51 6-53 6-62 6-51 5-65 5-69 6-5, 6-57 5-65 6-54 6-51 6-51 5-00 5-65 6-26 5-65 6-51 6-50 : 6-24 6-53 6-53 5-65 6-54 Lalaude 34218 Coronas Aust. ...6 Coronas Aust K Coronas Aust K Mayer 751 Pavonis Lacaille 7780 Lacaille 7790 Lacaille 7785 Scuti 4 H Coronse Aust A Lacaille 7829 Pavonis 6 Coronas Aust -g 2 Pavonis A Telescopii Lacaille 7881 B. D. -22 4896.... Lacaille 791 1 Lalande 35162 Pavonis u> O. A. 18841 Lacaille 7923 Lacaille 7916 Telescopii A Coronas Aust e 1 3 Aquilee t Piazzi XVIII. 260... Coronas Aust 38 8a<'ittarii . . Lacaille 7062 Telescopii. ... p Lacaille 7944 Lacaille 7073... O. A. 10037 .. Coronas Aust.... pr.y '434- 3'3, 3'5 Very close binary. 1422. L., 3-8-5-1 : P., 9<-i. FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THE YKARS 1905-6. 39 No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900*0. /* a .AK. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. igoo'o. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. igoo'o. MJ-AE. Precession 1900-0. See. No. Var. PP er of 1900-0. Motlon - Oba. Epoch 1900 + "44't 1442 '443 "444 H45 1446 H47 1448! '449 1450 1451 1452 H53 '454 '455t 1456 H57 1458 H59 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 '473 '474 '475 1476 1477 1478 '479 1480 4'3 5'i 5'5 3'5 4-6 4' 2 4-0 5-6 4'9 6-5 6-8 5-2 4-0 4'3 57 5 -6 6-3 67 6-0 4-6 7'3 5-6 7-6 6'3 5-6 5'5 2-8 5-6 6-1 6-3 6-0 5 - 4 4-0 5-8 5-4 5'3 4-6 4-8 3-6 5'i Coronas Aust y h m s 18 59 39-62 59 39' 6 3 18 59 43-3 19 o 56-52 i 23-31 19 2 4O'23 3 9'5 7 8-80 9 2 4'59 1 1 50-00 19 13 39-66 '4 47-03 15 27-01 '5 5979 19 46-18 I 9 20 37-4 20 46-95 22 27-95 25 O'22 2 9 12-35 19 32 277 35 34'3 36 14-83 37 36-4 37 53'5 19 39 51-39 41 30-28 42 15-79 42 57-0 45 56-79 19 48 21-61 48 42-33 49 2 '4 50 39-17 52 8-71 19 53 19-29 56 30 53 56 54-99 58 56-07 59 43-5I S - '5 - '5 + -oi - '03 - '3 oo + -02 -oi -01 oo - -06 oo - '7 'O2 + 02 - -0 4 oo + -OI "10 - -06 'OI -oi - -4 1-20 + -0 3 s + 4-0529 4-0529 102-32 3-1859 4-1789 + 4-0798 4 -I 3 z 4 6-0624 3-6789 4-6852 + 6-301 1 4' 8 543 4-3215 4-3355 4-8352 + 37950 6-2792 4-8798 4-7493 2-9169 + 5-0778 3-0905 4-0146 n-SHS 6-9891 +4-9100 2-8514 5-1144 3-7406 5-2690 + 6-2424 5-0639 7-0010 5-8898 5-8805 + 5-0812 3-6928 3 '997 57334 4-6187 s -'Oil 01 I 38-833 OO2 OI 4 -012 013 062 008 O26 078 032 O2O 'O2O 034 01 I 085 036 034 ooi 048 "003 018 538 "147 -045 ooi 055 014 064 -114 057 164 098 099 060 015 O2 2 096 044 s + -008 + -008 + -IH4 '0020 + '0049 + -0051 'OOO2 '003 + -002, + 'OOI -0005 + -0092 -0009 'OOO2 + -0145 "OOOI + -0033 - -0055 '004 + -007 + -0007 ooi + -017 + -on i + 'OOI + '0023 + -0056 + -1918 -005 37 12 267 -37 12 27-1 -89 15 17-2 - 5 ' 57-9 -40 39 5-8 -38 3 36:5 -39 2 9 57-5 -66 49 59-4 -25 25 45-5 -5' 45 7'3 -68 33 3i-5 -54 3 6 34-o -44 38 47-9 -44 59 l6 ' z -54 3 1 2 7'9 29 56 28-2 -68 38 15-0 -55 18 53-3 -53 2 3 4 6 '3 + 79 57-5 -58 29 48-4 o 51 in -37 4 Z 57 81 36 1-6 -72 44 49-4 56 36 in + 10 22 9-3 -59 z6 34'5 29 2 67 -61 25 43-7 -69 25 33-3 -59 9 5''3 -73 10 27-7 -67 12 47-4 -6 7 12 51-3 -59 38 54'5 27 59 16-8 38 13 2-0 66 26 18-1 53 10 i-o + 2-0 + 2-0 O'O + 0-4 + 0-3 + 0-6 + o'3 O'l + 0-2 + 0-5 + O-2 + 0-5 + 0-2 + 0-3 + 07 O'l + 0-3 o-o O'2 + 0- 9 O'O O'l + 0-8 + 0-6 + 0-3 o-i + 07 + 7-1 O'l + 5-160 5-160 5-165 5-268 5'307 + S + H 5H55 5789 5-979 6- 1 80 + 6-332 6-425 6-481 6-526 6-837 + 6-907 6-921 7-058 7-266 7-607 + 7-870 8-119 8-174 8-282 8-305 + 8-461 8-591 8-651 8705 8-941 + 9-129 9 >I 57 9-182 9'307 9-422 + 9'5!3 9758 9788 9-941 IO-OO2 M + '57 '57 14-41 45 '59 + "57 58 84 5i 65 + '87 67 '59 60 66 + -52 86 66 64 '39 + -68 41 53 1-50 92 + '65 '37 67 49 68 + -81 '65 91 76 75 + '65 47 'So 75 58 -"30 -'30 004 -083 -041 -118 -048 + -oi -035 -08 -024 070 -044 -051 -147 + 014 -049 + 009 + 04 -'5 003 + 02 -13 'I2O 05 + 013 -no -PI34 + 'O2 2 I 8 i 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 i 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 6-58 6-54 5'oo 5-00 6-53 5-00 6-f, 6-54 5-00 6-53 6-26 6-53 6-54 6-53 5-00 5-97 6-53 6-53 6-00 5-00 6-27 6-14 5 '99 5-00 5 '99 5'99 5-00 6-26 570 6-26 6'OO 6-53 5-00 S'99 S'99 6-27 5-00 6-54 6-27 6-54 Corome Anst,....seq. Octantis ..*. a 1 6 Aquilae A Coronae Aust 5 Coronas Aust a Coronee Aust ft Lacaille 7997 42 Sagittarii ij/ Lacaille 8050 Lacaille 8034 Telescopii -q Sagittarii fl^ Sagittarii /3 2 Lacaille 8091 Lacaille 8107 Lacaille 8078 Lacaille 8101 Lacaille 8115 38 Aquilse p Lacaille 8155 45 Aquilae Lacaille 8191 Lacaille 8004.., Lacaille 8156 Telescopii v ;o Aquilse ...v Lacaille 8207 Lacaille 8232 Lacaille 8226 Lacaille 8224 Lacaille 8245 Pavonis e Pavonis /x 1 Pavonis p? Lacaillfi 8269 62 Sagittarii .. ...c Lacaille 8310 Pavonis 8 Telescopii 1441. Binary. 5'!, 5*1. 1448. 5-8, 7-8 o"7 15 18947. 1455. Suspected very close biuary. 40 CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0, No. Mag. Name. Mean It. A. 1900*0. A*a-AE. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. igoo'o. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900*0. M5-AE. Precession igoo'o. Sec. Var. 1 900*0. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 14.81 6-g Lalande 38458 h m s 20 2 J.6'3 S s 4- 3*2 14.C s '006 s 7 3 3"! ^^ + 1 O*2 32 ii + "4.O n 1482 -.- Lacaille 8362.. . d. ^S'OO "23 3 '01 4.1 OIQ 4- '0361 36 21 18*6 + Q'8 I O'372 '4.Q 5 6'27 148} 6-4 Piazzi XX. 4 ? 44'7 3'2CC8 - OO7 -f- -0005 08 iS*; O'O I O'4.C4. T7 *4.O + 'OO3 2 o z/ 6-cc IJ.84 V4 6 5 Aquilas 6 6 876 *OI 3"OQ46 'OO4 -}- 'OO2O i 7 6*2 O'O 10*48 5 '38 | nnc u 33 1481; 6-0 Lacaille 8367 6 4.4.'2O A'c67Q 'O4C t;6 6'CA 1486 6-7 Lalande 38802 20 10 C-Q -I- 3"227C *oo6 7 SO I 1*4. lu }^y 4- IO"778 3 U 4- '3Q 3 o 54 C'6y( 14.87 6-4 Lacaille 8397 13 .12*1 4/4.I72 'O42 CO I Q CO'Q I T 'QA1 ' jy "C 3 3 U 4 6-27 14.88 f}-f> Lacaille 8400 Id. 2 s '24. A- '21 A' A I 36 QA I 'O3 C 50 1 8 30*7 J. I -4. *Ca U Z/ 14.80 fi-o Lacaille 8331 16 38-80 IO'2Q37 "632 8l 17 36'Q I 1*2 C7 3 Z I *2A ^5 2 6-cc iiqo 1-8 Pavonis a 17 '26 *OO 4/7733 'OCQ 'OOOO C 7 1 T Q'Q 4. o-c I T '3 36 i i^. *C7 u 33 I 4QI 6-8 Lalande 39131 20 18 19*2 + 3*1 800 -006 >/ J * V 7 C 3 C 1 4.* 2 _(_ j 1-378 3/ 4- '-38 ^ 5-68 IO2 7'i Lacaille 8257... l8 4.7*4. I C *O2 3 I 1*632 -1- *O3O 84 44 48*8 0*2 I I '41 2 l'8o '493 1404 6-1 8-7 Lacaille 8426 Piazzi XX. 127 .. 19 7-3 2 1 l6'7C ... 4-0305 3 '4.66 C '029 *OI2 -41 7 5*8 IQ 52 24*8 H'435 1 1 *c8o 48 '4.1 3 c 6-54 I4QC fi-fi Lacaille 8457... 22 I "C 3 *6oi 4. 'oi 6 2 C "j6 I 2' I I I '6i3 '4.2 3 6-27 1406 fi-I 68 Aquilse 2O 23 IO"7 -I- 3'14.22 *oo c + *ooi 6 3 4.1 1 7 '8 0*0 _|_ T I '724. ^.A 4- '37 *OO2 2 c*6o 1407 r8 Pavonis ^> 1 ZJ iS'IO '06 4-QQC fi *O77 + '0108 60 C C 7 *O 4- 1*0 I 2"O I 6 c8 *i68 5 6*00 1408 4-' 2 Delphini e 28 26'II "OO 2*86CQ "OOI -f- '0007 4- IO C7 t"6'7 + O'l I 2'OQ C '33 *O2 C c*oo 1400 C-Q Pavonia p 2Q 12*4.7 'O2 5*061 1 '083 4- 'OO4. 61 C2 24*8 4- 0*2 12*1 4.O 58 *O3 2 C*7 C 1500 6'3 Octantis /tt 1 20 4.2*33 '41 7'CO34. '3O4. 4- -063 "6 3 I 4.Q' C O'O it ii(.y I2'l83 88 'OO 3 6*C4. i ;o i Vi Indi a 2O 3O 32*OQ "O I -4- 4.'2 3 3O '040 + *OO27 4_7 38 2 3 "7 0*3 + 1 2*24. 1 4- '48 4-*OC3 c *oo I CO2 c*C Pavonis ... . rf> 2 31 4.C'O C . "? O77 + 'O3Q -1- 2-8 *C7 _.. 'A Q 3 C*7 C 1 503 5*4- Pavonis v 32 46'72 "OC 5* c6o3 u / / 'I 2O + *oo6o uu 35 J * 67 6 46*6 + O'l I 2"5o6 i/ 63 *OI7 3 3 /3 6*C4. 1 504 7-6 Lacaille 8509 33 2Q*OO 'Oi 3"84.4-4. *O2C + '0063 36 23 1*6 + 0-2 I 2*44.4. 43 'O37 3 6* C4 I COC 5-4 1 5 Capricorn! v 34. 21*4.7 4- 'oi 3*4.2 17 *O I 2 -0018 1 8 2Q 27*3 O'O I 2" CO4. a8 "OO7 c*oo i co6 3 '4 Pavonis .... 2O 3 C C 6'Q2 + 5*4686 -116 'OO7Q O'O + 1 2'6l 3 + '61 "OO3 5*00 1507 4-7 Indi 77 36 1 'Q4 '12 4*4 1 1 8 *OC I + *oi8 "" 33 TT 3 52 1 6 40*3 + o-c 12*664 *co "O7 7 6*C4 1508 5-8 Lacaille 8545 30 4Q'2I 'O3 3"QI 8? "O2Q -\- "OO4. 3Q 33 4.3'8 O'O I2*874 43 'OO 3 6'2Q i cog 5-6 Pavonis tr 3Q CO*2O + *OQ 57608 *I 4.3 *OI C 69 8 29*8 + 0'2 I2'87i; 63 *O3 3 c-7C i 510 c~3 Mieroscopii i 4. 1 4.2' * I W 7 4*0670 'O36 4- *O17 44 21 lo'o 4- 0*7 I 2"QQQ '4.C 'II 3 6-ec 1511 3 '9 2 Aquarii e 2O 4.2 I C'78 *OI 4-3'2488 *oo8 + 'OO I 7 Q C I 4. 3 "O + 0'2 -1- I 3*O37 -f *^f; 'O3O I C'OO 1 512 ?' Indi 4.2 36'IO 'OI 4- "OO2 4.6 3 C 4.8* I O'l I 3'OCQ '4C -J--OI 2 174 1513 6-5 Lacaille 8550 4.3 I 7 ' CO 62 47 58*8 I 3 *I OC "C C 3 6'C4 1514 6-6 Lacaille 8550 43 18*08 w^.^i r 'O4.OI *OQ2 62 47 58*8 I 3'IOC .-- 3 6-54 1515 ?'3 Indi i 4.4. I 6 'A. 3 4- *oi A" 3 6 I I *OC I C I C8 CO"7 + O'l I 3' I 60 '47 'O2 7 c'7c 1516 5-8 Lacaille 8582 2O 4.4 3 C'4.8 4.2 8667 ^3 ' 028 38 17 6*Q 4- I 3'IQI + '42 5 6-55 1:17 rfi Indi.... p 4.6 CQ'Sl l i -5,18 *c i '008 2 6 - oo 1518 1' 8 6 Aquarii u. 4.7 I C '6j- "O I 73 *oo8 3 *fy i>3 u O 21 31*7 4- O'2 I 3"366 *3 C 'O?Q 4 C'oo i ; Hi ?'3 Octantis a C2 36*36 _L -01 ' J U 5 -h 2*C I 3*7 IO 78 "{80 3 6'C4 1520 6-0 Lacaille 8624 C 3 I4."7 I _|_ -07 4o uu 354- 'OC 2 *OI 2 C I 3Q 2 C '3 O'7 I V7CI *4C + '11 3 C'7C V}& FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THE YEARS 1905-6. 41 No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900-0. Ma.AE. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. 1900*0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1900-0. /M.AE. Precession 1900-0. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proprr Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 1521 1522 1523 1524. 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 '53 '53' 1532 '533 '53+ 1535 1536 1537 '538t '539 1540 5*1 1542 '543 '544 '545 1546! '547 1548 "549 1550 '55' 1552 '553 '554 '555 1556 '557 1558 '559 1560 6-4 6-6 5'5 5'5 5'9 4'2 6-5 7'4 7-0 7-0 5'3 7'3 6-1 6-0 6-4 4'i 67 47 5-0 7-0 6-1 4'3 6-4 5'8 6-0 * 3-8 9-1 6-8 3'3 5'8 6'5 37 3'8 6-5 6-5 7'i 3-0 5-8 6-8 Lacaille 8630 h 111 s 20 53 41-14 54 2 5'' 56 34-68 57 53-03 58 54-64 21 19-61 o 59-14 I 3-0 I 15-3 3 4'" 2 2I 3 57-96 4 773 5 48-47 8 37-45 9 33-39 21 IO 49'56 II 3-96 ' 2 44-55 14 21-95 14 40-4 21 18 2-37 18 10-78 19 7-56 19 48-72 20 8-08 21 2O 36-79 20 57-53 21 32-12 21 55-2 26 17-73 21 26 54-78 30 4-05 30 21-97 34 33-I4 37 38-5 21 38 20-42 39 35' 2 41 31-42 41 45-67 42 10-87 S - ^5 + 02 -6 9 - -03 + -04 - "3 - -04 oo - -03 -02 + -06 - 'OS -oi "OI - -08 oo - -08 -10 + 05 oo -oi + 02 + -OI - -04 - -06 - '4 - -09 '10 s + 37910 3-3037 3 4 8495 4-4406 6-2914 + 3-3722 4-1678 3+836 3-4820 3-1698 + 5-6994 4H964 3-8635 4-3085 37449 + 2-9963 4-1105 4-2928 3-8471 3-2912 + 3-8383 5-0036 4-3090 5-4268 37493 + 3-8703 3'43H 3-3307 3-2848 3-I59 8 + 3-9086 4-8382 6-8384 3-3163 68-367 + 3-6997 3-2009 3-2984 3-9072 3-I394 3 -027 oio 030 062 226 -013 047 016 017 007 -170 069 33 059 028 003 048 060 034 on -035 124 064 165 031 -037 017 013 on 007 041 116 384 013 88-707 032 009 013 046 006 s + -0075 - -0035 '0040 + -106 + '0051 -006 + -005 + -006 ooo + -0047 + -0033 -009 + -008 + -0028 + -ooi + -0158 -0003 + -013 + -0150 - -008 + -0004 + -OOI2 -004 -ooi + -007 + -0129 + -0055 + -0073 + -0043 + -0176 + -017 -36 30 59-'l -13 26 25-3 -39 ' '9'' -55 7 20-9 -73 33 53'9 -i7 37 49' 2 49 20 24-1 -23 36 59-4 -23 33 1-9 - 5 59 6-3 -70 32 1-9 -56 55 25-2 40 40 2o"9 -53 4 37' 2 -36 37 31-5 + 4 5o 1-9 -49 8 i '3 -53 5* 6-1 -41 13 56-3 -13 55 30-1 41 26 6-4 -65 49 2-1 -55 5 3''9 -69 56 14-9 -38 15 38-8 42 58 51-0 22 50 39-8 16 52 0-2 -14 i 17-5 60 40-8 -45 17 26-2 65 16 17-7 -77 50 3'3 -17 6 51-1 - 8 9 '9 4'4 -39 2 3' 9 29 46-2 -16 34 53'4 -47 45 3i'8 54 16-6 + 0'2 o-o + 0-6 + 2 '5 + 0-3 O'O + 0-2 + I'2 + 0-3 o-o + 0-4 + 0-5 + o'5 o-o + 0-2 - 3'9 0'2 O'O + 0-2 o-o O'l + o-i o-o o-o + i-5 + 0-1 + o-i + i-o + 0-1 + '-5 + 1-8 + '3779 13-825 13-961 14-044 14-107 + 14-196 14-236 14-240 14-252 14-401 + 14-418 14-428 14-53 14-698 '4754 + 14-829 14-843 14-941 I5 - 035 'S'OSS + I5-H6 15-254 15-307 15-346 15-364 + 15-391 15-411 !5-443 15-464 15-705 + 15739 15-908 15-924 16-143 16-302 + 16-338 16-401 16-497 16-510 16-531 + '40 34 '39 46 67 + .'34 42 '35 '35 3' + "57 '45 38 42 36 + -29 39 4' 37 '3' + -36 '47 40 50 '35 + -35 3' "30 30 28 + '35 42 60 28 579 + -3i 26 27 32 Z5 -039 + 003 125 -38 '067 oo -03 20 -04 + 005 085 -08 -08 + 005 -04 + 784 + 034 oo 030 oo + -02O 01 I OO oo -26 -018 030 -180 oi -297 -31 3 3 3 3 3 i 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 I 3 2 : 3 3 3 3 5:6 i 3 3 i 3 2 6-29 57 2 5'OO S75 6'55 5-00 6-30 57' 6- H 577 6-55 6-30 6-04 6-30 6-55 5-00 6-55 6-05 5-00 6-18 5-81 5-00 6-55 6-06 6-55 577 5-00 679 6-06 5-00 5-78 577 5-82 5-00 5 'oo 577 5-80 5-00 5-76 6-19 8 Aquarii Lacaille 8625 Lacaille 8678 Lalande 40831 Lacaille 8690 .. Lacaille 8602 Lacaille 8715 Lacaille 8727 Lacaille 8742 8 Equulei a Lacaille 8743 Indi Microscopii 6 l Lalande 41400 ...i... Microscopii 2 Pavonis y Indi y Lacaille 8782 Lacaille 8808 Lacaille 8809 34 Capricorni B. 1). - 17 6272... PiazziXXI. 125 22 Aquarii ^8 Lacaille 8838 Lacaille 8842 Lacaille 8896 Bradley 2833 49 Capricorni 8 Lacaille 8912 Lalande 4241:7... 1538. 47, 7-2 4"'4 285 1900-6. 1541. 6 4, 7 '6 I 'o 292 1900-8. '54 6 - 5'S. 7'9 z '9 1 4 5 1900-6. No note of duplicity. CAPE CATALOGUE. 42 CAPE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900'0, No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. 1900*0. H a .AE. Precession 1 900 "o. Sec. Var. igoo'o. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. 1 900 "o. jij.AE. Precession igoo'o. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Pruper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 '573 '574 1575 1576 '577 1578 '579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 '593 '594 '595 1596 1597 1598 '599 i6oof 5-8 5-6 6-8 6-9 6-7 6-8 3"i 5'i 7'4 7-2 5-8 4-6 6-6 6-5 57 S'9 87 4-6 4'3 1 7 6-9 9-0 37 8-5 5-8 7-0 5'3 4'9 5'3 7-6 4'3 2-9 5-6 5-8 5'6 3'9 6-0 6-1 5'i 5'8 Lacaille 8903 h ra s 21 42 14-97 42 1974 43 47-54 45 43"i 47 32-12 21 47 39-6 47 52-62 48 30-69 48 57-01 50 3-7 21 50 2177 51 6-97 51 2577 51 25-96 53 i5"27 21 58 49-66 21 59 32-70 22 5-34 I 2-28 1 55^4 22 3 24-05 3 277 5 9'44 7 38-99 8 6-88 22 8 32-38 8 49-45 9 35-57 10 25-60 10 42-88 22 II 33-45 II 39-07 II 42-61 12 35-0 16 3-77 22 l6 29-54 16 59-66 17 21-56 18 18-03 18 54-35 s + -06 -04 oo - -04 + -or -oi - -05 - -09 - -27 - -07 - -03 + 03 - -4 + -06 - -28 - 1-82 - -04 -i i - 'I? -io oo s +4-7062 5-1585 3-I49 2 3-3973 3-1293 + 3-2I45 3-6382 2-7271 3-1461 3-3566 + 3-6265 4-1078 6 : 4583 4-2789 3-6382 + 4-2455 3 2330 3-6332 3-2420 3-7895 + 3-2321 3-2216 3-0082 3-2236 6-0235 + 3-6320 6-9795 3-6269 3-6284 3'94 2 5 + 3-1610 4"'593 3-9129 12-8755 4-9576 + 3-0916 3" 6 8 2 9 47473 4-0012 3"i257 s -1I 5 I6 5 007 018 006 009 -031 + 005 007 -016 -031 066 39 1 08 1 032 -083 oi i 34 Oil 044 on oio ooi oi i 367 036 592 036 036 063 008 084 06 1 3-201 2O2 '004 43 I6 5 73 O06 s '009 + -0077 + "0005 + -0068 -OO22 + 'OO22 + 'OIIO + -0187 + -47 + -on + -0047 -004 + -0073 -0119 + - 49 -0400 + -289 + -0081 + -018 + 'O2I + -016 '0006 -65 io 33 ; 6 -7o 5 397 - 5 52 37 -23 44 10-3 - 4 27 44-8 -ii i 537 -37 5 6-7 + 25 27 16-6 - 5 49 357 -2i 36 45-5 -37 43 38-5 -55 28 4-9 -78 8 25-5 -59 29 19-6 38 52 22-O 60 7 10-5 13 28 40-3 -4 ' 33'7 1421 18-1 -47 26 43-0 -13 47 22-7 -12 55 27-6 + 5 42 20-2 -13 31 8-8 -78 o 33-1 -41 51 23-6 80 56 14-9 -41 56 38-9 -42 7 287 -54 49 9-1 - 8 16 53-9 -60 45 27-9 -54 6 35-1 86 28 33-9 -72 44 33-0 - i 53 29-2 -46 25 54-3 -70 56 9-1 -S 8 17 41"! - 5 20 34-8 + O'l + 0-1 O'O + 0'I + 0-8 + 0-3 + 0-9 02 + 4'4 + 0-4 o-* o-o + 0-1 + 0'2 + 3-8 - o-4 + 4'5 - 0-7 + 0-2 + 0-5 + 2-2, O'O + i6 : 534 16-538 16-609 16-703 16-790 + 16-796 16-806 16-837 16-857 16-910 + 16-923 i6-959 16-974 16-974 17-058 + 17-309 17-341 17-365 17-406 I7-444 + 17-508 17-511 17-582 17-686 17705 + 17-722 17733 17765 17798 17-811 + 17-844 17-848 17-850 17-885 18-019 + 18-037 18-059 18-073 18-105 18-127 + '38 +2 25 27 24 + -25 28 "21 24 26 + -28 'SI "49 32 27 + -30 "23 26 23 27 + -22 "22 '21 21 40 + '25 '47 2 4 2 3 26 + -20 27 26 84 '33 + -19 23 29 2 4 '9 '02 021 + '006 -016 -129 062 -175 + 036 -75 -06 + 033 oo 019 -034 -66 + 075 -72 + 015 -04 -08 -'35 + 007 3 3 5 3 6 2 3 i 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 4 3 3 4 3=4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 i 3 3 1 1 3 6:7 3 3 3 3 6-06 6-55 5'94 5-76 6-27 6-30 5-00 5-00 6-35 6-67 6-31 5-81 6-55 576 576 576 5-83 6-55 5-00 5-00 5-76 5-82 5-00 5-80 5-80 5-81 6-56 5-81 6-29 6-07 5-00 5 - oo 5-81 5-00 6-31 5-00 6-05 6-30 6-29 579 Indi o Piazzi XXI. 290 Lacaille 4941 Piazzi XXI. 314 Lalande 42633 ... Gruis . . y 1 6 Pegasi W. B.XXL 1090.... Lalande 42700.. Lacaille 8964 Indi & Lacaille 8927 Lacaille 8959... . Lacaille 8976 Lacaille 9001 W. B. XXL 1317... 33 Aquarii i Gruis a Lalande 43155 B. D. - 13 6109... 26 Pegasi 6 B. D. - 13 6130... Octantis J/ Lacaille 906 1 Octantis e Gruis /j. 1 Gruis fjf Lacaille 9071 43 Aquarii 6 Toucani a Lacaille 9076 Octantis (C) .... v Indi v 48 Aquarii- Gruis 7T 2 Lacaille 9099 Lacaille 0112... 5 1 Aquarii 1600. 6-5, 6-7 o" 7 10 1897-9. FROM OBSERVATIONS IN THE YEARS 1905-6. 43 No. Mag. Name. Mean R.A. igoo'o. M a .AE. Precession igoo'o. Sec. Var. 1900-0. Proper Motion. Mean Dec. igoo'o. MS .AE. Precession 1900*0. Sec. Var. 1 900 'o. Proper Motion. No. of Obs. Epoch 1900 + 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 i6iof 161 1 l6l2f 1613 1614. 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621! 1622 1623 1624. 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 i6 3+ t '635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 4-8 5-8 57 4' 1 7'3 4-8 5-2 4"i 6-5 6-0 6-3 7-2 6-1 2'I 7'3 4'9 5-6 6-9 3-6 5-6 6-4 3'9 6'3 6-8 9-2 7'3 8-6 7 '4 4'i 5-8 57 5'4 6'3 4'4 5-8 3'8 5'0 6-1 5-8 4' 1 Toucani 8 h m s 22 20 13-47 21 16-16 22 47-67 23 17-67 23 I8'9 22 25 21-33 26 14-55 30 13-12 3 39-04 31 8-82 22 34 lo-o 34 '2'3 34 26-55 36 41-99 37 35'8 22 39 29-64 41 2-96 42 6 - o6 42 31-06 45 2079 22 45 40-46 47 23-88 47 4 2 "'9 49 26-42 50 26-79 22 52 2O'7 54 17-02 54 53'2 54 58-60 55 '4"97 22 58 15-65 22 5 8 44-94 23 o 14-93 I 14-80 I 19-67 23 4 6-94 4 34'4 9 25-93 10 57-20 ii 35-72 8 - -06 - ''5 -02 -02 oo -02 - "3 oo oo - "07 "OI + -04 - -05 oo + -oi oo + -08 + '5 + '5 - -03 -20 + -02 - -4 'O2 - '06 - ''3 + 03 s + 4-3 77 4"4534 3-5279 3 -6010 3-2999 + 3'i784 4'934 3-0780 3-5I54 3'5'32 + 3-34i6 3-34I8 3-8507 3-5892 3-2641 + 37058 5-8138 3-4299 3-6366 3"42~2 + 3-9346 3-I3I7 4-2502 3-5387 3-1378 + 3-2674 3-1197 3-2607 3-574I 3-5405 +4-0167 3-5 6 73 5-0300 3 '4002 3-3506 + 3-2008 3-2082 3-3325 3-6187 3-5347 s III 132 032 039 016 009 091 003 034 034 -O2I 021 O7O 43 015 -0 5 7 '479 '030 5 2 031 '092 -006 144 044 007 -018 005 oi 8 053 049 -125 055 378 35 -029 -014 015 031 078 063 3 + '0103 + -026 + '0039 + '0029 oooo + -004 + -0057 ooo ooo + -0133 + -0014 -0065 + -0093 ooo -ooi + 'OOO2 - -0133 -026 -008 + -005 + -031 -0036 + -0057 + -0032 -0041 + '010 + '023 - -0057 65 28 30-3 -67 59 48-5 -39 38 16-9 44 O 22'6 -22 34 52-7 II II 23-5 -62 29 44-9 - o 37 59-4 -4i 5 55'S 41 6 26-8 28 50 43-0 -28 52 4-5 -57 55 36-5 -47 24 27-4 22 IO 52-6 -54 ' 33-8 -80 39 47 -38 44 5'4 -51 50 34-4 -39 4 1 U'4 ~ 6 3 43 4'4 86 42-0 70 36 26-7 -49 i 33-6 - 9 19 15-2 -26 38 8-6 - 7 8 32-5 -26 41 9-4 -53 '7 25-1 - 51 29 12-3 69 21 38-2 -54 30 4'3 80 i 127 -44 3 37'5 -39 2 5 5 8>I -2i 42 547 22 59 58-8 -41 38 50-5 61 32 46-1 -58 47 i-7 O'2 + 0-2 + i-o o-o + 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-3' + 0-3 + 0-5 + 0-1 0-2 + 0-4 + 0- 3 o-o + 0-3 0'2 ~ 0'3 0-2 o-o - 0- 4 o-o + O'2 o-i 0-2 o-o + 0-9 + 0-2 - 0'3 + i8 /: i7 7 18-215 18-270 18-288 18-289 + 18-362 18-392 18-528 18-542 18-559 + 18-657 18-658 18-666 18-737 18765 + 18-823 18-869 18-900 18-912 18-993 + 19-00* 19-049 19-058 19-104 19-131 + 19-180 19-228 >9'*43 19-246 19-251 + '9'324 '9'335 19-370 19-392 '9"393 + i9 - 454 "9-463 19-561 19-590 19-601 + 26 27 20 21 19 + -18 23 16 19 19 + -17 17 20 18 16 + -18 28 16 17 '5 + -17 13 18 >5 '3 + -13 12 '3 '4 13 + -'5 13 18 12 '12 + -10 10 10 10 10 + ''032 -'03 --I73 006 -025 -O2 -053 -06 -09 026 + 040 -077 -059 + 003 -05 + 035 + -54 + 04 oo +07 oo 038 + 018 + 041 004 -16 -04 + 060 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 12 : 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 5:6 3 3 3 3 3 3 =4 3 3 ii 3 3 3 3 5-80 579 5 -8z 6-29 5-85 5-00 5-84 5-00 5-81 5-8* 5'85 5-85 5-80 5-00 5-85 5-77 5-85 577 5-81 5-83 5-78 5-00 6-08 5-81 S -8j 576 5-82 : 5-83 5-87 6-09 5-78 5-84 5-80 6-55 16-37 5-80 6-55 5'oo 5-81 577 5-82 5-00 Lacaille 9117 Gruis S 1 Lacaille 9142 57 Aquarti 53 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 i66of 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 ,675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 3'8 5-8 5'5 7-8 5'2 5-2 5'9 5-8 57 57 6-5 5-0 6-4 6-8 5-8 6-0 4-6 8-4 4'9 6-5 8-8 5'i 4"3 47 5'9 5'9 6-3 6-0 5'* 6-9 6-2 6-0 5'2 5-2 4-0 4-6 5'6 4'9 7'4 5-8 6 Piscium . . > h m s 23 II 59-15 12 38-92 '3 9'5 13 50-8 13 51-1 23 17 24-7 1 8 3679 '9 37 - 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