A A. CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE TILLMAN, A. M., Professor of Technology in the American Institute of the City of New York. ALBANY : C. VAN BENTHTJYSEN & SONS, PRINTERS. 1866. STACK GUT V A NEW CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE.* BY S. D. TILLMAN, A. M., PROFESSOR OF TECHNOLOGY IX THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. THE present seems very opportune for the introduction of a Nomenclature which will more completely methodize the Science of Chemistry. By such aid, students, who formerly deserted the study because they found themselves gra- dually sinking into a quagmire of incongruous names, may advance on firm ground, and view with satisfaction and profit the fair fields opened on every side by the distinguished chemists of our own time. The old nomenclature, based on the joint production of DEMORVEAC, LAVOISIER, BERTHOLLET and FOURCROY, published in 1787, has been frequently amended and enlarged ; yet, to preserve the connection and consistency of the whole, names and classifica- tions were retained long after they had lost their original significance. Even the broad line of distinction between* acids and salts (made when oxygen acids and neutral salts only were known), gradually diminished with the successive discoveries of acid salts and the promulgation of new views by DAVY and DULONG, until it is now no longer recognized by those who regard the whole class of hydracids as true salts. A fatal error was committed at the outset, in attempt- ing to define the acids containing most and least oxygen, by adopting 1 as ter- minals (rendered into English) ic and ous, and the corresponding terminals ate and ite for salts. Subsequent discoveries of higher and lower oxides in- volved the necessity of using, as prefixes to the words in general use, the terms hyper or per and hypo. Still these amendments have not obviated the difficulty, as will be seen by reference to the combinations of oxygen with sulphur. This conflict of terms was not, however, the greatest evil. The ic and ous terminals are worse than useless for expressing the degrees of oxidation, because the same terminal has a different signification in almost every series of oxides. Similar objection may be made to the use of the terminal a in the names of oxides; for example, Soda, now Na^O; Magnesia, MgO ; Alumina, AL0 3 ; and Silica, formerly Si0 3 , by many now written Si0 2 . Early in the present century, the words protoxide, deutoxide, etc. were used to distinguish the several de- grees of oxidation having the simple ratio of combining proportions, i. f . 1:2, 1:3, 1:4. No more complex ratios than 2 : 3 were provided for. * Read at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, held in the city of Buffalo, Aug. 16th, 1866. 165 Many of these, and similar names applied to electro-negative elements, are often misused by distinguished authors who have adopted the atomic notation; for instance, sesqui to designate the combination of. six atoms of a halogen with two atoms of carbon, or of a biatomic metal. The comparatively recent discovery of a great number of organic compounds, so called, required the coinage of many new names to designate radicals. Simultaneously the attempt was first made by German chemists to state definitely by prefixes the number of " equivalents" of each element in com- bination, which has resulted in the formation of names of a frightful length, scarcely pronounceable and seldom remembered. A complete catalogue of the chemical bodies now known would embrace several thousand terms. The no- vice, misled at first by common and commercial names, like " milk of lime," "sugar of lead," "cream of tartar," "oil of vitriol," and "butter of an- timony," but who had advanced far enough to find no sulphur in sulphuric ether, no copper in copperas, no lead in black lead, no soda in soda water, and to be assured that "Dutch liquid" is not imported from Holland, might look with interest and wonder on the accumulated names approved by the highest authorities, and enquire whether this magnificent patchwork could be of much service as a chemical chart. To a negative reply, should be added " Yet a substitute for the whole has been provided by the Notation." The introduction of chemical symbols by BERZELIUS marks an era of progress quite as plainly as the first employment of Arabic signs and numerals in the mathematics. The notation is now frequently employed to the exclusion of chemical names, in oral as well as written communications. Its general adop- tion forty years ago, with the atomic signification originally attached to it by BERZELIUS, would have prevented the confusion of terms and signs now con- sequent upon the conformation of the atomic volume of gaseous elements to the one standard. BERZELIUS barred certain letters, to signify that one-half the combining weight was the atomic weight ; in other words, that the so-called " equivalent" contained two atoms. GERHARDT, on the other hand, used the same mark to denote that the combining weight must be doubled to express the atomic weight. MILLER, in the third edition of his " Elements of Che- mistry," designates the old notation in the usual way, and the new notation by italic capitals; while WATT*) in his " Dictionary of Chemistry," still in pro- cess of publication, just reverses MILLER'S arrangement. The following symbols, representing a molecule of water according to three different views, will explain what induced BERZELIUS, who measured volume and atomic weight on the oxygen scale, to halve the symbols representing the combining proportion of hydrogen ; and why GERHARDT, who simplified mea- surements by making the hydrogen atom the unit of weight and bulk, was led to double the value of the symbol for oxygen, without knowing to how many other symbols the doubling process would finally be applied. DALTON. BERZELIFS. GERHARDT. (2 vol.) H (1 vol.) \ {; J | 1 vol. '\ |; H| 1 vol.= H 2 O 2 . 1+8 = 9. .5+. 5+8 = 9. 14-1 + 16 = 18. No inconsistency arises in the interpretation of these symbols ; and although grave objections have been made by HERSCHEL and ODLING to the mingling of mathematical and chemical signs in chemical equations, it must be admitted that the symbol of a compound is universall} 7 regarded as the real body which may be clothed with synonymes more or less expanded to suit the peculiar views of different schools. Quite a serious derangement of the nomenclature has followed the introduc- tion of the atomic notation. A majority of the old names have thus become inappropriate ; and chiefly for this reason, many well-known European che- mists, and nearly all American chemists, still prefer to use the old system expressing combining proportions. No sweeping innovation which changes or perverts the meaning of old terms, rendering old and familiar works on che- mistry comparatively worthless, and which tends to eradicate fundamental ideas, will be accepted by the present generation. How utterly futile would be the unanimous resolve of a World's Convention to change the value of our common numerals so as to represent a unit by the figure 2 ! Yet if they should propose to leave the old signs undisturbed, and to use new characters having the same numerical value with other important significations, the project could perhaps be carried into practical operation. Thus in any science it will be found most feasible to designate new views, or new structures, by new and appropriate names. This subject has commanded the attention of all advanced chemists. At the meetings of the London Chemical Society, the question has been discussed by GRAHAM, WILLIAMSON, MILLER, BRODIE, FRANKLAND, ODLING, HOFMANN and other distinguished members. GMELIN'S names, as modified by WATT^and his compeers, seem to be received with most favor. WILLIAMSON, FOSTER and WILLIAMS have suggested valuable alterations. One would, however, be safe in predicting that while the ic and ous system predominates, the root of the perplexity will not be reached. The nomenclature now presented is the result of an attempt to obviate the continual embarrassment attending the prosecution of chemical studies. Failing to remember the exact composition of certain compounds, the writer resorted to mnemonical methods ; and, after repeated trials, devised, in the year 1850, a system of words, generally unlike any found in dictionaries, which, with certain modifications, he has constantly employed since that time. It was ori- ginally adapted to the old classification of acids, bases and salts, but was so arranged as to be most conveniently used in defining combinations of hydrogen or a metal with a radical according to the binary system. It was also early employed in explaining the now discarded Nucleus theory, as advocated by LOZWIG in 1851. Although the importance of the Typical system of classification was clearly set forth by HUNT in 1848 (Am. Jour. Science, V, 265; VI, 173), not until after memorable experiments and discoveries by European chemists had de- monstrated its great value, was the decision made to modify this nomenclature so as to be used with facility in expressing the new views. In attempting to take this step, however, another serious obstacle was encountered in the di- versity of opinion regarding atomic weights. KOPP and REGXAULT had thrown new light on the subject; yet chemists of the Unitary school still agreed with the views originally advanced by GERHARDT, and recognized many metals, be- sides silver and those of the alkaline class, as monatomic. In 1861, however, GIBBS made it manifest that if the atomic weights of carbon, ox} T gen and sul- phur be taken respectively at 12, 16 and 32, the received numbers of at least fifty elements must be doubled (Am. Jour. Science, XXXI % 246). More recent- ly, prompted by CANIZZARO, the disciples of GERHARDT have almost unanimously renounced such opinions on comparative atomic weights as are at variance with those of BERZELIUS. The meaning of the new notation having thus been definitely fixed, while the nomenclature may be said to be still in the transition state, an atomic system of names, intended to supply the place both of the notatiovi and the. old nomen- clature, is submitted for candid and critical examination. A leading considera- tion has been to produce a system which will assist the stutent in acquiring and retaining a knowledge of fundamental laws : also to provide such brief technical terms as will enable chemists generally to express their views with more conciseness. Doubtless the most rapid advance has been made by students who have daily witnessed the operations of the laboratory. ]S 7 o oral description of chemical experiments could make so deep and permanent an impression. This principle of retention was well appreciated and expressed by HORACE : Segnius irritant animos demissa per aurera, Quam quae sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus. Next in importance to experimental knowledge, must be ranked a system of words and symbols which will convey, at sight, by means of their combinations, a clear idea of the union of the elements, without denoting in every instance by rational formulae the manner of such union. The ear also should be brought into service in such a system, by making the very sound of the symbols so excite the power of association as to bring before "the mind's eye" the whole series of similar and nearly related compounds. To accomplish these objects, it was necessary to construct an entirely new scheme, by providing for every well-investigated chemical body a name which should at once designate the kind and number of atoms composing it, and to a certain extent its typical and functional characteristics. This work was accomplished in a true conservative spirit, by building the new structure from old materials, and upon a foundation which is the result of the combined labors of those truly great men who have devoted their lives to the advancement of Chemical science. The method of construction will be briefly explained under the following heads : 1. The system is based on abbreviations of the universally received names of the metals, and on the chemical symbols of the metalloids or non-metallic elements, with such modifications as were imperatively required. 2. The name of each chemical element relates, not to its mass, but only to a minimum combining proportion termed an atom, or to some multiple of it. The atom is therefore the unit of measurement, and the starting point of the scale in each series of compounds. 3. The atomic name of each metal consists of two syllables, and ends with the consonant m. 4. The name of each of the thirteen metalloids terminates with a different consonant. Arsenic and tellurium, classed by French chemists among the me- talloids, have in this arrangement the terminal letter common to the metals. 5. The number of atoms of any element is designated by the vowel imme- diately preceding its terminal consonant. The numerical power of the vowels advances with the order in which they are placed in the alphabet. O?ie, two, three, four and five are respectively expressed by a, e, i, o and u, having the short or stopped sound as heard in bat, bet, bit, hot, hut; and six, seven, eight, nine and ten by the same vowels having a long or full sound. In foreign lan- guages, it may be best to designate the long sound by a sign placed over the vowel ; but in our language, it is found by experience more convenient to place e before each of the vowels, which invariably indicates their long or full sound as heard in the words great, greet, sleight, yeoman, euphony. These ten distinctive sounds may be illustrated by a single example. From one to ten atoms of iron, inclusive, have the following names : Fe. Ferram; Fe* Ferrem ; Fe s , Ferrim ; Fe t , Ferrom ; Fe 5 , Ferrum; Fe 6 , Ferream ; Fei, Ferreem; Fe, F err elm ; Fe 9 , Ferreom ; Feio, Ferreum. The proper diphthongs are sometimes used for the even numbers between 10 and 20. These will be remembered from the fact that their value is the sum of their vowel- values, either short or long : thus, oi is 12 = 9 -}- 3 ; ou is 14 = 9 + 5 ; au is 16 = 6 -|- 10 ; oo is 18 = 9 -f- 9. The consonant y is 10, and used only in connection with vowels, which will express all the numbers to and including 20 : w is 20, and, with the usual appendage, will express the numbers to and including 30. X is also used, and when preceded by a vowel, which thus has the power of an exponent, will express a progression by tens to one hundred; thus, 10, ax; 20, ex; 30, ix ; 40, ox; 50, ux ; 60, eax ; 70, eex ; 80, eix ; 90, eox ; 100, eux. In the same manner, these vowels preceding qu express the hundreds to and including one thousand, and the intermediate numbers are represented by suffixing some of the characters previously explained. Very few chemical compounds, now known, have a composition represented by atomic numbers higher than one hundred. A large majority of the bodies of known composition do not require numbers as high as ten. The following selections will show more clearly the numerical value of each letter, and the extent to which this numerative system may be carried . a, I ea, 6 a* 11 y, 10 w, 20 ax, 10 aqu, 100 e, 2 ee, 7 oi, 12 ya, 11 wi, 23 eq, 20 equ, 200 t. 3 ei, 8 ou, 14 yi, 13 wee, 27 ix, 30 eiqu, 800 o', 4 eo, 9 au, 16 yeo, 19 weo, 29 eix, 80 eoquix, 930 ,g eu,W oo, 18 yeu, 20 weu, 30 eux. 100 euqueix.lQSQ 6. The following metalloids have names terminating with their well-known symbolic letters : one atom of each is here denoted. Fluorine, Nitrogen, Carbon, fluraf or af; nitran or an ; carbac or ac ; Bromine, bromab or ab ; Phosphorus, phosap orap; Sulphur, sulphas or as. In a few instances where the symbolic letter could not be used, the terminal letter adopted may be associated with some prominent characteristic of the element. Thus I represents the lightest of substances, an atom of hydrogen is hydral or al ; d represents the densest of the gaseous elements, an atom of chlorine is chlorad or ad; v represents a volatile producing a violet vapor, one atom of iodine is idav or av. The atom par excellence is at : oxygen, exceeding in quantity all other elements of the Earth's crust, has for the name of a single atom oxat or at. An atom of selenium is selaz or az : it bears a strong resem- blance in its reactions to as. Boron and silicon or silicium, like carbon, are >L permanent solids when isolated : their terminals may be remembered by the association of j and k in the alphabet ; an atom of boron is boraj or aj, an atom of silicon is silak or ok. The compounds of carbon and hydrogen are so numerous that it has been found essential to provide an additional character to represent each. The letter r may be associated with the radiating and refracting power of carbon; and carbar or ar, as well as #c, will represent an atom of carbon. As ac might be mistaken for ak, in radical compounds, the carbon component is denoted generally by r. The only case in which it has been found advantageous to use one letter to designate two atoms, is that of h for two atoms of hydrogen, or hydrel ; thus preserving the ratio of the old combining numbers, C a H 2 8 being cht. It will be noted that ach, corresponds with C 2 H. 2 in the old notation, and with H 2 in the new : it is the key to a series of radicals, i.e. methyl, CH 3 , is adial ; ethyl, siH 5 , echal. 7. Metalloid terminal syllables express as much as the full name, and are used as suffixes to names of metallic atoms to denote a metallic compound ; for example, the protoxide of iron is ferramat, which indicates very clearly that one atom of iron is united with one atom of oxygen. A combination of metalloid syllables represents anon-metallic compound. In numerous cases, the number of syllables forming such a word is less than the number of different elements in the compound, because two or more terminal characters may be united, and the vowel or diphthong preceding the whole will be applicable to each ; for instance, elt = H 2 2 is a molecule of oxygenated water, or peroxide of hydrogen ; am = CN is an atom of cyanogen, and ant = NO is a molecule of binoxide of nitrogen. It will be seen presently that the names of salts con- taining one atom of a metal are sometimes slightly abbreviated, by omitting the a which should precede m; also that m, with a vowel preceding it, is applied to multiples of any radical playing the part of a metal. The following table embraces all the chemical elements known with certain- ty, and their atomic numbers corresponding with the systems of BERZELIUS and GERHARDT, to each of which the new names are equally applicable. The highest and lowest known oxides of each element are also added. Names in- cluded in brackets are hydrates containing three elements. In twelve cases, where the same metal is known by two names, each name has been adapted to the new system ; the first name in each couplet is derived from that recognised by chemists of every nation. SYMBOLS. At. wt. al.= .5. At. \vt . al. 7 l. Name of one atom. Name of a moiccule [2 at) Name of lowest oxide. Name of highest oxide. H .5 1. Hydral Hydrel H a O hydrelat HaO a hydrelt N 7. 14. riitrau nitren N 2 nitrenat N 2 5 nitrenut O 8. 16. ox at oxet $c 6. 12. carbac carbec > H carbar carber $ CO carbart C0 2 carburet Si 14. 28. silak silek S0 2 silaket B 5.45 10 9 bora] borej B 2 3 borejit P 15.5 31. phosap phosep PO phosapt P 2 5 phoseput S 16. 32. sulphas sulphes S0 2 sulphas et 80s sulphasit Se 39.75 79.5 selaz selez Se0 2 selazet (alazot) F 9.5 19. fluraf fluref Cl 17.73 35.46 chlorad chlored C1 2 chloredat (aladot) Br 40. 80. bromab bromeb (alabit) I 63.5 127. idav idev HIO (alavat) I 2 7 ideveet TABLE (Continued). SYMBOLS. At. wt. al.= .5. At. wt. al.= l. Name of one atom. Name of a molecule (2 at) Name of lowest oxide. Name of highest oxide. METALS. Cs 66.5 133. Coesam Coesem Cs 2 coesemat (coesamalt) Rb 42.5 85. rubatn rubem rubemat (rubamalt) JK 19.5 39. kalam or kalem kalem ai (kalamalt) f " potam potem potemat (potamalt) ad. if* III f al > an, al) gu> al j al) all al /> op. a/1 \ al) In representing the most important bodies formed by the replacement of one or more atoms of hydrogen by one or more monad radicals, the change consists, as will presently be shown, simply in substituting for al the name of a radical ending with al. The different views of chemists respecting the typical form of the same body may be distinctly illustrated by the new characters ; take for example, acetic acid, C 4 H 4 4 = C 2 H 4 2 . KOLBE'S carbonic-acid type, being essentially the same as the water type, is omitted, and the so-called radical type is added in the following table : FRANKLAND & DUPPA. Cal ar < al (al EMPIRICAL. GERHARDT. DEBUS. olert or echet. an + artachal $ al C achal' ar < at" ( alt'. ar alt 1 . The empirical name echet is the second in a series of which acket (formic acid) is the first; ichet (propy lie acid), the third; ochet (buty lie acid), the fourth; uchet (amylic acid ), the fifth; and so on to the highest or most con- densed molecule weuchet (melissic acid), represented in the old notation by HOC 60 H 59 3 , and in the new by C 30 H 60 2 . These short and simple names, formed by changes in the first syllable, represent these acids as the result of successive additions of ach (CHJ ; but they cannot be made available in illu- strating the changes which occur when an atom of hydrogen is replaced by a metal or a radical. The other empirical name maybe used by those who prefer to express no opinion as to the actual constitution of the acid. To carry out this view, the replaceable atom of hydrogen in the acid may form the first syllable, and the remaining syllables will be the terminal of the acetates formed by monad metals, e.g. acetic acid, alilert ; acetate of potash, Kalmilert. The terminal syllables must be doubled in value, to denote acetates of dyad me- tals; for example, acetate of lead, Plubmealort . In consideration of the ex- istence of numerous important bodies, into the construction of which an acid- forming radical of this series enters, it has been found most desirable to designate the acids by names which bring the radical more clearly to view. Preference is therefore given to those which are readily resolved into the water or dyad type ; thus, acetic acid, as alartachalt or lartachalt, is easily separated into syllables which reveal its typical structure [al-artachal]at. When al is replaced by a monad metal, the typical form is still apparent [am-artackal]at. An atom of a dyad metal replaces the hydrogen atom in two molecules of acid : therefore the torso artachalt is doubled, which is indicated by the suffix e having the sound of eh, thus, artachalte. In the sesquiacetates, the double- torso artachalte is trebled, and indicated by the suffix ea = 6; for example, the acetate of alumina =~ A1 2 C 12 H 18 12 , is Alem-artachaltea. All the types previously enumerated maybe regarded as subtypes, embraced 11 in a regular series of types consisting of condensed molecules of hydrogen, according to the suggestion originally made by HUNT. In the following table, containing several new types, the condensed hydrogen molecules are connected with the types of substantially the same significance by the mathematical symbol of equivalency. Atoms in brackets in the first series are replaced by other atoms in the second. RATIOS. HYDROGEN MOLECULES. OLD NAMES. NEW NAMES. 1 ; I al-[al] =0= HC1, Hydrochloric acid = alad. 2 : I el-[el] H 2 0, Water = elat. 3 : I il-[il] H 3 N, Ammonia = Han. I : 4 [ol]-ol CH 4 , Marsh gas = arol. I : 5 [ul]-ul PCU, Peutachloride of phosphorus = apud. I : 6 [eal]-eal CrF 6 , Perfluoride of chromium = ckrameaf. I : 7 [eel] -eel o MnCl 7 , Perchloride of manganese = manametd. I : 4 [ol]-ol CH 3 H, Hydride of methyl (achal-al) = achel. II : 6 [eal]-eal =0= C 2 H 5 H, Hydride of ethyl (echal-al) = echel. III : 8 [eil]-eil =0= C 3 H 7 H, Hydride of propyl (ichal-al) = ichel. IV : 10 [cul]-eul zO= CtHgH, Hydride of butyl (ochal-ul) = ochel. V : 12 [yel]-yel O C 6 HiiH, Hydride of amyl (uchal-al) = uchel. VI : 14 [yol]-yol CeHjsH, Hydride of caproyl (eachal-al) = eachel. VII : 16 [yeal]-yeal -O^ f^xiisH. Hydride of oenanthyl(eecAa/-a/) = eechel. VIII : 18 [yeil]-yeil =O= CgHivH, Hydride of capryl (eichal-al) = eichel. XII : 26 [weal] -weal O CiaHusH, Hydride of lauryl (oichal-al) = oichel. XVI : 34 [ixol] -ixol C 16 H 33 H, Hydride of cetyl (auckal-al) = auchd. XXVII : 56 [uxeal]-uxeal =O= CatHssH, Hydride of ceryl (weechal-al) = weechel. XXX : 62 [eaxel]-eaxel O CsoHeiH, Hydri de of melissyl (weuchal-al)= weuchel. It is evident that the so-called " atomicity" does not prevent the union of atoms in a regular progressive series of ratios. In such cases, the atom-holding energy has different degrees of development as the result of the reflex influence of combination. Apparent abnormal action, for instance in the case of I a 7 , eveet, may be accounted for by supposing an even number of atoms of oxygen, 6 , in alternately opposite polar conditions, to be united with I 2 0. When mer- cury and chlorine form calomel, mercamad, the anomaly is explained by the fact that the volume of the compound corresponds with that of a molecule of hydrogen ; thus in this, as well as the case of the hydride of copper, cupamal, a dyad metal plays the part of a monad. The new names of acids and salts, of simple as well as intricate construc- tions, are so framed that they may readily be resolved into syllables expressing their typical relations. This is accomplished by making the replaceable hydro- gen of an acid the prefix which determines the type on which the compound is constructed, as explained previously in speaking of acetic acid. The typical name of an acid or salt embraces, in fact, three terms; the first consists of the replaceable hydrogen, the second is another portion of the compound of equal equivalence to the first, and the remaining oxygen atoms will constitute a third term having the atomic equivalence of the first and second terms combined. In chemical reactions, the second and third terms generally remain unchanged, and may therefore be included as one name, and the whole name may be said to represent the combination of a radical with a torso. Examples ; Nitric acid, Sulphuric acid, Phosphoric acid, "monatomic' "biatomic" "triatomic" [al'-anet']at" = alanit. [el"-aset /; ]et iv = elasot. [il'"-apt /y/ ]it v i = ilapot. The halogens are powerful electro-negative elements. Having the best struc- 12 tural adaptability, as monads, they are found among the components of many bodies. Those well investigated may be estimated in round numbers thus : Chlorides 750, iodides 320, fluorides 160, bromides 150; to which maybe added another class of very similar structure, the cyanides 220 : total, 1630. In this estimate, several hundred chlorhydrates, bromhydrates and iodhydrates are not included. Their new names will be so readily understood, it is only essential to present such examples as will explain the changes required by the atomic notation and the typical classification. MONAD TYPE. Hydrofluoric acid, Hydrochloric acid, Hydrobromic acid, Hydriodic acid. Hydrocyanic acid, HF, HCI, HBr, HI, HCy, alaf : alad : alab : alav : alurn DYAD TYPE. Fluor spar, Calcamef. Chloride of thorium, Ttiora/ned. Bromide of yttrium, Yttrameb. Cyanide of iron, Ferramern. TRIAD TYPE. Fluoride of arsenic, Jlrsamif. Bromide of gold, JLuramib. Bromide of nitrogen, Jlnib. Fluoride of boron, Ajif. TETRAD TYPE. Perfluoride of titanium, Titamof. Perbromide of tellurium, Tellamob. Perchloride of tautalium, Tanamod. PENTAD TYPE. Pentachloride af antimony, Stibamud. I Pentabromide of phosphorus, apud. \ Quinquiodide of tetraethyl-ammonium, HEXAD TYPE. Perfluoride of vanadium, Vanameaf. Perchloride of molybdenum, Molamead. Perbromide of tungsten, Wolameab. Perfluoride of selenium, JLzeuf. \ SUBTYPE, or RADICAL TYPE. Chloride of aluminium, Jllemead. Perchloride of cerium, Ceremead. Perfluoride of glucinum, Glucemeaf. HEPTAD TYPE. Perchloride of manganese, Manameed. Fluoride of thallium, Thalamaf. Chloride of sodium, Sodamad. Bromide of ammonium, Olanab. Iodide of potassium, Potamav. Cyanide of silver, JLrgamarn. Corrosive sublimate. Mercamed. Bromide of cadmium, Cadameb. Iodide of zinc, Zinamev. Cyanide of magnesium, JMagamern. Chloride of antimony, Stibamid. Iodide of bismuth, Bisamiv- Solid chloride of cyanogen, Irnid. Bromide of boron, Jljib. Perchloride of tin, Stannamod. Periodide of platinum, Platamov. Percyanide of palladium, Pallamorn. Quinquiodide of arsenic? Jlrsamuv. Quinquebromide of iodine, avub. echalomanuv. Periodide of tellurium, TeUameav. Perfluoride of chromium, Chrameaf. Perfluoride of silicon, Akeaf. Perbromide of silicon, Jlkeab. Perchloride of iron, Ferremead. Perfluoride of ruthenium, Ruthemeaf. Chloride of osmium, Osamead. Perfluoride of manganese, Manameef. The sulphides, selenides and tellurides resemble in constitution the oxides. From nearly 300 well-known sulphides, the following are selected : Sulphuretted hydrogen, elas. Persulphide of hydrogen, elus. Bisulphide of carbon, ares. Bisulphide of nitrogen, enes. Monosulphide of potassium (old name) KS = K 2 S. Kalemas. Monosulphide of mercury (cinnabar). Mercmas or Hygamas. Bisulphide of iron (pyrites), Ferrames. Tersulphide of gold, duramis. Quadrisulphide of molybdenum, Molamos. Pentasulphide of antimony, Antamus or Stibamus. Sesquisulphide of rhodium, Rhodemis. A magnetic iron pyrites (with no systematic name); Fe 3 S 4 , Ferrimos. Another variety of pyrites, Fe 7 S 8 (no name), Ferreemeis. 13 The next table contains the known combinations of oxygen with sulphur, forming oxides and acids : Sulphurous anhydride, aset. Sulphurous acid, elasit. Sulphuric anhydride, asit. Nordhausen sulphuric acid, alese.at. Sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol), elasot. Trithronic anhydride, isut. Hyposulphurous acid, elesit. Hyposulphuric acid, eleseat. Trithionic acid, eliseat. Tetrathionic acid, eloseat. Peutathionic acid, eluseat. In these acids or salts of hydrogen, el may replaced by a dyad metal, or, atom for atom, by a monad metal, thus forming metallic salts. From nearly 700 known varieties of sulphates, the following are selected : Sulphate of protoxide of iron, fermasot. Sulphate of magnesia, magmasot. Sulphate of soda, natemasot. Sulphate of copper, Sulphate of baryta, Sulphate of lithium. cvpmasot. barmasot. lithemasot. Of nearly 200 sulphites, only two will be mentioned : Sulphite of cerium, cermasit. Sulphite of potash, kalemasit. From nearly 200 carbonates, only the following are selected : Carbonate of lime. Carbonate of soda, calcmarit natemarit. Carbonate of magnesia, magmarit, Bicarbonate of soda, natmalarit. Of 300 oxalates, only two are here cited : Oxalate of baryta, barmerot. Salt of sorrel, potmalerot. From 100 varieties of silicates, only the following will be noted : Silicate of alumina (sillimanite), A1 2 S0 5 , alemakut. Silicate of alumina (kaolin), AUSaOv, alemekeet. Silicate of potash, potemakit. Silicate of lime, calcmakit. Silicate of magnesia, magmakit. From about 50 nitrites, only two are presented : Nitrite of soda, sodmanet. Nitrite of strontia, stronmenot. From 400 varieties of nitrates, the following are selected : Nitrate of potash, kalmanit. Nitrate of uranium, urmeneat. Nitrate of sesquioxide of iron, Nitrate of silver, argmanit. Protonitrate of iron, fermeifeat. s, ferremeanoot. Of 370 phosphates, only the following : Triphosphate of lime (in bones), Ca 3 P 2 8 , calcimepeit. Acid or Superphosphate of lime, CaH 2 P 2 8 , calcmelepeit. Bibasic phosphate of lime, CaHP 2 8 . calcemalepeit. From 90 sulphocyanides, only one will be mentioned : Sulphocyanide of mercury, HyCy 2 S, mercmernas. A few other terminals of salts may be thus briefly enumerated, a monad metal being denoted by am : 14 210 tartrates, em-orleat. 60 molates, em-orltit. 100 citrates, im-earuleet. 120 chroinates, em-chramot. 270 chioropladnates, ani-platamid. 40 chlorates have the terminal amadit. 60 iodates have the terminal amavib. 330 chlorhydrates have the prefix aid. 50 bromhydrates have the prefix alb. 100 iodhydrates have the prefix alv. Ferro-cyanhydrates or -cyanides, em-ferramirn. Ferri-cyanhydrates 'or -cyanides, im-ferremearn. The monad radicals forming the largest class of alcohols, and the correspond- ing monad radicals of the fatty-acid series, are in the next table placed side by side : ALCOHOL-FORMING RADICALS, AciD-FORMinO RADICALS. Methyl, H 3 = CH 2 H, achal. Formyl, COH, artal. Ethyl, C 2 Hs = C 2 H4H, echal. Acetyl, COCH 3 , artjichal. Propyl, C 3 H 7 == C 3 HeH, ichal. Propionyl, COC 2 H 5 , artechal. Butyl, C 4 H*, = 4 H 8 H, ochal. Butyryl, COC 3 H 7 , artichal. Amyl, C 5 Hn = (JsHioH, uchal. Valeryl, COC 4 H 9 , artochal. Caproyl, f\ TT - f\ TT TT 1/6-tllS V6-tll 2 Al eachal, Caproylyl, COCsHn, artuchal. (Enauth) r l. 7 Hi6 = C 7 Hi 4 H, eechal* (Enanthoyl, COCeHis, arteachal. Capryl, C 8 Hi 7 == C 8 Hi 6 H, elchal. Caprylyl, COC 7 H 15 , a.rteechal. Wanting. Pelargonyl, COC 8 H 17 . arteichal. if Kutilyl, COC 9 Hi9, arteochal. (t Enodilyl, COCioH 2 i arteuchal. Lauryl, CTT . P TT TT iai! 2 5 l/i 2 l 2 4l, yechal. Lauril} 7 !, COCnHaa artaxachal. Wanting. Coccinyl, COCi 2 A 25 artaxechal. K Meristyl, COCi 3 H 27 artaxichal. *t Benyl, COCi 4 H 2 9 artaxochal. Cetyl, , C 16 H 33 = CisHsaH yeachal. Palmityl, COCi 6 H 31 artaxuchal. Wanting. Margaryl, COC 16 H 33 artaxeachal. Stearyl, COC 17 H 35 artaxeechal. ii Balenyl, COC 18 H6 7 artaxeichal. Arachidyl, COCi 9 H 39 artaxeochal. Nardyl, COC 2 oH4i artaxeuchal. Ceryl, C 27 H B5 = C 27 H 54 H weechal. Cerotyl, CO 26 H &3 , artexeachal. Melissyl, f\ TT r TT TT VSOJJ-61 li 3 0-tl8oJtl weuchal. Melissilyl, COC 29 H 5 9, artexeachal. In the acid-forming series, the presence of art" makes the sum of the incre- ments of ach" one less than in the corresponding alcohol-forming radical. An alcohol formed on the dyad type, like water, contains one monad radical, and the corresponding ether two. Two examples of each will suffice to show the manner of illustrating by the new characters their typical form : ALCOHOLS. Hydrate of methyl r Wood spirit, Hydrate of ethyl or Common alcohol, Methylic oxide or Methylic ether, Ethylic oxide or Ethylic ether, ETHERS. j Achal al Echal al Achal Achal Echal Echal at = Achelat. at = Echelat. at = Achalemat. = Echalemat. The sulphydrates and sulphides of such radicals have structures similar to these alcohols and ethers. The following table of names shows the compound containing oxygen, and the corresponding compound containing sulphur : 1. Methylic 2. Ethylic 3. Propylic 4. Butylic 6. Amylic 6. Caproylic 7. (Enanthylic fc 8. Caprylic AIX3OHOLS. jlchelat. Echelat. Ichelat. Ochelat. Uchelat. Eachelat. Eechdat. Eichelat. MKRCAPTANS. Jlchdas. Echelas. Ichelas. Ochelas. Uchelas. Eachelas. Eechelas. Eichelas. ETHERS. Achalemat. Echalemat. Ichalemat. Ochalemat. Uchal emat. Eachalemat. Eechalemat. Eichalemat. SULPHIDES. Jlchalemas. Echalemas. Ichalemas. Ochalemas. Uchalemas. Eachalemas. Eechalemas. Eichalemas. 15 As a specimen of the new names of more than 500 compounds containing an alcohol-forming radical, a few combinations with the most important Ethyl, echal, are presented : Fluoride of ethyl, Bromide of ethyl, Cyanide of ethyl, Acetate of ethyl, Monethylic oxalate, Diethylic oxalate. Methyl-ethylic ether, Methyl-amylic ether, Ethyl-butylic ether, Ethyl-amylic ether, echalf. echalb. echalarn. C 2 H 5 -COCH 3 -0 2 , C 2 H 5 -H-C 2 2 2 , (C 2 H 6 ) a -C 2 2 2 , IH 3 -f C 2 H 5 -0, CH 3 + CVHuO, C 2 H 5 -f C 4 H 9 0, C 2 H 5 + CJInO, Chloride of ethyl, echald. Iodide of ethyl, echalv. Hydride of ethyl, echel. echal-artachalt. echelerot. echalemerot. achal-echalt. achal-uchalt . echal-ochalt . echal-uchalt. Acid-forming radicals form anhydrides, corresponding in structure with simple ethers ; and hydrates (acids) corresponding with alcohols. Examples of the names of acids of this class are here given : for the first term a/, I is used to shorten the word. Formic acid, Acetic acid, Propionic acid, Butyric acid, Valeric acid, Caproic acid, CEnanthylic acid, Caprylic acid, Pelargonic acid, Rutilic acid, H-COH-0, H-COH 3 -0, H-CO 2 H 5 -0, H-COC 3 H 7 -0, H-0 4 H 9 -0, H-COCsHn-O, H-COC 6 H 13 -0, H-COC 7 H 15 -0. H-COC 8 H 17 -0, H-COC 9 H 19 -0, Lartalt Lartachalt Lartechalt Lartichalt Lartochalt Lartuchalt Larteachalt Larteechalt Larteichalt Larteochalt achet. echet. ichet. ochet. uchet. eachet. eechet. eichet. eochet. euchet. Other combinations containing an acid-forming radical, which have been or may yet be formed, are illustrated by the names of compounds containing artachal (acetyl). Chloride of acetyl, artachald. Aldehyde, artachel. Sulphydrate of acetyl, lartachals. Hydrate of chloracetyl, lartachadat. Hydride of tribromacetyl, artacibel. Bromide of acetyl, Acetic anhydride, Sulphide of acetyl, Hydrate of bromacetyl, Chloride of trichloracetyl, artachalb. artachalemat artachalemas. lartachabat. artacod. Twenty-two other radicals, similar to artachal, may form hundreds of compounds by uniting with electro-negative elements. ACETONES or KETONES, composed of an acid-forming radical and an alcohol-forming radical, have the constitution of the monad type. Of the fifteen bodies now known, seven are here cited : Methyl-acetyl (Acetone), H 3 . 2 H S 0, achal-artachal. Methyl-butyryl, CH 3 ,C 4 H 7 0, achal-artichal. Methyl-valyl, CH 3 C 5 H 9 0, achal-artochal. Ethyl -propionyl (Propione), C 2 H 5 ,C 3 H 5 0, echal-artechal.. Ethyl-butyryl, C 2 H S JC 4 H 7 0, echal-artichal. Propyl-butyryl (Butyrone), C 3 H 7 ,C 4 H 7 0, ichal-artichal. Butyl-valyl (Valerone) , 4 H 9 ,C 5 H 9 0, ochal-artochal. In the following hydrocarbon homologous series, formed by multiples of ack and known as the olefiant-gas series, one atom of carbon saturates but two atoms of hydrogen, the equivalence being thus expressed : ar o el. These bodies are dyads, each taking the place of two atoms of hydrogen in the water type. 16 Methylene (not \ yet isolated), $ Propylene, Amylene, (Eaanthylene, Elaene, CH 2 . C 8 H 8 , arlal. irlil. urlul. eerleel. eorleol. Ethylene or ? Olefiant gas, $ C 2 H 4 , erlel. Butylene (Oil gas), C 4 H 8 , orlol. Caproylene, C 6 Hi 2 , earlcal. Caprylene, C 8 Hi 6 , eirleil. Paramylene, CioH 20 , eurleul. This series unite with dyads, and also with two atoms of a monad, of which the annexed are specimens : Oxide of Oxide of Oxide of Oxide of Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate ethylene propylene butylene amylene of ethylene of propylene or of butylene or of amylene or Glycolic ether, Propyl-glycolic ether, Butyl-glycolic ether, Amyl-glycolic ether, Ethylic glycol, Propylic glycol. Butylic glycol, Amylic glycol. erlelat or echat. irlilat or ichat. orlolat or ochat. urlulat or uchat. erlelelt or eclielt. irlilelt or ichelt. orlolelt or oclielt. urlulelt or uchelt. The hydrate of glyceryl, [C,H B -H S ]0, = echarlilt, is a triad alcohol. If il, the second term, is replaced by three atoms of the monad anet = ineat, the interesting explosive compound Nitroglycerine is formed, the three terms of the type being [echarl-ineat]it = echarlineot. On the other hand, if il in echarlilt be replaced by three atoms of the monad-acid radical C0C 17 H 35 , artaxeechal, the compound known as Tristearin is formed, containing C 57 H 110 6 = uxuchereat. In like manner, only two or one atom of hydrogen may be replaced by two or one atom of the acid-radical. Artificial fats have been formed by the action of acids on glycerin, echarlilt ; and the following from among the glycerides are presented, with their new empirical names : Monacetin, C 5 Hi 04, uchot. Monobutyrin, C 7 Hi 4 4 , eechot. Monovalerin, C 8 Hi 6 2 , eichot. Monolein, C 2 iH 40 04, axeucharot. Monopalmitin, Ci 9 H 38 04, axeechot. Monostearin, C 2 iH 42 2 , exachot. . That modification of sugar known as glucose or starch sugar, C 6 H 12 6 , has lately been regarded by some chemists as a hexatomic or hexad alcohol. Ac- cording to this view, its new name is earhalt. There are about thirty varieties of sugars and gums of nearly the same composition, to which new names should not be given until there is a general agreement among chemists as to their composition and constitution. Artificial alkaloids, or compound ammonias of WURTZ and HOFMANX, formed on the triad or ammonia type [al-al-al]an, in which an atom of hydrogen is replaced by a radical, are thus illustrated : METHYL AMINE. achilan. ETHYLAMINE. AMYLAMINE. uchal } al > an, al ) uchilan. PHENYLAMINE. (Aniline). earolal an. Ian al > al) earolilan or eareelan. DlMETHYLAMINE. achal ) achal > an, al ) achalemalan. DlETHYLAMINE. echal ) echal > an, al) echal em alan. DlAMYLAMINE. uchal f al > an, al) uchalemalan. DlPHENYLAMINE. earolal ^ earolal > an, al ) earulemalan. 17 TRIMETHYLAMINE. achal ) achal > an, achal ) achaliman. ' TRIETHYLAMINE. echal } echal > an, echal } echaliman. TRIAMYLAMINE. uchal 1 uchal > an, uchal } uchaliman. TRIPHENYLAMINE. earolal ) earolal > an, earolal ) earuliman. Three different radicals may be found in the same compound. To denote this, requires names somewhat longer than the preceding : thus, Methyl-ethyl-phenylamine, [CH 3 -C 2 H 5 - 6 H5]N, is achal-echal-earvlan. Diethyl-chloro-phenylamine, [( 2 H 5 ) 2 6 H 4 C1]N, is echalem-earoladan. Other triad elements form similar compounds. From the tertiary derivations are selected the following two : Bromide of bromethyl-triethyl-phosphonium = echeb-echalimap. Bromide of ethylene-hexethyl-diphosphonium = echeb-echaleamep. Some of the denser molecules of hydrocarbons are here presented : Melissylic alcohol = C3oH 62 0, weuchelat. Spermaceti (pure)= C 32 H 64 2 , ixechet. Myricin = C46H 92 02, oxeachet. Chinese wax = C^lLioB Cetylene = Ci 6 H 32 , yeach. Cetylic alcohol = Ci 6 H 34 0, yeachelat. Cerene (paraffin)= C 2 -H 5 6, u-eech. Cerylic alcohol = C 27 H 26 0, weechelat. Melene (paraffin)= C 3 oH 6 o, weach. Combinations of metals with alcohol-forming radicals, or metallic deriva- tives of alcohols : Kakodyl (auct. BUNSEN), As(CH 3 ) 2 , Arsmereal or achalem-arsam. Arsenio : monomethyl (auct. BAEYER). AsH 3 , jlrsmaril or achal-arsam. Arsenio-trimethyl, As(tH 3 ) 3 , Jlrsmireol or achalim-anam. Arsenio-tetramethyl, 1 As(H 3 ) 4 , Arsmoroil or achalom-arsam. Quadrichloride of arsenio-monomethyl, AsCH 3 Cl 4 , Arsmarilod or achal-arsamod. Triethyl-bismuthene, (C 2 H 5 ) 3 B5, echalim-bisam. Trimethyl-stibio, (CH 3 ) 3 Sb, Stibmareol or achalim-stibam. Stibio-tetramethylium, (CH 3 ) 4 Sb, achalom-stibam. Chloride of stibio-tetramethylium, (CH 3 ) 4 SbCl, achalom-stibmad. Oxide of stibio-tetramethylium, (CH 3 ) 8 SbO, achaleim-stibemat. Nitrate of stibio-tetramethylium, (H 3 ) 4 SbN0 3 , achal om-stibmanit. Neutral Sulphate of stibio-tetramethylium, achaleim-stibemasot. Zinc-dimethyl, (CH 3 ) 2 Zn, Zinmereal or achalem-zinam. Zinc-diethyl, (C 2 H 5 ) 2 Zn, echalem-zinam. Zinc-diamyl, (C 6 Hii) 2 Zn, uchalem-zinam. Cadmium-diethyl, (C 2 Hs) 2 Cd, echal em- cadam. Magnesium-diethyl, (C 2 H 5 ) 2 Mg, echalem-magam. Stannic ethide, (C 2 H 5 ) 4 Sn, echalum-stannam. Plumbo-tetraethyl, (C 2 H 5 ) 4 Pb, echalom-plubam. Hydrargo-dimethyl. (CH 3 ) 2 Hg, achalem-hygam. From the products of destructive distillation, the following homologous series is selected, which must be recognized principally by the first syllable denoting the amount of carbon ; for by substitutions and combinations, the hydrogen of these bodies may all be displaced, and numerous compounds formed which are indicated by terms having no part of the original name except that defining the carbon. Benzol or Benzene, or Hydride of phenyl, 6 H 4 H 2 earl or earohl. Toluol, C 7 H 6 H 2 , eerealel. Xylol, C 8 H 8 H 2 , eirlel. Cumol, C 9 HioH 2 , eoreulel. Cymol, CioHi 2 H 2; euraild* 3 18 Compounds related to the first body only of this series will be noted : The Hydride of phenyl, C 6 H 6 , earolel, is formed on the monad type. Chloride of phenyl or Monochloride of benzene, is ear o laid ; and Bromide of phenyl or Monobromide of benzene, earolalb. The Hydrate of phenyl, better known as Carbolic or Phenic acid, sometimes called Phenic alcohol and Phenol, has the empirical name of earlat. As an alcohol, its new name would be earolelat ; as an acid, learolalt. Its relation with aniline will be recognized by the empirical name of aniline (as well as of picodine), eareelan, the typical name being earolilan ; or if the radical is expressed in two syllables, earulelan, i.e. Monophylamine ; thus Triphenylamine is expressed by earuliman. In the following table are embraced the known dyad homologues of the carbonic-acid and the oxalic-acid series, formed by the increment ach : Carbonic acid (hypothetical hydrate). H 2 C0 3 , el-arit. Glycolic acid, C 2 H 4 3 = H 2 H 2 C0 3 , el-acharit. Lactic acid, C 3 H 6 3 = H 2 C 2 H 4 C0 3 , el-echarit. Butilactic acid, C 4 H 8 3 = H 2 C 3 H 6 C0 3 , el-icharit. Phocic acid, C 6 Hio0 3 = H 2 C 4 H 8 C0 3 , el-ocharit. Leucic acid, C 6 Hi 2 3 = H 2 C 5 H 10 C0 3 , el-ucharit. Oxalic acid, H 2 C 2 4 , el-erot. Malonic acid, C 3 H 4 C 4 = H 2 CH 2 C 2 4 , el-acherot. Succinic acid, C 4 H 6 4 = H 2 C 2 H 4 C 2 4 , el-echerot. Pyrotartaric acid, C B H 8 4 = H 2 C 3 H 6 C 2 4 , el-icherot. Adiptic acid, C 6 H 10 4 = H 2 C 4 H 8 C 2 4 , el-ocherot. Pimelic acid, C 7 H 12 4 = H 2 C 5 H 10 C 2 4 , el-ucherot. Suberic acid, C 8 Hi 4 4 = H 2 C 6 H 12 C 2 4 , el-eacherot. Anchoic acid, C 9 Hi 6 4 = H 2 C 7 H 14 C 2 4 , el-eecherot. Sebacic acid, C 10 H 18 4 = H 2 C 8 H 16 C 2 4 , el-eicherot. The substitution of a dyad metal, or two atoms of a monad metal, for el in this series, will form the corresponding metallic salts. In a similar manner may be classified alkaloids ; for instance, those obtained by dry distillation of animal matter : Pyridine, Picoline, j Lutidine, Collidine, Pavoline, 6 H 5 N, urlan. C 6 H 7 N = CH 2 C 5 H 5 N, achurlan. C 7 H 8 N == (CH 2 ) 2 5 H 5 N, echurlan. 8 H 9 N = (CH 2 ) S C 6 H 5 N, ichurlan. C 9 HioN = (CH 2 ) 4 C 5 H 6 N, ochurlan. Substitutions. DUMAS s doctrine of substitutions is very clearly set forth in the following examples 1. Marsh gas = arol. Chloride of methyl (achald) = arildd. Monochlorinated chloride of methyl, areled. Dichlorinated chloride of methyl (chloroform), arlid. Perchlorinated chloride of methyl, arod. 2. Ethylene, erlel. Chlorinated ethylene, erlald. Dichlorinated ethylene, C 2 H 2 C1 2 , erled. Trichlorinated ethylene, C 2 HC1 3 , eralid. Perchlorinated ethylene, C 2 C1 4 , erod. 3. The action of chlorine on ethylene and chloride of ethyl produces metameric compounds having widely different boiling points, thus distinguished : Bichloride of ethylene (Dutch liquid), Monochloretted chloride of ethyl, Monochlorinated ethylene, Dichlorinated chloride of ethyl, Dichlorinated ethylene, Trichlorinated chloride of ethyl, Trichlorinated ethylene. Tetrachlorinated chloride of ethyl, Perchlorinated ethylene, .Perchlorinated chloride of ethyl, C 2 H 3 HC1 2 , C 2 H 4 C1C1, t; 2 H 3 C1C1 2 , 2 H 3 C1 8 , CaH 2 C1 2 C1 2 . C 2 H 2 C1 4 , Call C1 2 C1 3 C 2 H 01., C CUCla. erleld. eched. erlalid. ecilid. erlod. eclod. eralud. ecalud. eread. 2 C1 6 , identical with eread. 19 4. Naphthalene, CioH 8 , eureil. -(Paranaphthaline, i 4 Hio, yoreul.) Chloronaphthaline. eureelad. Dichloronaphthaline, eurealed. Trichloronaphthaline, eurulid. Tetrachloronaphthaline, eurold. Hexachloronaphthalene, eurelead. Broraonaphthaline, eureelab. Dibromouaphthaline, eurealeb. Tribroraonaphthaline, eurulib. Tetrabromonaphthaline, eurolb. Perchloronaphthaline, eureid. 5. CHLORIDES and BROMIDES of NAPHTHALINE, Hydrochlorate of chloronaphthaline, Hydrochlorate of chlorobromonaphthaline, Hydrobromate of quadribromonaphthaline, Bihydrochlorate of bichloronaphthaline, Bihydrochl orate of bromochloronaphthaline, Bihydrochlorate of terchloronaphthaline, Bihydrochlorate of quadrichloronaphthaline. Bihydrochlorate of bibromobichloronaphthaline, Bihydrobromate of bibromobichloronaphthaline, Bihydrobromate of terbromochloronaphthaline, Bihydrobromate of quadribromonaphthaline, Bihydrochlorate of bibromoterchloronaphthaline, Bihydrobromate of pentabromonaphthaline, with GMELIN'S names ioH 7 Cl HC1. C 10 H 6 BrCl HC1 Ci H 4 Br 4 HBr C 10 H 6 C1 2 2HC1 CioHeBrCl 2HC1 = C 10 H 5 C1 3 2HC1 C 10 H 4 C1 4 2HC1 C 10 H 4 Br 2 Cl 2 2HCl = C 10 H 4 Br 2 Cl 2 2 HBr = C 10 H 4 Br 3 Cl 2 HBr = C 10 H 4 Br 4 2HBr ioH 3 Br 2 Cl 3 2HC1 = CioH 3 Br 5 2HBr and formulae : = eureiled. = eureelabed. = eurulb. eureilod. = eureilabid. = eureelud. = eureald. = eurealebod. = eurealedob, = eurealadub. = eurealb. = eurulebod. - euruleeb. Isomerism. By applying the principle of permutation in the arrangement of letters, the same name is never given to metameric bodies having the same ultimate composition. A few examples will sufficiertly prove the adaptation of the new system to cases of isomerism. Each of the following ten bodies has the empirical formula C 10 H 20 O a : Rutic or Capric acid. Formiate of elayl, Acetate of capryl, Propionate of cenanthyl, Butyrate of caproyl, Yalerate of amyl, Caproate of butyl, QEnanthate of propyl, Caprylate of ethyl, Pelargonate of methyl, H CO C 9 H 18 0, C 9 H 19 CO HO, C 8 H 17 CO CH 3 0, C 7 H 15 CO C 2 H 5 0, C 6 H 13 CO C 3 H 7 0, C 5 Hu COC 4 H 9 0, C 4 H 9 COC5HHO, C 3 H 9 COC 6 H 13 0, C 2 H 6 COC 7 H 15 0, CH 8 CO C 8 H 17 0, Larteochalt. eochal-artalt. eichal-eirtachalt. eechal-aftechalt. eachal-artichalt. uchal-artochalt. ochal-artuchalt. ichal-arteachalt. echal-arteechalt. achal-arteichalt. Each of the seven following compound ammonias has the same ultimate composition, C 6 H 15 N : Triethylamine, Dipropylamine, Caproylamine, Amyl-methylamine, Butyl-dimethylamine , Butyl-ethylamine. Propyl-ethyl-methylamine, (C 2 H 5 ) 3 N. (C 3 H 7 ) 2 HN, C 6 H 13 H 2 N. C 5 Hn CH 3 HN, C 4 H 9 (CH 3 ) 2 N, C 4 H 9 C 2 H 5 HN, C 3 H 7 CaHs CHs echaliman. ichalemalan. eachilan. uchal-achelan. ochal-achaleman* ochal-echelan. ichal-echal-achalan . Two AMMONIA-COBALT METAMERS, empirical formula (H 3 N) 5 |fci : /^ Roseo-pentammonia-cobaltic chloride, ilanum-cobamid. Purpureo-pentammonia-cobaltic chloride, yulun-cobamid. It has already been admitted that the improved names, as found in WATTES New Dictionary, have the merit of more precision than the old nomenclature in designating the proportions of non-metallic elements ; but this precision is not always observed in that portion of the name defining the metal. For purpose of comparison, a few of the names given as examples under the 20 on Nomenclature, page 125, are here inserted, with the symbols and the pro- posed new names : Platinic dichloride Diplumbic trioxide Triplumbic tetroxide Diplumbo-dihydric trioxide Triplumbo-dihydric tetroxide, Bismuthic oxichloride Diplumbic oxidichloride Triplumbic dioxidichloride Trimercurio-dioxidichloride Hydrargyro-dihydric-chloronitride Tetramercurio-tetrahydric-trioxidinitride Tetramercurio-tetrahydric-dioxidichlorodinitride = Hg 4 H 4 Cl 2 N 2 2 , hygomoledent. = PbCl 2 , Platamed. = Pb 2 3 , plubemit. = Pb 3 04, plubimot. == [Pb 2 H 2 ]0 3 , plubemelit. = [Pb 3 H 2 ]C 4 , plubimelot. = BiCIO, bisamadat. = Pb 2 Cl 2 0, plubemcdat. = Pb 3 Cl 2 2 , plubimedet. = Hg 3 Cl 2 2 , = HgCl H 2 N, ide = H 4 N 2 Hg 4 3 , hygimedet. hygmadelan. olen-hygomit. WATER has three distinct functions recognized in the notation, but not in the common nomenclature, which are clearly defined in the new system. 1. Water as a true chemical component : it is thus designated by elat, alalt or lalt. The first of these names, when forming a part of another name, may denote the typical structure and the rational formula of the compound : it may indicate, likewise, that precisely the same number and kind of atoms, by another arrangement, would form two independent and stable bodies ; for instance, echelat denotes that alcohol is formed by the combination of the radical echal with the water torso alat or alt, and is modeled after the dyad type ; it also indicates the fact proved by the synthetic process of BERTHELOT, that alcohol contains all and precisely the components forming olefiant gas and water. The other name of water, alalt or lalt, shows more clearly how the torso alt, torn from al, will unite with a monad radical or metal and form a perfect body, like, for example, hydrate of potash, potamalt ; hydrate of lime; calcamelt. 2. Water as a mechanical component of certain crystals. Under the plastic trowel of symmetry, it fills the interstices, so to speak, builds up and com- pletes the structure. During this mysterious process of construction, the pair of hydrogen atoms are supposed to still cling to oxygen ; and the molecule having such close atomic ties is distinguished by the term allt. This is the only case where the same consonants are found side by side : the relation in which the word is used will prevent its being confounded with the tono alt. By changing the vowel prefix, any number of molecules, either of water of crystallization, or of constitutional water as GRAHAM styles it, may be denoted. As a general rule, this name precedes the essential name of the compound ; for example, Crystallized periodic acid, with 4 atoms of water, Crystallized oxalic acid with 2 aqua, Prismatic nitrate of copper with 3 aqua, Rhomboidal nitrate of copper with 6 aqua, Nitrate of lime with 4 aqua, Nitrate of strontia with 5 aqua, Nitrate of lithia with 5 aqua, Protonitrate of iron with 6 aqua, Hyposulphite of soda witb 5 aqua, Sulphate of soda with 10 aqua, Carbonate of soda with 10 aqua, Sulphate of alumina and potash with 24 aqua, . Sulphate of alumina and thallium with 24 aqua, ollt-alavot. ellt-elerot. illt-cupmeneat. eallt-cupmeneat. ollt-calcmeneat. ullt-stronmeneat, ullt-lithmanit. eallt-fermeneat . ullt-sodemasit. / eullt-sodemasit. 6 / eullt-sodemarit. wolltalem-potemosoit. wolltalem-thallemosoit. 21 3. Water as a solvent or menstruum, modifying, in proportion to its quan- tity, the chemical power and functions of the compound held in solution. The complete and equable diffusion of a soluble body, by which its characteristics are manifested through the medium of this fluid, may be regarded as the effect of a contiguity resulting from molecular rather than atomic attraction. In this case, the pair of hydrogen atoms are designated by the letter A, and the oxygen atom by t ; and th, as a prefix to the name of a compound, denotes that such compound is held in solution by an indefinite quantity of water. Any amount corresponding to a definite number of molecules of water may be represented by the usual vowels placed before th. The following brief exhibit of names will show the economy and precision of expression applicable to substances now commonly called and recognized only by misnomers. A solution of hydrochloric acid and water, thalad. Fuming solution containing 43 per cent of HC1 or 6 aqua, eatha/ad. Solution of HC1 which distils unchanged (20 per cent acid, or 16 aqua), authalad. Hydrate of chlorine,5/H 2 Qfcl uthad. Sulphuric acid, distinguished as oil of vitriol, elasot. Sulphuric acid with indefinite quantity of water, thelasot. Glacial sulphuric acid, athelasot. iNitric acid, indefinite solution by water, thalanit. Nitric acid, solution containing 60 per cent NOs or 3 aqua, ithalanit. Solution of ammonia and water, thilan. Solution of alcohol and water, thechelat. Solution of carbonic anhydride (soda water), tharet. In the further progress of chemical investigations, increasing significance must be given to the state of dilatation of the body under examination. On passing from the solid to the liquid state, its bulk will undergo but compara- tively little change. In either state, the restless particles which make up the apparently unmoved mass are still obedient to the law of cohesion, although in the liquid the league of homogeneity is not so binding as to prevent the admission of foreign matter ; but when, by the irresistible power of the almost infinitesimal motions of a subtle medium, heat accelerates and amplifies the excursions of particles until they fly simultaneously beyond the dominion of a common attraction, it must be admitted that the mass thus expanded to the gaseous state in reality a vast reservoir of molecular momentum requires some distinctive appellation. It is therefore proposed to denote every gaseous compound, and every volatile body after it has fumed into vapor, by simply prefixing to its new name the letter g. Were it desirable to show the degree of condensation of gases produced by their combination, the number of volumes included in one molecule could be indicated by the usual vowels before g ; but as the number of atoms now conforms to the number of volumes of gaseous elements, in most cases, the amount of condensation can be easily estimated. At present it seems essential only to indicate that the molecule has assumed a state of gas or vapor. The succeeding names are illustrations : 22 GASES at ordinary temperatures. VAPORS at heat stated on centigrade scale. Carbonic oxide, gart. Chloride of ethyl 11, gechald. Carbonic anhydride, garet. Bromide of methyl 13, gachalb. Olefiant gas, gerlel. Oxide of ethylene 13. 5, gechat. Oil gas, gorlol. Hydrofluoric acid 16, galaf. Nitrous oxide, genat. Peroxide of nitrogen 27, ganet. Binoxide of nitrogen, gant. Sulphuric anhydride 27, gasit. Nitrous anhydride, ganit. Prussic acid 33, galarn. Sulphuretted hydrogen, gelas. Ethylic ether 34, gachalemat. Ammonia, gilan. Amylene 39, gurlul. Phosphuretted hydrogen, gilap. Chloride of methylene 40, gached. Arseniuretted hydrogen, gil-arsam. Protosulphide of methyl, 41, gachelemas. Antimoniuretted hydrogen, gil-stibam. Iodide of methyl 42 , gachalv. Cyanogen (molecule), gern. Nitric anhydride 45, ganut. Sulphurous anhydride, gaset. Bisulphide of carbon 47, gares. Hypochlorous anhydride, gedat. Bromide of ethyl 47. 7, gechalb. Euchlorine, gadadat. Hydride of methyl 60, gachelat. Chlorous anhydride, gedit. Chloroform 61. gar lid. Hydrochloric acid gas, galad. Sulphochloride of carbon , 70', garsed. Hydrobromic acid, galab. Caproylene 71. gear leal. Hydriodic acid, galav. Iodide of ethyl 72, gechalv. Oxychloride of carbon, garted. Bichloride of carbon 78 , garod. Carburetted hydrogen, garol. Perchloride of phosphorus 78, gapid. Hydride of ethyl, gechel. Absolute alcohol 78, gechelat. Ethylide of ethyl, gecfialem. Dichloride of ethylene 85, gerleld. Chloride of methyl, gachald. CEnanthylene 99, geerleel. Methylic ether, gachalemat . Steam 100, gelat. In anticipation of an inquiry as to the feasibility of applying the new nomenclature to all known chemical bodies, it may be here observed that new names have been framed for a large majority of the compounds enumerated in STOKER'S Dictionary of Solubilities, as well as for many modifications de- scribed in DANA'S Mineralogy ; yet as these names form a lexicon of chemical compounds, they cannot properly be applied to the large class about the composition of which there is still a wide diversity of opinion, particularly to those treated of in zoochemistry, from whose percentage-analysis no satisfac- tory formulae have thus far been deduced. No objection can be made, however, to the application of new terms to those compounds now designated only by symbols, or to new bodies not yet named ; such, for example, as LOTV^'S new combination of hydrogen with the sesquisulphide of carbon, aleris. Should the proposed system be favorably received, the most effectual mode of bringing it into general use would be to add to the old name of a body the new name in italics, in lieu of the ordinary symbols which now involve the use of very small figures not always read with facility. These symbols have been aptly termed the short-hand of the chemist ; yet in a large majority of instances, the corresponding new names contain a smaller number of syl- lables; for example, C0 2 is pronounced with three syllables, and garet with two ; H 2 with three syllables, elat with two; HO with two, alt with one ; COC1 with five, and garted with two. Those objecting to the use of chemical equations, will observe how readily the new names may be substituted for such expressions by the following examples : 23 H 2 C1 2 + Na 2 = Na 2 Cl 2 -f H 2 : eled with sodemat yields sodemed and elat. H 2 S0 4 + ZnSD = ZnSO* + H 2 : elasot with zinamat yields zinmasot and e/#. H 3 S0 4 + Zn = ZnS0 2 + H 2 : elasot with zinam yields zinmasot and hydrd. < aN 2 6 + Na 2 S0 4 = Na N 2 8 + CaS0 4 : \ calcmeneat and sodemasot yield sodemeneat and calmasot. WILLIAMSON'S original view of the constitution of ethers is illustrated by the following |ubstitute for the equation explaining the reactions which produce the oxide of diethyl : Sodam-echalt with echalv, yields Sodamav and echalemat, The use of the new nomenclature in conversations on chemical subjects would correct very soon many vulgar errors, and inculcate, by mere imitation and habit, clearer views of combinations. He who knows why he calls chloro- form arlid, knows on the instant, and knows for life, that it is composed of one of carbon, one of hydrogen and three atoms of chlorine ; or when he designates laughing gas by genat, he announces at once several facts not in- dicated by the old names, nitrous oxide or protoxide of nitrogen. Chemical writers, who are obliged to study brevity of expression, will fully appreciate the saving of pen and type-work resulting from the use of the new nomenclature, which may often be as marked as in the following announcement of a late scientific achievement in old and new phrase placed side by side : LOSSEN has succeeded in replacing [an atom of hydrogen in ammonia by an atom of hydrogen and oxygen, or hydroxyl; thus forming hydroxalamine] . LOSSEN has succeeded in replacing [a/ in ilan hy alt ; thus forming altelan] . al } alt 1 ) al > an O al > aO al ) Very few of the best practical chemists attempt to tax the memory with the exact symbolic formulae of many compounds whose functions and general characteristics are well known to them ; yet they are aware that the applica- tion of the theory of substitutions, in the higher branches of the science, depends on a correct conception of atomic proportions. They would therefore advise the young student, whom doubt hampers quite as effectually as down- right ignorance, to avail himself of the best means to master what is known, and thus prepare himself to keep abreast the general progressive movement, and to meet the practical difficulties that constantly beset the way of the discoverer. In conclusion, it is proper to say that only such examples have been cited as seemed essential to prove the copiousness and capacity of the proposed nomenclature. A more complete elucidation and application of it is reserved for succeeding papers.