LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class THE MATHEMATICAL AND OTHEE WETTINGS OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS, M.A. PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY. M.A. AT THE UNIVEE8ITY PRESS. iri THE MATHEMATICAL AND OTHER WRITINGS OP EGBERT LESLIE ELLIS, M.A. LATE FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. EDITED BY WILLIAM WALTON, M.A. TRINITY COLLEGE ; MATHEMATICAL LECTURER AT MAGDALENE COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. a Jfltograpjfcal BY THE YERY REYEREND HARYEY GOODWIN, D.D. DEAN OF ELY. CAMBRIDGE : DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. LONDON: BELL AND DALDY. 1863. DEDICATORY LETTER. DEAR LADY AFFLECK, Having undertaken with your sanction the publication of the writings of your lamented brother in a collected form, I may be permitted to address to you a few observations on the principles by which I have been guided in the fulfilment of an act of piety to the memory of a friend of many years, whom I shall ever remember with affection and veneration. The greater part of the writings contained in this volume had previously appeared in Scientific Journals, and Keports, some few in Educational Treatises. I have had no scruple whatever in reprinting these works, since their publication had already taken place by the author's own act or permission. The question of the publication of manuscripts presented to my mind greater difficulty. During his long years of suffering he was in the habit of dictating to his friends various speculations in adaptation to their different tastes and pursuits, evidently for the most part not intended for the press. A great many mathe- matical investigations, which may be described as interesting problems, communicated to me on numerous occasions either by dictation or by letter, are in my possession. Out of these ma- nuscripts I have ventured to publish only two, the one on the [Retardation of Sunrise, and the other a new t Solution of a Problem in the First Book of Newton's Principia. All the manuscripts entrusted to me by you, classical, philological, botanical, and mathematical, works of a more elaborate cha- racter, I have not hesitated to include in this volume, from a conviction that they will be interesting to many readers, and 217977 vi DEDICATORY LETTER. from an impression, grounded on internal evidence, that the pro- bability of their ultimate publication may have been contem- plated by their author. The difficulty under which an amanuensis labours, in trans- ferring accurately to paper the words of one afflicted by severe illness, is at all times considerable. In the manuscripts placed in my hands the errors were necessarily, by reason of the pecu- liar nature of the subjects, veiy numerous. The obstacles, arising from this source, in the way of preparing for the press some portions of the work with proper emendations, I should have regarded as not a little formidable, had it not been for the zealous assistance of Mr Munro, Fellow of Trinity College, to whom I am indebted for the corrections of the text in all the philological and classical writings which had not previously been published. I may mention also that to the Dean of Ely, who at my request and with your entire approbation undertook most heartily the composition of the Biographical Memoir, I am under obligation for occasional advice, and for much kindly interest in the progress of the work through the press. The engraving has been taken from an admirable portrait by Samuel Lawrence, in the possession of Professor Grote, by his kind permission. Hoping that I have adequately discharged my duties as Editor of this Collection of your brother's writings, and at any rate conscious that I have done my best, I beg to dedicate to you this volume, and to subscribe myself, Your faithful servant, WILLIAM WALTON. CHESTERTON, Oct. 16, 1863. CONTENTS. PAGE BlOGBAPHIOAL MEMOIR ix On the Foundations of the Theory of Probabilities .... I On the Method of Least Squares . 12 Some Remarks on the Theory of Matter 38 Remarks on the Fundamental Principle of the Theory of Probabilities 49 Remarks on an Alleged Proof of the Method of Least Sqxtares . . 53 Note to a Former Paper on an Alleged Proof of the Method of Least Squares 62 On some Properties of the Parabola 63 On the Existence of a Relation among the Co-efficients of the Equation of the Squares of the Differences of the Roots of an Equation . 68 On the Achromatism of Eye- Pieces of Telescopes and Microscopes . 71 On the Condition of Equilibrium of a System of Mutually Attractive Fluid Particles -75 Mathematical Notes . . . .81, 92, 130, 142, 149, 157, 191, 223 Variation of Node and Inclination . ...... 82 Investigation of the Aberration in Right Ascension and Declination . 84 On the Lines of Curvature on an Ellipsoid ..... 86 On the Tautochrone in a Resisting Medium 94 On the Integration of Certain Differential Equations. No. I. . 97 No. II. . . 108 Analytical Demonstrations of Dr Matthew Stewart's Theorems 118 Note on a Definite Integral 124 Remark on the Distinction between Algebraical and Functional Equa- tions 126 On the Solution of Functional Differential Equations . . . 132 Evaluation of Certain Definite Integrals 14 3 On the Evaluation of Definite Multiple Integrals .... 150 Note on a Definite Multiple Integral 160 Notes on Magnetism. No. 1 163 No. II . 186 On a Multiple Definite Integral 169 On a Question in the Theory of Probabilities *73 On the Balance of the Chronometer . . . . 180 viii CONTENTS. PAGE Memoir of the late D. F. GREGORY, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge 193 On the Solution of Equations in Finite Differences .... 202 General Theorems on Multiple Integrals 212 On the Area of the Cycloid . 224 Sur lea Integrates aux Differences Finies 726 Report on the Recent Progress of Analysis (Theory of the Comparison of Transcendentals) 238 Solution of a Dynamical Problem . . . . . . . .324 On the Tautochronism of the Cycloid 326 On Napier's Rules 328 On the Retardation of Sunrise 336 A Solution of Problem IX. of the First Book of Newton's Principia . 337 On Roman Aqueducts 339 On the Form of Bees' Cells 353 On the Theory of Vegetable Spirals 358 Some Thoughts on Comparative Metrology 373 Notes on Boole's Laws of Thought 391 Remarks on Certain Words in Diez's Etymologisches Wbrterbuch der Romanischen Sprachen 395 Some Thoughts on the Formation of a Chinese Dictionary . . 400 Value of Roman Money 415 The Course of Mathematical Studies 417 ERRATUM, p. i, 4, 5. For Bernoulli!, read Bernoulli. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS, M.A. LATE FELLOW OF TKINITY COLLEGE, OAMBBIDGE. BY HAKVEY GOODWIN, D.D. DEAN OF ELY. " H avait une promptitude infinie a tout saisir, une me'moire prodigieuse et une facult^ me'thodique et rectifiante pour tirer, comme par une chimie naturelle, quelque chose de preVieux de tout ce qui s'offrait a lui, soit dans la conversation, soit dans la lecture. Tout sujet d'entretien lui e"tait bon ; il acceptait volontiers celui qu'on mettait sur le tapis, et il e"tonnait les indiffe"rents par les tre'sors qu'il tirait a 1'instant de la mine qu'ils lui avaient offerte sans y songer. Son esprit e*tait comme une bibliotheque encyclop^dique bien ordonne'e, qu'il suflSsait d'ou- vrir a la lettre qu'on voulait, pour en faire sortir des richesses." BIOGKAPHICAL MEMOIR OP ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. THE publication in a collected form of the papers which this volume contains is to be regarded, to a certain extent, as a tribute of affection. From this point of view the work would hardly seem to be complete without some notice of the life and character of the author. That he was a man of no ordi- nary attainments, in at least one field of knowledge, will be sufficiently evident to those who know no more of him than they can gather from this portion of his writings ; that he had powers distinct from those of mathematical research, is evident from what he has done as the editor of the philosophical works of Bacon ; but even these published records of his intellect will perhaps fail to convey to readers that impression of remarkable and various ability which was made, I believe, upon all those who were brought into personal contact with him. It may therefore be interesting to the general reader, besides completing the memorial character of the volume, if an attempt be made by one of his contemporaries to give some account of what he was. The mere facts of the life are few and simple. The ex- ternal picture of it may be very easily drawn. It was short, xii BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR quiet, uneventful, but very full of suffering. The plan which I shall adopt in the following memoir will be this: I shall first give the story of the life in as compact a form as may be possible, and then endeavour to lay before the reader some estimate of the mind and character. EGBERT LESLIE ELLIS was born at Bath, August 25, 1817, being the youngest of a family consisting of three sons and three daughters. His mother's health was not good, and from her he appears to have inherited that highly nervous constitution, which became, during a considerable portion of his life, as we shall see hereafter, the medium of great suffering. His father was a man of cheerful disposition, of active and well cultivated intellect, fond of speculative inquiry, and in worldly circum- stances independent. His character and his mode of dealing with Robert, as a child, had a great influence upon him through- out his life : he became his father's companion from a very early age, and the affection with which he referred in later life to his father's care and to the happy days of his boyhood, could not fail to strike those who had the pleasure of know- ing him intimately, I do not find that as a child he exhibited any extraordinary symptoms of precocity 1 , though it is manifest, from records of his boyish doings made by himself, that he was very forward in his studies, and that he took an interest in his work, and 1 With reference to what is said in the text, and possibly the reader may think in contradiction to it, I insert here a memorandum, which I find, amongst the papers intrusted to me, and which appears to be in his father's hand. "The following numerical theorem, if not curious in itself, may perhaps be esteemed so, as coming from a boy of eight years old, who was not far advanced in the ordinary rales of arithmetic. " If any number be added to its equal, subtracted from its equal, multiplied by its equal, and divided by its equal, then the sum, the difference, the product, and the quotient of these equal numbers, added together, will equal the square of the next higher number." That is to say, if n be the number, OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. xiii exerted his mind upon the subjects to which it was directed in a manner by no means usual. He was never at school, but had the advantage of two tutors at Bath, one in classics, the other in mathematics 1 . He worked for them with great earnestness, and I find from his own memoranda, that in the year 1827, when he was about ten years old, he was doing equations, and reading Xenophon and Virgil, besides giving some attention to French and drawing. These same memoranda shew that at this time, in addition to his ordinary work with his tutors, he was reading books not usually read by boys at such an age, Cuvier's Theory of the Earth, The Edinburgh Journal of Science, The Edinburgh Review, &c. One remark which is suggested by the boyish records left behind him is, that it is clear that from an early age Ellis had an extreme delight in knowledge for its own sake : he had not the ordinary stimulus of school emulation, indeed he was singu- larly free from the influence of competition until his college days : but it is manifest, from his own account, that his pro- gress in knowledge, and perhaps especially in mathematical knowledge, was a source of very keen delight. In 1829, that is, when twelve years old, he began to read Mechanics. In the early part of 1830 he commenced the Dif- ferential Calculus; from which he rapidly proceeded to the Integral Calculus; and towards the middle of the year he speaks of being engaged with his tutor in finding the lengths and areas of curves. Meanwhile his general reading, for which he was dependent upon his father's library and upon that of the Bath Institution, was most multifarious; but each particular subject seems to have been carefully studied, and an opinion formed upon it. Thus his education proceeded quietly and also rapidly under his father and private tutors for several years. 1 His mathematical tutor was Mr T. S. Davies, afterwards of Woolwich ; his classical, Mr H. A. S. Johnstone. b xiv BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR This home education had, I think, a perceptible effect upon his future character. The effect was not bad in the sense in which tli at epithet is generally believed to be applicable to home education ; but there might be observed in him a kind of elderly sobriety of manner, not amounting to stiffness, but con- veying the impression that he had been accustomed to converse with those older than himself, and standing out in marked contrast with that lively boyish freedom and gaiety which is especially the characteristic of young men educated at the great public schools. In October, 1834, he became the pupil of the Eev. James Challis, then Eector of Papworth St Everard, in Cambridge- shire, who soon after was appointed and still remains Plumian Professor of Astronomy in the University of Cambridge. His residence at Papworth was, however, very short; his health gave way, and at the end of six weeks he was compelled to return home. Here he remained for about two years, not coming up to the University in 1835, as originally intended, but postponing the event, on the ground of health, to the follow- ing year. He came into residence as a Pensioner of Trinity College, in October 1836, being entered as a pupil of the Eev. G. Peacock, afterwards Lowndean Professor and Dean of Ely. During his undergraduate career his health was not strong, but I think he was never compelled by illness to desist from his course of study. He was very much in advance of the men of his year in mathematical acquirement, and had already read most of the subjects which usually occupy an undergraduate's time. He was himself much amused at the surprise expressed by his tutor, Mr Peacock, when at an early stage of his College life in answer to the question, What are you chiefly reading now?" he replied, " Woodhouse's Isoperimetrical Problems." He read mathematics, chiefly without the aid of a private tutor, but in his third year and his last term had the advantage of OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. xv Mr Hopkins' s direction 1 . I was myself a pupil of Mr Hopkins' at the time ; but Ellis never read with the class of which I was one; in fact, he did not need the kind of lecture which was adapted to myself and others ; he required only that his reading- should be arranged, and put in a form suitable for the Cam- bridge examinations. The only occasion upon which I was brought into contact with him as a fellow-student was in attending Professor Peacock's lectures on Plane Astronomy. I remember well the astonish- ment with which I witnessed his demeanour during the lectures : he made no note, he asked no question ; but he quietly remarked as we left the lecture-room together one day, "It saves one the trouble of reading these things up." It was in fact a great advantage to him to be able to sub- stitute the use of his ears for that of his eyes. His sight was very tender, and during the latter part of his undergraduate career he regularly employed a person to read to him high mathematical subjects. He once mentioned to me incidentally that the theory of the Earth's Figure, as given in Pratt's Mechanical Philosophy, was in this manner read to him ; which instance I here record as an indication of a power of mental effort possible to very few, and the magnitude of which ma- thematicians will appreciate. During his undergraduate career I was not intimately ac- quainted with him : probably he had no desire to increase his circle of friends beyond that which was naturally brought round him in his own college: and his manner was not such as to encourage rapid intimacy. I do not think that at this period the number of his intimate friends was large even within Trinity College, and sometimes a feeling of desolation and want of 1 In a note to me Mr Hopkins says, with reference to his recollections of Ellis as a pupil, " On one point he always seemed to puzzle me. The extent and definiteness of his acquirement, and his maturity of thought, were so great, so entirely pertaining to the man, that I could hardly conceive when he could have been a boy." xvi BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR sympathy oppressed him painfully. He once described to me the forcible manner in which he was affected in College Chapel by those words of the Psalm, " I had no place to flee unto, and no man cared for my soul." This melancholy feeling, which sometimes assumed a very painful intensity, was no doubt con- nected with the weak state of his bodily health, and the highly nervous temperament which naturally belonged to him : it was the source of much suffering, I fear, even in that period which preceded the most distressing portion of his life. Ellis was to be seen sometimes at the debates of the Union Society, but he seldom took any part in them. On one or two occasions, however, when domestic troubles had arisen, and squabbles of a somewhat personal kind ran high, he stood up as a pacificator ; he was heard with marked respect, and his suggestions were readily adopted. In January, 1840, he passed his examination for B.A. degree. In consequence of complaints which had been made of the coldness of the Schools, in which the Candidates for Mathematical Honours were then examined, the examination took place for two or three years in the Lecture Rooms of Trinity College. The difficulty was afterwards solved by the proper warming of the Senate-House. When we visited the rooms on the day before the Examination to inspect our places, I found that the alphabetical arrangement of names combined with the conditions imposed by the length of the tables had brought Ellis and myself almost immediately opposite to each other, and I was rather pleased with the thought of seeing him in actual work. He however made a special request that his seat might be changed, (I do not exactly know why,) and was allowed to be placed in a different room ; so that I saw nothing of him during the examination. Those who knew anything of the relative powers of the men of the year had no doubt as to which place Ellis must occupy, if only his health should enable him to do himseir OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. xvii justice in the examination. His health of course introduced an element of uncertainty; but when the examination was con- cluded, and it was found that he had been able to take every paper, the result was quite sure. He was Senior Wrangler; and I can truly say, that for myself I had almost as much satisfaction in seeing his name at the top of the list, as in seeing my own next to it, for I felt convinced that it was his rightful position, and that nothing but the accident of ill health could have put any of his competitors above or even near him. His appearance in the Senate-House when he took his degree was very striking. He looked very pale and ill, but this perhaps enhanced the intellectual beauty of his counte- nance. A person who was present remarked to me very pithily, "If I had seen him before, I could have told you you could not beat him." In October, 1840, he was elected Fellow of Trinity College. He retained his fellowship until the year 1849, that is, for seven years after the degree of M.A., when as a layman he ceased to be a fellow in due course. His intention after taking his degree was to read for the bar, and at one time there was a notion of his entering upon political life by becoming a candidate for his native city Bath. His name was publicly discussed with reference to the election, but the design was given up on the ground of the weakness of his health. Had he been a candidate, it would have been on Whig principles; he was not a very earnest politician, but always professed himself a Whig, a profession which was probably strengthened by his intimacy with Sir William Napier, to whom he always expressed himself as much at- tached. With regard to the bar, he was duly called, but did not study long with the intention of practising. The fact is that his worldly position was unexpectedly altered. Both of his xviii BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR elder brothers died, and he thus became heir in expectation of considerable property, and soon by the death of his father heir in possession. He was thus deprived of the chief induce- ment to labour as a lawyer; and had it been otherwise, it is clear that his health would never have enabled him to undergo the necessary drudgery. Nor indeed would the actual practice of law-courts have been very congenial to his feelings and tastes: law in the abstract he loved exceedingly, as we shall see presently, but law as it is concerned with the actual strifes and quarrels of mankind would have been eminently distasteful to him. As a Fellow of Trinity he made his College his home, except for a short period after his election. Here he continued his mathematical reading, but not with any very definite pur- pose. He became very intimate with the late D. F. Gregory, who was then Fellow of Trinity College, and who did good service to mathematics by the establishment of the Cambridge Mathematical Journal; when Gregory resigned the editorship shortly before his death, Ellis took the office, and edited part of the third and fourth volumes of the journal, in the latter of which he inserted a short biographical memoir of his friend 1 . In January, 1844, Ellis was Moderator. On this occasion, being myself one of the Examiners, I was thrown into closer relations with him than before, and commenced that real inti- macy which lasted as long as his life. His problem paper on this occasion was singularly elegant, but perhaps too refined for its purpose. His fellow moderator, O'Brien of Caius Col- 1 Ellis's name appears as editor on the title-page of the fourth volume of the Journal. I may take this opportunity of observing that the parallel drawn be- tween Gregory and Ellis in a very kind and warmhearted obituary notice of the latter, which was inserted in the Atken&um of Feb. n, 1860, seems to me not justified. They resembled each other, no doubt, in the fact that both were good mathematicians and both real philosophers and lovers of truth: but beyond this very general resemblance the parallel does not hold. They were much attached, and Ellis felt the loss of his friend keenly : but neither in mind nor in manner was there much likeness between them. OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. xix lege, and he, published their problems with their own solutions, soon after the Examination. He bore the labour of the Exami- nation better than could have been expected; he was a very pleasant workfellow, being always ready to fill up the intervals of work with that rich and varied conversation which his friends remember so well. Shall I be pardoned if I mention that his fees as Moderator were transferred to Addenbrooke's Hospital ? He worked for the Senate-House again in 1845. It is cus- tomary for the Moderator of one year to act as Examiner the next 1 , but he was desirous of escaping the labour, and had declined to serve. There was, however, a difficulty in finding a substitute ; I was myself one of the Moderators and felt anxious that he should serve, which at my earnest entreaty he at length consented to do. It was in this .year that Professor W. Thom- son took his degree ; great expectations had been excited con- cerning him, and I remember Ellis remarking to me with a smile, " You and I are just about fit to mend his pens." He again got through the Examination much better than could have been expected ; in fact, the effort seemed to do him good ; when he had consented to act he said, " I feel all the better for having done something plucky." It has already been mentioned that the study of the prin- ciples of Law was very agreeable to him. At this period of his life he de voted ~much time to the study of the Civil Law, and he has left behind him several volumes of notes made in the course of his reading. The only appointment concerning which I ever heard him express any strong wish was that of the Professor- 1 It may be mentioned, for the benefit of readers not acquainted with Cam- bridge customs, that the distinction between Moderator and Examiner is prac- tically merely this, that the papers of original problems are set wholly by the Moderators. Constitutionally the difference is, that the office of Moderator is an old statutable office, whereas the Examiners were added by Grace of the Senate, in consequence of the increase of the number of candidates for mathema- tical honours. xx BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR ship of Civil Law. He acknowledged to me that he would have felt gratified by the tenure of this office, which is the more remarkable when taken in connection with the fact that on the occasion of one of the Mathematical Professorships being vacant he expressed no desire to be appointed, but, on the contrary, declared that he would not consent to be nominated as a candi- date. Indeed it is a mistake to suppose that Ellis was in any exclusive or even preponderating degree devoted to mathematics : his mathematical power was no doubt very great, but I think not greater than several other powers, and certainly his taste by no means exclusively leaned in this direction, as his intimate friends very well knew. But of this more hereafter. He did not give himself in any degree to tuition during his Cambridge residence. So far as I know he never had a private pupil ; he gave a few College Lectures upon high mathematical subjects, but he did this only as locum-tenens for friends upon whom the task devolved. Probably his health would have interfered with any regular occupation of this kind ; but besides this, he had not, I think, any taste or any special fitness for imparting knowledge to average minds; his remarks were always suggestive, and he could throw light upon almost any subject which could be brought forward, but he usually assumed a considerable amount of knowledge on the part of those with whom he conversed, and sometimes (as it seemed to me) he was obscure, in consequence perhaps of the neatness and conciseness which were so remarkable in his conversation. At the request of the British Association, which held its annual meeting at Cambridge in 1845, he undertook a Eeport upon the progress of certain branches of pure mathematics. This Report is reprinted in the present volume. It represents a great amount of labour and research, and I have no doubt that the preparation of it was a source of pleasure to him, as it refers to a department of mathematics which was with Ellis a special favourite. OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. xxi It was during his residence as a Fellow in Trinity College that he undertook, in conjunction with Mr James Spedding and Mr Douglas Denon Heath, to edit the works of Bacon. The philosophical section of the works was the share allotted to Ellis. No literary occupation could have been more congenial to his taste, and the prefaces to the several treatises which he was able more or less to complete, especially the " General Preface to the Philosophical Works," are perhaps the most valuable thing which he has left behind him. He was engaged upon the preface to the Novum Organum, when he was stopped by illness ; and so complete and sudden was the break in his health that he never completed it. The last sentence that he wrote will be found on page 100 of the first volume of his edition of Bacon's Works. It is an affecting monument, and as such I here produce it. "Again he affirms that he does not inculcate, as some might suppose, a ;" to which Mr Spedding has appended a note, " Mr Ellis had written thus far when the fever seized him." The mention of Bacon has led me to anticipate the course of events. In the years 1847 and 1848 he visited Malvern for the benefit of his health, still making Trinity College his head- quarters, and he certainly appeared to be strengthened by the course of treatment to which he was submitted. He had, I believe, always intended, at the expiration of the tenure of his fellowship, to go abroad ; partly perhaps for the general advan- tages of travel, and partly with the belief that his health would be improved by residence in a warmer climate. He desired to settle himself in some place possessing a good library, where he might complete his work for the edition of Bacon. Accordingly in the autumn of 1849 he went to Nice. After remaining there some little time he started, not well in health, for the journey by post along the Eiviera. The first night he slept at Mentone, and, as he believed, in a damp bed. The next day he arrived early at S. Remo, but feeling indis- posed determined to proceed no further that day. In the xxii BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR evening lie took the last walk which he was ever able to take, otherwise than as a cripple ; he described afterwards to one of his friends the profound effect produced upon his mind, possibly rendered more sensitive by approaching illness, by the loveli- ness of the scene. That night, which was one of horrors to him, he was seized with a rheumatic fever, which for several days put his life in great danger. A physician, who was called in, seems to have exerted himself with great kindness and to the utmost of his skill, to do all that could be done. Ellis always retained an affectionate remembrance of him. He ordered his patient to be bled extensively, and after a few days the imminent danger was passed. Rheumatism however re- mained fixed hopelessly upon him; he was ever after in con- stant pain, with very little use of any part of his body; and the rest of his life, ten years, may be described as a long process of gradual dissolution. After a residence of nearly three months at S. Remo, he was brought home by easy stages. He visited several places after his return, London, Brighton, Bath, Malvern, Tunbridge Wells, consulting various physicians, with no apparent result. At length giving up all hope of amendment, he fixed himself in 1853 at Trumpington, a village two miles from Cambridge, of which his friend Professor Grote was Vicar, for the sake of being near the University and his old friends. When he arrived he was unable to walk, but could drive out in a carriage, and in the house he could move from one place to another on the same floor by means of a chair set upon wheels : after some time however he became entirely confined to the house ; then to his bed, where he remained in a sadly suffering condition till the day of his death. He wrote me a letter shortly before his arrival at Trumping- ton, telling me that he had taken Anstey Hall (the name of his house 1 at Trumpington), and adding that he was coming 1 When Ellis first came into residence at Cambridge his father had some OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. xxm to leave his bones amongst us, and he trusted we should " give him a little earth for charity." During his lingering illness I saw him not unfrequently, and am able to record, from personal recollection, some few things which may be pleasant to those who knew him, and not unprofitable perhaps to the general readers of this volume. In the early [part of his residence in Anstey Hall, he was well enough to enjoy" the society of his friends to a very considerable extent ; he sat in his invalid chair, with sometimes two or three persons present, pouring forth his varied stores of knowledge as in olden days ; in fact, it should be stated here once for all, that during the whole of his lingering sickness his mental powers never ap- peared to be in the smallest degree impaired ; it was a wonder to note the perfect action of the mind, at a time when the body was a mere distorted and attenuated heap of skin and bones. But this brightness of intellect doubtless made the suffering more acute. His life for several years was a constant looking of death in the face, with scarcely an interval of ease or ob- liviousness. By degrees the resource of the society of his friends began to be diminished ; frequently we called and found him unable to see us ; and even relatives staying in the house could not be admitted into his chamber for days together. In the earlier part of his illness he was able to give some attention, but not much, to Bacon; some of the notes which have been since printed were dictated at this time. The thought of leaving his work imperfect could not fail to be painful to him, and the pain would be increased by the very high standard of excellence which he set up for himself in all matters which he undertook. Latterly he could not bear the subject of Bacon to be alluded to: if it happened to be introduced, he would intention of engaging Anstey Hall, in order that lie might be near his son, whose health even then was, as we have seen, not strong. This circumstance had made Ellis always feel an interest in the house. xxiv BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR say, "We don't talk about it in this room." He amused himself also with mathematical investigations, which he was able to carry on in a remarkable manner, without paper or figure, "in his head," as the common phrase is. It was in this way that he discovered for himself what he believed to be a new view of Napier's rules for the solution of right- angled spherical triangles. His discovery involves so curious a piece of history that I shall venture for a moment to dwell upon it. Ellis found out in his illness, that Napier's rules, instead of being, as they have been stated to be in Cam- bridge books, from Professor Woodhouse downwards, a mere memoria techmca, were all capable of being deduced from one geometrical construction. He sent me a paper which he dic- tated on the subject, and which I requested him to allow me to communicate to the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Hav- ing gained his permission, I thought it well to examine the literature of the subject, and above all to see what Napier had himself said. On turning to Napier's famous tract, Miri- fici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio, I found that Ellis had in fact rediscovered Napier's own original conception of the problem. It was during his illness that he dictated his remarks con- cerning the construction of bees' cells ; 1 believe also that he thought out at this time his demonstration of the tautochronous quality of the cycloid. Indeed he had usually some mathe- matical question running in his head, which served him for recreation during his easier moments. Nor were other subjects excluded; it was in this season of extreme bodily weakness that he corresponded with the late Dr Gilly on the Eomaunce language, discussed the date of the "Noble Lesson," and criti- cized Dr Gilly's edition of the Yaudois Gospel of S. John. I have also before me a considerable number of letters dictated to friends, dealing with subjects so different, according to the tastes of the persons to whom they were sent, that it seems difficult OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. xxv to believe them to be the production of the same person. He dictated also papers on Vegetable spirals, on Comparative Me- trology, and on various points of Etymology. But the most remarkable effort of his illness was the dic- tation of a pamphlet (reprinted in this volume) on the subject of a Chinese Dictionary, and the best mode of constructing such a work. This pamphlet was in the form of a letter to the Rev. J. Power, the Librarian of the University, who had kindly as- sisted him in his literary researches, and had supplied him with the most recent literature bearing upon the Chinese language. I can give no opinion of its value, but can hardly be wrong in regarding it as a marvellous exertion of mental vigour under very depressing conditions. In truth his taste for language was as marked as that for mathematics. I have just now remarked incidentally upon his study of the Eomaunce language ; Gothic also appears from his letters as having received considerable attention; he has left a paper on Sanscrit; and amongst the modern languages, besides the usual acquirements of French and German, I per- ceive that he was well versed in Italian, and that he had given attention to Danish and Spanish. He thoroughly enjoyed the study of a language, and I remember very well the pleasure which he expressed at having had the courage to communicate a French memoir to Liouville's Journal: it seemed to me that the writing mathematics in a foreign language gave him al- most as much satisfaction as the mathematical results them- selves *. I ought, perhaps, to mention that I found him one day reading the New Testament in Swedish, which he told me he had " picked up " since he had been ill 2 . I have said that through his long illness Ellis retained his 1 He was very fond of translating. Amongst his papers are some translations of Danish ballads, Spanish ballads, Andersen's Tales, &c. 2 During his illness his notes to his physician were usually written in Latin. xxvi BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR vigour of mind. It is wonderful that in such suffering, and in the consciousness of approaching dissolution the mind should have been capable of dwelling calmly upon subjects of abstract interest, such as investigations in pure mathematics ; he himself felt that there was something strange in the occupation. In a note accompanying a mathematical paper he writes to me : "I have been very miserable all this week. God will mend it, when His will is. It seems strange that my mind still runs at all upon triangles, and I am not at all sure that it is right it should. I need not tell you to think charitably of me in this as in other respects." His mind by no means however dwelt upon triangles to the exclusion of more solemn subjects, as I shall have occasion to shew more fully presently ; but it ap- peared to have a vigour of action and a fulness of matter which no external circumstances could affect, and so far as my obser- vation went he conversed with the same facility and command of his subject during his illness, as in earlier days. It would be only painful to draw as vivid a picture as might be easily drawn of the protracted sufferings which he had to endure. Medicine could do nothing more for him than mitigate the severity of the disease, which seemed to claim as its own one muscle after another, as it slowly approached the heart. " One twitch there" said he to me one day, speaking of his heart, " and then I shall know the great secret." For a con- siderable period, reading (as might be supposed) was a relief; the weary hours of night, sometimes rendered horrible by the fear of dreams if sleep should come upon him 1 , were beguiled with books, a lamp suspended over his head giving him the necessary light. By and bye however this resource also failed : the eyes began to be affected by the complaint, and for about 1 He one day represented his condition to me in words curiously resembling those of Job: "When I say, My bed shall comfort me, my couch shall ease my complaint ; then Thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifieat me through visions." Job vii. 13, 14. OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. xxvii two years before his death he was almost entirely blind 1 . Books were read to him, and he dictated occasionally to an amanuensis, but the loss of sight. was a very severe addition to his sufferings. The following lines, which may be taken as a sample of the love of epigram 2 which belonged to him, were sent to Dr- Paget, his physician, when the blindness was gaining upon him. Contortos artus nunc culcita celat, at olim Terra teget melius : sit modo et ilia levis. Et quam vix possunt oculi tolerare dolentes Lux fugit, ac tenebris mox adopertus ero. Mar. 9, 1857. In the earlier part of his illness, I made the remark one day that he appeared to me to be a little better; he at once said 1 His eyes were first attacked in April, 1856 ; he was unable to read in July, 1857. 2 This love of epigram was very striking. Here is an instance. During his illness an old friend wrote to him asking him for some new conundrums. It so happened that on the day of receiving this request he fancied that he had disco- vered from Dr Paget, that he was labouring under Bright's disease ; he sent the following answer : Si petis hinc aenigma novum, si ludicra poscis, Quod nuper didici scribere cur dubitem ? Morbus, qui clarum fecit qui nomine clarus Semper erat, solvet vincula queis teneor. On the same day he wrote on the same subject in a different style : DEAR PAGET, I think it well to thank you for your most kind note. It came a few minutes before my dinner. That over, I told W * its purport, and desired him to take notice how little it disturbed me. Of course, no such communication can ever be matter of indifference, and least of all to a person like me, in whom the power of suffering and of being anxious has been but little impaired by years of suffering and of anxiety. But, to use John Bradford's words, "He who has helped me till now will not leave me when I have most need, for His truth and mercy sake ;" and of neces- sity I am less anxious about many things than I have long been. Yours, R L. ELLIS. Feb. 19, (1857). * His servant. xxviii BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR very earnestly, " pray do not say so !" He recognized from the first the sure character of his disease, and he desired that his sufferings might not be protracted ; at the same time he was perfectly patient, even cheerful, and reverently acknowledged in all his afflictions the governing hand of God. But it is time that I should leave the story of my friend's sickness, upon which affectionate remembrance tempts me to linger, in order that I may endeavour to give such estimate as I can of his mind and character. Speaking generally I should say that his intellect was the most remarkable that I have known. It was made up of a combination of powers so delicately balanced, and working together in such perfect harmony, that it would be difficult to say that any one predominated over the rest. Popularly in Cambridge he might be regarded as specially a mathematician, because he was Senior Wrangler, but those who knew anything of him were fully aware that mathematics was only one of his acquirements, and that in conversation mathematics by no means presented itself as the chief or even the favourite subject of his thoughts. Indeed, I think, it would be difficult to say that there was any one subject in which his mental powers were manifested more decidedly than in others ; and the only marked deficiency which I ever detected was in respect of music, for which he had no special taste. I do not mean that he had no sense of melody : this was far from being the case : but his con- versation never ran upon the great masters of music and their works, as it did upon almost all other subjects. Doubtless, however, mathematical power belonged to him in a very large degree. With the present volume in the reader's hands it would be superfluous to say much concerning the special departments of mathematical investigation in which his taste impelled him; but I may remark that he seemed most naturally to associate his mathematics with the past ; he OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. xxix delighted to discuss the principles of investigations already known, to trace the history of processes, to examine the phi- losophy of a subject, to hunt up its literature, or to simplify its treatment. His memoir on the Foundations of the Theory of Probabilities and that on the Method of Least Squares, which stand at the opening of this volume, appear to me to represent as well as possible his special taste, so far as he had a special taste, with regard to mathematics. He always seemed to talk on the subject of Probabilities with great plea- sure, and as one in which he was thoroughly at home. The remarkable little essay on the Theory of Matter was also one which I think gave him much satisfaction. His taste did not seem to lead him much in the direction of elaborate phy- sical experiment, nor do I remember that on any occasion he worked in this path of investigation. His mind in fact was rather that of the philosopher than the physicist ; his impulse was rather to contemplate existing knowledge, than to take up a particular line of physical investigation and press forward knowledge upon that one line. This characteristic of mind gave a great charm to his con- versation : his thoughts were, so to speak, set in a rich historical framework, and they were produced with an ease and readiness which I have never seen equalled. In referring to his conver- sational powers generally, I may record the singular accuracy of his speech ; this was perhaps partly a natural gift, and partly the result of early education ; certainly it was very wonderful ; his sentences were not only full of thought and of references to literature of all kinds, but they were so remarkably correct in their construction and elegant in diction. He was one of the few men who could have borne a Boswell with great advantage to their reputation 1 . 1 This remark was made to me by one very intimate with him, and I cordially adopt it. In fact, with obviously wide differences, there was a good deal of curious xxx BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR He was a good scholar, and very fond of the Greek and Roman literature. I believe I am justified in saying, that his knowledge of that literature was really more extensive and thorough than that of many whose reputation as scholars has been much greater. He could enjoy a discussion of a point of classical philology as keenly as one on scientific subjects, and when so engaged no one would have supposed that mathematics was his favourite study. Indeed, as I have already intimated, mathematics could not in any proper sense be so described : Civil Law was certainly as much a favourite : and he seemed to be most happy in conversation, when the subject was one of a philosophical character. I have often felt disposed to compare his mental constitution in many respects with that of Leibnitz. Each was the philosopher quite as emphatically as the mathematician. Leibnitz, I may observe, was one of his favourites, and he mentioned to me one day with some feeling of amusement that a Fellow of Trinity had spoken to him of Leibnitz, under the title " your Leibnitz," as though the old feeling of jealousy were still lurking in the College. His love of philosophy fitted him especially to be the editor of Bacon. It was a work, I believe, which he undertook with all his heart, and relinquished with extreme pain and only under a sense of imperious necessity. He was assisted too by his familiarity with the philosophical speculations of the middle ages: there was something congenial to his own cast of mind in the discussions of the schoolmen, and I think he appreciated Bacon all the more in virtue of his appreciation of those, whose processes of thought and methods of argument it was Bacon's task to supersede. similarity between Ellis and Dr Johnson. Ellis was an excellent conversationalist: he not only expressed himself with singular precision, but he was a patient listener, and readily caught up and retained in his memory the remarks of those with whom he conversed. OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. xxxi In producing his knowledge he was much assisted by the strength and clearness of his memory. All his knowledge seemed to be as it were in hand; it was not merely that he knew where to look for information, although that is a great thing and as much as many clever men are satisfied to accom- plish ; but information upon the most various subjects, the most trivial and the most important, seemed to be at call upon all occasions. His long painful illness had no apparent effect upon this faculty. On one occasion, some years after he had been confined to the house, he wished to describe a certain picture in a room which he had only once entered, and that merely for a morning call : to my astonishment he mentioned the pictures one after another as they hung on the wall, and so identified that to which he desired to refer. Ellis was very fond of expressing his thoughts in verse. Some of his notebooks are full of poetical scraps, generally somewhat melancholy in their tone, but expressing (I have no doubt) the feelings of his mind at the time of writing. I will produce two or three of these scraps in this place: it will be seen that they all belong to the period preceding his last long illness. i. E'en in the days when life is dear And we would fain live on for aye, Then let it not forgotten be That death draws near. 2. And when we fall on sadder hours, And gladly would lie down and die, Remember that we live to do God's will ; not ours. DINANT, 1846, Written April g. The two following were written, I presume, in Trinity College-. xxxii BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR i. The flower of life is gone 'tis well We know each flower will have its day. It were not wise did you repine Because the spring has passed away. 2. The flower was cankered in the bud, It was a sickly faded flower What recks it now? however fair It still had died before this hour. 3- 'Aye, but it died and left no fruit, And therefore I must needs lament.' 'Lament not for the buried past, For all in vain your grief is spent.' 4- "Tis true, and days to come may bring A sharper woe than all the past, And every passing year may seem To me more bitter than the last.' 5- 'Think not of this, but turn to Him Who bids His wearied follower rest, About the altars of whose house The swallow builds itself a nest. 6. Turn you to Hun whose voice can calm The working of our troubled sea, Who brings the way-worn traveller Unto the port where he would be. 7- To Him who said these solemn words, "Blessed are they that weep," Who now as in the days of old Gives His beloved sleep.' Jan. 12, 1848. I do lament me for the days gone by, All spent in loving frail mortality : Else I had been what now I cannot be, For I had wings wherewith to mount on high. OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. xxxiii Thou king of heaven eternal, hear my cry I Thou knowest all my grief and misery : Recal, O God, my wandering soul to Thee, And its shortcomings with Thy grace supply ! O let me die in harbour and at rest, Though I have lived in tempest and in strife : So when I journey hence at Thy behest My death will be less worthless than my life. Vouchsafe in life and death to succour me ; Thou knowest that I trust in nought but Thee. Amen and Amen. Miserere mei Domine et nunc et in hor mortis. Feb. 24, 1848. I have no wish to indulge in any extravagant eulogy of my friend, but I should leave a sad blank in this brief memorial of him if I did not say that his moral qualities were not below his intellectual. His manner might be accounted by some persons cold, and he was certainly not one with whom familiar intercourse and the thorough freedom of friendship were attained rapidly ; but those who knew him well knew that he possessed one of the most gentle of hearts, with a delicate consideration for the feelings of others, and a most grateful sense of any kindness shewn to himself. Above all his sense of honour and propriety was perfect ; nothing shabby or mean could exist in the same place with Leslie Ellis. This is a description which I am convinced that all who knew anything of him will certify to be correct, and I think I need not add more to it: his in- tellectual faculties were undoubtedly his most striking charac- teristics, and the fruits of his intellect, which he was permitted to gather during his brief period of health and activity, remain as an indication of what he might have done ; let it suffice to say that those qualities of which his works can tell but little, were such as we delight to contemplate in union with great intellectual gifts. There is one other point which must not be omitted, but which must be treated with delicacy. It would be unjust not to add a word upon the more definitely religious aspect of his charac- xxxiv BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR ter; I say unjust, because the remarkable keenness of his mind concerning mathematical and other questions, during an illness in which his life was hanging constantly by a thread, may give those who are disposed to do so the occasion of remarking that his mind might very well have been occupied with more solemn thoughts. Let such persons then be satisfied by knowing that more solemn thoughts did occupy his mind. I think that as his sickness advanced and his bodily powers were diminished, his mind gradually found more settled peace and rested more surely upon the love of God and the merits of the Saviour. Certainly there was much to tempt him to murmur, but I never noticed any murmuring propensity or any tendency to do otherwise than bow to God's will and accept with patience a mysterious and painful dispensation. In the early part of his illness, he asked me whether I had ever thought much or heard a sermon upon Habakkuk iii. 17, 18: "Although the fig-tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines ; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat ; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls : yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation." He made no application of the verses to his own circumstances, only remarking how striking the language was ; but it was evident to me that his own case was in his mind. He always begged me to read prayers with him. I usually introduced the Collect from the Visitation of the Sick ; on one occasion I omitted it ; he noticed the omission at my next visit, and begged me to use it. Anyone who remembers the substance of that Collect will see the value of this simple anecdote. His own bodily weakness and utter abstraction from all works of active piety intensified his desire of doing something for the benefit of his fellow-creatures, and made him grieve over his forced indolence. I do not mean that his charitable feelings first germinated in his sick room : this was very far from being OF ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS. xxxv the case: but his sense of his own inability to discharge any active duty made him more keenly sensible of the privilege of being permitted to exert ourselves for God and for our brethren. On reading the account of the death of Captain Gardiner in his noble but not wisely-arranged effort to found a mission in Pata- gonia, he expressed a wish that his own life might have had a similar termination. Indeed a sense of the spiritual needs of mankind appeared to grow upon him as his own bodily weak- ness brought him nearer to the great realities of existence: I can never forget the earnestness with which he said to me at a late period of his illness, " The thing above all others which strikes me, as I lie here on my bed, is the intense wickedness of mankind." "I feel," he continued, "as if I should be con- strained, did God ever raise me up again, to rush in amongst them, as Barnabas and Paul did amongst the people of Lys- tra, and rend my clothes and say, Sirs! why do ye these things 1 ?" His speculative mind, acting under the peculiar conditions to which it was subjected by his diseased body, could hardly fail to look sometimes anxiously into the future, and guess what might be the nature of the life prepared for him in the world to which he was brought so near: as time went on however the keen discipline of affliction seemed to have taught him that he must "stand and wait," and simply look forward with calm hope. 1 I ventured to introduce this reminiscence into a sermon preached before the University, March 2-2, 1863, and since published. I find a similar anecdote amongst some recollections, which have been kindly put in my hands by the Rev. J. P. Norris. Speaking of children, and his strong disapproval of giving them prizes for mere cleverness, he added, "There is another point connected with children that I feel with an intensity which I would give much to have felt years ago, the sacred duty of keeping them pure. Wounded Arthur, speaking to Sir Bedivere, threatens to arise and slay him with his hands if he fail in his behest ; and I feel sometimes as if I could arise from this bed and tear to shreds some of the books that are left in children's way." xxxvi BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR OF R. L. ELLIS. In fact it was impossible not to observe that throughout his illness he perceived, that it was to be regarded in the light of a divine discipline, however mysterious such discipline might be. " Aches and pains," he said to a friend, " have been my teachers of late." "Fiat voluntas Tua," he observed to the same friend, taking up his De Imitatione Christi, " is after all the only prayer. Domine, modo sum in tribulatione, et non est cordi meo bene, sed miiltum vexor a praesenti passion e Et mine inter haec quid dicam ? Domine, fiat voluntas Tua ; ego bene merui tribulari et gravari." His last days were days of peace ; and his last words were so striking that I think it right to put them here upon record. It will be remembered that for a considerable period before his death he had been quite blind : just before his departure, which was in a certain sense sudden though so long expected, he ex- claimed, " I see a light !" and so expired. Possibly some phy- sical explanation of this exclamation may be given : for myself I would rather look upon it as indicative of something spiritual, and as announcing the arrival of a glorious change for which his imprisoned soul had long waited and earnestly prayed \ He was released from his sufferings May 12, 1859, and was buried at Trumpington. His grave is at the South-East corner of the churchyard, and bears the simple inscription ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS BORN 25 AUGUST 1817 DIED 12 MAY 1859. BLESSED is THE MAN THAT HATH SET HIS HOPE IN THE LORD. Ps m . 40. v. 5. 1 He once observed that he wondered no one had ever chosen for an epitap the words of Psalm cxvi. 14, "Thou hast broken my bonds in sunder." ON THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE THEORY OF PROBABILITIES*. THE Theory of Probabilities is at once a metaphysical and a mathematical science. The mathematical part of it has been fully developed, while, generally speaking, its metaphysical tendencies have not received much attention. This is the more remarkable, as they are in direct opposition to the views of the nature of knowledge, generally adopted at present. 2. The theory received its present form during the ascendancy of the school of Condillac. It rejects all reference to h priori truths as such, and attempts to establish them as mathematical deductions from the simple notion of probability. Are we prepared to admit, that our confidence in the regularity of nature is merely a corollary from Bernouilli's theorem? That until this theorem was published, mankind could give no account of convictions they had always held, and on which they had always acted? If we are not, what refutation have we to give? For these views are entitled to refutation, from the general reception they have met with, from the authority of the great writers by whom they were propounded, and even from the imposing form of the mathematical demonstration in which they are invested. * Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Yol. vm. [Read Feb. 14, 1842.] 1 ON THE FOUNDATIONS OF I shall be satisfied if the present essay does no more than call attention to the inconsistency of the theory of probabilities with any other than a sensational philosophy. 3. As the first principles of the mathematical theory are familiar to every one, I shall merely recapitulate them. If on a given trial, there is no reason to expect one event rather than another, they are said to be equally possible. The probability of an event is the number of equally pos- sible ways in which it may take place, divided by the total num- ber of such ways which may occur on the given trial. If tfj, 5j, m 1? denote equally possible cases which may occur on one trial, a 2 b 2 \ those which may occur on a second trial, 3 5 3 .p 3 those belonging to a third, &c. : then afaa^ ! 2 ^ 3 &c. &c. are all equally possible complex results. Hence it follows that on the repetition of the same trial k times, the probability that an event whose simple probability is m will occur p times is 1 .2. ..pi .2...(k-p) this follows merely by the doctrine of combinations. These are all the propositions to which I shall have occasion to refer. 4. If the probability of a given event be correctly deter- mined, the event will, on a long run of trials, tend to recur with frequency proportional to this probability. This is generally proved mathematically. It seems to me to be true a priori. When on a single trial we expect one event rather than another, we necessarily believe that on a series of similar trials the former event will occur more frequently than the latter. The connection between these two things seems to me to be an ultimate fact, or rather, for I would not be understood to deny the possibility of farther analysis to be a fact, the evidence of which must rest upon an appeal to consciousness. Let any one endeavour to frame a case in which he may expect one event on a single trial, and yet believe that on a series of trials another will occur more frequently ; or a case in which he may be able THE THEORY OF PROBABILITIES. 3 to divest himself of the belief that the expected event will occur more frequently than any other. For myself, after giving a painful degree of attention to the point, I have been unable to sever the judgment that one event is more likely to happen than another, or that it is to be expected in preference to it, from the belief that on the long run it will occur more frequently. 5. It follows as a limiting case, that when we expect two events equally, we believe they will recur equally on the long run. In this belief we may of course be mistaken : if we are, we are wrong in expecting the two events equally, and in think- ing them equally possible. Conversely, if the events are truly equally possible, they really will tend to recur equally on a series of trials. But this proves the proposition placed at the head of the section : for if any event can occur in a out of b equally possible ways, its probability is j-i and if all these b cases tend to recur equally on the long run, the event must tend to occur a times out of b ; or in the ratio of its probability. Which was to be proved. 6. Let us now examine the mathematical demonstration of this proposition. In entering upon it, we are supposed to have no reason whatever to believe that equally possible events tend to occur with equal frequency. It is well known that what is called Bernouilli's theorem, relates to the comparative magnitudes of the several terms of the binomial expansion. The general term of which is the probability that an event whose simple probability is m will recur p times on Jc trials ; and hence the connexion between the binomial expansion and the theory of probabilities. 7. A particular example will suffice to illustrate what seems to me to be the essential defect of the mathematical proof of the proposition in question. 12 4 ON THE FO UNDA TIONS OF A coin is to be thrown 100 times: there are 2 100 definite sequences of heads and reverses, all equally possible if the coin is fair. One only of these gives an unbroken series of 100 heads. A very large number give 50 heads and 50 reverses; and Bernouilli's theorem shows that an absolute majority of the 2 100 possible sequences give the difference between the number of heads and reverses less than 5. If we took 1000 throws, the absolute majority of the 2 100( possible sequences give the difference less than 7, which is pro- portionally smaller than 5. And so on. Now all this is not only true, but important. But it is not what we want. We want a reason for believing that on a series of trials, an event tends to occur with frequency proportional to its probability ; or in other words, that generally speaking, a group of 100 or 1000 will afford an approximate estimate of this probability. But, although a series of 100 heads can occur in one way only, and one of 50 heads and 50 reverses in a great many, there is not the shadow of a reason for saying that therefore the former series is a rare and remarkable event, and the latter, comparatively at least, an ordinary one. Non constatj but the single case producing 100 heads may occur so much oftener than any case which produces 50 only, that a series of 100 heads may be a very common occurrence, and one of 50 heads and 50 reverses may be a curious anomaly. Increase the number of trials to 1000, or to 10,000. Pre- cisely the same objection applies : namely, that in Bernouilli's theorem, it is merely proved that one event is more probable than another, i.e. by the definition can occur in more equally possible ways, and that there is no ground whatever for saying, it will therefore occur oftener, or that it is a more natural occur- rence. On the contrary, the event shown to be improbable may occur 10,000 times for once that the probable one is met with. To deny this, is to admit that if an event can take place in more equally possible ways, it will take place more frequently. But if this is admitted, Bernouilli's theorem is unnecessary. It leaves the matter just where it was before, and introduces no new element into the question. 8. Thus, both by an appeal to consciousness, and by the THE THEOR Y OF PROBABILITIES. 5 impossibility of dispensing with such an admission, we are led to recognize the principle, that when an event is expected rather than another, we believe it will occur more frequently on the long run. And thus we perceive that we are in the habit of forming judgments as to the comparative frequency of recur- rence of different possible results of similar trials. These judgments are founded, not on the fortuitous and varying cir- cumstances of each trial, but on those which are permanent on what is called the nature of the case. They involve the funda- mental axiom, that on the long run, the action of fortuitous causes disappears. Associated with this axiom is the idea of an average among discordant results, &c. I conceive this axiom to be an a priori truth, supplied by the mind itself, which is ever endeavouring to introduce order and regularity among the objects of its perceptions. 9. With a view to conciseness, I omit several interesting points which here present themselves namely, the connection between the axiom just stated, and the inductive principle ; the real utility of Bernoulli's theorem ; and what seems to me to be the true definition of probability, founded on a reference to the ratios developed on the long run. I proceed to illustrate what has been said by a few passages from Laplace's " Essai Philosophique sur les Probabilites" 10. It seems obvious that no mathematical deduction from premises which do not relate to laws of nature, can establish such laws. Yet it is beyond doubt that Laplace thought Ber- nouilli's theorem afforded a demonstration of a general law of nature, extending even to the moral world. At p. xlii. of the Essay, prefixed as an Introduction to the third edition of the Th^orie des Probabilites, after giving some account of the theorem of James Bernouilli, Laplace proceeds: " On peut tirer du the"oreme precedent cette consequence qui doit 6tre regardee comme urie loi generale, savoir que les rap- ports des effets de la nature, sont & fort peu pres constants, quand ces effets sont considered en grand nombre....Je n'excepte pas de la loi pre'ce'dente, les effets dus aux causes morales." It appears not to have occurred to Laplace, that this theorem is founded on the mental phenomenon of expectation. But it is 6 ON THE FOUNDATIONS OF clear that expectation never could exist, if we did not believe in the general similarity of the past to the future, i.e. in the regularity of nature, which is here deduced from it. A little further on,... "II suit encore de ce theoreme que dans une scrie d'eVenemens inde'finiment prolonged, 1'action des causes r^gulieres et constantes doit 1'emporter a. la'longue, sur celle, des causes irrdgulieres....Ainsi des chances favorables et nombreuses etant constamment attaches a 1'observation des principes eternels de raison de justice et d'humanite, qui fondent et qui maintiennent les societes ; il y a un grand avantage a se conformer & ces principes, et de graves inconveniens a s'en e'carter. Que Ton consulte les histoires, et sa propre experience on y verra tous les faits venir a 1'appui de ce re*sultat du calcul." Without disputing the truth of the conclusion, we may doubt whether it is to be considered as a "resultat du calcul." The same expression occurs immediately afterwards in another passage, in which the writer seems to allude to the history of his own times, and to the ambition of the great chieftain whom he at one time served. Indeed it would seem as if to Laplace all the lessons of his- tory were merely confirmations of the " r&sultats du calcul." We are tempted to say with Cicero "hie ab artificio suo non recessit." 11. The results of the theory of probabilities express the number of ways in which a given event can occur, or the pro- portional number of times it will occur on the long run : they are not to be taken as the measure of any mental state ; nor are we entitled to assume that the theory is applicable wherever a presumption exists in favour of a proposition whose truth is uncertain. Nevertheless it has been applied to a great variety of induc- tive results ; with what success and in what manner, I shall now attempt to enquire. 12. Our confidence in any inductive result varies with a variety of circumstances ; one of these is the number of particular cases from which it is deduced. Now the measure of this confi- dence which the theory professes to give, depends on this number exclusively. Yet no one can deny, that the force of the TEE THEOR Y OF PROBABILITIES. 7 induction may vary, while this number remains unchanged. This consideration appears almost to amount to a reductio ad absurdum. 13. If, on m occasions, a certain event has been observed, there is a presumption that it will recur on the next occa- sion. This presumption the theory of probabilities estimates at . But here two questions arise ; What shall constitute a in ~r ^ " next occasion" ? What degree of similarity in the new event to those which have preceded it, entitles it to be considered a recurrence of the same event ? Let me take an example given by a late writer : Ten vessels sail up a river. All have flags. The presumption that the next vessel will have a flag is . Let us suppose the ten vessels to be Indiamen. Is the passing up of any vessel whatever, from a wherry to a man of war, to be considered as constituting a " next occasion" ? or will an Indiaman only satisfy the conditions of the question ? It is clear that in the latter case, the presumption that the next Indiaman would have a flag is much stronger, than that, as in the former case, the next vessel of any kind would have one. Yet the theory gives as the presumption in both cases. If right in one, it cannot be right in the other. Again, let all the flags be red. Is it - - that the next vessel will have a red flag, 12 or a flag at all? If the same value be given to the presumption in both cases, a flag of any other colour must be an impossibility. It is to be noticed, that I only refer to the visible differences among different kinds of vessels, and not to any knowledge we may have about them from previous acquaintance. 14. I turn to a more celebrated application of the theory. All the movements of the planetary system, known as yet, are from west to east. This undoubtedly affords a strong pre- sumption in favour of some common cause producing motion in that direction. But this presumption depends not merely upon the number of observed movements, but also on the natural 8 ON THE FO UNDA TIONS OF affinity which in a greater or less degree appears to exist among them. This is so natural a reflection, that Lacroix, in calculating the mathematical value of the presumption, omits the rotatory movements, and, I believe, those of the secondary planets, in order, as he expressly says, to include none but similar move- ments. But in the admission thus by implication made, that regard must be had to the similarity of the movements, too much is conceded for the interests of the theory. For are the retained movements absolutely similar ? The planets move in orbits of unequal eccentricity and in different planes : they are themselves bodies of various sizes ; some have many satellites and others none. If these points of difference were diminished or removed, the presumption in favour of a common cause deter- mining the direction of their movements would be strengthened; its calculated value would not increase, and vice versa. Again, up to the close of 1811, it appears (Laplace) that 100 comets had been observed, 53 having a direct and 47 a retrograde movement. If these comets were gradually to lose the peculiarities which distinguish them from planets we should have 64 planets with direct movement, 47 with retrograde. The presumption we are considering would, in such a case, be very much weakened. At present, we unhesitatingly exclude the comets on account of their striking peculiarities: in the case supposed we should with equal confidence include them in the induction. But at what precise point of their transition-state are we abruptly, from giving them no weight at all in the induction, to give them as much as the old planets ? 15. It is difficult to acquiesce in a theory which leads to so many conclusions seemingly in opposition to the common sense of mankind. One of the most singular of them may, perhaps, serve as a key to explain their nature. When any event, whose cause is unknown, occurs, the probability that its ci priori probability was greater than % is f . Such at least is the received result. But in reality, the - : the ratio of these two expressions is ultimately This is the expression applied to determine the probability of a common cause among similar phenomena, as in the case already mentioned of the planets. But this application is founded on a petitio principii : we assume that all the phenomena are allied : that they are the results of repetitions of the same trial, that they have the same simple probability ; all that, setting other objections aside, we really determine, is the probability, that this simple probability common to all these allied phenomena is > - . But how does this determine the force of the presumption that the phenomena are allied, or, to use Condorcet's illustration, that they all come out of the same infinite lottery ? 19. The object of this little essay being to call attention to the subject rather than fully to discuss it, I have omitted several questions which entered into my original design. The principle on which the whole depends, is the necessity of recognizing the tendency of a series of trials towards regu- larity, as the basis of the theory of probabilities. I have also attempted to show that the estimates furnished by what is called the theory a posteriori of the force of inductive results are illusory. If these two positions were satisfactorily established, the theory would cease to be, what I cannot avoid thinking it now is, in opposition to a philosophy of science which recognizes ideal elements of knowledge, and which makes the process of induction depend on them. ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES*. THE importance attached to the method of least squares is evident from the attention it has received from some of the most distinguished mathematicians of the present century, and from the variety of ways in which it has been discussed. Something, however, remains to be done namely, to bring the different modes in which the subject has been presented into juxta-position, so that the relations which they bear to one another may be clearly apprehended. For there is an essential difference between the way in which the rule of least squares has been demonstrated by Gauss, and that which was pursued by Laplace. The former of these mathematicians has in fact given two different demonstrations of the method, founded on quite distinct principles. The first of these demonstrations is contained in the Theoria Motus, and is that which is followed by Encke in a paper of which a translation appeared in the Scientific Memoirs. At a later period Gauss returned to the subject, and subsequently to the publication of Laplace's investi- gation gave his second demonstration in the Theoria Combina- tionis Observationum. The subject has been also discussed by Poisson in the Connaissance des Terns for 1827, and by several other French writers. Poisson's analysis is founded on the same principle as Laplace's : it is more general, and perhaps simpler. It is not, however, my intention to dwell upon mere differences in the mathematical part of the enquiry. The consequence of the variety of principles which have been made use of by different writers has naturally been to pro- duce some perplexity as to the true foundation of the method. As the results of all the investigations coincided, it was natural to suppose that the principles on which they were founded were * Transactions of the Camlridge Philosophical Society Vol. vra. [Read March 4, 1844] ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. 13 essentially the same. Thus Mr Ivory conceived that if Laplace arrived at the same result as Gauss, it was because in the process of approximation he had introduced an assumption which re- duced his hypothesis to that on which Gauss proceeded. In this I think Mr Ivory was certainly mistaken ; it is at any rate not difficult to show that he had misunderstood some part at least of Laplace's reasoning: but that so good a mathematician could have come to the conclusion to which he was led, shows at once both the difficulty of the analytical part of the inquiry, and also the obscurity of the principles on which it rests. Again, a recent writer on the Theory of Probabilities has adopted Poisson's investigation, which, as I have said, is the development of La- place's, and which proves in the most general manner the supe- riority of the rule of least squares, whatever be the law of pro- bability of error, provided equal positive and negative errors are equally probable. But in a subsequent chapter we find that he coincides in Mr Ivory's conclusion, that the method of least squares is not established by the theory of probabilities, unless we assume one particular law of probability of error. These two results are irreconcilable ; either Poisson or Mr Ivory must be wrong. The latter indeed expressed his dissent from all that had been done by the French mathematicians on the subject, and in a series of papers in the Philosophical Magazine gave several demonstrations of the method of least squares, which he conceived ought not to be derived from the theory of probabilities. In this conclusion I cannot coincide ; nor do I think Mr Ivory's reasoning at all satisfactory. From this imperfect sketch of the history of the subject, we perceive that the methods which have been pursued may be thus classified. 1. Gauss's method in the Theoria Motfis, which is followed and developed by Encke and other German writers. 2. That of Laplace and Poisson. 3. Gauss's second method. 4. Those of Mr Ivory. I proceed to consider these separately, and in detail. For the analysis of Laplace and Poisson, I have substituted another, founded on what is generally known as Fourier's theo- 14 ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. rem, having been first given by him in the Theorie de la Chaleur. It will be seen that the mathematical difficulty is greatly dimin- ished by the change. GAUSS'S FIEST METHOD. This method is founded on the assumption that in a series of direct observations, of the same quantity or magnitude, the arithmetical mean gives the most probable result. This seems so natural a postulate that no one would at first refuse to assent to it. For it has been the universal practice of mankind to take the arithmetical mean of any series of equally good direct ob- servations, and to employ the result as the approximately true value of the magnitude observed. The principle of the arithmetical mean seems therefore to be true a priori. Undoubtedly the conviction that the effect of fortuitous causes will disappear on a long series of trials, is an immediate consequence of our confidence in the permanence of nature. And this conviction leads to the rule of the arithmetical mean, as giving a result which as the number of observations increases sine limite, tends to coincide with the true value of the magnitude observed. For let a be this value, x the observed value, e the error, then we have x l -a=e l x 2 -a = e 2 &c. = &c. And as on the long run the action of fortuitous causes disappears, and there is no permanent cause tending to make the sum of the positive differ from that of the negative errors, Se = 0, and therefore or, a- 5 which expresses the rule of the arithmetical mean, and which is thus seen to be absolutely true ultimately when n increases sine limite. In this sense therefore the rule in question is deducible from & priori considerations. But it is to be remarked, that it is not the only rule to which these considerations might lead us. For ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. 15 not only is Se = ultimately, but S./e = 0, where /e-is any func- tion such that / = / ( e) ; and therefore we should have as an equation which ultimately would give the true value of x when the number of observations increases sine limite, and which therefore for a finite number of observations may be looked on in precisely the same way as the equation which expresses the rule of the arithmetical mean. There is no discrepancy between these two results. At the limit they coincide : short of the limit both are approximations to the truth. Indeed, we might form some idea how far the action of fortuitous causes had disappeared from a given series of observations by assigning different forms to f, and comparing the different values thus found for a. No satisfactory reason can be assigned why, setting aside mere convenience, the rule of the arithmetical mean should be singled out from the other rules which are included in the general equation S/ (x a) = 0. Let us enquire, therefore, whether there is any sufficient reason for saying that the rule of the arithmetical mean gives the most probable value of the unknown magnitude. In the first place, it is only one rule out of many among which it has no prerogative but that of being in practice more convenient than any other: in the second place, if this were not so, it would not follow that in the accurate sense of the words it gave the most probable result. This objection I shall defer for a moment, and proceed to consider the manner in which Gauss makes use of the postulate on which his method is founded. From the first principles of what is called the theory of probabilities a posteriori, it appears that the most probable value which can be assigned to the magnitude which our observations are intended to determine, is that which shall make the a priori probability of the observed phenomena a maximum. That is to say, if a be the true value sought, a? x being the value observed at the first observation, x z the corresponding quantity for the second, and so on, the errors at the first, second, &c. observation must be x v a, x 2 a, &c., respectively; and if fo - ) (*,-) * (*-) Equating to zero the differential of this with respect to a, we find It as the equation for determining a in a;. Let = ^, then it be- comes 2j ^ (a? - a) = 0. Now we have assumed that the most probable value of a is given by the equation 2(a>-a) = 0: and it is impossible to make these equations generally coincident, without assuming that = me, m being any constant ; 6'e ^

i e 1 d6 1 , $ 2 e 2 e?<- 2 ... n e n de n be the probabilities of their occurrence: the form of the function determining the law of probability of error, which, for greater generality, we suppose different at each observation. The probability of the concurrence of these errors is of course and the first principles of the theory of probabilities show that the value of pdu will be obtained by integrating (1), e r ..e n being subjected to the condition /ze = u. Thus with the relation ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. 21 Consequently pdu = Now by Fourier's theorem A "-A*tC---A = i f "k ( ^ '- cos a which, replacing by a, becomes /M^r",. _cosa(--2/*) rr Now if w and e w are to vary together Jw = -tc?6 and therefore -| ! 00 / +00 / +00 ^ = 1 c^a J^... I d6 n 1 e l ... n TTJo Jo J-oo *- 22 ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. The next step is to find an approximate value of this expression. / +*> /-+ 30 When = I 1 6 1 cos /^ae, Jej . . . / < n e n cos f* n ae n de n 00 -00 decreases sine limite, (being the product of n factors each less than unity) except for values of a differing infinitesimally from zero. eVe, K* = f ^o and develope each of the cosines in the above-written continued product. It is thus seen to be equal to - a - &c. Again, n being very large and ultimately infinite, it is evident that 2//,V is of the same order of magnitude as n, while ^/^a&i^a is of the order of w 2 , the former term of the coefficient of a 4 may therefore be neglected in comparison with the latter, which again may be replaced by \ (2^ 2 & 2 ) 2 , from which it differs by a quantity of the order of n. Similar remarks apply with respect to the higher powers of a. Thus the continued product may be replaced by or by e^ 2 ^ 2 * 7 ; a function which is coincident with it when a is infinitesimal. When a is finite both are, as we have seen, in- finitesimal. Consequently, =-f l du *^" J o J n (8), OAT THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. 23 or where we have supposed u = 2 It is evident, that whatever I may be, this expression for P is a maximum when 2/^ 2 & 2 is a minimum. Hence we get the following remarkable conclusion : When the number of observations increases sine limite the most advantage- ous system of factors are those which make a mnmum. It remains to determine JJL from the condition of the minimum taken in connexion with those already stated, viz. 2yua = l, 2/^ = 0, &c. = 0. We have (A). = &c. = J Let X 15 X 2 ... \ be indeterminate factors, then we may put ............ (B). &c. = &c. J From the n equations (B) we deduce a new system of p equations. To obtain the first of these, we multiply equations (B) by % , j5, &c. respectively, and add the results. For the &1 KZ second, we employ instead of the factors yf , &c., the factors #i j\, T| , &c. and then proceed as before. And similarly for the K! K% others. 24 ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. In consequence of the relations 2/*a=l, 2/*5 = 0, &c.=0, the new system of equations will be = &c. (C). These p equations determine \, X 2 ,... X,, and thus in virtue of (B) the values of ^ /v p n become known. Finally as x will be completely determined. Now let us recur to the original equations of condition stated in the last paragraph. &c. - 7 ^ .- F &c. = &c. e = ac F n J From this system we deduce a new one, containing p equations. The first of these is got by multiplying equations (a) by r| > p > & c -> an d adding the results : the second by using the factors j~ , ~, &c.: and so on as before. The resulting system 1 **^S will be, neglecting all errors, &c. = &c. ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. 25 The system (ft') contains as many equations as there are un- known quantities x, y, &c. I proceed to show that if x be determined from this system, its value will be the same as if it had been obtained from the most advantageous system of fac- tors, namely, that which is determined by means of (B) and ((7). In order to prove this, we multiply equations (ft') by X 1? X 2 , &c., and add the results. Then, in virtue of (G) Or, V V x = (X, a t + \1 1 + &c.) jj- + (\ a t + X 2 2 + &c.) F f + &c. **l K 2 that is to say, as is seen on referring to (B), as before; which proves that the system (ft') gives the same value for x as the most advantageous system of factors. More- over, as (ft?) is symmetrical in x and a, y and 5, &c. it is clear that it .will also give the most advantageous values for y and the other unknown quantities. When the law of probability of error is the same at every observation ^ = 2 = &c. and (ft 1 ) reduces itself to (ft) given at p. 18 as the result of the method of least squares. In the general case, it expresses the modification which the method of least squares must undergo, when all the observations are not of the same kind, namely, that instead of making the function 2 (ax + by + &c. F) 2 a minimum with respect to xy, &c., we must substitute for it the function 2 (ax+ ly + &c. F) 2 , and K then proceed as before. Such, in effect, is Laplace's demonstration, except that he supposed the law of error the same at each observation. The form in which I have presented it is wholly unlike his. The introduction of Fourier's theorem enables us to avoid the theory of combinations, and also the use of imaginary symbols. It must be admitted that there are few mathematical investigations 26 ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. less inviting than the fourth chapter of the Theorie des Proba- bilites, which is that in which the method of least squares is proved. It may be worth while to recur to the general formula: j r+l r 00 /+ /+ P = -I du I da. \ de l . .. I de n ^ e 1 ...(f> n e n cos a (u TTjji Jo' >_ J-oo It is certain that 2/^e lies between the limits + co . There- fore when I = co , P should be equal to unity. I proceed to show that this is the case. doi f de,...! Je n ^, 1 e 1 . J-oo '-w P =- when m 0. Effecting the integration for M, P L = 1 f 00 _ * 2 / %+ ' r + * I e~4^2 j a I J 6i0>% de n ^ ... n e n cos a 2/*e ...... (10) VTT * *- '- wr when m 0, since / " f VTT. /+ e- m * /_ r +o and I e~ m2u2 sin ocw du - 0. ^ -00 Integrating for a, we see that when m = P. = f" *,... f"^^...^^ ^ -00 / -00 Or, And as each of these integrals is separately equal to unity, P = 1, which was to be proved. ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. 27 I proceed to show that in a particular case in which the value of P can be accurately determined, Laplace's approxima- tion is correct. It has sometimes been thought that the intro- duction of the negative exponential involves a petitio principii, and is equivalent to assuming a particular law of error. It is therefore desirable, and I am not aware that it has hitherto been done, to verify his result in an individual case. Let the law of error be the same in all the observations, and such that r "2 ' 2S=3 " The coeflficient of u* p is 1.8...(2p-l) XJ * " 1 1.3 or, . _J _ _ 1 _ ^ H 1.2...^ '2 P ' (2n-l-2p)...(2n-3) " Let 7i become infinite, this becomes /M 1 J_ ^ W l .2...^ (4n) p> and we have only to determine what f(ri) then becomes. Now by Wallis's theorem 2 t 4...2n-2 - Therefore jfo = - ( - J when n is infinite, ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. 29 Consequently, rcosuoida 1 __ &c J n^?f = 2 (n " p ' e ~4n when % is infinite. ==_[_) 2 V^/ Therefore, 1 _ 2Vw7r -j rl 2 and P= j= e~^ du. Vn-TrJo Now the value given for P at p. 23 is P=-. = \e In the present case //, = 1 ; Ar 2 = -| /* e~*e z d = 1 ; and consequently 2yu. 2 & 2 = n. Thus P= = e ~^ duj as before. V/iTT /, Thus Laplace's approximation coincides with the result obtained by an independent method. This example serves to show distinctly the nature of the approximation in question. The function p having been developed in a series of powers of u, we take the principal term in the coefficient of each power of w; that is, the term divided by the lowest power of n. We neglect for instance every such term as ^ u Zp , because we have U a term in w 2p divided by n p . Thus we retain and neglect u z(p ~ 8 ^ , although, unless u be large, the former term is of the same or a lower order of magnitude than the latter. That La- place's method does in a very general manner give an approxima- 30 ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. tion of this kind cannot, 1 think, be questioned, especially after the verification we have just gone through. But some doubt may perhaps remain, whether such an approximation to the form of the function P, if such an expression may be used, is also an approximation to its numerical value, when we consider that in obtaining it we have neglected terms demonstrably larger than those retained. For two recognized exceptions to the generality of Laplace's investigation, viz. where 2 an< i those of ee' are He remarks that these errors are not independent of one another, as all depend on the single quantity 2ae, which may be eliminated between any two of the last-written equations : but that there is one case in which they are independent of one another, namely, when we assume 2ae = 0, which of course leads to the method of least squares, and that in this case, as we shall have ON THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. 37 each error is determined by " the quantities of its own experi- ment." But this reasoning is perfectly inconclusive. In the case supposed, ee &c. are as much connected together as in any other, as may be shown by eliminating 2am between the equations and besides, apart from any mathematical reasoning, it is clear that as if we know one error we know all, so also if we assign any value to one, we have in effect assigned values to all, whe- ther we use the method of least squares or any other. Moreover, e is not determined by the quantities of its own experiment alone, since Sara involves the results of all the ex- periments ; there is no difference between this and the general case, except that ^ae has ceased to appear in the equations. But suppose we multiplied the equations of condition by any func- tion of a, we might deduce the following values of x and e : . m ~~ e = m + 5' = -W + ^ a . (f>a Mr Ivory's reasoning would apply word for word as before, and would show that the best mode of combining the equations of condition was to employ the factors a, (pa, &c. whatever be the form of . As it thus would serve to establish, at least apparently, an infinity of contradictory results, the inference is that in no case has it any validity. I have now completed, though in an imperfect manner, the design indicated at the outset of this paper, namely, to give an account of the different modes in which the subject has been treated, and to simplify the analytical investigations. If I have succeeded in doing this, the present communication may tend to make a very curious subject more accessible than it has hitherto been. SOME REMARKS ON THE THEORY OF MATTER.* IN the present state of Science, there are few subjects of greater interest than the enquiry whether all the phenomena of the uni- verse are to be explained by the agency of mechanical force, and if not whether the new principles of causation, such as chemical affinity, and vital action, are to be conceived of as wholly independent of mechanical force, or in some way not hitherto explained cognate and connected with it. One reason among many which makes this enquiry interesting is the cir- cumstance that the application of mathematics to natural philo- sophy has, up to the present time, either been confined to phenomena, which were supposed to be explicable without assuming any other principle of causation than ordinary " push and pull" forces, or as in Fourier's theory of heat and Ohm's theory of the galvanic circuit, has been based on proximate empirical principles. 2. The intention of the remarks which I have the honour to offer to the Society is to suggest reasons for believing that while on the one hand it is impossible not merely from the short-comings of our analysis but from the nature of the case to reduce, as it appears that Laplace wished to do, all the pheno- mena of the universe to one great dynamical problem, we cannot recognise the existence of any principle of causation wholly disconnected with ordinary mechanical force, or of which the nature could be explained without a reference to local motion : in other words, that the idea of "qualitative action" in the sense which the phrase naturally suggests must be rejected. It will be seen from the explanations I am about to attempt that the objection which Leibnitz has opposed to the atomic, and in effect to any mechanical philosophy, namely, that on such prin- * Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. vui. p. 600. [Read May 22, 1848.] SOME REMARKS, &c. 39 ciples a finite intelligence might be conceived to exist by which all the phenomena of the universe would be fully comprehended, does not (whatever may be thought of its validity) appear to apply to the views which I have been led to entertain. For these views essentially depend on the conception of what may be called a hierarchy of causes, to which we have no reason for assigning any finite limit. Of this series of principles of causa- tion, ordinary mechanical force is the first term. 3. With respect to the first point, namely, the impossibility of explaining all phenomena mechanically, it may be remarked, that we are met, in the attempt to discuss it, by the difficulty which always attends the establishment of a negative proposition. It is clear that as in the present state of our knowledge we are far from being able to enumerate and classify the phenomena which are or which might be produced by the combined agency of con- ceivable mechanical forces, we are not in a position to decide a priori that any given phenomenon might not be thus produced. Non constatj but that the impossibility we find in the attempt to explain the causes of its existence may have no higher origin than the imperfect command which we have as yet obtained of the principles of mechanical causation. We meet, it may be said, with a multitude of ordinary dynamical problems which have as yet received no adequate solution why then should we have recourse to new kinds of causes, while we have not as yet exhausted the resources, if the expression may thus be used, of those which we already recognise? To this enquiry no con- clusive answer can be given, but the following considerations will I think naturally suggest themselves. 4. In the first place, no even moderately successful attempt has, I think, yet been made to explain any chemical phenomenon on mechanical principles. It is quite true that we are unable, to take a particular instance, fully to comprehend the mechanical constitution of the luminiferous ether ; the determinations which have as yet been attempted of the law of attraction between its molecules cannot, I apprehend, be accepted as any thing more than hypothetical or provisional results, and there are other points involved in yet greater obscurity. Nevertheless the un- dulatory theory of light has, as we all know, given consistent and satisfactory explanations of a great variety of phenomena. 40 SOME REMARKS ON THE Thus it appears, and tlie same remark might be educed from other though similar considerations, that we are by no means absolutely estopped by the imperfection of our mechanical phi- losophy, from explaining phenomena really due to mechanical forces, even when these phenomena are connected with subjects not as yet fully comprehended : why then cannot some progress be made in the mechanical explanation of chemical phenomena, or of those, to mention no other class, which we are in the habit of referring to vital action? In these cases, we see or seem to see that the action of mechanical laws is modified or suspended ; and though it is not demonstrably impossible that this is not really the case, and that no other causes are at work beside the "push and pull" forces of ordinary mechanics, yet we are at least much tempted to believe, that the difficulties we meet with do not arise from what may be called the disguised action of mechanical forces but from the presence of an agency of a dis- tinct nature. And to this view we find that most of those in- cline who have made themselves familiar with the science of chemistry or with that which has been called biology; and further that, (with reference to the latter science) the insuffi- ciency not only of a mechanical but even of a chemical phy- siology has been generally admitted. Secondly, it is to be observed that even if it be considered doubtful whether a mechanical philosophy be not after all sufficient for the explanation of all phenomena, it is at least certain that it has not been proved to be so: and that by reject- ing other conceivable modes of action than those which are recognised by it, we unnecessarily and arbitrarily limit the problem which the universe presents to us ; falling thereby into an error similar to that of the atomists, who starting from the assumption that the ap^ai, or first principles of all things, are atoms and a vacuum proceeded to construct an imaginary world, in accordance with this arbitrary hypothesis. At the same time it must be granted that a purely mechanical* system such as that of Boscovich is more self-consistent and contains, so to The word mechanical is of course not used in antithesis to dynamical, in the sense in which the latter is commonly employed by the philosophical writers of Germany. The antithesis in question is foreign to the scope of the present essay, and I have accordingly elsewhere used the word dynamical in its ordinary ac- ceptation. THEORY OF MATTER. 41 speak, less that is discontinuous, than any which should recog- nise other principles, for instance chemical affinity, distinct from force without enquiring into the relation which subsists between them. 5. It may however be asserted that this enquiry is alto- gether superfluous that the power of exerting attractive or repulsive force is one property of matter, that chemical affinity (and so in other cases) is another that the two are not merely distinct, but absolutely independent and heterogeneous. But to this view the arguments which seem to have led to the adoption of a purely mechanical system, appear to prevent our assenting. I shall therefore attempt to state what I conceive these argu- ments to have been. 6. It is a fundamental principle of the secondary mechanical sciences, for instance of the theory of light, that the secondary qualities of bodies are to be explained by means of the primary. Every substance, to use for a moment the language of Leibnitz, is essentially active ; in other words it is to be conceived of as the formal cause of the sensible qualities which are referred to it. If we ask why gold is yellow and silver white, the answer at once presents itself that the diiference of colour corresponds and is due to a difference between the essential constitution of the two substances. Now the essential constitution here spoken of, and consequently the differences which individuate it in different cases, may conceivably be something altogether incognisable to the human intellect. The notion that it is so was expressed scholastically by saying that substantial forms are not cog- noscible. But if, setting aside this opinion, we affirm that the essential constitution of each substance is a matter of which the mind can take cognisance, we are led at once to the distinction between primary and secondary qualities. The first are ascribed to each substance as its essential attributes, in virtue of which it is that which it is the second result from the primary*, (by which as we have said the essential or formal constitution of the substance in question is determined,) and have reference to the mind by which they are perceived, while the primary are ascribed to it independently of any reference to a percipient * Or that which in its formation it was to be, rb ri ty cli>at. 42 SOME REMARKS ON THE mind: and a distinction, analogous or identical with that be- tween primary and secondary qualities, has accordingly been expressed by the antithesis between that which is a parte hominis and that which is a parte universi. That the dis- tinction between primary and secondary qualities is necessary on the hypothesis on which we are proceeding, appears at once from the consideration that if we affirm that all the qualities of bodies of which we can form any conception are equally subjective and phenomenal, nothing will remain of which the mind can take cognisance, and by means of which our con- ception of the nature of any one substance can be discriminated from that of any other*. Let it be granted therefore that the distinction of primary and secondary qualities is a necessary element of physical science. It follows from this that the secondary qualities in a manner disappear when we look at the universe from the scientific point of view. Instead of colours we have vibrations of the luminiferous ether instead of sounds vibrations of the ambient air, and so on. Now from hence it follows that all the phenomena which we. see produced, of whatever nature they may be, are all in reality dependent on the primary qualities of matter. Furthermore, these primary qualities themselves all involve the idea of motion or of a ten- dency to motion. A body changes its form in virtue of tlxe local motion (absolute or relative) of some of its parts; 'and when I press a stone between my hands, I find that I can produce no sensible change of form, while contrariwise the stone reacts against my hands, tending to make them move in opposite directions. I then say that the stone is hard as a mode of expressing this, viz. that when an attempt is made to produce relative local motion of its parts, it resists it in virtue of its reactive tendency to produce motion in that which acts upon it. Again, a body whose parts are readily susceptible of relative local motion is said to be soft or fluid, and when a sensible change of form is accompanied by a tendency to such motion as shall restore the original form, it is said to be elastic, and so on. We thus arrive at a point of view at which all * The doctrine of the cognoscibility of substantial forms, which is intimately connected with this distinction, is, as Leibnitz in effect remarks, as it were the common character of those who with more or less success attempted in the seven- teenth century, the restoration of science. Vid. Leibnitz, Epist. ad Thomas, i. THEORY OF MATTER. 43 secondary qualities having disappeared, and all primary ones* having been resolved into motion and tendency to motion, the sciences which relate to phenomena appear to be resolved into the general doctrine of motion. But if this be true the universe can it is said present to us nothing but one great dynamical problem. Motion, and force the cause of motion, belong essen- tially to the domain of mechanics: and if chemical affinity be a cause of local motion, that is, if in virtue of its action f a particle of matter finds itself at a given time in a position dif- ferent from that which it would else have occupied, chemical affinity is not really distinct from mechanical force (which looked at from the dynamical point of view includes everything which is a cause of motion); whereas if it be not a cause of motion the enquiry at once presents itself of what is it? In illus- tration of this view we may refer to any chemical experiment. If an acid is dropped into a glass containing any vegetable blue, the colour is changed to red. But to say this is to say that the liquid when the acid is introduced into it begins to act on the luminifer- ous vibrations which exist near it in a different manner from that in which it had previously acted. The whole change, whether we call it a chemical phenomenon or not, consists in the introduction of new forms of motion in virtue of the action of mechanical force. 7. From considerations of this kind it appears to follow that a complete explanation of all phenomena would introduce no principles beyond those with which the science of mechanics is conversant. And in truth if the conclusion drawn had been that all phenomena might, if our knowledge of nature were sufficiently extensive, be reduced to cinematical considerations (using the word cinematics in the large sense in which it is equivalent to the doctrine of motion), I do not see how on our fundamental hypothesis we could refuse to assent to it. But the conclusion drawn by the maintainers of the all-sufficiency of a mechanical philosophy is something different from this and as I conceive the error they appear to have committed is to be sought for in this discrepancy. But before entering into the discussion of this point, I will make a few remarks on certain points in the history of what may be called the theory of matter. * That is, all that are commonly enumerated as primary qualities, t As, for instance, in the phenomenon of crystallization. 44 SOME REMARKS ON THE 8. If we suppose the maxim that secondary qualities are to be explained by means of the primary to have been accepted (either in that or in some equivalent form), or if not formally accepted, at least unconsciously assumed, at a time when the idea of mechanical force was as yet very imperfectly appre- hended the natural result of this state of things is the forma- tion of an atomic theory. For in order to individuate the constitution of any given body, we could only have had recourse to the configuration or motion of its parts. Gold, to return to our previous example, was said to be yellow in virtue of such and such a configuration of its parts; since except configuration there appeared to be no disposable circumstance*, if I may so speak, whereby gold was in its intimate constitution to be distinguished from silver or from anything else. But this configuration must be independent of the body's visible and external form, since changes of the latter do not affect the body's sensible qualities. Hence it must be a configuration of small parts, and we are thus at once led to the primitive form of the atomic theory. In this the atoms possess the primary qualities of larger bodies they are of various forms and act if the expression may be used by their forms, not by being centres of attractive forces. Such was the atomistic system of the school of Democritusf a system which we know found ro little favour among the scientific reformers of the seventeenth century \. As an instance of the influence it exerted, I need only mention the great work of Cudworth, in which it is pre- sented apart from the atheistical doctrines with which it had often been connected. Cudworth goes so far as to affirm that Democritus and his followers had corrupted and degraded the atomistic system which was originally altogether free from any irreligious tendency, and which he sought to restore to its first estate. But as the imperfections of the atomic system became mani- Specific differences of motion seem for more than one reason not to have been used in giving an account of the differences of bodies. f See for a more favourable and, I think, a juster view of the philosophy of Democritus than that which we commonly meet with in the writings of modern historians of philosophy, Zeller's Philosophic Der Griecken, I. 10. + The physical theories of Des Cartes, though not properly atomistic, since he proceeded on the hypothesis of a plenum, yet in many respects are akin to those of which we are speaking. THEORY OF MATTER. 45 fest, and on the other hand mechanical conceptions came to be more developed, a new form of this system arose. The atoms, retaining their forms and those which are commonly called their primary qualities, were now supposed to act as centres of attractive force, in other words, each atom was to the rest a cause of motion. But as the ordinary "primary qualities" of bodies may as we have seen be analysed into conceptions which involve nothing beside motion and force, this new form of the doctrine may clearly be considered merely as a state of transition to that which is now known by the title of Boscovich's theory *. To Boscovich appears to belong the credit of having perceived that if the atoms were conceived of simply as unex- tended centres of force the primary qualities of bodies might sufficiently be accounted for without supposing them to result from the primary qualities of their constituent atoms a mode of explanation of which, though there has been something like a return to it in some recent speculations, it may be observed that it explains nothing. Boscovich's theory seems to have been so completely in accordance with the direction in which mathematical physics have of late been moving, that it was adopted as it were unconsciously almost all modern investiga- tions on subjects connected with molecular action are in effect based on his views, though his name is, comparatively speaking, but seldom mentioned. And this theory, (whether or not the hypothesis of the existence of discrete centres of action be or be not essential to it, a question connected with that which in former times caused so much perplexity, namely, the nature of continuity, and which it is not necessary to my present purpose to consider), is in truth the highest developement which the mathematical theory of matter has as yet received it is that on which the pretensions of mathematical physicists to vindicate for their own methods the right, so to speak, if not the power, to explain all phenomena mainly depend. Adopting for the sake of definite conception the received form of this theory, that * It is, I believe, known that Boscovich's fundamental idea was deduced by a not unnatural filiation from the monadism of Leibnitz. Yet the scope and limits which he proposed to himself differ essentially from those of the German phi- losopher, inasmuch as they are essentially physical. Moreover, the latter would have objected on the principle of sufficient reason to the want of any thing to indi- viduate the atoms of Boscovich ; and, at least in the latter years of his life, to the "Feme Wirkung," on which the whole theory depends. 46 SOME REMARKS ON THE namely in which the centres of force are discrete and at in- sensible distances from each other, I now shall attempt to show what ulterior developements it admits of, and how by means of these the error noticed at the close of the last Section, namely, the confounding the admission that all phenomena are to be explained cinematically with the assertion that they can all be explained mechanically may be met, and, as it seems to me, sufficiently refuted. 9. I begin by observing that though we speak and shall continue to do so of the action of matter on matter, yet that no part of the views I am about to state depends on the hypothesis we adopt touching the nature of causation. They would remain unchanged whether we accept a theory of pre-established har- mony, or one of physical influence, or whether we abstain from all theories on the subject. This being understood, we may, I think, lay down the axiom that whatever property we ascribe to matter, we may also ascribe to it, the property of producing in other portions of matter the former property. Of this axiom the present state of Boscovich's theory affords a familiar illustra- tion. Every portion of matter is locally moveable, therefore we may ascribe to any portion of matter the power of producing motion in any other, hereby giving rise to the whole doctrine of attractive and repulsive forces. At this point we have hitherto stopped, but for no satisfactory reason. We may proceed farther, and we are therefore bound, in constructing the most general possible hypothesis, to do so : we may ascribe to each portion of matter the power of engendering in any other that which we call force, in other words the power of producing the power of actuating the potential mobility of matter. It is not a priori at all more easy to conceive that A should have the power of setting B in motion, or of changing the velocity it already has, than that G should have the power of enabling A to act on B, or of changing the mode of action which A already possesses. And let it be observed, that the new power thus ascribed to G is as distinct from force, as force is from velocity. The two are related as cause and effect, but formally are wholly independent. Now unless this hypothetically possible mode of action can be shown to have 110 existence in rerum naturd, it is clear that the inference from the conclusion that no phenomenon can be THEORY OF MATTER. 47 imagined not resoluble en derntire analyse, into local motion to the assertion that mechanical force is the only agency to be recognised in the material universe is altogether illusory. For matter may act on matter in a manner wholly distinct from force, and yet this kind of action shall, ultimately and indi- rectly, manifest itself in modifications of local motion. Further- more, if for an instant we call this kind of action (force) 2 , we shall at once be led to recognise a hypothetically possible mode of action of matter on matter which in accordance with analogy we shall call (force) 3 , which consists in the power of modifying (force) 2 . And so on, sine limite. 10. If we compare the language in which the relation between mechanical force and chemical affinity is commonly spoken of, we shall I think perceive its analogy with that which I have used in describing the mode of action which we have called (force) 2 . Its chemical affinity is spoken of as something which suspends or modifies the action of force, as something distinct from it, but which yet interferes with its effects. Or again, if in physiological writings we observe the manner in which vital action* is described we recognise, or seem at least to do so, the possibility of referring its effects to that mode of action which we have called (force) 3 . I do not however wish to lay much stress on these similarities, because I think the kind of reasoning we have pursued shows more satisfactorily than they can do, that if chemical affinity and vital action are not resoluble into force, they must be referred to some of the modes of action we have pointed out. It would be useless to remark on the many points of specu- lation which here present themselves. The expansion of bodies by heat may however be particularly mentioned, because not- withstanding what has been learnt with relation to the theory of heat, nothing like a mechanical explanation of this phenomenon has as yet been discovered. It seems to depend not on the introduction of new mechanical forces, but on a modification of those which already exist ; such modification, in cases of ordi- nary conduction, being propagated from one part of the body to that which is next it. It is easy to conceive that by an altera- * I am, of course, not to be understood as suggesting a materialistic explana- tion of phenomena of thought or volition. 48 SOME REMARKS, &c. tion in the function which expresses the mutual action of the molecules, the body may pass into a new state of equilibrium in which the average distance between adjacent molecules may be increased or diminished. If such an explanation could be esta- blished, we should have a case of the action of (force) 2 . 11. In conclusion, it may be well to remark that mathe- matical analysis is conceivably as applicable to these new modes of action of matter on matter as to ordinary questions in dynamics. It is, however, easily seen that as in these we deal chiefly with differential equations of the second order, and in merely cinematical questions with equations of the first only, so contrariwise when we introduce higher powers of force (so to call them) we shall correspondingly have to do with equations of higher orders. I venture to predict with a degree of confi- dence, which doubtless I shall not communicate to many, that if we ever succeed in establishing a mathematical theory of che- mistry, it will be as much conversant with equations of the third or of a higher order, as physical astronomy is with equations of the second. REMARKS ON THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF THE THEORY OF PROBABILITIES*. I WISH to make an addition to the remarks on the foundation of the theory of probabilities which were offered some years since to the notice of the Societyf. My intention in doing so is to consider, in what way the proposition, which I conceive to be the fundamental principle of the theory, may be the most clearly and conveniently expressed. This principle may for the moment be thus stated : " On a long run of similar trials, every possible event tends ultimately to recur in a definite ratio of frequency." Our conviction of the truth of this proposition is, I think, intui- tive, the word being used, as in all similar cases, with reference to the intuitions of a mind, which has fully and clearly appre- hended the subject before it, and to which therefore to have arrived at the truth and to perceive that it has done so are inseparable elements of the same act of thought. If we endeavour to translate the proposition just stated into ordinary philosophical language, we may in the first place remark that the phrase "similar trials," expresses the notion of a group or genus of phenomena to which the different results are subordinated as distinct species. If the trial is the throwing of a die, this may be regarded as the generic character; the occurrence of ace, deuce, &c. constituting different species. Thus much is clear ; but it is less obvious how the idea expressed by a " long run of trials" in " definite series of experiments," and the like, is to be ex- pressed, so as to make the analogy between the fundamental principle of the theory of probabilities and those of other sciences more obvious than it has hitherto been. The idea in question * Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. ix. p. 605. [Read Nov. 13, 1854.] t Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. vm. p. r. [p. i of this volume.] 4 50 REMARKS ON THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE is not readily expressed in any way, because in its own nature it is negative and indefinite. The phrases I have just quoted imply merely the absence of the limitations inseparable from individual cases, or from any finite number of such 'cases, whether contem- plated as actually existent or as about to be developed within definite limits of space and time. When individual cases are considered, we have no conviction that the ratios of frequency of occurrence depend on the circum- stances common to all the trials. On the contrary, we recognise in the determining circumstances of their occurrence an extra- neous element, an element, that is, extraneous to the idea of the genus and its species. Contingency and limitation come in (so to speak) together ; and both alike disappear when we consider the genus in its entirety, or (which is the same thing), in what may be called an ideal and practically impossible realization of all which it potentially contains. If this be granted, it seems to follow that the fundamental principle of the theory of probabilities may be regarded as included in the following statement ; "The conception of a genus implies that of numerical relations among the species subordinated to it." 2. But in what relation, it may be asked, do these con- ceptions stand to outward realities ? How can they be made the foundation of a real science, that is, of a science relating to things as they really exist? We are by such questions led back to what was long the great controversy of philosophy ; I mean the contest between the realists and the nominalists. The former in asserting the reality of universals did not maintain that what we think of when we use a general term is an actually existing thing. Like every one else they admitted, that in one sense nothing can exist but the individual, nevertheless they held that universals are not mere figments of the mind, but that they have a reality of their own which is the foundation of the truth of general propositions. To assert therefore that the theory of pro- babilities has for its foundation a statement touching genera and their species, and is at the same time a real science, is to take a realistic view of its nature. And this I believe is what, on consideration, we cannot avoid doing. If it be said that the grouping phenomena together is merely a mental act wholly disconnected from outward reality and alto- OF THE THEORY OF PROBABILITIES. 51 gether arbitrary, it may be replied that no mental act can be so. Why and how facts and ideas correspond is no doubt one of the great questions of philosophy ; but the answer to it is surely to be developed from the consideration, that man in relation to the universe is not spectator ah extra, but in some sort a part of that which he contemplates, and that the rebus avolsa ratio, which is in truth the fundamental postulate of nominalism, is therefore inconcessible. The thoughts we think are, it is true, ours, but so far as they are not mere error and confusion, so far as they have anything of truth and soundness, they are something and much more. The veritas essendi (to recur to the language of the schoolmen) is the fountain from whence the veritas cognoscendi is derived. The meaning which these phrases were intended to convey is expressed in more modern language by Leibnitz in the passage which I have cited in the note*. In every science the fact and the idea correspond because the former is the reali- zation of the latter, but as this realization is of necessity partial and incomplete or rather because in the same fact are simulta- neously realized a variety of separate ideas, separate, that is, as we conceive them this correspondence is but imperfect and approximate. It is only when in thought we remove the action of disturbing causes to an indefinite distance, that we can con- ceive the absolute verification of any a priori law. Only on the horizon of our mental prospect earth and sky, the fact and the idea, are seen to meet, though in reality the atmosphere is everywhere present. Everywhere it surrounds and interpene- trates the 777 fj,e\cuva on which we stand ; making it put forth and sustain all the numberless forms of organization and of life. The indefinitely prolonged series of trials, which enters into the ordinary statement of the fundamental principle of the theory of probabilities, is analogous to the infinite and infinitely smooth horizontal plane, which would enable us to verify the first law of motion. 3. The simple negative notion of the absence of disturbing forces is perpetually confounded with that of a tendency inherent * C'est Dieu qui est la derniere raison des choses, et la connaissance de Dieu n'est pas moins le principe des sciences, que son essence et sa volonte" sont les principes des dtres. [Erdniann, p. 106.] A little further on he adds : C'est sanc- tifier la philosophic, que de faire couler ses ruisseaux de la fontaine des attributs de Dieu. 42 52 REMARKS, Ac. in a series of successively developed results to restore the balance of frequency of occurrence, when this has been by accidental cir- cumstances temporarily deranged. It is commonly thought that this notion, which, as we know, is the foundation of many unsuccessful attempts to circumvent fortune, is sufficiently refuted by saying, that what is past can exert no influence on what is yet to come. But in reality the past influences the future in a thousand different ways ; and it is only in idea that we can secure the possibility of an indefinite series of trials, of which those which we regard as the permanent circumstances are not progressively, however slowly, undergoing alteration. The dice box for example wears smooth, and the edges of the die are rounded ; and though, in this example, we cannot say what result is facilitated by the change, yet this is not always the case. Such progressive alterations may tend so to alter the ratio of frequency of occurrence, as to restore the balance which the result of past trials has disturbed. There is thus nothing absurd in the notion of a restorative and balancing tendency, though the grounds on which it is commonly assumed indicate much con- fusion of thought. It would for instance be perfectly reasonable to inquire, whether in the succession of seasons hot years are not oftener followed by cold and cold by hot, than vice versd. Such questions indicate a branch of the theory of methods of observa- tion to which hitherto but little attention has been paid. REMARKS ON AN ALLEGED PROOF OF THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES, CONTAINED IN A LATE NUMBER OF THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. IN A LETTER ADDRESSED TO PROFESSOR J. D. FORBES* MY DEAR SIR, THE review of Quetelet's Letires h S. A, R. le Due regnant de JSaxe Cobourg et Gotha, which appeared in the July Number of the Edinburgh Review, contains a new demonstration of the method of least squares which ought not, I think, to pass unnoticed. If it is correct, it is so much simpler than those which have hitherto been received, that it ought to supersede them ; and if not, the sooner its incorrectness is pointed out the better. Some years since, in a paper published in the Cambridge Transactions for 1844, I made an analysis of all the demon- strations, or professed demonstrations of the method of least squares, with which I was then acquainted, and I therefore read this new one with more attention than you perhaps have given to it. The reviewer gives some account of the history of the sub- ject, and remarks that the demonstration of the least squares was first attempted by Gauss, but that his proof is no proof at all, because it assumes that in the case of a single element the arithmetical mean of the observed values is in all cases the most probable value, " a thing to be demonstrated, not as- sumed." Gauss afterwards gave another demonstration, which is perfectly rigorous ; but of this the reviewer takes no notice, though it i.3 mentioned in at least one of the works on the theory of probabilities which he has recommended to the attention of students. However, in the proof which the re- viewer refers to, which is contained in the tract entitled Theoria * Philosophical Magazine, November, 1850. 54 REMARKS ON AN ALLEGED PROOF OF Motus Elliptic^ Gauss undoubtedly does assume that the arith- metical mean is the most probable value in the case of direct observations of a single element. From this assumption, he shows that the probability, that the magnitude of an error lies between x and x + dx, must be N TT h being an indeterminate constant. It follows from this, that the results of the method of least squares are always the most probable values that can be assigned to the unknown elements. Without referring to the Theoria Motus, you can see the de- tails of Gauss's reasoning in a paper by Bessel, of which a translation appeared in Taylor's Scientific Memoirs. The re- viewer is right in saying that Gauss was not entitled to assume that the arithmetical mean is the most probable value. But when he speaks of this as a thing to be proved, and not as- sumed, we are led to suppose that he believes that subsequent writers have actually proved it. In truth this appears, not only from his statements, but also from the illustrations of which he has made use. Thus he states that if shots are fired at a wafer which is afterwards removed, and we are asked to determine from the position of the shot-marks the most pro- bable position of the wafer, " the theory of probabilities affords a ready and precise rule, applicable not only to this but to far more intricate cases;" and he goes on to say that it may be shown that the most probable position of the wafer is the centre of gravity of the marks. Now this result is only then true when the law of probability of error, which is implied in Gauss's assumption, really obtains ; so that, according to the reviewer, the demonstration of the principle of least squares must amount to showing that this law obtains universally ; or, which is the same thing, that the arithmetical mean is always the most probable value in the case of direct observations of a single element. If this can be proved, it is doubtless a very curious conclusion; but it is at any rate certain that Laplace has not proved it, of whom however the reviewer asserts that he has given a rigorous demonstration of the principle of least squares. From one end of Laplace's great work to the other, there is nothing to justify the assertion that the THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. 55 centre of gravity of the shot-marks is the most probable position that can be assigned for the wafer; that is, that the concurrent existence of the deviations or errors which must have taken place if the wafer really occupied this position is more probable than that of those which are similarly implied in any other hypothesis as to its place. If you find anybody sceptical as to this, pray ask them to point out the passage, either in the introductory essay, or in the work itself, or in the supplements. What, then, did Laplace demonstrate? something so unlike this, that one is disposed to wonder how he can have been thus misunderstood. The method of least squares is simply a method for the combination of linear equations, of which the unknown quantities are the elements to be determined ; the constant term of each being a direct result of observation, and therefore affected by an unknown error, while the coefficients are supposed absolutely known. If there are more equations than requisite, that is, more than elements to be determined, what is the best way of combining them? In the first place, they must clearly be combined by some system of constant multipliers, else the resulting equa- tions, not being linear, would generally be insoluble. This condition, however, though absolutely necessary in practice, is in no way derived from the theory of probabilities. It is a merely practical limitation. The question thus narrowed is simply to determine the system of factors to be employed for obtaining the value of any particular element. The factors must of course be such that, in the final equation, the coeffi- cient of this element may be unity, and those of the others severally equal to zero. These conditions being fulfilled, we get a value for the ele- ment in question which is affected by an unknown error, namely the sum of the errors of observation multiplied respectively by the corresponding factors. The mean arithmetical value of this sum may in theory at least be determined, if we know the law of probability of error for each observation ; and Laplace calls that system of factors the most advantageous which makes this mean value a minimum. If, however, the law of probability of error is unknown, the mean value of the error cannot be determined. Nevertheless, if the number of 56 REMARKS ON AN ALLEGED PROOF OF observations is very large, this mean value approximates to a certain limit, the form of which is independent of the law of probability. The essence of Laplace's demonstration consists in its enabling us to determine this limi't. When this is done, it may easily be shown that the most advantageous system of factors, those, namely, which make this limiting mean value of the error a minimum, will give the same value to the element to be determined as the system of final equations obtained by employing the method of least squares, provided equal positive and negative errors are equally probable. And the same is of course true with respect to the remaining elements. Thus this system of final equations gives to each element a value affected by a smaller average error than any other linear system, if the number of observations is sufficiently large. It nowise follows that these values are the most pro- bable ; that is, that the errors which must have been com- mitted if these are the true values, form a combination a priori more probable than the errors which in like manner have been committed if any other set of values are the true ones. The most advantageous set of factors for determining any element depends only on the coefficients of the equations to be dis- cussed, and not on their constant terms, which are the direct result of observation. Thus these factors are determinable, ^ priori, before the observations are made. But it is only after the observations have been made that the most probable values of the elements can be found, and then only if we know the law of probability of error. Laplace has pointed out the differ- ence between the two investigations. This difference, however, the reviewer does not seem to have apprehended. He plainly supposes that Laplace proves the results of the method of least squares to be the most pro- bable results, which can only be the case, as Gauss had in effect shown, if a special law of error obtains. He therefore undertakes to prove, that for all kinds of observations this is actually the only possible law. But for the supposed authority of Laplace, he would pro- bably have perceived that nothing can be more unlikely than that the errors committed in all classes of observations should follow the same law; and that at any rate this proposition, if true, could only be proved inductively, and not by an d priori THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. 57 demonstration. For it is beyond question distinctly conceiv- able, that different laws may exist in different classes of ob- servation ; and that which is distinctly conceivable is a priori possible. So that we cannot prove it to be impossible, though we may be able to show empirically that it is not true. You will probably agree with me in thinking that a wrong notion of Laplace's reasoning lies at the root of the reviewer's new demonstration. But we now come to the demonstration itself. The assumption that the law of error is in all cases the same, is, we are told, justified by our ignorance of the causes on which errors of observation depend. The law " must necessarily be general, and apply alike to all cases, since the causes of error are supposed alike unknown in all.' 7 Two remarks are suggested by this statement: in the first place, that our ignorance of the causes of error is not so great but that we have exceedingly good reason to believe that they operate differently in different classes of observations ; and in the second, that mere ignorance is no ground for any infer- ence whatever. Ex nihilo nihil. It cannot be that because we are ignorant of the matter we know something about it. Or are we to believe that the assumption is legitimate, inas- much as it in a manner corresponds to and represents our ignorance? But then what reason have we for believing that it can lead us to conclusions which correspond to and repre- sent outward realities? And yet the reviewer at the conclu- sion of his proof asserts, that, on the long run, and exceptis excipiendis, the results of observation " will be found to group themselves according to one invariable law." Thus the assumption, though "it is nothing more than the expression of our state of complete ignorance of the causes of error and their mode of action," leads us by a few steps of reasoning to the knowledge of a positive fact, and makes us acquainted with a general law, which is as independent of our knowledge or our ignorance as the law of gravitation. Let us, however, suppose it to be true that the .law of error is always the same, and that equal positive and negative errors are equally probable. To determine the special form of the law, the reviewer employs a particular case he supposes a stone to be dropt with the intention that it shall fall on a given mark. Deviation from this mark is error ; and the pro- 58 REMARKS ON AN ALLEGED PROOF OF bability of an error r may be expressed by the function ,/(r 2 ) or /(#* + ;*/*), the origin of co-ordinates being placed at the mark. It is of course supposed that equal errors in all directions are equally probable. We have now only to determine the form of/. This the reviewer accomplishes in virtue of a new as- sumption, namely, that the observed deviation is equivalent to two deviations parallel respectively to the co-ordinate axes, " and is therefore a compound event of which they are the sim- ple constituents, therefore its probability will be the product of their separate probabilities. Thus the form of our unknown function comes to be determined from this condition, viz. that the product of such functions of two independent elements is equal to the same function of their sum." Or in other words, we have to solve the functional equation But it is not true that the probability of a compound event is the product of those of its constituents, unless the simple events into which we resolve it are independent of each other ; and there is no shadow of reason for supposing that the oc- currence of a deviation in one direction is independent of that of a deviation in another, whether the two directions are at right angles or not. Some notion of an analogy with the composition of forces probably prevented the reviewer from perceiving that, unless it can be shown that a deviation y occurs with the same comparative frequency when x has one value as when it has another, we are not entitled to say that the probability of the concurrence of two deviations x and y is the product of the probabilities of each. "Without this sub- sidiary proof, the rest of the demonstration comes to nothing. The conclusion to which it leads is in itself a reductio ad ab- surdum. Of the above written functional equation the solution is f(x*} = e mx \ m being a constant, so that the probability of an error of the precise magnitude a? is a finite quantity; and I need not point out to you that it follows from hence, that the probability of an error whose magnitude lies between any assigned limits is equal to infinity, a result of which the interpretation must be left to the reviewer. He may have thought that the exponential factor is the essential part of the expression THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. 59 and that the others might, for the sake of simplicity, be dropt out. But whatever his views may have been, his conclusion is unintelligible. The demonstration may, however, be amended so as to avoid this difficulty, and we will suppose that the reviewer meant something different from what he has expressed. Let / (x 2 ) dx be the probability of a deviation parallel to the axis of abscissae, of which the magnitude lies between x and x + dx. Then/(?/ 2 ) dy is similarly the probability of a deviation parallel to the axis of ordinates, and lying between y and y 4- dy. Thus the probability that the stone drops on the elementary area dxdy, of which the corner next the origin has for its co-ordi- nates x and ?/, seems to be f(& 2 )f(y 2 ) dxdy\ and as all devia- tions of equal magnitude are equally probable, this probabi- lity must remain unchanged as long as the sum of the squares of x and y remains the same ; so that we have for determining the unknown function the equation =/(o) />'+/), . of which the solution is and as the deviation must of necessity have some magnitude included between positive and negative infinity, we must have f a Hence m must be negative; if we call it - #*, it is easy to show that A is equal to p? ; so that finally VTT ; which is what may be called Gauss's function. But to this demonstration, though it leads to an intelligible conclusion, the original objection still applies: the probability that the stone drops on the elementary area dxdy is not, gene- 60 REMARKS ON AN ALLEGED PROOF OF rally speaking, equal to/(a; 2 )/(/) dxdy ; so that the equation for determining the form of the function, namely, is not legitimately established. To illustrate this, let TZ (xy) dxdy be the probability that the stone falls on the elementary area in question ; then the con- dition that the probability of a deviation of given magnitude is constant will be expressed by cr (xy) = where a is the tangent of the angle which the tangent makes with the axis of y. If a! be the corresponding quantity for another tangent, its equation will be x , y -7 + ma. . Combining these equations, we shall find for the co-ordinates of the point of intersection of the two tangents x ma.*, y = m (a + a'). We shall distinguish the tangents which form the different sides of the hexagon by suffixing numbers to the a which deter- mines their position, and we shall likewise distinguish the co- ordinates of the summits of the hexagon by suffix letters. The equations to the three diagonals are these : = m { 2 + a,) a e 6 - (a g (3) yfcfr-wJ-xfa + ^-ti-aJ = m {(a 3 + aj ai 6 - (a x + a 6 ) a a otj. Expressions which, as they ought to be, are symmetrical with respect to the a's. Multiply (1) by o e , (2) by - or 4 , (3) by cr 2 , and add. Then y will disappear, and we shall find Again, multiply (1) by a,, (2) by -of 1? (3) by 6 , and add: as before, y will disappear, and we shall find the same value for x. Consequently two straight lines whose equations are * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, Art. i, No. I. Vol. I. p. 9. ON SOME PROPERTIES OF THE PARABOLA. 65 (1) o 8 -(2) 4 = 0, and (1) 3 - (2) cq = 0, and which have a point in common, cut (3) in points whose ab- scissas are equal, and which therefore coincide. Hence either two straight lines enclose a space, or (3) passes through the in- tersection of (1) and (2). Thus the existence of the point common to the three diagonals has been proved, and its abscissa found. To determine its ordinate, add (1), (2), (3), when x dis- appears, and we have y = m foa, (a, + a 5 ) - A> -r^ 1 the reality of roots depends. Instead, therefore, of ' conditions, there are in reality but n 1 . Thus, in the equation of the third degree we find two condi- tions, in that of the fourth, three, and so on, agreeing with what Lagrange found in these cases, and suspected in that of the fifth degree. It is not very difficult to see why some of the coefficients of the equations of differences must be so connected with the rest, as not to give any independent condition. In order to get an idea of this connection, let us imagine n 1 independent conditions, that is, n 1 functions of the coefficients off(x) 0, which have a definite sign when all the roots are real. These functions are coefficients of the equation of the squares of the differences. Let them all become equal to zero, then we have n 1 relations among the n roots, which will give every one of these roots, except one, in terms of that root. Now the relations b = a, c = a, . . . k = a, will fulfil our n I equations, because these evidently make all the coefficients of the equation of the squares of the differences vanish. Hence these are the relations implied in the n 1 equations we have assumed; and these would, it has just been said, make all 70 EXISTENCE OF A RELATION, &c. the coefficients = 0. Consequently, n 1 independent relations are all we can have, and it follows, that if n 1 independent coefficients of the equation of differences become = 0, all will be so. We may take the matter somewhat differently, still using the case of equal roots in f(x) = to show the relations among the coefficients of the equation of the squares of the differences. = has m equal roots, there will be ~ - roots a of the equation of the squares of the differences, or A = 0, equal to zero. Let/j(a?) = get another root equal to these m roots by any change in its coefficients, then there will be - - - roots in A = equal to zero ; the difference is m. Thus, a single fresh relation among the coefficients of f(x] = makes m coeffi- cients of A = vanish ; for obviously the last coefficients of this equation disappear whenever it gets roots equal to zero. We may easily see, too, that the constant function (the last in Sturm's process) is the same as the term independent of u in A = 0. The equation A = may, theoretically, be got by eliminating x between the two equations (Lagrange, p. 7) ; A will be the term independent of x : put, then, u 0, A reduces itself to its last term, and the process becomes simply that of finding the common measure of f(x) and/' (#), which, abstracting the changes of sign, is exactly Sturm's pro- cess ; hence his term independent of a?, will be " aux signes pres" the constant term in A = 0. The development of this idea would undoubtedly lead to the general theory of Sturm's method, and would make it more than a happy artifice, by showing its intimate connection with the equation of the squares of the differences. As is generally the case, the different ways in which the subject may be viewed, ultimately coalesce. ON THE ACHROMATISM OF EYE-PIECES OF TELESCOPES AND MICROSCOPES*. MR AIRY, in a paper published in the Second Volume of the Cambridge Transactions, has investigated the conditions under which a system of lenses is achromatic, per se that is, when only one kind of glass is made use of. The enquiry, on account of its immediate application to the eye-pieces of telescopes and microscopes, is one of considerable importance ; and as the way in which it is conducted in the paper just mentioned appears to be more complicated than necessary, and does not lead to the most general solution of the problem, perhaps the following attempt may be not wholly without interest. The difficulty of the question consists in finding the angle which a ray of light makes with the axis of the system of lenses after having passed through it. When this is done, we have only to take the chromatic variation, and equate it to zero, to get the general equation of achromatism for the system. In what follows, lines are considered positive when measured in a direction opposite to that of the incident ray. Let y n be the tangent of the angle which the ray makes with the axis before its incidence on the n th lens of the system ; let z n be the distance from the axis of the point where it impinges on that lens; and take a n _ t to signify the distance of the n ih from the n 1 th lens. Then and are the distances of the conjugate foci from the n ih lens, and by the ordinary formula p being the reciprocal of the focal length ; therefore # + l-#=^n- * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. VI. Vol. I. p. 269, May, 1839. 72 ACHROMATISM OF EYE-PIECES Again, we have the simply geometrical relation or The advantage gained by introducing y n is, that we thus have precisely similar equations for the optical and geometrical con- ditions of the problem. Nothing is now easier than by suc- cessive substitutions to determine the value of y n in terms of y and z, and y n is the tangent of the " visual angle," which we are seeking. As an instance, let it be proposed to determine the conditions of achromatism in a system of three lenses. Mr Airy has done this only for rays originally parallel to the axis : the method here proposed applies with equal facility to the general case. The equations required are these, Hence i/> J yi Taking the chromatic variations of the two terms in the usual way, and equating each to zero, we find S = = 0. The first of these equations becomes unnecessary in the par- ticular case considered by Mr Airy, viz. that in which y t = 0; the second is identical with that given by him at p. 245, when attention is paid to the signs. Taken together they determine OF TELESCOPES AND MICROSCOPES. 73 the relative positions of three given lenses, which shall form a combination achromatic for rays of any degree of obliquity. In the particular case in which the focal distances of all the lenses are equal, and the intervals a^ 2 , &c. are also equal, the general equations degenerate into a system of simultaneous equa- tions in finite differences. They are then Eliminating z n , we get y*-(p a The general solution of this will be A being a root of the recurring quadratic equation x z - (pa + 2) x + 1 = 0, c and Cj are to be found by the conditions y 1 = cA + ^ ^l" 1 , y l + pz 1 = cA* + c, A"*. The general solution of the system of quasi-equations em- ployed in the enquiry must involve some functional operation which degenerates into the radical contained in A. It would be perhaps worth considering how far we might be able to present this operation in a distinct form, defined and distinguished by a particular symbol; but the subject is not one which can be discussed at present. At any rate, we see that the research of the general expression for y n is one of considerable difficulty. The greater part of the investigation given by Mr Airy in the conclusion of his paper, with respect to the achromatism of microscopes, becomes unnecessary by employing the general expression given above for^ 4 . His object is to determine the distance of an object-glass of given focal length from a diaphragm whose distance from the field-glass of a given eye-piece of three lenses is given. Let a Q be the distance of the diaphragm from the field-glass ; therefore we have ^ = a Q y^ and putting this value for z l9 we get an expression for y^ of the form y 4 = y v ~R. The chro- matic variation of this is to be zero, and consequently that of its logarithm ; 74 ACHROMATISM OF EYE-PIECES, &c. Now Mr Airy has shown that, (adopting the notation of this paper) a; being the distance of the object-glass from the diaphragm, and p Q its vergency, or the reciprocal of its focal length. Putting for R its value, we get at once xp Q = divided by [1 + a [ft + p t + p^ + a t [> 2 + p J which is identical with his result. ON THE CONDITION OF EQUILIBRIUM OF A SYSTEM OF MUTUALLY ATTRACTIVE FLUID PARTICLES*. THE generally received theory of the Equilibrium of Fluids, (due in its present form to Euler,) assigns one condition as necessary and sufficient in every case. Mr Ivory conceives, that when a fluid is acted on by forces arising from the mutual attraction of its particles, a second condition is requisite for equilibrium, and has developed the considerations which have led him to this result, in several papers published in the Phil. Trans., and also in the Phil. Mag. The authority of Mr Ivory on any point of mathematical physics is very great : his decision on one to which he has long directed his attention, would be almost final, were it not opposed to the views of Euler, Laplace, and Poisson. The object of this paper is, to examine how far Mr Ivory, in a paper published in the Phil. Mag. Vol. xni. p. 321, has demonstrated the necessity of the subsidiary con- dition in question. The writer feels it unnecessary to express the diffidence with which he attempts to consider so difficult a subject; he regrets also his inability to discuss Mr Ivory's views more at large than the present limits would permit. In the paper just mentioned, Mr Ivory states the principal steps of the investigation by which Clairaut was led to the con- dition of equilibrium of a fluid acted on by forces directed to fixed centres ; and proceeds to consider the modifications re- * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. VII. Vol. n. p. 18, November, 1839. 76 EQUILIBRIUM OF MUTUALLY ATTRACTIVE quired to adapt the method to the case of a fluid whose particles are mutually attractive. Clairaut first supposes a mass of fluid in equilibrium, and conceives an infinitesimal stratum added to it, which shall produce equable pressure over the whole sur- face ; the equilibrium of the original mass A will not be dis- turbed, and the increased mass A + SA will be in equilibrio, when the forces acting on its surface are normal to it. This principle, that forces acting on a free surface must be normal to it, was laid down by Huygens, and is confessedly true. By a repetition of this process, the original mass can be enlarged to any extent ; and the condition that the nucleus must be in equilibrio becomes, Mr Ivory observes, unnecessary, by con- ceiving it diminished sine limite. The mathematical condition of equilibrium is, therefore, the expression of the possibility of adding a stratum which shall produce equable pressure, and at the free surface of which the forces shall be normal to it. Let us endeavour to put this symbolically. Let the force at the original free surface be F\ at the point #, y, z produce the normal, and take a length on it = ^, &> being infinitesimal : thus we get a stratum producing an equal pressure o>. Let f (x, y , z) = c be the equation of the free surface ; then F being a function of (a:, y, z), all that is requisite for the force at any point of the new free surface to be normal is, that shall be its equation. Let F= J(fx)*+(f'yf+(f*)* ; then 5, &> fx ~ G> fy . a> fz " = and f(x, y,z) = c =/(*', y', z') - [fxSx +fySy +/ (where x' = x+ &) by Taylor's theorem ; therefore c =/(*', 3,', *') -1 therefore c = c + Sc 0)-=,: FLUID PARTICLES. 77 y or -^= a constant, which we may take for unity; therefore F= V. Resolving this force along the axes, X=V'f^-; whence X=fx, and so Y=fy, Z=fz. to is the increment of pressure = &p; multiplying the three equations (1) by X, Y, Z } and adding, we get or putting d for S, dp = -Xdfe + Ydy + Zdz ............ . ..... (2), the equation of equilibrium of an homogeneous and incom- pressible fluid, whose density is unity. An objector to Clairaut's reasoning might urge, that this result, though certainly sufficient, was not shown to be neces- sary : he might argue, that a way has been shown of building up a fluid mass; but that it has not been proved that every fluid mass is capable of resolution into the smaller masses, by means of which alone Clairaut investigates the conditions of equilibrium. Unless it be made a direct postulate, that every fluid mass in equilibrio will continue in equilibrio, when the part of it contained between the free surface and any level sur- face is removed, it is difficult to see how this objection can be met, except by showing that the property assigned by Huygens to a free surface, viz. that the force is normal to it, belongs to every surface of equal pressure, and that consequently Clairaut's reasoning is in reality independent of any construction or reso- lution of a fluid mass into successive strata. When we assert, with Clairaut, that a fluid mass in equilibrium is not disturbed by the addition of a stratum producing equal pressure, we imply that the reaction produced at any point of the surface of A 9 by the pressures exerted over the rest of the surface, i. e. the effect of the transmitted pressures, is normal to it. For we know that the forces at the surface are so ; and unless the inference first stated is correct, there could be no equilibrium. It hence appears, that Clairaut's axiom is equivalent to this Equable pressure produces a reaction normal to the surface on which it is applied. But if the force at a surface of equal pressure were not normal to it, there could be no equilibrium, because 78 EQUILIBRIUM OF MUTUALLY ATTRACTIVE it is only by the transmitted pressures that it can be esta- blished. Clairaut, as his views are represented by Mr Ivory, says nothing of the transmission of pressure ; but it is impossible to investigate fluid equilibrium without tacit or expressed re- ference to some distinctive character of fluidity; and in the principle he makes use of, the idea of the transmission of pres- sure is essential. It appears, then, that the force at a surface of equal pressure is normal to it; and this conclusion is little else than a different way of putting the principles employed by Clairaut. We are now enabled to dispense with any process of constructing a fluid mass. On referring to the mathematical reasoning employed above, we shall easily see that, substituting two infmitesimally near surfaces of equal pressure for the consecutive free surfaces of Clairaut, the result we arrive at is simply the symbolical ex- pression of the principle just laid down, viz. that the force at a surface of equal pressure is normal to it. A very little at- tention will show, that (2) is true in every case of fluid equi- librium, and that it is completely equivalent to the principle which it represents. In translating, so to speak, his funda- mental idea from the infinitesimal to the fluxionary conception, that namely of successive generation, Clairaut has tacitly intro- duced a new condition, namely, that a surface of equal pressure will necessarily be a free surface of equilibrium, the superin- cumbent part being removed. Mr Ivory remarks " The investigation of Clairaut is clear and definite. It evidently assumes that there is no cause tend- ing to disturb the equilibrium of A, except the action of the forces at the surface of A upon the matter of $A. On this account his method fails when there is a mutual attraction be- tween the mass A and the stratum SA. If the mass A attract the matter of the stratum 8 A, and cause it to press, it follows necessarily that the matter of &A will react, and by its attrac- tion will urge the particles of A to move from their places. In this case, therefore, the equilibrium of A is disturbed by a force which Clairaut has not attended to; and unless the effect of this new force is counteracted, the body of fluid A + SA will not be in equilibrium. The principle of the method suggests a remedy for this omission, for it is easy to prove that the equi- FLUID PARTICLES. 79 librium of A will not be disturbed by the attraction of the stratum $A, if the resultant of that attraction on every particle in the surface of A be directed perpendicularly to it." This reasoning satisfactorily shows, that if a fluid mass of attractive matter be increased by a stratum producing equal pressure over the free surface, the equilibrium will be destroyed unless a certain condition is fulfilled, of which the symbolical expression is P, Q, R being the attractions, parallel to the axes of co-ordi- nates, of an element of that part of a fluid mass which is external to a given level surface. But the necessity of this condition cannot be proved, unless it is shown to be impossible in any way to increase the mass A, without destroying the equilibrium, supposing it not fulfilled. All that has been shown is, that the mass cannot be increased by a stratum producing equable pressure over the free surface. Now, generally speaking, the mass so increased will not fulfil the condition of having the forces at the new free surface normal to it, those acting at the original free surface being of course so. We cannot, therefore, affirm that we have fallen on a case in which the ordinary con- dition is fulfilled, without producing equilibrium. If, however, we dispense with the limitation, that the stratum added shall produce equable pressure, we lose the simplicity of Clairaufs method, nor can we make any use of his principle, except by setting aside the construction he employs, which confines him to the particular case in which a surface of equal pressure is potentially a free surface. This has already been done, and the result is the general equation of equilibrium. It remains to show, that it is in all cases sufficient. It is admitted to be sufficient in the case of a fluid acted on by forces tending to fixed centres. We shall endeavour to reduce the general case to this. Conceive a body acted on by a force directed to a fixed point. It may be so placed, as to remain at rest under the action of the force, that is, the resultant of the force upon it is equal to zero. In this position of the body, the centre of force is some point within it. Let the body, remaining in the same position, diminish sine limite, being always similar to itself, the resultant of the force upon it is always equal to zero ; and ultimately, when the body 80 EQUILIBRIUM OF MUTUALLY ATTRACTIVE, &c. becomes a physical point, it coincides in position with the centre of force, and is in the same state with respect to the action of other forces upon it, as if this force did not exist. This being granted, conceive a homogeneous mass of fluid composed of mutually attractive particles, the free surface of which fulfils the required equation Let the attractive power of each particle be conceived trans- ferred to a fixed centre of force coinciding with it. Then the action of all the other particles on one particle is precisely re- placed by that of the fixed centres ; and it has been shown, that the resultant of the action of the centre coinciding with a par- ticle on that particle, equals zero. Hence, the supposition we have made does not change, in any way, the forces acting on any particle of the mass. Were the system in its present and former state respectively to move, the motions would be widely different; but in the arbitrary position we have placed it in, the action on it is precisely the same in the two cases. Now, the single equation given above assures its equilibrium, when we regard it as a system acted on by forces directed to fixed centres; and as the hypothesis by which we are enabled to look upon it in this way nowise affects the forces acting on it, it follows, that the system considered as acted on by mutual attraction must be in equilibrium. Consequently, a mass of homogeneous fluid, the particles of which are mutually attrac- tive, will always be in equilibrium when the free surface fulfils the single condition implied in the general equation obtained above. The same reasoning applies to the case of any fluid, elastic or incompressible. If this demonstration be thought satisfactory, the question raised by Mr Ivory, as to the sufficiency of the general equation, must be looked upon as settled. The suggestions here made with respect to the new condition tacitly introduced in Clairaut's reasoning, will, it is thought, enable us to trace the source of the difference of the view taken by Mr Ivory, and that gene- rally entertained. In one form or other, it seems to recur in eveiy way in which that distinguished mathematician has treated the subject. MATHEMATICAL NOTE*. IN Vol. I. p. 205 f, there were found for the co-ordinates of the point of intersection of two tangents to a parabola, the ex- pressions y as 0} (a -f a*}) a? = maa', a, a' being the tangents of the angles which the tangents to the curve make with the axis of y. From these expressions it fol- lows, that if y^y^ &c. x l9 # 2 , &c. be the co-ordinates of the angles of any re-entering polygon of 2n sides circumscribing a parabola, and Also, the continued product of the abscissae of the points of intersection of any number of tangents, is equal to the continued product of the abscissae of the points of contact, provided no three points of intersection lie in the same straight line. Let a;', x" ', a;"', &c. be the abscissae of the points of contact, then it is easily seen, from the equation to the parabola, that x' = ma!\ x" = ma."*, x'" = mv!"\ &c. the continued product of which is x'x'x'" . . . x (n] = m W V' 2 . . . a (n)2 . And if x lt # 2 , a; s , &c. be the co-ordinates of the points of inter- section of the tangents, we have Xj^ moLO.", o? 2 = wa"a"', x 3 = ma."a!" t &c. the continued product of which is x,x,x 3 . . . x n = m* . a W" 2 . . . a (w)2 , which is equal to the preceding expression. It is necessary to limit the intersections in such a way that no three shall lie in the same line, because otherwise some one of the a's in the second series would appear more than twice. * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. VII. Vol. n. p. 48, November, 1839. t Page 63 of this Volume. 6 VARIATION OF NODE AND INCLINATION*. THE following method of finding the variations of the in- clination and longitude of the node, is more convenient than that given in Pratt's Mechanical Philosophy, p. 336. Adopting the notation usual in the lunar theory, we have s = &sin(0-7) ........................ (1), , d*z IJLZ dR also -j- +r jr + - r =Q ....................... (2). 0F r dz In the disturbed orbit, (1) and its first derived equation will be true, as if the elements were invariable ; which gives the equation (3), and differentiating (1) a second time, there is d's .d& d .J0 ' The second and third terms are those due to perturbation. Also, the inclination being very small, the effect of perturbation n ~d? ' r w ^^ c ^ ^ s ^ e same tn ^ n S? on TT- > w ^ ^ e sensible only in the term p -^ . Hence, equating the perturbation and its effect, we have * Cambridge MathemalicalJournal, No. IX. Vol. n. p. 113, May, 1840. VARIATION OF NODE AND INCLINATION. 83 and eliminating in turn ^- , -^ , by (3), we get d0 7 dy dR . ^ar^C'-i)-^ de dk ^ Again, the inclination being small, dR dR dz dR ds dR . , dR dR dz dR ds , dR and -j- = -=- . -j~ = p -j . -=- = OK -j- cos (6 7) ; ay dz dy r dz dy dz , Z7 and p -7rA;-j7 = -j-, p _ dk _ 1 no, dR / fi v M^k^JT^'dy'' "^'' which agree with the known results, & being = tan 7, or sin 7, quam proximd, and 7 being what Mr Pratt denotes by O. (The squares, &c. of 7 are neglected throughout.) 62 INVESTIGATION OF THE ABEREATION IN RIGHT ASCENSION AND DECLINATION*. THE following investigation of the formulas for Aberration in Right Ascension and Declination will be found to be more simple than that given in Maddy's Astronomy, p. 214. Let T L be the ecliptic, . 1st. For the Aberration in Declination : produce SN to a point Q, such that SQ = 90, and join TQ, TN. If A be the coefficient of aberration, and AS the aberration in declination, AS = - A sin ST. cos TSQ = - A cos TQ, as TSQ is a quadrantal triangle. * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. IX. Vol. II. p. 120, May, 1840. INVESTIGATION OF THE ABERRATION, &c. 85 But cos QT= cos TN. cos QN+ sin TN. sin QN. sin TNr , and cos TN= cos Tnr . cos nr JV+ sin TV . sin or JV. cos T. Also, sin TN. sin 2Wv = sin TV . sin TT JV= cos sin . Substituting these values, and putting 90 S for QN, we find "' A8 = ^t{sinS(sinO cos a cos O sin a cos w) + cos S cos Q sinw}. 2nd. For the Aberration in Right Ascension : produce to a point B, such that ^B = 90, and join R8, RT. Then, if Aa be the aberration in right ascension, A A Aa = - - K sin ST. cos TSR = - ^ cosET. COS COS But cos ^T= cos JV . cos R ]. coso c ON THE LINES OF CURVATURE ON AN ELLIPSOID*. THE following investigation of the Lines of Curvature on an Ellipsoid has the advantages of symmetry and of giving a distinct geometrical conception. The artifice on which it de- pends may, it is thought, be found useful on other occasions. The symmetrical equation to the lines of curvature is d?-c*}xdydz+(c*-a*}ydzdx+(a*-tf)zdxdy = Q ...... (1), (see Mathematical Journal, Vol. I. p. 142), where xyz are con- nected by the equation to the surface, j+f?*?- 1 ........................ = , !' = , J = w .................. (A). Then vv vw vuvw Hence, after the substitution and multiplying by 4 vw , (1) becomes (J'-c 2 ) udvdw+ (c 2 -a 2 ) vdwdu+(a*-t>*) wdudv = 0...(3), with the relation \-v + w \ (4). Difierentiate (3) ; then, since * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. IX. Vol. n. p. 133, May, 1840. ON THE LINES OF CUR VA TURE ON AN ELLIPSOID. 87 we get (& 2 - c 2 ) ud (dvdw) + (c 2 - a*) vd (dwdu) + (a*-tf)wd(dudv)=Q ...... (5). Now this is satisfied by the assumptions ^, -, j- ........... (B), f, g, h, being constants. But from (4) we deduce du + dv + dw = Q ........................ (6), and (B) gives du fdu dv div, dv = g du dv dw, dw = hdudv dw. Hence f+g + h = Q ........................ (7), which establishes a relation among the otherwise arbitrary con- stants fj g, h. Now (B) implies the existence of two linear equations in u, v, w. Hence, a particular solution of (1) is two linear equa- tions connecting the three variables. But the given equation (4) is linear ; hence the solution in question is the one congruent to the problem. To find the other relation in u, v, w, eliminate the differen- tials from (3) by means of (B), and there is Equations (4) and (5), with the relation (7), contain the com- plete solution of the problem. It is obvious that the apparent want of homogeneity of (B) is wholly immaterial. Keeping in mind the values of u, v, w> given by (A), we see that the geometrical interpretation of (8) is, every line of cur- vature on an ellipsoid lies on a conical surface of the second order, of which the vertex is the centre of the ellipsoid. To determine the constants, let the line of curvature pass through a point, for which the values of u, v, w, are w t , v^ w^ we have (& _ <.) u \ + ( 2 ) w, j y + ( 2 -c 2 K+(c 2 ->! = <) ......... (9), a quadratic in , of which the roots are real and of unlike signs. This is obvious, for u t , v lt are essentially positive, and a, Z>, c, being in order of magnitude, the signs of b 2 c 2 and c 2 a 2 are opposite. Similarly, ^ is determined by a quadratic, whose roots are always real and of opposite signs. Thus two lines of cur- vature pass through every point on the surface of the ellipsoid. Let us now consider the envelope of the surfaces represented by (8). Differentiating (7) and (8) for/, g, h, we get -o (ii). I being an indeterminate factor, we may put 7 _ (7,2 2\ U 1 _ f 2 2\ V 7 _ / 2 tf\ W . /* ' g*' K" whence, taking the values of /#, ^, to substitute them in (8), we deduce As the signs of the radicals are independent, this represents four planes ; but c 2 a 2 is negative. Hence the possible part of these planes is their traces on the plane of xz, for which v = 0. Thus we get the two straight lines V6 a c 2 "Ju + 'Jc? fr 2 *Jw (13), and for the points where they meet the ellipsoid, + =! (14), whence ON AN ELLIPSOID. 89 These values belong to the umbilici of the ellipsoid ; a result easily anticipated. When they are introduced in (9), it becomes 2 2 2 = 0, and similarly j* = 0. Hence (8) reduces to i> = (16), and represents the principal section of the ellipsoid, which passes through the greatest and least axes. In this case then, as our analysis would lead us to anticipate, the lines of curvature coincide; a result which, although well known, seems not very accurately demonstrated by Leroy. After having shown (p. 309 of the second edition) that the two directions of curvature coincide at the umbilical points, he proceeds to integrate, and passes from ^ = to y = ^, and thence, determining the con- stant, to y ; which last represents the line of curvature sought. But -j- has been shown to have the value 0, only for u/ZC the umbilical points, and we are therefore not at liberty to pass by integration from these to any other points at which this may not hold. Were the process legitimate, it would lead to the strange conclusion, that the lines of curvature through an umbilicus are necessarily plane curves. As there appears to be still some difficulty with regard to the theory of these singular points, we may enquire whether, in order to determine the lines of curvature through any point whatever, more is requisite than to substitute its co-ordinates in the general equation of the lines of curvature, and thus to get two values for the arbitrary constant; whether the result can ever be indeterminate, except when the lines, as at the extremity of an axis of revolution, are so in reality. In this view we see at once, that the process given by Leroy after Poisson for de- termining the directions of curvature at an umbilicus, is simply the ordinary method for ascertaining the position of the branches of any curve at a multiple point ; and that the result arrived at, is not that more than two lines of curvature pass through an umbilicus, but that every point which, with reference to the surface, is umbilical, is, with reference to the lines of curvature, a multiple, or more generally a singular point. These sug- 90 ON THE LINES OF CURVATURE gestions may, perhaps, show how we must determine the lines of curvature which pass through an umbilicus, a problem dis- tinct from that solved by Leroy of finding the directions of curvature. Many curious properties may be deduced from the equations we have arrived at. Thus, if we take on two concentric and confocal ellipsoids, a series of pairs of corresponding points, (such as are spoken of in the enunciation of Ivory's theorem,) and if the locus of the points on one of the ellipsoids is a line of curvature, then that of those on the other is so too. Again, the traces on the tangent planes at the extremities of the three axes, made by one of the cones represented by (8), are an ellipse and two hyperbolas respectively. The areas of this ellipse, and of the ellipses conjugate to the two hyperbolas, are so related that their continual product is constant for the same ellipsoid, and for all ellipsoids of the same volume. The method of demon- strating these two theorems is so obvious, that it seems unneces- sary to. enter more fully on either. It still remains to be shown how we pass from (8) to the projections of the lines of curvature on the co-ordinate planes. The symmetry of the problem is destroyed by the transition ; but as it is in this shape that the results are commonly ex- hibited, we shall dwell rather more upon it than would other- wise have been necessary. Putting C=a z b*, B = = 1 = 7 T f ) > w/ mg h\l k) and consequently .(19). A B^ similarly, C A 9 ~m I (20). * k m* By means of (18) and (20) the equations (17) become ku Iv VCk I WH kw Ak-Bl Amk 7 Bm-Ck Blm jnu Gl-Am. (21); which, restoring their values to w, v, w } may be written V ktf Put y -2 = m; .'. It & , &C. ,(22). , and then we get f= m r-v with similar equations for the projections on the other co-ordi- nate planes. This result is identical with the known one in Leroy, p. 304, or Hymers, p. 201. It is hoped that the novelty of treating symmetrically a non- integrable equation in three variables, will be admitted as an excuse for the length to which this paper has extended itself. MATHEMATICAL NOTES*. 1. THE area of a polygon of a given number of sides, circum- scribing a given oval figure, will be the least possible when each side is bisected in the point of contact. This elegant proposition, given in the Senate-House Problems for 1836, may be easily demonstrated as follows : Let AB, BC, CD, be consecutive sides of the polygon. Produce AB, DC, to meet in E; then BC must, by the con- dition of the minimum, be in such a position that EBC is a maximum. Eefer the oval to EA, ED, for axes, then the equation to the tangent BC is ydx x'dy ydx xdy, y and x being the co-ordinates of the point of contact P. Put aj' = 0; and so Also area of EBC = %x Q y ti sin E. (ydx xdy)* . . .. . . . . Hence, - , , * - is a maximum (the minus sign is im material). Differentiate, considering x as independent ; then fydx-xdy xy fyx-xy \ = dxdy y \ dy ) The last factor only gives a solution ; .. ydx xdy X = -dy- * = **> * Cambridge Mathematical Journal., No. IX. Vol. II. p. 142, May, 1840. MATHEMATICAL NOTES. 93 that is, PM being parallel to EG, EM= \EB, and /. PB=PC, or BG is bisected in the point of contact P. The same is true of any other side, and therefore every side is bisected in the point of contact. 2. Let p, p, be two forces into which a given system on a rigid body may be resolved, a, 6, their least distance, and in- clination of their directions ; pp a sin 6 is invariable. (Senate- House, 1833.) Let the line a meet the directions of p and p in P and P' respectively. At P apply two forces equal and parallel to p', and opposite each other. Thus the system of forces is replaced by the couple pa, and by the force at P, which is the resultant of p and p. Kesolve this, the resultant, along the axis of the couple and in its plane. Then the former component can arise only from the resolved part of p, as^>' is wholly in the plane of the couple. Also, as the shortest distance is perpendicular to both lines, it follows that the arm of the couple is perpendicular at P to the plane which contains the two forces p and p. Hence 6, their mutual inclination, is that of p on the plane of the couple, and therefore p sin 6 is the part of the general re- sultant resolved along the axis of the couple. Then, if the general resultant makes an angle (f> with the axis, we have in the usual notation pp a sin 6 = GR cos = B.G cos . Now G cos , as is known, or as may be easily shown, = G v , the minimum maximorum moment of the system ; therefore ppa sin GJEl, which is constant. ON THE TAUTOCHRONE IN A RESISTING MEDIUM*. OUR object is to reduce the problem of the tautochronous curve, when the resistance is equal to Jcv* or to hv + kv z , to the cases in which it is a cycloid, viz. when the resistance is equal to zero or to hv. In vacuo _ f* 1 ds JQ VflJj X ' and the necessary and sufficient condition of tautochronism is s 2 = Ax. Hence generally fi dz J V.FZ FZ is independent of z l9 provided z* = A . Fz. Now, when R = lev*, there is vdv , o dx therefore = - 2^ f e^ ~ &. ^J ds therefore er**t?* = 2^ (^ fs), and Put ^ = e"* 8 ^, and let 2? and 5 be equal to zero together, therefore z = i (1 - r*) , fs = -P, * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. X. Vol. n. p. 153, November, 1840. ON THE TA UTOCHRONE IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. 95 . pi dz andV2<^=J o ^ Therefore for tautochronism But Fz = ( ~ (1 - fa) dz, J ds * therefore -r z = az -j- (1 fa), ^ r, ^ dx I e~ ki therefore k -j- = a ^- , ds e k8 the equation of the tautochronous curve. We shall have, if t = when s = s v z^ cos ds* e k -l must become, when s is expressed in z, d*z W ~~*9*> a result easily verified, for (1), The coefficient of dz in (a) is of course that of d 2 z in which shews that if the equation of motion were d z s ds 7^_ e*-l dt^ h dr k d?- '" ff ~k~> or E = hv + A;v 8 96 ON THE TAVTOCHRONE IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. the equation in z would be d z z , dz This is precisely the form of the equation of motion on a cycloid when R = hv. And as in that case ^ deduced from it is independent of s v so in this it will be independent of z l9 and consequently of 5 r Hence the curve whose equation is (1), is tautochronous, not only when R = lev*, but also when For Laplace's abstruse solution, see the first book of the Mecanique Celeste, or Mr Whewell's Dynamics. ON THE INTEGRATION OF CERTAIN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS*. No. I. IT is shown in the theory of the earth's figure, that if the pressure and density at any point be connected by the equation dp = kp dp, where Jc is a constant, then the ellipticity of the surface may be deduced from the solution of the equation This equation is not easily integrated. La Place, in the eleventh book of the Mecanique Celeste (v. 51), gives a solution of it, but without demonstration ; and the lacuna thus left is not supplied in the works on the subject generally made use of in Cambridge. Mr Gaskin has however effected the integration of is integral, in finite terms (vide Hymers' Diff. JEq. p. 53), and the proposed equation is a case of this one. But perhaps a more direct analysis is preferable, as it enables us to extend our method to two or three classes of equations of all orders. One of these will be considered in the present paper another, the solution of which admits of a remarkable symbolical form, will be given in the next number of the Journal. We shall begin with the particular equation which occurs in the theory of the earth's figure, both because from its physical * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. X. Vol. n. p. 169. November, 1840. 7 98 INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. application it has an interest for some who care but little for pure analysis, and because it will exemplify the general method. Let y = ^a n x n ........................... (2), ... { % ( w _i)_6K + 2V 2 = ............... (3), n (n - 1) - 6 = n (n - 1) - 3 (3 - 1) = (n - 3) (n + 2) , ... (w-3)(w+2K4V.M, = ............. (4). To get rid of the factor (n 3), assume (n-l)l> n ..................... (5), 3 = .................. (6). Hence b n is made to depend on b l or b Q as n is odd or even, and we see at once that ^b n x n = b cos qx + Z>j sin qx, or changing the constants, 2l> n x n = Csm(qx+a) ...................... (7). Also by (5), a = ^" for by (6), /. 2a B cc n = 2b n x n + 2 (w - 1) (9), the complete solution, which may be written thus, l.cos(^ + a)| ...... (10). INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 99 We now proceed to the more general equation, As before, we shall get {n(n-l)-p(p-l)}a n + fa^ = .......... (12). Now n(n-l) -p (p-l) = (n-p) (n+p-l) ...... (13), which is the fundamental principle of our analysis, .-. (n-p)(n+p-i)a n +fa^ = ......... (14). Assume (n+p-l) a n = (n-p + 2) b n .... ........ (15), n , and (n -p + 2) (n+p -3)b n + fb^ z = ......... (16). Again, assume ( n +p - 3) b n = (n -^ + 4) c n ............... (17), and so on successively. , Thus we shall get a series of equations, of which (n-p + ri^+p-fjL-m + fl^O ......... (18), is the general type, where p is even. If p is even, let p = ^, .'. p p 1 = 1. If it is odd, let^> = p + 1, ,\ p + p = 1 : and in "both cases (18) becomes n(n-l)l n + 2*1^ = 0, and therefore 2l n x n =Cain(2X+a) ..................... (19). Let {n-p+(n-<*)}(n+p-p + l}i n + fi n _ z = ^ (n-p + fjL)(n+p-fj,-l')k n + flc^ = 0, be any two consecutive equations ; then (w+p-A* + l). = (- d p + /A)^... ......... (20), n p + /JL = n+p fj, + l-2(p p) 1, _ I ....... (21), 72 100 INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. i 2 (n -p Now (n - p + A*) V 2 = a^" 1 (" -^ + By the application of this formula, y or 2& n # n may be de- duced by a series of regular operations from C sin (yx + a). \ip is even, 2 (^> //,) + 1 gives the series 1, 5, 9, &c. If it is odd, the series is. 3, 7, 11, &c. Particular cases may be solved by (22) with considerable facility. By inspection we have ( . 1 ) y = C -jsin (qx + a) H -- cos (qx + a) > for the solution of The solution of -j4 + 2 2 y = ? where p = 5, is easily .seen X* to be Lastly, the solution of s 50 ^sin feaj + a) + ^ cos INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 101 The second line is equivalent to jpg j^cos (qx + a.) - ; jcos fe# + a) --sin faaj + a) 2 2 ) - - sin (qx + a) -- 8 cos (qx + a) K CC <7iC j and thus / / 1C ?/ = 0-jsin (go; + a) H -- cos (^a? + a) 5-5 sin (^a? + a) [ O'iC O' X 15 These examples will sufficiently illustrate the general formula. The same method is applicable to the equation Here we have n[(n-i)(n - 2) -p (p - 1)} a n + fa n _, = 0, Let and generally n (n -p - 1 + v) (n +^ - 2 - z/) ? + g 8 ^ = ...... (24), where v is divisible by 3. If p is so too, let p = v, .'. w ^> l + v = w 1 and n + p 2 v = w 2. If p 1 is divisible by 3, let j? 1 = z/, /. -^ - 1 + v = - 2 and ^-2-z/ = -l; and in both cases (24) becomes w ( w _l ) ( n _ 2 )Z M + < ? X- 3 = 0, and therefore ^,l n x n fulfils the equation = ........................ (25). 102 INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Again, if n(n-p-l + *-3) (n+_p-2-v + 3) i + g%_ = 0, rc (n -^ - 1 + ?) (n + p - 2 - *>) Jc n + tfk^ = 0, be any consecutive equations, we have (n -p - 1 + v) as may easily be seen h priori, or verified by differentiation. The formula (26) is used in the same way as (22), to which it is analogous. We will give one instance of its application, d 3 y 6 dy *?<** The solution of d a z . + ^-O, is rx /V3 \ and by (26), 2 . (3 + 1 - 3) 01 = lor the complete solution of the proposed eauation. INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 103 It is obvious that analogous equations exist in all orders, and that when p is of certain forms, may be integrated in finite terms. It will be sufficient, after what has been said for the cases of m = 2 and = 3, to state the results of the general investigation ; they may be very readily deduced by the same method as that we have already used. The process succeeds when either of the factors p or p 1 is divisible by w, and the general formula of which (22) and (26) are cases, is ...... (27). Particular cases may however be easily solved without re- ference to this formula ; thus, if we had d*y 4 _ 12 d*y dtf~zy-* dx *> we should proceed as follows : n(n-l){(n-2)(n-8)-4.8K- 2 V. = 0, n(n-l}(n- 6) (n + !)- tfa^ = > (n + l)a n = (n-2)l> n , /. n (n - 1) (n - 2) (n - 3) b n - gfb^ = 0, .'. ^b n x n = G/ x + C 2 e~ qx + C 3 sin (qx + a), O O / * \ j and a n =J tt - _.._ _ - - 4 ^n (n - 1) (n - 2) n aT 4 , + <7 3 -jsin (^# + a) H -- cos (^a? -f a) [ . ( g'a? ; 104 INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. The principle of our analysis, it has already been remarked, is contained in the equation n (n - 1) -p (p-l) = (n-p) (n+p-l); and this consideration suggests an extension of it. For it is obvious that the coefficients of a n in \ d m ~'-* differ only in this, that where the first has the factors (n - m + s + 2) (n - m + s + 1 ) , the second has p (p 1). Thus the same transformation applies; and if either p, or p 1 is divisible by m, the solution of may be made to depend on that of and thus effected in finite terms. The formula of reduction in this case is a little more com- plicated than those already given, and we will not dwell longer upon it, our object being rather to point out the integrability of certain classes of equations than actually to integrate them. The equation n (n - 1) -p (p - 1) = ( n -p) (n +p - I) is a particular case of and the latter will give us various formulae of reduction accord ing to the value of JJL. Thus INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 105 may be reduced to d*y 1 dy > S-SaS + rt' 88 ' ' for the coefficient of a n in the former is n (n - 2) - jp (p - 2) = (w -^) (n +^ - 2), which, provided p is even, may be reduced to n (n 2). But in this, and in analogous cases, the auxiliary equation is, appa- rently, insoluble. The applicability of our transformation would, it is evident, not be affected, if the equation were, instead of (25), and, provided p or p 1 were divisible by m t, (29) might be reduced to But this case requires more care than those already con- sidered, as if certain factors which apparently disappear are neglected, our solution is incomplete, or erroneous. An instance will make this clear, dy y Here (n - 2) (n 4- 1) a n + (n - l) q a^ = .. ........ (A). Let (n + 1) a n = (n - 1) b n .................. (a), ... ( w -2)(-l)n5 n +(-2)(-l)^ 1 = ...... (B), The factor n 2 may be safely neglected. But n 1 is essential, because the solution of the auxiliary equation dz gives (n - 1) (nl n + qb^ = 0, and would be incomplete if we omitted the first factor. From (a) we get 106 INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. and, as except when n = 1, there is nb n + gb^ = 0, ^-~ = - - b^ l9 unless n = 0, a .-. . = &. + -& ........................ (a'). Now the solution of the auxiliary equation is z = c 1 + c z e~* x ; and from (a') we deduce v z -\ -- z : qx therefore y = (l + } (c t + W**) \ 2*E/ is apparently the solution of the proposed equation. But it will be found not to satisfy it, unless c t = 0, and then is only a particular solution. The reason is, that in laying down (a') as generally true, we imply that nb n + gb^ = is true for n = 1 ; whereas the equation which contains tlxe , ,. d*z dz solution of -j-5 + q -y- = 0, viz. dx* s dx shows that b t is not necessarily connected with b ; and that if we assume such connection, we get only a particular solution. Hence our formula of reduction implies the connection of b^ and b ; while their independence is implied in the general solution of the auxiliary equation, to which this formula is applied j and these contradictory suppositions lead to an erroneous result. To put ^ = 0, is to connect b Q and b lt or, which is the same thing, to neglect the factor n - 1 ; and the value of y thus got is therefore a solution, but not the complete solution of the pro- posed equation. To complete it, we must, bearing in mind the independence of 5 , recur to (a), which is always true, INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 107 and from (a'), which is true for n 1, we get Now _! is obviously = 0, _2 and these two quantities are independent of a lt 2 , &c., is a particular solution, and is the complete solution of the proposed equation. The method of proceeding suggested by this example is to obtain a solution, neglecting all factors analogous to (n 1), and then to complete it by reference to the assumptions of trans- formation, such as (a), which have been made use of. The equations which we have solved are not a very numerous nor perhaps an important class. But one of them, at least, is susceptible of a physical application of great interest ; and so few equations of the higher orders are integrable in finite terms, that the discussion of those which are, has always some degree of value. &> ^ v- if9T ON THE INTEGRATION OF CERTAIN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS*. No. II. IN the last number of the Journal f, a method was given for the investigation of a class of differential equations, by means of successive reductions. The present communication contains solutions of some ana- logous equations effected by a similar process. The results will however be exhibited in a very different form. We begin by taking a particular case of the equations in question, (I), x where p is an integer. Let y = S (k) may be any function of Jc. A very little attention to the mode of integrating linear equations with constant co- efficients will show, that in X, x always occurs in conjunction j with 7c m . If we put we must consequently have A n = where N is a function of n, except for values of n < m, when it is an arbitrary constant ; therefore b n = N (K) 7c. Recurring to (3), inverting the factors and multiplying and dividing by m p , we shall easily deduce the following equation, m-l m The form of these p decreasing factors naturally suggests the idea of making f(Jc) k~ p ; and if we then put (Jc) = Jc we get m+l l\ fn j\ mm 110 INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. /. a = mP -jj-jb n , and /. 2a n x m = m p -^ ^b n x n . The factor m p may obviously be neglected, and we shall j^ therefore have, on replacing %b n x n by (k) X, i. e. by -^-j , the Ji^ following equation, d p X for the solution of (1), y = X being that of + ty = 0. Vfl "" 1 If 7?i = 2, X= (7 sin {VW + }, and - = J. Hence d p Cs is the solution of Jl+%=^. rfa; 2 x dx This result is given in Hymers' Diff. Equations, and is, I believe, due to Mr Gaskin. If the proposed equation were ^ we should immediately conclude, from analogy, that its solution must be _ dT* X f y T.-P -i ? but it may be as well to establish this conclusion by an inde- pendent investigation. Equation (2) will, in this case, be n (n 1) ... (n m + 2) (n m + 1 +pm) a n + ka^ = 0. Assume ' a = f(1r\ _ n ~ -'V ) INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Ill Therefore as before, and a n = m~ p N tn-vi + l \ \ m J Here we make f(k) Jc p , and <^> (Jc) m m-i no complementary function being added. Hence, precisely as before, we find that _ d~ p X V JT.-P m-l tf* A;- is the solution required. Let us now consider the more general equation, If 3^ = S . a n a? n , there will be n... (n s + l)(nsj}m) (n s 1)... a n +^a n _ m = ...... (7). This equation is analogous to (2); but m-l is replaced by s. Assume, therefore, 5 - (^ - 1) m}...(n - s + m) Jc~ p b n _ mJ and n...(n-s + l)(n-s)(n-s-l)...(n-m+ l)b n + kb n _ m = 0. Hence, as before, 2b n x n = (k) X, where X denotes the same function of x that it did in the former case. 2 Consequently b n = ^V (A;) k m , and 112 INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. i We must, it is evident, make < (k) = k " l , and then Tp -rr Hence # = -77^ ^7 is the solution of the equation ; for as before the factor ra* may be neglected. A particular case of this result is that in which 5 = 0. If with this value of 5 we have m = 2, the equation to be integrated takes the form and the solution is Equation (7) is the most general one in which the coefficient of a n differs in one factor only from what it is in the case of But our method is applicable in other cases. Let us resume the equation discussed in the last number of the Journal, ^-*k-l), ............... (8). By the usual method of making y 'a n x n , we get n (n - 1) ... ( - m + 3) {( - m + 2) (n - m + 1) -p . (p - l)j a or n (n - l)...(n - m + 3) {(n - m + 2 -jp) (n-m + 1 +^)) a n + ka n _ m = ...... (9). It may be remembered that we found it necessary that p or p 1 should be divisible by. m. Suppose then that p is so divisible, and that the quotient is q. INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 113 Let ~fk '/ * T7 i 1 ' vT 7 * \" ^n (10), _ _ ...... _ (tliere are ^ factors in both numerator and denominator) ; equa- tion (9) becomes n (n-l)...(n m + 3) (n m + 2)(n m + 1) & + &5 M _, n = 0; and, as in the two preceding cases, we shall have 2b n x n = < (k) X, and l m **N.&4>(ty. (10) may be written thus, as^> = ^, (n m + 2\ /w m + 2 - ...... -- q + l V m J \ m _ ^_ XT Now mm ft~* f n 1 f7 q therefore ^. m J \ m - 1 - ' ' But if we make (&) = A; w , then Let us also put f(k) = k q m ; therefore 'n - m + 2' ) (k) = k m and f(k) k m , and then nw-fl ~ and a :. = #(.., therefore a= The value of ^, deduced from the development of (12), can of course differ only in a factor of some function of k from that which is given by (11), and it will easily appear, on comparing the values of a n in the two cases, that this factor is k~** +m . Let us now consider the case in which p is not divisible by m, while p 1 is so. And let p 1 = qm. The two factors of (9) on which our reduction operates, viz. (n m + 2 -p) (n- m + l +p), may be written thus, {n - m + 2 + (p - 1)} {n - m + 1 - (p - 1)}, or (n m + 2 + qm) (n m + 1 qm). INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 115 The change which this will introduce in the process, is not difficult to perceive. We must assume n m+1 nm+1 a n =/(&) - I J ^ ' n-m + 2 n m + 2 1-1 \-q m m as before, the transformed equation will be n (n m + 2) (n m + l}\ Now m .. therefore l\ n m + 1 \ +) m m I -mfl If then we make /(&) = tf m and (Jc) = k m ,WQ get fn-m + l\ & I / "*" tt-wi+2 \ m / _ Z.~~ /n _ m + 2 v "* I -- 1-1 ... &c. V m J Hence, finally, As an illustration, let us take the case of the equation which occurs in the theory of the figure of the earth, Here m = 2, p = 3, p 1 = 2 : hence q = 1, and as p is not a multiple of m, the formula (13) is to be used. 82 116 INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. It is in this case, as X C sin {V(&) x + a }> )a; + gn J ' a sm {V (K) x + a} _ . x , ... , ^ sm { v (K) x - dk $ k $ therefore y = i^^i [&k* cos (V(&) x + a ) ~ sm (V(&) # + }]> or integrating the first term by parts, d' 1 = JcC sin But sn > x + a = cos dk~ l *' ' ' ' x 2 . . .... , -f - sm |v (A?) a; + a], /y* I * \ / J ' therefore, if kC^G^ y = C l [sin (V(&) ^ + a} 3 3 + r cos y(k) x + a} - y-j sin {VW fl? + all, ^ 2 A:a? which is the required solution. Equation (13) corresponds to (11) : but there is another form of the solution in the case of p 1 = gin, which we shall just mention, and which is the counterpart of (12). It is It would be a needless repetition to go through the steps which lead to this result. All the operations indicated in these symbolical solutions are practicable. This will appear by considering the nature of the function JT, which, in its most general form, consists of the sum of terms, of which the type is INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 117 If we make k K m , this will become which may be integrated any number of times for K, and con- sequently, if it is multiplied by any rational and integral func- tion of K, it may still be integrated by parts as often as we flfc please. Now -7 will become mK^ s ~ l dK] and as m and s are & integral, the method of parts applies, provided s is not greater than m 1, which it is in none of our formulas. Fourier's expression, by means of definite integrals for the t th differential coefficient of any function, would enable us to extend our solutions to the cases in which p is fractional. But merely analytical transformations of the results at which we have arrived are not of much interest, and the methods of effect- ing them are direct and obvious. Equation (1) admits of another symbolical solution besides the one already given. It is easily seen, that if SX = *"* JL _L . Jl _L. . . . Itjf, (p factors), a n = (n pm -f 1) . . . (n m + 1) 5 n , which is what (3) is, when f(k) = 1. (-r applies to all that follows it.J Hence we shall clearly have ^ d 1 d I * d 1 Y y ~ dx^dxtf^- "Txx-^ for the solution of (1). Similarly, the solution of (6) is ,, _ .<*-i)-H-i) _ 1 T y ~ 'dxx- 1 " "dxx 1 Many applications and modifications of the method we have employed will readily present themselves, but the subject is not of sufficient importance to deserve a fuller discussion. It is not difficult to multiply artifices, by means of which particular equations may be solved, but the results will, generally speak- ing, be of little value. ANALYTICAL DEMONSTRATIONS OF DR MATTHEW STEWART'S THEOREMS*. IN 1746 Dr Matthew Stewart, the father of Dugald Stewart, published his "General Theorems." He was at that time a candidate for the chair of mathematics at Edinburgh, then vacant by the death of Maclaurin ; and his success is attributed to the celebrity which these remarkable propositions immediately ac- quired. They were enunciated by Dr Stewart without demon- strations, and remained undemonstrated till 1805. Mr Glenie, in the Edinburgh Transactions for that year, has given a geo- metrical method by which the General Theorems and other similar results may be established. But as yet they have not, I believe, been proved, except by Geometry; and in an article in the 17th volume of the Edinburgh Review, ascribed to Playfair, they are strongly recommended to the attention of analysts. It is hoped, therefore, that the follow- ing attempt will have some degree of interest. We shall begin by establishing a general proposition, from which all the theorems in question, and many others, may be deduced. LEMMA. If f is a rational and integral function of sin^> and cos <, then a value may always be assigned to n, such that shall be independent of <. The preceding expression is equivalent to (1 . + D + . . . D n ~ 1 } /, (where D$ = (/> + ^ * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. XII. Vol. n. p. 371, May, 1841. STEWART'S THEOREMS. 119 and therefore to Now A" 1 = 2a m sin mn$ + S6 m cos mnfa (m integral) . Hence /(<) + . . . +/( < + - - 2?r J = S m sin rarc< + &c. Let the index of the highest power of sin or cos in f be p ; then it is easily seen that when / is developed, as it may always be, in a series of sines and cosines of the multiple arcs, p$ will be the largest arc that can enter into the development. But if n is greater than p, mn, except when m is zero. Hence the development 2a m sin mn + &c. cannot coincide with that obtained by summing the separate developments of /<, f( + ) , &c., unless a m and b m are = \ 71 / in every case, except when m = 0. Hence as sin mnp, + .../(< + ^ - 2?r) = b Q ... a constant. Q. E. D. The constant 1> will of course be the sum of the constant parts of the developments of /<, &c. ; and as these are all equal and are n in number, it will be n times the constant term in f. 1 f 2ir Now by Fourier's theorem this is equal to I f . d(j), as in- 27T J Q deed is obvious. Hence which is our fundamental formula. The first of Stewart's propositions is the following : From any point in the circumference of a circle draw per- pendiculars p, p v &c. to the sides of a regular w-sided polygon circumscribed about it ; then, if r is the radius, 3 = 5wr 8 ...... (1) ...... w>3. 120 STEWARTS THEOREMS. DEM. Let the assumed point subtend at the centre an angle <> from the adjacent point of contact. Then p = r (1 cos <), p l = r -1 1 - cos ( + -J } , &c. &c. -cos <; and by the general formula, w f 2 * 2 (1 - cos <) 3 = I (I cos $) 3 d(j> ...... n being > 3. Now f ^(1 - cos ) 3 '=, and therefore 2S 3 = 5wr s . Q. E. D. This is a particular case of the second proposition in which the assumed point is not confined to the circumference of the circle, but may have any position whatever. Let I be its dis- tance from the centre ; then 22/ = 2w s + 3/iZV ... n > 3 ............... (2). DEM. In this case p = r I cos <, &c. = &c. .-. 2/ = nr 3 - 3r 2 ? 2 cos + 3rZ 2 2 cos 2 < - Z 8 2 cos 8 . T2ir r2ir /*2ir But I cos (f>d = 0, I cos 2 = 7r, I cos 3 d = 0; J o J o / and 22 8 = 2wr 3 + 3w?V. Q. E. D. In the third proposition, a regular w-sided polygon is in- scribed in the circle, and lines c, c t , &c. are drawn from its corners to a point assumed in the circumference ; then (3). STEWARTS THEOREMS. 121 DEM. The assumed point and adjacent corner subtending an angle at the centre, we have .'. 2c 4 = 4/2(1- cos <)*, ^ /., \2 w- /. 2(l-cos<) 2 = ; /. 2c 4 = 6ft/. Q. E. D. The fourth proposition includes the third. The assumed point may now have any position we please. Let I be its dis- tance from the centre. Here we have c 2 = r 2 + Z 2 2rZ cos <, and 2c 4 = n (/ + Z 4 + 2r 2 Z 2 ) - 4r? (r 2 + Z 2 ) 2 cos $ + 4r 2 Z 2 2 cos 2 <. By the values above given for 5 cos and 2 cos 2 <, this becomes 2c 4 = nr* + 4nr 2 / 2 + nZ* ................... (4), which is the proposition in question. In the fifth proposition we return to the circumscribed poly- gon, and our object is to determine the sum of the fourth powers of the perpendiculars. As before, and therefore 82/ = 35w.r 4 ........................... (5). Q. E. D. In the general case, when I is the distance of the assumed point from the centre, cos + 6rT 2 cos 2 < - rl 3 2 cos 3 + Z 4 2 cos 4 <, , and . 122 STEWARTS THEOREMS. or 8Sp 4 = 8nr*+24w*Z* + 3nZ 4 .................. (6). This is the sixth proposition. The seventh is, for the m ih power of the perpendiculars, what the first arid fifth are for the third and fourth powers respec- tively. It is this : ^ _ 2m 1 . 2m 3 ... 1 m.m 1...1 ,_ r m ...... (7) ...... DEM. V* = r m - (! - cos $) m d. * Let = = 2 wl+1 ["si ^ o sm 2 w - 1 . 2m - 3 . . . 1 2m - 1 ... 1 7T = 2?T . 2m. 2m -2... 2 'm.m 1...1' 1 m.m 1 ... 1 Q. E. D. If the assumed point is at I distance from the centre, This, it is easily seen, will reduce into the following form, .m I I ,, m...m 33.1 m _ 474 r 1+&C ' ...... (8), which is the eighth proposition ...... (n> m). Lastly, let us consider the 2m th powers of the chords in the case of the inscribed polygon: we have already in the third proposition found the value of their sum when m = 2. As before, c 2 = 2r 2 (1 cos ) ; /. 2c 2w = 2V" S (1 - cos )"*. That is, as we have already seen, m . m 1 . . . 1 STEWART'S THEOREMS. 123 We have thus gone through Dr Stewart's properties of the circle, and have arrived at his results by a simple and uniform method. It is evident that there is no limit to the number of geome- trical theorems which may be deduced from the general formula : almost every curve will afford interpretations, if the word may be so used, of our analytical conclusions. Thus in the ellipse : If any n radii vectores be drawn from the centre at equal angles to one another, the sum of the squares of their reciprocals is equal to n times the square of the reciprocal of that radius vector which is equally inclined to the major and minor axes. For we have - 2 = p(l-e 2 cos 2 <); and J = cos 2 ; therefore &c. Q. E. D. It is to be regretted that we have hardly any idea by what considerations Dr Stewart was led to the curious theorems which bear his name. It is said, indeed, that he was engaged on geo- metrical porisms when he discovered them, and we are told that he would have published them under the title of porisms, but for his unwillingness to interfere with a subject which the re- searches of his friend, Dr Simson, seemed to have appropriated. Whether they are in reality porismatic, is a question on which it would not be worth while to enter. The fundamental formula of our analysis is perhaps not new ; the geometrical applications which we have made of it appear to be original. NOTE ON A DEFINITE INTEGRAL. THE value of / log sin 6 d0, obviously the same as that of IT ./O rlog cos 6d0, was first assigned by Euler, ,and may be obtained in the following manner. By Cotes's theorem, / i \ / m i \ Z^-l^fz 2 - 1) Z 2 - 2Z COS - 7T+ 1 ... (Z*- 2Z COS 7T + 1 ' \ m J \ m J w- Let = 1, then ^ m 2 m 2 Take the logarithms of both sides, and divide by m, then log m + 2 (m 1) log J 2m A . 1 TT , . m 1 7r\ 1 = log sin -+...+ log sm . \ * m 2 m 2J m Let m become infinite, and = ^- : the first side becomes equal to log - , for ( - j = when m = - ; and the second is trans- A \ ffi / formed into the definite integral I log sin x ^ . dx ; therefore 'o ^ I log sin x dx = log J. ^o * Let ^ = |; * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. XII. Vol. n. p. 282, May, i84f. NOTE ON A DEFINITE INTEGRAL. 125 (1). COR. 1. Integrating by parts, we get [log sin 0d0 = log sin - The integrated part vanishes at both limits, COR. 2. Let sin 6 = e~& ; therefore the limits of x are and oo, COR. 3. In this last integral, if we expand the denominator and as I e"" 1 * x dx = -j , we find 111 1.311 1.3.5 I . - 32 + ^ 5 ,+ j^-g 23 REMARKS ON THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN ALGEBRAICAL AND FUNCTIONAL EQUATIONS*. THE distinction which it is usual to make between alge- braical and functional equations will not, I think, bear a strict examination. It is generally said that an algebraical equation determines the value of an unknown quantity, while a func- tional equation determines the form of an unknown function. But, in reality, the unknown quantity in the former case is a function of the coefficients of the equation, and our object in solving it is simply to ascertain the form of this function. Thus it appears, that in both cases the forms of functions are what we seek. Let us therefore consider the subject in a more general manner, and endeavour to find a more decided point of dis- tinction. The science of symbols is conversant with opera- tions, and not with quantities; and an equation, of whatever species, may be defined to be a congeries of operations, known and unknown, equated to the symbol zero. Every operation implies the existence of a base, or something on which the operation is performed in the language of Mr Murphy, a subject. But the base of an operation is often the result of a preceding one. Thus, in log c 2 , the base of the operation log is cc 2 , itself the result of the operation expressed by the index on the base x. This in its turn may be considered as the result of an operation performed on the symbol unity. But in every kind of equation there is a point at which the farther analysis of symbols into operations on certain bases becomes irrelevant ; and thus we are led in every case to recog- nize the existence of ultimate bases. * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. XIV. Vol. in. p. 92, February, 1842. NATURE OF FUNCTIONAL EQUATIONS. 127 To solve an equation of any kind, is to determine the un- known operations by means of the known. If one symbol is said to be a function of another, it is, in reality, the result of an operation performed upon it. Thus the idea of functional dependence pervades the whole science of symbols, and on this idea the following remarks are based. In order to classify equations, we can make use of two considerations : 1st. The nature of the operations which are combined together; 2nd. The order in which they succeed one another in the congeries of operations which is made equal to zero. Let us illustrate these remarks by some examples. If we have an equation of the form x*+ax+t> = ........................ (1), the bases are a and b ; the operations are, first, the unknown one denoted by x, and then certain known ones denoted by the index, the coefficient, &c. All these are what are called alge- braical operations. If again we have an equation of the form . the base is x\ the operations are, first, the unknown one denoted by #, which is a function of x, then the operation -T-, and lastly, certain algebraical operations. From the pre- UX sence of the operation -y- , this is called a differential equa- tion. Equations (1) and (2) are discriminated by the nature of the operations combined, on our first principle of classifi- cation. But in one important point these equations agree. In both, the unknown operation is performed immediately on the bases ; the known are subsequent to the unknown : but in what are called functional equations this is not so. Thus, in the equation $(mx) + x = Q ........................ (3), the base is x, the unknown operation is , which is performed, not on x, but on the result of a previous operation. In the 128 NATURE OF FUNCTIONAL EQUATIONS. preceding example the previous operation is known ; but this is not essential. Thus in +#=0 ........................... (4) the previous operation denoted by the right-hand is unknown. The operation -*- may enter into equations where the un- known operation is not performed on the base. Thus we may have an equation of the form Equations (3), (4), (5) are functional equations; (3), (4) are ordinary functional equations ; (5) is a differential functional equation ; (3) is said to be of the first order, (4) of the second. The introduction of the functional notation appears to be sometimes taken as the essence of functional equations ; but if we wrote (1) and (2) thus, }<(a)} 2 + a<(a) + & = .................. (1)', 3*(a)-a = .................. (2)', they would still be perfectly distinct from (3) or (4) or (5). The name functional equation is not happy; it refers to the notation, and not to the essence of the thing. A question now arises : To what class shall we refer equa- tions in finite differences ? These are generally of the form *>,y,,y. )=<> .................... (6), where y x is an unknown function, say < (x) of x ; so that (6) may be written thus, Here the unknown operation is <, which in the case of (x + 1) is performed, not upon the base x, but on x+1. Thus it appears, that equations in finite differences are only a case of ordinary functional equations of the first order : and this is the reason why, in researches on functional equations, we per- petually meet with cases in which they may be reduced to equations in finite differences. NATURE OF FUNCTIONAL EQUATIONS. 129 The preceding remarks contain, I think, the outline of a natural arrangement of the science of symbols. It is not difficult to overrate the importance of a mere classification ; but I hope to be able to show, that the considerations now suggested are not without some degree of utility. As the distinction between functional and common equations depends on the order of operations, it follows that, when part of the solution of an equation does not vary with the nature of the operation subjected to the resolving process, this part is applicable as much to functional equations as to any other. The special application of this principle to the discussion of a class of differential functional equations will be the object of a subsequent paper. In the preceding remarks, operations of derivation, such as D, A, &c. are supposed to be replaced by functional operations in every case in which this can be effected. 9 MATHEMATICAL NOTES*. 1. IN the Examination Papers for 1834, the following problem is given: "If the chord of a conic section, whose eccentricity is e, subtend at its focus a constant angle 2a, prove that it always touches a conic section having the same focus whose eccentricity is e cos a." A solution of this problem by a peculiar analysis will be found in a preceding article ; but the following method may be found not uninteresting. Let r l5 r z be radii vectores to the ends of the chord, < a, < 4- a, the corresponding angles vectores, p the perpendicular from the focus on the chord ; .'. p x chord = r^ sin 2a, . lV^ + r, 2 - 2r,r > cos2a) ' p rfa sin 2a // 1 1 2 \ = cosec 2a / f -jH 2 cos 2aj , V * 1 2 12 ' 1 _ 1 H- e cos (^ a) JL x for x f being a known function, (14) is a functional equation of the first order. Such is Mr Babbage's method. Let fx = 1 4- x ; (14) be- comes and if we denote $x by u x , and replace x by 2, we shall ob- tain (13). It must be admitted, that it is difficult to prove that the generality of (12) is not restricted by these transformations. They are however often useful, and serve to illustrate what was remarked in the last number, with respect to the affinity of functional equations, and equations in finite differences. If, instead of (10), we had taken the more general equation where A is an arbitrary constant, precisely the same method would have applied. In this case the factor ty"x would have led to the result tyx = a.x 4- ft, and by substitution fB = a + /3 + A, therefore a'+A = Q, or /8= oo . Now in the case we have been considering, the former con- dition is not fulfilled ; hence we must have ft = co , and the geometrical interpretation of the complete integral is a right line at an infinite distance from the axis of abscissa?. We not unfrequently meet with similar cases, in which the complete integral becomes nugatory or impossible in the pro- cess of introducing the necessary relation between its constants. Under particular conditions, however, this difficulty does not occur, and then we obtain, what in the ordinary methods of discussing functional differential equations, appears to be a conjugate solution, unconnected with any other ; (15) would be an instance of this, were a + A = 0. 138 ON THE SOLUTION OF I shall next consider a celebrated problem, first proposed by Euler, in the Petersburg!! memoirs. In a certain class of curves, the square of any normal ex- ceeds the square of the ordinate drawn from its foot by a certain quantity a. Let y 2 = tyx be the equation of the curve. The subnormal is therefore fafrx, and the equation of the problem conse- quently is + (x + W*)=i + lWx)*-* ............ (16). Differentiating this, we get or The first of these two equations leads to the singular solu- tions. In order to solve it, let x -f fflx %x, then %*x %x x + # = 0. Hence by the transformation already noticed, whence U K where Pz and P^z are functions of z, which remain unchanged when z increases by unity ; therefore u g+l = Pz + (z + 1 ) P^z, Hence we have * t for the required solution. x = Pz + zPf) therefore ydy = Pf (Pz + P t z + zP^z) dz ; and integrating by parts, we get f = Pf (2Pz + zPj) +J(PsY &1 , . " for a general solution of the proposed problem. (The parame- ter a is involved in P,z.) FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 139 Let us suppose Pz and P^z constant ; x = I + a.z ; therefore y*=2ax + C. On substitution we find Thus, in order to a real result, we must suppose a negative, e.g. let a = & 2 ; then (7 ....................... (18), the equation to a parabola, which accordingly is a solution of the problem, and the only simple one it admits of. When a = 0, it becomes two straight lines parallel to the axis. The other factor 1 + ^"x = gives, on integration, ..................... (19), the equation to a circle ; but on substitution, we find Ja 2 = Ja 2 - a, which leads to no result, unless a = 0. A solution of this problem, by Poisson, is given at p. 591 of the last volume of Lacroix's great work. It is apparently equivalent in point of generality to (17) ; and the author points out its incompleteness in the case of a = 0. The pre- ceding views show distinctly the nature and origin of the new ' solution which then presents itself. Mr Babbage also has considered this problem at the end of his second essay on the Calculus of Functions (vide Phil. Trans. 1816, p. 253). But I believe it will be found that his solution is erroneous. Notwithstanding the length this paper has already reached, I must endeavour to point out, as briefly as possible, my reasons for thinking so. Mr Babbage confines himself to the case of a = 0. He begins by demonstrating the existence of a relation, equivalent, excepting a difference of notation, to ty [x + ^ifr'x] = ty'x, but in doing this, loses sight of the other factor 1 -f ffl'x 0. 140 ON THE SOLUTION OF This relation shows that ^r'x is constant, for a series of points in the curve, and therefore, Mr Babbage reasons, we may con- sider it as a constant in (16), which thus becomes an equation in finite differences. He integrates it on this supposition, and adds an arbitrary function of ty'x, which has been treated as an absolute constant. The result is therefore which is an ordinary differential equation. This process appears to have been suggested by an incorrect analogy with the way in which arbitrary functions are intro- duced into partial differential equations. A little consideration would have convinced Mr Babbage, that by integrating (16) as an equation in finite differences, he only passed discontinuously from one ordinate of the curve to another, and therefore could not obtain a continuous relation between x and y. The legitimate result of his process is merely, where n is any positive or negative integer. This is quite different from In exemplifying equation (20), Mr Babbage first supposes dy\ dy -f-\ =00 x y -r- + dxj * ax and thus obtains the equation of a straight line parallel to Ox, as a solution of the problem, which undoubtedly it is. In his next example fly ~j = a 2 . By making the con- stant of integration imaginary, he gets # 2 = a* x 2 , the equation to a circle. But although this is also a real solution, it has no connection with the relation -^r [x + ^ yfr'x] = ^'x, from which it appears to be derived. It is, as we have seen, a particular case of the complete integral. Consequently if the method FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 141 pursued had been correct, it could not have given this solu- tion. The preceding pages appear to contain the germ of a general theory of differential functional equations ; a subject of great extent, and ultimately, perhaps, of considerable importance. But it cannot be denied, that hitherto the Calculus of Functions has not led to many results of much interest. Its value arises chiefly from the wide views it gives of the science of the com- bination of symbols. MATHEMATICAL NOTE*. Problem from the Papers of 1842. If F(x, y, z) = $ (w, v, to), where F is homogeneous of the n ih degree in x, y, 0, and dF dF dF u= ^- t v= T~> w ~ ~T~ dx ' _ dy dz Since 7^ is homogeneous of n dimensions in a?, ?/, z 9 we have dF nF= x -j- + y -j- + z -j- = xu + yv + zw. dx 9 dy dz Hence ndF= xdu + ydv -f- zdw + wc?a; + vdy + wdz, or (n 1) dF xdu + #cfo But (n- Therefore equating the coefficients of the differentials, .-(-i)g, ,-(.-i)g, .-(-1)2- * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. XV. Vol. m. p. 152, May, 1842. EVALUATION OF CERTAIN DEFINITE INTEGRALS*. WHEN the value of a definite integral is known, we may, if it involve an arbitrary parameter, integrate it (under certain conditions) with respect to this quantity. The result thus ob- tained involves an arbitrary constant of integration; in order to eliminate it, we may ascribe two different values to the quantity for which the integration has been effected, and then, of the two corresponding equations thus got, subtract one from the other. In other words, we integrate between limits for the arbitrary parameter, and thus get a new definite integral, in- volving two arbitrary quantities, namely, the two limiting values ascribed to the single one involved in the original in- tegral. We may integrate again, with respect to either of these, and so on. But this method of proceeding, though it will lead to a variety of particular results, is not well fitted to show the nature of the class of definite integrals to which they all belong, and which may be obtained by repeated integrations for an arbitrary parameter. If we integrate n times successively, we shall introduce n constants. These may be eliminated at once, in the manner I am about to point out. The result thus got, includes for every original definite integral, all that can be deduced from it by n integrations for an arbitrary parameter. The following theorem will serve to illustrate the general method. If Fx is a rational and integral function of circular func- tions of x (sines and cosines), then we may express in finite r+ M F x terms the value of I - dx, n being a positive integer, and J-oo X such that -[ is not infinite. a n Jo * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. XVI. Vol. in. p. 185, Nov. i8j 144 EVALUATION OF CERTAIN DEFINITE INTEGRALS. This theorem applies to several remarkable definite integrals, some of which occur in the theory of probabilities; there are others which do not seem to have been noticed. DEM. Fx, as every function of x, may be considered the sum of two functions, one of which remains unchanged when x changes its sign, and the other changes its sign with that of x; its value aux signes pres remaining unaltered. Hence, whether n is odd or even, we may write fx_fa fa x n ~x n + x n ' where _ It is obvious that I J and that if n is odd, fa, which is of course a rational and in- tegral function of circular functions (sines and cosines) of x, must be developable in a series of sines exclusively, and if n is even in a series of cosines exclusively. Thus, we may assume Now, as J is not infinite when x = 0, the lowest power of x which can enter into fx must be not < n, call it m, and develope in powers of x every sine or cosine which appears on the second side of the last written equation. We must have ? ( a )' Put a = 0, then tan" 1 - = - , according to whether a is > or < than zero. Thus we have From hence, the truth of our theorem is obvious. Of the ambiguous signs outside the symbol of summation, the upper is to be taken when n is of the forms 4p, or 4p + l. When a is positive, we must take the upper of the am- biguous signs under the 2. It will be remarked, that in obtaining (3) we have elimi- nated all the constants at once, instead of getting rid of them one by one by particular conditions at each successive inte- gration, and that the generality of this method enables us to recognize a class of definite integrals, which are all deduced -00 from the known value of I e~ a * cos rx dx. J o 10 146 EVALUATION OF CERTAIN DEFINITE INTEGRALS. Equation (3) admits of several remarkable applications. Thus let us suppose n = 3 and fx = sin ax sin bx sin ex : then fx = J {sin (a + b + c) a; sin ( a + b + c) x sin (a - & + c) a? sin (a + 5 c)a:}. Consequently, we have by (3), sin ao? sin foe sin <%c , 7r_, _ N- where, as in trigonometrical formulas, 25 = a + b + c : the upper sign is to be taken when the quantity to which it is affixed is > 0. T ., . /""sin ax sin bx sin ex , TT ,.,_.,_.,_., N Likewise I - ax = - (1 + 1 + 1 + 1), J & where the signs follow the same rule as in the former case; the different unities involved being the zero powers of s, s a, &c. Let us now suppose that fx = sm m x cos zx ; the correspond- . , , f 00 sm m x coszx j -At. it r ing integral, viz. j ^ - ao; occurs in the theory oi J Q x probabilities. Its value is given at p. 170 of Laplace's Theorie des Prolabitites, where it is obtained by a method founded on a transition from real to imaginary quantities. The nature of what are called imaginary quantities is certainly better under- stood than it was some time since ; but it seems to have been the opinion of Poisson, as well as of Laplace himself, that results thus obtained require confirmation. In this view I confess I do not acquiesce; but if only in deference to their authority, it may be desirable to show how readily imaginary quantities may be avoided in estimating the value of the integral in question. sin m # = ^ -jcos mx - cos (m 2) x + &c.i if m is odd, and = + j jsin mx sin (m 2) x + &c. ! if it is even. TT T. /o\ f sin m a; cos zx , Hence, by (3), | - - - dx = J o ^ )"-' (-*-2)"' J+&CJ EVALUATION OF CERTAIN DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 147 Let us suppose z > m ; then the lower of each pair of am- biguous signs must be taken, and the expression within the brackets may be written thus (m+z)"- 1 - ~ (m+z-2)-*+& c . +^ ( m ^ z -2) n - l ^(m-z) n '\..(q). As, from the nature of the case, m and n are either both odd or both even, if m is even, n - I is odd, and therefore (m - z} n ~ l = - (z m} n ~ l 'j and thus, in every case, (#) equals (1 - D~T (* + m) n ~ 1 ... {D$z = (z + 2) say,} and this is ^ m D~^ n (z + m} n ~ l = A w (z - m) n ~ l = 0, since mis>nl. Consequently sin wl x , cos zx ax 0, when z is > m, i. a remark not made by Laplace; when m = n = l 9 its truth is known. As (q) = 0, add it, multiplied by f - -^ ^ , to the value \n IJ 2 of the integral already found, therefore where the series stops whenever the next term would intro- duce a negative quantity raised to the power n 1. This is easily seen to be true, for every such term will have a different sign in (q) 9 and in the definite integral, and thus on addition, all such terms will disappear. Equation (4) is Laplace's form ; the discontinuity of the function is now expressed, not by ambiguous signs but by the stopping short of the series at different points. By a similar method, we find that ... (5), which might have been deduced from (4) by integrating both sides without introducing any complementary quantities. This remark is general; having once established the general form of (4) for any given value of w, we may deduce from it that which corresponds to any other value of w, simply by differ- entiation or by integration, without bringing in any constants. 102 148 EVALUATION OF CERTAIN DEFINITE INTEGRALS. I conceive that this remark is general, and if so we may dif- ferentiate on both sides with fractional indices. Let the index be p, then as d* cos zx = x p cos \zx + p ^ J dz p , the first side of (4) will become and the second will be Thus, we get ....(6). If we take w = m this is equivalent to Laplace's general formula (p), at p. 168 of the Theorie. The method of this paper leads to some elegant results when /CO e^dx, but it is enough j to point out this application, which involves no difficulty what- ever. MATHEMATICAL NOTE*. Stability of Eccentricities and Inclinations. The equation for proving the stability of the eccentricities and inclinations of the planetary orbits may, as has been shown by Laplace, be deduced from the principle of the conservation of areas, joined to the fact of the invariability of the major axes. Let m be the mass of a planet, h be twice the area de- scribed by the radius vector about the sun in an unit of time projected on the ecliptic, and i the inclination of its orbit to the ecliptic ; then, by the principle of the conservation of areas, 2 (mh) = const. Every term under the sign of Summation is positive, be- cause all the planets move round the sun in the same direction. But h = {a (I - e 2 )}* cos t = a* (1 - e 8 ) 4 (1 + tan 2 *)"*. Now 6 and i are small at the present time; hence, if we neglect their fourth power and the products of their squares, we have = <^{l-Je 2 -itan 2 ;}. Hence 2 {wa* (I - Je 2 - \ tan 2 *)} = const. But since the major axes have no secular inequalities 2 (mat) = const.; hence the preceding equation is equivalent to 2 (ma e* + ma? tan 2 *) = const. Now the left-hand side of the equation being small at the present time, the second side is also small, and therefore the first side is always small, and therefore 2 (wa^e 2 ) and 2, (ma* too? f) are both always small. * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. XVIII. Vol. m. p. 290, May, 1843. ON THE EVALUATION OF DEFINITE MULTIPLE INTEGKALS*. THE following pages contain some general results obtained by means of Fourier's theorem. A few words will be sufficient to explain the manner in which it has been applied. A definite multiple integral, where the limits are given by the inequality may be treated as if the limits of the different variables were independent of one another, provided the function under the signs of integration be considered discontinuous, and equal to zero whenever f(xy ...... ) transgresses the assigned limits \ and h. This idea has been made use of by M. Lejeune Dirichlet. It had, however, occurred to me before I was acquainted with his paper on multiple integrals, and the way in which I have applied it is, I believe, new. Suppose the function to be integrated were of the form ^ h, joined to the con- ditions that x } y, &c. were to have no values less than certain assigned limits; e.g. if we were to consider only positive values of the variables, the formula (I) would still apply with a slight modification. The inferior limit of integration with respect to u would be arbitrary, provided it included all the values which could be given to /. by admissible values of the variables, while the inferior limits of integration for x, y, &c. would be determined by the particular conditions of the case. Let us take, as an example of the method, the integral fdxfdy...x a - 1 y b - 1 z c -\..f(mx + ny + ...) ......... (A), m, n, &c. being all positive, and the limits being given by mx + ny + . . . h } no negative values of the variables being admitted. In this case (1) becomes fdxjdy ... ory 1 ...f(mx + ny + ...) = -( fuduf dal dxl 7T J hi JQ JQ JQ and the integrations with respect to #, y, &c. may be con- veniently extended to infinity ; (\ it should be observed is an arbitrary quantity < 0). I first seek the value of /co / dxl dy ...x^y*' 1 .,. COBOL (mx + ny+ ...-u) = (B). ^0 ^0 Integrating first for x, we get 152 EVALUATION OF DEFINITE MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. This follows from tlie formula a r () *O x cos a xdx = V^ cos a - a m / x a ~ l sin a xdx = ^ sin a ^ Integrating in a similar manner for y, &c. successively, we get ultimately Now by (7), we easily see that f F (a+b + ...) ( f TT \ i v a+ fr f ---~ 1 cosa (v u) dv = +JT ^-cos -1(^+0+...) aw j- , ' V ' and therefore Hence J a (B) = -A- .^ ' V ; '" w 1 for all positive values of w, and = for all negative values, by Fourier's theorem. Consequently the second side of (2) be- comes 1 r(a)r(fc) ... tt.T(a + b+.. i Thus finally fdxjdy ... x a ~ l ^~ l ...f(mx + ny+ ... which is equivalent to Liouville's extension of Dirichlet's theorem. I proceed to evaluate the definite integral t dx I dy...e^ M ^'^f(mx + ny+ ...) ......... (E), J o Jo ab ... and mn . . . being all positive, and the limits being given by EVALUATION OF DEFINITE MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. 153 By the general formula E= - j h fudu ("da 1 dx \ dy...e- (WMX+nby+ --- } cosa(mx+ny+...-u) 77V hi J o / o ^ o &)). Let F= [ *dx {^ dy ... e - (mtta ***+-> cos a (mx 4 ny + ... - u) ; 'o J o /oo / then .F= cos aw cfce eft/ ... e -< 1Baa * n w 1 --) C os a (ra# -f w# + ...) J Jo -- } sin a (mx 7x| Jy .. J o which we may put equal to G cos au + H sin aw. First to find the value of Gr = [ dxi dy ...e- (max+nby+ - } cos a (mx + ny +...). J o ^o Develope the cosine ; the result is composed of terms, each containing sines or cosines of all the variables. Also by the formulae a /; e~ max sin amxdx = we see that every factor whether sine or cosine introduces on integration a factor of the form ^ ^ . Moreover a sine ffi \o> ~r a ) factor introduces a in the numerator, a cosine factor a or b or, &c. Let P represent the continued product of a, b, c, &c. and D that of w (a 2 + a 2 ) n (5 2 + a 2 ), &c. Then G = ^ S(7^> , where //. is a positive integer less than the whole number of variables in E, and equal to the number of factors in the denominator of -j , and C is some coefficient. ab ... A little consideration shows, that if we develope 154 EVALUATION OF DEFINITE MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. in a series of powers and products of 1 1 a b " and neglect all terms involving powers above the first of these quantities, the result will be = SO-y . Consequently ab ... a o a 2 - T denoting the combinations two and two of the quan- tities - , T . . . ; and so of the rest. For in the development CL O of (A + B + . . . ) m where m is not greater than the number of quantities A, B, &c. there is always a term involving no power above the first of any of these quantities, and its coefficient is 1 . 2 ... m. This term is obviously the sum of the com- binations m and m together of A, B, &c., and that its coefficient is equal to 1.2.3 . . . m, appears from the polynomial theorem, viz. Thus C -*- 2 -*-. , , -mra...(a' + a 2 )(6 2 + a 2 )... " where p t , p t _^ &c. are the alternate coefficients of the equation whose roots are a, Z>, c, '&c. (I suppose t to be the number of variables in E.} In precisely the same way we should find 77= Next to find the values of /CO -00 I G cos a uda. and I H cos a wcfa. ./O J o Let -ZT= I 84.^^ g 2>> 3 cosawc?a EVALUATION OF DEFINITE MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. 155 the upper sign is to be taken when u is > 0. By differentiating this for a, we have the value of a. sin a. uda. TT ^ 1 = att (a 2 +a 2 ) (6 2 +a%. L 2 ^ (6 2 -a 2 ) (c 2 -a 2 ) ... and so by repeated differentiations we find the values of all the integrals which enter into I G cos a uda and J H sin a. uda. Thus when w is > 0, and when w is < 0. But ^ a^_ x + &c. + a* = 0. Hence ^=0, when w is < 0, and therefore in (E) we may make \ 0, so that the limits of integration for u are and h. Again a* +^> 1 a*~ 1 + &c. = (a + a) (a + b) . . . and 2a(J 2 -a 2 )(c 2 -a 2 )... = {2a. Therefore 2a (& 2 - 2 ) (c 2 -a 2 ) ... (& - a) (c -a) ... cvu and jF= STT r-, r (10), mn ... (b a) (c a) . . . and therefore finally { Q dxf Q dy...e- (mMby+ - ) f(m l I fue~ au du V (^> a) (c a) ... If a = Z> = c = &c. = ^4, the first side of this equation 156 EVALUATION OF DEFINITE MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. As a verification of our analysis we may remark, that in this case 2 __^__ =e -,^ ); for we have, what is probably a known result, and which at any rate may be easily proved, -. a where F (p) (A) denotes the p ih derived function of F(A) : and this formula applied to the case where F (a) = e~ au gives the above written result. By differentiating (11) for a. b, c, &c. X, //,, i>, &c. times respectively, X, //,, v, &c. being integral or fractional, and dividing by ra x , n 11 , p", &c. we should obtain the value of mx + ny + . . . x . . . which would include every case of (3). But the investigation would be complex, and I shall therefore only indicate it. In a future number of the Journal I may perhaps apply the method to some other cases, and particularly with regard to such multiple integrals as the limits being given by the series of inequalities, &c. > &c. < &c. In theory, such an integral is reducible to a multiple integral of as many variables as there are limiting inequalities. But it is not easy to find cases in which this reduction can be actually effected. MATHEMATICAL NOTES*. 1. IF a plane passes through any point of a surface, and makes any function of the intercepts it cuts off from the axes, a maximum or a minimum when it touches the surface, this maximum or minimum value is constant for all points of the surface ; and, conversely, if for every point of a surface, a given function of the intercepts of the tangent plane is constant, this function is, with reference to any single point of the surface, a maximum or minimum for the tangent plane. This appears at once from the following considerations: Xj y, z being a point in the surface, 05 , y , Z Q , the three inter- cepts, < (j , y , z ) the given function, if we seek to determine the surface so that shall be a maximum or minimum, we have the equations < IK? ......... < fjb being a factor. From these equations we get and therefore the differential equation of the surface is dx _ r ,x. " * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No, XIX. Vol. rv. p. 47, November, 1843. 1 58 MA THEM A TICAL NOTES. for by the ordinary equation of the tangent plane we have I u I m 1 mm dF m dF m dF x o ' #0 ' ^o " dx ' fy ' dz ' F=Q being the equation to the surface. Again, if we seek to determine the surface, so that $ shall be constant, i. e. to find the envelope of all the planes represented by (1), we have (1), (2), (3), (4), as before, and in addition Thus, as before, ?/ y = / * =/ 3 , and the equation of the surface may be got by integrating (5), and determining the constant so that the result may coincide with (6). And the identity of the equations connecting # , # , Z Q , and x, y, z, in the two cases proves our proposition and its converse. Take as an example the ellipsoid a* b* c 2 =-, Therefore the tangent plane to any point of the ellipsoid 2 T2 2 makes 5 + 2 + 2 , a minimum with reference to any plane ^o y" *! passing through that point. 2. To find the value of A A +&c ,. A when a t = a 2 = &c. = a. Let a = a + z y a = a + z &c. and so of the rest ; ' A = fa k-,,).. 1 ...^-^ + K-^).. 1 ...^-^ + &c j + &C. MATHEMATICAL NOTES. 159 ' l&c ] > + &c. by Taylor's theorem. Now, when 2J 1 =2J 2 =&c.=0, the coefficient off (p} a will vanish if p> n. And whatever the values of z, the coefficient off (p} a vanishes if p */(<*& + ...... +a n x n ) by the assumption a^x v + ...... a n x n OM^ ...... (a 2 = Sa 2 ), and by (n 1) other linear relations connecting^ ...... x n and u^ ...... u n , and such that Then, as is well known, dx t ...... dx n is to be replaced by du v ...... du n , and thus fdx l ...fdx n f(a l x l + ... +a n x n ) = fdujaujdu z ...fdu n ... (1). Let the integrations on the first side of this equation include all values of the variables which do not transgress the limits were B is supposed to be greater than A. Then, as So; 2 = S the corresponding limits on the second side of the equation are * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. XX. Vol. iv. p. 64, February, 1844. NOTE ON A DEFINITE MULTIPLE INTEGRAL. 161 Transform the integral in x by assuming x v = r cos 0j , # 2 = r sin t cos 2 . . . # n = r sin # x . . . sin O n _ l ; and that in u, by similar assumptions, u^r cos 0'j, w 2 = r sin #' t cos 0' 2 ... u n r sin 0' t ... sin 0'^. I may be allowed to mention that this transformation, which appears to have been given for the first time by Mr Boole, in the last number of the Journal, had occurred to me before I had seen his paper. His analysis leads at once to the conclusion that dx l . . . dx n is to be replaced by r n ~ l sin"' 2 t . . . sin M _ 2 drd6, . . . d0 u _ l . This may be also proved by successive substitutions in the man- ner pointed out in the case of three variables by Mr A. Smith, in the first volume of the Journal. Thus (1) becomes, since 2a? 2 = 2w 2 = r z , n - : dr /sin"" 2 l d0 l ... Jd0 n _ l f{r (^ cos ^ + ... a n sin l ... sin 0^) } r J = cos The limits for 6 and & are the same. That this equation may subsist for all values of A and 5, it is necessary and sufficient that /sin"^^ ... JW<9 n _ 1( /{r (a x cos 0, + ... a n sin l ... sin n _J} = /sin w - 2 6>' 1 /(ar cos^) dffjam* r *0' t d0\ ...fdO'^ ....... (2). With respect to the limits of 6 and 0', it is not difficult to perceive that if O l . . . O n _^ are taken between the limits and TT, Xj^ ... #_! will receive all the values of which they are capable, namely, all that included between r and + r ; and that the same set of values cannot occur more than once. But in order that x n may vary from to r, it is necessary to extend the superior limit of d n _^ from TT to 2?r. Thus the limits of n-1 are and 2?r, while those of the other variables t . . . 6 n -^ are and TT. And similarly for & '. On the second side of (2) we have the factor J n (A). 11 162 NOTE ON A DEFINITE MULTIPLE INTEGRAL. Let n be odd, then we shall have (K -4). ..3.1 (ft -3) ...4.2 2?r ' ~ Similarly 'in"-^ dP. = , &c. = &c. Lastly j* J n n-1 27T 2 Again, if n be even, we get n-: 7T 2 -f-OPr -)-' And this, multiplied by Wr , or unity, gives, as before, n-1 and thus (2) becomes, making r = 1, n _J(a v cos (9, + ... &c.) = -rr/m n - 2 ^^ 1 /(acos^ 1 ) (3). V 2 J This is the general result given at the end of Mr Boole's paper, and which includes the others. NOTES ON MAGNETISM*. No. I. A GEOMETRICAL construction, by means of which the action of a small magnet on a distant particle of free magnetism may be readily determined, is mentioned, in a memoir by Weber, on the Bifilar Magnetometer (Scientific Memoirs, II. p. 270). It is due to Gauss, but I do not know where he has demon- strated it. A proof of it may be acceptable to some readers of the Journal. I begin by enunciating the construction in question, which will be easily understood without a figure. Let AB be a small bar magnet, c its centre, P the particle of magnetism on which it acts. Join cP, draw PD perpendicular to it, meeting cP produced in D. Let cQ = JcD. Join PQ. Then PQ or QP (according to the sign of the magnetism of P and the direction of the poles of AB) is the direction of the action of A B on P; and p y is its magnitude, M being the measure of the mag- netism of AB, m that of the magnetism of P. The dimensions of the magnet being small, and its length in the direction of its axis being much greater than its breadth or thickness, we may proceed as follows. Conceive the magnet to be composed of a series of intense particles ranged along its axis. Let s be the distance of any one of them from c, y^ds the measure of its magnetism. Also let cP= r, and call the angle cP makes with cD, 6. * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. XX. Vol. iv. p. 90, February, 1844. 112 164 NOTES ON MAGNETISM. Then the distance of the particle in question from P is 2rs cos#)^, and consequently its action on Pis r 2 + s 2 2rs cos ' magnetic attraction being supposed to follow the ordinary law. The component of this action along cD, is muds , n x (r cos 6 s). 2rs cos 0)* This is approximately equal to j- (1 + 3 - cos 0) (r cos s) ds, or to ^ {r cos + (3 cos 2 1) s} ds; and therefore the total action of AB on P, parallel to cZ>, is wcos0 f 3cos 2 0-l f , , 3 cos 2 (9-1 r l/tas + w ^ l/isas, the integrals being taken along the whole length of the magnet. Consequently since the aggregate magnetism of a magnet, each element being taken with its proper sign, is zero. Again, ffisds being the moment of the magnetism of AB> is the measure of its magnetic power, or what we have called M. Consequently the action parallel to cD is 2 0-l) (1). -r The action of the element at 5, perpendicular to cD, is = r sin 0, or, approximately, Hp (1 + 3 - cos 0) sin 6ds. The total action perpendicular to cD is, therefore, sin0cos0 (2). NOTES ON MAGNETISM. 165 The equation to the resultant of these two forces is, since the line passes through P, yT sin 6 _ x r cos 6 3sin0cos0~~3cos 2 0-l ' For y = 0, or at the point , X Q r cos 6 Jr sec d (3 cos 2 6 1), or X Q = ^r sec 0. Now cD = r sec 0, therefore which proves the first part of the construction. Next, to find the magnitude of the whole action, square and add (1) and (2), then ^ (1 - 6 cos 2 + 9 cos*0 + 9 sin 2 cos 2 0)*, or T" is the magnitude sought. Now PQ = r {sin 2 + (cos - J sec 0)"}* and c Therefore = (1 + 3 cos 2 0) *. c ty Consequently, if E be the magnitude of the resultant sought, p _Mm PQ "cP 3 cP' which was to be proved. The preceding formulas enable us to determine all the cir- cumstances of tl^e mutual action of two magnets, which are such as to fulfil the conditions of our hypothesis. For instance, in the memoir Intensitas vis Magneticce Terres- triSj Gauss has shown that if a magnet and a needle be placed at right angles to one another, then the moment of rotation of the needle due to the action of the magnet is approximately twice as great when the line of the axis of the magnet passes 166 NOTES ON MAGNETISM. through the centre of the needle, as it is when the line of the axis of the needle passes through the centre of the magnet. In neither case has the transverse force (2) any tendency to produce rotation. Its effect is destroyed by the fixed centre of the needle. Let y be the distance of any element of the needle from the centre, mdy its magnetism. Then, in the first case, we shall have 6 = ^ approximately, (R being the distance between the centre of the magnet and that of the needle). Consequently the force (1) may be expressed by the formula f 2 - 3 } since cos 2 = I - 6* nearly ; \ W which, neglecting ?/ 2 , becomes 2 Mmd the moment of this round the centre of the needle is - f ^ , and the total moment is, therefore, 2MM' , where M = jmydy. In the second case, 6 for every element of the needle, and the moment sought is, therefore, MM' . Mm P3 , since (1) then becomes 5- , JLl T and the sign is immaterial. The moment in this case is, there- fore, one half of what it was before, which was to be proved. This result is included in the following general investiga- tion, in which we shall ascertain the moment of rotation due to the action of one magnet or needle upon another, whatever be their relative positions. The data by which we shall suppose the position of the magnets to be determined, are the distance between their centres, the angles which the axis of each respectively makes with the line joining their centres, and the angle between the axes themselves. The last element may be readily replaced by the dihedral angle between two planes which intersect in the line joining the centres of the magnets, and one of which passes NOTES ON MAGNETISM. 167 through the axis of one of the magnets while the other passes through that of the other. Let the axis of the magnet, whose action on the other is to be calculated, be taken as axis of x, the centre of the magnet being the origin of co-ordinates. Let x, y, z be the co-ordinates of any point in the other magnet. Then, if r*= and sin cos fl r z Again, let a, b, c be the co-ordinates of the centre of the second magnet, a, /?, 7 the cos angles its axis makes with the co-ordi- nate axes, p the distance of any element dp from the centre, X, Yj Z the forces on dp parallel to the .axes of co-ordinates, m the intensity of dp. Then 7 Z = 5 xzaa. r Let @, H, K be the moments of these forces about lines drawn through the centre of the second magnet parallel to the axes of co-ordinates, ~ . . . ., , G = - x {y(z-c]-z(y-V}} dp, (x-a)- (Zx* - r z ) (z-c}\ dp, K^~{(^~ O (y - 1} - Say (x - a)} dp. Now x = a + ap, y = b + @p, z Hence, neglecting the square, &c. of p, 3Mm ( , . G = ^- a (by -c/3) pdp, H= ~ }3aca - (3a 2 - R*) 7) pdp, pdp, where 2 = a 2 + 168 NOTES ON MAGNETISM. Integrating for /o, we find, for the total moments, . (c -07) + 3MM' being for the second magnet what 3/ is for the first. Let L be the resultant of these three moments, then Consequently, since a? + /3? + 7*= 1, we shall have + 6 -- {aa (aa + ^ + 07) - Now, let ^, ^' be the angles which the axes of the two magnets make respectively with the line joining their centres, and let be the angle between the axes themselves. Then a = R cos 6 and aa + b/3 + cy = R cos 6', also a = cos $. Consequently L* = -{9 cos 2 sin 2 0' + 6 cos (cos & coscjb - cos0) + sin 2 $, or L = 3- {1 + 3 cos 2 9 - (3 cos cos & - cos <) 2 }*. Let ^ be the dihedral angle already mentioned, then cos h and ^ h'. f (Negative as well as positive values of the variables are admissible.) DEM. Recurring to the general theorem stated at the com- mencement of the paper already mentioned, we see that the integral whose value is sought is equal to r& r * r* ... "$ J J-~ J-oo - (a 2 + Develope the cosine in a series of products of sines and cosines of simple arcs. Every term involving a sine disappears on * Cambridge MathematicalJournal, No. XXI. Vol. iv. p. 116, May, 1844. 170 ON A MULTIPLE DEFINITE INTEGRAL. integration, as the limits extend from GO to + co . Consequently the last written expression becomes 1 [* s J r j [ +c cosamx 7 f +00 cosawy 7 / fudul cos au da = y-dx I f dv... n-Jh JQ J- a'-t-or J- M I +y AT [ +M COSOimX , 7T _ wma p ^low g- 5- du = e &c. = &c., J_ w a +x a and thus the integral becomes _."-! rh' r < -? A <&j cos a^~ (Wia+n6+ - - )a da, 06. ..J*" J n or, Tr"- 1 which was to be proved. It may be well to verify this result in a particular case. Let v = 2 ; then we have to prove that /* f(mx + ny) ma + nb [ h> fudu j y (a* + x*)(V + y*)~ ~ab~~h for simplicity, we will suppose that Let mx + ny =u, and therefore x = mu -f wv, nx w^ = v, y nu mv, u and v being two new variables. As u* + v 2 = a? 2 + ^ 2 , efo c?y is to be replaced by du dv, and thus jdxjdy ! +y) ^ ^comes w J {a 2 + (mw + H 2 } {^ 2 + (nu - h and < h'. In conclusion, it may be well to remark, that the analysis of which we have made use is not unfrequently applicable to questions which tl*3ugh not difficult in principle are neverthe- less somewhat perplexing in practice. ON A QUESTION IN THE THEORY OF PROBABILITIES*. THE following question affords a good illustration of the methods employed in the more difficult parts of the theory of probabilities. In a paper presented to the Philosophical Society, I applied the kind of analysis we are about to make use of, to the celebrated Rule of Least Squares. There is, in fact, a close analogy between the two investigations. Laplace's solution of the present question is obtained by a process similar to that which he had employed when treating of the best method of combining discordant observations. What is the probability that the sum of the times which each of n persons has respectively yet to live will amount to a given time T? Let $ p x p dx p be the probability that thep th person will live precisely a time x p longer, (f> p denoting some function of x p , which is necessarily such that p x p dx p = l, as it is certain that he will die at some time or other. Let x lt a? 2 , ... x n be so related that The probability of this particular combination is A faXndx^ dx 2 ... dx n , or and the aggregate probability sought is the integral of this expression obtained by giving all possible positive values to * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. XXI. Vol. iv. p. 177. May, 1844. 174 THEORY OF PROBABILITIES. x^ ... x n _ l , which do not make T x l ... x n _ l negative. Thus we have P= dx n f . . . f^x, fax 9 ... n (T-x l -... x^) dx^.. dx^ . Now, by Fourier's theorem, i f r 4> n (T-x l -...x^_ 1 ) = --l da n x n cosa(T-x l -...x n _ l -x n )dx n , " J o J T Cj . . . #_! being supposed to lie between and GO ; for all negative values of this quantity, the second member of the equation is equal to zero. Consequently, all the integrations may now be taken from zero to infinity; and thus, since as T and x n vary together, dT=dx n ^rp /-oo / ,.00 P -- I doi I dx l ... I dx^x^ . . . n x n cos a ( T- Jsc). 7T J Q J Q J Q Now it may be shown that the greatest value of r r 00 dx l ... dx^x^... (f> n x n cosa (T-2x) ... (a) ^o J o corresponds to a = 0, and is, therefore, unity ; and that when n is large (a) diminishes rapidly as a increases. Consequently /.oo the value of I (a) da. depends, when n is very large, on the 'o elements for which a is very small. This consideration enables us to employ an approximate value of (a). Let T=t + m, m being a disposable quantity ; then /< /" (a) = cos at I dx l ... I dx^x^ . . . (f> n x n cos a (m Jo J o -CO ,0, -f sin cat I dx l ... I dx n fax^ . . . x x*dx =. tf '; J o J o /.QO then, since / $xdx = 1, we shall have ^ G = 1 - Jot 2 (m 2 - H=a,(m S-ST) approximately. Let w = 2j5T, then and thus = 1- ^a 2 2 (Aj 2 - /iT 2 ), J?=0; and therefore, while a is very small, We have next to show that 2 (& 2 K z ] is a positive quantity. Consider the definite integral -00 /- I I ^0 ''O g xfdx dz ; it is necessarily positive, since every element is so, x dx being the expression of a probability, and therefore essentially positive. Expanding (s a?) 2 , we find for the value of this integral k z -'2K z + 7c 2 or 2(tf-K z ). Hence & 2 - K*, and therefore 2 (k* - ^ 2 ), is positive. (This demonstration is due to Poisson, Con. des Terns, 1827.) Returning to the value we have found for (a), we see that. we may in all cases represent (a) by cos aJe"^** 2 (**""**), since when a is very small, the two expressions tend to coincide; and when a is not so, both are sensibly zero, 2 (k* E?} being a large quantity of the order n. Consequently 176 THEORY OF PROBABILITIES. P being the probability that the required sum T shall be precisely equal to 27T+ t. The greatest value of P corresponds to t = ; consequently the most probable value of T is ^K. It is to be remarked that the approximate formula (p) is independent of the law of probability expressed by the func- tion x : it depends merely on the two definite integrals /* r I xxdx and I J o J o We have stopped the approximation to the value of G at the second power of a. Had we gone farther, and retained only the principal term in the coefficient of each power of a, a similar result, viz. one which may be assumed as coincident with the exponential function, would, there is little doubt, have been obtained; while the coefficient of each power of a in H would be negligible in comparison of the corresponding power in @. Some remarks on this, or at least on a cognate question, will be found in the paper already mentioned. As a verification of the approximation we have employed, which is in effect the same as that of Laplace, let us suppose that the functions < 1? < 2 ... are all of the same form <, and that \. VI ~" 1 ( 91 ~ 1)J 1 O and that of 2* is L_l_ _iL_ 6 I J_ ( w~l (n-l) 2 (w-l) 8 j" Hence the coefficient of t* in e~'/ is 1 that of ^ is 111 1 2(n-l) ' 3(n-l) 3 ^S^-l) 27 12 178 THEORY OF PROBABILITIES. and, lastly, that of t" is 1 2 2 1 " 4 (n - 1) + 4 (n - 1) 1 . 2 . 3 (n - I) 2 " 4 (n - 1) n i or (n-l) 2 4(n-l) ! 1 1.2 12(-1)J 4 (n-l) 3 ' Now if, in forming the approximate expression, we reject all {t } p 1 -7-r^rr q , where q is different from zero, vWJ w *. e. if we look on .. . as a quantity all whose powers are to be retained, except when divided by any power of n, the / t \ n ~ l value of e~M 1 H --- -J may be taken as equal to t _L ** _* 2(w-l) + 1.2*4(n-l) 2 which, as similar results would have been obtained had we pursued the investigation farther, might be shown to be equal to ff c -2(n-l) ^ 1 -J 2 and thus P = -77- N e~ 2 ("- 1 ) dt, P is the probability that T is equal to n I -f t : writing ^ t + 1 for t in and reducing, we find that, within the limits of the approximation, it may also be assumed as the f f probability that t is equal to n+t: also [ = - and thus which, as in our case, k* = 2 and K= 1 is precisely equivalent to the result deduced from the general. formula (p). The legitimacy of some parts of the preceding approximation may be questioned; as quantities which are neglected may, THEORY OF PROBABILITIES. 179 under certain conditions, be larger than those which are retained : and, as the result coincides with that of the general method, the doubt thus suggested appears to extend to the latter. The sub- ject of approximation by means of definite integrals is certainly not free from obscurity. The method of this paper extends in . m . to the case in which we seek to determine the degree of improbability that the average length of the reigns of a series of kings shall exceed by a given quantity the average deduced from authentic history. The ap- plication of considerations of this nature to historical criticism appears to have been first made in Sir Isaac Newton's Chrono- logy. They are doubtless entitled to much attention ; but any attempt to evaluate their legitimate influence, would, for more than one reason, be unsatisfactory. 122 ON THE BALANCE OF THE CHRONO- METER*. IT is well known that a common watch goes more slowly when its temperature is raised, and versa vice. The reason of this is that the elasticity of the balance-spring decreases with the increment of temperature and increases with its decrement. Neglecting the mass of the spring and the connection of the balance *fith the other parts of the watch, we may take as the equation for determining the oscillations of the balance, eO_ dt* + 1~ where e depends on the form and elasticity of the spring, and / is the moment of inertia of the balance. The time of oscilla- tion depends, of course, on the ratio y, e being, as we have said, a function of t the temperature. In order, therefore, to the equable rate of the watch,- it would be necessary that / should be such a function of t, that -j may be constant. In the balance of a common watch I is sensibly constant. Hence the inequality of which we have spoken. In the chronometer the balance is so constructed that its figure alters when the temperature varies. The figure repre- Cambridge MathematicalJournal, No. XXI. Vol. iv. p. 133, May, 1844. BALANCE OF THE CHRONOMETER. 181 sents a common form of the chronometer balance. The arc AB, which carries a weight at 0, is formed of two concentric laminae of different kinds of metal, the outer lamina being the most ex- pansible. These two laminae are securely united in their whole length, so that an increase of temperature necessarily distorts the arc AB into some form like AB'. Similarly for ab. Con- trary effects are produced by a decrease of temperature. Thus, the moment of inertia I decreases as t increases ; as e also does. /> And thus we are enabled, by suitable adjustments, to make j , at least approximately, constant. It would, I believe, be impossible, without some hypothesis, to determine the form which AB assumes under the influence of a change of temperature. The following suppositions are probably sufficiently near the truth to be applicable when the variations of t are not excessive. Let us suppose the laminse to be cylindrical and concentric, and bounded by four plane surfaces, two of which are perpen- dicular to the axis of the cylinder, while the other two, which form the boundaries at A and B 7 pass through the axis. These conditions being fulfilled, whatever the value of t may be, it is clear that the variation of form can depend on two elements only, namely, the radius of the cylinder, and the angle which AB subtends at its centre. To determine these, we assume that the middle filament of each lamina expands as it would do if free. In the normal state, let 2e, 2e' be the thicknesses of the outer and inner laminae respectively, r the radius of the boundary of the two laminee, //., fju the coefficients of expansibility of the outer and inner laminae (yit > //), 6 the angle subtended at the centre. The radii of the middle filaments are, therefore, r + e, r e' ; let their lengths be I and Z', then For an increase of temperature t, let r and 6 become TI and % : then we shall have = r - and e' being so small that their variations may be neglected. 182 BALANCE OF THE CHRONOMETER. r t + e I \+p* Hence vl?"ri*7ft' and therefore which, as //, and // are very small, is approximately When = 0, r- 6 '=(6 + e') r Consequently, for a first approximation, (1), where Ar = ^ r, A/A = ft //, and T = e + Again T^ = I - 1 1 + (pi - /*T) . When * = 0, rd = 1-1'-, and therefore rA# = (/*? - /x7') ^. But fd - pi' = r0&fjL + (fie - tie] 0, and the last term is negligible. Therefore (2) We distinctly perceive from (1) and (2) why the effects of distortion are so considerable in comparison with those of simple expansion ; it is because the expressions of Ar and A0 have the small quantity T in the denominator. AB becomes a larger arc of a smaller circle. To apply these results : we suppose that when t = the centre of AB coincides with the central point 0; and AB, being securely fastened at A, continues perpendicular at that point to the line OA, consequently its centre remains in that line. Let 0' be its new position, then 00'= Ar. Ifwjbe the mass of AB, its moment of inertia about was ??2r 8 ; BALANCE OF THE CHRONOMETER. 183 3 about 0' it is m^ Zm^p - 1 nearly. Let G be the centre of gravity of AB' : then, in the triangle 00' Gr, we have OG*= oo f2 + (0' ay +200'. a a cos \e^ since * GO A = $0. 00'* or (Ar) 2 may be neglected, then, approximately, (OGy=(0'G?- 2Ar.<7 cos $0, -, ~, ~ sin and, as G = r l * we have (OG) Z - Now the moment of inertia round is equal to that round 0' increased by m {(OG) 2 - (O'G)*} ; hence, finally, / x being the moment of inertia of the arc AB. (In accordance with the rest of the approximation the ex- pansion of A is neglected.) Again, we will suppose the weight at C to be a material particle, and that the angle AOG is equal to . Then, 7 2 being the moment of inertia of this weight, whose mass we will de- note by w 2 , we shall have -(l- cos<) ......... ..... (4). Consequently, as the inertia of the bar OA does not undergo any sensible alteration, and as every thing which has been proved of OAB is true of Oab, we have, finally, 1 -cos <) ...... (5). It appears that the variation of e is exactly proportional to t : so that e becomes e (1 - vt) 9 v being some constant. Consequently . i T ,-, e (1 vt] e we must have, in order that -j -^ = -j. , m, (1 - cos ) ...... (6). In calculating the value of / we may take into account the moment of inertia of a OA moreover, instead of the approxi- 184 BALANCE OF THE CHRONOMETER. mate expression m : r z for the moment of inertia of AB, we may employ a more accurate one involving the quantities e and e'; the approximate expression is sufficiently accurate for the deter- mination of A/. The adjustment for compensation is effected by shifting the weight m 2 along AB ; that is, by altering the value of until (6) is fulfilled. On the hypothesis we have made, the value of / for t = is not affected by the change of . In determining the approximate expressions (5) and (6), we have neglected all terms in which A/z, occurs not divided by T ; all terms involving A/t multiplied by e or e'; all terms into which any power of /t or // enters. In consequence of the last restriction t can only rise to the first power in the result. If this were absolutely correct it would follow that, if the compensation were effected for a particular value of 2, it would subsist accurately for all values of t. For instance, if we give t equal values, positive and negative, the decrease of / in the one case ought to be equal to its increase in the other. But when t is considerable, it is found that there is a sensible deviation from this result; and, assuming that the expression for Ae does not in any perceptible manner involve powers of t, it follows that that of A/ must do so. Any term involving f (and, a fortiori, any higher powers of that quantity), must be very small, since t always occurs multiplied by /A or ///; but it may, nevertheless, sensibly affect the chronometer's daily rate. On the usual construction, the balance oscillates 216,000 times in twenty-four hours. Consequently a very slight change in the moment of inertia of the balance will become perceptible in that period. In order to obviate the consequent error, it has been proposed by Mr Dent, a distinguished chronometer-maker of the present BALANCE OF THE CHRONOMETER. 185 day, to alter the form of the balance. The figure represents one of those which he proposes to substitute for that in common use. It would be easy to determine the corresponding expression for A J, to the degree of approximation of our previous results. As, however, the comparison of the merits of the two forms must depend on the terms involving 2 , it may be well to reserve it for another opportunity. If there appears reason to believe that our hypotheses represent the facts with sufficient accuracy to encourage us to proceed farther, I hope to resume the subject in the next number of the Journal. NOTES ON MAGNETISM*. No. II. IN order to a distinct understanding of the results obtained in the last number of the Journal, it will be desirable to con- sider the established conventions with respect to the signs of the symbols which we had occasion to employ. North magnetism is assumed to be positive ; hence, of course, south magnetism must be considered as negative. The measure M of the magnetic power of a bar magnet is, as we have seen, equal to fpsds, p being the magnetism of the element ds, which is situated at a distance from the origin equal to s. The limits of the integral are such as to include the whole length of the magnet. The position of the origin is arbitrary : we may conveniently place it at the centre of the magnet, but the value of f/jisds is the same whether this be done or any other point be taken. For let the origin be shifted through a distance a, so that s = s' a, then fjjisds = ffi (s a) ds' = f/j,s'ds' a/fids' : and as all the integrals extend throughout the length of the magnet f/^ds = 0, and therefore ffjLs'ds' or MM\ which was to be proved. But the value of ffjusds changes its sign if the direction in which s is measured changes. Let I be the length of the magnet ; then, s being measured in one direction, say from left to right, we have = I /Jisds. J o * Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. XXI. Vol. iv. p. 139, May, 1844. NOTES ON MAGNETISM. 187 Now suppose that s = I s, then the limits are interchanged and ds =-ds- } consequently = f V ( l ~ s '} ds> = - f W<&' = - M', M s being measured in the direction opposite to that of 5, or from right to left. The magnetism of a magnet may thus be always represented by a positive quantity. Any two points in the axis of a magnet may be taken as its poles. But although the position of the poles is matter of con- vention, yet relatively to one another, one is the north and the other the south pole. The physical character by which they are distinguished is this : if a particle of north magnetism be placed in the pro- longation of the axis from south to north, it is repelled from the magnet. Contrariwise, if it be placed in the prolongation of the axis towards the south. Further, we must integrate jjbsds from south to north, i. e. s must be taken as positive when fjids lies to the north of the origin, in order that M may be positive. This may be shown by supposing a particle of north magnetism m placed in the prolongation of the axis towards the north, and at a distance r from the centre of the magnet. If we assume that from south to north is positive, the action of the magnet on m is ; and as this action is repulsive its expression will be positive, and therefore M is so. If we had assumed from north to south to be positive, the action of the magnet would have been represented by -- 8 ~ , and as this is positive, M will necessarily be negative. So that, in order to make the measure of the magnet's power positive, we must take the direction S . . . N as positive. Consequently the angle 6 must be measured from it. We suppose it measured in the usual manner, viz. in the unscrew direction. The general expression for the moment of rotation due to the action of one magnet on another is much simplified when the two magnets are supposed to lie in one plane. 188 NOTES ON MAGNETISM. The dihedral angle % is then zero, and consequently the equation L = -=- (1 + 3 cos 2 - (2 cos cos & - sin sin & cos % ) 2 }* becomes Z= ~ (1 + 3 cos 2 (9 -4 cos 2 (1 -sin 2 0') -1- 4 sin 0' cos sin 6 cos 0' sin 2 sin 2 0']* . The quantity between the brackets is equal to 4 sin 2 & cos 2 6 + 4 sin & cos 0. sin cos 0' + sin 2 cos 2 0'. Consequently Z = -=- (sin cos 0' + 2 sin 0' cos 0). This result may be readily established by an independent pro- cess, which the reader will find no difficulty in supplying. The last result may be put in the following form : Professor Lloyd, in the 19 th volume of the Memoirs of the Eoyal Irish Academy, has investigated this case of the mutual action of two magnets. His result is (mutatis mutandis) L = ~ sin e + ~ 3 sin d ~ e ' This differs from the last written result, merely because, in the Professor's analysis, and 0' are measured in opposite directions. If we replace in Prof. Lloyd's result by 2?r 0, it becomes L = " f3 sin (e + ff] ~ sin (e ~ ff]} ' as before. The general formula affords a simple solution of the follow- ing problem. The position of a magnet, and that of the centre of a needle being given, to place the needle in the position in which the moment of rotation due to the action of the magnet is a maximum. By the formula established in the last number of the Journal, we have L = ~ (1 + 3 cos 2 - (3 cos cos 0' - cos NOTES ON MAGNETISM. 189 We suppose the magnet and needle to be in the same plane. In the figure let be the centre, SON the line of the axis of the magnet, C the centre of the needle. Project on ON in D, take OE 2 OD, draw EN' perpendicular to SN meet- ing ON', which is at right angles to OC in N', CN' is the line in which the axis of the needle must be placed, its north pole being turned towards N'. In order to prove this, we have only to remark that the angle 6 or CON is constant, the position of C being given ; consequently the condition to be fulfilled, in order that the moment of rotation L may be a maximum, is 3 cos 6 cos & cos (j> = 0. Now as (j> is the angle between N' C and 8N 9 we have ED = CN' cos <, and therefore OD = J- CN' cos . Again, 00 = CN' cos & and OD=OC cos 0. Hence 0Z> = CN' cos cos 0'. Consequently 3 cos cos & cos < = 0, or the required condition is fulfilled. There are three particular cases worth noticing : (1) = 0. In this case C lies in the axis ON, D coincides with it, and ON' is perpendicular to ON, and therefore parallel to EN'. Consequently the point N' is removed to an infinite distance, and CN' is therefore perpendicular to ON. The , T . 2MM' . . .. corresponding value of L is - _j , and is the maximum maximorum. (2) = 0'. In this case the magnet and needle are parallel 190 NOTES ON MAGNETISM. to one another. The quadrilateral CD EN' is a parallelogram, EN' is equal to Z>(7, and consequently tan COD : tsmN'OE :: EO : OD :: 2 : 1. But COD = 6 and N'OE=^- 0, since CON' is a right angle. Consequently tan = 2 cot 0, or tan0 = V2. The corresponding value of 3 cos 2 6 is therefore unity ; and consequently we have, in this case, (3) = . Here D (and therefore E) coincides with 0, while ON' lies in the axis OS'. Consequently N r is at 0, and the needle is therefore again perpendicular to the magnet. In this case T MM' : The first and third cases were noticed in the last number of the Journal. In the second, the value of L is a mean proportional between what is in the other two cases, in the last of which it is a minimum maximorum. If we were required, for a given position of (7, to find the position in which the needle would be in equilibrium, or the moment L equal to zero, we might have recourse to Gauss's construction already mentioned; for if the needle be placed along the line in which the magnet tends to attract or repel (7, as the dimensions of the needle are small, every element would approximately be attracted or repelled along this line, and therefore the total action would be destroyed by the resistance of C. Thus there are always two directions for every position of C'; one of maximum moment and the other of equilibrium : these two directions are at right angles to one another. MATHEMATICAL NOTE*. Mogg+a;) , l+af THIS definite integral is evaluated in a curious manner by M. Bertrand in Liouvilles Journal. The demonstration I am about to give of his result, is somewhat different in form from that which he made use of. The method employed in an ingenious paper which appeared in the last volume of the Journal (in. p. 168), will apply to the integral we are about to consider. xdx ~J~ ' J u ~~ X U W 1 -L 2 4- 2 Consequently X (I + ux] (1 + # 2 ) * x + u (1 1 ,j/yA ... \J-i~ UJUJ , *\ (-{ \ 2 \ * X + U u (l+ux) (1 + a; 2 ) (1 + x*) (l + u?) (1 + ux) (I+u*) ' and therefore xdx u f 1 dx u f 1 dx ux d 1 f 1 xdx u f 1 dx u f 1 ds, du^ U ~ 1+1? J 1 + x 2 + 14- w 2 J 1 + x* 1 + ti* J 1 + 1 7T U Integrate for u, from to 1, /(I) -/(O) = log 2 + f log 2 -/(I), Cambridge Mathematical Journal, No. XXI. Vol. iv. p. 143, May, 1844. log2. M^ & = | log 3. 192 MATHEMATICAL NOTE. But/(0)=0, since log 1=0. Therefore | Therefore The singularity of this method, and its applicability in other cases give it interest : but, as the writer of the paper already noticed pointed out to me, the integral may be got by assum- ing x = tan y ; it then becomes IT I log(l+tany) = 0, and then, substituting the values of v x and a in (4), we get in x cos .......... (10). OF FINITE DIFFERENCES. 205 This value, in wliich G and r are arbitrary, satisfies (1) and (2), and in consequence of the linearity of these equations they will be satisfied by a sum of similar values, and we shall thus have a more general solution, viz. sn If in this we put z = 0, we have Now, by (3), this is to be equal to p fora?=l, and to for the a 2 values of x, 2.3 a 1. There are thus a 1 conditions for (12) to fulfil, and therefore we have, extending the summation S from r = 1 to r = a 1, the following system of equations : TT . a I i sn + -an ^-ir Q=C t sin + + CL, sin 2 TT ^ ^ = (13). From these a I equations we have to determine the a I quantities C t ... C a _ v . In order to do this, multiply the first T T equation by sin - TT, the second by sin 2 - TT, and so on, (r being an integer less than a), and add. Then, as may be easily shown, the coefficient of every one of the quantities (7, except (7 r , will in the resulting sum be equal to zero, while that of C r will be-. Consequently (13) is equivalent to the 2 system of equations included in the general formula and consequently (11) becomes 1 ^ + 1 / ^i\ 2 A. y / A. \ * ty = - (, and - - TT = TT. a a a OF FINITE DIFFERENCES. 207 Consequently (16), (17), (18), become respectively I sin smx(j> (cos )* d = (19), J o (3 being integral and less than x 1), /sin sincc< (cos (j>) x ~ l d(j> = ~ (20), j 2 rsin< sin# (cos (j>) x + 2k d = (21). - If, instead of seeking the probability that M will win the party at the (z + l) th game, we wished to find that of his winning it after z or more games shall have been played, we should only have to sum (15) for z from z to infinity. Calling this new probability u^ we should thus get PO 1 Wy . r . rx sin -TT sin TT If in (22) we put z equal to zero, we have then the proba- bility of Jf's winning the party at the first, second, &c. games, i. e. of his winning it at all. Writing simply u x for u^ we shall thus get . r . nc sin - TT sin TT Now of this probability we can obtain, as is well known, a much simpler expression. For it is easily seen that we shall have u. =pu^ + qu x+l (24) for every value of a?, provided that, instead of considering u x as the probability that M will win the party, we make it denote the probability that he either has won or will win it. As it is impossible that he can have already won it while x differs from zero, this alteration does not affect the value represented by u x except for the case of x =0. In this case the value of u x , as expressed by (23), will be zero, as the party is at an end, M having already won it. But according to the proposed 208 ON THE SOLUTION OF EQUATIONS modification, the new value of U Q will be unity, and therefore we have for the initial and final values of u x , M = l, w a =0 ...................... (25). The necessity of this modification arises from this, that otherwise the relation expressed by (24) would not be in all cases true. For when x = l, we should have u^ qu^ whereas the true value is of course From (24) we have (introducing the relation p + q = 1), (26), a and /3 being arbitrary constants : and thence, by (25), we get and consequently u x - * ........................ (27). This expression is therefore, except for x = 0, equivalent to (23), into which however the relation already mentioned, viz. that p + q 1 has not as yet been introduced. When p and q? are equal, (27) becomes while (23) similarly becomes . r . rx sin - TT sm TT 1 5* a-l a a U *~a Zl ~ ' 1 COS - 7T a or u x = - Sj ' 1 cot - ^ sin TT (29). a a 2i a Comparing (28) and (29), we have the following theorem: writing x for a x* x = 2- l cot- sin -TT (30), a i a the upper sign to be taken when r is odd. OF FINITE DIFFERENCES. 209 This theorem, like the preceding ones (16), (17), &c., re- quires x not to transgress the limits x=l, x a 1. In the case supposed (viz. when p and q are each equal to -J), (22) becomes 1 and (f> t any func- tions whose values may be represented within the limits of inte- gration by Fourier's theorem. Let the value of the integral in question be /; then, by con- siderations analogous to those of which I made use in a paper which appeared at the commencement of the last volume of the Journal* ', we shall have where 1 rft rh, r 00 f I fa du I $ t u l du t I da. I da, . G, 6r = I dx . . . I dze- ax '"~ cz cos a (mx+. . .pzu) cosa, (m t x+ . . . J Jo and the lower limits of integration with respect to u and u may be any negative quantities. I remark in the first place, that /< r< r 00 r da I d^ff-fcij da da,H, where ./O J J -oo ^ -oo * Page 150 of this volume. % 214 GENERAL THEOREMS =l dx...\ Jo J and therefore I rh rh' r r 00 1= x- / u du I dot. I da H. iTrJ J J-oo J-oo ' Let H= K cos (a.u -f a,M ; ) + L sin Then it will easily "be seen that N N ' where, if we take the case of three variables, / am + OL t m^ an + a l n l am + a t m l cup + a,/?, wL\ - ftOC I 1 -- T \ a o a c a b ap + ajt? y am + a ,m / aw + a / w / cup + & t p\ D={a*+ (am + a m,) 2 } {J 2 + (aw + a,^) 2 } }c 2 + (op + aj?,) 2 }. (Precisely the same law of formation of these quantities would obtain if we were to take any number of variables. I have taken the case of three merely for distinctness of repre- sentation.) Putting for cos (aw + a,w,) and sin (OLU + a t u t ) their expo- nential values, we find that = a... cjl - V(- and as / \ 2 2 f 1 // -vaw + c^wil f (am + a < m / ) 2 = a 2 |l - V(-l) -- ~JT \ j ON MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. 215 [a- V(- 1) (am+ a,m,)} ... {c- V(- 1) (a Now, assume that* 1 (a + am + a,w,) ... (c + a^> + a^J ...... (2); where -F a& , F w , &c. are independent of a and a, . This assump- r r _ ^ tion is justifiable because it introduces -- - disposable quan- tities F t viz. as many as there are combinations two and two of the r quantities a, b . . . c, and it will be easily seen that there are the same number of conditions to be satisfied. Consequently as e (u+aV)V(-i) = cos ( aw+ a ' tt ') + V(~ 1) sin (a.u + aV), we shall have H= F& [db (am + arn^} (an + ,w,)} cos (au + a,u t ) + {a (an + can) + b (am + a,w y )} sin (an + aft) \ divided by {a 2 + (am + am')*} {tf + (an + an') 2 } Let us next assume u = mx + w?/, w y = w/c + w^, a; and y being here two new variables ; also a' = am + a^, , and /3' = aw + a y n, : then the coefficient of F& in the expression of H will become (aE - a'ff) cos (q y a? + ^y) + (aff + bof) sin (g'x Moreover dudu 1 dada l will be replaced by dxdyda'dfi ; and therefore, as we have 1 >A r^ r +CD /-+ 00 / = -2 1 udu I $ l u t du l I 6?a I da / Hj we shall have I = j^2 2^ a& M0 (wia; 4- w?/) ^ (m t x + ny] dxdy M, 216 GENERAL THEOREMS where the sign of summation extends to all the quantities F, and where (aft-a'ff) cos (a'a!+ffy)+(aff+5a') sin (a' From the known integrals f +00 cos aaj. ^a TT ^ f +00 asin c.#. dy - _ = _ e * aa; - ^ - 2 = ./. a +a /_ a + a 2 the upper signs to be taken when x is positive, it follows that M = wV"***!' (1 + 1 1 1). If x and y are both positive, the bracket becomes 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 or 4 ; if a; only be negative, it becomes 1 1 1 + 1 or 0; if. y only be negative, it becomes 1 l + l-l orO; and similarly if both x and y are negative. Thus generally or = There are, indeed, exceptional cases ; as if y be zero, x being positive, when M = 2-7T 2 e~ aa; , and similarly if x be zero, y being positive ; and again, if x and y are both zero, when M = TT* : but of these, as we are about to multiply M by the element dx dy, it is unnecessary to take account. Therefore, in inte- grating for x and y, we include only positive values of the variables ; and as u and u are not to be greater than h and h t respectively, x and y must be such as not to transgress the inequalities mx + ny^ h, mx + n t y S h r Thus we find that (mx + ny] < y (mx + n t y] e-*-^, the limits being given by the two above-written inequalities. It appears, therefore, that the integral (1), when there are two limiting inequalities, is reducible to the sum of a series of double integrals. This result is analogous to that which is obtained in the case of the function (mx + ...pz) e~ ax -- cz , in the paper already re- ferred to. It remains to determine the form of the quantity F^. This is done at once by multiplying equation (2) by (a + am + o^raj (b + an + a^), MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. 217 ^nd replacing a, a, by values which make both these factors vanish. It hence appears that (mn l ~~ [c (mn t m t n) + a (np t n t p) + b (pm t p?n}} . . . ' the denominator being the continued product of r 2 factors, each of the same form as the one written down. Of course the other quantities F are obtained in the same manner. Let us now take the more general case in which there are s limiting inequalities, s being less than r, and in which the function to be integrated is ...^(m^+.^p^e-^"- the inequalities in question being <. 7, ... pgZ ^ fig . "We shall arrive at a perfectly analogous result in this more general case. In the first place the integral sought may be thus written, I 1 l u l du l ...I m + . . . + z^cup Saw] : ^0 - for if we take the expression cos [x Sam -f . .. + z Sap Saw], make a x negative, add the resulting expression to the original one : then in the two terms thus got make 2 negative, and as before add the results, we shall, continuing this process, get in all 2* terms, which will be found to be equal to 2' times the continued product of the cosines involved in Gf. 218 GENERAL THEOREMS Effecting the integrations indicated in H, we see that j^cos Saw + N f sin 2)aw = D ~ ' where D = (a 2 + (Sam) 2 } . . . {c 2 + (Sap) 2 }, and JV and ^V' follow the same law of formation as in the particular case already considered, except that for - , &c. Ct we substitute , &c. With this remark we perceive that H= [a + V(-l)Saw}...{c + V(-l) (3). The assumption now to be made is that i =S J\. , 2 , (a + Saw) . . . (c + Sap) A /' where A is the product of every set of s factors taken out of the whole number of r factors a + Saw, . . . c + Sap, and F is independent of a t . . . a 8 . r t r 1. ... r 5+1 There will thus be - - '-^ - disposable quantities F, which will be found to be the number required to make (2') identically true. Consequently we shall have ,v cos Saw + v sin Saw where S is the product of s factors of the form a 2 + (Sam) 2 ; and v and v are formed just as in the case of 5 = 2: that is to say, we shall have * = a...c(l-<7 a +(7 4 -&c.), v f = a...c((7 1 - where C t is the sum of the products of every combination that can be made of the s quantities - , &c., taken t and t together. ON MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. 219 In order to simplify the expression v cos Saw + v sin Saw let us denote the s quantities Saw, &c., which are involved in it, by the single symbols /9 t ... fa, and assume the sign of summation S extending only to that set of s out of the r quantities x ... z, which corresponds to the factors in- volved in the denominator 8. Of course a?, y, &c. are here, as before, new variables. (In the case of s = 3, for instance, these assumptions will be of the form It follows from this that du t ... dugd^... da. 8 will be re- placed by dx ... dy . dfi^ ... d/3 a , and that the factors in S will take the simpler form a 2 + /:?/, 2 + yS 2 2 , &c. ; while Saw will be- come ^a? + @ 2 y + ... The integrations with respect to /5 extend, like those for a, from o= to + oc . Let Then, from the obvious analogy between the forms v and v', and those of the developments of cos 2/&c and sin S/ifo respectively, it follows that if x, y, &c. are all positive, M'^ite-**-*"' (1 + 1 + ...) there being twice as many units within the brackets as there are terms in the development of sin (f t + ,../,), or of cos (J[ + ...f t ), that is to say, twice 2 8 " 1 or 2 8 . Moreover, if any one, as ic, of the quantities x, y, &c., is negative, M' = ; and this, whether it alone is negative or any others, are so too. For if x x f , let its coefficient fa be as- sumed equal to fa, when the expression of M' becomes of the same form as if x were positive, except that v and v are changed 220 GENERAL THEOREMS by having /3/ wherever /^ occurred previously. Now none of the quantities @ can occur raised to any power, and therefore every term involving /3 t will change sign when /3 X is replaced by 8. Hence we shall have there being as many negative units as positive within the brackets, since in the development of sin (f l + . . . f s ) or cos (f^ + . . .f s ) there are 2 a ~ 2 terms independent of the sine of f^ and 2 S ~ 2 terms which involve that quantity, and which therefore change sign when f t does so. Hence the quantity within the bracket, and conse- quently M t , is equal to zero if x be negative ; and so, of course, for the other variables y ... z. M will, in particular cases analogous to those already noticed, assume exceptional or limiting values, but of these we need not take account. And thus we arrive at the following remarkable theorem : The definite integral ofi variables x ... z / O dx ... / O dz s). In certain cases, however, when the constants a, m, &c. have particular values, the theorem fails because the assumption (2') becomes illegitimate. This failure is indicated by certain of the quantities F becoming infinite. To determine the form of F, we have merely to multiply (2') by A, and then to equate to zero all the s factors of which A is composed. All the quantities F, except the particular one under consideration, will then dis- appear, and we have s equations determining the s quantities a. ON MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. 221 Hence it will appear that F is equal to a fraction whose nume- rator is unity, and denominator equal to the value assumed by the product of the remaining r-s factors, when the values already assigned for the quantities a, &c. have been substituted for them ; a result which it is obvious can be immediately ex- pressed in the notation of determinants. F will therefore become infinite if our equating the s factors by which it is divided in (2') to zero will make one or more of the remaining r s factors vanish. Let it make t of these factors vanish; then equating these t factors also to zero, we get in all s + 1 equations, which are equivalent to s independent ones. Therefore any set of s out of these s + t equations will satisfy the remaining t equations. Hence 1.2 ...I of the quantities F will become infinite, and therefore the second side of (2') will consist of finite terms and of a finite quantity expressed in the form of the sum of that number of infinite terms. This indetermination of course indicates a change in the form of the function, the general character of which the reader will have little difficulty in perceiving. But the consideration of these particular cases, some of which are interesting, must be de- ferred to another occasion. I am inclined to believe that the process developed in this paper will admit both of simplification and extension. For the exponential function we may substitute with certain modifi- cations any function of CKB + ...CZ, in accordance with a result given by Mr Boole in his very interesting Memoir on a new Method in Analysis, which is published in the Transactions of the Royal Society. (This result would include the one which I obtained in the last volume of the Journal, from which however it might be deduced.) Thus, if in the theorem established in this paper we replace o, 5, ... c by lea, Tcb ... kc, Jc being a wholly arbitrary quantity, we may, comparing the coefficients of its powers, deduce new theorems from the given one. Developing the first side of the equation, the coefficient of Jc n will be 222 GENERAL THEOREMS, &c. and in the second it will be the sum of a series of terms of the form Jf n 8 y + ...) (ax Tfl as it is manifest that F will become j . Hence, if A/T (ax + ... cz) be such a function that its development may be substituted for it in the integrations, we shall have f dx...f dz l (m 1 x+...p 1 z) . . . < g (m& + . . . p$ ty (ax + . . . cz) = 2Ff dxf dy... l (m 1 x + n l y+...) ... 8 (m 8 x + n s y + ...) ^(ax + fy + ...), Jr-i where -j-^ -^r^ = tyt and all the differential coefficients of ^ of an order lower than the (r s) th vanish for t = 0. This is, I be- lieve, in the case of 5 equal to unity, precisely equivalent to one of Mr Boole's results. It might also, I imagine, be obtained without having recourse to developments. MATHEMATICAL NOTE*. Solution of a Functional Equation. To solve the functional equation ,+oo m x n (a. -x)dx = (^a, J -00 provided x = ( x). Let I QLCOSOLzda = '\Irz. Then J -00 ^Wt.3 = I da I dx m x(f> n (a n) cos ctz. J -CO J -00 Write for a, a + x, then cos a.z becomes cos aiz cos xz sin az sin #2, and as the sines change sign with their arcs, we get /.+00 /.+ 00 ^mfn^ = I dy. I dx(j> m x n a. cos a^ cos a?z. J -00 J -00 Or <*lr m+n z = ^ m ^ n z t whence ^=X^ % being independent of m, and therefore, by Fourier's theorem, 1 z cos ^^ "^^o The required solution. * Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, Vol. vn. p. 103, 1852. ON THE AREA OF THE CYCLOID*. To the Editor of the Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal. SIR, The determination of the area of the Cycloid, so easily effected by modern analysis, was regarded by the geo- metricians of the seventeenth century as a problem of no smalt difficulty. Mersenne was the first who attempted a solution : he was however unsuccessful. It was proposed by him in despair to Koberval in 1628, who also failed in his attempt at that time. About seven years afterwards, however, Koberval overcame the difficulty, and communicated his good fortune to Mersenne. In a letter to Descartes, Mersenne made mention of Ro- berval's discovery of the area of the Cycloid as a great feat in geometry, simply stating the result obtained by Roberval, without giving any clue to the method. Descartes, solving the problem himself with little difficulty, communicated his method in reply to Mersenne, with some supercilious remarks about the supposed difficulty of the problem. Fermat and other mathematicians of that day exercised their ingenuity in the same question. A solution of the problem by pure geometry, which was some time ago communicated to me by Mr R. L. Ellis of Trinity College, possesses so great a superiority over any of the geometrical methods of these early mathematicians which I have seen, that I think it may be acceptable to those readers of your Journal who take an interest in the history of mathematics. " The motion of the generating circle may be resolved into two uniform motions, a motion of translation parallel to the * Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, Vol. ix. p. 263, 1854. ON THE AREA OF THE CYCLOID. 225 directrix and of rotation round its own centre. The area gene- rated by the describing point may be considered as generated by these two motions : that of translation nowise affects the motion of rotation, and the area due to the latter is the same as if the former did not exist, that is, it is equal to the area of the generating circle/ Contrariwise the motion of rotation does affect the area due to that of translation, inasmuch as in virtue of it the distance of the describing point from the di- rectrix is varied : the mean distance, viewed as depending on the motion of rotation, is equal to the radius of the generating circle, and the corresponding area is therefore a rectangle, the base of which is the space slided over and altitude that radius ; and, as this space is the circumference of the generating circle, the area in question is equal to twice the area of that circle : on the whole, therefore, the area of the cycloid is equal to three times that of the generating circle. " The reason is just the same as that by which what are called Guldinus's properties are established. We here resolve the motion of a describing point into motions parallel and perpendicular to the abscissa; the latter generates no area, the former generates a rectangular area having for its base the abscissa and for its altitude the mean value of the ordinates ; that is, the ordinate of the centre of gravity of the arc, which is a known result. The only difference to be attended to in the two cases relates to the mode in which the average is to be taken." Mr Ellis has remarked, that the same method may be ex- tended to the determination of the areas of the hypocycloid and epicycloid. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, WILLIAM WALTON. Cambridge, July 31, 1854. 15 SUE LES INTEGEALES AUX DIFFERENCES FINIES*. ON peut evaluer I'integrale (1) fdxfdy . . . fdzf (x, y, . . . , z), dans laquelle les variables x, y, . . . , z doivent prendre toutes les valeurs positives qui satisfont a 1'inegalite (2) ^r (a?, y,.. .,)<*, en rempla9ant dans la formule (1) la fonction par une fonction discontinue, qui devient e*gale a zero pour toutes les valeurs des variables non comprises dans la formule (2). On peut alors etendre les integrations depuis ze*ro jusqu'a 1'infini, ce qui sim- plifie beaucoup les calculs. Je crois que c'est a M. Lejeune-Dirichlet qu'est due 1'idee de cette maniere d' ^valuer les inte'grales multiples ; c'est ainsi qu'il a obtenu, il y a quelques annees, une generalisation tres- remarquable d'un the*oreme du a Euler. La thdorie des int^grales d^finies nous fournit plusieurs moyens d'exprimer les fonctions discontinues ; je me suis servi, pour cet objet, du theoreme de Fourier. Au moyen de ce the*o- reme, j'ai de'termine', dans un petit M^moire inse're* dans le Journal de Mathematiques de Cambridge f, les valeurs de deux integrates multiples. La premiere de ces integrates revient a la generalisation qu'a donnee M. Liouville du resultat de M. Dirichlet ; mais je crois que la seconde est nouvelle. * Extrait du Journal de Mathematiques pures et appliqutes, Tome IX. 1844. t Page 150 of this volume. SUE LES INTEGRALES, ETC. 227 La facilit^ avec laquelle j'avais obtenu ces resultats me fit penser qu'on pourrait peut-etre appliquer une mdthode sembla- ble aux differences firiies ; les resultats auxquels je suis parvenu par cette consideration font le sujet de ce qui va suivre. En suivant F analogic qui existe entre les differences finies et les differences infmiment petites, on voit qu'a 1'integration multiple, il faut substituer des sommations par rapport a toutes les variables qui entrent dans la fonction donnee. Soit $ (x, y] cette fonction. Je designe par 2 6 2?< (x, y) la quantite suivante (b a et d c e*tant des nombres entiers et positifs), < (a, c) +<( + 1, c) + + 4>(a, c +1) + , d). II est visible que cette notation pourrait s'etendre a un nombre quelconque de variables. Le theoreme de Fourier se remplacera par la formule suivante, dans laquelle I x et x a sont des nombres entiers et positifs, 1 f"" (3) f x = I da % b a fu cos a (x u). 77 V o On peut done poser x = a, a + 1, ... = b; mais si Ton donne a x (qui doit toujours tre un nombre entier) une valeur quelconque non comprise dans ces limites, on aura fda cos oix u = La demonstration de ce theoreme est si facile, qu'il n'est pas ne*cessaire de s'y arr^ter ; je ferai seulement observer en passant qu'elle suppose que la fonction fu ne devienne infinie pour aucune des valeurs De*signons par {a?}* la fonction 1, ^' : toutes les fois 1 (x) que p est un nombre entier et positif, nous aurons {x} p = x.x+l ...x+p-l. 152 228 SUR LES INTEGRALES t Cela pose*, entrons en matiere. Je vais chercher la valeur de la somme multiple dans laquelle l'e*tendue de la sommation est donnee par 1'ine'- galite* (5) x + y + ... +z = a cosec a cotang a, la valeur de (a zf deviendra tandis que celle de (a z~ 1 }* sera par consequent . (_-) + .- (a -.)- 9 cos (^ + CC). Mais la valeur de sin < est e*gale a -^ ; ^ . Done, nous aurons finalement Dscuc = r . (1 - 2a coa a + a")' 230 SUR LES INTEGRALES On trouvera de la me"me maniere que |2r{*r (l-2a cos a + a 2 )' A present faisons a = 1 . Alors nous aurons , 1 cos a a cotang = : - = tang - , sin a & 2 ' c'est-a-dire et les Equations (9) et (10) deviendront cos j|(7r-a)+a[ /1 1 \ v? ( ~,li>-i **~ ~~* ~P / ^\ ( L \ii) *4Q [X\ (12) ( 2sin Au moyen de ces Equations, on prouvera facilement que (13) cos =r(p)r(2)...r(r) n dtant le nombre des variables a?, ^, . . . , z. Mais en e*crivant, dans l'e*quation (11), p + q + ...r au lieu de ^, on aura . ... r (asm I) et pareillement . \"^r 2s -j AUX DIFFERENCES FINIES. 231 En combinant ces deux Equations, on trouvera que 2 " {a;}^--^ 1 cos a (a; -i/) (14) (p+q+...r . N COS \ r ^ (Tr-^+a-i (2sinfp"" Mettons done v u n + 1, et comparons les Equations (13) et (14), nous aurons En multipliant les deux membres de cette Equation par da. et en integrant depuis ze*ro jusqu'a TT, nous aurons, par la formule (3), . . .z- U (16) pour toutes les valeurs positives de w n + 1. Pour toutes les valeurs negatives de cette quantite*, le second membre de 1'^quation (16) est e*gal a zero. Done, en effectuant la sommation par rapport a w, il est inutile de donner a u des valeurs moindres que n \. Cela pose*, nous aurons fmalement, en considerant la formule (4), (1 " --t-*' r--, 1'etendue des sommations ^tant determined par 1'i Ce theoreme est 1'analogue pour les differences finies du theo- reme de M. Liouville, dont j'ai deja parle. En effet, en supposant que 1'inegalite qui determine les limites des variables soit, comme ci-dessus, x + y + . . . + z < ^, 232 SUR LES INTEGRALES voici le theorenie de M. Liouville : \dx \ dy ... { J JQ J . II est vrai que cette equation n'est qu'un cas particulier du resultat qu'a donne* M. Liouville, mais malheureusement nous ne pouvons pas generalise! la formule (17) en supposant que l'e*tendue des sommations soit donne*e par rindgalite* ax + ~by + . . . -f cz ^ A, sans au moins lui donner une forme beaucoup plus complique*e. A present, ddsignons, suivant la notation usite*e, par [x] p la fonction -, _ -- ^ (nous aurons, quand p sera un nombre entier, [x] p = x.x-l ... x-p + 1), et tachons d'dvaluer la somme suivante, dans laquellea? peut prendre toutes les valeurs^ l,p,p+l, etc., tandis que y peut prendre toutes les valeurs q 1, ^, g' + l, etc., et ainsi de suite pour les autres variables. L'^tendue des som- mations est de'termine'e par 1'indgalite ... , dans laquelle h est egale ap + ^+...r + un nombre entier. Nous allons premierement trouver les valeurs de ^1 H 1 *" 1 cos aa? > et ^- e ^i IXF" 1 sm aa? * Puisque nous avons il s'ensuit que AUX DIFFERENCES FINIES. 233 Rempla9ons z par z~\ nous aurons, en ajoutant les deux rdsultats et en posant a = 1 , [p ~ 1 ?" 1 cos a 1 + ~*~* cos a + etc - 1 = 2 r ^ c'est-a-dire nous aurons cos ^ = r (p + et pareillement II est facile de voir, en suivant a peu pres la m6me route qu'auparavant, que ees deux Equations reviennent a celles-ci : cos (18) S;_ 1 [ C sin (TT a) a (19) S;., [a,]^ sin ax = T Q,) (2 sin-) Cela pose, on peut facilement s'assurer que la somme dont nous cherchons la valeur est e*gale a Par consequent elle est egale, en vertu des formules (18) et (19), I et de la nous aurons finalement (20) \ T(p)TM...T(r)^ ;> . ,, J ^...,.. 1 234 SUR LES INTEGRALES Les deux resultats (17) et (20) suffisent pour montrer 1'esprit de notre analyse, mais je vais encore 1'appliquer a un autre exemple. i Evaluons 1'expression (21) 2 $ ...2 () a*b...c K f(mx + ny + ...pz), mx + ny+...pz^h e*tant rine*galite* qui determine 1'etendue des sommations. Je suppose que w, n, ...,p soient des nombres entiers. En faisant _L ! mx x' t nyy\ etc.; a 2n = a', b n =b', etc., la formule (21) deviendra Nous pouvons done adraettre que ra, w, ...,p soient ^gales a Tunit^ ; le r^sultat ge'ne'ral se ddduira facilement de ce cas par- ticulier. Nous aurons d'abord < 1 fir I =i ^ h fu da.^^ ...2"a x b v ...c*cosai(x+y+...!5-u). I 7T J A present, puisque ^oo x 1 a cos a S a cos ax .. . a sm aa? = - , 1 2a cos a + a a sin a -- 2 1 2a cos a + a 2 nous pouvons effectuer les sommations indique*es dans le second membre de 1' Equation (22). En effet, on verra, avec un peu d'attention, que nous aurons (23) ^;...2:a^... D &ant ^gal a (1- 2acosa + a 2 ) ... (1 - 2c tandis que N est e*gal a cos aw Sa.cosa(w + l) + SaZ>.cosa (w + 2) - ... + ab...c cos a (u -f v), AUX DIFFERENCES FINIES. 235 le signe de sommation S ayant rapport aux v quantite's a, b, . . . , c. Afin de donner a ^ une forme plus commode, posons 1' equa- tion A *.;.* 1) 1 - 2a cos a H- a 2 1 - 2c cos a + c 8 ' done nous aurons A flV ~ 1 * ~ (o^T) 77(a^ ' (l-o5)...(l-oc) ' et ainsi de suite pour B, ..., C. Or, nous savons que o = o (1 + 2a cos a + etc.), 1 2a cos a + a 2 1 a 2 v NA et de la il est visible que le terme de - 5 > Q u i ne 1 2a cos a -1- a renferme pas a, est e*gal a 77 ^ wi /i N (a- 6)... (a c) (1 a)(l a6)...(l ac) ou a puisque 1 a Sa + a 2 Sa& etc. _ (l-o) (1-ai) ... (l-ac)" Nous voyons done que, pour toutes les valeurs positives de u et pour u 0, da 2* 2 * . . . 2* a^ . . . c" cos a (a? + y +. . . - ) Si w est ne'gatif, faisons u u\ nous aurons N = cos aw' Sa . cos a (M' 1) + etc. ab ... c cos a (w' v) , 236 SUR LES INTEGRALES NA et le terme de - - 2 l lu ne renfermera pas a, sera 1 - 2a cos a + a 2 dgal a En supposant que w' ne soit pas moindre que v, il est visible que 1 - a~ l $a + a~* Sab - etc. = 0. Si u' est moindre que v, alors la formule precedente n'est pas 6gale a z&o, mais 1' ensemble des termes semblables tels que l-^Sa + etc. (j _ a ) . . . (b - c) (1 - 6 2 ) (1 - ba) ... (1 - be) disparaitra ; c'est ce que nous allons demontrer. Ddsignons par S M ' 1' ensemble de toutes les combinaisons qu'on peut faire avec u des v quantites, a, b, ..., c. Si u est moin- dre que v. le terme de - - 2 , qui ne renfermera pas 1 2a cos a + a 2 a, sera 6gal a (25) t ^ K'-a-'S 1 + ...S u -+aS.- +1 ...a^S ); or a*- a"'' 1 Sj + ... S tt ' + a' 1 S M - +1 ... a" 1 * 1 " S, = 0. II suit de la que la formule (25) est e*gale a et, en ajoutant toutes les formules semblables, nous aurons + S.. +1 { r ^(a-a- 1 )+ r ! i S M ' +S T etc. S, 1^ (a-' - a) + T | p (6"- - }-) + ...}. A UX DIFFERENCES FINIES. 237 Or, je dis que chacune de ces quantity's est se*pare*ment e*gale a zro. En rempla^ant 2 cos a par z + z~ l , nous aurons Az Si nous developpons les deux membres de cette Equation selon les puissances positives de z, la puissance la moins e'leve'e qui se trouvera dans le premier membre sera z v . Par consequent, nous voyons que ^ () + _IL (if - 1-*) + etc. = 0, pour toutes les valeurs entieres et positives de p qui sont moindres que v, ce qu'il fallait demontrer. Done, finalement, pour toutes les valeurs negatives de w, (26) A present, il est facile de voir que ( 27 ) 1-v..... . ....I ce qui est le resultat que nous clierchions. J'ai de'montre', dans le Journal de Mathematiques de Cam- bridge, une Equation que je vais reproduire ici, aim qu'on puisse la comparer avec liquation derniere. Les limites dtant deter- minees par 1'ine'galite' nous aurons \dx\dy...\dz e- a J 9 J J Les rdsultats que nous avons obtenus sont, ce me semble, d'un genre nouveau: c'est pourquoi je pense qu'ils pourront peut-6tre interesser les ge'om&tres. REPORT ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS (THEORY OF THE COMPARI- SON OF TRANSCENDENTALS)*. 1. THE province of analysis, to which the theory of elliptic functions belongs, has within the last twenty years assumed a new aspect. A great deal has doubtless been effected in other subjects, but in no other I think has our knowledge advanced so far beyond the limits to which it was not long since con- fined. This circumstance would give a particular interest to a his- tory of the recent progress of the subject, even did it now appear to have reached its full development. But on the con- trary, there is now more hope of further progress than at the commencement of the period of which I have been speaking. When, in 1827, Legendre produced the first two volumes of his 1 The*orie des Fonctions Elliptiques,' he had been engaged on the subject for about forty years ; he had reduced it to a sys- tematic form ; and had with great labour constructed tables to facilitate numerical applications of his results. But little more, as it seemed, was yet to be done ; nor does the remark of Bacon, that knowledge, after it has been systematized, is less likely to increase than before, seem less applicable to mathe- matical than to natural science. Nevertheless, almost immedi- ately after the publication of Legendre's work, the earlier re- searches of Abel and Jacobi became known, and it was at once seen that what had been already accomplished formed but a part, and not a large one, of the whole subject. To say this is not to derogate from the merit of Legendre. He created the theory of elliptic functions ; and it is impossible * Report of the Sixteenth Meeting of the British Association; held at Southamp- ton, in September, 1846. ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 239 not to admire the perseverance with which he devoted himself to it The attention of mathematicians was given to other things, and though the practical importance of his labours was probably acknowledged, yet scarcely any one seems to have entered on similar researches.* This kind of indifference was doubtless discouraging, but not long before his death he had the satisfaction of knowing that there were some by whom that which he had done would not willingly be let die. The considerations here suggested have led me to select the theory of the integrals o algebraical functions as the subject of the report which I have the honour to lay before the Associa- tion. 2. The theory of the comparison of transcendental func- tions appears to have originated with Fagnani. In 1714, he proposed, in the ' Griornale de Litterati d'ltalia,' the follow- ing problem: To assign an arc of the parabola whose equa- tion is y=x\ such that its difference from a given arc shall be rectifiable. Of this problem he gave a solution in the twentieth volume of the same journal. The principle of the solution consists in the transformation of a certain differential expression by means of an algebraical and rational assumption which introduces a new variable. The transformed expression is of the same form as the original one, but is affected with a negative sign. By integrating both we are enabled to compare two integrals, neither of which can be assigned in a finite form. It is difficult, however, to perceive how Fagnani was led to make the assumption in question: a remark which applies more or less to his subsequent researches on similar subjects. The theorem which has made his name familiar to all mathematicians, appeared in the twenty-sixth volume of the 1 Giornale.' In its application to the comparison of hyperbolic arcs we find some indications of a more general method. We have here a symmetrical relation between two variables, x and * Those of M. Gauss, which would doubtless have been exceedingly valuable, have not, I believe, been published. They are mentioned in a letter from M. Crelle to Abel. Vide the introduction to the collected works of the latter, p. vii. 240 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. z, such that the differential expression f(x) dx may be written in the form z dx. It follows at once that f(z) dz xdz^ and consequently that ff(x) dx + jf(z) dz = j{x dz + z dx} = xz+C. The remarkable manner in which the idea of symmetry here presents itself, suggested to Mr Fox Talbot his ' Kesearches in the Integral Calculus.' In applying his methods to the division of the arc of the lemniscate, Fagnani obtained some very curious results, and has accordingly taken for the vignette of his collected works a figure of this curve with the singular motto, ' Deo veritatis gloria.' 3. In MacLaurin's Fluxions, and in the writings of D'Alembert, instances are to be found where the solution of a problem is made to depend on the rectification of elliptic arcs, or, as we should now express it, is reduced to elliptic integrals. But of these instances Legendre has remarked that they are isolated results, and form no connected theory. MacLaurin is charged, in a letter appended to the works of Fagnani, with taking from the latter without acknowledgement, a portion of his discoveries with respect to the lemniscate and the elastic curve. 4. In 1761, Euler, in the 'Novi Commentarii Petropolitani ' for 1758 and 1759, published his memorable discovery of the algebraical integral of the equation mdx _ ndy (A + Bx + Cx z + Dx 3 + Ex 4 ) k ~ (A + By + Gf + Dy* + % 4 )* ' m and n being any rational numbers. He says he had been led to this result by no regular method, ' sed id potius tentando, vel divinando elicui,' and recommends the discovery of a direct method to the attention of analysts. In effect his investigations resemble those of Fagnani : he begins by assuming a symmetrical algebraical relation between the variables, and hence finds a differential equation which it satis- fies. In this differential equation the variables are separated, so that each term may be considered as the differential of some ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 241 function. With one form of assumed relation we are led to the differentials of circular, and with another to those of elliptic integrals, and so on. It is in this manner that Dr Gudermann, in the elaborate researches which he has published in Crelle's Journal, has commenced the discussion of the theory of elliptic functions. 5. In the fourth volume of the Turin Memoirs, Lagrange accomplished the solution of the problem suggested by Euler. He integrated the general differential equation already mentioned by a most ingenious methoo, which, with certain modifications, has remained ever since an essential element of the theory of elliptic functions. He proceeded to consider the more general equation dx _ dy where X and Y are any similar functions of x and y respectively, and came to the conclusion, that if they are rational and integral functions, the equation cannot, except in particular cases, be integrated, if they contain higher powers than the fourth. He also integrated this equation in a case in which X and Y involve circular functions of the variables. It had been already pointed out in the summary of Euler's researches, given in the Nov. Com. Pet. Tom. vi., that if X and Fare polynomials of the sixth degree, the last-written equation does not in general admit of an algebraical integral, since, if so, it would follow that the solu- fJ/Y* // ?/ tion of the equation ' = - ^-5 , which (as the square of 1 + x 3 is a polynomial of the sixth degree) is a particular case of that which we are considering, could be reduced to an alge- braical form. Now this solution involves both circular functions and logarithms, and therefore the required reduction is impossible. This acute remark* showed that Euler's result did not admit of generalisation in the manner in which it was natural to attempt to generalise it. It was reserved for Abel to discover the direction in which generalisation is possible. 6. The discovery of Euler, of which we have been speak- ing, is in effect the foundation of the theory of elliptic func- * M. Richelot, in one of his memoirs on Abelian or [hyper- elliptic integrals, quotea it, in a slightly modified form, from Eider's Opuscula. 16 242 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. tions, as the generalisation of it by Abel, or more properly speaking, the theory of which Eider's result is an isolated frag- ment, is the foundation of our knowledge of the higher trans- cendents. We may therefore conveniently divide the subject of this report into two portions, viz. the general theory of the comparison of algebraical integrals, and the investigations which are founded on it. Mathematicians have been led, by comparing different transcendents, to introduce new functions into analysis, and the theory of these functions has become an important subject of research. The second portion may again be divided into two, viz. the theory of elliptic functions, and that of the higher trans- cendents. This classification, though not perhaps unexceptional, will, I think, be found convenient. 7. About sixteen years after the publication of Lagrange's earlier researches on the 'comparison of algebraical integrals, he gave, in the New Turin Memoirs for 1784 and 1785, a method of approximating to the value of any integral of the form \~~fT ? where P is a rational function of. x and E the square root of a polynomial of the fourth degree. I shall consider this important contribution to the theory of elliptic functions in con- nexion with the writings of Legendre. At present, in order to give a connected view of the first division of my subject, it will be necessary to go on at once to the works of Abel, and to those of subsequent writers. In the history of any branch of science the chronological order must be subordinate to that which is founded on the natural connexion of different parts of the subject. I shall merely mention in passing, that in 1775, Landen published in the Philosophical Transactions a very remarkable theorem with respect to the arcs of a hyperbola. He showed that any arc of a hyperbola is equal to the difference of two elliptic arcs together with an algebraical quantity. In 1780 he published his researches on this subject, in the first volume of his Mathematical Memoirs, p. 23. This theorem, as Legendre has remarked, might have led him to more important results. It contains the germ of the general theory of transformation, the ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANAL YSIS. 243 eccentricities of the two ellipses being connected by the modular equation of transformations of the second order*. It is on this account that in a report on M. Jacobi's Fundamenta Nova, contained in the tenth volume of the Memoirs of the Institute, Poisson speaks of Landen's theorem as the first step made in the comparison of dissimilar elliptic integrals. Several writers have accordingly given Landen's name to the transformation commonly known as Lagrange's. 8. We have seen that even Lagrange failed in obtaining a result more general than that which had been made known by Euler, and yet, as we now know, Euler's theorem is but a particular case of a far more general proposition. But in order to further progress, it was necessary to introduce a wholly new idea. The resources of the integral calculus were apparently exhausted; Abel, however, was enabled to pass on into new fields of research, by bringing it into intimate connexion with another branch of analysis, namely, the theory of equations. The manner in which this was done shews that he was not unworthy to follow in the path of Euler and of Lagrange. I shall attempt to state in a few words the fundamental idea of Abel's method. Let us suppose that the variable # is a root of the algebraical equation fa = 0, and that the coefficients of this equation are rational functions of certain quantities a, b, ... c, which we shall henceforth consider independent variables. Let us suppose also that in virtue of this equation we can express certain irrational functions f of x as rational functions of a?, a, b, ... c. For in- stance, if the equation were x 2 + ax + - (a 2 1) = 0, it follows that Vl x' = a + x. So that any irrational function of the form F (x Vl x*) can be expressed rationally (F being rational) in x and a. * Vide infra, pp. 263 and 289. "h It must be remembered that an algebraical function is either explicit or implicit : explicit, when it can be expressed by a combination of ordinary algebrai- cal symbols ; implicit, when we can only define it by saying that it is a root of an algebraical equation whose co-efficients are integral functions of x. Thus y is an implicit function of a; if y 5 + xy+ i =o. The remarks in the text apply to all alge- braical functions, explicit or implicit. 162 244 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. From the given equation we deduce by differentiation the following, dx = ada + fidb + ... where cc, /3, ... 7 are rational in x, a, ,..., c. Let y be one of the functions which can be expressed ration- ally in x, &c.j it follows that ydx = Ada +,Bdb + . . . + Cdc, where A, B, . . . C are also rational in x, &c. The equation jfc = will have a number of roots, which we shall call x^ x z , ... x^. It follows that da where the indices affixed to y, A, &c. correspond to those affixed to x, so that y l9 for instance, is the same function of x l that y z is of x 2 . Now A t + . . . + Ap is rational and symmetrical with respect toajj ... a?^, therefore it can be expressed rationally in the co- efficients of f(x) = 0, and therefore in a, b...c. We will call this sum R a , and thus with a similar notation for b, &c. we get The second side of this equation is from the nature of the case a complete differential, and it is rational in a, b, c, &c.; it can therefore be integrated by known methods ; and if we denote y i|r (ipj, we get M being a logarithmic and algebraic function of a, Z>, &c., which we may suppose to include the constant of integration. ^r (x) is in general a transcendental function, while a, b, &c. are necessarily algebraical functions of x^ , . . . , x^ , and the result at which we have arrived is therefore an exceedingly general formula for the comparison of transcendental functions. The simplicity and generality of these considerations entitle them to especial attention : it cannot be doubted that the ap- plication thus made of the properties of algebraical equations to ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 245 the comparison of transcendents will always be a remarkable point in the history of pure analysis. A very simple example may perhaps illustrate what has been said. Let us recur to the equation - (a 2 -l)=0, ............... (1), and suppose that Differentiating the first of these equations, we find that (2x + a] dx + (x + a) da = 0. Comparing this with the general expression of dx, we perceive that and as , da ^ so that Let # t and x 2 be the two roots of our equation, we have thus to find the value of y = = ^ _^^ (vide ante, p. 243) ,* (2x, + a) (2# 2 + a) since x 1 + x z = a. Hence & cfe x + y z dx z = 0, and \frx 1 + ^frx 2 = c. Since x t + x 2 = a, and ay 2 =-(a 2 -l), we see that x* + x* = l, or a? 2 = Vl a?^. * The ambiguous sign of the radical is to our purpose immaterial. 246 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSTS. Hence, as ^x = sm~ 1 x, our result is merely this, that the sum of two arcs is constant if the sine of one is equal to the cosine of the other. An infinity of analogous results may be obtained either by varying the form of y (e.g. by making y = \ll-x*), or by changing the equation (1). A formula applicable to all forms of y, and which, for each, includes all the results which can be established with respect to it, is, it will readily be acknow- ledged, one of the most general in the whole range of analysis. Abel's principal result is a formula of this nature ; he developed at considerable length the various consequences which may be deduced from it. Generally speaking, the number of independent variables a, Z>, . . . c will be less than that of the different roots, x l . . . x^ ; hence a certain number, say m, of the roots may be looked on as independent (viz. as many as there are quantities a, b, ... c), and the rest will be functions of these. It may be shown that it will always be possible to make the difference p m constant, so that the sum of any number of the transcendents *fy is ex- pressible by a fixed number of them, together with an algebraical and logarithmic function of the arguments, i. e. of x l , . . . x m . In the case of elliptic integrals, it had long been known that the sum of two may be thus expressed by a third ; and Legendre pointed out that the sum of any number may similarly be ex- pressed by means of one. Accordingly it appears from the general theory, that in this case fju m may be made equal to unity. 9. The history of this important theory is curious. It was developed by Abel in an essay which he presented to the In- stitute in the autumn of 1826, when he had scarcely completed his twenty-fourth year. In a letter to M. Holmboe, appended to the edition of his collected works, Abel writes, ' Je viens de finir un grand traite sur une certaine classe de fonctions transcendantes pour le pre- senter a 1'Institut, ce .qui aura lieu lundi prochain. J'ose dire sans ostentation que c'est un traite' dont on sera satisfait. Je suis curieux d'entendre Topinion de 1'Institut la dessus. Je ne manquerai pas de t'en faire part.' Long before this memoir was published, Abel had become * chill to praise or blame.' He died at Christiania in the spring of 1829. ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 247 M. Jacob! mentions in a note in Crelle's Journal, that while at Paris he represented, and as he "believed not ineffectually, to Fourier, who was then one of the secretaries of the Institute, that the publication of this memoir would be very acceptable to mathematicians. A long period however was still to elapse before the publication took place. It was possibly retarded by the death of Fourier. In 1841 the memoir appeared in the seventh volume of the Memoires des Savans Etrangers. It was prepared for publication by M. Libri. Thus for about fifteen years Abel's general theory remained unpublished ; but in the meanwhile Crelle's Journal was estab- lished, and to the third volume of this he contributed a paper which contains a theorem much less general than the researches he had communicated to the Institute, but far more so than any- thing previously effected in the theory of the comparison of transcendents. This is commonly known as Abel's Theorem. Legendre, in a letter to Abel, speaks thus of the memoir in which it appeared: "Mais le memoire...ayant pour titre Re- marques sur quelques proprietes generates, &c., me parait sur- passer tout ce que vous avez publi6 jusqu'a present par la profondeur de 1'analyse qui y regne ainsi que par la beaute et la ge'ne'ralite' des resultats." In a previous letter, with refer- ence I believe to the same subject, he had remarked, ' Quelle tete que celle d'un jeune Norvegien !' Abel's theorem gives a formula for the comparison of all transcendental functions whatever whose differentials are irra- tional from involving the square root of a rational function of x. In a very short paper in the fourth volume of Crelle's Journal, which must have been the last written of Abel's pro- ductions, the chief idea of his general theory is stated; and in the second volume of his collected works we find a somewhat fuller development of it, in a paper written before his visit to Paris, but not published during his life-time. While Abel's great memoir remained unpublished at Paris, several mathematicians, developing the ideas which he had made known in his contributions to Crelle's Journal, succeeded in establishing results of a greater or less degree of generality. Eesearches of this kind may be presented in a variety of forms, because the algebraical function to be integrated, which we have called y, may be defined or expressed in different ways. For 248 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS instance, if J/and N are general symbols denoting any integral Vlf -, M functions of x, the two suppositions y = ^- ancl y = "r^ ar( precisely equivalent, since by an obvious reduction, and by changing the signification of M and N t the one may be trans- formed into the other ; and so in more general cases. Thus the same function may assume a variety of aspects, and there will be a corresponding variety in the form of our final results. In Crelle's Journal we find a good many essays on this part of the subject : of these I shall now mention several. M. Broch is the author of a paper in the twentieth volume of Crelle's Journal, p. 178. It relates to the integration of certain functions irrational in consequence of involving a polynomial of any degree raised to a fractional power. For these functions he establishes formulae of summation, which of course include Abel's theorem, since the latter relates to cases in which the fractional power in question is the (J)th. Subsequently to the publication of this paper he presented to Jthe Institute a memoir on the same subject, but gave to the functions to be integrated a different but not essentially more general form. This memoir, which was ordered to be printed among the Savans Etrangers, but which will be found in Crelle's Journal (xxin. 145), may be divided into two portions : the first contains results analogous to Abel's theorem: the second relates to the discussion and reduction of the transcendents which they involve. In this part of his researches M. Broch has followed the method, and oc- casionally almost adopted the phraseology of a memoir of Abel, on the reduction and classification of Elliptic Integrals (Abel's Works, II. p. 93). MM. Liouville and Cauchy, in reporting on the memoir, conclude by remarking that the author *n'a pas trop presume* de ses forces en se proposant de marcher sur les traces d'Abel.' M. Jiirgenson has contributed two papers to Crelle's Journal on the subject of which we are speaking. The first, which is very short, contains a general theorem for the summation of algebraical integrals* when the function to be integrated is expressed in a particular form. This paper appears in the * I have used the expression " algebraical integrals," though perhaps not cor- rectly, to denote the integrals of algebraical functions. ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 249 nineteenth volume, p. 113. In the second (Vol. xxiii. p. 126) the author reproduces the results he had already obtained, pointing out the equivalence of one of them to the theorem established in M. Broch's first essay. Besides this, he dis- cusses a question connected with the reduction of algebraical integrals. M. Ramus, in the twenty-fourth volume of Crelle's Journal, p. 69, has established two general formulas of summation ; from the second he deduces with great facility Abel's theorem, and also another result. ..which Abel mentions in a letter to Legendre, published in the sixth volume of Crelle's Journal, but which he left undemonstrated. M. Rosenhain's researches (Crelle's Journal, XXVIII. p. 249, and xxix. p. 1) embrace both the summation and reduction of algebraical integrals. His analysis depends on giving the function to be integrated a peculiar form, which he conceives leads to a simpler mode of investigation than any other. A paper by Poisson will be found in the twelfth volume of Crelle's Journal, p. 89. It relates to the comparison of alge- braical integrals, but is not I think so valuable as that great mathematician's writings generally are. Beside the memoirs thus briefly noticed, I may mention two or three by M. Minding : that which appears in the twenty-third volume of Crelle's Journal, p. 255, is the one which is most completely developed. There is also a very brief note by M. Jacobi in the eighth volume of Crelle's Journal. 10. To the Philosophical Transactions for 1836 and 1837 Mr Fox Talbot contributed two essays, entitled Researches in the Integral Calculus. These researches may be said to con- tain a development and generalisation of the methods of Fag- nani. They are however far more systematic than the writings of the Italian mathematician, and if they had appeared in the last century would have placed Mr Talbot among those by whom the boundaries of mathematical science have been en- larged. But it cannot be denied that they fall far short of what had been effected at the time they were published, nor does it appear that they contain anything of importance not known before. I have assuredly no wish to speak disparagingly of 250 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. Mr Talbot ; his mathematical writings bear manifest traces of the ability he has shown in so many branches of science*. But as in this country they seem to have been thought, and by men not apparently unqualified to judge, to contain great additions to our knowledge, I cannot avoid inquiring whether this be true. Mr Talbot points out in the early part of his first paper, that if there are n 1 symmetrical relations among the n vari- ables x, y . . . z, then the identical equation {y . . . z] dx + (x . . . z) dy + . . . + {xy ...}dz d {xy ... z} will assume the form $ (x) dx + $ (y) dy + ...+ (y} dy+... + J< (z) dz = xy ...z+C. Precisely the same remark, though expressed in a different notation, is the foundation of M. Hill's memoir, published in 1834, on what he calls ' functiones iteratge.' It will be found in Crelle's Journal, XI. p. 193. A much more general theorem might be established by similar considerations: they are of course applicable whether the function be algebraical or trans- cendent. In the course of his researches, Mr Talbot recognised the important principle, that the existence of n I symmetrical algebraical relations among n variables may be expressed by treating them as the roots of an equation, one of whose coeffi- cients at least is variable, the others being either constant or functions of the variable one. Unfortunately he did not pass from hence to the more general view, that the existence of n p symmetrical relations may be expressed in a similar manner if we consider p of the coefficients of the equation as arbitrary quantities. Had he done so, it is possible, though not likely, that he would have rediscovered Abel's theorem ; but as it is, he has never introduced, except once, and then as it were by accident, more than one arbitrary quantity. Thus only one of * It must be remembered also that Mr Talbot admits himself to have been anti- cipated to a considerable extent by the publication of Abel's theorem. ON THE REGENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 251 liis variables is independent, and consequently, in more than one instance, his results are unnecessarily restricted cases of more general theorems. The character of his analysis will be perceived from what has been said. If \Xdx be the transcendent to be considered, X being an algebraical function of x, he makes the following assumption X=f(xv), v being a new variable, ajnd /a rational function. From this assumption he deduces an algebraical equation in x, the co- efficients of which are rational functions of v. This equation then is one of those of which we have spoken, by means of which the function to be integrated can be expressed in a rational form. Taking the sum with respect to the roots of this equation, we get It must be remarked that many forms might be assigned to the function f, which would give rise to a difficulty, of the means of surmounting which Mr' Talbot has given no idea. If x and v are mixed up in f(xv), it is manifest that we cannot integrate f(xv) dx, since v is a function of x, which if we eliminate we merely return to our function X. We must therefore express *f(xv) dx in the form Vdv, V being a function and, as Abel has shown, an integrable function of v. Abel has given for- mulas by means of which this reduction may be effected in all possible cases. But there is nothing analogous to this in the writings of Mr Talbot, and consequently he could not, setting aside the defect already noticed, obtain results as general as many previously known. In Mr Talbot's investigations, f(xv) dx is such that ^f(xv) dx may be put in the form F X 2 {faxdx} + F 2 S W z xdx] + &c., L Xj $ 2 x, &c. (of which Q'jX, (j>' 2 x, &c. are the derived functions) being rational functions of x. Then ^(frx = a rational function of v by a well-known theorem. Let the form of this function be ascertained, and let us denote it by %v. Then differentiating, / and hence + F 2% > + ...] dv, 252 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. and the second side of this equation is of course rational and integrable. But the form of the f unction f(xv) is unnecessarily restricted in order that this kind of reduction may be possible. Nevertheless, Mr Talbot's papers, from their fulness of illus- tration and the clear manner in which particular cases of the general theory are worked out by independent methods, will be found very useful in facilitating our conceptions of the branch of analysis which forms as it were the link between the theory of equations and the integral calculus. In Mr Talbot's second memoir (Phil. Trans. 1837, part 2. p. 1) he has applied his method to certain geometrical theorems. Three of them relate to the ellipse, and are proved by the three following assumptions : vx > or = 7=- > or 1-0* These assumptions are all cases of the following : where a, a 1 , c, c 1 are arbitrary quantities. The results of this assumption are completely worked out by Legendre (ThSorie des Fonctions Elliptiques, in. p. 192) in showing how the known formulae of elliptic functions may be derived from Abel's theorem. Mr Talbot's first theorem is a case of the fundamental formula for the comparison of elliptic arcs. This remark has reference to an inquiry which Mr Talbot suggests as to the relation in which his theorems stand to the results obtained by Legendre and others. In conclusion, it may be well to observe that Mr Talbot has remarked that, apparently, a solution discovered by Fagnani of a certain differential equation cannot be deduced from Abel's theorem ; but as this solution may be easily derived from the ordinary formula for the addition of elliptic integrals of the first kind it is manifestly included in the theorem in question. II. 11. I now come to the history of researches into the pro- perties of particular classes of algebraical transcendents. The earliest, and still perhaps the most important class of these ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 253 researches relates to the transcendents which are commonly called elliptic functions or elliptic integrals. For a reason which will be mentioned hereafter the latter name seems pre- ferable, and it is sanctioned by the authority of M. Jacobi, though the former was used by Legendre. Elliptic integrals then may be defined as those whose differentials are irrational in consequence of involving a radical of the form ex* But it may perhaps be more correct to say that all such integrals may be reduced to three standard integrals, to which the name of elliptic integrals has been given. In the Turin Memoirs for 1784 and 1785, p. 218, Lagrange considered, as has been already mentioned, the theory of these transcendents. He showed that the integration of every func- tion irrational in consequence of containing a square root may p be made to depend on that of a function of the form -^ , P being rational, and R the radical in question ; and that if under the sign of the square root x does not rise above the fourth degree, it may ultimately be made to depend on that of Ndx where Nis rational in x\ He thus laid the foundation of that part of the theory of elliptic transcendents in which a proposed integral is reduced to certain canonical or standard forms, or to the simplest combination of such forms of which the case admits. In Legendre's earliest writings on elliptic functions there is nothing relating to this part of the subject. Having thus, in the simple manner which distinguishes his analysis, reduced the general case to that which admits of the application of his method, Lagrange proceeded to prove that if we intro- duce a new variable whose ratio to x is the subduplicate of the ratio of 1 p*x* to 1 jV, the last written integral is made to depend on another of similar form, but in which p and q are replaced by new quantities p 1 and q l . If p is greater than q, p 1 will be greater than p, and q l less than q, and thus by successive similar transformations we ultimately come to an integral in which q is so small that the factor 1 + q l x* may be 254 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. replaced by unity, and the elliptic integral is therefore reduced to a circular or logarithmic form. Or by successive transforma- tions in the opposite direction we come to an integral in which p l and , which as we know re- presents an elliptic arc, and shows how other functions, for instance the value of the hyperbolic arc, may be expressed by means of it, and of its differential coefficient with respect to the eccentricity c. The memoir does not contain much that is now of interest. After writing it he became aware of the existence of Landen's researches ; and in a second memoir appended to the first gave a demonstration of Landen's principal theorem. This demonstration is founded on Legendre's own methods, and he deduces from it the remarkable conclusion, that if of a series of ellipses, whose eccentricities are connected by a certain law, we could rectify any two, we could deduce from hence the rectification of all the rest. The law connecting the eccentricities of the ellipses is that which would be obtained by making use of Lagrange's method of transformation, with which accordingly this result is closely allied. Legendre's next work was an essay on transcendents*, pre- sented to the Academy in 1792 and published separately the year after. It contains the same general view as that which is * A translation of it appeared in Leybourne's Mathematical Repository, Vols. II. and in. The original I have not seen it has long been scarce. ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 255 developed in the first volume of the Exercises de Calcul In- tegral, which appeared in 1811. 12. The theory of elliptic f auctions, as it is presented to us by Legendre, may conveniently be considered under the following heads : OL. The reduction of the general integral, Pdx Va + fix -f- 7Jj* 4- 8x 3 4- ex* in which P is rational to three standard forms, since known as elliptic integrals of the first, second and third kinds*. This classification, though the reduction of the general in- tegral had, as we have seen, been already considered by La- grange, is I believe entirely due to Legendre. If we consider how much it has facilitated all subsequent researches, we can hardly over-rate the importance of the step thus made. It may almost be said that Legendre, in thus showing us the primary forms with which the theory of elliptic integrals is conversant, created a new province of analysis : he certainly gave unity and a definite form to the whole subject. For the three species of functions thus recognised Legendre suggested the names of nome, epinome and paranome, the name of the first being derived from the idea that it involves, so to speak, the law on which the comparison of elliptic integrals depends. But these names do not seem felicitous, nor have they, I believe, been adopted. To this part of the subject an important theorem relating to the reduction of elliptic integrals of the third kind, whose parameters are imaginary, seems naturally to belong. These three forms are f> /i-#x* ^ f" -cV') ; Jo V ~T^ 2 :; J ( (i+no; 8 )y(i- Legendre always replaces x by sin <, so that the integrals become '* dd> /> d /> . f I fn=i I Vi-c'sin 2 ^; J o Vi-c 2 sm 2 Jo v J (i + n sin 2 0) sji-c 2 sin 3 The radical ^/i -c 2 sin 2 is often denoted by A. The constant c is called the modulus; the second constant n (in the third kind) is called the parameter. The modulus may always be supposed less than unity, and if c = sin e, then c is the angle of the modulus. 256 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. @. The comparison of elliptic integrals of the same form differing only in the value of the variable, or as it is often called, the amplitude of each. This part of the subject divides 1 tself into three heads, corresponding to the three classes of integrals. The fundamental results are to be found in the memoirs of Euler, of which we have already spoken. By Le- gendre however they were more fully developed. It is interesting to observe that Legendre suggested that the discovery of Euler (namely that the differential equation =Q admits an algebraical integral, f(x) being the polynomial a + fa + 7# 2 + &C 3 + ex*) might be generalised, if we consider the differential equation dx + _) = pF (h-p), etc.' (Trait, des Fonct. Ell. ill. p. 10.) Legendre remarks, that although M. Jacobi's demonstration rests on ' un principe incontestable et tres inge'nieux,' it is still desirable to have another verification of so important a theorem. He accordingly gives an original demonstration of it, which is however more nearly allied to M. Jacobi's than to him it seemed to be. This demonstration had already been hinted at in his communication to the Nachrichten. The principal difference is, that while M. Jacobi proved generally that if the first of the two required conditions were satisfied, the second would also be so, and then showed that the forms assigned to U and V satis- fied the first condition ; Legendre shows the assigned forms are such as to satisfy both conditions, on the connection between which it is therefore unnecessary for him to dwell. In the third supplement to the Traite des Fonctions Elliptiques, Le- gendre has given another demonstration of M. Jacobi's theorem, remarking that it is both more rigorous and more like M. Jacobi's than that which he had first given. I have thought it necessary to make these remarks, because it has been said that it was in the supplements to Legendre's work that the 262 O^V THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. demonstration of this theorem received * le dernier degre de rigueur*.' 14. In 1829 M. Jacobi's great work on elliptic functions, the Fundamenta Nova Theories Functionum Ellipticarum, was published at Koenigsberg. It contains his researches not merely on the theory of transformation, but also with respect to other parts of the subject. But the great problem of transformation is the fundamental idea of the whole work ; the other parts are subordinate to it, or at least derived from it. The subject is treated with great fulness of illustration and in a manner not unlike that of Euler. M. Jacobi begins by considering the possibility of trans- forming the general transcendent whose differential coefficient is unity divided by the square root of a polynomial of the fourth degree. Subsequently, having shown that this transcendent may be transformed by introducing a new variable y equal to the quotient of two integral functions of a?, and also that the general transcendent may be reduced to one of the form dy he proceeds to consider the latter in detail. The first step of this reasoning, viz. the possibility of the transformation, depends on a comparison of the number of the disposable quantities in the assumed value of y with that of the conditions required, in order that the quantity under the radical in the transformed expression may be equal to the square of an integral function of x multiplied by four unequal linear factors. It is shown that the number of disposable quantities exceeds by three that of the required conditions. But, as Poisson has remarked in the report already mentioned (Mem. de Vlnstitut. x. p. 87), and as M. Jacobi himself intimates, this does not amount to an absolute a priori proof of the possibility of the transformation ; non constat but that some of these conditions may be incompatible. Granting however the possibility of putting the quantity under the radical in the required form, it is shown, as in Schumacher's Journal, that this condition is not only necessary * Verhulst, Traite Elemmtaire des Fonctions EUiptiques. ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 263 but also sufficient, or, in other words, that it involves the second condition already mentioned. The transcendent I -7= . 8 may be transformed by assuming y y, U being composed wholly of odd powers of x, and F of even powers of it. If the degree of U be greater than that of F, the transformation is said to be of an odd order, and of an even order in the contrary case. This being premised, M. Jacobi discusses the particular cases of the transformations of the third and of the fifth order. The first is the same as that of Legeridre. It is shown that if we put (v + 2u 3 ] vx -f u?x 3 y ~ v* + V*K? (v + 2u s ) x* ' where u and v are constants connected by the following equa- tion we shall get __ _ dy _ v + 2u? dx in which k = u* and \ = v 4 . The equation connecting u and v is called the modular equation. The ' principle of double substitution' may be illustrated by writing -- for a? in the expression for y, which, then becomes, u x according to the principle in question, - . If we seek to show that the assigned value of y actually satisfies the differential equation just stated, we begin by find- ing the value of 1 y. Reducing this value by means of the 7? 2 equation between u and v, we can put it in the form (1 x) -y , R being an integral function of x and F, as heretofore the denominator of the expression for y. The value of 1 + y is hence got by changing the sign of x and y, while that of 1 v*y is ob- tained by simultaneously replacing x and y respectively by -4- .- u x and and reducing. Similarly for 1 + v*y. Hence it will c/ appear that 264 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. where S, like E, is integral. By differentiating and reducing, we then show that dy - - j^ 2 dx, v I and combining these two results obtain the required verification. The essence of M. Jacobi's demonstration consists in showing that if the value of y in terms of x is such that an equation of the form (a) subsists, then necessarily ^ = (8} where /z- is a constant ; the existence of the two equations (a) and (/3) being equivalent to the two conditions of which we have already spoken (p. 259). In the particular case we are now con- sidering, fJL= - . v 15. After considering the transformation of the fifth order (in which the modular equation is u" - v 6 + 5wV {u* - v 2 } + uv [I - wVJ = 0), M. Jacobi prepares the way for a more general investigation by introducing a new notation. This step is one of the highest importance. We have been in the habit of calling < the am- plitude of the integral d let this integral be called u. The new notation is contained in the equation (j> = amw ; or if we call sin <, x, so that dx -i: then x = sin am u. A new notation is in itself merely a matter of convenience : what gives it importance is its symbolizing a new mode of con- sidering any subject. We had hitherto been accustomed to look on the value of the elliptic integral as a function of its amplitude, to make the amplitude (if the expression may so be used) the in- dependent variable. But in reality a contrary course is on many accounts to be preferred. We have in the more advanced part ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 2G5 of the theory more frequently occasion to consider the value of the amplitude as determined by the corresponding value of the integral than vice versa ; and it therefore becomes expedient to frame a notation by which the amplitude may be expressed as a function of the integral. In a paper in the ninth volume of Crelle's Journal by M. Jacobi, which, like many of his writings, contains in a short compass a philosophical view of a wide subject, he has made use of the analogy between circular and elliptic functions to illustrate the importance of the new notation for the latter. When the rnodulus of an elliptic integral of the first kind is equal to zero, the integral becomes dx which, as we know, is equal to the arc whose sine is x, or to sin" 1 a;. Now this is a function which we have much less often occasion to express than its inverse sin x, and we accordingly always look on the latter as a direct, and on the former as an inverse function. Yet in the case of elliptic functions, the func- tional dependence for which we had an explicit and recognised notation, viz. that of the integral on the amplitude, corresponds to that which in circular functions lias always and almost neces- sarily been treated merely as an inverse function. The origin of this discrepancy is obvious; our knowledge of the nature of circular functions is not derived from the algebraical integrals connected with them, and therefore these integrals are not brought so much into view as in the theory of elliptic functions the corresponding integrals necessarily are ; but it is certain that while the discrepancy continued to exist the subject could never be fully or satisfactorily developed. The maxim " verba vestigia mentis " is as true of mathematical symbols as of the elements of ordinary language. We shall see hereafter that Abel took the same step in his first essay on elliptic functions. At present I shall only re- mark, that one of the earliest consequences of the new notation was the recognition of a most important principle, viz. that the ' inverse function' sin am u, that is, the function corresponding to sin u in circular functions, is doubly periodic, or that it retains the same value when u increases by any multiple either of a certain real or of a certain imaginary quantity. Now 266 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. M. Jacob! lias shown that no function* can be triply periodic, and therefore these inverse functions possess the most general kind possible of periodicity, a property which gives them great analytical importance. Following M. Jacobi, we shall henceforth give the name of elliptic functions to those which are analogous to circular func- tions. It is on this account better to call Legenclre's functions elliptic integrals than, as he has done, elliptic functions (vide ante, p. 253). By the new notation we are led to consider a great variety of formulae analogous to those of ordinary trigonometry. The sine or cosine of the amplitude of the sum of two quantities may be expressed in terms of the sines and cosines of the amplitudes of each, &c.f ; and we have only to make the modulus equal to zero to pass from what has sometimes, though not with much propriety, been called elliptic trigonometry to the common properties of circular functions. " M. Jacobi gives a table of formulas relating to the new elliptic functions, and proceeds to apply their properties to the problem of transformation. It was in this manner that he had treated the problem in the Nachrichten. As in his earlier essay, he assumes y equal to a rational function of #, whose coefficients * i. e. no function of one variable. *f* The fundamental formulae are sin am u cos am #A am v + sin am v cos am uA am u 7 *-->" . i - k 2 sin 2 am u sin" 5 am v cos am u cos am v - sin am u sin am vA am wA am v cos am (u + v)= - 19 . .. -r-n - ; i - k 2 sm j am u Bin 2 am v A am -uA am v - k 2 sin am u sin am v cos am u cos am v A am (u + v) ,.. . r- ^- - i - k 2 sm 2 am u am 2 am v being the modulus, and A am u A/I -fc 2 sin 2 am u. If where & 2 -f &' 2 = i, then it may be shown that sin am (u + ^K) = sin am u, and sin am (u + iK' \/ i) = sin am u, so that 4# is the real and iK' V -^ tne imaginary period of sin am u. Hence it is obvious that we shall have generally sin am (M + 4m+ inK' /J - i.) = sin am u, m and n being any integers. ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 267 are elliptic functions, and shows that this assumption satisfies the differential equation already mentioned. It may be asked what is gained by the introduction of elliptic functions into a problem of which, as we have seen, particular cases (e.g. the transformations of the third and fifth order) can be solved -by algebraical considerations. The answer is, that the properties of these functions enable us to transform the assumed relation between y and x in a manner which would otherwise be im- practicable. It is conceivable that any particular case might be solved by mere algebra, l^ut it does not seem possible to dis- cover in this way a general theorem for transformations of all orders, and practically the labour of obtaining the formula for the transformation of any high order would be intolerable. Having proved the theorem for transformation in nearly the same manner as he had already done, M. Jacobi developes the demonstration which, as we have said, Legendre hinted at in No. 130 of Schumacher's Journal. He then proceeds to consider the various transformations of any given order. We have seen that the modular equation for those of the third order rises to the fourth degree, that is to say, for a given value of the modulus of the original integral four new moduli exist, corresponding to four new integrals, into which the given one may be transformed. These four trans- formations are all included in the general formula for the third order; but it is to be remarked that in general only two of the roots of the modular equation are real. Thus there are two real transformations and no more. The same thing is true, mutatis mutandis, of the transformations of any prime order (to which M. Jacobi's attention is chiefly directed), that is to say, there will be n + 1 transformations of the nth. order, n I of which are imaginary. The two real transformations are called the first and the second ; the second is sometimes called the impossible transformation, because it presents itself in an ima- ginary form*. Of the formulae connected with these two trans- formations M. Jacobi gives copious tables. * Mr Bronwin, in the Cambridge Mathematical Journal and in the Pliil. Mag., has made some objections to this transformation ; but from a correspondence which I have recently had with him, I believe I am justified in stating that he does not object either to M. Jacobi's result or to the logical correctness of his reasoning, but only to the form in which the result is exhibited. 268 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. He next shows, in a very remarkable manner, that, cor- responding to a transformation in which we pass from a modulus Jc to a modulus X, there exists another, whose formulae are derivable from those of the former, in which we pass from a modulus Vl k z to a modulus Vl A/ 2 , or which connects moduli complementary to \ and Jc. The latter is accordingly called, with reference to the former, the complementary trans- formation. The first real transformation of k corresponds to the second real transformation Vl k\ and vice versa. The next theorem which M. Jacobi demonstrates is not less remarkable. It is that the combination of the first and second real transformations gives a formula for the multiplication of the original integral, or, in other words, that the modulus of the integral which results from this double transformation is the same as that of the original integral, so that the two integrals differ only in their amplitudes. Of this theorem he had in the earlier part of the work proved some particular cases*. After fully developing this part of the subject, he next treats of the nature of the modular equation, and shows that it possesses several remarkable properties. One is, that all modular equations, of whatever order, are particular integrals of a differential equation of the third order, of which the general integral .can be expressed by means of elliptic tran- scendents. 16. We now enter on the second great division of M. Jacobi's researches, the evolution of elliptic functions. * It may be shown that if we pass from k to X by the first transformation, we can pass from A/I - X 2 to A/I -& 2 also by the first transformation. Also, as has been said, we derive from the transformation {k to X} a transformation {^/i -k* to v/i-X 2 }, and similarly from {*/! -X 2 to A/I -& 2 } a transformation {X to k}. The first and last of these transformations correspond respectively to the diffe- rential equations dy _ i dx Hence, combining these equations and integrating, and it may also be shown that TT-TT, is an integer. ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 269 The evolution of elliptic functions into continued products with an infinite number of factors presents itself as the limit towards which M. Jacobi's theorem for the transformation of the nth order tends as n increases sine limite. It is for this reason that we may look on the problem of transformation as the lead- ing idea in M. Jacobi's researches. We may in some degree illustrate these evolutions by a reference to circular functions. A sine- is, as we know, an elliptic function whose modulus is zero. Now if k is zero, X is also zero. Thus if we apply a formula of transformation to a sine, we shall be led to another sine either of the same or of a multiple arc. Accordingly the first real transformation de- generates in the case in question into the known formula for the sine of a multiple arc ; while the second, leading us merely to the sine of the same arc, becomes illusory. Thus in the case of a sine, transformation is merely multiplication; but from the formula for multiplication, viz. we at once deduce, by making (2m + 1) 6 = cf> and 2m + 1 in- finite, the common formula This then is a formula of evolution deduced from the first real transformation. It is however only when k is zero that the first transformation will give such a formula. In all other cases it is, for a reason which we cannot here enter on, impossible to derive from it a formula of this kind. M. Jacobi's formulas are accordingly derived from the second real transformation, and therefore are illusory when k is zero, or for the case of the sine. There is nothing therefore strictly analogous to them in the theory of angular sections. By means of them we express the function sin am x in terms of sin mx, m being a certain constant. From the fundamental expressions in continued products, of which there are three, many important theorems may be derived. This part of the subject seems to admit of almost infinite increase, and it is difficult to give any general view of it. 270 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. I may, however, mention a remarkable transcendental function of the modulus k which is usually denoted by ^, and which occurs perpetually in this part of the theory of elliptic func- tions. If for the moment we denote this function by Fk, so that q = Fk, then if for k we write 1e n , which we suppose to re- present the modulus of the first real transformation of the nth order, we find that f = Fk n9 so that if q n is the same function of k n that q is of k, (u) corre- sponding to the function denoted in the Fundamenta Nova by sin am M, while f(u) and F(u) correspond respectively to cos am u and A am u. This notation has the defect of appro- priating three symbols which we cannot well spare. On the other hand it is certainly more concise than M. Jacobi's. He then verifies the fundamental formulae for the addition of the new functions, and goes on to show that they are doubly periodic*. He next considers the expressions of a, &c., and proceeds to prove the important proposition that the equation of the problem of the division of elliptic integrals of the first kind is always algebraically soluble. In order to illustrate this, which is one of the most remark- able theorems in the whole subject, it may be observed, that as any circular function of a multiple arc can be algebraically ex- pressed in terms of circular functions of the simple arc, so may (pna^fna, Fno. be algebraically expressed by means of ^a,^, Fa.. Conversely, as the determination (to take a particular function) of sin a in terms of sin no. requires the solution of an algebraical equation, so does that of a in terms of a, an algebraical equation of the nth or (n*)th degree respectively. In consequence of the periodicity of sin a, the roots of the equation in sin a admit of being expressed in a transcendental form; they are all included in the formula sin (a + -f\ , in which p is integral, and which therefore admits only n different values. But elliptic functions are doubly periodic, and therefore the roots of the equation in (mw 4- nisi) = for all integral values of m and n. Hence the general form of the roots of our equation is ^ - ; o but it will be found that if we give any values not included in the above table to m and ft, the resulting expression can be re- duced to one or other of the forms we have specified in virtue of the formula (0) =<{(- l) m+ " + may + nvri}. E. g. The non- ,-,-1 ,-, , , 5co + 2m . - . , 4 (co + iifi) tabulated root < -- - -- is equal to our sixth root (j> - -- -, since the sum of their arguments is 3, which it is very easy to demonstrate, and it is inti- mately connected with the relations which exist among the terms of the same row. If, then, which is the case for an infinite variety of values of the modulus, we can express any root rationally in terms of another of a different row, say in - - - , all the roots become Afl ~}~ i. rational in terms of - -- - . Moreover, it appears that not only are the roots all expressible in one, but they are so in such a manner that the functional dependencies among them fulfil a certain simple condition, which, as Abel shows in a separate memoir (Crelle, IV. p. 131 ; or Abel's Works, I. p. 114), renders every equation, all whose roots are rationally expressible in terms of one, algebraically soluble. To take the simplest case, the arc of the lemniscate may be f dx represented by the integral I If be the function in- verse to this integral, we have the simple relation between roots f TfV JL ., , . . . . of different rows, 9 - = tq> - - , &> being in this case r 2n + 1 r 2n + 1 equal to OT. To apply what has been said to the solution of the general equation for determining - and , or at least may be algebraically ex- 2,11 -j- 1 271 -f- 1 pressed in terms of these two quantities. The remainder of the first memoir contains developments of the functions <,/, and Fin doubly and. singly infinite continued products and series. They are derived from the expressions of 0a, &c. in terms of - , &c., by supposing n to increase sine ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 281 limite, and are therefore analogous to the expression of sin $ in terms of < which we have already mentioned. The second contains the development of what had already been pointed out with respect to the lemniscate, so far as relates to the division of its perimeter by any prime number of the form 4m + 1. In an interesting note which M. Liouville communicated to the Institute in 1844, and which is published in the eighth volume of his Journal, p. 507, he has proved generally that the division of the perimeter of this curve can always be effected whether the divisor be a composite or prime number, real or complex (that is, 01 the form p + V q, p and q being integers). In order to do this, it was only requisite to follow m . m . , the reasoning by which Abel has shown that the equa- tion which presents itself in the problem of the division of the circumference of the circle is always resoluble. Thus, as M. Liouville has remarked, his analysis is implicitly contained in Abel's. This memoir also contains Abel's theorem for the transfor- mation of elliptic integrals of the first kind. It is equivalent to that of M. Jacobi ; nor is the demonstration, though presented in quite a different form, altogether unlike M. Jacobi's. Abel begins by considering the sum of a certain series of functions whose arguments are in arithmetical progression. He shows that the sum of this series is a rational function of its first term. If we call this sum (multiplied by a certain constant) y, and the first term #, then y is such a function of x as to satisfy the differential equation already mentioned, viz. d dx A or rather an equation of equivalent form. In fact y is m . m . the same function of x that it is in M. Jacobi's theorem. Thus the sum of the series of elliptic functions is itself, when multiplied by a constant, a new elliptic function, having a new modulus, and whose argument bears a constant ratio to that of the first term of the series. It appears also that for the sum of the elliptic functions we may, duly altering the constant factor, sub- stitute their continued product. Thus, beside the algebraical expression of y, there are two transcendental expressions of it, both of which are given by M. Jacobi in the Fundamenta 282 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. Nova. At the close of the memoir Abel compares his result with the one in Schumacher's Journal, No. 123, and mentions that he had not met with the latter until his own paper was terminated. 19. In the 138th number of this journal, Abel resumed the problem of transformation, and treated it in a more general and direct manner than had yet been done. This memoir appeared in June 1828. M. Jacobi, in a letter to Legendre, has spoken in the highest terms of Abel's demonstration of the formulae of transformation : he says, " Elle est au-dessus de mes eloges, comme elle est au-dessus de mes travaux." An addition to this memoir, establishing the real transformations by an independent method, appeared in Number 148 of the same journal. These two papers are printed consecutively in the first volume of Abel's Works, pp. 253, 275. In the first of these two remarkable essays, Abel makes use of the periodicity of the function $0, or, as he here denotes it, X#, to determine h priori what rational function of x, y must be in order that the differential equation = . g may be satisfied. [I have altered his notation for the sake of uniformity.] Let ^x be the function sought, then considering y = tyx as an equation determining x in terms of y, he shows that certain relations necessarily exist among its roots. Let \Q be one of them and \& another, it will readily be seen that we may put dO' = d0, since each is equal to Hence & = 6 + a, a being the constant of integration, or, which is the same thing, being independent of y. Hence \0 being one root, every other root is necessarily of the form \(0 + a). Again, we see from hence that which is to be true for all values of 6, and which therefore ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 283 implies the existence of a series of equations, of which the type is where k is an integer. Hence X (6 + ka) is a root, whatever in- tegral value we may give to k. But the equation y tyx has but a finite number of roots, and therefore the values of the general expression X (6 + Tea.) must recur again and again. This consideration throws light on the nature of the quantity a ; it must in all cases be an aliquot part of a period (simple or com- pound) of the function \0. ^ All the values of X (9 + lea.} got by giving different values to Jc are roots ; but the converse is not necessarily true ; all the roots are not necessarily included in this expression. But it is not difficult to perceive that all the roots are included in a more general expression, viz. X (6 +Jc^ a l + & 2 2 . . . & n ot n ), and conversely, tli at all the values of this expression are roots. The number n is indeterminate : we may have formulae of the form y = tyx, in which n is unity, others in which it is two, &c. ; but in all cases a is an aliquot part of some period of X0, and It is integral. It is easy when the roots of y tyx are known, to express y in terms of 0. For let fx tyx =~,f and F being integral functions. Then is (yp q being the coefficient of the highest power of x in yFxfx) an identically true equation; whence, to determine y in #, we have only to assign a particular value to a?, or to com- pare the coefficients of similar powers of it*. This then determines the form which the function y must necessarily be of: the question which Abel goes on to discuss is this : Under what circumstances will a function of the form thus determined h priori be such a function as we require? The character of the reasoning by which this question is treated is similar to that of the method by which Abel had, in his second memoir on elliptic functions, verified the form which, without assigning any reason, he had there assumed for the function y. The second essay is singularly elegant. If k denote the * I have not noticed an ambiguity of sign at the outset of thia reasoning", as given by Abel, as for the purposes of illustration it is immaterial. 284 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. function inverse to the integral I . , and C 6 and y = <$> k &. Hence for a given increment a of 0, that of & is aa. Let us take the simplest case, and suppose y to be a rational function of a?; then, as x or $ C remains unchanged when 6 in- creases by a period of the function (j> c , y does so too ; that is (j) k O' remains unchanged when & increases by a times a period of < c , or in other words, a times a period of < c is necessarily one of < fc . Suppose now Jc and c to be both real and less than unity ; then c have each a real period, here denoted by 2co k and 2co c respectively, and each an imaginary period vr k i and r c * re- spectively, Tx k and TX C being both real. Let 6 receive first the increment 2w c , and secondly the increment r, then, by what has been said, m, ft, p, q being certain integers. But can these two equations subsist simultaneously? Not generally, since if we eliminate a and equate possible and impossible parts, we get two relations among c0 c '& e a) k 'GT k , which are continuous functions of the two quantities k and c. Hence both are determinate ; and if we wish c to remain indeterminate, we must either make m and q equal to zero, in which case a is impossible, or, making n and^? equal to zero, assign a real value to it. When a is real we have (Oj, vr k a = m q , 6 = (d+ imw F n-Gn), m and n being any integers. ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 285 The commensurability of the transcendental functions - 1 , - is therefore a necessary condition, in order that an integral with modulus c can be transformed into one with modulus 7c, the regulator a being real and c indeterminate. And it may be shown that this condition is not only necessary but sufficient. Similar considerations apply to the case in which a is impossible. Simple as this view is, it leads to many consequences of great interest. The function ^, of which we have already spoken cs (p. 270), is merely- 6 w , an& as we know for the first real trans- nty formation of the nth order, it becomes e~"~^~ . Hence in this case we have ( j =n( j according to the general law. It may be well to remark, that if k = c we have a m~=m (an integer). Hence in multiplying an integral, the multiplier must be an integer, if y is rational in #, except for particular values of c. In the paper of which we are speaking Abel has applied precisely similar considerations to the case in which x and y are connected by any algebraical equation. Passing over one or two shorter papers, one of which has been already referred to at p. 276, we come to a Pr&cis of the theory of elliptic functions, published in the fourth volume of Crelle's Journal, p. 236. The work of which it was designed to be an extract was never written, and the Precis itself is left unfinished. A general summary was prefixed to it, from which we learn that the work was to be divided into two parts. In the first elliptic integrals are considered irrespectively of the limits of integration, and their moduli may have any values, real or imaginary. Abel proposes the general problem of determining all the cases in which a linear relation may exist among elliptic integrals and logarithmic and algebraical functions in virtue of algebraical relations existing among the variables*. His first step is to apply his general method for the com- parison of transcendents to elliptic integrals, which may be * In the assumed relation, the amplitude, or rather the sine of the amplitude of each elliptic integal, is to be one of the variables, and not a function of one or more of them. 286 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. done by what is called Abel's theorem, in at least two different ways: the one, that of which he now makes use; the other, that which we have seen is applied to the case of four functions by Legendre in his third Supplement. He next determines the most general form of which the integral of an algebraical differential expression of any number of variables is capable, provided it can be expressed linearly by elliptic integrals and logarithmic and algebraical functions. The result at which he arrives admits of many important ap- plications. It is, that the integral in question may be expressed in a form in which the sine of the amplitude of each elliptic integral and the corresponding A, and also the algebraical and each logarithmic function are all rational functions of the varia- bles and of the differential coefficients of the integral with re- spect to each. He proceeds by an interesting train of reasoning to establish the remarkable conclusion, that the general problem which we are considering may ultimately be reduced to that of the trans- formation of elliptic integrals of the first kind. The problem of this transformation is then discussed, and by a method essentially the same as that of which he had made use in his paper in Schumacher's Journal. The appearance however of the two investigations is dissimilar, because no reference is made to elliptic functions (as distinguished from elliptic integrals) in the first part of the Pr&cis. The relations therefore which exist among the roots of y = tyx are established by considera- tions independent of the periodicity of elliptic functions ; though it is not difficult to perceive that they were suggested by the results previously obtained by means of that fundamental pro- perty. It is shown, that if the equation y tyx, where tfrx is a rational function, satisfy the differential equation (A), then this equation, considered as determining x in terms of y, is always algebraically soluble. As the multiplication of elliptic integrals may be considered a case of transformation (that, namely, in which the modulus of the transformed integral remains un- changed), this theorem may be looked on as an extension of that which we have spoken of (p. 275) in giving an account of Abel's first memoir on elliptic functions. The two theorems are proved by the same kind of reasoning. The second part of the memoir was to have related to cases ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 287 in which the moduli are real and less than unity ; of this how- ever only the summary exists. Abel proposed to introduce three new function's, the first corresponding to that which he had previously designated by which is M. Gauss's, and is termed in M. Jacobi's nomenclature the rational trans- formation of the second order. It satisfies the equation dx * Lagrange's transformation being where, as before, 1c= J + c then we find that tf while the differential equation becomes dy r " 6) where ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 291 22. In the twelfth volume of Crelle's Journal (p. 173), Dr GuetzlafF has investigated the modular equation of transforma- tions of the seventh order : it is, as we know from the general theory, of the eighth degree, and presents itself in a very re- markable form, which closely resembles that in which M. Jacobi, at p. 68 of the Fundamenta Nova, has put the modular equa- tion for the third order. Dr Sohncke has given, at p. 178 of the same volume, modular equations of the eleventh, thirteenth and seventeenth orders, none of which apparently can be reduced to so elegant a form as those^pf the third and seventh. Possibly the transformation of the thirty-first order might admit of a corresponding reduction. The whole subject of modular equa- tions is full of interest. Dr Sohncke has demonstrated his re- sults in a subsequent volume of the Journal (xvi. 97). In the fourteenth volume of Crelle's Journal there is a paper by Dr Gudermann on methods of calculating and reducing in- tegrals of the third kind. I have already quoted from this paper the expression of the opinion of its learned author, that it is impossible to express the value of integrals of the circular species in terms of functions of two arguments. If this be so, it is impossible to tabulate such integrals, and therefore our course is to devise series more or less convenient for determining their values when any problem, e.g. that of the motion of a rigid body, to which Dr Gudermann especially refers, requires us to do so. The formation of such series is accordingly the aim of this memoir, which contains some remarkably elegant formulae; one of which connects three integrals of the third kind with three of the second. In the sixteenth and seventeenth volumes of the same Jour- nal, Dr Gudermann has given some series for the development of elliptic integrals; and he has since published in the same Journal a systematic treatise on the theory of modular functions and modular integrals, these designations being used to denote the transcendents more generally called elliptic. The point of view from which he considers the subject has been already in- dicated (vide supra, p. 271). In a systematic treatise there is of course a great deal that does not profess to be original, and it is not always easy to discover the portions which are so. Dr Gudermann's earlier researches are embodied and developed in his larger work ; and in some of the latter chapters (xxiu. 329, &c.) 192 292 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. we find some interesting remarks on the forms assumed by the general transcendent when the biquadratic polynomial in the denominator has four real roots. Dr Gudermann points out the existence of a species of correlation between pairs of values of the variable. 23. The development of the elliptic function < in the form of a continued product may be applied to establish formulae of transformation. This mode of investigating such formulae was made use of by Abel in his second paper in Schumacher's Journal, No. 148, which we have already noticed; and a cor- responding method is mentioned by M. Jacobi in one of the cursory notices of his researches which he inserted in the early volumes of Crelle's Journal. Mr Cay ley, in the Philosophical Magazine for 1843, has pursued a similar course. Another and very remarkable application of the same kind of develop- ment consists in taking it as the definition of the function <, and deducing from hence its other properties. It has been re- marked that the continued products of Abel and M. Jacobi are derived from considerations which, although cognate, are yet distinct; those of the latter being singly infinite, while Abel's fundamental developments consist of the product of an infinite number of factors, each of which in its turn consists of an infinite number of simple factors. Thus we can have two very dissimilar definitions of the function < by means of con- tinued products. M. Cauchy, who has investigated the theory of what he has termed reciprocal factorials, that is, of continued products of the form {(1 +x) (1+te) } {(14- faf) (1 + fx*) } which is immediately connected with M. Jacobi's developments, has accordingly set out from the singly infinite system of pro- ducts, and has deduced from hence the fundamental properties of elliptic functions (Comptes Rendus, XVII. p. 825). Mr Cayley, on the other hand, has made use of Abel's doubly infinite products, and has shown that the functions defined by means of them satisfy the fundamental formulae mentioned in the note at page 266, which, as these equations furnish a sufficient definition of the elliptic functions, is equivalent to showing that the continued products are in reality elliptic functions. He has ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 293 therefore effected for Abel's developments that which M. Cauchy had done for M. Jacobi's. Mr Cayley's paper appeared in the fourth volume of the Cambridge Mathematical Journal, but he has since published a translation of it with modifications in the tenth volume of Liouville's. On the same subject we may mention a paper by M. Eisenstein (Crelle's Journal, XXVII. 285). 24. M. Liouville has in several memoirs investigated the conditions under which the integral of an algebraical function can be expressed in an algebraical, or, more generally, in a finite form. This investigation is of the same character as that which occurs in the beginning of Abel's last published memoir on elliptic functions (vide supra, p. 286). But while Abel's re- searches are more general than M. Liouville's, the latter has arrived at a result more fundamental, if such an expression may be used, than any of which Abel has left a demonstration. He has shown that if y be an algebraical function of x, such that \ydx may be expressed as an explicit finite function of x, we must have \ydx = t + A log u + B log v + . . . + Clog w, A, B, ... C being constant, and t, u, v, ...w algebraical functions of x. The theorem established by Abel in the memoir refer- red to includes as a particular case the following proposition, that if + ... + Clogw, then t, u, v, . . . w may all be reduced to rational functions of x and y. Combining these two results, it appears that if \ydx be ex- pressible as an explicit finite function of x, its expression must be of the form t + A logu + JBlog v+ ... 4- Clogw, where t, u, v, ... w are rational functions of x and y, or rather that its expression must be reducible to this form*. * An equivalent theorem is stated by Abel in his letter to Legendre for im- plicit as well as explicit functions (Crelle's Journal, vi.). 294 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. After establishing these results in the memoir (that on ellip- tic transcendents of the first and second kinds), which will be found in the twenty-third cahier of the Journal de TEcole Polytechnique, p. 37, M. Liouville supposes y to be of the p form -jjj , where P and R are integral polynomials, and hence f P deduces the general form in which the integral \-pp dx may J Y i necessarily be put, provided it admit of expression as an ex- plicit finite function of x. f P He shows from hence that if I p^ dx cannot be expressed by an algebraical function of x, it cannot be expressed by an explicit finite function of it, and finally demonstrates that an elliptic integral, either of the first or second kind, is not ex- pressible as an explicit finite function of its variable. In a previous memoir inserted in the preceding cahier, M. Liouville proved the simpler proposition, that elliptic integrals of the first and second kinds are not expressible as explicit algebraical functions of their variable (Journal de VEcole Poly- technique, t. xiv. p. 137). His attention appears to have been directed to this class of researches by a passage of Laplace's * Theory of Probabilities,' in which the illustrious author, after indicating the fundamental, and, so to speak, ineffaceable dis- tinctions between different classes of functions, states that he had succeeded in showing that the integral I JV - s not expressible as a finite function, explicit or implicit, of x. Laplace however did not publish his demonstration. In his own Journal (v. 34 and 441), M. Liouville has since shown that elliptic integrals of the first and second kinds, con- sidered as functions of the modulus, cannot be expressed in finite terms. 25. In the eighteenth volume of the Comptes Rendus (Liouville's Journal, ix. 353), we find in a communication from M. Hermite, of which we shall shortly have occasion to speak more fully, a remarkable demonstration of Jacobi's theorem. It is stated for the case of the first real transformation, but might of course be rendered general. This demonstration depends ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 295 essentially on the principle already mentioned (p. 276), that any rational function of a root of an algebraical equation which has the same value for every root of the equation is rationally ex- pressible in the coefficients. The equation to which this princi- ple is applied is that to which we have so often referred, viz. y = -y , considered as an equation to determine x in terms of ?/, and by means of it, M. Hermite shows at once that a certain rational function of x is also a rational function of ?/, the form of which is subsequently determined. M. Hermite goes on to prove other theorems relating to ellip- tic functions. As elliptic functions are doubly periodic, we may determine certain of their properties by considering to what conditions doubly periodic functions must be subject. This view is mentioned by M. Liouville in a verbal communication to the Institute (Comptes Rendus, t. xix.). He states that he had found that a doubly periodic function which is not an absolute constant and has but one value for each value of its variable must be, for certain values of it, infinite ; that from hence the known properties of elliptic functions are easily deduced; and that by means of this principle he had succeeded in proving the expressions of the roots of the equation for the division of an elliptic integral of the first kind, which M. Jacobi had given without demonstration in Crelle's Journal*. I am not aware that any development of M. Liouville's view has as yet ap- peared. In the recent numbers of Crelle's Journal there are many papers by M. Eisenstein on different points in the theory of elliptic functions. Among these I may mention one which con- tains a very ingenious proof of the fundamental formula for the addition of two functions, derived from the differential equa- tion of the second order, which each function must satisfy. Other contributions to the theory of elliptic functions might be mentioned ; some of these, not here noticed, are referred to in the index which will be found at the end of this report. But in general it may be remarked that the form which the subject has * M. Liouville has mentioned that M. Hermite had demonstrated the formulae in question in a different manner. 296 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. assumed, in consequence of the discoveries of Abel and M. Jacobi, is that which it will probably always retain, however our knowledge of particular parts of it may increase* What has since been effected relates for the most part to matters of detail, of which, however important they may be, it is difficult or im- possible to give an intelligible account. 26. It does not fall within the design of this report to con- sider the various applications which have been made of the theory of elliptic functions ; but I shall briefly mention some of the geometrical interpretations, if the expression may so be used, which mathematicians have given to the analytical results of the theory. The lemniscate has, as is well known, the property that its arcs may be represented by an elliptic integral of the first kind, the modulus of which is = . The problem of the division of its V2 perimeter is accordingly a geometrical interpretation of that of the division of the complete integral, and was considered by mathematicians at a time when the theory of elliptic functions was almost wholly undeveloped. Besides Fagnani, whose re- searches with respect to the lemniscate have been already noticed, we may mention those of Euler, who however did not succeed in obtaining a solution of the problem. Legendre, who seems to have attached considerable importance to geometrical illustra- tions of his analytical results, assigned the equation of a curve of the sixth order, whose arcs measured from a fixed point represent the sum of any elliptic integral of the first kind and an algebraical expression. He showed also that an arc of the curve might be assigned equal to the elliptic integral, but in order to this both extremities of the arc must be considered variable, so that in effect the integral is represented by the difference of two arcs measured from a fixed point (Traite des Fonctions Elliptiques, I. p. 36). M. Serret, in a note presented to the Institute in 1843 (Liouville's Journal, viil. 145), has proved a beautiful theorem, viz. that the sum and difference of the two unequal arcs, inter- cepted by lines drawn from the centre of Cassini's ellipse to cut the curve, are each equal to an elliptic integral of the first kind, and that the moduli of the two integrals are comple- ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 297 mentary. In the lemniscate, which is a case of Cassini's ellipse, one of these arcs disappears, and the moduli of the two integrals are equal, each being the sine of half a right angle. So that M. Serret's theorem is an extension of the known property of the lemniscate. M. Serret has since considered the subject of the representa- tion of elliptic and hyper-elliptic arcs in a very general manner. His memoir, which was presented to the Institute and ordered to be published in the Savans Etr angers, appears in Liouville's Journal, X. 257. He had remarked that the rectangular co- ordinates of the lemniscate are rationally expressible in terms of the argument of the elliptic integral which represents the arc, for if we assume /- z + z s , /- z , -r z i -f- z we shall have =, and if between the first two of these equations we eliminate z, we arrive at the known equation of the lemniscate *. So that if we state the indeterminate equation (x, y and Z being real and rational functions of 0), the lemniscate will afford us one solution of it ; and every other solution will correspond to some curve whose arc is expressible by an elliptic or hyper-elliptic integral. Of this indeterminate equation M. Serret discusses a particular case. He succeeds in solving it by a most ingenious method, which is applicable to the general equation, and shows from hence that there are an infinity of curves, the arcs of which represent elliptic integrals of the first kind. M. Serret's researches however have not led him to a geometrical representation by means of an algebraical curve of any integral of the first kind, though his results are generalized in a note appended to his memoir by M. Liouville. In order that the curve may be algebraical, it is necessary and sufficient, * On reducing the integral I . to the standard form of elliptic integrals, J vi+2 4 we find that it is an elliptic integral of the first kind, of which the modulus is the sine of 45. 298 0^ THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. as M. Liouville lias remarked, that the square of the modulus of the integral should be rational, and less than unity. In a subsequent memoir (Liouville's Journal, x. 351) he has very much simplified the analytical part of his researches, and in the same Journal (x. 421) has proved some remarkable properties of one class of what may be called elliptic curves. In the fourth number of the Cambridge and Dublin Mathe- matical Journal (p. 187), M. Serret has developed this part of the subject, and has also given a general sketch of his pre- vious papers. M. Liouville ( Comptes Eendus, xxi. 1 255, or his Journal, x. 456) has given a very elegant investigation of an analytical theorem established by M. Serret. In the fourteenth volume of Crelle's Journal (p. 217), M. Gudermann has considered the rectification of the curve called the spherical ellipse, which is one of a class of curves formed by the intersection of a cone of the second order with a sphere. He has shown that its arcs represent an elliptic integral of the third kind. In the ninth volume of Liouville's Journal (p. 155), Mr W. Roberts proves that a cone of the second order, whose vertex lies on the surface of a sphere, and one of whose external axes passes through the centre, intersects the sphere in a curve whose arcs will, according to circumstances, represent any elliptic inte- gral of the third kind and of the circular species ; or any elliptic integral of the same kind and of the logarithmic species, pro- vided the angle of the modulus is less than half a right angle ; or (subject to the same condition) any elliptic integral of the first kind ; or lastly, by a suitable modification, any elliptic integral of the second kind. The cases here excepted may be avoided by introducing known transformations. The cases in which the arcs represent elliptic integrals of the first kind, Mr Eoberts has previously mentioned in the eighth volume of Liouville's Journal (p. 263). He has since given in the same Journal (x. 297), a general investigation of the subject, in which it is supposed that the vertex of the cone may have any position we please. M. Verhulst has represented the three kinds of elliptic integrals by means of sectorial areas of certain curves, and the function T by the volume of a certain solid. It is manifest, however, that it is incomparably easier to do this than to represent these transcend- ents by means of the arcs of curves. THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 299 Besides one or two other papers I may mention a tract by the Abbe Tortolini, on the geometrical representation of elliptic integrals of the second and third kinds. This tract, however, I have not seen. Lag-range long since proved (vide Theorie des Fonctions Ana- lytiques, p. 85), that by means of a spherical triangle a geome- trical representation of the addition of elliptic integrals of the first kind may easily be obtained, and that hence by a series of such triangles we are enabled to represent the multiplication as well as the addition of thesejuitegrals. M. Jacobi ha-s given (Crelle's Journal, ill. p. 376, or vide Liouville's Journal, X. p. 435) a geometrical construction for the addition and multiplication of elliptic integrals of the first kind. It is founded on the properties of an irregular polygon inscribed in a circle, and the sides of which touch one or more other circles. It is to be remarked that Legendre, in giving an ac- count 4 of this construction in one of the supplements to his last work, has only considered its application to multiplication and not to addition, and has been followed in this respect by M. Ver- hulst, whose treatise on elliptic functions has been already men- tioned. In consequence of this, M. Chasles was led to believe that until the publication of his own researches, no construction for addition excepting that of Lagrange was known. But he has recently (Comptes Rendus, January 1846) pointed out the error into which he had fallen. 27. In the Transactions of the Eoyal Irish Academy (ix. p. 151), Dr Brinkley gave a geometrical demonstration of Fagnani's theorem with respect to elliptic arcs, and in the sixteenth volume of the same Transactions (p. 76), we find Lan- den's theorem proved geometrically by Professor MacCullagh. M. Chasles has considered the subject of the comparison of elliptic arcs by geometrical methods, and with great success. His fundamental proposition may be said to be, that if from any two points of an ellipse we draw two pairs of tangents to any confocal ellipse, the difference of the two arcs of the latter respec- tively intercepted by each pair of tangents is rectifiable. Or, what in effect is the same thing, if we fasten a string at two points in the circumference of an ellipse, arid suppose a ring to move along the string, keeping it stretched, and winding it 300 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. on and off the arc which lies between its two extremities, the ring will trace out a portion of an ellipse confocal to the former. If for the first ellipse we substitute an hyperbola confocal with the second, the sum of the arcs will be constant. From hence a series of theorems is deduced, remarkable not only for their elegance, but also for the facility with which they are obtained. They furnish constructions for the addition and multiplication of elliptic integrals. The whole of this investigation, of which an account is given in the Comptes Rendus (Vol. xvn. p. 838, and Vol. xix. p. 1239), shows, like others of M. Chasles, how much is lost in treating geometrical questions by an exclusive adherence to what may be called the method of co-ordination. Invaluable as this method is, it yet often introduces considera- tions foreign to the problem to which it is applied*. III. 28. The first outline of a detailed theory of the higher transcendents was given by Legendre in the third supplement to his Trait& des Fonctions Elliptiques. He proposes to classify the transcendents comprised in the general formula f /()*_ J (x a) V# according to the degree of the polynomial (f>x, the first class being that in which the index of this degree is three or four; the second that in which it is five or six, and so on. The first class therefore consists of elliptic integrals; all the others may be designated as ultra-elliptic. This epithet, however, which was proposed by Legendre, has not been so generally used as Jiyper- elliptic, which was, I believe, first used by M. Jacobi. M. Jacobi, however, has proposed to call the higher transcendents Abelian integrals. The principle of Legendre's classification is to be found in the mininum number of integrals to which the sum of any M. Chasles has also considered the subject of spherical conies, as well as that of the lines of curvature and shortest lines on an ellipsoid. The latter has re. cently engaged the attention of several distinguished mathematicians MM. Jacobi, Joachimsthal, Liouville, Mac Cullagh and Roberts may be particularlv mentioned. ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 301 number of them can be reduced. As we know, this number is unity in the case of elliptic integrals, and by Abel's theorem we find that it is two in the first class of the higher transcendents, three in the next, and so on. Following the analogy of elliptic integrals, Legendre pro- posed to recognise three canonical forms in each class of hyper- elliptic integrals, and thus to divide it into three orders. The sum of any number of functions of the first kind will, when the required conditions are satisfied, be equal to a constant ; that of any number of the secondhand third kinds respectively will, under similar conditions, be equal to an algebraical or logarith- mic function. Much the greater part of the remainder of the supplement consists of a discussion of the particular transcendents It contains a multitude of numerical calculations, and if the writer's age be considered (he was then almost eighty), is a very remarkable production. By means of the numerical calculations he recognised, as it were empirically, the values to be assigned in different cases to the above-mentioned constant : what these values ought to be, he did not attempt to determine a priori. At the close of the supplement we find a remarkable reduc- tion of an integral, apparently of a higher order to elliptic in- tegrals. The method employed has been generalised by M. Jacobi, in a notice of Legendre's Supplements, inserted in the eighth volume of Crelle's Journal (p. 413). 29. In the ninth volume of Crelle's Journal (p. 394), we find a most important paper by M. Jacobi ( Considerationes Ge- nerates, &c.} which may be said to have determined the direction in which the researches of analysts in the theory of algebraical integrals were to proceed. The writer proposes two questions, both suggested by the cases of trigonometrical and elliptic functions. First, as in these cases we consider certain functions to which circular and elliptic integrals are respectively inverse, and which are such that func- tions of the sum of two arguments are algebraically expressible in terms of functions of the simple arguments, what are the coi> 302 ON THE REGENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. responding functions to which the hyper-elliptic or Abelian integrals are inverse, and how by means of them can Abel's theorem be stated? Secondly, as in the same cases we obtain algebraical inte- grals of differential equations, whose variables are separated, but which nevertheless can only be directly integrated by means of transcendents*, what are the differential equations of which Abel's theorem gives us algebraical integrals ? These two ques- tions are, it is obvious, intimately connected. M. Jacobi first takes the particular case in which the poly- nomial under the radical is of the fifth or sixth degree. If we call this polynomial Jf, it follows from Abel's theorem, that if and fax = we shall have the equations (pa -+ (f>b = J l)+m"(a"+/8'V 1)} for every value of x, m, m', m" being any integers, and in which the three periods a + /3V 1, &c. are distinct, we can make /(*) =/(+) by assigning suitable values to m, m, m"; e being as before less than any assignable quantity. Hence as this result is inadmissi- ble, it follows that there is no such thing as a triply periodic function. Whenever therefore a function appears to have three periods they are in reality not distinct, and so a fortiori when it appears to have more than three. But now we come to a diffi- culty. For M. Jacobi proceeds to show that if we consider a function of one variable inverse to the Abelian integral (a + ftx) dx X being of the sixth degree in x, this function has four dis- tinct and irreducible periods. His conclusion is that we cannot consider the amplitude of this integral as an analytical function of the integral itself. In the present state of our knowledge, this conclusion, though seemingly forced on us by the impossibility of recognising the existence of a quadruply periodic function of one variable, is not, I think, at all satisfactory. The functional ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 305 dependence, the existence of which we are obliged to deny, may- be expressed by a differential equation of the second order ; and therefore it would seem that the commonly received opinion that every differential equation of two variables has a primitive, or expresses a functional relation between its variables, must be abandoned, unless some other mode of escaping from the difficulty is discovered. It is probable that some simple consideration, rather of a metaphysical than an analytical character, may here- after enable us to form a consistent and satisfactory view of the question, and this I believe^ I may say is the opinion of M. Jacobi himself. The same difficulty meets us in all the Abelian integrals : as in the case of those of Legendre's first class, namely where X is of the fifth or sixth degree, so also generally, the in- verse function has more than its due number of periodicities. Abel, in a short paper in the second volume of his works, p. 51, has in effect proved the multiple periodicity of the func- tions which are inverse to the integrals to which his theorem relates. The difficulty to which this gives rise did not strike him, or was perhaps reserved for another occasion. M. Jacobi next proves that his inverse functions of two variables are quadruply periodic, but that quadruple periodicity for functions of two variables is nowise inadmissible. A difficulty however seems to present itself, which is sug- gested by M. Eisenstein in Crelle's Journal, viz. that if for each /* dx value of the amplitude the integral x or I -= (vide supra, p. -' Vj" 302) , has an infinity of magnitudes real and imaginary, and the same is the case for (f>y, it is by no means easy to attach a defi- nite sense to the equation u = x determined by the integral I - is necessarily determinate, and so likewise Jo i^jX is that of u. That considerations connected with the conception of a function inverse to x make the latter quantity appear indeterminate is undoubtedly a difficulty ; but it is, so to speak, a difficulty collateral to M. Jacobi's theory,_and therefore need not prevent our accepting it. 20 306 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. elliptic functions, viz. the reduction and transformation of the integrals themselves, and the theory of the inverse functions. But before considering these I shall give some account of what has been done in fulfilment of the suggestion made by M. Jacobi at the close of the Considerations Generates. Mathematicians have succeeded in effecting the integration of the system of differential equations to the consideration of which we are led by Abel's theorem, and which is commonly designated by German mathematicians as the " Jacobische system;" its existence and its integrability having been first pointed out by M. Jacobi. In Crelle's Journal (xxm. 354), M. Eichelot, after modifying the form in which Lagrange's celebrated integration of the dif- ferential equation of elliptic integrals is generally presented, ex- tended a similar method to the system of two differential equations which occurs when we consider the Abelian transcen- dents of the first class. He thus obtains one algebraical integral of the system. In the case of Lagrange's equation one integral is all we want; but in that which M. Eichelot here discusses we require two. Now if in the former case we replace each of the variables by its reciprocal, we obtain a new differential equa- tion of the same form as the original one, and integrable there- fore in the same manner; and if in its integral we again replace each new variable by its reciprocal, that is by the original variable, we thus, as it is not difficult to see, get the integral of the original equation in a different form. That the two forms are in effect coincident may be verified a posteriori. But the same substitutions being made in M. Eichelot' s equations, which are of course those we have already mentioned at p. 302, the first of them becomes similar in form to the second, and vice versa the second to the first. Thus the system remains similar to itself; and if in the algebraical integral we obtain of it we again replace the new variables by their reciprocals, we fall on a new algebraical integral of the original system ; this integral being, which is remarkable, independent of that previously got. Thus the system of two equations is completely integrated. Extending his method to the general system of any number of equations, M. Eichelot obtains for each two integrals, but of course these are not all that we want. At the conclusion of his memoir M. Eichelot derives from Abel's theorem the algebraical integrals of the "Jacobische system." ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 307 Though in this memoir M. Richelot only obtained by direct integration two of the m l algebraical integrals of the " Jaco- bische system," yet he put the problem of its complete inte- gration into a convenient and symmetrical form. As there are m variables and m 1 relations among them, we may suppose each to be a function of an independent variable t. Lagrange, as we know, in integrating the equation cfo d L _ Q VZ VT ' introduced such an independent variable by the assumption dx which of course implied that -jf- = V Y. This assumption is unsymmetrical, and it is therefore difficult to see how to gene- ralise it. But if we assume -r- = - , we shall of course have dt x y J/ - an d therefore t is symmetrically related to x and dt y-x' y. Let Fu = be an equation whose roots are x and y, then, as we know, when u x^ F'u~x y, and, when uy, F'u = y x, so that using an abbreviated notation dx VT dy V? dt~F\x) a 1 dt~ F'(yY Nothing is easier than to generalise this result. For instance, the " Jacobische system" of two equations is ^L , dz A + " 0> xdx ydy zdz Now if Fu have x, y, z for its roots, the two preceding equations may, in virtue of a very well-known theorem, be re- placed by the three following, _ _ ^ dt ~ F'x ' dt ~ Fy ' dt ~ F'z ' 202 308 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. which introduce an independent variable t, symmetrically re- lated to x, y and z ; and so in all cases. M. Richelot* then takes a symmetrical function of x, y, ...z, viz. their sum, and by means of the last written equations arrives at an integrable differential equation of the second order, the principal variable being the said sum and the independent variable being t. From the first integral of this equation it is easy to eliminate the differentials, and we have thus an alge- braical relation in x, y, ... z, from which, in the manner already mentioned, M. Richelot deduces another. We now see that if we could find any other symmetrical function which would lead to an integrable equation we should get a finite relation among the variables. In the next volume of Crelle's Journal M. Jacobi took the following function as his principal variable, fju being a root of X = or fx if we suppose X =fx. Call- ing this function v, we get a simple differential equation in v and t, and a corresponding integral of the system. Now fx = has 2m or 2m 1 roots, and we only want m 1 integrals. The integrals therefore which we get by making p the first, second, &c. root of fx = are not all independent. * As M. Richelot's method of demonstrating Euler's theorem is more sym- metrical and far more easily remembered than Lagrange's, it ought, I think, to be introduced into all elementary works on elliptic functions. The equation to be integrated being , V a + fiy + yy* + Sy* + ey* dx assume , dt y-x Then dt x-y Let p = x + y. Then after a few obvious reductions Hence - * a + the algebraical integral sought. It may easily be expressed in other forms. ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 309 In the twenty-fifth volume of Crelle's Journal M. Eichelot resumed the subject of his former paper, and discussed it in a very interesting memoir. This fundamental or principal result may be said to be -a generalisation of M. Jacobi's. It is that in the function fjb may have any value whatever. The resulting differential equation, though rather more complicated than when, with M. Jacobi, we suppose //, a root of fx 0, is still very readily in- tegrable. We have thus an indefinite number of algebraical in- tegrals, since the quantity /JL is arbitrary, but of course not more than m 1 of them are independent. In the same volume of Crelle's Journal, p. 178, there is a curious paper by Dr Hsedenkamp, in which the algebraical in- tegrals of Jacobi's system are for the case of a polynomial of the fifth degree under the radical deduced from geometrical con- siderations. It is shown that in a system of curvilinear co- ordinates (those of which MM. Lame* and Liouville have made so much use), the equations of. the system are the differential equations given by the Calculus of Variations for the shortest line between two points. Consequently the finite equations of a straight line are the integrals sought. This very ingenious consideration is afterwards generalised. 32. In the twelfth volume of Crelle's Journal, p. 181, M. Eichelot has considered the Abelian integral of the first class. The principal result at which he arrives is, that the only rational transformation by means of which such an integral may be changed into one of similar form is linear in both the variables which it involves. By means of this substitution, he trans- forms, under certain conditions, the integral in question into a form analogous to the standard forms of elliptic integrals. The subject of the division of hyper-elliptic integrals of each class into three genera is also considered, and the same prin- ciple of classification as Legendre's is made use of. The paper concludes by pointing out an error which Legendre committed in the application of his principle. Legendre had thought that the formula of summation given by Abel's theorem for integrals f T e (?3' of the form I - 7 = could not involve a logarithmic function. J Nx 310 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. Thus these integrals would belong to the first or second kind, according to the value of the index e, and of X the degree of (f>x. But in reality, though the integrals in question are of the first kind (that is, they admit of summation without introducing either an algebraical or logarithmic function) if e be less than a certain limit, yet if it be not so their formula of summation will in general involve both algebraical and logarithmic func- tions. Either may, under certain conditions as to the form of (j)x, disappear, but while x is merely known as the polynomial of the A,th degree, we cannot decide whether the integral is to be referred to the second or third kind. I may mention here a very elegant result due to M. Jacobi. It appears in the thirtieth volume of Crelle's Journal, p. 121, and is a generalisation of the fundamental formula for the addition of elliptic arcs. With a slight modification it may be thus stated. If , ... c, which, as has been remarked, may themselves be considered functions of the arguments a? l5 x 2 , ... x^. To determine M as a function of the last-written quantities is a necessary ulterior step in almost any special application of Abel's theorem, and this M. Eichelot has done in several interesting cases, establishing at the same time the relations which exist among the quantities in question. His investigations, however, have an ulterior purpose, and are not to be considered merely as corollaries from Abel's theorem. Another paper of M. Eichelot, on the subject of the Abelian integrals, is found in the sixteenth volume of Crelle's Journal, ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 311 p. 221. The aim of it is to furnish the means of actually calcu- lating the value of the Abelian integral of the first class by a method of successive transformation, that is, by a method analo- gous to that used for elliptic integrals. M. Eichelot's process depends essentially on an irrational substitution, by means of which we can replace the proposed integrals by two others which differ only with respect to their limits. In the development of this idea the author confines himself to the first kind of the Abelian integrals of the first class, though the same method may m . m . be more generally applied*. ^From the formula which expresses the proposed integral as the aggregate of two others is deduced another, in which it is expressed by means of four integrals, the inferior limits of all being zero. The first and second of these integrals differ only in their amplitude, and the same is true of the third and fourth. There are two principal trans- formations, either of which may be repeated as often as we please ; and though it might seem that the number of inte- grals would in the successive transformations increase in a geo- metrical progression, yet by the application of Abel's theorem we can always reduce them to the same number. But the de- velopment of this part of the subject M. Eichelot has reserved for another occasion f. At the close of his memoir, M. Eichelot has given some numerical examples of his method for the case of a complete hyper-elliptic integral. The third example he had previously given in a brief notice of his researches, published in No. 311 of Schumacher's Journal. 33. For many years after the death of Legendre the subject of the comparison of transcendents was studied principally by German and Scandinavian writers \: a young French mathema- tician, M. Hermite, has recently made important discoveries in this theory ; but as the principal part of what he has done * The integral to be transformed is 77 ; - r - - r - ^ . 9 \ (1-2) (i -/c%) (i -X 2 z) (i - M and N, &c. being constant. "t* His transformations ultimately reduce the hyper- elliptic integral to elliptic integrals j the latter may be considered known quantities, "vel per paucas ad- jectas transformationes directe computentur." + The papers of M. Liouville, already noticed, may be said to be an exception to this remark. 312 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. is as yet not published, a very imperfect outline is all that can be given. In the seventeenth volume of the Comptes Eendus, we find the report of a commission, consisting of MM. Lame and Liou- ville, on a memoir presented to the Institute by M. Hermite. This report is reprinted in the eighth volume of Liouville's Journal, p. 502. A remark which incidentally occurs in it, namely, that Abel was the first to give the general theory of the division of elliptic integrals, led to a very warm discussion be- tween MM. Liouville and Libri, on the subject of the claims which, as I have already remarked, the latter had made with reference to this theory. It appears from the report, that M. Hermite has succeeded in solving the problem of the division of hyper-elliptic integrals. The division of elliptic integrals depends on the solution of an algebraical equation ; that of the hyper-elliptic integrals (as the functions inverse to them involve, as we have seen, more than one variable), on the solution of a system of simultaneous algebraical equations. This solution can, M. Hermite has shown, be effected by means of radicals assuming, as in the ana- logous case of elliptic functions, the division of the complete integrals. M. Hermite's method depends for the most part on the periodicity of the functions considered. A transcendental expression of the roots of the equation of the problem having been obtained, their algebraical values are deduced from it. These researches, in themselves of great interest, are yet more interesting, when we consider how completely they jus- tify the views of M. Jacobi as to the manner in which Abel's theorem ought to be interpreted, by showing that his theory of the higher transcendents is no barren or artificial generali- sation. At page 505 of the volume of Liouville's Journal already mentioned, we find an extract from a letter of M. Jacobi to M. Hermite, in which, after congratulating him on the im- portant discovery he had made, he points out that the transcen- dental functions X (uv), \ (uv) (vide ante, p. 302) are algebraical functions of transcendental functions which involve but one variable. M. Hermite's subsequent researches have embraced a much more general theory than that of the Abelian integrals, namely, ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 313 that of the integrals of any algebraical function whatever. Thus his views bear the same relation to Abel's general theory, deve- loped in the Savans Etrangers, that those of M. Jacobi in the Considerationes Generates do to Abel's theorem. All that has yet been published with respect to them is con- tained in the Comptes Rendus, xviil. p. 1133, in the form of an extract of a letter from M. Hermite to M. Liouville. This ex- tract is reprinted in Liouville's Journal, IX. p. 353. It was com- municated to the Institute in June 1844. Following the course of^M. Jacobi's inquiries, M. Hermite proposed to determine what are the differential equations of which Abel's investigations give the complete algebraical inte- grals. When this is done it suggests the nature of the inverse functions which are to be introduced. The number of these functions will of course vary in different cases, just as in M. Ja- cobi's less general theory. Let us suppose this number to be denoted by 7, then each function will involve 7 variables. And if each of these variables be replaced by the sum of two new variables, then all the functions are given as the roots of an equation of the 7th degree, whose coefficients are rational in terms of the corresponding functions of each of the new variables and of certain known algebraical functions. From hence is de- rived the theory of the periodicity of these functions. After some other remarks on the theory of the higher trans- cendents, M. Hermite states that the method of division of which he made use in the problem of the division of Abelian integrals extends also to the new transcendents now considered, but that in the theory of transformation he had not as yet been success- ful. The greater part of the remainder of this remarkable com- munication relates to elliptic functions, and has been already noticed. The remark just mentioned as having been made by M. Jacobi for the functions which are inverse to the Abelian integrals, extends, M. Hermite observes, to the functions which he considers. In conclusion, M. Hermite remarks that the method of dif- ferentiation with respect to the modulus of which Legendre made so much use in the theory of elliptic functions, may be applied to all functions of the form jf(xy] dx, 314 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. where y is given by the equation y-z=o. In concluding this report, it may be remarked that the sub- ject of it is still incomplete, and that there is yet much to be done which we may hope it will not be found impossible to do. It is however difficult to predict the direction in which progress will hereafter be made. Yet I think we may reasonably sup- pose that the question of multiple periodicity, from the para- doxical aspect in which it has presented itself, and from its connexion with the general principles of the science of sym- bols, will sooner or later attract the attention of all philosophical analysts. M. Liouville's idea of considering the conditions to which a doubly periodic function must as such be subject, can scarcely be developed or extended to the higher transcendents without leading to results of great generality and interest. The detailed discussion of different classes of algebraical in- tegrals, their transformations and reductions, form an endless subject of inquiry. But in this, as in other cases, the increasing extent of our knowledge will of itself tend to diminish the in- terest attached to the full development of particular portions of it; and with reference to analytical problems arising out of questions of physical science, the theory of the higher trans- cendents will it is probable never become of so much importance as the theory of elliptic functions. We have occasion to make use of circular much more frequently than of elliptic functions, and similarly we shall, it may be presumed, have less frequently to introduce the higher transcendents than elliptic functions. Numerical calculations of the values of the higher transcendents are therefore less important than similar calculations in the case of elliptic functions*. The following index is intended to contain references to all the papers in the first thirty-one volumes of Crelle's Journal, and in the first ten volumes of Liouville's Journal, more or less con- nected with the subject of this report, together with a consider- able number of others. * The Academy of Sciences has proposed as the subject of the great mathe- matical prize for 1846 the following question: " Perfection ner dans quelque point essentiel la the'orie des fonctions abeliennes ou plus gdneralement des transcen- dantes qui re'sultent de la consideration des integrates de quantite*s algdbriques." The memoirs are to be sent in before the ist of October. THE REGENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. 315 In the following Index Crelles Journal is denoted by C., Liou- villes by L., and the present Report by R. ABEL. Ueber die Integration der differential Formel ~=. wenn R und p ganze Functionen sind. C. i. 185. This paper contains formulae of reduction. It is mentioned by M. Liouville, ' Jour- nal de FEcole Poly technique,' 23d cah. p. 38. It appears in French in Abel's collected works, Tom. I. 33. Recherches sur les Fonctions Elliptiques. C. n. 101, and in. 160 [1827]. Y. Abel's works, i. 141 ; also R, p. 273. . -- Remarques sur quelques Proprietes Generales d'une certaine sorte de Fonctions Transcendantes. G. in. 313. This paper contains the theorem commonly known as 'Abel's Theorem.' V. Abel's works, i. 288 ; also R. p. 247. -- Sur le Nombre de Transformations Differentes qu'on pent faire subir a une Fonction Elliptique par la Substitution d'une Fonction donnee du premier desse. C. in. 394. V. Abel's works, i. 309. -- Theorem e General sur la Transformation des Fonctions Ellip- tiques de la seconde et de la troisieme espece. C. in. 402. The theorem is stated without demonstration. Y. Abel's works, i. 317. -- Note sur quelques Formules Elliptiques. C. iv. 85. This paper contains developments of elliptic functions, &c. Y. Abel's works, I. 299. -- Theore~rnes sur les Fonctions Elliptiques. C. rv. 194. They relate to the demonstration of the theorem stated by M. Jacobi in the third volume of Crelle's Journal, p. 86, by means of which Abel's method for the division of elliptic integrals is greatly sim- plified. Y. Abel's works, i. 318 ; also R p. 277. -- Demonstration d'une Propriety Generale d'une certaine Classe de Fonctions Transcendantes. C. iv. 200. This short paper contains the fundamental idea of the memoir presented to the In- stitute in 1826. Y. Abel's works, i. 324 ; also R. p. 246. -- Precis d'une Theorie des Fonctions Elliptiques. C. iv. 236 and 309. This precis was left unfinished. Y. Abel's works, I. 326 ; also R. p. 286. - Extracts from Letters to M. Crelle, one of which relates to the comparison of Transcendents. C. v. 336. Y. Abel's works, ii. 253. - A Letter to M. Legendre. C. vi. 73. Works, n. 256. It 316 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. contains a theorem proved by M. Ram us in the twenty-fourth volume of Crelle's Journal, p. 78 ; and another, proved by M. Liouville in the twenty-third cahier of the ' Journal de 1'Ecole Polytechnique.' Y. R. p. 249 and p. 294. Memoire sur une certaine classe de Fonctions Transcendantes. Presented to the Institute, Oct. 30, 1826, published in 1841 in the 'Memoires des Savans Etrangers,' vn. 176. It is the only memoir of Abel's not contained in the collected edition of his works published in 1839; the editor, M. Holmboe, not having been able to procure a copy of it. V. R. p. 246. Solution d'un Probleme General concernant la Transformation des Fonctions Elliptiques. Schumacher's Astronomische Nach- richten, No. 138, vi. 365. Y. Abel's works, I. 253; also R. p. 282. Addition au Me'moire Precedent. Schumacher's Astrono- mische Nach., No. 147, vn. 33. Y. Abel's works, i. 275; also R. ubi supra. The following papers were published for the first time in Abel's collected works. The references are to the second volume : Proprie"tes remarquables de la Fonction / = <#, etc., p. 51. The multiple periodicity of a function inverse to a hyper-elliptic integral is here mentioned. Y. R. p. 305. Sur une Propriete" remarquable d'une Classe tres etendue de Fonctions Transcendantes, p. 54. This paper contains a gene- ralisation of a theorem relating to elliptic functions. Extension de la The*orie Precedente, p. 58. Sur la Comparaison des Fonctions Transcendantes, p. 66. This paper contains a somewhat fuller development of his general theory than that which is inserted in the fourth volume of Oelle's Journal, p. 200. Y. R. p. 247. Theorie des Transcendantes Elliptiques, p. 93. Y. R. p. 287. Demonstration de quelques Formules Elliptiques, p. 210. BROCH. Sur quelques Proprie*tes d'une certaine classe des Fonctions Transcendantes. C. xx. 178. An extension of Abel's theorem. Y. R. p. 248. Me"moire sur les Fonctions de la forme (X>-VP-IF(X*) (R(x*})*kdx, etc. C. xxm. 145 and 201. This memoir, of which the first part may be considered a gene- ralisation of the preceding, is accompanied by a report of MM. Liouville and Cauchy. Y. R. p. 248. THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSTS. 317 BRONWIN. On Elliptic Functions. Camb. Mathematical Journal, in. 123. Mr Bronwin puts the transcendental formula of trans- formation in a very neat form. On M. Jacobi's Theory of Elliptic Functions. Lond., Ed. and Dub. Phil. Mag. xxn. 258. V. R. p. 267. Reply to Mr Cay ley's Remarks. L., E. & D. Phil. Mag. xxin. 89. Y. R. uU supra. CATALAN. Sur la Reduction d'une Classe d'Integrales Multiples. L. iv. 323. Sur les Transformations des Variables dans les Integrates Multiples. Memoires Qouronnes par 1' Academic Royal e de Bruxelles, xiv. 2de partie, p. 1. The third part contains a trans- formation of a multiple integral leading to properties of hyper- elliptic integrals analogous to known properties of elliptic in- tegrals. CAUCHY. Comptes Rendus, xvn. 825. Y. R. p. 292. CAYLEY. Memoire sur les Fonctions doublement Periodiques. L. x. 385. An enlargement of his paper on the inverse elliptic functions, published in the fourth volume of the Cambridge Mathematical Journal. Y. R. p. 292. Remarks on the Rev. B. Bronwin's paper. L., E. and D. Phil. Mag. xxii. 358. Investigation of the Transformation of certain Elliptic Func- tions. L., E. and D. Phil. Mag. xxv. 352. Y. R. p. 292. On the iDverse Elliptic Functions. Camb. Math. Journal, iv. 257. Y. R. p. 292. CHASLES. Comptes Rendus de 1'Institut, xvn. 838, and xix. 1239. M. Chasles in these two communications presents to the Institute notices of his geometrical researches illustrative of the theory of elliptic functions. Y. R. p. 300. CLAUSEN. Schumacher's Nachrichten, xix. 178. On a particular Integral mentioned by Legendre. Schumacher's Nachrichten, xix. 181. It is shown that the arcs of one of the curves, known as the Spirica of Perseus, may be rectified by means of an elliptic integral. EISENSTEIN. Theoremes sur les Formes Cubiques. C. xxvu. 75. At the end of this paper we find some developments of elliptic functions in continued fractions. This subject is continued in the following paper of M. Eisenstein's. Transformations remarquables de quelque Series. C. xxvu. 193, and xxvni. 36. See also Theorema, C. xxix. 96. Bemerkungen zu den elliptischen und Abelschen Transcenden- 318 ON THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ANALYSIS. ten. C. xxvii. 185. M. Jacob! has criticised this paper (of which a translation appears in Liouville's Journal, x. 44 5) in the thirtieth volume of Ci\ lie's Journal. Elementare Ableitung einer merkwiirdiger Relation zwischen zwei unendlichen Producten. C. xxvii. 285. V. R. p. 293. Beitrage zur Theorie der Elliptischen Functionen. C. xxx. 185, 211. This paper contains a demonstration of the funda- mental formula of elliptic functions. Y. R. p. 295. GUDERMANN. Integralia Elliptica Tertise Speciei Reducendi Metho- dus Simplicior, &c. C. xiv. 159, 185. V. R. p. 291. Einige Bemerkungen liber Elliptische Functionen. C. xvi. 78. Series novae quarum ope Integralia Elliptica Primse et Se- cundse Speciei computantur, &c. C. xvi. 366, and xvn. 382. Theorie der Modular Functionen und der Modular Integrale. C. xvm. 1, 142, 220, 303; xix. 46, 119, 244; xx. 62, 103; XXL 240 ; xxni. 301 ; xxv. 281. A systematic treatise on elliptic functions. V. R. p. 291. GUTZLAFF. ^Equatio Modularis pro Transformation Functionum Ellipticarum Septimi Ordinis. C. xn. 173. Y. R. p. 291. HAEDENKAMP. De Transformation Integralis I! nV - sin 2 cos 2 \js) ' C. xx. 97. It is shown to be the product of two elliptic integrals. Tiber Transformation vielfacher Integrale. C. xxii. 184. Analogous to the researches of M. Catalan in the * Memoires de Bruxelles,' which appears to have been previously published. tJber Abelsche Integrale. C. xxv. 178. Y. R. p. 309. HERMITE. Sur la Theorie des Transcendantes a Difierentielles Al- gebriques. L. ix. 353. Extracted from the Comptes Rendus ' [June 1844]. This note, which contains scarcely more than an indication of M. Hermite's results, may be said to mark the furthest advance yet made in the theory of the comparison of transcendents. Y. R. p. 312. HILL. Exemplum usus Functionum Iteratarum, being the radius of the sphere, Jc its least radius of gyration. While the direction and velocity of the plane's motion remain unaltered, no farther action occurs; when a change takes place, a new tangential impulse is given to the sphere, producing a new velocity of the centre parallel to its own direction, and a new velocity of rotation about an axis at right angles to it. The new velocity of rotation bearing to the old the same ratio as the new velocity of the centre to the old, the result is a compound velocity of the centre bearing the same ratio as before to the velocity of the point of contact, and as before parallel to it, and therefore still parallel to the direction * Walton's Problems in Theoretical Mechanics, p. 540. SOLUTION OF A DYNAMICAL PROBLEM. 325 of motion of the plane ; and so on ; whether the motion of the plane varies continuously or discontinuously, in direction, in velocity, or in both. In the case proposed the motion of the plane (by which throughout I mean the element thereof in con- tact with the sphere) is always normal to a line drawn to a fixed point. Therefore the motion of the centre is so too, therefore the centre describes a circle whose centre is perpen- dicularly over the said fixed point. Q.E.D. ON THE TAUTOCHRONISM OF THE CYCLOID*. CONCEIVE two points, not acted on by gravity, to move on the circumference of a stationary circle towards its lowest point : the plane of the circle we will suppose to be vertical. Let their motion be such that the ratio between their distances from the lowest point may be invariable. Then their velocities towards that point must be in that invariable ratio. Their heights above it are in the duplicate ratio: their initial heights above it were also in the duplicate ratio: so likewise therefore are their ver- tical descents towards it. In other words, the squares of their velocities towards the lowest point are as their vertical descents. Conceive one of the points to be, when the other starts, at the highest point of the circle, and to move with a c6nstant velocity (#a) J , a being the radius of the circle. Then, when it has descended through a vertical space z from its initial position, the square of its velocity towards the lowest point of the circle is equal to \gz. On this supposition with respect to one point, it appears, from what has been said before, that the square of the velocity of the other point towards the lowest point of the circle is similarly equal to \gz ', z being the quantity correspond- ing to z, viz. its vertical descent below its initial position. Now suppose the circle to move horizontally in its own plane with a velocity equal at every instant to the velocity, along the arc, of one of the points, the direction of the motion of the circle being towards the right or the left accordingly as the point is to the right or the left of the vertical diameter. If the former point be chosen, then the velocity of the circle will be constant, if the * Walton's Probkms in Ekmentary Mechanics, p. 245. .V THE TAUTOCHRONISM OF THE CYCLOID. 327 latter point, it will be variable. In either case, the path of the point selected obviously becomes a cycloid, and it is easily seen that the velocity of the point towards the lowest point of the circle is destroyed by the motion of the circle itself, while the velocity at right angles to this direction is doubled : consequently the whole velocity of the point will have, for its square, 2gz or 2gz, and we have thus a perfect representation of cycloidal mo- tion under the action of gravity. But it is obvious from the fundamental hypothesis that the two points will reach the lowest point of the circle at the same time: that is to say, the descent to the lowest point of the cycloid is tautochronous. The analogy to the descent to the lowest point of a circle along its chords is in the essential point complete, but here the motion is not along the chord but along the arc, and is compli- cated with the motion of the circle itself. In both cases it is easily seen that a medium, the resistance of which varies as the velocity, does not affect the tautochronism. ON NAPIER'S RULES*. To the Editor of the " Quarterly Journal of Mathematics." Some time ago, my friend Mr K. L. Ellis sent me the fol- lowing remarks upon Napier's rules. NAPIER'S rules for the solution of right-angled spherical tri- angles are generally presented merely as a memoria technica ; and when so presented do not exhibit the principle upon which they depend. To investigate and exhibit that principle is the purpose of this paper. LEMMA. If the three sides of a tetrahedron are right-angled triangles, no right angle being at the apex, then the base is also a right- angled triangle. Let OAB be a right-angled triangle in A, and similarly OAC. Let the third side OCB be right-angled in G. Then will the base A CB be also right-angled in 0. Since Napier's method of investigating his rules was independently discovered by Mr Ellis, the Editor is of opinion that this Essay, written by the Dean of Ely, will not be without interest to the readers of this volume. ON NAPIERS RULES. 329 or the angle at C is a right angle. Q.E.D. c Fig. i. COR. It follows from this that the dihedral angle AC is a right angle. Considering the figure OABG, we observe that it is in some sort symmetrical with regard to the line OB. GB being at right angles to the plane OA C, and OA at right angles to the plane CAB ; and as the dihedral angle C is a right angle, so also is the dihedral angle BA. Now the three lines OA, OB, OG evidently represent any right-angled spherical triangle; and similarly the three lines BO, BA, BG represent another, between which and the former a certain relation exists. One angle, namely, the dihedral angle BO, is common ; the side ABC is the complement of the dihe- dral angle OA ; the hypothenuse OBG is the complement of the side BOG', the side OB A is the complement of the hypo- thenuse AOB\ and, lastly, the angle BG is the complement of the side AOG. Hence this conclusion. If a v a 2 , a s , a 4 , a 5 represent the parts of a right-angled spherical triangle taken in order, and begin- ning at the hypothenuse, then | - a 3 , | - 4 , | - a B , | - a l9 and a a are the parts also taken in order and beginning at the hypothenuse of another right-angled spherical triangle. If 330 ON NAPIER'S RULES. therefore to characterize the former triangle, we introduce a new set of quantities p, such that a 1 +p 1 = a 2 +p^ = a 5 +p 5 = , the original triangle being characterized by p l9 p^ p 3 , p v p 5 the secondary triangle is similarly characterized by p^ p, J9 5 , p lt p^ ; and as the secondary triangle gives rise to a third, and so on, we thus see that every right-angled spherical triangle is one of a system of five such triangles. It is obvious, that the transformation just employed de- pends upon the circumstance that the complement of the com- plement of an angle is the angle itself, and would succeed equally if the parts of the secondary triangle, which are the com- plements of those of the first, had been any function (f) of them, provided that/ 2 = 1. Keturning to the figure we observe, that if, instead of taking a point .Z? in OB we had taken one, as^t, in OA, we should by a similar construction have got another of the four spherical tri- angles, which with the original one make up the system of which we have been speaking. Further, if in BG we assume any point as a first centre related to B as B to 0, and make a similar assumption of a fifth centre in A C, the system will be complete. But as a figure so drawn would be complicated, it is better to adopt a different plan. Since BA is at right angles to OA, and lies in the plane OAB, it is easy to represent the corelate spherical triangles, to which the system of lines of which we have been speaking gives rise. Let BA C (fig. 2) be the original triangle right-angled in A. Fig. 2. NAPIER'S RULES. 331 7T Produce BG to F, and AC to A', making AA = B' = -', and join A'B'. Then .4'jB' G' is the secondary triangle ; and that it is a right-angled triangle may be proved, independently of what has been already said, by joining BA 1 . For since AA' is a quadrant, and A a right angle, BA is as well as BB' a quadrant, and therefore B is the pole of A'B', and therefore B' a right angle. The hypothenuse of the secondary triangle A G is the complement of A C, ft side of the first : the angle G is common to the two triangles: GB' is the complement of the hypothenuse BG : B'A = angle B'BA and is therefore the complement of the angle ABG: lastly, the angle BAG has its complement measured by the arc AB. Again producing B'A to (9, B' being a quadrant, and similarly GA to (7, (7(7 being also a quadrant, we obtain a third triangle OG'A\ and finally completing the figure (the obvious details of demonstration are omitted) we get a reentering pentagon, all the angles of which are right angles, each being the right angle of one of the system of five right-angled triangles. From this point of view it is plain that Napier's rules may just as naturally be considered as the statement of similar pro- perties of five associated triangles, as in the usual mode, namely, as the statement of dissimilar properties in one triangle ; and thus we obtain the rationale of their uniformity. Every relation between a middle and opposites, is the relation between two sides and the hypothenuse: every relation between a middle and adjacents is the relation between two angles and the hypothenuse. I only give these relations, of course, as instances, for any other would do as well. A convenient mode of establishing these relations is afforded by the Lemma. If we project OB in fig. 1, into OA, or if we project OB into OG and then OG into OA, the coincidence of the two results gives rise to the equation cos c = cos a cos b, Again, OA tan c = AB, and ABmsA = AC= OAt&nb; 332 ON NAPIERS RULES. .'. tan b tan c cos A, or, cos A = tan b cot c, which gives the relation between any middle part and the two adjacent ones. But in whatever way this relation and the preceding one are established, the point to which I wish to call attention is this, that by considering the system of five associated triangles we immediately generalize any particular result without having to demonstrate it in the separate cases. It is clear that an equiangular spherical pentagon would in every case give rise to the system of five equiangular spherical triangles mutually corelated in a manner analogous to the right- angled triangles of which we have been speaking. But in the general case the relation would be too complicated to be useful. Having perused the preceding I was anxious to know in what manner the subject had presented itself to Napier's own mind, and having referred to a copy of the Mirifici Logarith- morum Canonis Descriptio in the Cambridge University Li- brary, I found to my astonishment that the mode of treatment invented by Mr Ellis was in reality a re-invention of Napier's own conception of the subject, which owing to some cause or an- other has dropped out from all Cambridge books upon Spherical Trigonometry*. The following is translated from Napier. After giving a general explanation of the use of circular parts, he proceeds thus: " This uniformity of the circular parts becomes very evident in the case of right-angled triangles formed on the surface of a sphere by five great circles, of which the first cuts the second, the second the third, the third the fourth, the fourth the fifth, and the fifth the first at right angles; the other intersections taking place at oblique angles. " Thus, for example, let the meridian DB (fig. 3) cut the hori- zon BE in the point B. Let the horizon BE cut the circle EC of which the sun S is the pole in E. Let EC cut the sun's declina- This defect has been recently corrected in Mr Todhunter's Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry. ON NAPIER S RULES. 333 tion circle CF in C. Let CF cut the equator FD in F. And, lastly, let FD cut the meridian DB in D. Then all these inter- sections take place orthogonally in the points B, E, C, F, D; Fig. 3- the other intersections taking place obliquely in the points Z, P, S, 0, Q. And by this means five right-angled triangles will be formed, namely, PBS, SFO, OEQ, QDZ and ZCP, of which though the parts are different the circular parts are the same. "The same uniformity of circular parts for quadrantal triangles may be made to appear by joining in the preceding figure PQ, QS, SZ, ZO, OP] by which means five quadrantal triangles will be formed having different parts with the same circular parts. " The rules for the solution of the circular parts may be proved in each case separately, but besides this proof the general truth of the rules may be seen from what precedes. For the homo- logous constitution of the circular parts argues the similarity of the relations connecting them; so that any proposition which can be enunciated concerning the relation of any middle part to the adjacents or opposites may be at once concluded to be true of every other part regarded as the middle part." Thus it appears that Napier himself did not regard his rules as a mere memoria technica, but saw them in their mutual relation, and in fact conceived them in the very best manner possible. Hence, it is very strange that we should find such statements as the following : 334 ON NAPIERS RULES. Woodhouse. " There is no separate and independent proof of these rules ; but the rules will be manifestly just, if it can be shewn that they comprehend every one of the ten results, (1), (2), (3), &c." Airy, Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. " These rules are proved to be true only by shewing that they comprehend all the equa- tions which we have just formed." The same view has been adopted (I believe) in all our Cam- bridge books. Soon after receiving Mr Ellis' paper, given above, I received from him the following : Addition to the foregoing. In any spherical rectangular polygon all the sides but three may have any assigned length, the length of the other three being functions of them. In the case of the pentagon there are thus two elements arbitrary, the same number as in a right- angled spherical triangle, between which and the pentagon exists a close analogy, which may be developed from the follow- ing lemmas. LEMMA 1. Of three consecutive sides of a right-angled spherical poly- gon, the extremes cut off quadrants of one another. LEMMA 2. The angle between the said extremes at their point of inter- section (measured by the deflection of the direction of motion of a point which travels along the boundary of the polygon) is equal to the supplement of the next ; in other words, the com- plement of the angle added to the complement of the side is equal to zero. Consider any side of a pentagon and the two sides which are opposite to it and which meet one another at a right angle : they form with that side a right-angled spherical triangle. We will for distinction call that side (1), so that the other sides will similarly be called (3) and (4). Then as (4), (5) and (1) are consecutive, the angle between (4) and (1) is equal to the sup- plement of (5), and similarly the angle between (3) and (1) is the supplement of (2). Also the lengths of the sides of the tri- ON NAPIER S RULES. 335 angle are by Lemma 1 the negative complements of (3) and (4), that is, they are those sides diminished by a quadrant. As the points of intersection of (3) and (4) with (1) are respectively distant by quadrants from the two extremities of (4), it follows that the segment they cut off between them is the supplement of (4). Hence the sides of the triangle and the complements of its angles and hypothenuse are severally equal to the negative complements of the sides of the pentagon, taken in the same order as the five parts of the triangle. The same demonstration will of course apply to the triarlgle formed by any other side of the pentagon and its two opposites, the only difference being in the starting-point of the cycle. Hence whatever relation con- nects any one part of a right-angled spherical triangle as such with its two opposites connects every other part with its two opposites. Q.E.D. SCHOLIUM. The general principle that the sines of the sides are as those of the opposite angles of course gives a relation between a part and its opposites. But I should prefer to begin from that be- tween hypothenuse and the sides, proving that, as in p. 331, from a right-angled tetrahedron, which might be made the foundation of spherical, as the right-angled triangle is of plane trigono- metry. The relation connecting adjacent parts will be most simply got by considering three consecutive relations of those which connect opposites, multiplying the extremes and dividing by the means. The general theory of spherical polygons must certainly lead to some curious general results, but of course they are out of my reach. The preceding paper was not sent to the Quarterly Journal, because it was pointed out to me by a friend that a similar resuscitation of Napier's own conception of his rules and a similar remark upon the phenomenon of the disappearance of this conception from modern English books had been already made in the Course of Mathematics used in the Royal Military College Dr Button's Course of Mathematics, edited by the late T. S. Davies*. * Tutor to Mr Ellis ; see Biographical Memoir. ON THE RETARDATION OF SUNRISE*. SUPPOSE the sun on the eastern horizon : his actual apparent motion until next sunrise may obviously be replaced by a ficti- tious one composed of an unscrew rotation round II, the pole of z the ecliptic, combined with a screw rotation round P, the pole of the earth, the magnitude of the latter rotation measuring the retardation. Combine these rotations supposed small into one : the resultant axis must lie in some point Q, where PIT produced cuts ZS, (Z the zenith, S the sun). The angle between the component rotations is constant, being PEE or w. Therefore the ratio of inequality between the given rotation round II, measured by the sun's diurnal motion in his orbit, and rotation, round P, which measures the retardation, is then greatest when the resultant axis Q lies as near as possible to II, or, in other words, when PQ is a minimum. Now, S being the pole of the arc ZTl, it will easily be seen that the angle $^11 is a right angle and the angle QZP is an obtuse angle, while near the equinox the angle ZQP must always be acute. Therefore PQ is least when Q lies in PZ, and then II does so too. In other words, the retardation is least when II culminates at sunrise, that is, at the equinoxes. The common expression for retardation may easily be de- duced from the expression furnished by what has been said, sin II Q viz. sin PQ Now first published. A SOLUTION OF PROBLEM IX. OF THE FIRST BOOK OF NEWTON'S PRINCIPIA*. TIIE fundamental principle of the proof I gave Dr Goodwin f is, that as the time varies as the increment of area, or as the square of the radius into the increment of angle, the force varies as the increment of angle, so that the acceleration in an instant dt is equal to dd. The following application of this principle is perhaps more simple. Let "be the centre of force, P a position of the moving body. Take PR at right angles to PO and equal to ~dt. Join HP', P' being the position of the body at the next instant. Similarly draw P'R at right angles to PO and equal to PR. Join R'P", P" being a third position of the body. Draw RQ parallel to RP'. Therefore the angle at R being equal to the increment of the angle vector, QP is * Dictated to the Editor of this volume and now first published, t Goodwin's Course of Mathematics. 22 338 SOLUTION OF PROB. IX. B. I. OF THE PRINCIPIA. equal to the acceleration into dt produced by the central force during the instant dt. Likewise PP' is the space described with the initial velocity in the time dt. Compounding this with the acceleration we have P' Q equal in magnitude and coincident in direction with P'P". Therefore in the triangles RQP', RP'P", we have, neglecting quantities of the third order, EQ equal and parallel to R'P', QP' equal and in same direction with P'P", and therefore the third side RP' equal and parallel to R'P". That is to say, the point so moves as that its velocity may always be resolved into two elements, both of them con- stant; one, i.e. PR or P'R', normal to the radius vector, the other, RP' or R'P", parallel to a fixed straight line. 2. The velocity along the radius vector arises wholly from the component RP', and varies as P'S. The velocity normal to RP' arises wholly from the component RP and varies as PT. Now these lines P'/S, PT, lie in similar triangles and are as the hypotenuses, and therefore in a constant ratio. But as the velocity towards the centre of force is proportional to the velocity in a fixed direction, it is clear the point moves in a conic section, because the fundamental property is, the distance of any point from the focus is proportional to that from the directrix. SCHOLIUM. It is obvious that if a boat rows at a given rate through still water so that a line at right angles to the keel always passes through a given point, the boat moves in a circle, and the above demonstration shews that if the water is flowing in a given direction with a constant velocity, the boat will move as if attracted to the fixed point according to the natural law of force, that is, it will describe a conic section with major axis transverse to the stream. ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS*. THE aqueducts by means of which Rome was supplied with water are in many points of view interesting, not only from the magnificence of their construction but also from the problems which they suggest respecting the scientific knowledge possessed by those who originally formed or subsequently ma- naged them. The accounts which have come down to us with respect to the water supply of Rome are unsatisfactory* The treatise of Frontinus is the most detailed, and, on that account perhaps, the most disappointing. We find in it a great deal of information with respect to the sizes of the pipes by means of which the distribution of water took place, but that is nearly all ; and, as .Prony has remarked, the fulness of details on this matter makes the total silence on another not less important appear more strange than it otherwise would do; I mean the depth at which the pipes were placed below the level of the surface of the water in the reservoirs. To this remark we may add, that there is no estimate of the amount of water which in a given time was actually received through a pipe of given size. Prony is of opinion that a general rule must have prevailed, and that pipes of all sizes must have been inserted at the same depth, because we find it assumed that the discharge was pro- portional to the area of the section. The inference being natural, the same writer is of opinion that the notions of Frontinus, who of course knew all that was known in his time, were ex- ceedingly unscientific, and it is difficult to see how this can be denied considering the account he gives of the attempts he made .to gauge the different aqueducts, I cannot attempt to enter * Now first published. 222 340 ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. upon the general subject, "but there are one or two points con- nected with it which admit of a kind of elucidation we have hitherto perhaps not received. It was doubtful even in the time of Frontinus why a pipe called quinaria, which, as is well known, is the fundamental modulus of the whole system, had received that designation. Setting aside the explanation, in itself improbable and resting on no authority, that Agrippa had introduced a modulus equi- valent to five of the original units, and therefore called quinaria, two others remain ; the one that of Vitruvius, which Frontinus mentions in connection with him, the other that which Frontinus himself preferred. According to Vitruvius leaden pipes receive their names from the number of fingers (digiti) which the sheet they were formed of was in width. Thus a centenaria was formed of a sheet of lead 100 inches in width, and so in all other cases. Frontinus observes that one opinion touching the origin of the word quinaria is, that it was introduced by the plumbarii, and Yitruvius because it was a pipe made of lead 5 digiti in width; and we may remark that it is a way in which a plumber would be likely to designate a particular pipe, inas- much as it depends on the way of making it, and not on a measurement to be taken after it is made. Frontinus goes on to say that this is uncertain, meaning apparently the size of the pipe so formed, for that in rolling up the lead the outside surface was stretched and the inner one contracted. A modern writer who has devoted much attention to Roman antiquities, without being, so far as I have seen, happy in his conjectures in respect to them, namely, Dureau de la Malle, mistranslates the text, and makes Frontinus say that one part of the lead overlaps the other ; the inference appears to be not Only that he mistook the meaning of his author, but that he did not know how pipes were made. At present of course pipes are made like wires, by ex- tension, and I do not know whether the old plan is ever used ; but comparatively speaking this is a modern improvement, and in not very old books one may find described the process of cutting the lead into strips, folding it up so as to bring the edges together and then laying solder over the line of junction. Frontinus's own account is that the name probably indicated ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. 341 the circumstance that the diameter, being as it appears a clear internal diameter, was equal to J of a digit : and undoubtedly in his time the names of a number of other pipes were formed in analogy with that of quinaria in a way which indicates that the magnitude of the bore was regarded as the foundation of the nomenclature. Thus senaria was a pipe of six quarters bore, and so on ; but it by no means follows that the received opinion as to the origin of the word is true, and it seems impossible to set aside the authority of Vitruvius, who speaks without doubt, and must have been speaking of a matter with which he was familiar : nor is there any thing improbable in the supposition that in the interval between his time and that of Frontinus a new nomenclature may have grown up linked with the old one at one point only, namely, the word quinaria. Dureau de la Malle brings an objection against the supposition that the width of the lead is the cause of the name, that the circumference of 5 digits does not correspond to a diameter of one and a quarter, adding sagely, what is by no means to any practical purpose, that the problem of the rectification of the circle has hitherto been found insoluble. But this objection, rightly considered, leads to a curious confirmation of the statement of Vitruvius, which I shall now attempt to explain. The diameter spoken of is the bore or lumen, whereas the diameter corresponding to a circumference of 5 inches must be that of a circle lying somewhere in the thickness of the lead between its two surfaces, one of which, as Frontinus remarks, is stretched and the other diminished, either by condensation or puckering in the process of formation. If we assume, as we may do without sensible error, that the lead is stretched to one half of its thickness and no more, we have to calculate the diameter corresponding to a circumference of five, and to di- minish this by the thickness of the lead, that is, by twice the half thickness, in order to get the bore. The question then is, what data have we for determining the thickness of the lead from which these pipes are made, and the answer to it is given by a passage in Vitruvius, and which has been copied by Pliny arid Palladius. Vitruvius, in speaking of aqueducts, says that leaden pipes ought to be made in pieces of 10 feet long, their weight to vary with the width of the lead of which they are made, from 1200 Ibs. 342 ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. in the case of a centenaria to 60 in that of a quinaria. It will be observed that these weights and the intermediate ones men- tioned in the same passage are proportioned to the corresponding widths, which indicates that the lead employed was always of the same thickness. We see from these statements that a strip of lead 10 feet long and 16 digits wide would weigh 192 Ibs. ; 192 being to 16 as 12 to 1. Now it is not necessary to convert this number of Roman pounds into English pounds, and simi- larly the digits into inches, in order to obtain the result we seek. We may make use of a method which, if not perfectly accurate, has at least the advantage of not depending on any experimental comparison of ancient and modern standards. For we know that the Eomans reckoned 80 Ibs, as the weight of a cubic foot of water. The specific gravity of lead is about 11*4; but as lead is seldom pure, and when alloyed is alloyed with substances lighter than itself, we will take that of the pipes at 11. A cubic foot of lead will therefore weigh 880 Ibs., and Iby what we have just seen the weight of a prism whose base is a square foot and height the thickness sought will be (16 digits being of course equal to a foot) 19*2 Ibs. Dividing the latter number by the former, and multiplying the quotient by 16, we obtain the .thickness of the lead in digits : it is approximately 0'35. Subtracting this from the diameter corresponding to a circumference of 5 (that is, from 1*59, the ratio of the circum- ference of the diameter being taken at 3*14), there remains for the diameter of the bore l*24 r or within a 100th of a digit of the 5 quarter digits assigned by Frontinus to the diameter of the quinaria r which is a nearer coincidence than we were entitled to expect. So far therefore from the statement of Yitruvius being contradicted by that of Frontinus, they appear to be in perfect harmony, the quinaria being at once the pipe made of a strip of lead 5 digits in width, and that whose bore was f of a digit. Not so, however, the other moduli of the system. The vicenaria of Frontinus is not that made of a strip of lead 20 digits in width, but that whose bore is equal to 20 quarter digits. The discrepancy between the two things is not inconsiderable, as may be seen by a little calculation. The truth is, that the nomenclature used with reference to the water supply of Rome, appears to have been very unsettled. We find in the treatise of Frontinus traces more or less deve- ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. 343 loped of four different systems ; that of Vitruvius is a fifth ; and there are certain exceptional cases mentioned by Frontinus in speaking of the frauds of the aquarii, which it is not very easy to connect with any of the five. In the midst of all this com- plexity it is well to have one point fixed, namely, the historical significance of the name quinaria applied to what appears in Frontinus as the fundamental modulus to which in practice all others were referred. This I think has been effected by the considerations just suggested, and it is curious to remark that neither Frontinus nor**any one else was likely to have fallen on them. He was probably aware of the real state of the case, but if the difficulty suggested by Dureau de la Malle had occurred to him, he could only have got rid of it by actual measurement, and not by a calculation founded on the specific gravity of the material employed. In conclusion, it may be well to observe that there are many cases in which the un- certainty arising from the experimental comparison of ancient and modern standards may be avoided: for instance, if it is stated that a modius of a particular kind of grain weighed 26lbs. (I refer of course to what Pliny says of the far of Clusium), we may determine at once what an imperial bushel of it would weigh by very simple considerations. The congius of water like the gallon weighed lOlbs., and therefore i a congius and a gallon are filled with the same substance, the former will weigh, whatever the substance may be, as many Roman pounds as the latter weighs pounds avoirdupois. Now the modius is 3 congii, and the bushel 8 gallons, and consequently the grain of which Pliny speaks would weigh 69 Ibs. and a third the bushel. This is more than our best English wheat, but some specimens of Australian wheat have been known to weigh as much as 70 Ibs., and it is said that in Spain this weight is not unusual. Another point of interest suggested by the statement of Vitruvius is the comparative thickness of Roman and English sheet lead. By the process of milling, that is, of rolling a plate of lead between heavy rollers whose distance is gradually diminished as the sheet becomes thinner, the weight corresponding to a given surface may be reduced much below the minimum possible in the old process of casting. Thus milled lead sometimes weighs only 4 Ibs. in the square foot. But it is more natural to compare the Roman lead which 344 ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. was doubtless produced by casting with that which is now made in a similar manner. Of the thickest kind of the latter the weight is said to be lllbs. to the square foot, and we have seen that Vitruvius' estimate gives a weight of 19 '2 Ibs. to the square foot. Reducing this to English weights and measures it would appear, speaking in round numbers, that an English square foot of Roman lead would weigh about 15 Ibs. avoirdupois. It is therefore considerably thicker than that which is usually made in England. But it is to be under- stood that the Romans may have had a thinner kind than that which they were in the habit of using in the formation of pipes. It has already been remarked that pipes of moderate bore are now made by extension. The thickest kind of pipes of an inch bore are made in lengths of 15 feet,, and weigh 56 Ibs. Fifteen English feet of fistula quinaria would weigh about 68 Ibs. avoirdupois. I have thought these details worthy of notice, because they illustrate the economy which is the result of improved modes of manufacture, and of our power of calcu- lating the strength of materials. II. The most interesting consideration which the treatise of Frontinus suggests relates to the state of knowledge current at the time it was composed of what used to be called Hydraulics. The details into which he enters are so precise (at least on some points), and the provisions of the Senatus Consulta so strict, that one finds it difficult to believe that he and his contempo- raries were ignorant of any of the circumstances which it is necessary to attend to in distributing a supply of water (neces- sary, that is, unless considerations of justice are altogether to be neglected) ; but then the difficulty arises, why, when so much is said, so many details, not at all more likely to be generally known than those mentioned, should have been omitted. Prony has remarked that it has been the universal practice to estimate the supply of water by the quantity which in a given time and under a given pressure is discharged through a pipe of given bore from a reservoir whose surface is kept at a fixed level. But although he conceives that this remark applies to the Roman system, yet neither the text of Frontinus, nor any inference which can be deduced from it, appears to justify us in ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. 345 supposing that they had any idea of the necessity of making the water in the reservoir from which the distribution took place remain at a constant height, or, to use Prony's own expression, of making it stagnate. It is quite true, that Fabretti asserts that the measurements were made in the piscinse, where the water was comparatively speaking at rest, but although mea- surements in the piscina were undoubtedly made, yet it is quite clear that Frontinus had no scruple as to the propriety of mea- suring the section of a running stream, calculating its area in quinarise by a process of simple reduction, and then assuming the result as an expression of the number of quinariae which the stream was capable of supplying. This is so evident, that Prony remarks that Frontinus could have had but vague ideas as to the efflux of fluids, and that a method which took no account of the velocity of the stream must have led to strange results. He adds, and rightly, that Frontinus appears to have avoided mak- ing his measurements in places where the velocity was small. Nor is this inconsistent with Fabretti' s remark as to measure- ments in piscinas, for we do not in reality know that the water was in any sense reduced to rest in the places in which these measurements were made. The same conclusion, namely, that one of the conditions which Prony speaks of as essential, was not attended to at all, appears from the passage in which Frontinus describes the posi- tion which the calix ought to occupy with respect to the stream of water in which it is placed. The passage is obscure, but a stream is plainly spoken of. A third consideration would lead to the same result. I refer to the description which Yitruvius gives of the three basins immediately supplied from the castellum. From two of these there appears to have been a waste pipe into the third; a circumstance which it is hard to reconcile with the supposition that the surface was kept at a constant level by means of pipes employed in its ulterior distribution. In this respect then at least the system of the Komans ap- pears to omit one of the conditions which in modern times have been found necessary, and there is at least another point in which the discrepancy between their practice and ours deserves to be noticed. It is well known, that if water escapes from an orifice in the side of a vessel, the quantity discharged will, other things remaining alike, vary with the length of the adjutage, as 346 ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. it is called, through which it passes. If the side of a reservoir be very thin the discharge is less than if it be thick, or if, which comes to the same thing, a short horizontal tube is adjusted to it. Now, at first sight, the Romans seem to have understood this, for Frontinus states that a calix of not less than 12 digits in length ought to be applied to the side of the reservoir. This calix, he says, should be made of brass in order that its aperture may not be tampered with ; but between the calix and the ad- jutages of which we have been speaking there is the essential distinction that the water escapes freely from the extremity of the one, while from the other, I mean the calix, it passes at once into the fistula. The Roman system of distribution is essentially a system of distribution through pipes inserted into the reservoir from which the erogation was made. To prevent fraud the commencement of the pipe was made of brass, and moreover, it was enacted, that for 50 feet the diameter of the pipe should be the same as that of the calix to which it was joined. It is one of Frontinus's complaints that the aquarii would sometimes insert pipes without using a calix, and thereby gave an opportunity, to use a homely phrase, of playing tricks with the aperture of the orifice. There is nothing in this which resembles an adjutage or short pipe through which the water is allowed to flow freely; and it is, moreover, especially remarkable, that although the Senatus Consultum would not allow the grantee of the pipe to vary its size within 50 feet of the calix, it is silent with respect to the direction in which it was carried, though nothing can be clearer, that if the pipes slope downwards the supply of water would be greater than if it were turned in an upward direction, and of two persons who lived on different levels one of them must have had an advantage over the other. Of this, Frontinus appears to have been aware, as he states that according to the relative position of the acceptorium and the castellum, the erogation was to be burthened or relieved. But according to what rule this correction was to be made, he has not told us. The question of the nature of the calix is particularly worth considering, because Prony's hypothesis for determining the quantity of water brought by the aqueducts to Rome rests upon an assumption that the calix was in the usual sense of the word an adjutage. ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. 347 It so happens that in modern Home the unit of distribution -is a pipe of an uncia in diameter, the pressure on. the depth of its centre and its length being each r of a palm. Now, remarks Prony, although Frontinus has given us no information as to the pressure on the orifice, that is, as to the depth of its centre below the surface of the water in the reser- voir, yet the Romans must have had some rule, and as in mo- dern Rome the rule is to make the depth in question equal to the length of the adjutage, let us assume that this relation ex- isted also in his time. The next step is to convert Frontinus's rule, that the calix must not be less than 12 digits in length, into a statement that an adjutage must be employed of that precise length, and then the inference follows at once that the pipes were placed 12 digits below the surface. But, however inge- nious this is, there are several objections to it besides the one already noticed. In the first place, the argument from tradition is worth little or nothing in the case of a matter which nowise depends on popular usage, but is settled at the will and pleasure of persons in authority, who are free to adopt whatever may seem to them to be an improvement. In the second place, Italy has for many reasons long been remarkable for the degree of attention paid to the subject of hydraulics. The reasons for this are connected with the physical geography of that country. Not to dwell upon them, it is sufficient to remark, that in a country in which so much attention has been paid to the subject there is little reason to suppose that any point of modern practice is founded on old tradition; and, as we have seen, the most eminent Italian writers confess that they cannot discover that the Romans had any rule as to the pressure on the orifice. Moreover, no one knew better than Prony how vague were Frontinus's views OD hydraulics. Quid te exempta juvat spinis de pluribus una ] What is gained by getting over one difficulty by an ingenious assumption, while others, and especially the question as to the different directions in which water is distributed, remain un- touched ? On this hypothesis Prony estimates the quantity of water 348 ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. supplied by a quinaria at about 56 cubic metres in 24 hours, that is to say, at more than 1200 gallons, an estimate which appears excessive, notwithstanding all we know of the magni- ficence of Rome. It is about three times as much as that given by Dureau de la Malle, who simply assumes, without assigning any reason for doing so, that the quinaria was subject to the same pressure as the Pouce de Fontainier in the French system of distribution, that is, to a pressure of 7 lines on the centre. The old French system of distribution (and I am not aware what improvements have of late been introduced) was compara- tively speaking rude and inartificial, and it is on that account more likely to represent the Roman practice than the scientific method to which Prony would compare the latter. No atten- tion was paid to the presence or absence of an adjutage, and allowance being made for the thickness of the lead, the upper part of the outside surface of the pipe would be just at the sur- face, a mode of placing it which is perhaps indicated by Fron- tinus's phrases ad libram and ad lineam. The objection at once occurs that pipes of different bores would have their centres at different depths below the surface. Prony has remarked that the Romans must always have subjected the centre of the orifice to the same pressure (and therefore must have had a different rule as to depth), because they estimated the discharge of pipes of different sizes by simply comparing the area of their sections with that of the quinaria. The inference would be valid if we had any reason to believe that these estimates were either founded on or verified by observation. In the present state of our knowledge it involves a petitio principii, and it is remark- able that Prony should have attached any weight to it, as he admits that Frontinus estimated the product of a stream of water as if it bore a constant ratio to its section. Several considerations may be suggested which make it easier for us to believe that neither Frontinus nor any of his contemporaries were sufficiently acquainted either theoretically or practically with the principles of hydraulics to be able to avoid enormous errors. Why, it may be said, was so much care bestowed on a proper determination of the size of the pipes, if other elements of the question of supply were neglected? Surely they must have learned to give up making calculations on which a little observation would have shown that no reliance ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. 349 was to be placed. In reply to these remarks, which of course are not without weight, it is to be observed that the questions with which Frontinus undertook to deal had not pressed them- selves on the attention of any one at Rome until a comparatively short time before. Several hundred years had no doubt elapsed since the first aqueduct was constructed, but until concessions were made to individuals, and further, until such concessions had acquired sufficient importance to attract the attention of the government, there was no occasion to attempt to determine how much water any aqueduct brought, or how it was distributed all went to public uses : private persons were only allowed to appropriate what was afterwards called aqua caduca, that is, water which would otherwise have run to waste ; and of this the amount was probably insignificant. Not until the time of Agrippa, we are told by Frontinus, did it become usual to make concessions of water, and he adds, that it was not until after Agrippa's death that any attempt was made to reduce these concessions to a system. Moreover, he has particularly spoken of the substitution of a larger pipe in cases in which a concession had been made of several quinarise, as of a comparatively recent practice, and it is obvious that the diffi- culties of the question could not be felt to their full extent, as long as no other pipes than quinarias were employed as moduli. We thus see that not much more than a hundred years, if so much, can have elapsed during which any attention need have been paid to the subject. At the end of this period, when Nerva appointed Frontinus to the office of Curator Aquarum, every- thing was, according to his own account, in the wildest con- fusion. He blames the aquarii unsparingly, and no doubt they had sins enough of their own to answer for ; but that there were other vices in the system than the frauds with which he charges them, appears sufficiently from his own statements. All his cal- culations are completely at variance with the results which his predecessors had obtained, and which were recorded in the Com- mentarii Principum. He has no explanation to give of these discrepancies. He seems to have been struck by finding that the amount of water as estimated in quinariae and known to be distributed was greater than the estimate of the amount supplied. With a strong impression, therefore, that his predecessors had under-estimated 350 ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. the supply, lie attempted to re-measure it, and formed a new estimate, greatly exceeding theirs. The supply being now in excess, he explained the discrepancy by imputing frauds to the aquarii. Of many they were probably guilty, but if any scientific knowledge of the subject had existed in his time or that of his predecessors, there could scarcely have been the great difference between his estimate of the supply and theirs, unless the supply varied greatly at different seasons of the year, and that he and they omitted taking this variation into account. If I were to guess how the distribution of water was really made, my conjecture would be something of this kind. The distribution to private persons having at first been quite a secon- dary object, their pipes were inserted so as not to receive any water when the water in the reservoir fell below a certain level, which was known as the libra or linea. If, therefore, the water rose above this height, the grantees had the benefit of the in- creased supply, whatever it may have been. When the pipe first became full, the level of the water was higher than the libra by the diameter of the tube, and at this state the phrase implere mensuram may perhaps have been especially applied. The determination of the libra was probably made on the prin- ciple that when the water fell below it, the supply was observed to be no more than adequate to the public purposes of the aqueduct. Vitruvius speaks of a reservoir especially devoted to private purposes, but it does not appear that this arrange- ment was actually followed ; on the contrary, we know by the practice being prohibited, that at one time private pipes were placed, but also by the running streams. Two or three things would be explained by this hypothesis. 1st, The absence of any statement of the depth below the surface of the water at which the pipe was inserted. This question would of course not arise, if the rule were to place the pipe above what was considered low-water level. 2ndly, The absence of any statement in Vitruvius as to how the water in the Castella was to be kept at a constant level. He certainly speaks of the reservoirs overflowing that is, of two of them overflowing but the third, which in his arrangement was that into which private pipes were to be inserted, was fed by the other two, and from the nature of things must have been fed unequally in different seasons : nor, as I have said, do we know that his arrangement ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. 351 was really adopted ; but if the waters in the reservoirs rose and fell, the depths of the pipes below the surface must have varied, for the position of the pipe was plainly fixed. We know so little about matters of detail, that much stress cannot be laid upon what I have mentioned, but the difficulty of shifting the pipes, and the absence of any information as to how the water in the reservoir was kept at a constant level, are worth consider- ing. 3rdly, This would account for the absence of any state- ment as to the quantity of water delivered by a quinaria. The question, how much does sucji a pipe deliver in twenty-four hours, must have occurred to the most unthinking person, if any steps had been taken to make the quantity constant. 4thly, Frontinus speaks of a case in which the erogation had ceased, on the ground that the modulus was exhausted a passage which would be easily understood, if we suppose that from a deficient supply the water had sunk below what was accounted low- water level. 5thly. The fraud imputed to the aquarii of making the large pipes too large would thus appear to have at least had its origin in a reasonable principle of compensation. For if the lowest point of six vicenarias, and that of one pipe of 120 square digits were all on the same level, the six small pipes, though nominally equivalent to the one large one, would, by having their centres lower, deliver a great deal more water, and it would be easy to calculate the circumstances under which they would be equivalent to the larger pipe which the aquarii sub- stituted for one of 120 digits. Lastly. The old French water system would then be an improvement on the Roman, and not a retrocession from it. The former seems to run so far back in the middle ages that we may fairly suppose it traditionally con- nected with the Roman. The transition is easy, and may not improbably have been made at Rome itself. You have only to take the pipe out of the reservoir so as to allow the efflux of water to be free, and to let the water just rise so as fairly to cover the whole aperture. This with making the standard modulus one inch would in effect be the old French system, which may easily have suggested itself in answer to a question what would be the discharge through a given opening when its mensura was just filled and no more, and the disturbing influences (due to the direction of the pipe, &c.) removed ? 352 ON ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. If what has been said is the correct view, it would follow that any attempt to estimate the water supply of Rome from the data given by Frontinus is mere guess-work. Paris appears to have been ill-supplied with water in 1814, and the supply not to have exceeded that which a writer quoted by Prony speaks of as sufficient, namely, an inch of water to each thousand of the population. Prony himself thinks this to be as much as is absolutely required, though more may be desirable. It would appear, if I remember Frontinus's numbers correctly, that in his time (that is, before three more aqueducts had been added by Trajan) the water supply of Rome would, on Prony 's theory, have sufficed at the Paris rate for a population of 42 millions. Dureau de la Malle, as I have said, gives a far more moderate estimate ; but there is really no authority for either. My im- pression is that the supply of London is at least double what was thought sufficient at Paris. The highest estimate I have seen of the French water inch is Prony's, who makes it nearly 19500 litres per diem, which would be under 4j gallons to each head of the population. The Abbe Bossut's estimate would reduce the amount under 4 gallons. That Eome was far better supplied than London is clear, but at Eome there were no brew- eries, no steam-engines, and probably far less manufactures than in London ; and though there were many more baths there was much less washing of clothes. A good many fountains, &c. could be filled with the present London supply if these sources of expenditure were taken away. ON THE FORM OF BEES' CELLS*. MARALDI seems to have been the jifsl person who determined the form of the rhombs of the pyramidal ending of the bee's cell : his observations on bees were published in the Memoirs of the French Academy for 1712. They are very good and clear": one ambiguous expression, however, has given rise to a miscon- ception which is still current and is repeated by every writer, or nearly so, on the subject. Maraldi states that the angles of the rhomb are 110 and 70, and that the angles of the trapeziums which form the sides of the body of the cell, are also 110 and 70 I mean, of course, the angles next the apex of the cell, those at the open extremity of the tube are right angles ; the point to be observed is this, Maraldi when he gives the results of his mea- surements makes no attempt to do more than state the value of the angles to the nearest degree, an amount of accuracy beyond which it is scarcely possible, under the circumstances, to go, and which is amply sufficient, considering the irregularities which un- doubtedly exist in the structure of individual cells ; but a little further on in his paper, he remarks, that as the angles of the rhombs are equal to those of the trapeziums, they must be respec* tively 109 28 V and 70 32\ Thus, he remarks, the angles chosen by the bees have this advantage which conduces to the elegance and symmetry of the structure, namely, that only two angles are used throughout. He does not state how he is led to this conclusion, but an attentive reader will see that after having asserted that the result of measurement was 110 degrees, Maraldi did not pro- ceed in the next page to contradict himself by asserting that the result of his measurements was 109 28\ There can be no ques- tion but that, being struck by the equality (so far as his measure- ments could ascertain it) of the angles in the rhombs and in the trapeziums, he assumed that in the normal or typical cell, this * Now first published. 23 354 ON THE FORM OF BEES' CELLS. equality was absolute, and hence the determination of the angles became, as I need hardly point out, a matter of spherical trigo- nometry, namely to determine the sides of the equilateral spheri- cal triangle whose angles are each equal to 120, that is, to the angle between the two adjacent sides of a hexagon. This angle has for its cosine J, and is, I believe, to the nearest second 109 28 V 16 V \ Unfortunately Eeaumur chose to look upon this second deter- mination of Maraldi's as being, as well as the first, a direct result of measurement, whereas it is in reality theoretical. He speaks of it as Maraldi's more precise measurement, and this error has been repeated in spite of its absurdity, to the present day: nobody appears to have thought of the impossibility of measuring such a thing as the end of a bee's cell to the nearest minute. One can only suppose that Maraldi made so many ob- servations, varying between 109 and 110, that the arithmetical mean came out with this excessive amount of accuracy, a suppo- sition in itself highly improbable, and at variance with Maraldi's distinct statement. The subsequent history of the matter is this, Eeaumur employed Koenig to determine the form the rhombs ought to have in order to give the greatest volume to the cell with the least expenditure of wax. Koenig, for a reason which will be mentioned by and by, gave as his solution the following values to the angles of the rhomb, 109 26' and 70 34\ He was agreeably surprised, says Eeaumur, to find that his result agreed within two minutes with Maraldi's measurements, whereas in reality they only agreed with Maraldi's theoretical determination. With this determination they ought to have been absolutely coincident : for it is easy to show that when the surface of the cell is made a minimum, the angles of the rhombs are equal to those of the trapeziums. It was soon afterwards shown that Kcenig's results were wrong, and thus we have been pleasantly told, that the bees proved to be right and the mathe- matician wrong, that there was no mistake on the part of the bees, and so on. Maclaurin was, I believe, the first to correct Kcenig : he has not always had credit for this priority. Thus Dr Carpenter in his Physiology, informs us that Lord Brougham, not satisfied with Kcenig's determination, took into account cer- tain small quantities previously neglected, and showed that the coincidence between theory and observation was absolute. ON THE FORM OF BEES' CELLS. 355 Lord Brougham's own remark is that the deviation between Koenig and Maraldi had always been ascribed either to an error of measurement or to an inaccuracy in the construction of the cells. It is certainly not so ascribed by Maclaurin, who remarks it could only have arisen from Koenig's not having carried his computation far enough. Throughout Lord Brougham's elabo- rate discourse on the matter, one circumstance is omitted, namely, Maraldi's statement that the angles, according to his measure- ments, were 110 and 70. Either the habit of an advocate's mind, for Lord Brougham may be regarded as counsel for the bees, or his not having read Maraldi's paper, must have been the cause of this omission. Nor has he mentioned the advantage which Maraldi conceived to result from the angles being what they are: namely, that only two plane angles occur throughout the structure. He quotes at second-hand the opinion of Boscovich that tfee angles could not be measured with the supposed degree of precision. I have not seen what Boscovich says, but have no doubt that Lord Brougham has misunderstood him : for he makes Boscovich' s opinion to be, that Maraldi merely deduced his result by assuming that the dihedral angles are all equal to 120, that is, he makes Boscovich accuse Maraldi of dishonesty, whereas, in reality, he probably only repeated what Maraldi in effect says : that he deduced the precise angles from assuming that the angles in the trapezium were precisely equal to those of the rhomboid, his measurements giving the same value to both, namely, as I have already said, 110 and 70. The matter has been so long confused that it is worth while to quote Maraldi's own words. * Chaque base d' Alveole est forinee par troisrhombes presqte toujours e*gaux et semblables, qui suivant les mesures que nous avons prises, ont les deux angles obtus chacun de 110 degres et par consequent les deux aigus chacun de 70 degres.' #%##%# ' Ces six memes cotes des trois rhombes sont autant de bases sur lesquelles les Abeilles elevent des plans qui forment les six cotes de chaque Alveole. Chacun de ces c6tes est un trapeze qui a un angle aigu de 70 degres, 1'autre obtus de 110 degre*s, et les deux angles du trapeze qui sont du cote* de 1'ouverture, sont droits. II faut remarquer ici que Tangle aigu du trapeze 232 356 ON THE FORM OF BEES CELLS. est egal a Tangle aigu du rhombe de la base, et Tangle obtus du m6me rhombe e*gal a Tangle obtus du trapeze. 7 ****** * Outre ces avantages qui viennent du c6te de la figure de la base, il y en a encore qui dependent de la quantite des angles des rhombes ; c'est de leur grandeur que depend celle des angles des trapezes, qui forment les six cdtes de T Alveole ; or on trouve que les angles aigus des rhombes, e*tant de 70 degrds 32 mi- nutes et les obtus de 109 degre*s 28 minutes, ceux des trapezes qui leur sont contigus doivent tre aussi de la me me grandeur/ The l etant' in the last sentence is plainly the prothesis of a hypothetical proposition, if they are &c. then so and so. The best part of Lord Brougham's essay is his argument against the theory contained in the Article on Bees in the Penny Cyclopaedia, though rightly or wrongly, he has deprived himself of the fatal objection to this theory furnished by Bar- clay's observation of the doubleness of the walls. A system of associated cells has many curious properties. The following may perhaps not have been noticed. Round each corner which is not an apex of any cell, the apices are arranged in groups of 6 at 6 of the corners of a cube of which the first- named point is the centre, and each apex belongs to three such groups. The peculiar difficulty as to the instinct shown by bees is this, that one does not see how they perceive when the true form of their cell is attained. In common cases of instinct, though the impulse is mysterious, one sees how the animal knows that its end has been obtained : not so in this case. The following is my guess. Beside the complex eyes of bees, they have three single eyes placed lower down, and probably serving for the vision of near objects. Assume that the axes of these eyes di- verge so as to be respectively normal to three ideal planes form- ing a solid angle, each dihedral angle of which is of 120 degrees. Geometry shows that every solid angle of the bee's cell is precisely similar to this type, so that a bee looking at it with his three single eyes, might have direct vision with each eye, of one of the three planes of the solid angle. This direct vision may correspond to a particular sensation, so that a bee is not satisfied till it is attained. If we had three eyes, the axes mutually at right angles, we should, I think, be well able to ON THE FORM OF BEES' CELLS. 357 judge whether the walls and ceiling of a room were truly at right angles to each other. And so in the case proposed. To this guess two objections have been made, the first, that most if not all hymenoptera have similar eyes, but do not make similar cells ; the second, that there is very little light inside a hive : but neither appears to me conclusive. I remember a little inaccuracy in the way I explained my notion as to the manner in which bees are guided in making their cells. I said that all the angles of the cell were of a cer- tain type ; I should have said* all the trihedral angles. There are of course three others, each bounded by four sides, but these also have the fundamental property that all the dihedral angles are of 120 degrees, so that the bee could always obtain direct vision of the faces of each dihedral angle. Take two equal cubes, divide one into six pyramids, the base of each being the face of the cube, and the apex at the centre of the cube, fit each of the six pyramids by its base on a face of the other cube, divide the solid thus got by a plane through the centre of the central cube, normal to a diagonal. Each half is the typical form of the bee's cell, except that the prismatic por- tion of the latter is a little longer than according to this con- struction it would be. There is of course no theory as to the length of this portion of the cell, and I believe no accurate obser- vations. The above is, I think, the simplest way of conceiving the form of the cell, and as far as I know it is not given in any book: it would certainly be the easiest way of modelling a cell. ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS*.t THE circumstances under which the following remarks have been composed would be a sufficient excuse for any defects, if they were not rather a reason why no such task should have been attempted. But the error, if it be one, will not be re- peated, and, like Socrates, ^^KaXv^ra^evo^ p& \. The following remarks on the Theory of Vegetable Spirals, appear to possess some interest, though it is very possible that it is only my imperfect acquaintance with the history of the subject which makes me think they contain anything not already noticed. On the chance however that they are new I shall en- deavour to put them down, though my state of health obliges me to do so in a hurried and imperfect manner. The fundamental principle of what follows is the resolution of the symmetrical spiral into portions actually unsymmetrical yet capable of becoming regular without essential alteration. Symmetry is therefore regarded as something superadded to the essential principle of the spiral, and we are thus led to trace the existence of this principle in cases in which it exists apart from any appearance of symmetry. A spiral may be divided in two ways : by two azimuths or by a horizontal circle. We may either obliterate all the leaves * Now first published. t Though the nature of the subject and my own ignorance make the whole of these remarks unsatisfactory, no part of them seems to me more so than that which relates to the way in which simpler forms are included in the more complex. I have not expressed my own idea, imperfect as that is. The following statement would be nearer it : " Every form includes all simpler forms, modifying them alter- nately in opposite directions, i. e. by expansion and contraction." t Plat. Phcedr. ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. 359 which grow, for instance, on the north side of a tree, or all those belonging to a given spiral which rise above a circle drawn round the axis of growth. The two modes of resolution give, as we shall see, similar results ; but we shall set out from the first. If we were to take off all the leaves on the north side of a tree, those left could not be arranged in spiral order at all, except in particular cases : but there is always one mode in which spirals may be divided by means of two azimuths, so that the essential principle of the spiral remains untouched. This will be clear from the figure .which, like all the other figures, Fig. i. represents a spiral in a state of development, that is, as if un- wound from the cylindrical axis on which it grew, so that the right-hand and left-hand sides of the xectangle are in reality one 360 ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. and the same line. The spiral in the figure has for its angle of divergence the fraction -j^-, that is, it consists of 11 leaves and goes 7 times round the axis ; counting always from left to right the successive leaves are found at intervals of 7 cells. Now if we blot out all that lies to the right of the line DD and consider the first 7 cells by themselves as having been unwound from a smaller cylinder, the leaves will be found to stand at equal intervals from each other, namely, at intervals of 3 cells. There is indeed a dislocation as to height, but height is through- out the Theory of Vegetable Spirals an unessential, or at least very variable element. Similarly what lies to the right of the line DD forms a system of 4 leaves, similarly arranged at in- tervals of 3 cells. Thus the spiral ^ is resolved into two whose angles of divergence are respectively f and f . The former is of course the same as a spiral whose angle of divergence is % only running in the opposite direction ; and as it is usual to give the name of Fundamental Spiral to the flattest or most sloping spiral which can be drawn through the leaves of a given system, the resolution we have effected may be described by saying that the original system has been divided into two, whose fundamental lines run in opposite directions, thus suggesting the notion of two opposing or antagonistic growths, making up, by the mutual influence of their antagonism, one symmetrical whole. Now I would propose, as a sort of postulate, the assump- . tion that every system which forms a part of a system actually existing in nature is capable of independent existence, that it only wants, if the expression may be used, to be allowed to get possession of the whole axis of growth in order to shape itself into a symmetrical spiral. The consequences of this assumption are sufficiently interesting to make it worth while to trace them in detail. They afford a remarkable instance of the confirmation by facts of an a priori principle : the principle in question being, so to speak, an interpretation of Schelling's celebrated maxim*, that the whole is in every part and every part in the whole ; a maxim which, though it may have led Oken wrong (I allude of course to his speculations as to the significance of the bones of the skull), yet enabled him to lead others right. 2. Let us in the second place make an assumption naturally * Thi& maxim is in effect equivalent to the fundamental principle of Leibnitz's philosophy, that each monad represents the universe. ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. 361 connected with what has been already said, namely, that the portions into which any real system can be resolved are, as in the example just given, opposed to one another in the direction of growth. This assumption, combined with the postulate pre- viously stated, enables us to determine a priori what systems are real or possible, and what not. N If the angle of divergence is -~ in the original spiral, those in the resolved portions have the same numerator, namely, 2ND, the denominators Heing respectively N and D N, and the two fundamental spirals run in opposite directions, pro- vided the original fraction is not greater than f or less than f . The proof of these propositions I will not stop to give ; a little consideration will enable any one to supply the omission. Our assumption therefore excludes all fractions lying beyond the limits just stated, and in fact we need not consider the second limit at all, as the first is sufficient to guide us to the conclusions we require. In order to determine the successive spirals into which the original one may be divided and subdivided, we proceed as if we were seeking the greatest common measure of the numerator and denominator of the angle of divergence, which of course have no common measure but unity. As long as the successive fractions are less than f , the successive quotients are of course unity; but whenever the fraction transcends that limit, the next step of the process will introduce 2 or some higher number as a quotient; and conversely no such quotient can appear until this limit has been transgressed. Hence this conclusion, every real system has both its numerator and denominator consecutive terms in a certain recurring series, namely, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, &c. of which the law is that each term is the sum of the two preceding ones. For these are the only fractions which, according to the method of continued fractions, can pre- sent themselves when all the quotients are unity. Thus f , |, and so on, are the angles of real systems, and there can be no system not similarly included in the preceding series. Every other system will, when our dichotomizing process is carried far enough, present us with two sub-systems, which have lost the character of antagonism, and have their fundamental spirals in the same direction. We have thus arrived a priori at the con- 362 ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. elusion established inductively by Schimper and Braun, namely, that these are the only numbers which present themselves in vegetable spirals. I believe at least I am justified in saying so, for though Professor Henslow*, in giving an account of Braun's researches, does not say that no other numbers occur than those of the series, yet all his examples belong to it, and the principle is broadly stated as a general law by linger in his Botanical Letters|. To this numerical law we can now append an equi- valent statement, which not being numerical brings us a good deal nearer to a theory of the actual genesis of vegetable spirals, for we may substitute the following as an equivalent law, namely, that every vegetable spiral is resoluble into antagonistic portions, actually unsymmetrical but potentially symmetrical. In this form the law serves to give morphological significance to many obvious phenomena ; as for instance, the three larger petals of the pansy stand in opposition to the two smaller, the balance of symmetry not having been fully established. Again, the five petals of papilionaceous flowers present us with two petals op- posed to three, the three latter containing a sub-system of two petals opposed to one. Thus perhaps too we are led to recognise a certain duplicity in the structure of cruciferous flowers ; but I will not venture to enter on any but obvious examples. It is interesting to observe how consciously or unconsciously we are always influenced by the forms of nature. That man is her minister and interpreter is true, not only of his knowledge and his power, but in that which combines both, his works of art. That volutes and tracery reproduce the forms of the vege- table world is obvious, but we may be reminded of the numerical relations of which we have been speaking when we recollect how often three lights in a western window are opposed to five in an eastern: the higher symmetry in the holier place and related to the lower as the flower to the leaf. Sed fugit interea, fugit irreparabile tempus; Singula dum capti circumvectamur amore. 3. The result at which we have arrived may perhaps be more clearly expressed by saying that every natural spiral can be resolved into two parts, of which the smaller stands in the * In Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. t Naumann appears to have recognised a spiral of 377 elements, thus reaching the thirteenth term of the series. ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. 363 same relation to the greater, that the greater does to the whole ; thus when a system of 8 leaves is divided into 5 and 3, as the first contains the second once, so does the second the third; moreover the second is opposed in direction to the first, and so similarly is the third to the second. Or we might say, though it is dangerous to use mathematical terms except with mathe- matical precision, that every natural spiral can be divided in extreme and mean ratio. Thus much respecting division Iby azimuths. We now come to consider horizontal division, that is, division in which all above and below a given horizontal circle is successively sup- posed to be obliterated, so as to leave in the first instance only the lower part of the spiral and in the second only the higher. It may be easily shown but as before I shall not stop to give the mathematical demonstration that if JVand 1) are respectively the numerator and denominator of the angle of divergence of any spiral, and N' and D' respectively are the numerator and deno- N minator of the last converging fraction to _ ; then D' and D D' are the number of leaves in the two portions, N' and NN' respectively being the corresponding number of times that the spiral goes round the axis. Thus recurring to the former ex- ample, the spiral whose angle of divergence is ^ is resoluble into two whose fractions respectively are | and f . In figure 1 the line AA indicates this division, there being 3 leaves above and 8 below. Of course the division might have been made so as to leave 3 rows below and 8 at top. But this is scarcely worth remarking ; it may be more needful to point out that in examining the figure we are not, as before, to be guided by the number of cells, but must look at each set of leaves as we would at a spiral existing in nature. It will be observed that there is a deviation from the perpendicular in both parts of the figure ; a retardation, so to speak, in the one and an acceleration in the other, and that these, on the whole, balance. As in the former mode of division there was a certain amount of vertical displacement, so here there is of horizontal. Let us now observe the prcerogativa which, with reference to this mode of division, belongs to the natural systems. It is this, that whether divided vertically or horizontally the result is the same. Not so with the case of the figure; 11 was before divided 364 ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. into 7 and 4, now into 8 and 3. But when the quotients in the process of finding the greatest common measure are all unity, then the successive fractions formed by the remainders are them- selves the series of converging fractions. Thus j is the last converging fraction to T ^, and so is f to f . In consequence of this the character remarked at the beginning of this section with respect to vertical division presents itself again with respect to horizontal, namely, that natural systems can be divided into parts, of which the first is to the second as the second to the whole ; whereas, to recur for a moment to the figure, f is not the last converging fraction to f , although f is so to ^ There is something very interesting in this recurrence of similar relations among the parts of natural systems. One of the Bernoullis engraved upon his tomb the equiangular spiral as an image of Immortality, giving it the motto ' Eadem mutata resurgo :' a vegetable spiral might similarly be chosen by Braun or Schimper. But what gives this mode of division a peculiar interest is that it brings us nearer to the actual genesis of the spiral. For the lower leaves are formed before the upper, and as the process of dichotomy may in this as in the former case be carried on indefinitely, we thus come to the remarkable conclusion that every vegetable spiral has been* every simpler spiral before it becomes what it is. It is impossible not to be reminded of the similar doctrine which has been held with respect to animal or rather with respect to organic life in general, namely, that the higher forms are not merely typically connected with the lower, but actually developed from them. It would not be wise to carry our inferences too far, but with respect to vegetable forms, so far as these consist of arrangements of leaves, the matter admits of demonstration. It is no more than anybody may see who will take the trouble to count the scales on a fir cone. Though I have said that we must not carry our inferences too far, it would, I think, be impossible to stop at the limits which in the present state of our knowledge lie within the range of precise demonstration. The production of leaves mark, to use the German phrase, a series of similar moments of develop- * In saying this, we of course neglect the small acceleration or retardation already mentioned. ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. 365 merit in the life of the plant; but what is true of such series must, we can hardly doubt, be true of all. We can hardly look at figure (2), in which the spiral T 8 ^ is represented, without seeing Fig. 2. at its base the primitive phyton with its two leaves and radicle : nor having got thus far not to remember that the laws of vege- table spirals are simply the result of their capability of division, and that the ideal division of the spiral is only a type of the actual division of the cell. The Monad, said the Neo-platonists, produced the Duad, and the Duad all things. 4. Maxims .of this kind may well be called ' oracula mentis;' they envelope the truth rather than express it, and like oracles do not teach us how we are to interpret them. They conse- quently resemble oracles in this also, that for the most part those who are guided by them are led astray. For it is difficult to resist the sort of charm which philosophical dicta possess when having reached the boundary land between the finite and the infinite, they pass into the region of poetry*. In thinking, for * See W. von Humboldt on the "Bhagavad Gita." 366 ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. instance, of the relation of species to the individual, of the whole to its constituent parts, of the unity of type and the endless diversity of forms, we feel that our doubts and difficulties can- not be better expressed than in the words of the old Orphic poet : 7TW5 e pOl f.V Ti TO, TTO.VT COTCtS, KCU ^COptS Ktt(7TOV J Is a cell a unit, or is a leaf, or is a whole plant, or is the idea of unity a relative one, realised in different degrees in lower and higher organisms ? However unsatisfactory this view certainly is, so much must be admitted, that the constituent parts of lower organisms have a greater tendency to commence an independent existence than those of higher : the bond of unity is weaker. If, following the train of ideas suggested in the last section, we attempt to express the difference between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, we may perhaps say that the former assume the condition of independent phyta before they have raised themselves above the system expressed by the number two, or if we look to the leaf alone above the first system, whereas the latter stand one step above them in complexity. And it is interesting to observe that they keep at the same dis- tance throughout, at least, in the greater number of cases three being the prevailing number in the flowers of the former class and five in those of the latter. There is no real spiral structure in what for the sake of regularity we call the spiral |-, because there is nothing to determine which way we are to turn ; growth is in this case an oscillation in a single plane, and the formation of a structure possessing three dimensions must be the result of the superposition of growths in parallel planes. There is no single spiral growth upwards and outwards, binding together indissolubly the growth in both horizontal dimensions ; the primary direction of growth is therefore directly upwards, and any growth upwards and outwards corresponds to another with which it may be said to coalesce, directed outwards and down- wards. Similarly there is no spiral growth downwards and inwards, no tap-root, and therefore in effect no true root at all ; what supplies its place is the downward and outward growth tending to recur at every part of the structure. I do not say that any of this amounts to a demonstration, but it certainly coincides in a remarkable manner with what we know, as a matter of fact, of the growth of monocotyledons, not only with ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. 367 respect to the absence of a tap-root and to the tendency to put out adnate roots, but also as relates to Mohl's discovery of the crossing of the vascular bundles or fibres; a discovery which might, I think, have been anticipated by an attentive considera- tion of morphological principles; or which, at any rate, now that it has been made, seems to confirm them. Figure* (3) is intended to illustrate what has now been said, and we shall see hereafter that the same view is confirmed by a consideration of the leaves of this class of plants. That they stand lower in point of organization than dicotyledons is admitted by every one, and seems to be indicated on the principle we have already noticed by their tendency to put out roots above the ground as well as by many other circumstances, and we seem to be justified in inferring from this that the spirals which are numerically more complex are really types of higher organizations. It may be well, in order to obviate a misconception of my meaning, to explain what has been said as to upward and out- ward growth in dicotyledons. No doubt the stem or trunk of any tree belonging to this class is a portion of a conical surface whose apex is above the ground and not below it, and the same is true of the surface of contact of cambium and wood, that is, of the surface where fresh wood is, at any given moment, in process of being formed, so that in one sense the growth is up- wards and inwards. But the corresponding conical surface a year ago lay within and below the other, so that the transition from the one to the other is outwards as well as upwards, and that it takes place in a spiral as if the surface turned on its axis, and at the same time enlarged, may reasonably be presumed in accordance with the views which I have been endeavouring, though with much diffidence, to support. Of course it is not an objection to these views to say that the woody fibre does not consist of spirals, actual growth being one thing and the de- velopement of forms, or what may be called ideal growth, an- other. 5. In endeavouring to apprehend the process of transition from one kind of spiral to another, it is difficult in the present * The figures (2) and (3) referred to in the text, were not to be found among the papers placed in the Editor's hands : fig. (2) on page 365 has been drawn by the Editor, who is however unable to infer with any confidence the form of the lost figure (3). 368 ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. state of our knowledge, or perhaps impossible, to arrive at an explanation not based on morphological grounds or expressed in morphological language. Yet it is certain that we ought not to acquiesce in a merely morphological explanation of any phe- nomenon, though it is going too far to say, that such explana- tions are merely transitional or provisional, to be accepted only until something else can be got. For teleological considerations, whereof morphological are one kind*, neither exclude nor are excluded by those which relate to actual genesis. The formal and the final cause alike exist and coincide, if I may presume to touch upon the subject, never to be mentioned but most humbly and most reverently, in the Unity of the Divine Wis- dom, from which both proceed, and the explanations derived from either are, or rather would be, if our knowledge were com- plete, equally and alike true, though in different ways. But to return to the matter in hand. It seems reasonable to suppose that when vegetable growth is proceeding according to any given system, say for instance, that whose characteristic frac- tion is 3%, the tendency to rhythmical recurrence on which the whole depends still exists among the parts of which the whole is made up, especially as these two parts are as we have seen nearer in point of position to constituting a symmetrical spiral than any other two portions into which the whole could be divided. The first or last five, or the first or last eight are within -jL of the circumference of going round the axis an integral number of times. Now as we have seen, it is the larger portion of a spiral which possesses a character of antagonism to the whole. If the interval between adjacent points exceeds the limit towards which this interval continually tends f, then that between adjacent * It is surely only from want of attention to the History of Philosophy that the two are put in opposition to one another, whereas in the sense in which Aristotle would have used the term, the doctrine of those who speak of the Unity and Modi- fication of Types, and that of those who refer every thing to the advantage of the individual or species, are alike based on the Final Cause. Moreover there seems no sufficient reason for setting the two doctrines in opposition, still less for reject- ing either. Truth comes to us in fragments, and so we must be content to accept it, not letting ourselves be deterred by any antinomy from embracing all of it that we can apprehend. t Namely four right angles multiplied by the positive root of the equation x z + x=i. I use the word tend here in the mathematical sense of tendency to a limit. It is, I believe, Bravais' doctrine that there is in reality but one angle of ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. 369 points of the spiral next below it falls short of this limit, and vice versa. In consequence of this, under the influence of circum- stances, which we cannot appreciate, the last eight points may repeat themselves in a symmetrical position, and maintain this form of symmetry permanently. On the contrary, if after having thus repeated themselves they are again subjected to the in- fluence of the thirteen preceding points, a sort of compromise is effected, of which the result is a spiral of twenty-one points. The two cases resemble a contest between the constitution of a whole kingdom and that of a particular province ; the pro- vince may revolt and succeed in establishing its own law universally, or a mixture of the two may become the common law of the land. Thirdly, things may remain as they are and the provincial law be altogether abrogated. Thus the opposi- tion of the greater part to the whole may under varying cir- cumstances produce an increase or a decrease in the complexity of the system, and the same cause, namely the rhythmical ten- dency which seems to belong to all growth, may be at one time a cause of change, and at another of permanence. If we try to go beyond this, " ad ulteriora tendentes ad proximiora recidemus," our explanations must become vaguer and yet more unsatis- factory. Something might be said of the contest between the principles of recurrence and opposition, but it would too much resemble the Us and amicitia of Empedocles 1 . 6. The attempt I am about to make to trace the general characters of vegetable arrangement in the structure of leaves is based upon so simple a remark that I can hardly suppose it has escaped observation. As however I have not met with it, it seemed worth while to set it down here though I cannot trace its consequences in detail. The primary division of the nerves of leaves is into anguli-form and curvi-form nerves, 'that is, those which have a straight portion at their base and those which exhibit curvature throughout. Now just as the straight divergence, namely, this limiting one; and that if botanists have thought they recognised distinct systems, it has teen because they have stopped sometimes at one degree of approximation to it and sometimes at another; but this doctrine ap- pears to be opposed to ascertained facts, the real unity of nature does not in this way exclude variety. 1 When the spiral passes into a whorl, the tendency to rhythmical recurrence seems generally to cease and to be replaced by a tendency to symmetrical anti- thesis or alternation, as if, speaking mathematically, positions of equilibrium pre- viously stable had become unstable, and vice vend. 24 370 ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. growth of the stem is the result of a quaquaversal tendency to curvature, so more generally I think it may be asserted, that straight growth in any part of a plant is constrained growth, the result of a tendency to curve in opposite directions. What characterises, therefore, the venation of such a leaf as that of the lily is in this sense the absence of constraint. To this remark an hypothesis is to be added which seems to be justified by the phenomena presented by compound leaves, namely, that the nerves are originally boundary lines, showing where the leaf in its growth paused in its development, just as a range of pebbles marks the old boundary of sea and land after the sea has receded. Thus the lily leaf shows us a single growth in various stages of progress. If we now look at the second division of monocotyledonous leaves, those which have a mid-rib and angular formed nerves, we see the successive stages of a double growth lying on the right hand and left hand respectively of the mid-rib, which is to be regarded as the straight resultant of the opposite curvatures of the boundaries of the two portions; the remaining part of the boundary remaining free and therefore curved. When therefore we say, that with few exceptions, monocotyledonous leaves follow one or other of the types just described, we in effect say that they are either single or double growths, that they belong to the first or second forms of vegetable develop- ment, and rise no higher. Let us now look at the commonest form, namely the penni-nerved of dicotyledonous leaves ; in these not only the mid-rib but the diverging nerves are, at their base at least, straight, exhibiting evidence therefore of constraint, or opposing growth on their two sides. The space between the apex and the first pair of lateral ribs seems to me to be a leaf in itself, that between the first pair and the second to be similarly two independent portions osculating with one another and with the first. By their osculation with one another, they form an additional portion of mid-rib, by their osculations with the central part they form the first pair of lateral ribs, and if we follow the course of either of these ribs we find that it gives out secondary branches, which freed from constraint, or com- paratively so, become curved. In the space they leave, how- ever, we find a secondary central portion, so that the meeting of three elements is exhibited at the sides of the leaf as well as in its central growth: thus the reticulation is throughout ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. 371 polygonal, and not properly speaking, curved, though from the shortness of the sides of the polygons it may assume a curvi- linear appearance. At the sides, however, there often runs a sort of fringing nerve between which and the edge there is nothing but parenchyma, and this nerve being free from con- straint appears truly curvilinear. In a simple leaf the lateral growths remain subordinate to the central ; the contest between them being shewn by the jagged edges, the cicatrices veteris vestigia pugnse. But if the lateral growths prevail, the central one ceases, the osculations no longer taking place in the manner described, and thus the leaf becomes compound, the fissures now reaching to the axis. From what has been said, it appears that a penni-nerved leaf belongs to that system of vegetable growth of which the characteristic number is 3, divided as such a system must be, into 1 against^ 2, that the 1, so to speak, assimilates 2 and 3, so as to form a second unit or 1' ; and this entering similar relations with similar lateral portions 2' 3' forms a third unit, a wave of form being thus propagated from the apex towards the base, and increasing in size as it goes along. To enter into an examination of the cases in which a simple leaf belongs to a higher system than the third or of the structure of compound leaves would detain us too long. It is enough for my purpose to have pointed out the two principles by which I believe all the details are governed, and by the help of which they may be traced out. The distinction between a leaf and a floral whorl which makes the numerical relations so much less easy to recognise in the former case than in the latter, is, that in a floral whorl the axis of such symmetry as exists coincides with that of growth, whereas in the case of an ordinary leaf, the two are at right angles. It is interesting to observe that the dis- tance between monocotyledonoiis and dicotyledonous plants which shows itself in the commonest cases in their respective phyta and flowers, is also seen in the intermediate growth of the leaf, the commonest number which presents itself in the dicotyledonous leaf being that which occurs most frequently in the monocotyledonous flower. We are, I think, entitled to con- sider the leaf as intermediate between the phyton and the flower, since reckoning the sheath as one, it consists of three elements, as the phyton of two and the flower of four: the 242 372 ON THE THEORY OF VEGETABLE SPIRALS. respective element of all three fulfilling Goethe's law of alternate contraction and expansion. The ordinary form of the edge of a dicotyledonous leaf, sup- posing the jags filled up, is sufficiently well represented by the projection on a vertical plane of an equiangular spiral, chased on an inverted cone (I mean of course the outline of the half leaf, commencing at the base and going thence to the apex). The curve in question cuts the axis at a greater angle at the base than at the apex, and has its maximum ordiriate nearer to the former than to the latter. Something may be said on theoretical grounds in favour of taking this as the typical leaf curve in cases in which the petiole and lamina lie in the same plane, since when they are at right angles, or nearly so, there is an approximation towards a circular form, as if the plane of projection had now become parallel to the base of the cone, and the slope of the spiral were diminished. In truth this principle of projection might be applied to explain many varia- tions of form in the flower as well as in the leaf. 7. The preceding remarks can scarcely be free from mis- takes, and yet they may contain a portion of important truth, namely, the principle of tracing numerical relations in the un- symmetrical as well as in the symmetrical aspects of vegetable growth. Just as spirals are less symmetrical than whorls, and yet enable us to understand the latter better than we otherwise could have done, so likewise unsymmetrical portions of spirals and of whorls may throw new light upon both *. 1 For an account of recent speculations on the theory of vegetable spirals, see Braun, Betrachungen uber die Ersckdnung der Verjiingung in der Natur, p. 125. THOUGHTS ON COMPARATIVE METROLOGY*. IN many respects it resembles comparative philology; one is, the necessity of avoiding general hypotheses. Corresponding to the attempts to deduce all languages from some one assumed to be primitive, or from certain elementary sounds, such as Alexander Murray's nine words, are such hypotheses as that of Gosselin, who, following Bailly, thought that at some early age in the history of the world, the length of the meridian had been accurately determined, and that all the guesses which have come down to us as to the magnitude of the earth were all equally accurate statements of the result of this primitive geodesy, the difference being solved by assuming the existence of a number of different stadia. Touching Bailly's astronomical speculation, it is hard to deny the truth of De Lambre's judgment, who describes it as "le plus cru des songes," or by some equiva- lent phrase. Another general hypothesis seems little better, I mean that of Boeckh, namely, that the weights and measures of antiquity all came from Babylon, and were connected with the use in astronomy of the clepsydra. Thus weight is the primi- tive element, then capacity is derived from weight, and lastly linear measure from capacity ; the unit of the last being the edge of a cube whose volume was the unit of the second ; the unit of the first being the weight of that volume of water. Starting from hypotheses so unproved as these, and modifying them as occasion may require, we may derive anything from anything and explain everything. 2. In another point of view metrology resembles philology, namely, that similarity is a very bad test of real connection, and that much better evidence is furnished by formal relations than * Now first published. 374 SOME THOUGHTS ON by material resemblance. The tradition of magnitudes is always inaccurate even when there is not, as in the case of coinage, any advantage to be gained by inaccuracy. The French livre, for instance, though shrunk to a shadow of its former self, pre- served to the last the due number of sous and deniers. The tradition of magnitudes is, so to speak, physical, that of relations, mental. 3. William Von Humbolt wrote an ingenious essay (first published in the Bevlin Transactions") on- the influence which is exerted on a language by its having been reduced to writ- ing. It is easy in a general way to see that writing not only gives greater fixity to language but also greater influence to the educated class by whom alone it is familiarly employed. Cor- responding to this is the reduction of weights and measures to tables, &c., whieh are made a part of ordinary education, and here we find an analogy which both the sciences I have been speaking of bear to jurisprudence. In the famous essay on the vocation of the age to codification, Savigny has pointed out that in the earlier period of the history of a nation law is a living and popular thing, " volitat per ora virum," and does not fall into the hands of a particular class, at least not to any great extent, until a later time. It ascribes this mainly to its increas- ing complexity, but it arises also from the division of labour inseparable from the progress of civilization, and likewise from other causes. In English literature it is curious to see how much more frequent legal allusions are in old than in more recent writers. Some have fancied that Shakespeare must have Lad a legal education, but the same thing might have been thought with regard to Chaucer. Hugo has pointed out that many phrases of quotation or reference in the Digest relate not to the maxims of earlier writers but to what may be called legal proverbs. To these correspond in the history of Metrology such maxims as " a pound is a pint,' r or the Arabs' saying that a mile is as far as one can tell a man from a woman. Of much the same nature are the names given to measures of land from the quantity of seed which they were supposed to require. Half legal, half metrological are such things as Mr Justice Buller's well-known rule, and the curious determinations in the Sachsen Spiegel, whereby a man was hindered from making his COMPARATIVE METROLOGY. 375 house his fortress. He was to dig no deeper trench than he could throw the earth out of with his spade, to raise the bottom of the door no higher than his knee, to enclose himself by no wall higher than a man on horseback could look over. Cases of the limitation of jurisdiction by throwing a stone or shooting an arrow from a given spot and noting where it falls, are men- tioned by Grimm, and there is even now a ceremony of the same kind at Cork, the mayor annually throwing a javelin into the sea. The meaning of his doing so was doubtless in its origin some determination of a boundary. Of popular pieces of metrology I may mention that I have heard that a certain popular hymn-book passes current in Han- over as a pound weight. For all these things picturesque and inaccurate as they are, advancing civilization substitutes ab- stract numerical determinations, but the natural tendency to connect standards of different kinds with one another, and all with natural objects, remains. For the foot or the fathom we employ the length of the meridian or of the pendulum. It may be quite true that as things now are it is better to trust to standards accurately made and carefully preserved, but the desire to recognize something ideal in practical life and to connect ourselves with something less perishable than our own handy-work, is not easily to be dismissed. How interest- ing, says the report of the French Metrical Commission, for the father of a family to know what proportion of the sur- face of the earth is the field which supports his family ! The remark is a little in the tone of the golden age of Rousseau, but nevertheless it has its foundation in the realities of human nature. 4. What the historian of Metrology must do is, dismissing general hypotheses, to observe the nature of the relations which the popular mind seeks and establishes between different standards, making large allowance both for popular inaccuracy and for the love of simplicity. He must also observe the nature of the traditions by which different standards are handed down, and the greater or less respect in which they are held : the curse, for instance, on him who removes a land-mark, and the unscru- pulous way in which arbitrary governments have always dealt with coinage. Then again with regard to what may be called 376 SOME THOUGHTS ON positive metrology, we must take into account the degree of scientific culture and of practical accuracy which may be sup- posed to have existed in different ages and countries. What follows is merely some remarks on detached points. 5. I do not now recollect Boeckh's explanation, founded on the general view already noticed of the relation between the Greek and the Roman foot, but a different one to which I think he makes no reference, seems to me far more probable. The Komans starting from the assumption that the pace is five feet (which is as near the truth as any relation expressed so simply could be) made a unit of itinerary measure of a thou- sand paces length. Observe by the way how like this is to the derivation of the sestertium from the sestertius. Now, it is a general principle that units tend to divide themselves into halves, quarters, &c., although they are for the most part mul- tiplied by tens or twelves, the decimal system seeming much more natural in the upward than in the downward scale. Thus the Komans would speak of distances as being a quarter or half- a-quarter of a mile ; and this last fraction was sufficiently near the stadium to be identified with it. On the other hand, the Greeks, starting from another natural assumption, made the orgyia six feet, and a hundred of the former became their unit of distance. The stadium would seem less an itinerary than, if the word may so be used, an athletic measure, for it is cer- tainly more natural to measure distances by paces than by fathoms. So it was, however, that 600 Greek feet were identi- fied with the eighth of a Roman mile that is with 625 Roman feet, which gives the common relation of 25 to 24. I do not mean that the average Greek foot was not longer than the Roman. We know that it was, and the difference probably corresponded to a difference in the two races of men. But what we have to explain is the origin of the precise relation in ques- tion. Again, it is not to be supposed that after it was recog- nized, the measure-makers of Greece and Rome thought them- selves bound to conform to it. Writers on metrology perpetually fall into a kind of realism, and speak as if they believed that there was for instance an ideal Roman foot, an archetype to which the Romans perpetually endeavoured to conform them- selves, and which it is our business to discover. Whereas there COMPARATIVE METROLOGY. 377 was of course in reality no general archetype. One measure- maker copied another with more or less accuracy, and all we can do with respect to absolute magnitudes, is to determine as well as we can their average value. The intention only is ideal, and this cannot have reference to the tradition of standards of the same denomination, but to the relations among different standards. I add a few words of etymology. There can be no doubt that orgyia is properly oregyia, and is derived from orego. Thus the word means the ^stretch, which is not, properly speaking, the meaning of either, of fathom or of the French brasse, though all three words in effect mean the same thing, namely, the greatest distance at which the finger-tips of the two hands can be placed from each other. Brasse comes from em- brasser, and suggests the idea of a man putting his arms round a pillar or a tree. Whether any appreciable difference exists between the girth of a tree which a man could just embrace and what we call a fathom I do not know, nor am I likely to try the experiment. Fathom has the same origin as brasse, as we may see without referring to Anglo-Saxon in the modern Danish, in which favn, a fathom, is obviously connected with the verb favne, to embrace. The latter, by the way, we have in English, in to fawn, though we only use it figuratively, or with reference to dogs who cannot properly be said to em- brace those whom they caress. The word orgyia, besides con- firming the common etymology of agyia from ago suggests another which I do not remember to have seen, namely, aithyia from aitho. Nothing can be more natural than to call a sea- bird swift on the wing, and whose feathers are often sprinkled with sea-water when it dashes down after its prey, the gleamer or flasher. I have noticed, probably after a shower, absolute flashes of light from pigeons wheeling in the sunshine, and the same thing must happen more frequently in the case of sea- birds. 6. Nothing of the kini is more permanent than the fix- ation of land-marks. Many causes which affect the tradition of other measures produce no effect on that of agrarian. It is probable that the majority of our fields had their present limits, or nearly so, at the time Domesday Book was compiled, and yet the estimation of their magnitude may have varied. The tradi- 378 SOME THOUGHTS ON tion of agrarian measure may be of two kinds. First, direct, as when the magnitude of certain pieces of ground being known and admitted, others are measured in accordance with them ; or, second, indirect, as when what tradition preserves, is the relation of square to the units of linear measure, the latter being, for obvious reasons, the more common case. As an instance of it I will take the relation of the acre to the jugerum. Of these seven jugera, which long formed the Roman unit of landed property, we may reasonably suppose that one was devoted to house, offices, and garden. Here it is worth noting that Pliny remarks that hortus originally meant not merely a garden, but what in his time was called a villa, that is, I presume, a country- house with its homestead. Something of the same kind still perhaps exists in the popular Italian use of the word casa. We know, at any rate, that in Dauphiny casau means hortus, and that Casaubon when a young man translated his name into Hortibonus, and was in consequence at a later period charged with plagiary by those who did not know who Horti- bonus was. Admitting this hypothesis, six jugera remain, for what comparatively speaking may be designated by the French phrase, " la grande culture." Now nothing is more marked than the tendency of agrarian measures to form themselves as far as possible (I mean of course ideally) into squares, and to be sub- divided into similar smaller figures. Thus, and perhaps the change was connected with some forgotten system of four-course husbandry, the six jugera may have fallen into four agri as our acre itself has into four roods. If this be the origin of our acre, its area would be to that of the jugerum (no regard being had to the difference of the Roman and English foot) as 3 to 2, and therefore the acre should contain 4800 square yards. It does contain 4840, but the reason why it has thus been modi- fied is obvious, in order that the tenth of a rood may be a square with a whole number of yards for its side, or which is the same thing, in order that the side of the square perch, which is the 160th of an acre, may be accurately expressed without any complex fraction. Had the acre remained what on my theory it ought to be, the perch would have been 30 square yards; by adding a quarter of a square yard to it, it becomes a square whose side is 5j yards. Thus, setting aside this modification and the difference of units, the jugerum is COMPARATIVE METROLOGY. 379 two-thirds of our acre. The former cause reduces it by about five-sixths per cent., and the latter by about six, and we thus get an approximate rule for converting jugera into acres, namely, to take two-thirds of their number and strike off 7 per cent, from the result. How the tradition of the jugerum ever got to Ireland seems very hard to say. Perhaps it was not extinct in England in the time of Earl Strongbow, at least I am much disposed to recognize in the Irish acre, not three actus as in the English, but five, which would of course make it 8000 yards. But in order that its 160th part should be a square, it under- went rather a greater modification than the English, losing about 2 per cent, and becoming a square of 7840 yards, the linear perch being thus not 5j yards but 7. Here again my specu- lation suggests an approximate rule to reduce Irish acres to English ; multiply them by ten, divide by six, and diminish the result by 3 per cent. Between these two acres stands in point of magnitude the Scotch, but here we seem to come upon a tradition of the direct kind, and I mean therefore to connect it with that of the pezza from the jugerum. 7. At page 163 of the 3rd volume of Miss Winkworth's translation of Niebuhr's letters is one to Savigny, which offers several points of interest as to the connection of ancient and modern measures. He tells Savigny that at Eome there is no manual of weights and measures, nor any information to be got either from scholars or men of business, but that it having occurred to him that during the French rule tables must have been formed connecting their measures with the Roman, he had been enabled to ascertain by accurate calculation the magnitude of the pezza, and thus to show its near approach to the ancient jugerum. Consequently the rubbio being 7 pezze represents the old land allotment. The remarks on the depourvu state of Rome as to information are in the querulous tone into which unhappily Niebuhr often falls. The tables he speaks of having found are doubtless those published but a very few years before, and of which Prony has given an account at the end of his work on the drainage of the Pontine Marshes. If this commission had ceased to exist in 1818, when Niebuhr wrote, its previous exist- ence must at any rate have been matter of notoriety, and it is hard to believe either that all the commissioners had left Rome 330 SOME THOUGHTS ON or that any of them would have been unable to give the required information. They were certainly not all Frenchmen. Scar- pellini, the only person whom Prony mentions, and whom he speaks of with respect, being, beyond all question, one of them. Was he ultimus Romanorum? the last person who knew the length in metres or French feet of a measuring chain? and might not Niebuhr have borrowed one from any village land- surveyor and measured it himself? Niebuhr's result is that the pezza is equal to 24,716 square feet and a fraction. It is not said what foot he means ; most probably the French foot, which is the longest of any he was at all likely to make use of, and it is therefore worthy notice that even so his estimate is too small. I am obliged to do these things in my head, but a simple piece of mental arithmetic enables one to see that the pezza is much more than 25,000 French feet. Prony's statement, which does not differ from that of the tables, if at all, except by the cor- rection of an almost inappreciable error (I know not if this error affected the particular result in question) is, that the pezza is equal to 2640*6257 square metres. Neglecting the last decimal, it follows that the pezza is 10 times the square of 1 6 J metres. Hence if we assume the pezza to be 25,000 feet, 100 linear feet will be 32 '5 metres ; a result which exceeds the truth by about the 2000 th part. Consequently the pezza is more by about 25 feet than 25,000 feet, and consequently Niebuhr's calculation, if he meant the French foot, is in defect by about 300. When we come to his calculations of the jugerum, another difficulty arises, namely, his not having mentioned what value he assigns to the ancient Eoman foot. According to Boeckh, Niebuhr has in his history expressed a strong opinion in favour of Cagnazzi's determination. Whether he had formed it at the date of the letter of which I am speaking, I do not know. Certain it is that, if we adopt this value, which is higher than the average, Niebuhr's determination of the size of the jugerum errs in excess as that of the pezza in defect ; and, the latter being the larger measure, both errors tend the same way, namely, to make the pezza and the jugerum appear more really equal than they are. The value in question is 131*325 French lines, and the result is that the jugerum is something less than 24,000 feet. Niebuhr makes it 24,310 feet and a fraction. Thus unless I am greatly mistaken, the difference between the two measures instead of being scarcely COMPARATIVE METROLOGY. 381 more than 400 feet is in reality over 1000. Taking the relations of the rubbio into account, and also the subdivisions of the pezza, there can be no reasonable doubt that the latter does really re- present the jugerum ; but in such a matter an error of Niebuhr's is worth pointing out. A little farther on he says that no one can blame him for not having sooner known that the pezza was not any piece of land, but one of a particular size. No one will blame him probably, and yet it is only what must have been known to a great number of persons. In 1760 Cristiani pub- lished a work which I only know by a table quoted in Diderot's Encyclopedic (Art. Arpent), in which in the space of a few lines the values of the pezza and the jugerum are both given (T am at least sure as to that of the former), much more accurately than by Niebuhr. The same table, or the materials from which it was compiled, have probably found their way into many other works of reference. Niebuhr tells Savigny that rubbio is also a measure of wheat of about 640 Roman pounds weight, so called because it was the usual amount of seed for the corresponding measure of land. But he has not noticed the curious circum- stance that the rubbio of oats and that of wheat differ, and that the measure (for it is a measure and not a weight) is less in the case of oats, although probably in Italy as here a much larger quantity of seed is used for it than for wheat. Niebuhr has also remarked that in his opinion the stajolo, which is the smallest square measure, is derived from sextarius, so as to signify such measure of land as would require a sextarius of seed, admitting however that the stajolo must have grown smaller since it ob- tained its name. Greatly smaller it must have grown, for a sextarius to the stajolo would be at the rate of about 50 bushels to the English acre. It is almost incomprehensible that Niebuhr should not have seen that stajolo can be nothing else than sta- diolum, whether or no the latter word occurs in dictionaries. It is moreover properly a linear measure. Although square measures have strictly no definite form, yet one form which may be called the normal form is generally indicated by their subdivisions if not by historical evidence. In the case of the jugerum both concur in showing that it was contemplated as a double square, and probably in early times it never existed in any other form. That of the fundus of 7 jugera is not I apprehend so distinctly marked, though it can 382 SOME THOUGHTS ON scarcely be doubted but that it formed a rectangle, as the methods of the gromatici would else have been inapplicable. The simplest hypothesis appears to be that the 6 jugera of which I have before spoken were arranged parallelly in a quadrangle, whose longer side was 480 feet and shorter 360, and that the 7th jugerum (that which I have supposed to be reserved for house and garden) was treated exceptionally, divided, that is, into 2 half jugera so as to form a strip 60 feet in width, and in length equal to and in contact with one of the longer sides of the before-mentioned rectangle. Or this strip may have been interposed among the pairs of jugera, but this is immaterial, what I am going to say depending merely on the assumption (and it is no more) of the divided jugerum. Of its two halves one I suppose occupied by house and kitchen-garden, the other by a vineyard with probably some pot-herbs growing among the vines, at least the enmity of the vine and the cabbage (depending probably on the amount of potash they both con- tain) could hardly have been observed where such a mode of culture had been uncommon. Half a jugerum would (speaking quite roughly) produce about 20 dozen yearly on the lowest computation admitted by Columella, twice as much according to his own estimate, and yet more according to others. Even this in a frugal family, the women and slaves drinking no wine, would have been quite enough, though of course wine was not, as with us, a luxury. My inference is that the normal form of a vineyard was in "la petite culture" a rectangle whose longer side was 4 times the shorter, and that this idea was retained when the unit of a vineyard was doubled and became in point of area a jugerum. It is thus I would account for what is plainly indicated by its divisions. That the pezza or petia (and it is to be remembered that the word is only used with reference to garden and vineyards) has to this day such a rect- angle for its normal form. Perhaps the word replaced its older synonyme in consequence of this ideal change of figure. The proof that the pezza is conceived of in the form I have men- tioned appears to result from the following consideration : it is divided into 4 quarters and each quarter into 40 ordini or vine- ranks. Now the length of the surveyor's chain is 10 stajoli, and therefore no length would be so naturally assigned to each ordine as this. And with this length the distance between two COMPARATIVE METROLOGY. 383 adjacent vine-ranks will be 1 stajolo, which is just about what one might expect to find it, being a little less than 4 feet. It is obvious that in this way the pezza will contain 1600 vines, and it is impossible to believe but that the fundamental unit in laying out a vineyard, namely, the distance between the vines, should not coincide with the unit of mensuration, namely, the stajolo. This granted, it appears probable, as I have already said, or in fact certain, that the length of the ordine is 10 stajoli or 1 fourth of the 40 stajoli, which would form the longer side of the pezza ; and hence, on far the most probable supposition, namely, that the pezza was similar to its fourth part, it results that the shorter side of the former is 20, and its longer 80 stajoli. What makes all this very curious is that the length of the stajolo is of course incommensurable with the side of the old jugerum, which, for anything we see, was a perfectly convenient shape for a vineyard. I cannot help thinking therefore that there was an historical reason for the change, namely, that the form of the half jugerum was transferred to the whole one, or pezza. A change which probably occasioned a slight one in the inter-spacing of the vines. There may have 'been, for in- stance, in the primitive vineyard 4 quarters, each 30 feet in width and 120 in length, containing 40 ordini and 400 vines, the inter-space men t being only -3 feet. All this was preserved, except that the vines were put at a distance equal to 3 into the square root of 2 ; a change which has nothing to surprise -us seeing the extreme discrepancy of opinion as to the best inter- spacement. Whether the question is settled now I do not know, but the doctrine was at one time popular that 4 or even 5 feet was always the best distance, while on the other hand it was said that even within the limits of France the distance ought to range from 3 or 4 deci-metres in the north to 2 metres in the south. Climate however is clearly only one element, and the question on the whole is probably as hard to settle as the one which relates to the proper quantity of seed corn. In the ab- sence of definite grounds for forming an opinion men might very well have been guided by habit, and the love of the proportions which habit had made the most agreeable both to the eye and to the mind. Virgil has alluded to the vintner's love of sym- metry and of the extreme delight which a man of imagination may be led to feel in the harmonious arrangement of trees. 334 SOME THOUGHTS ON Brown's Garden of Cyrus is a good, though perhaps an exag- gerated, example. Niebuhr, on what grounds does not appear, speaks of the pezza as a square. If it was, so no doubt was its fourth part ; and in that case, the actual vine-row being no doubt equal in length to the side of the square, would have been 20 stajoli; that is, just double the length of the ordine; for that the width of the latter was one stajolo does not appear to admit of question. It seems therefore to be a strong objection to his view that it would not represent the subdivisions of the pezza. What practical modifications there may have been can- not be ascertained. Every vine-dresser was of course at liberty to alter his standard or stajolo. Probably the modern practice varies less from the ancient in Italy than in France, and a good deal of information about the former may be gathered from the agricultural writers. I have forgotten what Columella says on the subject, and though the book is at hand cannot now refer to it. As Cervantes says in his last preface, " the thread is broken here but some other day I may be able to take it up ;" but the other day did not come. 8. It is well known that within the boundary of a fun- dus there could be no usucapio for a space of 4 feet, or in other words, that up to that space there was " asterna auctori- tas," a perpetual right of reclamation. It is commonly supposed that it was intended not only to prevent disputes, but to secure the existence of the numerous rights of way which form parts of the necessary evils of small property. Hugo has remarked that it does not follow that the space in question was uncul- tivated, and he must therefore have regarded the law as being merely a matter which concerned the owners of contiguous fundi, for if the space were cultivated at all it must have been by them. That a law leads to absurdly inconvenient consequences is not conclusive against its having existed, but on his view, if my neighbour had encroached in one place 10 feet within the boundary, he might establish a claim by usucapio to a width of six feet, while I could at any time re-establish myself in possession of the outward portion, so that what he required would be enclave within land with which I could do absolutely what I pleased. It would seem therefore that the auctoritas lay with those whose rights of way were interfered with by the COMPARATIVE METROLOGY. 385 occupation of the space in question, and not in any special manner with the two marches; and thus we come back to the common opinion that the space was really unoccupied. Now, what became of these spaces when the whole system of which they formed part was forgotten ? I apprehend that the 7 jugera included only the clear cultivable space, and that consequently the strip in question came to be an addition to the area of the fundus. On the hypothesis already mentioned, that the regular form of the latter was a rectangle of which the longer side was 480 feet and the shorter 420, the whole circuit would be 1800 feet. The space gained would therefore amount to 7264 feet, or on the average jugerum, to nearly 1038 feet. Of the residual phenomenon, to use what was once a popular phrase, of the existence of 1000 Paris feet of difference between the pezza and the jugerum, my hypothesis would thus explain five-sixths and leave the difference so small as to require no explanation. It is difficult to believe that the limiting strip was counted in the allotment, because it would make the jugera for practical pur- poses of unequal size, a thing in itself inconvenient and liable in many cases to produce injustice, and there is therefore a strong presumption in favour of a view which at once explains what has become of it and why the pezza exceeds the jugerum. 9. The existence of a rubbio of oats of about four-fifths the size of that of wheat, while the ordinary proportion of seed corn used for oats exceeds that for wheat in about the propor- tion of 8 to 5, suggests the idea that oats, which were certainly but little cultivated in Italy in old times, (and probably are not now), were not usually sown over the full surface of the rubbio. There may have been a simple course of husbandry, namely, the whole crop of wheat one year, half fallow and half oats the two next years, and then wheat again, so that every part of the land was fallow at intervals of 3 years. Twenty other guesses might be made, but the fact is curious that the measure of oats would serve for about half as much land as that of wheat. As for the third rubbio, that of salt, it seems to have been formed on the principle of weighing as much as that of wheat. At the end of Niebuhr's letter to Savigny he observes that 7 jugera must have been sufficient for one family, because he knew a vigneron who, holding 11. pezze as a metayer, supported 25 386 SOME THOUGHTS ON himself and his family comfortably. The remark, if I may say- so, appears to be singularly inconclusive. As the man was a vigneron, we may presume that his chief occupation was growing grapes ; and how would it have been if his 11 pezze had been all under glass ? and he had devoted himself to the culture of pine apples? The question is not within what area a gainful in- dustry may be carried on, but what acreage per head of the population is necessary to secure a given degree of comfort, and whether the best possible use is made of it by dividing it into allotments. If Sancho's piece of cloth had belonged to five bro- thers, it might still have been better to make one wearable cap of it than one for each. The cases are not quite parallel, and there is doubtless much to be said in favour of small properties, but the question cannot be settled in the present state of things by individual instances, even if the question were not compli- cated by the existence of common rights of pasturage. Colu- mella, Book III. chap. 5, speaks of rows, ordines, 240 feet in length and 3 feet apart, as the allowance for a jugerum. In each row there are 60 vines, and in the whole 2400. Thus if we divide the jugerum into 4 quarters by lines parallel to its shorter ends, we get, as in the quarter pezza, 40 rows, and each row of about the length of an ordine. The transition preserved the num- ber of rows, but removed an objection to Columella's arrange- ment, namely, that the interval between trees in the same row is not equal to that between the rows, whereby Virgil's precept " to set vines square so that they may have an equal supply of nourishment all round" is transgressed. The change also in- creased the amount of ground for each vine from 12 to 18 feet, diminishing- the number of vines from 600 to 400. I do not know whether the error in the text of the edition I have has been corrected. By it he is made to speak of 600 vines in a row of 240 feet, and of a total of 24000, numbers which are abso- lutely incredible. In the preceding chapter, when speaking of the number of cuttings which before the vines have grown up may be put between the rows and taken up when they have be- come viviradices, he allows 20000 to be planted. In this there is nothing which is not quite natural. They may then be put, I suppose, nearly as thick as asparagus, and perhaps the tran- scriber was misled by not seeing that Columella was speaking in the 5th chapter of the permanent arrangement of the vineyard. COMPARATIVE METROLOGY. 387 That his calculation of its profitableness refers to an extent of 7 jugera as that in which it would be proper to employ one vine- dresser, is a curious instance of the existence of the idea that this extent of land is the proper allowance for one person. Here we have the old allowance passing into the modern rub- bio. It is useless to look for much accuracy in such matters, but if we take Pliny's statement that the regular allowance of wheat seed was 5 modii, and assume that the amphora was 26 litres, which agrees with Cagnazzi's^ value of the Roman pound in French grammes, and if we also adopt the common statement that the modius is one-third of the amphora, then 35 modii (the allowance for a rubbio) will be 30 decalitres and a third, which agrees very closely with Prony's value of the rubbio of wheat. That of oats is yet more nearly equal to 4 modii. The perpetu- ation of the traditionary allowance of seed is in the former case more close than we could have expected. It amounts to some- thing less than 2 bushels the acre, and is therefore under the old practice in England and in Cisalpine countries generally. 10. The divisions of the acre appear to have grown out of those of the pezza. It is divided first into 4 roods as the other into 4 quarta, and the 40 perches of the rood correspond to the 40 ordines of the quarta. But with us so small a division as the staggiolo was useless, and the perch becoming practically the smallest measure seems to have been regarded as a square. Properly it was 30 square yards, but for convenience it was increased by a quarter of a yard, so that its side became 5 yards and a half. This has been already noticed. I repeat it now because it leads to the history of the English mile, which got its name from being not much unlike in magnitude the Roman mile ; though it is said not to be formally recognized in any- thing earlier than an act of Elizabeth, What we call a furlong is properly a fiiiing, or 4th part. Why then is it the 8th part of a mile ? The answer is, that the original unit was the long acre, that is, an acre consisting of perches arranged in single file. One hundred and sixty times 5 yards and a half make eight hundred and eighty, which is said to be the length of Long Acre in London. The furlong was therefore the long rood, and we have thus an instance in which a measure of length has sprung out of one of surface. Perhaps the word rood has relation to the 252 388 SOME THOUGHTS ON cross-like division of the acre into quarters, the sacred symbol replacing the cardo and decumanus of the Romans, and the name being transferred from the dividing figure to the divisions it produced. K. O. Miiller's idea -that mensuration was a sort of degeneration from the augurial laying out a space, seems to invert the natural order of ideas. I should be much more in- clined to think that the religious ideas which in early times associated themselves with the transition from a pastoral life to tillage and individuated property in land, were earlier than any formal system of divination. The curious story how Attus Marius found the largest bunch of grapes in a vineyard by repeated subdivisions of the space and repeated taking auguries so as to ascertain the row in which it was to be found, illustrates the connexion between the two things. All this is by the way. Another incidental remark is, that the reductionknown as cul- tellatio does not appear to be rightly understood. At least if I remember what is said on the subject, it is made to depend on the fact that if corn grows on a hill-side, the horizontal distance between the straws ought not to be greater than if they grew on level ground, and that therefore to distribute land equitably you must conceive it projected on a level sur- face, but a variety of other considerations ought to be taken in, and this reason has much the appearance of being invented to give a favourable colour to a practice, the real motive to which was that without it it would have been impossible to keep the boundary lines straight. A hill in the middle of a level plane would set every line wrong on one or the other side of it ; on the side, namely, towards which the survey ad- vanced. 11. It is well known that in Gaul the old native measure, the league, is never supplanted by the mile, and that a league equivalent to a mile and a half occurs in the Itineraries. Com- paring this with the modern French leagues it would seem to have been a half league introduced by the Romans, in order that the intervals marked by the league stones might differ less from those to which they were accustomed. I am inclined to this view, because the short league would obviously be 5000 cubits. Now although t here is a reason why 5000 feet should be the linear unit, as 5 feet make a pace, there is no reason of the same COMPARATIVE METROLOGY. 389 kind in favour of 5 cubits ; and, considered apart from any such reason, 10,000 cubits would be a more natural unit than 5000. And this would give the league which occurs in modern times. Let it be granted, however, that the Gallo-Roman league contains as many cubits as the mile feet, it would immediately suggest itself by analogy that the unit of square measure should be a square whose side was 120 cubits, so as to correspond to the actus. Thus we are led to the Arpentum, which continued to be the unit of French surveying untij. the revolution, varied how- ever in size by the difference between the French and the Ko- man foot. Like the actus it is described as a square, the side being of course 180 feet or 10 perches of 18 feet each. This was known as the " Arpent de Paris," but there existed another also much used called the " Arpent des Eaux et F6rets," connected with the former by an approximately simple relation, but perhaps resulting from a tradition of the old jugerum which must have long survived in Provence. At least with the double jugerum it coincides more closely than the pezza with the jugerum. This latter arpent is a square of 220 feet, and therefore differs Less than a half per cent, from being to the Arpent de Paris as 3 to 2, a circumstance which may have modified its definition. Half of it would be 24200 square feet, which would be precisely the juge- rum if the Eoman foot were 132 Paris lines. The calculation in Niebiihr's letter to Savigny implies a greater value than this of the Roman foot, but there is no occasion to have recourse to any- thing doubtful in order to show how nearly the two things coin- cide. For if we take Gagnazzi's value already mentioned, the jugerum will not fall short of the half Arpent des Eaux et Fdrets, much more than one per cent. Two things are worthy of notice respecting this second arpent. One, that it appears to have led to a definition of the league as 60 times the side of the arpent, or 2200 toises ; the other, that there can be little doubt of its being the origin of the Scotch acre, with which its coincidence in size may be called absolute. Converting this arpent into yards, according to the logarithms given in Babbage's Constants, I make it a fraction more than 6108 square yards, the normal Scotch acre being 6104 yards, though it is said to vary in dif- ferent counties from 6084 to 6150 yards. Thus, if my fancies (for I can hardly call them more) are right, we have the pezza equal to two actus, the English acre to three, the Scotch to four, 390 SOME THOUGHTS, &c. the Irish to five, and the rubbio to fourteen : all with more or less modification, but yet so as that these measures may all fairly be considered to be derived from a single unit. From the inti- mate connexion between France and Scotland the hypothesis of the origin of the Scotch acre does not seem improbable, at least compared with other links in my chain. The passage in the 5th book of Columella appears to show that the arepennis was regarded as a half jugerum, which of course it would be if it were considered an actus. But he speaks of two kinds of cande- tum, the former used in towns and being a hundred feet square, the latter agricultural and 150 feet square, that is, I suppose, 100 cubits. The transition from the latter to the arepennis or arpen- tum of 120 cubits square would thus be the point at which the influence of Koman ideas showed itself. NOTES ON BOOLE'S LAWS OF THOUGHT*. IT appears to be assumed in Chapter m. Section 8, that in deriving one conception from another the mind always moves, so to speak, along the line of predicamentation, always passes from the genus to the species. No doubt everything stands in relation to something else, as the species to its genus, and con- sequently the symbolical language proposed is in extent per- fectly general, that is, it may be applied to all the objects in the universe. But I venture to doubt whether it can express ex- plicitly all the relations between ideas which really exist, all the threads of connexion which lead the mind from one to the other. It seems to me that the mind passes from idea to idea in accord- ance with various principles of suggestion, and that in corre- spondence with the different classes of such principles of sug- gestion we ought to recognize different branches of the general theory of inference. This leads me to a further doubt whether logic and the science of quantity can in any way be put in antithesis to one another. From the notion of an apple we may proceed to that of two apples, and so on in a process of aggre- gation, which is the foundation of the science of discrete quantity. Or again, from the notion of an apple we may proceed to that of a red apple, and this movement of the mind in lined predica- mentali is the foundation of ordinary logic. But it is plain, d, priori, that there are other principles of suggestion besides these two, and the following considerations lead me to think that there are other exercises of the reasoning faculty than those included in the two sciences here referred to. In the first place, certain inferences not included in the ordi- nary processes of conversion and syllogism were recognized as exceptional cases by the old logicians. Leibnitz has mentioned some with the remark that they do not depend on the dictum * Now first published. 392 NOTES ON BOOLE'S de omni et nullo, but on something of equivalent evidence. The only question is whether we should be right in considering these cases as exceptions, and, if they are so, to what they owe their existence. One instance is the inversio relationis, e.g. Noah is Shem's father, therefore Shem is Noah's son. Here we pass from the idea of Shem to that of his father, and vice versa. The movement of the mind is along a track distinct from that which it follows, either in Algebra or what we commonly call Logic. The perception of the truth of the inference depends on a recognition of the correlation of the two ideas, father and son. Again, take a similar instance : Prince Albert sat at the Em- peror's right hand, therefore the Emperor sat at Prince Albert's left, &c. &c. How shall we express such inferences sym- bolically? Let S be Shem, N Noah, /father, s son ; N=fS, sf=l. Eliminating /bet ween these two equations, we get Nothing can be simpler than this : but the symbols s, / are of a distinct nature from those employed in the Laws of Thought. For/4 does not denote a species of -4, but an idea standing in a different relation to it. The distinction between these two kinds of symbols becomes more manifest when we reflect that / 2 is not identical with/ but denotes "father of father," or grandfather. Now I do not see how these cases of inversion of relation are to be dealt with symbolically without the introduc- tion of such symbols. In the following examples I confine myself to the cases afforded by relationship and the succession of generations. Let A, -B, (7, denote three persons, s son, g grand- son; then, if .5 is A* a son and C jB's, C is A's grandson, which we may express symbolically by the following equations : Eliminating B, we get LAWS OF THOUGHT. 393 It would be more accurate in these examples to introduce a symbol x or y to indicate that B is only one of the possible sons of A, an individual ranged under the species sA. I shall do that in the next example, in which the word son is replaced by the more general term descendant denoted by d. The equa- tions will now be videlicet a descendant not of the first generation. The result of eliminating B now is C = ydxdA : but by a principle about to be noticed dx = x'd ; .'. C = yx'zdA, or C is included in the class of descendants of A. The principle just used forms one of the recognized examples of an inference not lying within the domain of Aristotelian logic. It was called Transit io ex recto in obliquum. Whately, though he says nothing of its nature, gives in his praxis of examples one which depends upon it. A negro is a man, therefore he who kills a negro kills a man ; let this derived notion killing be de- noted by f, which may serve to indicate a general functional dependence : then, M 9 N, denoting man and negro respectively, we have the following equations : JV .-. /A r = x'fM, or the killing of a negro is a kind of homicide. The evidence of the truth of the equation is the same as that in favour of the equation xy = yx, when x and y both belong to the kind of symbols used in the 394 NOTES ON BOOLE'S LAWS OF THOUGHT. Laws of Thought. I shall not stop to inquire into the limita- tions which it may perhaps require. The general truth of the equations a? 2 = x and xy yx appears to suffer another exception in the case of relative terms, that is, of adjectives of which the interpretation is functional of the object to which they are applied. A small St Bernard dog is not simpliciter a small dog ; the word meaning that which is less than the medium size of the class of objects to which it is applied. Here neither s 2 = s nor sx = xs. If we say that in order to save all these equations we may employ a different symbol for every application of the adjective small, how can we express the meaning which is common to them all, and in virtue of which the word small exists as an element of language ? Diffident as I am with respect to all these remarks on a method in which I find so much to admire, I am yet more so with respect to the following. But it seems to me that we cannot say that x (I - x) = expresses proprio vigore, that is, in virtue of antecedent conven- tions, what is called the principle of contradiction. In ordinary language we have words which, independently of this principle, express negation : we say red, not red, and the like; but in the symbols employed in the Laws of Thought there is no other means of expressing not red than by 1 x, x de- noting red. Now the interpretation of this symbol 1 x seems to me to be given by the principle of contradiction, and there- fore I should rather say that the equation is interpreted by that principle than that it expresses it. In accordance with this view the equation x* = x would appear to be independent of the principle of contradiction. BEMABKS ON CERTAIN WOBDS IN DIEZ'S ETY- MOLOGISCHES WOBTEBBUCH DEB EOMANIS- CHEN SPBACHEN (ETYMOLOGICAL DICTION- ARY OF THE BOMANCE LANGUAGES)* Addobbare. Is it not from adoperari? The word occurs so early and is so much used that it can scarcely have been derived from chivalry. Camicia. As the b in cannabis becomes m in Spanish, I would assume the following forms: canamisia, canmisia, ca- misia ; the last being the form given by St Jerome, who speaks of it as a linen garment : this explanation is confirmed by the old French form chamse. Laquais. Laquet, Naquet, NacJct, viz. Light-armed-men : the word being plainly military and German. Compare the Greek 7u/^rJ9. The same class of people were also called pages and servants or sergeants. Addison is right in supposing that ser- geants-at-law represent the serving brothers of the Temple ; the judges who called them " Brothers" being the Knights. Albricias corresponds to the German botenbrod, and means what is given to a messenger if you are pleased with him, as when he brings you good news. I believe the true form is albergias, or something of that kind, and the literal meaning Tierberg e-money or gifts, that is, gifts for the entertainment of the messenger. The German word in the Nibelungen Lied, and the Spanish in the Cid. Travar. Considering the French form entraver, it seems more likely that the root of these words is trabea and not trabs. From trabea came trabeare and trabeatio, the latter used in the sense of Incarnation. The idea of entraver is simply wrapping up in clothes, so as to hinder the free motion of the limbs. * Now first published. 396 REMARKS ON CERTAIN WORDS IN Donjon. Surely from dominatio, the highest or most com- manding part of the place. The Proven9al form is Dompnon. The French word donner in the phrase ' cette fenetre donne sur la rue' is probably not from donare but from dominari, the French word being thus a crasis of two Latin ones. Treillis. There are two etymologies given of this word, one in the first, the other in the fourth part of the dictionary : the former from tri-licium, the latter from trichila: the second is probably the right one. Hanter. May it not come from hamitare for habitaref The change of b into m is not very uncommon. De balde. It does not seem necessary to refer to an Arabic source for this phrase. The filiation of ideas may have been something of this kind: In Lithuanian, balths means white; the " Baltic Sea" is probably a " white sea," as well as that of Archangel. Connected with this idea is that of brightness, as we see in the name Baldur, and in many other northern and German instances. Then comes the idea of doing a thing openly, boldly and avafyavbav, balthaba, as in Ulphilas. Also that of brightening up, making merry, &c. as in the Proven9al Esbaudir. Again, between whiteness and vacuity there is an obvious connexion, as in the word blank: and thus we get to the English bald, &c. and to the Spanish phrases, de balde and en balde. Pantois. Paventols was perhaps an earlier form, the meaning being to breathe as a person does when frightened. Compare the Italian Spantare. Assouvir. Surely from adsopire. Jach&re. There must have been a Latin woid.jacerium from jacere, in the sense of to lie neglected or fallow. Charivari. Why the Lille Glossary translates Chativati larnatium appears from the Sachsenspiegel, in which imme- diately after sheep and geese kasten rait upgehavenen leden, &c. are mentioned as part of the Morgengabe. This shows that the word was used not in a ludicrous sense, but seriously. Zorzal seems to be simply the German drossel. The English form throstle seems to confirm this. Massacre. The root is macella. In Proven9al " War against the Albigeois," Mazel occurs in the sense of carnage. From Macella comes Macellarius, a meat man, easily condensed in French into DIEZ'S ETYMOLOGISCHES WORTERBUCH. 397 machecrier, which occurs in the Roman de Ron in the sense of a butcher; and this would become massacrier, and thus give rise to a concrete massacre. At Rouen the street where meat was sold used to be called Rue de Massacre. Carnage, in the same way, meant originally meat-eating, as opposed to manger maigre. Boucher. Surely Boucherie meant a place where you could get munition de bouche, and a butcher is merely a purveyor. Piloto. The connexion of ideas ^between Pilotis and Piloto is illustrated by what I have seen on the Rhone, namely, two men in the bows of the vessel taking soundings with long poles, pilotis ; piloting the vessel by means of them. Pimiento. As the name seems to have been given to the spiced wine originally, and secondarily to the spice used in it, the idea of calling it pigment seems to be an allusion to the effect of spiced wine on the complexion ; a ludicrous or joking name for a drink seems natural, and there are other instances of it. Orpiment, by the way, is auri pigmentum. Fregata. What is the origin of our English word to freight? fregata, or frigate must be connected with this verb, as Carrick with caricare and oneraria with onerare. Orza. I should be inclined to suggest, though doubtingly, that a lorza means on the left side, in consequence of the early habit of mankind, which seems to recur at all times of speaking of the cardinal points on the hypothesis of looking to the east. Thus the phrase originally meant towards the Bear or North : and secondarily to the left hand as the north is when one looks east. The earliest trace of this way of thinking is in Genesis, where it is said of Ishmael, that he shall dwell in the presence of his brethren, that is, east of them. Aubaine. Is not this word, like arban, heribannum, as auberge is herberge f meaning the Lord's right, and especially his right against a stranger. Why it should mean this particular right, as arban means the Corvee, one cannot quite tell : but I imagine that aubain in the sense of a stranger was a word formed in consequence of a mistake of the meaning of the word aubaine. Bis. Another instance of the use of this particle in com- position to indicate something other than as it should be, is Bistourner: the only church at Paris not towards the east is popularly called St Benoit le Bistourne*. 398 REMARKS ON CERTAIN WORDS IN Trovare. In confirmation of the derivation of this word from turbare, it may be remarked, that invenio is literally to come in upon. A person comes in upon you, finds you, or disturbs you; the ideas manifestly being akin. So too the dog puts up the game, disturbs it, or finds it. Hurepe. This word with a little modification of the spelling occurs in La lattaille de Karesme et de Charnage*, as the name of a fish ; I suppose the Barrel. Mora. In Dante this word is explained to mean a heap of stones. "La grave mora" occurs in one of the early cantos of the Purgatorio. Estdble. It seems difficult to separate stall from stable: in Marie de France (Purgatory of St Patrick) we find estaule in the sense of stabilis, and in English the stall was until lately spelt with a u. Colmena. In the Vulgate the phrase * corner of the house- top ' is translated angulus domatis ; and in the Yaudois trans- lation the second word is rendered by colme. In the " Book of Virtues" colme is replaced by meysoneta. So that there is little doubt that colme was used for little dome or cupola rising above the level of the roof. The transition from this sense to that of lee-hive is from the form of the latter obvious, and the theme of both colme and colmena must be culmen. Cafre. Diez remarks in his grammar, that of the Arabic words in Spanish hardly any refer to things of human feeling. It seems very improbable that the word for Infidel should have been taken from the Arabs, who did not call themselves so, and with whom the Christians were not likely to come to an under- standing as to its use. Considering that the word occurs also in French, and the facility with which aspirates of different organs pass into one another, I think the word must be Cathar, the origin, as it is well known, of the German word Ketzer; though Diez has remarked, he is not aware of any case in which the Greek becomes/, but the induction must be founded on a small number of cases. Indarno. It is so very unlikely that it should come from the Sclavonic that I think it must be simply in danno, with the first n changed into r. Compare the French phrase en pure perte. * In Fabliaux et Cvntes; edition of Barbazan, Vol. iv. p. 85. DIEZ'S ETYMOLOGISCHES WORTERBUCH. 399 Trou. The word trabucar in Prove^al seems to be a mili- tary one. It is constantly used in the " War against the^Albi- genses" for battering or breaching with a trabs, or in the Italian form trabocco. Trabuca is therefore probably the breach made with this instrument, and the Italian buco is probably a cor- ruption from hence and not a German word. Nebli. As the Arabic derivation seems to be a failure, why should it not come from milvius ? The change of m into n, of v into b, and of the place of the liquid^ are all matters of frequent occurrence in Spanish. Perhaps we ought to assume a diminu- tive form milvillus, the final I being lost with the shifting back of the accent. Calibre. The word is principally used, speaking of the bore of a cannon, or the diameter of a column ; but it has another meaning which must be the original one. The word is used by masons, carpenters and workers in metal, for the tool or model which goes round anything and enables them to see if it be of the right size; its form, &c. vary in different cases, but it is always something that embraces or clips what it is applied to. It therefore seems clear that calibre is simply clipper, the latter word being borrowed from England or Holland, for I do not know that it exists in modern German. If a Frenchman pro- nounced clipper half a dozen times it would run into something not to be distinguished from calibre. Compare the English word caliper, and canif from knife; two things of the same size are said to be of the same calibre, because they would fit the same ; and hence the other sense of the word, which there is no occasion to derive from the Arabic. Caviar, l&avidpi, is certainly not a Greek word. I imagine the Greeks intended the four vowels to represent the full sound of the Italian or Provencal u, and that the word was originally curee or curata, meaning simply cured roe. When it came to the West from Greece, the perplexing number of vowels caused the hardening of the u into v. Compare, for an analogous change of a travelled word, the French word fashion derived from/a^ora. SOME THOUGHTS ON THE FORMATION OF A CHINESE DICTIONARY, AND ON THE BEST MODE OF PRINTING CHINESE. IN A LETTER TO THE REV. J. POWER, M.A., FELLOW OF CLARE HALL, AND UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN*. Cantantes licet usque minus via Isedit eamus. MY DEAR SIR, THE study of Chinese is hindered by many difficulties, the nature of which is not generally understood. The expense of printing Chinese with our kind of types is one of them. Much has been done in this matter by Breitkopf, of Leipsic, who has been employed by the American mission. Some of the results were exhibited at the Crystal Palace, but I have not been able to learn anything of the details of the analysis to which he subjects the Chinese characters. More recently Professor Brockhaus has proposed, that in order to get a complete and inexpensive Chinese dictionary, we should have recourse to Lithography. Even so the undertaking would be a great one, and it is very desirable that such a dictionary should be arranged in the most convenient and useful manner. Brockhaus proposes to follow the ordinary Chinese arrange- ment ; according to which the characters are distributed under 214 radicals, remarking in favour of doing so, that it is conve- nient to be in accordance with the Chinese practice f. No doubt this is true; but the objections to this mode of proceeding are considerable. In the first place, it is essentially unscientific ; the radicals are chosen on no definite principle. They seem to be, as Kant somewhat too boldly asserted of Aristotle's categories, aufgerafft, gathered up at random from all sorts of sources. In the second place, the relation of the characters to the radicals under which they stand, is arbitrary and uncertain. In some cases the relation is one of mere resemblance, in others * Previously printed for private circulation. t The system of 214 radicals is not of high antiquity, and has not been always followed since its first introduction. THOUGHTS ON THE FORMATION, &<: 401 the radical is a component part of the character, while occa- sionally it is very difficult to see what the connexion between them is. Again, there is no principle of arrangement under each ra- dical, except according to the number of strokes of which the character is composed; and in a complete Chinese dictionary there would be on an average 200 characters under each radical, and in some cases more than 1000. The result of this is, that it is necessary to have a supplementary index of characters, of which the radical is difficult to recognize, and in this there is no principle of arrangement, except the number of strokes. Gallery, of whose improvements I am about to speak, after mentioning the way in which Chinese dictionaries are con- structed, remarks, that it is not wonderful that so few persons attain to a knowledge of the language, and they, only after years of painful labour. In fact, to be able to use a dictionary, is a great part of the whole business of learning to read Chinese. The principle on which Gallery proceeds, he derived from his instructor, Gon^alves, whom he speaks of as the ablest of Chinese scholars, and who has published several works, in which it is followed, though he has nowhere fully explained it. Most of these works are in Portuguese, which is perhaps the reason why they seem not much known. Gallery's own work is in a mixture of Latin and French. It was printed at Macao, and it is said that most of the copies were accidentally destroyed. It consists of two parts; the first introductory, the second, a dictionary of perhaps 13,000 characters, arranged according to his own method, in which the principle of Gonc,alves is em- ployed, in subordination to a phonetic classification. The facility with which this dictionary is used seems to make it desirable that no other should be constructed until it has been considered whether the same method, improved, if possible, ought not to be employed in it. The principle of Go^alves is, as he states in his Arte China, not wholly new. It is based on the almost necessary con- nexion which there is between learning to read and learning to write Chinese. The early missionaries held that all Chinese characters con- sisted only of six different kinds of strokes. Gon^alves increases the number of elementary strokes to nine. These may be com- 26 402 THOUGHTS ON THE FORMATION OF pared to the letters with which our words are spelled, in this respect at least, that a Chinaman, in writing a given character, will always employ them in a given order, just as when we write man we write the m first, the a next, and so on. Gallery affirms, that throughout China a uniform method of forming the characters obtains, though little is said by Chinese writers on the subject. Some directions, he remarks, have been given, but too vague to be of much utility. I do not know if he refers to a tract, of which Sir John Davis published an ac- count in the Transactions of the Koyal Society of Literature. A collection of characters arranged according to the order in which the elementary strokes are employed will, as similar cases continually recur, very soon enable any one, even without in- struction, to acquire a knowledge of the Chinese method. This arrangement is of course based upon giving an order of prece- dence to the nine elementary strokes analogous to the order of the letters of the alphabet. But this the Chinese themselves do not seem to have done, and without this step, however de- finite their method of forming the characters, no principle of arrangement could be hence obtained. That they should never have introduced this improvement, is one of the many instances of the mixture of sterility and ingenuity by which they seem to be distinguished. When we have learned the order in which the strokes are to be employed in forming characters, and have given an order to the strokes themselves, we are in possession of a principle in virtue of which all the characters of the language may be arranged, so to speak, alphabetically. In practice, however, it is desirable to combine this principle with others, and especially with that which results from the analysis of which the great majority of characters obviously admit. It is clearly more con- venient to arrange the characters in the first instance according to the number of strokes, than to set out with a purely alpha- betical arrangement ; and this is the plan followed by both Gon^alves and Gallery, in their vocabulary of primary charac- ters. The arrangement therefore may be compared to that of a spelling-book, in which lists of short words arranged alpha- betically are followed by similar lists of longer ones. Thus far there seems no reason to deviate from their method; but the question becomes more difficult when we inquire what A CHINESE DICTIONARY. 403 characters (and on what grounds) should be accounted primary. My own impression is, that as the main object to be attended to is facility of reference, we ought to be guided by the eye, and whenever a character is clearly made up of others, to treat it as a compound character, whatever the significance of its parts or the relation between them. The great majority, it has been already remarked, of characters, are in this sense compound; and no one who is at all used to Chinese writing, can have any difficulty, except in a few cases, in dividing them into their elements. Generally speaking, one or other element is in the Chinese arrangement the radical under which the compound character is placed, and this is the part of the method of radicals which is in practice most convenient. Even so it is defective in giving the compound characters mixed up with others, which on other grounds are placed under the same radical. Still few compound characters, considering their whole number, will be found in the supplementary index. Gallery's method differs from what is now suggested in this respect; he does not avail himself* of the analysis of compound characters into simple ones, in all cases in which such an analysis is distinct and obvious, but only in a certain class, though undoubtedly the largest and most important class of cases. More than five-sixths, according to one estimate, eleven- twelfths according to another, of all Chinese characters are not only compound, but made up on a uniform plan. They admit of analysis into two parts, one of these simpler parts having the same sound as the whole character or a modi- fication of it, and the other having some reference to the mean- ing. Thus the former indicates the pronunciation, and is there- fore called by Gallery ' the phonetic element.' To the other he gives the name ' classifica.' Gon^alves had called the latter Generic, and the former Differential elements f. The names are not satisfactory, for the phonetic element may as well be made use of to constitute a class or genus as * Or rather, he ought not. t I do not apprehend that Gon9alves conceived it necessary that the differen- tial element should always be phonetic. He would have given the name to what- ever he found differentiating a generic character, 262 404 THOUGHTS ON THE FORMATION OF the other, and then the latter must be considered the diffe- rentia. The nomenclature of both writers indicates the influence of the old view, adopted by Remusat and quoted with apparent censure by Gallery, that the class of characters of which we are speaking was based on a scientific arrangement of objects, ac- cording to genus and species. The name phonetic is unobjectionable, and the other ele- ment might be termed non-phonetic. But it would, I think, be better to call it the logical element, inasmuch as it has rela- tion to the word as such ; that is, as it has a meaning, and is not a mere sound. Gallery presents a list of 1039 characters, which enter into others as phonetic elements. These he distributes into classes according to the number of strokes, arranging those in each class on what may be called the principle of graphic analysis, namely, that of Goi^alves. Under each of these 1039 characters he places those of the same or the kindred sound, which are formed by the union of that character with one of those which he called 1 classifiers/ these being arranged subject to certain modifications in the same way as the phonetic elements, under each of which we find on an average about a dozen characters. The plan, though in many respects very instructive, is not all that one wishes for in a complete dictionary. His list of primary phonetic characters contains many themselves made up of a phonetic and a logical element. The classifiers are for the most part phonetic elements also, but when they are not, one has to look for them in a separate list, given only in the first part of his work. Moreover, there are certain characters, some of them common and important, and not admitting of analysis into others, which do not seem to have been used by the Chinese, in the formation of compound characters, either as logical or phonetic elements, and which therefore he does not notice at all, or if he does, only incidentally. But the great defect is, that he cuts himself off from the advantage resulting from the analysis of characters in all cases in which neither element is phonetic. Some indeed he seems to introduce by mistake. Thus, the character for dog has no relation in point of sound to that for bark, which is compounded A CHINESE DICTIONARY. 405 of dog and mouth, and is pronounced as no other character is in which dog is really the phonetic element. It is clear that both elements are logical, we might say quite intelligibly to dogs- mouth, instead of to baric. It is no practical objection to Gallery's arrangement, though it shows the difficulty of adhering, if we were required to do so, to a definite plan, that in some cases both elements of the cha- racters are phonetic, though in different ways, one indicating the sound, and the other showing that the former does so*. It is in this case a sort of signftim diacriticum, and the cha- racter which is thus employed the most frequently is that for mouth. For instance, Jive, and one of the words for /, are both pronounced eu, and the character for the latter is the same as that for the former, with the addition of that for mouth. A similar instance has given rise to one of the innumerable foolish things which are said and repeated about the Chinese. Ho happens to mean corn, and concord or comfort, and the character for it, in the latter sense, is the same as in the former, with the same addition as in the preceding instance. The mouth is here used diacritically, yet people have been found to say, that the grossness of the Chinese is shown by their having a character for happiness which indicates that they have no higher idea of it than mere eating. It so happens that the same sound ho also means a child's crying, and in this sense also is represented by corn and a mouth differently placed in relation to one another. What authority can there be for an interpretation in the former case which is obviously inapplicable in the latter? This, however, is a less offensive error than those into which the early missionaries fell, in seeking for the doctrines of Christianity in China. I can only allude to their interpretation of the word yang. If a Chinese were to say that the English are a particularly selfish people, because the same symbol denotes unity and per- * Cases might be pointed out in which both elements are representatively pho- netic, so as to form a sort of reduplication. In some cases it may be said that both elements are at once phonetic and logical. Thus assuming that the two ele- ments of pi, to compare, are both pi spoons, the idea of comparison results from their similarity. In other cases the same element is phonetic and logical. Thus tsien, a small coin, consists of tsicn, small, and kin, metal or coin. Compare our word 'groat.' 406 THOUGHTS ON THE FORMATION OF sonality*, lie would only imitate the example of errors long gravely maintained by European scholars. No more effectual mode of getting rid of these errors presents itself than making a complete analysis of all compound characters, in order after- wards to recognize and classify the different principles which have guided their formation. Eemusat's remark is perfectly just, that the Chinese characters are formed in a variety of ways, and that nothing but confusion can result from any attempt to analyse all on the same principle. Chinese etymology consists, as Humboldt has observed, of two parts, that of the characters, and that of the spoken language. Both parts involve great difficulties, and as yet neither has been treated scientifically. The former part is particularly attractive: there is no more amusing book than a Chinese dictionary. Perhaps my saying so may remind you of the painter's reflection, ' che dolce cosa e la perspettiva.' One instance may be enough to show you the sort of interest I mean. The character for heart, which expresses generally all mental operations, combined with that which represents an enclosed and divided field, means to think or consider : we have here a graphic representation of the Latin 1 contemplor,' formed, as there seems little reason to doubt, from 'templum,' in the sense in which the augurs used the wordf. A very interesting part of the study of the Chinese character would be the comparison of it with Egyptian hieroglyphics, not in order to revive the old notion of an historical connexion between them between the flowery region and the lands of the lotus and the papyrus but in order to see how similar problems have in the two cases been dealt with. It has been said that * Thoth was wiser than Fo' (Fo-Hi), which may be true, but still the comparison is worth making. It is curious, that while in Egypt the feet or legs seem to be the symbol of activity, so as to give a verbal signification to the symbol with which they are associated, or, in some instances, rather grotesquely joined, the hand should often serve the same purpose in China. Other points of analogy might doubtless be * Guesses at Truth. + Grimm's derivation of templum, from the same root as tepeo, making it refer to the sacrificial fire, seems open to more than one objection : in the first place, the augurial sense of the word appears to be the primary one, aiii this connects it with T^nvfiv ; and in the second, it would then be particularly strange that the house of Vesta should not have been a templum. A CHINESE DICTIONARY. 407 indicated, though the less complicated forms of the Egyptian characters can hardly admit of phenomena so various as those which are presented by the Chinese. In the latter, for instance, I believe we might trace that curious principle of language, which, for want of a better name, may be called ' the principle of intelligibility,' of which we cannot have a better instance than the conversion of ' mandragore ' into ' main de gloire ;' I mean, that in Chinese groups of strokes, originally forming only a part of a complex picture, have probably, in some cases from accidental suggestions, shaped themselves into the likeness of other simpler characters. With regard to the etymology of the spoken language, such an arrangement as Gallery's is of the greatest value. When we find different sounds associated together under the same phonetic element, we may, special cases being set aside, conclude that they are, with reference to the Chinese organs of speech, cognate sounds, and thus establish the laws by which our investigations are to be guided. The change of Ch into T, which we are familiar with as the peculiarity of the Fokien dialect, is one of the most obvious phenomena thus made manifest*. To return from this digression, to the formation of an index to a Chinese dictionary. I should propose to form a list of all simple characters, and of all in which there could be any serious doubt or uncertainty as to their analysis. The latter would not be a very large addition to the number of the list. Gallery's own estimate is that his 1039 phonetic elements result from about 300 primary ones. A small number, and those capable of further analysis, of his classifying characters do not belong to his phonetic list; but if we say, that all the elements he employs cannot much exceed 300, we shall not perhaps be far from the truth. Taking account of omissions, accidental and otherwise, we may perhaps say, that 500 elements would appear in our list. I admit this seems a small number; but Gallery speaks of having gone through almost all the Chinese characters, and having omitted * Compare with this the change of tr into cr, in craindre from tremere, veintre (Hymn on Eulalia) from vinccre, &c. The same thing is seen in the English cor- ruption of ask into ast. Is not triticum formally equivalent to Kpidri ? Compare also the Greek and Latin names for Carthage ; Oxmantown and Ostraantown, (Worsaae, Danes and Northmen in England.) 408 THOUGHTS ON THE FORMATION OF only such primary characters (he calls them by perhaps a better name, 'indivisible or fundamental characters') as were rarely found, or useless. To allow 200 for such omissions seems suf- ficient. However that may be, I should propose the formation of such a primary list, and its being printed in a tabular form, as a frontispiece to the index. Gallery has done this with his 1039 phonetic characters, and they are all visible (and of a suf- ficient size for clearness) at one opening of the book. These being arranged in the manner already mentioned, the remainder of the index is to be placed under these, as keys or headings. Under each I would place, in order, all with which it combines : first, all the simple characters ; then, all the binary characters, and so on. No doubt there would be a good deal of repetition in this ; every compound character would be entered twice at least; those consisting of three elements, three times; and so on. But the advantage of being able to find any character you want with comparatively little trouble, as soon as you have recognized one of the elements it is composed of, seems to out- weigh this disadvantage, and perhaps about 80 quarto pages would be enough for the index to a dictionary of thirty or forty thousand characters. It is to be observed, and this I think a very important part of the plan, that I do not propose to use compound characters at all. The original 500, or whatever the number may be, would be the whole number of characters used, and therefore of types required. You are reading, we will suppose, a Chinese book, and come to a character you do not know. Seeing that it consists of woman, mouth, and heart, you look for it under any one of these three characters, and in a little while find the other two grouped side by side with a number which enables you to refer to the body of the dictionary. There is but one character in the language made up of these three elements, and therefore in order to recognize it without ambiguity, it is not necessary that you should actually see it before you in the index, or that you should even be told there what you already know, that, to speak heraldically, woman oc- cupies the dexter chief, and mouth the sinister. Some cases undoubtedly there are probably only few in which the same elements, differently arranged, form different characters; but A CHINESE DICTIONARY. 409 nothing can be easier than to devise diacritical signs ; by which the same group of characters should be made to refer, without possibility of mistake, to the different compound characters. Take a simple instance already noticed. Under corn you find mouth, accompanied by an arrow pointing to the right, and again a mouth with the arrow pointing upwards. The reference to the first would be, to ho in the sense of comfort, and to the second to ho in the sense of crying ; for in the first case mouth stands to the right of corn, and in the second above it. This principle once admitted, namely, that a character may be as clearly recognized by means of its elements alone as if a fac simile of it were given, may of course be applied much more widely than merely to forming the index of a dictionary. It seems to furnish the solution of the chief difficulty by which the study of Chinese has hitherto been impeded. For we thus get a mezzo termine between the unintelligibility of Chinese written with Koman characters, and the impracticable expense of a complete fount of Chinese type. Even if we had the 3000 elements*, which the ingenuity of Breitkopf has devised, where should we, here in Cambridge at least, find a compositor suf- ficiently learned to put them together ? The reason why so many more elements are required to imitate compound characters, than are necessary, if we content ourselves with simply representing them, is of course the varia- tion in size and shape, requisite in order to give uniformity in these respects to the compound character. This uniformity of size and contour is a matter of Chinese taste with which in books intended for European use we need not trouble ourselves. It is, by the way, an inconvenient taste even for the Chinese, because in order to make complex characters distinct, the simpler ones must be unnecessarily large. If it be said that the Chinese would never become accustomed to characters of the proposed kind, we may answer that even if this be so, the necessity of printing in Europe books intended for Chinese use is not very obvious. Whatever may have been the case formerly, there can hence- forth be probably no difficulty to hinder the printing whatever is intended to be read in China, at presses (which, by the way, * Am I right in thinking there are 3000 type elements ? or are there only 3000 punches ? 410 THOUGHTS ON THE FORMATION OF is an incorrect phrase in speaking of Chinese printing) esta- blished in the towns to which Europeans have now free access. And it must be remembered that we could scarcely hope to pro- duce in Europe what the Chinese would account a handsome book. The softness of impressions from wood can hardly be imitated with metallic type, and Chinese paper cannot, I believe, be used in our printing presses. A collateral advantage, resulting from what is now proposed, would be the facility of learning to read Chinese. The difficulty of analysing the characters would be removed, and when once a student was able to read a book printed in the new method, the transition to the usual characters would not cause more dif- ficulty than Greek contractions, or than the ligatures in Sanscrit. Another advantage would be that as the characters would follow one another in regular order, accompanied only by brackets to form them into groups, and by a few simple diacritical signs, any ordinary compositor would be able to set them up. Pro- bably it would not be found very difficult to distinguish the phonetical elements by printing them with red ink, which to beginners would be a great assistance. By similar means we might distinguish the same character, according as in any sen- tence it presented itself as a noun or as a verb. Brockhaus has proposed a different way of printing Chinese for European use, namely, in Roman letters with a numerical reference under each word to its place in the dictionary he wishes to see made. There are two or three objections to this plan. In the first place, difficult as it is to remember Chinese characters, it would be found much more difficult to remember the meaning of a number, even with the help of the pronunciation, because num- bers give very little for the mind to fasten on, and can never be exclusively associated with a single class of ideas. Imagine the difficulty of remembering the plot of a story the persons in which were denoted only by numbers. Again, in all questions relating to what I think must, by and bye, form an interesting part of comparative philology, namely, the theory of the Chinese characters, such a plan would be useless, even if we could suppose that all Chinese scholars agreed to use the same dictionary. Lastly, this method would form no introduction to the study A CHINESE DICTIONARY. 411 of works printed in the Chinese character, a class to which the great mass of Chinese literature must always belong. A man might give years to the study of this Stratford atte Bowe Chi- nese without being able to read the commonest characters. A more radical reform has sometimes been proposed, namely, simply to print Chinese in Eoman letters. Why are not the absurd Chinese characters laid aside? has been asked in much the same tone as the question one occasionally hears, of why legal terms and forms should be used in conveyances ? Get rid of these, it is said, and any deed might be written on a single sheet of paper. The answer in the two cases is much alike. If it had been possible during the last six hundred years to enforce brevity in legal instruments, not only the practice but the theory of conveyancing would be very unlike what they now are. The complicated relations which have grown up amongst us, the various subtle modifications of which the idea of property has been found susceptible, could never have been developed on such a system. Not only the outward form, but that which the form represents, would have been different. Our thoughts, and the mode in which we express and record them, act and react on one another. The influence of writing on the history of language, which has been made the subject of an interesting essay by William Humboldt, has been greater in China than anywhere else. The hand and eye have, so to speak, brought into subjection the voice and ear ; the reason of which is to be sought partly in the original nature of the language, and partly in the general dif- fusion of education. The language of China, especially the written language, is in many respects what it is, in virtue of ,the character, which we cannot now give up without introducing ambiguity and con- fusion*. To a certain extent the Koman letters may be used, and this has already been done, as for instance by Morison and Gon9alves. The dialogues of the latter are particularly valuable, from giving both the Mandarin and the Canton pronunciation. * The best plan by which indeed many of the difficulties would be removed, would be to write all compound characters like fractions, I mean with the pronun- ciation of the whole character above, and those of its elements below a horizontal line. Lin, a wood, for instance, would be denoted by mou, mou 412 THOUGHTS ON THE FORMATION OF So far as the question, as to giving up the Chinese character, can be decided by authority, it seems sufficiently settled. I may refer particularly to what is said on this subject in Mr Kidd's work on China. One kind of influence exerted by the character is sufficiently peculiar to deserve mention. We have many words whose meaning has been changed in consequence of a mistake caused by accidental resemblances of sound. Such, for instance, has been, at least in popular use, the case with demean. Johnson even thought the secondary meaning had the authority of Shakespeare. Again, there are words whose meaning has been influenced by ' juxta-position,' by their occurring, so to speak, in contact with others. Such are implicit, and buxom*. But both kinds of influence may concur in Chinese. Not only the sound of the word, but also the way in which the sound is expressed, by bringing the character into constant association with another, may influence the meaning. Take as an instance the character already noticed, composed of heart, woman, and mouth. The two latter characters alone form a binary character, pronounced ju, and meaning even as, sicut. This binary character is the phonetic element of the ternary one, of which it forms the upper part. The latter is pronounced shu, and means goodness or kindness. But it is related that Confucius taught that this word is the summing up of all mo- rality ; that it means the state of mind in which a man interests himself in the happiness of others, even as in his own. This development of the meaning of the word was, it is pro- bable, merely the result of an acccidental coincidence of sound, and of the selection of the one character to be the phonetic clement of the other. But, error or not, this opinion as to the meaning of the word has perpetuated itself; and what in this case is referred to the authority of Confucius, has probably happened tacitly in many others. One of the difficulties in making a Chinese dictionary arises from the number of compound words, that is, words each of which means something separately, but when grouped together express a single idea. Remusat went so far as to say, that the compound word was polysyllabic, and that each character merely represented a syl- lable. This question is scarcely worth the attention which has * So too in German Ehe. A CHINESE DICTIONARY. 413 been given to it ; but the important point is, that the unwary- scholar frequently endeavours to give separate translations to each element of compound words. These are given in the best dictionaries ; but there may be some difficulty in making a list of them complete and easy of reference. In printing it would be well, I think, to connect the elementary characters by a hyphen. The matter is so peculiar that you will not object to my giving you an instance of the errors it is apt to produce. In Kemusat's version of one of the 'Four Books,' as they are called, of Confucius, it is said that Confucius lived in accordance with the seasons and with the earth and water. The meaning of this is certainly not clear; but 'water-earth' simply means ' climate.' The habits of Confucius were not in accordance with the earth, whatever that may mean, nor with the water, but simply, which is quite intelligible, with the climate. The instances which in the Notes to Humboldt's letter to him Eemusat quotes from other languages ('horseman' is his English instance), are not quite parallel, for though no gram- matical form indicates the relation between their parts, yet ideally one of them is a substantive, and the other a modifying adjective: whereas in Chinese the compound word is a new formation, of which the meaning is suggested only by those of its parts. 'Elementa quodammodo manent in composite*,' we cannot define the matter more precisely. We see here, as in the formation of the Chinese characters, and in the structure of the language, the tendency to merely external union. There is contact and combination, but no interpenetrating compound growth, and the whole resembles not a picture but a mosaic. The same remark might be made as to Chinese style, which is all compact of set phrases and antitheses. 1 cannot enter on all the matters of detail connected with the Index, of which I have endeavoured to give you an outline. My ideas of them are of course very imperfect. Gallery's merits, with respect to Chinese lexicography, are doubtless great, both in his exposition of the ultimate dissection of the characters, and in showing, more clearly and fully than had been done before, the presence of a phonetic element in the great majority of characters. His assumption, that a set of phonetic elements were deliberately * S. Thomas Aquinas de Prineipiis. 414 THOUGHTS ON THE FORMATION, &c. and simultaneously invented, is unphilosophical, and seems to Lave led him into liis principal error, that in all compound cha- racters one element is phonetic. This error is decidedly opposed to competent Chinese autho- rities, and would place us, if we adopted it, in the dilemma of either rejecting obviously correct analyses, or of setting aside the laws by which the affinities of sounds are governed. I must here conclude these remarks. They are the result of your kindness, which has led to my seeing the works on sub- jects of Chinese literature recently added to the Library, and lias thus recalled my thoughts to matters which my increasing illness had made me lay aside. You know the circumstances in which I write, or, to speak more accurately, dictate. Vive et vale. Yours very truly, E. L. ELLIS. March 17, 1854. VALUE OF ROMAN MONEY*. GRONOVIUS'S estimate of the value of Roman money is vitiated by two principal errors : his doctrine that 100 denarii went to the pound weight of silver, *a doctrine connected with his theory that the proper and direct meaning of sestertium is two pounds and a half of silver, but which is contradicted both by testimony and by the denarii, which like the bricks in Richard II. are alive to this day to witness to the contrary ; and his confounding the pound Troy with the Roman pound. The errors tend to balance, one making the denarius too little in value, and the other making our currency of too small value; but his result is of course mere haphazard, to say nothing of his neglecting the question of alloy. The basis of the calculations in the Dictionary of Antiquities is much more satisfactory, but the calculations themselves are wrong. The articles Sestertius and Denarius do not take into account that our shilling circulates as a counter above its in- trinsic value. The value of the denarius is determined by com- paring its weight of fine silver with that of the shilling. Now as our coinage since 1816 is at the rate of 665. to the pound, the result is the same as if the price of silver had been taken to be 66^. per ounce standard, which certainly is not its real price. The rate of coinage was purposely fixed above the variations of the bullion market to prevent melting. Sixty- two pence is the price commonly assumed in calculating the par of exchange, and is rather a large average price. Taking the data given in the article Denarius, and this price of silver, the denarius of the end of the Republic is worth (not 8'6245<#. as it is there made) but 8'099d., or in round numbers, not S^d. but Sd. The error will be nearly the same in the value of the later denarius. * Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Vol. i. p. 92. 416 VALUE OF ROMAN MONEY. The value of the sestertium resulting from the value of the denarius which I have quoted is 8. 19s. 8d., though by some error of calculation it is reduced to 8. 17s. Id.; the real value is 8. 8s. 8J