RURAL TEXT-BOOK SERIES TEXT-BOOK OF LAND DRAINAGE JEFFERY L. H. BAILEY EDITOR Ube IRurai UeiWBoofe Series EDITED BY L. H. BAILEY TEXT-BOOK OF LAND DRAINAGE Ifrural SText^ooft Series EDITED BY L. H. BAILEY Carleton, THE SMALL GRAINS. B. M. Duggar, PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, with special reference to Plant Production. J. F. Duggar, SOUTHERN FIELD CROPS. Gay, THE BREEDS OP LIVE-STOCK. Gay, THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF JUDGING LIVE-STOCK. Goff, THE PRINCIPLES OP PLANT CULTURE, Revised. Harper, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY FOR SCHOOLS. Harris and Stewart, THE PRINCIPLES OF AGRONOMY. Hitchcock, A TEXT -BOOK OF GRASSES. Jeffery, TEXT-BOOK OF LAND DRAINAGE. Livingston, FIELD CROP PRODUCTION. Lyon, Pippin and Buckman, SOILS THEIR PROPERTIES AND MANAGEMENT. Mann, BEGINNINGS IN AGRICULTURE. Montgomery, THE CORN CROPS. Piper, FORAGE PLANTS AND THEIR CULTURE. Warren, ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE. Warren, FARM MANAGEMENT. Wheeler, MANURES AND FERTILIZERS. White, PRINCIPLES OF FLORICULTURE. Widtsoe, PRINCIPLES OF IRRIGATION PRAC- TICE. TEXT-BOOK OF LAND DRAINAGE BY JOSEPH A. JEFFERY LAND COMMISSIONER DULUTH SOUTH SHORE AND ATLANTIC RAILWAY ; FORMERLY PROFESSOR OF SOILS IN THE MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE gorfc THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1916 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT, 1916, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published May, 1916. '- "1 Norton ot! J. 8. Gushing Co. Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. AUTHOR'S PREFACE THE low yields of farm crops in this country are frequently used as a basis for speculation as to the future limit of food supply. The causes for these low yields are variously estimated. Bad management, over-cropping, loss of soil fertility, washing away of soils, "changing climatic conditions," and even "over- drainage " are among the more prominent of the causes named. " Bad management " is a very comprehensive term. " Loss of soil fertility " is a much used expres- sion, but indifferently understood. Sometimes it is properly applied, but in many cases it probably does not apply except in so far as it may be synonymous with malnutrition of the crop. The improper functioning of common soils, because of the extended presence, at some time during each year, of excessive amounts of water, is seldom men- tioned ; and yet one needs but to travel through the land with an observant eye in the cropping season to discover areas (even in the so-called " garden spots ") where half stands exist, fourth stands, and actually no stands for a half field or whole field, indicating failure in germination or very soon thereafter. He discovers sickly full stands, half stands and less; also drowned areas, and places where no crops have been planted " skipped areas " in fields that in other parts have a thrifty appearance of crops. It is difficult, indeed, to estimate the losses resulting from such conditions. There can be no doubt that if many of these fields could function as well over their whole areas as in their best parts, their average yields vi AUTHOR'S PREFACE would be very markedly increased. It is equally true that if all the lands on all the farms were properly drained and given the chance to do their best, total yields and total averages would be enormously augmented. These losses and the means of correcting them are the theme of this text. In the preparation of the ma- terial for the volume, an attempt has been made to put into simple and concise terms the fundamentals of our knowledge concerning the relation of water to agri- culture, and of the relation of drainage to soil water. The practical farmer has been in mind much more than the engineer. Material has been introduced at the risk of the charge of repetition, or even of the incorporation of extraneous material, and for these reasons : 1. That many persons who may use the work will not have had a sufficient knowledge of these matters to appreciate the importance of drainage in agricultural practice. 2. That many persons, including college men, who may have taken courses in the physics of soils, will not have sufficiently correlated the knowledge so acquired to appreciate the inter-relations between the physical conditions existing in soils, nor, consequently, the im- portance of drainage in agricultural practice. 3. The constituency is various. While designed spe- cially as a text for students, it is hoped that the book will find a place with the working farmer. Acknowledgments are due to various friends for in- formation and suggestions in the preparation of the manuscript. Acknowledgments are especially due to Dr. George J. Bouyoucos and Charles H. Spurway, who were at one time associated with the author in College work< JOSEPH A JEFFERY. DULUTH, MINN., December, 1915. CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGES CHARACTERISTICS OF SOILS ....... 1-28 Chemical and physical composition of soils, 1 ; Phys- ical condition of soil, 2. Temperature: Food require- ments of plants, 3 ; Temperature and food preparation, 4 ; Chemical and physical activities, 5 ; Biological ac- tivities, 6 ; Nitrogen preparation, 7 ; Temperature and nitrification, 8 ; Nitrogen fixation, 9 ; Temperature and germination, 10; Desirable temperature condition, 11; Later effects, 12 ; A rare case, 13 ; Temperature and root action, 14 ; Root pressure, 15 ; Root development, 16 ; Best temperature for root action, 17 ; Tempera- ture and the rest-period, 18 ; Actual temperatures, 19. Ventilation : Ventilation and food preparation, 20 ; Prevention of food destruction, 21 ; Ventilation and germination, 22 ; Ventilation and root action, 23 ; Re- moval of objectionable products, 24. Soil Structure: Ideal condition of structure, 25 ; Over-mellowness, 26 ; Structure and germination, 27 ; Structure arid root development, 28 ; Root development restricted by fis- suring, 29 ; Injury to roots by fissuring, 30. Water : Moisture and food preparation, 31 ; Moisture and ger- mination, 32 ; Water the solvent and carrier, 33 ; Serv- ice of water within the plant, 34 ; Quantities of water required by crops, 35 ; Conditions of water, 36 ; Gravi- tational water, 37 ; Capillary water, 38 ; Hygroscopic water, 39; Movements of soil water, 40; Capillary movements, 41 ; Surface tension, 42 ; Direction of cap- illary movement, 43 ; Hygroscopic movements, 44. Viii CONTENTS CHAPTER II PAGES PHYSICAL INTER-RELATIONS IN SOILS ..... 29-57 Influence of Capillary Water on Other Physical Con- ditions : Capillary water and soil structure, 46 ; Capil- lary water and plowing, 46 ; Correct moisture condition for plowing, 47 ; Effect of correct plowing on the later preparation of the seed-bed, 48 ; Sources of soil heat, 49 ; Capillary water and soil temperature, 50 ; Specific heat of soils, 51 ; Proper water content for agricultural soils, 52 ; Effect of water on soil temperature, 53 ; Warm and cold soils, 54 ; Over-wet soils are cold soils, 55 ; Heat of vaporization, 56 ; A concrete example, 57 ; Cap- illary water and ventilation, 58. Influence of Soil Structure upon Other Physical Conditions: Agencies active in soil ventilation, 69 ; Relation of soil structure to soil ventilation, 60 ; Effects of life-forms, 61 ; Influ- ence of soil structure on capillary water, 62 ; Influence of soil structure on temperature, 63. Influence of Gravi- tational Water on Other Physical Conditions : A replen- isher of capillary water, 64 ; Assists in soil ventilation, 65 ; A cleanser of soils, 66 ; Standing water or gravita- tional water in fields destroys soil structure, 67 ; Increased labor required to fit puddled soils for crops, 68 ; Gravi- tational water may interfere with ventilation, 69 ; Gravi- tational water and food losses, 70 ; Gravitational water and soil temperature, 71 ; Increased specific heat, 72 ; Heat lost in the evaporation of gravitational water, 73 ; The effects of gravitational water upon temperature through bad soil structure, 74 ; The relations of capil- lary water summarized, 75 ; The relations of gravita- tional water summarized, 76. Drainage Effects : Effects of the permanent removal of standing water, 77 ; The way in which the changes take place, 78; Ventilation plays a part, 79 ; Other agents, 80 ; Animal forms, 81 ; Food-preparers, 82 ; The final results, 83. CONTENTS ix CHAPTER III PAGES HUMID AREAS AND THEIR RECLAMATION .... 58-68 Common swamps, 84 ; Alluvial plains, 85 ; Swamps of the drift regions, 86 ; Marine marshes, 87 ; Reclama- tion of common swamp lands, 88 ; Reclaiming delta lands, 89 ; Size of the unit, 90 ; How the expense of installing, operating, and upkeep is met, 91 ; Reclaim- ing the swamp lands of the drift regions, 92 ; A diked farm in Michigan, 93 ; Reclaiming marine marsh lands, 94 ; Economic oversights, 95 ; Areas of imperfect natu- ral drainage, 96 ; Small wet areas, 97 ; Proportion of waste land, 98. CHAPTER IV GENERAL DRAINAGE INFORMATION . . . 69-93 Lands requiring drainage, 99 ; Methods of drainage, 100 ; Open ditches, 101 ; Shallow open ditches, 102 ; Tile drainage, 103. Tile : Kinds of tile, 104 ; Common clay tile, 105 ; Glazed tile, 106 ; Cement tile, 107 ; Difficulties with cement tile, 108 ; Precautions, 109 ; How water enters the tile, 110; Tile systems, 111; Outlet, 112; Depth of tile drain, 113 ; The distance apart of tile drains, 114 ; How water approaches the tile drains, 115 ; Size of tile to use, 116 ; Grade or fall, 117 ; Relation of size of tile to the grade, 118 ; Uniformity of grade, 119 ; Silt-basins, 120 ; How the silt-basin performs its work, 121 ; The construction of a silt-basin, 122 ; Finishing the silt-basin, 123. CHAPTER V LEVELING . . . . ...'... 94-107 The level, 124 ; Cheaper levels, 125 ; Leveling rods, 126; Target, 127 ; Using the level, 128; Setting up the level, 129; Cautions, 130; Determining the height of the level, 131 ; Direct reading, 132 ; Target reading, 133 ; CONTENTS Back-sight reading and its use, 134 ; Elevation of other points, 135 ; Fore-sight reading and its use, 136 ; Cau- tions, 137 ; Records and computations, 138 ; Directions and explanations, 139 ; Moving and resetting the instru- -ment, 140; Using cheaper kinds of levels, 141 ; Simple devices sometimes used in leveling, 142 ; The carpenter's level, 143 ; The water level, 144 ; The hose level, 145. CHAPTER VI LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 108-133 Establishing the point of outlet, 146 ; Laying out a drain, 147 ; Grade stakes, 148 ; Finders, 149 ; Laying out a main, 150 ; Fifty-foot intervals, 151 ; The relation of angle of approach to the main to the actual distance between laterals, 152 ; Laterals, 163 ; The angle of ap- proach for laterals, 154 ; The location of the upper end of mains and laterals, 155 ; Measurements, 156 ; Esti- mate of and order for tile, 157 ; Hauling and distributing tile, 158 ; Leveling for the drain, 159 ; Steps in the pro- cedure, 160 ; Keeping notes, 161 ; Some convenient aids, 162 ; Leveling with cheaper levels, 163 ; Leveling with a high-grade level, 164 ; Making the computations, 165 ; Computations in detail, 166 ; A comparison of tables, 167 ; Preliminaries to establishing grade of ditch, cut, and the like, 168 ; The grade or fall, 169 ; The depth of cut, 170 ; Grade bars, 171 ; Boning line and boning rod, 172 ; Determining height of bar above grade stake, 173 ; Using the data, 174. CHAPTER VII CONSTRUCTION ... . ... Ditching tools, 175 ; Horse and power machines, 176 ; Setting up grade bars, 177; Checking, 178; Begin the work at the outlet, 179 ; Opening the ditch, 180 ; Re- moving the soil, 181 ; Finishing the ditch, 182 ; Correct- ing depth, 183 ; Laying the tile, 184 ; Making close joints, 185 ; Fitting the joints, 186 ; Blinding, 187 ; Closing the upper end of the drain, 188 ; Filling the 134-151 CONTENTS XI ditch, 189 ; Finishing the outlet, 190 ; Screen, 191 ; Trap, 192 ; Laterals, 193 ; Leveling for laterals, 194 ; Making provision for lateral outlet when laying the main, 195 ; Joining laterals to mains, 196 ; Side con- nection, 197 ; Top connection, 198 ; Angles, 199 ; Mak- ing openings through tile, 200 ; Designating the sub- mains and laterals in the records, 201. CHAPTER VIII OTHER CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS Underground outlets, 202 ; Drain heads, 203 ; Drain- age by wells, 204 ; Quicksand, 205 ; Protection to joints against quicksand, 206 ; Boggy and springy places, 207 ; To remove excessive surface water, 208 ; Tile in muck soil should be laid deep, 209 ; Gravitational water in irrigated lands, 210; Cost of tiling, 211; Order of steps in tiling, 212. CHAPTER IX THE HOSE-LEVEL . Accuracy of reading, 213 ; Availability and cost, 214 ; Materials needed, 215 ; Suggestions, 216 ; Constructing the hose-level, 217 ; Introducing the water, 218 ; Re- moving air bubbles from the hose-level, 219; Checking up the instrument, 220 ; Leveling rods, 221 ; Construc- tion of rods, 222 ; System of reading, 223 ; To use the apparatus, 224 ; How to read height of column, 225 ; The reading, 226 ; Moving, 227 ; Recording data, 228 ; Positive readings, 229 ; Negative readings, 230 ; Com- puting elevations, 231 ; The rule is apparent, 232 ; Re- cording reading taken, in feet and inches, 233 ; Relation of values, 234. CHAPTER X USING THE HOSE-LEVEL WITHOUT LEVELING RODS . \ Long stakes, 235 ; To establish datum plane, 236 ; Leveling, 237 ; The height of grade bars, 238 ; To deter- mine fall by hose-level, 239 ; Computations, 240 ; Plac- 152-164 165-179 180-186 Xll CONTENTS ing the marks for grade bars, 241 ; Checking up on depth of ditch, 242 ; Breaking the grade, 243 ; Placing the grade bars, 244 ; Checking the bars, 245 ; Grade stakes and finders not needed, 246 ; For more extensive work, 247. CHAPTER XI DRAINAGE INDICATIONS Low flat areas of light soil, 248 ; Considerable slopes of light soil, 249; Extended flat or even moderately rolling areas of heavy soils, 250; Limited flat or de- pressed areas on slopes, 251 ; Limited flat or depressed areas on hilltops, 252 ; Springy low flat areas, 253 ; Springy areas upon slopes, 254 ; Muck or swamp areas, 255 ; Small muck areas without natural outlets, 256 ; Shallow ponds resting upon muck beds, 257 ; Shallow ponds resting on other than muck beds, 258 ; Shallow ponds not having sufficient fall or natural outlet, 259 ; Low flat areas whose surfaces lie only slightly above that of an adjacent stream or lake, which cannot be lowered by drainage, 260 ; Situations already referred to, 261. CHAPTER XII DRAINAGE AND THE GROUND WATER SUPPLY The ground water-table is falling, 262 ; Interesting facts concerning ground water-tables, 263 ; Chief causes resulting in lowering of ground water, 264 ; Increasing the run-off, 265 ; Increasing evaporation, 266 ; The re- moval of surface reservoirs, 267 ; Direct draft upon underground waters, 268 ; The interpretations placed on the fact of a falling ground water-table, 269 ; Crop needs, 270 ; Animal needs, 271 ; The meaning of the lowering of the ground water-table in terms of rainfall, 272 ; Intelligent soil management needed, 273 ; The case not serious, 274 ; The real relation of drainage to capil- lary and ground water, 275 ; The experience of other countries, 276 ; Optimism, 277. 187-199 200-207 CONTENTS Xlll CHAPTER XIII DRAINAGE AND CLIMATE . v .... . Diminishing rainfall, 278; Floods and their relation to rainfall, 279 ; The relation of forests to floods, 280 ; The relation of drainage to floods, 281 ; Observations concerning rainfall, 282 ; Drainage and rainfall, 283 ; Changing temperature, 284 ; Changes in frost dates, 285 ; Wooded areas and frosts, 286 ; Drainage and sur- face temperature, 287. PAGES 208-214 CHAPTER XIV DRAINAGE LAWS . . . -. . . . . The right of the individual to drain his property when it lies adjacent to a natural water course, 288 ; The right of an individual to drain his property when not lying adjacent to natural water courses, 289 ; The right of a group of individuals to drain, 290 ; A petition must be prepared, 291 ; Action upon the petition, 292 ; Objec- tions must be heard, 293 ; The proposed district must be examined, 294 ; The organization of the district must be authorized, 295 ; The work of construction, 296 ; Grievances, 297; Time a factor, 298; Records, 299; Mutual agreements, 300 ; Unlawful acts ; penalties, 301. 215-224 APPENDIX LABORATORY PRACTICE 225-245 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Drawing to show how the plant receives its several food elements .......... 4 2. Effects of temperature on germination 9 3. Effects of ventilation on germination 15 4. Effects of ventilation on germination . . . . .16 5. Effects of ventilation on germination . ... .17 6. Effects of ventilation on germination ..... 18 7. A mass of soil particles surrounded by capillary film, shown in section 27 8. A mass of sandy loam formed under pressure of the hand and held in shape by capillary moisture .... 30 9. Same soil as shown in Fig. 8, but after a slight pressure of the fingers was applied 30 10. A mass of the same soil as is shown in Fig. 8, but with an over-amount of capillary moisture, as is proven in Fig. 11 31 11. Same soil as is shown in Fig. 10 32 12. Illustrating soil crumbs 32 13. Chart indicating diagrammatically the number of English heat units required to raise the amount of water, the amount of dry soil, and the combinations of soil and water, respectively, shown in the lower part of the chart, 33 in temperature 35 14. Chart showing the effect of a given amount of heat in raising the temperature of soils with different water content . 37 15. Chart showing the temperature effects of the heat required to raise three types of soil with their normal water con- tent from 32 F. to 65 F. of temperature ... 38 16. The effect of lumps lying on the surface of a field . . 42 17. A mass of sand loam held in shape by a capillary film . . 45 18. Pyramid of sandy loam held in position by a capillary film . 45 19. The appearance of a recently plowed soil mass when the plowing has been performed with the soil in proper capillary moisture condition ... . . . 46 xvi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE PAGE 20. The appearance of soil plowed in an over-dry condition . 47 21. A column of heavy clay showing the cleavages which take place upon air drying . . . . . ; . . 55 22. Map of township in La Fourche Parish, Louisiana, showing the way in which the early French Acadian s plotted their farms on the naturally drained margins of the rivers and bayous 59 23. A 1760-acre unit diked for reclamation . 63 24. A system of parallel drains 77 25. A system comprising a main with laterals approaching obliquely ......... 78 26. A system in which the laterals are laid at right angles to the main .......... 79 27. A combination of the systems shown in Figs. 24 and 25 . 80 28. A system which has been in operation for a number of years 81 29. A system which has been developed solely by the require- ments of the field 82 30. Showing the way in which the water table is changed by the insertion of the tile midway between two others . . 84 31. Showing how water approaches the tile, when the tiles are laid in a rather heavy soil underlaid by a more open subsoil ... . . . . - . 85 32. Economizing in the size of tile ...... 87 33. Silt-basin built of brick 90 34. Silt-basin of concrete and sewer tile . . . . .91 35. Silt-basin built of concrete ....... 92 36. Drainage level v / . 95 37. Cheaper forms of drainage or grade levels . .... 96 38. Leveling rods . . 97 39. Drainage engineer's leveling rod .... .. > . 98 40. Target 98 41. Illustrating how a carpenter's level may be mounted on a stand and used for leveling ... . . , . . 105 42. Illustrating the water level in use . . . . . 106 43. Closer view of water level and carpenter's level . . .107 44. Relation of the angle of approach to the distance between drains ... ,. . 112 45. Profile of a portion of field through which a tile drain is to be laid . ., .' . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xvii FIGURE PAGE 46. Profile of a portion of field with stakes in place . . .119 47. Profile of a portion of field with levels in place . . .121 48. Diagram to determine fall and depth of ditch . . . 125 49. Diagram drawn on common note paper to determine fall and depth of ditch . 127 60. Same as Fig. 46 with grade bars and ditch shown . . 132 51. Ditching tools .135 52. Tile hook 135 53. Nailing a grade bar in place 137 54. Showing line of grade bars in place ready for digging to begin 138 55. Showing steps in digging and finishing ditch . . . 139 56. End section of ditch, showing in diagram the bottom of ditch formed to receive the tile 141 57. Showing the way in which bolts may be imbedded in the concrete or other outlet protection by which strips of wood may be bolted in place to carry screen to protect mouth of outlet from vermin, etc. ..... 144 58. Showing a galvanized iron trap suspended by hinge to pro- tect the mouth of the outlet from entrance of vermin . 146 59. Five-inch tile with small opening, and hammer used in making the opening . . . . . . . 147 60. Five-inch tile shown in Fig. 59, with the opening enlarged to receive 3-inch tile , 148 61. Shows the connection when the 3-inch tile is fitted in place . 149 62. A top connection in cross section . . . . . .150 63. Sections of tile, showing also T and angle .... 160 64. The way of constructing well for drainage downward into underlying gravel 150 65. Plan for removing drainage water by means of a stone filled well and tile 154 66. Steel shield used to hold back quicksand .... 165 67. Plan for permitting excess of surface water to reach tile drain by filling a section of ditch with crushed stone or cobble stone ........ 158 68. Plan for removing water by way of silt-basin and tile system 159 69. Hose-level 165 70. Ends of hose-level showing the way in which the height of the column should, be read 166 71. Leveling rods used with the hose-level . . ',"".* ' 17 xviii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGUKB PAGE 72. Detailed drawing of the zero section of leveling rods . . 171 73. Hose-level in use . .174 74. Nearer view of the hose-level in use . . . . , . 175 75. Profile of field to be drained 181 76. Profile of field with long stakes and datum plane shown . 182 77. Soil underlaid by clay or hard-pan . . . . . 188 78. Soil on slope underlaid by hard-pan 189 79. Heavy clay soil 189 80. Depression in heavy clay on hill slope 190 81. Depression of soil underlaid by heavy clay on hill slope . 190 82. Limited flat area of heavy clay on hill top .... 191 83. Limited area of soil underlaid by heavy clay on hill top . 191 84. Springy low flat area due to underlying heavy clay or hard- pan 192 86. Springy low flat area due to water rising through clay or hard-pan 192 86. Showing a method for draining single spring . . . 193 87. Springy area on slope ........ 194 88. Springy area on slope supplied with water from rock forma- tion 194 89. Small muck area without natural outlet .... 195 90. Shallow pond resting on muck area 197 91. Threaded section of brass tubing for studying distribution of water in soil columns ....... 226 92. Apparatus for studying shrinkage of soils .... 235 93. Apparatus for studying movement of water through tile walls, position of water-table in tiled soils, the influence of an inch of rainfall upon the height of ground water- table, and the percentage of pore-space in soil . . 238 94. Detail of part of Fig. 93 . . . ... .239 95. Detail of part of Fig. 93 . . . ... . 241 LIST OF TABLES I. Plant-food Elements 3 II. Range of Temperatures at which Seeds have been Found to Germinate 7 III. Days Required for Radicle to Appear when Seeds are Planted and Kept at the Temperatures Indicated . 7 IV. Soil and Air Temperatures ...... 13 V. Crop Needs for Water 24 VI. Relation of Size of Tile and Fall to Capacity to Convey Water 86 VII. Number of Acres from which One-fourth Inch of Water will be Removed in Twenty-four Hours by Outlet Tile Drains of Different Diameters and Different Lengths with Different Grades 89 VIII. Form for Leveling Notes 102 IX. Form for Leveling Notes 103 X. Form for Leveling Notes ....... 105 XI. Relation of Angle of Approach to Main to Distance be- tween Laterals, when Laterals Enter Main 100 Feet Apart . . . ... . . .111 XII. Form for Field Notes . . . . . . .117 XIII. Form for Field Notes with Distances, Back-sights and Fore-sights Introduced with Cheaper Levels . . 120 XIV. Form for Field Notes with Distances, Back-sights and Fore-sights, Height of Instrument and One Elevation Introduced ... . . . . . 122 XV. Same as Table XIII with Elevations Introduced . 124 XVI. Same as Table XIII with Computations Completed . . 130 XX LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE XVII. Approximate Cost to a Rod of Digging Ditch, Laying Tile and Blinding 162 XVIII. Readings in Inches, Eighths and Sixteenths Transposed to Decimals of a Foot . . -. . . . 172 XIX. Table for Hose-level Data . . ... . 176 XX. Form for Field Notes, Hose-level .-..,. . 179 XXI. Data Completed, Hose-level . . . . . . 184 TEXT-BOOK OF LAND DRAINAGE LAKD DRAINAGE CHAPTER I CHARACTERISTICS OF SOILS NEXT to the soil itself, water is the most important factor in crop production. Without it, crops cannot be grown. Its abundance is desirable, but its control is more important than its abundance. Its control is impor- tant not only because of the immediate functions of the water, but because also of the degree to which its presence or absence may affect other factors essential in crop pro- duction. A brief study of these relations is essential to an understanding of the subject before us. 1. Chemical and physical composition of soils. A soil of good chemical composition is one in which all of the food elements which crops obtain directly from the soil are found in abundance. A soil of good physical composition is one in which organic matter (chiefly vegetable materials) and the various kinds of mineral matter sands, silt, and clay exist in desirable proportions. A soil lacking in chemical and physical composition cannot normally produce a good crop. On the other hand, it does not follow .that fit chemical and physical compo- B 1 ; - 1 -^o 1 ; ,*>* ;'>. a v3^:??3-:-?*fi ?-? ? 2 LAND DRAINAGE sition of a soil will insure a crop. A soil may be of good character in these respects and yet fail absolutely to pro- duce a good return. 2. Physical condition of soil. The physical condition of any soil bears a profound relation to its ability to pro- duce a crop. It is undoubtedly safe to assert that soils more frequently fail to produce large or even satisfactory yields because of improper physical condition, than be- cause of improper chemical or physical composition. The physical conditions of soil upon which plant growth most largely depends are : proper temperature ; proper ventilation ; proper structure, or tilth ; proper moisture. TEMPERATURE There are three lines of activity within the soil having to do with the welfare of the crop : (1) food prepara- tion, (2) germination, (3) root activity ; to which may be added (4) recuperation. 3. Food requirements of plants. The chief food ele- ments required by plants are : carbon, oxygen, hydro- gen, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, and iron. Each of these is always com- bined with one or more other elements before plants can use it for food. The carbon is combined with oxygen, forming carbon dioxide; the calcium is combined with carbon and oxygen, forming calcium carbonate 1 ; the nitrogen is combined first with hydrogen and oxygen, forming nitric acid (HNO 3 ), and then exchanging the hydrogen for some other element, such as calcium or potassium, to form calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3) 2 ), or potas- sium nitrate (KNO 3 ). 1 Probably changed to nitrates before reaching the plant. CHARACTERISTICS OF SOILS TABLE I PLANT-FOOD ELEMENT SYMBOL FORM IN WHICH WE ABE MOST LIKELY TO THINK OF IT FORMULA Carbon . c Carbon dioxide C0 2 Oxygen . . . Hydrogen . . o\ HJ Water H 2 O Nitrogen N Nitrates Ca(N0 3 )2-KN0 3 Potassium . . K Potash K 2 O Phosphorus P Phosphoric acid P 2 5 Calcium . . Ca Lime CaO Magnesium Mg Magnesia MgO Sulfur . . . S Sulfuric acid H 2 S0 4 Chlorine . . Cl Common salt NaCl Iron .... Fe Iron oxide Fe 2 3 The plant secures its carbon as carbon dioxide, which is a gas, from the air through its leaves. All other foods the plant secures from the soil through its roots. (Fig. 1.) 4. Temperature and food preparation. The wise farmer begins the preparation of a field some time, if possible, before he expects to plant the crop. He has learned that with a reasonable period given to such prepa- ration, the crop responds more quickly after planting, grows better and yields better, than if the period of prep- aration is shortened. One of the reasons for this better behavior of the crop is that the period of preparation makes it possible, under normal conditions, to develop and store in the soil an abundant supply of available plant-food prior to the time of planting. Plants resemble animals in some of their food demands. They need a proper supply of food in the earlier days of their existence. Like animals, they are likely to show, during the remainder 4 LAND DRAINAGE of their lives, the effect of an abundance or a shortage of food in these earlier days. 5. Chemical and physical activities. All the mineral plant-food elements are found in all normal soils, and are FIG. 1. Drawing to show how the plant receives its several food elements. Each is always combined with one or more others. taken by the plant from the soil through its roots. Each element exists as a chemical component of some one or more of the mineral 1 parts of the soil. Before they can 1 "The few elements which exist free as constituents of rock, together with many definite compounds of elements which naturally take the solid form, are minerals." BLACKWELDER AND BARROWS. CHARACTERISTICS OF SOILS 5 be used by the plants, these food elements must be sepa- rated from the mineral particles and be dissolved in the soil water. Whether these changes are chemical or physical, they take place more readily and more rapidly under high than under low soil temperatures. 6. Biological activities. The plant secures its nitro- gen supply from the soil also, and appropriates it by way of its roots. The greater part of this nitrogen supply must be in the form of nitric acid, usually after the acid has combined with some mineral element, such as calcium or potassium, thus forming what is called a nitrate. The greater part of the nitrogen supply in the soil is in some form other than nitric acid or nitrate. It is chiefly locked up in the organic matter; or it is found as free nitrogen in the air in the soil. 1 There is some ammonia and some nitrous acid in the soil, and these are nitrogen compounds. 7. Nitrogen preparation. Before the nitrogen of the organic matter in the soil can be used for food by grow- ing crops, it must enter into new combinations with other elements. The greater part of the nitrogen, by a series of changes, is finally combined with hydrogen and oxygen to form nitric acid (HNO 3 ), which in turn combines with some base to form a salt. It is in this form chiefly that nitrogen is used for food by plants. 2 1 Air is composed of a mixture of gases, of which mixture oxygen constitutes 23.22 %, nitrogen 75.55 %, and carbon dioxide .045%-.06% by weight. HILGARD, Soils, p. 16. 2 Recent investigation indicates that plants use, to some extent at least, other forms of nitrogen than nitric and ammonia nitro- gen. See article of H. B. Hutchinson and N. H. Miller of the Rothamstedt Experiment Station, which appears in the Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 3, part 2, 1909. See also Bulletin 87, Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. Agr. 6 LAND DRAINAGE 8. Temperature and nitrification. All the changes by which organic nitrogen is put into form for use by plants are accomplished chiefly by bacteria. It has been found, according to Schloessing and Miintz and other authorities, that these changes proceed very slowly when the temperature of the soil is not higher than 54 F. They proceed most rapidly when the soil temperature is near 98 F. Recent research seems to indicate an opti- mum temperature as low as 85 F. 9. Nitrogen fixation. On the roots of all legu- minous plants, under normal conditions, are found colonies of another class of life forms, usually spoken of as bac- teria, which possess the power to appropriate the free nitrogen of the soil air and combine it with hydrogen and oxygen to produce a form of nitrogen which the host plant can and does use for food. These forms are called nitrogen-fixers, and the process is sometimes called nitro- gen fixation. They work most rapidly when the soil tem- perature ranges from 90 to 100. These bacteria are in enlargements of tissue known as nodules. There are probably other forms of bacteria and some forms of molds in soils that have this power of nitrogen fixation, and their rate of work is greatly affected by temperature conditions. 10. Temperature and germination. Most crops are grown from seed. There is a temperature below which seeds will not germinate. There is also, for each kind of seed, a temperature at which it will germinate most quickly. In Table II are shown some of the findings of Sachs and Van Tiegham regarding the lowest, highest, and best temperatures for the germination of the seeds indicated. See also Table III. CHARACTERISTICS OF SOILS TABLE II RANGE OF TEMPERATURES AT WHICH SEEDS HAVE BEEN FOUND TO GERMINATE LOWEST TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE AT TEMPERATURE KIND OP SEED AT WHICH THE SEED WAS FOUND TO WHICH THE SEED GERMINATED ABOVE WHICH SEEDS WOULD GERMINATE MOST QUICKLY NOT GERMINATE Wheat . . . 41 F. 81 F. 104 F. Barley . 41 83 104 Peas . . v . 44 84 102 Maize . 48 93 115 Squash . 54 115 Red clover . , 42 Van Tiegham 70 TABLE III DAYS REQUIRED FOR RADICLE TO APPEAR WHEN SEEDS ARE PLANTED AND KEPT AT THE TEMPERATURES INDICATED l DAYS AT TEMPERATURES INDICATED 40 F. 51 F. 60 F. 65 F. Barley and wheat . . . Beans . . . v . , . Clover red 6 7 74 3 6^ 3 2 4| 11 If 41 1 Flax 8 41 2 2 111 31 3 Oats ... 7 31 21 2 Peas 5 3 If If Pumpkin lOf 4 Rve 4 21 1 1 Sugar beets Timothy 22 9 6i 3| 31 3i 3 1 A part of Haberlandt's findings as quoted in Warington's Physical Properties of Soil, p. 140. 8 LAND DRAINAGE The days indicated under the several temperatures, and after the seeds, undoubtedly indicate the time re- quired for the radicle to burst through the coat of the seed, not the time required for the radicle to appear above ground. (See Fig. 4.) More recent investigators assert that some of these seeds do germinate occasionally at temperatures lower than those indicated in the above tables. The late C. F. Wheeler found that chess seed would germinate when lying on a cake of ice in a refrigerator, and send roots f inch into the ice. Wheat and other grains are not infre- quently sown, in the Northwest, when the soils are thawed but six or even four inches deep in the spring; they germinate in a short time, long before the frost has entirely disappeared below the seed-bed. In such cases, the seed-bed possesses a temperature much above that of the frozen ground below. 11. Desirable temperature condition. The best and most desirable temperature is one ranging from 70 to 90 F. The question that should be uppermost in the farmer's mind is not " at how low temperature will seed germinate/' but rather "what means may T employ to bring the temperature of the seed-bed to most nearly approximate the ideal ? " In Fig. 2 are shown the effects of temperature on germination. The three j ars were prepared alike, and each had ten kernels of corn, from the same ear, planted in it. The jars were then placed one in a temperature of 55 F., one in a temperature of 70 F., and one in a temperature of 85 F. The photograph was taken on the eighth day from planting. 12. Later effects. If, on the eighth day, the jars shown in Fig. 2 were placed together, and allowed to remain in a temperature of 75 to 85, most, probably all, of the CHARACTERISTICS OF SOILS 9 seeds in the jar marked 55 would germinate. If the seed used in all the jars were of inferior quality, undoubtedly a smaller percentage of them would germinate in jar marked 55, than germinated in either of the other jars. It is more than probable that in their later growth, these corn plants would never overtake the plants in jar marked FIG. 2. Effects of temperature on germination. The jars have indi- cated upon their sides the temperatures 55, 70, and 85 respec- tively at which the jars were kept after the corn was planted in them. The picture was taken 8 days after planting. 85, and would never show the vigor and healthfulness of the plants in that jar. It is also probable that the plants resulting from the germinations occurring at 70 would never fully overtake the plants resulting from the germinations at 85, or show the same vigor. 13. A rare case. Some years ago, in southern Wis- consin, a field unusually well prepared, in a season of very favorable temperature conditions, was planted to corn. In three days the young corn plants were above ground sufficiently to be easily " rowed " diagonally, as 10 LAND DRAINAGE well as lengthwise and crosswise. A duplication of this incident has not been discovered in forty years of observa- tion. The later behavior of the crop was entirely in accord with these early days of its history a seemingly uninterrupted growth, early crop maturity, and an abun- dant yield. This example illustrates the importance of a good start, due to many favorable conditions. 14. Temperature and root action. The plant receives all of its food, excepting carbon, through its roots. This food can be taken only after it is dissolved in large quanti- ties of water. The plants on an acre of oats, yielding 50 bushels of grain, would take through their roots dur- ing their growth at least 700 tons 1,400,000 pounds of water. 1 This water is required to dissolve the plant- food, to assist it to reach its place in the plant, and gen- erally to assist in promoting the well-being of the plant. The part the roots play in taking in this great quantity of water is involuntary, excepting as they place them- selves in position to receive it. The process by which this soil water enters the roots is called osmosis ; that by which the foods in solution move inward to be used by the plant, diffusion. Both water and food enter the roots from the soil chiefly, if not entirely, by way of the root-hairs. It is important, therefore, that the plants develop extensive and vigorous root systems. In all of this, temperature becomes an important factor. 15. Root pressure. When a soil is over-cold, the rate at which water enters the roots growing upon it may be so slow that the plants assume a wilted appearance. 1 This is in accord with the best service of water reported by King, but is much below that obtained under arid conditions and under very close control by Briggs and Shantz, and reported in No. 1, Vol. Ill, Journal of Agricultural Research. CHARACTERISTICS OF SOILS 11 Every one acquainted with crops will recall how rigid even to tender crispness are the leaves of a corn plant in the early morning, when growing in warm moist soil. The leaves would not be so crisp, and might even appear wilted, if the soil were too cold. 16. Root development. As the part of the plant above ground develops from the seedling to the mature plant, its demands for food and anchorage increase; since the part of the plant underground must furnish both, there must be adequate development underground also. Few realize how great this development is. King, in what seems to be a conservative estimate, 1 has shown that the roots of a single healthy corn plant, placed end to end, would amount in length to not less than one- fourth mile, and probably would often much exceed this. It is only when the soil temperature is correct that this great development can be most satisfactorily made. 17. Best temperature for root action. The tempera- tures best suited to food preparation and for germination are also good for root activity as regards both growth and feeding. Hall gives 83.6 F. as the optimum soil temperature for growth of barley and wheat, and 92.6 F. as the optimum for maize and kidney beans. He gives 93 F. as the temperature at which maize roots made their maximum growth 55 millimeters in 24 hours. 2 These temperatures, with a single exception, are higher than the highest averages of observed temperatures shown in Table IV. The exception is for 1 inch deep in Ne- braska soil. 18. Temperature and the rest-period. The period elapsing between the harvesting of one crop and the plant- 1 King, The Soil, p. 210. 2 Hall, The Soil, p. 114. 12 LAND DRAINAGE ing of the next is no doubt often thought of as one of rest as synonymous with idleness. It is not often considered as a period of rest in the sense of recuperation, as it should be. After producing certain crops, and especially under abnormal weather conditions, the soil is found to be in a very unsatisfactory physical condition, and one in which the evils are cumulative, or may easily become so if proper precautions are not taken. Who has not seen the wheat field, the oat field, and even the bean field, so baked and scorched as to make it seemingly impossible of prepara- tion for an immediate crop ? In this condition of intensely high temperature and dryness, not only are certain im- portant processes suspended, but undoubtedly much of the desirable microscopic flora is destroyed. 19. Actual temperatures. In the humid part of the United States, soils under normal weather conditions are seldom, if ever, too warm for the ordinary crops. The opposite is more likely to be true, so that when the tiller has exercised his highest art in soil management, the temperature still ranges too low for the best results in cropping. In Table IV data have been assembled to show average soil temperatures for the growing months as gathered at rather widely distributed points and under different conditions. Note the average soil temperature for 6 inches deep in parts 1, 2, 3, and 6 of the table. Observe that in no case does the average reach the opti- mum for seed germination. This ,^3l3^ - d n . S-'fl'^ ^O'S ll"^!! 8 !?!!^ ^fl^geoS^^^^^o ?8jS4^|jSillKI I fc >> s 1 Sh / >^/> d drains, the ground water un- Jfl 11 doubtedly moves in such a way / i\ 11 as to reach the drain by lines of (' / rS g least resistance. When a heavy / ^ o Ijisx 1 i gravity or when forced toward * \h p ?<* the drain by some pressure ex- V I *> terior to itself. 1 \ '' e i 116. Size of tile to use. - | Ordinary drain tile ranges in size \ \ \ d S from 2 inches in diameter up to \v v \l J 12 and even 15 inches. The ^^ ^ "o capacity of different sizes of tile ''/* '. ^ to carry water, with rate of flow ^ / 1 s constant, varies as to the square / / 1 J d of their diameters. The square GENERAL DRAINAGE INFORMATION 85 of the diameter is the product of the diameter multiplied by itself. When water in them has the same rate of flow, 3-ineh tile will carry 2 J times as much water, as will 2-inch tile. To illustrate : 3X3 = 9, 2X2 = 4; 9 is 2j times 4; 2j represents the relation of the amount of water that will flow through 3-inch tile as compared with the amount of water that will flow through 2-inch tile when they have the same fall. A 5-inch tile will carry 1^ times as much water at the same rate of flow as a 4-inch tile. To illustrate again : the square of 5 is 25, the square of 4 is 16, 25 divided by 16 equals 1^-. The size of tile to be used in any instance will depend on the area from which it is to carry water, and whether it is to carry away only the excess of water due to rainfall on the area, or whether there is added other water brought in by springs, or surface drainage, or seepage from adjacent areas. It is hardly advisable to use tile so small as 2 inches in diameter. The following gen- *:***3BSB **:. *AaB ft,' 1 !!M if fefcsfc< ;,s-M^i/ >''*vM^fti Vvv?* ; : .v.;s ^;p i\^/wS< il ^: I fc i 86 LAND DRAINAGE eral statements are quoted from C. G. Elliott, recognized as one of the foremost drainage engineers in this country. These statements apply to average conditions : " When drains are laid so that there shall be a fall of 3 inches in 100 feet, a 3-inch tile will drain 5 acres, and should not be of greater length than 1000 feet. TABLE VI RELATION OF SIZE OF TILE AND FALL TO CAPACITY TO CONVEY WATER WITH A FALL OP 3" 2" 1" A 4-inch tile will drain .... 14.5 A. 12.8 A. 11 A. A 5-inch tile will drain .... 25 A. 22 A. 19 A. A 6-inch tile will drain .... 39.6 A. 34.8 A. 30.0 A. A 7-inch tile will drain .... 58 A. 51 A. 44 A. An 8-inch tile will drain .... 80 A. 71 A. 61 A. " These are maximum capacities where the drain does not exceed 1000 feet in length. " A long drain has a less carrying capacity than a short drain of the same size laid upon the same grade." It is not difficult to see that if a long drain is to be laid, and especially if this drain is a main receiving water from laterals or other sub-mains, it will be necessary, from time to time, to increase the size of the tile laid as the drain approaches the outlet. Fig. 32 illustrates this point. By giving careful attention to the capacity of the various sizes, it is possible to exercise considerable economy in the use of tile laid in any system. The tendency of the day, according to Fippin, is to increase rather than decrease the minimum size of the GENERAL DRAINAGE INFORMATIO FIG. 32. To illustrate Table VI. The 726-foot section of 8-inch tile has a capacity sufficient to carry the water delivered by its own laterals and also that delivered from the field above. The 594-foot section of 7-inch tile has a capacity sufficient to carry the water delivered by its own laterals and that delivered to it from the remaining portions of the 58 acres above. A part of the 825-foot section of 5-inch tile might have been ^ laid in 4-inch. 4-inch tile is sometimes used for mains. - f I . 5 ) ! rS 1 "1 Q J 1 ! ( ^ i c j 3 c 5 1 * ^ O .cE o fc 1 ' 88 LAND DRAINAGE tile used. " From the minimum size the tile will increase in size according to the extent of the system. It is now not uncommon for tile as large as two feet in diameter to be used. Three-inch tile in lines not more than six hundred feet long are usually best for lateral drains. For drains up to fifteen hundred feet in length, four-inch tile may be used, provided the grade is not less than four inches per hundred feet. It is difficult to make an exact statement concerning the proper size of main drains. In general they should be capable of removing one-fourth of an inch of water from the drainage area in twenty-four hours." 117. Grade or fall. Every line of tile should be so laid that there is a gradual fall from the extreme end of the drain to the outlet. This fall is usually spoken of as the grade. It is desirable, when possible, to have a fall of as much as 3 inches in every 100 feet. A carefully constructed line of tile will work successfully on a much less fall than this. Two inches is a common grade, and in very flat areas a fall as slight as 1 inch to the hundred feet is used ; and occasionally a fall of \ inch to the hun- dred feet for tile as large as 8 inches. 118. Relation of size of tile to the grade. The less the fall, the greater must be the care exercised in laying the tile, and the less will be its capacity to remove the water and therefore the larger must be the tile. Elliott says : " If we double the grade per hundred feet of the drain we increase its carrying capacity about one-third." If this be true, then if we lower the grade by half we should decrease the carrying capacity by one-fourth. The following figures, from Fippin, give some idea of the area of land drained by some common sizes of tile when laid at different grades : GENERAL DRAINAGE INFORMATION TABLE VII 89 NUMBER OF ACRES FROM WHICH ONE FOURTH INCH OF WATER WILL BE REMOVED IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS BY OUTLET TILE DRAINS OF DIFFERENT DIAMETERS AND DIFFERENT LENGTHS WITH DIFFERENT GRADES DIAME- TER OP TILE IN INCHES GRADE IN INCHES PER 100 FEET 1 2 3 6 9 Length of drain in feet 1,000 | 2,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 Acres of land drained by different sizes of tile 5 . . 6 . . 7 . . 19.1 29.9 44.1 15.7 24.8 36.4 22.1 34.8 31.1 19.4 30.5 44.8 25.1 39.6 58.0 22.7 35.9 52.8 32.0 30.5 74.0 30.3 47.8 70.1 37.7 59.4 87.1 36.3 57.3 84.1 8 . . 9 . . 10 . . 61.4 82.2 106.7 50.7 68.1 88.5 71.2 95.3 123.9 62.6 83.8 108.9 80.9 108.4 140.6 73.6 89.6 128.1 103.3 138.1 179.2 98.0 131.3 170.5 121.4 162.6 211.1 117.3 157.1 204.4 119. Uniformity of grade. It is desirable to have the grade uniform throughout the length of each line of tile. This is not always possible for reasons which will appear later. When changes in grade must be made, it is still desirable to make them as few as possible, and to keep the grade uniform in as large sections as possible. There is no objection whatever to changing the grade from any rate of fall to a greater grade, but care must be observed. The water moving through the drain carries with it more or less fine material which has worked its way through the joints of the tile. This material is spoken of as silt. The particles of silt are sometimes so large as to be moved but slowly by the running water in the tile so slowly indeed that if the rate of flow of the water should be decreased by ever so little, its force will then be insuffi- 90 LAND DRAINAGE cient to continue to move the particles. If, then, in a line of tile the fall were lessened at some point, it might happen that considerable quantities of this silt would accumulate at the point of change. Sometimes this happens to the FIG. 33. Silt-basin built of brick. extent that the tile is clogged. Means should be pro- vided, therefore, to prevent such a contingency. 120. Silt-basins. To prevent the clogging of tiles by the accumulation of silt, chambers or openings, such as are illustrated by Figs. 33, 34, and 35, are established at intervals along the tile drain. They are commonly called silt-basins. These are placed wherever in a line of tile the grade is changed from a higher to a lower rate of fall, and especially where it is evident that the GENERAL DRAINAGE INFORMATION 91 movement of the water below the point of change is likely to be so slow as to find difficulty in moving the particles of silt. They are also placed where a sub-main unites with a main, and where a long lateral unites with a main FIG. 34. Silt-basin of concrete and sewer tile. or a sub-main, and at intervals along any considerable line of tile, whether it is lateral, sub-main, or main. In the last named case, the purpose is not only to gather the silt moving down the line, but also as a provision for examining the condition of the tile drain. By such a distribution of silt-basins, the line or system is divided into units, and if a mishap, resulting in the clogging of any portion of the system, occurs, the unit in which it is located can usually be established by examining the silt- 92 LAND DRAINAGE basins and noting the flow of the water into and out from them. 121. How the silt-basin performs its work. The bottom of the silt-basin should stand at least a foot below the lower edge of the tile running from the basin. FIG. 35. Silt-basin built of concrete. The basin should be at least 12 inches in diameter or 18 to 24 inches for large tile. As the water enters the silt- basin from the tile, its velocity is suddenly decreased and its capacity to carry silt is thus reduced. Therefore most of the silt settles to the bottom of the silt basin as the water passes through and into the out-leading tile. When the silt has accumulated sufficiently in the bottom of the silt basin, it may be removed with a shovel or hoe. GENERAL DRAINAGE INFORMATION 93 122. The construction of a silt-basin. A very com- mon method of constructing a silt-basin is to dig an open- ing to a depth of at least 12 inches below the bottom of the outgoing tile, and from 20 to 30 inches in diameter, de- pending on the size of the tile leading into and from the basin. This opening is then walled or curbed with com- mon brick to the top of the ground. (See Fig. 33.) Some- times the opening is walled with brick to just above the top of the tile and then a piece of sewer pipe of sufficient diameter is placed on end upon the brick. Cement may be used in place of the brick. (See Fig. 34.) In re- gions where stone, and especially flat stone, is abundant, this material is much used in building walls of silt-basins. In these days of cement, a very simple method of con- structing a silt-basin is to dig an opening of proper size and then build in a wooden form, and fill the space between the form and the walls of the opening with a mixture of one part of cement to five or six of sandy gravel. (See Fig. 35.) 123. Finishing the silt-basin. In most cases, it is desirable to carry the basin wall to a few inches above ground. Sometimes, however, where the field is culti- vated, the top of the wall is stopped at 12 inches below the surface of the ground. A heavy covering is then placed on the top of the wall and the soil is filled in above it. In this case it is necessary to use some special means for locating the silt-basin. Where the wall is brought to or above the surface of the ground, it should have placed upon it a substantial cover of wood, concrete, or iron. Iron gratings are used when it is desired to remove surface water by way of the tile drains (see paragraph 208). CHAPTER V LEVELING LEVELING is a process by which the heights or elevations of definite points in a line or in an area above an arbitrarily adopted plane are determined. This is called the datum plane, and is usually so located as to lie lower than the lowest point whose elevation is sought. In the ordinary practice of leveling, for drainage purposes, this plane is so established that the point at which the leveling begins lies just 10 feet above it, " 10 feet above datum." It will be seen that if the datum plane is itself level, and if the height of each point is determined, in a line or in an area, above the datum plane, it is then an easy matter to determine the difference in elevation between any point and any other point, or to determine the fall between any two points. 124. The level. The level shown in Fig. 36 con- sists of a telescope mounted on a spindle, which is in turn mounted on a tripod. The telescope carries a spirit level which is so carefully adjusted that when the bubble stands in the center the telescope stands level for that direction. When the tripod is set, the spindle can be ad- justed so that the telescope swinging upon the spindle is always level. As one looks through the telescope, one sees apparently near the far end two lines one horizontal and the other perpendicular crossing each other at the center of the 94 LEVELING 95 opening. These lines are called the cross-hairs. When the telescope stands level, i.e., when the level attached to the telescope indicates level : 1. A line passing from the eye of the observer through the small opening through which he looks, and through FIG. 36. Level commonly used in drainage work. A, telescope; B, spindle; C, spirit level; D, eye-piece; E, leveling head; F, ratchet to adjust objective ; O, objective ; S, leveling screws. the horizontal cross-hair, is also level and is parallel to the datum plane. 2. The distance of the horizontal cross-hair above the datum plane is called also the height of the instrument. 3. Every point that falls directly back of, or behind the horizontal cross-hair, as the observer looks through the 96 LAND DRAINAGE telescope, is the same height above the datum plane as is the instrument. 125. Cheaper levels. The instrument shown in Fig. 36 is rather expensive for one who has only a limited amount of draining. A number of cheaper levels, also FIG. 37. Cheaper forms of drainage or grade levels. Reading from left to right, Gurley, Jackson, Queen. called drainage levels, can be secured. Some of these are also called grade levels. They are not as accurately made as the more expensive instrument, but they are sufficiently accurate for use where there is a fair fall, or grade, and for others than professional drainage engineers. Three such levels are shown in Fig. 37. LEVELING 97 FIG. 38. Leveling rods, a and 6, two views of an architect's rod. c, view of a cheap rod accom- panying the Jackson level. 126. Leveling rods. With the level there should be a leveling rod. Figure 38 shows two such rods ; one (a) is known as the sliding rod. It is catalogued as an architect's rod. It consists of two parts, each in this case 5^ feet long, fitted together and clamped in such a way that the parts may be extended to form a rod 10 feet long. A rod like a is shown extended in b. The other rod c, a simple affair, consists of a single piece f inch by If inches by 8 feet long. These rods are graduated to feet, yV foot and I^-Q foot. Rods are sometimes gradu- ated to feet, inches, and fractions of an inch. Figure 39 shows a standard drain- age engineer's leveling rod. Sometimes the face of the rod is spaced or blocked in colors, the spaces or blocks representing fractions of a foot, so that the graduated face can be read at a dis- tance and especially through the telescope of the level. The face of one rod in Fig. 38 shows this spacing. 127. Target. Each of the rods shown in Figs. 38 and 39 is equipped with a target. The target is a circular plate divided into quarters by a horizontal and a perpendicular line, and the quarters painted red and white as shown. The target is constructed to slide up and down 98 LAND DRAINAGE gineer's leveling rod. in grooves on the rod, or upon guides, and is fitted with a clamp- ing screw. The target is open in the center to expose a portion of the face of the rod. (See Fig. 40.) 128. Using the level. In using the level observe that: 1. There is always a starting point whose elevation above datum is known, or arbitrarily established or, to put it more correctly, be- low which a datum plane is arbitrarily es- tablished. Ordinarily in simple drainage work, this arbitrary height or elevation is 10 feet. 2. There are one or more other points whose elevations are not known, but which it is desired to deter- mine. The procedure is about as follows : 129. Setting up the level. - - The level is set up : 1. At a convenient within range of a LEVELING 99 point whose elevation is known, or has been established ; it is set, with the legs of the tripod spread in such a way that when they are firmly set in the soil, the lower plate of the leveling head E, Fig. 36, is approximately level. 2. The upper plate and spindle are then adjusted by the use of the thumb-screws of the leveling head, so that the spirit level indicates level in whatever direction the telescope is turned. In practice, the telescope is turned so that it stands in line with two opposite thumb-screws, and adjustment is made to bring the telescope to level. It is then turned so that it stands in line with the other pair of thumb-screws and adjusted as before. The telescope is now turned back to its first position for re- adjustment, then reversed, then turned to its second posi- tion and reversed, and in each case the thumb-screws are used, if necessary, to perfect the adjustment to bring the telescope to level. When thus adjusted, the telescope should stand level in all positions. 130. Cautions. The following cautions should be observed in setting up the level : 1. Tighten the thumb-screws only sufficiently to hold the telescope firmly. More than this is likely to do injury to screws and plates. 2. Remember that once the level is carefully adjusted, continual care must be exercised to keep it in adjustment. It should not be struck; one should not stand too near the feet of the tripods; the bubble of the spirit level should be frequently observed. 131. Determining the height of the level. The height of the instrument is determined in the following manner : 1. A leveling rod is held by an assistant, or rodman, on a point whose elevation is known, or has been es- 100 LAND DRAINAGE tablished. The rod should be held perpendicular with the face toward the level. 2. The person in charge of the adjusted level turns the telescope toward the rod, places the eye at the eye piece, and moves the objective out or in until the figures upon the face of the leveling rod are clearly seen or, if the rod is too far away for that, till the view of the target is clear cut. The eye piece may need adjusting to bring out clearly the cross-hair. He should look now to see that the spirit level indicates level and, if necessary, adjust. 132. Direct reading. If the figures on the leveling rod appear sufficiently clear to the one in charge of the level, as he looks through the telescope, he should read and record the height on the rod at which the horizontal cross-hair crosses the face of the rod. 133. Target reading. If the figures on the leveling rod do not appear sufficiently clear to be read by the person in charge of the level, then the rodman must raise or lower the target as directed by signs from the person in charge of the level, until the horizontal bisecting line of the target lies exactly behind the horizontal cross-hair of the telescope as seen through the telescope. The rodman should now carefully tighten the set screw of the target and then read to the level-man the height at which the horizontal bisect- ing line of the target crosses the face of the rod. This height the level man should carefully record. The rodman may record the reading. 134. Back-sight reading and its use. This reading is called the back-sight, and is the name always given to the reading taken at the point whose elevation is known, or assumed, and is always taken to determine the height of the instrument. Let us suppose the reading just taken to be 4.95 feet. This means that the instrument is LEVELING 101 4.95 feet above the point at which the rod was held. Let us suppose also the height of the point at which the rod is held to be 11.35 feet above datum. If, now, we add 4.95 feet to 11.35 feet, we have 16.30 feet as the height of the instrument above datum. 135. Elevation of other points. The height or ele- vation of other points within range of the level are de- termined in the following way : 1. The rodman carries the rod and holds it, face to- ward the level, upon one of the points whose height is sought. 2. The telescope is turned toward the rod in its new position and focused to bring out, most clearly, the figures on the face of the rod. The reading is taken as in (133) above and recorded. 136. Fore-sight reading and its use. This reading is called a fore-sight, which is the name given to any reading taken at the point whose elevation is to be determined. Let us suppose that this fore-sight reading is 4.22 feet. It means that the point at which the rod is held, and whose elevation is sought, is 4.22 feet lower than the instrument, 4.22 feet nearer the datum plane than is the instrument. If, then, we subtract 4.22 feet (the fore-sight reading) from 16.30 feet (the height of the instrument), we obtain 12.08 feet as the elevation of the new point. In like manner the rod should be placed at other points within the range of the instrument, and fore-sight readings taken. In each case, subtracting its fore-sight reading from the height of the instrument gives the elevation of the point at which the fore-sight reading was taken. Let us suppose three other fore-sight readings are taken at three other points, respectively, and that these three readings are 3.75 feet, 3.06 feet and 3.11 feet. 102 LAND DRAINAGE 137. Cautions. In taking a reading, the following cautions should be observed : 1. Always before recording a reading, observe the bubble in the spirit level to be sure that the telescope is level. 2. If at any time the level should be disturbed, it should be properly set and its height redetermined before taking other fore-sight readings. In establishing the new height of instrument, a reading may be taken to any point whose elevation is known. 138. Records and computations. Every reading should be carefully recorded in its proper place in a table provided for the purpose. If it is desired merely to find the elevation of several points, the form of table given below will serve the purpose. (See Table VIII.) Usually the figures are introduced into the table as they are obtained in the work of leveling, and the computations are made later. TABLE VIII POINT OR STAKE BACK-SIGHT HEIGHT OF INSTRUMENT FORE-SIGHT ELEVATION 1 4.95 11.35 2 4.22 3 . 3.75 4 3.06 5 3.11 139. Directions and explanations. The following points should be observed : 1. That the elevation of point 1 had already been established or assumed. It should be recorded after point 1, under elevation. LEVELING 103 2. The back-sight was taken at point 1. It is always taken at a point whose elevation has been established. 3. Each fore-sight reading is recorded after the point at which it was taken. 4. In making computations for determining the elevation of the other four points, the back-sight reading 4.95 feet is added to the elevation of point 1, which in this case is 11.35 feet. This gives 16.3 feet as the height of the in- strument above datum and this is introduced after the back-sight reading under height of instrument, as appears in Table IX. 5. The elevation of each point is found by subtracting its fore-sight reading from the height of the instrument, and when all the elevations are thus found and introduced the completed table appears as is shown in Table IX. TABLE IX TABLE VIII COMPLETED POINT OR STAKE BACK-SIGHT HEIGHT OF INSTRUMENT FORE-SIGHT ELEVATION 1 4.95 16.30 11.35 2 4.22 12.08 3 3.75 12.55 4 3.06 13.24 5 3.11 13.19 140. Moving and resetting the instrument. If there are other points too high, or too low, or too far away to fall within the range of the level, it must be moved and set at a new place, so that one or more of the other points shall fall within its range, and such that one of the points whose elevations have already been found shall also lie 104 LAND DRAINAGE within range of the level. The height of the instrument at this new position is now determined, the back-sight reading being taken at a point within range, and whose elevation is already found, or whose elevation can be found from data already obtained. If the new points whose elevations are sought are in the same line of stakes as those already found, it is desirable to take the back-sight read- ing at the stake whose elevation was last found. The work from this point proceeds as above described. 141. Using cheaper kinds of levels. The cheaper kinds of drainage levels are of necessity more crudely made and cannot, therefore, be so delicately adjusted as the better made and more expensive instruments. In leveling with these cheaper instruments, usually only one fore-sight reading is taken with each setting up. One back-sight reading must also be taken, because this is necessary to determine the height of the instrument. In using the cheaper level, the precaution should always be observed of setting the instrument nearly equidistant from the point whose elevation is known and the point whose elevation is to be determined. In practice, in leveling for drains where the fall is large, it is possible, with care, to take two, three, or even four fore-sight read- ings with each setting up of the instrument. But here, as above, the level should be set very nearly midway be- tween the point whose elevation is known and the farthest point whose elevation is to be determined with this setting of the instrument. If but one fore-sight reading were taken with each set- ting up of the instrument in determining the elevations of the points recorded in the tables above, the readings would appear as seen in the following table : LEVELING TABLE X 105 POINT OR STAKE BACK-SIGHT HEIGHT OP INSTRUMENT FORE-SIGHT ELEVATION 1 4.95 _ _ 11.35 2 4.87 16.30 4.22 12.08 3 5.07 16.95 4.40 12.55 4 4.66 17.62 4.38 13.24 5 17.90 4.71 13.19 142. Simple devices sometimes used in leveling. Where tile of good size is to be laid with a fair fall, rather crude devices are sometimes used for leveling, with satis- FIG. 41. Illustrating how a carpenter's level may be mounted on a stand and used for leveling. factory results. There are frequently found advertised in our agricultural journals, cheaper leveling devices, ranging from $5 to $10 apiece. 143. The carpenter's level. A device sometimes used is illustrated in Fig. 41. It consists of a one-legged stand with the lower end of the leg sharpened so that it can be pushed into the ground sufficiently to hold the stand firmly upright, and so that the top of the stand shall be approxi- mately level. Upon the top a carpenter's level is placed 106 LAND DRAINAGE and, by the use of wide thin wedges, adjusted to level. Over the top of the level thus adjusted the operator may sight. Figure 41 shows the level in use. 144. The water level. Figure 42 shows what is some- times spoken of as the water level. It consists, in this case, of two glass tubes firmly clamped to a bar which in turn is firmly fastened to a sharpened leg. The lower FIG. 42. Illustrating the water level in use. ends of the tubes are connected by a piece of rubber tub- ing. A colored fluid is introduced through one of the tubes until it stands within an inch of the tops of the glass tubes, care being taken to have the bar nearly horizontal. In accordance with a law of fluids, the tops of the columns of colored liquid in the glass tubes stand at the same level. A line passing over the tops of the columns of fluid, therefore, when the fluid has come to rest, is level. Sometimes horizontal sliding sights are set on the tubes. When the fluid comes to rest, each sight is set even with the top of the column of fluid in its tube. The sighting is then done over these sights. (See also Fig. 43.) With these home-made devices there must also be used a leveling rod, which is also usually home-made, the making of which will vary with the notions of the maker. LEVELING 107 145. The hose level. In Chapter IX there is described a device for leveling which is cheap to construct, simple to operate, and accurate in results obtained. It consists of a piece of inch or f-inch or even J-inch garden hose about 60 feet long, into the ends of which have been FIG. 43. Closer view of water level and carpenter's level. clamped 12-inch pieces of water gauge tubing. With the ends brought near together arid held in an upright posi- tion, water is introduced till the hose is filled and the water stands in the tubes half their lengths. The two columns of water stand at the same height as shown in Fig. 67 regardless of the position of the hose. CHAPTER VI LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM WHEN the tile draining ranges from a single line of tile to a system draining a moderate area, with reasonable facilities for an outlet, and with a fair fall, it is entirely practicable for the farmer to do the work himself. On the other hand, when the area to be drained is large, and especially when the fall must of necessity be very slight, - it is usually better to place the work in the hands of a practical drainage engineer. In any case the work should be taken up much as outlined below. 146. Establishing the point of outlet. The first thing to be done is to determine the point at which the drain, or system, shall discharge its water. We have already indicated in paragraph 112 how important a matter this is. Upon it depends not only the regular and proper disposal of the water discharged from the system, but the plan and efficiency of the system itself, and the economy that may be exercised in its construc- tion. A tile drain or a tile system should be planned not for a few years, but for generations of service. 147. Laying out a drain. If the drain is to be single or simple, one should begin at the point determined upon for the outlet, and establish the line of the drain by driving stakes at intervals of 50 feet. 1 Two kinds of stakes should be provided. 148. Grade stakes. These stakes should be about 1 inch by 1| inches, 10 inches long, and pointed. In 1 With many engineers 100 feet is preferred. 108 LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 109 clay soils 8 inches is long enough for the grade stakes, while in looser soils, such as mucks, the length should be 12 to 15 inches. The grade stakes should be driven in straight lines, 2 inches back from the intended edge of the ditch. If the ditch is not to be straight throughout its entire length, the breaks should be made if possible at a point or points established by the grade stakes. They should all be driven on the same side of the ditch ; at least this should be true for any one section of the drain. They should be driven so that the tops stand about \ inch above the ground in each case, and to secure uniformity in height above the ground, it is a good plan to carry a small piece of J-inch board, 6 inches by 12 inches, and to lay this board on the ground next to the stake and drive the stake until its top shall stand just even with the upper surface of the board. In this way the effects of the little inequalities in the soil are overcome. These stakes should be driven so that their greatest width stands parallel with the edge of the drain. 149. Finders. About 6 inches back from each grade stake should be driven another stake, commonly called a finder. This should be 18 inches to 2 feet long, |- inch thick, and 2 to 3 inches wide, and should be driven from 4 to 6 inches into the ground. The finder assists in the subsequent locating of the grade stakes, and sometimes has recorded upon it data concerning the ditch. These data are usually placed upon the finder for the benefit of the man who digs the ditch, and may include such items as the depth of the ditch at this point, the distance of the stake from the terminal of the ditch, the height of the grade bar, the boning line, and the like. 150. Laying out a main. The procedure in laying out a main will not differ from that in laying out a single 110 LAND DRAINAGE or simple ditch, excepting that the grade stakes may be driven at intervals other than 50 feet. In laying out the main, the grade stake usually establishes also the point at which the laterals connect with the main and, there- fore, the starting point of the laterals. If the laterals are to be located at intervals of 100 feet, and the laterals on opposite sides of the main are to alternate and to lie at right angles to the main, as shown in Fig. 26, then 50 feet is the proper interval to be adopted between grade stakes. If the laterals on one side of the main are to be located at intervals of 60 feet, and are to lie at right angles to the main, then the grade stakes should be set at intervals of 30 feet. In other words, the interval be- tween any two grade stakes is one-half the interval be- tween any two laterals on one side of the main. This is, of course, under the assumption that the intervals between laterals are uniform. 151. Fifty-foot intervals. The 50-foot interval be- tween grade stakes is chiefly desirable because in thinking of, and discussing, the fall of drains, the fall in inches is almost invariably compared with 100 feet of length of drain. When a drain is said to have a fall of three inches, a fall of three inches in 100 feet of drain is meant. Fifty feet is just one-half of 100 feet, and if the rate of fall is 3 inches for 100 feet, then the fall in 50 feet is 1| inches. If the interval between stakes is any other than 50 feet, some other factor than one-half must be used in deter- mining the fall between stakes. The next easiest dis- tance to use for intervals between stakes is 25 feet, which is one-quarter of 100 feet, and the next is 33 feet 4 inches, which is one- third of 100 feet. 152. The relation of angle of approach to the main to the actual distance between laterals. In some LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 111 respects it is desirable that the laterals lie at angles less than 90 to the main: (1) with an angle less than 90, it is not necessary to introduce a curve or angle at the outlet end of the lateral ; (2) in very many cases the outlet of the area to be drained is other than square, and can be more economically served by the lateral if it lies at an angle less than 90 degrees to the main. When two laterals, entering the main at an interval of 100 feet, lie at an angle of 30 degrees to the main, they are just 50 feet apart. If two laterals, entering the main 100 feet apart, lie at an angle of 60 degrees to the main, their distance apart is nearly 86 feet, 7 inches. If two laterals, entering a main 100 feet apart, lie at an angle of 45 degrees, the distance between them is nearly 70 feet, 8 inches. (See Fig. 44, also Table XL) TABLE XI RELATION OP ANGLE OF APPROACH TO MAIN TO DISTANCE BETWEEN LATERALS, WHEN LATERALS ENTER MAIN 100 FT. APART ANGLE DISTANCE BETWEEN DRAINS RELATION Feet Feet and Inches 30 50 500 .50 35 57.358 57 4^ .5736 40 64.279 64 3| .6428 45 70.711 70 8 .7070 50 76.604 767 .7660 55 81.915 81 11 .8192 60 86.603 867 .8660 65 90.631 90 1\ .9063 70 93.969 93 \\\ .9367 75 96.593 967 .9659 80 98.481 986 .9848 85 99.619 99 7 .9962 FIG. 44. Relation of the angle of approach to the distance between drains. See Table XL LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 113 To determine the distance between laterals when they enter the main at a distance other than 100 feet, multiply distance by the relation factor of the angle at which they approach the main. Example : If laterals enter at distance 70 feet and approach at an angle of 50 (the factor for 50 is .766), 70 X. 766 = 53.620 feet. The dis- tance between laterals is 53.62 feet or 53 feet 7| inches nearly. 153. Laterals. The laying out of a lateral is in no way different from that of a simple drain, as described in paragraph 146, excepting that the laterals discharge at their lower terminal into the main or sub-main, and not at an outlet. It is most convenient to drive the grade stakes at intervals of 50 feet, for reasons given in para- graph 147, and for the further reason that a greater dis- tance than 50 feet increases the difficulty in using the boning line. 154. The angle of approach for laterals. It is com- mon, in systems like that illustrated in Fig. 25, to locate the laterals so that their upper angle to the main shall be less than 90 degrees. If, however, it should be deemed advisable to run the lateral at right angles to the main, as shown in Fig. 26, then they should be turned slightly as they approach the main so as to enter at an angle of less than 90 degrees, the reason being that if the water from the lateral is discharged into the main at an angle of 90 degrees, it is likely to interfere with the movements of the water and also with the ready movement of the silt which may be carried by the waters of the main. An- other factor, however, that must enter into the angle of approach is the position and shape of the area requiring drainage. (See Figs. 28 and 29.) The angle of approach must be determined by the needs of the land and economy 114 LAND DRAINAGE in labor. The angle of discharge should be governed by the suggestions above. 155. The location of the upper end of mains and laterals. It is not necessary to carry the end of either main or lateral to the very edge of the area to be drained. The water in the soil will move toward the end as readily as it will toward any other point in the drain. The line of equal influence of the drain at this point is the arc of a circle whose center is the end of the drain. 156. Measurements. Due care should be exercised in laying out each simple drain, main and lateral. The distance between stakes should be carefully measured, and the distance of each stake from the lower end of the drain carefully recorded. This information will be needed (1) in determining the grades, and (2) in estimating the size and the amount of tile needed. 157. Estimate of tile and order for it. If a preliminary survey and estimate of the size and amount of tile needed has not already been made, this should be done now, and the tile ordered. Paragraph 116 should be studied to assist in making these estimates. Many of the manufacturers of glazed tile manufacture also angles for connecting laterals to mains and sub- mains. When glazed tile is used, it is well to purchase these angles for connections, and the number and sizes needed should be included in the order. 158. Hauling and distributing tile. While not ab- solutely necessary, it is desirable that the tile be hauled upon the ground and distributed near the lines in which it is to be used, before the leveling begins. The driving of teams and the handling of the tile is likely to result in disturbing the grade stakes, and these should not be disturbed from the time the leveling is completed till LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 115 the tile is laid in the bottom of the ditch. It is not so convenient, and it is more expensive, to distribute the tile after the digging of the ditch has begun. 159. Leveling for the drain. If there is a system of drains to install, the work of leveling begins with the main. If there is only a single drain, the work of leveling will proceed in much the same manner. The object of the leveling is to determine the elevation above datum of the surface of the field at each stake along the proposed drain,, or at each stake in the proposed system, as the case may be. The reasons for this will appear later. The manner of doing the work of leveling will be the same as was described in paragraphs 128-140. 160. Steps in the procedure. The work of leveling will begin at the stake driven at, or nearest to, the pro- posed outlet. This stake is numbered 1. a. If the level to be used is a high class instrument, and the drain is not over 60 rods long, it may be set up at about the middle of the length of the drain. The elevation of stake 1 will be assumed to be 10 feet above datum and recorded as such in the proper column, after stake 1 in the notes. The first reading will be a back-sight reading taken at stake 1 and will be recorded in the proper column, after stake 1 in the notes. This back-sight reading, added to the recorded height of stake 1, gives the height of the instrument. A fore-sight reading should now be taken at every other stake within the range of the level along the proposed drain. Each fore-sight reading should be recorded in the notes after the number of the stake at which it is taken. If all the stakes of the drain do not fall within range of the instrument, one or more re- settings will be necessary. 116 LAND DRAINAGE Each of these fore-sight readings, subtracted from the height of the instrument, gives the elevation of the stake at which the reading was taken. Observe the cautions suggested in paragraphs 130 and 137. b. If the level to be used is not a high class instrument, it should be set a little to one side of the proposed drain, and about equidistant from stakes 1 and 2. As above, the elevation of stake 1 is assumed to be 10 feet above datum, and is recorded in the proper column after stake 1 in the notes. A back-sight reading should be taken with the rod on stake 1, and recorded in the proper column after stake 1 in notes. This reading, added to the height of stake 1, will give height of instrument. A fore-sight reading should be taken with the rod on stake 2, and recorded in the proper column, after stake 2 in notes. This reading, subtracted from the height of instrument, will give elevation of stake 2. In like manner the instrument should be set in a similar position between stakes 2 and 3, a back-sight reading should be taken at stake 2, and a fore-sight reading at stake 3. The back-sight reading, added to the elevation of stake 2, will give the height of instrument in the new position, and subtracting the new fore-sight reading from this new height of instrument will give the elevation of stake 3. Proceed in this way, taking a back-sight and a fore- sight reading between each two stakes, till the fore-sight reading is taken on the last stake. As stated in paragraph 141, where there is a fair fall, these cheaper levels may be set up to take 3, and even 5 or 7 fore-sight readings for each back-sight reading. In LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 117 any case, the instrument should be set so that it shall stand approximately mid-way between the stake at which the back-sight reading is taken, and that at which the last fore-sight reading is to be taken. NOTE : Observe carefully the cautions suggested in paragraph 137. 161. Keeping notes. A more extensive form must now be employed for keeping records of readings, and the like, than was shown in paragraph 138. A table like the following is suggested : TABLE XII No. OF STAKE DIS- TANCE BACK- SIGHT HEIGHT OF IN- STRU- MENT FORE- SIGHT ELEVA- TION FALL ELEVA- TION OF BOTTOM OF DITCH DEPTH OF DITCH HEIGHT OF LINE 1 __ _ __ __ _ _ _ 2 3 4 In column ( 1 are recorded the stake numbers in order. In column 2 is recorded the distance of each stake from stake 1. With these distances the distance between any two stakes may be found. As the work of leveling progresses, the back-sight readings should be properly recorded in column 3, and the fore-sight readings in column 5. Usually, though not necessarily, all readings are taken before computations to determine the elevations of the several stakes are begun. This, of course, includes the determination of the height of instrument after each back-sight reading. 118 LAND DRAINAGE II II 162. Some convenient aids. To make the succeeding steps more clear, and to illustrate some simple means to assist the operator in establishing grades, and the like, let us take up a piece of actual work, with diagram and the data used in carrying it to comple- tion. In Fig. 45, A-B represents the profile of the surface of a portion of a field in which it was necessary to place a tile drain. The distance A to B is 500 feet. In the original drawing, 2 inches horizontally equaled 100 feet, while J inch vertically equaled one foot. Using different scales for the two dimensions destroys the proportions and requires some use of the imagination. A-C represents a fall which provides a good outlet. Figure 46 represents the same surface with the grade stakes driven 50 feet apart, accord- ing to directions in paragraph 150, and numbered (1-11). Only one finder is shown in place, and that at grade stake 7. LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 119 163. Leveling with cheaper levels. Figure 47 shows a cheaper form of level described in para- graph 125, in three positions, that si is, first, between stakes 1 and 2, second, between stakes 2 and 3, and third, between stakes 3 and 4. It shows, also, the leveling rod in positions successively at which it would be held to ob- tain the three back-sight and the three fore-sight readings spoken of in paragraphs 134 and 136. There are shown, also, the direc- tions in which the three back- sight and the three fore-sight readings were taken, with their values. These readings will be found in columns 3 and 5 in the table on the following page. There will be found in columns 3 and 5, also, the readings taken for determining the elevations of the remaining stakes. In column 1 of the table are the numbers of the stakes 1 to 11, in column 2 is shown the distance of each stake from stake 1. In this case the stakes are located 50 feet apart, so that stake 2 is 50 feet from stake 1, and stake 3 is 100 feet from stake 1, and so on up to stake 11, which is 500 feet from stake 1. 120 LAND DRAINAGE With these data properly recorded in the table we are able later, by a series of computations, to obtain all the facts called for in the other columns of the table, and thus to obtain all the figures necessary to the proper construc- tion of the drain. TABLE XIII SAME AS TABLE XII WITH BACK-SIGHT AND FORE-SIGHT READING AND DISTANCES INTRODUCED No. OF STAKE DIS- TANCE BACK- SIGHT HEIGHT OF IN- STKU- MENT FORE- SIGHT ELEVA- TION FALL ELEVA- TION OF BOT- TOM OF DITCH DEPTH OF DITCH HEIGHT OF LINE 1 4.75 _ _ _ _ 2 50 5.00 4.25 3 100 5.50 5.17 4 150 4.83 3.58 5 200 5.06 4.13 6 250 4.65 5.51 . 7 300 4.92 5.91 8 350 5.75 4.31 9 400 4.80 3.30 10 450 3.78 3.70 11 500 4.98 164. Leveling with a high-grade level. Figure 47 shows a high-grade instrument in position to take levels for the same drain. It is located near the center of the drain. The leveling rod is shown in position to take the single back-sight and also the first fore-sight reading, and the last fore-sight reading, with their values. The data obtained, including the remaining fore-sights, appear in their proper places in the following table, which is identical with Table XIII above: LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 121 122 LAND DRAINAGE TABLE XIV No. OF STAKE DIS- TANCE BACK- SIGHT HEIGHT OF IN- STRU- MENT FORE- SIGHT ELEVA- TION FALL ELEVA- TION OF BOT- TOM OF DITCH DEPTH OF DITCH HEIGHT OF LINE 1 6.23 16.23 _ 10 _ _ _ _ 2 50 5.73 3 100 5.90 4 150 3.98 5 200 3.28 - 6 250 3.73 7 300 4.99 8 350 4.38 9 400 1.93 10 450 0.83 11 500 2.03 It will be observed, however, that there is but one back- sight reading in this case to be introduced into the back- sight column, and that after the number of the stake at which the back-sight reading was taken. 165. Making the computations. With the fore-sight and back-sight readings recorded in the table, the first step is to determine the elevations of the several stakes. Since the cheaper instrument is the one most likely to be used except by professional engineers, let us use the data in Table XIII for the determination of the elevations of the stakes. If the reader is sure that he understands the processes of determining the elevations, he may disregard what follows in paragraph 166. If he is not sure, it is suggested that he refer to Table XIII, in which there is entered all the data de- veloped to this point in the work, and that, following directions below, he determine the proper values and LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 123 enter them in columns 4 and 6 of the table ; or he may rule a table for the purpose. 166. Computations in detail. Observe that the back- sight reading taken at stake 1 is introduced on the line belonging to stake 1, and that in like manner each back- sight reading is introduced on the line of the stake at which it is taken. Observe, also, that each fore-sight reading is introduced upon the line of the stake at which it was taken. 1. We assume the elevation of stake 1 to be 10 feet above datum. This we record on line 1 in column 6. Figure 47 shows the location of the datum plane. 2. Add the first back-sight reading, 4.75 feet, to the elevation of stake 1. This gives 14.75 feet as the height of the instrument above datum. The height should be recorded on line 2 in column 4. Subtract the fore-sight reading, 4.25 feet, from this height of instrument. This gives 10.50 feet as the elevation of stake 2. This eleva- tion we record on line 2 in column 6. 3. Add the back-sight reading, 5 feet, to the eleva- tion of stake 2. This gives the height of the instrument, 15.50 feet, in its second position. Record properly. Subtract from 15.50 feet the fore-sight reading, 5.17, and we have 10.33 feet as the elevation of stake 3. This elevation we record on line 3 in column 6. Observe (1) That with each setting of the instru- ment one back-sight and one fore-sight reading were taken. (2) That adding the back-sight reading to the elevation of the stake at which it was taken, and subtract- ing from this sum the fore-sight reading, gives the eleva- tion of the stake at which the fore-sight reading was taken. Proceed in this manner until the elevations of all the stakes have been found, in each case recording the 124 LAND DRAINAGE height of instrument and elevation of stake in the proper places. At this point compare the results with those recorded in Table XV below. If they do not agree in all cases go over the work to discover and correct the difficulty. TABLE XV SAME AS TABLE XIII ELEVATIONS INTRODUCED No. OP STAKE DIS- TANCE BACK- SIGHT HEIGHT OP IN- STRU- MENT FORE- SIGHT ELEVA- TION FALL ELE- VATION OF BOT- TOM OF DITCH DEPTH OF DITCH HEIGHT OF GRADE BAR 1 4.75 10ft. _ _ _ _ 2 50 5.00 14.75 4.25 10.50 3 100 5.50 15.50 5.17 10.33 4 150 4.83 15.83 3.58 12.25 5 200 5.06 17.08 4.13 12.95 6 250 4.65 18.01 5.51 12.50 7 300 4.92 17.15 5.91 11.24 8 350 5.75 16.16 4.31 11.85 9 400 4.80 17.60 3.30 14.30 10 450 3.78 19.10 3.70 15.40 11 500 19.18 4.98 14.20 167. A comparison of tables. The data shown in Table XIV are those obtained for the same drain with a high-grade instrument. Observe that the single back- sight reading is introduced on the line of stake 1. The elevation of stake 1 is 10 feet, as in the other case. The back-sight reading is 6.23, which, added to the elevation of stake 1, gives the height of the instrument as 16.23. Subtracting any fore-sight reading from the height of the instrument gives the elevation of the stake at which LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 125 the fore-sight reading was taken. If the proper subtractions are made in Table XIV and the elevations properly introduced in the column for elevations, it will be observed that the elevations of the several stakes are iden- tical with those for the same stakes as recorded in Table XV. 168. Preliminaries to establishing grade of ditch, cut, and the like. We are now ready to establish the depth of the ditch at certain points, and to determine the fall. To help in these computations, a diagram or profile, sim- ilar to that shown in Fig. 48, should be used. This diagram is drawn upon ordinary profile paper. Figure 49 shows how the same work may be accomplished with a crude diagram drawn upon letter paper or rough note paper. y , l i i 1 i 1 .. 1 < x*=* N K II 126 LAND DRAINAGE In this work we use the elevations as they now appear in Table XV. Two precautions are to be observed in this part of the work : 1. Not to have the ditch unnecessarily deep at any one or more points. Unnecessary depth means added ex- pense in digging and filling. 2. To have the ditch sufficiently deep. Insufficient depth would endanger the tile from frost or even from plow points, and it would very likely fail to lower the ground water sufficiently for best results. 169. The grade or fall. A good method of procedure is something as follows : (a) Referring to Fig. 49, we find that conditions will permit a depth of 3 feet at stake 1, which is practically the outlet. Three feet is a satisfactory depth. Let us establish on our diagram, Fig. 49, point a, 3 feet below stake 1. (b) For trial let us establish a point, b, 3 feet below the top of stake 11. (c) If the fall in our ditch is to be constant, from point b to point a, a straight line connecting the two points will indicate the bottom of the ditch. We draw such a line. It is very evident, as one looks at the diagram, after drawing the line ab, that this plan brings the drain very close to the surface at stakes 7 and 8. At either stake, if one applies the scale, the depth is found to be not over 18 inches, and, while drains are sometimes laid as shallow as this, a greater depth is desirable. It is further found that this drain would be only 27 inches deep at stake 3. (d)' Let us establish a point at c, 3 feet below the top of stake 7, and draw a dotted line from a to c and From c to 6. We have now indicated the bottom of a drain that LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 127 IF007 /O6 3.OO ^ & C; ^ o; 5; FIG. 49. Diagram drawn on common note paper, but for the same purpose as that illustrated in Fig. 48. The space between lines rep- resents one foot perpendicular. \ of an inch on the original repre- sented 50 feet. The purpose of this figure is to show the value of such a diagram in forming a rather accurate estimate of the depth of the ditch at any point for any proposed initial depth and fall. The position of the lines on the note paper is indicated by the figures 1 to 16. 128 LAND DRAINAGE is little less than 3 feet deep at any point. But it is 5 feet deep at stake 5 and nearly 5 feet deep at stake 9. A 5-foot cut makes rather expensive digging. A compro- mise would be better in this case. (e) Let us establish a new point, d, 2j feet below the top of stake 7 and a new point, e, 1\ feet below top of stake 11, and draw a new line d to e, to represent the bottom of a drain from stake 7 to stake 11. This mate- rially lessens the amount of digging at stakes 9 and 10. (/) Let us adopt the line ade as the bottom of the drain. Observe that the drain will be 3 feet deep at stake 1, 2| feet deep at stake 7, and 2J feet deep at stake 11. These depths we have established for convenience and economy in the work of digging. If this were a main drain it might be necessary, because of the laterals, to make the line (acb) the bottom of the drain. If, how- ever, this drain were to be a lateral instead of a main, the line (ade) would be better for the bottom of a drain. Observe, also, that the diagram we are using for this purpose brings out, more clearly, the relative depths of the drain at the several points. (g) Introduce these depths in column 9 of the table 3 feet on line 1, 2.5 feet on line 7, and 2.5 feet on line 11. (h) If the depth is 3 feet at stake 1, the bottom of the ditch is 3 feet below the top of stake 1, or it is 3 feet lower than stake 1. If then we subtract the depth of the ditch, 3 feet, from the elevation of the stake, we have (10 feet 3 feet = ) 7 feet as the elevation of the bottom of the ditch, at stake 1, above datum. Subtracting the depth of the ditch, 2j feet, at stake 7, from the elevation at 7, gives 8.74 feet as the elevation of the bottom of the ditch at stake 7. Subtracting the depth of the ditch at stake LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 129 11, from the elevation of stake 11, gives 11.70 feet as the elevation of the bottom of the ditch at that point. (i) Introduce these ditch-bottom elevations into column 8 of Table XV on their proper lines, 7 feet on line 1, 8.74 feet on line 7, and 11.70 feet on line 11. (j) Before we can go further in finding values for columns 8 and 9, we must determine the fall or grade of the drain. The elevation of bottom of ditch at stake 11 is 11.70 feet. The elevation of bottom of ditch at stake 7 is 8.74 feet. The fall of the drain from stake 11 to stake 7 is 2.96. The distance from stake 11 to stake 7 is (500 feet 300 feet = ) 200 feet. The fall to a 100 feet of this distance is (2.96 feet-i-2 = ) 1.48. Notice the way in which this fall is introduced in Table XVI. The stakes along this drain are 50 feet apart, so that the fall from one stake to another is one-half of 1.48 feet, or .74 feet. In other words the bottom of the ditch at stake 10 will be .74 feet lower than at stake 11 and .74 feet lower at stake 9 than at stake 10 and so on. 11.70 feet = elevation of bottom of ditch at 11. .74 10.96 feet = elevation of bottom of ditch at 10. .74 10.22 feet = elevation of bottom of ditch at 9. .74 9.48 feet = elevation of bottom of ditch at 8. .74 8.74 feet = elevation of bottom of ditch at 7. 130 LAND DRAINAGE Observe, that our last remainder, 8.74 feet, is the elevation of bottom of ditch already indicated in column 8, which indicates that the subtractions to this point are correct. Introduce the elevations of ditch bottoms at stakes 8, 9, and 10 in column 8 of Table XV. The elevation of bottom of ditch at stake 7 is 8.74 feet. The elevation of bottom of ditch at stake 1 is 7.00 feet. The fall from stake 7 to stake 1 is 1.74 feet. Find the fall to a hundred feet from stake 7 to stake 1 and record in column 7 in Table XV and compare your result with that in Table XVI. Find the fall also for 50 feet and determine the eleva- tions of bottom of ditch at stakes 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2. In- troduce these elevations into the proper places in column 8. Then compare your results in column 8 with those in column 8 of Table XVI. TABLE XVI No. OF STAKE DIS- TANCE BACK- SIGHT HEIGHT OF IN- STRU- MENT FORE- SIGHT ELEVA- TION FALL ELEVA- TION OF BOT- TOM OF DITCH DEPTH OF DITCH HEIGHT OF GRADE BAR 1 4.75 10ft. 7 3 2.5 2 50 5.00 14.75 4.25 10.50 .3 7.29 3.21 2.29 3 100 5.50 15.50 5.17 10.33 "t 7.58 2.75 2.75 4 150 4.83 15.83 3.58 12.25 S o 7.87 4.38 1.12 5 200 5.06 17.08 4.13 12.95 S iH 8.16 4.79 .71 6 250 4.65 18.01 5.51 12.50 8.45 4.05 1.45 7 300 4.92 17.15 5.91 11.24 8.74 2.5 3.00 8 350 5.75 16.16 4.31 11.85 +a 9.48 2.37 3.13 9 400 4.80 17.60 3.30 14.30 oo 10.22 4.08 1.42 10 450 3.78 19.10 3.70 15.40 TH S 10.96 4.44 1.06 11 500 19.18 4.98 14.20 -.a 11.70 2.5 3.00 LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 131 170. The depth of cut. We are now ready to deter- mine the depth of the ditch at the stakes where the depths have not yet been determined. In column 6 of the table we have the elevations of all the stakes, while in column 8 we have the elevations of the bottom of the ditch at all the stakes. .If now the elevation of the bottom of the ditch at any point is subtracted from the elevation of the stake at that point, the result will be the depth of the ditch. Make the proper subtractions and enter results in column 9. Compare results with the values recorded in column 9 of Table XVI. 171. Grade bars. We have thus determined the depth the ditch must be dug at each grade stake. It is necessary to provide some simple means (1) by which we may know just how deep to dig at every point, and (2) by which we may finish the bottom of the ditch so that the fall shall be constant from one grade stake to the next, above or below. In Fig. 50 are shown what are known as grade bars, more commonly called, batter boards. These grade bars are set up over each grade stake, and the top of each grade bar is set at the same height above the proposed bottom of the ditch and hori- zontally. This height is usually 5| feet. Some workmen prefer to have it 6 feet, and some would probably have it 5 feet. 172. Boning line and boning rod. A light strong cord, drawn tight and resting on the tops of these bars, will stand parallel to the proposed bottom of the ditch. If, then, the cord stands above the center of the ditch, and 5| feet above the desired line of bottom, the workman finishing the bottom can, with a light rod bearing a 5.5- foot mark, by placing the rod on the bottom of the ditch at any point, and holding the rod perpendicular with the 132 LAND DRAINAGE II II Ift o ; s W) O /1-, ft LAYING OUT A DRAIN OR SYSTEM 133 top against the line, tell when he has brought the bottom of the ditch to the proper depth. 173. Determining height of bar above grade stake. The height of the grade bar above any stake is found by subtracting the depth of the ditch at that stake from the height the line is to stand above the bottom of the ditch (5.5 feet in common practice). These heights are shown in column 10, Table XVI. Verify the figures in column 10 from those in columns 8 and 9. 174. Using the data. When the work is to be super- vised closely by the person developing the data, it is sufficient to rely upon the tables as they are completed. In some cases the depth of ditch, height of grade bar, with the distance of the grade stake from the outlet, and other data, are recorded upon its finder. Sometimes this information is introduced upon the profile diagram used in determining the grade, depth of ditch, and so on or upon one drawn for the purpose. (See Fig. 49.) CHAPTER VII CONSTRUCTION WITH the computations completed, we are now ready to dig the ditch. If up to this point the work has been carefully and accurately done, the work of construction may proceed smoothly. Due care must be exercised in the work that is to follow. No part of the work may be carelessly done, if successful results are to be secured. Proper tools are important, but proper judgment and careful, intelligent work are even more important. Here, again, it must be remembered that this work should be installed for generations of service. Economy in con- struction must not be overlooked. 175. Ditching tools. Three tools, especially made for tile ditching, are the ditching spade, tile scoop, and tile hook. The ditching spade, Fig. 51, is made in different sizes for different kinds of soil. In general the blade is long and narrow, partly to lessen the number of spade depths or cuts necessary to dig the ditch, and partly that the spade full of soil is less likely to slip from the blade in lifting the soil to the surface. The work of digging and finishing the ditch can be, and often is, done with common spade and shovel, though the tile scoop is desirable for finishing the bottom of the ditch. The tile scoop, also called drain cleaner, Fig. 51, is used in shaping the bottom of the ditch to receive the tile. 134 CONSTRUCTION 135 It is made in different sizes, to correspond more or less closely to the size of tile to be laid. The tile hook is used to lift and properly set the tile in place, and is used chiefly when the operator works from the surface of the ground. It consists of a long wooden handle, carrying a rectangular hook of J-inch round iron 10 inches long. (Fig. 52.) It is desirable also to have a common spade, a common long handle shovel, and sometimes a pick, especially when a heavy clay subsoil or stone is likely to be encountered. It will be necessary also to have a few hundred feet of strong light cord, a few light sharp stakes 2 feet in length, and material to be used in set- ting grade bars. 176. Horse and power machines. There are a num- ber of horse and power machines now on the market that may sometimes be used to advantage FIG. 51 Ditching tools, a, a, . and b, ditching spades ; c, in tarm drainage. On these, tile scoop, or drain cleaner. Fippin writes : " The use of horse and machine powers reduces the difficulty of construction somewhat. If the land is very stony or full of roots, hand labor must be employed, per- FIG. 52. Tile hook. 136 LAND DRAINAGE haps with the use of dynamite. On land that is not too stony, the ditching plow drawn by one or more teams is very helpful. There are on the market a number of plows that are very useful for this purpose. Next in complexity is the large ditching plow equipped with wheels and drawn by several teams. This plow tears up the soil and ele- vates it out of the ditch. There are two or three machines of this type, such as the Cyclone and the Bennett. Finally, there are the large engine-driven ditching tractors, including the Buckeye, the Austin, and the Pawling machines, which cost upward of twenty-five hundred dollars. " The large plow is suitable for the individual farmer who has a considerable area to drain and has the horses for other purposes. The tractor ditcher costs so much that it is seldom a single farm is large enough to justify its purchase. It may be purchased conjointly by a number of farmers who have drains to be constructed, or it may be purchased by one person and the ditches may be dug by contract. Machines of this kind have been put into several communities for this purpose." 177. Setting up grade bars. This is sometimes put off till after the digging is well under way. The objection to this delay is that the grade stakes are likely to be dis- turbed by the workman when the digging begins. The grade bar, sometimes called batter board, should be 4 to 6 feet long, of f-inch material, with one straight edge. With each bar there must be two stakes, pref- erably J inch by 4 inches, sharpened at one end, and sufficiently long to stand higher, when they are driven into the ground, than the height of the bar at that stake. The two stakes should be driven firmly into the ground, one on each side of the ditch, so that they will stand out CONSTRUCTION 137 at least one foot from the edge, and so that together with the grade stake, they shall stand in a straight line at right angles to the ditch. When the stakes are in place, a leveling rod should be set upon the grade stake. Then the grade bar, straight edge up, should be placed against the stakes, with its upper edge at the proper height as measured upon the FIG. 53. Nailing a grade bar in place. rod. By the use of a spirit level, laid upon the upper edge of the bar, the bar is brought to horizontal and should then be held firmly against the stakes and nailed in place. (See Fig. 53.) All the- bars should be nailed upon the same side of their stakes, that is, all facing toward the outlet, or all facing toward the upper end of the drain. The proper height of each bar above its grade stake is found in column 10 of Table XVI. 178. Checking. When the bars of any section of the drain are up, their upper edges should lie in the same plane, as one sights over them. If the upper edge of any bar 138 LAND DRAINAGE does not lie in this plane, a mistake has been made some- where, either in the computations or in the work. The mistake should be found at once and corrected. (See Figs. 50 and 54.) 179. Begin the work at the outlet. The work of digging the ditch should begin at the outlet and should proceed toward the upper end. A careful observation of FIG. 54. Showing line of grade bars in place ready for digging to begin. Observe also the tile lying in place. Those in the immediate fore- ground are the tile for the main. certain details will undoubtedly make the work easier for the beginner. 180. Opening the ditch. A line should be stretched about two inches out from the grade stakes to mark the edge of the ditch, and along this line the surface should be cut three inches deep with a sharp spade. The chief purpose of the line is to insure a straight edge for the ditch. This edge should be carefully worked to. Usually it is not necessary, except with beginners, to stretch a line to locate the other edge of the ditch. The spade should be used to establish it by cutting about three inches into the surface. Care should be exercised not to open the ditch too wide. CONSTRUCTION 139 The professional ditch digger seldom opens a 3-foot ditch more than 10 to 11 inches wide, and 16 inches would be abundantly wide for a 6-foot ditch. The wider the ditch, the more soil must be handled. (See Fig. 56.) 181. Removing the soil. With the edges of the ditch established, the removal of the top soil begins, and in this work a common spade or shovel is generally used, for one cut deep. Several rods of ditch may be opened in this way. The next cut is made with the ditching spade, following the first cut its entire length. In like manner a second cut will be made, and as many more as may be neces- sary (using the ditch- ing spade) to bring the ditch to within a few inches of the proper depth. It is usually K.2 K S'S*I i i 1111 T3 a 8 "111 * o d - ff! 140 LAND DRAINAGE best to throw all the soil to one side of the ditch. Some- times the top soil is thrown upon one side and the lower soil upon the other. After any cut, if for any reason a considerable quantity of loose soil lies in the ditch, it should be removed with a long-handled shovel before the next cut is begun, or, if the last cut has been made, before starting to use the tile scoop. (See Fig. 55.) 182. Finishing the ditch. Before beginning the last cut with the ditching spade, the boning line should be tightly stretched over the top of the bars and just over the straight edge of the ditch, and the rod brought into use to guard against digging the ditch too deep at any point. If in stretching the line, the ends are tied to the end grade bars, braces should be placed in front of the stakes; otherwise the bars and their stakes will be drawn out of place, and the line will be both sagged and lowered. A better way is to drive a stake into the ground beyond the end bars, wrap the line once around each end grade bar, and then tie to the stake just driven. When the ditch has been dug to within two inches of the bottom, as above described, the line above the bars should be carefully moved out over the center of the ditch, and again sufficiently tightened to remove all sagging. From time to time the line should be examined and, if sagging is resulting from the stretching of the line, it should be retightened. With the tile scoop and rod, a trough or hollow is dug along the center of the ditch and finished so that at all points it shall measure just 5.5 feet below the line. This requires careful work and frequent use of the boning rod bearing the 5.5-foot mark, pre- viously mentioned. (See Fig. 56.) CONSTRUCTION 141 183. Correcting depth. If at any point too much earth is removed and the ditch made too deep thereby, a sufficient amount must be returned and carefully molded into place with the scoop, to bring the bottom up to grade. The less the fall, the greater is the care that must be exercised in finishing the bottom. This part of the work is not difficult, although it requires care and judgment. It is sometimes done from the surface. Usually, how- ever, the workman stands in the ditch. FIG. 56. End section of ditch, showing in diagram the bottom of ditch formed to receive the tile. Note the width of the top of the ditch as compared with the 12-inch length of tile resting on its edges. 184. Laying the tile. The laying of the tile should begin at the outlet and proceed toward the upper end. It is usually best to lay the sections of tile as rapidly as the bottom of the ditch is made ready with the tile scoop to receive them. Some workmen lay the tile by hand and some use the tile hook; some stand upon the surface to finish the bottom of the ditch and to lay the tile. 185. Making close joints. It will be found that the ends of the tile are frequently not square, are not at right angles to the sides, and that the tile is sometimes warped, or bowed, thus throwing the ends out of square. There are sometimes little inequalities in the bottom of 142 LAND DRAINAGE the ditch. Because of these three facts it will be found that if a lot of tile is laid promiscuously, end to end in the hollow at the bottom of the ditch, many of the joints will be so open that sand will very readily drop through into the tile drain; consequently if the tile are left in this position, and the ditch , filled, the drain will be clogged in a very short time. There should be no open joints. " The tile is sometimes clogged by the development of roots that gain entrance through the joints of the tile. The depth at which the tile are laid has very little to do with this difficulty. It is determined by the presence of a perpetual flow of -water in the tile from some spring. In dry periods this water seeps from the joints and moistens the soil, which condition attracts the roots. Protection of the upper half of the joint against the admission of silt is some aid in preventing the entrance of roots into the tile." FIPPIN. 186. Fitting the joints. If, when a section of tile is laid in place, it does not fit tightly against that al- ready laid, it is usually found that by rolling it to the right or left, it can be made to fit so tightly as practically to prevent the passage of soil particles except quicksand or fine silt. Sometimes this cannot be done, in which case a new piece of tile must be substituted. A piece that cannot be made to fit in one place will frequently readily fit in another place in the same line of tile. 187. Blinding. As the work of laying the tile pro- gresses, the workman should shovel in a sufficient amount of loose soil to settle down about the sides and partly, or wholly, cover the tile. This holds the tile in place until the filling can begin. Sometimes, instead of shoveling in the soil from the surface, some earth is loosened from CONSTRUCTION 143 the walls of the ditch to fall upon the tile and accomplish the same results. This covering and anchoring of the tile is called blinding. (See Fig. 55.) 188. Closing the upper end of the drain. When the last tile of any drain is laid, a stone, or piece of brick, or pieces of broken tile, or other solid material should be laid against the upper end and earth shoveled against it to hold it in place. This, later, prevents the soil from working into the end of the tile. 189. Filling the ditch. The filling may proceed as rapidly as the tile are laid and anchored. It may be deferred a few days, or several days, depending upon circumstances. Delay is likely to result in caving of the walls. In the cases of mains or sub-mains, the com- plete filling is delayed until the laying of the tile in the laterals is started. Usually the grade bars are removed before the filling begins. Sometimes the filling is done by hand ; sometimes it is hastened and cheapened by the use of the plow or scraper. When a plow is used, an evener must be provided that is sufficiently long to allow the horses to walk on opposite sides of the ditch. When the plow is used, the bars and stakes must first be removed. The team is driven the length of the ditch, or for a con- siderable part of it at a time, and the soil is plowed back into the ditch. Only the board scraper is convenient for filling. The team works on one side of the ditch and the man and the scraper on the other. A chain or rope must be used be- tween the team and scraper, which must be long enough so that the team shall not be backed sufficiently near the ditch to result in accident. When the plow or scraper is used, it is usually necessary for a workman with a shovel to finish the work. 144 LAND DRAINAGE 190. Finishing the outlet. The outlet of the main should be completed with two objects in view : 1. Provision should be made against its destruction by frost, flood, tramping of live-stock, and the like. ^ ^%: fe^V^^X^)^ FIG. 57. Showing the way in which bolts may be imbedded in the concrete or other outlet protection by which strips of wood may be bolted in place to carry screen to protect mouth of outlet from vermin, etc. This shows piece of screen nailed over the outlet. The width of face of outlet will depend much upon the nature of the soil, height, and slope. The face in this figure is but 18 inches wide. Ordinarily the face proper should probably range from 30 to 60 inches. 2. Usually it is best to replace the lower 8 to 12 feet of tile with glazed sewer pipe, or with a piece of cast- iron pipe of proper size. (See Fig. 55.) This should be done, of course, when the work of laying the tile begins. CONSTRUCTION 145 To prevent the washing or tramping of earth about the outlet, and to give strength, a wall of masonry or concrete should be built something as shown in Fig. 55. FIG. 58. Two devices for protecting drain outlets. A, trap of galvan- ized iron hung by common door hinges. The serious objection to the trap is that it interferes with the entrance of air to the tile sys- tem. B, screen of j-inch iron rods, hung, in this case, by chain links. Devices of this nature are especially desirable when surface water is let into the tile system. 191. Screen. Means should be provided to prevent vermin, such as rats, from entering the mouth of the drain. To accomplish this, a screen of woven wire, or a grate of iron bars mounted on or in a strong wooden frame, should be firmly set against the outlet. (See Fig. 57.) It will 146 LAND DRAINAGE be well, in building the cement work, to set in bolts to hold the frame carrying the screen or bars in place, as shown in Fig. 57. 192. Trap. A trap of galvanized iron, like that shown in Fig. 58, will prove effective. A better device is that of a screen of i-inch iron rods suspended by hinge or chain links. The hinged trap or screen is espe- cially desirable when surface water enters the tile above, by way of silt-basins or otherwise. 193. Laterals. As has already been stated, the work of placing laterals does not differ materially from that of laying single lines of tile or mains. The leveling is done in the same way, excepting that usually the lateral con- nects with the main at one of the original grade stakes. This is not necessary, but it is convenient. This grade stake becomes stake 1 of the lateral, and its elevation as determined for the main is retained as that of stake 1 of the lateral. This is desirable since by it the elevations of all points in the system are referred to the same datum plane, and a basis is thus given for comparing the actual elevation of the lateral, or any point in the lateral, with any other point in the system. 194. Leveling for laterals. The leveling for the laterals is often done immediately after that for the main is completed. Sometimes it is deferred till the work of digging and laying the tile of the main is nearly finished. In the former case the levels for a lateral may help to determine the proper depth of the main, and may thus increase the efficiency of the lateral. In the latter case, the danger from inaccuracies, due to disturbing grade stakes along the laterals after the leveling has been done, is greatly lessened. The depth of the outlet of the lateral is determined by CONSTRUCTION 147 the depth of the main at the point of connection. (See paragraphs 197-199.) This fact may modify both the grade and the general depth of the lateral. 195. Making provision for lateral outlet when laying the main. As the digging of the main proceeds, and as the tile are laid, provision should be made for the outlet FIG. 59. Five-inch tile with small opening, and hammer used in mak- ing the opening. of each lateral. The connection should be introduced and an obstruction placed over the outer end till the laying of the lateral is begun. 196. Joining laterals to mains. Mention has already been made of the angle at which the laterals should be brought to the main. Three general methods of making connections are suggested ; namely, side, top, and angle connection. 197. Side connection. By the first method the lateral discharges into the side of the main. In this case the center of the lateral should come even with the center of the main. This means that if the lateral has a smaller 148 LAND DRAINAGE diameter than the main tile, the bottom of the lateral ditch must be planned to approach the bottom of the main ditch at a height of one-half the difference between the outside diameter of the main and of the lateral tile. To make connection, a hole should be picked in the wall of the main at the proper point (see Fig. 59), and made of sufficient size and shape to permit the entrance of the FIG. 60. Five-inch tile shown in Fig. 59, with the opening enlarged to receive 3-inch tile. The 3-inch tile is shown with end shaped to set in the opening in the larger tile. In this particular case the opening and trimming are done for a 90-degree connection. A 60- degree connection would require a larger opening and more trimming of the 3-inch tile. lateral tile at the proper angle. The end of the lateral should be rounded back and shaped so that the end, when the tile is in place, shall stand flush with the inner wall of the main. (See Figs. 60 and 61.) When the lateral thus fitted is set into place, fragments of broken tile should be carefully laid in over the joint and earth packed about it. This is to prevent the working in of soil material. 198. Top connection. By the second method, the lateral discharges its water down through the top of the CONSTRUCTION 149 main. In this case an opening is made through the top of the main and through the bottom of the lateral. In digging the lateral ditch, the bottom should stand suffi- ciently high above that of the main ditch, so that the center of the lateral tile shall stand even with the top of the inside diameter of the main tile. The end of the lateral tile should project over the main and should be plugged to prevent the entrance of soil material. (See FIG. 61. Shows the connection when the 3-inch tile is fitted in place. It will be observed that the connection is a 90-degree connection. Fig. 62.) The same precautions should be taken as indi- cated above to close the joint sufficiently to prevent the soil from working through. 199. Angles. Some manufacturers of glazed tile are now manufacturing, also, angles and T's in various sizes for making connections between drains. When these can be secured they are desirable, since they reduce labor and insure good connections. In most cases these would be side connections. (See Fig. 63.) The differ- ence in elevation of bottom of main and that of the con- 150 LAND DRAINAGE necting lateral will be governed, as above, by the sizes of tiles used. 200. Making openings through tile. An opening through the wall of a section of tile is easiest made with FIG. 62. A top connection in cross-section. A stone closes the lower end of the lateral. what is called a tile pick. With care the opening can be made with a small-headed hammer, such as is shown in Fig. 59, by first knocking a small opening in the wall about where the center of the finished opening should be, and then carefully chipping away the edges of the opening by light blows with the hammer until it is made suffi- FIG. 63. A, a vitrified 6-inch tile with angle for connection for 4-inch lateral. T, section of 6-inch vitrified tile with T for 4-inch connec- tion. The other sections are of common tile. ciently large. A small hammer is much to be preferred to a larger one in this work. The larger the hammer, the greater the danger of cracking the tile from the jarring. With the smaller sizes of tile, the section should be held in one hand while the opening is being made with the hammer. (See Figs. 59, 60, and 61.) 201. Designating the sub-mains and laterals in the CONSTRUCTION 151 records. In keeping field notes it is desirable to have some definite method of indicating mains, sub-mains, and the several laterals. The main is usually designated simply as main. If there is more than one system of tile drains on a farm, the systems should be numbered or lettered, so that the main of any system would be indi- cated, main of " system A " or " system 1." A sub-main is simplest designated by the stake in the main at which it discharges its water. If a sub-main united with a main at stake 5 of the main, it would be designated as " sub- main 5." A lateral is simplest indicated by the stake of the sub-main or main at which it empties its water. A lateral uniting with a main at stake 11 of the main may be designated "lateral 11." A lateral emptying its water at stake 13 of a sub-main would be designated lateral from stake 13 of sub-main, if there was but one sub-main; if more than one, the number of the sub- main would need to be indicated. (See Table XX.) CHAPTER VIII OTHER CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS VARIOUS questions arise in the course of the installing of a tile system. In many cases the problem will suggest its own solution. In other cases, solutions can be offered only by those who have theoretical knowledge of condi- tions or who have had a large practical experience. The science and art of drainage have been matters of growth, and of rather slow growth. There are many questions yet to solve. A few of the more common questions will be discussed in this chapter. 202. Underground outlets. It sometimes happens that a low area requires draining but has no outlet through which the water can be taken off, or is surrounded by ground so uniformly high as to make it expensive, or even impossible, to secure a proper outlet. Not infre- quently it will be found that the soil of this low area is underlaid by a heavy clay, and that the clay in turn is underlaid by an open gravel, or an open gravelly sand, in which the water-table stands at a considerable distance below the clay. Under such conditions, if a well three feet in diameter is dug through the clay into the gravel, all the water from this low area may be drained into the well, and from this well the water will disappear down through the gravel. The well should be dug to a depth of at least one foot below the clay, and should be filled with field stone to above the point where the outlet of the drain 152 OTHER CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS 153 is turned into it. The top stones should be small, and upon these should be placed gravel, then sand, then the regular soil of the field. The writer has in mind one such arrangement in which a tile system, draining something like 160 acres, discharges its water and has been in success- ful operation for many years. In depressions of limited area, such a well at the lowest point and with the stone coming to the top is frequently sufficient to carry away the excess of water without the aid of tile. (See Figs. 64 and 65.) 203. Drain heads. Instead of construct- ing a well, as above described, the practice is becoming somewhat general of installing a vertical system of tile. Six-inch tile are usually used, and upon these is sometimes set what is known as a drain head, a device rather commonly advertised in agricultural papers. When the vertical tile system is used, the horizontal drains are dispensed with. Instead, a number of vertical systems are introduced, if one is not sufficient to drain the whole area. 204. Drainage by wells. Vertical drainage, probably beginning in formations of drift origin, has been extended to soils overlying other than drift deposits. FIG. 64. The way of constructing well for drainage downward into under- lying gravel. 154 LAND DRAINAGE FIG. 65. Plan, described in Bulletin 229, Wisconsin Experiment Sta- tion, for removing drainage water by means of a gravel-filled well and tile. The following facts are gathered from one of the Water Supply Papers of the United States Geological Survey. 1 1 Fuller. Water Supply Paper No. 258. 1910. U. S. Geol. Survey. OTHER CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS 155 In Michigan and Minnesota, drainage outlets are secured by way of wells drilled into sandstone ; in Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia, and other states, by the use of drilled wells in limestone. The efficiency of such a drainage well is usually depend- ent upon the depth of the well. It is dependent also upon the nature of the material ; for it varies with the same material. In gravelly sand and sandstone the size of the openings (pore space) rather than the percentage of pore space is important. In limestone the size of crevices is the important item. 205. Quicksand. It sometimes happens that quick- sand is encountered at or near the bottom of the ditch in FIG. 66. Steel shield used to hold back quicksand ; 28 inches long, 12 inches high, width governed by size of ditch. laying the tile. In such case it will usually be necessary to use some kind of guard to hold back the quicksand while the bottom of the ditch is being completed to receive the tile. Figure 66 shows a shield of iron used for this purpose. In the use of the shield, the ditch is dug to the quicksand. The shield is then placed so as to include that portion of the ditch in which the next sections of tile are to be laid. The -workman can usually press it down into the quick- 156 LAND DRAINAGE sand by his own weight sufficiently to bring it even with or a little below the bottom of the ditch when it is com- plete ; or if his weight is not sufficient, he may remove a portion of the sand and then place his weight upon the shield and lower it little by little to the bottom of the ditch. With a tile scoop, the bottom of the ditch can then be properly formed and the tile laid in place. The shield is then lifted and moved ahead sufficiently to pre- pare the bottom for the next section. It would not be difficult to make a shield of wood that could be operated in much the same way. Where the ditch is deep and the quicksand is found to stand to some height above the bottom of the ditch, planks or boards should be used to hold the banks from falling in and great care should be taken to avoid accidents from caving. 206. Protection to joints against quicksand. When tile is laid in quicksand or in very fine ordinary sand or silt, it is usually necessary to provide some means to pre- vent the fine particles from entering the tile through the joints. It is sometimes recommended that marsh hay be laid over the tile before any soil is introduced into the ditch. Strips of strong building paper are sometimes laid over the joints before the earth is introduced. An inch or more of top soil or fine clay, laid over the joints, will prove fully as satisfactory as grass or paper, and much more enduring. 207. Boggy and springy places. Sometimes in laying tile through muck soils, springs are discovered which cause such a degree of softness in the muck at the bottom of the ditch that it is very difficult to lay the tile with any degree of evenness. In such cases it is recommended by successful drainage engineers that the ditch be dug OTHER CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS 157 sufficiently deep to lay a six-inch board in the bottom so that the upper surface of the board shall lie at the proper depth and upon this the tile be laid and the earth intro- duced about the tile. Boards thus used will resist decay for many years. 208. To remove excessive surface water. It some- times happens that the topography of a tile-drained area is marked by depressions which, in times of heavy rain, become filled with surface water. This means that an amount of water which, if distributed uniformly over the drained area, would be removed in reasonable time by the tile system, must, because of the relatively greater quantity over a restricted low area, require an unusual or extended time to make its way through the soil to the drains. The result may easily be the drowning of a crop, injury to the structure of the soil, the washing away of plant-food, or the destruction of food by denitrification. Again, a tile-drained area may lie subject to the overflow from surface drainage from adjacent higher areas, or ad- jacent slopes, and therefore to the same consequent ills as those named above. Both Elliott and Waring suggest provision for the quick removal of such surface water by ducts, or other means, by which the surface water is con- veyed below ground to the tile. Wherever, in an area to be tile-drained, surface depressions occur, in which the surface water may gather in large quantities, the system should be planned so that a main or lateral crosses it. If a lateral crosses the area, and the area is of consid- erable size, the size of the tile in the lateral should be larger than that used in the ordinary lateral of similar length. To provide means for the passage of the water from the surface to the tile, one of the schemes suggested is to lay 158 LAND DRAINAGE the tile, for 3 to 8 feet, with the upper joint very open, and then to fill the ditch with broken stones of 3 to 4 inches in diameter, or with cobble stones of the same dimension. Another is to construct a shallow silt-basin of rather large diameter to receive the excess of sur- face water, with a siphon to remove this water to the tile below. A shallow open ditch gathers the surface FIG. 67. Plan for permitting excess of surface water to reach tile drain by filling a section of ditch with crushed stone or cobble stone. water and delivers it to the silt-basin. (See Figs. 67 and 68.) 209. Tile in muck soil should be laid deep. Muck soils settle rapidly after they are tile-drained. This settling is due, in part, to a natural shrinkage because of the reduction of moisture present, and probably to chemi- cal changes which take place because of the more ready access of air to the organic material. These changes are commonly spoken of as oxidation. In the course of a few years, the surface of a tiled muck area may have settled until the tile lies within the frost zone, and not infre- quently lies so near the surface as to be disturbed by the plow-point. The effect of freezing is to shale the tile, if of the ordinary clay kind, even to the extent of causing them OTHER CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS 159 to collapse. One considerable area of muck soil on the Michigan Agricultural College farm had so seriously settled in this way in twelve years, that the tile in the whole area had to be relaid. Except where truck-farming is prac- ticed, therefore, tile should be laid more than three feet deep in muck soils, if outlet conditions will permit. 210. Gravitational water in irrigated lands. Much FIG. 68. Plan for moving surface water by way of silt-basin and the tile system, adapted from Bulletin No. 199, Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station. has been said and written of the injury done to lands by seepage waters. It has almost invariably been charged that these waters, coming from higher areas, where they have been used in excess to water lands, or by seepage from supply canals, passing down or out to lower areas, become charged with alkali salts ; that, as they come to the surface of these lower areas, and evaporate, they leave their burden of salts to incrust the surface and later to work injury or death to crops planted thereon. In 1890 Shaler described the destruction of the very fertile area 160 LAND DRAINAGE adjacent to the Jordan River in Utah, by seepage waters from higher adjacent irrigated areas. 1 In a similar manner it was charged that the raisin grape industry in the vicinity of Fresno, California, was ruined. 2 Extended areas of vineyard have been discarded and planted to grasses, which contribute some feed to dairy animals. Land values of these orchards have fallen from $350 to $15 an acre. The destruction of the vines was charged to the presence of alkalies. Investigation has shown that the ground water now stands within three feet of the surface. A recent investigator says : " But it is clear that the alkalinity of the soil alone would have done little damage had it not been for the rise of ground water so near to the surface. Sixty thousand acres have thus been affected. It has been found that this same difficulty occurs in irrigated areas where the presence of alkalies do not exist in injurious amounts. It is admitted, however, that where alkali salts do occur in seepage ground waters, they undoubtedly do injury, and especially from the incrustations resulting from surface evaporation, and that this incrustation may be so severe as to require heavy flowing of water for a few times in irrigating. It has been found that where drainage methods can be established, and the ground water lowered, even a few feet, beneficial effects are quickly apparent." The installing of tile drains on such lands will not differ materially from that in other lands. The following facts are offered : It is not advisable to use less than 4-inch tile for *Part 1, 12th Annual Report, United States Geological Survey. 2 Bulletin 217, Office Exp. Station. OTHER CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS 161 laterals, and all tile should range larger than for similarly placed tile in ordinary systems in humid regions. Tile should not be laid, generally, less than 4.5 feet deep. The fall in any case should not be less than 0.1 foot for 8-inch tile and 0.2 foot for 4-inch tile. Long lines of tile should be avoided. Silt basins should be installed at frequent intervals. Flooding is frequently necessary to remove accumula- tions of salts, and where hard pans exist, blasting is fre- quently necessary to facilitate the leeching. The drainage waters of most of these systems must be lifted by pumps. Tile drains under orchards, vineyards, and other perennial vegetation are subject to clogging from roots. When installing such a system, provision should be made for the future cleaning of the drains. Silt basins should be placed at reasonable intervals, and in each line be- tween basins there should be placed, when laying the tile, a small steel cable. When evidences of root clogging appear, a steel brush of proper size is hitched to (usually) the lower end of the cable and drawn through the line of tile. A second cable is first attached to the brush to be drawn through after it to replace the cable thus pulled out. A frame carrying a pulley set opposite the opening of the tile drains should be placed in silt basins to carry the cable and prevent its injuring the tile. Tile drains are likely to clog if water-table is permitted to remain too high. 211. Cost of tiling. The cost of tile and of hauling and distributing it are matters that can be fairly easily de- termined for any particular job. The cost of tile laid down at the nearest station will depend upon its distance from the factory. The cost of hauling will depend on the dis- 162 LAND DRAINAGE tance of the farm from the station and the condition or quality of the roads. The cost of digging the ditch, laying the tile, and filling the ditch is subject to considerable variation due to the nature of the soil and the cost of labor. Elliot estimates that where : (1) the earth is readily spaded and no pick or bar is required in the digging, and (2) the wages for good diggers is 25 cents an hour and for expert ditchers is 35 cents an hour (the last representing half the labor required and including superintendence), the cost of digging the ditch, laying the tile, and blinding will approxi- mate the figures shown in the table below : TABLE XVII APPROXIMATE COST TO A ROD OF DIGGING DITCH, LAYING TILE, AND BLINDING UNDER CONDITIONS NAMED ABOVE DEFPH OF DITCH FOR 4-INCH, 5-INCH, OR 6-iNCH TILE FOR 8-iNCH TILE FOR 10-INCH TlLB 2 feet 25 cents 34 cents 42 cents 2% feet 3 feet 3 feet 28 cents 32 cents 35 cents 38 cents 42 cents 48 cents 47 cents 53 cents 60 cents 4 feet 4 feet 5 feet 40 cents 45 cents 52 cents 54 1 cents 62 cents 70 cents 68 cents 77 cents 87 cents When the ground is so hard as to require a considerable use of the pick or bar, the cost may reach double that in- dicated in the table. The filling of a 3-foot ditch will cost three cents a rod when a team and plow or scraper are used, or six cents a rod when performed by hand labor. The cost of filling OTHER CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS 163 other sizes will vary from these figures according to the depth and width of the ditch, and will be about propor- tional to the cross section of the ditch. A workman, reliable and expert in laying tile, and who did most of the work " by the rod," estimated that he could dig a 3-foot ditch, lay and blind the tile (3-inch and 4-inch), as follows : In clay soil, requiring some "picking" . . 6 rods a day; In sandy or loam soils 9 rods a day ; and In muck soils 12 rods a day. In Lenawee County, Michigan, a common practice has been to charge by the foot for digging the ditch and laying the tile. When the drains average 3 feet deep, the price is 1^ cents a foot for laying different sizes up to and including 4-inch tile, while the price is 2 cents a foot for 5- and 6-inch tile. Above 6-inch tile, wages are usually paid by the day. 212. Order of steps in tiling. If the following order is observed in installing a system of tile drains, numerous difficulties may be obviated : 1. Study the ground. 2. Establish the outlet. 3. Locate the main. 4. Determine the number and locate the lines of the laterals. 5. Estimate the amount and kind of tile required and place order. 6. Place the grade stakes with finders, if that has not already been done. 7. Haul and distribute tile. 8. Do the leveling, at least for the main. The leveling *# 164 LAND DRAINAGE for the sub-mains and laterals may proceed just sufficiently rapidly to keep in advance of the digging. 9. Make computations. 10. Set up grade bars. 11. Do the rough digging, following closely with 12. Finishing the bottom, laying the tile, and blinding. 13. Fill. CHAPTER IX THE HOSE-LEVEL THE author has recently used a simple device for drainage leveling with excellent success. This device is shown in Fig. 69. It consists of a piece of garden hose, with a water gauge tube tightly inserted in each end, and the ends held up. Water is carefully introduced into the hose halfway to the top of the tubes. When proper care is exercised to prevent the presence of air bubbles in the water in the hose (and this is easily accom- plished), and when the upper ends of the tubes are open, the two columns of water stand at the same height (or level) no matter how irregularly the hose may lie upon the ground or other surface. "Liquids seek their level." (See Fig. 70.) 213. Accuracy of reading. Far greater accuracy in reading can be obtained with this_ device than with any of the so-called cheaper levels; and so far as he has used it, the author FIG. 69. Hose-level. 165 166 LAND DRAINAGE has been able to check as closely with it as with the higher-priced instruments. It is sometimes used by architects and builders for checking up the level of foundations for large buildings, and in leveling shafting where an intercepting wall prevents the use of the ordinary level. As a drainage level, its chief limitation is that the distance over which a single reading may be taken is relatively short. 214. Availability and cost. - Garden hose is readily obtained in most towns and villages. Indeed it is used on many farms, so that frequently it is already owned or is easily obtained by the party desir- ing to use it to construct a level. Water gauge tubes, twelve inches long, are not difficult to obtain through the local hardware man, who is likely to have them in stock. 215. Materials needed. To construct a hose-level one should have the following material : Sixty feet of garden hose ; Two 12-inch glass water gauge tubes ; A few feet of strong copper wire or flexible steel wire to close tightly the ends of the hose about the gauge tubes, and form a hook at each end of the hose by which the end may be suspended when not in use, or for other reasons ; FIG. 70. Ends of hose- level, showing the way in which the height of column should be read. The meniscus in each case, that is, the upper end of the water in the tube, is U-shaped. The reading should always be made to the bottom of this U or meniscus. THE HOSE-LEVEL 167 A good pair of combination nipper pliers for handling and cutting the wire, and so on ; A few gallons of clear water free from oil, sediment, and the like. 216. Suggestions. Half-inch hose is preferable to a larger size. Sixty feet of hose is sufficient where the grade stakes are not over 50 feet apart. The gauge tubes should have an outside diameter suffi- ciently large to cause them to fit fairly snugly in the ends of the hose. The gauge tubes should have the same inside diameter. If they differ materially, the water w r ill rise higher in the tube having the smaller inside diameter. There are to be procured on the market, at reasonable prices, coupling-clamps, which are simple and easier to use than wire in closing the ends of the hose about the tubes. 217. Constructing the hose-level. A tube should be inserted in one end of the hose and firmly clamped. If wire is used to clamp in the tube, the piece should be cut long enough so that after the clamping is accomplished, the end of the wire may be bent into a hook, by which to hang up the end of the level. If a coupling clamp is used to close the hose about the tube, the wire hook should be provided also. It is best not to insert the tube at the other end till after the hose has been filled with water ; but wire and tube (or clamp and tube and wire) should be made ready to complete the end, as in the former case, as soon as the hose is filled with water. 218. Introducing the water. Before starting to fill, it is desirable that the hose be stretched straight upon 168 LAND DRAINAGE an even surface ground or floor preferably upon a slope or incline, and parallel to the slope. The upper end, with tube inserted and clamped in place, should be suspended, or held, tube up, about three feet above the floor. The water should be introduced at the lower end (first removing the tube if it has been inserted). At first the end should be held low while the water is being introduced. The water should be poured in slowly, with a care not to introduce air with it. As the filling proceeds and the water fills the hose, the end should be raised until the hose is filled to the upper tube. The tube should now be inserted at the filling end and clamped in place, and enough more water added to bring the water to about the middle of both tubes, which means, of course, that the tubes must be brought to the same level. The hose could be better and more quickly filled if an end could be tightly fastened over the end of a water tap, having water free from air, and with some pressure. In this case the water should be allowed to flow through the hose for a few minutes after it is full. A funnel properly used would help where the hose is filled by hand, from a receptacle. 219. Removing air bubbles from the hose-level. - However filled, there is a possibility of the presence of bubbles of air at various points in the hose, and for the purpose of removing them a scheme something like the following should be employed : Lower one end of the hose till the water begins to overflow the tube. Place the thumb firmly over the end of the tube and lower to the ground. Having first sus- pended the other end of the hose at a height of 5 or 6 feet, have a second party place his hand under the hose THE HOSE-LEVEL 169 6 feet from the end held to the ground, lift the hose to the height of 5 feet above the ground, hold it in that posi- tion for fifteen seconds, and then, holding the hand shoulder high, move it very slowly under the hose to the farther end. Any bubbles of air which may have been held by the water in the hose should follow the upper bend in the hose produced by the hand passing under it, and should be liberated through the tube at the farther end. The end near the ground may be lifted any time after enough hose has passed so that some portion shall touch the ground between the end and the hand moving the air bubbles. It is well to keep the thumb held tightly over the end of the tube until the hand reaches the farther end. Exercise care not to remove the thumb until the tubes are brought to the same height. Water will probably have to be added now to bring up the water in the tubes. If added slowly, no air need be introduced below the tubes. 220. Checking up the instrument. After introducing the water and removing any air present, the two ends of the apparatus should be brought together, side by side, against some vertical surface upon which is drawn a horizontal line or which may have a horizontal upper edge, approximately shoulder high. Raise or lower one of the ends until the top of the water column stands even with the line or edge. The column at the other end should also stand even with the line or straight edge. Repeat the test after disturbing the main portion of the hose by lifting it at different points or partly or wholly stretch- ing out a part or all of it. If the columns stand at the same height in each of three trials, it may be put into use at once. If in any trial the columns fail to stand at the same height, this indicates the presence of air in the hose ; the 170 LAND DRAINAGE hose should be then manipulated as sug- gested above until the air is removed, as indicated by the heights of the columns in checking./ 221. Leveling rods. In determining elevations with the hose-level, two rods are needed, one approximately 4 feet long and the other 3 feet longer, and both of 1-inch X Ij-inch material. (See Figs. 71 and 72.) Observe (1) that only the long rod bears a scale; (2) that both rods have a zero mark at the height of 3j feet (42 inches) ; and (3) that the long rod has a double scale one numbering down from the zero mark and one numbering up from the zero mark. 1 222. Construction of rods. At pres- ent, these rods cannot be bought on the market and must, therefore, be home made. For scales, it is convenient to use yardsticks, and in the first attempts made in using this method of leveling, the cheap yardstick, so common for ad- vertising purposes, was used. In con- structing these rods, the following simple directions should be observed : 1. Have the rods straight and their lower ends square ; 1 The zero mark may be located at any height, but must be at the same height on both rods. FIG. 71. Leveling rods used with the hose-level. The short rod bears the zero mark only. THE HOSE-LEVEL 171 -H 2. Be careful to have the zero at the same height on both rods (see Fig. 72) ; 3. Have the two scales on the long rod meet at the zero mark, and the edge of one scale in line with the similar edge of the other. 223. System of reading. - It is not easy to buy rules or scales graduated to tenths and hundredths of feet, and while these can be procured, they are ex- pensive. Most persons pre- fer to use scales graduated to inches, quarters, eighths, and sixteenths. Indeed, some of the standard level- ing rods are so graduated. The decimal graduations are easiest handled after one becomes acquainted with them. For the con- venience of persons desiring to use the hose-level with decimal reading, Table XVII has been prepared. By reference to the table, any reading in inches, eighths, and sixteenths can FIG. 72. Detailed drawing of Fig. 71. 172 LAND DRAINAGE TABLE XVIII READINGS IN INCHES, EIGHTHS, AND SIXTEENTHS TRANSPOSED TO DECIMALS OF A FOOT (HOSE-LEVEL) INCHES- EIGHTHS DECIMAL OF FOOT INCHES EIGHTHS DECIMAL, OF FOOT INCHES EIGHTHS DECIMAL OF FOOT INCHES EIGHTHS DECIMAL OF FOOT 1 0-1 .0052 .0104 M 3-1 .2552 .2604 M 6-1 .5052 .5104 9-1 9-1 .7552 .7604 1 2 .0156 .0208 i 2 .2656 .2708 2 .5156 .5208 2 .7656 .7708 i 3 .0260 .0312 3 .2760 .2812 3 .5260 .5312 3 .7760 .7812 i 4 .0364 .0417 4 .2864 .2917 4 .5364 .5417 4 . 7864 .7917 i 5 .0469 .0521 5 .2969 .3021 5 .5469 .5521 5 .7969 .8021 I 6 .0573 .0625 6 .3073 .3125 6 .5573 .5625 6 .8073 .8125 i 7 .0677 .0729 7 .3177 .3230 7 .5677 .5729 7 .8177 .8230 i 1-0 .0781 .0833 4-0 .3282 .3333 7-0 .5781 .5833 10-0 .8282 .8333 1 1-1 .0885 .0937 4-1 .3385 .3437 7-1 .5885 .5937 10-1 .8385 .8437 i 2 .0989 .1041 2 .3489 .3542 2 .5989 .6041 2 .8489 .8542 i 3 .1093 .1146 3 .3594 .3646 3 .6093 .6146 3 .8594 .8646 i 4 .1198 .1250 4 .3698 .3750 4 .6198 .6250 4 .8698 .8750 i 5 .1302 .1354 5 .3802 .3854 5 .6302 .6354 5 .8802 .8854 i 6 .1406 .1458 6 .3906 .3958 6 .6406 .6458 6 .8906 .8958 i 7 .1510 .1562 7 .4010 .4062 7 .6510 .6562 7 .9010 .9062 THE HOSE-LEVEL 173 READINGS IN INCHES, EIGHTHS, AND SIXTEENTHS TRANSPOSED TO DECIMALS OF A FOOT (HOSE-LEVEL) Continued INCHES EIGHTHS DECIMAL OF FOOT INCHES EIGHTHS DECIMAL OF FOOT INCHES EIGHTHS DECIMAL OF FOOT INCHES EIGHTHS DECIMAL OF FOOT i 2-0 .1614 .1666 5-0 .4114 .4166 8-0 .6614 .6666 ll-O .9114 .9166 1 2-1 .1718 .1771 5-1 .4218 .4270 8-1 .6718 .6771 11-1 .9218 .9270 \ 2 .1823 .1875 2 .4322 .4375 2 .6823 .6875 2 .9322 .9375 i 3 .1927 .1979 3 .4427 .4479 3 .6927 .6979 3 .9427 .9479 i 4 .2031 .2083 4 .4531 .4583 4 .7031 .7083 4 .9531 .9583 } 5 .2135 .2187 5 .4635 .4687 5 .7135 .7187 5 .9635 .9687 \ 6 .2239 .2292 6 .4739 .4792 6 .7239 .7292 6 .9739 .9792 I 7 .2344 .2396 7 .4844 .4896 7 .7344 .7396 7 .9844 .9896 1 3-0 .2448 .2500 6-0 .4948 .5000 9-0 .7448 .7500 12-0 .9948 1.0000 be readily transformed to tenths and hundredths of feet. 224. To use the apparatus. The way in which the hose-level is used is illustrated in Figs. 73 and 74. It is de- sirable to start the leveling from a stake whose elevation is known or assumed, as is the custom with the ordinary drainage level. The leveling proceeds as follows : (a) The attendant, whom we will call the short-rod man, moves with the short rod and one end of the hose-level to stake 2. (In moving, he should be careful to hold a thumb firmly over the end of the tube.) He places the short 174 LAND DRAINAGE rod upon grade stake 2 and carefully holding it in a per- pendicular position, brings the tube against the side of the rod, and raises or lowers the tube until the top of the water column comes to rest even with, or at the zero mark. (6) At the same time the other party, whom we will call the long-rod man, places the long rod upon grade FIG. 73. Hose-level in use. stake 1, holds it carefully in a perpendicular position, and brings the tube of his end of the level against the scale side of the rod and, if necessary, raises or lowers the tube to permit the short-rod man to bring the column at his end to the zero. (See and study Fig. 70.) The short-rod end should be held so that the bottom of the curve (meniscus) of end of the water column stands even with the zero line. 225. How to read height of column. When the short- rod man indicates that the water column at his end is at zero, the long-rod man should read the height of the water column, as indicated by the bottom of the curve (menis- cus). This reading is used to determine the height of stake 2. THE HOSE-LEVEL 175 226. The reading. When the top of the water column stands at zero on the short rod : (a) If the top of the water column stands at zero on the long rod, the stakes stand at the same height above datum, and the reading is zero. FIG. 74. Nearer view of the hose-level in use. (b) If the top of the water column stands above zero, on the long rod, it is because stake 2 stands higher above datum than stake 1, and the reading is a positive reading. (c) If the top of the water column stands below zero on the long rod, it is because stake 2 does not stand so high above datum as stake 1 (is lower than stake 1) and the reading is a negative one. 227. Moving. After the reading has been made and properly recorded, the short-rod man, grasping his end of the level, moves to stake 3 and places the short rod 176 LAND DRAINAGE on grade stake 3, while the long-rod man moves to stake 2 and places the long rod upon stake 2. A reading is ob- tained in the same manner as before and properly recorded. This reading is used to determine the height of stake 3. 228. Recording data. The table used for recording these readings will be somewhat different in form from Table XII. Table XIX illustrates the form to be used. In columns 3 and 4, of Table XIX, will be found the readings as they would have been obtained if the hose- level had been used in leveling for the drain shown in Fig. 47, and if a rod with decimal scale had been used. In all other respects Table XIX is like Tables XIII and XVI. TABLE XIX STAKE DIS- TANCE LEVEL READINGS ELEVA- TION FALL ELEVA- TION OP BOTTOM OF DITCH DEPTH OP DITCH HEIGHT OF GRADE BAR , (+) Above B&w 1 10.00 2 50 .50 3 100 .17 4 150 1.92 5 200 .70 ..; 6 250 .45 7 300 1.26 8 350 .61 9 400 2.45 10 450 1.10 11 500 1.20 229. Positive readings. A positive reading indicates that the stake for which it was taken (the stake upon which the short rod rested) is higher than the stake from which it was taken (the stake upon which the long rod rested), or that the stake upon which the short rod stood THE HOSE-LEVEL 111 for the reading is higher than the one on which the long rod stood. It should be introduced into the column in the table for positive readings, and after the number of the stake for which it was taken. 230. Negative readings. A negative reading indicates that the stake for which it was taken is lower than the stake from which it was taken. It should be introduced into the column for negative readings in the table and after the number of the stake for which it was taken, the stake upon which the short rod stood. 231. Computing elevations. Computing the eleva- tions of the several grade stakes becomes a very simple matter with the readings obtained by the hose-level. The reading for any stake indicates how much higher or lower it is than the stake from which the reading was taken. There is no height of instrument to determine or to work from. In Table XIX the level reading for stake 2 is positive .50 foot. This reading was taken from stake 1, and the fact that it is a positive reading indicates that stake 2 is .50 foot higher than stake 1. Adding this reading to the elevation of stake 1 gives 10.50 feet as the elevation of stake 2. The reading for stake 3 is negative .17 foot, and the fact that it is a negative reading indicates that stake 3 is .17 foot lower than stake 2, from which the reading for stake 3 was taken. Substracting this reading, .17 foot, from the elevation of stake 2 gives 10.33 feet. 232. The rule is apparent. To determine the eleva- tion of a stake, add its reading, if positive, to or subtract its reading, if negative, from the elevation of the stake from which its reading was taken. When the elevations have been correctly computed from the readings in Table XIX, they are found to corre- 178 LAND DRAINAGE spond with the elevations as determined from the readings for the same drain in Table XV. 233. Recording reading taken, in feet and inches. - When scales graduated to feet, inches, quarters, eighths, and sixteenths are used, the writer has found it most satisfactory to read and record all fractions of the inches in terms of eighths only. For example : -^Q inch = J eighth inch. -J- inch = 2 eighths inch. f inch = 4 eighths inch. YQ inch = 3J eighths inch, -j-f inch = 6| eighths inch. Three feet 7y^ inches are recorded in the table as 3-7-6J. In practice, one quickly becomes used to this plan of expressing values and recording them, and finds little difficulty in using them in making his computations. Table XX is a reproduction of level readings as ]they appear in notes for two drains 300 feet and 250 feet in length, respectively. Note in columns 3 and 4 the rela- tive positions in the column of (1) the figures expressing feet, (2) those expressing inches, and (3) those express- ing the fractions of an inch (always expressed in eighths of an inch). 234. Relation of values. An eighth of an inch is a trifle more than one one-hundredth of a foot (.0104). A sixteenth of an inch is a little more than five thousandths of a foot (.0052). When one works as close as one- sixteenth of an inch, in ordinary drain work, one is doing well, and this is closer than can be done with the ordinary cheap drainage level. One can, with care, work to one- sixteenth of an inch with the hose-level. THE HOSE-LEVEL 179 TABLE XX LATERAL FROM STAKE 4 OF MAIN | DISTANCE READINGS ELEVATION OF STAKES GRADE ELEVATION OF BOTTOM OF DITCH J H tf M < (+) Above Ft. in. f s (-) Below Ft. in. fa 1 12-5-1 2 50 -1-2J 3 100 -2-0 4 150 3-6^ 5 200 1-0 6 250 7-0 7 200 -3-6i LATERAL FROM STAKE 5 OF MAIN 1 12-9-J 2 50 -4- 3 100 - H-3 4 150 i-o-U 5 200 l-l-6i 6 250 -9-7J CHAPTER X USING THE HOSE-LEVEL WITHOUT LEVELING RODS FOK drains of moderate length, when the surface of the land is fairly regular, and when the fall does not exceed three feet for the whole line, a very simple procedure may be followed. Figure 75 represents the profile of a piece of field in which a 400-foot lateral is to be laid. The lateral must be 40 inches (3 feet 4 inches) deep at the main. The grade stakes are in place (50 feet apart) as shown in the figure. Stake 1 was a grade stake of the main and the depth of the main at that stake has determined the depth of the lateral at that point. 235. Long stakes. Two inches back from each grade stake, there must be driven firmly into the ground one of the stakes that will later be needed to carry the grade bar (or " batter board " as it is sometimes called). This stake should be 1 X 4 inches, and after driving, should stand out of the ground 3 to 5 or more feet, depending upon its location in the line and the fall of the land and of the drain. Each stake must be as high as the level of the grade bar at the head of the drain will stand. When in place, it should be perpendicular and its face should stand at right angles to the line of the drain. These stakes are shown in Fig. 76. 236. To establish datum plane. The depth of the drain at its upper end should now be determined. That 180 THE HOSE-LEVEL 181 depth subtracted from 5 feet 6 inches 1 gives the height of the top of the grade bar above the grade stake. Let us sup- pose that in this case the depth of the drain is to be 3 feet; 3 feet subtracted from 5 feet 6 inches gives 2 feet 6 inches as the height of the bar above grade stake. On the inner edge of the long stake, by pencil, chisel, or some other 1 mark, the height of the grade bar is in- K t^ ij dicated (2 feet 6 inches in this case). 1 x ^ 237. Leveling. With the hose-level, I 3 Jf 1 the leveling begins at the end stake (stake 9 in this case). In this case the leveling proceeds down instead of up the drain. The hose-level is stretched be- K t$ tween stakes 9 and 8 and the tubes of Jj^ g the level are placed one against the tall stake 9 and one against tall stake 8. The tube at 9 is brought into position so that the top of its water column stands even with the mark on the edge 1 o of the stake indicating the proper height of the grade bar. The man at stake 8 now carefully marks on the edge of stake 8 the height of water column in the tube at his end of the level. The level is now placed between stakes 8 and 7, and the tubes brought against the edges of the stakes ; the tube against the edge of 8 is brought into position so that the top 1 In the computations for this drain, feet, inches, and fraction of the inch will be used. 182 LAND DRAINAGE ff-e-o, of its water column stands even with the mark just placed upon it. Then the man at stake 7 carefully marks on the inner edge of stake 7 the height of the top of the water column. In like man- ner the height of the mark on stake 7 is in- dicated on stake 6, and that on stake 6 is in- dicated on stake 5, and so on till a similar mark is placed upon stake 1. It is not necessary to explain that all of the marks so placed on the inner edges of the stakes are in the same hori- zontal plane and on the same level. This plane is a datum plane and from it we make our actual computa- tions. 238. The height of grade bars. The height at which the grade bar should stand at stake 1 is now de- termined and marked THE HOSE-LEVEL 183 on the inner edge of stake 1. In this case the depth of the ditch at stake 1 is to be 40 inches as previously stated. Forty inches equals 3 feet 4 inches, and this subtracted from 5 feet 6 inches gives us 2 feet 2 inches, and this height above grade stake is now marked on the inner edge of the long stake at 1, as it was on stake 9. 239. To determine fall by hose-level. Referring now to Fig. 76, if we draw a straight line connecting points L g and LI, this line passes through all the other level marks on the several other stakes. It is level. If we connect the point Z 9 , which is also the height of the grade bar on stake 9, with the point B\, which is the height of the grade bar on stake 1, with a straight line, that line represents the fall of the drain from stake 9 to stake 1. (It shows the location of the boning line.) 240. Computations. The distance from the point LI to the point BI represents the actual fall or drop of the drain between stake 9 and stake 1. This measuring may be done with an ordinary rule or yardstick. In this case the distance from L l to BI is found to be 2 feet If inches, or 2-1-4. This is the total fall whether it is regular or broken. The length of drain is 400 feet, divided by the grade stakes into eight 50-foot intervals or sections. If the fall is constant and the total fall from stake 9 to stake 1 is 2 feet 1-f- inches, the fall from stake 9 to stake 8 indeed the fall from any stake to the stake next below it is one eighth of 2 feet 1-f- inches. Dividing, we find that fall to be 3 inches and 1^ eighths (2-1-4) -r-8 = (0-3-1-J). At stake 8, then, the grade bar will stand 3 inches and 1-^ eighths below the level mark. At stake 7 the grade bar will stand twice 3 inches and 1^ eighths below the level mark ; at stake 6 the grade bar will stand three times 3 184 LAND DRAINAGE inches and 1-^ eighths below the level mark, and so on down to stake 1. TABLE XXI STAKE DISTANCE FALL FOR 50 FT. DISTANCE OP GRADE BAR BELOW LEVEL, HEIGHT OF GRADE BAR (ABOVE GRADE STAKE) DEPTH OF DITCH 1 0-3-H 2-1-4 2-2-0 3-4-0 2 50 1-10-2^ 1-8-0 3-10-0 3 100 1-7-1 1-4-4 4-1-4 4 150 l-3-7| 1-4-4 4-1-4 5 200 1-0-6 -10-4 4-7-4 6 250 0-9-4^ 1-7-5 3-10-3 7 300 0-6-3 l-6- 3-11-7^ 8 350 0-3-1 \ 1-10-4 3-7-4 9 400 0-0-0 2-6-0 3-0-0 241. Placing the marks for grade bars. A permanent mark (with pencil, chisel, or knife) should be made on the inner edge of each stake to indicate the proper height of grade bar. And this height is obtained for any stake by carefully measuring down from the datum plane on that stake, with a rule or yardstick, the distance indicated for that stake in column 4 of the table. 242. Checking up on depth of ditch. Before putting up the grade bars, it will be well to check up on the depths of the ditch at a few points along the line, and, if the ground is rather irregular, at all points. It may be that a con- stant grade, or fall, from stake 9 to stake 1 may call for too great a depth of ditch at some point, or too shallow a depth at some other. The bottom of the finished ditch stands 5 feet 6 inches below the boning line. With a rule or yardstick, determine the distance at stake 2 from THE HOSE-LEVEL 185 the grade bar mark to the grade stake, and record in column 5 of your notes. Then pass to stake 3 and determine distance from grade bar mark to grade stake, and so on to stake 8. In the case in hand, these measurements, if correctly made, would appear in the notes as in column 5 of Table XXI. 243. Breaking the grade. The depth of ditch at any point is found by subtracting the height of the grade bar from 5 feet 6 inches. The depths as shown in column 5 of Table XXI range as great as 4 feet 1| inches. This is not objectionable except for the extra expense in digging. Raising the grade bar 4 inches at stake 5 would mean a break at that point in the grade or fall of the drain, but would still leave a good fall for the upper half of the drain. Such a change would require another set of computations. But such computations are simple. 1 It would require also that a new set of marks be established for the grade bars. 244. Placing the grade bars. With the grade or fall definitely established, the computations completed and the proper heights for the grade bars marked on the inner edges of the stakes, the grade bars should be placed. At each stake, and three to four feet from it, on the opposite side of the proposed ditch, should be driven a second stake of proper height. The grade bar, in each case straight edge up with a spirit level resting upon it, should be brought into position against the front side of the stakes so that, when level, the upper edge rests even with the mark previously put upon the inner edge of the first 1 If the mark B 5 at 5 were raised 4 inches, the distance from Z/s to B 5 would then be (0-8-6) and this would represent the fall from B 9 to B$. The fall from B 5 to BI would be (2-1-4) less (0-8-6) = (1-4-6). (0-8-6) 4- 4 = (0-2-l|), the fall per 50 feet between stake 9 and stake 5, while (1-4-6) -5- 4 = (0-4-1^), the fall per 50 feet between stake 5 and stake 1. 186 LAND DRAINAGE long stake to mark the proper height of bar at that stake. In this position the bar should be nailed to the two stakes. 245. Checking the bars. After the bars are in place, one should sight over them to see that their tops are in line. The drainage work proceeds from this point in the ordinary way, except that in opening the ditch its edge should not be cut nearer than one foot to the tall stakes. 246. Grade stakes and finders not needed. As is readily seen, in using such a scheme as that above de- scribed, the grade stake is of little service, and may be dispensed with. When the grade stake is dispensed with, care should be exercised to have the long stakes stand in fair alignment, and one foot back from where it is desired to have the edge of the ditch. The finder is also unneces- sary. Any data may be recorded on the long stake. 247. For more extensive work. For drains of con- siderable length, and on lands of considerable roughness of contour, the leveling may be done with the hose-level, without rods, but some modifications must be introduced. Under such conditions, it might be necessary to divide the drain, into sections and to level for each section separately. The fall (in surface) for each section might be determined separately. This would most likely result in a break in grade between sections, and it would be necessary to ob- serve the precautions previously indicated regarding the use of silt basins at breaks in grade. It is entirely practical, however, to level and find the fall for each section sepa- rately, and to combine the falls and establish a constant grade for the entire drain or to establish breaks in grade at other than section points to conform grade to the contour of the line of the drain, as in any other case. In establishing grade, proper corrections must be made in passing from one section to another. CHAPTER XI DRAINAGE INDICATIONS IT seems desirable to set forth, specifically, a few of the more important situations that indicate when drainage is necessary. It often occurs that conditions exist which produce effects in the way of crop failure, unsatisfactory soil conditions, and the like ; and the farmer is unable to comprehend the cause, or if so, he still fails to determine upon the remedy and to apply it. The following para- graphs will set forth, briefly, some of these conditions. 248. Low flat areas of light soil. Probably the commonest case is that of rather flat, low-lying areas, where surface water does not lie long upon the ground. It runs away largely as surface drainage or sinks quickly into the ground. Because of this rapid disappearance, and the absence of small long-standing pools upon the surface of the ground, it is assumed that the land is well drained. An examination, however, with spade or auger may show that the water-table stands within two feet, and often within a few inches of the surface of the land. It is not unusual to find areas of this sort with surface soil a sand or sandy loam, which helps to mislead one as to the real causes of misbehavior of the land. Recently an appeal came from a farmer to the soils department of an agricultural college, setting forth the peculiar behavior of a field, and asking for advice as to methods of soil man- agement to be employed and the brand of fertilizer that 187 188 LAND DRAINAGE should be used. A representative of the college visited the farm. He found that the crop (corn) growing upon the field was very pale and lacking in vigor. The symp- toms all indicated a wet soil. The owner was sure the land was naturally well drained. An examination re- vealed the fact that in many places the water-table stood within a foot of the surface. The difficulty in these cases is due to the presence of an underlying impervious layer of subsoil. It is most fre- quently a stratum of clay. It is sometimes a layer of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^s^^ FIG. 77. To illustrate the conditions described in paragraph 248. S represents soil, which may range from a few inches to several feet in thickness. /, impervious or semi-pervious layer. It may be clay, hard-pan, or rock, which may range from a few inches to many feet in thickness. It usually occupies horizontal position. sand-iron hard-pan. Sometimes it lies within two or three feet of the surface. If within three feet, it is usually desirable to set the tile down in this subsoil sufficiently to give to the drain a total depth of at least three feet. (See Fig. 77.) 249. Considerable slopes of light soil. In Fig. 78 is illustrated an interesting case. The soil occupies an irregular slope and is a rich sandy loam underlaid, as shown, by a sandy hard-pan. The hard-pan permitted only slight movements of water downward, and while the soil was a sandy loam and, therefore, fairly open, it did not permit a sufficiently rapid movement of soil water, laterally to provide the necessary drainage. The result was that while the field appeared to have excellent natural DRAINAGE INDICATIONS 189 drainage, and while the soil was apparently of excellent quality, it actually was very unproductive because of the over-wet condition of the soil. 250. Extended flat or even moderately rolling areas of heavy soils. On these areas, after a rain or during and FIG. 78. To illustrate the condition existing in a field drained in October, 1914. S, the soil ranged from 18 inches to 36 inches in depth. /, a sandy hard-pan averaging 6 inches thick, and underlaid by a coarser sandy soil, which in turn extends down to the underlying lime stone. Several areas in the field were very wet before the field was drained. after spring thaws, the water stands on the flat parts or in the surface depressions. Frequently the higher parts of rolling fields may be ready for the harrow or plow, but work is deferred because of the wetness of the low places or depressions. Not infrequently the beginning of field FIG. 79. The condition described in paragraph 250. The soil S.I is a heavy clay, which allows but slow movement of water through it. operations is thus so greatly delayed that under the action of sun and winds, the soil of much of the higher parts of the field becomes over-dry before it can be (or is) subjected to harrow or plow, and may even thus become unfitted to receive the seeding which follows. This undesirable moisture condition is due to the heavy or impervious nature of soil and usually the immediate 190 LAND DRAINAGE subsoil. Proper drainage produces a more pervious con- dition of both soil and subsoil, which eventually, usually shortly, results in the immediate removal of all surplus water (Fig. 79). FIG. 80. To illustrate the first conditions described in paragraph 251. S.I, a clay soil. If the area be not too wide, a tile laid at T, the center of the area and at right angles to the slope, will remove the water. 251. Limited flat or depressed areas on slopes. Two cases are illustrated by Figs. 80 and 81. In the first the soil is a heavy clay or till. In the second example the soil, a sand or loam, is underlaid by a heavy clay or till, which, partly because of its imperviousness, and FIG. 81. To illustrate the second condition mentioned in paragraph 251. S is an ordinary soil underlaid by /, an imperVious or semi-pervious layer. The actual condition might vary considerably from that shown in the cut, but the general results would be the same. If the area be not too wide, a tile laid at T, under the foot of the upper slope and at right angles to it, will take care of the water. partly because of its saucer-like shape, holds the water, and thus renders the soil above unproductive. In the first case, the water is held upon the surface until it has slowly disappeared, partly down through the soil, and partly by evaporation. In the second case, the water is DRAINAGE INDICATIONS 191 held below the surface until it is removed by the same processes. In both cases, injury is worked to both soil and crop. 252. Limited flat or depressed areas on hilltops. The soil conditions in this case do not differ from the last FIG. 82. To show how a heavy clay soil, surmounting a hill top, as described in paragraph 252, might retain a large amount of water and require draining. named except in position. (See Figs. 82 and 83.) A case of this class is mentioned in a previous paragraph. An area of this kind amounting to a half acre was so wet that it could not be spring-plowed in time for a crop. ^ lORods _ J FIG. 83. To show another condition that would result in the over-wet hill top mentioned in paragraph 252. S, any fairly open to open soil. /, an impervious or semi-pervious layer ranging from a few inches to several feet in thickness. It may be underlaid by a very open soil. Later in the season a simple system of tile was laid with its outlet 50 yards down the slope, and close to the line fence. After a few years the outlet was connected to a near-by lateral of another tile system. No trouble has been experienced from wet ground on the hill top since the system was installed. 192 LAND DRAINAGE 253. Springy low flat areas. The springs in low flat areas occur because the underground water, moving from other higher areas, cannot escape downward sufficiently rapidly because of underlying clay, hard-pan, or rock. FIG. 84. To show how a springy condition might be produced. The clay or hard-pan / would divert the water sinking through the soil S, and cause it to saturate and rise through the low lying soil (ab). See paragraph 253. The water, therefore, comes to the surface as springs. (See Fig. 84.) Sometimes this underground water ap- proaches between two impervious layers as is illustrated in Fig. 85. Such a condition as this was discovered, to FIG. 85. To illustrate the second condition mentioned in paragraph 253. S, any fairly open soil. 7, /, clay or hard-pan. G, a sand or gravel layer filled with water gathered at some higher point. This water is under pressure, and, therefore, rises through any opening that may occur in the upper layer of clay or hard-pan. exist over an extended area in England, and led to a very interesting and successful line of tile drainage in that country as early as the year 1764. A line or system of tile, properly placed, intercepts and carries off the water which otherwise would rise to the surface and keep the soil wet and cold. The amount of DRAINAGE INDICATIONS 193 tiling required will depend on the size of the area. If it were found that but one spring existed in the tract, an arrangement like that shown in Fig. 86 would remove the water. If there were several springs, a line or a system of tile might be required, depending upon the relative location of the springs and the nature of soil of the area and its size. If the condition were like that shown in Fig. 84, a single line of tile, laid at proper depth, and along the base of the slope (under a), and at right angles to it would intercept and carry off the water. ^tfC^::^ FIG. 86. To show how the well, mentioned in paragraph 253, two feet in diameter, may be sunk, and filled with stone to permit the ready passage of the water of a spring to the drain tile and so increase the efficiency of the tile. The dimensions shown in the figure must of course vary with conditions. The size of tile required will vary with the size of the spring. 254. Springy areas upon slopes. A springy area well up on a considerable slope is a rather common thing, especially in the drift soils. Sometimes the area is small ; sometimes it includes several acres. The presence of the springs is due to conditions similar to those producing springs on the low areas. The situation and the facts are presented only to show that the causes and the remedy are the same, and as simple as in the previous case. (See Fig. 87.) In limestone formations, a condition occurs which is illustrated by Fig. 88, taken from Fippin, Cornell Reading Course. It is self-explanatory. 194 LAND DRAINAGE 255. Muck or swamp areas. The muck soils vary greatly in depth, the range being from a few inches to FIG. 87. To show how springs may occur on slopes, as mentioned in paragraph 254. Water sinking through soil S is deflected by the layer of clay or hard-pan /, and caused to appear at the surface at a, and to saturate the surface as far at least as 6. many feet. When the area does not exceed forty to eighty acres, and when it lies adjacent to a fairly deep natural waterway or to a good open ditch, the drainage needs and FIG. 88. Sectional view of soil and rock formation, showing the under- ground movement of water and the position of resulting wet areas on the surface. In addition to the springy places, the soil is kept wet by the seepage of water along the top of the compact subsoil. This figure also illustrates the reason for locating a cross drain above the springy area in order to effect drainage. This method cuts off the water supply. (Fippin, Cornell Reading Course.) DRAINAGE INDICATIONS 195 operations are simple. The chief precaution is to set the tile at a good depth, remembering that muck soils lose greatly in volume when drained, with the result that after a few years the surface settles so near the tile that they may be endangered from frost and agricultural tools. The writer has been under the necessity of lowering a number of systems of tile in muck soils because of the shrinking of the mass and consequent settling of the surface. 256. Small muck areas without natural outlets. It frequently happens, especially in the glacial drift areas, that one to several small muck areas occur on a single FIG. 89. To illustrate the isolated muck areas mentioned in paragraph 256. The line of tile laid to drain the area is shown. S, soil ; M , muck ; /, underlying clay. farm. They may range from one-fourth acre to five acres, entirely surrounded by higher land. When the surface of the muck area stands higher than an adjacent low area, as it often does, and when the horizontal dis- tance between the two is not great, it may be drained by laying a line of tile through the high ground, separat- ing it from the adjacent low area, to the low ground. This line may discharge into a line of tile in the lower area (see Fig. 89) or into a natural water way or open ditch. When the surface of the area is so low that sufficient fall cannot be secured in draining to an adjacent area, or where the horizontal distance is great or the separating ridge is high, but one possible economical means of drain- 196 LAND DRAINAGE age is left that by well. The feasibility of draining by well can be determined only by trial. (See paragraph 202.) Figure 89 shows a muck which was drained by tile drain. The area drained was about two acres. The depth of cut at ab was 13 feet. The price paid for digging 15 rods, laying the tile and filling of the cut was $2 a rod. It was considered a good investment. In another instance $1 a rod was paid for digging, laying tile, and filling 25 rods of outlet to 8 acres of muck swamp. 257. Shallow ponds resting upon muck beds. In some cases these shallow ponds are permanent, occupying their beds the year through. In some cases their beds are dry a part of the year. The description of an experi- ence in draining such a pond may be helpful. The pond in question had an area of perhaps two acres and was permanent. Its bed occupied a part of a 6-acre muck area. A shallow open ditch, extending 40 rods through an ad- jacent field, was dug to drain the water from its bed. Later the same open ditch was lowered and extended the length of the muck area, and at a maximum depth of 18 inches. It was discovered that the muck was very shallow and rested upon a heavy clay subsoil. The bottom of the 18-inch ditch rested in the clay subsoil at practically every point. After the open ditch had been in operation two years, the muck area was tiled, the main line of the tile occupying the line of the last mentioned open ditch through the muck area. The outlet was accomplished by a line of tile not following the original open drain in the adjoining field. The obtainable fall was so slight that the depth of the main tile drain in the muck area did not exceed three feet at any point, while at some points it did not exceed two feet. The tile drain has been in successful operation ever since its installation DRAINAGE INDICATIONS six years ago. Figure 90 shows a profile section through the center of the pond bed. 258. Shallow ponds resting on other than muck beds. The nature of the soil comprising the bed of the pond is not so material as whether there is sufficient natural fall to a water course or to an open ditch. Where the con- dition of fall and outlet are correct, the pond can usually be drained. 259. Shallow ponds not having sufficient fall or natural outlet. - Shallow ponds sometimes occur both upon muck beds and upon clay or loam beds, where conditions do not permit tile drainage. There may not be sufficient fall ; the distance over which the drain must extend and the depth of digging required may be too great. In either case there remains the possibility of draining by well. (See paragraph 202.) A very inter- esting case of this kind is reported in Water Supply Paper 258, United States Geological Survey. 260. Low flat areas whose surfaces lie only slightly above that of an ad- jacent stream or lake, which cannot be lowered by drainage. In 1894 the Wisconsin Experiment Station undertook an interesting experiment in draining a 10-acre area of muck xv^| m 198 LAND DRAINAGE soil. 1 The area lay adjacent to a stream which emptied into Lake Mendota less than half a mile away. The stream could not, therefore, be lowered. The method of procedure was somewhat as follows : 1. The area to be drained was cut off from the bank of the stream by cutting a narrow trench, parallel to the stream and probably four feet deep (the depth is not given in the report). This trench was filled with clayey soil hauled from higher ground near by, so that when the earth was fully settled and the hauling completed, the top of the dike thus formed stood 18 inches above the surface of the stream. This artificial dike was to prevent the passage of water from the stream to the drained area either by seepage or overflow. 2. At one corner of the area, just in from the dike, a reservoir or sump, 40 feet by 60 feet and 4 feet deep, was dug. An open ditch dug parallel to the dike and ten feet from it opened into the reservoir. Later, tile drains were laid two rods apart, emptying into the opened ditch; a few of them opened into the reservoir, so that the drainage water from the whole system gravitated to the reservoir. Between the reservoir and the dike a well 4 feet deep was dug, walled with brick, and connected with the reservoir by a line of 6-inch sewer tile. " Over the well was placed a fourteen foot eclipse windmill, carried on a forty-foot tower. The pump rod of the windmill was attached to an eight by twelve inch iron pump placed low down in the well." By this means the drainage water was lifted over the dike from the well. For several years the windmill, which was in gear all the time, removed the drainage water from the 10-acre area. 1 Twelfth Annual Report Wisconsin Experiment Station, p. 232. DRAINAGE INDICATIONS 199 Arrangements were made for an extra pump, but it was seldom if ever used. The drainage sytem has now been in operation twenty- one years. " The old windmill has worn out and we now have an electric motor to run the pump. About twenty acres on the west side of the creek has been added to the project and the water from it is brought into the old reservoir by an iron pipe under the creek. The tile run practically all of the time. A float on the water in the reservoir starts the motor as soon as the water is high enough to reach the bottom of the tile and it stops auto- matically as soon as the reservoir is empty. The system is a success in every way." E. R. JONES. 261. Situations akeady referred to. The laying of tile through quicksand, the removing of water directly from springs met with in draining boggy places, and the utilizing of special means to remove excessive accumula- tions of surface water to underground drains have been discussed in paragraphs 207, 208, and 209 respectively. While they have been treated as matters pertaining to construction, in another sense they are closely allied to the matters discussed in this chapter. CHAPTER XII DRAINAGE AND THE GROUND WATER SUPPLY ALARM is expressed from time to time over what is looked upon as a diminishing ground water supply. Both open ditching and tile draining are charged with removing water which otherwise would wholly, or in part, sink into the lower soil to retain the ground water at normal con- dition. 262. The ground water-table is falling. In many parts of the United States, it is a matter of common knowl- edge that for years springs have been drying up or dimin- ishing in volume. Streams that once flowed in consider- able volume have disappeared. In some cases they still flow for a short distance over their old beds and finally disappear below the surface. Wells that once furnished an abundant supply of water at 10 to 30 feet below the surface have failed in their supply, to be, in some cases, supplanted by other wells of twice their depth. These in turn have sometimes failed, and have given place to drilled wells of much greater depth. The depth of water of many of the deep-drilled wells is said to be decreasing. From data gathered upon nearly 29,000 wells located in forty-eight states, McGee l shows that in some regions there is a considerable fall in the ground water level, and that the fall is greater in dug than in drilled wells. From 1 W J McGee, BuUetin 92, Bureau of Soils, "Wells and Sub- soil Water." 200 DRAINAGE AND GROUND WATER SUPPLY 201 the rather more complete data obtained on nearly 21,000 of these wells, the following conclusions are drawn : 46.2 per cent show change in water level ; 53.8 per cent show no change in water level. A part of these were dug wells and a part were drilled wells. Of the dug wells 53.6 per cent showed change ; Of the drilled wells only 23.4 per cent showed change. Of the dug wells, for the period covered by the data : 45.5 per cent showed a mean lowering of 4.31 feet ; 17.5 per cent showed a mean rise of 3.68 feet. Of the drilled wells, for the period covered by the data : 21.25 per cent lowered to the mean amount of 12.83 feet; 3.3 per cent gave a mean rise of 11.08 feet. " The minimum lowering per decade for the entire country is but 0.677 for the dug wells, and over three times as much, or 2.167 feet for the drilled wells." 263. Interesting facts concerning ground water-tables. Of the nearly 29,000 wells, over 61 per cent have their water-table within 30 feet of the surface, and only 5.7 per cent (1635 wells) have their water-table below 100 feet from the surface, and nearly one-fifth of these (307) are in one state. 264. Chief causes resulting in lowering of ground water. Several causes are suggested as probably having a part in producing the lowering of ground water. The ones most commonly offered may be grouped as : (1) those resulting in increased losses by surface drainage in increasing the run-off ; (2) those resulting in increased losses by evaporation increasing the fly-off ; (3) the removal of natural surface reservoirs; and (4) a direct draft upon the waters themselves. 202 LAND DRAINAGE 265. Increasing the run-off. The removal of forests, the breaking of prairies, and careless cropping and indif- ferent tillage of lands after they are brought under culti- vation all tend to increase the percentage of precipitation which fails to enter the ground, but instead runs off as surface drainage. Natural vegetation, whether forest or prairie, with the resulting earth covering, permits the excess of precipitation to move off so slowly that a very considerable portion of it enters the soil to become ground water and thus, to become " cut-off " water instead of " run-off " water. The absence of the forest and prairie conditions, and the compacted or puddled soil which is likely to result from bad soil management, increases the run-off and decreases the cut-off. 1 266. Increasing evaporation. The removal of forest and prairie vegetation and the indifferent management of cultivated land undoubtedly result in great losses by surface evaporation. It may be questioned, however, whether the mere removal of forest and prairie vegetation need increase evaporation losses, if honest, intelligent soil management were followed. But it too often is not. 267. The removal of surface reservoirs. It is con- tended by some that the draining of ponds and swamps by open ditch or tile drain removes water, much of which would eventually find its way, by gravity, to become a part of the great underground supply, and that as a part of this supply it would eventually become distributed to points quite remote from its original point of storage. This is probably correct, in part at least. It may very reasonably be questioned, however, whether this replen- ishment of the underground water supply would prove of 1 For definition of cut-off, run-off, and fly-off, see F. K. Cam- eron, The Soil Solution, p. 22. DRAINAGE AND GROUND WATER SUPPLY 203 as great economic value to human kind as will the land thus reclaimed by drainage. Where the drainage of such areas is accomplished by means of wells, both contentions are satisfied. Even ordinary tile drainage, practiced for the purpose of permitting soils to do reasonable service agriculturally, is regarded with suspicion by those who are jealous for the future safety of the nation as depending upon future food and water supply. 268. Direct draft upon underground waters. This draft is brought about : (a) in the draining of mines by pumps or tunnels ; (b) in the action of artesian wells, es- pecially where they are permitted to operate uncontrolled ; and (c) in the procuring of a city's water supply by means of municipal wells. The draining of mines, the digging of artesian wells, and of city and other wells are all legiti- mate, and could hardly be forbidden by law. It would seem, however, that the reckless wastefulness, practiced in some of the artesian basins of our country, might be, and should be, restricted by law. 269. The interpretations placed on the fact of a falling ground water-table. We are frequently startled by the appearance of an article in the public press, 1 or a public utterance prophesying a serious future condition because of a failing water supply. Such prophecies might be con- sidered seriously if there were positive assurances that the past and present falling of the ground water-table must continue. The history of older countries in this regard, however, does not warrant such prophecies. A review at the expense of repetition may be desirable in the way of a comparison of water demand and water supply. 1 Literary Digest, Vol. 48, No. 2, p. 59. 204 LAND DRAINAGE 270. Crop needs. McGee says, " In ordinary farm- ing, the agricultural duty of water is to produce one thousandth of its weight in useful crops " and " on ordi- nary soils the water required for full productivity is about 60 inches (5 feet) per year." 1 England leads the nations in acre yields of grains. The average yield of wheat (1902-1911 inclusive) was 33 Winchester bushels (41.25 American bushels) to the acre. B. C. Wallis says, " In England wheat is not grown well where the -rainfall exceeds thirty inches," and again, " As regards rainfall, the annual precipitation of Ohio is greater than that of Cheshire " (England). The maxi- mum average yield of wheat in Ohio for any year 1870- 1911, occurred in 1910, and was 16.2 bushels to the acre. 2 Undoubtedly during the same period there occurred, in Ohio, individual yields exceeding 40 bushels to the acre, indicating the possibilities with present actual rainfall. According to King, 12 acre-inches, under the most favorable conditions, may be expected to produce 40 bushels of wheat to the acre. It would produce over 70 bushels of corn, or about 78 bushels of oats, or about 55 bushels of barley to the acre. 3 These citations are made to show the range of possible water service, in ordinary, good, and ideal practice in crop production. 271. Animal needs. The average adult person prob- ably uses less than one ton of water per annum for food and drink. Assuming that he used a barrel of water a 1 Subsoil Water of Central United States, Yearbook, 1911, pp. 479-490. Also the Agricultural Duty of Water, Yearbook 1910, pp. 169-175. 2 Yearbook, 1911, p. 535. 3 King's Physics of Agriculture, p. 141. DRAINAGE AND GROUND WATER SUPPLY 205 week, for all other purposes, the total water used for an individual would amount to 10 tons per annum. Farm animals consume from 100 to 150 pounds of water daily for each 1000 pounds of animal. Dairy animals producing milk probably consume not far from 100 pounds of water daily for each 1000 pounds of weight. It is probably liberal to allow 100 pounds of water a day for each 1000 pounds of meat produced on the farm up to the time it is marketed. For the purpose of bringing the water thus used on the farm into comparison with the rainfall of a region, and without attempt at accuracy, except to make our allow- ances for water-use sufficiently large, let us assume a condition for an 80-acre farm. (a) Dairy animals aggregating 1000 pounds for each acre of farm ; or (b) Meat-or wool-producing animals or horses aggregat- ing 1000 pounds to an acre of farm, in either case requiring 100 pounds of water a day, or 18.25 tons of water an acre for the year ; (c) That there are on the farm eight persons, and that each person shall be allowed 10 tons of water annually, the adult allowance for drinking and other purposes. This amounts to 1 ton to the acre for the whole farm, which, added to the amount allowed for the live-stock, makes a total of 19.25 tons of water to the acre annually. This is equivalent to a little more than one-sixth (-J-) of an inch of rainfall. 1 Very few farms are so heavily stocked, and relatively few will be for many years to come. As a matter of fact much of the water used by both persons and animals finds its way back to the soil and is therefore not lost to it. 1 Compare McGee, Bulletin No. 92, Bureau of Soils, p. 180. 206 LAND DRAINAGE 272. The meaning of the lowering of the ground water-table in terms of rainfall. The greatest mean lowering of ground water-table in any state recorded by McGee is 4.663 feet for ten years, 1 or 5.5956 inches a year. This 5.5956 inches of fall would be counteracted by from 1 inch 2 to 1 .4 inches of rain, depending upon the amount of pore space existing in subsoil or rock. 273. Intelligent soil management needed. It is very likely that with the most intelligent soil management during the transformation of great regions from a state of nature to a state of domestication (agricultural pro- duction), there would have been a readjustment of the underlying ground water-table; but even with the non- agricultural agencies at work (artesian well, mines, muni- cipal wells and the like) the change would not have been so great as it has been had more intelligent and less selfish methods been employed in the agricultural practice of these regions. 274. The case not serious. But the case is not so serious as many alarmists would have us believe. The rainfall much exceeds that required for our present acreage yields, doubled, trebled, and in some cases quadrupled, in our humid areas. A better seasonal distribution of precipitation, in some regions, could be desired; but even unsatisfactory seasonal distribution may be partly, if not wholly, counteracted by proper soil management methods. The methods to be employed for this purpose will undoubtedly go far toward arresting a further lower- ing of the ground water-table, and should go far in restor- ing it toward its original position. The run-off must be decreased ; and cut-off must and can be increased. 1 Bulletin 92, Bureau of Soils, p. 175. 2 Waring, Draining for Profit, etc., p. 23. DRAINAGE AND GROUND WATER SJJPPLY 207 275. The real relation of drainage to capillary and ground water. The actual effect of drainage will be to assist to increase both capillary soil water and ground water for reasons that have been discussed in an earlier chapter, but which may be briefly stated as follows : The largest exclusion of water from the soil occurs where the soil is improperly drained, with proportionate losses by run-off and fly-off (evaporation). Larger absorption of water occurs where soils are properly drained. The cut-off is increased. Proper drainage not only brings about a more open struc- ture of the upper soils, but eventually of the lower subsoils as well, so that while the cut-off is greatly increased, a larger percentage of the cut-off will find its way below the tile. Better tillage is the natural accompaniment of proper drainage, and absorption (cut-off) is further increased, and evaporation (fly-off) is diminished. 276. The experience of other countries. In England tile drainage has been practiced since 1764, and is one of the factors placing that country first among the countries of the world in acre yields of cereals. The greatest agricultural countries of continental Europe have been champions of drainage for many years. A lowering water- table is not, at the present time, a matter of alarm with any of them. 277. Optimism. " The chief cause of the lowering of subsoil water is remediable ... is bound to be remedied. It [the lowering] can be prevented ... it is prevented in every carefully worked garden, on every intensively cul- tivated farm, on every well kept lawn, . . . Each farm should be made to take care of all the water falling on it during the entire year." 1 1 McGee, Bulletin 92, Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. Agric. CHAPTER XIII DRAINAGE AND CLIMATE A RATHER general opinion is current that the climate of this country, or at least of certain parts of it, is under- going a change. But while there is general agreement that change is taking place, there is a variety of opinion as to the kinds of change and the causes thereof. This opinion includes : Changing rainfall in some cases increasing and in some cases diminishing; Changing temperature summers are hotter or colder, the winters are colder or warmer. 278. Diminishing rainfall. The theory that our annual rainfall is decreasing seems to be very commonly accepted. In certain parts of the Upper Missouri Valley, however, the opinion is prevalent that the annual precipitation is increasing, that the " rain belt," as they say, is moving westward, so that regions once lacking sufficient rainfall to support a reasonable crop are now able to produce fair returns. Where a decreasing rainfall is supposed to be occurring, the decrease is charged to one or all of three things : (1) the destruction of forests; (2) the transformation of great prairie into agricultural areas ; (3) the draining of areas, large and small, of wet and semi-wet lands, and of ponds and lakes. The chief reasons offered in proof of a diminishing 208 DRAINAGE AND CLIMATE 209 rainfall are : (1) the apparently insufficient moisture supply during most growing seasons ; and (2) the falling ground water-table and drying up of springs, discussed in a previous chapter. Unquestionably, the insufficient water supply for grow- ing crops must be charged, very largely, to carelessness and the unintelligent methods employed in soil and crop management. The falling of the ground water-table and the failing of springs are not necessarily due to diminishing rainfall, as was shown in previous chapter. 279. Floods and their relation to rainfall. The occur- rence of floods is sometimes offered as a proof of an in- creasing rainfall. Summer floods, and sometimes winter floods, are the results of erratic or unusual rainfall, ex- cessive or long continued or both. The Paris flood of January, 1910, was due to heavy rainfall which had been preceded by rains sufficiently heavy and long continued completely to saturate the soil. 1 The magnitude of this flood was such that the Seine River carried thirty times its normal volume of water at twenty times its usual speed. At the time of the Dayton flood in March, 1913, a rainfall of 5 inches occurred in one 24-hour period over the Miami basin, and a total of 8.8 inches in one week. 2 On June 17, 1915, at one point in the middle Missouri Valley flood district, 5.78 inches of rain fell in nine hours. 3 For the month of June the rainfall at Columbia, Missouri, was 9.11 inches ; at Topeka, Kansas, 9.10 inches ; at lola, Kansas, 8.56 inches and at Kansas City, 7.88 inches. These erratic rainfalls, however, cannot be accepted as evidence that the mean rainfall of any region is increasing. Erratic rain- 1 Scientific American, Vol. Oil, No. 8, p. 164. 2 A. J. Henry, Weather Bureau, Bui. Z, 1913. 3 P. Conner, M.W.R., Vol. XLIII, No. 6, p. 28. 210 LAND DRAINAGE falls apparently have always occurred and may be ex- pected to continue to occur. 280. The relation of forests to floods. " The most important effect of forests on climate is the economic conservation of precipitation, diminishing the intensity of floods by the restriction of flow-off [run-off], and by shad- ing the snow deposited during the winter from the in- creasing sun of spring and early summer. . . . Investigation in Germany and India seems to indicate that there is an appreciable increase in rainfall as a result of reforesta- tion." 1 Moore, however, does not give figures and uses the term " seem to indicate." Unwise deforestation is, in numerous cases, a serious factor in augmenting the destructiveness of floods. 281. The relation of drainage to floods. It is some- times charged that drainage, both open and tile, increases the destructiveness of floods. It is possible that this assertion might be proved in a few cases. In general, drainage should materially lessen the destructiveness of floods. Drainage increases the cut-off. With good methods of tillage, the cut-off is further increased. With ordinary rains, the complete and long continued satura- tion ofc the above-tile soil is prevented ; so that the net cut-off is increased and the net run-off is considerably controlled by the tile, and even by the open drain. (See paragraphs 77-83.) 282. Observations concerning rainfall. " There are few places in the Western Division [of England] where the rainfall is less than 35 inches ... in the low ground about the mouth of the Thames estuary, and around the wash, the mean annual rainfall is less than 25 inches." 2 1 Willis L. Moore, Cyclopedia Americana, Vol. 5. 2 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Climate of England. DRAINAGE AND CLIMATE 211 The mean annual rainfall at the Greenwich Royal Ob- servatory, according to the records 1815 to 1865 (55 years), 1 was 24.98 inches, and if the five-year period 1820 to 1824 is omitted, the mean rainfall was 24.4 inches. The mean rainfall at Greenwich, 1825 to 1869 inclusive (45 years), was 24.05 inches. It may be objected that England is small in area and subjected, in large measure, to ocean environment. A study of precipitation records reveals the fact that mean annual rainfall varies in large cycles and that apparently the mean of one cycle differs little from that of another. The ground, therefore, for passing judgment on diminishing or increasing rainfall is insufficient. 283. Drainage and rainfall. The weather records of Great Britain do not indicate a diminishing rainfall. Meteorologists of this country do not admit an actually diminishing rainfall in any part of the country, due to drainage or any other cause. The only relation, there- fore, that seems possible between drainage and rainfall is that previously expressed, viz. : the conservation and utilization of the precipitation that comes in the form of rain or snow. 284. Changing temperature. Students of climate assert that there are no marked permanent changes occur- ring in the mean temperature of any part of the world, so far as records show. There may occur very marked variations for a year or month. Taken in ten-year periods for a series of years, the means for these periods will not vary greatly from each other. The same may be said of the temperature of any month by periods. The following table includes the mean temperatures for the 1 Dempsey and Clark, Drainage of Lands, etc., p. 101. 212 LAND DRAINAGE months of December, January and February in New York City for thirty-six years, 1872 to 1907 1 1 TABLE XXII MEAN TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTHS OF DECEMBER, JANUARY, AND FEBRUARY 1872 . . . 29.8 F. 1890 . . . 40.7 F. 1873 . . . 28.1 F. 1891 . . . 34.5 F. 1874 . . . 34.1 F. 1892 . . . 35.0 F. 1875 . . . 27.4 F. 1893 . . . 28.1 F. 1876 . . . 32.9 F. 1894 . . . 33.1 F. 1877 . . . 29.4 F. 1895 . . . 30.7 F. 1878 . . . 35.3 F. 1896 . . . 31.6 F. 1879 . . . 28.9 F. 1897 . ., . 31.4 F. 1880 . . . 37.8 F. 1898 . . . 33.7 F. 1881 . . . 27.7 F. 1899 . . . 30.7 F. 1882 . . . 35.6 F. 1900 . . . 33.7 F. 1883 . . . 30.5 F. 1901 . . . 30.8 F. 1884 . . . 31.7 F. 1902 . . . 30.7 F. 1885 . . . 29.0 F. 1903 . . . 32.4 F. 1886 . . . 31.0 F. 1904 . . . 26.4 F. 1887 . . . 31.5 F. t905 . . . 26.8 F. 1888 . . . 31.3 F. 1906 . . . 35.4 F. 1889 . . . 33.9 F. 1907 . 29.8 F. These means are again averaged for ten-year periods and stand as follows : 1872 to 1881 . ... . V . . 31.14 F. 1882 to 1891 32.97 F. 1892 to 1901 31.88 F. 1898 to 1907 31.04 F. It may be argued that the nearness of the ocean might equalize the temperature of New York City. The follow- ing table is even more interesting than the one above : 1 Walter H. F. Grau. Harper's Weekly, Vol. 52, No. 2713, (1908), p. 8. DRAINAGE AND CLIMATE 213 TABLE XXIII MEAN TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTHS OF DECEMBER, JANUARY, AND FEBRUARY 1854-5 TO 78-9 79-80 TO 1903-4 Cincinnati 34.8 34 St Louis 33 5 33 5 Cleveland 28.2 28.2 New Orleans 55.2 55.5 Chicago 250 25.5 New Bedford, Mass Washington, D.C Charleston 29.1 34.2 51.1 29.5 34.9 51.3 1 285. Changes in frost dates. It is said by old resi- dents of southern and central Michigan and other originally forested parts of our country, that with the cutting away of the timber and draining of the lands of these regions, the periods between late spring and early fall frosts have been greatly lengthened, so that certain crops can now be grown that could not be grown in pioneer days. Records are not easily found to verify these claims. The claims, however, do not seem unreasonable. Very definite relation exists between air drainage and the occurrence of frosts. The practical orchard ist recognizes the great importance of air drainage in the selection of an orchard site. After the first light frost, the affected areas are found to occupy the depressions and ravines of the field, and are as clearly defined as would be the shores 1 Walter H. F. Grau, Harper's Weekly, Vol. 152, No. 2713, p. 8. Data procured in part from "reliable private records," and from those of voluntary observers cooperating with the Smith- sonian Institution. 214 LAND DRAINAGE of ponds in the depressions and streams in the ravines, and the more severe the frost, the higher the shore line, all of which shows that 32-degree air gravitates and displaces air of higher temperature. 286. Wooded areas and frosts. Obstructions to the ready gravitational movements of air increase the tend- ency to frosts, whether these are ridges of land or stretches of wood. In cultivated areas, surrounded by woods, frosts often occur that probably would not if the timber on the lower side were removed. 287. Drainage and surface temperature. While drainage might not be expected appreciably to affect the mean temperature of a region, it undoubtedly does very materially affect the temperature of the surface soil, by greatly reducing the loss of heat by evaporation, and by lowering its specific heat ; and it is not unreason- able to conclude that this all might result in lengthening the period between late spring and early fall frosts. (See paragraphs 56 and 57.) CHAPTER XIV DRAINAGE LAWS NUMEROUS questions arise concerning the rights of in- dividuals who desire to drain their lands. An attempt will be made in the following pages to state, briefly, certain facts in law concerning the rights of property owners to drain their lands, and the methods of procedure under certain conditions. 288. The right of the individual to drain his property when it lies adjacent to a natural water course. The law of Iowa reads : " Owners of land may drain the same in the general course of natural drainage, by con- structing open or covered drains, discharging the same into any natural water course, or into any natural depression, whereby the water will be carried into some natural water course, and when such drainage is wholly upon the owner's land he shall not be liable in damages therefor to any person or persons, or corporation." The law of Illinois is identical, except that it specifies also that the drainage may be discharged " into some drain on the public highway with the consent of the Commissioners thereto." The right of an owner of land to discharge the drainage waters from his farm into natural water courses, after the manner indicated in the above quoted law, would probably be sustained in most states, if not in every state. It is probable, however, that if any owner of land should 215 216 LAND DRAINAGE discharge the sewage of his home or barns into his drain system, the discharge of such drainage into a natural waterway could be prevented by due process of law. 289. The right of an individual to drain his property when not lying adjacent to natural water courses. In some states at least, the law gives the owner of land the right, when necessary, to drain across the property of another party in order to reach a natural water course or drain. Usually this is done by the use of tile drains. It is frequently possible for the party having land to drain, and the party through whose land the drainage must be conducted, to arrive at an agreement by which the work may be done. It would be a wiser pecaution, always, to have such an agreement in writing and properly wit- nessed. It should be properly signed at least. When such an agreement cannot be entered into, or the party across whose land the drainage must be conducted objects, the law usually provides a procedure that must be followed. The procedure must be before a court or an arbitration commission. This court or commission must decide first, whether it is necessary for the party desiring to drain his land, to cross his neighbor's land for an outlet and if they decide affirmatively, they must determine, directly or otherwise (through an employed engineer, " viewers/' or other), the course the drain shall take and the damages the neighbor shall receive for the crossing of his land. The law gives to the land-owner the right, directly or through a contractor, to construct the drain, and at seasonable times thereafter to enter the neighbor's premises to inspect and repair the drain. There are two provisions in the law of New York for the drainage of wet land for agricultural purposes, as explained by Fippin in the Cornell Reading Course. DRAINAGE LAWS 217 " The first of these is under the Agricultural Drainage Statute, Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, chapter 15, as amended by chapter 624 of the Laws of 1910. The second provision is contained in the act estab- lishing the State Conservation Commission, Consoli- dated Laws, chapter 65, article 8. The general procedure is the same under both acts, and the cost of securing the right of way and constructing the drainage ditch is assessed against the land benefited. These laws usually deal with the large outlet canals, but are applicable in securing an outlet for the drain from a single farm. " In a general way, advantage may be taken of the natural fall of the land in establishing an outlet for a drainage system, and adjoining property owners must provide for the drainage water so discharged as surface water. As yet no such obligation is recognized to apply to water collected and discharged by tile drains except as it reaches the adjoining property as surface water in a natural drain- age course. There are very few cases of drainage that are not provided for in the existing drainage laws of the State." 290. The right of a group of individuals to drain. When a tract of land, embracing the holdings of more than one person, requires drainage, and when few, if any, of the holdings lie adjacent to a natural water-way or drainage course, and where the topography is such that they must, or may, discharge their drainage waters along a common course, this tract may be organized into a drainage dis- trict. The purposes of such a procedure include economy, efficiency and justice, both in construction and up-keep. Several things must be considered. The size of the mains or sub-mains increases as they approach the outlet for the district. In some, probably most, cases 218 LAND DRAINAGE the mains become open ditches, often of considerable size, and the expense of building or installing may be great, both because of their size and depth. Sometimes a drain must cross a farm that will derive little, if any, benefit from the system, or even if it should derive bene- fit, the right of way for the ditch, if it is an open ditch, may require a considerable acreage of land, or may cross the farm in such a way as to interfere with the operations of the farm and in this, and other ways, result in lessening the value of the farm. Some of the land-owners may ob- ject to the expense to the district; some may feel they would derive no benefit from such a system of drains. The laws governing the procedure in establishing and putting into operation a drainage district are drawn to equalize cost and assure justice to all concerned. Ex- cepting in minor details, the method of procedure is very similar in the several states, and is about as follows : 291. A petition must be prepared. A petition must be signed, in most states, by a majority of the land-owners of the proposed district. In Illinois the petition must be signed by at least one-half of the land-owners who to- gether must own at least two-thirds of the land of the district, or by at least two-thirds of the land-owners who together must own at least one-half of the land of the district. In Iowa the petition may be signed " by one or more land-owners whose lands will be affected by or as- sessed for " ; in Minnesota by " one or more of the land- owners whose lands will be liable to be affected by or assessed for the construction of the same," or "by the supervisors of any township " and so on. In Michigan the number of petitioners must equal one-third of the number of persons owning land through which the pro- posed drain will pass, and they must be freeholders liable DRAINAGE LAWS 219 to assessment if the drain is built. Usually certain de- tails must be observed. In some cases the petition must be accompanied by, or must contain, a description of the lands to be affected or benefited by such a drainage sys- tem. In some cases it must declare that it is the opinion of the petitioners that the enterprise is necessary to the public good, or possibly the public health. In some cases it must be accompanied by a guaranty that the prelimi- nary expense will be met by the petitioners, if, after due examination, the petition is denied. In Iowa this petition must be presented to the county board through the county auditor ; in Minnesota, to the county board or a district judge, depending upon whether the drainage district lies within one county or in two or more counties. In Illinois, the petition is presented through the town clerk to the highway commissioner of the town or towns in which the proposed district lies. This in counties under township organization. In counties not under township organization the petition must be presented to the clerk of the probate court. In Michigan the petition must be presented to the county drain commissioner. 292. Action upon the petition. The law usually makes provision for the calling of a meeting which may be followed by others, called or adjourned. Lawful notice of such meeting must be posted, published, or mailed, with a view to having all parties directly interested informed of the time and place of the meeting. At the first meeting the legality of the petition must be estab- lished. Usually, if there are any errors, provision is found in the law for their rectification. In some states, any person who has not already signed the petition may do so, but no person who has signed the petition may withdraw his name, unless he can show that he signed it 220 LAND DRAINAGE through misunderstanding, or because of some misrep- resentation. If fraud is discovered in the petition, or if it has not been prepared in accordance with law, it must be dismissed or denied. 293. Objections must be heard. In all cases, objec- tions to the proposed system must be heard and con- sidered. Usually these objections may be offered only by parties whose lands will be assessed in case the system is constructed or who feel that the enterprise will work injury to their lands. In Illinois, and probably other states, no person who has signed a petition may offer objections. In Illinois, the commissioners may administer oath and listen to controversial evidence. 294. The proposed district must be examined. If the body or person to whom the petition is presented favors the petition, provision is made for the examination of the proposed district. Sometimes this is done directly by the petitioned body and sometimes by an engineer or commission appointed for the purpose. In this ex- amination, changes may be made in the outline of the district. Lands may be included not indicated in the petition, and in certain instances, lands may be excluded that were indicated in the petition. The proposed course of the mains should be examined into and may be changed. Usually a map of the district and an estimate of costs are prepared; all of which must be submitted to the deciding body or person. 295. The organization of the district must be au- thorized. With the results of the examination, map of the district, and estimates of cost at hand, if it appears that the expense of organizing the district and construct- ing the system of drainage exceed the benefits to be de- rived therefrom, the petition should be finally denied. If DRAINAGE LAWS 221 the benefits to be derived exceed such expenses, the peti- tion should be granted, and the legal organization of the district authorized, and all parties whose property will be taxed in the execution of the work must be legally notified. 296. The work of construction. The execution of the work of construction must be done under authority. It includes the perfecting of the plans for the system of drainage; the construction work, directly or through contractors; the levying and collecting of taxes to pay for the same ; sometimes the borrowing of money and the issuing of bonds for the same; the auditing and the au- thorizing of the paying of bills, or certain parts of them as they become due. After the work is completed, the re- pair and up-keep of the system must be looked after. A district drainage enterprise is sometimes both extensive and expensive, so that it is impractical to meet the ex- pense by a single tax levy. In such a case, the payment may extend over a number of years, and since the work must be paid for as rapidly as completed, it becomes necessary, in such cases, to borrow money and issue a bond, or bonds, for the payment of the same. In Michigan all of this work is looked after by the county drain com- missioner. In Illinois three drainage commissioners are elected for this purpose. In Iowa, the county board of supervisors directs the finances and employs an engineer to supervise the work. In Minnesota the county board directs the finances, while the construction is supervised by an engineer appointed by the county board or district judge. The later supervision and up-keep is in the hands of the county drain commissioner in Michigan; of a board of three commissioners elected by the district in Illinois ; by the board of county supervisors in Minnesota. 222 LAND DRAINAGE 297. Grievances. The law usually makes abundant provision for the satisfying of aggrieved parties. An owner of land who thinks that he is not offered proper compensation for right of way privileges, or other damages resulting from the passage of a drain through his property, or who may think that the taxes apportioned to him are unjust, will find provision in the law by which he may appeal from the first decisions. In some cases appraisers are appointed to pass upon the question of damages. In some cases provision is made for taking the matter before a court and jury. When assessment and apportionment of taxes are questioned, the matter is sometimes decided by a board of review. It is probably usually true that when, in cases of appeals of this kind, the damages are not increased, or the taxes are not reduced, the party so appealing must stand the expense resulting therefrom. It is true in some states at least. 298. Time a factor. Time seems always to be rec- ognized as an important factor in the proceedings leading to the establishment of a drainage district. The law prescribes a minimum, and frequently a maximum period of time that must elapse in the calling of meetings, in the sending or publishing of notices, in the execution of work of committees, commissions, or engineers, in the filing of claims for damages, and in the time that must elapse from the time of the dismissal of one petition until an- other petition for a similar enterprise may be filed. 299. Records. The law recognizes the importance of accurate and complete records. It is probably true that in all cases, petitions, with all supplemental informa- tion and data required with them, must be filed or re- corded. The same thing is true of the minutes of meetings, hearings, protests, claims, estimates, maps, and the like. DRAINAGE LAWS 223 300. Mutual agreements. In some, if not in all, states the law gives to any group of freeholders, desiring to organize a drainage district, the right to enter into a mutual agreement for the organization of such, and for the laying out of the system and the execution of the work and payment therefore. It is probably true that such an agreement must in all cases become a matter of record, and should be drawn with care, and be specific in the points of agreement. The work of construction in such cases is usually, if not always, required to be done under the same authority as in cases in which petitions are presented and the work carried out in the ordinary way. In the case of mutual agreement, however, time and expense and annoyance are saved. 301. Unlawful acts ; penalties. Certain acts relating to draining and drainage are unlawful in most states, and are classed as misdemeanors. In Minnesota it is not lawful : To willfully or negligently obstruct or injure any work constructed under the provision of certain drainage laws; To allow such work to be injured or obstructed by live- stock ; To divert water from its proper channel; To change location of, or markings on, stakes set and marked by the engineer in charge of any drainage work (unless authorized by said engineer to make such changes) ; To dig or construct, or cause to be dug or constructed, drains emptying their water into county or district drains, without having first obtained proper permission to do so. To attempt to prevent or interfere with the entrance upon any tract of land by the viewers, county com- missioners, and the engineers to do any act necessary 224 LAND DRAINAGE in connection with their duties in any piece of drainage work. Persons committing any of these acts may be found guilty of a misdemeanor and may also be held liable for losses that may result to any individual or corporation from such act, even to treble damages. An officer who neglects, or fails, or refuses to perform duties imposed upon him by law, may be guilty of mis- demeanor, and may be liable to all persons or corporations by such act, even in treble damages. APPENDIX LABORATORY PRACTICE THE following eighteen experiments, some of which have more than one part, are prepared to demonstrate some of the more important facts concerning soil conditions and drainage, and these are likely to suggest others to both teacher and student. They have been used, slightly modified in some cases, by the writer. EXPERIMENT 1 Distribution of Capillary Water in Columns of Soil (A) The material required for this experiment consists of: 1. A number of threaded 6-inch sections of IJ-inch brass tubing as illustrated in Fig. 91. 2. Three-inch circular filter paper. 3. Small pieces of strong cheese-cloth, 4 inches square. 4. Light strong cord. 5. A small strong granite-ware pan with creased bottom. Instead of a granite-ware pan, a small block of some non-absorptive material may be used. 6. A f-inch round soft-wood rod, 10 or 12 inches long. (B) To perform the experiment : 1. Carefully vaseline the base of the threads of twelve of the threaded sections of tubing and screw them to- Q 225 226 APPENDIX gether. This will make a cylinder 6 feet long. It may be desirable in some cases to use fourteen or even eighteen sections. 2. Place a piece of filter paper over the lower end of the cylinder, and over this place a piece of cheese-cloth, bringing the edges of both filter paper and cheese-cloth up over the cylinder, and strongly tie in place. FIG. 91. Threaded section of brass tubing used in studying distribu- tion of water in soil columns. 3. With colored pencil, number the sections of the cylinder 1, 2, 3, and so on from top to bottom. 4. Fasten the cylinder in an upright position with the bottom resting upon a pan, or other support. 5. Fill the cylinder with graded fine sand and settle by tapping until settling ceases. For uniformity of filling, an excellent method is td introduce the end of a large funnel into the top of the cylinder and introduce the sand into the cylinder through the funnel, pouring the sand into the funnel at such a rate that the funnel will not become empty at any time during the filling. If the funnel can be held, during this process, so that the lower end of the stem shall be just below the top of the cylinder, the filling of the upper section will be more nearly uniform with that of the lower sections. To produce the settling, LABORATORY PRACTICE 227 tap the walls of the cylinder with the wood rod, distributing the tapping over the whole length of the cylinder. The tapping should not be severe enough to batter the walls of the cylinder. 6. After the settling has ceased, carefully brush the threading of the top section, carefully vaseline at the base, and add two empty sections. 7. Introduce water into the top of cylinder, being care- ful to keep the upper sections nearly full of water, until water begins to percolate from the bottom. 8. Place a piece of cheese-cloth, or some other covering, over the top of the cylinder and allow to stand 48 hours. 9. At the end of 48 hours, carefully and quickly separate the sections by unscrewing ; carefully wipe vaseline from joints. 10. Place each section in a dry tared tray, numbered to correspond with the number of the section. 11. Carefully weigh each tray with contents and care- fully record weight. 12. Dry to constant weight and weigh and record weight of each tray and contents. 13. Remove, carefully wipe and weigh each section, and carefully record its weight. 14. From the data thus obtained determine : (a) The weight of dry soil in each section. (b) The weight of water contained in each section before drying. (c) The percentage of water in each section. (The per- centage is obtained by dividing the water lost in drying by the dry weight of soil.) 15. Plot curve of distribution of water in the column of soil in the cylinder at the end of 48 hours after satura- tion. 228 APPENDIX EXPERIMENT 2 The Influence of Subsoil on the Distribution of Capillary Water in the Overlying Soil Conduct the experiment in every particular as in Ex- periment 1, already explained, except that in paragraph 4 of directions, the cylinder be placed .on the surface of a bucket full of dry sand of the same kind and grade as that used in the cylinder. EXPERIMENT 3 The Influence of a Heavy Subsoil on the Distribution of Capillary Water in the Overlying Soil Conduct the experiment in every particular as in Ex- periment 1, except that in paragraph 4 of directions, the cylinder be placed upon heavy clay. (If the cylinder can be placed upon bare ground, of a nature heavier than the sand in the cylinder, preferably heavy clay, the same or similar results should be obtained. In this case the filter paper may be dispensed with.) EXPERIMENT 4 The Influence of a Layer of Gravel or Coarse Material on the Distribution of Capillary Water in the Overlying Soil Conduct the experiment in every particular as in Experiment 1, except that the fourth section from the bottom be filled with very fine gravel, or very coarse sand, and that the gravel or sand be moistened before it is introduced. In this experiment, the lower four sections LABORATORY PRACTICE 229 should be put together, the filter paper and cheese-cloth carefully tied in place, and the lower three sections filled with sand and settled, adding enough sand so that the settled sand shall stand slightly above the joint between sections 3 and 4 from the bottom. Then the fourth section should be filled with the gravel or coarse sand. After this, the remaining sections which have been properly put together should be screwed on to section 4 from bottom, first being careful to clean and vaseline the upper threads of section 4. EXPERIMENT 5 Surface Tension (A) The materials needed for this experiment are : 1. A small dish of fine sand. 2. A shallow dish or watch glass. 3. A beaker of water. 4. A heated clean iron surface. (B) To perform the experiment : 1. Place a small quantity of water in the dish or watch glass. 2. Slowly pour fine sand into the water in the dish until more sand has been poured in than the water will moisten. 3. After thirty seconds invert the dish to permit the unmoistened portion of the sand to fall away. Observe : The dish may be held in any position and the moistened sand will not fall away from it. Why ? 4. Set the dish in position and with a sharpened pencil or rod break the sand into small masses of various sizes. It will be found that masses of considerable size may be lifted upon the point of the pencil or rod without breaking. 230 APPENDIX Why ? Draw a sketch to illustrate your idea of how the particles of sand are held together. (See Fig. 17.) 5. Place one of the masses of wet sand upon the hot iron surface and note its behavior. After a few seconds the mass begins to collapse. Sometimes it collapses a part at a time. Sometimes the whole mass suddenly collapses. In either case the grains of sand fall apart and scatter about over the heated surface. Why? 6. Lift a mass of the wet sand upon the point of a pencil and carefully bring it over a vessel full of water ; then slowly and carefully lower the mass till some point of it comes just in contact with the surface of the water, and note what happens. Suddenly a portion of the mass, or possibly all of the mass, breaks away from the point of the pencil and settles to the bottom of the glass, but it will be observed that within the body of water the grains of sand become independent of each other and spread apart as they settle. Why do they break away from the pencil ? Why do they spread apart as they settle ? EXPERIMENT 6 Surface Tension The experiment (5) may be repeated using loam and fine clay. If fine clay and frequently if fine loam be used, the behavior of the moist mass, when placed upon the hot surface, will be different from that of the mass of fine sand, and will illustrate another very important action of the capillary film. LABORATORY PRACTICE 231 EXPERIMENT 7 Surface Tension (A) 1. Introduce a small amount of water (one or two grams) into a watch glass or other shallow dish. 2. Pour sand steadily, and in a small stream at one point, into the water until the water is completely taken up by sand. Pour in an excess of dry sand. The sand mass will be found to take a form similar to that shown in Fig. 18 of the text. 3. After 15 seconds, the dish should be slowly inverted to permit the dry sand to fall away from the surface of the mass in the dish. 4. The dish may now be held in any position and the pyramid of moist sand will usually not break. Why ? 5. Draw a diagram or sketch to show the manner in which, as you understand it, the pyramid is kept in posi- tion. (B) 1. Place the dish in position on a stand or table. 2. Pour a very small amount of water down the inner surface of the dish. The pyramid of moist sand will collapse. Why ? EXPERIMENT 8 Specific Heat of Wet and Dry Soils Where the apparatus is available, determine the specific heat of wet and dry soils, using Hosier and Gustafson's method as described on page 40 of their Soil Physics Laboratory Manual, or McCall's, as described in his Physical Properties of Soil, p. 74. 232 APPENDIX EXPERIMENT 9 Effect of Evaporation on Soil Temperature 1. Fill to within a quarter inch of the top, three 1 -quart granite-ware pans (or any three vessels of equal size and shape), with any soil of the same kind, preferably a sandy loam for this experiment. 2. With wax pencil or otherwise mark the pans 1, 2, and 3. 3. Place a small piece of filter paper upon the surface of the soil in pans 2 and 3. 4. Upon the filter paper in pan 2, pour an amount of water equal to 20 per cent of the weight of the soil in the pan. 5. Upon the filter paper in pan 3, pour water until the soil is slightly more than saturated. 6. Place a cover on each of the three pans and set the pans together, either in the laboratory or out-of-doors, where the temperature will remain fairly constant, and permit to stand till the following morning. 7. Remove covers and determine the temperature of the soil in each pan by inserting a thermometer bulb just below the surface, and record temperature in each case. It is desirable to have a thermometer for each pan and to allow it to remain in position during the period of the experiment. 8. At the end of each hour, for three to six hours if possible, again determine the temperature of the soil in the same manner and record temperature. 9. Plot curves of temperature for the three pans. LABORATORY PRACTICE 233 EXPERIMENT 10 Effect of Drainage on Germination 1. Have prepared a galvanized iron pan 1 foot by 2 feet by 6 inches deep. 2. Have prepared a frame of galvanized iron 1 foot by 2 feet by 6 inches deep. This frame will be, in construc- tion, in every way like the pan described in 1, except that it has no bottom. 3. Preferably out-of-doors, excavate in a loam soil two openings of sufficient size, one to receive the pan and the other the frame, so that the upper edge of pan and frame lie just flush with the surface of the ground, being care- ful also to have selected a spot so that when the pan and frame are placed, their tops shall stand absolutely level. 4. Thoroughly mellow and mix the soil that was re- moved in excavating, and introduce a sufficient amount into the pan and frame to well fill, packing lightly in the filling. 5. After pan and frame have been filled a few hours, determine the temperature of the surface soil of each by inserting the bulb of a thermometer to the same depth below the surface say f of an inch. Record tempera- ture. 6. Carefully measure or weigh into the pan a sufficient amount of water thoroughly to saturate the soil and record the amount of water so introduced. 7. Introduce slowly and uniformly into the soil in the frame an amount of water equal to that introduced into the soil in the pan. 8. Lay off the surface of the soil in pan and frame into six-inch squares. 234 APPENDIX 9. (a) In the four squares on one side of the pan plant seeds as follows : In the first, 6 good grains of wheat ; in the second, 6 good grains of oats ; in the third, 4 good beans ; and in the fourth, 4 grains of corn. In the other four plant seeds as follows : In the first, which will be adjacent to the wheat, plant 4 grains of corn ; in the next, which will be adjacent to the oats, plant 4 beans; in the next, which will be adjacent to the beans, plant 6 grains of oats ; and in the next, which will be adjacent to the corn, plant 6 grains of wheat. In planting the seeds place the wheat and oats | inch below the surface ; place the corn and beans 1 inch below the surface. (6) Plant the squares in the frame to the same seeds, and in the same order. 10. On the second day after planting, determine and record the temperature for each of the squares in the pan and in the frame. 11. (a) On the 4th, 8th, and 12th days from planting, measure into the soil in the pan enough water to bring the soil to saturation, and record the amount of water used. (6) Apply slowly and uniformly to the soil in the frame an amount of water equivalent to that just added to the pan. 12. On the 5th day from planting determine and record temperatures as before. 13. Watch carefully for and record the date of the first appearance of plants in each square. 14. Note and record any peculiarities or differences in the behavior of the plants growing under the different conditions. 15. Note and record from time to time the amount of growth made by the plants. LABORATORY PRACTICE 235 EXPERIMENT 11 Shrinkage of Soils (A) The apparatus required for this experiment is illustrated in Fig. 92. It consists of : 1 . A block of hardwood (A) 6 inches by 6 inches and 1 inch thick. 2. Upon it is mounted, as shown in the figure, a rec- 5*", $ FIG. 92. Apparatus for studying shrinkage of soils. See description under Experiment 11. 236 APPENDIX tangular piece of brass (B). This piece of brass is ^ inch high and -^ inch thick, with smooth inner surface. 3. A piece of brass (C), same dimensions as (B), but without screw holes, and not attached to base (A). 4. A piece of brass (D,) \ inch by ^ inch by 1 inch, at- tached to base (A) as shown. 5. A piece of wood (E) t f inch by Ij inches by f inch, with one edge cut to shoulder upon the piece (C) as shown. 6. A metal pin (F), ^ inch in diameter, mounted in base as shown. 7. A wooden wedge (G), 1 J inches long and f inch thick, cut as shown. 8. When the metal piece (C) is placed on the base as shown, with the piece of wood (E) shouldering upon it, and the wedge (G) driven into place, the metal pieces (B) and (C) thus form a box 3 inches by 3 inches by \ inch deep. These metal pieces might be made of babbit. They may be made of iron but are subject to rust. If made of babbit, the thickness should not be less than f inch. (B) To perform the experiment : 1. Measure out 200 grams of clay soil. 2. Place in dish and add just sufficient water to moisten. 3. Thoroughly knead, or work, until the mass has be- come thoroughly mixed. 4. It may be necessary to add more clay as the kneading, or working, operation proceeds. 5. Continue the kneading until the water has taken up all the soil it will thoroughly moisten, in other words, until the mass is as dense as it can be made by kneading. LABORATORY PRACTICE 237 6. Place in the metal frame (EC) a piece of cheese- cloth sufficiently large to cover the bottom of the frame and the sides. 7. Into the frame introduce the mass of wet soil, packing the soil down thoroughly and filling a little more than flush full. 8. With a sharp straight edge or knife, cut away the excess, leaving the frame just flush full. 9. Remove the wedge (G) and carefully remove section (C) of the metal frame, and then carefully remove the mass of soil. 10. Place the mass of soil where it will remain at air temperature for two days, then place in drying oven at 100 C., and allow to remain until completely dry. 11. At the end of each 24 hours, measure the dimensions of the mass of soil and make a record of time and measure- ments. 12. Determine the percentage of shrinkage up to the time of each measurement. 13. Repeat the experiment with the other kinds of soil and compare the results. EXPERIMENT 12 Puddling Soils 1. Procure an amount of mellow heavy field clay. 2. Carefully dry so that the crummy structure shall not be destroyed, and so that the clay shall not dry in masses. 3. Weigh 25 grams of the dry clay into each of two funnels, having first carefully placed a properly folded filter paper in each funnel and moistened. 238 APPENDIX 4. With cork or wax, carefully close the lower end of one of the funnels. 5. Carefully measure into the funnel that has the lower end of its stem closed, a sufficient amount of water thor- oughly to cover the clay in the funnel, and carefully cover funnel with watch glass. 6. Over the. soil in the funnel with the open stem, care- fully pour an amount of water equal to that placed on the soil in the other funnel, but do not cover with watch glass. 7. At the end of two days remove the watch glass from the first funnel and allow to stand until the soil has become thoroughly dry. The cork or wax may be removed from the lower end of the stem and the funnel may be placed in a warm place to hasten the drying. 8. When both lots of clay have become thoroughly dry, carefully study the two masses with regard to compactness and resistance to crushing. EXPERIMENTS 13-18 Apparatus For the four following experiments, the apparatus shown in Fig. 93 will be used. It is practically the same as that devised by King, and illustrated in his Physics of Agriculture, p. 293. It is suggested that tile 1 be a 4-inch cement tile of dry mix in the proportions of 1 of cement to 5 of sand. That tile 2. be a 4-inch cement tile of wet mix in the proportions of 1 of cement to 3 of sand. That tile 3 be a 4-inch clay tile of dense texture. That tile 4 be a 4-inch clay tile of as open texture as can be found. LABORATORY PRACTICE 239 That tile 5 be a 6-inch clay tile of a texture similar to that of 4. That the nature of tile 6 be determined by the require- ments of the laboratory. FIG. 93. Apparatus for studying movement of water through tiles and influence of tile upon ground water. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, tile of differ- ent sizes and nature, and explained in detail in Fig. 94 ; W . . . W, water gauge tubes connected with 2-inch tile as explained and shown in Fig. 95. See description, pages 238-239. These tile should rest, as is shown in the figure, in a fine sand which fills the tank to the height of 3 feet above the center of the tile. Figure 94 shows a tile in cross section and so arranged that water can enter it only through its walls. The legend follows : A, Section of tile. B, Steel or cast iron plates. C, Gaskets. 240 APPENDIX D, Half-inch gas pipe threaded as shown, and with quarter-inch holes bored in its walls to permit the passage of water. E, Ordinary pipe cap. F, Nuts. G, Coupling to attach faucet to end of pipe. In putting the apparatus together, the chief thing is to square the ends of the tile so that the gasket and plate will fit fairly snugly before the nut is tightened. The manner of putting the parts together and setting the tile in place in the tank will not be difficult for a mechanic, or indeed the ordinary individual, to accomplish. In setting the tile in place, a bed of the fine sand to be used in filling the tank should first be laid to a sufficient depth that the tile in being placed may rest firmly upon the sand. Figure 95 shows the manner in which the water in the tank reaches the water gauges : A is a 2-inch tile. It may be larger. B, Section of half-inch gas pipe. C, A collar to carry the section of gas pipe and the gauge seat. To prevent leaking, the joint between collar and opening in wall of tank should be soldered on the inside. The tile lies loosely against the inner wall of the tank and is filled with gravel to permit the more ready passage of water from the sand to the section of gas pipe. This tile also is laid in place upon a bed of the sand with which the tank is to be filled later. After the tile are all in place, more sand should be carefully introduced and packed carefully around the sides of each until the sand stands above the center of the tile, after which the tank should be filled to the height of 3 feet above the center of the tile. LABORATORY PRACTICE 241 FIG. 94. Detailed cross section of Fig. 93, showing the manner of set- ting up tile so that water can enter only through walls. Water gauge is not a part of this detail. See description, page 239. 242 APPENDIX \ \ FIG. 95. Detailed cross section of Fig. 93, showing the construction for permitting water to enter water gauge. See description, page 240. LABORATORY PRACTICE 243 EXPERIMENT 13 The Capacity of Tile of Different Sizes and Material to Remove Water by Percolation through the Tile Walls 1. Introduce water into the tank till the surface stands 1 inch deep over the sand, and allow to stand some hours (unless the sand be already saturated to some inches above the level of the tile). 2. Place vessels under faucets. 3. Open faucets and permit water to flow till flow be- comes constant for each faucet. 4. Place an empty vessel under each faucet and record time. 5. After an hour (more or less, as the rate of flow may require), close faucets or remove vessels. If the vessels are placed in position and removed in the same order, the time of the series will be sufficiently close. 6. By weighing or measuring, determine the amount of flow for each tile. 7. Compute flow to the acre for each size of tile, assuming the tile drains to be placed 4 rods apart. EXPERIMENT 14 The Relation of Diameter of Tile to Rate of Flow of Water through Walls With data obtained in Experiment 13, determine whether there is a relation between the diameter of tile and the rate of flow through its walls. This experiment assumes that two or more sizes of the same make of tile are used in the apparatus. 244 APPENDIX EXPERIMENT 15 Relation of Richness and Mix of Cement Tile to Rate of Flow of Water through Walls From the data obtained in Experiment 13, determine the relation of flow of water through the walls : (a) Of lean dry-mix tile as against rich wet-mix tile, (b) Of cement tile as against common clay tile. EXPERIMENT 16 The Position of Water-Table in Tiled Soils 1. By filling or removal (by opening faucets), bring the surface of water to the surface of the sand. 2. Close all faucets and allow to stand sufficiently long for the water to come to equilibrium in the sand. 3. Measure and record height of water in water gauges. 4. Open faucet No. 1 and permit the water to run. 5. At the end of every five minutes, while the water is flowing from faucet No. 1, measure the height of water in water gauges. Ten-minute periods may be better. If time permits, continue these readings until water ceases to flow from faucet. There should be a student for each gauge, in order that the readings for each period may be made simultaneously. 6. Plot height of water so that curves shall appear on chart for each set of readings of water gauges. PRACTICAL EXERCISES 245 EXPERIMENT 17 Influence of One Inch of Rainfall on Height of Ground Water- Table 1. See that faucets are closed and that water in gauges stands not much over 6 inches above the level of faucets. 2. Measure and record height of water in gauges. 3. Determine the cross section of tank. It will ap- proximate 60 inches by 15 inches. 4. Introduce into the tank an amount of water that equals one inch over the cross section of the tank. This will be approximately 900 cubic inches of water. 5. After water has come to constant height in all the gauges, measure and record height of water in each gauge. 6. With the data thus obtained, determine the influ- ence of an inch of rainfall upon the height of ground water- table in this particular soil. EXPERIMENT 18 Percentage of Pore Space With the data obtained in Experiment 17, determine the percentage of pore space in the soil in the tank. PRACTICAL EXERCISES In addition to the laboratory exercises outlined above, the student should be made familiar, by practice, with the several operations involved in the use of the level, laying out of drains, and, when possible, with the actual work of digging drains and laying tile. These operations may be grouped something as follows : 246 APPENDIX 1 . The use of the level. Setting up ; taking and re- cording readings ; determining height of instrument ; deter- mining difference in elevation of two points. 2. Laying out a drain. Establishing location; driving grade stakes; placing finders. 3. Notes. Making tables ; introducing stake numbers ; distances; and elevation of stake 1. 4. Leveling. Taking back-sight and fore-sight readings, and properly recording. 5. Computations. Determining the elevations of the grade stakes; making profile; establishing grade; deter- mining depth of ditch at each grade stake; determining the height of grade bar at each grade stake. 6. Setting up grade bars. 7. Digging ditch (when a practice ditch, or better where a real ditch, can be had to dig). Opening ditch; digging ditch ; finishing bottom. 8. Laying tile and blinding. 9. Filling. 10. Construction of hose-level and rods. 11. Use of the hose-level. Leveling with rods; level- ing without rods; making computations, if opportunity offers, to establish grade, and determine depth of ditch and height of grade bars for a drain. These operations are fully explained in the text and may be taken up as the text is studied or they may follow later. INDEX Accuracy of readings with hose- level, 165. Adjusting size of mains to needs, 86. Agencies active in soil ventilation, 40. Ammonia in the soil, 5. Angle of approach of laterals, 113. Angles, for connections, 114; may be purchased, 149, 150. Animal forms enter soil, 56. Animal needs for water, 204 ; in acre-inches of rainfall, 205. Areas of imperfect natural drainage, 66. Artesian wells, effect on under- ground water, 203. Back-sight, 100 ; illustrated, 101 ; limitations with cheaper levels, 116; reading, 100, 116; to use, 100. Bacteria and molds, 57. Bad soil management, effect on evaporation, 202 ; effect on run-off, 202. Bayou La Fourche, 60. Biological activities, 5, 57. Blackwelder and Barrows, 4. Blinding, 142. Boggy places, 156. Boning line, 131 ; position, 131 ; stretching, 140 ; using, 140. Boning rod, 131. Bottom of ditch, elevation of, 129 ; to determine, 129. Bouyoucos, George J., 14, 33. Breaking grade with hose-level, 185. Breaking up of prairies, 202. Briggs, L. J., 10. By-products of plants, 18. Calling meeting to consider drain petition, 219. Cameron, F. K., 202. Capillary movements of water, 26 ; cause, 26 ; direction of, 28. Capillary water, 25 ; a factor in soil structure, 52 ; affects soil structure, 29, 40; affects other physical conditions, 40 ; affects ventilation, .40, 52 ; and use of plow, 29, 31 ; as- sists in food preparation, 52 ; effect of, on soil tem- perature, 34, 52 ; effects on soil structure illus- trated, 45; functions of, 52 ; importance of, in plowing, 31 ; proper soil content, 34, 40 ; relation of drainage to, 207 ; sol- vent of foods, 52. Cautions, in using level, 99. Caving, 143. Cement tile, 72 ; general precau- tions, 74 ; mix, 73 ; opin- ions concerning, 73 ; pre- cautions suggested, 73 ; proportions, 73 ; should be made with care, 72. Changes, in flow of springs, 208 ; in frost dates, 213 ; in ground water-table, 201, 202, 209; in rainfall, 208 ; in temperature, 208. Changes may be made in plans and boundaries of a drainage district, 220. Changing climate, 208. Changing grade or fall, 89. Changing rainfall, 208. 247 248 INDEX Changing temperature, 208. Character of soils, 1. Cheaper devices, carpenter's level, 105 ; hose-level, 107 ; water level, 106. Cheaper levels, 96 ; using, 104. Checking grade bars, 137, 184. Checking the hose-level, 169. Chemical changes, 56. Chemical composition of soils, 1. Chief causes resulting in lowering of ground water, 201. City wells, effect on underground water. 203. Classification of swamps, 58. Clay tile, 71. Cleavages in soil, 54. Climate, affected by drainage, 208 ; changing, 208. Clogging of tile by roots, 142. Closing the upper end of the drain, 143. Common spade, 135. Common swamps, 58. Computations, 102, 122, 123. Connecting laterals to mains, 147 ; angles, 148 ; making open- ings for, 148 ; side, 147 ; top, 147. Construction of district drains, 221. Construction of ditch, 134 ; econ- omy in, 134. Construction of silt-basin, 93. Controversial evidence must be heard in considering drain petitions, 220. Convenient aids in using data, 118. Cornell reading course, 193. Correcting depth of ditch, 141. Correct plowing and later struc- ture of the soil, 32. Cost of digging ditch, 162, 163; cost per rod, 163. Cost of hauling tile, 162. Crop needs, water, 204. Crumbs, soil, theory of, 32. Cumulative effects of drainage, 57. Data concerning ground water- table, 201. Data, using, 133. Datum plane, 99, 115; above ground, 182 ; for hose- level, 180. Davis, C. A., 61. Dayton floods, 209. Delta lands, 60, 62. Denitrification, 15. Denitrifiers, 16. Depth of cut, 131 ; to determine, 131. Depth of drain, 80; trial, 128, 131. Designating sub-mains and laterals, 151. Destruction of forests, 202. Diked farm in Michigan, 65 ; size of, 65; system, 65. Dikes, 61, 62. Diminishing rainfall, 208 ; due to drainage, 208. Direct draft on underground water, 203. Direct reading of leveling rod, 100. Dismal Swamp, 58. Distance apart of tile drains, 83 ; of grade stakes, 110. Ditch cleaner, 134. Ditch, cost of digging, 162 ; cor- recting depth of, 141 ; construction of, 134 ; fill- ing, 143 ; finishing, 140 ; not too wide, 138 ; open- ing, 138 ; order of steps in installing a system, 163 ; precautions, 143 ; remov- ing the soil from, 139 ; us- ing line for, 138. Ditching tools, 134 ; common spade, 135; hook, 134; pick, 135 ; scoop, 154 ; spade, 134. Drain, 80; depth, 80; distance apart of, 83 ; factors governing, 83 ; modified by subsoil, 83 ; limits of depth, 80. Drainage by wells, 153 ; by wind- mill, 198; by electric motor, 198 ; general in- INDEX 249 formation, 69 ; land re- quiring, 69 ; methods of, 70 ; need for, indicated, 69; tile, 71. Drainage, and climate, 208 ; and floods, 210; and surface temperature, 214. Drainage and ground water supply, 200. Drainage districts, 61. Drainage effects, 54 ; cumulative, 57 ; how the changes take place, 54 ; perma- nent removal of stand- ing water, 54. Drainage indications, 187 ; areas not having sufficient fall or outlet, 197 ; areas with surface only slightly above stream or lake, 197 ; con- siderable slopes of light soil, 188 ; extended areas of heavy soil, 189 ; limited flat or depressed areas on slopes, 190 ; on hill tops, heavy, light, 191 ; low, flat areas of light soil, 187 ; muck or swamp areas, 194 ; rolling areas of heavy soil, 189 ; shallow ponds resting on muck beds, 196 ; shallow ponds on other than muck beds, 197 ; small muck areas without natural outlet, 195 ; springy areas on slopes, 193 ; springy, low, flat areas, 192. Drainage laws, 215. Right of a group of individuals to drain, 217 ; reason for, 217. Mutual agreements, in organiz- ing districts, 223 ; pre- cautions, 223. Procedure: Calling of meetings, 219. Construction, by whom directed, 221 ; by whom done, 221 ; means of pro- viding funds for, 221 ; repairs and upkeep, 221. Grievances, how met, 222 ; how satisfied, 222 ; ex- penses of trial, 222. Organization of district may not take place till organ- ized, 220. Petitions, 218 ; must in- clude, 218; number of signers, 218 ; to whom presented, 218. Purpose of meeting, bound- aries of district may be changed, 220 ; changes in plans may be made, 220 ; controversial evidence, 220 ; oath administered, 220 ; objections heard, 220 ; proposed district must be examined, 220. Records, 222; details, 222. Time a factor, 222. Right of the individual to drain his lands when adjacent to a natural water course, 215; by agreement, 217; by law, 217 ; to drain across the property of another, 216 ; when not adjacent to a natural water course, 216. Right to enter another's land to care for drains, 217. Unlawful acts, 223; penalties for, 223 ; punishable, 224. Drainage projects, 62. Drained muck soils shrink, 158. Drain heads, 153. Draining of mines, effect on under- ground water, 202. Economic losses, 68 ; causes, 68. Economic oversights, 66. Effect of ideal conditions on ger- mination, 9. Effects of drainage, on animal forms, 56 ; on chemical changes, 56; on physical changes, 56 ; on root 250 INDEX development, 56 ; on ven- tilation, 56. Elevation of bottom of ditch, 129 ; of stakes, 102, 122 ; to de- termine, 129. Elliott, C. G., 73, 76, 80, 86. Encircling ditch, 63. England, leads in acre-yields of crops, 204 ; rainfall and wheat growing, 204 ; tile drainage in, 192, began in 1684, 192. Estimates, of tile, 114. Expense apportioned, 64. Expense of drainage system and pumping plant, 64 ; of constructing district drains, how met, 221. Experience of other countries with falling ground water, 207. Factors determining size of tile to use, 85. Fall of tile, 88 ; computations of, with hose-level, 183 ; de- termining, 129 ; to de- termine with hose-level, 183 ; uniform, 89. Farm operations delayed, 189. Filling the ditch, 143 ; by plow or scraper, 143. Finders, 109, 110; sometimes not needed with hose-level, 186. Finishing ditch by hand, 143. Finishing silt-basin, 93. Finishing the outlet, 144. Fippin, E. O., 74, 88, 135, 142, 193. Fitting the joints, 142. Floods, Dayton floods, 209; Mis- souri floods, 209 ; Paris floods, 209; relation to drainage, 210; to erratic rpinfall, 209; to forests, 210; to rainfall, 209. Fore-sight, 101 ; its use, 101 ; limitations with cheaper levels, 116; reading, 101. French Acadians, 60. Fresno region, 160. Frost dates, changes in, 213. Frosts and wooded areas, 214. General precautions, concerning cement tile, 74. Geneva, 12, 13. Germination of seeds, 6 ; affected by temperature, 6 ; af- fected by ventilation, 16 ; desirable temperature con- ditions, 8 ; occurs at very low temperatures, 8 ; oc- curs on ice, 8 ; prevented by exclusion of oxygen, 16. Glazed tile, 7 ; qualities of, 72. Good soil management will improve ground water conditions, 206. Grade bars, 131 ; checking, 137, 184 ; height of, 131 ; nail- ing in place, 137 ; setting up, 136 ; to determine height, 133 ; with hose- level, 184. Grade or fall, changing, 89 ; of mains, 88 ; preliminaries to establishing grade, 125 ; profile, 125; range of, 88; relation to size of tile, 88 ; to establish, 126; uni- formity of, 89. Grade stakes, 108 ; distance apart, 110; may not be needed with hose-level, 186. Ground water-table, falling, 200; rising, 200. Haberland, G., 7. Hall, A. D., 11. Hard-pan, 188, 192. Harlem lake, 64. Hauling and distributing tile, 114. Heat losses, extent of, by evapora- tion, 39. Heat, of soils, 33 ; of vaporization, 36 ; temperature effects of, 37, 38; theoretical influence on soil, 51. INDEX 251 Height of instrument, 99. Hilgard, E. W., 5. Horse and power machines, 135. Hose-level, 107, 165 ; accuracy of reading, 165 ; availability and cost, 166 ; breaking the grade, 185 ; checking instrument, 169 ; check- ing up on depth of ditch, 184 ; computing eleva- tions, 177 ; construction, 167 ; construction of rods, 170; datum plane, 180; for more extensive work, 186 ; grade stakes not needed, 186 ; how to read height of column, 174 ; introducing water into, 168; leveling, 181; limi- tations, 166 ; long stakes, 180 ; materials needed for, 166 ; moving the level, 175 ; negative reading, 175 ; positive reading, 175 ; recording data, 176 ; recording in feet and inches, 178 ; removing air bubbles from, 168 ; rods for, 170 ; suggestions concerning material, 167 ; to determine fall, 183 ; to determine height of grade bar, 182 ; to use hose- level, 173 ; using the hose-level without rods, 180 ; zero reading, 175. How effects of drainage take place, 54. How plant-food exists in the soil, 4. How plants secure their foods, 3. How water approaches tile, 84. How water enters tile, 75. Humid areas, 58 ; alluvial plains, 58 ; classification, 58 ; Dis- mal Swamp, 58 ; extent of areas, 58 ; marine marshes, 61 ; Mississippi delta, 60 ; swamps of drift areas, 60 ; value of, 58. Hutchinson, H. B., 5. Hygroscopic water, 25. Impervious strata, 192. Increasing evaporation, 202. Increasing the run-off, 202. Intelligent handling of soil needed, 206 ; influence on ground water, 206. Interesting facts concerning ground water-table, 201. Irrigated lands, cost of tiling, 161 ; observations concerning, 161 ; subject to accumu- lation of gravitational water, 159 ; injured by, 159 ; remedy, 160. Joining lateral to mains, 147 ; three methods, 147. Jones, E. R., 199. Jordan River region, 160. Keeping notes, 102, 117. Kinds of tile, 71. King F. H., 10, 11, 23, 47, 50. Lands of irrigated regions injured by gravitational wate* , 159; remedy for, 160; tiled, 160. Lands requiring drainage, 69. Laterals, 76 ; angle of approach, 113; depth of outlet of, 146 ; designating, 151 ; joining to mains, 147 ; leveling for, 146 ; making provisions for, 147 ; method of joining to main, 147 ; size of tile, 146. Laying out a drain, 108 ; a main, 109 ; a system, 108. Lenawee Co., Michigan, 163. Level, the, 94 ; carpenter's level, 105 ; cheap devices, 105 ; cheaper levels, 96 ; cau- tions, 102 ; direct reading, 100 ; hose-level, 107 ; moving and re-setting, 103 ; purpose, 98 ; setting 252 INDEX up, 98 ; target reading, 100; to determine the height, 99; using, 98; using cheaper levels, 104 ; water level, 106. Leveling, 94, 95 ; cautions, 102 ; computations, 102, 122, 123 ; convenient aids, 118; direct reading, 100 ; for drains, 115; for laterals, 146 ; in detail, 123; keeping notes, 102, 117; moving and re- setting, 103 ; records, 102, 117; target reading, 100; with cheaper levels, 119; with high-grade level, 120 ; with hose-level, 173. Leveling rods, 97. Leveling rods for hose-level, 170; construction, 170; long rod, 171 ; short rod, 171 ; zero mark on, 170. Limitations of hose-level, 166. Location of outlet, 80. Location of silt- basin, 90, 91. Location of upper ends of mains and laterals, 114. Long stakes for use with hose- level, 180. Lowering of ground water-table, 200, 206; bound to be remedied, 207 ; case not serious, 206 ; experience in other countries, 207 ; remediable, 207. McGee, W J, 200. Mains, 76 ; adjusting to needs, 88 ; grade of, 88 ; chang- ing, 88 ; range of grade, 88 ; relation of size to grade, 88. Making close joints, 142. Making computations, 102, 122, 123. Making openings in tile, 150. Marine marshes, 61 ; extent, 61 ; how formed, 61 ; value, 61. Maximum acre capacity of tile, 86. Meaning of lowering of ground water-table, in terms of rainfall, 206. Methods of drainage, 70. Michigan Agricultural College farm, 158. Michigan Experiment Station, 14. Michigan system, 65. Miller, N. H., 5. Minnesota system, 65. Mississippi delta, 60. Missouri valley floods, 209. Molds, 57. Moving and resetting level, 103. Muck soils shrink after being drained, 158. Musselman, H. H., 72. Nailing grade bars in place, 137. Nebraska, 12. Need for drainage indicated, 69. Negative readings with hose-level, 175. New Orleans, 62. Nitrification, 6 ; modified by tem- perature, 6. Nitrogen, ammonia in the soil, 5 ; forms in the soil, 5 ; nitric nitrogen, 5; preparation, 5. Nitrogen fixation, 6 ; accomplished by bacteria, 6 ; accom- plished by molds, 6 ; on roots of legumes, 6. Notes, 102, 117. Oath administered in some states in receiving controversial evidence regarding drain- age matters, 220. Ohio, average yields of wheat, 204. Open ditch, 62, 70. Opening the ditch, 138 ; using line for, 138. Optimism, 207. Ordering tile, 114. Order of steps in installing a tile system, 163. Organizations of drainage district must be authorized, 220, 223. INDEX 253 Outlets, 80; finishing, 144; loca- tion of, 80, 108; protec- tion for, 144 ; relation to main, 80, 138 ; screen for, 144 ; sewer or iron pipe for, 144 ; underground, 152. Over-mellowness of some soils, 19 ; may prevent ger- mination, 20. Owosso Sugar Co., 65. Paris floods, 209. Patten, A. J., 72. Pennsylvania, 13. Permanent removal of standing water, 54. Physical changes, 56. Physical composition of soils, 1. Physical condition of soils, 2. Physical inter-relations, 29. Pick, 135. Plant-food elements, 2 ; dissolved in water, 4 ; forms of, 2 ; how plants secure, 3, 4 ; how they exist in the soil, 4 ; proper supply, 3 ; table of, 3. Plow, the, how it mellows the soil, 31. Positive readings with hose-level, 175. Preliminaries to establishing grade, 125. Present rainfall sufficient for larger crops, 206. Profile, 125. Puddling soils, 29 ; favored by over- wetness of soil, 29 ; in- fluence on plowing, 47 ; require labor to prepare for planting, 46. Pumping, 66. Pumping plant, 63; capacity of, 63 ; expense of installing, 64. Quicksand, 155 ; shield for, 155 ; guarding against caving, 156 ; to lay tile in, 156. Rainfall, changing, 208 ; in Eng- land, 211 ; records do not indicate diminishing rain- fall, 211; relation to floods, 209 ; varies in large cycles, 211. Reclamation, Michigan system, 65 ; Minnesota system, 65 ; of common swamps, 61 ; of delta lands, 62 ; of drift swamp lands, 65 ; of marine marshes, 65. Recording readings of hose-level, 168. Records do not indicate diminish- ing rainfall, 211. Records, leveling, 102. Records of proceedings in organiz- ing and carrying out work of drainage district, 222. Relation of angle of approach to main to distance apart of tile, 110; of main grade stakes to laterals, 110. Relation of diameter of tile to capacity, 85. Relation of drainage, to capillary and ground water, 207 ; to cut-off, 207 ; to run-off, 207. Relation of floods to rainfall, 209 ; to erratic rainfall, 209. Relation of forests to floods, 209. Relation of size to fall, 86. Removal of forests, effect on ground water-table, 202 ; in- creases evaporation, 202 ; increases run-off, 202. Removal of surface reservoirs, effect on ground water- table, 202. Removing air bubbles from hose- level, 168. Removing excess of surface water, 157. Removing soil from ditch, 139. Repair and up-keep of district drains, 221. Rest period, 11 ; need for, 12. Right of groups of owners of lands 254 INDEX to drain, 217; grievances must be heard, 222 ; ob- jections must be heard, 220; procedure, 218, 221. Right of groups of owners to enter into mutual agreement to drain, 223. Right of owners of lands to drain, 215, 216. Rising of ground water-table, 200. Rod men, short-rod man, 173 ; long-rod man, 174. Root action, best temperature for, 11 ; development, 11, 56 ; dies in absence of oxygen, 17 ; growth, best temperature for, 11 ; pres- sure, 10; affected by temperature, 10; systems of crops, 17; use of, 11. Sachs, J., 6. Salts in marine marsh soils, 66 ; removed by leaching, 66. Schreiner, Oswald, 44. Screen for outlet, 144. Seed-bed, early preparation of, 3. Setting up grade bars, 136. Setting up the level, 98. Shaller, N. S., 160. Shallow open ditches, 70. Shantz, H. L., 10. Shaw, R. S., 60. Shields for laying tile in quicksand, 155. Shrinkage of marsh soils, 66. Side connections of laterals to mains, 147. Silt-basins, 90 ; construction, 93 ; finishing, 93 ; how they perform their work, 92 ; location, 90 ; use, 90, 91. Simple devices for leveling, 105. Size of tile to use, 84 ; for laterals, 146. Size of unit, 63. Skinner, J. J., 44. Sluice gates, 66. Small wet areas, 67. Soil crumbs, 32. Soil fissuring, interferes with root development, 20 ; roots injured by, 21. Soil heat, sources of, 33. Soil structure, defined, 19 ; ideal condition of structure, 19 ; influence on capillary water, 41, on germination, 20 ; on root development, 20 ; on soil temperature, 43 ; on soil ventilation, 41 ; on storage capacity, 42 ; limits extremes of temperature, 43 ; modi- fied by life forms, 41 ; over-mellow condition of, 19 ; management of such soil, 19. Soil texture, defined, 19. Soils, character of, 1 ; chemical composition, 1 ; chief physical conditions, 2 ; cold soils, 36 ; manage- ment, needed, 206 ; over- wet soils, 36 ; physical composition, 1 ; physical condition, 2 ; rest period of, 11 ; temperature, ac- tual, 12 ; modified by capillary water, 33 ; ob- served in Germany, 13 ; observed in Michigan, 14 ; observed in Nebraska, 13 ; observed in Pennsylvania, 13 ; observed in Switzer- land, 14 ; ventilation, affects root action, 17 ; crops, 18 ; influence in food preparation, 14 ; in- fluences germination, 16 ; prevents food destruction, 15 ; removes objection- able products of, 15. Special conditions, 152 ; problems, 152. Specific heat of soils, 33. Springs, changing flow, 208. Springy places, 156. Steps in leveling, 115. Storer, F. H., 23. INDEX 255 Stretching the boning line, 140. Sump to gather water, 198. Surface tension, 26 ; illustrated, 27. Surface water, to remove excess of, 157, 158. T's, 114, 150. Table for hose-level data, 176. Table of plant-food element, 3. Target, 97 ; reading, 100. Temperature, affected by drainage, 214 ; affects germination, 6 ; affects rest period of soil, 11 ; affects root ac- tion, 10 ; changing, 208 ; tables, 212, 213 ; desirable temperature conditions, 8; effects illustrated, 8; effect of bad structure on, 51, 52; effect of gravita- tional water on, 51 ; maxi- mum for germination, 6 ; minimum for germina- tion, 6 ; not same for all seeds, 6 ; optimum for germination, 6. Thermal movements, 28 ; direction of, 28. Tile, 71; blinding, 142; cement, 72 ; clay, 71 ; clogging by roots, 142 ; cost of haul- ing, 162 ; durability of, 72 ; estimating and order- ing, 114; fitting the joint, 146 ; glazed, 71 ; hauling and distributing, 1 14 ; how water approaches, 84 ; how water enters, 75 ; laid deeper in muck soils, 185 ; laterals, 76 ; laying, 141 ; mains, 76 ; making close joints, 141, 142 ; relation of diameter to capacity, 85 ; size to use, 84 ; sub- mains, 76 ; systems, 76 ; use only sound, 75. Tile drainage, 71 ; in England, 192. Tile hook, 134. Tile scoop, 134. Tiling springy places, 156 ; boggy places, 156. Time a factor in proceedings in organizing a drainage dis- trict, 222. Top connection of lateral to main, 147. Tractor ditchers, 136. Trap for outlet, 146. Trial depths, 128. Tubingen, 13. Underground dike, 198. Underground outlets, 152 ; ex- tent of area drained by, 153. Uniform grade or fall, 89. Unlawful acts in matters of drain- age, 223; penalties, 223; punishment, 224. Using data, 133. Using line for opening ditch, 138. Using the boning line, 140. Using the level, 98 ; cheaper levels, 104, 119. Van Tiegham, 6. Vertical systems of drainage, 153. Waring, Geo. E., Jr., 80. Warrington, Robert, 7. Waste lands, 68. Water, conditions of, 24. Capillary, 25 (see capillary water). Gravitational, 24 (see gravita- tional water). Hygroscopic, 25 ; amounts, 25 ; agricultural value, 25. Surface, 25. Water, dissolves and carries food, 10, 22, 23 ; how it enters tile, 75 ; influences ger- mination, 22 ; in biologi- cal activities, 21 ; in food preparation, 21, in physi- cal and chemical changes, 21 ; how it enters the plant, 10 ; losses by evap- oration, 50 ; service of 256 INDEX water, 24 ; service within the plant, 23 ; required by crops, 10, 23, 24, 204. Water, movements of, 26. Capillary, 26 (see capillary move- ments) ; causes of, 26 ; direction of, 28. Thermal, 28 ; causes, 28 ; direc- tion of, 28. Water gauge tubes for hose-level, 166. Water level, 106. Water-table, ground. Data concerning, 201. Facts concerning, 201. Falling of, 200. Chief causes of, 201 ; removal of forests, .increasing run- off, 202; breaking of prairies, increasing evap- oration, 202 ; direct draft upon underground water, by draining mines, 203, by artesian wells, 203, by city wells, 203. Rising, 200. Printed in the United States of America. The following pages contain advertisements of a few of the Macmillan books on kindred subjects The Principles of Soil Management Completely revised and rewritten by THOMAS LYTTLETON LYON Professor of Soil Technology in the New York State College of Agriculture ELMER O. PIPPIN Extension Professor of Soil Technology in the New York State College of Agriculture HARRY OLIVER BUCKMAN Assistant Professor of Soil Technology in the New York State College of Agriculture 8 10 pp., i2mo, $1.90 Rural Text-Book Series In the last five years much has been added to our knowl- edge of soils. 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WELD Professor of Business Administration in Yale University Cloth, i2mo, 482 pp., $1.50 This book aims to set forth the fundamental principles of market distribution as applied to the marketing of agricul- tural products. It begins by pointing out the place that marketing occupies in the general field of economics, and by applying accepted economic principles to the marketing process. It then explains the general organization and methods of marketing, beginning with marketing at country points, and passes on to a description of the methods and functions of the various classes of wholesale dealers. After describing the factors affecting the cost of marketing, illus- trated by data concerning the marketing of certain specific products, a number of special problems are treated, such as price quotations, future trading, inspection and grading, public markets, cooperative marketing, etc. The author has attempted to describe the marketing organization as it is, and to treat the subject, not from the point of view of any particular class of people interested in the problem, but as a dispassionate outsider who tries to get a comprehensive view of the whole subject. The book is very clearly written and is filled with stimulating suggestions. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Publishers 64-66 Fifth Avenue New York UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. 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