REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL 'EFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. "Vesterdahl" Refrigerating and Ice Making Machinery Pipe Work in all its branches Steam Driven Machine Ammonia, Chloride of Calcium, Am- monia - Oil an d General Supplies KARL VESTERDAHL & COMPANY NEW YORK Works : Hoboken, N. J. Office : 90 West Sf, Manufacturers of the "Veslerdahl" machine the most efficient and economical of modern machines. Our special valve motion for steam driven machines of smaller sizes saves 25 per cent. in con- sumption of steam compared with other makes. Send for Catalog Belt Driven Machine REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. ICE MAKING and REFRIGERATING MACHINERY and SUPPLIES The Ruemmeli-Dawley Mfg. Co. 3900 Chouteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo. ENGINEERS-CONTRACTORS Ice Cans, Boilers, Heavy and Light Sheet Iron Work : : : : Water Cooling Towers, Ammonia Fittings, Supplies WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND ESTIMATES REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. 45 M 42d St. JEW YORK EXPERT IN MATTERS OF ion & Ice Making REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS 1 POCKET MANUAL. REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. IF IT'S ANYTHING CONNECTED WITH COLD STORAGE WE CAN FURNISH IT WAREHOUSES, COLD STORAGE ., BREWERIES And all places which require air-tight, cold-proof doors, with the additional advantage of a perfectly level floor. No sill needed, thus doing away with an old "stumbling block." BERNARD GLOEKLEROO Better Write Us Now, Lest You Forget REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. York Manufacturing Company YORK, PA. We manufacture all the machinery and parts needed to equip A COMPLETE ICE OR REFRIGERATING PLANT Single Acting Machines, Double Acting Machines, Absorption Machines, Con- densers, Tanks, Cans, Coolers, Piping, Boilers and Ammonia Fittings of all kinds. We employ over 1250 men in the manufacture of Ice and Refrigerating Machinery Exclusively. CATALOGUE UPON REQUEST BRANCH OFFICES Boston New York Philadelphia Pittsburgh Atlanta GENERAL WESTERN OFFICE 1660 Monadnock Building Chicago, 111. St. Louis Houston Oakland, Cal. THE REFRIGERATING ENGINEER'S POCKET MANUAL An Indispensable Companion for Every Engineer and Student Interested in Mechanical Refrigeration By OSWALD GUETH, M. E. Member Am. Soc'y Refr. Eng'rs NEW YORK; 1908 Copyright, 1908 By OSWALD GTJE3TH -"*' * * " * PREFACE When the author decided to christen his book a "Pocket Manual" he was moved to do so by the words of Kent, that "every engineer should make his own pocketbook." Un- fortunately not every engineer has the opportunity or ability to gather useful information without paying dearly for it. This "long-felt want" is intended to be filled by the "Pocket Manual," a digest of the rules and data of every branch of mechanical refrigeration, embodying the opinions of the fore- most men in the field, together with the practical experience of the author, a receptacle for further research and enlarge- ment, a pocketbook in the very sense of the word, which the author trusts will soon find its way into the pocket of every progressive refrigerating engineer. CONTENTS Part I. Principles and Properties. THERMODYNAMICS Definitions Laws Expansion and Compression. Page. 1 1 1 2 Specific Heat, tables 2 Thermometer Scales 3 WATER 4 Properties 4 Tests for Purity 4 AIR 5 Humidity 5 Tage. Equation of pipes 6 Standard Table of pipes 6 REFRIGERATING MEDIA ... 7 Boiling points 7 Latent heat 8 Ammonia 7 Aqua ammonia 9 Carbonic Acid, etc 11 BRINE 12 Chroride of Sodium 12 Chloride of Calcium 13 Part II. Refrigerating Machinery. HISTORY Freezing Mixtures. 15 COLD AIR MACHINES 16 VACUUM MACHINES 19 COMP Ref ABSORPTION MACHINES .. Management . 22 24 Hor Ecoi Economy 25 Dry COMPRESSION MACHINES . Ether Machines 28 28 COND Con Sulphur Dioxide Machines... 28 Var Carbonic Acid Machines 29 Ammonia Machines 31 SOR 33 Refrig. Capacity 33 sver 34 Economy 35 Dry vs. Wet Compression .... 37 SR 39 Condenser Surface 39 Amount of Cooling Water.... 39 Various Types of Condensers. 40 Part III. Applications of Mechanical Refrigeration, INSULATION 44 Fireproof Construction 44 Tank Insulation 47 Heat Transmission through pipes 48 Heat Transmission through various Insulations 48 Relative Value of Non-Con- ductors 49 Details of Insulation 49 GENERAL COLD STORAGE... 54 Cold Storage Temperatures. . . 54 Refrigeration Required 54 Piping 56 Brine Cooling System 58 Forced Air Circulation 58 BREWERY REFRIGERATION 60 Beer Cooler 60 Attemporators 62 Piping of Cellars 62 Brine vs. Direct Expansion.. 64 PACKING HOUSE REFRIG- ERATION 66 Refrigeration Required 67 Piping 67 CONTENTS. Page. CAN ICE PLANTS 68 Time of Freezing G8 Freezing Tanks 68 Ice Storage 70 Cost of Ice 70 Coal Consumption 71 Water Consumption 71 DISTILLING APPARATUS ... 72 Grease Separator 72 Steam Condenser Skimmer and Reboiler.... Water Regulator Condensed Water Cooler . . Filter Storage Tank Page. Evaporator System 87 Multiple Effect Evaporators. 88 Space Required for Can Ice Plants 90 PLATE ICE PLANTS 99 Direct Expansion Plate 99 Brine Coil Plate 100 American Linde Plate 101 Plate Ice vs. Can Ice 103 Space Required 104 PIPE LINE REFRIGERATION 107 AUTOMATIC REFRIGERAT- ING MACHINES 109 Part IV. Operation of Compression Plant. ERECTION AND MANAGE- MENT Ill Foundation Ill Testing Plant Ill Charging Plant 112 Pumping Out Connections.... 112 EFFICIENCY TEST 116 Indicator Diagram 116 Record of a Test 117 Rules for Testing Refrig. Machines ... , . 118 Part V. The Steam Plant. STEAM ENGINES 123 Horse Power 123 Valve Setting of Corliss En- gine 124 Steam Engine Indicator 126 Taking Care of Corliss En- gine 128 Air Pumps 128 Standard Corliss Engines (table) 129 STEAM BOILERS 130 Horse Power 130 Heating Surface 131 Standard Tubular Boilers... 131 Fuel 131 Size of Chimney 132 Water for Feeding Boilers.. 132 Feed Water Heaters... . 133 Steam 134 Care of Boilers 136 Rules for Conducting Boiler Test 137 PUMPS 143 Pressure and Head 143 Horse Power 144 Capacity 144 Efficiency 145 Directions for Connecting and Running Pumps 146 Duty Trials of Pumping En- gines 147 MISCELLANEOUS 151 Belt Transmission 151 Electrical and Mechanical Units 152 Cooling Towers 153 Topical Index. Page. Absolute Zero 3 Absorption Machines 22 Air, Properties 5 Circulation 58 Pump 128 Humidity 5 Ammonia, Anhydrous 7 Liquor 9 Refrigerating Effect 33 Attemporators 62 Automatic Refrigerating Ma- chines 109 B. Beer Coolers 60 Belt Transmission 151 Brewery Refrigeration 60 Brine, Properties 12 System 58 By-Pass 112 C. Can Ice Plants 68 Capacity of Compressor 33 Ice plant 68 Condensed Water Cooler 81 Carbonic Acid, Properties 11 Machines 29 Cold Air Machines 16 Cold Storage 54 Compression Machines 28 Compressor 33 Condenser, Ammonia 39 Steam 72 Cooling Towers 153 Coke Filter 82 D. Distilling Apparatus 72 Dry TS. Wet Compression 37 E. Efficiency Test 116 Erection of Plant Ill Equation of Pipes 6 Ether Machines 28 Ethyl Chloride Machines 11 Evaporator System 87 Economy of Absorption Ma- chine 25 Compression Machine 35 F. Feed Water Heater 133 Filter ; 82 Forced Air Circulation 58 Freezing Mixtures 15 Freezing Tanks 68 Foundations Ill Fuel 131 Grease Separator G. 72 H. Heat Transmission Through Pipes 48 Horse Power of Compressor 34 Steam Engine 123 Steam Boiler 130 Pump 144 Shafting 151 Humidity of Air 5 I. Page. Ice Cans 68 Storage 70 Thickness 68 Indicator Diagram of Com- pressor H6 Steam Engine 126 Insulation 44 L. Latent Heat 8 M. Management of Absorption Machine 24 Compression Machine Ill Mean Effective Pressure of Compressor 116 Steam Engine 123 P. Packinghouse Refrigeration ... 66 Pipe Standard Table 6 Pipe Line Refrigeration 107 Plate Ice Plants 99 Pumps 143 Pictet Fluid 11 R. Reboiler 76 Refrigeration required for Breweries 60 General Cold Storage 54 Packinghouses 67 Refrigerating Media 7 Capacity of Compressor 33 Effect of Ammonia 33 S. Specific Heat of Various Solids 2 Cold Storage Goods 3 Steam, Properties 135 Engines 123 Boilers 130 Condensers 72 Skimmer and Reboiler 76 Storage Tank 83 Sulphur Dioxide Machines 28 T. Thermometer Scales 3 Thermodynamic Laws 1 Temperatures, Cold Storage 54 Ice Storage 70 Testing, Ammonia 8 Water "4 Refrigerating Machines 116 Steam Boilers 137 Pumps 147 TT. Units, Electrical and Mechan- ical 152 British Thermal 1 V. Vacuum Machines 19 Valve Setting of Engine 124 W. Water, Properties 4 Tests 4 Boiler Feed 132 Regulator 80 Wet and Dry Compression 37 PART I PRINCIPLES AND PROPERTIES Thermodynamics A "British Thermal Unit" Is the heat necessary to raise one pound of water 1 F. at temperature of greatest density which is 39 to 40. In mechanical energy or work, a heat unit is equivalent to rais- ing a weight of one pound to a height of 778 feet or, 778 pounds to a height of one foot. The mechanical equivalent of heat then is 778 foot-pounds. "Sensible Heat." is that which is measured by a thermometer or is apparent in change of temperature, and for ordinary calculation each degree that water is heated may be considered one unit of heat for each pound of water, so< that the weight of water multiplied by the increase of temperature equals the heat units absorbed. "Latent Heat." is that which is absorbed by a body in causing change of structure without increase of temperature. One pound of Ice with a tempera- ture of 32, when melted will give one pound of water at a tem- perature of 32, but to melt the ice heat is absorbed ; this heat does not increase the temperature, although 142 units are necessary. Water boils at a temperature of 212. Each pound of water re- quires 966 units of heat to convert it into steam ; the 212 is sensible heat, the 966 latent heat, these added together give the total heat of steam when, water is evaporated in an open vessel = 1178 units sufficient to heat 1178 pounds of water 1. When water is evaporated 1 under pressure the sensible heat in- creases while the latent heat decreases. At 100 pounds pressure the boiling water has a temperature of 338, the latent heat is 879, the total heat 1217 units. "Specific Heat." The ratio of heat required to raise the temperature of a given substance one degree to that required to raise the temperature of the same weight of water one degree (from 39.1 Fahr., the tem- perature of maximum density) is called the specific heat of the substance. Thermodynamic Laws. The following laws relating to a perfect gas may be safely ap- plied to all gases : A. The pressure varies inversely as the volume when the tem- perature is constant (Boyle). V P' = VP Constant. V P B. The pressure varies directly as the absolute temperature when the volume is constant (Charles). P T + 461 P' T' -f 461 C. The volume varies directly as the absolute temperature when the pressure is constant. V T + 461 V = T + 461 2 : ,. THERMODYNAMICS. D. The product of the pressure and volume varies directly aa the absolute temperature. p y / T + 461 P V (T + 461) P' V' T' + 461 ' P' V (T + 461) Taking the volume of one pound of air at 14.7 Ibs. abs press and at 32 = 12,387 cb ft., absolute temp. = 32 + 461 = 493. 12.387 X 14.7 1 - = .36935 or ----- 493 2,7074 This fraction is a constant "a" which when multiplied by the weight and temperature of the gas, and divided by the pressure will give the volume. VP - a (T + 461) Expansion and Compression. Under the first law of thermodynamics V P is a constant, that is, the curve which represents the variation of the pressure through- out the stroke of a piston, is a hyperbola and the operation Is termed "isothermal" compression or expansion, the curve of equal temperatures. Under the fourth rule D we have to add to the pressures at every successive stage during compression the heat units which are equivalent to such work, and we obtain instead an isothermal compression an "adiabatic" compression, and instead of V P being constant, V P is raised to such power as is appropriate to the par- ticular gas in question. In the case of ammonia the pressure varies inversely as the volume raised to the 1.298 power P' v 1 - 298 (See tables I and II, page 117, by Voorheis.) SPECIFIC HEAT OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES. SOLIDS. Antimony 0.0508 Copper 0. 09pl Gold - 0.0374 Wrought iron 0.1138 Glass 0.1937 Cast iron 0.1398 Lead 0.0314 Platinum 0.0324 Silver O.OaTO Tiu .. .. 0.0502 Steel (soft)... 0.1165 Sieel (hard) 01175 Zinc , 00956 Brass 0.0939 Ice 0-5040 Sulphur 0.203ft C'harcoal 0.2410 Alumina 0.1970 Phosphorus , 0.1887 LIQUIDS. Water 1.0000 Lead (melted): 0.0402 Sulphur " 0.2340 Bismuth " 00308 Tin " 0.0637 Sulphuric acid 0.3350 Mercury Alcohol (absolute) 0.7000 Fusel oil 0.5540 Benzine. 0.4500 Ether ... 0.5034 GASES. Constant Pressure. Constant Volume. Air 0.2$751 0.16847 Oxygen 0.21?51 0.15507 Hydrogen 3.40900 2.41226 Niirogen 0.24380 0.17273 Superheated steam 0.4805 0.346 Carbonic acid 0217 0.1535 Olefiant Gas (CH 2 ) 0.404 173 Carbonic oxide 0.2479 01758 Ammonia 0503 0.299 Ether 0.4797 0.3411 Alcohol 0.4534 0.3200 Acetic acid 0.4125 Chloroform. ..... .. 0.1567 SPECIFIC HEAT OF COLD STORAGE GOODS. Composition. 3 c ||| Composition. a <= x '? s j'w'i it! s-o'jj- 5 S r s-e's- 5 ITS 3 EJJs Water. Solids. 8. x !^ *** Water. Solids. '"^.jj }I]IJ;1 Beef, lean 72.00 28.00 0.77 0.41 102 Cream . . . 59.25j30.75 0.68 0.38 84 Heef , fat. . 51. OC 49.00 .60 .34 72 Milk. .. 87.5012.50 .90 .47 124 Veal 63.00 37.00 .70 .39 90 Oysters... 80.3819.02 .84 .44 114 Pork, fat . 39.00 61.00 .51 .30 55 Whitefish, 78.0022.00 .82 .43 111 Eggs 70.00,30.00 .76 .40 100 Eels 62.0737.93 .69* .38 88 Potatoes . . 74.00 26.00 .80 .42 105 Lobster . . 76.62|23.38 .81 .42 108 Cabbage.. 91.00 9.00 .93 .48 129 Pigeon . . . 72.4027.60 .78 .41 102 Carrots.. 83. 00117. 00 .87- .45 118 Chicken.. 73.7020.30 .80 .42 105 The figures in the last co umn, showing the latent heat of freezing, have been obtained by multiplying the latent heat of freezing water, which is 142 heat un ts, by the per cent, of water contained in the differen materials considered, for as the solid constituents remain in their original condition only the liquid or watery portion of these materials is concerned in the solidification or f reezin| of them. THERMOMETER SCALES. Cent. Reau. Fahr. Cent. Reau. Fahr. Cent- Reau. Fahr. -40 &* 320 30.4 40.0 -36 4 Si 22 16.8 17 6 69.8 71.6 62 63 49.6 50.4 143 6 143.4 -36 28 8 32 8 23 18.4 73.4 64 51.2 147. 2 34 .27.2 -29.2 24 19.2 73 *2 65 52.0 149.0 3-2 25 25 6 25 20.0 77 66 52.8 no. 8 =8 -24.0 -22.4 22. 18.4 26 27 20.8 21.8 73 8 80.6 67 68 53.6 54.4 152.6 154.4 2tt -20.8 14.8 28 22.4 82.4 69 55.2 156.2 24 -22 20 19.2 17.6 16.0 11.2 7.6 40 29 1? 23.2 24.0 21.3 84.2 86.0 87.8 fj 56.0 56.8 57.6 158.0 159.8 161.6 18 14.4 -0.4 32 25.6 89.6 73 58.4 163.4 10 12.8 +3.2 33 26.4 91.4 -74 59 2 165.2 14 11.2 6.S 34 27 2 93.2 75 60.0 167.0 I -i 9.6 10.4 35 2s!o 95.0 76 60.8 103.3 10 . 8.0 14 o 30 28.8 96.8 77 61.6 170.6 -8 -6.4 17.6 37 29.6 93.6 73 62.4 172.4 -0 4.8 21.2 33 30.4 100.4 79. 63.2 174.2 4 3.2 24.8 39 31.2 102.2 80 64.0 176.0 2 1.6 28.4 40 320 104 o 81 64.8 177.8 0.0 32 o 41 32.8 105 8 82 65.6 179.0 +1 +0.8 33.8 42 33. ti 107.6 83 66.4 131.4 2 1.6 33.6 43 34.4 109.4 84 67.2 133/2 3 2.4 37.4 44 35.2 111.2 85 (53.0 135.0 4 3.2 39.2 45 36.0 113.0 8(3 68.3 186.3 5 4.0 41.0 46 86.8 114.8 87 69.6 133.6 6 4.8 42.8 47 37.6 116.6 83 70.4 190.4 7 5.6 44.6 48 38.4 113.4 39 71.3 19i.2 8 6.4 46.4 49 39.2 120.2 90 72.0 104.0 . 9 7.2 48.2 So 40.0 122.0 91 72.8 ' 1J3.3 10 8.0 50.0 51 40.8 123.8 92 73. G ! 197.6 11 8.8 51.8 52 41.6 125,6 93 74.4 199.4 12 9.6 53 6 53 42.4 127.4 94 75.2 201.2 13 10.4 55.5 54 43.2 129.2 95 76.0 203.0 14 11.2 57.2 55 44.0 131.0 96 76.8 .'04. 3 15 12.0 59.0 56 44.8 132.8 97 77.6 200 . 6 16 12.8 60 8 57 45.6 134.6 98 78.4 203.4 17 13.6 62.6 5S 46.4 136.4 99 79.2 210.2 18 14.4 64.4 59 47.2 133.2 100 8o.O 2I2-.O 19 15.2 66.2 60 48.0 140.0 2O 16 o 68.0 61 43.8 141.8 t. The "Absolute Zero" of temperature denotes that condition of matter at which heai ceases to exist. At this point a body would be wholly deprived of heat and a gas would exert no pressure. The Absolute Zero on the Fahrenheit scale is about 461 below Zero. ' " Centigrade " " 274 " Reamur " 219 " Water Water (H 2 O) is a combination of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen. A gallon of water (U. S. standard) weighs 8 1-3 Ibs. and con- tains 231 cu. inches. A cu. ft. of water weighs 62.4 Ibs. and con- tains 1728 cubic inches, or 7.48 gallons. A gallon of water evaporated at atmospheric pressure will pro- duce about 200 cu. ft. of steam. A gallon of water evaporated under a 27-inch vacuum will pro- duce about 2000 cu. ft. of vapor. Water containing substances in solution has its boiling point raised. Pure water is of the first importance in an ice factory both for feeding boilers and ice-making. Water is the greatest natural solvent known, hence is rarely found to be pure. It is capable of absorbing every gas and vapor with which it comes in contact. Solids in Water. Animal life, organic matters, such as sewage, decayed vegetable and animal matter, poisonous metals, magnesia, lime, carbonates, sulphates, alkalies, earthy salts, chlorine and bromide combina- tions, etc., are found in quantity. Rules for Testing Water. Water turning blue litmus paper red before boiling, which after boiling will not do so ; and if the blue color can be restored by warming, then it is varbonated (containing carbonic acid). If it has a sickening odor, giving a black precipitate with acetate of lead, it is sulphurous (containing sulphuretted hydrogen). If it gives a blue precipitate with yellow or red prussiate of potash by adding a few drops of hydrochloric acid, it is chalybeate (carbonate of iron). If it restores blue color to litmus paper after boiling, it i alkaline. If it has none of the above properties in a marked degree and leaves a large residue after boiling, it is saline water (containing salts). Testing by Re-Agents. Water is not pure if it becomes turbid or opaque by the use of the following agents : Baryta water indicates the presence of carbonic acid 1 . Chloride of barium indicates the presence of sulphates. Nitrate of silver indicates the presence of chlorides. Oxalate of ammonia indicates the presence of lime salts. Sulphide of hydrogen slightly acid indicates the presence of either antimony, arsenic, tin, copper, gold, platinum, mercury, sil- ver, lead, bismuth or cadmium. Sulphide of ammonia, alkaloid by ammonia, indicates the pres- ence of nickel, cobalt, manganese, iron, zinc, alumina or chromium. Chloride of mercury or gold, or sulphate of zinc, indicates the presence of organic matter. Water may be found which will pass the tests above described a^id yet be unfit for use, or, as it is commonly called, "not potable." Distillation is the only method to produce purity in water, whereby all deleterious acids, gases, organic and mineral, and disease germs can be eliminated 1 . The solid and organic matter held in suspense may be removed by filtration. AIR. Condensing Water for Machinery. Water for use in the ammonia condensing apparatus is preferred when taken from springs or deep wells, for the reason that water from below the surface is much colder than surface water, hence much less is required. Water from considerable depths is almost constant in temperature, and is generally from 50 to 56 degrees the year round, while water from rivers, ponds and streams ranges from 32 degrees in winter to 95 degrees in midsummer. The colder the water used in the condenser, the less power it requires to drive the machinery. For refrigerating machines allow about 1% gallons per ton refrig- erating capacity, and on ice plants 3 to 4 gallons per ton, cUpend- nt upon the temperature. Air Air is a mechanical mixture of 20.7 parts oxygen and 79.3 parts nitrogen by volume. The weight of pure air at 32 F. and atmospheric pressure Is 0.081 Ibs. per cubic foot. Volume of 1 Ib. = 12,387 cu. ft. Air ex- pands 1-491.2 of its volume at 32 F. for every increase of 1 P. At the sea-level its pressure is 14.7 Ibs. per sq. inch. At one mile above 12.02, at 2 miles 9.8 Ibs. Roughly, the pressure de- creases 1/2 Ib. for every 1,000 feet. Moisture in Atmosphere. MOISTURE CONTAINED IN ONE CUB. FT. OF SATURATED AIR. Temp. 4 5 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Grains. 0.5 0.55 0.73 0.91 1.05 1.14 1.23 1.32 1.41 1.55 Temp. 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 Grains. 1.69 1.83 1.97 2.13 2.32 2.51 2.7 2.89 3.08 3.34 Temp. 46 48 50 52 62 72 82 92 102 112 Grains. 3.6 3.85 4.12 4.4 6.17 8.55 11.67 15.75 21 27.6 REEXTIVE HUMIDITY, PER CENT. Difference between the Dry and Wet Thermometers, Deg. F. vvta & G fr'Sg ^ *" Q a ~ I 2 3 5 6 6 ,0 11 13 14 15 16 K 18 V. 20 21 22 23 Q4 20 28 Relative Humidity, Saturation being 100. (Barometer = 30 ins.) 32 40 50 60 70 80 00 100 110 120 140 89 92 93 94 95 90 90 JO 97 97 97 79 88 s, S9 90 91 32 93 93 94 95 39 75 SI! S3 SO 87 S!) S9 90 91 92 59 OS 7-1 7S 81 S3 S5 SO 87 ss 89 49 (50 (37 73 77 79 81 S3 SI sr, 87 39 52 61 OS 72 75 30 45 55 63 OS 20 37 49 58 01 f,s 11 29 43 53 59 61 2 3S 48 55 61 15 3" 43 51 57 01 65 67 09 73 27 39 4S 54 5S t;-2 15 67 70 81 34 55 59 ii If, 30 s :->2 56 BO 62 66 11 26 36 44 -19 54 57 50 04 21 33 r 4< 51 55 5S G2 17 29 38 44 49 53 -.:, 10 13 25 35 41 46 -.0 53 58 9 22 33 39 44 48 51 5G 5 19 29 36 41 46 49 54 1 15 26 34 i9 44 47 53 12 23 31 37 42 45 51 9 20 29 35 40 43 49 G 18 JO 33 38 41 4', 12 22 28 3) 44 r- 17 24 30 34 41 so 81 83 84 78 SO S2 , 1 73 77 79 68 70 73 74 os 70 75 EQUATION OF PIPES. The relative humidity of the air is the percentage of moisture contained in it as compared with the amount it is capable of holding at the same temperature. It is determined by the use of the d'ry and wet bulb thermometer. Equation of Pipes. At the same velocity of flow the volume delivered by two pipes of different sizes is proportional to the squares of their diameters ; thus, one 4-inch pipe will deliver the same volume as four 2-inch pipes. With the same head, however, the velocity is less in the smaller pipe, and the volume delivered varies about as the square root of the fifth power. The following table has been calculated on this basis. Thus, one 4-inch pipe is equal to 5.7 pipes of 2-inch diameter. c3 d 1 2 3 4 5 7 ;s 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 2 5.7 1 3 15.6 2.8 1 4 32 5.7 2.1 1 5 55.9 9.9 3.6 1.7 1 6 88.2 15.6 5 7 2.8 1.6 1 7 130 22.9 '8.3 4.1 2.3 1.5 1 8 181 32 11.' 5.7 3.2 2.1 1.4 1 9 243 43. 15.0 7.6 4.3 2.8 1.9 1.8 1 10 316 55.9 20.3 9.9 5.7 3.6 2.4 1.7 1.3 1 11 401 70.9 25.7 12,5 7.2 4.6 3.1 2.2 1.7 1.3 12 499 88.2 32 15.6 8.9 5.7 3.8 2.8 2.1 1.6 1 13 609- 108 39.1 19 10.9 7."1 4.7 3.4 2.5 1.9 1.2 14 733 130 47 22.9 13. 1 8.3 5.7 4.1 3.0 2.3 1.5 15 871 154 55.9 27.2 15.6 9.9 6.7 4.8 3.6 2 8 1.7 16 181 65.7 32 18.3 11.7 r- ( 5.7 4.2 3.2 !?.! 'A 17 211 76.4 37.2 21 .3 13.5 9i2 6.6 4.9 3.8 2.4 .6 o 18 _; 243 88.2 43 24.6 15.6 10 6 7.0 5.7 4.3 2.8 .9 \3 1 19 278 101 49.1 28.1 17.8 12.1 8.7 6.5 5 3.2 2.1 .5 1.1 20 316 115 55.9 32 20.3 13.8 9.9 7.4 5.7 3.6 2.4 .7 1.3 1 22 401 146 70.9 40.6 25.7 17.5 12.5 9.3 7.2 4.6 3.1 2.2 1.7 1.3 24 499 81 88.2 30.5 32. 21 -.8 15.6 11.6 8.9 5.7 3.8 2.8 2.1 1.6 1 26 i. 609 221 108 61.7 39.1 26.6 19. 14.2 10.9 7.1 4.7 3.4 2.5 1.9 1.2 28 733 266 130 74.2 47 32 22.917.1 13.1 8.3 5.7 4.1 3 2.3 1.5 30 36 871 316 499 154 243 88.2 130 55.938 88.260 27.2 43 20.3 32 15.6 24.6 9.9 15.6 6.7 10.6 4.8 7.6 3.6 5.7 2.8 4.3 1.7 2.8 42 .". .j' 733 357 205 130 88.2 63.2 47 36.2 19 15.6 11.2 8.3 6.4 4.1 48 / 499 286 181 123 88.262.7 50.5 32 21.8 15.6 11.6 8.9 5.7 54 CO ' : ''*' 070 871 383 499 243 165 316 1215 118 88.267.8 154 Jll5 188.2 43 55.9 23.2 38 20.9 27.2 15.6 20.3 12 7.8 15.6! 9.9 Table of Standard Steam, Gas or Brine Pipe v twtdc iSSSTr Cireunifer- SR& Iol*ml Elenul P ^f n& orrRSSi Con'CDK ntiftmf wag r nBE* , Sr Incbel Inct'i C.SfcJoo, HSS b - .5VSS pt Koo* w * .40 .54 1.272 1.696 44 075 .0572 .1041 .129 .229 2500. 1385. 24 .42 27 18 .0006 .0028 .005 021 ./ .67 2.121 .657 .1916 .358 751.5 .56 18 .0057 .047 C .84 2.652 55 .3048 .554 472.4 .84 14 .0102 .085^ ^ 1.05 3.299 .637 .533 .866 270. 1.12 14 0230 .190 . 1.31 4.134- .903 .862 357 166.9 1.67 ' UK .0408 ' .349 i if 1.66 5.215 .301 1.496 184 96.25 2.25 .0638 .527 i IK i.O 5.969 .01 2.038 835 70.65 2.69 HH .0918 .760 3 2.3t f.481 .611 3.355 430 42.9 3.66 l X .1632 1.356 2.87 9032 .328 783 491 30.11 5.77 .2550 2.116 . 3.5 .10.996 .091 388 621 1 49 754 .3673 3.049 3tf 12.566 .955 887 1 566 1 66 905 .4998 4.155 * 4.5 14.137 . .849 1 73 1 904 1 31 1072 .6528 5.405 ..* 5. 1S.7CS .765 1 96 19.635 03 12.34 .8263 6.851 5 5.56 17 475 .69 1 99 24.299 20 14.56 020 8.500 6.63 20.813 .577 28.889 34.471 .98 18.76 .489 12.312 762 23954 .505 38.737 45.663 72 23.41 999 16.662 8.62 27096 .444 50.039 58.426 88 28.34 .611 21 750 9, 968 30433 .394 63.633 73.715 26 34.67 .300 27500 10 ia?5 13.772 355 .78.838 90.762 .80 40.64 .081 34.000 Refrigerating Media The efficiency of a gas depends on three properties: First, a low boiling point, upon which depends the degree of cold that can be produced. Second, a high latent heat of evaporation, upon which depends the total number of heat units, which will be abstracted by the evaporation of a given weight of the medium. The following diagrams are reproduced from N. Selfe. TEMPERATURE AT BOIUNC POINTS Third, a low specific heat, upon which depends the amount of refrigeration produced which can be actually utilized. Ammonia. Ammonia, H 8 N, is composed of one part of nitrogen and three parts hydrogen. It can be obtained from the air, from sal-ammo- niac, nitrogenous constituents of plants and animals by process of distillation as a matter of fact, there are very few substances free from it. At the present day almost all the sal-ammoniac and ammonia liquors are prepared from ammoniacal liquid, a by-product obtained in the manufacture of coal gas. Pure ammonia liquid is colorless, having a peculiar alkaline odor and caustic taste. It turns red litmus paper blue. Its boiling point depends on its purity, and is about 28 6-10 degrees below zero at atmospheric pressure. Compared with water, its weight or specific gravity at 32 dtegreei F. is about 5-8 of water, or 0.6364. One cubic foot of liquid ammonia, weighing 39.73 pounds, one gallon weighs and 3-10 pounds, one pound of the liquid at 32, will occupy 21.017 cubic feet of space when evaporated at atmospheric pressure. Its latent heat of evaporation is not far from 560 thermal units at 32 degrees, at which temperature one pound of liquid, evap- orated under a pressure of fifteen pounds per square Inch, will occupy twenty-one cubic feet. 8 AMMONIA. Ammonia liquid should be pure. Its purity may be tested by the following simple methods recommended by the Frick Co. and other build'ers : Testing for Water "by Evaporation. Screw into the ammonia flask a piece of bent one-quarter inch pipe, which will allow a small bottle to be placed so as to receive the discharge from it. Fill the bottle about one-third .zo 2 uj-o LATENT HEAT or VAPORIZATION = Per Pound of Medium IN BRITISH THERMAL UNITS With pKiVicifrAl Media. Used m Qefvige*dT\r\q Machines full, and throw sample out in order to purge valve, pipe and bottle. Quickly wipe off the moisture which has accumulated on the pipe, replace the bottle and open valve gently, filling the bottle about half full. This last operation should not occupy more than one minute. Remove the bottle at once and insert in its neck a stopper with a vent hole for the escape of the gas. Procure a piece of solid iron that should weigh not less than 8 or 10 pounds, pour a little water on this and place the bottle on the wet place. The ammonia will at once begin to boil, and in warm weather will- ammonia will at once begin to boil, and in warm weather will soon evaporate. If it shows any residluum, pour it out gently, counting the drops carefully. Eighteen drops are about equal to one cubic centimeter, and if the sample taken amounted to 100 cubic centimeters, you can readily approximate the percentage of the liquid remaining. Test for Inflammable Oases. Take a pail of water, submerge the bent end of quarter-Inch pipe therein, open the valve on flask slightly, and allow a small quantity of gas to flow into the water. If inflammable gases ar* AMMONIA. 9 present, they will rise in bubbles to the surface of the water, and may be proved by igniting the bubbles by means of a lighted cand'le or match. As water has a strong affinity for ammonia, it will be readily absorbed, while air or other gases will show only in the form of bubbles. Test for Specific Gravity. The specific gravities of liquid ammonia by Beaume scale are given in table below ; by drawing off some of the liquid in a tall test tube, the Beaume Hydrometer (light) may be inserted and the specific gravity read upon, the scale. If water is present, the liquid will show a density proportionate to the percentage of the water present. Specific gravity of pure anhydrous ammonia is .623. Test for Boiling Point. By inserting a special low temperature standardized chemical thermometer into liquid drawn into the 8-oz. test jar, readings can be obtained through the side of the jar without removing the instrument. Hold the thermometer in such position that only the bulb is immersed. This test will give you the boiling point of ammonia at atmospheric pressure, and_Jt is well to know that the state of the barometer affects the temperature of the boiling point. With the barometer at 29.92 inches, the boiling point is nearly 28 6-10 degrees below zero. If the ammonia is impure, the boiling point is raised in proportion. To Test Brine or Water for Ammonia. "Nessler's Reagent" is used extensively. It is prepared as fol- lows : Dissolve 17 grams of mercuric chloride in cubic centimeters of distilled water; disserve 35 grams of potassium iodide in 100 cubic centimeters of water ; stir the latter solution into the first until a red precipitate is thrown down. Then dissolve 120 grams of potassium hydrate- in 200 cubic centimeters of water and allow the solution to cool, then add to the other solution, and add sufficient water to make one litre. Then add mercuric chloride solution until a precipitate forms. Let this settle and decant off a clear solution. Keep the solution, in glass stoppered blue bottles. A few drops of this solution added to a sample of brine or water will cause the brine or water to turn yellow if a small percentage of ammonia is present and turn to a full brown if the percentage of ammonia is large. Impurities Test. When testing ammonia for impurities, it is diluted! with twice its volume of distilled water. It is then made acid with hydro- chloric acid. Then to detect the presence of sulphates, add a solution of chloride of barium. If sulphates are present, a white precipitate will be formed. To detect the presence of chlorides the solution of ammonia and water is acidulated with nitric acid instead of hydrochloric, and the white precipitate is formed by the addition of a nitrate of silver solution. But if, in this case, red appears, there is evidence of organic matter. Aqua Ammonia. 16 aqua ammonia, often called" by druggists F.F.F., containing a little more than 10 per cent of pure anhydrous ammonia, 18* aqua ammonia (F.F.F.F.) containing nearly 14 per cent of anhy- drous ammonia. 26 aqua ammonia ("stronger aqua ammonia") containing 29% per cent of pure anhydrous ammonia. This is generally used in absorption plants for the start. 10 AMMONIA. PROPERTIES OF SATURATED AMMONIA. 1 p isU W ill b I i Absolute Temp. Degrees P. ,atent Heal of Evaporation in Thermal Units. -1 "o III '5>' J ' fy o.s !! |u> 4 qJ PI l-Su |1 y in 4.01 2.39 0.57 +1.47 3.75 1069 12.31 14.13 16.17 1845 40 35 30 25 20 420.CG 425.CG 430.06 435. GO 440. GG 57967 576.68 573. G9 570.08 567.67 24.38 21 32 1869 16.44 14.51 04iO .0469 .0535 .0008 .0690 .0234 .0230 0237 0238 02-10 42 589 42337 42.123 41 858 41.615 C29 0.10 12.22 15.C7 1946 20.99 ?380 '2692 3037 3416 IX 10 5 s 445:66 450. GC 45566 46066 4G5G6 504.64 561.61 558.56 555 50 552.43 12.83 11.38 10.12 9.03 8.07 .0779 .0878 .0988 .1107 .1240 .0241 .0243 .0244 .0240 0247 41.374 41 135 40 900 40 650 40 404 23 G4 28.24 8325 38.73 4472 38.34 42 94 47 95 53.43 59.42 10 15 20 25 30 470. GG 475.GG 480.66 485 C6 490 66 54935 540.26 543.15 540.03 536.91 723 6.49 584 5.27 4 76 .1383 .1541 .1711 .1897 .2099 .0249 .0250 .0252 .0253 .0255 40 100 39.020 39G32 39 432 39.200 , 51.22 58.29 65.96 7426 83.22 6592 7299 8066 88.96 97.92 35 40 45 50 55 495 GG 500.66 505 C6 510. GO 515.66 533.78 530.63 527 47 524.30 521.12 431 3.91 3.56 3 24 2.9G .2318 2554 .2809 .3084 .3380 .0250 .0258 .0200 .02C1 .0263 38 940 38684 3B4G1 38 226 37 994 92.89 103.33 11449 126.52 139.40 107.59 118.03 129.19 141.22 154.10 60 65 70 75 80 520.66 525.66 530.66 535.66 540. GG 51793 514.73 511.52 508.29 505.05 2.70 248 2 27 209 1 92 .3097 .4039 4401 4791 .5205 .0265 .0266 .0268 .0270 .0272 37 736 37481 37 t:iO 36 993 56 751 153.18 167.92 183.65 200.42 218.28 167.88 182.62 198.35 215.12 232.98 85 90 95 100 105 545.G6 55066 555.06 500.66 5G5.GG 501 81 498.55 495.29 49201 488.72 1 77 1 64 1 51 1 39 1.289 504 9 .6120 .6622 7153 7757 .0273 .027o 0277 0279 .0281 36 509 3G.2o8 36 O2.'f 35 778 23727 258 7 251.97 272 14 110 115 570. CG 575 GG 485.42 48 41 1.203 1 121 .8312 891 .0283 0285 275.79 SOI .46 825.72 293.49 31616 340 42 120 125 130 580. CG 585 06 590.06 478.79 475.45 472.11 1.041 .9G99 .9051 .9608 0310 1048 .0287 0289 0291 350.46 37752 405 19 435.5 46684 49970 53434 365.16 392.22 420.49 450.20 481.54 514.50 54904 135 140 M5 150 155 160 165 59566 600.66 605. GG 610 66 615 GG 62066 625. GG 46875 465.39 462.01 45862 45522 451 81 448.39 .8457 .7910 .7408 .6946 .6511 .6128 .5705. .1824 2G42 '3497 4 390 5358 0318 7344 .0-^93 .0295 0297 .0299 0302 0304 .0306 STRENGTH OP AMMONIA LIQUOR. H o vi) d d,S |& fe *o o ^ c^- ^ ? u 03 ^ H 1 A 10 6 8 1 10 ii '3 *5 9 \$y Utf Condensing Pressure. Lbs. per square Velocity through ll-inch pipe. Feet per min. Total Gallons used per min. Gallons per min, per ton refrigeration "Sufi W .S g-S 'C 3- rt fes^ 00 Engine driving compressor Circulating water through condenser Total engine and water Circulation 100 7.77 .16 2.28 ,6.7 185 1.71 0.0016 7116 150 . 11.65 .165 5.75 10. 185 1.71 0.004 .714 200 15.54 .165 9.98 13.4 185 1.71 0.007 .717 250 19.42 .18 15. 16.4 185 1.71 0.011 .721 300 23.31 .24 21.6 18.8 185 1.71 0.016 .726 400 .31 .08 1.30 37.8 24. 185 1.71 0.030 .74 pipe. The double pipe condensers are built 18 ft. long and from 2 to 12 pipes high. For large machines take several sections, but not over 12 pipes high. Tests made at York determined the value of a square foot of condensing surface under different conditions. The data relate only to 70 condensing water, and the ralues given will not be true for any other temperature or condition than those stated. The following tables show the effect of increasing the con- densing water passing through a double-pipe condenser, to do cer- tain work. If "capacity" is the requirement, table No. Ill shows what can be done and what the cost in power will be. If a "re-duction in horse-power" is the requirement, table No. IV shows how to obtain it and at what expense. TABLE NO. Ft Capacity* Constant. 100 7.77 0.777 2.28 10. 225 2i04 0.001 ?.041 150 11.65 1.165 5.75 10. 185 .71 0.004 .714 200 15.54 1.554 9.98 .10. 165 .54 0.009 .549 250 19.42 1.942 15. 10. 155 .46 0.018, .478 300 23.31 2.331 21.6 10. 148 .40 0.030 .43 400 31.08 3.108 37.8 10. 140 .33 0.071 .401 NOTES Above tables are based on the heat transmission obtained for various, velocities of water, as averaged up from York Manufacturing Company's tests on double-pipe condensers. The horse power per ton is for single-acting compressor and 15.67 Ibs. suction pressure. The friction in water pump and connections should be added to water horse power and to total horse power. saqaat m j)aarat(j| jojBjBdas no P" B 2 2 2 2 2-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 i2 2 * ( JBdas |!O Ptru taoan pmbn soocoecGoaoaoceaoaoooooooaoesiNcosj jaaj ui sadtj jo q>3ua T I paj;nba H a* 05OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >000000WOS90Of0>0i " ^ " 2' 5" 3' : ' 6 3' 2* '8 5'# to 6 10 5^ 10 6 m 2 2 too IOO 90 90 10 12 3 4 6 8 i>2 " 2 3 4 3' 6" 3't" 4' 4" 4' 4" ' 4 ' 4 ' 6 ' 6 . 4' S' . 4' 8" 48' 4' S" ' 3 3 3 3 NOTES ON COMPRESSION MACHINES: PART III APPLICATION OF MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION Insulation The insulation of cold storage rooms is a matter of vital im- portance when viewed from an economic standpoint. A large percentage of the actual work of a refrigerating machine is re- quired to make up for transfer of heat through the walls, floor* and ceilings occasioned by improper insulation. The general rule applied to all insulation is: An air-tight sur- face towards the source of heat and insulating strata towards the cold side of the wall. Attention may be called to the following points: (1) Air is one of the best non-conductors of heat, but it must be kept still; if it is allowed room to form currents it will convey a large quantity of heat from the outer wall to the inner wall by convection, since rapid currents are formed when air is free to move between walls differing only a few degrees in temperature. (2) Filling in with loose non-conducting material must be done with great care, since it is liable to settle in places. (3 The penetration of air and moisture are to be specially guarded against by the use of pitch in connection with brick or stone, or paper when wood is used. (4) Materials should be selected for insulation that are free from unpleasant odor and non-absorbent; in wood, spruce i* preferred, since it is free from knots, has little or no odor, and is, at the same time, comparatively cheap. (5) In applying wooden insulation all the joints between the boards should be laid in white lead, and triangular wooden strips with paper behind should be put in every corner in the room. The paper between the layers of boards must be carefully folded in the corners so as not to break, and laid so that the edges of the paper overlap each other. (6) The flow of heat is nearly proportional to the difference of temperature between the inside and the outside wall; this circumstance must be taken into consideration in arranging in- sulation; what would be sufficient in a cold storage room to be kept at 36 degrees would be totally inadequate in a case of a freezing room to have a temperature of 5 to 10 degrees. It is a good plan to locate a freezing room inside of a cold storage room so that the difference of temperature between its inside and outside walls may be more moderate. (7) The best insulation is none too good, and is by tar tha cheapest in the end. Fireproof Cold Storage Warehouse Construction. (J. E. Starr, A. S. R. B. Trans. 1907. Abridged.) Three classes of fireproof construction : Class A. Cold storage buildings erected with outer and inner walls of tile, the outer wall not carrying any weight but its own, and the floors a combination of concrete and tile, weights carried on the inner walls and 1 partitions. Insulation between inside and outside wall a continuous fill. Class B. Cold storage warehouse containing an inside building, with reinforced concrete columns and girders, and with floors of either reinforced concrete or combination of reinforced concrete and tile, all weights carried on columns. Outside walls either of brick INSULATION. 45 or tile, or a combination of both. Inside walls of vitrified tile. In- sulation between inside and outside walls a continuous fill. Class C. Cold storage building with iron framework with weights carried partially on columns and 1 partially on outside brick walls, all ironwork covered with fireproofing. Inside wall of vitrified tile Insulation between inside and outside walls a continuous fill. Of Class A (all tile) one example may be quoted of a three-story house in Washington Court House, Ohio. This house consisted of an outside wall of two 4-inch hollow vitrified tile, an inside wall of one course of 4-inch vitrified tile standing eight inches away from the outside wall. The floors rested on the inside wall and on the partitions which later divided the house into three sections. The space between inner and outer walls was filled with granu- lated cork, making an unbroken fill from bottom to the small garret, or a circulating air space between the top floor of the cold rooms and the roof. The top of this filled space was closed with tile which could be easily taken off, so that if any settling occurred it might be observed and filled in. Experience of four years has shown, however, that little, if any, settling occurs. Experience in filling an 8-inch space showed that the cork would not "bridge" and leave voids in the 8-inch space even when filled from a height of twenty or thirty feet. The inside wall was therefore entirely surrounded by insulation and no heat could pass through it without first passing through the cork, except at the very small areas where the inside and outside wall were tied by extending the partions through to the outside wall. The tile was laid up in cement mortar and panels of outside wall surface 25 feet wide and 33 feet high, have successfully withstood wind pressure and all outside influence. In this particular building the floors were of the well known Johnson type. This consists of a reinforced concrete tension mem- ber, about one inch thick, covering the entire span or "bay." On top of these two courses of 6-inch tile was laid a finished cement wearing floor. It will be observed that this method of construction places the tile in compression while the thin concrete with its strengthening rods and web are in tension. Long spans can thus be successfully built to carry far in excess of the maximum cold storage load 1 of 400 pounds per square foot. Partitions were made with double 4-inch tile with from six to eight inches of cork filled space between. The first building of Class B was nine stories high and was built in St. Paul, Minn. The building proper was entirely carried on columns very much as our present skyscrapers are built, excepting that the columns were all of reinforced concrete, and the outer skin was not car- ried on the outside girders as in the case of office buildings, but was entirely independent of the main structure and standing about eight feet away from it at all points. The outside wall was only 12 inches thick from bottom to top, but was reinforced by an imbedded "I" beam framework. There was only about a square inch of conducting material be- tween the outside wall and the inside structure at the head of each column and its conducting effect practically nil as compared to the total. As the floors and outside columns and girders were thus about eight inches from the outside wall it was only necessary to build from floor to ceiling a 4-inch vitrified tile wall and fill the 8-inch space with the non-conducting material giving the same continuous insulation as at first described in case of Class A. The outsid'e wall was thoroughly waterproofed by a thick odor- 46 INSULATION. less coating on the inside (which may be in time followed up by an outside water proofing). The floors in this building were 6-inch reinforced concrete or reinforced concrete girders and beams in spans. The insulation of floors was made on top, using either Lith or cork board from two to four inches thick, depending on conditions. These insulating boards were laid on the floor slap, well "doped," with odorless pitch and waterproofed on top. Over this a two- inch concrete floor was laid, reinforced* with a wire web and the whole finished off with a %-inch wearing floor of cement and sand rendered waterproof. Partitions were of double 4-inch hollow tile with insulating filled space between from four to eight inches. Under the Class G of construction comes the cold storage build*- ing of the Murphy Storage & Ice Co., of Detroit. This was a ten- story building constructed with built-up steel columns and with steel girders running longitudinally with the greatest dimension of the building, the end of girders resting on the walls, and with "I" beams running between the giroTers and from the girders to the walls on a spacing of a little over four feet. The walls therefore carried their share of the weight of the outside spans. The floors were of a combination tile and concrete. Four-inch tile walls were built from floor to ceiling flush with the edge of this floor, leaving, therefore, a continuous fill from top to bottom eight inches thfck, excepting where the "I" beams ran into the wall at each story on centers of a little over four feet. The ends of the "I" beams which projected through the 8-inch space between the edge of the floor and the outside wall were care- fully wrapped with hair felt dipped in an odorless compound and made a tight joint with the outside wall. The inner surfaces of the outside wall were coated continuously from top to bottom with a thick coat of odorless waterproofing material and the inside 4-inch wall was built up in the same man- ner as described for Classes A and B and the space between filled with granulated cork. The columns and "I" beams, wherever exposed, were covered with a hollow tile fireproofing, plastered on the outside. The partitions were constructed of double walls of hollow tile with a fill of from four to eight inches of insulating material between, as in the case of the other houses described. The floors were also Insulated, as before described, by laying from two to four inches of lith board on the floors, thoroughly "doped"' and waterproofed with a 2-inch course of concrete on top, reinforced with wire netting and a finishing course of %-inch of well troweled cement and sand. The floors on all three classes of these buildings were finally waterproofed by a concrete filler and a concrete paint presenting a glassy surface, and impervious to water. All of the storage rooms in these buildings were singularly free from odor, and the air was unusually keen and sweet as com- pared with buildings constructed with wooden insulation, as all of the surfaces were either of vitrified tile or waterproofed concrete, neither of which absorb or give out odors. It may also be pointed out that the continual passing of the air over the calcium brine surfacers greatly purified the air, as it has been proven that chloride of calcium is quite effective as a germicide. The re- searches on this subject conducted* by Dr. O. Profe, Dr. Hesse and other German authorities show conclusive results on this point. All doors throughout all of these buildings were covered with either galvanized iron or tin in accordance with the underwriters' specifications. It was ascertained that where buildings were divided into sepa- INSULATION. 47 rate fire risks, the conduction from one floor risk to the other through the continuous girders could be best avoided by placing the skeleton framework of each fire risk entirely on its own col- umn, instead of using a common column between, the two fire risks. This allows a continuous fill of insulating material between each fire risk. It has been proven conclusively that almost any of the insulating materials in common use when put up between, fireproof walls of tile or brick do not contain sufficient air to support combustion in case of fire playing on the inner or outer wall. Tests have been made by making an opening of good! size in outer wall, exposing the insulation, and building a hot bonfire on the outside imme- diately against the opening, and* continuing the test for several hours. At the end of the test it was found that the insulation was only charred a few inches hack from the opening. In a general way it may be stated that'the cost of the buildings per cubic foot, fully insulated, will run, if anything, less than the cost of a wooden building whether of the ordinary girder or floor beam type, or of mill construction, or of a combination of iron, and wood, and that the general method here described of prac- tically constructing the inside of a building with a continuous course of insulation all around has entirely obviated many of the difficulties which might be apprehended in the use of these ma- terials. The fire risk is also a very important feature as the first asking rate on these buildings was only 40c. on contents, which is only about 1-3 the average rate on wooden or mill constructed buildings, and in some cases % the rate. As to the buildings themselves, the owners as a rule feel that they are practically indestructible and carry their own insurance. A comparison of the fire risk in a fireproof cold storage ware- house with the average so-called fireproof building is not a fair one on account of the fact that there are practically no openings into the main part of the warehouse, while the average fireproof office building is vulnerable in a general conflagration, owing to the fact that a very large percentage of its outside surface is made up of window openings, and that it is divided into small rooms containing in the doors, trim and other woodwork a large amount of in- flammable material. TANK INSULATION. LONGITUDINAL SECTION. TRANSVERSE SECTION, FIG. 14. 48 INSULATION. TRANSMISSION OF HEAT THROUGH 1%" TO 2" IRON PIPES PER SQ. FT. PER HOUR PER DEGREE OF DIFF. IN TEMP. Mode of Operation B. T. U. Example. Ammonia gas inside, water out- side 50 Submerged Condenser. Ammonia gas inside, running water outside 60 Atmospheric Condenser. Ammonia gas inside, brine out- side 25 Brine Tank. Ammonia gas inside, wort out- side (counter current) ....... 60 Dir. exp. beer cooler. Ammonia gas inside, air out- side 2-8 Direct expansion. Cold >brine inside, water out- side 80 Water Cooler. Cold brine inside, water out- side 60 Distilled Water Cooler. Cold brine inside, wort outside 70 Brine Beer Cooler. Cold 1 brine inside, wort outside (counter current) 75 Baudelot Cooler with brine. Am. liquor inside, water outside (counter current) 60 Absorber. Am. liquor inside and outside (counter current) 50 Exchanger. Water inside and outside (count- er current) 50 Exchanger. Steam inside, water outside (counter current) 500 Steam Condenser. Steam inside, water or am. liquor outside 300 Am. Liquor Still. Steam insid'e, air outside 2-3 Steam pipes. TRANSMISSION OF HEAT THROUGH VARIOUS INSULATIONS PER SQ. FT. IN 24 HOURS PER DEGREE OF DIFF. IN TEMP. B.T.U. 2 boards with paper, 1 inch air space, 5 inches Nonpareil sheet cork, paper, board 0.9 1 board with paper 3 inches Nonpareil sheet cork, paper, board 2.1 1 board with paper, 2 inches Nonpareil sheet cork, 2 boards with paper 3 2 boards with paper, 4 inches granulated cork, 2 boards with paper 1.7 1 board, 2% inches mineral wool, paper, board 3.62 1 board, paper, 1 inch mineral wool, paper, board 4.6 2 boards with paper, 8 inches mill shavings, paper, 2 boards with paper, dry 1.35 Same, damp 2.1 1 board, 2 inches air space, board, 2 inches "Lath," paper, board 1.8 4 boards, 1 inch flax sheet lining, 2 papers 2.3 1 board, 6 inches silicated strawboard (air cell), layer of cement 2.5 4 boards, 4 quilts of hair 2.52 2 double boards with 2 papers, 1 inch hair felt 3.32 1 board, paper, 2 inches calcined pumice, paper, board 3.4 1 board, 2 inches pitch, board 4.25 4 double boards with paper (8 boards) and three % inches air spaces 2.7 2 double boards with paper (4 boards) and 1 inch air space.. 3.71 4 boards with 2 papers, solid, no air space 4.28 Brickwall, 3 inches, hollow tile, 4 inches mineral wool, 3 inches hollow tile, cement plaster 0.7 Concrete floor, 3 inches book tiles, 6 inches dry underpiling, double space hollow tile arches, cement plaster 0.8 INSULATION. 49 TABLE OF RELATIVE VALUE OF NON-CONDUCTING MATERIALS. Geese Feathers 1.08 Felt, Hair or Wool . . . t. Carded Cotton i. Charcoal from Cork ., . 4 -8? Sawdust 68 Paste of Fossil Meal and Ha.r 63 Wood Ashes 61 Asbestos, ribrous . . . . , . .36 Plaster of Paris, dry ... .34 Clay, with vegetable fibre . .34 Anthracite Coal, powdered . .29 Fossil Meal 79 Straw Rope, wound spirally 77 Rice Chaff, loose .... 76 Carbonate Magnesia . . . .76 Charcoal from Wood . . ., 75 Loam, dry and open . . . . 5; Chalk, ground .Spanish white ." Coal Ashes ^ Gas-house Carbon . . . Y ', 47 Air Spare, undivided .' . . .at Sand / ..17 Baked Clay, Brick . . .. ,.07 Glass . , . ..05 CEILING & FLOOR INSULATION \\V 2''X 4" STUDDING -V'BOARD - 2''CORKBOARD -CEMENT FINISH 1 CEMENT 2"CONCRETE 2 'CORKBOARD CONCRETE HOLLOW TILE CEMENT FINISH WALL INSULATION 2 LAYERS OF PAPER 3 "CORKBOARD CEMENT FINISH -CEMENT - 3"CORKBOARD > CEMENT FINISH \V 2 LAYERS OF PAPER V 2'/5 CORKBOARD -CEMENT FINISH CEMENT 2ya" CORKBOARD NT FINISH \\Y CEMENT A\\ 2"CORKBOARD ) 2 LAYERS OF PAPER - 2 CORKBOARD -CEMENT FINISH CEMENT 2"CORKBOARD CEMENT FINISH 308 A CEMENT 1V 2 " CORKBOARD 2 LAYERS OF PAPER 1W CORKBOARD CEMENT FINISH FIG. 15 DETAILS OF INSULATION. INSULATION. 1 BOARDS 2 LAYERS OF PAPER 3"CORKBOARD CEMENT FINISH T. A G. BOARDS 1 LAYER OF PAPER 3 'CORKBOARD 1 LAYER OF PAPER T. & G. BOARDS 1 X 3 STUDDING CROSSHATCHED I LAYER OF PAPER S"CORKBOARD 1 LAYER OF PAPER T. A G. BOARDS 1 X 3 STUDDING CROSSHATCHED 3''CORKBOARD CEMENT FINISH PORTLAND CEMENT 3"CONCRETE 3"CORKBOARD 1 LAYER OF PAPER //^"BOARDS PORTLAND CEMENT 3"CONCRETE 3"CORKBOARD 1 LAYtR OF PAPER T. & G. BOARDS PARTITION INSULATION CEMENT FINISH 2'CORKBOARD 1"BOARD 2"X 4"STU0DING 1 LAYER OF PAPCR 2"CORKBOARD CEMENT FINISH \\Y CEMENT FINISH \\ V \yi CORKBOARD PITCH CEMENT 2'CORKBOARD 2 LAYERS OF PAPER 1 V2 CORKBOARD CEMENT FINISH T. A G. BOARDS 1 LAYER OF PAPER 1 1/2 CORKBOARD 1 LAYER OF PAPER 2 CORKBOARD T. & G. BOARDS s CEMENT FINISH V'CORKBOARD 1 ''BOARD 2 X 4 STUDDING 1 LAYER OF PAPER TCORKBOARD CEMENT FINISH 309 A FIG. 16 DETAILS OP INSULATION. -16 X DETAIL OF SQUARE SHELVING NOTE: VERTICAL PIECES TO BE NAILED UP WELL THEN DIP ENDS OF HORIZONTAL PIECES IN PITCH AND TAR MIXED AND DRIVE IN TIGHT FOR GROUND FLOORS. T.A. G.BOARDS 1 THICKNESS V'X 2"SQUARE SHELVING FOR INTERMEDIATE FLOORS. T.A G. BOARDS 1 THICKNESS ' 1"X 2"SQUARE SHELVING HEAVY COAT OF PITCH 4* DRY FILLING COMMON BOARDS 1 THICKNESS AVY COAT OF ODORLESS P.ITCR X 2" SQUARE SHELVING T.A G.BOARDS 2 THICKNESSES LAYER INSULATING PAPER 2 PLY FOR PARTITION WALLS. ^-T. A G.BOARDS 1 THICKNESS ~1 LAYER INSULATING PAPER 2 PLY -1"X 2"SQUARE SHELVING HEAVY COAT OF ODORLESS PITCH COMMON BOARDS 1 THICKNESS 4-" DRY FILLING PLAN OF BRICK WALL AND PARTITION INSULATION. FIG. 17 DETAILS OF INSULATION. ICE HOUSE FLOORS INCLINE TOWARD CENTER S" GROUND FOR WALLS OF FRAME BUILDING SECTION THROUGH DOOR 2 PLY V'X 2"SQUARE SHELVING =- HEAVY COAT OF ODORLESS PITCH ;= COMMON BOARDS 1 THICKNESS 6"TO 8 "OF DRY FILLING INSULATION OF END JOISTS. SECTION THROUGH WINDOW TEMP.35TO 30 C INSULATION OF BRICK WALLS. TEMP.30TO 25 FOR FREEZING ROOMS ; =- HEAVY COAT OF ii^ ^ HEAVY COAT OF ODORLESS PITCH .-^ ODORLESS PITCH :=" COMMON BOARDS 1"X 2" SQUARE '4- 1 THICKNESS SHELVING S"OF DRY FILLING J % / <, COMMON BOARDS SHELVING. '^r 8"OF DRY FILLIN * T.A G. BOARDS - '- 1 THICKNESS COMMON. BOARDS 1 THICKNESS * T.4 G.BOARDS ; 1 THICKNESS ;-'";-. f; : ;-'-: j YM -'- , \ 1 -HEAVY COAT OF ODORLESS PITCH COMMON BOARDS 2 THICKNESSES -T.4 G.BOARDS 2 THICKNESSES 1 LAYER OF IN- SULATING PAPER 2 PLY "OF DRY FILL 'X2"SOUARE SECTION THROUGH PARTITION DOOR. FIG. IS DETAILS OF INSULATION. INSULATION. 53 NOTES ON INSULATION: General Cold Storage Cold storage comprises the preservation of perishable articles by means of low temperature. Refrigeration is produced by direct or indirect expansion or forced air circulation. COLD STORAGE TEMPERATURES. ARTICLES c Fahr FRUIT FISH J VEGETABLES Apples ,. Bananas 34-36 Fresh Fish .... After Freezing 25-30 18-20 Asparagus .- Cabbage .33-35 7 - 1 A Berries, fresh Cranberries Cantaloupes Dates, Figs, etc Fruits, dried Grapes 36-40 33-34 33-40 35-40 34 - 36 Dried Fish Oysters in shell Oysters in tubs CANNED GOODS Sardines ..: 35-40 35-40 30-35 35-4 Carrots .'.,. Celery ., , M ^ ' Dried Beans>. *,.. Dried Corn ,...'-... ' Dried Peas .. ..Jl^.,. I Onions j * 34 33-34 32-34 35-45 35-45 3"S-45 Lemons , . ... Oranges ~ 36-io 34-36 Fruits Meats 5-4 Parsnips":;*." ""i:.. 35-4 Potatoes.. *.. 3 2 33 32-33 34-36 Peaches ...-. p 32-33 BUTTER, EGGS. ETC. Sauerkraut 35-33 Watermelons MEATS 32-33 Butter . . 2-18 0-35 o-34 MISCELLANEOUS Cigars. Tobacco ' Furs. Woolens, etc 35-42 25*35 Butterinc Cheese...- Brined .. .- 35-40 Eggs 9 -S 2 Honey 36-40 Beef, fresh _ 33-35 LIQUIDS Hops .... 32-34 Beef, dried 36-40 Beer. Ale, etc., bbl'd.. 33-42 Maple Syrup, Sugar . 40-45 Hams, Ribs'. Shoulders, (not brined)' Hogs Lard _ - 3-34 35-40 Beer, etc., bottled .. Cider t ... Ginger Ale Wines ..'., 45-50 30- o 35- o Oils - Poultry dressed, iced Poultry, dry picked Poultry, scalded. .. Game, to freeze 35-45 28 - 30 26- 28 20 - 26 o 5 Livers . 33 - 34 FLOUR AND MEAL Game after frozen... .< 10 28 Sheep, Lambs -. . 32-33 Buckwheat Flour . ., 3j- o Poultry fo freeze, '5 Ox-tails Snusage casings 30-32 Corn Meal .' 3 8 -45 ; Oat Meal :......,. 36-40) Poultry after frozen Nuts, in shell 35 4 Tenderloins, Butts, etc.. 33 - 34 Wheat Flour .. ... 36-40 Chestnuts , .' 33 35 Refrigeration Required. For rough estimates the following table by Siebel, based on an outside temperature of 80 to 90 F., is of good practical use: CUBIC FEET PER TON OF REFR. IN 24 HOURS. Size of Building in Temperature. Cubic Feet. 1,600 6,000 9,000 13,000 100 150 1,000 600 10,000 700 30,000 1,000 100,000 1,500 10 600 2,500 3,000 5,000 7,500 20 800 3,000 4,000 6,000 9,000 30 1,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 14,000 20,000 50' 3,000 12,000 18,000 25,000 40,000 This table is based on first-class insulation; when insulation poor, double amount of refrigeration. For accurate estimates the required refrigeration has to bo calculated as follows: Calculated Refrigeration, By calculating the required refrigeration in a given case, we must consider the following points: (a) To cool the goods from the temperature at which they enter the storage room down to the desired temperature. Ex- ample, to cool 30,000 Ibs. of fresh meat a day from 95 to 35, with an outside temperature of 85. RI = P (t ti) s s = spec, heat (on an average = 0.8) 30,000 (95 35) 0.8 24 = 60,000 units per hour. GENERAL COLD STORAGE. 55 If the goods are cooled below 32 F., that is, frozen, the specific heat changes. (See table on Specific Heat.) (b) To offset radiation through walls and floors. The loss of cold is the total exposed area multiplied with the difference in temperature and the respective factors of heat transmission, which for average insulation can be taken as 3 units per degree of difference in temperature in 24 hrs. (See chapter on Insulation.) Example: Chill room, 40 X 50 X 10 = 20,000 cb. ft. Side walls of room = 1,800 sq. ft. Ceiling and floor = 4,000 sq. ft. Total surface = 5,800 sq. ft. 5,800 (85 35) 3 R a = A (t ti) 3 = 24 36,250 units per hour. (c) To offset loss of cold through opening of doors, etc. Calculation is approximately 5 to 8% of totai refrigeration (small boxes considerably more). Provide ante-rooms or gang- ways. R 3 =1 approx. 7,850 units per hour. Loss through lights and the presence of persons may be calcu- lated as follows: Heat developed in one hour: One workingman 500 units. One gas light = 3,600 units. One incandescent light of 16 c. p. = 160 units. One ordinary caudle = 450 units. Electric light preferable, as well as being convenient for turning on and off. (d) An extra amout of refrigeration is required, where forced air circulation is used and the total air is renewed about 4 to 6 times daily. To maintain the conditions in the room as uni- formly as possible, the renewal of the air should be continuous. The loss of cold through air renewal depends upon the difference of in and outside temperature, frequency of air renewal and percentage of humidity of inner and outer air. Example : (1) Refrigr. r^ to precipitate the difference in moisture. The air leaves at 35 and 70% humidity and new air enters at 85 and 80% humidity. One cb. ft. of air at 85 and 80% hum. contains 13 X 0.8 = 10.4 grains of moisture. One cb. ft. of air at 35 and 70% hum. contains 2.44 X 0.7 = 1.7 grains of moisture. As one pound of vapor contains 7,000 grains, the latent heat of one grain of moisture 1090 = = 0.15576 units. 7000 If the air is changed 6 times daily, it means 20,000 X 6 = 5000 cb. ft. of air in one hour. 24 Refrigeration FI = 5000 X 0.15576 (10.4 1.7) = 6780 units. (2) Refrig. r 2 to cool the air from 85 to 35. Weight of 1 cb. ft. dry air at 35 and atm. press. = 0.087. Spec, heat of air at constant press. = 0.2375. 56 GENERAL COLD STORAGE. r 2 = 5000 X 0.087 X 0.2375 (85 35) = 5000 units. R* = i-i + r 2 = 11,780 units per hour. This loss of cold is reduced to about 50% by providing a heat exchanger between the outgoing and incoming air, consisting of air ducts separated by thin sheet metal partitions. R 4 = 5900 units per hour. Total amount of refrigeration = R x + R 2 + R 3 + R 4 =: R = 110,000 units per hour. If air at 35 and 70% humidity shall be reduced in the cooler to 21 and 70%, the reduction of temperature requires per cb. ft. = 0.02 (35 21) = 0.28 units. And to dry the air: = 0.15576(2.44 X 0.7 1.36 X 0.7) = 0.117 units. A total of 0.28 + 0.117 = 0.4 units per cb. ft. 110,000 Consequently - = 275,000 cb. ft. must pass every hour 0.4 275,000 through the cooler, what would correspond to - = nearly 20,000 14 air circulations of total cubic contents every hour. The area of main air ducts will be, by assuming a velocity of 15 ft. per second 275,000 = = about 5 sq. ft. 15 X 3,600 The fan will require, assuming that 0.25 H. P. takes care of 35,000 cb. ft. 275,000 X 0.25 = about 2 H. P. 35,000 As one H. P. is equivalent to 2,565 units, which are directly in- troduced into the circulated air, we have to correct the total amount of refrigeration by 2 X 2,565 = 5,130 units. 110,000 + 5,130 = 115,130 units per hour. 115,130 X 24 284,000 = about 9.4 tons of refrigeration in 24 hrs. Piping. The pipes should be so arranged as to induce air circulation (see Fig. 19). Gutters and drip pans provided where necessary. CUBIC FEET PER FOOT OF 2" DIE. BXP. PIPE. Size Bldg. in Temperature. Cub. Ft. 10 20 30 40 9 50* 100 0.5 2.3 3.6 4.5 6.5 9 1,000 1.8 7 10.6 14 20 33 10,000 3 10.5 17 22 30 48 30,000 3.5 14 23 30 42 68 100,000 4.5 17 28 37 56 100 These ratios are based on first-class insulation; when insulation Fig. 19). Gutters and drip pans provided where necessary. No more than 1,200 feet 2" pipe in one expansion. For 1" pipe use 1.8 times amount of 2" pipe. For 1*4" pipe use 1.44 times amount of 2" pipe. When using disks, multiply amount of pipe with 4/7. GENERAL COLD STORAGE. 57 c [';--> P -> ' * // FIG. 19 ARRANGEMENT OF COOLING PIPES AND AIR DUCTS TO INDUCE AIR CIRCULATION. a, b, pipes on ceiling; c, d, e, pipes on wall; f, h, pipes in overhead lofts; g, i, j, forced air circulation. 58 GENERAL COLD STORAGE. Brine Cooling System, For indirect expansion (brine cooling) use 1% times amount of pipe. Brine Tank. The size of the brine tank is calculated by allowing about 60 cb. ft. of brine per ton of refr. The amount of expansion pipe in the tank is often taken equal to the amount of a submerged condenser. For safe calculation allow 120 to 150 ft. of 2-inch pipe (or its equivalent in other sizes) per ton of refrigeration in 24 hrs. In case of ice-making, double amount.) The coil and shell brine cooler is based on 15 sq. ft. of pipe surface per ton of refr. Brine Pump. Velocity about 60 ft. per min. Builders usually figure the area of brine main by assuming one sq. inch per ton of refr. and a discharge of the pump = 4 gals, per min. per ton of refr. For general cold storage purposes the direct expansion system may be well recommended, provided that the temperatures of the different rooms are almost the same and that the pipe runs are short. Long runs are liable to leak and, by discharging ammonia in the room, spoil the goods. Great care, therefore, must be taken by having only first-class pipe work and fittings used. The flanges must be soldered on the pipes, so as to make solid joints, and should be made male and female, so as to prevent the lead gasket from being blown out. If, however, the rooms are kept at widely different temperatures, it is difficult to regulate the ammonia so that it will flow evenly through all the rooms. The reason of this is found in the fact that ammonia tries to settle down in the coldest place it can find. If, for example, one room is kept at 20 degrees and the other at 40 degrees and both to be cooled in the same time by the same machine, the ammonia has the disposi- tion to collect in the pipes of the coldest room. If the engineer in charge does not watch carefully, the pipes in the coldest room will fill with liquid ammonia, and hardly any ammonia is left in circulation. Forced Air Circulation. The cooling pipes (direct or indirect exp.) are calculated as above. They are arranged in a special chamber, which is con- nected with the rooms to be cooled by wooden air ducts. A fan or blower is provided which draws the air from the highest part of the room and forcing it through the cooler, brings it in con- tact with the cold coils, where it is cooled and dried. The cooled air leaves the cooler and is discharged back into the rooms from which it was taken. The necessity of having two series of coils for successful, con- Mnued operation, and the trouble of thawing off one of them and removing the drip-water, led to the construction of the "wot cooler." The refrigerating coils are arranged vertically with a gutter provided on the top of each to hold the brine. The brine is showered over the pipes and collects in a pan, from which it is drawn by a small centrifugal pump and returned to the gutter to be showered again over the pipes. The whole apparatus, which usually stands over the cold room, is enclosed in a well insulatad chamber. Instead of pumping brine over the expansion coils, Madison Cooper places Calcium Chloride in the gutters above the pipe coils. This Calcium, being highly hygroscopic, absorbs the moisture of the air and forms a strong brine, which trickles over the pipes. The construction of air coolers must be so that a duct from the open air to the suction side of the fan is provided, through which fresh air can be drawn and led into the cool room when GENERAL COLD STORAGE. 59 required. This duct can also be made use of if the cold room is needed in winter, when cold air from outside alone is blown into it. In order to be able to warm the air in severe winter weather a series of steam coils is arranged on the delivery side of the fan. This method has not been found to answer well in very cold weather, because the air blown into the cold room through the lower air duct rises quickly upward and is led away by the upper duct without producing much effect, and the air remains almost unchanged in the lower part of the room. To obtain a sufficient supply of air for a very cold winter day there must be a third air duct laid on the floor of the cold room for carrying off the warm air at the same time that some passes out through the suction duct. The air ducts are generally made of galvanized iron, which have to be, where the ducts run through the engine house or other warm places, properly insulated or they are made of tongued and grooved boards, saturated with chloride of zinc or protosul- phate of iron. The American Linde Company gives the following rules: The boards are planed smooth and laid close together and are supported by knee frames about 2" X 1" every 10 feet and fillets attached to the side wall and ceiling. The inside of the ducts is left perfectly smooth to avoid friction and eddy currents. The air is admitted and discharged through 10" X 6" openings, con- veniently spaced along the ducts, the deliveries being in the bot- tom of the supply ducts and the suction duct holes on the side. The openings are fitted with hardwood doors, sliding in rebated runners, and afford an opportunity for regulating the amount of air and consequently the degree of cold in any room, irrespectire of another, without the necessity of altering the speed of the fans or the temperature of th brine. NOTES ON GENERAL COLD STORAGE: Brewery Refrigeration The process of making beer briefly consist of malting and brewing. Malting consists of : 1. Steeping the barley in water to supply moisture enough to cause it to germinate, when it is called "malt." 2. Drying the malt on a kiln by hot air. Brewing consists of : 1. Mashing or mixing the malt, after it is ground, with water, the mixture being called "wort." 2. Boiling the wort in the brew kettle. 3. Cooling the hot wort in the beer cooler. 4. Fermenting the same in the fermenting tubs. 5. Racking and storing. The boiling beer wort, coming from the brew kettle, Fig. 20, ZLffl FIG. 20 DIAGRAM OF BREWING BEER. is pumped into the settling tank, from where it flows into a cooling vat, exposed to the atmosphere (usually on the roof), where the wort is cooled down to about 110 F. Being cooled to 40 F. (ale to 55) in the beer cooler, ic enters the fermenting tubs, where the heat developed by the fermenta- tion of the wort is withdrawn by ATTEMPORATORS. Refrigeration is applied! to, (a) beer cooler, (b) attemp orators, (c) cellars and hop room. Beer Cooler. The beer cooler (Baudelot cooler) consists of two sections, the upper section, through which well or hydrant water flows, which cools the wort down to 70 or 60 Fahr., and the lower section, which cools the wort down to 40 Fahr. by means of cooled brine or direct expansion pipes (sometimes ice water). Pipes are of 2-inch polished iron pipe. The cooling which is imparted to them by the wort prevents rusting. Pipes covered with copper are sometimes rendered non-conducting by lack of contact between pipe and copper covering. BREWERY REFRIGERATION. 61 DIMENSIONS OF LOWER SECTION OF BEER COOLER USING DIRECT EXPANSION. Final Temperature of Wort 40 Fahr. Twenty-four pipes Initial temp, of wort 90 20 ft. long for 100 bbls. per hour require 120 ton refr. 1G " " " 80 " " " " 95 " 12 " " " 60 " " " " 70 " Twenty pipes Initial temp, of wort 80 20 ft. long for 100 bbls. per hour require 100 ton refr. 16 " " " 80 " " " " 75 " 12 " " " 60 " " " " 58 " " " Sixteen pipes Initial temp, of wort 70 20 ft. long for 100 bbls. per hour require 70 ton refr. 16 "' " " 80 " " " " 57 " 12 " " " 60 " " " " 43 " Twelve pipes Initial temp, of wort 60 20 ft. long for 100 bbls. per hour require 48 ton refr. 16 " " " 80 " " " " 39 " 12 " " " 60 " " " " 30 " These figures are based on five barrels of wort per hour per foot of pipe. If the cooling, as usually, is to be done in three hours, allow only one-third of the pipe. One barrel equals 32 gallons, or 265 Ibs. In case of brine, add 20 per cent, pipe surface. UPPER PORTION OP BAUDELOT COOLED BY WELL, OR HYDRANT WATER Baudelot Cooling for Beer Wort BRINE SYSTEM.. FIG. 21. One hundred barrels of wort require 125 Ibs. of cooling water at 56 on upper section. One ton refrigeration required for twenty-five barrels of beer. 62 BREWERY REFRIGERATION . Attemporators. The attemporator coils are suspended (mostly with swivel joints) in the fermenting tubs. They are made of iron, brass or copper, and of IVi, 1% or 2- inch size. Diameter of coil, abovit two thirds of tub. Attemporators in cylinder form are usually made in two /ftternfora/or Tank. /Itttmporator Pumft FIG. 22 ATTEMPERATOR SYSTEM. 18" diam. X 18" high, cooling surface, 14% sq. ft. 36" diam. X 30" high, cooling surface, 47 sq. ft. 100 barrels of wort require 12 square feet of pipe surface (19 feet 2-inch pipe). The refrigeration is produced by means of cooled fresh water (safer in case of leaks) or brine (cheaper) circulated through the attemporators at about 34 Fahr. Expansion pipe in attemperator tank about 12 square feet of pipe surface per 100 barrels ivort. Provide standpipe and pump regulator. Piping of Cellars and Hop Room. RATIOS FOR ALB BREWERIES. 2" pipe direct expansion with 14" disks per foot. Temp, of Room. Room. Fermenting 50 6O Vat or Ale Stor. . 45 50 Ale Chip 45 50 Ale Chip and Carbonating . .. 33 35 Carbonating 32 35 Stock Ale 50 55 Racking 32 34 Size of Room in Cubic Feet. 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 1:50 1:40 1:40 1:30 1:25 1:50 1:20 1:50 1:40 1:45 1:55 1:42 1:50 1:60 1:45 1:55 1:32 1:28 1:50 1:23 Starting Yeast . 50 55 32 NO DISKS. 1,000 2,000 1:15 1:16 1:6 1:7 1:35 1:30 1:55 1:25 3,000 1:18 1:8 1:40 1:35 1:58 1:28 4,000 1:20 1:10 40,000 1:70 1:50 1:60 1:45 1:3-8 1:60 1:30 5,000 1:22 1:12 BREWER Y REFRIGERA T10N. PIG. 23 MODERN BREWERY EQUIPPED WITH REFRIGERATING PLANT. RATIOS FOR LAGER BEER BREWERIES. 2" pipe direct expansion with 14" disks per foot. Temp, of Size of Room in Cubic Feet. Room. Room. 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 Starting tub 34 36 1:23 1:24 1:25 1:25 1:25 Fermenting 34 36 1:23 1:24 1:25 1:25 1:2;> Storage (Rime). . 32 33 1:38 1:40 1:43 1:45 1:47 Chip Cask (Spa). 32 34 1:40 1:43 1:45 1:47 1:50 Racking 34 36 1:23 1:24 1:25 1:28 1:80 Mop Storage. 32' 3,000 1 :20 4,000 1 :22 5,000 1.23 6,000 8,000 1 :24 1 :25 64 BREWERY REFRIGERATION. Example: Ratio, 1:23 means 1 foot of pipe for 23 cubic feet of room. Add 75% more pipe if without disks. Weight of 1 foot 2 inch pipe, with disk and ice, about 75 pounds, length = 20 feet. No more than 1,200 feet 2 inch pipe in one expansion (approx.). One ton refrigeration for 120 feet 2 inch expansion pipe. Wherever convenient, place piping on the ceiling. Storage and Chip Cask. Piping may be placed on the ceiling. Fermenting Room. Place piping over aisles or passageways, so as not to drip into the fermenting tubs. Racking Room. Piping may be placed on the ceiling and as much as possible about the door, to take up the outside heat as it enters. Hop Storage.- Piping must be placed in a bank at the side of the room, so that all moisture can be easily drained away (forced air cooling preferred). Brine vs. Direct Expansion. It is customary to shut off all rooms from the pipe line during the short period of time, usually 3 hours, that the wort is cooled. Since this represents the maximum amount of work required from the refrigerating machine, its capacity is usually figured on the amount of work done in cooling a given quantity of hot beer wort within 3 hours. Hettinger claims that, in case the wort is cooled by the brine system, only one-eighth of the refrigerating capacity is needed against that required in the case of direct expansion, because the cooling of the brine itself is extended over the entire 24 hours. No regulation of the expansion valves is required, since the tem- prature of the brine in the tank will only be raised 7.3 degrees F. during the entire period of cooling the wort, the capacity of the brine tank, being four times as great as the amount of the beer cooled. A refrigerating machine using the brine system has to have double the capacity to a day's work in 12 hours that would be required to do the work in 24 hours. Hettinger tries to disprove this by an example. He assumes a brewery plant, equipped with a 250-barrel beer kettle, the output being half lager and half stock and lively ale and the brewing of ale and lager beer being done alternately. Total space of the different rooms = 106,801 cubic feet. Allowing 7,000 cubic feet for 1 ton of refrigeration in 21 hours, the required number of tons of refr. = 15.26 tons. Heat of fermentation in 21 hours = 8 tons. Cooling the beer through a racking cooler, allowing 6 in 8 hours = 4 tons. This means that the refrigerating machine will do 52 tons of refr. during 3 hours, and about 26 tons during tho remaining 21 hours on the day lager beer is brewed. The next day when ale is brewed, the refrigeration required for cellars, fermenting room and racking room will be the same, that is, 26 tons in 21 hours. The ale storage does not require any refrigera- tion whatsoever. The required capacity of the refrigerating machine, assuming that the ale will be cooled down 14 degrees in less than 2.5 hours and the wort having a strength of 15 per cent Balling: (259 X 250 X 14 X 10 X 1.0614 X 0.9) -h 284,000 = 30.49 tons of re- frigeration. By doing the same amount of work with the brine system, in 24 hours, the calculation in tons will be as follows: Cooling 125 barrels of wort for lager 3.25 Cooling cellars and rooms 13.35 Developing heat of 250 barrels of ale and lager 7.00 BREWERY REFRIGERATION. 65 Chilling 125 barrels lager beer for racking 1.34 Cooling 125 barrels of wort for ale 1.50 Total 26.44 So that a machine of 26.44 tons is required to perform this amount of work in 24 hours, or a machine of 52.88 tons to do the work in 12 hours. 250 barrels is substituted for 125 barrels of ale and 125 barrels of lager because the work of the refrigerating machine, owing to the brine system, is extended over 48 hours, figuring one-half brew of ale and one-half brew of lager, the machine being cal- culated to run at the same speed and back pressure during the brewing of lager and ale. NOTES ON BREWERY REFRIGERATION: Packing House Refrigeration MODERN PACKING HOUSE EQUIPPED WITH FORCED AIR CIRCULATION. Refrigeration should be produced by cold, dry air, which cir- culates freely around the meats, especially in the chill rooms, where the steam from the fresh killed animals and the foul gases have to be removed, so as not to affect the goods and the in- sulation. Forced air circulation may cause a little more loss in weight in meat, but it is the soundest when viewed bacteriologically. Recently a store room with direct expansion became invaded with phosphorescent bacteria. These bacteria produced a brilliant phosphorescence on a great many quarters of beef and carcases of mutton. The temperature of the room ranged about 35 to 40 degrees F. The germs can grow even at much lower temperatures, and they produce poisonous properties in meat. To exterminate this bacillus from a room, the doors must be open, all ice and snow scraped away, and the pipes and the walls, floor and ceiling washed with solutions of lime, containing chloride of zinc. This zinc should exist in the wash in the proportion of 1 to 1,000. All meat that has become infected should be destroyed, as it is unfit for food. Almost all European and Australian packing houses are re- PACKING HOUSE REFRIGERATION. 67 frigerated on the forced air cooling system with wet air coolers, which provides for the continuous ventilation of the chambers, and the purification of the air contained in them. Under these conditions there is no chance of the growth of bacteria which would be detrimental to health. Refrigeration Required. A. Storage rooms, which is estimated like "General Cold Storage." B. Chilling rooms, either calculated like General Cold Storage or roughly estimated. One ton rep'. (24 hrs.) for each of the following duties: 15 to 24 hogs of 250 pounds each. 5 to 7 beeves of 700 pounds each. 45 to 55 calves of 90 pounds each. 50 to 70 sheep of 75 pounds each. Hog chill rooms to be reduced to 32 F. in 24 hrs. Beef chill rooms to be reduced to 32 F. in 36 hrs. Chilling rooms to have ventilators on ceiling to allow steam and gases to escape, after which same have to be closed. Space required. Nine sq. f. per beef, 12 ft. high. Two sq. ft. per sheep, 8 ft. high. Meat rails about 27" apart. Piping to be estimated like General Cold Storage, with an addition of 13 ft. 2" direct cxpans. per ox, and 6 ft. 2" pipe per hog. Piping to be arranged in overhead lofts. C. Freezing Rooms. (Temperature 10 F. and below.) Refrigeration is calculated like General Cold Storage with an addition of one ton refr. per ton of meat. Piping estimated like General Cold Storage, with an addition of 30 ft. 2" direct expans. pipe per ox, and 15 ft. 2" per hog. NOTES ON PACKING HOUSE REFRIGERATION: Can Ice Plants Capacity of Plant. The ice making capacity is far below the refrigerating capacity, as we have to cool the water first from the ordinary temperature to 32, and from there to the tempera- ture of the brine. An allowance of 6 to 12 per cent, loss has to be made, due to radiation in freezing tank, pipes, etc. This would leave 60 per cent, of the refrigerating capacity. Ref r. tons 5 10 20 35 50 75 100 150 220 300 500 Ice, tons 21/2 5 12 20 30 45 60 90 130 180 300 Time of Freezing. The time of freezing depends on the temperature of the brine and the thickness of the ice. The following table is calculated by A. Siebert, on the assumption that the time of freezing is proportional to the square of the thickness. FREEZING TIMES FOR DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES AND THICK- NESSES OF CAN ICE. Thickn'ss. 1 in. 2 In. 1.28 1.40 1.56 1.75 2.00 2.32 2 80 3 50 3 in. 4 in. Sin. 6 in. 7 in. 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. 11 in. 38.5 42.3 47 53.0 60 ft 70.5 84 7 106.0 12 in. Temp. 10 , 12 14 16 18 20 5 0.32 0.35 0.39 0.44 0.50 0.58 0.70 0.88 2.86 3.15 3 50 3.94 4.50 5.26 6.30 7.86 5.10 5 60 6 22 7.00 8.00 9.30 11.2 14.0 8 00 8 7n 9 70 11 12.6 14 6 17.6 21,0 11.5 12 6 14.0 !5.8 18.0 21.0 25.2 31 5 15.6 17 3 19.0 21.5 24.5 28.5 34.3 42.8 20.4 25 2ft 32 37.3 44.8 560 25.8 28 4 31-. s 35 6 40.5 47.2 5ft 7 71.0 31.8 35-0 390 43 7 50.0 58 3 70 87.6 45.8 50.4 56 63 720 84.0 100 12i>. The sizes of the cans, most in use, are given as follows : - Weight of c blocks. Thickn Time of freezing. Nominal. Actual. Sides. Bottom. 15 brine t8 brine. 6 12 x 26" 50 56 20" 20' tS hrs 20 hrs. 8 16 x 32 100 110 18" 16 30 " 36 " 8 16x42" 150 165 18" 16 30 " j6 " 11 J32x32" 200 220 18' 14 5 " 60 " 11 22x44" 300 315 16" 14 50 " 60 " 11 22x57" 400 415 16 14" 50 " 60 " The temperature of the brine is about 10 higher than the am- monia in the expansion coils. By maintaining a good brine agita- tion, the temperature may be lowered a few degrees. Back pressure, Ibs. (gauge) 5 10 15 20 25 30 Brine temperature F 5 10 15 20 25 Freezing Tanks. Expansion Pipe. By good brine agitation and short expansions about 85 to 100 square feet of pipe per ton of ice will be sufficient. With a low back pressure the amount of pipe may be reduced. The greatest efficiency is obtained with horizontal coils. In the case of vertical coils, top expansion is given the preference. Amount of pipe per ton of ice. 15 brine. 18 brine. 400 ft. of 1" pipe 450 ft. of 1" pipe 320 ft. of 1%" pipe 360 ft. of 1%" pipe 270 ft. of iy 2 " pipe 310 ft. of iy a " pipe 210 ft. of 2" pipe 240 ft. of 2" pipe Greatest length of one expansion is 1,200 ft. Brine Circulation. The brine is generally kept in motion by a propeller, driven by belt or direct connected to electric motor. CAN ICE PLANTS. FKJ. 24. I 'l 1 I 1 o IE r T I a . \ \ 5 l -U1 CAN ICE PLANTS. In tanks up to 10 tons use a 12" propeller at 225 rev. per minute; in tanks from 10 to 25 tons use an 18" propeller. In larger tanks use two propellers, or, still better, a centrifugal pump. Allow 7^4 IDS. of salt per cb. ft. of tank. (See chapter on brine.) Size. The size of the tank depends on the size of the cans, time of freezing and size of expansion pipe. The following table is based on 18 brine and 2" expansion pipe: 5-TON TANK. Weight of blocks. 100 Ibs. 150 " 300 " 150 Ibs. 300 " 150 Ibs. 200 " 300 " 200 Ibs. 300 " Number of cans. 19 X 8 = 152 13 X 8 = 104 14 X 6 = 84 10-TON TANK. 20 X 10 = 200 22 X 8 = 176 15-TON TANK. 30 X 10 = 300 38 X 10 = 380 25 X 10 = 250 20-TON TANK. 42 X 12 = 504 34 X 10 = 340 Size of tank. 37'- X 10'-4 X 36" 26'- X 10' -4 X 46" 34'- 2 X 9'-8 X 4'-0 40'- 4 X 12'-6 X 46" 49'-10 X 12' -S X 4'-0 58'- X 12'-6 X 46" 87'- 7 X 15'-0 X 36" 58'- 7 X 15'-0 X 4'-0 96'- 4 X 17'-8 X 36" 78'- 7 X 15'-0 X 4'-0 Ice Storage. By calculating the size of the ice storage room we assume that 50 cubic feet of ice, as usually stored, equal one ton. Storage and ante-room have to be piped. The refrigeration and amount of piping can be calculated after the rules applying for General Cold Storage. Frequently a ratio of 1 :14 to 1 :20 is taken for 2" direct expansion and a,bout one-third to one-half more for brine piping. Pipes to be placed on ceiling. The room should be well insulated and be provided with proper ventilation from the highest point and have thorough drainage. SLIDE DOOR ON TANK ROOM SIDE OF PARTITION .IDING PU' % . \ (^ . ->^l C E D U M P T ANJfrvOO* 5fe_ ELEVATION FIG. 25 DETAILS OF SLIDE DOOR ON TANK ROOM. Cost of Ice. The cost of ice varies considerably with the size of the plant, the price of coal and other items. The following table gives an approximate estimate. But necessary alterations for price of coal and addition for cost of delivery, in- terest and other things must be made in each case, which may increase the total cost of ice from 20 per cent, in small plants to 50 per cent, in large plants. CAN ICE PLANTS. The table shows cost of ice put in the ice house ready to sell. APPROXIMATE COST OF OPERATING ICE FACTORIES 1 >; si. fe S it get tter or ist $2.50 day. h* H '5 , I! n a 1* ||-o So W S^ 35 . II 1 ol ~|! 5* tf 1 ^ 2' IS elf 1 O be & 1 i l $1.50 j $1.00 900 $1.35 .$0.50 $4.35 $4.35 2 i 1 50 i 1 00 1,500 2.25 0.50 5.25 2.63 3 2.00 i 1 00 1,800 2.70 0.50 6^20 2.10 5 2.00 1 $1.50 2 2.00 2,500 3.75 .00 10.25 2.05 74 2. CO 1 1.50 1 $1.50 2 2.00 . 3,200 4.80 .25 13.05 1.74 10 2.50 1 .50 2 3.00 2 2.00 3,600 5.40 .25 15.65 1.57 15 2.50 1 .50 2 3.00 3 3.00 5,000 7.50 .50 19.00 1.27 18 i 2.75 1 .50 2 3.00 3 3.00 5,500 8.25 .80 20.30 1.15 20 2 4.50 1 .50 2 3.00 3 3.00 6,000 9.00 2.00 23.00 1.15 25 2 5.00 ] .50 o 3.00 4 4.00 . 7,500 11.25 2.50 27.25 1.09 30 2 5.00 2 3.00 2 3.00 4 4.00 9,000 13.50 3.00 31.50 1.05 35 2 6.00 2 3.00 2 3.00 5 5.00 10,500 15.75 3.50 36.25 1.03 40 50 2 2 6.00 2 6.50 2 3.00 3.00 2 3 3.00 4.50 5 6 5.00 6.00 [ $2 50 12.COO 15,000 18.00 22.50 4.00 5.00 39.00 50.00 1.00 1.00 60 2 7.00 2 3.00 4 6.00 7 7.00 2 50 18,000 27.00 6.00 58.50 1.00 70 2 7.50 2 3.00 5 7.50 8 8.00 2.50 21,000 31.50 7.00 67.00 .99 80 2 9.00 2 3.00 5 7.50 10 10.00 1 5.00 24,000 36.00 8.00 78.50 .98 90 3 10.00 2 3.00 6 9.00 11 11.00 } 5.00 27,00040.50 9.00 87.50 .96 100 3 lO.OOl 2 3.00 7 10.50 12 12.00 ! 5.00 30,000(45.00 10.00 95.50 .95 Coal Consumption. The coal consumption depends on the size of plant, kind of engine, temperature of feedwater and quality of coal. The fol- lowing table is based on an evaporative capacity of steam boilers of 10 Ibs. of water per Ib. of coal. For other ratios the coal con- sumption changes in direct proportion. f 4 tons of ice in a 1 ton ice plant. One ton of coal for 10 25 50 100 large plants using evaporators. Water Consumption. Water is greatly economized in a can ice plant, as the same water is used first over the ammonia condensers, then in the steam condenser and, if it is of good quality, as feed water for the steam boilers. It leaves the boilers in the form of live steam to drive the engines, the exhaust steam of which is condensed, purified and used as the water from which the ice is made. It is evident that the colder the water the less will be needed. An ice plant should always have a reliable supply of four to six gallons of water per minute for every ton, of ice. WATER CONSUMPTION PER TON OF ICE. Temperature of Water. Over ammonia condensers 55 Entering steam condensers 80 Leaving steam condensers '. 125 60 125 C 70 90 125 80 95 J 125 Gallons per minute 4 4.5 5.15 6 Note. For every 5 degrees increase in temperature of the cooling water the coal consumption increases 8 per cent., if the quantity of the water remains the same. Distilling Apparatus. The exhaust steam from the engine and pumps is generally used to supply the distilled water. The deficiency in supply, which increases with the size of the plants, is taken direct from the boiler. The steam has to be deprived of the oil and, after being con- densed, is subjected to a purifying process before it is allowed to go into the cans. It is impossible to give any rules for size and number of filters required on different plants, as it may be necessary to treat the water specially according to the quality of the water in the locality. The usual course of distilling and filtering is as follows : Engine, grease separator, steam condenser, skimmer and reboiler, charcoal filter, storage tank. Grease Separator. These work on the principle that the steam strikes with great force against surfaces and deposits the oil. Linde's grease separator consists of a vertical cylindrical tank with an upright spiral partition in the interior. The steam enters near the bottom and strikes against this baffle plate where its speed is reduced to one-fifteenth of the initial speed. The oil collects at the bottom and is drawn off. Baldwin's grease separator is a cylindrical tank, either hori- zontal or vertical, filled to about one-fourth with water. The steam strikes against the water surface and deposits the oil. Baffle plates assist this process. These separators have proved very efficient. "York's" grease separator is placed in the exhaust steam pipe in line with the pipe. The inlet nozzle is surrounded by corru- gated baffle plates through which the steam must pass and whicn effectually separate the oil. In the coke filter the steam has to pass through a large mass of coke, which is well adapted for extracting the oil from the steam. "De Lot Very-Mr C, Ate ft /far im Aojtrf- 21 "/3. /f 31 ZO &/''* 30 30 6.0 9o 10 9/ 36 tt'/l 130 10 Steam Condenser. 1. Amount of Cooling Water per ton of distilled water in 24 hrs. 2000 X 960 P = t-ti ti = initial temp, of water, t = final temp, of water. 960 = latent heat of steam. DISTILLING APPARATUS. 73 Example : ti = 85 F., t = 125 F. 2000 X 960 P = = 48,000 Ibs. in 24 hrs. 125 85 48,000 = 4 gals, per min. 24 X 60 X 8.3 2. Cooling Surface in sq. ft. per ton of water in 24 hrs. 2000 X 960 S = (ti t) n X 24 t = mean temp, of cooling water, ti = average temp, in condenser (about 210 F.). n heat transmission per sq. ft. per hour per degree of differ- ence in temp, (about 200 to 500). Example (continued) : 2000 X 960 S = = about 4 sq. ft. (210 105) 200 X 24 For practical calculations allow : 10 sq. ft. of pipe for one ton in Open Air condensers. 6 sq. ft. of pipe for one ton in Surface condensers. 14 sq. ft. of pipe for one ton in Submerged condensers. Constructional Details. Every condenser must be provided with a back pressure or relief valve, which acts as a safety valve in case not all of the steam can be condensed on account of lack of condensing water, or for any other reason. Fig. A illustrates an atmospheric condenser, a number of inde- pendent coils connected to two headers. Bach coil is provided with a stop valve on inlet and outlet, and a live steam and purging connection, so that any coil can be cleaned while the balance is in operation. For large plants this type is also made as shown in Fig. B, The object of this arrangement is the division of the area of the large main exhaust pipe into the many small areas of the coils as close as possible to the main inlet, without spacing the coils too close, which would prevent the cleaning of the outside sur- faces of the pipes. Where a very hard condensing water must be used and much cleaning of the outside surfaces of the pipes is necessary, submerged coils, as shown in Fig. C, have been used successfully. The area of the main exhaust pipe is divided into two branches, and the size of the pipes can be gradually reduced toward the outlet in proportion of the amount of steam condensed in each pipe while passing through the coil. 74 DISTILLING APPARATUS. Submerged condensers can be well drained by giving all the pipes some slope toward the outlet. The condenser in Fig. D is similar to to the De La Vergne am- monia condenser, having a number of outlets through which the water of condensation is drained off. The York double pipe condenser is illustrated in Fig. E. Each section consists of two coils which are connected by return bends at both ends. At the center of each coil is a vertical header, one of which is for the steam inlet and the other for the water outlet. The exhaust steam enters the header on top. On its way D SL 3X 3L to the water header it has to pass but one return bend, all of which bends have a slope toward the water header for a perfect drainage. The standard atmospheric condenser of the York Mfg. Go. is illustrated in Fig. F. These coils are made up with headers which are connected with straight pipes. The steam is admitted to all pipes at the same time and has not to pass through cramped passages or to change its direction. If placed horizontally, the coils could be used in a submerged condenser. The Triumph condenser, Fig. G, uses as the condensing surface sheet metal instead of pipes, in the form of V-shaped boxes. The DISTILLING APPARATUS. 75 condensing water can be used economically and the flat surfaces can be cleaned very easily while the condenser is in operation. For special purposes and local condition the shell condenser, Fig. H, is used, both horizontally and vertically. It consists of a shell, within which are a great number of small sized seamless brass or copper tubes, through which the condensing water passes, the shell being filled with the exhaust steam. FIG. 26 A to H. This type is very efficient, takes little space and can be placed anywhere inside the building. DIMENSIONS OF SURFACE CONDENSER "H." Cooling too ?00 300 400 500 600 700 $00 IOOO I?QO lt>00 I A 00 2000 /ooo 2000 3000 Vono 000 6000 7OOO S(WO 10 OOO 13000 MOOO ,5oao '6000 16000 20000 H P t 2oll 50 100 ZOO rso 300 350 400 SCO bOO 7OO 7SO 600 900 IOOO 82* 4 10 99 /04 22 '90 2500 4260 5S90 6390 7060 7450 7920 66oO 9360 DISTILLING APPARATUS. Skimmer and Reboiler. During the condensation of the exhaust steam more or less air or gas is absorbed by the water. The reboiling drives the im- purities to the surface where they are skimmed off, while the air and gases escape through a vent into the outer atmosphere. The water should enter at the highest possible temperature (about 110 to 112) so as to economize in steam for reboiling. The steam coil is either closed or open. In the open coil the steam pressure is reduced to a few pounds and the condensation passes through the perforations and mixes with the water. The closed coil needs no regulation and is supplied with high pressure steam. The condensation is either carried back to the boiler by gravity, or is discharged into the steam condenser by a steam trap. Mostly used are the cylindrical tanks and the rectangular shal- low pans. The advantages claimed ior the former, greater body of water, large skimming line, small floor space and simple con- struction; for the latter, large surface and small depth of boil- ing water, which are said to better assist the escape of the air and foul gases, constant current of water toward skimmer, pos- sible division of surface into parts of decreasing ebullition. Leading builders use from two to four square feet of W. I. pipe surface per ton of ice making capacity (less for brass or copper tubing). Constructional Details. The De La Vergne Re- boiler, A, has the boiling tank placed centrally within a larger tank, the annular space between both forming the skim- ming tank. Being placed at the same level with a hot water storage tank, the water level is always kept full, and the ebullition is confined to the boil tank, leaving skimmer in a state of rest. The steam coil is closed and provided with a steam trap. The Triumph Reboiler, B, is also cylindrical, the skimmer being a V- shaped annular trough within the reboiler. The steam coil is open, dis- charging the condensa- tion near the surface of the water, used by Fred W. Wolf is Another cylindrical type, Pig and a number of other builders. It has no automatic regulator. The water level in the skimmer and the boil tank is kept constant by goose neck outlets. The York reboiler, D, is of the rectangular shape with open steam coil. The oil and impurities are carried by the water current into the skimming chamber, where they are skimmed by means DISTILLING APPARATUS. 77 of V-shaped openings in the end of tank into a trough at the end of the reboiler. The pure water is discharged from the bot- tom of this chamber. The Frick reboiler, B, is divided lengthwise by a partition, SKIMMCK SKOUNO PLMI. which not only lengthens the travel of the water, but brings same in a counter-current to the flow of steam which is doubled 3e/i. TANK r II DISTILLING APPARATUS. by this division. The pipes of the open steam coil ire not per- forated, but are closed with caps, each of which ha* ;< small hole for the discharge of condensation. The skimming umi discharge of the pure water are similar to those of the York id-oiler. The Wingrove reboiler, F, is a combination with u filter for the outgoing pure water. The steam coil is open and p L "f orated at the end of the pipes. The oil and floating impuritic-s are car- ried into the skimming chamber over a special shaped plate above the filter. The Bertsch reboiler. I, is a combination with a heater in- serted in the exhaust line in front of the condenser, the purpose of which is to deliver the condensed water to the reboiler at the temperature of the exhaust steam. The condensed water from the condenser passes on its way to the reboiler through the coil of the heater. The condensation from the heater can be drained into the reboiler or float tank. In connection with a condensing engine and a vacuum steam condenser, a vacuum reboiler saves steam, because the boiling point is much lower, and it saves cooling water, because the boiling temperature corresponding to the vacuum is not above 140 F. In the De La Vergne vacuum reboiler, G, the water from the DISTILLING APPARATUS. 79 vacuum steam condenser enters the reboiler by gravity near the bottom, and is removed and delivered to the hot water storage tank by a pump which is regulated by a float within the re- boiler, raised or lowered by the variation of the water level. The air and gases are drawn into the steam condenser and re- moved by the air pump creating the vacuum. The closed steam coil discharges *be condensation into a pot, from which it is siphoned into th^ reboiler through the water inlet line whenever the float within the pot opens the valve. The York vacuum reboiler, H, contains within an air tight shell a series of shallow pans, each of which has 'an overflow and a dam to maintain a certain depth of water. The water n PUMP FIG. 27 A to H. drops from one pan to the other and circulates through each pan. The top-most pan is provided with a closed steam coil for boiling. At the bottom of the shell is a float tank for the accumulation of the pure water which is removed by a pump. The float in the float tank regulates the steam for the water pump, which forces the pure water through the cooler and filters. At the top of the shell is the air outlet, which is either direct connected to an air pump, or to a vacuum steam condenser. Frick Reboiler, IS in. high, 30 in. wide. Length : 1 to 6 ton plants =3 ft. 6 in. 8 to 12 " " =7 ft. 15 " " 10 ft. 6 in. 25 " " = 13 ft. 9 in. 50 " " =20 ft. 6 in. 100 " " =23 ft. 9 in. De La Vergne Reboiler. 2 to 15 ton plants = 3 ft. dia., 4 ft. high. 20 to 30 " " =3 ft. 6 in. dia., 4 ft. 8% in. high. 40 to 60 " " .4 ft. dia., 5 ft. high. Frick Steam Condenser, 8 pipes high. 5 ton plant=l coil, 15 ft. long. 10 " " =2 coils, 15 ft. long. 20 " " =4 colls, 15 ft. long. 50 " " =9 coils, 15 ft. long. 100 " " =17 coils, 15 ft. long. 8o DISTILLING APPARATUS. Water Regulator. The flow of the water leaving the reboiler must be automatically regulated before entering the cooler. The principle of such regulators is the automatic opening and closing of a valve (butter- fly or quick opening) in the distilled water line. A good regulator must allow a great variation in the quantity of water passing at each operation, as well as in the number of operations. tor, A, consists of an open cylinder with a float and Is operated by the waste water of the steam condenser. It can be placed anywhere near the distilled water supply pipe. The operation Is as follows: As long as the water lerel In the hot water storage tank is at normal height the but- terfly valve in the waste water line is open and admits water to the regulator, there- by raising the float whicli opens the butterfly valve in the pure water line and al- lows the water to pass to the freezing tank. When the water In the hot water stor- age tank is low, both butter fly valves close and stay closed until the pure water in the storage tank reaches again the normal height, when the same operation is repeated. The York regulator, B, consists of a cylinder with a plunger to which two valves are attached, one for the pure water and one for the waste water. The water from the skimmer is used for operat- ing the regulators, and the operation is as follows : Whenever the reboiler is skimming, the mixture of oil and water fills the pipe connecting the skimmer with the regulator. As soon as the water column in this pipe is of sufficient height, the pressure so created elevates the plun- ger, whereby both valves are opened. The pure water then passes from the filter to the storage tank, and the skimming water drains through the waste pipe. The skimming in the reboiler stops and the water in the regulator and its supply pipe drains out, causing the plunger to lower and both valves to close, until the reboiler skims again. For the re- lief of the air which might get Into the cylinder, a DISTILLING APPARATUS. 81 vent Is provided, which, opens when the plunger Is in its highest position. By the use of the skim- ming water the plunger is always well lubricated. The Wingrove regulator, C, differs from the York regulator only in the me- chanical means, and the principle is exactly the same in both and covered by the same description. The FricTc regulator, D, consists of two principal parts, the receiving tank and the counterbalanced bucket which operates the pure water valve. When the water in the reboiler reaches the overflow tube by which the skimming is regulated, the receiving tank begins to fill to the top of the siphon, after which the water passes through the siphon to the bucket. As soon as the weight of the water overcomes the balance weight, the bucket lowers and the pure water valve opens, allowing the pure water to pass to the storage tank. After the bucket is filled to the top of its own siphon, it begins to empty its contents into the float tank from which the water is pumped back to the reboiler. When the water in the reboiler is lowered below the top of the overflow tube, the supply to the receiving tank and 1 the bucket stops, and the bucket is siphoned empty and becomes lighter than the balance weight, which raises the bucket and closes the pure water valve. Bertsoh's regulator, E, is a combination of the float and siphon types. The water pressure against the valve seat is counterbal- anced by an adjustable weight. As soon as the reboiler is skimming, the float tank fills, the float rises and relieves the valve, allowing the water to pass to the storage or freezing tank. When the float reaches a cer- tain height, the lever opens the drain pipe and starts the siphon which empties the float tank in the desired time, and this is regulated by the drain valve. Condensed Water Cooler. Its purpose is to cool the boiling hot water, as it comes from the rehoiler, as nearly as possible to the temperature of the cooling water, after which any further cooling must be done by mechanical refrigera- tion. Each cooling coil should be provided with a drain or washout connection at the bottom, and a steam connec- tion at the top, as during the 82 DISTILLING APPARATUS. cooling of the water ,some of the oil contained therein Is separated and forms a coating on the inside surface of the pipes, which can only be re- moved by a blow of live steam. The cooler is of the double pipe and 1 more commonly of the atmospheric type. Its con- struction is sufficiently illus- trated in the various arrange- ments of the different builders below. Filter. The cooled water receives a final filtration, in order to free it from any odors and foreign matters still contained there- in. The most common place for the filters is after the cooling coils, and, again, right FIG. 28. A TO E. before the can filler. As the filtering media are mostly used 1 sand, crushed quartz, maple char- coal, bone black (animal charcoal), pulp and felt or cotton cloth. All of these materials have a purely mechanical action upon the water, with the exception of the wood and animal charcoal, which combine with the mechanical action also a chemical one, inasmuch as they have power to absorb any kind of odor. The charcoal filters are therefore also called "deodorizers." The method of filtering differs. Some filter from bottom to top, for which method It is claimed that the heavy particles in the water tend to fall to the bottom instead of clogging the fil- tering material. Others filter from top to bottom and the claim is that the oily substance contained in the water remains floating on top instead of being forced down through the filtering ma- terial. To cleanse these filters, the flow of the water is reversed in order to loosen the packet material and to wash the same. Where steam is used for cleansing, the content of the filter is first blown with live steam, and afterwards washed in the way as before stated. edfTSer/er foo/ers /o /S 30 40 /o / Sff. /Of* /*/* /Z /& 40 ISfr. * 10 DISTILLING APPARATUS. i3ZOf*3 of Cttarcoat 30 40 Jfo 36 30' tte&t 46' 60' Bo 60' 17 26 17 Jfo. Jta. Jo 36 36 36- 60' 7 I* 60' 72' T'Z te 38 21 '/Z Storage Tank. The storage tank serves for the purpose of storing up a large amount of distilled water. A wooden float generally covers the whole area of the water to prevent any reabsorption of air. Many builders use the storage also as a fore cooler, having ammonia coils in the inside. The tanks are made either cylin- drical or rectangular, of wood or of iron, and the cooling pipes are either an independent coil or simply an expansion of the ammonia suction pipe. The latter method is used in all plants where the machine can not work with backfrost, and the storage tank is used as much for preventing back-frost as for cooling the distilled water. The temperature of the water can be regulated at will where an independent coil is used for cooling. Where the return from the freezing tank is used for cooling, the temperature of the water depends entirely on the amount of heat the returning vapor can take up, which in many cases is very little. Bach can is filled separately by means of hose and can filler, which delivers the water to the bottom of the can, so that the water does not absorb more air as it rushes in. DIMENSIONS OF CYLINDRICAL TANKS (NO OOILS). Tons ice. Dia. Height. 5 2V 2 ift. 31/2 ft. 10 3 ft. 4 ft. 20 3V 2 ft. 5 ft. 40 4 ft. Q ft. DIMENSIONS OF SQUARE TANKS (EXP. OOILS). Tons ice. 10 20 30 40 50 75 100 200 Length. 10 ft. 11 ft. 12 ft. 12 ft. 14y 2 ft. 25 ft. 17 ft. 24 ft. Width. 2y 2 ft. 31/2 ft. 4y 2 ft. 41/2 ft. 41/2 ft. 4y 2 ft. 7y 2 ft. 91/2 ft. Height. sy 2 ft. 4 ft. 4y 2 ft. sy 2 ft. 5% ft. 5y 2 ft. sy 2 ft. 2 in. Pipe. 58ft. 145 ft. 218 ft. 290ft. 363 ft. 544 ft. 725 ft. 1,450 ft. Size of water pipe. 1 in. 1 in. 1% in. 1% in. 1% ft. 2 In. 2^ in. 3 ft. 8 4 DISTILLING APPARATUS. 86 DISTILLING APPARATUS. DISTILLING APPARATUS. The Evaporator System. The economy of ice production depends upon the efficiency of the boiler. If the boiler evaporates 8 Ibs. of water per pound of coal and we lose 25 per cent, by steam cylinder condensation, condensation in exhaust pipe and loss by reboiling and skimming, we may produce 6 tons of ice per ton of coal. Efforts were made to improve the economy and the use of com- pound condensing engines in connection with an evaporator in which the exhaust steam is used to produce additional distilled water was resorted to. In all ice making plants with evaporators now in operation, the Lillie evaporator has been used. It consists of a cast-iron shell and is provided with copper tubes. Near one end is the tube head which divides the evaporator into two parts, the steam space and the vapor space. One end of the copper tubes is ex panded in the tube head, the other end is closed, but the closed FIG. 32. DIAGRAM OF EVAPORATOR SYSTEM. ends are each provided with a very small air vent hole. Under the evaporator a centrifugal pump is placed which serves to cir- culate the water over the tubes, a float in the float box keeps the water at a pre-determined level. The exhaust steam from the low pressure cylinder, usually under a vacuum of 18" and a temperature of 169 Fahr., enters the steam space of the evaporator and thence the copper tubes, the water which is showered over the tubes evaporates owing to the lower vacuum, 25" or 26", which, by means of the condenser and air pump is maintained in this space. The temperature of vapor under a vacuum of 26" is 126, and the difference between 126 and 169 is quite sufficient to produce boiling and consequently evaporation. The steam which enters the copper tubes is con- densed, drops to the bottom of the steam space and from there is periodically discharged into the steam condenser. The vapor is, of course, pure, clean and free from any odor owing to the fact that it is distilled at a low temperature ; the steam, however, which has done its work in both the high and low pressure cylinders of the engine, contains all the impurities which such steam is subject to in any ice plant, viz., oil, oxide of iron and free ammonia. In order to free it from the oil and oxide of iron it must be washed or passed through a coke scrubber in the usual way except that in this case the oil extractor or coke 88 DISTILLING APPARATUS. scrubber must be operated under the same vacuum which is main- tained in the steam space of the evaporator. The vapor after it leaves the evaporator enters the top of the steam condenser, the air pump by taking away the air and most of the ammoniacal gases which have not yet been re-absorbed by the distilled water maintains a vacuum of from 25 to 2t>". The condensed steam leaves at the bottom of tlie condenser and flows over to the reboiler, whose vacuum is maintained through a by-pass with the vacuum part of the steam condenser. It enters the reboiler under a vacuum of 26" and a temperature of 120 and needs only to be heated to 126 in order to boil. When the water level witirtn has risen to a certain height, a float inside will act upon the steam valve of the pump, which will commence to pump the water away up to the storage tank on the next floor, from which it passes through the usual course of cooling and filtering before entering the cans. With the Lillie evaporator seven-eighths of a pound of vapor can be produced for every pound of steam. To produce 100 tons of distilled water would required fifty-five tons of ex- haust steam, but in order to have that quantity enter the evap- orator seventy-three or seventy-four tons must have entered the high pressure steam cylinder and this determines the economy of the plant. In practice, 10 to 11 tons of distilled water can ice can be made per ton of coal if the latter evaporates eight tons of water under the working pressure in the boiler per ton of coal. The exhaust steam from auxiliary machinery and pumps is used for heating the boiler feed water, and the water for the evap- orator, if it is suitable, is heated by using it for cooling the distilled water. The operation of such a plant is extremely simple, and it is not difficult for the operating engineer to understand it, in fact it requires no more attention than an ice plant with compressors driven by compound condensing steam engine. (L. Block, Trans. A. S. R. E. 19U6, Abridged.) Multiple Effect Evaporators. Very large plants are enabled to use highly economical engines by having a double or triple effect evaporator. In this way the exhaust steam may be able to produce almost 3 times as much dis- tilled water as exhaust steam is condensed, as we will see from the following calculation: Assumed steam consumption = 2,000 Ibs. per hour. Distilled water required = 4,500 Ibs. per hour. The exhaust steam enters the first evaporator under a back pres- sure of 5 Ibs. above the atmosphere. The last evaporator is In connection with a surface condenser with air pump, and a high vacuum is maintained in its vapor end. A moderate vacuum is maintained in No. II and a low vacuum in No. I. Let us assume that the supply of water (which may be used first in the steam condenser) enters No. I at a temperature of 120. 1. The first operation will be to raise the 4,500 Ibs. of water from 120 to 203 F. (temp, of vaporization in No. I). 4,500 (203 120) = 373,500 units, which requires an equivalent 373,500 of = 3SO Ibs. steam, condensed. (952 = lat. heat at 6 Ibs. 952 G. Press.) Deducting this from 2,000 Ibs. initial steam, leaves 1,610 Ibs. of steam, the condensation of which will cause a certain amount of water being evaporated; 952 being the latent heat of the steam in No. I, and 972 that of the water at 203, the amount DISTILLING APPARATUS. of vapor formed by the condensation of 1,610 Ibs. of steam will be 1610 X 952 . = 1,580 Ibs. of vapor passing to No. II. Deducting 972 this weight from the total of 4,500 Ibs. = 4,500 1,580 = 2,920 Ibs. of water passing to No. II. 2. This water enters at 203. But as the temperature in No. II, due to the better vacuum is only 181", it will, in falling 203 181 = 22, give off vapor as follows: FIG. 33. TRIPLE EFFECT EVAPORATOR. 2920 X 22 = 63 Ibs. of vapor. 992 (lat. heat) As the 1,580 Ibs. of vapor from No. I are condensed in No. II, it will under the better vacuum and lower temperature evaporate nearly the same weight of water. Adding 1,580 to 63 gives a total = 1,643 Ibs. of vapor passing to No. III. Deducting this weight from 2,920 = 1,643 2,920 =1,277 Ibs. of water passing to No. III. 3. Evaporator No. Ill has a vacuum of 24" and a corresponding temperature of 145. The water in falling 181 145 = 36, will give off vapor as follows: 1277 X 36 = 45 Ibs. of vapor. 1012 (lat. heat) As in No. II, taking the evaporation in No. Ill equal in weight to the condensation, or 1,643 Ibs., the total will be 1,643 + 45 = 1,688 Ibs. This is far in excess of what is actually left to evaporate, namely, 1,277 Ibs. It shows that the capacity of the triple effect is too great, or in other words, that less steam was needed to evaporate the initial amount of water. The sum of the different weights of vapor passing out of the three vessels to be condensed for the supply of the ice cans is: 1,580 + 1,643 + 1,277 = 4,500 Ibs. By calculations we find out that only about 1,860 Ibs. of exhaust steam are required to distill that amount of water from an initial temperature of 120. 4,500 This gives a ratio of - 1,860 = 2.42 Ibs. of distilled water for each Ib. of exhaust steam. SPACE FOR CAN ICE PLANTS. If the water is heated up to 200 before entering No. I, the ratio will be about 3 Ibs. of water per Ib. of steam. The condensed steam, not being required for ice maMng, ivill 60 returned to the boiler as boiler feed water. The vapor pipes are increased in size so as to make the fall of the temperature between the vessels as slight as possible. Space Required for Can Ice Plants. The illustrations below give an approximate idea of the space required for a given size plant. Of course, these dimensions can be varied greatly to suit local conditions. T~T FIG. 34. HORIZONTAL D. A. MACHINE (WOLF). Capacity tons . . 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 A in ft 30 35 37 40 42 42 49 49 54 59 73 B in ft 56 73 78 85 95 107 120 135 150 154 160 FIG. 35. VERTICAL S. A. MACHINE (YORK). Capacity tons . . 6 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 A in ft 40 44 47 50 53 56 60 64 69 72 70 B in ft 53 64 75 87 97 108 121 135 150 163 174 SPACE FOR CAN ICE PLANTS. Through the courtesy of the Frick Co. we are enabled to show in the following pages complete lay-outs of ice plants ranging from a daily capacity of 6 tons to 60 tons. J. $ 92 SPACE FOR CAN ICE PLANTS. | ML i i : '.i Hllilll t " --^1-0-- 1 FIG. ST. SPACE FOR CAN ICE PLANTS. 93 01 -H O o -H O SPACE FOR CAN ICE PLANTS. FIG. 41. t-8-2^ * I 7-> '-- rf -c t | BOILERS ,i a 1, , wooa ONmnsia 1 r "> JIIIH f = *- 33i5 ^-rl 2 J^ JJ SPACE FOR CAN ICE PLANTS. FIG. 43. Plate Ice Plants Plato ice having its growth in thickness from one side only, the formation of ice proceeds from the freezing plate outward, and certain undesirable properties of the water held in solution or mechanically suspended or other than chemically fixed, are separated and rejected by the slowly freezing water. The residual or unfrozen water, at the termination of the freezing period, is drained off, the tanks then being refilled with fresh water. V///A FIG. 44. DIRECT EXPANSION PLATE PLANT. IOO PLATE ICE PLANTS. Plate ice is made by the following methods : The direct expan- sion plate; the direct expansion plate, icith still 'brine, known as the "Smith" plate; the brine cell plate; the brine coil plate, and the block system with either direct expansion or brine coils. The direct expansion plate is the simplest in construction and consists of direct expansion zigzag coils with %-inch plates of iron bolted or riveted in place. The thawing off of the face of ice is accomplished by turning the hot ammonia gas from the machine direct into the tank coils. The direct expansion plate u'ith still brine, known as the "Smith" plate, is similar in construction, excepting that the coil Is immersed in a brine solution contained in a water and brine tight cell. Thawing off is accomplished by turning hot gas into the coils. The brine cell plate consists of a tightly caulked and riveted cell or tank about four inches thick, provided with proper bulk- heads or distributing pipes, to give an even distribution of brine throughout the plate. The thawing off of the face of the ice is accomplished by circulating warm brine through the plate. The brine coil plate is similar to the direct expansion plate, excepting that brine is circulated through the coil instead of ammonia. Thawing off is accomplished by means of warm brine circulated through the coils. FIG. 45. BRINE COIL PLATE PLANT. In the block system the ice is formed directly on the coils, through which either ammonia or brine is circulated. After tem- pering, the ice is cut off in blocks the full depth of the plate by means of steam cutters, which are guided through the ice close to the coils. The method of harvesting is similar in all of the foregoing sys- tems, excepting that in use for harvesting block ice. Some use hollow lifting rods and thaw them out with steam; others use solid rods and cut them out when cutting up the ice; and others again use chains which are slipped around the cake when it floats up in the tank. Cutting up the plate is accomplished by means of steam cut- ters, power saws and hand plows. In the block system, however, where the ice is cut off the plate in the tank, it only remains to remove the cakes by means of a light crane and hoist and divide them into the required sizes with an axe or bar. 101 Agitation is accomplished by means of air jets located midway between the plates, sometimes in the center, sometimes three or four feet from one end and sometimes at both ends of the plates. In well designed plants the production of a square top has been fairly well solved and it only remains for the owner to see to it that a constant water level is maintained in the tank while the ice is in process of formation. From an economic standpoint, it is immaterial whether the ice as harvested from the tank has round or square ends, unless the tank be so designed that no ice is formed between thaw pipes or in back of tha\^ planks. This is especially true if the scrap ice can be utilized. A thawing system has been designed requiring for its proper operation iron freezing tanks. The ice is formed up to the bottom and sides of the tank and on the outside of the tank around each cell consisting of two plates of ice, a hollow space is formed by means of studding and sheathing. In this space are steam coils which heat the outside of the iron tank and thus loosen the ice from the bottom and ends. American Linde Plate System. The freezing plates are con- structed of square pipes, which, lying closely together, make a perfect sheet. They consist of two zig-zag coils, which interlock- in each other. Through one of these coils (having the larger area) cold ammonia vapors are passed and through the smaller one brine is passed. The working of these freezing plates is as follows: When the cold ammonia vapors are passed through the ammonia coil, the cold is evenly transmitted through the whole surface of the pipes, and the brine coil, which is surrounded on two sides by the cold ammonia coil, will have nearly the same temperature as the ammonia coil, so that the freezing along the whole plate will take place just as fast as if the plate consisted entirely of one ammonia coil. When we want to loosen the plate of ice from FIG. 46. AMERICAN LINDB PLATE SYSTEM. the freezing plate, shut off the supply of liquid ammonia and open the valve which allows warm brine to pass through the brine coil. After the plate is loosened, close the brine valve and open the valve which lets the liquid ammonia pass through the ammonia coil. To get the ice plates square the brine pipes are covered with sheet iron. The plate of ice forms inside this sheet and when it has formd thick enough and needs to be loosened, the same valve 102 PLATE ICE PLANTS. which lets warm brine pass through the brine coil interlocked with the freezing coil also lets brine pass through these coils, so that the ice is loosened from the plate. An absorption machine under the right conditions should produce up to 12 tons of ice per ton of coal burned. This figure includes all of the coal burned to provide steam for the water pump, ammonia pump, condensed steam pump, agitating apparatus, crane operation and so forth. Actual results on a sea- son's business show 10 tons of ice sold per ton of coal bought. Another advantage of such a plant is that cheap coal can be burned, providing a proper boiler plant has been installed. The following costs per ton for operating a 50-ton plant may be interesting: Coal at $2.20 per ton $0.22 Labor 34 Ammonia 06 Incidentals and repairs 24 Interest on investment 25 Taxes and insurance .11 Total to produce 1 ton of ice $1.26 The factory cost of the ice is 86 cents per ton, including repairs. A compression machine wth compound condensing engine and with all pumps, etc., driven by the compressor engine would re- quire at least 130 H. P. for a 50-ton ice-making plant and with an evaporation of 7-1 in the boiler plant, it would require the burning of 4% tons of coal per day which would be equivalent to the making of 11 tons of ice per ton of coal burned. It Is safe to say that not over ten tons of ice per ton of coal burned would be sold. So that from the standpoint of coal economy the tico plants would be practically equal. The cost per ton for operating a 50-ton compression plant would be about as follows: Coal at $3.20 per ton $0.32 Labor 34 Ammonia 03 Incidentals and repairs 18 Interest on the investment 25 Taxes and insurance 11 Total to produce 1 ton of ice $1.23 In this case the factory cost of the ice is 87 cents, including repairs. The difference in factory cost per ton is so small that the whole matter resolves itself into the question as to which type of machine is best adapted to the particular conditions existing in the im- mediate vicinity in which the plant is to be erected. A stll greater economy in the production of plate ice may be attained by a combination of the absorption and compression machines. The steam consumption of both typos of machines is a well known quantity. If, then, the combination plant be so proportioned that all of the steam required to operate a simple Corliss engine be utilized in an absorption machine at, say, ten pounds pressure, either the absorption machine or the compres- sion machine will be operated at no cost for coal. Assume that a 100-ton plate plant be so designed. Then a 30- ton compression ice-making machine will drive a 70-ton absorp- tion ice-making machine with its exhaust steam after the steam has done its work in the compressor engine. A plant designed on PLATE ICE PLANTS. 103 these lines would turn out 14 tons of ice per ton of coal burned and the cost per ton for operation would be about as follows: Coal at $2.20 per ton $0.16 Labor 30 Ammonia 05 Incidentals and repairs 21 Interest on investment 25 Taxes and insurance 11 Total to produce 1 ton of ice $1.08 The factory cost per ton of ice is in this instance reduced to 72 cents and the difference in the cost of production in favor of the combined plant is 15 cents per ton, which on a yearly output of 20,000 tons, gives the substantial sum of $3,000 per annum saved. (K. Wegeman, Trans. West. Ice Ass'n. 1907. Abridged.) About 250 square feet of freezing surface will be required per ton per 24 hours on a brine plant and in a direct expansion plant about 275. The brine plants are more easy to operate than the direct expansion plants, for the reason that the plant can he operated more continuously under the same conditions. That is, the condition does not fluctuate so easily, and the ice can be made of a more uniform thickness for the reason that the temperature of the freezing surface is more uniform. In a direct expansion plant the freezing surface that is not backed with the liquid ammonia will have one temperature, and the freezing surface that has gas inside of it will have an entirely different temperature, and the range is considerable. The cbiffioulty with the brine plants is the impossibility of mak- ing plates that won't leak. The displacement per ton for the compressors of a brine plant is less than the direct expansion plants. If the expansion coils can be kept very nearly flooded with liquid we obtain a higher efficiency and a more uniform tem- perature. The difficulty with the direct expansion plant is the ammonia leaks; the expansion coils being subject to such a range of temperatures. The loss of ammonia on a direct expansion plant is considerably more than on a brine plant. If we use brine, we will have to use a slightly lower back pres- sure than if we use direct expansion. Few brine plants are running at much better than 10 or 12 pounds back pressure, whereas the direct expansion plant will run higher. The accumulator system will run as high as 14 or 16 pounds. Plate ice can be made as pure as any can ice ever produced. There are two means at hand to accomplish this end: Sterlization and Ozonization. Where plenty of exhaust steam is at hand, sterilization is the best means, but in most plants ozonization will be found the more convenient method. Treatment by ozone will reduce the number of bacteria from 3,000 to 7 per cubic centimeter, and the 7 remaining bacteria are of the harmless kind. The investment runs from $12 to $20 per ton of ice-making capacity, including filters; the power re- quired is about one H. P. per hr. The German standard for pure potable water is 100 bacteria per cubic centimeter. The treatment would therefore more than meet the requirements of the health board. A sterilizing equipment is both higher in first cost and cost of operation, and has the added disadvantage of sending the water to the forecooler at a considerably higher temperature. Plate System vs. Can System. The principal elements in the selection of "plate" system and "can" system contrasted: PLATE JCE PLANTS. END EtP' FIG. 47. 20-TON PLATE ICE PLANT. Quality of Ice. Both systems under intelligent management will produce ice of good quality, but the "can" system depends upon a complicated arrangement of distilling and filtering appara- tus which permits rapid deterioration in quality if not carefully watched and kept in effective working condition. Power. Water, gas, electricity or any cheap motive power can be used for producing plate ice, but when distilled water is required, the "can" system must use steam. Water. Where water is highly impregnated with lime, etc., or gaseous products capable of vaporization and condensation, the "plate" system can be used if operated at a slow rate of freezing, as, for instance, sea water can be frozen on the "plate" system while very opaque and difficult to handle on the "can" system. PLATE ICE PLANTS. 105 Investment or First Cost. For producing ice 12 to 14 inches thick, the investment is greater in the "plate" than in the "can" system, where steam is used, by 33 to 75 per cent. This is due largely to the increased area of buildings required, high pressure compound condensing steam engines, power traveling cranes, expensive construction of freezing tanks and cells, etc. Cash Available. Given a limited cash capital you are enabled for one-half the money to buy and equip a "can" system of same; tonnage capacity, occupying but one-half the space.. Ice for Cooling Cars. When crushed ice is required! solely for cooling purposes, the "can" system is by all means the cheapest END ELEVATION FIG. 48. 50-TON PLATE ICE PL" ]>" I 5? 43 7 50 i 58.4 70 ( 16 7 75 ( i.SO.( 40 ( 45 51 4 60. ( 72 ( HO ( 20 1 80. ( 60 ( 4? 2 4 2 52 8 61 7 74 92 5 23 4 85 170 42 3 47 5 54 8 03 4 7(1 <5 126 7 'HI '1 wo.o 43 4 48 7 55 7 (if. 78 97 5 130.1 195.0 I!IO I 44 ,. 50 ( 57 L. 80 1 00 I 33 4 200 ( 400.0 45 d 51 ... 58 ( 68 4 82 ( 102 : 136 - 205 I 110. 1 46 52 (in i 70 ( 84 ( 105 ( 140.1 210 I 120 1 47 8 48 9 53 7 55 61 4 62.8 71 7 73 4 86 88 107 5'llO 143 4(146 7 215 0|220 430.0'440.0 I 1 1 I I 1 P 50 56. L (14 .' 75 ( 90 ( 12 f 50 I 225 ( 450 ( 51 2 57 5 65 7 76 - 15 1 53 4 30 ( 60. f 52 3 r,8 7 67 2 78 .4 94 ( 17.5 56 7 235.0 170.0 53 4 60 68 5 80 (Hi 20 (1 60 240 480.0 54 r 6) L TO 81 7 98 ( 122.: 163.4 245 ( (90 ( 5,5 ( 62 f 71 4 83 4 no ( 2;> ( tit. " 250. ( .00.0 63 - 72 8 85 ( 102 . 127. f J70 255 .III I 5?, 65 I 74 : 86 ' 104 ( 130 ( 260 ( ,20. ( 58 < (1(1 L 75 7 88 4 106 ( 132.1 176 7 265 1 530. ( 60 67 6 77 2 90.0 108.0 135.0 1800 270 -.40.0 I 1 .1 I I \ P., " 61 2 68 7 78 f 91 7 10 ( 37.5! 83 4 750 80.01 62. 3 70 ( 80 93.4 12.0 40.0 180 7 280.0 5GO.O 57 63.4 71 2 81.4 96.0 14 42.5 89 H 70.0 64 5 72 5 K2 8 96 7 16 45 93 . 4 290 (1 SO 65 fi 73 7 84.3 ctive Pressur : from 1 ~ull Ar saof Id eal Diaj jram. Gauge | Absolute. 40 54.7 18 07 19.42,21.06 tt.03 25.44 28.55 32.63 30 15 33.26 41.93 46 31 45 59.7 19 72 21.19,22.98 25.12 27.76 31.16 35.62 39.46 41 "<6 45.76 50.54 50 64.7 21 37 22.9724.91 27.23 30.09 33.77 38.60 42.76 45.26 49.59 54.77 55 69.7 23.02 24.74 26.83 29.34 32 31 36.38 41.58 46.07 48.76 53.43 59.00 60 74.7 24.67 <>6 5? 98 75 31.45 34.74 38.99 44 56 49.37 52 26 57.26 63.24 65 79 7 26.32 *8 30.68 W 55 37 06 41.59 47.55 52 67 55.75 61.09 67.47 70 84.7 >7 97 30 07 3?, 60 15,66 39.39 44.20 50.53 55.98 59.85 64.92 71.70 75 89.7 29.62 31.84 34.53 37 76 41.71 46.81 53.51 59.28 62 75 68.76 75.94 80 94.7 31.28 33.62 36.45 19 87 44.04 49.42 56.50 62.59 66.25 72.59 80.17 85 99.7 32.93 35.39 W 38 41 91 46.36 52.03 59. 4S 65.89 66.74 76.42 84.40 90 95 104.7 109.7 34.5837.17 36.2338.94 40.30 42.23 44.08 46.18 48.69 51.01 54.64 57.25 62.46 65.44 69.20 72.50 73.24 76.74 80.26 84.09 88.63 92.87 100 114.7 37 88 40.72 44.15 48 ?0 53.34 59.86 68.43 75.81 80.24 87.92 97.10 110 124.7 41.18 44 37 48 00 53 50 57.98 65.08 74.39 82.41 87.23 95.59 105.26 120 134.7 44.49|47.82 51 85 56.71 62.64 70.30 80.36 89.02 94.23 103.25 114.04 130 144.7 47.7951.37 33.70 00.92 67.29 75.52 86.32 95.63 101.22110.91 122.50 140- 154.7 51.0954.92 59.55 65 13 71.94 80.74 93.29 102.24 108.22 118.58 130.96 150 164.7 54.39iJ8.47 63,40 69.34 76.59 85.96 98.26108.85 115 21 126.26 139.43 160 170 174.7 184 7 57.70 61.00 61.02 65.57 67.25 71.10 73.55 77.76 81.24 85.89 91.17 96 39 104. 221115. 46 110.19122 07 122.21 129.20 133.91 141 90 147.89 156.36 180 194.7 64 80 fl9.1? 74.95 81,97 90.54 101.61 116.15128.68 136 20 149.24 164.83 190 204.7 67 60 72.67 78. 79186.18 95.19 106.83 122.12 135.29 143.19 156.91 173.29 200 214.7 70.91 76.22 82.6490.39 99.84|112 05 128.08141.90 150.19 164.57 181.85 210 224.7 74.2! 79 78 86.4994.60:104.491117.27 134 05 148.51 157.19 172.24 190.22 1 1 1 To find the highest M. E. P. realized in practice, subtract from the ideal values given in table, 7 Ibs. for condensing engines, and 20 Ibs. in the case of non-condensing engines. The ideal M. E. P. for any initial gauge pressure not given in table is found by multi- plying your absolute pressure by the M. E. P. per pound of initial, as given in third line of table. 124 STEAM ENGINES. PISTON SPEED IN FEET PER MINUTE. Ordinary direct-acting pumping engines (non-rotative) 90 to 130 Ordinary horizontal engines 200 to 400 Horiz. comp. and triple-expans. mill engines 400 to 800 Ordinary marine engines 400 to 650 Engines for large high-speed steamships 700 to 900 Locomotive engines (express) 800 to 1,000 Engines for torpedo-boats 1,000 to 1,200 STEAM PER HORSE-POWER PER HOUR. Plain slide valve engine 60 to 70 Ibs. High speed automatic engine 30 to 50 Ibs. Corliss simple non-cond 25 to 28 Ibs. Corliss comp. non-cond 23 to 26 Ibs. Corliss simple condensing 19 to 21 Ibs. Corliss comp. condensing 13 to 15 Ibs. Valve Setting of Corliss Engine. The following instructions are given by the Frick Co. and apply to all Corliss engines: Fig. 2 Fig. 3 STEAM VALVE FIG 56 VALVE SETTING OF CORLISS ENGINE. The Steam and Exhaust Valves. Take off the back valve chest cover and upon the bore of the seats you will find a mark which coincides with the closing edge of the port. (See Figs. 3 and 4.) Look upon the end of the valve and find a mark running towards the center of valve; this line coincides with the closing edge of valve. Note that in case of the exhaust valve the valve controls the part leading Into the exhaust passage and not the opening from the cylinder downward. The upper edge of the exhaust port Is the closing edge, and the outer edges of the steam ports are the closing edges. The Wrist Plate. You will find a mark upon the hub and cor- responding marks upon the hub of the wrist plate, when It i STEAM ENGINES. 125 moved back and forth by the eccentric. The wrist plate should be located exactly central between the four valves. To test the marks on wrist plate hub connect the eccentric rods and engage or drop the carrier rod upon the wrist plate stud; then rotate the eccentric upon the shaft the full extent of its throw or movement each way, and observe if the marks upon the hub of wrist plate at full throw agree with the marks upon the bracket; if not, disconnect the box trap of eccentric rod at carrier arm and adjust the screw on stub end by lengthen- ing or shortening (as required), until the marks do agree on both extremes of movement. To Set the Valves. Place the wrist plate in a vertical position (at the central mark); turn the valves around in their seats until the steam valves show by the closing edge marks upon their ends by comparison with the port line marks in the seats that the steam valve edges lap over or cover the ports % of an inch for 18-inch T)ore of engine cylinder, % for 24-inch cylinder, and 7/16 for 80-inch cylinder. The exhaust valves should show from 1/16 to y& opening, according to size of cylinder. In connecting the wrist plate see first that the cut-off latch is hooked on the stud or is engaged. Connect the wrist plate and steam and exhaust valve arms so the wrist plate stands at the central mark or vertical, and the steam and exhaust valve have the proper lap and opening as instructed, the proper amount of steam lap and exhaust opening being determined as above by the size of engine. To Make Final Adjustments. Now with the carrier rod hooked upon the wrist plate stud, place the engine upon the center, know- ing which way the engine shaft is to run, turn the eccentric upon the shaft (it being loose) in the same direction in which shaft is run, a little more than at right angles ahead of the crank or until the steam valve on the same end as the piston Is just beginning to open, say 1/32 of an inch; in this position secure the eccentric on the shaft by means of the set screws in the hub (see in all cases that the steam valves are hooked up or engaged t)y the cut-off mechanism), then turn the engine on the opposite center and see if the steam valve on that end has the same amount of opening; if not, you can make the adjustment by lengthening or shortening the wrist plate rod attached to this valve. To Adjust the Cut-off. See that the governor and connections are put together properly, and block the governor about halfway in the slot ; then fasten the reach or cam rod lever so it stands about at right angles to a line drawn midway between the reach rods; then lengthen or shorten the reach rods until the cam or trip levers stand vertical or plumb. The governor and connections now occupy the proper relative positions, and it remains to make the exact adjustment and to equalize the cut-off, so as the same amount of steam is admitted at each end of the stroke. Also, lower the governor and observe when the governor is down that the cut-off mechanism does not unhook, but allows steam to be taken full stroke, after which place the engine at 1-5 of the stroke, which can be done by measuring upon the engine bed guides from each end 1 and turning the engine (with all parts connected up) until crosshead is fair -with the mark, then slowly raise the governor until the cut-off on the end taking steam trips or unhooks, and to ensure this point being accurately de- termined it is well to stand by with the hand pressing down upon the dash pot rod; now block the governor in this position ;md try the cut-off on the other stroke same distance from the end. After a few trials back and forth, and adjusting the length of the cam rods, the cut-off can be made to drop at precisely the 126 STEAM ENGINES. same point of stroke. Take care to secure everything perma- nently when done. Note : on Automatic Safety Attachment. As most engines are fitted with safety automatic cams, designed to act only when governor has fallen to bottom of slot in the governor column, before finishing your adjustment see that when the governor is at its proper height it will trip the cut-off. When resting on the high part of the slotted safety collar, the valve gear will follow full stroke, and when safety collar has been turned to bring the notch opposite slot, the governor will drop low enough to allow the safety cams or knock-off lever to be brought into play so as not to permit the valves to be opened. The dash pot rod should! be adjusted in length so the steam valve arm, resting thereon, when the dash-pot plunger is home, or at the bottom of the pot, is in such a position that the latch is sure to hook over the latch stud and the stud lies midway between the latch die and the closing shoulder. This will insure on the one hand the positive engagement of the latch, and on the other hand prevent the shoulder from jamming down upon the latch atud. If the dash-pot rod is too short, the latch will not hook on. The regular gag pot is used on Corliss Engines to prevent over- sensitiveness of the governor and its response to trivial changes. Use only coal or kerosene oil in this pot, and regulate the screw In the piston if required to give greater freedom of motion. See that all parts of the governor move freely. If the latch dies have a tendency to slip, the latch spring may be at fault. It can be made stronger by twisting the spring stud, bringing more tension against the latch. If the stoppage comes from wear, take out the latch or stud die and turn it, thus presenting a new wearing surface, or sharpen edge by ap- plying to a grindstone. Do not bring any more pressure on the spring than necessary, as when steel dies are in good condition the tension of spring can be very light. Keep the cushion leathers in good order and your valve gear working noiseless and smooth. Using a Steam Engine Indicator to test the correctness of valve setting is the most approved method known, and should be applied in cases where an indicator can be obtained. Recollect that to adjust the point of cut-off \Cross-pipe connection. FIG 57. Indicator and reducing-wheeL PIG 58. to take same amount of steam at each end, adjust the cam or reach rods. To give more or less steam lead adjust the wrist plate rods. Lengthening them increases the lap and shortening them gives more lead. The same with the exhaust valves, the cushion or release being effected thereby. If the eccentric is properly set, it is not necessary to disturb it in ordinary cases. STEAM ENGINES. 127 FIG 59. The lines of a perfect diagram are as follows: A to B is the "admission line," showing that ports and clear- ance space are filled with steam. B to C is the "steam line/' show- ing that sufficient steam is ad- mitted to the cylinder up to the point of cut-off at C. C to D is the "expansion line/' showing the work done by the expansion of the steam while piston travels from point of cut- off to point of release at D. D to B is the "release line/' where the exhaust valve opening lets the steam escape from the cylinder. E to F is the tack pressure line, showing the amount of pressure on the back of the piston. At P occurs the exhaust closure, and P to A is the coompression line, showing how the pressure is raised. ADMISSION LINE. a. Normal, b. Not sufficient lead. c. Not sufficient lead (slide valve). d. Steam admitted too late. e. Exhaust valve closing too late, f and g. Too much compression for late steam opening, h and i. Too much compression (slide valve), j and k. Too much lead. STEAM LINE, a. Normal, b. Steam ports or steam pipe too small. c. Too large steam chest area. d. No load on engine. e. Piston speed too great (slide valve). POINT OF RELEASE, a. Normal, b. Release too late. c. Counterpressure at moment of normal release. d. Release too early. e. Release too late (condensing), f and h. Light load or early cut-off, g. Late cut-off. BACK PRESSURE LINE, a. Normal, b, c and! d. Insufficient exhaust area. e. Small exhaust ports. f. Continuous diagram with vary- ing load. g. Early closure of valve. COMPRESSION LINE, a. Normal, b. Excess, compression, c and d. Leakage in valves or pis- ton, e. Leakage in piston. 128 STEAM ENGINES. Taking Care of Corliss Engine. Before starting your engine, see that all the water is blown out of the steam pipe by means of the drip valve provided on steam valve elbow; then open the steam valve a little and allow the steam to blow through the cylinder, first one end, then the other, by moving the wrist plate by hand sufficient to let the steam pass through the valves. The cylinder soon becomes warm, and all water is expelled into the exhaust pipe, the exhaust drain cock having been left open to allow it to run off. When ready to start, let the engine move slowly until you are satisfied every- thing is all right, then open stop-valve wide, and leave same open at all times. Don't work the wrist plate motion by hand and run engine backward and forward; the carrier rod is provided with a de- tachable hook so wrist plate may be worked for the purpose of warming up steam cylinder and blowing through. When machine is stopped, wipe it down clean, and examine all bearings and parts. Before starting again, see that all oil cups are properly filled and in working order, and all oil holes clear. Use none but the best oil, and use no more of it than is required to keep bearings in good working condition. Air Pumps. For a jet-condensing engine the capacity of the vertical single- acting pump varies from 1/5 to 1/10 of the capacity of the low- pressure cylinder, and from 1/8 to 1/16 in case of a horizontal double-acting pump. For a surface-condensing engine the capacity of the s. a. pump would 1 be from 1/10 to 1/8, and of a d. a. pump 1/15 to 1/25 of that of the low-pressure cylinder. The above proportions are for pumps having the same number of strokes as the piston of the low-pressure cylinder. PIG 60 SURFACE CONDENSER WITH AIR AND CIRCULATING PUMP. STEAM ENGINES. 129 o. 5 il? * i OOOOOOOOCOOOC1OOOOO |s ^-.^iOiOO C^ COCO-tSOOO Cl~OiO 1 O 'X) O 3O O O i-O i!*5~-c v 3O^*OO-*COO ' CM * O< r Tf C^ >* C* OJ C 1 * C( C^ Ot O* CO C*> *>< CO >ooooo%a?J3a; C V. O O O O O -< ^"' ;^^^5ss^ >oooc5OOO-^ eicdnco-r-rrTiOioioooo - ^- i- MCJ?(MC?Oo : 5COCr:CoKM?lO J j?i9iuE((3 \.-*'*> * O -z> T> -r> c> r> -r ir. -o o T, -r> T> v> T> T> T> -y> -r -f -* -r ? Vl ?t w w -r 2p' ? o in o 3 t- S o oo ^ 3 II u nos H ~ f? ? jsistasiQ ' ^ * 2 2 2 !2 * * SSS3?JS?;3SiSSSSSS^??^ Steam Boilers Horse Power. The standard rating is as follows : One horse-power equals 30 Its. of water evaporated p. hr. f from feed water, at 100 F. into dry steam of 70 Ibs. gauge pressure. ' Internal fired, cylindrical tub- j ular boiler. -Sterling water-tube boder. 'BABCOCK & W. LCOX WATEK-TUBI BOILER FIG 61 VARIOUS TYPES OF STEAM BOILERS. This is equivalent to the evaporation of 34.5 Ibs. of water from a feed water temp, of 212 F. into dry steam at the same temp, and under atm. press. STEAM BOILERS. APPROXIMATE PROPORTION OP HEATING-SURFACE AND GRATE-SURFACI* PER HORSE-POWER, ETC., OF VARIOUS TYPES OF" BOILERS. Coal 1 TYP or BOILER. Square feet of heating- surface per per foot of heat- Rela- tive econ- Rela- tive rapid- ity of Heating- surface per square foot Pounds of coal per square foot Pounds of] water perl pound i horse-power. ing- omy. steam- of grate. of grate. of owl. sur- ing. I face. \ Water-tube 10 to 12 .3 1.00 1.00 35 to 50 12 to 20 9 to 10 Cylind'l tubular. 14 16 .25 ..91 .60 25 35 10 15 8 : "' 11 Vertical tube 15 20 .25 .80 .60 25 30 10 15 8 " 10| Locomotive 12 16 .275 .85 .55 50 100 20 40 8 " llj Flue 5 12 .4 .79 .25 20 25 10 20 8 " 10 Plain cylindrical . 6 10 .5 .69 .20 15 20 15 25 7 " P Mortzortt-ol Yubut a r Boi Ice No H.P. FirtMTCf T*tl 75 90 too-i ISO 200*> 2-i 4-S /(? /5" 20 2S- 30 40 SO 60 73 90 /OO /2.O 60 24 48 52 66 66 Iff /32 /02 /32 /32 7670 &77O 3S400 to ooo 'ifoo ZOooo 26800 24000 .14000 3BOOO .T3000 56000 4-00/ 500 600 700 750 doo /OOO //OO /3oo 2OOO 2200 Z600 3000 3300 60 221 92* 103 .118 " Art eacK boiler to k Urn\*ht4 wi\ inoLependtnt shack. n all e**e O .3 .flCL D. Temperature 1 in Degrees Fahrenheit. Totil Heat in Heat Units at 32" I*. 3c 1 '2 B a Z&x a i, 'i 1 ! 2.2Si X c ill 3 S- 3 S*o a i i 3S* ill 3 O > .s Factor of equiv- alent Evapor- ation at 212 Fahrenheit. ( > < 1 101.99 1113.1 70.0 10430 0.00299 334 50 0.9661 2 120 27 1120.5 94.4 1026 1 00570 173.60 .9738 ', . 3 141 02 1125.1 109.8 1015.3 00844 118 50 .9780 t . * . 4 15309 11280 1214 1007 2 o o; 107 90.33 .9822 .5 162 34 1131.5 1307 1000.8 001300 73.21 .9853 .. 17014 11338 138.0 093 2 001C-22 61 05 9870 7 176.80 1135.9 145.4 O'JO 5 0.01874 5339 9897 8 182.92 1137.7 151.5 980.2 002125 47.00 9916 ' ^'. . . 9 188.33 1139.4 1569 98-2.5 02374 42.12 .9934 ?.-.- i 10 193.25 1140.9 1619 9790 0.02621 33.15 .9949 14.7 21200 1146.6 1807 9600 003793 2078 I 0000 , Q3 15 21303 1146.9 181.8 965 1 0.03820 20.14 10003 5.3 20 22795 1151.5 1969 954.6 0.050-23 l!).01 10051 10.3 25 24004 1155.1 209.1 9400 0.06199 1013 1.0099 15.3 30 25027 1158.3 219.4 9389 0.073CO 13.59 1.0129 20.3 35 259.19 11010 228.4 932.6 0.0350S 11.75 10157 25.3 40 207.13 11034 236.4 9270 0.09044 1037 10183 30.3 45 27429 1105.0 243.6 9220 0.1077 9.235 1.0205 35.3 50 280 85 11070 250.2 9174 0.1188 8.418 10225 40.3 55 28(5.89 11794 2563 913.1 0.1299 7098 1.0245 45.3 60 29251 1171.2 261.9 9093 0.1409 7.097 1.0263 60.3 65 29777 1172.7 267.2 9059 0.1519 6.583 1.0280 55.3 70 302 71 1174.3 272.2 902.1 0.1028 6143 10295 CO. 3 75 30738 11757 276.9 8988 01736 5.700 1.0309 65.3 80 311 80 11770 281.4 8950 0.1S43 5426 1.0323 70.3 85 31602 11783 2858 8925 1951 5.126 1.0337 75.3 90 320.04 11796 2900 8896 2058 4.859 1.0350 80.3 95 323 89 1180.7 294.0 8807 0.2105 4.019 10363 W.3 100 32758 1181.9 297.9 884.0 0.2271 4.40?- 10374 0.3 105 331.13 1182.9 301.6 881 3 2378 4205 10385 95.3 110 334.50 11840 305.2 878.8 0.2484 4 026 1.0396 100.3 115 337.80 11850 308.7 8763 0.2589 3.862 10406 105.3 120 34105 1186.0 3120 8740 02695 3 711 1.0416 110.3 125 344.13 11869 3152 871 7 0.2800 3.571 10426 115 3 130 347.12 1187.8 3184 809.4 02904 3.444 1.0435 125.3 140 352.85 11895 324.4 865.1 0.3113 3.213 10453 135.3 150 358 26 1191.2 3300 861.2 03321 3.011 1.0470 145.3 160 36340 11928 3354 8574 03530 2833 1.0486 155.3 170 303.29 11943 340.5 853.8 0.3737 2076 1.0503 165.3 180 372.07 1195.7 3454 8503 0.3945 2.535 1.0517 175,3 190 377.44 1197.1 350.1 847.0 04153 2.408 1.0531 185.3 200 381.73 1198.4 8546 843.8 04359 2.294 1.0545 210.3 225 391.79 1201.4 365.1 8363 0.4870 2.051 1.0576 235.3 250 40099 1204 2 3747 829.5 0.5393 1.854 1.0605 260.3 275 409 50 12068 3836 823.2 05913 1.691 1 0633 285.3 300 41742 12093 3919 817.4 0.044 1.553 10657 310.3 325 42482 1211.5 3996 811.9 0096 1.437 1.0680 335.3 350 431 90 12137 4069 806 8 0728 1.8:J7 1.0703 360.3 375 43840 1215.7 414.2 801.5 0800 1 250 1.0724 385.3 400 445 15 1217.7 4214 796.3 0.853 M72 1.0745 .485.3 500 466 57 1224 2 4443 7799 1 005 0939 1 0313 136 STEAM BOILERS. ary moisture to keep the air from becoming "dry" and uncom- fortable. For comfort, air should be kept at about "50 per cent, aturated." This would require one pound of vapor to be added each 2,500 cubic feet heated from 32 to 70. Care of Boilers. 1. Safety Valves. Great care should be exercised to see that these valves are ample in size and in working order. Overloading or neglect frequently lead to the most disastrous results. Safety valves should be tried at least once every day to see that they will act freely. 2. Pressure Gauge. The steam gauge should stand at zero when the pressure is off, and it should show same pressure as the safety valve when that is blowing off. If not, then one is wrong, and the gauge should be tested by one known to be correct. 3. Water Level. The first duty of an engineer before starting or at the beginning of his watch, is to see that the water is at the proper height. Do not rely on glass gauges, floats or water alarms, but try the gauge cocks. If they do not agree with water gauge, learn the cause and correct it. 4. Gauge Cocks and Water Gauges must be kept clean. Water gauge should be blown out frequently, and the glasses and pas- sages to gauge kept clean. 5. Feed Pump or Injector. These should be kept in perfect order, and be of ample size. It is always safe to have two meana of feeding a boiler. Check valves, and self-acting feed valves should be frequently examined and cleaned. Satisfy yourself fre- quently that the valve is acting when the feed pump is at work. 6. Low Water. In case of low water, immediately cover the fire with ashes (wet if possible) or any earth that may be at hand . If nothing else is handy use fresh coal. Draw fire as soon as it can be done without increasing the heat. Neither turn on the feed, start or stop engine, or lift safety valve until fires are out, and the boiler cooled down. 7. Blisters and Cracks. These are liable to occur in the best plate iron. When the first indication appears there must be no delay in having it carefully examined and properly cared for. 8. Fusible Plugs, when used, must be examined when the boiler is cleaned, and carefully scraped clean on both the water and fire sides, or they are liable not to act. 9. Firing. Fire evenly and regularly, a little at a time. Mod- erately thick fires are most economical, but thin firing must be used where the draught is poor. Take care to keep grates evenly covered, and allow no air-holes in the fire. Do not "clean" fires oftener than necessary. With bituminous coal, a "coking fire," 1. e., firing in front, shoving back when coked, gives best results if properly managed. 10. Cleaning. All heating surfaces must be kept clean outside and in, or there will be a serious waste of fuel. Never allow over 1/16 inch scale or soot to collect on surfaces between cleanings. Handholes should be frequently removed and surfaces examined, particularly in case of a new boiler, until proper inter- vals have been established by experience. The exterior of tubes can be kept clean by the use of blowing pipe and hose. In using smoky fuel, it is best to occasionally brush the surfaces when steam is off. 11. Hot Feed Water. Cold water should never be fed into any boiler when it can be avoided, but when necessary it should be caused to mix with the heated water before coming in contact with any portion of the boiler. 12. Foaming. When foaming occurs in a boiler, checking the outflow of steam will usually stop it. If caused by dirty STEAM BOILERS. 137 water, blowing down and pumping up will generally cure it. In cases of violent foaming, check the draft and fires. 13. Air Leaks. Be sure that all openings for admission of air to boiler or flues, except through the fire, are carefully stopped. This is frequently an unsuspected cause of serious waste. 14. Blowing Off. If feed-water is muddy or salt, blow off a portion frequently, according to condition of water. Empty the boiler every week or two, and fill up afresh. When surface blow- cocks are used, they should be often opened for a few minutes at a time. Make sure no water is escaping from the blow-off cock when it is supposed to be closed. Blow-off cocks and check-valves should be examined every time the boiler is cleaned. 15. Leaks. When leaks are discovered, they should be repaired as soon as possible. 16. Blowing Off. Never empty the boiler while the brick-work is hot. 17. Dampness. Take care that no water comes in contact with the exterior of the boiler from any cause, as it tends to corrode and weaken the boiler. Beware of all dampness in seatings or coverings. 18. Galvanic Action. Examine frequently parts in contact with copper or brass, where water is present, for signs of corrosion. If water is salt or acid, some metallic zinc placed in the boiler will usually prevent corrosion, but it will need attention and re- newal from time to time. 19. Rapid Firing. In boilers with thick plates or seams ex- posed to the fire, steam should be raised slowly, and rapid or intense firing avoided. 20. Standing Unused. If a boiler is not required for some time, empty and dry it thoroughly. If this is impracticable, fill It quite full of water, and put in a quantity of common washing soda. External parts exposed to dampness should receive a coating of linseed oil. 21. General Cleanliness. All things about the boiler room should be kept clean and in good order. Negligence tends to waste and decay. Rules for Conducting Boiler Test. The Committee of the A. S. M. E. on Boiler Tests, consisting of Wm. Kent (chairman), J. C. Hoadley, R. H. Thurston, Chas. E 1 . Emery, and Chas. T. Porter, recommended the following code of rules for boiler tests (Trans., vol. vi., p. 256) : Preliminaries to a Test. I. In preparing for and conducting trials of steam boilers the specific object of the proposed trial should be clearly defined and steadily kept in view. II. Measure and record the dimensions, position, etc., of grate and heating surfaces, flues and chimneys, proportion of air space in the grate surface, kind of draught, natural or forced 1 . III. Put the boiler in good condition. Have heating surface clean inside and out, grate bars and sides of furnace free from clinkers, dust and ashes removed from back connections, leaks in masonry stopped, and all obstructions to draught removed. See that the damper will open to full extent, and that it may be closed when desired. Test for leaks in masonry by firing a little smoky fuel and immediately closing damper. The smoke will then escape through the leaks. IV. Have an understanding with the parties In whose interest the test is to be made as to the character of the coal to be used. The coal must be dry, or, if wet, a sample must be dried carefully and a determination of the amount of moisture in the coal made, 138 STEAM BOILERS. and the calculation of the results of the test corrected accordingly. Wherever possible, the test should be made with standard coal of a known quality. For that portion of the country east of the Al- legheny Mountains good anthracite egg coal or Cumberland semi- bituminous coal may be taken as the standard for making tests. West of the Allegheny Mountains and east of the Missouri River, Pittsburg lump coal may be used. * V. In all important tests a sample of coal should be selected for chemical analysis. VI. Establish the correctness of all apparatus used in the teat for weighing and measuring. These are : 1. Scales for weighing coal, ashes, and water. 2. Tanks, or water meters for measuring water. Water-meters, as a rule, should only be used as a check on other measurements. For accurate work the water should be weighed or measured in a tank. 3. Thermometers and pyrometers for taking temperatures of air, steam, feed water, waste gases, etc. 4. Pressure gauges, draught gauges, etc. VII. Before beginning a test, the boiler and chimney should be thoroughly heated to their usual working temperature. If the boiler is new, it should be in continuous use at least a week before testing, so as to dry the mortar thoroughly and heat the walls. VIII. Before beginning a test, the boiler and connections should 1 be free from leaks, and all water connections, including blow and extra feed pipes, should be disconnected or stopped with blank flanges, except the particular pipe through which water is to be fed to the boiler during the trial. In locations where the reliability of the power is so important that an extra feed pipe must be kept in position, and in general when for any other reason water pipes other than the feed pipes cannot be disconnected, such pipes may be drilled so as to leave openings in their lower sides, which should be kept open throughout the test as a means of detecting leaks, or accidental or unauthorized opening of valves. During the test the blow-off pipe should remain exposed. If an injector is used it must receive steam directly from the boiler being tested, and not from a steam pipe or from any other boiler. See that the steam pipe is so arranged that water of condensation cannot run back into the boiler. If the steam pipe has such an in- clination that the water of condensation from any portion of the steam pipe system may run back into the boiler, it must be trapped so as to prevent this water getting into the boiler without being measured. Starting and Stopping a Test. A test should last at least ten hours of continuous running, and twenty-four hours whenever practicable. The conditions of the boiler and furnace in all respects should be, as nearly as possible, the same at the end as at the beginning of the test. The steam pressure should be the same, the water level the same, the fire upon the grates should be the same in quantity and condition, and the walls, flues, etc., should be of the same temperature. To secure as near an approximation to exact uniformity as possible in condi- tions of the fire and in temperatures of the walls and flues, the fol- lowing method of starting and stopping a test should be adopted : X. Standard Method. Steam being raised to the working pres- sure, remove rapidly all the fire from the grate, close the damper, clean the ash pit, and as quickly as possible start a new flre with weighed wood and coal, noting the time of starting the test and the * These coals are selected because they are about the only eoali which contain the essentials of excellence of quality, adaptability to various kinds of furnaces, grates, boilers, and methods of firing, and wide distribution and general accessibility in the markets. STEAM BOILERS. 139 height of the water level while the water Is in a quiescent state, just before lighting the fire. At the end of the test remove the whole fire, clean the grates and ash pit, and 1 note the water level when the water is in a quiescent state ; record the time of hauling the fire as the end of the test. The water level should be as nearly as possible the same as at the beginning of the test. If it is not the same, a correction should be made by computation, and not by operating pump after test is com- pleted. It will generally be necessary to regulate the discharge of steam from the boiler tested by means of the stop-valve for a time while fires are being hauled at the beginning and at the end of the test, in order to keep the steam pressure in the boiler at those times up to the average during the test. XI. Alternate Method. Instead of the Standard Method above described, the following may be employed! where local conditions render it necessary : At the regular time for slicing and cleaning fires have them burned rather low, as is usual before cleaning, and then thoroughly cleaned ; note the amount of coal left on the grate as nearly as it can be estimated ; note the pressure of steam and the height of the water level which should be at the medium height to be carried through- out the test at the same time ; and note this time as the time of starting the test. Fresh coal, which has been weighed, should now be fired. The ash pits should be thoroughly cleaned at once after starting. Before the end of the test the fires should be burned low, just as before the start, and the fires cleaned in such a manner as to leave the same amount of fire, and in the same condition, on the grates as at the start. The water level and steam pressure should be brought to the same point as at the start, and the time of the ending of the test should he noted just before fresh coal is fired. During the Test. XII. Keep the Conditions Uniform. The boiler should be run con- tinuously, without stopping for meal times or for rise or fall of pres- sure of steam due to change of demand for steam. The draught being adjusted to the rate of evaporation or combustion desired be- fore the test is begun, it should be retained constant during the test by means of the damper. If the boiler is not connected to the same steam pipe with other boilers, an extra outlet for steam with valve in same should be provided, so that in case the pressure should rise to that at which the safety valve is set it may be reduced to the desired point by opening the extra outlet, without checking the fires. If the boiler is connected to a main steam pipe with other boilers, the safety valve on the boiler being tested should be set a few pounds higher than those of the other boilers, so that in case of a rise in pressure the other boilers may blow off, and the pressure be reduced by closing their dampers, allowing the damper of the boiler being tested to remain open, and firing as usual. All the conditions should be kept as nearly uniform as possible, such as force of draught, pressure of steam, and height of water. The time of cleaning the fires will depend upon the character of the fuel, the rapidity of combustion, and the kind of grates. When very good coal is used, and the combustion not too rapid, a ten-hour test may be run without any cleaning of the grates, other than just before the beginning and just before the end of the test. But in case the grates have to be cleaned during the test, the intervals be- tween one cleaning and another should be uniform. XIII. Keeping the Records. The coal should be weighed and de- livered to the firemen in equal portions, each sufficient for about 140 STEAM BOILERS. one hour's run, and a fresh portion should not be delivered until the previous one has all been fired. The time required to consume each portion should be noted, the time being recorded at the instant of firing the first of each new portion. It is desirable that at the same time the amount of water fed into the boiler should "be accurately noted' and recorded, including the height of the water in the boiler and the average pressure of steam and temperature of feed during the time. By thus recording the amount of water evaporated by successive portions of coal, the record of the test may be divided into several divisions, if desired, at the end of the test, to discover the degree of uniformity of combustion, evaporation, and economy at different stages of the test. XIV. Priming Tests. In all tests in which accuracy of results is important, calorimeter tests should be made of the percentage of moisture in the steam, or of the degree of superheating. At least ten such tests should* be made during the trial of the boiler, or so many as to reduce the probable average error to less than one per cent., and the final records of the boiler test corrected according to the average results of the calorimeter tests. On account of the difficulty of securing accuracy in these tests, the greatest care should be taken in the measurements of weights and temperatures. The thermometers should be accurate within a. tenth, of a degree, and the scales on which the water is weighed to within one hundredth of a pound. Analyses of Gases. Measurement of Air-Supply, Etc. XV. In tests for purposes of scientific research, in which the de- termination of all the variables entering into the test is desired, certain observations should be made which are in general not neces- sary in tests for commercial purposes. These are the measurement of the air supply, the determination of its contained! moisture, tht measurement and analysis of the flue gases, the determination of the amount of heat lost by radiation, of the amount of infiltration of air through the setting, the direct determination by calorimeter experiments of the absolute heating value of the fuel, and (by condensation of all the steam made by the boiler) of the total heat imparted to the water. The analysis of the flue gases is an especially valuable method of determining the relative value of different methods of firing, or of different kinds of furnaces. In making these analysis great care should be taken to procure average samples since the composition is apt to vary at different points of the flue. Record of the Test. XVI. A "log" of the test should be kept on properly prepared Wanks, containing headings as follows : Pressures. Temperatures. Fuel. Feed \vatei~ Time. Barome- ter. It Praught- gauge. "3 c u Boiler- room 2 u Steam. V e 3 H ^t STEAM BOILERS. 141 1. Date of trial 2. Duration of trial hours. DIMENSIONS AND PROPORTIONS. ipave space for complete description. 3. Grate-surface wide. ...long area sq.ft. 4. Water-heating surface sq. f t. 5. Superheating surface. sq. ft. ; 6. Ratio of water-heating surface to grate-stir face... , AVERAGE PRESSURES. 7. ' Steam-pressure in boiler, by gauge. Ibs. 8. Absolute steam-pressure Ibs. 9. Atmospheric pressure, per barometer in. 10. Force of draught in inches of water. in. AVERAGE TEMPERATURES. 11. Of external air. ..,..-,"... deg. 12. Of fire-room ,. deg. J3. Of steam ........ ".,'. deg. 14. Of escaping gases.... deg. 15. Of feed-water. . . . .^. ..... ....... . - de FUEL. 16. Total amount of coal consumed Ibs. 1 7." Moisture in coal per cent. 18. Dry coal consumed. .'...' *** . Ibs. 19. Total refuse, dry pounds = per cent. 20. Total combustible (dry weight of coal, Item 18; less refuse. Item 19) Ibs. 21. Dry coal consumed per hour. 1 Jbs. 22. Combustible consumed per hour. . . . . , .... RESULTS OP CALORIMETRIC TESTS. .23. Quality of steam, dry steam being taken as unity : 24. Percentage of moisture in steam. .'..,....,... per cent 25. Number of degrees superheated.. ............ deg. WATER. 26. Total weight of water pumped into boiler and apparently evaporated ................ ... Ibs. 27. "Water actually evaporated, corrected for quality of steam .........,...'.' Ibs. 8. Equivalent water evaporated into dry steam from and at 212 F 29. Equivalent total heat derived from fuel in British thermal units ...;....., ....- i. B.T.U 30. Equivalent water evaporated into dry stenn from and at 21:2 F. ner lioiir . .- . . . Ibs. ECONOMIC EVAPORATION. , 31. Water actually evaporated per pound of dry coal, from actual pressure and tempera- ture V....-,...,, i.^.;,,;;,,. v. Ibs ^i. Equivalent water evaporated per pound of dry coal from and at 212 F. Ibs 33. Equivalent water evaporated per pound of combustible from and at 212 F. -COMMERCIAL EVAPORATION. Equivalent water evaporated per pound of dry coal with one sixth refuse, at 70 pounds gauge-pressure, from temperature of 100 F. = Item 33 X 0.7249 ,. .' '. Ibs 142 STEAM BOILERS. RATE OP COMBUSTION. 35LDry coal actually burned per square foot of grate^Rurface per hour. . . . . . Ibs. Its. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs, Ibs, Ibs. ii)s' H.P H.P. per cent p -' _"..'- ^ Per sq. ft. of grate- / I Consumption of dry | surface...... ,o"' ! coal per hour. . Coal ( Persq. ft. of watei- oo' 1 assumed with one f heating surface.. ' 1 sixth refuse. ' ] Per sq. ft. of feast I J: area for draught. RATE OP EVAPORATION. 89. Water evaporated from and at 212 F. per sq. ft. of heating-surface per hour...... f Water evaporated! ^^e of *?^ 40. i per hour from tenv r ff ' jVl'*; ;41. \ perature of 100 F^ i^JSiSSuffiST . Jinto of 70 Ibs. ,4 Jq t l or le^s.' { gau K e-pressure. / ao?a ?f or draught. COMMERCIAL HORSE-POWKR. -^ 43. On basis of thirty pounds of water per hour evaporated from temperature of 100 F. into steam of TO pomulS Kauge-pressure ( 3U- Ibs from and at 212') ?4i Horse powei 1 , builders' j-aring, at square feet per hoi-se power.-, 4r>. Per cent developed above, or below, rating. Reporting the Trial. XVII. The final results should be recorded upon a properly pre- pared blank, and should include as many of the following Items as are adopted for the specific object for which the trial is made. Results of the trial of a Boiler at To determine NOTES ON STEAM BOILERS: Pumps Pressure and Head. To find the pressure in Ibs. per square inch of a column of water, multiply the height of the column in feet by .433. To find the height of a column of water in feet, the pressure being known, multiply the pressure shown on gauge by 2.309. The mean pressure of the atmosphere is usually estimated at 14.7 Ibs. per square inch, so that with a perfect vacuum it will ustain a column of mercury 29.9 inches, or a column of water 83.9 feet high, at sea level. PRESSURE AND HEAD. Fret *d. Square Inch. Feet Head. Pressure per Square Inch. Feet Head. Pressure per Square Inch. Feel Head. Pressure per Feet Head. Pressure per Square Inch. 1 0.43 64 . 27.72 127 55.01 190 82.30 253 109.50 9 0.86 65 28.15 128 55.44 191 82.73 254 110.03 3 1.30 66 28.58 129 55.88 192 83.17 255 110.46 4 1.73 67 130 56.31 193 83.60 256 110.80 .* 2.16 68 29^45 131 56.74 194 84.03 257 111.88 B 2.59 69 29.88 132 57.18 195 84.47 258 111.78 7 3.03 70 30.32 133 57.61 196 84.90 259 112.19 8 . 3.46 71 30.75 134 58.04 197 85.33 260 112.02 B 3.89 72 31.18 135 58.48 198 85.76 261 ' 113.06 10 4.33 73 31.62 136 58.91 199 86.20 113.49 11 4.76 74 32.05 137 59.34 200 86.63 263 113.93 12 5.20 75- 138 59.77 201 87.07 264 114.36" 13 5.63 76 32!92 139 60.21 202 . 87.50 265 114.79 14 6.06 77 140 6064 203 87.93 266 115.22 16 6.49 78 88)78 141 61 07 201 88.36 267 116.66 16 6.93 79 34.21 142 61.51 205 88.80 268 116.09 17 7.36 80 34.65 143 61.94 206 89.23 289 116.62 18 7.79 81 35.08 144 62.37 207 89.66 270 116.96 19 8.22 82 35.52 145 62.81 208 90.10 271 117.39 20 8.66 83 SS.HS 146 68.24 209 90.53 272 117.82 21 9.09 84 36.39 147 63.67 210 90.96 273 118.26 22 9.53 85 36.82 148 64.10 211 91.39 274 118.69 23 9.96 37.25 149 64.54 212 91.83 273 119.12 24 10.39 87 37.68 150 64.97 213 92.26 276 119.56 25 10.82 88 38.12 151 65.40 214 92.69 277 119.99 26 11.26 89 38.55 152 65.84 215 93.13 278 120.42 27 11.69. 90 38.98 153 66.27 216 93.56 279 120.85 28 12.12 91 39.42 154 66.70 .217 93.99 280 121.29 29 12.55 92 39.85 155 67.14 218 94.43 281 121.72 30 12.99 93 40.28 156 67.57 219 94.86 282 122.15 31 13.42 94 40.72 157 68.00 220 95.30 283 122.59 32 13.86 95 41.15 158 68.43 221 95.73 284 123.02 33 14.29 96 41.58 159 68.87 96.16 285 123.45 34 14.72 97 42.01 160 69.31 223 96.60 286 123.89 35 15.16 98 42.45 161 69.74 224 97.03 287 124.32 36 15.59 99 42.88 162 70.17 225 97.46 288 124.75 37 16.02 100 43.31 163 70.61 226 97.90 289 125.18 38 16.45 101 43.75 164 71.04 227 98.a3 290 125.62 39 16.89 102 44.18 165 71.47 228 98.76 291 126.06 40 17.32 103 44.61 166 71.91 229 99.20 292 126.48 41 17.75 104 45.05 167 72.34 230 99.63 293 126.92 42 18.19 105 45.48 168 72.77 231 100.06 294 127.35 43 106 45.91 73.20 232 100.49' 295 127.78 44 mo5 107 46.34 170 73.64 233 100.93 296 128.22 45 19.49 108 46.78 171 74.07 234 101 36 297 128.65 46 19.92 109 47.21 172 74.50 235 101 79 298 129.08 47 20.35 110 47.64 173 74.94 236 10223 299 12051 48 20.79 111 48.08 1 4 75.37 237 102 66 300 129.95 49 21.22 112 48.51 1 5 75.8C 238 103.09 310 134.28 50 21.65 48.94 1-6 76.23 239 103.53 320 138.62 51 22.09 114 49.38 177 76.67 240 103.96 330 142.96 52 22.52 115 49.81 1~8 77.10 241 10439 340 147.28 53 22.95 116 50.24 1-9 77.53 242 10483 350 151.61 54 2330 117 50.68 180 77.97 243 10526 360 ' 155.94 55 23.82 118 51.11 181 78.40 244 10569 370 160.27 56 24.26 119 51.54 182 78.84 245 106.13 380 "" 164.61 57 24.69 120 51.98 183 79.27 246 10656 390 168.94 58 25.12 ' 121 52.41 184 79.70 247 10699 400 173.27 59 25.55 122 52.84 185 8014 218 107.43 500 . 216.58 60 25.99 123 53.28 106 80.57 249 107.86 600 259.90 61 26.42 124 53.71 187 81 00 250 10829 700 303.22 62 26'a5 125 54.15 188 8143 251 108.73 800 346.54 63 27.29 126 54.58 18!) 81.87 252 10916 100 38986 1000 43318 144 PUMPS. Horse-Power. The theoretical horse-power required to elevate water to a glren height is found by multiplying the total weight of water in Ibs. by the height in ft. and dividing by 33,000; or, by multi- plying the gallons per minute by the height in ft. and dividing by 4,000. (Allowance of 25 per cent, should be added for friction.) PUMP HORSE POWER REQUIRED TO RAISE WATER. .'.06 012 019 .025 M/ lOO 7 ia' is 5.621 175 200 250 300 .219 .250 .312 .375 .437 .500 .625 -.750 .656 .750 .937 1.125 ,875 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.0931.312 1.25011.500 1.56311.875 1.8752.250 1.531 1.750 2.187 2.625 1.75 2 do 2.50 3.00 1.97 2.25 2.81 3.37 2.19 2.50 3.12 3.75 2.62 3.00 3.75 4.50 3.28 3.75 4.69 5.62 3.94 4.50 5.62 6,75 4.37 5.00 6.25 7.50 5.47 6.25 781 9.37 6.56 7.50 ^.37) 1L25! 350 400 500 .437 500 625 .875 1.312 I 000 1.500 1.250 1.875 1.750 2.000 2.500 2.1872.625 2.5003.000 3.1253.750 3.062 3.500 4.375 3.50 400 5.00 3.94 4.50 5.62 4.37 5.00 6.25 5.25 6.00 7.50 6., 56 750 9.37 7.87 9.00 11.25 8.75 10.00 12.50 10.94 12.50 15.62 18.12' 15.00 18.75 The actual horse-poicer for 100 ft. lift is 1.7 times the theoretical horse-power, for a 200 ft. lift 1.45 times, and for a 300 ft. lift 1.25 times. It is estimated that it requires approximately one horse-power, including friction,, to raise sixty gallon* of water per minute thirty-three feet high. Capacity of Pump. To find the capacity of a cylinder in gallons, multiply the area in inches by the length of stroke in inches; divide this amount by 231 (which is the cubical contents of a gallon of water), and the quotient is the capacity in gallons. A U. S. gallon of water weighs 8% Ibs. and contains 231 cubic inches. A cub. ft. of water weighs 62.4 Ibs. and contains 1,728 cb. inches, or 7.48 gallons. To find quantity of water elevated in one minute running at 100 feet of piston speed per minute, square the diameter of water cylinder in inches and multiply by 4. Example: Capacity of a five-inch cylinder is desired. The square of the diameter Co inches) is 25, and multiplied by 4 gives 100, which is gallons per minute (approximately). To find the diameter of a pump cylinder to move a given quan- tity of water per minute (100 feet of piston travel being the speed), divide the number of gallons by 4, then extract the square root, which will be the required diameter in inches. PUMPS. 145 TABLE OF EFFICIENCY OF PUMPING MACHINES. DESCRIPTION. Duty in Million Foot Pounds per no Its. Coal. Per Centage of Ther- mal Value of Steam Used. Equivalent in Coal per Hourly Horse- power. 1 Pumping Engines 1 Steam pumps, large size.l Steam pumps, small size, Vacuum pumps _ Injectors, lifting water only. 30 to i to 15 to 30* 8 to 15 3 to 10 to 5 3.89 .0 13.25 1.94 3.89 1.04 " 1.94 0.39 " 1.30 0.26 " 0.61; 6.68 to 1.95 ' 13-4 " 6.68 z |.oo ; 13.40 66.6 " 75.00 100 " 66.60 TATsK OR LIGHT-SERVICE DUPLEX PUMP (WORKING PRESSURE OF 75 LBS.) PLUNGER AND RING PATTERN PISTON PATTERN WATER EN FIG. 63. DUPLEX PUMP. Sizes. jg Capacity to Sizes of Pipes. . 2 per min. at Given V 0} | '"* ^ P, CO n BO .5 r| a 1 i 2|> 11 1 0) P ^o "S) C ,g S i 1 : _ CJ 1 JS CO ? (3 O 1 O 3 t 02 W ^ s 4 4 5 .27 130 35 33 9J/ K % 2 1J4 5 4 7 .38 125 48 45^ 15 3 2J4 gi/ 5V6 7 .72 125 90 15 % 3 2V6 r-|2 71^ 10 1.91 110 210 ' 58 17 i L 4 4 6 7 12 2.00 100 200 66 17 " 3/ 4 4 8 7 12 2.00 100 200 67 1 /^ 5 4 8 8 12 2.61 100 261 68 30 1 U: 5 5 10 8 12 2.61 100 201 68^ 30 1 V^ 2 5 5 8 10 12 4.08 100 408 68 20^ 1 \\ 8 8 10 10 12 4.08 100 408 68^ 30 2 8 8 J2_ J 10 4.^8 JOO. 408 64 _24._ 2 2} 8 8 SINGLE ACTING TRIPLEX PUMP. Diameter, Pump Plungers, Stroke Plunders.'' Caps . gallot revolu Cranl icity, : Shaft. Gallons, per min., 40 rev. of drank Shaft. Size Suction Pipe, Inches. Size Delivery in P cn!s. 4 6 I . 00 49 2^2 2 S 6 I. 5 60' 3 2/4 5 8 2. 00 80 3 2 l /4 6 8 .2, 93 "7 4 3 7 8 4 ,00 160 5 4 8 8 y< , 20 208 6 5 8 10 6 50 260 6 5 Ratio of Gearing. 7/4 tO I to i tO I to i tO I tO I tO I 146 PUMPS. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS (FOR LIFTS FROM 15 to 35 FT.) FIG 64 CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. If il || Economical Capacity, gals, per inin; ^. *C si*' !* ft Jl Suction, pipe, in. Discharpe- pipe, in. Economical Capacity, gals, per in in. H.P. for each foot of lift. jfj 1 j 1 li 25 70 -.028 .05 65 230 10 12 10 12 10 12 3000 4200 I. GO 2.15 3000 f 6800 a 2J*> 2 100 .08 265 15 15 15 7000 3.50 8840 3 3J4 3 250 .15 500 18 18 18 10000 5.00 10000 4 4^ 4 450 .27 680 24 24 24 18000 7.60 9000* 6 6. 5 700 .36 1032 30 30 30 25000 10.50 20000* 6 8 6 8 6 8 1200 2000 .65 1. 10 1260 2460 36 36 36 35000 14.75 22000*. Directions for Connecting and Running Pumps. The suction pipe of a pump should be perfectly air-tight. A leak In the suction pipe will destroy the vacuum, and prevent the water rising in the pipe. The suction and discharging pipes should be run with as fe\r bends and elbows as possible, to avoid water-hammer i.nd undue friction. The diameters should never be less than called for by the openings on the pumps. When drawing or forcing water long distances or at high speeds, the diameters of the pipes should be greater than called for by the openings on pumps, and should be large enough to convey the fluids with the minimum of friction. This is particularly essen- tial for the suction pipe, which has only the atmospheric pressure to force the water from the source of supply to the pumps. A strainer should be attached to suction pipe to prevent the entrance of foreign substances, and the total area of the strainer holes should be -from, two to five times the area of the pipe. A large vacuum chamber on suction pipe near the pump is advantageous, and when high speeds are desired without noise, becomes a necessity. Hot water cannot be lifted by suction any desirable height, and the difficulty increases with the temperature. To handle hot water efficiently it should gravitate to the pump. During cold weather, if in an exposed situation, the pump and pipes should be thoroughly drained after stopping, to insure safety against frost. PUMPS. 14? The steam and exhaust pipes should be connected so that they may be drained of their water of condensation. When a steam pump is not to be used for some time, the steam cylinder and valve gear should be well oiled before stopping. The stuffing-boxes should be kept clean and carefully packed, to avoid excessive friction by being screwed down too tight. Short Rule for Piping a Pump. To find the size of steam pipe, divide the cross-sectional area of steam piston by 64. To find the size of exhaust pipe divide the cross-sectional area of steam piston by 32. To find the size of the discharge pipe divide the cross-sectional area of plunger by 3. To find the size of suction pipe, divide the cross-sectional area of plunger by 2. Give th water valves the same area of opening as the suction pipe. Duty Trials of Pumping Engines. (Abridged from Trans. A. S. M. E., XII, 530.) The new unit chosen, foot pounds of work per million heat units furnished by the boiler is the equivalent of 100 Ibs. of coal in cases where each pound of coal imparts 10,000 heat units to the water in the boiler, or where the evaporation is 10,000 : 965.7 = 10,355 Ibs. of water from and at 212 per pound of fuel. The work done is determined by plunger displacement, after making a test for leakage, instead of by measurement of flow by weirs, which, however, may help to obtain additional data. The necessary data having been obtained, the duty of an en- gine may be computed* by the use of the following formulae : . Foot-pounds of work done __ v 1000 000 1. Duty - Total number of heat- units consumed .pounds). 2. Percentage of leakage = ^T^N X 10

+ s > x ^* ^1 " 0X60X33,000 10ft L - "I.H.P. ~~"J X becomes: r A(Tt * -i Percentage of total frictions = [l - l^Sp/J X 100 (per cent); In these formulae the letters refer to the following quantities: A = Area, in square inches, of pump plunger or piston, corrected for area of piston rod or rods. P = Pressure, in pounds per square Inch, Indicated by the gauge on the force main. p = Pressure, in pounds per square Inch, corresponding to in- dication of the vacuum gauge on suction main (or pressurer gauge, if the suction pipe is under a head). The indication of the vacuum gauge, In inches of mercuBy, may be converted into pounds by di- viding It by 2.035. 148 PUMPS. 8 = Pressure, in pounds per square Inch, corresponding to dis- tance between the centres of the two gauges. The computation for this pressure is made by multiplying the distance, expressed In feet, by the weight of one cubic foot of water at the temperature of the pump well, and dividing the product by 144. L = Average length of stroke of pump plunger, in feet. N = Total number of single strokes of pump plunger made dur- ing the trial. As = Area of steam cylinder, in square inches, corrected for area of piston rod. The quantity As X M.E.P., in an engine having more than one cylinder, is the sum of the various quantities re- lating to the respective cylinders. Ls = Average length of stroke of steam piston, in feet. Ns = Total number of single strokes of steam piston during trial. M.E.P. = Average mean effective pressure, in pounds per square inch, measured from the indicator diagrams taken from the steam cylinder. I.H.P. = Indicated horse power developed 1 by the steam cylinder. G = Total number of cubic feet of water which leaked by the pump plunger during the trial, estimated from the results of the leakage test. D = Duration of trial in hours. H = Total number of heat units (B. T. U.) consumed by engine = weight of water supplied to boiler by main feed-pump X total heat of steam of boiler pressure reckoned from temperature of main feed water -f- weight of water supplied by jacket pump X total heat of steam of boiler pressure reckoned from temperature of jacket water + weight of any other water supplied X total heat of steam reckoned from its temperature of supply. The total heat of the steam is corrected for the moisture or superheat which the steam may contain. No allowance is made for water added to the feed water, which is derived from any source, except the engine or some accessory of the engine. Heat added to the water by the use of a flue heater at the boiler is not to be deducted. Should 1 heat be abstracted from the flue by means of a steam reheater connected with the intermediate receiver of the engine, this heat must be included in the total quantity supplied by the boiler. Leakage Test of Pump. The leakage of an inside plunger (the only type which requires testing) is most satisfactorily determined by making the test with the cylinder head removed. A wide board" or plank may be tem- porarily bolted to the lower part of the end of the cylinder, so as to hold back the water in the manner of a dam, and an opening made in the temporary head thus provided for the reception of an overflow pipe. The plunger is blocked at some intermediate point in the stroke (or, if this position is not practicable, at the end of the stroke), and the water from the force main is admitted at full pressure behind it. The leakage escapes through the over- flow pipe, and 1 it is collected in barrels and measured. The test should be made, if possible, with the plunger in various positions. In the case of a pump so planned that it is difficult to remove the cylinder head, it may be desirable to take the leakage from one of the openings which are provided for the inspection of the suction valves, the head being allowed to remain in place. It is assumed that there is a practical absence of valve leakage. Examination for such leakage should be made, and if it occurs, and it is found to be due to disordered valves, it should 1 be remedied before making the plunger test. Leakage of the discharge valves will be shown by water passing down into the empty cylinder at either end when they are under pressure. Leakage of the suction PUMPS. 149 valves will be shown by the disappearance of water which covers them. If valve leakage is found which cannot be remedied the quantity of water thus lost should also be tested. One method is to meas- ure the amount of water required to maintain a certain pressure in the pump cylinder when this is introduced! through a pipe tem- porarily erected, no water being allowed to enter through the dis- charge valves of the pump. Table of Data and Results. In order that uniformity may be secured, it is suggested that the data and results, worked out in accordance with the standard method, be tabulated in the manner indicated in the following scheme : DUTY TRIAL OF ENGINE. DIMENSIONS. 1. Number of steam cylinders 2. Diameter of steam cylinders ins. 3. Diameter of piston rods of steam cylinders ins. 4. Nominal stroke of steam pistons ft. 5. Number of water plungers 6. Diameter of plungers ins. 7. Diameter of piston rods of water cylinders ins. 8. Nominal stroke of plungers ft. 9. Net area of steam pistons sq. ins. 10. Net area of plungers sq. ins. 11. Average length of stroke of steam pistons during trial ft. 12. Average length of stroke of plungers during trial.... ft. (Give also complete description of plant.) TEMPERATURES. 13. Temperature of water in pump well degs. 14. Temperature of water supplied to boiler by main feed pump degs. 15. Temperature of water supplied to boiler from various other sources degs. FEED WATER. 16. Weight of water supplied to boiler by main feed pump Ibs. 17. Weight of water supplied 1 to boiler from various other sources Ibs. 18. Total weight of feed water supplied from all sources. . Ibs. PRESSURES. 19. Boiler pressure indicated by gauge Ibs. 20. Pressure indicated by gauge on force main Ibs. 21. Vacuum indicated by gauge on suction main ins. 22. Pressure corresponding to vacuum given in preceding line Ibs. 23. Vertical distance between the centres of the two gauges ins. 24. Pressure equivalent to distance between the two gauges. Ibs. MISCELLANEOUS DATA. 25. Duration of trial hrs. 26. Total number of single strokes during trial 27. Percentage of moisture in steam supplied to engine, or number of degrees of superheating % or dcg. 28. Total leakage of pump during trial, determined from results of leakage test Ibs. 29. Mean effective pressure, measured from diagrams taken from steam cylinders M.E.P. 150 PUMPS. PRINCIPAL RESULTS. 30. Duty ft. Ibs. 81. Percentage of leakage % 32. Capacity gals. 33. Percentage of total friction % ADDITIONAL RESULTS. 34. Number of double strokes of steam piston per minute . 35. Indicated horse power developed by the various steam cylinders I.H.P. 36. Feed water consumed by the plant per hour Ibs. 37. Feed water consumed by the plant per Indicated horse- power per hour, corrected for moisture in steam .... Ibs. 38. Number of beat units consumed per indicated horse- power per hour B.T.U. 39. Number of heat units consumed per indicated horse power per minute B.T.U. 40. Steam accounted for by indicator at cut-off and release in the various steam cylinders Ibs. 41. Proportion which steam accounted for by indicator bears to the feed water consumption 42. Number of double strokes of pump per minute.... 43. Mean effective pressure, measured from pump dia- grams M.E.P. 44. Indicated borse power exerted in pump cylinders.... I.H.P. 45. Work done (or duty) per 100 Ibs. of coal ft. Ibs. SAMPLE DIAGRAM TAKEN FROM STEAM CYLINDERS. (Also, if possible, full measurement of the diagrams, embracing pressures at the initial point, cut-off, release, and compression ; also back pressure, and the proportions of the stroke completed at the various points noted.) SAMPLE DIAGRAM TAKEN FROM PUMP CYLINDERS. These are not necessary to the main object, but it is desirable to give them. NOTE 8 ON PUMPS: Miscellaneous Belt Transmission. HORSE POWER OF SHAFTING. Diameter of Shaft in Inches. REVOLUTIONS PKR MINUTE. 100 125 150 175 200 b.p. b. p. b, P. h. p. b.p. 15-16 1.2 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.4 1 3-16 2.4 3.1 3.7 4.3 4.9 1 7-16 4.3 5.3 6.4 7.4 8 5 1 11-16 6.7 8.4 10.1 11.7 13.'4 I 15-16 io.a 12.5 16.0 17-. 5' 20.0 2 3-16 14.3 17.8 21.4 24.9 28 5 2 .7-16 19.5 24.4 29.3 34.1 39.0 2 11-16 26.0 32.5 39.0 43.5 52.0 2 15-16 33.8 42.2 ,50.6 59.1 67.5 3 3-16 43.0 53.6 64.4 75.1 85 8 3 7-16 3 11-16 53.6 65.9 67.0 82.4 79.4 97.9 93.8 115.4 107.2 121.8 315-16- 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160^0 4 7-16 113,9 142.4 170. 8 1 199.8 227.8 4 15-16 156! 3 195.3 234.4. 273.4 312.5 HORSE POWER OF BELTING. TABLE FOR SINGLE LEATHER, 4-PLY RUBBER AND 4-pLT COTTON BELTING, BELTS NOT OVERLOADED. (ONE INCH WIDE, 800 FEET PER MINUTE = I-HORSE POWER.) Speed in Ft. WIDTH OP BELTS IN INCHES. fer Minute. 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12- 14 16 18 20 h.p h.p h.p h.p h.p h.p h.p h.p h.p hTp h.p. h.p." 400 1 14 2 24 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 600 14 44 6 74 g 104 12 134 15 800 24 3* 4 6* 6^ 8 10 12 16 18 20 1,000 1,200 2 3 3% 5 6 6^ 74 3 124 15 15 18 i 20 24 1* 25 30 1,500 1,800- 3% 454 5% 6%, S* 94 114 134 15 18 18% 224 8* 264 314 30 36 33% 404 45* 2,000 5 10 124 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2.400 6 9 * 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 2,800 7 104 14 174 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 3,000 74 11* 15 18% 224 30 374 45 624 60 674 75 3,500 8% 13 174 26 35 44 524 61 70 79 88 4,000 10 15 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 4,500 17 224 28 34 45 57 69 78 90 102 114 5.000 124 19 25 31 374 50 624 75 874 100 112 125 Double leather, 6-ply rubber or 6-ply cotton belting will transmit 50 to 75 per cent, more power than is shown in this table. A simple rule for ascertaining transmitting power of belting, without first computing speed per minute that it travels, is as follows: Multiply diameter of pulley in inches by its number of revolutions per minute, and this product by width of the belt in Inches ; divide this product by 3,300 for single belting, or by 2,100 for double belting, and the quotient will be the amount of horse power that can be safely transmitted. 152 ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL UNITS Equivalent Values. COOLING TOWERS. 153 Cooling Towers. Cooling towers possess operative advantages of considerable im- portance. There is, of course, a certain loss of water by evap- oration, but this rarely exceeds 10 per cent, of the water coooled, while under favorable conditions of the air it does not exceed 5 per cent. It is advisable to have separate towers for steam condenser and ammonia condenser, as the results are better in each case. The efficiency of the cooling tower is lowered very fast, ' when the water for the ammonia condenser is much above 80, whereas for steam condenser, if the water be reduced to 100 the tower will be fairly efficient. FIG 55 FORCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER. The following data show the results in cooling obtained by the use of cooling towers: For ammonia condensers, with the air at 95 F. and 37 per cent, humidity: Initial temperature of water entering cooling tower 100 F. Final temperature of water leaving cooling tower 71 F. Result in cooling 29 F. For steam condensers, with the air at 95 F. and 44 per cent, humidity: Initial temperature of water entering cooling tower 160 F. Final temperature of water leaving cooling tower 81 F. Result in cooling 79* F. As the forced draft tower seems to have met with general favor, we append a few tables, stating general dimensions and capacity. 154 COOLING TOWERS. Size and Weight of Goblin? Towers. No, of MAIN DIMENSIONS. Weight Tower. A B C D | E f G H inlbi. I 8'11J4* 8' 654" J> ft. 9- r- 24' 9" 22' 18'11}4" 19" 6/2" 25,0(X> II 9 1 954" 6 ft. 9 1 3" 24' 9" 32' 19 1 954" 19-11J4" 28,500 HI W 2YS 9'95-r 6 ft. 9'10" 24' 9" 32* 20* 2#" 20' 9/ a " 32,000 IV 11' 5J4" 10' 7J4" 7 ft 10' 4" 24' 9" 32* 21' 554" 22* 714' 39,000 V 13' 354* 12' 5}4" 7 ft. 11' 4* 24, 9" 23' 354" 24' 554" 46.000 VI 14' 6&." 13' 354*' 7 ft. 12* 6" 25' 8" 32* '9* 24' 6H" 25' 354" 53,000 VII 16' 4&"I15' 1J4" 7 ft. 13' 4" 25' 8" 32' 9" 26' 4^" 27' 1-4" 59,000 VIII 8 ft. 14' 9 27' 4" 34' 7* 27' 7J4" 29-454" 65,700 IX 18'10J4"|17' 254" 8 ft. 15' 3" 1 2?' 4" 34' 7" 28'1(W" 71.700 Cooling Capacity of Cooline Towers and Size of Fans. No. of Tower Coding Capacity la Gallon* lo 84 houra for: H.P. of comp. cond. engine Supplied with condens. watef. || 1 08 a M Size'of Pulley. ( Revol. of Pulley per minute. M j> 0. X Ammonia 1 Steam CONDENSERS ' I II III IV V & S" 50,000 .75,000 100,000 150.000 200,000 250,000 300.000 400.000 500,000 100.000 150,000 200.000 300,000 400.000 500,000 600.000 800.000 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 6ft 6ft 7ft 8ft 9ft 10ft 10ft. -12ft. l-J2ft. 15"x 8* 15"x 8" 18"x 9" 24"x 9 28"xlO" 30"xll" 30"xll" 36"xir 36"xl2" 100 1 25 150170 140150 140150 130140 130140 145150 110120 140150 i iy, V/2-2 2 -2J4 3J44 5-6 7 -9 10 12 13 IS 16 20 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES: DOORS. 155 Doors Doors are a weak point in all storage rooms. Their Insulation is important, but their tightness and quick operation is vastly more so. A leak is an endless expense. Slow moving doors are hardly less so. Doors that bind and 1 work badly are shut only when the workman can find no excuse for leaving them open, which is seldom, if ever. , The following sketches show a construction which is patented, and which is especially contrived to avoid these troubles. The door makes an overlapping contact, with a soft hemp gasket in the joint, and is held to its seat against the front of the door frame by powerful elas- tic hard*ware. The thick portion of the door fits loosely, so that considerable change of size, form and position, due to wear, swelling, etc., does not make it leak or bind. Where all old style doors, when they work badly or leak, must be eased, thus forever de- stroying their fit, a slight readjustment of the door frame of these doors restores them to their original per- fection of fit and* freedom in a minute at no expense. As these doors do not stand in the doorway when open, it can be six inches less in width than old style doorways an important economy in refrigeration. As constructed in this year. 1908, the opening in wall to receive these door frames should be 3% inches wider, and 4 inches higher, than the size of the doorway in the clear. Follow construction numbered 1 and 2. For over- head 1 track doors this rough opening should extend 13 inches above the lower edge of track. Door frames are secured with lag screws, %x4 inches, through front casing, inserted at A. Figure B shows wooden beveled thres- hold, 1% inches thick, which connects lower- ends of door frame and JIPX forms a part of it, let down into floor. No feather edge, no jolt, no splinters. For warehouses. Accommo- dates trucks. Figure C, cement floor, shows lower end's of door frame extend- ing down into the door a distance of three inches, and connected by angle irons extending across doorway from one side to the other below the surface. Figure S shows door frame with full standard sill and head used on all sizes of door frames. Suited! only to walking through. Special doors on a modified plan for intermittent or continuous freezers, as well as for general purposes, perfectly tight and per- fectly free, regardless of temperature, moisture or accumulation of ice in any degree. Metal covered fireproof doors. Combined self-closing ice door and chute of three styles. Ice counters. Patents on every valuable feature of this work are granted to or applied for by the STEVENSON CO., CHESTER', PA. 156 ABSORPTION MACHINES. Absorption Machines. Since going to press the author's attention has been called to the latest design of the Vogt Absorption Machine, which differs in some respects from the one given on page 23. In order to bring the book up to date the following brief description is here appended : The strong liquor is drawn from the absorber and pumped into the upper end of the rectifier and 1 passes down through the small pipes and out from the bottom of rectifier to the bottom pipes of the exchanger, where it passes upward through the inner pipes and out from the top of exchanger to top of analyzer, where the liquid falls in a spray from one pan to another until it reaches the top compartment of the generator. The gas generated passes upward in the analyzer and is cooled and deprived of a portion of its moisture by coming in contact with the liquid trickling down from pan to pan in the analyzer. The gas passes on and enters the rectifier at bottom and' completely surrounds the tubes through which the rich aqua is flowing, and as VOGT ABSORPTION MACHINE. the rich aqua is comparatively cool as against the gas, the moisture in the gas will condense and deposit itself on the tubes as the gas is forced upward, allowing the gas to pass over dry to the con- denser. The moisture withdrawn and adhering to the tubes will drain out at the bottom of the rectifier and back into the top com- partment of the generator. The gas from the rectifier is ad'mitted to the top of the con- densing coils, where it quickly liquefies and is conducted from the bottom of the condenser to the liquid ammonia receiver. The weak liquid having in the meantime passed from bottom of generator to top of exchanger, and down through the outer pipes of same, is conducted to the weak liquid cooler to be further re- duced 1 in temperature, and is finally conducted to the absorber, where the gas from the refrigerating coils is rapidly absorbed, and the double cycle of circulation is thus completed. REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS 3 POCKET MANUAL. GREAT Ml HE1G DETROIT, MICHIGAN We have the EQUIPMENT and the ORGAN- IZATION for successfully building and install- ing "ECONOMICAL" ICE MAKING and RE- FRIGERATING PLANTS. ._*- 25 TO 50 TON REFRIGERATING MACHINE "GREAT LAKES MACHINES" have Sym- metrical Proportions and present a NEAT and ATTRACTIVE APPEARANCE. YOU GET RESULTS FROM OUR PLANTS. WRITE \/S TO'R TA.'RTICVLA.'RS' NOTES NOTES. NOTES. NOTES . NOTES. NOTES. NOTES. NOTES. NOTES. NOTES. NOTES. NO TES. NOTES. REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. The Linde Machine FOR ALL ICE AND REFRIGERATING SERVICE Simple, Durable, Economical Best advertised by the number of its pleased users ... 6500 Throughout the World Ammonia' Fittings, Pipe and Tank Work; Ice and Refrigerating Supplies. CATALOGS GLADLY SENT ON REQL7EST The Fred W. Wolf Company (Established 1867) Main Office and Works, 139-143 Rees St., Chicago Atlanta Kansas City Port Worth Seattle REFRIGERATING EXCIXEERS' POCKET MAXUAL. ABSORPTION Ice and Refrigerating Machinery HENRY VOdl MACHINE (0. Incorporated LOUISVILLE, KY., U.S.A. AsK for Catalog' REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. The National Ammonia Co. MainOificej .- , , , ST, LOUIS Eastern Office * . . , PHILADELPHIA Export Office j 30 PI att Street, NEW YORK Factories : St. Louis and Philadelphia AND Peerless Aqua Ammonia, 26 c Tlese Ufdofc (jive Ifloy, (s^ -NATIONAL ORIGINALITY:" Standard of quality for over 30 years, Prompt shipments or deliveries, Ammonia manufacture our exclusive business. Quality guarantee full and unreserved. A guarantee that is reliable and responsible, (For list of stocks see current trade papers) REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATION Our Automatic Systems furnish Re- frigeration at a lower operating cost than any other system on the market. THE AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATING CO. HARTFORD, CONN REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. HART * SECTIONAL COOLING TOWER (PATENTS PENDING.) A new form of water cooling apparatus where the cooling surface is made up of sections arranged so that the cooling air cur- rents are brought in con- tact with the interior por- tions of the falling water, thus creating an increased efficiency over present types. The heated water is discharged to the top of . the tower, where it is dis- tributed through a special device to the upper deck of Cooling Trays, from whence it falls by gravity from dock to deck, and its descent is turned over and over, reaching the collecting pan at the bottom, cooled, and ready for use again. YOU are not getting the best results have Hart Sectional Cooling Trays placed in your tower and get them. YOUR tower is too small, let us increase its capacity at a low cost. YOU have spray troubles, Hart Adjustable Spray Preventer will cure them. With the use of the Hart Spray Preventer, there is no loss of water beyond that due to evaporation. If H AVE YOU A COOLING PROBLEM? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR PRESENT COOLING FACILITIES? D ESULTS TELL OUR STORY. TFE COST IS SMALL WHEN COMPARED WITH THE SAVING. The above applies to Steam Power Plants, Breweries, Ice and Refrigeration Plants. Gas Engine' Plants, Packing Houses and all industries where cold water is required. Oi MTJR RIGINAL FFER. B. FRANKLIN HART, JR., & CO. Main Office: 143 Liberty St., New York City. Branches: Morris & Co., Dallas, Texas, Walter A. Taylor, New Orleans, La. REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. THE SAFETY REFRIGERATING MACHINE Established 1872 Manutactured by Incorporated 1894 THE HUETTEMAN & CRAMER CO. Refrigerating and Brewers' Machinery Office and Works Contractor* for Hntire Plant Mack Ave. & Beit Line R. R. t Detroit, Mich Buffalo Refrigerating Machine Co. Manufacturers of REFRIGERATING AND ICE MACHINERY 126 Liberty Street, NEW YORK REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. Remington Machine Company WILMINGTON, DELAWARE Ice Making and Refrigerating Machines - The Remington Ice Machine is the Standard Machine of small capacity. VORHEES' PATENTED SPECIALTIES SHELL TYPE BRINE COOLERS DOUBLE PIPE APPARATUS MULTIPLE EFFECT COMPRESSORS GAS TRAPS OIL SEPARATORS AIR COOLERS AUTOMATIC GAUGE COCKS ICE FREEZING APPARATUS GARDNER T. VOORHEES 53 STATE ST. BOSTON, MASS. REFRIGERATIXG EXGIXEERS' POCKET MANUAL. REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. Cold Storage, Warehouse and Power House Containing Refrigerating Machinery for Warehouse, Ice Making and Street Pipe Line Installed at Murphy Storage & Ice Co. Detroit, Mich. BY STARR ENGINEERING CO. JOHN E. STARR, Pres't KARL WEQEMANN, Sec'y Consulting and Supervising Engineers and Architects Complete Cold Storage Plants, Ice Plants, Abattoirs, Street Pipe Lines, Tests, Expert Advice and Testimony. Hudson Terminal Bldg. 50 Church St. NEW YORK, N. Y. REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL Theo. Kolischer Engineering Bureau SPECIALISTS IN MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION 20 Years' Experience in All Its Applications Members American Society of Refrigerating Engineers CONSULTATION. SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS PREPARED. SUPERVISION EXERCISED DURING INSTALLATION 1 218 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA COLD STORAGE Construction Plans, Specifications and Estimates Furnished We use up-to-date methods and give results. Hot and Cold Pipe Covering JOHN R. LIVEZEY 1933 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA, REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS 3 POCKET MANUAL. WATER EXPERT I Analyses of water for ice-making purposes, condenser water, oils and other materials used in refrigerating systems. JOHN C SPARKS, B. Su F. C S. Consulting and Analytical Chemist No. 16 BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK EDWARD N + FRIEDMANN CONSULTING AND SUPERVISING ENGINEER for all applications of mechanical refrigeration 90 WEST STREET, NEW YORK CITY Mcmbor American Society of Refrigerating Engineers. AMMONIA AMMONIA FITTINGS CALCIUM T. R. WINGROVE Refrigerating 6ngsneer ICE MAKING AND REFRIGERATING MACHINERY 65 Gunther Building C. & P. Phone, St. Paul 3955 BALTIMORE, MD. WALDEMAR H. MORTENSEN, C. E. GUSTAVE F. GEIBELT. ADOLPH G. KOENIG, M. E. MORTENSEN & CO. Engineers and Contractors 401 W. 24th Street, NEW YORK Designers and Contractors of Breweries, Abattoirs, Ice Factories, Power Plants and Manufacturing Building's in General REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. W. EVERETT PARSONS, M.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER Expert in Ice Making and Refrigeration and Business Management of Ice Plants Plans for Refrigerating and Ice Making Plants, Existing Plants Remodeled and Improved, Operating Expenses Reduced Graduate of Stevens Institute of Technology, 1887 Member: Am. Soc. Refrig. Engineers. Am. Soc. Mech. Engineers. Cold Storage & Ice Association of London, Eng. 18 Years Experience as a Specialist 12 Bridge St., - - NEW YORK CITY GARDNER L VOORHEES, S. B. Refrigerating engineer and Hrcbiteet / / / Graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1890. Member Am. Soc. Ref. Engs. Member Am. Soc. Mech. Engs. MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION in all its applications as Compression Plants, Absorption Plants, Cold Storage Warehouses. Ice Plants, Street Pipe Line Refri- geration, Breweries, Cooling Rooms or building for comfort of man. Skating Rinks, etc., etc. EXPERT WORK, TEST, REPORTS, APPRAISING, ETC, 53 STATE ST. BOSTON, MASS. REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. Empire State Engineering Company ENGINEERS MANUFACTURERS Builders of Empire State Refrigerating Machines Leyland Automatic Lubricator, Maxfield Steam Engines, Fans, Blowers, Etc. CATALOGUES MAILED ON APPLICATION General Offices: Singer Bldg., N.Y. City, N.Y. Works: ROME, M. Y. REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. GUARANTEED Strictly Wrought Iron Pipe FOR Refrigeration Apparatus, Pipe Bends and Coils Iff Valves, Fittings i Supplies for Steam, Water, Gas, Oil OFFICES and SHOPS 446 to 454 Water Street 187-189 Cherry Street NEW YORK REFRIGERATING ENGIN KIMS' POCKET MANUAL. THE WHITLOCH COIL PIPE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT IRON AMMONIA COILS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ALSO BENT and FLANGED PIPE FOR HIGH PRESSURE POWER PLANTS THE WHITLOCK COIL PIPE CO. Hartford, Conn. New York Office: Singer Building ESTABLISHED i860 T. R. McMannCo. Wrought Pipe, Plumbers and Engineers* Supplies Pipe Cut to Sketch 56-58-60 GOLD STREET New YorK City REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. LILLIE EVAPORATORS Single and Multiple Effects For the production of DISTILLED WATER for Ice Making Plants and other purposes. The Lillie Evaporators are used for the production of distilled water in many ice plants, in connection with compound condensing engines, taking the steam from the latter under a pressure of about sixteen inches vacuum. A Lillie 1904-1905 Model Triple-Effect distiller with surface condenser in the works of the Con- sumers' Ice and Cold Storage Company, Key West, Fla. It is employed in manufacturing dis- tilled water from sea water. In this triple-effect is embodied a patented construction for reversing the direction of the vapors, which has proven very suc- cessful in keeping down incrustations. The Sugar Apparatus Mfg. Co. S. MORRIS LILLIE. President Makers LEWIS C. LILLIK. Sec'y-Treas. Philadelphia, U. S. A. REFRIGERATING' ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. The Linde British Refrigeration Co., Ltd. of Canada Coristine Building MONTREAL, P. Q, Manufacturers of Refrigerating and Ice Making Machinery For All Purposes Sole Manufacturers of the LINDE PATENT DRY AIR CIRCULATION SYSTEM SHIPS REFRIGERATION A SPECIALTY The American Linde Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 346 BROADWAY NEW YORK REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. Ice and Refrigerating Machinery 1 TO 100 TONS Vertical and Horizontal Compressors Double Pipe Condensers and Brine Coolers Carbonic System Efficient, Odorless, Safe, Economical Lowest Temperatures LAND AND MARINE INSTALLATIONS COMPLETE THE BROWN - COCHRAN Co. LORAINE, OHIO REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. THE IMPROVED BARBER Refrigerating and Ice Making Machines build refrigerating machines for all purposes and in all sizes from.l^ tons to 500 tons capacity. We have over 1,400 machines in successful operation Jan. 1, 1908. Our machines can be used with any kind of power, the smaller sizes being especially designed for belt drive. The above cut represents our horizontal, double-acting compressor, connected tan- dem, which we build in sizes of 30 tons and upward. It has fewer parts, fewer bearings and runs with less power, less oil and less attendance, and is consequently more eco- nomical. C. P. M. Co. Ammonia Fittings are stand- ard. Specify them in your next order for repairs. Write for catalogues, estimates or any de- sired information. CREAMERY PACKAGE MFG. COMPANY Refrigerating Machinery Department 182-188 KINZIE STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Works, DeKalb, Ills. REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL Horizontal Machine. Air at about 65 Ibs. pres- sure, circula- ting in com- mon smallcon- veying and refrigerating pipes, is refri- gerated by the machine to 33 below zero when the sea- water is at 90. There are no auxiliary parts outside of the machine. It is placed in the engine room, ice- making box and meat-room forward as usual. HALF TON VERTICAL (3'-6 n x 3') furnishes ice and refrigerates meat-rooms, etc., for steam yachts of 200 feet length, including " Kanawha." ONE TON VERTICAL (4 1 x V) or Horizontal (7' x 3'- 6") for steam yachts 250' length, including " Nourmahal " and "Atalanta." TWO TON VERTICAL (5' x 5'). or Horizontal (9' x 4' -6") for larger yachts, including "Josephine." 15he Allen Dense Air Ice Machine uses no chemicals, only air. It refrigerates the meat-stores and furnishes the ice and cold drinking water on all large U. S r Men-of-War, since many years. H. B. ROEEKER 41 Maiden Lane NEW YORK Vertical Machine. REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL. THE ARCTIC ICE MACHINE CO. The name ARCTIC as applied to Ice Making and Refrigerating equipment stands for QUALITY SIMPLICITY, DURABILITY and EFFICIENCY as embodied in apparatus of our manufacture brings BEST RESULTS ARCTIC USERS are our best FRIENDS The Arctic Ice Machine Go. Write us. CANTON, OHIO 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. jn 'fiiuT HEI3" US JANS 46! ' , ttl * REC'D LD f fliift 25 W HtTtJ w * BEB.CIH. OEC2J76 LD 21A-50m-4,'60 (A9562slO)476B General Library U Diversity of California t Berkeley VIVUW1MA New York CARBONDALE, PA, Boston Baltimore Chicago Pittsburgh m VB 15452 SNEERS' POCKET MA. REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS' POCKET MANUAL Time's Triumphal Test 319865 Cc UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ments with best design and construction. OPERATING UNIFORMLY SUC- CESSFUL in the torrid and temperate countries of the world, whether for produc- ing ICE OF ABSOLUTE PURITY or in the most severe requirements of MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION. BUILT BY FRICK COMPANY Write for Red Book K., giving us particulars of your re- quirements.