PHYSIOLOGY BRIEFER COURSE GOLTON BIOLOGY LIBRARY G .wt X-RAY PHOTOGRAPH OF HAND SHOWING SHOT CARRIED FOR TWENTY YEARS (From Recreation, by permission of G. O. Shields.) BRIEFER COURSE PHYSIOLOGY ILLUSTRATED BY EXPERIMENT BY BUEL P. COLTON, A.M. AUTHOR OF " PHYSIOLOGY, EXPERIMENTAL AND DESCRIPTIVE "PRACTICAL ZOOLOGY"; AND PROFESSOR OF NATURAL SCIENCE IN THE ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY BOSTON, U.S.A. D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS 1900 BIOLOGY LIBRARY G COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY BUEL P. COLTON. Nortooob J. S. Gushing & Co. - Berwick & Smith Norwood Mass. U.S.A. PREFACE. THE author's " Experimental and Descriptive Physiol- ogy" has been adopted by a large number of schools and colleges. But there are many schools in which, owing to the youth of the pupils, the shortness of the time allotted to the subject, or the meagerness of laboratory facilities, such a rigorous course cannot be taken. For such schools this simpler book is written. While it contains considerably less experiment and dissection than the larger book, it is still based upon experimental work. No teaching of physi- . ology is worthy of the name unless it rests upon experi- ment, observation, and dissection. The ridiculous answers of the pupil who has learned mere "book physiology" furnish the standard jest of the educational journal. Try- ing to teach physiology without experiment is not only in opposition to modern views of pedagogy and psychology, but it is equally at variance with the common sense of the business man's view. Such teaching is a mere mummery of words it teaches neither how to know nor to do. In fitting this work for the less mature mind, special attention has been paid to conciseness and brevity of state- ment and to clearness of exposition. Sentences and para- iii 735021 iv PR El- ACE. graphs have been made short; chapters are short, with definite summaries appended. Function, rather than structure, has been made promi- nent. Only so much of anatomy as is really needed to understand the working of the organs has been introduced. The experimental work and directions for dissection, as well as some of the more difficult points, have been put in smaller type, so they may more readily be omitted where it is not possible to complete all the work in the given time. Although hygiene has been given a prominent place, yet it may be claimed that when the pupil is well grounded in the functions of the different organs, from observational and experimental work, many of the rules of hygiene will readily occur to him as natural inferences. When other rules for the preservation of health, which might not occur to him, are suggested, he will see their significance because he understands the underlying principle ; and he not only can, but will, obey the rule better because he sees reason in it, and does not follow it blindly as an arbitrary law thrust upon him. Questions are given, at the end of each chapter, to test the pupil's knowledge of principles by application to new cases. Some of the more desirable reforms in nomenclature have been adopted ; among these are the use of the terms ante- rior, meaning toward the head ; posterior, in the opposite direction ; dorsal, toward the back ; ventral, toward the region of the belly. These terms, used instead of " up " PREFACE. V and "down," "front" and "back," will do away with much confusion, especially since we are obliged to use the structure of horizontal-bodied animals to illustrate human anatomy. Many Latin terms, such as "vena cava" should be replaced by English, as caval vein. Postcaval vein and precaval vein are easier and better than " vena cava infe- rior " and "vena cava superior." In many cases the English plural may well replace the Greek or Latin form, as ganglion, plural ganglions. Blood tube is better than "bloodvessel." The best authorities say spinal bulb in- stead of the long "medulla oblongata." Food tube is simpler than " alimentary canal," especially as the tube is not canal-like. The rib-bearing vertebras are thoracic, and are no more "dorsal" than the other parts of the spinal column. Effort has been made to lay stress on the more impor- tant topics, and the skeleton is relegated to a subsidiary place, as a knowledge of it has so little to do with practical hygiene. The heart and the stomach receive full treat- ment, while matters of such slight importance as the hair and nails are briefly dismissed. The order of topics is the result of long experience. For many years the author has sought to find the most natural sequence of subjects, so that, as the work pro- gressed, the pupil would find the way best prepared for him. Without claiming that this is the best sequence, the writer is sure that it is the " path of least resistance." The subject of Alcohol has been treated in full com- vi PREFACE. pliance with the law. Copious quotations have been taken from the best authorities on this subject. The same high-grade illustrations have been used that brought such favorable comment on the earlier work. This briefer edition has, too, the full benefit of the criticism of the eminent authorities whose names are listed in the larger work. TO THE TEACHER. For any practical work in physiology it is very desirable to have a room furnished with tables and supplied with water. Each pupil should make full notes and drawings of the work done and the organs studied and dissected. Only by so doing will he firmly fix and retain what he gathers from day to day. In the larger work by the author are many experiments and dissections given in full which are here omitted in order to present a briefer course. In the larger work there is also given a list of books which are most helpful in teaching physiology. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE INTRODUCTION l Health. Care of the Body. Hygiene. Physiology. Organ. Func- tion. Anatomy. Tissues. Cells. Physiological Division of Labor. CHAPTER II. MOTION 7 Motion Necessary to Life. Experiments with our Muscles. Action of Muscle. Structure of Muscle. Connective Tissue. Laws of Muscle Action. Flexors and Extensors. Symmetry. Muscles and Bones. Levers. Locomotion. Uses of Bones. CHAPTER III. THE GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM SENSATION AND. MOTION 2 4 Muscles controlled by Nerves. Voluntary and Involuntary Motion. The Spinal Cord. The Spinal Nerves. Structure of Nerves. Function of Nerves. Structure of the Spinal Cord. Ganglions. Reflex Action of the Spinal Cord. Reflex Action of the Spinal Cord in the Frog. Function of the Nerve Roots. Importance of Reflex Action. Inhibition. Nature of a Nervous Impulse. Har- mony in Muscle Action. Nerves depend on Blood Supply. CHAPTER IV. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 39 The Blood and its Work. The Rate of the Heart Beat. Position and Size of the Heart. The Valves of the Heart. The Blood Tubes Connected with the Heart. The Action of the Heart. Work and Rest of the Heart. Action of the Large Arteries. Variation in Blood Supply. Plain Muscle Fibers in the Walls of the Arteries. vii viii CONTENTS. I'AGK Circulation of Blood in the \Yel> of the Frog's Foot. Blood Mow in the Capillaries. The Veins. The Valves in the Veins. F.t'fect of Pressure on the Veins. Rate of Blood Flow. Nourishment of the Walls of the Heart. Effect of Gravity on Circulation. CHAPTER V. CONTROL OF CIRCULATION. THE BLOOD AND THE LYMPH .... 64 The Effect of Emotions on Circulation. Rhythmic Action of the Heart. Nerve Control of the Heart. Sympathetic Nervous System. The Vagus Nerve. Inhibition. Vaso-motor Nerves. Blushing. Regulation of the Size of the Arteries. Effect of Exercise on the Size of the Arteries. Effects of Alcohol on Circulation. The Bloocl. The Corpuscles of the Blood. The Plasma. Hemoglobin. Coagulation of Blood. Fibrin. Amount of Blood. Distribution of Blood. The Lymph Spaces. Lymph Tubes. Lymphatic Glands. Flow of Lymph. Massage. Transfusion of Blood. CHAPTER VI. RESPIRATION 84 The Close Relation between Circulation and Respiration. Organs of Respiration. Structure of the Lungs. The Windpipe. Cilia. The Pleura. The Diaphragm. Action of the Diaphragm. Move- ments of Respiration. Forces of Inspiration. Resistances to Inspi- ration. Elastic Reactions of Expiration. Forced Respiration. Rate of Respiration. Modifications of Respiration. Lung Capacity. Hygiene of Respiration. Breathing through the Mouth. Control of Respiration. Chemistry of Respiration. Composition of the Air. Exchanges between the Air and the Blood in the Lungs. Oxyhemoglobin. The Gases in the Blood. Production of Heat and Motion in the Body. Oxidation of Live Tissues. Body and Locomotive Compared. Storage of Oxygen in the Tissues. Re- breathing Air. CHAPTER VII. VENTILATION AND HEATING. DIST AND BACTERIA 114 Need of Ventilation. Grates. Principles of Ventilation. Stoves. Furnaces. Foul-air Shafts and Fans. Steam and Hot-water Heating. Direct and Indirect Heating. Dead Dust. Sources of Dust. Live Dust. Consumption. Disease Germs. Bacteria. How to avoid Dust. Sweeping. Contagious Diseases. Putrefaction. Preservation of Foods. Need of Removal of Waste. CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER VIII. PAGE EXCRETION 130 The Skin throws off Perspiration. The Structure of the Skin. The Epidermis. Color of the Skin. The Dermis. Sweat Glands. Es- sentials of a Gland. Blood Supply of Glands. Oil Glands. Composition of Sweat. Amount of Perspiration. Functions of the Skin. Regulation of Bodily Temperature by the Skin. Distribu- tion of Heat in the Body. Regulation of Bodily Temperature by Food and Clothing. The Kidneys. Work of the Kidneys. Rela- tion of the Skin and Kidneys. CHAPTER IX. Foons AND COOKING 144 Necessity of Food. Food Defined. Foodstuffs. Proteids. Impor- tance of Proteids. Meat. Fish. Eggs. Milk. Cheese. Vege- table Proteids. Carbohydrates. Grains. Wheat. Corn. Rice. Oats. Potatoes. Vegetables. Fruits. Water. Impurities in Water. Typhoid Fever. Ice-water. Boiling Water. Salts. Necessity of a Mixed Diet. Effects of Cold on Appetite for Fats. Vegetarians. Tea. Coffee. Beef Tea. Cooking. Soups. CHAPTER X. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 159 The Object of Food. The Digestive Tube. Organs of Digestion. The Mouth. The Teeth Kinds, Structure, Arrangement. Care of the Teeth. Salivary Glands. Action of Salivary Glands. Saliva and its Uses. Mucus and Mucous Glands. The Pharynx. Swal- lowing. The Gullet. The Structure of the Stomach. Gastric Glands. Blood Supply of the Stomach. Stomach Digestion. Churning Action of the Stomach. Time of Stomach Digestion. Chyme. Absorption from the Stomach. The Intestine. The Liver. The Pancreas. Bile. Pancreatic Juice. The Portal Circu- lation. Functions of the Bile. Work of the Pancreatic Juice. Intestinal Juice. CHAPTER XL ABSORPTION DIGESTION COMPLETED 181 Absorption. Villi. Routes of Different Foods after Absorption. Dif- fusion and Osmosis. Absorption a Vital Process. The Lacteals and the Lymphatics. Outline of Digestion. The Colon. Work of the Large Intestine. Constipation. Laxative and Constipating X CONTENTS. PAGE Foods. Hygiene of Digestion. Deliberation in Eating. Thorough Mastication. Fleets of Repose on Digestion. Conversation at Meals. Value of Soups and Desserts. Hot Drink at Meals. Time of Meals. Eating between Meals. Amount of Food Needed. Errors in Diet. CHAPTER XII. NUTRITION 195 Ledger Account of the Body and its Organs. Blood a Mixture of Good and Bad. Action of Diseased Kidneys. Blood Stream like Water Pipes and Sewer Combined. A Living Eddy. Importance of Renewal of Blood and Lymph. Fat as a Tissue. Hibernation. Respiration and Oxidation of Candle. Glycogen. Muscular Exer- tion and Excretion of Urea. Metabolism. Indestructibility of Matter. Indestructibility of Force. Utilization of Energy in the Body and in Machines. Correlation and Conservation of Energy. CHAPTER XIII. ALCOHOL 208 Alcohol and Crime. Alcohol and Energy. Alcohol and Heat. Alco- hol and Muscular Energy. Arctic Explorers. Alcohol and Train- ing. Stimulants. Narcotics. Temperance Drinks. Testimony of Physiologists. Testimony of Army Officers. Testimony of a Natu- ralist. Physiological Effects of Alcohol. CHAPTER XIV. EXERCISE AND BATHING 226 How Exercise is Beneficial. Exercise for General Health. Nature's Rewards and Punishments. Exercise prolongs Life. Choice of Exercise. Games of School Children. Tennis. Baseball and Football. Boxing. Bicycling. Exercise for Middle-aged Men. Taking Cold. Diarrhea. Bathing. Cold Baths. Bath Mits. Time for Bathing. Warm Baths vs. Cold Baths. Exercise Arterial Mus- cles. Habit of Cold Bathing acquired gradually. CHAPTER XV. THE BRAIN 235 The Coverings of the Brain. Parts of the Brain. The Cerebrum. The Cerebellum. ' The Spinal Bulb. Brain of a Cat or Rabbit. Cranial Nerves and their Functions. Hemispheres of the Cerebrum. Brain Convolutions and Intelligence. Gray and White Matter of the Brain. Neuroglia. Functions of the Cerebrum. Pigeon with Cerebrum Removed. Functions of Cerebral Cortex. Center CONTENTS. xi PAGE of Sensations itself Insensible. Crossed Control of the Body. Lo- cation of Brain Functions. Left Hemisphere better Developed. Location of Sensation Centers. Brain Work and Brain Rest. Sleeplessness. Fatigue. Control of Mind. Habit of Resting the Brain. Nervous Tissues least Affected by Starvation. Blood Supply of the Brain. Fainting. Apoplexy. Meningitis. The Water Cushion of the Brain. Relative Activity of Gray and White Matter. CHAPTER XVI. EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 250 The Chief Effect of Alcohol is on the Nervous System. Inebriety re-" garded as a Disease. Moral Deterioration produced by Alcohol. Narcotics. Opium. Cocaine. Chloral Hydrate. Chloroform. Tobacco. Cigarette Smoking. CHAPTER XVII. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS CONCERNING THE NERVOUS SYSTEM . . . 261 Nerve Stimuli. Kinds of Nerve Stimuli. Essential Similarity of All Nerve Fibers. Relation of Stimulus and Sensation. Reaction Time. Reflex Action. Connection of Brain 'Centers. Nature of Sensation. Subjective Sensations. The Relative Nature of Sensa- tion. Induction Currents used in Physiological Experiments. Dreams. Lingering Effect of Sensations. Habits are Acquired Reflex Actions. Usefulness of Resting. Nervous System vs. Tele- graph System. Efferent Currents. Afferent Currents. CHAPTER XVIII. THE GENERAL SENSES 271 The Body a Collection of Organs. Influence from the External World. Classification of the Senses. General Sensations and Special Senses. The Muscular Sense. Importance of Muscular Sense. Dependence of Sight on Muscular Sense and Touch. Pain. Pain a General Sense. Extent of Pain. Use of Pain. Hunger and Thirst. CHAPTER XIX. THE SPECIAL SENSES TOUCH AND TEMPERATURE SENSE .... 278 What we learn by Touching Objects. Cutaneous Sensations. Nerve Endings in the Skin. Touch Corpuscles. Touch the most General of the Senses. Pressure Sense. Local Sign. Test by Compass Points. Reference of Sensation to the Region of the Nerve End- ings. Temperature Sense. xil CONTEWS. CHAPTKR XX. PAGE THE SENSE OF SIGHT 285 Protection of the Eye. The Lacrymal Secretion. External Parts of the Eye. The Conjunctiva. Muscles of the Eyeball. Movements of the Eye. Coats of the Eye. The Sclerotic Coat. The Choroid Coat. The Retina. The Cornea. The Iris. The Pupil. Regula- tion of the Amount of Light admitted into the Eye. The Refract- ing Media of the Eye. The Aqueous Humor. The Vitreous Humor. The Crystalline Lens. The Lens Capsule. The Hyaloid Mem- brane. The Ciliary Muscle. Inversion of the Image. Adjustment for Distance. Action of the Ciliary Muscle. Defects of Eyesight. Structure of the Retina. Importance of the Retina. The Blind Spot. The Optic Nerve not Sensitive to Light. Sympathy between the Eyes. Pain in the Eyes. Color Sensations. Color Blindness. Stereoscopic Vision. After-images. Care of the Eyes. CHAPTER XXI. TASTE, SMELL, AND HEARING ^01 Uses of the Sense of Taste. The Papilla;. Nerve Supply of the Tongue. Solution Necessary for Tasting. Flavors. Effect of Temperature on Taste. The Sense of Smell. Why we Sniff. The Sense of Bearing. The External Ear. The Tympanum. The Middle Ear. The Eustachian Tube. The Internal Ear. The Pro- duction of Sound. The Equilibrium Sense. The Care of the Far. The Use of the Ears. CHAPTER XXII. THE VOICE 309 The Ear and the Voice. What we can learn from our own Throats. The Vocal Cords. Reinforcement of Sound. Pitch and Voice. Voice and Speech. Vowels and Consonants. Difference between Voices. Hoarseness. Whispering. Culture of the Voice. CHAPTER XXIII. ACCIDENTS. WHAT TO DO TILL THE DOCTOR COMES 314 How to stop Flow of Blood from Arteries. Bleeding from the Upper Arm. Bleeding from the Neck. Wounds in the Thigh. Bleeding from Veins. Hemorrhage of the Lungs or Stomach. Bleeding from the Nose. Treatment of Burns. Danger from Burning Clothing. CONTENTS. xiii Treatment of Fainting. Broken Bones. Sunstroke. Treatment of the Drowned. Swimming. Suffoeation in Wells. Bites of Cats, Dogs, etc. Wounds from Thorns, Rusty Nails, etc. Snake Bites. Poisons and their Antidotes. Poison Ivy. The Sick-room. Qual- ities of the Nurse. Care of the Sick. CHAPTER XXIV. THE SKELETON 330 Axial Skeleton. Appendicular Skeleton. Uses of the Bones. Study of a Vertebra. Table of the Bones. The Spinal Column. Articu- lations of a Vertebra. The Cervical Vertebras. Atlas and Axis. The Thoracic Vertebras. The Lumbar Vertebras. The Sacrum and the Coccyx. Flexibility of the Spinal Column. Curves of the Spinal Column. Cavities of the Skeleton. Pronation and Supination. Weight of the Bones. Microscopic Structure of Bone. Classifica- tion of Joints. Sprains and Dislocations. CHAPTER XXV. THE MUSCLES 341 The Number of Muscles. The Arrangement of Muscles. Forms of Muscles. Names of Muscles. Peculiar Muscles. Heart Muscle. Three kinds of Muscular Fiber Compared. Each Fiber a Cell. Muscles of Expression. Muscles and Fat. Convulsions. Rigor Mortis. Some Prominent Muscles. Sculpture and Anatomy. APPENDIX . . 347 Antidotes. Disinfectants. Vital Statistics. GLOSSARY 360 INDEX .... 371 PHYSIOLOGY. CMA.P,TER I. ,'.:: Health. Is it not a splendid thing to be well and strong ? To be full of bounding health ? To " feel one's life in every limb " ? Who does not desire to prolong, so far as possible, this condition characteristic of youth ? Natural and Artificial Modes of Life. An animal living in a state of nature may keep well and live its natural period of life without knowing anything about the laws of health. But as students or indoor workers, many of us lead a sedentary life ; we are not natural, but often highly artificial, in our mode of living. We move about but little, whereas the animal abounds in motion. We concentrate energy upon mental effort, thus diverting a large share of our sum total of energy away from the pro- cess of nutrition. We often shut ourselves in rooms nearly air-tight. We eat poorly chosen and ill-prepared food. We devour it hastily, often when we are not in fit con- dition to take food. In short, we frequently disobey the laws of Nature. Now, Nature punishes every violation of her laws. She never forgives, never forgets. 1 Value of Knowledge. The out-of-door worker may not suffer so much from ignorance in these matters. From the character of his occupation, he is, to a certain extent, obliged to obey Nature. He gets enough fresh air. His bodily exertion generally brings a hearty appe- tite, vigorous digestion, active circulation of the blood. Still, he would greatly profit by knowing something of the nature of his food, its wholesomeness or unwholesomeness. The fact that he has fair health is no proof that he always does the best thing. His natural mode of life may keep him in tolerably good condition in spite of his violation of certain laws V b#t ^(f J-coldd :uXidpubtedly learn how to economize in the purchase, preparation, and proper com- bination of foods. Importance of the Care of the Body. Any machine of man's invention must be kept in good running order if we would have it do good work, or last long. We must keep a machine clean, well oiled, and not overtax it. Are not our bodies worth equal care ? If some part of a ma- chine is broken, we may replace it at moderate expense ; but none of the vital organs can be replaced. We may get a new mainspring for a watch, but we cannot obtain a new stomach or lungs. Its Admirable Mechanism. Aside from the above considerations the human body is worthy of study for its own sake. Viewed simply as a mechanism, it is wonder- ful. Each organ is so well adapted to its work, and all the organs work so harmoniously through their connection and control by the nervous system, that we never cease to admire it. We admire a doll, or other toy, so ingeniously constructed that it can move its eyes or walk a short time after being wound up. But this live mechanism, which is INTRODUCTION. 3 self-winding, self-regulating, self-repairing, self-directing, amazes us. Hygiene. We take up the study of the human body mainly that we may learn how to preserve health ; the science of health is hygiene. Physiology. In order to keep the various organs in good order we must know what their natural work is, and how they do it ; the science of the action of the body and its parts is physiology. Organ. Any part, or member, of the body, which has a special work to do, is called an organ, as the hand, the eye, or the stomach. Function. -- The work, or action, of each organ is its function. Anatomy. In order to understand the working of each organ it is usually necessary to know something of its construction ; the science of structure is anatomy. We do not need to go far into anatomy to obtain a fail- knowledge of the manner in which our organs do their work. The surgeon, of course, must be able to locate accurately the various blood tubes, nerves, muscles, etc. We need to know only the general structure of the body and, more in detail, some of the more important organs, such as the heart, the lungs, the larynx, the eye, etc. It is fortunate for us that these organs in the sheep, pig, and cow are so nearly like our own that they serve admirably to enable us to understand ourselves. Tissues. Every organ is composed of several different kinds of material. For instance, in a slice across a ham we see the skin on the outside, then fat, lean, and bone. 4 I'HYSIOLOGY. These "primary building materials" of the body we call tissues. A tissue may be defined as an aggregation of similar cells devoted to a common work. Cells. The whole body is made up of small parts called cells, comparable to the bricks in a house. These cells are of various shapes in the different tissues. In the more active tissues the cells are alive, and each cell may be compared to the ameba, a little mass of living jelly-like substance called protoplasm. The ameba is a protozoan often found in the slime at bottom of stagnant water. Within this is a small, rounded part called the nucleus. Most of the cells of the body differ from the ameba in having a distinct outer covering or cell wall. A grape serves very well to show what a cell is like. The whole body is built up Nucleus. f cells, few of them large enough Fig. i. Epithelial Ceils from to be seen by the naked eye. Although the cells are closely packed together, each cell leads, in one sense, an inde- pendent life. But all work together to maintain the life of the body. The cell is like the individual in a com- munity. Each lives primarily for itself, yet all work together for the good of the whole. Epithelial Cells from the Inside of the Cheek. With the blade of a very dull knife, or the handle of a scalpel, gently scrape the inside of the cheek. Place a little of the white scraping on a slide in a drop of water, cover with a cover slip, and examine under a quarter-inch objective. Many cells will be seen, some of them showing nuclei. Compare these cells with the accompanying figure. The Physiological Division of Labor. We are aware of the advantages of division of labor in a community. If INTRODUCTION. 5 each person learns to do one thing well, all together work economically for the common good, time is saved, and better goods are produced. In the body there is a division of labor similar to that of a community. Each organ has its own work to do, and all work together for the common welfare. The cells of each tissue have certain properties and peculiarities of form differing from the form and properties of the cells of any other tissue. While the general structure of all cells is essentially the same, and while they all have certain properties in common, each has some one kind of work that it can do well, and to which work it devotes itself. The nerve cells receive impressions from the outer world, carry nervous impulses, and control the various activities of the body. The muscle cells have as their work the production of motion. All the cells must take food for themselves and grow. Each has a birth, life, and death, as each individual in a community of men ; and as the community endures, while the indi- vidual members are continually changing, so, in the body, while the form remains about the same from year to year, the cells are continually changing, some dying, and others taking their places. . In an animal of a single cell, like the ameba, the one cell must do everything for itself. The higher animals all begin their individual life as an egg, which is, in fact, a single minute cell. This grows and divides, forming two cells. By repeated division there accumulates a mass of cells. These take on the arrangement peculiar to the kind of animal from which the egg came. But as the cells increase in number one group of cells takes up one part of the work of .the body, other cells another part of the work, and so on. In studying history (sociology) we have to deal with the 6 J'HYSIOLOGY. individual, the community, the state, and the nation. The cell is an individual, the community is a tissue, the state is an organ, and the nation is one body. Let us proceed to study the nature of the individual cell, and the combined actions of these individuals in that com- munity called the human body. Summary. i. Health is essential to comfort and efficiency in work. 2. Our artificial mode of life is at variance with nature's laws. 3. Only by obeying the laws of nature can we preserve health. 4. We should learn these laws of nature from the advice and ex- perience of others, and not by the expensive process of suffering from disobedience. 5. Anatomy is the science of structure. Human anatomy is the science of the structure of the human body. 6. Physiology is the science of function. 7. Hygiene is the art of preserving health. 8. Cells are the units of structure in the body. 9. A tissue is a group of similar cells having a single function. 10. An organ is a part having a special work or function. The organs work together for the common good of the whole organism. This working together results in 1 1 . The physiological division of labor, in which each organ works for all the others, and is dependent on all the other organs. Questions. i. What are some of the ways in which we most fre- quently violate the laws of health ? 2. Name the more important organs of the body and their functions. 3. Name the different tissues of one of these organs. CHAPTER II. MOTION. Motion and Life. Motion is the most manifest sign of life. While we are sitting still, as we say, there are fre- quent slight motions of the head, body, and limbs. Even during sleep the movements of breathing may be seen ; the hand laid upon the chest may feel .the beating of the heart, and the finger detect the pulse in a number of places. We must move to get our food, or at least to eat and digest it. Motion is necessary for breathing, for circu- lating the blood, for getting rid of wastes. We often move to avoid injury. Motion is necessary for seeing : we must turn the face toward the object; we move the eyeballs; within the eye are motions to regulate the amount of light admitted, and to adapt the eye for seeing at different distances. In feeling, we put forth the hand to touch the object. In tasting, we touch the tongue to the object. In smelling, we sniff ; and sniffing is a respiratory motion. In hearing and in speech there is also motion. How are all these motions produced ? Experiments with the Muscles in our own Bodies. i. Clasp the front of the right upper arm ; draw up the forearm strongly and as far as possible. Note what changes are felt in the biceps muscle. 2. Repeat the experiment, and with the thumb and finger feel the cord, or tendon, at the lower end of the muscle, just within the angle of the elbow. 7 8 PHYSIOLOGY. 3. Place a weight in the hand, and repeat the act, noting the con- dition of the muscle during the experiment ; also note the condition of the tendon. 4. Span the muscle, placing the tips of the fingers in the angle of the elbow, and the tip of the thumb as far as you can up the arm ; again bend the arm. What change in the muscle does this show ? Any muscle that bends a limb, as does the biceps, is called a flexor muscle. 5. Clasp the back of the right upper arm ; forcibly straighten the arm. The muscle lying along the back of the arm is the triceps muscle. It is called an extensor muscle because it extends, or straightens, the arm. 6. Clasp the upper side of the right forearm near the elbow ; clench the right hand quickly and forcibly ; repeat rapidly. 7. Notice the thick mass of muscle at the base of the thumb ; pinch the forefinger and thumb strongly together. What changes can be seen and felt ? 8. Place the hand on the outside of the shoulder ; raise the arm to a horizontal position; repeat with a weight in the hand. Fig. 2. The Shortening and Thickening of the Biceps Muscle in raising the Forearm. 9. Stand erect with the heels close to each other, but not quite touching; let the arms hang freely by the sides; rise on tiptoes, without moving otherwise ; repeat ten times. 10. Place the tips of the fingers on the angles of the lower jaw; shut the teeth firmly on a piece of rubber, and note the bulging of the masseter muscles. MOTION. , 9 11. Press the fingers on the temples ; again shut the jaw firmly, and feel the action of the temporal muscles. 12. Make a narrow band of paper that will snugly fit the forearm when the hand is open ; now clench the fist strongly. 13. With a tape measure take the circumference of the upper arm when the arm hangs free ; again when the forearm is strongly flexed. 14. In the same way measure the forearm when the hand is open, and when the hand is clenched. By these experiments we learn that when a muscle works it becomes shorter, thicker, and harder. Nerves and Muscles of a Rabbit's Leg. In the hind leg of a rabbit the sciatic nerve may be found by separating two large muscles on the sides of the thigh, beginning behind the knee joint. The shape and connections of the muscles may be learned, and also the distribution of the nerve. The Action of Muscle. The action of muscle is always a "pull." The muscle shortens, at the same time thick- ening and hardening. These changes in muscle are roughly shown in the preceding experiments of feeling the arm during its action. But the isolated calf muscle of the frog may be made to prove the characteristic changes with great clearness. Action of Frog's Muscle. A frog may be killed painlessly by put- ting a teaspoonful of ether into a fruit jar of water, immersing the frog and capping the jar. When the frog becomes motionless, its head should be cut off and a wire run down the spinal column to destroy the spinal cord. After cutting the skin around the base of one thigh the skin may easily be stripped from the whole hind limb. If the muscles on the back of the thigh be gently separated there will be found a white thread running lengthwise, the sciatic nerve. It should be severed near the hip and carefully turned down upon the calf muscle. It should not be pinched or dragged. The muscles of the thigh should now all be cut away, being careful not to sever the nerve near the knee. The hip joint should be unjointed. With the handle of the scalpel the calf muscle should be separated from the shin bone, and just below the knee the shin bone and all the muscles except the calf muscle severed 10 PHYSIOLOGY. It now the heel cord be cut off below the heel there will remain such a preparation as is represented in the accompanying figure, consisting of the thigh bone with the calf muscle hanging from it, and the sciatic Femur Origin ~ Belly of Muscle - Insertion Weight SHORTENED ELONGATED Fig. 3. Action of the Calf Muscle of the Frog, showing the Relations of the Sciatic Nerve. Origin Bundle of Muscle Fibers nerve still connected with the calf muscle. This may be supported by holding the end of the thigh bone in a clamp on a retort stand. A light weight should be attached to the heel cord. The muscle and nerve should be moistened with water containing a little salt. On pinching the free end of the nerve, or cutting off the least bit with scissors, the muscle will be made to act. The shortening and thick- ening will be plainly seen, and by taking it between the thumb and finger the hardening may be felt. Muscle Sheath CROSS SECTION Tendon Insertion LONGITUDINAL SECTION Fig. 4. The Structure of Muscle. Structure of Muscle. Chipped beef shows well the structure of muscle. The MOTION. II white network is the connective tissue. In the meshes is the red muscular tissue. The partitions which run all through the muscle are continuous with the muscle sheath, and both are continuous with the tendons at the ends of the muscle. In fresh muscle the sheath and the parti- tions are nearly transparent, and are not easily seen. When the meat is cooked or salted the connective tissue becomes white and opaque. Microscopic Structure of Muscle. In frog's or rabbit's muscle observe the thin, transparent membrane covering the muscle, the muscle sheath. With forceps tear away part of the muscle sheath. Tear the muscle to pieces, and note its fibrous structure. A shred of muscle may be mounted in a drop of nor- mal saline solution on a slide, and exam- ined with low power of the microscope. If examined with a higher power the cross- markings, or striations, will be seen. Such muscle is called striated or striped muscle. All of the muscles used in ordinary motions are of this kind. Fig. 5. Two Muscular Fibers showing the Terminations of the Nerves. Effects of Cooking Muscle. In well-cooked corned beef the connec- tive tissue is thoroughly softened, and the muscle fibers are easily separated. Thorough cooking, especially slow boiling, will soften the connective tissue, and may render palatable meat that, cooked other- wise, would be exceedingly tough on account of the large amount of connective tissue. Imitation of Structure of Muscle. A good way to represent the structure of muscle is to take a number of pieces of red cord to represent the muscle fibers. Wrap each in white tissue paper ; this represents the individual 12 fiber sheath. Lay a number of these side by side ; wrap all in a common sheath ; let the tissue paper project be- yond the threads, and here compress it into a compact cylinder ; this last corresponds to the tendon. Connective Tissue the Skeleton of Muscle. If all the muscular tissue were removed from a muscle, the sheaths and partitions would remain, just as they do in a squeezed lemon or orange. The connective tissue forms a framework for all the soft tissues of the body, and if their working cells were removed, the connective tissue would remain, and show more or less completely the form of the part. Connective tissue, therefore, may be called the skeleton of the soft tissues. Muscle consists, then, essentially of a collection of soft, transparent tubes, filled with the semi-fluid muscle substance. By scraping the surface of a steak with a dull knife the muscle substance may be obtained, leaving the connective tissue. This is a good way to get the nutritious part of beef for an invalid. Importance of Muscles. The different materials of which the body is built up are called tissues. Thus we find muscular tissue, bony tissue, nervous tissue, etc. The muscles make up nearly half of the weight of the body. This fact of itself should lead us to consider the muscles of high importance. Add to this the facts above noted, that the muscles are so largely concerned in the nutrition of the body, the chief agents for its protection, essential for the reception of ideas, and absolutely indispensable for the expression of ideas, and we can see the reason for beginning the study of physiology with the examination of the muscles and their action. Laws of Muscle Action. The chief characteristic of muscle is its ability to shorten ; incidentally, it at the MOTION'. 1 3 same time thickens and hardens. But it does its work by shortening, pulling on the bones by means of the strong, inelastic tendons, thus producing motion. The action of the muscle as a whole is the result of the characteristics of the cells of which it is composed. The individual cells and fibers shorten, and their combined action is seen in the muscular movement. Extent of Muscle Shortening. A muscle may be made to shorten one third of its length, but probably never shortens that much in the living body. Duration of Muscle Shortening. A muscle cannot be kept shortened for any great length of time. If one holds his arm out horizontally as long as possible he soon feels ' fatigue, later pain, and he may feel soreness in the muscle for several days. The law of muscle action is to alternate periods of rest with periods of action. In many exercises, as in walking, the limbs act alternately, one resting or recovering position while the other works. Alternate Action of Flexors and Extensors. If we consider the biceps and triceps of the arm, we see that they are compelled to act alternately if they would do effective work. They might both shorten at the same time, and are made to do so in such an attempt as that of holding the arm rigidly bent at a right angle ; as, for instance, in wrestling " square hold," in which case one wishes to prevent his opponent from either pushing or pulling him. But while the two muscles act, no motion is produced. When the flexor shortens, the extensor length- ens, and vice versa. Normal Condition of Muscle. The muscles are always slightly stretched, as shown by the fact that when a cut is made into a muscle the wound gapes open ; the tension 14 PHYSIOLOGY. of the muscle is further shown by the fact that when a bone is broken, as in the upper arm or thigh, the ends of the bones slip by each other, and the limb has to be strongly stretched to bring the ends back together. Mus- cles act better when slightly stretched, and probably need a slight resistant action of the opponent muscle. Symmetrical Development of the Muscles; The mus- cles of the two sides of the body are the same in number and arrangement. At birth they are probably about equal in size, weight, and strength. Most persons early become right-handed, and the greater use of the right hand and shoulder makes the muscles of this side larger and heavier. The muscles pulling on the bones slightly modify them in shape. The whole body may become noticeably un- symmetrical. Most persons step harder on one foot than the other, as shown by the sound of the footstep, and as shown by the constant wearing of one shoe sole or heel faster than the other. In many persons one shoulder is habitually carried higher than the other. Symmetrical development should be carefully sought, and any tendency to a one-sided development should, so far as possible, be avoided. We should use the left hand more. There are many advantages in being able to use either hand. In carving, in shaving, in bandaging, in administering medicine, it may be necessary to use the left hand skillfully. The pianist and the harpist use the two hands about equally, while the violinist puts much more skill into his left hand. Trainers of athletes often begin by developing the left side of the body till it equals the right in size and strength. Muscles the Source of Strength. Our strength de- pends on our muscles. It is a fine thing to have strong, well-developed muscles, not only because they give beauty MOTION, 1 5 of form, but because extra strength and endurance may be needed in case of accident, to save one's own life or that of others. In a case of fire the ability to climb, to go up or down a rope "hand over hand," may be all important. Any one's life may depend on his ability to run far and swiftly, to swim, to jump, or to lift a heavy weight. Skeletal Muscles. When we look at the skinned car- cass of an animal in the market, we observe that the mus- cles almost completely cover the bones. Those which are attached to the bones are called skeletal muscles. They act upon them as levers, giving to motion strength, quickness, and precision. Without bones our motions would be like those of an earthworm or slug, slow and uncertain. The muscles, acting through the bones, can lift a weight that would crush the muscles if laid directly upon them, while a bone, able to support a heavy weight without being crushed, has no power in itself. The muscles have active strength, the bones have passive strength. Relation of the Muscles and the Bones. Suspend the skeleton from the ceiling in the most open space in the room. Let the pupils study it ; not to learn the names of all the bones, but to get a general idea of the forms and relations of the parts. It is well to have the skeleton constantly at hand, to show the location of the various organs as they are taken up. If possible, supply the class with separate bones from another skeleton, and let the pupils place each separate bone alongside the corresponding one in the complete skeleton. Pass to the skeleton, and locate the biceps muscle. After examining Fig. 2, show the points of its origin and insertion. Feel the biceps of your arm. Note that its thickest part is opposite the most slender part of the bone. But at the enlarged end of the bone the muscle has narrowed to a slender tendon, which passes over the joint to be attached to the next bone, thus giving more slenderness, flexibility, and freedom of motion to the joint. The muscle which closes the mouth, as in pursing up the lips, is not attached to any bone, but in shortening reduces the aperture. 1 6 /'//}'S/OUhi}'. Flexion of the Forearm. Take the bones of the arm that are articulated (if there is not an artificial hinge at the elbow, one can readily be made of wire) ; put a strong rubber band in place of the biceps muscle ; fasten this to the head of the humerus by cords, and by the lower end to the radius, where the rough place, an inch or so from the elbow joint, shows the insertion of the tendon. Have the rubber stretched so that when not held it will flex the forearm. This will serve to show the action of the biceps, though we must be careful to bear in mind that the muscle does not pull the arm up because it has been stretched, as is the case with the rubber. In the case of the muscle, we know that the live muscle has the power of shortening when stimulated, and in this respect is totally unlike the rubber. The live cells, or units, act in concert. Levers. The essentials of a lever are the point about which the lever turns, called the fulcrum, the place where the power is applied, called the power, and the part to be moved, called the weight. In the body, the fulcrum is some joint, the power is the place where the muscle is attached, and the weight is the part to be moved. Kinds of Levers. In flexing the forearm, the weight is the hand or the hand and what is in it ; the fulcrum is the elbow joint ; and the power is the point where the tendon of the biceps is attached to the radius. This kind of a lever is what the books call a lever of the third class. The triceps, on the back of the arm, pulls on the projection of the ulna (the inner bone of the forearm when the palm is up), back of the elbow. The elbow is here, also, the fulcrum, and the hand (or the object to be pushed by the hand) is the weight. This kind of lever, where the fulcrum is between the power and the weight, is called a lever of the first class. In raising the weight of the body, by stand- ing on tiptoe, we use a lever of the second class. Here the ball of the foot is the fulcrum. The weight is the weight of the whole body, resting on the ankle joint, while MOTION. I/ the power is the calf muscle. We may find many exam- ples of levers in the body if we look for them. (1) Tapping on Floor. (2) Rising on Toe. (3) Lifting Weight. Fig. 6. Three Kinds of Levers as shown by the Foot. P Power. W Weight. F Fulcrum. Kinds of Levers shown by the Foot. The different classes of levers may be further illustrated by different motions of the foot. In tapping the toes on the floor while the heel is lifted, or in pressing down the ball of the foot while running the treadle of a sewing machine, we have an example of a first-class lever. In raising the weight of the body on tiptoes, or as the foot is used in taking each step, the foot is used as a lever of the second class. When one lifts a weight with the toes, the foot is used as a lever of the third class. These three classes of levers are illustrated in the accompanying figures. Advantages and Disadvantages of Levers in the Body. The action of the bones of the forearm as a lever may perhaps be better understood by the following considerations : If the arm consisted merely of the biceps, suspended from the shoulder, it is evident that its only action would be a straight pull. Suppose the biceps, thus hanging alone from the shoulder, had a hook at its lower end, it could, when it shortened, lift a weight just as far as it shortened, and no i8 PHYSIOLOGY. farther. It could not swing the wi:ight outward, or push it upward. But from the way in which the biceps is attached to the forearm, when the muscle shortens an inch it may move the hand a foot. Of course the hand moves much faster, and we have a great gain in speed by reason of this lever arrangement. But we cannot lift so heavy a weight at this faster rate, as we could at the elbow. For instance, suppose one were to carry a heavy basket with a bail handle by slipping the arm through the bail up to the elbow. Now. it is evident that the biceps is supporting the weight. If it is as heavy as can be held here, we know that we could not hold the same weight in the hand with the elbow bent at a right angle. Ball Articular Extremity Medullary Cavity Hard Bone Study of One of the Long Bones. For this, take, preferably, a femur or a humerus. Let us suppose we ha\ a femur. 1. Observe its shape, cylindrical, somewhat curved, enlarged at the ends. 2. The ends have smooth places, where they fitted other bones. 3. Along the sides, especially near the ends, are ridges and projections, where the muscles were attached. 4. There are small holes in the bone, where blood tubes passed in and out. 5. Saw a femur in two, lengthwise, and make a drawing showing : (#) The central marrow cavity. () The spongy extremities, noting especially the directions of the bony plates and fibers. 6. Observe the width of the lower end of the femur, where it rests on the tibia. Suppose these two bones were as narrow at their ends, where they meet to form the knee joint, as they are at their centers, what kind of a joint would they make ? Illustrate by piling up a num- Spongy Bone Articular Extremity r. 7. Longitudinal Section of Femur. MOTION. her of spools on end ; the column is more lightened than it is weak- ened by the hollowing out of the sides of each spool. And the central hollow of the spool does not greatly weaken it. A given weight of material has more strength when in the form of a hollow cylinder. The bones combine well two very desirable quali- ties, lightness and strength. If in our col- umn of spools we place a wide rubber band around the junction of two spools, we have something very similar to the capsular liga- ment, which surrounds the joints. Joints. The ends of the bones, where they fit together in the joints, are covered with a layer of smooth, elastic, whitish or transparent cartilage. The motion in the joints is made still more easy by the synovia, resembling white of egg. The ends of the bones are held together by tough bands and cords of ligament, a form of connective tissue very much like tendon. Bones are closely covered by a tough coat of connective tissue called the periosteum. All these structures can easily be found by dissecting a sheep shank gotten from the butcher, or in the hind leg of a rabbit. Locomotion. Locomotion is mov- ing from place to place and should be distinguished from mere motion. By continuing such observations as we made when we began to study our motions, we can analyze and understand many of the common movements which we habitually make. Standing. Although we are not ordinarily conscious of the fact, when we are standing still we are using many muscles. The accompanying figure illustrates how some Action of the Muscles in Standing. 20 PHYSIOLOGY. of the muscles act in keeping the body upright. Our weight, or, we would better say, the force of gravity, is continually trying to pull us down to the ground. The joints are all freely movable, and hence as soon as the muscles cease to act properly, in balancing against each other, we lose our equilibrium, and fall if we do not quickly regain it. Walking. In walking, we lean forward, and if we take no further action we fall. But we keep one foot on the ground, pushing the body forward, while the other leg is flexed and carried forward to save us from the fall. We catch the body on this foot, and repeat the action. To show how we are really repeatedly falling and catching ourselves, recall how likely one is to fall if some obstacle is placed in the way of the foot as it moves forward to catch the weight of the body. Running. In running, the action is more vigorous. The propulsion by the rear leg is now greater. It gives such a push as to make the body clear the ground, whereas in walking, the rear foot is not lifted till the front foot touches the ground. But in running there is a time when both feet are off the ground. Locomotion by Reaction. Take two broomsticks and place them crosswise under the ends of a board. Run along the board. This shows that the direct effort in running is to push one's support from under him. When a horse plunges forward in the mud, he only thrusts his feet farther into the mud. Our effort in progression is primarily to push the earth out from under us, and it is by reaction that we go forward. It is the same problem with the fish swimming forward by striking backward and sideways against the water, and with the bird beating downward and backward upon the air. Bones combine Lightness and Strength. The mus- cles, then, make use of the bones as levers. We carry MOTION. 21 these levers with us all the time. Hence the desirability of having them as light as is consistent with the requisite degree of strength. The body follows the same law of mechanics that we use outside of the body. A hollow pillar or hollow tube has a greater strength than the same amount of material in the form of a solid cylinder. The long bones of the limbs are hollow, and near their ends, where we have found that they need to be enlarged, we find a spongy structure, where lightness and strength are secured by the interlacing fibers and plates of bony material. Uses of Bones. The part that the bones play is of a passive nature ; they support the tissues, protect some parts, and serve as levers on which the muscles act. We may not call the bones dead tissues, for they receive blood and grow. But the active muscles use them as a man uses a crowbar, as a mere tool. It will therefore be more interesting to return to the muscles, and learn the causes and conditions of their activity. What makes Complex Muscular Action Harmoni- ous. Have you ever seen two persons, each using the right hand, try to sew, one holding the cloth, the other using the needle ? Would they get along well ? Suppose one were to hold the needle, and the other were to try to thread it, each using one hand ? Why is it that the right hands of two persons cannot work so well together as the right and left hands of one person ? What connection is there between the two, that one knows just what the other is doing and when it does it ? Why can two individuals never, with any amount of practice, work so in unity as the parts of the individual ? 22 PHYSIOLOGY. Let us seek the answers to these questions in the follow- ing lessons. READING. How to Get Strong and How to Stay So^ Blaikie ; Sound Bodies for Onr Boys and Girls, Blaikie ; Physiology of Bodily Exercise, Lagrange. Summary. i . Motion is involved in nearly every activity of the body. 2. The action of muscle is a shortening, accompanied by a thick- ening and hardening. 3. Muscle consists of fibers with a connective tissue sheath for each fiber, bundle of fibers, and for the muscle as a whole. 4. The skeletal muscle fibers are striated. 5. The muscles make about half the body's weight. 6. Muscles may shorten one third their length. 7. They cannot remain shortened long at a time. 8. The muscles should be developed symmetrically. 9. In the limbs the muscles are fusiform and have their greatest diameter opposite the central, or narrower, portions of the bones, con- cealing the fact that the bones are largest at the ends, as is so manifest in the skeleton. 10. The bones serve as levers by which the muscles exert their force. 1 1 . The bones of the limbs are hollow cylinders combining lightness -and strength. 12. The joints have a smooth motion due to the cartilage and synovia. 13. Locomotion is brought about by reaction. Questions. i . What effect is produced by carrying a heavy satchel for a long distance without resting? 2. Which is more tiresome, standing still or walking? Why? 3. When the boy, who thinks he can strike a hard blow, says, Feel my muscle,' 1 does he usually call attention to the muscle used in striking? 4. Find other examples of levers in the body. 5. Find examples of the three kinds of levers, not in the body, which we use often. MOTION. 23 6. Why is it easier to sit with one leg crossed over the other? 7. What is the effect on muscles of light clothing? 8. How may the arms be used to illustrate the three kinds of levers ? 9. Analyze and explain jumping, hopping, etc. 10. What is "curvature of the spine"? How caused and how avoided ? 1 1 . What makes people bow-legged ? 12. Why are the sides of the body often sore after walking on icy pavements ? CHAPTER III. THE GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. SENSATION AND MOTION. What makes Muscles Shorten ? We have seen that the muscles have the power of shortening ; that in shorten- ing they act on the bones as levers to produce our varied motions. What makes the muscles shorten ? Voluntary and Involuntary Motions. Some motions we will to make. We will to sit, to stand, to walk, to run, or to stretch out the hand. Such motions, originating in a brain activity, are called Voluntary. Other motions are Involuntary. The will does not control the heart beat. Most persons cannot keep from winking when a quick motion is made toward the face, even if they know they will not be hit. But all of these motions, whether volun- tary or involuntary, are dependent upon the nervous system. The Cerebro-spinal Nervous System. This consists of the brain, the spinal cord, and the spinal nerves. The brain will be described later. The Spinal Cord. The spinal cord is a cylindrical body extending from the brain along the cavity of the spinal column. Its diameter is not uniform throughout. Between the shoulders is an enlargement called the cer- vical enlargement, where the large nerves are given off to 24 NERVOUS SYSTEM. Fig. 9. Diagram showing Arrangement of Nervous System. 26 PHYSIOLOGY. the arms. In the region of the loins is the lumbar enlarge- ment, where the nerves are given off to supply the poste- rior limbs. The cord is not so long as the cavity of the spinal column, and the space posterior to the cord is occu- pied by the nerves extending to the posterior limbs, and these nerves are given off at a very sharp angle, and con- tinue backward for some distance before they emerge from the cavity of the spinal column. But in the region of the shoulders the nerves spring off at about a right angle with the cord. The outside of the cord is white, but the central portion consists of what is called gray matter. The white portion is made up of fibers, but the gray matter consists of nerve cells as well. The Spinal Nerves. These are given off in pairs from the sides of the spinal cord, passing out between the suc- cessive vertebrae. In the regions of the shoulders and loins the spinal nerves are large, as they supply the large muscles of the limbs ; but in the middle of the back, where only the muscles of the body wall are supplied, the nerves are small. We have thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves. The Roots of the Spinal Nerves. Each spinal nerve arises by two roots, one nearer the back, called the dorsal root, the other nearer the ventral surface, the ventral root. These two roots soon unite to form one spinal nerve. The Ganglion of the Dorsal Root. On the dorsal root, just before it unites with the ventral root, is a swell- ing, the ganglion of the dorsal root. Like all ganglions, it is largely made up of nerve cells, being a center of con- trol rather than a means of communication. The Cerebro-spinal Nervous System of the Rabbit or Cat. It will prove helpful at this point to examine the nervous system of a NERVOUS SYSTEM. 2*] rabbit. The animal may be killed painlessly by shutting it in a tight box with a sponge holding a teaspoonful of chloroform or ether. The smaller the box, the less anesthetic necessary. A large glass jar inverted over the animal is convenient. For a support, nail a foot of two-by-four scantling edgewise to a base board. Lay the animal on this and tack out the feet. Slit and pull aside the skin from the nose along the back to the base of the tail. Remove the muscle along the sides of the back and neck. Between the skull and the first vertebra is a space covered by a thin membrane. This may be cut through with scissors. Then bone forceps may be employed by inserting the point of a blade on each side of the cord and cutting through the bone. In this way the whole of the dorsal portion of the spinal column may be removed, exposing the spinal cord through- out its entire length. With care the nerves and their roots may be found. The nerves extending to the anterior limbs are easily traced, but for the nerves to the posterior limbs more work is needed. Structure of Nerves. When we trace the sciatic nerve outward, we find that it is continually subdividing. This division continues until the branches are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Microscopic examination shows that a nerve is made up of a great number of fibers bound together in a common sheath of connective tissue, as is the case with muscle. When the nerve divides there is ordinarily no true branching or forking, but certain of the fibers simply separate from the rest, as in the separa- tion of the fibers in floss silk. Structure of a Nerve Fiber. A single nerve fiber is too small to be seen by the naked eye, being only about one two-thousandth of an inch in diameter. It consists of the following parts : 1. The Axis Cylinder, a central strand, or core, of semi- transparent, gray material. 2. The Medullary Sheath is a layer of white, oily material around the axis cylinder. 28 rnvsjoLOGY. 3. The Nerve Fiber Sheath is a thin, transparent outer sheath of cdnnective tissue. Function of Nerve Fibers. -The sole function of the nerve fiber is to convey nerve impulses. The nerve im- pulse passes along the axis cylinder as an electric current passes along an insulated wire. Nerve Fiber Sheath Axis Cylinder Medullary Sheath Fig. 1 0. Structure of a Nerve Fiber. Gray Nerve Fibers. In the sympathetic nerves there are many fibers which have no medullary sheath, but con- sist simply of the axis cylinder and the nerve-fiber sheath. These are called gray nerve fibers. Cross-section of the Spinal Cord. If a thin slice of the spinal cord be made as shown in Fig. 11, it will be seen that the central part is darker in color than the outer part. The central part is known as the gray matter, in distinction from the rest, which is called the white matter. The white matter of the nervous system is made up of nerve fibers whose structure and use we have just con- sidered. But the gray matter has a different structure and a different function. Instead of being made up mainly of fibers it is composed of cells, one of the forms of which is represented in Fig. 12. Some of the branches of these cells are continued, and become the axis cylinders of nerves, and it is believed that every nerve fiber begins as a branch of some nerve cell. One of the best places to see these nerve cells is in the gray matter of the spinal cord, near NERVOUS SYSTEM. 29 the place where the ventral root of the spinal nerve arises. This part of the gray matter is called the ventral horn of the gray matter. If this portion be examined under a moderately high power of the microscope, there may be seen a number of cells with radiating branches. Dorsal or Sensor Root Ganglion i Ventral or Motor Root Fig. 1 1 . Cross-section of Spinal Cord. Functions of the Spinal Cord. The spinal cord has two main functions : 1. Its conducting power, by means of the white fibers which make up the outer part of the cord. These fibers may be regarded as connecting the gray matter of the brain with all parts of the body. 2. The gray matter is the center of the reflex actions of the cord. Ganglia. Masses of nerve cells make up nerve centers, or ganglia, such as are on the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves. These also would show under the microscope that their chief constituent is a collection of nerve cells which give off one or more branches. 30 /V/KVA >/.(;<;r. The gray matter of the spinal cord is considered LI col- lection of ganglions. We see that the outer layer of the brain is grayish in color. Within is white matter, consist- ing of nerve fibers that connect the cells of the gray layer Fig. 12. A Large Nerve Cell from the Gray Matter of the Spinal Cord. with the various parts of the body through the base of the brain, the spinal cord, and spinal nerves. No Sensation without the Brain. After a fowl's head is cut off it " flops " around for some time, and it may even jump clear from the ground. If one takes hold of its feet to pick it up, it may begin to struggle as if it were trying to escape. Now, we know that the bird cannot feel anything after its head is cut off, because the body is completely separated from the brain, which is the center of sensation. So with the frog. After its head is cut off, it cannot feel anything. Reflex Action of the Spinal Cord of the Frog. A frog may be killed as directed on p. 9. Cut off its head and suspend the body from any convenient support, such as the ring of a retort stand. 1. On pinching the toes the foot will be drawn up. 2. The sciatic nerve should now be severed as before directed (p. 9). At the instant of cutting the nerve the muscles below will twitch, because the nerve fibers running to them are stimulated. NERVOUS SYSTEM. 31 3. If the toes are again pinched, it is found that the uninjured leg will draw up, but not the one whose sciatic nerve has been severed. 4. If a wire be run down the spinal cavity, the spinal cord will- be destroyed, and during the operation the uninjured leg will act spas- modically, because the nerve fibers going to its muscles from the cord are stimulated. 5. Pinching the toes no longer gives response, because the cord, which acted as the center of this reflex action, is destroyed. The Gray Matter of the Cord the Center of Reflex Action. In simple sensation of touch, pressure on the Afferent Dorsal Root Sensor Fiber Skin Motor Fiber v v Efferent Ventrg| Root Fig. 1 3. Diagram of Reflex Action of the Spinal Cord. (After Landois and Stirling.) toes starts a nerve current or nerve impulse which runs up to the brain. The sensation is in the brain, but is referred to the foot. Hence we should be careful not to speak of a sensation being carried. In voluntary muscular action the impulse starts from the brain, goes to the muscles, and makes them shorten or relax. But in reflex action the current runs up the nerve to the spinal cord. The gray matter of the central part of the cord receives the message, and sends back a nerve impulse to the muscles to make them shorten and pull the foot away from the source of injury. 32 PHYSIOLOGY. The Parts Essential to Reflex Action of the Spinal Cord : - 1. A sensitive surface (the skin, for instance). 2. Afferent nerve fibers. 3. A nerve cell, or cells, in the center of the spinal cord. 4. Efferent nerve fibers. 5. Working organ, as muscle or gland. Phases of Reflex Action. In the above experiment on the frog the steps in order were : 1. Stimulation of the nerve endings in the skin of the toe. 2. Passage of a nerve impulse up the afferent fibers to the spinal cord. Nerve-Cell Afferent Fiber ^ \ ,_ _., x Efferent Fiber Skin !, &-- Muscle Fig. 14. Scheme of Reflex Arc. 3. Reception of the impulse by a cell, or cells, of the gray matter in the cord. 4. Sending back a nerve impulse 5. Along an efferent fiber, or fibers, to 6. Muscles which shorten and move the foot. Importance of Reflex Action. It is important that we understand the nature of reflex action, for very many of the processes of the body are regulated by it. Not only the more manifest motions, such as winking when NERl/OUS SYSTEM. 33 anything comes quickly toward the eye, dodging, jumping when suddenly touched by anything hot or when pricked by a pin, but also the adjustments of the essential processes of life, circulation, respiration, and digestion, are brought about through reflex action. Destination of Nerve Fibers. The sciatic nerve is composed of many fibers. If this nerve is traced outward, it is found to be continually subdividing, and sending small branches to the muscles, and finally in the muscles one fine nerve fiber goes to each muscle fiber. (See Fig. 13.) Many fibers go on past the muscles to the skin. We can feel in any part of the skin, and we can tell just where we are touched. These fibers from the skin, then, carry nerve impulses inward, as those going to the muscles carry impulses outward. Nerve Roots and their Functions. Experiments on the lower animals, and accidents in the case of man, show that all the fibers of the nerves that carry currents to the muscles pass out from the spinal cord into the ventral root, and that all the fibers that carry currents inward enter the spinal cord through the dorsal root. Hence, the dorsal root is often called the afferent root, and the ventral the efferent root. Since ingoing impulses produce sensa- tion, the dorsal root is called the sensory root, while the ventral root, carrying currents outward to produce motion, is called the motor root. Effect of Stimulating a Spinal Nerve. Experiments have shown that if, in an uninjured animal, a nerve, or more properly a nerve trunk, as the sciatic nerve, be stimulated, for instance, by a suitable electric shock, two effects are produced : first, motion in the parts whose 34 PHYSIOLOGY. muscles are supplied by the nerve ; second, sensation, which is referred to the parts of the skin supplied by the branches of the nerve. Effect of Severing a Spinal Nerve. If. instead of simply stimu- lating the nerve, the nerve is severed, the same two effects will he pro- duced. After severing the nerve, if we stimulate the end of the nerve still connected with the limb, we get action of the muscles in that limb. If we stimulate the end of the nerve connected with the body, a sensa- tion will be produced, and this sensation will be referred to the parts from which the nerve fibers arise, probably in the skin of the limb. Effect of Stimulating the Ends of Severed Nerve Roots. If we now turn to the roots of the nerve, and make similar experiments, we obtain the following results : Stimulating the dorsal root causes sensa- tion referred to some outer surface, and no other effect is noticed. Cutting the dorsal root also causes sensation. Stimulating the end of this root still connected with the spinal cord causes sensation: but stimulating the end of the root connected with the nerve gives no appreciable result. Stimulating or cutting the ventral root causes motion in the parts whose muscles are supplied by fibers from this root. After severing this root, if the end connected with trie spinal cord be stimulated, no effect is noticed ; but stimulating the end still connected with the nerve is followed by shortening of the muscles supplied. Effect of Severing All the Spinal Nerves. Severing all the spinal nerves destroys all power of sensation and voluntary motion in all parts of the body except the head. After severing all the dorsal roots, no sensation would be produced by stimulating any part of the body, and after severing all the ventral roots no act of the will can cause any of the muscles of the body to act. Severing all the nerves, or severing all the roots, cuts off all communication of the brain with the body, and so far as motion and sensa- tion in the body generally are concerned, has the same effect as severing the spinal cord below the head. NERVOUS SYSTEM. 35 Cramp. Cramp is a spasmodic shortening of the muscles, attended with pain. Tetanus. Tetanus (or locked jaw) is a spasmodic and continuous shortening of the muscles, causing rigidity of the parts they supply. It is due to the disordered and excessive stimulation of the muscles through the nerves. Crossing of the Fibers from the Brain to the Spinal Cord. Both the brain and the spinal cord consist of two lateral halves connected by cross fibers. Each half of the brain is connected with the opposite half of the body. This is accomplished by the crossing of the fibers. The fibers that carry nerve impulses outward are now known to cross as they leave the brain, at the very beginning of the spinal cord, in the part known as the spinal bulb. The sensations arising from touching anything with the right hand, therefore, are in the left half of the brain, and the right half of the brain controls the left hand. Voluntary Interference with Reflex Actions. We have seen that the jerking of the hand away from a hot object is due to reflex action of the spinal cord. One might, by a powerful effort of the will, keep the hand on an object that is hot enough to burn the skin. One may command the foot to remain quiet when it is tickled ; but as soon as the person is asleep, the same stimulations would be followed by the reflex actions such as we have considered. In these cases of interference it is understood that the brain sends a nerve impulse down to the centers of the reflex action, and stops or diminishes their operation. This retarding influence of a group of cells is called inhi- bition. It is not always due to voluntary interference, but may be due to reflex interference, as we may see later. 36 rHYSIOLOGY. The Nature of a Nervous Impulse. Of the nature of a nerve impulse we know but little. It is convenient to compare the nervous system, with its conducting fibers and central ganglia, to a telegraph system. And electric- ity is the most convenient stimulus for exciting nerve im- pulses. Yet a nerve impulse is very different from an electric current. A nerve fiber is a poor conductor of electricity. An electric current may travel along a copper wire at the rate of between 100,000 and 200,000 miles a second, while a nerve impulse in a motor nerve travels only 1 70 feet in a second. Transmission of Motor Impulses. When a motor fiber is stimu- lated in the middle of its course we observe only one effect, the shortening of the muscle at its lower end. But there is every reason to believe that the nerve current, or impulse, runs along the nerve in both directions from its starting point. But while the action of the muscle at the peripheral extremity manifests the existence of the cur- rent, there is nothing at the central extremity to give such evidence. Transmission of Sensory Impulses. Similarly, when a sensor nerve fiber is stimulated at some intermediate point, we have a sensa- tion in the brain due to the current brought by the afferent fiber, and which we refer to the outer end of the nerve fiber. Probably a nerve impulse passed from the point of stimulation to the outer end of the fiber ; but as there is nothing at the outer end of the nerve fiber to interpret it, we get no evidence of such impulse except, by refined physiological tests. Harmony in Muscle Action. In throwing a stone a number of muscles are used. Each one of these must shorten in the right way and at the right time or the throw will not be accurate. Each muscle shortens under the influence of a nerve impulse started by the brain and brought by a motor nerve. If any muscle shortens an instant too soon, or a little too strongly, the stone goes to NERVOUS SYSTEM. 37 one side. In a tune on a piano we know that the right keys must be struck ; that each must be struck at the right time, with the proper degree of force, and held for the right length of time, or we have discord instead of har- mony. What the player is to the instrument, the brain is to the body. Temporary Loss of Muscular Power. It may have happened to you that after sitting long in one position you attempted to stand, but found that you could not do so. One leg failed to act at the bidding of your will. When the foot is " asleep " we get little sensation from it ; we hardly know whether it is touching the floor or not. Press- ing on it with the other foot causes no pain. We try to stand when the foot is asleep, but we are unable to do so. The brain starts the nerve currents, and they run along the nerve as far as the compressed part ; here they stop. They cannot reach the muscles of the leg below. Hence the muscles do not shorten, and we do not rise, no matter how strongly we will to do so. Why is it that the nerves and muscles thus sometimes lose their ability to perform their natural activities ? Dependence of Nerves and Muscles. This has been explained by saying that owing to external pressure, the nerve has temporarily lost its power of conducting nerve currents. But what beside the nerve has been com- pressed ? What process in the limb has been interfered with by the pressure due to the position in which one has been sitting or lying ? What is the temperature of the benumbed limb ? On what are the nerves and muscles so dependent for the maintenance of their activity ? 38 niYSioi.OGY. READING. Power through Repose, Call ; The Technique of Rest, Brackett; Muscles ami Xerres^ Rosenthal. Summary. I . Motions are voluntary or involuntary, but all are under control of the nervous system. 2. The cerebro-spinal nervous system consists of the brain, the spinal cord, and the spinal nerves. 3. Each spinal nerve has two roots : the dorsal, which is afferent and sensory ; the ventral, which is efferent and motor. 4. A ganglion is a nerve center largely composed of nerve cells. 5. Nerves are made up of nerve fibers. 6. A nerve fiber consists, of the central core (or axis cylinder), which conducts the nerve impulse, the medullary sheath, and, outside, the nerve-fiber sheath. 7. The spinal cord has in its outer part white nerve fibers, in its center gray nerve cells. 8. These cells are branched, and at least one branch becomes the axis cylinder of a nerve fiber. 9. The gray matter of the cord is the center of the reflex action. 10. The nerve fibers from each half of the brain connect with the opposite half of the body. 11. The nervous system is comparable to a telegraph system. Questions. i. Name as many involuntary motions as you know. 2. What other cases of reflex action do you know ? 3. The story is told of a young Roman (Mucius Scaevola) that to show his fortitude he thrust his hand into the fire and held it there until it was destroyed. What physiological action does this illustrate ? 4. Why is a man partially paralyzed when he has broken his neck or back ? 5. How does the nervous system differ from a telegraph system? CHAPTER IV. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. The Blood and its Work. We know that if any animal is bled freely, it soon becomes weak, then unconscious, and soon dies, if the escape of blood be not stopped. We observe the natural difference in color of different parts of our bodies ; for instance, the lips and cheeks. We often note varying color, as in blushing and pallor. We wish to understand these differences and changes ; also to know what to do in case of fainting or bleeding from wounds. We may prolong and make more useful our own lives and those of others by knowing, in a practical way, something about the causes, prevention, and remedies of the colds, congestions, and inflammations to which we are subject. Nearly every part of the body bleeds when cut. There is no bleeding when we trim the nails or cut the hair, and the outer skin has no blood in it. But the inner skin, and almost every tissue within it, if pierced even by the finest needle, yields blood. We see a little blood oozing from the surface of a fresh steak or roast. What kind of a substance is the blood ? Is it uniformly distributed through the tissues, like water soaked up into a cloth, or is it in distinct cavities ? Why is it so essential to life ? How does it do its work ? The Rate of the Heart Beat. The heart beats about seventy-two times a minute in men ; in women, about 39 4O PHYSIOLOGY. eighty. At birth the rate is from one hundred and thirty to one hundred and forty, and gradually decreases till about the age of twenty, when the average of seventy-two is reached. This rate holds till old age, when it increases. The rate is increased by muscular activity, food, external heat, internal heat (fever), pain, and mental excitement. Music accelerates the pulse rate. The pulse rate varies during the twenty-four hours, being lowest during the night, and highest about 1 1 A.M. Certain diseases increase the frequency of the pulse. Some drugs quicken the pulse rate, and others dimmish it. The Heart Beat and the Pulse. i . The heart beat, felt at the left of the breast bone. 2. The pulse, felt at the wrist and at various parts of the body. Perhaps the most convenient place to study it is at the temple. Lay the forefinger lightly along the cheek just in front of the ear. Count the pulsations for a minute. Let one or two pupils who are quick at figures step to the blackboard and put down the number of pulsations of each pupil, and divide by the number thus reporting, to get the average. 1 . Let all in the class count the pulse while sitting. Probably it will be best to discard the first trial, as there are likely to be several failures from one cause or another. Then, too, there is usually a slight excitement at the beginning of a wholly new experiment. Get the aver- age of the class. 2. Find the pulse while sitting; rise quickly, and immediately begin to count the pulse. Compare with the pulse as taken while sitting. 3. Compare the pulse before and after meals. 4. With the thumb and finger lightly clasp the windpipe, well back. The pulse in the carotid arteries will be felt. The Position of the Heart. The base of the heart is in the center of the chest, just back of the breast bone, but the apex points downward and to the left. The Covering of the Heart. The heart is inclosed in a loosely fitting membranous bag, the pericardium. Within CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 41 the pericardium and around the heart ivS a small quantity of liquid, called the pericardial fluid. The Size of the Heart. A person's heart is about the size of his clenched hand. The External Features of the Heart. The heart is cone-shaped and the bulk of it is made up of the ventricles, the auricles being two ear-like flaps at the base, one on each side. There is a deep notch between the auricles and the ventricles. The line of division between the two ventricles is marked by a groove, which runs obliquely along the ventral surface. In this groove are blood tubes and usually considerable fat. The Internal Structure of the Heart. The two halves of the heart are completely separated from one another by a partition. Each half, in turn, has valves which, part of the time, separate the cavity of each auricle (at the base) from the cavity of the corresponding ventricle (at the apex). The Valves of the Heart. Between the auricles and the ventricles are curtain-like valves, whose upper edges are attached to the inner surface of the walls at the upper margin of the ventricle. These flaps are somewhat tri- angular, and have strong white, tendinous cords extending from their edges and under surfaces to the walls of the ventricle below. In the right half of the heart there are three flaps, and this valve is called the tricuspid valve. In the left side there are two flaps, which, together, constitute the mitral valve. In the resting heart these flaps hang down along the walls of the ventricles so that on opening the heart one would see only a single cavity in each half of the heart. 42 The Semilunar Valves. From the base of the right ventricle arises the pulmonary artery. Within its base, just as it leaves the ventricle, are three pocket-like valves, like " patch-pockets." They are in a circle, with their edges touching, and thus surround the opening, with their mouths opening away from the heart. A similar set of valves are within the base of the aorta, which arises from the left ventricle. Both these sets of valves are called semilunar valves. Dissection of the Heart. No description (nor even figures) can give a clear idea of the heart. A good model will be of some assist- ance. But the heart itself should be examined carefully and then dis- sected. The heart and lungs of a sheep should be obtained (ask the butcher to save the "pluck," i.e. the heart and lungs taken out together). The relations of the heart to the lungs and other organs should first be studied, and then the pericardium opened. Observe the outside of the heart, and then cut the heart open to see the points given in the above description. After the heart is severed from the lungs the auri- cles may be cut off; then, by pouring water into the ventricle, the action of the valves between the auricles and the ventricles will be seen. Pressing on the outer surface of the right ventricle will make the water escape through the pulmonary artery. If this be split open, the semilunar valves at its base may be found. The Blood Tubes connecting the Heart with Other Organs. The aorta (the largest artery in the body) arises from the base of the left ventricle, and supplies with blood every organ of the body except the lungs. The pulmonary artery springs from the base of the right ventricle and sends blood to the right and left lungs. Two large veins enter the right auricle, the precaval vein from the anterior regions of the body and the postcaval vein brings blood from all the organs of the posterior por- tions of the body. The pulmonary veins return the blood from the lungs to the left auricle, two from each lung. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 43 44 PHYSIOLOGY. fL External Jugular Vein Internal Jugular Vein 2 Subclavian Artery b Subclavian Vein 1 Carotid Artery i Aorta in Precaval Vein IV Postcaval Vein Gastric Artery Splenic Artery Hepatic Artery Pancreatic Artery ff Renal Veins 5 Renal Arteries T Iliac Arteries i Iliac Veins Fig. 16. Distribution of Arteries and Veins. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 45 The Distribution of the Arteries and Veins. The organs of the body receive a supply of blood in propor- tion to their size and activity. The artery supplying the blood and the vein which returns it usually lie side by side (see Fig. 16). The larger arteries are usually deep-seated and in protected places. Demonstration of the Action of the Heart. The heart may be mounted as shown in Fig. 17, and its action illustrated by compressing the ventricles with both hands. Instead of the apparatus here shown two retort stands may be used, though not so convenient. Capillaries of the Lungs Capillaries of the Body Fig. 17. Demonstration of the Action of the Heart (Heart Diagrammatic). The Action of the Heart. - - The -heart consists of muscle fibers so arranged that they form a thick-walled bag, which stands expanded when the muscles relax. But when the fibers shorten the whole heart contracts, and the 46 PHYSIOLOGY. cavity is much reduced in size, if not entirely obliterated, and the blood is forced out. The complete action of the heart consists of three parts, the contraction of the auricles, the contraction of the ventricles, and the pause. The Pause. During the pause the blood is steadily pouring into the auricles ; into the right auricle from the caval veins, into the left auricle from the pulmonary veins. At this time the curtain-like valves between the auricles and the ventricles are open, and their flaps hang loosely beside the walls of the ventricles. The blood, therefore, as it passes into the auricles, passes on into the ventricles. As the ventricle fills, the valves float up, as seen in the experiment of pouring water into the ventricle. The Contraction of the Auricle. When the ventricle is full, but not stretched, and the auricle partly full, the auricle suddenly contracts, thus forcing more blood into the ventricle, and distending it. At the same time the valves, which were already nearly closed, are tightly closed by the pressure of the blood which is forced up behind them. The flaps of the valves are kept from going up too far by the tendinous cords and by the papillary muscles to which the cords are attached. The Contraction of the Ventricle. Next comes the contraction of the ventricle, slower, but more powerful than that of the auricle. As the walls of the ventricle are drawn together, the blood is subjected to pressure. It cannot go back into the auricles, for the more it presses against the valves, the more tightly they are closed. The semilunar valves are closed by back pressure in the aorta and pulmonary artery. But the pressure of the blood in the ventricles is so much greater that the semilunar valves CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD, 47 are forced open, and nearly all the blood is driven out of the ventricles ; from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery, and from the left ventricle into the aorta. While the ventricles are contracting and forcing their blood out, the auricles are slowly filling by the steady inflow through the veins. Systole and Diastole. The contraction of the heart is called the systole, and its dilation the diastole. Dilation of the Ventricle. As soon as the ventricle has completed its contraction it dilates, and most of the blood that has accumulated in the auricle simply falls into the ventricle. The dilating ventricle exerts a slight suc- tion, so the blood is in part drawn into the ventricle. Dur- ing the remainder of the pause the blood accumulates in Auricle Fig. 1 8. Diagram of the Heart, showing the Action of the Valves. the auricle and ventricle till the auricle again contracts and the cycle is repeated. This is true of both halves of the heart, which work simultaneously, the right heart pumping dark blood while the left heart pumps bright blood. The left ventricle is thicker walled and stronger than the right. 48 PHYSIOLOGY. Work and Rest of the Heart. The time taken by the different parts of the heart beat are about as follows : The auricle contracts about one eighth of the time and rests the other seven eighths. The ventricle contracts about three eighths of the time and dilates during about five eighths. If we suppose the whole period of the heart beat to be twenty-four hours (instead of eight tenths of a sec- ond), we can more easily see how much of the time the heart is actually at work, and how much of the time the heart is resting. Auricle contracting (working) \ of the time 3 h., resting 21 h. Ventricle contracting (working) f of the time 9 h., resting 15 h. No part of the heart, therefore, is working longer than a man would who only works nine hours a day. Some ob- servers state that the resting period is even greater than these figures would show. Since the contraction of the ventricles immediately fol- lows that of the auricles, one half of the time is occupied by the whole contraction of the heart, and during half the time the whole heart is resting. This is different from our usual statements regarding the work of the heart. We hear it said that the heart never rests. Its work and rest follow each other at such short intervals that we do not appreciate the interval of rest that comes between the suc- cessive impulses that we feel. Suppose a policeman had the power of sleeping at will, and that he slept thirty min- utes of each hour, and that in the remaining thirty minutes he made the rounds of a block. If we saw him passing regularly once an hour, every hour of the twenty-four, we might suppose that he did not sleep at all during the entire time. This ratio of work and rest is fairly constant in the varying rates of heart beat. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 49 The Beat of the Heart. The apex of the heart is always in contact with the chest wall. Consequently, it never strikes it. At each beat it pushes hard against the chest wall. This push may be felt and seen, and is called the heart beat. The Sounds of the Heart. There are two sounds of the heart : 1. A short, sharp sound made by the closing of the semi- lunar valves. 2. Just preceding this sound a longer, duller sound may be heard during the contraction of the ventricles. This is supposed to be due to the vibrations of the walls of the ventricles and of the large valves. As soon as Nucleus Isolated Fibers Fibers Joined Action of the Large Arteries. The large arteries have in their walls a yellow elastic tissue. When the blood is forced into them, they are stretched, the ventricle ceases to contract, and sends no more blood into the arteries, they "stretch back." We should not say contract, for it is simply an elastic reaction. As the artery reacts it presses on the blood, and hence the blood tries to escape in every possible way. It cannot go back, for it fills the pockets of the semilunar valves, and closes them with a click. A rapid wave is sent for- ward that gives the pulse, and a slower but still rapid stream flows along the arteries, through the pulmonary artery to the lungs, and through the aorta and its branches to all the other parts of the body. Fig. 1 9. Plain (Unstriated) Muscu- lar Fibers from the Bladder. 50 PHYSIOLOGY. The elastic reaction of the arteries thus helps to make steady the flow of blood, which is intermittent as it leaves the heart. The medium-sized arteries also have elastic tissue in their walls, and regulate the blood flow in the same way. Variation of the Amount of Blood Needed. Each organ requires a supply of blood in proportion to its activity. An actively working organ, like the brain, de- mands much more blood than bone, practically inactive. Further, working tissues, such as the brain and muscles, need a great deal more blood while they are at work than when they are resting. An organ needing a constant large supply of blood might secure this by having a large artery. But how can the supply be regulated so that an organ may receive, now more, now less, according to its needs ? Plain Muscle Fibers in the Walls of the Arteries. This is regulated by the medium-sized and small arteries Connective Tissue Endothelium Muscle Fiber Fig. 20. Plain Muscle Fiber. Isolated and in Wall of Artery. leading to the parts. In the walls of these arteries are muscle fibers of a different kind from those of the skele- CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 51 ton. These fibers are spindle-shaped cells, as shown in Fig. 19, with a nucleus near the center, and do not have the cross-markings of the fibers of the skeletal muscles ; they are in consequence called nonstriated, smooth, or plain muscle fibers. They are arranged circularly in the walls of the arteries. These fibers have, in common with all muscle fibers, the power of shortening. When they shorten they reduce the size of the artery, and, there- fore, for the time, less blood can flow through the artery. When the muscle fibers cease to shorten, the artery widens, and allows more blood to pass through it. Illustration of the Action of Muscles in Arterial Walls. To illustrate the action of the muscles in the walls of an artery, let the water run through a hose or large rubber tube. Now, if a row of per- sons take hold of this tube, the grip Endotheiium of their hands is like that of the muscles. When the hands tighten internal Elastic their grip, the caliber of the hose La y er or tube is diminished, and less water is allowed to flow through it. When Circular Mus- cle Fibers the hands relax, the tube, being elastic, allows more liquid to flow through it. Illustration of a Small Artery. To represent a small artery, take a small, thin-walled rubber tube and wind a red thread around it. Now, if the thread could be made to Fl * 21 - Coats of a Small Artery. shorten, it would diminish the cali- ber of the tube. The representation would be more exact if the thread were cut into many short pieces, and if each piece were thicker in the middle, and were then glued to the tube. If the whole were covered by a layer of tissue paper, the structure of the artery would be roughly represented. 52 PHYSIOLOGY. Plain and Striated Muscle Fibers Compared. These plain mus- cle fibers are further like those of the skeletal*muscles in that they are under the control of the nerves, but they are involuntary in their action. PIGMENT CELLS ARTERY Fig. 22. Part of Frog's Web (low magnifying power). We cannot interfere with the action of these muscles, no matter how strongly we may will to do so. Without our thinking about it, more CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 53 blood goes to the muscles of the legs when we walk, more to the brain when we are studying, to the digestive organs after eating, etc. The Walls of Capillari Tissues of Web \ Fig. 23. Part of Frog's Web (highly magnified). plain muscle fibers shorten at a much slower rate than the striated fibers. They are also slower in relaxing. Since the plain muscles are usually found in the walls of hollow organs such as the heart, blood 54 PHYSIOLOGY. tubes, digestive tube, etc., they are sometimes called visceral muscles in distinction from the skeletal muscles. The Circulation of Blood in the Web of a Frog's Foot. For this get a frog with a pale web. Take a piece of shingle six inches long and three inches wide. Cut a round hole, half an inch in diameter, near one end of it. Wrap the frog in a wet cloth, with one leg project- ing, and tie it, thus wrapped, to the shingle. Tie threads around two of the toes, and stretch the web, but not too tightly, over the hole. Keep the web moist. Place the shingle firmly on the stage of a micro- scope. Examine first with a low power. The large tubes which grow smaller by subdivision are arteries. The large tubes which are formed by the union of smaller ones are the veins. The finer tubes, forming a net- work in every direction, are the capillaries. They receive the blood from the arteries and pass it on to the veins. Put on a higher power, a one-fifth or one-sixth objective. It may now be seen that the colored corpuscles float more in the center of the stream, and with a steady motion, while the colorless corpuscles keep close to the walls of the capillary, and seem to adhere to them, advancing with a hesi- tant motion, seeming to roll along against the wall of the capillary. Close your eyes for a moment, and re- flect that in all the active tissues of your body for example, the muscles, brain, and digestive organs there is a similar net- work of fine tubes with a current of blood running through them. The current is not so rapid as it seems, for the microscope magnifies the rate of flow as well as the size of the cor- puscles. The blood really is moving slowly in the capillaries, and it is very important that it should be so, for in the capillaries the work of the blood is done. Part of the liquid of the blood soaks through the thin walls of the capillaries, and nourishes the surrounding tissues. All the other parts of the circulatory system exist for the purpose of send- ing a continuous, slow, and steady stream of blood through the capillaries. (See pages 72 and 73.) Fig. 24- Capillary Blood Tubes of Muscle. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 55 Connective Tissuf Artery Fig. 25. Cross-section of Small Artery and Vein. The Blood Flow in the Capillaries. The arteries divide and subdivide, and become capillaries, which have connecting branches, form- ing a close network of tiny thin-walled tubes. These penetrate nearly every tis- sue of the body. The blood cannot do its full work till it is in the tissues/and to reach the tissues it must soak through the walls of the capillaries. The work of the heart and arteries is to keep a steady flow of blood through the capillaries, that the tissues may be constantly supplied. How is it that the jerky action of the heart, at each contraction sending a jet of blood into the arteries, shown by a spurt when an artery is severed, and also indicated by the intermit- tent pulse, how is this intermittent flow converted into the steady, uniform current that we have seen in the capillaries ? Experiments illustrating the Blood Flow in the Capillaries. A few experiments may make this Fig. 26. Surface View Longitudinal Section matter more clear. Capillaries, composed of a single layer of cells. Material : i . A common rubber syringe. 2. A glass tube three feet long and seven sixteenths of an inch outside diameter. 56 PHYSIOLOGY. 3. Four inches of the same size glass tubing, for making connec- tions. 4. Several nozzles, made of the same size glass tubing, all fine, but of varying degrees of fineness. 5. India-rubber tubing, twelve feet, three eighths of an inch inside diameter. This should be black, pure gum, rubber which is more highly elastic than the other kinds. 6. Three feet of rubber tubing, same size as above. 7. Four inches of white rubber tubing, same size as above, for making connections. In all the experiments, have one of the students assist by holding the outlet tube, so that (i) all the members of the class may see the stream, and (2) that the stream may be suitably directed, as into a pail or sink. Count aloud, to mark the exact time of each compression of the bulb, so the students can compare this with. the time and duration of the jets of water. Be very careful to use perfectly clean water, as any fine particles of sediment drawn into the tube are likely to clog the fine outlet of the nozzle. And it is well to take the further precaution not to let the supply tube touch the bottom of the water-supply dish, as some fine sediment may get in in spite of previous care. EXPERIMENT i. Remove the nozzle of the syringe, and put in its place the long glass tube. Work the syringe, and note that the jet is jerky, following each contraction of the bulb. EXPERIMENT 2. Substitute the rubber tube, three feet long, for the glass tube. On working the bulb the stream will be found inter- mittent. EXPERIMENT 3. Take off the rubber tube and replace the glass tube, adding the nozzle. Here the pressure will be so great that it is likely to push off the nozzle unless the assistant holds it firmly. It could be tied on, but this takes more time. On working the bulb, greater effort must be made on account of the resistance caused by the narrower outlet. EXPERIMENT 4. Once more substitute the rubber tube, this time with a glass nozzle in its end. Now, on working the bulb, resistance will be felt, and the stream will be constant, or nearly so, and will con- tinue for some time when the bulb is no longer worked. This is be- cause the rubber has been stretched, chiefly laterally, and is now CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 57 " stretching back." That is, by the elastic reaction of the rubber tube the jerky action of the bulb is converted into the steady flow that we see. In the first experiment we had a rigid tube and practically no resistance. In the second, although the tube was elastic, there was no resistance, so the elasticity was not brought into play. In the third, there was resistance, but the tube was inelastic. In the fourth, the resistance brought into play the elasticity of the rubber tube, and the elastic reaction of the tube continues (so to speak) the action of the bulb between two successive strokes. In this experiment the pulse can be felt in the tube. The Veins. The capillaries, after penetrating the tis- sues, reunite to form small veins, which in turn reunite to form larger ones, till finally two great veins, the caval veins, precaval and postcaval, return the blood to the heart. The veins, like the arteries, are smooth inside and elastic (though less elastic than the arteries). They are thinner than the arteries, and, in consequence, collapse when the blood flows out of them, whereas the larger arteries stand open, after they are emptied of blood. The Valves in the Veins. The only valves in the arte- ries are those which we have seen at the beginning of the aorta and pulmonary artery. Many of the veins have similar pocket-like valves, though less strong than those of the arteries. They are usually in pairs, but some- times single or in threes. It is important to note that they all have the mouths of the pockets toward the heart, so that the blood flows freely toward the heart, but is prevented from flowing the other way on account of the filling of the valves by the reflow Open Shut Fig. 27. Venous Valves. 58 PHYSIOLOGY. of the blood stream. When the blood is flowing through the veins toward the heart the valves lie against the walls of the veins. The valves are most numerous in the medium-sized veins, and especially in the veins of the extremities ; more abun- dant in the leg than in the arm. Valves are absent from the caval and some other veins, and from the very small veins. Illustration of Venous Valves. Make a cloth tube (or take the lining of a boy's coat sleeve) and sew three patch-pockets on the in- side, in a circle, i.e. with edges touching each other. Make the pockets a little " full." Pour sand, shot, or grain through the sleeve first in one direction and then in the other. Evidences of Valves in our Veins. With the forefinger stroke one of the veins on the hand or wrist toward the tips of the fingers. The veins swell out. The blood meets resistance in the valves of the vein. Their location may be determined by their bulging out during the experiment. Stroke a vein toward the body, and the blood is pushed along with- out resistance. Let the left hand hang by the side. Note the large vein along the thumb side of the wrist. Place the tip of the second finger on this vein just above the base of the thumb. Now, while pressing firmly with the tip of the second finger, let the forefinger, with moderate pressure, stroke the vein up the wrist. It may be seen that the blood is pushed on freely, but comes back only part way. It stops where it reaches the valves, filling the vein full to this point, but leaving it col- lapsed beyond, as shown by the groove. Remove the second finger, and the vein immediately fills from the side nearer the tip of the fingers. These experiments show that the blood in the veins moves freely toward the body, but cannot flow outward to the extremities. Dissection of the Valves in a Vein. The valves may be seen by dissecting out the jugular vein (or any other large superficial vein) of a cat, dog, or rabbit. Split the vein and pin it out on a board. Effect of Pressure on the Veins. Since the valves in the veins open toward the heart, any intermittent pressure on the veins helps to push the blood on toward the heart. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 59 The valves are most numerous in the superficial veins and those of the muscles. The pressure of the muscles during their action (thickening while shortening) produces pres- sure on the veins ; and as the muscles act for a short time only, and then relax, this alternate compression and release aids very considerably in moving the blood on toward the heart. It is worthy of remark that this effect is more pronounced at the time the muscles need the most active circulation ; namely when they are in action, and are using the most blood. The heart has power enough to pump the blood clear around from each ventricle to the auricle of the other side of the heart ; but this outside aid comes in good play to relieve the heart at a time when it has an unusual amount of work to do, as when one is using a large number of muscles vigorously. " Every active muscle is a throbbing heart, squeezing its blood tubes empty while in motion, and relaxing so as to allow them to fill up anew." Rate of Blood Flow in the Arteries, Capillaries, and Veins. The blood flows most rapidly in the arteries, slowest in the capillaries. Why is this ? When an artery divides, the two branches taken together are larger than the one artery that divided to form them. Stated more exactly, the sum of the areas of the cross- sections of the branches is greater than the area of the cross-section before branching. Hence as the blood flows on it is continually entering wider and wider channels ; and we are told that the united cross-section of all the capillaries fed by the aorta is several hundred times that of the aorta itself. The Flow of the Blood compared with the Current of a Stream. If we walk along a stream, we see that the 6o PHYSIOLOGY. channel varies considerably in width and depth. Where the channel is large, whether from increased width or depth, there the current is slower, but wherever the channel is reduced, the current is more rapid. So the stream in the relatively narrow artery is swift. In the capillaries, Pulmonary Vein - Left Auricle .. Left Ventricle Aorta Digestive Tube Pulmonary Artery Lymph Vein Right Auricle - Right Ventricle Caval Vein - Liver Fig. 28. Plan of Circulation. (Dorsal View.) although any individual channel is small, these channels all together are wide ; the result is the same whether a river widens out into a single lake, or divides into a great number of channels running past innumerable islands. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 6l All the tissues of the body may be regarded as so many islands lying between the capillary streams. The Blood Flow in the Veins. When the blood re- collects in the veins it is entering narrower channels, and its rate is quickened ; but as the veins are wider than the arteries, the stream does not enter the heart with the veloc- ity with which it left that organ. The veins hold more blood than the arteries, and in dissecting the cat or rabbit it will be noticed that the arteries are emptied of blood; that the tissues of most of the organs are fairly free from blood ; but -that the great veins, such as the caval veins, are full. Blood Tubes compared to Two Funnels. If the blood tubes leaving the heart could all be united, they would be best represented by a funnel with its tube connected with the heart. If another funnel were placed with its mouth to the mouth of the first, their point of union, the widest point, would represent the capillaries; and if the second funnel had a wider tube than the first, it would fairly rep- resent the veins which return the blood to the heart. Nourishment of the Walls of the Heart and Blood Tubes. The cardiac (coronary) arteries spring from the aorta just above the semilunar valves, and send blood into the muscular walls of the heart ; and these arteries, like others, divide, forming capillaries, through which the heart muscle is nourished, The cardiac veins return the blood to the right auricle. Influence of Gravity on Circulation. Although the heart pumps the blood around through the body inde- pendent of the force of gravity, yet the circulation is influ- enced by this force. For instance, a person who has 62 PHYSIOLOGY. fainted should be laid flat on his back, that the heart may more easily drive blood to the brain. Many persons go to sleep more readily while sitting than while lying down. A sore hand feels less pain if held up, as in a sling, than when hanging by the side, and a sprained ankle does better rested on a chair, as less blood flows to it. Nearly every one has noted the pain following the pressure of blood when a sore hand, or foot, is suddenly lowered. Experiments illustrating the Effect of Gravity on Circulation. Let all the pupils in the class stand. Let one arm hang freely by the side. Hold the other arm straight up as far as the clothing will readily permit. Observe : 1. The difference in the color of the two hands. 2. The difference in fullness, both in the feeling of fullness and in the prominence of the veins. 3. The difference in temperature ; place the backs of the hands against the cheeks. The position largely determines the amount of blood in the hand, and the amount of blood determines the temperature, the size, and the color. Summary. i. The heart beats about seventy-two times a minute. 2. The pulse is a wave running along an artery. 3. The pulse varies with age, health, food, etc. 4. The heart has two main cavities, one in each half of the heart, and two independent streams are flowing through it. 5. Valves allow the blood to flow through the heart in one direc- tion, but prevent a reversal of the current. 6. The heart is a hollow muscle, and. by contraction forces the blood out into the arteries. 7. The heart works rather less than half the time. 8. The large arteries, by elastic reaction, push the blood on while the heart is resting. 9. Circular muscle fibers in the walls of the medium-sized arteries regulate the blood supply to the organs. 10. In the arteries the blood flow is rapid and intermittent, in the capillaries slow and constant. CIRCULATION" OF THE BLOOD. 63 11. The thin walls of the capillaries allow the liquid part of the blood to soak out and nourish the tissues, and to soak back into the capillaries bearing waste matter. 12. The veins are thin walled, and collapse when empty, while the arteries are thick walled, and stand open when empty of blood. 13. Arteries carry blood from the heart, while veins carry it toward the heart. 14. The veins have valves which allow the blood to pass toward the heart, but not away from it. 15. Any intermittent pressure on the veins aids the blood flow. 1 6. The blood flow is most rapid in the arteries, slower in the veins, slowest in the capillaries. 17. Gravity influences circulation. Questions. i. Why do the large arteries lie deep? 2. In which direction should the limbs be stroked to promote circu- lation? 3. How does slapping the hands around the body warm the ringers? 4. How can a horse or a cow be comfortable with the head down for a long time? 5. Why are the walls of the left ventricle thicker than those of the right ? CHAPTER V. CONTROL OF CIRCULATION. THE BLOOD AND THE LYMPH. The Effect of the Emotions on Circulation. In our every-day experience we have evidence of the control of the heart and blood tubes by the nervous system. We know that certain emotions affect the circulation of the blood ; for instance, blushing and pallor. Certain emotions may also quicken or retard the action of the heart. Excessive grief or joy has produced sudden death by stopping the beat of the heart. Let us look a little more closely at that part of the nervous system that has such intimate relation to the blood system. The Rhythmic Action of the Heart. In the first place, the action of the heart is automatic. The heart of the frog continues to beat a long time after it is removed from the body. This is regarded by many as due to the action of certain ganglia imbedded in the walls of the heart, especially in the auricles ; while others say that since the ventricle, in which no ganglia have been found, may beat independently of the auricles, rhythmic contrac- tion is characteristic of heart muscle, and that we are, at present, unable to explain it. But while the impulses that originate the action of the heart arise within the heart itself, still the beat of the heart is constantly modified by nerve impulses reaching it from without. 6 4 Carotid Plexus Superior Cervical Ganglion Middle Cervical Ganglion Pharyngeal Branches Cardiac Branches Deep Cardiac Plexus Superficial Cardiac Plexus Solar Plexus Aortic Plexus Lumbar Ganglia Fig. 29. Vertical Section of Body, showing Sympathetic Nerves and Ganglia of Right Sid,e and their Connection with the Cerebro-spinal Nerves. 66 PHYSIOLOGY. Sympathetic Nerve Chains GRAY Sources of the Heart's Nerve Supply. The heart re- ceives its nerves from two sources, the sympathetic system and the vagus (or pneumogastric) nerves. The Sympathetic Nervous System. The sympathetic nervous system consists of two rows of ganglia in the body cavity, one along each side of the spinal column, re- ceiving branches from the spinal nerves, and sending branches to all the internal organs of the body, the heart and lungs in . the thorax, and the stomach, intestines, and the other organs of the abdomi- Ganglion of Dorsal Root Sympathetic Ganglion Fig. 30. Relation of Spinal Cord and Sympathetic Nervous System (Diagram). nal cavity. In many places these nerves form a thick network called a plexus. One very large plexus is on the dorsal surface of the stomach, and is called spinal cord the solar plexus. Sympathetic Ganglion The Vagus Nerves. The vagus nerves are a pair of the cranial nerves arising from the sides of the spinal bulb ; and passing downward, they give branches to the pharynx, the gullet, the stomach, the larynx, the windpipe, the lungs, and the heart. Now, whatever other function the vagus nerves Fig- 31. Ideal Cross-section of the Nervous System. (After Landois and Stirling.) CONTROL OF THE CIRCULATION. 6 7 may have, they seem to have the power of retarding, or stopping altogether, the beat of the heart ; and stimulation of the vagus nerves may make the heart pause in a relaxed condition. Other nerves may quicken the heart beat, but the vagi are regarded as a break on the heart's action. Inhibition. This is a case of inhibition. It is well known that a severe blow over the stomach may cause one to faint by stopping the heart. This is due to reflex inhibition of the heart. The blow sends a nerve impulse by fibers of the sympathetic system to the center in the spinal bulb, and thence an impulse is taken by the vagus nerves to stop the heart. Vaso-constrictor Nerves. In an experiment with the rabbit's ear it has been shown that stimulating the sympathetic nerve in the neck causes the ear to become pale. This is due to the constriction of the arteries of the ear, because the nerves have made the muscle fibers of these arteries shorten. Such nerve fibers are called constrictors, or vaso-con- strictors. They run in the sympa- thetic nerve, but have their origin and center in the spinal bulb. Vaso-dilator Nerves. Other fibers may cause the opposite effect, namely, dilation, and are therefore called vaso-dilators. Examples of these may be Lungs - Heart Stomach Fig. 32. Diagram of vagus Nerve. 68 PHYSIOLOGY. found running to the arteries of the limbs. When the muscles of any organ, say the legs, act, they need a greater supply of blood. Now, at the same time that nerve im- pulses are sent to the muscles of the legs to make the muscles shorten, impulses are sent along other fibers of the same nerves to make the arteries dilate, and allow more blood to flow to these muscles. Vaso-motor Nerves. The vaso-constrictor and the vaso-dilator nerves taken together are called vaso-motor nerves. Centers of Control of Circulation. The centers of control of the blood tubes are in the cerebro-spinal nervous system. There is no evidence that the sympathetic gan- glia are centers of reflex action. Blushing. How is it that the face sometimes flushes so suddenly ? Because of some emotion, you say. But how does the emotion bring this about ? We have already learned about the muscles in the wall of the arteries. We are now prepared to understand that in the normal condi- tion nervous impulses are acting on these muscles, keeping them partly shortened, and so keeping the arteries of a moderate size. Under the influence of certain emotions, the caliber of the arteries is suddenly enlarged, and hence the change in color. The Regulation of the Size of the Arteries. Through the sympathetic system the blood supply of all the organs of the body is regulated. Any organ needing more blood sends a message (nerve impulse) to some nerve center, and in response nerve impulses are sent to the muscle fibers of the supplying artery, and the amount of blood sent to that organ is regulated. For instance, a piece of ice is laid CONTROL OF THE C/RCULATfOJV. 6 9 upon the skin of the hand. The part becomes pale, as the arteries have become narrowed. If this action be con- tinued, there may set in a decided reaction, and the part become more red than usual, when the reaction has widened the artery more than it was before the constriction. Effect of Exercise on the Size of the Arteries. As there is only a certain amount of blood in the body, it is evi- dent that if one organ receives an extra supply, some other sympathetic organ or organs must, for the Ganglions time, receive less. For in- stance, one begins to walk vigorously. The large muscles of the lower limbs and trunk become active, and they need more blood. They therefore send mes- sages to some nerve center (probably in the spinal cord), and by reflex action the arteries supplying the lower limbs are widened, and these muscles receive more blood. But these muscles make up a very considerable part of the weight and bulk of the body. While in action they take the lion's share of the blood. The brain, at such a time, would receive less, Fig . 33 . Ventral Vie and it would be folly to expect the brain to work at its full capacity while the blood was called away to other organs. of Spinal Cord with Sympathetic Gang- lions of One Side. Regulation of the Effects of Exercise. When we ex- ercise vigorously, the heart beats faster, and this of itself would tend to increase the blood supply to all organs. 70 PHYSIOLOGY. But this mechanism for widening the channel leading to the working organs, while the arteries to the other organs are made smaller, or at least are not enlarged, solves the problem of supplying each part according to a greatly varying need, while not sending too much to a part not needing it. EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ON THE CIRCULATION. " Alcohol stimulates the heart, producing increased force and rapidity of the cardiac beat. It thus tends to increase the blood pressure by acting on the heart, and to increase the flow of blood from the arteries into the veins. The effect on the blood pressure is, however, partly counter- acted by a coincident dilatation of the blood vessels of the skin, which thus become flushed, and tends to produce more sensible perspiration." Treatise on Hygiene, STE- VENSON and MURPHY. "The warm and flushed condition of the skin which follows the drinking of alcoholic fluids is probably, in a similar manner, the result of an inhibition of that part of the vaso-motor center which governs the cutaneous arteries." FOSTER. The control of the muscles in the walls of the arteries being thus interfered with, the circular muscles are no longer made to shorten, and the artery dilates, thus allow- ing more blood to flow into it. We may thus account for the flushing of the skin of the face, which in many individuals quickly betrays indulgence in alcoholic drink. If this flushing is too often repeated, the arteries gradually "lose tone," and the condition be- comes permanent. The circulation in the whites of the eyes may be affected, making them "bloodshot." CONTROL OF THE CIRCULATION. ?1 Similar congestion occurs in the mucous membrane of the stomach from the presence of alcohol, which may become a permanent inflammation followed in time by very extensive changes in appearance and function. It is said that most of the alcohol swallowed is absorbed directly from the stomach, and hence the intestines are not so directly affected. Good authorities state that alcohol arrests the develop- ment of the corpuscles. It diminishes the size, alters the form, and reduces the number of the corpuscles. Since the work of the blood corpuscles is so important this reduction in their number and efficiency must very appreciably affect the nutrition of the body as a whole. When the blood is " out of order" the body is out of order. The Blood, The blood is composed of a clear liquid, the plasma, and the blood cells, or corpuscles. In a drop of blood under the microscope the plasma occupies the clear spaces between the corpuscles. The corpuscles make up one third of the bulk of the blood, and the plasma two thirds. Microscopic Examination of the Blood. To get a drop of blood from the finger, wind a cord around the finger, beginning at the base, drawing the cord moderately tight, until the last joint is reached. By this time the end of the finger is usually well distended with blood. With a clean needle make a quick, sharp, light puncture near the base of the nail ; this ordinarily brings a small amount of blood. Put a small drop on each of several slides and quickly cover with coverslips. Examine with a high power. The Colored Corpuscles. These are often called the red corpuscles. But while in the mass they give the blood a red appearance, individually they are faint yellow- ish red. In shape they are seen to be circular disks, hol- lowed on each side like a sunken biscuit. As they are 72 PHYSIOLOGY. hollowed on both sides they are more accurately described as biconcave. These corpuscles tend to gather side by side, in rolls, like coins. They are cells without nuclei. The Colorless Corpuscles. In the open spaces be- tween the rolls of colored corpuscles may occasionally be found some spherical corpuscles. They are usually White Corpuscles HIGHLY MAGNIFIED White Corpuscle Red Corpuscles in Rolls MODERATELY MAGNIFIED Fig. 34. Red and White Corpuscles of the Blood. called the white corpuscles, but are better designated as the colorless corpuscles, since the others have only a slight color, and these have none. They usually have a dotted appearance. It is not so easy to distinguish the two kinds of corpuscles as it is in the case of the frog's blood, for the two kinds are more nearly of the same size in the human CONTROL OF THE CIRCULATION. 73 blood ; and, further, when the colored corpuscles of human blood are seen flatwise they present a circular outline, while the frog's colored corpuscles are elliptical. But with a little study the two may be distinguished. As in the frog's blood, the colorless corpuscles have ameboid movements, though they are not very marked unless the blood be warmed to about the temperature of the human body. Flexibility and Elasticity of the Corpuscles. It will be well here to examine again the frog's web. (See p. 54.) It will occasionally be seen that when one of the colored corpuscles is pressed against an angle at the forking of the blood stream, it is sometimes bent, and that as soon as the pressure is discontinued the corpuscle springs back to its former shape, showing that it is elastic. Frog's Blood. A drop of frog's blood, mounted as the human blood was, will be helpful, as there is a very decided difference in the size and shape of the colored and colorless corpuscles. Further, the colorless corpuscles of the frog will show ameboid movements, i.e. slow changes of form, if watched a while. The Plasma. The plasma consists chiefly of water, having in solution various salts, including common salt; it also contains the nourishing materials for the tissues. These nourishing materials, obtained from the food by digestion, consist chiefly of proteids, fats, and sugar. The plasma also contains waste matters, from the working tissues, on their way out of the body. How the food is pre- pared for the building of tissue, and how the waste matter is removed from the body, we shall study a little later. The Color of Blood. The difference in color of an in- dividual corpuscle and the blood in the mass may be better understood by comparing it with something that we see more frequently. A tumbler of currant jelly has a rich, 74 PHYSIOLOGY. red color, but a thin layer of the same jelly, as when one takes a spoonful on a plate, has a pale color, more yellow- ish. The colorless plasma with the colored bodies in it may be compared to a glass dish filled with cranberries and water. Hemoglobin. The coloring matter in the blood, then, is wholly in the colored corpuscles. Examination of these corpuscles shows that their color is due to a substance called hemoglobin. There is a small amount of iron in the hemoglobin, and the presence of this small quantity of iron appears to be essential to give the blood its color. When we come to the study of respiration we shall see that the hemoglobin in the corpuscles is the chief agent in picking up the oxygen from the air in the lungs and carry- ing it to the tissues in the body. The Coagulation of Blood. When the blood escapes from its natural channels it usually changes from a liquid to a jelly-like condition. This is known as coagulation. It is due to the formation of threads of fibrin from the plasma. These threads of fibrin entangle and inclose the corpuscles, and the two constitute the clot, or coagulum, as it is more technically termed. The liquid that afterward separates from the clot is the serum, and differs from the plasma only in the removal of the fibrin, which is exceed- ingly small in quantity, though of great importance in its action. Many experiments have been made, and much has been written about the coagulation of the blood, and perhaps its real cause is not yet clear. But we know that the coagulation often serves to stop the flow of blood from wounds, and this is its main use. Fibrin. If freshly drawn blood be stirred rapidly with a bundle of wires (perhaps the most convenient stirrer is CONTROL OF THE CIRCULATION. ?$ a little roll of wire screen), there will soon collect on the wires a stringy substance. Thorough washing will soon leave this colorless. It is fibrin. If the stirring has been done thoroughly, the blood will no longer clot, no matter how long it may stand. Liquid Blood and Coagulated Blood. The following scheme shows the difference between the liquid blood and the coagulated blood : ( Serum Liquid Blood Plasma. ( Fibrin Clot Coagulated Blood. Corpuscles Amount of Blood. The blood constitutes about one thirteenth of the weight of the body. In a body weighing one hundred and fifty pounds this would be about six quarts. Chemical Reaction of Blood. Blood is alkaline. Specific Gravity of Blood. Blood is somewhat heavier than water, owing to the salts and other matters dissolved in it. Quantity of Blood in Different Organs (approximately). i. One fourth is in the heart and the larger arteries and veins (including those of the lungs). 2. One fourth in the liver. 3. One fourth in the skeletal muscles. 4. One fourth in the other organs. The Lymph Spaces. We have seen that the capillaries have very thin walls. Through their walls part of the plasma of the blood soaks out, and is then called lymph. It passes into irregular cavities in the tissue called lymph spaces. Most of these lymph spaces are minute chinks or 76 PHYSIOLOGY. crevices in the connective tissues of the different parts of the body. The Lymph Tubes. Opening out of the lymph spaces are irregular passage ways called lymph capillaries, and these lymph capillaries are continuous with thin-walled tubes, the lymph tubes. These lymph tubes might be called the lymph veins, since they join still larger tubes, closely set with valves, similar to those of the veins. But, unlike the blood veins, the lymph veins do not gradually increase in size by confluence. They suddenly form a large tube, the receptacle of the chyle, beginning in the upper part of the abdomen. This tube soon narrows and passes through the diaphragm, close to the spinal column, and up along the column near the aorta, and empties into the veins of the neck at the junction of the left jugular and left subclavian veins. This tube is the thoracic duct, or the main lymph duct. It has numerous valves, and, like some of the smaller lymph veins, it presents a beaded appearance, due to the filling and bulging out of the valves. In the right side of the neck is a short right lymph duct which receives lymph from the right side of the head, neck, and thorax, and from the right arm. The lymph tubes, as a whole, are usually called the "lymphatics." Lymph Spaces in the Frog. In dissecting the frog, the looseness of the skin is very noticeable. The large spaces under the skin are lymph spaces. Sometimes considerable lymph is found here, so that in holding up a frog the sagging of the skin from the weight of the lymph may be easily seen. Valves at the Mouth of the Lymph Tubes. There are valves where these lymph ducts empty into the veins which prevent any reflow of liquid into the ducts, but allow the lymph to pass freely into the veins. CONTROL OF THE CIRCULATION. 77 Muscle Fibers in the Walls of the Lymph Tubes. - There are plain muscle fibers in the walls of the lymph ducts. Lymphatic Glands. In its course the lymph passes through many kernel-like masses, the lymphatic glands. Lymph contains corpuscles which are considered identical with the colorless blood corpuscles. It is tho'ught that these corpuscles are formed in the lymphatic glands. The Flow of Lymph. The flow of lymph is partly due to the blood pressure in the capillaries ; this pressure is caused by the heart. (In the frog there are two small hearts, not, however, near the blood-pumping heart, and these pump the lymph along.) In our bodies the flow of lymph is largely aided by any pressure that may be brought to bear on the lymph veins ; for, on account of the valves, as in the blood veins, any pressure must push the liquid toward the heart. Thus the action of the mus- cles in the limbs, in the chest, in the abdomen, in the movements of breathing, and in the bending of the body, etc., all help in this flow, which is always, probably, very much slower than that in the blood veins. Relations of Blood Flow and Lymph Flow. It will now be seen that while the blood leaves the left ventricle by one tube, the aorta, it returns to the right auricle, not merely by the two caval veins, but that a part of the blood (i.e. of the liquid part of it) does not return by blood veins, but having left the blood system proper through the thin walls of the capillaries, it is brought back to the heart by the lymph veins, which, however, join the blood veins just before they empty into the heart. There is, in other words, only one set of distributing tubes, but there are two sets of collecting or returning tubes. PHYSIOLOGY. Left Jugular Vein Mouth of Lymph ... Vein Right Lymph Vein Right Subclavian Vein Precaval Vein Postcaval Vein Main Lymph Vein (Thoracic Duct) Lymph Capillaries Blood Capillaries Fig. 35. Diagram of the Circulation of Blood and Lymph (Dorsal View). CONTROL OF THE CIRCULATION. 79 Lymph Capillary The Lymph. Lymph is a clear liquid. (Chyle and the lacteals will be considered when we study digestion.) It is more watery than the blood plasma, but contains a share of all its nutritious substances. Lymph may be defined as "diluted blood minus red corpuscles." The blood proper never reaches the tissues. The Cells of the Body live in Lymph. The cells of the tissues are bathed in the lymph which fills the spaces in the connective tissue (and we have seen that the connective tissue pervades nearly all the tis- sues of the body), as water may fill the spaces left between stones built into a wall. The cells get all their nourishment from the lymph, and into the lymph they throw all their waste matter. Each cell may be compared to an individual ameba, which lives in water, and takes all its nourishment from that water, and throws all its waste product into the same water. As water is the medium in which the ameba lives, so we may say lymph is the medium in which the cells of the body live. Cells of the Body Aquatic. The cells of the body, i.e. all the active, working cells, may, therefore, be said Oxygen Food Water Other Wastes Fig. 36. Relation of Blood and Muscle. (Lymph being Middleman.) 80 PHYSIOLOGY, to live an aquatic life, and only dead cells, as of hair, epidermis, etc., live in air. We might also say that not only the human body, but all animal life is aquatic. Importance of Lymph. We can see that the move- ment and renewal of lymph are as necessary as the circu- lation of the blood itself ; is, in fact, the most important part of it. Lymph Cavities or Serous Cavities. We have noticed the pericardial liquid. There is also a small quantity of similar liquid around the lungs in the pleural cavities, and in the abdominal or peritoneal cavity, around the digestive organs ; also in the cavities of the brain. The liquid in each case is lymph, and these cavities, often called serous cavities, are lymph cavities. They communicate with the lymph tubes. Dropsy. In health the amount of the liquid in these cavities is small, but in certain disorders it may accumu- late. In general, such affections are called "dropsy." The lymph may also accumulate in the tissues of the extremities, causing swelling of the limbs. Variation in the Composition of Lymph. It is evi- dent that the materials needed by the cells of the different tissues are not the same. So, as one tissue takes certain materials and another tissue others, it is clear that the lymph will not be of quite the same composition in the different parts of the body. This difference is further due to the difference in the waste products thrown out by the different cells. Hence the composition of the blood varies considerably in different regions. But the lymph from all the tissues unites with the blood from all the tissues in the right heart, and on their way to it in the CONTROL OF THE CIRCULATION. 8 1 larger veins. So the constant slight differences in com- position of the blood and lymph in the various tissues are counterbalanced by the mingling of the currents from these various parts in the large arteries and veins. The Spleen. The function, or functions, of the spleen are not well understood. It is believed to have something to do with the renova- tion of the blood, perhaps forming colorless corpuscles and destroying colored corpuscles. At any rate, the physiologists generally call it a blood gland. It is unlike true glands in that it has no duct, and forms no secretion to be poured into any cavity, like the glands of excretion and secretion. It has been found, in the case of accidents to man, and by experiment on the lower animals, that life may continue after this organ has been removed. Massage. A system of pressing, rubbing, and knead- ing the muscles is known as massage. It helps the flow of the blood and lymph, thus aiding in washing out the waste products from the muscles and other parts of the body that are to be reached by pressure. We have seen that one of the benefits of exercise is to promote the cir- culation of the blood and of the lymph, and so to help get rid of the waste matters that are produced by the activity of the various organs. Many invalids cannot take active exercise. So this passive exercise may very fairly take its place, and assist in the nutrition of the tissue by accelerating the flow of blood and lymph, bringing new nourishment and carrying away wastes. For students who do not take sufficient exercise it is a good thing to rub the body thoroughly and briskly, not only after a bath, but often with the hands or with a dry towel. Transfusion of Blood. Transfusion of blood is the transfer of blood from the blood vessels of one animal to those of another. Trans- fusion may be direct or immediate, as when the blood vessels of the two animals are connected by tubing so that the blood passes from one to the other without exposure to the air ; in indirect or mediate trans- 82 PHYSIOLOGY. fusion the blood is first drawn into a receptacle. In indirect transfusion the blood is often defibrinated before transference. The blood may be introduced either into an artery or a vein; if -into a vein it is sent in the direction of the natural flow, i.e. toward the heart ; if into an artery, in either direction. Soon after the discovery of the circulation of the blood the operation of transfusion began to be practiced, and high hopes were indulged in as to its value. But it was soon found to be attended by so much danger that it is now seldom used. It is resorted to (i) after great loss of blood, (2) after some forms of poisoning part of the blood is withdrawn and replaced by fresh blood, and (3) in certain disordered conditions of the blood. The chief dangers are (i) the introduction of air which forms minute bubbles and stops the blood- flow in the capillaries, (2) the introduction sometimes causes coagula- tion within the blood vessels, and (3) the serum of the introduced blood sometimes destroys the corpuscles of the blood to which it is added. In the earlier practice lamb's blood was employed, but now when transfusion is practiced on man only human blood is used. It has been found safer and better after great loss of blood from hemor- rhage, to introduce a salt solution of about the natural degree of salt- ness of the blood ; this restores the normal volume of circulating liquid, and avoids most of the dangers except that of introducing air. The numerous fatal results of this operation have shown that it should not be resorted to except in cases of extreme necessity. For directions about stopping the flow of blood from wounds see Chapter XXIII. and the books named below. READING. Prompt Aid to the Injured, Doty ; Emer- gencies, Dulles; Emergencies, Howe; First Aid to the Injured, Lawless; First Aid to the Injured, Morton; First Aid in Illness and Injury, Pilcher ; Sickness and Accidents, Curran. What other process keeps pace with the coursing of the blood through the body, being its running mate, so to speak ? Summary. i . Blushing, and other variations in blood supply, are under the control of the sympathetic nervous system. 2. The sympathetic nervous system consists of two rows of ganglia CONTROL OF THE CIRCULATION". 83 in the body cavity near the spinal column, with fibers running to the internal organs. It is also connected with the cerebro-spinal nervous system. 3. The heart beat is automatic and rhythmic. 4. The heart beat is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system and by the vagus nerves. 5. The blood consists of a liquid, the plasma, in which float the colored and colorless corpuscles. 6. When blood is shed it coagulates, tending to check its own escape. 7. Lymph is like the blood diluted and lacking the colored cor- puscles. 8. A set of lymph tubes conveys the lymph into the veins to join the flow toward the heart. 9. In its course the lymph passes through the lymphatic glands. Questions. i. What makes the hands grow red and puff up on sitting in a warm room after snow balling? 2. How is a mustard plaster effective? 3. Why does light exercise before retiring promote sleep? 4. Why are the feet often cold after studying? 5. How does the application of ice, or cold water, relieve head- ache? 6. Why should the clothing be changed after getting wet? 7. What is the meaning of humor, in the expressions "good- humored," " bad-humored " ? Have these expressions a real physio- logical significance? CHAPTER VI. RESPIRATION. The Close Relation between Circulation and Respira- tion. Is it not a very striking fact that we take one breath for every four heart beats ? That whatever quick- ens the breathing also quickens the heart, so that the two always keep in al- most the same ratio ? Let us learn what are the many inti- mate relations of the blood pump and the air pump, the blood system and the air system, of Circulation and Res- piration. The Organs of Respiration. 1 . The lungs and air tubes. 2. The structures which increase and diminish the size of the chest, princi- pally the diaphragm, and the muscles acting on the ribs. The Parts of the Lungs. i. The Air Vesicles, an immense number of small sacs, which communicate with 8 4 Fig. 37. The Trachea and Bronchial Tubes, showing Two Clusters (Alveoli)) of Air Vesicles. RESPIRATION. 1. Pulmonary Orifice 2. Aortic Orifice 3. Left Auriculo-Ventricular Orifice 4. Right Auriculo-Ventricular Orifice The heavy black line between the heart and the liver represents the diaphragm. Fig. 38. Front View of the Thorax. The Ribs and Sternum are represented in Relation to the Lungs, Heart, and other Internal Organs. 86 PHYSIOLOGY. the outer air by the bronchial twigs, the bronchi, and the trachea. 2. The Pulmonary Capillaries, forming a thick network around and between the air sacs. These capillaries receive their blood from the pulmonary artery, and return it to the heart by the pulmonary veins. Elastic Tissue in the Lungs. The air vesicles, with their supplying air tubes and their surrounding blood tubes, are bound together by elastic tissue, which fills up most of the intervening space. The Windpipe or Trachea. The windpipe has in its walls C-shaped cartilages, with the open part of the C on the dorsal surface. These cartilages continue in the bronchi, and so on until in the smaller twigs they finally disappear. The cartilages are held together, and the dorsal gap of the cartilages (the gap would be like that of a series of horseshoes piled one on top of another) bridged, by tough fibrous tissue, with much elastic tissue, and with plain muscle fibers ; the plain muscle fibers are very abundant in the smaller air tubes. The Mucous Membrane. The lining of the trachea is a mucous mem- brane. It pours out on its surface a substance some- what like white of egg, called mucus. This keeps the air Fig. 39. Ciliated Cells lining the Air Tubes (x 300). particles of dust that are in the inspired air. There is a constant slow current of mucus toward the throat, whence it is, from time to time, hawked up. RESI'IRATION. Cilia. This current of mucus is caused by the cilia projecting from the lining cells of the trachea. They are little hairlike projections, in countless numbers, like a field of grass, each stalk having the power of bending back and forth, making a quick stroke toward the throat, then a slower recover stroke. Thus the united wavelike action of the myriads of lashing cilia paddles the mucus head- ward. It is a very common error to suppose that the cilia produce air currents. This is not their function, and it can readily be seen that they cannot create currents of air, as they are wholly submerged, like grass growing on the bottom of a shallow pond of slimy water. Location of Mucous Membrane. All the cavities and passages in the body to which the air has access, such as the digestive and respiratory passages, etc., are lined by mucous membrane (not all Ciliated). Trachea The Pleura. The out- side of each lung is cov- ered by a thin adherent mem- brane, the pleu- ra, which com- pletely invests it, except at the root of the lung, where the bron- chus and blood tubes enter. Here the pleura turns toward and adheres to the inner wall of the chest, forming its lining (still called the pleura), and below passes over the anterior surface of the diaphragm. The lung is Pleural Space (Exaggerated) Chest Wall- - ~~~ Pleura Fig. 40. Diagram of the Lungs and Pleurae. 88 PHYSIOLOGY. thus free, except at its root, where the air and blood tubes enter. A very small quantity of liquid moistens the con- tiguous surfaces of the pleurae on the outside of the lung and the inside of the chest wall, so they move easily one upon the other during respiration. As the lungs are always distended enough to fill the chest cavity, these two surfaces are always in contact. In pleurisy (inflammation of the pleurae) pain is felt in breathing from friction or adhesion of these surfaces. Important Facts concerning Respiration. In study- ing respiration, let us constantly keep in mind these facts : 1. The lungs are highly elastic, and 2. Highly porous, each air vesicle being in direct com- munication with the outer air by means of 3. Air tubes that always stand open 4. And are always moist internally. 5. The pulmonary capillaries closely invest each air vesicle. 6. The lungs are always expanded enough to fill all the space in the chest not occupied by other organs, and 7. Freely movable, except at the place of entrance of the bronchi and blood tubes. 8. The smooth, moist pleurae. The Diaphragm. The diaphragm is a thin muscle making a complete partition between the abdominal cavity and the chest cavity. It is convex anteriorly, concave pos- teriorly ; its ventral border is attached to the inside of the chest wall about opposite the lower end of the breast bone, thence obliquely along the border of the ribs (as felt in front), and the dorsal attachment is posterior to the ventral RESPIRATION'. 8 9 attachment. Its general position is shown in Figs. 38, 40, and 43. To show the Action of the Diaphragm and Lungs. MATERIAL. Bell jar with stopper, sheet of rubber large enough to cover the mouth of the jar, toy rubber balloon, cork (rubber preferred), glass tube, strong rubber band (such as boys use for slung shots), marble. Triangularis Sterni Internal Mammary Vessels v. Left Phrenic Nerve Pleura Puimonalis Pleura Costalis Mediastinum \ Sympathetic Nerve ( Thoracic Duct Vena Azygos Major I p osterior , Pneumogastric Nerves ) Fig. 41. A Transverse Section of the Thorax, showing the Relative Position of the Viscera and Reflections of the Pleurae. PREPARATION. Lay the marble on the center of the sheet of rub- ber, double the rubber over it, stretching the rubber strongly over the marble, and tie the marble firmly in its place. Stretch the sheet of rubber over the mouth of the jar with the projection made by the marble on the outside, and fasten with rubber band. Bore a hole in the cork, 90 PHYSIOLOGY. and fix the glass tube snugly in it, so that the lower end of the tube will extend about half-way down the jar. Tie the balloon on the lower end of the glass tube. EXPERIMENT i. Inflate the balloon. Consider that it requires some expenditure of energy to do this. When the mouth is taken away from the tube the balloon immediately collapses. EXPERIMENT 2. Insert the balloon and tube into the jar, but do not cork, and repeat Experiment i. The same results as before are noticed, and it will further be seen, or rather heard and felt, that when the balloon is inflated some air comes out of the jar around the tube, and when the balloon collapses air again enters the jar. EXPERIMENT 3. Again inflate the balloon, and while it is inflated tightly cork the jar. If all the parts fit well, the balloon should now remain inflated. This may at first seem strange, as the mouth is taken away from the tube, and the tube left entirely open to the air. But it will be seen that to just the extent that the balloon contracts, so much more space is left in the jar outside the balloon. This means diminished pressure, and the pressure of the outer air presses the diaphragm up, and keeps the balloon partly distended, maintaining equilibrium. EXPERIMENT 4. Pull the diaphragm down, using the marble as a handle. This shows the expansion of the lung by the pressure of the external air when more space is given by the depression of the dia- phragm. On releasing the diaphragm, it springs upward, and the balloon becomes reduced in size, driving out part of the air that was in it. This shows how expiration is accomplished, so far as the diaphragm is concerned. If a bell jar be not at hand, a lamp chimney or a quart bottle may be used, after cutting off the bottom, as follows : File a deep notch across near the bottom ; heat an iron rod, and apply the end of it to one end of the notch, and slowly draw the rod around to the other end of the notch (the rod may need to be reheated) . After cracking off the bot- tom of the jar, file the edges so they will not cut the rubber. Let each pupil make a drawing, showing the position of the parts in inspiration and in expiration. Illustration of the Minute Anatomy of the Lung. To illustrate the minute anatomy of the lung, take a rubber balloon, a glass tube, two rubber tubes, one dyed red, the other blue, a bag of netting, with one side dyed red and the other side blue. Tie the balloon on the end of the glass tube, slip the bag of netting over the balloon and tie it, RESPrRATION. 91 with the ends of the rubber tubes on the corresponding sides of the bag. Slip a short piece of the rubber tube on the end of the glass tube, and when the balloon is inflated shut the air in by means of a CILIA I i.BRONCHIAL TUBE. Fig. 42. Minute Structure of the Lungs, showing Air Vesicles and Capillaries. pinchcock. The balloon represents an air vesicle, the glass tube a bronchial twig, the blue tube a subdivision of the pulmonary artery, the netting the capillaries around the vesicle, and the red tube one of the branches of the pulmonary veins. The Movements of Respiration. The process of res- piration consists of two acts, inspiration and expiration. Two Active Forces in Inspiration. In inspiration the principal active forces in the body are, first, the dia- phragm ; and, second, the muscles which elevate the ribs. Work of the Diaphragm in Inspiration. The dia- phragm is a muscle, and when its fibers shorten, the dia- phragm is pulled down. In moving down it presses on the abdominal organs, and makes the abdomen protrude laterally and ventrally. This lowering of the diaphragm increases the space in the chest ; the air already in the PHYSIOLOGY. chest expands to fill this greater space. When expanded it exerts less pressure than before, and the air outside, having greater pressure, enters till equilibrium is produced. The air enters through the trachea, presses on the inside of the elastic lungs, and makes their bases extend, follow- ing the diaphragm in its descent. The bases of the lungs remain in contact with the upper surface of the diaphragm all the time. . . . . Increased Air Space Inspiration Expiration Fig. 43. Diagrammatic Sections of the Body in Inspiration and Expiration. Work of the Chest Walls in Inspiration. Certain muscles of the chest wall elevate the, ribs and breast bone. This act widens the chest, and the air, as before, presses in through the open trachea, and keeps the sides of the lungs in contact with the inner surfaces of the chest walls. Effort required in Depressing the Diaphragm. - Inspiration requires considerable effort, because the dia- RESPIRATION. 93 phragm in its descent presses upon the elastic organs of the abdomen (stomach, liver, etc.), and these organs, in turn, are pressed against the elastic walls of the abdomen. It is somewhat like pressing a pillow down into a rubber bag; the pillow springs up as soon as the pressure is stopped, because of its own elasticity as well as that of the bag. Therefore, as soon as the diaphragm relaxes, the elastic walls of the abdomen retreat, and the abdominal organs rise to their former place. Effort Required in raising the Ribs. When the ribs are elevated, the cartilages which connect the ventral ends of the. bony parts of the ribs with the breast bone are slightly bent. When the muscles relax, the elasticity of the rib cartilages helps to bring the ribs back to their former position, thus reducing the chest to its former width. Expiration Easy. Thus we see why expiration is easy ; in fact, " does itself " (in ordinary respiration) by elastic reactions. But inspiration is harder than it would be if it were not for the fact that the descent of the diaphragm meets resistance, and the ribs, in rising, have to overcome resistance in bending the costal cartilages, and in raising the weight of the chest walls and shoulders. Potential Energy stored in a Door Spring. When one opens a door that has a spring to shut it, he has to expend more energy to open the door than he would if he did not have to bend (twist or compress) the spring at the same time. But no effort is needed to shut the door. The door was opened and shut at the same time ; i.e. when the door was opened force was stored in the spring (in the form of what is called potential energy), and this stored energy shuts the door while we pass on. We can better 94 PHYSIOLOGY. afford to employ more energy while opening the door than to take the extra time to shut it. If, then, a door with such spring were fastened open, it might remain open for a long time. When released it flies shut. If one, in this case, asks, "Who shut the door?" the answer is, "The person who opened it." The Storing of Energy during Inspiration. So in the act of inspiration we perform a double work in storing energy by which the expiration is performed without active muscular effort. Review of Forces of Respiration : FORCES OF INSPIRATION. 1. Depression of the diaphragm. 2. Muscles elevating the ribs. 3. Pressure of the external air. RESISTANCES TO INSPIRATION. 1. Compression of the abdominal organs and stretching abdominal walls. 2. Bending the rib cartilages and lifting the chest. 3. Stretching the lungs. ELASTIC REACTIONS OF EXPIRATION. 1. Elastic reaction of the abdominal walls and contents. 2. Elastic reaction of the rib cartilages. 3. Elastic reaction of the lungs. Forced Respiration. Thus far we have been speaking of ordinary respiration. In forced respiration, as in shout- ing, many muscles are brought into play to expel the air rapidly and forcibly. In such an act as coughing there is vigorous action of the abdominal muscles. RESPIRATION. 95 Abdominal and Thoracic Respiration. The main part of respiration is performed by the diaphragm, and the more common mode of respiration is therefore called abdominal or diaphragmatic respiration. In women of the civilized races respiration is more largely accomplished by the action of the thoracic muscles, and is called thoracic or costal res- piration. In children the respiration is of the abdominal type. The Rate of Respiration. The rate of respiration in the adult varies from sixteen to twenty-four per minute, the average being about seventeen times a minute ; about one respiration for every four heart beats. Light is favor- able to respiratory activity. The rate is affected by the position of the body, state of activity, temperature, diges- tion, emotions, age, disease, etc. Ordinary inspiration takes slightly less time than expiration. Modifications of Respiration. Coughing is a forcible expiration, usually directed through the mouth, and for the purpose of getting rid of some foreign substance, or caused by irritation. In sneezing there is first a deep inspiration, and then the current of air is forced out, chiefly through the nose. Sneezing may be prevented by pressing firmly on the upper lip. Crying, laughing, sobbing, are modifications of respira- tion connected with certain emotions. Yawning and sighing are deeper breathings, caused by etijiui, depressing emotions, or a deficient ventila- tion. Hiccuping is sudden inspiration, produced by spasmodic action of the diaphragm, accompanied by sudden closure of the glottis, and is often caused by some disorder of stomach digestion. Snoring is caused by breathing through the mouth and setting the soft palate into vibra- tion. Sniffing is sudden inspiration : the diaphragm is suddenly pulled down, the air in the nasal cavity is thus drawn downward, and the air we wish to test, or the odor we wish to inhale, is thus drawn into the upper nasal cavities ; whereas in ordinary inspiration most of the air passes along the lower part of the nasal passage. In hawking, the air is forced out through the narrowed passage between the root of the tongue and the soft palate to remove mucus. Gargling is forcing air up 96 PHYSIOLOGY. through liquid held between the tongue and the soft palate. Panting, whistling, blowing, spitting, sucking, and drinking are also modifica- tions of respiration. In case of choking it is well to hold the head for- Jl II COMPLEMENTAL AIR. 120 CUBIC INCHES. AIR THAT CAN BE BUT SELDOM IS TAKEN IN. TIDAL AIR. 20 to 30 Cubic Inches Air Taken in and Sent out at Each Breath. RESERVE AIR. 100 CUBIC INCHES. m ^ AIR THAT CAN BE BUT IS SELDOM DRIVEN OUT. RESIDUAL AIR. 100 CUBIC INCHES. AIR THAT CANNOT BE DRIVEN OUT. II t> -S -S - QU Figr. 44. Diagram of Lung Capacity. ward, and perhaps downward. A smart slap between the shoulders sometimes helps dislodge anything stuck in the throat, and it may be necessary, in addition, to hold a child with its head downward. RESPIRATION. 97 Capacity of the Lungs. Have the class stand, and each pupil raise his right hand. 1 . Tidal Air. Let all breathe together, at the ordinary rate and depth, and let the hand rise about three inches during inspiration, and fall again during expiration. The amount of air taken in at an ordinary breath is from 20 to 30 cubic inches, or about a pint. This is called tidal air. 2. Complemental Air. As before, let the hand go up and down with the breathing, but at the end of the third inspiration, instead of stopping with the usual amount, keep on breathing in as much as pos- sible, letting the hand rise accordingly. This air that can be taken in above the ordinary breath is called the complemental air, and it is estimated to be, on the average, about 120 cubic inches. 3. Reserve Air. Begin as before, and at what would be the end of the third expiration continue to drive out as much air as possible, indicating the degree by correspondingly lowering the hand. This air that can be breathed out beyond the ordinary expiration is called the reserve air, and is reckoned at about 100 cubic inches. 4. Residual Air. The air cannot all be breathed out. The re- mainder is called the residual air, and is computed to be about 100 cubic inches. The Vital Capacity. All the air that can be breathed out after a full inspiration, i.e. the sum of the complemental, tidal, and reserve air, would be about 240 to 250 cubic inches, and is called the vital capacity. Of course these figures represent only the average of cer- tain experiments and observations. By practice any one can con- siderably increase his vital capacity. A Test of the Capacity of the Lungs. A simple method of measuring these stages of respiration is to take a gallon bottle and first carefully graduate it to pints by pouring in water and marking on the outside with a file. Then invert the bottle in a trough of water, and inhale from it by means of a rubber tube. Or fill the bottle, in- vert in water, and exhale into it. Hygiene of Breathing. Those persons who take con- stant exercise in the open air are likely not to suffer much from deficient respiration. But persons following seden- 98 PHYSIOLOGY. tary occupations, such as that of the student, not calling for deep breathing (and often the air taken in is of poor quality), need to pay especial attention to the matter. Breathing through the Mouth. We should breathe through the nose, and not through the mouth. The nasal passages are fitted for the introduction of the air (i) by being narrow, but of large area; (2) by having their lining membranes richly supplied with blood ; (3) by the abun- dant secretion of mucus by this membrane. The air, coming through this narrow channel, is warmed, and a large part of any dust it may contain is caught by the sticky mucus that covers all the walls of this passageway. If we breathe through the mouth (especially out of doors in cold weather), the air may not be sufficiently warmed before entering the lungs, and much more dust would be carried into the lungs. Then, too, the air has a drying effect on the throat, whereas the mucus of the nasal pas- sages will moisten the air as it enters. The cilia, which extend from most of the cells lining the respiratory pas- sages, are constantly causing the mucus to slowly flow toward the external opening, so a good share of the dust is gotten rid of. A further advantage of breathing through the nose is that we detect odors, and can thus judge of the quality of the air. Breathing and Circulation. The fact has been noted that breathing directly aids the circulation of the blood. This is due to the way air pressure is made to affect the large veins. Breathing also may very considerably aid the flow of lymph. Every deep inspiration brings pres- sure to bear on the main lymph duct as the diaphragm descends. Every forced expiration has the same effect. We must keep in mind that the tissues are fed directly by RESPIRATION. 99 the lymph that surrounds them ; that while the lymph is continually fed by the blood, there is not a great pressure given in this way. The lymph stream is largely depend- ent on the pressure of the surrounding organs. When one takes a good deal of muscular exercise the lymph is renewed with rapidity enough to supply the tissues with food, and to carry away their wastes. But in those who sit quiet a large share of the day, taking no more exercise than is necessary to take them to and from their places of business, the lymph becomes too nearly stagnant, the tissues are not well nourished, and the whole body suffers. Deep Breathing. It is a grateful relief to the whole system to stand, stretch, inhale deeply and slowly several times, and to repeat this every hour or so. Every one en- gaged in office work or studying should form this habit, especially if he does not give an hour daily to exercise in a gymnasium, or otherwise. Respiratory Sounds. During respiration sounds are produced by which the skilled physician can tell much as to the condition of the respiratory organs. The Control of Respiration. Breathing is an involun- tary act. Still we can modify it. We can hold the breath for a time ; but it is stated that one cannot hold the breath long enough to produce death by suffocation. The muscles of respiration are under the control of nerves. The center of respiratory control is believed to be in the lower portion of the spinal bulb. This respira- tory center is one of the most vital points in the body, for if it is destroyed, breathing is completely stopped, and death ensues. This center is affected by the condition of the blood. For instance, if the blood going to this center has not enough oxygen, the center hastens the process 100 PHYSIOLOGY. of breathing by nerve impulses sent to the muscles of respiration. The Control of the Diaphragm. The diaphragm is under the control of the phrenic nerves, which arise from the third, fourth, and fifth cervical nerves. If the neck is broken above the point where these nerves are given off, death almost always immediately follows, because the con- nection of the respiratory center and the diaphragm is broken. Composition of Dry Air (by volume) : Oxygen . . . . . . .... . 2 1 .00 Nitrogen . . . . . v . . . . . 79.00 . Carbon Dioxid .04 100.04 Experiments illustrating the Chemistry of Respiration. EX- PERIMENT i . If a piece of phosphorus be burned under a fruit jar inverted and with the mouth under water (for directions consult any chemistry), the oxygen will be consumed and water will enter part way to take its place. The remainder is nitrogen. EXPERIMENT 2. If a burning taper be lowered into this nitrogen, the flame will be extinguished. EXPERIMENT 3. If a chemical laboratory is at hand, some carbon dioxid should be generated and tested to -show that it extinguishes flame. EXPERIMENT 4. Lime water is the test of carbon dioxid, and may easily be prepared by putting a piece of quicklime the size of a hen's egg into a quart of water. EXPERIMENT 5. Pour a little clear lime water into a jar contain- ing carbon dioxid, and on shaking the contents the lime water will be rendered milky. EXPERIMENT 6. By means of a tube (a straw will serve) breathe through a small quantity of lime water to show that there is carbon dioxid in the expired breath. EXPERIMENT 7. If a jar be inverted over a lighted taper, the flame will soon be extinguished. Test the gas with lime water to see that carbon dioxid is produced by a burning candle. RESPIRATION. IOI EXPERIMENT 8. By holding a clean, cold tumbler over a burning taper it will be seen that water vapor is produced by the burning. EXPERIMENT 9. Breathing into a clean, cold tumbler shows that water is produced also in the process of respiration. EXPERIMENT 10. A very brilliant experiment and one that is very instructive at this point is to burn a watch spring in oxygen. In this process the oxygen unites with the iron, forming iron oxid. EXPERIMENT n. If a piece of watch spring be placed in water, it will soon rust. Rust is also an iron oxid, only the process is slow, instead of rapid as in the case of combustion, and just as much heat is given off, but not much at any given instant. EXPERIMENT 12. If a short piece of magnesium ribbon can be obtained, it may be burned in the presence of the class, though it is not well to look long at the excessively strong while light. EXPERIMENT 13. ManMslimi;wild also 'ru^'in water, forming a white rust, or magnesium oxid, as in burning. , , , , EXPERIMENT 14. If a ) In privy vaults : 1. Mercuric chlorid in solution, I : 500. 2. Carbolic acid in solution, five per cent. (c) For the disinfection and deodori/alion of the surface of masses of organic material in privy vaults, etc. : Chlorid of lime in powder. For Clothing, Bedding, etc. (a) Soiled underclothing, bed linen, etc. 1. Destruction by fire, if of little value. 2. Boiling at least half an hour. ANTISEPTICS AND DISINFECTANTS. 349 3. Immersion in a solution of mercuric chlorid of the strength of I : 2,000 for four hours. 4. Immersion in a two per cent solution of carbolic acid for four hours. (b} Outer garments of wool or silk, and similar articles, which would be injured by immersion in boiling water or in a disinfecting solution : 1. Exposure in a suitable apparatus to a current of steam for ten minutes. 2. Exposure to dry heat at a temperature of no degrees C. (230 de- grees F.) for two hours. (V) Mattresses and blankets soiled by the discharge of the sick : 1. Destruction by fire. * 2. Exposure to superheated steam, 105 degrees C. (221 degrees F.), for ten minutes. (Mattresses to have the cover removed or freely exposed.) 3. Immersion in boiling water for half an hour. . Furniture and Articles of Wood, Leather, and Porcelain. Washing, several times repeated, with : I. Solution of carbolic acid, two per cent. For the Person. The hands and general surface of the body of attend- ants of the sick, and of convalescents, should be washed with : 1. Solution of chlorinated soda diluted with nine parts of water, i : 10. 2. Carbolic acid ; two per cent solution. 3. Mercuric chlorid, i : l,ooo. For the Dead. Envelop the body in a sheet thoroughly saturated with : 1. Chlorid of lime in solution, four per cent. 2. Mercuric chlorid in solution, i : 500. 3. Carbolic acid in solution, five per cent. For the Sick Room. (a) While occupied, wash all surfaces with : 1. Mercuric chlorid in solution, I : 1,000. 2. Carbolic acid in solution, two per cent. (l>) When vacated, fumigate with sulphur dioxid for twelve hours, burning at least three pounds of sulphur for every thousand cubic feet of- air space in the room ; then wash all surfaces with one of the above-mentioned solutions, and afterward with soap and hot water ; finally throw open doors and win- dows, and ventilate freely." 350 .L\J) ".fig r & a = JE: 'S'^.S * x i 2s >> 0) M S ^ ..g 02 Secure lation. o'Sc'Cro ' 5 O _i - - "C 'E o ^.2 a ^ ^ S M 9 S^^g s " ,p SP.2 sf 5| .S^ 1 ^11 8 fill 2 5 * -S^g Q 111 -5.5 w OTS x ill II! o |lljlj 1-5 S 2 c o bo's I .. llif O - POISONS AND ANTIDOTES. 35 Je rs II ^^ *as Sis a c8 53 irf* !" M fee IIS * * ^ S I! .2 c r C "J5 4 11 J O t OQ I? I A . .2 'a a '*> ^ So in ei m* S ^M^ ^ fl O^ o) ^ cs a lIl^S ft^ oa l -ra s & fl OJ 3 S .2 .S ^s 1 " 1 >FH fl 02 M 352 LVD ANTIDOTES. 1-1 i 1*1 1 ! C CM 9 & i " o js -2 5 ^3 > -5 e 2 x ^ 2 H H H _: s n . ^S ~ .agoct^ "gg S '? -t^-wjr'U ""S -^cc.^c. S2 - C^S^Crjt S^ifis- ^(cSflbcS-' 2 -s '.5 S o j- .2 o s c : a E55lfgb si 111! I a U U OQ S O PO/SONS AND ANTIDOTES. 353 I :3 M ST 1 11 11 -S * o^ C3 0> :! ^, ~ H 2 '8 0} * 'S5 ^ OD fl'i c a j3 g' - - o 354 PHYSIOLOGY. Daily Excretions. Sweat, from 1.5 Ibs. to 4.5 Ibs. ; urea, about 1 oz. ; organic matter exhaled, :! grains ; urine, 53 oz. "Of the entire excreta, 32 per cent pass off by the breath ; 17 per- cent by the skin ; 4C.5 per cent by the kidneys ; 4.5 per cent by the alimentary canal." C'TTTKII. Number of Sweat Glands. The number of sweat glands may be as high as 3,500 in a square inch, and the average is estimated at. 2,800 per square inch ; as there are about 2,500 square inches of body surface, it is readily computed that there are several millions of sweat, glands. Number of Hairs on the Human Head. The average number of hairs on the head is 120,000. They are set obliquely, and are con- trolled by muscles so that they may be made to stand erect, or nearly so, under the influence of certain emotions, as fear, anger, etc. Huxley and others have classified the races of men according to the hair, into the Ulotrichi, or crisp or woolly haired division, including the negroes, bushmen, etc. ; and Leiotrichi, or smooth-haired, sub- divided into the Australioid, the Mongoloid, the Xanthochroic, and the Melanochroic. In Europeans the hair is oval in cross-section ; in the Japanese and Chinese it is circular. Circulation. Rate of blood flow : in the large arteries, from 12 to 16 inches a second ; in the caval veins, about 4 inches a second ; in the capillaries, from 1 inch to 1.5 inches a minute. A portion of the blood makes the complete circulation (in a horse) in less than half a minute. This is found by putting some readily detected chemical into one jugular vein, and noting how soon it appears in the other jugular vein. The time necessary for all the blood to pass through the heart is estimated as follows : Each ventricle pumps about six ounces of blood at each stroke. At this rate thirty strokes, 25 to 50 seconds (or less), would have pumped all the blood in the body. Still, some of the blood (from the shorter circuits) may have been pumped twice, and some (from the longer routes) may not yet have been around once. And since the total amount of blood has been only approximately determined, these figures are not very accurate. Number of blood corpuscles to the cubic inch, about 83,000,000. Dr. Tanner's Forty Days' Fast (Newspaper Account). No Food but "Water Taken. When Dr. Tanner came to New York from Minnesota he weighed 184 pounds. He was six weeks making ar- VITAL STATISTICS. 355 rangernents for his fast; and when lie began his experiment his weight was 157 pounds. He weighed 121 pounds on the day his fast ended. He had therefore lost 62 \ pounds since he came to the city, and 3(3 pounds since he began his fast. Dr. Hammond, the well-known New York physician whose assertion that a forty days' fast was a physical impossibility led Dr. Tanner to make the attempt, came out in "a card in the New York papers declaring that he believed the fast had been fairly conducted. On each day of his fast Dr. Tanner weighed as follows : DAY. 1st POUNDS. DAY. 25th POUNDS. 1314, 3d ... 153 20th . " . . . . I3ld 5th 7th . . . 147 . 1434 27th ..... 28th . . 129! llth 13th 14th . . . 139| 133 29th ..... 30th 31st 130 16th . . . 132 32d 1274 17th (8.30 P.M.) . . 17th (HAM) 135^ 33d 34th i2e| 18th 19th 136 35th 36th . ... 20th (4 P.M.) . . . 20th (5 A.M.) . . . 21st . . . . . 135 . . . . 1 35 37th 38th 39th 1224 22d 1334 40th 1214 26th ...... Cavities of the Body. 1. Mucous cavities (open to the external air). Digestive tube, respiratory passages, genito-urinary passages, ex- ternal and middle ear, etc. 2. Serous cavities (closed). They may all be said to be lymph cav- ities. They are the lymph spaces throughout the body, and the large spaces, called the pleural cavity around the lungs, the pericardial cavity around the heart, the peritoneal cavity in the abdomen, the arachnoid cavity around the brain, and a similar one along the spinal cord. 3. Synovial cavities in the joints. 4. Blood cavities, the inside of the heart and blood tubes. 5. Secretion cavities, the cavities and tubes from the glands ; for example, the bile sac and its duct. 6. Bone cavities. 356 PHYSIOLOGY. LOSSES OF THE TISSUES DURING STARVATION*. (FROM KXPKRIMEXT ON A CAT.) Fat los's:'. per i-Mit. Blood .... ;.-> Spleen .... "71 " Pancreas ... "64 " Stomach ... "39 " Pharynx, gullet . " 34 " Skin " 33 " Kidneys. ... "31 " Liver . " 52 " Heart .... Intestines . . . Muscles of locomo- tion .... Respiratory appa- ratus . . . Bones .... Eyes Nervous system . loses 44 per cent. " 42 " 42 " " 22 " " 16 " 10 " " 2 " QUANTITY OF WATER IN 1,000 PARTS. Teeth 100 Bile 880 Bones 130 Milk H87 Cartilage 550 Pancreatic juice 900 Muscles 750 Urine 936 Ligament 768 Lymph 960 Brain * . . 789 Gastric juice 975 Blood 795 Sweat 986 Synovia 805 Saliva W"> THE LOSS OF WATER FROM THE BODY. From the Alimentary canal (feces) 4 per cent. " Lungs 20 " " Skin (perspiration) 30 " " " Kidneys (urine) 46 " ELEMENTS IN THE HUMAN BODY. Oxygen 72.0 Chlorin .085 Carbon 13.5 Fluorin 08 Hydrogen 9.1 Potassium .026 Nitrogen 2.5 Iron 01 Calcium 1.3 Magnesium 0012 Fosforus 1.15 Silicon 0002 Sulfur 147 Copper, lead, aluminum . (traces) Sodium 1 100. DAILY RATION OF A U. S. SOLDIER DURING THE LATE WAR. Bread or flour 22 oz. Fresh or salt beef (or pork or bacon 12 oz.) 20 Potatoes (three times a week) 16 " VITAL STATISTICS. 357 Rice Coffee (or tea 0-.24 oz.) . . . ... 1.6 ... 1.6 . . . . 2.4 64 Vinegar Salt COMPOSITION OF F< WATKU. PROTEIDS. 32 30DS. FATS. 16 CARBO- HYDRATES. Beef, lean 72 19.3 3.6 Beef, fat 51 14.8 29.8 Mutton, lean .... 72 18.3 4.9 Mutton, fat .... 53 12.4 31.1 Veal 63 16.5 15.3 Pork, fat 39 9.8 48.9 Poultry 74 21 3.8 Whitefish 78 18.1 2.9 Salmon 77 16.1 5.5 Eels (rich in fat) . . 75 9.9 13.8 Oysters 75.7 11.7 2.4 SUGAR. Milk 86 4.1 3.9 5.2 Buttermilk .... 88 4.1 .7 6.4 Cream 66 2.7 26.7 2.8 Cheese, full .... 36 28.4 31.1 . . . Cheese, skim .... 44 44.8 6.3 Eggs, white . . . . 78 20.4 Eggs, yelk . . ... 52 16 30.7 . . . STARCH. Bread 37 8.1 1.6 51 Flour 15 10.8 2 70.8 COMPOSITION OF THE BLOOD. Water Solids Corpuscles .... . 130 Proteids (of serum) . 70 Fibrin (of clot) . . 2.2 Fatty matters (of serum) 1.4 Inorganic salts . . 6.0 Gases, urea, kreatin, etc. . . 6.4 gill. 5.1 4.4 4.8 4.7 2.3 1.2 1.0 1.4 2.7 2.7 .8 .8 4.9 4.5 4.9 1.6 1.3 2.3 1.7 784 216 1000 358 PHYSIOLOGY. COMPOSITION OF CASTKK' ,11 K'K. Water 99.44 Solids Pepsin 319 Salts 218 Hydrochloric acid 02 .557 100 Fluids of the Body (FORD). 1. Circulating fluids, chyle, lymph, blood. 2. Fluids for digestion, saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, bile, intestinal juice. 3. Fluids of closed cavities, of the arachnoid, pleura!, pericardia!, and peritoneal sacs, of joints, of the eye and ear, and of cells. 4. Secretions for protection, cerumen or wax, tears, fluid of mucous membranes, oily fluids on the surface of the body. 5. Fluids for discharge, intestinal secretion, renal or kidney se- cretion, perspiration, vapor from the lungs, etc. Acids and Alkalies of the Body. Acids, gastric juice, mu- cus, chyme, contents of large intestine. Alkalies, saliva (or neutral), pancreatic juice, intestinal juice, bile (or neutral), contents of small intestine, sweat. Amount of Digestive Liquids. The amount of saliva secreted daily is estimated at from 1 to 3 pints, of gastric juice from 10 to 20 pints, of bile from 2 to 3 pints. The amount of intestinal and other juices is difficult to estimate. But it is readily seen that a very large amount of liquid is daily separated from the blood to be used in the preparation of the food for absorption into the blood. This is to be looked upon as an investment. It is supposed to be reabsorbed with large returns in addi- tion to the prepared food ; and if anything interferes with the absorp- tion of the food material, especially if the secretion goes on, it is plain that bankruptcy will follow as surely as in the business world whenever there is a continual expenditure without corresponding returns. The condition known as "diarrhea" illustrates this condition, perhaps, as well as any well-known condition of the body. Specific Gravity of the Liquids of the Body. As all the liquids of the body have dissolved and suspended in them various salts and other matters, they are all heavier than water. VITAL STATISTICS. 359 Alcohol and Longevity. Investigation by Baer has shown that the average expectation of life among users and dealers in alcoholic liquors is very much shortened. The following table gives a comparative view of the expectation of life in those who abstained from and those who used alcohol : EXPECTATION OF LIFE. AGE. ABSTAINERS. ALCOHOL USERS At 25, 32.08 years, 26.23 years. "' 35, 25.92 " 20.01 " " 45 J 9.92 " * i$.i9 " " 55' '4-45 " "- 16 " " 65, 9.62 " 8.04 " TABLE SHOWING THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL UPON THE MORTALITY FROM VARIOUS DISEASES. GENERAL MALE POPULATION. ALCOHOL VENDERS. Brain disease, 11.77 P er cent - r 4-43 per cent. Tuberculosis, 30.36 " 36.57 " Pneumonia and pleuritis, 9.63 " H-44 " Heart disease, 1.46 " 3.29 " Kidney disease, 1.40 " 2.11 " Suicide, 2.99 " 4.02 " Cancer, 2.49 " 3.70 " Old age, 22.49 " 7-5 " GLOS BA RY. Albumen (al-bu'-meri). The white of an egg. Albumin (iil-hi'i'-min). A proteid substance, the chief constituent of the body. Its molecule is highly complex, and varies widely within certain limits in different organs and in different conditions. Albuminuria (al-bu'-mi-nu'-ri-a}. The presence of albumin in tin- urine, indicating changes in the blood or in the kidneys. Amylopsin (am-i-lop'-xin}. A ferment said to exist in pancreatin. Anabolism (an-ab'-o-lizm}. Synthetic or constructive metabolism. Activity and repair of function ; opposed to katabolism. Arbor Vitae (ar'-6or vl'-te). A term applied to the branched appear- ance of a section of the cerebellum. Argon (ar'-gron). A newly discovered element similar to nitrogen (found in the air). Arytenoid (ar-i-te'-noid}. Resembling the mouth of a pitcher, as the arytenoid cartilages of the larynx. Atlas (at'-las). The uppermost of the cervical vertebrae (from the mythical Atlas who supported the Earth). Auricle (aw'-ri-kl). The auricles of the heart are the two cavities be- tween the veins and the ventricles. Also, the pinna and external meatus of the ear. Axis (ak'-sis). The second cervical vertebra, on which the head, with the atlas, turns. Bacterium (bak-te'-ri-um}, pi. bacteria. A genus of microscopic fungi characterized by short, linear, inflexible, rod-like forms without tendency to unite into chains or filaments. Biceps (bl'-seps}. Biceps brachii, the flexor of the arm. Bicuspid (bi-kus'-pid}. Having two points ; the bicuspid or premolar teeth; the bicuspid valve, between the left auricle and the left ven- tricle. Brachial (bra'-ke-al or brak'-i-al}. Pertaining to the arm. 360 GLOSSARY. 361 Bronchus (brong' -kits'), pi. bronchi. The two tubes into which the tra- chea divides opposite the third thoracic vertebra, called respectively the right and left bronchus. Caffein (kaf'-e-in'). An alkaloid that occurs in the leaves and beans of the coffee-tree, in Paraguay tea, etc. Canaliculus (kan-a-Uk'-u-lus^), pi. canaliculi. The crevices extending from lacunae, through which nutrition is conveyed to all parts of the bone. Canine (ka-nl)i' or ka'-nin*). The conical teeth between the incisors and the premolars. Capillary (kap'-i-la-ri or ka-pil'-a-ri). A minute blood-tube connecting the smallest ramification of the arteries with those of the veins. Capsule (kap'-auV). A tunic or bag that incloses a part of the body or an organ. Carbohydrate (kar-bo-hi'-draf). An organic substance containing six carbon atoms or some multiple of six, and hydrogen and oxygen in the proportion in which they form water; that is, twice as many hydrogen as oxygen atoms. Starches, sugars, and gums are carbo- hydrates. Cardiac (kar'-di-ak}. Pertaining to the heart. Carotid (ka-rot'-id}. The principal right and left arteries of the neck. Carpus (kar'-pus). Belonging to the wrist; as the carpal bones. Cartilage (kar'-ti-luj}. Gristle of various kinds, articular, etc. Casein (ka'-se-m). A derived albumin, the chief proteid of milk, pre- cipitated by acids and by rennet at 40C. Cecum (se'-kum). The large blind pouch or cul-de-sac, in which the large intestine begins. Centrum (sen'-trum). The center or middle part ; the body of a verte- bra, exclusive of the bases of the neural arches. Cerebellum (ser-e-bel'-um*). The inferior part of the brain, lying below the cerebrum. Cerebrum (ser'-e-brum'). The chief portion of the brain, occupying the whole upper part of the cranium. Cervical (ser'-m-kal}. Pertaining to the neck, as cervical vertebrae. Chordae tendineae (kor'-de}. The tendinous cords connecting the fleshy columns of the heart with the auriculo-ventricular valves. Choroid (ko'-roid}. The second or vascular coat of the eye, continu- ous with the iris in front, and lying between the sclerotic and the retina. 362 Chyle (kll). The milk-white fluid absorbed by tin- lacteals during di- gestion. Chyme (kirn'). Food that has undergone gastric digestion, and has not yet been acted upon hy the biliary, pancreatic, and intestinal secretions. Cilium (stT-i-um), pi. cilia. The eyelashes; also the hair-like appen- dages of certain epithelial cells, whose function is to propel fluid or particles along the passages that they line. Ciliary (sil'-i-a-ri). Pertaining to the eyelid or eyelash ; also by ex- tension to the ciliary apparatus or the structure related to the mechanism of accommodation. Pertaining to the cilia. Circumvallate (sir-kum-val'-at). Surrounded by a wall or prominence, as the circumvallate papillae on the tongue. Clavicle (klav'-i-kl). The collar-bone. Coccyx (kok'-siks). The last bone of the spinal column, formed by the union of four rudimentary vertebrae. Cochlea (kok'-le-a). A cavity of the internal ear, resembling a snail- shell. Conjunctiva (kon-junyk-ti'-va). The mucous membrane covering the anterior portion of the globe of the eye, reflected on, and extending to, the free edge of the lids. Corpus Arantii (kor'-pus). The tubercles, one in the center of each segment of the semilunar valves. Corpuscle (kor'-pus-l). A name loosely applied to almost any small, rounded or oval body, as the blood corpuscles. Cortex (kor'-teks}. Bark. The outer layer of gray matter of the brain ; the outer layer, cortical substance, of the kidney. Cricoid (krl'-koid}. Ring-shaped, as the cricoid cartilage of the larynx. Dentine (den'-tin}. The ivory-like substance constituting the bulk of the tooth, lying under the enamel of the crown and the cement of the root. Diabetes (di-a-be'-tez*}. The name of two different affections, diuln-t<-x mellitn*, or persistent glycosuria, and diabetes insipidus, or polyu- ria, both characterized, in ordinary cases, by an abnormally large discharge of urine. The former is distinguished by the presence of an excessive quantity of sugar in the urine. Dialysis (di-ar-i-*is\ The operation of separating crystalline from colloid substances by means of a porous diaphragm, the former GLOSSARY. 363 passing through the diaphragm into the pure water upon which the dialyzer rests. Digastric (di-yas'-trik). Having two bellies, as the digastric muscle, enlarged near each end and with a tendon in the middle. Duodenum (du-d-de'-num). The first part of the small intestine, begin- ning with the pylorus. Emulsion (e-inul'-shun}. Water or other liquid in which oil, in minute subdivision of its particles, is suspended. Enamel (eM-am'~el). The hard covering of the crown of a tooth. Endothelium (en-do-the'-li-um). The internal lining membrane of serous, synovial, and other internal surfaces, the homolog of epi- thelium. Enzyme (en'-zim}. Any chemic or hydrolytic ferment, as distinguished from organized ferments such as yeast; unorganized ferment. Epiglottis (ep-i-ylot'-is). A thin fibro-cartilaginous valve that aids in preventing food and drink from passing into the larynx. Esophagus (e-8Q/ y -a-grt*). The musculo-membranous tube extending from the pharynx to the stomach. Eustachian (u-sta'-ki-an). Eustachian tube, the tube leading from the middle ear to the pharynx. Facet (fas'-et}. A small plane surface. The articulating surface of a bone. Femur (/e'-mer). The thigh-bone. Ferment (fer'-ment}. Any micro-organism, proteid, or other chemic substance capable of producing fermentation, i.e., the oxidation and disorganization of the carbohydrates. Fibrin (fi'-brin}. A native albumen or proteid, a substance that, be- coming solid in shed blood, plasma, and lymph, causes coagulation of these fluids. Fibula (fib'-u-la}. The smaller or splint bone in the outer part of the leg, articulating above with the tibia, and below with the astraga- lus and tibia. Filiform (Jll'-i-forni). Thread-like, as the filiform papillae. Frontal (fron'-tal). Belonging to the front, as the frontal bone. Fungiform (fun'-ji-form). Having the form of a mushroom, as fungi- form papillae. Ganglion (yany'-gli-on\ pi. ganglions or ganglia. A separate and semi- independent nervous center, communicating with other ganglia or nerves, with the central nervous system, and peripheral organs. 364 Gastric (yas'-trik^). Pertaining to the stomach. Gelatin (jel'-a-tin). An albuminoid substance of jelly-like consistence, obtained by boiling skin, connective tissue, and bones of animals in water. The glue of commerce is an impure variety. Glosso-pharyngeal (glox'-o-fa-rin'-je-al). Pertaining to the tongue and larynx. Gluten (ylo'-ten). A substance resembling albumin, and with which it is probably identified ; it occurs abundantly in the seeds of cereals. Glycogen (yll'-ko-jen}. A white amorphous powder, tasteless and odor- less, forming an opalescent solution with water, and insoluble in alcohol. It is commonly known as animal starch. It occurs in the blood and in the liver, by which it is elaborated, and is changed by diastasic ferments into glucose. Gustatory (gus'-ta-to-ri}. Pertaining to the special sense of taste and its organs. Hashish (JtaM'-etA). A preparation from Indian hemp, Cannabis in- dica. It is a powerful narcotic. Haversian (ha-ver'-zian*). Haversian canal, in bone, a central opening for blood-tubes, surrounded by a number of concentric rings, or lamellae, of bone. Hemoglobin (hem-o-ylo'-bin}. A substance existing in the corpuscles of the blood, and to which their red color is due. Hepatic (he-pat' -ik). Pertaining or belonging to the liver. Hilum (hl'-lum}. A small pit, scar, or opening in an organic structure ; the notch on the internal or concave border of the kidney. Humerus (hu'-me-rus}. The bone of the upper arm. Humor (/m'-wor). Any liquid, or semi-liquid, part of the body. Hyoid (hl'-oid}. Having the form of the letter U. The hyoid bone situated between the root of the tongue and the larynx, supporting the tongue and giving attachment to its muscles. Hypo-glossal (hi-po-ylos'-al}. Under the tongue. Iliac (tT-t-rtJfc). Pertaining to the ilium, or region of the flanks, as iliac artery, vein, etc. Incisor (m-sf-sor). The chisel-shaped front teeth. Inhibition (in-hi-bish'-un). The act of checking, restraining, or sup- pressing ; any influence that controls, retards, or restrains. Inhib- itory nerves and centers are those intermediating a modification, stoppage, or suppression of a motor or secretory act already in progress. GLOSSARY. 365 Innominate (i-nom'-i-nate). Nameless ; a term applied to several parts of the body to which no other definite name has been given, as the innominate bone, artery, vein, etc. Invertin (in'-ver-tln\ A ferment found in the intestinal juice, and also produced by several species of plants ; it converts cane-sugar in solution into invert sugar. Jugular (jo'-gu-lar^. Pertaining to the throat, as the jugular vein. Katabolism (ka-tab'-o-lizm). Analytic or destructive metabolism ; a physiologic disintegration ; opposed to anabolism. Lacrymal (lak'-ri-mal}. Having relation to the organs of the secretion, transfer, or excretion of tears. Lacuna (la-ku'-na}. A little hollow space ; especially the microscopic cavities in bone occupied by the bone corpuscles, and communicat- ing with one another and with the haversian canals and the sur- faces of the bone through the canaliculi. Lamella (fti-mel'-a), pi. lamellae. A thin lamina, scale, or plate ; of bone, the concentric rings surrounding the haversian canals. Larynx (lar'-inyks). The upper part of the air passage between the trachea and the base of the tongue ; the voice-box. Legumin (le-grw'-rain). A proteid compound in the seeds of many plants belonging to the natural order Leguminosae (peas, beans, lentils, etc.). Lumbar (lum'-bcir\ pertaining to the loins, especially to the region about the loins. Lymphatic (lim-fat'-ik}. Pertaining to lymph. Lymphatics (lim-fat'-iks). The tubes that convey lymph. Lymphatic glands. The glands intercalated in the pathway of the lymphatic tubes, through which lymph is filtered. Massage (ma-sazh'). A method of effecting changes in the local and general nutrition, action and other functions of the body, by rub- bing, kneading, and other manipulation of the superficial parts of the body by the hand or an instrument. Masseter (mas'-e-ter^). A chewing-muscle felt on the angle of the jaw. Medullary (med'-u-la-ri}. Pertaining to the medulla, or marrow ; re- sembling marrow. Also pertaining to the white substance of the brain contained within the cortical envelop of gray matter. Mesenteric (mez-en-ter'-ik}. Pertaining to the mesentery, as artery, vein, etc. 366 GLOSS. IK}: Mesentery ^nez'-cn-lrr-i}. A fold of the peritoneum that connects cer- tain portions of the intestine with the dorsal abdominal wall. Metabolism (me-ta&'-d-Jtem). A change in the intimate condition of cells ; (1) constructive or synthetic metabolism is called Anabo- lism ; in anabolism, the substance is becoming more complex and is accumulating force ; (2) destructive or analytic metabolism is called Katabolism : in katabolism there is disintegration, the mate- rial is becoming less complex, and there is loss or expenditure of force. Metacarpus (met-a-kirr'-imx). The bones of the palm of the hand. Metatarsus (met-a-tar'-ms). The five bones of the arch of the foot, situated between the tarsus and the phalanges. Mitral (nil'-trtil). Resembling a miter; mitral valve, with two Hups, between the left auricle and the left ventricle. Molar (mo'-far). Mill; the grinding-teeth. Mucous (wu'-fctw). A term applied to those tissues that secrete mucus. Mucus (mu'-kus). A viscid liquid secretion of mucous membranes, composed essentially of inucin, holding in suspension desquamated epithelial cells, etc. Myosin ( wi'-o-sm). A proteid of the globulin class, the chief proteid of muscle. Its coagulation after death causes riyor mortis. Narcosis (nar-ko'-sis) . The deadening of pain, or production of incom- plete or complete anesthesia by the use of narcotic agents, such as anesthetics, opium, and other drugs. Narcotic (nar-kotf-ic}. A drug that produces narcosis. Neural (nu'-ral). Pertaining to the nerves. Neuroglia (nu-rog'-li-a*). The reticulated framework or skeleton-work of the substance of the brain and spinal cord. The term is some- times abbreviated to glia. Nucleus (nu'-kle-us). The essential part of a typical cell, usually round in outline, and situated in the center. Occipital (ok-sip'-i-tal}. Pertaining to the occiput or back part of the head, as the occipital bone. Odontoid (o-don'-toid). Resembling a tooth ; the tooth-like process (axis) of the second cervical vertebra, on which the atlas turns. Olfactory (ol-fak'-to-ri}. Pertaining to the sense of smell. Osmosis (os-wio'-sts)- That property by which liquids and crystalline substances in solution pass through porous septa ; endosmosis and exosmosis. GLOSSARY. 367 Oxy-hemoglobin (ok-ai-hem-o-ylo'-bin). Hemoglobin united, molecule for molecule, with oxygen. It is the characteristic constituent of the red corpuscles to which the scarlet color of arterial blood is due. Pancreas (pan'-krc-as^. A large racemose gland lying transversely across the dorsal wall of the abdomen. It secretes a clear liquid for the digestion of proteids, fats, and carbohydrates. The sweet- bread of animals, vulgarly called the "belly sweet-bread" in con- tra-distinction to the thymus, or true sweet-bread. Pancreatin (pan'-krv-a-t'm}. The active element of the pancreatic juice. Papilla (pa-pil'-a}, pi. papillae. Any soft, conical elevation, as papillae of the dermis, tongue, etc. Papillary (pap'-i-la-ri}. Pertaining to a papilla; papillary muscles, the conic muscular columns of the heart, to which the chordae tendineae are attached. Parietal (pa-ri'-e-tal). Pertaining to the walls, as the parietal bone. Parotid (pa-rot'-id). Near the ear, as the parotid salivary glands. Patella (pa-tel'-a}. The knee-pan. Peptone (pep'-ton}. A proteid body produced by the action of peptic and pancreatic digestion. Pericardium (per-i-kar'-di-um}. The closed membranous sac or cover- ing, that envelops the heart. Periosteum (per-i-os'-te-um*). A fibrous membrane that invests the surfaces of the bones, except at the points of tendinous and liga- mentary attachments, and on the articular surfaces where cartilage is substituted. Peristaltic (per-i-stal'-tik}. The peculiar movement of the intestine and other tubular organs, consisting in a vermicular shortening and narrowing of the tube, thus propelling the contents onward. It is due to the successive contractions of the bundles of longitudi- nal and circular muscular fibers. Peritoneal (per-i-to-ne'-al}. Pertaining to the peritoneum. Peritoneum (per-l-to-ne'-um*). The serous membrane lining the interior of the abdominal cavity, and surrounding the contained viscera. The peritoneum forms a closed sac, but is rendered complex in its arrangement by numerous foldings produced by its reflection upon the viscera. Phalanges (fa-lan'-jez), plural of phalanx (fa'-lanyks~). Any one of the bones of the fingers or toes. 368 GLOSS. 1A'\ \ Pharynx ^/'-/m/^- The cavity back of the soft palate. It commu- nicates anteriorly with the posterior nares, laterally with the eusta- chian tubes, ventrally with the mouth, and posteriorly with the gullet and larynx. Plasma (plaz'-ma). The original undifferentiated substance of IUIM rut, living matter. The fluid part of the blood and lymph. Pleura (]>Hj'-rii). The serous membrane which envelops the lungs, and which, being reflected back, lines the inner surface of the thorax. Plexus (plek'-sus). An aggregation of vessels or nerves forming an intricate net-work. Pneumogastric (nu-md-gas'-trik). Pertaining conjointly to the lungs and the stomach, or to the pneumogastric or vagus nerve. Portal (por'-tal). Pertaining to the porta (gate) or hi him of an organ, especially of the liver, as the portal vein. Postcaval (post-ka'-ioal}. Pertaining to the postcava; the postcaval vein, formerly called the inferior vena cava, or vena cava ascendens. Precaval (pre-kaf-mil}. Pertaining to the precava; the anterior caval vein, formerly called the superior vena cava, or vena cava de- scendens. Pronation (pro-na'-shun^). The turning of the palm downward. Protoplasm (pro'-to-plazm). An albuminous substance, ordinarily re- sembling the white of an egg, consisting of carbon, oxygen, nitro- gen, and hydrogen in extremely complex and unstable molecular combination, and capable, under proper conditions, of manifesting certain vital phenomena, such as spontaneous motion, sensation, assimilation, and reproduction, thus constituting the physical basis of life of all plants and animals. Ptyalin (tl'-a-lin}. An amylolytic or diastasic ferment found in saliva, having the property of converting starch into dextrin and sugar. Pulmonary (pul'-mo-na-ri). Pertaining to the lungs. Pylorus (pi-lo'-rus). The opening of the stomach into the duodenum. Radius (ra'-di-us). The outer of the bones of the forearm. Renal (re'-naV). Pertaining to the kidneys. Rennin (ren'-w). An enzyme, or ferment, to whose action is due the curdling or clotting of milk produced upon the addition of ren- net. Retina (ret'-i-na}. The chief and essential peripheral organ of vision; the third or internal coat or membrane of the eye, made up of the end organs or expansion of the optic nerve within the globe. GLOSSARY. 369 Sacrum (sa'-kruni). A curved triangular bone, composed of five con- solidated vertebrae, wedged between the two iliac (pelvic) bones, and forming the dorsal boundary of the pelvis. Scapula (skap'-u-la). The shoulder-blade. Sciatic (si-at'-ik}. Pertaining to the ischium; the sciatic nerve, the main nerve of the thigh. Sclerotic (skle-rot'-ik). Hard, indurated; pertaining to the outer coat of the eye. Semilunar (sem-i-lu'-nar}. Resembling a half-moon in shape; semilu- nar valves, pocket-like valves at the beginning of the aorta and pulmonary artery. Serous (se'-rus). Pertaining to, characterized by, or having the nature of, serum. Serum (se'-rum*). The yellowish fluid separating from the blood after the coagulation of the fibrin. Solar plexus (so'-lar). Solar, with radiations resembling the sun. Sphincter (sfinyk'-ter'), A muscle surrounding and closing an orifice. Splenic (splen'-ik). Pertaining to the spleen. Steapsin (sep'-,sm). A diastasic ferment which causes fats to combine with an additional molecule of water and then split into glycerine and their corresponding acids. Sternum (ster'-num}. The breast-bone. Subclavian (sub-kla'-vi-an). Situated under the collar-bone ; subcla- vian artery and vein. Sublingual (sub-ling 1 '-ywal). Lying beneath the tongue, as sublingual gland. Submaxillary (sub-mak '-si-la-ri}. Lying beneath the lower maxilla, as submaxillary salivary gland. Supination (su-pi-na'-shun}. The turning of the palm upward. Synovia ($i-no'-vi-a). The lubricating liquid secreted by the synovial membranes in the joints. Tarsus (ar'-sws). The instep, consisting of seven bones. Temporal (tem'-po-ral). Pertaining to the temples, as temporal artery, vein, muscle, etc. Tetanus (tet'-a-nus}. A spasmodic and continuous contraction of the muscles, causing rigidity of the parts to which they are attached. Thein (the'-in). An alkaloid found in tea. Theobromin (Mr-o-bro'-mm). A feeble alkaloid obtained from cacao- butter ; the essential substance found in cocoa and chocolate. 37O GLOSS A A'\' Thyroid (thi'-roid). Shield-shaped, as the thyroid cart ilage of the larynx. Tibia (tib'-i-a). The larger (inner) of the two hones of tin- leg, com- monly called the shinbone. Trachea (tra-ke'-a or tra'-kc-it). The windpipe. Triceps (tri'-seps). Triceps of the arm, the extensor of the arm. lyinu along the back of the humerus. Tricuspid (trl-kim'-piil). Having three cusps or points, as the trienspid valve. Trypsin (trip'-sin}. The proteolytic ferment of pancreatic juice. Ulna (ul'-na). The larger (inner) of the two bones of the forearm. Ureter (fi-re'-ter). The tube conveying the urine from the pelvis of the kidney to the bladder. Vaso-constrictor (rr/.x'-o-A-on-N/r/A-'-f <>/). Causing a constriction of the blood-vessels. Vaso-dilator (a*'-d-cK4a / -tor). Pertaining to the positive dilating mo- tility of the non-striated muscles of the vascular system. Vaso-motor (vas-o-ino'-tor). Serving to regulate the tension of the blood-vessels, as vaso-motor nerves ; including vaso-dilator and vaso-constrictor mechanisms. Ventricle (ven'-tri-kl). Applied to certain structures having a bellied appearance. The cavities of the heart from which the blood is forced out through the arteries. Vesicle (ves'-i-kl}. A small, membranous, bladder-like formation, as air vesicle. Villus (wT-its), pi. villi. One of the numerous minute vascular projec- tions from the mucous membrane lining the small intestine, for ab- sorbing digested food. Vitreous O*T-re-w). Glass-like, as the clear, jelly-like, vitreous humor of the eye. INDEX. Abdomen, cross section of, i6f. Abdominal respiration, 95. Absorption, 181. Of fats, 182, 183. From stomach, 175. Accommodation, 291. Acids, indigestion, 179. Fatty, 179. In poisoning, 323. Tasting, 302. Action of large arteries, 49. Of gullet, 171. Of heart, 45 ; rhythmic, 65. Of diseased kidneys, 197. Of muscle, 9. Of ciliary muscle, 291. Reflex, 30, 32, 263. Adam's apple, 309. Adjustment of lens, 290. Afferent currents, 268. Nerve fibers, 27, 28, 32. Nerve roots, 33, 31. After-images, 295. Negative, 295 ; Positive, 295. After-pressure, 281. Air, complemental, 96, 97. Composition of, 100. Currents about stoves, 116. Expired, 102. Reserve, 96, 97. Residual, 96, 97. Sacs, 84, 91. In the sickroom, 325. Tidal, 96, 97. Vesicles, 84, 91, 103. Washed, 119. Albinos, 288. Albumen, 145. Albuminuria, 199. Alcohol, 208. In the army, 216, 217. Binz, 218. Brunton, 250. And circulation, 70. Clum, 252. And cold climates, 209. And crime, 208. Crothers, 251. Effects of, 210, 223. And energy, 208, 212. And excesses, 252. Greely, 216. Halliburton, 222. And heat, 209. Hornaday, 221. Howell, 212. Luce, 260. Martin, 253. M'Kendrick, 222. Miura, 213. Moral deterioration, 253. As a narcotic, 210. And nerve centers, 251. And nervous system, 250. As a poison, 210. Reichert, 213. Rohe, 218. Stanley, 216. Stevenson and Murphy, 250. As a stimulant, 210. Thompson, 214. And training, 209. In the tropics, 221. And water, 210. Woodhull, 216. Woodruff, 217. 371 372 INDEX. Alcoholic beverages, 218. Alkalies, in digestion, 179. In poisoning, 323. Alveoli, of the lungs, 84. Ameba, 5. Amount of blood, 75. Of food needed, 193. Of perspiration, 136. Of saliva, 168. Amylopsin, 178. Anabolism, 203. Anatomy defined, 3. And sculpture, 346. Anesthetics, 254. Animal matter, 338, 339. Protoplasm, 202. Animals and plants, 205. Antidotes to poisons, 322, 347. Aorta, 44, 177. Apex beat of heart, 49. Apoplexy, 248. Appendicular skeleton, 330. Appendix, vermiform, 187. Aqueous humor, 288, 289. Arch, neural, 330, 331. Aristotle's experiment, 266. Arm, bleeding from, 314. Arrangement of teeth, 164. Of muscles, 341, Arterial muscle, exercise of, 233. Arteries, large, action of, 49. Bleeding from, 314. Distribution of, 44. And exercise, 69. Regulation of size, 68. Structure of, 51. Artery, carotid, 44, 314. Gastric, 44. Hepatic, 44, 177. Iliac, 44. Mesenteric, 177. Pancreatic, 44. Pulmonary, 42, 43. Renal, 44. Splenic, 44. Subclavian, 44. Articulating process, 331. Articulations of vertebra, 335. Artificial life, i. Renewal of air, 116. Auditory center, 244, 264. Nerve, 239, 238, 305. Auricles of heart, 41, 47. Contraction of, 46. Asiatic cholera, Bacillus of, 123. Association fibers, 264. Astigmatism, 292. Atlas, 335. Axial skeleton, 330. Axis, 335 ; axis cylinder, 27, 28. Bacilli, types of, 123. Bacillus, of Asiatic cholera, 123. Of diphtheria, 123. Of hog cholera, 123. Tuberculosis, 122, 123 Of typhoid fever, 123. Bacteria, 124. Of putrefaction, 127. Baking meat, 156. Powder bread, 189. Ball and socket joint, 339. Bandaging, 328. Barley, 149. Baseball, 229. Bathing, 232. The sick, 326; Time for, 233. Bath mils. 232. Baths, cold, 232; warm, 233. Beans, dried, 189. Bear, hibernation of, 201. Bedding, changing in sickroom. 326. Bee-stings, 324. Beef extract, 155. Tea, 155. Beets, 189. Beverages containing alcohol, 218. Biceps, 8, 15. Bicuspid teeth, 164. Bicycling, 230. Bile, 177. Duct, 186, 177. Functions of, 178. Sac, 160, 186. Bites of cats, 324; dogs, 324; snakes, 324. Bitters, taste of, 302. Blackberries, 189. Bleeding from arm, 314; arteries, 314; neck, 314; nose, 315; veins, 315. Blind spot, 293. INDEX. 373 Blindness, color, 295. Blister, 132. Blood, amount of, 75. Changes in, 106. Chemical reaction of, 75. Coagulation of, 74. Color of, 73. Composition of, 71. Of frog, 73. Gases of, 104. And glands, 134. Mixture of good and bad, 196. Quantity in different organs, 75. Renewal of, 200. And river, 195. Specific gravity of, 75. Transfusion of, 81. Work of, 39. Blood-flow, and exercise, 107. And lymph-flow, 77, 78. Rate of, 59. Blood-pressure, of ventricle, 46. Blood-stream and sewer, 199. Blood-supply of brain, 247. Of stomach, 173. Blood-tubes joining heart, 42. Blowing, 96. Blushing, 68. Boats upsetting, 321. Body, care of, 2. And locomotive, 109. Temperature of, 108. Boiled milk, 189. Boiling meat, 156 ; boiling water, 152. Bone, composition of, 338. Corpuscles, 337. Lamellae of, 337. Bone, structure of, 18, 337. Bones, broken, 317. Of ear, 305, 306. Hygiene of, 339. Lightness and strength of, 20. Relation to muscles, 15. Table of, 333. Uses of, 21, 330. Weight of, 337. Bow-legs, 339. Boxing, 229. Brain, 235. Blood-supply of, 247. Brain centers, connection of, 263. Convolutions and intelligence, 240. Ganglia of, 241. Gray matter of, 241. Hemispheres of, 240. Location of functions, 244. Parts of, 235. Preservation of, 236. Rest, 246, 247. And sensation, 30, 243. The water-cushion of, 248. White matter of, 241. Work, 246. Bread, hot, 189. Breathing, effect on circulation, 98. Deep, 97, 98. Hygiene of, 97. Through mouth, 98. Restoring, 320. And swallowing, 170, 171. Broiling meat, 156. Broken bones, 317. Bronchi, 43. Bruises, 340. Bulb, hair, 130. Olfactory, 303. Spinal, 245, 246. Burning clothing, 316. Burns, treatment of, 316. Cabbage, 189. Caffein, 155. Cake, 189. Calf muscle of frog, 9. Camel's hump, 201. Canaliculi, 338. Canals, haversian, 337, 338. Canals, semicircular, 305, 306. Candle, heat of, 205. And respiration, 201. Cane sugar, 179. Canine teeth, 164. Capacity of lungs, 97, 96. Vital, 97. Capillaries, blood-flow in, 55 ; of frog's web, 52, 53 ; of lung, 91 ; of muscle, 54 ; pulmonary, 86. Capsule of lens, 289. Carbohydrate food, 147. Carbohydrates, 147. 374 Carbon dioxid of air, 100, 102; in blood, i