Papers from the Historical Seminary of Brown University Edited by J. FRANKLIN JAMESON, Ph. D., Professor of History VII APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS TO THE KING IN COUNCIL, WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO RHODE ISLAND BY HAROLD D. HAZELTINE, A. B. REPRINTED FROM THE REPORTS OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION PROVIDENCE, R. I. 1896 XVIII.-APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS TO THE KING IN COUNCIL, WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO RHODE ISLAND. By HAROLD D. HAZELTINE. American history presents no more important or absorbing subject of consideration than the origin and development of our colonial institutions. While the record of our social and political achievements is fascinating and instructive, the re sult of recent investigations has added a new interest to the study of our institutional history; for we now appreciate more fully than ever that the systems of society and government developing in the colonies finally came to possess a broader usefulness in the constitutional life of the United States. We look to England for the origin of the essential features in our system of justice, and the thought of the English privy council as the predecessor of our highest federal tribunal has, in general terms, been entertained and stated. Yet it is believed that this interesting element in our constitutional development has never been fully presented to the attention of historical scholars. So far as the writer knows, no one has ever made a thorough and systematic investigation of colonial appeals to the King in council. The importance, however, of the practice of appealing from colonial courts to that tribunal as a court of last resort is obvious. This practice taught the colonists to look more and more to a supreme tribunal for the adjudication of their legal cases, and to accept as law the judicial opinions of that body. It accustomed them to regard the courts of the different colonies as but parts ot a judicial system which found a unifying principle in a court of final appeal. In short, this practice prepared them for the erection of a new court, with functions similar to those of the council, when the time came to organize a government for themselves. During the development of this practice, moreover, the impor tant doctrine of American jurisprudence which grants to the judiciary the power of setting aside an act of the legislature 299 300 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. as being- repugnant to the fundamental law of the land received sanction from England in the privy council s decision of a cer tain American case. 1 The object of the present paper will be to present the result of recent researches by the writer in regard to this neglected phase of our constitutional history. While it has been impos sible for him, up to the present time, to investigate the subject in detail in more than one colony, it is hoped that the history of appeals from the illustrative colony of Rhode Island, pre faced by a brief survey of appeals from the British colonies in general prior to the American Revolution, and supplemented by an account of the procedure of the King in council in such cases, will give some conception of the practice in its relations to English and American institutions. Judge Story has said 2 that "the essential criterion of appel late jurisdiction is that it revises and corrects the proceedings in a cause already instituted, and does not create that cause. 7 The doctrine thus clearly stated by this eminent American jurist is essentially the same as that held by the privy council in regard to its own jurisdiction over the English colonial courts. In the very first order in council regulating appeals from a British colony 3 it was decreed that "no appeal in any cause or matter, great or small, be permitted or allowed before the same matter be fully examined and ended by definitive sentence or other judgment having the force or effect of a sentence definitive." While the King in council exercised an original jurisdiction within certain limits, and had powers other than judicial, such as those exercised in the administra tion of the political affairs of the colonies, the present inquiry is concerned only with matters pertaining to this appellate authority over the judiciary of foreign possessions of the Crown; an appeal, as the term is here used, being a legal pro ceeding by which a case was removed from a colonial court to the King in council for final adjudication, after a certain defini tive judgment or judgments had been passed upon it by one or more of the colonial tribunals. 1 Winthrop v. Lechmere, Connecticut, 1727-28. 2 Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, 1761. 3 Order in council regulating appeals from Jersey, May 13, 1572. See Macqueen s Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords and Privy Coun cil, p. 735. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 301 It is well to remember, in this connection, that in much of the documentary material regarding the relations between the colonies and the home Government the word "appeal" is not always used in this legal sense. The word refers in some instances to what is more properly designated as a complaint, or a form of procedure by which colonists presented to the attention of the Crown certain accusations against governors or other colonial officials. 1 It refers, in other instances, to what is more correctly entitled a petition, or a proceeding which was more comprehensive and customary than a simple complaint. Even in certain official decrees of the King in council the terms appear to be confused, regular judicial appeals, legally granted by colonial courts, being referred to as "petitions of appeal." 2 While, however, complaints and petitions, sometimes desig nated as appeals, were, as a usual thing, political and not judi cial in their character, the English right of petition was oc casionally used by the colonists in judicial proceedings. 3 In some cases of refusal on the part of colonial courts to grant appeals to England, the parties aggrieved petitioned the King in council to allow such appeals; and acting as the tribunal with supreme authority over all colonial courts, the King and council took these petitions into their consideration, and either allowed or refused the appeal to their judgment. The right of petition was so used in the famous American cases of Wiu- throp v. Lechmere and Phillips v. Savage. 4 On petition, also, the appellee sometimes secured the dismissal of an appeal for nonprosecution, with the payment of costs by the appellant. 5 In still other cases petition secured relief from the obstruction of justice in colonial courts. 6 The right of appeal to the Crown in judicial proceedings was an established principle of English constitutional law during the period now under consideration, and was clearly expounded by the privy council itself. In the order in council 1 Colonial Records of North Carolina, II, p. 161-163. - Order in council, June 12, 1739, deciding Rhode Island case of Cogges- hall v. Coggeshall. 3 Colonial Records of North Carolina, II, p. 161. 4 See Chalmers s Opinions, II, p. 227, for reference to petition of Peter Van Bell, of Nevis, in 1704. 5 Order in council, December 21, 1738, deciding Rhode Island case of Martin v. Gibbs. 5 Macqueen, pp. 801, 805, 806. 302 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. of March 9, 1698, the governor and company of Connecticut were directed to take notice that it was u the inherent right of His Majesty to receive and determine appeals from all His Majesty s colonies in America; and that they govern them selves accordingly." In the famous privy council case of Christian v. Corren, appealed from the Isle of Man in 1716, this doctrine was more fully stated, it being held, also, that the right of appeal applied to both subject and sovereign. It appears, from the official record of this case, 1 that the Earl of Derby, King of the Isle of Man, made a decree concerning the lands in that island, and that the person against whom this decree was issued appealed to the privy council. The principal question at issue was whether an appeal should lie before the King in council, there being no reservation, in the grant made of the Isle of Man by the Crown, of the subject s right of appeal to the Crown. It was urged by the counsel for the appellant "that it appearing, in this case, that H. 4 had granted the Isle of Man to the Earl of Derby s ancestors, to hold by homage and other services, though there was no reservation of the subject s right of appeal to the Crown; yet this liberty was plainly implied. For that such liberty of appeal lay in all cases where there was a tenure of the Crown; and it was the right of the subjects to appeal to the sovereign to redress a wrong done to them in any court of justice; nay, if there had been any express words in the grant to exclude appeals, they had been void; because the subjects had an inherent right, inseparable from them as subjects, to apply to the Crown for justice. And on the other hand," the counsel further argued, " the King, as the fountain of justice, had an inherent right, inseparable from the Crown, to distribute justice among his subjects; and if this were a right in the subjects, no grant could deprive them of it; the consequence of which would be, that in all such cases, viz, where there were words exclusive of such right of appeal, the King would be construed to be deceived and his grant void : also precedents were cited in point." Lord Chief Justice Parker, who assisted at council upon this occasion, held that the King in council had neces sarily a jurisdiction in this case, in order to prevent a failure of justice. Upon the weight of argument thus presented, the council decided that an appeal lay before them, and gave a Peere Williams Reports, I, p. 329. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 303 judgment in favor of the appellant. Furthermore, the privy council instructions by which the governor of a colony was restrained from admitting appeals to the King in council, when the matter or sum in controversy was below a certain pre scribed value, were considered as restraints upon the governor alone, and not as precluding His Majesty from entertaining appeals in cases of any value, where he should deem it advis able; 1 and this royal prerogative, or right, was often thus exercised by the King in council. 2 The exercise of the right of appeal secured important advan tages, both to the colonist and the Crown. To the colonist it provided a means of relief from the arbitrary proceedings of colonial courts, which were often disposed to allow political or personal views and prejudices more weight than justice and law in the formation of their judicial opinions. It was bene ficial to the Crown for the reasons that otherwise the law designed for the inferior dominion might be considerably changed without the assent of the superior dominion, and that judgments might be given in the courts of the inferior domin ion to the disadvantage or lessening of the superiority of the Crown, or to making the superiority of the King only and not of the Crown. 3 Believing that the right of appeal to the Crown as an essen tial element of English jurisprudence has been fully substan tiated by the facts thus far presented in this paper, we shall proceed now to consider the conditions under which the privy council came to assist the King in the adjudication of these colonial cases. Two theories have been advanced in regard to the origin of this appellate jurisdiction of the council. The first theory is the one set forth by Governor Pownall, in his treatise on the administration of the British colonies in America. Governor Pownall asserts 4 in this work that at the time of settling the American colonies there was no precedent of a judicatory besides those within the realm, except in the cases of Guernsey and Jersey, which were remnants of the duchy of Normandy, and not united to the realm. According to the custom of Normandy, appeals lay to the Duke in council ; and on this ground appeals lay from the judicatories of these 1 Burge s Colonial Law, I, Introd., p. Ivii. 2 Chalmers s Opinions, II, p. 177. 3 Story s Commentaries, I, 175. 4 Pownall on the Colonies, second edition, p. 82. 304 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. islands to the King of England, as Duke in council ; and on this precedent also followed appeals from the courts of the American colonies to the King in council. The theory thus adduced by Governor Pownall is accepted by Burge, 1 Millar, and Clarke; Mr. Burge, in his Colonial Law, affirming that the opinion presented by Governor Pownall " receives confirma tion from the practice which prevailed of making the reference of appeals from Guernsey and Jersey to a committee of the privy council by a distinct and separate order from that by which appeals from the plantations were referred." Macqueen, in The Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords and Privy Council, 2 states that Governor Pownall must be in error in asserting that at the time of settling the Amer ican colonies there was no precedent, except in the cases of Guernsey and Jersey, of a tribunal in England invested with jurisdiction over the foreign possessions of that country; for of the two classes of parliamentary triers one was especially assigned to take cognizance of petitions, not only from Guern sey and Jersey, but from all of the other continental posses sions of England Gascony, Aquitaine, Guieune, et les autres terres et pays de par la mer et des Isles. Furthermore, Gover nor Pownall s assertion that Guernsey and Jersey continued to be remnants of the duchy of Normandy is not substantiated by proof or probability. From the history of those islands it would rather appear that they have been attached and faithful to England ever since the date of the Norman conquest. In his opinion, also, PowiialFs belief that appeals were brought from the Channel Islands to the King in council, by analogy to the Norman practice of appealing to the Duke in council, li seems alike unnecessary and unwarrantable. * * * From the Continues de Normandie it appears that an appeal lay to the court of Parliament. An appeal to the Duke in council 7 might well have meant, and most probably did mean, the Par liament; which, according to the feudal policy, was * * * always the last resort of litigants." Macqueen s theory, indeed, is that Parliament itself was previously the " supreme and ultimate jurisdiction" of Jersey and Guernsey; that the ancient practice of England was to redress the grievances of the Channel Islands, not in the privy council, but in the court of Parliament. To prove that 1 Colonial Law, I, Introd., p.xlvi. 2 Pages 682-686. I APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 305 Parliament dispensed justice to these islands, he cites a peti tion "in Parliament," which was sent over from the "poor inhabitants of the isles/ in 18 Edward II (A. D. 1324-25), addressed to the King and his council. 1 The council here referred to, Macqueen affirms, was the King s magnum con- dUum, or Parliament, as the whole proceeding was parliamen tary, and registered as such in the liolls of Parliament. It appears from this petition, moreover, and the response made to it, that "the ancient method of redressing errors complained of by the inhabitants of the Channel Islands was by commis sion, issued in Parliament, and addressed either to persons of local authority, or to certain of the King s judges, sent thither as justices itinerant; and when * * * the parties con tinued still to be dissatisfied, the highest remedy of all was at last afforded them, namely, a writ of error from chancery, returnable before the King in the court of Parliament. It may, indeed, be said that the response to the" above-mentioned " petition does not show that the errors complained of were necessarily to be corrected in the court of Parliament; the terms of the order being merely to bring the errors before the King, without more. But the material thing is, that the petition is addressed to the King and his council 4n parlia- mento; and that the order for redress issues from the Parlia ment. It is probable, too (though that is a point less material to the present argument), that the writ of error granted to the islanders would have been made returnable before the King in Parliament, in the usual way, no other court being mentioned in the response." 2 It appears that this system of revision by parliamentary or royal commissioners, with an ultimate appeal to the King in his magnum concilium, continued until it became either impossible or at least very difficult for the islanders to obtain redress for grievances by that procedure. Finally came the intermissions of Parliament which gave rise to the erection of the court of exchequer chamber for the de termination of writs of error from the court of Queen s bench; and it was these intermissions that occasioned the establish ment of a tribunal, in place of the court of Parliament, for 1 For accounts of the King s various councils, see Crabb s History of English Law, pp. 217, 218; and Bowyer s Commentaries on the Constitu tional Law of England, pp. 123-129. 2 See further, Macqueen, p. 685, note (d). H. Mis. 91 20 306 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the adjudication of appeals from tlie Channel Islands. This snbstitutionary tribunal was the privy council. Such are the two theories, arid in all justice to the weight of evidence produced by Governor Pownall and Mr. Macqueen, the theory advanced by the latter must be accepted as the true interpretation of the origin of this most interesting court of appeals. We are now prepared to trace the general history of appeals to the King in his privy council. In this way we shall see clearly that the rise of the practice here in the New World was due in part, it is true, to local causes, but in a greater degree to the general doctrine that such a practice was the natural outgrowth of the rights and liberties of all British subjects. The privy council began the exercise of its functions as a court of review with the island of Jersey. 1 We are assured in a letter received from the greffier of Jersey by Mr. Eeeve, of the council office, that appeals were first granted to the privy council from that island in the reign of Henry VIII, 2 or between 1509 and 1547. In the official Eecords of the Coun cil, however, the first indication of an appellate jurisdiction is the order in council of May 13, 1572, which provides for appeals from Jersey. It appears that Jersey laws in regard to appeals were in much need of reformation, and on the peti tion of Helier de Carteret, Lord of St. Owne, and one of the jurats of justice, the privy council issued this order. The terms of the order were That no appeal be admitted or allowed from any sentence or judgment in any matter or cause not exceeding the value or sum of seven pounds sterling of current English money; that no appeal in any cause or matter, great or small, be permitted or allowed before the same matter be fully examined and ended by definitive sentence, or other judgment having the force or effect to a sentence definitive; that every appeal shall be pre sented within three months next ensuing the sentence or judgment given therein, except there be in the cause a lett or impediment to be proved before their lordships, being the judges of appeals, and by their lordships allowed; that no appeal be hereafter received without the coppie, as well as the sentence or judgment, as also of the whole greffe of the cause, closed together under the seal of the isle. And that there be no lett or hindrance to the appellants in hearing thereof, it is ordered by the said lords that the bailliff and jurats of the isle, from whom the appeal shall be made, shall upon request made to them deliver or cause to be delivered to the said parties appellants the said coppie within eight days after such request. 1 Macqueen, p. 735. 2 Ib., p. 686. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 307 The only regulation in regard to time contained in this order appears to be that the act of the court below, or official tran script of the decree appealed from, must be deposited in the privy council office within three months from the date of the decree. According to this order, also, an appeal might be car ried to the King in council in a matter of as small value as 7. Undoubtedly suits of a very trivial nature were actually appealed to the council under this latter regulation ; for by an order of May 19, 1671, it was decreed "that no appeal for movable goods or personal estate be henceforth allowed unless it be of the value of three hundred livres tournois 1 per annum; nor for inheritance or other real estate, unless of the value of five livres tournois per annum." A further order in regard to appeals from Jersey was issued by the King in council on August 28, 1580. This declares "that it shall not be lawful to appeal in any cause criminal or of correction, nor from the execution of any order taken in the Court of Chief Pleas, nor in Cries of Haro." While the writer has been unable to find any privy council regulations in regard to appeals from Guernsey, it is probable that such cases were subject to the same or similar rules as those from Jersey; for these two islands were for a long time the sole colonial possession of the Crown, and were classed together as the Channel Isles. Jersey and Guernsey having no representative in Parlia ment, their interests seemed of little concern to that body or to the nation at large; and, as we have already remarked, Parliament finally came to be exceedingly lax in the dispensa tion of justice to these islands. Their inhabitants, therefore, welcomed the change in England s judicial system by which the adjudication of their appeals was transferred from the court of Parliament to the privy council. But Parliament itself was not so willing to grant to the privy council, as an independent tribunal of justice, the jurisdiction of appeals from the colonies. By an act of the Long Parliament the court of requests and the Star Chamber 2 were abolished, and it was declared that neither His Majesty nor his privy council have, or ought to have, any jurisdiction by English bill, petition, articles, libel, or any other arbitrary way whatsoever upon the A livre touruois was equivalent to a modern franc, or 19 cents. 2 Both of these courts were composed of privy councilors. See Bow- yer s Commentaries, p. 126. 308 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. estates of tlie subject. Yet notwithstanding this action by Parliament, the separate and independent jurisdiction that the privy council soon actually possessed was gradually ex tended to other foreign possessions of the Crown, until at last the council s ancient allegiance to the court of Parliament was obsolete and forgotten. 1 The general appeal regulations of the King and council ap plied to the American colonies, including Ehode Island, and are thus of special interest and importance to us in the pres ent inquiry. The first of these general regulations appears to be an order in council of 1683. The records state that 011 January 23 of that year it was Ordered by his Majesty in Councill, that no appeals be for the future admitted at this Board from any of his Majesties fforeign plantations, unless there be sufficient security first given by the appellants, as well at this Board as in the respective plantations, to prosecute their appeals eifec- tually and to stand the award of his Majesty in councill thereupon. The order specifies no definite sum as necessary for such security, but the appellant in the case of Cooke v. Saintlo, appealed from the island of Nevis in 168G, gave security in England in the sum of 1,000. 2 In 1689 colonial governors were directed by their instruc tions not to allow any appeal to be made to the King in coun cil unless the estate or other matter in question amount to the value of 500. 3 This regulation prevented an inspection into the conduct of governors and courts in all cases of a less value than 500, and thus gave them an ultimate jurisdiction in practically all of the litigation of the day. It is estimated, indeed, that inasmuch as most of the suits in the colonies at that time were in regard to commerce, not one in fifty was of the value of 500. In many cases, also, where the governors, according to these instructions, ought to have allowed appeals they frequently refused them, on the ground that the land, estate, or negro slaves sued for were not of the required value, although it was evident that they were worth much more. It was this custom of refusing an appeal in cases where it should have been granted according to the true intent of the instruc tions that largely occasioned the practice, already referred to, of petitioning the King in council for permission to appeal. J Macqueen, p. 686. 2 Order in council, October 27, 1686. 3 Colonial Records of North Carolina, II, p. 161. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELT1NE. 309 A practice iii the colony with whose history we are especially concerned in this essay occasioned the passage of the next important general regulation of appeals. It often happened in cases of appeal to the King in council from the decisions of the Khode Island assembly, as a court of error, that these decisions were reversed, and that in the meantime execution had been granted by the assembly, although no security was given by the appellee to make restitution in case of reversal. 1 The subject was brought to the attention of the privy council, and action taken on July 5, 1720. On the 28th of the same month instructions were sent to all of the colonies to suspend execution in such cases until the iinal issue, unless adequate security was given by the appellee. The instructions of 1746 2 form, perhaps, the most important of all the English regulations of appeals prior to 1776. Accord ing to these instructions, in all the British colonies, except those in which the courts were constituted by charters or orders in council, the governors were directed to allow appeals to His Majesty in council. The forty-seventh instruction pro vides for the appeal to the governor and council from the courts of law in the colonies, and directs that if either party shall be dissatisfied with the judgment of that tribunal he may then appeal to the King in council. This ultimate appeal, however, was subject to the further provisions that the sum or value so appealed for unto us exceed five hundred pounds sterling, and that such appeal be made within fourteen days after sen tence, and good security given by the appellant that he will effectually prosecute the same, and answer the condemnation, as also to pay such costs and damages as shall be awarded by us, in case the sentence of the gov ernor and council be affirmed: Provided nevertheless, where the matter in question relates to the taking or demanding any duty payable to us, or to any fee of office, or annual rent, or any such like matter or thing, where the right in future may be bound; in all such cases you are to admit the appeal to us in our privy council, though the immediate sum or value appealed from be of less value. And it is our further will and pleasure that in all cases where by your instructions you are to admit appeals to us in our privy council, execution be suspended until the final deter mination of such appeal, unless good and sufficient security be given to the appellant to make ample restitution of all the appellant shall have lost by means of such judgment or decree, in case upon the determina tion of such appeal such judgment or decree should be reversed, and resti tution awarded to the appellant. 1 Arnold s History of Rhode Island, II, p. 83. 2 February 4, 1746. 310 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. It will be noticed that this legislation formulates anew the instructions issued to governors in 1089 and the order in council of July 28, 1726. While, however, the instructions of 1689 provide simply that an appeal is to be allowed where the estate or other matter in question amounts to the value of 500, the instructions of 1746 further stipulate that in all cases relating to duties payable to the Crown, fees of office, annual rents, or any such matter, an appeal shall be allowed, even though the amount involved be less than 500. It will be observed, further, that while the order in council of 1572, regulating appeals from Jersey, requires that every such appeal shall be presented within three months next ensuing the sentence or judgment given in the island court, unless for good reason the privy council grant an extension of time, the forty-seventh in struction provides that appeals be made within fourteen days after sentence. These instructions of 1746 applied to appeals from the governor and council as a court of error, but under their provisions, inasmuch as there was no other instruction, the governor also admitted appeals from his decisions as chancellor and ordinary. 1 We must now pass on to the special consideration of appeals from the British colonies in America. Among these possessions of the Crown were the islands of Barbados and Nevis. According to the governor s instruc tions, appeals from all tribunals in Barbados, including the court of exchequer, were first heard by the governor and council as a court of chancery; and if any party to a suit was dissatis fied with a decision of this court he then had the privilege of appealing to the King in council. 2 Appeals from the president and council as a court of chancery in Nevis were also heard by the King in council; but appeals from the president and council as a court of admiralty, with authority derived from the admiralty of England, were heard by that court and not by the King in council. 3 Of the instruments of government granted to the thirteen colonies which subsequently formed the United States of America, the first containing reference to appellate proceed ings in England is the Carolina charter of 1663. This docu ment stipulates that "the inhabitants of the said Province, Surge s Colonial Law, I, Introd., p. xlviii. 2 Chalmers s Opinions, II, p. 175, sec. 16. 3 Ib., II, p. 227, sec. 12. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 311 nor any of them, shall at any time hereafter be compelled or compellable, or be anyways subject or liable to appear or answer to any matter, suit, cause or plaint whatsoever, out of the Province aforesaid, in any other of our islands, colonies, or dominions in America or elsewhere, other than in our realm of England, and dominion of Wales." The Carolina charter of 1665 contains the same provision. It is certainly true that the wording in these charters is so general that we may well ques tion whether appeals to the King in council were included within their provisions. Yet by 1663 the privy council had an independent jurisdiction in colonial cases, and it is quite as safe to assume that appeals to this tribunal were among the causes to be heard in England as that reference was made exclusively to appellate proceedings in other English courts. In the New York patent of 1664, however, we discover direct reference to appeals. The instrument states that Charles II gives and grants unto James, Duke of York, "full and abso lute power and authority to correct punish pardon governe and rule * * * saving and reserving to us our heirs and successors the receiving hearing and determining of the appeal or appeals of all or any such person or persons, of in or belonging to the territoryes or islands aforesaid in or touching any judgment or sentence to Be there made or given." Prac tically the same provision is found in the confirmatory patent of 1674. While these Xew York instruments refer, in general terms, to appeals "to us our heires and successors," there can be no doubt that appellate proceedings before the King and his privy council were intended by the framers. 1 The New Hampshire commission of 1679 2 is apparently the first colonial instrument of government containing definite and explicit provisions in regard to appeals to the privy council. The commission confers both executive and judicial powers on the president and council, appointed by the Crown, and further recites that notwithstanding it is Our will and pleasure, and so we do hereby expressly declare, that it shall and may be lawfull from time to time to and for all and every person and persons, who shall think himself or themselves aggrieved by any sentence, judgm* or decree pronounced, given or made (as afors d ) in, about or concerning the title of any land, or other reall 1 See Story s Commentaries, I, pp. 72, 74. -This commission passed the great seal September 18, 1679, but did not go into effect until the year following. 312 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. estate, or in any personal! action, or suit above the value of 50 and not under, to appeal from said Judging Sentence and Decree unto us, Our heirs and successors, and our and their Privie Councell. But with and under this caution and limitation ; That the Appellant shall first enter into and give good security to pay full costs, in case no relief shall be obtained upon such decree. And our further will and pleasure is, and so do we hereby declare; That in all criminall cases, where the punishm* to be inllicted on the offenders shall extend to loss of life or limb (the case of willfull mur der excepted). the psn. convicted shall either be sent over into this Our Kingdom of Eng d with a true state of his case and conviction ; or execu tion shall be respited until the case shall be here presented unto us, our heirs and successors, in Our and their Privie Councell, and orders sent and returned therein. The charter granted to William Penu iii 1681 for the govern ment of Pennsylvania contains practically the same appeal provision that we found in the New York patents. It author izes the proprietary to establish courts of justice, " Saving and reserving to Us, Our heirs and Successors, the receiving, heare- iug, and determining of the appeale and appeales of all or any Person or Persons, of, in, or belonging to the Territories afore said, or touching any Judgment to bee there made or given." As the New Hampshire commission, written two years prior to this, or in 1679, contains the definite statement that appeals from that colony shall be "unto us, Our heirs and successors, and our and their Privie Councell," appeals, not to the King alone, but to the King in council, were unquestionably intended by the Pennsylvania charter. The fact, moreover, that the cus tomary expression, u to us, our heirs and successors," is found in a colonial instrument issued subsequently to the date of the carefully worded New Hampshire commission of 1679 is further proof that the framers of the New York patents provided in those instruments for appeals to the King in his privy council. The commission issued to Sir Edmund Andros in 1686 for the government of New England contains, among other in structions, the following in regard to appeals: And we do further by these presents will and require you, to permit appeals to be made, in cases of error, from our Courts in our said territory ind dominion of New England, unto our Governor and Council in civil causes; provided the value appealed for, do exceed the sum of one hun dred pounds sterling, and that security be first duly given by the appel lant, to answer such charges as shall be awarded in case the first sentence shall be affirmed. And whereas we judge it necessary, that all our sub jects may have liberty to appeal to our Royal person, in cases that may require the same, our will and pleasure is, that if either party shall not rest satisfied with the judgment or sentence of our Governor and Coun- APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 313 cil, they may then appeal unto us in our Privy Council, provided the matter in difference exceed the real value and sum of three hundred pounds sterling; and that such appeals be made within one fortnight after sentence; and that security he likewise given by the appelant, to answer such charges as shall he awarded in case the sentence of the Governor and Council shall he confirmed, and provided also, that execu tion be not suspended by reason of any such appeal unto us. The Massachusetts charter of 1C91 contains similar provi sions. It stipulates as follows: And whereas Wee judge it necessary that all our Subjects should have liberty to Appeale to us our heires and Successors in Cases that may deserve the same Wee doe by these presents Ordaiue that incase either party shall not rest satisfied with the Judgement or Sentence of any Judi- catories or Courts within our said Province or Territory in any Personall Accoii wherein the matter in difference doth exceed the value of three hundred Pounds Sterling that then he or they may appeale to us Our heirs and Successors in our or their Privy Council Provided such Appeale be made within Fourteen dayes after the Sentence or Judgement given and that before such Appeale be allowed Security be given by the party or parties appealing in the value of the matter in Difference to pay or Answer the Debt or Damages for the which Judgement or Sentence is given With such Costs and Damages as shall be Awarded by us Our Heires or Successors incase the Judgement or Sentence be affirmed. And Provided alsoe that no Execution shall be stayd or suspended by reason of such Appeale unto us our Heires and Successors in our or their Privy Councill soe as the party Sueing or takeing out Execution doe in the like manner give Security to the value of the matter in difference to make Restitucion in Case the said Judgment or Sentence be reversed or aniiul d upon the said Appeale. Such are the actual appeal provisions in the organic laws of the colonies. While direct reference to appeals is not to be found in several of the instruments, the fact that all of the charters, with one exception, 1 contain a provision that the inhabitants of the colonies and their children shall be deemed British subjects, and entitled to all the liberties and immunities thereof, makes it clear that the English government designed that appeals should be allowed to the privy council from all of the charter colonies; and it is exceeding probable that appeals were also allowed from other colonies than those under char ters, for all of the colonists enjoyed the rights and liberties of British-born subjects, and, as we have already observed in an 1 Pennsylvania charter of 1681. Judge Story has drawn attention to the fact that Chalmers, in Annals, I, pp. 639, 658, observes that the clause was wholly unnecessary in this charter, as the allegiance to the Crown was reserved; and the common law thence inferred, that all of the inhabit ants were subjects, and, of course, were entitled to all the privileges of Englishmen. 314 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. earlier part of the present discussion, the right of appeal was one of the most fundamental in English constitutional law. But we have the authority of distinguished jurists on this point. Blackstoue, in speaking of the charter colonies, affirms 1 that they had courts of justice of their own, from whose deci sion an appeal lay to the King in council; and Judge Story asserts 2 that appeals lay to that tribunal, not only from the highest courts of judicature in the charter governments, but from those in all the colonies. That the right of the King and council to exercise an appel late jurisdiction over the colonial courts in America was not yielded without a struggle on the part of colonial governments is evident from historical events subsequent to 1680 5 and to these events we must now briefly refer. Pitkin, in his Political and Civil History of the United States, is authority for the statements 3 that the Crown did not interfere in the judicial proceedings of the colonies, or claim a controlling power over their judicial tribunals, until about 1680; that prior to this period the general assemblies, in most of the colonies, were the tribunals of last resort, in all civil causes; but that at that time the King and council claimed the right of receiving and hearing appeals from the colonial courts, in private suits. There is strong evidence, however, that the King and council claimed the right of receiving and hearing appeals from the colonies several years prior to 1680. The New York patents of 1664 and 1674, and the New Hampshire commission of 1679, all contain provisions with respect to appeals, But while it is not true that the Crown did not claim a controlling power over colonial courts in America until 1680, it is probable, nevertheless, that until about that time there had been no open denial of the right of appeal by a colonial government, nor, except in patents, any positive declaration by the privy council as to its right to hear appeals from the colonies. It appears that appeals from the general court of Virginia, consisting of the governor and council, were heard before a joint committee of both houses of the general assembly, the members of this committee from the house of burgesses being 1 Commentaries, I, p. 108. 2 Ib., I, p. 108. 3 Vol. I, p. 123. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 315 in a majority. 1 In a particular case that came before this committee for adjudication, a question arose as to whether those of its members from the council who had previously given their opinion in the general court should again sit as judges with appellate powers. The members from the house of burgesses on this judicial committee insisted that the council members ought not so to act. The committee members from the council, however, asserted this right, and in their claims were supported by the governor, Lord Culpepper. The discussion over this question of judicial authority was carried to such an extent that the governor presented the matter to the attention of the King. Soon after this an order was issued by the Crown that thereafter no appeal should be heard by the general assembly, as such a practice was inconsistent with the laws and practices of England, but that all appeals from the decisions of the general court should be heard and deter mined by the King in council, with the condition that all such appeal cases should exceed in value 300, and that good security should be given to pay the principal, with all costs and damages. Soon after this remarkable change in the jurisprudence of Virginia appeals were demanded in some of the other colonies, especially in New Hampshire and Connecticut. These appeals were at first refused by the colonial authorities, but on com plaint being made to the King in council peremptory orders were issued to admit them. A concrete case will illustrate the positions taken by the colonial government and by the privy council. An appeal from the Connecticut courts being demanded was refused, the colony justifying its refusal by stating to the King that by the charter the colonists had the sole power of constituting courts and of deciding ultimately in all cases without any reservation of a right on the part of the Crown to revise their decisions. Notwithstanding this firm position of the colony, the King and council, on the petition of John and Nicholas Hallam and Edward Palmes, issued the following order, 2 March 9, 1698: His Majesty in councill approving of what is proposed by the Councill of Trade in their said representation, is pleased to order that the governor and company of the colony of Connecticut be required to take care that no 1 Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, first series, V, p. 139; Pitkin s Political and Civil History of the United States, I, p. 124. 2 Macqueen, p. 805. 316 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. obstruction of the course of justice be practiced or allowed amongst them ; but that the respective cases mentioned in the said representation, and any other whatsoever that may hereafter happen upon differences between man and man about private rights, be fairly heard and judged in the proper methods of the courts established in that colony. And in case the petition ers in the aforesaid causes, or any of them, or any other persons, shall think themselves aggrieved by the sentence or sentences which may be there given, they may thereupon be allowed to appeal to his Majesty in councill. And that copies of all records and other proceedings in all such respective cases be transmitted hither, in order to a final hearing and determination thereof before his Majesty in councill. And that in all such cases, the governor and company of the colony of Connecticutt do take notice that it is the inherent right of his Majesty to receive and determine appeals from all his Majesty s colonys in America; and thai they do govern them selves accordingly. Authoritative as was tliis order, the colony of Connecticut, imagining that the King was taking away its charter rights, still refused to admit appeals, and the governor even went so far as to declare that before an appeal should be allowed "they would dispute the point with His Majesty." ] A second com plaint being made and further orders issued by the King in council, an appeal was finally granted in June, 1701. We are assured by one authority, 2 however, that even as late as 1755 no appeals were allowed to the King in council from Connec ticut; that some had been carried to England by way of com plaint, but that in all of these there had been no relief except in the case of John Winthrop. Notwithstanding the explicit directions in the New Hamp shire commission of 1679, that colony also resisted for a time the right of the King and council to hear appeals from its courts. Yet New Hampshire appeals were actually received by the King in council, for in the privy council register we read "that on the 22nd of April, 1685, William Yaughan, in habitant and planter in New Hampshire, entered his appeale against several verdicts and judgments, one fine, and one de cree, given against him in New Hampshire aforesaid." After the English Revolution, the charter colonies were not allowed to continue long in the peaceful administration of their affairs. Their disregard of the navigation acts and their denial of the right of appeal to the King in council in judicial proceedings were, perhaps, the chief causes for hostile senti ment on the part of the British Government. It was a very iPitkin s Political and Civil History of the United States, p. 125. a Douglass s Summary, II, p. 174. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 317 general opinion in England, also, that the colonies under the charter form of government were seeking to secure their inde pendence. In 1701, therefore, a bill was introduced in Parlia ment, the passage of which would unite all the charter colonies directly to the Crown, including Massachusetts, New Hamp shire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland, East and West Jersey, Pennsylvania, Carolina, and the Bahama Islands. About this time, the lords of trade, in a letter to the Earl of Bellomont, say that This declining; to admit appeals to his Majesty in council is a matter that you ought very carefully to watch against in all your governments. It is an humour that prevails so much in the proprietor s and charter col onies, and the independency they thirst after is now so notorious, that it has been thought fit, these considerations, together with other objections against these colonies, should be laid before the parliament ; and a bill has thereupon been brought into the house of lords, for reuniting the right of government in these colonies, to the crown. The bill, however, was defeated, largely through the efforts of colonial agents who were given a hearing before the House of Lords. The enemies of the charter and proprietary colonies were not discouraged by the failure of this bill, and continued to enter their complaints before the King and the board of trade. Taking advantage of the just complaints of the inhabitants of Carolina, in regard to the conduct of the proprietors of that province, l they succeeded in bringing to the attention of Par liament, in the beginning of the reign of George I, the subject of annulling, not only the charter of Carolina but those of the other colonial governments as well. Once more, however, these efforts were unsuccessful. This general history of colonial appeals would be incomplete without a brief account of three concrete cases which, though not originating in Khode Island, illustrate in a striking man ner the vital importance which might sometimes attach to a colonial appeal. In these three cases the validity of impor tant colonial laws was brought directly into question, and the record of these cases forms, therefore, a separate and most interesting chapter in our legal history. Let us briefly con sider, therefore, the leading facts in connection with Winthrop v. Lechinere, Phillips v. Savage, and Clark v. Tousey. See Colonial Records of North Carolina, II, p. 121, 318 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Connecticut case of Wintkrop v. Leckmere is, perhaps, tke most famous of all tke American colonial cases, for in tkis case tke validity of colonial law was not only brought into question, but a certain statute was actually set aside by tke King in council as being repugnant to the common law of England. In 1692 Massachusetts passed an act for tke settlement and distribution of the estates of intestates. Fn 1699 the assembly of Connecticut passed a similar act, 2 according to the pro visions of which the real estate of an intestate was divided among his children, giving, however, a double portion to the eldest son. General Wait Still Wintkrop, son of Governor Jokn Wiuthrop, of Connecticut, died in 1717 intestate, leaving two children, John Wintkrop, and Ann, wife of Thomas Lech- niere, tke defendant in tkis case. General Winthrop s landed estates in Connecticut were large, and the administration of them was now committed to John Wintkrop. Wintkrop, kowever, claimed all the real estate as his own, holding that he was General Winthrop s sole heir under the common law of England, and that the colonial statute of 1699, by which he would be entitled to two-thirds and his sister to one-third of tke estate, Avas invalid, as being contrary to tke higher law of the home country. Winthrop continuing to hold the entire estate, in 1724 Thomas Leckmere applied to the court of probate of Connecti cut, claiming, in right of kis wife, a proportion of the real estate left by General Winthrop, and asserting that he was kept out of it by reason of the fact that the administrator had not inventoried and administered the same. Winthrop replied by showing an inventory of tke personal estate, claiming that administrators had nothing to do witk lands, as tkey belonged to tke keir at law in this case himself according to the law of England. After nearly two years of litigation in the courts of Con necticut and Massachusetts, the superior court of Connecticut, 1 Connecticut Historical Society Collections, IV, p. 94, note; Massachu setts Historical Society Collections, sixth series, V, p. 496, and VI; Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, second series, VIII, pp. 125-137; Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, first series, 1860-1862, pp. 66, 67. Professor C. M. Andrews article, "The Connecticut Intestacy Law/ in the Yale Review, November, 1894. 2 The Connecticut charter gave the assembly the right to make laws, provided they were not contrary to the laws of England. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 319 on March 22, 1725-26, caused the letters of administration granted to Winthrop to be vacated, and appointed Thomas Lechmere and Ann, his wife, administrators of the estate. At the next session of the general assembly Wiuthrop presented a petition, and declared that he would appeal to the King in council, although by so doing he would ignore the highest court in Connecticut, to which the case should have been carried, according to colonial law. Winthrop s petition being dismissed by the assembly, he entered a most vigorous protest; and the assembly thereupon ordered the sheriff to bring him before the bar of that body to answer for the contempt manifested in the protest. Wmthrop, however, escaped in the night, before the sheriff could arrest him, and according to previous threats pre sented his case to the Kin-g in council by petition, claiming that the Connecticut act was contrary to the laws of England. The case was tried before the King in council, and a decree was finally issued by that tribunal, on February 15, 1728, declaring the Connecticut law entitled "An act for the settlement of intestate estates null and void, as being repugnant to English law, reversing the decisions of the Connecticut courts and giving the whole of the real estate to John Winthrop. Iteversing, as it did, the policy of distributing and settling intestate estates which had prevailed in Connecticut from the beginning of its history, and thus affecting every person in the colony, the order caused great alarm. But not in Connec ticut alone was there consternation at this sudden overturning of established conditions. Other New England colonies had intestate laws and practices similar to those of Connecticut, and no one could tell how soon these would also be subverted by the King and council. The issues presented by this case were so important to all of the colonists that the government of Connecticut at once made active and strenuous efforts to secure a reversal of the privy council s decision. During the pendency of negotiations for the effecting of this end, a Mas sachusetts case, similar to Winthrop v. Lechmere, was carried to the King in council for final adjudication. This was the case of Phillips r. Savage. 1 Henry Phillips, of Boston, killed Benjamin Woodbridge in a duel on the Common July 3, 1728, and at once tied to France. He died there about a year afterwards, intestate, leaving his 1 Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, first series, 1860-1862, pp. 64-80, 164-171. >** 320 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. mother, two sisters (one the wife of Habijah Savage and the other the wife of Arthur Savage), and the children of a deceased sister, Mrs. Butler. Administration on his estate, appraised at 3,950, was granted, July 17, 1730, to his brother, Gillani Phillips. On April 6, 1733, the judge of probate for Suffolk County issued a warrant to five freeholders, by Avhich they were directed "to make a just and equal division, or par tition, of the estate, in housing and lands, whereof Henry Phillips, late of Boston, gentleman, deceased intestate, died seized and possessed, between his mother, brother, sisters, or their legal representatives, in five equal parts or shares." The freeholders so appointed performed the service as thus directed, and made report on May 11, 1733. On May 15 following the judge of probate allowed and confirmed their action, in probate court. On October 18, 1733, Gillani Phillips appealed to the governor and council from this decree of the judge of probate confirm ing the action of the committee of freeholders, which he insisted was wrong and erroneous, for he, Gillam Phillips, as the only brother of the deceased, was his heir, by the common law of England. On November 2, 1733, there was a hearing of the case before the governor and council. This tribunal affirming the decree of the judge of probate, Phillips, 011 November fol lowing, presented a petition to the governor and council, pray ing to be allowed an appeal from their decision to the King in council. The petition was dismissed by the governor and council, but by an order of the King in council, February 12, 1734, Phillips was permitted to appeal from the order of the judge of probate of April G, 1733, issuing the warrant to the committee of five freeholders to divide the real estate; from the order of the judge of probate of May 15, 1733, allowing and confirming the return of the committee; and from the order of the governor and council of November 2, 1733, affirming the decree of the judge of probate. The case was tried before the privy council on January 13 and 1G, 1738. The orders or decrees appealed from were affirmed and the appeal dismissed. The question at issue in both of these cases was exactly the same the validity of the colonial statutes and there can be no doubt that the laws regarding intestate estates, both in Con necticut and Massachusetts, were contrary to the common law of England. It seems strange, therefore, that we should find the privy council deciding so differently in the two cases. But APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINK. 321 the reason is here. The Massachusetts charter empowered the colony to make and establish laws, provided they be not con trary to the laws of England, requiring also that these colonial laws be sent over to be approved or disallowed by the King in council. The Massachusetts act of 1692, providing for the set tling of intestate estates, being thus transmitted to the Crown, was solemnly confirmed by an order in council; and in pursu ance of the powers specified in this order, the governor, council and assembly of the colony passed several explanatory acts in 1710, 1715, and 1719, which were not disallowed by the Crown. Again, in 1695, the act of 1692 was specially confirmed by the then lords justices in council. The Connecticut charter, how ever, contained no provision in regard to sending over colonial laws for the approval or disallowance of the Crown. When the Connecticut appeal came before the King in council, there fore, they were left free to decide, un trammeled by any previous confirmation of the law in question. But when the Massachu setts appeal was presented to His Majesty in council, they were necessarily compelled to take into consideration their past action in regard to the colonial statutes. This, it is believed, is the explanation of an apparent inconsistency in the action of the privy council with regard to these two cases. The decision of the privy council in the case of Phillips r. Savage greatly encouraged the people of Connecticut in their efforts to secure the reestablishment of their intestate law. The opportunity of presenting the law to the King in council for a second judgment upon its validity finally came in a pri vate appeal case, Clark r. Tousey. 1 In 1742 Samuel Clark appealed to the King in council for the recovery of certain lands in Connecticut which he de manded as heir at law according to the English laws of descent, but which had been settled upon Thomas Tousey, of Milford, according to the ancient laws and customs of the colony. Tousey stated to the general assembly that he was obliged to go to England to defend this suit, and, realizing that it involved the old question at issue between the colony and the home Government, the assembly voted that the sum of 500 should be loaned to Mr. Tousey to aid him in the suit. In October following, the colonial agent, Eliakim Palmer, was instructed to employ solicitors in Tousey s defense and to assist him 1 Connecticut Historical Society Collections, IV, p. 94, note. H. Mis. 91 21 322 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. further in anyway possible. These combined efforts to secure a reversal of the privy council s decision in the case of Win- throp v. Lechmere were finally successful. Clark s appeal was dismissed by an order in council, July 18, 1745. At last the validity of the act of .1699 was established. It is now time to turn our attention to appeals from lihode Island. Inasmuch as colonial courts were very closely asso ciated with the history of the practice of appealing to England, a few words must be said in regard to the Ehode Island judi ciary. After even a cursory glance at the colony s judicial system, we shall obtain a much clearer understanding of Eng lish regulations, colonial legislation, and concrete cases. The first settlers of Ehode Island established four separate communities, Providence in 1636, Portsmouth in 1638, Newport in 1639, and Warwick in 1642. 1 Prior to 1647 each of these communities, with the exception of Warwick, had its own form of government and consequently its own judiciary. The War wick settlers believed that they had no right to create a gov ernment for themselves, and remained, therefore, without a judiciary. In 1647, however, there was introduced a new judicial sys tem, through the union of the four towns under the first charter and the enactment of a code. The chief officers of government under the charter of 1647 were a president and four assistants, who were chosen from among the freemen by their several towns, one assistant from each town. To these officers was also committed the duty of holding twice each year the general court of trials, which was the supreme court in the colony for the administration of justice. The general court had original jurisdiction in all important cases and in all matters of judi cial cognizance not referred to town or local courts, and, at least after 1650, exercised an appellate or revisory jurisdiction over these latter tribunals. 2 This system, however, was not satisfactory to the colonists, for " in 1651 it was enacted that I 0n the colonial judiciary, see Durfee s Gleanings from the Judicial His tory of Rhode Island. 2 Town councils were from the first courts of probate. In 1663 the pro bate jurisdiction was fully committed to them, with an appeal to the gov ernor and council as supreme ordinary or judge of probate. By an act of 1718 (Public Laws of Rhode Island, digest of 1719, p. 95) appeals from the judgments of town councils were heard by the governor and council, where a " final judgment " was rendered. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 323 all causes, except prosecutions for certain crimes of the highest grade, should be tried in the first place in the town courts, the general court being thus converted into a court of appeal or review. The system as thus modified remained in force, except as it was interrupted by Coddington s usurpation, until 1663, when the royal charter of Charles II was received." The charter of 1663 did not create judicial tribunals, but authorized the general assembly l to " erect such courts of jus tice, for determining all acts within the colony, as they should think fit." Accordingly, the general assembly at its first ses sion under this new charter conferred magisterial functions upon certain of the legislative officers, by providing that either the governor or the deputy governor, with at least six assist ants, should hold the general court of trials at Newport every year in May and October. 2 Durfee says that " the act consti tuting the superior court," or the court we have just referred to, " did not define its jurisdiction j but, as the charter con tinued iu. force all statutes not repugnant to the laws of the realm, it may have been understood that the old system sur vived and that the court, as newly officered, was a continua tion of the former court of the same name. This, however, is not clear. * * * The old court became, as we have seen, mainly a court of appeals, whereas the new court appears to have exercised more original jurisdiction. * * * The reader, therefore, who tries to form a clear conception of the system will probably not succeed. He will not be able to determine with certainty the jurisdiction of the several courts; nor their relations to each other; nor by what procedure causes were carried from the lower to the higher, and correction was trans mitted from the higher to the lower tribunals." 3 The general assembly, at the May session, 1666, passed an act 4 for the calling of special courts, which is of peculiar 1 Composed of governor, deputy governor, ten assistants and a body of deputies. - The terms were subsequently changed to March and September, as it was found that the sessions of the court interfered with the sessions of the general assembly. 3 In regard to the jurisdiction and procedure of the superior court, or more properly the general court of trials, see further the " Report of the Earl of Bellmout on the irregularities of Rhode Island," Boston, Novem ber 27, 1699, in Rhode Island Colonial Records, III, p. 385, and Governor Cranston s letter to the Board of Trade, December 5, 1708, in Rhode Island Colonial Records, IV, p. 56. 4 Public Laws of Rhode Island, Digest of 1719, p. 17. 324 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. interest as being the first legislative enactment that we have been able to find containing reference to privy council appeals from courts of the colony. This act of 1666 recites that whereas it often happens that merchants, sailors and other persons who are not permanent inhabitants of Rhode Island, when they come to the colony to trade and transact their business affairs, either sue or are sued in personal actions 5 that whereas injus tice is done to these persons by reason of their being detained, often for a long time, until the usual courts of trial shall deter mine such causes; and that whereas, also, this long period of waiting is occasioned many times through malice of the other parties, who desire to hinder them from proceeding on their voyage; the governor and deputy governor are in such cases to call special courts, which shall consist of the governor, and in his absence of the deputy governor, and three or more assistants of the colony. The decisions of such special courts shall be final, "saving only to the party aggrieved the liberty of appealing to His Majesty in council in England, as in other cases is usually allowed." During the period of Governor Andros s administration of New England affairs, the judicial system of Ehode Island was modified to meet the altered political conditions. As in the case of the other colonies constituting the colony of New England, appeals from the courts of Rhode Island lay, in civil causes, to the governor and council, and from that tri bunal to the King in council. 1 On the resumption of the char ter in 1690, the judicial system in vogue previous to 1686 was reestablished. 2 An important change in the judicial system occurred in 1729, when the colony was divided into three counties, Newport, Providence, and King s, and a criminal and a civil court estab lished for each county. The criminal courts were designated as courts of general sessions of the peace, and consisted of the justices of the peace in each county, any five of them being a quorum. These courts had " original jurisdiction, subject to appeal to the higher court, of all crimes not capital, and appel late jurisdiction of all such petty offenses as were triable by justices of the peace." The civil courts were denominated courts of common pleas, and were each held by "four judi- 1 See Governor Andros s commission of 1686. 2 Act of May, 1690. See Rhode Island Colonial Records, III, p. 268. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 325 cious and skillful persons," chosen by the general assembly from the counties in which they were to act. The jurisdiction of the courts extended, subject to appeal to the higher court, to " all civil actions arising or happening within such county triable at common law, of whatever nature, kind, or quality soever." The higher court in the colony now became known as " the superior court of judicature, court of assize, a ad general gaol delivery," and its jurisdiction in civil, and for the most part in criminal, matters became purely appellate, although with as full powers in this respect as the court of common pleas, King s bench, or exchequer in England. 1 The act of 1729, 2 establishing the system just described, provides that The Judgment and Determination of said Superior Court shall be a final Issue and Determination of all causes there Tryed, excepting only, and saving an Appeal to the General Assembly in all Personal Actions, and. from thence to the King in Council, where the Matter in controversy will admit thereof, and an Appeal directly to the King in Council in all Causes not Cognizable before said Assembly, that by Law will admit the same. Judge Durfee is of the opinion that "the system as thus revised was complete, clearly denned, and doubtless well suited to the need of the colony," except in the two particu lars, that the superior court continued to be held by the gov ernor, or deputy governor, and the assistants, and that it con tinued to be held exclusively at Newport. The disadvantages incident to these particulars finally occa sioned a radical change in the judicial system through the passage of the act of February, 1747. 3 In place of the gov ernor, or deputy governor, and ten assistants, there were to be five judges, a chief and four associates, any three being a quorum. They were to be chosen annually by the general assembly, and commissioned by the governor, to hold the court. Provision was also made for two sessions a year in every county throughout the colony. The act concludes by stating that this court "is hereby empowered to make up judgment in all such continued actions as aforesaid, and award execution thereon, excepting where there shall be an appeal to His Majesty in council, agreeable to law." Our sketch of the Ehode Island judiciary would be incom plete without some account of the exercise of judicial functions 1 Douglass s Summary. 2 Public Laws of Rhode Island, Digest of 1730, p. 192. 3 Public Laws of Rhode Island, Digest of 1752, p. 27. 326 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. by the general assembly; for from the very first the assembly appears to have regarded itself a judicial tribunal as well as a legislative body, and during practically all of the colonial period exercised an appellate jurisdiction over colonial courts, granting or refusing also appeals to the King in council. Neither the charter of 1047 nor that of 16G3 conferred upon the assembly the large judicial powers which it assumed ; the charter of 1663, as already noted, merely directing that the assembly was "to erect such courts of justice for determining all acts within the colony, as they should think fit." In 1647, under the first charter, the assembly passed an act declaring that "in case any man sues for justice against an officer or other, and he can not be heard, or is heard and can not be righted by any law extant among us, then shall the party grieved peti tion to the General or lawmaking Assembly, and shall be relieved." That the assembly, under the charter of 1603, did not assume these powers without some apprehension is evi dent from the action of that body itself; for in 1678 it refused to interfere with a decision of the general court of trials in the case of Forster v. Sanford, affirming that " this Assembly con ceive that it doth not properly belong to them or anywise within their recognizance to judge or to reverse any sentence or judgment passed by the General Court of Tryalls, accord ing to law, except capitall or criminal! cases, or mulct, or fines." 2 Yet, notwithstanding this plain declaration as to its lack of judicial power, the assembly two years later, or in 1680, greatly extended its own appellate jurisdiction by grant ing the right of appeal to any party in any " actional case 7 who should be aggrieved by a decision of the general court. In 1699 the Earl of Bellomont was instructed by the lords of trade and plantations to inquire concerning the conduct of Rhode Island in certain matters. In his report Bellomont declares that "the General Assembly assume a judicial power of hearing, trying and determining civil cases, removing them out of the ordinary courts of justice, and way of trial accord ing to the course of the common law, alter and reverse ver dicts and judgments the charter committing no judicial power or authority unto them." Eegardless of this report, as well as of the sentiment of the authorities in England, which was 1 Proceedings of the First General Assembly and the Code of Laws of 1647, p. 61. 2 Rhode Island Colonial Records, III, p. 19. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 327 antagonistic to the policy pursued by the legislative branch of the Khode Island government, the assembly enacted, in 1705, that " the General Assembly, at all times convened in general assembly, shall be a court of chancery, as formerly it hath been, until such time as a more proper court may be conven iently erected and settled." The privy council declaring in 1710 the decision of the assembly in the appeal case of Bren- ton v. Eemington null and void for want of jurisdiction, the assembly itself finally came to the conclusion that it had no charter power to constitute itself a court of review, affirming that it could not " find any precedent that the legislators or parliament of England, after they had passed an act or law, took upon themselves the executive power or authority of con stituting themselves a court of chancery or any other court of judicature." In February, 1712, therefore, the assembly erected a court of chancery to hear appeals, though, strangely enough, still continuing to exercise its former appellate jurisdiction by means of petition. In 1741, however, it established a court of equity to hear and determine all appeals in personal actions from the judgments of the superior court. The act ] consti tuting this court declares that " the judgment and determi nation of said court shall be final, saving an appeal to His Majesty in council in those cases wherein the law hath already provided." But the act of February, 1743, 2 abolished this court, and provided for an action of review 3 in the superior court, declaring, furthermore, "that execution shall not be stayed or suspended by reason of any such action of review; and that any judgment given in any action of review shall no ways hinder the party aggrieved thereat to appeal to His Majesty in council in all cases where the law of the colony permits and allows the same." But it is probable that after the passage of this act of 1743, and even after the establishment of the new superior court in 1747, the general assembly exer cised appellate powers; for in the case of Pearce v. Eice, 1752, 1 Act of May, 1741. See Rhode Island Colonial Records, V, p. 22. 2 Rhode Island Colonial Records, V, p. 76; Public Laws of Rhode Island, Digest of 1745, p, 282. 3 An act of 1732 provided for review in real actions relating to titles of land, and stipulated that " Judgment on Review shall in no ways hinder the Party Aggrieved with such Judgment to appeal to His Majesty in Council in Great Britain in all Cases where the Law of the Colony permits and allows the same." (See Public Laws of Rhode Island, Digest of 1730, p. 247.) 328 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the assembly allowed an appeal to England from the superior court, and directed that tribunal accordingly. In hearing and determining appeals the two houses of the assembly resolved themselves into a grand committee (joint session), 1 each case being tried on all the issues, the assembly itself acting as. triers both of law and fact. 2 At the conclu sion of the trial the vote of this grand committee decided whether the decision of the court below should be affirmed, reversed, or " chancerized " by mitigating the damages. If either party was dissatisfied with the decision of the assembly and wished a further trial in England, he at once, usually through his attorney, moved for an appeal to the King in council. The assembly thereupon decided whether such an appeal should be allowed or refused. When appeals were allowed, the assembly usually stipulated that the law in such cases must be complied with. In some appeal cases tried before the assembly the damages were chancerized to a sum below that required for an appeal to England; and on request for such appeal from decisions of the general assembly the appellants were usually refused. In one case of which we have record damages were chancerized by the assembly, from 500 to 15, and an appeal to England was then refused because the sum involved was less than 300. 3 As already indicated the assembly not only allowed appeals from its own decisions, but from those of other colonial courts. In February, 1712, a petition was presented to the assembly by Captain Samuel Greene, attorney to John Knight, requesting that an appeal to England might be granted the said Knight from a decision of the court of trials in his suit with John Babcock concerning lauds in the Narragansett country; and the assembly thereupon "enacted" that Greene should be allowed so to appeal, if he complied with the law in such cases. 4 In 1752 it granted an appeal from the superior court in a case to which we have just referred. In June of that year it was Voted and Resolved, That the Superior Court of Judicature of this Col ony, be, and they are hereby directed to permit John Pearce and Thomas Pearce to appeal to His Majesty in Council, from a Judgment obtained 1 Rhode Island Colonial Records, IV, p. 157 ; V, p. 80. 2 Durfee s Gleanings from the Judicial History of Rhode Island, p. 37. 3 Rhode Island Colonial Records, IV, pp. 268,269. <Ib., IV, p. 138. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 329 against them by John Rice, agreeable to the Orders of his said Majesty in Council, now before this Assembly: Any Law of the Colony to the con trary hereof, notwithstanding. And it is farther Voted and Resolved, That the Superior Court meet in the County of Kent on Tuesday the sixteenth Day of this Instant June, for the Purpose aforesaid: And that the said John Rice be notified thereof, and served with a Copy of this Act, together with a Copy of said Order of His Majesty in Council. 1 The assembly also exercised an authority over colonial courts in the matter of carrying into effect the decisions of the King in council in cases appealed from the colony. In 1767 George Koine, in behalf of William Stead, of London, presenting to the assembly two decrees of the King in council deciding in favor of the said Stead in his suit against Isaac and Naphtali Hart and Isaac Elizer, prayed that the assembly, to whom the decrees were directed, would instruct the superior court to order them put in execution at a special meeting of the said court, to be held the following Tuesday. This the assembly refused to do, on the ground that such proceedings in the superior court would be out of the regular term of that tribu nal. Later in the same session of the assembly, however, it was voted and resolved that "in conformity to the rule and practice of this colony in such cases, that the superior court be, and hereby is, directed at the next term to take the subject- matter of the said decrees into their consideration, and order them immediately into execution, upon their being presented to said court." 2 Ehode Island legislation regulating appeals begins with the act of 1706, 3 which provides that On all appeals by any person in said Collony to England, to her Majesty in Councill, bond for the prosecuting all said appeals shall be given to the Governor and Councill, to prosecute said appeals according to the time given and agreed on by the Governor and Councill, for all persons that shall have appeal allowed them; and the appelee shall be cited to appear in England before her Majesty and Councill to answer. Although in 1689 governors were instructed not to allow an appeal to the Crown unless the matter in controversy amounted to 500, many cases of "very small moment," in which persons of little means were compelled to lose their rights through inability to defend them, were appealed to the 1 Rhode Island Acts, Resolves, and Reports, May, 1750-March, 1755, p. 24. 2 Rhode Island Acts, Resolves, and Reports, May, 1765 October, 1770, p. 44. 3 Rhode Island Colonial Records, III, p. 562. 330 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. King iii council from the colony. 1 At the October session of the assembly in 1718, therefore, the recorder was directed to draw up an act regulating appeals; and at an adjourned ses sion in June, 1719, it was enacted 2 that no person or persons be allowed to appeal to England, unless the matter or thing in controversy amount to three hundred pounds, current money of the colony, to be valued by the court where the appeal shall be prayed. The two acts just cited formed the colonial legislation in regard to privy council appeals until 1746. In this year the act of 1711) was repealed, as it was found that under its pro visions appeals were still carried to England in matters of too small value; and it was enacted 3 that for the future any person or persons aggrieved by a decision of the superior court should have the liberty of appealing to the King in council where the matter or thing or controversy was of the value of 150 (sterling), and in no other case whatsoever, the superior court where the appeal was prayed being empowered to ascertain the value of said appeal. In 1747, or one year after the passage of this act, Parliament resolved to reimburse the colonies for their outlay in the expedition that resulted in the capture of Louisbourg. Rhode Island received at that time 7,800 sterling, with which the committee in charge of the matter redeemed 88.725 of the colonial bills of credit. 4 We thus see that 1 sterling was equal to about eleven pounds in current money of the colony. About the time of the passage of this act, therefore, 150 sterling were equal to about 1,650 in current money of the colony; and by changing the sum for which an appeal should be allowed from three hundred pounds current money of the colony, under the act of 1719, to 150 sterling, the assembly increased the legal require ment about five and one-half times. Four years after the enactment of the statute of 1746, or at the October session of the assembly in 1750, a supplementary act was passed, according to the terms of which 1 Preamble of act of 1719. 2 Public Laws of Rhode Island, Digest of 1730, p. 106. 3 Public Laws of Rhode Island, Digest of 1752, p. 30. Appeals to England caused the printing of this Digest of 1752. (See Rhode Island Colonial Records, V, p. 355). 4 See Rhode Island Historical Tracts, No. 8, pp. 63-67. This tract, by Judge Potter and Mr. S. S. Rider, gives an account of Rhode Island paper money from 1710 to 1786. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 331 No defendant in any suit of law in this colony, the foundation whereof, being a bond conditioned for the payment of money only, shall have leave to appeal from the judgment of such court, where such action shall be tried, to His Majesty in council; but that the last judgment of the supe rior court of judicature, in this colony, as trials now stand, regulated by the laws of this colony, shall in all such cases be final. And furthermore, that in all appeals to His Majesty in council, from this colony, if the appel lant doth not obtain a reversal of the judgment appealed from, or fails in prosecuting such appeal, the appellee, in such case, may, by action of the case, recover all just and reasonable costs and damages. Perhaps the most comprehensive and important Rhode Island legislation in regard to appeals is contained in the act of 1764. 1 It appears that even after the passage of the act of 1746 cases of small value were appealed to England, and in order to pre vent such appeals in the future the assembly passed this act of 1764. It recites that no person shall be allowed to appeal from the decision of the superior court to His Majesty in council unless the matter or thing in question be of the value of 200, lawful money, to be valued by the court where the appeal shall be prayed; and that whoever shall thus appeal to the King in council shall give bond to the superior court or to the clerk thereof, before the rising of the same, with a good surety or sureties, to be approved by the said court, in the sum of 250, lawful money, for the effective prosecution of the appeal, or, in default thereof, to pay to the appellee all costs and damages which he, the aforesaid appellee, shall sustain by reason of such appeal not being prosecuted with effect. The act further recites that, whereas by former laws of the colony regulating- appeals to the King in council bond was not required of the appellee to secure to the appellant his costs upon a reversal of the colonial decision, the appellant might, notwithstanding such reversal and His Majesty s order in council, be defeated of his rights, in that the appellee may, before the final deter mination of the cause, be rendered insolvent or be removed out of the colony, so that neither his body nor estate can be found. To remedy this evil it is required that the appellee, before he shall be permitted to receive a copy of the case from the clerk of the superior court, shall give bond in the said clerk s office in the sum of 250, lawful money, with a good surety or sureties, to pay unto the appellant all such costs and charges as he shall sustain if the decision of the colonial court be reversed by the King in council. The statute concludes by Public Laws of Rhode Island, Digest of 1767, p. 10. 332 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. stating that no defendant, in any suit whose foundation is a a bond conditioned for the payment of money only," shall have the liberty of appealing from the colonial court to the King in council, but that the last judgment of the superior court shall be final; and by providing that an appeal shall not stay or sus pend execution in favor of the party obtaining a final decision in the colony, provided such party, at the time of taking out his execution, give bond into the office of the court, with two good sureties, to refund whatever shall be lawfully levied and taken in consequence of such execution. It will be observed that this act designates 200, lawful money, as the sum below which no appeal is to be allowed. In 1704 gold and silver coins were the only lawful money in Ehode Island, 1 and the colonial standard of value was practically the same as that of the home country, a pound of English money having a slightly greater purchasing power than the colonial pound. By increasing the sum below which no appeal was to be allowed from 150 sterling, under the statute of 174G, to 200, lawful money, under this act of 1764, the assembly in reality raised the legal requirement something less than 50 sterling. A statute of 1768 2 further regulates appeals by providing that whenever an appeal is prayed for and granted from the decision of the superior court, it shall be lawful for the judges of the said court, when the appellant is absent at the time the appeal is allowed, to accept bond of any other person, appear ing in behalf of such appellant, whom the said judges shall regard of sufficient estate in the colony, with such other sure ties as the court shall deem sufficient, in the same manner as if the party appealing was present himself in court to give bond. The act of 1769 3 stipulates that whenever an appeal to the King in council is allowed, and bond given by the appel lant for prosecuting the same according to law, there shall be no review of the cause in the colony; and furthermore, that if such writ of review shall be taken out, the court to which the same is brought shall "ex-officio" bar it and award the defendant his costs. According to the law of 1771 4 no appeals from the superior court were to be allowed unless the matter 1 See Rhode Island Historical Tracts, No. 8, pp. 97-100. 2 Public Laws of Rhode Island, Digest of 1772, p. 8. 3 Ib., p. 17. 4 Ib., p. 38. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HALELTINE. 333 in controversy amount to 300, lawful money, to be valued by the court where the appeal was prayed. In June, 1775, the "Act for regulating appeals to His Majesty in council, in Great Britain, "was repealed; 1 and in May, 1776, it was enacted that the courts of law of Rhode Island be no longer entitled or considered as the King s courts. 2 With these two acts ends the legislation of the Rhode Island assembly in regard to appeals to England, the acts them selves abrogating the appellate jurisdiction of the King in council over the courts of the colony. On the accession of James II to the throne of England in 1685, the inhabitants of Rhode Island immediately trans mitted an address to the King, in which they acknowledged themselves his loyal subjects, professed obedience to his power, and begged protection to their chartered rights. Even this evident humility, however, could not save the colony from the plan of reform for Xew England ; and in the same year as the transmission of this address Edward Randolph exhibited seven articles of high misdemeanor against the governor and com pany of Rhode Island to the lords of the privy council s com mittee on plantation affairs. These charges were referred in July, 1685, to the attorney-general, with orders to issue a quo warranto against the Rhode Island patent. But the colony refused to stand suit with the King and gave up its charter, Sir Edmund Andros being appointed soon after to govern its affairs. In the first of these seven articles of high misdemeanor Randolph charged that the governor and company of Rhode Island denied appeals to His Majesty; and in Sir Edmund Audros s account of his administration and imprisonment to the council s committee on trade and plantations 3 it was asserted that the colonies of New England, and among them Rhode Island, neither admitted English laws to be pleaded nor allowed appeals to the King in council. 4 On March 26, 1705, the privy council itself preferred several charges against Rhode Island, the eighth article being that the colony denied 1 Rhode Island Colonial Records, VII, p. 355. -Rhode Island Acts, Resolves, and Reports, May, 1776 April, 1777, p. 22. 3 This committee was variously known as the committee 011 plantation affairs, the committee on trade and plantations, and the committee on hearing appeals from the plantations. 4 Rhode Island Colonial Records, III, p. 284. 334 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. appeals. Governor Cranston, in a letter to the board of trade, May 27, 1699, asserted that Edward Randolph, who was in the employ of the royal customs commissioners, publicly declared that he would be the means of depriving the colony of its priv ileges ; "and we know," the governor concluded, "he picked up several false reports against us." 1 In reply to the privy council s charges, the colonial officials declared, August 28, 1705, that they had not refused to allow appeals, when duly applied for and the value of the matter in controversy re quired the same. 2 It was further averred that, for want of instructions in the case, they had granted an appeal for the value of 20, which, "with, humble submission," they con ceived to be "frivolous and vexatious." Notwithstanding these denials by the colonial government, Governor Dudley wrote the board of trade on November 2, 1705, with charges against Ehode Island, the seventh article being that the colony had refused to allow appeals to Her Majesty in council, and gave great vexation to those who de manded the same. 3 Lord Cornbury also wrote the board of trade on November 26, 1705, in regard to the charges against Rhode Island, and asserted that they had denied appeals. 4 In support of his charge, Governor Dudley brought forward two affidavits, now in the public record office in London, one affirming that at a court of trials held at Newport, in Septem ber, 1704, the request of John Baffin and others for an appeal to England " in the cases of Mr. Elisha Hutchinson and others, his partners, against John Tones and Aron Jaques " was refused, on the ground that the plaintiffs should have a rehear ing in another court before the appeal be granted, the gov ernor, however, entering his dissent from this opinion of the court. In the other affidavit James Menzies, on October 12, 1705, being called and examined in the presence of Governor Dudley, testified and declared that " the government and courts of the colony of Rhode Island have frequently refused appeals to the Queen s Majesty and the late King William in councill as in the case of Brinley rers. Dyer and Brenton vers. W alley." 5 In proof of Cornbury s charge, he himself cited 1 Rhode Island Colonial Records, III, p. 375. 2 Ib., Ill, p. 548. 3 Ib., Ill, p. 543. 4 Ib., Ill, p. 545. 5 MS. copies in private hands. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 335 the case of Major Palmes who was even then, November 20, 1705, going to England to make his complaint and referred to the oath of James Fitch and Samuel Mason. From an examination of all the sources at hand nothing further can be found in regard to the particular cases mentioned in these let ters and documents, with the possible exception of a reference in a report on the irregularities of Ehode Island l which the Earl of Bellomont submitted to the home government on November 27, 1699. In this document Bellomont asserts that " they are willfully negligent and refuse to comply with or obey the King s commandments sent unto them; particularly, they are complained of by Mr. Briuley and Nathaniel Water man, for not observing the King s orders, relating to some trials, had within the courts within that colony, wherein they were concerned." It is impossible to say whether reference is here made to the case of Brinley v. Dyer which was mentioned in one of the affidavits just cited. Even if it does not so refer, however, the earl s statement is of interest in connection with the matter under consideration. But it should be further remarked that in this report there is no direct assertion in regard to the denial of appeals by the colonial courts, the only possible reference to such denial being contained in the earl s remarks, just quoted, with regard to the complaints of Brinley and Waterman. As a result of the charges preferred against the New Eng land colonies the board of trade, in a representation 2 to Queen Anne in regard to Massachusetts, Ehode Island, and Connecti cut, January 10, 1706, asserted that u divers of them have denied appeals to Your Majesty in council, by which not only the inhabitants of these colonies, but others Your Majesty s subjects are deprived of that benefit enjoyed in the planta tions under Your Majesty s immediate government, and the parties aggrieved are left without remedy against the arbi trary and illegal proceedings of their courts." While this representation, in referring to Connecticut, states that " they have refused to allow of appeals to Your Majesty in council, and give great discouragements and vexation to those that demand the same," specific references to Massachusetts and Ehode Island contain no claim in regard to denial of appeals. 1 Rhode Island Colonial Records, III, p. 385. *Ib., IV, p. 12. 336 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. While it is impossible to discuss this interesting question further at the present time, it must be admitted that from the evidence thus far obtained there can be no doubt that Rhode Island did actually evade appeals in some cases; but that the courts of the colony went to the length of plain refusal, as stated in certain of the charges, is at least questionable. Undoubtedly the court of trials held at Newport in Septem ber, 1704, evaded an appeal in the case of Hutchinson et al. v. Fones and Jaques by deciding that the parties should have a rehearing in the colonial court, for at that time there was no law of the colony in regard to a positive rehearing, cases being retried before the same judges, who would very rarely indeed reverse a former decision made by themselves. With out doubt, too. the power assumed by the assembly of chancer- izing, or mitigating, the damages assessed by other colonial courts, enabled that body to evade in some cases the necessity of allowing an appeal from its own decision. If the assembly anticipated that an appeal might be demanded from its deci sion, it could chancerize the damages to a point below the sum required for an appeal to the King in council; 1 then, if the appeal were actually demanded, the assembly could very gracefully decline to grant it on the ground of illegality. But Avhether or not the courts of Rhode Island did really deny appeals in cases where legally they should have granted them, the following considerations will be of interest as showing, among other things, that no record has been found of an appeal granted by a Rhode Island court prior to or during the period Avheu the charge of denial was preferred against the colony. Indeed, although a letter written by Roger Williams to the town of Providence in 1654 refers to certain citizens who were " zealously talking of undoeing themselves by a tryall in Eng land," and although the wording of the act of 1666 indicates that appeals to the King in council were frequently allowed even at that early day, the writer has been unable to find in the records of Rhode Island courts an appeal case prior to 1706. 2 Between that date and 1776 we find in Rhode Island 1 The instructions of 1689 specified that the sum in controversy must amount to 500. 2 The case of William Harris, 1677-1679, appears not to have been pre cisely a case of judicial appeal. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 337 official record of 7 appeals granted by the general assembly 1 and 10 granted, by the superior court for Providence County. Beside these we have authentic record of at least 3 other cases appealed from the superior court of the colony. 2 An official examination of the privy, council register, however, recently made for the writer by Thomas Preston, esq., librarian to the privy council, and extending from 1675 to 177G, discloses 59 Rhode Island appeal cases decided by the King in council, the first there recorded being of the year 1735. Of these 6 are among the 20 of which we find record in Rhode Island. Under date of December 8, 1894, Mr. Preston writes that, al though there were a few petitions prior to 1700 as to disputed boundaries of estates, there is no regular or judicial appeal entered earlier than 1735. It is natural to conclude, therefore, that the cases appealed prior to 1735 and some subsequently to that date were either not prosecuted or not finally adjudi cated by the King in council. 3 It may not be without some interest at this point to note what decisions were made by the King in council in the 59 Ehode Island cases adjudicated by that tribunal between 1735 and 1770. Twenty-two of these appeals were dismissed for non-prosecution, one of them being afterwards reaffirmed. In 15 the decisions of the colonial courts were reversed, and in two of these the council sent directions to the lower tribunal. In 11 the decisions of the colonial courts were affirmed. Six pre vious deci sions were varied, one of them chiefly as to the rate of interest 011 bills of credit for 28,179, the damages in an other being reduced, a peremptory order issued in a third, and two of the remaining three being remitted. In one both 1 Two of these were appeals, not from decisions of the assembly, but from other courts; one from the general court of trials and the other from the superior court. See remarks on the procedure of the general assembly in a previous part of this paper. 2 Cases in regard to the church lands at South Kingstown. 3 It should be remembered, however, that Mr. Preston states merely what there is on record at the privy council office, i. e., what is the earliest thing there, not what was absolutely the first. Several of the appeals granted by Rhode Island courts prior to 1735 may have been adjudicated by the King in council, although not recorded in the privy council register. One such case, Torrey v. Mumford, 1734, will be refered to later. Some of the cases appealed subsequently to 1735, and of which we can find no record in the register, may possibly also have been decided by the Kiiig in council. H. Mis. 91 22 338 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the appeal and the cross appeal were dismissed ; one was refer red back to the colonial court with special directions; the verdict in one was set aside and a new trial in the colony directed; one was simply dismissed; and in the remaining one a peremptory order was issued to the colonial judges to carry out the council s decision in a previous suit by the same parties. Before reviewing individual cases it will be instructive to make a few introductory comments upon the action of Rhode Island courts in the matter of observing legal requirements in regard to allowing appeals. Prior to the passage of the act of 1719 the general assembly granted at least one appeal where the matter in dispute was not of the legal value. The instructions of 1689 specified that the sum involved must equal 500; but the assembly in 1715 granted an appeal in the case of Chapman and Norton v. Rouse, 1 where, in an action for trespass, the amount of dam ages claimed was only 100, current money of JSTew England. The colonial acts of 1719, 1746, 1764, and 1771 specified that no appeal should be allowed where the matter in controversy was below a certain prescribed value, and granted to the court where the appeal was prayed the power of determining whether the mattter involved amounted to the legal requirement. That the power thus conferred upon colonial courts was put into actual practice may be proved by concrete examples. The general assembly, in the exercise of its functions as a court of justice, refused several appeals on the ground that the matter in dispute was not of the value required by law. Among such cases were Brentou v. Mott and Freebody v. Whipple, in 1720, and Brenton v. Stanton, in 1728. 2 Between 1747 and 1776 the superior court for Providence County refused eight appeals for the same reason. 3 According to the act of 1706 the appellant was required to furnish bond for the prosecution of his appeal according to the time agreed upon by the governor and council; and according to the statute of 1764 both the appellant and the appellee were required to give bond in the sum of 250, lawful money, with a good surety or sureties, the appellant giving this bond to the superior court, or to its clerk, before adjournment, the appellee filing his bond in the clerk s office before he should receive a 1 Rhode Island Colonial Records, IV, p. 199. 2 For these cases see Rhode Island Colonial Records, IV, pp. 268, 269, 412. 3 MS. records of superior court. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 339 copy of the case. Let us examine court records to see whether these provisions were complied with. Under the act of 1706 bond was furnished by the appellants in four of the cases appealed from the decisions of the general assembly: Albrow v. Noyes, in 1706; Chapman and Norton v. House, in 1715; Ford v. Hodgson, in 1717, and Crawford v. Smith, in 1719. No sum is specified in the record of these cases except that of Ford v. Hodgson, where the appellant gave bond in the sum of 300. In this case tiie appellee was also required to give bond in the sum of 1,000, with security, although there was no colonial law or English regulation at that time requiring bond of the appellee. It was customary in these general assembly cases to file bond in the recorder s office within ten days after the appeal had been granted. The records state that bond was furnished by the appellants or required of them by the court in nine of the ten appeals granted by the superior court for Providence County between 1747 and 1776. In two of these nine cases, Galton r. Collins, appealed in 1747, and Sessions r. Brayton, appealed in 1767, both the appellant and the appellee gave bond; in Sessions v. Braytou each party to the suit giving the bond within forty days from the rising of the court in the sum of 200, sterling money of Great Britain. In the case of Isaacs b. Merritt, appealed in 1756, bond was furnished for the appellant by Isaac Hart and John Cole in the sum of 100 sterling. The appel lant in the case of Tyler v. Russell, appealed in 1758, was ordered by the court to give bond for 100 sterling, with surety. The appellants in Arnold et al. v. Greene, appealed in 1765, were required to give bond in the sum of 150 sterling, within thirty days after the rising of the court. It will be noticed that in certain cases appealed subsequently to the passage of the act of 1764 bond was not given in the exact sum, 250, lawful money, specified by that statute; and that bonds were not always required to be filed before the rising of the court, as provided by the act just cited. The records both of the assembly and the superior court are not always exact in statement. We read, for example, that in certain cases the parties complied with the law, although the amount of the bond, the time of filing, and similar particulars are not recorded. While we find instances, therefore, where the law was not complied with to the letter, it is probable that Rhode Island courts observed in the main the provisions of legislative enactments. 340 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The processes of appeal may be further illustrated by trac ing the history of certain cases. The litigation 1 in regard to the church lands at South Kingstown, during which the attempt was made hi four cases t6 appeal to England, is of so much interest and importance that it demands a place in the history of Ehode Island appeals. In 1657 the chief sachems of the Xarragansett country sold Petaquamscut Hill for 16 to John Porter, Samuel Wilbore, Thomas Murnford, and Samuel Willson, of Khode Island, and John Hull, of Massachusetts ; and in the year following the sachem of Kienticut sold some lands north of this tract to the same purchasers. Brenton and Arnold were afterwards asso ciated with these five men and jointly they became known as " the seven purchasers." On June 4, 1668, five of these purchasers passed an order "that a tract of 300 acres of the best laud, and in a conven ient place, be laid out, and forever set apart as an encourage ment, the income or improvement thereof wholly for an ortho dox person, that shall be obtained to preach God s word to the inhabitants." It appears probable that no deed or more formal conveyance was ever made. In 1679, however, a confirmatory order was passed; and in 1692 the tract was surveyed, platted, and the words " to the ministry" entered upon the draft. It will thus be noticed that the proprietors did not define the term " orthodox : " and it would seem that the phraseology of the gift was purposely left undefined, for at a meeting of the seven purchasers in 1692 it was thought best to assign it for the use of the Presbyterians, but Jahleel Brenton, esq., argued that it would damage their reputation in England, if they gave so much to the Presbyterians and nothing to the Episcopal Church; "and therefore," he said, "if you will be ruled by nie ? we will not express it to the Presbyterians, but will set it down 1o the ministry and let them dispute who has the best title to it." Upon the interpretation of this word "orthodox" hinged the whole subsequent controversy. No one claiming these ministerial lands, Henry Gardner, in 1702, entered upon 20 acres of them and James Buudy upon 1 Douglass s Summary; Updike s Episcopal Church in Rhode Island, pp. 68-82; Rhode Island Historical Society Collections, III, pp. 123-130; Johns Hopkins University Studies, Series IV, p. 124 ; College Tom, by Caroline Hazard, pp. 82-85; Catalogue of the Prince Library. I regret that the moving of the Boston Public Library made it impossible to examine the Prince MSS. themselves. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 341 the remaining 280. In 1719 George, son of Thomas Mumford, bought these 280 acres of Bundy. Shortly after this transfer several inhabitants of the Narra- gansett country petitioned the Bishop of London and the Soci ety for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts for a missionary. Dr. McSparran was appointed as such in 1721, and Mr. Gardner thereupon delivered to him the 20 acres of which he had held possession since 1702. In 1723 Mr. McSpar ran, upon a writ of ejectment, secured possession of the 280 acres held by Mumford, on the ground of the confirmation of 1079 and the survey of 1693, the original grant of 1668 being- secreted. In two trials in colonial courts, however, McSparran was defeated. He appealed to the King in council, but the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel refused to lend its assistance and the matter rested, Mumford keeping possession of the property. In 1732 a Congregational or Presbyterian church was formed in Kingstown under Rev. Joseph Torrey as the " first incum bent of ordination." Mr. Torrey at once laid claim to the whole tract of 300 acres. He brought action against Gardner in the colonial courts for the 20 acres, but was defeated. On Septem ber 2, 1735, Torrey prayed the superior court for an appeal, in this case to the King in council, but the court declined to grant it. In 1732 he brought an action of ejectment against Mum- ford for the 280 acres, but both the inferior and superior courts decided in favor of Mumford. Upon Torrey s appeal to the King in council these verdicts were disallowed and possession of the 280 acres given in 1734 to the appellant. Upon advice from England, Torrey, in 1735, conveyed this tract to six trus tees, who in turn leased it to Eobert Hazard. Dr. McSparran, the Episcopal or Church of England minis ter, now brought an action against Hazard, as Torrey s tenant, for the tract of 280 acres. In 1737 the original order of the proprietors in regard to the church lauds, which had been secreted, came to light, and Mr. McSparran, in behalf of him self and successors in St. Paul s Church, by the advice of his lawyers brought a new writ of ejectment against Hazard, as tenant of the 280 acres. He was defeated in the colonial courts, but was finally granted an appeal to England. Upon a full trial before the King in council, that tribunal, on May 7, 1752, decided adversely to the claims of McSparran. The decision of the superior court was sustained and the lands confirmed to Dr. Torrey. 342 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Considerations other than pecuniary undoubtedly had much weight in the progress of this controversy. The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel had established many Episcopal missionaries in the colonies, especially in those of the North; and in this activity the Congregational ministry perceived an intention on the part of the English Government not only to spread the Episcopal faith, but to establish bishops among them. It was these considerations which aroused the jealousy of the other denominations; and before the close of the liti gation nearly all of the Episcopal and non-Episcopal clergy became involved in the controversy. Pamphlets were pub lished on both sides which were not lacking in partisan ardor or in bitterness, and even other colonies outside of Rhode Island became deeply interested in the struggle. In a letter l written to Dr. Torrey on July 14, 1739, Dr. Benjamin Colman, of Boston, says that the general court of Massachusetts went to the length of ordering " a Collection through all the Con gregations in the Province and that the Moneys that shal be collected be put into our Hands by the Subscribers for your Service, in the further Support of your Defense against the Suite which Dr. McSparran has so unjustly commenced ag* you." The amount thus collected by Dr. Colniau amounted to 747 8s. Other collections were received from Connecticut. The controversy finally became not only acrimonious, but destructive of any real progress in the spread of Christian beliefs. The decision by the King in council, however, was a triumph of principle over the sectarian partialities of the members of that tribunal. According to the law of England no one was considered orthodox who was not attached to the Established Church; but the King in council held that the term "ortho dox," as used in this New England document, applied legally to all who were sound in the doctrines of their own particular church, irrespective ol denomination. It being determined by the colonial jury that the grantors of the church lands belonged to the Congregational or Presbyterian faith, the King in coun cil decided that the intention of the donors, by the term "ortho dox," was that the estate should be appropriated for the support of the ministry of that denomination; and they so decided, notwithstanding the fact that a clergyman of the Church of England was the adverse party to the suit. X MS. in private hands. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HALELTINE. 343 While there is no particular importance attaching to the matters involved in Isaacs v. Merritt, this case will further illustrate the practice of appealing quite as well as any other. There is, nevertheless, some little interest in this appeal, for the reason that it is one of the few cases of which we find official record both in Rhode Island and in England. It is also the only one of such cases among the documents of which we find an appeal bond. The salient facts l in this case are here given. John Merritt, of Providence, brought action against Jacob Isaacs, of Newport, in the superior court of common pleas for Providence County, at the December term, 1755, for large dam ages. At this trial Merritt complained that the defendant had broken his u promise and assumption " made to the plaintiff. He alleged that on April 14, 1743, Abraham Isaacs, of New York, by his promissory note of that date, duly signed, became indebted to him in the sum of 285, lawful money of New York, together with the lawful interest thereon till the same should be paid. Being so indebted, Abraham Isaacs died intestate, and Hannah Isaacs, widow of the said Abraham, became the administratrix of the estate. Hannah Isaacs dying before she had fully administered the estate of her husband, the administration of the residue was lawfully granted to the defendant, Jacob Isaacs. But after the death of Abraham and during the life of Hannah, he (Merritt)j at the October term of the supreme court of New York in 1744, recovered judgment on the said note against Hannah for the same, with damages and costs amounting in all to 338 lid., to be paid out of such goods and chattels as were possessed by the said Abraham during his lifetime, when the same should thereafter come to hand. After Hannah s death, Merritt was about to sue the new administrator, Jacob Isaacs, on the aforesaid judgment; but he (Merritt) agreed to forbear for a season the prosecution of the suit, Isaacs paying him 100, part of the sum for which judgment was given, and solemnly promising to pay the remainder of the said sum, together with interest, in a short time. Merritt therefore suspended prosecution on the said judgment till October 1, 1754, when Isaacs had not yet paid the remainder of the said sum, though often requested to. For these reasons he asserted that Isaacs had broken his 1 MS. records of superior court; MS. privy council register. 344 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. promise, and claimed, as laid in the writ of September 18, 1755, damages therefor to the amount of 6,000, current money of New England. Isaacs, on the other hand, alleged that he had never prom ised to pay the aforesaid judgments in the manner and form described by Merritt; that according to law such judgments were to be paid by administrators out of the goods, chattels, and credits of the intestate; that at the time of the purchase of the plaintiff s writ, or since, there had not come into his (Isaacs s) hands any other assets of the said intestate s estate wherewith to satisfy the plaintiff s demands; and that this was the reason why the remaining part of the said judgments was still unpaid. After due trial of this case, the inferior court of common pleas decided that Merritt should recover from Isaacs 236 13s. Id., current money of New York, with costs of suit, amount ing to 74 6s., Rhode Island currency. Isaacs appealed to the superior court for Providence County, and at the March term, 1756, the decision of the inferior court was affirmed, with costs. Isaacs then moved for an appeal to the King in council, Avhich was granted. He complied with the law regulating appeals to England, and furnished bond in the sum of 100 sterling. Isaac Hart, of Newport, and John Cole, of Providence, were the appellant s bondsmen; and the document was signed, sealed, and delivered to the court in the presence of Samuel Chase and Alexander Black. 1 1 The bond is as follows: liond to appeal to King in Council. Isaac Hart and John Cole to John Merritt, March Term, 1756. Know all Men by these Presents That we Isaac Hart of Newport and John Cole of Providence in the Colony of Rhode Island Merchants are held and Bound to John Merritt of Providence aforesaid ment d in the Sum of one Hundred pounds Sterling Money of Great Britain to be paid to the said John Merritt or to his Executors Administrators or Assigns To. the which payment well and truly to be made We bind ourselves our Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and last of Us by himself for the whole and in the whole and our and last of our Heirs Executors and Administrators firmly by these presents Sealed with our Seals Dated the Twenty Second day of March in the 29th Year of His Majestyes Reign A D 1756 Whereas the above Mentioned John Merritt has now obtained a Judg ment of our Superior Court of Judicature against Jacob Isaacs of Newport in the County of Newport & Colony aforesaid Merchant As by the Record APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 345 The case was finally brought before the King in council tor adjudication. On February 17, 1758, or nearly two years after the granting of the appeal by the superior court, the privy council reversed the decision of that tribunal, and thus ren dered a judgment in favor of the appellant. We have now reviewed as fully as possible within the limits of this paper the processes of appeal in the various colonial courts. Occasional references have necessarily been made to the King and privy council, but the account as thus far given must be supplemented by at least a few words in regard to the privy council as an English institution and by a brief his torical consideration of the procedure of the King in council as the supreme court of the colonies. Although appeals were first adjudicated by the King and his privy council in the latter part of the sixteenth century, the council itself had an existence at least four centuries prior to that period. In the early days it was called the Concilium Regis Privatum, the Concilium Continuum, and the Concilium Secretum Regis. At a later period it was known simply as the council board and the privy council. The King sat with these privy councilors at his own pleasure, and their chief duty was to advise the Crown to the best of their " cunning and discretion." The number of privy councilors was also regulated according to the King s will. In ancient times, and even as late as the reign of Edward III, there were seldom more than fifteen. 1 Among them were the treasurer, the chan- of said Court appears and Jacob Isaacs being agrieved therewith Appeals to His Majesty in Council in Great Britain from the Said Judgment of the aforesaid Court of Judicature now sitting in providence aforesaid. The Condition of the above written obligation is Such that if the above mentioned Jacob Isaacks Shall & Do within Twelve Months and a Day from the date hereof well & truely prosecute his Said Appeal with effect or in Default thereof well and truely pay & Satisfy the Said John Merritfc His Heirs Executors Administrators & Assigns all such Costs and Dam ages as they or any of them Shall have & Sustain in Defending against the aforesaid Appeal then this present obligation to be void & of no Effect or Else to be and Remain in full force and virtue I. HART [SEAL] JOHN COLE [SEAL] Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presence of SAM CHACE ALEX K BLACK 1 Crabb s History of English Law, p. 217. 346 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. cellor, and such other persons learned in the law and judicial matters as the King saw fit to appoint. After Edward s time, however, the number so increased that it was found impossible to transact the King s affairs with secrecy and dispatch, and Charles II, in 1G79, limited it to thirty. Of these, fifteen were to be the principal officers of state and were to be councilors by virtue of their official position; the remaining fifteen were made up of ten lords and five commoners. After Charles s time the number of councilors was again much increased, and finally became indefinite. The president of the council Avas the third great officer of state. The duty of president was something more than that of a privy councilor, for he reported to the King whatever occurred at the council table in his absence. On February 20, 1627, the privy council, sitting at White- hall ? passed certain orders 1 to be observed in meetings of the council as a tribunal of justice. As far as we can ascertain these orders formed the first official provision in regard to the method of transacting the judicial affairs of the council. Although the records do not so specify, there can be no doubt that colonial appeals were adjudicated according to these reg ulations. The orders are as follows : I. Ill the term times, the councillors, of ordinary course, are to sit on Wednesdays. II. When any causes are handled, and partys heard speak on both sides, the Lords are, "by questions or otherwise, to inform themselves of the truth of the matter of fact, but not to discover any opinions till all be fully heard. III. When any cause is fully heard, the partys are then to retire, and the Lords to debate alone, and if any variety of opinions continue, Avhich cannot be reconciled, then the Lords are to vote it severally, if it be demanded; and the Lord President, or one of the principal secretarys, if the Lord President be absent, is to take the votes. IV. In voting of any cause, the lowest councillor is to begin and speak first, and so it is to be carried by most voices ; because every councillor hath, equal vote there : and when the business is carried by the most voices, no publication is afterwards to be made, by any man, how the particular voices and opinions went. V. Upon the petitions of suitors, the clerk of the council who then waits, shall set a note, when the petitions were exhibited, that the Lords may thereby see how the suitors stand in seniority, and, according to that and other necessity of occasion, they may be despached, wherein respect l For these orders and other official provisions in regard to privy council procedure, noted in the following pages, see Macqueen s Appellate Juris diction of the House of Lords and Privy Council. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 347 is to be had to the poorest petitioners, that they be not wearied out with over long attendance. VI. At every council, before the Lords rise from the board, the Lord President, or one of the principal secretarys. in his absence, is to signify to the Lords what business of the day do remain, and to take their reso lution with which to begin the next sitting, if greater occasions intervene not. VII. \Vheu any order is agreed upon, the clerk of the council attending, shall take notice thereof in writing, and punctually read, openly, how he hath conceived the sense of the board, that if anything be mistaken, it may then be reformed ; and afterwards when the clerk shall have drawn the said order at large, in any cause of importance, before he enter the same into the council books, or deliver it to any person, whom it may concern, he is to show the draught to the President, or, in his absence, to one of the secretarys of state, to be allowed and signed under one of their hands, before the entry and delivery thereof. OIL July 22, 1664, it was ordered that the clerks of the council do take care for the future, that all petitioners who shall exhibit any petition to the board, do first sign the same." While this order refers to " petitions," regular judicial appeals were included within its provisions. It has already been observed that the council and other courts of the time did not always make a careful distinction between a petition and an appeal, and that an appeal was often presented to the consid eration of the council by means of petition. In 1667 the council passed two orders in regard to its pro cedure in judicial affairs. On January 31 of that year stand ing committees of council were established and provisions made for their regulation. Additions to this order soon became nec essary, and on February 12 a second decree was passed. This order recites that His Majesty, having among other the important parts of his affairs, taken into his princely consideration the way and method of managing matters at his Council-board and reflecting that his Councils would have more reputation if they were put into a more settled and established course, hath thought tit to appoint certain standing committees of the Council for several businesses: together with regular days and places for their assembling, in such sort as followeth : A committee for the business of trade, under whose consideration is to come whatsoever concerns his Majesty s foreign plantations, as also what relates to his kingdoms of Scotland or Ireland, in such matters only relating to either of those king doms a properly belong to the cognizance of the Council-board, the isles of Jersey and Guernsey which is to consist of the Lords Privy Seal, Duke of Bucks, Duke of Ormond, Earl of Ossory, Earl of Bridgwater, Earl of Anglesey, Earl of Lauderdaill, Lord Arlington, Lord Holies, Lord Ashley, Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Vice Chamberlain, Mr. Secretary Morice, Sir William Coventry j the usual day of meeting to be every Thursday in the Council- 348 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. chamber, and oftener, as lie that presides shall direct; and hereof three or more of them to be a quorum. And it is further ordered that this com mittee calling unto them his Majesty s Attorney-General or else his Majesty s Advocate do henceforward hear all causes that byway of appeal come from the isles of Jersey and Guernsey. The orders whereupon being in due form prepared by the Clerk of the Council are, before they are signed, to be read at the Council-board, and there approved of, so that they may receive the approbation and authority of the whole Council, which before used to pass distinctly from the Committee only by a deriva tive power from the Board. The system as thus outlined continued until January 27, 1687, when it was ordered that not only a certain number, but all of the lords of the privy council be appointed a standing committee on trade and foreign plantations. But it appears that this return to the early method of adjudicating appeals did not result successfully. A further change, therefore, be came necessary, and on December 10, 1696, an order was passed which recites that His Majesty having this day taken into his Royall consideration the matter of hearing appeals from the Plantations, is pleased to direct and order in councill that all appeales from any of the Plantations be heard as formerly by a committee, who are to report the matters so heard by them, with their opinion thereupon, to his Majestic in couucill. And in order thereunto his Majestie did declare his further pleasure, that all the Lords of the councill, or any three or more of them, be appointed a com mittee for that purpose. It will be noticed that under the provisions of this order all of the lords of the council might still act as a committee on hearing appeals from the colonial courts. But whatever the number of privy councillors serving on this committee, whether the whole council or only three members, it had only a com mittee s powers and was required to make its report to the council itself. A brief reference must now be made to the manner of pre senting colonial appeal cases before this committee. 1 According to an order of October 31, 1689, it was declared that thereafter " there be not admitted above two council to be heard on a side in any cause at this board, and but one allowed on each side for reading such evidences and proofs 2 as there shall be occasion to make use of." A committee with simi]ar functions is now (1895) known as the Judi cial Committee of the Privy Council. 2 Copies of records and other proceedings were brought from the colonies when appeal cases were adjudicated by the King in council. APPEALS FROM COLONIAL COURTS HAZELTINE. 349 It appears that prior to 1727 the meetings of the committee were frequently put off because of the failure of counsel to be present and argue their cases. Delays were thereby caused which resulted in the obstruction of justice and the detriment of the suitors. To stop this practice the lords of the commit tee, on January 18, 1727, ordered that When a day shall be appointed to hear any appeals or complaints either from the plantations or from the Isles of Jersey and Guernsey, or for any other cause or causes depending before this committee, such pretence of want of counsel shall not be allowed of us as a reason to defer the hearing thereof. Whereof all persons concerned in soliciting causes before this committee are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. On March 10, 1730, the King in council passed an order which recites that Whereas a practice hath of late been introduced by parties who have causes depending before the council, to print and deliver a state of their case to every privy councillor at the time of hearing of the said causes, which printed cases have not been signed by any counsel learned at law. And whereas the same hath been represented to his Majesty at this board as a very irregular and improper way of proceeding: His Majesty this day took the same into his royal consideration, and being desirous to pre vent the like practices for the future, is hereby pleased, with the advice of his Privy Council, to order that no person whatsoever do presume to deliver any printed case or cases to any Lords of the council, or any com mittee thereof, unless such case or cases shall be signed by one or more of the counsel, Avho shall attend at the hearing of the cause. Furthermore, when causes were argued upon printed points, or heads of argument, which were handed up to the members of the committee as j udges, the rule was to pass a copy to the counsel of the adverse party. It was usually customary for the counsel to note on the margin of this copy his own stric tures upon the argument of his opponent, and to use the copy, with these marginal notes, as a minute by which to reply to the line of argument therein contained. Sir John Strange and Sir Dudley Eider used these printed points in arguing the case of Phillips v. Savage in 1738. 1 On April 21, 1746, it was ordered by the lords of the com mittee of council for plantation affairs that "when appeals or other causes are put upon the list of business for hear ing before this committee, that the party or parties at whose request such appeal or cause is set down, shall be in readiness to be heard whenever their Lordships shall appoint a day." An additional order was passed by the lords of the committee 1 Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, 1860-1862, p. 167. 350 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 011 July 9, 1751. It stipulates that when "the said appeals or causes shall have been so put upon the list of business for hearing, the same be heard in the course they are so set down, without any further notice, order, or direction of the commit tee for that purpose." It is plain that the method of procedure was a careful one. Every appeal [ was referred to the privy council s committee on plantation affairs, and before the lords of this committee the case was carefully and fully tried. But the lords of the com mittee did not always rely upon their own judgment alone. They frequently referred cases to the lords commissioners for trade and plantations; and these commissioners, in turn, often sought the advice of the attorney and solicitor general. 2 Reports were then returned from board to board until the committee 011 plantation affairs made its report to the Xing and the entire council. The council s advice upon the report was -then obtained, and the King, acting upon this advice, issued the final decree in the form of an order in council, either affirming, reversing, 3 or otherwise revising the decision of the colonial court. In conclusion it need only be said that dur ing the period with which we have been concerned in the present inquiry, the King in council was a tribunal well adapted for the adjudication of colonial appeal cases. Not only its personnel, but its very procedure insured justice to both appellant and appellee. Certainly no other English insti tution of the time could have exercised more adequately or satisfactorily than did this "honorable and reverend assembly of the King and his privy council" the functions of a tribunal with appellate jurisdiction over the courts of Rhode Island and the other American colonies. It was a noble predecessor of a still nobler tribunal, the Supreme Court of the United States. 1 Either in chancery or in common law. 2 Douglass s Summary, I. 3 After the report of the committee, affirming or reversing the judgment appealed from, had been confirmed by the King in council, a rehearing was not granted. In Perm v. Lord Baltimore, on a petition by the plaintiffs for a rehearing, the committee reported that there was no instance of rehearing on an appeal, which would be mischievous, unless on some very particular circumstances, such as the discovery of new evidence or fraud ; and the petition was therefore rejected. (See Burge s Colonial Law, I, Introd., p. Ixxvii.) 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