I' B? GEOEGE MACKANES JKA USTRALIAN A->li 7) THE PASTORAL POSSESSIONS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. BY WILLIAM HANSON, A.L.S., LOND. ^ Go'py of tJi& above worTc is forward&d to by ti^& direction of the W^onor coble the Golordal Secretary . CHARLES POTTER, §overnrnent &^rinter. §ove'rn'ment 0^rin.tin.g &ffi^oe -fSth jSeptemher^ ^889. <^^- ^ PASTORAL POSSESSIONS iNfEW SOUTH WALES. t-Tv ii" i Al. O"!!^^ «■»«< PASTORAL POSSESSIONS NEW SOUTH WALES. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, IN THE EASTERN, CENTRAL, AND WESTERN DIVISIONS. WITH THE NAMES OF THE PASTORAL HOLDERS OF THE CROWN, THE LAND DISTRICT AND COUNTY IN WHICH EACH HOLDING IS SITUATED, THE AREA IN ACRES, THE ANNUAL RENT AND LICENSE FEE, THE RATE PER ACRE AND PER SECTION FOR EACH LEASEHOLD AND RESUMED AREA RESPECTIVELY'. WITH COPIOUS INDICES AND A MAP. By WILLIAM HANSON, A.L.S., Lokd,. Ex-GOVERNMENT PRINTER OF NEW SoUTH WaLES, SYDNEY : GIBBS, SHALL ARD, A: CO., 84a PITT STEEET. 1889. [All Rkjht>> Reservecl.] SYDNEY : GIBBS, SHALLARD, AND CO., PRINTERS, PITT STREET. CONTENTS. Pa«b. Map face Title Preface.. .„ .^ .- i — iii. Registered Holders of the Crown v — xxxii. PART I.— EASTERN DIVISION— Pastoral Holdings 1 — 164 Boundaries 165 PART II. -CENTRAL DIVISION— Pastoral Holdings 169—395 Boundaries 396 PART III.— WESTERN DIVISION— Pastoral Holdings 401—505 Boundaries 506 Index — Names of Holdings 509—520 PREFACE. rpHE Author of the Compilation of The Pastoral Possessions OP New South Wales, having resided in the Colony for a period approaching half a century, and having been for a great portion of that time a proprietor of an influential daily paper, feels that he has had exceptional facilities afforded him for acquiring such knowledge of pastoral enterprise as to enable him to supply useful information thereon : especially regarding the importance of the subdivisions of the immense wool farms by law established ; and to give to every Holding a specific description and identification (a desideratum much wanted), comprised under the following heads — (1) the Land District and County in which each Pastoral Holding is situated, (2) the area in acres, (3) the annual rent and license fee, and (4) the rate per acre and per section for each Leasehold and Resumed Area respectively, together with (5) the Names of the Registered Pastoral Holders of the Crown — all of which will be found detailed in the text of the volume ; with the date of the notification in the Government Gazette of each Pastoral Holding. The work is intended to form a precis to our innnense pastoral resources, and to be a guide to all who are or may become interested in the further development of this almost terra incognita of New South Wales ; in short to afibrd reliable data on the sul)ject of our possessions not heretofore available to the public at large, at least in the form now put forward. The volume may also be acceptable to the capitalist as demon- strating the solid foundation upon which our public securities stand, and the certainty of a steady revenue being derivable from the Pastoral Possessions of the Colony. ii. PREFACE The Land Act of 1884 entirely altered the then existing Terri- torial Divisions of the Colony, whereby the thirteen Pastoral Districts were abolished, and three grand divisions substituted therefor, running nearly north and south, and almost parallel with the seaboard. The map appended illustrates the geographical position of the dividing lines of the districts, as proclaimed under the Act. These Divisions are now known, and designated by Law, as : — 1. The Eastern Division. 2. The Central Division. 3. The Western Division. The three Divisions provide for settlement upon the land of a some- what differing character, inviting, in their climatic incidences, peoples fi'om all parts of the civilized world as tillers of the soil. The grazing resources of the Colony are at present only partially developed ; and mining wealth, beyond all powers of calculation, is awaiting the influx of population and capital necessary to unearth it. The Pastoral Holdings are not limited as to area, and when not measured are, under authority, accepted as estimated quantities. The Divisions of the Holdings, as by Law provided, now number about 3,350 areas. Approximately one-half of these are Leasehold, and the other half Resumed Areas. The Resumed Areas are all under annual occupation license, and are open to the various modes of alienation prescribed by the Act. These ai*eas are detailed throughout the text of the work, and afford a ready means of knowing where land is open for settlement, con- ditionally or otherwise, under the Act. Whenever it is stated as being " Not under Occupation License," this implies that no annual license fee has been paid, — no Occupation License having been applied for by the Tenant of the Crown when the conversion of the "leases" into " holdings " took place, and the Act was brought into force. The Leasehold Areas are held for various terms, depending on the Division in which they are situated, and no alienation can take place on these areas during the currency of the lease of the holdings ; but land required for any public purpose may, in terms of the Act, be with- drawn therefrom. PREFACE Hi. By the present Law, decentralization has been introduced, and simple, expeditious, and economical local tribunals for the consider- ation and disposal of applications, claims, disputes, &c., have been provided by the establishment of Land Boards, and District Survey Offices connected therewith, throughout the whole Territory ; by which arrangement frequent reference to the Central Government is avoided, and the unnecessary friction occasioned by official restrictions hitherto prevailing under the regime of centralization, as administered at the seat of Government in Sydney, is removed. In conclusion, the compiler had long cherished a wish to undertake the congenial work involved in the present enterprise, from a deep- seated conviction that the volume now completed would be highly advantageous to the country of his adoption. He ventures to think that within the limits presented he has fully achieved the object he had in view ; and opines that the result of his effi)rts, since it clearly supplies a pressing want, will prove acceptable to that numerous circle who are directly interested in the agrarian wealth of this magnificent colony ; and he looks with much confidence to a kindly recognition of his handiwork by a discriminating public. WM. HANSON. St. Leonards, New South Wales, June, 1SS9. THE REGISTERED PASTORAL HOLDERS OF THE CROWN OF NEW SOUTH WALES, WITH THE NAMES OF THEIR HOLDINGS. Page. Abbott, Robert Palmer — Egerton... 59 A'Beckett, William Channing and Marsham Ehvin—Nelgowrie 314 Acraman, John — Ann's Vale or Cungera .. ... ... ... ... ... 5 Agnew, Henry — Warren's Corner .. ... ... .. ... ... ... 152 Aitken, James and Arthur Ranken Blackwood — Wanaaring 493 Alcock, Arthur — Greenlands ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 70 Alexander, David — Quandary North .. .. ... ... .. ... 333 Alexander, John, Robert James, and David Hutchinson— Kulki 87 Alexander, John — Eurombedah, 248. Nevertire .. .. 315 Alison, James Mair— Oakey Creek... ... ... ... ... ... .. 321 Alison, William, and William Alison, jun.—Canonbar, 219. Meryula ... 451 Allen, (the late Sir George Wigram) — Terembone ... 343 Allen, George Boy ce — Tharambone ... ... ... .. .. ... 345 Allen, R. D., North Cuerindi 114 Allen, William ; William Thomas Parramore, and Matthew Ingle Browne — Thule 484 Amos, Alexander — Mount Mitchell, 106. Upper Wyalong, No. 3 ... 362 Youendah 392 Anderson, Mary — Newstead ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 112 Anderson, William — Mount Stuart .. 461 Armour, Johu^Cocopara ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 225 Armour, Matthew — Bogolong ... ... . ... .. .. ... 20 Armstrong, Alexander; James Kininmonth and Walter Tully — Merungle.. 451 Armstrong, Alexander ; James Howatson, and A. Bell — Alma ... ... 401 Armstrong, Thomas — Noorong .. .. ... ... .. ... ... 317 Armstrong, William, Robert Grieve, Thomas and John — Kangarooby ... 82 Gunbar . 265 Army tage, Frederick William — Nocoleche ... .. ... ... ... 468 Amdell, John — Rocky Creek, 335. Sandholes 335 Ashcroft, Edward— Tootal 352 Ashcroft, Edward, and Charles Darby Bardwell — Oberne ... ... ... 322 Atkinson, Edwin George— Tindereys 142 Atkinson, James — Tucklan and YaiTOW Creek ... ... .. ... .. 355 Austin, Albert — Canoon Point, 220. Margah, 306. Wanganella 367 Austin, Sydney — Narromine ... ... .. .. ... .. ... 312 A 2 vi. REGISTERED HOLDERS Australian Alliance Assurance Company — Condobolin.. Australasian Investment Company — -Tulloona ... Australian Joint Stock Bank : — Addicumbene Aitkins' Flat and Argalong Banglieet Beanbah Bogo Bogoloug Bongeabong . . . Book Book ... Boorook Bulderudgera.. Bunglegumby . . Centre Block, No. Chidowla Coldstream Colliburl Coranga Downs Coubail Couradigbee . . Curraweena ... Davy's Plains .. Dubbo .. East Bi'eelong... EastBogan, No. 1 Eugeldry Four-mile Creek Geekle... Glen ar iff Glenbog Glen Fernaigh Greenwich page Maidenhead 2 8 5 176 180 191 193 193 23 30 210 223 39 42 227 423 233 48 425 54 241 242 429 246 250 63 434 65 66 70 Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company Belubula Beuduck Bogamildi Boraig ... Burburgate Burrandoon Cowl Cowl Edgeroi Flagstone Creek Fullham Grasmere Jeogla ... Jingellic Kildary Mount Wood Moura ... Murrill Creek 181 182 190 24 212 214 234 243 249 433 437 79 81 277 461 106 and .301 ... 307 Gulgo South ... Hartwood lUumurgalia East ... Kingstown King's Plains Lanark Lodge Lower Willie East ... Lowry Creek ... Mondadoo Moonagee Mooraback Mumberbumbone Mungranbj and Bourbeen Murrawombie Murrumbidgerie Nyngan East .. Parmidman Quiiindie Creek Qwyarigo _ Rocky Plain ... Taemas Tara Tareelari Terry-Hie-Hie Warraberiy and St. Giles Wangrewally ... Willeroon Yamma i'^ouie ... Murrumbogie... Nangerybone ... Noonthorungee North Gogelderie North Goonambil Outer Netallie South Merrowie Success Tchelery Tibora ... Ticehurst TheTroffs ... Warree Wyadra Yallock Yarrowah Youngee Plains Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company : — Angledool 402 Billabong Barellan 177 Binya Barham 177 Bolero, Block A North Belford 406 Bundidgery ... Paye. . 229 . 356 264 438 273 86 86 88 282 93 454 298 104 304 305 465 307 321 326 122 122 125 135 136 342 344 369 368 380 389 392 307 309 469 318 317 473 339 840 343 485 485 347 370 502 503 391 393 185 188 192 208 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Comiisiny— C continued J : — Page. Bundinbarrina par/e 415 Mount Arrowsmith .. . 458 Burta ... ..'. 416 Nap Nap . 310 Cocopai-a East ... 22(5 Neckarboo 466 Conapaira . 229 North Malonga , 319 Coiilpataro ... 424 North Yathong . 319 Cowabee ... 234 Niindoro 470 Cuthowarra ... ... 426 Oxley .. . 325 Dungalear ... 428 Paddington . 473 East Billabong ... 242 Panban . 474 Euglo ... ... 246 Piallaway and Walhallow . . 120 Eunonyhareenylia ... 247 Poon Boon . 330 Euratha ... 247 Ranger's Valley . 123 Goobang ... 257 Tarcoola . 481 Gorah .. 259 Thellangering East ... . 346 Goiirnama ... 2d() Ungaree . 360 Hunnawang ... ... 272 Wallandra . 493 Kajiiligah ... 440 Wamell . 493 Lake Cowal ... ... 280 West Bogac, No. 1 ... . 376 Lake Victoria ... 443 Wingadee . 381 Xanga^virra .. 444 Wonominta . 502 Mimosa ... 294 Yanda ... . 503 Mossgiel ... 458 Australian and New Zcalan d Mortgage Company : — Bolaganiy ... 191 Kiacatoo . 275 Huaba ... 439 Mowablaa . 301 Keribree ... 442 To-nyal . 352 Austi'alian Pastoral Company : — Lower Nilgie, 446. Yeranbah . 505 Ayre, Robert McKenzie, and 1^ rancis M artin- — Murtee .. 466 B Bailey, Henry, and George Loder — Wabbra Bailey, William — Monnt Booi'ithumble, 459. Roto North-east Baillie, Thomas — Benerembah Baird, David Donald — The Springs Baird, Samuel and Matthew Hamilton — Quantambone Baldwin, Charles — Durham Court Balfour, James — Round Hill Balme, Arthur — Walbundrie Bank of Adelaide— Mallara, 447. Moorara Bank of Australasia of Melbourne — Peak Back 150 and Bank of Australasia : — Agiutoothbong Barry ... Barraba Ballandry Breuda Bundabulla Bundy Burroway Carnerney Copabella Currangorambla West Innesowen 3 Kiah Lake 10 Kunopia 9 Little Billabong and The Falls 175 Looanga 412 Ouranee 415 Poolamacca ... 209 Teryawynia ... 215 Therribri 222 Toorawandi 46 Ulonga 52 West Bogan, No. 2 and 3 ... 439 149 478 182 347 476 57 127 364 456 120 84 279 89 92 119 475 483 347 851 359 377 REGISTERED HOLDERS Bank of New South Wales :— Acacia Creek ... Ariah ... Armitree Arramagong East Arramagong East Arthur Seat ... Attunga Back Gilgandra Back Tenandra Baden Park .. Balblah' Bald Ridge Balladoran Barbigal Belar ... Ben Lomond ... Biambil Biniguy Blowering Bocabigal Bodangora Bokemer Bomely Bondi ... Bookookoorara Bredbow North Broadmeadows Brungle Budgery Bulgoo Bundemar Bundybundally Burdenda Carlginda Carrot Carumbi Cavan ... Cave l^'lat and Conradigby Central Block C. Chandler's Creek Clerkness Colane... Connulpie Downs Cooleman Cope's Creek ... Cotway Currowang Dilga ... Diitzon... Ellengerah Euroka . . Frazer's Creek Galaragambone Geeron or Derangibal Gineroi Glen Elgin and Morven Giidgeuby Page. page 2 Gulgo .. ... 169 Gundibindyal ... 170 Gunning East 5 Hermitage Plains Block M. ... ... 170 Hlunie ... 6 Jindabyne West 6 Kaioyla ... 172 Kenyu .. .. 173 Khancoban South ... 403 Laura 8 Long Reach ... 174 Marowan ... 175 Melrose Block D ... 177 Merry bone ... 180 Milton Vale ... 13 Mimosa West .. ... 185 Mogong and Tilga ... 187 Moira Plains ... 18 Moppity ... 189 Moona Plains ... ... 190 Morago ... 191 Mulga No. 1 ... 192 Mulga or Glenarifif, Block B. 22 Mungle and Wallah 23 Nangus ... 26 Narran ... 27 Narraway ... 28 Native Dog Flat ... 204 Newton Boyd ... 414 Nimitabelle ... ... 208 North Barraba ... 210 North Eaabalong 13 Nymboida ... 221 Old Biamble ... 36 Orroral ... 37 PuUingawarina ... 37 Quandary North ... 38 Queensborough ... 418 Red Hill ... 38 Retreat 40 Sandy Camp ... 226 Shannon Vale .. ... 420 Stockinbingal ... 44 Stockyard Flat .„ 46 Stony Creek ... 47 Tarcoon .. 52 Terrangan ... 56 Terramungamine ... 68 Thurloo Downs ... 244 Tilbuster ... 248 Timberrybungan ... 61 Torryburn ... 250 Tooloom and Woodenbong . . . . 251 Tro well Creek Station ... 255 Upper Goobaragandra ... 66 Wabbra ... 71 Wam brook and Island Lake PASTORAL POSSESSIONS ix. Bank of New South Wales — (continued) — Page. Wardry page 368 Willoh 500 Welbon 375 Wiltagoona 500 West Bogan No. 6 377 Woolgarlo .. 159 West Breelong 378 Woolomin ... 159 Wilga 497 Yaddra 386 Willan .. 379 Yerriman 391 Willie Ploma 156 Bank of New Zealand — Gidgenboyne ... 254 Old Harbour 323 Gundibindyal North ... 72 South Balladoran 338 Bank of South Australia — Mundi Mundi . . ... . . . . ... 465 Bank of Victoria of Melbourne — Buckargingah, 28. West Pinbeyan ... 155 Barber, Samuel — Cooradigbee ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 45 Barber, Samuel, and John Dale — Bogalara ... ... ... ... ... 19 Bardwell, Charles Darby — Adelong, 3. Green Hills, 69. Oberne, 117 and 322 Barker, John — Mount Mitchell West ... .. ... ... ... ... 106 Barling, John, Thomas, and James — Glenriddle .. .. ... ... 67 Barnes, Henry — Dyrabba, 08. Tabulam .. ... ... ... .. 135 Barnes, Henry ; Charles Edwards, and Chas. Augustus Bruxner — Runnemede 127 Barry, John — Head of the River, 75. Moonbar ... ... ... ... 103 Bear, Thomas Hutchings — Bereinbed North, 183. Grong Grong .„ 263 Beasley, Robert Tynemonth — Wattamadara ... ... ... ... ... 154 Beaumont, John Thomas — Marengo ... .. ... ... ... .. 95 Belfield, Algernon Henry, and Rev. Septimus Hungerford — Eversleigh .. 61 Bell, Benjamin — Wartago ... ... ... .. .. ... ... ... 153 Bell, John — Multagoona ... .. ... ... ... ... ... . 464 Bell, Alexander — Alma .. 401 Benu. John — Bugilbone .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 204 Bennett, Lavinia — Yandembah ... ... .. ... ... .. ... 504 Bertram, John — Garpung ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 433 Bettington, James Martindale — Winscombe ... ... ... ... .. 157 Beven, James — Wangaroa ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... 494 Beven, Matthew — Mount Grenfell No. 2, 459. Wangaron .. . 494 Beveridge, James — Grogan Creek .. ... ... ... ... .. 70 Bigg, Heniy Edward — Thalgarrah ... ... ... ... ... ... 139 Black, John Marshall — Bummyumbla ... ... ... ... ... ... 31 Black, John Richard— Blue Nobby, 189. Wallangra 365 Blackwood, Arthur Ranken — Nyang, 320. Toulby, 490. Wanaaring ... 494 Talawanta ... ... . ... .. .. ... 479 Blackwood, Arthur Ranken, and Frederick Henry Moore — Euroka .. 248 Gra win. South, 437. Lower Mithul Creek ... .. .. 282 Blackwood, James, and Frederick Henry Moore — Walla Walla ... 364 Blackwood, John Hutchinson, and James McMeckan — Booabula ... ... 193 Blackwood, Richard— Hartwood ... .. ... ... ... ... .. 269 Blair, David— Talbingo 135 Blair, D., and W. Greenlaw — Combanning, 42. Houlaghan's Creek North 271 Blair, Lydia — Temora ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... 137 Blake, Heniy Palmer, and Ai'thur Palmer Blake — Coonimbia ... ... 231 Blaxland, Alfred William ; Arthur Evans, and Sydney Saunders Hays — Stony Batter 133 Blaxland, Charles — Torryburn .. ... ... ... ... ,. ... 145 Blyth, John — Upper Wyalong 362 Board, Thomas — Carj^apuudy West ... ... ... .. ... ... 418 Bootes, William — Bangus... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Booth, Abraham — Gobbagombalin and Tooyal ... ... .. .. ... 256 Booth, Salathial—Coronga Peak 423 X. REGISTERED HOLDERS Page. Boucher, John -Bukalong .. 29 Bonlton, Edward Baker — Bergen-op-Zoom 13 Bourke, John— Merri Merriway .. 450 Bowler, Henry Joseph; Richard Cox, and Thos. Francis Waller — Annandale 5 Boy dell, John Francis— Slaughterhouse Plains 337 Bradley, William (the executors of ) — Bibbenluke, 14. Bulgar Creek ... 30 Brayshaw, William — Boboyan ... 18 Bright, Reginald, and Francis Amboor Keating — Mulurulu 464 British and Australasian Trust and Loan Company : — Bannockburn page 9 Memagong 97 Bomera . 192 Milkengowrie 293 Bundalla 208 Britton, Thomas and Patrick— Bogewong ... 190 Serpentine River and Lower Styx 128 Broatch, William — Multagoona .. 464 -Brodie, David, Thomas, and James — Wangra Creek . ... .. ... 151 Brooke, John Arthur — Bunarba 207 T^rooke, William— Coolah ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... 230 Broughton, George Alfred, William Edmund, and Edmund James — Melrose 286 Broughton, Robert— Gadara ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 62 Broughton, Thomas —Muttama .. ... ... ... ... .. ... 108 Brown, Charles — Osaca ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 473 Brown, Edward George ; Wilfred Benjamin Marks, and Catherine Mary McLeish — Toomoorooma ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 144 Brown, Edward George, and Hamlin Lavicount Harris — Tumut Plains ... 146 Brown, John Lane — The Brigalows .. ... ... ... ... ... 346 Brown, John Lawrence — Caigtxn, 217. Tonderburine ... ... ... 350 Brown, Joseph — Coaldale ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 Brown, Thomas Brisbane — Half moon Plains .. ... ... ... .,, 268 Brown, Thomas, and Alexander Mc Farlan — Tuppal ... ... ... ... 356 Brown, Warren Hastings, and Thomas Barber Hunt — Mellool ... ... 285 Browne, John — Coppymurrumbil, 232. Guy Faux, 73. Pullaming ... 331 Upper Tia 149 Browne, Matthew Ingle — Thule, 484. Lerida 444 Brush, Samuel ; Nicholas Sadlier, and Richard Wilson — Boondarra... ... 409 Bruxner, Charles Augustus — Runnemede, 127. Sandilands ... ... 128 Buckland, Thomas — Bothero, 198. Coonabarrabran, 231. Mount King East 460 Wonbobbie 383 Buchanan, Benjamin — Dry Plains, 57. Gunningrach ... ... ... ... 72 Buchanan, William Frederick— Bostobrick, 24. Killarney ... .. ... 277 Budd, Henry Francis Hastings —Lalaltee South 280 Bull, Hem-y Thomas Rowland. — Berawinia Downs, No. 3 .. ... ... 406 Caryapundy Swamp No. 1, 417. Delalah Downs ... ... ... 427 BuUman, Andrew — Blackjack ... .. ... .. ... ... ... 16 P'Undock, Wellington Cochrane — Wiangerie ... ... ... ... .. 156 Burgess, Edward — Restdown ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 477 Burns, John — Jerra Jerra ... ... .. ... ... ... .. .. 79 Byrne, Charles Joseph — Belowra and Wadbilliga ... ... ... ... 11 Byrne, R. C— Bourbah 198 Cadell, William Thomas — Annandale, 4. Myall Downs .. 308 Cafe, John — Back Run, 173. Boranda .. .. 197 Caldwell, Steel, junr. — Lower Balabla, 281. Wentworth Gully .375 Caldwell, William— xVIoonbucca 103 Caldwell, James Alexander. — Upper Balabla ... ... .. 148 arje 171 Stonehenge .. ... ... 132 Boyong '... 199 Tala 341 Cooma 230 Wandary 366 Gunnee or Reedy Creek ... 72 Wee Waa South ... ... 374 Native Dog 313 Yanga 388 Peedee Creek 120 Ettershank, John — Topar ... .. .. ... ... ... ... 4S9 Evans, Arthur — Stony Batter ... ... ... ... ... .. .. 133 Evans, David — North Merrowie ... ... ... ... .. ... 470 Everett, George, John and Edward — OUera .. . ... ... ... 118 Faed, William — Butherwah ... ... ... ... ... ... 215 Faithful, William Pitt— Brewarrina ... ... 200 Falkiner, Franc Sadleir — Boonook, 195. Moonbria ... ... ... ... 299 Fanning, William and Frederick — Wooroowoolgan .. ... ... 160 Fanning, William, Joseph and Francis Grant — Nanima .. ... ... 110 Fanning, William Atniar, Edward and Frederick Charles — Winbar... ... 500 Farley, John— Rivertrce East ... ... ... .. ... ... 124 Fa viell, Arthur Ernest -Benfs Hill 183 Felton, Alfred— Murray Do\\-ns .306 Fenwick, Christopher Dawson — Europambela ... ... ... ... ... 60 Fergie, Henry Penketh— Woodlands, 384. Keniwah ... .. ... 275 Ferguson, Alexander - Youlbung .. ... .. ... ... ... ... 393 Fergusson, James- Moolah ... ... .. ... . . . . 455 Field, Edward ; L. M. Cariston Seton, and William Giljbon Walker — Wellingrove ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 155 xvi. REGISTERED HOLDERS Page. Fink, Benjamin Josman — Bulbodney ... ... ... ... ... .. 204 Fisher, John — Embie . 245 Fitzgerald, Nicholas E. ; Matthew P. O'Shanassy, and R. Prendergast — FortBourke 432 Fletcher, Thomas — Wingenbar 382 Fletcher, John — Branga Plains and Callaghan's Swamp, 25. Kentucky ... 83 Walcha, 150. WoUomurabi 157 Fletcher, Jane— Balagula ... ... ... . ... ... ... ... 174 Fletcher, William Henry, and R. Goldsbrough and Company — Kaleno .. 440 Flood, The late Hon. Edward — Tunstall, 146. Yarrow Creek and Kingsgate ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... 162 Forrester, George — Miller's Creek ... .. .. ... .. .. 100 Franklin, George Thomas and John Maurice — Bimben East, 16. Brinda- bella 26 Eraser, Alexander Crichard Skuse — Boco Creek ... ... ... ... 1^ Freehold Trust Company of Australia — Gunambil, 264. Coreen ... ... 233 Friend, Walter and Owen — Bendenine ... .. ... .. 12 G Gallagher, Michael and Martin — Moodong Gardiner, John Andrew — Derri Derri Gardner, Henry — Cumble ... Garner, Francis— Toomoorooma Garry, John Joseph — Mylora Gentle, Simon Fraser — Grogan Creek Gibson, Andrew Faithful — Tregalana Gibson, Frederick Faithful — Caragabal Gibson, Geoi'ge Lorimer — Lor.gford Gibson, Thomas Jamison — Bulgandra Gilchrist, William Oswald : — Clifton ... ... 2^a(7e 40 Dry Plains 57 Genanmgie ... ... ... 252 Gill, John— Moonbi, 103. Rockvale, 125 Gill, George Robert — Emu Creek ... Gilmour, John Newell — Bulgandramine, 205. Gennaren Glasson, Richard, junr., and Robert Glasson — Yullundry Glass, Eliza Jane — Eurie Eurie Godfrey, Frederick Race — Pevensey Godfrey, Henry — Nangunia and Warmatta, 309. Triangular Plain Goldsbrough, Richard, and Company : — Gunningrach .. Llanillo Weelong Wondoobar Arlington Plains Booroomugga Booreegerry . . . Borah ... Bulla ... Burrongong . . . Colli Cucumgilliga ... CuUengally Dine Dine Elsinora Eremeran Florida Gandymungydel Gnalta ... 402 Kaleno 410 Leiwah 197 Lissington 196 Mathoura 414 Merrybone 215 Mogong 227 Monument Flats 50 New Kirban .. 236 Packsaddle .-- 427 Pirillie 430 Taringo Downs 430 Tumbleton Station 431 Wilgar Downs 250 Wirrali 435 Yalgogrin f^outli 102 240 237 144 109 70 352 220 91 205 72 445 373 384 59 252 164 247 327 353 440 280 445 285 291 296 297 316 473 475 482 146 379 382 387 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS ijoklsbrongli, Richard, and the hxte Hugh Parker — Buraja ... Goodwill, Thomas Henry Hall — Gunnedah Station (iordon, George, senr. — Opposite Derribong Gordon, Hugh — Strathbogie & Rocky Creek, 134. Gragen and Graman Gordon, W. H.- Zenith Gore, Elizabeth Martha— Koreela Grant. Edmund Cragie—Chah Sing Grant, John, juni. — Bebubula, 12. Merriganowry Grant, William— Colombo Creek ... (iray, Charles — Telleraga ... Graves, Thomas — Marra, 449. Talyeale .. Greaves, William Albert Braylesford — Bald Hills Green, Richard, and Henry Thomas Rowley Bull — Berawinia Downs No. 3, 406. Caryapundy Swamp, No. 1, 417. Delalah Downs {4reen, Dennis— Bocabigal ... Greene, George Henry — landx'a Greene, Molesworth Richard— Onepar Greenlaw, William — Combanning, 42. Houlaghan's Creek North (Triffiths, G. R., and William Frederick Fanning — Wooroowoolgan Grover, David — Norfolk (iunn, Donald — Clarevaulx ... <4urner, Sydney Herbert — Carwell, 223. Geurie, 253. Molly Page. 212 265 323 261 394 86 224 97 227 343 480 7 H Hain, Samuel — Woorali Hale, John- Old Bull Haley, Alexander Thomas — Booberoi Halfey, John (Chairman of the Australian Assurance Company) — Condobolin Halfey, John, and John William Dennis — Campbell's Island, 219. Gonu Hall, Edward Smith, and Australian Joint Stock Bank — Willeroon Hall, Walter Russell — Buckyinguy . .... Halliday, The Hon. William, M.L.C.—Brookong Hamilton, Eobert, and Robert Lawrie, the younger — Kangaroo Flat Hammond, Thomas Wardle— Junee Hann, P. — Snubba Hann, John — Eatonswill Harden, Arthur Leslie — Manilla and Glenriddle Harding, Silas— Obella, 117 and 322. Tabratong West Hardy, Philip— Middle Cotter South Hardy, Robert — Murwillimbah Hargrave, Richard — Hillgrove, 76. Hernani ... Harmon, George — Quandary South Harnett, Maurice — Anembo, 4. Cowra Harnett, Laurence Joseph, and Patrick James Clifford (Executors of the late P. J. J. Clifiord)— Rose Valley and Bredbo South. . Harnett, Laurence Joseph, and Patrick James (Executors of the late P. J. J Clifford), and John Cliflford — Jindabyne East Harper, Robert — Kallara ... Harrison, -Tames Start — Eringanering Harris, Hamlin Lavicount, — Tumut Plains Harvey, Mrs. Jane — Armatree Harvey, James — Tintinallogy Hassell, Rowland — Ganowra Hawthorn, Timothy, and Daniel Carlton — Pinpira Hay, Alexander, and Thomas Graves — Talyeale, 480. Marra Hay, Henry — Collindina Hay, The Hon. Sir John, K.C.M.G.— Merryanbone Opposite Coonamble or Euramie Qaonmoona or Geanmoney Ukolan or Cwerindi xviii. REGISTERED HOLDERS Page. Hay, William— Boomanoomana .. .. ... ... ... ... ... 195 Hayden, Heniy — Delegate ... ... ... .. ... ... .. ... 54 Hayes, Edmund — Dora Dora ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 56' Hays, Sydney Saunders, and Arthur Evans Hays — Stony Batter .. ... 133 Head, George — Thinawindie ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 348 Head, Robert Gibbican . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 254 Head, William— Kiambir .. ... .. ... ... ... ... 276' Hebden, George Henry, and C. S. B. Hebden — Gogeldrie 257 Heffernan, P. ; D. Blair, and W. Greenlaw — Houlaghan's Creek North ... 271 Heflfernan, Patrick — Houlaghan's Creek South ... ... ... ... ... 271 Hennessy, Patrick and William — Bangaroo .. ... ... ... ... 8 Hepburn, William Robert — Coolamatong ... ... ... ... .. 43' Herrmann, Mark, and Vivian Cox — Budgeon ... ... pnge, 203 Cambara ... ... ... 218 Tooloon ... ... ... 351 Higgins, Robert George — Kickerbell, 85. Warran Downs Higliett, .John Moore and William Edward — Mootwingee Hill, The Hon. liichard, M.LC.—Buttabone Hill, Alfred, and James Moseley — Willylaw Hill, George S. and Charles A. ; and John Landers— Towal Creek , Hill, Thomas Hopkins Merrick — Head of Richmond ... HinchclifFe, Andrew — Gunnegaldra, 265. Ooma Hinchcliffe John, and Alexander Thomson — Balgay Hodges, William - Poi'tadown Hodgson, Walter — Booloola Hood, William — Bi-oula, 27. Canimbla ... Hooke, Augustus — Carracaback and Dewett Creek, 36. Tia Biver, Holmes, Robert— Greenland Hope, George — Beemery Hope, Isabella Matilda ; Charles Standish, and Robert E. Herbert — Para Hope, Robert T. Culbertson ; Arthur and George — Moonbi or Bogandillon Hope, William James— Bald Rock Hore, Andrew — Mugmugwug H ore, John — Kookaburraeong Horn, William Austin, and James Harvey — Tintinallogy Horsfall, John Sutcliffe— Kerarbury, 275. Wallandoon, 365. Widgiewa Horsley, Richard Frederick — Gi;nningblaud, 266. Yabtree ... Hoskisson, Thomas --Barraba Creek Howatson, James — Alma Howatson. James aiid Lewis — Wanga Mana Howe, John Kennedy —Little River, 90. Sherwood ... Howe, Leah — (Junnong Jugrawah Hughes, Herbert Bristow — Kinchega Humphrey, Charles Henry — Moparrabah Hungerford, Rev. Septimus — Eversleigh ... Hunt, Thomas Barber — Mellool Hurley, John — Cootamundra, 46. Rookery, 477. Hynes, John — Fairfield ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 61 Irby, Edward — Bolivia I 21 Jackson, Richard — Eoberah or Morbi James, Charles Henry— Kentucky .. James, Edwin Matthew, and William Martin — North Abbotsford 189- 274 469 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS xix. Page. Jamieson, William ; Herbert Frederick Cyril, and Thorald Goodwin Keats- Weilraoringle ... Jardine, William — Biggam, 15. Curry Flat ... Jeffray, Robert Jonathan — Barrawang ... Jeflfray, R. J., and William Murray — Boolcarrol, 194. The Overflow The Priory Jeffrey, Peter — Mingoola Jenkins, Francis — Nottingham Forest, 114. Buckingbong ... Jenkins, Richard Lewis — Carbucky, 221. More DeWl 496 53 179 346 484 101 202 300 Jennings, Sir Patrick Alfred, K.C.M.G :— Garrawilla .. ... page 251 Ulimambri ... ... ... 358 Denobollie 239 Warbreccan 368 Johnson, James William — Gegezerick ... ... ... ... ... 64 Johnston, Robert Percy — Cave Flat and Couradigby ... .. ... ... 38 Johnston, Robert— Honeybugle ... ... ... . ... ... ... 270 Johnstone, Thomas, and Robert M'Donald — Aberbaldie ... ... .. 1 Johnston, Thomas Andrew, and Thomas Henry Hall Goodwin— Gunnedah Station .. 265 Jones, Uavid— Nyang ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 320 Jones, Edward — Cadow ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 216 Jones, John— (Jobra, 224. Cowel Murryan, 234. Merrigal Back ... ... 289 The Boebung Swamp ... .. ... ... ... 345 Jones, John, junior —Gunnibong .. ... ... .. ... ... ... 266 Jones, John Rider — Derra Derra, 239. Long Flat ... ... .. ... 91 Jones, Joseph Travers — Currangorambla West ... ... ... 52 Jone.s, Lloyd ; Molesworth Richard Greene, and Alexander Falconer Sullivan — Onepar . . ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. 472 Jones, Lloyd— Delalah, 427. Mokely 453 Joseph, Moses — Maharatta .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ... 94 Josephson, Thomas Prancis, and James Nisbet — Pulpiilla . .. ... 476 Jurd, Daniel, and John Jurd, junior — Orraba ... ... ... ... ... 118 K Kater, Edward Harvey, and Henry Edward —Mumblebone ... ... ... 303 Keane, Edward Joseph — jSIooney Mooney ... .. ... ... ... 103 Kearns, W. H., and P. Curtis — Rock Forest 124 Keating, Francis Amboor — Oberwells, 471. Mulurulu ... ... ... 464 Keats, Herbert Frederick Cyril, and Thorald Goodwin — Weilmoringle .. 496 Keenan, ^lary — Cheeseman's Cieek . ... ... ... ... ... 38 Keep, EdM-ard, and William Murdock Ronald— Nebea ... ... ... 313 Keighran, Thomas, and John Joseph — Dudal Comer ... ... .. ... 57 Kelly, Bowes, and Thomas O'Grady — Urella Downs ... ... ... ... 492 Kelly, William, and Sarah Parkraan — Calabash ... ... .. ... 35 Kemp, James Haddon — Toorumbee .. ... ... ... ... ... 145 Kennedy, Matthew Thomas — Hooloola ... ... ... .. ... ... 194 Keys, John -Thoko 140 Kiddle. William, junior, and Arthur Balme — ^Walbundrie ... ...150 and 364 King, R K, F., and E. W.-Ulumbarella 3-59 King, Charles Beechworth, and Henry Joseph King — Crown Camp.. ... 235 King, George -Dangelong ... ... .. .. ... .. ... ... 53 King, John — Hanging Rock, 269. Wollongough ... ... ... .. 383 King, Robert John— Cotter Falls . ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 Kininmonth, James — Merungle ... ... ... . .. .. 451 Kininmonth, James, Robert Calvert, John Bell, William Broatch, and Robert Scott — Maltagoona .. ... ... ... ... ... 464 XX. REGISTERED HOLDERS Par/e. Knight, John — Tannabar ... ... ... ... ... ... 342 Knox, Thomas Foster — Booroondarra Downs, 410. Upper Wyalong No. 2. 362 Knox, The Hon. Edward ; Benjamin Buchanan, and William Oswald Gilchrist — Dry Plains, 57. Gunningrach 72 L'Amy, John Ramsay — Gineroi, 255. Welbon.. Lackey, The Hon. John, M.L.C. — Buckwaroon Lalor, William — Bengalla ... Lamb, John de Villiers— Coomoo Coomoo Lampe, Sarah — North Talbingo Lamrock, John — Warree Lance, Lanceolet Castel, and Roland W^avertree Lance — Logan Landale, Robert and Alexander— Deniliquin, 238. Magenta. Landers, John — To wal Creek Langtree, Michael Campbell — Florida Langmore, Arthur Grainger — Charlton Lang, John — Mount Sturt Lang, Patrick Sellar — Tarella Lang, Matthew and Alexander Scott — Mount Poole ... Laurie, Thomas — Nowendoc Lawrie, Robert, jun. — Kangaroo Flat Leannonth, Thomas Livingston, and Andrew James — Groongal Ledger, John and Charles Frederick Walker — MuUion Ledger, John — Stammers Forest ... Lee, George — South Condoublin Lee, Marmaduke Watson — Middle Field . Legh, Christopher — Blair Hill, No. 575 ... Legh, Christopher, and Andrew Coventry — Blair Hill, West... Leslie, Peter, James and Hugh — Amphitheatre Levy, Lewis Wolfe, and George Judah Cohen — Wallabadah .. Levy, Lewis Wolfe — Terrible Vale Lintott, Edward — Torrens Creek ... Litchfield, James — Matoug, 96. Numbla Lloyd, Charles Madden — Yamma ... Loder, Andrew— Doughboy Hollow Loder, George, and Benjamin Bruce Campbell — Cubbo and Dunwerian Loder, George— Merah, 286. Millie, 294. Wabbra London Chartered Bank of Australia : — Berawuinia Downs ... page 406 Goonalgaa Bungle Gully 211 Topar Ginghet 255 Wilgha Downs Long, Benjamin — GeeguUalong Lowe, Frederick George— Gillinghall Lowe, Stanley Septimus — Spring Creek ... Lucas, Samuel — Countegany Luckey, Peter — Mumgranby and Bourbeen M Macansh, John Donald— Deepwater ... Macansh, John Donald ; John AVindeyer, and William Thomas Cadell- Myall Downs ... Macdonald, Cheeseborough Falconer John — Wantabadgery ... Mack, Austin — Ulumbarella .. ... ... ... Mack, Frank and Sydney Austin — Narromine ... Mack, Frank ; Albert Austin, and Tliomas Millear — Murgah PASTORAL POSSESSIONS Mackay, Alexander — Milbey West Mackay, Angus and David Copland — Pomingalama Page. . 293 . 329 Brewon Wilkie Plains. Weilmoringle ... Mackay, John Kenneth : — Cooplacurripa ... page 45 Cryon 235 Mackay, John — MuUengudgery ... Mackay, Samuel — Fryingpan Creek Mackenzie, Catherine— Wangen, 367 Mackinnon, Charles — New Breelong Mackinnon, Hannah and Margaret and Alexander Macrea— Lachlan Downs Macphillamy, Charles — Warroo Macrea, Alexander — Lachlan Do'svns Maguire, Alfred and Robert— Tugland Maguire, Edward— Bearbong. 180. Wallenanine Mahoney, Thomas — Boggy Plain Main, D. — Dubbo Mair, George, and Thomas Francis Waller — Glenroy Maley, Austin (the Executors of) — Nimmo Manusu, T. Pericles — Zechin Marks, Wilfred Benjamin — Toomoorooma Marsh, Matthew Henry — Bouralong Marsh, Phelemon George — Menedebri Marshall, Mary — New Geralgambone Martel, Cherubrim Hanna— Back Yamma Mai'tel, Florent — Dandaloo... Martin, Edward and John — Lower Droubalgie ... Martin, Francis — Murtee Martin, William— North Abbotsford Mate, Thos. Hodges : — Brown's Springs ... 27 Kulki 278 Tumberumba ... Umutbee and Toonga Matchett, George — Bald Hills and Waraderry Maxwell, Thomas— St. Cloud's Creek McAlister, Alexander — Bendarbo ... McBain, Sir James — Bygaloree McBain, Sir James ; Alexander McCuUum, and William and Henry Walker — Canally McBean, Lachlan — Culpaulin, 424. Woroooma McBean, Alex. Hughes, Wm. and John— Black Ranges, 17. Weejasper McCaughey, Samuel : — Coonong Coree .. Euabalong ... 232 ... 233 ... 431 Goolgumbla ... Singoramba Block A TheGalf McCouchie, William Gibson- -Bolaro McCracken, Robert — Jandra, 439. Wapwella McCuUoch, Sir James ; Robert Sellar. and James Macpherson — Hliliwa McCulloch, Sir James, and Robert Sellar — Moixnt Gipps McCuUoch, Sir James — Momba McCulloch, Thomas— Buckinbah McCuUum, Alexander — Canally McDonald, Duncan, and Robert Campbell — Burrangandra McDonald, Ebenezer — Cucumgilliga McDonald, John ; Joseph and William Webb, John James Wright, and James Norton Wright — Bimben West 16 xxii. REGISTERED HOLDERS Page. McDonald, John— Morth Peak 470 Mel Jonald, John, and Joseph William Webb— Urayarra ... 149 McDonald, John and William James — Bnrrandown 416 McDonald, Robert, and Thomas Johnstone— Aberbaldie .. 1 McDonald, Smith, and Co. (Executors of late W. Bradley) — Rocky Plains 125 McDouall, R. and R. N. ; F. and E. W. King— Uluml)arella 359 McEdwards, Alexander, and John Robertson— Yantara .. ... 504 McEvoy, John Shell ; Thomas Francis, and Peter Matthew McEvoy — Wollondibby 158 McFarland, Robert and Patrick — Mm-ray ... .S06 McFai-lan, Alexander — Tuppal 356 McGaw, Joseph— Warrana, 370. Kooba... .. .. 278 McGufficke, John, and John Hale -Old Bull 117 McGufficke, John Inman, and William Jardine—Mowenbah 106 McGiifficke. William Jardine — Jacob's River 79 Mclntyre, the Rev. Dmican Kennedy — Waterloo ... ... ... ... 153 Mclntyre, John, and Lam-ence Robertson — Dai'ling Block D.... ... ... 426 Mclntyre, Peter, and Lachlan McLean— Boona West ... ... ... ... 11)5 Mcintosh, Alexander— Bingara 187 McKeachie, Alexander — Mount Cooper 105 McKechnie, Charles Henry and Elizabeth Julia — Booroombie 23 McKellar, Duncan — Wooyeo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 385 McKenzie, Joseph— Upper Bundabulla East .. . .. 492 McKern, James— Greenbar Creek.. ... ... ... ... ... ... 262 McKinnon, John— Puckawidgee .. 330 Mcl.aurin, Alexander — Moi'oco ... ... ... ... . . ... ... 300 McLaurin, James— Yarra Yarra ... ... ... .. .. ... ... 162 McLean, Jonathan, and the Australian Joint Stock Bank — Mungerbumbone 304 McLean, Lachlan — Boona West .. ... ... .. 195 McLean. Norman, and John Cowan — Cunglebung 51 McLeish, Catherine Mary — Toomoorooma 144 McLennan, John — Co war .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 48 McLeod. Donald Smith — Bygaloree 216 McMaster, Duncan— Binnia, 187. Polly Brewan .S29 McMaster, Duncan and John — Bund uUa, 209. Gurnanaldry 4.37 McMaster, John : — Bone and Premer ... page 193 Weetaliba ... ... ... 374 Upper Bugaldi 361 Yerrinan 391 McMekan, James — Booabnla ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 193 McMicking, Robert — Manus 95 McMillan, Alexander— Warry 371 McMillan, Ann— Oregon 324 McMuUen, John Franklin : — Mole River 101 Oura .325 Mungiebundie . ... 304 Yagaba 386 McNamara, Thomas and Thomas H. — Carinda.., ... 221 McNevin, John — Cardington, 36. Gurrera ... ... . ... ... 4.38 McNicol, William, and William Bailey— Mount Boorithumble .. ... 459 Roto North East 478 McPhail, Donald — Gunniguldrie ... ... ... .. ... .. 438 McPherson, James —Illiliwa ... ... ... ... ... . . .. 273 McPhillamy, Charles Smith — Bulderudgera ... ... ... ... ... 30 MoPhillamy, Robert — Newrea or Noory .. ... . ... ... 112 McPhillamy, Norman Robert, and Harold Arkill ; and William Wilson — MuUingawarrina ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 464 McRea, Duncan — Olive Downs ... ... ... .. ... . ... 472 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS xxiii McVeau, Alexander— Howlong .. 271 MoVean, John — Mooloomoon 298 Meares, George— Clare, 419. Yarrangobilly 162 Mein, George Augustus and Pultney — Boorooma, 409. Moolpa ... .. 297 Mereantile Bank of Sydney :— Canomodine page 36 New Koreelar 112 Eenaweena 243 Tarriaho 342 (iyra or Gara 74 Warregal 371 Marranumbla 96 Womboin ... .383 Nelungaloo ... ... .. 314 Millar, Charles Gibson, and Edwin Franks— Conoble 421 Miller, Compton South — Leyboarue 89 Miller, George — Redan 476 Miller, the Hon. Henry— Midkin 292 Millear, Thomas : — Canoon Point 220 Mnrgah .306 Long Plain . . ... ... 92 Wanganella ... . ... 367 Millsj Charles ; Andrew Neilson, and William Smith— Uardry 358 Minter, Ale.xander Robert— Gorman's Hill West 260 Mitchell, James Sutherland— Narrawin .. 312 Mitchell, Thomas — Bi-iugenbrong ... .. ... ... .. ... 26 Molesworth, Robert Arthur, and Thomas Webb Ware— South Thononga ... 339 Momba Pastoral Company — Momba 454 Monck, Hon. Charles Stanley Viscount ; and John Ramsay L'Amy — Gineroi, 25-5. Welbon ... .. ... .. ... ... ■•• -^"o Montague, Alexander — Dooloondoondoo, 56. Numarellaand Mowle"s Gully 116 Moodie, John — Arlington Plains, 402. Marfield 448 Moore, Edward L. — Bungebar .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 211 Moore, David--Bundyulumblah, 210. Gelam .. 252 Moore, Frederick Henry, and Thomas Forster Knox— Booroondara Downs 410 Moore, Frederick Henry ; — Euroka 248 Lower Mithul Creek 282 Grawin South . ..437 Walla Walla 364 ^loorhoase, Edward— Tooma ... ... ... .. ... ... •■ 1"^3 Morgan, Allen Bradley— Gregadoo, 262. Little Plains, 91. Yarringerry... 391 Morrison, Robert Hugh, and James Ferauson — Moolah ... ... ... 455 Morse, ^^'illiam Henry, and (ieorge Phillip — Abington ... ... ... 2 Morse, William Henry and George Phillip ; and Thomas Sydney Morse Tourle— Wolla WoUa 382 Mosely, James —Willylaw ... .. .. ... ... ... 381 Mo.ses, The Hon. Henry, M.L.C.— Combadello and Nepickalina 228 Wathagar 372 Moses, William — Minna Minane ... ... ... . ... •• ••• '-05 Moss, Mark and Isidore ; and Henry Penketh Fergie—Kerriwah 275 Woodlands .. ... ... ... ... .. .- •• 384 Mungovan, Mary— Tankerook North ... ... ... ... •• ••• -^^0 Munro, Hugh Robert— Barraba Detached 10, and 178 Munro, George, and William p]dward Wilson — Ulimambri ... ... ... 358 Murrungundy .. ... ... .. ... •• ••• 308 Muusie, Ann — Paradise Creek ... ... ... .. ... • •• 120 Murch, J.— North Wakool 319 Murphy, James, junior — Calga ... ... ... ... . ■■• 217 Murray, Anne — Bukkulla, 29. Karoola... ... ... ... ■. ••• 83 Murray, Charles Cairns, and William Sanderson — Moulmain ... ... 300 Mowablaa, 301. Olive Downs -171 xxiv. REGISTERED HOLDERS Murray, Gustavus Aird — Milrea ... Murray, Robert — Hanning ... Murray, Thomas — Newfoundland No. 1 ... Murray, William — Boolcarrol, 194. The Overflow, 346. Murray, Wm. and H. Murray Strachan : — Carlisle .. . page 222 Merri Merrigal 290 Moolbong ... ... ... 455 Murray, Wm., and Wm. Sanderson — Lower Lila, 446. Monolong, No. Mutual Life Association of Australasia — Woolway and Arable The Priory Murrin... Woolway and Arable Page. . 452 . 74 . 468 . 484 465 159 .<> 454 ., 159 N National Bank of Australasia — Belalie, 405. MonguUa West Neale, George William — Glenreagh West, 66. Matildadale ... Neill, Henry James — Merkadool ... Neilson, Andrew — Uardry .. Neilson, Mary — Caryapundy Swamp No. 2 Newby, Richard and Sons— Paddy's Land Newell, James — Bandon New South Wales Mortgage, Loan, and Agency Company of Sydney- Goolhi, 258. Howlong Newton, Thomas — South Urana New Zealand and Australian Land Company — Till Till New Zealand and Australian Land Company of Glasgow — Humula Bundure New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company : — Albert Waterhole Bedooba Belaringar Borambil Brundah Buckanbee Burren Coombogolong Coradgery Culmier Derriboug Gundare Mandamah Mulgah Naradhan Narrallen Neinby (Upper) New Wyregall Orraba.. . 169 ... 404 .. 181 ... 196 ... 201 ... 413 ... 214 .. 231 ... 2.32 ... 236 .. 240 ... 265 ... 284 .. 463 ... 310 ... 110 314 .. .^17 ... 118 Pier Pier Pinnacle Roto ... Stoney Creek ... Tabratong Tara Tenandra Tom's Lake .. Turkey Creek... Tyrie Urawilkey Wargambegal Warragan Waterloo West Bogan No. 7 Wirchilleba ... Wooloondool ... Yathong Youngara Creek Nicholson, Edward James — Woolingmurah Nisbit, James — PulpuUa Nivison, Abraham — Congi, 43. Yarrowich Nixon, Charles — Gregadoo ... Norton, Edward— Tiara Nowlan, John — Wentworth Gully... Nowland, William — Ward's Mistake Nunn, George — Dennykymine 456 97 287 358 418 119 176 272 339 486 272 209 328 329 477 133 341 4'^1 343 488 491 357 363 869 369 372 377 501 385 505 393 159 476 163 262 141 .375 1,52 239 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS XXV, O ^(i'j<^- Oakden, Philip, and Matthew Ingle Brown — Lerida ... ... ... 444 O'Brien, Anne — Gundibindyal ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 71 O'Brien, John— Myall Plains .309 O'Donnell, Patrick James — Brawlin, 25. Mingay ... .. .. .. 100 O'Donohoe, Patrick and William — Boiirbah .. ... .. ... ... 198 Officer, William— Zara 394 Officer. Charles Myles, Mary Lillias Rigg Officer, and Robert Harper — Kallara 440 Ogilvie, William— Yulgilbar 164 O'Grady, Thomas, Urella Downs ... ... .. ... ... ... ..492 Oliver, William — Waverley Downs 496 O'Mara, Jeremiah — Moles ... .. ... ... ... .. ... 101 O'Mara, Timothy — Bobundara, 18. Ironmungie, 78. Kybean, 87. Youall 164 Oriental Bar.k Corporation (The New) — Bobundra, 18. WestBlowering .. 155 Lower Ningear ... ... . . . . ... ... ... 282 Ormond, James — Tapio, 481. Turlee .. ., .. ... 491 Osborne, Ben Marshall — Jiigiong ... ... ... ... . ... ... 81 Osborne, Pat Hill — Orange Plains . . . ... ... ... ... ... 324 Osborne, James and Henry — Momalong ... ... ... . ... ... 297 Osborne, Messrs. H. H., P. H., A., and B. M. — Berry Jerry and Arajoel ... 184 O'tShanassy, Matthew Patrick — Fort Bourke ... ... ... ... ... 432 65 73 297 42 212 34 241 374 484 ... .350 495. Yandama 504 450 316 Panter, William Henry — Breakfast Creek ... .. ... ... ... 26 Panton, Frederick Goulburn — Bellbrook 11. Elsineur . .. ... 59 Park, Adam — Glen Barra ... Paike, Edward — Guy Fawkes River Parker, David Mellor — Monument Flats ... Parker, Thomas \Yilliam — Coneac... Parker, the late H. — Buraja Parkman, Sarah— Calabash Parkman, Ann — Dundoo Hills Parnell, Thomas — Welbendungah ... Parramore, William Thomas — I'hule Parsons, Leonard, and John Dill — Toogimbie ... Patterson, John Hunter — Golgol, 436. Topar, 489. Waratta, Patterson, Daniel Whittle Harvey — Menamurtee Patrick, James — ^New Myregall Patrick, William, Harry Albatross Patrick, Henry Mallon Todhunter, and William Gibson McConchie — Bolaro ... .. ... ... .. 191 Payne, Thomas Budds— Barrooga, 178. Yank's, Block A . 389 Payne, Stephen James, and George Henry Frederick AYebb — Wombramurra 158 Peacock, James — Merri Merri .. .. ,. .. ... ... .. 290 Pearson, Edward Charles— Sandy Creek and Wagga Wagga .. ... 337 Pearson, Edwai-d Charles, and Walter Williamson — Wongagong .. ... 3S4 Pearse, William — CoUymongool ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 228 Pearse, Joseph^Tycannah .. ... ... ... ... ... 357 Peel River Land and Mineral Company — Bogeira Back, 407. Bogeira East 407 Pendergast, William— Middlingbank ... ... ... ... .. ... 99 Pendergast, Elizabeth, and John Barry — Moonbar ... ... ... .. 103 Perrott. John — Tyringham... ... ... .. ... ... ... 147 Perry, Mary — Merebone, 287. Tongamba ... ... ... . 350 Peterson. \Yilliam, and Frederick Thos. Sargood — Ellerslie, 59. Jerilderie 273 Peters, Joseph — Bungarby ... .. ... ... ... ... ... .. 32 Phelps, Joseph James — Alberniarle and Victoria Lake... ... .. ... 401 Pierce, John — Otako... ... ... ... ... ... . . 119 Pierce, John the elder, and John Pierce, the younger — Tom Groggin . 142 xxvi. REGISTERED HOLDERS Page. Pile, John, William and Charles — Cuthro ... ... ... ... ... 426 Porteous, Robert, Janet, Annie, Margaret, and Jane Cramstone Christina — Gorah 259 Post, Edward and John Joseph — Cookardinia ... ... .. ... ... 43 Pratt, Joseph Major — Nymagee ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 471 Prendergast, Robert — Fort Bourke ... ... ... ... 432 Pring, John — Crowther .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 49 Pringle, Robert— Bective ... ... .. .. ... ... ... ... 11 Q Queensland National Bank of Brisbane — Head of Richmond ... ... 75 Quinn, Edward ; Patrick Sellar Lang, and John Lang Currie — Tarella ... 482 Ramsay, Ross and James — Narrow Plains ... ... ... ... ... 313 Rand, Robert— Mahonga, 283. South Mahonga Forest 338 Rankin, John — South Merecumbene ... .. ... ... .. ... 131 Rattray, George Allan, and James M'Keru — Greenbar Creek ... ... 262 Rawlins, William — South Yathong ... ... ... ... ... ... 339 Reed, Joseph — Bygaloree ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 216 Reid, William James, and Thomas Shaw — Yancannia .. ... .. ... 503 Rhodes, William — Cooraldooral .. ... .. ... ... ... 45 Richards, Benjamin, and John and George Williams — Tyreel ... ... 357 Richards, Mary — Opossum Point ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 118 Richards, Benjamin — Yarraldool ... ... . ... ... ... ... 390 Richardson, John, William and Peter — Hoblingrah .. ... ... ... 270 Richardson, Jane Mill — Bundybundally .. ... ... ... ... 210 Richardson, William Wright, and Tottenham Lee Richardson — Grahweed .. 261 Richardson, William and Ann Parkman — Dundoo Hills ... ... ... 241 Eichmonds, James — Haddon Rigg ... .. ... .. ... ... 268 Ricketson, Henry — Aratula, 169. Barratta, 179. Cornalla... ... ... 23.3 Neureumerremang ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... Ill Ricketson, Henry, and Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company — Billabong ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 185 Riddock, George and John — Weinteriga ... ... ... ... .. ... 497 Ridge, Richard- Gralgumbone, 261. Willie 380 Robb, John, and Arthur Raiiken Blackwood — Talawanta, 479. Toulby ... 490 Robertson, Angus -Yarrabee .. ... ... ... ... 390 Robertson, Alexander William, and John Wagner — Perricoota ... ... 326 Robertson, Alexander William — Geraldra ... ... ... ... ... 04 Robertson, Andrew ; James Stewart, and Paml. Wilson, jun. — TheBramina 1.39 Robertson, Duncan, and David Sherifif Robertson — Goree .. ... ... 259 Robertson, John — Yantara... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 504 Robertson, James and John — Bygoo ... ... ... .. 216 Robertson, James —Gundabooka .. ... ... .. ... ... 437 Robertson, James, and Robert M'Cracken — Jandra, 439. Wapwella .. 495 Robertson, John Holland— Boundary ... ... ... ... ... . . 412 Robertson, Lawrence — Darling Block D. .. ... ... ... ... .. 426 Eobertson, Thomas — Toganmain ... ... ... ... ... 349 Robertson, Lachlan— Barmedman ... . ... ... ... .. ... 178 Robertson, Robert Reid Cunningham — Wellington Vale ... ... ... 155 Robinson, Ben — Zebra ... ... .. .. ... ... ... ... 394 Robison, Hugh— Somervale.. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 130 Robinson, James— Kimo ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 85 Robson, George ; David Whitley and Edward Burgess — Restdown ... ... 477 Roche, Lawrence —Nanangroe .. ... . ... .. ... ... K'9 Eolfe, Moreton, and Edward Moorhouse — Tooma .. .. ... ... 14.3 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS xxvn. Page. Ronald, Robert Bruce — Paika ... ... ... ... ... ... ,.. 474 Eonald, William Murdock — Nebea ... ... ... ... ... ... .^1.3 Rorke, John — The Meadows ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ,346 Rose, R. U. B — Lower Beloco Creek ... ... ... ... ... 93 Ross, Janet— Billabong, 15. Hillside ... ... ... ... ... yy Rouse, George— Ganber Ganber East, 250. Gillendoon, 255. Yarragrin .. ,390 Rouse, Richard and Edward S.- Spicer's Creek ... ... ... . . ,340 Rouse, Richard, and John Knight — Tannabar ... ... ... ... ... 341 Kouse, Richard, jun. — Urombong ... ... ... ... ... ... 3(53 Rowan, Andrew — Thurloo Downs ... .. ... ... ... 485 Rowley, George Brenton — Zero, 395. Zigzag ... .. ... ... ,, 395 Rudd, John and Isaac — Colombo I'lain ... ... ... ... ... ... 228 Rudd, James -Wagingoberemby ... . .. ... ... ... ... 3(33 Rundle, The Hon. Jeremiah Brice, M.L.C. — Pillaga .. .. ... ... 3js Russell, James and George — Bondo, 22 Eli Elwah ... ... ... ... 244 Russell, John — Denison Reserve ... ... ... .. ... ... . 55 Russell, William James, and John Richard Black — Blue Nobby ... 189 Wallangra 365 Russell, William — Cubmurra ... ... .. .. ... ... ... 50 Rutherford, James ; William Franklin Whitney, and Walter Russell Hall — Buckinguy .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 202 Rutledge, Thomas — Gunningbar ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 266 Ryan, Annie Yarra ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... I6I Eyrie, Brothers — Micalago, 98. Tindery's ... ... ... ... ... 142 Ryrie, David and Alexander — Coolringdon, 44. Snow Vale ... ... ... 1.30 Ryrie, John Cassels — Buddabadah, 202. Cathundril No. 2 ... 223 Weemabah ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... 373 Ryrie, John Cassels, jun. — Maffray ... ... . .. ... ... 94 Ryrie, John Cassels, and John Alexander — Eurombedah, 248. Nevertire 315 Sadlier, Nicholas — Boondarra ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 409 Salting, Severn Kanute — Cumbermurra .. ... ... ... ... ... 50 Sargood. Frederick Thomas — EUerslie, 59. Jerilderie .. ... ... 274 Sanger, John Mildred — Wangamong Plains ... ... ... ... ... .367 Sanderson, W. : — Olive Downs ... ... pcif/e 471 Moulmain ... ... ... ,300 Lower Lila 446 Mowablaa 301 Monolon No. 5 ... 454 Sawers, William Bowie Stewai't Campbell, and William Arlington Wilson — Lindsay 281 Scott, James (deceased) — Surveyor's Creek ... ... ... 134 Scott, Alexander — M-aint Poole 460 Scott, Robert — Multagoona ... ... .. ... ... .. ... 464 Scott, Robert and David, and Godfrey Downes Carter — Whittabranah, ... 497 Scott, Thomas King — Gingie ... ... ... ... ... .. ... 4,34 Scottish Australian Investment Company : — Bolero No. 49 21 Bolero No. 215 21 Bolero No 222 21 Boulka Lake ... .. ... 411 Cobham Lake... ... ... 419 Corella 422 Seaton, l. M. Cariston — Wellingrove Seivl, John Britton, and William Charles Seivl — Borah Ganmain Mundawaddera Murrulebale ... Toolong Texas ... Whit Whittal ... 251 ... .S03 ... 308 ... 143 139, 3io ... 156 ... 155 ... 196 xxviii. REGISTERED HOLDERS Page. Sellar, Kobert— lUiliwa, 273. Mount Gipps 459 Severne, Ed. W., and Ed. Charles -Geurie, 253. Carwell, 223. Molly ... 296 Shanahan, John, and Sir Patrick Alfred Jennings — Denobolle ... 239 Warbreccan, 368. Garrawilla, 251. Ulimambri 358 Sharp, James Burleigh — Green Hills ... 69 Shaw, Thomas — Puckawidgee, 330. Yancannia 503 Simpson, Richard — Tomalla ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 142 Simpson, John McNeill— Burindi, 32. Lindsay 281 Simpson, George Ferguson — Noweronie ... .. ... ... ... ... 320 Simson, Colin William — Mungadal 303 Simson, John — Gurley ... 267 Sinclair, Hellen — Wynua Downs ... 502 Sloane, Alexander — Mulwala and Savernake .. .. .. 302 Small, John Frederick, junr. — Taloumbi ... 136 Smith, Adam— Wirlong .. . .. .... ... 501 Smith, Alexander— Kyeamba .. .. 279 Smith, Fergus Jago — Toogong .. 143 Smith, F. A.— Morella, 105. Thonongah 140 Smith, George and Andrew, and John Haynes — Fairfield ... .. .. 61 Smith, Henry Flesher—Etterick Forest, 60. Kyogle 88 Smith, Harry — Cheviot Hills North and Callanyu ... ... .. ... 38 Smith, Harry Avery — Rocky River ... 126 Smith, John — Narrogal ... 110 Smith, John Robert — Tucka Tucka ... .. ... ... ... ... 355 Smith, Merton— Cheviot Hills South and Fairfield South 39 Smith, Robert Barr — Moomba ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 454 Smith, Thomas — Cocomingla ... . ... ... .. ... .. 41 Smith, Thomas Hawkins — Gordon Brook ... . 68 Smith, The late Hon. John — Gonimbla ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 Smith, William Kempton — Darbalara, 54. Moquilamba ... ... ... 457 Smith, William— L-ardry 358 Smyth, John Kane -South Merrowie, 339. Tibora 485 Sowden, Samuel — Mereyula ... ... ... ... ... ... . . 287 Spai-ke, George (Executors of the late) — Roseberry 126 Spence, John — Noweronie ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 320 Spencer, James, junr. — Waste Point or Triangle .. 153 Spencer, William Lamprell — Ironbark Creek ... ... ... ... ... 78 Splatt, Edmund Bayley— Carwell, 223. Geurie, 253. Molly 296 Staggs, Henry — Haddon Riggs 268 Stanbridge, William Edward; George Mears, and John Waugh — Clare .. 419 Yarrangobilly ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 162 Starkey, Charlotte— Kulki ... 87 Stewart, Alexander — Millera ... 99 Stewart, Edward David, and W. Ogilvie — Yulgilbar 164 Stewart, James — The Bramina ... ... ... .. ... .. .. 139 Stewart, John Home — Merrigal Marthaguy ... .. ... ... ... 289 Stinson. John — Kindra Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 277 Stitt, Hugh— Werai 375 Stokes, Alfred— Back Wardry 173 Stokes, Mary— Kydra 88 Strachan, Alexander Dudgeon — Yarrai'a ... ... ... ... ... ... 162 Strachan, Hugh Murray — Woolway and Arable, 159. Carlisle ... 222 Merri Merrigal, 290. Moulbong, 455. Murrin 465 Strahorn, John — Wandao Woudong . ... .. ... 151 and 366 Strahorn, Robert, John, junr., Hugh, and William— Mungary West .. 304 Strickland, Mary Ann — Yerra Yerra .. ... ... . ... ... 391 Sullivan, Alexander Falconer — Onepar .. ... . . ... ... .. 472 Sullivan, Augustus, Patrick, John Joseph, & Catherine — East Bogan, No. 17 430 Sullivan, Augustus — Lower Weeli West, 446. Willybingbone ... ... 500 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS xxix. Par/e. Sullivan, John Joseph — East Bogan, No. 14 429 Sullivan, Patrick— Billybingbone, 406. East Bogan, No. 16 4.30 Sumner, Theodotus John, and John Benn — Bugilbone .. ... ... 204 Sumner, Theodotus John, and William Faed. — Butherwah ... ... 215 Sutherland, Daniel — Xowrie ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 164 Suttor, John Bligh— Tomanbil .349 Suttor, The Hon. William Henry, M.L.C.— Bang Bang, 8. Boyd ... 199 Warrowrie ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .. .371 Swain, E. — Vaueluse ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 149 Swift, Samuel Moffatt—Tooma Falls 144 Swift, Samuel Moffatt and P. Hann—Snubba 130 Tange, Anton, and Henry Light Cousins — Pallal ... ... ... ... 326 Taylor, Charles Edward — Dinby ... ... ... ... ... ... 240 Taylor, Edmund Henry — Bumbaldry (Upper) .. ... ... ... ... 207 Taylor, John — Dobikin ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .. 240 Taylor, Samuel — Ganoo. 63. Gundi ... ... ... .. ... 71 Tayloi", William George — Bimble ... .. ... ... ... ... .. 186 Taylor, William— Boomiaricool, 408. Euston, 431. Manfred, 448. Marma 449 Taylor, William and John Bertram — Garnpung ... ... ... ... 433 Telford, James Campbell — Cobran . ... .. .. ... ... 225 Terry, The late Hon. Samuel Henry, M.L.C. — Jeremiah and Bongongo ... SO Thompson, Elizabeth — Malonga ... .. ... .. ... .. ... 283 Thompson, James — Cobbin .. ... .. .. ... ... 41 Thomson, Hugh — Cocketgedong ... .. ... ... ... ... .. 225 Thomson, Alexander — Balgay ... ... .. ... ... .. ... 175 Thomson, William Ogilvie and William Anderson — Mount Stuart ... ... 461 Thurbon, Richard — Good Good ... ... ... ... ... ... . 68 Thui'bon, Richard, jun., and David, Thomas, and James Brodie — Wangrah Creek ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 151 Tindal, Charles Grant — Bonshaw, 22. Goonian, 68. Ramomie ... ... 122 Tobin, Andrew- -Tourable ... .. .. ... ... ... ... .. 352 Tobin, James, jun. — Mulga, No. 4. ... ... ... ... ... ... 463 Todhunter, Francis — Belgoreeu .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 181 Todhunter, Henry Mallon — Bolaro .. ... ... ... ... ... 191 Town, John (The late), sen. — Currugundi .. ... .. ... ... 238 Tourle, Thomas Sydney Morse — Wolla Wolla ... ... ... ... .. 382 Tracey, Thomas and Mary Stokes — Kydra ... .. .. . .. 88 Treweeke, Frederick — Blowclear West . . ... ... ... ... ... 188 Treweeke, Richard Glasson —Mogong ... ... ... ... ... ... 296 Trust and Agency Company of Australasia : — Berida ... ... ... page 184 Narrandera ... ... ... 311 Brymedura . . ... ... 28 Panjee ... ... ... 326 Frome's Creek ... ... 433 Pinegobla .. ... ... 475 Kayrunnera ... .. ... 441 Quambone ... ... .. 332 Klori ... ... ... ... 86 Salisbury Downs ... ... 478 Kilfera ... ... ... 442 Springfield .. ... . 478 Molten Plains ... ... 453 Sussex .. ... ... .. 479 Moothumbil ... ... ... 457 Tindayrey ... ... ... 487 Nariah ... ... ... 311 Tubbo Estate Company — Tubbo .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 354 T.uUy, Walter — Merungle .. . ... ... ... ... 451 Turner, Neil Clark ; David Jones and Arthur Rankin Blackwood — Nyang... 32i» Turner, George Napier, and John Spence — Noweronie ... ... . 320 Tunier, George Napier, and John Moodie— Arlington Plains, 402. Marfield 448 XXX. REGISTP]RED HOLDERS Paye. Turner, George Napier, and Robert Wright — Nillera or Canyauboon 468 Tyson, James — Bangheet, 404. Goondublui, 436. Maranoa, 448. Tupra 491 Tyson, Peter— Corrong ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 423 Tyson, Emma Adelaide — Gei-amy .. ... 253 u Umphelby, Thomas Frederick — Coonibie.. Union Bank of Australia — Aramagong West .. pci<)e 170 Back Creek & Nobby s Lagoon 17 L Bert hong ... . . ... 13 Binda 187 Boolooroo .. ... 194 Boree Creek .. ... ... 197 Bom-ke's Creek 198 Brue Plains 201 Bumbaldry 206 Bnrra 33 Bunneringee ... ... ... 415 Caraliost 220 Cobranragiiy ... ... . . 225 Cultowa 424 Doradilla 428 Egan Creek 243 Fort Grey 432 Four-bob Camp .. ... 249 Union Mortgage and Agency Company of BiirraBurra 213 Erinbendery ... ... ... 431 Geweroo . ... ... 253 Hermitage Plains, Block A 2 269 Mulga Downs 463 Ironbong Kikiamah Mei'ool Baale Creek Milong Mittagong Mole River Morangarell and Narraburra Creek Moorna Narraburra North Jnnee ... Oura Pomingalarna. . . Toole's Creek ... Trida ... Upper Daroobalgie Wyuna Downs Australia — New Babinda Tiltagara Tindayrey Thackaringa . . . 422 78 85 and 276 288 100 295 101 299 456 110 318 325 329 351 490 361 502 315 486 487 484 V Vaurenen, Henry Poleman — Teltagoonah Yeech, Michael, Patrick and Bernard— Quilbone "Verge, Sydney, and Henry and Cornelius Christian — Clybucca Verge. Sydney — Yarrabandini Vickery, The Hon. Ebenezer, M.L.C.— Camira, 35. Mungyer, 305. Vivers, Thomas and William — Ti'inkey ... Nowley 483 334 41 161 320 354 w Wadge, Edith — Wallamgambone ... Wagner, John— Perricoota Wakley, Joseph James — The Spi'ings Walker, Charles James — Newbold Grange and Cangai Walker, Robert— Mogil Mogil Walker, A. C. — Kew Walker, Charles Frederick — Mullion Walker, Thomas —Balala, 7. Borouga, 197. Coolatai, 230. Goorianawa Manilla, 94. Panjee, 326. Tenterfield and Boura Boura Creek Walker, William Gibbon — Wellingrove ... Walker, William and Henry — Canally ... Wallace, John Alston — Quat Qaatta Wallace, Abraham — Waverly, No. 1 ... 364 326 140 112 452 442 107 259 138 155 417 333 496 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS xxxi. Page. Wallace, Matilda— Sturts' Meadows, 479. Waverley, No. 1 496 Waller, Thomas Francis — Annandale, 5. Glenroy 67 Walsh, John, and Thomas Elliott— Oreel 324 Walsh, F. — Colebah now Tambua 421 Ward, Christopher — Cminingham Creek ... 51 Ware, Thomas Webb— South Thononga .. 339 Watson, Samuel — Gerogery 65 Watson, John Carleton— Head of Bribaree 74 Watt, George and Hugh Thomson— Cocketgedong .. 225 Watt, The Hon John Brown and William Oswald Gilchrist— Clifton ... 40 Genanagie, 252. Llanillo .. .. .. 445 Watt, The Hon. John Brown, M L.C.—Goonal . 258 Watt, William Holden— Howlong 272 Watts, David Innes—Gowang, 'J61. Ulinda .. ... 359 Wauch, Robert Arthur, and Alfred — Branga Park 25 Wauchope, Andrew — Moredun 105 Waugh, John— Clare, 419. Yarrangobilly ... 162 Webb, George Henry Frederick — Wombramurra 158 Webb, Joseph and William- Bimben West, 16. The Middle Cotter North 98 ■IJrayarra .. ... ... •■• •-• ... • ■• 149 Welsh, Mary ; Evan Evans, and Warden Harry Graves (Trustees of H. B. Welsh)— Meadows 4.")D Wentworth, Fitzwilliam— Burrabogie 213 West, Major — Nanima ... ... ... ... ... ... ••■ •. 310 West, Henry— Gabramatta ... ... ... ... .. .. ... ■-. 62 West by, Edmund Wright— Pullitop 331 White, The Hon. James. M.L.C., and Francis White — Aberfoyle 1 White, Frederick Robert -Alfreda, 4. Mihi Creek 99 White, Stephen — Merry bindinah, 98. Tantangara 136 White, James Francis and Henry Charles — Bando ... ... 176 Whitley, David — Restdown ... 477 Whitney, William Franklin— Buckyinguy . ... 202 Whitehead, Thomas, and Daniel Sutherland — Yowrie... 164 Whittingham, John and George — Willandra .' 499 Whitty, Henry Tarlton — Boulka, 411. Carraugorambla 52 Whitty, John Charles and Henry Tarleton — Tarramia ... 842 Wild, Jane and George Woods — Esperance, 246. Weelah or Gradgery 373 Wild, Thomas— Trialgara .. ... ••• ... ... ... .. •■ 353 Wilkmson, John aud Thomas — Yellowin . . ... ... ... 163 Wills-Allen, Thomas Polk— Burrel or Gunnible, 214. Kucargo or Troy Wee Waa, 279. Mundowey lOS Wills- Allen, Thomas Polk and Richard Duke Allen — North Cuerindi . 114 Williams, John — Kuthie ... ... ... ... . . ... ... 87 Williams, John and George -Tyreel ... ... ... ... ... ... 357 Williamson, Walter — Wongagong . .. ... ... ... ... 384 Williamson, Richard and Robert Carr — Marooba ... .. .. ... 449 Wilson, William — Mullingawarrina .. .. ... ... ... ... 264 Windeyer, John— Deepwater, 54. Myall Downs .. ... ... ... 308 Winter, George — Borah Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 W'ithycombe, James— Kangaroo Hills .. ... ... ... ... ... 82 Wilson, Alexander — Ringwood, 335. West Bland Plains 376 Wilson, Alexander, and Arthur Chesney Wilson — Lila Springs .. ... 445 Wilson, George — O'Brien's Creek . . ... ... .. ... ... ... 322 Wilson, Richard — Boondarra ... ... . . ... . ... ... 409 Wilson, Sir Samuel — Dunlop, 429. Toorale and Dunlop, 489. Urisino ... 492 Yanko ... ... ... ... .. ... .. ... ... 388 Wilson, Samuel, junr.— The Bramina ... ... ... .. ... ... 139 Wiseman, Soloman — Rampsbeck ... ... ... ... 122 xxxii. REGISTERED HOLDERS Wilson, William Arlington — Lindsay ... .. ... Wilson, William Edward — Ulimambri, 358. Murrungundy Wolseley, Frederick Yorke — Arrarownie .. Woods, George — Ballaree, 176. Esperance, 246. New Gradgery Weelah or Gradgery Woodhouse, Charles— Grosses Plains, 71. Ingeegoodbee Woodhouse, Ellen — Ingebirah Woodhouse, Jeremiah, and James Spencer, jmir. — Waste Point or Triangle Woodward, Robert Henry — Wargam Woolcott, Richard Robert, and David Evans — North Merrowie Worrell, Alice— Cnmbil Wragge, Thomas — Beremegad Wright, John James and James John Morton Wright — Bimben West Wright, Albert Andrew — Kangaroo Hills Wright, Robert — Nillera or Canyanboon... 281 308 171 315 373 77 77 153 368 470 236 183 16 82 468 Yeomans, William — Milby ... Young, John — Burrawong ... Young, Edmund Mackenzie — Cocopara East Young, Chailes — Bull Plain 293 33 226 206 Zuill, John — Southgate and Blake's Creek 130 LAND & BUILDING COMPANY, Limited, 303 PITT STREET, SYDNEY. B H. CHAl^NIAN, Esq, Chairman. Capital £100,000 Subscribed 57,460 Uncalled Capital and Reserves ... 39,987 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS- 12 months, T'^ per cent. 6 months. 6 per r-ent. 3 months. S per cent. Deposits may be withdrawn without notice. Interest S per cent. Mansions and Cottages for Sale. Farms. Orchard and Vineyard Blocks. ASSISTANCE TO BUILD. Suburban Lands in well-selected localities For Sale at Revised Prices. Every information given to buyers or Investors at this Office, or by Letter, WiLLiArv534-958 4. The Largest Total Income ... ... ... 5,727,901 5. The Largest Excess of Income over Disbursements... 2,196,060 6. The Largest Four per cent. Surplus ... .. 4,311,399 7. The Largest Amount of Surplus earned in 1888... 1,055,651 8. The Largest Increase of Assurance in Force ... 13,788,868 The Largest Increase of Premium Income ... 617,897 The Largest Increase of Interest, Dividends, and Rent Income ... ... ... ... ... 139.533 Tlie Largest Increase of Total Income ... ... 831,502 The Largest Increase in Assets ... ... ... 2,221,670 The Largest Increase in Surplus ... ... ... 560,512 The Largest Increase in Payments to Policy-holders 398,891 All Policies non-forfeitable and incontestable after three years. Sydney Branch : Junction of Pitt, Hunter & O'Connell Sts. R. HOPE ATKINSON, Manager. PAKT I. PASTOEAL POSSESSIONS NEW SOUTH WALES. EASTERN DIVISION. EASTERN DIVISION. ABERBALDIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 114. Comprising Aberbaldie Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundai'ies of that part of Aberbaldie Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Aberbaldie Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,385 acres. Annual rent, £54 16s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 3,891 ,, ,, license, 28 7s. 6d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Nanaes of Holders — Messi's. Robert M'Donald and Thomas Johnstone. ABERFOYLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 148. Comprising Aberfoyle Bun, Leasehold Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Clarke. The Crown Lands Mdthin the boundaries of that part of Aberfoyle Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Clarke. The Crown Lands withm the boundaries of that part of Aberfoyle Run lying to the south and east of the dividing Ime, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 39,163 acres. Annual rent, £489 10s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 23,123 ,, ,, license, 240 17s. 4d. „ per sec, £6 13s. 4d. Names of Holders— The Hon. James White, M.L.C., and Francis White. B 2 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern ABINGTON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 522. Comprising Abingdon Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Inverell and Armidale ; County of Hardinge. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Abingdon Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Hardinge. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Abingdon Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — • Leasehold, 20,640 acres. Annual rent, £215 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 2jd. Resumed, 17,290 ,, ,, license, 108 Is. 3d. „ per section, £4. Names of Holders — Messrs. William Henry and George Philip Morse. AOACIA CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 344. Comprising Acacia Creek Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of BuUer. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Acacia Creek Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of BuUer. The Crown Eands within the boundaries of that part of Acacia Creek Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,099 acres. Annual rent, £50 14s. 4d. Rate per acre, Igd. Resumed, 8,752 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. ADAMINABY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 550. Com'prising Adamindumee Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Adamindumee Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Adamindumee Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold. 2,741 acres. Annual rent, £22 16s. lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 846 ,, ,, license, 3 19s. 4d. ,, per section, £3, Name of Holder — Mr. 'John Cosgrove. ADDICUMBENE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 217. Comprising Addicumhene Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Addicumbene Run lying to the noth of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 3 Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; (bounty of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Addicumljene Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. The area, annual I'ent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and i-ate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,808 acres. Annual rent, £61 6s. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 8,951 ,, ,, license, 37 5s. lid. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — The Australian Joint Stock Bank. ADELONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 76. Comprising Addilong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gundagai ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Addilong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Tumut and Gundagai ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Addilong Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 771 acres. Annual rent, £19 5s. 6d. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 985 ,, ,, license, 20 10s. 5d. ,, per sec, £13 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Charles Darby Bardwell. AGINTOOTHBONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 214. Comprining Agintoothbong Iiu7i. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Agintoothbong Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Selwj^n. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Agintoothbong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and 'rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 27,500 acres. Annual i-ent, £143 is. 7d. Rate per aci'e, l|d. Resumed, 22,400 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holders — Bank of Australasia. AITKINS' FLAT AND MAIDENHEAD PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 468. Comprising AitJcins' Flat and Maidenhead Buns, Leasehold Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; Counties of Arrawatta, Clive, and Gough. The Crown Lands withm the boundaries of those pai'ts of Aitkins' Flat and Maidenhead Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Clive. The Ci'own Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Aitkins' Flat and Maiden- head Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 57,687 aci'es. Annual rent, £270 8s. 2d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 66,920 ,. ,, license, 313 13s. 9d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — The Australian Joint Stock Bank. B 2 4 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Extern ALFREDA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 109. Comjvising Alfreda i?«?i. Leasehold Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Clarke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Alfreda Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Clarke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Alfreda Run, lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified m Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,200 acres. Annual rent, £58 6s. 8d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 8,500 ,, ,, license, 35 8s. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Frederick Robert White. ANEMBO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 7L Comprising Anembo Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Anembo Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Anembo Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,338 acres. Annual rent, £107 13s. 9d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 9,102 ,, ,, license, 41 10s. lOd. ,, per section, £3. Name of Leaseholders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. ,, Licensee — Mr. Maurice Harnett. ANNANDALE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 333. Coviprisirig Annandale Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Clive. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Annandale Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Clive. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Annandale Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,980 acres. Annual rent, £123 16s. 3d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 20,234 ,, ,, license, 84 6s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. William Thomas Cadell. ANNANDALE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 373. Comprising Ten-mile Creek Billabong and Ten-mile Creek Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Ten-mile Creek Billabong and Ten-mile Creek Runs lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Divisio?!] NEW SOUTH WALES 5 Resumed Akea. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Ten-mile Creek Billabong, and Ten-mile Creek lUms lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,800 acres. Annual rent, £46 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 474 ,, ,, license, 4 8s. lid. ,, per section, £6. Names of Holders — Messrs. Henry Joseph Bowler, Richard Cox, and Thomas Francis Waller. ANN'S VALE, or CUNGERA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 427. Comprising Ann''s Vale or Cungera liim. Leasehold Area. Land District of Booi-owa ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Ann's Vale or Cungera Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, ,5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Ann's Vale or Cungera Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per aci-e are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,331 acres. Annual rent, £22 3s. 8d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 1,321 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. John Acraman. ARGALONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 157. Comprising Argalong and Cooleman East Buns. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cooleman East Run and that part of Argalong Kuu lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Ai-galong Run lying to the east of the dividing Ime, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6, 100 acres. Aimual rent, £44 9s. 7d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 8,060 ,, ,, license, 37 15s. 8d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders— Australian Joint Stock Bank, ARRAMAGONG EAST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 535. Comprising/ Arramagong East Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Young ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Arramagong East Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Sth September, 1885. For Resumed Area of this Holding see Arramagong East, Central Division, No. 713. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 331 acres. Annual rent, £4 2s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. 6 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern ARTHUR SEAT PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 279. Comprising Artkm-'s Seat Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Arrawatta. The Orown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Arthur's Seat Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, .31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Arrawatta. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Arthur's Seat Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the ai-ea, license fee, and rate per section ai'e as follows : — Leasehold, 8,472 acres. Annual rent, £52 19s. Od. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 10,080 ,, ,, license, 47 5s. Od. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. ATTUNGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 107. Comprising Attunga Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Inglis. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Attunga Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Inglis. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Attunga Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,066 acres. Annual rent, £117 3s. Od. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 7,535 ,, ,, license, 39 4s. lid. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. AUBURN VALE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 280. Comprising Aubnrn Vale Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Inverell ; Counties of Hardinge and IMurchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Auburn Vale Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Inverell ; Counties of Hardinge and Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Auburn Vale Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,520 acres. Annual rent, £140 15s. lOd. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 16,744 ,, ,, license, 78 9s. 9d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder— ]Mr. Theophilus Cooper. BAKER'S SWAMP PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 561. Comprising Bakers Sivampi Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Baker's Swamp Run, as defined by proclamation in Gazette, 6th April, 1886, under the provisions of sub-section IV., section 75, "Crown Lands Act," of 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,520 acres. Annual rent, £26 5s. Od. Rate per acre, 24d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney, Division] XEW SOUTH WALES 7 BALALA PASTOEAL HOLDING, No. 3. Comprisiiuj Balala Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Hardinge. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Balala Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Hardinge. The Crown Lands within the boiindaries of that part of Balala Run Ij'ing to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 38,91.3 acres. Annual rent, £324 5s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 15,425 ,, ,, license, 64 5s. 5d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Walker. BALD HILLS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 326. Comprising Bald Hills Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grafton ; County of Fitzroy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bald Hills Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Grafton ; County of Fitzi-oy. The Cro-mi Lands within the boimdaries of that part of Bald Hills Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,480 acres. Annual rent, £118 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 8,700 ,, ,, license, 54 7s. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. William Albert Braylesford Greaves. BALD HILLS or THE GULLIES PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 216. Compi'ising Bald Hills or The Gidlies Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bald Hills or The Gullies Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; Coimty of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bald Hills or The Gullies Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,756 acres. Annual rent, £164 2s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 13,700 ,, ,, license, 85 12s. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BALD ROCK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 240. Comprising Bald Rock Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamwoi-th ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bald Eock Run lying to the north and east of the di\iding line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. 8 RASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bakl Rock Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,100 acres. Annual rent, £42 .3s. 9d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 5,800 ,, ,, license, 24 3s. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. William James Hope. BALBLAIR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 404. Comprising Balhlair Bun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Armidale and Glen Innes ; Counties of Clarke and Sandon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Balblair Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Armidale and Glen Innes ; Counties of Clarke and Sandon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Balblair Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3 1st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and late per acre ; the area, license fee, aud rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,294 acres. Annual rent, £163 15s. 9d. Rate per acre, 2fd. Resumed, 1,144 ,, ,, license, 7 3s. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. BANG BANG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 9. Connwisinr) Bang Bang Bun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Young and Cowra ; Counties of Forbes and Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bong Bong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Jiily, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Young and Cowra ; Counties of Forbes and Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bong Bong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,935 acres. Amiual rent, £64 5s. 2d. Rate per acre, 3gd. Resumed, 8,688 ,, „ license, 72 8s. Od. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder— The Hon. William Henry Suttor, M.L.C. BANGAROO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 524. Comprising Bangaroo Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashbumham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bangaroo Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Molong; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundai'ies of that part of Bangaroo Run Ijdng to the north and east of the dividmg Ime, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,241 acres. Annual rent, £23 6s. lid. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 3,680 ,, „ license, 15 15s. 2d. ,, per section, £4. Names of Holders — Messrs. Patrick and William Hennessy. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES* 9 BANGUS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 377. Comprisin;] Buiigus linn. Leasehold Area. Land District of Giindagai ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bangus Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Gundagai ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bangus Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,050 acres. Annual rent, £1? 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 6,100 ,, ,, license, 38 2s. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. William Bootes. BANNOCKBURN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 416. Comprising Bannockburn Biin. Leasehold Area. Land Disti-ict of Inverell ; Connty of Arrawatta. The Crown Lands M'ithin the boundaries of that part of Bannockburn Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Arrawatta. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bannockburn Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,. 328 acres. Annual rent, £36 Is. 4d. Rate per aci-e, 2d. Resumed, 3,806 ,, ,, license, 17 16s. lOd. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — British and Australian Loan and Trust Company. BARNEY DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 40L Comprising Barney Downs and Froce^ter Rims. Leasehold Area, Land Districts of Tenterfield ; County of Clive. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Frocester and Barney Downs Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; Counties of Clive and BuUer. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Procester and Barney Downs Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual I'ent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 75,063 acres. Annual rent, £469 2s. lid. Rate per aci'e, lid. Resumed, 66,253 ,, ,, license, 276 Is. Id. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. James Gordon and James Walter Dickson. BARRABA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 11. Comprisinff Barraha Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Barraba Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 10 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area. Land Disti-ict of Tamworth ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Barraba Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,480 acres. Annual rent, £.32 l.Ss. 4d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 3,704 ,, ,, license, 23 3s. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Bank of Australasia. BARRABA CREEK PA«STORAL HOLDING, No. 418. Comprising Barraba Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Barraba Creek Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands Avithin the boundaries of that part of Barraba Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 10,940 acres. Annual rent, £68 7s. 6d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 6,144 ,, ,, license, 30 Is. 4d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr, Thomas Hoskisson. BARRABA DETACHED PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 562. Compriaing Barraba Detached Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Inverell and Tamworth ; Counties of Murchison and Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Barraba Detached Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 6th April, 1880. For Resumed Area of this Holding, see Barraba Detached, No. 732, in the Central Division. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 44,117 acres. Annual rent, £206 16s. Rate per acre, IJd. Names of Holders— Messrs. Thomas Cook and Hugh Robert Munro. BARRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 419. Comprising Glen Barnett and Barry's Station Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Hawes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Glen Barnett and Barry's Station Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Hawes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Glen Barnett and Barry's Station Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 85,220 acres. Annual rent, £146 15s. Od. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 36,800 ,, ,, license, 115 Os. Od. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders — Bank of Australasia. Divhion] XEW SOUTH WALES II BECTIYE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 396. Comprising Buhhogullion Xorth and BuhhoguUion South Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Parry. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bubbogullion South Kun lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; Counties of Parry and Inglis. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bubbogullion North Kun and that part of BuV>bogullion South Piun lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,937 acres. Annual rent, £174 9s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 6,883 ,, ,, license, 50 4s. Id. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert Pringle. . BELL BROOK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. SOL Comprising Bellbrook Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Kempsej' ; County of Dudley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bellbrook Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Rescued Area. Land District of Kempsey ; County of Dudley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bellbrook Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows: — Leasehold, 4,314 acres. Annual rent, £44 18s. 9d. Rate per acre, 2id. Resumed, 4,240 ,, ,, license, 17 13s. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Frederick Goulburn Panton. BELOWRA AND WADBILLIGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 284. Comprising Belmvra and Wadhilliga Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moruya ; County of Dampier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wadbilliga Rim lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moruya ; County of Dampier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wadbilliga Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 33,695 acres. Annual rent, £140 7s. lid. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 33,260 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Charles Joseph Byrne. BELUBULA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 183. Comprising Belulnhi Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong; Countj- of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boimdaries of that part of Belubula Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 12 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Belubula Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,927 acres. Annual rent, £60 19s. 7d. Rate per acre, 5d. Resumed, 1,990 „ „ license, 29 Os. 5d. ,, per sec, £9 6s. 8d. Name of Holder— Mr. John Grant, junr. BENDARBO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 547. Coviprising Bendarbo Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gnndagai ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bendarbo Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1-ith October, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Gundagai ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bendarbo Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,613 acres. Annual rent, £60 9s. 9d. Rate per acre, 9d. Resumed, 1,730 ,, ,, license, 54 Is. 3d. ,, per sec, £20. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander M'Alister. BENDEMEER PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 195. Comprising Bendemeer Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Inglis. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bendemeer Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Inglis. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bendemeer Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,833 acres. Annual rent, £35 8s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 2,212 ,, ,, license, 20 14s. 9d. ,, per section, £6. Name of Holder — Mr. John Dixon. BENDENINE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 203. Comprising Galong East, lUalong, Kuryong, Curianga, and Dunderalligo Buns. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Boorowa and Yass ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Dunderalligo and Illalong Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands withm the boundaries of Galong East, Kuryong and Curinga Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,225 acres. Annual rent, £150 4s. 5d. Rateper acre, 6d.9-10ths. Resumed, 3,764 ,, „ license, 109 15s. 8d. ,, per sec, £18 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Walter and Owen Friend. Divisio7i] NEW SOUTH WALES 13 BENDETHERA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 432. Comprising Bendeddra Hiai. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moruya ; County of Dampier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bendeddra Run lying to the south of tlie dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Eesu.med Are.\. Land District of iloruj'a ; County of Dampier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bendeddra Run Ij'ing to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and i-ate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,800 acres. Annual rent, £35 Os. Od. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 16,55J „ ,, license, 25 17s. 2d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BEN LOMOND PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 549. Comprising Falconer ]Vest, Llangothlin East, LlangothJin West Runx. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Glen Innes and Armidale ; Counties of Gough and Clarke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Llangothlin East Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1-lth October, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Armidale, Glen Innes, and Inverell ; Counties of Gough, Clarke, Sandon, and Hardinge. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Falconer West and Llangothlin West Runs and that part of Llangothlin East Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 26,898 acres. Annual rent, £308 4s. 2d. Rate per acre, 3fd. Resumed, 7,808 ,, ,. license, 73 4s. Od. ,, per section, £6. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. BERGEN-OP-ZOOM PASTORAL HOLDING, No 349. Comprising Ber gen-op. Zoom Bun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Walcha and Armidale ; Counties of Vernon and Inglis. The Ci'o^^n Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Bergen-op-Zoom Run Ij'iiig to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Walcha and Armidale ; Counties of Vernon and Inglis. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bergen-op-Zoom Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,442 acres. Annual rent, £79 73. 3d. Rate per acre, 3id. Resumed, 3,653 ,, ,, license, 38 1s. Id. ,, per sec. , £6 1 3s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Edward Baker Boulton. BERTHONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 62. ComprisiTig Berthong liun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Young ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Berthong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 14 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Akea. Land District of Cootamundry ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bertliong Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Julj^, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,252 acres. Annual rent, £234 9s. Od. Rate per acre, 9d. Resumed, 5,720 ,, ,, license, 143 Os. Od. ,, per section, £16. Name of Holders — Union Bank of Australia. BETHTJNGRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 470. Comprising Bethungra Run. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Cootamundra ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands Avithin the boundaries of that part of Bethungra Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5tli August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cootamundra ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bethungra Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,070 acres. Annual rent, £62 18s. 9d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 8,659 ,, ,, license, 27 Is. 3d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BEVERLEY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 245. Coynprising Beverley Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Hardinge. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Beverley Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Hardinge. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Beverley Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,658 acres. Annual rent, £172 3s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 29,466 ,, ,, license, 138 2s. 5d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder— Mr. Theophilus Cooper. BIBENLUKE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 19. Comprising Bihenluke, MoyaUon Downs or MamjilUck, Gennong, Wog Wog, and Boca Rock Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bibbenluke and Moyallon Downs or Mamjillick Runs, and that part of Gennong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Bombala and Cooma ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Boco Rock and Wog Wog Runs, and that part of Gennong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,215 acres. Annual rent, £105 7s. fid. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 2,875 ,, ,, license, 77 12s. lOd. ,, per sec, £17 5s. 8d, Name of Holder — Mr. William Bradley (Executors of the late). Divhioii] NEW SOUTH WALES 15 BIGGAM PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 223. Cortiprisimj Biggam Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Biggam Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resujied Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the l)oundaries of that part of Biggam Run lying to .the south and east of the dividing line, as notitied in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section ai'e as follows :— Leasehold, 2,17*^ acres. Annual rent, £22 12s. Id. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 2,998 ,, ,, license, 14 Is Od. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. William Jardine. BIGGAM AND EUCUMBENE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 104. Comprising Vcumhean and Biggam Pains. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Ucumbean and Biggam Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as ■a.oti&edi in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The^Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Ucumbean and Biggam Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notitied in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,740 acres. Annual rent, £112 6s. 8d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 7,672 ,, ,, license, 71 18s. 6d. ,, per section, £6. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BILLABONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 291. Comprising BiHyhona Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of BillybonglRun lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, .31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Billybong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,190 acres. Annual rent, £37 16s. lid. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 3,640 ,, „ license, 15 3s. 4d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mrs. Janet Ross. BILLYLINGERA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 367. Comprising BilUjUngera Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Billy lingera Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. 16 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Billylingera Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,024 acres. Annual rent, £25 6s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 1,726 ,, ,, license, 17 10s. 7d. ,, per sec, £6 10s. Name of Holder — Mr. John Cosgrove. BIMBEN EAST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 80. Comprising Bimben East Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bimben East Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Grown Lands within the boundaries of Bimben East Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,700 acres. Annual rent, £44 lis. 8d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 11,700 ,, Not under Occupation License. Names of Holders — Messrs. George Thomas and John Maurice Franklin. BIMBEN WEST PASTOBAL HOLDING, No. 48. Comprisinrj Bimben West Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; Counties of Buccleuch and Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bimben West Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; Counties of Buccleuch and Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bimben West Run Ij'ing to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the ai'ea, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,900 acres. Annual rent, £90 16s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 18,358 ,, „ license, 86 Is. Id. ,, per section, £3. Names of Holders — Messrs. John McDonald, Joseph and William Webb, and John James and James John Morton Wright. BLACK JACK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 307. Comprising Black Jack Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Black Jack Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundai'ies of that part of Black Jack Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per aci-e ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,600 acres. Aiuiual rent, £16 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 3,500 ,, ,, license, 14 lis. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Andrew Bullman. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 17 BLACK RANGE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 84. Comprising Black Range Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Boorowa and Yass ; Counties of Harden and King. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Black Range Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Yass ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Black Range Run lying to the south and west of the dividmg line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,610 acres. Annual rent, £41 7s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2fd. Resumed, 3,619 ,, ,, license, 37 14s. Od. ,, per sec, £6 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. William John and Alexander Hughes McBean. BLAIR HILL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 130. Comprising Blair Hill Bun. Resumed Area. Land District of Glen Innes ; County of Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Blair Hill Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 188.5. The area, annual license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Resumed, 9,285 acres. Annual license, £96 14s. 5d. Rate per sec, £6 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Andrew Coventry. BLAIR HILL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 575. Comprising Subdivision of Blair Hill, No. 130. Leasehold Area. Land District of Glen Innes ; County of Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of the Subdivision of Blair Hill, No. 130. For Resumed Area, see Blair Hill, No. 130. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,480 acres. Annual rent, £50 15s. Od. Rate per acre, S^d. Name of Holder — Mr. Chi'istopher Legh. BLAIR HILL WEST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 576. Comprising Suhdivisiion of Blair Hill, No. 130. Leasehold Area. Land Disti-ict of Glen Innes ; County of Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of the Siil)division of Blair Hill, No. 130. For Resumed Area, see Blair Hill, No. 130. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,674 acres. Annual rent, £38 19s. lid. Rate per acre, 3§d. Names of Holders— Messrs. Christopher Legh and Andrew Coventry. 18 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern BLOWERING PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 296. Comprising Bloiverbi(] East Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Buccleach. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Blowering East Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the lioundaries of that part of Blowering East Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,920 acres. Annual rent, £25 12s. 6d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 5,589 ,, ,, license, 23 5s. 9d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. BOBOYAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 276. Gomprisinff Boboyan Rim. Leasehold Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Boboyan Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands witliin the boundaries of tliat part of Boboyan Run lying to tlie east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,078 acres. Annual rent, £58 18s. Id. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 10,184 ,, ,, license, 42 8s. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Alexander Crawford and William Brayshaw. BOBUNDARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 370. Comprising Bobimdra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wellesley. The CroM'U Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bobundra Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of "Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bobundra Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 590 acres. Annual rent, £4 18s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 1,150 ,, ,, license 5 7s. lOd. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. Timothy O'Mara. BOBUNDRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 380. Gompridng Bobundra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bobundra Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 19 Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; Counties of Wallace and Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bobundra Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 1,262 acres. Annual rent, £7 17s. 9d. Rate per acre, lid. Resumed, 1,284 ,, „ license, 16 Is. Od. ,, per section, £8. Name of Holders — New Oriental Bank Corporation. BOCO CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 163. Comprisiiuj Boco Creek and Square Range of Nimityhelle Runs. LeasI'.iiold Area. Land Districts of Bombala and Cooma ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Boco Creek and Square Range of Nimityljelle Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Boco Creek and Square Range Nimitybelle Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified iu Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and I'ate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,690 acres. Annual rent, £28 .3s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 1,251 ,, ,, license, 15 12s. 9d. ,, per section, £8. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander Chrichard Skuse Eraser. BOGALARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 260. Comprininr) Bogolara Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of tliat part of Bogolaro Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bogolaro Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Jidy, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per aci'e ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 6,462 acres. Annual rent, £123 8s. 2d. Rate per acre, 4d. 7-12ths. Resumed, 7,438 ,, ,, license, 123 19s. 4d. ,, per sec, £10 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Samuel Barber and John Dale, BOGGY PLAIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 105. Comprising Boggy Plain Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Cooma and Moruya ; Counties of Beresford and Dampier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Boggy Plain Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Cooma and Moruya ; Counties of Beresford and Dampier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Boggy Plain Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the ai'ea, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4, 115 acres. Annual rent, £38 lis. 7d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 4,500 ,, ,, license, 23 8s. 9d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — INIr. Thomas Mahoney. 20 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern BOGOLONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 181. Comprising Bogolong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bogalong Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette., 11th July, 1885, Resumed Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bogalong Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 901 acres. Annual rent, £22 12s. Od. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 923 ,, ,, license, 17 6s. 2d. ,, per section, £12. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Drummond. BOGOLONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 186. Comprising Bogolong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bogalong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Booi'owa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bogalong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,633 acres. Annual rent, £57 18s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 5,473 ,, ,, license, 54 3s. 3d. ,, per sec, £6 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Mathew Armour. BOGOLONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 350. Comprising Bogolong Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Boorowa and Yass ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bogolong Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885, Resumed Area. Land Districts of Boorowa and Yass ; County of Harden. The Crov/n Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bogolong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,344 acres. Annual rent, £69 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 5d. Resumed, 3,275 ,, ,, license, 54 lis. 8d. ,, per sec, £10 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BOLERO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 49. Comp7'ising Bolero Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bolero Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH -^A^ALES 21 Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands -within the boundaries of that part of Bolero Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,S.o3 acres. Annual rent, £107 .Ss. 5d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 5,968 ,, ,, license, 37 6s. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Scottish Australian Investment Company. BOLERO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 2L5. Comprising Bolero Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bolero Run lying to the south of the dividmg line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land r>istrict of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bolero Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Julj', 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,251 acres. Annual rent, £53 2s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 1,840 ,, ,, license, 9 lis. 8d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Scottish Australian Investment Company. BOLERO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 222. Comprising Bollera Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bollera Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bollera Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 970 acres. Annual rent, £16 3s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 1,098 ,, ,, license, 13 14s. 6d. „ per section, £8. Name of Holders — Scottish Australian Investment C ompany, BOLIVIA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 68. Comprising Bolivia Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Clive. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bolivia Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Clive. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bolivia Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, .39,017 acres. Annual rent, £325 2s. lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 32,222 ,, ,, license, 167 16s. 6d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. Sd. Name of Holder — Mr. Edward Irby. 22 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern BONDI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 273. Comprising Bondi Run. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Eden ; County of Auckland. The Crown Lands within the iDoundaries of that part of Bondi Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Eden ; County of Auckland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bondi Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 30,036 acres. Annual rent, £156 8s. 9d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 31,192 ,, ,, license, 113 14s. 5d. ,, per sec, £2 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales, BONDO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 274. Comprising Bondo Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bondo Run lying to the west of the dividmg line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that pai't of Bondo Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and I'ate per section are as follows : — Leasehold 5,240 acres. Annual rent, £43 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 5,700 ,, ,, license, 29 13s. 9d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. James and George Russell. BONSHAW PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 482. Comprising Bonsliaw and Mandowey Creek Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Inverell and Tenterfield ; County of Arrawatta. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bonshaw and Mandowey Creek Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Inverell and Tenterfield ; County of Arrawatta The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bonshaw and Mandowey Creek Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 70,005 acres. Annual rent, £437 10s. 7d. Rate per acre, lid. Resumed, 70,030 „ ,, license, 364 14s. lOd. „ per sec, £3"'6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Charles Grant Tindal. BONYEO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 179. Comprising Bonyeo Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Young, Boorowa, and Gundagai ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands Mithin the boundaries of that part of Bonyeo Run lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 23 Resumed Area. Land Districts of Young, Gundagai, and Cootamundry ; County of Harden. The Oowu Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bonyeo Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 600 acres. Annual rent, £22 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 9d. Resumed, 1,000 „ „ license, 27 Is. 8d. „ per sec, £17 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Edward Chisholm. BOOKOOKOORARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No 263. Comprising Bookookoorara Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; C^ounty of BuUer. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bookookoorara Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Buller. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bookookoorara Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 25,806 acres. Annual rent, £114 4s. 5d. Rate per acre, ld.l-16th. Resumed, 27,280 ,, ,, license, 99 9s. 2d. „ per sec, £2 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. BOOROOK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 558. CompriHing Boorook Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Buller. The Ci'own Lands within the boundaries of that part of Boorook Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 15th December, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Buller. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Boorook Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 15th December, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 21,400 acres. Annual rent, £122 12s. Id. Rate per acre, 1 gd. Resumed, 21,100 ,, ,, license, 98 18s. 2d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. BOOROOMBI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 171. Comi)rising Booroomhi Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Booroomhi Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Booroomhi Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,114 acres. Annual rent, £75 19s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 9,000 ,, ,, license, 42 3s. 9d. ,, per section, £3. Names of Holders — Messrs. Charles Henry and Elizabeth J. M'Kechnie. 24 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern BORAH CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 21. Comprisim] Borah Crttk Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Taniworth ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Borah Creek Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Borah Creek Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,170 acres. Annual rent, £132 16s. lid. Rate per acre, 24d. Resumed, 1.3,176 ,, ,, license, 82 7s. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. George Winter. BORAIG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 139. Comprising Barraig Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Barraig Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. I^and District of Tumut ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Barraig Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 24,050 acres. Annual rent, £112 I4s. 9d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 27,360 ,, „ license, 114 Os. Od. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage and Agency Company. BOSTOBRICK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 5G3. Comprising Bostobrick Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grafton ; County of Fitzroy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bostobrick Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line. Resumed Area. Land District of Grafton ; County of Fitzroy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bostobrick Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 28,960 acres. Annual rent, £181. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 34,800 ,, ,, license, 145. ,, per section, £22 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. William Frederick Buchanan. BOURALONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 393. Comprising Bouralong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Armidale ; Counties of Hardinge and Sandon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bouralong Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Bitmion] NEW SOUTH WALES 25 Resitmed Area. Land District of Armidale ; Counties of Hardinge and Sandon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bouralong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notilied in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 48,812 acres. Annual rent, £508 9s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 32,000 ,, ,, license, 166 13s. 4d. ,, per sec , £3 6s. 8d. Name of Leaseholders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. ,, Licensee — ^latthew Heni-y Marsh. BRANGA PARK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 457. Comprising Branga Park, St. Leonards, and Ourandti-mhy Heads Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Oui'andumby Heads and Branga Park Kuns and that part of St. Leonards Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of St. Leonard's Run Ij'ing to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,591 acres. Annual rent, £154 9s. Id. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 5,460 ,, ,, license, 48 6s. lid. ,, per sec, £5 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Robert Arthur and Alfred Wauch. BRANGA PLAINS AND CALLAGHAN'S SWAMP PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 469. Comprising Branga Plains and Callaghan'.i Sicamp Bnns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walcha ; Counties of Vernon and Hawes. The Crown Lands within the Ijoundai'ies of those parts of Branga Plains and Callagban's Swamp Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Walcha and Tamworth ; Counties of Vernon, Parry, and Hawes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Branga Plains and Callaghan's Swamp Runs Ij'ing to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :- Leasehold, 41,733 acres. Annual rent, £217 7s. 3d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 38,910 ,, ,, license, 162 2s. 6d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder - ilr. J ohn Fletcher. BRAWLIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 494. Cojnpri.'iiiig Braiclin Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cootamundry; County of Hai-den. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Brawlin Run lyinc to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Cootamundry ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Brawlin Run Ijiug to the north and west of tlie dividing line, as notified in Gazette, .5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,153 acres. Annual rent, £38 4s. 4d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 6,071 ,, ,, license, 18 19s. 6d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Patrick James ODonnell. 26 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern BREAKFAST CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 37L Comprising Breakfast Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Boorowa, Cowra, and Young ; Counties of Forbes and Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Breakfast Creek Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Boorowa and Young ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Breakfast Creek Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,075 acres. Annual rent, £80 3s. 2d. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 5,502 ,, ,, license, 42 12s. 6d. ,, per sec, £4 19s. 2d. Name of Holder — Mr. William Henry Panter. BREDBOW NORTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 169. Comprising Bredhow North Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bredbow North Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands withm the boundaries of that part of Bredbow North Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,137 acres. Annual rent, £63 18s. 7d. Rate per acre, 2\d.. Resumed, 4,72o ,, ,, license, 24 12s. Od. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. BRINDABELLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 58. Comprising Brindehilla Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Queenbeyan and Yass ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Brindebilla Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in GazHte, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Yass ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Brindebilla Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 16,748 acres. Annual rent, £34 17s. lOd. Rate per acre, ^d. Resumed, 20,060 ,, ,, license, 41 15s. lOd. ,, per sec, £1 6s. Sd. Names of Holders — Messrs, George Thomas and John Maurice Franklin. BRINGENBRONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 88. Comprising Bringenhrong, Indi, and Khancohan Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bringeubrong, Khancoban, and Indi Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. DivUion] NEW SOUTH WALES 27 Resumed Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bringenbrong, Khancoban, and Indi Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,137 acres. Annual rent, £126 14s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 37,457 ,, ,, license, 175 lis. 7d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Mitchell. BROADMEADOWS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 327. Comprising Broadmeadoios Run, Leasehold Akea. Land Districts of Armidale and Glen Innes ; Counties of Clarke and Cresham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Broadmeadows Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Glen Innes and Armidale ; Counties of Gresham and Clarke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Broadmeadows Kun lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 32,000 acres. Annual rent, £133 6s. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 36,440 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. BROULA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 337. Comprising Broula Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cowra ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Broula Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cowra ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Broula Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 2,678 acres. Annual rent £27 17s. lid. Rate per acre, 24d. Resumed, 4,38i» ,, ,, license, 27 7s. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. William Hood. BROWN'S SPRINGS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 197. Comprising Broicn's Spj-ings Hun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; Counties of Hume and Goul- burn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Brown's Springs Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified inGazette, 11th July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Brown's Springs Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 700 acres. Annual rent, £17 IDs. Od. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 409 ,, ,, license, 5 19s. 4d. ,, per sec, £9 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Hodges Mate. 28 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern BRUNGLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 555. Comprising Brundell (Bnmgle) Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Biiccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Brundell (Brungle) Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 15th December, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Brundell (Brungle) Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 15th December, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 2,040 acres. Annual rent, £23 7s. 6d. Rate per aci'e, 2|d. Resumed, 1,390 ,, ,, license, 7 4s. lOd. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. BRYMEDURA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 124. Comprising Brymedura Memildra Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Brymedura Memildra Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lltli July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Brymedura Memildra Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 38,573 acres. Annual rent, £200 18s. Id. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 42,894 „ „ license, 178 14s. 6d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Leaseholders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. ,, Licensees — Trust and Agency Company of Australasia. BUOKARGINGAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 185. Comprisi)ig Buckhargringle Run. LeasehiiLD Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Buckhargringle Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Albury ; Counties of Hume and Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Buckhargringle Kun lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,727 acres. Annual rent, £68 18s. 9d. Rate per acre, 35d. Resumed, 3,002 „ ,, license, 37 lOs. 6d. ,, per section, £8. Name of Holders — Bank of Victoria, Melbourne. BUCKENDERRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 360. Comprising Buckenderry Bun, Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Buckenderry Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Divisioji] NEW SOUTH WALES 29 Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Buckendeny Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 840 acres. Annual rent, £7 7s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. 1-lOth. Resumed, 665 ,, ,, license, 1 9s. 6d. ,, per section, £5 Is. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. James Delaney. BUCKINBAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 449. Comprising Buckinbah, Timmie or Gorothery , and Curra Creek Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Curra Creek Run and those parts of Timmie or Gorothery and Buckinbah Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Timmie or Gorothery and Buckinbah Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,468 acres. Annual rent, £182 10s. 3d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 19,222 ,, ,, license, 120 2s. 9d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder—Mr. Thomas McCuUoch. BUKALONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 545. Comprising Bukalong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bukalong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bukalong Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 330 acres. Anniial rent, £9 12s. 6d. Rate per acre, 7d. Resumed, 425 ,, ,, license, 10 12s. 6d. ,, per section, £16, Name of Holder — Mr. John Boucher. BUKKULLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 122. Comprising Bukkalla Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Arrawatta, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of BukkuUa Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Arrawatta. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bukkulla Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,358 acres. Annual rent, £36 6s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 3,313 ,, ,, license, 20 14s. 2d. „ per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mrs. Anne Mun\ay. 30 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [IJastem BULDERUDGERA PASTORAL HOLDi:^G, No. 431. Comprising Bulderudgera and Booral and Ten-mile Greek Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; Counties of Gordon and Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bulderudgera Run and that part of Boorai and Ten-mile Creek Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Parkes and Molong ; Counties of Kennedy, Narromine, and Gordon (part of this ai-ea falls within the Central Division). The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Booral and Ten-mile Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 78,731 acres. Annual rent, £492 Is. 5d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 21,323 „ ,, license. Ill Is. 2d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d, Name of Leaseholders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. ,, Licensee — Charles Smith McPhillamy. BULGAR CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 53. Comprising Bulgar Creek Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bulgar Creek Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bulgar Creek Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,400 acres. Annual rent, £45 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed. 2,078 ,, ,, license, 9 14s. lOd. ., per section, £3. Name of Holders — Mr. William Bradley (Executors of). BULLANAMANG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. SSL Comprising Bullanamang Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; Coiinty of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bullanamang Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bullanamang Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 47,195 acres. Annual rent, £344 2s. 7d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 39,862 ,, ,, license, 249 2s. 9d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. Jolm Cosgrove. BUMBALONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 420. Comprising Bumhalong Bun, Leasehold Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bumbalong Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 31 Resumed Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bumbalong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,225 acres. Annual rent, £37 12s. 7d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 6,200 „ ,, license, 25 16s. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BUMBOWLEE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 184. Comprising Bumhoiolee Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The CrowTi Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bumbowlee Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bumbowlee Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The' area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,326 acres. Annual rent, £66 lis. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 3,816 ,, ,, license, 15 18s. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. BUMMYUMBLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 226. Comprising Bummyumhla Rim. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bummyumbla Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bummyumbla Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Jixly, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,423 acres. Annual rent, £55 5s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 1,985 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. John .Marshall Black. BUNGALAL B PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 178. Comprising Bangalal B Run. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bangalal B Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bangalal B Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The ai-ea, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 560 acres. Annual rent, £7 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 155 ,, ,, license, 1 16s. lOd. ,, per section, £"1 12s. Name of Holder- -Mrs. Catherine Corcoran. 32 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern BUNGARBY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 77. Comprising Bungarby and Bayliss Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Eombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bungarby and Bayliss Bvins lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bungarby and Bayliss Runs lying to the west of the dividuig line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,377 acres. Annual rent, £50 8s. 3d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 3,923 ,, ,, license, 24 10s. 5d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. Joseph Peters. BUNGAWALBYN pastoral holding, No. 375. Comprising Bzingawaulbin Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Casino ; County of Richmond. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bungawaulbin Run lying to the noi'th of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Casino ; County of Richmond. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bungawaulbin Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 26,373 acres. Annual rent, £164 16s. 8d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 27,858 ,, ,, license, 116 Is. 6d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BURINDI pastoral holding, No. 110. Camprising Burindi Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burindi Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burindi Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,268 acres. Annual rent, £115 17s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 7,975 ,, ,, license, 74 15s. 4d. ,, per section, £6. Name of Holder — Mr. John McNeill Simpson. BURNIMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 131. Comprising Burnima Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burnima Eun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burnima Eun lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 536 acres. Annual rent, £15 12s. 8d, Rate per acre, 7d. Resumed, 109 ,, ,, license, 2 14s. 6d. ,, per section, £16. Name of Holder — Mrs. Ann Campbell. Bivisiou] NEW SOUTH WALES 33 BURRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 312. Comprising Burra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Sehvyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burra Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Disti-ict of Albury ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burra Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual x"ent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : - Leasehold, 6,700 acres. Annual rent, £55 16s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 3,575 ,, ,, license, 16 15s. 2d. ,, per sec, £3. Name of Holders — Union Bank of Australia. BURRAMUNDA TROY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 434. Comprising Burramimda Troy Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Young ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burramunda Troy Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Young ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burramunda Troy Run lying to the noi'tli of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,0-4 5 acres. Annual rent, £13 Is. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 954 ,, ,, license, 5 19s. 3d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BURRANGANDRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 532. Comprising Burangandra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; Counties of Beresford and Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burangandra Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burangandra Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Sth September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,490 acres. Annual rent, £12 19s. 5d. Rate per aci'c, ^d. Resumed, 1,446 „ Not under Occupation License. Names of Holders — Messrs. Duncan McDonald and Robert Campbell. BURRAWONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 480. Comprising Burrawong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burrawong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands Avithin the boundaries of that part of Burrawong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Sth August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as foUoM's : — Leasehold, 13,717 acres. Annual rent, £71 Ss. lid. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 7,996 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. John Young. c 34 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern BtJRROW PASTORAL HOLDING, No, 120. ComprUing Burroio Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. Tlie Cro'vvn Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burrow Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands Avithin the boundaries of that part of Burrow Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,355 acres. Annual rent, £97 9s. Rate per acre, 2Jd Resumed, 10,260 ,, ,, license, 85 10s. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BYRON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 543. Comprising Byron Plains Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Inverell ; Counties of Ai-rawatta and Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Byron Plains Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified iu Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Arrawatta. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Byron Plains Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,084 acres. Annual rent, £30 7s. lOd. Rate per acre, SJd. Resumed, 2,309 ,, ,, license, 19 4s. lOd. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander Cruickshank. CADDIGAT CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 142. Comprising Cuddy gat Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cuddj'gat Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cuddygat Creek Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,148 acres. Annual rent, £19 2s. 8d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 607 ,, ,, license, 6 3s. 4d. ,, per section, £6 IDs, Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. CALABASH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 462. Comprising Calabash Run. Leasehold Area, Land District of Young ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Calabash Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 35 Resumed Area. Land District of Young ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Calabash Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,600 acres. Annual rent, £68 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 4,658 ,, ,, license, 24 5s. 3d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Mr. William Kelly and Sarah Parkman. CAMBALONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 31. Comprising Cambalong , Bombala, and Bald Hills Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cambalong Kun and those parts of Bombala and Bald Hills Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bombala and Bald Hills Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,495 acres. Annual rent, £98 18s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 5,160 ,, ,, license, 21 ICs. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Ronald Campbell. CAMIRA PASTORAL HOLDING No. 412. Comprising Ellangoican Doubleditke, Aslihy, Travellers' Best, Camira, Stamford, Myrtle Creek, and Batten's Bight Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Casino and Grafton ; Counties of Rich- mond and Clarence. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Myrtle Creek, Batten's Bight, Camira, and Traveller's Rest Runs, and that part of Ashby Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Casino, Lismore, and Grafton ; Counties of Richmond and Clarence. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Ellan- gowan, Stamford, and Doubleduke Runs, and that part of Ashby Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual x-ent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 158,120 acres. Annual rent, £1,152 19s. 2d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 135,488 ,, ,, license, 493 19s. 4d. ., per sec, £2 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — The Hon. Ebenezer Vickery, M.L.C. CANIMBLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 455. Comjyrising Cunimhla Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cowra ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cunimbla Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5lh August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cowra ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cunimbla Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,678 acres. Annual rent, £76 16s. 9d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 10,497 ,, ,, license, 54 13s. 6d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. William Hood. c 2 36 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern CANOMODINE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 424. Comprising Ganomodine or Woohhed Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands witliin the boundaries of that part of Canomodine or Woolshed Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashburnham. The Ci'own Lands within the boundaries of that part of Canomodine or Woolshed Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,568 acres. Annual rent, £132 2s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 6,696 ,, ,, license, 55 16s. Od. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Mercantile Bank of Sydney. OARDINGTON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 560. Comprising Gardington Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cardington Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 6th April, 1886. Resumed Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cardington Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 6th April, 1886. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,670 acres. Animal rent, £119 16s. lid. Rate per acre, 3fd. Resumed, 2,927 ,, ,, license, 31 2s, Od. ,, per sec, £6 16s. Name of Holder— Mr. John McNevin. CARRACABAOK AND DEWETT CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 194. Comprising Curracaback and Deioitt Creek Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Hawes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Curracaback Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Hawes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Dewitt Creek Run and that part of Curracaback Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 86,784 acres. Annual rent, £229 IBs. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 26,691 ,, ,, license, 194 12s. 5d. ,, per sec, £4" 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Augustus Hooke. CARROT PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 32. Comprising Carrot Ru7i. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carrot Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 37 Resumed Area. Land Distiict of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carrot Run Ij'ing to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,18.3 acres. Annual rent, £52 5s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 4,194 ,, ,, license, 17 9s. 6d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. OARUMBI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 433. Comprising Grogan Creek Run. Lea.sehol,d Area. Land District of Cootamundry ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands witliin the boundaries of that part of Grogan Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Young ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that pai-t of Grogan Creek Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The- area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,414 acres. Annual rent, £45 5s. 3d. Rate per acre, 4Jd. Resumed, 935 ,, ,, license, 17 10s. 8d. ,, per section, £12. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. CASINO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 329. Comprising Casino Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Casino ; County of Rous. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Casino Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Casino ; County of Rous. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Casino Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,510 acres. Annual rent, £37 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 869 ,, ,, license, 7 4s. lOd. ,, per sec, £5 6s. Sd. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. CAVAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 364. Comprising Cavan Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Yass ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cavan Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Yass ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cavan Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,480 acres. Annual rent, £206 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 11,505 ,, ,, license, 95 17s. 6d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d, Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales. 38 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern CAVE FLAT AND COURADIGBY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 155. Gomprising Cave Flat and Cooradigby Euns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Yass ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cooradigby Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as laotified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cave Flat Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Jiily, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,584 acres. Annual rent, £94 16s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 9,000 ,, ,, license, 42 3s. 9d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Leaseholders — Bank of New South Wales. „ Licensee — Mr. Robert Percy Johnston. CHANDLER'S CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 316. Comprising Chandler's Creek Jiim. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Glen Innes and Grafton; County of Gresham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Chandler's Creek Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Glen Innes and Grafton ; County of Gresham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Chandler's Creek Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 67,260 acres. Annual rent, £280 5s. Kate per acre, Id. Resumed, 20,634 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. CHEESEMAN'S CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 345. Comprising Cheeseman's Creek Hun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Eands within the boundaries of that part of Cheeseman's Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cheeseman's Creek Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,121 acres. Annual rent, £14 Os. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 1,100 ,, ,, license, 8 Os. 5d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mrs. Alaiy Keenan. CHEVIOT HILLS NORTH AND CALLANYN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 552. Comprising Cheviott Hills North and Callanyn Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Casino and Tenterfield ; County of Buller. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cheviott Hills North and Callanyn Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 39 Resumed Area. Land Districts of Casino and Tentsrfield ; (bounties of Buller and Drake. The Crown Lands -within the boundaries of tliose parts of Cheviott Hills North and Callanyn Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 39,475 acres. Annual rent, £226 3s. '2d. Rate per acre, Id. 1-16 h Resumed, 47,764 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Harry Smith. CHEVIOT HILLS SOUTH AND FAIRFIELD SOUTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 474. Comprising Cheviott Hills South and Fairfield South Buns. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Casino and Tenterfield ; Counties of Clive and Drake. The CrowTi Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cheviott Hills South and Fairfield South Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette of 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Casino and Tenterfield ; Counties of Clive and Drake. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cheviott Hills South and Fairfield South Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5tli August, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,478 acres. Annual rent, £140 9s. 9d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 21,596 ,, „ license 89 19s. 8d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. Merton Smith. CHIDOWLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 147. Comprising Childoiuli Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gundagai ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within that part of Childowla Run lying to the north of the diWding line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Gundagai and Yass ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within that partof Childowla Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,835 acres. Annual rent, £48 12s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 5,566 ,, ,, license, 34 15s. 9d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders —Australian Joint Stock Bank. CHILDOWLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 168. Comprising Chidowla Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The ("rown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Chidowla Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Hai'den. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Chidowla Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section, are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,020 acres. Ajinual rent, £85 5s. 8d. Rate per acre, 3d. 2-5ths. Resumed, 5,600 ,, ,, license, 29 3s. 4d. ,, per section, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Edward Carroll. 40 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern CLAREVAULX PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 135. Comprising Clarevaulx Eun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Glen Innes ; County of Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Clarevanlx Run lying to the M'est of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Glen Innes ; County of Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Clarevaulx Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,600 acres. Annual rent, £27 10s. Od. Rate per acre, Id. Resiimed, 5,466 ,, ,, license, 17 Is. 8d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Donald Gunn. CLERKNESS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 490. Comprising Clerkness Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Hardinge. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Clerkness Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Hardinge. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Clerkness Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,890 acres. Annual rent, £139 lis. lid. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 16,841 „ „ license, 70 3s. 5d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. CLIFTON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 67. Comprising Clifton Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of C'live. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Clifton Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Clive. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Clifton Run lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 44,020 acres. Annual rent, £275 2s. 6d. Rate per acre, Hd. Resumed, 37,010 „ ,, license, 154 4s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders— The Hon. John Brown Watt, M.L,C., and William Oswald Gilchrist. CLYBUCOA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 430. Comprising Klyhucca Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Kempsey ; County of Dudley. The Crown Lands within the boiindaries of that part of Klybucca Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 41 "Resumed Area. Land District of Kempsey ; Conuty of Dudley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Klybucca llun lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follow.s : — Leasehold, 9,729 acres. Annual rent, £15 4s. Id. Rate per acre, |d. Kesumed, 7,621 ,, „ license, 11 18s. '2d. ,, per section, £1. Names of Holders — Messrs. Sydney Verge, Henry and Cornelius Christian. CLYBUCOA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 556. ComprMng New Klybucca Bim. Leasehold Area. Land District of Kempsey ; County of Raleigh, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Klybucca Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 15th December, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Kempsey ; County of Raleigh. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Klybucca Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, loth December, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 18,149 acres. Annual rent, £28 7s. 2d. Rate per acre, fd. Resumed, 17,444 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. John Clegg. COALDALE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 452. Comprising Coaldale Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grafton ; County of Clarence. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coaldale Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Grafton ; County of Clarence. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coaldale Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,845 acres. Annual rent, £108 lis. 5d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 38,763 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Joseph Brown. COBBIN PASTORAL HOLDING No. 74. Comjyrisinrj Cobbon Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cobbon Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cobbon Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,259 acres. Annual rent, £35 9s, lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 2,225 ,, „ license, 9 os. 5d. ,, per section, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. James Thompson. COCOMINGLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 132. Comprising Cocomingla Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cocomingla Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, 1885. 42 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gocomingla Eun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,920 acres. Annual rent, £65 6s. 8d. Piate per acre, 34d. Resumed, 4,025 „ „ license, 62 17s. lOd. ,, per sec, £10. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Smith. COLDSTREAM PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 448. Comprising Maryville, Coldstream, Coldstream South, and Marydale Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grafton ; County of Clarence. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Maryville Run and that part of Coldstream South Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 19th June, 1888. Resumed Area. Land District of Grafton ; County of Clarence. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Coldstream and Marydale Runs and that part of Coldstream South Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 19th June, 1888. ' The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 21,758 acres. Annual rent, £90 1.3s. 2d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 21,921 ,, ,, license, 68 10s. Id. „ per sec, £2. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. COMBANNING PASTORAL HOLDING No. 440. Comprising Comhaning Run. Leaskhold Area. Land District of Cootamundry ; Counties of Bland and Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Comhaning Eun lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Eesumed Area. Land Districts of Cootamundry and Wagga Wagga ; Counties of Bland and Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Comhaning Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August. 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,500 acres. Annual rent, £130 4s. 2d. Rate per acre, 24d. Resumed, 11,165 ,, ,, license, 34 17s. lOd. ,, per section, £2, Names of Holders — Messr.*. David Blair and William Greenlaw. CONEAO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 286. Comprising Coneac Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Hawes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coneac Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Hawes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coneac Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,920 acres. Annual rent, £33 Os. Od. Rate per acre. Id. Eesumed, 7,900 ,, ,, hcense, 24 13s. 9d. ,, per sec, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas William Parker. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 43 CONGI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 117. Comprising Congi Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Inglis. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Congi Bun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette. 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Inglis, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Conei Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,296 acres. Annual rent, £41 -Is. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 2,349 ,, ,, license, 22 Os. 5d. „ per section, £6. Name of Holder — Mr. Abraham Nivison. CONGWARRAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 383. Comprising Freshford, Congwarrah, and Tidbinhilhj Enns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Freshford Run and those parts of Cong- warrah and Tidbinbilly Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Congwarrah and Tidbinbilly Runs lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, ls85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,002 acres. Annual rent, £184 3s, 9d. Rate per acre, 2d, 3-5ths, Resumed, 16,882 „ ,, license, 87 18s. 7d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d, Name of Holder — Mr. Andrew Cunningham. CQOKARDINIA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 467. Comprising Cocardinia Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cocardinia Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cocardinia Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 462 acres. Annual rent, £6 os. 2d. Rate per acre, 3|d. Reeumed, 610 „ ,, license, 3 16s. 3d. ,, per section, £4 Names of Holders — Messrs. Edward and John Joseph Post. COOLAMATONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 210, Comprising Coolamatong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coolamatong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 44 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Easteim Eesumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Goolamatong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows: — Leasehold, 7,298 acres. Annual rent, £69 5s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 4,645 ,. „ license, 36 5s. lOd. ,, per section, £5. Name of Holder — Mr. William Robert Hepburn. COOLEMAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 359. Comprising Cooleman Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cooleman Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cooleman Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3lst July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,112 acres. Annual rent, £63 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 6,186 „ ,, license, 45 2s. 2d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. COOLEMAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 506. Comprising Coolooman Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Qaeanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coolooman Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885, Resumed Area. Land District of Queanbeyau ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Coolooman Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per Section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,905 acres. Annual rent, £49 12s. Id. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 12,903 ,, ,, license, 40 6s. 5d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — The Hon. Leopold Fane de Salis, M.L.C. COOLRINGDON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 175. Comprising Coolringdon and Cootalantra Riuis. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Coolringdon Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; Counties of Beresford and Wallace. The Grown Lands within the boundaries of Cootalantra Run and that part of Coolringdong Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre : the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,200 acres. Annual rent, £66 13s. 4d, Rate per acre, 5d. Resumed, 2,262 „ ,, license, 31 7s. 4d. ,, per sec, £8 17s. 6d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Alexander and David Ryrie. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 46 COOMOO COOMOO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 475. Comprising Coomoo Coomoo Run. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Murrurnndi ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coomoo Coomoo Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelt', .5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Murrurundi ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coomoo Coomoo Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,960 acres. Annual rent, £132 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 6,560 ,, ,, license, 34 Ss. 4d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. Sd. Name of Holder— Mr. John de Yilliers Lamb. COOPLACURRIPA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 477. Comprising the foUoicing Runs, viz. : — Cooplacurripa, Curracahundi, Giro, Lower Noiuendock, 2Iuinhle Water, No. 2 River, TerrahrunaJah, Upper Mumble, Upper Cooplacurrapa, Upper Barnard, and Wild Cattle Creek. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Hawes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Curracahundi, Wild Cattle Creek, Upper Barnard, Giro, and Lower Nowendoek Runs, and those parts of Cooplacurripa, Upper Cooplacurripa, and Upper Mumble Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Hawes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Terrabruualah, No. 2 River, and Mumble Water Runs, and those parts of Cooplacurripa, Upper Cooplacurripa, and Upper Mumble Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 212,843 acres. Annual rent, £221 14s. 3d, Rate per acre, Jd. Resumed, 194,400 ,, ,, license, 227 16s. 3d. ,, per section, los. Name of Holder — Mr. John Kenneth Mackay. COORADIGBEE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 219. Comprising Couradigby Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of \ass; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Couradigby Run Ijing to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Yass ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Couradigby Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,970 acres. Annual rent, £58 Is. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 6,755 ,, ,, license, 56 5s. lOd. ,, per sec. , £5 6s. Sd. Name of Holder — Mr. Samuel Barber. COORALDOORAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 517. Comprising Curldural Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Glen Innes ; Counties of Gresham and Drake. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Curldural Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Sth September, 1885. 46 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area. Land Districts of Glen Innes and Grafton ; Counties of Gresbam and Drake. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Curldural Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 23,555 acres. Annual rent, £49 Is. 6d. Eate per acre, ^d. Resumed, 22,400 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. William Rhodes. OOOTAMUNDRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 25 L Comprising Cootamundra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cootamundry ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cootamundra Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. Ri^suMED Area. Land District of Cootamundry ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cootamundra Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : - Leasehold, 2,900 acres. Annual rent, £42 5s. lOd. Rate per acre, S^d. Resumed, 18,002 ,, ,, license, 40 12s. 8d. „ per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. John Hurley. COPABELLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 379. Comprisivg Copabella Creek Run. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburu. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Copabella Creek Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Albury; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Copabella Creek Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,533 acres. Annual rent, £187 15s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 22,450 ,, ,, license, 140 6s. 8d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Bank of Australasia. COPE'S CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 540. Comprising Cope's Creek and New Valley Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Inverell ; Counties of Gough and Hardinge. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cope's Creek and New Valley Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1SS5. Resumed Area. Land District of Inverell ; Counties of Gough and Hardinge. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cope's Creek and New Valley Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 18,722 acres. Annual rent, £87 15s. 2d. Eate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 14,506 ,, ,, license, 83 2s. 2d. „ per sec, £3 ISs. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 47 COPPABELLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 290. Com-prising CoppabeUa Bim. Leasehold Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coppabella Pam lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The ' rown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coppabella Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,670 acres. Annual rent, £53 lOs. 5d. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 4,381 ,, ,, license, 31 18s. lid. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. COTTER FALLS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 473. Comprising Cotter Falls Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cotter Falls Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cotter Falls Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,120 acres. Annual rent, £70 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 12,195 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert John King. COTWAY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 249. Comprising Coticay Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Gundagai and Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cotway Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Gundagai and Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cotway Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,895 acres. Annual rent, £45 4s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3jd. Resumed, 3,239 ,, ,, license, 47 4s. 9d. ,, per sec, £9 6s. 8d. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales. COUNTEGANY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 269. Comprising Countegamj Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Cooma and Moruya ; Counties of Beresford and Dampier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Countpgany Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette. 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moruya ; County of Dampier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Countegany Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,622 acres. Annual rent, £140 68. 5d. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 10,220 ,, ,, license, 85 3s. 4d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Samuel Lucas. 48 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern COURADIGBEE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 415. Comprising Little River or Covradigby Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Yass ; Counties of Buccleucli and Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Little Kiver or Couradigby "Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Kesumed Area. Laud District of Yass ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Little River or Couradigby Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,920 acres. Annual rent, £108 15s. lOd. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 19,657 ,, ,, license, 92 2s. lOd. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Rank. COWAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 408. Gomprising Coicar and Coivar North Buns. Leasehold Aeea. Laud Districts of Walcha and Kempsey; County of Hawes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cowar Run and that part of Cowar North Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud Districts of Walcha and Kempsey ; County of Macquarie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cowar North Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 29,537 acres. Annual rent, £61 10s. 9d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 22,250 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. John McLennan. COWRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 85. Comprising Cowra Bun. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cowra Run lying to the south of the- dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cowra Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,947 acres. Annual rent, £50 13s. Id. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 17,335 „ „ license, 81 5s. 2d. ,, per section, ^v3. Name of Leaseholders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. ,, Licensee — Mr. Maurice Harnett. COWRA ROOKS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 311. Comprising Cowra Bocks and Cota Euns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cowra ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cowra Rocks and Cota Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gaziite, 31st July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 4 Resumed Area. Land District of Cowra ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cowra Rocks and Cota Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slst July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,908 acres. Annual rent, £86 7s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 4,823 „ „ license, 40 3s. lOd. „ per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. George Campbell. CRAGIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 287. Comprising Craigie Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Craigie Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Abea. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Craigie Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre : the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,216 acres. Annual rent, £10 2s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, .537 ,, ,, license, 4 3s. lid. „ per section, £5. Name of Holders — Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society. CREEWAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 413. Comprising Clearawa Hun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Clearawa Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Clearawa Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,318 acres. Annual rent, £77 13s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 8,757 ,, „ license 86 9s. 9d, ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. CROWTHER PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 262. Comprising Crowther Creek and Bendick Murrell Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Young ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Crowther Creek and Bendick Murrell Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Young ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of those parts of Crowther Creek and Bendick Murrell Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,697 acres. Annual rent, £113 7s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. 1 -7th. Resumed, 8,590 „ ,, license, 35 15s. lOd. ,, per sec,. £2 13s.4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Pring. 50 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern CUBMURRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 33L Comjyrising Cuhmurra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cubmurra Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slst July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cubmurra Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slst July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,135 acres. Annual rent, £104 13s. 5d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 8,000 ,, „ license, 66 13s. 4d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. William Russell. CUCUMGILLIGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 205. Comprising Cucumgilliga Bun. Leasehold Area. Laud Districts of Boorowa and Cowra ; Counties of Monteagle and Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cucumgilliga Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cucumgilliga Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,610 acres. Annual rent, £38 Is. 3d. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 3,ii54 ,, ,, license, 40 13s. 6d. ,, per section, £8. Name of Leaseholder — Mr. Ebenezer McDonald. ,, Licensees — Messrs. Richard Goldsbrough and Company. CUMBERMURRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 227. Comprising Cumhamurra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cumbamurra Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cumbamurra Ptun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,940 acres. Annual rent, £110 5s. Od. Rate per acre, 9d. Resumed, 3,316 ,, „ license, 62 3s. 6d. ,, per section, £12. Name of Holder — Mr. Severn Kanute Salting. CUNDERANG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 564. Comprising Cunderang Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Walcha and Armidale ; Counties of Vernon, Sandon, and Clarke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cunderang Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 6th July, 1886. Divisim] NEW SOUTH WALES 51 Eesumed Area. Land Districts of Walcha and Armidale ; Counties of Vernon and Clarke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part 'of Cunderang Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 6th July, 1886. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 49,435 acres. Annual rent, £102 19s. lOd. Rate per acre, id. Resumed, 49,160 ,, „ license 76 16s. 3d. ,, per section, £1. Name of Holder — Mr. Guy Henry Crawford. CUNGLEBUNG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 485. Comprisinr/ Cunglebung Bun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Glen Innea and Grafton ; County of Gresham. The Crown Lands within the bouurdaies of that part of Cunglebung Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Glen Innes ; County of Grafton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cunglebung Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1SS5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 48,900 acres. Annual rent, £89 2s. lOd. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 66,800 ,, Not under Occupation License. Names of Holders — Messrs. Norman McLean and John Cowan. CUNNINGHAM CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 553. Comprising Cunningham Creek Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Young ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cunningham Creek Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 2nd December, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Young ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cunningham Creek Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 2nd December, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,159 acres. Annual rent, i!43 9s. 3d. Rate per acre, 9d. Resumed, 964 ,, ,, license, 18 Is. 6d. ,, per section, £12. Name of Holder — "Sir. Christopher Ward. OUPPACUMBALONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 398. Comprising Cuppacumbalong, Naas, and Naas Valley Buns. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cuppacumbalong, Naas, and Naas Valley Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3l8t July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cuppacumbalong, Naas, and Naas Valley Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 23,380 acres. Annual rent, £267 17s. lid. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 25,537 ,, ,, license, 159 12s. 2d. „ per section, £4. Name of Holder — The Hon. Leopold Fane de Salis, M.L.C. £2 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern OURRANGORAMBLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 363. Comjirising Currangoramhla Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Currangorambla Kun lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Cooma ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Currangorambla Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,852 acres. Annual rent, £222 4s. 6d. Rate per acre, 4Jd. Resumed, 6,020 ,, ,, license, 65 16s. lid. ,, per section, £7. Name of Holder — Mr. Henry Tarleton Whitty. CURRANGORAMBLA SOUTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 530. Comprising Currangorambla South Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Currangorambla South Run, lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Currangorambla South Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,300 acres. Annual rent, £33 10s. lOd. Rate per acre, 34d. Resumed, 2,400 ,, ,, license, 29 5s. Od. ,, per sec, £7 16s. Name of Holders Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. CURRANGORAMBLA WEST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 348. Comprising Currangorambla West Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Currangorambla West Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Currangorambla West Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,800 acres. Annual rent, £46 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 3,200 ,, ,, license, 35 Os. Od. „ per section, £7. Name of Leaseholder— Mr. Joseph Travers Jones. ,, Licensees — The Bank of Australasia. CURROWANG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 153. Comprising Corroivong and Tomhong Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala : County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Corrowong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 53 Kesumed Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Tombong Run and that part of Corrowong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,592 acres. Annual rent, £117 13s. 4d. Eate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 14,272 ,, ,, license, 89 4s. Od. ,, per section, £4, Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. CURRY FLAT PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 283. Comprising Curry Flat Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Curry Flat Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 18S5. Resumed Abea. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Curry Flat Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st Julj', 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,050 acres. Annual rent, £30 123. 6d. Rate per acre, 7d. Resumed, 1,439 ,, ,, license, 29 19s. 7d. ,, per sec, £13 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. William Jardine. DANANBILLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 330. Comprising Bananhilla Run. Leasehold Abea. Land District of Young ; County of Monteagle, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dananbilla Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Abea. Land District of Young; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dananbilla Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,653 acres. Annual rent, £27 12-^. 9d. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 3,227 ,, ,, license, 26 Is. lid. ,, per sec, £5 38. 6d. Name of Holders — Representatives of the late Mr John Chew. DANGELONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 172. Comprising Dangelong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Pangelong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dangelong Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,670 acres. Annual rent, £20 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 2,180 „ „ license, 18 3s. 4d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. George King. 54 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern DARBALARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 451. Comprising Darhalara Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Gundagai and Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Darhalara Eun Ijiug to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Gundagai and Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Darhalara Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1835. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,540 acres. Annual rent, £39 5s. 5d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 1,294 ,, ,, license, 10 15s. 8d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. Sd. Name of Holder — Mr. William Kempton Smith. DAVY'S PLAINS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 298. Comprising Davy's Plains i?an. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Davy's Plains Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Davy's Plains Ruo lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,877 acres. Annual rent, £92 9s. 5d. Rate per acre, 2^A. Resumed, 8,604 ,, ,, license, 53 ISs. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. DEEPWATER PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 390. Comprising Deepwater Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; Counties of Gough and Clive. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Deepwater Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; Counties of Clive and Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Deepwater Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 42,672 acres. Annual rent, £466 14s. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 42,285 „ ,, license, 198 4s. 3d. ,, per sec, £3. Names of Holders — Messrs. John Windeyer and John Donald Macansh. DELEGATE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 454. Comprising Deleijate Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of "Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Delegate Eun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 55 Kesumed Abea. Land District of Bombala; Connty of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Delegate liun lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 18S5. The area annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 470 acres. Annual rent, £2 9s. Od. Eate per acre, l^d. Kesumed, 740 ,, ,, license, 3 Is. 8d. ,, per section, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. Henry Hayden. OBLIGATE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 459. Comprising Deligate Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Deligate Kun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Kesumed Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Deligate Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,034 acres. Annual rent, £25 83. 6d. Kate per acre, 3d. Kesumed, 1,233 „ ,, license, 6 8s. 6d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder- Mrs. Sophia Ives Campbell. DEM ANDE RING PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 458. Comprising Demandering Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Demandering Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Demandering lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,840 acres. Annual rent, £92 15s. Od. Rate per acre, Hd. Resumed, 15,070 ,, ,, license, 62 15s. lOd. „ per sec, £2 ISs. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Garrett Cotter. DENISON RESERVE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 140. Comprising Denison Reserve Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Denison Reserve Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Denison Reserve Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,900 acres. Annual rent, £23 los. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 2,398 ,, ,, license, 24 19s. 7d. ,, per sec, £6 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Alfred Joseph Curtis and Johu Russell. 56 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastei-n DILGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 35L Comprisivg Dilga and Carlsron Buns. Leasehold Akea. Laud District of Molong ; County of Gordon, The Crown Lands witliin tlie boundaries of that part of Dilga Eun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Kesumed Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crcwa Lands within the boundaries of Carlsron Eun and that part of Dilga Eun lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows ; — Leasehold, l-i,624 acres, Annual rent £91 8s. Od. Eate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 13,076 ,, „ license, 54 9s. Sd. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. DOOLOONDOONDOO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 60. Comprising Dooloondoondo Hun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moruya ; County of Dampier. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Dooloondoondo Eun lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Eesdmed Area. Land District of Moruya ; County of Dampier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dooloondoondo Eun lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,441 acres. Annual rent, £47 13s. 5d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 13,300 ,, Not under Occupation License, Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander Montague. DORA DORA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 288, Comprising Dora Dora Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dora Dora Eun lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dora Dora Eun lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 30,710 acres. Annual rent, £255 IBs. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 28,638 ,, ,, license, 149 3s. 2d. „ per sec, £3 6s. 8d, Name of Holder - Mr. Edmund Hayes. DOUGHBOY HOLLOW PASTORAL HOLDING, No, 13. Comprising Doughboy HoUoiv Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Murrurundi ; County of Buckland. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Doughboy Hollow Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Murrurundi ; County of Buckland. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Doughboy Hollow Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,805 acres. Annual rent, £86 Is. 7d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 16,574 „ ,, license, 77 13s. lOd. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. Andrew Loder. Blvision] NEW SOUTH WALES 57 DRY PLAINS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 170. Comprising Dry Plains Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The ■Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Diy Plains Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dry Plains Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in GazMe, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,615 acres. Annual rent, £55 2s. 6d. Eate per acre, 2d. Pesumed, 5,250 ,, ,, license. 4.3 15s. Od. ,, per sec. , £5 6s. 8d. Names of Holders— The Hon. Edward Knox, M.L.C., Benjamin Buchanan, and William Oswald Gilchrist. DUDAL COMER PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 438. Comprising Diidal Comer Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albuiy ; Counties of Hnme and Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dudal Comer Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Albury and Wagga Wagga ; County of Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dudal Comer Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,155 acixs. Annual rent, £107 7s. lid Rate per acre, 5d. Resumed, 4,085 ,, ,, license, 61 14s. Od. ,, per sec, £9 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Thomas and John Joseph Keighran, DUNGOWAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 99. Comprising Dunqoican Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Parry. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dungowan Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Parry. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dungowan Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 35,175 acres. Annual rent, £183 4s. Id. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 38,466 ,, ,, license, 108 6s. 3d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders -Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. DURHAM COURT PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 4. Comprising Diwiicarindi Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Dai'ling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dinawarindi Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 58 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dinawarindi Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,632 acres. Annual i-ent, £138 12s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 8,559 ,, ,, license, 40 2s. 5d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. Chaiies Baldwin. DUTZON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 407. Comjjrising Dutzon Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dutzon Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dutzon Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,280 acres. Annual rent, £338. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 17,040 ,, ,, license, 142. „ per section, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. DYRAABA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 14L Comprising Dyraahd, Doubtful Greek, Stratheden, unclBunalho or Duck Greek Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Casino ; Counties of Rous and BuUer. The Crown Lands Mdtliin the boundaries of Stratheden Run and those parts of Doubtful Creek, Dyraaba, and Bunalbo or Duck Creek Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Casino ; Counties of Rous and BuUer. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Doubtful Creek, Dyraaba, and Bunalbo or Duck Creek Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 109,860 aci'es. Annual rent, £686 12s. 6d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 123,599 ,, ,, license,514 19s. lid. ,, per sec, £2 l.^s.4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Henry Barnes. EATONSWILL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 127. Comprising Eatomioill Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grafton ; County of Clarence. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Eatonswill Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Grafton ; County of Clarence. The Ci'own Lands within the boundaries of that part of Eatonswill Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,748 acres. Annual rent, £.34 12s. 5d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 3,827 ,, ,, license, 15 lis. lid. „ per sec. , £2 13s. 4d. Name of Leaseholder — Mr. William Davison. ,, Licensee — Mr. John Hann. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 59 EDGERTON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 282. Comprising Edfjerton Rtm. Leasehold Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Arrawatta. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Edgerton Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, ,Slst July, 1885. Rksiibied Akea. Land District of Inverell ; County of Arrawatta. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Edgerton Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, ,33,800 acres. Annual rent, £176 Os. lOd. Rate per acre. l^d. Resumed, ,32,012 ,, ,, license, 133 7s. 8d. „ per sec.,'£2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert Palmer Abbott. ELLERSLIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 22. Comprisivg Ellerslie Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Ellerslie Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Ellerslie Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,276 acres. Annual rent, £165 19s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 7,300 ,, ,, license, 30 8s. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 1,3s. 4d. Names of Holders — William Peterson and Frederick Thomas Sargood. ELSINEUR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 264. Comprising Ehineur Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Kempsey ; County of Dudley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Elsineur Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Kempsey ; County of Dudley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Elsineur Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,180 acres. Annual rent, £43 10s. lOd. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 10,100 „ ,, license, 42 Is. Sd. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Frederick Goulburn Panton. EMU CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 2. Comprising Emu Creek and Winterhourne Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Emu Creek and Winter- bourne Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 60 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Easteni Eesumed Area. Land District of Walcha ; Coimty of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Emu Creek and Winterbonrne Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 42,580 acres. Annual rent, £221 15s. 5d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 42,210 ,, ,, license, 175 17s. 6d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. George Robert Gill. ENMORE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 189. Comprising Enmore Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Sandon. The Crown Lands witliin the boundaries of that part of Enmore Eun lying to the west and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Sandon. The Crown Lands within the l^oundaries of that part of Enmore Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and I'ate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,575 acres. Annual rent, £104 15s. lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 16,230 „ „ license, 84 10s. 8d. „ per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — The City Bank. ETTERICK FOREST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 28. Comprising Langwell and Ettrich Forest Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Casino ; County of Rous. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Ettrick Forest Run lying to the east of the dividing line as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Casino ; County of Rous. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Langwell Run and that part of Ettrick Forest Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 23,588 acres. Annual rent, £147 8s. 6d. Rate per acre, 14d. Resumed, 35,791 ,, ,, license, 149 2s. 7d. ,, per section, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Henry Flesher Smith. EUROPAMBELA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 100. Comprising Europambela I^ortliand Europambela South Huns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Europambela South Run and that part of Europambela North Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Europambela North Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,515 acres. Annual rent, £150 8s. 7d. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 15,802 ,, „ license, 65 16s. lOd. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Christopher Dawson Fenwick. Divisi07i] NEW SOUTH WALES 61 E\^ERSLEIGH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 242. Comprising Eversleigh and Lindsay Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Sandon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Eversleigh and Lindsay Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Sandon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Eversleigh and Lindsay Buns lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,300 acres. Annual rent, £85 16s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 7,100 ,, ,, license, 51 15s. 5d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Algernon Henry Belfield and The Reverend Septimus Hungerford. FAIRFIELD PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 536. Comprising Fairfield Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Casino and Tenterfield : County of Drake. The Crown Lands within tke boundaries of that part of Fairfield Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Casino ; County of Drake. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Fairfield Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Sth September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,224 acres. Annual rent, £71 15s. 4d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 10,934 ,, ,, license, 34 3s. 5d. „ per section, £2. Names of Holders — Messrs. George and Andrew Smith and John Hynes. FOUR-MILE CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 256. Comprising Four-Mile Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury; County of Gonlburn. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Four-mile Creek Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Sth September, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Albnry ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Four-mile Creek Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,168 acres. Annual rent, £39 12s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 4,838 ,, „ license, 35 Ss. 7d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — The Hon. George Day, M.L.C. FRAZER'S CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 302. Comprising Frazer's Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Arrawatta. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Frazer's Creek Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. 62 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Eesumed Area. Land Districts of Inverell and Teuterfield ; County of Arrawatta. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Frazer's Creek Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 53,732 acres. Annual rent, £363 16s. 3d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 45,068 „ ,, license, 258 4s. Id. ,, per sec, £3 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. FRYING-PAN CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 209. Comprising Frying-Pan Creek Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Frying-pan Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Aeea. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Frying-pan Creek Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,557 acres. Annual rent, £16 4s. 5d. Rate per acre, 24d. Resumed, 1,293 ,, ,, license, 10 2s. Id. „ per section, £5. Name of Holder — Mr. Samuel Mackay. GABRAMATTA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 500. Comprising Gabramatta Rzm. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gabramatta Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gabramatta Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,399 acres. Annual rent, £44 19s. lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 6,120 ,, „ license, 31 17s. 6d. ,, per sec, £8 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Henry West. GADARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 39. Comprising Gadara Run, Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Tumut and Gundagai ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gadara Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Tumut and Gundagai ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundairies of that part of Gadara Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,002 acres. Annual rent, £25 Os. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 2,640 ,, ,, license, 11 Os. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert Broughton. Dlvhion] NEW SOUTH WALES 63 GANOO PASTORAL HOLDING, No 378. Comprising Gonoo Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gonoo Eun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3lst July, 1885. Resumed Akea. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gonoo Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slst July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,035 acres. Annual rent, £83 12s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 7,379 ,, ,, license, 76 17s. 4d. ,, per sec, £6 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Samuel Taylor. GANOWRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 235. Comprising Ganowra and Big\Badger River Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Big Badger River and Ganowrie Iluns lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Big Badger River and Ganowra Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 18,907 acres. Annual rent, £157 lis. 2d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 20,850 ,, ,, license, 162 17s. lOd. ,, per section, £5. Name of Holder — Mr. Rowland Hassell, GEEGULLALONG pastoral holding, No. 342. Comprising GeguUalong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of GeguUalong Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slst July, 1885. Resumed Area. T^and District of Boorowa ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of GeguUalong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slst July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,180 acres. Annual rent, £71 83. 2d. Rate per acre, 4d. I-lOth. Resumed, 3,260 „ ,, license, 30 Us. 3d. ,, per section, £6. Name of Holder — Mr. Benjamin Long. GEEKLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 72. Comprising Geekle Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Geekle Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 64 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area, Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands with the boundaries of that part of Geekle Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified iu Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,201 acres. Annual rent, £22 10s. 5d. Rate per acre, 4Jd. Resumed, 2,116 ,, ,, license, 13 4s. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. GEERGAROW PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 146. Comprising Geergorow Bun. Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Grafton ; County of Fitzroy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Geergorow Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Grafton ; County of Fitzroy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Geergorow Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,415 acres. Annual rent, £46 6s. lid. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 1,400 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. John Bede Carlton. GEGEZERICK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 138. Comprising Gigezerick Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gejizrick Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, i885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gejizrick Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,294 acres. Annual rent, £38 4s. 8d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 1,329 ,, ,, license, 9 13s. lOd. ,, per bee, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. James William Johnson. GERALDRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 225. Comprising Geraldra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cootamundry ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Geraldra Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cootamundry ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Geraldra Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,222 acres. Annual rent, £157 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 7^d, Resumed, 3,752 ,, ,, license, 103 3s. 7d. ,, per sec, £17 12s. Names of Holders — Messrs. Thomas Davidson and Alexander William Robertson. Division] XEW SOUTH WALES 65 GEROGERY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 265. Comprising Gerogery Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; Counties of Hume and Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gerogery Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Albury ; Counties of Goulburn and Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gerogery Eun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,.S80 acres. Annual rent, £63 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3id. Eesumed, 4,677 ,, ,, license, 38 19s. 6d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Samuel Watson. GINGARY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 335. Comprising Gingarij Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Gingary Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gingary Run lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,077 acres. Annual rent, £59 9s. 2J. Rate per acre, S^d. Resumed, 4,976 ., Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Simon Corey. GLEN BARRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 403. Comprising Glen Barra Run. Leasehold Area, Land District of Tamworth ; County of Darling. The CrownLands within the boundaries of that part of Glen Barra Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Glen Barra Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,770 acres. Annual rent, £97 7s. 3d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 19,700 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Adam Park. GLENBOG PASTORAL HOLDING, No, 294, Comprising Glenhog Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part ,of Glenbog Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Bombala and Bega ; Counties of Wellesley and Auckland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Glenbog D 66 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ea.ection are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,517 acres. Annual rent, £151 4s. 5d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 7,053 ,, ,, license, 58 15s. 6d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. William Coventry. 94 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern MAFFRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 59. Comprising Mafra Run. Leasehold Area. Laud Distiict of Cooma ; County of Wellesley, Tlie Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Maifra Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Matfra Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,200 acres. Annual rent, £20 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 1,019 ,, ,, license, 4 15s. 7d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder— Mr. Joseph Cassels Eyrie, junr. MAHARATTA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 16L Comprising Maliaratta, Mila or Boggy Creek, and Bald Hills Station Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mila or Boggy Creek Run and that part of Maliaratta Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bald Hills Station Run and that part of Maharatta Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — • Leasehold, 17,925 acres. Annual rent, £1.30 14s. Id. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 14,114 ,, ,, license, 58 16s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Moses Joseph. MANILLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 570, Comprising the Manilla and Glenriddle Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Darling. Being a Subdivision of the Leasehold area of the Manilla and Glenriddle Pastoral Holding, No. 447. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,000 acres. Annual rent, £137 10s. Rate per acre, l^d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Walker. MANILLA AND GLENRIDDLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 447. Comprising the Manilla and Glenriddle Runs. Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Darling. The Ci'own Lands within the boundaries of that part of Glenriddle Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual license, and rate per section are as follows : — Resumed, 46,057 acres. Annual license, £225 17s. lOd. Rate per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. Arthur Leslie Harden. Divlsiov] NEW SOUTH WALES 9.") MANUS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 176. Comprising Mannun Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Selwyn. Thu Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mannus Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mannus Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section ai-e as follows : — Leasehold, 12,700 acres. Annual rent, £132 5s. lOd. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 7,725 ,, ,, license, 33 3s. lOd. „ per sec, £2 15s. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert McMicking. MAKENGO PASTOllAL HOLDING, No. 425. Comprising Marengo Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Glen Innes and Grafton ; County of Gresham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Marengo Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Glen Innes, Grafton, and Armidale ; Counties of Gresham and Clarke. The Crown Lands within tlie boundaries ot that part of Marengo Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section arc as follows : — Leasehold, 36,000 acres. Annual rent, £93 15s. Od. Rate per acre, §d. Resumed, 35,930 ,, ,, license, 112 5s, 8d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Joseph Cooper. MARENGO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 224. Comprising Marengo Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Young ; Coiinty of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Marengo Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Young ; County of Monteagle. The 'Jrown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Marengo Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,100 acres. Annual rent, £63 15s. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 4,906 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Jolin Thomas Beaumont. MAROWAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 548. Comprising Marooican Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Glen Innes ; County of Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Maroowan Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. 96 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area. Land District of Glen Lines ; County of Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of JNLxroowan Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,901 acres. Annual rent, £56 17s. lOd. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 2,911 ,, ,, license, 30 6s. 6d. ,, per sec, £6 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. MARRANUMBLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 247. Comprising Murranumbla Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma; County of Wallace. The ('rown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Murranumbla Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Murranumbla Run lying to the north of the dividing line , as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,439 acres. Annual rent, £50 3s. Id. Rate per acre, 3|d. Resumed, 2,700 ,, ,, license, 50 12s. 6d. ,, per section, £12. Name of Holders — Mercantile Bank of Sydney. MARYLAND PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 388. Comprising 3Iaryland Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tenteriield ; County of BuUer. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mai-yland Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; Coimty of Buller. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Maryland Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 34,480 acres. Annual rent, £251 8s. 4d. Rate per acre, If d. Resimied, 34,392 ,, ,, license, 161 4s. 3d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. MATONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 519. Comprising M along Run. Lkasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boiindaries of that part of Matong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Matong Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annxial rent, and rate j)er acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,550 acres. Annual rent, £11 6s. Id. Rateper acre, Ifd. Resamed, 1,146 ,, ,, license, 4 15s. 6d. ,, per sec, £2 13s, 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. James Litchfield. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 97 MATILDADALE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 137. Compriaiufi Matihladnle Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of (Irafton ; County of Clarence. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of JMatildadale Kuu lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 19th June, 1888. Resumed Area. Land District of Grafton ; County of Clarence. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Matildadale Eun lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 19th June, 1888. The area, annual I'ent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,700 acres. Annual rent, £32 Is. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 7,500 ,, ,, license, 23 8s. 9d. ,, per sec , £2. Name of Holder — Mr. George William Neale. MEMAGONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 150. Coviprising Memaijong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Young ; Counties of Bland and Mon- teagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Memagong Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Young ; Counties of Bland and Monteagle. Tlie Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Memagong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,900 acres. Annual rent, £119 12s. 6d. Rate per acre, 9d. 9-lOth. Resumed, 3,059 ,, ,, license, 26 15s. 4d. ,, per sec, £5 12s. Name of Leaseholders — Commercial Bank of Australia. ,, Licensees — The British and Australasian Trust and Loan Company. MENEDEBRI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 511. Comprising Jilenedebrie North Buu. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamworth ; Counties of Darling and Inglis. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Menedebrie North Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Tamworth ; County of Inglis. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Menedebrie North Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and I'ate per section are as follo\vs : — Leasehold, 2,215 acres. Annual rent, £18 9s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 8-10 ,, „ license, 5 5s. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. Philemon George Marsh. ^klERRIGANOWRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 453. Comprisi7ig Merriganoicry Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cowra ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Merriganowiy Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. E 98 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ecmern Resumed Area. Land District of Cowra ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Merriganowry Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,360 acres. Annual rent, £76 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 6,190 ,, ,, license, 51 lis. 8d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d, Name of Holder — Mr. John Grant, junr. MERRYBINDINAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 498. Comprising Merrybandinah and Mitta Mitta Runn. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Cootamundry and Gundagai ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries'of Merrybandinah Run and that part of Mitta Mitta Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Cootamundry and Gundagai ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mitta Mitta Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August. 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,950 aci-es. Annual rent, £62 3s. 9d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 7,648 ,, ,, license, 55 15s. 4d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Stephen White. MICALAGO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 207. Comprising Micilago Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Micilago Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Micilago Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,849 acres. Annual rent, £124 Is. 2d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 15,693 ,, ,, license, 73 lis. 3d. ,, per sec, £3. Names of Holders — Messrs. Ryrie Brothers. MIDDLE COTTER NORTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 50. Comprising Middle Cotter North Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Middle Cotter North Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Middle Cotter North Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,900 acres. Annual rent, £65 3s. 2d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 13,500 ,, ,, license, 56 5s. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Joseph and William Webb. Dividon] NEW SOUTH WALES 99 MIDDLE COTTER SOUTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 45. Comprising Middle Cotter South Hun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Middle Cotter South Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of ^liddle Cotter South Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,900 acres. Annual rent, £11 7s. Id. Rate per acre, ^d. Resumed, 10,900 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder— Mr. Philip Hardy. MIDDLINGBANK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 358. Comprisijtg Middlinghank Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Middling Bank Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Middling Bank Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,781 acres. Annual rent, £52 4s. Od. Rate per acre, 4Jd. Resumed, 1,560 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. William Pendergast. MIHI CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 152. Comprising Mihi Creek North and 3Iihi Creek South Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Sandon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mihi Creek North and Mihi Creek South Kuns lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, nth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Sandon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mihi Creek North and Mihi Creek South Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,663 acres. Annual rent, £77 14s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 7,830 ,, ,, license, 65 5s. Od. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Frederick Robert White. MILLERA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 253. Comprising Millera Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Tenterficld and Casino ; Counties of Clive and Drake. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Millera Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. E 2 100 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area. Land Districts of Tenterfield and Casino ; Counties of Clive and Drake. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Millera Kun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Ilth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 40,472 acres. Annual rent, £168 12s. 8d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 28,300 ,, ,, license, 88 Ss. 9d. ,, per sec, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander Stewart. MILLER'S CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 318. Comprising Miller's Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Murrurundi ; County of Buckland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Miller's Creek Run lying to the west and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3 1st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Murrurundi ; County of Buckland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Miller's Creek Eun lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,690 acres. Annual rent, £22 17s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 2,095 ,, ,, license, 9 16s. 5d. „ per sec, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. George Forrester. MILONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 202. Comprising Grogan, Top Lagoon, and Milong Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Cootamundry and Young ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Grogan Eun and that part of Top Lagoon Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Cootamundry and Young ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Milong Eun and that part of Top Lagoon Run lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 23,808 acres. Annual rent, £347 4s. Od. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 11,933 ,, ,, license, 99 8s. lOd. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Union Bank of Australia. MINGAY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 399. Comprising Mingay Rim. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gundagai ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mingay Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Gundagai ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mingay Run lying to the west and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3 1st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 1,370 acres. Annual rent, £37 2s. Id. Rate per acre, 64d. Resumed, 1,551 ,, ,, license, 14 10s. lOd. ,, per sec, £6. Name of Holder -Mr. Patrick James O'Dounell. Divmoii] NEW SOUTH WALES 101 MINGOOLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 89. Comprising Mengoola Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of TenterfieW ; County of Clive. The Crown Lands within the boundaiics of that part of Mengoola Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Clive. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mengoola Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,800 acres. Annual rent, £151 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 20,965 ,, ,, license, 98 5s. 6d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. Peter Jeffrey. MOGONG AND TILGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 356. Comprising Mogong and Tilga Huns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mogong and Tilga Buus lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mogong and Tilga Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3 1st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,747 acres. Annual rent, £111 19s. Od. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 9,382 ,, ,, license, 58 12s. 9d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. MOLE RIVER PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 304. Comprising Mole River Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Clive. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mole River Run lying to the west and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Clive. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mole Kiver Run Ij'ing to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, .Slst July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 46,861 acres. Annual rent, £219 13s. 3d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 51,414 ,, ,, license, 214 4s. 6d. ,, per sec. , £2 13s. 4d. Name of Licensee — Mr. John Franklin McMullen. ,, Leaseholders — Union Bank of Australia. MOLES PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 54. Comprising Moles Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of iloles Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 102 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Moles Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5, r.'3 acres. Annual rent, £64 18s, 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 1,620 ,, ,, license, 7 I's. lid. „ per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. Jeremiah O'Mara. MOODONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 126. Comprising Moodong Bun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Braidwood and Moruya ; County of Dampier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Moodong Bun lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lith July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Braidwood and Moruya ; County of Dampier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Moodong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, anniial rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,100 acres. Annual rent, £37 18s. 4d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 9,297 ,, Not under Occupation License. Names of Holders— ISIessrs. Michael and Martin Gallagher. MOOKI SPRINGS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 33. Comprising Mooki Springs and Mooki East Bans. Leasehold Area. Land District of Murrurundi ; County of Buckland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mooki East Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Murrurundi ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mooki Springs Run and that part of Mooki East Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2fi25 acres. Annual rent, £16 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 3,363 ,, ,, license, 24 10s. 5d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. William John, Frederick Holkham, Henry Cary, and Albert Augustus Dangar. MOONA PLAINS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 357. Comprisinrj Moona Plains Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of VValcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Moona Plains Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Moona Plains Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section ai-e as follows : — Leasehold, 9,893 acres. Annual rent, £51 10s. 7d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 15,300 ,, ,, license, 63 15s. Od. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 103 MOONBAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 539. Comprising Moonbar Bun. Leasehold Area, Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Moonbar Run lying to tiie east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. Tlie Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Moonbar Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,540 acres. Annual rent, £109 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 6,603 ,, ,, license, 55 Os. 6d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Elizabeth Pendergast and John Barry. MOONBT PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 7. Comprising Moonbi, Moore Creek, Nemingha, and Piallamore Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamworth ; Counties of Inglis and Parry. The Croivn Lands within the boundaries of Piallamore Run and those parts of Moonbi and Moore ( reek Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, a.s notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; Counties of Inglis and Parry, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Nemingha Run and those parts of Moonbi and Moore Creek Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate jier section are as follows : — Leasehold, 40,963 acres. Annual rent, £213 7s. Od. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 37,941 ,, ,, license, 158 Is. 9d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Gill. MOONBUCCA PASTORAL HOLDING, No, 218. Comprising Moonbucca liun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Cootamundry and Young ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Moonbucca Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Young; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Moonbucca Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,022 acres. Annual rent, £213 12s. 7d. Rate per acre, 3d. l-5th. Resumed, 4,389 „ ,, license, 32 Os. Id. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d, Name of Holder— Mr. William Caldwell. MOONEY MOONEY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 267. Comprising Moony Moony Eun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gandagai ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Moony Moony Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 104 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area. Land District of Giuidagai ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of AJoony Moony Kun lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 640 acres. Annual rent, £24 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 9d. Resumed, 870 „ ,, license, 14 10s. Od. ,, i3ersec.,£10 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Edward Joseph Keane. MOOR ABACK PASTORAL HOLDII^G, No. 464. Comprising Mooraback Hun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Walcha and Kempsey ; County of Macquarie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mooraback Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Kempsey and Walcha ; County of Macquarie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mooraback Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,700 acres. Annual rent, £44 lis. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 8,400 „ ,, license, 26 5s. Od. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders —Australian Joint Stock Bank. MOPARRABAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 250. Comprisimi Innes Greek and Tail's Station Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Kempsey ; County of Dudley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Tait's Station Run and that part of Innes Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885 Resumed Area. Land District of Kempsey ; County of Dudley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Innes Creek Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 24,047 acres. Annual rent, £112 14s. 5d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 16,340 ,, ,, license, 68 Is. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Charles Henry Humphrey. MOPPITY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 533. Comprising Mopperty Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Young ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mopperty Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Young ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mopperty Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 220 acres. Annual rent, £11 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 12d. Resumed, 230 ,, ,, license, 8 12s. 6d. ,, per section, £24. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. Division] XEW SOUTH WALES 105 MOREDUN PASTORAL HOLDIXG, Xo. 106. Comprising Moredun Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Hardinge. The Crown Lands v.-ithin the boundaries of that part of Moredun Run lying to the east of the dividing Ime, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Inverell ; Counties of Hardinge and Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Moredun Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lltli July, 1SS5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — ■ Leasehold, 19,212 acres. Annual rent, £160 2s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 19,505 ,, ,, license, 91 8s. 7d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. Andrew Wauchope. MORELLA OCCUPATION LICENSE, No. 572. Co7yi2rrising Gooroomynigong Run. Land District of Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Gooroomyragoug Run. Acceptance of Tender notifieil in Gazette, 15th June, 1888, as Lot 56, in accordance with the provisions of the Slst Section of the Crown Lands Act of 18Si. The area, annual license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Resumed, 1,800 acres. Annual license, i'lO Rate per section, £3 lis. Id. Name of Licensee — ^Ir. F. A. Smith. MOUNT ADR A PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 6-t. Comprising Mount Adra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gimdagai ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mount Adra Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85 Resumed Area. Land District of Gundagai ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of ]\Iount Adi-a Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,790 acres. Annual rent, £11 3s. 9d. Rate per acre, Ud. Resumed, 1,620 ,, ,, license, 6 15s. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. James Curtis, ]\IOUNT COOPER PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 134, Comprising Mount Cooper and Tuttabah or Juttabah Runs. Leasehold Area. I^and Districts of Eombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mount Cooper and Tuttabah or Juttiibah Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crov.Ti Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mount Cooper and Tuttabah or Juttabah Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,750 acres. Annual rent, £95 16s. 8d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 1,670 ,, ,, license, 20 17s. 6d. ,, per section £8, Names of Holders — Messrs. John Campbell and Alexander McKeachie. 106 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern MOUNT MITCHELL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 42 L Comprising Mount Mitchell and Oakwood Huns. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Glen Innes and Armidale ; Counties of Gresham and Clarke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mount Mitchell and Oakwood Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Glen Innes ; County of Gresham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mount Mitchell and Oak- wood Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, anniial rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 59,960 acres. Annual rent, £374 15s. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 55,691 ,, „ license, 232 Os. lid. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander Amos. MOUNT MITCHELL WEST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 341. Comprising Mount Mitchell Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Glen Innes ; Counties of Gough, Gresham, and Clark. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mount Mitchell Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Glen Innes ; County of Clarke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mount Mitchell Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,825 acres. Annual rent, £106 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 11,640 „ ,, license, 48 10s. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Barker. MOURA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 509. Comprising Waterholes Hun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Waterholes Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. For resumed area of this holding see Moura, 705, in Central Division. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,054 acres. Annual rent, £33 15s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d, Name of Holders — Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. MOWENBAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 96. Comprising Mowenhah Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mowenbah Hun lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Divisioii] NEW SOUTH WALES 107 Resumed Akea. Land District of Cooma; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mowenbah Run lying to tlie west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,623 acres. Annual rent, £32 15s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3d, Resumed, 2,720 ,, „ license, 22 13s. 4d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. John Inman McGufEcke, and William Jardine McGufficke. MUGMUGWUG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 187. Comprising Muijmiigwiig Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mugmugwug Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mugmugwug Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 800 acres. Annual rent, £7 10s. Od, Rate per acre, 2id. Resumed, 1,006 ,, „ license, 5 4s. lOd. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Andrew Hore MULLION PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 13.3. Co7nprisiJig Mullion Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Crowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mullion Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Queanbeyan ; County of Crowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mullion Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,445 acres. Annual rent, £37 Os. lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 3,530 ,, ,, license, 22 Is. 3d. ,, per section, £4. Names of Holders — Messrs. John Ledger and Charles Frederick Walker. MULUERINDIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No 343. Comprising Mvhierindie Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Muluerindi Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundai'ies of that part of Muluerindi Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,560 acres. Annual rent, £26 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2^d Resumed, 1,773 ,, ,, license, 11 Is. Sd. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. 108 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern MUNDOWEY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 37. Comprising Mundowie Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamvvorth ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mundowey Rnn lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mundowie Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,571 acres. Annual rent, £86 6s. 2d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 22,570 ,, ,, license, 94 0s. lOd. ,, per sec. , £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. Thomas Polk Wills- Allen. MURWILLIMBAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 339. Comprising MurioiUumhah Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Murwillumbah ; County of Rous. The Crown I^ands within the boundaries of that part of Murwillumba Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Murwillumbah ; County of Rous. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Murwillumba Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section as follows : — Leasehold, 1,780 acres. Annual rent, £7 8s. 4d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 1,490 ,, ,, license, 6 4s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert Hardy. MUTTAMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 239. Coviprising Muttama Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gundagai ; County of Harden, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Muttama Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Gundagai ; County of Harden. The Ciown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Muttama Run lying to the south west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,500 acres. Annual rent, £16S 15s Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 12.090 „ ,, license, 125 18s. 9d. „ per sec, £6 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Broughton, MYALL A PASTOEAL HOLDING, No. 79. Comprising Myalla and Peak Station Buns. Leasedold Area. Land District of Cooma ; Counties of Beresford and Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Myalla and Peak Station Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma; Counties of Wallace and Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Myalla and Peak Station Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per ection are as follows : — Leasehold, '2,4ii0 acres Annual Rent, £70 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 7d. Resumed, 1,224 ,, ,, license, 10 4s. Od. ,. per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 109 MYALL CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 510. Comprising Myall Creek East, Myall Creek West, and Keringoleldie Runs. Resumed Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands Avithin the boundaries of Myall Creek East Ruu lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. For Leasehold Area of this Holding, see Myall Creek, Xo. 706 in the Central Division. The area, license fee, and rate per section ai'e as follows : — Resumed, 48,336 acres. Annual license, £251 15s. Od. Rate per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. William John Dangar. MYLORA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 238. Comprising Mylora Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of ]\Iylora Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, i 1th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mylora Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, 1885. The area, annual i-ent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,230 acres. Annual rent, £47 2s. Id. Rate per acre, 3id. Resumed, 3,018 ,, ,, license, 37 14s. 6d. ,, per section, £8. Name of Holder — Mr. John Joseph Garry. NANANGROE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 145. Comprising Nanangroe Rim. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gundagai ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nanangroe Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Gundagai ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nanangroe Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,560 acres. Annual rent, £22 5s. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 3,110 ,, „ license, 12 19s. 2d. „ per sec, £2 1.3s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Lawrence Roche. NANGUS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 502. Comprising Nangus Rttn. Leasehold Area, Land District of Gundagai ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nangus Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Gundagai ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nangus Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,601 acres. Annual rent, £165 Os. 6d. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 5,449 ,, ,, license, 102 3s. 5d. ,, per section, £12. Name of Holders^Bank of New South Wales. 110 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern NANIMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 36. Comprising Nanima, Trajaree and Narradandarry Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashburnhann. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Narradandarry Run and those parts of Trajaree and Nanima Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Ashbumham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Trajaree and Nanima Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,990 acres. Annual rent, £149 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 18,539 „ „ license, 77 4s. lid. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. William Joseph and Francis Grant Fanning. NARRABURRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 41. Comprising Narrahurra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cootamundry ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Narraburra Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cootamundry ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Narraburra Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 28,170 acres. Annual rent, £234 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 17,681 ,, ,, license, 55 5s. Id. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holdei-s — Union Bank of Australia. NARRALLEN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 213. Comprising Narra Allen Run. Leasehold Area. Land Disti-ict of Boorowa ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Narra Allen Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Boorowa ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Narra Allen Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,. 370 acres. Annual rent, £122 I6s. 8d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 4,952 ,, ,, license, 37 8s. Od. ,, per sec, £4 16s. Sd- Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. NARROGAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 91. Comprising Narroogal Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Narroogal Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Divmon] NEW SOUTH WALES 111 Resumed Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Narroogal Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette,, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,250 acres. Annual rent, £42 3s. 9d. Rate per acre, 44d. Resumed, 1,583 ,, ,, license, 17 6s. 4d. ,, per section, £7. Name of Holder — Mr. John Smith. NATIVE DOG FLAT PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 151. Comprising Native Dog Flat Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Native Dog Flat Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Native Dog Flat Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,750 acres. Annual rent, £21 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resiimed, 2,315 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. NEILA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 43. Comprising Paddy's Plains or Cudgelong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cowra ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Paddy's Plains or Cudgelong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Arka. Land District of Cowra ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Paddy's Plains or Cudgelong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,177 acres. Annual rent, £89 14s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 5,362 ,, ,, license, 44 13s. 8d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — The City Bank. NEURENMERREMANG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 188. Comprising Nurenmerraviang Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Albury and Tumut ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nuremerramang Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Albury and Tumut ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nuremerramaug Run lying to tlie north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,314 acres. Annual rent, £116 4s. 5d. Rate per acre. IJd. Resumed, 22,850 ,, ,, license, 95 is. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. Henry Iticketson. 112 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS. [Eastern NEWBOLD GRANGE AND CANGAI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 308. Comprisinn Newhold Orange and Cangi Buns. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Grafton and Glen Innes ; Counties of Gresham and Drake. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Newbold Gi'ange and Cangi Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3 1st .July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Grafton and Glen Innes ; Counties of Gresham and Drake. The Crown I.ands within the boundaries of those parts of Newbold Grange and Cangi Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 35,600 acres. Annual rent, £222 10s. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 38,416 ,, ,, license, 180 4s. 4d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder — -Mr. Charles James Walker. NEW KOREELAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 278 Comprisinn New Kooreelah Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of BuUer. The Crown Lands within the boundaiies of that part of New Koorelah Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Buller. The Crown Lands within the l)oundaries of that part of New Koorelah Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 36,963 aci'es. Annual rent, £269 10s. 6d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 31,710 ,, ,, license, 148 12s. lOd. ,, per sec, £3. Name of Holders — The Mercantile Bank. NEWREA OR NOORY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 496. Comprisinri Nooary Run Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nooary Kun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, .5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Wellington and Molong ; County of Gor- don. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nooary Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, ,3,060 acres. Annual rent, £41 8s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 945 ,, ,, license, 8 17s. 2d. ,, per section, £6. Name of Holder— Mr. Robert McPhillamy. NEWSTEAD PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 325. Comprising New-itead Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Inverell ; County of Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Newstead Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. J. & C. HOV^ARD, (['iiyiiuYrs, Jlgriciiltumf Jl'iiiplciiieiit i (i)ciia-ii(' JUncfiimTi) Jmport ers. HOWARD'S O.L DIGGING PLOUGH. SPADE CULTIVATION revived. The old fonii of cultivation, in which the land is first set up sharp and square to be afterwards broken and pulverized by the Harrow is an evident mistake. Why do at two operations what HOWARD'S Digging Ploughs do at one ? The O.L. with two horses ploughs 14 in. wide. The O.L. does thoroughly broken work, and retains all the moisture in Ihe soil. The O.L. Shares are half the price of ordinary, and are reversible and will face the hardest land. In fine the OL makes a seed bed at once. Two- Furrows to do the same work with three horses in slock. All kinds of Agricultural Implements in stock. J. & C. HOWARD, 28Qi PITT STREET. SYDNEY. Australasian Depot for J. & P. HOWARD, Bedford, England. Thk New York lilPB INSUI^ANGE (gOMPANY'S Plon-porfeiting Free I'ontine Policy Is the niost desirable form of Polioy ever offered to the Public. IT IS A SAFE POLICY. It is NoN-FoRFEiTABLE after three Annual Premiums have been paid. It is free from Restrictions as to Occupation, Residence, and Travel after two years. It is Profitable. Total Assets, 1st January, 1889 ... ^f^^oofrm c ^7 1QQQ • ••• £5,226,601 Income for Year, 1888 ... Insurance in force 1st January, 1889 £86,396,400 For PARTICUL.4RS OF .^BOVE POLICY APPLY TO JOSIAH Hown^h, Geuernl ManHger Dfimrtment of Aitstnilnsiu. Offices BOND STREET CHAMBERS. BOND * GEORGE STREETS. SYDNEY. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 113 Resumed Akea. Land Districts of Inverell and Glen Innes ; County of Gough. The Crown Lands within tlie boundaries of that part of Xewstead Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885 The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,-184 acres. Annual rent, £213 7s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2^undaries of that pivrt of Waterloo Run lying to tl\e east of the dividing line, as notifieii in Gazette, lltli July, 1SS5. The area, ammal i-ent, and rate per acre ; the ai-eA, license fee, and rate per section ai-e ;is follows : — Leasehold, il.DGO aci^es. Annual rent, £134 17s. 6<1. Rate per acre, 3^1. Resumed, 6,546 ,, ,, license, 57 19s. 2d. „ per sec., £5 13s. 4d. Name of Holdex-— Rev. Duncan Kennedy MTntyre. WATERLOO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 323. Comirising Waterloo Jfiou Lkaskhold Area. L;md Distiict of Walcha: Couutv of Vernon. The Cix>wn Livnds within the Ixtuudaries of that part of Waterloo Rim lying to the north of the dividing line, jvs notified in Gautte, 3lst July, ISSo. 154 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Easterjt Resumed Area. Land District of VValcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Waterloo Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,836 acres. Annual rent, £70 10s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3id. Resumed, 2,974 ,, ,, license, 26 6s. 8d. ,, per sec, £5 13s. 4d. Name of Holders— Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. WATTAMADARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 444. Comprising Watamondera Run. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Cowra ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Watamondera Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cowi-a ; County of Forbes The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Watamondera Kun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the ai'ea, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,666 acres. Annual rent, £38 3s. 9d. Rate per acre, 24d. Resumed, 3,627 ,, ,, license, 37 15s. 8d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert Tynemouth Beasley. WEEJASPER PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 5. Comprising Weejasper Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Yass ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Weejasper Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area Land Districts of Yass and Queanbeyan ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Weejasper Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,.321 acres. Annual rent, £232 10s. 3d. Kate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 22,960 ,, ,, license, 191 6s. 8d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. William, John, and Alexander Hughes McBean. WELAREGANG NORTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 248. Comprising Welarcgang North Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Welaregang North Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Albui-y ; County of Selwyn. The Ci'own Lands within the boundaries of that part of Welaregang North Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified m Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate i^er acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,215 acres. Annual rent, £40 3s. 9d. Rate per aci-e, 3d. Resumed, 3,54.5 ,, ,, license, 25 17s. Od. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Joseph and Colquhoun Crowe. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 155 WELLINGKOVE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 295. Comprising WeUingrove Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Inverell and Glen Lanes ; ("ounties of Arrawatta and Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of WeUingrove Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Glen Innes ; County of Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundai'ies of that part of WeUingrove Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 25,1.34 acres. Annual rent, £78 10s. lid. Rate per acre, fd. Resumed, 15,796 ,, ,, license, 32 18s. 2d. ,, per sec, £1 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. E. Field, L. M. C. Seaton, and W. G Walker. WELLINGTON VALE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 546. ComiJrisin^ Wellinyton Vale Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wellington Vale Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, l-4th October, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tenterfield ; County of Gough. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wellington Vale Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, l3th October, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 55,3.34 acres. Annual rent, £403 9s. 7d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 56,389 ,, ,, license, 234 19s. Id. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert Reid Cunningham Robertson. WEST BLOWERING PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 18. Comprising West Blowering Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Wyuyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Blowering Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tumut ; Counties of Wynyard and Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Blowering Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,996 acres. Annual rent, £31 4s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 3,850 ,, ,, license, .30 Is. 7d. ,, per section, £5. Name of Holders — New Oriental Bank Corporation. WEST PINBEYAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 236. Comprising West Pinheijan Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Pinbeyan Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, 11th July, 1885. 156 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS {Eastern Resumed Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Pinbeyan_ Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 18,550 acres. Annual rent, £96 12s. 4d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 11,310 ,, „ license, 47 2s. 6d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders— Bank of Victoria (of Melbourne). WHIT WHITTAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 456. Comprising Whit Whittal Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Whit Whittal Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands A\ithiu the boundaries of that part of Whit Whittal Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,900 acres. Annual rent, £18 5s. 8d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 2,200 ,, ,, license, 9 3s. 4d. „ per sec, £2 13s..4d. Name of Holders — Scottish Australian Investment Company. WIANGERIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 321. Comprising Keelgyrali, Wiangaree, and Wiangaree West Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Casino ; County of Rous. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Keelgyrali Run and that part of Wiangaree Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Casino ; County of Rous. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Wiangaree West Run and that part of Wiangaree Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 49,733 acres. Annual rent, £362 12s. 9d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 50,198 „ „ license, 209 3s. 2d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Wellington Cochrane Bundock. WILLIE PLOMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 305. Comprising Willie Plumah Bun. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Gundagai ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Willie Plumah Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Gundagai and Tumut ; County of ^Vynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that i)art of Willie Plumah Run lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate f)er acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,122 acres. Annual rent, £22 2s. Id. Rate per acre, 24d. Resumed, 1,944 ,, ,, license, 16 4s. Od. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 157 WILLIS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 237. Comprising Willis Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundai'ies of that part of Willis Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Kesujied Akea. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Cro'mi Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Willis Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,500 acres. Annual rent, £39 Is. 3d. Rate per acre, l:^d. Resumed, 7,300 ,, ,, license, oO 8s. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. . Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sj' dney. WINSCOMBE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 409. Comprising Wan^combe Bun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Inverell and Armidale ; County of Hardinge. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wanscombe Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Hardinge. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wanscombe Run Ij'ing to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1SS5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 9,400 acres. Annual rent, £78 6s. 8d. Rate per acre, '2d. Resumed, 9,190 ,, „ license, 47 17s. 4d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. James Martindale Bettington. WOILA CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 297. [Comprising Wanley Creek Jiun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moruya ; Countj' of Dampier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wanley Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moruya ; County of Dampier. _ The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wanley Creek Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1SS5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,058 acres. Annual rent, £47 Is. 2d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 12,360 „ ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder— }Jr. Henry Oceolo Thoi-p Cowdroy. WOLLOMUMBI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 423. Comprising Wallamumhy Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Armidale ; County of Clarke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wallamumby Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, oth August, 1SS5. 158 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area. Land District of Armidale ; Counties of Clarke and Sandon. The Crown Lauds within the boiindaries of that part of Wallamumby Run Ijdng to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 29,0-49 acres. Annual rent, £166 8s. 6d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 28,517 ,, ,, license, 133 13s. 6d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder— Mr. John Fletcher. WOLLONDIBBY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 94. Comprising Woolindihhij Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woolindibby Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woolindibby Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,963 acres. Annual rent, £87 5s. 5d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 10,016 ,, ,, license, 41 14s. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. WOLLONDIBBY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 259. Comprising Woolendibhy Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woolendibby Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woolendibby Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,926 acres. Annual rent, £53 17s. 2d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 9,584 ,, ,, license, 29 19s. Od. ,, per sec, £2. Name of Leaseholders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. ,, Licensees — Messrs. John Shell, Thomas Francis, and Peter Matthew M'Evoy. WOMBRAMURRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 411. Comprising Wombromurra Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Parry. The Cro\vn Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wombromurra Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Parry. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wombromurra Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,536 acres. Annual rent, £105 19s. lOd. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 13,140 ,, ,, license, 82 2s. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Names of Holders —Messrs. Stephen James Payne, and George Henry Frederick Webb. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES I59 WOOLGARLO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 180, Comprisincj Woolgarlo Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Yass and Boorowa ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woolgarlo Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Yass ; County of Harden. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woolgarlo Run lying to the north- east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 188.5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,646 acres. Annual rent, £77 8s. 8d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 5,99(J ,, ,, license, 34 18s. Od. ,, per sec., £3 14s. lOd. Name of Leaseholders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. ,, Licensees — Bank of New South Wales. WOOLINGMURAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 233. Comprising Woolingimirah Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Eden and Bombala ; Counties of Auckland and Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woolingmurah Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Eden ; County of Auckland. The Cro\\Ti Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woolingmurah Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, licliise fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,078 acres. Annual rent, £47 5s. 8d. Rate per acre, 1 Jd. Resumed, 8,945 ,, ,, license, 37 5s. .5d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Edward James Nicholson. WOOLOMIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 362. Comprising Wooloomon Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Parry. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wooloomon Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tamworth ; County of Parry. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wooloomon Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,540 acres. Annual rent, £70 10s. 5d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 14,260 ,, ,, license, 74 5s. 5d. ,, per sec. £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. WOOLWAY AND ARA.BLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 414. Comprising Woolway and Arable Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Woolway and Arable Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. 160 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; Counties of Wallace and Beresford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Woolway and Arable Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,553 acres. Annual rent, £16 3s. 7d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 2,593 „ ,, license, £32 Ss. 3d. ,, per section, £8. Name of Leaseholders — Mutual Life Association of Australasia. ,, Licensees — William Murray, and Hugh Murray Strachan. WOOMARGAMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 392. Comprising Woomnrgama Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woomargama Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3ist July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woomargama Run lying to the south of the dividmg line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,290 acres. Annual rent, £138 3s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 8,009 ,, ,, license, 75 Is. 9d. ,, per section, £6. Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. WOOR^I OCCUPATION LICENSE, No. 570. Comprising Little Buclcenderry Run. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Little Euckenderry Run. Acceptance of Tender notified in Gazette, 15th June, 1888, as Lot 42, in accordance with the provisions of the 81st section of the Crown Lands Act of 1884. The area, annual license, and rate per section are as follows : — Resumed, 1,600 acres. Annual license, £7. Rate per section, £2 16s. Od. Name of Licensee — Mr. Samuel Hain. WOOROOWOOLGAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 292. Comprising Woorowoolgan, Camden Valleu, Wyandah or Stony Creek, York, and Mongoqery or Busby's Flat Runs. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Casino ; County of Richmond. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mongogery or Busby's Flat Run and those parts of Wooroowoolgan and Wj^andah or Stony Creek Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Casino ; County of Richmond. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of York and Camden Valley Runs, and those pai'ts of Wooroowoolgan and Wyandah or Stony Creek Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate j)er acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 115,514 acres. Annual rent, £721 19s. 3d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 96,606 ,, ,, license, 402 10s. 6d. ,, per sec. £2 13s. 4d. Names'of Holders— Messrs. G. R. Griflfiths, William and Frederick Fanning. Divmon] NEW SOUTH ^\'ALES 161 YABTREE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 86. Comprising Yabtree Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gundagai ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yabtree Run lyin" to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazettt, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Gundagai ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yabtree Run lyincr to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,9.30 acres. Annual rent, £20 9s. 5d. Rate per acre, l:|d. Resumed, 5,808 ,, ,, license, 84 14s. Od. ,, per sec, £9 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Richard Frederick Horsley. YAOUK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 400. Comprising Yaouk Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cooma ; Counties of Cowley and Beres- ford. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yaouk Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cooma ; County of Cowley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yaouk Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,350 acres. Annual rent, £254 7s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 22,500 ,. ,, license, 187 10s, Od. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Lachlan Cochrane. YARRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 303. Coynjyrisinr) Yarra Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yarra Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bombala ; County of Wellesley. The Crown Lands M'ithin the boundaries of that part of Yarra Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Julj-, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 747 aci-es. Annual rent, £6 4s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 677 ,, ,, license, 4 4s. 8d. ,, per sec, £4. Name of Holder — Mrs. Annie Ryan. YARRABANDINI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 28L Comprising Belinibopine, and Yarrahandini and Tanban Buns. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Kempsey ; County of Dudley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Belinibopine and Yarrahan- dini and Tanban Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Kempsey ; County of Dudley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Tanban and Belinibopine and Yarrabandini Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,619 acres. Annual rent, £40 Is. 7d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 9,899 ,, „ license, 30 18s. 9d. „ per sec, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Sydney Verge. O 162 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern YARRANGOBILLY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 29. Comprising YarrangohiUy Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yarrangobilly Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Buccleuch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yarrangobilly Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 18,870 acres. Annual rent, £98 5s. 8d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 19,480 „ ,, license, 81 3s. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders— Messrs. William Edward Stanbridge, George 'Meares, and John Waugh. YARRARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 75. Comprising Yarara Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yarara Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Disti-ict of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the Ijoundaries of that part of Yarara Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in (rase^te, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,903 acres. Annual rent, £32 10s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 6,044 ,, ,, license, 28 6s. 8d. ,, per sec, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander Dugeon Strachan. • YARRA YARRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 87. Comprising Billabong {Yarra Yarra) Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lands within the boixndaries of that part of Billabong ( Yarra Yarra) Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 188.5. Resumed Are.\. Land District of Albury ; County of Goulburn. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Billabong (Yarra Yarra) Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Jiily, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the ai'ea, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,650 acres. Annual rent, £163 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 17,950 ,, ,, license, 112 3s. 9d. ,, per sec, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. James McLaurin. YARROW CREEK AND KINGSGATE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 493. Compiisimi Yan-oiv Creek West, Yarrow Creek East, Yarrow Creek North, Kingsgate East, and Kingsgate West Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Glen Innes ; Counties of Gough and Gresham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Yarrow Creek East, Yarrow Creek North Runs, and those parts of Yarrow Creek West, Kingsgate West, and Kingsgate East Runs, lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 16.S Resumed Area. Laud District of Glen Innes ; Counties of Gough and Gresham. The Crcmi Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Kingsgate West, Kingsgate East, and Yarrow Creek »Vest Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th Aiigust, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7*2,280 acres. Annual rent, £602 6s. 8d. Rate per acre, .3d. Resumed, 64,377 ,, ,, license 301 15s. 4d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder— The late Hon. Edward Flood, M.L.C. YARROWITCH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 387. Comprising East Yarroicitch and Western Yarroicitch Rmis, Leasehold Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of East Tarrowitch and Westei-n Yarrowitch Runs lying to the south-west of the diNnding line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walcha ; County of Vernon. The Crown . Lands within the boundaries of those parts of East Yarrowitch and Western Yarrowitch Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 30,450 acres. Annual rent, £158 lis. lid. Rate per acre, lijd. Resumed, 48,234 „ „ license, 200 19s. 6d. „ per sec, £2 1,3s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Abraham Nivison. YARROWYCK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 229. Comprising Yarroxcick Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Armidale ; Counties of Hardinge and Sandon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yarrowick Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Armidale ; Counties of Hardinge and Sandon. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Yarrowick Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,626 acres. Annual rent, £24 Is. lid. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 10,220 ,, ,, license, 42 lis. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders— Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. YELLOWIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 243. Comprisinci Ydlov:in Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Sehvyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yellowin Run lyiug to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1865. Resumed Area. Land District of Tumut ; County of Selwyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yellowin Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,600 acres. Annual rent, £63 6s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 8,990 ,, „ license, .37 9s. 2d. „ per sec, £2 1.3s. 4d. Names of Holders— Messrs. John and Thomas Wilkinson. G 2 164 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Eastern YOUALL OCCUPATION LICENSE, No. 569. Comprising Cottacie Creek, Doodle, and Mount Pleasant Runs. Land District of Cooma ; County of Wallace. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cottage Creek, Doodle, and Mount Pleasant Runs. Acceptance of Tender notified in Gazette, loth June, 1888, as Lot 40, in accordance with the provisions of the 81st Section of the Crown Lands Act, 1884. The area and annual license fee are as follows : — Resumed, 3,500 acres. Annual license, £12 6s. Id. Rate per sec, £2 5s. Od. Name of Licensee — Mr. Timothy O'Mara. YOWRIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 366. Comprising Yourie Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moruya ; County of Dampier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yourie Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moruya ; County of Dampier. The Ci'own Lands within the boiindaries of that part of Yourie Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,320 acres. Annual rent, £80 10s. Od. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 23,513 ,, ,, license, 73 9s. 7d. ,, per sec, £2. Names of Holders — Messrs. Thomas Whitehead and Daniel Sutherland. YULGILBAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 47. Comprising Yulgilhar East, Yulgilbar West, and Ogilrie's Cattle Station Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Casino ; County of Drake. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Yulgilbar East and Ynlgilbar West Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Casino and Glen Innes ; County of Drake. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Ogilvie's Cattle Station Run and those parts of Yulgilbar East and Yulgilbar West Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 131,364 acres. Annual rent, £957 17s. 3d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 112,7U5 ,, „ license, 469 12s. Id. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Edward David Stewart and W. Ogilvie, YULLUNDRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 504. Comprising Murrimdernj and Yallinderi Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Murrimderry and Yallinderi Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Molong ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Murrimderry and Yallinderi Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,091 acres. Annual rent, £115 lOs. 8d, Rate per acre, 2id. Resumed 8,808 ,, ,, license, 45 17s. 6d. „ per sec, £3" 6s. 8d. Names of Holders— Messrs. Richard Glasson, junr., and Robert Glasson. Divisio7i] NEW SOUTH WALES 165 The Boundaries or the Eastern Division. — That portion of the Colony of New South Wales within the following boundaries : Commencing at Point Danger aud bounded on the east by the waters of the South Pacific Ocean southerly to Cape Howe thence on the south by the boundary dividing the Colonies of New South Wales and Victoria westerly to a point on the Murray or Hume Kiver at the eastern boundary of the Land District of Corowa as proclaimed in the Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette of the 2nd of Januaiy 1885 No. 4 thence on the west by the boundary dividing the Land District of Corowa aforesaid and the amended boundaries of the Land Districts of Urana Wagga Wagga Grenfell Forbes Parkes and Dubbo as proclaimed this day in Government Gazette the Land District of Coonabarabran as proclaimed 2nd Januarj- 1885, and the amended boundaries of the Land Districts of Gunnedah Narrabri Bingera and Warialda as proclaimed this day from the amended boun- daries of the Land District of Albury as proclaimed this day the Land Districts of Tumut and Gundagai as proclaimed 2nd January 1885 the amended boundaries of the Land Districts of Cootamundiy Young CoA%Ta and ''Molong as proclaimed this day the Land Districts of Wellington and Cassilis as proclaimed 2nd January 1885 and the amended boundaries of the Land Districts of Murrurundi Tamworth and Inverell as proclaimed this day northerly to the Dumaresq River thence on the north by the boundary dividing the Colonies of New South Wales aud Queensland easterly to Point Danger aforesaid at the point of commencement. END OF THE EASTERN DIVISION. PAET n. PASTORAL POSSESSIONS NEW SOUTH WALES. CENTRAL DIVISION. CENTRAL DIVISION. ALBERT WATERHOLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 469. Comprising Albert Waterhole Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Albert Waterhole Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Albert Waterhole Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,302 acres. Annual rent, £58 2s. 9d. Rate per acre, Hd. Resumed, 5,000 ,, ,, license, 20 16s. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. ARATULA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 350. Comprising Wannock linn. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deuiliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wannock Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wannock Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,700 acres. Annual rent, £161 13s. 3d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 9,076 ,, ,. license, 127 12s. 8d. ,, per section, £9. Name of Holder — Mr. Henry Ricketson. ARIAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 627. Comprising Ariah and Bungumbil Run. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Ariah Run and that part of Bungumbil Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bungumbil Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 24,667 acres. Annual rent, £411 2s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 14,872 ,, ,, license, 123 18s. 8d. ,, per sec, £5 68. Sd. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. 170 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central ARMATREE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 237. Comprising Illamurgalia West and New Armitree Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of New Armitree Run and that part of Illa- murgalia West Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; Counties of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of New Armitree Run and that part of Illa- murgalia West Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,313 acres. Annual rent, £135 16s. 4d. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 6,418 ,, ,, license, 53 9s. 8d. „ per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mi's. Jane Harvey. ARMITREE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 323. Comprising Armitree Run. Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Armitree Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Armitree Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,050 acres. Annual rent, £75 12s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 5,863 ,, ,, license, 48 17s. 2d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales, ARRAMAGONG EAST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 713. Comprising Arramagong East Run. Resumed Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Arramagong East Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Sth September, 1885. For Leasehold Area, see Arramagong East, No. 535, Eastern Division. The area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Resumed, 731 acres. License fee, £5 6s. 8d. Rate per section, £4 15s. 9d. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales, ARRAMAGONG WEST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 509. Comprising Arramagong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Arramagong Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 171 Resumed Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands with the boundaries of that part of Arramagong Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,029 acres. Annual rent, £10 14s. 3d. Rate per acre, 24d. Resumed, 6,528 ,, ,, license, 30 12s. Od. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — Union Bank of Australia. ARRAROWNIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 523. Comprising Arrarotvnie Bun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Narrabri and Coonabarrabran ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Arrarownie l!un lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Narrabri and Coonabarrabran ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Arrarownie Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 47,000 acres. Annual rent, £293 15s. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 46,500 „ ,, license, 193 15s. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Frederick Yorke Wolselev. BAAN BAA SOUTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 628. Comprising Baan Baa South Buns, Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; Counties of White and Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Baan Baa South Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; Counties of White and Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Baan Baa South Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,745 acres. Annual rent, £73 8s. 2d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 12,880 ,, ,, license, 40 5s. Od. ,, per sec, ^2. Name of Holders— English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank. BACK CREEK AND NOBBY'S LAGOON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 718. Comprising Back Creek and Nobby's Lagoon Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Nobby's Lagoon Run and that part of Back Creek Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. 172 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Back Creek Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as fellows : — Leasehold, 22,235 acres. Annual rent, £162 2s. 7d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 14,169 „ „ license, 44 5s. 7d. ,, per sec, £2. Name of Holders — Union Bank of Australia. BACK DAROUBALGIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 632. Comprisiufj Back Darouhalgie Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Back Darouhalgie Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slat July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Back Darouhalgie Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,300 acres. Annual rent, £77 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 9,100 ,, ,, license, 37 ISs. 4d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Dalgleish. BACK ESPERANCE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 143. Comprising Esperance Back Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarriua East ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Esperance Back Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina East ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Esperance Back Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,100 acres. Annual rent, £75 183. 9d. Rate per acre, 2;Jd. Resumed, 7,450 „ ,, license, 46 lis. 3d. „ per section, £4. Name of Holder— Mrs. Martha Caton. BACK GILGANDRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 460. Comprising Back GUgandra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of CTOwen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Back Gilgandra Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Back Gilgandra Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,600 acres. Annual rent, £47 lOs. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 7,680 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales, Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 173 BACK RUN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 439. Comprising Back Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Goweu. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Back Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Eesumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Back Kuu lying to tlie west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,200 acres. Annual rent, £47 IQs. Od. Rate per acre, fd. Resumed, 19,280 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr, John Cafe. BACK TENANDRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 384. Comprising Back Tenandra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Back Tenandra Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Back Tenandra Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,320 acres. Annual rent, ±'92 3s, -id. Rate per acre, 3|d. Eesumed, 6,004 ,, ,, license, 56 5s. 9d. ,, per section, £6. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales. BACK WARDRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 487. Comprising Back Wardri/ Rim. Leasehold Area. Land District of Condoublin ; Counties of Dowling and Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Back Wardry Run, lyiugto the east of the dividing line, as noti&ed in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Back Wardry Run lyiug to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,100 acres. Annual rent, £139 os. od. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 21,400 „ „ license, 89 33. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Leaseholder — Mr. Alfred Stokes. ,, Licensees— Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BACK YAMMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 52 L Comprising Back Yamma Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Forbes and Parkes ; County of Ash- burnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Back Yamma Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 174 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Eesumed Area. Lind District of Forbes ; Connty of Ashburnham. Tlie Crown Lands within the boundaries of tliat part of Back Yamma Eun lying to tlie east of tbe dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; tbe area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows: — Leasehold, 7,961 acres. Annual rent, £66 6s. lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 8,281 ,, ,, license, 34 10s. Id. „ per sec, £2 1.3s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mrs. C'herubrim Hanna Martel, BALAGULA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 225. Comprising Balagida Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Balagula Eun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within tbe boundaries of that part of Balagula Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Tbe area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; tbe area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,733 acres. Annual rent, £59 14s. 5d. Rate per acre, 24d. Resumed, 3,375 ,, ,, license, 21 19s. 6d. ,, per sec. , £4 3s. 4d, Name of Holder — Mrs. Jane Fletcher. BALD HILLS AND WARRADERRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 694. Gomprisi7ig Bald Hill and Warraderry Rims. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bald Hill and Warraderry Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resdmeb Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bald Hill and Warraderry Runs lying to tlie south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,824 acres. Annual rent, £103 13s. 7d. Rate per acre, Id. 4-5th. Resumed, 12,660 ,, ,, license, 54 3s. Id. ,, per sec, £2 14s. 9d. Name of Holder — Mr. George Matchett. BALD RIDGE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 573. Comprising Bald Ridge Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bald Itidge Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bald Ridge Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,000 acres. Annual rent, £26 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 6,963 ,, „ license, 29 Os. 3d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 175 BALGAY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 41. Coviprising Wharfedale North and Wharfedale Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Wharfedale North and Wharfedale Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in (lazette 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Wharfedale North and Wharfedale Buns lying to the so!ith-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July 1885 The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 33,484 acres. Annual rent, £226 14s. 4d. Rate per acre. If d. Eesumed, 32,000 „ ,, license; 133 6s. 8d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Licensees — Messrs. John Hinchcliff and Alexander Thomson. „ Leaseholders — Messrs. J. and W. E. Caiman. BALLADORAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 556. Comprising Bullodoran, Neiv Balladoran, North Moonnl, and Upper Bundigo Runs. Lea.sehold Aeea. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Upper Bundigo Run and those parts of New Balladoran and North Moonul Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Akea. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bullodoran Ran and those parts of New Balla- doran and North Moonul Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 37,460 acres. Annual rent, £312 3s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d, Resumed, 41,914 ,, ,, license, 174 12s. lOd. ,, per sec. , £2 13s 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. BALLANDRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 29S. Comprising North Tabbeta, Ballandry, Bingar No. 1, and Tabbeta Buns. I easehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Tabbeta and Bingar No. 1 Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Are.*. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of North Tabbeta and Ballandry Runs, and those parts of Bingar No. 1 and Tabbeta Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 56,624 acres. Annual rent, £471 17s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 61,620 ,, ,, license, 256 los. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Corporation of the Bank of Australasia. 176 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ce7itral BALLAREE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 47. Comprising Balldree Run. Leasehold Abea. Land District of Brewarrina East ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the bonndaries of that part of Ballaree Eun lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Eesdmed Area. Land District of Brewarrina East ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Ballaree Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,800 acres. Annual rent, £106 13s. -id. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 8,716 ,, „ license, 54 9s. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. George Woods. BANDO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 214. Comprising Bald Hills, Bando Plains, and Merrigala Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bald Hills Run and those parts of Bando Plains and Merrigala Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bando Plains and Merrigala Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 40, 182 acres. Annual rent, £1,025 9s. 7d. Rate per acre, 6|d. Resumed, 45,065 ,, ,, license, 399 17s. lid. „ per sec, £5 13s. 7d. Names of Holders— Messrs. James, Francis and Henry Charles White. BANDON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 647. Comprising Bandan Run. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bandan Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bandan Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,834 acres. Annual rent, £15 5s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 852 ,, ,, license, 3 lis. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. James Newell. BANGHEET PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 395. Comprising Bangheet and Molroy Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Biugara ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bangheet Run and that part Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 177 of MoIrovKun lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Jul J, 1885. Resumed Akea. Land District of Bingara ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Molroy Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 34,866 acres. Annual rent, £363 3s. 9d. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 31,607 ,, ,, license, 148 3s. 2d. ,, per sec. , £3. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. BARBIGAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 192. Comprising Barbital Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Barbigal Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Barbigal Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,973 acres. Annual rent, £51 16s. Id. Rate per acre, '2^d. Resumed, 6,122 ,, ,, license, 31 17s. 9d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders— Bauk of New South Wales. BARELLAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 485. Comprising Barralong, Barellan North, and Garoolgan East Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Burralong, Barellan North, and Garoolgan East Runs lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrandera; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Barralong, Barellan North, and Garoolgan East Runs lying to the west and north of the dividing Une, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 46,762 acres. Annual rent, £438 7s. lid. Rate per acre, S^d. Resumed, 30,387 ,, ,, license, 126 12s. 3d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders— Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. BARHAM PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 65 L Comprising Barhamor Palin Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Barbam or Palin Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; Counties of Cadell and Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Barham or 178 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Palin Ruu lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 37,425 acres. Annual rent, £662 14s. 8d. Rate per acre, 4^d. Resumed, 35,522 ,, ,, license, 518 Os. 7d. ,, per sec, £9 6s. 8d. Name of Holders— Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. BARMEDMAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 125. Comprising Barmechnan Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Barmedman Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bavmedmau Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 29,311 acres. Annual rent, £244 5s. 2d. Rate per acre. Id. 9-lOth. Resumed, 11,251 ,, „ license, 46 16s. 7d. „ per sec, £6 4?. Od. Name of Holder — Mr. Lachlan Robertson. BAROOGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 242. Comprising Biirroogo and Headford Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Denison. The Crown Lands within the boiindaries of those parts of Burroogo and Headford Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Deuiaon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Burroogo and Headford Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,500 acr<;s. Annual rent, £150 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 8d. Resumed, 5,520 ,, „ license, 103 10s. Od. „ per section, £12, Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Budds Payne. BARRABA DETACHED PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 732. Comprising Barraba Detached Run. Resumed Area. Land District of Bingara ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Barraba Detached Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 0th April, 1886. For Leasehold area of this holding see Barraba Detached, No. 562 in Eastern Division. The area, annual license, and rate per section are as follows : — Resumed, 46,287 acres. Annual license, £192 17s. 8d. Rate per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders— Messrs. Thomas Cook and Hugh Robert Munro. Divhion] NEW SOUTH WALES 179 BARRATTA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 406. CovipriMng Barratta, North Barratta, and Kirahiri Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliqnin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Barratta, North Barratta, and Kirabiri Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette' 11th July, 1885. Eesumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; Counties of Townsend and Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Barratta, Korth Barratta, and Kirabiri Euns lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,002 acres. Annual rent, £247 18s. lid. Rate per acre, 34d. Resumed, 18,400 ,, „ license, 143 15s, Od. ,, per sec, £.o. Name of Holder — Mr. Henry Eicketson. BARRAWANG PASTORAL HOLDING No. 498. Comprising the foUoio'mg Runs, viz. : — Sebastopol, Tnindle, Trundle East, Trundle South, Upper Dulhuntij, Woolaicigmj, Yarrabundi, Badje.rrihong, Barrawang, Bereicomhenia, Byong, Byong Hills, South Byong, Charley's Yard, Derriwong, Dulhunty Plains, Grudgeiy, Gunning, Gunningbland, Gunningbland Back Station, Kurrajong Hill, Lower Mulguthrie, Manwanga, Monomie Plain, Mountain Run, Mulgathary, and Neiv Bimdaburra. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Parkes, Condoublin, and Forbes ; County of Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Gunningbland, Monomie Plain, Upper Dulhimty, Gunning, Grudgery, Badjerriboud, Dulhunty Plains, Byong Hills, South Byong, Burrawang, Mountain Run, Manwanga, Mulgathary, Woolawigny, Berewombenia, and Lower Mulguthrie Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Parkes and Condoublin ; County of Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of New Bundaburra, Charley's Yard, Byong, Yarrabundi, Sebastopol, Kurrajong Hill, Trundle South, Trundle, Trundle East, Gunningbland Back Station, and Derriwong Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre : the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 196,695 acres. Annual rent, £1662 10s. lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. l-35th. Resumed, 123,704 ,, ,, license, 515 8s. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert Jonathan Jeffray. BARTLEY'S CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 398. Comprising Bartley's Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Forbes and Parkes ; County of Ash- burnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bartley's Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. 180 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area. Land Districts of Forbes and Parkes ; County of Ashburn- ham. The Crown f^ands within the boundaries of that part of Bartley's Creek Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, ISSo. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,110 acres. Annual rent, £136 lis. 3d. Rate per acre, 24d. Resumed, 13,850 „ ,, license, 57 14s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BEANBAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 353. Comprising Willaaga and Mowlma Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coouamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mowlma Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coouamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Willaaga Run and that part of Mowlma Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,196 acres. Annual rent, £299 12s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3id, Resumed, 12,577 ,, „ license, 104 16s. 2d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. BEARBONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 397. Comprising Berabong and New Beerhong Runs. Leasbhold Area. Land Districts of Coonabarrabrau and Coouamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of those parts of Berabong and New Beerbong Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud Districts of Coonabarrabrau and Coouamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Berabong and New Beerbong Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,500 acres. Annual rent, £75. Rate per acre, 4-5ths d. Resumed, 20,800 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Edward Maguire. BELAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 580. Comprising Belar, Geraiva, Mohara, Cooanimon and Deringulla Runs. j'^EASEHOLD Area. Land District of Coonabarrabrau ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Deringulla and Gerawa Runs and that part of Belar Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1835. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabrau ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cooanimon and Mobara Runs and that Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 181 part of Belar Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Oazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 33,587 acres. Annual rent, £122 9s. Id, Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 39,277 ,, ,, license, 163 13s. Id. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. BELARINGAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 18. Comprising Garule Garule or Belleringla, Back of Oarule Garule, Back of Nevertire Plains, Cremone, mid Cremone No. 2 Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bellerimgla or Garule Garule, Back of Garule Garule, Back of Nevertire Plains, Cremone, and Cremone No. 2 Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Julv, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bellerimgla or Garule Garule, Back of Garule Garule, Back of Nevertire Plains, Cremone, and Cremone No. 2 Runs, lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 37,773 acres. Annual rent, £550 17s. 2d. Rate per acre, 3id. Resumed, 20,943 ,, ,, license, 17-1 10s. 6d. ,, per sec, £5 63. 8d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. BELGOREEN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 135. Comprisiufj Belgoreen Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Belgoreen Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Belgoreen Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,067 acres. Annual rent, £175 193. 7d. Rate per acre, 34d. Resumed, 9,196 „ ,, license, 76 r2s. 8d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Francis Todhunter. BELUBCTLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 67. Comprising Behibula Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Corowra and Deniliquin ; Counties of Denisou and Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Belubula Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1SS5. 182 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [_Centval Eesumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; Counties of Denison aud Townseud. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Belubula iiuu lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, aud rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,581 acres. Annual rent, £123 7s. lid. Kate per acre, djd. Resumed, 5,806 „ ,, license, 72 11s. 6d. „ per section £8. Name of Holders— Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. BENDUCK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 23. Comp-ising Benduck Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Benduck Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Benduck Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 25,709 acres. Annual rent, £321 7s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Eesumed, 27,416 ,, ,, license, 262 14s. 9d. ,, per sec, £6 2s. 8d. Name of Holders— Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. BENEREMBAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 13. Comprisi7ig the Berambah Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Sturt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Berambah Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Sturt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Berambah Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee,, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 36,237 acres. Annual rent, £558 13s. Id. Rate per acre, 3d. 7-lOths. Resumed, 31,600 ,, ,, license, 223 16s. 8d. „ per sec., £4 10s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Baillie. BENGALLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 646. Comprising Bengalla, Beeho, and Wijamo Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Arrawatta. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Beebo Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Arrawatta. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Bengalla and Wyamo Runs, and that part of Beebo Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 48,767 acres. Annual rent, ^355 lis. lid. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 45,540 „ ,, license, 189 15s. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. William Laylor. JDivision] NEW SOUTH WALES 183 BENT'S HILL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 292. Comprising BenVs Hill or Collinruby West Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands witliin the boundaries of that part of Bent's Hill or Collinruby West Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lltli July, 1885. Eesdmed Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Bent's Hill or Collinruby West Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,800 acres. Annual rent, £23 6s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 1,620 ,, ,, license, 5 Is. 3d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Arthur Ernest Faviell. BEREMBED NORTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 233. Comprising Berembed North Ran. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Berrembed North Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Berembed North Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,616 acres. Annual rent, £80 15s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 8,153 ,, ,, license, 76 8s. 8d. ,, per section, £6. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Hutchings Bear. BEREMEGAD PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 235. Comprising Bereinegad and CJioioar or Xeimur Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deuiliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Beremegad and Chowar or Neimur Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Beremegad and Chowar or Neimur Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 26,005 acres. Annual rent, £379 43. lOd. Rate per acre, 3id. Resumed, 19,553 „ „ license, 213 17s. 3d. ,, per section, £7. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Wragge. 184 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ce7itral BERIDA PASTORAL HOLDIN^G. No. 71. Comprising the foHowing Runs -.—Curhin, Back Martluujmj , North Marthaguy, Tacklebone,' Neio Tacklebone, Bundohering, South Marthaguy, Bundejool, and Oundyule Coivell. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Curbin, Back Marthaguy, North Marthaguy, Tacklebone, and New Tacklebone Euns, and that part of Bundobering Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of South Marthaguy, Gundyule Cowell, and Bun- dejool Runs, and that part of Bundobering Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 48,724 acres. Annual rent, £710 lis. 2d. Rate per acre, S^d. Resumed, 39,385 ,, ,, license, 164 2s. Id. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Trust and Agency Company of Australasia. BERREMBED PASTORA.L HOLDING, No. 204. Comprising Berrembed Rim. Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of tlaat part of Berrembed Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Berrembed Run lying to the ■west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,696 acres. Annual rent, £142 Ss. Od. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 6,775 „ ,, license, 169 7s. 6d. ,, per section, £16. Name of Holders— Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BERRY JERRY AND ARAJOEL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 422. Comprising Berry Jerry and Arajoe or Old Man Creek Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Berry Jerry and Arajoe or Old Man Creek Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of AVagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Arajoe or Old Man Creek and Berry Jerry Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,207 acres. Annual rent, £285 2s. 8d. Rate per acre, 4id. Resumed, 10,965 ,, ,, license, 182 15s. Od. ,, per sec, £10 IBs. 4d. Names of Holders— Messrs. H. H., P. H., A., and B. M. Osborne. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 185 BIAMBIL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 550. Comprising Biamhil Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabairabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bianibil Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Biambil Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,423 acres. Annual rent, £40 2s. lid. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 3,670 ,, ,, license, 11 9s. 5d, ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. BIG RIVER PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 67L Comprising Big River or Cowronfgoiorah Ran. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bingara ; County of Murchisou. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Big River or Cowronegowrah Run lying; to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bingara ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Big River or Cowronegowrah Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2-5,814 acres. Annual rent, £53 6s. 7d, Rate per acre, ^d. Resumed, 30,810 ,, ,, license, .36 2s. 2d. ,, per section, 15s. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of .Sydney. BILLABONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 6L Comprising Billihong, Mngga Swamp, and Hiawatha Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts cf Grenfell and Forbes ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Billiboug and Mugga Swamp Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Hiawatha Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the ai-ea, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 41,874 acres. Annual rent, £305 6s. 8d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 44,820 ,, ,, license, 186 15s. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders— Mr. Henry Ricketson and Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. BILLABONG WEST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 668. Comprising BiUabong West Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Billabong West Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. 186 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS {Central Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Billabong West Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,718 acres. Annual rent, £39 6s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 5,837 ,, ,, license, 36 9s. Sd. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder— Mr. Sydney Ephraim Close. BILLEROy PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 306. Goviprising Billeroy Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The CroAvn Lands within the boundaries of that part of Billeroy Bun lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in GazMe, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Billeroy Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,035 acres. Annual rent, £69 3s. Id. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 4,426 ,, ,, license, 27 13s. 3d. ,, per section, £4. Names of Holders— Messrs. T., W., C, J., E., R., and A. Colwell. BIMBLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 359. Comprising Bimhle Ran. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bimble Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bimble Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,935 acres. Annual rent, £64 5s. 2d. Rate per acre, 3gd. Resumed, 1,785 ,, ,, license, 14 7s. 6d. ,, per section, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder —Mr. William George Tajdor. BIMBLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 514. Comprising Stony Plains, Pretty Plains block A, and Bimhle Rtms. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonabarrabran and Coonamble ; Counties of Baradine and Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bimble Run and that part of Pretty Plains Block A Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Coonabarrabran and Narrabri ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the bouiadaries of that part of Mungie Bundle Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 25,400 acres. Annual rent, £79 7s. 6d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 25,800 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Charles Colwell. Bivi.'iion] NEW SOUTH WALES BINDA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 564. Comprising Dunoinx Station and Goolciffong Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Disti-ict of Grenfell ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Duggins Station Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Grenfell and Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the l)oun(laries of Goolagong Run and that part of Duggins Station Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual I'ent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,910 acres. Annual rent, £32 19s. 2d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 6,890 „ „ license, 32 5s. lid. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — Union Bank of Australia. BINGARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 348. Comprising Bingera Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bingera ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bingera Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Apea. Land District of Bingera ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bingera Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per aci'e are as follows : — Leasehold, 25,310 acres. Annual rent, £35 3s. Id. Rate per acre, ^d. Resumed, 20,406 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander Mcintosh. BINIGUY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 330. Comprising Binnigy Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Courallie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Binnigy Run lying to the noi'th-east of the dividing line, as notified in. Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moree; County of Courallie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Binnigy lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,794 acres. Annual rent, £71 8s. 4d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 9,270 ., ,, license, 38 12s. 6d. ,, per sec, £2 1.3s. 4d. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales. BINNIA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 5. Comprising Binnia and Honeysuckle Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Binnia and Honeysuckle Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885, 188 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Binnia and Honeysuckle Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,002 acres. Annual rent, £100 Os. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 13,186 ,, ,, license, 54 18s. lOd. ,, per sec, ^£2 13s. 4d, Name of Holder- -Mr. Duncan McMaster. BINYA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 264. Comprising Binya, Cocopara, Cocopara South, and Cocopara North Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Binya, Cocopara, and Coco- para South Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cocopara North Run and those parts of Binya, Cocopara, and Cocopara South Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 41,405 acres. Annual rent, £603 16s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 46,170 ,, ,, license, 288 lis. 3d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Licensees — Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. ,, Leaseholder — Mr. G. R. Drysdale. BLAND PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 48. Comprising Bland and East Bland Plai'is Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bland Run and that part of East Bland Plains Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of East Bland Plains Run lying to the north of the dividing li'ie, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20 065 acres. Annual rent, £177 13s. 2d. Rate pei- acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 19,176 ,, „ license, £97 17s. 7d. „ per sec, £3 5s. 4d. Name of Holder — The late Hon. James (^hisholm. BLOWCLEAR WEST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 265. Comprising Bloioclear West Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; Counties of Cunningham and Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Blowclear West Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in the Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; Counties of Cunningham and Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Blowclear Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 189 West Run, lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,342 acres. Annual rent, £55 lis. lOd. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 12,760 ,, ,, license, 39 17s. 6d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder— Mr. Frederick Treweeke. BLUE NOBBY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 66. Covi'prising Blue Nobby Bun. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Warialda ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands \vithin the boundaries of that part of Blue Nobby Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Jidy, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Blue Nobby Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 20,110 acres. Annual rent, £251 7s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 17,510 „ ,, license, 109 8s. 9d. ,, per section, £4. Names of Holdei's — Messrs. William James Russell and John Richard Black. BOBERAH OR MORBI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 608. Comprising Bobrali Bun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bobrah Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bobrah Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per aci-e are as follows : — ■ Leasehold, 3,920 acres. Annual rent, £28 lis. 8d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 3,135 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Richard Jackson. BOCABIGAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 549. Comprising Bugahagil Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Ashburuham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bugabagil Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Forbes and Parkes ; County of Ash- burnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bugabagil Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,821 acres. Annual rent, £47 15s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 6,545 ,, ,, license, 40 18s. 2d. ,, per section. £4. Name of Leaseholders— Bank of New South Wales. Licensee — Mr. Denis Green. 190 PASTOR Al. POSSESSIONS [Central BODANGORA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 394. Comprising Bodangery Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of tliat part of Bodangery Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bodangery Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,941 acres. Annual I'ent, £149 5s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 11,725 ,, ,, license, 61 Is. 4d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. BOGAMILDI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 34. Comprising Meliahnt, Gourable, Ardgowan Plains, Yagobi, and Mosquito Creek Runs, Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; Counties of Courallie and Stapylton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Melialma Run and those parts of Gourable and Ardgowan Plains Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mosquito Creek and Yagobi Runs and those parts of Gourable and Ardgowan Plains Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 138,704 acres. Annual rent, £1300 7s. Od. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 142,980 ,, ,, license, 744 13s. 9d. „ per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders— Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. BOGEWONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 141. Comprising Bogeioon, Eastern Back Bogenong and Western Back Bogenong Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wallgett ; Counties of Clyde and Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Eastern Back Bogenong and those parts of Western Back Bogenong and Bogewon Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bogewon and Western Back Bogenong Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, anniial rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 21,927 acres. Annual rent, £182 14s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 19,840 ,, ,, license, 124 Os. Od. ,, per section, £4. Names of Holdei-s — Messrs. Thomas and Pati'ick Britton. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES I9I BOGO BOGOLONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 505. Comprising Boga Bogalong and Uoka and Weeogo Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; Counties of Gipps, Bland and Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Uoka Run and that part of Uoka Weeogo Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Grenfell ; Counties of Bland and Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Uoka Weeogo Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 41,85.3 acres. Annual rent, £305 3s. 7d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 14,990,, ,, license, 62 9s. 2d. ,, per sec. , £2 13s. 4d. ■ Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. BOKEMER PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 246. Comprising Bokemer Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coona-nble ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bokemer Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Juty, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Disti'ict of Coonamble ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bokemer Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,440 acres. Annual rent, £87 4s. 2d. Rate per acre, 3|d. Resumed, 4,.340 ,, ,, license, 36 3s. 4d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. BOLAGAMY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 126. Comprising Bolagamy GiiUman Run. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Condoublin ; Coimty of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bolagamy Gullman Rim lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of (Jondoublin and Hillston ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bolagamy Gullman Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and i-ate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,240 acres. Annual rent, £118 8s. 4d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 14,245 „ ,, license, 59 7s. Id. ,, per sec, £2 1,3s. 4d. Name of Holder— .Mr. Robert Scott. BOLARO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 304. Comprising Bolaro and North Tucklan Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of North Tucklan Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 192 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Kesitmed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bolaro Eun and that part of North Tucklan Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,550 acres. Annual rent, £18 19s. 2d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 6,620 ,, ,, licens6, 27 lis. 8d. ,. per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. William and Harry Albatross Patiick, Henry Mallon Todhunter, and William Gibson McCouchie. BOLERO BLOCK A NORTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 547. Compr'ising North Bolaro block A Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narraudera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands withiu the boundaries of that part of North Bolaro Block A Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Abea. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nouth Bolaro Block A Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows ; — Leasehold, 14,880 acres. Annual rent, £93 Os. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 14,846 ,, ,, license, 46 7s. lid. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. BOMELY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 207. Comprising Boomley Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Boomley Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands withiu the boundaries of that part of Boomley Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,910 acres. Annual rent, £65 18s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 8,271 ,, ,, license, 34 9s. 3d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. BOMERA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 185. Comprising Teraivinda, Bomera, and Boobala Creek Bu7is. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonabarrabran and fiuunedah ; Counties of Napier and Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Terawinda and Boobala Creek Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Coonabarrabran and Gunnedah ; Counties of Pottinger and Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bomera Run and those parts of Boobala Creek and Terawinda Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 93,430 acres. Annual rent, £583 18s. 9d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 85,983 ,, ., license, 358 5s. 3d. ,, per sec, £2" 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — British and Australasian Trust and Loan Company. Divisioji] NEW SOUTH WALES I93 BOXE AXD PREMER PASTORAL HOLDING, Xo. 60. Comprlsinj Bone and Premer Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gunuedah ; County of Pottincer. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bone and Premer Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resujied Area. Land Listrict of Gunnedah ; County of Pottin^er. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bone and Premer Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the ai-ea, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,652 acres. Annual rent, £171 3s. lid. Rate per acre, 2§d. Resumed, 17,220 „ „ license, 7115s. Od. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Xame of Holder — Mr. John McMaster. BOXGEABONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 574. Comprisirxj Bongegalong, Yarigand, Casllereagh, Xeic Bongegalong, and MUpuUinndramine, Tomingley, Tomingley North, and Dinner Gilgies. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Dubbo and Parkes ; Counties of Narro- mine and Kemiedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Myall Camp (North, ^lyall Camp South, and those parts of Tomingley) North, Dinner Gilgies, Mungery East, and Bulgandramine Runs Ij'ing to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Dubbo and Parkes ; Counties of Narromine and Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Tomingley and those parts of Tomingley North, Dinner Gilgies. Mungery East and Bulgandramine Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 90,092 acres. Annual rent, £844 12s. 3d. Rate per acre, 2]d. Resumed, 79,928 ,, ,, license, 333 Os. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert Newell Gilmour. BULLENBONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 32. Comprising BuUenbong and Tollendool Runs. Leasehold Area. I^and District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of BuUenbong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Julj% 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Tollendool Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,497 acres. Annual rent, £238 19s. 7d. Rate per acre, 6|d. Resumed, 5,470 ,, ,, license, 79 los. 5d. ,, per section £9 6s. 8d. Name of Holders— Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. 206 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central BULLERAWA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 441. Comprising Back vacant Cuinhle, BuUerawa, Coormore, East Cumble, Eato East, Eato West, Talluba, Vivianfield, and Werai B>ins. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of BuUerawa, Talluba, and Eato West Runs, and that part of Eato East Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Narrabri and Coonabarrabran ; Counties of Baradine and White. The Crown Lands Avithin the boundaries of Back vacant Cumble, East Cumble, Vivianfield, Werai, and Coormore Runs, and that part of Eato East Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 129,722 acres. Annual rent, £540 10s. 2d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 126,040 ,, ,, license, 262 lis. 8d. ,, per sec, £1 6s. 4d. Name of Holders -The City Bank. BULL PLAIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 152. Comprising Bull Plain, Cowpasture, and Saivijers' Mistake Buns, Leasehold Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Denison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cowpasture and Bull Plain Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Denison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Sawyers' Mistake Run and those parts of Cowpasture and Bull Plain Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,342 acres. Annual rent, £149 5s. 2d. Eate per acre; 8|d. Resumed, 3,550 ,, ,, license, 73 19s. 2d. „ per sec, £17 5s. 6d. Name of Holder — Mr. Charles Young. BUMBALDRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 636. Comprising Bambaldry Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bambaldry Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Grenfell and Cowra ; Counties of Mont- eagle and Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bambaldry Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Part of this area falls within the Eastern Division. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,682 acres. Annual rent, £35 10s. 3d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 5,670 ,, ,, license, 23 12s. 6d. ,, jjer sec, £2"l3s. 4d. Name of Holders — Union Bank of Australia. Division] XEW SOUTH WALES 207 BUMBALDKY (UPPER) PASTORAL HOLDING, No. G76. Comprising Bumhaldry Run. LEASiiHOi.D Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands ^^ ithin the boundaries of that part of Bombaldry Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, oth August, 18S5. Rescmed Area. Land Districts of Cowra and Grenfell ; Counties of Monteagle and Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Buni1)aldry Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. A portion of this area lies within the Eastern Division. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,486 acres. Annual rent, £40 10s. 9d. Rate per acre, Hd. Resumed, 5,878 ,, ,, license, 24 9s. lOd. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Xame of Holder — Mr. Edmund Henry Taylor. BUN AREA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 305. Comprising Bunarha North A, Bunarba North B, Turrawa or Windeerna, and Mungi Waterhole Buns. Leasehold Area, Land District of Moree ; County of P.enarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mungi Waterhole Run and those parts of Turrawa or Windeerna and Burnarba Xortli B Runs lying to the west and south of tlie dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba The Crown Lands Avithm the boundaries of Bunarba Xorth A Run, and those parts of Turrawa or Windeerna and Bunarba North B Runs lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lltli July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 25,881 acres. Annual rent, £229 3s. Id. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 26,961 ,, ,, license, 168 10s. 2d. „ per sec, £4. Xame of Holder — Mr. John Arthur Brooke. BUNARBRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 639. Comprising Bunarbra South A, and Bunarbra South B Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bunarbra South B Run and that part of Bunarbra South A Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that pai't of Bunai-bra South A Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July. 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per aci-e ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,610 acres. Annual rent, £201 15s, 7d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 26,770 ,, ,, license, 104 16s. 3d. „ per sec, £4. Xame of Holder — Mr. Samuel Clift. BUNDABURRAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 446. Comprising Bundaburra Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundal)urra Run lying to the West of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 208 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundaburra Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,644 acres. Annual rent, £58 Is. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 2,775 ,, ,, license, 17 6s. lid. ,, per sec, £4. Name of Holders— Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BUNDALLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 221. Comprising Bundalla Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundalla Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundalla Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,500 acres. Annual rent, £106 5s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 9,295 ,, ,, license, 58 Is. lid. ,, per sec, £4. Name of Holders — British and Australian Trust and Loan Company. BUNDEMAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 598 Coinjmsing Bundigo, Upper Buqgaladda, Cartrell or Cowell, Bundemar, and Narruhah Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Narrubah Run and those parts of Bun- demar, Cartrell or Cowell, and Bundigo Runs lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1887. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Upper Buggaladda Run and those parts of Bunde- mar, Cartrell or Cowell, and Bundigo Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1887. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 34,140 acres. Annual rent, £426 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 27,342 „ ,, license, 128 3s. 4d. ,, per sec, £3. Name of Holdei's — Bank of New South ^Yales. BUNDIDGERY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 482. Comprising Bundigerrij Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundigerry Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Ci'OAvn Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundigerry Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : - Leasehold, 4,570 acres. Annual rent, £76 3s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 3,400 ,, ,, license, 21 5s. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. Bivisicn] NEW SOUTH WALES 209 BUNDILLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. lU. Comprising Bundilla Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonainble ; Countj' of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of BundiUa Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundilla Eun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,682 acres. Annual rent, £82 17s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 3,608 ,, ,, license, 33 16s. 6d. ,, per sec, £6. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BUNDULLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 35. Comprising BundttUa Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundulla Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cunnedah ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundulla Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,578 acres. Annual rent, £63 18s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 7,224 ,, ,, license, 45 3s. Od. ,, per section, £4. Names of Holders — Messrs. Duncan and John MoMaster. BUNDURE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 604. Comj^rising Bundure, Yanko G, and Yanlco H Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundure Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Yanko G and Yanko H Runs and that part of Bundure Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,950 acres. Annual rent, £310 18s. 9d. Rate per acre, 74d. Resumed, 12,630 ,, „ license, 328 18s. 2d. ,, per sec, £l'i 13s.4d. Name of Holders— New Zealand and Australian Land Company of Glasgow. BUNDY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 367. Comprising Bundy Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundy Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. 210 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ceirtral Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichharclt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundi Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,816 acres. Annual rent, £179 17s. lid. Rate per acre, SJd. Resumed, 14,532 ,, ,, license, 121 2s. Od. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Bank of Australasia. BUNDYBUNDALLY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 734. Comprising Bundy Bundally Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Coonabarrabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundy Bun- dally Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st October, 1887. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bundy Bundally Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st October, 1887. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,600 acres. Annual rent, £65 Os. Od. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 15,830 ,, ,, license, 65 19s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Leaseholder — Mrs. Jane Mill Richardson. ,, Licensees — Bank of New South Wales. BUNDYULUMBLAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 470. Comprising Bundyulumhlah, Thelaka or Dry Lake, Miranda block A, and North Carroonboon Buns. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Hay and Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bundyulumhlah Riin and that part of Thelaka or Dry Lake Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Resujied Area. Land District of Hay ; Counties of Wakool and Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Miranda Block A and North Carroon- boon Runs and that part of Thelaka or Dry Lake Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,666 acres. Annual rent, £344 8s. 8d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 13,554 ,, ,, license, 141 3s. 9d. ,, per sec, £6 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. David Moore. BUNGLEGUMBY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 733. Comprising Bnnglegumhie Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dul)bo ; County of Narromine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bunglegumbie Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st October, 1887. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 211 Resumed Area. Land District of Dubljo ; County of Xarromine. Tlie Crown Lands witliin the boundaries of that part of Bunglegumbie Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st October, 1SS7. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,300 acres. Annual rent, £33 2s. 6d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 4,517 ,, ,, license, 18 16s. od. ,, per sec, £2133 4d. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. BUNGEBAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 731. Comprising Bungehar Run. Leasehcild Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; Conntj^ of Xapier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bunbebar Run Ij'ing to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 6th April, 1886. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaines of that part of Bungebar Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 6th April, 1886. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,960 acres. Annual rent, £43 10s. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 6,370 ,, ,, license, 19 18s. 2d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Edward L. Moore. BUNGLE GULLY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 501. Comprisinrj MilcJiomi Back Xo. 3, Ceelnooij Lagoon, Denaboli, Myall Loicry or Bungle Gully Buns. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Walgett and Nan-abri ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Myall Lowry or Bungle Gully Run and that part of Denaboli Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Milchomi Back No. 3 and Ceelnooy Lagoon Runs and that part of Denaboli Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The ai-ea, annual rent, and i-ate per acre ; the ai-ea, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 42,314 acres. Annual rent, £352 12s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 40,540 ,, ,, license, 211 2s. lid. ,, per sec. , £3 6s. Sd. Name of Holders — London Chartered Bank of Australia. BUNNA BUNNA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 407. Comprising Bzdyeroi, Bulyeroi South Xo. 1, Buhjeroi South Xo. 2, Bunna Bunna Back Block, and Millie South Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Moree and Narrabri ; Counties of Jamison and Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bulj-eroi South No. 1, Bulyeroi South No. 2 and those parts of Bulyeroi and Bunna Bunna Back Block Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 212 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ceiitral Rksumed Area. Land Districts of Moree and Narrabi'i ; Counties of Jamison and Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Millie South and those parts of Bulyeroi and Bunna Bunna Back Block Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual i-ent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 54,786 acres. Annual rent, £741 17s. lid. Rate per acre, SJd. Resumed, 52,265 ,, ,, license, 435 10s. lOd. „ per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Names of Holders— Messrs. W. J., F. PL, H. C, and A. A. Dangar. BURAJA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 381. Comprising Buryjaa Run. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Corowa ; County of Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Buryjaa Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Buryjaa Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,750 acres. Annual rent, £140 I2s. 6d. Rate per acre, 9d. Resumed, 4,575 ,, ,, license, 114 7s. 6d. ,, per section, £16. Names of Holders — Messrs. Richard Goldsbrough and the late H. Parker. BURBURGATE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 467. Comprising Burburgate North, Biirburgate South, Bull, Bondaballah, Boggibrie CoUygrah, Cotvmore, and Dripping Rock Bmis, Leasehold Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; Counties of Nandewar and Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cowmore, CoUygrah, Bondaballa, and Burburgate South Runs, and those parts of Bull, Dripping Rock, and Burburgate North Kuns lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Narrabri and Gunnedah ; County of Nandewar. The Crown Lands within the boundar-ies of Boggibrie Run and those parts of Bull, Burburgate North, and Dripping Rock Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 88,606 acres. Annual rent, £664 10s. lid. Rate per acre. Id. 4-5th. Resumed, 91,159 ,, ,, license, 379 16s. 7d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. BURDENDA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 91. Comp)rising Burdenda, Cuddaldary, and Loioer Tabratong Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cuddaldary Run and those parts of Burdenda and Lower Tabratong Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 213 Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands -within the boundaries of those parts of Burdenda and Lower Tabratong Euns lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,678 acres. Annual rent, £14.3 9s. 9d. Rate per acre, Ifd, Resumed, 11,480 ,, ,, license, 47 16s. Sd. ,, per sec, £2 ISs. 4d. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales. BURRA BURRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 546. Comprising North Burra Burra and South Burra Burra Bims. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of South Burra Burra Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of North Burra Burra Run and that part of South Burra Burra Run lyiug to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 64,200 acres. Annual rent, £468 2s. 6d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 58,657 ,, ,, license, 244 8s. Id, ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Union Mortgage and Agency Company of Australia. BURRABOGIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 347. Comprising 2Iulberrygong, Mulberrygong block A, Mulherrygong block B, Burrubogie, Burrabogie block A, and Burrabogie block B Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Boyd. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mulberrygong Block B Run, and those parts of Mulberrygong Block A, and Mulberrygong Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Burrabogie, Burrabogie Block A, and Burrabogie Block B, and those parts of Mulberrygong, and Mulberrygong Block A Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 47,394 acres. Annual rent, £699 3s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3id. Resumed, 41,905 ,, ,, license, 488 17s. lid. „ per sec, £7 9s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. Fitzwilliam Wentwortb. BURRAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 190. Comprising Burran and Moolangar Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; Counties of Leichhardt and Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Burran Run and that part of Moolangar Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. 214 - PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Kestjmed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; Counties of Leichliardt and Gowen. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Moolaugar Run Ij-iug to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows ; — Leasehold, 8,200 acres. Annual rent £102 10s. Od. Eate per acre, 3d. Resumed, S,631 ,, „ license, 62 18s. 8d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holders— Messrs. Dalgety and Company. BURRANDOON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 496. Comprising Burratidoon, Direlmabildy , and Direlmahlldy West Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Direlmabildy and Direlmabildy "West Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Burrandoon Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 27,374 acres. Annual rent, £256 12s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2\di. Resumed, 27,200 ,, ,, license, 170 Os. Od. „ per section, £4. Name of Holders - Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. BURREL OR GUNNIBLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 310. Comprising Burrell Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; County of Nandewar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burrell Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; County of Nandewar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burrell Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,690 acres. Annual rent, £65 4s. Od. Rate per acre, 2fd. Resumed, 7,956 „ ,, license, 41 8s. 9d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder— Mr. Thomas Polk Wills-Allen. BURREN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 283. Comprising Burren, Burr en East, Burr en South, and Dealwarraldi Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Jamison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Burren and Burren South Runs lying to the -west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of .Jamison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Dealwarraldi and Burren East Runs, and those parts of Burren and Burren South Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — , Leasehold, 4.3,970 acres. Annual rent, £641 4s. 7d. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 37,168 „ „ license, 309 14s. 8d. „ per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 215 BURRONGONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 335. Comprising Burrangong Run. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Urana ; Counties of Hume and Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burrangong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Akea. Land District of L^rana ; County of Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Burrangong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,273 acres. Annual rent, £131 16s. 6d. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 5,374 ,, ,, license, 89 lis. 4d. „ per sec., £10 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Messrs. Richard Goldsbrough and Company. BURROWAY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 594. Comprising Killawareenah {Gilliwannah), Mtdlingundry, Apple Pie, Back Bunoay, Emogandry, Walla Walla, and Burivay Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Burway, Mullingundry, Apple Pie, Back Burway, Emogandry, and Walla Walla Runs, embraced by the lines as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Killawareenah (Gilliwannah) Run, and those parts of Burway, Mullingundry, Apple Pie, Back Burway, Emogandry, and Walla Walla Runs lying to the east, north, and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 56,341 acres. Annual rent, £704 5s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 64,775 ,, ,, license, 269 17s. lid. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Corporation of the Bank of Australasia. BUTHERWAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 275. Comprising Butherwah Run. Le.asehold Abea. Land District of Urana : County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Butherwah Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, ^Ith July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Butherwah Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,580 acres. Annual rent, £99 3s. 9d. Rate per acre, 2^61. Resumed, 10,670 ,, ,, license, 44 9s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Theodotus John Sumner and William Faed. BUTTABONE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 252. Comprising Mount Foster, ^'eiv 2Iount Foster, Back Mcryanhone, Back Run of Ballabon, and Yarramlaboint Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mount Foster, New Mount Foster, 216 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Back Meryanbone, Back Kun of Ballabon, and Tarialamboine Buns lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mount Foster, New Mount Foster, Back Meryanbone, Back Run of Ballabon, and Yarralamboine Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 21,330 acres. Annual rent, £311 Is. 3d. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 14,132 „ ,, license, 132 9s. lOd. ,, persec.,?^6. Name of Holder— The Hon. Richard Hill, M.L.C. BYGALOREE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 597. Coviprising Gorman's Hill N'orth, Gorman''s Hill, Bygaloree, Wilga, and Wilga South BiDis, Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Condoublin ; Counties of Gipps and Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bygaloree and Wilga South Runs, and those parts of Gorman's Hill and Wilga Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resuhed Area. Land District of Condoublin ; Counties of Gipps and Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Gorman's Hill North Run and those parts of Gorman's Hill and Wilga Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 61,082 acres. Annual rent, £509 Os. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d, Resumed, 61,958 ,, ,, license, 258 3s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d, Name of Holder — Mr. Duncan McKellar. BYGOO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 220. Comprising Bygoo Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Wagga Wagga and Narraudera ; Counties of Bourke and Cooper. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Bygoo Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Wagga Wagga and Narrandera ; Counties of Bourke and Cooper. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Bygoo Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 23,136 acres. Annual rent, £192 163. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 26,300 ,, „ license 27 7s. lid. ,, per section, £1. Names of Holders — Messrs. James and John Robertson. CADOW PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 28. Comprising Cadoiv, Extended Cadoio, and East Manna Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Forbes and Condoublin ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of East Manna Run, and those parts of Cadow and Extended Cadow Runs lying to the west of the dividing Hne, as notified in Gazette, 11th Julv, 1S85. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 217 ■Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cadow and Extended Cadow Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1SS5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,500 acres. Annual rent, £172 13s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2id. Resumed, 5,827 ,, ,, license, 30 7s. Od. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Edward Jones. CAIDMURRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No 20L . Comj^risin^ Caidmurra, Caidmurra East, blocks 1, 2, 3, and 4 Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of CaidmuiTa East, block No. 3, Caidmurra East, block No. 2 Runs, and that part of Caidmurra Run, lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of (Jaidmurra East, block No. 4, Caidmurra East, block No. 1 Runs, and that part of Caidmurra Run lying to the north of the dividing Ime, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1SS5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and I'ate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 62,530 acres. Annual rent, £586 4s. 5d, Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 59,700 ,, ,, license, 373 2s. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. CAIGAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 36. Comprising Caigan and Cuttabullah Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; Counties of Gowen and Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cuttabullah and Caigan Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of those parts of Cuttabullah and Caigan Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 30,365 acres. Annual rent, £221 Ss. 3d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 27,488 ,, „ license, 114 10s. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 ISs. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Lawi-ence Bi'own. CALGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 10. Comprising Turridgerie, Turridgerie South, Bucklenbaa, Bucklenbaa East, and Ulomogo Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boimdaries of Bucklenbaa, Bucklenbaa East, and Ulomogo Runs, and those parts of Turridgerie and Turridgerie South Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 21S PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ceiitral Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichliardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Turridgerie and Turridgerie South Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 25,023 acres. Annual rent, £677 7s. 8d. Rate per acre, 3|d. Resumed, 45,052 „ ,, license, 375 8s. Sd. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — iMr. James Murphy, junr. CALIMO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 314. Comprising Tumudgerie Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Tumudgerie Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Tumudgerie Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,253 acres. Annual rent, £234 8s. 9d. Rate per acre, 5d. Resumed, 14,738 ,, ,, license, 249 17s. Id. ,, per sec, £10 17s. Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. CALLUBRI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 477. Comj^rising Loicer Cudgeldrie Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The CroAvn Lands within the boundaries of that part of Lower Cudgeldrie Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lltli July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Lower Cudgeldrie Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,900 acres. Annual rent, £50 15s. Od. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 6,883 ,, ,, license, 28 lis. lid. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. CAMBARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 450. Comprising Coombarrah Run. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coombarrah Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coombarrah Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,820 acres. Annual rent, £72 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 4,862 ,, ,, license, 30 7s. 9d. ,, per sec, £4. Names of Holders— Messrs. Mark Herrmann and Vivian Cox. Divmon] NEW SOUTH WALES 219 CAMPBELL'S ISLAND PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 25. Comprising Puckameilly or Campheirs Island Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County ol Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Puckameilly or Campbell's Island Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Puckameilly or Campbell's Island Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,440 acres. Annual rent, £61 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 2,500 ,, ,, license, 31 5s. Od. ,, per sec, £8. Names of Holders — Messrs. John Halfrey and John Williams Dennis. CANONBA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 578. Comprising Loicer Cannniba E.ist, Upper Cannonha, and Triangle A Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Upper Cannonba East and Triangle A Runs Ij'ing to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Lower Cannonba Run, and those parts of Upper Cannonba East and Triangle A Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,953 acres. Annual rent, £228 Is. lOd. Rate per acre, S^d. Resumed, 10,401 ,, „ license, 130 Os. 3d. ,, per sec, £8. Name of Holders — Messi's. Dalgety and Company. CANONBAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 437. Comprising the folloidng Runs, viz. :— Triangle, Loicer Canonbar West, Upper Canonhar West, Yhahahbonq , Boomagril, East Began Xo. 1, Back Boomagril, Back Nijingan, Belar Cowdl, Back Woorebugha Coicell, DarouUe East, Weera East, Darouble East Back, Barouhle West., Murrahuga, Boree Bogan, The Plains, Glencoe, Mulla Mulla, Brotherton's Plains, Ruby, All Scrub, Muddal, Lower Muddal WeH, Back Lower Muddal, Back Rtm of Upper Muddal South, W ickloiv Block A, Back of Loxcer Muddal West, Hermitage Plains Block U, Pange North, and Hermitage Plains Block V. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Parkes, Dubbo, and Cobar East ; Counties of Flinders and Oxley. The Crown Lauds withm the boundaries of Back Woore- bugha Cowell, Belar Cowell, Weera East, Murrabuga, Mulla AJulla, Glencoe, The Plains, Boree Bo<:'an, Brotherton's Plains, Ruby, All Scrub, Muddal, Lower Muddal West, Back Lower Muddal, Back of Upper Muddal West, Wicklow Block A, and Back of Lower Muddal West Buns, and those parts of Back Xymgan and Darouble East Back Runs lyuig to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Dubbo and Cobar East; Counties of Gregory, Oxley and Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Triangle, Lower Canonbar West, Upper Canonbar West, Yhabahbong, Boomagril, East 220 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Bogan No. 1, Back Boomagril, Darouble East, Darouble West, Hermitage Plains Block U, Hermitage Plains Block V, and Pange North Runs and those parts of Back Nyingan and Darouble East Back Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 308,540 acres. Annual rent, £2,571 3s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 294,906 ,, ,, license, 1,228 15s. 6d. ,, persec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. William Alison and William Alison, junr. CANOON POINT PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 256. Comprising Coonon Point and Pinpayimpa Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coonon Point Run lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgerj'. The Cro^n Lands within the boundaries of Pinpayimpa Run and that part of Coonon Point Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate jDer section are as follows : — Leasehold, 48,485 acres. Annual rent, £606 Is. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d, Resumed, 31,477 ,, ,, license, 314 15s. 5d. ,, per sec. , £6Ss. Od, Names of Holders — JNIessrs. Albert Austin and Thomas Millear. CARABOST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 198. Comprising Carahost Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carabost Run Ij'ing to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carabost Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Julj^ 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,660 acres. Annual rent, £172 3s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 15,860 ,, ,, license, 74 6s. lid. „ per section, £3. Name of Holders — Union Bank of Australia. CARAGABAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 15. Comprising the Caragabal and Bla'nd East Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Forbes and Grenfell ; Counties of Bland and Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of the Caragabal and Bland East Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Forbes and Grenfell ; Counties of Bland and Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of the Bivision] NEW SOUTH WALES 221 Caragabal and Bland East Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,000 acres. Annual rent, £102 Is. 8d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 8,785 ,, ,, license, 36 12s. Id. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Frederick Faithful Gibson. CARBUCKY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 567. Comprising Carhuchy Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Stapylton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that pare of Carbucky Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Warialda and Moree ; County of Stapjdton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carbucky Run Ij'ing to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 42,284 acres. Annual rent, £603 lis. Od. Rate per acre. If d. Resumed, 27,463 ,, ,, license, 228 17s. 2d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Richard Lewis Jenkins. CARIXDA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 276. Comprising Carinda Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carinda Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carinda Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1SS5. The area, annual I'ent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,970 acres. Annual rent, £74 14s. 5d. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 8,080 ,, ,, license, 50 10s. Od. ,, per section, £4. Names of Holders— Messrs. Thomas and Thomas H. McNamara. CARLGINDA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 232. Comprising Carlgandali Run. La:ASEHOLD Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carlganda_Eun lyuig to the north of the dividing Ime, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carlganda Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,563 acres. Annual rent, £46 7s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 6,313 „ ,, license, 29 lis. lOd. „ per section, £3. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales. 222 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central CARLISLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 332. Comprmng Carlisle Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Concloublin ; County of Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carlisle Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Coudoublin and Parkes ; Counties of Cunningham and Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carlisle Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,500 acres. Annual rent, £72 18s. 4d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 13,200 ,, ,, license, 18 Os. lid. ,, per sec, 17s. 6d. Names of Holders — Messrs. William Murray and Hugh Murray Strachan. CARNERNEY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 565. Comprising Carnerney Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carnei'ney Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Urana: County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carnerney Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The ai-ea, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,463 acres. Annual rent, £51 6s. 3d. Rate per acre, 5d. Resumed, 2,322 ,, „ license, 48 7s. 6d. ,, per sec, £13 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Bank of Australasia. CAROONBOON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 257. Comprising Carroonboon Him, Leasehold Ar^a. Land District of Deniliquin ; Counties of Wakool and Townseud. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carroonboon Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliqiiin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carroonboon Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 18,107 acres. Annual rent, £188 12s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2id. Resumed, 11,128 „ ,, license, 92 14s. 8d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Names of Holdei's — Messrs. John and James Dickson (Executors of the late John Dickson). CARROLL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 537. Comprising Carroll North-east, Carroll North-icest, and Carroll South-west Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; Counties of Buckland and Xandewar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Carroll North-east and Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 223 Carroll North west Runs and that part of Carroll South-east Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; County of Buckland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Carroll South-east Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,327 acres. Annual rent, £49 ISs. lOd. Rate per acre, 2:|d. Resumed, 4,214 ,, ,, license, 21 19s. Od. ,, per sec, i'B 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Samuel Billingsly Dight. CARWELL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 173. Comprising Broken Plains Xo. 2, Bogera, Meirimba, Merry, Mobala, Mobala No. 2, and N'oonbah Buns. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mobala and Bogera Runs and those parts of Broken Plains No. 2, Mobala No. 2, Men-y, Xoonbah and ]SIerrimba Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Dubbo ; County of Gregor}^. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Broken Plains No 2, Mobala No. 2, Merry, Xoonbah, and Merrimba Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 32,406 acres. Annual rent, £421 19s. Id. Rate per acre, 3d. 1-Sth. Resumed, 21,206 ,, ,, license, 176 14s. 4d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. L. A. Chambei's, E. W. and E. C. S. Seveme, E. B. Splatt and S. H. Gurner. OATHUNDRIL No. 2 PASTORAL HOLDING. No. 434. Comprising Cathundrill No. 2 Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cathundril No. 2 Rmi lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cathundril No. 2 Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,310 acres. Annual rent, £162 5s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 17,745 ,, ,, license, 110 18s. 2d. ,, per sec, £4. Name of Holder— Mr. John Cassels Ryrie. CENTRE BLOCK No. 3 PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 188. Comprising Centre block No. 3 Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri : County of Jamieson. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Centre Block No. 3 Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 224 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Akea. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Jamicson. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Centre Block No. 3 Run lying to tlie east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Lea.sehold, 9,717 acres. Annual rent, £121 Os. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 8,267 ,, ,• license, 51 ISs. od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. CHAH SING PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 77. Comprising Chah Sing and Jeeger Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Chah Sing and Jeeger Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Chah Sing and Jeeger Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 26,869 a^res. Annual rent, £335 17s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 21,560 ,, ,, license, 224 lis. 8d. ,, per section, £4. Names of Holders— Messrs. John Childe and Edmund Craigie Grant. COBBADAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 277. Comprising Cobbidah Ihin. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bingera ; County of Murchison. The Crown liands within the boundaries of that part of Cobbidah Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Bingera ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of CoblDidah Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section ai'e as follows : — Leasehold, 21,552 acres. Annual rent, £197 12s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 22,531 ,, ,, license, 93 17s. 7d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. COBRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 356. Comprising Cobra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Ci'owu Lands within the Ijoundaries of that part of the Cobra Run lying to the north - cast of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of the Cobra Run lying to the south- west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 6,207 acres. Annual rent, £25 17s. 3d. Rate per aci-e. Id. Resumed, 5,798 ,, „ license, 24 3s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Jones. Division] NEW SOUTH \A'ALES 225 COBRAN PASTORAL HOLDING, Xo. 672. Comprising Cobran, Gotha, Thule, and Tantonan Buns. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Deniliquin ; Counties of Ccadell and Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cobran, Gotha, and Thule Runs and that part of Tantonan Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Cadell. Tlie Crown Lands \^•ithin the boundaries of that part of Tantonan Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,13.3 acres. Annual rent, £.3.39 Is. lOd. Rate per acre, 4|d. Resumed, 14,700 ,, ,, license, 183 15s. Od. ,, per section, £8. Name of Holder — Mr. James Campbell Telford. COBRAURAGTJY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 719. Coniprising Cobrauraguy JRun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Diibbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cobrauraguy Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cobrauraguy Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,795 acres. Annual rent, £56 16s. lOd. Rate per acre. If d. Resumed, 8,290 ,, ,, licen.se, 34 lOs. lOd. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Union Bank 'of Australia. COCKETGEDONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 165. Comprising Cockitgedong and Uianna Huns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. ^ The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cockitgedong and UrannaRuns lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crowu Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cockitgedong and Uranna_Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,720 acres. Annual rent, £371 lis. 8d. Rate per acre, 6id. Resumed, 13,380 ,, „ license, 223 Os. Od. „ per sec, £10 13s. 4d. Names of Holders— Messrs. George Watt and Hugh Thomson. COCOPARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 417. Compi-ising Cocoparra North block A Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; Coimty of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cocoparra North Ijlock A Run lying to the west of the dividing Hue, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 226 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ceiitral Resumed Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Coopei". The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cocoiiarra North block A Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,620 acres. Annual rent, £2.3 16s. 3d. Rate per acre, fd. Resumed, 5,SU0 ,, ,, license, 9 Is. 3d. ,, per section, £1. Name of Holder — Mr. John Armour. COCOPARA EAST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 105. Comprising Cocopara East Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cocopara East Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cocopara East Run lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 34,800 acres. Annual rent, £217 10s. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 35,700 ,, ,, license, 125 lOs. 2d. ,, per section, £2 5s, Name of Licensees — Australian Mortgage Land and Finance Company. ,, Leaseholder — Mr. E. M. Youug. COGHILL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 588. Comprising Coghill and Mollieroi Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; Counties of White and Bari'a- dine. The Ci'own Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coghill Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Nai-rabri ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mollieroi Run and that part of C/Oghill Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows: — Leasehold, 59,400 acres. Annual rent, £185 12s. 6d. Rate per acre, fd. Resumed, 59,300 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Charles Solomon Capp. COLANE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 153. Comprising Duck Creek, Duck Creek No. 17, and Pentagon Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Pentagon Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Duck Creek No. 17 and Duck Creek Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified m Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,027 acres. Annual rent, £218 Os. 4d. Rate per acre, 2fd. Resumed, 11,540 ,, ,, license, 72 2s. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. Divmon] XEW SOUTH WALES 227 COLLI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 500. Comprising Colli Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Ewenniar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Colli Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Colli Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — ■ Leasehold, 7, .39.3 acres. Annual rent, £100 2s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 4,540 ,, ,, license, 37 16s. 8d. ,, per sec ,£5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Messrs. Richard Goldsbrough and Company, COLLIBURL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 112. Comprising ColUburl or Narromine Nyrang Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; Countj' of Ewenmar. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that pait of Colliburl or Narromine Nyrang Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lltli July, 18S8. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Colliburl or Narromine Nyrang Run lying to the west of the dividmg line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1888. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,460 acres. Annual rent, £53 17s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 2,392 ,, ,, license, 12 9s. 2d. „ per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. COLLINDINA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 357. Comprising Collindina Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Corowa ; Counties of Hume and Denisou. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Collindina Kun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Corowa , Counties of Hume and Denison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of CoUindinaRun lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,23.3 acres. Aimual rent, £196 4s. 9d. Rate per acre, 9d. Resumed, 5,218 ,, ,, license, 130 9s. Od. ,, per section, £16 Name of Holder— Mr. Henry Hay. COLOMBO CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 154. Comprising Colombo Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of tliat part of the Colombo ( reek_Rua lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. X 2 228 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Centred Resumed Area. Land District of Ui'ana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of the Colombo Creek Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,115 acres. Annual rent, £64 17s. lid. Rate per aci'e, 5d. Resumed, 2,993 ,, ,, license, 49 17s. Sd. ,, per sec, £10 13s. 4d. Name of Holdei* — Mr. William Grant. COLOMBO PLAIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 224. Comprising Colombo Plain Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Ci'own Lands within the boundaries of that part of Colombo Plain Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Colombo Plain Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section ai'e as follows : — Leasehold, 5,529 acres. Annual rent, £69 2s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 4,900 ,, ,, license, 20 8s. 4d. ,, per sec,, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. John and Isaac Rudd. COLLYMONGOOL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 344. Comprising Kelo, East Kelo, Biroo, GoUymangool, CoUymangool East, and Wirrir Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kelo Run and those parts of East Kelo, Biroo, CoUymangool, CoUymangool East, and Wirrir Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Juty, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of East Kelo, Biroo, CoUymangool, CoUymangool East, and Wirrir Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 67,449 acres. Annual rent, £632 6s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 61,437 „ „ license, 383 19s. 8d. „ per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. William Pearse. COMBADELLO AND NEPICKALINA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 7. Comprising Neipickalina and Cximbadello Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; County of CouraUie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Neipickalina and Cumbadello Run lymg to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Divhion] XE\Y SOUTH WALES 229 Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; Comity of Courallie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Neipickalina and Cumbadello Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 26,5.31 acres. Annual rent, £331 12s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 7,181 ,, ,, license, 56 2s. Od. ,, per section, £5. Kanie of Holder — The Hon. Henry Moses, M.L.C. COME-BY-CHANCE AND JIM ALONG JOSEY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 297. Comprmng Come-hj -Chance and Jimalong Joseij Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Walgett and Narrabri ; Countj' of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Come-by- Chance and Jimalong .Josey Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1SS5. Resumed Area. Land District of Narribri ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Come-by-Cliance and Jimalong Josey Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,260 acres. Annual rent, £114 18s. 9d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 7,641 ,, ,, license, 23 17s. 7d. ,, per sec, £2. Name of Holder — ^Ir. Arthur Colless. CONAPAIRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 196. Comprising Scrubby Range North, Scrubby Range South, Sims' Gap, Conapaira, Broohnan and Big Water Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Brookman, Big \Yator, Conapaira and Sims' Gap Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Narrandera, Hillston, and Hay ; Coun- ties of Sturt, Nicholson, and Cooper. The Crown Lands M-ithin the boundaries of Scrubby Range North, and Scrubby Range South Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 129,160 acres. Annual rent, £807 5s. Od. Rate per acre, Ud. Resumed, 134,780 „ „ license, 210 lis. lid. „ per section, £1. Name of Holders— Australian Jlortgage, Land and Finance Company. CONDOBOLIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 648. Comprising Comlahalan, Back Condobolin and Emu Plains or Murdaa Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Condobolin ; County of Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Emu Plains or Murdaa Run and that part of Back Condobolin Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, lSc>5. 230 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area. Land District of Condobolin ; County of Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Condobolan Run and that part of Back Condobolin Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazetit, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 41,867 acres. Annual rent, £305 5s. 7d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 40,211 ,, ,, license, 167 10s. lid. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Mr. John Halfey, Chairman of the Australian Alliance Assurance Company. COOLAH PASTORAL HOLDING, Xo. 293. Comprising Pekobutta, Gotta Rock, Bonana Rock, and Miangvllia Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bonana Rock Run and those parts of Pekobutta and Miangullia Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The CroM'n Lands within the boundaries of Gotta Rock Run and those parts of JMiangullia and Pekobutta Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,758 acres. Annual rent, £139 I3s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 11,467 acres. ,, license, £53 15s. Id. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. William Brooke. COOLATAI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 243. Comprising 3Iandoe Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mandoe Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lltli July, 1885. Eesumed Arka. Land District of Warialda ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mandoe Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 188-5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 43,.320 acres. Annual rent, £541 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 44,253 ,, „ license, 184 7s. 9d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas AValker. COOMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 602. Comprising Cooma Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cooma Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Arba. Land District of Narrabri ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cooma Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and i-ate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,730 acres. Annual rent, £110 16s. 3d. Rate per acre, Ud. Resumed, 18,184 „ ,, license, 56 16s. 6d. „ per section,"£2. Name of Holders— English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank. I>ivisio7i] NEW SOUTH WALES 231 COOMBOGOLONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 528 Comprising Coonibogolonff, Xeugall, Culmier and Ashaniee Runs. _ Resumed Area. Land Districts of Walgett and Coonamble; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Neugall and Cuhnier Runs and that part of Ashantee Kun lying to the west of the dividing line as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1SS5. ° ' The area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Resumed, 30,319 acres. Annual license, £221 Is. 6d. Rate per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holders— New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. COOMBOGOLONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 736. Comprising Coomhoc/olong Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of the Coomboi/olonc- Leasehold area lying to the south of the Castlereagli River. ° " The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 24,172 acres. Annual rent, £302 3s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Name of Holders — The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. COONABARRABRAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 19. Comprising Coonabarrahran Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrahran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coouabarabean Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrahran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coonabarabean Run lying to the west and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Julj-, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,740 acres. Annual rent, £15 lis. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 3,637 ,, ,, license, 15 .3s. id. ,, per sec. ,£2 1.3s. 4d. Names of Holders — Sir Daniel Cooper, Bart. , and Mr. Thomas Buckland. COONIMBIA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 2-54. Comprising Nimhia and Niuiiee Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leicidiardt. Tlie Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Nimbia and Ningee Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of (Joonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of those parts of Nimbia and Ningee Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,106 acres. Annual rent, £157 12s. 7d. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 8,628 ,, ,, license, 67 8s. 2d. ,, per section, £5. Names of Holders— Messrs. Arthur Palmer Blake and Henry Palmer Blake. 232 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS \Ctntral COONONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 342. Comprising Cocnoiig Bun. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coonong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Ui'ana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Coonong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,776 acres. Annual rent, £119 8s. Od. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 4,7*26 ,, ,, license, 88 12s. 3d. ,, per sec, £12. Name of Holder — Mr. Samuel McCaaghey. COPPYMURRUMBIL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 308. Comprising Coppynmrravibil and Bugohilla Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Stapylton. The •Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Coppymurrambil and Bugobilla Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Stapylton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Coppymurrambil and Bugobilla Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 45,. 368 acx"es. Annual rent, £567 2s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 36,853 ,, ,, license, 307 2s. 2d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Browne. CORADGERY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 51. Comprisinfi Coradgery, Back Trundle East North, Trundle Lagoon Back Bun North, Weridgera, Fifteen Mile Waterhole, and Limestone Flaiiis Bans. Leasehold Are.J. Land l^istrict of Parkes ; Counties of Kennedy and Ash- burnham. The Crovin Lands within the boundaries of Limestone Plains, Fifteen Mile Waterhole, and those parts of Coradgery, Back Trundle Kast North, and Weridgera Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Ga;e«e, nth July, ■»1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; Counties of Kennedy and Cun- ningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Trundle Lagoon Back Run North, and those parts of Back Trundle East North, Coradgery, and Werid- gera Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, nth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 57,467 acres. Annual rent, £419 Os. 7d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 35,470 ,, ,, license, 147 15s. lOd. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders— New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Divmon] XEW SOUTH WALES 233 COREE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 37G. Comprisiiuj Coree and Tongaboo Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Deuiliquin, Corowa, and Urana ; Counties of Townsend, Deiiison, and Urana. The Crown Lands within the boun- daries of those parts of Coree and Tongaboo Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Deuiliquin, Corowa, and Urana ; Coun- ties of Townsend, Denison, and Urana. The Crown Lands Avithin the boundaries of those part of Coree and Tongal)oo Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,640 acres. Annual rent, £.551 5s. Od. Rate per acre, T^d. Resumed, 14,570 ,, ,, license, 197 63. Id. „ per sec, £8 13s. 4d. TSfame of Holder — Mr. Samuel McCaughey. COREEN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 507. Comprising Coreen and Billybong Forest Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Corowa ; Counties of Denison and Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Coreen and Killybong Forest Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Rescued Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Coreen and Billybong Forest Runs tying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — ■ Leasehold, 8,135 acres. Annual rent, £271 3s. 4d. Rate per acre, Sd. Resumed, 7,740 ,, ,, license, 165 5s. 8d. ,, per sec, £13 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Freehold Trust Company of Australia. CORNALLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 40 L Comprising Connnllo and Dernilamain Jiuns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Derrulamain Run and that part of Con- nallo Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Connallo Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Tlie area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,909 acres. Annual rent, £334 Is. lOd. Rate per acre, 34d. Resumed, 22,288 ,, ,, license, 185 14s. 8d. „ per sec, £5 6s. Sd. Name of Holder — Mr. Henry Ricketson. COUBAIL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 222. Comprising Bingerang and South Crugalla Buns, Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; Counties of Stapylton and Benarlia. The Crown Lands Mithin the boundaries of those parts of liingerang and South Crugalla Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 234 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; Counties of Stapylton and Benarba. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of those parts of Bingerang and South Crugalla Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in fiazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 15.992 acres. Annual rent, £199 18s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Eesumed, 14,900 ,, ,, license, 116 Ss. 2d. ,, per section, £5. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. COWABEE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 575. Comprising Coivaby Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cowaby Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3 1st Juh', 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cowaby Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,509 acres. Annual rent, £151 2s. 9d. Rate per acre, 2id. Resumed, 16,619 ,, ,, license, 138 9s. lOd. ,, persec, £5"'6s.8d. Name of Holders — Australian ^Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. COWEL MURRYAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 379. Comprising Cowcll Murryan Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands withm the boundaries of that part of Cowell Munyan Kun lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Aeea. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cowell Murryan Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,288 acres. Annual rer.t, £38 7s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2d. 4-5th. Resumed, 2,244 ,, ,, license, 17 10s. 8d. „ per section, £5. Name of Holder — ]\Ir. John Jones. COWL COAVL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 420. Comprising BeUinfjeramhil, Bellincjeramhil block A, block B, block C, and block D Runs, Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Hay and Hillston; Counties of Nichol- son and Sturt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bellingerambil and Rellingerambil blocks A, B, C, and D Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Hay and Hillston ; Counties of Nicholson and Sturt. The Crown Lands Avithin the boundaries of those parts of Bellin- Division] XE^Y SOUTH ^\ ALES 235 getambil and Bellingerambil blocks A, B, C, and D Runs Ij'ing to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, anil rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 153,704 acres. Annual rent, £640 8s. 8d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 161,622 ,, ,, license, 547 3s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 3s. 4d. Name of Holdei-s — Australian Mortgage and Agency Company. CREMORNE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 166. Comprising Back Cagildry East and Bloodaicorth Plain Euns. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands \\ ithin the boundaries of Back Cagildry East Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands A^ithin the boundaries of Bloodsworth Plain Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11 th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leaseliold, 20,722 acres. Anniial rent, £323 los. 8d. Rate per acre, 32d. Resumed, 8,002 ,, ,, license, 66 13s. 8d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. &d. Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. CROWN C A:\IP pastoral holding, No. 302. Comprising Croiun Gamp Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Condoublin ; Coimty of Gipps._ The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Crown Camp Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. Resumed Area. Laud District of Condoublin ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Crown Camp_ Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,980 acres. Annual rent, £72 15s. 5d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 9,980 „ ,, license, 41 lis. 8d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders— Messrs. Charles Beechworth and Henry Joseph King. CRYON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 259. Comprising Cryon, Cryon South, Ko. 1, and Cryon South, hack block Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Denham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cryon South, back block Run, and those parts of Cryon and Cryon South, No. 1 Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Denham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cryon and Cryon South No. 1 Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 24,780 acres. Annual rent, £180 13s. 9d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 19,020 „ „ license, 89 3s. 2d. „ per section, £3. Name of Holder— Mr. John Kenneth Mackay. 236 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central CUBBO AND DUNWERIAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 650. Gomi?rising Cubbo and Dunwarian Buns. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cubbo and Dunwarian Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; Counties of Baradine and White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cubbo and Dunwarian Kuns lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 21,400 acres. Annual rent, £66 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 22,200 ,, Not under Occupation License. Names of Holders — Messrs. Geoi'ge Loder and Benjamin Bruce Campbell. CULLENGALLY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 39 L Comprising Cullengally Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cullengally Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cullengally Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and i-ate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,250 acres. Annual rent, £111 14s. 5d. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 5,721 ,, ,, license, 44 13s. lid. ,, per section, £5. Name of Holders — Messrs. Richard Goldsbrougli and Company. CULMIER PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 737. Coniprising Ashantee Bun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Walgett and Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of the Coom- bogolong Leasehold Area lying to the north of the Castlereagh River. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows :— Leasehold, 6,019 acres. Annual rent, £75 4s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. CUMBIL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 363. Comprising Cumhil Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Baradine. The Crov.'n Lands within the boundaries of that jaart of Cumbil Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cumbil Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,SS0 acres. Annual rent, £55 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 14d. Resumed, 9,120 ,, ,, license, 28 lOs. Od. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mrs. Alice Worrell. Division] XEW SOUTH ^ VALES 237 CUMBLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 137. Comprisinff L'pper Cumhie Bun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonabarrabran and Xarrabri ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Upper Cumble Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazttte, 11th July, 1SS5. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Coonabarraliran and N'arral)ri ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Upper Cumble Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as folloM'S : — Leasehold, 7,100 acres. Annual rent, £44 7s. 6d. Rate per acre, lid. Resumed, 7,800 ,, ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — ilr. Henry Gardner. CUMBOOGLECUMBONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 423. Comprising Camboogle Camhang and Willandra Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Willandra Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; Counties of Gordon and Xarro- mine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Camboogle Cambang Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 25,655 acres. Annual rent, £213 15s. lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 26,884 ,, ,, license, 126 Os. 5d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. CURRA AND CURRAWINNIA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 618. Connwi^iiKj Curra and Currnwinna Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Curra Run and that part of Currawinna Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as noLified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Currawinna Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st Julj^ 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 18,100 acres. Annual rent, £60 6s. 8d. Rate per acre, 4-5th. d. Resumed, 17,520 ,, ,, license, 73 Os. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. Sydney Ephraim Close. CURRABURRAMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 413. Comprising Cooraberrima Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Cooraberrima Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 238 PASTOBAL POSSESSIONS [Central Kesumed Area. Land District of Greiifell; Coimty of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cooraberrima Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,l-')9 acres. Anmial rent, £74 lis. 6d. Rate per acre, 2kl. Resiimed, 2,403 ,, ,, license, 12 10s. 4d. ,, per sec. , £3 6s. Sd. Name of Holders — The City Bank. CURRUGUNDI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 448. Comprising Big Leather West, Warren, and Warren South Runs. Leasehold Abea. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Big Leather West and Warren Runs lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of AVarren South Run and those parts of Warren and Big Leather West Runs lying to the west and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,388 acres. Annual rent, £233 4s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 23,079 ,, ,, license, 163 9s. 6d. ,, per sec, £4 10s. 8d. Name of Holder — The late Mr. John Town, senr. DANDALOO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 551. Comprising Dandaloo and back of Dandaloo Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Narromine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Dandaloo and Back of Dandaloo Runs lying to the west and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Nari-omine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Dandaloo and Back of Dandaloo Runs lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the ai'ea, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,2.^9 acres. Annual rent, £125 7s. 8d. Rate per acre, 3:|d. Resumed, 2,897 ,, ,, license, 18 2s. 2d. ,, j)er section, £4. Name of Holder— Mr. Florent Martel. DENILIQUIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 465. Comprising Deniliquin and Lower Deniliquin Bims. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Deniliquin and Lower Deniliquin Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Deniliquin and Lower Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 239 Denilicjuiu Faius Ijiug to the south of tlie dividing line, as notified in Gazette. Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per seetiou are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,925 acres. Annual rent, £3,30 Us. 5d. Eate per acre, 5d. 7-lOth. Eesumed, 14,196 ,, ,, license, 136 Os. lid. ,, per sec, £6 2s. 8d. Names of Holders— Messrs. Robert and Alexander Landale. DENOBOLLIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 78. Comprising DenoboUie Bun. Leasehold Area, Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of DenoboUie Run lying to the south of the dividing' line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of White. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of DenobolHe Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The areaj annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,100 acres. Annual rent, £56 17s. 6J. Bate per acre, lid. Eesumed, 9,000 ,, Not under Occupation License. Names of Holders — Mr. John Shauahan and Sir Patrick Alfred Jennings. DENNYKYMINE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 27. Comprising Dunnykinine Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dunnykinine Euu lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. Tlie Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dunnykinine Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,750 acres. Annual rent, £35 16s. 8d. Eate per acre, 4-5tbs. d. Resumed, 11,600 ,, ,, license, 18 2s. 6d. ,, per section, £1. Name of Holder — Mr. George Nunn. DERRA DERRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 281. Comprising Derra Derra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Biugara ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Derra Derra Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bingara ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Derra Derra Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,032 acres. Annual rent, £122 3s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 12,745 ,, ,, license, 19 183. 4d. ,, per section, £1. Name of Holder — Mr. John Rider Jones. 240 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central DERRIBONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 478. Comprising back Derrihonrj, Doonside, Turrihung, WeUivood, and Jumble Plains,' block C Buns. Leasehold Abea. Laud Districts of Dubbo and Parkes ; Counties of Narromine and Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Back Derribong and Doonside Runs and those parts of Turribung and Wellwood Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S87. Resumed Akea. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Jumble Plains, block C Run and those parts of Turribung and Wellwood Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1887. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 72,689 acres. Annual rent, £1,060 Is. Id. Rate per acre, 3id. Resumed, 74,320 ,, ,, license, 464 10s. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. DERRI DERRI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 193. Comprising Derri Derri, Wagoo block No. 2, and Lower Peelogoiuarna Buns. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Brewarrina East and Dubbo ; Counties of Clyde and Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Derri Derri and that part of Wagoo Block No. 2 Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Brewarrina East and Dubbo ; Counties of Clyde and Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Lower Peelo- gow'arna and that part of Wagoo Block No. 2 Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 39,920 acres. Annual rent, £499 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 31,857 ,, „ license, 265 9s. 6d. ,, per sec, £5 63. 8d. Name of Holder- — Mr. John Andrew Gardiner. DINBY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 584. Comprising Dinlnj Run. Leasehold Area, Land Districts of Narrabri and Coonabarrabrau ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dinby Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Baradine. The Crown Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Dinby Kuu lying to the north- east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,100 acres. Annual rent, £22 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 3-5ths d. Resumed, 10,200 „ Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder^Mr. Charles EdAvard Taylor. DOBIKIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 58. Comprising Woolabra liun. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Narrabri ; County of Jamison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woolabra Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Divisio7i\ NEW SOUTH WALES 241 Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Jamison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woolabra Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,403 acres. Annual rent, £217 lOs. 9d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 29,328 ,, ,, license, 122 48. Od. ,, per sec, £2 138. 6d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Taylor. DRILDOOL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 172. Comprising Drildool, Cuhharoo, and Bead Bullock (Warnamhool) Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Jamison. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Cubbaroe Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Jamison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Drildool and Dead Bullock (Warnambool) Runs and that part of Cubbaroo Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 43,676 acres. Annual rent, £545 19s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 37,937 ,, ,, license, 316 2s. lOd. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Cook. DUBBO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 270. Comprising Dewar Ridges and Bubbo R\ms. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Dewar Ridges and Dubbo Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Dewar Ridges and Dubbo Runs lying tothe south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,600 acres. Annual rent, £121 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 18,110 ,, ,, license, 75 9s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Licensees — Australian Joint Stock Bank. ,, Leaseholder — Mr. D. Main. DUNDOO HILLS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 725. Comprising Bundoo Hills and Bundoo Hills South Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Condoubolin ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Dundoo Hills and Dundoo Hills South Runs lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1SS5. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Condoubolin and Hillstone ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Dundoo 242, PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Hills and Dundoo Hills South Buns lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 32,800 acres. Annual rent, £128 2s, 6d. Rate per acre, 15-16ths d. Resumed, 32,590 ,, ,, license, 33 17s. Id. ,, per section, 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Mr. W. Richardson and Mrs. Ann Parkman. DUNDULLAMEL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 665. Comprising Dundullamal Rim. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dundallamal Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; Counties of Narromine and Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Dundullamal Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,000 acres. Annual rent, £52 Is. 8d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 6,184 „ „ license, 32 4s. 2d. ,, per sec.,. £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. EAST BILLABONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 55. Comprising Billahong East Run. Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Parkes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of the Billabong East Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Parkes and Forbes ; County of Ash- burnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of the Billabong East Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Julv, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 33,359 acres. Annual rent, £83 7s. lid. Rate per acre, 3-5ths d. Resumed, 29,187 ,, ,, license, 36 9s. 8d. ,, per section, 16s. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. EAST BREELONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 474. Comprising East Breelong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of East Breelong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of East Breelong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre : the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,620 acres. Annual rent, £24 4s. 2d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 11,513 ,, ,, license, 17 19s. lOd. „ per section, £1. Name of Holders— Australian Joint Stock Bank. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 243 EDGEROI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 563. Comprising Galathra, Galathra N'orth, Gundemaine, and Gundemaine North Runs. Lea.'^ehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Jamison. The Crown Lands witbiu the boundaries of those parts of Gundemaine, Gundemaine North, and Galathra Euns lying to the south and east of the dividing hne, as noti- fied in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Rescmed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Jamison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Galathra North Run and those parts of Gunde- maine, Gundemaine North, and Galathra Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st Julj', 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8.3,217 acres. Annual rent, £1,126 ISs. Od. Rate per acre, 3|d. Resumed, 68,863 ,, ,, license, 573 15s. 6d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. Si. Name of Holders — Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. EENAWEENA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 625. Comprising Diiran, Cooke-rmuggerin, Gimningbai; Wallah Walljh, Darohel, Eenaiceena, Cooi.audoon, and back Cookandoon JRuns, Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; Counties of Oxley and Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cookandoon and Back Cookandoon Runs, and that part of Eeuaweena Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Doorau, Cookermuggerin, Wallah Wallah, and Darohel Runs and that part of Eenaweena Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate pe'" section are as follows : — Leasehold, 38,133 acres. Annual rent, £476 13s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 20,902 „ ,, license, 152 8s. 3d. „ per sec, £1 138. 4d. Name of Holders — Mercantile Bank of Sydney. EGAN CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 132. Comprising Egan Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Egan Creek Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Egan Creek Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,297 acres. Annual rent, £72 2s. 6d. Rate per acre, SJd. Resumed, 791 ,, „ heeuse, 11 Os. 2d. ,, per sec, £11 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Union Bank of Australia. EGELABRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 572. Comprising Warren atid Ban Ban Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of tho.se parts of Warren and Ban Ban Runs lying to the east of the dividing Hne, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. 244 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ce7itral Resumed ^rea. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands witliin tlie boundaries of those parts of Warren and Ban Ban Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,079 acres. Annual rent, £2.31 5s. 7d. Rate per acre, S^A., Resumed, 13,541 ,, ,, license, 105 15s. lOd. ,, per section, £5. Name of Holder — Mr. William S. Chapman. ELI ELWAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 46. Comprising Eli Elviali, Eli Ehoah block A and block B Runs. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Eli Elwah block B Run and those parts of Eli Elwah and Eli Elwah block A Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Eli Elwah Run and Eli Elwah block A Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 28,705 acres. Annual rent, £358 16s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 23,616 ,, „ license, 286 3s. 3d. ,, per sec, £6 8s. Names of Holders — Messrs. James and George Russell. ELLENGERAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 150. Comprising Ban Ban or Canalgan, hack Run of Canalgan, hack of Ellengerah, and Ellengerah Ru7is. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; Counties of Oxley and Narromine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Back of Ellengerah Run and those parts of Ellengerah and Ban Ban or Canalgan Ptuns lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Back Run of Canalgan Run and those parts of Ellengerah and Ban Ban or Canalgan Runs lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 27,002 acres. Annual rent, £365 13s. Id. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 13,345 ,, ,, license, 104 5s. 2d. „ per section, £5. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. ELONG ELONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 715. Comprising Elong Elong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Elong Elong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Sth September, 1885. Bivisioii] XEW SOUTH ^^^1LES 245 Eesumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Elong Elong Pain lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,900 acres. Annual rent, £15 16s. 8d. Kate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 1,900 „ ,, license, 5 3s. lid. ,, per sec, £ I 15s. Od. Name of Holder — Mr. Eobert Davison. EMBIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 610. Comprising Emhie Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Embie Paiu lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Eesujied Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Embie Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 18S5, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,522 acres. Annual rent, £74 14s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 2,892 ,, „ license, 12 Is. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Fisher. EMU PLAINS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 288. Comprising Emu Plains Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Emu Plains Run lying to the north- east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Emu Plains Run lying to the south- west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,559 acres. Annual rent, £75 19s. 8d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 1,448 ,, ,, license, 6 Os. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 ISa. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. George Washington Charters. ERINGANERING PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 322. Comprising Eringanering Old and Neic Eringanering Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Dubbo ; Counties of Ewenmar and Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of New Eringa- nering Run and those parts of Eringanering Old Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; Counties of Ewenmar and Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Eringanering Old Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1SS5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,625 acres. Annual rent, £85 3s. 2d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 13,900 ,, „ license, 43 8s. 9d. „ per section, £2. Name of Holder— Mr. James Start Harrison. 246 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central ESPERANOE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 100. , Comprising Esperance Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina East ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Esperance Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina East ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Esperance Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,630 acres. Annual rent, £46 18s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d, Resumed, 5,750 ,, ,, license, 35 I83. 9d, ,, per section, £4. Names of Holders— Mrs. Jane Wild and Mr. George Woods. EUGELDRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 382. Comprising Eugeldry Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxiey. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Eugeldry Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Eugeldry Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,260 acres. Annual rent, £87 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 1,637 ,, ,, license, 15 7s. Od. ,, per section, £6. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. EUGLO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 365. Comp7-ising Gigging Holes, Uglo hloch A, Uglo, Ugalong and Bena Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Gigging Holes and Uglo Runs and that part of Uglo Block A Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Ugalong and Bena Runs and that part of Uglo Block A Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :■ — Leasehold, 53,989 acres. Annual rent, £463 19s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. 1-lOth. Resumed, 54,452 „ „ license, 255 4s. lid. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. EUGOURA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 656. Comprising Ycngoxira or Eugoura Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yengoura or Eugoura Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 247 Resdmed Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Yengoura or Eugoura Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,052 acres. Annual rent, £125 6s. 6d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 23,220 ,, ,, license, 96 15s. Od. „ per sec, £2, I3s. 4d, Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. EUNONYHAREENYHA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 466. Comjjrising Eimonyareena liun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Eunonyareena Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Eunonyareena Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,420 acres. Annual rent, £29 lis. 8d. Rate per acre, 5d. Resumed, 2, .370 ,, ,, license, 14 16s. 3d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. EURATHA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 20. Compridng Euratha Run, Leasehold Akea. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Euratha Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrandera; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Euratha Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 18,594 acres. Annual rent, £77 9s. 6d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 17,930 ,, ,, license, 28 Os. 4d. ,, per section, £1. Name of Holders — AustraHan Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. EURIE EURIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. IL Comprising Pagan Plains, Pagan Plains Minor, Saddle Bags Back Block and Walgett Runs. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Walgett ; County of Deuham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Pagan Plains, Pagan Pbins Minor, and Saddle Bags Back Block Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Denham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Walgett Run and those parts of Pagan 248 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS {Central Plaius, Pagan Plains Minor, and Saddle Bags Back Block Runs lying to the south- west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 40,182 acres. Annual rent, £272 Is. 4d. Eate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 39,178 ,, ,, license, 204 Is. Id. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mrs. EHza Jane Glass. EUROKA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 558. Comiyrising Rossi Creek {lower end) Euroka Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Rossi Creek (lower end) Euroka Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Rossi Creek (lower end) Euroka Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,654 acres. Annual rent, £87 Ss. Id. Rate per acre, Id. 4-5th. Resumed, 2,115 ,, ,, license, 8 16s. 3d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Leaseholders — The Union Bank of Australia. Licensees — Messrs. Victor and Albert Edward Burrett. EUROKA PASTORAL HOLDING No. 631. Comprising Euroka, Guninga, Kent, Sussex, and Tooloora Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett ; Countj' of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Guninga Run, and those parts of Euroka, Tooloora, Sussex, and Kent Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Euroka, Tooloora, Sussex, and Kent Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 62,069 acres. Annual rent, £387 18s. 8d. Rate per acre, l^d. Presumed, 53,904 ,, ,, license, 252 13s. 6d. ,, per section, £3. Names of Holders — Messrs. Arthur Ranken Blackwood and Frederick Henry Moore. EUROMBEDAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 714. Comprising Werigi, Euromedah, and Mount Park Earomedah Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; Counties of Ewenmar and Narromine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Werigi, Euromedah, and Mount Park Euromedah Runs lying to the South and west of the dividing Une, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1835. Division] XEW SOUTH WALES 249 Resumed Abea. Land District of Dnbbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Weripi and Euromedah Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 52,121 acres. Annual rent, £4.34 6s. lOd. Kate per acre, 2d. Eesumed, 47,363 ,, ,, license, 197 6s. lid. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d Names of Holders — Messrs. John Cassels Ryrie and John Alexander. FLAGSTONE CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 130. Comprising Flagstone Creek Bun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Parkes and Forbes ; County of Ash- burnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Flagstone Creek Hun lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Eescmed Abea. Land Districts of Parkes and Forbes ; County of Ashburn- ham. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Flagstone Creek Piun lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : - Leasehold, 23,100 acres. Annual rent, £192 10s. Gd. Rate per acre, 2d. Eesumed, 19,264 ,, ,, license, 120 8s. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. FORD'S CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 182. Comprising Ford's Creek Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crowu Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Ford's Creek Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Ford's Creek Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,720 acres. Annual rent, £79 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 14d. Resumed, 13,700 ,, ,, license, 57 Is. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. FOUR-BOB CAMP PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 63. Comprising Four-lob Camp Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Four-bob Camp Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1SS5. Resumed Area. Laud District of Condoublin ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Four-bob Camp Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,900 acres. Annual rent, £86 15s. 5d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 6,580 ,, ,, license, 27 8s. 4d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders— Union Bank of Australia. 250 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ceiitral FOUR-MILE CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 716. Comprising Four-mile Creek Bun. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Four-mile Creek Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Aeea. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Four-mile Creek Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Sth September, 1888. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,500 acres. Annual rent, £.34 7s. 6d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 4,300 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. GALARAGAMBONE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 57L Comprising Galaragambone Bun. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Coonamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Galaragambone Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3 1st July, 1885. Resumed Akea. Land District of Coonamble ; Couuty of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Galaragambone Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,987 acres. Annual rent, £38 17s. lid. Rate per acre, SJd. Resumed, 4,160 ,, ,, license, 34 13s. 4d. „ per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. GANBER GANBER EAST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 402. Comjjrisiiig Ganber Ganber East Rim. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Ganber Ganber East Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Ganber Ganber East Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,513 acres. Annual rent, £16 9s. Id. Rate per acre, gd. Resumed, 4,095 ,, ,, license, 9 11s. lid. ,, per sec, £1 10s. Name of Holder — Mr. George Rouse. GANDYMUNGYDEL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 464. Comprising Ganchjmungydell and Tameribundy Buns. Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Coonamble ; Counties of Gregory and Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Gandy- muugydell and Tameribundy Runs lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 251 Eesumed Area. Laud District of Coonamble ; Counties of Gregory and Leichbardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Gandy- mnngydell and Tameribundy Buns lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,934 acres. Annual rent, £218 Is. 3d. Eate per acre, 24d. Resumed, 17,657 ,, ,, license, 110 7s. 2d. „ per section, £4. Name of Leaseholders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. ,, Licensees — Messrs. Richard Goldsbrough and Company. GANMAIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 96. Comprising Ganmain, Calkibitoo, and Dulahdulahderry Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of "Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Dulahdulahderry Kun and those parts of Ganmain and Calkibitoo Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Ganmain and Calki- bitoo l.'uns lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 70,341 acres. Annual rent, £879 5s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 65,399 „ ,, license, 817 Qs. 9d, ,, per section, £8. Name of Holders — Scottish Australian Investment Company. GAURAWILLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 95. Comprising Girriu-illie, Nomehj, and Gorriagilla Runs, Leasehold Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Girriwillie, Nomeby and Goriagilla Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Girriwillie, Nomeby, and Goriagilla Run Iviug to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885." The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 38,884 acres. Annual rent, £486 Is. OJ. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 40,122 „ ,, license, 334 7s. Od. ,, per sec, £5 6s. Sd. Names of Holders— Sir Patrick Alfred Jennings and Mr. John Shanahan. GEERON OR DERANGIBAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 149. Comprising the Direngahal Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Direngabel Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 252 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ce7i(ral Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes; County of Gipps, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Direngabel Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,680 acres. Annual rent, £33 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 2,560 „ ,, license, 16 Os. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales. GELAM PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 228. Comprising CraigenguUen Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of CraigenguUen Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of CraigenguUen Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,097 acres. Annual rent, £238 14s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 6,318 „ ,, license, 66 3s. 8d. ,, per section, £6 Ss. Name of Holder- Mr, David Moore. GENANAGIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 513. Comprising Tolma, Beechj Waterhole, Genanigie and Barrahadean Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo and Parkes ; Counties of Narromine and Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Barra- hadean Run and that part of Genanigi Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Tolma and Reedy Waterhole Runs and that part of Genanigi Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 73,240 acres. Annual rent, £534 Os. lOd. Rate per acre. l|d. Resumed, 39,974 ,, „ license, 166 lis. 2d. „ per sec.,'£2 13s.4d. Names of Holders — The Hon. John Brown Watt, M.L.C., and Mr. William Oswald Gilchrist. GENNAREN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 27L Comprising Gennarin Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gennarin Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gennarin Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,900 acres, Annual rent, £51 Os. lOd. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 4,805 ,, ,. license, ,30 Os. 8d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. John Newell Gilmour. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 253 GERAMY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 361. Comprising Geramy Run. Leasehold Arka, Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Geramy Run lying to the north of the line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Eesumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Geramy Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 82.5 acres. Annual rent, £10 6s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 1,000 ,, ,, license, 10 Os. Od. ,, per section, £6 8s. Name of Holder — Mrs. Emma Adelaide Tyson. GEURIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 213. Comprising Geurie Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dnbbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Geurie Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Aeea. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Geurie Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,391 acres. Annual rent, £129 17s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 4,8-47 ,, ,, license, 80 5s. lid. ,, per section, £4. Names of Holders— Messrs. L. A. Chambers, E. W. and E. C. S. Severue, E. B. Splatt, and S. H. Gurner. GEWEROO PASTORAL HOLDING No. 444 Comprising Geioeroo Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Geweroo Run lying to the north- west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Geweroo Run lying to the south- east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 31,933 acres. Annual rent, £133 Is. Id. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 32,000 „ ,, license, 75 Os. Od. „ per section, £1 IDs. Name of Holders— Union Mortgage and Agency Company of Australia. GHOOLENDAADI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. G37. Comprising Melville Plains, Cobbolai, Xamoi Hut, and IIenr>januns lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 95,875 acres. Annual rent, £898 16s. 7d. Rate per acre, 2id. Eesumed, 85,355 ,, ,, license, 400 2s. Id. ,, per section, £3. Naiue of Holder — Mr. John Kerr Clark. GIBBICAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 203. Comprising Gibbican Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gibbican Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gibbican Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,600 acres. Annual rent, £20. Rate per acre, id. Resumed, 9,600 „ Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert Head. GIDGENBOYNE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 333. Comprising Gidgingboyne Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gidgingboyne Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundarifs of that part of Gidgingboyne Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,400 acres. Annual rent, £22 10s. Od. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 5,560 ,, ,, license, 23 3s. 4d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New Zealand. , GILLENBINE AND GOBONDRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 230. Comprising Gilleribine and Gobondry Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; Counties of Kennedy and Cunningham. Tho Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Gillenbine and Gobondry Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; Counties of Kennedy and Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gillenbine and Gobondry P>,un lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,466 acres. Annual rent, £52 18s. 3d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 6,362 ,, ,, license, 26 10s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 IBs. 4d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 2oo GILLEXDOON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 92. Comprising Gillendoon, BiUibla, Xauran and Umanfjla, and Boothaguy Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Gillendoon and Boothaguy Runs and that part of Xauran and Umaugla Piun lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Eesumed Area. Laud District of Dubbo ; Counties of Ewenmar and Gregory. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of BiUibla Kun and that part of Nauran and Umangla Run lying to the north and west the dividing line as notified in Gazette, 11th .July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 26,740 acres. Annual rent, £362 2s. Id. Rate per acre, 3|d. Eesumed, 16,474 ,, ,, license, 1.54 8s. lOd. „ per section, £6. Xame of Holder — Mr. George Rouse. GILLINGHALL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 319. Comprising GilUnghall Bun, Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbn ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Gillinghall Run lying to the south- east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1835. Resdjied Area. Laud District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gillinghall Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,712 acres. Annual rent, ^33 18s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 3,283 ,, ,, license, 20 4s. 2d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. Frederick George Lowe, GINEROT PASTORAL HOLDING, No. UO. Comprising Gunerai and Singapora Buns. Leasehold Area. Laud Districts of Warialda and Bingera ; Counties of Burnett and Murchison. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of those parts of Guuerai and singapora Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Warialda ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of those parts of Gunerai and Singapora Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 39,350 acres. Annual rent, £409 17s. lid. Rate per acre, 2id. Eesumed, 37,409 ,, „ license, 194 16s. lOd. „ per sec , £3 6s. 8d. Name of Leaseholders— Bank of New South Wales. Licensees— Hon. Charles Stanley Viscount Monck and John Eamsay L'Amy. GINGHET PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 538. Comprisitig Salisbury Plains block D, Back Gangary North and Back Gangary South Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina East; County of Clyde. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Back Gangary North Run and those 256 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central parts of Salisbury Plains Block ,D, 'and Back Gangary South Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarriua East ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Salisbury Plains Block D and Back Gangary South Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,861 acres. Annual rent, £122 18s. lOd. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 13,426 ,, „ license, 69 18s. 7d. „ per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — London Chartered Bank of Australia. GLEN QUIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 327. Comprising Glen Quin and Turrawan Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Glen Quin Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Turrawan Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,640 acres. Annual rent, £60 5s. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 8,515 ,, ,, license, 26 12s. 3d. ,, per sec, £2. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. GOANGRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 219. Comprising Goangra, Quiangarra, Goangra Retro, Goangra Retro East, and Goangra Retro West Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Quiangarra, Goangra Retro West, and that part of Goangra Runs lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Goangra Retro, Goangra Retro East, and that part of Goangra Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows ; — Leasehold, 42,88C acres. Annual rent, £279 4s. Gd. Rate per acre. Id. 9-lOth. Resumed, 43,291 ,, ,, license, 202 18s. 7d. ,, per section, ^3. Name of Holder — Mr. John Carson. GOBBAGOMBALIN AND TOOYAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 535. Comprising Gohagomlin, Kitegora, Cooleman Holes, and Tooyal Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; Counties of Bourke and Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Gobagomlin Run and those parts of Tooyal and Kitegora Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 257 Resumed Area. Land District of Wapga WaRga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Coolemau Holes Eun and those parts of Tooyal and Kitegora Runs lying to the west and north of the dividing line as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 26,300 acres. Annual rent, £273 19s. 2d, Rate per acre, 2id Resumed, 25,108 ,, „ license, 101 12s, 4d. „ per sec, £2 ISs, 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Abraham Booth, GOGELDRIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 339. Comprising Gogeldrie Run. Leasehold Area, Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gogeldrie Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gogeldrie Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,300 acres. Annual rent, £232 10s, Od. Rate per acre, 6d, Resumed, 8,230 ,, „ license, 38 lis. 7d. „ per section, £3, Names of Holders — Messrs. George Henry and Charles Spencer Brausby Hebden, GONN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 728. Comprising Gonn and Mooroomgatta Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mooroomgatta Run and that part of Gonn Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th March, 1886. Eesujied Area, Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gonn Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th March, 1886. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 26,454 acres. Annual rent, £440 18s. Od. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 24,229 ,, ,, license, 302 17s, 3d. ,, per section, £8. Names of Holders— Messrs. John Halfey and John William Dennis, GOOBANG PASTORAL HOLDING, No, 307, Comprising Cobong and West Cohong Runs. Leasehold Area, Land District of Parkes ; Counties of Kennedy and Ashburuham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cobong and West Cobong Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. K 258 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ceittral PiESUMED Area. Land District of Parkes; County of Ashburnbam. Tbe Crown Lands witbiu tbe boundaries of tbose parts of Cobong and West Cobong Buns lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 37,306 acres. Annual rent, £272 9s. 3d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 33,270 „ ,, license, 138 12s. 6d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. GOOLGUMBLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 525. Comprising Yanco hlocks B, G, and D Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Hay and Urana ; Counties of Townsend and Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Yanco Block B, Yanco Block C, and Yanco Block D Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Hay and Urana; Counties of Townsend and Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Yanco Block B, Yanco Block C, and Yanco Block D Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,300 acres. Annual rent, £182 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 8,070 „ ,, license, 13i lOs. Od. ,, per sec, £10 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Samuel McCaughey. GOOLHI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 693. Comprising Bullumbulla jRim. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Gunnedah and Coonabarrabran ; Coun- ties of Pottiuger and White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bullumbulla Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Gunnedah and Coonabarrabran ; Coun- ties of Pottinger and White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bullumbulla Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1 885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 36,645 acres. Annual rent, £305 7s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 29,417 ,, ,, license, 122 lis. 5d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — New South Wales Mortgage, Loan, and Agency Company of Sydney. GOONAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 88. Comprising Meero (Goonal), Derra, and Weeweelarnge Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Meero (Goonal) and Derra Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 259 Eesomed Area. Laud District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Weeweelarnge and those parts of Meero (Goonal) and Derra Enus lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 26,050 acres. Annual rent, £325 l'2s. 6d. Eate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 26,520 ,, „ license, 193 7s. 6d. ,, per sec. , £4 133. 4d. Name of Holder— The Hon. John Brown Watt, M.L.C. GOORIANAWA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 208. Comprising Curianawa and Baradean Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coouabarrabran ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Curianawa Eun lying to the soutt of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Eesdmed Area. Land District of Coouabarrabran ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Baradean Eun and that part of Curianawa Eun lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, nth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 51,926 acres. Annual rent, £486 16s. 2d. Eate per acre, 2Jd. Eesumed, 58,233 ,, ,, license, 303 6s. Od. „ per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Walker. GORAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 229. Comprising Biigaldi Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coouabarrabran ; County of Baradine, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bugaldi Eun lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Eesdmed Area. Land District of Coouabarrabran; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bugaldi Eun lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1SS5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,691 acres. Annual rent, £89 Is, lOd. Eate per acre, 2d. Eesumed, 14,450 „ ,, license, 60 4s. 2d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Leaseholders -Australasian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. Licensees— Eobert, Janet, Annie, Margaret, and Jane Cranstone Christina Porteous. GOREE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 454. Comprising Goree, Colkamitniniman and Bingagong Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Goree Eun and those parts of Colkami- miniman and Bingagong Buns, lying to the south-west of the dividmg Ime, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Eesumed Area. Land Districts of Urana and Narrandera ; Counties of Urana and Boyd The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parte of K 2 260 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ce7Ural Colkamiminiman and Bingagong Euns lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,110 acres. Annual rent, £270 6s. 8d. Rate per acre, 8d. Eesumed, ILS-ie ,, ,, license, 271 16s. 8d, ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Duncan and David Sheriff Robertson. GORIAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 44. Comprising Gorian and Gorian South Rims. Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Denham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Gorian and Gorian South Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Denham. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of those parts of Goi'ian and Goritn South Euns lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section areas follows : — Leasehold, 36,551 acres. Annual rent, £-175 18s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 30,786 ,, ,, license, 256 lis. Od. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Daniel Capel. GORMAN'S HILL WEST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 170. Comprising Gorman's Hill West Bun. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gorman's Hill West Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Eesumed Area. Land Districts of Hillston and Condoublin ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gorman's Hill West Eun lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,680 acres. Annual rent, £55 13s. 43. Eate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 7,300 ,, „ license, 30 8s. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander Robert Minter. GOURNAMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 9. Comprising Gournama Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gournama Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gournama Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 26,616 acres. Annual rent, £332 14s. Od, Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 25,415 ,, ,, license, 132 7s. 5d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. Division] KEW SOUTH WALES 261 GOWANG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 696. Comprising Terranconaniiaihitrie and Ungleonal Buns. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Coonabarrabrau ; Couuty of uoweu. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Terranconangadgerie and Ungleonal lUius Ijing to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Goweu. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Terranconangadgerie and Ungleonal Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,944 acres. Annual rent, £99 10s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 10,759 ,, ,, license, G7 is. lid. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. David Innes Watt. GRAGEN AND GRAMAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 68L CompriHng Graigin and Gramin Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Warialda ; Counties of Burnett and Arrawatta. The Crown Lands within the bouuilaries of those parts of Graigin and Gramin Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resdiied Area. Laud District of Warialda ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Graigin and Gramin Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 44,982 acres. Annual rent, £562 5s. 6d. Rate per acre, .3d. Resumed, 62,851 „ ,, license, 327 7s. Od. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Hugh Gordon. GRAHWEED PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 4n. Comj'jriiinf/ West Bogan No. 4 and No. 5 Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of West Bogan No. 4 Run and that part of West Bogan No. 5 Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Cobar East ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Began No. 5 Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 42,349 acres. Annual rent, £352 ISs. 2J. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 41,580 ,, ,, license, 216 Us. 3d. „ per sec, £3 6s. 8d, Names of Holders— Messrs. William Wright Richardson and Tottenham Lee Richardson. GRALGUxMBONE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 59. Comprising Geralgmnhone, Pretty Plains South, and Upper Pretty Plains Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Geralgumboue and Pretty Plains South Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 262 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ceiitral Eesumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Upper Pretty Plains South Runs Ij'ing to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1SS5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,220 acres. Annual rent, £251 2s. 6d. Rate per acre, S^d. Resumed, 6,291 ,, ,, license, 52 8s. 6d. ,, per sec, £5 6s, 8d. Name of Holder— Mr. Richard Ridge. GRAWHEY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 364. Comprising Upper Geraway and back Graivhey Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Upper Geraway and Back Grawhey Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Upper Gereway and Back Grawhey Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,000 acres. Annual rent, £130 4s. 2d. Rate per acre, 3|d. Resumed, 7,996 ,, ,, license, 74 19s. 3d. ,, per section, £6. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander Cruickshank GREENBAR CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 443. Comprising Greenhar Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that pai't of Greenbar Creek Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Greenbar Creek Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gaz'tle, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,546 acres. Annual rent, £61 Is. 8d. Rate per acre, fd. Resumed, 15,215 ,, ,, license, 63 7s. lid. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. George Allan Rattray and James McKern. GREGADOO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 495 Compridng Gregado Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gregado Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gregado Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,400 acres. Annual rent, £26 os. Od. Rate per acre, 4^d. Resumed, 860 „ „ license, 10 15s. Od. ,, per section, £8. Names of Holders — Messrs. Allen Bradley Morgan and Charles Nixon. Division-] NEW SOUTH WALES 263 GRONG GRONG PASTORAL HOLDING, Xo. 622. Comprising Groiig Grong Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Narrandera and Wagga Wagga ; Counties of Cooper and Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Grong Grong Kun lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slst July, 1885. Eesumed Area. Land Districts of Wagga Wagga and Narrandera ; Counties of Bourke and Cooper. The Crown Lands witliin the boundaries of that part of Grong Grong Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slst July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,167 acres. Annual rent, £208 78. Od. Rate per acre. 12d. Resumed, 2,987 ,, ,, license, 49 15s. 8d. „ per sec.,' ^10 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Hutchings Bear. GROONGAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 430. Comprising Bringergee, Granule East, and West Grangle Bum. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Sturt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of West Grangle Run, and those parts of Bringergee and Grangle East Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Sturt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bringergee and Grangle East Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 21,080 acres. Annual rent, £439 3s. 4d. Rate per acre, od. Eesumed, 8,620 „ „ license, 82 12s. 2d. „ per sec, £6 2s, 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Thomas Livingstone and Andrew James Living- stone, Learmonth. GRUBBEN PLAINS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 577. Comprising Gnibben Plains Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Grubben Plains Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Grubben Plains Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,884 acres. Annual rent, £19 12s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2^i. Eesumed, 3,167 ,, ,, license, 9 7s. lid. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. John Cox. GULGO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 586. Comorising Gulgo Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of C'ondoublin ; County of Cunningham. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Gulgo Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slst July, 1885. •264 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ceiitral Eesumed Area. Land District of ConcToublin ; County of Cunningham, The down Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Gulgo Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,44:5 acres. Annual rent, £44 5s, 6d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 9,750 ,, ,, license, 22 17s. Id. ,, per section, £1 10s. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. GULGO SOUTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 216. Comprising Gulgo Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coudoublin ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gulgo Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Condoubliu ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gulgo Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 4,691 acres. Annual rent, £58 12s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 3,535 ,, ,, license, 25 15s. 6d. ,, per sec. , £4 13s. 4d, Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. GUMIN GUMIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 49, Co7nprising Cahriwi and Narranan Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; Counties of Gowen and Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Narranan Run and that part of Caleriwi Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Coonabarrabran ; Counties of Gowen and Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Caleriwi Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July,' 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 35,375 acres. Annual rent, ct;294 15s, lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 35,650 ,, ,, license, 185 ISs. 7d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d, Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. GUNAMBIL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 463. Comprising Gunamhil and Clear Hill Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Uraua ; Counties of Hume and Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gunambil Run, lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Clear Hill Run and that part of Gunambil Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,218 acres. Annual rent, £177 14s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 16,875 „ „ license, 175 15s, 8d. ,, per sec, £6 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Freehold Trust Company of Australia, Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 265 GUNBAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 675. Comprising Honuna Mock A, block B, aiul block C, Mea Mia, Mea Mia block A, and block C, and Greenbar or Gunbar Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; Couuties of Sturt and Nicholson. The Crown Lands within the Ijoundaries of Mea Mia, Mea Mia block A, Honuna block A Euns and those parts of Honuna block B and Greenbar or Gunbar Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th August, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay: Counties of Sturt and Nicholson. The Crown Lands within, the boundaries of Honuna block C and Mea Mia block C Runs, and those parts of Honuna block B and Greenbar or Gunbar Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, lUl,8S2 acres. Annual rent, £1013 16s. 4d. Rate pei- acre, Ud. Resumed, 109,133 ,, ,, license, 545 13s. 4d. ,, persec, £3'4s.0d. Names of Holdex-s — Messrs. William, Robert Grieve, Thomas and John Armstrong. GUNDARE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 50. Comprising Large Oakeij Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Large Oakej'' Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of C'oonaban-abran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Large Oakey Ci'eek Run Ij'ing to the east of the dividing line, as notified \i\Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The ai'ea, annital rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,371 acres. Annual rent, £192 2s. 9d. Rate per acre. 3d. Resumed, 15,360 ,, ,, license, 96 Os. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. GUNNEDAH STATION PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 643. Comprising Gunnedah East and Gunnedali West Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gunnedali ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gunnedali West Riui lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 188.5. Resumed Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; Counties of Pottinger and Buckland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Gunnedah East Run and that part of Gunnedah West Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,445 acres. Annual rent, £20 7s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 233 ,, ,, license, 1 Is. lOd. ,, per sec, £3. Names of Holders— ^lessrs. Thomas Andrew Johnston and Thomas Henry Hall Goodwin. GUNNEGALDRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 5n. Comprising Gunnegaldra Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that port of Gunnegaldra Run, lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 266 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area. Laud District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Gunoegaldra Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,305 acres. Annual rent, £28 16s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 2,060 ,, ,, license, 19 6s. 3d. ,, section, £6. Name of Holder — Mr. Andrew Hinchcliffe. GUNNIBONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 337. Comprising Gunnibong Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Cro^vT^ Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gunnibong Kun lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area, Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gunnibong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,895 acres. Annual rent, £61 3s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 3,910 ,, ,, license, 31 lis. 4d. ,, per section, £5 3s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Jones, junr. GUNNINGBAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 326. Comprising the following Bims, viz. : — N'eiv Mundrabah, Mumbrumhrah, block 2io. 2, yew Gunningbar, block No. 1, Old Gunningbar, Uj)per Gtamingbar, Cuddell, Cattle Waterhole South, and Lanhey's Flains or Duck Holes. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of New Mundrabah, Mumbrumbrah, block No. 2 Runs, and those parts of New Gunningbar, block No. 1, and Old Gunningbar Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Upper Gunningbar, Cuddell, Cattle Waterhole South, and Lankey's Plains or Duck Holes Runs, and those parts of New Gunning- bar, block No. 1, and Old Gunningbar Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 39,803 acres. Annual rent, £539 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 28,913 „ ,, license, 210 16s. 6d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Rutledge. GUNNINGBLAND PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 148. Comprising Back Bloioclear, East Gunninghland Upper Dalhunty Back, Milpose, and Brogan Plains Back Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Parkes and Forbes ; Counties of Ash- burnham and Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Upper Dalhunty Back and East Gunninghland Runs, and those parts of Back Blowclear and Milpose Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 267 Resfmed Area. Land District of Parkes ; Counties of Ashburnham, Kennedy, and Cunningham. The Crown Lands within tlie boundaries of lirogan Plains Back Run, and those parts of Back Blowclcar and Milpose Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Oazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and i-ate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 41,670 acres. Annual rent, £'2G0 8s. 9d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 29,016 ,, ,, license, 90 13s. 6d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Richard Frederick Horsley. GUNNING EAST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 486. Comprising Gunning East Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gunning East Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gunning East Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,460 acres. Annual rent, £18 lis. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 3,130 „ „ license, 13 Os. lOd. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. GUNYER WARILDI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 540. Comprising Gunyer Wari/di I\U7i. Leasehold Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gunyer Warihli Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Abea. Land District of Warialda ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gunyer Warildi Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leaseliold, 30,162 acres. Annual rent, £.377 Os. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 32,458 ,, ,, license, 202 17s. 3d. „ per section, £4. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. GURLEY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. G. Comprising Gurleij liun. Leaj-'EHold Area. Land Districts of Bingera and Moree ; County of Cour- allie. The Crown Lands witliin the boundaries of that part of Gurley Rvin lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lltii July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Moree, Bingera, and Narrabri ; Counties of Courallie and Jamison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gurley Run lying to the south-west of the diviiling line, as notified in Gazette, nth July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 56,244 acres. Annual rent, £937 Ss. Od. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 54,141 ,, ,, license, 563 19s. 5d. ,, per sec, £6 Lis. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Si:nson. 268 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Centred HADDON RTGG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 139. Comprising the follounng Runs, viz : — Nexu Tenandra, 2^ew Tenandra No. 2, New Tcnandra No. 3, New Tenandra No. 4, Neio Englegali, Neiv Englegah No. 3, Neio Collemharraioang, New Collemharrawanq No. 2, Neiu Collembarrairang No. 3, Neio Colhjhurrell, New Colhjburrell No. 2, Inglegah, Collemharrawang, and Tenandra. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Dubbo and Coonamble ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of New Englegah, New Englegah No. 2, Inglegah, and New CoUyburrell Runs, and those parts of New Collyburrell No. 2, New Collembarrawang No. 2, New Collembarrawang, New Tenandra and Collembarrawang Runs lying to the Avest of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Dubbo and Coonamble ; Counties of Gregory and Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the l)oundaries of New Collembarrawang No. 3, Tenandra, Ne\v' Tenandra No. 2, New Tenandra No. 4, New Tenandra No. 3, and those parts of New Collyburrell No. 2, New Collem- barrawang No. 2, New Collembarrawang, New Tenandra, and CollembarraArang Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 102,490 acres. Annual rent, £494 12s. Od. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 82,149 ,, ,, license, 684 lis. 6d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. James Richmond. HADDON RIGGS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 160. Comprising Haddonriggs and back 3Iyall Camp North JRims. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Narromine. The Oown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Haddonriggs and Back Myall Camp North Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, nth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Narromine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Haddonriggs and Back Myall Camp Nortli Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,.36S acres. Annual rent, £85 5s. Od. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 18,920 ,, ,, license, 78 IGs. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d Name of Holder — Mr. Henry Staggs. HALF MOON PLAIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 377. Comprising Half Moon Plain Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Half Moon Plain Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Half Moon Plain Rim lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,824 acres. Annual rent, £.30 8s. Od. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 1,516 ,, ,, license, 15 15s. lOd. ,, per sec, £6 1.3s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Brisbane Brown. Division] XEW SOUTH WALES 269 HANGING ROCK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 227. Comprising Hamjing Rock linn. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Hanging Rock Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Hanging Rock Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,285 acres. Annual rent, £20 10s. Sd. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 3,585 ,, ,, license, 11 4s. Id, ,, per sec, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. John King. HARTWOOD PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 409. Comprising North Carrahungnnung, South Carrahuv gaming and Red Plains Runn. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Red Plains Run and that part of South Carrabunganung Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of North Carrabunganung Run, and that part of South Carrabunganung Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,757 acres. Annual rent, £164 3s. lid. Rate per acre, 44d. Resumed, 7,978 ,, ,, license, 126 18s. lOd. ,, per sec, £10 3s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr, Richard Blackwood. 'HERMITAGE PLAINS, BLOCK A2, PASTORAL HOLDING, No. G77. Comprising Hermitage Plains, Block A2 Jiiin. Leasehold Area. Land District (i Cobar East ; County of Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Hermitage Plains, Block A2 Run, lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 18th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Hermitage Plains, Block A2 Run lying to the north-west of tlie dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 18th August, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follo\\s : — Leasehold, 31,130 acres. Annual rent, £129 Us. 2d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 31,200 ,, ,, license, 81 5s. Od, „ per sec, £ I 133, 4d Name of Holders— Union Mortgage and .Agency Company of Australia. 270 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central HERMITAGE PLAINS BLOCK M, PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 520. Comprising Hermitage Plains Block M Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Cambelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Hermitage Plains Block M Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Aeea. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Hermitage Plains, Block M Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,600 acres. Annual rent, £91 5s. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 15,664 ,, ,, license, 48 19s. Od. ,, per sec, £2. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. HOBLINGRAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 695. Comprising Hollingrah or Mangioell Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Dubbo and Coonabarrabran ; Counties of Lincoln and Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that pai't of Hoblingrah or Mangwell Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Dubbo and Coonabarrabran ; Counties of Lincoln and Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Hoblingrah or Mangwell Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,077 acres. Annual rent, £102 12s. lid. Rate per acre, If d. Resumed, 15,027 ,, „ license, 62 12s. 3d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messi's. John, William, and Peter Richardson. HONEYBUGLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 46L Comprising Hermitage Plains Block X, and Keenan's Corner Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Hermitage Plaiiis Block X Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Keenan's Corner Run and that part of Hermitage Plains Block X Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 24,500 acres. Annual rent, £108 9s. 3d. Rate per acre, Id. l-16th. Resumed, 25,300 ,, ,, license, 39 10s. 8d. ,, per sec, £1. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert Johnstone. Divisio7i] NEW SOUTH \YALES 271 HOULAGHAN'S CREEK NORTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 419. Comprising Houlaghcni's Greek North Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Houlaghan's Creek North Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that pai-t of Houlaghan's Creek North Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,820 acres. Annual rent, £85 5s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 8,605 ,, ,, license, 80 13s. 5d. ,, per sec, £6. Names of Holders — Messrs. Patrick Heffernan, David Blair, and William Greenlaw. HOULAGHAN'S CREEK SOUTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 644. Comprising Houlaghan's Creek South Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Houlaghan's Creek .South Run lying to the westward of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Houlaghan's Creek South Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,962 acres. Annual rent, £108 Os. 4d, Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 13,952 „ ,, license, 58 2s. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. Patrick Heffernan. HOWLONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 375. Comprising Howlong Bim. Leasehold Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Howlong Run lynig to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 188o. Resumed Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Howlong Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 188o. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 540 acres. Annual rent, £22 10s. Od. Rate per acre, lOd. Resumed, 392 ,, „ license, 9 16s. Od. ,, per sec, £16. Name of Holder— Mr. Alexander M'Veau. 272 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central HOWLONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 659. Compridng Hoidong and Carrego Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; Comity of Sturt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Howlong and Carrego Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Akea. Land District of Hay ; County of Sturt. The Crown Lands -within the boundaries of that part of Howlong and Carrego Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,017 acres. Annual rent, £330 5s. Id. Rate per acre, 3W. Resumed, 7,257 ,, ,, license, 8-1: 13s. -id. ,, per sec, £7 9s. 4d. Name of Leaseholders — New South Wales Mortgage, Loan, and Agency Co. ,, Licensee — Mr. William Holden Watt. HUMULA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 624. Comprising Humula Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Humula Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of W^agga Wagga ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Humula Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,272 acres. Annual rent, £185 12s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 18,586 ,, „ license, 87 2s. 6d. ,, per sec, £3. Name of Holders — New Zealand and Australian Land Company of Glasgow. HUNTAWANG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 405. Comprising Gummell, Wallandra South, Werrie or block A, Narreivah, or Gummell block B, and Stachpoole' s Tender Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston ; County of Nicholson. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of (Juuimell, Wallandra South, Weerie or block A, Narrawah or Gummell block B, and Stackpoole's Tender Runs lying within the boundaries of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston ; County of Nicholson. The Crown Lands within the boiindaries of those parts of Gummell, Wallandra South, Weerie or block A, Narrawah or Gummell block B, and Stackpoole's Tender Runs lying to the south, east, and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, animal rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 116,780 acres. Annual rent, £364 18s. 9d. Rate per acre, fd. Resumed, 110,113 „ „ license, 458 16s. Id. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. lANDRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 585. Comprising Jandra Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Jandra Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 273 Resumed Area. Land Districts of Grenfell and Young ; County of Mont- eagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Jandra Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 18S5. N.B.— A small portion of this area falls within the Eastern Division. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,608 acres. Annual rent, £38 8s. Od. Rate per acre. 2d. Resumed, 1,873 ,, ,, license, 8 15s. 7d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. George Heniy Greene. ILLILIWA PASTORAL HOLDING, Xo. 120. Comjjrising Wallaby block B, South Thononga block C, Police Point, and Beabula Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; Counties of Nicholson, Sturt, and Waradgei-y. The Crown Lands Mithin the boundaries of Beabula Run and that part of South Thononga Block C Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Police Point and Wallaby Block B Runs and that part of South Thonon?a Block C Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 96, 926 acres. Annual rent, £1,292 6s. lid. Rateper acre, .3d.2-l0ths Resumed. 60,6(0 ,, ,, license, .557 lUs. Od. ,, per sec, £5 17s. 4d. Names of Holders — Sir James M'Culloch, Messrs. Robert Sellar, and James M'Pherson. ILLUMURGALIA EAST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 645. Comprising lUumurgalia East Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of lUumurgalia Kast Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble: County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of lUumurgalia East Run lying to the north of the diWding line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, amiual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,080 acres. Annual rent, £66 2s. lid. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed 7,127 ,, ,, license, 59 7s. lOd. „ per sec , £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. JERILDERIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 210. Comprising Back Plain, Booroobanbilly , Wonamurra, and Jerilderie South Runs. Le.\sehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Jerilderie South Run, and those parts of Wona- murra and Back Plain Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. 274 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [_Central Resumed Are^ . Land Districts of Urana and Corowa ; Counties of Urana and Denison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Booroobabilly Run, and those parts of Wonamurra and Back Plain Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — ■ Leasehold, 8,513 acres. Annual rent, £177 7s. Id. Rate per acre, 5d. Resumed, 9,983 ,, ,, license, 103 19s. lOd. ,, per sec, £Q 13s. 4d. Names of Holders— Messrs. William Peterson and Frederick Thomas Sargood. JUNEE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 147. Comprising Junee and Rock Greek Station Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Rock Creek Station Run and that part of Junee Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Junee Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,670 acres. Annual rent, £66 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 3,100 ,, ,, license, 77 10s. Od. ,, per section, £16. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Wardle Hammond. KEERA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 708. Compri'iing Keera Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bingara ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Keera Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. For Resumed area of this Holding see Keera, No. 512 in the Eastern Division. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 75,400 acres. Annual rent, £235 12s. 6d. Rate per acre, l^d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Cooke. KENTUCKY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 452. • Comprising Kentucky Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Kentucky Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Corowa and Urana ; Comity of Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Kentucky Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,900 acres. Annual rent, £71 5s. Od. Rate per acre, 3|d. Resumed, 2,014 ,, ,, license, 50 7s. Od. ,, per section, £16. Name of Holder— Mr. Charles Henry James. Divisioii] NEW SOUTH WALES 275 KERARBURY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 582. CompHsimj Uratla, IJratta Back Block and Ugoble Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Boyd. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Uratta Back Block Run and that part of Uratta Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Boyd. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Ugoble Run and that part of Uratta Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, ijlst July, I8S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,550 acres. Annual rent, £551 1.3s. 4d. Rate per acre, 8d. Resumed, 17,900 ,, ,, license, 335 12s. 6d. ,, per section, £12. Name of Holder — ^Mr. John Sutcliffe Horsefall. KERI KERI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 29. Comprising Moulamein block A and Moulame'm block B Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Hay and Balranald South ; Counties of Caira and Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Moulamein Block A and Moulamein Block B Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Hay and Balranald South ; Counties of Caira and Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Moulamein Block A and Moulamein Block B Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 37,575 acres. Annual rent, £391 8s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2?,d. Resumed, 39,782 „ „ license, 248 12s. 9d. ,, per section,' £4. Name of Holder — Mr. John Cumming. KERRIWAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 3(38. Comprising Babathernile Creek and Camp Hole, or Bobvrdanell Creek Bu/it. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Camp Hole, or Boburdanell Creek Run and that part of Babathernile Creek Run lying to the soutli-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands, within the boundaries of that part of Babathernile Creek Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,308 acres. Annual rent, £117 13s. 7d. Rate per acre, 1 |d. Resumed, 17,600 ,, „ license, 77 18s. 4d. ,, per sec., £--i 16s, 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Mark Moss, Henry Penketh Fergie, and Isidore Moss. KIACATOO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 33. Comprising Kyargathur (Kiacatoo), North Kiargathur, Ulickabill, North Mickylnil, and Flanagan's Swamp East Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kyargathur (Kiacatoo) and North 276 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Kiargathur Runs, and those parts of Mickabill, North Mickybill, and Flanagan's Swamp East Runs Ijdng to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mickabill, North Mickybill, and Flanagan's Swamp East Runs lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1SS5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 51,206 acres. Annual rent, £453 7s. 9d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 49,357 ,, ,, license, 231 7s. 3d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — Australian and New Zealand Mortgage Company. KIALGARA PASTORAL HOLDING No. 38. Comprising Kialgara Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Kialgara Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Kialgara Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,282 acres. Annual rent, £116 Os. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 7,693 ,, ,, license, 48 Is. 7d. „ per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. Julius Caro. KIAMBIR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 290. Comprising Kiamhir Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; Couiity of Baradine. The Crown I^ands within the boundaries of that part of Kiambir Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Narrabri and Coonabarrabran ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Kiambir Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,760 acres. Annual rent, £28 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, Jd. Resumed, 13,500 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder— Mr. William Head. KIKIAMAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 704. Comprising Kikiamah Run. Resumed Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Kikiamah Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. For Leasehold Area of this Holding see Kikiamah, No. 508 in the Eastern Division. The area, annual license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Resumed, 1,389 acres. Annual license, £11 lis. 6d. Rate per section, £5 8s. Name of Holders — Union Bank of Australia. Division'] NEW SOUTH WALES 277 KILDARY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. lOL Co7nprisiitg Marool Creek Bitn, Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke- The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Marool Creek Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazettf, 12th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Marool Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, r2th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 25,560 acres. Annual rent, £266 5s. Od. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 16,761 ,, ,, license, 104 15s. 2d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders —Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. KILLARNEY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 118. Comprising Narrahry and Bohhiwa Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabi'i ; Counties of Jamison and Nandewar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of tliose parts of Narrabry and Bobbiwa Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; Counties of Jamison and Nandewar. The Crown Lands within the lioundaries of those parts of Narrabry and Bobbiwa Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 40,680 acres. Annual rent, £169 10s. Od. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 44,998 ,, ,, license, 187 9s. lOd. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. William Frederick Buchanan. KINDRA CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 699. Comprising Kindra Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the l)oundaries of that part of Kindra Creek Run lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. _ The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Kindra Creek Run lying_ to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,480 acres. Annual rent, £79 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 2\A. Resumed, 9,470 ,, ,, license, 49 6s. 6d. „ per sec, £3 63. 8d. Name of Holder— ]\Ir. John Stiuson. KOLKIBERTOO NORTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 685. Comprising Kolkibertoo North Ran. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston ; Counties of Dowling and Gipps. The Cro\\n Lands within the boundaries of tiuit part of Kolkibertoo North Run lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. 278 PASTORAL POSSESSIOKS [Central Resumed Area. Lcand District of Hillston ; Counties of Bowling and Gipps. The Crown Lands M'ithin the boundaries of that part of Kolkibertoo North Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,560 acres. Annual rent, £145 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 1.5,000 ,, ,; license, 62 10s. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. John Cox. KOOBA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 634. Comprising Kooha, Wyangang, Hulong, North Hulong, TJlong and North Hulong Runs. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands witliin the boundaries of Hulong and Ulong Runs and those parts of North Ulong, North Hulong, and Kooba Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Wyangan Run and those parts of North Ulong, North Hulong, and Kooba Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st .July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section, are as follows : — ■ Leasehold, 44,313 acres. Annual rent, £692 7s. lOd. Rate per acre, 3fd. Resumed, 21,907 ,, ,, license, 102 13s. lOd. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. Joseph M'Gaw. KOOKABURRAGONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 508. Comprising Cookaburragonq Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cookaburragong Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cookaburragong Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,275 acres. Annual rent, £53 Is. Od. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 8,500 ,, ,, license, 35 8s. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. John Cox and John Hore. KULKI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 4-3 L Comprising Yanco, block E, Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yanco, block E, Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yanco, block E, Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,600 acres. Annual rent, £46 1.3s. 4d. Rate per acre, 7d. Resumed, 2,584 ,, ,, license, 48 9s. Od. ,, per section, £12. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Hodges Mate. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 279 KCrCARGO OR TORY W^EE WAA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 206. Comprising Tory Whee Waa Back, Tory Whee Waa, and Saddle Bags Rutis. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Denham. The Cro'W'n Lands within tlie boundaries of Saddle Bags Run and those parts of Tory Whee \^'aa Back and Tory Whee WaaKuns lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Denham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Tory Whee Waa Back and Tory Whee Waa Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,.525 acres. Annual rent, £151 6s. Id. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 15,465 ,, „ license, 96 1.3s. 2d. ,, per section, £4. Xame of Holder — Mr. Thomas Polk Wills-Allen. KUNOPTA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 12. Comprising Boonangar, Kunopia, Bundori, and Cobhanthanna Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree : County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cobhanthanna, Bundori, and that part of Kunopia Rvin lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moree County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Boonangar and that part of Kunopia Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 47, .301 acres. Aimual rent, £394 3s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 34,748 „ „ license, 253 7s. 5d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of Australasia. KYEAMBA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 456. Comprising Kyeamba Bun. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Wagga Wagga ; County of 'Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Kyeamba Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Kyeamba Kun lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,580 acres. Annual rent, £.54 16s. Sd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 5,118 „ ,, license, 21 6s. 6d. „ per sec, £2 1.3s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. Alexander Smith. LAKE COWAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 162. Comprising Cowal and Cowal North Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Gipps The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cowal and Cowal North_Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, li^So. 280 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cowal and Cowal North Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,453 acres. Annual rent, £127 5s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2§d. Resumed, 11,150 ,, ,, license, 46 9s. 2d. ,, per sec. , £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Bloyd Donkin. LAKE COWAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 701. Comprising Clear Ridges, Lower Billahong, Billabong Back, BiUabong and Wombine Runs. Lkasehold Area. Land Districts of Condoublin and Forbes ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Clear Eidges Run and those parts of Billabong Back, Billabong, and Wombine Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Condoublin and Forbes ; County of Gipps. The Crovm Lands within the boundaries of Lower Billabong Run and those parts of Billabong Back, Billabong, and Wombine Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 78,879 acres. Annual rent, £591 lis. lOd. Rate per acre, Id. 4-5ths. Resinned, 70,735 ,, ,, license, 294 14s. 7d. ,, per sec, £2 1.3s. 4d. Name of Holders— Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. LALALTEE SOUTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 429. Comprising South Lalalte Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Denison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of South Lalalte Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Denison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of South Lalalte Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 636 acres. Annual rent, £18 lis. Od. Rate per acre, 7d. Resumed, 660 ,, ,, license, 9 12s. 6d. ,, per sec, £9 6s. 8d. Name of Holder— Mr. Henry Francis Hastings Budd. LIEWAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 144. Comprising Kialat, Moolpa, and Yaree Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kialat Run and those portions of Yaree and Moolpa Kuns lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 281 EESCiiED Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. Tlie Crown Lands within the boundaries of those portions of Yaree and iloolpa Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,480 acres. Annual rent, £206 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 14,043 ,, ,, license, 175 10s. 9d. ,, per section, £8. Name of Holders — ]Slessrs. Richard Goldsbrough and Company. LINDSAY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 657. Comprising Lindsay, Beriary, and Coolali Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Narrabri and Ringara ; Counties of Nandewar, ilurchison, and Darling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Lindsay, Beriary, and Coolah Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Nandewar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Lindsay, Beriary, and (Joolah Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per aci'e ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 66,414 acres. Annual rent, £276 14s. 6d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 62,lo4 ,, ,, license, 194 3s. 5d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Licensee— Mr. John Macneill Simpson, ,, Leaseholders— Messrs. William Bowie Stewart Campbell Sawers and William Arlington Wilson. LOWER BALABLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No, 555. Comprising Balahla Loioer Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Balaljla Lower Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3Ist July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. Tiie Crown Lands within the boundaries: of that part of Balabla Lower Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,643 acres. Annual rent, £54 8s. 4d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 6,617 ,, >, license, 30 lis. 9d. ,, per sec, £2 lOs. 2d. Name of Holder— Mr. Steel Caldwell, junr, LOWER DROUBALGIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 568. Comprising Lower Daroohalgie Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Lower Daroobalgie Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 18<5. 282 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central ■Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Ashbnrnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Lower Daroobalgie Rim lying to the west and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the ai'ea, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,849 acres. Annual rent, £15 8s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 1,545 ,, ,, license, 6 8s. 9d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d Name of Leaseholders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. ,, Licensees — Messrs. Edward and John Martin. LOWER MITHUL CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 517. Comprising Loicer Mithul Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Lower Mithul Creek Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wao;ga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Lower Mithul Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,768 acres. Annual rent, £69 10s. 8d. Rate per acre, 3|d. Resumed, 3,040 ,, ,, license, 38 Os. Od. „ per section, £8. Names of Holders — Messrs. Frederick Henry Moore and Arthur Ranken Blackwood. LOWER NINGEAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 436. Comprising Loicer Ningear Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Lower Ningear Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Lower Ningear liun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate j)er acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,521 acres. Annual rent, £97 18s. 8d. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 5,935 ,, „ license, 46 7s. 4d. ,, per section, £5. Name of Holders— New Oriental Bank Corporation. LOWER WILLIE EAST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 552. Comprising Loioer Willi East Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina East ; County of Clyde, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Lower Willi East Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina East ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Lower Willi East Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold," 6,294 acres. Annual rent, £52 9s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resixmed, '5,210 ,, ,, license, .32 lis. 3d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 283 MAHONGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 683. Comprising Mahonrja and Uranrjeline Runs.. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; Counties of Hume and Urana, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mahonga and Urangeline Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; Counties of Hume and Urana. The Crown lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mahonga and Urangeline Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885.- The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,000 acres. Annual rent, £286 9s. 2d. Rate per acre, G^d. Resumed, 8,500 ,, ,, license, 106 5s. Od. „ per section, £8. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert Rand. MALARAWAY AND MILLIE NORTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 19L Comprising Malaraway and Millie North Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Jamison. The Crown Lands witliin the Ijoundaries of that part of Malaraway Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Narrabri and Moree ; Counties of Jamison, Courallie, and Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Millie North Run and that part of ^Malaraway Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 35,155 acres. Annual rent, £476 Is. 2d. Rate per acre, .3Jd. Resumed, 35,873 ,, ,, license, 298 18s. lOd. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Names of Holders— Messrs. John William, George Alfred, and Robert Francis Maitland Eckford. MALONGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 360. Comprising Malonga, Kolkihitoo, hlock A, and South Boorooambil Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Malonga Run and that part of Kolkibitoo Block A Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of South Boorooambil Run and that part of Kolkibitoo Block A Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 43,580 acres. Annual rent, £408 lis. 3d. Rate per acre, 2:id. Resumed, 42,S9C» ,, ,, license, 178 14s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson. ■284 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Cenlral M AND AM AH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 541. Comprising Mandamar Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mandamar Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Grenfell and Wagga Wagga ; Counties of Bourke and Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mandamar Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,975 acres. Annual rent, £152 18s. lid. Rate per acre. If d. Resumed, 14,913 ,, ,, license, 62 2s. 9d. ,, persec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. MANGOPLAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 462. Comprising Mangoplar Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundax'ies of that; part of Mangoplar Eun lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mangoplar Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,942 acres. Annual rent, £4S lis. Od. Rate per acre, 6d. Resvimed, 2,847 ,, ,, license, 50 Ss. 4d. ,, per sec, £11 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Cox. MARRAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 16. Comprisinfj Marrar Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; Counties of Bourke and Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Marrar Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; Counties of Bourke and Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of xMarrar Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,640 acres. Annual rent, £105 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 4^d. Resumed, 2,050 ,, ,, license, 17 Is. 8d. ,, per sec. , £5 6s, 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Cox. MARTHAGUY CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 341. Comprising Marthagi Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of C4regory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Marthagi Creek Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 285 Resumeh Area. Land District of Dul)ljo ; County of Ciregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Marthagi Creek Run lyin'^' to the north of the dividing line, as notified iu Gazette, 11th July, 1885. ° The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,120 acres. Annual rent, £64 Os. Od. Rate per acre, .3d. y-lOths. Resumed, 2,748 ,, ,, license, 17 3s. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. MATHOURA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 603. Cotiiprisinri Mathara or Methoura and Bushy Grass Flat Jiims. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; Counties of Townsend anivision] NEW SOUTH WALES 301 MOUNT HARRIS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 274. Co7npri.si)if/ Bebrne and Back Mount Harris liuns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The ■Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bebrue and Back Mount Harris Runs lying to the north of the dividing Hue, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubljo ; County of Gregory. Tlie Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Be1)rue and Ixack Mount Harris Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,140 acres. Annual rent, £218 lis. 3d. Rate per acre, .3 jd. Resumed, 7,179 ,, ,, license, 67 6s. Id. ,, per section, £6. Names of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney and J. and Thomas Egan. MOURA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 705. Comprising Waterholts Run. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Parkes and Forbes ; County of Ashburn- ham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Waterholcs Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. For Leasehold Area of this Holding see Moura, No. 509, Eastern Division. The area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Resumed, 6,900 acres. License fee, 43 2s. 6d. Rate per section, £4. Name of Holders —Australian Mortgage and Agency Company. MOURABIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 303. Comprising Bogala and Moorabie liuns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Lcichhardt. The Crown Lands Avithin the boundaries of those parts of Moorabie and Bogala Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Moorabie and Bogala Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,040 acres. Annual rent, £149 4s. 7d. Rate per acre. IJd. Resumed, 21,082 ,, „ license, 87 16s. lOd. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4<1, Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. MOW AB LA A PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 266. Comprising Moicablaa Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mowablaa_ Run lying to the ■east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Cunningham. The Crov/n Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mowablaa_Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 33,300 acres. Annual rent, £138 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 1 d. Resumed, 30,700 ,, ,, license, 44 7s. 5d. ,, per sec, ISs. 6d. Name of Leaseholders— Australian and New Zealand Mortgage Company. ,, Licensees— Messrs. Charles Cairns Murray and Wm. Sanderson. 302 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central MULGA OR GLEN^ARIFF BLOCK B PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 519. Comprising Glenariff hloch B Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Canbelago. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Glenariff Block B Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Glenariff block B Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 21,423 acres. Annual rent, £133 17s. lid. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 21,660 ,, ,, license, 67 13s. 9d. „ per section, £2. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. MULLAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 66L Comprising Mullah, Back Mullah, Outer Back Mullah, and Enmore Runs, Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Narromine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mullah, Back Mullah, and Outer Back Mullah Runs and that part of Enmore Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th Avigust, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Narromine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Enmore Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 40,597 acres. Annual rent, £608 19s. Id. Rate per acre, 3d. 2-5th» Resumed, 13,498 ,, ,, license, 112 9s. 8d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. MULLENGUDGERY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 42. Comprising MtdUngudgery, Mullingudgery South, and Outer Back MuUingudgery Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mullingudgery Run and that part of Mullin- gudgery South Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Outer Back Mullingudgery Run and that part of Mullingudgery South Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,602 acres. Annual rent, £107 10s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 7,233 ,, ,, license 52 14s. lOd. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John ilackay. ATULWALA AND SAVERNAKE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. U. Cominising Mulivheley and Savanake Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Denison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Savanake and that portion of Mulwheley Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, IHvision] NEW SOaTH WALES 303 Resumed Area, Land District of Corowa ; County of Denison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that portion of Mulwheley Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual I'ent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,460 acres. Annual rent, £236 10s. Od. Rate pei- acre, 6d. Resumed, 7,080 ,, „ license, 103 5s. Od. „ per sec, £9 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander Sloane. MUMBLEBONE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 85. Comprising Triangle, Youninghil, Collee or Beardina, MumbUhone, and back of Miunbhhone Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those part'^ of Muniblebone, Back of Mumblebone, and Triangle Runs lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, nth July, 1885. Resumed Arka. Land District of Dul)bo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Youningbil, Beardina, and those parts of Mumble- bone, Back of Mumblebone, and Triangle Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, anniuil rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows: — Leasehold, 26,149 acres. Annual rent, £326 17s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d Resumed, 18,163 ,, ,, license, 1.32 8s. 9d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Edward Harvey and Henry Edward Kater. MUNDAWADDERA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 601. Comprising Mundaioadera Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands Mithin the boundaries of that part of Mundawadera Run lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1 S85. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Wagga Wagga and Urana; Counties of Mitchell and Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mundawadera Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,589 acres. Annual rent, £143 3s. Od. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 7,884 ,, ,, license, 98 lis. Od. ,, per section, £8. Name of Holders —Scottish Australian Investment Company. MUNGADAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. r)6L Comprising Mungadingadil and Mungadingadal back Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The €rown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mungadinga.lal and Munga- dingadal Back Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. 304 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ceiitral Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; Counties of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Muugadingadal and Mungadingadal Back Kuns lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows ; — Leasehold, 11,510 acres. Annual rent £148 13s. 5d. Rate per acre, 3d. 1-lOth. Resumed, 6,139 ,, „ license, 63 19s. Od. ,, per sec, £6 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Colin William Simson. MUNGARY WEST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 515. Comprising the following Jiuns, vis.: — Nelson, East Draggy, Draggy, Ozitlet, The Oaks, Corses Curie, Graddell, Mungarie West, Warge Rock, Bullock Greek, and Berclien Lagoons. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Dubbo and Parkes ; Counties of Narro- mine and Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Nelson, East Draggy, Outlet, The Oaks, and Mungarie West Runs, and that part of Draggy Run lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1 th July, 1 885, Resumed Area. Land Districts of Dubbo and Parkes ; Counties of Narrominc and Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Corses Courle, Graddell, Warge Rock, Bullock Creek, and Bercheu Lagoons Runs, and that part of Draggy Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 85,192 acres. Annual rent, £1,153 I2s. lOd. Rate per acre, S^-d. Resumed, 82,429 „ ,, license, 515 3s. 8d. „ per section, £4. Names of Holders - Messrs. Robert, John, junr., Hugh, and William' Strahorn. MUNGERBUMBONE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 652. Comprising Buclcer No. 2, Genua, Mungabumbone, and hack Carabear block C Runs^ Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; Counties of Leichhardt and Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mungabumbone Run, and those parts of Gerwa, Bueker No. 2, and Back Carabear Block C Hun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; Counties of Leichhardt and Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Gerwa, Bueker No. 2, and Back Carabear Block C Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,464 acres. Annual rent, £182 93. 6d. P^ate per acre, 2^d, Resumed, 17,908 „ ,, license, 102 lis. Ud. „ per sec, £3 13s.4d. Names of Holders — Mr. J. McLean and Australian Joint Stock Bank. MUNGIEBUNDIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 516. Comprising Mungie Bundle Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Courallie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mungie Bundle Run lying to the- ■west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Divismi] IsEW SOUTH ^VALES 305 Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Courallie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mungie Buudie Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,373 acres. Annual rent, £204 13s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 11,782 „ „ license, 85 18s. 3d. „ per sec, '£4 138. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Franklin MoMullen. MUNGLE AND WALLAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 670. Comprising Mungie and Wallah Suns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Stapylton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mungie Run and that part of Wallah Run lying to the west of the dividing Hue, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Stapylton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wallah Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 31,700 acres. Annual rent, £264 3s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 31,765 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales. MUNGRANBY AND BOURBEEN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 99. Comprising Mungranhg and Bourbeen Huns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mungranby Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bourbeen Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — • Leasehold, 10,797 acres. Aunuai rent, £67 93. 8d. Rate per acre, IJd- Resumed, 13,875 ,, ,, license, 57 16s. 3d. ,, per sec, £2 138. 4d. Name of Leaseholders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. ,, Licensee — Mr. Peter Luckey. MUNGYER PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 255. Comprising the following Runs. viz. :—Gurrotha West, Pially, Gurrotha, Derriman, Derriman' North, South Werritt, Mungyer, Burri/da, Doorabeeba and Doora- beeba Ea-it. Leasehold Arka. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Doorabeeba and Doorabeeba East Runs and those parts of Buriilda and Mungyer Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of South Werritt, Derriman North, Derriman, 306 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS Central Gurrotha, Gurrotha West and Pially Runs and those parts of Mungyer and Burrilda Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 109,354 acres. Annual rent, £1,196 Is. 2d. Rate per acre, 2 |d. Resumed, 94,105 ,, ,, license, 588 3s. 2d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — The Honorable Ebenezer Vickery, M.L.C. MURGAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 294. Comprising Murgah Run. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Deniliquin ; Counties of Wakool and Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Murga Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Murga Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,270 acres. Annual rent, £124 3s. lid. Rate per acre, 4d. 1-lOth. Resumed, 8,946 ,, ,, license, 116 9s. 8d. „ per sec, £8 68. 8d. Names, of Holders — Messrs. Mack Frank, Albert Austin and Thomas Millear. MURRAY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 35 L ' Comprising Murray Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Denison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Murray Run lying to the east of tlie dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Denison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Murray Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,250 acres. Annual rent, £175 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 8d, Resumed, 6,293 ,, ,, license, 117 19s. 1 Id. ,, per section, £12. Names of Holders — Messrs. Robert and Patrick M'Farland MURRAY DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 299. Comprising Murray Downs and Willakool Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Murray Downs and Willakool Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Murray Downs and Willakool Runs lying to the west and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,472 acres. Annual rent, £283 2s. 3d. Rate per acre, 4|d. Resumed, 14,279 ,, ,, license, 118 19s. lOd. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Charles Campbell and Alfred Felton. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 307 MURRTLL CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No 412. Comprising Murril Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Narrandera and Wagga Wagga ; Counties of Bourke and Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Marril Creek Ran lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Murril Creek Run Iving to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre : the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,118 acres. Annual rent, £311 6s. lid. Rate per acre, .SJd. Resumed, 16,559 ,, „ license, 86 4s. lid. ,, per sec. , £.3 Gs. 8d. Name of Holders — Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. MURRUMBIDGERIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 655. Comprising the following Buns, viz. : — Back Mumlooran, Back Gidgenboyne, Back Breelong, New Bellemore, Ballimore, Spicer's Creek, Yarindury West, Wooro- boomi, New Geary, Rocky Station, Murrumbidgerie, Little River and Weather- waugh. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dabbo ; Counties of Lincoln and Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Spicer's Creek, Woorooboomi, Rocky Station, Murrumbidgerie, Little River and Weatherwaugh Runs, and those parts of Back Gidfjeuboyne, Back Breelong, New BfUemore, Ballimore, Yarindury West, and New Geary Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Back Mundooran Run and those parts of Back Gidgenboyne, Back Breelong, New Bellemore, Ballimore, Yarindury West and New Geary Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 118,325 acres. Annual rent, £1.'2.3'2 lis. Id. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 113,377 ,, ,, license, 708 r2s. 2d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. MURRUMBOGIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 380. Comprising Mwruviboogie Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Murrumboogie Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud Districts of Parkes and Condoublin ; Counties of Kennedy and Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Murrumboogie Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 18,225 acres. Annual rent, £75 Ss. 9d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 20,740 ,, „ license, 35 12s. lid. ,, per sec, £1 28. Od. Name of Holders— Australian Mortgage and Agency Company. 308 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central MURRULEBALE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 156. Comprising Murolebale Run. Leaskhold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Murolebale Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Murolebale Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,751 acres. Annual rent, £119 16s. 3d. Rate per acre, 5d. Resumed, 7,951 ,, „ license, 132 lis. 4d. ,, per sec, £10 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Scottish Australian Investment Company. MURRUNGUNDY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 680. Comprising Murrungindy and Goan Creek Buns, Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Goan Creek and Murrungindy Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Murrungindy and Goan Creek Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,450 acres. Annual rent, £163 lis. lid. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 20,240 ,, ,, license, 94 17s. 6d. „ per section, £3. Names of Holders — George Muuro and William Edward Wilson MYALL CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 706. Comprising Keringobeldie, Myall Creeh East, and Myall Creek West Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bingara ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Keringobeldie and Myall Creek West Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. For Resumed area of this Holding, see Myall Creek, No. 510, in the Eastern Division. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 62,066 acres. Annual rent, £517 4s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Name of Holder — Mr. William John Dangar. MYALL DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 629. Comprising Myall Downs Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Stapylton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mvall Downs Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Divisiori] NEW SOUTH WALES 309 Kesched Area. Land District of Warialda ; Counties of Stapylton and Burnett. The Grown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Myall Downs Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July. 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,266 acres. Annual rent, £102 4s. 4d. Kate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 9,092 ,, ,, license, 37 178. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 IBs. 4d, Names of Holders — Messrs. John Donald Macansh, John Windeyer, and William Thomas Cadell. MYALL PLAINS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 338. Comprising Myall Plains Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of the Myall Plains Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of the Myall Plains Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 880 acres. Annual rent, £11 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 811 „ ,, license, 11 7s. lOd. ,, per sec, £8 ISs. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John O'Brien. NANGERYBONE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 459. Comprising Wicklow, block K, and Mombill Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coudoublin ; County of Cunningham* The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mombill Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1685. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Parkes and Condoublin ; Counties of Flinders and Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Wicklow Block K Run and that part of Mombill liuu lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 38,640 acres. Annual rent, £.322 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 37,876 ,, „ license, 177 lOs. lid. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. NANGUNIA AND WARMATTA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 635. Comprising Xangunia and Warmatta Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Deuison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Warmatta Run and that part of Nan- gunia Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slat July, 1885. 310 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Eesumed Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Denison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nangunia Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,093 acres. Annual rent, £40 19s. 9d. Rate per acre, 9d. Resumed, 2,331 ,, ,, license, 58 5s. 6d. ,, per section, £16. Name of Holder — Mr, Henry Godfrey. NANIMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 593. Comprising Nanima Eun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nanima Run lying to the east of the- dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Forbes and Grenfell ; County of Forbes, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nanima Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section ai'e as follows : — Leasehold, 6,714 acres. Annual rent, £62 18s. lid. Rate per acre, 2;|d, Resumed, 2,458 ,, ,, license, 15 17s. 3d, „ per section, £4, Name of Holder — Major West. NAP NAP PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 68, Comprising Nap Nap, Nap Nap block A, Nap Nap block B, and Nap Nap block C Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay; County of Caira. The Crowa Lands within the boundaries of Nap Nap Block C Run and those parts of Nap Nap and Nap Nap Block B Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, Resumed Area. Land Districts of Hay and Balranald South ; County of Caira, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Nap Nap Block A Run, and those parts of Nap Nap and Nap Nap Block B Runs lying to the west of the dividing, line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 115,198 acres. Annual rent, £959 19s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 105,005 „ ,, license, 787 10s. 9d. ,, per sec , £4 163. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company, NARADHAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 539, Comprising Naradhan East, Nadbung, and Jimberoo Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Naradhan East, Nadbung, and Jimberoo Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th. July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 311 Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of those parts of Naradlian East, Nadbung, and Jimberoo Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11 th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per aci'e ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 97,118 acres. Annual rent, £404 1.3s. 2d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 102,136 ,, ,, license, 425 Us. 4d, ,, per sec, £2 13s 4d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. NARIAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 209. •Comprising Kalkerbitoo Back, Kalkerbitoo West, and Kalkerhitoo South Block A liuns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Kalkerbitoo Back, Kalker- bitoo West, and Kalkerbitoo South Block A Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Kalkerbitoo Back, Kalker- bitoo West, and Kalkerbitoo South Block A Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 76,001 acres. Annual rent, £475 Os. 2d. Rate per acre, IJd.' Resumed, 60,900 ,, „ license, 190 6s. 3d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders— Trust and Agency Company of Australasia. NARRAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 660. Comprising Naran Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Naran Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, oth August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Naran Run lying to tlie east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,278 acres. Annual rent, £52 6s. 4d, Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 5,700 ,, ,, license, 23 15s. Od. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales. NARRANDERA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 26. Comprising Bengamhy, Narrandarai, Watti Creek, South Stumpy Paddock, and Heifer Station Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bengamby Run and that part of Narrandarai Run lying to the west and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Narrandarai and Wagga Wagga ; Counties of Cooper and Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Watti Creek, 312 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Caitral South Stumpy Paddock, Heifer Station Runs, and that part of Narrandarai Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 28,618 acres. Annual rent, £298 2s. Id. Rate per acre, 2id. Resumed, 32,983 „ ,, license, 154 12s. 2d. ,, per section.-^S. Name of Holders — Trust and Agency Company of Australasia. NARRAWAY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 530. Comprising N arrmcay Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt* The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nai'raway Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Jvil3S 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Narraway Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,964 acres. Annual rent, £66 7s. 4d. Rate per acre, 5d. Resumed, 6,327 ,, ,, license, 49 8s. 7d. ,, per section, £5. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. NARRAWIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 678. Comprising Willary, WillaryWest, Willary East, Thuara, and Thuara West Plains. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina East ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Thuara and Thuara West Plains lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Brewarrina and Brewarrina East ;. County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Willary East and Willary West Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette^ 5th August, 1885. A part of the resumed area, lies in the Western Division. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the ai'ea, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 30,861 acres. Annual rent, £257 3s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 19,017 ,, ,, license, 118 17s. 2d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. James Sutherland Mitchell. NARROMINE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 383, Comprising Narromine, Gum Stvamp, Bogie Plains South, and Bogie Plains North Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Narromine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bogie Plains North Run and those parts of Bogie Plains South, Gum Swamp and Narromine Runslying to the north and west of the dividmg line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Narromine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bogie Plains vSouth, Gum Dim.-!ion] NEW SOUTH WALES 313 Swamp, and Narromine Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lltli July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 69,066 acres. Annual rent, £863 6s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 49,633 „ ,, license, il3 12s. 2d. ,, per sec, £5 Gs. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Frank Mack and Sydney Austin. NARROW PLAINS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 268. Comprising N^arrow Plain Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Denison. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Narrow Plain Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Corowa ; Counties of Denison and Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Narrow Plain Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,029 acres. Annual rent, £67 12s. 8d. Rate per acre, 8d. Resumed, 2,490 ,, ,, license, 62 5s. Od. ,, per section, £16. Names of Holders — Messrs. Ross and James Ramsay. NATIVE DOG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 64. Comprising Native Dog Creek Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Native Dog Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1SS5. Resumed Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Native Dog Creek Run lying to the «ast of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,694 acres. Annual rent, £63 7s. lOd. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 5,839 „ „ license. 24 6s. 7d. „ per sec, £2 l.Ss. 4d. Name of Holders— English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank. NEBEA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 93. Comprising Coonamhle Xorth, Coonamoona, Coonamoona Back, Wee Taliba, and Bnlgogar Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Coonamble North, Coonamoona, Coonamoona Back, and Wee Taliba Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1»85. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bulgogar Run and those parts of Wee Taliba, Coonamoona Back, Coonamoona, and Coonamble North Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 56,113 acres. Annual rent, £701 Ss. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 50,367 „ „ license 393 9s. lOd. „ per section, £5. Names of Holders— Messr3.Edward Keep and William Murdock Ronald. 314 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central NEINBY (UPPER) PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 236. Comprising Upper Neinhy Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; Counties of Gregory and Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Upper Neinby Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; Counties of Gregory and Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that pai't of Upper Neinby Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,797 acres. Annual rent, £81 4s. od. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 6,924 acres. ,, license, 43 5s. 6d. „ per section, £4. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. NELaOWRTE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 177. Comprising Narraivay North anti Upper Ningear Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Upper Ningear and Narraway North Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area, Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Upper Ningear and Narra- way North Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,866 acres. Annual rent, £180 10s. lid. Rate per acre, 2d, Resumed, 12,620 ,, ,, license, 105 3s. 4d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. William Channing and Marsham Elwin a'Beckett. NELUNGALOO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 726. Comprising Nelangaloo and Soutli Blowclear Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Nelangaloo Run and that part of South Blowclear Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Parkes and Forbes ; County of Ash- burnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of _ South Blowclear Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,523 acres. Annual rent, £46 Os. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 2,071 ,, ,, license, 12 18s. lid. „ per section, £4. Name of Holder's — Mercantile Bank of Sydney. NEW SOUTH WALES 315 NEVERTIRE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 447. Comprisinci Nevertirc, Boro, Back Gobahla, Cowell, Munjan, Centrebit, and Cathundril Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dulibo ; Counties of Oxley and Narro- mine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Centrelnt and Cathundril Runs and those parts of Nevenire and Cowell, Muryan Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gase^c, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Back Goljabla and Boro Runs and those parts of Cowell, Muryan, and Nevertire Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 44,892 acres. Annual rent, £607 18s. 3d. Rate per acre, S^d. Resumed, 20,841 ,, ,, license, 151 19s. 4d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. John Cassels Ryrie and John Alexander. NEW BABINDA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 316. Comprising 2^ew Bahinda liun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Babinda Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Collar East ; County of Flinders, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Bal)inda Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 26,215 acres. Annual rent, £109 4s. 7d. Rate per acre. Id, Resumed, 23,346 ,, ,, license, 60 16s. Od. ,, per sec, £1 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Union Mortgage and Agency Company of Australia. NEW BREELONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No, 389. Comprising Breelong New Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Breelong New Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Cro^vn Lands within the boundaries of that part of Breelong New Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,000 acres. Annual rent, £61 19s, 7d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 11,800 ,, ,, license, 49 3s. 4d. „ per sec, £2 133. 4d. Name of Licensee — Mr. Peter McDonald. ,, Leaseholder — Mr. Charles Mackinnon. NEW GRADGERY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 669. CompriMnf) Xew Grudfiery Bitn. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Gradgery Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. 316 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Gradgery Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,444 acres. Annual rent, £10 10s. 7d. Rate per acre. If d. Resumed, 146 ,, ,, license,! 4s. 4d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder— Mr. George Woods. ; NEW GEEALGAMBONE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 510. Comprising New Geralgambone Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Geralgambone Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Geralgambone Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July^ 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,381 acres. Annual rent, £61 13s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 5,832 ,, ,, license, 48 12s. Od. ,, per sec , £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder— Mrs. Mary Marshall. NEW KTRBAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 320. Comprising New Kirhan Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Kirban Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Kirban Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,208 acres. Annual rent, £17 12s. 4d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 1,391 ,, ,, license, 9 8s. ?d. „ per sec, £4 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Messrs. Kichard Goldsbrough and Company. NEW MY REG ALL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 223. Comprising Neiv Myregall Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar- The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Myregall Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Kksumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Myregall Kun lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, J 885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,575 acres. Annual I'ent, £95 17s. 9d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 6,615 ,, ,, license, 62 Os. 4d. ,, per section, £6. Name of Holder — Mr. James Patrick. DivisioH] NEW SOUTH WALES 317 NEW WYREGALL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 53L Comprisinfj New Wyreijall Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Diibbo and Parkes ; County of Narro- mine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Wyregall Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lith July. 1885. ' Resumed Area. Land Districts of Dubbo and Parkes ; County of Narromine. The Crown Lands Avithin the boundaries of that part of New Wyregall Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. ■ The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,000 acres. Annual rent, £45 16s. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 9,120 ,, ,, license, 38 Os. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, NOORONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 729. Comprising Wangaradgenj Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Denilicjuin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wangaradgery Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th March, 1886. Resumed .4rea. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wangaradgery Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th March, 1886. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,160 acres. Annual rent, £252 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 17,580 ,, ,, license, 201 Ss. 9d. ,, per sec, £7 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Armstrong. NORFOLK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 717. Comprising Norfolk Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Wliite. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Norfolk Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazetit, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Narrabri ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Norfolk Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual I'ent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section ai-e as follows : — Leasehold, 18,200 acres. Annual rent, £113 1.5s. Od. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 17,700 ,, ,, license, 55 6s. 3d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder— Mr. David Grover. NORTH GOONAMBIL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 238. Comprising North Goonambil Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; (bounty of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of North Goonambil Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 318 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ce7itral Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of North Goonambil Run lying to the west of the dividing line,as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,384 acres. Annual rent, £159 12s. Od. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 4,880 ,, ,, license, 71 3s. 4d. ,, per sec, £9 6s. Sd. Name of Holders — Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. NORTH GOGELDERIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 110. Comprising North Gogeldrie Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of North Gogeldrie Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Disti-ict of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of North Gogeldrie Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,492 acres. Annual rent, £70 4s. 9d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 6,083 ,, ,, license, 28 8s. 5d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. NORTH-EAST MANGOPLAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 453. Comprising North-East Mangoplar Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boixndaries of that part of North-East Mangoplar Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of North-East Mangoplar Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,871 acres. Annual rent, £35 17s. 9d. Rate per acre, 3d, Resumed, 3,348 ,, ,, license, 17 8s. 9d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. Sd. Name of Holder — Mr. John Cox. NORTH JUNEE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 662. Comprising Junee North Rzm. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Junee North Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Junee North Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,802 acres. Annual rent, £63 7s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 1,650 ,, „ license, 13 15s. Od. „ per sec, £5 6s, 8d. Name of Holders — Union Bank of Australia. Biviswn] NEW SOUTH WALE*^ 319 NORTH MALONGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 70. Compriiing North Malonga Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Xorth Malonga Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of North Malonga Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,500 acres. Annual rent, £116 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, Id. 3-5th. Resumed, 17,900 „ ,, license, 74 lis. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. NORTH WAKOOL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 354. Comprising Wakool Creek Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wakool Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; Counties of Wakool and Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wakool Creek Run lying to the east of the di\iding line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,605 acres. Annual rent, £37 19s. lOd. Rate per acre, 8d, Resumed, 1,041 ,, ,, license, 11 7s. 9d. ,, per section, £7. Name of Licensee — Mr. James Alfred Cochran. ,, Leaseholder- Mr. J. Murch. NORTH YANCO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. U2. Comprising East Gogeldrie and Yanco Hiuis. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Cro-i^Ti Lands within the boundaries of East Gogeldrie and that part of Yanco Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yanco Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leaseliold, 26,100 acres. Annual rent, £435 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 12,852 ,, „ license, 133 17s. 6d. ,, per sec, £6 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. James Heniy Douglas. NORTH YATHONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 163. Comprising Xorth Yathong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands withm the boundaries of that part of North Yathong Rim lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, 1885. 320 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Cejitral Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of North Yathong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,318 acres. Annual rent, £.38 12s. 8d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 2,594 ,, ,, license, 21 12s. 4d. ,, per sec. , £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. NOWERONIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 673. Comjirising Noiveronine and Billahong Forest A Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Noweronie Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Billabong Forest A Run and that part of Nowe- ronie Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 18,060 acres. Annual rent, £376 5s. Od. Rate per acre, 5d. Resumed, 18,892 ,, ,, license, 316 7s. 4d. ,, per sec, £10 13s. 4d. Name of Licensee — Mr. George Ferguson Simpson. ,, Leaseholders — Messrs. George Napier Turner and John Spence. NOWLEY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 244. Comprising West Noiuley, East Noicley, Yarranbar, and Long Point East Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Jamison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of West Nowley Run and those parts of East Nowley and Long Point East Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Nai'rabri ; County of Jamison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Yarranbar Run and those parts of East Nowley and Long Point East Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,082 acres. Annual rent, £309 12s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. 7-lOths. Resumed, 16,822 ,, „ . license, 140 3s. 8d. „ per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — The Hon. Ebenezer Vickery, M.L.C. NYANG PASTOR A.L HOLDING, No. lOS. Go7nprising Baalpool and Nyang Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Baalpool Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885 NEW SOUTH WALES 321 Resttmed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Nyang Run lying to the west of the divid- ing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 39,068 acres. Annual rent, £602 6s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. T-lOths. Resumed, 28,993 „ ,, license, 362 8s. 3d. ,, per sec, £8. Names of Holders — Messrs, Neil Clark Turner, David Jones, and Arthur Ranken Blackwood. NYINGAY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 43. Comprising Nyingay and Bald Hill Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boimdaries of Bald Hill Run and that part of Nyingay Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nyingay Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,441 acres. Annual rent, £80 10s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 3,734 ,, ,, license, 37 6s. lOd. ,, per sec, £6 8s. Od. Names of Holders— Messrs. Patrick B. Curtain and Michael F. Curtain. NYNGAN EAST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 145. Comprisiing Nyngan East Hun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxlcy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nyngan East Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Oxley. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Nyngan East Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leaseliold, 5,200 acres. Annual rent, £65 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 2,864 „ „ license, 26 Ivs. Od. „ per sec, £6. Name of Holders— Australian Joint Stock Bank. OAKEY CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 194. Comprising Oaky Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Oaky ('reek Run lying to the east of the dividuig line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Oaky Creek Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,880 acres. Annual rent, £24 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 2d Resumed, 2,091 „ „ license, 10 17s. lOd. „ per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder— Mr. James Mair Alison. M 322 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central OBELLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 709. Comprising Obella and Chain of Ponds Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundai-ies of Chain of Ponds Run and that part of Obella Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. For Resumed Area, see Obella, No. 513, in the Eastern Division. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 33,736 acres. Annual rent, £281 2s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Name of Holder — Mr. Silas Harding. OBERNE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 707. Comprising Oberne, Bago, and Courahyra Runs. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Oberne Run lying to the north- west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. For Resumed Area of this Holding, see Oberne, No. 511, in the Eastern Division. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold 24,737 acres. Annual rent, £257 13s. 7d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Names of Holders— Messrs. Edward Ashcroft and Charles Darby Bardwell. O'BRIEN'S CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 346. Comprising O'Brien's Creek Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of O'Brien's Creek Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Wynyard. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of O'Brien's Creek Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,039 acres. Annual rent, £87 15s. 9d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 7,991 „ ,, license, 29 2s. 8d. „ per sec , £2 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. George Wilson. OLD BIAMBLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 522. Comprising Old Biamble Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands withm the boundaries of Old Biamble lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Old Biamble Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,880 acres. Annual rent, £50 3s. 4d. Rate per acre. If d. Resumed, 7,024 „ ,, license, 32 18s. 6d. ,, per sec, £3. Name of Holders - -Bank of New South Wales. division] NEW SOUTH WALES 323 OLD HARBOUR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 400. Comprising Old Harbour Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The €ro\vn Lands within the boundaries of that part of Old Harbour Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, 11th July, 1S85. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; Counties of Ewenmar and Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Old Harbour Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July. 1885.- ' The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,440 acres. Annual rent, £29 10s. Od. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 9,900 ,, ,, license, 41 5s. Od. ,, per sec, £2 I'Sa. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of Ne^v Zealand. OOMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 489. Comprising Onia Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands ^vithin the boundaries of that part of Oma Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Oma Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Tlie area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,602 acres. Annual rent, £65 19s. lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. 1- 12th. Resumed, 5,310 ,, ,, license, 20 2s 6d. ,, per sec, £2 13s 4d. N arae of Holder — Mr. Andrew Hinchcliff. OPPOSITE COONAMBLE or EURAMIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 426. Comprising Opposite Ooonamble Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coouamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Opposite Coonamble Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Opposite Coonamble Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,706 acres. Annual rent, £108 16s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 4,854 „ „ license, 30 6s. 9d. „ per section, £4. Name of Holders— Messrs. Mark Herrmann and Vivian Cox OPPOSITE DERRIBONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 613. Comprising Opposite Den-ybong Etm. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Opposite Derrybong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. M 2 324 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Akea. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Opposite Derrybong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,267 acres. Annual rent, £71 16s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 6,301 ,, ,, license, 39 7s. 8d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. George Gordon, sen. ORANGE PLAINS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 226. Comprising Jumble Plains A, Jumble Plains F, Wickloiv block D, and Back Tabra- tong West Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Back Tabratong West Run and those parts of Jumble Plains A and Wicklow block D Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885 Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; Counties of Flinders and Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Jumble Plains F Run and those parts of Wicklow block D and Jumble Plains A Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 110,180 acres. Annual rent, £803 7s. lid. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 106,660 ,, „ license, 444 8s 4d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. Pat Hill Osborne. OREEL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 251. Comprising Back Merriicymbone, Back Sozith Oreel, Merriwymbone, , South Oreel, No7~th Oreel, Pokataroo, Behind Pokataroo Runs. Leasehold Akea. Land Districts of \Valgett and Narrabri ; Counties of Denham and Jamison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of South Oreel, Back South Oi-eel, and Back Merriwymbone Runs, and those parts of North Oreel, Merriwymbone, and Pokataroo Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Walgett and Moree ; Counties of Benarl^a and Denham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Behind Pokataroo Run and those parts of Pokataroo, Merri^vymbone, and North Oreel Runs lying to the north and west of the dividmg line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 148,930 acres. Annual rent, £1,551 7s. Id. Rate per acre, 24d. Resumed, 133,486 ,, „ license, 856 17s. lOd. ,, per sec, £4 2s. 2d. Names of Holders — Messrs. John Walsh and Thomas Elliot. OREGON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 30. Comprising Oregon Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Warialdi ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Oregon Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 325 Resumed Area. Land District of Warialcla ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Oregon Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,595 acres. Annual rent, £162 9s. Od. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 17,009 „ „ license, 88 lis, lOd. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mrs. Ann McMillan. OURA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 557. Comprising Oura Bun. Leaseuold Akea. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Oura Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Clarendon. The Crown Lands within the l)oundaries of that pai't of Oura Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,970 aci-es. Annual rent, £49 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 2,265 ,, „ license, '28 6s. 3d. ,, per sec, £8. Name of Leaseholders — The Union Bank of Australia. ,, Licensee — Mr. John Franklin M 'Mullen. OXLEY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 217. Comprising West Thelaugering Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; (^'ounty of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Thelangering Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Thelangering Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 27,529 acres. Annual rent, £344 2s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 26,037 ,, „ license, 260 7s. 5d. ,, per section, £6 8s. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. PALISTHON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 499. Comprising Palisthan No. 2 Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Palisthan No. 2 Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Condoublin; County of Cunningham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Palistiian No. 2 Run lying to the west of the di\ading line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 31,700 acres. Annual rent, £264 3s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 41,000 ,, „ license, 192 3s. 9d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders— Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. 326 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central FALLAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 387. Comprising Fallal Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bingera ; Coimty of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Pallal Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lltTi July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bingara ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Pallal Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 40,857 acres. Annual rent, £383 Os. 9d, Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 39,231 ,, ,, license, 163 9s. 3d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Anton Tange and Henry Light Cousins. PANJEE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 175. Comprising Babinda, Babinda North, Hermitage Plains Block A 1, Hermitage Block Z Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Hermitage Plains block A 1 Run and of that part of Babinda Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Hermitage Plains block Z, Babinda North Runs, and of that part of Babinda Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1.35,104 acres. Annual rent, £562 18s. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 138,077 ,, ,, license, 359 lis. 6d. „ per sec, £1 13s. 4d. Name of Leaseholder — Mr. Thomas Walker. ,, Licensee — Trust and Agency Company of Australasia. PARMIDMAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 399. Comprising Wingidgen and Parmidman Runs. Leasehold Area. I^and Disti'ict of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Parmidman Run lying to the south- west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Wingidgen Run lying to the north- east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 26,082 acres. Annual rent, £326 Os, 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 26,200 ,, ,, license, 218 6s. Sd. ,, per sec, £5 6s 8d. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. PERRICOOTA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 343. Comprising Perricoota, Tooringahby or Long Sivamp, and Tattaila Runs. Leasehold Area. Land IJistrict of Deniliquin ; County of Cad ell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Pericoota and Tattaila Runs and that part of Tooringabby or Long Swamp Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. JPivision] NEW SOUTH WALES 327 ■Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquiu ; County of Cadell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of tliat part of Tooringabby or Long Swamp Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, 11th July, 1885. The ai'ea, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 18,223 acres. Annual rent, £569 9s. 5d. Rate per acre, TJd. Resumed, 25,055 ,, ,, license, 417 lis. 8d. „ per sec, £10 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Alexander William Robertson and John Wagaer. PETER DUFFITY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 22. Comprising Peter Duffity and Back Bibhegihbery Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Peter Duffity and Back Bibbe- gibbery Runs lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gaztlee, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Peter Duffity and Back Bibbe- gibbery Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazet'e, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section ai'e as follows : — Leasehold, 14,556 acres. Annual rent, £197 2s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 13,110 ,, ,, license, 122 I8s. 2d. ,, per sec, £(i. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. PEVENSEY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 72. Comprising Pevensey and Pevensey Back Rum. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Pevensey and Pevensey Back Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Pevensey and Pevensey Back Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 40,748 acres. Annual rent, £509 7s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 6,538 „ „ license, 62 13s. Id. ,, per sec, £6 2s. Sd. Names of Holders— Mrs. Victoria Alexandriua Chambers and Mr. Frederick Race Godfrey. PIEDMONT PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 722. Comprisinrj Piedmont Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bingara ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Piedmont Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. 328 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [C<:)itral Resumed Area. Land District of Bingara ; County of Murchison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Piedmont Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 25,440 acres. Annual rent, £212 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 25,880 ,, ,, license, 107 16s. 8d. ,, per sec. £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Daniel Capel. PIER PIER PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 352. Comprising Pier Pier Bun, Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Pier Pier Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Pier Pier Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,560 acres. Annual rent, £85 8s. 4d. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 5,840 ,, ,, license, 45 12s. 6d. „ per section, £5. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. PILLIGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 472. Comprising Piliga, Berryabar South, Milchomi, Milchomi Back No. 1, Wangen 2^orth, and Wanibadule Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Berryabar South, and Milchomi Back No. 1 Runs, and those parts of Milchomi, Piliga, Wangen North, and Waniba- dule Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Piliga, Wangen North, Wambadule and Milchomi Runs lying to the east of the di\'icling line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 51,337 acres. Annual rent, £427 16s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 61,554 ,, ,, license, 256 9s. 6d. ,, per sec, £2 133. 4d. Name of Holder — The Hon. Jeremiah Brice Rundle, M.L.C. PINE RIDGE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 328. ^Comprising Lagoons (Talhragar) and Narangarie Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonabarrabran and Dubbo ; Counties of Napier and Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boimdaries of Narangarie Run and that part of Lagoons (Talbragar) Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Divkion] NEW SOUTH WALES 329 Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Lagoons (Talbragar) Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,390 acres. Annual rent £86 lis. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 9,250 ,, ,, license, 43 7s. 2d. „ per section, £3. Name of Holder — The Hon. George Henry Cox, M.L.C. PINNACLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 727. Comprising Pinnacle and Maudry Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Forbes and Grenfell ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Pinnacle and Maudry Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. Resusted Area. Land Districts of Forbes and (irenfell ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Pinnacle and Maudry Runs lying to the west and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : Leasehold, 16,913 acres. Annual rent, £105 14s. 2d. Rate per acre, Ud. Resumed, 15,275 ,, ,, license, 47 14s. 8d. ,, per sec, £2. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. POLLY BREWAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 57. Comprising Polly Breioang, Back Polly Brewang, Colomy, nnd Carwell No. 3 Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Leichhardt. The Cro>vn Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Colomy and Carwell No. 3 Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 Ith July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of those parts of Polly Brewang, Back Polly Brewang, Colomy and Carwell No. 3 Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 33,093 acres Annual rent, £206 163. 8d. Rate per acre, 1 Jd. Resumed, 32,64) „ ,, license, 119 Os. Od. „ per sec. , £2 6s. 8d, Name of Holder — Mr Dimcau McMaster. POMINGALARNA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 176. Comprising Collingully and Uranguinty Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Collingully and Uran- guinty Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gaz-tte, 11th July, 1885. 330 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of CoUingully and Uran- guinty Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9,980 acres. Annual rent, £332 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 8d. Resumed, 7,491 ,, ,, license, 187 5s. 6d. ,, per section, £16. Name of Leaseholders — Union Bank of Australia. ,, Licensees — Messrs. Angus Mackay and David Copland. POON BOON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 4, Comprising the Poon Boon and Mooruma Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mooruma Run and that part of Poon Boon Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Poon Boon Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 51,725 acres. Annual rent, £172 8s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4-5ths d. Resumed, 53,069 ■,, ,, license, 331 13s. 8d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. PORTADOWN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 720. Comprising Portadown Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonabarrabran ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Portadown Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; Counties of Baradine and White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Portadown Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5, .300 acres. Annual rent, £33 2s. 6d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 5,300 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. William Hodges. PUCKAWIDGEE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 39. Comprising Puckaiwidgee, Billahong Back Block, Coonargo Block B South, and Coonargo Block D Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Hay and Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Puckaiwidgee and Eillybong Back Block Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as noti- fied in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 331 Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of TowTisenrl. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Coonai-go Block B South and Coonargo Block D Runs lying to the nortli-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,765 acres. Annual rent, £262 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 13,945 ,, ,, license, 20.3 7s. 4d. ,, per sec, £9 6s. 8d. Names of Holders— Messrs. George Currie, John McKinnon, and Thomas Shaw. PULLANMING PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 334. Comprising Pullaming Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; Counties of Pottinger and Buckland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Pulla- ming Rurr lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of (4unnedah ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that par-t of Pullaming Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold 17,490 acres. Annual rent, £154 17s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 23,225 ,, ,, license, 96 15s. od. ,, per sec, £2 13s 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Browne. PULLINGAWARINA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 318. Comprising Pnllingarwarina, Molle, and Marthagmj or Woran Waterhole Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Marthaguy or Woran Waterhole Run, and that part of Pullingarwar-ina Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonaml)le ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Molle Run and that part of PuUingar- warina Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 26,400 acres. Annual rent, £330 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 25,600 ,, „ license, 213 6s. 8d. „ per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. PULLITOP PASTORAL HOLDING, No. G58. Comprising PuUitop Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; Counties of Mitchell and Goulburn The Crown Lairds within the boundaries of that pai-t of PuUitop Run lying to the west and south of the dividiirg line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. 332 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ce7itral Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; Counties of Mitchell and Wynyard. The Crown Lands Avithin the boundaries of that part of Pullitop Run lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,640 acres. Anni;al rent, £138 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 15,810 ,, „ license, 65 17s. 6d. ,, per sec. , £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Edmund Wright Westby. QUABOTHOO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 366. Comprising Guabothoo JVo. 2, Geralambone, Turriqaa Swamp, Tara, Bach Carahear Mock B, and Gungalman East Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Walgett ; Counties of Leichhardt and Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Turrigaa Swamp, Back Carabear block B, and Gungalman East Runs, and that pai-t of Tara Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and \Valgett ; Counties of Gregory and Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Guabothoo No. 2, and Geralambone Runs, and that part of Tara Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Jiily, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 42,133 acres. Annual rent, £526 1.3s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 44,100 ,, ,, license, 321 lis. 3d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. QUAMBONE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 129. Comprising Quanibone, Guabothoo, and Molle Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Walgett and Coonamble ; Counties of Clyde and Gregoiy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Guabothoo Run that part of Quambone Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud Districts of Walgett and Coonamble ; Counties of Clyde and Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Molle Run and that part of Quambone Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19, 170 acres. Annual rent, £159 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 19,640 ,, ,, license, 102 5s. lOd. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. QUAMBONE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 161. Comprising Ningear East, Ningear West, Carabear, Back Carabear block A, The Beabone Waterhole, and Narahone Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; Counties of Gregory and Leichhardt The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Ningear East, Ningear West, and The Beabone Waterhole Runs, and those parts of Carabear, and Back Carabear block A Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 333 Eesumed Arka. Land District of Coonamble ; Counties of GreKory and Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Narabone Run, and those parts of Carabear, and Back Carabear block A Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 51,773 acres. Annual rent, £674 '2s. 7d. Rate per acre, 3Jd. Resumed, 54,460 „ „ license, 425 9s. 5d. ,, per section, £5. Name of Holders — Trust and Agency Company of Australasia. QUANDARY NORTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 440. Comprising Qxiavdary Xorth Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Quandary North Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga \Vagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Quandary North Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Julj', 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,060 acres. Annual rent, £37 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, \hd. Resumed, 1,860 ,, ,, license, 5 ICs. 3d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. David Alexander. QUANDARY SOUTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 590. Comprising Quandary South Hun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Quondaiy South Run lying to the west and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Quondaiy South Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,550 acres. Annual rent, £28 8s. 9d. Rate per acre, Ud. Resumed, 5,800 „ ,, license, 18 2s. 6d. „ per section, £2 Name of Holder — Mr. George Harmon. QUAT QUATTA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 583. Comprising Qnat Quatta Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Quat Quatta Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazttte, Uth July, 1885. REsr>'ED Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Hume. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Quat Quatta Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,800 acres. Annual rent, £105 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 9d. Resumed, 1,720 „ „ license, 43 Os. Od. ., per section, £2. Name of Holder— Mr. John Alston Wallace. 334 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Dentrat QUEENSBOROUGH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 312. Comprising Queemhorough Flats and Black Stiimj} Huns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Queensborough Flats and Black Stump Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Queensborough Flats and Black Stump Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 23,624 acres. Annual rent, £159 19s. Id. Rate per acre, Igd. Resumed, 23,073 ,, ,, license, 96 2s. 9d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. QUIAMONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 526. Comprising Quiamong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands v ithin the boundaries of that part of Quiamong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lltli July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Quiamong Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,270 acres. Annual rent, £61 6s. 3d. Rate per acre, 4id. Resumed, 2,452 ,, ,, license, 45 19s. 6d. „ per section, £12. Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. QUILBONE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 245. Comprising Quilhone, Upper Junction, and Upper Qiiilbone Euns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; Counties of Clyde and Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Quilbone and Upper Quilbone Runs, and that part of Upper Junction Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Upper Junction Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,857 acres. Annual rent, £165 9s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 16,375 ,, ,. license 76 15s. 2d. ,, per section, £3. Names of Holders — Messrs. Michael, Patrick, and Bernai'd Veech. QUONMOONA or GEANMONEY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 428. Comprising Quonmoona Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Quonmoona Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 335 Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Quonmoona Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,225 acres. Annual rent, £67 14s. Sd. Rate per acre, 2id. Resumed, 7,961 ,, „ license, 41 9s. 3d. ,, per sec, £3 68 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Mark Herrmann and Vivian Cox. RINGWOOD PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 369. Comprising Sandy Bidges and Dry Forest Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Corowa ; Counties of Hume and Denison. The Crown Lands withiia the boundaries of those parts of Sandy Ridges and Dry Forest Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Corowa ; Counties of Hume aniinia, and Como Euns lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 23,759 acres. Annual rent, £296 193. 9d, Eate per acre, 3d. Eesumed, 14,736 „ ,, license, 92 2s. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder— Mrs. Edith Wadge. WALLANBILLAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 6U. Comprising Wallenbillen and Coivell Euns, Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Wallenbillen and Cowell Kuns lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resciied Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Wallenbillen and Cowell Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slst July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,02.3 acres. Annual rent, £200 5s. 9d. Eate per acre, 3d. Eesumed, 16,237 ,, ,, license, 101 9s. 8d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. WALLANDOON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 692. Comprising Wallandule Hun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; Counties of Urana, Hume, and Mitchell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wallandule Eun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Eesumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wallandule Eun lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, -±,194 acres. Annual rent, £69 18s. Od. Eate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 2,782 ,, „ license, 28 19s. 7d. „ per sec, £6 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Sutcliffe Horsfall. WALLANGRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 691. Comprising Wallangra and Eena Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Arrawatta. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Eena and Wallangra Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Eesumed Area. Land Districts of Warialda and Inverell ; County of Arrawatta. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Eena and Wallangra Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Part of this area is in the Eastern Division. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 53,201 acres. Annual rent, £665 Os. 3d. Eate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 58,816 ,, ,, license, 367 128. Od. „ per section, £4. Names of Holders — Messrs, William James Russell and John Richard Black. 366 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central; WALLENANINE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 607. Comprising Wallenani, New Wallenani, and Carlingoingoing Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of New Wallenani Run and that part of Carlingoingoing Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gowen, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Wallenani Run and that part of Carlingoingoing Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 25,440 acres. Annual rent, £106. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 24,680 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Edward Maguire. WAMBANGALANG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 600. Comprising Wamhanglang, Cullenhurraioang, and Walaba Buns, Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; Counties of Narromine and' Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cullenburra- wang and Wambanglang Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; Counties of Narromine and Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Walaba Run and those parts of CuUen- burrawang and Wambanglang Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows ; — Leasehold, 58,510 acres. Annual rent, £609 9s. 7d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 56,925 „ ,, license, 296 9s. Sd. „ per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders— Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. WANDAO WONDONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 710. Comprising Wandoo Wandong Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gordon. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wandoo Wandong Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. For resumed area of this holding see Wandao Wondong, No. 514, Eastern Division. The annual rent and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 34,769 acres. Annual rent, £289 14s. lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Strahorn. WANDARY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 2L \ Comprising EnocTcs Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown- Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Enock's Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. DivisioJi] NEW SOUTH WALES 367 Eesumed Aeea. Land District of Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Enock's Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,300 acres. Annual rent, £77 ISs. 9d. Rate per acre, 4d. 7-20th. Resumed, 3,162 ,, ,, license, 19 15s. 3d, ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders -English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank. WANG AMONG PLAINS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 104. Comprising Wangamong Plains Run. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Corowa ; County of Denison. The ■Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Wangamong Plains Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Corowa ; County of Denison. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wangamong Plains Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,919 acres. Annual rent, £63 19s. 4d. Rate per acre, 8d. Resumed, 2,256 „ „ license, 47 Os. Od. ,, per sec, £13 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Mildred Sanger. WANGANELLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 695. Comprising V^anganella South, Conargo South, and Red Plain Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deuiliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Red Plain Run and that part of Wauganella South Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Conargo South Run and that part of Wanganella South Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,240 acres. Annual rent, £163 IBs. 4d. Rate per acre, 3id. Eesumed, 7,705 ,, ,, license, SO 5s. 3d. ,, per sec, £6 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Albert Austin, and Thomas Millear. WANGEN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 370. Comprising Bullnlici, Wangen, Wangen Bade, and Erinbri Rmis. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bullulwi, and those parts of Wangen and Wangen Back Runs lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in ■Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of Barradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Erinbri, and those parts of Wangen and Wangen Back Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 66,887 acres. Annual rent, £167 4s. 4d. Rate per acre, 3-5th d. Resumed, 66,754 ,, ,, license, 208 12s. 2d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mrs. Catherine Mackenzie. 368 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Centrai WANGREWALLY PASTORAL HOLDING No. 533. Comprising West Kidgar, East Kidgar, Back Kidgar, and Outer Back Kidgar Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Back Kidgar and Outer Back Kidgar Runs, and those parts of West Kidgar and East Kidgar Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of East Kidgar and West Kidgar Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 21,170 acres. Annual rent, £143 6s. 9d. Rate per acre, Igd. Resumed, 21,096 ,, ,, license, 93 7s. lid. ,, per sec, £2 16s. 8d. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. WARBRECCAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 37L Comjmsing Warhreccan Etm. Leasehold Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Warbreccan Eun lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Warbreccan Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,626 a3res. Annual rent, £98 4s. Id. Rate per acre, Q^d. Resumed, 2,390 ,, ,, license, 52 5s. 8d. ,, per section, £14. Names of Holders — Messrs. John Shanahan & Sir Patrick Alfred Jennings. WARDRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 269. Comprising Wardry Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wardry Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Gipps. The CroM^n Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wardry Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,437 acres. Annual rent, £129 lis. Id. Rate per acre, 2kl. Resumed, 9,040 „ ,, license, 37 13s. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. WARGAM PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 90. Comprising Wirkenhergel A and Wirhenhergel B Runs. IjEAsehold Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Wirkenbergal A and Wirkenbergal B Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 369 Resumed Akea. Land District of Hay ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Wirkenbergal A and Wirkenbergal B Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and I'ate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,460 acres. Annual rent, £162 13s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. 7-lOth. Resumed, 9,770 ,, ,, license, 89 lis. 2d. ,, per sec,, £5 17s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert Henry Woodward. WARGAMBEGAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 111. \ Comprising Wargambegal Rim. \ Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Hillston and Condoublin ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of the Wargam- begal Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. . Resumed Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wargambegal Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,750 acres. Annual rent, £53 2s. 6d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 13,000 ,, ,, license, 20 6s. 3d, ,, per section, £1. Name of Holdei-s — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. WARRABERRY AND ST. GILES' PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 240. Comprising Warrahcrry and St. Giles' Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Warraberry and St. Giles' Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Warraberry and St. Giles' Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,400 acres. Annual rent, £18 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 3-5th d. Resumed, 7,200 ,, ,, license, 6 15s. Od. ,, per section, 12s. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. WARRAGAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 138. Comprising Joney Good Morning's Yard mid Gidginhilla North Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Walgett ; County of Leichhai-dt. The C'rown Lands within the boundai-ies of Gidginbilla IS'orth Run lying to the south of the dividing line as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Joney Good Morning's Yard Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,915 acres. Annual rent, £124 2s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Resumed, 14,000 ,, ,, license, 87 10s. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. 370 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central WARRANA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 605. Comprising Wart-ana, Koonamhil, Mooramhilla, Moolamhong, Yoolandry, Yoolandry East, and Magometon Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt, The CrowTi Lands within the boundaries of Magometan Run, and those parts of Koonambil, Warrana, Moorambilla, and Moolambong Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Yoolandiy and Yoolandry East Runs, and those parts of Koonambil, Warrana, Moorambilla, and Moolambong Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 44,664 acres Annual rent, £511 15s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2fd. Resumed, 34,796 „ ,. license, 253 14s. 5d. „ per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Joseph M'Gaw. { WARRAN DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 253. Co7nprising Borgara, Back Warren, Warran Creek No. 1, Warran Creek No. 2, Werrihiddee, and Warr'an Downs Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett ; Counties of Clyde and Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Warran Downs, Warran Creek No. 2, and Werribiddee Runs, and those parts of Warran Creek No. 1 and Back Warran Runs, lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; Counties of Clyde and Leich- hardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Borgara Run and those parts of Warran Creek No. 1 and Back Warran Runs, lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 42,834 acres. Annual rent, £290 Os. 5d. Rate per acre, Igd. Resumed, 35,776 ,, „ license, 149 Is. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Robert George Higgins. WARREE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 492. Comprising Warree Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; Counties of Ewenmar and Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Warree Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Warree Run' lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 7,185 acres. Annual rent, £97 5s. lid. Rate per acre, 3:id. Resumed, 6,600 „ „ license, 48 2s, 6d. „ per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Leaseholders — Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. ,, Licensee — Mr. John Lamrock. IHvision] NEW SOUTH WALES 371 WARREGAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 45L Comjmsing Warrigal Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Warrigal Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Forbes and Parkes ; County of Ashburn- ham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Warrigal Run lying to the east of the dividing lino, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,265 acres. Annual rent, £46 18s. 9d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 10,900 „ „ license, 22 14s. 2d. ,, per sec, £1 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Mercantile Bank of Sydney. WARROO PASTORAL HOLDING, No, 181. Comprising IVaroo, Wilbetroy, and Moora Moora Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Waroo and Wilbetroy Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of ^loora Moora Run, and those parts of Waroo and Wilbetroy Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,601 acres. Annual rent, £235 8s. 7d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 8,320 „ ,, license, 52 Os. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr, Charles Macphillamy. WARROWRIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 168. Comprising Warrowrie Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Warrowrie Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Warrowrie Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 2,081 acres. Annual rent, £21 13s. 7d. Rate per acre. 2^d. Resumed, 1,081 ,, ,, license, 5 Is. 4d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder— The Hon. William Henry Suttor, M.L.C. WARRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 119. Comprising Warry Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Warry Run lying to the soutli of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 372 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area, Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Warry Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,619 acres. Annual rent, £143 13s. Od. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 11,150 ,, ,, license, 139 7s. 6d. „ per sec, £8. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander McMillan. WARWILLAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 688. Comprising Wanganella block B and Wanganella block D Buns. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Hay ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wanganella block D Run and that part of Wanganella block B Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wanganella block B Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in the Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,616 acres. Annual rent, £132 14s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 10,059 ,, ,, license, 100 lis. lOd. ,, per sec, £6 8s. Od. Name of Holder— The Hon. William Campbell, M.L.C. WATERLOO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 26L Comprising Waterloo Plains and WaUcnbiling Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Narromine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Wallenbiling and Waterloo Plains Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lltb July, 1885. Resumed Aeea. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Narromine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Wallenbiling and Waterloo Plains Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,572 acres. Annual rent, £212 10s. 2d. Rate per acre, 3|d. Resumed, 10,518 „ „ license, 82 3s. 6d. „ per section, £5. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. WATHAGAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 62L Comprising WatJiagar and Wathagar No. 2 Runs. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Moree ; County of Courallie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Wathagar and Wathagar No. 2 Bans lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Courallie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Wathagar and Wathagar No. 2 Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,578 acres. Annual rent, £69 14s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 1,864 „ „ license, 15 10s. 8d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder— The Hon. Henry Moses, M.L.C. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 373 WEEBOLLABOLLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 80. Comprising Weehollahollah and BuUerue Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Courallie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Weebollabollah aud Bullerue Runs lying to the east of the dividing Hne, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Courallie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Weebollabollah and Bullerue Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,872 acres. Annual rent, £185 IBs. Od. Eateper acre, 3d. Resumed, 6,255 ,, ,, license, 52 2s. 6d. „ per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. WEELAH OR GRADGERY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 94. Comprising Weelah or Gradgery Rwi. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Weelah or Gradgery Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Weelah or Gradgery Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1835. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,685 acres. Annual rent, £133 lis. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 9,560 „ ,, license, 89 12s. 6d. ,, per section, £6. Names of Holders— Mrs. Jane Wild and Mr. George Woods. WEELONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 65. Comprising Weelong and the Battery Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; Counties of Forbes and Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Weelong and the Battery Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes ; Counties of Forbes and Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Weelong and the Battery Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 19,652 acres. Annual rent, £129 133. Od. Rate per acre. Id. 7-12th. Resumed, 7,268 ,, ,, hcense, 22 14s. 3d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr William Oswald Gilchrist. WEEMABAH PASTORAL HOLDING No. 248. Comprising Back Willydah and Temoin, Temoin, Triangi and Gowan, Weemohaa, Willydah and Temoin Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Narromine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Willydah and Temoin Run and those parts of Back Willydah and Temoin, Temoin, Triangi aud Gowan, and Weemcbaa Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1S85. 374 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Narromine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Back Willydah and Temoin, Temoin, Triangi and Gowan, and Weemobaa Runs lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, IS85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 69,853 acres. Annual rent, £1,018 13s. lOd. Rate per acre, 34d. Resumed, 17,008 ,, „ license 177 3s. 3d. ,, per sec, £6 13s.4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Cassels Eyrie. WEETALIBA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 8. Comprising Ulinda Creek, Neebell and Weetalibar Buns. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Weetalibar and those parts of Neebell and Ulinda Creek Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Napier. The Crown Lands within those parts of Neebel and Ulinda Creek Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 24,771 acres. Annual rent, £77 8s. 2d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 28,214 ,, ,, license, 73 9s. 6d. ,, per sec, £ I 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. John McMaster. WEE WAA SOUTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 392. Comprising Wee Waa south side of Namoi Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrabri ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wee Waa south side of Namoi Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narribri ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wee Waa south side of Namoi Run lying to the west of the dividiug line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 34,180 acres. Annual rent, £284 163. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 34,443 „ ,, license, 161 9s. Od. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — English, Scottish and Australian Chartered Bank. WELBENDUNGAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 107. Comprising Coubal, Cunnycuddelong, Winslow, Cowmerton, Walbundunga, Brigaloio North and Brigaloio Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Coubal, Cunnycuddelong, Brigalow, Brigalow North and Walbundunga Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 375 Eesumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cowmerton and Wiuslow Runs and those parts of Coubal, Cunnycuddelong, Walbnndunga, Brigalow and North Brigalow Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 49,874 acres. Annual rent, £62.3 8s. 6d. Eate per acre, 3d. Eesumed, 47,740 ,, ,, license, 298 7s. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Parnell. WELBON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 317. Comprising Welbon, Welhon Back Block No. 1, Carreucnga, Carreuenga North, Carreucnga East, and Croppa Creek Back Block Jiuns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Stapylton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Welbon Back IJlock No. 1, and Carreunga North Runs and those parts of Welbon, Carreunga, and Ca^-reunga East Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Moree and Warialda ; County of Stapyl- ton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Croppa Creek Back Block Run and those parts of Welbou, Carreunga, and Carreunga East Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 129,838 acres. Annual rent, £1,622 19s. 6d. Eate per acre, 3d. Eesumed, 116,289 „ ,, license, 847 18s. lOd. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Leaseholders — Bank of New South Wales. ,, Licensees — Hon. Charles Stanley Viscount Monck and John Ramsay L'Amy. WENTWORTH GULLY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 289. Comprising Wentivorth Gully Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Weutworth Gully Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Grenfell ; Counties of Bland and Monteagle. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wentworth Gully Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 21,973 acres. Annual rent, £160 4s. 5d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 24,695 ,, „ license 102 17s. lid. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Nowlan. WERAI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 282. Comprising Werai and Cochran Buns, Leasehold Area. Land District of Deuiliquin ; Counties of Towusend and Wakool. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of those parts of Werai and Cochran Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 376 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area. Land District of Deniliquin ; Counties of Townsend and Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Werai and Cochran Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 17,116 acres. Annual rent, £285 5s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 15,681 ,, ,, license, 196 Os. 3d. „ per section, £8. Name of Holder — Mr. Hugh Stitt. WERRINA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 197. Comprising Boroo, Currah, Upper Werrina, and Werrina Buns. Leasehold Area, Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Upper Werrina and Currah Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands witbin the boundaries of Boroo and those parts of Upper Werrina, Currah, and Werrina Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : - Leasehold, 79,600 acres. Annual rent, £663 6s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 83,847 ,, ,, license, 436 14s. Id. „ per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. WEST BLAND PLAINS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 287. Comprising West Bland Plains and Bland West Buns. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bland West Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Grenfell ; County of Bland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of West Bland Plains Run and that part of Bland West Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 5,915 acres. Annual rent, £49 5s. lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 5,596 ,, „ license, 53 12s. 7d. „ per sec, £6 2s. 8d, Name of_ Holder — Mr. Alexander Wilson. WEST BOGAN No. 1, PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 497. Comprising West Bogan No. 1, and Nyngan West Buns. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Cobar East ; Counties of Canbelego and Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Bogan No. 1 Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 377 Resumed Area. Laud District of Cobar East ; Counties of Canbelego and Flinders. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Nyngan West Run and that part of West Began No. 1 Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 25,135 acres. Annual rent, £209 9s, 2d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 25,000 „ ,, license, 156 5s. Od. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. WEST BOGAN Nos. 2 AND 3, PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 435. Comprising West Bogan No. 2 and West Bogan No. 3 Runs, Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Bogan No. 2 Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of West Bogan No. 3 Run and that part of West Bogan No. 2 Itun lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 51,047 acres. Annual rent, £425 7s, lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 38,4'J3 ,, ,, license, 200 6s. 7d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Joseph Aarons. WEST BOGAN No. 6, PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 723. Comprising West Bogan No. 6 Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Bogan No. 6 Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Bogan No. 6 Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 8th September, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 24,252 acres. Annual rent, £202 2s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 22,104 ,, ,, license, 115 2s. 6d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales. WEST BOGAN No. 7, PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 471, Comjnising West Bogan No. 7 Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Bogan No. 7 Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Bogan No. 7 Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,956 acres. Annual rent, £191 6s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 22,500 ,, ,, license, 117 3s. 9d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d, Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. 378 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central WEST BREELONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 642. Comprising West Breelong Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Breelong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1S85. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Breelong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,640 acres. Annual rent, £22 15s. Od. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 4,070 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. WEST GUNGALMAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 86. Comprising Gungalman West Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Gungalman West Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gungalman West Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,120 acres. Annual rent, £50 15s. Od. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 7,375 ,, ,, license, 30 14s. 7d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. Thomas Dent. WEST MANDAMAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 54. Comprising West Mandamah Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Mandamah Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of West Mandamah Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 25,770 acres. Annual rent, £322 2s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 22,880 ,, „ license, 166 16s. 8d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. WHALAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 562. Comprising Whaland, Cooloobong, Ulimbaivn, and Welbon Back Block Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; Counties of Benarba and Stapylton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cooloobong Run and those parts of Whaland and Welbon Back Block Runs lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 379 Eesumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Stapylton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Ulimbawn Run and those parts of Whaland and Welbon Back Block Runs lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as noti- fied in Gazette, 31st July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 50, 116 acres. Annual rent, £626 9s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 36,740 ,. „ license 267 17s. lid. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. WIDGIEWA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 200. Comprising IVidgieiva and IVaock Huns, Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Widgiewa Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Abea. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Waock and that part of Widgiewa Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,000 acres. Annual rent, £300 Os. Od. Rate per acre, 6d. Resumed, 6,678 „ ,, license^ 97 7s. 9d. „ per sec, £9 6s. 8d. Name of Licensee — Mr. John Sutcliffe Horsfall. ,, Leaseholder — Mr. J. Cochran WILGAR DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 702. Comprising the follotoing Runs, viz.: — Hermitage Plains block G, Hermitage Plains block H, Hermitage Plains block I, Hermitage Plains block J, Hermitage Plains block K, and Glenariff block A. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Hermitage Plains block J and Her- mitage Plains block H Runs, and those parts of Glenariff block A and Hermitage Plains block G Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Cambelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Hermitage Plains block K and Hermitage Plains block I Runs, and those parts of GHenariff block A and Hermitage Plains block G Piuns lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per Bection are as follows : — Leasehold, 153,060 acres. Annual rent, £717 9s. 4d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 110,720 „ ,, license, 346 Os. Od. ,, per section, £2. Names of Holders — Mercantile Bank of Sydney and R. Goldsbrough and Company. WILLAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 432. Comprising Willan (Corah) and Pretty Plains North Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Willan (Corah) Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 380 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [CejitrcU Resumed Area. Land District of Dnbbo ; County 'of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Pretty Plains North Euu and that part of Willan (Corah) Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,106 acres. Annual rent, £163 16s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 7,919 ,, ,, license, 61 17s. 4d. ,, per section, £5. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. WILLEROON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 690. Comprising West Bogan No. 8, West Bogan No. 9, and West Bogan No, 10 Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar East ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of West Bogan No. 8 Run, and that part of West Bogan No. 9 Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar East ; Counties of Cowper and Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of West Bogan No 10 Run, and that part of West Bogan, No. 9 Run lying to the north of the divid- ing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 69,777 acres. Annual rent, £581 9s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 74,947 ,, ,, hcense, 390 7s. Od. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Mr. Edward Smith Hall and Australian Joint Stock Bank. WILLEWA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 121. Comprising Willeicaand Willera Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Willewa Run and that part of Willera Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Abea. Land District of Walgett ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Willera Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,930 acres. Annual rent, £91 Is. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d, Resumed, 13,110 „ ,, license, 68 5s. 8d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders— Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. WILLIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 700. Comprising Mundadoo East, Back Hermitage East, Hermitage East, Coper, Willie, Mondado, and Hermidon Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Brewarrina, Brewarrina East, and Dubbo ; Counties of Clyde and Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Willie and Mondado Runs and those parts of Hermidon, Hermitage East, Coper, and Back Hermitage East Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 381 Resumed Area. Land Districts of Brewarrina, Brewarrina East, andDubbo; Counties of Clyde and Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mundado East Run and those parts of Hermidon, Hermitage East, Back Hermit- age East, and Coper Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 58,976 acres. Annual rent, £675 15s. 4d. Rate per acre, 23d. Resumed, 58,953 „ „ license, 368 9s. 2d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holder — Mr. Richard Ridge. WILLURAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 455. Comprisinrj Conargo block A, Conarcjo block B, Conargo block O, and Conargo block E Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Conargo block B and Conargo block C Runs and those parts of Conargo block A and Conargo block E Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Conargo block A and Conargo block E Runs lyingto the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,780 acres. Annual rent, £268 8s. 2d. Rate per acre, 3d. 1-lOth. Resumed, 21,451 ,, ,, license, 178 15s. 2d. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holder- The Hon. William Campbell, M.L.C. WILLYLAW PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 697. Comprisincj Willylaw Run. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Narrabri, Coonabarrabran and Gunnedah ; Counties of White and Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Willylaw Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrabri ; Counties of Whyte and Pot- tinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Willylaw Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 9.700 acres. Annual rent, £60 12s. 6d. Rate per acre, lid. Resumed, 9,800 „ „ license, 30 128. 6d. ,, per section,"£2. Names of Holders — Messrs. Alfred Hill and James Moseley. WINGADEE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 174. Comprising the following Runs, viz.:—Tunder, Buggil West, Gungalnui, Bullarora, Gidgunbilla East, Cooyah Warrah, Bulgah, Tahrone, East Tyrone, Buggil, Dahomey, Merriossay, Pier Pier East, Upper Merriossay, Dahomey No, 2, Yarraman North, New Bullarora, Gidgunbilla, Gidjenbar, Yarraman, and Gungalima North. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Gnngalma, Gungalma North, Pier Pier East, Tunder, Upper Merriossay, Buggil West, Tahrone, East Tyrone, Buggil, Bulgah, 382 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central and those parts of Dahomey, Dahomey No. 2, Bullarora, and Merriossay Hans lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, July 11th, 1885. Resdmed Akea. Land Districts of Coonamble and Walgett ; County of Leichhardt, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Gidgenbar, Yarraman, Yarraman North, New Bullorara, Gidgunbilla, Gidgunbillah East, Cooyah Warrah, and those parts of Bullarora, Dahomey, Dahomey No 2, and Merriossay Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 112,005 acres. Annual rent, £1,283 78. lOd. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 124,020 ,, ,, license, 904 6s. 3d. ,, per sec. , £4 13s. 4d. Name of Holders • -Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. WINGENBAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 122. Comprising Wingenhar Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wingenbar Run lying to the north-west of the dividing lioe, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gregory. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wingenbar Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold 7,300 acres. Annual rent, £45 12s. 6d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 6,880 ,, „ license, 21 10s. Od. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Fletcher. WIRRAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. SOL Comprising Wirrah, Gill Gill, South Gill Gill, and Gill Gill Back Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Gill Gill and Gill Gill Back Runs, and those parts of South Gill Gill and Wirrah Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of South Gill Gill and Wirrah Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 59,875 acres. Annual rent, £561 6s. 7d. Rate per acre, 2id. Resumed, 53,140 ,, „ license, 332 2s. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Messrs. Richard Goldsbrough and Company. WOLLA WOLLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 128. Comprising Walla Walla Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wolla Wolla Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. JDivisioTi] NEW SOUTH WALES 383 Resumed Abea. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Coonamble. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wolla Wolla Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 6,083 acres. Annual rent £69 14s. Id. Rate per acre, 2fd. Resumed, 5,299 ,, „ license, 38 12s. 9d. ,, per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Names of Holders— Messrs. W. H., G. P., and T. S. M. Tourle. WOLLONGOUGH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 83. Comprising Wollongough Run. Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Gippa. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woollongough Run lying to the east of the dividing line as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Aeea. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of WooUengough Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1835. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 23,400 acres. Annual rent, £156 Os. Od. Rate per acre, Id. ,S-5th. Resumed, 19,150 „ „ license, 59 16s. lid. ,, per section, /v2. Name of Holder — Mr. John King. WOMBOIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 17. Comprising Womhoin, Upper Weeli East, Bumba and Willa Mara Creek Runs. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Brewarrina East ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Willa Mara Creek Run and that part of Womboiu Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina East ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Upper Weeli East and Bumba Runs and that part of Womboin Hun lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1HS5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 37,627 acres. Annual rent, £313 Us. 2d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 41,431 ,, „ license, 258 18s. Ud. „ per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Mercantile Bank of Sydney. WONBOBBIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 599. Comprising Wanbandry, Urohulla, Eulaioang, Woomhohby, New Onebobby, Wemo- bah and Neio Bundillah Runs . Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Eulawang Run and those parts of Woombobby, Wemobah and Wanbandry Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Coonamble and Dubbo ; County of Ewenmar. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of New Bundilla, New One- 384 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [CeJitraZ bobby and Urobulla Runs, and those parts of Woombobby, Wemobah and Wan- bandry Runs lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 45,785 acres. Annual rent, £572 6s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 31,343 ,, ,, license, 228 10s. lid. „ per sec, £4 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Sir Daniel Cooper Bart, and Mr. Thomas Buokland. WONDOOBAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 8L Comprising Wondoobar Bun, Leasehold Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of that part of Wondoobar Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Gunnedah ; County of Pottinger. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wondoobar Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,064 acres. Annual rent, £167 4s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 20,352 ,, „ license, 95 8s. Od. ,, per section, £3, Name of Holder — Mr. John Gill. WONGAGONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 396. Comprising Wangogong and Uar Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Wangogong and Uar Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Wongogong and Uar Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,270 acres. Annual rent, £59 19s. Od. Rate per acre, 4d. 2-5th. Resumed, 2,828 ,, ,, license, 18 15s. 7d. ,, per sec, £4 5s. Od. Name of Holder — Messrs. Charles Edward Pearson and Walter Williamson. WOODLANDS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 205. Comprising Woodlands and New Buvihaldrij Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Woodlands Run and that part of New Bumbaldry Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Parkes ; County of Kennedy. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of New Bumbaldry Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 42,275 acres. Annual rent, £308 5s. Id. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 43,344 ,, ,, license, 191 17s. 9d. ,, per sec, £2 12s. Names of Holders — Messrs. Isadora Henry and Mark Moss, and Henry Penketh Fergie. Divisim] NEW SOUTH WALES 385 WOOLOONDOOL PASTOEAL HOLDUP G, No. 300. Comprising Woolondool and Wooloombye Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Woolondool and Wooloombye Euns lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Woolondool and Wooloombye Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 23,425 acres. Annual rent, £292 16s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 23,118 ,, ,, license, 221 10s. lid. ,, per sec, £6 2s. 8d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. WOOROOMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 626. Comprising Woorooma, Windouran and Windouran block C Suns. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Deniliquin and Hay ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Woorooma, Windouran and Windouran block C Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3l8t July, 1885. Resdmed Area. Land Districts of Deniliquin and Hay ; County of Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Woorooma, Windouran and Windouran block C Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,010 acres. Annual rent, £227 13s, 3d. Rate per acre, 3d. 9-lOth. Resumed, 15,430 ,, ,, license, 192 17s. 6d. ,, per section, £8. Name of Holder — Mr. Lachlan M'Bean. WOOYEO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. G54, Comprising the following Butis, viz. : — Bimhalingel, Wooyeo, Cargelligo, Bald Hills, Maria's Lake, Boolooree, Trigalong, Uabalong, Uabbalong South, Naradhu7i North, Bogago, Booreebil and Boorooambil. Leaseholb Area. Land Districts of Condoublm and Hillston ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Booreebil, Boorooambil Runs and those parts of Bogago, Uabbalong South, Maria's Lake, and Naradhun North Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Condoublin and Hillston; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Boolooree, Trigalong, Uabalong, Cargelligo, Wooyeo, Bimbalingel and Bald Hills Runs, and those parts of Naradhun North, Maria's Lake, Uabbalong South and Bogago Runs lying to the "west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 160,455 acres. Annual rent, £1,169 19s. Sd. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 150,452 ,, ,, license, 683 13s. 7d. ,, persec, £2 16s. Sd. Name of Holder — The late Mr. Dancan M'Kellar. 386 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Centred WOWINGRAGONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 340. Comprising Wooivingeragong Run. Leasehold Ajrea. Land District of Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woowingeragong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Akea. Land District of Forbes ; County of Forbes. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Woowingeragong Run lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,990 acres. Annual rent, £22 2s. 3d. Rate per acre, 2|d. Resumed, 685 „ ,, license, 4 5s. 8d. ,, per section, £4, Name of Holder — Mr. James Crowe. WYABRAY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 612. Comprising Willoi. Wyahray, Ulourie, Ginge, Back Ginge, Back Ulourie arid Back Willoi Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina East ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Ulourie, Back Ulourie, Ginge and Back Ginge Runs and those parts of Willoi and Back Willoi Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Brewarrina and Brewarrina East ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Wyabray Run and those parts of Back Willoi and Willoi Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. N.B. — A small portion of this area falls within the Western Division. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 70,815 acres. Annual rent, £590 2s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 56,181 „ ,, license, 351 2s. 8d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — The City Bank. YADDRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 267. Comprising Yaddra and Gugong Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Condoublin : County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Gugong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Yaddra Run and that part of Gugong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13, 160 acres. Annual rent, £164 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 3d. Resumed, 9,984 ,, „ license, 46 16s. Od. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. YAGABA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 296. Comprising Yaggaba Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yaggaba Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 387 Resumed Area. Land District of Warialda ; County of Burnett. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yaggaba Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. j The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — ^ ^^ Leasehold, 18,176 acres. Annual rent, £151 9s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 11,498 ,, ,, license, 41 18s. 5d. ,, per sec, ,£2 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. John Franklin McMullen, YALCOGRIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 536. Comprising Yalcogrin and Yooloomogo Runs. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown .Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Yalcogrin and Yooloomogo Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resdmed Abea. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Yalcogrin and Yooloomogo Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,309 acres. Annual rent, £121 3s. 6d. Rate per acre, 3^d. Resumed, 7,298 ,, ,, license, 49 8s. 3d. ,, per sec, £4 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. YALGOGORING NORTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 684. Comprising Yalgogoring North Bun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Hillston and Narrandera ; Counties of Gipps and Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yalgogoring North Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Hillston and Narrandera ; Counties of Gipps and Cooper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yalgogoring North Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,680 acres. Annual rent, £141 15s. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 21,800 ,, ,, license, 68 2s. 6d. ,. per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. John Cox. YALGOGRIN SOUTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 529. Comprising Yalgogrin, Kolkibertoo South Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. The •Crown Lands witliin the boundaries of Yalgogrin Run and that part of Kolkibertoo South Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, o 2 388 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Area. Land District of Narrandera ; County of Cooper. Th© Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Kolkibertoo South Ran lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 61,422 acres. Annual rent, £383 17s. 9d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 62,760 ,, ,, license, 196 28. 6d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders — Messrs. Richard Goldsbrough and Company. YALLAROI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 183. Coviprising Yallaroi, No Man's Land, Forest Block No. 2, Booraba, North MiirgOy and Murgo Runs. Leasehold Abea. Land District of Warialda ; Counties of Burnett and Stapylton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of No Man's Land and Forest Block No. 2 Runs and that part of Yallaroi Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Warialda ; Counties of Burnett and Stapylton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Booraba, Murgo, and North Murgo Runs and that part of Yallaroi Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 52,410 acres. Annual rent, £764 6s. 3d. Rate per acre, 3|d. Resumed, 55,572 ,, „ license, 347 68. 6d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders— The Messrs. W. J., H. C, F. H., and A. A. Dangar. YANGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 76. Comprising Yangar and Burrawang Run$. Leasehold Area. Land District of Balranald South ; Counties of Caira and Wakool. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yangar Run lying to the east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Jaly» 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Balranald South and Deniliquin ; Counties of Cairn and Wakool.. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Burrawang Run and that part of Yangar Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 89,258 acres. Annual rent, £557 17s. 3d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 87,406 ,, ,, license, 364 3s. lOd. „ per section, £3. Name of Holders — English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank. YANKO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 42L Compnsing Jerilderie North, Thurrowa, and Yanko Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Thurrowa Run and those parts of Yanko and Jerilderie North Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in, Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Divisioji] NEW SOUTH WALES 38f> Resumed Ake\. Land Districts of Urana and Deniliquin ; Counties of Urana and Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Yarnco and Jerilderie North Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,600 acres. Annual rent, £232 IBs. 4d. Rate per acre, 6^d. Resumed, 6,880 ., ,, license, 157 13s, 4d. ,, per sec, £14 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Sir Samuel Wilson. YANKO, BLOCK A, PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 178. Comprhing Yanco, block A, Bun, Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yanco, block A, Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resomed Area. Land District of Hay ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yanco, block A, Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold. 4,808 acres. Annual rent, £50 Is. 8d. Rate per acre, i^d. Resumed, 5,552 ,, ,, license, .55 10s. 5d. ,, per section, £6 8s. Name of Holder— Mr. Thomas Budds Payne. YAMMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 2L5. Comprising Yamma Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yama Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yama Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,680 acres. Annual rent, £48 15s. Od. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 2,971 ,, ,, license, 18 Us. 5d. ,, per sec, £4. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. YAMMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 418. Comprising Bingagong, Back Plains, and eastern portion of Yanco, block F, Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bingagong Back Plains Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Urana ; County of Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of " Eastern portion of Yanco, block F," Run and that part of Bingagong Back Plains Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 1,960 acres. Annual rent, £32 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 2,200 ,, ,, license, 36 13s. 4d. „ per sec, £10 los. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Charles Madden Lloyd. 390 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Ce7itral YARRABEE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 630. Comprising Yarrahee and Bowna Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Uraua and Yarrandera ; Counties of Mitchell, Boyd, and Urana. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Tarrabee and Bowna Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Narrandera ; Counties of Mitchell and Boyd. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Yarrabee and Bowna Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 4,260 acres. Annual rent, £71 Os. Gd. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 3,480 ,, „ license, 87 Os. Od. ,, per section, £16. Name of Holder — Mr. Angus Robertson. YARRALDOOL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 113. Comprising Myall Doicns, Barraneal, Bnrgen No. 4, Thoolo No. 3, and Yarraldool Bims. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Walgett ; County of Denham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Myall Downs, Barraneal, and those parts of Yarraldool, Thoolo No. 3, and Burgen No. 4 Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Akea. Land District of Walgett ; County of Denham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Burgen No. 4, Thoolo No. 3, and Yarraldool Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 50,630 acres. Annual rent, £369 Ss. 7d. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 49,930 ,, „ license, 234 Os. lid. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. Benjamin Richards. YARRAGRIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 53. Comprising the following Runs, viz. : — Wallangolong, Cuhbin, Bound Hills, Dilly Lilly, Molyan Mxmning, Orandelbenia, Wallambraivang , Pibbon, Bone Bone, Yarragrin, and Youlangra. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Wallangolong, Dilly Dilly, and Wallam- brawang Runs, and those parts of Cubbin, Round Hills, Pibbon, and Yarragrin Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Abea. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Molyan Munning, Orandelbenia, Bone Bone, and Youlangra Rnns. and those parts of Cubbin, Round Hills, Pibbon, and Yarragrin Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 70,590 acres. Annual rent, £609 5s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2d. 1- 14th. Resumed, 57,471 ,, ,, license, 269 7s. lid. ,, per sec, £3. Name of Holder — Mr. George Rouse. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 391 YARRINGERRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 62. Comprising Yarringarry Run, Leasehold Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yarringarry Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Resumed Area. Land District of Wagga Wagga ; County of Bourke. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yarringarry Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,460 acres. Annual rent, ^65 7s. 6d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 9,620 ,, ,, license, 55 2s. 4d. ,, per sec, £3 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. Allen Bradley Morgan. YARROWAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 33L Comprising Callyn or Umbry, Yarrouah, Yarrouah Back Block, Gingham, and West Gingham Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Beuarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Gingham, West Gingham, Yarrouah Back Runs, and that part of Yarrouah Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resujied Area. Land District of Moree ; County of Benarba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Callyn or Umbry Run, and that part of Yarrouah Bun lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 49,993 acres. Annual rent, £520 15s. 3d. Rate per acre, 2^d. Resumed, 46,875 ,, ,, license, 292 19s. 5d. „ per section, £4. Name of Holders — Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. YERRA YERRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 442. Comprising Yerra Yerra Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yerra Yerra Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Forbes ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yerra Yerra Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 3,213 acres. Annual rent, £26 15s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 1,860 ,, ,, license, 8 14s. 5d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holder— Mrs. Mary Ann Strickland. YERRINAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 687. Comprising Year una ii Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Baradiue. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yearunan Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885, 392 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Eesumed Aeea. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of Baradine. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Yearunan Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 29,264 acres. Annual rent, £60 19s. 4d. Rate per acre, ^d. Eesumed, 19,456 „ ,, license, 51 16s. 3d. „ per sec.,£l ISs. 4d. Name of Leaseholders — Bank of New South Wales. „ Licensee — Mr. John McMaster, YETMAN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 49 L Comprising Yetman and Wallen Runs. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Warialda ; Counties of Burnett, Arrawatta, and Stapylton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Yetman and Wallen Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Warialda ; Counties of Burnett, Arrawatta, and Stapylton. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Yetman and Wallen Huns lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 59,726 acres. Annual rent, £559 18s. lid. Rate per acre, 2Jd. Eesumed, 47,969 ,, ,, license, 399 14s. lOd. ,, per sec, £5 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Elizabeth Moore Dight and Mr. George William Dight. YOUENDAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 390. Comprising Guinguingulla, Kidgar, Trielmon, and Youendah Runs. Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Walgett ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Youendah Run and those parts of Kidgar and Guinguingulla Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Eesumed Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Trielmon Run and those parts of Kidgar and Guinguingulla Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 46,574 acres. Annual rent, £315 6s. lid. Eate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 45,890 ,, ,, license, 191 4s. 2d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander Amos, YOUIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 48L Comprising Youie and Pine Scriib Runs. Leasehold Arka. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Youie Run and that part of Pine Scrub Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 393^ Besumed Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Leichhardt. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Pine Scrub Run lying to the south-'nest of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1835. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 13,515 acres. Annual rent, £175 19s. 7d. Eate per acre, 3gd. Resumed, 12,317 ,, ,, license, 102 12a. lOd. ,, per sec. £5 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. YOULBUNG PASTORAL HOLDING, No 449. Comprising Mundar unci Wingilong Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Coonamble ; County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mundar Run and that part of Wingilong Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Coonamble: County of Gowen. The Crown Lands within the boundaries^pf that part of Wingilong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,920 acres. Annual rent, £119 7s. 6d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 17,840 „ „ license, 74 6s. 8d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander Ferguson. YOUNGARA CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 543. Comprising Younrjara Creek JRun. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Hillston and Condoublin ; Counties of Gipps and Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Youngara Creek Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slst July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Hillston and Condoublin ; Counties of Gipps and Dowling. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Youngara Creek Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Slst July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 14,707 acres. Annual rent, JC122 lis. 2d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 17,545 ,, ,, license, 73 2s. Id. ,, per sec, £2 ISs. 4d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. YOUNGEE PLAIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 45. Comprising Youngee Plain Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Youngee Plain Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 394 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central Resumed Aeea. Land District of Condoublin ; County of Gipps. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Youngee Plain Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre j the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,444 acres. Annual rent, £103 14s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 14,516 „ ,, license, 60 9s. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. ZARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 393. Comprising Zara, North Morago and Salt Plains Buns. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Deniliquin and Hay ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Zara, North Morago and Salt Plains Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Deniliquin and Hay ; County of Townsend. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Zara, North Morago, and Salt Plains Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 8,000 acres. Annual rent, £133 Gs. 8d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 6,660 ,, ,. license, 83 5s. Od. ,, per section, £8. Name of Holder — Mr. William Officer. ZEBRA OCCUPATION LICENSE, No. 736. Land District of Parkes ; County of Ashburnham. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of the accepted Tender, as notified in Gazette, 15th June, 1888, as lot 1, in accordance with the provisions of the 81st section of the Crown Lands Act of 1884. The area, annual license fee, and rate per section are as follows: — Resumed, 5,300 acres. Annual license, £18 12s. 8d. Rate per sec, £2 5s. Od. Name of Licensee — Mr. Ben Robinson. ZECHIN OCCUPATION LICENSE, No. 737. Land District of Dubbo ; County of Lincoln. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of the accepted Tender as notified in the Gazette, 18th January, 1889, as lot 10, in accordance with the provisions of the 81st section of the Crown Lands Act of 1884. The area, annual license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Resumed, 18,700 acres. Annual license, £60 Os. 9d. Rate per sec, £2 Is, 2Jd. Name of Licensee — Mr. T. Pericles Manusu. ZENITH OCCUPATION LICENSE, No. 738. Land District of Narrabri ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of the accepted Tender, as notified in the Gazette, 18th January, 1889, as lot 12, in accordance with the provisions of the 81st section of the Crown Lauds Act of 1884. The area, annual license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Resumed, 19,000 acres. Annual license, £79 3s. 4d. Rate per sec, £2 138. 4d. Name of Licensee — Mr. W. H. Gordon. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 395 ZERO OCCUPATION LICENSE, No. 739. Land District of Narrabri ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of the accepted Tender as notified in the Gazette, 18th January, 1889, as lot 13, in accordance with the provisions of the 81st section of the Crown Lands Act of 1884. The area, annual hcense fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Resumed, 21,400 acres. Annual license, £111 9.^. 2d. Eate per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Licensee — Mr, George Brenton Rowley. ZIGZAG OCCUPATION LICENSE, No. 740. Land District of Coonabarrabran ; County of White. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of the accepted Tender as notified in the Gazette, 18th January; 1889, as lot 14, in accordance with the provisions of the 81st section of the Crown Lands Act of 1884. The area, annual license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Resumed, 26,300 acres. Annual license, £136 19s. 7d. Eate per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Licensee — Mr. George Brenton Rowley. 396 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Central The Boundaries of the Cextral Division.— That portion of the Colony of New South Wales within the following boundaries : Commencing on the boundary between the Colonies of New South Wales and Queensland at a point on the Dumaresq River where the eastei'ii boundary of the Land District of Warialda as amended by proclamation in the Government Gazette this day meets that river and bounded thence on the east by the boundary dividing the Land District of Warialda aforesaid the amended boundaries of the Land Districts of Bingera Narrabri and Gunnedah as proclaimed this day the Land District of Coonabarabran as proclaimed in Supplement to the New South Wales Government Gazette of 2nd January 1885 No. 4 and the amended boundaries of the Land Districts of Dubbo Parkes Forbes Grenfell Wagga Wagga and Urana as pro- claimed this day and the Land District of Corowa as proclaimed 2nd January 1885 from the amended boundaries of the Land Districts of Inverell Tamworth and Murrurundi as proclaimed this day the Land Districts ot Cassilis and Wel- lington as proclaimed 2ud January 1885 and the amended boundaries of the Land Districts of Molong Cowra Young and Cootamundry as proclaimed this day the Land Districts of Gundagai and Tumut as proclaimed 2nd January 1885 and the amended boundaries of the Land District of Albury as proclaimed this day southerly to the Murray or Hume River thence on the south by the boundary dividing the Colonies of New South Wales and Victoria westerly to the confluence of the Murray or Hume and Wakool Rivers and by that river upwards to the south-west corner of portion No. 5 parish of Tararie county of Caira thence by the south boundary of that portion bearing east to its south-east corner thence by the east boundaries of that portion and portions Nos. 3 and 4 bearing north to the north-east corner of the latter portion thence by part of the north boundary of that portion bearing west to a point south of the south-east corner of Canally Pastoral Holding thence by a line bearing north to that corner thence by the fenced boundary dividing Canally and Yanga Pastoral Holdings being lines bearing northerly to the south boundary of Yanga South Run thence westerly to the south-west corner of that run and thence northerly to the JSIurrumbidgee River thence by that river upwards to the Lachlan River and thence by that river upwards to its eastern and western branches at the north-east corner of J. Tyson's portion No. 15 of 236 acres parish of Tyson county of Caira thence by the boundary dividing the Juanbung and Moon-moon-curra Runs bearing north 33 degrees east to the Lachlan River and thence again by that river upwards to the confluence of the Kalingalungaguy Creek thence on the west by a marked line bearing north 20 degrees west being the western boundaries of the Kyargathur North Kyargathur Flanagan's Swamp East Palisthan No. 2 Mombill Wicklow block K Wicklow block H New Babinda Hermitage Plains block A2 and Hermi- tage Plains block M Runs to the western corner of the last-named run thence again on the north-west by a marked line bearing north 28 degrees east being the north-western boundaries of Hermitage Plains block M Hermitage Plains block K and Hermitage Plains block I Runs to the most northern corner of the last- mentioned run thence by the south-western south-eastern and north-eastern IHvision] NEW SOUTH WALES 397 boundaries of GlenarifF block C Eun bearing respectively south 46 degrees east north 28 degrees east and north 46 degrees west to the most southern comer of West Bogan No. 10 Eun thence by the south-western and north-western boundaries of that run bearing respectively north 22 degrees 30 minutes west 5 miles and north 70 degrees east 15 miles to the Bogan Eiver thence by that river upwards to the fenced boundary dividing Colonel and Duck Creek No. 1 Euns thence by that boundarj' bearing easterly to Duck Creek thence by that creek upwards to the most southerly corner of Colonel Eun thence by the south-eastern boundary of that ran bearing north-easterly to the southernmost comer of ]\Iorbella West Eun thence by the south-western and north-western boundaries of that run bearing north-westerly and north-easterly to the most easterly corner of Cookamunboin Eun thence by the north-eastern boundaries of that run, and East Bogan No. 9 Rim bearing north-westerly to the south-western comer of Hermidon Eun thence by the western and northern boundaries of that run bearing respectively north 10 degrees west about 5f miles and east about 5 miles to Marra Creek thence by that creek downwards to the south-east comer of Thuara West Eun thence by the south the south-western and the north boundaries of that run bearing respectively west north-westerly and east to Marra Creek aforesaid thence by that creek downwards to the Darling or Barwon Eiver and again on the north-west by that river and the Macintyre Eiver upwards to the point of commencement. EXD OF THE CEXTRAL DIVISION. PART III. PASTOEAL POSSESSIONS NEW SOUTH WALES. WESTERN DIVISION. WESTERN DIVISION. ALBERMARLE AND VICTORIA LAKE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 252. Comprising the folloioing Runs, viz. : — East Albermale Block C, Bruce' s Plains No. 1, Blennlben No. 3, Blenalhen No. 4. Blenalben No. 5, Blennlben No. 6, Hlenalben No. 7, Blenalben No. S. Blenalben No. 10, Blenalben No. 11, South Talywalka, Arlington Plains Block C, Arlington Plains Block D, Albemarle, B'enheim, Blenheim Back Plains, Outer Albermarle, and Lower Talyivalka. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Livingstone. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Blenalben No. 5, Blenalben No. 6, Blenalben No. 7, Blenalben No. 8, and South Talywalka Runs, and those parts of Blenheim, Blenheim Back Plains, East Albermale Block C, Bruce's Plains No. 1, Blenalben No. 4, Blenalben No. 10, and Blenalben No. 11 Runs, lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Livingstone The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Albermarle, Outer Albeimarle, Lower Talywalka, Blenalben No. 3, Arlington Plains Block D, and Arlington Plains Block C Runs, and those parts of Blenheim, Blenheim Back Plains, East Alber- male Block C. Bruce's Plains No. 1, Blenheim No. 4, Blenheim No. 10, and Blenheim No. 11 Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 382,940 acres. Annual rent, £1675 7s. 3d. Rate per acre, Id. 1 -20th. Resumed, 355,242 ,, ,, license, 1124 18s. 8d. „ per sec, £2 Os. 6?d. Name of Holder — Mr. Joseph James Phelps. ALMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 138. Comprising Alma No. 1, Alma No. 8, Papakura No. 1, Hokianga South, and Kirindi No. 1 Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay North ; County of Waljeers. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Alma No 1 and Alma No. 8 Runs, and that part of Papakura No. 1 Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay North ; Counties of Waljeers and Franklin. The Crown Lands within the boiindaries of Kirindi No. 1 and Hoki- anga South Runs, and that part of Papakura No. I Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 72,116 acres. Annual rent, £600 19s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 5,607 ,, ,, license, 28 Os. 9d. ,, per sec, £3 4s. Names of Holdei's — Messrs. Alexander Armstrong, James Howatson, and Alexander Bell. 402 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western AMPHITHEATRE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 193. Comprising Amphitheatre No. 1, Amphitheatre No. 2, Buckwaroon Back, Buchwa' roon No. 1, and Booroomugga No. 2 West Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Robinson. The Crown Lands within the boimdaries of Amphitheatre No. 1 and Amphitheatre No. 2 Runs, and that pai-t of Buckwaroon Back No. 1 Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Robinson. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Booroomugga No, 2 West and Buckwaroon Back Runs, and that part of Buckwaroon Back No. 1 Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 87,680 acres. Annual rent, £324 14s. lOd. Rate per acre, 8-9ths. d. Resumed, 86,863 „ ,, license, 203 lis. 8d. „ per sec, £L 10s. Names of Holders— Messrs. James Dickson and Peter, J. and Hugh Leslie. ANGLEDOOL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 152. Comprising Upper Bankeet, Birhen, Muggarie, and Muggarie Back Block Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett North ; County of Finch. The Ci'own Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Muggarie and Muggarie Back Block Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett North ; County of Finch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Upper Bankeet and Birben Runs, and those parts of Muggarie and Muggarie Back Block Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 87,596 acres. Annual rent, £547 9s. 6d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 84,838 ,, ,, license, 353 9s, lOd. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land, and finance Company. ARLINGTON PLAINS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 275. Leasehold Arba. Land District of Balranald ; County of Manai'a. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Arlington Plains block A Run, as defined by proclamation in Gazette, 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of Sub-section IV. , Section 75, Crown Lands Act, 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 18,100 acres. Annual rent, i;75 8s. 4d. Rate per acre, Id. Name of Licensee — Messrs. Richard Goldsbrough and Company. ,, Leaseholders — George Napier Turner and John Moodie. ARUMPO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 136. Comprising Buragy, Aruuipo, and Outer Back Bullanmong Runs. LtASEHOLD Area. Land District of Wentworth ; Counties of Wentworth and Taila. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Buragy Run and that part of Arumpo Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 403 Resumkd Area. Land District of Wentworth ; Counties of Wentworth and Taila. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Outer Back Bullanmong Run and that part of Arumpo Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 85,460 acres. Annual rent, £284 17s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4-5th. d. Resumed, 85,300 ,, ,, license, 173 5s. 4d. ,, per sec, £1 6s. Name of Holder — Mr. John Gumming. AVOCA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 174. Comprising the following Runs, viz.: — Ana hraw.h East, EastHlawla, Grand Junction or Neitpo, Lower Pernolinnay, lUaicla, Manee, Pernolingay, PopUta, Palinoa, Sturt's 13 i/ talon g, Tapeo West, Titululta,Wnllar, West Popiga, West Yarballa, Winda, and Yarlalla, Leasehold Area. Land District of Wentworth ; Counties of Windeyer and Wentworth. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Illawla, East Illawla, Titululta, Pernolingay, Ana-branch East, Lower Pernolingay, Sturt's Billabong, Tapeo West, and Grand J unction or Neilpo Runs, and that part of Wallar Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wentworth ; Counties of Windeyer and Tara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Manee, West Popiga, West Yarlalla, Winda, Popilta, Yarlalla, and Pallinoa Runs and that part_ of Wallar Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :- Leasehold, 354,963 acres. Annual rent, £1,525 4s. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. l-32nd. Resumed, 354,465 ,, ,, license, 1,153 17s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 Is. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Daniel Henry, Milo Robert, and Arthur Frederick Cudmore. BADEN PARK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 84. Comprising Moama blocJc S, Monma block S North, Moama block T, and Moama block T South Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Weiimda and Woore. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Moama block S, Run and those parts of Moama block T, and Moama block T South Runs lying to the south- west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Werunda and Woore The Crown Lands within the ])oundaries of Moama block S North Run and those parts of Moama block T and Moama block T South Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 63,560 acres. Annual rent, £264 I'^s. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 63 720 ,, ,, license, 199 2s. 6d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. 404 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western BALOWRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 123. Comprising Belomra Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Mouraniba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Belowra Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Mouramba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Belowra Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 24,930 acres. Annual rent, £103 17s. fid. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 24,800 ,, ,, license, 77 10s. Od. ,, per section, £2. Names of Holders — Messrs. James and Thomas Dalton. BANGHEET PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 110. Comprising the following Runs, viz.: — Cumblecuhinbah, Bankeet, Imbergee, East Imbergee, Back Imbergee, Wilby Wilby Back block, Will Bill Bill, Go Gurrilley, Graivin Back, and West Grawin. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Brewarrina and Walgett North ; Counties of Narran and Finch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cumblecuhinbah, Imbergee, Back Imbergee, Wilby Wilby Back Block, and Will Bill Bill Runs, and those parts of Go Gurrilley, Grawin Back, and West Grawin Runs lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett North ; County of Finch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bankeet, East Imbergee and those parts of Go Gurrilley, Grawin Back, and West Grawin Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing Ime, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 108,068 acres. Annual rent, £900 lis. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 72,410 ,, ,, license, 377 2s. 9d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder— Mr. James Tyson. BEDOOBA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 232. Comprising Growl Creek No. 9, Crawl Creek No. 10, Gilgunnia, and Tackerboon Ru7is. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Cobar and Hillston North ; Counties of Mouramba and Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those part of Crowl Creek No. 9, Crowl Creek No. 10, and Yackerboon Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Cobar and Hillston North ; Counties of Mouramba and Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Gil- gunnia Run and those parts of Crowl Creek No 9, Crowl Creek No. 10, and Yackerboon Runs lying to the north, west, and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 61,200 acres. Annual rent, £237 15s. Od. Rate per acre, Id. l-20th. Resumed, 59,440 ,, „ license, 123 Is. 3d. ,, per sec, £1 6s. 6d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Divifsion] NEW SOUTH WALES 405 BEEMERY PASTOEAL HOLDING, No. 6. Comprising the following Runs, viz. : — East Bogan Xo. 23, East Bogan No. 24, East Bogan No. 25, East Bogan No. 26, East Bogan No. 28, East Bogan No. 29, and East Bogan No. 30; Haradon, Stonehenge, West Bogan No. 23, West Bogan No. 24, West Bogan No. 2.5, West Bogan No. 26, West Bogan No. 27, and West Bogan No. 28. Leasehold Area, Land Districts of Bi-ewarrina and Bourke ; Counties of Clyde and Cowper. The Cro^vn Lands within the boundaries of East Bogan No. 26, East Bogan No. 28, East Bogan No. 29, and East Bogan No. 30 ; West Bogan No. 26, AYest Bogan No. 27, and West Bogan >«'o. 28 Runs, and that part of West Bogan 25 Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lltn July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Brewarrina and Bourke ; Counties of Clyde -and Co\vper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of East Bogan No. 23, East Bogan No. 24, and East Bogan No. 25 ; Haradon Stonehenge, West Bogan No. 23, and West Bogan No, 24 Runs, and that part of West Bogan No. 25 Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 199,575 acres. Annual rent, £1,.330 10s. Od. Rate per acre, Id. 3-5ths. Resumed, 89,011 ,, ,, license, 370 17s. 7d. ,, per sec, £ 213s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. George Hope. BELALTE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 206. Comprising the folloicing Runs, viz. : — Moco Barungha. West No. 4, Moco Barungha West No. 5, and Moco Barungha West No. 6 ; Moco Barungha No. 3, Moco Barungha No. 4, Moco Barungha No. 5, and Moco Barungha No. 6 ; West War- regoNo.l4, West Warrego No. 15, and West Warrego No, 16 ; Border Run, Belalie, Maryland No. 2, North Darling No. 1 Back, and Nortli Darling No. 2 Back. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Brewarrina and Bourke ; Counties of Culgoa and Irrara. The Cro%vn Lands within the boundaries of Moco Barungha West No. 4, Moco Barungha No, 4, and West Warrego No. 15 Runs, and those parts of Moco Barungha West No. 5, Moco Barungha No. 5, West Warrego No. 16, Moco Barungha No. 3, Belalie, North Darling No. 1 Back, North Darling No 2 Back, and Maryland No. 2 Runs lying within the boundaries of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Brewarrina and Boui-ke; Counties of Culgoa and Irrara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Moco Barimgha West No. 6, West Warrego No. 14, Moco Barungha No. 6, and Border Runs, and thos parts of Moco Barungha West No. 5, Moco Barungha No. 5, West Warrego No. 16, Belalie, North Darling No. 1 Back, North Darling No. 2 Back, Marj'land No. 2, and Moco Barungha No. 3 Runs, lying to the south, east and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, aiuiual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 172,092 acres. Annual rent, £896 6s. 3d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 171,476 ,, ,, license, 535 17s. 3d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders — National Bank of Australasia. 406 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [We.^tern BELFORD PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 18L Comprising Shenandoah and Kangerong\Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Mouramba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kangerong Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Mouramba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Shenandoah Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 60,840 acres. Annual rent, £177 9s. Od. Rate per acre, 7-lOth d. Resumed, 48,900 ,, ,, license, 95 10s. 2d. ,, per section, £1 5s. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. BERAWINNIA DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 225. Comprising Beraioinia Downs No. 4, Beraioinia Doivns No. 5, Berawinia Downs No. 6, Berawinia Doivns No. 7, and Beraioinia Doivns No. 8 Rwis. Leasehold Area. Land Disti-ict of Wilcannia ; Counties of Delalah and Thoulcanna. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Berawinia Downs No. 8 Run, and those parts of Berawinia Downs No. 4, Berawinia Downs No. 5, Bera- winia Downs No. 6, and Berawinia Downs No. 7 Runs lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Delalah and Thoulcanna. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Berawinia Downs No. 4, Berawinia Downs No. 5, Berawinia Downs No. 6, and Berawinia Downs No. 7 Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, anni;al rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 157,000 acres. Annual rent, £392 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 3-5th d. Resumed, 152,200 ,, ,, license, 277 9s. Od. ,, per sec, £1 3s. 4d. Name of Holders — London Chartered Bank of Australia. BERAWINIA DOWNS No. 3, PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 278. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Thoulcanna* The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Berawinia Downs No. 3 Run, as defined by proclamation in Gazette of 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of Sub-section IV., Section 75, Crown Lands Act of 1884, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre, are as follows : — Leasehold, 40,800 acres. Annual rent, £102. Rate per acre, 3-5th d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Henry Thomas Rowland Bull and Richard Green. BILLYBINGBONE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 266. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Back Billybingbone Run, as defined by proclamation in Gazette of 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of Sub-section IV., Section 75 of Crown Lands Act, 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre, are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,910 acres. Annual rent, £99 8s. 9d. Kate per acre, lid. Name of Holder — Mr. Patrick Sullivan. Divisiov] NEW SOUTH WALES 407 BILLILLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 229. Comprh'ing the following Runs, viz. : — Woytchugga, Outer Woytchugya East, Cul- pauUn East, Oxiter Culpaidin East, Outer Back Culpaulin East, 2I'CuUoch's Range, M^GulloclVs Range East, Cunanyale, Outer Curranyale, Outer Curran- yale Bach Plains, Outer Back Curranyale block B, and Outer Back Curranyale block C. Leaseitold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Livingstone and Werunda. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Culpaulin East, Outer Culpaulin East, and those parts of Outer Back Culpaulin East, M'Culloch's Range, M'Culloch's Range East, Curranyale, Outer Curranyale, Outer Curranyale Back Plain, Outer Back Curranyale block B, and Outer Back Curranyale block Rims, embraced by the lines as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area, Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Livingstone and Werunda. The Crown Lands within the boundai'ies of Woytchugga East, Outer Woytchugga East, and those parts of Outer Back Culpaulin East, M'Culloch's Range, M'Culloch's Range East, Curranyale, Outer Curranyale, Outer Curranyale Back Plain, Outer Back Curranyale block B, and Outer Back Curranyale block C Runs lying to the north, south, and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 225,890 acres. Annual rent, £1,019 12s. lOd, Rate per acre. Id. l-12tli Resumed, 223,958 ,, ,, license, 583 4s. Gd. ,, per sec, £1 1,'^s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Chimside. BOGEIRA BACK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 109. Comprising Bogeira Back Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Xarran. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bogeira Back Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Narran. The ZJrown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Bogeira Back Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 22,420 acres. Annual rent, £140 2s. 6d. Rate per acre, Hd. Resumed, 19,565 ,, ,, license, 91 14s. .3d. ,, per section, £.3. Name of Holders — Peel River Laud and Mineral Company. BOGEIRA EAST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 50. Comprising Bogeira East A, Bogeira East B, and Bogeira East Ru)is. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; (bounty of Nai-ran. The Ci'own Lands w^ithin the boundaries of that part of Bogeira East A Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 408 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Narran. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bogeira East and Bogeira East B Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 21,763 acres. Annual rent, £181 7s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 7,989 „ ,, license, 41 12s. 3d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Peel River Land and Mineral Company. BOOBEROI PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 179. Compi-isinj Bemtport, Boberoy, Colleroy, Enhalong Block A, and Guagong Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Beauport and Guagong Runs, and those parts of Colleroy and Boberoy Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, aa notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Enbalong Block A Run and those parts of Colleroy and Boberoy Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, a» notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per .section are as follows :— Leasehold, 61,899 acres. Annual rent, £322 7s. lOd. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 60,512 ,, ,, license 20i 17s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 3s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Alexander Thomas Haley. BOOLEGAL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 231. CompTising Boolegal, Lower North Thononga, and Outer Lower North Thononga Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay North ; Counties of Franklin and Waljeers. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Boolegal Run, and those parts of Lower North Thononga and Outer Lower North Thononga Runs lying to- the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay North ; County of Waljeers. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Lower North Thononga and Outer Lower North Thononga Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 21,128 acres. Annual rent, £246 9s. lid. Rate per acre, 2d. 4-5th. Resumed, 2,685 ,, ,, license, 22 7s. 6d. ,, per sec, £5 6s.8d. Name of Holder— The Hon. William Campbell, M.L.C. BOOMTARICOOL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 60. Comprising Back Boomiaricool Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Balranald ; County of Taila. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Back Boomiaricool Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Divkion] NEW SOUTH WALES 409 Resumed Area. Laud District of Balranald ; County of Taila. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Back Booiniaricool Run lying to the «ast of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 32,592 acres. Annual rent, £67 18s. Od. Rate per acre, ^d. Resumed, 34,980 ,, ,, license, 54 13s. 2d. ,, per section, ^1. Name of Holder — Mr. William Taylor. BOONDARRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 112. Comprising Hohianga North, Sebastopol Block A No. 1, Sebastopol Block D No. 4, Tarraioonya, and Willandra BiUibong or Dry Country Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Hay North and Hillston North ; Coun- ties of Waljeers and Franklin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Willandra Billibong or Dry Country Run, and those parts of Sebastopol Block A No. 1, Sebastopol Block D No 4, and Tarrawonga Runs Ij'ing to the noi-th and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Hay North and Hillston North ; Counties of Waljeers and Franklin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Hokianga North Run and those parts of vSebastopol Block A No. 1, Sebastopol Block D No. 4, and Tarrawonga Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 68,229 acres. Annual rent, £568 lis. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 62,491 ,, ,, license, 260 7s. 7d. ,, per sec. , £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Samuel Brush, Nicholas Sadlier, and Richard Wilson. BOOROOMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 137. Comprising the following Buns, viz.: — Boorroomma, Boor roomma North, Boorroomma Back, Boorroomma Back No. 2, Boogira, Bomavgabah South, Back Kigwigil, Collygoo, Gillgi, Kigicigil, Kigwigil North, Kigwigil East, Kigivigil West, Lower Narra7i Back East, Loioer Narran Back West, 2Iureahun, Ninmecate, Narran No. 6, Narran Back East, Narran Back West, Narranwater, Terewah Sicamp, and Wilkie West. Leasehold Area. Laud Districts of Brewarrina and Walgett North ; Counties of Finch and Narran. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of BooiToonima, Boorroomma Back, Boorroomma Back No 2 , Boorroonmia North, Bomangabah South, Gillgi, Narran No. 6, Narranwater, Terewah Swamp, and Wilkie West Runs, and those pai'ts of Kigwigil and Kigwigil East Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Brewarrina and Walgett North ; Counties of Finch and Narran. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Boogira, Collygoo, Narran Back f]ast, Narran Back West, Lower Narran Back East, Lower Narran Back West, Mareabun, Ninmecate, Kigwigil North, Buck Kigwigil, and Kigwigil West Runs, and those parts of Kigwigil and Kig\vigil 410 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western East Runs lying to the north of the dividing; line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 270,696 acres. Ainuial rent, £1,691 17s. Od. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 120,230 ,, „ license, 500 19s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. George, Augustas, and Pulteney Mein. BOOROOMUGGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 147. Gomprising Booroomugga No. 2 East, Back Booroomugga No. 2 East, and Division Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Booroomugga No. 2 East Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands witliin the boundaries of Back Booroomugga, No. 2 East and Division Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section ai'e as follows : — Leasehold, 64,000 acres. Annual rent, £272 Os. Od. Rate per acre. Id. l-50th. Resumed, 64,200 „ „ license, 203 6s. Od. „ per sec, £2 6 2-5thsd. Name of Holders — Messrs. Richard Goldsbrough and Companj\ BOOROONDARA DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 153. Comprising Booroondara East and Booroondara East Back Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Yanda. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Booroondara East and Booroon- dara East Back Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, nth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Yanda. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Booroondara East and Booroon- dara East Back Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, nth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 55,924 acres. Annual rent, £233 Os. 4d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 59,476 ,, „ license, 139 7s. lid. ,, per section, £1 10s. Names of Holders — Messrs. Frederick Henry Moore and Thomas Forster Knox. BOOTRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 114. Comprising Nungo, Kootooloomondoo, and North Kootooloomondoo Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Yantara and Ularara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of North Kootooloomondoo Run and those parts of Nungo and Kootooloomondoo Runs lying to the north- west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 411 Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Yantara and Ularara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Nungo and Kootooloomondoo Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 95,180 acres. Annual rent, £297 8s. 9d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 96,000 ,, ,, license, 175 Os. Od. ,, per sec, £1 3s. 4d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BOULKA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 126. ■Comprising Boulka Soiitli No. 4, Boulka South Xo. 5, Boulka South JVo. 7, and Boulka South No. 8 Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Evelyn. The Crown Lands w ithin the boundaries of Boulka South No. 4 and Boulka South No. 7 Runs, and that part of Boulka South No. 8 Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Evelyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Boulka South No. 5 Run and that part of Boulka South No. 8 Ruia lying to the east of the di\'iding line, as notified in Gazette 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and i-ate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 125,800 acres. Annual rent, £393 2s. 6d. Rate per acre, ^d. Resumed 135,700 ,, ,, license, 424 Is. 3d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Henry Tarlton Whitty. BOULKA LAKE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 242. ■Comprising the following Runs, viz.:— Blackwood No. 1, Blackwood No. 2, Blackwood No. 4, Blackivood No. 5, Blackwood No. 7, Blackwood No. 8, Blackwood No. 10, Blackivood No. 11, Blackwood No. 12. Mount Shanon No. 1, Mount Shanon No, 2, Gum Creek, Boulka South No. 1, Boidka South No. 2, and Boulka South No. 3. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Evelyn. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Blackwood No. 10, Blackwood No. 11, Blackwood No. 7, and Blackwood No 4. Runs, and those parts of Boulka South No. 1, Blackwood No. 12, Mount Shanon No. 1, Blackwood No. 8, and Black- wood No. 5 Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Evelyn and Poole. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Blackwood No. 1, Blackwood No. 2. Mount Shanon No. 2, Boulka South No. 2, Gum Creek, and Boulka South No. 3 Kuns, and those parts of Boulka South No. 1, Blackwood No 12, Mount Shanon No. 1, Blackwood No. 8, and Blackwood No. 5 Kuns lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified m Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee and rate per jsection are as follows : — Leasehold, .368,900 acres. Annual rent, £1,152 16s. 3d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 373,500 ,, ,, license, 778 2s. 6d. ,, per sec , £1 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Scottish Australian Investment Company. 412 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western BOUNDARY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 316. Comprising Boundary Bun, Leasehold Area. Land District of Wentworth ; County of Tara The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Boundary Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 2nd December, 1885. Resumed. Land District of Wentworth ; County of Tara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Boundary Kun lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 2nd December, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,200 acres. Annual rent, £42 10s. Od. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 6,127 ,, ,, license, 19 3s. Od. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. John Holland Robertson. BRENDA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 118. Comprising Brenda, Minna, Boorjenderra East, Boogenderra West, Cobienda, and Bunna Bunna West Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; Counties of Narran and Culgoa. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Brenda, Minna, and Boogen- derra West Runs, and that part of Boogenderra East Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Narran. The Ci'own Lands within the boundaries of Bunna Bunna West and Cobienda Runs, and that part of Boogenderra East Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 37,728 acres. Annual rent, £314 8s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d Resumed, 15,710 ,, ,, license, 73 12s. lOd. „ per section, £3. Name of Holders — Bank of Australasia. BRINDINGABBA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 80. Comprising Kilfera, Kenmare, Killowen, Moolort, and Warroo Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Irrara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kilfera and Kenmare Runs, and that part of Moolort Pv,un lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Irrara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Killowen and Warroo Pvuns, and that part of Moolort Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 143,520 acres. Annual rent, £598 Os. Od. Rate per acre. Id, Resumed, 138,220 „ „ license, 410 6s. lOd. ,, per sec, £1 ISs. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 413 BUCKALOW PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 67. Comprising Buckalow,' Bw.kalow No. 2, Buchaloic No. 3, Buckalow No, 4, Buckalow No. 5, and Buckalow No. 9 Runs, Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Windeyer and Menindie. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Buckalow No, 9, and those parts of Buckalow No. 5, Buckalow No. 2, and Buckalow Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Wilcannia and Wentworth ; County of Windeyer. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Buckalow No. 3, Buckalow No. 4, and those parts of Buckalow No. 2, Buckalow No. 5, and Buckalow Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, list July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 199,300 acres. Annual rent, £622 16s. 3d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 202,400 „ ,, license, 210 16s. 8d. ,, per sec, 138. 4d. Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. BUCKANBEE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 9. Comprising Mary Mary, Mary Mary Back, Wigillla, and Greenoughs Hill No. 3 Block B Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Rankin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mary Mary, Mary Mary Back, Wigillia, and Greenoughs Hill No, 3 Block B Runs lying to the west and north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Rankin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Mary Mary, Mary Mary Back, Wigillia, and Greenoughs Hill No. 3 Block B Runs lying to the east and south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 87,730 acres. Annual rent, £465 4s. 9d. Rate per acre, Id. 3-llth. Resumed, 90,880 ,, ,, license, 307 13s. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 3s. 4d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. BUCKWAROON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 18. Comprising Buckiearoon and Buckwaroon South Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Robinson. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Buckwaroon and Buckwaroon South Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Robinson. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Buckwaroon and Buckwaroon South Buns lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 56,000 acres. Annual rent, £233 68. 8d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 52,608 ,, ,, license, 164 8s. Od. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — The Hon. John Lackey, M.L.C. 414 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western BUDDA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 77. Comprmng Budda Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Kankin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Budda Eun lying to the north-east of the dividing hue, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Eesomed Abea. Land District of Bourke ; County of Rankin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Budda Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rant, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 20,480 acres. Annual rent, £170 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 18,100 ,, ,, license, 113 2s. 6d. ,, per section, £4. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. BULGOO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 86. Comprising Central block A and Central block B Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; Counties of Booroondarra and Robinson. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Central block A and Central block B Runs lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; Counties of Booroondarra and Robinson. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Central block A and Central block B Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 62,360 acres. Annual rent, £207 17s. 4d. Rate per acre, 8-lOth d. Resumed, 61,100 ,, ,, license, 119 6s. 9d. „ per sec, £1 18s. Name of Holders - Bank of New South Wales. BULLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 82. Comprising Donald's Plains block H and Donald's Plains block K Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Rankin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Donald's Plains block H and Donald's Plains block K Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Rankin. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of those parts of Donald's Plains block H and Donald's Plains block K Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 64,0Q0 acres. Annual rent, £160 Os. Cd. Rate per acre, 3-5th d. Resumed, 64,(](ii)0 „ ,, license, 100 Os. Od. „ per section, £1. Name of Holders — Messrs. Richard Goldsbrongh and Company. Divisioii] NEW SOUTH WALES 415 BUNDABULLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 101. Comprising the foUoving Runs, viz.: — Bundahulla West No. 1, BundabullaW est No. 2, Bundahulla West No. 3, Bundahulla West No. 4, Bundahulla East No. 3, Bundahulla East No. 4, Bundahulla Back, Bundahulla Back No. 2, and Terra Walka. Leasehold Area. Land District of Biewarrina ; County of Narran. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bundahulla West No. 3, Bundahulla West No. 4, Bundahulla East No. 4, and those parts of Bundahulla Enst No. 3, Bunda- hulla Back, and Bundahulla Back No. 2 Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Narran. The Crown Lands within the houndaries of Terra Walka, Bundahulla West No. 1, Bun- dahulla West No. 2, and those parts of Bundahulla East No. 3, Bundahulla Back, and Bundahulla Back No. 2 Runs, lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18So. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 80,348 acres. Annual rent, £669 lis. 4d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 61,690 ,, „ license, 289 3s. 6d. ,, per section, £3. Name of Holders — Bank of Australasia. BUNDINBARRINA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 216. Comprising Barungeel, Muggarie, Back B, Wallah No. 1, Wallah No. 3, Wallah No. 3, Wallah No. 4, Willahilla Back Block, Willahilla, Collareenbie, and Bundinbarrina Run.istrict of Bourke ; County of Cowper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Coronga and Bye Runs and that part of Mulga Ko. 6 Run lyiag to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 34,340 acres. Annual rent, £143 Is. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 30,532 ,, ,, license, 95 Ss. 3d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. CANALLY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 263. Comprising the foUovAng Buns, viz .-—Benongal, South Benongle, Tararie, Windo- mnl, Laurie Park, Meilman, Caringy, Lovser Leitee, Outer J/anie Lower, Turlee, Ktingaie, Mainie Upper, Loocalle, Kungaie Plains West, Manie Lower, Kimgaie Plains, Merowa, and back of Turlee. Leasehold Area. Land District of Balracald ; Counties of Caira and Taila. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Tararie, South Beuongle, Benongal, Windomal, Kungaie, Kungaie Plains, Kungaie Plains West, Manie Upper, Manie Lower, Outer Manie Lower, and Loocalle Runs, and that part of Lower Lettee Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Balranald ; County of Taila. The Cro^vn Lands within the boundaries of Laurie Park, Carringy, Meilman, Merowa, Turlee, and Back Turlee Runs, and that part of Lower Lettee Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 305,473 acres. Annual rent, £636 18s. Id. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 314,000 ,, ,, license, 367 19s. 4d. ,, per section, 15s. Names of Holders — Hon. James MacBaiu, Alexander McCallum, William and Henry Walker. CARYAPUNDY SWAMP No. 1, PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 284. Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Wilcaunia ; County of Tongowoko. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Caryapundy Swamp No. 1 Run, as defined by proclamation in Gazette of 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of Sub-section IV., Section 75, Crown Lands Act, 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre, are as follows : — Leasehold, 54,200 acres. Annual rent, £112 18s. 4d, Rate per acre, id. Names of Holders — Messrs. Richard Green and Henry Thomas Rowland Bull. 418 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western CARYAPUNDY SWAMP No. 2, PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 313. Comprising Caryapundy Swamp No. 2 Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcanuia ; County of Tongowoko. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Caryapundy Swamp No. 2 Eun lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Tongowoko. The Crown Lands ^^ ithin the boundaries of that part of Caryapundy Swamp No. 2 Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 32,000 acres. Annual rent, £133 6s. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 32,000 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mrs. Mary Neilson. CARYAPUNDY WEST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 314. Comprising Caryapundy West Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Tongowoko. The Crown Lands Avithin the boundaries of that part of Caryapundy West Eun lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Tongowoko. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Caryapundj'' West Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 14th October, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 32,400 acres. Annual rent, £135. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 32,400 ,, Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Board. CENTRAL BLOCK C, PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 158. Comprising Central block C Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Booroondarra. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Central Block C Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Booroondarra. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Central Block C Run lying to the uorth-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 29,780 acres. Annual rent, £74 9s. Od. Rate per acre, 3-5th d. Resumed, 30,000 ,, ,, license, 70 6s. 3d. ,, per sec , £1 10s. Name of Holders— Bank of New South Wales. CHARLTON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 236. Comprising East Bocjan No. 20, Gongolgan No. 1, Gongolgan No. 2, Loiver Charlton, and Upper Charlton Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Gongolgan No. 1 and Gongolgan No. 2 Runs, and that part of East Bogan No. 20 Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st Julj', 1885. Divmo7i] NEW SOUTH WALES 419 Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Lower Charlton and Upper Charlton Runs and that part of East Bogan No. 20 Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 98,627 acres. Annual rent, £821 17s. lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 85,646 ,, ,, license, 446 Is. 6d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Arthur Grainger Langmore. CLARE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 5L Comprising Avondale, Alma, Clare A, Clare B, Clare C, North Clare A, and ^orth Clare B Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Balranald and Hay North ; Counties of Mahara and Waljeers. The Crown Lauds v.ithin the boundaries of Avondale, Alma, and Clare A Runs, and those parts of Clare B and Clare C Riins Ij'ing to the south and east of the dividing Ime, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Balranald ; County of Manara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of North Clare A and North Clare B Runs, and those parts of Clare B and Clare C Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, anniial rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows ; — Leasehold, 222,736 acres. Annual rent, £928 Is. 4d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 217,180 ,, ,, license, 226 4s. 7d. ,, per sec, 1.3s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. William Edward Stanbridge, George Meares, and John Waugh. COAX DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 24. Comp7'ising Bundure, Coree, Gonn, Gooan, Killeen, Wagga, Yara, and Yara block B Bzins. Leaskhold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Killeen, Gooan, Wagga, Coree, and those parts of Gonn and Yara Block B Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Juty, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Blaxland. The Cro^vn Lands within the boundaries of Bundure, Yara, and those parts of Gonn and Yara Block B Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :— Leasehold, 2.30,140 acres. Annual rent, £1,078 15s. 8d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 232,174 ,, ,, license, 846 9s. 5d. ,, persec.,£2 6s 8d. Name of Holders — City of Melbourne Bank. COBHAM LAKE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 2L Comprising the/olioicing Bu7is, viz. : — Mount Arroivsmith No. 1, Mount Arrowsmith No. 2, West Paldrumata, Burr Creek block A, Burr Creek block B, Evelyn Creek block A, Evelyn Creek block B, Evelynblock C, and Evelyn Creek block D. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Y'antara and Evelyn. The Cro^\"n Lands within the boundaries of West Paldrumata, Mount Arrowsmith No. 1, Mount Arrowsmith No. 2, Burr Creek block A, and Burr p 2 420 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western Creek block B Runs, and those parts of Evelyn Creek block A and Evelyn Creek block B Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Evelyn. The Crowai Lands within the boundaries of Evelyn Creek block C and Evelyn Creek block D Runs, and those parts of Evelyn Creek block A and Evelyn Creek block B Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 225,320 acres. Annual rent, £704 2s. 6d. Rate per aci-e, |d. Resumed, 225,380 ,, ,, license, 704 6s. 3d. ,, per section, £2 Name of Holders — Scottish Australian Investment Companj'. COLLYWARRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 76. Compridng Gollywarry and Collywarry Back Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District C'f Brewarrina ; County of Narran. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Collywarry Back and Collywarry Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llthJiily, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Narran. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Collywarry Back and Collj'warry Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 38,000 acres. Annual rent, £263 17s. lOd. Rate per acre, Ifd. Resumed, 16,120 ,, ,, license, 75 lis. 3d. ,, per sec, £3. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. CONNULPIE DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 65. Comprising Carya2mndy, Tongowoho West, Conmdpy, Bollioarry, Omura No. 5, and Omura No. 6 Runs. Leasehold Area. Land district of Wilcannia ; County of Tongowoko. The Crowai Lands within the boundaries of Caryapundy Run and those parts of Tongowoko West, Connulpie, and BoUwarry Runs lying to the west of the divid- ing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Tongowoko and Delalah. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Omura No. 5 and Omura No. 6 Runs, and those parts of Tongowoko West, Connulpie, and Bollwarry Runs, lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follo\vs : — Leasehold, 208,260 acres. Annual rent, £578 10s. Od. Rate per acre, §d. Resumed, 202,900 ,, ,, license, 118 i 7s. 9d. ,, per sec, 7s, 6d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 421 CONOBLE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 212. Comprising Papatoiloi North, Papatoitoi No. 1, Rankin's Hill No. 5, Rankin's Hill No. 6, and Palmyra Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Pahnyra Run and those parts of Papatoitoi No. 1, Papatoitoi North, Kankin's Hill No. 5, and Rankin's Hill No. 6 Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those pares of Papatoitoi North, Papatoitoi No. 1, Rankin's Hill No 5, and Rankin's Hill No. 6 Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 154,470 acres. Annual rent, £965 8s. 9d. Rate per acre, lid. Resumed, 103,027 ,, ,, license, 429 5s. 7d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messx'S. Charles Gibson Millar and Edwin Franks Millar. COOBUNG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 292. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Narran. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Coobung Run, as defined by proclama- tion in Gazette, of 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of sub-section IV., section 75 Crown Lands Act 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 18,100 acres. Annual I'ent, £150 16s. 8d. Rate per acre, 2d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. COOLABAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 264. Comprisinrj Glenariff block C and Glcnariff Mid Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Glenariff block C and Glenariff Mid Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Glenariff block C and Glenariff Mid Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 38,608 acres. Annual rent, £170 18s. 5d. Rate per acre, Id. l-16th. Resumed, 59,488 ,, ,, license, 198 5s. lOd. ,, per sec,, £2 2s. 8d. Name of Holders— Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. COOLEBAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 265. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; Counties of Robinson and Booroondarra. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Rankin's Hill No. 3 block F Run, as defined by proclamatiorl in Gazette of 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of sub-section IV., section 75, Crown Lands Act 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 64,000 acres. Annual rent, £213 6s. Sd. Rate per acre, 8-lOths Id. Name of Holder — Mr. F. Walsh. 422 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western COOMBIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 163. Comprising East Wangaron, Outer Wangaron,' Wanga and Ticehurst Runs Leasehold Akea. liimd District of Hillston Xorth ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of East Wangaron, Outer Wangaron, Wanga, and Ticehurst Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in (rasei^e, 11th July, 1885, Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of East Wangaron, Outer Wangaron, Wanga, and Ticehurst Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 64,160 acres. Annual rent, £200 10s. Od. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 63,940 ,, ,, license, 66 12s. Id. ,, per sec, 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. Thomas Frederick Umphelby. CORELLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 32. Comprising the following Runs, viz. :— Gwiwara, G^iriioara Back, Kiinreeheree Back, Kunreeberee block A, Cockellireena, Cockellireeiia Back Tlmlly Springs, North Darling Back No. 29, and North Barling Back No. 30. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Bourke and Brewarrina ; Counties of Guuderbooka and Culgoa. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Guriwara Guriwara Back, Thully Springs, and those parts of North Darling Back No. 29, North Darling Back No. 30, Ki;nreeberee Back, and Kunreeberee Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Bourke and Brewarrina ; Counties of Ounderbooka and Culgoa. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of block A Cockellireena, Cockellireena Back, and those parts of North Darling Back No. 29, North Darling Back No, 30, Kiinreeberee Back, and Kunreeberee Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The a,rea, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 120,704 acres. Annual rent, £628 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 91,300 ,, ,, license, 284 13s. 9d. ,, per sec, £2. Name of Holders — Scottish Australian Investment Company. CORONA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 195. Comprising the, following Runs, viz. : — Avenel, Avenel No. 2, Avenel No. 3, Badjer- rigarn North-ivest, Badjerrigarn South-west, Flood's Creek South, Glenmore, Stratore block A, Stratore block B, Stratoreblock C, Stanley block A, Sonth Tanyarto, Wa Ya Boor la South, Wa Ya Boorla Plains, Willewurraiva C, 1607, 1623, 2241, 2242, 2243, 2246, 52-73, 53-73, 140-72, 141-72, lSO-72, 181-72, 182-72, 183-72. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Farnell and Mootwingee. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Badjerrigarn South- west, Flood's Creek South, Glenmore, South Tanyarto, Wa Ya Booi'la South, Wa Ya Boorla Plains, Willewurrawa C, 1607, 1623, 2241, 2242, 2243, 2246, 53-73 Runs, and that part of Stanley block A Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Divisio7i] NEW SOUTH ^VALES 423 Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Evelj-n and Famell. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Avenel, Avenel Xo. 2, Aveuel No. 3, Stratore block A. Stratore block B, Stratore block C, 52-73, 140-72, 141-72, 180-72, 181-72, 182-72, 183-72 Runs, and that part of Stanley block A Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in (7a~e«e, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual x'ent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 829,820 acres. Annual rent, £2,593 3s. 9d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 824,1U0 ,, ,, license, 1,448 12s. 3d. ,, persec , £1 2s.6d. Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. CORONGA DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 56. Comprising Bach Coronga Peak West and Booroomugga North Rum. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Cobar ; County of Robinson. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Booroomugga North Run lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of CoM'per. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Back Coronga Peak West Run lying to the north- east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 188.5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 60,662 acres. Annual rent, £252 15s. 2d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 63,380 ,, ,, license, 198 Is. 3d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders — The Australian Joint Stock Bank. CORONGA PEAK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 210. Comprising Coronga Peak, Coronga Peak East, Coronga Peak Back, Back Coronga Peak East, and Robertson Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke; County of Co wper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Robertson Run, and those parts of Coronga Peak East and Coronga Peak Runs lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Co vper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Coronga Peak Back, and Back Coronga Peak East Runs, and those part of Coronga Peak and Coronga Peak East Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31th July, 1SS5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; tlie area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 128,640 acres. Annual rent, £536 Os. Od. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 136,220 ,, ,, license, 425 13s. 9d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — ilr. Salathial Booth. CORRONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 258. Compridng the foUoioing Runs, viz : — Benelkey, Bomarthong, Kitcho, Bulgar- bugerygam, Bungerra, Corrong, Culparllng, Lahe Walgiers, Matamong Plains, Nattue, Xorth Walgiers, Tarawong, Ten-viile Plain, and Waljier Plain. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Hay and Balranald ; Counties of Manara, Kilfera, and Waljiers. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Corrong, Kitcho, and Bomarthong Runs, and those parts of Benelkey, Culparling, 424 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western Bulgarbugerygan, Tarawong, Bungerra, Ten-mile Plain, Waljier Plains, Matamong Plains, and Lake Waljier Riins lying to the south and west of the dividing line, exclusive of lands within population boundaries, or reserved from lease or other- wise exempt under the provisions of the Crown Lands Act of 1884, or any Act thereby repealed ; as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Hay and Balranald ; Counties of Manara and Waljiers. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Nattue and North Waljiers Runs and those parts of Bonelkey, Culparling, Bulgarbugerygam, Tarawong, Bungerra, Ten-mile Plain, \Valjier Plains, Matamong Plains, and Lake Waljiers Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 30.3,.343 acres. Annual rent, £2,654 5s. Id. Rateper aci-e, 2d. 1-lOth. Resumed, 117,675 ,, „ license, 833 10s. 8d. „ per sec, £4 10s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. Peter Tyson. COULPATARO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 16. Comprising Culpataro and Alargaro Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay North ; County of Waljeers. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Culpataro and Margaro Rini lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hay North ; County of Waljeers. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Culpataro and Margaro Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold 58,840 acres. Annual rent, £269 13s. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. 1-lOth. Resumed, 1,840 ,, ,, license, 10 14s. 8d. ,, per sec, £3 14s. 8d. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. CULPAULIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 36. Comprising Netallie, Culjyaiilin, and Bonley Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Young. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bonley Run, and that part of Culpaulin Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Young. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Netallie Run, and that part of Culpaulin Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 84,530 acres. Annual rent, £528 6s. 3d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 56,950 ,, ,, license, 237 5s. lOd. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr, Lachlan McBean. CULTOWA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 178. Comprising Donald's Plains block J, Moama Mock M, Moama block P, Keil or North block D, Keilor South block C, Merry, Outer Merry, and Onondoo Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Werunda. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Keilor North block D Run and those parts Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 425 of Merry, Outer Meriy, Keilor South block C, Moama block M, Moama block P, and Onondoo Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Wilcannia and Bourke ; Counties of Werunda and Rankin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Donald's Plains block J Run, and those parts of Merry, Outer Merry, Keilor South block C, Moama block M, Moama block P, and Onondoo Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 204,671 acres. Annual rent, £9.30 6s. 6d. Rate per acre, Id. 1-1 1th. Resumed, 202,817 ,, „ license, 633 16s. Id. ,, jjer section, £2. Name of Holders — Union Bank of Australia. CURRANYALPA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 184. Comprising Wallandra, Outer Wallandra, Weelong, Outer Weelonq, Grcenoughs Hill No. 1 block A, and Greenoughs Hill No. 1 block B Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Rankin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Weelong, Outer ^^'eelong, and Greenoughs Hill No. 1 block A Runs, and those parts of Outer Wallandra and Greenoughs Hill No. 1 block B Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notitied in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Rankin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Wallandra Run, and those parts of Outer Wallandra and Greenoughs Hill No. 1 block B Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 104,188 acres. Aimual rent, £596 1 8s. 3d. Rate per acre, l§d. Resumed, 104,853 ,, „ license, 382 5s. 7d. ,, per sec, £2 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. CTJRRAWEENA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 209. Comprising Curraiveena, Curraweena Back, and Extended Curraiveena Btmn. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Cowper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Extended Curraweena and those parts of Curraweena and Curraweena Back Runs lying to the north-Avest of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Cowper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Curraweena and Curraweena Back Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee. and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 68,939 acres. Annual rent, £287 4s. lid. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 67,175 ,, ,, license, 209 18s. 6d. ,, per sec , £2. Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. 426 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western CUTHOWARRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 49. Comprising Eckerboon East and Cuthoivarra Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Young. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Cuthowarra Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in (?a2e«e, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Tandora and Young. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Eckerboon East Run and that part of Cuthowarra Run lying to the west and south of the dividing line, as noticed in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 55,400 acres. Annual rent, £184 L3s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4-5ths d. Resumed, 55,200 ,, ,, license, 143 15s. Od. ,, per sec, £1 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Australasian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. CUTHRO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 214. Comprising the folloicing Runs, viz : — Barrav-anna, Bungalong, East Milang, Kilon, Kuclgee, Meroo Bun, Milang West, MuUojana, Nadbnck West; On'er Cuthro, Outer Wallira, Outer Willotia, Outer YaltoJka, Folia, South Ita, South Waneba, Southern Outer Yaltolka, Urutah North, Urutah North-ioest, JJrutah West, Urutah South, Willotia, Yaltolka, and Yartla. Leasehold Area. Land Districts ot Wentworth and Wilcannia ; Coimty of Windeyer. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Meroo Run, Urutah North- west, Kilon, Urutah West, Urutah South, Urutah North, Southern Outer Yaltolka, Bungalong, Barrawanna, Mullojana, Polia and Yartha Runs, and those parts of East Milang, Nadbuck West, Outer Cuthro, Outer Yaltolka, and Yaltolka Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885 Resumed Area. Laud Districts of Wentworth and Wilcannia ; County of Windeyer. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of South Waneba, South Ita, Milang West, Kudgee, Outer Wallara, Outer Willotia, and Willotia Runs, and those parts of Nadbuck West, Outer Cuthro, Outer Yaltolka, East Milang, and Yaltolka Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 3 1st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 561,626 acres, Annual rent, £2,376 13s. 6d. Rate per acre, Id. l-64th. Resumed, 562,094 ,, „ license, 1,793 2s. 9d. ,, per sec, £2 Os. lOd. Names of Holders — Messrs. John, W^illiam, and Charles Pile. DARLING BLOCK D, PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 287. Leasehold Area. Land District of Balranald ; County of Kilfera. The Crov.'n Lands within the boundaries of Darling Block D Run as defined by pro- clamation in Gazette of 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of sub-section IV., section 75, Crown Lands Act 1884. The area, aimual rent, and rate per acre are as follows ; — Leasehold, 38,480 acres. Annual rent, £192 Ss. Od. Rate per acre, Id. l-5th. Names of Holders — Messrs. John Mclntyre and Lawrence Robertson. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 427 DELALAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 127. Comprising Corriwelpie, Korrie, Tongowoko, Tongowoko South, and Delalah Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcancia ; County of Delalah. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Delalah and Tongowoko South Runs and that part of Tongowoko Run Ijnug to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Delalah. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Corriwelpie and Corri Runs, and that part of Tongowoko Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 1 1th July, I8S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 161,750 acres. Annual rent, £2(39 lis. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 157,150 ,, ,, license, 183 3s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Lloyd Jones. DELALAH DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 48. Comprising Delalah No. 1, Delalah No, 2, and Delalah No. 3 Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Delalah. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Delalah No. 2 and Delalah No. 3 Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Delalah. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Delalah No. 1 Run and those parts of Delalah No. 2 and Delalah No. 3 Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold. 110,300 acres. Annual rent, £183 16s. 8d. Rate per acre, 1 d. Resumed, lli,4istrict of Wilcannia ; County of Young. The Ciown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Baroonrangee, Daubeny, and Ardennes Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold 108,120 acres. Annual rent, £337 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 101,520 ,, ,, license. 272 3s. 'Jd. „ per sec, £1 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Australasian Mortgage and Agency Co. of Melboiime. GRAWIN SOUTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 303. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett North ; County of Finch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Grawin South Run, as defined by proclamation in Gazette of 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of Sub-section IV., Section 75, of Crown Lands Act, 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 25,0(i0 acres. Annual rent, £156 5s. Rate per acre, l^d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Arthur Ranken Blackwood and Frederick Henry Moore. GUMANALDRY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 296. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett North ; County of Finch. The Clown Lands within the boundaries of Giimanaldry Run, as defined by proclama- tion in Gazette of 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of Sub-section IV., Section 75, Crown Lands Act, 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre, are as follows : — Leasehold, 24,316 acres. Annual rent, £103 6s. lid. Rate per acre, Id. l-50th. Names of Holders — Messrs. Duncan and John McMaster. GUNDABOOKA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 177. Comprising WooUa Woolla, WooUa WooVa back, back Woolla Woolla, back of back Woolla Woolla, GumhaV, Gumhall hack, andback Gumhall Runs. Le.vsehold Area. Land District of Boui-ke ; County of Yanda. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Woolla Woolla and Woolla Woolla Back 438 PASTORAL POSSESSION'S [Western Runs, and those parts of Back Woolla WooUa and back of Back Woolla WooUa Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Resuimed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Yanda. The Crown Lands vi'ithin the boundaries of Gumhall, Gumhall Back, and Back Gumhall Runs and those parts of Back Woolla Woolla and back of Back \Yoolla Woolla Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 162,570 acres. Annual rent, £846 14s. 5d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 119,571 ,, ,, license, 373 13s. 2d. „ per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. James Robertson. GUNNIGULDRTE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 59. Comprising ]^orth Hyandra and Hyandra West Einis. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of North Hyandra and Hyandra West Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of North Hyandra and Hyandra West Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing Ime, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 37,160 acres. Annual rent, £38 14s. 2d. Rate per acre, Jd. Resumed, 38,400 ,, ,, license, 140 Os. Od. ,, per sec, £2 6s. 8d. Name of Holder— Mr. Donald MoPhail. GURRERA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 38. Comprising North Darling hack Run, No. 16. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Culgoa. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of North Darling Back Run No. 16, lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Culgoa. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of North Darling Back Euu No. 16, lying to the north of the dividing Ime, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 32,000 acres. Annual rent, £150 Os. Od. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 32,000 ,, ,, license, ]33Gs. 8d. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d, Name of Holder — Mr. John McNevin. HARTWOOD PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 238. Comprising Hartwood Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Mouramba. The Crown Lands %v ithin the boundaries of that part of Hartwood Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 439 Rfsumed Arka. Land District of Cobar ; Co\mt>' of Mouramba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Hartwood Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 31,110 acres. Annual rent, £77 los. 6d. Rate per acre, 3-5th d. Resumed, 32,030 ,, ,, license, 56 6s. Id. ,, per sec, £1 2s. 6d, Name of Holders — Australian Joint Stock Bank. HUABA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 286. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Huaba Run, as defined by proclama- tion in Gazette of 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of Sub-section IV. , Section 75, Crown Lands Act, 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 31,800 acres. Annual rent, £185 10s. Rate per acre. Id. 2-5th. Name of Holders — Australian and New Zealand Mortgage Company. INNESOWEN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 4. Comprising Innesowen, Cadzoio Forest, and Birnam Wood Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Rankin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Innesowen Run and that part of Cadzow Forest Run Ij'ing to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Are.\. Land District of Bourke ; County of Rankin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Birnam Wood Run and that part of Cadzow Forest Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 93,00 J acres. Annual rent, £348 15s Od. Rate per acre, 9-lOths d. Resumed, 80,640 „ „ license, 189 Os. Od. ,, per sec, £1 lOs.Od. Name of Holders — Bank of Australasia. JANDRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 234. Comprising Banga, Jandra, Manicanga, Maroona, Back Jandra, and back Manwanga Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Cowper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Manwanga and Back Manwanga Runs, and those parts of Jandra and Back Jandra Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Cowper. The Ci'own Lands within the boundaries of Banga and Maroona Runs and those parts of Jandia and Back Jandra Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 109,548 acres. Annual rent, £912 18s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 73,786 „ ,, license, 384 6s. Id. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. James Robertson and Robert M'Cracken. 440 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [We.«tern KAJULIGAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 169. Comprising Miparo of Manfred Ea^t, Miparo North block B, and Miparo North block A Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Miparo of Manfred East and Miparo North block B Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth JiUy, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston Noi'th ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Miparo North block A Run and those parts of Miparo of Manfred East and Miparo North block E Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 78,740 acres. Annual rent, £328 Is. 8d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 80,080 „ „ license, 333 13s. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage Land and Finance Company. KALENO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 167. Comprising Bankings Hill East No. 4 block A, and Ranhin^s Hill East No. 4 block B Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Booroondarra. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Rankin's Hill East No. 4 block A, and Rankin's Hill No. 4 block B Runs, lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Booroondara. The CroAvn Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Rankin's Hill East No 4 block A and Rankin's Hill No. 4 block B Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 64,000 acres. Annual rent, £214 13s. 4d. Rate per acre, 8-lOth d Resumed, 61,560 ,, ,, license, 160 6s 3d. ,, per sec, £1 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. William Henry Fletcher and Richard Goldsbrough and Company. KALLARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 22. Comprising the following Runs, viz. : — Paroo No. 9, Paroo No 10, Butha Butha West, Butha Butha Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, Bilpa West, Bilpa East, Byjerk, Biparo, Warramutty West, Warramutty East, Jump-off No. 2, Jimip-off No. 3, MoollaiDolka East, Moollaivolka West, Moollaicolka South, Yamaranie, Byjerk South, Kallara, Outer Kallara, beyond Outer Kallarn, and Far West. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; Counties of Kallara and Fitzgerald. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kallara, Outer Kallara, Beyond Outer Kallara, Far West, Jump-off No. 2, Jump-off No. 3, Mullawolka East, Mullawolka West, and Mullawolka South Runs, and that part of Yamaranie Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Wilcannia and Bourke ; Counties of Kallara, Ularara, Fitzgerald, Baroona, and Landsborough The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Paroo Plains No. 9, Paroo Plains No. 10, Butha Divmon] NEW SOUTH WALES 441 Butha West, Butha Butha Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, BilpaWest, Bilpa East, Byjerk, Byjerk South, Biparo, Warramutty West, and Warraniutty East Runs, and that part of Yamaranie Run lying to the uortli of the dividuig line, as notified in Gazelle, lltli July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 491,280 acres. Annual rent, £2,456 8s. Od. Rate per acre. Id. l-5th Resumed, 501,860 ,, ,, license, 1,372 5s. 6d. ,, per sec, £1 15s. Od. Names of Holders — Charles Myles, Mary Lillias Rigg, Officer ; and Robert Harper. KAYRUNNERA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 274. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Yungnulgra. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kayrunnera East Run, as defined by Proclamation in Gazette of 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of sub-sectiou IV., section 75, Crown Land's Act, 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 34,167 acres. Annual rent, £143 15s, 9d. Rate per acre. Id. 1-lOOth Name of Holders — Trust and Agency Company of Australasia. KEEWONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 79. 'Comprising Youyang block A, Youyang block B, Youyaiifj block C, Youyang block D, and Youyang block E Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Hillston North and Cobar ; Counties of Mossgiel and Mouramba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Youyang block A, Youyang block B, Youyang block E Runs, and that part of Youyang block C Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of JSIossgiel. The Crown Lands within the Ijoundaries of Youyang block D Run and that part of Youyang block C Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 122,740 acres. Annual rent, £127 17s. Id. Rate per acre, Jd. Resumed, 120,700 ,, ,, license, 408 12s. 5d. ,, per sec , £2 3s. 4d. Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. KENILWORTH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 94. Comprising Kenilworth, Mulga No. 2, Mulga No. 3, and Mullela Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; (,'ounty of Co%\-per. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mulga No. 2 and Kenilworth Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Co^\•per. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mulga No. 3 and Mullela Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 92,730 acres. Annual rent, £386 73. 6d. Rate per acie, Id. Resumed, 91,352 ,, ,, license, 285 9s. 6d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Charles Percy Davis. 442 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western KERRIBREE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 189. Comprising Kerrilree, Meriita, Lismore South, Merrita West and Merrita South Eun!'. Leasehold Arka. Land District of Boiirke ; County of Irrara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Merrita and Kerribree Runs and that part of Lis- more South Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Barrona. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Merrita West and Merrita Soiith Runs and that part of Lismore South Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 169,640 acres. Amiual rent, £706 16s. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 163,680 „ „ license, 417 lis. 3d. ,, per sec, £1 15s. Name of Holders— Australian and New Zealand Mortgage Company. KEW PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 297. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Woore and Weruuda. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Moama block Q Run, as defined by proclamation in Gazette, 5th August, 1885, under the pro^•isions of sub-section IV., section 75 Crown Lands Act 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : - Leasehold, 64,700 acres. Annual rent, £269 lis. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Names of Holders — Messrs. A. Desailly, A. C. Walker, and G. Desailly. KILFERA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 25. Comprising the following Runs, viz : — Kilfera block D, Kilfera block F, Kiljera block H, Kilfera block I, Kilfera block J, Kilfera Mock K, Kilfera block L, Kilfera block M, Kilfera block N, Kilfera block 0, Kilfera block P, Kilfera block Q, and Whitminbah. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Wilcannia and Balranald ; County of Manara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kilfera block F, Kilfera block D, Kilfera block N, Kilfera block Q, Kilfera block I, and Whitminbah Runs, and those parts of Kilfera block M and Kilfera block H Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Wilcannia and Balranald ; County of Manara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kilfera block J, Kilfera block K, Kilfera block 0, Kilfera block P, and Kilfera block L Runs, and those parts of Kilfera block M and Kilfera block H Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 411,398 acres. Annual rent, £857 Is. 7d. Rate per acre, ^d. Resumed, 412,437 ,, ,, license, 322 4s. 4d. „ per section, 10s. Name of Holders — Trust and Agency Company of Australasia. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 443 KINCHEGA PASTORAL HOLDING, Xo. 244. Comprising the following Iiun.f, viz.: — Alma, Ahlhoroiigh, Balakhtva, beyond Qiit/r Weinteriga, CoonbaraUa, Charlemont, Candilla, Farvicoat, Kars, Minindel, Nara, Naloira, Outer Pamamaroo, Outer Naloira, Paringi Gaari, Pamamaioo, Silistria, and Mundybah. Lkasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Yancowinna, Tandora, and Menindee. The Ciown Lands Avithin the boundaries of Aldborough, Balaklava, Candilla, Kars, Naloira, Outer Naloira, Paringi Oaari, and Mundybah Runs, and those parts of CoonbaraUa, Charlemont, Fanncoat, Minindel, Nara, and Silistria Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Wilcannia ; Counties of Yancowinna, Tandora, and Menindee. The Crov.n Lands within the boundaries of Alma, beyond Outer Weinteriga, Outer Pamamaroo, and Pamamaroo Runs, and those parts of CoonbaraUa, Charlemont, Fanncoat, Minindel, Kara, and Silistria Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 645,491 acres. Annual rent, £2,689 10s. lid. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 593,381 ,, ,, license, 1,854 6s. 4d. ,, per sec, £2. Name of Holder — Mr. Herbert Bristow Hughes. LACHLAN DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 47. Comprising Kiamba, TJroUe, Yamma, and Yanko Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Mouramba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Yanko Run and those parts of Urolee and Yamma Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; Counties of Mouramba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kiamba Run and those parts of Urolee and Yamma Rims lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 84,8^0 acres. Annual rent, £265 5s. Od. Rate per acre, .^d. Resumed, 79,880 ,, „ license, 78 Os. 2d. ,, per sec, 12s. 6d. Names of Holders — Hannah and Margaret Mackinnon and Alexander Macrea. LAKE VICTORIA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 170. Comprising the following JRwis. viz. .-—Scotia No. 1, Scotia No. 2, Scotia JYo. 3, Scotia No. 4, Winnehagga, Amoskeag, Scriib, Scrub Run block No. 2, Scrub Bun block No. 3, Scrub Itun block No. 4, Scrub Run block No. 5, Scrub Run block No. 6, Scrub Bun block No. S, Scrub Bun block No. 9, Scrub Run block No. 10, Westbronk, Wannawanna, Tara, Yantaralla, Pellwalka, Jl'^est Bu/us, and East Rufus Buns, Leasehold Area. Land District of Wentworth ; County of Tara. Tlie Crown Lands within the boundaries of Scrub Run block No. 10, Scrub Eun lilock No. 6, Scrub Run block No. 3, Westbrook, Yantaralla, Tara, and East Rufus Runs, 444 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western. and those parts of Wiimebagga, Amoskeag, Scrub Run block No. 9, Scrub Eun block No. 5, Scrub, Waunawanna, and West Eufus Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wentworth ; Counties of Tara and Windeyer. The Ci'own Lands within the boundaries of Scotia No. 1, Scotia No. 2, Scotia No.3 , Scotia No. 4, Scrub Eun block No. 2, Scrub Eun block No. 4. Scrub Eun block No. 5, and Pellwalka Runs, and those parts of Winnebagga, Amoskeag, Scrub Run block No. 8, Scrub Run block No. 9, Scrub, Waunawanna, and West Eufus Euns lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 700,175 acres. Annual rent, £2,333 18s. 4d. Rate per acre, 4-5tlis d. Resumed, 703,513 ,, ,, license, 732 16s. 6d. ,, per sec, 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — The Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. LANGAWIRRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 34. Comprising Woodstock, Saladin, Roivrna, Langaioirra, Langawirra West. Waverley^ Leutvin Klip West, Leuwin Klip, and Baroorange Soidh Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Mootwingee. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Saladin and Langawirra West Runs, and those parts of Langawirra, Roweua, and Woodstock Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Mootwingee and Young. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Baroorange South, Leuwin Klip, Leuwin Klip West, and Waverley Runs and those parts of Langawirra, Bowena, and Woodstock Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows :^ Leasehold, 228,250 acres. Annual rent, £951 Os. lOd. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 237,000 ,, „ license, 617 3s. 9d. ,, per sec, £1 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — The Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company .^ LERIDA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 235. Comprising Buchwaroon back No. 2 and Corner Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Robinson. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those part of Buckwaroon Back No. 2 and Corner Runs lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 81st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Robinson. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Buckwaroon Back No, 2 and Corner Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified iu Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, anniial rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 78,320 acres. Annual rent, £293 14s. Od. Rate per acre, 9-lOthsd. Resumed, 76,180 ,, ,, license, 178 10s. lid. ,, per sec, £1 10s. Names of Holders — Messrs. Philip Oakden and Matthew Ingle Browne. Division] NE^Y SOUTH WALES 445 LILA SPRINGS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 247. Comprising the following Buns, viz.: — Warrego No. 13, Warrego Xo. 14, Warrego No. 15, Wairego No. 16, North Darling hack Rvn No. 3, North Darling hack Run No. i, North Darling hack Bun Xo. 5, and Nelly's Springs Buns. Leasehold Area Laud Districts of Bourke and Brewarrina ; Counties of Culgoa and Gunderbooka. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Warrego No. 16 and North Darling Back Run Xo 3 Runs, aud those parts of Warrego No. 15 and North Dai-ling Back Ran No 4 Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Bourke and Brewarrina ; Counties of Culgoa and Gunderbooka. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Warrego No. 13, Warrego No. 14, North Darling Back Run No 5, and Nelly's Springs Runs, and those parts of Warrego No 15 and North Darling Back Run No. 4 Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 152,331 acres. Annual rent, £634 14s. 3d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 151,976 ,, ,, license, 474 18s. 6d. ,, per sec, £2. Names of Holders — Messrs. Alexander and Arthur Chesney Wilson. LISSINGTON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 90. Comprising the folloicing Buns, viz. : — North Darling Back No. 20, North Darling Back No. 21, North Darling Back No. 24, North Darling Back Xo. 25, North Darling Back No. 26, and North Darling Back No 28. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Bourke and Brewarrina ; Counties of Gunderbooka and Culgoa. The Cro^\•n Lands within the boundaries of North Darling Back Run No. 24, North Darling Back Run No 25, and North Darling Back Run No. 28, lying to the south and west of the dividing Ime, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; Coimtj' of Culgoa The Crown Lands within the boundaries of North Darling Back Run No. 20, North Darling Back Run No. 21, and North Darling Back Run No. 26, lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, ammal rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 159,022 acres. Annual rent, £662 lis. lOd. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 157,805 ,, ,, license, 328 los. 3d. ,, per sec, £1 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Messrs. Richard Goldsbrough and Company. LLANILLO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 242. Comprising the following Buns, viz.: — Llanmillo, West Mead, The Graicin, Graicin Addendum, Wee Warra, PlumholnhNo. 5, Plumbolah No. 6, Plumbolah Xo. 7, Cumhorah Springs, arid Enterprise. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett North ; County of Finch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of West Mead Run, and those parts of Llanmillo, The Grawiu, Grawin Addendum, Wee Warra, Plumbolah No. 6, and Plumbolah No. 7 Runs lying to the north and east of the di\ading line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. 446 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western Resumed Area. Land District of Walgett North ; County of Finch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Enterprise, Cumborah Springs, and Plurabolah No. 5 Runs, and those parts of Llanmillo, The Grawin, Grawin Adden- dum, Wee Wari'a, Plumbolah No. 6, and Plumbolah No. 7 Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 108,287 acres. Annual rent, £676 15s. lid. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 86,940 ,, ,, license, 362 5s. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. William Oswald Gilchrist and the Hon. John Brown Watt, M.L.C. LOWER LILA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 198. Coviprising West Warrego No. 10, West Warrego No. 11, Lower Lila, Warrego No. 11, Warrego No. 12, North Darling Back block No. 6 Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; Counties of Cunderbooka and Irrara, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Warrego No. 11 Run and those parts of Warrego No. 12, Lower Lila, North Darling Back Block No. 6, and West Warrego No. 10 Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Irrara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of West Warrego No. 11 Run and those parts of Lower Lila, North Darling Back Block No. 6, and West Warrego No. 10 Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th Jiily, 1885. The ai'ea, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 66,321 acres. Annual rent, £276 7s. 7d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 68,500 ,, ,, license, 214 Is. 3d. ,, per sec , £2. Names of Holders — Messrs. William Murray and William Sanderson. LOWER NILGIE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 302. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett North ; County of Finch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of the Lower Nilgie Run, as defined by pi'oclamation in Gazette of 5tli August, 1885, under the provisions of sub-section IV., section 75, Crown Lands Act, 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre, are as follows : — Leasehold, 10,000 acres. Annual rent, £48 12s. 3d. Rate per acre. Id. l-6th. Name of Holder — Australian Pastoral Company. LOWER WEELI WEST PASTORAL HOLDING No. 281 Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Lower Weeli West Run, as defined by proclamation in Gazette, 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of sub-section IV., section 75, Crown Lands Act, 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre, are as follows : — Leasehold, 16,500 acres. Annual rent, £137 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Name of Holder — Mr. Augustus Sullivan. Division] KEW SOUTH WALES 447 MAGENTA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 42. Comprising Magenta, North Willilbah, Solferino, Tankie, Woolpagarie, and Woolpagarie South Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Balranald ; Counties of Kilfera and Manaia. The Cro^vn Lands vithin the boundaries of those parts of Xorth Willilbah, Magenta, Woolpagarie South, and Woolpagarie Runs lying to the east of the di\nding line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Balranald ; Counties of Kilfera and Manara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Solferino and Tankie Run, and those parts of North Willilbah, Magenta, Woolpagarie South, and Wool- pagarie Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 174,820 acres. Annual rent, £364 4s. 'id. Rate per acre, §d. Resumed, 181,500 ,, ,, license, 141 16s. Od. ,, per sec, 10s. Names of Holders — Messrs. Robert and Alexander Landale. MALLARA PASTORAL PIOLDING, No. 23. Comprising Quamly, West Mallar/i, and 2Iallara Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wentworth ; County of Windej'er. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Quamby, West Mallara, and Maliara Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wentworth ; Coimty of Windeyer. The Cro^Ti Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Quamby, West Mallara, and ^lallara Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, nth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 55,044 acres. Annual rent, £114 1.3s. 6d. Rate per acre, id. Resumed, 54,730 ,, ,, license, 85 10s. 4d. ,, per section, £1. Name of Holders — Bank of Adelaide. MALLEE CLIFFS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 9L Comprising East Paringi, West Cowl, Outer Paringi, JIallee Cliffs East, Paringi, and Mallet Cliffs Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wentworth ; County of Wentworth. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of JIallee Cliffs East, and those parts of West Cowl, Outer Paringi, Paringi, and JIallee Cliff Kuns lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wentworth ; County of Wentworth. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of East Paringi and those parts of West Cowl, Outer Paringi, Paringi, and Mallee Cliffs Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 143,440 acres. Annual rent, £298 16s. 8d. Rate per acre, id. Resumed, 144,800 ,, ,, license, 226 5s. Od. ,, per sec, £1. Name of Holders— Commercial Bank of Adelaide of South Australia. 448 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western MANFRED PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 237. Compriivmo7i] NEW SOUTH WALES 481 TAPIO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 102. Comprising the following Runs, viz.: — Gall Gall block A, Gall Gall block B, Gall Gall block C, Gall Gall block D, North Paringi, Wamberra, West Paringa block A, Tapio, Outer Tapio, Tiltao, Outer Tiltao, and Gall Gall. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wentwortb ; County of Wentwortb. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Tiltao, Gall Gall, Outer Tiltao, West Paringi block A, North Paringi, and those parts of Gall Gall block C, Wamberra, and Tapio Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Eesumed Area. Land District of Wentwortb ; County of Wentwortb. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Gall Gall block A, Gall Gall block B, Gall Gall block D, and Outer Tapio Runs, and those parts of Gall Gall block C, Wam- berra, and Tapio Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 266,990 acres. Annual rent, £556 4s. 7d. Rate per acre, 4d. Resumed, 296,203 „ „ license, 308 10s. lid. ,, per sec , 13s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. James Ormond. TARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 256. Comprising Tnra No. 4, Tara No. 5, and Guapa No. 1 Runs. Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Tara No. 5 Run and those parts of Tara No. 4 and Guapa No. I Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Tara No. 4 and Guapa No. 1 Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 60,619 acres. Annual rent, £284 3s. Id. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 63,130 ,, ,, license, 263 Os. lOd. „ per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. TARCOOLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 26. Comprising the following Runs, viz. : — Pooncarree, Pooncarree Back Plains, Tarcoola, Eastern Tarcoola, Letheroe, Outer back Tarcoola block A, Outer back Tarcoola block B, back Bullanmong block A, and back Bullanmong block B. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wentwortb ; County of Perry. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Pooncarree, Pooncarree Back Plains, Outer Back Tarcoola block A, Outer Back Tarcoola block B, and those parts of Tarcoola and Letheroe Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wentwortb ; County of Wentwortb. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Eastern Tarcoola, Back Bullanmong block 4S2 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [IVestem A, Back BuUanmong block B, and those parts of Tarcoola and Letheroe Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 180,757 acres. Annual rent, £376 lis. 7d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 190,569 ,, „ Hcense, 148 17s. 8d. ,, per section, 10s. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. TARCOON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 52. Comprising West Bogan Nos. 19, 20, 21, and 22 Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Cowper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of West Bogan No. 22 Run and that part of West Bogan No. 21 Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Cowper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of West Bogan No. 19 and West Bogan No. 20 Runs that part of West Bogan No. 21 Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 67,535 acres. Annual rent, £386 18s. 5d. Rate per acre, l|d. Resumed, 58,132 ,, ,, license, 242 4s. 4d. „ per sec, £2 13s 4d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. TARELLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 2. Qoviprising the following Runs, viz.: — Questa, Questa So2ith, Questa South-west, Yungnulgra, Yoonnulgra East, Kerndomhie, Yerndambool, Coontwundy, Germano East, Kerno, and Yungnulgra Plains North. Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Yungnulgra. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Coontwundy, Germano East, Kerno, Kern- dombie, Yerndambool, Yungnulgra, and Yungnulgra East Runs, and that part of Questa South-west Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Akea. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Fitzgerald and Yung- nulgra. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Questa, Questa South, and Yungnulgra Plains North Runs, and that part of Questa South-west Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 357,874 acres. Annual rent, £1,118 7s. 2d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 352,900 ,, ,, license, 735 4s. 2d. ,, per sec, £1 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Edward Quin, Patrick Sellar Lang, and John Lang Currie. TARINGO DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 166. Comprising Youyang block F and Youyang block G Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Mouramba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Yougang block F. Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 483 Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; Conuty of Mouramba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Youyang block G Rnn lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 60,300 acres. Annual rent, £251 5s. Od. l.'dte per acre. Id. Resumed, 64,000 „ ,, license, 200 Os. Od. ,, per section, £2, Name of Holders— Messrs. Richard Groldsbrough and Company. TELTAGOONAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 176. Comprising Greenough's Hill No. 2 block C, Donald's Plains block A, and Donald's Plains block B North Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Rankin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Donald's Plains block B js'orth Run and those parts of Donald's Plains block A and Greenough's Hill No. 2 block C Runs lying to the sonth-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Rankin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Donald's Plains block A and Green- ough's Hill No. 2 block C Runs lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 66,560 acres. Annual rent, £249 12s. Od. Rate per acre, 9-lOthsd, Resumed, 67,400 ,, ,, license, 157 19s. 5d. ,, per section, £1 10s. Name of Holder — Mr. Henry Poleman Vaurenen. TERYAWYNIA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 29. Comprising the follovnng Runs, viz.: — Teryaxcynia, Blenalben No. 1, Blenalben No. 2, Blenalben No. 12, Blenalben No. 13, Marie, Cowary, outer back Minden, outer back Brainerd, Wanalla, Manara North, Manara North No. 1, Manara North No. 2, Manara North No. 3, Manara North No. 4, Ea.it Coioary, South Tery- aicynia. Inner or IVest Teryawynia, Henley, Outer Henley, Talyawalka, back Talyawalka, and beyond Outer Minden. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Livingstone. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Henley, Outer Henley, Talyawalka, Inner or West Teryawynia, Teryawynia, South Teryawynia, Outer back Minden, beyond Outer Minden, and Outer Back Brainerd Runs, and those parts of Marie and Cowary Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Re.sumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Werunda, Living- stone and Woore. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Manara North, Manara North No. 1, Manara North No. 2, Manara North No. 3, Manara North No. 4, Blenalben No. 1, Blenalben No. 2, Blenalben No. 12, Blenalben No. 13, East Cowary and Wanalla Runs, and those parts of Marie and Cowary Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 463,908 acres. Annual rent, £2,029 12s Od. Rate per acre. Id. l-20th. Resumed, 456,720 ,, „ license, 1,446 5s, 8d. „ per sec. , £2 Os. 6|-d. Name of Holders — Bank of Australasia. R 2 484 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Westerii THACKARINGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 190. Comprising Victoria block A, Victoria block B, and Victoria block D Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Yancowinna. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Victoria block A Run and those parts of Victoria block B and Victoria block D Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Akea. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Yancowinna. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Victoria block B and Victoria block D Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 60,720 acres. Annual rent, £253 Os. Od. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 67,107 ,, ,, license, 139 16s. 2d, ,, per sec, £1 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Union Mortgage and Agency Company of Australia. THE PRIORY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 74. Comprising Priory Plains block D and Priory Plains block E Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Mouramba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Priory Plains block D and Priory Plains block E Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Mouramba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Priory Plains block D and Priory Plains block E Runs lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, nth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 64,280 acres. Annual rent, £200 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, f d. Resumed, 62,875 ,, ,, license, 130 19s. lOd. „ per sec, £1 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. Robert Jonathan Jeffray and William Murray. THULE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 243. Comprising Thule, West Thule, and Warbreccan Runs. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Thule and West Thule Runs and that part of Warbreccan Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; Counties of Blaxland and Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Warbreccan Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 45,495 acres. Annual rent, £75 16s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2-5th d. Resumed, 45,450 ,, „ license, 153 17s. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 3s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. William Allen, William Thomas Parramore and Matthew Ingle Brown. Divi.'iion] NEW SOUTH WALES 485 THURLOO DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 207. Comprising the folloicing Buns, viz. : — Berawinia Downs JVb. 9, Berawinia Downs No. 10, Berawinia Dovms No. 11, Berawinia Downs No. 12, Berawinia Downs No. 13, Berawinia Downs No. 14, and Berawinia Downs No. 15. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Pelalah. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Berawinia Downs No. 9 and Berawinia Downs No. 12 Runs, and those parts of Berawinia Downs No. 15, Berawinia Downs No. 14, and Berawinia Downs No. 11 Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Delalah. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Berawinia Downs No. 10 and Berawinia Downs No. 13 Runs and those parts of Berawinia Downs No. 15, Berawinia Downs No. 14, and Berawinia Downs No. ] 1 Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 18S5. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 201,000 acres. Annual rent, £502 lOs. Od. Rate per acre, 3-5th d. Resumed, 206,352 ,, ,, license, 685 3s. Id. „ per sec, £2 2s. 6d. Name of Leaseholders -Bank of New South Wales. ,, Licensee — Mr. Andrew Rowan. TIBORA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 150. Comjyrisijig Tibora Biin. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Tibora Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Tibora Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 44,450 acres. Annual rent, £46 68. Id. Rate per acre, \d. Resumed, 37,480 ,, ,, license, 156 Ss. 4d. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Licensees — The Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. ,, Leaseholders — Messrs. Hastings Cunningham and John Kane Smyth. TICEHURST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 11. Comprising Miparo of Manfred, Waiko East and Ticehurst Binis. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Ticehurst Run and that part of Waiko East Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Miparo of Manfred Run and that part of Waiko East Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 86,904 acres. Annual rent, £362 2s. Od. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 87,860 ,, ,, license, 297 8s. lOd, ,, per sec, £2 38. 4d. Name of Holders — The Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. 486 PASTOKAL POSSESSIONS [Western TIL TIL PASTOEAL HOLDIXG, No. 39. Comprising Til Til, Dolmoreve, Yhoul, Yeheer, Chnoica, and Culpaterong Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Balranald ; Counties of Kilfera and Manara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Culpaterong Run and those parts of Dolmoreve, Teekeer and Chnowa Run King to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Aeea. Land District of Balranald ; Counties of Kilfera and Manara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Til Til, Thoul, and those parts of Chnowa, Yekeer and Dolmoreve Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, lith July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 189, 7'29 acres. Annual rent, £1,18-5 16s. 2d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 18.5,423 ,, ,, license, 772 lis. lid. ,, per sec, £2 13s. id. Name of Holders — New Zealand and Australian Land Company. TILTAGARA PASTORAL HOLDING, Xo. 19. Comprising Donald's Plains, block I, Donald's Plains, block L, and Binkiris Hill y^o. 4 block A Puns. Leasehold Aeea. Land Districts of Cobar and Wilcannia ; Counties of Booroondarra and Woore. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Rankin's Hill, No. 4, block A Run and those parts of Donald's Plains, block I, and Donald's Plains block L Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resijiied -Area. Land Districts of Cobar and Wilcannia ; Counties of Booroondarra and "Woore. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Donald's Plains block I, and Donald's Plains block L Runs lying to the north- west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 83,460 acres. Annual rent, £260 16s. 3d. Rate per acre, |d. Resumed, 77,800 „ „ license, 162 Is. Sd. „ per sec, £1 6s. 8d. Name of Holders — Union Mortgage and Agency Company of Australia. TIXAPAGEE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 64. Comprising the following Runs, viz. : — Lismore, Ardfert, Dungarian, Outer Kelly East, Outer Pelican Ponds East, Pelican Ponds Xo. 1, Grassmere, Outer Stony Ridge East, Pelican Fonds Xo. 2, Clear Water West, Pelican Ponds No. 3, atony Ridge No. 1, Stony Ridge JVb. 3, Stony Ridge Xo. 3, Stony Ridge No. 4, Lubra, 2Ioree, Outer Pelican Ponds West, Outer Stony Ridge West, and Nardoo. Leasehold Aeea. Land Districts of Bourke and Wilcannia ; Counties of Thoulcanna and Irrara. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Lismore, Dungarvan, Outer Stony Ridge East, Stony Ridge No. 1, Stony Ridge No. 2, Stony Ridge No. 3, and Stony Ridge No. 4 Runs, and those parts of Ardfert, Grassmere, Outer Stony Ridge West. Outer Pelican Ponds East, Pelican Ponds No. 2, Clear Water West, and Outer Pelican Ponds West Runs l.^ing to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, llth July, 1885. Resumed Aeea. Land Districts of Bourke and Wilcannia ; Counties of Thoul- canna and Irrara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Pelican Ponds No. 3, Pelican Ponds No. 1, Outer Kelly East, Lubra, Moree, and Nardoo Runs, and those Divi'V ^ te„„„l SHEEP SHEARS .v\VV^ t # ILATEST PATTERN), /"^V^^^ ^'^^'^''^ ^'^'^ OUEENSLAND TINNED MEATS BURGON & BALL-S, ^\J^ , OyEWLM TIMED WARD & PAYNES ■< ^^ GKOCEKIES, • Rcgirr ■ '^^^ Wines and Spiri mr O^P" Wire. 12 & M PITT STREET, SYDNEY. And all HARDWARE GOODS at Lowest Market Rates. V^%^ Price Lists forwarded on application, Division] XKW SOUTH AVALK.S 491 TUPR A PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 119. Comprising the followiuf/ Runs, viz. : — Biingarie, Gregory, Xanduvi, Nym, Toopruch, Tuprong back Plaint. Twoprong back Plains, Cooncoomhcra, Juanbung, Juanbung back, yorth Sahara, Sahara, Sahara yo. 2, and Toorong. Leasehold Area. Land Di-stricts of Balranald, Hay. and Hay North ; Counties of Kilfeia, Caira, Waljeers, and Waradgery. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Nym, Bungaree, Tuprong back Plains, Gregory, Twoprong back Plains, Nandum, Toopruck, Toorong, and Juanbung Euns, and those parts of Sahara, North Sahara, and Juanbung back Kuns lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Eesumed Abea. Land District of Balranald ; Counties of Kilfera and Caira. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Cooncoombera and Sahara No. 2 Runs and those parts of Sahara, North Sahara, and Juanbung Back Euns lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 321,612 acres. Annual rent. £2,814 2s. Id. Rate per acre, 2d. 1-lOth. Eesumed, 207,835 ,, „ license, 1,472 3s. 4d. ,, per sec, £4 10s. 8d. Name of Holder — Mr. James Tyson. TURKEY CREEK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 298. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Tuugnulgra. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kandie North Run, a^ defined by proclama- tion in Gazfttf, 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of sub-section IV., section 75, Crown Lands Act 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 43,151 acres. Annual rent, £143 IBs. 9d. Rate per acre, 4-5ths d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. TURLEE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 14. Comprising South Gall Gall, Outer Back Turlee block C, South Gall Gall block A, and Bidura West Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Balranald : County of Taila. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Bidura West, South Gall Gall block A, and Outer Back Turlee block C Euns lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Eesdmed Area. Land District of Balranald ; Counties of Taila and Kilfera. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of South Gall Gall Eun and those parts of Outer Back Turlee block C, South Gall Gall block A. and Bidura West Euns lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 117,920 acres. Annual rent, £122 16s. 8d. Rate per acre. Jd. Resumed, 117,990 „ ,, license, 92 38. 7d. ,, per section, IDs. Name of Holder — Mr. James Ormond. 492 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western UPPER BUNDABULLA EAST PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 306. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Narran. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Upper Bundabulla East, as defined by proclamation in Gazette, 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of Sub-section IV., Section 75, Crown Lands Act, 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 23,094 acres. Annual rent, £192 9s, Rate per acre, 2d. Name of Holder — Mr. Joseph McKenzie. URANAWAY PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 144. Comprising North-east Wallandra, TVaUandra East, Salmagundia, and Cain or Uranaiuay Eiuis. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of North-east Wallandra, Salmagundia, and Cain or Uranaway Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Wallandra East Run and those parts of North-east Wallandra, Salmagundia, and Cain or Uranaway Runs lyiug to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 67,500 acres. Annual rent, £281 5s. Od. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 50,780 ,, ,, license, 171 18s. 3d. ,, per feec, £2 3s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. George Logue Dickson. URELLA DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 197. Comprising Osaca No. 3 and Osaca No. 6 Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Ularara and Delalah. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Osaca No. 3 and Osaca No 6 Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, nth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Ularara and Delalah. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Osaca No. 3 and Osaca No. 6 Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, nth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 64,650 acres. Annual rent, £286 4s. 3d. Rate per acre, Id. l-16th. Resumed, 64,850 ,, ,, license, 202 13s. 2d. ,, per sec, £2. Names of Holders — Messrs. Bowes Kelly and Thomas O'Grady, URISINO PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 160. Comprising Osaca No. 1, Osaca No. 4, Osaca No. 5, Urisino No. 1, Urisino No. 3, Urisino No. 4, Urisino No. 5, Parro Plains No. 4. Parro Plains No. 5, Parro Plains No. 6 Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Ularara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Parro Plains No. 4, Parro Plains No. 5, Parro Plains No. 6, and Urisino No. 1 Runs, and those parts of Urisino No. 5, Urisino No. 4, and Urisino No. 3 Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Divisim] NEW SOUTH WALES 493 Resumed Area. Land District of Wileannia ; County of Ularara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Osaca No. 1, Osaca No. 4, and Osaea No. 5 Runs, and those parts of Urisino No. 5, Urisino No. 4, and Urisino No. 3 Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 317,500 acres. Annual rent, £992 .3s. 9d. Rate per acre, ^d. Resumed, 321,700 ,, ,, liceuKe, 753 19s. 8d. „ per sec, £1 lOs. Od. Name of Holder — Sir Samuel Wilson. WALLANDRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 99. Comprising Outer Wallandra block A, Outer Wallandra West, Wallandra North, and Outer Wallandra Eaat Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillstcin North ; Counties of Blaxland and Franklin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Outer Wallandra East Run and those parts of Outer Wallandra West and Wallandra North Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Hillston North ; County of Franklin. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Outer Wallandra block A Run and those parts of Outer Wallandra West and Wallandra North Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 31,859 acres. Annual rent, £265 9s, lOd. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 23,496 ,, ,, license, 183 lis. 3d. ,, per section, £5. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. WAMELL PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 254. Comprising Wamell Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett North ; County of Finch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wamell Run lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed .Area. Land District of Walgett North ; County of Finch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wamell Run lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 27,180 acres. Annual rent, £169 17s. 6d. Rate per acre, l^d. Resumed, 32,000 „ ,, license, 133 6s. 8d. ,, per sec, £2 13s 4d. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. WANAARING PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 250. Comprising Effluence No. 1, Effluence No. 2, Effluence No. 3, Effluence No. 4, Povirua E, Povirua F, Paroo Plains No. 2, Paroo Plains, and Effluence East Runs. Leasehold Area. Land Districts of Wileannia and Bonrke ; County of Ullarara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Povirua E, Povirua F, Efflueuce No. 2, Effluence No. 4, and Paroo Plains No. 2 Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. 494 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western Kesumed Abea. Land Districts of Wilcannia and Bourke ; Counties of Irrara and Barrona. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Effluence No. 1, Effluence No. 3, Paroo Plains, and Effluence East Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license'fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 188,710 acres. Annual rent, £786 5s. lOd. Bate per acre. Id. Resumed, 180,120 „ ,, license, 478 8s. lid. ,, per sec, £1 14s. Names of Holders— Messrs. Arthur Bankin Blackwood and James Aitken. WANGA MANA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 183. Comprising Manatoo West, Manatoo East, and Wariga East Btms. Leasehold Abea. Land District of Bourke ; Counties of Irrara and Barrona. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Wanga East Run and that part of Manatoo East Run lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Abea. Land District of Bourke ; County of Irrara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Manatoo West Run and that part of Manatoo East Run lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 77,358 acres. Annual rent, £322 6s. 6d. Bate per acre. Id. Resumed, 80,0C0 „ „ license, 212 10s. Od. „ per sec, £1 14s. Names of Holders — Messrs. James and Lewis Howatson. WANGAROA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. I. Comprising Wangaroa Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wangaroa Run lying to the south of the dividing Une, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Akea. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wangaroa Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,280 acres. Annual rent, £70 Os. Sd. Bate per acre. Id. 1-lOth. Resumed, 15,160 ,, ,, license, 51 6s. 6d. ,, per sec, £2 3s. 4d. Name of Holder — Mr. James Beven. WANGARON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 142. Comprising ^Vangaron Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wangaron Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. DeuJs/ow] NEW SOUTH WALES 495 Resdmed Abea. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wangaron Kan lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gatf.tte, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,500 acres. Annual rent, £32 os. lOd. Rate per acre, id. Resumed, Ifi, 100 „ Not under Occupation License. Name of Holder — Mr. Matthew Beven. WAPWELLA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 35. Comprising Irrara back block Xo. 4, Moco Barunoha West No. 1, Moco Barungha West No. 2, Moco Baruiu/ha West No. 3, and Windara Bight Bit7is. Lkasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Irrara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Moco, Barungha West No. 3, and Moco, Barungha West No. 2 Runs and that part of Irrara back block No. 4 Run lying to the nortli of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resujikd Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Irrara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mocc, Barungha West No. 1, and Windara Right Runs and that part of Irrara back block No. 4 Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows: — Leasehold, 60,600 acres. Annual rent, £252 10s. Od. Rate per acre, id. Resumed, 50,860 ,, ,, license, 158 18s. 9d. ,, per section, jf 2. Names of Holders — Messrs, James Robertson and Robert McCracken. WARATTA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 2-59. Conqyri.'iing Mount Poole yurth-east Bun. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Tougowoko. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mount Poole North-east Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resdmed Area. Laud District of Wilcannia ; County of Tongowoko. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mount Poole North-east Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 32,000 acres. Annual rent, £100 Os. Od. Rate per acre, f d. Resumed, 32,000 ,, ,, license, 66 ISs. 4d. ,, per sec, £1 6s. 8d. Name of Licensee — Mr. John Hunter Patterson. ,, Leaseholders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. WARRAWEENA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 122. Comprising the following Runs, viz. : — North Darling back Bun No. 32, North Darling back Bun No. 33, North Darling back Bun No. 34, Back Talaa and Bonny, Back Turee, block C or Looden, Wellington E.ttremity back. Darling No. 2 or Talaa, Darling No.l or Bonny, Turee, Upper Turee, Georgy and West Bunnawanna. Lkasehold Area. Land Districts of Bourke and Brewarrina ; Counties of Narran and Gunderbooka. The ("rown Lands within the boundaries of North Darling back Run No. 34, block C or Looden, West Bunnawanna, Georgy, and 498 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Westetm Upper Turee Runs, and those parts of Turee, Back Turee, North Darling Back Run No. 33 and DarUng No, 1 or Bonny Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Gunderbooka. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of North Darling Back Run No. 32, Back Talaa and Bonny, Wellington Extremity Back and Darling No. 2 or Talaa Runs and those parts of Darling No. 1 or Bonny, Turee, Back Turee and North Darling Back Run No. 33 Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 212,730 acres. Annual rent, £1,373 17s. 8d. Rate per acre. Id. -l-Jtbs. Resumed, 130,441 ,, ,, license, 407 12s. 7d. ,. per section, £2. Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. WAVERLEY DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 139. Comprising Berawinnia Doivns No. 1 and Beraicinnia Downs No. 2 Runs, Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Thoulcauna. The Crown Lands witiiiu the boundaries of that part of Berawinnia Downs No. 1 Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Thoulcauna. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Berawinnia Downs No. 2 Run and that part of Berawinnia Downs No. I Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 64,100 acres. Annual rent, £200 6s. 3d. Rate per acre, fd. Resumed, 65,700 ,, ,, license, 136 17s. 6d. ,, per sec, £1 6s. Sd.^ Names of Holders — Messrs. Charles Percy Davis and William Oliver. WAVERLEY No. 1 PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 300. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Mootwingee. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Waverly No. 4 Run, as defined by proclama- tion in Gazette, 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of sub-section IV., section 75, Crown Lands Act, 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 38,400 acres. Annual rent, £160 Os. Od. Rate per acre, Id. Name of Licensee — Mr. Abraham Wallace. „ Leaseholder — Mrs. Matilda Wallace. WEILMORINGLE PASTOBAL HOLDING, No. 3. Comprising the foUoiving Buns. viz. : — Kiengal back, Kiengal, Frederick's Land^ Bomba, Booranbirra, Booranhirra West, Yarrangal West, Neo East, Neo West, Namooii, No7-th Darling back R^m No. IS, Nortli Darling back Run No. 17, North Darling back Run No. 22, Yamby West, and Yamby litm block No. 1. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; Counties of Culgoa and Narran. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Namoon, Yarrangal West, Cooranbirra West, Bomba, Booranbirra, Frederick's Land, Kiengal, Neo East, Neo West, and Kiengal Back Runs, and that part of North Darling Back Run No. 18 lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 497 Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Culgoa. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of North Darling Back Run No. 17, North Darling Back Run No. 22, Yamby Kun Block No. 1 and Yaniby West Runs and that part of North Darling Back Run No. 18 lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 212,495 acres. Annual rent, £1,180 10s. 7d. Rate per acre, Id. l-3rd. Resumed, 218,776 ,, „ license, 683 ISs. 6d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Leaseholder — Mrs. Catherine Mackenzie. ,, Licensees — Messrs. William Jamieson, Herbert Frederick Cyril and Thorald Goodwin Keats. WEINTERIGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 89. Comprising Outer Weinteriga, Weinteriga, Corego, Mulca Gaari, Aluhjenery, Nelia Gaari, Outer Bonley, Outer Culpaulin and Mulga No. 1 Runs. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Young. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mulga No. 1 and Outer Culpaulin Runs and those parts of Outer Bonley, Nelia Gaaii, Mulyenery and Corego Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Young and Tan- dora. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Weinteriga, Outer Weinteriga, and Mulca Gaari Runs and those parts of Corego, Mulyenery, Nelia Gaari and Outer Bonley Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 337,222 acres. Annual rent, £1,522 3s. 8d. Rate per acre. Id. l-12th. Resumed, 361,148 ,, ,, license, 1,143 12s. 9d. „ per sec, £2 Os. 6l-d. Names of Holders — Messrs. George and John Riddock. WHITTABRANAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 262. Comprising Sturt block No. 4 and Hermitage No. 2 Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Tongowoko. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Hermitage No. 2 Run and that part of Sturt Block No. 4 Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Tongowoko. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Sturt Block No. 4 Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 52,900 acres. Annual rent, £110 48. 2d. Rate per acre, ^d. Resumed, 52,400 ,, ,, license, 81 17s. 6d. ,, per sec, £1. Names of Holders — Messrs. Robert and David Scott, and Godfrey Downes Carter. WILGA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 7. Comprising outer Glenariff block A and outer Glenariff' block B Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Outer Glenariff block B Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. 498 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western Eesumed Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Canbelego. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Outer Glenariff block A Eun and that part of Outer Glenariff block B Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 64,700 acres. Annual rent, £278 Os. 2d. Rate per acre, Id. l-32nd. Resumed, 51,020 ,, „ license, 161 lis. 3d. ,, persec.,£2 Os. 6d. 2-5tb. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. WILGAROON PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 129. Comprising back Gundabooka A and back Gundabooka B Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Yanda. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Back Gundabooka A and Back Gundabooka B Runs lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Yanda. The Crown Lands ^»ithiu the boundaries of those parts of Back Gundabooka A and Back Gundabooka B Runs lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 63,500 acres. Annual rent, £264 lis. 8d. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 66,400 ,, ,, license, 167 8s. 9d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. WILGHA DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 73. Comprising Wilgha Doions and Curraweena East back Bims. Leasehold Abea. Land District of Bourke ; County of Cowper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Curraweena East Back Eun lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Cowper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Wilgha Downs Run and that part of Curraweena East Back Eun lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 48,220 acres. Annual rent, ^200 18s. 4d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 48,760 ,, ,, license, 152 7s. 6d. ,, per sec, £2. Name of Holders —London Chartered Bank of Australia, WILKIE PLAINS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 107. Comprising Wilkie Plains Btm. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett North ; County of Finch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wilkie Plains Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 499 Eerumed Area. Land District of Walgett North ; County of Finch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Wilkie Plains Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazelle, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 12,0(10 acres. Annual rent, £75 78. 6d. Eate per acre, Ud. Eesumed, 15,432 ,, ,, license, 64 68. Od. „ per Bee, £2" 13s. 4d. Name of Holder— Mr. John Kenneth Mackay. WILLANDRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 245. Comprifiin(j Ihefollowhif/ Rhus, viz.:— Wood Xo. 1, Weejagada, Too'oor, Papakwa No. 4, Belli/igeramble, Boybei/an Xo. 1, WVlandra Billaboinj Xo. 3, Xo. 5, Xo. 7, Xo. 8, Xo. 9, Xo. 10, Xo. 11, WiUandra Billabong, Boororan, Gunagie, Malagaden/ Springs, TholloUaboy and Tellellaboy, GunnowUa West, and Warranary. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; Counties of Franklin and Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Bellingeramble, Boy- bevau, Gunnowlia West, No. 1 Willandra Billabong, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, and No. 11, Willandra Billabong, I ooloor, Papakura No. 4, and TholloUaboy and Tellella- boy Runs, and those parts of Wood No. 1 and No. 7 Willandra Billabong Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Malagadery Springs, Guuagia. Warra- nary, Weejagada, Boororan, No. 3 Willandra Billabong and No. 5 Willandra billa- bong Runs, and those parts of Wood No. 1 and No. 7 Willandra Billabong Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 189,216 acres. Annual rent, £1,576 16s. Od. Eate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 157,985 ,, ,, license, 1,151 19s. 6d. ,, persec.,£4. 13s. 4d. Names of Holders — Messrs. John and George Whittingham. WILLARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 72. Comprising Kelley blocks Xos, 1, 2, 3, and 4, outer Kelly West, and Tynguynia Runs. Lea.sehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Irrara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Tyngnynia and Kelly blocks Nos. 1 and 2 Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumkd Area. Land Districts of Bourke and Wilcannia ; Counties of Thoulcanna and Irrara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kelly, blocks Nos. 3 and 4, and Outer Kelly West Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 95, 100 acres. Annual rent, £396 5s. Od. Rate per acre. Id. Resumed, 93,660 „ „ license, 248 15s. 8d. ,, per sec, £1 14s. Name of Holders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company. WILLAWILLINGBAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 272. Leasehold Area. Land Di-strict of Brewarriua ; County of Narran. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of block B Bogeira Run, as defined by pro- clamation in Gare^^f, 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of sub-section IV., section 75, Crown Laud.s Act 1884. The area, annual rent and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,780 acres. Annual rent, £131 10s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. 500 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western WILLOH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 293. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Narran. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of block C Bogeria and block A Bogeria Runs, as defined by proclamation in Gazette, 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of sub-section IV., section 75, Crown Lands Act 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 28,698 acres. Annual rent, £189 3s. Od. Rate per acre, 2d. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. WILLYBINGBONE PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 294. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Willingbone Run as defined by proclamation in Gazette, 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of sub-section IV., section 75, Crown Lands Act, 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 15,600 acres. Annual rent, £146 5s. Od. Rate per acre, 24d. Name of Holder — Mr. Augustus Sullivan. WILTAGOONA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 211. Comprising hack of back Dimlop's Range, Marwarre, Keirangundah, Booroondara and Booroondara SoiUh Runs. Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Bourke ; County of Yanda. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Booroondara and Booroondara South Runs and that part of Keirangundah Run lying to the south-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Yanda. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Marwarre and Back of Back Dunlop's Range Runs and that part of Keirangundah Run lying to the north-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 108,740 acres. Annual rent, £453 Is. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 106,482 ,, „ license, 332 15s. 2d. „ per section, £2. Name of Holders — Bank of New South Wales. WINBAR PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 260. Comprising the following Runs, viz. : — Cumbedore, back of Cumbedore, Kerie, Kerie back Run No. 1, Winbar, back of Winbar, Loiver Dunlop's Range, Upper Dunlop's Range, hack Dunlop's Range, Mount Derinda, North Dotheboy, South Dothehoy, Rankin's Hill No. 2 B, Rankin's Hill No. 2 C Rankin's Hill No. 2 D, and Rankin's Hill No. 2 E. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Yanda, The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Winbar, Back of Winbar, North Dootheboy, Cum- bedore, Back of Cumbedore, South Dootheboy, Rankin's Hill No. 2 B, Rankin's Hill No. 2 C, and Rankin's Hill No. 2 E Runs and that part of Rankin's Hill No. 2 D Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 5th August, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Yanda. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kerie, Kerie Back Run No. 1, Mount Derinda, Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 601 Upper Dunlop's Range, Lower Duulop's Range and Back Dunlop's Range Runs and that part of Rankin's Hill No. 2 D Run lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, oth August, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 278,648 acres. Annual rent, £1,451 5s. lOd. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 277,560 ,, „ license, 975 16s. Od. ,, per sec, £2 5s. Nftmes of Holders — Messrs. William Atmar, Edward, and Frederick Charles Fanning. WIRCHILLEBA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 140. Comprising Cobram, Gilgunnia East, Guapa No. 2 and Tarcombe Runs. Leasehold Area. Laud District of Ilillstou North ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cobram, Gilgunnia East, Guapa No. 2 and Tarcombe Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, Uth July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Cobram, Gilgunnia East, Guapa No. 2 and Tarcombe Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 79,172 acres. Annual rent, £371 2s. od. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 84,840 „ ,, license, 353 10s. Od. ,, per sec, £2 13s. 4d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, WIRLONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 230. Comprising Wirlong, Priory Plains block A, Priory Plains block B, and Priory Plains block G Buns, Leasehold Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Mouramba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Wirlong Run and that part of Priory Plains block A Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resdmed Area. Land District of Cobar ; County of Mouramba. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Priory Plains block B and Priory Plains block C Runs and that part of Priory Plains block A Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 94,110 acres. Annual rent, £294 Is. lid. Rate per acre, Jd. Resumed, 94^710 ., ,, license, 147 19s. 8d. ,, per sec, £1. Name of Holder — Mr. Adam Smith. WIRRA WARRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 277. Leasehold Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Narran. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Wirra Wirra Run as defined by procla- mation in Gazette, 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of sub-section IV., section 75, Crown Lands Act, 1884, The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 11,232 acres. Annual rent, £93 12s. Od. Rate per acre, Id. Name of Holders — Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. 502 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western WONOMINTA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 135. Comprising the following Jiii7is, viz. : — Kayrunnera, Wonominta, Koorningbirry, n'onominta South, West Wonominta Creek No. 2. East Wonaminta Creek No. 1, and East Wo7iominta Creek No. 2. Leasehold Aeea. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Mootwingee. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kayrunnera and Wonominta Euns and that part of Koorningbirry Kun lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 18S5. Kesumed Aeea. Land District of 'Wilcanuia; County of Mootwingee. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Wonominta South, West Wonominta Creek No. 2, East Wonominta Creek No. 1 and East Wonominta Creek No. 2 Huns, and that part of Koorningbirry Kun lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1S85. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 147,600 acres. Annual rent, £621 3s. Od. Bate perac. Id. 1-lOOth. Resumed, 148,700 ,, ,, license, 470 17s. 8d. ,, per sec. £2 Os.6d. 3-5th Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance Company. WYADRA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 100. Comprising Lucahoo, Canotvly, Lower Mooral, hack Wogonga, Wogonga and Lower Berringeramhil Buns. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Franklin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Back Wogonga and Wogonga Runs and those parts of Lucaboo and Canowley Runs lying to the south-west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Franklin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Lower Mooral and Lower Berringeramhil Runs and those parts of Lucaboo and Canowley Euns lying to the north-east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 41,893 acres. Annual rent, £349 2s. 2d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 9,231 ,, ,, license, 72 2s. 4d. ,, per section, £5. Name of Holders — Australasian Mortgage and Agency Company. WYUNA DOWNS PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 41. Comprising Mtilga No. 5 Run. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Cowper. The Ci'own Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mulga No. 5 Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Cowper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of that part of Mulga No. 5 Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 31,200 acres. Annual rent, £130 Os. Od. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 28,300 ,, ,, license, 88 8s. 9d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Licensees — The Union Bank of Australia. ,, Leaseholder — Mi's. Hellen Sinclair. Divmon] NEW SOUTH WALES 503 YALLOCK PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 145. Comprixinrj Yallock block A, Yallock block D. Yallock block C, and Yallock block D Runs. Leaskiiold Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossf^iel. The Crown I. amis within the boiimhiries of Yallock Ijlock C, and Yallock Ijlock D Runs, and that part of Y'allock block B Run lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Hillston North ; County of Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Yallock block A, and that part of Yallock block B Run lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, nth July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 128, '280 acres. Annual rent, £1.3.3 l'2s. 6d. Rate per acre, .}d. Resumed, 129,700 „ ,, license, 4.39 Is. lOd. ,, per sec, £2 3s. 4d. Name of Holders — Australasian ^Mortgage and Agency Company. YANCANNIA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 156. Coni'prisiiir) the following Runs, viz.: — Torowoto, Toroxcoto South, Toroicoto Swamp East No. 1, Toroiooto Swamp Kant No. 2. We.'it Torowoto Sivamp No. 1, West Torowoto Sivamp No. 2. Paldrximata North, Paldrumata, Kooltoo, JSuona, Weimbutt'i, Bnnjah, Woombup, Menderie, Uncana, Boomcih, U'alla^ Quambij, Miltara, Bolo Gnoko East, Fulchra, Peitita, and Alto. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Yantara and Yungnulgra. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Woombup, Menderie, Walla, Quamby, Miltara, Bolo (jnoko East, and Pulchi'a Runs, and those parts of Kooltoo, Banjah, Uncana, and Booinah Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; Counties of Y^antara and Fitzgerald. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Torowoto, Torowoto South, Torowoto Swamp East No. 1, Torowoto Swamp East No. 2, West Torowoto Swamp No. 1, West Torowoto SMamp No. 2, Paldrumata, Paldrumata North, Buona, Petita, Alto, and ^Veiml)utta Runs, and those parts of Kooltoo, Benjah, Uncana, and Boomah Runs, lying to the north and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 544,304 acres. Annual rent, £2,267 18s. 8d. Rate per acre, Id. Resumed, 552,420 ,, ,, license, 1,381 Is. Od. ,, per sec., £1 12s. Names of Holders — Messrs. William James Reid and Thomas Shaw. YANDA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 104. Comprising Moodani, Moodana Back, Back Moodana, Back of Back Moodana, Old Bound'iry, Annandale, and E.ttended Old Boundary Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Cowper. The (/rown Lands within the boundaries of those parts of Moodana, Moodana Back, Back Moodana, Back of Back Moodana, and Old Boundary Runs lying to the north and east of the dividing line as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Bourke ; County of Cowper. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Annandale and Extended Old Boundary Runs, 504 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Western and those parts of Moodana, Moodana Back, Back Moodana, Back of Back Moo- dana, and Old Boundary Runs lying to the south and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 135,970 acres. Annual rent, £721 Is. Id. Rate per acre, Id. -A-th» Resumed, 109,312 ,, ,, license, 341 12s. Od. „ per section, £2. Name of Holders — Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Company. YANDAMA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 164 Comprising Blackwood No. 3, and Blackwood No. 6 Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Evelyn. The Crown Lauds within the boundaries of Blackwood No. 6 Run lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Poole. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Blackwood No. 3 Run lying to the north of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 63,950 a^res. Annual rent, £133 4s. 7d. Rate per acre, ^d. Resumed, 64,000 ,, ,, license, 133 6s. 8d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Licensee — Mr. John Hunter Patterson. ,, Leaseholders — Messrs. Dalgety and Company, YANDEMBAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. SOL Leasehold Area. Land District of Hay North ; County of Franklin. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of No. 6 Jereelrumbie Creek and No. 7 Jereelrumbie Creek Runs, as defined by proclamation in Gazette, 5th August, 1885, under the provisions of Sub-section IV. , Section 75, Crown Lands Act, 1884. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre are as follows : — Leasehold, 31,509 acres. Annual rent, X'262 lis. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Name of Holder — Mrs. Lavinia Bennett. YANTARA PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 93. Comprising Yantara, Terraivinda, Wunaicuntij, Gnurntah, The Salt Lake, Mount Clifton, Takeiiva No. 6, Kilpara, and Torowoto North Buns, Leasehold Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Yantara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Kilpara, Wunawunty, Gnurntah, and the Salt Lake Runs, and those parts of Terrawinda and Yantara Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Wilcannia ; County of Yantara. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mount Clifton, Takeiwa No. 6, and Torowoto North Runs, and those parts of Tarrawinda and Yantara Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 231,250 acres. Annual rent, £642 7s. 3d. Rate per acre, 2-3rd d. Resumed, 2.30,140 ,, ,, license, 479 9s. 2d, ,, per sec, £1 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Messi's. Alexander McEdwards and John Robertson. Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 505 YARRAWIN PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 83. Comprising Boree, East Bofjan back block, Wheehereen, Back Wheeleereen, Wylerie, Gigfjfn, Back Giggen, and Back Wijlerie Runs. Leasehold Akea. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Giggen, Back Giggen, WyleriCj and Back Wylerie Runs, and those parts of Wheeleereen and Back Wheeleereen Runs lying to the south of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land District of Brewarrina ; County of Clyde. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Boree, and East Kogan back block Runs, and those parts of Wheeleereen and Back Wheeleereen Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 79,077 acres. Annual rent, £658 19s. 6d. Rate per acre, 2d. Resumed, 56,469 ,, ,, license, 294 2s. 3d. ,, per sec, £3 6s. 8d. Names of Holders — Messrs. William and Thomas Charles Dickson. YATHONG PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 233. Comprising Cahjtrea block C, Calytrea block E, Calytrea block F, Keginni, Outer Back Roto Xorth, Outer East Wangaron, and Yathong Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Hillston Xorth ; County of Blaxland. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Outer Back Roto North, and Calytria Block F Rims, and those parts of Yathonge, Calytria block E, and Keginni Runs lying to the east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. Resumed Area. Laud District of Hillston North ; Counties of Blaxland and Mossgiel. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Calytria block C, and Outer East Wangaron Runs, and those parts of Yatliong, Calytria block E, and Keginni Runs lying to the west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 31st July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 121,2.30 acres Annual rent, £126 5s. 8d. Rate per acre, Jd. Resumed, 123,100 „ ,. license, 416 14s. lid. „ per sec, £2 3s. 4d. Name of Holders — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. YERANBAH PASTORAL HOLDING, No. 199. Comprising Mildool, Yeranbah, Yeranhah ^ortli. Back Yeranbah, Burbear, Balhinbinytd, Yeranbah West, and Coongham Runs. Leasehold Area. Land District of Walgett ; County of Finch. The Crown Lands within tlie boundaries of Back Yeranbah and Yeranbah Runs, and those parts of Yeranbah North and Burbar Runs lying to the south and east of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. Resumed Area. Land Districts of Brewarrina and Walgett ; Counties of Narran and Finch. The Crown Lands within the boundaries of Mildool, Coong- ham, Y'eranliah West, and Balbinbinyid Runs, and those parts of Yeranbah North and Burbar Runs lying to the north and west of the dividing line, as notified in Gazette, 11th July, 1885. The area, annual rent, and rate per acre ; the area, license fee, and rate per section are as follows : — Leasehold, 112,548 acres. Annual rent, £492 Ss. Od. Rate per acre, IJd. Resumed, 73,859 ,, ,, license, 230 16s. 3d. ,, per section, £2. Name of Holders — The Australian Pastoral Company. :06 PASTORAL POSSESSIONS [Wesiem Boundaries of WESTi'RX Division. — That portion of the Colony of New South Wales within the following boundaries : — Commencing on the boundary between the Colonies of New South Wales and Queensland at the intersection of the twenty-ninth parallel of south latitude with the Macintyre River and bounded thence on the south-east by that river and the Darling or Bai'won River down- wards to the confluence of the Marra Creek thence on the east by that creek upwards to the north-east corner of Thuara West Run thence by the north the south-western and the south boundaries of that run bearing respectively west south-easterly and east to Marra Creek aforesaid thence by that creek upwards to the north-eastern corner of Herniidon Run thence by the northern and the western boundaries of that run bearing respectively west about 5 miles and south 10 degrees east about 5| miles to the north-eastern corner of East Bogan No. 9 Run thence by the north-eastern boundaries of that run and Cookamunboin Run bearing south-easterly to the most easterly corner of the latter run thence by the south-eastern boundaries of that run and Eulagilma Run bearing south-westerly to the most western corner of Morbella West Ri;n thence by the south- west boundary of that run bearing south-easterly to the most eastern corner of Colonel Run thence by the south-east boundary of that run bearing south-westerly to Duck Creek thence by that creek downwards to the fenced boundary dividing Colonel and Duck Creek No. 16 Huns thence by that run boundary westerly to the Bogan Hiver thence by that river downwards to the north-eastern corner of West Bogan No. 10 Run thence by the north-western boundary of that run bearing south 70 degrees west 15 miles to the north-west corner of the run thence by the south-western boundary of that run bearing south 22 degrees 30 minutes east 5 miles to the most northern corner of Glenariff block C Run thence by the eastern south-eastern and western boiindaries of that run bearing respectively south-easterly south -westei'ly and north-westerly to the most western corner of the run thence again on the south-east by a marked line bearing south 28 degrees west being the north-western boundaries of Hermitage Plains block I Hermitage Plains block K and Hermitage Plains block M Huns to the western corner of the last-mentioned run thence again on the east by a marked line bearing south 20 degrees east being the western boundaries of Hermitage Plains M Hermitage Plains block A 2 New Babinda Wicklow block H Mombill Palisthan No. 2 Flanagan's Swamp East North Kyargathur and Kyargathur Runs to the con- fluence of Kalingalungaguy Creek with the Lachlan River thence by that river downwards to the boundary dividing Juanbung and Moon-mooncurra Runs thence by that boundary bearing south 3.3 degrees west to the junction of the eastern and western branches of the Lachlan River at the north-east corner of J. Tyson's portion No. 15 of 236 acres parish of Tyson county of Caira thence again by the Lachlan Hiver to the Murrumbidgee River and again on the south-east by that river downwards to the north-eastern corner of Benongal Run thence by the fenced boundary dividing the Canally and Yanga Pastoral Holdings being lines bearing southerly to the south-west corner of South Yanga Run easterly to the I Division] NEW SOUTH WALES 507 north-west corner of Burrawang Run and again southerly to the north boundary of portion No. 4 palish of Tararie county of Caira thence by part of the north boundary of that portion bearing east to its north-east corner thence by tlie eastern boundaries of that portion and portions Nos. 3 and 5 bearing south to the soutli-east corner of the latter portion thence by the south boundary of the last- named portion bearing west to the Wakool Eiver thence by that river downwards to its confluence with the Murray or Hume liiver thence on the south by the boundary dividing the Colonies of New South Wales and Victoria to its inter- section with the 14:1st meridian of east longitude being the boundary between the Colonies of New South Wales and South Australia thence on the west by that boundary northerly to its intersection with the '29th parallel of south latitude being part of the boundary between the Colonies of New South Wales and Queensland thence on the north by that boundary easterly to the Macintyre River at the point of commencement. END OF THE WESTERN DIVISION. IKDEX TO NUMBERS AND NAMES OF HOLDINGS. M No. Name of Holding. Paae. No. Name of Holding, Page. 561 Baker's Swamp g 114 Aberbaldie 1 1 225 Ballagula .. 174 148 Aberfoyle 1 2 3 404 Balala 7 522 Ablngton Balhlair 8 344 Acacia Creek 2 326 Bald Hills 7 550 Adaminaby 2 216 Bald Hills, or The Gullies 7 217 Addicumbene 2 694 Bald Hills and Warraderry .. 174 76 Adelong 3 573 Bald Ridge .. 174 214 Agintoothbong .. 3 240 Bald Rock 7 468 Aitken's Flat and Maidenhea d .. 3 41 Balgay .. 175 252 Albermarle and Victoria Lak S . . 401 123 Balowra . . .. 404 469 Albert Waterhole .. 169 556 Balladoran .. 175 109 Alfreda 4 298 Ballaudry. . . 175 138 Alma . . 401 47 Ballaree . . . 176 193 Amphitheatre . . 402 214 Bando .. 176 71 Anembo 4 647 Bandon . . . 176 152 Angledool .. 402 395 Bangheet . . . 176 333 Annaiidale 4 110 Bangheet . . . 404 373 Annandale 4 9 Bang Bang 8 427 Ann's Vale or Cungera. . 5 524 Bangaroo . . 8 350 Aratula .. 169 377 Bangus 9 157 Argalong 5 416 Bannockbum 9 627 Ariah .. 169 192 Barbigal . . . 177 275 Arlington Plains . . 402 485 Barellan .. . 177 237 Armatree .. 170 . . 170 651 125 Barham . . . 177 323 Armitree Barmedman . 178 713 Arramagong East .. 170 401 Barney Dowbs . 9 535 Arramagong East 509 Arramagong West 523 Arrarownie 5 242 Barooga . . 178 .. 170 .. 171 11 418 Barraba . . 9 Barraba Creek . . 10 279 Arthur Seat 6 562 Barraba Detached . 10 136 Arumpo .. 402 732 Barraba Detached . 178 107 Attunga . . 2S0 Auburn Vale « 6 406 498 Barratta 179 Barrawang . 179 174 Avoca . . 403 419 Barry 10 398 Bartley's Creek . 179 353 Bean bah . 180 B 397 Bearbong . 180 396 Bective 11 628 Haan Baa South .. 171 232 Bedooba . 404 718 Back Creek and Nobby'e Lag< )on . . 171 6 Beemery . . . 405 632 Back Daroubalgie .. 172 206 Belalie . 405 143 Back Esperance .. 172 .. 172 680 18 Belar 180 460 Back Gilgandra Belaringar . 181 439 Back Run .. 173 181 Belford . 4US 384 BackTenandra .. 173 .. 173 135 301 Belgoreen.. 181 487 Back Wardry Bell Brook 11 521 Back Yamma .. 173 284 Belowra and Wadbilliga U 84 Baden Park .. 403 1S3 Belubula . 11 510 INDEX No. Name of Holding. 67 Belubula 547 Bendarbo 195 Beudemeer 203 Bendeuine 432 Beudetheia •23 Benduck 13 Benerambah 646 Bengalla . . 549 Ben Lomond 29-2 Bent's Hill 225 Berawinnia Downs 27S Berawinia Downs No. 3 233 Berembed North 235 Beremegad 349 Bergen-op-Zoom 71 Berida 204 Berrembed 422 Berrj' Jeny and Arajoel 62 Berthong 470 Betbungra 245 Beverley . . 550 Biambil 19 Bibenluke 671 Big River . . 223 Biggam 104 Biggam and Eucumbene 291 Billaboug 61 Billaboug 668 Billabong West . . 306 Billeroy . . 266 Billybingbone . . 229 Billilla 367 Billylingera 80 Bimben East 48 Bimben West .. 359 Bimble 614 Bimble 564 Binda 34.S Bingara 330 Biniguy 5 Binnia 264 Biuya 307 Black Jack 84 Black Range 130 Blair Hill 575 Blair Hill 576 Blair Hill West . . 48 Bland 265 Biowclear West .. 296 Blowering 66 Blue Nobby 60S Bo her? h or Morbi 276 Boboyan 370 Bobuudara 380 Bobundra.. 549 Bocabigal 163 Boco Creek 394 Bodangora 34 Bogamildi 260 Bogalara 109 Bogeira Back :-0 Bogeira East 141 Bogewong 105 Boggy Plain 505 Bogo Bogoloug . . 181 Bogolong 186 Bogolong 350 Bogolong 246 Bokemer 126 Bolagamy 304 Bolaro 547 Bolero block A North . . 49 Bolero 215 Bolero Page. 181 12 12 12 13 182 182 182 13 183 406 406 183 183 13 184 184 184 13 14 14 185 14 185 15 15 15 185 185 186 408 407 15 IB 16 186 lt6 187 187 187 187 188 16 17 17 17 17 18S 188 18 189 189 18 18 18 189 19 19J 190 19 407 407 190 19 191 20 20 20 191 191 191 192 20 21 TVo. Ifame of Holdiiifr 222 Bolero 68 Bolivia 207 Roniely 185 Bomera . . 60 Bone and Premer 273 Bondi 274 Bondo 574 Bongeabong 482 Boiishaw . . 179 Bonyeo 124 Booabula . . 179 Booberoi .. 263 Bookookoorara . . 189 Book Book 609 Boolcarrol 231 Boolegal . . 493 Booloola . . 186 Boolooroo 31 Boomauoomana . . 60 Boomiaricool 313 Boona West 616 Booual 112 Boondarra 109 Boonook 558 Boorook . . 171 Booroorabi 137 Boorooma 147 Booroomugga 153 Booroondara Downs 114 Bootra 721 Boiah 21 Borah Creek 139 Boraig 134 Borambil 724 Borambola 579 Borauda 548 Boree Creek 151 Booregerry 184 Boronga . . 563 Bostobrick 2 Botheroe.. 126 Boulka 249 Boulka Lake 316 Boundari' 393 Booralong 475 Bourbah . . 638 Bourke's Creek . . 74 Boyd 239 Boyong . . 457 Branga Bark 469 Branga Plains and Cal 494 Biawlin . . 371 Breakfast Creek.. 169 Breiibo North . . 640 Breeza 118 Brenda 329 Brewarrina 345 Brewon 58 Briudabella 80 Brindingabba 88 Bringeubrong 327 Broad meadows .. 81 Brogau Plains . . 473 Brookong 337 Broula 197 Brown's Springs 488 Bnie Plains 559 Bruudah . . 555 Brungle . . 124 Brj'medura 67 Buckalow 9 Buckanbee 185 Buckargiiigah . . 360 Buckenderiy Page. i Swamp INDEX 511 No. Maine of Ilolditig. Paije. So, Name of Iloldiiuf. Page. 449 Buckiiibiih 29 215 Byerock . . 417 388 Bufkiut'f'oifr 20i 597 Bygaloree . 216 18 Buckwaroon 413 220 Bygoo 216 258 Buckvinguv 202 543 Byrou 34 77 Budda 414 98 Buddabailiih 202 c 606 Buddabudah 203 5S7 Buddigower 203 28 Cadow 216 592 Budgeou 203 142 Caddigat Creek 34 698 Budgery .. 204 201 Caidmurra 217 106 Bugilboiie 204 ae Caigan 217 545 Bukaloiig 29 462 Calabash . . 34 122 Bukkulla 29 10 Calga 217 4l6 Bulljodiiej- 204 314 Caiiico 218 431 Bulderudgera 30 477 Callubri . . 218 349 Bulgandra 205 450 Cambara .. 218 127 Bulgandraiiiine . 205 31 Cambalong 35 53 Bulgar Creek .. 30 412 Camira 35 86 Bulgoo ..414 25 Caiupbell's Islao i •' .. '.'. 219 82 Bulla 414 263 Canally . . 417 381 Bullanamansf 30 455 Caoinibla . . 35 32 Bullenboiiff 205 424 Canomodiiie 36 441 Bullerawa 206 578 Canonba . . 219 152 Bull PUii. 206 437 Canon bar . . 219 636 Bum bald ry 206 256 Canoon Point 220 676 Bunibaldry (Uppe •) 207 198 Carabost . . 220 420 Bumbalong 30 15 Carau'abal .. 220 184 Buiiibowlee 31 567 Carbbcky .. 221 226 Biimmyumbla 31 560 Cardington 36 305 BuDarba .. 207 276 Cariuda 221 639 Bunarbra . . 207 232 Carlginda . . 221 446 Butidaburrah 207 415 332 565 Carlisle 222 222 101 Bundabulla Carneriiey 221 Buudalla .. 208 257 Caroonboon 222 59s Buudeniiir 208 194 Carracaback and bewitt Creeiv '. '. 36 482 Bundiogery 208 537 Carroll 222 114 Buudilla .. 209 415 209 32 433 173 Carrot 36 216 Buudiobarrina .. Carunibi . . 37 223 35 Buiidulia .. Carwell . . 604 Bundure .. 209 284 Caryapundy Swamp, No. 1 417 3C7 Bundy 209 313 Caryapundy Swamp, No. 2 418 734 Bundybundally .. 210 314 Caryapundy West 418 470 Bundvuluniblali . . 210 31 329 434 Casino 37 178 Bungklal B Cathundril, No. 2 223 77 Bungarby 32 364 Cavau 37 375 Buugawalb}ii 32 155 Cave Flat and Couradigby . . 38 731 Buugebar 211 158 Central Block C 418 501 Bungle Gully 211 188 Centre Block, No. 3 223 733 Buiigleguniby 210 77 Chah Sing 224 407 Bunna Biinna 211 316 Chandler's Creek 38 124 Kuuneringee 415 236 Charlton 418 381 Buraja 212 345 Cheeseman's Creek 38 467 Burburgate 212 552 Cheviott's Hill North and Callanyn. . 38 91 Burdenda 212 474 Cheviot Hills South and Fairfield 110 Buriiidi .. 32 32 147 South 39 131 Buriiinia . . Chidowla 39 312 Burra 33 168 Childowla 39 434 Burrarauiida Troy 33 51 Clare 419 532 Burrangandra 33 135 Clarevaulx 40 546 Burra Burra 213 490 Clerkness 40 347 Burra bogie 213 67 Clifton 40 190 Burran 213 430 Clybucca 40 496 Burraiidoon 214 5.16 Clybacca 41 271 Burrandown . 416 452 Coaldale 41 480 Burrawong 33 24 Coan Downs 419 310 Barrel or Gunnimb le 214 277 Cohbadah . . 224 283 Burren 214 74 Cobbin 41 335 Burrongoiig 215 21 Cobham Lake 419 120 Burrow .. 34 356 Cobra 224 594 Burroway . . 130 Biirta 215 672 Cobran 225 '.'. 416 719 Cobrauragny 225 97 Burtu'idy.. 416 165 Cocketgedong 225 275 Butherwah 215 132 Cocomingla 41 252 Butlabone 215 417 Cocopara .. 225 512 INDEX No. Name of Holding. Page. 105 CocoparaEast 226 588 Coshill 226 153 Colane 226 448 Coldstream 42 500 Colli 227 112 Collibuvl 227 357 Collinclina 227 154 Colombo Creek 227 224 Colombo Plain 228 344 CoU.vmongool 228 76 Colly warry 420 440 Combanning 42 7 Combadello and Nepickallna.. .. 228 297 Come-by-Chance and Jimalong Josey 229 196 Conapaira 229 648 Condobolin 229 286 Coneac 42 117 Congi 43 383 Congwarrah 43 65 Connulpie Downs 420 212 Conoble . 421 292 Coobung 421 4fi7 Cookardinia 43 264 Coolabali 421 293 Coolah 230 210 Coolamatong 43 243 Coolatai 230 265 Coolebah, now Tambua .. .. 421 359 Cooleman 44 506 Cooleman 44 175 Coolringdon 44 163 Coombie 422 602 Cooma 230 475 Coomoo Coomoo 45 528 Coombogolong 231 736 Coombogolong 231 19 Coonabarrabran 231 254 Coonimbia 231 342 Coonong 232 477 Cooplacurripa 45 219 Cooradigbee 45 617 Cooraldooral . . . . . . . . 45 251 Cootamundra . . . . . . . . 46 379 Copabella 46 540 Cope's Creek 46 290 Coppabella 47 308 Coppymurrumbil 232 51 Coradgery 232 376 Coree 233 507 Coreen 233 32 Corella 422 401 Cornalla 233 195 Corona 422 56 Coronga Downs 423 210 Coronga Peak 423 258 Corrong 423 473 Cotter Falls 47 249 Cotway 47 222 Coubail 233 16 Coulpataro 424 2':9 Countegany 47 415 Couradigbee 48 575 Cowabee 234 408 Cowar 48 379 Cowel Murryan 234 420 Cowl Cowl 234 85 Cowra 48 311 Cowra Rocks 48 287 Cragie 49 413 Creewaii 49 166 Cremorne 235 302 Crown Camp 235 262 trowther 49 No. Name of Holdivg. Page. 259 Cryon 235 650 Cubbo and Dunwerian 236 331 Cubmurra 50 205 Cucumgiiliga .. .. .. .. 50 391 Cullengally 236 737 Culniier 236 36 Culpaulin 424 178 Cultowa 424 227 Cumbermurra 50 363 Cumbil 236 137 Curable 237 423 Cumboogleoumbong 237 564 Cunderang 50 485 Cunglebung 51 553 Canningbam Creek .. .. .. 51 398 Cuppacumbalong 51 618 Curra and Currawinnia . . . . 237 413 Curraburrama 237 363 Currangorambla.. 52 580 Currangorambla South 52 348 Currangorambla West 52 184 Curranj-alpa 425 209 Curraweena 425 153 Currowang .. .. .. .. 52 448 Currugundi 238 283 Curry Flat 53 49 Cuthowarra 426 214 Cuthro 426 330 Dananbilla 53 551 Dandaloo 238 172 Dangelong 53 451 Darbalara 54 287 Darling Block D 426 298 Davy's Plains 54 390 Deepwater 54 127 Delalah 427 48 Delalah Downs 427 454 Delegate 54 459 Deligate 55 458 Demauderiug 55 465 Deniliqiiin 238 140 Denison Reserve 55 273 Denman 427 78 Denobillie 239 27 Deuiiykymine 239 281 Derra Derra 239 478 Derribong 240 193 Derri Derri 240 351 Dilga 56 584 Diuby 240 162 Dine Dine 427 58 Dobikin 240 60 Dooloondoondoo 56 171 Doradilla 428 288 Dora Dora 56 13 Doughboy Hollow 56 172 Drilldool 241 170 Dry Plains 57 270 Diibbo 241 438 Dudal Comer 57 17 Dumble 428 725 Dundoo HUls 241 665 Duudullamel 242 180 Dungalear 428 99 Dungowan 57 240 Dunlop 429 4 Durham Court 57 407 Dutzon 68 141 Dyraaba 58 INDEX il.S .Vo. Maine of Holding. 55 East Billabong 474 East Kreelon;; . . 304 East Bojfan, No. 14 75 East Bofran, No. 15 282 East Bogan, No. 16 267 East Bofran, No. 17 127 Eatonswill 282 Edgei ton . . 563 Egeroi 625 Eeiiaweena 132 Ejraii Creek 572 Kjjelabra .. 46 Eli Elwah.. 150 Blleiigerah 32 EUeislie .. 715 Elong Elong 264 Elsiueur . . 43 Elsiiiore . . 610 Embie 28S Emu Plains 2 Emu Creek 189 Enmore . . 222 Eienieran 269 Eribendery 322 Eringanering 100 Esperance . . 28 Etterick Forest 311 Euabalong 382 EugelUry . . 365 Euglo 656 Eugoura . . 466 Eunonyhareenjli 20 Euratlia . . 11 Eurie Eurie 658 Euroka 631 Euioka 714 Euiombedah 100 Europambela 221 Euston 242 Eversleigh F 536 Fairfield .. 130 Flasslone Creek . . 134 Florida 182 Ford's Creek 46 Fort Bourke 8 Fort Grey.. 63 Four-bob Camp . . 71t^ Four-mile Creek. . 256 Four-mile Creek . . 302 Frazwr's Creek . . 40 Frome's Creek . . 209 Frvintr-pan Creek 192 Fulhain . . G 500 Gabramatta 39 Gadara 571 Galaragambone .. 402 Ganbei Gauber East 464 Gandymungydel. . 96 Ganmain . . 378 Ganoo 235 Ganowra . . 157 Garnpung.. 95 Garrawilla 342 GeesuUalong 72 Geekle JS'o. atfc. 14G 149 242 138 212 225 429 228 4 -.'9 513 4 SO 271 430 3t)l 58 265 59 213 243 444 243 637 243 203 243 85 244 33H 244 230 59 92 244 319 .'.9 140 43) 33.^; 245 638 245 208 59 248 60 403 430 294 431 136 245 121 246 113 60 327 431 158 l'46 669 246 299 246 254 247 186 247 66 247 219 248 538 248 339 248 148 80 479 431 728 61 535 307 554 525 61 693 88 249 155 431 226 249 119 432 2(8 432 229 249 505 250 454 61 44 61 170 433 334 62 9 433 696 681 411 £9 62 131 «•> 364 250 303 250 443 260 61 251 391 63 174 63 531 433 156 251 495 63 42 63 622 Saine of Ilolding. Geergarow Oeeion or Derangibal . . Gegezerick Geialdra .. Gelam Genanagie Gennareu . . Geramy Gerogery . . Geurie Geweroo . . Ghoolendaadi Gibbican .. Gidgee Gidgenboyne Gillenhice and Gobondry Gillendoon Gillinghall Gineroi Gmtrary Ginghet .. Giiigie Glenariff Glen Barra Glenbog .. Glen Elgin and Morveu Glen Fernaigh .. (Jlenlyon . Glen Quin Glenreagli West .. Glenriddle Glenroy Gleiiugie ,. Gualta Gnomery .. Goangra . . Gobarraloug Oogeldrie Goigol Gonimbla .. Goiin Goobagombalin and Tooyal Goobang . . Good Good Goolgumbla Goolhi Goonal Goonalgaa Goondublni Goonian .. Goorianawa Oorah Gordon Brook . . (Joree Gorian Gorman's Hill West GdStwych.. Gournama Gowang Gragen and Grauian Gralnvei-d Gralgumbone Grasmere . . Orawhey . Grawm South Greenbar Creek . . Green Hills Green Hills Greenland Greenlands Greenwich Gregadoo Grogau Creek Groiig Grong 514 INDEX jN'o. Xmiie nf Hotding. Page. i\v. Name of Holding. Page. 430 Groongal . . 263 70 Ironbong . 78 198 Grosses Plain . n 528 Ironmungie . 78 577 Grubbeii Plains . . 263 293 Ironmungy Minor . 79 234 Gudgenby 71 586 Gulgo . . 263 J 216 Gulgo South . . 264 296 Gunianaidry .. 437 232 Jacob's River . 79 49 Gumin Gumin . . t;64 234 Jandra . 439 463 Gunambil .. 264 450 Jeogla . 79 675 Guubar . . 265 210 Jerilderie . 273 50 Guntlare . . 265 73 Jerra Jerra - 79 177 Gundabooka . . 437 4-26 Jeremiah and Bongongo . 80 567 Gundi .. 71 472 Jindabyne East . 80 397 Gundibiiidj-al .. 71 315 Jindabyne West 80 4S7 Gundibindjal North . . .. 72 435 Jingellic . 81 439 Guiinee or Reedy Creek .. 72 465 Jugiong . 81 643 Gunnedah Station . . 265 261 Jumenbuen . 81 511 Gunnegaldra . . 265 147 Junee . 274 337 Gunnihoug . . 266 59 Gunniguldrie . . 438 K 326 Gunningbav . . 266 148 Guiiningblaiid . . 266 169 Kajuligah . 440 486 Gunning East . . 267 167 Kaleno . 440 69 Gunningrach .. 72 22 Kallara . 440 486 Guunong Jugrawah .. 73 322 Kalkite . 81 540 Gunyer Warildi .. . . 267 1 Kangaroo Hills 82 6 Gurley .. 267 565 Kangaroo Flat . 82 38 Gurrera . . 438 495 Kangarooby . 82 534 Guy Faux .. 73 101 Karoola . 83 20 Guy Fawkes River .. 73 274 Kayruunera . 441 368 Gyra or Gara 74 492 Keepit . 83 512 Keera . 83 708 Keera . 274 H 79 Keewong . 441 94 Keuilworth . 441 139 Haddon Rigg .. 268 277 Kentucky . 83 169 Haddon Kiggs . . . . 268 452 Kentucky . 274 377 Half-moon Plain . . 268 355 Kenyu . 84 227 Hanging Hock . . 269 582 Kerarbury . 275 484 Banning 74 29 Keri Keri . . . 275 409 Hartwood . . 269 189 Kerribree . 442 £38 Hartwood . . 438 368 Kerriwah . 275 501 Headof Biibaree .. 74 297 Kew . 442 365 Head of Curry Flat .. 74 2-20 Khancoban South . 84 471 Head of Richmond .. 75 33 Kiacatoo . . . 275 a40 Head-of-the-River .. 75 93 Kiah Lake . . . 84 384 Herbert Park (late North Gyr< I) . . 75 38 Kialgara . 276 677 Hermitage Plains, Block A 2 . . . 269 290 Kiambir .. .. : . 276 520 Hermitage Plains, Block M . .. 270 113 Kiandra . 85 518 Hernani .. 76 445 Kickerbell . 85 159 Hillgrove .. 76 704 Kikiamah . 276 266 Hillside .. 76 508 Kikiimah 85 595 Hoblingrah . . 270 101 Kildary . 277 461 Honeybugle . . 270 25 Kilfera . 442 410 Houlaghan's Creek North . . 271 118 Killarney . 277 644 Houlaghan's Creek South . . 271 372 Kimo . 85 375 Howlong .. 271 244 Kinchega . 443 659 Howiong . . 272 699 Kindra Creek . 277 2S6 Huaba . . 439 300 King's Plains . 86 624 Humula . . 272 466 Kingstown . 86 405 Huntawang . . 272 190 Klori . 86 685 Kolkibertoo North . 277 1 634 Kooba , 278 1 508 Kookaburragong 278 585 landra . . 272 252 Koreelah 36 120 lUiliwa . . 273 206 Kucargo or Tory Wee Waa . . . 279 645 lUumurgalia East . . 273 431 Kulki . 278 22S Illunie .. 76 97 Kulki 87 557 Ingalba and Glen Morrison .. 77 385 Kuthi 87 27 Ingebirah .. 77 12 KuBopia 279 34 Ingegoodbee .. 77 456 Kyeamba . 279 4 Inuesowen . . 439 23 Kybean 87 81 Inverel and Elsmore . . .. 77 428 Kydra 88 354 Ironbark Creek . .. 78 25 Kyogle 88 INDEX 515 L Xo. Xaine of Holding No. A'ai/ie of Holditvj. J'afje. 615 Mellool .. 47 16-> Lachlan Downs . Lake Cowal . 443 . 279 6b9 247 Melrose Melrose, Block D 701 170 429 Lake Cowal Lake Victoria Lalaltee South . . 280 . 443 . 280 150 217 541 68-5 179 666 155 211 667 82 149 Memagong Menamurtre Meuedebri Merah Merebone . . Mereyula . . Merkadool Meroe Merool Baale Creek Merool Creek Merri Merriwa . . Merrigal Merrigal Back Merrigal Marthaguy Merriganowrv Merringreen Merri Merri Merri Merrigal . . Merriwa . . Merryanbone Merrybone Merry bindiniah .. Merungle .. Merytxla .. Micabil Micalago . . Mickygunnegal . . Middle Field Middle Cotter North Middle Cotter South Middlingbank .. Midkin Mihi Creek Milbey West Milby Milkengoniie Minora .. Miller's Creek . . 328 34 347 235 103 144 657 Lanark Lixlge Langawirra Lanra Lerida Leybourne Liewah Lila Springs Lindsay .. . 88 . 444 . 88 . 444 . 89 . 280 . 445 . 281 382 90 429 Liamore . . Liiisington Little Billabong ind the Falls' S9 . 445 89 362 273 4t58 453 623 534 103 589 386 279 498 187 205 483 207 311 433 50 45 358 458 152 180 116 115 253 346 192 242 386 154 2.18 95 78 338 374 555 221 56S 198 517 436 302 281 Little Burrangon Little Plains Little River Little Tinderrya . Llanillo .. Logan Long Flat.. LoiTgford . Long Plain Long Reach Looanga . . Loom bah .. Lower Balabla . Lower Beloco Cre Lower Droubalgi* Lower Lila Lower Mithul Cre Lower Niugear . Lower Nilgie Lower Weeli Wes ek ek .': 90 90 90 90 . 445 91 . 91 . 91 - 92 . 92 92 . 92 . 281 93 . 281 . 446 . 282 . 282 . 446 . 446 552 Lower Willie East . 282 369 40 Lowry Creek Lyudhurst . 93 93 212 253 318 M 581 Millie 202 Milong 50 Mafifra 94 105 Milrea .. 42 Maj,'enta . 447 125 Milroy 161 Maharatta 94 633 Milton Vale 683 Mahonga . 283 502 Mimosa 191 Malaraway and Millie North . . . 283 291 Mimosa West 23 Mallara . 447 399 Miugay 91 MalleeCliftS . 447 89 Mingoola . . 360 Malonga .. . 283 146 Minna Minane 541 Mandamah . 284 445 Minore 237 Manfred . 448 479 Mittagong.. 462 Mangoplah . 284 268 Moifil Mogil 570 Manilla 94 735 Miijong .. 447 Manilla and Glen Riddle 94 356 Mogong and TUga 176 Manus 95 619 Moira 62 Maranoa . 448 71 Moira Plains 425 Marengo . . 95 87 Mokely . . 224 Marengo . . 95 304 Mole River 154 Marfield . 448 54 Moles 61 Marma 449 372 Molly 108 Marooba . . . 449 69 Moiien Plains 548 Marowau 95 263 Momaloug 103 Marra . 449 55 Momba 247 MarranuiBbla 96 117 Mondadoo 16 Marrar . 284 204 Monolon, No. 5 . . 341 Marthaguy Creek . 284 316 Moocolta . . 388 Maryland . 96 126 Moodoug . . 603 Mathoura 285 612 Monument Flat . . 519 Matong 96 33 Mooki Springs . . 137 Matildadale 97 10 Moolah . . 12 Meadows . 450 219 Moolbong.. 378 Medwiiy and Ganl )er Gunber West . . 285 123 Moolpa s 2 r)i6 INDEX No. Name of Holding. Par/e. 89 Mooloomoon 298 618 Moombooldool 293 415 Moonagee 298 357 Moona Plains 102 539 Moonbar 103 7 Moonbi 103 542 Moonbi or Bogandillon 299 403 Moonbria 299 218 Moonbucca 103 267 Mooney Mooney 103 SOS MooiiguUa West 456 464 Moorabaclt 104 19-1 Mooiara 456 202 Moorna 456 78 Moothumbil 457 45 Mootwingee .. .. .. .. 457 250 Moparrabah 104 533 Moppitty 104 31 Moquilamba .. .. .. .. 457 494 Morago 299 649 Morangarell and Narraburra Creek . . 299 532 More Devil 300 106 Moredun 105 213 Morden 458 572 Morella 105 131 Moroco 300 246 Mossgiel 458 280 Moulmain 300 64 Mount Adra 105 151 Mount Arrowsmith 458 307 Mount Boorithumble 459 134 Mount Cooper 105 20 Mount Gipps 459 182 Mount Gienfell, No. 2 459 274 Mount Harris 301 27 Mount King East 460 143 Mount Manara 460 421 Mount Mitchell 103 341 Mount Mitchell West 106 239 Mount Poole 460 283 Mount Stuart 461 309 Mount Sturt 46 1 159 Mount Wood 461 705 Moura .. .. .. ..301 509 Moura 1C6 303 Mourabie 301 255 Mourabilla 462 266 Mowablaa 301 96 Mowenbah 106 121 Muckewerawa . . 462 187 Mugmugwug 10" 519 Mulga or Glenariff, Block B . . . . 302 33 Mulga, No. 4 463 251 Mulga, No. 1 462 276 Mulga Downs 463 218 Mulgah 463 661 Mullah 302 42 Mullengudgery 302 98 MuUingawarrina 484 133 MuUion 107 22>! Multagoona . . . . . . . . 464 343 Muluerindie 107 310 Muluvulu i'^i 14 Mulwala and Savernake . .. 302 85 Mumblebone 303 601 Mundawaddera 303 95 Muudi Mundi 465 37 Mundowey 1C8 661 Mungadal 303 515 MungaryWest 304 652 Mungerbumbone 304 516 Mungiebundie 304 070 Mungle and Wallah 305 99 Mungranby and Bourbeen . . . . 305 No. Name of Holding. 265 Mungyer 294 Murgah 253 Murrawombie 351 Murray 299 Murrrav Downs 412 Murrill Creek 116 Murrin 280 Murruman and Dural . . 655 Murrumbidgerie 3S0 Murrumbogie 156 Murrulebile 680 Murruugundy 196 Murtee 339 Murwillimbah 239 Muttama .. 79 Myalla 510 Myall Creek 706 Myall Creek 629 Myall Downs 33S Myall Plains 238 Mylora N 145 Nanangroe 459 Nangerybone 635 Nangunia and Warmatta 502 Nangus 36 Nanima 593 Nauima 68 Nap Nap .')39 Naradhan 290 Navdoo 209 Nariah 41 Narraburra 213 Narrallen 660 Narran 26 Narrandera 530 Narraway 678 Narrawin 91 Narrogal 383 Narromine 268 Narrow Plains 64 Native Dog 151 Native Dog Flat 93 Nebea 68 Neckarboo 43 Neila 236 Neinby (Upper) 177 Nelgowrie. . 726 Nelungaloo 13 Nelyambo 203 Netley 1S8 Neurenmerremang 447 Nevertire . . 308 Newbold Grange and Cangai . 2«9 Newfoundland. No. 1 . . 316 New Babinda 389 New Breelong 669 New Gradgery 510 New Geralgambone 320 New Kirban 278 New Koreelah 223 New Myregall 531 New Wyregall 496 Newrea or Noory 325 Newstead 309 Newton Boyd 132 Nillera or Canyanboon . . 489 Nimitabelle 90 Nimmo 185 Nocoleche 15 Noonthorungee 729 Noorong Page. INDKX 517 No. Name of Uoldirvj. 717 Norfolk .. 165 North Abbotsford 16 North Barraba .. 112 North Cuerindi .. 453 North-East Mangoplah 285 North Euabalong 238 North Goonambil 110 North Gogeldrie. . 662 NorthJunee 70 North llalonga . . 224 North Merrowie . . 312 North Peak 12 North Talbiiigo .. 354 North Wakool . . 142 North Yanko 163 North Yathong . . 98 Nottingham Forest 394 Nowendoo 673 Noweronie 244 Nowley 405 Nullainana 285 Nulla Nulla 70 Nullawa 527 N umerella and Mowle's 525 Nutubla .. 65 Numei-alla 200 Nundoro . . 108 Ny*iig 48 NjiDga3' .. 30 Nymagee . . 129 Nymboida 145 Nyngan East 194 Oakey Creek 376 Oban 513 Obella 709 Obella 611 Oberne 707 Obcriie 305 Oberwellg 346 O'Brien's Creek 622 Old Biamble 55 Old Bull . 400 Old Harbour 220 Olive Downs 299 Olive Downs 332 Ollera 223 OHepar 439 Ooma 279 Ophara 111 Op 'ssum Point 426 Opposite Coonamble or 613 Opposite Derribong 226 Orange Plains . . 251 Oreel 30 Oregon 526 Orraba 46 Orroral 283 Osaca 573 Otako 557 Oura 14 Oiiranee 168 Outer Netellie 217 Oxley Gully Eurani Pa'je. 317 469 114 114 318 469 317 318 318 319 470 470 114 319 319 319 114 115 320 320 115 115 470 116 116 116 470 320 321 471 116 321 321 117 117 322 117 322 471 ■ill 322 117 323 471 472 118 472 323 472 118 323 323 324 324 324 118 119 473 119 325 119 473 325 .Vo. 387 28 175 261 410 399 173 491 343 22 72 441 722 352 472 442 32S 295 727 576 53 57 176 173 4 720 39 334 318 658 57 Name of Holding. Pallal Panban Panjee Para Paradise Creek Pamiidman Peak Back Peedee Creek Perric-oota Peter Duffity Pevensey . . Piallaway and Walhallow Piedmont . . Pier Pier .. Pilliga Pindari Pine Ridge Pinegobia Pinnacle . . Piiipira Plrillie .. Poll}' Brewan Pomingalarna Poolamacca Poon Boon Portadown Puckawidgee Pullarjming Pullingawarina Pullitop . . Pulpulla . . 366 Qiiabothoo 129 Quambone 161 Quambone 440 Quandary North . . 590 Quandary South.. 44 Quantambone 583 Quat Quatta 289 Queengallery 312 Queensborough .. 428 Quonmoona or Geanmoney 526 QuiamoDg.. 245 Qiiilbone 51 Quirindi Creek .. 128 Qwyarigo.. 306 Ramomie . . 56 tlanipsbeck 198 Ranger's Valley 63 Redan 389 Red Hill . . 476 Reidy Creek 37 Restdown . . 395 Retreat . . 83 Rimbanda.. 369 Ringwood . . 317 Rivertree East 553 Rocky Creek 651 Rock Forest 8 Rockvale . . 268 Rockv Plain 38 Rocky Plain 352 Rockv River 133 Rookery .. 422 Roseberry.. 30 Rosebrook 481 Rose Valley and Bredbo South 212 Rosewood 318 INDEX So. Name of Holding. Pattauiadara Waverley Downs Waverley, No. 1.. Wee Jasper Wee Waa South . . Wecbollabolla . . Weelah or Gradgery Weelong . . Weemabah Weetaliba Weilmoringle Weniteriira I'aije, . 149 . 149 149 363 loO 364 150 150 151 364 364 364 365 385 493 365 366 366 151 493 493 366 366 151 494 367 367 494 494 367 151 368 152 495 495 368 368 152 368 369 369 369 370 370 495 370 371 152 371 371 371 153 372 153 153 153 372 372 154 496 496 154 374 373 373 373 373 374 496 ■i97 520 INDEX No. Xaine of Holding. 248 Welaregang North 107 Welbendungah . 317 Welbon .. 295 Wellingrove 546 AVelliiigton Vale.. 289 Wentworth Gully 282 Weiai 197 Werrina .. 2S7 West Bland Plains 18 WesfBloweiing: . . 497 West Bogan, No. 1 435 West Bogan, Nof. 2 an i's 723 West Bogan, No. 6 471 West Bogan, No. 7 642 West Bieelong . . 8'i West Gungalman 54 West Mandamah 236 West Pinbeyan . 562 Whalan .. 262 Whittabranah . 456 WhitWhittal . 321 Wiaiigeiie.. 200 Widgiewa 7 Wilga 129 Wilgaroon.. 702 Wilgar Downs . 73 Wilgha Downs . 107 Wilkie Plains 245 Willandia 432 Willan 72 Willara .. 272 AVillawillingbah. 690 Willeroon 121 Willewa .. 700 Willie 305 Willie Ploma . 237 Willis 293 Willoh 455 Willurah .. 294 Willybingboue . 697 Willylaw .. 211 Wiltagoona 260 Winbar .. 174 Wingadee 122 Wingenbah 409 WiiiBCombe 140 Wircl)illeba 230 Wirlong .. 277 Wirra Waira 301 Wirrali 297 Woila Creek 128 Wolla WoUa 423 Wollomumbi . 94 Wollondibby 259 Wollondibby 83 Wollongough 17 Womboin 599 Wonbobbie 411 Wombramurra . 81 Wondoobar 396 Wongagong 135 Wonomiuta 205 Woodlands 180 Woolgarlo 233 AVoolingmurali . 382 Woolomin 300 Wooloondool 414 Wooltvay and Arable GiBB. . Shai.i Page. . 154 . 374 . 375 . 155 . 155 . 375 . »75 . 376 . 376 . 155 . 376 . 377 . 377 . 377 . 378 . 37S . 378 . 155 . 378 . 497 . 15B . 1.16 . 379 . 497 . 498 . 379 . 498 . 493 . 499 . 379 . 499 . 499 . 380 . 380 . 380 . 156 . 157 . 500 . 381 . 500 . 381 . 500 . 500 . ?81 . 382 . 157 . 501 . 501 . 601 . 382 . 157 . .382 . 157 . 158 . 158 . 383 . 383 . 383 . 158 . 384 . 381 . 502 . 384 ,. 159 ,. 159 . 159 , . 3R5 ;. 159 Xo. Nanxe of Holding. 392 Wootnargama 570 Woorali .. 292 Wooroowoolgan 626 Woorooma 654 Wooyeo . . 340 Wowlngragong 612 Wyabray .. 100 Wyadra . . 41 Wyuna Downs Page. Y 86 Yabtree . . 267 Yaddra . . 296 Yagaba 536 Yalcogrin . . tiS4 Yalgogoiing North 52y Yalgogrin South 183 Vallaroi .. 145 Yallock . . 215 Yamma . . 418 Yamma . . 1 156 Yancannia 104 Yanda 164 Yandama . . 301 Yandembah 76 Yanga 421 Yanko 178 Yanko, Block A . 93 Yantara . . 400 Yaouk 303 Yarra 281 Yarrabandinl 630 Yarrabee . . 113 Yarraldool 53 Yarragrin 29 Yarrangobilly . 7.T Yarrara 87 Yarra Yarra 83 Yarrawin .. 62 Yarringerry 331 Yarrowah . . 493 Yarrow Creek and K 387 Yarromtch 229 Yarrowyck 233 Yathong . . 243 Yellowin . . 199 Yeranbah . . 442 Yerra Yerra 687 Yerrinan . . 491 Yetman . . 569 Youall .. 390 Youendah.. 481 Youie 449 Yoelbung . . 543 Youngara Creek. 45 Youngee Plain . 366 Yowrie 47 Yulgilbar . . 504 YuUundry Kingsgate . 393 Zara 736 Zebra 7:^7 Zechin 738 Zenith 739 Zero 740 Zigzag », AKi» Co., POINTERS, PiTT STREET, SyDNE [All lilghU Reserved.] €]jt Bank of i^eSxr Sealantj, Incorporated by Act of General Assembly, 29tti July, 1861. CAPITAL-Subscribed, £1,200,000 ; Paid-up, <1,125,000 ; Reserve Liability, £1,500,000. W. 1. TAYLOR, Esq. W. 8. WILSON, Ebq. DIRECTORS : GEORGE BUCKLKY. Esq.. Prbs I W. H COLBECK. Esg. I F. NELSON GEORGE. Esq. A UDITORS : JOHN McLE.\X. Esq. ARTHUR BULL, Esq. J. L. WILSON AND R. McDonald SCOTT. Esqs. GENERAI, MANAGER: JOHN MURRAY. Esq. ASSISTANT INSPECTORS: M. BUTT, Esq. | JAMES EMBLING, Esq 6. ANDREWS. Esq. I W. B. BULLER. Esq. SOI,ICITOR : C. E. BUTTON, Esq. HEAD OFFICE— AUCKLAND. Branches and Agencies in New Zealand : Auckland Darfra villa Kniaiioi Akaroa Dunedin Kaikoura Alexandra Featherston Kelso Amberley Feilding Eumara Aroha Foxton Lawrence Arrow Geraldine Leeston Aah burton Gisborne Lyttelton Blenheim Gore Manijawliare Bulla Greymouth Maiiaia Balclutba Greytown Marlon Cambridge Halcombe Maslerton Carterton Hamilton Mataura Charleston Hastintrs Mnggiel Christchurch Hawera Motueka Clinton Hokitiki Napier Coromandel Hutt Naseby Cromwell Invercargill Nelson Newton. Auckland New Plymouth Ni;aruawahia Norraaiiby North Dunedin Oamaru Ohinemuri Outrani Opotiki Opuiiake Oxford Palmerston Palraerston. N. Patea Picton Port Chalmers QuL-enstown Rakaia Rang^iora Reefton Riverton Ross Roxburgh Russell Sanson Southbridge Stafford Takaka Tapanui Tauranga Te Aro Te Awarautu Temuka Thames Timaru Tokoni;iiriro Wakefield Waikouaiti Waimate Waiiawa Waipukurau Wairoa Waitahuna Waitara Wangaiiui Wellington Westport WhauKarei Winton Woodville Wyndham Sydney (N.S W.) Melbourne (Victoria) In Australia and Fiji I Newcastle (N.S. W.) I Adelaide (3.A.) .Suva (Fiji) Leruka (Fiji) LONDON BOARD : Right Hon. A. J. MUNDELLA, M.P. I JOHN ALEX. EWEN. Esq. Rt.Hon.SirJAS. FERGUSSON. K.C.M.G. M P.. Bakt. Sir PENROSE G. JUL YAN, K.C.M.G., C.B. Hon. SIDNEY CAKR GLYN I DAVID MURRAY. Esq. T. M. STEWART, Esq., .Manager. OfRce: 1 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET. MANSION HOUSE, E.G. I,ONDON BANKERS : BANK OF ENGLAND. Messrs. GLYN, MILLS, CURRIE ti CO. The Bank of Nfw Zbaland grants Drafts on any of the above-named places, and on the principal tows in Great Britain and Ireland, the Continent, and Asia, Africa, and America. Rbcbivrs Dkposits for fixed periods, rates and particulars of which can be ascertained on application Oprns CrKRKNT Accounts on the usual terms. Makks Advances against produce shipped on receipt of Bills of Lading. Policy of Insurance, and Invoices. Undertakes all other description of Colonial Banking and Monetary Business. ttsJtalJatt Jfttttttal |}tfooitlet|t ^omJa. (ESTABLISHED 1849). THE OLDEST MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE IN AUSTRALASIA. Head Office— 87 PIXX ST., SYDNEY. Directors : J. P. ABBOTT, Esq., M.P., Chairman JOHK ARTHUR, Esq. J AS. R. HILL, Esq., Deputy-Chairman THOS. LITTLE JOHN, Esq. J. T. WALKER, Esq. JAS. THOMSON, Esq^. ROBT. J. KING, Esq., M.P. Chief Medical Officer : JAMES C. COX, M.D. Actuary : Secretary : MORRICE A. BLACK, F.I. A. RICHARD TEBCE, F.I.A. NEW BUSINESS OF THE YEAR 1888: 9,619 Policies Assuring £3,04-7,541, and producing a Net Annual Premium Income of £100,384. Annual income <1, 600,000 ACCUMULATED FUNDS: BIOHX and a QUARXBR. MILI^IONS Sterling. The divisions of Profits are made annually. The amount divided as a Bonus in Cash at 31st December, 1SS8, was £400,893. The Society is now in its Forty-first Year, and is the only Austral- asian Life Office giving ANKUAL BONUSES which reduce the net Cost of Assurance to the lowest possible limit. Claims are paid immediately on proof of Death; the Premiums are moderate; the Policies are free of all harassing restrictions. THE New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited. HEAD OFFICE—! QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, B.C. Established 1S65. EsTABLibHEn 1S65. BRA?iCHKi» I^ AITSXRALIA— Melbourne. Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Rockhampton. Capital Authori8ed-£4,500,000. Capital Snb8cribed-£4,000.000. Reserve Fund-£270,000. WOQLBROKERS, STATION k FINANCIAL AGENTS, AND MAKE LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES ON KOOL, GilAlK, TALLOW, MIDES, SKIJVS, LEATUE2, 4'c. AUCTION SALES OF ^WOOL HELD ON THURSDAY AND SATURDAY Throughout the Season, and at Frequent Intervals during the "Winter Months. All Consignments of Wool (Irrespective of Size) are Carefully Valued Prior to Sale, and Protected up to Full Market Price. AUCTION SALES OF HIDES, SKINS, TALLOW, AND OTHER STATION PRODUCL HELD THREE TIMES A WEEK. GRAIN— AUCTION SALES HELD EVERY WEDNESDAY, And to give Growers an opportunity of waiting for a Good Market, THREE MOXTHS' FREE STORAGE ^W\\.\. BE AI^I^OWEO OVRIXG SEASOX. The Company Cart from Railways or Wharves Free of Charge to the Consignors all Consignments sent to their care. The Company act strictly as Selling Brokers, and do not buy or sell on their own account. DAVID ELDER, Manager. WILLIAM OLIVER, Wool and Produce Manager. Melbourne Wool and Grain Warehouse, Collins Street West. FIRST FIRE SOCIETY ESTABLISHED IN THE COLONY ON THE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE, GIVING POLICY HOLDERS BACK: PART OF THEIR PREMIUMS AS A CASH BONUS OUT OF THE PROFITS EVERY YEAR. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY. CAPITAL-£100,000, wibhpoiverto increase to £1,000,000 BONUSES— 20 per cent, paid annually since 1873, Directors ■■ The Honorable John Sutherland, M.P., Chairman. John Wetherill, Esq., J. P. Sydney H. Gary, Esq. William Hezlet, Esq., J.P. James Green, Esq., J.P. Bankers : Bank of New South Wales. | Australian Joint Stock Bank. Surveyor : John Johns, Esq. Solicitors: Valuator of Stocks: Messrs. Alien & Allen. Thomas Fisher, Esq. POLICY-HOLDERS ARE PERFECTLY FREE BY LAW FROM ALL LIABILITY. Fifteen Days' Grace allowed for payment of Renewal Premiums. Damage by Lightning and Explosions by Gas paid. PROMPT AND LIBERAL SETTLEMENT FOR FIRES. Fire Insurance at Lowest Rates. WALTER CHURCH, Manager. 3BE3Bii.I> 03f3f IC3e : CORNER OF PITT AND KING STREETS. THE CITY BANK, SYDNEY. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND £500,000 £280,000 £166,000 DIRECTORS: EDWARD WRENCH, Esq., J. P., Chairman. JOHN LYONS, Esq. Hon. S. A. JOSEPH, M.L.C. JAMES EWAN, Esq. ALEX. DEAN, Esq., J. P. AUDITORS: ROBERT THOMPSON, Esq. PETER MILLER, Esq. Manager: william neill. Assistant Manager: james Henderson. Secretary: thomas t. outon. accountant: john j. curtis. Solicitors: Messrs. JOHN DAWSON & SON. HEAD OFFICE — PITT STREET, SYDNEY. EASTERN BRANCH : CiTY BRANCHES. WESTERN BRANCH : 99 OXFORD ST. : E. B. CROFT, Managrr. KING & SUSSEX STB. : J. WAUGH, Manaokh. Country Branches. YOUNG: F. STRACHAN, Managkk. KIAMA : A. CURTIS, Manager. BATHURST: R. M. LINDSAY, Manaoer. CARCOAR : J. 8. MARKS, Manager. COOTAMUNDRA: A. G. H. SANDEMAN, Manager. ARMIDALE: J. A. ANTILL, Manager. HILLGROVE : G. H. WESTCOTT, Manager. Agents, the london joint .stock bank, limited, the commercial bank of scotland. FINANCIAL AGENCY — Mkssrs. Paulis Sokley & Martin, 77 George Street, Edinburgh. THE (QUEENSLAND NATIONAL BANK, LIMITED. THE NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. THE CITY OF MELBOURNE BANK. THE BANK OF VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. THE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. THE NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRAL.ASIA. THE NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. THE CHARTERED MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LONDON AND CHINA. THE CHARTERED MERCANTILE BANK OP INDIA, LONDON AND CHINA. THE AGENTS ok thr BANK OF CALIFORNIA— Laidlaw & Co. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA. DOMINION BANK BANCO DE VALPARAISO. NETHRRLAND.S INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK. S. A. BLUMENTHAL & CO. ANDRE NEUFLIZE it CO. 80CIETE MAR^^EILLAISE DE CREDIT INDUSTRIAL ET COM- MERCIAL ET DE DEPOTS. London Scotland Qdeenslamd . . Victoria Tasmania New Zealanli South Australia . . Western Australia India China New York .. San Francisco Toronto Valparaiso . . Batavia Venice Paris .. Marseilles . . iS" This Bank adopts and transacts all xisual Banking business tmthin the Colony, and with any of the places above-named and elsewhere. Box 834, G.P.O. Telephone, 518. H. M. L,. PIKE, LICENSED SUEVEYOK OF KEW SOUTH WALES & YICTORIA. Specially Licensed under Torrens' Act, ARCHITECT AND CIVIL ENGINEER. EUKS SURYEYS. SURYEYS for PURPOSES of TORRElSrS' ACT MADE. Estate Max3S of every description supplied, Charted \\ritli latest Government information. IRRIGATION AND MINING ENGINEERING And all business connected 'with the Lands and Mines Department carried out ADDRESS— 16 POST OFFICE CHAMBERS, PITT STREET, SYDNEY. ^ht yonDoit (Kbartercb ^airk ai |,ustralia. Inx'orporated by Royal Chaktbr, 1S52. Authorised Capital - TWO >III^L,io:KS SXKRI^IXG. Paid-up Capital and Reserves - - ^1,229,000 Reserve I^latollity of Proprietors - 1,000,000 i^2,2 2 9,000 LONDON OKF^ICE : 2 OLD BKOAD SXF4KET, E.C. CTourt of pirectova. Hon. Kir J. F. G.irrick. Q.C.. I Jacub Quix.uio Heuri'iues, Esi. I ItnlxTt Roim-, E«.| K.r.M.G Edward Keep, Esq. Charlea Day Kose, E*i. John Ueiidersoii, Esi], | Robert Lundale, Esq. | AaditOTS : Wm. Botly, Esq. ; Edwin Waterhouse, Esii. Secretary : W. il. Tomkiin, Eser Townsville : .Manager, E, A. Akius -A-G-EIsTTS- England : The National Provincial Bank of EngLaud and its Branches. Scotland : The National Bank of Scotland and its Branches. Ireland : The National Bank and its Branches ; The Provincial Bank of Ireland and its Branches. Colonial and. Foreign Correspondents. Bombay and Calcutta: The Chartered Bank of India, Mauritius: The Mauritiu.s Commercial Bank An..onil. in and China In.lia, l..inilon and China Foochow: Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpora- Sandwich Islands : Messrs. Blsbopfc Co., Honolulu tion, and the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and Singapore : The Chartered Bank of ludU, Australia China. an.l China Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Java : The Chartered Bank South Australia : The Bank of South Australia of India, Australia and China Valparaiso : .Messrs. HUth, Grdulng & Co. Madras: The chartered Mercantile Bank of India, Yokohama: The Chartered Bank of India, Austntlia and London and China ' Chin.i. Manila : The Chartered B.ink of India, Australia and China > INSURE WITH THE PHCENIX FIRE OFFICE KSTABLISHKD 1782. Losses Paid oyer ■ ■ £16,000,000 Annual Premium Income - £1,000,000 Insurances effected on all classes of BUILDINGS AND THEIR CONTENTS AT LOWEST BATES. T nQQT?Q PROMPTLY AND LIBERALLY LUfOiO-HiL) SETTLED. W. H. MACKENZIE & CO., GENERAL AGENTS, COMMERCIAL CHAMBERS, BOND STREET, SYDNEY. T'he £iLstraliaii Joint gtocl^ Banl^. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF COUNCIL, 1853. PAID-UP CAPITAL, £500,000. with power to Increase to £1.000,000 I?,iCSBlE,A7-E F'xj-JsriD - - £310,000. Board of Management : Hon. JEREMI.AH B. BUNDLE, M.L.C., Chairman. GEORGE A. MURRAY, Esq. I LOUIS PHILLIPS, Esc,, l Hos. W. A. LONG, Esq., M.L.C. WALTER FRIEND. Esq. | CHAS. H. MYLES, E3(|. I Auditors : W B. WALFORD, Esq. ; ROBERT J. KING, Eb«|. Solicitors: Messrs. FISHER. RALKK. \- SALWEY. Messrs. STEPHEN, JA(iUES, & STEPHEN. Directors-London Office: WH.LIAM MORT, Esq. | WILLIAM HEMMANT, Esq. | JAMES E. OWEN DALY, Esq. Auditor : A. H. .1. BAASS, E«q. Bankers: THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND, Limited. HEAD OFFICE (corner of George and King Streets), SYDNEY. FRANCIS ADAMS. General Manager. GREGORY G. BLAXLAND. AcamnlaiU.. WILLIAM KEID. Secretani. HENRY T. WEBSTER, Hub- Accountant. HENRY WILLIAM WALTON, Branch Accountant. London Office— 2 King William Street, E.C- Manager: ALEXANDER I?. BAXT ER : Accountant; GEORGE J. GROUND. BRANCHES IN NEW SOUTH WALES. BARTON LODGE, Chief Inspector. A. .1. (JREVILLE, Axaixfint Inspector. BURNELL B. RODO, Ax.-^ixtant Inspector. Relieving Officer: FRANK HARGEAVE. CITY AND SUBURBAN. Ashfield Exchange Office. Granville PaddniKton Redfern, with Rockdale Bur wood Pitt Street Haymaikct Parraniatta agencies at Summer Hill Camperdown Glebe Manly Parramatta N. Botany and Surry Hills Darling: Point Gordon, Lane Miller's Paint Petersham Waterloo. 1 "^ 1 En more Cove Milson's Point Raiidwick Albury Colombo, Lyt- „ , COUN Grafton TRY Menindie .Pambula Uralla Armidale tleton Grenfell Merriwa Parkes Urana Ballina Coudobolin Greta Milton Quirindi Wagga Wagga Balranald Cooma Gulgon^ Mitchell Raymond Ter- Waicha Bathurst Coonabarabraii Hay Moanio race Wallsend Bega Coonamble Hillston Miilon;,'- Richmond Warden Blayney Coraki Inverell [Morpeth Rockley Wauchope Boat Harbour Cowra Katooniba, witl Mudgee iRylstone Wentworth Bombala Deniliquin Agencies at Mt Murwillumbah Scone West Maitland Bourke Drake Victoria and jNairaudera Singleton Wickham Branxton Dubbo Blackbeath Newcastle iSmithfleld Wilcannia Broken Hill Eden Kempsey Nowra ISmithtown Wollongong, Cargo Emniaville Kiama Nyngan South Grafton with agencies Cassilis Forbes Lawrence Obeion Stockton at Bulli and Casino Frederickton Lismore Orange Tamworth Dapto Clarence Town Gerringoiig' Macksville Penrith, withiTemora Wolumla Cobar Glen Innes Maclean Agency at St. Tenterfield Wood burn Cobartto Goulburu Maiuhr.ania Mary's lUlniarra Yaes BRAh JCHES IN QUEENSLAND. H. I '. ABBOTT, Insp cctor. A. KERR, Assistant Inspector. BRISBANE Crovdo n Mackay Stanthorpe Allora Eidsvo Id Maryborough Toowoomba Bowen Gladst ane Nornianton Townsville Charter's Tower 3 Gympi Ravenswood Warwick Clermont Ipswic h Rockhaniptou AGENTS AND CORRESPONDENTS IN THE COLONIES. Victoria.— The Bank of Victoria ; TheE.,S...V A. Chartered Bank ; The National Bank of Australasia. Tasma.ma.— The Bank of Van Dieinen's Land, Limited. South Australia.— The Bank of South Australia. Limited : The National Bank of Australasia. Westbrn Australia. — The National Bank of Australasia. New Zealand. — The Bank of New Zealand ; The National Bank of New Zealand, Limited. Fi.ii.— The Bank of New Zealand. jj^ GREAT BRITAIN London.— The Australian Joint Stock Bank, 2 King William Street, E.C. Ba»ijte)'»'— National Pro- vincial Bank of England, Limited. Scotland.— The Royal Bank of Scotland. Ireland.— The Provincial Bank of Ireland, Limited. And Agents and Correspondents in the Principal Cities ot the World. Cix-oulfix- nrotes iss-ued lox- tlie vi.se of rFxTC^-v-ellers, T MERCANTILE BANK OP SYDNEY. ESTABLISHED 1869. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT 1873. CAPITAL (75,000 Shares of £4 each) £300,000 RESERVE FUND .... £115,000. HEAD OKKICE— OEORGE ST, SYDNEY. Directors. J. F. JOSEPHSON. Esq , Chairman. THE HONORABLE SfK JOHN HAY. K.C M.G. THE HONORABLE HENRY MORT, M.L.C. A. H. K. MAXWELL, Esq. THO.S. DAVIS, Esq. General Manager: Secretary; Inspector of Branches; F. A. A. WILSON. OHN McNALL. HECTOR ALLEN Auditors : JAMES SCROGGIE, Esq., and Hon. H. E. COHEN, Esq. MANAGER; HENRY GILFILLAN Head Office; Accountant : JOHN BLAIR. London Bankers; THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL B.ANK OF ENGLAND. London Branch ; 158 Leadenhall Street. Directors, EDWARD CHAPMAN. Esq. SIR SAUL SAMUEL, K.C. M.G. G. P. 8LADE, Esq. G. H. ALEXANDER, Esq. Manager Accountant ; GEORGE H. ALEXANDER. M.ALCOLM DILLON. Branches in New South Wales ; HAY'MARKET— J. B. Market, Manac/er. REDFERN— A. H. HttDSov, Manager. NYNGAN— Frederick Httchimsox, Manager. GOSFORD— F. L. Bell. Manaper. PYRMONT— L. R. Hlntlky, Manaoer. MANLY — John Harrison, Manager. PARRAMATTA— J. J. Brenan, Manager. ST. LEONARDS— Wm. Munro. Manager. NEWCASTLE -Gkor&e Leishman, Manager WEST MAITLAND— A. A. FitzPatrick, Manager. Branch in Queensland: BRISBANE— Robert Young, Acting Manager. Agents and Correspondents: THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF AUSTRALIA. THE QUEENSLAND NATIOiSfAL BANK. THE BANK OF ADELAIDE. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF TASMANIA, LIMITED. THE BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. COMPTOIR D'ESCOMPTE de PARIS. HONG KONG & SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. India '-' - - "- - THE AGRA BANK. EovPT CREDIT LYONNAIS. In Victoria - - - - ,, Queensland . - - ,, South Australia ,, New Zealand - ,, Tasmania - - - - ,, America . . - - ,, Hong Kong and Shanghai This Bank transacts all usual Banking and Financial Agency Business on the most favourable ttrrniB. Bills are Discounted Daily. j . u. i j Bills are negotiated, and Advances made against Wool and other Produce ehipped to England for sale. llnion Banl^ of Australia, Ltd. KSTABI.ISHKD 1837. I>JCORI»OItAri:o 1880. Paid up Capital Reserve Funds £1,500,000 980,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors Total Capital and Reserve Funds £2,480,000 3,000,000 £5,480,000 Head Office : 1 BANK BUILDINGS, LOTHBURY, LONDON. DIRECXORS. KiCiiAHD James Asiiton, Esq. ; Chas. K. BuKiHi, Esi|., C.M.G. ; Fhkd. G. Dalgett, Esf) : Major Frederick FAN^'l^•G ; Artiick Flowkr, Ksq. ; Wm. O. Gilchrist, Esq.; John Sheriff Hii.l, Esq. ; Right Hon. Lord I£iLi.i.\r.DON ; Edward P. W. Milk.s, Esa.; Sir C. Nicholson, Bart.; Charles Pakihrv, Esq. ; H. P. Sturgis, Esq. XRITSXKKS. The Right Hon. Lord Hillisgtos ; Edwakd P. W. .Milks, Esq. ; The Hon. Pascoe C. Gltnn. WiLlIAM Kiciimd.nu Mkwbckn, Esq. Bankers : The Bank of England and Messrs. Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. COLONIAL ESTABLISH iVIENXS: Gkneral Ma.n-agek— DAVID FINL.WSON. Esq. CuiKF Officer for New Zealand — JOSEPH PALMER. Esq. A.ssiSTANr Insi'ectors— F. M. INNES, Esq. and J. F. M'MULLEN, JfXR.. Esq. Branch IxsPKCToii-ALBtfiRT B. BOYD, Esq. VICTORIA. .Melbourne Fitzroy B.illarat Clunes Western Branch Brunswick Sandhurst Bgerton South Melbourne Geelon^ Stawcll | Rochester Colling wood Portland Daylcsford NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney Newcastle Denilicniin , West Maitland George Street Wagga Wag^a Yi'un;^ | Orange Newtown Juuee Parkes Broken Hill Leicbhardl Hay Biirrowa I Cootamundra QUEENSLAND. Mackay i Maryl ()n>ui;li I Toowoomba Gynipie Uuckhauipton Townsville Brisbane South Brisbane Fortitude Valley Maryborough Alexandra TarnagTjlla Grenfell Forbes Greta Bundaberg Charters Towers .Adelaide. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Port Adehiide. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Port Pirle. Freraantle | Roeburne i Cossack Hobart .\acklaud Thames Napier I Lannceston Palmeraton North Port Ahuriri (Napier) Gi shorn e Wellington Perth I York | Albany | GenKiion TASMANIA. I O^tiands | La Trobe | Scottsdale FIJI— Suva. NEW ZEALAND. Blenheim i (ireynionth ' Southbridg-'j Dunudin Ha-stinLjs | Christchurch Lyttelton Oaiuaru Nelson | Ashburton Timaru Invercargiil Hokitika • Rangiora Waimate Agents thruugliout the United Kingdom, India, China, America, and elsewhere. The Bank grants Letters of Credit on demand, or Bills at three or thirty days' sight, upon its Branches, at the customary rates, on the money being deposited. Similar Lettei-s of Credit may be procured from its Agents in all the principal towns throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland. The Bank also negotiates, and sends for collection, Bills on the Colonies, the terms for which may lie obtained on applic.ition at its Loudon office. At its Branches in the Colonies it undertakes all description of Banking and Exchange busniess. Circular Notfs are issued by its Branches, in sums of .£10, £20, or £.50, negotiable by its correspondents in the chief cities on the Continent of Europe, in North and South .-Vmerica, Ceylon, Mauritius. India, China, Japan, and .Africa. Sydney, 188S. THE NATIONAL BUILDING, LAND, & INVESTMENT GO. 250 PITT STREET, SYDNEY. Authorised Capital £200,000. Jottvi* c«f ^ttrector© W. H. HENTSCH F. A. WRIGHT Hon. HY. E. COHEN J. BURTON GIBBS JOHN BROOMFIELD HY. CHAPMAN Paid-up Capital ^23,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits ^11,500 Held on Deposits ,^939000 The Funds of this Company being invested in first Mortgages of Free- hold Properties, and in Suburban and City Lands, carefully selected, no better security could be offered to Depositors. DEPOSIT BANK. Rates for Moneys on Deposit — 12 Months— 7 per cent. 6 Months -6 per cent, per annum. At Call— 5 per cent, per annum. Deposits AT CAL,L, are withdrawable without notice. SAVINGS BANK. Interest— 5 per cent, per annum on Daily Balances. No notice required for withdrawals. FOR SAI.E: ICESIDEI»tTIAl, AI>iiI> BITSII«(HSS SIXES EARl^S AI!^D ORCHARD I^OXS. For particulars apply JAMMS A. TODD, 250 PITT ST., SYDNEY. Manager. IRRIGATION . IRRIGATION . IRRIGATION. HUDSON BROTHERS, Ld. SOLE MAKERS OF THE CLYDE WINDMILLS. These wind motors are now in use in all parts of the Colony, and invariably give great satisfaction. HUDSON BROTHERS, Limited, have given much care and study to the manufacture of these mills, and they now stand unrivalled for all purposes for which wind power can be utilised. THE MANUFACTURE OF WROUGHT IRON AND STEEL PIPES Is also a specialty with the Company, who have made many miles of wrought iron piping, all sizes from 6 in, to 36 in. diameter, suitable for Hydraulic Sluicing and Mining. HUDSON BROTHERS, Limited, are the sole makers of COTTLE'S PATENT STEAM STAMPS. These stamps may be seen at work at Hudson Brothers' Works, Clyde. They are destined to work a revolution in Quartz Crushing — the cost of heavy machinery is entirely saved. HUDSON BROTHERS, Ld. Works: CLYDE, NEAR GRANVILLE; Head Office: 2 O'CONNELL STREET, SYDNEY. lustrafian Jortgoge, £atid, and linance Company, Incorporated,ni863. Incorporated, 1863. CAPITAL - - - - £4,000,000. Head Office— 13 LEADENHALL ST., LONDON, E.G. Directors— DAVID AITCHISON, Esq. I HENRY J. LUBBOCK Esq. SIR TAMES CAIRO K C.B BYRON L. RONALD, Esq. RICHARD GIBBS Esq I ROBERT BRUCE RONALD. Esq E. MACKENZIE YOUNG, Esq., General Manager. Melbourne Office-103, 105 WILLIAM STREET. Australian Board— Hon. Sir JAMES MACBAIN, M.L.C., Chairman. \V. ROBERT McCOMAS. Manager. | WILLIAM DRYSDALE, Esq., Inspector. j. J. FALCONER, Secretary. Sydney Office-2 SPRING STREET. L,ocal Directors— J. S. MITCHELL. Esq. I Hon. H. C. DANGAR, M.L.C. W. A. COTTEE, Manager. | W. F. ALLWORTH, Secretary. This Company makes Advances on Pastoral Properties, btation Bills, and on ensuing Clip of Wool, and acts in the capacity of Squatting Bankers and Agents. Drafts issued upon L,ondon at Moderate Hates. GIBBS, SHALLARD, & Co., 84a PITT STREET, SYDNEY, jgithographic and jgBttfirprfi&a printfirs, COMMERCIAL 4' GENERAL STATIONERS ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURERS, PAPER RULERS, ElECTROTYPEI\S, STEi\EOTYPEI\S, Engt^aveps, lUaminatoi^s, Artists A>D METAL TABLET MANUFACTURERS. THE UNITED INSURANCE COMPANY. Head Office— GEORGE & HUNTER STREETS, SYDNEY, CAPITAL £500,000 XJ3>J"IjI3Vr IT i: 13 Fire and Marine Insurances of all descriptions at very low rates. including Wool 'from Sheep's back to London), Wool bheds and other Station Properties. r > O m O > -I > r > z D m CO m < m 0) DIRECTORS J\MES KWAN. Esq., Chaikmax. HON. J. B. BUNDLE. M.L.C. Hon. R. HILL. M.L.C. S. DICKINSON. Es.. «• '■ ^OHEN. Es.. T. F. KNOX, Esi,'. Manager, THOMAS M. TINLEY. For all Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, and Stiffness of Joints. Nothing like it in the World ! Try it for Rheumatism! Every Settler should keep it in case of Accidents. ESTABLISHED 80 YEARS. BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. JOSEPHSON'S AUSTRALIAN OINTMENT. Guaranteed to be free from all poisonous qualities, and composed of Vegetable Matter only, being made from the Wild Plants which oulj' grow in the Bush of New South Wales. J0.?EPHS0N'3 AUSTRALIAN OINTMENT is now the household word of the country. The quick and instant relief from pain, and the speedy and miraculous cures, are THE WONDERS OF THE AGE, which, taken alto<:etlier, prove the AUSTRALIAN OINTMENT to b» the EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD. It cures sore and tender eyes, stiffness of joints, excoriations, chapped hiinds and lips, bunions, soft corns, deafness, and all causalities attending the human frame succumb to its all-healing properties. Who would suff'er from SANDY BLIGHT, when they can find immediate relief and be perfectly cured by usin^r JOSEPHSON'S AUSTRALIAN OINTMENT ? Who would suffer from External Sores, when the same may be cured'by using JOSEPHSON'S AUSTRALIAN OINTMENT? Who would suffer from Soft Corns, when thev can be removed bj' applying constantly for a few days JOSEPHSON'S AU.STRALIAN OINTMENT? Who would suffer from Burns and Scalds, when they can have immediate relief by applying JOSEPHSON-S AUSTRALIAN OINTMENT? Who would suffer from Excoriations of any description, when a remed}' like JOSEPHSON'S AUSTRALIAN OINTMENT can be obtained ? Who would suffer from Piles, when a remedy like JOSEPHSON'S AUSTRALIAN OINTMENT is at hand? Sold by all Chemists and Storekeepers in Pots, Is., Is. 6d., 2s. 6d. each throughout the Colonies. To all who suffer from GENERAL DEBILITY Will give you more relief than any medicine you have ever tried, for it CLEANSES THE LIVER from all IMPURITIES and increases the CIRCULATION OF BLOOD, which is the LIFE OF MAN. TRY ROW'S DANDELION BITTERS I EDWARD ROW & COMPANY, 43 to 47 GEORGE ST. NORTH, SYDNEY. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-Series 444 XSCX.~-€=s=£\ llffTI A 000 098 432 8