Comptimenti of J. HOWARD GORE, Cohtmbian University, tfashington, D. C, U. S. A. UXTTED S'I'ATES COAST iVNlD GEODETIC SURVEY F. M. THOKN SUPERINTI-NPEXT A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GEODESY By J. HOWARD GORE, B. S. Ph. D. PKOFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS, COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY; SOMETIME ASTKONOMER U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY; ACTING ASSISTANT U. S. COAST ANU GEODETIC SURVEY i AUTHOR OF ELEMENTS OF GEODESY APPENDIX No. 16-REPORT FOR 1887 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PKINTING OFFICE 1 S S !t LIBRARY • . UNIVERSITi OF CALIFORNU Z SANTA BARBARA Appendix No. 16. — 1887 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GEODESY. By J. HO^V^ARr) GORE, B. S., Ph. D. INTRODUCTION. Although the restricted popuhir demand for a work peculiarly designed for the uses of the student and scientist liirely induces its author or compiler to forego its prei)aration, it is never- theless likely to be a mat ter of serious consideration in connection with the question of publicatiou by i)rivate enterprise. It is especially the case that, beyond the gratification of his own scientific tastes and the undemonstrative a])probation of the worthy few who appreciate the value of appli- ances which lessen the labor of learning, the compiler of so complete and exhaustive a Bibliog- raphy of Geodesy as that of Professor Gore can have had little to inspire his zeal and sustain his prolonged labor in au undertaking which, at the outset, involved the thorough exploration, in l>erson, of thirty-four of the principal libraries of America and Europe, the exploration of the minor libraries by proxy, and, in addition, a searching inquiry by correspondence with all the geodesists or mathematicians of both coniiuents. That Professor Gore has not lacked, during the i)repara- tion of his work, such inspiration as was derivable from the approbation of the competent, is attested by the courteous action of Colonel Uerschel, R. E., in placing at the Professor's service his own manuscript contribution to Pendulum Bibliography, as well as by the generous overtures from various institutions, among them being the International Geodetic Associatipn at Berlin, olfeiing to undertake the i)ublication of his book — a most gratifying recognition of his fitness for the work and of its anticipated value. The propriety of the reason, assigned in his preface, for declining to place the publication of his book in foreign hands, will hardly be disputed by any save those who are indifferent to the just fame of American scientists and to the continued honorable identification of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey with the best work, and the successful promotion of the highest interests, of Geodesy. ftly own conviction of the propriety of Professor Gore's attitude was so clear that I could not, without a conscious disregard of duty, have declined the proffer of his manuscript to this Survey, for i)reservation and publication among th»v8cientiflc Appendices to its Annual Report, and so assuring, without cost for prejjaration or compilation, appropriate association of the n-cognized American Bureau of Geodesy with a complete Bibliography of Geodesy, American in inception and authorship and the first work of its kind. F. M. THORN, Superintendent, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Wmhington^ May 23, 1889. 313 PREFACE. The reason for the preparation of this work was the need of it felt by the compiler. He began in 1885 a History of Geodesy, but before proceeding far it was found very dithcult at any time to be sure that the literature regarding the operations of a given period had been exhausted. It was at once deemed best to collect titles as well as the works themselves. The excellent library facili- ties in the various technical departments iu Washington emphasized the feasibility of such an under- taking. The number of titles collected for this purpose only, so far exceeded the si)ecial lists as given in the various bibliographies of mathematics that many persons suggested an extension of the original plan, so as to make the compilation useful to others. In response to this proposition the various libraries in Washington were carefully searched, and during two trips to Europe nearly every library facility there has been exhausted. In order to procure titles of such recent works of living authors as might escape notice, owing to delay in obtaining a place in the library cata- logues, a circular letter was sent to every mathematician whose address could be obtained. Each circular had appended to it the titles of all of the known works of the recipient, with a request that omissions be supplied. This alone was the labor of several months, but was fully repaid in the gratifying assurances from many that nothing could be added, as well as in the few additional titles which tend towards making this work complete. Special efiort has been made to examine carefully catalogues of libraries, however small, bibli- ographies of the exact sciences, biographies of mathematicians, and trade lists of antiquarian books, in addition to such well-known sources as the"Koyal Society Catalogue of Scientific Papers," Eeuss, " Kepertorium," etc. A most opportune assistance was furnished by Col. John Herschel, E. E., who, through the courtesy of the Royal Society, and with the consent of the India OflQce, sent a manuscript sup- plement to his contribution to pendulum bibliography, which was published in " Operations , of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India," Vol. v. From this veritable treasure seventy-two new titles were fouud, each in the body of this work followed by (H). Most cordial thanks are due Colonel Herschel for his aid, as well as the confidence displayed in unreservedly placing such valuable material in the hands of another. During the progress of the compiling, various overtures were made by institutions desiring to become tlie source from which the completed work should emanate, but it was deemed only jjroper that it should be published in the country which witnessed its inception and fostered its growth. Therefore it is with pardonable pride that the compiler sees the results of his labors issuing from an institution of his owu country, which throughout the world is the recoguized advance guard iu geodetic science. In this connection thanks should be tendered Mr. F. M. Thorn, Superintendent, and Mr. B. A. Colonna, Assistant in Charge of Office and Topography, of the D. S. Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey i. for their energetic interest in this undertaking. The title " Bibliography" may appear as high sounding or inappropriate to a work in which all the refinements of bibliographic science are not observed. The entire collation is not always given, since a large i)roportion of the books have appeared in but one edition. The only well defined purpose has been to give as much of the title as will enable one desiring the book to obtain it from any library possessing it, with the minimum effort to himself and the librarian. This object 315 316 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. was also iu view iu preparing the abbreviations for the serial publications, wbich, it is hoped, may be amplified without looking for their equivalents in their alphabetical place. It is a pleasure to acknowledge obligations to Mr. C. C. Darwin, librarian of the U. S. Geologi- cal Survey, for suggestions iu preparing these abbreviations. The scope of the work will easily make itself evident to the user. The intention was to include only such works as treated directly of the figure of the earth, or described operations which could be used iu determiniug that figure. The only digression from this plan will be seen in the case of the pendulum, where the theoretical side is also included. This was done because of the belief that the pendulum will soou become a more important geodetic instrument, when it may be necessary to reconsider some of its theoretical features. A few treatises ou surveying, bearing the word "geodesy" or its equivalent in the title, have been inserted with a remark indicating the character of the contents. As a rule, remarks are used simply to correct erroneous impressions which the title alone might make. The plan adopted is to use only one alphabet, in which will be found authors, abbreviations, and subjects. Full names of the authors have been given as far as possible, but in any subsequent repetition only the initials of their Christian names are given. The title will be found repeated under the name of each co-writer or each person named in the title. A dash ( — ) in a title refers to the first name given, as the one who wrote the review, or about whom the article was written. This method gives, so far as entry is concerned, equal prominence to all persons named. Under the authors, their works are arranged chronologically ; iu the case of serials, according to the date as given to the entire volume. This will be found advantageous when it is desired to find the full title from the abbreviated form as given under a subject. It is also believed that the insert ion of an abbreviated title iu the subject classification will be found helpful, as it will enable one to see at a glance if an author whose name appears under the desired subject has writteu upon the special theme sought for, without turning to the author catalogue. After each book title, and after the full title of each serial publication, there appears in paren- theses the name of the owner of the work from which the title as given was taken. Of course it does not intimate that the work in question can be found only there. When a book was once found it was not again looked for. As a rule, those accredited to European libraries could not, at the time of trial, be found in any library in America. It is impossible to mention here the names of all who have assisted in this work. But special thanks are due Mr. Nicholson, of the Bodleian, Oxford; Mr. Fortescue, of the British Museum; Professors Helmert and Foerster, of Berlin; Captain von Kalmar, of Vienna; Colonel Hennequin, of Brussels; the faithful assistants in the libraries of America and Europe who searched for dusty books so seldom called for that they became lost for the time, and to those who iu the University Library at Cambridge and the Royal Library of Munich used their holiday hours in looking for books which they alone possessed. J. HOWARD GORE. Columbian Uniateesity, May, 1889. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GEODESY. A. A. A. S. Proc, for Proceedings of the American As- liociatiou for tlie Advaucemeut of Science. 8°, Salem. (Washington, Geological Survey.) A (G.). Sur les mesures r^centes d'arcs du m^ridien etl'ectu^es dans la partie uord-est de I'Kurope. Bibl. Univ.Genfeve, xxiii, laOS, 27.'i-278. An lucouDt of Struve's Kussian arc. Abbadie (Antoine d'). R^sum6 g^od^sique des posi- tions d.hed in three parU. Sur les variations dans I'inteusit^ de la gravity terrcstro. Acad. d. Scl. Paris, C'onip. Rend., I.ii, 18(51, 911-912. Description d'un instrument pour la pratique de la g<'od6sieexp^ditive. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., lvi, 1863, 1195- 1199. Directions de la pesanteur. .\c;ul. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., LXI, 1865, 838. G^od<5sie d'fithiopii-, ou triaugulation d'une partio de la haute J^thiopic, ex^, St.-P^tersbourg, 1726-18U-.*. (Washington, Ob- servatory.) St.-Petersbourg, Bull, phys.-math, /or Bul- h^tin de la physieo-uiatb6uiiitiqiie de I'Aca- diSinie luipdriale des sciences. 4°, St.-Pirg. Sciences math^matiqaes, physiques et uaturelles. 4°, St.-P^tersbourg, 1830-{-. (Washington, Ob- servatory.) Acad, de St.-Petersbourg, M6m. sav. etrang., for M^moires pr^sent^s il I'Aoadtfmie imp6riale des sci- ences de St.-P^tersbourg par divers savans. 4°, St.-P^tersbourg, 1830-'59 (9 v.). (Washington, Oliservatory.) On the back, Memoires des savants Strangers. Accad. Sci. Bologna, Com., for Comnientarii scientia- rum et artinm institutum bononiense afque academia. 4°, Bologna, 1731, 1748-'91. (Washington, Con- gress.) Accad. Sci. Bologna, Rendi., for Rendiconto delle sessioiii della Accademiadelle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologua. 12^3, Bologna, 1833, 1837-'42, 18464. (Washing- ton, Congress.) Accad. Lincei, Atti, for Atti della reale Accademia 4-'58, 17-22 ; Am. Journ. of Sci., XX, 1856, 359-604 ; Bibl. Univ. Gen&ve, xxxv, ia57, 15-29. Eevd. in Roy. Astron. Roo., Uontb. Not., XTin, 1858, 222. D = 6.623, and 6.566. On the computation of the eflect of the attraction of mountain-masses, as disturbing the apparent as- tronomical latitude of stations in geodetic surveys. Roy. Soc. London., Phil. Trans., CXLV, 1855, 101- 104 ; Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., xvi, 1855-'56, 42-43. — ; Schubert (T. F. de). Essai d'une determina- tion n>ved JIarch 3, 1885. Misc. Doc, No. 82, 49tli Cong., Ist session. • 8°, Washington, 1886, pp. xxxvii, 1104. (Gore.) Allman (George Johnston): McCullagh. On thi- at- trictidii of ellipsoiiis, with a new di'iiioiistration of Clairant's theonin, being an account of the late Professor McCullagh's lectures on those subjects, compiled by — . Roy. Irish Acad., Trans., xSll, 1855, 379-395, H. Ex. 17 21 Alsted (.Johannes Heinrich). Elementale mathema- ticum, contiueutur arithiuetica, geometria, geodicsia, astrpnomia, geogrnphia, musica, optica.* Francofurti, IGU. Poggendorff, i, col. 34. Amaute (Fedele). Nouveau calcul de Tare du m<5ridien entre Jlontjouy et Formentera. 8°, Naples, 1843, pp. 28. (Paris, Observatory.) Memoria sulle ionnole da usari ne' calcoli geode- tici per la rlduzione degli angoli all' orizzoute della stazione. Acad. sci. Napoli, Atti, i, 1843, 157-178. Eleinenti di geodesia. Parte prima. Trigono- luetrica e geografia matematica. 6=, Napoli, 1817. Ciiuimanicated by Prof. E. Fergola. Considerazioni sullo foruiole adoperate comune- mente dai gcograli per calcolare le posizione geogra- fichi dei vertiei dei triangoli geodetici. 4°, Napoli, 1652, pp. 25. (Berlin, Geodetic Insti- tute.) Am. Acad. Sci., Mem., for Mem i;s of llu' Aiiisiicaa Academy of Arts and Sciences. 4^, Boston, 1783-I-. (Washington, Oos rvat ry.) Am. Jour. Ed., for American Journal of Education. 8'^, Hartford, 1856-I-. (Washington, Congress.) Am. Jour. Sci., for The American Journal of Science, sometimes known as .Silliinan's Journal. 8°, New Haven, 1818-|-. (Washington, Patent Office.) Ammann. [Nachricht von seiner Vermessung in Augs- biugischen.] Astron. Jahrb., 1800, 113-119. Ammon (Franz). Lehrbuch der iiialliematischen und physischen Erdbeschreibung fiir die bayrischen Gym- nasien. 8°, Augsburg, 1829. Zweite verbesserte AuUage. 8°, Augsburg, 1837, pp. xii, 128, 15(5. (Britisli Museum.) Von dor Gestalt der Eido, 28-39. Amp&re (Andre-Marie). Thf'orie do la terre. Kcviie des Deux Mondes, III, 183:!, 9(i-107. From a dynamic point ot view. Am. Pliil. Soc, Proc, for Proceedings of the American Pliilosopliical .Society (held at I'hiladelphi;!, for pro- moting useful knowledge). ti'^, Philadelphia, 1838-1-. (Washington, 01)ser- vatory.) Am. Phil. Soc, Trans., /or Transactions of the American Philiisiiphiial Siieiety, held at Philai!el|diia, for pro- moting useful knowledge. 4°, Philadelphia, 17(;9-f. (Washington, Obser- vatory.) Analect. Mag., for Analcctic Magazine. ti'-, Philadelphia, 1813-'20 (Ifi vols.). (Washing- ton, Congress.) Andersson (Johan Oscar). u iifiiingskuns- kap. 8°,Stockholm, 1876, pp. ii,236. (British Museum.) 322 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Andrae (Carl Christopher Georg). Om beregniugen af brede, langde, og azimuth paa Bpb.eroiden. K. Svenska Vetcusk. Ak., Ofvers., 1858, 230-269; Astron. Naohr., l, 1859, 161-108. Om nrkkoiidviklingen af de formlor, som Ijoiid til bestemiiiclsen af geodajtiske positioner paa den spUiiToidiske jordo vert] ado. K. Svensk. Vetensk. Ak., Ofvers., 1859, 27-69; Astrou. Nacbr., i.ill, 1860, 369-380. Thooricn for Udjovuingen af et geodsetisk trian- gelnet.' Kj0beubavn, 1864. Die diiuischen Hanptdreiecke, -welche Kopeu- hagen mit don scbwodischen uud preussiscben Drei- ecken verbiudon. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1865, 4-9. Bericbt iiber die in Uauemark ausgefiihrten [geo- detic] Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1868, 11-15. Bericbt iiber die in Danemark ausgefiibrten Ar- beiten [for 1869]. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1869, 5-9. Ueber den inittleren Feblcr wiederbolter Mes- Kungen. Astron. Nacbr., LXXiv, 1869, 283-284. Tbeorien for Udmaaliugen af Vinkler ved Repeti- tionsmel boden. * Kj^benbavn, 1872. Den dansko Gradmaalni" Andrae (Carl Christopher Georg).— Continued. Bericbt liber die au.sgifiibrteu [geodetic] Arbei- ten in I'iincmark fiir das Jabr 1879. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1879, 84-87. Probl6mes de baute g(5od<;sie. Extraits de rouvrage dauois: "Den danske Gradmaaling." Formation et calcul des triangles g^od^siqnes. 4", Copenbague, 1881, pp. 52. Calcul des latitudes, des longitudes et des azimuths 8ur lo sph^roide. 4", Copenhague, 1882, pp. 55. Determination dn spb^roide terrestre par la conibi- naison des mcsures g<5odaa Spb;eroiden. Udgivet af C. G. Andrae. 4°, Kj^benbavn, H78, pp. xiv, 422. Kovd. by IlELMEiiT. Astron. Ges., Vicrtdjahrs., xni, 1878, 57-80. Ueber die Bestimnning des wabrscbeinlicben Feblers diircb die gegebenon DitVerenzen von m gleicb genanen Beobacbtnngen eines Unbokanuten. Astron. Nacbr., i.xxix, 1872, 257-272. Bericbt iiber die in Danemark ausgefiibrten Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1872, 3. Bericbt iiber die gcodiitiscben Arbeiten iu Diiue- niark i)ro 1875. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1875, 167-160. Ueber die Ausgleicbung eines Dreiecksnetzcs. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1877,244-252. Bericbt iiber die geodiitiscben Arbeiten iu Diino- niark fiir das Jabr 1877. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1877, 269-272. boldeue de astronomiske Jagttagelser og Bcstem- melsen af Spbicroiden. 4'^, Kji»benbavn, 1884, pp. xii, 432, 1 plate. (Gore.) Andi6. Tb^orie de la surface actuelle de la terre. Journ. d. Mines, xxi, 1807, 431-440. Chiefly Rcology and mineralogy. Andrea (Theodor). Ueber die Bestimmnug jouer drei Gleiibung«. (Gore.) Of value in discussing the unit nscd in the Egyptian de- gree determinations. : Ideler (C. L.). Ueber die von — in die alte Geo- graphic oingefiihrtcn Stadieii. K. Ak. d. Wiss., phil. CI., l.--,'i;, l-l)i. Aoust (Louis). Sur une forme de I'dquation de laligne geoile.'sii|no ellipso'idale, ct de ses usages pour trouver les propri<;t(^s comnnines aux lignes ellipsoidalcs et d, des couibes planes correspondantes. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Kend., I., 1860, 484-489. Appelgren (Sim. William). ]>e figiira telluris ope pciiiluluruui dctcnniuanila. f , Abo;c, \XU), lip. 10. (I'.rilish Mu.scnm.) Arago (Dorainiqne-Fran^ois-Jeau). Kxtrait du Rap- port sur lo vsyago de d. B.). On tlic comimtation of the effect of the atlrac- tiun uf muULituiii iiia^.ses. Roy. Soc. Lonilon, riiil. Tr.ina., cxi.v, 1855, 101-104. Baeyer (.1. J.). Von einor Abwoichnn;; tier I.otliliuio in KiJ- A.stron. Xathr., LVii, 1862, 347-352. BauekxfeinI) (C. yi). . . . I-ntliablcn'icung. K. b.->y. Ak. .1. WUa., iiiath.-phys. C'l., Abb,iii(ll , .\i, 1873, ii, 1-40. BE.'s.vzt (O.-D. I)E). EecUerchodulailiJviation . . . par suite ile I'attracliou qu'exercent bur lui la cbaine dea Andi-a et . . . Ucvuo Maiit., XX.MV, 1872, J8S-4U2. BoUGCEll (P.). Sur la direction qu'afTectcut lea fils k plumb. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, ilim., 1754, 258-268. Celokia (il. E. G.). Sopra una deviaziono sensibiledee filo a pionibu esistuute fra Milauo o Genova. 1st. Lomb., Uend., xvil, 1S»», v, 1-44. Clarke (A. R.). Note on Pratt's paper on tbe effect of local attraction on the English arc. Roy. Soc. London. Proc, ix. It58, J9G-497 ; Phil. Trans., CXLVlll, 1858, 787-789. Crahtord l-T. !>.). On the deviations of the plumb lino in the Island of Mauritius. Dun Edit Ubsy., Publii ations, III, 1883, 499-506. Fkescoi.m (S. W.). Deflection of the plumb-line at the Sayre Ob.servatory. Eiig. Soc. Lehigh Univ., Jonrn., ni, 1888, 83-86. Galhraitii (W.). . . . tbe effects of a .supposed attraction at Gallon Uill. Edinb. Phil. Joarn., XXX. 1841, 326-316. Germain*. ()bHi.-n-ation de la deviation de la verticale sur les coles sud de France. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., cii, 1886, 1100-1103. Gould (B. A.). Remarquoa snr les attractions locales. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., LXix, 1809. 814-815. Greene (F. V.). Local deflection of tbe plumb-line near the 49tb parallel. Washington, 1876. Helmeut (F. R.). Zur Berechnung der Loth-Ablenkung durch den Mond. Astron. Nachr., XCI, 1877, 235-238. Lothabweichungen. Berlin, 18S6. Rapport sur les deviations do la verticale. Int. Geod.Cong., Vorhandl., 1887, 1, 1-54. Hersciiel (J.). On tbe local deviation of the plumb-line from the vertical ae affecting the accuracy of a trigonometrical survey. Indian Eng. (Medley), I, 1864, 315-323. HiRBCn (A.). Snr nno d6viation remarquabie du til ii ploml>, d6couverto ii Moscou. Soc. Sci. Xat. Xeuchitel, Bull., vi, 1861-03, 319-325. JaME-S (H.). On the deflection of tbe plumb line at Arthur's Seat. Roy. Soc. London, Phil- Ti ans,, cxlvi, 1S56, 591-606. Keller (F.). Riccrcho sull' attraziono dclle numtagne. Roma, 1872. Maskelvxe (N.). An account of observations made on She- hallien fur flnding It-s attraction. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., Lxv, 1775, 500-642 ; 495-499. MOKOzowicz (O. vox). Deber Bremiker's Theoric dor Lotbab- leuknng. Astron. Nnchr., xc, 1877, 353-356. Kaciel (A.). Lothnngen nnd Lotliung.sapparate. Civ.Ing-, XXIV, 1878. 621-664. Peciimann (E ). Die Abweichuug der Lothlinio . . . uud ihre Berechnting als Erforderriss einer Gradmessung. K- k. Ak. d. Wisrt-, niatli.-naturwjss. C1-, Deukscbr., xxii, 1864, 1, 41-88; Sitz..Ber., XLVII, 1863; n, 433-437. ATTRACTION, LOCAL— Continued. P|';tei;s {C. A. P.). Vou den kleinen Ableukungen derLoth- liuie, welche durch die Anziehuugen der Sonne . . . hervor. gebracbt werd(-n- Astron. Xacbr., XXII, 1844, 32-42. Pratt {.T. H.). On the attraction of the Himalaya Mountains . . . upon the i)luml;-line iu India- Roy. .Soc. London, Phil. Tran.s., CXLV. 1855,53-100: Proc, IX, 1858,493-196; 701-702; Phil. Trans., 1859,745-748. On the effect of local attraction npou the plumb-line at stations on the En;;lish arc. Roy. Soc- London, Phi!. Trans., CXLVI, 1856, 31-.52. On the influence of the ocean on the plumb-line in In. dia. Roy. Soc. London, Proc, IX, 1858, 597-599. Memorandum showing the effect of local attraction npon the operations of the trigonometrical survey of In- dia. Asiatic Soc, Journ., XXXI, 1862, 146-150. On tbe effect of loc.;l at traction on geodetic operations. Roy. Soc. London, Proc, 1864, 253-276. On the degree of nncertainty which local attraction occasions in tbe mean figure of the earth. Roy. Soc. Loudon, Proc, XIIl, 1803, 18-19; 253-276; Asiatic Soc. Journ., xxxiv, 1805, II, 34-42. Preston (E. D.). Deflection of the plumb-line in the Hawaiian Islands. Am. Journ. Sci., cxxxvi, 1888, 305-317. Sadebrck (B. a. M.). TJeber den Einfluss der Lothablenkun- gen auf Winkelmessungen. Astron. Nachr., xc, 1877, 113-118; XCI, 1877, 145-152. Santixi (G.). Relaziouo intornoalleattrazionilocali resultant! nei Mosca. 1st. Teneto d. Sci., Mem., xii, 1864, 77-79. ScHOTT (C. A.). Local deflections of the zenith in the vicinity of Washington. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1869, 113-115. Comparison of loc:il deflections of the plumb.line. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Eep., 1879, 110-123. ScHUUEUT (T. F. de). Sur riudueuce des attractions locales dans les op6rations g6od6sique8. Astron. Nachr.. LII, 1860. 321-362. ScuwEiZER (K. G). Untersuchungen iibir d-e in d<-r Nahe von Mo.scau stattfindonden L'-calaltiaciiuncii. Soc Nat. Moscoii, Bull., xxxvii, 1864, i, 96-171. Shobtueue (R.). . . . the disturbing attr:u lion of the Hima- layas. Roy. Astron. Soc, Mem., xvii, 1849, 93-106. Steuxitzki (J-). Ueber die Ableukung der Lothlinie durch die Anziehung der kauk.lsis(rlu-u lierge. Acad, de St.P6tcr.1umb.1ine. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., xxxvii, 1876-77,362. WixTERBERO (C). Ueber die Abwdchungeii lies Lnthes. Astron. Nachr., xci, 1877, 97-108 ; Civ..Ing., xxvui, 188'2, 473- 479; Arch. d. Math. (Gninert), LXV, 1880, 113-160. WiTrsTEiN (T.). Ueber die Ablenkung der Lothlinio in grdssen Hiihen. Astron. Nachr., LXXiv, 1869, 251-254. Zacii (F. X. von). L'attraction des montagnes ct ses effeta sur le fil ii plomb. Avignon, 1814. AXON'. Some plumbllne deflections in tbe Hawaiian Islands. Science, 1888, 35. die Stiirung der Richtung 326 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. ATTRACTION, SPHEROIDAL. Legendue (A.-il.). il»-mi»in- aiir I'attl-.lrtiiiu (U-s ellijiHoht^ Inst, de Fiauco, M6ni. CI. SlatU. Pbys., 1810, 11, 15-183; 1812, II, 1-5 (Hist). Maccullagh (J.). On a (Mliculty iu tbe theory of tbt? attrac- tion of 8i)beroid8. Koy. Irish Arart., Trails., xvil. 18:;7, MT-S-IO; rroc..lll,184,V47, 3G7-309; Trans., x.xil, 18.55, 379-393; L., E., I). riiil.Mag., III, 1833. 282-285. POIBSON (S.-T).). M6niniro snr raltrartinn d'lin ellipsoide ho- mogt-ntv Ac.-iil. d. Sci. Pari.s, M6ni., xiii, 18.35, 497-545; Conn. d. Temps, 1837, 93-132; Aiad. d. Sci. Paris, Coinji. Rind., VII, 1838, 3-5. Pbatt (.T. H.). a treatise on attractions . . . Camliridge, 1860-71. RODRIGLES. M^moire aur Tattraction des 8pb6roiide3. ficole Polytech., Corr., in, 1814-'16, 361-365. Stokes (G. G.). On attractiocs. Camb.-Dub. Matb. Journ., iv, 1849, 194-219. Toi>nusTKU (T.). A history of th« mathematical theories of attraction . . . London, 1873. TOL'NG (T.). Calculation of tlie direct attraction of a spheroid. Journ. Nat. Phil. (Nicholson), XX, 1808, 114-117. TVON-VlU.ARCKAlT (.l.-J.-F.). Zt)GE (E. n.). Uei>er die Anziehnng pines bomogenon Ellip- soids. 8=>, Halle, 1875. AubuiSBon ( C. d' ) : Laussedat (A ). Pur la ui^tlioile employi^e jiar — eii l^'lOjumr l;i iiU'Siii-r des bases g^o- Acad. d. Pci. Paris, Coiiip. Rend., xci, l~isO, 'J-'i- 923; Ann. il. Mines, ix, l.-i-il. Auguatin. [I rbcr dio Triangnlirnn}^ iiii Wiener Par- allel. ] Mou. Corr. (Zacb), x.xvii, 1813, 379-382,571-575. Auslaiid, /or Das A«.slaud. 4 , 8tnltgart, 1829-f. AUSTRIA. BlssESTHAL. Instruction fiir die bey der k. k. oaterreich. Landcs-Vermcssung angestellten Ofticiere. Wien, 1810. Instruction fiir die iui Calcula-Uiireau der k. k. iister reichischen Landes Vernie.sainig un^e.stellteu Ofticiere. Wien, 1810. Trigouonielriscbe Vevniessnii-^ in dtrr iisterreichisclien Mouarcbie. Men. Corr. (Zacli), XXV, 1812, 37-57, 121-139, 232-219. Ganahl. Uericht iiberdiegeodiitischeu ArbeiteninOeaterreich Ungarn. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen. Her., 1871,33-38; 1872, 16-17; 1873.7- 10; 1874, 67-74; IS75, 181-189; 1870, 100-113; 1877, 208-209, 294-298. ' Die astrouoiuisch.gcodiitiscben Arbeiten des k. k. uiilitiir-geo;;ra(diiscl»en Institutes. 4 vols., Wien, 1871-'76. Hakti. (H.). Bericbl iiberdieLeistungdes . . . geitgraphi- scbcu Institutes. Int. Geod. Coug., Verbaudl., 1884-'86, 154-177. ^fateiialien Zur Geschicbte der astroiiomiscltlrigo- nonietrischen Vcruicssung der osterreicbisch-ungai isclien Monarcbie. K. k. militiir.geogr. Inst., Mittheil., vn, 1887, 117-228. HELDEXFEl.n (A.M.). Neuca astronomiscb-trigonotnetrisches Nctz iiber dio ganze iistcrroichische Monarchic. Mod. Corr. (Zach), xv, 1807, 461-107; xviii, liiOS, 17-33. AUSTRIA— Continued. Kai.mau (.v.). Bericht iiber die fiir Zwecke der europiiiscben Gradmessungiu Ocalerreichausgefiibrten Arbeiten. Int Geod. Cong., Gen. -Ber., 1879, 98-ini ; 1880,23-29; 1881-'82, 91-111; 1883,201-209; 1684-'S6, 154-177; 18^7, VII, 1-18. Kreii, (S.). Observations g^odesiques fftites en Autriche. Acad. doBelgique, Bull., xiv, 1817, l, 286-291 ; xvi, 1849, 1, 329- 333. LriTKOW (K. L.vox). Bericbtiiberdioii.sterreichiscb-mssiscbe Verbindungs-Triangulation. K. k. Ak. d. Wiss. naturwiss. 01., Sitz.-Ber., IX, 18,52, 912-915; Denkschr., v, 1853, 111-128. Oppolzer (T. von). Rapport snr les travaux g^od^siques en Autriche. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.Ber., 1874,58-62: 1878,91-96; 1879,97- 98; 1880,23; 1881-'82, 89-90; 1883,261; 1884-'8C, 151-153. Seiilaczek (E.). Mittheilungen desk. k. mtlitiir-geograplil. schen Institutes. Wien, 1881. WaxkavonLe zekbeiu(J.). Mittheilungen dea k. t. militar-geogr. Institutes. Ill, Wien» 1883. Zach (F.X. VOX). Oesterreich'scbe Gradmessuug. Mon. Corr. (Zach), XXIII, 1811, 151-168. Austria. Mittbeiluugen des kaiserl. konigl. luilitar- geugr.aiihischeu Institutes. Herausgegeben auf Befehl des k. k. Eeichs-Kriegs-Ministeriunis. 8\ 7 vols., Wien, 1881-'87. Im Selbstverlage. Auzout (Adrien). Mesures prises snr les origiuaux et conipaiees aveo le pied du Cbastelet de Paris. Divers ouvrages de matb. et pbys. par messieurs de VAiad. Roy. des Sci. Paris, 1693, 368-370. Avila (A. -J. d'). Rapport sur Wtat actuel des travaux geodosiqiies en Portugal, lut. Geod. Cong., Verbandl., l.S84-'86, 183-186. Eajiportsurles travaux g^oddsiqiiesaccom- plis eii Portugal eu 1887. Int. Geod. Coug., Verbandl., 1887, ix, 1-3. Avout (Baron d'). M^moire sur la figure de la terre. 8°, Paris, ]8.->2, pp. 66, 1 ^ilate. This name is sometimes written i>'AvousT. B. Ueber die Liingen-Gradmessung zwischen dem Tour de Cordorian und Finnie, im Parallel des 459tc-n Grades von Brousseaud, Nicollet, Plana, Carliiii. Hertba, ix, 1.S2T, 277-28ri; xi, 1828, 448-450. B. (B.). Tbo Coast Survey. Reply to tbe oflicial defensfi of its cost, abuses, aiul power. 8*^, n. d., pp. 36. (Gore.) A letter addressed to tbe editor of the New York Times iu answer to "Public Documents." Babinet (Jacques): Guyot (J.). Le pendule n'est pas perpendicnlaire il la surface des eaux tranquilles; par — . Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend.,xxxii, 18.'')1,705; CoBmos, II, 1853, 447. Note sur le rayou moyen de la terre. Arad d. .Sci. Paris, Coinp. Rend., XLV, 1857, 121- 124. 8iir la figure de la terre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., xi.v, 1857, 732- 735. Appareil jHHir la inesure ataiiiine de la pesantenr. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., Lvi, 1863, 244- 248. tJNITRD STATES COAST ANi:) CICODETIC SURVEY, 327 Babiuet (Jacques): Guyot (J.) — Coiitinucil. Note siir lo oiilcul er den siiliiiriHclinn Excess.] Aivli. d. M;illi. (Grmiprt), xxxix, lSG-2, 2:{7-2'll; Moiides, III, 1803, 94-90. Qiiplqnea obaorvatious relatives :\ la direction de la rrrlic:iln a dittiTeiites liautcurs ail-dessiis dn sol. Arcb. d. Jlath. (Gniiiert),, 18G4, 271-27.">. Bache (Alexander Dallas). A description of a base uiiparatus, plauiicd hy liim and executed by Mr. Wni. Wiirdcnian, lueclianieian of the Coast Survey. Aui. Pbil. Soc, Proc, IV, 1847, 368-370. Survey of the coast of tbc United States. Sidereal Jlcssenger, 1, 1*18,98-99. United States Coast Survey. Sidereal SIessoiif?er, il, 1848, 55-56. (Comparison of tbe results obtained iu geodesy by tlie apiilicalion of the theory of least squares. . A. A. A. S., Proc, 1S49, 102-105. On the progress of tlio sui'vi-y of the coast of the United States. A. A. A. S., Proc, 1840, 162-178. Report of Prof. Alexander P. Bache, superintend- ent of the Utiiled Slates Coast Survey, showing tbe progress of work for the year ending Oct., l^.^'iO. Am. .Jour. Sci., Xii, 1851, 158-I(!4. A short review of the work of that year. Comparison of the reduction of horizontal angles by tbe nudhods of "dependent directions" and of "dependent anj;ular (juantitics" by tbe method of least S(|uarea. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Hep., 1854, 03-70. Notes on the measurement of the b.a,so for the pi-imary Iriangulation of the eastern section of the coast of tbe United Stales, ou Kppiug Plains, Maine. A. A. A. S., Proc, 1857, IfiO-lfifi; Am. Jour. Sci., xxv, 1*57, 58-C2. Kppiug Base, Maine. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep,, 1857,302-305. IColo on the prciuiratioii <)f sitn. nieasiirt^iiieiit of lino and ido'^ri'Srt, as eonipured willi oth«'i' niraHurenienlB of the ('oaat Survey. Notes on the measurement of a base for tlie prim.iry triaugulation of the eastern section of the United States, on Epping Plains, Maine. (Ab.stract from a paper read beforo the American Association for the Advancement of Science.) Canadian Journ., Ill, 18.58, 74-75. Bachoven von Echt. Dio kiirzeste auf ilem Knlsph.'i- roid nebstdie lI:iupl:iuli;alMii der ( ieoib-i.-tie in neuer Darstellung. 8°, Coesfeld, 1865, pp. i, 137. i lUitisb Mu,seuin.) Backeljau (F.). l^l<;men(.s prati(|ueH d'ai peritage, g4ode- HJe, iii\ elh'menl. 8 , Gaud, 11-181, pp. V.>^,l\ ).laten. (lirnssi^ls. Royal.) Baeyer (Johann Jacob) iiml Bessel (.F. W.). (Jiiid- me.ssuiig in Ostpreussen. Berlin, 1838. Title in fnll nnder Bbsskl (F. W.). Baeyer (Johaiiu Jacob) —Continued. Die Kiistcnvermessnngund ihre Verbiudung m;t der Berliner Grundlinie. Ausgeliibrt von der trigo- uometriscben Abtheilnng des Generalsfabes. Beiliu, 1849, p|). xx, 587, 1 map, 2 pi. (Gore.) Uelier die Anfertigung einiger Copieu von dor Bessel'schen Toise. Astrou. Nachr., xxxviii, 1854, 273-288. Die Verbiudungeu der preussiscbeii nml rus- sischen Dreieckskotteu bei Thorn nnd Tarnowitz. Ausgefiihrt von dor trigonometrischen Abtbt^ilung des Generalsfabes. 4°, Berlin, 1857, pp. xvi, 442, 4 plates. (Gore.) Ueber die Beziebungen der SIrahlenbieihung in der Atmosphiire zu der Witterung und iiber den Zu.sammenhang eiuer Laudesvermessung niit der Meteorologie. Arch. f. Landeskunde, v, 1858, 1-40. Die Triaugulation von Thiiringeu. Ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 1851 bis 18.55 von der trigonome- trischen Abtheilung des kiinigl. pren.ssisebeu Geue- ralstabes. 4", Berlin, 18.59, pp. VI, 183, 6 plates, 1 chart. (Ber- lin, Landesaufnahnie.) Ueber Strahleubrechuug in der Atraospbare. Acad. d. St.-P<5tersbourg, M<^m., in, la60, 1-82; Astron. Nachr., XLi, 1855, 305-336. Ueber die Gro.sse und Figur der Erde. Eino Denkscbrift zur Begriindung einer mitteleuroi)ai- seheu Gradmesaung, nebst einer Uebersichtskarto vou J. J. Baeyer. 8'^, Berlin, lieimer, 1861, pp. vi, 111. (Gore.) Eevd. by Beutuand (J.). Jouin. U. Sav., 1874, 097-719. Das Messen auf der spharoidischen Erdober- Hache. AIs Erliiuterung meines Entwurfes zu einer ndtteleuropiii.schen Gradniessung. 4^, Berlin, 1862, pp. viii, 12.5, 3 plates. (Gore.) A correction in Aatron. Nachr., l.x, 1*JG3, 129-136. [Vou eiuer Abweichuug der Lothlinie in Kilnig.s- berg.] Astrou. Nachr., lvii, 1802, 347-3.52. Zur Entstebungsgesebichfe der europaischen Gr.ailmessung. Entwurf zu einer mittelenropiiisehen (Jradmessung. 4°, Berlin, 1862, pp. 13. (Gore.) Ueber einigo Verliesserungen in meiner Schrift: "DasM(!ss(in auf der sphiiroidiseheu l'2rdoberl!;iebe. Berlin, 1802." Astron. Nachr., LX, b-'03, 129-136. — - U(d)er die Anilosnng grosser s)il]:iniiiliselien Dreiecko. Astrou. Nachr., i.xi, 1863,225-240. Notizen iiber einige Krscbeinungen, welche der Aufuierksandieit der llerren Bevollmiicbtiglen zur gelegentlichen weitern Beobachtung eni|ifi)blen wor- den. Int. Good. Cong., Gon.-Bor., 1803, 35-38. Kegarclin^ tile bt-wt time to urte tlie heliotrope ami I ho twiHtofrt wooflen theodolite snp]>ort. Keiirinted in part in Rep. f. phjs. Teih. (Carl), l, ismi, 1(17-170. Ueber die spbiirische Berecbnuug sphiiroidiseber Dreiecke. Int. Gend. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1861, 49-62. 328 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUEVEY. Baeyer (Johaiiu Jacob)— Continued. .Biiiclit iibir don Stand der Organisation des CVntiiilbiiipauM, und ilber die in> Jahro iK'iti ausgo- fiibrtcu Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1865, 29. Die konigl. prenssischo Landestriangulalion. Hanptdiciecke. Erster Theil. Hauptdreiecke in der Provinz PreusHon, an der Weiehsol und ostlich davon. Berlin, 1866. Astron. Nachr., i,xvui, 1865, 81-88. Notice of the above by — . Bericht uber die Tbatigkeit des Centralbilreaus im Jahre I860. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1866, 26-27. Die Veranderangen, welche Massstal>e von Eiseu tiud Ton Zink in Bezug auf ihre Liiuge und auf ihri-n Ansdehnungs-Coefificienten init der Zeit erleiden. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1866, 34-41. T'eber den gegenwartigen Stand der Gradmes- Hllig.' C.f.-r. .T il,rb. (Behm), 1866, 33S -f . CoDt iii-l>^ ■» r^isiinie of the various Jeterminationsof tlio .'is<;ibe von Eisen nud vou Zink in Bezng anf ihre l.iiu;;e und auf ihren Ausdehnungs-CoefBcienten niit der Zeit erleiden.] K. Ak. d. Wiss., Berlin, Monatsber., 18G7, 1-1.3; 187-2, 5G0-5G2. — Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Gradmes- hUugs-Arbeiten in Spitzbergeu nnd Chile.* Geogr. Jahrb. (Bebni). U, 1868. — : Hansen (P. A.). Gegenbericht an die pernia- nente t'ommission der europaisclien Graduiessung. Auf Veranlassung des Berichts des General — . Gotha, 1868. Title in fall under Haksen (P. A.). Entwurf zur Anfertigung einer Karte von den iistlicben Provinzen dos preuss. Staates nach deni beutigen Standpunkt derWissensebaft undTechnik. 8°, Berlin, 18fiH, pp. x, 77. This first appeared in part in Arch. f. Landeskunde, II, 1856. Uober die Berecbnung spbiiroidischer Dreiecke und konigliclu'ii ;;eo(l;'itiscben Tiistitiils zii Berlin, 1878-'8.".. 8 vols., 4^, Berlin, 1879-'^i.'j. Bericbt iiber diegeodiitischen Arbeiten in Baden fiir das Jahr 1880. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, 3. Bericht dts CintraU)iireans resp. des geodii- tisclien Institnts (fiir das Jahr 1880). Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880,15-19. — , Sadebeck, Fischer. Bericht iiber die Arbcilen des preussi.schen geodiitischeu Institnts fiir daH.J.ili]' 1-80. Int. Geoil. Cong., Gen. -Her.. IrtHO, 29-35. Baeyer (Johann Jacob) — Continued. Antwort auf einen Brief von Fiirster. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, .50-53. Kegarding tho leugths of tlio standard toiges. {Prasiclcnt.) Voteu der Mitglieder des ■wis.sen^ schaftlichen Beirathes des koniglichen geodiitischeu lustituts iiber die Fragc : Ob dio von der kijuiglicheu Laudestriangulation ini Jahre 1870 piiblicirteu Dreiecks-Messungen und Berechnungeu (Haupt- Dreiecke, 1. Tln-il) als preussischo Grndmessungs- Arheiten aLgeseheu werdeu kounen ? nuil Bemer- knugeu des Priisidenten des geodiitischeu Institut.s. 4°, Berlin, 1880, pp. 10. (Berlin, Geodetic Insti- tute.) , Sadebeck, Borsch, Albrecht, Fischer. Be- richt iiber die Arbeiten des prenssischen geodiiti- scheu lustituts fiir die Jahre 1881 nnd 1882. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen-Ber., 1881-'82, 113-123. Bericht des Centralbiireaus resp. des geodiiti- scheu lustituts (fiir das Jahr !883). Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1883, 20-24; 134-137. , Fischer, Low. Bericht iiber dio geodiitischeu Arbeiten in Preussen fiir das Jahr 1883. Int. Good. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1883, 270-277. : Helmert (F. E.). Uebersicht der Arbeiten des konigl. geodiitischeu lustituts unter — . Berlin, 1886. Revd. in Zeits. f. Vermes., XV, 1886, 497-50G. Title in full under IIei.meut (F. R.). Bailie (J.) vt Cornu(A.). D6terniinatiou de I'attraction etla density de la terre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Coui[i. Rend., i.xxvi, 1873, 954-958. et Sur la niesnre de la densit(S de la terre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Couip. Rend., i.xxxvi, 1878, 699-702 ; Ann. d. Phys. (Poggendorft), ii, 1878, 453- 455. et Analyse de riulluence pertnrbatrice dea ternies proportionuels au carro des roj4r68 do i'astrononiie, n, 2j.}-275. Tlistoire do rastronomio moderne depnis la fou- dalion de I'eeolo d'Alex.andrio jus(|u'i\ I'epoquo de MDCCXXX. Par M. Bailly. Nouvelle Edition, 3 vols., 4", Paris, 1785. Do la luosuro de la terre par les aneicnM, et de leiira iiio- suros itinuraires. I, 14.'!-108 ; ile la uiesure de la terre, n, 337-370. : Vorion. Histoire do T.istronomie, depnis 1781 jusqn'cu 1811 p(Mir siTvir de suite i\ I'histoiro de raNtronotnie do — . 4^, Paris, 1810, pp. ix, 383. 330 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURTEY. Baily (Francis) : Cagnoli(A.). MciIkuI of ascerlaiii- ing the ligiiie oltlio cardi. Translated by — . Fioiu: Mom. Soc. Italiana, vi, 1792, a-i7-'23r.. Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), T.iii, lal'.l, ;i50-;tC(l; 40f.-41fi. Short accouiit.s of two invariable pondiilums, the one of iron anil the other of eojijier. Roy. Astrou. Soc, MoutU. Not., i, IS-iT-'SO, 78-80. On the discordauciea in the results of the inetliods for ileterinining the length of the simple pendulum. Phil. Mag. (Taylor), v, 18-i!), 97-104. On the correcti(ttI of a pendnluni for the reduc- tion to a vacuum; together with remarks on some anomalies observed in pendulum experiments. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 183-2, 399-492. Report on Captain Foster's pendulum experi- ments. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., iii, 1833-'36, 1-3. Report on the new standard scale of the society. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., iii, 1833-36, 179-183. A report on the experiments made by the late Captain Henry Foster, R. N., with the pendulums taken out by him in his scientitic voyage, in the years 1828-'31, with a view to determine the figure of the earth. Roy. Astrou. Soc, Mem., vii, 1834, pp. vi, l-",78. Report on the new standard scale of this so- ciety. A short history of the standard measures of this country. Roy. Astron. Soc, Mem., ix, 1836, 35-184. An account of some experiments on two new in- variable pendulums. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., iv, 18.36-39, 141- 143 ; V, 1839-'43, 63-64. — On the repetition of the Cavendish experiments for dctcrii iniug the nu-au density of the earth. Roy. Astron. Soc, Mouth. Not., IV, 1836-'39, 96-97. — An account of some experiments made in Lou- don, and at two stations on the river Euphrates, with the two pendulums belonging to tliis society, and with one of Kater's invariable pendulums. Roy. Astron. Soc, Mem., xii, 1842, 61-81. — An account of some expcrinnnts made in Lon- don, and at the Cape of Good Hope, with one of Kater's invariable pendulums. Roy. A,stron. Soc, Mem., xii, 1842, 83-101 : Month. Not., V, 1839-'43, 63-64. — An account of some experiments with the tor- sion-rod for determining the mean density of the earth. Roy. A,stron. Soc, M >nth. Not., v, 1839-'43, 188- 906; Mem., xiv, 1843, 1-5; Ann. de Chini., v, 1842, 3:58-353; Bibl. Univ. Geneve, xi.ili, 177-181 ; L., K., D. Phil. Mag., XXI, 1842, 111-121; .\nn.d. Phy8.(Poggtu- dorli),, 1842, 453-467. [Determination of the density of the earth.] Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., vi, 184:!-'45 l()7_ 101. •: Cornu (A.). Correction probable du ri gros.'ercu geodiitisehen Aufnahuien, zu gcographi- schen Trianguliruugen, barometrischen Hohenmes- sungen, zu Nivellements nnd zur lustrumentcnlehre. Nach dem neuesten Staudpuukte der Wi.sscnschaft bearbeitet. 8 \ Weimar, 1842, pp. xxvi, 407, 14 folio plates. (Gore) Bariola (P.) Calcolo supplemeutare aflino di aggiun- gcre nn' altra comlizione al calcolo gii eseguito per la parte meridionale della rete di jirinjo ordine di Sicilia sulla zona meridiaua di Capo Pas.seroaPatte. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1870, 11-25. Barnard (Prederick Augustus Porter) and Tresea ( H. ). Conijiarison of metres. Iron metre forwarded to France by the Government of the United States. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1867, 134-1.37. The metric sy.stem of weights and mea-surcs. 8"^, New York, 1872, pp. 194. (Berlin, Geodetic In- stitute.) Geodetic operations, 94-103. Barocio (Prancisco). Heronis niecbanici liber de uia- chiuis bellieis necnon liber de geoda-sia. H'^, Veuetiis, 1.572, pp. [iv], 74. Barra (Fran9ois-Xavier). E.ssai .sur nne nnnvelle uK^thodc geO(lcsic|ue pour faire sur le papier les pro- jets de canaux. .Journ. Genie Civ., ix, 1830, 266-294. Barraquer (Joaquin M.) y Cabello (Prancisco). Me- moria sobre la compensacion general de lo.s errores de la red geodesiea de Espafia por — . Pnblicada, do orden del Gobierno de la Kepiiblica, por el In- stilulo geogriifico y estadistico. 8-', Madrid, 1874, pp. .58, 2 charts. Informe .sobre la compensaeiim, por trozos, de los errores angulares de la red geodesiea de Eapaua.* Madrid, 1878. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 331 Barraquer (J.-M.) el Perrier (F.V .Tunc! inn {ji^mlflKiqim lut. Geod. Cong., Gcn.-lier., 1880, 47-5:!. Di.scnrso Bobro la sii^nificaoioti geoddsica do los obscrvaciones con el i>6ndnIo do inversion.* Madrid, IsBl. it Ibailez (C.) Rai^iort snv Ics travanx g(5od6si- que.s (Espagne). Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1881-82, 134-141. Noticia de los primeros experimentos hechos eu Espaua con e! jii'ndiilo dc inversion.* Madrid, 18.-^'>. Barraquer y Rovira (Joaquin). Estiidios experimen- talfs i^n ([ill' Kn fiinda la eijnacion del metro de platiuo delinido por trazos do la coniision permauente de pesas y niedidaH. Spain, Mem. del Inst. Geogr. y Estadlstico, IV, 1883, 1-96. Rapport .nnr la uie.snre de la pesanteur. Int. Gi-od. Coug., Geu.Ber., 1883, a86-289. Barrozzi (Capitaiieanu). [R:ipport snr les travanx geod^sii|nes en Konnianie priulant I'ann^e 1874.] lut. Geod. Coug., Gen.-Ber., 1874, 74-75. Rapport snr les travanx g12--,'13. Rapports prdsonti^s k la commission iuterua- lionale do l.a mesure des degr^s, snr les travanx dn d^pAt g(?n-50. Bartlett (W. H. C. ). Elements of natural philosophy. IV. Spberieal astronomy. Fifth edition. 8°, New York, u. d., pp. vii, 4(i.''>. Sliaj)*-' um\ diiueuBiuns of the eartb, 310-313. BASE APPARATUS. ATTANAhlo ( ; \ I'TO (N.). NnovK appnnllo IuiH^^rat^»l■H (11 bawi ^(•(Kletiehe. N. il. Baciik (A. D.). De.scription of a baee apparatus. Am. Phil. Soc, Proc, iv, 1817, 31J8-370. HoirrBi.i.E (C. O.). Primary base apparatu.s. U. S. C. au. Exp6rieuce8 faites aved'appareil k meaurer lea bases . . . Paris, 1800. PoRRO (I.). Nouvel appareil destin6 d la meaure des bases trigonom6trifiuoa. Acad. d. Sci. Paria, Comp. Rend., XXIX, 1849,661!; XXX, 1850, 550; XXXI, 1850, 232-247; Roviata Cicn. FIs. Madrid, I, 185U, 192-202, 317-321 ; III, 1863, 336-345. Reissig (C. von), Der Apparat zur Mesanng einer Basia. St. Petersburg, 1823. Reitz (F. H.). Apparat znm ^feasen von Grundliuieu. Zeita. f. Vennea., x, 1881, 233-237. Repsold (A.). Beachveibung eines Basis-Mess-Appaiatea. Hamburg, 1869. ScHOTT{C.A.). Dcacription and construction ofa new com- pensation base apparatus. XT. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1882, 107-138. Schumacher (H.C ). Skrivclae . . . over det Apparat ban bar anveudt til Malingen af Standlinieu ved Brak i Aaret. AUona, 1821. Secchi (A.). Descrizicme degli istrumenli adopcratl nella niiaura delta baae romana aulla via A ppia. CoiT. Sci., IV, IS.'JO, 171-188. TI660T (A.). Notice sur I'appareil . . . pour la luesure dea baaea. Paria, n. d. WebTPUAI. (A.). Der Basisapparat des General Il)ancz und 8eiu zum JiUeren apauiacbeu Appaiat. Zeita. f. Inatnimeuteulvunde, l, 1881, 173-183. Baaisappni-ate und Bjiaisiueasungen. Zeita. f. Iiialruiu. utenl e. A. A. A.S.,Proc,, 18.';7, 160-100; U.S.C'.andG. Surve.v.Rcp, 1857, 302-305 ; Canadian Joiirn., Ill, ISSI-, 74-75. Baskvi (J. P.). Practical errors of the meaaureuH-iil- ef tlic Cape Comorin baae. Indw, 'Piig. Survey, l, 1870, 52-00. BoUQi'KT DE l,A GrvR. Note aur I'uange du cercle m/'ridien ile P.riinne]' et aur son euiiiloi nrnptcilt ex cntAe en 1808. Bibl. I'liiv. Geneve, XI, 1819, 3-16, 81-100. G. Die ibeiiibajciischcGnindlinie. Zeits. f. Vermes., xvi, 1887, 234-236. GjlLVR (J.G.). Bericht uber [die Nenmessang dcr ecblesi- scbeii Gnindtiuie]. Breslau, W-iO. GlLBEHT (G. K.). On the Kanab base line. Phil. See. Wash., Bull., Ill, 1878-'80, 34-36. Haupi (C). Ein Mittol zur Steigerung der Genanigkeit von ' Basismessungen. Zeits. f. Instriimentenkunde, II, 1882, 241-252. Hknnksset (.J. B. N.). Base lines. India, Trig. Survey, 1, 1870, 1. 1-23 ; 1,1870,11,1-48; 1,1870,111, 1-26; I, 1870, IV, 1-28 ; 1, 1870, V, 1-32; 1, 1870, VI, 1-31 ; I, 1870, VII, 1-30 ; I, 1870, VIII, 1-32 ; 1, 1870, IX, 1-48. HlLOAKD (J. E ). Aecmint of a baseline meaaurement. A. A. A. S.,Proc., 1875, 90-98; Phil. Soc. Wash., Bull.,11, 1875-'80, 50-51. HOLFELU (J.). Nene Theorie von der Wahl der Staudlinien. Lemberg, 1793. HOUZEAU (J.-C). Sur ... la mesure d'ane troisi^me base gdod^sique. Acad, de Belgique, Bull,, 1, 1881, 867-872. IbaRez (C). Noticia de los resultados obtenidos en la medi- cion de la base central de Efspafia. Cien. Fls., Madrid, xili, 1863, 513-519; Astron. Naehr., i.xi, 1864. 339-346. Base centrale de la triangulation g^od^siqne d'Espagne. Madrid, 1863. Jaderix (E.). Gcoil.itiscbe Langenniessnngen mit Stahlban- dem und MetalUlrahten. K. Svenska Vctcn. llandl., Bihang, IX, 1885, XV, 1-57. Joudax (W.). Ueber die Bertchnung des niittleren Felilcra einer Baaisuie.-^sung. Astron. Nachr.,, 1873,189-190; i.xxxi, 1873, 51-56. Die liasismessung dcr preussiscben Landesaufuahnie bei Giittingen. Zeits. f. Vermes., IX, 1880, 377-403. BasiS'Messnng der preussiscben Landesaufnabme bei Meppen. Zeits. f. Vermes., XII, 1883, 577-584. Kkkschbaum (G.). Die nord-amcrikanische BasismessuDg von Chicago. Zeits. f. Vermes., xiii, 1884, 533-547. Koppe (C). Die Basismessung dcr Aarbcrger Basis. Nordhausen, 1831. Kramer (.J. H.). "Ueber den Gebraueb eiiier Xnrnisil-Linie bei geodiiiiscben Arbeiten. Hamm, 1822. Lau&bedat (A.). Sur la ni6thode emplo}'6e par d'AubDissou en ISIO. pour la mesure des bases g^od^siques. Acad. d. Sci. I'uris, Coujp. Itend., XCI, 1880, 022-923. Mayer (C). Basis Palatina. Mannheim, 1763. Metp.k (A.). Snr la base g6od6siquo dans les environs de Bonn. Acad, do Bclgique, Bull., XIV, 1E47, II, 14-19. Mobsmaiv (.S.). Primary b; on Hounslow Heath. Geogr. Mag., v, 1878, 282-286. BASE MBASTTRING— Continnod. XAt;Ei. (A.). Du! Meaauug dcr Basis fiir die Triangnlirung des Erzgebirgiachen Kohlenbasins. Dresden, 1861. BasisMessniig auf der Plaltlcvni d-s Pnlyti rbuiliuuii' zn Dresden. Civ.-Ing., XXVI, 1880, 293-423. Die Grossenhainer Basis. Civ.-Ing., XXVIII, 1883, 1-36 ; 535-546. Nerknbvrger (A..W.). Sur la base g6od6sique dans lea envi- rons de Bruxelles. Acad, de Belgique, Bull., xvii, 1860, II, 135. OsTEBWALD (P. VON). Bencbt iiber die vorgennimuene Mea. snng einer Gnmdlinie vou Miiiicben bis Dachau. Iv. bayer. Ak. d. Wiss., 1764, II, 363-386. Perhier (F.) . Verzeiclmiss der alten uud neuen Gi uDdlinieii. Int. Geod. Cong , Gen.Ber., It77, 39-57. Rapport sur les mesures des bases g^od^aiquea. Inf. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880. vii. l-S; 18ii3, iii, l-9j 1ES7. IV, 1-6. Peters (C. A. F.). Bericht iiber die neue Berechnung de;' Braack Basis. Danske Gradmaaling, i, 1872, 391-420. Pfrii. (L. von). Messung auf der knrzen Basis. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), XLVll, 1867.49-73. Pucci (E.). Sulla teoria delle basi geodeticbe. Giom. Math. Univ. Italiaua, xix, 1881, 131-156. Reggio (F.). De mensioue basis habita anno 1788 ab astrono. mis Mediolanensibus. Eff. Astron., Milano. 1794, 3-20. RICCARDI (P.). Construzione di basi geodetiche stabili. Accad. Sci. Bologna, Mem., vi, 1883, 678-682. RlCCl (G.). Rapporto alia misuni di una base uella ]i);inuradi Catania. Torino, 1867. Rogers (F.). An account of the measurement of two baao lines in Florida. Jonm. Frank. Inat., LX, 1855, 361-372, Polytech. .Journ. (Ding- ier), CXLV, 1857, 180-185. Rot (W.). An account of the meaaurement of a base on Ho«u.alow Heath. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., Lxxv, 1785, 385-480; P;iii.s, 1787. (F.). SuUa misura della base geodeiicacseguita in Puglia. Napoli, 1861. Priucipii fondamentali intorno alia misura di una b.-ise geodetica, espoati dal — . Napuli, 1862. Relazione sulla base misurata ne' piani di Catania. Int. Geod. Cong., Gcn..Ber., 1865, 58-67 ; Kapoli, 1807. Sciii.EiiACH. Ueber Gonauigkeit und Branch barkeit des Mess- rades bei gewohnlicben Langenmessungen. Zeits. f. Vermes., vi, 1877, 241-249. SCHOTT (C. A.). Epping base line. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1864. 120-144 ; 1866, 141. Length of the Kent Island base. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1866, 140. Results for the length of the primary base line in Volo County, Cal. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1883, 273-288. Peach. Tree Ridge base, near Atlanta, Ga. U. S. C. and G. Survey. Rep.. 1873, 123-136. ScHKEiBEK (O.). Die Resultate der Basismessung bei Gottiu gen. Zeits. f. Vermes., XI, 1882, 1-17. ScilWKKO (F. M.). Die kleine Speyer Basis. Speyer, 1822. Secchi nst of Coromandel. Eoy. Soc. London, Phil. Trau.i., 1792, 99-114. Vita (G.). Kelazione aul procedimento del cilcolo della baae peodetica misnrata preaao la foco del crati. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1872, 6-15. VOBLAXDER (J. J.). Ueber die Genauigkeit der Lsngen-Moa- aimgen . . . Zeits. f Math. (.Sthlomilch), 1,1856, 142-159 ; Zeita. f. Vermea., I, 1872, 154-162. "Walker (T. T.), Capo Comorin baae line. India, Trig. Survey, i. 1870, x, 35. YoLAND {Capt.). Account of the measurement of the Lough Foylc Base. 4°, Loudon, 1847, pp. xix, 154, 117, 14 platea. Zach (F. X. vox). Sur la raeaure dcs petitea bases. Corr. Astron. (Zach), vil. 1822, 201-218 : 501-508. Snr lea gr.andea bases astrouoiuiquea. Corr. Aatron. (Zach), ix, 1823,217-239, 321-328, 417-431. Zachariae (G). TTeberdie Beatinimung des mittleren Feb- lera einiT . . . doppelt geiooaaenen Grundlinie. Aatron. Nachr., Lxxxi, 1873, 225-228. Anon. Kcsulta of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England from the northeaafern boundary to thevi- cinity of Xew York. tT.S.C.andG. Sui-vey, Rep., 186,5,187-203; 1866, 141. Coniparlaon of tho measured and computed lengtha of the base-lines in the chain. Full explanation of the different auccesaivo operations connected with the measurement of a subsidiary base-line. TT. S. C. and G. Survey, Kep., 1868, 133-139. Tho Los Angeles baae line. Mining and Scientific Preas, LViii, 1889, 228. Basevi (James Palladio). On tho j)ciidalum operations alioiit to lie undortaki'ii bytUoguiat ti'ij;onoiiietrical survey of India; witUa sketch of tlie theory of their application to tlio deterniination of tho earth's fig- ure, and an account of some of tho principal obser- vations hitherto made. Ir.d. EiiR. (Medley), IV, 1867, 97-108, 199-208; Asiat. Soc. Jourii., xxxiv, ISfw, 251-272. Preliminary abstract of mean results n'ith pen- dulums. Nos. 4 and 1821. Roy. Soc. London, Proc., xix, 1H71, 105. Report on the practical error of the measure- jiient of tlieCape Comorin base. India, Tri^'. Survey, I, 1370, x, 52-60. and Heavside CW. J.). Details of tho pendulum opi'vations by — , and of their reduction. India, Trig. Survey, v, 1879, pp. Ixii, 299. Bassot (L.) ct Perrier (P.). Etude comparative dcs ob- servations de jonr ot de nuit. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Conip. Rend., i.xxxiv, 1877, 1312-l.-il.5. Etalonnago des ri'^gles gfiodfisiques du service gdograpliiiiue de la France. Int. Good. Cong., Gen.-I5er., 1887, v b, 1-4. La in(^ridi( line do Laghouat. Acad. d. Sol. Paris, Coiuf. Reud.,cvi, 1888,818-820. Bauenifeiud (Carl Maximilian vou). Die Bedeutung modiTncr Gradmessung. A^ortrag in der otl'entlichen Silzniigder k. bayerisclien Akad. dcr Wissenschaf- teu am 25. Juli 1866. Znr Vorfeicr des Geburts- und Nameiifestcs S. Slajistiit dis Kouigs, gehalten von — . 4'^, Miinclien, letiC, pp. 41. (Gore.) Die terrestrische Strahlenbiechung auf Grund eiuer neueu Atifstellung iiber die physikalische Con- stitutiou der AtmoRpbiire. Astron. Nachr., I.xvii, 1866, 33-88. — Ueber die Behufs der Landesvermessung ausge- fiihrte Triangulation von Bayeru und deren Bezie- huug zur mittoleuropiiisohen Gradmessung. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1867, 22-33. — , Steinheil und Seidel. Bericht der koniglicben Commission ftir die euiopiiische Graduiessuug iiber die im Jahre 1868 von ihr vorgcnommenen Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., It568, 4-9. — Ueber ein neues gpiegelprisma mit constanten Ablenkungswinkeln. K. bay. Ak. d. Wiss., Sitz.-Ber., i, 1868, 495-497. Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1869 in Bayern ausge fiihrten geodiitischeu Arbeiten fiir die europiiiscbe- Gradmessung. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1869, 70-73. Elemente der 'Vermessuugskuude. 8°, Stuttgart, 3d ed., I«i9, pp. xxii, 878. Eevd. in Jabrb. iib. d. Fortschr. d. Math., it, 1869-70, 833, by BuVNs. 4th ed., 1873,2 vols., pp. xvi, 460; vi,533. (Gore.) 5th ed., 1876-77. 6th ed., 1879, pp. xvi, 5.57; xii, 633. Adds to the title: " Ein Lehrliuch der technischen Geo. metric." Kevd. in Zeits. f. Vermes., ix, 1880, 299- 304, by Heuiekt. Nachti'iigliche Bemerkungen liber die zii geodii- tischen Zwccken em, nebat I5o- mvrknngeu von Zftch. Mou. Corr. (Zach),Vin, 1803, 354-355; X, 1804,253-267, 278- 288. Die bfiyerisclie LandeHvemiessnug in Hirer wissvu- Bchaltlioht'ii Grtindlage. Heraiisgegrbcn von ilem lopo- grai)histlien Bureau lies k. GeueraUtabes. Miilieben, 1^73. Beardsley. The reputed figure and motions of the earth. The Mechanic, Lutidou, XI, 1870, iy4-|-. Beaumont (Blie de). Kapport siir Ics travaux g<5o(16- siiiues relatifs il la nouvelle deterniin.ation de la miS- ridienuo de France, iiiit au noni d'line coniuiJHsion fonnf'e dcs niemhres des wectioiis de geouii'^trie, d'as- trononiic, de gi^dgraphie et navigation et de.s nicm- bres coniposant le bureau. Acad. d. Sci. Taris, Comp. Rend., Lxxviii, IST-l, 753-73C. Beautemps-Beaupr^. Kxposi? (Vs travaux relatifs h la rcciinnai.'-sanco hydriigraphifiuo des cOtes occideu- tales de I'rauce. PariH, lS2y. Contains; Daurtsey, Precis des operations g^od^jsiquea, 69-124. : Begat (P.). Exposi? des op(5rations g6od^sif£ues soim la direct ion de • — . I'ari.s, lf^:!!l. Beccaria (Joannes Baptista [Giacoomo Battlsta]). (Jrailiif) Tauriiieiisis. Augustie Taurinoruin, 1/7 1, pp. x, 195, H plates. Lettere d' uii ilaliano ad uu Parigino iutorno alio riflpssioni del Signer Cassiui do Thuiy sul grado Torinense.* Firenzo, 1777. Poggendorff, i, 123. : Zach (F. X. von). Le degrd dii nK'ridieu nie- »uv6. en I'if'niont jiar — . Accad. Sci. Torino, Mem., 1811-'ia, Hl-lKi; Mon. rorr.(Zaeh), XXVll, 181:!, 272--J81. Beek-Calkoeu (Jan Frederik van). Ueher die Mes- Hung eines Breitengiades dnrch Willelpiord Suellinsi verbiHsert von I'eler van MnNclicnbroek. AUg. geogr. Epheni., I, 1798, CAVti:!'.). Tbe name i.s aoinetiino.i written Bkrck. Ueber die Bestimniuug des Erd-KUipsoids. Mon. Corr. (Zach), XII, 180.''), 256-2(10. Begat (Pierre). Trait6 61.\aunie tb* Belgique. Bruxellea, 1.-85. Iloii/.EAir (J.-C). .Su!- ... la iiii'sure d'nius troisii^nie base g^od^-aique. Aead. de Belgique, Hull., i, 1881, 807-872. IjK Makie. Kapport aur lea op<^riilionag6o*16abiue8 exficnt^es en Belgiqtie. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen. Ber., 1872, 2-3. l.IAUicE (.T.-B.-.T.). Kapport present^ ^ la eoniniiasiou de I'Aa aoelatien gAoiU-aicpie internal icuiale. Acad, de Belgi.iue, Bull., XI.I, 1870, 397-407. Mkykr iA.). Snr la triiiiigulatien du royannie. Acad. doBelgique^BuU., xiv, 1847; n, 320-321. 336 UNITED STATES COAST A^'D GEODETIC SURVEY. BELGnJM— Continued. KCKKMBLRGEK (A.-W.). Sui' les triaoguIatioDS qui ont 6t6 faitea, en Rplj;iqui>, ant^ricurenicut j\ 1830. Acaa. de Belgiqae, Ball., xxiil, 185C, 11,430-479: i, 1857, 281- 344. SiMoxs. Tiiangulation ilu royaume de Belgiqae. Bruxellcs, 1867. l^pport sur les travanx gdod^siques ex6cnt6B en Bel. giqno. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen. Ber., 1809, 4-5; 1870, 6. Beltrami (Eugenio). Sulla tooria delle linee geode- tiche. Ist. Lomb. Sci., Kendi., i, 1868, 708-718. : Maggi (G. A.). lutoriio ad alcnne formole re- lative al calcolo dtgli errori d' osaervazione. Pre- seutatadal— . Ist. Lomb. Sei., Kendi., xv, 1882, 351-U58. Benaze (O. Duhil de). Keeberche de la deviation que Bubit 1« ])tiidule au Port de Callao (P^rou) par suite de I'attraction qu'exercent sur lui la cbalne des An- des et tout le continent de TAin^rique Sud. (H.) Revue Marit., xxxiv, 1872, 388-402. Bender (C). Trigonouietrische Aufnahmedes Herzog- tbunis Berg. Astrou. Jabrb. (Bode), 1608, 2G2-263. Bestimmnng der Schwinguiigsdauer materieller Pendel. Ann. d. Pli,v.s. (Pog>;fndorft'), CL, 1873, 295-303. Benoit (Philippe-'Martin-NarcisBe). Cours complet de topogniphie et de g^oddsie a I'usage de I'^cole d'ap- plication du corps royal d'dtat-niajor. 8°, Paris, 18:i2, pp. xii, 195, 6 plates; Paris, 1825, pp. sii, 196, 6 plates. K^sultats des coniparaisons de la toise du P^ron au mMre internalional, ex^cut^s au Bureau interna^ tional des poids et luesures par M. Benoit, pr&ent^s par M. C. \Wolf. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Couip. Rend., cvi, 1888, 977- 982. Benzenberg ( Johann Friedrich). Ueber die trigono- metriscbe AnI'nabnie des Ilerzogthiims Berg. Astrou. Jabrb. (Bodel, iv, 18U8, 130-134. Berg (F. J. van den). .Over de onderlinge afwijkingen van de geodetiscbe lijn en van tre dersydscbe vlakke normale doorsuedeu tuscbeu twee uahjgelegen puu- ten van een gcbogen oppervlak. K. Ak. Weten. Anislerdani, AVrsl., x, 1876, 1-45. Kevd. in Jabrb, Ub. d. FurtscLr. d. Math., viii, lt76, 72&- 729, by G. (VAX Geku]. Sur les (hearts de la ligne g^6. Bemardinis (G. de). SuUo scostamento della linea geo- detica dalle sezioni norniali di una superficie. Accad. Sci., Torino, Rend., xix, iy83-'84. Bemardinis (G. de) — Continued. : Doma (A.). Relazione sn "Sullo scostamento della linea geodetica . . ." di — . Accad. Sci. Torino, Atti, xix, 1886, 94-98. Bertier (R.-P.). [Lettre relataut une experience d^- montrant que la pesanteur augmented mesure qn'on s'61feve dans ratraospbfer.s.* Journ. d. Phys. (Rozier), ii, 1773, 251. : Lesage. R7, 177-180. Ueber die von Herni F. R. Hassler, zur Vermes- siing der Kiiste der Vereinigten Staaten ergriflfenen Maassregeln. Astron. Nachr., vi, 18-2S, n49-.'?r)G. TriiDsIatcil bv Renwick (J.)- Am. Joiirn. Sci., xvi, 182n. 225-2:!4 ; Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), vi, 1839, 401-409. ■ : Sabine (B.). Account of — 's pendulum experi- ments. Quart. Jonrn. Sci., v, 1S29, 1-27. Ver.snche iiber die Kraft niit welcher die Erde Kiirper von verschiedener Beschaflenheit anzieht. K. Ak. d. Wiss., Abhandl., 1830, 41-103. This paper describes experiments at Konigsberg in 1828. It was presented and read in 1832 and was allowed to appear in tbo volume of 1830 on account of its exceptional interest. It was also separately printed. 4=, Berlin, 1832, pp. 1-60. Ueber den Einflui^s eines widerstehenden Mittels anf die Bewtgnng eines Pendels. Astron. Nachr., ix, 1831, 221-236. Nachricht von der Vereinigung der heiden rus- sischeu, sich uber acht Grade der Breite ansdehnende Gradmessungen. Astron. Nachr., X, 1833, 325-328. Betrachtung iiber die Methode der A'ervielfiilti- gnng der Beobachtungen. Astron. Nachr., xi, 1834, 269-290. Bestinimnng der L.-inge des einfachen Secunden- pendels fiir Berlin. K. Ak. d.Wiss., raath.-phys. CI., 1835, 161-202. — Ueber den Einfluss der Unregelmiissigkeiten der Figur der Erde, anf geodatische Arbeiten und ihre Vergleichungniit den aslronoiui.schcn Bestimniungen. Astron. Nachr., xiv, 1837, 209-312. — Bestimmungder Axen des elliptischen Rotations- spbiiroids, ■nelches den vorhandeuen Messungen von Mcridianbiigi-n der Erde am melsten entspricht. Astron. Nachr., xiv, 1837, 333-346; Bibl. Univ., Genfeve, x, 1837, 170-172; Ann. d. Phys. (Poggen- dorff), xi.ii, 1837, 622-624; Sci. Mem. "(Taylor), n, 1841, 387-400. Neue BerccbniMig ili-r liiiiliacbtiingen der rul- hiihen, aiif welcheii die zwcite in Indien aMsgefiihrte Gradmessnng iMMiibet. Astron. Nachr., XIV, 1837, 349-.!68. Ueber die Polhijhen, velcho der englischen Grad- niessung znm Grnnde liegcn. Astron. N.icbr., xiv, 1837, 381-390. — mill Baeyer (J. J.). Gradmessnng in Ostpreussen nnd ihre Vcrliindnng niit prenssischen und rnssischen Drcicckskcttcii, aii.sgifiilirt von Bessel (F. 'W.) und Baeyer f J. J.). ■1-, Berlin, 1838, pp. xiv, 4.')2, 7 plates. (Gore.) Extracts from f bia work aro founil in AbhluldlunKen von BE8.sKr., Leipzig, 1S7.''), ni, 8S-138. H. Ex. 17 2'2 Bessel (Frledrlch 'Wilhelin) — Continued. Untersuchungen iiber die Wahrscheinliclikeit der Bcobachtnngsfehler. Astron. Nachr., xv, 1838, 369-404. Darstelluug der Untersuchungen und Massregeln, welche in den Jahren 1835 bis 1838 dnrch die Einheit des prenssischen Liiugenmasses veranlasst worden sind. Bekannt gemacht dnrch das Ministerinm der Finanzen und des Handels. 4'^, Berlin, 1839, pp. iv, 148, 7 plates. (British Museum.) Ein Hiilfsmittel zur Erleichteruug der Aiivren- dung der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. Astron. Nachr., xvii, 1840, 225-230. Abbandlungen von Bessel (Leipzig), 1875, n, 308-tOl. Neire Formel von Jacobi, fiir einen Fall der An- wendung der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. Astron. Nachr., xvii, 1840, 305-308. Abbandlungen von Brsbel, Leipzig. 1875, II, 401-402. Formulfp for solving normal equation and determin- ing at tbe same time the weights. Merriman, 184. Ueber einen Fehler in der Rechnung der franzii- sischen Gradmessnng nnd seinen Eiutluss auf die Bestiramung der Figur der Erde. Astron. Nachr., xix, 1841, 97-116. Abbandlungen von Bessel, Leipzig, 1875, in, 55-62. Ueber die Gestalt der Erde. Ann. d. Phys. (Poggendorff), lv, 1842, 529-530. [Ueber die Figur der Erde.] M<;moire8 du ddp/it topographique [de Rnssie], ix, 1844, 908. It was in tbia article that Bessel first discussed the figure of tbe earth, using eight arcs (in his later discussion he bad ten). This was communicated in a letter to General Tenner in 1844, three years before tho pub- lication of bis renowned article in Astron. Nachr.. XIV, 1837, 333-346.— Struvf. (F.-G.-W.). Arc du mfi- ridien, etc., I, 1660, xix (note). Ueber die aus der Schwere hervorgehenden A'er- iinderungen, die der Kreis eines Instrumentos in dor lotlirechten Lage seiner ILbene erfiihrt. Astron. Nachr., xxv, 1847, 1^2. — PopnlUreVorlesungen iiber wisseuschaftlicheGe- genstiinde. Herausgegebeu von H. C. Schumacher. Hamburg, 1848. Ueber das, was uns die Aatronomio von der Gestalt und dem Inneren der Krdo lehrt, 34-68. Construction eines symmotrisch geformten Pen- dels mit reciproken Axon. Astron. N.achr., xxx, 1849, l-(). : Busch (A. L.). Verzeichniss der Werke von — . Kilnigsberg, 1849. Title in full under BusCll (A. L.). : Casaroti (F.). Sulla regola seguita da . . . per osservare gli angoli orizzontali. Accad. dei Jjineci, Atti, ii, lH7."i, 9-14. Title in full under Carouati (P.). Abhandlungcu, herausgegebeu von Engclniann. Geodiiaie, ill. 4°, Leipzig, 187,">-'76. Horausgogeben von Rudolf Enoei.mann. 338 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUKVEY. Bessel (Priedrich 'WUhelin)— Continued. Briefwccbsel zwiBchen GaussuudlJossel. Hcraus- gegeben auf VeranlassuDg dcr koiiigliclien preiis- siBchen Akademie der Wissonscliafteu. 8°, Leipzig, 1880, pp. xxvi, .^)79. (Washington, Ob- servatory. ) Geodetic referenops in Pt. 1, pp. 405, 428, 4tG, 459, 487, .-i-O i in Pt. 2, pp. 374, 390, 396, 404, 480, 484, 513, 564. : J. Die Erddiraensioncn von — . Zeits. f. Vermes., xiv, 1885, 22-28. Beucke (K.). Die geodiitiscben Linion nuddieals "ge- odiitisclien Elliiisen und Ilyperbeln " betracbteten Kriimmungskurven anf dom droiachsigen Ellipsoid. 8°, Halle, 1885, pp. 29. (Gore.) Bevis: Liesganig (J.). A letter to—, containing a sbort account of tbe measurement of mree degrees of latitude under the meridian of Vienna. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., LVni, 1768, 15-17. Bianco (O. Zanotti). Sopra una veccbia e poco nota niisura del seniidiamctro terrcstre. Accad. Sci. Torino, Atti, XIX, T^86, 791-795. Kefers to a method of Edwari> Wright in "Certain error.s in navigation detected." London, 1610. Bibl. Brit. Geneve, for Bibliothfeqne britannique. 8°, Genfeve, 1796-1835. (Washington, Congress.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. ISoKSCH (O.). Literatnr der praktisclien und theoretiselieu GradmessungsArbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1883, vni, 1-32. (Berlin, 1889.) Gkrke (E.). tJebersicht der Literatnr fiir Vermessungswe- sen. Zeita. f. Vermes., X, 1861,1-44 ; XI, 1882,185-232; xn, 1883, 369-404 ; xni, 1884, 437-478 ; XIV, 1?85, 321-351 ; XV, 1886, 401-428, 433-457, XVI, 1887,473-502, 514-519. Gore (J. H.). A bibliography of geodesy. U. S. C. and G. Sui-vey, r>cp., 1887, App., 10. HelmERT (F. K.). TJebersicht der Literatnr fiir Vermessnngs. wesen. Zeits. f. Vermes., v, 1870, (l)-(64) ; vi, 1877, (l)-(88). Herschel (J.). A bililiograptiical list of works relating to pendulum operations. India, Trig. Survey, v, 1879, v, 103-120. HOUZEAU (J.C). Catalogue des ouvrages dastrononiie . . , qui se trouvent dans les biblioth^ques de la Belgique. BrusoUes, 1878. c! Lancaster (A.). Bibliographie gfnfrale dc lastro- nomie. Tome second. Bruxelles, 1882. Jordan CW.). TJebersicht der Literatnr fvir Vermessnngs- wesen. Zeits. f. Vermes., vn, 1878, (1)-(C6) ; VIII, 1879. (inj-d.lO). MuilHARD (F. W. A.) Literatnr der niatbomatiselien Wissen. schaft. Leipzig, 1797-'98. NAfiEl. (A.). Drci classische Werke der letzten .lahrzeluite. Civ.-Ing., XXIII, 1877, 257-290. Petzolu (M.). TJebcrsicbt der Literatnr fiir Vermesaungs- wesen. Zeits. f. Vermes., XVII, 188S, 404-416, 423-129, 465-479, 497- 510, .V27-543. PorrE (.L H. M. VON). Geschirlite der Matbemntik. 'lulnngen,lS28. Keuss {J. r>.); Repertorinm conimentationuni v. Gottingic, 1804. RoGQ (I.). Handbnch dcr mathematischcn Literatnr. Gottingen, 1830. BIBLIOGRAPHY— Continued. Sadebeck (B. A. M.). Literatnr der praktischen und theo- retischen Gradmessungs-Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, 1-108. Sedlaczek (E.) Katalog der Biicherwerke des k. k. niilitar- gcographisclien Institutes. ■Wien, 1884-'88. SOHNCKE (L. A.). Bibliotheca mathematica. Leipzig, 1854. "Weidler {J. F.). Bibliographia astronomica. "WittembergEE, 1755. Akon. Zusammenstellung der Literatnr der Gradmessungs- Arbeiten, Herausgegeben von dem Centralbiireau der en- ropaiscben Gradmessung. 4°, Berlin, 1876, pp. [i], 32. Bibl. Rep., /orBiblical Repertory and Princeton Review. Princeton, lRa9-'71; New York, 1818-1-. (Washing- ton, Congress.) Bibl. Univ. Genhve, for Bibliotlu'qiie nniverselle de Ge- nfeve. 8°, Genfeve, 183G-'45. (Washington, Congress.) Bidone (Giorgio). Note sur la longueur du pendule simple, et sur I'intensiti^ dela gravity terrestre. Ann. d. Math. (Gergonne), xviii, 1827-28, 341-352. Biedermann (Rudolph), rdilor. Handbncb entbaltend Aufsiitze iiber die oxacten AVissenschaften und ibre Anwendnngen. Internationale Ansstellung wissen- Bcbaftlicber Apparate in Poiitb Kensington Museum. 8°, 1876, pp. XX, 402. (British Museum.) Geometriscbe und Messiostramente, 38-68. BignonCMftfte). Diflfi^rence do la longueur du pendule ;\ Paraiibe et a Paris. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M^m., 1700, 175-178. Binnenthal (General von). Instrnction fiir die bey derk. k. iisterreicbiscben Landes-Verinessung anges- tellten Herrn Ofilcierc. 4°, Wien, ISIO, pp. iii, 5 plates. (Berlin, Royal.) Instruction fiir die im Calculs-Biireau der k. k. osterreichischen Landes - Vermessung angestellteii Herrn Officiere. 4°, Wien, 1610, pp. 58, 2 plates. (Berlin, Royal.) Trigonometriscbe Vermessung in dor ijstorreicli- iscben Monarobie. Mon.Corr.(Zaob), XXV, 1812,37-57,121-139,232-249. The first article is : Relation iiber die im Jahre 1810 bey Eors in T'ngarn in Ilnaber Coraitat geraesseno Basis und ihre Vcrbindnng mit der Basis nachst TVienerisch-Xonstadt in Ocsterreich. Biot (Jean-Baptiste) cl Blot (E.). M6moire sur la mesure des aziinuts geod<5sique8. Conn. d. Temps, 1830, 70-82. Title in full under BiOT (J.-B.). Experiences sur la inesuro du pendule :\ secoudcs, sur diffdreus points do I'aro du nidridien compris cnlre Dunkcrqne et I'ilo deFormentera. Soc. Pbilom., Bull., l, 1807, 2G1-262. Rapport fait ;\ Tlnstitut sur la longueur du pen- dule h secondcs ol)serv<'e aux deux e.Ktri^initds do la in6ridieune et sur I'aplatissement do la terro qui en r(Ssulte. Bibl. Britan., XLii, 1809, 20-26; Giornalo d. Fis. (Brugnatelli), li, 1809, 498-500. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODI^TJC SURVEY. 339 Biot (Jean-Baptiste)— Continnod. Recbeicbi's sur Ich tofractions estraordinaircs qui s'observent trts pros do rborizon. Inst, do France, M<;m. CI. Sci. Math.PhyB. 1809, 1- 266. ■ Not.ico sur \w oji6iation8 entreprises pour deter- miner la figure de la tcrre. 4°, [Paris, lbl5?], pp. 28. (British Museum.) Lettre aux r^dacteurs sur le rapport du m&tre au pied anglais. Ann. d. chim., vii, 1817, 13-16. Notices sur les voyages entrepris pour mesurer la courburo de la terroct la variation de la pesantcur terrestro sur Tare du mc'ridieu compris entre les lies Pytbiouses et les lies Sbetland. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M^m., ill, 1818 (Hist), 73-172; Quart. Jour. Sci., v, 1818, 340-351 ; Pbil. Mag. (Til- lock), Lir, 181=, 119-131; liii, 1819, 292-300; Black- wood's Mag., iii, 1818,463-470; AualecticMag., xiii, 1819, 26-41. Notice sur la continuation des travaus eutrepris pour determiner la figure de la terre, et sur les rdsul- tats des observations du pendule en 1817 aux lies Sbetland. Bibl. Univ. Genfeve, x, 1819, 22.';-23S. Sur la longueur du pendule k secondes, observde h Unst, la plus boriSalo des lies Sbetland. Soc.Pbilom., Bull. ,1819, 21-23; Edinb. Pbil. Journ. (Brewster), I, 1819,77-79. et Arago. Recneil d'observations geodesifjucs astronomiqueset pbysiqnesex(5cnt<5e8parordredu bu- reau des longitudes de Prance, en Espagne, en Angle- terre et en ficiisse, pour determiner la variation de la pesanteur et des dogrds terrestres sur le prolongc- ment du m. 3S, (Gore.) 340 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY, Biver (P.-E.). Snr une nouvoUe m^thode de cooduire et de calculer les triangiilations g^od^siques. Acad, de Belgiquo, Bull., xxm, 1856, 99-148. Bjorck (Elias Daniel). Theorcmata magnitndini tellu- ris, coniputaudiB inservitnra. 8°, Gryphiswaldi®, 1794, pp. 16. (Gore.) Blackstone (Dodge Pierce). The attraction and the figure of equilibrium of a rotating fluid mass and the interior density and temperature of the earth. Stray leaves from the report of the Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters of the State of Wisconsin, 1895. 8°, Madison, 1885, pp, 58. (Gore.) Blackv7ood, for Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. 8^, Edinburgh, 1817-f-. (Washington, Congress.) Blaesing (David). De liuea meridiana.* Lipsioe, 1716. B[lair] (H. TW.). The Lake Surrey. Science, l, 1883, 174. Marking geodetic stations. Science, i, 1883, 394-395. Blair (John). History of the rise and progress of geography. 12°, London, 1784, pp. 186. (British Museum.) Gives a good acconnt of the e.irly attempts at degree measurements. Blake^vell (F. C.) : R. New theory of the figure of the earth. An answer to — . Civil Eng. and Arch. Journ., xxiv, 1861, 278. New theory of the figure of the earth. Civil Eng. and Arch. Journ., xxiv, 1861, 232-235, 313-314, 345-346. Considerations respecting the figure of the earth in relation to the action of centrifugal force, and to the attempts to determine the ellipticity of the globe by pendulum experiments.* London, 1862. Rerd. in Civil Eng. and Arcli. Journ., xxv, 1862, 123. Commercial Catalogue. Blaramberg (von). Memoirs of the army topographic department of Russia. 4°, xix-xxvui, St. Petersburg, 1857-'67. Die Vermessuug des Parallolbogens von 52*^ nordl. Breite durch ganz Europa und die Betheili- gung Russlands an derselben. Pctermann, Mittheil., 1861, 209-212. Blass (Friedrich). Einigos ans dcr Geschichte der Astrouomie im Altcrthum. 8°, Kiel, 1883, pp. 16. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Earth measurements, 14-16. Blau (Friedericus). Commentatio de ambitu terrsB, ab Erastothene et Psidonio divorsis definito. Con- stained in : Ad sollcmne discipulis omnium ordinum gymna.sii Nordhausani die v. et vi. April, mdcccxxx. Subeuiidum et ali(iuot adolescentinm publice abi- tuorum doclamationos die vii, ejus d. M. Audiendas invitat Dr. Carolus Augustus Schirlitz. 12~, Nordhaus.'e, 3-13, u. d. (Gore.) Bli88 (P. C). Mason and Dixon's line. Historical Mag., V, 1861, 199-202. BloBseville (de). Note snr les observations dn capitaine Sabino dans son dernier voyage. Corr. Astrou. (Zach.), xiii, 1825, 422-427. Boaz (James). Proposal for a new method of deter- mining a fixed unit of measure, by deducing the same from the cnrvative of the earth. Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), LXi, 1823, 266-269. Bode (Johann Elert). Anleitung zurphysischen,mathe- matischen nnd astronomischen Kenntniss der Erd- kugel. 12°, Berlin, 1786, pp. 366. 2d ed., Berlin, 1803. 3ded., I!erlin,1820, pp. xxiv, .527, 7 plates. (Gore.) Dritter Abschnitt: NaherelTntersnehuiig iiberdieeigent- liche Restalt der Enle, 143-161. Vierter Abschnitt: Von der Grosso der Erde, I61-:03. Bdckh (August). Metrologische Untersuchungen ilber Gewichte, Miiuzfiisse und Masse des Alterthnnis. 8°, Berlin, 183H, pp. xxviii, 482. (Washington, Congress.) Boehmus f Andreas). Desidcria circa rorum mensuras. Acad. Sci. Phil. Med. Hassiacse, Acta, 1771, 5-10. Boeklen (O.). tJeber die geodatischen Linien auf dem Ellipsoid. Arch. d. Math. (Gruncrt), xxxv, 1860, 101-103. Zur Theorie der geodatischen Linien. Arch. d. Math. (Gurnert), xxxix, 1862, 189-198. Ueber die Wiukelsumme in Dreiecken, gehildet ans Linien des Systems (a) oder aus geodiitischen Linien. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), xi.iii, 1865, 18-25. Ueber geodiitische Linien. Zeits. f. Math. (Schliimilch), xxvi, 1881, 264-269. Ueber das physichc Pendel. Zeits. f. Math. (Schliimilch), xxviii, 1883, 304-309. Borsch (A. ). Ueber den Einfiuss der Wahl versohiedner NuUrichtungen auf die Ausgleichung von Richtungs- beobachtungen. Astron. Nachr., XLCVii, 1880, 181-186. Die Bestimmungen der AusdehnungseoeiBcienten von Eisen und Zink vermittelst des Bessel'schen Basisapparats. Astron. Nachr., xcix, 1881, 177-190. : Gauss (C. F.). Abhandluugen zur Methode der kleinsteu Quadrate. Berlin, 1887. Title in full under Gauss (C. F.). Das murkisch-thiiringischo Dreiecksnetz. Ver- iirt'entlichung des konigl. preussischen geodatischen Instituts. 4°, Berlin, 1889, viu, 144, 1 map. (Gore.) Eevd. in Zeits. f. Vermes., xvni, 1889, I.W-ISO. Borsch (O.). Ueber die Genauigkeit dcr Winkel- und Linieu-Messungen. Zeits. f. Math. (SchlOmilch), viii, 1863, 321-341. Bestimniung dcr Gcnauigkoit von Winkel- und Linien-Mcssuugen aus Beobachtungen abgeleitet.* 8°, Marburg, 1863. und Kaupert. Bericht iiber den Stand der geodii- tisch-a.stronomischen Arbeiten im Kurfiirsteuthum Hessen zum Zwecke der mitteleuropiiischen Grad- niessung. Int. Geod. Cong., Geu.-Ber., 1804, 12-13; 1865, 45-56. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 341 Borsch (O.)- -Continned. Auszn^ aus dem Berichte iiber die im Jabre 18GG ausgefUbrten geodiitischen Arbeiten fur die mitteleuropiiische Gradmessung im vorinaligeii Kurfilisteuthuni Hessen. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., lt6C, 30-:i3. — Ueber den inittleren Feblcr der Kesultate aus trigonoiuetriscbeu Messungen. Arch. d. Math. (Gruncrt), xlvi, 1866, 40-44. — AnleittiDg zur Berechnuiig der rechtwinkeligeii sphUriscbeu Cooidinaten der Dreieckspunkte sowie der Dreiecksaeiten uud ihrer Richtiiugen aus den gegebenen geographiscber Breiten und Liiugen der Dreieckspunkte. Mit besonderer Beriicksicbtigung der trigouometriscben Laudesaufuabme des vorma- ligen KurfUrstcnthums Heeseu als Grundlage fUr Ge- niarks-, Forst- uud dergleicheu Vermessungen. 8"^, Cassel, 1808, pp. 48. 2d ed., Cassel, 1S85. (British Museum.) — Ueber die Ausgleicbung eiuer um ein Polygon gelegten geodiitischen Dreieckskette. Astron. Xacbr., Lxxi, 1868, 26.5-268, 37S-380. — Tafeln fiir geodatische Berecbnungen zwischen den geographischcn Breiten von 35^ bis 71", nach Bessel's Elementeu des Erdspbariiides. 4°, Cassel, 1869, pp. 28. (Brussels, Dep6t de la Guerre. ) — Bericht liber die Thiitigkeit des geodittischen lustituts, 1869, 1881-'82. TitlH in full under Baeybk (J. J). Ueber die Genauigkeit der Liingeu-Messungen mit Kette und Latten. Zeits. f. Vermes., ii, 1873, 18.5-199. Literaturderiuaktiscbenuud theoretischenOrad- mesaungs- Arbeiten. ZweiteMitiheilung, enthaltend diePublicationcn aus den Jahren IH-'l, 1682 uud 1883. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1883, 1-32, Appendix 8. Geodiitischo Literatur. Auf Wunschder Perma- uenten Commission im Ceutralbureau zusammenge- stellt von — . 8°, Berlin, 1889, pp. vii, 226. BOHEMIA. Berlclit Uber diu in Bijlimen ansgefiihrteu geodii- ti.schun Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., ISOS, 15-16; 1864,24-26; 1865,17- 19; 1806,53-55; 1808,57-59; 1809,80-8:1; 1870,27-29. Bohn (C). Ueber einen Temperatnreinfluss bei geodii- tischen mngeumcKSungen. Zeits. f. Vermes., xi, 1882, 514-523. Die Lundcsmessnng. Ein Lchr- uud Handbucb. 8", Berlin, 1886, pp. xvi, 761. (Berlin, Royal.) Bohuenberger (Johann Gottlieb Friedrich von). An- leituug zii gi*. (Washington, Ob- servatory.) Von der Gestalt und (iroBHo der Erde, 187-21*^; Von der Gestalt diT Kido mid der Planeteii, vou di-ui Geaelz lU-r Vuriinderuug der Lagtf ihrer Unjereduiig.''axeu, 02G-697. Bohnenberger ( Johaiin Gottlieb Friedrich von) — Con- tinued. Barometrische und trigonometrische gemessene Ilohen in Schwabeu. Tubinger Blatter, i, 1815, 326-336. Eiuo Aufgabe der praktischen Geometrie. Zeits. f. Astron. (Lindeneau), 1817, 121-126. Ueber die Bestimmung der Liinge des einfacheu Secundeupeudels. WUrttemb. Abhandl., i, 1826, 1-34. Die Berechnuug der trigonometrischen Vermes- sung mit EUcksicht auf die sphiiroidische Gestalt der Erde. Deutsche Bearbeitung von Hammer. 8°, Stuttgart, 1885, pp. vi, 65. (Berlin, Royal.) Bohnenberger (Joan. Theophil. Frider.). De compu- tandis diuiensionibus trigonometricis in superficie terra- spha^roidica institutis coiumentatur et vitas illorum quibus summi in jihilosophia honores, A. 1823-'24 tributi sunt. 8°, Tubingie,1826, pp. 63. (Washington, Congress.) Bolotof ( Alexei PavT-lowitsch). Voltsliindiger Cursus der hiiheren und niederen Geodiisie. (Russian.) St. Petersburg, 1837; St. Petersburg, 1845, pp. xiii, 580 ; St. Petersburg, 1849, pp. xi, 300, 4 tables, 16 plates. (British Museum.) Boucompagni (Pietro). Sulle variazioni orario e men- sili di gravity. Nuovi annali delle scienze naturali, v, 1841, 297- 302; VII, 1842, 165-167. Appendice by Ghekakdi, 302-305. Bond (George M.). Standards of length and their sub- divisions. Jour. Frank. Inst., cxvii, 1884, 281-295. Marked to be concluded, but no more was publiahed. Bond (George P.). On the use of equivalent factors in the method of least squares. Am. Acad., Mem., vi, 1857, 179-212. Bonne (Rigobert). Priucipes sur les mesnres en lon- gueur et en capacity, sur les poids et les monuoies ; d^pendaus du niouvemeut des astrcs principaux et de la grandeur de la terre. Ouvrage propre il refor- mer ou ;\ rectifier les poids et les mesures de la France et des autres dtats. 8", Paris, 1790, pp. xv, 87, 1 plate. (Washiugton, Coast Survey.) De la ddterniination des longitudes terrestres par le moyeu des siguaux do leu. Dd<'si(iues. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., xi,, 1855, 1311-1313. Sur les lignes gi^od^siques. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Kend., xi.l, 1855,32-35. 342 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Bonnet (PierreOssiau)— Contiuued. Note 8iu' la courbure g^oddsique. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Kend., XLii, IS^.G, llST- lKiO. M^iiioire siir la iigiiro do la tcrre con8id6r6e cummo pen dift'^reutc d'une sphere. Ann. Sei. Mat. e Fis. (Tortoliui), ii, 185'J, 46-59, 113-131, 180-184. Demonstration du tlii'oreme de Gauss relatif anx petit.s triangles g<'odr. Malty regarding the uieasui-e of — . Roy. Soe. London, Phil. Trans., XI.IV, li, 1756,623- 624. De inequalilato gravitatis jier superficiem tel- luris, ct flgura ipsius telluris ex a'quilibrio. Phil. Recent. (Stay), ii, 1760, 359-380. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 343 Boscovich iRuggiero Giuseppe) — Continued. De (leviationibiis pendulorum ex asperitate su- perficiei terrostris, et uiethodo definiendi massaui terric. Phil. Rocent. (Stay), ii, 1700, li^O-liSj. Do veterum couatibu.s pro maguitudino ternu determiuanda. Phil. Recent. (Stay), ii, 17G0, 385-^590. De primis recentiorum conatibus pro determi- nanda magnitudino tellnris. Phil. Recent. (Stay), ii, 1760, 390-393. — Do figara et magnitudine terrte ex plarium gradum comparatione. Phil. Recent. (Stay), ii, 1760, 400-406. — De recentissiniis gradunm dimensiouibus et figura ac magnitudine terrae inde derivanda. Phil. Recent. (Stay), ii, 1760, 406-4-26. — Opera i)ertinenta ad opticam et astronomicam. .'') voIh, (H.) 4'^, Bassani, 1785. De (let*irmiiiatioiie longitudinia peDduli.s oscillautis ad singulu eecnnda temporis medli. v, 179-270, — : Ricchebach (G.). Esame imparziale della tri- angolaziono del — . Roma, 1840. Titio in lull under RiCCREBACH (G.). BosBcha (J.). Relation de.s experiences qui out servi h la eoustrucliou de deux mfetres ^talons en platino iridic, compares directement avec le mfetro des archives. ficole Polytcch., Ann., i, 1885, 65-144; ii, 1886, 1- 12'J. Bos^vell (G. J.). Remarks on a paper of Mr. — on in- variable penduluni.s. Jour. Nat. Phil. (Nicholson), XV, 1806,84-86. Boucbeporn (de). [Note snr la variation de la pesan- teur.] Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Conip. Rend., xlv, 18.57, 1005- 1007. Regarding the height of the column of mercury in a cloacd barometer. See Babixet, "Surlapr6tendue." Bouchotte (Bmile). Etudo sur la valeur dn stade de la coudeo et do qiieIi|U(!s autres niesuros anciounes. Acad, de Metz, Mdin., XLI, 1859-'60, 415-448. Bou6 (Ami). Ueber dio geomctrische Regelniiissigkeit des Krdballes im Allgenieiueu, insbesondero iibor diejenige seiner Wasserrinueu und dio Abtheilung diescr in symmetrische Gruppsn. K. k. Ak. d. Wiss., math.-natnrwiss. CI., xxiii, 1850, 255-269. Bouguer (Pierre). Comparaison des deux loix quo la Uth> et IcH antrcs plamtos duivcnt observer dans la figure quo la pesanteur li iir fait pniidro. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mdm., 17;U, yi-54. Sur la longueur du pendulo (dans I'InIo do Saint- Dominigno). Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M(?m., 1735, 592-528. De la manifero do determiner la figure de la terre par la mosuro des degr<5s do latitude et do longitude. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M(5m., 1736, 44.3-l(i8. Bouguer (Pierre) — Continued. Relation abr(5gK l.A CosnAMINE (CM.). .'>>scr- vatiouB faites par ordre do I'Academie royale des sciences pour la verification du degre du mer' ilien conipris entre Paris et Amiens. 8°, Paris, 17.57, pp. 28. (British Museum.) 344 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Bouguer (Pierre)— Coutiuued : David (J. -P.). Dissertation sur la figure de la terre ... la cause do r^fractious que M. — assignoit h CO i)b6iionii-no. La Ilayr, 1771. Till.) in full under Daviu (J.P.). : Grenus (T.). Kesultate eiuer Vergleichung der Werke von — . Mod. Corr. (Zach), xvi, 1807, 238-256. Boulenger. Trait6 do la splifere du luoude. Diuis6 en quatre liures, ausquels est adrou.st6 le cinquiesme de I'usage d'icelle. 2« 6d., 8°, Paris, ]6- do pondulo. 4", Lisboa, 1865, pp. 13. (Vienna, War Office.) Taboas para o calculo das refraifoes terrestres, e lesoluvao analy tica de vnio pioblenui de topograi)hia. 8°, Li.sboa, 186r>, pp. 24, 1 plate. (Berlin, Geodetic Institute.) Sobre as refracv"i's terrestres." Soc. Atheno do Porto, Rev. I, 1885. Brlx (Adolph Ferdinand Wencelaus). Bericbt iiber die im Jabre 1863 aiigestclltcn Verglcicliungeii zweier deni k. Handelsniiiiisterium angeh("u'igeii Meter- niaasse mit deiu Urmetcrdir kaiserl. Arcbiv zu I'.-iris. 4", Berlin, 1864. pp. 22. (Berlin, Geodetic Institute.) 346 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Broch (Ole Jacob). Acceleration de lapesanteur sous difKreutes latitudes et a difKrentes altitudes. lut. ISuieau Weights and Measures, Travanx et M>'-m., I, 1881, 1-15. Brbnuimann (F.) Auffiuduiig eiues groben Wiukel- fehlers iu einem Polygonzug. Zeits. f. Vermes., xvn, 1888, 524-526. Broun (John Allan). Notice of an instrument intended for tlie measurement of small variations of gravity. Roy. Soc. Edinb., Proc., iv, 1862, 411-412. On an apparatus for the statical measure of grav- ity. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., xxvi, 1863, 158-160. Brousseaud <■< NiccoUet M<5moire sur la mesure d'un arc dii iiarallelf moyen entre le p61e et I'^quateur. Conn. a. Temps, 1829, 2.'i2-29C. Separately, 8°, Paris, 1826, pp. 46, 1 plate. Eevd. in Joiirii. il. Sav., 1827, 574. : (B.). Ueber die Liingeu-Gradmessung im Paral- lel des 45. Grades. Hertha, ix, 1827, 277-288 ; xi, 448-456. Title iu full under B. Mesuro d'un arc du parallfele moyen entre le p61e et r^quateur. 4°, Limoges, 1839, pp. 194, 7 plates. (British Mu- seum.) Bruhns (Carl Christian). Gradmessung. Allgemeiue EncyUlopadie der Wissenschafteu nnd Kiinste von Ersch und Griiber, Section 1, 18-37. Bericht iiber die geodjitischen und astrouomi- Bchen Arbeiteu im KiJuigreich Sachseu. Int. Geod. Cong., Geu.-Ber., 1865, 35-37. Bericht iiber die geodatiscU-astronomischen Ar- beiten im Kiiuigreich Sachsen. Int. Geod. Cong., Geu.-Ber., 1866, 45-46. Bericht der permanenten Commission filr Grad- messung. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1867, 12-15. und Welsbach (J.). Ueber die geodiitischen Arbeiten im Kuiiigreich Sachseu, 1868. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1868, 49-53. Bericht iiber die Thiitigkeit des geodiitischen lustituts, 1869. Title in full under Bakyki! (J. J). Bestimmung der Liinge des Secundenpendels in Bonn, Leyden und Mannheim. 4°, Leipzig, 1871. Iu Publicration dva kuuigl. preussiscben geodatiacheu InstitutH. Astiououiiseb-geodatiacheArboiteu, 1870. 107-162, 2 plates; Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1670, 43-tG, 60-G3. Zusanunenstellung der ausgefiihrten .a.strono- mischen Bestimmungen, welche iur europaisehen Gradmessung gehoren. K. k. geogr. Ges., Mitthoil., xv, 1872,410-415; Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1871, 127-132. Mittheilung iiber die Ermittelung der Coordiiia- ten der Plei.ssenburg und verschiedeiier Tliiirmo in Bczug auf die Leip/.i^er Sternwarle, nnd iiber die Construction eines Basisapparates. K. siiclis. Ges. d. Wiss., math.-phys. Cl.,Ber., 1872, 352-369. Kcvd. in Jabrb. iib. d. Fortschr. d. Matb.. IV, 1872,686- 587, by Wts. [WirrsTKi.^]. Bruhns (Carl Christian)— Continued. und Nagel (A.). Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1872 im Kiiuigreich Sachsen ausgefuhrten Gradmessungs- Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Geu.-Ber., 1872, .53-57. und Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1873 im Konigreich Sachsen ausgefiihrten Gradmessungs- arheiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1874, 29-32. Bericht iiber die neuesten Fortschritte der euro- piiischen Gradmessung. Geogr. Jahrb. (Behm), v, 1874, 144-168; vi, 1876, 284-310; vil, 1878, 243-279; Ylli, 1880, 275-303. jind Nagel (C. A.). Bericht iiber die im Konig- reich Sachseu ausgefuhrten Gradmessungsarbeiten (1675). Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1875, 215-216. Gutachten der Pendel-Comnii.ssion. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1875, 78-89. «H(Z Nagel (A.). Bericht iiber die geodiitischen Arbeiten iu Sachseu pro 1876. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1876,122-123. — Ueber die Bestimmung der GriJsse nud l^'igur nnserer Erde durch Gradmessnngen. Kalendaruud statistisches Jahrbueh fiir das Konig- reich Sachsen auf das Jahr 1876, 8-, Dresden, 1876, 52-69. «H(J Nagel (A.). Bericht iiber die geodatischeu Arbeiten iu Sachsen fiir das Jahr 1877. Int. Geod. Cong., Geu.-Ber., 1877, 304-305. Die Tiinfte allgemeine Conferenz der BevoU- miichligteu der europiiischen Gradmessung. Leopoldina, xiii, 1877, 184-185. — mid Nagel (A.). Bericht iiber die geodatischeu Arbeiten in .Sachsen fiir das Jahr 1878. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1878, 106-110. Bericht iiber die geodiitischen Arbeiten in Sachsen fiir das Jahr 1880. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, 36-37. Die GrOBseuhainer Grundlinie. Astro- nomisch- geodiitische Arbeiteu fiir die europiiische Gradmessung im Konigreich Sachsen. 1. Abtheilung. 4^, Berlin, 18S2, pp. vii, 172, 5 plates. Revd. in Zeits. f. Vcrmess., XII, 1883, 596-604, by Hkl- MEHT. nnd Paschen (P.). Grossherzoglich meckleu- burgische Landesveruiessuiig. Schweriu, 1882. Title in full under Pasciiex (P.). Bruno (Fr. Faa de). Ste Faa De Bruno (Fr.). Bruus (Heiiivich). Die Figur der Erde. Ein Beitrag zur europiiischen Gradmessung. Publication des kdnigl. preussisehen geodiitischen Institutes. 4, Berlin, 1878, pp. 49. Staiiciewicz. (Gore.) Hevd. iu Jalirli. iib. d. Forlscbr. d. Matb.. x, 1878, 765- 707, by B[KU.S6|. Ueber die Umkchrung iler Bessel'scheu Methode ilir sphiiroidischen Uebertragung. Astron. Nachr., xcvii, 1880, 73-74. Bemorkung liber die geodiitische Linie. Zeits. L Vermes., x, 1881, -298-301. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 347 Bruns (Hemrich)— Continued. : Helmert (F. R.). Die mathematische und liliysischo Theorie dor hiiheien Geodjisie. Second part. Kcvd. by — . Astron. Cos., Vierteljahi-s., xx, 1885, 182-193. Title in full uuder Ueuikkt (F. K.). Ueber eiue Aufgabo der Ausgleichungsreclmuug.'* Leipzig, 1886. Biirja (Abel) [somclimes Burja]. Erloicliteter Uuter- richt iu der hohereu Messkuust, oder deutUuhe Anweisuug zur Geometric der krummen Liuien. 8^, Berlin, 1788, i, pp. xxxiil, 382; li, pp. 388. (Berlin, Koyal.) Sur la longueur du peudule i secoudes a Berlin. Acad. d. Sci. Berlin, M6m., 1799-1800, 3-17. Bugge (Thomas). Beskrivelse over den Opmaalings Maade, som er brugt ved de danske geographiske Karter; uied tilf0ret trigouometrisk Karte over Sia;- land, og de der lRMidr0nde Trianglwr, begegnede Lougituder og Latituder, samt astronomiske Obser- vationer. 4°, Kj0benhavn, 1779, pp. xvi, 132, 1 chart. (Brit- ish Museum.) Ik'Kcbreibung der Ausmessungs-Methode, welcbo bei don diiniscbou Karteu angeweudet wordiu. 4'^', Dresden, 1767, pp. 177, 2 maps. (British Mu- seum.) Transliited from the Danish by J. F. Marcus, and edited by F.L. Aster. Bull. Sci. Math. (Ferussac), for Bulletiu uuiversel des sciences et de I'iudustrio. i'ublii? sous la direction du barou de Ferussac et divise en buit sections prin- cipales. Section l. Bulletin des sciences matli^nia- tiqnes, pliysinues et cbimiques. (Saigey.) 8", Paris. (Washington, Congress.) Bunt (Thomas G.). On pendulum exi)eriments. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., I, 1851,552-554; ii, 1851, 37- 41 ; IV, 1852, 272-275. Burckhardt (Johann Karl). Remarquos sur la inesuro d'uu arc du nieridien, ox^cut6o en Angleterre par Mr. Mudgo. Bibl. Brit. Geneve, xxviii, 1805, 284-287. Examen des ditt'iSrentes manicures d'orieuter uno chalne des triangles. Inst, d France, 1809, 535-.S45. Bur. d. Long., Anuuaire, fvr Aunuairo du Bureau des lon- gitudes. 18^, Paris, 1790 -f. (Wasliiugtou, Observatory.) Burns (Arthur). Geodasia improved ; or, a new and correct method of surveying made exceedingly easy. 8*^, Chester, 1771, pp. x, 355. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Simple surveying. Burrowr (Reuben): Dalby (J.). Account of measure- ment of a degree of longitude in Bengal. London, 179t). Tilh' in lull niiiliT IlAMlY (.J.), BuBch (August Ludwig). VerzeichnLss s;inmi(lich(p. viii, 40, 1 plate. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 349 Casati (Paolo). Terra macfainis mota ejasque gravitas et dimensio.' Eotna-, 16r)5-T)8. POr.GKJtDORFF, I, 386. Casorati (Felice). Intomo ad alcnni punti della teoria (lei minimi quadrati.* 4-, Roma, 1863. Sulla regola scguita da Bessel e dal sig. generale Uaeyer, durante la niisnra del grado ndla Prussia orientale, per osservare gli angoli orizzontali senza corrcggere continuarapnte la linea di collimazione e 1' asse di rotazione del cannocchiale del teodolite. Accad. Lincei, Atti, ii, 1875, 9-\4:. Cassini (Giovanni Domenico). De la m^ridienne de I'ObsiTvatoire royale de Paris, prolong^e jusqu'anx PyrIM. Varin, des Hayes et de Glos ; avec une instruction pour ces sortes de voyages [lf>82]. (H.) Acad.d.Sei. Paris, M.^ni., V, 1736, 150-178. It containa the fir.'it recognition of the importance of pendulum obser^'ations. Cassini (Jacques). Reflexions sur la mesure de la terre, rapport<5e par Snellius, dans son livre intitnl^: Era- tosthenes Batavus. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M^m.. 1702, 00-66; Hist., 82-83. Observations do la longueur des pendules h la ifartinique. Acad. d. Sci. Pans, Mdm., i, 1708, 16. Do la figure de la terre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M<^in., 1713, 187-199; Hist., 6-.'-60. De la grandeur do la terre et de sa figure. Aeao la grandeur . . . ", .')13-5I3. Do la carte do la France, ct do la perpondiculaire ii la ni(^ridienno do Paris. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M^m., 1733, 389-405; Hist., 79-81. : Clairaut (A.-C). Determination de la pori)cn- diculairo ,t, la m(-ridienno par — . Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mdm., 1733, 406-416; 1739, 83-96. Cassini (Jacques) — Continued. De la perperdiculaire i\ la ni<5ridienne de Paris prolongfe vers I'orient. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M<5ra., 1734, 434-452; Hist., 74-77. Mdthodo de determiner si la terre est sphiSrique on non, et le rapport de ses degrds entr'eux, tant sur les ineridiens que sur I'tfquatenr et ses parallfeles. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M^m., 1735, 71-86. : Clairaut (A.-C). Sur la nouvelle methode de — pour connaltro la figure de la terre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mem., 1735, 117-122. Seconde n\ethode de determiner si la terre est splieriqiic ou non, iudependaniment des observations astrononiiques. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mem., 1735, 255-261. — Des operations geometriqucs que Ton emploie pour determiner les distances sur la terre et des pre- cautious qu'il faut prendre ponr les faire le plus exacteraent qu'il est possible. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mem., 1736,64-86;, 80-84. — Edponse a la dissertation do M. Celsius, profes- seur royal d'astronomie d. Upsal.sur les observations que I'on a faites en France ponr determiner la figure de la terre. 8^, Paris, 1738, pp. 16. (Paris, National.) Mathematische und genaue Abhandlung von der Figur und Grosse der Erdc, wobey die bewnn(lern,s- vriirdige Verlangerung der Mittagslinie des konig- licben Observatorium zu Paris dnrch ganz Frank- rcich von eiuera Ende desselben bis zum andern insbesondere dentlich beschrieljen nnd vorgestellet wird von — . Ibres violfiiltigen Nutzen wegen, so in Ausiibungdcr Geometrie, Trigonometrie, Astronomie und Geographie daraus zu orlangen stehc^t, ans dein franziisischen Original in die teutscbe Spracho treu- lich iibersctzet, zum Druck beflirdert nnd mit einer Vorredc statt einer Einleitung zu mehreu Verstiind- des ganzen Wercks begleitet von .lobann Al- brecht Kliiumen. 8°, Ziiricb, 1741, pp. xl, 416, 7 plates. (Berlin, Ob- servatory.) Moyens do construiro uii pendule qui ne puisse s'allongerparlachalcur ni do si^ raccourcir par le froid. Acad. (1. Sci. Paris, Mem,, 1741, 303-371. Cassini (Jacques-Dominique). Do la jonction des ob- servaloires de Paris et de Greenwich, et precis des travau.v geograpbiques executes en France qui y ont donne lieu. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mem., 1788, 706-717. Expose des operations faites en France en 1787 pour la .jonction des observatoiiis de Paris et do Greeinvieh ; i)ar MM. Cassini, Mdcbain et I/O Gendre. Description et usage d'un nonvel instrument propre a doiiner la niesuro des angles, h la precision d'une seconde. Fol., Paris, [1791], pp. xv, 94, 5 plates. (British Museum.) Memoire sur les experiences faites par Borda sur la longueur du pendulo.* Paris, 1792, POOGENDOUFK, I, 393. 350 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETKJ SURVEY. Cassiui de Thury ( Cesar-FraiKjois). De la perpendicu- lairo ;\ la iii<^ri(lii'nnc do I'aris, ilt^ciito h la distance do 60,000 toises do robsorvatoiro vers le midi. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6m., 1735, 403-413. Sur la porpendiculairo fl la m6ridionno do I'ol)- eervatoiro h la distance do 00,000 toises vers le nord. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6m., 1736, 339-341 ; Hist., 103-104. .Sur les operations g<;oiu6trique8 faites en France dans les ann^cs 1737-'3R. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, U6m., 1739, 119-134. La m^ridienne de I'Observatoire royal de Paris prolongde vers le nord. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M^iii., 1740, 276-292; Hist., 69-7.5. — La m^ridienne de I'Observatoire royal de Paris, v<^rifi6e dans toute I'^tendne du royaume par des uonvelles observations: pour en ddduire la vraye grandeur des degr^s de la terre, tant en longitude qu'en latitude, et pour y assiijettir toutes les opdra- tions giSom^triques faites parordredu roi, pour lever nne carte g^n^rale de la France. Avec des observa- tions d'histoire naturelle, faites dans les provinces travers^es par lil. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M^ni., 1742, 42-51. (Hist.) 8", Pari.s, 1744, pp. 292, ccxxsv. This work contains the observations extending over several years made by Casriki, Mar.\ldi, and La Caille, having in view fbo two-fold purpose of making a skeleton for a map of France and deter- mining tbe lengths of degrees of latitude. The same stations were occupied in 1796 and 1797 by Delambre. — Sur la jouction de la nii^ridienne de Paris avec cello quo Snellius a traceo dans Hollande; avec des rdflexions sur la carte do la Flaiidre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6ni., 1748, 123-132;, 109-115. — ct Bouguer (P.). Operations pour mesurerl'inter- valle entre Ville Juivo et Juvisy. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M^m., 1754, 172-186 ; Paris, 1757. Title in full under BoucuEU (P.). — M^moire sur la prolongation de la perpendicu- liiire do Paris juscju'il Vicnne en Autricbe. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M^ni., 1703,299-317 ; Hist., 80-93. — Comparaison de la latitude des principales villes du royaume, dCiterniinee par les observations astro- noniiques de MM. de I'Acaddniie, avec cello qui r6- sulte des triangles. Acad. d. .Sci. Paris, M^m., 1764, 490-491; Hist., 157-l.W. Relation do deux voyages faits eu Alleniague par ordro dn roi. Par rapport il la figure de la terre, pour determiner la grandeur des degr^s do longitude. Par rapport li la gdograpbie, pour poser les fonde- mens d'une carte gene.rale et particiilioro do I'AUe- magne. Par rapport Si rastrononiie, pour conuoUro la position des principales villes on les astronomes alleniands out fait lours oltserv'ations, et etablir nne corresponilatice entre les observatoires d'Allemagne et celui de Paris. 4°, Paris, 1703, pp. xxii, 180. 2° ed., Paris, 1775. (British Museuni.) Cassiiii de Thury (Cesar-Fran9ois) — Continued. Relation d'un voyage en AUemagne, qui com- prend les operations relatives ^ la figure de la terre et h, la geograpliie particulifere du Palatinat, du ducbe de Wurtemberg, du cercle de Souabe, de la Bavifcre ct de I'Autriche, fait par ordre du roi ; suivio de la description des conqiietes de Louis XV, depnis 1745 jusqu'en 1748. 4", Paris, 1775, pp. xxviii, 194, 11 plates. (Wash- ington, Congress.) Description geom^trique de la terre. Paris, 1775.* rOGGENDORFF. I, 392. : Beccaria (G. B.). Lettere al— snl grado tor- inense. Firenze, 1777. Title in fnll under Beccaria (R. B.). Description geometriquede la France. 4°, Paris, 1783, pp. ii, 207, 1 map. (Southampton, Ordnance Survey.) Castro (A. G. Ferreira de). flee Ferrelra de Castro (A.G.). Cauchy (Augustin-Louis). Sur la plus grande erreur ;">, craindre dans un resultat moyen, et sur le systfeme de facteurs qui rend cette plus grande erreur un minimum. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., xxxvii, 1853, 326-334. Cavendish (Henry). Experiments to determine tbe density of the earth. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., Lxxxvui, 1798, 469-526; Ann. d. Phys. (Gilbert), ii, 1799, 1-62. Density = 5.48. Eevd. in Bibl. Brit., Geneve, XI, 1799. 233-241. Experiences pour determiner la densite de la terre, par Henry CavendLsli ; traduit de Tanglais (Phil. Trans., Lxxxviii, 1798), p.arN.-M. Chompre. ficole Poly tech., Jonrn., x, 1815, 263-320. : Baily (F.). On the repetition of -8 experi- ments. Roy. Astron. Soc., Month. Not., iv, 1839, 90-97. : Babinet (J.). Note sur le calcul de — relative ;\ la densite de la terre. Cosmos, XXIV, 1864, 543-545. "Cayley (Arthur). On the attraction of an ellipsoid. Part I. On Legendre's solution of tbe problem of the attraction of an ellipsoid on an external point. Camb. Math. Journ. (Thomson), iv, 1849, 50-57. On the attraction ofau ellipsoid (Jacobi's method). Camb. Math. Journ. (Thomson), v, 1850, 217-226. Note on the attraction of ellipsoids. Roy. Astron. Soc., Month. Not., xxix, 1869, 254- 257. On the geodesic lines on an oblate spheroid. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., xl, 1870, 328-.340. On geodesic lines, in particular those of a quad- ric surface. Math. Soc, Proc, IV, 1871-73, 191-211,368-380. On the geodesic lines on an ellipsoid. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., xxxil, 1872, 31-53, 55- 56. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 351 Cayley (Arthur)— Continued. On thfi geodesic lines on an ellipsoid (Jacobi'e method). A review of — . Astron. Ges., Viertoljabrs., ix, 1874, 47-51. Cazin (A.). Intensit6 de la pesantenr i\ I'tle St. -Paul. (H.) Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., LXXXiii, 1876, 124!^-1250. Cell^rier (Ch.). Note sur la mesure de la pesanteur jiar le peudule. Soc. Phys. Genfeve, M6m., xviii, 18GG, li, 197-218. Note sur le mouvemcnt simultanfi d'un pendule et de ses supports. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1877, 1G3-170. et Plantamour (E.). L'<liia, n. d. LipiiincoH y — . ficole Polytccb., Journ., x, 1815, 263-320. Title in fnll uiiili-r CAVESiiisii (H.). Christoffel (E. B. )• Ueber ilio liestiinmnng rtcr (kstalt C'luT kninniifH Oliorfliicl o dnrcli locale Messuugi'ii anl' ilcrselbeii. Journ. <1. Matb. (Crc-lle), i.xtv, 18()5, 193-209. Allgemoine Theorie der goodiltiscben Dreiecke. K. Ak. d. Wiss., iiiatb.-iiliys. CI., Abbandl., ISfiS, 119-176. Cisoar (Gabriel de). Parstellnng der im Laufe eiuer'golniig von den spauiscben Corvetten " Descnbiorta" nnd "Atrevida" in Eiuopa, Ame- rica, Asia, dem stilli'n Ocean nnd inNeu-HoUaud gc- machteu Peudel-Bcobachtnngen. Mon. Corr. (Zacb), xxv, 1S12, 467-477. Civil Eng. and Arch. Jonr., for Civil Engineer and Arcb- itect's Journal. 4-, London, 1837-'68. (Wasbington, Congress.) Civ.-Ing., for Civil-Iugenieur. 4*^, Freiberg, Leipzig, 1848+. (Wiisbingtou, Pat- ent Office.) Clairaut (Alexis-Claude) [Clairault by Poggondorft']. I)i5tcrniin:ition gCdiiU'triiino dc la pcrpendiculairc ;\ la mi^ridienne tracce par M. Cas.siui; avec phisieiirs ni(?t:hodes d'cn tircr la grandeur et la figure de la terre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M<5m., 1733, 406-416; 1739,83-96. Snr la nouvelle m^thode de Cassini pour connal- tre la figure de la terre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M^m., 1735, 117-122. Sur la niesuro do la terro par plusicurs arcs de ni<5ridien pris il dittV5rentes latitudes. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M<5ui., 1736, 111-120. Investigationes aliquot, ex quibus probetur ter- ric figuram secundum leges attractionis in ratione iuversa quadrate distantiarum maxime ad cllipsu accedere debere. Koy. Soc. Lonilon, Pbil. Trans., xi., 17:!H, 19-2."). e=l: 2.30.L'.S0. Des centres d'osciliatious dans des milieux rdsis- tants. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6m., 1738, 159-168. : Maupertuis (P.-L.-M. de). La figure de la terre, dfitermindo par Ics observations de ilanpertuis et — . Paris, 1738. Englisb translation, London, 1738, 1739. German translation, Ziiricb, 1741. Latin translalion, Lipsi:i', 1742. TitUi in full undur ?tlAri'EiiTi:iB (P.-L.-M. ok). An inquiry concerning tlie figure of such planets as revolve about an axis, supjiosing tbe density con- tinually to vary from the centre to the surface. Koy. Soc. London, Pbil. Trans., xl, 1738,277-306. TianalHti'd bv Jon.N COLSox, from 'La theorie de la li;:iiro de la terro." Paris, 1743. it Picard (J.). Degr6 dn ni6ridien entre Paris et Amiens. Palis, 1740. German translation, Ziiriclr, ricAiui (J.). Clairaut (Alexis-Claude) — Continued. La tb<;orie de la figure de la terre, tir(?e des prin- cipcs de I'bydrostatique. 12°, Paris, 1743, pp. xl, 305; Pari.s, 1808. A i)Ortion of thia work, translated by .Toh.n Colso.v, ap- ■" pearrd in Koy. Soc. Loudon, Pbil. Trans., 1738, 277- 306. Da systfeme du monde dans les prineipes de la gravitation nniverselle. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M<5m., 1745, 329-364; Hist., 58-62. A fran.slation and explanation of some articles of the book entitled: Tb^orie de la figure de la terre, by Mens. Clairaut. Koy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., XLViii, 1753, i, 73-85. line nouvelle tbondon, Phil. Trans., 1H73, 445-4G!); Proc., XXI, 1873, 407-408. With a jircfaco ami notes on the Greek and Egyptian measures of length by ilis.NRV Jamks. - Fignrii of tho earth. lOneycl. Hiitaiinica, Olh ed., London, vii, 1877, .597-608. On the potential of an ellipsoid at an external point. L., E., 1>. Phil. Mag., IV, 1877, 458-4G1. On the, ligiiro of tho earth. L.. E., D. Phil. Mag., vi, 1878, 81-93; The Obser- vatory, II, 1879, 312-314. lu which the three axes of the sidieroida] eartli anct two eccentlicities are deduceil. Rovd. in Jahrli. iili. d. Kortselir. d. Math., .\, 1K78, 707-708. ] Geodesy. Kneycl. liritannica, London, x, 1879, H;3-172. Account of the ronieasuremcnt of the length of Katcr's pendulum at tho Ordnance Survey oflice, Southampton. Imlia, Trig. Survey, V, 1879, i, 1-9. (ieodosy. 8'^, Oxford, 1880, pp. xi, ,356. (Gore.) Kevd., Nature, xxi, Isfn. oo.'i-Omi; by Hkrsciiei. (.T.). Quart. .Tourn. Sci., II. I8S0, HO.'i. H. Ex. 17 L'.J Clarke (Alexander Ross) — Continued. : Frederlci (R. M. ). Die Gestalt nud Grosse der Krde. Translated by — , with notes. Nature, xviii, 1818, 55G-.558, 577-580, 602-G04. : Stone (E. J.). Reduction of latilinlc and logarithm of the earth's radius with — 's value of the earth's compression. Roy. Astron. Soc., Month. Not., XLiii, 1882-83, 102-110. Clausen (Thomas). De reductione tcmporis, quo os- cillatioues quotcunqno pendnli, al) amplitudinibiis magnis iueipientes, absolvuutur, ad tempus, quo totidem oseillationes ainplitudinjs infinite porticiuntnr. Astron. Nachr., v, 1627, 91-94. De rcsistentia .aeris, quomodo in motibus lentis a celeritate peudet. Astrou. Nachr., v, 1827, 93-96. Ueber die Bestimmnng der Abplattiing dcs Erd- sph.'iroids. Astron. Nachr., xxi, 1844, 333-336. Ueber den Einfluss der Umdrebung uu . dor Ge- 8t>alt der Krde auf die scheinbaren Bewegungen au der Obertliirbe derselben. Acad, de St.-P6tersbourg, CI. Phys.-Math., Bull., X, 18.52, 17-31. Clay (Joseph). Observations ou tho figure of the earth. Am. Phil. Soc, Trans., v, 1802, 312-319. Clemens (F. A.). Ueber die Methode der kloinsten Quadrate. • 4^ Tilsit, 1848. Clotten(M.). Ueber luuistantoMessungsfehler in Poly- gonziigeu. Zeits. f. 'Vermes., XII, 1883, 1)41-646. Clyrton (W. E.) (tiitl Perry (J.). Determiuation of Iho acceleration of gravity at Tokio, Japan. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., IX, 1880, 292-301. COAST SURVB'y. S,t UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Coster (A.) loirf Gerland (E.). ISeschroibuugder Sainm- luug astriuiomi.-iclier, geodiitischer iind physiUali- scher Apparate im koniglicben Museum zu Cas.sel. Festgabo fiir die 51. Versammlung deutseher Natur- forselier und Aerzte, im Auftragedes Iferrti Ministers dor geistlichen Untenichts- und Mc
  • , pp. .\vi,21(i. (Oxford, Bo.lKian.) Buiiiid with Little :\ Maduiiit- ' * ' Extrait des o|i('ratiiins trigoni>m Corr. Sci. Roma, /or Corrisiiondenzaseientiticadi Roma 1' avanzamento dclle scienze (Scarpellini.). 4°, Roma, 1848-'69 (12 vols.). Costard f George). History of astronomy, with applica- tion to geography, history, and chronology, exem- plified by the globes, with engravings. 4°, London, 17(i7, pp. 307. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Cotton (H. C). On the trigonometrical survey of Van Diemeu's Land. Van Diemen's Land, Roy. Soc, Papers, iii, 1855- '59, i, 92-108. Notes on the trigonometrical survey of Tasma- nia. Professional Papers on Indian Engineering, i, 1863- '61, 80-100. Couplet le fils. Difl'erenco de la longueur du pendule :\ Lisboiino et a Paris. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mem., 1700, 174-175; Hist., 116- 120. Cousin (Jacques Antoine Joseph). Do fignra terrse commentatio. Acad. Moguut., Acta, ii, 1777, 209-216. Couto (Mattheus Valente do). Memoria sobro os principios, cm que se devo fundar qnalquer methodo de calcular a longitude geogralica de uno logar; tendo atten^ao .a' iigura de terra. • Acad. d. Sci. Lisboa, Mem., ii, 1848, 301-316. Covarrubias fFrancisco Diaz). Coleccion de tablas geodesicaa para las latitudes de larcpiiblica. Soc. Mex. Geogr., Bol., x, 1865, 125-143. Tratado de topografia y de geodosia con los pri- meros eleinentos de astronomia prrtctica. 2 vols., 8'', Geodesia y Astronomia, ii, Mexico, 1869, pp. 564, 2 pi. (Washington, Observatory.) Reelierebes relatives ;\ I'intluenco de la chaleur solaire sur la figures de la terre. 8"^, Paris, 1881, pp. iv, 56 (Paris, Observatory.) Cram (Thomas Jefferson). On the length of a degree of the terrestrial meridian; oblateness and axes of the earth; comparative oblateness of the planets; reduction of latitude; radius of I bo earth ; and length of a degree of parallel of latitude ; with approjiri- ate t.ables. Am. ,Jonrn. Sci., xxxi, 1837, 222-23.".. TJNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUIiVEY. 357 Cramet ^'W.;. Beitriige zur Geschicbte der Vorstellnng vou ilir Gestall dcr Eide.* U^irr in EIsuhh, ld77. Title from Jaliib. lib. il. Fortschr. d. Math., IX, 1877, 773. Crawrford (James Ludovic, Earl of). Oa tlio deviations of till' i)luiiil)-iiiic evinced in the I.slaiid of Mauritius. Dun Keht Obsy. Puldicatious, III, IHf^S, 4yD-506. Christiaui (Girolamo Francesco). Delle misure d' ogni geneie autiche e nioderne, con note lei terario o fisico- matematicbe, a gioramento di qnalunque architetto. 4°, Brescia, 1700, pp. xxiv, 208, "2 plates. (Gore.) Crofton (Morgan 'W.). On tbe proof of the law of er- rors of observations. Koy.Soc. Loudon, Phil. Trans., CLX, 1870, 179-188; Proc, XVII, 18G9, 400-407. Eevd. in Jaliib. iib. d. Fortschr. d. Math., ii, 1869-70, 115, by C[atley|. Croizet i, Vincent). G(^od&ie g(?ngreo of longitude and another of Iatitu8, 37-42. 358 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Darquier de Fellepoix ( Aiigiistin ). Observations astronomiqiitu laitfH a Touloiisi^ Dcuxii'uio )>aitii\ (H.) Len;ith ofsiM-ond'a jx'iululiiin at Toulouse, pp. 219-240. Darivin (G. H.). NotB mi the el'.iptioity of the earth's strata. Mess, of Math., vi, 1877, 109-110. Ou the liodily tides of viscous and semi-elastic spheroids, and on the ocean tides upon a yielding nn- cleus. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1879, i, 1-35. Ou the jirecessiou of a ■viscous spheroid and on the remote history of the earth. Roy. Soc. London, IMiil. Trans., 1879, ii, 447-538, 1 plate. Eevd. in Nature, .xix, 1879, 292-293. Problems connected with the tides of a viscous spheroid. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1879, ii, 539-593. — — The analytical expression which gives the history of a fluid planet of small viscosity attended by a single satellite. Roy. Soc. London, Proc, L, 1880, 255-278. On an instrument for detecting and measuring small changes in the direction of the force of gravity. 8^', 32 pp. From: Brit. A. A. S., Kip., 1881-'82. — On the figure of equilibrium of a planet of het- erogeneous deusity. Roy. Soc. London, Pioe., xxxvi, 1883-'84, 158-16()- The converse of Lai'LACK's method fur determiniuf; the figuio of the earth : that is, assuming a given iigure to lind the law of conipressihility. Daussy (P.). Precis des op6iatious g^od^siques qu'ont servi de base aux cartes rt plans des trois premieres parties du Pilote fran^ais. 4°, Paris, 1829. Expose des travanx relatifs i\ la reeonnoissauee hydro- grapliiiiue dfs (oles occidentales de France par BEALTUMi'B-EEAUrafc, 09-124. Sur lo levd trigonomdtriquo de I'dtat de Massa- chusetts. Soc. Geogr., Bull., xvi 1841, 324-331. Regarding BOKl'ES's survey. David (Aloys). Trigonoinetrisehe Vermessung znr Ver- bindiing der Prager Stern warte niit dcm Loreuzberge und zur Bestimmuug l; 1887. FiRMiNGER (T.). Observations on tho measurement of an arc of the meridian. Phil, ^^a;,^ (Tilloch), uv, 1819, 00-62. Fokbh;ek (A.). Handbucli dci altvu Geogniphio. Leipzig, 1842-'48. Galbraitii (W.). On the English arc of the meridian. Edinb. Phil. Jouni.. xxxiv, 1843, 263-275. Gautieu . von). Ueber die europalaclie Gradmeaaung. Bruu. Verbandl., Sitz.-Ber., viii, 1809, 15-22. NORWOoi) (K.). Tbe aeaman'a practice. London, 1667. Meaaui'i^ of tbe eartb. 1791. Oriani (B.). Misura dell' arco del meridiano couipreso fra Miliino e Genova, Kir. Astron., Milauo, 1827, 25-33. OUTFllKll (K.). Journ;il d'uu voyage an nord en 1736-'37. Paris, 1744. Pascjlucii (J.). Ueber den G( br.iueb der ueiieateu frauziisi. acbeu Gradineaauug, Mon. Corr. (Zacb), i, 1800, 435-447. Patteniiausen (B.). Ueber dio Auadebnung dea Meridians von Paris bis znr Sabara. Zeits. t. Vermes., x, 1881, 247-257. PiCAUii (.T.). La meaure do la terre. Paris, 1671; 1084; Acad. d. Sci. Paria, M6m., vii, 1729, 1-59; 133-190. Observations sur lea dif^rentca m6tbodcH «niploy6ea pour nieaurer la terro. Acad. d. Sri. Paris. Hist., I, 82-87. Dogr6 du m6ridien entre Paria ot Aiuiena. Paria, 1740. DEGREE MEASUREMENT— Coiilinued. PiiTET (M. A). (Jou.-409 ; I,XXX, 1790, 111-270; Paria, 1791. Saiiine (E.). On tbe measurement of ;in ar<' of tho meridian at Spitzbergen. (Juart. Jouru. .Sci., XXI, 1826, 101-108. An account of llio area perpendicular to tho meridian, which are now measuring on tho continent of Europe. Quart. Journ. Sei., I, 1827, 177-204. SAi>EHErK(B. A.M.). EntwickelungsgangderGradmeaaunga- Arbeiteii. Berlin, 1876. ScMOTr (C. A.). Kesult.'i of tho ineasuremeut of ;ui ;ire uf llie meridian. U. S C. and G. Survey. Rep., 1808, 147-153. Tbe Paniplieo-Cbesapeake arc of tho moridian. XT. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1877, 81-95. Sl^:iui.l,oT (A.). Sur les determin;itiuiirt dea area du meridien terreatre. Soc. Gfaigr.. Bull., I, 18.'.1. •220-'.'31. Seiijei. (G.C. F. ). Eiatoatheues geograpbicoruni fnigiuenta. Kdita — . GmttingH', 1789. Sf.vffkr (K.F. von). Do posit u b.laia et retia trianguli.nini per totani Bojoariani. K.bayor. Ak.d. Wiaa, Denkacbr., in, 1811-12,449-621. Skooman (C.) Com]detioii of the preliminary survey of Spitz, bergen . . . aaeerlainiug thti iiracfieability fur llie measure- ment of an are of tln» meridian. Roy. Soe. London, Proc., XIII, 1804, 651-553. Smith (W.) Terrestrial mea.surement between tho obaerva- torioa of Norriton and Philadelphia. Am. Pbil. Soe,, Trans., i. 1771,114-120. 362 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODLTIC SURVEY. DEGREE MEASUREMENT— Continued. Snell (W.). ErittoHtbt-nes Uatavus. Lugdimi Batavoraiu, 1617. SOLUNTJi (J. vox.) Vorachlag za oinor Giad-Meseang in Afrika. Mon. Corr. (Zach), I.\, 1804,357-362. Ueber die awediscbo Measung des Meridiasgrades. Aatron. Jahrb. (Bode) , 180C, 2C8. Struve (F. G. W.). Nacbricbt von der ruasii^cheu Grad- messung. Aatron. Nacbr., i, 1823, 67-68; ii, 1824, 13J-136, 145-148; VI, 1828, 391-394; VII, 1829, 385-400; x, 1833, 32.3-325; Corr. Aatron. (Zach), XI, 1824, 23-33, 34-42; Dorpat, 1827; 1831; Dorpat, Jabrb., I. 1833, 87-89; Acad, de St.-P«tersbourg, M6ni., II, 1833, 401-425; iv, 1850, 1-86; Eecneil Stance publique, 1830, 103-108; Bull. Sd., vll, 1840, 280-288; XI, 1853,113-136; St. Peter3burg,1852; 1857; K.k. At.d. Wiae., Sitz.-Ber., XXI, 1850,3-5. SvANBKBG (J.). Ueber die alte nordiscbe GradmeasuDg. Mon. Corr. (Z.ich), II, 1800, 257-261; v, 1802, 161-169. Beriittfia© iifver den frauaka gradmatning en Omkring Tornea. K. Tetcna. Acad. Handl., XX, 1799, 279-291. Esqjosition dea operations faitea en Lapoiiie pour la determination d'nu arc du lu^ridien. Stockholm, 1805. SwiNDEN (J. H. VAN). Rapport sur la luesure de la m^ridiemie de France, et lea resuUats qni en ont ^te deduita pour determinrr lea bases du nouveau syatt^uio metr (^iie. Inst, de France, 01. Math.-pbya., M6m., II, 1802, 23-80 ( ; Journ. Nat. PLi). (Nicholaon), ui, 1800,316-324, 305-369; Paris, 1799. TfeD^NAT. Mosure de la diatance de la tour de Nianies k la m^ridienue de Paris. Acad, du Gard, Notice d. Trav., 1808, 212-277. Tenser (C). Nacliricht von der Yollendung der Gradmca- sung zwischen der Bonau und deni Eismeer. Acad, de St.-Pt figun- ile la Urre, ni, .ir.'-.'W. — : Gregory (O.). Dissirtations and letters by — , regariling the survey of England. London, 181.5. Titlu iu full under nuEfioiiY (O). Ketlexion.s ,^nr un m6nioire dci Don ,1. Rodriguez, sur la nies ire do trois degrds du nidridien eu Angle- terre, iniprimd dans Ics Roy. Soe. London, Phil. Trans., 1S12. Conn. d. Temps, 1816, 256-274. Hisfoirede I'iistronomie ancipunn. 4°, Pnvis, 1817, I, pp. i, Ixxii, .5.''>6, 1 plate; ll, pp. vi, 639, 16 plates. Geographic do PtoI6m6c, n, 520-542. Delambre ( Jean-Baptiste-Joseph)— Continued. Expose des operations trigonometriques exdeu- tdes pour la description de I'Augleterre et dti pays . deGalles; par Mudge et Dalby. Conn. d. Temps, 1818, 243-278. - A review of an account of the obaervations carried on for accomplisbiug a trigonometrical snrvey of En- gland by Mudge and Dalby. : Lambton (W.). Mesure d'un arc du mdridien entre les latitudes 8° 9' 38".39 et 10° 59' '48".93 nurd, ou continuation de Tare commence en 1804 qui se terminait S, 14° 6' 19" de latitude nord. Conu. d. Temps, 1819, 292-302. : Laplace (P.-S. de). Application du calcul des probabilites aux operations geodesiques de l.a meri- dienne de France. Notice by — . Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Hist., 1619, i-iii. Histoire de I'astronomiemoderne. Paris, I, 1821, pp. 715, 9 plates; II, pp. 804, Ixxxii, 8 plates. (Washington. Observatory.) Snellics, n, 92-125; Picard, 597-632. Histoire de I'astronomie an XVII1'"= sifecle. 4°, Paris, 1827, pp. lii, 790, 2 plates. Figure de la terre, 239-U2. Containing many interesting geodetic articles under the names of participants; as, Cassini. MAUeEKTUis, etc. Histoire de la mesure do la terre. Paris, 1S27. Posthumous (POGGKNDOKFF), I, 539. Delaunay (Charles-Eugfene). Snr lageuddsie frauyaiso et sur le role qu'y out jond I'Academie des sciences et le bureau des longitudes. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., LVl, 1863, 149- 154. , Laugier et Faye. Rapport sur I'etnt actuel de la geodesic et snr Irs travaux ;\ entniircndre par le bu- reau des longitudes, do concert avee le Uep(jt de la Guerre, pour completer la partie astronomique dn rese,au fran^ais. Conn. d. Temps, 1864, 1-20. Cours eiementairo d'astronomie par Ch. Delau- n.ay. .^ixifeme edition, revue et complete par Al- bert Levy. 12^, Paris, 1876, pp. viii,766, 3 plates. G. Masaoii. (Washington, Observatory.) Figure de la terre, 174-204. Delcross: Eckhardt (C.-L.-P.) ar — . Hibl. Univ. Grus=l digit. 4digits=l jtalm. 20 palms — 1 pace. 125pace8=l Italian stadn>. 1,000 paces=l Italian mile. On Fernel's measure of a degree. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., xx, 1842, 408-411 ; XXI, 1842, 22-25. On the tbeory of errors of ob.servatious. Camb. Phil. Soe., Trans., X, l.'^(;4, 409-427. DENMARK. ANUitAE (C. C. G.). Die diinischen Ilaiiptdreiecko. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.Ber., 18G5, 4-0. Bericht iiber die in iJiineniarh ausgefiihrten Arheitfn. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.Ber., 1808, 11-15; 1869, 5-9; 1872,3; 1875, )67-16»; 1877,269-272; 1879,84-87. Den danske Gradmaaling. Kjobeuhavu, 1667, 1R72, 1878, 1884. BUGGE (T.). Beechrcibuug dcr Ansmessungsmethode, welehe boi den diinischen Karten angewendetworden. Kjebenharn, 1779 ; Dresden, 1787. !:CIIUMACIIEK (U.C.). Sur la tiiaugulatiuu de Daucmark. Corr. Astrou. (Zach), i, 182S, 273-27K. Zacrahiae (G.). Berieht iibcr die geodiitischen Arbeitcn in Diinemark in den Jahren 18tl4-'8G. Int. Good. Cong., Verhandl., lS84-'80, 122-123. Denzler(Heinrich). Ueber die torrcstrieche Refraction. Astroii. Nachr., XIX, 1842, 347-350. Denzler CWUhelm). Ueber den Fiindanientals,atz der Methode der kleiti.-^lcii Qii:idratf.* Naturf. Ges. Ziiricb, MIttluil., ii, l,-;50-'52, 110-112. Depot de la Guerre, Mem., for Memorial g^udral dti D^pdt de la Guerre. 4°, Paris, 1829-f-. (Wa.sbiugtou, Coast Survey.) Deprez (M.). Sur tin proc^d^ permettant de compter in<5cauiiinement les oscillations d'nn iieiidiile eii- (ii"^rt'ment libre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., en, 1886, 1523- 1524. Deratte. M<5moire sur la longitude et la hititude de Mimtpellier, ddduits des triauglea de la m^ridienue de rObservatoire de Paris. Soc. Sci. Montpellier, Rec. d. Bull., i, 1803, 63-68. Derham (William). Experiments about the motion of pendulums iu vacuo. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., xxiv, 1704, 1785- 1789. Experiments concerning the vibration of pendu- Inms. (H.) Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., xxxix, 1735, 201- 203. Deaaguliers(Jean-Theophile). A difsertafion concern- ing the figure of the earth. Roy. Soc. Loudon, Phil. Trans., xxxiii, 1725, 201- 222, 239-255, 277-304, 344-345. Favors NiiWTON's theory. : Maupertuis (P.-L.-M. de). Esamen des trois dissertations quo M. — a iJiiblicSes sur la tiguro de la terre. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans.; Oldeubourt Title in full under Maupertius (P.L.-M. de). i:3d [Deaballe.] Traitt^s en parties proportmnnelles; suivi d'un recneil de lois et de diverges formtiles de procfea-verbaux concernant lo ministtre des arpenteurs. 6°, Paris, 1827, p. ii,p 70, 1 chart. (Berlin, Royal.) Deville (E. ). Examples of astronomic and geodetic calculations for the use of land surveyors. H-^, Quebec, 1878, pp. 109. P. G. Delisle. (Gore.) Deville (Henri Saint - Claire ). -See Saint- Claire- Deville (Henri). Diaz-Covarrubias (Fran9ois). 5ee Covarrubias (Fran- 90is-Diaz). Dickson (Benjamin). On the general equations of geod( sic lines and lines of curvature on surfaces. Camb. Math. Journ. (Thomson), v, 1850, 166-171. Dienger (Joseph). Ueber die Schwiuguiigsdauer des eiiifacheu uud des zusammengesetzteu Pendels. Arch. d. Math. (Oruuert), xvi, 1851, 477-481. Bealimmung der geograpbischen Breite uud Liinge aus geodiitischen Messnngen. Arch. d. Math. (Gruncrt), xvm, 18,52, 80-90. Ueber die Ansgleichuug der Beobachtungsfehler. Aich.d. Math. (Grunert), xviil, 1852, 149-193; xix, 1853, 211-227. Ueber die Bestimmung des Gewichta der nach dir Methode der kleiusten Quadrate erhaltonen wahrscheinlichatcn Wertho der Umbekannten, wenn Bediugungsgleichungeii vorhandeit sind. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), xix, 1852, 197-202. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUEVEY. 365 Dienger (Joseph) — Contiuued. Aiisgleichuug der Beobachtungsfehler nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. Mit zahlreichen AuwendiiDgen, uamoutlicb auf geoc'iitische Mes- sungcn. 8°, Braunschweig, 1857, pp. viii, 168. (Britisb Museum.) Al)bildnng krummer Oherflachen auf einauder uud Anwcndung dersclbcn aiif biibore Ofocl-isip. 8°, Brannsohweig, 1858, pp. [ii], 70. (British Museum.) — Ucber die Ermittelnng des Wahrscheinlichen Feblers bei LUDgenmessnugon. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), xxxi, ia58, 225-228. Die Laplace'sche Methode der Ausgleichuug vou Beobachtungsfehlern bei zahlreichen Beobacbtun- gen. K. k. Ak. d. Wiss., iiiath.-naturwiss. CI., Dcuk- BChr., xxxiv, 1875, ii, )>l-iV2. Diesterweg (Friedrich Adolf Wilhelin). Lehrbuch der niathematischen Geographic uud Himniclskuude znm Schulbrauch nnd Selbstunterricht. Dritte Ter- besserte und veniiehrte Auflage. 8°, Berlin, 1848, pp. xsx_, 31^', 10 plates. Gcitalt nnd Fignr dor Erde, 49-68. 9th cd., 8^, Berlin, 1876, pp. xvi, 352, 3 plates. (British Museum.) Gcttalt uud Fignr der Erde, 43-76. Dietze (Max). Beitriige zur Aufsuchung vou Eefrac- tions-CoelBcicntcn. Zeit.s. f. Vermes., xiii, 1884, 245-259. Dini (Ulisse). Sopra alcuno formolc di trigonometria sferoidica.* Universitil Toscana, Ann., Pisa, 1870. Formulin for the coinpntatit>n of the geographic coordi- nates of tln^ verlice.s of a geodetic not, aUo for com- puting the Icngtli of the arc of the nirridian between the extreme jtoints of the chain of triangles. Ilt?vd. in Jahrb. iib. d. Fort,schi-. d. Math., ll, 1869-'70, 84J, by Ji'so. Dirkseu (Eruo Heron or Heeren). Historia progtcs- sum iustrumciitoriim iiicn.siiiie augnlonini accura- tiori inservenliura. 4°, GGttiugiP, 1819, pp.:;8. (Berlin, Roya'.) In which Meyer's method ofauglo measuring is given. Dicuilus. I)e meiisura orbis tcrr;e ex duobiis codil. MSS. Bibliotlii'Cie Itiiperialis nunc prinium in luceiu editus a Carola Athana,sio Walckenaer. 8 , Paiisiis, l-'O?, pp. xvi, 77. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Dittmann ( A. F. ). Die grosseu Veriiuderuugen dor Erdoberllilobo.* Schlcsw., 1858. Dixon (J.) and Mason (C). Astronomic observations made in the forks of tlio Brandywino todetennino the dilfcrencc i>f gravity between the lioyal Ob.-ierva- tory and that place. Roy. Soc. London, Thil. Trans., 1768, :yG-3:!(;. Dobner iinrf Ganahl. ncrlclil iiberdiofUrdieenropaischo GradmcKsiiug ausgefiibrten .\rbciteu 1873. Int. Geod. Coug., Gen. -Bei*, 1S7:!, 7 Ki, DoUeu (Johanu Heinrich Wilhelm). Resultate einer astrouomiscb-geodatisehen V'crbiudung zwischeu Pulkowa uud den L'l'ern des Ladoga-Sco'e. Acad, de St.-P^tersbourg, CI. Pbys.-Math., Bull., XVII, 1859, 401-408. Geodiitische Langenmessungen mit Stahlbandern und Metalldrathen.* St. Petersburg, 1885. Dorgens (R.). Dimensionen des Erdsphiiroids zwischen 46°— 56^ n. B.* K. preuss. statistischen Bureau, Zeits., 1873. Doll (M.). Geschichte der Katastervermessungen, zu- nS' hstderoramRhein, iuFrankreich, Bayeru,Oester- reich, 'Wiirl temberg, Hessen und Baden.* Wiirttemberg. Geometer-Zeitung. Das Vcrmessungsweseu im Grossberzogthum Baden. 8^ pp. 32. Separatabdruck aua Zeits. f. Termcs., u, 1873, 34-1)4, 65-77. Fehlergrenzeu fiir Langenmessuugen. Zeits. f. Vermes., xvir, 188-*. 2;i3-235. Doukin (William Fishburu). An essay on the theory of combination of observations. Jonrn. Math. (Liouville), xv, 1850, 297-322. On an analogy relating to the theory of proba- bilities, and on the principle of the method of least squares. Journ. Math., i, 1857, 152-162. Doolittle (C. L.). A treatise on practical astrouomy as applied to geodesy and ion by C. L. Doolittle. 8°, New York, 1885, pp. x, 642. John Wiley .f- Sana. (Goro.) Least squares, 1-09. Doolittle (Myrick Hascall). Closiug of a circuit of triaugiilatiou. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1875, 282-292. General method of solution of normal equation. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1878, 11.5-120. The rejection of doubtful observations. Phil. Soc. Wash., Bull.. VI, 1883, 152-156. Kovd. in .lahrb. iib. d. Fortschr. d. Math., XM, 1884, 184, by I.s. IIjAZAkus]. Doiua ( Alessaiidro). Sulla media aritinctica nilealcold di ciMupensazione. Aecad. Sci. Torino, Atti, i\-, 1869, 7.'.7-763. Relaziouo su: "Sullo scostamento della linea geodetica" di G. de Bernardinis. Accad. Sci. Torino, Atti, xixfl886, 94-98. Dorst (F. J.). Ueber die der Beobachtungsfehler beiiu Able-en eingetheilter Instruiuente. Zeits. f. Instrumentenkunde, \I, 1H86, 383-387. Dove (Heiurich Wilhelm). lli^ber Mass uud Mes-sen. 4", Berlin, 1835, pp. 40. (Gore.) In Progi-amra ib-s Friedrichs-Gyninaaiums auf dera Wordor. Drobi.sch (Moritz Wilhelm). Aiisfiibrlicber Bericht iibcr uielucre in dcri .labren I-'''J5 uud 1826 iti den Mincn vou Doleoath zur Be,stinniuing der mittlereii Diohtigkeit der Erde angestellte I'eiidel-Versuchc. Ann.d. Phys. (Poggendorlf), X, 1827, 444-456 ; Xiv, 182H, 409-426. 360 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Drovetti: Jomard (E.). Un €talon m^trique d^couvert i Memphis i)ar — . Paris, IA'2. Title in lull under JOMARD (E.). Drummond (Thomas). Description of an apparadis for prodncini; iiiti'iise light visible at great distauces. Edinb. Jomn. Sci., v. 1S2C., :!19-:i2',>. On the means of facilitating the observatiou of distant stations in geodetieal operations. Roy. Sec. Loudon, Phil. Trans., cx^^, 1826, 324- 337. Heliotropes iiud Ui-uiuiuoutl lif^bts. Drygalski (Erich vou). Die Geoiddeformationen der Eiszeit. 8°, Berlin, IriSl, pp. C3; Ges. f. Krdkuude, Zeits., 1887, 169-280. Dubois (Edmond). Note snr le mouvemeut du plan d'oBcillatiou d'un pendule. Ann. G6nie Civil, i, 1862, 313-328. Diihring (Eugen). Kritische Geschicbte der allge- nu'inen Principieu der Mathematik von der philo- sopbischeu Facnltiit der Univcrsitiit Giittingen niit dem crsteu Preise der Bcneke-Stiftung gekronto Sclirift. Zweite, theilweise nnigearbeitete nud mit einer Auleitung zuni Studium der Mathematik ver- mehrte Auflage. 8°, Leipzig, 1877, pp. sx, 526. (Briiish Museum.) Good discudsion of Huyghen'a and Newton's principles of gravitation. Dufour (G.-H.). Notice sur la mesure de la base d'Ar- berg en Suisse. Bibl. Univ. Geufeve, LVii, 1834, 372-385. Dufour (Wilhelm Heiurich). Sur les deviations ap- parontes du plan d'oscillatiou du pendule dans I'ex- pdesir]ue de la Franco avec la Bclgi(|uc eii lr^03, parordre du gouvernemeut do France." Paris, n. d. Dtunas I 'Wilhelm August). De niotu ix-nduli sph:evici relatione terra- pertnrbato. 4°, Regiomonti, [18541, 1>P- 88. (Berlin, Royal.) Ueber Schwingungen vorbundouer Pendel. 8", Festschrift zuderdritten SiicularfeierdosBerliu- ischen Gyninasiuni.s zunigraneu Kloster, B(-rlin, 1p74, 97-113. Dumur (J.) ct Hiscb (A.). Le r^seau de triangiilation Suisse. Lausanne, 1888. Title iu full under HiRSCH (A.). Dunlop (James). A memoir on the controversy between William Penn and Lord Baltimore, respecting the boundaries of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Read at a meeting of the council of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, November 10, 18'25. Olden Time, I, 1846, 530-548. Dunnehauptius (A. C). Spha^ricatellnrisfignra. (H.) Vittenilii-rgie, 1715. Duperrey (Louis-Isidore). Observations du pendule invariable, de Tinclinaison et la declinaison de I'aiguille aimantee, faites dans la campagne de la corvette de S. M. la Coqitille, pendant les annees 1822, 18','3, 1824 et 18. '5. 8^, pp. 32. (Paris, Observatory.) Lne A r J cad. d. Sci. Paris, 2 mai 1827. Rapport sur le voyage de decouvertes. Conn. (1. Temps, 1828, 240-272. Full title under Ab.\go (D.-F.-J.). Notice sur les experiences du pendule invariable faites dans la campagne de la corvette de S. M. la Coquille, pendant lesannees 1822, 1823, 18'24 et 1825. Conn. d. Temps, 1830, 83-99. : Saigey. Comparaison des observations du pen- dule ii diverses latitudes, faites par — . Bull. Sci. Math. (Saigey), viii, 1827, 31-43, 171- 184 ; Hertha, xill, 18'29, 287-290. Dusejour (D.). Traite analytique des mouvements ap- parents des corps celestes. 4°, Paris, 11, 1876, p. 75, ct seq. Examon du rap- port des axes de la terre que I'on pent conclure des observations faites dans lesditiereuts climats. HOXZEAU, u, 1150. Dyer (George Leland). The survey of the coast. Naval Institution, Proc, xii, 1886, ii, 199-240. Eames (John). An account of a dissertation containing remarks ujion the observations made iu France, in order to ascertain the figure of the earth, by Mr. Celsius. Roy- Soc. London, Phil. Trans., iv, 1740, i, 371- 382. A notice of tbf report of Celsr fi on tlie Lajtland work. EARTH, DENSIT'jr OF. Airy (G. B.). Account of pendulum experiments for deter- mining the meau density of the earth. Eoy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., c.XLVi, 1856, 297-355. Babinet (.J.). L'experience de Cavendish, relative k la masse ot h. la density moyenne do la tcrre. Cosmos, XXIV, 18Ct, .MS-MS. Baily (F.). Repetition of the Cavendish experiment for do- tenuiuiug the mean density of the earth. Roy. Astrun. Soc, Month. Xot., iv, IMO, 0<.-97 Some experiments with the torsion rod for determin- ing the mean density of the earth. Roy. .\8tron. So.-., Month. Not., v, 1839-'43, 188-190 . . . ; vi, 1843-'45. 107-110. Carlixi (F.). Sur la determination de la densite moyenne de la terre. A18H (U.). Experiments to deteiinine the density of the earth. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans, Lxxxvill, 1798, 409-520; Eeole Poly tech., Journ., X, 1815. 263-320, UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 367 EARTH, DENSITY OF~Coiitiinied. CoRNU (A.). DutenuiuatioD nouvdic do la density luoyenno de la U-rri'. ^cad. d Sri. Taria, C'onip.Rcnd., I.XXM, 1873,-954-958; LXXX\n, 1878, 699-702. DKoBlsrH (M. W.). Ausfulirlicher Bericlit iibor iiu'lircre . .. zur BestimmuDj; der niittleren Dicbtigkeit der ErdeAn* gestellto rondt?l-Ver8Uchc. Ann. d. Phys. (roggendorir), x, 1827,444-456; xiv, 1828. 409- 426. Fayk (H.-A.-E.-H.). . . . ot surla density moyoniiodi' laterre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Cani]>. Kcnd.. 1SC3, 557-500. FOLIE (F.). .Sur le calciil de la deusit6 iiioyciiiu- do la lerre. Rdiziqiio, P.nll., NXXllI, 18711, .189- 109 GossEl-lN (P -F.-J.). Niuivel txiinicn hut lailonsito mojenno do la terro. Acad, de Metz., M^'ni., xi., 1859, 169-485. Ham, (A.). The density of the carlli. Analyst, IX, 1882, 129-1:12. nAUCHTOX (S.). On the density of the earth a» deduced from tlio esiioriuienta at the Ilarton cnth. Not., Xlll, 1852-53, 59-60; Kcijuh. Phil. .Jouru., l.v. 1853, 152-1,13. Rkicii (!•'.). Ueber die niitllere DichtigKcii ili>i Erde. Phys. Wiirterbuch (Gclileri. Ill, 910-970 : .^cad. d. Sci. P.aris, t'ouip. Uend.,v, 1837,097-70(1: Frcilieig, 1838; Aun.d.Phys. (Pog;;.nihiiir). I.xxxv, 18.V.>. 189-198; Aun. de Cliiin., XXXVIII, 1853, 382-383 ; Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), v, I8,j3, 154-159; K. siichs. Gea. d. Wiss., math.-phys. CI., Abhandl.. i, 18.V.', 383-430. Roche (E.- A.). Sur la loidela dcnsitC- iX rintf-riour de la terra. Acad. d. Sci. Montpcllicr. IK-iu., Ill, 18.',5-'57, 107-124; Aciul. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., XXXIX, 1854, 121.5-1217. Sam; (E ). On our nullum for estimating the density and tempi r.ilurc tif the larth. Roy. Scottish Soc. Avis, Trans., X718S3, 278-285. EARTH, DENSITY OF— Continued. SclIEFFLEH (II.). Ueher die miltlerc Dicditigkeit der Erde. Zeits. f. Math. (Schloniilch), x, 1805, 224-227. Stieltjes (M. T. J.). Quelques rcmarques sur la variation do la densitfi dans I'inttrieur de la terre. Arch. N6erl., xix, 1S84, 435-460. Stokes (G.G.). On the cU'ect of rot.ation and cUipticity npon the Ilarton pendulum experiments. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1850, 353-355. Stuuve (F. G. W. von). TJober die Bestimmung der Uichtig- keit der Erde. Astron. Nachr., XXII. 1845.37. WALTERiiiiFFEi! (().). How the earth is weighed. Pop. Sci. Mouth., XIX, 18,SI. 743-749. "WiLSiNc (J.). liestiiumuug der mittlcron Dicbtigkeit der Erde mil iliilfc eiucs Pendelapparates. Young (T.). Remarks on the . . . density of the earth. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1819, 70-75; Quart Joum. Sci., IX, 1820,32-34. Zach (F. von). TTehcr Deusitiit der Erde and deren EintJuss auf geographiache Ort.sbestimmuugen. Mon. Corr. (Zach), xxi, 1810, 293-310. Anon. A new weighing of the earth. Pop. Sci. Month., xxl, 1882, 565. Account of the observations of Jolly of Munich. D = 5.692 i 0.068. Proposed new method of measuring the density of the earth. Science, v, 1885. 217-218. Referring to method of Arthur Konig and Fraoz Richarz. EARTH, FIGURE OF. Aduaham BEX Chija. Dc forma terrie. Basel, 1546. AoAN (E.-H.-J.). Grandeur et forme de la terre, d6teimin^es par les mesures d'arcs. El-uxelles, 1870. D6terminees par lea oseillatious du pendule. Braxelles, 1870. Note sur la figure de la terre. Int. Good. Cong., Geu.-lier., 18f^0, 7-8. Adhain (R.). Investigation of the figure of the earth. Am. Phil. Soc, Trans., 1, 1818, 119-135, 353-306. Alltv(G. B.). ... Th" figure of the earth. Camhriilge, 1820; Roy. Soc, London, Phil. Trans , CXVI, 1826, 548-578; Brit. A. A. S.. Rep., I-Il, 1832, 165-169, 178-180; Encycl. of Astron., London. 1848, 165-240; Encycl. Met., London, xxxv, 1849. 105-240. Alemijeut (J. d'). Recherches sur la pr6ces8ion des 6qu|. noxes. Paris. 1749. Opuscules mathematitiues. Paris, 1761-'68. Ammon (F.). Lohrhuch der matbematiscken und physika- lischeu Erdbeschreibuug. Augsburg, 1829. AxiiitEB (T.). Die Zahlenformel fiir den mittleren Kriim- mungsbalhmesser des Erdspharuids. Arch. d.'Math. (Grunert), xx,xv, 1880, 72-80. AxiiitoNowiTZ. Von der Gestalt und Grosae der Erde. Belgrade. 1880. Ari'Ki.cKEN (S. W.). De ligura telluris ujte pendnKuiim do- terminanda. Abou', 1810. Arena (F.). Dissertullo geographicadedimensioneot figurn telluris. Pannrint, 1757. AVOUT (u'). Mimoire sur la figure de la terre. Paris, I8.'>2. Baihnrt (J.). T,o rayon moyeii do I:i terre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Cimip. Reud., Xi.v, 1857, 121-124. 368 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. EAHTH, FIGURE OF— Continued. Babiset (J.)- Sur la liKuro do la tcrrf. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Ecnil., xi-v, 1857, 732-735. Baever (T. J.) Ueber die Giiisso nnd Figur dcr Eide. Borlin, 18C1. Bailly (J.-S.). 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Die Erdmaseenberechnung. Zcits. f. Vermes., X, 1S81, 137-144. Murdoch (P.). Mercator's sailing applied to the true figure of the earth . . . London. 1741. MuecHEXBKOEK (P.). Diasertationcs physicse. Lugduui Uatavoruni, 1729. Narrirn (J.). Hiatorical account of the origin and progress of astronomy. Loudon, 1850. Negeleix (J. A.). Be figura telluria ad acnsum apbrcrica. Kegiomonti, 1724. KERENBrROER (^\. W.). Sur la ftgnre do la terre. Acad, de Bilgique, Hull., xxil, 1835. Neumann (C). Uib> r ilio Frage, ob die Erdo eine VoU. orter Ilalbkugel aci. Naturwisa. lais, Dresden, Sitz.-lier., 1871, 5. Nicollet (.T.-N.). Sur la di'tfrniiTffititer.sbomg, Bull. Pbya. Math., XII, 1854, 97- ' 128; XIII, 1853, 49-89, 225-249; Mel. Math., I. 1853, 609-048; II, 1859, 113-172, 297-330. Peihce (C. S ). On the deduction uf the ellipticity of tho earth from pendulum experiuienta. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Eep., 1881, 142-450. Pesi'HEL. Ueber die Gestalt der Erde. Abhaudl. zur Erd- uud Tolkerkunde, 1878, 210. Peters (C. F. "SV.). Astiouomisehe Tafelu und Fornieln. Hamburg, 1871. Pkuceuo (G.). De dinien.aione tenw . . . Witterberga?, 1554. PiccOLOMiNi (A.). Delia grandezza della t.-rra e dell' acqua. Venezia, 1558; 1561; 1568. Pick. Die Kugelgestalt der Erde. Zeits. f. malh.u. uaturwiss. Unterricht, ii, 1871, 504. Plana (G.). Note sur la figure de la terre. Aatron. Nachr., xxxv, 1853, 371-378. Plana (J.). M^moire aur la tb^orio mathematique de la figure de la terre publi^e par Newton en 1687. Aatron. Nachr., xxxvi, 1853, 149-176. Planman. De figura telluris pendulorum ope dcfiuienda. AhoiB, 1778. Plavfaik (J.). Inveatigation of certain theorema relating to the figure of the earth. Journ. Nat. Phil. (Nicholson), vn, 1804, 102-116, 167-176. PoiNCAUli; (H.). Snr la figure do la terre. Bull. Astron., Vl, 1889, 1-5, 49-60. PosKLcER (F. T.). Ueber die Figur der Erde. K. Ak.d. V>'isa.,math. CI., Abhandl., 1827, 57-84. Pratt (J. H.). A treatise on attractions . . . and the figure o( tho earth. Cambridge, 1860-'61-'65-'71. Teats of the truth of the fluid theory of the figure of the earth. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., XXIV, 1802, 409-417, 430-435, 507-608. Figure of the earth from geodetic data. L.,E., D.Phil. Mag., xxxii, 1800, 17-2I>, 313-315; xxxiii, 1867, ' 10-16, 145-152; Dehra, 1868. Probst (J.). Klima und Gestaltung der Eidt)herflacbo in ihren 'Wechaelwirkungeu. Stuttgart, 1887. I'ROSY (R. iiK). Formulea pour (U'duire le ra]»porl dca axea do la terre do la h-ugueur do deux area du ni^ridicn. Soe.Philom., Hull., i, 1797, 5-0. PKOTKUfi (P.). On the figure of the earth. Jour. Nat, Phil. (Nicholson), viii, 1804, 12-19, 151-161. P6KLLU8 (M.). De tcrne aitu, figura et maguitudiuc. PtiissANT (L.). Formulea pour raraener fi une valeur quel- conque d'aplatiaaement torrestre. Conn. d. Temps, 1823, 239-257 ; 1872, 230-232 ; iiuil. Sci. Math. (Saigey), 1, 18-24, 271-274. Note sur une foimule gOuerale propre A donner I'apla- tisaemeul terrestre par la comparaiaun do deux area. P.ull.Sei. Math. (Saigey), ill, I8'2.5, 74-70. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 373 EARTH, FIGURE OP-Coutiniiecl. I'LibSASi II, I Minioiro 8ur l:i (l^iiTiuination de la figure de la terre jtar It-s medure^ gC*odedique.H, DfipAt do la Guerre, iK-m., m, 1826, 01-100; Inst, Joum., i, 1833, S5-6G. K. New tlii'ory of the figure of the earth. Civil Kug.aod Arch. Joum., xxiv, 1861, 278. Katzel (F.). Die Erde in gemeinverstandlichen Vortrageu. Stnttgait, 1881. Kat (J.). The wisdom of God manifested . . . iu the earth, its figure . . . London, 1722. Rkicii (F. ). Gestalt und Grosso der Erde. Ph.\ s. 'Worterbuch (Gehler), in, 832-910. RKiCHEXiiACii (O ). Die Gestaltung der Erdoherflache. lierlin, 1870. Kbilix (A.). Diasertatio academica de fignra ope pendnlomm deteriniDauda. Abo», 1810. Rel'tku (A. P.). Vollstandiges Handbuch der mathemati- Bclicn Geographie. Maiuz, 1828. Lehrbuch der mathematischen Geographie. Kiirnberg, 1830. Riii.Nii (W.). On the irregularities of the earth's surface. Koy. Phys. Sor. Eclinb.,Proe., Ill, 1H67, 149-152. KicCAKDi. Soi-ra un antico uiettdi> per deterniinare il semi- diametro dclla terra. Bologna, 1887. RicciOLI {G. B.). Almagestuui novum . . . Bononiffl. 1651. De semidiametro terrai. Bononia^, 1655. RiiTEit (E.). Kechercbes eur la figure de la terro. Soc. Pliys. de GenSve, Mem., XV, IStO, 441-465; xvi, 1863, 165-194. RouKRTS (F. C). The figure of the earth. Van Vostrand's ilag., xxxii, 1885, 228-242 ; New York, 1885. UocnE (K.-A.). Reeherches sur la figure de la terre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend , xxvii, 1848, 443. RoDKiciEZ (J.). tJeber ilic GrossenverhaltnisBe des Erd- Sphiiruids. Zeits. f. Astron. (Lindenau), m, 1817, 71-81. RuMOVSKi (S.). Moditatio de fignra telluris e\aetiu» cog- noscenda. St.Pfetersbourg, Acta, xiii, 1802,407-417. RL'bHKL ( W. H. L.). On the calculation of the potential of the figure of the earth. Brit, A. A. S., Trans., xxxv, 1865, 8. Sauink (K.). An account of experiments to determine the • fiuutr of tlie earth. London. 1825. Saiikiieck (M.). Ueberdie neueren, rnr Besttmmung der <»e- st;ilt und Grosse der Erde unternonimeuen Messungen. .Si'hles. Ges , Breslau, Jahresber., XLI, 1863, 23-24. Saicky (,r..F.). Sur la figure do la terre. N. d. Sassonr (F. ). Measuring the earth's surface. Popular Sei. Slonlb., XXX, 1880, 212-265. Santini (G.). Elunienti di astrunomia. Padova, 1830. Delle recenti ricorche iiitorno alia ver;i figur;k tlella U-rru. 1st. Veneto, Mem., XI, 1802, 219-267. ScHAFKu tW.). Entwickehing der Ansiehteu den Altertliunis liber dio Gestalt und Grosse der Krde. Justcrbiirg, 1868. SciiAi'HACH (J. K.). Geschichtodergriochisclien Astrunoiuie. lidttingeu, 1802. EARTH, FIGURE OP— Continued. .'>cnMii)T (J. K. E.). Bcstnnmuug der Grosse der Erde. Astion., 16'2;). 329-332; Roy. Astron. Soc, Mem. .VI, 1833. 139; Phil. Mag. (Taylor), vii, 1830. 409-412; Astron. Epbem.(narding n. Wiesen), 1831. 105-108; Astron. Naihr., IX, 1831, 3 1 5-316, 371-372. Lehrbuch der mathematischen and physischen Geo- graphie. Gottiugen, 1829-'30; 1832. Schubert (F. T.). Populiire Astronomie. Hamburg, 1834. Schubert (T. F. dk). Esaai d'une determination de la veritable figure de la terre. Acad, de St.Petersbourg, Mem., I, 1859, vi, 1-32 . . . ; Astron. Nachr., Lv, 1861, 97-112. SCHWAHX (Pail). Ueber Aendemngen der Lage der Figur und der Rutations-Axe der Erde. Berlin, 1887. Sedlmayer (vox). Theoretische Bestimmungen iiber die Grosse des Erd-Halbmessers. Sirius. \nii, 1875, 128. SlEFERT (O.). Entwickelung der Ansichten des Alterthums iiber Gestalt und Grosse der Erde. SiGORNE (DE). Demonstration . . . del'impossibUitSdescauees physiques pour la formation de sa figure. Bibl. Brit. Gendve, xxxviii, 1809, 99. S1MP6ON (T.). Mathemathical dissertations. London, 1740< SiiiAPEi) ("W. S. 1)E). 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Soc, Month. Kot., xvii, 1857, :'.8-6:i. On the effect of local attraction in modifying the np. parent form of the earth. Key. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., xvii, 1857, 230-241. An examination of the figure of llie ludiun mi ridiau. Key. Aslron. Soc, Month. Not., xvii, 1857, 58-03; Asiat. Soc, Joum., xxviii, 18.19, 17-22. TiiEiiNUIs (H.). Dissertatio cosmographica do mngnitudiiie telluris ad oelum compar.ito. Jenif, 1658. Timmermaxb (J. A.). De figura telluris. Gandee, 1822. 374 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUEVEY. EARTH, FIGURE OP— Continued. TohHLNii K 1 1). On tin- ffjuatinn which determines the form ol' the Hli itia ill Lcp' ndre'a aud Laplace's theiiry ol* the tis- lire of the earth. Phil. .Soc. Canlh., Trans., XII. 1873, 301-318. A hiatorj ... of the tigure of the earth. LouduD, 1B73. Trevv (A.) Uisputatio do immohilitate terra> contra Coper- niciim. Altdorf., 11)36. Tkiksmxkek (F. de p.). Siaseriatio de figura telluris e solis eelipaiblla dedtu'ta. Ejili. A.strou., a Llell et Triesueclier, anni 1791, 307-412. UnferiiingeK (F.). Ueher die Bestimiuunc diT Abplattung der Erde ana den pleichzeitipen Angaben einea Quecksil- lier- und eiues Aiien»id--liarometer3. Areli. d. Math. (Grunert). XUI, 1864, 443-452. Voiron. Hi.'stoire de t'astTunumie. Paria, IKIO. Wacnek (11.). Die Dinieusionen dea Erdspharoids nach Bes- aels Klementeu. Geogr. JaUrb. (Bebui), 1870, i-!xi. Walueck (H. J.). Diasertatio de forma et magnitadine tel- luris ex dimenaio avcuhus meridiani deflniendis. Ahox, 1819. (A. G). De dimensionibua uonnullia terriB per an- tiquoa faetis. Schloauigu;, 1740. Waller (K.). The measnre of the earth. Louduu. 1688. Warge.ntin (P. v.). Oiu jordeus akapnad ocU atorlek. K. Svenskft Vetens. Acad.. Hand)., X, 1749, 233-245: XI, 1750, i-ii, 81-94. Waits (W.). On the ellipticity of the earth. Edinb. I'hil. Jouru.. ill, 1S2U. 288-293. Weisuach (J.). Vortriigo iibcr mathematische Geographie. Freiburg. 1878. Williams (T.). ... method of proceeding to discover the va- riation of the earth's diauielers. London, 1786. WlNDSHKlM (C. N. HE). Deteriuinatio exactior cradiium in ti^uia lelluri» hypothelico apl.a-rica aut ax'I^^foida. Acad, de St.-Pitirabourg, Coiuni.. 1740, 222-231. WrrisiEi.N (T. L.). Abplattuns ties Eidspharoids. Inl. (!eod. Cong., Gin. Her.. 1870, 40. WoLFEiis (J. P ). Uiber die (iestalt nnd Griiaae der Erde iiaeh Besael. / Ges. d. Erdkuude, Monataber, ill, 1842, 197-199: Zeita. f. alls- Erdkuude. XI. 1861, 1-6; Xlll, 1802, 413-115. WooiiWAHii (K. S.). On the form aud position of the aea level. Anu. Math.. II, 1886, 97-103, 121-131; III, 1887, 11-25; Waah- iugton, 1888. YoiNii (T.). Kemarks on the . . . dgure of the earth, (^uait. Jouiu. Sei., IX, 182U, 32-34. Estimate of the eflcct of the terms involving the square of the diatuibiug force on the figure of the earth. Quart. Jouru. Sci., .\xi, 1826, 346-347. TTOS-VII.LAHCEAU (A.-J.-F.). Zach (1'. X. VON). Ueher die MoKlichkeit, dieOestalt der Erde una Gradineaauugeu zu beatiuiiuen. Mou. Corr. (Zach). Xlll, 1806, 222-255; XX, 1809, 3-0. Zacii (K. X. VON). Considirfttioua sur rapl;iti3seuieut do la terrc. Bibl. Brit. Geuive, Xl.iv. 1810, 295-302: Gioru. d, Kis. (Brn- guatelli). III, 1810, 429-134; Mon. Corr. (Zach), XXV, 1812, .lOil-STS; Bibl. Uuiv. Gciitvc, XLIV, 1830, 1-11. Zamjtti-Bia.\co (O.). 11 problems meccanico della fignra della leira. Firenze. 1880-'85. Znacek-ski (.\. A.). De fignra et magnitudiue terraqua. Cracow, 1776. EARTH, FIGURE OF— Continued. ANON. Kiirlli, liirurr of. Cyelnpa-ilia (Ui-es), XIII, under "Earth.'* Meauro de la terre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Hiat., I, 1733, 124-131. Sur la figure de la torve. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Meiu., 1742, 86-104, Figure de la tei re. Encyclopedic, par Diderot, vi, Paria, 1756, 749-761. Instruction aur lea mesures deduitea de la gnindeur de la terre, nnifoniies pour toute la lepublique : et aur lea calculi relatifa ft leiir division decim:ile. Par la coniiuis- siou teiiipnrairo dea poida et meaurea ri'pulilicaiues ; en esljcutiou dea d^creta de la Convention n.itionale. S^eouile Edition, ri vne, corrigee et augmeutce, 8°, Paris, (an 3, 1797]), pp. xxviii. 22), 1 plate, 14 tablca. Folgemugen aus der Precession und Nutation fiir die Mondsmasse P'.rdabplattung, und mittlere Aeijuatorlal- Parallaxe dcs Moudes. Mon. Corr. (Zach), xii, 1805, 336-340. [Werthe der Abplattuug der Erde durcli verachiedeuu Metbode erlangt.] Mon, Con. (Z;icb), XXIII, 1811, 251. Tianalatiun of a letter from a learned foreigner to a friend in this country, ou the tigure of the e;irth, and on the leuj;th of the secouiL-^ pendulum in ditiereut latitudea. Quart. Jouru. Sci., v, 1817, 2:J5-245. Note upon the knowledge which the Egyptians a)ipear to have bad of the tigure of the earth. Quart. Journ. Sci., v, 1817, 241^247. Erde, Figur und Geatalt. Pierer'a UuiveiaalLesikon, v, Altenburg, 1858, 828-832. The form and magnitude of the earth. Encycl., CUamuels, III, 1861, 735-737. Die Gestalt der Erde. AUg.deutscho Ke;U Eucyklopiulie, v, 180S, 894-900. Dimension de la terre. Giaud liictioiinaire Univerael dn xix*^ siScle. Paria, .xiv, 1875, 1649-1650. Mass aud density of the earth. Encyclopedia, Chambers, III, 1876, 736. The shape of the earth. Pop. Sci. Month., XV, 1879. 8.?7-858. Kegarding tiie diseus.sion of Hampden and Proctor, the former iusiating that the earth is liat. Earth. Am.Cjclopiedia, New York, VI, 1883, 354-359. Density aud figure of the earth. From : Comptes Kuudus, Feb. 16, 1885, Joum. Inst., cxx, 1885, 392. Eckbai'dt (Christian Iiudvirig Philipp). [Mcssiino ciucr Ba»i^s mit l'i:Uin;i8liiljcii.] • Aatrou. Corr. (Zacli), .\xiii, ISll, 507-509. c< Schleyermacher. Mdmoiro-snr la niesiiro de la biisi! de Darmstadt, exdcnt^o en octobro 1S0.S. Dress^ sur Ic.s notes et les niauii.surits origitiaiix coiii- 11111UU11168 (lar les auteursdo cetto luesure. Par Dil- IJibl. Uuiv. Genfeve, 11, IHW, 3-16, 81-100. Vorlaiiligo Nachricbtcii von den guodiitischcn Operatioiieu znr Verbiudiing dor Observalorieii von Gottiugen, cjeebeig, Darmstadt, Maunbeiiu, Siicii-r, tiiid StraNsluirg. Vorgetiagcu in der er.stcn Sitziing der pliysik;iliscbeu Sektion der Versainuiliiiig dir Naturforsi her in .Stuttgart den 19. September 1834 4°, Stuttgart, 1834, pp. 7-13. (Washington, Co» t Survey). Lithographed results of observations and a^jnstments. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. '615 Eckhardt (CUristian Ludwig Philipp) — Continued. Uebir (ill' t;''"''iitischen Arbeitcu zwischiu Strass- burg mill iJottiugen. Astrou.Naohr.,xil, 1835,127-134; KiUtuer'sArcbiv Nut ml., XXVI, 1834, 'JOC-SOS. Ecole Norm. Sup., Ann., for Aunales scientifiques lirst occasion of tho (iiapute concern- ing the protcuded elunjiutiou of tho (artli ; this did not coaso until 173C. — Lalandc, iiibl. Aatr., 3*24. i)e pouderibus et mensuris veterum Romauorum, Onecorum, Hobra-oruni; nee non de valore pocuniie veteris disquisitio nova: testimoniis vetustis, ratio- * uibus. Experimentis, calculis, recens factis sufl'ulta. 120, Argentorati, 1708, jip. [xxii], 1!)7. (liritish Museum.) Terra* itiaguitudo, 121-123. [Sur la figure do la terre. ] Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M(ll-r.21. A good diHCiisaion of Koniaii units of length. Emory (W. H.) : Francoeur (L. B.). K.\lracts from tho treatise im geodesy. Ttanslated by — . Journ. Frank, inst., XXXI, 1841, 309-319, 3(;il-:i74 ; XXXII, 1841, l.'->-23, 145-154, 217-224, 289-298. Encke (Joharm Franz). Ueber die Begriinduug der Methode der kleinsteu Quadrate. Astron. Jalirb. (Bode), 1834, 249-304; 1835, 253- 320; 1836, 252-310; Corres. Math. (Qnotelot), vii, 1832, 1-12. Beitrag zur Begrilndung der Methode der kli iii- Bten Quadrate. K. Ak. d., Bcr., 1850, 211-214. Ueber die Dimensionen des Erdkorpers, uebst Tafelu nach Bes.sels Bestiiiimungen. Astron. Jahrb. (Bode), 18.52, 318-342. Ueber die Anwondnng der Wahrscheiulichkeits- rechming auf Beobachtungen. Astrou. Jahrb. (Bode), 1853, 310-352. Gcsaramelto matbematische und astrouomische Abhandlungeu. 8°, Berlin, 1888. Fei'd. Diimmlers. (Washington, Observatory.) Methode der kleinsten Quadrate, n, 1-248. Engel Die mitteleuropiiische Gradraessung, und die ersto allgemeiuo Conferenz der von den Regiernnoen der betheiligteu Staatcu dazu Bevollmacbtigtcii in Berlin \om 15. bis 22. October 1864. Fol., Berlin, 1864, pp. 8. (Vieun.a, War Office.) Separatabdruck, Zcita. d. k. jireusa. staiistisch. liii- rcaua, iv, 1864, x. Engelbreit (Karl). Instruuieute der hohcrcu uud iii< - dreii Geodlisio und die Hydrometrie mit erliiuterndiMii Texte. Fol., Nuruberg, 18.V2, 20 pi. (Miinich, Royal.) Eugelmaun (Rudolf). Alihaudlungeu vou Be.ssel. Leipzig, 1875-'76. Title in full under Bebsel (F. W.). ENGLAND. ADEi.ns. The geodesy of Britain. London, 1850. ('LAltKE (A. R.). Some details respecting the trigonon»etiic;il survey of the British Isles. ]{uy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not. , xvui, IMS, 113-114. Dai.uv (I.). Remarks on Major Roy's account of the trigenn metrical operation.^. Eoy. Soc. Loudon, Phil. Trans, L.\x.\, 17U0, 593-OU. Delambue (J.-B.-J.). E.\pos6des operations trigonoio6tii. .Tames (IT.). On the geodetic operations of iln- Ordicin, •■ Sur vey. Roy. Inst., Proc, ll. 1851-'58, 5l«-.''.21. Ordnance tijgonoinelrlcal survey ■ . . : oecouur of Iho observations and calculations of the principal It-i.mgn'a- tion. London. IS.W. Extensions of tho triangulation of the Ordnnuco Sur* voy into France and Bidgiiim. London, 1803. 376 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. ENGLAND— Contiinipa. KATEit (II.). Au account of trigonomotricftl operations in 1821-23. for deterniining tbo difference of longitude be- tween Paris and Greenwich. Koy.Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cxviii. 1828. 153-239. MossMAN (S.). Origin of the tiisonometiiial survey. Geogr. Slag., v, 1878, 17G-179. Primary base on liouuslow lleath. GeofT. Mag., v, 1878, 282-2Sti. MtJiiOE (AV.). An account of the trigonometrical survey (of England]. Key. Soc. London, Phil. Tr.ins., i_\xiv,1795, 414-591 ; 1797,432- 541; 1800, 539-724; xcl 1 1. 1803, 383-508; London, 1799,1801, 1811. Palmer (H. S.). The Ordnance Surrey of Uie Kingdom. Loudon, 1873. KOURIQL'EZ (J.). Observations on the measurement of three degrees of the meridian in England. Eoy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., CII, 1812, 321-351; Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), XLI, 1813, ^0-31, 90-100. Ryde (E.). The Ordnance Survey of the United Kingdom. Surveyors' lust., Tvan.s., xv 1882-'83, ii, 25-62. W. (B.). The Ordnance Survey. Dub. Univ. Mag., XI, 1838, 333-357. ■White (T. P.). The Ordnance Survey of the United Kingdom. London. 1886. Akox. The English and Irish Ordnance Surveys. Penny Mag. xiii, 1844, 389-391, 402-403. Geodetic work. [Mention of geodetic work in report of council,] Eoy. Aetron. Soc, Month. Not., vn, 1845-'47, 228-231. Notice of the trigonometrical survey of London. Journ. Erauk. Inst , XLVii, 1849, 122-123. A short description of the scaffold (91 feet high) that was built around the dome of St. Paul. ■ Trigonometrical survey. Great Britain. Memorial of the Brtish Association for the Advancement uf Science, printed by order of the House of Commons, Feb., 1836. Edinb. Kov., xcv, 1852, 179-213. Keport from the select committee on the Ordnance Sur- vey (Scotland) ; together with the proceedings of the coui- niittee, minutes of evidence, etc. Printed by order of the House of Commons, July, 1851. Edinb. Rev., xcv, 1852, 179-213. The Ordnance and Topographical Surveys. Chambers' Journ., XLvni, 1871, 14-16. The Ordnance Survey of Great Britain. Fiom "The Architect." Van Nostrand's Mag., vill, 1873, 338-342. The progress of the Ordnance Survey. Geogr. Mag., HI, 1870, 192-193. Somet lung about the Ordnance Survey. All the Year Round, XXXIII, 1877, 224-228. Notes on the government surveys of the principal conntnes. with the civil and military divisions and area of each country, measures of len^ih and surface, lists of gov. ernmeut maps, conventiiuial signs and abbreviations em- ployed, and useful table for map reading; to which isadded a list of colonial and extra-Continental possessions and a list of map agents. 8=, Loudon, 1882, pp. 166, 22 plates- (Southampton, Ord- nance Survey.) Ung. Soc. Lehigh Univ., Journ., for JoiiiiiiU cf the Eiigiiieerinji 8ipciet.v of Luliijjli Univorsity. 8°, BetblcUeni, Pa. Cnneper (Alfred). Beinerkniigcn iiluT geodiitiscbe Linieii. Z»'itb. f. Math. ( Schlomilch ), xviu, 1873, 613- 618. Enneper (Alfred) — Coutiimed. Utiber FUiclien mil besonderen Meridiaiiknrven. K. Ges. d. Wiss. GOttingen, math. CI., xxix, 1883, 1-87. Eph. Astron. i, Hell), /or Ephemprides astronomi ;ul mo- ridiaiium Viiidoboueusem (Hell). 8°, Wien, 1756-1805 (50 vols.). (Paris, Observa- tory. ) Erfurth. Technischer Betrieb der Feldarbeiten der Tri- angulatioii 1. Ordimng bei der trisonometrischen Abtbeiliiug der preiissiscben Landesaufuabmo. Zeits. f. Vermes., xvi, 1887, 377-383, 421-437. Erman (Georg Adolph). Uebor geodiitiscbe Arbeiteu und astrouomiscben Ortsbestimmungea durcb Oflfi- ziere des russiscben Generastabes. Arcb. Russ. (Erman). I, 1841, 17-34. Ueber die Resultate vou Geueral Scbubort's Tri- angulatiou des Petersburger und der augriiiizeudeu ^ Gouvernements. Arcb. Russ. (Erman), iv, 1845, -^74-319. A review of "Trigonometrische Aufnahmc des Peters- burger. Pskower, "Witebsker und eines Theils dea NovgoroderGonverneinents, auf allerhochsten Befehl in den Jahren 1820 bis 1832 ausgefuhrt durch Gene- ral-Lieutenant Schubert, Petersburg, 1842" (3 vols.). ERROR. MEAN. See MEAN ERROR. ERROR, PROBABLE. See PROBABLE ERROR. ERRORS OF OBSERVATION. Abue(D. E.). (_k-setzn)assigkeit inderVerthcUungderFehler bei Beobachtungsreihen. Jena, 1863. AuAX (E.). Loi E6n6rale de la probabilit6 des errenrs . . . Acad, de Belgique, Bull., xxni, 1867. 148-187. Airy (G. B.). On the algebraical and numerical theory of errors of observation. London, 1861. Bertkand (J.). Sur la loi des erreuia d'observation. • Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Conip. Rend., cv, 1887, 1147-1148. Sur la loi de probability des erreurs d'observation. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., cvi, 1888, 153-156. Bessel (F. W.). Untersuchungen iiber die "Wabrscheinlich- keit der Beobachtungsfehler. Astron. Nachr., XV, 1838, 369-404. Borsch (O.). Die Genauigkeit der Winkel- und Linieu-Mes- sungen. Zeits. f Math. (Schlomilch), vni, 1863, 321-341. Cf.OTrES (M.). Ueber koustanto Messungsfehler in Poly- gonziigen. Zeits. t. Vermes., xil, 1883, 641-646. Crokton (M. W.). On the proof of the law of errors of ob- serval ions. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., CLX, 1870, WS-ISa r)E MoRiiAN (A.). On the theory of errors of observations. Phil. Soc. Camb., Trans., x, 1861, 409-127. DiEXrtKU (J.). Ueber die Ausgleichuug der Beobachtungs- fehler. Arch. d. Math. (Grnnort), xviii, 1852, 149-193; xix, 1853, 211-227; Braunschweig, 1857; K. k. Ges. d. Wiss., math.- naturwiss. CI., Denkschr., xxxiv, 1875, ii, 21-02. DONKIN (W, F.). An essay on the theory of combination of observations. Journ. d. Math. (Liouville), xv, 1850, 297-322. DORST ( F. ,T. ) . Ueber die G rosse der Beobachtungsfehler beim Ablesen eingetbeilter Instrumente. Zeits. t. Insti-umentenkundc, VI. 1886, 383-387. Encke (.T. F.). Ueber die Auwondung der Wahrscheinlich- keits-Rechnung auf Beohuchtuugeu. Astron. Jahrb, (Bode), 1853, 310-352. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SOliVEY. 377 ERRORS OF OBSERVATION— Continued. ClALss (C. F.). ];. Htiiumuiig ilir Ciiiauickeit rter Bi'obach- tungeo. Zcit». f. Aslrou. (Linrtinaii), I, 1S1«, 185-107. Tltcoria eonibinationis observatiouuni errorilms niiiii- niis oliiioxia^. K. Ct.-s. iI. Wiss. Gottingen, Com., v, lS19-'22, 33-90. Glairhek (J. W. L.). On the law of the facility of iriors of observations. Eoy. Astron. Soc, Mem., -xxxix. 187'J, 75-124; Mouth. Not., XXXII, 1872, 241-242. HelmEUT (F. R.). Ueber den Miiximalfeliler oiner Beobat-h- tiiuj;. Zoits. f. Vermes., vi, 1877. 131-147. KOriTiKR (W.). Einfiihrnng unvollataudiger BcobaihtUDgen in die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrt-cliuuug. Zeits. f. Vermes., xxix, 1884, 193-211. KUMMBLL (C. H.). Now investigation of the law of i^rror.s of obsor^'ation. Analyst, in, 1877, 133-140, 165-171 : vi, 1879, 80-81. LlAGKE (J.-B.-J.). Snr la probability do rexistenco d'lmu d't-rreur dans «ne serie d'obnervatiuns. Acad, do Belgique, Bull., xxn, 1855, ii, 0-13, 15-54. Maggi (G.-A.). lulorno ad alcune forraolo relative al calcolo degli orrori d' osservazione. 1st. Lombardo, KenU., xv, 1882, ii, 351-358. Maxning (E. a.). Method of correcting errors in the obser- vation of the ,in;zlos of plane triangles. Inst. Civ. Eng., Proc, Lxxiii, 1883, 289-310. MOROZOwicz (O. VON). Ueber den mittlereu Fehler der Win- kelmessnng. Zeits. f. Vermes., vi, 1877, 383-395. Pkirce (C. S.) On the theory of errors of observalionH. V. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1870, 200-224. Poi8SO.\ (S.-D.). Surla probabilit6 des r^sultats moyens des obser\'ationa. Conn. d. Temps, 1827, 273-302; 1832, 3-22. RlTTER ( F.). Ueber die Fehler der 'Winkelmessungen mittelst theodolit. AUg. BaJzeit. (Ffirster), xxxiii-xxxiv, 18fl8-'09, 112-125. Sauebeck (B. A. M.). Schreibeu an den Herausgeber. Aston. Nachr., Lxxxix, 29-32. Sasg (E.). Notice of an erroneous method of using the theodolite. Edinb. I'hil. Journ., xxvi, 1838, 173-182. SciilOmilch (0.). Ueber die Beslimmung der Walirscheiii- lichkeit einos Eeohachtungsfebler.s. Zeits. f. Math. (Schliimilch'), xvii, 1872, 87-88. SciiOTT (C. A.). Probable erior of observation, derived from observation.^ of horizontal angles at any station. U. S. C. and G. Survey. Rep., 1S54, 80-95. VoGLKii (C. A.). Genauigkeit einiger Xiiheruufisformeln zum Zerlegen niittlcrer Beobachtungs- Fehler. Zeits. r. Vermes., VI, 1877, 3BC-412. Esckmaun (Johannes). EryclniiKso der tri>;oiiciintlti- KiliLU VeriiiosHUiig in der Scbweiz. Nacli BefcLI der liohcn Tagsatziinf; aii8 den Protokollon dereidnenn.s- BiMclieu Tiiangnlirung bearbeitet nud herausgegeben von J. ENcbuiuiin. 4 , Ziirich, 1840, iip. xvi, 237, 1 chart. (Gore.) ETHIOPIA. Alui.MUK (A. It'). R68um6 geod^vtiiiue des positions d6te|. minxes en fithiopie. Leipzig, IS-'tO. Geodf^sie d'nne partie de la liaute fithiopie. Paris, 18eo-'63 ; Paris, 1873. GlLliEur tP.). Compte rendu de la g6od68ie d'fithiopie. Rev. Quest. Soi., 1, 1877, 318-319. Espinosa y Tello (Jose.). Meiiiorias solirc las obser- vjit'ioucs astroiuMiiica.s heclias \tov lo.s navi<;aiites es- l)afioles en distintos higares del globo. (H.) 4'^ 2 vols., Madrid, 1809. The second memoir has an appendix (iearril)ing the re. suits of pendulum operation.s under Malespina. Eiiler (J. Albrecht). Versuch die Fignr der Erdeu diirch Bfobachtungen des Mondes zu bestiniraen. K. bayer. Ak. d. Wiss., Abhandl., v, 1763, 197-214. [Euler (Leonhard).] Metliodiis viri celeberrimi Leonb. Euleii deterniinaudi gradus incridiani jiariterac pa- rallel! telhiris secnnduui mensuram a celeb, de Man- liertnis ciiiu sociis in.stitutam. St. •P^tersbourg, Comm., xii, 1740, 224- 240. : Lacaille (N.-L. de). Sur la precision des me- snies gdoddsiques, i'aites en 1740, ii I'occasion d'lin niiS- moire de M. — . Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mem., 175.5, 53-59. De oscillatiouibus miuiuiis penduli (|iiotcunq\ie poudusculis ouusti. Acad, de St.-P<5ter8bourg, Comm., xix, 1775,38-39. Do inotu oscillatorio penduli cujuscnnque, diuii arcus datiB ainplitudiuis ab.solvit. Acad, do St.-Pdtersboiirg, Acta, i, 1777, ii, 159-182. Theoria parallaxeos ad tiguram terra' spbseroidi- cam accommodata. St.-P(5tersbourg, Acta, 1,1799, 241-278. Enodatio difficultatis super figura terra) a vi centrifuga oriuuda. Acad, de St.-P^tersbourg, Acta, u, 1887, 121. Everest (George). On tbe triangulation of the Cape of Good Hope. Roy. Astrou. Soc, Mem., i, 1822-'25, 255-270. On the corrections reqnisite for the triangles which occur in geodesic operations. Roy. Astrou. Soc, Mem., ii, 1826, 37-44. On the errors likely to arise in tlie detcrmiua- liou of the length of tlio pendulum from a false po sition of the lixed axis. Roy. Astron. Soc, Mem., iv, 1830-'31, 25-37; Month. Not., I, 1827-'30, 117-119. An account of tbe measurement of an arc of the meridian between 18° 3' and 24'- 7', being a contin- uation of the great meridional are of India, as de- tailed by the late Lieut. -Col. Lambton in the vid- umcH of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta. 4*^, London, 1830, pp. xii, 3.i7, 5 maps. (British Museum.) Revd. in Calcutta Kevii'W. Vll, 1845, «2-95. Oil the forinuhe for caleiihiliug a/iiiiulb in trig- onometrical operations. Asiatic KeKearches, XVIII, 1833, ii, 93-100). On tbe coiniiensating measuring apparatn.i of I lie great trigonoiuetrical survey of India. ANiatie Researeh. s, .will, 1833. ii, 189-214. Some acconnt of tho jirogiess of the Irigomunet- rical survey now carrying on in India. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., IV, 1830-'39, 206- 210. On tbe geodetieal operations of Inditi. Brit. A. A. .S., Kep., xiv, 1^44, 3-4. 378 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Everest (George)— Contiuued. Au accouul of the measurement of two soctiotis of the meridional arc of luiliji conducted under the orders of the honorable East India Coniiiany, bounded by the parallels of 18° 3' 15", 24" 7' 11", and 29° •M' 48". 4°, London, 1847, pp. xii, clxxxvii, 43i», 31 plates. (Washington, Congress.) Revd. ill Edinl). Kct., lx.\xvii, 1848, 3!)2-418. Rectification of logarithmic errois iTi the meas- urements of two sections of the meridional arc of In- dia. Koy. Soc. Lond., Proc, IX, I8.->8, 6>0-rv26. Errors were in the 12tb and l^OIh trianj;les in tbe pub- lished account of 1817. AltelUiou is also called to the correction due to reduction to sea level, using recent determinations of altitudes. EXPANSION. Sfr STANDARDS OF LENGTH. EytelMvein (Johauu Albert). Ucbir die Priifimg der Nornial-Maa.SMMiiidUewichte lUrdcn lioniglith-preus- sisclieu Staat uud ihre Vergleichiing mit den fran- ziisichen Waasscn uiid Gewichten. K. Ak. d. Wiss., math. CI., Abhuiull., 1825, 1-21. Vergleichnng dur ueue.sten euglischen Maasse uud Gewichte mit den preussischeu. A. Ak. d. Wis., math. CI., Abhaudl., 1827, 1-8. F. Kt'iiort of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, showing the progress of the work during the year ending Oclol>er, 1847. Jouru. Frank. lust., XLV, 1848, 213-217. A brief review of the worli of the ye.^r. Two extracts: one on use of electromagnetic ti-legrapli for ditler- enccs of longitude, and om^ on base line at Dauphin's Island. Keport of the Superintendent of the Coast Sur- vey, showing the progress of the work for the year ending November 13, 1848. •louru. Frank. lust., XLVll, 1849, 141-144. A short review of the work for that year. Report of Prof. Alexander D. Bache, Superin- tendent of the Coast Survey, showing the progress of (hat work for the year ending October, 1849. .loiirn. Frank. Inst., L, 1850, 72. Keportof the Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey, showing the progress of the work for the year ending November, IH.'iO. Journ. Frank. lust., LI, 1851, 359-360. Pa^ de Bruno (Francesco). Ddmonstration 61re partio. Astronomie sphdrique — description des instruments, tlidorie des erreurs, gdoddsie et g, 99-103, ■J'.».',-299, 841-844. : Lapparent (A. de). Snr les ra|)port8 de la g6o- de-sie avec la geologic. K^ponse anx observations de M. — . Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Reml., iiii, ls8fi, 772-774. RiSpouse i\ uno note do M. ile Lappari'iil, en date du 2'i noveuibre (C. R.,CIII, 1880, 1040-1042), sur les conditions de forme et de deimild do IVcorce ter- restre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rnnd., cm, l.'-'HI'i, 1093- 1101, 1221-1224. Fearnley (C). Bericht iil)erdie Gradmessungsarbeiten Norwcgen. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Bcr., 1865, 39-42. B( rieht iiber die geodiitischeu Arbeiteu in Nor- wegen fiir das Jahr 1871. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Bcr., 1871, 58-63. Bericht iiber die geodatlscben Arbciten in Nor- \vegen pro 1875. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen. Bcr., 1875, 180-181. v)id Haffner (N.). Bericht der uorwegischen Commission. [Geodetic] Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1877, 292-294. Bericht iiber die geodiitischeu Arbeiteu in Nor- wegen fiir das Jahr 1878. Int. Geod. Cong., Gcn.-Ber., 1878, 90. Bericht iiber die gcodatischen Arbeiteu in Nor- wegcn fiir das Jahr 1880. Inl. Geod. Cong., Gen. Bit., 1880, 2i.'-23. , Mohii (H.), Schrotz (O.) uiid Haffner (W.i. Geodatische Arbeiteu. Publication dernorwegischen Commission der europiiischeu Gradmessuug. I. Die Basis auf Egelberg bei Christiauia und die Basis auf Riuileuleret bei Levauger, 4°, Christiauia, 1882, pp. [iii], 42 [86], 2 m.aps. II. Die Verbinduug der Basis bei Christiauia niit der Hanptdreiecks-Seite Toaas-Kolsaas, Christiauia, 1880, pp. 08, t map. III. Die Vcrbindung der Basis auf nleu Rindeu- leret niit der HauptdreiecUs-Seite Stokvola llaars- kallen, Christiauia, 1882, pp. 74-170, 1 map. IV. Das uiirdliche Dreiecksnetz zur Verbinduug der Ilaupt-Dreieckseiteu Haarskalleu-Stokvola unil Spaatind-Niiverfjeld, Christiauia, 1885, pp. 180-288, 3 maps. (Gore.) V. Das mittlerc Dreiecksnetz, Oliristiania, 1887, r pp. 73, 1 map.. VI. Das siidliche Dreiecksnetz, Christiauia, 1888, ]ip. 71, 1 plate. Bericht iiber die geoiliilischeu Arbeiteu in Nor- wegen fiir die Jalire 1881 uud 1882. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1881-'82, 148-150. Zur Theorie der terrestrisobeu Refraction. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1883, 13-27, Appen- dix 7. Bericht iiber die geodiitisclien Arbeiteu in N'nr- wegen fiir das .Jahr 1883. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., l-'83, 294-295. [Bericht iiber die geodiitischeu Arbeiteu in Nor- wegen, l--85-'8(i. ] lut. Geod. Cong., Verhandl., 1884-'86, 149-157. Fechiier (Gustav Theodor). Uebcr die Bcstiminuug des wahrseliiiiilielieu I'ehlers eiues Beobaclitunj;s- mittels dunli die Snninie der eiufaelieu .\l(\v< irlmn- gen. Phys. (PoggendoilV), .Iiilielban.l, l.S74,Oli-s|. licn-d. in Jalirl). iib. d. Forl.wlii d. IMatb.. vi, 1874. T'-'H. Ueber den Ausgangswerth der kleiusten Ab- weichungssnmnie, de.sseu Bestiuimung. VeHMiidnng uud Verallgiiuoiuerung. Ak. d. \Vis.s. Leipzig, math.-phys. CI., Abhandl., xi, 1874, 1-70. 330 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Fedorow (Vastly Theodorovich). Vuiliiutigo Berichte Uljui- Uiu vou ibm iu den Jahreu lb3i bis 18:!7 auf allerLoubsten Belebl iu West-Sibirien ausgefiibrteu :i»lrouoiuiscb-gfoj;iapbiscbeu Arbeiteii. In Auftrag ilrr kaiscrl. AUadeiiiin dcr Wisscuscbatteu berausge- gebeu vou F. G. W. Stnive. 8°, St. Petersburg, 18d3, pp. xii, 17it, 1 map. (Britisb Museum.) Feer {^luntelimes Fehr] (Johann). L'eber die trigono- melriscbo uud astronomistbu Vermessuug des Kbein- tbales der Scbweiz. Geogr. Epb. (Zacb), III, 17U9, 350-302, 4Ga-472. Feldt (Laureutius). Forinula' toudiliouie Gaussiaiue de liueia in swpertjeie curva brevissiiiiis evolulio.* Bruusberga', 1614. Formube Besseliauiu de latitudiiie locurum geo- grapbica cvolutio.* Briiusbergic, 1848. Fenner von Fenneberg (Ludwig Ferdinand). Ueber die Verscbiedeubeit der grieebiscbeu ijtadieu uud Fus.smaasse. 8^', Berliu, 1858, pp. iv, 130. (Gore.) Iuauf;, weluho luit Geuebliiiguug dtr ]thilotiupluuclieu FucuUuet zu Marburg zur Jllrlau- jiulig der Uocturwutrde eiugL-ricbt. Fenner (P.). Baa Verbiudungsvierecli zwiscbcii deu Dreiicksnetzeu vou Spauieu uud Algier. Zeits. f. Vermes., H, 1882, 3U3-308. Uie strenge Ausgleicbuug regelmiissiger Poly- goiiziige naeb der Aletbodu dir lileiusteu C^uadrate uud ibre Anweudung zur Kaberuugs-Ausgleicbuug beliebiger Polygouziige. Zeits. f. Vermes., xvi, 1887, 249-271, 287-297. Fergola ^Emanuele). Sulla posizioue dell' asse di rola- zioiio della terra, rispetto all' assb di tigura. 4^^, Napoli, 1874, pp. 32. (Gore.) 'i'akbU Irom At(i dclla K. Accademia delle scieuzo ti»icbe e mateuialicho di Napoli, vl, 1874. Kevd. iu Jabrb. lib. d. Fortscbr. d. Matb., vi, 1624, pp. 725- 720, by lilHUNsli Helmeet, Astrou. Gesell., Viertil- jabra., xi, 187C, 94-J03. Dimeusiiini della terra e ricerea della posizioue del BUo asse di (igura rispetto a quello di rotazioue. i'-', Napoli, 1870, pp. 20. (Gore.) Tuki'U from Atti dclla li. Accademia delle scieuze lidiche e matematicbe dl Napoli, vil, 1875. Ebvd. iu Jabrb. iib. rt. Tortscbr. d. Matb., vii, 70U-701, by J«. IJUHo]; HF.1.51EUT, AstioH, Geoell., Vierlel- jabrs., XI, 1870,380-287. Fergola (Francesco). Relaziuue delle operazioui geo- delicbo e.scguito uelle proviucio setleutriouali del reguo di Napoli riguardauti bi coiigiuuzicme della specola reale di C'apodiuioute alia cupola di S. Pietro iu Itouia, e la rete du' trianguli ebe si lega alia triau- golazioue provcuicute dali' alta Italia. 4", Napoli, 1838, pp. 27. (Hritisb Museum.) Kepriut from Auuali ^•i^■ili ilcl ro^uo dcllo duo Sicilio, .WIU, 1838. Ceiiuo storieo dei lavori geodetici e topografici cseguite uel K. officio topogralico di Napoli, 1851.* Ferguson (James). lutioduetiou toastnmomy; describ- ing tbe ligure, uiotious, and diiueiisions of tbe earlb; tbc difl'ereiit seasons; gravity and ligbl; tbe solar system; tbo transit of Venus; tbe moon's motion; tbe eclipses of tbo sun and moon, etc., wilb plates.* 8°, 1799. Fernandez (Leandro) j/ Jimiuez (Francisco). Deter- miuaciou de )a lougitud del pfiudulo de seguudos eii Mexico. 8°, M6xico, 1879, pp. 61. Separate f ; om Observatorio aatronomico ceut ra!, 1878-'7!). Fernelius fJohannls) [Jean Fernel]. Cosmotbeoria libros duos eomplexa. Prior, mnndi totius et fnr- mani et compositiouem: ejus subicde parlium ((jua^ elemeuta ct coilestia sunt corpora) situs ut magui- tudiues: obiu taudem motus quosius solerter rel'erat. Posterior, ex niotibus, sidem loca et passiones disqui- sit: iuterspersis hct planelbodium. Fob, Parisiis, 1582, pp. [vii], 40, 30, 42. (Oxford, Bodleian.) : Lalaude (J. de). Sur la mesure de la terre, que publia iu 1828. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M^m., 1878, 210-225. — : De Morgan (A.). Ou tbe bi.story of — 's measure of a degree. L., F., D. Pbil. Mag., xix, 1841, 445-447; xx, 1842, llG-117, 230-233, 408-411 ; xxi, 1842, 22-25. — : Galloiway (T.) Remarks on — 'a measure of a degree. L., F., D. Pbil. Mag., xxi, 1842, 25-28; xx, 1855, 90-98. Perreira de Castro (A. G.). Trabalbos gGodesicos en Au'iiila, recoubecimeuto do terreno para oest.abeleci- mento de uma base geodesica e escolba de poutos para uma triiiugulayao de primeira ordeu. ti^, u. d., pp. 112, 3 plates. (Berliu, Geodetic lu- stitute.) Ferrero (Annibale). Memoria sobre la forma mas cou- veuieute de los triaugulos geod^sicos. 4'^, Madrid, 1853; Acad. d. .Sci. Paris, Mdm., ii, 18.53, 77-84. Esposizione del metodo dei minimi quadrati. 8°, Firenze, 1870, pp. x, 228, 1 i>late. (Soutbamp- ton, Ordnance Survey.) Abstract by PiaiiCE (C. S.), Am. Jour. Math., I, 1878, 59-63. Sur la compensation d'un rfiseau trigonoiu^trique. Int. Geod. Coug., Gen.-Ber., 1877, 217-224. Note sur uu proc^d2. FIGURE OF THE EARTH. S,, EARTH, FIG- URE OF. FIGURE, ADJUSTMENT OF. Ani>raf. (C. C. G.). Ueberdie Ausgleichung eine.s Dreicrks- nfttzcs. Int. Good. Cong., Gfn.-Ber., 1877, 244-252. Baeyek ( J. J. >. Dio Aliflosung giflsser spIiJirnidiHclit'U Droieckc. Aslron. Ninlir., l.xi, 186.3, 225-240. Uober die Berechnung spb^iroidischer Dreiecltc. Astron.NncIir., lxxi, 1S68, 289-314. Ausgleichung eines Dreiecksuetzes nach di-r I'ef*- Bel'schen Metliode. Berlin, 1871. Die YertbeilangderFehlernachWinkelgleicbnDguiid nach Seitcngleichnng. Berlin, 1871. Zerlegnng eines Dreieckenetzes nacli Gmppen. Int. Geod. Cong., Geu.Bir., 1877, 203-207. Vf rgleicimng cinigcr Hanptdroicckskctten mil iliT BcaHcrHclicn Methode. Berlin, 1879. Baur (C. W.). Die Ausgleichung der Richtnngen in eineni Dreiecksnetz niit nnvcllstandigeni Ccntralsysteni. Stuttgart, 1(^57. BlVER (P.-E.). Sur uno rouvcllo m6thode de conduire et do cfllniltT les triangul;ttionsg<'*od6sique8. Belgique. Bull., .\xiii, 1856, 99-148. BOklen (O.). tJeber die Winkelsunimo in Droiecken . . . Arcb.d.Matb. (Grunert), xi.iii, 1*65, 18-25. BOb«ch (A.). Ueber den Eiiifluss dor AVahl vor.scbiedenor Nullrichtnngen auf die Ausgleichung von BielituiigHlie- ubachtungen. Astron. Nachr., xcvn, 1880, 181-180. Bbitgcii (O.). Ueberdie An.^gleichung ciner uni ein Pulj-gon gtlegten geodiitisclieu Dreicckskctte. Astron. Nach., 1.XXXI, 1668, 26.5-208, 379-380. BhemIKBU (U.J. Ueber Wiiikelniessuug und Ausgleichung. Astron. Nach.. Lxxxix, 1877, 6.5-78. Das rbeinische Dreiecksnetz. Die Netznuagleichung. Berlin. 1876 (1882). Coi.E ( \V. H.). Note on the simultaneous reductions. India, Trig. Survey, vi, 1880, 101-164. DOOLITTI.E (M. II.). Closing of a circuit of trinngiilaiion. D. S. C. and G. Survej, Kep., 1875, 282-292. EvKKRftT (G.). On the corrections requisite fm tlie triangles which occur in geodesic operations. Roy. Astron. Sue, ileni., ]I, IWO, 37-44. Fesner (P.). Die strenge Ausgleichung regelniiissiger Poly- geliziigo . . . Zeits. r. Vermes., xvi, 1887, 249-271, 287-297. Fbrrbro (A.). Note sur un prcpcC'iU* ])ratique ptnir ^dablir I'accoid entre plusieurs bases d'une tri.ingulation. Astron. Nochr., xcvn. 1880, 177-182. FoLQfE (F.). Taboa para deterniinar a influenciu do eiro dos aiigiilos .«obre o calculo dos lados do tiiaiigutn. Lisbon, lh5t. « FIGURE, ADJUSTMENT OP— Continued. FOKEST (E. L. l>E). On ail.iustuieul formulas. Analyst, iv, 1877, 79-80, 107-113. On repeated adjustraonts, and on signs of residuals. Analyst, V, 1878. 65-72. On the limit of repeated adjustments. Analyst, v, 1878, 129-140. Hanse.s (P. A ). Ueber die Anwendung der Wahrscheinlich- keitsrecbnuug auf geodiitische Vcrraessung. Astron. Naehr., IX, 1831, 189-219. 237-202. . . . Ableitung des Ausgleichuugsverfafarens eines Dreiecksnetzes. K. siicha. Ges. d. Wiss.. niath.-phys. CI., Ber., XX, 1868, 129- 150. Entwickelung eines ueueii ver-inderten Verfahrens zrir Ausgleichung eines Dreieek-net/.es. K. siichs. Ges., Abbandl., xiv, 1809, rs5-287. Helmert (F. R.). Beitriigo zur Tbeorie der Ausgleichung trigonometrischer Netze. Zeits. f. Math. (Schlomilch), xiv, 1869, 174-208. ■ Dio Ausgleichung nach der Methode der kleinsien Quadrate. Leipzig, 1872. Hei.sikut (F. R ). Ausgleichung von symmetriscb angeord- ncten Riohtungabeohachtimgen einer Station. Zeits. f. Vermes., xiv, 1885, 263-266. Hexxesset (J. B.N.). On the dispersion of circuit errors of iriangulatiou after the angles huve been corrtcted for figural conditions. India, Trig. Survey, II, 1873, viii, 151-176. — Reduction of the N. N\^. quadrilateral. India, Trig. Survey, II, 1873, x, 177-253 ; XII, 283-318. JORPAX (W.). Eine Inconsequenz in inanchen Dreiecksnetz- ausgleichungen. Astron. Naehr., i.xxxv, 1875, 69-72. Ausgleiehnug eines TriangulimngsQetzes rait Repe- titionswiukelniessung. Zeits. f. Vermes., vll, 1878, 18-34, 120. Ueber die glinsligste Seitengleichung im Viereck. Zeits. f. Vermes., IX, 1880, 05-73. Zur Thoorie der Pulygonziige. Kkii.sciiuaum (G.). Zeits. f. Vermes., ] Zeits. f. Vermes., xiii, 1881. 197-203. 229-238; XV, 1886, 332-33.5. Ueber Winkolausgloichung. [M, 1874, 85-89. KuMSiEi.L (O. }!.). Stren; o Gleichungen zwiselien «leu .Seiien eines DreiecUsnetzes. Astron. Nachr., LXXXIX, 1877, 49-58. LAPLAfE (P.-S. 1)E). Application du caleul des jjrobabilit^s au\ operations gfiodosiqnes. .lourn. d. Phys., I,xxxv, 1817, 145-1-18. . . ; Ann. d. Chim., XII, 1819, 37-41. LlAGRR (J.-B.-J.). Sur la compensation d'un rC-.seau trigouo- m6trique. Int. Geod. Coug., Gen.-IJer., 1877, 224-226. MareK (J.). Uober dio Ausgleichung Anschlussnetze. Zeits. f. Vermes., Ill, 1874, 1.59-176. Nri.1, (A. M.). Scblciermachers Methoilo de gleicbung in elnem DriMccksnetze. Zeits. f. Vermes., X, 1881, 1-11. 109-121; xii, 188:), 313-.320. Peters (C. A. F.). Ueberdie Zerleguug eines Dreieeksuetzes nach Gruppon und ihro Ausgleichung . . . Int. Geod. Cong., Gen. -Ber., 1877,210-216. Prouiizyxski (B. vo.t). Uelier die Aufstellung Bedingungs- glendinngen geodiitiseher DreiecksUetten. Astron. Nachr., I.xxi, 1808,145-154; i xxv, 1869, 81-90. Puissant (L.). . . . surTappliention dti caleul desprobabilit^s aux meeures g6odcsitiues. Acad.d.Sci. Paris, Mem., xi, 1832. 12,1-l;")0. Saprrrck (B. A. M.). Das hessiscbe Dreiecksnetz. Berlin, 1882. trigononietriseher Wiukelaus- 382 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUKVET. FIGURE, ADJUSTMENT OF— Contimici. SciiiArAKEi.i.i (O. v.). Siilli^ corapensazioni delle reti trigo- uomi'tricho ili graude estcnsiono. Ist.Loitibardo, Renil., 11. 1885, 348-359; lll, 1866, 27-41. ScHOLs (Ch.M.). Over do aanshiitiug van cen driehoekenet van lagere orde a:tn ceu driehoi-l(snpt van boogort* ordp. K. Ak.vau Weteus. Anisleldain, VlTsI., XVI, IShU, 207-34!). SCHOIT (C. A.). Mi'lLud i>r adjnattiKnt <)f tbe secondary Iri- au<:ulation of liong Island Sound. U. S.C. and G. Survi^y, Ki-p., 18U8, 140-146. Metbod ( f clo.sing a circuit of triangulation niider cortain roiulitions. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Re|)., 1875, 279-292. SCHBEIHEK (0.). Die Anordnnng der Winkelbeobachtnngim Gottiuger B.iHisuetz. Zeitn. f. Vcrmes.^XI, 1883, 129-161. Veltmann (W.). Bostimmnu-^ der Uubi:kannten ciner Aus- tiloicbung.saufgabo . . . Z.'its. f. Vermes., xvi. 1887. 34.'>-356. VouLAKPEU (J. J.). Auagli'icbnng der Kebler polygono- luftriseber Messungeu. Leipzig, 18r»8. Benierknngen iibrr das umiieriscbe Elinnniren bei geodjitisclion Opt-rationon. Zeits. f. Slatb. (Si'lilomilcbl. Ill, 18.58, 16-22. Zur ]>raktiaclien Goonictrio. Zeits. f. Matb. (Scbliimilcli), III, 18j8, 189-193. Ucber die FoiilcranagK-icbung der Linienuetze. Zeits. f. Vermes., ill, 1874, 3'.l0-)01 ; V, 187B, 155-174. "WlllGIlT (T. AV.). On tbe adjustment of observations. Van Nostrand's Mag., XXVIII, 1883, 410-436, 473-503; New Tork. 1884. Anon. Bericbt der Soecial-Conimiaaion iiber Punkto 5A und 5ii des Progi'ama der im Jabro 1876 in Briifl.sel ven-inigten perniauenteii Commission di r europiiiaclien Griidmossung. 4^, Berlin, 1877, pp. 33. Regarding different metbods of adjusting a cbain of tri- angles. Finger (Joseph). Ueber eiu Analo^on des Kater'schen Pendels und dt'ssen Auwimdung zn Gmvitations- inesftungen. K. k. Ak. d. Wiss., Sitz.-Ber., Lxxxiv, 1881, ii, 168-11«. Finska Vetens. Soc, Ofvers., for Ofversigt af Finska VBlcjiskjii>s .sooieteteu forliaiidlingar. 4°, Ht'lsingfors, 1838+. (Wasliiiigtou, Congress.) Fioriiii (Matteo). Sulle triaiigola/ioiii topogr;ifiche. Aitad. Sui. Bologna, Kcjid., lr>()l-'(i.i, Idl-lll. Firmenich. Dirocto trigonoiuotrisclio BoiccUiuuig der Aufgabo der unzugangliclien Kiitforiinngon. Zeits. r. Vermes., Vlii, 1879, 2.'')4-2or). Firmeuger (Thomas). A coiiy of f lie experiments made at till- liDyal Ob.servatoiy, with a view to establish a standard of weights and nieasuies by deteniiiuing the length of the seconds pendnlnm. Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), XLV, 1815, :!3-3S. Ob.servations on the measurement of an arc of the meridian. Phil. Mag. (Tillocli), LIV, 18U), GtMii. Advances as to ilie new tbeory lliat "in iin ellijKse no two poiiitJi liave tile same radius of curval me in tlio same ciu;uirant; takiuir, tlierefoie. aity p;irt », .i:M-454. Revd. in .Tahrb. iih. <1. Fortschr. <1. Math., ix. 1877. 77rt, by Ciui. [Gl.\ishkk]. On the variation of gravity at certain stations of the Indian arc of tho meridian in relation to tbcir bearing upon tho constitutiou of the earth's crust. L., E., D. rhil. Mag., xxn, 188(), 29. Ecvd. in Ann. tl. rhya. {Poggendoril), 1887, r>. Flailimarion. How the earth was regarded in old tiiin .'•■ (From the French of Flanimarion.) Pop. Sci. Month., .\, I87(i, 542-553. Fliedner (Conrad). Do pendulo imprimis d(^ pt iidnli> centrifugo. 4°, Hersfcldic, 1841, pp.20, 1 plate. (Berlin, Koyal.) Fligely. Bericht iiber die im Sommer 18G3 in Bolmuii ansgefiihrteu geodatischen Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Geu.-Ber., 1HG3, 15-11!. Bericht an.schlicssend an den Oesturrcicli Iictrcf- fcnden Absalz des General-Iierichtes pro 18GI!. Int. Geod. Cong-., Gen.-Ber., 1864, 24-2f). Bericht iiber die von der Triangnlirnngs- nnd Calcul-Abtheilung des mililiir-geogr.-iphischen Insti- tutes im Komiiier 18r)5 fiir die niittclcuroi';ii.s(he Gradmessung ausgefiihrten astronomisch - geodiili- scheii Arbeiten. (Austria.) Int. Good. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1865, 17-li). Bericht iiber die fiirdio mitteleuropUische Grad- messung im .lahro 18li(! von Seite Oesterreiehs ausge- fiihrten astn)nomiscli-geo(l;itisclieu Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1866,53-55. Bericht iiber die fiir die europUische Gradmes- sung im Jahro 1868 ausgefiihrtou astronoinischen nnd geodatischen Arbeiten. (Austria.) Int. Geod. Cong., Geu.-Ber., 1868, .57-59. Bericht iil)ur die im Sommer 1H69 in der cister- reichisch-ungarischeu Monarchic ausgefiihrleii a.s- trononiisch-geodiitischon Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1869, 80-83. Biriclit iiber die in der osterroicliisch-nngari- Bchen Monarchie im Sonnucr 1870 aii.sgcfiilirtin as- tronoMiisi'b geodiitischen Arboilcii. Inl. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1870, 27-29. Flint (A. R.) and Woodvirard (R. S.). Kcsults of some expiTiments made to ileli-i iiiiin; tlir v.'irialions in length of certain bars at the teiniieralure nf melting ice. Am. Jonrn. Sci., XXV, 1883, 448-459. Fockena (Gerard Regner). Tubi culmin:ii<>rii varii UHUK, Iniii ill astriiiiomia lum in geodesia, e.\peran- tur et exemplis ilhistrantnr. Acad. Lugd.-Bat., Ann., 18:i6-';l7, 1-1 III. Foerster (W.). Sur la do Perou. Lettre de M. Foerster i\ M. Wolf. Aciid. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Keud., cm, 1886, 122- 124. K.niiiil.s 1)V JI. Wolf. 121. . Foerster (W.) — Continued. Scbreibcn an die permauento Commission der europiiischen Gradmessung. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, 48-49. Ciinceruiug tlio length of a stamhird toiao. : Baeyer (J. J.X Antwort aufeiuen Brief von — . Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, 50-53. : Peterg (C. F. W.). Bestinnnung der Liinge des einfachen f3ecun^, Lisboa, 18,">8, pp. 79, 3 plates. (Vienna, Geo- graphic Institute.) (Vienna, (ieographie Insli- 384 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Polque (Filippe)— ContiiuuHl. Dicciouario do scrvi^o doa trabalhos geodesicos do reino. 8°, Lisboa, IHCl, pj>. 19. (Vienna, Geographic lu- stitute.) Collecfiio de taboas para facilitar varias calcnlos astrononiicos c goodesicos. 8<^, Lisboa, ISlin, pp. 151, 1 chart. (Washiugtou, Congress. ) Intho inner title " ^leudcsicus" is omitted. Rapport sur lea travaux g^od^sicnies du Porlii- gal et siir l'(!tat actiiel de ces rafinies travaux pour 6tre present*! !\ la commission penuanente de la con- ference Internationale. 4°, Lisbonue, 1868, pp. 20, 1 map. (Gore.) Kelatorio dos traballios execntados no lustitiito geograpliico dnranto o anno ecouomiro lSGfi-'67. 8*^', Li.sbo.a, 1808, pp. 30. (Vienna, Geographic In- stitute.) Instruc^oes sobroo servifo geodesico de priiiicira ordem. 8°, Lisboa, 1870, pp. (i9. fVienna, Geographic In- stitute.) Direcfao geral do.s trabalhos geodesico.s, topo- graphicos, hjdrographicos e geologlcos do reino. Relatorio dos trabalhos executados n'esta direcgao desde o 1°. julho do 1868 a :il de dezembro de 18l>9. 8°, Lisboa, 1872, pp. 23. (Vienna, Geographic In- stitute.) Durante o anno de 1870, Lisboa, 1872, pp. 21. Durante o anno de 1871, Lisboa, 1872, pp. 20. Durante o anno do 1872, Lisboa, 1873, pp. 19. Durante o anno do 1873, Lisboa, 1874, p|>. 17. Instrucfoes e regulaniento para execnfaoo fisca- lisafiio dos trabalhos geodesicos^chorographicos e hydrographicos do reino. 8°, Lisboa, 1874, pp. 152, 7 charts. (Brussels, Car- togra|ihic Institute.) Fontaua (Gregorio). Sopra alcnne particolarit;\, con- cement i la giavifiV tcrrestre. Soc. llaliaua, Mem., viii, 1799, 124-134. Pontenelle. Sur la longueur du pendule dans la zoiui torride. ( H. ) Acad. d. Sci. Paris, 1736; Hist., 115-117. Fouvielle (Wilfrid de). Le m*tro international d<;fini- tif. 12^, Paris, 1875, pp. xvi, 140. (British Museum.) Forbiger (Albert). Handbuch der alten Geographie, aus di'ii Quellen liearbeilet. 6°, Leipzig, 1842, pp. xvi, 668; Leipzig, 1844, pp. X, 918; Leipzig, 1848, pp. vi, 1180. (Oxford, Bod- leian.) Vol. 1 contains Hcattereil references to tin- Irnytli of de- (rree.s as determined by tlie .iiuient Greik.s and Egyptians. Fordyce (George). Account ofa new p.-iululiiiii. Kiiy. Soc. Lonilon, Pliil. Trnu-s., i.xxxiv, 1794, 2-20. Forest (E. L. de). On adjustiueut foriuulas. Aualvst, IV, l>Tr, 79-»ti, 1117-113. On repeated ad.ju.stnients, and on signs of resid- uals. Analyst, v, 1878, 65-72. Forest (E. L. de) — Continued. On the limits of repeated adjustments. Analyst, v, 1878, 119-140. Law of facility of errors in two dimensions. Analyst, vn, 1880, 169-176 : viii, 1881, 3-9, 41^8. On the elementary theory of errors. Analyst, viil, laSl, 137-148. Forrest (James) ; Hainilton-Sm3rthe (A.). Compari- son of liritish and metric measures. Edited by — . London, 1885. Title in full given under Hasulton-Smytiie (A.). Forsch (E. vou). Memoirs of the army topographic de- partment of Russia. Vols. XXIX-XLI. St. Petersburg, 1868-'86. • Bericht iiber die geodiitischen Arbeiten in Russ- land. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1871, 42-52. Rapport sur les travaux g6od^siques en Russie pendant I'annde 1874. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1874, 75-76. Rapport sur les travaux g^oddsiques en Russia en 1875. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 187.-., 213-214. — Rapport sur les travaux g6od6»iques en Russie en 1876. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1870, 121-122. — Bericht iiber die geodiitischen Arbeiten in Russ- land fUr dag Jahr 1878. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1878, 105-106. — Bericht uher die geodatischcu Arbeiten in Russ- land fiir das Jahr 1880. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, 35. General-Bericht iiber die im letzten Triennium ill Russl.and ausgefiihrten astronoinisch-gcodiitischeu Operatiouen. Int. Geod. Coug., Gen.-Ber., 1881-'82, 125-126. Note sur l&s experiences avec lo pendule, cxeri- ments made with an invariable pendulum. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cxm, 1826, 211- 288. " : Pouillet (C.-S.-M.). Lettre du Capllaiiie IS. Hall au — . Sur les observations du pendule inva- riable k Londres, aux lies Galapagos, etc. Bull. Sci. Math. (Saigey), i, 1824, 151-1,52. Account of experiments made with an iiivariablo pendulum at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich and at Port Bowen on the eastern side of Prince Re- gent's Inlet. Koy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., iv, 1826, 1-70. [Notice of his pendulum observations in dider- ent parts of tho world. ] Roy. AstrOu. Soc, Month. Not., lit, 18:!I-'33, 66-08. CTNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 385 Foster (Henry)— Coiitinueil. : Baily(F.). Kxiu'rimentsmadeby the lateCapt. F. with the pendiilnm in his scientific voyage, 1828- '31. Koy. Astron. Soc, Mem., vii, 1834, 1-378; Month. Not., Ill, lM33-'3(), 1-3. ami Hall (B.). Experiments made with an inva- riable pendiilnm near the equator and on the coast of Mexico and Brazil. Edinb. Phil. .Tourn., X, 18il, 91-95. Foucault (Leon): Gruuert ( J. A.). Theorie der Pen- delversucho von — niit Riicksicht auf die ellipaoi- dischc Gestalt der Erde. Arch.d. Math. (Grunert), xxvni, 1857, 223-248. Fouohy (G. de). Sur la comparaison des ditKrentes toises qui ont servi ^ la mesare des degr^s terrestres. (H.) Acad. a. Sci. Paris (Hist.), 1772, 8-13. FRANCE. He.\i MONT (fi. PR). Rapport snr 1pm travaux g^'-od^.^iques rela- tifs i\ la nouvelle tU^tf rmination de la iut?ridienno de Fraoce. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., LXXviii, 1874, 723-736. BSfiSEL (F. W.). Uelier eiuun FehliT iu der Reclimins der frauziisisobea GradniesBung . . . Astron. Nachr., XIX, 1841, 97-116. BoxxB (K.). Op6rationa g^od6.siquea [in France). D6pflt de la Gnerre, Mem., I. 1829, 25-78. Dausby. Pi tcisdos opC'rutiona fi6od6diquea . . . descAtcs occi- dentales de France. Paris, 1829. Delaunav (C.-E.). Rapport sur r6tatactuelde la g6od68io . . . pour ('ompl6terla partie astrononiitpie dii ^^^9ea^ fran^aia. Coon. d. Temps, 1864. 1-20. Fayk (H.-A.-E.-A.). Rapport flur I'^tat actuel . . . du Kiseaii (j6o(U)sique frnnijais, Bur.d. Long., Aun.,lH64, 385-451. Klostermans. Rocherches sur lo decr6 du ni^ridien ontre Paris ft Amiens et sur la jonction do Paris ot (Ireenwich. St.-P6tersl)nurfi, 1789. Laplacr (P.-S. r>E). Application du calciil des prolmbilit^a anx opt'irations g^odt'siquea de la m^*ridionno do France. Ann.di»(;him., XII, 1819. 37-11. LAUflSEOAT (A.). Note relative au prolongement de la m6rl- dienne de France et (VKspa;jue eu Al;i^'rie. Acad.d.Sci. Paris. Comp. Rend., lxxv. 1872, 1492-1500. Pbkiueu ; 1875, 169-17f>; 1876,98- 100; 1877,283-280; 1878,82-85; 1879,87; 1880,9-11; 1881-'82, 75-77; 1883, 230-233; 1884-'86, 128-129; 1887, v, 1-6. pL'issANT (L.). Note sur les operations g6od6siquesde Franco. Soc. Giog., Rnll.. IV. 1825, i, 311-315; Soc. Philom.. Bull., 1825. 161-103. 177-178. NiMivcIIr description gi'*om(''triquo de la Frincp. llt'-pot do laCunri', vi, IH;{2. 1-61(1; ii, ISlo. l-)i78; ix, laVJ, 1-540; Acad.d. Si-i. Paii^. Mi-m.. Xiv. I8:t8, 1-80. . . Nouvi'lles reiiiai(|ues snr li comparaison des mosures gi'-odrsicpies et astronomieiues do Franee. Acad.d.Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend.. |l, 1B30. 50-53. Anon. Instruction g^n^Mule sijr lo ^orvico des officiers du coi-ps royal dt'» iniri''nieiirs-g6ogrypli(;s* charg^;, des (q>6iij- Uons g^MMl/'si/lues et toyograpUiqijea, ainsi quo de In stA- iihlique do fa oouvelU; cu^ttj do fraoce.* go, Paris, H, Ex, 17 25 Francoeiu (Louis-Benjamin). Solntion d'nn probl^me de g<^od3, 10 plates. 4°6d., Paris, 186.5, augmentde par Ho.ssard. S'dd., Paris, 1879, angmentee par Hossard et Per- rier. Extracts from the treatise on geodesy. Trans- lated by W. H. Emory, Lieut. U. S. Topographial En- gineers. Jonrn. Frank. Inst., xxxi, 1841, 309-319, 369-374, xxxii, 1841, 1.5-23, 145-154, 217-224, 289-298. Franke (J. H.). Die Dreiecksnetze vierter Ordnnng als Grundlagen geodiitischer Detail-Aufuahnu-n zu tech- iiischon Oder staatswirtlischaftlicheu Zwccken. Ein Handbuch fur Geometer, Ingonieure und Ingenieur- Geographon. Mit eiueui Vorwort von Dr. Carl Maxi- milian Banemfeiud. 8°, Miinchen, 1871, pp. xii, 201. (Gore.) Ueberdie Fehlor bei Liingenmessuugen mit Ketto nnd Latten. Zeits. f. Vermes., i, 1872, 120-129. Die Einschaltuug trigonometrischer Pnnkte in ein gegebenes Dreiecksuetz. Zeits. f. Vermes., Ill, 1874, 207-239. Keniarks by Jordan (W.), 297. Die trigonometrischo Punktbestimnuing im NetzauschluHse mit besondorcr Kiicksicht anf eiue r.ationello Fehler-Ansgleichung. 8°, Miiuclien, 1875, pp. viii, 69. (Munich, Royal.) Winkel-Centrirung. Zeits. f. Vermes., v, 1876, 41-42. Coordinaten-Abwoiclinngen. Zeits. f. Vermes., V, 1876, 97-107. Kevil. in .lalirl). iib. (1. Kortscbr. il. Miitli.. vni, 1876,730- 731, by li(UUN8]. Die Grundlehren der trigonometrisehen Vermes- sung ini reehtwinkligen Koordi'naton-System. (Mu- nich, Koyal.) 8°, Leipzig, lrt79, pp. xv, 406, 4 plates. * Ui'Vil. ill Zniln. f. Vurnion., IX, 1880, •.■56-'J5», by HniJIKHT. Dill Koordinateu-AnNglciclintig niieh Niiliernugs- niethoden in der Klein-Triaugnlieinng und I'olygo- n.alinoesung. Mit eiuer Aufstellung nnd Verglei- cliuiig von Kehlergrouzen fiir die llanptoperatiouon der trigonometrisehen Katasfervermessnng. 8°, Mijnchcn, 1884, ]ip, viii, 156, 1 chart, Grubert. (Munich, IJoyal.) K«vil. la Jabib. iib. il. I'mUibr. il. Miilb., XVI, l»8f, )085» fOSfl, by riETZOi.i>|. 386 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Frederici (Karl Maria). Die Gestalt und Grosse der Erde. Nature, xviii, 1878, 556-S58, 577-580, 602-604. Trans. l>y Clarkk (A. K.), with notes. Freeden (W. von). Die Praxis der Methode der klein- sten Quadrate fiir die Bediirfnisse der Anfanger bearbeitet voa — . 8°, Braunschweig, 1863, pp. viii, 114. (Berlin, Geo- detic Institute.) Fr6ret (Nicolas). Observations sur le rapport des mesures grecques et des mesures romaines. Acad. d. luscr., M6m., xxiv, 1754, 548-568. Sur les mesures longues des anciennes. Aciid. d. Inscr., Mem., xxiv, 1754, 432-547. De la meanre de la terre, et de la v6ritable grandeur des distances g^ographiques, 507-522. Frescoln (Samuel W.). Deflection of the plumb-line at the Sayrc Observatory, Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pa. Eng. Soc. of Lehigh University, Journ., ill, 1888, 82-86. Freycinet (Claude-Louis-Desaulsea de). Zwei Be- richte vou der in dcii .Jabren 1817-'20 zu wissen- Bchaftliche Zwecken angestellteu Seereise urn die Welt, unter dem kon. Schitfskapitiin Louis von Freycinet. Ann. d. Phys. (Gilbert), LXX, 1822, 54-103. Pendalam observations at various places. Note sur les observations du pendule faites pendant le voyage des corvettes I'Uranie et la Physicieuue. Soc. Philom., Bull., 1825, 70. Voyage autour du monde, entrepris par ordre du roi, sous lo ministfcre et conformfSment aux in- structions de S. Exc. M. le vicomte du Bouchage, secretaire d'(Stat au d^partemeut de la marine. Ex6cut6 sur les corvettes de S. M. I'Uranie et la Physicieune pendant les anndes 1817, 1818, 1819 et 1820. 4°, Pari.s, 1826, pp. [ii], 290. (British Museum.) Observations du pendulo. — : Ivory (J. ). Abstract of — 's pendulum experi- ments. Pliil. Mag. (Tiiylor), LXVIH, 1820, 350-353. Sciigey. Comparaison des observations du pen- dule il diverses latitudes, faites par - Bull. Sci. Math. (Saigey), vii, 1827, 31-43, 171- 184; Hertha, xiil, 1829, 287-290. Friesach (Karl). Ueber die Schwere an der Oberfliicho einer gleichfiirmig dichten durch Umdrehung eiuer Ellipse um ihre kleinere Axe erzeugten Rotations- sphiiroides. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), XLiv, 1865, 355-358. Frisani. .Sulla piii vautaggiosa combinazione delle osservazioni. Ist. Lomb., Mdm., XI, 1870, 1-21. Frisius (Paulus) [Paolo Frisi]. Di.squisitio mathe- matica in causaani physicam ligur;e et magnitudinis telluris nostrie. 4°, Mediolani, 1751, pp. [xii], 86. (Gore.) : Short (James). An .account of a book entitled, Disquisitio niathematica in caussam physicam figurae et m.agnitudiuis telluiis nostr.Te, by — . R 'V. .Soc. Loudon, Phil. Trans., 1753, 5-17. Frodsham CW. J.). Experiments on the variation of the pendulum. Roy. Soc. London, Proc, iv, 1838, 78; Brit. A. A. S., Rep., 1839, ii, 24; Ann. Electr. (Sturgeon), iv, 1839-'40, 365-371. Frome (General). An outline of the method of conduct- ing a trigonometrical survey for the formation of geo- graphical plans, and instructious for lilliug in the interior detail, both by measurement and sketching ; military reconnaissance, levelling, etc., with the ex- planation and solution of some of the most useful . problems in geodesy and practical astronomy ; to which are added a few formulae and tables of general utility for facilitating tUeir calculation. 8<^, London, 1840, pp. ix, 200. (Washington, Geo- logical Survey.) Frommius [Fromm] (Georg). Arithmeticse danica sic brevis ac perspieua instituto arithmetica vulgaris, astronomicse et geodeticse.' Havn., 1649, 1660. POGGENDOBFF, I, 811. Fuhrmann (Arwed). Ueber die geschichtliche Ent- wickeliiug der Geodasie und ihre Beziehung zur neuercn Geometrie. Civ.-Ing., xxiii, 1877, 61-74. Aus einer Festrede, gehalten in der Aula des Polytech- nikums zu Dresden am 23. April 1875. Fuss (Nicolaus von). Determinatio motunra penduli compositi bifiliex primis mechanic;p principiispetita. Acad, de St.-P6tersbourg, Acta, i, 1787, 184-212. : Struve (P. G. W.). R^sultats des operations g^od^siques de — ... en 1836 et 1837. Acad, de St.-P^tersbourg, CI. Phys.-Math., Bull., VIII, 1850, 337-368; Conn. d. Temps, 1853, 49-78; Acad, d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., xxx, 1850, 541-549. G. Die rheinbayerische Grundlinie Speyer-Oggersheim und die muthwillige Zerstorung der Endpunktes Oggersheim. Zeits. f. Vermes., xvi, 1887, 234-236. G. (J.). Remarks on a paper of Mr. Bos well on inva- riable pendulums. Journ. Nat. Phil. (Nicholson), xv, le06, 84-86. Gaede. Beitriige zur Kenntniss von Gauss' praktisch- geodatischer Arbeiten. Zeits. f. Vermes., xiv, 1885, 113-137, 145-157, 161- 173, 177-207, 225-245. GalbraithCWiUiam). Remarks on the experiments of the pendulum made by Kater, M. Biot, etc. Phil. Miig. (Tillocb), i.xiv, 1824, 161-170; Lxv, 1825, 12-23. On the figure of the earth. Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), Lxvii, 1826, 161-167. A criticism on Sabine's pendulum esporimeuts. On the method of the least sl-3:51. States ih:*t the earth not being a spher?. it is incorrect to asitume that the length of the pendulum increases ti^wanls the pule as the square of the sine of the l:itituilo observed; it should bo as the sine of the re- dui^ed latitude. Formula' for trigonometrical surveying. Edinb. Phil. Journ., XVI, 18:14, 110-114. On geodetical surveying and trigonometrical levelling. Roy. Scott. Soc. of Arts, Tran8., I, 1841, '249-203; Ediul. Phil. Journ., xxvi, 1838, 158-172. Describes methods of using his tables for facilitating computations of latitudes, longitudes, and azimnths ba-jed on an ohlalo spheroid with ellipticit^' of 1: 300. R, = 20.922,(i42ft., and Rp = 20,852.900ft. Recomputatiou of Koy's triaugulatiou for con- necting the olisi-.rvatious of Greenwich and Paris. Koy. Astron. Soc, Mouth. Not., v, 1839-'43, 2it2-293. Ou trlgouoiuutrical surveying and levelling, and ou the effects of a supposed local attraction at the C.ilton Hill. EdiLb. Phil. Journ., xxx, 1841, 32(5-346. Ou the Engl'sh arc of the meridian. Edinb. Phil. Jouru., xxxiv, 1843, 26:5-275. Land surveying. Edinburgh, 1849. Title in full under Ainslie (John). Oaleu (Petrus vau). De pendulo ejuscjne adplicatione ad telluris figuram determiuaudam. Dissertationes mathomaticu) IJelgica?. 4^, Amsterdam, 18:50, pp. [ii], 66. (Oxford, I5od- Iciau.) Galle ^Joha^lll Gottfried). Brriiht iiberdieThiitigkeit di'r gcograpliisi lieu Section im Jalire 1879. 8^, [Hreslau, 1880], pp. 23. ((Jure.) Neumessnng iler SfhleBlselu-n Gruudlinie boi Strehlen, pp. 5-9. Gallowray (Thomas). Ou the application of the methiul of least squares to the deteriuiuation of the most probable errors of observaliou in a portion of the Orduauce Survey of Eugland. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., v, lH39-'43, 262-264 ; Mom., XV, 1846, 2.1-69. On FernoU's measure of a degree. L., K., D. Phil. Mag., .x.xi, 1842, 2&-28. : De Morgan (A.). On Fornell's measure of a de- gree, in reply to — . L., E., D. Phil. Mag., xx, 1842, 230-233. The figure of the earth. Encyc. Brit., 8th oil., ix, .^)47-.'')7.''.. The article was lirouglit up to 18r>^ by "C. P. S." Remarks on FerneH's measure of a degree. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., XX, 1855, 90-98. Qanabl. Bericht iil»T die geodiitischen Arbeiteu in Oesterreicb-Ungarii fijr ilas Jahr 1870. flit. Geod, (Jong., Gon,-Ber.,«l871, :j:5:-38, Ganahl — Continued. Die astronomistih-geodiitischen Arbeiten des k. k. militiir-geographischeu Institutes in Wieu. I, 4°, Wiun, 1871. Euthaltend : Die Grnndlinie bei Joaefstadt in Bohmen mid das Dreieckauetz znr Verbindung der osterreichischeu mitden prenssischen Dreieckeu, pp. viii, 194, 6 plates. II, Wieu, 1873. Euthaltend : Die Grnndlinie von Sinj iind das Droiocksuetz in Dalmatien, dann die Verbindung desselben mit den italienischen Drei- ecken in Apulien quer iiber das Adriatische Meer, pp. viii, 175, 3 plates. III, Wien, 1875. Enthaltend: Die Grnndlinie von Skutari, die nordostlich derselben bis Ragnsa ab- zweigende Dreieckakette, dann jene zwischeu Skutari und Corfu mit deiu Anschliissu an die italienischen Dreiecke aiif Terra di Otranto quer iiber das Meer, pp. ix, 259, 2 charts. IV, Wien, 1876. Enthaltend: Dieastrononiischen Bestimmuugen auf den rrigonometrit.chen Puukteu 1. Ordnung, pp. 171, 4 plates. (Gore.) Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1872 vom k. k. mili- tar-geographischen Institute in Wien fiir Zwecke der europaischeu Gradmessung ausgefiihrteu Arbei- ten. Int. Geod. Coug., Gen.-Ber., 1872, 16-17. Rapport sur les travaux g6od^siques de I'lustitut militaire-g6ographiqne k Vienne. lut. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1874, 67-74. Bericht iiber die geodiitischen Arbeiten des k. k. militar-geographiachen Institutes in Wien fiir das Jahr 1876. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1876, 106-113. Ueber die Auagleichung eines Dreiecksnetzes. Int. Geod. Cong., Geu.-Ber., 1877, 208-209. und Dobner. Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1873, tiir Zwecke der europaischeu Gradmeasung ausge- fiihrteu Arbeiten. (Austria.) Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1873, 7-10. , Oppolzer (Theodor R. vou) »nd Tinter (W.). Bericht iiber dio von der Trianguliriings-.\btlieiliiug des k. k. luilitiir-geographischeu Iimtitiites iu Wien im Jahre 1875, fiir Zwecke der europiiischen Grad- messung auagefiihrten Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1875, 181-189. Miirf Oppolzer. Bericht iiber die geodiitischen Arbeiten des k. k. mililiir-geographiacheu Institutes in Wien fiir das Jahr 1877. Int. Geod. Coug., Geu.-Ber., 1877, 294-298. Oanuett (Heury). The geodetic work of the Haydeu and Wheeler surveys. Science, in, 1884, 447-448. lu reference to the triaogulatioii for txipocraphic pur- poses. Gardiner (James T.). Reports of the New York State .Survey. 10 vols., 8°, Albany, 1876-'85. Garduer (Martin). On practical geodesy. 3", Melbourne, 1876, pp, (!6, 1 plate. Bead before the Royal Society of Victoria, lltb Jlay, 388 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Oarnault (E.) et Pourian (A.)- Instnimens de preci- sion de physiqno ct do navigation et les appareils mi't^orolo'jiqups euregistreurs de I'Exposition uni- verselle de 1878. 8°, Paris, 1878, pp. xii, [iv], 167, 16 plates. (Brit- ish Museum.) M^trologio, 15-44. Gaucherel (M.-B.). Note snr la forme preferable des , triauglo.sg6od(58iqnc8. Aim. d. Math. (Gorgonno), xiv, 1855, 321-343. Concludes that the quadrilateral ia the best form. Qaudin. Methodo pratique de tracer siir terre iin pa- rallf'le par un d6gre de latitiuie donne ; et du rapport du meme par.xll^le dans le spbercjide oblong et daus le spheroide applati. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Jl^m., 1733, 223--.i32. Oauss (Carl Friedrich). Ueber Attraction de.r Sphiir- oide. Auszug ans ciner Abliandhuig : " Theoria at- tractionis corporura sph.-eroidieoniin, ellipticorum, homogencorum, mothodo tractata." • Mon. Corr. (Zach), xxvii, 1813, 421-431. Bestimmung der Geuauiglieit der Beobachtun- gen. Zeits. f. Astron. (Liiuleuaii), i, 1816, 185-197. Also Werke, iv (Gottingen 1873, 4^), 109-117. Merriman, p. 174. Tleber einige Berichtnngen am Borda'sche Wie- derholungskreise. Zeits. f. Astron. (Lindenau), v, 1818, 276-277. [Triaugulation von Hannover.] Astron. Nachr., I, 1823, 105-106, 463-464. Anwendung dor Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung aiif eine Aufgabe dor praktischen Geometrie. Astron. Nachr., i, 1823, 81-86. Begarding the PotheDot problem. Theoria combinationis observationtim erroribus minimis obnoxiiB. K.Gos. d. Wiss. Gottingen, Com., v, 1819-'22, .33- 90 ; Supplomentiuii, vi, 1826, .57-98. Beobachtete nud berechnete Triangnlirung im Hannoverischen, Braunschweigischen und Liine- burgischen. Astron. Jahrl). (Bode), 1826, 89-99. Ueber die vortheilbaftesto Auwenduug der Meth- odo der kleinsten Quadrate. Zeits. f. Astron. (Lindenau), v, 1827, 230. — Bestimmung des Breitenuntorschiedes zwischen den Sternwarten von Gottingen nnd Altona duroh Beobachtungen am Ramsden'schen Zouithsextor. 8'^, Gottingen, 1828, pp. 84. (Gore.) The rosulta are applied towards determining the figure of the earth on 72-74 and 8-2-84. Uutorsuchung iibcr Gegenstiindo der huheren Geodiisie. K. Ges. d. Wiss. Gottingen, matli. CI., Ablian (i7. H.). ElviueDtaleniutbenialicuin . . . gcoilsBBia. Fraucofurti, 1011. Amantk (F.). Elumonti di geodesiu. Napoli, 1847. ASL>KKS(iO.N (.J. O.). Cruodctiak iiiiitiiiii;;skiiii.-ikap. Stockholm, 1870. ANUJiAi: (C. C. G.). ProbUmes do bauto g£od6sie. Copuuhagiic, 1881-'8.'!. ANf:EK (C. T.). Ueber eiiie Aiifgabu der Geediisii-. Aatrnn. Nai-br., IX, 183I,:)59-304. (F.). ProbltMiu's df guoni6trie . . otqueJ<|ue.Huotionn de g^udC'aie. AiiiieuH, 1865. « GEODESY— Continued. Backf.ljai- (F.). fil6nient9 . . . de gfiod^sie. Gand, 1884. BaefL'ss (F. W.>. Handimch tb'rliulioreu und niedereii Mess- kundo. Weimar, 1847. Baukksfki.nI) (C. M.). Elomeuto von Verraeasungakunde. Stuttgart, 1869. BtGAT (P.). Traits rtog6od63ie .'i I'uaage dea marina. I'aria, 1839. Benoit {P.-M.-N.). Coiira cmuplet do topograpbie et de g6u- d6aie. Paria, 1822-'a5. BKB8KL (F.W.). Abhandlungen. Geodasio, in, Leipzig, 1870, 1-140. t BouN (C). Die Landmeaaung. Berlin, 1886. BOLOTOF {A. P.). Complete course in sarveying and geodesy. (Russian. ) St. Petersburg, 1837, 1845, 1849. BOKDoxi (A.). Trattato di geodesia elementare. Milano, 182.5. Bremikek (C.j. Stadien iiber hiihere Geodasio. Berlin, 1809. BiJRJA (A.) Erleicbteter TJnterricht in der biiheren Mess* kunst. Berlin, 1788. Burns (A.). Geodseaia improved. Cheater, 1771. Bl'Ttmann CW.l. Die niedere Geodasie. Berlin, 1875. Ca6A {V. DE LA). Oimsculo aualitico di geodesia sublime. Vienna, 1824. Celsius A1)UI (G. B.). Corao di geodeaia.^ Torino, 1876. Deualvb (A.). Manuel de l'ing6nieur . . , geod^.tio . . . Paria, 1872. Dkckeu ILETTA (L.). Lezioni di geodesia. Torino, 1880. Lezioni complemeutari di geodesia. Torino, 1885. GocLENIUs (R.). Isagoge optica . . . hoc est geodfesia. Fraucofurti, 1393. GoiiE (J. H.). Elements of geodesy. Kew Torli, 1886, 1888. Gbunrbt {J. A.). Eleniente der . . . Trigonometrie mit An. wendunj; auf Geodasie. Leipzig, 1837. Ueber eiue geodatischo Aufgabe. Arch. d. Math. (Grunsrt), I, 1841, 238-248, 413-430; ill, 1843, 35-40 1 IV, 1844, 385-408; V, 1844, 212-215; VII, 1846, 238-259; VIII, 1846, 433-450; Xil, 1853, 330-342; XXV, 1855, 197-210, 455-471. Geodasie. Leipzig, 1842. G rOsox ( J. p. ). Geodasie. Berlin, 1811. Bandrikoff. Solution d'nn probl6me fondaniental de gtoii- eie. Soc Naturaliites Moscou, Bull., xxxviii, 1865, i, 246-266 Hansen (P. A.i. Geodiitische Uutersuchungeu. K. sachs. 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M6moire aur lo calcul dea longitudes et des latitudes. Conn. d. Tempa, 1808, 306-379. Pi;cci (E.). Sulle poaizioni gcograHcho. Giorn. Math.d. Uni%-. Italiaue, xviii, 1880, 358-367. Rooo (J.). Ueber geodiiiiscbe Oitaberechuungen. Stuttgart, 1856; Zeita. f. Matb. (Scbliimilch), vi, 1801, 58-67. ScHOLs (C. M.). Lo calcul de la diatanco ot do lazimut au moyen de la longitude et do la latiLudo. Arch. N6erl., XVII, 1882, 101-107. Schubert (T. F. von). Auloitung zu den Berechnungen einor trigonomotriscben Aufuahme. St. Petersburg, 1820. Stein (J. P. W.). Geographiaclie Trigonometrie. Mainz, 1825. Stonr (E.). Some reflootiona ou tbe uncertainty of many geographical poaitiona . . . Loudon, 1706. Reduction of latitude . . . with Clarke's valuea. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., XI.III. 1882-'83, 102-110. TlARKS (■!. I..). i*u Mr. Dalby'a method of tinding the ditlVr ence of longituilo between two pointa of a geodetical line ou a spheroid. Phil. Mag. (Taylor), IV, 1828,304-370. (.T. G.). Algebraiacbo BeBtimmuugamethodo der Liiuge, Breito und Azimutbe bci geodiitiBcbon Vermos- Hiiugeu. K. Ak.d. Wias.inath.Cl., Abbandl., 1818-'19, 49-50. TreimkI) (C). Sur h> calcul dea eoiirdouirfes gf.odfaiquea. Arad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend.,, 1875, 3O-10. Ilii-I'ERH (I). W). Praktiacbo Auhilung zur Berecbnung von Ilreieeks- . . . Notzen. nz, 1870. Vai.kntiner (W.). Beitriigo zur kiirzeatiu ujul zweckmiia. aigate" fiebaudluuggeograpbiscberOitabcstimmuugen mit lliilfstafeln. Leipzig, 1869. 396 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUEVEY. GEOGRAPHIC POSITION-Continued. WuYruKCiiT (C). AstroDoniische und geodatiache Bestim- K. k. Ak. d. Wiss., nialU.-iiaturwisa. CI., Dcnksclir., xxxv, 1877, 47-71. Toi).\G (T.l. (;oii)i>ut4ilic)ii ol loiit;itudo oii a spheroid. Quart. Jouru. Sci., II, ISliS, 418-420. Zacii (F. X. VON). Allsimeiiie Tafelu zur Berecliuung dtr •;iograiihisibeu I.iingeii imd Btciten. Mou. Corr. (Zach), vll, 1803, 522-52S ; VIM, 1808, 81-89. Anon. Fornmla) for conipuliiig Inlitiulcs, longitiidea, aiid azi- niuths, with all example as used iu tlie Coast Survey OIHo', l.ogether with tables. U. S. C. aud (i. Siiivcy, Uep., 1860, 361-391. FormuliB and factors for the couiputatiou of geodetic latitiules, louKitudes, and azimuths. Based on the Ik-sscl spheroid, U. S. C. aud G. Survey, Rep., 1875, 315-368; basid on the Clarke spheroid, U. S. C. aud G. Survey, Kep., 1884, 323-375. Tables for the projection of maps based upon a poly- conic development of the' Clarke spheroid, and computed from the equator to the pole. V. S. C. aud G. Survey, Kep., 18S4, 135-321. Geol. Soc, Joum., /or Jourual of the Geological Society. N , Uiiblin, 18:5:!-f-. (WashingtoD, Congress.) Gerard (Alexander). Ou peudiiliim observations. Eiliiib. Phil. Jouru., LV, ISfiG, 14-16. Gerber. Bestiminuug der Erdachsen aus der Polhohe. (H.) Berlin, 1833. Gergonue (J.-D.): Zach (F. X.). Les attractions des nioiitagues. Revd. liy — . 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Die Pothenot'sche Aufgabe in praktischer Be- ziehung dargestelt von — . 8'^, Marburg, 1840, pp. vi, 54. Die Ausgleichungsreclinuugen der praktischen Geometric, Oder die Methode der kleiusten QTiadrate mit ihrer Auwendung auf geod;iti,sche Anfgaben. 8^, Hamburg, 1843, pp. xiv, 409. Nachtriige zur Ausgleichungs-Rechnung; Arch. f. Math. (Gruucrt), VI, 1845, 141-140, 375-378. [Goodiitische Festleguug des Domberger Hof- Tliurms zii Marburg.] Astron. Nachr., xx, 1843, 25-28. Nachtriige zur Ausgleichungs-Rechnuug. irch. d. Math. (Grunert), vi, 1845, 141-146, 375- 378. Ueber die Genauigkeit der Ketten-Measuugcn (dritter Nacbtrag). — Ueber die Schiitzung des miltleren Fehlers di- recter Beobachtnugen. Archiv d. Math. (Grunert), xxv, 1855, 219-222. Corrections and errata to " Ausgleichuugsrechnuugen." — IJeiuerkuugeu iiber das iudirecte Eliminireu bei geodiitischeu Arbeiten. Zeits. f. Math. (Schlomilch), iii, 18.58, 377-382. — Ueber Genauigkeit der Kunctioueu bediugter Beobaclitungen. Archiv d. Math. (Grunert), xxxviii, 1862, 379-381. Contains corrections to "Ausgleichungsrechnung." Germain. Observation de la deviatiim de la verticale sur les r6tes sud de France. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Couip. Keiid., cii, 1886, 1100- 1103. Ges. f Erdk., Monatsber., for Gesellschaft fiir Knlkunde, MiiiialsViericlife iiber die Verliaudliingeu. 8", Berlin, 1840-'53 (14 vols.). (Berlin, Royal.) Ges. Wiirttemberg, Abhandl., for Naturwissen.schaft- licbe Alihaiulliuigen, berau.sgegeben vou eiuer Gesell- schaft iu Wiirttemberg. 8^', WUrttemberg, 1826-f . (Oxford, Bodleian.) Giesler (E. A.). Standard measures. Journ. Frank. Inst., xcvi, 1888, 115-133. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 397 Gilbert ( Davies). On the vibration of heavy bodies in (■ycU)nhil and iii circular arcs as compared with their rations continually decreasiuf;. Quart. Journ. Sci., XV, 182:?, aO-lOii; xx, 182fi, Cfl-T:!. Gilbert (Grove Karl). On the Kanab base-lino and a proposed new method of base measurement. Phil. Soc. Wash., Bull., iii, 1878-'80, 34-36. Gilbert (P.): Folie (F.). Sur lo calcul de la density de la terre. Rapjiort do — . Acad. d. BelRi(iue, Bull., xxxm, 1872, 371-372. -^ Compte rendnci de la gfiod^sio d'l5thiopie par A. d'Abliadic* Rovuo dcH Questions Scientifiqnes, Bruxolles, i, 1877, 318-319. Giletta (Luigi). Studio sullo sviluppo delle reti geode- tiche.* Roma, 1879. Studio sul triangolo geodetico. 8", Roma, 1S80, pp. 93, 3 plates. (Southampton, Ordnance Survey.) Intorno ai fondamcnti del principio dei niiiiiiiii quad rati. Giorn. Mat. (Battaglini), xviii, 1880, 159-174. Eevil. in .Jahib. ub. d. FortscUr. d. Math., xn, 1880, 103- 104, by L. 1Lazakus|. Lezioni di geodesia presentate alia Scuola di guerra.* Torino, 1880. Lezioni coniplementari di geodesia professate alia Scnola di guerra dal — . 8^', Torino, 188.'>, pp. viii, 240, 3 plates. (Vienna, Geographic Institute.) Le nostre reti geodetiche considerate in rapi)orto colla rinnovaziono delle inappo cadastali. 8°, Roma, ISS.'i, pp. 82, 1 chart. (Vienna, Geo- graphic Institute.) From: Rivistii militaru ife:iliaua, 1885. Oiorii. d. Fia. (Brugnatelli),/o)'Giornaledi lisica, ehimica c storia natur.'ile (Brugua(elli). V,°, Pavia, ]H0H-'17. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Gioru. Mat. (Battaglini), /or Giornalo matematiche ad uso degli studenti dello universitil italiauo (Bat- taglini). 4", N.apoli, 1803. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Girault (Ch.). De la r<58i8tance de I'air dans lo niouvc- ment osi^illatoire du pendule. Acad. d. .Sci. Caen, M6ni., 18(10, 3-45; 1802, 3-30. Giulio (Charles-Ignace); Carlini (F.). .Sur la densitd moycnne de la ti^rre. Note de — . Accad. Sci. Torino, Mom., ii, 1840, 379-385. Recberches experimentales sur la rt^sist.ance do I'air au mouv('meiit des penilnles. Accad. Sci. Torino, Mem., Mil, 18,53, 299-357. Glaisher (J. W. L.). On the law of the facility of errors of iiliHi'rval ions, and on tln^ nietbuil of least siiuaics. Roy. Astron. Soc., Mem., xxxix, 1872, 75-124; Month. Not., XXXII, 1872, 241-242. Remarks on certain portions of Lnplaco's proof of the method of least squares. L.,E.,D. Phil. Ma-.,>fMii, 1872, J94-201, Glaisher (J. W. L.)— Continued. The method of le.ast squares. Nature, VI, 1872, 140-141. On tho solution of the equations in the method of le.ast sfiuares. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., xxxiv, 1874, 311- 314; XL, 1880, (;00-ei4; xi,l, 1881, 18-83. Kevd. in Jahrb. i'lb. d. Forlsclu-. A. Malb., vi, 1874, 145- 146; XI r, 1880, 16'.'-lC;i. Note on a point in the method of least squares. M.ath., il, 1880, 132. If Ibo number ni' eciiduliim at tho equator. Ann. Nal. Phil. (Tliomscui), xii, 182C, 281-299, 342- 354. Alan printed as ft aciiaratc. iieilupM iit MiuliaM, mi liate, folio, iip. 208. Gompertz (Benjamin). On the converlilde pendulum. Hoy. Astron. .Soc., Month. Not., i, l.'^27-'30 12'.l-i;!l. Gordon (P. A.). Do linoa geodetica." Berolini, 1802. Gore (.James Howard). The g). Tlie geodetic work in tbe United States. II. Bordi-n's Survey of Massachnsetts. Railroad and Engineering Journ., LXi, 1887, 152- 153; Zeits. f. Vermes., xvn, 1888, 203-207. Tlio geodetic work in the United States. III. The United States Lake Survey. Railroad and Engineering Jonrn., i.xi, 1887, 200- 203; Zeits. f. Vermes., xvil, 1888, 385-395. Geodetic work in tho United States. IV. The U. .S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Railroad and Engineering Journ., Lxi, 1887, 247- 249, 299-300, 350-3.52. A liibliograpby of geodesy. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1887, App. 16, Wash- ington, 1889. Goss (J. W.). Begriindung der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. ' 8°, 1871. Gosselin (Paacal-Fran^ois-Joseph). G^ographie des Grrc-8 aiialys(^e; ou le .systeme d'Eratosthenes, de Strabon, et de Ptol^m^c, compares entre eux, et avec DOS connoissauces moderne.s. 4°, Paris, 1790, pp. [iv], 148, 8 tables, 27 pp. con- tents, 10 plates. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Special attention is paid to the degree measurements of tho Greeks. Recherchea sur la g<''Ographie systdiiiatiquo et positive des anciens; pour servir de base :\ I'histoire de la geographic ancienne. 4 vols., 4°, Paris, 1798-1813, pp. viii, 271, 322, 355, 463. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Recherehcs sur le principc, les bases et revalua- tion des ditf^rens Bystenies miStriques lin(Saires de l'anti([uite. Acad. Inscr., M<5m., vi, 1822, 44-164. Nouvel examen sur la density moyenne de la terre. Acad, do Metz, M^m., xi,, ia59, 469-485. Gbtt. Aiizeigen, for Gottingsche Anzoigen von gelehrten Sachen. 8°. Gottingen, 1753-1801 (117 vols.) (Washing- ton, Congress.) Gott. Nachr., /or Nachrichtcn von der kiiiiigl. 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TTebor cineu Apparat zu Coincidenzbeobach- tungeu bei Schwercbestimmungcn mit Hlilfe des Rever- slnnspendels. K. k. Ak. d. Wiss., math.-n,aturnisa. CI., Silz.Ber., LXX, 1874, ii, 0fi5-i)70. IssEL (A.). Note sur nn instrument dealing ft mesarer I'in- tonail6 de la pesanteur. Bull. d. Naturalistes, Moscou, 1882, i, 1.34-139. KtiNlG (A.). Eine neue Methode zur Bestinimung der Gravi- tationsconstante. K. Ak. d. Wiss., Sitz.-Ber., 1884, 1203-1205. KBAfFT (G. W.). De gravitate tcrrestri. St.-P6t6rsbourg, 1749. Lai-lace (P.-S. de). Sur la figure do la terre et la loi de la pesanteur h sa surface. Ann. de Chim., vin, 1818, 312-318. Sur la loi do la pesanteur en aupposant le sph6roIde terrestre homogdno . . . Conn. d. Temps, 1821, 284-290. Lesage. Experiences et vues sur I'intensit^ de la pesantenr dans I'int^'rieur de la terre. Joui'n. de Phys. (Rozier), VI, 177.1. Lioiivii.i.K (.1.). Sur la loi de la pesanteur i la surface ellipaoi- dale d'^quilihro d'une masse liquide . . . Journ. d. Math. (Liouville), viii, 1844, 300-378. Mexueshall (T. C). Force of gravity at Tokyo. Am. Journ. Sci., XX, 1880,124-133; xxi, 1881. 99-104; Tokio 1881. MoiiET (T.). De ponderum gravitate. Prag;e, 1663. Ol.TMANNS (J.). Beobachtungen iiber die Schwere. Jour. f. Math. (Crelle), iv, 1820, 72-81. Ol'i'01.7.Eii (T. vo.N). BeiichtiilieidieBestimnmugderSchwero mit Ililfe vorschiedener Apjiarato. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.Ber., 1883, vi, 1-28. Peirce (C. S.). Measurements of gravity at initial stations in America and Euro])e. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Kep., 1876, 202-337, 410. Sur la valeur do la pesanteur ft Paris. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Reud., xc, 1880, 1401-1403; X!. S.C. and G. Survey, Rep., ISSl, 461-103. Uebcr eine Methode nut Pendeln, die Schwere zu be. stitumen. Ann. d. Phys. (PoggendortT), iv, 1880, 240. Determinations of gravity at Alleghany, Ehenshurnh and York, Pa. U. S. C. ami C. Survey, Hep., 188.1, 473-487. Perrot. Appareils destines ft reniire manifostes ctnu'sura bles les variations occasionn6ert dans rinlensil6 di> hi pe- santeur ft la surface de la ten-e. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. i;end.,i.iv. 1863,728-720,851-852. Petit (F.). D<^termiuatioii .. .de I'intensit*'' de la pesanteur ^ Toulouse. Acad, do Toulouse, M6m , vi. 18.10, 160-190. Plana (G.). Note sur ... la loi de la pesanteur. . . d'apr^ I'hj |>othi''se diluygcns publi*e en 1890, AstroD. Nachr., xxxv, 1853, 371-378, 400 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. GRAVITY, INTENSITY OF— Continued. I'l.ANA (G.). Slt'mnin' ftiir hi l"i de lit peaanteur A la surfare do la mor. Astron. Nachr., xxxvin, 1854, 225-23a Plaxtamouh (E.). Xoiivellos . . . ditermination de la pesRn- teiir ;\ Geneve et au Rigbi-Kulm. Geneve, 1872. Tableau . . . dcR tiaraux . . . ponr la determination do la pcs.antcur ji I'aidi' du ppiidule A reversion. Int. Good. Cong., Gen..Ber, 1S80, ii, 1-B. Prkston (E. D.). Determinations of gravity . . . Caroline Islands. V. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1881, 379-381. Respigiii (E.). Esperienze fatte per la determinaiione del valoro della gravitii. Accad. d. Lincei, Atti, xil, 1882, 34C-369. Skcchi (A.). Sugli sperinienli del penduln fatti in Roma . . . per la dcterminazione assohita delta gravit,'*. Accad. d. Lincei, Atti, iv. 1830-'51, 320-346. Smith (E.). Determinations of gravity "with tbe Kater pendu- liims . . . V. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1881. 439-473. Ster.n'ECK (R. vos). UeV>or den EinSnss dos Mondcs auf die Richtnng und Grcisse der Schwerkraft .Tuf der Erde. Wien, 1870. Stkuneck (R. vox). Untersuchnngen iibcr die Scbwere im Innem der Erde. K. k militiir.g'eogr. Inst.,Mittheil., 11,1882,77-120; in, 1883, 59-94; IV, 1884, 89-163 ; vi, 1886, 92-119; Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1884-'80, 177-178. GRAVITY, VARIATION OF. BoucHEPORS. Xule sur la variation de la pesanteur. Arad. d. Sci. Paris, Conip. Rend., XLV, 1857, 1005-1007. Brocii (O.-J.). Acc6k'ratioii do la pesanteur sous difif^rentes latitudes et k diCf^rntes altitudes. Int. Bureau Weights and Pleasures, Trav. et M^m., i, 1881, 1-15. Broun (J. A.) Notice of an instrument intended for tbe meas. urement of small variation.^ of gravity. Roy. See. Edinl)., Proc, iv, 1802, 411-412. Darwin ((i.II.). On an instrument for detecting and meas- uring small cbanges in the direction of tbe force of gravity. Brit. A. A. S., Rep , 1881-82. FiBHER (O.). On tbe variation of gravity at certain stations of the Indian arc. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., XXII. 1886, 1-29. GuiOT (A.). Essaisurles variatiousde la pesanteur terrestre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., xxv, 1847, i:i5 197. HEXNE8SY (A.). On the variation of gravity at the earth's sur- face. Geol. Soc. Dublin, Jonrn., iv, 1848-'50, 147-149. BERbCiiBL (J.). Note on the diflerenco of variation of gravity at Revel and at St. Petersburg. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., XL, 1879-'f0, 2-5. On tbe determination of tbe acceleration of gravity for Tokio, Japan. N. d. Mason (C). Astronomic observations made in Pennsylva- nia. .. to find tbe dilfcreuce of gravity between Greenwich and tbi.H place. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., Lviii, 1768, 32G-.i3(i. Pratt (J.II.). On tbe variation of gravitj . . . produced by the irregularities of the earth's crust. Debra, 1809. Prrsto.v (E. D.). On the . . . variations of gravity in the Ha- waiian Islands. Am. .lourn. Sci., ixxxvi, 1888, 305-317. Sawitsch (A.-N.). Les variations de !a pes;iuteur dans les provinces OK-ciilrntales de rempirc rnsse. Boy, Astron. Soc. Month. Not, ,\X!il, I87I, 2?J-?i!l; Menj,, 5XXIX, 1872. 19-29, GRAVITY, VARIATION OP— Continued. Stokes (G. G.). On the variation of giavity at tbe surface of tbe earth. Phil. Soc Camb., Trans., viii, 1849. 672-695; L.,E.,D. Phil. Mag., XXXV, 1849, 228-2.9. Greaves [Grave or Gravius] (John). Astronomica qiiipdiini IS traditione Sbali Cholgii Pers;e, una cuni_ liypothesibTis planetarum et cum excerptin quibus- ilam ox Alfergaiii elcnieiitis a.stronoiiiici.s, ct Alii Kugbgii de terra n'agnitudino et sphserarum cceles- tiuni a terra distantiis.* 4^, Londonii, l(j.''i2. POGGENDORFF, I, 915. Green (George). On tbe determinatinn of the exterior and interior attractions of tlie ellipsoids of variable densities. Pbil. Soc. Camb., Trans., v, 1835, 395-4;!0. Researcbes on the vibrations of pendiiliiins in flnid media. Roy, Soc. Edinb., Trans., xiil, 1836, 54-0;' ; Proc, i, 1845, 36-37. Greene (P. V.). Local deflections of the plnnib-line near tbe 49tb parallel. Read before the Essayons Club of the Corp.s of Engineers, November 14, 1876. Printed Papers, XLi, 1-376, 171-184. Greenhill (A. G.). On the differential equation of tbe ellipticitie-s of the strata in the theory of the figure of the earth. * Quart. Jouru. Sci., xvii, 1879, 203-208. - Gregory (Olinthus Gilbert). A treatise on .■istronoiny, in which the elements of the science are deduced in a natural order from the appearances of the heavens to au observer on the-earth, demonstrated on mathe- matical principles, and exi)lained by au application to the various phenomena. 8°, London, 1^03, pp. xiv, 522, i) plates. On tbe figure and dimensions of the earth, l-ll. Remarks on Don Joseph Rodriguez's animadver- sions on part of the trigonometrical survey of En- gland. Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), xi.i, 1813, 178-194. Dis.sertrations and letters by Don Jo.sepb Rodri- guez, the Chevalier Delambre, Baron de Zach, Dr. Thomas Thomson, Dr. Olinthus Gregory, and others, tendiug either to impngu or defend the trigonomet- rical survey of England and Wales, carried on by Col. Sludge and Capt. Colby. Collected, with notes and observ.ations, including au exposure of the n is- rcpresentation and contradiclions of Dr. Thomson, and a defence of tbe late astronomer royal ogaiust the imputations of Baron de Zach. 8^, London, 1S15, jip. v, 101. (Gore.) Ou tbe ditferent rates of Peunington's clock at the island of Btilta, in Zetland, andat WoohvichCom- mon, Kent, with remarks upon the results of tin- various other iieniliilum experinii'uts. M'hil. Mag. (Tilloch), I.III, 181!), 426-445. Grenus (Theodor). Ueber einige Bcmerkungcn, welchu Herr Svanberg iiber die Gradniessung von Peru in seiner "' Exposition des op(5rations faites en Lajipo- pie, etc., 1805," gemacht liat. Mon. Corr, (Zach), ;(m, 1806, 398-404, UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUEVEY. 401 Grenus (Theodor)— Continued. Kcsnilato oiuer Vergleichung dor Werke von Bougucr, Condamine and Ulloa liber die peraanische Gradmcssung. >ron. Corr. (Zach), xvi, 1807, 238-256. Grimoldi et Riccioli. Do semidiametro terrio. Houonise, 1655. Grischow (Augustin Nathauael). Rolatio obscrva- tioniim ot experimenturuui, (juorum instituendorum iter auno 1757 in insulam Osiliam susceptam occa- sioneni pnobuit. Acad, do St. Ptfitersbourj;, Com., 1758-59, 445-520. Obaervatioues et expt-rimvuta circi gravitatem mcdiantti pcildalo. 447-520. : Herscbel (J.). Note on — 's pendulum obser- Tatious. Roy. Astroii. Soc, Mouth. Xot., XL, 1879-'a0, 2-5. Grouau (Johann Friedrich 'Wilhelm). Ueber die Be- wcgnnj; schwingender Kiiiper in widerstebendem Mittol, mit Riicksicht auf die Newton'scbeu Pendel- versucbo. 4^, Danzig, ItiSO, pp. 14. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Ilistorische Entwickelung der Lehre von Luft- widerstande." Danzig. Schrifteu, ii, 1868, 1. Gruber (Ludwlg). Ueber eineuApparatzu Coincidouz- beobacbtuugeu bei Schwerebestimmuugen mit Hilfe des Reversionspendels. K. k. Ak. d. Wiss., math.-naturwisB. CI., Sitz.-Ber., LXX, 1874, ii, 565-670. Bestinimung der Scbwere in Budax^est vermittelst des Reversionpendels.* Budapest, 1880. Griisoa (Johann Philip). Von der Geodiisie odor Feldt- vertheilung. 8^, Berlin, 1811, pp. 040, 18 plates. Simple Burvoyiuj;. Grunert (Johann August). Spbiiroidische Trigonome- trie. 4 -, Berlin, 1833, pp. iv, 311. (British Museum.) Eleniento der ebeno spbiiriscbon und spharoi- discbeu Trigonometrie in analytischer Darstellung mit Anwondung auf Geodiisio und Astronomie, zuni Gebraiicho bei Vorlcsuugen. 8^, Leipzig, 1837, pp. xiv, 339, 2 plates. (British Museum.) Das Potbonot'scho Problem, iu irweittrer Ge- stalt; nebst Bemerkungou iiber seine Auwendungiu derOeodiisio. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), 1, 1841, 2;J8-248. Ucber oine geodiitische Aufgabe. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert),!, 1841,423-430; ni, 1H43, 35-40; vii, 1846, 238-2.'')'.); viil, 1846, 433-4.50. A special ca«o of Ihn thrcc-jKiint jirobli-m. Geod.'isic, odor Lchro von Aufnahmen, Niveliien und (lio MaikschiidekuMst. Vol. 2 of Lebrbncb der Mathematik und J'hysik. 8", Leipzig, 1842, pp. x, 486, 13 plates. (Berlin, Royal.) Einige Bomerkungen iiber feblerzeigendo Dreiecke. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), iv, 4844, 348-355. H. Ex. 17 L'« Grunert (Johann August)— Continued. Ueber eiue geodatischo Anfgabe. Arch. d. Math. (Gnmert), iv, 1844, 385-108. A special case of the tUrec-poiiit problem. Geodatische Aufgabe. Arcb. d. Math. (Grunert), v, 1844, 212-215. Vollig strengo uud allgemeino Aullosung der Hauptaufgabo der bohoren Geodiieie. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), Vll, 1846, 68-93. Tbo Ibrce-point problem, iu which tho boight is also computed. Uiiber Distanzmeseer. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), vm, 1846, 254-267. Ueber die atraospharische, vorzUglich die terres- tiische Eeiraction, und iiber Befractionscurven im AUgemcinen. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), x, 1847, 1-41. Ueber eine vorzUglich zur Anwendung boi geo- diitischeu Mesauugeu geeigneto Methode zur Bestim- muug der Polhohe oder geographischen Breite. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), xix, 1652, 457-468. Ueber eiue neue geodiitische Anfgabe. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), xxi, 1853, 330-342. An extension of the three-point problem. Ueber eine neue bei der Ausfiihrung hoherer geo- diitischer Messungen uud Kechnungen in Anwen- dung zu bringeude Methode. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), xxiv, 1855, 121-203. Das sph.'irischo Dreieck mit seiiiem SebucM- dreiecke verglichen, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Geodiisie. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), xxv, 1855, 197-210. ■ Ueber eiue geometrische Anfgabe von der Kugel, mit Riicksitbt auf Geodiisie. Arch. d. JIath. (Grunert), xxv, 1855, 455—471. Theorie des Foncanlt'schen Pendolversuchs, ans neuen Gesichtspunkten dargostellt, mit Riioksiciit auf die ellipsoidiscbo Gestalt der Erdo. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), xxviii, 18.W, 223-248. Ueber den Gebrauch der Spiegel-Sextanten bei geodjitiseheu Messungen. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), xxvm, 1857, 420-435. Drei Grossen x, y, z, doren Summo die gegebeno Griisso ist, sind (lurch Me.ssung bestimmt worden, uud man habo dadunh fiir dieso drei Grossen respective die Wi'rtho a, h, o, erbaltcu. Da diose Werthe mit Iteobachtungsfchler Ix'hnftet sind, und ihro Suuiuio also ini Allgeiueinen uicht geuau s ist, so soli man dieselbou so verbcssern, dass die verbesserten Wcrthe geuau die Summo a gebeu, uud die Sumuio der qua- drate der Veibesserungen ein Minimum ist. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), xxxi, 18.';8, 480-181. — : Unferdinger (P.). Neuer Bi-weis des von — in der AbbaiuUung : Das sphiirischo DreiiSck mit beson- derer Riicksicht auf Geodii.sie. Arch. d. Math. u. Phys., xxv, 1855, 197-210; Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), xxxiii, ia59, 89-91. Lagenbestimnningon auf der Kugel, eine Ergiiu- zung der spliiiriscluMi Trigonometrie, mit besoiidcri'r Riicksicht auf Geodiisie. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), xxxvi, 1861, 51-79, 402 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Grunert (Johann August) — Continued. Ueber Liiuge und Breite, redncirte Liiiige nnd reducirte Breite auf dcni dreiaxigea Ellipsoid. Arch. d. Math. (Gruuert), xxxvi, 1861, 79-100. Uelicr die ExcentricitJit dor Bonssole. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), xxxvii, 18G1, 458-475. Goometrische Aufgaben, welche zur Anwendung in der nautischen Geodiisie gccignct Bind. Arch. d. AlatU. (Grunert), xxxvill, 1862, 81-133. Ueber die Normalsclinitte de.s allgcujeineu drei" axigeu Ellipsoids mit bcsonderer Beziehung auf hohere GeodiiBie, nanientlich auch iiber neuc merk- wiirdige Ausdriickedergrossten und kleiusten Kriim- luuugshalbmesser und eineu neuen geometrisch nierkwiirdigen und liir Geodiisie wichtigiin Satz vou dieseu Kriimmungshalbmessern. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), XL, 1863, 259-354. Noch zu der Kugel der niittloreu Kriimmung des Ellip.'ioids. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), XLiii, 1865, 361-364; Neue Aullosuugcu eiuer nautisch-astrouomischen und eiuer geodiitisch-astrouomischen Aufgabe. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), Liv, 1872, 419-476. Gniterus (Johannes). Disputatiophilosophicadeterrie rotuuditate. 8°, Lugduni Batavorum, 1668, pp. [6]. (British Museum.) Grye (de la). iSce Bouguet de la Grye. Guarducci (F.). Metodo gratico per la riduzione delle osservazioni geodetiche azimutali a centro triijo- noiuetrico.* Torino, — . Gudermanu (Christoph). De ppndulis sphsricis et de curvis, quic ab ii>si.s dcscribuutur. Journ. d. Math. (Crelle), xxxviil, 1849, 185-215. Fiindamenta trigouomctriie Bpli;eroidicm es- acta; iuiprinjis de lincis brevissimis, vulgo diet is gcoilaticis, in snperiicie sphieroidica. Journ. d. Math. (Crelle), xi.iii, 1852, 294-339. Giinther (Siegmund). Studien zur Geschichte der matheniatischcn uud jilay.Hikalischeu Geographie. 8'^, Halle, 1879, pp. 405. Heft 1. Die Lehrc von der Erdrunduug und Erd- bewegung ini Mittelaltcr bei den Oceidentaleu. Halle, 1877, p)i. 56. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Biblio;irHpliy of history, of mathematical and physical geography, 393-405. Die Erdnu'Hsuug de.-* Eratosthenes. Geogr. Kundschau, lu, 1881, 327-336. Die neuereu Beniiihungen um schtirfere Bestiiu- luuiigcn der Erdge.stalt.* Berlin, 1883. Guillauxne (Ch. Ed.). Sur la d<5terMiination des coeffi- cients de dilatation au nio^en du prudulo. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Kend., cm, 1886, 689-691. Ooiot (Auguste). Essai sur les yariations de la pesan- teur terro.stre. Arad. d. .<5fi. Paris, Conip. Rend., XXV, 1847, 195-197. Gumpach (Johannes von). A letter ou the figure of the earth to G. B. Airy. Literary Gazette, 1861, 372. Gumpach (Johannes von) — Continne'-243. "With au appendix of one page by the editor. A uioditi- cation of FoucauU's theorem, taking into considera- tion the rotation of the earth. Ueber die Veriinderungen der Rotationsaxo der Erde durch Veriinderungen auf der Erdobertliiche. Ann. d. Phys. (PoggendorfF), xc, 1853, ;!42-347. Hallstrom (G. G.). De lougitudine i)enduli pro Aboa. (H.) Al)o;e, 180.5. HetSher {'W.)und Fearnley (C). Publication der nrogre88 of science as ex- emplified in tbe art of Weigbing and measuring. To Tvhicb are apiiended some bistorical notes and a bibliograpby. Pbi!. Soc. Wash., Bull., x, 1888, xsxix-lxxxvi. Harper's Mag., for Harper's Montbly Magazine. 8^, New York. Hart (Andrew S.). [Geodesic lines through tbe um- bilic of au ellipsoid.] Roy. Irish Acad., Proc, iv, 1847-'50, 274. Geometrical demonstrations of some properties of geodesic lines. Camb. Math. Journ. (Thomson), iv, 1849, 80-84. On geodesic lines traced on a surface of the sec- ond degree. Camb. Math. Jonrn. (Thomsou), IV, 1849, 192-194. Hartl (Heinrich). Ueber den zusaminenhaug zwiscbeu der terrestrischeu Strahlenbrecbung und den meteor- ologischen Elementen, Oester. Ges. f. Meteorologie, Zeits., xvi, 1881, 129. : Sterneck (R. von) wnrfKalmdr (von). Bericht liber die Leistung der astronomisch-gcodiitischen Gruppe dos k. k. militiir-geograpbischen lustituts. Int. Geod. Cong., Verbandl., 18S4-'86, 154-177. joifl Kalmir (A. von). Bericht iiber die Grad- messungs-Arbeiten des k. k. militiir-geograpbischen lustituts im Jahro 1887. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen. -Ber., 1887, viii, 1-18. Materialien zur Geschichte der astronomisch- trigouometriscben Vermessung der osterreichiscb-iin- gariseben Monarchic. K. k. militar-geogr. Inst., Mittheil., vii, 1877, 117- 228. Hartmaiui (Johann Georg Friediich). Ueber die Cor- rection der mit dom doppelt repetirendeu Tbeodoli- ten gemessenenWiukel, Avegen der Excentricitiit des zweiten sogenannten versicberungs-Fernrobrs. Astron.Nachr., vii, 1829, 227-230. Ueber die Correction der geme.ssenen Horizon tal- Wiukel wegen excentrischer Aufstclluiig des Instru- mentes. Astron. Nachr., vil, 1829, 232-236. Ueber die Bonutzung des sogeuauuten Fehler- zeigenden Dreiecks zur Bestimmung der Correctionen der angeniihrten Coordinauten des unbekaunten vierten Puuktes. Astron. Nacbr., vii, 1829, 235-638. Ueber die Beuutzuug von zwei gleichen entge- gengesetzt liegendeu fchlerzeigendeu Dreiecken zur Bestimmuug dcr uiibekanuteu Beobachtuugsstelle. Astron. Nacbr., vii, 1829, 237-240. Directo Bestimmuug der Coordinateu von zwei unbekannten Pnukten, 'wenn man iu jedem dieser Puukte dieselbeu beiden bekauuten Punkte und auch den auderu unbekannten Puukt sioht. Astron. Nachr., vil, 18J9, 239-242. Ueber die Ausgleicbung des Einllusses der Ex- centricitiit bei eiugetbeilten Kreisen, ilurcb das Able- sen an versdiiedeuen Nonien. Astron.Nachr., vii, 1829,241-246. Ueber die Ausgleicbung des Fehlers iu den ge- messenen Horizontalwinkelu, -welcber uur durcb das Ablesen auf dein uicht genau horizontalliegenden eiugetbeilten Kreise entsteht. Astron. Nachr., vii, 1829, 247-248. [Ueber die Thellungen der lustrumente von Ertel und Ilonbaum.] Astron. Nachr., X, 1832, 309-312. tjsod by Gauas in the Hannover degree-meaaureuients from 1823-'33. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 405 Hartner (J.)- Handbnch der niedereu Geodaesie, iiebst eiueui Anhange iiber die Eleinente der Markscheide- kanst. Zuiii Gebrauche der techniscben Lehran- stalteu, sowio fur das Selbststudium. Zweite ver- inelirte nnd verbesserte Anflage. 8°, Wien, 1856, pp. xvi, 610, 2 plates; 4th ed., Wien, 187-2. VI. Aiiflage, boarbeitct nnd vermebrt von .T. Wast- ler, Wien, 18tf5. Ecvd. in Zcits. f. Vermesa.. xv, 123, 405 ; Zeits d. Ver- eins deutacher Ingenieure, XXX, 1886, 392. Hassler (Ferdinand Rudolph). An accountof pyromet- ric experiments made at Newark, N. .J., in April, 1"^17. Am. Phil. Soc, Trans., I, IdlS, 210--2-27. Determining the length of the haao apparatna. Paper on various subjects connected with the survey of the coast of the United States. Am. Phi'.. Soc, Trans., ii, 1825, 232^19. : Bessel (F. 'W.). Ueber die von — Vermessung der Kiiste der Vereinigten Staaten. Astron. Nachr., vi, 1828, ;549-3o6. Translated by Ekswick (J), Am. Joor. Sci., xvi, 1829, 22i-234. Principal documents relating to the survey of the coast of the United States since 1816. 8°,Nevr York, 1834, pp. 180, iv. (Gore.) Eevd. iu X. Am. Rev., XLU, 1836, 75-94. Second volume of the principal documents relat- iug to the survey of the coast of the United States, from October, 1834, to November, 1835. 8°, New York, 18;?5, pp. li>6, iii. (Gore.) Documents relating to the construction of stand- ards of weights and measures for the custom-houses, from March to November, 1S55. H^,New York, 1835, pp. 31. (Gore.) Third volume of the principal documents relat- ing to the survey of the coast of the United States, and the construction of uniform standards of weights and measures for the custom-houses and St.ates, from November, 1835, to November, 1836. 8^, New York, 1836, pp. iii, 123. (Gore.) Documents relating to the construction of uni- form standards of weights and measures for the United States, from 1832 to 1835. 8°, New York, 1836, pp. 25. (Gore.) Eighth report of F. E. Hassler as superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United .States and of the construction of standards of weiglits and meas- ures, retlftcring account of the works of 18.31). From Congressional Documents, Twenty-sixth Congress, lirst session, December 27, 1839. Jonrn Frank. Inst., xxix, 1840,91-97. Beri(dit iiber die Kiiston-Vermessung in Nord- Ameri(r;i. Astron. Nachr., xix, 1842, 3.')»-368, 377-384. Hatt. Siir Tempioi des boules-panorama, comnu; aignanx Bolaires. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., ci, 1885, 1125-1126. Valeur th6ori([ue de I'attraction locale i\ Nice. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., cm, 1886. Sur IVvaluation des errenrs inhdrcntes an sys- thmo des coordonu('es rectangulaires. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., CVI, 1888, 921-924. Hauber (Carl Priediich). Ueber die Bestimmnng der Geuanigkeit der Beobachtungen. Zeitz. f. Phys. (Baumgartner), vii, 1830,406-429. — " Theorie der mittleren Werthe. Zeits. f. Phys. (Baumgartner), vili, 18:!0, 25-56, 147- 179,295-315,443-455; ix, 1831, 302-322; x, 1831, 425- 457. Haughton (Samuel). On Clairaut's theorem. Canib. Math. Journ. (Thomson), VI, 1851, 182-185. On the density of the earth, deduced from the experiments of the astronomer royal, in the Harton coal pit. L., E., D. Phil. Mag. , xii, 1856, 50-51 ; Ann. de Phys. (Poggendorft), xcix, 1856, 332-334. Haupt (C). Ein Mittel zur Steigerung der Genauig- keit von Basismessungen. Zeits. f. lostrumentenkunde, il, 1882, 241-252. Die Ausgleichung grosser geodiitischer Drelecke. Astron. Nacbr., cvii, 1883, 65-84. Gradmessnngs-Beitriige. Astron. Nachr., CIX, 1884, 7-28. Ueber die Anordnung trigonometriacher Re- cbenformnlare. Zeits. f. Vermes., XVII, 1888, 407-425. Haupt (L. M.). On the use of the heliotrope in geodetic surveys. Journ. Frank. Inst., cvi, 1878, 416-418. Geodetic surveys. On the heliotrope. .Scientific American Supplement, vii, 1879,2589. Haydeii(P. v.): Gannett (H.). The geodetic work of the — survey. Science, n, 1884, 447-448. Hayes (Isaac I.). Physical observations in the Arctic seas. Miido on the west coast of north Grecnlann, the vicinity of Smith Strait and the west side of Kennedy Channel during 18tiO and 1861. Reduced and discussed by Charles A. Schott. .Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, XV, 1867. Pendulum esperimcnta, 29-68. ' Hazzidakis (J. N.). Ueber die Curven, welclie sich so bewegiMi kijnuen, dass sie stets geodiitische Linien der von ihuen crzeugten Fliicho bloiben. Journ. f Math. (Crelle), xcv, 1883, 120-139. Hearn (George 'Whitehead). On the of the dis- crepancies observed by Mr. Haily with the Caven- dish apparatus fur determining the mean density of the earth. Roy. Phil. Soc. Edinb., Trans., 1847, 217-230. Heavislde CW. J.). Preliminary abstract of .approxi- mate mean results with the inv.ariable pendulum. Uoy. Soc. Uondon, Proc, xxni, 1875,31f>-317. Heel (Joh. Nep.). Gostalt nnd Grdsse der Erdo. 4 , Speier, 1865, pp. 23, 1 plate. Heger (Richard). Bemerkung zu der Bestimuiuug der Abplattungsgrenzen fiir das Erdsphiiroid (jji und 5^j) aus der Nutation. Zeits. f. Math. (Scliloniilch),xv, 1870,293-296. Kevd. in Jahrb. iil>. il. Follschr. d. Math., n, 1869-70, 838- 839, by OUKTMANN. Heine ( Heinrich Eduard). Theorie der Anziehung eines I'.Uipsoids. Journ. d. Math. (Crelle), xui, 1851, 70-82. 406 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETK) SURVEY. Heldenfeld (A. Mayer vou). Neiiestes astronomisch- trigonometriscbes Netz iiber die ganze iisterreichi- sclie Monarchic. Mou. Corr. (Zach), XV, 1807, 461-467; xviii, 1808, 17-:!:?. Helfenzrieder (Johann Evangelist). Abhandlung von (Ut Gi-odiisie odtr dcm vraktischen Feldmessen, dariuiien verscbiedenc none Instrumeute besebrie- ben, Oder ueiio Vortlieile vorgetrageu werilfii, wodurch dio Arbeit entweder erleichtert, odereiche- rer uud geuaiier wirtl. 4'^, Ingolstadt uiul Augsbnng, 1776, pp. [xii], 337, 5 plates. (Dresden, Koyal.) Helmert (Friedrich Robert). Studien iiber rationello Vermeasmigeu iui GnbioIe der hcihereu Geodiisie. Zeits. i. Matli. (Schliimilch), xill, 1868, ?:J-120, 163-186. As a separate, 8°, Leipzig, 1868, pp. 72, 1 pi. Eevd. in Jabrl.. iib il. Fortscbr. d. Matb., I, 1868, 389- 390, by B[KUNsl. Beitr.'ige ziir Tbeorie der Ausgleicliung trigo- nometrischcr Netze. Zeits. f. Math. (ScblSmilcb), xiv, ISiO, 174-208. Kevd. in Jahili. iib. d. Fortscbr. d. Math.. II, 1869-'70, 834-835, by l;|iaNS|. Accouut ol' tbe operations of the great Trigono- metrical Survey ol'ludia. Vol.1. Revd. by — . Astron. Ge.s., Vierleljahrs., VUI, 1873, 14-45. Die Ausglcichiingsrechnung nach der Metbode der lileinsteu Quadratu luit Anweudungeu aiif die Geodiisie uud die Tbeorie der Mess-Instruinente. fp, Leipzig, ls7->, pp. xi, 3i^. (Gurj.; Kevd. in Jabrb. ub. d. Fortscbr. d. Math., v, 1873, 593- 59i, by [Oiibt.mas.n1. Bestinimuug des niittleren Fehlers der Liingen- luessuugeu aus den Differeiizen von Doppeliuessuu- geu. Astron. Nachr., LXXXi, 1873, 48-53. Eiufachu Ableitung Gaussiscber Formelu fiir die Auiiosung eiuer Hauptaufgabe der sphiirischen Geo- diisie. Zeits. f. Verraess.,iv, 1875, 153-156. Kevd. in Liter. Arbcitcii iius d. Gibiete d. reinen u. ange- wandten Math., Leipzig, 1, 162-165. This is ascribed to (5. IIei.mert in Jabrb. iib. d. Fortscbr. d. Math., IX, 1877, 78'2. Einige Nachrichteu iiher einen Mikroskop-Theo- dolit. Zeits. f. Vermess., iv, 1875, 327-341. Ueber die Berechnnng des wahrscheinlichen Feblers ans eincr endlicben Anzahl wahrer Beobach- tungsfehler. Zeits. f. Math. (SchlOuiilcb), xx, 1875, 300-303. Kevd. in Jahrb. iib. d. Fortscbr. d. Math., vii, 1875, 113. Ueber dio Forinclii fiir dm Durcbschuittsfehler. Astron. Nachr., LXXXV, 1875, 354-:?t;6. Revd. in Jahrb. iili. d. Fortscbr. d. Math., vil, 1875, 113. - Die GenaniglKBAKHLYZEX (H.G. VAN PE). Eesnni6 dea travans g6o- dfsiqnes ("S^cnteea dans left Pays-Baa. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1881-'82, 84-85; 1883, 257-259; 1884,239-261; lS«4-86, 178-182; 1687, viii, 1-3. Stamkart (F. J.) Bericht iiber die geodatischen Arbeiten in Holland. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1870, 8-10; 1873,4; 1875.179-180; 1876,105-106; 1878,86; 1879,92-94; 1880,20-22. Holniaii (Silas W.). Dibcussion of the precision of iiifUMureiueuta. Technology Quarterly (Boston, Mass.), i, 1867, 1-21- 140. Holmquist: Svanberg (J.). Exposition ilos operations faites eu Lapponie pour la d^teruii nation d'uu arc dn ni^ridien, par — ... Stockholm, 1805. Title in full under Svanberg (J.). Hopkins (William). On the form, solidification, and thickness of the earth's crust. Brit. A. A. S., Rep., XVII, 1847, 40-57. Hoppe (R.). Anwendung Thetafunctionen auf geodjiti- scho Strecken und Winkel. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), III, 1886, 75-83. Hopton (Arthur). Baculum geoda-ticum, sive viaticum, or the geodetieall staffe, containing eight hooks: the contents whereof foUowe after the epistles. 8^, London, 1610, pp. [xiv], 347. (Oxford, Bod- leian.) Bonnd with The art of dialling. Horsley (Samuel). Remarks on the observations made in the late voyage toward the North Pole for deter- mining the acceleration of the pendulum in latitude 79" .50'. In a letter to C'onstantine John Phipps. 4°, London, 1774, pp. 15. (British Museum.) Hossard (P.) et Rozet. Sur les causes probables des irri'gularit<5s de la surface du niveau du globe ter- restre, des anomalies observdcs dans lii direction de la vertical, la marche du pendule et la hauteur do l.a colonne b;ironi(;triquo ramen<5es il cette m6me surface. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., xviii, 1844, 180- 185. : Francoeur (L.-B.). Gdoddsie. Angment^e par — . Paris, 1865. Title in full under FRANCivera ouvrages ilo Matb. et Phys. par MM. de TAcad. Eoy. d. Sci. Paris, 1693, 305-312. (British Mu.senm.) Opuscnla posthnma. Dissertatio de causa gra- vitatis, anctore C. H. ^ Z. 4°, Amsterdam, 1728. Figure of tlie eartb. 117-119. : Plana (G.). La ligure de la terre et la loi de la pesantenr h sa surface d'apri's I'hypothfese d' — . Astron. Naclir., xxxv, 18.''>3, 371-378. Ibaiiez (Carlos) .1/ Meneses (Frutos Saavedra). Ex- perimeucias hechas con el uparato de uiedir bases perteueciente d la comision del mapa de Espana. 8°, Madrid, 1859, pp. viii, 255, cxlvii, 7 plates. (Gore. ) Noticia de los resultados obtenidos en la niedi- cion de la base central del map.a de Espana. Revista Cien. Eis.. Madrid, xiii, 1863, 513-519, 1 chart. Lt2. (Cambridge University.) [Triangolazione in Toscaua.] Corr. Astron. (Zach), i, 1818, 101-120, SJ27-343, 368- 389. Iiighirami (Giovanni) — Continued. [Letteia: TriangolaziouedellaLombardiaedello statu di Lucca e dclla Toscaua.] Corr. Astron. (Zach), ill, 1819, IS.'i-lSS. Riniiione della triangolazione di Loinbardia con quella della Toscana. Opuscoli e Notizie d. Sci. (Inghirami), i, 1820, 101- 107. [Relative alia vera distanza tra il ceiitro del fanale di Portoferrajo o quello doll' opposta torre Pop u Ionia.] Corr. Astron. (Zach), v, 1821, 251-276 ; Note, 271- 282. Delia operazioni trigonometriche, eseguite r anno 1816 iiella costa occideutiile della Toscana. 8°, Livorno, 1821, pp. 32. (Vienna, War Office). (Fascicolo IX dell' Antologia.) Inst, de France, Mem. CI. Sci. Math. Phy s.,/or M^moires de la classe des sciences niathematiqueset physiques de riustitut royal de France. 4'-^, Paris, 1806-'15. (Washington, Observatory.) Institution Civ. Eng., Proc, for Minutes of the Pro- ceediugs of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 8°, Loudon, 1837. (Washington, Congress.) INSTRUMENTS, GEODETIC. See GEODETIC INSTRUMENTS. Int. Bur. Weights and Measures, Trav., for Travaux et iniimoiics du Bureau international des poids et mesures. 4^, Paris, 1881. (Washington, Observatory.) Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber.,/or Generalbericht iiber die uiittel-europiiische Gradmessung. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen dor [eisten, zweiten, etc.] allgo- meiuen Conferenz der europaischen Gradmessuugen. 4'=, Berlin, 1863-'74. (Gore.) GEODETIC CONGRESS. Tm.BB OP PUBLICATIONS. Generalbericht iiber die mittelenropaische Gradmesaong. Fiir 1863, Berliu, 1864. Fiir 18G4, Berlin, 1865. Containing : Verhandlungen der ersten allgemeiuen Con- ferenz der Bevollmachtigten zur mitteleuropiiischeu Gradmessung in Berlin vo'n 15. bis 22. Oktober 1864. Fur 18C5, Berlin, 1866. Fiir 1806, Berlin, 1607. The title is changed to: Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen der voiu 30. September bis 7. October 1867 zu Berlin ab- gehaltenen [zweiten] allgemeiuen Conferenz der europai- schen Gl'admessungeu. ZugUich als General-Bericht fiir 1867 berausgegeben vom Central-Bureau der europai- schen Gradmessung. Berlin, 1868. General-Bericht iiber die europiiische Gradmessung fur die Jahre 1868, 1869, 1870. 3 vols. Berlin, 1860, 1870, 1871. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen der vom 21. bis 30. September 1871 zu \Vien abgehalti n< ii drittcu jTllgenieiueu Conferenz der eurnpiiisclu-n Gr:ulnif ssung. Zugleich als General- bericht iiber die europiiische Gradmessung. Berlin, 1872. General-Berirtit iiber die europiiische Gradmessung, 1872, 1873. 2 vols. Berlin, 1873, 1874. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen der vom 23. bis 28. Septeraher zu X>readen abgehaltenen vierten allgemeiuen Conferenz der europ&ischen Gradmessung. Zugleich als General- Bericht fiir 1874. Berlin, 1875. The title again changes: Verhandlungen der vereinigten peruiauenten Commi.ssion diT eurupiiiseben GradmeS' sung, 1875, 1&76. 2 vols. Berlin, 1876, 1877. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SDKVEY. 415 INTERNATIONAL Contiuued. GEODETIC CONGRESS- TITLES op PUBLlCATIOSli. VerbandlaDgeD der- funftcD aligemeinen Confereaz der euro- paiscbcD GradiDessQDg. [Stntt;;art, 1877.] Zugleich mil Geueral-Bericbt fiir das Jahr 1877. Berlin, 1878. VerhandluDgen der vereiuigt«n poruiaueuteu CommissioD der europaischen Gradmessnog. Zugltich mit dem Berioht fur 1878, 1879. 2 vols. Bcrliu, 18711. 1880. Verhaudluugen der serhsten allgimeinen Conferi'nz der euro* paiHchen Gi*admes8nDg. [ MuDich ] Zugleich mit dem GeneralBericht fiir das Jahr 1880. Berlin, 1881. Verliandlunpen der vereinigten perroanenteD Commissiuu der eurupaischen (iradmessuDg. Zugleich mit dem General- bericht fiir die Jabre 18S1 und 1882. Berlin, 1883. Verbandlungen der eiebeuten allgemeioen Conferenz der euro- piiiacbeQ Gradmessung. Zugleich mit demGeneralbcricbt fiir da.s Jahr 1883. Berlin, 1884. Verbandlungen der achten aligemeinen Conferenz der inter- nationalen Erdniessung und deren permanenten Commis- sion. Zagleioh mit den Bericbten der Vertreter der ein- zelnen Staaten iibcr die Forlscbritte der Erdmeasung in ibren Liiudcra. v,.n 1884-'66. Birlin, 1887. Verbandlungen dir Conferenz der pcimancnten Commis siou der intemationalen Erdmessung. Zugleich mit den Bi-ricbten mehrercr Special-Referenton iibrr die Ilaupt- Fiicber, und den Bericbten iiber die Fortscbritle der Erd- measuug in den einzelnen Liinderu im letzten Jabre. Supplement. 2 vols. Berlin, 1888. From 1874 up to the pre-nent time the transactions and reports appear in both French and German. APAJt (E.-H.-J.). Notico sur TAssociation inteniatiouale de g^od^sie. Iielles, 1876. Conf6rence de Ilambourg, 1878. Acad, de Belgique, Bull., xi, 1878, 529-533. CoDf6rence de Geneve, 1879. Acad, de Belgique, Bull., in, 1879, 658-655. Conference k Mnnicb, 1880. Bruxellcs, 1880. BaL'Sk.nfeiii!> (C. M.). Pie dritte allgemeine Conferenz dor ouropiiischen Gradmessung. Allg. Zeit., 1872, :(-4, 18-20, 34-35. 82-83. Die sechste Generalvereammlung der europaiscben Gradmessung in Miiuchen. Zeits. f. Vermes., IX, 1880, 457-474. Die GradmessongBconferenz im Haag. Allg. Zeit., 1882, 4179-4180. Die siebenle General -Conferenz der europiiiscben Gradmessung zu Rom, 1883. Zeits. f. Venues., XIII, 1884, 133-140. Emgkl. Die mitteleuropiiiscbe Gradmessung, und die eiete allgemoiue Conferenz. Berlin, 1864. Favf (H.-A.E.A.). Kapport sur le protocole de la Confe- rence g^odesique tenue ii Berlin en 1862. Acad. d. Sci. I'aris, Comp. Kend., 1863, 28-:i4. Ublhrrt (F. K.). Kurzer Bericbt iiber die VerH.ammlung der Intemational-ErdniesHUiigH-CommiiSsiun, 1887. Zeils. f. Vermes., xvll, 1888, 129-140; 1888, Zeits. f. Vermes., XVIII, 1889, 0.5-84. JOBUA.N (W.). Ueber den Verlauf . , . dor aligemeinen Con- ferenz der intemationalen Krdmessung in Berlin, 1886. Zeits. f. Arch.- u. Ingen.- Vereins, 1887, 143. Kaihkk (F.). Kapport omtreut de tweedo algemcene b^jeon- komst der g«-niagtigden voor de graadmeting in Europa. AniRt«rdam, 1867. Pkittwitz (M. K. E. von). Din Fortsebrittfl nnd der Jelzige Stand der mitteleuropiiiachen GradnieHsnng. Zeita.allg. Erdkuude, XIX. 186.'), 324-345. ScHOTT (C. A.). International Geodetic Association of Europe. Science, il, 1883, 656-658. INTERNATIONAL GEODETIC CONGRESS— Contiuuod. Akon. Permanent Commission of the International Geodetic Association. Nature, XII. 1875, 501-502. Notice of meeting at Paris, September 20, 1875. International Geodetic Association. Nature. XIV, 1876, 560 1 XVI, 1877, 298. Notice of meeting at Stuttgart, in 1877. Permanent Commission of iho International Geodetic Association. Nature, xx, 1879, 433, 508, 535. Notice of meeting at Geneva, September 16, 1879. The Geodetic Congress. Nature, XXVIII, 1H83, 616-617 ; XXIX, 1883, 14. Report of the meeting in Rome, in October, 1883. —2 — Allgemeine Konferenz der intemationalen Erdmes- sung in Berlin (27. October bis 2. November 1886). Zeits. f. Vermes., xv, 1886, 545-558. Int. Geod. Cong., Verhandl., fur Vdiliaudlnngon der Vfifiuigtcn iicrui:iiRiilcn Comuii-ssioii der ciiropiii- scheu Gradmessung. Verhandlungcn der aligemei- nen Conferenz der iuternatioualen Erdniessung und deren permaneuten Commi.ssiou. 4°, Berlin, 187o-f. (Gore.) Ismail Effendi y Ibanez ( C. ). Comparacion de la regla geoddsica perteneciente al gobierno de Egipto con la do la base eentrale de Espana. Madrid, 18(;3. Title in full under Ibanez (C). Ismail - Effeudi - Moustapha. Rechcrclies des coeffi- cients de dilatation et etalonago do I'appareil h, mesurer lea bases g^odiSsiiiuea appartenaut au gou- vernement ^gyptien. h°, Paris, 18ti4, jip. xx, 194, 169, 5 plates. (Brus- sels, Observatory.) Issel (Arthur). Note sur iiu instrument destin6 :\ uie- siirer rinten8it6 de la pesautenr. Bull, d, IS'aturalistes de Moscou, 1«82, lJ4-i;i9. 1st. di Bologna, Mem., for Memorie dclla reale Accado- mia delle scienze ilell' Istituto di Bologna. 4°, Bologna, 1850-4-. (VVaHbiugtoii, Congress.) 1st. Lomb. Sci., Giorn., foi- Giornale dell' Istituto Loin- bardo di scienze e lettere. b'', Milauo, 1840-|-. (Washington, Congress.) Ist. Lomb. Sci., Rendi., for Keale Istituto Lombaido di scienze e lettere, rendicouti, Classo di scienzo inate- inaticlio enaturali. 6°, Milano, lHf)4-f-. ^Washington, Congress.) Ist. Veneto., Mem., for Memorie del reale Istituto Veneto tli sciiiuze, lettere ed arte. 4°, Veuezia, 1843-f . (Washiugton, Congress.) ITALY. Itama. Lavori osegniti nell' anno 1875. Astronomicl e ;.eo. detici. Int Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1875, 175-178. Istituto toi'oouakico mii.itahk. Elemonli geoiletlci , IV, 1828, 432-435. Keferring to the methods of the trigonometrical stirvey, says; " It is just to characterize tlie method of calcu- lation in the survey as tbe greatest delusion thatbas ever prevailed in practical mat hematics." On the method of deducing the difference of lon- gitude from the latitudes and azimuths of two sta- tions on the earth's surface. Phil. Mag. (Taylor), V, 1829, 24-28, lOfi-109. Showing what bo calls an error in the method of com- puting ilifferencn of lonL'itudo used l>y the trigono- metrical survey of Great Rrit:iin. Some arguuuMits tending to prove thattlie earth is a solid of revolution. Phil. Mag. (Taylor), V, 1829, 20.';-209. The most probable infeience that we can at present draw from tbe best. m"-asuren>enls tluit have been made is that tbo meridians are r(in:!l and similar ellipses. Letter relating to the figure id' the earth. Phil. Mag. (Taylor), vil, 1830. 241-244, 412-416. Stating tbe insutbrieney of Clair^iul's tlieory. as it is universally tiiUL'litand appliid, for finding tbe fig- ure of equilil>riuni of a bonu)geneous ]>hinet, supposed fluid. On the figure of the earth. Phil. Mag. (Taylor), vii, 1830, 412-410. A discussion of tbe theory advani-ed by Biot and ptib- lished in M6raoires do !'Aead6mie des sciences, vui, 1820. A direct method of fiiuling the .shortest distance between two points on the earth's surface when their geographical position is given. Phil. Mag. (Taylor), viii, 1830, '30-34. J. Survey of the coast of the t'nited States. Merchant's Mag, (Hunti, 1849, 131-149, H. Ex, 17- -27 418 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Jackson (Rowland). A new theory of the figure of the earth, wherein are deiuonstrated the mechanical causes of its figure as it is dctermiiietl by the obser- vations of — . • 8°, London, 1748. Lalanpk. 1748. Jackwitz (Ernst). ' ticber die unendlich kleinen Schwingnngen eincs Pcndcls A, B, C, welches niir aus zwei festen Massenpuukteu B und C besteht,die um die Gleichgewichtslage A D oscillieren. 4°, Posen, 1881, pp. 17. (Beriiu, Royal.) Jacob (W. S.). On the causes of the great variation among the dift'creut measures of the earth's mean density. Roy! See. London, I'roc, viii, 1857, 295-299. Jacobi (Karl Gustav Jacob). Ueber die Figur dcs Gleichgewichts. Ann. d. Phys. (Poggendorff), xxxiii, 1834, 229-232. Note von der geodatischen Linie anf einem El- lipsoid und den verscbiedenen Anwendungen einer merkwiirdigen analytischen Substitution. Jonrn. f. Math. (Crelle), xix, 1.839, 309-313; Journ. de Math. (Liouvill.-), vi, 1841, 267-272; K. Ak. d. WisB., Ber., 1839, St-91. : Bessel (F. 'W.). Neue Formel von — ftir die Anwendung der Methode der kleinsten Qnadrate. Astron. Nachr., xvii, 1840, 305-308. Ueber eiue neue Auflosungsart der bei der Me- thode der kleinsten Quadrate vorkommenden lineii- ren Gleichungen. Astron. Nachr., xxii, 1844, 297-306. Bestimmung der geodiitischen Linie auf einem dreiaxigen Ellipsoid mittelst blosser Quadraturen, als Beispiel zu dicser neuen Methode. K. Ak. d. Wiss., Ber., 1846, 351-355. Nouvelles formules de gdoddsie communiqn^es par M. le professeur E. Luther h Krcnigsberg, Astron. Nachr., xi.i, 18.'>5, 209-215. : Luther (E.). — 's Ableitung der in seinem Anfsatze "Solution nruvelle d'un problfeme de gdo- d4sie " enthaltenen Formeln. Astron. Nachr., xlii, 1856, 337-358. Solution uouvelled'nn p^obl^me fondamental de g^od^sie. Journ. f. Math. (Crelle), un, 1857, 335-341; Ge- sammolte Werke, ii, 1882, 417-424. Knowing tbo length of a geodetic arc and the latitude of one extremity and the azimuth, to find the latitude * of the other extremity. : Cayley (A.). Geodesic lines on an ellipsoid. Method of — . A.stron. Ges., Vierteljahrs., ix, 1874, 47-51. Jacobi (H.). Note sur la fabrication des ^ lon- gueur par la galvanoplastic. Acad, de St.-PtStersbourg, M6\. Fhye. Chini., viii, 1872, .582-589. Jacquin (E. ). Thf'orie du pendule.* Annale.s Coudnct. Pouts et C'hauss., V, 1861, 68-70. Jadauza (Nicodemo). Alcuni problenii di geodesia.* Accad. Sui. Torino, Atti, XVII, 742-|-. Sulla latitudine, longitudine ed azimutdei jjunti di una rete trigunomotrica. Giorn.Mat. (Battagliui), xviii, 1880, 1.37-139. Jadanza (Nicodemo) — Continued. Sulla niisura di un arco di parallelo terrestre. Accad. Sci. Torino, Atti, xix, 1886, 991-1004 ; XX, 326-330. Revd. in Jahrb. ijb. d. Fortscbr. d. Math., xvi, 1884, 1085, by B[RUNS). Sul calcolo della distanza di due punti le cui posizioni geografiche son note.* Accad. Sci. Torino, Atti, xix, 1886. Sulla forma del triangolo geodetico e suUa esat- tezza di una rete trigonometrica.* Torino, u. d. Jaderin ( Edv. ). Geodiitische Langenmessungen mit Stahlbiindern und Metalldriihten. K. Svenska Veten. Ak., Handl., Bihang, ix, 1885, XV, pp. 57, 2 plates. Jabn (Gustav Adolph). Aufgaben auf die Geometrie, Stereometric, Trigonometric, Geodiisie, Astronomie und Physik zu Uebuugen im numerischen Rechuen, besonders mit Logarithmen. Nebst ciuem Anhange, enthaltend einige schwere, allgemeine und besondere geometrische Aufgaben. 8°, Leipzig, 1842, pp. xiv, 287. (British Museum.) Geschichte der Astronomie vom Anfange des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts bis zu ende des Jahres 1842. 8^, Leipzig, 1844, pp. x, 308; 2f2. (British Mu- seum.) Gradmessungen, n, 151-200. Hiirf Vogel (Emil Ferdinand). Praktische Anlei- tung zuni griindlicheu Studium der Erdkunde nach ihrer mathematischen, physikalischen und politi- schen Bedeutnng. Ein Handbuch fiir deukende Freunde dieser Wissenschaft. 8^, Leipzig, 1847, pp. 418. (British Museum.) Die Geatalt der Erde, 42-44, 93-101. : Bohnenberger (J. G. von). Anleitung zu geo- graphische Ortsbestimmung. Gottingen, 1852. Title in full under Bousenbehgkk (J. G. vox), 1795. James (Henry). On the geodetic operations of the Ord- nance Survey. Roy. Inst., Proc, II, 1854, 516-521. On the deflection of the plumb-line at Arthur's Seat, and on the mean specific gr.avity of the earth. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., CXLVI, 1856, 591- 606; Roy. Soc. Edinb., Proc, in, ia"i7, 364-366. Revd. in Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., xvui, 1658, 220. tables based on the elements of the figure of the earth given in the "Acrcunt of the principal triangnlation." 4°, London, 1.858, pp. 13. (Southampton, Ord- nance Survey.) On the figure, dimensions, .and mean specific gravity of the earth as derived from tlio Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain and Ireland. Roy. Soc. Loudon, Phil. Trans.,, 1856, ii, 607-626. Kevd. in Geogr. Mittheil. (Petermnnn). 1857, 285: Roy. .Astron. Soc., Month. Not., xvin, 15.18. 220-221. and Clarke (A. R.). Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britainand Ireland. Account of the observations and calculations of the principal tri- TINITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SPKVEY. 419 James (Henry) — Continiipd. angulation, and of the fignro, dimensions, and nieau specific gravity of the earth as derived therefrom. 4°, London, 1858, pp. xvii, 728, 28 plates. (Gore.) Revd. in Boy. Aatron. Soc, Month. Kot., xvin, 1858, 194- 199. Extension of the triangulatiou of the Ordnance Survey into France and Belgium with the measure- ment of au arc of parallel in latitude 52° N. from Va- leutia, in Ireland, to Mouut Kemmel, in Belgium. 4°, London, 1863, pp. vi, G2, 7 plates. (Gore.) Sketches of .scaffolds erected over the trigono- metrical stations of the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain and Ireland. Fol., Southampton. 18(55, 27 plate.-;. (Southamp- ton, Orduance Survey.) : Clarke (A. R.). Comparisons of standards of length unilcr the direction of — . London, l.'^GG. Title iu full ui.iler Clarke (A. R.). Account of the methods and processes adopted for the production of the maps of the Orduance Sur- vey of the United Kingdom. 4°, Loudon, 1875, pp. vi, 215. (Southampton, Ord- nance Survey.) Jeffrey (Henry M.). On the duals of geodesies and lines of curvature on au ellipsoid and on its pedal sur- faces. Quart. .Jouru. Math., xn, 1873, 32^-345. Jervia (Thomas Best). Records of ancient science, ex- euiidiried and aulhenticatcd in the ])rimitive uni- versal standard of weights and measures. Comuiuui- cated iu au essay transmitted to Capt. Henry Kater. 8°,C'alcutta, XIV, 1835, pp. 29. (British Meseuni.) On the state and prospects of the surveys of India. Brit. A. A. S., Geogr. Section, viii, 1838, 98. Jerwood (James). On the application of weight to test the figure of the earth. Devonshire A. A. Sci., Lit. and Art, Trans., iii, l.S'>9, 1(!(;-178. Jimenez (F.) .V Fernandez (L.). Determiuacion de la lougitud del pciidnlo de segnndos, y delagravidaden Mdxico il 2283 M. sohre el nivel del mar. Observatorio astrondmlco central. 8°, M.'^xico, 187.S-'7n, pp. (il. Johnson (William 'Woolsey). Note the catenary. Analyst, vi, 1879, 1 19-1211. A disniH.tioii cif foriiitil;i- wliicli may iiriwo in tho nieuH- nrciiieut nf ji li;isi--liiio liy ineaim of a ftteel tape. Johnston (Alexander Keith). Historical notice of the progress of tho Orduance Survey iu Scotland. Roy. Soc. EdinI)., Proc, iii, 18.57, 31-41. Jomard (Edmond-Fraii9ois). M(^inoire sur le systeuie mine, T-9. Description d'un <^talon uK^trique orm'^ d'hiero- glyphes ddconvert dans les mines de Memphis par les soins do M. le chevalier Drovetti. 4°, Paris, 1822, pp. 17, 1 plate.- (Oxforil, Bodleian.) Jomard (Edmond-Fran9ois)— Continued. Lettre a M. Abel Reuiusat, sur une nouvelle me- Bure de coud^o trouv^ h Memphis par M. le chev. Drovetti, et sa coniparaison avec les autrea mesures semblables counucs jnsqu'd, present. 8'-, Paris, 1827, pp.27. (British Museum.) Bound witli fitalou m6trique. fitalon m<5trique trouv*; ii Memphis orn^ d'hi^ro- glyphes, d<^couvert dans les mines de Memphis. 8°, Paris, 1827, j.p. 19, 1 plate. Bound with Lettre ?i II. A\i-A Hemusat Jordan ( Wilhelm ). Berichi iiber die von der grossher- zoglich liadi>ehen Regieruug fiir dii: Zwccke der eu- ropiiischen Graduussung hegounenen Arheiten. lut. Geod. Cong.,G.u.-Ber., 1^68,3-4. Bericht filler den Stand der fiir die Zweckeder europiiischen Graduiessuug im Grost-herzogthuin lia- deu uuteruonnneuen Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Coug., Geu.-Ber., 1869, 3. Ueber die Bestimmung der Genauigkeit niehr- fach wie-306. Bemerkungen znder2ten Gaaiss'scheu Aulliisung der Hauptaufgabe diT hdheren Geodasie. Astron. Nachr., LXXVl, 1870, 30.5-312. Eevd. iu Jalirl). lib. d. Fortschr. d. Math., II, 18C9-'"0, 839, by BuUNS. Ueber das Einschalten eines trigouometrischen Punktcs in ein gegebenes Dreiecksnetz nach der Methode der kleinsteu Quadrate. Zeils. r. Math. (Schlouiileh), XVI, 1871, 164-167. Revil. in .tahrb. ijb. d. Fortachr. d. Malb 1871, 548, by BlKUXftl. Ueber die Genauigkeit einfanher geodiitischer Operationen. Zeits. {. Math. (Schlomilch), xvi, 1871, 397-427. Kovd. in Jwhrb. lib. d. Fortschr. d. Math., Ill, 1871, .S49, by litliUNB). Bericht iiber die geodiitischcu Arbeiten in Ba- den fiir das Jahr 1872. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1972, 1. Ueber die Bestimmung des mittleren Kehlers durch Wiederholuug der Beobachtungen. Astron. Nachr., i.xxix, 1872, 219-222. Revd. in Jahrb. iib. d. Fortschr. d. Math., II, 18(i9-'70, 841-842, by Bruns. Vergleichung der Genauigkeit vcrschiedener Gradmessungen. Astrou. Nachr.,, 1873, 17-22, (i: 70. Ueber die Genanigkeit der Liingenmessung mit Kette uuil Latteu. Zeits. f. Vermes., 1S72, 17-36, r.19-200. Ueber den mittleren Fehler der Latten- und KetteiimessHiig. Zeits. f. Vermes., l, 1872, 221-225. 420 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Jordan (WiUxelm)— Continued. UebenlieBcRtiinmiingdesGewichteseinerclnrcli die Methode dt-r kleinsteii Quadrate beRtimmten Uu- liekauntPii. Zeits. f. Math. (SchlCmilcb), xvn, 1872, 350-352. : Klose mid Rheiner. Triaiigiiliniiig des Gross- herzogtlmiiiH liaden. Kovisionsberecbnuiig von — . Carlsriihe, 1^*73. Title in full under KlOsk. Ueber die Berechnnng des niittleren Feblers einer Biisismessung. Aatron. Nacbr., L.\xx, 1873, 189-190; ixxxi, 1873, 51-56. Referring partly to Zacbarise, "Note botreflfend, etc." Ueber die Melhoden unA Ziele der enropaiscbeu Gradmessnng. Vortrag, gebalten im naturwisseu- schaftlicbcn Verein zn Carlsruhe.* 8^, Carlsruhe, l^<73, pp. 42. Title coraninnicated by the author. Verallgemeinerung eiue.s Satzes der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. Zeits. f. Math. (Sohlomilcb), xviii, 1873, 116-120. Solution of normal equations. Mittheilungen iiber die Haupttriangulation des Grossberzogthunis Badeu. Zeits. f. Vermes., II, 1873, 117-125. Kaleuder fiir Vcrmessungskunde mit astronomi- schen Epbemeriden fiir die Jahre 1874-|-. Stuttgart, 1874+. - Ta.schcnbuch der praktischeu Geometrie. Eine SammUiug yon Rcsultateu der boheren uud niederen Verniessuiigskunde. 8°, Stuttgart, 1874, pp. xi, 416. Kevil. in Lit. Zeit. (Schliimilch), xvui, 1874, 33-40; Jahrb. iib. d. FortBcbr. d Math., v, 1873. 693, by 0|iirt. MANK6]. This formed a part of Elemente der Termessungs- kunde.— Merriman, p. 222. Eine Inconsequeuz in nianchen Dreiecksnetzaus- gleichungen. Astron. Nachr., Lxxxv, 1875, 69-72. — : Abbadie (A. d'). G<;od<5sie d'fithiopie, ou tri- aiigulation d'uue partio dc la haute Ethiopie. Revd. Astron. Ges., Vierteljahrs., x, 1875, 39-50. - Zur Vergleicbnug do3 Soldner'scbeu rechtwink- ligen spbiirischen Coordinateu mit der Gauss'schen conformen Abbilduug des Ellipsoids auf die Ebene. Zeits. f. Vtrmes., iv, 1875, 27-32. Ein Bei trag zur Theorie der terrestrischen Strah- lenbrechuug. Astron. Nachr., Lxxxviii, 1870, 99-110. Kevd. in .Jabrb. iib. d. Fortscbr.d. Math., VIII, 1876, 733- 734, by B[RUN6l. Ueber die Bestimmunng des mittlcren AVinkel- inessunggfoblers einer nach der Bessel'schen Methode ausgcglicbenen Triangulirung. Astron. Nachr., locxxix, 1«76, 27-30. — Ueber CoordiuateDgewicbte fur Triangulirung. Zeits. f. Vermes., v, 1876, 107-115. — Einige allgemeine Betrachtungen iiber die Fehler in Polygouziigea. Zeits. f. Vermes., v, 1876, 175-179. Jordan (Wilhelm) — Continued. Die Beziehung zwischen den •svabrscheinlichsten Verbesserungeu und den mittleren Fehler von Beob- achtungen. Zeits. f. Vermes., V, 1876, 479-481. Ueber Seitenrefraction bei Tri.angiilirungen. Zeits. f. A'^ernies,, vi, 1877, 192-195. Trigonometrische PLinkteinschaltung nuch der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. Zeits. f. Vermes., vi, 1877, 328-333. HandbuchderVermessungs-Kunde. Zweiteum- gearbeitete undvermehrte AuHage des Taschenbuchs der praktischen Geometrie. 8^. I., 1877, pp. xiv, 717. lletzlei-. Methode der kleinsten Quadrate und niedere Geodiisie. Revd. by J., Zeits. f. Vermes., vn, 1878, 194- 199; VIII, 1879, 508-512. II. Stuttgart, 1878, pp. ix, 492. Hiibere Geo}■ u ueueren Un'ersuchungen. H.rtha, IX, 18;i7, 71-122, 197-2U8, 417-442; X, 1827, 376-386. DieErde; GradmeHsung. Eucycl., Erscli 11. Gruber, xvui, Tbril xxxvi, Leip- zig, 1842, 28J-J91. Pendelrne.sftnngi'n, 291-29!); TUforetiaihe lieatiinnjung der FiKiii-, 299-319; Dkhtij-keit, 319-327. Eastuer (A. G.): Lulofs (J.), .\nleitung zu der mathe- matischen uu. Title in full under Ll I.0F6 (J.). Quanta incertitudiuo dcsigneutur vertices angu- lorum acutiorum. Acad. Mogunt., Acta, 1778, 177-190. De objecti c diiobus locis dissitis visi invenienda distautia a superficie terra". Acad. Mogunt., Acta, )782-'83, vi, l-U. Weitero Ausfiihrung der nuithematischen Geogra- phie besonders in Absicht auf die 8i>hiiroidische Ge- stalt der Erde. 8°, Gottingen, 1795, pp. xxxii, 526, 5 plates. (Brit- ish Museum.) Ueber die Erde als ein Rpbaroid betrachtet, 32-131; Schwnngkr.aft .luf der Erde, 137-206. K. Ak. 'Weten. Amsterdam, Versl., for Verslagen en mededceliugeu der Koninklijke Akademie van We- ten.scliappen, Afdeling Natuurknnde. W^, Amsterdam, 1853-f . (Washington, Congress.) K. Ak. d. 'Wiss. Monatsber., fnr Monatsbericht der kon. (preussischeu) Akademie der Wissenschaften. 8°, Berlin, 1856-|-. (Washington, Observatory.) K. Ak. d. Wiss., Bei., for Bericht iiber die zur Bekannt- uiachung geeigueteu Verhandlungeu, Konigl. (preus- sische) Academie der Wissenschaften. 8°, Berlin, 1836-'55 (20 vols.). (Washington, Ob- sei'vatory.) K. Ak. d. Wiss., math. CI., Abhandl., /or Konigl. (preus- sische) Akademie der Wissenschaften, Abhaudlungen (mathematische C'lasse). 4=, Berlin, 1804-|-. (Washington, Observatory.) K. bayer. Ak. d. Wiss., Denkschr., for Denkschriften der konigl. bayerischeu Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten, Miiuchen. 4^, Munchen, 1808-'24 (90 vols.). (Waahington, Congress.) K. bayer. Ak. d. Wiss., Sitzber., for Sitzungsbericht der kiju. bayerischeu Akademie der Wissensrhaften. 8°, Miiuchen, ISGO-f-; Mathemati.scli-physikalische C'lasse, 18G8-f. (Washington, Observatory.) K. bayer. Ak. d. Wiss., math.-phys. CI., Abhandl., for Abhaudlungen der raathematisch - physikalischen Classe der kon. bayeriscben Akademie der Wissen- schaften. 4°, Miiuchen. 1829-f (published in 1832). (Wash- ington, Observatory.) K. bohm. Ges. d. Wiss., Abhandl., for Abhaudlungen der konigl. bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. 4°, Prag, 1785-t- (Washington, Congress). K. dauske Videns., Forhandl., for Oversigt over det koug. dauske Videuskabernes Selskabs Forhandlin- ger, og dets Medlemmers Arbeider. S'-'', Kj0benhavn, 1806-|-. (Washington, Congress.) K. Ges. d. Wiss. Gottingen, Abhandl., for Abhaudlun- gen der konigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. 4°, Gottingen, 1838-)-. (Washington, Congress.) Kahler (Johann). De terra ej usque figura, niagnitu- dine, luotu et loco in universe, interior! structura, etc' Rintnii, 1682. POOOKNDOBFF, I, 1219. Kaiser (Franz) en Stuart (Cohen). De eischen der me- dewerking aan deontworpen graadmcting in midden Europa." Amsterdam, 1864. Schreiben iiber die holliindische Gradmessungs- Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1864, 16-18. Nachricliten iiber die Theiluahme des Konig- reichs der Niederlande an der niitteleuropiiischen Gradmcssung. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 186.5, 11-12. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 423 Kaiser (Praiiz)— Continued. Rapport omtrent de tweede algemeene bijeen- komst der gemagtigden voor de graadmeting in Eu- ropa. b°, Amsterdam, 1867 [excerpt], pp. 83. Boricht iiber die Theiluahme dcs KiJnigreichs der Niederlande an der initteleuropiiisclien Gradmessuug im Jalirn 18GG. Int. Giod. Cong., Gen. -Bcr., 1866, 13-15. Bericht iiber die fiir die europiiischo Gradmes- sung iui .Jahre 1868 von Seiten des Kouigreichs der Niederlande ausgefiihrten Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1868, 16-24. Ueber eiuen neuen Apparat zur absolnten Be- stiramnng von per.siiulicben Febleru. K. Ak. Weteu. Aiusterdam, Versl., n, 186^, ii, 216- 236. uud Stamkart (F. J.). Bericbt iiber die fiir die ropiiische Gradmessuug im Jabre 1869 von Seiteu des Kouigreichs der Niederlande ausgefiihrteu Arbeiten. Int. Good. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1869, 12-18. Kalm^r (Alexander von). Bericbt iiber die von der Triaiigiiliruui;s-Calcul-Abtbeilung des k. k. militiir- geograpbiscben Institutes im Jabre 1879 liir Zwecke der europiiiscben Gradmessuug ausgefiibrteu Arbei- ten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1879, 98-101. Bericbt iiber die von der triangulirungs-Calcul- Abtheilung des k. k. militiir-geographiscben Insti- tutes im Jabre 1880 fiir die Zwecke der europaiscben Gradmessuug ausgefiilirten Arbeiten. (Oesterreich. ) Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, 23-29. Bericbt iiber die Leistungen der astrouomisch- geodiitisclu^n Abtbeiluug des k. k. inilitiir-gcogra- phischeu Institutes fiir die Jahre 1881 nnd 1882. (Ocsterreicb.) lut. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1881-'82, 91-111. Bericbt iiber die Leistungen der astronomiscb- gcodiitisclicu Abtbeilung dos k. k. militiir-geographi- scben Institutes im Jabre 1883. (Wien.) Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1883, 261-269. uiid HartI (H.). Bericbt iiber die Lcsistung der geodiitischeu Gruppe des militiir-geograpbischeu In- stitutes. Int. Geod. dug., Vcrb.'indl., lH81-'86, 1.^^4-177. , Sterneck (R. von), Hartl (H.), "iii/Tiuter (W.). Bericbt iilicr die (Jradnicssuugs-Arlxntcu der astro- nomiscli-gi^odiitlHcben Gruppe dcs k. k. militiir-goo- graphiscbon Institutes ini .lahre 1887. lut. Geod. Cong., Vcrbaiuli., 1887, vii, 1-18. Kampf (F.)oHrfTillinan(S.E.). Geodetic computation. U. S. Eug. Rep., 1878., Ap. NN., 28-37. Kane (J. K). Report on tlio history and progress of the American Coast Survey. A. A. A. 8., Proc, ISVJ, 27-1.70. Kater (Henry). Description of a new compensation pendulum. (H.) Jonrn. Nat. Phil. (Nicholson), xx, 1S08, 214-220. An account of experiments for determining the length iif the pendulum vibrating seconds in tlui lat- itude of London. Roy. Soc. Lonilou, I'liil. Tjans., 1818, 32-109. Kater (Henry) — Continued. On the length of the French metre estimated in parts of the English standard. Roy. Soc. London, Pliil. Trans., 1818, 110-117; Ann. de Chim., viir, 1818, 376-382. : Young (T.). Appendix to — 's account of ex- periments for determining the length of the pendu- lum vibrating seconds in the latitude of London. Roy. Soc. Loudon, Phil. Trans., 1818, 95-109; Mis- eel. Works of Thomas Young, II, London, 185.'i, 1-7. An account of experiments for determining the variations in the length of the pendulum vibrating seconds, at the principal stations of the trigonomet- rical survey of Great Britain. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cix, 1819, 337-508; Edinb. Phil. Jouru.,il, 1820, 319-325. : VTatts (W.). Remarks on — 's paper, contain- ing experiments for determining the length of the seconds iicudiilum in the latitude of Loudon. Edinb. Phil., Journ., i, 1819, 325-337. An account of the comparisons of various Brit- ish standards of linear measure. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cxi, 1821, 75-94. An account of experiments made with an inva- riable pendulum at New South Wales, by Major- General Thomas Brisbane. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cxili, 1823,308-325. : Young (T.). The resistance of the air deter- mined from — 's experiments on the pendulum. Quart. Jour. Sci., xv, 1823, 351-356; Misccl. Works of Thomas Young, II, London, 185ij, 93-98. : Walbeck (H. J.). Vergleichung der Sccunden- pcndcl-licobacbtuugcn — 's unter sicb selbst uach der Mcthode der kleiiistcn Quadrate. Astn.n. Naclir., I, 1823, 2.53-256. : Galbraith CW.). Remaiks on the experiments of the pendulum made by — . Phil. Mag. (Tillocb), LXiv, 1824, 161-170. An account of the coustrnctiou and adjustment of the new standard of weights of the United King- dom. (H.) Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1826, ii, 551-552. : Saigey. Couijiaraison des observations du pen- dule it di verses latitudes; faites par — . Bull. Sci. Math. (Saigey), vil, 1827, 31-43, 171-184; Hertha, xill, 1829, 287-290. — An account of trigonometrical operations in the years 1821, 1822, 1823 for determining the dill'ereuce of lougitudo between the royal observatories of Paris and Greenwich. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cxviil, 1828, 153- 239. : Sabine (B.). On the reduction to a vacuum of — 'h convertible penilulum. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1829, 331-338. On the error in standards of linear measure aris- ing from the thickness of the bar on wbicli they are traced. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cxx, 1830, 359-382. — An account of the construction and verification of a copy of the imperial standard yard made for the Royal Society. (11.) Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1831, 345-347. 424 imiTED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUEVEY. Eater CHenry) — Continued. Au account of tlie constmction and verification of certain standards for the Russian Government. (H.) 43, London, 1832, pp. 27. : Jervis (T. B.). Records of ancient science ex- emplified in the primitive universal standard of weights and measures. Au essay transmitted to — . Calcutta, 1H35. Title in full undM- Jervis (T. B.). Contributions to astronomy and geodesy from the Cape of Good Hope.* London, 1851. : Finger (J.). Ueber ein Analogon des — Pen-- dales. K. k. Ak. d. Wiss. Sitz.-Ber., Lxxxiv, 1881, ii, l, Aboip, 1649. ronc.ENDORFF, I, 1251. K. k. Ak. d. 'Wiss., math. -naturwiss. CI., Denkschr., for Denkschriften der kaiserlich kuniglicheu Aka- demie der Wissenschaften, matheniatisch-naturwis- senschaftlicho Classe. 4"^, Wicn, 1850-)-. (Washington, Observatory.) K. k. Ak. d. Wiss., math.-phys. CI., Sitz.-Ber., /or Sitzungsbericht der kuiserlicheu Akademie der Wis- senschaften, mathematisch- naturwissenschaftliche Claase. 8°, Wien, 1848-)-. (Washington, Observatory.) K. k. geogr. Ges., Mittbeil./or Mittheilungen der kaiser- licben uud koniglichen gesgraphischen Gessellschaft In Wien. 8°, Wien, 1857-f . (Washington, Congress.) K. k. mil.-geogr. Inst. Mittheil., /or Mittheilungen, k. k. militar-geographischts lustitut. 8", Wien. (Gore.) K. k. polytech. Inst., Jahrb.,/o)- Jahrbuch k.k. poly- technisclies Institiit. 8^^, Wien, 1819-'39 (20 vols.). (Washington, Pat- ent Office.) K. k. Sternwarte, Ann., for Annalen der kais. kon. Sternwarte. Fol. and 4°, Wien, 1821-)-. (Washington, Con- gress. ) Klein (Pranzl. Die wisseuschaftliehen Instrumenteauf der niederosterreichischen Gewerbeatisstcllung 1880. Centralzeitung f. Optik u. Mech., 1880, 186-187. Zweck nnd Aufgabo der europaischen Gradmes- sung. 4°, Wien, 1882, pp. 41. Separat-Abdruck aus Nr. 8 der "Monatsbliitterdea wii- seuscbaftlicben Club " vom 15. Miirz 1882. Die Figur der Erde. K. k. geogr, Ges., Mittheil., xxvi, 1883, 161-173, 217-241. Klein (J.). Ueber die Grosse uud Gestalt der Erde. Geugr. Mittheil. (Petermauu), iv, 18C9, 114-116. Kleyer (A.). Vollslandig geloste Aufgabeusaninilung, nebst ungclosteu Aufgaben aus alien Zweigen der Rechenkunst, der niedercn uud hohercu Matheuiatik, Physik, Mechanik, C'hemie, Geodiisie, etc.* S°, Stuttgart, 1881-'84. Klimmen (Albrecht Johaun): Cassini (J.). Abhand- lung von der Figur und Grosse der Erde. Translated by-. Zurich, 1741. Title iu full under Cassiki (J.). UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY, 425 Klingenstiema (S. )• Von Eriindung der Grossc imd Gestiilt (ler Erde aus Vergleitbiiiig von 2 Meridian- gra' base k la tojM)graphie de eet Ktat. Square 8-J, La Haye, lbl5, pp. xvi, ISO. (Gore.) Pr(!cis biftoriqne des operations geod<5siques et astronomiques laites en Hollande; pour servir de base :\ la topographie de eet Etat. 4°, a La Haye, 1827, pp. xsx, 202, 1 chart. (Brus sels. Cartographic Institute. ) Kriel (Karl). Observations g<^odesiqe8 et magn^tiqnes faites en Autriche pendant I'annee 1846. Acad, de Belgique, Bull., XIV, 1847, 986-291. Observations geod<^siques et magndtiques faites dans les £tats autrichiens pendant les aundes 1847 et 1848. Acad, de Belgique, Bull., xvi, 1849, i, 329-333. Kries (J.). Die Priucipien der Wahrscheiulichkeits- rechnuug.* Freiburg, 1886. Krepliii (Heinrich). Ueber die Construction von geo- diitischen lustrumenteu flir den Gebrauch des In geuieurs uud des Topographeu. Zeits. f. Vermes., X, 1881, 122-126. Kretschner. Zur Theorie der geodiitischen Linieu auf den Rotationsfliicheu.* 4°, Berlin, 1864. Kriiger (Louis). Die geodatische Linie des SphUroids uud Untersuchuug dariiber, wann dieselbe aufhort, kiirzeste Linie zu seiu. 8^, Berlin, 1883, pp. 28. (Muuicli, Royal.) Kriiger (Paul). Rotations- uud Pendelbeweguug eines Korpers iu einer Flussigkeit. 8^, Dauzig, 1882, pp. 42. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Krusper (S. von). Ueber die Vergleichung von Strick- maasseu iu Fliissigkeiteu.* Budapest, 1873. Ilaudbuch der Geodasie.* Budapest, 1885. K. sachs. Ges. d. Wiss., math.-phys. CI., Abhandl., fur Abhaudluugen der mathematisch-pbysischen C'lasse, kouigL-siiclisiseho Ocsellscbaft der Wissenschaften. 8^, Leipzig. 1850-(-. (Wasliiugtou, Observatory.) K. sachs. Gas. Wiss., math.-phys. CI., Ber., /or Bericht iibcr die Verhaudhingen der konigl.-sachsischen Ge- sellschaft der Wisseuschafteu, mathematiseh-phy- sische Classe. 8', Leipzig, 1849. (Washington, Observatory.) K. Svenska Veten. Ak., Handl., for Ilaudlingeu, Konigl.-Svenska Vetenskaps Akademieu. 8^, Stockholm, 1739-f . (Washington, Congress.) K. Svenska Vetens. Ak., Ofvers., for Ofversigt af (Kouigl. Svenska) Veteuskajis Akademien Forhand- lingen. 8^, Stockholm, 1844-f-. (Washington, Congress.) Kiittner (W.). Eiufiihriiug uuvollstiiudiger Beobach- tungen in die Wahrscheialichkeitsrechnuug. Zeits. f. Math. (Schlomileh),xxix, 18,84, 1;13-211. Kevd. in Jahrb. iib. d. FortscUr. d. Malb.. xvi. 1884, 18C- 187, by Le. [Lazarus]. Kuhlberg (P.). Resultate aus Pendelbeobachtungeu im Kaukasusi Astron. Nachr., xcix. 1881, 282-288. Untersuiliungen iiber den Kinliu.s,, des Mit- scliwingens des zum russischen akadcmischen Revi- siou-Pendel-Apparate gebiirigeu Stativs auf die Lange des Secundenpendels. Astron. Nachr., ci, 1882, 243-246. Ueber die An wendung eines leichten Pendels zur Beslimnning der Correction fiir dasMitschwiugen des Stativs der russischen Akademischen Reversionspen- dels. Astrou. Nachr., cxill, 1886, 1-4. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUKVEY, 427 Kummell (Charles Hugo). Now investigation of the law of errors nf observation. Analyst, ill, 1877, 1:5^-140, l(j:)-171. To find the least distance between two places given by latitndo anil longitude, taking into account the polar compression. Analyst, IV, 1877, 117-120. Strenge Gleichnngen zwischen den Seiten eines Dreieeksnetzes auf irgend einer Obertlaohe, insbe- sondere auf Bessels niittlereni Erdsphltroid. Astron. Nachr., LX.vxi.\, 1877, 49-58. Eevd. in Jabrb. fib. d. Fortschr. d. Matb., ix, 1877, 777, by B[HTOsl. Revision of proof of the formula for the error of observation. Analyst, VI, 1879, 80-81. Reduction of observation equations which con- tain more than one observed quantity. Analyst, vi, 1879, 97-105. Proof of some remarkable relations in the method of least squares. Analyst, vn, 1880, 84-88. Alignment curves on any surface, with special application to the ellipsoid. Phil. Soc. Wash., Bull., vi, 1884, 123-132. On the determination of the shortest distance between two points on a spheroid. Astron. Nachr., c.xil, 1885, 97-108. Road beloro the Mathematical Boclion of the Philosoph- ical .Sociuty of Waahington [April 15, 1885]. Kundt iDid Koehler. Berieht der mccklenburgischen Landes-Venuessungs-Coniniission. Int. Geod. (Jong., (ien.-Ber., 187:i, 6-7. Kup£fer (A. T.). Travaux pour fixer Ics mesures et les poids de I'cmpire de Russie. (H.) •2 vols., 4-^, St.-P6tcrsbourg, 1841, 15 plates. Sur une nouvcllo m^thode pour determiner la figure de la terre. Acad, de St.-P<;ter.sbourg, CI. phys. math., Bull., XVII, 1859, 237-240; M^l. phys. chim., in, 1859,493- 497. L'association interuationalo pour l'uniforniit6 des poids, des mesures et des monnaics dans tout Ic monde.* St. P do mesures. Aead. d. Sci. Paris, M('-m., 1791, 7-16. (Hist..) Title in lull under ItoiiiiA (.l.-C). Lagrange (Joseph-Louis). EcIaircisBeuient d'nno diffi- eulte singuliere <[ui se rencontre dans lo calcul de I'atlraction des sphero'ides tres-pen diftVreus ile la spin"* re. Ecole Polytoch. Journ., viii, 1809, 57-67. 428 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Lagiierre. Siir un genre paiticulier de surface dont on pent integer les ligiies geod^siqiies." 8oc. Math, de Frauce, Bull., I. La Hire (Philippe de). Comparaison du pied autique roiiKiiii :"t ci'liii (111 cli^lcliit do Paris, avec quelques reniarques sur d'aiitres uiesures. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mdiii., 17H, 394-400. Siir \vn iioiidiiles il Hec.oiide. Acad.d. Sci. Paris, M^m., 1715, 130-132. Lais (C. G.): Sawitsch (A. N.). Die Anwenduug dor VVahrsclielnliiUkcitstbcorio auf die Berechnnug der astrouomischou Beobacbtiiugeu uud geodiitiscLeu MessQugeu. Translated by — . Leipzig, 1863. Title ill full uudor Sawitsch (A. N.). La Lande (J.-J.). Mi^inoire sur la d^termiuatiou de la parallaxe de la lime ct de la coiirbure de la terre eu- treprise au Cap de Bouue-Espdrauce et a Berlin par ordre de S. M. T. Cbr^t. Avec les observations, t'aites depuis le 25 nov. 1751, jusqu'au 20 avril 1752 a I'ob- servatoire royal de Berlin. Acad. d. Sci. Berlin, Hist., vi, 17.".0, 236-279, 379-411. — Prt'uiifr ui^moire sur la jiarallaxe de la luue. Acad. d. .Sci. Paris, M6m., 1752, 78-114; Hist., 103- IIU. In which the ellipticit^' of the earth ia deteruiilied. Sur la qiiautitiS de I'aplatisseiuent de la terre. Acad. d. Sci. Pari.s, M^ui., 1785, 1-8. Sur la uiesure de la terre, que Fernel publia eu 1528. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mi^ui., 1787, 216-225. Lalaiide ./'ui- Bibliograpbie d'Astrouomie par Lalande(J. Le F. de). Paris, 1804. Lalaiide (Jerome le Fraii9oi8 de). Mesure de la ui^- ridienne. Soc. Philom., Bull., i, UOl, 47. Astrononiie. Troisieino (Edition, revue et aiig- mentde. 8°, Paris, 1792, l: pp. Ixvi, 478, 378, 1 plate; u : pp. 720, iii, 737. (Washington, Congress.) Du la graiideur et de la ligure de la terre, iii, 1-47. [Bericht Uber die frauzusischen Gradmessungs- Arbeiteu.] Allg. geo-r. Eph., i, 1798,127-131. : Moiitucla (J.-E.). Histoire des math^matiques. AchoviSe et publii5e par — . Paris, 1799-1802. Title in full under MoNTUCL.\ (J.-F.). Sur les degr(;s de la terie et sur les nouvelles mesures. (H.) Conn. d. Teuips, 1801, x, 45.5-474. Sur la mesure d'un degr(5 de la terre en Lapouie. Journ. d. Phys.,, 1802, 400-401. [Bericht iiber Graduiessungsarbeiten.] Moil. Corr. (Zach), v, li<02, 5.5-56. [Dimcusious de I'clIipsoTde terrcstre.] Mon. Corr. (Zach), ii, 1800, 82; Astron. Jahrb. (Bode), 1803, 238. Du milieu qu'il faut choisir eutre les rdsultats d'un grand uonibre d'observations. Conn. d. Temps, 1813, 213-223. Lalmand (A.-A.). G^od(5sie, ou I'art do partager lea cliaiiips, a I'usage des arpenteurs et des personnes (lui, avec les premiers connoissancesde la g^om^trie, voudroient proc6der a la division des terrains. 8°, Paris, 1793, pp. 193, 4 plates. Simple surveying. Lamarche: Siraped (W. S. de). De la forme de la terre. Translated by — . Paris, 1828. Title iu full under Siuaped (W. S. de). La Marmora (Albert Ferrero le Comte de). Notice sur les operations geodesiques faites en Sardaigne pour la construction de la carte de cette !le. 8°, Paris, 1839, pp. 33. (Paris, National.) Also in Voyage eu Sardaigne, 2d ed., 481-514. Written Lamarmoua by Fekreuo. Lamb (Martha J.). The Coast Survey. Harper's Mag., LVIII, 1878,506-520. Laiubtou (William). Au account of a method for ex- tending a geographical survey across the peninsula of India. Asiatick Researches, vii, 1803, 312-335. An account of the measurement of an arc of the meridian on the coast of Coromaudel, and the length of a degree deduced therefrom iu latitude 12^ 32'. Asiatick Kesearches, VIII, 1805, 137-194; Bibl. Brit. Genfeve, xxxvi, 1808, 165-245; Journ. Nat. Phil. (Nicholson), XIX, 1808, 309-317; xx, 1808, 40-,50 ; Conn. d. Temps., 1810, 383-386; Ediub. Kev., xxi, 1813, 310-328. Containing a comparison of an arc of meridian with au arc of parallel : 1° meridian = 60,495 fathoms. 1° parallel = 61,061 fathoms. Au account of the trigononutrical operations iu crossing the peninsula of ludia, and couuectiug Fort St. George with Maugalore. Asiatick Researches, x, 1811, 290-384. An account of the measurement of an arc on the meridian comprehended between the latitudes 8° 9' 38". 39 and 10'' 59' 48".93 north, being a continua- tion of the great meridional arc commenced in 1804 and extending to 14" G' 19" north. Asiatick Researches, xii, 1818, 2-101 ; Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cviii, 1818, 486-517. Rovd. by DklamdicE, Conn. d. Temps., 1819, 292-302. An account of the measureiiieut of an arc ou the meridian, extending from latitude 10" 59' 49" to 15'' 6' 0".65 north. Asiatick Researches, xii, 1818, 294-359. Account of the measurement of an arc ou the meridian, extending from latitude 15" 6' 0".2 to lati- tude 18" 3' 45", being a further continuatioL of the former arc, commencing iu latitude 8" 9' 38". Asiatick Researches, xiii, 1820, 1-127. [Extrait des r^snltats obtenus de la mesure d'un arc du m^ridieu eii Inde. ] Conn. d. Temps., 1821, 331-336. Correction to the (Indian) meridional arc to re- duce it to parliamentary standard. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., c.'Clii, l!!<23, 27-3.3. — Sur le nouveau syst&me des jioids et mesures adopt6 eu France. Ann. de Chiiu., XXII, 1823, 407-410. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 429 Lambton (WiUiam)— Continued. : Everest(G.)- An account of the measurement of an arc of the meridian, as detailed by — . l^ondon, 1S;'>(), Till.' in full uiiiliT EvEiiEST (C). La Metherie (Jean-Claude de). Th^orie de la terre. 3 vols., Paris, 1795 ; 2" ('■il., 5 vols., Paris, 1797. rnrely goolosical .ind niiueraluj^ical. Lamont ( Johann von). Astronoinische Bcstiiiimiuigder L.nge des bayeriselieu Dreiecksuetzes auf dem Erd- sphilroid. K. ba.ver. Ak. d. Wis.s., niath.-iihys. CI., Sitz.-Iier., I, 186.">, 28-156. Astronomisch-gepdiitische Bestimmiiugen, aus- gefiihrt au einigen Hauptpunkteu des bayerischen Drt'iecUsiietzcs. 8', Milnchon, 1871, pp. Ixxx, 17S ; Miinclu-ner Steniw .lite, Ann., x. 1(11(1 Orff (von). Astrononi.-geodiitische Ortsbe- stiiiinmngen in Bayern." ' 4 \ Miiiich(Mi, 1880. Revd. by iM'iU'ii (W.). A.stron. Ges.. Vitrteljahrs., xvi, 1881, 135-14.".. Lamp (Erust August"! : Zachariae (G. ). Die geodiiti- sclien ilaiiptpnnkle und ihre Coordinate. Trans- lated by — . Berlin, IS"-*. Tillf in full iniili-r ZAfllARlAE (G.). Lancaster (A.) ct Houzeau (J.-C). liibliographie ge- up. 39. (Gore.) Laughanseii (Christophonis [Christoph]). De figiirft telhiris ail seiisnin Mpba-rira. 4°, Regiomonti, 1724, pp. [v], 26. (Munich, Royal.) Langsdorfr (G. W. von), (irundriss der Geodasie fUr Unterriidit nnd zur Selbsibelehruug. 18°, Mannheim, 1843, pp. iv, 143, 8 plates; 3d ed., Mannheim, 1846. (Oore.) TIeber den Distanzmesser mit Parallelfilden. Arch. d. Math. ((Jri'.nen), Vlii, 184ti, 2.^)l)-2.''.4. Laplace (Pierre- Simon de). M<'moire sur I'incliuaison moyouno des oibiles; dcs cometes; sur la ligure de la tcrre, et sur la fonctions. M; Conn. d. Temps, 1820, 265-280, 441-442; Ann. d. Phys. (Gilbert), LIII, 1817, 225-229; Soc. I'hilom., Ball., 170-172; Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), xxi.X, 1817, 256-2.58. : Prony (G.-C.-P.-M.-R. de). Note relative iV I'ar- ticle de — sur la longueur dn pendule fl secondes. Soc. Philom., Bull., 1816, 17:'-I74; 1817, 19:5-194. Application du calcul des probabilites aux opera- tions g(5odi%i(ini's. Journ. de Phys., i.xxxv, 1817, 14,5-148; Soc. Phi- lom., Bull., V, 1817, 143-140; Ann. de Cliini. V, 1817, 351-356; Conn. d. Temps., 1?20, 422-440. llevd., Aciid. d. Sei. Paris, Ilist., 1819, pp. i-iii, by UK- i.AMimK (J.B.-,r.). Memoire de la tigure de la terre. Acid. d. Sci. Paris, Mem., in, 1817, 137-184; in, 1818,489-502; 1819, iii-v ( ; Ann. de Chim., xi, 1819, 31-39; Conn. d. Temps, 1822,284-293; ,)(,nrii. de Phys., xc, 1820, 303-307; Soc. Phihmi., Hull., 1819, 97-100; quart. .lourii. Sci.,viii, 1820, 108-114; Ann. Nat. Phil. (Thomson), xiv, 1819,401-406; Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), 1819, 371-37(). ThiH containa the theorem : "If tho lengtli of tho hoc. onds penihiluin at the eipintor be tulten a-s unity, and if to the len;;th of tins pendulum, ol)»erved at any point on the aurfjvce of the terreatiial nitheioid, lie added. Iialf the hei;'lit of thi.s point above the level of the lenK'nt wa.-^ fir.^t pnhlished in part in Conn, des Temps. 1820, 422-440; Ann. de Chim. v, 1817, 351-3.5C; Ziit,s. fiir Astron., v, 1-9— Merriman. Sur la loi de la pesauteur eu siipposant le ephd- roidu teri(«tre homogene et de memo densites et des iiiiucs, des geouietres du cadastre, des ex- perts et geometies, et do toutes les persoiiiies qui s'occupent de plaus geom^triques, de drainages, de partages et de bil('si(iiie (rEsi)agne. Translated by — . Madrid, 18G5. Title in fnll iind.r IiiaSez (C). Sur les travanx gf^^od^siquesex^cutdsen Espagne, it propos de la jinlilieation d'line traduction do I'on- vrage intitnl*': centrale de la triangulation gi^odf^siquo do I'Espagno. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., LXii, IHGO, 1007- 1010. Note relative au ])ri)longeuient de la nii'^ridienne de Franco et d' Espagne en Alg(^rie. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., i.xxv, 1872, 1492- 1.500. : Perrier (F.). Rdponso it la note de M. — sur lo prolongement de l,a !u(?ridienno d'Esi)agno en Alg(5rie. Acad. d. Sei. Paris, Comp. Rend,, i.xxv, 1872, 169(i- 1009. Sur I'l'Miploi dcs signaux luiuineux dans les ope- rations g(^o(l(5si(iues. Lottie d(! M. Lausseilat ii M. lo .secr<^tairo perp<5tuel. Acad. 11. Sci. Paris, Coniji. l\en. Zeits. f. Math. (Schlninilch), xviii, 1H73, 116-120. Kori'K (C.). I>io Ausglfichungsrechnung uach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate in der praktischen Geometrie, Kordhausen, 1885. KuMMKLL (C, n.). Proof of some remarkable relations in the method of least squares. Analyst, vii. 1880,84 88. KuR/, (A.). TJebpr die Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. Nature. Ges. Ziirich, VitTtcljahr.s., viii, 1863. 225-240. Lairkxt (A.). Sur la methode de.s moindres carr6s. Math. (Liouville), l, 1875,75-80. Lkokxkrk (A. M.). ^Uthode des moindres carr6a. Inst, de France. M^-m., 1810, ii, 149-164. LtlDRCKK (C). Die AnwenduDg der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate in der niederen Geodiisie. Zeitj*. f. Vtrmes.. viii. l879.438-t.")C. Matzka (W.). Beweis des obersten Grundsatzeader Methode der kleinsteu Qnadrat«. A rcb. d. Math. (Gnmert), Xl, 1848, 369-377. LEAST SQUARES-Contimied. Mekkimax (it.). Elementary discussion of the principles of least squares. Journ. Frank. Inst., LXXIV, 1877, 173-187. Elements of the method of least squares. London, 1877. On the history of the method of least squares. Analyst, IV. 1877,33-36, 140-143. List of writings relating to the method of least squares. Connecticut Acad., Tran.s.. iv, 1877. i, 151-232. A text-book on the method of least squares. New York, 1884. Mii-LER (A. R. VON). Ueber die Methode der kleinsten Qua- drate. Oesterreich. Zeits. f. Bergwes.. xv. 1P67. 181-194. Minding {E. F. A.). Zur Methode der kleinsten Qnadrate. Acad, de St.-Pfetersbourg, Bull., xvi, 1871, 305-308. Natani (L.). Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. Berlin, 1875. Nell (A. M.). Ueber einige Vereiofachui^en. welche bei der Anwenduug der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate genaacht werden kqnnen. Zeits. f. Vermes., xvi, 1887, 454-467. Paucker {E. G. von). Ueber die Anwendung der Methode der kleinsten Quadratsurame auf physikalische Beobacb* tun gen. Mitau, 1819. Znr Theorie der kleinsten Quadrate. Acad, de St.P^tersbourg, Bull. Phya.-Math.. IX, 1851, 113- 125; X, 1852, 33^3, 233-238; M61. Math.. 1,1853. 188-204, 333-346, 433-439. RlTTER (E.). Manuel . . . de la methode des moindreacarr^s. . Paris. 1853-'58. ROrncER (W. VON). Die Methodo der kleinsten Quadrate . . . Berlin. 1877. Safforp (T. H.). On the method of least squares. Am. Acad.. Proc, xi. 1876, 193-201. Sawitsch {A. N.). Die Metbode der kleinsten Quadrate. Leipzig, 1863. ScHOTT(C. A.). Solntionof normal equations by indirect elim- ination. U. S. C. and G. Survey. Rep., 1855, 255-264. Seeliger (H.). Ueber die Vertheilung der Vorzeichen der nach einer Ausgleichung iibrig bleibenden Fehler. Astron. Nachr.. xcvi, 1879. 49-62: xcvji. 1880, 289-304. Seiuel (L. ). Ueber ein Verfahron die Gleichuugen, auf welcbe die Methodo der kleinsten Quadrate fiihrt, sowie lineare Gleichungen uoerhaupt duruh successive Annaherung uufzuln.sen. K. bayer. Ak. d. "Wiss., Abhandl., xi, 1874, iii, 81-108. Steinthal (A. E.). The method of least squares applied to conditioneil observations. Messenger Math., X, 1881. 186-190. Thikle (T.-X.). Sur la compensation de quelques errenra qua-si-systemaliques par la methode des moindres carrfis. Copenhagen, 1880. ToniiUNTER (1.). On the method of least squares. L.,E.. D.Phil. Mag.. XXX, 1865, 378; Phil. Soc. Camb., Trans., XI, 1869, ii, 219-2.S8. Vkrpam (G. J.). Verhandeling over de methodeder kleinste iptadrnti'ii. Gnmiugt-n. 1850-'52. VooLKR. Pie Methode der kleinsten Quadratsummen als Hildnerin beatgewiihlter Mittelgroasen. ZeitM. f. Vermes., xvi. 1887. 142-147. Watson. Theoretical astronomy. Philadelphia. 1869. WirrsTEiN {T. L.). Die Metbode der kleinsten Quadrate. Hannover, 1875; Astron. Nachr., CII, 1882. 339-342; Zeits. f, ,Math. (Schliimilch), xxvij, 1882, 315-317. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 433 LEAST SQUARES— CoutinneJ. Wolf (U.). Ni>tf ziir MoHh»1« lo8 and fornuilm nsefnl in Hiu'veying, f^i'ddt'sy, .'iikI practical astronomy, in- cluding olenicuts tor tliu projection of maps, and in- structions for Held niagnriic observatiou.s. 8°, Washington, 1853. 3d ed., revised and enlarged. Washington, 1873, pp. ix, 310. Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, TJ. S. Army, Xo. 12, Geodesy, 81-182. Leffevre (A.). Manuel du trigonom^tiie ; servant de guide aux jeunes ingcinieurs qui se destinent aux opi^rations gdodtf'siiines ; snivi de divers solutions de grnonr la deter- mination d'uu arc dn meridien. Paris, 1799. Title in full under Delamuue (.T..B..J.). el Cassiui (J.-D.). La jouctiou des observatoires de Paris et de Greenwich. Paris, 1790. Title in fnll under Cabsisi (J.-D.). Metbode pour determiner la longueur exacte du quart du meridii'u, d'apres Ies observations faites pour la mesure de Tare conipris outre Dnnkerque et Barcelonne. Inst, de France, Mem., 1799-1819, iv, 1-10. Analyse des triangles traces snr la surface d'uu spheroide. Inst, de France, Mem., 1800, 130-101. Methode des moindres carres, pour trouvcr le milieu le plus probable entre Ies resultats de di lie- rentes ob.servatioiis. Inst, de France, Mem., 1810, ii, 149-154. Menioire sur I'attraction dos ellipsoides homo- genes. Inst, de France, Mem. CI. Matb. Pbys., 1810, ii, 155-183; 1812, ii, 1-5 (Hist.). Legentil de la Galaisiere ( Guillaume-Hyacinthe- Joseph-Jean-Baptiste). Voyage dans ks iners de rinde, fait i)ar or(l^^ du roi, h I'occasion du passage de Veuus en 1701 et 1709.* 4°, Paris, ii, 1779-81. It is said to contain results of ]).'nduluMi observations.— PoOKFK. I, 1407. Legnazzl (E. N.). D^^! catasto roniauo >■ di alcuni strn- nienti .-lutiobi di geodesia. H", Verona o Padova, 1887, pi>. 311, 42 j.late.s. (Oxford, Bodleian. ) Lebargre (A.). Rcole d'applicatiou de I'artillerie ct du geui(\ Corns de topograpbie. Premiere parti.: In- strnments de lover. 4°, Paris, 1870, pp. xv, 3.54, 14 plates. Ueuxiftmo partie: Methodes de levers, levers :\ grando eohollo, levers d'une grand etrudne. Levers do reconnaissance. Paris, 1878, pp. xiii. 430, 22 plates. Troisiftmo partie: Operations trigouometriuis le rt^gne des Pharaous jusqu'a rinvasiou des Arabes. (Ouvrage posthume mis en rapport par A.-J.-H. Vincent.) 4°, Paris, 1851, pp. xiii, 249. (Oxford, 'Bodleian.) UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 435 Letroune (Jean-Autoine) — Contiuuoii. : Martin (T. M.)- Exameu d'nii mdiuoire pos- Ihumo (io M. — . Revue Arcli(=ol., x, 1853. 679-696, 720-743; XI, 1854, 25-54, 89-114, 129-164. Levret (H. ). Determination des positions gfiographiqnes siir uu ellipsoide quelconqnc. Acad. d. Sei. Paris, Couip. Rend., lxxvi, 1873, 410- 413. Revd. in Jalirb. ub. il. Fortsclir. d. Math., v., 1S73, 594, by B[biixb1. Influence sur les r&ultats des opdrations g6od6- siques, de la Kubstitulinn des arcs de plus courte dis- tance aux sections i)laiies de rellipsoide ; expression de la correction qui doit etre faite a toutes les valeurs des mcsures d'angles. Acad. d. Sei. Paris, Comp. Rend., lxxvi, 1873, 540- 542. Rcvd. in .Jahrb. iib. d. Fortschr. d. Math., v, 187a, 594, by B[KUNS). Levy (Albert): Delaunay (C.-B.). Cours (?l<5nientaire d'astronomie. Sixi&rae Edition par — , Paris, 1876. Title in full under Delal-xay (C.-E.). Levy (Maurice). Sur les int^grales ratiouuelles du problemo des ligncs g^od&iques. Acad. d. Sei. Pans, Oomp. Rend., Lxxxv, 1877, 1065-1068. Liagre (J.-B.-J.j. .Sur la valiur la i)Uis proliable d'un c6t6 gdodtSsiijue couimun !\ deux triaugulatious. Belgique, Bull., 1854, i, 313-334. Sur la probabi!it<5 du I'existence d'une cause d'erreurs rdgulif're dans une s^rie d'observations. Acad, de Belgique, xxil, 18.')5, ii, 9-13, 15-54. Oalcul des probabilit6s et la tbdorie des erreurs avec des applications aux sciences d'observation eu g6u(?ral et il la g^od^sio en particulier. 12°, Bruxelles, 1852, pp. 416; Bruxelles, 1879, pp. 592. (Washington, Coast Survey.) Kevd. in .Tahib. iib. d. Fortschr. d. Math., M, 1879, 157- 15S, by Mx. [Manbiox|. : Folic (F.). Sur le calcul de la deusit*; do la terre. Raiqiort do — . Acad, de Belgique, Bull., xxxin, 1872, 369-371. , Quetelet (E.) ct Folie (F.). Rapport pr6seut6 an noin du d<'q)nt do la guerre de Belgiquo ii la com- mission permanento de I'Association g<5odi5»ique in- teruatiouale. Belgique, Bull., xi.l, 1876, 397-107. Sur la compensatii)n d'un rirungeu. 8", Dresden, 1821, pp. 188, 4 plates. (Berlin, Royal.) Liedbeck. De necessitate s])hairoidis telluris. De dimeusione graduum longiludiuum telluris. De dimensione graduuui latitudiuum telluris. (H.) London, 1748. Liesganig (Josephus). Extract of a letter, datel Vi- enna, April 4, 1867, from Father Jo.-eph Lie.sganig, Jesuit, to Dr. Bevis, containing a short aci-onnt, of the measure:iieut of three de,:.;iecs of latitude under the meridian of Vienna. From the Latin. Roy. Soe. Loudon, Phil. Trans., LVIII, 1768, 15-17. Dimensio graduum meriiliani Viennensiset Hun- garici. 4'^, Vindobou.T, 1770, pp. [xx] 26-', 10 charts. : Zach (F. X. von). Beneis, dass die osterreichi- sche Gradmessnug — 's sehr fuhlerhaft und zur Bestimmung der Gestalt der Erdo ganz nntauglich sey. Mon. Corr. (Zach), viil, 1803, 507-527; IX, 1804, 32-3H, 120-13U. Limpo (F. A. de Brito). Stc Brito Limpo (F. A. de). Lindelof (Laurent Leonard). Om gradmatuingeu emelhiii Svartahai'vet ocdi Ishafvet. Fiusk.Veten. Ilelsingfors, Ofvers.,v, 1863, 170-173. Lindemanu (F.). Das Vermcssnngswesen im preussi- Bcheu Staate. Zoits. f. Vermes., iv, 1875, 147-152, 161-175. lOinige Bereehnuugsarteu fiir die Potheiiot'sclie Aufgabe und di<^ Aufgabe der unzugiiuglicheu Eut- fernung. Zeits. f. Vermes., vii, 1878, 369-387. Lindenau (Beruhard August von). [Ueber die Beuutzuug der Beobaehiungeu des Mondes zur Be- stimmnng der Abplattuug der Krde. 1 Mou. Corr. (Zach), XIV, IMU;, 310 436 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Lindeuau (Bernhard August von) — Continued. Ueber tlrn Gcbraucli . Mou. CoiT. (Zacb), xiv, 1800, 113-158, :!09-3'2(i, 374-376. UcbiT (lie Bcstinunuiii; hcre. Koy. Soc. Loudon, Phil. Traus., XLi, 1741, ii, 808-809. Maclear (Thomas). Observations made at the Cape of Good Hope, iu the year 1838, with Bradley's zenith sector, for the veritication of the amplitude of the Abb6 de Lacaille's arc of the meridian. Communi- cated by Sir John Barrow. Roy. Soc. London, Proc, iv, 1639, 192-193; Roy. Astron. Soc, Mouth. Not., v, 1839-'43, 45-50. An account of some experiments made with an invariable pendulum at the Cape of Good Hope. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., v, 1839-'43, 57-58. On the position of Lacaille's stations at the Cape of Good Hope. Roy. Astron. Soc, Mom., n, 1840, 91-137. Report of the council of the Royal Astronomical Society on the measurement of Lacaille's arc. Roy. Astron. Soc, Mouth. Not., Vli, 1845-47, 57-58. [Remeasurernent of Lacaille's arc] Astron. Nachr., xxiv, 1846, 359-364. Arc of the meridian at Cape of Good Hope. Roy. Astron. Soc, Mem., XX, 1851, 7-29. Contributions to astronomy and geodesy. 4°, London, 1851, pp. 114. (Washington, Observa- tory.) — "Measurement and extension of Lacaille's arc of the meridian." Notice of — . Roy. Astron. Soc, Mouth. Not., x\an, 1858, 107-108. — Account of the results of the trigonometrical sur- vey in the Cape Colony. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., xvin, 185S, 313-316; XIX, 18.i9, 137. Verification and extension of Lacaille's arc of meridian at the Cape of Good Hope. 4^, London, 1866, i: pp. [7], 609, 2 maps; il : pp. 44. Edited by G. B. Airy. (Gore.) Pp. 611-625, coQsisting of corrections and addenda, are inserted in vol. 2. Kevd. by Wis.secke (A.), Aatron. Ges.', Vierteyahrs., V, 1870, 44-^7. Madler (Jobaun Heiiirich). Leitfaden der mathema- tischen und allgemeinen physischen Geographie. 8°,, 1843, pp. vi,221. (British Museum.) Gestalt der Erde. 12-14; Gr-idmessun^en, 37-51 ; Dich- tigkeit der Erde, 52-00 ; Geodaliscbe Linie, 60-61. Maedler (T. F.). Essai d'uue determination de la figure de la terre. Revd. by — . Wochenschr. f. Astr. Meteor, u. Geogr.(Hei8), 1859; Am. Journ. Sci., xxx, 1860, 46-52. Mag. f. Naturvid., for Nyt Magaziu for Natnrviden- skaberue. 8-, Christiania, 1823-f-. (Washington, Congress.) Maggi (Gian Antonio). Intorno ad alcune formole re- lative al calculo degli errori d' osservazione. Nota del dott. Gian Antonio Maggi, preseuta dal M. E. Prof. E. Beltami. 1st. Lombardo, Rend., xv, 1882, ii, 351-358. Mahmoud-Bey. Le systfeme m^trique actuel d'Egypte, compart an systfeme franfais, les nilonl^tres taut au- ciens que niodernes et les antiques coud^es de rfigypte. 8°, Copenhague, 1872, pp. 44. (British Museum.) UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY, 439 Main (Robert). Practical ami spherical astronomy, for the use cliiclly of students in the universities. 8°, Cambridge, lrt(i3, pp. xvi, 392. (Washington, Observatory.) Determination of the majiDitudo and tigiiro of the earth, 164-171. Mairau (Jeau-Jacques d'Ortoris de). Sur la diminu- tion des degr<>3 terrestres en allaut de I'i^quateur vers les p61es. < Acad. d.Sci. Paris, M^m., 1720, 23I-i>77; Hist., G5- 79. Experiences sur la longneur du pendule ;\ ,se- condes h, Paris ; avec des remarques sur cette matii^re, et sur quelques autres qui s'y rapportent. Acad, d.' Sci. Paris, M^m., 1735, 153-221, 505-544 (Hist.), 81-92. Sur la figure de la terre. (H.) Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Hist., 1742, 66-104 Maire (Christoph) et Boscovich (R. J.). De litterarifi expeditione per poatiticiamditiouem ad dimetiendos duos nieridiaui gradus et corrigendam raappam geog- rapliicam j usu, et auspiciis Benedicti XVI Pout. Max. susccpta a patribus Societ. Jesu. 4°, Roma?, 1755, pp. xxi, 516, 4 plates. (Washing- ton, Congress.) An elaborate description of thi.-* work is given by TOD- iiuNiER in History of the theories of attraction, i, 305-321, 332-334. : Condamine ( C.-M. de la). Letter to Dr. Matty regarding the measure of — . Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., XLix, 1756, ii, 623- 624. Voyage astronomique et g(5ographique dans I'fitat do I'flglise, entrcpris par ordro et sous les auspices dii Pape BenoU. XIV, pour mesurer deux degr^s du m^ridien et corriger la carte de I'fitat ec- cl^siastique. Traduit du latin, augments de notes et d'oxtraits de nouvelles mesurcs do dcgri^s faites en Italie, en AUeniagno, en Hongrie et en Ami?rique par [Hugon]. 8", Paris, 1770, pp. xvi, 526. (Washington, Con- gress. ) Mako von Kerek Gede (Paul). Dissertatio de ligura telluris. " 4°, Olonnit., 17f;7. PoiiCI'.NhOltFF, II, 21. Mallet (Fredrik). Do figura et ni.ignitudine telluris. 4°, Upsal., 1750, pp. 32. (Berlin, Observatory.) Vom Widerstande der Luft gegen Peudel. (H.) Ak. A. Wiss. Stockholm, Handl., 1762. Genanesto Berochuung der cigcntliclicn Gestalt der Erdedurth VergleichungdiT Liingcnder Pendel. K. Veten. Ak., Abhandl., iib. Hcdzbecher u. Kiist- H.^r, XXIX, 1767, 16f-174, 206-222. Mallet (Jacques-Andre). Observationes variic in Lap- pouia ad Piuiiii iustituta'. ObsiMvationcs IVtropoli et Poni iuHtitiita' ad longitndineni peuduli luinuta seconda indicantis doterniinandani. Acad, de St.-P^tersbourg, Com., xiv, 176'.), ii, 14- 15,24-33. Mallet (Jacob;. [On the transit of Venus, the lengths of pendulums, also the inclinalion .'innvi>numt des peniluleH. 440 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Martens (A.). Die wissenschaftliclien Tnsfrnmente auf ilcT deutschen Patent- iiml Miistorscbutz-Ausstelliiiif; iu Frankfurt a. M., ISSl. Central-Zeit. f. Ojitik und Mech., ii, 1881, IGO-lfil, 208-211, 221-223, 230-233, 267-269, 277-280. Martin (Thomas-Henri). Exanieu d'nn m6u.'oire pos- tluimc, de M. Letroune. Revue ArclKSologique, x, 1853, 679-Gl)(;, 720-743; XI, 1854, 2.5-54, 89-114, 129-1G4. Ilistoire des llyl)()tb^ses astrDuoniiques grecqucs qui .adraettcnt la 8jjh<5ricit(5 do la terre. Acad. d. Inscr.,M^m., xxix, 1879, ii, 305-318. Martins (Charles), line station gf^od^siqno au sommet du Canigon dans les Pyr^n^esOrieutales. 8*^, Paris, 1872, pp. 24. Reprinted from Revue ties Deux Mondea, December l:i, 1872. Martus (H. C. E.). Astronomische Geograpliie. Eiu Lehrljuch angewandtcr Matlieniatik. 8°, Leipzig, 1880, pp. viii, 348. (British Museum.) Ge.stfllt nnd Griisse del- Erde, 98-164. Mascart (E.) eJDeville (H. St.-C). Sur la construction de la rtgle g(5od6sique internatiouale. Ecole Norm. Sup<^r., Ann. Sci., viil, 1879, 9-!')4; IX, 1880, 9-20. Sur la construction de la rfegle g^od^siquo Internationale. Int. Oeod. Cong., Gfu.-Ber., 1878, 1-50; 1879, 1-12. Separately, Paris, 1379, pp. 50. Mascow (Otto). Ueber die geodiitiscbe Linie auf dein abgeplatteteu Rotatiousellipsoid. 8C, Greifswald, 1873, pp. 26. (Gore.) Maskelyne (Nevil). An account of observations made on tbe mountain Scbeballien for iiuding its attrac- tion. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., i.xv, 1775, .500-542. A proposal for measuring the attraction of gome bill iu Ibis kingdom by astronomical ob.servations. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., I.xv, 1875,495-499. Mason (Charles) und Dixon (J.): Maskelyne (N.). Introduction to tbe observaticuis made for deter- mining the length of a degree of latitude in North America, by . Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., LVlll, 1768,270-274. Astronomic observations made iu the forks of the river Brandy wine, in Peunsylvauia, for deter- mining tbe going of a clock in order to find tbe dif- ference of gravity between the Royal Observatory at Greenwich and tbe place where tbe clock was set up in Peunsylvani.a. Roy. Soc. London, I'liil. Trans., i.viii, 1708, 326- 336. Observations for determining the length of a degree of latitude iu the jiroviuces of Maryland and Pennsylvania, in North America, with a postscript by tho astronomer Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., i.viii, 1708, o74_30f^ MASON AND DIXON'S LINE. Simtlieni Literary .Messeli'.'er, xxvil, 1858, 4(6-455; Prinfo. ton Kev., xx.wn, 1865, 88-110; IIat])er'8 Ma;;., uii, 1876, 549-561. Bubs (P. C). Masou aiid Dixon 'h Line. Hist. Slag., v, 1861, 199-202. MASON AND DIXON'S LINE— Continued. IJAKl.lXGTt'N (W.). Mason and Dison'is Line. Historical Mag., :i, 1S58. 37-42. Gore fH. H.). Mason .-tud Dixon. Railroad and Kn^- Joum., LXl, 1887, lOt-lOO: Zeits. f. Ver- mes., xvn, 1888, 33-39. (iBAHAM (J. D.). Messages . . .; beine a portion of Maeon and Dixon's Line. Cbicago, 1862. Veech (.J.). Mason and Dixon's line. Pittsburg, 18.57. Matern. Ueber Winkelmessnng mittels des Ocularmi- krometers, im astrononuseben l'\'iurolir. Ann. d. Phys. (Poggeiulorir.), cuv, 1875, 91-112. Math. Ann. (Clebsch), for Mathematische Annalen (Clebsch nnd Neumann). 8°, Leipzig, 1868-1-. (Washington, Observatory.) Mathieu (Claude-Louis). Snr les experiences du pen- dule faites par les navigateurs espagnols eu dift'^- rents points du globe. Conn. d. Temps, 1816, 314-332. R6sultats des experiences faites avec des peu- dules de comparaisou aiix lies Malouiues et 5. la Nou- velle-Hollande. Conn. d. Temps, 1820, 280-307. Sur nn m^moire de M. Pui.ssant sur la determina- tion de la figure de la terre par les mesures g^ode- siqnes et astrouomiques. Conn. d. Temps, 1829, 229-235. Tbe ellipticity as deduced from the Frencb and Indian arcs. Mathes (C. J.). Elemeutarer Beweis des vollsliindigen Ansdrucks fiir die Dauer der Pendelschwinguugen. Arcbiv d. Math. (Gruuert), XLix, 1869, 358-364. Math. Soc. London, Proc, for Proceedings of tbe Lon- don Mathematical Society. 8°, Loudon, 1805-)-. (Washington, Observatory.) Matthias. Ueber eino Berechuuugsmetbode der Rota- tionszeiten, Abplattung nnd Dichtigkeiten der Planeten, Astron. Jabrb. (Bode), 1797, 210-|-. Matthewson (R. C). The earth considered as a spheroid of revolutiou. Geodetic formulas. ' Math. Month., in, 1801, 71-78. Matthiessen (Ludwig). Ueber deu Einflnss der Ge- stalt nnd tiiglicben Bewegung des Erdballs anf Gleichgewicht nnd sebeiubaro Bewegung irdischer Gegeustiinde iu der Niilie der Oberliiiche. Zeits. f. Math. (Scblomilcb), x, 1865, 402-416. Matty: Condamiue i^C. M. de la). Letter to — , re- garding the iiH;isiires of Lacaille, Marie, and Bos- covich. Roy. Soc. l.ouclcm, Phil. Trans., li, 1756, 62;{-624. Matzka CWilhelni). Beweis des oberstcu Grnndsatzes der Methode ilir kleinsteu Quadrate. Arch. d. Math. (Gninerl), xi, 1848, 369-377. Mauck (Karl). Trigonniii3-U)l. Sur les figures des corps celestes. Acad. d. S<:i. Paris, Mem., 1734, 5r)-l'22; Hist., 88-94. Sur la figuri- de la lerre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, 1735,98-10.''); Hist., 47-<;y; 173G, 30'2-3ia. La figure de la terre d^termmde par Messieurs de I'Acadf'iiiie royale des sciences qui out uiesurd le degr<^ du nioridicn au cerclo polaire. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6m., 1737, 389-4t;(J; Hist., 90-96. La figure de la terre d^iterminde par les observa- tions de Messieurs de TAcaddmie royale des sciences et de M. I'abbd Outhier, correspondant de la mfimo acad<^mie, accompagn<58 de M. Celsius, professeur d'astrouomie ;\ IJpsal, faites par ordre du roy au cercle polaire par M. de — . 12', Paris, 1738, pp. xxiv [i^'li 184, 9 plates. (Gore.) Published with Picakd, D6gi*. etc., Paris, 1740. Kxamen des trois dissertations quo M. Desa- guliers a publi<'es sur la figure de la terre, iuserr ifadrid jiiHa 1862. [Figure of the earth.] Smithsonian Inst., Rep., 18G3, 300-330. Madrid Ob.servatory, Anuario, 4th year, 1864; continued from the name for 1803. Translated hy Ai.exandkk (C.A.). Merrimau (Mansfield). Elementary discussion of the principles of least squares. Jouru. Frank. Inst., LXXiv, 1877, 173-187. Kevd. in Jahrh. iib. die Fortschr. d. Math., ix, 1877, 163- 154, by I?[RUN8l. Elements of the method of least squares. 8°, London, 1677, pp. vii, 200. Macmillan. (Gore.) List of writings relating to the method of least squares, with historical and critical notes. Connecticut Acad., Trans., iv, 1877, i, 151-232. Revd. in Jahrb. iib. d. Fortsclir. d. Math., ix, l.'»4, by BfRUXS]. Merriman is an abbreviation for the above. On the history of the method of least squares. Analyst, iv, 1877,33-30. Note on the history of the method of least squares. Analyst, iv, 1877, 140-143. On the shape of the earth. Van Nostrand's Mag., xii, 1880, 5;j-62, 11.5-128, 233-241. Afterwards pnblished in book form under the foUowiuf^ title : The figure of the earth. An introduction to geodesy. 8°, New York, 1881, pp.88. Wileji .^- Sons. (Gore.) Rfvd. ill Nature, xxiv, 1881, 259-200. On probabli^ error. Engineering News, ix, 1882, 4-5. — The geodetic triangulation in Pennsylvania. Land-office report of secretary of internal atVairs of Pennsylvania. 1883,58-01; 1884,73-77; 188.5,42-19; 1886,44-0.5. A text book on the method of least squares. 8°, New York, pp. vii, 191. John llili)/ n Stand der Triangulirungs-Arbeiter auf .J.ava.] Astron. Nachr., xciii, 1878, 375-378. mill Oudemanus (J. A. C). Die Triangulation von Java. Title in full uudor Ui iiema.s.ns (.1. A. C). 444 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Meyer (Anton). Coiirs de gdodurg, CI. Pliys. Math., Bull., VIII, 1850, 88-92; Mf'-l. Math. Astrou., i, 1853, 44-51. Zur Methode der klelustcn Quadrate. Acad, de St.-P^tersbourg, Bull., XVI, 1871, 305-308. Moerman (Ch.). G6od<58ie th^orique et pratique sim- plifi<'e, on division facile et rapido des surfaces agraiics au moyen de multiplicatenrs. etc. Com- prenant la division des triangles et des <|uadrilat(-res irr<;guliers en parties egales, iu^gales, etc., par les Moerman (Ch.) — Coutiuned. lignes partaut do points ddtermin^s, par des paral- leles ou des pori>eiidiculaires aux cflt^s et par des lignes d<5coupant les cAt^s en p.arties proportion- nelles; coutenant, en outre, des th^oriuies ct pro- bl^^le8 tres-iut(5ressant8 conceruant la division des surfaces au moyen d'aliguemeuts et d'augle.a. 8°, Bruxelles, 1877, i>p. 75, 5 plates. (Brussels, Royal.) Mcessard (P.). Topographie et g^od^sie. Cours de .Saint-Cyr. 8", Paris, f882, pp. xii, 399. (Paris, National.) Mohn (H.) und Feamley (C). Geodiitische Arbeiten. Christiania, 1880-'82. Title iu full under Fearnlev (C). Mohn (Karl Frledrich). [Ueber die Ursachen dor Ab- plattung der Erde.] Niederrhein. Ges., Sitz.-Ber., i, 1864, 106-109. Moligny (H.): Schaar (M.). Rapport sur uu mdmoire de — relatif aux experiences pour determiner la density de la terre. Acad, de Belgi(iuo, Bull., xix, 1852, ii, 476-481. Molina (H.). Sur les lignes de courbure et les lignes g(!od(5sique8 des surfaces d^veloppables dont les gene- ratrices sont paralleles a cellcs d'une surfiice reglde quelconque. Journ. de Math. (Liouville), iv, 1859, 347-365. Sur les lignes geodesiques tracees sur une sur- face developpable dounee. Acad, de Toulouse, Mdm., v, 1861, 401-412. Moll (Johann. Godofred.). De ratioue, terrarnm mag- nitudine ex projectione stereograpbica inveniendi, et do insigui ejus, adhuch a neuiine comnieuiorata, proprietate. 4°, Stuttgart, 1801, pp. 11, 1 plate. (Stuttgart, ) Mollvreide (Karl Brandan). Beitrag zur trigonorae- tris 'heu Differenzrechuung iu Bezug auf Delainbre's Methodes analytiques pour la determination d'un arc du meridien. Mon. Corr. (Zach), xv, 1807, 441-451; xviii, 1808. Kiuige Projectionsarten der sphiiroidischen Erde. I. Stereographische und Mercatorische Projection des ellii)tischen Erdspharolds. II. Projectionen, welche die Liinder ihreiu Flacheniubalte auf dem sphiiroid Geniiiss vor.stelleu. Mon. Corr. (Zach), xvi, 1807, 197-210. Mon. Corr. (Zaeh), for Monatliche Correspondenz zur Betorderuug der Erd- und llimmelskunde (Zath). 8°, Gotha, 1800-'13. (Washington, Observatory.) Monet (Fernando) .v Ibaiiez (C). Base centrale de la triangulation geodesique d'Espague. Miidrid, 1865. Title in full nniler IluSr/. (C). Monge: Borda(J.-C.). Kapport sur le choix d'une unite lie nu'sures. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mem., 1791, 7-16 (Hist.). Tillu iu full under Borda (J.-C). Monnier (M.-P.): Begat (P.). Expose des operations ■.■eodesiqnes .sous la direction de — . Tillo ill full under 1Jki;at (I'.). UNITED STATES (30AST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 445 Mormler (M.-P.)— Continued. Dfsiri|>ti(in nantiquedes c6tes do la Martiuiqnc, pr<5cdd6e d'liu nK^moiro sur les operations hydrogra- pliqiics et g^odf'.si<(ue8 c'X<^ciit6es dans cotte Ho en 1824 et 1825; par M.-P. Monnier. 8°, Paris, 1828, pp. 182, 1 chart. (Washington, Congress.) Montaniis (August Scbulz). Systeinatisches Hand- buiU der gesamnitcn Laud- nud Erd-Messiing niit ebeuer nnd .sphlirischer Trigononietrio anch Be- schreibuug der neuen brauchbareu Messinstnimento. 12°, Berlin, 1819, i, pp. x, 309, 5 plates; II, pp. xii, 352, 8 plates. (Gore.) Habere Land- und Erdmessung, n, 328-452. Montgomerie (Thomas George). Memorandnni drawn up by the order of Col. A. Scott Wangh, snrvtyor- general of India, on the progress of the Kashmir series of the great trigonometrical survey of India, with maps and observations on the late conquest of Gilgit and other incidental mattcr.s. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, Journ., xxx, 1861, 99-110. Montigny (Charles). M(5nioire relatif aux espfSrienceg pour dcle, IV. Paris, 1802, 137-178. Du la figure de * la terre, d^>daite des calcula de rattraction, iv, 178- 20fi. [More ( Samuel ). ] Attempt to obtain and preserve practical standards for adjusting in future the weights and measures of this kingdom. Soc. Eucouragement of Arts, Trans., xii, 1794, 292- 301. Moreira (Carlos Eruesto de Arbu^s). Kapport sur los travaux gdodesiques en Portugal pendant I'anneo 1879. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1879, 101-102. Kiipport Hur les travaux g(5odnie metrique, sea developpements et sa propagation.* 8 ^ Paris, pp. 68. Moritz (A.). Ueber die Anwendung des Pistor'schen Retlcxionskreises ziim Messeu von Angulardistanzeu zwischcn terrestrischen Objccten. 8°, Tiflis, 1859, pp. 4. (Berlin, Observatory.) Morozowricz ( O. von ). I>ie kiiuiglich iireussische Landes-Triangulation. Hauptdriecke. ErsterTheil. Zweite vermehrto Auflage. 4°, Berlin, 1870, pp. viii, 470, 3 maps. (Gore.) Bericht des geodiitisohen Institutes, 1873. Title in full under Baeyhu (J. J.). Diekiiniglich preussisehe Triangulation. Iljiupt- Dreiecke. Zweiter Tlieil. Krste Abtheilung: Die Haupt-Triangulation in Sclileswig-Hol.stein. 4*^, Berlin, 1873, pp. v, 281, 5 charts. (Berlin, Lan- dcs-Aufnahme. ) Zweite Abtheilung : Die miirkLsch-schlesische und die schlosisch-posen'scho Kette und deren Ergiin- zungen. 4°, Berlin, 1874, pp. iv, 28.3-()22. Herausgegcben voni Biireau der Landes-Triangnlation. Ueber den mittleren Fchler der Winkelmessung. Zeits. f. Vermes., VI, 1877, 3Ki-395. Revd. in Jalirb. iib. d. Fortsclir. d. Matli., ix. 1877, 778-779, by BIku.nbJ. [Ueber Bremikers Theorie der Lothablonkiing.] Astron. Nachr., xc, 1877, 353-356. Dio koniglich preussisohe Landes-Aufnahrae. Boiheft zum Militiir - Wochenblatt, Berlin, 1879, iq.. ;{5. Morsteiu (V.). Ueber die kiirzesti'U LInieu anf die drciaxigon Ellipsoid. 4°, Poson, 1871, pp. 24. (Dresden, Koyal.) Mossbrugger (Leopold). Geoiliiti.sche Aufgiibe. Arch. d. Malh. (Grunert), IV, 1884, 40,S-4U). Tbo dcteTniinaf ion of tlie position and elevation of a point witli ret'iTonco to tlio poMitlon and e!ev.-ili-n of twct otlier.**. Mossmanu (Samuel). Origin of the Ordnance Trigono- metrical .Survey. Geographical Mag., v, 187.-<, 170-179. Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey. Primary base measured on llotiuslow Heath. Geographical Mag., v, 1878, 282-286. 446 UNITED STATES COAST AKD GEODETIC SURVEY, Mossotti (Ottaviano Fabrizio). Sulla riduzione degli ivngoli fatto dagli arclii geodetici formauti nu piccolo triangolo agli augoli fatti loco corde. Ann. di Mat. (Tort.ilini), I, IS&O, ;i87-398. Sohiziouo aualitica del problema delle oscilla- zione del pendolo avuto rigiiaido alia rotazioue ddla terra. Ann.di Math. (Tortolini), n, 1851,2.33-2.36. Mudge (William). Au account of the trigonometrical survey carried on in 1701, ITOS, 1793, and 1794, by or- d( r of His Grace the Dulte of Kichniond, late master- general of ordnance, by E. Williams, W. Mudge, and I. Dalby. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1795, 414-591. An account of the trigonometrical survey carried on in 1795 and '90, by the order of Marquis Coruvral- lis, master-general of the ordnance. Roy. Soc. Loudon, riiil. Trans., 1797, 432-541. (i)id Dalby (L). An account of the operations car- ried on for accomplishiug a trigonometrical survey of England and Wales, from the commencement, in the year 1784, to the end of the year 1796. By order of the honorable board of ordnance. First published in, and now revised from, the Philosoiihical Transac- tions. Vol. I, Measurement of the base on Hounslow Heath in 1784, and trigonometrical operations. 4^^, Loudon, 1799, pp. xs, 437, 22 plates. (Gore.) Account of the trigonometrical survey carried on in 1797-'99. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1800, 539-724. -; — An account of the operations carried on for ac- complishing a trigonometrical survey of England and Wales, continued from the year 1797 to the end of the year 1799. From the PhiloKopliical Transac- tions, vol. II, An account of the measurement of an arc of the meridian, extending from Duuuose, in the Isle of Wight, to Clifton, in Yorkshire. 4°, London, 1801, pp. vi, 128, 7 plates. (Gore.) Rovd. in Eiliiib. Rev., v, 1805, 372-302. An account of the measurement of an arc of the meridian, extending from Dunnose, in the Isle of Wight, 50°, 37' 8", to Clifton, 53° 27' 31", in course of the operation carried on for the trigonometrical survey of England in the years 1800, 1801, 1802. Roy. Soc. Loudon, Phil. Trans., XCIII, 1803, 383-508. Publislifd as secoud part to vol. n. Oporatious carried on for accomplishing, etc. London, 1804, vi, 128, 7 plates. (Gore.) Revd. in Bibl. Biit.Gcn6vi', xxvui, 1805, 21-23; Eclectic Rev., I, 1805, 128-132, 100-206. : Burckhardt (J. K.). Rcmarques sur la mcsure d'uu arc dti meridien par — . liibl. Brit, (icneve, xxvill, 1805, 2>S4-2H7. Title in full under liuliCKUAluiT (J. K.). nnd Colby (T.). An account of the trigouomet- riial Burviy carried on by order of the master-general of His Majesty's ordnance in the years 1800, 1801, 1803, lf^04, 1.-^05, IcOt), lt^07, 1808, and 1809. 4°, Loudon, 1811, j.p. xv, 382, 14 plates. Revd. by BKLAMliltli (J.-B.-J.), Comi. d. Temps, 1B18, 213- 278. — : Rodriguez (J.). Observations on the nuasure- ment of three degrees of the meridian in England by-. Roy. .Soc. London, Phil. Trans., CII, 1812, 321-351 ; Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), XLi, 1813, 20-31, 90-100. Mudge CWiUiam) — Continued. : Gregory (O.). Dissertation and letters regard- ing the survey of England by — . London, 1815. Title in full under GREfiOKV (O.). MiiSling (Friedrich Ferdinand Karl von). Geschicbte der Rheinvermessnng. Zeits. f. Astron. (Lindenau), v, 1818, 33-48. [Sur Ics travaux g^odiSsiques prussiens repris eutre la fronti^re de la France et le Seeberg.] Coir. Astron. i.Zach), iv, 1820, 32,''>-332, 533-537. [Uebersicht der Liingengradmessntig zwischon Diiukirchen und Sf^eberg. ] Astron. Nacbr., ill, 1824, 33-38. Ueber die Liingengradmessung zwiochen Diin- kirchen und dem Seeberg bei Gotha. Hertha, vii, 1826, i, 5-25. Miillenhoff. Die Erdmessung des Eratosthenes." Miiller (Fr. Chr.). Trigonometrische Vermessung der Grafschaft Mark.* 1793. Miiller (Franz). Ueber die Anwendung der auharmo- nischen undharmonischenVerhaltnissezur Auflosung eiuiger Aufgabeu der GeodUsie. Aich. d. Math. (Gruuert), XLV, 1866, 395-410. Miiller (Qu.). Geschichte der Breitengradmessnngen bis zur peruanischen Gradmessung.* 1871, pp. 52, 1 table. Miiller (Th.). Ueber Erdmasseuberechuuug. Zeits. f. Vermes., x, 1881, 137-144. Muhlert (Karl Friedrich). Gruudziige der mathema- tischen Geographic in der Darstellung der Erde als cine der Plaueten. 8"^, Leipzig, 1650, pp. iv, 68, 4 plates. Muncke. Pendel. (H.) Phys. Worterbuch (pehler), Leipzig, vi, 1833, 304- 407. By far the most thorough, and in general correct, re- view of pendulum research iu any language. Murdoch (P.). Mercator's sailing applied to the true figure of the earth, with au introduction concerning the discovery and determination of that figure. (H.) Loudon, 1741. Murhard (Friedrich Wilhelm August). Literaturder mathematischen Wisseuschaften. 2 vols., 8", Leipzig, 1797-'98. (Washington, Con- gress. ) Vol. II has the title: Bibliothcca mathematica, Leipzig. I'raktiatherTheilderGeonjotrio [including geodesy], ii, 144-174. Muriel. Desojidratious g^oddsiques de detail. D^ptJt de la Guerre, M6m., i, 1829, 235-264. Muscheubroek (PetruB van). Dissertationes physicie experimentales et geoinetricie, do magnete, magni- tudiue terrie, ephemerides meteorologicu' Ultrajec- tinoi. 4°, Lugduui Batavoruin, 1729, i>p. [vi], 672. (Dres- den, Royal.) Magnitudiue terrie, 357-420, 3 plates. N. Am. Rev., /or North American Review. 8<^, UNITED STATES COAST AKD GEODETIC SURVEY. 447 N. (F. H.). A feat iu triangnlation. Nature, xxi, 18S0, 157-158. Connection of Spain with Algiers. ITagel (August). Ueber die Reduction eines sphiirischen Dreiecks von geringer Kriiniraung auf sein Sehueu- dreieck. Zeits. f. Math. (Schlomilcli), l, 1856, 257-275. Die Messiing dcr Basis fiir die Triangulirang des erzgebirgiechen Kohlenbassins. 4°, Dresden, 1861, pp. .'.7, 2 plates. (Gore.) In Progranim zn dem am 18. 19. tind 20. Miirz 1861, mit den Schulerndtrkouiglichen poly technischenSchule und der feoniglichen Baugewerkenscbulc zu Dresden zn haltenden Priifungen. Bericbt iiber die im Jahre 1864 ausgefiihrten geodjitischeu Arbeiten im Konigreich Sacbsen fiir die mittoleuropaiscbe Gradmessuug. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1864, 37-41. Bericbt im Interesse der europiiiscbeu Gradmes- suug ausgefiihrten geodiitischefi Arbeiten im Konig- reicho Sacbsen. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1870, 58-^0. Bericbt iiber die geodiitischen Arbeiten in Sacb- sen fUr das Jahr 1871. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1871, 54-55. MHiJ Bruhns (C). Bericbt der Gradmessungs-Ar- beitcii in Sacbsen, 1872, 1873, 1&75, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1880. Title in fall iiniler BRl'IlNS (C). Die HauptmomentedcrEntwickelungsgeschichte der Gradmessungen. Dresden, 1873. Protokolle der 79. Hanpt-Yersamnihing des saclis. In- genieurs-nnd Architecten-Voreins. Die Vermessuiigen im Kiiuigreiche .Sacbsen. Eine Denkscbrift mit Vorschlagen fiir eine auf die curopiiische Gradmessnng zu griiudeude rationelle Landesvermessung. 8°, Dresden, 1876, i, text, pp. vi, 123; ii, atlas. (Gore.) Zur Litcratur der Geodasie. Die practische Geometric seit lOU Jabren. Civ.-Ing., xxiii, 1877, 18.5-206. Znr Literatur der Geodiisie. Drei classiscbo Ursprung des Rep- Wcrke der letzten Jabrzebnte. Civ.-Ing., xxiii, 1877, 2.57-290. - Zur Literatur der Geodiisie. sold-Bortram'scben Hcliotropen. Civ.-Ing., XXIII, 1877, 620-632. Mittbeilungen aus doni Gebiete der Geodiisie. LotUungen und Lothuugsapparate. Civ.-Ing., XXIV, 1878, 621-664. Mittbeilungen aus dcni Gebiete der Geodiisie. 1. I.. dans la Connaissance des Tenip.s, pour I'aiuK^o 1831, sur un nouveau calcul des latitudes de Mont-Jouy et de Bar- celone, pour servir de 8up])lduieut au traiti^ de la base du aystfeme m6trique. Communicated by a corre- spondent. Phil. Mag. (Taylor), v, 1829, 180-188. Defending the. astronomical obBervationa of M*!'ehain. — Memoire aur un nouveau calcul des latitudes de Mont-Jouy et de Barcelone, pour servir de supplti- ment au traitd de la base du systfenie mdtriqne. Conn. d. Temps, 1831, 58-77. Niederrh. Ges. Sitz.Ber., /or Sitzungsbericbt der nie- derrbeiniscbeu Gesselisebaft fiir Natur- und Hoil- kvmdo. 8°, Bonn, 1854-f. (Washington, Congress.) UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SLTEVEY. 449 Niessl (Gustav von). Ueber die matLeuiatiscbe Gostalt (1< r ErUe iind die Entwickehing uusertr Kiuutuisso von dersclbeu. Briinu. Verhaudl., iv, 1865, Sitz.-Ber., 3-1-37, 42-52. Uober die europaiscbe Gradmessuiig. Biunn. Verhandl., vni, 1869, Sitz.-Ber., 15-22. Ninck (C. J. J. Blok). Overzicht van de methode der kleiiiBte kwadiatcu.* Leiden, l«7t;. Nobert (Friedrich Adolph). Ueber Kreistheilnng im Allgciiieiinri mid iibereinigebci einerKreirtheilnugB- iiiascbino aiigeweudete Versnchen znr Erlangung einer grossen Vollkoiuinenbeit der Theilung. Vercin Befiir. d. Gewcrbfleisses in Preussen, Ver- handl., 1845, 212-216. : Oertling (J. A. D.). Bcmerknngeu zu — 's Anf- satz iiber Kreistbiilung. Verein Befiir. d. Gewerbfleisses in Preusseu, Ver- bandl., 1845, 215-216. Nolitl (A.). Memoria sulle stelle cadenti.* Napoli, 1838. NORVTAY. Peabsley (C). Bericht iiber die Gradmessnngsarbeiten in Uoiwegen. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.Ber., 1865. 39-42; 1871, 68-63; 187.'), 180-181; 1877.292-294; 1878,00; 1880, 22-23; 1881-'82, 148- 150; 1883, 2B4-295; 1884- be, 14B-151. Geodatisclie Arbeiten. 6 parts. Chriatiania. 1880-'88. A^0^'. Norwegian geodetical operations. Van Kostrand's Eclectic Engineering Magazine, XXVin, 1883, 283-287. Norwegian geodetical operations. Nature, xxvii, 1883, 224-226, 341-342; xxx, 1884, 10!!. A review of llu* publicatiuuH ot the Norwegian commit- tee of the Kniopeau Association fur tlic Measure nn-nt of Degrees. Noi'wood (Richard). Tbe sea-mans practice, contain- ing a fiiMdanifiital piobleiiie in navigation exiicii- incutally vcrilied: namely, touching the compass of the earth and sea, and the qnautity of a degree in our English measure. Also an exact method or form of keeping a reckoning at sea, in any kind or man- ner of sailing, with certain tables and other rules useful in navigation as also in the plotting and sur- veying of places, the latitude of the principal places in England, the lindiiig of currents at sea, and what allowance is to be given in respect to them. 12^', London, 1G67, pi>. iv, 141. (Oxford, Bodleiau.) Measure of the earth." London, 1704. Nouet (Nicolas-Antolne). Sur les observations faitea pour dfStenniner la iiosition gc., Trans., ii, 1823', 466-477. H. Ex. 17 29 Nuova Coll. Sci. (lughirami), for Nuova collezione d' opuscoli scieutilici e lettcrari. 8°, Fiesole, 18C7-'18 (22 vols.). Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat., for Nuovi aunali delle suicnze iiaturali (Allessaudrini, Bertoliui, Gherardi). t'^-, Bologna, 1838-'54. Nystrom (John W.). Gravitation from the surface of tbe earth to its centre. Jour. Prank. Inst., XXII. ltd, 205-208. Obers CW.): Schumacher (H. C). Skiivelse til — inbdldende cu Beskrivelse over det Apparat ban has anwendt til Malingeu af Standlinien ved Brak i Aaret. Altona, 1821. Also in German. Title iu full under SciU'MACnEn (H. C.). O'Brien (Matthew). Mathematical tracts. Parti. On Laplace's eoetiicients, the figure of the earth, the motion of a rigid body about its centre of gravity, and precession and nutation.* b-^, Cambridge, 1840. POOGENUOKFF, U, 306. Observatory, for The Observatory. 8^, London, 1877-|-. (Washington, Observatory.) Oefverbom: Svanberg (J.). Exposition desopf^ratious faites en Laponio pour la determination d'un arc du n](^ridien, jiar — ... Stockholm, 1805. Title in full under Sva.nherg (J.). Oertling (Johann August Daniel). Bemerkungen zn Nobert's Aufsatz iiber Kreistbeilung. Vtrein z. Befiird. d. Gerwerbfleisscs in Prenssen, Verhaudl., 1845, 215-216. Bescbreibung einer anfVeranlassuDgdesFinanz- miuisteriums in den Jahren 1840 and '41 erbauten Ivreistheilu;ascbine. Verein z. Befiird. d. Gewerbfleisses in Preussen, Verhaudl., 1^50, 133-l'.ll. Oesfeld {,Uo/«r von). Andouttingen zu zwei wichtigen gcodiitischcn Operationen. Ann. d. Erdkuude (Berghaus), vili, 1833, 396. Spain w-ilh Afrua, and Asia witli America. Oesterblad (Jacob). De tigura telluris ope pendnlomm determiuunda. »°, Aboa)., 1810, pp. 11. (British Museum.) O'Farral (James) a»rf Stotherd (R. H.). Account of the graphic nietlu.d iu use for (Uterminiug tbe co-or- dinates of the secondary trigonometrical stations ot the Ordnance Survey, by which the measurable eft'ect of the residual errors of observations are clearly shown, with necessary fornniUe and examples ap- pended, and also exami)le8 of the calculations of co- ordinates of the stations of the primary triangula- tion. 8°, London, 1886, pp. 12, 7 plates. Etjrc and Spot- iimeoode. (Southampton, Ordnance Survey.) Ogden (Herbert Gouverneur). The survey of the coast. Nat. Geographic Mag., i, 1888, 59-75. Ogilby (.W,). New theory of the tigure of the earth, c(Uisiilered as a solid of revolution, founded on (ho direct employment of the centrifugal force, instead of tbe common principles of attraction and variable density. 4°, London, l'S72, pp. xiii, 104. Loiigmann. (Gore,> Kevd. in Pop. Sci. Kov., XI, 1872, 189. 450 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUEVET. OLDENBtTRG. SCHENCK (P. A.). Bericbt iiber die geodatiscben Arbeiten in Oldenburg. Int. GmiI. Cong., Gen.Ber., 1865. 21-29; 1866, 22-26; 1868, 25-29; 1870, 29-.'i0. Oldenburg (Heinrich). A breviate of Monsieur Picart's account of tbe iiiejisiire of the earth. Roy. Soe. London, Phil. Trans., x, 1075, 261-272. Advertisement concerning the qjiantity of a degree of a great circle in English measure. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., xi, 1676, 636-G37. Oliver (J. R.). A course of practical astronomy for sur- veyors, with the elements of geodesy. b°, Kingston, 1883, pp. viii, ia5. (Oxford Bod- leian.) Oltmanns (Jabbo). Ueber die Wahre geographische Liinge des in Peru gemessenen Breitengrades. Astron. Jahrb. (Bode), 1810, 154-162. [Abplattung der Erde nacli den Pendelbeobach- tungen von Biot in Uiinkirchen und Fomientera be- stimmt.] Mon.Corr. (Zach), XXI, 1810, 536. Alls be obachteteii Hohen -Winkelu und Azi- mutheu die Distauz und relative geographische Lage zweyer Oerter herzuleiten. Astron. Jahrb. (Bode), 1811, 213-215. Die trigononietrisch-topographische Vermee- sung des Fiirstentbnui Ostfriesland durch den Artil- lerie-Capitiin Camp, nach dessen Beobachtungen dargestellt, mit Beuierknngen und Nacbrichten iiber die oldouburgisclie und nene hollandische Vermes- suug begleitet von — . 8°, Leer, 1815, pp. [i], 84. (Berlin, Royal.) Hilfstafeln zur Berechnung der Lange und Breite aus gemessenen Meridian- und Pcrpendicular-Ab- stiinden. Astron. Jahrb. (Bode), 1825, 196-199. HUlfstafeln zur Berechnung der LUngen- und Breiten-Unterschiede aus gemessenen Meridian- und Perpendicular-Abstiinden nach rheiuliiudischem Maass, in der Erdabplattung fiir die Breiten-Paral- lele der proussischen Monarchic. 4°, Berliu, 1826, pp. 12. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Beobachtungen iiber die Schwere, welche in den Hiifen vou Europa, America und Asien auf dem Btillen Meere und in Neu-IIolland wiihreud Mala- spina's Weltumsegelung mit dem unveriinderlichen Pendel angestellt morden sind. Joiirn. f. Mntb. (Crelle), iv, 1829, 72-84. Oppolzer (Theodor von). Rapport surles travauxgEX- (S). Palander: Svanberg (J.). Exposition des operations faites eu Lapouie pour la ddtermination d'nn arc dii uK^ridicn par — . Stockholm, 1805. Title in fnll nnder SvASBEHG (J.). Palfrey (John G.). Tables of bearings, distances, lati- tuihs, etc., ascertained by the astronomical and trig- onometrical survey of Massachusetts. Published agreeably to a resolve of the General Court. 4^, Boston, 1846, pp. xxxviii, 73. (Washington, Cougress.) Palmer (H. S.) awrf WilBon (C. "W.). Ordnance Snxvey of the peninsula of Sinai. Southampton, 1869. Title in full under 'Wilson (C. W.). The Ordnance Survey of the kingdom; its ob- jects, mode of execution, history, and present condi- tion. Reprinted, with permission, and slightly al- tered, from "Ocean Highways." 8°, London, 1873, pp. 77. (Oxford, Bodleian.) The state of the surveys in New Zealand. Cor- Pays-Bas pendant I'annde 1880. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, 18-20. Ueber die Compensation eines Secnndenpendels fiir Temperatnr nnd Luftdruck niittels eines Queck- silbercylinders und eines Kriigei'schen Manometers. Zeits. f. Instrumentenkunde, i, 1881, 190-205 ; As- tron. Nachr., c, 1881, 17-58. Het problema van Snellins, opgelost door Pto- lemsBus. K. Ak. Weten. Amsterdam, Versl. xix, 1885, 431- 4.16. Potbenot problem us used by Ptoleiuy in a.stronomy be- fore Snellius applied it geodetically. Outhier (Reginald) ; Maupertuis (P.-L.-M. de). La tlgure de la terre ddterminde par les observations de — et — . Paris, 173-, 1739. Enfilirth translation, London, 17.^8; German tranalation, Ziirii-ti, 1741 ; Latin translation, Lipaia^, 1742. Title in full under Maiji'ertuis (P.L.M. pk). Journal d'nn voyage an nord, en 1736 et 1737. Par M. Outhier, pretre du diocfcse de Uosanvon, cor- respondant de I'Acad^^mie royale des sciences sV Paris. 4°, Paris, 1844, pp. iv, 23^, 2. (Gore.) Ozanam (Jacques). Trait6 de I'arpentage et du tois^, on mdthode facile pour arpenter et mesuror toutes sortos do superficies. 8°, Paris, 1747, pp. x, 481, 12 plates. (Munich, Royal.) respondence relative to, and report by — . Presented to both houses of the general assembly by command of his excellency. Fol., 1875, pp. 32. (Southampton, Ordnance Sur- vey.) Paoli (Pietro). Ueber die Schwingungen eines Korpers, welches an eiuem seiner Lange nach sicb veriindern- den Faden befestiget ist. Mon. Corr. (Zach), xix, 1809, 301-316. Parrot (Fr.) : Eeise zum Ararat.* Berlin, 1834. Peudulutn €d)8ervation8. : Stebnitzki(J.). Beobacbtungenmitdemnnver- ■inderlicbeu Pendel angestellt von — in Dorpat, Tilllis, etc. Astron. Nachr., cm, 1882, 375-378. Parry: Sabine (E.). Beobachtungen iiber die Be- schleiinigung des Secnndenpendels in boheren Breiten, angestellt unter — . Ann. d. Phys. (Gilbert), LXIX, 1821, 402-416. Paschen (P.). Ueber das sogenaunto Drehen der Be- obaclitungspfeiler auf den trigouometrischen Sta- ticuien. Astron. Nachr., i.xiii, 1865, 49-72. Bi^ricbt iiber die geodiitiscbe Arbeiten in Meck- lenburg im Jabre 1864. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen..-Ber., 1864, 2,3-24. Bericbt iiber den Stand der geodiiti.scheu Arbei- ten in Mecklenburg. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1865, 14-17. Bericbt iiber den Stand der geodiitischen Arbei- ten in Mecklenburg. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Bcr., 1868, 25, 452 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Paschen (F. — Continued. '■ Jahres-Brricbt uber den Stand der geodatischen Arbeilen in Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Int. Geod. Coug., Geii.-I5er., 1809, 19-22. Fascheu (P.), Kobler, Bruhns, und Foerster. Gross- herzoglicb nieeklenbuigiscbe LaudesvKrmessung. 4°, Scbweriij, 1S>t2, i, jip. xii, ST)!; Ji, pp. x, 79, 1 map; iii, pp. 80; iv, pp. 106, 5 plates in all. Kevd. by JoiiiiAN, Zeits. f. Vermes., xn, 1883, 355-367; Hblmekt (F. R.), Astron. Cjea., Ticrlcljahrs., xix. 1884, 39-58. Pasley (C. W.). Pbin for Kiniplilyiug and improving tlu> iiK'.imrfs, wt'igbts, and n.dniy cf this toiiutry « itboiit u^alerially altering the present standards. 8°, London, 1857, pp. 16. (Southampton, Ordnance Survey.) Pasquicb (Johann). Uober den Gebraiich der neuesten Iranzusisihen Gradniessiing hei geographiBchen Un- tersuehungeu. Mou. Corr. (Zach), i, 1800, 435-447. Etwas iiber den Gebrauch der Pendellehre bei der Annahme der ellipsoidischen Gestalt der Erde. Men. CoiT. (Zach), ii, 1800, 3-14. Ueber die Kriimnmngs-Ellipsoide fiir die nord- liche Hiilfle uustrcr nordlithen Halbkugel. Jlon. Corr. (Zach), viii, 1803, 411-417. Gedanken liber den Prony'schen Vorschlag zur Bestinimung der Langc des Secundenpendels. Mou. Corr. (Zach), xn, 1605, 137-147. Pattenbausen (B.). Ueber die Ausdehnnng des Meri- dians vou Paris bis zur Sahara. Zeits. f. Vermes., X, ISf^l, 247-257. GeodUsie und Topographie auf dem dritten in- ternal ionaleu geographisthen Congreese. Zcils. f. Vermes., XJ, 1882, 73-94, 105-126, 169-181, 43;t-455. Separately. 8°, Karlsnihe, 1882, pp. 25. Paucker (Magnus Georg von). Veber astronomisch- ti igououietribche Landesvermessungen. * 4°, Mitan, 1817. POGGKSDOUFF. II, 377. Ueber die Anwcndnng der Methode der kleinsten Qnadratsumme auf physikaliscbe Beobachtungeu.* 4°. Mitan, 1819. P0GGE.M1OKFF, u, 377. Der Aufiglcichungsbau und der mittlere Fehler der Beobachtung. Arbeil. Kurliiud. Gebell., vn, 1849,91-131. Mfkbiuan, 191. Zur Thcoric der kleinsten Quadrate. Acad, do St.-P<5tersbonrg, Bull., Phys. Math., IX, 1851, li:i-125; X, 1852, 33-43, 23:j-238; U6\. Math., I, 188-204, 333-346, 433-439. Die Gestalt der Erde. Acad, de St.-P^tersbourg, Boll., xil, 1854, 97-128; XIII, 1855, 49-89; xin, 1855, 22.5-249; M<;i. Math, et Astr., 1, 1853, 609-<;48; 11, 1859, 113-172, 297-330. Paucton (Alexis-Jean-Pierre). M<5trologie, ou traiti? des niesuris, poids et iiionnoies des pcuples ancieus et modernes. 4^\ Paris, 17>*0, pp. xv, 9.55-956. Chapter I cnnlaiim niini«Toii8 reffiences to degree meaa- nres aod the length of the peDdulum. Paul (Henry Martyn). Recent gravity determinations in and ucar Japau. Science, vi, 1885, 319-320. Paulussen. Nog eeii leerwijze tot bet opiossen van nor- iuaal-\ ergelijkingen.* Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde, 11, 1886, 221. Peacock (G.) and Hcunpden (J.). Is the world flat or round ? London (?), 1871. Pearce (James Alfred). Speech on the subject of the Coast Survey of the United States. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 17, 1849. 8°, Washington, le49, pp. 16 (Gore); 2d ed., Water- man pamphlets, XLV, No. 10. Pecbmann (Eduard). Die Abweichuug der Lotblinie bei astronomibchen Btobachtnngsstationen und ihro Berechnung als erfoideruiss eiuer Gradme.ssuug. K. k. Ak. d. Wiss., math, naturwiss. CI., Denkschr., XXII, 1S64, ii, 41-48 ; Sitz.-Ber., XLVll, 1863, ii, 432-437. Peiice (Benjamin). [A report upon the results of the United Slates Coast Survey.] Am. Acad. Sci., Proc, 11, 1848-'52, 124-128. On the relation between the elasti'c curve and the motion of the pendulum. (H.) A. A. A. S., Proc, 1849, 128-130. : Gould (B. A.). — 'a criterion for the rejection of doubtful observations. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Eep., 1854, 131-138. Note npon the conical pendnlnm. Astion. Journ. (Gould). 11, 1852, 137-140. Abstract of a paper on the resistance to the mo- tion of the pendulum. A. A. A. S., Proc, 1855, 74. Peirce (Charles Semders). On the theory of errors of observations. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1870, 200-224. Measurements of gravity at initial stations in America and Europe. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1876, 202-337. Addendum, 410. De I'influence de la tlexibilit<; du trdpied sur I'os- cillation du pendule k reversion. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen. -Ber., 1877, 171-187 ; fol.. New York, 1877, 23. Note commnniquee par M. E. Plantamonr. Litho- graphed. : Oppolzer (T. von). Erste Note zu Herm — 's Mittheilung "De Tinfluencc du trepied sur I'oscilla- tion du pendule ..." Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1877, 188-190. On the influence of internal friction npon the correction 'of the length of the seconds pendulum for the flexibility of the support. Am. Acad., Proc, xiii, 1877-'78, 396-401. Esposizione del metodo dei minimi quadrati. Per Annibale Ferrero, Fireuze, 1876. Am. Journ. Math., i, 1878, 59-63. — Experimental pendulum work during the year 1878. (U. S. Coast Survey.) Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1878, 116-120. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 453 Peirce (Charles Sanders) — Coutiiuu-rt. On a iiiLtboil '» SccundODpen- dt^U in Lfipzif;, Dn-Hileii unil Freiberg, llirlin, 1885. Baii.y (F.). Onthediscordanciesln the resalts of the methods for (lutermiiiing thu linptb of tbo niniple pordnlnin. I'bil. Mac- (Taylor), v, 1K29, 97-104, PENDULUM, LENGTH OF SECONDS— Continued. Captain Foater's {K'liduluiii experiinent-H. Roy. Aatron. Soc, Mouth. Not., HI, ie33-'36, 1-3; Mem., vil, 1834, 1-378. Experiments made in London and at two stations on the river Euphrates with three pendulnms. Eoy. Astron. Soc, Mem., XIl, 1842. 61-81. At the Cape of Good Hope, 83-101. Basevi (J, I*.). Pendulum esperimeuts about to be under- taken in India. Indian Ellg, (Medley), iv, 1867, 07-199. — — — Abstract of mean results with pendulums. Roy. Soc. London, Proc, XI.\, 1K71, 105. Details of peudnluro operations and their reduction. India, Tiig. Survey, v, 1S70. Bessel (F. W.). Unterauchungen ober die LSnge des ein- fachen Sekunden-Pendels. K. Ak. d. Wiss., math. phys. CI., Abhandl., 1826, 1-256. Bestimmung der Lange des etnfacben Secundenpen- dels I'iir Berlin. K. Ak. d. Wiss., math.-phya. 01., Abhandl., 1835, 161-262. BniONE (fJ.). Note pur la longueur du pendule simple . . . Ann. Math. (Gergoiie), xvni, 1827-'2a, 341-352. BlGNON. Dill^rencu dela longueur du pendule k ParaUbe l3t k Paris. Aead. d. Sci. Paris, M6m., 1700, 175-178. BlOT (J.-B). Experiences sur la mesurodn pendule ^ secondes, sur diff^rens points de Tare du m6ridien compris entre Dunkerque et Tile de Fonuentera. Soc. Philom., Bull., I, 1607. 261-262; Bibl. Brit. Gen.\ve, XLii, 1809, 20-26; Bibl.Uuiv. Geniivo, x, 1819, 225-238. — — Sur la longueur absoluedu pendule i^secondesmesur^o en Angleterreet en flcosse . . . Soc. Philom., Bull., vi, 1821, 70-78. Bohnenheuoeb (J. (i. F.). Ueber die Bestimmnng der Lange des einfachen Seeuiuleupemlels. ■Wiirtemberg, Alihiindl., I, 1826, 1-34. • BoilEXIl's (IT. G.). Ui'ber die Bereehnung der mit dem un- veliinderliehen Ponilel zur Bestimmnng der Abplattnng der Eido angeMlellteu Beobiieiiluugen. Acad, do St.l'etersliourg, Bull., 1, 1843, 1-29. BoscoviCH (R. G. ). Do deviationibus pendnlorum ex asperitAte superficei teiTCStris. Phil. Recent. (.«tay), n, 1760, 380-385. Opera pertinenta ad opticam et astronomicam. Bassaui, 1785. BoucrKK (P.). Sur la longueur du pendule (diuis I'isle deSt.- Domiiigue). Aead. d. Sci. Paris, M6m., 1735, 522-528. Bkadlf.v (J.). Account of some observatiims made in London by G. Graliam, and in Jamaica b>' C Campbell ... in or- der to determine the ditTereuce bi-tween the lengths of isocliroual iienduluTiis in tlioao places. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. I'rans., xxxvni, 17,35, 302-3U. BKEnlcins(T.). Exp^-iieucesfaitesaveclependuleflrfiversiou. Obs. de Moscou. Ann., vni. 1882, 31-50. Biii'iiNs (C). BesliniHiung di r Liinge des SecuDdenpendols in Bonn, Leyden uud Mannheim. I.*ip«le, 1871. BtMUA (A.). Sur la longueur du pendule iV secoiidea i^ Berlin. Acad. d. Sci. Berlin, Uim., 1799-1800, 3-17. Bunt (T. .T.). On ]iendulum experimeuts. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., I, 1851, .')52-554 , II, 18.'il, 37-41 ; IV, 1852, 272-276. Caklini (F.). Oeservazione della biiigbezza del pendolo sim- plici fatte air altezza di niillo tose sul livello del niaro. Eff. Astron.. Milano, 1824, 28-40. CAB8IKI (J). Observations do la longueur des pendules i\ la Martinique. Acad. il. Sci. Paris. M6m., 1, 1708, 10. Ui.AKKK (A. R). Accountof thoreincasuromentof theleugth of Kat<'r's pendulum. India, Trig. Survey, v, 1879, i, 1-9. 454 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. PENDULUM, LENGTH OF SECONDS— Continue i. CosnAMiNE (CM. i»E LA). l>6 la mesiire du pendale h St.- I>oiiiin';ue. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6m., 1735, 529-544. Couplet. Diff^rcnco do la longueur du peudule k Lisbonne et k Paris. Acad. d. Sci. Pai is, M6iu., 1700, 174-175. DAitguiEU (A.). ObservatioDsastronumiqnesfaiteafh Toulouse. Parirt, 1782. DuLONG (T.). Esp^rieuces faites avec un pendule invariable ^ la Ncuvi-Ue-Gallea. Bull. Sci. ilatb. (Saigey), il, 1824, 123-124. Dlti-UKKY (L.-l.). Ol'srivatioDH du pendule invariable . . taites (Inns la campague de la corvette La Coquille. Paris, 1827 ; Conn. d. Tempe, 1830. 83-99. Fallows (F.). Observations madewitb the invariable pendu- Inm at the Cape of Good Hope. Koy. Soc. London. Phil. Trans., 1830, 153-175. FoNTENELLE. Sur la longueur du pendule dans la zone torride. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Hist., 1736, 115-117. FosTEtt (H.). Account of experiments made with an invaria- ble pendulum at Greenwich and Port Bowen. Koy. Soc. London, PhiL Trans., 1826, jv, 1-70. ■- • ■ ■ Notice of hia pendulum experiments in different parts of the world. Roy. Astron. Soc. Month. Not., ii, 1831-'33. 66-68. ExperimentB made with au invariable pendulum near the equator, and on the coast of Mexico and Brazil. EdiDb.Pbil.Journ..x, 182-1, 91-95. FRAXCtEUR (L. -B.). K^sultats dea experiences de Sabine pour dfeterminer la longueur du pendule k secondes. Soc. Philom., Bull.. 1826, 65-66. Frevcixet (L. de). Voyage autour du moude. Paris, 1820. Galbhaith (W.). Remarks on the experiments of the pendu- lum matte by Kater and Biot. Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), LXIV, 1824, 161-170. Gerard (A.). On pendulum observations. Edinb. Phil. Joum., LV, 1853, 14-16. GoDiN (L.). La loDgufur du pendule simple qui bat les secondes k Paris et k I'isle de St.-Domiuique. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mem., 1735, 505-521. GoLDiXGHAM (J.). Observations for ascertaining the length of the pendulum at Madras. Roy. Soc. London. Phil. Trans., 1822, 127-170. Report of the U-ngth of the pendulum at the equator. Ann. Phil. (Thomson), xn, 1826. 281-299, 342-354. Govt (G.>. Metodo per doterminaro la luughezza del peudolo. Accad. Sci. Torino. Atti, l, 1866, 505-513. Nouvtlle mt'thode pour determiner la longueur du pendule simple. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., xci, 18*^0, 105-106. Gregory (O. G.). . . . with remarks upon various other pen- dulum expeiiments. Phil. Mag. (Tilloch). uil, 1819. 426-445. Hall (B.). Detail of experiments made with an invariable peuduhim. Roy. Soc. Loudon, Phil. Trans., cxiii, 211-288. Hallstrom (G. G.), De longitudine penduli pro Aboa. ^boae, 1805. Hayes (L J.). Physical observations in the Arctic soaa. Smith. Contnb., xv, 1607, 29-68. HKAVibiDECW'. J.). Prolimiuaiy abstraetofapproximatemean results wiih the invariable pendulum. Roy. Soc. London, Proc., xiii, 1875. 316-317. Hklmert (F. R.). Rapport sur les mcsores de pendule ex6 cuteee dans les df mitres aun^es. Int. Geod. Cong., Vt-rhandl., 1S87, 11, 1-17. Uknky (M.). Kpsai sur la d^teiminatiou de la longueur du pendule simple cons la latitude de St.-P^terfebourg. St.-P6ter8bourg, ActA, Xl, 1793, 524-630. PENDULUM, LENGTH OF SECONDS— Continaed. Hbrschel (J.). Noteon the length of the pendu'um observed by de I'lsle de la Croy^re at Archangel in 1728. Astron. Register, xix, 1882, 5. Pendulum observations in London. Nature, xxv, 1882, 196-197. HlLGARD (J. E.). Pendulum observations. Johnson's Cycl., in, 1878, 1143. HoRSLEY (S.). Remarks on . . . the acceleration of the pen- dulum. London, 1774. Ivory (J.). Short abstract of M. de Freycinet's experiments for determining the length of the pendulum. Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), LXvm, 1826, 350-353. Notice relating to the seconds pendulum at Port Bowen. Phil. Mag. (Taylor), i, 1827, 170-171. Jimenez (F.). Determinacion de la longitud del p6ndaIo de segundos en M6xico. Observatorio Astron. Central, Mexico, 1878~'79, 1-61. Ejlmtz (L. F.). Ueber die Lange des Secundenpendela, nach den neueren Untersuchungen. Hcrtha, IX, 1827, 71-122, 197-208. 417-442 ; X, 1827, 376-366. Kater (H.). An account of experiments for determining the lengtli of the pendulum vibrating seconds in London. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1818, 32-109. An account of experiments for determining the length of the seconds pendulum at tlie trigonometrical stations in Great Britain. Edinb. Phil. Jour., II, 1820, 319-325; Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., CIX, 1819, 337-508. An account of experiments made with an invariable pendulum at New South Wales, by Brisbane. Roy, Soc. London, Phil. Trans., CXIII, 1823, 308-325. KraI'T (W.-L.). Analyse des experiences faites en Russie ear la longueur du pendule k secondes. Acad, de St..P6tersbourg, Acta, vu, 1793, 215-228. KuHLBERG (P.). Resultate aus Peudelbeobachtongen im 'K&n- kasus. Astron. Nachr., xcts, 1881, 282-288. Lacaille (N.-L. de). Diverses observations ■ ■ . pour la lon- gueur du pendul^. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6m.. 1754, 108. Mesuro de la longueur du pendule h 33° 5y de latitude aus tr ale. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6m., 1751, 430-438 ; Hist., 158-169. Observations pour la longueur du pendule ^ I'lslede France. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M€m., 175|i 64-56. La Hire (P. vs.). Sur les pendules k secondes. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6m.. 1715, 130-132. Laplace (P.S. i>b). Sur les longueurs obaerv^es dtt pendnle. Acad. d. Set Paris, M6m.. 18-43. Sur la longueur du pendule k secondes. Ann. de Chim., Ill, 1816, 92-95 . . . Lkxz (H. F. E.). Pendelbeobachtungen. Acad, de St.-Pttersbourg, ^<^m., 1, 1831, 226-228. L'IsLE DK LA CROYfeRE (L. DE). Observatio longitudinis pen- duli simplieis facta Arehangelopoli. St.-Petersbonrg, Com., iv, 1729, 322-328. LiTTKOW (J. J.). Beobachtungen an zwei uuveranderlichen Roversionspendelu. Zeits. f. Phys. n. Math. (Baumgartner), v, 1837. 97-116. Lt'UBOCK (J. W.). Expression for the time of vibration of a simple pendulum. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., iv, 1828, 338-339. Lr»RCK (G.). Notiz zu den Bessel'schen Pendelverauchen. Ann. d. Phys. (Poggendorff), CL, 1873, 476-48a LiETKE (F. B. vox). Les obeurx-ations du pendule invariable. St.-P^tersbourg, M6m.,1, 1831. xi-xv; M^m.Savana £ 1837, 1-242, UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 455 PENDULUM, LENGTH OF SECONDS— Continued. LL'LOFti (J.). OvtT do laugte vau den tinkelen sliuger to Leideu. Aead. d. Sci. Haarlem, Yerbandl., 1757. Macleak (T.). An account of some experiments made with an invariable pendulum at the Capo of Good Hope. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., v, 1839--iy, 57-58. Mairan ( T.- J.). Experiences sur la longueur du pendule ii, se- condett h Paris. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6m., 1735, 153-221, 505-544. Mallet {J. A.). Obaerrationes variai in Lapponia ad Ponoi institute. Acad, de St..P6tersbourg. Com., xiv. 1769, ii, 14-15, 24-33; Koy. Soc. London, Phil. Trana., 1770. 363-367. Mathiku (C.-L.). Sur les fxp^ricucet) du pendole faites . . . en difff-rentrt points du globe. Conn. d. Temps, 1816, 314-332 ; 18:6, 280-307. Mevek (O. E). Pcndelbeobachtungen. Ann.d.Phys. (Poggendorfl"). CXLII. 1871,481-524. OPi'OLZKii (T. VON). Gutachten der Pendel'Commission. lut. Geod CoDg., Gen.-Ber, 1875. 78-89. OuiF(C.voN). BeBtimmung der Lange des einfacben Secon* deupendtils zu Bogouhauseu. K. bayer. Ak. d. Wiss., Abbandl., xiv. 1883. iii, 161-294. Pasquich (J.). Gedauten iiber din Prony'scheu Vorschlag zur BestimmuDg der Lange des Secnndeupendels. Mon.Corr. (Zach), Xll. 1805, 137-147. Fbibcb (C. S.). Experimental pendulum work. IntGeod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1878, 11&-120; Am. Jonrn. Sci.. XX, 1880. 327; L.,E., D. Pbil.Mag., x. 1880, 387. Petkks (C. a. F.). Eeetimuiung der Lange dcs einfachen Se- coudenpendels auf dem Scblosse Giildcnstein. Altona, 1855; Astron. Nacbr., XL, 1855. 1-152. Ueber die mit einem Keversionsperdel in Altona nnd Berlin nngestellten Beobachtungen. Astron. Nacbr., LXXVi, 1870, 145-148. - — Beoba rcDilil-ViTauclie. Ann. a. rhv8. (Gilbtrt), LIX. 1818. 328-332. Walbeck (H. J.). Vergltichung der SecundoDpeodel-Beob- acUiuu«;t'n. Aatron. Nacbr., i, 1823, 263-256. "Walker (J. T.). On tlio Intlijin pendulum oliaeirations. Roy. Soc. London, I'lot.. xv, lg66-'67, 254-255. 3i*i-319; XIX, 1«71,97-1UI; ludian Eng. (Metlle.v), v, 1868, .305-314. "Warrkn (J.). An account of experiments made at the obst'ivatory near Foit Sf. George for determining the len;;lh of tlu' si'ionils pendulum. Asiatic ilesoaichea, xi, 1810, 293-308. Watts (W.). . . . length of the seconds pendulam in lati- tude 50^ 22' 28". Ann. Niit-Pbil. (Tbompson), viii, 1816,284-288. On the length of the neeonds penduhim. Edinb. Phil. Jonr., i, 1819, 325-337 ; ni, 1820, 27-32. WiJKANi>EK (A.). Peudel-bcstamninger nnder den Svenska arktisUa expeditionen 1872-'73. Acta Universitatis, Lundenaifl, xiv, 1877-'78, 1-32, 1 plate. Zo£:OA. Experience du pendnle faite k Beauvoir en 1851. Soc. Acad. Oise, llC-m., il, 18.'i2-'54. 145-147. Anon. [Difference de la longueur du pendule de Paris h celle du pendule do Caienne]. Acad. Sci. Paris, Uist.. 1, 177-178. On the figure of the earth, and on the length of the seconds pendulum in diffcient latitudes. Quart. Journ. Sci.. v. 1818, 2:16-2-19. Pendulum ; length of simple and invariable pendulum. Penny Cycl., xvii, 1840, 405-410. Pendel. Universal-Lexikon (Pierer's), Xil, 1861, 799-801. PeniluUmi. English Cycl., VI. 186J, 371-383. Report of a confei eneo on gravity determinations, held at Washington, D. C, in ilai, 1832. U.S. C. and G.Suivey, Rep., lf'82, 503-516, Appendix 22. Beatimraung der Liinge dta Secuudinpendels in Gotha, auf dim Seeber^c, dnn J»i.sstslberge und in Berlin. Astro- noniisebgeodatiscbo Arheiten in den Jahren 1872, 1869 und 1867. Leipzig, 1874. PENDULUM, THEORY OF. Babveb (J. J.). Gutaehten dti Pendel-Conimission. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen. -Ber., 1875,78-89, 90-101. Baily (F.). Short account of twn invariable pendulums. Key. Aatron. Soc, Month. Not., i, 1827-30, 78-80. On the correction of a jundulura for the reduction to a vacuum. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans , 1832, 399-492. ■ - ■ Account of some expurimeuls on two invariable pen- dulums. Roy. ABtron.Soc.,Mnnth.Not.,lv,1836-'39, 141-143. Bender {C). BefltimmungderSchwingungsdauermaterieller Pendol. Ann. d. Phys. (Poggendorff), cl, 1873. 295-303. Besskl (F. W.). Die Unrirhtigkrit der hisher bei Pendil- verauchen angewandten Reduetionen auf den Luftleeron- lUum. Aatron. Naehr., vi, 1827, 149-150. TJeber den Eiufluaa einos wiederstuhenden Mittela auf die Bewegung eines Pendela. Aatron. Nnchr., ix. 1831, 221-236. ConHtruction eines symmetrisch geformten Pendels niit reciproken Axeu. Aatron. Naelir., xxx, 1810. 1-6. BntMiAlM (J. II. L). DiaquiHitio de penduli Himplicis oscilla- tionibus in arena circuli leqne in vacuo ac Huido reaistente. Marhurgi, 1828. PENDULUM, THEORY OF— Cominued. BoitENiia (H. G.). Caleul coniparatif do diff&rentca ohaerva- tiona du juindnle constant. Acad, de St.P6terabonrg, Bull. ScL, ix. 1842, 73-75. Braschmann (N. ). Note sur lemouvementdn pendule simple. Acad, de St.-P6tershourg. Bull., x, 1852, 81-80. BRiostm (C.). Delia variazione del moto dei jiendoli dipm- dente ila quella della temperatura. Eff. Astron., Milano, 1812. 114-123. Brito-I^impo (F. a.). Memoria sohre a determina^So do cuni- primento do pendulo. Lisboa, 1865. BitUHNij (C). Gutaehten der Pendel-Commiaslou. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1875, 78-89 Cabbini (J.). Moyena de contttruire uu pendule qui ne puisse a'allonger par la tlialeur. Acad. d. Pci. Paris, M^m., 1741. 363-371. Cabsini (J.D.). Mf^'moiresur lea experiences faites par If orda sur la longueur du pendule. Paris, 1792. Cell^rier (C). Note sur le mouvement simultan6 d'un pen- dule et de bcs supports. Int.Geod.Cong., Gen Ber., 1877,163-170. CllALLls (J.). Theory of the correction to he applied to a ball pendulum for t ho reduction to :i vacuum. L., E.. D. Phil. Mag., l, 1832. 40-45; iii, 1833, 185-187. Clausen (T.). Dereductionetemporis, quo oscillationes quot- cunque penduli . . . Astron. Nachr., v, 1827, 91-94. Crobthwaite (J.). An account of tbrea pendulums con- stmcted by the author. Roy. Inst. Acad., Trans., ii, 1788, 7-12. CzERMAK (P.). Pendelversuche. Wien, 1885. Dbflers. Prohl^nie sur le pendule simple. :ficole Polytcch., Corr., Iii, 1814-16, 1*^3-197. Derha&i (W.). Experiments about the motion of pendulums in vacuo. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., xxiv, 1704. 1785-1789; 1735, 201-203. Dubois (E.). Note sur le mouvement du plan d'oacillation d'un pendule. Ann. Genio Civil, i, 1862, 313-328. Elvius (P.). Theorema de oacillationibns pendulornni in ar- cubua circuliiribus. Soc. Sci. Upsahi, Acta. in. 1734, 71-75. EULER (L.). Do oscillationibus minimis penduli qaotcnnqae ponduscnlis onusti. Acad, de St.P^terabourg, Com., xix, 1775, 38-39; Acta, I, 1777, ii. 159-182. Everest (G.). On the errors likely to arise in the determi- nation of the length of tbe pendulum from a false pnaition of tbe fixed axis. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., i, 1827-'30, 117-119; M6m., IV, 1830-'31, 25-37. Farquhar (H.). Empirical formula' for the diminution of a freely oscillating pendnliini. Phil. Soc. Wash., Bull., vii, 18H5, 89-&2. Faye (II.A.-E.-A.). Sur la r^iduction des observations du pendule au niveau de hi mer. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., xc, 1880, 1443-1447. FiNOER (J ). Ueber ein Analogon des Kater'schen Pendela und dussen Anwendung zu Gravitationsniessungen. K. k. Ak. d. Wi3.'<., Sitz.Ber., LXXXIV, 1881. ii. 168-193. Fliedner (C). Dc pendulo inprimis, do pendulo centrifugo. Hersfelda-. 1841. FoRDYCE (G.). Account of a new pendulum. Roy. Soc. London. Phil. Trans., i.xxxiv, 1791, 2-20. Frodsham (W. J.). Experinientaon the variation of the pen- dulum. Roy. Soc. London, Proc., iv, 1838. 78. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 457 PENDULUM, THEORY OF--Coutinued. Frss (N.). Deieimiuiitio Tuoiiuun penduli compositi. Acad, de St. I'^ltrsbonrg. AcCi, I, 1787, 184-212. G. (J.)- Rt-niarks on inruhable peDdnlams. Journ. Xat. Phil., xv, 1806, 84-80. Gai.en (!'.). De pendalo ejusqaoadpUcationeful tellnris figu- ram deteraiinandaiu. Aiustirdani, 1830. GiRAL'i.T (C). 1*0 la rtaistauce de I'air dans le mouvemeDt oscillatoire du pendule. Acad. d. Sci. Caen, il6m..l860. 3-45; 1862,3-30. GiLLlo (C.-J.). Recbercliee oxp^iiuientaU-s sur la r^'-sislance do I'air au niouvement dts peudules. Accad. Sci., Torino, Xlll, 1853, 299-357. Greex (G.). Researches on the vibrations of pendnlums in fluid meF.). Primi riaultati delleosservazioni fatto suUe OMcillazioui microscopiL-he dei peudoli. Bull. d. Vulcauiamo, ii, 1875, 103-100. RoTiiK {H. A.). Ueber Pendelschwiugungeu in gruaseren Bo- gen. Arcb. f. Naturlehre (Kaatner), ii, 1824, 137-150. RozET (C.A.). Recberches relatives k rinfluence dea in^gali- t6a de la structure du globe sur la marche du pendule. Soc. PhiIi.m..Proc. Verb., 1842,27-2il; 1844, 18-22; Acad.d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Kend., X\1U, 1844, 180-185. Sauine (E.). On the reduction to a vacuum of the vibrations of an invariable penilulum. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1829, 207-239, 331-338. Experiments to aKcertain the correction for variations of temperature iu variable pendulums employed by British obsrrvera. Roy. Soc. London. Phil. Trans., ]8:U), 251-255. Sahtek (H.). Theorie des Gaussischeu Pendels. Berlin, 188G. Sang (E.). On the proper form for a convertible pendulum. Ediub. Phil. Journ., xxxi, 1841, 34-38. Sanoeu (T.). Verallgemeineiung des zusammengesetzten Pondels. Cassel, 1880. Sawitbch (A. N.). Observations on the oscillations of the pendulum. St. Petersburg, 1866. Sui la determination de la resistance de I'air au mouve- meut du pendule. Acad, de St.-Petersbourg, Bull., ix, 18C6, 477-182 ; M61. Math. Astron., in. 1866, 681-688. Schaak (M.). Surle monvementdu pendule en ayant ^gard k la rotation de la teire. Belgique. Mem., xxvi, 1851, 1-14. SciuMPF (E. R.). Eine ■Verallgemeiueniug des Pendelprob. lems. Halis Sax. 1882. SciiiNZ (E.). Ueber die Schwauzuugen des ReveraionS'iieu. dels im widersteheuden Mittol. Aarau. 1847. SCHLAFLI (L.). Ldsnng einer Pendel- A ufgabe. Bern, 1807. PENDULUM, THEORY OF— Contiuned. ScEYMGEOLR (J.). Namitive of experimeuts made with the . seconds pendulum ... to determine minute forces on its rate of motion. Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), ll, 1832, 244-251, 344-350, 434-442. Sbcchi (A.). Snlle oscillaziont del pendolu avuto rtguardo alia rotazione della terra. Ann. d. Math. (Tortolini), u, 1851, 238-242. Stampfek (S.). Beschreibungeines apparatus um den Abstand der Schneider bei eiuem Reversionspeudel zu messeu. K. k. Stemwai te, Ann., xv, 1835, 1-lxi. Sterneck (R. von). Der neue Pendelapparat desk. k. militar- geograpbischen Institutes. K. k. milit.-geogr. Inst., Mittheil., vil, 1887, 83-1 16. Stokes (G. G.). On the resistance of the air to pendulums. Brit. A. A. S,, Trans., xviii, 1848, 7-8. On the effect of the internal friction of fluids on the motions of pendulums. L.,E., D. Phil. Mag., I, 1851, 337-339; BibL Univ. Geneve, Arch., XXI, 1852, 15-28 . . . SvANBEUG (J.). De motu pendulorum. Upsaliaj, 1824. Tbnn'ANT (J. F.). Note on the coefficient of expansion of the •brass pendulums used in tbe Indian trigonometrical sur- vey. Roy. Astron. Soc., Month. Not., xxvii, 1867, 284-286. Thacker (A.). On the motion of'a free pendulum. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., ii, 1851, 275-278. Theun (M.). De oscillatione pendulorum. Lund., 1804. Unfkrdinger (F.). Aufstellungciuerneuen Pendelformcl . . , die Form uud Gruase der Eide zu bestimmen. K. k. Ak. d. "Wisa., math.-Daturwisa. CI., XLix, 1864. ii, 210- 219. Vergleichung der Pendelformel mlt den Beobachtun- gen. K. k. Ak. d. Wiss., math.-naturwiss. CI. XLIX. 1864, ii, 220-228. Das Pendel als geodiilisches Instrument. Arch. d. Math. (Gruuert). xlix, 1869, 309-331. Vkrhulst (P. F.). Sur riul6gration de quelques Equations re- latives au probl^me des oscillations du pendule dans un milieu r6sistant. Corr. Math., v, 1829. Weber (W.). Ueber die Construction des Bohnenberg'sclieu Reversiouspendels . . . Ann. d. Phys. (Poggendorff ), xxn, 1884, 439-449. Wernkblrg (J. F. C). Ueber die zeitherige Bestimmung der Dauer eines PendeLscblaga. Eisenach, 1817. WiLSiNG (J.). Ueber den Einflaas von Lufldrack und Warme auf die Pendelbewegung. Berlin, 1880. Young (T.). The resistance of tbe air. determined from Capt. Kater's experiments on the iiemlulum. Quart. Journ. Sci., xv, 1823, 351-356. ... on the reduction of the length of the pendulum to tbe level of the sea. Quart. Journ. Sci., xxi, 1826, 167-16a TvoN-ViLLAKCEAU (A.-J.-F.). Mfimoires sur les effets du roulement dans la th6orie du pendule ^ reversion. Paris, 1880. Zacu (F. X. VON). Doutessur . . . I'attraotion et rdpulsion da pendule. Corr. Astron. (Zach), 1. 1825, 36-38. Pereira da Silva (F. M.). See Silva (F. M. Pereira da). Perewoschtschikow (Demetrius). Die Fi<;ur iler Erde uach lien Meridianeu vou Paritt uud Ostindieu uud uach Pendelbeohachtuugeu.* POGOENDORFF, II, 404. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 459 Perlni (Ludovico). Geometria prattica in cui oltre i principi di essa vi souo moiti iuseguamenti intorno alle varie uiisure di terre, acque, fieuii, pietri, grani, fabricLe ed altro. Secondo 1' uso di Veroua, ed di altro citti d' Italia, raccoiti d' alle opere di molti au- tore e dall' esperieuza a comodo degli studioso di tal professioue. 8°, 2d ed., Verona, 1739; 8th ed., Bassano, 1781; lOtb ed., Bassano, 1799, pp. 16;i. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Perliczy (J. D.). De magnitndine et dimensione terra- (|iiei ad institutionum geographicum Wideburgi- uanim.* Jinii', 1727. Perny (M.-J.). M09. : Cornu. Geodetic operations in Algeria, of — . Nature, vii, 1873, 4.S0-4.''>1. Sur la nouvcDc triangulatiou do I'lle de Corse. M<^moire de M. F. Perrier, pr<;8ent6 par M. A. d'Ab- badic. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., Lxxviii, 1874, 1569-1572. De.scription g^om^triqne dc I'Alg^rie. Pt. 2. Clialne primordiale de la triangulatiou alg^riennc. SliSui. du D6pAt G6ii('ta\ de la (hicrre. Paris, X, 1874, pp. [li], 410, 1 map. (Washington, Coast Survey.) Rapport sur les travanx g^od^siques exdcut^s on France ct en Algdrie en 1874. Int. Good. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1874, 25. I^tade comparative des observations de jour et do nuit. Int. Geoil. Cong., Gen.-Bor., 1875, 144-150. Perrier (FraxKjois). — Continued. Rapport sur les travaux g(Sod6siques ex^cntds en France en 1875. Int. Good. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1875, 169-175. Nouvelle mesure de la mdridienue do France. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., l.yxxiii, 1876, 1277-12^0. Rapport sur les travaux gdoddsiques ex<;cutn- DAJJ, Handbucb d. Vermess., II, 67-68. Verzeichniss der alten und neuen Grundliuien. Geuauigkeit der Messungeu. Neu zu vermessonde Grundliuien. Int. Geod. Cong., Ger.-Ber., 1877, 39-57 ; French, 119-137. Versuche, welche in Betrefi" des relativen Vor- zugs von Tag- odor Nachtbeobachtuugeu, nnd die Resultate, welche mit dem beweglichen Fadeu an Azimuthal kreisen erhalten worden siud. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1877, 59-65. Rapport sur les travaux (gf^odcsiques) en France et en Alg<5rie pendant I'anndo 1877. Int. Geod. Coug., Gen.-Ber., 1877, 283-286. Jouction g6Kl6sique de I'Alg^rie avec I'Espagne. Acad. d. Sci, Paris, Comp. Rend., lxxxix, 1879, 885-889; Observatory, iii, 1880, 326-327. Rapport sur les travanx esiScutds par le d6p6t de la guerre en 1878. (France.) Int. Good. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1878, 82-85. Rapport sur les travaux exdcut^s pendant I'an- iide 1879. (Geodetic.) Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1879, 87. Rapport sur les travaux gdod^Ssiques eu Franco et en Algdrie pendant I'annde 1880. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, 9-11. Jouction gdoddsiquo de I'Algdrie avec I'Espagne. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, 47-53. Rapport sur les mesurcs des bases gdoddaiques. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, vii, 1-8. Note sur les travaux gdodcsiques et astrono- _ Mii(iues exdcutds par le ddprtt de la guerre pendant les anndes 1881 et 1882. (France.) Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1881-'82, 75-77. Rapport sur les travaux (gdoddsiques) exdcutds I'll France, eu 1883. Int. Good. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1883, 230-233. Rapport sur la mesure des bases. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1883, 1-9, Appendix 3. Nouvelle nidridienne do Frauce. Mduiorial du Ddp6t gdudral do la gui'rrc, tome xii, publid par le colonel Perrier. 4", Paris, 1885, pp. xix, 230, 13 jdates. (Soutli- aiupton. Ordnance Survey.) 460 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Perrier (Pran9ois). — Continued. Tra\aiix (■x<^l ; Paris, 1752; Goes, 1771; Lon- don, 1772; Madrid, 1773. Oltmanxs (J.). Febcr die walire geographiscbe Lange des in Peru gemesaenf^u lli-citeii^radea. Astron.Jiihrb. (Uude), 1810, 1&4-162. Peschel. Ueber die Gestalt der Erde. Abhaiidl. znr Erd- n. Volkerkunde, 1878, 210. Hoi zFAii. n, 1722. ♦ Peters (Christian August Friedrlch). De niotn pen- diili in acre rcsjstiiiti'. AsiroD. Nachr., xii, 1835, 73-86, 89-104. Uebersicht der in Hamburg nnd dessen Umge- geiid angcRtellten geodati.sclien Messungen." (Excerpt), 1H37. A'on den kleinen Ablcnknngen der Lothlinie und des Nivcans, welelie dnroh die Anziebnngen der Sonne, des JIondeHund einigen terrestrischen Gegen- stiindi^ hervorgebracht werden. Astron. Nachr., xxil, 1844, 32-42; Acad, de St.- P^tersbourg, Bull., in, 1844, 212-223. Peters (Christian August Friedrich) — Continued. Bi'stimninng der Liinge des einfachen Secunden- pendels auf deni Schlosse Giildenstein ans den von Schumacher in den Jahren 1829 und 1830 ausgefuhr- ten Beobachtnngen. 4°, Altona, 1855. Taken from Astron. Nachr., XL, 1855, 1-152. Ueber die Bestimmnng des wahrscheinlichen Fehlers einer Beobachtung aus den Abweichungen der Beobachtnngen von ihrem arithmetischeu Mittel. Astron. Nachr., XLiv, 1856, 29-32. Translations in U. S. C. and G. Sarvey, Eep., 1856, 307- 308. Bericht iiber die Arbeiten in Holsteiu. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen. -Ber., 1866, 27-29. Bericht iiber die Wiederherstellung der Schu- maclier'schen Dreiecke iu Schleswig-Holstcin. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1868, 34-37. Ueber die im Jahre 1869 luit einem von Loh- nieier angefertigten Reversionspendel in Altona und Berlin angestellten Beobachtnngen. Astron. Nachr., Lxxvi, 1870, 145-148. Bericht iiber die neue Berechnnngdervon Schu- macher bei Braack gemesseuen Basis. Den danske Gradmaaling, andet Bind, 1872, 391- 420. Bremiker ««(J Albrecht. [Bericht iiber die geo- diitische Arbeiten in Preussen t'iir das ,Tahr 1874.] Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1874,63-66. Gutachten der Pendel-Conimission. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1875, 78-89. : Helmert (F. R.). Die Geuanigkeit der Formel von — zur Berechuuug des wahrscheinlichen Fehlers. Astron. Nachr., locxxviii, 1876, 113-132. Ueber die Zerlegung eines Dreiecksnetzes nach Gruppen, und iiber die Ausgleichung der iu den einzelnen Gruppen ausgefiihrteu Messuugen von Richtungen und Gruudliuien. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1877, 210-216. Peters (C. F. W.). Bericht . . . iiber die in Kilnigsberg im ^onnner 1870 angestellten Pendelbeobachtungen. (H.) Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1870, 54-56. Astrononiische Tafeln und Formeln. 8'J, Hambnrg, 1871, pp. xvi, 217. (Washington, Coast Survey.) Tafeln fiir die Gestalt der Erde, 53-58. Beobachtnngen mit dem Bessel'jschen Pendel- Apparate in Kouigsberg und Giildenstein, ausge- fiihrt im Aiiftrage des geod iitischen Institiits. 4 \ Hamburg, 1874, pp. 151, 1 plate. Piiblikationen des geodiitiacbfii Instituta. Revd. by IlELMEKT (F. R.), Astron. Gea.,VierteUahr«., xi, 1876, 33-61. Bestimmung der Lange des einfachen Secunden- pendels in Altona, Berlin, und Konigsberg Mit einer Bemerkung von W. Foerster. Aslron. Nachr., XCVii, 1880, 1-36; xcix, 1881, 129- 138, 379-3-12. Notiz iiber die Bessel'scheu Pendelbeobachtun- gen. Astron. Nachr., cvi, 1883, 1-4. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 40 1 Peters (C. P. W.)— Continnrd. ZniCicschiclitf uiul KiitikdcrToisen-Maassstabe. Ein Beitrag ziir dftiiiitiveii Eiiiorilinuif; aiif das alt- fraiizosisclie System begrliudctfu Messiiugeu in das imtrisclie System von C. F. W. Peters. Berlin, 1h85 ; Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., cm, 1880, 568. Eine neue Methode znr Beoliachtuug der Coin- cidenz der Schwingnngeii Zweier Pendel. Astrnn.Narhr., ex, 1885,231-232. Petit (Frederic). OV>servation8dH pendulc in, Tonlouse. Kevne Scientitiqne, ii, 1840, 86-88. Sur la longueur du pendule h secondes h Tou- louse. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., xi, 1840,21-22. Ddterminatiou de la longnenr du pendule a se- condes et de I'intensit^ de la pesanteur S, I'observa- toire de Toulouse. Acad, de Toulouse, M«m., vi, 1850, 106-190. Determination de la longueur du pendule h se- condes et de I'intcnsite de la pesanteur au nouvel observatoire de Toulouse. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend.,, 1858, 516- .'ilH. Petzell (J. ). Vorlesungen fiber Geodasie an der Univer- sitilt Pest.* Pest 1847. Petzold (M.). Uebersicht der Literatur fur Vermes- Biiiigswesen vom Jahre 1887. Zeits. f. Vermes., XVII, 1888, 404-416, 425-429, 4a''>- 479, 497-510, 527-543. Uetbode iUt klriimteQ Quadrate, 505-507 ; Hiihere Geo- dasie, GrnilnifHsung, 507-510. Peucero (Gasptus) [Kaspar Peucer]. De dimensione terne et geometrice numerandis locorum particula- rium intervallis ex doctrind trianguloraiii spha-ri- corum et cauone subtensarum. Liber denuo editus. Bed auctiuB niulto el correctin.", quam autea. 24°, Witterbergie, 1554, pp. [x], 287. Also publitilied together with : Dcscriplio locorum teriai sanctsL', k quodani Brocardo Moiiarcho. Alicjuot insiguititi) t*rr{B Bancta-- locomni explicatioet hiato- riSB per Phil. Melauchthoneiu, S°, Witterberga), 1554. — La Laniie, 77, lOK. Also bouud with; Logistice astronoiuica, etc. Witter bergre, 1556. Peytler, Puillos-Boblaye it Sertrier. Siir les op^'ra- ti(>iisgt Phys. par Messieurs de I'Acad. Eoy. des Sci. Paris, 1693, 3()f>-368. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6ni., 1729, 313-331. Mesure de la terre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mdm., i, vii, 1729, 1-.59; vii. 1729, 133-190. — Degr^ du mra libri qnatuor ex italico in latinnra ser- monciii eonversi ejusdem compendium destellis fixis cogiiiiscondis, et libro de magnitudine terrsB et aqua;. Joan Niciil. Stupano Rheto interprete. 8°, Basile;B, 1568, pp. 121. (Oxford, Bodleian.) ^ Do aquae ac terra? magnitudine, 6&-131. Pick. Die Kugelgestalt der Erde. Zeits. f. matb. u. naturwiss. Unterricht, II, 1871, 504-f. Pictet (Marc Auguate) [sometimes Pictet Turretini]. Cdii.siilfratious of the convenience of measuring an arcli of the meridian and of the parallel of longitude, having the observatory of Geneva for their common intersection. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., LXXXi, 1791, 106- 127. [Comparaison du mfetre ^talonde I'Institnt avec le pied anglais.] Soc. Sav. et Litter., M^m., il, 1801, 265-269. Comparaison du mfetre d^finitif avec un <5talon des mesures anglaises. Bibl. Brit. Geneve, xlx, 1802, 109-114; Jonrn. Nat, Phil. (Nicholson), II, 1802, 244-252; Roy. Inst. Jonrn., 1, 1802, 122-131 ; PhU. Mag. (Tilloch), xii, 1802, 229- 235. Snr nn appareil g<5oddsiqae tr&s-coniplet et trfea- portatif. Bibl. Brit. Genfeve, iji, 1803, 105-137. Note snr la position g<^ographiqne de Gen&vo, et sur d'autres rfSsultats g<^od^siqaes et baromd- triques. Bibl. Brit. Geneve, xu, 1809, 305-323. Rapport fait il la Soci6t<5 des arts de Geneve sur une machine b. diviser et snr des instrumens de g<;o- d^sie et de math^niatique, construits k Berne par Mr. Schenk. Bibl. Brit. Gentve, LIX, 181.5, 77-102. Pieper ( M. ). Zur Kritik der Theorje des Foncault'schen Peudelversuchea.* Dessau. Pinelli (G. V.). Breve esposizione della teoria degli errori di osservazione.* Genova, 1883. Pingr^ et Bouguer (P.). Op, 209-375. M6moire sur la tli^orie math<5niatiqiie de la figure de la terre, publir'e par Newton en 1687. Et sur I'^tat #qnilibre de I'ellipsolde fluide k trois axes in^gaax. Astron. Nachr., xxxvi, 1853, 149-176. Note snr la density moyenne de I'^corce snper- ficielle de la terre. Astron. Nachr., xxxv, 1853, 177-192; Roy. Astron. Soc, Mouth. Not., xili, 1852-'53, 59-60 ; Edinb.Phil. Jouru., LV, 18.''.3, 152-153. — Note snr la figure de la terre et la loi de la pesan- teiir ;\ sa surface d'apr&s I'hypothfese d'Huygheus, publi^e en l^yO. Astron. Nachr., xxxv, 1853, 371-378. — ^ Sur la loi des pressious, et la loi des cllipticit^s des couches terrestres en supposant leur dcusiKS nni- formenient croissant e depuis la surface de la terre jusqu'iV son centre. ■ Asiron. Nachr., xxxvi, 1853, 313-334. M<;uioire snr la loi de la pesantenr k la surface de la nier, dans con -77, 1-52. Kevd by Sawithcm (A. N.), Astron. (Jes., VierteljabrH., XUl, 1878, 264-274. Plantamour (Emile) — Continued. et Cellerier ( C. ). Tableau r^sumant par ordre alphab6tique I'^tat actuel des travaux entrepris dans les difl"<5rents pays pour la d<5tprniiuati()u de la pe- santenr !l I'aide dn pendule :Y r(^version. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, Appendix 2,1-8. Playfair (John). Investigation of certain tUeorenis re- lating to the figure of the earth. Roy. Phil. Soc. Edinb., Trans., IV, 1805, 3-30 ; Journ. Nat. Phil. (NiohoLson), mi, 1804, 102-116, Ui7-I76. The principle laid down by Mr. Dalby, in a sphe- roidal triangle, of whit-b the anj:le at the pole and the two sides an* piveD, the siini of Ihe nn;;les at the base is the same as in a spherical triangle hav- ing the same sides, and the same vertical angle, is not strictly true, unless the eccentricity of the sphe- roid be infinitely small, or the triangle nearly isos- celes. Plesse (August Friedrich). Die konigliche siichsische Unterrichtsanslalt fiir Gcodiiten." Poggendorff, for Poggeudorff (J. C). Biographisch- literarisches Handworterbuch zur Gcschichte der exacten Wisseuschafteu. 8°, Leipzig, 1863 (2 vols.). (Gore.) Poincare (H.). Sur la figure dc la terre. Bull. Astrouoniique, vi, 1889, 1-5, 49-60. Poisson (Simeon-Denis). Sur les oscillations du pen- dule dans un milieu rt^sistaut. ficole Polytech., Journ., vii, 1808, 143-158; Mil, 1809, 345-353. Sur la probability des r^sultats moyens des ob- servations. Conn. d. Temps, 1827, 273-302 ; 1832, 3-22. These memoirs are a commentary on Laplace's fourth chapter (1812) and seem to form a kind of trausla' tion which Poisson made of Laplace's investigations for his own satisfaction.— MkkuIMAn, p. 175. M<5inoire sur les mouvements 8imultan<58 d'un pendule de I'air envirnnnant. Ann. de Chim., xLvii, 1831, 242-250; Bull. Sci. Math. (Saigey), xv, 1831, 65-71; Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., xi, 1832, 521-:81; Am. Journ. Sci., xxiii, 1833, 391-392; Conn. d. Temps, 1834, 33-73. — Sur I'infliience r^ciproquo de deux pendnles voisins. Conn. d. Temps, 1833, 3-40. Sur lo pendule de Borda. Conn. d. Temps, 1833, 41-76. — M<5inoire sur le mouvement dn pendnle dans un milieu resistant. Conn. d. Temps, 1834,18-32. — M6moire sur I'attraction d'un ellipsoTde homo- gfene. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M^ni., xiil, 1835,497-545; Conn, d. Temps, 1837,93-102. — Formnles relatives aux probabilitds qui depen- dent de tr^a-grand8 nombres. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. R.nd . , II, 1836, 603-612. Note sur une proiiri<5t<5 g^n^rale des formnles ri- latives aux attractions des s))li<^roides. Acad. (1. Sci. Palis, Cump. Kenil., VII, 1838,3-5. Polinskiego (Micbala Pelke). O geodezyi. 4°,Wilnie, 1816, pp. 58. (Heidelberg, University.) 464 DNITEU STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Polytech. Journ. (Dingler),/or PolytechDisches Journal (Diugler). 8°, Stuttgart, 1820+. (Washington, PatentOffice.) Poppe { Johann Heiiirich Moritz von). Geschichtc dor Matlicniatik noil dcr iiltosten bis anf dienenostc Zcit. 8'=', Tiibiugen, 1828, pp. x, fiCG. (British Museum.) Die Literatur der Matlieiuatik, 569-6G6. Pop. Sci. Monthly, /«)• Popular Science Monthly. 8' , New Yoik, 1872+. Porriau (A.) it Garnault (B.). Instrnmeuts de pre- cision. Paris, 1878. Title in full under Garsallt (E.). Porro (Ignazio) : Seuarmont (H.-H. de). Siir ([uelquos instruments imagines par — , pour abr^ger les opera- tions de g^odesie . . . Ann. d. Mines, XVI, 1849, 383-426. Nouvel appareil destine b, la mesnre des bases trigonometriquea. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Eend.,xxix, 1849,606; XXX, 1850.550; XXXI, 1850, 232-247. Noticiadel instrumento llamado teodolito olomd- trico y del aparato para la medicion exacta de bases goodtSsicas. Kevista Cien. Fis., Madrid, 1, 1850, 192-202, 317-321. Memoire sur les nouveaux instruments et pro- cedes de g^odesie, de nivelleraent et d'arpentage. Ann. Pouts et Chauss., Paris, iv, 1852, 273-387. Aparato para medir bases. Revlsta Cien. Fis., Madrid, in, 1853,336-345. La fotografia appUcata all' astronomia e alia geodesia. Ist. Lombardo, Eend. Sci. Mat., Ii, 1866,27-41. Portlock and Hemming (John). Account of survey operations at the Cape of Good Hope for the verifi- cation of the labours of Laeaille. Roy.Eng. Papers, i, 1851,27-45. PORTUGAL. AviLA (A.-J. !>'). Kapport sur lY-tat actuel des iravaux g6o- d^fliques en Portugal. Jnt. Geod. Cong.. Velbandl,, 1884-86, 183-186 ; 18S7, IX, 1-3. Feiikeira I)E Castuo (A. G.). TrabalUos gcodesicos en An- golo. N.d. FOLQUB (F.). Memorias sobre os trabnibos geodesicos exccu. tadoa em Portugal. Li»l«u, 1841; Acad. Sci. Lisboa, Mem., I, 1843, 1-140; n, 1843, 1-291; 11,1843, ii, 1-163; ni, 1843, 1-59, 233-333; ni, 1843, ii, 1-435; Liaboa, 1869, 1871-'73, 1874. Diccioiiario do 8ervi90 doa trabalhos geodesicosdo reino. Lisboa. ISGl. Rapport 8ur lee travaux g6od^aiquea du Portugal. Liabonne, 1868. MoicEiKA (C. E. DE A.). Kapport aur lea travaux g6od6aiquea en Portug:il. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1879,101-102; 1880,29; 1881-'82, 111-112; 188.3,209-270. Relatorio dos trabalbos gcodeaicos (of Portugal]. Lial)oa, 1886. SiLVA (F. M. P. DA). Eapport 8ur I'itat dea travaux g^odfi- aiquea du Portugal. Int. G eod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1875, 190-205 ; 1877, 302-304 ; 1878, 06-98; Liaboa. 1876,1878. Posch (Lorenz). Gcschichto uud System der Breiten- Giad Me.ssungeii. 8°, Freysing, 1860, pp. 95. (Gore.) Poselger (Friedrich Theodor). Ueber die Figur der Erde. K. Ak. d. Wiss., Abhandl. math. CI., 1827, 57-84. Ank'itnng zu Rechnungeu der Geodasie. 4°, Berlin, 1831, pp. [i], 57. (Berlin, Koyal.) Ortsentfernung auf der Oberfliiche des Erd.sphii- roids. K. Akad. d. Wiss., Abhandl. math. CI., 1833, 59-76. Pouillet (Claude-Servais-Mathias). Lettre dn capi- taiiie Basil Hall, R. N., an capitaiue Kater, sur les observations du pendule invariable, qu'il a faites en coiniunu avec M. Henri Foster, il Londres, anx lies Galapagos, h San-Blas en Califomie, h Kio-Janeiro et il Londres, apres sou retour. Bull. Sci. Math. (Saigey), i, 1824, 151-152; Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1823, ii, 211. Elements de physique experimeutale, et de me- teorologie. (IL) 2 vols., 80, Paris, 1853. Pendulum research, I, 73-87. Poviralky (Karl Rudolph). Logarithmisch-trigonome- Irische Dreiecksberechnuugen. 8", Berlin, 1858, pp. 43. (Oxford, Bodleian.) On the combination of the different results of various series of observations. Roy. Astrou. Soc, Month. Not., xxxiv, 1874,476- 479. Povirell (John Wesley). On the organization of scien- tific work of the General Government. 8", Washington, 1885, pp. 466. (Gore.) Extracts from tbe testimony taken by the joint commis- sion of the Senate and House of Kepreaeutaiivea to " conaider the present organizations of the Signal Service, Geological Survey, Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey, and the Hydrographic Office of the Navy De- partment, with a view to secure greater efficiency and economy of administration." (Act of Jul}- 7 1884.) Geographic surveys as conducted by varioaa European governments, pp. 39&-417. Pratt (John Henry). On the curvature of the Indian are ; and the great geological law, the various parts of the solid crust of the earth are perpetually undergoing a change of level. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., x, 1855,340-345. The conclusion is that wherever the exterior surface of the crust rises into mountains or sinks into ocean beds, immediately beneath thia the inner aurface takes a precisely similar but inverse form, so as nearly to double the amount of increase or decrease in the thickness of the crust. On the attraction of the Himalaya Mountains, and of the elevated regions beyond them, upon the plumb-line in India. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., CXLV, 18r.5, 53-100. Revd. in Roy. Astron. Soc., Month. Not., xvi, 1855-'56, 36-41, 104-105. : Tennant (J. P.). An ex'amination of the figure of the Indian meridian as deduced by — . Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., XVII, 1857, 58-63. On the eflect of local attraction upon the plumb- line at stations on the English arc of the meridian, between Duunose and Burleigh Moor; and a method of computing its amount. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., CXLVI, 1856, 31-52. Kevd. in Koy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., xvin, 1858, 219- 220. U^^ITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 465 Pratt (John Henry)— Continued. : Clarke (A. R.). Note on the effect of local at- traction on tbe English arc by — . Roy. Soc. London, Proc, IX, 1858, 496-497; Phil. Trans., cxLViii, 1808, 496-497. On the figure of the Indian meridian. L.. E., D. Phil. Mag., xvi, 1858, 401-408; Asiatic Soc, Journ., xxvii, 1858, 201-218. A reply to Lieut. J. F. TennanCs article in the Notices of the Royal Astronouiical Society for Jannary 9, 1857. On the influence of the ocean on the plumb-line in India. Comninnicaled by Professor Stokes. Roy. Soc. London, Proc, ix, 1858, 597-599; Phil. Trans., 1859, 779-796. On the deflection of the pUimb-line in India caused by the attraction of the Himalaya Mountains and the elevated regions beyond, and its modillcation by the compensating effect of a deficiency of matter below the mountain mass. Communicated by Mr. Stokes. • Roy. Soc. London, Proc, ix, 1858, 493-496, ,')y7-599; Postscript, 701-702; Phil. Trans., 1859, 74.5-748. : Teunant (J. F.). Reply to — 'b letter on the In- dian arc of meridian. Asiatic Soc, Jourii., x.xviu, 1859, 17-22. Second letter on the Indian arc. Asiatic Soc, Journ., xxviii, 18.59, 22-27. On the curvature of the Indian arc Communi- cated by Professor Stokes. Roy. Soc. London, Proc, x, 1859, 197-199, 648-650. The two ends of the Imliun arc have widely ditTerent curvatures, which is attrihutcd to varyin;; densities, as shown liy marine fossils, in hij^h altitudes, indi- cating great upheavals. Hence the ahsoluto change of distance of the laud from the center of the earth may h;ive heeu much greater than the elevation rela- tively to the water. — A treatise on attractions; Laplace's functions and the figure of the earth. Ist ed., Cambridge, 1860; 2d ed., 1861 ; M ed., 1865; 4th ed., Cambridge, 1865-'67, pp. xv, 245; 6th ed., 1871. (Gore) Revd. by J. Stuaht in Math. Monthly, n, I8ti0, 358; in Nature, VI, 1872, 79-80. — On the, Indian arc of meridian. IJc.y. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1861, 579-,594. — Memorandum showing tbo final results of Arch- deacon Pratt's calculations regarding the effect of local attraction upon the operations of the great tri- gonometrical survey of India. Asiatic Soc, Journ., XXXI, 1H62, 146-150. Tests of the truth of the fluid theory of the fig- ure of the earth. L.,E., D. Phil. Mag., xxiv, 1862, 409-417, 507-508. Several proois in suj)port of the iiuid theory — On the degree of uncertainty whieli local attrac- tion, if not allowed for, occasions in the map of a country and in the mean figure of the eartli as de- termined by geodesy; a method of obtaining the mean figure free from ambiguity, from a comparison of the Anglo-Gallic, Russian, and Indian arcs; and speculation on the constitution of the earth's crust. Roy. Soc. London, Proe.,xiu, 186:!, 18-19, 25:!-276; Asiatic Soc, .lourn., xxxiv, 1865, ii, :U-42. Pratt (John Henry)— Continued. The mass of the earth is arranged in nearly spherical strata around its centre; and if tlie outer surface be a spheroid of equilibrium, then all the strata are so also, whether they acquired that form from once being a fluid or not. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., xxvi, 186:1, 342-346. On the effect of local attraction on geodetic operations. (H.) Roy. Soc. London, Proc, 1864, 253-276. : Clarke (A. R.). On — 's figure of the earth. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., xxxi, 1861, 193-196. On the fluid theory of the earth. L., E., D. Phil. Miig., XXXI, 1866, 430-435. Reply to Captain A. R. Clarke's remarks on his determination of the figure of the earth from geo- detic data. L.,E.,D. Phil. Mag., xxxii, 1866, 17-22. On the figure of the earth measured geodetically. L.,E.,D. Phil. Mag., xxxii, 1866, 3l:i-315. Containing a correction to article in same journal, p. 17, On the figure of the earth as obtained from geo- detic data. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., xxxin, 1867, 10-16. Deducing forniulte for computing the figure of the earth, in wliit^h the eflfect ol' local attraction at the refer- ence station of the arc is introduced. Comparison of the AugloGallic, Russian, and Indian arcs, with a view to deduce from them the mean figure of the earth. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., xxxiii, 1867, 145-152. Allowingfor local attractions, it was found, a=20926184 ft., b=20855304fl., e=l: 205.3. On Professor Stokes' proof of Clairaut's theorem. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., xxxiv, 1867, 25-26. Retracting the adverse criticisms on Stokes' proof. Problem in pendulum. Indian Eng. (Medley), V, 1868, 218-221. On the mean figure of the earth determined from arcs of latitude or longitude or both and azimuths, local attraction taken into account." Dehra Diin, 1868, pp. 19. — Formula' for calculating the vertical attraction at a station with a view to correct pendulum obser- vations.* Dehra Dtin, 1869, pp. 21. — On the variation of gravity at Kaliiina, Kalian- poor, and Dansargid.t, produced by the irregularities of the earth's crust." Dehra Diin, 1869, pp. 22. — Reply to M. Delaunay's objection to the late Mr. Hopkins' method of determining the thickness of the earth's crust, by the precession and nutation of the earth's axis. Geol. Mag., vil, 1870,421-424 ; L., E., U. Phil. Mag., XL, 1870, 10-14. On the constitution of the solid crust oftlie earth [1870]. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., CLXI, 1871, 3:i!j-358; Proc", XIX, 1871, 22.1-225; L.,E..D. Phil, Mag., XLI, 1871,:!07-;i09. H. Ex. 17- -30 466 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Pratt (John Henry)— Continued. On Mr. Hopkins' uietbod of determining the thickness of the earth's crust. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., XLii, 1871, 98-103, 400. The solid crnst of the earth can not ho thin. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., XLii, lb71, '.260-290. Prazmovski (A.). Rapport fait il M. le directeur de I'observatoire central snr leg travaux de I'esp^dition de Bessarabio, entreprise eu 1852, ponr terminer les operations de la niesuro de I'arc du ni<5ridien. Acad, de St.-P^tersbonrg, Bull. CI. Phys. Math., XII, 1853, 84-86; M^l. Math. Astron., i, 1853, 593- 608. PRECISION OF OBSERVATIONS. Adax cb), XLVii, 1816, P25-130. Memoire sur le calcul des longitudes et des lati- tudes d'apri'S les distances d. la meriiiienne et i la perpendiculaire et sur le calcul inverse. Conu. d. Temps, lt08, 306-379. Note relative iV I'article ]irecedent (sur la lon- gueur du pendnle :\ sicondes ; par La Place). Soc. Philom., Bull., 1816, 173-174 ; 1817, 193-194. — Note sur lo rapport du mfetre au pied anglais, determine par unc coumiission de I'Institut royal de France, et compare anx meilleurs resultats obtenus en Angleterre sur le rapport de la toise du Perou au pied anglais. Ann. de Cbiin., v, 1617, 106-171; Bibl. Univ. Ge- nfevo, VII, 1819, a39---M3. Toise = 7G.731i5 iutliin ; m^tre = 39.3702 inches. — Note sur un nonveau moyen de regler la diiree des oscillations du pendiile. Conn. d. Temps, 1817, 229-230 ; Okeu Isis, 1818, 1484-1485; Soc. Philom., Bull., 1817, 53-57; Conn. d. Temps, 1820, 402-408. — Ueber die Vergleichuug der lialbcn Wiener Klal'ter mit deiii Meter. Conn. d. Temps, 1H37, 28-36; K. k. poly. Inst., Jahrb., XX. 1839, 155-104. A part of StamI'FKK, Uebor diw VerliiiltniHB, otr. Prosperin (Erik). Ueber die geograpbiscbe Lage des 1736 und 1737 In Lappland geinessenen Hieitengrades. Geogr. Ephem. (Zacli), iv, 1799, 97-104. Vermischte astronomischo und geographischo Nachrichteu aus Sdiweden. Mou. Corr. (Zach), i, 1800,J13-119. Prosperin (Erik)— Continued. Etnas liber die schwedische Gradmessung in Lappland. Astron. Jahrb. (Bode), 1806, 193-195. Proas (Friedrich). Abhaiidliing iiber practische Geo- metrie. Einladnugssohrift zu der Feier des Geburta- festes Seiner Majestiit des Kiiuigs Wilhelm von Wiir- temberg. 8°, Stuttgart, 1844, pp. 54, 4 charts. (British Mu- seum. ) Proteus (Pereguinis). On the figure of the earth. Jouiu. Nat. Phil. (Nicholson), viu, 1804, 12-19; VIII, 1804, 151-161. A defense of the method of solving spheroidal triangles. PRUSSIAN GEODETIC INSTITUTE. liAEYKu (.r. -f.). Beiiubi iiber dcu Maud dtr Organization des Ceutralliiireaus. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber.. 1864,29-33; If 65, 20; 1860,26-27; ISfi", 16-22; 1869, 23-5S; 1870, 3U-38 ; 1871. 11-24; 187J, 22- 53; 187,3, 14- 9; 1874, 1.^-2:!; 187.% 7-10, 2U.'>-2lL'; 1ST6, g-13; 1877, 12-18; 1878, lO-U 09-101; 1879, 102-109; ISbO, 15-19. 29-35; 1881, 113-123; 1883, 20-24, 270-277. Wissenscliaflliche Bepiiindang der Kechnungsmetho- den des Cential-Biireaus der euroijaiscbeu Giadiuessung. Berlin, 1870. Helmebt (F, R,). Bericht des geodiitischen In-stilutes. Int. Geod. Cong., Veihaudl., 1884-06, 187-199; 1887, i, 1-5. Uebeisicht der Arbeiten dea konigl. fieodatischen In- stitutes uQier Baeyer. Berlin, 1886. Jahresbericht des Direktors. Berlin, 1887. Sadebeck (B. A,M.). Bericht des Ceutialbiireaus der euro- piiisclieii Gradnjessuug, Int. Geod. Coug., Gen.Ber., 1868, 30-34; Schles. Ges. Bros- lau, Ber.,xi.vil, 1869, 301-307. Anon. Astrniiomisili-geodatische Arbeilen, 187G-'86. 13 fols. Berlin, 1871-'87, SUiiicuwic!. Prolokoll der SitznnL'en der permanenlen Commission dor uiittelenroiiiiischeu Gradmessuu*:, 1802-'67, 5 vols., Berlin, 1882. Veibandlungen des ■\vis>jenBebaftlitheu Bliraths dea kiiiiigl. getitluusi ben Insliluls. 187e-'86. 9 V(da. 8°, Kerliu, 187!) fli. PRUSSIAN LANDESAUFNAHME, Bakvek (.I..T.). Die k. pn ussiselie Liiiidrsti-iiingulation. Berlin, 18i!.i; Astron. Naebr., i.-Nix, 1867, 1-4, Vergleiehiing einiger Hauptdreiecksketteo der konigl. Laudest riuugululiou, Berlin, 1879, Bessel ( F. W. ). Trigononietrisehe Bestimmung einiger Puukto in Kdiiigsbirg und I'liiluug einiger Wiokel der Textor'schen VennesBuug von Preussen. Zcits. f. Aslron. (Lmileuuu), IV, 1817, 280-206. und Haeveb (,J. J.). Grjidmessung in Ostpreussen. Berlin, 1838. EiiFiKTH. Teclyilseher Betriob der Foldiirbeiten dor Trian- gulation der prenssiselien Landesaufuabmo. Zeils. f. Venues , XVl, 1887. 377-383, 421-437. Hansen (P. A.). Gegenbeiicht . . . iiber die Arbeiten der k. preuss. Laudest riuiigitlation. Goiha, 1868, Hessu (von). Die preussisohe Landes-Triangiilatlon. Berlin, 1867, JouDAN (W.). Die Basismeasung der preussischeu Landes- aufuahnio bei Giittingen, Zuits, f. Vermes., IX, 1880,377-403. Die BasismeHsiiug bei Meppeu. Zoits. f. Vermes., xil, 1883, 577-084. 468 UNITED STATES COAST A2^D GEODETIC SURVEY. PRUSSIAN LANDESAUFNAHME— Continued. KcirEN (M.). On tlie triaugulatiun of royal TrussiaD earvey. Inat. Civil Eng., Proc, XLii, 1875,391-392. LiXDEMAXN (F.). Das Vermessungsweaen im preuBaischeD Staate. Zeit8.f. Vermes., iv, 1875,147-152, 161-175. Moiiozowicz (O. VON). Die konigliche prenssiscbe Landes- Triangulation. Btrliii, 1870,1873,1874. ScuKEiBEK (O.). Die kiiniglich preussische LaDdes-Triaiigii- latioD. Berlin, 1876, 1878,1887. Textor (J. C. VON). Nacbrioht von den ost- nnd westprens- aischon Landea-VermeBsnngen. AUg. geogr. Eph., ii, 1798, 3-23, 109-117; Mon. Ccrr. (Zach), 1,1800,307-319; XIV, 1811, 101-120 ; Berlin, 1810. Waege ("W.). Die ilaugel de» preussiaclien Vennessunga- wesen uod Ansichten Uber dt-ren Abhilfe. Gorlitz, 1830. VTiTTSTEix (T. L.). . . . Die preuaeischeLandestriangnlation. Aetron. Jfaehr., LXix, 1867, 289-298, 321-328. Zach (F. X. vox). Feber die kiSnigl. prenssiscbe trigonome- triacho Aufnabrae von Tbiiriiiiron mid dem Eicbsfelde. lion. Corr. (Zach), ix, 1801, 1-26, S9-120, 189-220, 209-295, 437- 471; x,1804, 1-26, 97-132, 193-209, 289-320. 389-411,485-506; Gotba, 1836. Anon. Technische Anleitungvom 16. Febrnar 1870 zn Ans- fiibmng einzelncr Thcile der bei den Gnindstenerver- messnngaarbeiten vorkommmenden trigonomelriacben und polygometriscben Kechnungen. 8° Berlin, 1870, pp. 223. Paellus (Michael). De terras situ, figura et magnitu- dine.* POGGESDORFF, n, 541. Pucci (Enrico). Sulle posizioni geografiche. Gior. Math. (Battaglini), xviii, 1880, .358-367. Concerning the computation of the longitude, latitude, and azimuth from the geodetic arc, and the conver? e problem. Sulla teoria delle basi geodetiche. Giornale Math. (Battaglini), xi.x, 1881, 151-156. Reduction des observations .istronomiques et des angles g^^od^siques d'une surface de niveau h une autre. Astron. Naehr., xcix, 1881, 161-168. e PiBati(G.). Sulla Inngbezza del pendolo a se- cond!. Accad. dei Lincei, Atti, XV, 1883, 57-231. Fondamenti di goodesia. 8<=, Milano. 1883-'87, I, pp. xxi, 403; ii, pp. s, 401. (Berlin, Geodetic Institute.) Sulle formule fondanientali della geodesia geoi- dica.* Ann. d. Mat. (Brioschi), xiv, 1886-'87. Puille (D.). Traitd couiplet de la division des champs dans tous Ics cas de gdod^sio usuello, etc. S°, Paris, 1858, 3'' 6d. Simple surveying. Puillos-Boblaye li Peytier. Sur les opdrations g^o- dcsiqucs esfScuti'cs tn Mur<^c en 182y-'30. Conn. d. Temps, 1835, 6;j-76. Eevd. in Soc. Geogr., Bull., xix, 1833, 89-106. Travaux astrouomiques et g^od^siques ex6cut^s dans la province de Con.stantine. Soc. G^ogr., Bull., IX, 1838, 295-304. Puissant (Louis). Sur la d<5termination d'un arc per- pendiculaire h une ra^ridienno terrcstre, ct sur di- verses questions qui y sont relatives. Conn. d. Temps, 1820, 231-304. Notice des operations g^od^siques faites vers la fin du sifecle dernier pour former le plan topographi- que de la Corse, ainsi que lier cette lie aux c6tes de Toscane et aux lies interm6diaires. Conn. d. Temps, 1822, 293-297. Formnles pour ramener h, une valeur qnelconque d'aplatissement terrestre, tant les latitudes et longi- tudes des points d'un r(;.seau de triangles, que les coordonn9-362. Sciences mathfiuiatiqnes et physiques chez les Beiges au couimeuceuu'nt du .\ix^', siecle. Bruxelles, 1866, pp. iii, 754; 2"ed., Hnixelles, 18(57. Aplatinaeraent du globe, p. 7. ct Liagre (J.-B.-J.). Rapport i\, la comuiissiou permanente de I'Association g^odesique iuterua- tiouale. Acad, do Belgique, Hull., XI.I, 187(), 397-407. Quiroga (Cesdreoi ct Ibafiez (C). eentrale de la triangulatiou g^odesique d'F.spagno. Madrid, 18()5. Title in lull under IlnSEZ (0.). R. New theory of the figure of the carfli. Au answer to Blakewell. New theory, etc. Civil Eng. and Arch. Journ., xxiv, 1861, 278. 470 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. R. (S. W.). U.S. Survey of (he North and Northwest lakes. Journ. Frank. Inst., lxxxiv, 1867, 393-401. Radau (Rodolphe). Uclior die persoulicheu Gleichun- geu lui lit oljachtuugeu derselben Erscheimiugeu durch verscliiedcne Beobaehter. Uebersetzt aus dem "Moniteur Hcientitique (Quesneville)," 1865. Rep. f. phys. Tech. (Carl), I, 1865-'66, 202-218, . 306-;321 ; n, 1866-'67, 110-160. Ueber die personlichen Fehlcr. Rep. f. phys. Tech. (Carl), iv, 1868, 147-156. TranslaU-d from Mouitear ecieutifique. G<5od^sie d'uuo partie de la haute fithiopie. Paris, lrt60-'63. Tiilb iu full under Abbauie (A. d'). Gf'oddsie il'flthiopie. Paris, lf^73. Title ID full uuder Abbadie (A. D'). The Interior of the earth. Translated from the "Beviiedes deux Moudes." Pop. Sci. .Miinthly, xvii, 1880, 289-30.3, 453-467. Incidentiilly diseu-ssea the figure of the earth. Ramsden (Jesse). Descri])tioii of an engine for divid- ing niatheiiiatical instriiiueuts. 4"^, Loucliin, 187T, pp. 16, 3 plates. Ramus (Christian). Oin Uligheder i Peudulsvingniug- eiue et Hiuunellegeuis Tiltriekuiug. K.dansk.- VideuN., Forhandl., 1847, 9-15. Ratzel (Friedrlch). Die Erde iu gemeinverstiindlichen Vortr;i;j;:i-8fi4. Annual report of the survey of the north and northwest lakes for the year ending June 30, 1868. U. S. Army, Eng. Rep. for 18(i7-'68, 925-1187. Annual report of the survey of the northern and northwesferu lakes for the year ending June 30, 1869. U. S. Army, Eug. Rep. for 1869, 549-648. Report of Lieutenant-Colonel W. F. Raynolds, Corps of Enginiers, upon the survey of the north and northwestern lakes [for l'^70]. U. S. Army, Eug. Rep. for 1870, 535-613. Rebstein (J.): Helmert (F. R.). Die niathematischen und physikalisehen Tbeorieeu der hoheren Geodiisie. Leipzig, 1880-'84. Revd. by — . Zeits. f. Vermess., xiv, 1885, 451-457. REDUCTION OF ANGLES. See ANGLES, RE- DUCTION OF. REFRACTION. TERRESTRIAL. liAEYKii (.J.. I.). Die liezioliuuKou der Straliloubrechung in der Atnio.sphiire zu tier Wiltcrung. Arch. d. Lundesliuude, v, 1858, 1-40. StralilfubrechuD;; in der Atniosphare. St. I'ttersbourg, Mim., ni, 1860, 1-82. REFRACTION, TERRESTRIAL— Continued. Ceber die Giunduug tinea Observatoriums zur Erfor- aehung der terrestrischen Refraction. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Bcr., 1878, 23-26. Bauernfeixd (C. M.). Ergebnisse ana Eeobacbtungeu der teiTestriaclien Refiaetiou. K. bayer.Ak.d. Wisa., math. -phys. CI., Abhandl, xni, 1880, iii, 181-310 1 XV, 1883, i, 1-102 ; XVI, 1888, iii. 519-567. Ueber Refr.action-^beobaelitungen. Int. Geod. Cong., Geu.-Ber., 1880, 1-6. Neue Untersuchungou iiber terrestriacbe Refraction. Int. Geud. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1883, 1-5. BiOT (J.-B.). Rechercbes sur lea refractions extraordinaires qui s'oliservent tr6a-prds de I'horizim. Inst. d. Sei., M^m, .CI. Math.. 1809, 1-266. Nonvelles 6tudea aur lea r6frai^tiona atmo.aph6rique8. Paris, 1855. Brito Limpo (F. a.). Taboas parao caleulo daerefrac^oes ter- rcstrea. Lisboa, 1865. Dangos. Observations aur lea refiactions terrestres. M6ni. Sav. Strang., I, 1806, 463-468; Ann. d. Pbys. (Gilbert), XLVII, 1814, 442-446. DiETZE (M.). Beitriige zur Aufauehung von Refractions-Coef- iicienten. Zeits. t. Vermes., xxii, 1884, 245-259. Fearnley {O. Zur Tbeorie der terreatrischen Refraction. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1883, 13-27. Fischer (A.). Der Einfluss der Lat«ralrefraktion auf das Messen von Horizonlahvinkeln. Berlin, 1882. Glyd^.n' (H.). Untersuchuugen iiber die Conat.itution der At- mosphiire und die Strablenbrecbung in derselben. Acad. d. St.-P6tersbourg, Mem., X, 1868, 1-82; XII, 1868, 1-58. Griikeut (S. a.). TJeber die atmoaphariscbe, vorziiglich die terrestrisclie Refraction. Arch. d. Math. (Grunert), X, 1847, 1-41. Ivory (.!.). Calculation of the horizontal refraction in an at- nioaphere of uuifurtn temperature. Phil. Mag. (I'illoch), LIX, ISii. 9U-93. Jordan ("W".). Ein Beitrag zur Tbeorie der terreBtrischen Strahleubrechimg. Astron. Nachr., LXXXVlll, 1876, 99-110. Ueber Seit«nrofraction bei Triangulirungen. Zeits. f. Vermes., vi, 1877, 192-195. Die Grundfornielu der leirestriscben Refraction. Zeits. f. Vermes., xviii, 1889, 176-183. LiNDENAU (B. A. VON). Beobaehtuugen iiber terrestrische Stralilenbiecliung iu Oslintlien. Zeits. f. Astron. (Liudenau), ill, 1817, 190-198. LiNDHAGEN (D. G.). Om terrestra refriictions tbeorie. K. Svenska Voten., Ilandl., l, 1855-'50, 395-439. LOEWV (M.). Nonvelles mtjtbodes poui' la determination com- pieie de la lefi action. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., CIl, 1886 ; separate, pp. 47. MONTIGNY (C). Essai sur des effetj* de refraction . . . pro- duits par I air atmospb6riqvie. Acad, do Belgique, M^m. Couron., xxvi, 1854-'55. Sterneck (R. VOX). Ueber die Aendening der Refractions- Coustaute . . . Wien, 1879. Walker (J. T.). On observations of terrestrial refraction. India, Trig. Survey, II, 1879, iii, 77-03 Zinger (O. U.). Ucbersicht der in Rnssland ausgefuhrtec Arbeiten iiber ten-eatrische Refr tction. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1883, 6-12. Reggio (Francesco). De mensione basis hahita anno 1788 ab astronomis Mediolaiieusibus. Eflf. Astron., Milano, 1794 (App.), 3-20. * u2fiTED statp:s coast and geodetic survey. 471 Regnault (E.-E.)- Traits de topograiihie et de g^od^sie forestieres ; compreiiaut la solution dcs diflieiiltda que pr(?soutent les triangulations et lea oix^rations do details dans les forfts, les (Sl^meuts de leur statis- tique, la iiiaui';re de diviser ct de subdiviscr les ter- raius bois^s, la v<^riiicatiou dcs plans, etc. 5°, Naucy, 1844, pp. iv, 400, 8 plates. (Paris, Na- tional.) Rehru (Edgar). Tafeln der Kriimniungshalbmesser des Kessel'sclicn Erdspbiiroides fiir die lireiten von 40*^ bis 51^ :W. K. k. uiilitar-geogr. lust., Mittheil., iii, 188."?, 137- 177. [Reich (F. [Ferdinand]).] Ueber die mittlere Dichtig- keit der Krde. Physikalisches Wijrterbuch (Gehler), iii, 940-970. Gestalt und Grusse der Erde. Physikalisches Worterbuch (Gehler), iii, 832-940. Extrait d'un iniSiiioire sur la density de la terre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Keud., v, 1837, 697-700. Versuehe iiber die mittlere Dichtigkeit der Erde mittelst der Drehwa^e. 4^, Freiberg, 1838, pp. 66, '2 plates. (Berliu, Geo- detic Institute.) Neue Versuehe iiber die mittlere Dichtigkeit der Erde. Ann. d. Phys. (Poggendorff),LSXXV, 1852, 189-198; Ann. de Chiui., xxxviii, 1853, 382-383; Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), V, 1853, 154-159. Xeuo Versuehe uiit der Drehwage zur Bestim- luung der uiittlereu Dichtigkeit der Erde. K. s.-ichs. Gcs. d. Wiss., Abhandl. math. phys. CI., I, 1852, 38:{-430. Reichenbach (O.). Die Gestaltung der Erdoberfliiche nach be.stinimteu Geeetzen." lif-rliu, 1870. iniit.-geogr. Inst.. Cat., 287. Reilin ( Abraham). Dissertatio aeademica de figura tel- luris upo pendulorum deterniiuaiida. 8, Aboif, 1810, \ip. 9. (British Museum.) Reinke (Johanu Theodor). Darstellung und Resultate von der ini Jaliro 1814 angefaugcneu trigonometri- Bchen Mcssung im Hamburgischen Gebiet uud iu den /.Liuachst angriiuzenden Gegendeu. 8^, Hamburg, 1815, pp. vi, ;!2, 2 charts. (Briti>h Museum.) Reissig (Cornelius von). Der Apparat zur Messuug einer Basis. Vcrfertigt im mcchanischcu Institute dea kaiserlicheu Generalstalis und beschrieben von Fol., St. Petersburg, 1823, pp. [iv], 15, [21,6copper plates. (Gore.) Reitz (F. N.). Ueber einen Hiilfsheliotro|ien am Keru- rohre. Zeits. {. lnstnuMcntink.,1, 1881,338-340. Apparat zum Measen von Gnindlinien. Zeits. f. Vermes., X, 1881, 233-237. Ueber die trigonoractrische Verbimiuug von Spanien und Algerieu. " Hamburg, 188.3. Remusat (A.): Jomard (E.-F.). Lettre fi — sur nno nouvello mesure trouvde h Memphis. Paris, 1-27. Title in full under JoMARP (E.F.). Renier (Charles). Pendule. Encyclopddie Moderne, xxill, Paris, 1852, 523-542. Renny (Thomas). Ueber die trigonometrischo Voimes- sung vim Indien. Anu. d. Erdkuude (Berghaus), viil, 1833, 75-76; i, 18.36, 353-359. Reuow (Fr.). Expose de la mi^lhode suivie pour la tri- angulation du dc^partement do la Sarthe. 4°, Le Mans, 1836, pp. 8, 1 plate. (Paris, National.) Renv7ick (James): Sabine (E.). An account of ex- periments to determine the figure of the earth by means of a pendulum, vibrating secouds, iu diflerent latitudes. Kevd. by — . Journ. Frank. lust., i, 1S26, 164-172, 203-213. On the plans, arrangements, and methods pro- posed and used by Mr. F. R. Hassler, with a view to an accurate survey of the coast of the United States by F. W. Bessel. Translated by — . Am. Jour. Sei., xvi, 1829, 225-234; Phil. Mag. (Tay- lor), VI, 1829, 401-409; Hassler (F. R.). Documenta relating to the survey of the coast, 1, 1834,50-67. Commending tbe inttliods and instrumc-uta employed by Hassler lor oii<:iuality and exeellence. Rep. f. phys. Tech. (Carl), for Repertoriuni fiir physi- kalische Teehuik, iiir mathematische und astrono- mischc Instrumeuteukuuile (Carl). 8°, Miiuchen, 186(>-'67. Repertoriuni fiir Experimental-Physik, fiir physi- kalische Techuik, mathematische und astronomiache lustrumeutenkuude (Carl). 8", Muuchen, 1868-f-. (Washington, Patent Office.) Repsold ( Adolph). Besclireilmng eines Baaia-Meaa-Ap- parates. Astroii. Naclir., L.xx, 1868,65-80. Fol., Hamburg, 1869, pp. 13. (Berlin, Geodetic Institute.) A report to the perniauent Oommissiou der europaischen Gradmessuug. (Lithographed.) : Chisholm (H. W.). Comparison of the scale of — with standard yard. 187:}-'74. Title in full under Chisholm (H, W.) Resal ( Ame-Henri ). Note sur la loi des pefites os- cillations du pendule simple dans un milieu resis- tant. Nouv. Ann. de Math., xix, 1860, l(i,V170. Resal (Henry). 'I'laite eiserva- tionibus aliorum et propriis, novisque theorematibus, probleuiatibus et tabulio promotam. 2 vols., fol,, Bouonue, lOSl, i, pp. xlvii, 762. De terras simnl et aquas figura, 47-66. II, pp. xviii, 675. De niagnitudine telluris, 585-592. et Grimaldi. De semidiametro terrae." Fol., Bononue, 1865. : Zach (F. X. von). Notice sur les operations g(5ode:sique,s de — . Corr. Astrou. (Zach), ii, 1819, 115-126. Richarz (Franz) inid Konig (Arthur). Eiue neue Me- tbode zur Bestimmuug der Gravitatious-Constaute. K. Ak. d. Wiss., Sitz.-Bcr., 1884, 1203-1205; Nature, XXXI, 1885, 260, 484. Riche de Prony (G.-C.-F.-M.). See Prony (G.-C.-F.- M.-R. de). Richer (Jean). Observations sur riucliuaison de I'ai- guillo aimaut^e et sur les diflerentes de longueur du jiendule h Paris et h, Cayenne. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Hist., i, 116-117. De la longueurdu pendule h. secoudes de temps (observ^e a Cayenne). Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M^m., vii, 87-88. Observations astronomiques et physiques faites en I'lle de Cayenne. (Printed iu 1679), pp. 71. It is Ko.2 of Recueila d'observatious faites en plasleurs voyages, parordrede S. M. pour perfectiuuuer Taa- trononiie et la geographie; avee diver.s trait6s as- tronomitiues. p:ir MM. de I'Academie ro.vale des scieneea. fol., Paris. 1093. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Rietnann (B.). Vorlesuugen uber Schwere, Elektricitat uud Maguetismus.* Hannover, 1876. Ritchie f Archibald Tucker). The dynamical theory of the formation of tbc cailb, based on the a.sHumption of its non-rotation during the whole period called "The Beginning." 2d ed., 8°, London, 1851, pp. xv, 704. (Washing- ton, Congress.) Ritter (6lie). Manuel theorique et pratique de I'appli- catiiin de la m^thode des moindres carrds au calcul des observations." 8°, Paris. l^SS-'.-iH. POOC.F.NMiORFF, IT, 1439. Recherclu's .sur la figure de la terre. Soc. Phys. de Geufeve, M(5m., xv, 1860,441-465; XVI, 1862, 165-194. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 473 Ritter (Friedrich). lUiber die Fehler dor Winlielines- sungen mittelst Tlieodolit. Allg. Bauzoit. (Forstcr), xxxin-iv, 1868-'69, llti- 125. Robert de Vaugoudy (Didier). M(?moire siir iinc ques- tion lU- gedgriijiliie pratiijiie, si l'ai)Iati8seiiient de la terre pent ftrc rendu sensible sur les cartes, et si les g^ographes pouveut le n^gliger sans Hre taxart of the trigonomi'trical survey of England. I'hil. Mag. (Tilloch), xi.i, 1813, 178-194. : Gregory (O.). Dissertations and letters of — regardiug the survey of England. London, 181."i. Title ill lull under GREI^OIIV (O.). : Delambre(J.-B.-J.). Kdtlexions sur nn m6moire de — sur la uiesure de trois degri^s iind 1737 in Scbweden vorgenommene Gradmessung. Astron.Nacbr., vi, 1828, 1-32. Ross (James Clark). A voyage of discovery and re- searcb in the southern and Antarctic regions during the years 1839-'43. 4°, Loudon, 1847, i, pp. lii, 3t)C ; ll, pp. x, 447. (Washington, Coast Survey.) Ross (John) : Sabine (E.). Beobachtnngen iiber die Bescbieunigung des Secuudenpendels in hiihereu Breiteu, ange.stellt uufer — . Ann. d. Phys. (Gilbert), LXIX, 1821, 402-416. [A plan for measuring an arc of the meridian at Spitzbergen.] Eoy. Astrou. .Soc, Month. Not., vii, lS45-'47, 175. Rossi (Micbele Stefano de). Primi risultati delle os- servazioui fatte in Roma ed in Roeca di Papa sulle oBcillazioni inicroscopicbe dei pendoli. Bullettiuo del Vulcauismo Italiano, Roma, II, 1875, 103-106; Aecad. d. Liucei, Atti, xxviil, Sess. ii, 24, gennaio 1875. Rothe ( Heiniich August ). Ueber Pendelscbwingungeu in gru.ssereu Buf;i-n. Arch. f. Naturlehre (Kiistner), u, 1824, 137-1,^)0. Roudaire. Mdiidienne de Biskra, en Algerie. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Keud., LXXVIII, 1874, 1825-'28. : Abbadie (A. d'). Note aecompagnant la pre- sentation des premiers resultats iles observations sur les mouveuieuts miei'Ose(»piques des peudules libre- ment suspend us, faites i)ar — . Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Keud.,LXXX, 1875, 1236. ROUMANIA. Barozzi (C). Rappurt sur les travaux giod^siquea en Rou- mauie. lut.Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1874,74-75; 1875,212-213; 1882. 123-125. Roy CWilliam"). An account of the measurement of a base on Ilounslow Heath. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., Lxxv, 1785, 385- 480. An account of the mode proposed lo be foUowid in determining the relative situation of the royal ob- servatories of Greenwich and Paris. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., Lxxvn, 1787, 188- 196, 465-469. Roy (William) — Continued. Comparison of the celestial arc of the meridian, comprehended between the parallels of Greenwich and Perpignan, with the corresponding portion, measured and computed, of the terrestrial arc of the said meridian. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., ucxvii, 1787, 197- 228. " Description des moyens employes pour mesurer la base de Hounslow-Heath, dans la province de Middlesex. Publico dans le vol. LXXV des Transac- tions philosopbiques. Traduit de I'anglais par Prony. 4'-^, Palis, 1787, pp. xviii, 80, 5 plates. (British Museum.) Au account of the trigonometrical operations whereby the distance between the meridian of the royal observatories of Greenwich and Paris has been determined. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., LXXX, 1790, 111- 270. : Dalby (J.). Remarks on — 's account of trigo- nunietrical operations. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., LXXX, 1790, 593- 614. Description des operations faites en Angleterre pour determiner lea positions respectives des obser- vatoires de Greenwich et de Paris. Contenaut les details les plus circoustancies sur les instruments qu'on a employes, les m^tbodes de travail qu'ou a suivies, les resultats des observations et desmesures, etc. Traduite de I'anglais par R. de Prouy. 4°, Paris, 1791, pp. vii, Ixxx, 157. (Vienna, War Office.) : Galbraith (W.). Recomputation of — 's trian- gulation for connecting the observatories of Gseen- wich and Paris. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., y, 1839-'43, 292- 293. Roy. Astron. Soc, Mem., far Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. 4", London, 1621-)-. (Washington, Observatory.) Roy. Astrou. Soc, Mouth. Not., for Monthly Notices of the I\oy;il .Xstrmiomical Society. 8°, Loudon, 1827-)-. (Washington, Observatory.) Roy. Geogr. Soc, Journ., /or Journal of the Royal Geo- graphical Society. 8^', London, 1830-)-. (Washington, Congress.) Roy. Institution, Journ., /or Journal of the Royal In- stitutiou of Great Britain. 8^, London, 1802-'03 (3 vols.); ia30-'31 (2 vols.). (British Museum.) Roy. Irish Acad., Proc, for Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 8^^, Dublin, 1836-)-. (Washington, Congress.) Roy. Irish Acad., Trans., for Transactions of the Royal Irish .\i;uliniy. 4 , Dublin, 1787-)-. (Washington, Congress.) Roy. Scot. Soc. Arts., Trans., fur Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts. 8^', Edinburgh, 1841-)-. (Washington, Patent Of- fice.) UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 475 Roy. Soc. Edin., Proc, for Proceedings of tbe Royal Society of Ecliubur};li. 8°, EdiDburglj, 1S:!2+. (Washington, Observa- tory.) Roy. Soc. Loudon, Proc, Jor Proceedings of the Koyul Society of Loutlon. 8°, Loudon, 1854-|-. (Washington, Observatory.) Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans.,/or Philosophical Tran.s- actious of the Koj al Society of London. 4°, London, 166,'i+. (Washington, Observatory.) Rozet (Claude-Antoine). Recherehes relatives ;\ I'in- fliii-iiee de.s inegalites de la strncture dn globe kiu- la marche du (leudnle. Soc. Philoni., Proc.-Verb., 1842, 27-29. Sur les in^galit^s des hauteurs de la colonue barom^trique ct de la longueur du pcndule a la sur- face des eaux tranciuilles. Soc. Cidogr., Bull, 1842-'4:!, 27(>-286; Soc. I'liiloni., Proc.-Verb., 1843, 22-33. ct Hossard (P.). Sur les causes probables des ir- rfigiiIarit(?sdo la surface de niveau du globe terrestre, des anomalies observ^es dans la direction de la ver- ticale, la marche du jiendule ct la hauteur de la co- lonno baronii^triquo ramen^es h cette menie surface. Acad.d. Sci. Paris, C'oiup. Rend., xviii, 1844, 180- 185; Soc. Philom., Proc.-Verb., 1844, 18-22. R. R. Eug. Journ., fur The Railroad and Engineering Juurnul. 4°, New York, 1832+. (Washington, Patent Office.) Riidiger (W. von). Die Methode der kleiusteu Quadrate abgeleitet au.>4 der Wahrseheiulichkeitblehro uiul ihre Anweuduug auf uaturwissenschaftliche Messungen. Zuui Selbstunterricht. 8°, Berlin, 1877, pp. 49. Kuhii. (Slunich, Royal.) Riidgisch (R. von). lustruniente uud Opera! iom-n der iiiedereii Venuessuugskunst. 2 parts, S'', Casscl, 1875, pp. viii, 43li. (lirilish Museum.) Ueber G radmessungen, pp. 425-436. Riimker (Karl Liidwig Chiistian). Observations :\ Loiulres sur la longutiir ilii p3, 87-89 ; Acad, do St..P6terabourg, Mtui., II, 1833, 401-125; IV, 1H50, 1-80; Kccui il, Siaueo l"ubli<|UO, 1830. 10.3-108; Bull. Sci., VII, 1840, 280-288; vlll, 18.50, 337- 368; XI. IS.W, 113-138; St. Petersburg, 18.12, 18.17; K. k. Ak. d. Wiaa., Sltz.-Ber., XXI, 1856, 3-5. Stuiivk (O. VON). Ueber die geodiitiscbe Arbeiten in lluaa- bind. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.Ber., 1884-'86, 204-218. Tknsek (C). Naehricbt von der Vollendunj; der Gradiues- siing Zwiacbeu Donau iind Kianieer. Acad. deSt.-P^'UM-abourg, 1853. Verbiudung der ruaai.Hcheii Triangiilalion mit den pronaaiHclien bei Meuiel. Breslau, 1858. Anon. XTrbersii-bl der ;iHtrouomi8cben uud geodiitiaclieu Ar- beiten in liuaaland bia ziuu Jnbre 1855. Zeita. f. allg. Krdknude. vi, 1859, ■i17-274. 476 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUEVEY. RUSSIA— Continuc.l. Anon. Memoirs of the armj' topograiibic departmeut of Rus- sia. Vols. 1-41. 1837-'86. Incbargfof lllaramberg, Forscb, Stebuitzki.TutscJikow. The entile work is jirinted iu tbe Kussian btugiiage, wbicb renders the work useless to sueb a large class of geoilesists, tbat no analysis of the work is deemed necessary in tbia jilace. Anleitung zu den llerecbuungen der trigonometriacben Aufnahme, nnd zn den Arbeiten des topograpbiscben Eii- reaus ; neb.«t die geborigeli Hiilfstafeln. St. Petersburg, 1820. Bussian and German. Ryde (Edward). Tlic Orduaute Survey of the United Kiiiyduiu. Surveyor's lust., Trans., XV, 1882-'83, ii, 25-62. Ryflf (Petrus). Quirstiones geometrica; iu Euclidis et P. Kami quibus geodsesiam adjeciuius per usum radii geometrici. 8", Francofurti, 1606, pp. 135. (British Museum.) Qu*8tiones geometriea> in Euclidis et P. Rami 2ro;^£;£ao;»' in usuui scholu' matUeuiatica' collectic a doctore — , Basil luatbciuatum professore. Quibus geodiesiam adjeciuius per usum radii geometrici. Postremo accessit commeutatio optica, sive brevis tractatio de perspectiva commuui diu optata nee no juventuti fatis perspieua. 16°, Oxouiw, 1665, pp. :U6. (Gore.) S. ComparaLsou des observations du j)endule il diverses latitudes, faites par MM. Biot, Kater, Sabine, de Freyciuet et Duperrey. Bull. Sci. Math. (Saigey),vn, 1827, 31-43, 171-184. S. Nordanierilianische Vermessung. Astrou. Kachr., X, 1833, 385-388. S. (F.): L'Isle de la Croyere (J.-N. de). Proposition de la moburedu la terre eu Ku.ssif. Trauslated by — . Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., XL, 1737-'38, 27-51. Sabiue (Ed-ward). An account of experiments to de- termine the acceleration of the peudalum in diflereut latitudes. Roy. Soc. London, Pliil. Trans., 1821, 163-190. Beobachtungeu iilier die Beschleuuigung des Secundenpendels in hijheien Breiteu, angestellt auf den Expeditiouen nuter Kapit. Ross uud uuter Kapit. Parry. Ann. d. Phys. (Gilbert), LXIX, 1821, 402-416. : Biot ( J.-B. ). Exposd d'cxp<;rieuccs avec le pen- dule par — . Jouru. d. Sa vans, 1825, 643-U51; 1826, 3-18; 1827, 208-217 ; 1829, 20.5-222. An account of experinieuts to determiue the lig- ure of the e.artli, by means of Iho peudulum vibrat- ing seconds in ditVcrent latitudes; :is well as on various other subjects of j)hilosophical iu(iuiry. 4^^, London, 1825, pp. xv, 509. (Washington, Ob- servatory. ) Of wliieh tbe first 372 pages relate to tbe pendulum ob- servations. Kevd. iu Monlbly Review, c\ ni, 1825, 270-278. Itevd by Rknwick (.1.), Jouru. Frank. Inst., I, 1826, 164-1,2, 203-213 Eevd. in Hull. Sci. Hatb. (Saigey), vii, 1827, 25-28 : Blosseville. Note sur les observations du — . Corr. Astrou. (Zach), xili, 1825, 422-427. Sabine (Ed■^!^^ard) — Continued. : Francoeur (L.-B.). Rdsultats des expf^riences de — pour determiner la longueur du pendulo b, secon- des. Soc.Philom., Bull., 1826, 65-66. : Ivory (J.). The grounds for adopting the ellip- ticity of the earth as deduced by — . Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), LXVlll, 1826, 321-320. On the measuremeut of an arc of the meridian at Spitzbergen. Quart. Jouru. Sci., xxi, 1820, 101-108. An account of the arcs perpendicular to the meridian, which are now measuring on the continent of Europe. Quart. Journ. Sci., i, 1827, 177-204. An account of Prof. Carlini's pendulum experi- ments on Mont-Cenis. Quart. Journ. Sci., ii, 1827, 153-159. Reply to Mr. Heuderson's remarks on Capt. Sa- bine's pendulum observations. Phil. Mag. (Taylor), ii, 1827, 176-177. Experiments to determiue the difference in the length of the seconds pendulum iu Loudon and Paris. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cxviii, 1828, 35-71. Revd. in Bull. Sci. Matb. (Saigey), X, 1828, 254-255. Account of M. Bessel's pendulum experiments. Quart. Journ. Sci., v, 1829, 1-27. Experiments to determine the difference in the number of vibratious made by an invariable pendu- lum in the Royal Ob.servatory at Greenwich, and in the house iu London in which Capt. Kater's experi- ments were made. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1829, 83-102. Nouvelles experiences sur le pendnle. Corr. Math. (Quetelet). Kevd. by L. (Fr.), Bull. Sci. Matb. (Saigey), xn, 1829, 236-239. On the reduction to a vacuum of the vibrations of an invariable pendulum. Koy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1829, 207-239. — On the reduction to a vacuum of Capt. Kater's convertible ponduluui. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1829, 331-338. — : FalloTvs (Fearon). Observations made with the invariable pendulum. Note by — . Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1830, 153-175. Experiments to determine the dift'orence iu the number of vibrations made by an invariable jiendu- luni iu the royal observatories of Grceuwich and Al- tona. Koy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1830, 239-249. Experiments to ascertain tbe correction for varia- tions of temperature, within the Hunts of the natural temperature of the climalo of the south of England, of the invariable pendulum recenlly employed by British observers. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1830, 251-255. Experiments on the length of the seconds pen- dulum at the Royal Observ.atory of Greenwich. Koy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1831, 459-488. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 477 Sabitsch 'A. N.)- 6'fc Sawitsch (A. N.). Sabler (G. ). Ucobachtuugeu iibt-rdie irdischo Strahlen- brechnug.* Dorpat, 1P39. ^ : Struve ( F. G. W. ). E&sultats des operations Keos, 18->3, 49-78: Acad.d. Sci. Paris, Conip. Rend., XXX, 1850, 541-549. Sadebeck (Benjamin Adolph Moritz). Triaugnlation derStadf Bieslau. 4°, Brcsiaii, 1855, pp.30. (British Miiscnni.) Festschrift zur Feier des 25.jahr. AmtsjubiliiniDs des Gymnasiums, Director Dr. Schonbom in Breslaii. Ueber die neueren, zur Bcstimmung der Gestalt uud Grosso der Eide unternomnieneu Messungen. Schlos. (;es...Iahre8bor.. XLI, 1863,23-24. iiiul Biemiker (C. ). Bcricht des Centralbiireaus der europiiiscben Gradiiiessung. Int. Geod. Cong., Gou.-Ber., 1868, 30-,34. I'eber die iin Jahre 18(19 ausgefiihrte geodiiti- schen Arbeitcn fiir die europjiiscbe Gradniessuug. Scblee. Ges. Breslau, Ber.,xi.vii, 1869, 301-307. Bericht liber die Tbiitiglieit des geodiitischen Institnts, 1869, 1870, 1872, 1873, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881-'82. Title in full umler Baeveh (.J. .7.). Entwickelungsgang der Gradmessung.s-Arbcitiii mit eiuer Uebersichtskarte der deutschen Gradnies- nngs-Arbeiten. 8°, Berlin. 1876. VlHCHOW (R). Sanimlung pemeinschaftliohcr Wisaeu- chaften, Sor. .\i. Heft 2r>8, pp. 727-770. Schreibeu an den Heraasgeber. [ Regarding tlie precision of the " Kiistenvermessung" and the " Bonner Basis".] Astron. Naebr., I.XXXVII, 1876,29. Znsaninienstellung der Literatur des Gradmes- sungs-Arbeitcn. 4^, Berlin, 1876. - Schreiben an den Heransgeber. [Containing a refutation of a tlieory advanced V)y .Jordan coiucrn- ing the mean error in angle uieaHureiiients. ] Astron. Nacbr., i.xxxix, 1877, 29-32. See JoniiAX. Ueber d. Bestimmunf;, etc. Ueber den Kinfhiss der Lotliablenkungon auf Winkelme.ssungen. Astron. Nachr., xc, 1877, 113-118; xci, 1877, M.V 152. llilfstafel fiir die Dillerenz zwischcn doni sphii- roidisuhen und spliiirischen Liingen-Untcrschiedc zweier Punkto auf der Erduberfliiehc. Astron. Nachr., xcv, 1879, 207-220. Literatur der pniktischen und theoretischen Gradniessiing8-Arl)eiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1880, ix, 1-108. Also iMiblislitd separately. Das hessiscbe Dreiecksnetz. Publication des konigl. preuss. geodiitischen Institnts. 4°, Berlin, 1882, pp. vi, 2.30, 5 plates. (Gore.) Ueber eino neuc Methode, die Ausdehnung von llaa.s.stiil)en zu Ijestininien. Leopoldiua, xix, 1883, 141-M4. Sachs. Ges. V7iss., math.-phys. CI., Ber., for Bericht der s.'icbsiscben Gesellseliaft der Wi8sen.schaften, raatheniatiscli-phy.sikali.scbe Classe. 8'-, Leipzig, 1849+. (Washington. Congress.) Sanger (Theodor). Verallgemeinerung des zasanimeu- gesetztcn PendeLs. 8o, Ca.ssel, 1880, pp. 35. (Berlin, Royal.) SafTord (Truman Henry). On the method of least squares. Am. Acad., Proc.,ii, 1876, 19.3-201. S[aigey (Jacques-Frederic)]. Sur les opf'rations g0; 1879, 1-12. Saint-German (A. de). Sur la dnr6o des oscillations du peudule conipos6.' Soc. Math, do France, Bull., ii. Salueuve ( J.-F.). Cours de topographic et do gdod^iie. 8", Paris, 1841; 2" 6d., Paris, 1850; 3" 6A., Paris, 1S(>9, lip. xviii, 663, 24 plates. (Gore.) Samter (Heinrich). Theorie des Gaussiseheu Peudels mit Riicksicht anf die Rotation der Erdo. 8 ', Berlin, 1886, pp. 99. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Saiids (B. F.). Description and drawingof acouvcnient signal for observing on secondary stations. (Sands' hrliotropo.) r. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1855, 364. Sande Bakhuyzen (H. G. van de). R<pBudix. Sur la determination de la resistance de I'air an mouvementdu pendule. St.-Petersbonrg, Bull., IX, 1866,477-482; M61. Math. Astrou., Ill, 1S66, 681-688. — and Smysiow (P. M.). Pendulum observations in 186.8-'69, at St. Petersburg, Vilna.* Acad, de St.-PiSteisbourg, Appendix. — Les variations de la pesanteur dans les provinces occidentales de I'enijiire Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., xxxi, 1^^71,221-224 ; Mem., :;xxix, 1872, 19-29. Eevd. in Jahrb. rib. d. I-'ortschr. d. Math., iv, 1872, 576, by Gm. [OlaisuekJ. Analyse des observations failes au Caucase sur les refractions terrestre. Sl.-Petersbourg, Bull., xx, 1875. — : Plantamour (E.). Recherehes experimentales b(ir le mouvemeut simultane d'nn ])cndule et de ses snpport.s. Revd. by — . Astron. Ge8.,Vierteljahrs., xiii, 1878, 264-274. UISITED STATES COAST iVJSD GEODETIC SUEVEY. 479 Sawitsch (Alexis)— Continued. Les lon^ructirs ilu peudiilo :\ secondcs i Pulkowa, St.-P^tersbourg, et ;ius ditl'creuts points de la Rnssie occidentale, eoiTJgdes de I'influencc pnidiiito pnr l:v Uexion des supports du pendule coiistruit par M. Repsiild. Koy. Astrou. Soc, Mem., xi.iv, 1877-'7i), :?07-3ir); ^[onth. Not., XXXIX, 1878-'7'J, 3f)5-:«ir). Qncl(jues reuiarques sur la d<5termiuation de la longueur du pendnle a secondes. Tnt. Gcod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1883, 30-3a. SAXONY. Bklhxh (C). Bericht uber die geodiitiacheu und awtrono- mischen Arbeiton iiu Konigreich Sachseu. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1865, 35-37; 1866, 45-46: 1867. 12-15 ; 1872, 53-57 ; 1873, 29-32 ; 1875, 215-216 ; 1876, 122-123 ; 1877,304-305; 1878,106-110; 1880,36-37. Kagel (A.). Bericht iibcr die geodatischen Arbeitt-n im Ko- ni^roifb SacUen. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1864,37-41; 1870,58-60; 1871,54- 55; 1881-82,120-129; 1884-'86, 218-227. Die Vermessungen im Konigreich Sacbsen. Dresden, 1876. SCHIKFNEU (A,). TJeber das gebrauchto Grundinas). Ann. d. Erdknnde (Berghaua), vni, 1833, 64-74; x, 1834, «S- 100. Wkibuacm (J.). Ausziig ans dcni Berit^bt der k. Hiichs. Com- inisisiuii der mitli-leuropiii.'iclieu Graduie.s8Ung. Int. G.-od. Cong., (ien. -Her., 1863,26-27; 1805,32-35; 1866,43- 45: 1868,49-53; 1869, 5h-60. EuropjiiHcbe Gradiiiessiing im Kiiuigr. Sacbsen. Aa- tronomiscb-geodiitiacbe Arbeiti'n fiir die Gradmessung im Konigreicho Sacbsen. 4 Abtheilungeu. 4 ', licrlin, 1882-'86. Schaar (Matthieu). Snr le innuvcnicnt du pendulc en ayaut (^fjard au niouvenient do rotation do la terre. Acad, do Belgiciue, M<5ni., XXVI, 1851, 1-14. Kapport de M. Schaar sur un mdmoiro do M. Mo- lign,v relatif aux expre dctinitivamonto il rapjiorlo fr;i l;i tcs.a ilaliana e l;i prussiana. 4", Napoli, IBW, pp. 20. (Berlin, Geodetic Insti- tute.) Relazione bu' lavoii geodetici che il corpo dello stato nuiggioro italiano va eompicndo per contribiiiro alia misura del gr;idii eunipeo. Int. Gcod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1871, 2r>-31. Osservazioni geodetisehe sul Vesuvio, cseguite neir aiiiio 1872. [Napoli, 1872], pp. 0, 1 plate. 480 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Schiavoiii (Federigo)— Continued. Relazione siil calcolo della triangolazione di l""" ordim*, fia la Calabrie o la Basilicata. Int. Got.d. C'oug., Gcn.-Ber., 187'J, 4-f;. Piineipii di goodcsia. 1: Napoli, 1H(;3, pp. [ii], 300, !l jilatcs; il: Napoli, 1864, pp. 22f), 4 plates. (Berlin, Geodetic Institute.) Scbiegg (Ulrich). Ueber die Vermessung von Bayem, nebst Bcmerknngen von Zacb. Mon. Coir. (Zacb), viii, 1803, 354-3rir. ; x, 1804, 253- 267, 278-288. Schiffner (Albert). Ein Wort iiber das boi den B.ach- Hischrn l,andc8vermessungen gebrancbteGrundmass, ingloicbon iiber die Breiten- und Liingen-Angabcn der Ilcrren Oberreit und Lohrmann. Ann. d. Erdkuude (Bergbans), vili, 1833, 64-74. Noeb einige Bemerkungcn iiber die BJicbsiscben Landes-Verniessnngin. Ann.d. Erdknnde (Bergbans), x, 1834, 85-100. Sclilmpf (Ernst Reiahold). Eine Verallgemeinerung dcs Pendelproblems. 8°, Halis Sax., 1882, pp. 32. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Schindler. Ueber Febler bei der Berecbuung eines ebeneu Dreiecks.* 4<^, Prag. Schinz (Emil). Ueber die Scbwingungen des Rever- sionspendels im widerstebenden Mittel. 4°, Aarau, 1847. (Berlin, Royal.) Zur Feier der 25. Lehrwirksamkeit des Kectora der Aargauischen Kanlonsscbale, 23-40. Schlaefli (Ludiwig). Bemerkungen iiber confocale Flii- cben zweiten Grades nnd geodiitiscbe Linie auf dem Ellipsoid. Natnrf. Ges. Bern, Mittbeil., 1847, 97-101. Losung einer Pendel-Anfgabe. 4°, Bern, 1867, pp. 27. (Gore.) [Ziim Lecti<*s Katalog der Berner Hochaclinle, 1867.) Schlebach. t'eber Genanigkeit nnd Brancbbarkeit des Messradcs bei gewohnlicbon Liliigenmessungen. Zeits. f. Vermes., vi, 1877, 241-249. : Koppe (C). Dor Basi.sapparat des General Ibanez und die Aarbergcr Basisnieasung. Nordbau-sen, 1881. Revd. by ^. Zeits. f. Vermes., XI, 1882, Of>-W. Schleicher (Franz Karl). Beitriigo ziir praktiscben Jlessknnst. 8°, Frankfnrr, 1793, pp. xvi, 141, 4 plates. (Berlin, Royal.) Schlesinger (Josef). Einc neue Beweisfiilirnng iiber die Leliniann'.scb(. Kevd. in Jahrb. iib. d. Fortscbr. d. Math., iv, 1872, 579, by n[RUXSJ. Der ge(id.'ili.«ebe Tachygraph und das Tacliy- grapb-Planiincter, lustrnmente zur scbnellen nnd genauen grapbiscben CoustrucI ion der aus den Datcn einer Tbeodolitvermessung berzu.stellenden Detail- Scblesinger (Josef)— Continued. plane, sowie zur Ausmittlung der Flacbeninhalte, nebst Stndien iiber die Libello nnd das umlegbare Nivellir-Fernrohr. 8^, 1877, pp. 115, 2 plates. FaUey u. Frick. (Brit- ish Museum.) B(Rli.\s], .Tabrb. iib. d. Fortschr. rt. Math., IX, 1877. 785-786. Sclileiben (Wilhelm Ernst August von). Vollstiin- diges Hand- und Lebrbuch der gesanimten niederen Messkunde. 3d ed., Leipzig, 184.5, pp. xxvi, 432, 48 plates. Simple sniveling. Schleyermacher ct Eckhardt (C. L. P.). M^moire sur la mesure do la base de Darmstadt. Bibl. Univ. Geneve, xi, 1819, 3-16, 81-100. Schlomilch (Oscar). Ueber die Bestimniung der Wahr- scbeinliohkeit eines Beobacbtnngsfeblers. Zeits. f. Math. (Schirunileb), xvii, 1872, 87-88. Schmidt (Johanu Karl Eduard ). Bestimmung der Giiisse der Eide aus den vorziiglicbsteu Messungen der Breiteugrade. Astron. Nachr., vii, 1829, 329-332; Koy. Astron. Soc, Mem., VI, 1833, 139; Phil. Mag. (Taylor), vii, 1830, 409-412. Lebrbncb der mathematischen und physiscben Geograpbio. 8°, Gottingen, 1829-30, i, pp. xii,564, 3 plates; II, pp. vi, 544, 1 plate. (Gore.) Von der Gestalt dir Erde im Allgeraeinen, I, 33-45; Genaucre Bestinimnng der Griisse und Gestalt der Erdednrcb Gradmessnngrn, T, 162-Al; Theoretische Uutersuchui:gi-u iiber die Gestalt dt-r Erde, I, 241- 364; Bestimmung der Abplattung der Erde duroh die an den verschiedeneu Oertern gemesseuen Lan* gen des Secundenpeudels, I, 305-437. Ueber die Dimeusionen des Erdkorpers. Astron. Eph. fiir 1S31, Gottingen, 1830, 105-108. Ueber die Dimeusionen der Erde. Astron. Nachr., ix, 1831, 315-316, 371-372. Mathematischo Geographic, oder Darstellnng nnserer Erde, nach ibreni Stande uud Verbaltnisse zu deu iibrigen Uimnielskorpeni dcs gewobnlieben Sonnensystems, so wio nacb ihrer oigentliiimlichcn Griisse und der auf ihr dureb Natur nnd Politik ge- machten Eintbeilung luit besouderer Beriicksichti- gung der auf ibr wolinendeu Meuscben. Fiir Sebuleu und zum Privatgebraucb. 4-, Leii>zig, 1832, pp. 45,5 plates. (Muniob, Royal.) Schneitler (C. F.). Die Instrumente und Werkzeuge der bobeien nnd niederen Me.sskunst, sowie der geo- raetrischen Zeichnenkuust, ibro Tbeorio, Construc- tion, Gebrauch und Priifung. 2d ed., 8°, Leipzig, 1848, pp. viii, 372; 4th ed., Leipzig, 1861, pp. xxxvi, 592. Lebrbncb der gesanimten Messknnst, oiler Dar- stellnng der Tbeorie nnd Praxis des Feldnie.ssens, Nivellirens und des lliilionnics.sen», ilcr uiilitairiscben Aufuabmen, des Markscbeidens nnd der Aufnabuio ganzer Liinder, sowie der geometriscbcn Zeichnen- kuust. Zulu Selbststudinm uud Unterricht. 2d ed., 8^, Leipzig, 1854, pp. x, 388; 3d ed., Leip- zig, 1861, pp. xii, 474. (Washington, Congress.) UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY, 481 Schoder. Schrciben an die Gradmessungs-Commissioii, 18t>ti, 1868, 1869, 1870, \K7X Title iu full uuiler liAUli (C. W.). Uebcr die Geuauigkeit der Messungen mit Mess- stauge uud MesHbaiid. Zeits. f. VcTiiics., II, 1873, 201-206. [Bericht von der wurttembergischenLandesver- luessung.] Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1874, 85. Beriebt iiber die gfodiitischen Arbeiten in Wilrt- teniberg fiir das Jahr 1877. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1877, 313. Bericht iiber die geodiitiscbeu Arbeiten in Wiirt- tenil)erg fiir paratus, with a determination of the lengtli of two five-meter standard bars. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Kep., 1882, 107-138. 482 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUEVEY. Scbott (Charles Anthony)— Continued. Results for tlio length of the primary base-liue in Yolo County, California, measured iu 1881 by the party of George Davidson. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1883, 273-288. Intomational Geodetic Association of Europe. A review of Verhandlungen der voui 11. bis 15. Sep- tember 1882, ini Haag vereiuigten permanenten Com- mission der europiiischen Gradmessung. Science, li, 1863, 656-658. Connection of Lake and Coast Survey triangula- tions. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1884, 387-390. Geographical positions of trigonometrical points in the Stales of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, determined by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey between the years 1835 and 1885, and includ- ing those determined by the Borden Survey in the years 1832 to 1838. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1885, 285-439. Results deduced from the geodetic connection of the Yolo base-line with the primary triangulation of California. Also a reduction and adjustment of the Davidson quadrilaterals forming a part of that tri- angulation. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1885, 441-467. Schreiber (O. ). Die koniglich preussische Landes-Tri- angulation, Polar-Coordinaten, geographischen Posi- tionen uud Hiihen sammtlicher von der trigonomer trischen Abtheiluug der Landes-Aufnahme bestimm- ten Punkte von 34^^ bis 36° der Liinge und von 53° der Breite bis zur Ostsee. 4°, Berlin, 1876, pp. [1], 443. (Berlin, Landcsauf- nahme.) Heranegegeben von der trigonometriBChen Abtheilung der Landes-Aafnabme. Die koniglich preussische Landes-Triangulatiou. Haupt-Dreiecke. Dritter Theil. 4°, Berlin, 1870, pp. vi, 340. (Berlin, Laudesauf- nahme.) Herausgegeben von der Abtbeilung der Landes-Aaf- nabme. — Ueber die Anordnuug von Horizontalwinkel Beobachtungen auf der Station. Zeits. f. Vermes., vii, 1878, 209-240. — Rechnungsvorschriften fiir die trigonometrische Abtheilung der Landesaufnahnie. Formeln und Tafeln zur Berecbnung der geographischen Coordi- naten aus den Richtungen und Langen der Dreiecks- seiten. 8°, Berlin, 1878. Mittler u. Soliv. Erste Ordnnng, pp. 26; Zweite Ordnung, pp. 24; Dritte Ordnung, pp. 13. (Berlin, Landesanfnahme). Heranspegeben von dor trigonometrisrben Abtheilung dor LADdeB-Anfoahmu. — Richtungsbeobaobtungen und Wiukelbeobach- tungen . Zeits. f. Vermes., vui, 1879,97-149. — Die Resultate der Basisraessuug bei Gottingen. Zeits. f. Vermes., xi, 1882, 1-17. Schreiber (O.) — Continued. Die Anordnung der Winkelbeohachtungen im Gottiuger Basisnetz. Zeits. f. Vermes., xi, 1882, 129-161. Eevd. in Jahrb. iib. d. Fortschr. d. Math., xiv, 1882, 911-915, by B[RL'X6l. : Jordan CW.). Basis-Messnng der preussischen Landesanfnahme unter der Leitung von — . Zeits. Vermes., xii, 1883, 577-584. Untersuchung von Ereistheilung mit zwei und vier Mikroscopen. Zeits. f . Instrumentenkunde, vi, 1886, 1-5, 47-55, 93-104. Bericht der trigonometrischen Abtbeilnng der koniglich preussischen Landesaufnahme. Int. Geod. Cong., Verhandl., 1887, x, 6-13. Die konigl. preussische Landestriangulation, IV. Theil, die Elbe Kette. Berlin, 1887. Ueber giinstigste Gewichtsvertheilnng. Zeits. f. Vermes., xvni, 1889, 57-59. Schrenk (A. P. von). Resultate der Behufs der hochst- verordneten Landes-Parzellar-Vermessung in den Jahren 1835, 1836, uud 1837 ausgefUhrteu Triauguli- rung des Herzogthums Oldenburg. Abgeleitet ana der hannoverischen Gradmessung. Folio, Oldenburg, 1838, pp. 16, 1 map. (Berlin, Geodetic Institute.) Bericht iiber die geodatischen Arbeiten in Olden- burg. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1865, 21-29. Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1866 im Grossherzog- thum Oldenburg im Interesseder mitteleuropaischen Gradmessung ausgef iihrten Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Geu.-Ber., 1866, 22-26. Bericht iiber die geodatischen Arbeiten in Olden- burg. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1868, 25-29. Sohreiben an den Generallientenant z. D. Baeyer [regarding the geodetic work in Oldenburg in 1870]. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1870, 29-30. Schrotz (O.) und Fearnley (C). Publication der norwegischen Commission der Gradmessung Christiania, 1880-'82. Title in full under FEAEXLKr (C). Schubert (Friedrich Theodor). Problematis quisdam spluerici solutio. Acad, de St.-P6tersbourg, Acta, xiv, 1786, 89-94 (Hist.). Populiire Astronomie, von Friedrich Theodor Schubert. 8°, Hamburg, 1834, i, pp. xiv, 337, 1 chart; ii, pp. xiv, 388, 5 plates; lu, pp. xi, 391, 5 plates. (Washington Observatory.) Gestalt nnd Grosae der Erde, ii, 51-75. Schubert (T.-F. de). [Sur la gcSoddsie en Russie.] Corr. Astron. (Zach), ix, 1823, 171-175. [Operations g^od^siques en Russie.] Corr. Astron. (Zach), Xii, 1825, 76-84, 84-89. Anleitung zu den Berechnnngen einer trigono- metrischen Aufnahnie, und zu den Arbeiten des topo- UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 483 Schubert (T.-F. de)— Coutiniu>d. grujihischen Bureaus ; nebst den dazu gehorigen Hiilfstafeln. Verfasat fiir die Ofiiziere dcs Corps der Topographen von — . 8°, St. Petersburg, IHid, pp. viii, 9-^, [iii], 90; ta- bles. (Berlin, Royal.) German and KnHsian. Notice historique sur les travaux gfSodfisiques en Rnssie.' St.-Pctersbonrg, 1832. Memoirs of the army topographic department of Rnssia. Vols. 1-9, 18:?7-'44. : Ermaiiii(A.). UeberdieResaltatderTrianguIa- tion von — . Arch. Riis. (Erniann), iv, 1845, 274-319. Expo8(S des travaux astrouomiques et g6od6- siqucs ex^cut^s en Russie dans un but gdographiqiie jusqu'^ l'ann6e 1855. 4°, St.-P6fcersbourg, 1858, pp. xvi, 877; Supple- ment, pp. 168; Supplement.No. 2, pp. 161, 1862, 6 loose maps. (6({re.) Revd. in Zeits. f. allg. Erdknnde, VI, 1859, 257-^74. Essai d'une determination de la veritable figure de la terre. Acad, de St.-Petersbourg, M^m., i, 1859, No. 6, pp. 32. Revd. in Astron. Kachr., i.i, 1859, 9-12; Geogr. Mittheil. iPetermaiin), 1859, 446; Roy. AetroD. Soc, Month. Not., XIX, 1859, 104-1U7, by G. B. AIEY ; Am. Jonm. Sci., XXX, 1860, 40-62. Sur I'influence des attractions locales dans les operations geodesiques, et particnliferemont dans I'arc scandinavo-russe. AstroD.Nachr., Lii, 1860, 321-362. Also publi-ihed separately, 4°, Altona, 1860, pp. 22, 1 plat«. Ueber die Figur der Erde. Astron. Nachr., LV, 1861, 97-112. : Struve (O.). Ueber einen von — an die Acade- raife gerichteten Antrag betreffend die nissiscli-Hcan- dinavisclie Meridian-Gradmessiing. St.-Petersbourg, Bull., ill, 1861, 396-424; Mei. A.stron., m, 1866, 319-3,59. Rovd. in Gi-ogr. Mittheil. (Petcrmann), 1861, 247. [Schultz, Marcard uiid Meineske.] Die Laudmesscr uud Eeldniiisser, ihro Ausbildung, Priifniig nud Bc- staltung, nebst den allgemeinen Vorschriften ilber VermesHiingsarbeiten. 8°, Borlin, 1884, pp. 143. (Berlin, Royal.) Schumacher (Heinrich Christian). Danish standards of length. Quart. Jonm. Sci., II, 1821, 184-185. Skrivelse til Herr Doctor W. Obers i Bremen inholdcndi! en Bewkrivelse over det Apparat ban liar an vcudt til Maliugen af Standlinien ved Brak i Aaret 1820. 4°, Altona, 1821, pp. 12, 2 plates. In German, 4", Altona, 1821, pp. 13, 2 plates. (British Mnsoniii.) — : — Sur la triaiigulation dn Daiieniark. Corr, Astron. (Zach), i, 1825^ 273-278. Schumacher (Heinrich Christian)— Continncd. Poimliire Vorlesuugeu you Bebsel (F. \V.). Hamburg, 1648. Titlu in full under Besskl (F. W.). : Peters (O. A. P.). Bestimmnng der Lango dcs eiufachen Secundeupendels, auf dem SchlosseGiilden- stein. Aus den Beobachtungen von — . Altona, 1855. Title in full under Peters (C. A. F.). -: Peters (C. A. F.). Bericht iiber die neue Be- rechnung der von — bei Braack gemessenen Basis. Den danske Gradmaaling, i, 1872, 391-420. Schur (Wilhelm): Orff (C. von). Astrononiisch-geo- diitische Ortsbestimmungeu in Bayeru. Revd. by — . Astron. Ges., Vierteljahrs., xvi, 1881, 135-145. Schwahn (Paul). Ueber Aendernngen der Lage der Figur and der Kotations-Axe der Erde, sowie iiber einige mit dem Rotationsproblem in Beziehung ste- heude geophysische Probleme. i°, Berlin, 1887, pp. 51. (Berlin, Geodetic Insti- tute.) Schweins (Franz Ferdinand). Handbnch der Geo- dasie. 8°, Giessen, 1811, pp. vi, 174, 4 plates. (Stuttgart, Royal.) Schweizer (Kaspar Gottfried). Untersuchungen iiber die in der NUhe von Moscau statttiudendeu Local- attractionen. Soc. Nat.,Mo8cou, Bull., xxxvn, 1864, 96-171. Schwrenter (Daniel). Geometria practica nova. Trac- tatus II. Ohue eiuig kiiustlich geometrisch Instru- ment alleiu mit der Messruhte und etiicheu Stiiben (welche ein Laudmesser dess Absteckens halben mit wol entrahten kan) zur Noht viekrley Weito, Breite, Liinge, Hiibe und Tieft'e zn erkundigiMi. AUerley Flechen als Felder, Wisen, Holzwachs, Teicbe, etc., auszumessen nnd dau solche wie auch Stiidte, Ves- tungen, Schlos.ser und andere Gebjiu, in Grund zu lo- gon nnd aufs Papier zu bringen odi-r die gerissenen Figureu abzutragen uud auft' dem Lando abzu- stccken. 8°, Niimberg, 1617, pp. [xiii], 191. (British, Mu- seum. ) Sch'werd (Friedrich Magnus). Die kleine Speyerer Basis, odejr Bt'\vei.s, man mit eiiicin geringen Aufwaud an Zeit, Miiho und KoHten dnrch cine kleine genau gemesscne Linio die Grundlage einer grossen Triangulation bestininien kanu. 4-^, Spoyer, 1822, pp. 99, 3 plates. (Gore.) Schwering (K.). Neue guometrische Darstellung der geodiitischen Liuie anf dem RofationHcIlipsoid. Zeits. f. Math. (Sclilomilch), xxiv, 1679, 405-407. Science. 4", New York, 18a3-f. Sci. Mem. (Taylor), for Scientific Memoirs (Taylor). 8' , London, 1837-'47. (Washington, Congress.) Sci. Mem. (Tyndall), for Scientific Memoirs, Natural Philosophy (Tyndall). 8°, London, 1852. (Washington, Congress.) 484 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Scrymgeour (James). Narrative of experiments made with the seconils peuduluui, principally in order to determine the hitherto unassigned amount of the in- fluence of certain minute forces on its rate of motion. Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), ii, 1833, 244-251, 344-350, 434- 44J. Secchi (Angelol. Sugli sperimenti del pendolo fatti in Koma a prova della rotazioue della terra e per la de- terminazioue a>setuta della gravity. Accad. d. Lincei, Atti, iv, 1850-'51, 325-346; Os- servatorio, Mem., 1852, xxxviii-xlvi. Snlle oscillazioue del pendolo avuto rignardo alia rotazioue della terra. Ann. di Mat. (Tortoliui), ii, 1851, 238-242. Descrizione degli istrnmenti, adoperati ntUa misura della base romana sulla via Appia. Corrisp. Scieut., iv, 1856, 171-188. Misura della base trigonometrica eseguita sulla via Appia jter ordine del governo pontilicio nel 1854-',-.5. 4°, Roma, 1858, pp. [i], 197, 5 plates. (Gore.) Une nouvelle iiiesure de la base de Boscovich. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. R,nd., 1860, 377-378. Schreiben an den Generallieutenant z. D. Baeyer. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1869, 18-19. Eegardmg the geodetic work in Italy for 1859. Eapporto della commissione per la misura del meridiano centrale europeo negli Stati Pontifici. Accad. d. Lincei, Atti, xxiv, 1871, 232-2,58. Sur les experiences du pendule qui vont fetre en- treprisps dans le tunuel des Alpes occidentales. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., Lxxiii, 1871, 1192-1193. Sedillot (Iiouis- Amedee). Notice historique sur le Coast Survey des EtatsUnis. Soc.G(iogr., Bull., 1, 18.51, 41-51. Taken from the paper of Lt. C. H. Davis. Sur les determinations des arcs du meridien ter- restre et les mesures de superticie des Arabes. Soc. G^ogr., Bull., 1, 1851, 226-231. Sedlaczek (Ernest). Tafel der auf die Bessel'schen Erddimensiouen bezogenen Grossen uud ihrer ge- meineu und uatiirliclien Logarithmen in elf Stellen. Wien, 1879, 1 lithograph plate. (Vienna, Geo- graphic Institute.) Mittheiluugcu des kaiserl. konigl. militar-geo- graphischcu Institutes. Herausgegeben auf Befehl des k. k. Reiclis-Kriegs-Miuisteriums. 8°, Wlfln, 1881, pp. 124, vol. 1, 1881, mit 7 Beilagen. (Gore.) Katalog der mit Ende l^Sl vorhandeu Biicher- werke di-.s k. k. militiir-geographischen Iimtituts-Ar- chives fiir den eigenen Gebrauch der Instituts-Ab- theilungen zusammeugestellt. Wieu, 1884; Nachtrage, 1882-'87, 6 vols., Wieu, 1884-'88. (Gore.) This catalupue cuutainH nu analysis of all the serial puh- licatioua in the library. Sedlmayer (von). Theoretische Bestimmungen iiber die alh<>s geodesicos topo- graphicos, hydrograjdiicus o geologicos do reino. Relatorio do anno de 1875. 8°, Lisboa, 1876, pp. 43. (Vienna, Geographic In- stitute.) Direcfiio geral dos trabalhos geodesicos, topo- grapliicos, hydrographicos o geologicos do reino. Relatorio dos trabalhos oxecutados n'esta direcQao durante o anno de 1874. 8^\ Lisboa, 1876, pp. 18. (Vienna, Geographic In- stitute. ) l{api)ort sur les travaux gsiques, topograph- iques, hydrographiques, et gi^ologifiues du Portu- gal, 1878. 8°, Lisbonne, 1878, pp. 53, 4 plates. (Vienna, Geo- graphic Instituto.) Ka))port sur les travaux g(ttre international. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., cvi, 1888, 977-982. STANDARDS OF LENGTH— Continued. BE6SEL (F. W.). Dar.steIIung der tTutei.suchungen und Mass- regeln durch die Eiuheit des preus.sischen Ljingenmasses verantasst worden Bind. Berlin, 1839. BiOT (J.-B.). Lettre snr le rapport du metre an pi*d anglais. Ann. do Chim., \ii, 1817, 13-16. Boaz (.1 ). Proposal for a new method of determining a fixed unit of measure, by deducing the same from the curvature of the earth. PhiL Mag. (Tilloch), lxi, 1823, 266-269. BoECK (A.). Metrologische Untersuchangen iiber . . . Masse des Alterthums. Berlin, 1838. B0R8CH (A.). Die Bestimmnng der Aasdehnnngs coefficient von Eisen und Zink . . . Astron. N'achr., xcix, 1S81, 177-190. BoH.N (C). Ueber eineu Temperatareinfinsa bei geodfitiscben Liingenmessungen. Zeits. f. Vermes., xi, 1882, 514-523. BONP (G. M.). Standards of length and their 8ul>di visions. Jonrn. Frank. Inst., cxvil, 1884, 281-295. BoxsE (R.). Principes sur les mesures en longneur . . . Paris. 1790. BoRDA (J.--C. DE). Rapport fait i rAcad6mie dea sciences aar le choix d'nnit^ de mesnres. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Mem.. 1791, 7-16 (Hist.). Bosscha (.1.). Relation des experiences qui ont aervi A la construction de deux metres etalons en platine iridic. Scole Polytecb., Ann., I, 1885. 6.V144; II. 1886,1-122. BoucHOTTE (fi.). fitnde sur la valeur du stade, de la condee et de quelques autres mesures anciennes. Acad, de Metz, M6m., XLI, 1859-'60, 416-448. BOLGUER (P.). Experiences faites k Quito . . . snr la dilaU- tion et la contraction que soufirent les metaux par le chaud et par le froid. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Hist., 1745, 230-260. Brissox (M.-J.). Essai sur runifomiite des mesnres . . . Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6m., 1788, 722-727. Brix (A. F. W.). Bericht iiber die Vergleichungen zweier Metermaasse mit Urmeter zu Paris. Berlin, 18M. Carxet. M^moire sur les poids et les mesures. Montpellier, 1792. CHI6HOL.M {II. W.). An account of comparisons between two Russian pendulums and Repsold'a scale, and between Rep- sold's scale and the standard yard. Warden of the Standards, Rep., v, 1873-'74, 26, 39-43. Science of weighing . . . and standards of measure and weight. London, 1877. Clark (J. M.). The English mile; its relation to the size of the earth. Van Neatrand's Mag., xx\nii, 1883, 383-386. Claake (A. R.). Comparisons of the standards of length of England, France . . . London, 1866 ; Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1873, 445-469. Cole (W. H.). Comparisons of the length of 10-feet standards A and U, .and determinations of the diHerence of their ex- pansions. India, Trig. Survey, 1, 1870, ii, 3-7, 8-12. COMgTOCK (C. B.). Ratio of the metre to the yard. Nat Acad. Sci., Mem.,ni, 1886, 101-102. CoxDAMiNE (C -M. DE LA). Nouveau projet d'une mesure invariable. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6m., 1747, 489. Remarques sur la toi8e-6talon du ChAtelet. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, M6m.. 1772, ii, 482-501. CoOKK (J.). A description of a new standard for weights and measures. Am. Phil. Soc., Trans., ill, 1793, 328-330. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 489 STANDARDS OF LENGTH— Continued. CEI6TIANI (G. F.). Dello niisure d' ogni genere, antichc e modemo. Brescia, 17G0. Dove (H.W.). Ueber Mass and Messen. Berlin, 1833. E18ENSCHMIPT (J. C). De pouderibus et mensuris vet^ruin. Argentorati, 1708. Emelix (E. H ). ZnsammenstellunK einigcr altromiscber MaiiHsbeslimmiiDgeD. Ak. d. Wis*. Bern, Attb., in, 1813, 501-521. EvTELWEiN (J. A.). Ueber die I'riifnug der Norraal-Maasae . . . fiir Preusson. K. Ak. d. WisB., math. CI., Abbandl., 1825, 1-21. Vergleicbung der neuesten engliscben Maasse mit tleu preuesiMcben. K. Ak. d. Wiss., math. CI., Abbandl., 1827, 1-8. Fenxek (L. v.). Ucber die Verscbiedenbeit drr grieibi»i:lien Stadien und Fussraaasee. Berlin, 185S. FiKMixr.KR (T.). A copy of the experiments made ... to establish a standard of weights and measures. Pbil. Mat'. (Tillocbl.XLV, 1815, 33-38. FisciiKii (A.). Virsuche deu Gang der Temperaturen des Stabes ani Basis. Apparat zu bestimmen. Astron. Nachr., cm, 1882, 33-46. FoERSTER (W.). Sur la toise du P6rou. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Corap. Rend., cm, 1880, 122-124. [Concerning the length of the standard toises.] Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.Ber., 1880, 48-49. FoNVii.LE (W. DE). Le miitre international d6finitif. Paris, 1875. FoucHY (G.DE). Sur 1ft comparaison des ditf^rentes toises qui ont aeivi A la n»e8tire des degr68 teirestres. Acail. d. Sci. Paris, Hist., 1772, 8-13. Fkeret (N. ) Observations snr le rapport des mesures grercuH^s et des mesures romaines. Acad. d. Inacr., M6m., xxiv, 1754, 548-568,432-547. Geipler (E. a.). Standard measures. Journ. Frank. Inst., xcvi, 1888, 115-133. G06SR1.IN (P.-F.-J.). Kecbercboa sur . . . diff^rens syst^mes ni^tritpies lin6aires de rautiquit6. AiaAk.d. Wiss., pbil. CI., Abhandl., 1826,1-18. I6MAII..EFFEXIII. Rechercbes des coefficients de et 6talonnage de I'appareil h mesurer lea bases g^odesiquea. (Egyptian.) Paris, 1864. Jacobi (H.). Note sur la fabrication des fk). Kecherches i^urieusea dea meeures du monde. Pari.H, 1636. Yeri>£T. £taloD fixe dea poida et meaures. Paria, 1815. W ACKEK. Ueber die MaaavergleichoDgen fiir die enropaiacbe Gradmeasung. Gotha, 1868. Walker (J. T.). Description of the method of coniparinK, and the apparatus employed. India, Trig. Survey, 1, 1870-71, 1-2. Welnstein (B.). Handbnch der phyaikaliachen Maaabeatim- mungen. Berlin, 1887. ■WKexPHAL (A.). Die AusdebnangacoefiQcienten der Kiiaten- venuessung. Berlin, 1881. ■Whitehl'Ebt (J.). An attempt towards obtaining invariable meaaurea of length. London, 1787. Wild (H.). De la determination de la dilatation . . . du bar- reaa normal. Soc. Phys. GeuAve, Arch., XL, 1871, 373-393. Bericbt iiber die Arbeiten zur Keform der schwoizer- ischen Urmaaase. Ziiriih, 1868. Wolf (C.I.E.). Lea 6talona de poida et meanrea de I'obser- vatoire de Paris. Ara; M61. Matb. Astron., iv, 1871, 033-651. Beobachtungen mit dera unveranderlichen Pen- del, angestellt von Dr. Fr. Parrot in den Jahren 182y und 1833 in Dorpat, TiflBis und anf dem Abhauge des groseen Ararat. A8trou.Nacbr.,ciii, 1882, 37,'J-378. : Faye (H.-A.-E.-A.). Sur une lettre du g^u^ral ^ relative i la ligure de la terre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., xcvii, 1883, SOS- SIS. Bericbt der topograpbiBchen Abtheiluug des General-Stabes iiber die in den J.ibren 1884 und 1885 auNgefiibrten Arbeiten. (Knssland.) Int. Geod. Cong., Verbandl., 1884-'86, 200-204. Russie. Travaux ex6cut<^8 par la section topo- grapbi(ino inilitairo do l'6t,at-inajor pendant les au- ndes 1886 et 1887. Int. Geod. Cong., Verhaiidl., 1887, xi, 1-3. Bericbt iiber die caucasische Triangulation im .labre 1862. Geogi. Mittheil. (Petermaun), 1863, 340-344. Stegmann ( Friedrich Ludwig). Ueber die Bestiin- iinuig de.s Drebungswinkels an MeKsinstruiuenteu die init einein beweglicben Spiegel versoben sind, welcber das Bild einer feststebendeu Scala iu einem Fernrobre ersclieinen lasst. Arch.d. Malb. (f!ninert),ixv, 185.S, 376-386. Stein ( Johann Peter Wilhelm). Gcographiscbo Trigo- nonictrie, oder die Anlldsiuig der geradlinigen, Hpluiriscbeu iinil spbiiruidiscben Dreierke, mit ilirer Aiiweudung bei gro8.seu geodjitisclien Veiniessungeii und der Projection der Cbarleii, sowobl tbeoretisch als audi rein praktisch dargcbtellt und mit einem Aiibango iiber Winkelmessinstrumenti^ begleitet. I ', Mainz, 182S, pp. xx, 315, 8 plates. (British Mnsouin.) Ueber das Auftragen eines tiigononietrischen Netzes nach der modifizirten Flamstoad'sclien Pro- jecktion. 4°, Frier, 1828, pp. 18. (Berlin, Royal.) Steinhauser. Sur les inesures nniverselles et la figure de la terre. (II.) Witteraberg, 1807. 492 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Steinhauser (Anton). GruDclziigo der raathematischen Gidyiapliiii und dcr Lanclkartenprojection. 8°, Wien, 1857, pp. 138. (Southampton, Ordnance Survey.) Neiie Bereclinung der DimeDsionen des Erdspha- roids. Geogr. Mittheil. (Petermann), 1858, 465-468. Ueber die Erniittilungder Winkelsnmme ebener Polygene. Artliiv r. MiUb. (Grnnert), Lii, 1871,294-309. Steiuheil (Karl August vou). Copie des Meter des Archives i\ Palis. K. bayer. Ak. d. Wiss., math.-pbys. CI., Abbandl., 1844, i, 247-280. Ueber Maasse i bout und deren Vergleichung nach einein neuen Princip. K. bayer. Ak. d. Wis.s., Sitz.-Ber., i, 1863, 329-3.32. Ueber genaue uud invariable Copieu des Kilo- grams und des Meter, prototype der Archive zu Paris, welche in Oesterreich bei EiufUbrung des metrischen Maass- und Gewichtssystems als Mittel zu jhrer Ver- vielfaltigung. endnlum observations. Roy. Soc. London, Proc, xvii. 1869, 488-499. Stieltjes (M.-T.-J.). Quelqnes remarques sur la varia- tion de la density dans I'iuKSrieur de la terre. Arch. N^erl., xix, 1884, 435-460. Stirling (James). On the figure of the earth, and the variation of gravity on the surface. Roy. Soc. Loudon, Phil. Trans., xxxix, 1735, 98- 105. Stokes (George Gabriel). On the resistance of the air to pendulums. Brit. A. A. S., Trans., xvili, 1848, 7-8. On attractions and on Clairant's theorem. Camb.Dnbl. Math. Journ., iv, 1849, 194-219. On the variation of gravity at the surface of the earth. Phil. Soc. Camb., Trans., viii, 1849, 672-695; L., E., D. Phil. Mag., xxxv, 1849,228-229. UNITED STATES COAST A^D GEODETIC SURVEY. 493 Stokes (George Gabriel)— Continued. On the effect of the internal Criction of (Initls on the motion of iienduliinm. L., E., U. I'hil. Mag., i, 1851, 337-339; Bibl. Univ. tientve, Arch., XXI, 1852, 15-28; Phil. Soc. Camb., Trans., IX, 1856, ii, 8-106. [Ou the eflect of the rotation and ellipticity of the earth in modifying the numerical results of the Harton iieuduluni experiments.] Roy. Soc. London, Proc, VIII, 185C-57, 59; Phil. Trans., J856, 353-355. : Gumpach (J. von). A letter to — ou the true figure and dimensions of the eirth. (iuernsey, 1862. Title in full under GnMi'ACii (J. von). On the intenial distribution of matter which shall i>rodnce a given potential at the surface of a gravitating mass. Roy. 8oe. Loudon, Proc, XV, 1867,462-186. : Pratt (J. H.). On — 's proof of Clairaut's theo- rem. L., E., D. Phil, ilag., xxxiv, 1867, 25-26. Stone (Edmund). Some reflections on the uncertainty of many astronomical and geographical positions with regard to the figure and magnitude of the earth, the finding the longitndi' at sea by watches, and other assertions of tlie most eminent astrono- mers, with some hints towards their reformation and emendation. 8°, London, 17(i0, pp. xv, 19-134. (British Museum.) Stone (E. J.). On the nu)8t probable results which can be derived from a number of direct determinations with a.ssigned weight.s. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., xxxvi, 1876, 290- 292. Reduction of latitude and logarithm of the earth's radius with Col. Clarke's value of the earth's compression. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., XLiii, 1882-'8;!, 102- 110. Stotherd (R. H.) and O'Faxral (James). Account of the graphic method for determining the coordinates of trigouoUK'trical stations, Loudon, ItifH]. Titl<^ iu full undiir O'Fakual (J.). Strange (Alexander). Announcement of new instrn- nicnts alioiit to be supplied by government to tlio Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Roy. Astron. Soc, Mouth. Not., xxil, 1862,261-263. Geodesy, especially relating to the Great Trigono- metrical Survey of India. United Service Journ., VI, 1863, 457-486. Stromer. Tentamina i)ro inveuienda figurain ot magni- tudineni telluris. (II.) Upsalia-,, 17,"i0. Strucki. Ecu voorbild van constante fouten." Tijdsclirift voor Kadasler en Landmeetkunde, li, 1882, 181. Struve (Friedrich Georg 'Wilhelm). Ueber die trigo- nometrische Vermessnng Lieflaml's. Zeits. f. Astron. (Lindeuan), vi, 1819, :{4:i-355; Astron. Jab rb. (Bode), 1819,247-250. Struve (Friedrich Georg Wilhelm) — Contiuucd. Nachricht vou der russischeu Grauiucssuug in den Ostseeprovinzen. Astron. Nachr., I, 1823, 67-68. [Nachricht von der ru.ssisclien Gradmessung.] Astron. Nachr., II, 1824, 135-136, 145-148. [Sur la mesure dcs degr6s du meridien ile Dorpat.] Corr. Astron. (Zach), xi, 1824,23-33, 34-42. Vorl.'iufiger Bericht von der russischeu Gradnies- Bung mit allerhochster Geuehmigung auf veranstal- tung der kaiserliehen Uuiversitjit zu Dor|):it wiihrend der Jahro 1821 bis 1827 iu deu Ostseeprovinzen des Reich.s, ausgefiihrt von — . Fol., Dorpat, 1827, pp. iv, 24, 1 plate. (Berlin, Ob- servatory.) Eevd. in Hertha, xii, 1828, 3-26. Ueber die Vereinigung zweior in Russland ausge- fuhrten Breitengradmessungen. Astron. Nachr., VI, 1828, 391-394. Resultate der Gradmessung in den Ostseepro- vinzen Russlauds. Astron. Nachr., vii, 1829, 385-^00. Beschreibung der uuter allerhochstem kaiser- lichen Schutze vou der Uuiversitiit zu Dorpat veran- stalteteu Breitengradmessung in den Ostseeprovin- zen Ru.sslands ausgefiihrt und bearbeitet in deu Jahren 1821 bis 1831, mit Beihiilfe des Capitain- Lioutenants B. W. von Wraugell und anderer. 4°,Dorpat,18:il,i, pp. [x], 360; II, pp. [vi], 424,11 maps. (Washington, Observatory.) Ueber die nouesteu geodiitischen Arbeiten in Russland. Dorpat Jahrbuch, i, 1833, 87-«9. Vereinigung der beiden in den Ostseeiu'ovinzen und in Lithauen bearbeileten Bogen der russischen Gradmessung. Acad, de St.-P<, determiner les bases du nouveau systfcme metriquo. 4°, Pari.-*, 1799, pp. 18. ^British Museum.) . Ucstininiung des voni Herrn P. Thomas bei dessen chinesischer Gradmessung gebrauchten Ma.s- Miiii. Corr. (Zach), X, 1804, 522-.'^.31. SWITZERLAND. Kkchmann (.r.). Er^ebnisae der trigou onietriscbon Vemies. Hinig in d( r Schweiz. Ziiricb, 1840. Fkku (J.). Ueber di(» trigonomotriBche . . . Vermt»eeuiig des Klicinthalen ilcr St-liweiz. Giogr. Eph. (Zach), 111, 1790. 360-.162, 462-472. HiKscii (A.). Bericht iiber die goodatischon Arbeiten in der Schweiz. Int.Geod. Cong., Gen. Bcr., 1870,63-«8; 1871,63-65; 1872,58- 73; 1874, 79-82; 1875, 217-219; 1H76, 123-125; 1877, 307-308; 1880, 38-41 : 1881-'82, 130-134 ; 1883, 279-283; 1884-'88, 232-238; 1887, xii, 1-5. Lo r^floau do triangulation HUiBse. LauHBunr, 1888, SWITZERLAND— Continued. Pfander(L.). Mittheilungen iiber die Gradniessangsarbeiten auf dem Gebiete der Schweiz. 1876. Prittwitz (M. K. E. von). Ueber die Triangnlirung der Schweiz. Zeits. aljg. Erdkunde, xii, 1862, 81-86. RoGO (J.). Abrisa finer Geschichte der trigonometrischen Vemieesung ... in der Schweiz. Stuttgart, 1859. Siegfried. Bericht iiber die geodatiachen Arbeiten in der Schweiz fiir da.s Jahr 1878. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber.. 1878, 112. Tralles (J. G.). TJeber die Laudea-Vermessung der Schweiz. Allg. geogr. Eph., 1, 1708, 267-280. TRECIIbEL (F.). Xachricht von der in 1811 angefangenen trigonnmet.rischen Aufnahme des Canton Bern. Ak. zu Bern., litter. Arch., Ill, 1812, 424-463; Bibl. Univ. Geneve, .\, 1819,77-89. Wou (K.). Notizen znr Geschichte der VermeuBangen in der Schweiz. Naturf.-Ges. Bern, Mittheil., 1844, 111-117, 185-196, 148,93- 95; 1862,52-89. Geschichte der Vernieaeungen in der Schweiz. Ziiricb, 1879. Anon. Cummissiou g^od^^sique Suisse. Proc^a-verbaus des stances de la cominisaion g6od6sique snisae tenues k Tob* aervatoire de NeuchAtel, 1862 + . In Bulletin de la Soci6t« dea sciences naturelles de Neu- ch&tel. Also published aeparalelj-. Rapport de la commisaiou g6od68ique auiase [concern- ing the work done in 1879]. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1879, 113-115. * Sylow (Th.). Geodiisie.* 8^, Cbristiauia, 1859, pp. 178. Szeksco (T. ). Bericht iiber die Gradmessung.* Pressburg, 1866. SzUy (C). Neue Daten iiber die Dimensionen dea Erd- korperH." • K. ungar. Ak. d. Wiss., ill. Taaks. Geodiitische Tafeln fiir die Nord- und Ostsee Kiiste, nebst Erliiuterungen nuo nebst I'incm Coordi- iiafen-Verzinchni8,se von 336 an der Ems, Jalication il la thf'orie matlieiualiiine des crreurs. Nonv. C'orr. de Math., I, 1875, 137-147. Revd. in .T.ahrl).iil). d. Foitachr.d. Math., vii, 1875. 107. Timmermana (Jean Alexis). De figiira terra' hydro- KtatiiM-.- 4 , Gand.e, l,-J-J-,>. Tinter CWilliam Robert). Die europiiischo Gradmcs- sung in ihrer Beziohung zu dt-n friihercn Gradmes- sungsarheiten. AUg. Hauzeitg. (FGrster), xxxv,1870, 150-173, 195- 209. • I)er Zweck der etiropiiischen Gradmessnng. K. k. geogr. Ges., Mittliei!., XIV, 1871, 81-90. Vortriige iibcr hohere Geodiisie.* Fol., Wion, 1872. Lithof;raphed. Mathematische, geodiitische und astronoinische Instnimente. 8 , [Wien, 1874], pp. 32-43. (Gore.) mid Ganahl. Hericht iilier die fiir die europiiis- tho GradmesNiing anxgefiihrteii Arlieiton. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1875, 181-189. und Kalmjr (A. von). Bericht iiber die Grad- niessungs-Arlieiten des k. k. militilr-geographischen Instituts ini ,Iahro 1687. Int. (ieoil. Cong., Gen. -Bar., 1887, viii, 1-18. H. Ex. 17 33 Tisserand (F.). Sur la tht^orie de la figure de la terre. Aead. d. .Sci. Paris, Comp. Koiid.,xcix, 1884, .577- 583. Tissot (A.). Notice sur I'appareil du gouvcrnemcut egyptien ])our la mesiire des liases gdod^siques. E.\trait du Cosmos, 2" sdrie, 1" volume. 8°, Paris, n. d., pp. 16. (Paris, Observatory.) Dilatation des ni^tanx (du platine et du laiton) employes h la construction des instruments g^od^- siques. Les Mondes, vi, 18(54, 317. Tittmann(OttoHilgard). Relative expansion of bronze and Low Moor iron. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1,<77, 10C)-171. On a method of readily transferring the under- ground mark at a base monument. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1881, 357-358. On the relation of the yard to the meter. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Bull., 18^9, IX, 4.V50. Todhunter (Isaac). On the method of least squares. L., E., D. Phil. Mag., xxx, 18f>.5, 378; Phil. Soc. Camb., Trans., xi, 18C9, ii, 219-238. On the arc of meridian measured in Lapland. Phil. Soc. Camb., Tran.s., xil, 1*^73, l-'2fi. Eevd. in .lahib. iili. d. Kortschr. d. Math., v, 1875, 697- 598, hy Gl.K. [GlaisheU]. On a history of the inathematioal theories of at- traction and the figuro of the earth, from the time of Newton to that of Laplace. London, 1873, 1, pp. xxxvi, 476; II, pp. 508. (Gore). On the arc of the meridian measured in South Africa. Roy. Astron. Soc, Month. Not., xxxiii, 1873, 27- 34. On the equation which determines the form of the strata in Legendre's and L.'iplaee's theory of the figure of the earth. [Mdeaniiiue c<^le8te, livro III, 530. ] Phil. Soc. Camb., Trans., Xll, IH73, 301-318. Kevd. in Jahrli. iih. d. Fortschr. d. Math., v. 1873, 598- 697, by Gi.u. [Gi.AisiiF.ii). Topping (M.). Mcasnrenient of a base-line upon the sea liiaih, near I'orto Novo, on the coast of Coioniandel. Koy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1792, 99-114. Tortolini (Barnaba). Sulla determinazione della linea geodesica descritta siilla superlieie di un ellissoide a tre asst iuequali .seeondo il metodo del cav. Jacobi, da esso dato nelle sue lezione di meeeanica all' l!ui- versitil di Koenisberg. Acead. d. Lincei, Atti, IV, 18.50-'51. 287-:Vi4. Sulla espre.ssiono dei r.aggi delle duo curvature di una linea geodesica tracciata siilla superlieie di un' ellissoide. Ann. di Mat. (Tortolini), ii, 1851, 345-357. T<5th (Agaston Rafael). Az eurrtpai nemzetkiizi fok- m(''riM es a Kiirelie tartozrt geodiitia uiunkalatok." Pest, 1870. Die (ieschichto und der gegonwiirtige Stand diT Toiiograidiie und der geodiitischen VermeBsuugen." Pest, 1872. Ueber europiiische Gradmessnng nnd die dazngo- horigen geodiitischen Arbeiten." Pest, 1876. 498 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Toussaint (F. W.}. Pas Vermessungswesen und der Staat." Tralles ( Johann Georg). Ueber dft Landes-Vermessong tier Sclnvci/.. Allg. geogr. Eph., I, 1798, 267-280. Ueber eine eigenthiimliclio Methode, die Aus- deluiuug der Korjicr durch die Wiirmo zii bestimiuen. Anu. d. Pliys. (Gilbert), xxvii, 1807, 241-260. Beliandlung eiuiger Aiifgaben, die bei grossercn trigonnmctrisehen Messiingen vorlsoineneii. K. Ak. d. Wiss., math. CI., Abhacdl., 1804, 11-27. Algebraiscbe Bestimmiingsraethode der Liinge, Breite nud Aziuiiithe bei geodiitiseheii Verniessuugeu. K. Ak. d. ^Yi88., iiiatb. CI., Abbandl., 1818-'19, 49-56. Trechsel (Friedrich). Nachricbt von der im Jalire 1811 angefaugeiieu trigoDouietriseheu Auftiahnie des Can- tou Bern. Ak. zu Bern, litter. Arch., in, 1812, 424-463. Notice snr la triangnlation ex^out^e dans le ton de Berne. Bibl. Univ. Genfeve, x, 1819, 77-89. Trepied (Ch. ). Sur le calcul des eoordonn^es g^o- di?si(iues. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., LXXX, 1875, 36-40. Eevd. ill Jahrb. iib. d. Fortschr. d. Math., YU, 1875, 698, by H|KI XSj. Tresca (H.). and Barnard (F. A. P.). Comparison of metres. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Eep., 1867, 134-137. Note sur la forme qu'il convient de donuer aux m&trea que la commission intcrnationale doit con- •strniro. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., Lxxv, 1872, 1223- 1230. Trew [Treu] (Abdias). Disputatio de immobilitate terr;r contra Coperuicnm. Altdorf., 1636. POGGEXDOKFF, II, 1133. Geoda'sia universalis, das ist, Bericht vom Land- und Feldmessen." 8°, Niirnberg, 1641 ; 3d ed., Doppelmayr, Niirnberg, 1718. ror.r.F.NnoBFF, ii, 1133. TRIANGLES, ADJUSTMENT OF. Sec FIGURE ADJUSTMENT. TRIANGLES. COMPENSATION OF. Ahax (E.-n.-J.). L;i lonipeiisation il'uDe chaine de trijingles g^-od^siqnoa. Acad, dp Bclgiqne, Bjill., L, 1880, 260-265; Joiim. Frank. Inet., rxii, I88l,:il4. BAitRAijiEU (J. M.). La compensacioii general do lo8 errores de la red geoddsica de £spafia. Madrid, 1874. (A.). Snr la compensation d'un r68eau trigononi*- tiiciue. Int. Oeod.Cong., Oen.-Ber., 1877. 217-224. TRIANGLES, GEODETIC. See GEODETIC TRI- ANGLES. Triesnecker (Francisco de Paula). Dissertatio de ligiira telluris e solis cclipsibiis lU-dui'l!!. Epli. Astron. (Hell et Triesnecker), 1791, 307-412. Troughton (Edward). Coinjiarison between the length of the .seconds penduhiui, as determined by Mr. Whitehurst .uid Captain Katcr. Kdiub. Phil. Jourii., i, 1619, 75-76. Trowbridge (W. P.). Foreign geodetic surveys. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1858, 251-270. Progress of the United States Coast Survey. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1858, 270-273. Tubinger Blatter, for Tiibinger Blatter fiir Naturwis- seiischaften und Arzneiknnde. 8", Tubingen, 1815-'17. (Oxford, Bodleian.) Tutschkow^. Memoirs of the army topographical de- partment of Russia. Vols. 10-18, 1847-'56. Ulffers (D. W.). Praktische Anleitung und Tafeln zur Bereihnnng von Dreiecks-, Vierecks- und Polygon- Netzen olme Logarithmen. 8", Cobleuz, 1854 ; vierte Aiiiiage, 8°, Koblenz, 1870, pp. XV, 283, 1 plate. (Berlin, Royal.) Ulloa (Antonio de) y Juan (Jorge). Relacion histdrica del viaje a la Auiai>ei"a. Revd. in Jahrb. lib. d. Fortschr. d. M.ilh., I, 180(^,381-392. by B[Kl'XSl. Unger (Ephraim Salomo). Anleitnng ziim Feldmessen und Aiifnehmen. 8^, Gotha, 1821. pp. xiii, .536; und Gotha, 1828, vi, 216. (British Museum.) Simple surveying. UXITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 499 UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY. \ First ripoil from Siiin'rintciidiMit Ilassler to the Secretary of the Treasury upon the survey of the coast. 8°, 3 PI.., 1816. Messago on the Coast Survey. Transiiiittiug a re- port of the Secretary of the Treasury upon the proj;- ress made in the Coast Surveys ; instructions to Mr. Hassler, superintendent of the work, and liis report to the Secretary of the Treasury. State Papers, No. 14;i, Congress, 1st Session, vol. 2, 21 pp., 1818. Report upon the works executed for the survey of the coast of the United States, upon the law of 1832, and their junction with the works made in 1817, hy and under the direction of Ferdinand Kudolph Hass- ler. 2;id Congress, Ist Session, Doc. No. 1, 17 pp., 1834. Fourth Report. House Document No. 1, 24th Con- gress, Ist Session, (5 pp.. 1835. Report for 1836. House Document No. 13, 24th Congress, 2d Session, 60 pp., 1K!6. For 1837. House Document No. 14, 25th Congress, 2d Session, 7 pp., 1837. For 1838. Senate Document No. 4, 2.5th Congress, 3d Session, 7 pp., 1838. Eighth annual report. Senate Document No. 15, 26th Congress, 1st Session, vol. 2, 8 pp., 1839. Ninth annual report. Senate Document No. 20, 26th Congress, 2d Session, vol. 2, 8 pp., 1840. Report of F. R. Hassler, showing the progress made up to the present time. House Document No. 28, 27th Congress, 2d Session, 18 pp., 1842. Rei)ort for 1843. House Document No. 97, 28th Congress, 1st Session, 8 pp., 1^44. This was the laftt report of Mr. Il.isslcr. Report of A. D. Bache, Sui)erintendent of the Coast Survey, for 1844. House Document No. 25, 28th Con- gress, 2d Session, 22 ]ip., 1644. This wa.s t he report that had accompanying proeress and other aketclies. Report for 1845. Senate Document No. 13, 29th Congress, Ist Session, 44 pp., 1845. For 1846. Senate Document No. 3, 29th Congress, 2d Session, 74 jip., 3 charts, 1846. For 1847. Senate Document No. 6, 30th Congress, Ist Session, 88 pp., 1847. For 1848. Senate Executive Document No. 13, 30th Congress, 2dSe8siou, 120 i>p., 1848. For 1849. Senate Executive Document No. 5, 3l8t Congress, Ist Session, 98 pp., 1849. For 18.50. Senate Executive Document No. 7, 31st Congress, 2d Session, 134 pp., 1850. For ia51. 8", Wa.shington, 1852. This was tho (irit report piiliHshed seimrately. and is the only sejuu-ate report that appeared in octavo. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, showing the progress of tho survey. 1852-'77, 26 vols., 4'^, Washington, 18.53-'80. Report of the Superintendent of the U. S. Coast :ind Geodetic Survey, showing the progress of tho W(uk, 1878-'87. 10 vols., 4«-\ Washington, 188;i-'89. UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY— Continued. The following papers relating to geodesy occur in the above reports: Bachk(A.D.). Compari.ton of the reduction of horizontal angles by the method of least squares. 1854, pp. 63-70. Epping base, Maine. 1857. pp. 302-.305. Baiinard(F. A.P.). Comparison of metres. 1867, pp. 134-137. BocTEi.i.E (€. O.). Primary apparatus. l^^SS, pp. 04-257. Description of tripod and scatfold. IS.'iS, pp. 361-363. Geodetic night signals. 1880, pp. 96-109. Observing tripods. 1882, pp. 199-208. Connection of the Coasi Survey trinngnlation with that of the Lake Survey. 1884, pp. 387-390. On geodetic reconnoissance. 1885, pp. 469-481. CUTTS (R. D.). Field-work of a secondary triangulation. 1668, pp. 109-139. Field-work of the triangulation. 1882, pp. 151-197. Davidson (G.). Clamp for theodolite telescopes. 1874, p. 153; 1877, p. 182. Measurement of the Yolo base. 1882, pp. 139-149; 1883, pp. 273-288. The rnn of the micrometer. 1884, pp. 377-385. DoOLiTTLE (M. H.). Closing of a circuit of triangulation. 1875, pp. 282-292. Solution of normal equations. 1878, pp. 115-120. GooDFELLOW (E.). Descriptive Catalogue of publications re- lating to tlie Coast and Geodetic Survey and to standard measures, 1883, 121-135. General index to the pro-^resa sketches and illustra- tions, nuipa and charts pulihshed in the annual reports from 1844 to 1885. 1887, 21 7-268. GORE (J. H.). A bibliography of geodesy. 1887, 313-512. IIiLOABD (J. E.). Triangulation of the Mississippi Sound. 18,5(1, pp. 291-292. Theodolite test. 18r,0, pp. 310-310 ; 1860, pp. 357-361. Description of base apparatus. IS.IO, 308-310; 1857,pp. 395-398; 1862, pp. 248-25.5. ^ Geodetic signals. 1867, p. 145. Use of railways for geodetic surveys. 1867, pi>. 140- 144. lutervisibility of stations. 1873, p. 137. Comparison of standards of length. 1876, pp. 402-106. Examination of theodolites. 1877, i>p. 114-147. Comparison of American and British standard yards. 1877,148-181. Hunt (E. B.). Description of base-measuring apparalua. 1854, 10,1-108; 1873, 132-1.36. Contact base apparatu.s. 18K0, pp. .141-344. Lane (J. II.). Coefbcient of expansion of the British standard yard, bronze No. II. 1877, iip. 15;-)-160. Peikce (C. S.). Errors of obscriation. 1870, pp. 200-224. Measurements of gravity. 1870. pp. 202-337. On tho flexure of pendidum suppiMta. 1881,359-441. Klliplicity of the earth I'nim pendulum experiiucnts- 1881, pp. 442-456. Method «if observing coinciilenee of the vibration of two pendulums. 1K81, pp. 457-4110. Value of gravity at Paris. 1881, pp. 4U1-4B3. Determinations of gravity at Alleghany. Ebensburg, and York, Pa. 1883, pp. 473-187. The eflect of flexure of a pendulum on its period of os- cillation. 1884,483-48.5. The use of a noddy . . . 1884, 475-482; 1885, .'■.09-510. .. Effect of temperature upon a reversible jieudulum. J885, pp. 511-512, 500 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY— Continued. PllEBTON (E. L).). Uetenniuatioii of pr.ivity . . . 1883, 379-381. Determinations of gi"''i^ity for the Tfawainn Govern- ment. Bnll., XI, 137-142. Sands (B.K.). Observing signal. 1855, p. 364. ScuOTT (C. A.). Adjustment of horizontal angles. 1854, pp. 70-86. Probable error of observation. 1854, pp. 86-95. Solution of normal equations. 1855, pp. 255-264. Probable error, from the German. 1856, pp. 307-308. Epping-base computation. 1864, pp. 120-144; 1866, p. 141. Primary triangulation of the Atlantic coast. 1866, pp. 49-54. Length of the Kent Island base. 1866, p. 140. Ad.iustment of the Long Island Sound triangulntion. 1668, pp. 140-146. Measurement of an arc of the meridian. 1868, pp. 147- 153. Connection of the Kent Island and Craney Island bases. 1869, pp. 105-112. Local deflection of the zenith near VTasbington. 1869, pp. 113-115. Adaptation of iriangulations to the configuration of the country. 1871, 185-188; 1876, pp. 391-399. Peach Tree base. 1873, pp. 123-136. Closing of a circuit of triangulation. 1875, pp. 279-292. Pamplico-Chesapealio arc of the 1877, pp. 84-95. Connection of the Maryland and Georgia base lines. 1878, pp. 92-120. Local deflection of the plumb-line. 1879, pp. 110-123. — Description of a new base apparatus. 1882, pp. 107- 138. Beanlts for the length of Yolo base. 1883,273-288. Connection of Coast Surrey and Lake Survey Trian- gnlations. 1884, pp. 3S7-3U0. Geographical position of Borden's Massachusetts points. 1885, pp. 285-302. Yolo base triangulation. 1885, pp. 441-467. SmcLAIB (C. H.). General index of scientific papers, methods and results contained in the appendices of the annual re- ports from 1845 to 1880, inclusive. 1881, 91-123. Smith (E.). Determination of gravity at v.arious places. 1884, pp. 439-473. TnTMANN (0. H.). Relative expansion of bronze 12. and Low Moor iron. 1877, pp. 166-171. Transferring under ground mark at a base raonunient. 1881, pp. 357-358. On the relation of the yard to the meter. Bull., IX, 45- 50. Trebca (H.). Comparison of metres. 1867,134-137. Trowiiriuge (W. P.). Foreign geodetic surveys. 1858, pp. 251-270. Progress of the V. S. Coast Survey. 1858, pp. 270-273. Akok. Subsidiary b.ase apparatus. 18.')6, pp. 308-350. Formula- for coujpuliiig latitudes, longitudes, and azi- muths. 1860, pp. 361-391 ; 187.';. pp. 315-368; 1884,323-37.5. Liuatlug a point by intersections. 1864, pp. 116-119. Triangulation of the coast of New England. 1865, pp. 187-203 i 1866, p. 141. Measurements of subsidiary base lines. 1868, pp. 133- 139. Report of a coufennce on gravity determinations. 1882, 50.3-516. Tables for the pro.jection of maps on the Clarke spheroid. 1884, j)]). 135-321. UNITED STATES COAST SURVET— Continued. Papers regarding the Survey. B. (B.). The Coast Survey. N.d. Bache (A. D.). Survey of the coast. Sid. Mess., I, 1848, 98-99; 11, 1848, 55-56. Progress of the survey of the coast. A.A. A.S., Proc., 1819, 162-178; Am. Joum. Sei., XII, 1851, 158-164. Bessel (F. W.). Ueber die von Herrn F. R. Hassler, zur Ter- messung der Kiiste der Vereinigten Staaten ergrififenen Maassregeln. Astron. Nachr., VI, 1828, 349-356. BOUTELI.E (CO.). What has the Coast Survey done for science ? Science, vi, 1885, 558-562. On a geodetic survey of the United States. Science, vii, 1886, 460-461 ; Van Fostrand's Mag., xxxv, 1886, 38-40. Davis (C. H.). The Coast Survey of the TTnited States. Cambridge, 1849 ; Washington, 1851. Davis (J.). Speech on the subject of the Coast Survey. 11849]. Dyer fU. L.). The survey of the coast. U. S. Naval lustitution, Proc, xii, 1886, ii, 199-240. F. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, show- ing progress of the work for 1847. Joum. Frank. Inst., XLV, 1848, 213-217; for 1848, XLVII, 1849, 141-144 ; for 1849, I., 1850, 72 ; for 1850, LI, 1851, 359-360. Gore (J. H.). The geodetic survey. Phila. Press, Sept. 9, 1884, 7. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Railroad and Eng. Joum., LXI, 1887, 247-249, 299-300, 350-352. H. Documentary publications and science in the Coast Sur- vey report for 1853. Am.Journ.Sci., xviii, 1854, 200-212. Uassler (F. R.). Papers on various subjects connected with the survey of the coast of the United St-ates. Am. Phil. Soc, Trans., 11, 1825, 232-419. Principal documents relating to the survey of the coast of the United States. New York, 1834, 1835. 1836. Bericht iibor die Kusten-Vermessung in Kord- Amerika, Astron. Nachr , XIX, 1842, 353-368, 377-384. Henry (.1.). The Coast Survey. Princeton, 1845. HlLGARi) (J. E.). Letter on the proposed transfer to the Navy Department. Washington, 1883. Inijuiry of the National Academy of Sciences concern- ing the Coast Survey. Washington, 1884. .1. Survey of the coast of the United States. Hunt's Merchant's Mag., 1849, 131-149. Kane (.1. K.). Report on the history and progress of the American Coast Survey. A. A. A. S., Proc, 1859, 27-150. Lamr (M.J.). The Coast Survey. Harper's Mag., I.VIII, 1878, 506-520. M. (M.). The United States Coast Survey. Chiistian Examiner, l.ll, 1852, 77-96. OouKS (H. G.). The survey of the coast. Nat. Googr., 1, 1888, 59-75. Pearce (J. A.). Speech on the subject of the Coast Survey. Washington, 1849. Peirce (li.). A report upon the results of the United States Coast Survey. A. A. A. S.. Proc, n, 1848-'52, 124-128. S. Nordamerikanische Vermessung. Astron. Ifachr., x, 1833, 385-388. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 501 UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY— Continired. Skiiili.oi (L. Aj. Notice bistoi-itjiu* sur lo Coast Survey do8 ^tata-UuiH. Soc. Guogr., Bull., 1, 1851, 41-51. SpEXCEii (.I.e.). Plau fur reorganization of tbe Coaat Surrey. Wa.-.bin{;tou, 1843. TitoWBRiiJGK ("W.P.). Progress of the United States Coast Survey. U. S. C. and (J. Survey, Rep., 1858, 270-273. VosE {G. L.l. The fniled States Survey. Van Noslraud's Mag., .\m. 1875, 1-13. WEI.1..S (H. P.). The United States I'oast and Cuodetie Survey. Haiper's Weekly, xx.xii, 1888, 805-808. Anon. A review of Hassler'a principle doeunionts, executive con^^resbional ducuuieuts since 1832, and the report tor 1814. Princeton Kev., XVII, 1845,321-344. Review of the Annual Report of the U.S. Coast Sur- vey (1847). Am. Journ. Sci., v, 1848, 3U7-318. A abort review of the year's work. Report of the committee on science and tlie arts, con- stituted hy the Krauklin Institute of the State ot" Penn- eylvania, fur t)ie pruiuotion of the uiechauic arts, to whom was referred for examination and report the subject ul the progress of the survey of the coast of the United Slates. Joui-n. Frank. Inst., XLVll, ISIU, 200-214. Notice of the visit of tbo American Association for the Advancement of Education to the Coast Survey Office. Am. Journ. Ed., 1, 1855, 103-100. The United Slates Survey. Putnam's Monthly, Vl, 1855,419-458. Review of the ojieratiuus and results of the United Slates Coast Survey. Am. Jouru. Sci., XXV, 1858, 75-83, 249-258. A popular account of the work of the (^oast Survey to date. The Coast Survey, by one who has examined public documents. Reprint from New York Times. N.d.,pp. 18. The Coast Survey ; its costs, abuses, and power. From ■ the New York Times. Journ. Frank. Inst , LXVll, 1859, 63-68. A defense of the Coast Sur\'ey, in reply to the above- named article. Coast Survey. Applcton's Cyclo., V, 1859, 394-401. Report on the history and progress of the American Coa-st Survey. A. A. A. Sci., Proc, 1859, 27-150. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, coramuuicat- ing in answer to a resolution of the Senate a report show- ing the amount expended and the progress made in the Coast Survey. Senate, 35th Congress, 2d session, Ex. Doc. No. 6. Revd. in North Am. Rev., xc, 1800,249-260. Letters from Government ofHcei-s, including com- manders in the Aiiny and Navy, relative to the field and office work of the Coast Survey. S", Washington, 1803, pp. [17J. Coast Survey. Am. Cycl., iv, 1883, 754-765. The late attacks upon the Coast and Geodetic Snrvey. Reprinted from the October and November numbers of the United Service, 1884. 8°, Philadelphia, 1884, pp. 52. The geodetic survey of the United States. Nature, xxix, 1884, 57.3-!")75. A review of the Report for 1882. Determination of gravity at stations in Pennsylvania, 1879-1880. Nature, xxxii, 188.^ 572. A review of the above. * UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY— Continued. U. S. Co; anil (Itodetic Sui vey for the year ending with June, 1885. Kev. of. Am. Journ. Sci., xxxiii. 1887, 429-431. What the Coast Survey has done for the War. Re- printed from U. S. Service Mag., June and July, 1865. 8°, New York, 1805, pp. 24. Mes.'iago from the Piesideut of the United States trans- mitting a rejiort from the Secretary of State relating to an invitation from the Imperial German Government to be- come a party to the International Geodetic Association. 50th Cong., 1st Scss., Ex. Doc. 104, pp. 18. U. S. C. aud G. Survey, Rep., for Report of the Stiper- inteudeut U. S. Coast Survoy. 8'-, W:i.shint,'toii, 1816-'.")! ; 4", 18ri2-'77. Report of the Siiperiutendout U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey. 4'^, Washington, lb78-f . U. S. Eng. Rep., for Report of the Chief of Engineers of the U. S. Army. 8°, Washington, 1868-f-. UNITED STATES LAKE SURVEY. Dl.AlK (11. \N' ). 'file Lake Survey. Science, I, lb83, 174. EouTELLE (C. 0.). Connection of the triangulation of the Coast Survey with that of the Lake Survey. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1884, 387-390. CoMSTOCK (C. B.). Annual report of the United States Lake Survey. U. S. Eng. Rep., 1871, 982-10'26 ; 1872, 1031-1108: 1873, 1169- 120:i; 1874, 403-470; 1875, 85'J-918; 1K77, 1105-1206; 1878. 13.55-1419; 1879,1891-1972; 1880,2305-2458; 1881,2781-2803; 1882, 2785-2820. Report upon the triangulation of the Lake Survey. Washington, 1882. Gore (J. H.). The United States Lake Survey. Railroadand Eng. Journ., I.XI, 1887,200-203; Zeits. f. Vermes., XVII, 1888, 385-305. Keksciihaum (G.). Die nord-amerikaniscbe Basismessung von Chicago. Zeits. f. Vermes., xiii, 1884, 533-547. R. (S. W.). U. S. survey of the north and northwest lakes. Journ. Frank. lu-t., I.xxxiv, 1867, 399-401. Raynoi,I)(5 ( W. F.). Annual report on thesurvey of the north- west lakes. U. S. Eng. Rep., 1SC7, 553-804 ; 1808, 925-1187; 1809, .'M9-048; 1870, 535-013. ScnoTI" (C. A.). Connection of Lake and (Joast Survey trian- gulatiuus. U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1884, 387-390. U. S. Naval Institution, Proc, for Proceedings U. S. Naval iMstiliilioii. (Wasliiiigton, Congress.) V. (le S. C. de). Recherches cnrioiiscs des inosures da nionde. UP, Paris, IfxiG, pp. 48. (Gore.) Vacossaint (Charles-Nicolas). Traitt^ de g(''odee Yvon - Villarceau (A.-J.-F.). Vincent (Alexaiidre-Joseph-Hidulphe). Sur la me- sure de la terre, attribuc^o a firatostUene. Acad. d. Sei. Paris, Comp. Rend., xxxvi, 1853, 317- 321. Kevd. in Geogr. Mittbeil. (Petermann), lb.57, 455. Vita (Gaetano de). Relazione sui ])roeedimento del ealciilo della base geodetica misurata presso la foce del tluvio Crati. Int. Geod. Coug , Gen.-Ber., 1872, 6-15. Vogler (Ch. August). Geuauigkeit einiger nahe zum Zerlegen mittlerer Beob.achtuugen Fehler in mehrere Glieder. Zeits. 1'. Vermes., VI, 1877, 396-412. Grundziige der Ausgleichuugsrechnung." Braunschweig, 1882,1883. Ueber Stationsbeobaehtungen in symmetrischer Anordnung. Zeits. f. Vermes., xiv, 1885, 49-59. Die Methode der kleinsteu Quadratsummen als Bildnerin bestgewiihlter Mittelgrosseu. Zeits. f. Vermes., xvi, 1887, 142-147. Voight CW.) and Woodwrard (R. S.). Results of some experiments made to determine the variations in length of certain bars at the temperature of melting ice. Am. Jouru. Sei., XXV, 1883, 448-459. Voiron. Histoire de I'astronomie, depuis 1781 jusqu'^ 1811, pour servir de suite a I'histoire de I'astronomie de Bailly, par M. "S'oirou. 4°, Paris, 1810, pp. ix, 383. (Washington, Ob- servatory.) Figure de la terre, ITl-lTS. Voit. Bericht liber die Thiitigkeit des goodiitischen Instituts, 1870. Title iu full under Baetek (J. J.). Vorlander (J. J.). Geographi.scho Bestimmungen im koniglich prenssisehen Eegierungsbezirke Minden vermittelst des trigonometrischen Netzes ziir Auf- nahiue des Grundsteuer-Katastors. 4^, Miuden, 18,53, pp. vi, 130, 1 chart. (British Museum.) Ueber die Genauigkeit der LUugeu-Messungeu mit der Mcssketto auf verschiedener Boden.arten. Zeits. f. M.ath. (Sehlomileh), I, 185G, 142-159. Ueber das geographischoVorwiirts-Einschueiden. Zeits. f. Math. (Sehlomileh), II, 18.57, 299-316. Ausgleichuug der Fehler polygonometrischer Messungeu. 8"^, Leipzig, 1858, pp. 55. (British Museum.) Bemerkungen liber das numerische Eliminiien bei geodiitischeu Opcrationen. Zeits. f. Math. (Sehlomileh), III, 1858, ll>-22. Znr praktischen Gooiuetrie. Zeits. f. Math. (SehlOrnileh), iii, 1858, 189-193. On tlie adjustment of a quadrilateral Laving measured sides and diagonals. Anlcitung zum Feldmessen, mit be.sondorer Rucksielit auf die Ainvendung des metrischen Maasses, nebst eiiiem Anliaug liber die Fliichen- bestimmuug mit Hiilfe des Amsler'schen Polarplani- meters. 8°, Berlin, 1871, pp. iv, 173. (Cambridge, Uni- versity.) UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 503 Vorlander (J. J.) — Continued. Uebcr die Genanigkeit dcr Liin^eumcssung uiit Kotte iind Latten. Zeits. f. Vermes., i, 187^, 154-162. AusgleichungderFehlerunmittelbargemessener Lungeu in einfacbeu Linieuveibindnugeu. Zeits. f. Vermes., II, 1S73, 145-171. Beiicht iibcr die Vergleicbuug eiues aiis gomes- seueu Ljiugeu luid Wilkeln bergestellteu Liuieunetzes mit einem Dreicckdnetze. Zeits. f. Vermes., iii, 1874, 65-83. Ueber die Feblevausgleichuug der Liuiennetze. Zeits. f. Vermes., ui, 1874, :i'.IO-401. Ueber das WiedertJuden verlorener trigonome- tri.scber I'uukte. Zeits. f. Vermes., iv, 1875, 81-«5. Zur Feblerausgleichuiig der Liuiennetze aus gemessenen Langen uud Winkeln. Zeits. f. Vermes., v, 187C, 155-174. Voae (Geo. L.). The United States Coast Survey. Van Nostrand's Mag., XIII, 1875, 1-13. Voss (A.). Ueber diejenigeu Flaehen, auf denen zwei Sebaaren geodiitiscber Linien ein conjngirtea System bilden. K. bayer. Ak. d. Wiss., math.-phys. CI., Sitz.-Ber., 1888, 95-102. W. (B.). The Ordnance Survey. I>ul)lin I'niversity Mag., II, 1838, 353-357. Waege ('W.). Die Mangel des preussiscbeu Vernies- snngswesen und Ansichteu iiber deren Abhilfe. 6"^, GiJrlitz, 1850, pp. vi, 63. (Berlin, Royal.) ■Wagner (Johaiin Christian August). Uebcr die neue astiononiiKcli-trigonometriscbo Laudes-Verraessung der bataviseben Republic vom Obersteu von Krayeu- hofl-. Mod. Corr. (Zacli), viil, 1803, 501-506. Ueber die .Mogenanute Pendel-Versuche des Prof. Knoeh iu Braunschweig. Ann. d. I'bys. (Gilbert), I.IX, 1818, 328-332. Wagner (Hermann). Die Dimensiouen des Erdsphii- roids nach Bcssel's Elementen, im metrischeu Maasse, mil besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Be- diirfuisse des Kartographeu. Georgr. Jabrb. (Belmi), 1870, i-lxi. Ueber die Massvergleicbnngcn fUr die europiii- schen Gradniessung. Fol., Gotba, 1868, pp. 20. (Berlin, Geodetic Insti- tute.) Lithographed from manuscript. Walbeck (Henric Johann). Dissertatio de forma et magnitiuline telluris ex dimensio arcnbus meridian! defiiiiendls.' 4°, Aboic, 1813. POOfiEXDOIlFF, n, 1243. [Vergleichnug der Seenndenpendel-BeobacbtMn- gen Rater's nnler sieb selbst nach der Metbode der kleinsten Quadrate.] Astron. Naclir., i, 1823, 253-256. ■Walch (Alb. Georg). De dimensionibns nonMiillis ter- ra' per anti(|UoH faetis. 4'^, Schlesingie, 174U, pp. 12. (Dresden, Koyal.) Walckenaer ( C. A. ): Dicuilus. De mensora orbis terras. Parisiis, 1807. Tillc in fall nndrr Dicuilus. Walker (John). The Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Calcutta Rev., IV, 1845, 6-395; xvi, 1851, 514-540 ; XXXVIII, 1863, 26-62; Asiatic Soc, Journ., xxxi, 1862, 32-48. ■Walker (James Thomas). Extracts from a report on the Great Trigonometrical Survey. Asiat. Soc, Journ., xxxil, 1863, 111-163. Report of the operations of the Great Trigono- metrical Survey of India during 1862-'63. Indian Eng. (Medley), i, 1864, 180-200 ; Asiat. Soc., Journ., XXXV, 1866, ii, 77-89. Letter to the president [of the Royal Society] on the Indian pendulum observations. Roy. Soc. London, Proc, xv, 1866-'67, 254-255. Preliminary notice of results of pendulum ex- periments made iu India. Roy. Soc. London, Proc, xv, 1867, 318-319. Peudulum and standard-bar operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey iu 1866-'67. Indian Eng. (Medley), V, 1868, 305-314. Account of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Vols. i-ix. Dehra Diiu, 1870-'83. [On the ludian peudulum observations.] Roy. Soc. London, Proc, xix, 1871, 97-104. Description of the method of coiuparing and the apparatus employed. India, Trig. Survey, i, 1870, i, 1-2. and Hennessey (J. B. N.). Cai)e Comorin base- line. India, Trig. Survey, i, 1870, x, 1-35. Great Indus .series. India, Trig. Survey, iii, 1873, pp. xxix, 211, 136, 6 plates. Synopses of the results of the Great Trigonomet- rical Survey of India. 4-', Dehra Diiu, 1874-'80 (13 vols.); 1883 (5 vols.). Jogi-Tila meridional scries. India, Trig. Survey, iv, 1876, xxvi, 65, 35, 2 plates. — On the observations of terrestrial reCiaclion at certain stations situated on the plainsof the Punjab. India, Trig. Survey, li, 1879, iii, 77-93. — Introductory account of the triangulatiou em- braced by the north-east (|iiadrilateral, with the de- tails of its simultaneous reiliielion. Inilia, Trig. Survey, Vli, 1882, 1-276. — ami Hennessey (J. B. N. ). The details of the ob.servations and tb(' liual results of tin' triangula- tiou of live of the coin|»oiient series iuelnded in the north-east quadrilateral. India, Trig. Survey, vii, 1882, i-xvi, 1-204, 1 plate. — On the theoretical errors generated respectively in side, aziuint, l.ititnde and longitude in a eliaiu of triangles. India, Trig. Survey, VII. 1682,87-106 (App.). The survey of luilia. Van Nostrand's Mag., xxxiv, 1887, 6.'>-7y. Abstrnitiif artdicnslioforegeogi'aiiliioalsi'ctiniiof Briti.Hii Aasocintiun for the Advancement of Science, AUoi- dveu, 1885. 504 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Wallace (William). Hituloo astronomy and mathe- matics, with au account of Lambtou's trigonometri- cal survey of India. N. d. Title t:ikon Jrom a sale catalogue. Geometrical theorems and formula' particularly applicahlc to some geodetical problems. Phil.Soc.Camb., Trans., vi, 1836, 107-140. Geometrical theorems and analytical formuhe, with their application to the solution of certain gcodetical problems. And an appendix, eoutaiuing a description of two copying instrumeuts. 8^, Edinburgh, ltf39, pp. xi, 155, 3 plates. (British Museum.) Revd. in Calcutta Review, iv, 1845, 62-95. Waller (Richard). The measure of the earth; being au account of several observations made for that pur- pose b.v divers members of the Royal Academy of Science at Paris. Translated by — . Fcl . London, 16^8, pp. 40, 5 plates. (Washington, Congress. ) With memoirs for a natural history of auimais. : Picard (J.). The measure of the earth. Revd. hy-. Acta Eruditorum, 1688, 578-586. Walling (H. F.). Co-operation between National and .State Governments in topographical surveys. Van Nostrau.l's Mag., xxxi, 1884, 331-342. Head before the American Society of Civil Engineers at the Buffalo meeting. Walterhoffer (Otto). Pop. Sci. Mouth. How the earth is weighed. XIX, 1881, 743-749. Wangenheim (von). Instruction fiir die Vermessung 8 Hcrzogfbiim Gotha beanftragten Geometer. 8°, Goiha, 1851, pp. 24. (Gore.) [Wanka von Leuzenheim (Josef).] Mittheilnngen di-s kaiserl. kiiuigl. militiirgeographisehi-n Inslitnts. Heratisgegelieu auf Betihl des k. k. Reichs-Kriegs- Minisleriunis, HI, 1883, mit 11 Bcilagen. 8°, Wien, 18,-3. |.p. 177. (Gore.) Wargentin (Pehr 'Wilhelm). Om jordens skapnad och Biorlek. K. Svenska Veten. Acad. Handl., x, 174!), 233- 245; XJ, 17;.0, 1-11, sl-'.M. Warren (John). Au account of experiments made at the observatory near Fort St. George, for determin- ing the length of the simple i>eudnlum beating sec- onds of time at that place; to which are added com- parisons of the said exiierimenis with others luade in different parts of the globe, and some remarks on the ellipticity of the earth, as deduced from these operations. Asiatic Researches, XI, 1810, 293-308. Wartmann: Dufoiir (W. H.). Sur les deviations ap- parentes dn plan d'oscillatiou du peudule. De con- cert avec — . Acad.d. Sci. Paris.Comp. Rend.,xxxill, 1851, 13-15. Wastler (J.): Hartner (J.). Handbnch dcr niederen Geodiisie. Vermehrt von — . Wien, 1885. Title iu full under Hakinek (J.). Watson (J. C). Methodof least squares, theory of com- bination of observations, and determination of the most probable system of elements from a series of observations. Theoretical Astronomy, Philadelphia, 1869, 360- 425. ■Watts CWilliam). A rigorous investigation of the length of the seconds pendulum iu the latitude of Plymouth, beiug 50^ 22' 28". Ann. Nat. Phil. (Thompson), viii, 1816, 284-288. Reiuarks on Captain Kater's paper, containing experiments for determining the length of the sec- onds pendulum in the latitude of Loudon. Ediub. Phil. Journ., I, 1819, 325-337. On the length of the pendulum. Ediub. Phil. Journ., in, 1820, 27^32. Ou the ellipticity of the earth. Edinb. Phil. Journ., in, 1820, 288-293. [■Waugh (Andretv Scott).] On the Great Trigonomet- rical Survey. Calcutta Rev., iv, 1842, 62-95. Report on the progress of the Great Trigonomet- rical Survey of India. Indian Eng. (Medley), ii, 1865, 285-300, 398-407; III, 1866, 94-108, 305-318, 402-413; IV, 1867, 303-316; 413-422. Webb. Trigonometrical survey of India. Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), Liii, 1819, 146. Weber ( W.). Ueber Constrnction des Bohuenberg'schen Reversionspendels ziir Bestiinmnug der Pendelliinge fiir eine bestimmte Schwiugungsdauer im Verhiilt- uiss zu eiuem gegebeuen Liiugenmass. Ann. il. Phys. (Poggeudorll), xxii, 439-449 ; K. Ges. d. Wiss. Leipzig, Ber., xxxv, 7-17. Revd. iu Jahrb. lib. d. Fortschr. d. Math., xvi, 1884,809, by Lp. [Lami'e]. Weidler (Johaun Friedrich). Bibliographia astrono- inica tcuiporis (iiio liliri vel compositi vel editi sunt ordine servato ad supplemendam et illustraudam as- trouoiuie historiam digesta accedunt historiie astro- numa; supplementa. 8"^, Wittenberga>, 1755, pp. iv, 126; supplement, pp. 44. ( Museum.) Contains numerous leforeucea to early works treating of geodetic operatii-ns. ■Weierstrass (Karl): Jacobi (C. G. J.). Gesammelte Werke. Edited by — . Berliu, 1882. Ueber die geodatischen Linien auf deni dreiach- sigen Ellipsoid. K. Ak. .1. Wiss., Monatsber., n, 1861, 986-997. Weingarten (Julius). Allgenieine Untersuchuiig Uber die geodiitischen Linieu und die verticalen Schnitte auf krummen Oberfliichen. Pp. 87-93 of B/VHYEU (J. J.). Das Messen aiif der sphiiroidischeu Erdobertliiche, Berlin, 1862. Ueber eine geodiitische Aufgabe. Astron. Nachr., LXXlll, 1868, 6.5-76. Regarding the reduction of the angles of a geodetic tri- angle to a piano triangle. Revd. in Jaljrb. Ub. d. Fortsclir. d. Math., ii, 1869-'70, p. 840, by BliUNS UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 505 ■Weingarten (Juliua)— Continued. Ucbir 6. Ueber die Ditlerentialglficlinng dnr Oberfliicbcn, wclcbe dnich ihre KriimuiMngsIinicn in unendlicli kleiue Quadrate getlieilt werdeu kunneu. K.Ak.d. Wis3.,Sit/..-Ber.,XLlll, 1883, 1163-ll(il!. — Ueber die Eigenschaften des Liuienelenieuts der Fliiclieu vou constantem Kriininiungsniaass. .Jouni. f. Math. (Crelle), xciv, 1883, 181-20'.>. WeiiLSteiii (B.). Handbucli der pby.sikalischen Maas- bestiiuniuugen, in zwei Biinden. Erster Hand : Die Beobachtungslebler, ilire rechnerische AuBgleieliung uud Untersuehung.* 8'^, Berlin, 1887, pp. 524. Eevii. in Zeits. f. Vermea., xvi, 1887, 603-604 ; xvui, 18S9, 27-29, by J. Weisbach (Julius). Anszug aus dem Bericlit der k. aiicUa. Couiniission der mitteleuropiitschen Gradmes- sung an das k. Biicbs. Finanzmiuisteriums vom 31 December 18G3. Int. Geod. Coug., Gon.-Ber., 1863,26-27. Die Bicgung eines in zwei Punkten unterstiitz- tenhoinugeneu )ii-isniatiscben Messstabes, .sowieduicb die.sellip. 35, 2 plates. (British Mu- seum. ) nil' Elite, 11-20. Weiss (Edmund). Ueber Gcschicbte der Gradmessung luit besonclerer Heziehuiig auf deu Zwcck der iiiittcl- europaiscbeu Gradniessung. Vereiu z. Verlireitung njvtiirwiss. Keniitnisse, Scbriften, IV, 1803-'04, pp.* 83-134. Wells (Henry P.). The United States Coast and Geo- detic Survey. Harper's Weekly, xxxii, 1888, 805-808. Weltniann iind Koll (A.). Formeln der niederen und bohei'eii Matluiiiatik, sowio der Tbeorie der Be- obachtuugsfebler und der Ansgleicbnng dersolbeu uach der Jlethodo der kleinsteu Quadrate. Zuui Gebraucb bei geodiitiscbeu Studinm und in der geo- diitiscbeu Praxis zu.saniinengestellt von — .* Bonn, 1886. Revd. in Zeits. f. Vermes., xv, S.^O; Vcieinssclirift des hannov. Laudmesser-Vercins, II, 1886, .54; Zeits. d. rlieiuisch-woatf. Landinesser-Vereins, 1886, 91. Wendt (Amandus Theodor August). Znr Tbeorie der geodiitischen Liiiie auf eiuer Fliicbe des zweiteii Grades. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doctorwurde von der pliilosopbischen Facnitiit der Friedricb-Wilhelui.s-Universitiit zu Berlin. 4°, Berlin, l-.sO, pp. 21. (Gore.) Lithographed from manuscript. Werneburg (Johann Friedrich Christian). Ueber die zei therlge Bestimiiiuug der Dauer eines Peudelscblags uud die Fallhiihe in einer Secunde.* Eisenach, 1817. POGGENUOItFF, II. 1299. Werner (Wilhelm). Ueber die Beziebung der bei der Statious-Aiisgleichung gewjiblteu Nullricbtuug. 4^^, Berlin, 1880, pp. 28. (Gore.) Publication d(;s konigl. preussischen geodatiscLen In. HtitutivH. l'ul)lislHMl with WESTl'HAl. (Ali-kbij). Winliel- uud Sciteuj;leicliun r den Eiiiflnss vnlkanischer Erscheinuugon anf geodiitische Optnationon. Civ.-Ing, XXVHI, 1882, 473-479. Ueber die Auziehiing von Masseupuukteu insbe- sondere niit Riicksicht auf die Lotstorung. Arch. d. Math. (Grnneit), i.XV, 1880, 113-Uill. Kcvd. in Jabib.iib.d. I'mtsilir.d. Math., xii, 1880, 852-853, l>y lJ[uu.Ns). Winterberg (Nicolaus). Oispiitatio de pracipuisglobi tcrrc.-itri.s atrc-iiiimiljiiM, cpue tam snh uiathenialici, <|nam physici conlrniiil.'itionem veuinut, niinlrnin de 6gina, positn, uiagnitiidine et qniete tcriii'. 8^, Luneburg., 1596, pp. [18]. (British Museum.) Wittatein (Theodor Ludwig). Rericht iibia- die han- noveriscliu (jraduicsNUiigs-Arljeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Bcr., 1864, 8-11. Bericht iiber die haiiiioverische Gradmessuug. Int. Geod. Cong., Geu.-Ber., 1865, 10. Bericht iilter die in Hannover ausgefiihrtcu Arbeiten. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Bcr., 18(i6, 29-30. Die niittlere Fehler, uiiddie iireussische Laudes- triangnlatlun. Astron. Nachr., i.xix, 1867, 289-298. Die Ansgleichung beobachteter Kichtuugeu und die kiiniglich prenssische Landestriangnlation. Astron. Nachr., lxix, ia67, 321-328. Wittsteiu (Theodor Ludwig)— Continued. B.richt iiliir die Thiitigkeitdcsgeodiittschen In- stil uts, 1869, 1870. Title in full under Bakyer (J. J.). Ueber die Ablenkung der Lothliiiio in grossen Hohen. Astron. Nachr., Lxxiv, 1869, 251-254. [Abplattung des Erdsphiiroids. ] Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1870, 40. Die Methode der kleinsteu Quadrate. [Appendix to Louis Navier. Lehrbuch der Dift'ereutial- und lutegralrechuuug, Haunover, 1875.] 8^ II, 309-394. (Gore.) Ein Zusatz zur Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. Astion. Nachr., cil, 1882, 339-342; Zeits. f. Math. (Schliiuiilch), XXVII, 1882, 31.5-317. Revd. in Jabrb. iib. d. Fortschr. d. Math., xiv, 1882, 157- 159, by Ls. ILazakus]. Woldringh (C.) inul Oudemans (J. A. C). Die Tri- angulation von Java. Haag, 1878. Title in full under OUUEMANS (J. A. C). Wolf (C. L E.).- Les dtalous de poids et mesuresde I'ob- servatoiro de Paris et les appareilsqui ontservi ^.les cou.struire, leur origine, lenr histoire et leur dtat actuel. Acad. d. ,Sci. Paris, Comp. Kend., xcil, 1881, 1202- 1204; xcill, 1881, 297-299. Histoire dcs ^talous dn metre. Acad. d.Sci. Paris, Comp. Keud., xciv, 1882, 1503- 1505. Reoherches historiquea sur les ^talons de poids et mesures de I'observatoire et les appareils qui ont servi k les construiro. Aun. d. Phys. Chim., XXV, 1882, 5-112; 2' <5d., Ann. Obs. de Paris, xvii, 1883, c, i-c, 78. Sur I'autheuticitiS do la toise du Perou. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Corap. Rend. , cil, 1886, 567-574. : Foerster (W.). Sur la toise dn P^rou. Lcttre il M. — . Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Coaip. Rend., cm, 1886, 122-124. Kdsultats dos deux comparaisons do la toise du l'l-;;,')6. Miscellaneous works of TuoMAsyoUKO, u, Loudon, 18J6, 93-D8, Young (Thomas)— Continued. A brief investigation of the jiroperties of tho geodetic curve. (Signed T. Y.) Quart. Journ. Sci., xxi, 1826, 136-137. Miscellaneous works of Thomas YouNn, n, London. 1855, 111-113. A simple rectification of the geodetic curve. (Signed T. Y.) Quart. Journ. Sci., xxi, 1826, l.'')3-155. Miscellaneous works of Thomas Young, n, London, 1855, 113-115. Considerations on the reduction of the length of the pendulum to the level of the sea. Quart. Jouru. Sci., xxi, I8'26, 107-168. Miscellaneous works of Thomas Young, it, London, 1855, 99-101. A table of coefficients subservient to geodetical calculations. (Signed T. Y.) Quart. Journ. Sci., xxi, 1826, 337-345. Estimate of the effect of the terms involving the square of the disturbing force on the figure of the earth. In a letter to 0. B. Airy, esq. Quart. Journ. Sci., xxi, 1S26, 340-347. The conclusion is stated that tho omission of tbis term can not cause an error of more than csT'oaD- Note on Professor Svauberg's reduction of the length of the pendulum. Quart. Journ. Sci., xxil, 1827, 365--367. Computation of longitudes ou a spheroid. Quart. Journ. Sci., il, 1828, 418-420. Yvon-Villarceau (A.-J.-F.). Comparai.sons dos d6ter- miuatious astronomiques faites par robservatoire iuiptSrial do Paris, avec les |iositious et azimuts g(5o- d(5siques publi<5s par le D6p6t do la guerre. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., XLli, 1866, 804- 808. De la limite des crreurs que Ton pent commettre en appliquaut la th<^orio des ligues g6odi5siques aux observ.ations des angles des triangles. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., xLii, 1866, 850- 852. Do I'eflet des attractions locales sur les longi- tudes et azimuts; applications d'uu nouveau thdo- r(~*nio i\ r<5ludo de la figure de la terre. Int. Geod. Cong., Gen.-Ber., I860, 8-11 ; Acad. il. Sci. Paris. Comp. Rend., LXII, 1860,741-745; Journ. do Math. (Liouvillo), XII, 1807, 6.->-86. Nouvollo diStermination de la vraio figure do la ttrro, ou do la surface do niveau, I'oxigoant par I'eiu- ploi dos uivellements proprement dits. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Comp. Rend., lxxiii, 1871, 808- 824. Itcvd. in .lahrli. iili. d. Fortscbr. d. Math., Ul, 1871, 549- .550, by I!(KiNBl. Nouveau mode d'apiilicatiou du troisii^me th^o- r(>mo sur les attractions locales an contrflle des r<1- seaux g<5od(=siques ot il la dtSterminatiou de la vralo figure de la terro. Journ. do Math. (Liouville), xviu, 1873, 393-430; Int. Good. Cong., Gen.-Ber., 1875, 133-141 ; Acad. (I. Sci. P.aris, Comp. Rend., i.xxvi, 1873, 851-8.59. Rovd. in Jabrb. iib. d. Forlscbr. d. Math., v, 1873, 696, by B|KUJisJ. 510 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUR^T.T. Yvon-Villaiceau (A.-J.-P.)— Coiitiuued. Dy Gerooxse (.1. 1).). Acad, du Card, Apcr<;u dps IraTnux. 181'J-'22, 150-155. : Gregory (O.). Dissertations and letters by — regarding the survey of England. London, 1815. Title iu full under Gbegorv (0.). Entwurf zu einer Liingen- und Breiten-Grad- luessnng in Ober-Italien. Zeits. 1'. AstroD. (Lindenan), ll, 1816,329-345. Ueber eine in niehreren Riicksichten merkwiir- dige Triangiilation im Grossherzogthuni Toscana. . Zeits. f. Astron. (Lindenau), v, 1818, 211-2.34. [Triangnlation in Italy.] Corr. Astron. (Zach), i, 1818, 17-28. [Sur la jouction gdoddsique de Strasbourg il Lyon.] Corr. Astron. (Zach), i, 1818, 205-223, 224-226. — [Observations g<'od<'8i(iue8 il Boulogne, Lyon, Florence et an golfe do la Spezzia.] Corr. Astron. (Zach), ii, 1819, 3-44. — [Notices sur les opdratious g<, pp. viii, 186. Zanotti (E.). Do angulo positionis ot ejng nsu in deter- ininauda telluris figura.* Com. Bonon., v, 1767. Zantedescbi (F.). Recerche fisico-mathematiclje snlla deviazinne del peudolo dalla sua tragettoria.* Padua, 1852. Zech (Julius). Zur Motliodo der kleinsten Quadrate. In : Einladuugzur akademisclien Feierdes Geburt.s- festes Seiner Majestiit des Konigs von Wilrtteniberg, 25. Sept. 18.57, 4", Tubingen, 1857, pp. 43. (British Museum.) The firat exhanstivo discnssion of the adjnstTnent of in- direct observations fluTiject to conditional equations. — Merkiman, 203. Zech (Paul Heinrich). Das wiirttembergische Liingen- niass uud die McHSstangen der wiirttembergischen Landesverniessung. Wiirttenibcrg. Jahreshefte, xxvii, 1871, 51-,58. Schreiben an die GradniesBungs-Commission, 1866, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1873. Title in full under Bauek (C. W.). , Bauer und Schoder. Bcriclit iiber die geodii- tischeu Arbeilcn in Wiiittcmberg, pro 1875. Int. Oeod. Cong., Gen. -Ber., 1875, 222-223. ITimmel niid Erde. Eino genieinfassliche Be- schreibnng des Weltalls.* ZeitB. f. Astron. (Lindenau), for Zeitsehrift fiir As- troTioiiiie und verwandte WisMeusebafti'u (Liudenau). «-', Tiibingen, 181(i-'18 (6 vols.). (Washington, Ob- servatory.) Zeits. f. Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinen-wresen, for Zcit- sclirift fiir das Kerg-, Hiitteu- uud Salinenweseu iu dem preu.ssischen Staato. 4°, Berlin, 1854+. (Wasliington, Patent Office.) Zeits. f. lustrumentenkunde, for Zeitschrift fur Instru- meuteukunde. 8"=, Berlin, 1881+. (Washington, Patent Office.) Zeits. f. Math. (Schlomilch), /or Zeitschrift fiir Mathe- niatik uud Fbysik (Schlouiilcb). 8 , Leipzig, 1856-|-. (Wa.shington, Observatory.) Zeits. f. Vermes. , /or Zeitschrift fiir Vermessungswesen. 8°, Stuttgart, 1872+. (Gore.) Zeller (Alaricua) : Maupertuis (P. L. M. de) Figura telluris determiuanda per observationes Maupertnis. Translated by — . Lipsiff, 1742. Title in full under MAI'PERTIIIS (P.-L.-M. DE). Zenger (K. W.). Das Stereomikrometer. 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Fol., Halle, 1744, pp. [iv], [viii], 102, 19 plates. (Berlin, Royal.) Zrzavy (F.). Einfache Formel zur Berechnung der Mcridiauionvergenz aus reclitwiukligon sphiirischen Coordiuaten mittelst eiuer Hilfstafel. K. bohm. Ges. Prag, Sitz.-Ber., 1877, 278-281. Ziige (Eduard Heinrich). Ueber die Anziohung ernes houuigeneu Ellipsoids. 8°, Halle, 1875, pp. 24, 1 plate. (Heid«lberg, Uni- versity.) u- FOR REFERENCE NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE ROOM car CAT. NO. 23 012 D 000 525 333 i