<950/ Erhardt Vocabulary of the Enguduk Iloigib THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES «. VOCABULARY OF THE GUDUK ILOIGOB, AS SPOKEN BY THE [ASAI- TRIBES m EAST - AFRICA, COMPILED BY THE R£V» J. ERHARDT, ;ary in the service of the church missionary society. liildivlssburs, in Wurtemberg. (-.0 111 mission by Ferdinand Riehm. 1857. w ■S;;iy-\ K.^ ;./H VOCABULARY Jf, ] OK THE ENGUDUK ILOIGOB, AS SPOKEN BY THE MASAI -TRIBES IN EAST - AFRICA, - • ' »■' \ \ COMPILED' BY THE REVD jr. CRHARnT^ JUSSIO-NAHY IN THE SERVICE OF THE CHUHCH MISSIONARY SOCIETt liiiilivigsblirS) in AYurtcmhcrg. lr» Co in mission by Ferdinand Rich lu. 1857. u^' n. PREFACE. Being pcrmiucd by the liberality of the Church Missionary Society to carry through the press a Manuscript, in which Mr. Erhardt my esteemed friend and colleague on the Mission station at Rabbai ]Mpia in East- Africa, has de- posited his researches relative to the language of the Masai tribes, I have to offer a few intro- ductory remarks. I. Mr. Erhardt compiled this Vocabidary during his stay on the Suaheli coast, where he had ample opportunities, to converse with Na- tives of various African tribes, more especially with the Suaheli traders constantly proceeding to the Interior of the Masai country. From them he obtained much valuable information. Among other matters he was informed of the existence of a great inland lake, named Ukerewe, being doubtless the same lake Avhich the Natives of Zanzibar (on my first arrival in 1 84-1) had 1* mentioned to me under the names ,,Tanganika'^ „NIassa"- and Siwa la ,,Uniamesi/' There is undoubtedly an extensive Lake in the Interior, but whether the Niassa commonly called Morawi on former maps, and the lake of Uniamesi are forming one connected volumen of water, is still a problem, which we would vainly attempt to solve on the ground of native reports. The solution of this problem cannot but be given and settled by a scientific European who per- sonally imdertakes a journey to those inland regions. We would fain hope, that the enter- prise of Mr. Burton, who under the auspices of the geographical Society at London has set out on a journey to East -Africa, will greatly contribute toward the final settling of this im- portant question. In like manner we may hope, that the scientific expedition, which the present liberal Rider of Egypt has equipped and sent up the Nile*) for the discovery of its sources, will bear upon this weighty subject. II. The nomadic and pastoral Masai tribes, whose language this Vocabulary presents, rove over a vast and plain tract of East- Africa. As *) As to the sources of the Nile, I still do adhere to what I have stated in my WaUuafi Vocabulary pag. 12S: ,,The real sources of the Kile appear to be traceable partlj^ to the water running from the snow-cai)])ed mount Kenia, and partly to the woody and marsliy land of the Waniau people 2 '/a or 3 " Lat. Soutli from the Equator." their bretiircn the wild Wakuafi, so the Masai are in the habit of making continual inroads into the territories of adjacent tribes, striking terror into all the Africans around who do not appertain to the Masai nation. In my Vocabu- lary of the EngutukEloikob, or of the Language of the|.Wakuafl Nation printed in 1854, I have given a descri23tion of the AVakuafi, which ge- nerally applies also to the iMasai, who have their origin, language and manners in common with the Wakuafi. The ]Masai call thcmselvcr ,,Orl- masai," pi. Ilmasai. - Regarding the term „Wa- kuafi^' compare the word ^^Oigob'^' in this Voca- bulary. Whether the word j^Masai'^' has reference to the Arabic ,,maza superbivit" or ,,Masaa con- citavit inter homines diseordiam," or ,,masion pugnax, gladio pcrcutiens vir/^ I venture not to decide. The peculiar manners and customs of the Masai being generally mentioned in this Vocabulary, a separate description of them can be dispensed with. III. The interest which East -Africa has la- tely excited in point of christian missions, of commerce, and of philological science, justifies the publication of any new work which may present another-however defective contribution — to the knowledge of East -Africa, throwing ad- ditional light on the nature, condition and lan- guages of her countless inland tribes. Indeed both Mr. Erhardt and myself cannot but be <• i I fully aware of the imperfection of our present knowledge of the kikuali and kimasai languages, yet wc feel sure^, that even this rudimcntal know- ledge will be hailed with joy by subsequent Missionaries, or by others whom duty may call to those wild countries. They will doubtless be grateful to the Church Missionary Society for having not suffered our Manuscripts to be laid up in its archires in an unprinted state. The time will come when this preparatory work will be turned to good account for the enlightening of East- Africa. IV. In carrying this Vocabulary through the press, I avail myself of the opportunity, to pay a lasting tribute of esteem and gratefulness to my former colleagues Messrs. Erhardt and Rcbmann. The latter continues toiling on the Rabbai station, exercising his faith and love among a crooked, and indifferent generatioj! of heathens, whilst Mr. Erhardt's services have been by the Committee transferred to India. But more especially I would on this occasion express my iieartfelt thanks toward the Committee, which for the period of 18 years has treated me with incessant kindness, regard and sympathy under all difficulties, up to the moment when the failure of health constrained me to solicit the dissolution of my relation to the society. May the Lord grant the Church Missionary Society increased means and suitable < — L lor carrying on vigorously their evangelical k in foreign parts ! May He especially enable 11^ to bring about the contemplated chain Missionary stations throughout the African tinent! In a sense and spirit far dill'erenL a that of the stern roman Senator (Catoj, » used to close up all his speeches in words: „hoc ego censeo, et Carthaginem ; delendam/' I Avould fain have this for my to, and make it ihe subject of prayer and :tion with myself as well as with others: c ego censeo, et Africam orientalem et occi- talem infra circulum aequinoctialem MIssionum jna esse conjungendam/' Lastly 1 may add that, as concerns the or- ^raphy of this Vocabulary, I have made use lie standard Alphabet of Dr. Lepsius*) which been adopted by most of the Missionary ;ieties, by the Church Missionary Society es- lally, which has strictly enjoined its Missiona- , to put that Alphabet into practise as much possible. In other respects I have left Mr. lardt's orthography perfectly unaltered, though lifFers somewhat from mine, as may be seen comparing this Vocabulary with mine on Wakuafi language. Each of us wrote an *) Standard Alphabet for reducing unwritten languages foreign graj)liic systems to a uniform orthograpliy in oi)o<'in Letters by Dr. R. Lepsius. London: Seeleys, ?l Street and Hannover Street. 1S55. unwritten language from hearing the sounds as pronounced by the natives. Whicli of" us has got the better over the other, subsequent writers may decide. Perhaps my esteemed colleague has greater claim to priority, than myself, notwith- standing my long previous acquaintance with the vulgar Arabic and several african languages with which I had been familiarized during my stay in Abessinia from anno 1837 — 1843. fn) yivoj^isda y.evodo^oi^ Gal. 5, 26. Kornthal in Wiirtemberg, 10. Dec. 1856. The Editor Ii« Hrapf, riiii. Dr., Late Missionary in East-Africa. PRONUNCIATION, Every letter has its natural sound, like in German or Italian. Besides the reader may observe, that according to the System of Dr. Lepsius. e stands for the German a, exg. Biir. s ,, ,, ,, English sh. n )> n M ,j "g. cV ,, ,> a peculiar sound, mIucIi is neither dsh, nor dy, but has a tendency towal'd dsh or j, and toward dy or y. FIRST PART: MASAI-ENGLISH. A. a. adv. ,,to." sign of the iniinitlve; a-sam to love. a-iSir, to weep, corresponding with the jjUu" and ,,o" of some of the south african idioms exg, in Kisuaheli ku peiida, in Kimakua a tunela to loyc. aba, orl. moon. 2. round, (as it were) moonshaped vegetation Fungus, pi, ii aban. abobok, eng. bark of trees, pi. ingabobogi. abori, adv. down, below, under, abori orld ada under the tree, aborloi , eng. splints splinters of wood, derived, from the verb a borl which vide, abuak, eng. lamentation, wall, derived from, a-buak. abudani, orl. father in law, pi. ilabudan. abudani, eng. mother in law. pi. ingabudan. abulai, orl. uncle, pi. ilabulai. my uncle, orlabulaiai. abura, orl, foam, frolh. derived from a-bur. v. n. aburon, orl, robber, pi. il aburok. from a-bur. v. a, ada, a. contracted into ada to have, prf, adoba to have had. ada, el. (collectively) oil. (el the collective article) adambo, eng. sky or heaven, pi. ing adambon. ado, a, contracted ado to be long in size, adoa, prep, in, adoa aji contract, adoaji in the house, adodolu, en. reddish ibis. pi. in adodol. The fern, article has thrown ofif the g. few nouns partake of this irregularity. - 14 - at;u, a. co>ih-act. agu, lo become, to tuiii out. pi I', ir- regularly, agiagu. to have become, have turned out. eagu subad it -will turn out, well, agidi, adv. slowly, softly, derived, from the adj. gidi. ai, pron. poss. fem. my. pi. ainai mcinc. exg. engeraiai my chid. pi. ingeraainai my children, ai, en. the same pronou. with the fem. article, the mine. pi. in ainai the mine, tic SSJliUUQtW. exg. enai eisu, enino edoa. the mine lives, the thine is dead, ai, eng. God & rain. — are identified by the Masai and Wakuafi, as the firmament, & the divine being is by other East-African nations under the appella- tion, mungu & mulungu. *) The immediate residence of this engai is supposed to be on the snow capped, often by clouds obscured mountain doenyo(e)ngai (mountain of God, or rain) It is situated, between the 33 & 34 <> E. long, and 3 & 4 ° S. lat. One of the stated prayers of the Masai runs thus: ,, engai namonieaiopo ingiiruman engujida." lit. God (or rain) I pray thee to have clothed the fields (with) grasi (aiopo is the infin, of the past tense) These words are sung i-hylhmically and pronounced under dan- cing and jumping, aiburugiisi, orl. kneepan. pi. ilaiburugus. aina, eng. hand. pi. ingaik. ainio, pron. what. eng. ainioejo what does he say? Prefixed by the adverb. ,,b" (for) bainio what for? = why? bainioisir why doest thou weep? alon, orl. a youth still uncircumclsed from 5 — i2 years of age pi. il aioh. *) Wal.a means ,,lieaven"' and ,,go(l" with llie Galla Edit. I ~ i5 - airidani, prl. shepherd, any peison tending animals. pi. ilaividan derived from the verb a-irid. airuguji, orl kidney, j)!. ii airugnj. aiu, en. lit. the bearing or bringing to life, pro geni- tress, mother, pi. in aiu. In form, tliis -word is the fern, participle of the present tense -svilh the ar- ticle. By this name a mother is made mention of after her death. Every person's name is changed after death, from the superstitious belief, that he "vvould make his appearance and trouble the survi- vors if called by the name he bore; to avoid all unpleasantness of that kind, the names aie changed, the departed not knowing -what their new appella- tions are, can rest in (juiciness. The greatest insult to a Masai is, to mention in his presence his de- parted friends by their former name; such a one he vill never let unrevenged. aji, eng. house, or rather hut, consisting of a frame ■work of -wood, covered Avith raw hides, pi. ing ajijik. this house-enaji, not as it regularly ought to be enagaji. aji, adv. where & where to. ajiirlo, contracted, ajirlo, Avhere doest thou go? ajiedi, contr. ajedi orl alem lal? where is my knife. aka, a. contr. aka to say. prf. adiaka to have said. akua, el. distance, far unknown distance, exg. crlo elakua-he has gone into the far = has disappeared. akwi, s. (without article) grand father, akwilai my grand father. ala, el. room, space. ala, orl, tooth, tusk. pi. il alan. exg. orl ala lorldome tooth or tusk of the Elephant. alase, orl. brother by birth, pi. il alasen alau, cng. small black ant. pi. ingalau. - 16 - ale, oil, hedge within which cows are kept over night, pi. il alen. alem. or I. large knife, & sword, pi. il alenia. ill em, eng. dim. small knife, pi. ingalema. ameu, orl. hunger. amlak, eng. spittle. anionioni, orl. heggar. pi. il amonok. amonioni, eng. female heggar. pi. ing amonok. de- rived, from the verh a-mon to heg. amu, conj. because; in consequence of. The last vowel (u) is always dropped when the following word begins with a vowel, exg. edoa amederemaki - not amu ederemaki he died in consequence of having been slabbed. an, a. (contr. an) to refuse. Imperat. 1** prs. dania. 2*^ endan 1" prs. plural, madan let us refuse, prf. adania. ani, a. r. p. to be refused, prf. ad aniaki. — ada- nia — • isiririmi gadare. he refused the beads twice, edaniaki siririmi lengniena. he was refused his beads. anaisai, eng. sister, pi. inganaisan. anamuke, en. sandal-shoe. pi. inamuka. anasa, eng. scttlment, a temporary dwelling place of a party of Masai, comprising some 8 or 10 families, pi. inganasan. andado, en. hole (of every description) pi. inandad. ang, eng. settlement, of but two or three families, pi. ingangidi. ang, pron. poss. fem. our. eng. ingajijik ang our houses, ingera-ang contract, ingerang our children. anga, en. cloth & dress, pi. inangan. cnanga narok black cloth. anirali, eng. cough. — 17 — anyamare. 9. (without article) engagement ; business, adan yamarl to have business, i. e. lo have to do-be engaged. apiali, eng. any mai-riageable woman, without husband- widow^ or spinster, pi. ingapiaU. apungni, en. — enapiingni ngorloil the setting of the sun. West, apungni seems to be related with the derived verb a-ibun, which vide. ar, a, contracted ar. to beat, strike & kill. Imperativ dara, endar; madar. prf. adara. ara, a. to make a noise; to quarrel; to fight, prf. adara ari v. p. lo be beaten, stricken, killed, prf. adaraki. From this root ,,ar" are derived: a-dar. dara fit idariio With this root are to be compared the roots, er or $c ur. arasi, orl. rib. pi. ilaras. arau, orl. broom, pi. ilaraun, ardam. card, number thirty, if with the article orl or eng-ardam ord. number the thirtieth. are, card, number, two. gadare twice. are, eng, water. ari, orl. year. pi. ilarin. airibani, orl. tailor, pi. ilairiban, derived from a-rib to sew. Poor Masai make it their business to go about the country sewing hides together for clothing and covers for huts. aria, em. Calabash. 2*^, in size. pi. imarlan. vide odi. arna, eng. name. pi. ingarnan. aro, orl. shame, adorlaro. v. lo have shame i. e. to be ashamed. asagadon, orl. sorcerer, pi. ilasagadok. asurai, orl. snake, pi. il asuran. ase, orl. calf, and any young heifer, pi. ilaso. asei, orl. louse, pi. ilase. — 18 - au, conj. or. au — au or — or, naiiu an nengnie, I or he. aulo. s. (without article) a large, clear space of ground outside of every settlement, where cows are milked, auner, en. a pole used as pestle for pounding beans, indian-corn etc. pi. inauneri. awa, eng. crisp pieces of fat out which the grease had been boiled, aya, eng. paunch, pi. ingayan. ba, adv. far. aji where & how — aji ba? how far? ban, e s. distance, remoteness exg. eban edi ganajl? lit the distance is like whereto? baba (without article), father, pi. baban. babid, or] hair, pi, ilbabidi. orl babid lingoniek. lit, hair of the eyes. i. e. eye brow, back, el. (collectively) Indian corn. Not planted by the Masai but bought from other tribes, else known and planted in East $C Central- Africa. bager (without article) fern. & masc, sister & brother in law. bai, em. arrow, pi. imba. bal, a,' to leave off; to let alone Imp. dabala; endabal, madabal. prf. adabala, exg. nabal engnie dennaisori ngisu, I let him alone if I am given cows. bali, a. vpass. to be let alone, prf. adabalaki. balis, em. (after birth) secundine, pi. imbalisi, barawui, em. pi. imharawiiio. So the Wakuafi are called by their brethren, the Masai. It will be observed that the fern, form is used expressive of the con- tempt which the Masai have for the Wakuafi. comp. orl oigob. i — 19 — bargiji, em. mitlday, noon & var. da, en. food of every description. dabana, en. small hide of goats & sheep, pi. indahaii. dabaS, adj. broad. dada, adv. now. presently. dadegenia early morn — morning. dadua, a. to have seen, infinitive of the past tense of the verb a dol. dagurla, en. cheek, pi. indaguil. dakuenia. form of greeting used by women, lit. laugh. — the answer to which is: igo. vid. a kuen. dam, en. (lit the taking up; the eating) receptacle, has-- ket, bag, pi. indami. dama, a. infinitive of the past tense from the verb anyia, to eat up or swallow, edam engima the fire has eaten — i. e. burned it. damu, a. to return what had been eaten — to chew the cud — figuratively to recollect. Imp. dadamu — endadamu. prf. adadamua. To dama & damu comp. rib & ribu; gen & genu, damonon, en. woman in childbed, pi. indamonok. dana, a. to be near; to be close at hand. prf. adadana. danai, en. root, pi. indana. dangnadana, en. name of a woman after she has given birth to a child, pi. indangnadan. dangule, en. lower part of the arm, from the elbow to the wrist, pi. indangulen. dap, orl. shoulder-blade, pi. il dabi. dap, en. flat part, of hands & feet. pi. indabi. dar, a. to make a noise, to beat — drum — thunder. Imp.dadara; endadar; madadar.prf. adadara. derived from. ar. — 24 - dari, a. vpass. prf. adadaraki. dara, time about night fall, uou dara. come in the evening lit the lime of noise oi" the cows, sheep, asses etc. when the males are called together to roll trunks of trees before the entrances of the hedges within which cows are kept over night, daraseras. orl grinder, grinding tooth, pi. il daraseras. daridjeki, en. (collectively) birds, pi. indaridjek. dasini, en. medecine, ajnulet & sorcery, pi. indasimi. dau, orl. heart & spirit, pi. ildaiin. dau, a. to descend, to come down, to give birth (Ofie* bcrfomiuen) Imp. dadaiia; endadau. prf. adadauo. dauni, a. vpass. to be brought down. prf. adadauoki. dauo, en. (lit Die 'l)tiebei'iJCfDmmene) pi. indauon. name of a cow & cows after they have throAvn one calf, dada, orl. tree of moderate size. pi. ilgek. not to be confounded with the collective elgek. dada, en. small tree, pole. pi. ingek. dede, e. s. truth & adv. truly, dede, a. to break out the kernels of indian-corn. Imp. dededia. pif. adededia. deiba, s. & adv. coming, deisere, adv. to morrow, de, prep. vid. d, den, conj. if. den edgde narlo deisere. If it is true I go to morrow, dene, adv. there. derege, orl. testicle pi. ilderegen. derie, a. v. n. to be broken, vid. ria. deroni, en. house-rat, pi. indero. deya, a. to swell, prf. adedeya. di, a. to be. prf. adiduo to have been, idiaji? art thou at home? nadiaji. I am at home, edorldungnani siibad, he is a good man. - 25 - dia, oil. pi. ildiuin. ni. > , dia, en. pi. iiidiuin. ieiu. ' The dug is a much favoured animal nitli the iMas^ji each child is associated -svilh one; they remove all the ofTensive and keep so the child comparalively clean. When the dog of a child dies, the head of the little Masai is shaved in alternate stripes, which is called the buiial costume of a dog. dido, en. giil. pi. indoye. So called until they are circumcised and given into marriage, which seems to take place about ihe 20 \'' year. didu, orl. needle, pi. ildidun. manufactured by Masai smiths but those brought by Suaheli traders ore liked better. dilokue, en. stock, stump of a tree. pi. indllokuen. dim, orl very large tree; trunk of a large tree. pi. ildimi. dim, en. pi. indimi. (collective) forest, woods. diol, en. gun, musket. doa, a. to have died, infinitive of the past, from a e to die. dodu, a. to lift off the fii-e — take away. v. n. to dis- appear, vanish. Imp. dadodu; endadodu. prf. ada- doduo. dodiini, a. vpass. prf. adadoduoki. dodudai, orl. ulcer, pi. ildoduda. doenyo. orl. mountain — large mount, pi. ildoenyon. dogidok, a vn. to boil engar edogidok. the water boils. dol, a. to sec. prf. adadua. doli, a. vpass. to be seen. prf. adaduaki, dorlu, en. hatchet, pi. iiidorlun. derived from. or. doki, en. thing, pi. indokitin. insokengnie endoki gidi. give him a little thing; a trifle. donie, orl. elephant, pi. ildomcn. — 26 — domon, ten. ildungnana donion, ten men. orldomon dungnani the tenth man. don, a. to sit, to stay & live at a place. Imp. dodona; endodon madodon. prf. adodona, madodon, madam lomon — lit. let us sit down, let us eat stories or news, i, e. relate stories or hear news, donoda, en. lit. to live or stay together, pi. iudono- dan. i. e. family, company, dorlu, en. hatchet, pi. indorlun. dorok adj. very bad, broken, spoiled dorono, adj. bad dorop. adj. cut off, short doye, a. v. n. to fall. prf. adadoye. doyo, a. to be dry, withered, orldada odoyo a withered tree, doni orl. skin, hide of larger animals, pi. ildonido. doni, en. (dim.) small hide pi. indonido. doruet, orl. friend, pi. ildorueda. doruet, en. female fiiend pi. indorueda. doso, en. wax of bees, dua, en. frog. pi. induan. dua, a. to be bitter, sour & hot. prf. adadua. dubake, a. to follow, to go after. Imp. dudubake. prf. adudubaka. dude, en. gut. pi. induden. (From the root, ud.) diidua, en. basket, lit the plaited, pi. induduan (from ud.) dudunio, en. heel. pi. indudiinion. (from ud.) diika, en. bambus. pi. indi'ikan. dulele, en. love apple, pi. indulelen. It is growing wild, diilet, orl, Calabass. pi. ilduleda. comp. odi. diimu, a. to remove, take away. Imp. diidumu ; endu- dumu. prf. adudumua. - 27 — dumuni, a. vpass. prf. aduduniuulu. dun, a. to cut, down, cut, otV. Imp. diulunga; ciiduduh. prf. aduduiiira. dungi, a. vpass. [>il. adiuluiigalu. dungTiaiii, oil. homo. man. pi. ildungnana? duiigiiana, cl. humanity, duo, adv. to day. dur, a. to dig, to root up. & to plant. Imp. diiduro; endiidur. pi f. aduduro. (Derived from ur.) diiri, a vpass. prf. adudurooki. duru, a. (enlarged from dur, to dig up. Imp. duduru: endudiiiu. pif. adudunio. duruni, a vpass. prf. aduduruoUi. durodo, orl. well & digged water ])it. pi. ildurodoii. Other dirivations from dur are: idurj idura; idine; idurul;. durbuha, en. pi. indurbuban a snake when full grown of the thickness of an arm and about, 5' long, is venomous & fond of lying in sandy paths in lUsua- Leli called bafe. duret, en. a covering of leaves against rain; umbrella. pi. indureda. durodo, orl. vid under dur. K. e, a. to die. prf. adoa. babalai edoa my father has died. babalai odoa my father is dead. e & e, the article of the fern, gender pi. i. C.hiefly in coimection with nouns beginning with the letters s & r. e ^ e he ^ she abridged pronoun personal 8f for the plural they are invariably connected with the Verb, ca, eng. sickness, disease, engea naibor. lit. the white — 28 - sickness — i. e. small pox. (derived probably from a e to die.) ehl inter), heh! ha! Oh! eibangi. orl. hill. pi. ileibangin. eibardani, orl & eng. bride groom & bride. So the party is called on the day on which the marriage festivilies are kept. The agreement is made by the male with the relations of the female, as to the number of cows given for the female. Before they come together the female is circumcised, points herself with red & white and awaits her paitner under her parent's roof. A few cows are killed, the breast & the right hind leg are sent to the chief & the respective families celebrate the event in eating & drinking, from this time the female is considered the sole pj'operty of him who bought her. The Masai marries generally two women. eiboni, orl. king. pi. ileibonok. The patriarchal govern- ment mostly prevails among the Masai. Still diffe- rent parties select & aknowledge one common leader. To him it belongs, to make sorcery for procuring rain, against enemies & for successful expeditions of their own. If expeditions against other tribes are lost three times successively by a new installed king, he is pronounced unlit for his task, killed & another chosen in his stead. eigurlu, orl. breast bone, sternum, pi. ileigi'irlun. ejare, el. lie. adelejare to be with a lie i. e. to lie. el, the collective article, without plural, of the fem. gender. Always in connection with abstract & col- lective nouns. tl, a. to anoint, to salve. Imp. igii; inpl; nia$l. prf. a olie. eli, a. vpass. prf. aelieki. ' - 29 — ele, pron. cleinon. masc. this. pi. these, gulo. ^ledung- iiaui, this man; guUulungnana these men. gkle, pron. demon, masc. that. pi. guldo, those, elesadi, eng. potsherd, fragment of earthenware, jtl. ingelisad. erne, negation no & not, abridged 'me. emied, five & fifth. emoran, orl. shrub of a mintlike odour, pi. ilemoran. used as perfume, em, the article of the fem. gender, pi. im. before nouns begining -with b. en, the article of the fem. gender, pi. in. before nouns begining with d. en, a to bind. Imp. dena; cnden; maden. prf. adena. eni, a. vpass. prf. adenaki. From which ene. s. ena, pron. demon, fem. this. pi. giina these, enda, pron. dem. fem. that. pi. gunda those, gundagera those, children, ende, adv. there, far off. enduruj (d) nine, sal is also used for this number, ene, adv. here, cdiene he or she is here, ene, eng. strap of leather, pi. ingen. (From a en.) eng. the article of the fem. gender, pi. ing. chiefly before nouns beginning with a vowel, eo. }es. (female reply.) gr, r. vn. to break, er er it breaks it breaks! root of ria & rek. eroe, eng. Shortness of breath, asthma, esied. eight, enesiedgorlou the S*'' day. ingorlon esicd 8 days. G. g. preposition, for. gainio what for = in exchange of what. — 30 - ga. pron. what, A\liat kind, gananga ena -what sort of cloth? garldungnani oiin guduk ajl -what man passes the door, gad. times, repetition of any act. gadare, twice, gadiine three times, gada, en. s. time enagada, ihis time, edengada boilo it is time (for) to go. gadambo. s. vid. adanibo. gage. conj. but. gage mad(e) embai but I have no arrow, gai, en. vid, ai. g i. adj. other, another, orl gai dungnani another man. orl dungnani orl gai the other man. engai orlon another day. engorlon engai the other day. gaina, en. rid. aina. galau, en. vid. alau. galem, en. vid. alem. gamlak, en. vid. amlak. aamomoni, en. vid, amomoni. ganaisai, en. vid. anaisai. ganasa, en. vid. anasa. gang, en. vid. ang. gapiak, en. vid. apiak. gar, a to be of a strong bright colour, Sf roaring sound, garia, orl. red ochre, usually mixed with ghee for anointing dress 8f body, gare, en. (vid. are.) lit the roaring, (water) garna, en. vid. arna. garsis, orl. title of respect. Lord, mastei'. garsis, en. mistress, lady, gasegase, adv. indifferently, so — so. gawa, en. vid. awa. gaya, en, vid. aya. - 31 — ge, arlv. (enclitical) but, only, eduluayc nengniege, he esca])ecl he alone or he only, gca, en. vid. ea. geber, adv. on, upon, & up. gcber aji upon the house, gebu, a. to clioose, to select, pif, adegObuo. gcbiini, a vpass. to be cliosen, selecicd. prf, adege- buoUi. glj. (ged') a. vn. to flow, to run. prf. adegeja. geju, orl. lit, the flowing, river, pi. ilgelek. geju, en. foot. pi. ingejek (feet of man,'& beast.) gek, el. (collcctiv) wood, fuel, gen, a. to shut, to bind fast. Jmp. dagena; endagen. prf. adagena. geni. a. vpass. to be shut & be bound, j^rf. adagenalu. genu, a, v. to unloose, to open. prf. adagenua. genuni, a. vpass. to be unloosed — opened, prf. age- nuald. gelesadi, en, vid. elesadi. ger, a. root of. eer, orl. pi. ili^era. niasc. i , ^~ . . } sheep. ger, en. pi. ingcra fcm. J gerai, en. pi. ingera = ncug 6 & ?). child. geredi, orl. offering for rain others being not made, A sheep is slaughtered in the midst of a setllenient & eaten by all persons present. Its skin is split, into so many slips that each inhabitant male and female, small & great, may get one for wearing on the middle finger. This slip is iike the offering itself called orl geredi, pi. ilgered & is worn till it rains. geri, adj. partly, coloured, enanga geri cloth of various colors. geiok, en. vid. erok. — 32 — gewan, s. self, nanu gewan I myself; io gewan we ourselves, gewarie, s. night, enagewarie this nigh I. giboroi, en. vid. iboroi. gidau, orl. dried Casada Si Banana, pi. ilgidaun. gldeyo, en. vid. ideyo. giden, orl. ox pi. ilmongi. gideri, en. cow. ingigu. gidi, adj. little, small, gidigidi, en. armpit, pi. ingidigld. (From igidigid to ticl^le.) gido, adj. great, large in size. gidongai, en. tail. pi. ingidongo. (Derived probably from a verb idong which enlarged from dong or dung Avilh the meaning, to be seperate, loose. If so the word would be idongai & not gidongai as the g would be part of the aiticle. giegu, orl. pi. ilgiegu circumcised youth, gigu, orl. thorn (?) j)l. ilgiguan. gijape, en. vid. ijape. gij, (gitl) a* vn. to sjilit, to rend (comp. gej) Imp. di- gija; endigij madigij ; prf. adigija. Neutral is the 3** person sing. & plural edigije exg. enanga-ai edigije my cloth is rent edigija enanga-ai he rent, my cloth, giji, a. vpass. prf. adigijaUi. giji. en. that which splits or divides the body into two halves i. e. spine, backbone, pi. ingijin. gijo, oi'l. tear. pi. ilgijon. orl gijo orl dada sap of a tree, gik, en. excrement, gikua, oil. sugar-cane. pi. ilgikuan. gila, orl adress made of skins, pi, ilgilan, gilan, en. vid, ilaii. - 33 - ^ilil, oil lia\\k. pi, iljrilili. gima, en. vid. ima. gimek, en. vid. iniek. giniojino, orl. finger pi. ilgiinojik. gimojino, en. toe. j)!. ingiiuojik. gingobi, en. vid. ingobi. gin, a. to peel, discover, disclose. Imp. diginia; endigiu. prf. adiginia. gini, a. vpass. prf. adiginialu. gina, orl. pi. ilgi female breast the full extended, gina, en. pi. ingi female breast the small relaxed, gine, orl. pi. ilgineji. he goat, gine, en. pi. indare, she goat, gingnian, orl crocodile pi. ilgingniaii. gingui, en. littleness, trifle, gio. en. vid. io. giok, en, vid. iok. gir, a. vn. to be silent, prf. adigire. From which ogirai gira, a. va. to silence. Imp. digira; madi- gira exg, madigir engnie let us silence him. pif adigira. girari, a. vpass. to be silenced, prf. adigiraki. giringo, en. (lit. the Silent one) animal meat, & llesh pi, ingiri. giringed, orl. (lit the silencing) pitfall, pi. ilgiringedi. gira, en, vid. ira. gisar moyok, en. vid. isarmoyok. gisisi, en. vid. isisi. gisoiai, orl. sweet potato, pi. ilgisoia, gisomi, in. Cows passage, door for cows, composed of ingiSu cows $C mi which from a-im to pass. gisu, in. pi. Cows used collectively, giyuo, en. vid. iyuo. gnadun, oi'l. pi. ilgnadun lion. - 34 — gnadun, en. pi, ingn.'ulun. lioness. gnania s. (fulano. somebody) N. N. a person whose name is not mentioned. In the same sense the word is used in other East-African languages, gnejep, orl. tongue, pi. ilgnejeba. gnejuk, adj. new. gnen, adj. clever, wise^, prudent, orl dungnani gnen a wise man. gnole, adv. yesterday. gnorion, en. pi. ingnoriok. woman ; female, go, orl. pi. ilgon chest, fig. Asthma exg. ad orlgo lit, to have a chest, i. e. to suffer in the chest. g(o) prep. for. gosiririm uaja — for how many beads gingisu namuaja for how many cows, gob, en. vid. ob. gobiro, en. vid. obiro. gode, adv. where, gode orlalem lai, where (is) my tnife. gogo, s. (without article) old person; grey with age elegogo — this old man. enagoyo this old woman, goidoi, en. vid. oidoi. goigob, en. vid. oigob. gol, a. to be healthy strong, yigorous. prf. adagolo (o)gol adj. masc, (na)gol adj. fem. strong. gorloil, a. to be overbearing, wild, fanatic, gorlon, en. pi. ingorlongi, i) sun. 2) day. engorloil — nabo, one sun,= one day, as in kinika ,,Zua menga," one sun = day. enagorloii, this day; naborloft, once, gomos, en. vid. omos. goii, en. eye. pi. ingoniek. gor, a. vn. to groan, snoar, grumble, v. a. to make groan i. e. to strangle. Imp. dagoro ; endagor; madagor, prf. adagoro — 35 — goii, a. vpass. to be strangled prf. adagoroki. gore, e. s. grumbling, wrath, v. adagore to be — •*"g»y — to be wrath, goroi , orl. (lit. the siiurler, grumbler) ape, monkey. pi. ilgoi'oin. gord, a. to turn, to twist, gordil, a. vn. to be ci'ooked, wrenched. Derivations iVom. gor. igor & igorigor. gos, orl. head of the windpipe, pi. ilgoso. gosoke, en. vid. osoke. guali, en. vid. uaii. gubes, en. vid. ubes. gudi, adj. small in number, few. guduk, en. vid. uduk. gudukaji. s. house-door. (lit. mouth of the house) F'roni eng-uduk mouth & eng-aji house, gugusieki, en. fowl. hen. pi. ingugusiek. known to the Masai only by name, gujida, orl high, strong grass, pi. ilgujid. gujida, en. pi. ingujid, tender grass, as eaten by cows etc. giildo. pron. dem. masc. pi. those, giilet, orl. bladder, pi. ilguledi. gulo, pron. dem. masc. pi. these, giima, orl, chib. pi. ilguman. gume, orl. nose, large high — pi. ilgiimen. gume, en. nose, small, flat — pi. ingumen. (diminutive form.) gumbau, orl. tobacco, pi. ilgumbaun used for smoking & snuff, gumo, adj. much & many; engima gumo much fire; il- dungnana gumo, many people, gumodo, en. vid. umodo. gumomoni, orl blacksmith, pi, ilgumomono. gvina, pron. dem. fern. pi. these, giinda, pron. dem. fem. pi. those. 3 + •v'SS*' — 36 — gunei, en. vid. unei. gur, a. to turn, twist, distort, fig. to twist a persons character, to calumniate. Imp. dagura; endagur. prf. adagura. guri, a. vpass. to be twisted, distorted, prf. adaguraki. guraki, a. to stretch, extend, span. Imp. duguraki, enduguraki. prf. adugurakie. gurakini, a. vpass. to be stretched out. prf. aduguragaki. gurd, a. to stir in a circular way, to mix. Trap, dugiirdo; endugiird. prf. adugurdo. gurd, a. to stir up exg. fire. Imp. dugurda, prf. adu- gurda. gurdi, a. vpass. to be stirred, prf. adugurdoki & adu- gurdaki. giirdo, orl (lit. the turner, roller.) large maggot, pi. ilgurd. guret, adj. (lit. feeling twisted or narrow at heart) timid; orldungnani giiret a coward, guru, en. small maggot & all insects without external feet. pi. ingur. gurl, a. vn. to coagulate, to curdle, gurle, s. (without article) milk, enagurle this milk, giirlak, orl, snot, glanders., giirlak, en. urin. gurlukua, en. sand^ dust $C earth, guru, a. to be confounded, confused, put to shame. pi'f. adugiirua. gurugur, a. to thunder, but only the indistinct far away rolling thunder, guruk, orl. Antelop. (the spring bock.) pi. ilguriiki. gumma, a. to stooji, to bend oneself, prf. adugiiruma^ giiruma, en. field, plantations, pi. inguruman. gurum, orl. bottom, foot stand; posteriors, pi. ilgurumi. giirum, adv. behind, gurum aji behind the house. - 37 - guruni iai & ai lit. my behind i. e, l)eliiiul me. gurare, en. vid. uiarc & ur. gui'in, en. vid. urin. gurnon, en. vid. urnon. 1. i, a. to sharpen, to whet. Imp. io; eio; maio. prf. aio. exg. maio ilalema, deisere enjore. let us sliarpen the swords, to morrow (is) war. ii, a. vpass. to be sharpened, prf. aioki. io, eng. whet-stone pi. ing-ion. iaki, a. to send (aliquem aliquid) Imp. iaUi; eaki; prf. aiaka. iakini, a. vpass. to be seat. prf. aiagaki. iam, a. & aiamiSo, to marry. Imp. iama; eam; maam. prf. aiama & aiamise. iami, a. vpass. to be married, prf. aiamaki. iau, a. to bring. Imp. iau. 2'' prs. plural irregularly eai'itu bring-you. prf. aiaua. iauni, a. vpass. to be brought, prf. aiauaki. iba, answer to the greeting subai. used by males only, ibaru, a. to inquire for. Imp. imbaru, embaru; mabaru. prf. aibarua. ibariini, a. vpass. to be inquired, prf. aibaruaki. ibaya, a. to send (used of persons) Imp. imbai; embai. prf. aibayo. ibciri, a. vpass. prf. aibayoki. ibeligen, a. to invert, to turn upside down. Imp. ini- beligenia ; emboligen. prf. aibeligenia. ibeligeni, a. vpass. prf. aibgligeniaki. ibiri, a. to Hy prf. aibirio. (From bir) ibad, a. to name, call by name. Imp. imbodo. prf. ai- bodo. ibodi, a. (pass.) prf. aibodoki. — 38 - ibor, a to be on the surface, to appear. 2) to be while. to glitter, prl". aiboro. ibora. a. vn. to whiten; to clean, prf. aiboraye. iboroi, eng. scar & any mark on the skin pi. ingiboron. ibek, a. to inflate, to expand by blowing, prf. aibega. ibegi, a. vpass. 2)rf. aibegaki. ibud, a. to fill up. make full. Imp. imbiida. prf, aibiida. ibiidi, a. vpass. prf. aibudaki. ibugo, a. to pour out, to throw away. Imp. imbugoi ; embugoi; prf. aibugoye. ibugori, a. vpass. prf. aibugoyoki. ibuu, a. V. n. to go out; to leave its place or position. prf. aibiingo. ibun, a. V. a. to make a thing or person leave its place, to pull out, — away — to take away Imp. im- bunga. prf. aibiinga. ibiingi, a. vpass. prf. aibungaki. idad, a. v. to throw down. prf. aidadoyu. idal, a. to warm up, warm again, prf. aidala. idali, a. A'pass. prf. aidalaki. idaruo, a. to spoil, destroy, prf. aidaruoye. idaruori, a. vpass. prf. aidaruoyoki. idaso, a. to stand upiight, straight. Imp. idaso; endaso. prf. eidase. idayu, a. to give up, to deliver Imp. indayu. 2'' prs, pi. endailu give ye up. prf. aidayi'xo. idedided, a, to dream, prf. aidcdideda. ideu, o. to dare, to venture, prf. aideuo. ideyo, eng. pi, ingideyon. a species of antelopes, idib, a. to finish, to bring to a close. Imp. indiba; endiba. prf. aidiha. eidibe (v. n.) it is finished, idibidib, a. to rain, to drizzle, prf. aidibidiba. (dim, a. to be able; — fit for. prf. aidima. - 39 - idobir, a & aidobiriso. lo do, to perform any thing. prf. aidobiia & aidobirise. Derived from the past tense, of a-bir. idobiri, a. vpass. jirf, aidobii'alu. idodol, a. to maUe see; — to show. prf. aidodolie comp. a-dol. idodoli, a. vpass. prf. aidodoiyoki. idongai, eng. tail. pi. ingidongo. comp. a-dun. idore, a (to keep clear, save) i. e. to rule, reign, prf, aidoria from a dor & or comp. (a)idur. idorio, a. to straighten, to make level, pif. aidoroye. idorori, a. vpass. prf. .lidoroyoki. idugu, a. to bathe Imp. induguo; endiiguo. prf. aiduguo. iduguni, a. vpass. prf. alduguoki. comp. a-ogu. idun, a. to pound, pulverize. Imp. indungo; endiingo, prf. aidiingo. idungi, a. vpass. prf. aidungohi. idur, a. to make clear-or empty a place by leaving it, i. e. to emigrate, prf. aidure. idur, a. va. to drive out of the country, to banish. Imp. indura, endura, madiira. prf. aidiira. From ur. iduri, a. vpass. to be banished, prf. aiduraki. idura, a. to throAV away from-or out of — Imp. indu- rai — endurai, prf. aiduraye. idurai, a vpass. prf. aidurayoki. idiire, a. to frighten away — or out of — Imp. indii- ria; enduria. prf. aidiiria. idurei, a. vpass. to be frightened, prf. aiduraiaki. idiiruk, a. to go in advance of; to precede; to go at a very quick pace. prf. aidurugo. idiisur, a. to mix, to mingle. Imp. indusarla; induSurla. prf. aidusurla. idusiiri, a. vpass. prf. aiduSurlaki. ie, pron. perso 2'' prs. sing, thou & ihec. — 40 - icr, a. & aierieSo. to cook, boil. Imp. deieia; endeiera. prl. adeiera & aierise. (has a regular & irregular foimatiou) it-ri, a. vpass. prl. adeieriiki. ige, eng. tooth brush, pi. ingigen. igen, a. to bind together. Imp. ingeno; eiigeno. prl. aigeno. igeni, a. vpass. prf. aigenoki. Comp. a-gen. igenu, a. v. to dawn. prf. aigenua. igen, a. lo count to number, imp. ingena; cngena. 2)rf. aigena. igeni, a. vpass. lo be counted prf. aigenaki. igidigid, a to tickle prf. aigidigido. from, engidigid, igidigidi, a. vpass. prf. aigidigidoki. igo! answer to the greeting ,,dakuenia" used only by women, ingneri, a. to breathe prf. aignenga. igor, a. to make a hollow noise, to knock. Imp. ingoro; engoro. prf. aigoro. comp. gor. igorigor, a. vn. to rub. to scratch. Imp. igorigor; ego- rigor, prf. aigorigors. igorigori, a. ypass. prf. aigorigoroki, vid. gur. iguran, a. to sing a person's shame, or folly, as done to those who run away before a fight, or get woun- ded in the back. prf. aigurana. igurani, a. vpass. prf. aiguranaki. (fiom gur.) igurduda, a to turn over, to roll. Imp. ingurdudai. prf. aigurdudaye (vid. gurd.) igurdudari, a. vpass. prf. aigurdudayoki. ij, a. to warm oneself. Imp. doijo. endooij. madoij. prf. adoijo. ijape, eng. wind; breeze & cold. pi. ingijapen. ijo, a. to absorb, to swallow. Imp. doijoi; endoijo; prf. adoijoi. ijok, a. to hiccough, prf. aijogo. — 41 — ik, a. V. a. & n. to hang. hnp. diga; endiga. pif. atliga edige. it hangs, ikuen, eng. assembly, lil. ihu noisome, (from a kueii to laugh.) ilan, eng. perspiration, lie, six. card & ord. number, ilebaki, a. to ascend; go up hill & to climb. Imp. il- ebaki; elobaki. pri". ailtjbaka. ilobakini, a. vpass. pri'. ailebagaki. iluk, a. to box; to beat with the list. Imp. iliign; eliigu. prf. ailugu. ilugi, a. vpass. prf. ailuguoki. im, a. to pass. v. a. & n. to enter, pass, in & out, — to hand over, pass a thing from one tp another. Imp. ima; ema; prf. aima; imim, a. (to let pass or slip) to loose, pif. aimina. imini, a. vpass to be lost. prf. aiminaki. ima, eng. fire, (used also for powder.) imariii, a to raise one's eyes; to look up. 2) to fix one's eyes upon an object for inspection. Imp. imariria; emariria. prf. aimariria. imek, eng. pus. matter. imu, a. to satisfy, prf aimuo. (related to im) indai, pron. pers. 2** prs. pluial you. abridged in the flexion of the verb to i & en. ingnian, a. & aingniangiso to trade, to barter, prf. aingnianga & aingniangise. ingniangu, a. to buy. Imp. ingniangu. prf. aingniangua. ingniani, eng, sinew, pi. ingingnian. ingnen, a. to rest oneself, prf. aingnengna. ingningnire, eng. heat, ingode, a. to stare at; to gaze vagantly. ingnor, a. to look on; to keep in view. Imp. ingnoia; prf. aingnora. ingnori, a. vpass. prf. aingnoraki. From ngnor. — 42 — ingn6ru, a. to look out for. to seek. Imp. ingnoru. prf. aingnorua. ingnoruni, a. vpass. prf. aingnorukai. ingobi, eng. opening of the gut. pi. ingingob. ino. pron. poss. fern, thy pi. inono exg. engainino thy hand ingaik inono thy hands, inok, a. to light a fire. Imp. irregularly inoa & enoa. prf. ainoa. inyododo, a. to rise & to go away. Imp. inyo go away enyododo go ye away, mainyododo let us go. prf. ainyo, io, eng. whetstone pi. ingion. (From i) iok, eng. ear. pi. ingia. iop, a. to cover, to clothe pi'f. aiopo. ipi, sixty and all numbers above it. ipi accompanied by a snap of the fingers means something like innu- merable, ira, eng. a wooden dish used as plate & tray. pi. in- giran. irabirab, a. to rub softly, to press & strike one's limbs. prf. airabiraba. ii-abirabi, a. vpass. prf. airabirabaki. iras, a. to find out, to discover, prf. airasa. ii'aSi, a. vpass. prf. airasoki. ird, eng. gums. pi. ingirdi. irebiso, a. v. n. to slick together, to freeze, prf. airebise. irid, a. to tend, to pasture animals. Imjj. irida; erida prf. airida. From the root, rid. iridi, a. vpass. prf. airidaki, iris, a. to shield, to cover against, trop. to defend; to judge. Imp. irisa; erisa. prf. airisa. irisi, a. vpass. prf. airisaki. iro, a to say. Imp. iroro; eroro ; maroro. prf. airoro. maroro lomon lang dengomom oileiboni. lit. let us 43 — say our story into the face of the king = before the king. irok, a. to cough, pif. aiiogo. iron, a. to press & squeeze & to press out. prf. aiiouia. ironi, a. vj»ass. prf. aironiaki. irufl, a. V. a. & n. to startle, to frighten & be frigh- tened, prf. airudo. ii'udi, a. vpass. prf. airudoki. iruk, a. & airugiso to reply, to give answer -\vhen cal- led, prf. airugo & airugiSe. isarmojok, eng. nickname of girls, from a-sur to strive for & emojok = the striving about the emojok. isgsi, a. to Avinnow. prf. aisesia. isigido (s. plural foim.) the first milk after a cow has thrown a calf. isilil, a. to sing, pray & dance as a combined act, in honor of engai God (or Rain) Those songs and dances are kept in dry seasons Avhen there is a want of grass for the animals & herds, and when it actually rains. As soon as it commences to rain all hands great & small turn out, beginning to sing, dance & jump. Either the more immediate presence of the engai is thought to be in the rain, or the Rain is considered the engai, as it is considered direspectful toward engai to stop in a hut or under a tree whilst it rains. 'I'he past tense of the verb is aisililia. If the verb is at all related with esilc (debt), the idea might lie in the word as if they had to pay those to engai. isisi, eng. brains; the soft mass of the brain. isui-, a. to seperate, to devide. prf. aisura (vid. siir) isuri, a. vpass. prf. aisuraki. isak, a. to receive (lit be shoAvered oi' rained upon) prf. aiSa (from sa) # — 44 — isamisam, a. to tasie. prf. aisamisama. isamisami, a. vpass. prf. aiSamisamaki. iserdid, a, to slip, to glide, prf. aiserdida. isir, a. to weep. prf. aisira. iso, a. to generate & give birth, prf. adoiiio. iuni, a. vpass. prf. adoiuoki. (edoiuoki orl masai he is a born Masai) The root of this vi^ord is iu) iso, a. to give. Imp. insoki; enso; prf. adoise. iSori, a. vpass. to be given, (without past tense) isob, a. so wear cloth, & to be clothed, prf. aisoba. isu, a. to be alive — ■ be well, prf. adaisu. iSyu, a. v. a. & n. to heal, make well & get well. prf. aisyuo. isudo, a. to hide, conceal. Imp. isudoi; ensudoi. prf. aisudoye. iu but as root in iso & iuni as also in oiu & aiu. iuk, a. to revive, (blow the fire) Imp. iiigo; eiigo. prf. aiugo. iugi, a. vpass. to be revived, prf. aiugoki. iiio, a. past tense of the verb lodu which vide, iyuo, eng. broth, gravy. iwou, a. to intercept, collect, catch up as exg. water running down the stem of a tree. Imp. iwoii. prf. aiwouo. iwouni, a. vpass. prf. aiwouoki. jab, a. to wrap iu; to hide from view. Imp. dajaba; endajab. prf. adajaba. jabi. a. vpass. to be wrapped in. prf. adajabaki. y jabo, en. (lit. the Avrapped up or hidden) penis, pi. ^ injabok. jasui', en. scabbard, sheath, pi. injasuri. - 45 - jeda, a. to (lr;nv asunder, to extend. Imp. dcjeda; en- dejeda. prf. adejeda. jedari. a. vpass. prf. adcjcdalu. jejo, mamma, a title for all older female relatives, jeng, a. to flay; to skin. Imp. dejenga; endejeng. prf. adejenga. jengi, a. vpass. prf. adcjengaki. ji, a. vpass. to be called, naji ngai? lit I am called who or what? eji ngai what is he called? jing, a. to enter; to go in. Imp. dijinga; endijing. prf. adijinga. jingi, a. vpass. adijingaki. jo, a. to say or speak to. Imp. dejo; endejo; madejo. prf. adejo. oki, a. vpass. prf. adejoki. 6, en. state of being absorbed; sleep, (comp, ijo) on, a. to be green, fiesh. engujida najon fresh or gren grass, ore, en. war & battle, denjore in war. orlo, a. to know. Imp. dajorlo; endajolo. prf. adajorlo. ou, a. to wish, will, desire, want. prf. adajouo. deni- joii enjore uou dada if thou desirest war, come now. jouni, a. vpass, prf. adajouoki. jud, a. to wipe — to clean by rubbing. Imp. diijudo; endujud. prf. adujudo. jiidi, a. vpass. prf. adujudoki. K. kiken, en. vid. eng-ikuen assembly, kitikidam, twenty, engorlon enkitikidam the 20''' day. kue, en. point, top. pi. inkuen. kuen, a to laugh, (v. a. & n.) to make laugh. Imp. da- kuenia, endaku-^n. prf. adakuenia. - 4t) — Uueni, a. vpass. pif. adakueniaki. kueni, en. (lit the laughing, tittering, noisome) bird, pi. inkuen. 1, article of the mascl. gender, abridged from orl. (exg, lomon the news.) & sign of the genetive case, when the nomen regens is of the masc. gender, exg. baba lengerai father of the child. lai, pron. poss. masc. my. pi. lainai. lang. pron. poss. masc. our. orlalem lang our knife & ilalema lang our knives. Igp, a (to make a downward movement) to draw down, to milk. Imp. dalebo ; endalep. prf. adalebo. lebi, a. vpass. prf. adaleboki. comp. ilebaki. lej, a. to deceive, impose upon. Imp. dcleja; endelej; madelej. prf. adeleja, leji, a. vpass. prf. adelejaki. leku, a. to leave alone, to spare for. Imp. delekii- en- deleku. prf. adelekua. lekuni, a. vpass. prf. adelekuaki. lengnie, pron. poss. masc. his. pi. lengniena. lengni, pron. poss masc. their. lid, a. to tie a knot, to unite by binding. Imp. dilida; endilid. prf. adilida. lidi, a. vpass. prf. adilidaki. lide, e lit. the united. Settlement of a small num- ber of people who are bound by one interest, pi. iliden. lilid, a to tie or make frienship; to pay visits, prf. adililida. liki, a. to tell; to speak to. prf. adolikjo. likini, a. vpass. to be spoken to, be told. prf. adolik joki. — 47 — liui^ni. pron. poss. inasc. your (cuer & cure) lino. pron. poss. masc. thy. pi. linono. lobiso, a (to give up) to vomit, prf. alobise. (The root lop.) lodu, a to come. Imp. iiou; uodu, prt. aiuo. loduni, a. vpass. used in the formation of the Future tense exg. eloduni ari. lit he Avill be come, to be beaten; Sr unrb gcfommcn, gcfcf)Iagcu 511 trci-ticn = i. e. he "vvill be beaten, in the Future. luaja, a. to escape, run away. Imp. deluaj; endeluaj. madeluaj — let us escape, prf. adeluaje, luajari, a. vpass. prf. adeluajoUi. luaja, or. a run away. pi. iluajan. lugiinia, e head, pi, ilugunian. lulimga, a. to be well, in contradist. to illness. Uilunga, orl. s. the healthy. mad, a. to drink. Imp. damada; endamad. prf. adamada. madi, a. vpass. prf. adamadaki. madasia, orl. pi. ilmadasian. a fragrant shrub used as perfume. inagad; a red & brown earth, a deposit of the salt swamps about doenyo engai. On the East Coast of Africa it is mixed with snufF. magau, orl. hippopotamus, pi. ilmagaun. malmali. s. (without article) wanton violence, overb earingness. man, a. to be cruel, merciless, prf. adamana. mangadi, orl. pi. ilmangad. a name given to the im- barawuio (Wakunfi) brother-tribe of the Masai. They bear the most deadly hatred towards each other. In its general application it signifies any per- son of M-hom one has reason to be afraid of — — 48 enemy — be it from superioi-iiy of stienj:;i,li or from supposed wilclicraft. manga, orl. Cassada. pU ilmiingan. (On llic coast calle«] manga) maniara, orl, country, pi. ilmaniaran. exg. orlmanlaia — lorlasomba — country of the Mjomba i. e. Su£- heli. rnao, il (pi. form) twins. mai% a. to look upon — inspect for the sake of finding fault, or show dissatisfaction, prf. adamara. Comp, imariria. marigo, orl. Banana, pi. ilmarigon. marua, orl. an intoxicating liquor made of honey, masambura, orl. tamarind tree. pi. ilmasamburan. Conip. osanibura. Masai, orl. pi. il Masai the name by which the Masai call themselves in contradistinction from the Wakuafi the common name used by both is oigob, which vid. maseri, orl. a very large bug with divers colors on its back, the great plague in East-Africa of all four footed animals, mauiio e. 'me, negation, not & no. exg. 'me niesam no he likes not. medene not there, mengnie, not him & not he. mej, a. to lick, to lajj. Imp. damejo ; endamij. prf. ada- mejo. meji, a. vpass. prf. adamejoki. melok, a. v. a. & n. to sweeten, & to be sweet, men, a. to despise. Imp. demena; endaraen. prf, ade- mena. meni, a. vpass. prf. edemenaki. exg. kimen imbarawuio — amedar gewarie gan orluwaru gnojine. We des- pise (said the Masai) the Wakuali because they - 49 — fight in the night like the hahbling tiger (i. e. llii* hyaena) menengani, orl. pi. ilnionenga. the dead ol llie masc. gender menengani, e. jil. inienenga the dead of the fern, gender lit the flighty or the fleeting the light ones, from neneng. meneja, not so. mena, a. to be pregnant, prf. adamena. menani, a. vpass. to be brought into the family way. menie or mengnie. name of honour of the pater fami- lias. mengnie on the coast signifies owner. The same word occurs in Kisuaheli (muigni) in Kima- liiia muenene: in Kiniamesi muene, in other dia- lects mengnie. mer, a. to intoxicate oneself, prf. adamera. mersie, orl, spoon, pi. ilmersien. i, , mesera, orl. pi. ilmeseran. a large tree (sometimes ex- ceedingly large tree) of fi-equent occurrence in all East- Africa, especially so in the plains of the Masai where it forms whole forests. The wood is exceedingly soft & spongy consisting of tough fibres loosely connected. The coast fishermen twist their fishing lines of them; as the seawater has very little effect upon them. The tree bears a large calabash-like fruit, containing a whitish marrow, which when dissolved in water makes an agreeable acidulous drink. The shell of the fruit is used as milk & water jug. Traders, in the last extremity of star- vation, often resort to that fruit. On the Coast the tree is called Mbuyu. pi. mibuyu. & the fruit buyu. pi. mabuyu. The neighbourhood of these immense trees is according to native superstition the favou- rite hunt of devils & spectres. meud, orl. giraffe, pi. ilmgudi. — 50 - mi, o. enliance, passage, gate. From the root m. & im. mid, a. v. a. & n. to finish, to empty especially of finishing drink (aiu^flriiiken). Imp. dimida ; endimid. prf. adimida. adimide to be finished, vn. edimide it is finished. comp. mad. & mod. midi, a. vpass. prf, adimidaki. midiki, a. (lit. to leave a person empty) to refuse or deny a request, prf. adomidikjo. midikini, a. vpass. prf. adomidikjoki. mir, a. to sell. Imp. dimira; endimir. prf, adimira. miri, a. vpass. prf. adimivaki. misimis, a. v. n, to be dark, gewarie emisimis naleii the night is very dark, modj'^a. to hollow out. prf. adamoda. moda, a. to be hollow, emply. fig, to be stupid, prf. adomoda. modi, orl. the bowl of a pipe, pi, ilmodio. orl modi lorlgumbau. tobacco pipe, modi, e, pan, pot. pi. imodio, fig. girl, esiangikai edoiuo emodi my wife has given birth to a pan i. e. a girl, modian, e. quiver, pi, imodiani, mogo, orl. wound, pi. ilmogon. mojok, e. half digested food in the somach. mon, a to beg. Imp. domonu; endomon. prf. adomonu. monogini, a. vpass. prf. adomonogoki. monir, a. to wrench, to writh. prf. adomonira. moniri, a. vpass. prf. adomoniraki. monit, e. entrails. mor, a to abuse by calling names. Imp. damoro. prf. ad am ore, mori, a. vpass. prf. adanioroki. — 51 — inoruo, OJ); husband & title uf honour of full ^rown men. pi. ilmoruiik. nioriinia, oil. lazoi-. pi. ilmoiuiiian. muaja, ho>v many if in connection with tlxe masculine gender, omuaja if with the fern, namuaja. muade, orl. a forsaken settlement, or any place uliirli. bears signs of former occupation. mud, a. to go doAvn. to disappear, prf. adunuido. exg. engorloil edunuido. the sun has set. muda, a to be overtaken by the sun on the road, to be late out at night, 2) to keep "watch, prf. adu- miida. edumiida dengoidoi he was oveitaken bv the night on the road. inuidi, adv. long ago. muei, a. to ail, to be poorly, prf. adamueia. miigud, a. to make a fist. prf. adumugiida. miima, s. oath. mun, a to be wanton, — mischievous. Imp. dumuno; endumun. prf. adumiino. muni, a. vpass. prf. adumunoki. mun, e. pi. imimi. (lit. the wanton) Rhinoceros. • muniei, orl. beard, pi. ilmunien. munian, e. salt. lui miir, a. but as root ' murani, orl. pi. ilnmran. collective name for all cir- cumcised young men. The soldiers of the Masai. From 14 to 24 years of age when they get married. murat, a. to circumcise, prf. adumurada. It is custom with the iloigob (Wakuafi & Masai) to circumcise males and females, the former about their third year, the latter when they are to be married. An uncircumcised person is not allowed to come into society, a boy cannot inherit the property of his 4* — 52 — father, a female cannot prepare food, nor is her child if she should have one, suffered to live. muradi, a. vpass. prf adumuradaki. musalala, orl. Banana tree. pi. ilmusalalan. msana, adj. old in contradist. to new. ]¥. na, prep. with. na, particle of the fern, gender for forming the Par- ticiples of the pi'esent & past tenses. nab, a. to carry. Imp. danaba; endanab. prf. adanaba. nabi, a. vpass. prf. adanabaki. nabusana, card. & ordinal number, seven, nabari, day before yesterday. Composed of nabo, the first & are, the second, lit. the first, second (be- fore to day) nabo, cardinal number, one. 2) ordinal number of the fem. gender, exg. engorlon naboge but one day. naborlon. adv. once. nadangile, pi. nadangilen. pet name of females; but used of a person's own wife; amounting to some thing like my dear. In one of their favourite songs they sing. nadangilen ainai — ainio baisiri? narlo denjore — gan babalainai. My dears — why do ye weep? I go to war — like my fathers. naderie. (participle) adj. fem. broken, spoiled. nado, (participle) adj. fem. long in size. nagai, adv. good, well. nagorlon, (part.) adj. fem. headstrong, selfwilled. naibor, (part.) adj. fem. white exg. enanga naibor white cloth. nairosi, (part.) adj. fem. heavy. najon, (part.) adj. fem. green, fresh. nalen, adv. very, very much. ' — 53 - nalulunga, (part.) adj. fem. healthy, well. namuaja, interrogation, how many. nana, a, to be soft, fine to the touch, fig. to be faint, feeble, nanana, (part) adj. fem. soft, tender, sickly. nanu, pron, pers. I. nanugewan. I myself. Abridged when connected with verb to na. exg. na-sam I lovo. narob, (part.) adj. fem. black, nasid, (part.) adj. fem. unchaste, naura, a. v. a. & n. to tire veep; to make clear. Imp. doro; eii- dor. prf. adoro. ori, a. vpass. to be divided — swept, cleared, prl. adoroki. oru, a. to divide unequally — to overreach; to deceive. Imp. doru; endoru. pi f. adoruo. onini, a. vpass. prf, adoruoki. ordi, orl, pi. ilordio. Calabash, vid, odi. oret, en. palate, orloi'l , enc. 1) Sun. 2) day. pi. ingorlongi. exg. in- gorlongi domon — lit, 10 suns i. e. ten days, orlupi, eng. barrenness, origa, orl, chair, pi, ilorigon. mostly a simple, block of wood about 6 inches high, orok, (part,) adj. masc. black, oru, a. vid, or. osambura, orl. tamai'ind tree. pi. ilosamburan. comp. masambura, osake, adv. always, osid, (part.) adj. masc. unchaste, osoke, eng, abdomen; belly, pi. ingoisua. osom, card, number, foi'ty. osorlai, eng. lead 8f ornaments of lead; as arm rings etc. which the ivory traders bring from the coast, osowan, orl wild buffalo, pi. ilosowani. oiirla, (part.) adj. masc. giullonous, peda, a. to crush, to press to death. Imp. depedai ; endepedai. prf. adepedaye. pedari, a. vpass, prf. adepedayoki. piu, a. V. a. & n. to revive, prf, adopiuo. piiini, a. vpass. prf. adopiuoki. - 60 - K. ra, a. lo quarrel, to make a noise, comp. ara. This verb conjugates as roots with two & three let- ters; as: nara; ira, era. pi. kiar a, irara. era. prf. adara. In signification identical with ara, ra, a. to have. Not much in use. Mostly prefixed to other words for the formation of ,,verba compo- sita**. exg. ara gnen. to have understanding. ran, a. to sing & dance. These two acts are identical with tlie Masai. Imp. darania; endaran. prf. adarania. v'bata, e. joint, any juncture of the limbs on the body, pi. irbatan. r'bono, a. the act of copulation — to lie with. prf. adurbono. r'boni, a. vpass. prf. adurbonoki. reb, a. vn. to coagulate, prf. adereba (comp. ircbiso to freeze) red, a. vn. to be of use. prf. adareda. rgd, a. va. to make oneself useful, to help, to assist, prf. adaiedo. redi. a. vpass. to be helped, — delivered especially regarding child birth, prf. adaredoki. redoki, a. to assist, prf. adaredoko. redokini, a. vpass. prf. adaredogoki. regurd, adj, clever. rek, a. to break with force, to cleave. Imp. dargga; endarek. prf. adarega. regi, a. vpass. prf. adaregaki. rem, a. (to spear.) to wound or kill with the spear. Imp. dprgneo; enderem; maderem. prf. aderemo. remi, a. vpass. prf, aderemoki. rgine, o. forgetfulness. adorgine to be with forgetful- ness. i. e. to be forgetful. ria, a. v. a. & n. to fall & make fall, to throw down. Imp. dgria, enderia, prf, activ.adftria. prf, neul. aderie* — 61 - rib, a. to watch, to guard. Imp. doribo; endorib. prf. adoribo. ribi, a. vpass. prf. adoribuki. rib, a. to sew. Imp. diril)a; endirib; prl". adirvba. ribI, a. vpass. prf. adiribaki. ribu, a. to undo what had been sewn, to cut up. Irnj*. diribu endiribu. prf adiribua. ribiini, a. vpass. prf, adiribuakl. rid, a. to put together, to pack up. Imp. dirida; en- dirid. prf. adirida. ridi, a. vpass. prf. adiridaki. comp. a irid. rik, a. to accompany one; to bring one to. prf. adorigo. rigi, a. vpass. prf. adorigoki. ringniinie, a. vn. to retui^n. prf. adoringnunie. ris, a. to be equal in proportion, to fit into, prf, adirisa. risio, a. va. to equalize, prf. adorisio. risiori, a. vpass. prf. adorisioki. rlagu, a. to unbind — to loosen. Imp. darlagua; — endarlagu. prf. adarlagua. rlaguni, a. vpass. prf. adailaguaki. rlan, a. to pass, over, to cross, to ferry. Imp. dar- langa; endarlang. prf. adarlanga. rlangi, a. vpass. prf. adarlangaki. robi, s. vn. to get cold — to cool. prf. arobiu. exg. dusuraa dene baerobiu, put it there for to cool. . rlo, a. to go. Imp, enno go thou, prf, asomo. rlud, a, to bend oneself — to wind through a narrow opening, prf. adurliido. rlud, a. polite expression for making water, prf. adur- luda. robil, a. to smell nicely, roguet, e. cord, string, pi. irogugdi. rongai, adj. thin, fine. - 62 — rorei, o. speccli. roi'O, a. to tread, to step upon. Imp. doioro. prf. ado- roro. roroi, a. vpass. prf. adororooUi. rosi, a. to be heavy, rod, a. to purge, prf. adoruda. rodi, a. vpass. prf. adorodaki. roua, a. to be hot. figuratively to be passionate, angry. prf, adaroua. ruiid, e. pi. iruadi. sleeping place, rub, a. to join, to unite, prf. aduriiba. comp. r'bono. rubi, a. vpass. prf. adurubalii. ruk, e. hump. pi. irugi. rurno, a. to push, to kick. Imp. diirumo; endurunio, prf. adurumoe. rumokini, a. vpass. to be pushed or kicked, prf. aduro- moyoki. riingurun, a. to snore, prf. adurunguriinga. r'wes, a. to stumble, prf. adarVesa. sabuk, adj. big, large. saj, a. to halve, to cut into halves. Imp. dasaja: en- dasaj. prf. adasaja, saji, a. vpass. prf, adasajaki. sal, nine. saVmak, e. mud. slime. samburlal, o. Julus. (insect) pi. isamburlal, sambur, o. bag. pi. isambur. sanda, o. masc. \ , i . . i , , p ( lover, pi. isandan. sanda, e. fern. ■' sangiirigur, o. neck, hind part of the — pi. isanguri- gur. - 63 sar, a. to snatch away; to scramble for. Imp. dasara ; endasar. prf. adasara. sari, a. rpass. prf. adasai'aki. sarara, adv. quickly. sarara, o. brush- wood ; small Avood. sarge, o. blood. sasu, a. to fall away, to grow lean. j>rf. adasasua. segegua. e, horn. pi. isegeguan. sengengei, e. iron & iron wire. pi. isengen. segerua, e. pi. isegeruan hole in the lower part of the ear, in which tlie females wear a round, black piece of wood. sengira, e, market. seied, e. poison, pi. iseiedi. sere, s. (without article) peace, sere sere used as pain- ting salatalion. seret, e. snow, (the Avhite substance on the bight of Kiliniandjaro , and Doenyo engai. which when brought to the lire turns into water.) sesen, o. body. pi. isescn. si, adv. again, exg. darasi. beat again. siangiki, e. pi. isiangiken. wife, (as bound by the mar- riage lie) sib, o. shoulder, pi. isibi. (if derived from the following verb the meaning is: the hrm or true one.) sib, a. to be true. Imp. disiba; endisib. prf. adisiba, sid, a to be unchaste — to be of easy habits. sidai, adj. good, fair & nice. sidai, e. (lit. the fair one.) the Ostrich, pi. isidan. sigido, e. the first milk after a cow has thrown a ealf the other afterwards is called gurle. sigiria, a. cowrie, that small shell is very much liked as ornament, a handful of them pujchases a tusk of ivory, pi. isigiiian. — 64 — sigirlo, a. ass. donkey, pi. isigirion. sigorio, e. bean. pi. isigorion. sile, e. debt. sina, o. troubles; pains. singa, e. pi. isingan. the conquered; the captive if male or female. Proper name of the Wandarobo, tributary tribe to the Masai. singeri, o fish. pi. isingerin. Not eaten by the Masai, singolio, c. Song-dance, sioyo, a. to go quickly, to run. Imp. dasioij; endasioij. prf, adasioyo. sirigan, o. sundried meat. The usual mode of preser- ving meat, is to cut it in small stripes & to dry in the sun. siririm, o. beads, pi. isiririmi. The smallest glass — beads are liked best, sodoa, adv. gratis, sogor, o. market, this word seems to be a corruption of the word soko. used on the coast, soid, o. stone, rock. pi. isoido. soid, e. (dim.) small stone, pebble, sororua, o. navel, pi. isororuan. siibad, adv. good, well, siibai. (greeting) good morning, good day etc. used only by males. The answer to which is: iba. siinia, fat. sur, a. vn. to go asunder, to dissolve, prf. adasiira. comp. isur, suyai, o. brass -wive (only when about the thickness of a finger) pi. isuyan. sa, a. to rain. prf. adasa. Comp. isak. sam, a. to love. Imp. dasama; endasam. prf. adasama. sami, a. vpass. prf. adasamaki. ser, a. to eructe. (v. n.) prf, adesgra. — 65 — sili, a. to lot a ■Nviinl, prf. ada.siga. silu, a. to choose; to sellect. Imp. disilu; emli.silu, prf. adisilua; .silimi, a. vpass. pvf. adisiluaki. sum, a. to ]aj down. — to put down. Imp. dusuina; endiisuni. prl. adusuma. §umi, a. vpass. prf. aduSumaUi. c. uali, eng. vagina, pi, ingualin. uana, a. lo be alike, to resemble, prf. adlwana, related to fana & fanana, resemble, in Kisuaheli. uab, a. to take up, to catch up. Imp. dauaba; endauab. prf. adauaba. uabi, a. vpass. prf. adauabaki. ubes, eng. laj^. pi. ingubesir. iid, a. to bore, lo dig a hole. Imp. diido; endudo. pvf. adudo. lidi, a. vpass. prf. adudoki. uda, eng. (lit. the digging) the field-rat. pi. ingudan. lidi, eng. (instrumental) slick which is used for plan- ting sugarcane, & walking stick, pi. ingiiden. iiduk, eng. (the digged up, the open) 1) mouth; en- trance. 2) language, enguduk iloigob. the language of the Masai. udiki, a. to intent, to purpose; prf. adaudikjo. udikini, a. vpass. prf. adaudikjoki. ugi.n, eng. knee. pi. ingun. uguo, a. to wash. Imp. duguo; enduguo. prf. aduguo. liigui, eng. busibodiness. uk, a. to glimmer, to slune. prf. adauga. ukuo, eng. coals of fire, life coals, comp. iuk. ulabed , eng. pi. ingulaledi, A round piece of wood worn in the esegurua. which vide. lirlak, eng. vide en-gui'lak. — 66 — ulapa, eng. scorpion, pi. ingulapan. uniodo, eng. pit; hole; pi. ingumodon, unei, eng. bellows, pi. ingunen. ungwan, card. & ordinal number, four. uni, card. & ordinal number, three. ur, a. (past tense adiiru) as root in different words & formations all imitctlng a hollow sound of digging, breaking, breathing etc. lira, a. (enlarged) the root in. urare, eng. (lit. the digged up) i. e. grave, pi. ingiira & inguraren. The chief derivations of the root are taken from the past tense exg. vid. dur; duru; durodo; idur; iduia; idiire; idiiruk. urd, em. throat, chiefly the seat of the windpipe, pi. imiirdo. urese, a. to fear. prf. aureSe. urin, eng. grease, fat of boiled meat. urla, a. to be gluttonous — given to over-eating one- self. urnon, eng. ashes. uwaru, orl. jaguar, pi. iluwarak, uwaru, orluwaru gnojine, (lit. the lame jaguar) i. e. hyena. wadan, orl. calf of the leg. j)l. ihnadan. wado, (part.) instead of oado. adj. masc. long, tall, weiji; e place, pi, iweiji. wen, a. to sit, to squat down. Imp. dauena; endauen. prf. adauena. yiid, a. to wipe. Imp. diiyuda ; endiiyud. prf, aduyuda. yudi, a. rpass. prf. aduyudaki. — 67 — ya, a. to remove, to take ofl. Imp. iawa ; cwcida; ma- weida. prf. awa. yai, a. vpass. prf. awaki. A song of tlie Iflasal ivitlt a literal translation. Exhortation to Unity. Eh inikisur eniboida Amu kira ngabuak Denabuaya Loreren Esom, edam osina Lorlembidu, Loildidu Lorlesosean Lemarla (Response) Ilasomba Lorlginei Laidabogi rangerang Eh mimudie Ilasomba Awen, ainio indabalaie? Erosi emarla Orldoriet Dungai, amu mikiret. Oh dissolve we not the Community because we would have lamentation If we but reach to Loreren. Lo has come, has eaten (us) trouble of needle, of threat of the brush for the le marla To the Suahelis at Lorl- ginei Altogether go go go — Oh do not annihilate thy- self with Suahelis why doest thou leave off to sit quiet heavy is (hen) the milk calabash friend (but) put it down it is of no use to you. (thee) Loreren the country East of the Rufu. (about Usambara) Orlginei the country at the sea. the Land of the Suahelis (Ilasomba) SECOND PART: ENGLISH -KIM'ASAI abandon, v. a. a-bal. prf adabala. — pass, a-bali. prf. adabalaki. abdomen, s. eng-osoke. pi. ingoisua. able, V. to be. a-idim. prf. aidima. absorb, v. aijo. prf. aidoijoi. abundant, v. to be — a-bor. prf. adabora. abuse, v. a. (by calling names) a-mor. prf. adamoro. pass, a-mori. accompany, v. to — one to. a-rik. prf. adorigo. pass. a-rigi. prf. adorigoki. add, V. a. a-bon. prf. adobono. pass, a-boni. prf. ado- bonoki. again, adv. si. uou si — come again, ago, adv. oba. edoba =. ago it had been so. long ago ::=: time out of remembrance muidi. ah, inter j. eh! oi! ail, V. n. a-muei. prf. adamueia. aim, V. a. to — at, a-ngoi'. prf. adangoro. pass, a-ngori. prf. adangoroki. alike, v. n. to be — a-uana. prf. adiwana. In kisuaheli ku-fanana. alive, V. n. to be — a-isii. prf. adaisu. all, adj. bogi. all men ildungnana bogi. All of us io bogi. all together laidabogi. alone, adj. oben. I alone nanu oben. — 72 — always, adv. osake. amulet, v. en-dasim. pi. intlasinii. and, conj. o & w. nanu oie I. & tliou, domon ware len and two = t^^elve. anger, s. e-gore. angry, v. to be — adegore lit. to be with anger, angry, v. to be a-iba. prf. aibaye. angry, adj. nuisc. oroi'ia. adj. fern, naroua. animal, s. cn-giringo. pi, ingiri. anoint, v. a. a-el. prf. a-elie. pass, a-eli. prf. a-elieki. another, adj. gai. the other, masc. orlgai. the other fern, engai. another man, orlgai dungnani. the other man. orldung nani orlgai. ant, s. a red one whose bit is' exceedingly painful orl- oisusu. pi. iloisiisun. ant, s. a small black ant, eng-alau. pi. ingalaun. antelope, s. orl-guruk. pi. ilguruki. antelope, s. a veiy small one eng-ideyo. pi. ingideyon. ape, s. orl-goj'6i. pi. ilgoroin. ape, fern, engoroi. pi. ingoroin. appear, v. n. a-ibor. prf. aibora. approach, v. a. a-nyigu. prf, a-dinyigua. arise, v. n. a-inyododo. prf aiiiyoa. arm, s. lower part of the arm, from the elbow to the wrist endangulc. pi. indangulen. arm, upper part of the — em-berangas. pi. im-beran- gasi. arm- pit. s. en-gidigidi. pi. ingidigid. arrow, s. em-bai. pi. imba. ascoul, V. a. a-ilebaki. prf. ailebaka. ashamed, to be — ad-orl-aro. ashamed, to be made. — a-guru. prf. aflugnrua. p.iss. agnruni. — 73 — ashes, s. cng-ui-non. ass, s, o-sigiiio. pi. isigiiion. assembl)', s. eii-kikucn. aslhma, s. eng-erok. avaricious, to be — a-biak. prf. adibiaga, avaiicions, adj. niasc. obiak. adj. fern, iiabiak. axe, s. vid. hatchet. back, s. orl-gi'iium. pi. ilguiumi. bad, adj. dorono & clorok. bag, s. en-diidua. pi. induduan. bamboo, s. en-duka. pi. indiikan. banana, s. oi'l marigo. pi. ilmarigou. banana, tree, s. orl-nuisalala. pi. ilmusalalau. banibh, v. a-idur. pif. aidura. baib, s. (of an arroAv) cm-bidu. pi. imbidun. bark, s. eng-abobok. pi. ingabobogi. barrenness, s. eng-orli'ipi. basket, s. en-dani. pi. in-dami. bathe, v. a-idugu. prf. aidiiguo. beads, s. o-siririm. pi. isiriiiini. bean, s. o-sigoiio. pi. isigorion. beai'd, s. orl-niuniei. pi. ilmunien. beat, V. a. a-ar contracted ar. prf. adara. pass, a-ari. prf. adaraki. beat, the drum, a-dar. prf. adadara. because, conj. ainu. become, v. n. a-agu. eagu subad it comes well. bed, s. e-riiadi. pi. iruad. consisting of a few untanned hides. bee, s. orl-odoro. [)1. ilodoro. before, piep. dengomoni. (lit. in the face) — 74 — beg, V. a. a-mon. prf. adanionu. pass, (iri'eg.) a mono> gini. prf. adamonogoki. beggar, s. gen. masc. orl- amomoni. pi. ilamonok. beggar, s. gen. fern, eng -amomoni. pi. ing-amonok. begin, v. a. a-ngas. prf. adangasa. behind, adv. gi'iruni. gurumlai behind me. gurum lenie. behind, him. gurum ennie behind her. bell, s. embiririr. pi. imbiriri. bellows, s. eng-unei. pi. ingunen. below, adv. abori. belly, s. eng-osoke. pi. ing-oisua. benighted, to be = to be overtaken by the nigbt on the road, a muda. prf. adumuda. edumuda dengoi- doi he was benighted on the road, bend, v. to bend oneself a-rliid. prf. adurliido. big, adj. sabuk. bind, V. a, a-en. prf. adcna. pass. aeni. prf. adenaki. bind, fast, a-gen. prf. adagena. pass, ageni. prf. ada- genaki. bind, together, a-igen. prf. aigeno. pass, aigeni. prf. aigenoki. bind, up. = loosen, aigenu. prf. aigenua. bird, s. en-kneni. pi. inkuen. (lit. the frolicksome from a kuen to laugh ) bird, (larger ones) en-darijeki. pi. in-daridjek. bife, V. a. a-nn. prf. adonio. pass. aoni. prf. adonioki. bitter, to be — a-dua. prf. adadua. bitter, adj. masc. odua. adj. fem. nadoa. black, to be — a-rok. prf. adoroga. black, adj. masc. oroh. adj. fem. narok. blacksmith, s. orl-gumomoni. pi. ilgumomono. bladder, s. orl-gulet. pi. ilguledi, blood, s. o-sarge. blow, V. a-iuk. prf, aiiigo. pass, aiiigi. prf, aiugoki. — ID — boar, s. (wild) orl-bidir. pi. ilbidiro. body, s. osesen. pi. isesen. boll, V. a. a-ier & aieriso. prf. adeiera & aierise. boil, V. n. a-dogidok; engar edogidok tlie water boils. bone, s. orl-oido. p\. iloik. bore, V. a. a-ud. prf. adudo. pass, a-iidi. prf. adudohi. borer, s. eng-udi. pi. ing-uden. bolli, adj. bogirare lit. all two from bogi all & are two. bottom, s. orl-gurum. pi. ilgiirumi. bow, s. em-borowai. pi. imborowau. box, V. a. a-iluk. prf. ailiigu. pass, ailiigi. prf, ailugoki, boy, s. orl-barnodi. pi. ilbarnod. lit. the calabash- scraper, on these young members of the imboidan lie all the menial services for the ilmuran, for whom they must fetch water, fuel etc. An orlbar- nodi has already joined the warriors. boy, s. orl aion. pi. ilaiok the boy as long as he is in company of the women. brains, s. eng-isisi. brass & brass-wire o-suyai. pi. isuyan. break, v. n. a~er. prf. aderie. break, v. a. a-rek. prf. adarega. pass, a-regi. prf. ada- regaki. break, v. a. to-open, a-borl. prf. adoborlo. pass, aborli. ^ prf. adoborloki. break, v. a. to-ofF. a-bugus. pif. adubugusa. pass, abu- gusi. prf. adubugusaki. break, v. a. to-out, exg. kernels of Indian corn, a-dede. prf. adededia. breast, s. = chest, orl-go. pi. ilgon. breast, bone = sternum orUeigiirlu. pi. ileigiirlun. breast, female — the large fully extended, orl-gina. pi. ilgi. — 76 — hreast, female breast dim. the small relaxed en-gina. pi. in-gi. breeze, s. eng-ijape, pi. ingijapen. bride, s. eng-eibardani. pi. ingeibardan. bride, groom, orl-eibardani. pi. ileibardan. bring, v. a. a-iau. prf. aiaiia. Imp. iau. pi. Irregularly cautu. iau nanu ngima bring me fire. pass, a-iauni. prf. aiauaki. bring, one to, vid. accompany, broad, adj. dabas. broken, adj. masc. oderie. adj. fem. naderie. broken, y. n. to be — a-derie. broom, s. orl-arau. pi. ilaraun. broth, s. eng-iyuo. brother, by addressing a person = friend oido! brother, by birth orl-alase. pi. ilalasen. brother, in law bager. my brother in law bagerlai. brush-wood, s. o-sarara. buffalo, s. (the wild) orl-osowan. pi. ilosowani. bug, s. orl-maSeri. pi. ilmaser. build, V. a. a-idobir engaji, vide make. (lit. to make a house) burn, V. a-nyia ngima. lit. the fire eats. prf. adamen- gima. burry, v. a. a-nuk. prf. aduniiga. pass, anugi. prf. adu- nugaki. only little children are hurried and usually in the very hut which the family for the time occupies. Old persons are placed under large trees and covered with a heap of stones, busibodiness, s. eng-uigui. but, conj. gage, but, adv. ge. butter, s. eng-norno. buy, V. a. a-njau. prf. adanjaua. buy, up. a-ingniangu. prf. aingniangua. c. Calabash, s. Caiahaslies, being the chief vessels for fluifls. wilh the Masai clifTer in names as they tliiTcr in size. The smallest are of the shape of a tumbler, the largest big enough that a child can craA\l into one. In size the calabashes folioAV in this manner. 1) eng-odi. pi. ingodio (the smallest.) 2) orl-oidi. pi. ilordio, 3) orl-diilet. pi. ilduleda. 4) em-btigi'iri. 2^1. imbugurdo. 5) orl-buguri. pi. ilbugurdo. 6) em- arla. pi. imarlan. 7) em-borongo. pi. imborongon. (the biggest in size.) (It -will be obseived that the fern, gender is diminutive.) calf, s. orl-aSe. pi. ilaso. calf-of the leg. orl-^vadan. pi. ihvadan. call, V. a. a-ibod. prf. aibodo. pass, aibodi. prf. aibo- doki. call, names, v. a. a-mor. prf. adamoro. pass, amoii. prf adamoroki. called, to be-aji. ejengnai who is he called = what is his name, calumniate, v. a. a-gur. prf. adagura. can, V. a-idim. prf. aidima. captive, s. e-singa. pi. isingan. caress, v. a. a-ngningi. prf. adingningia. pass, a-ngnin- gini. carry, v. a. a-nab. prf. adanaba. pass, anabi. prf. ada- nabaki. cassada, s, orl-manga. pi. ilmangan. (In kinika also manga) catch, v. a-iwou. prf, aiwouo. catch by intercepting as rolling water, standing phrase for collecting the urin of cows which is used for cleansing all the milkA^essels. catch, V. a. a-uab. prf. adauaba = tailing hold of. pass. auabi. chains of brasswire cm-onjorid. pi. im-onjorkli. chaii', s. oi'l-origa. pi. ilorigan. cheeli, s. en-dagurla. pi. inda£;url. chest, s. orl-go. pi, ilgon. chew, V. a-niarl. prf. adaniarla. chew, V. the cud. a-damu. prf. adadamua. child, s. en-gerai. pi. ingera. chope, V. a. a-kuert. prf. adakuerda. choose, V. a. a-gebu. prf. adegebuo. pass, a-gebiini. circumcise, v. a-murat. prf. adumurada males & females are circumcised, claw, s. orl-oibuso. pi. iloibosok. clean, v. a. to-by rubbing a-jud. prf. adujiido. pass. ajudi. prf. adujudoki. clear, v. a. — to-away a-or. prf. adoro. cleave, v. a. a-borl. prf. adoborlo. pass, aborli. clever, adj. gnen. climb, V. a-ilebaki. prf. ailebaka. cloth, s. en-anga. pi. inangan. clothe, V. a. a-iop. prf. aiopo. pass, aiopi. prf. aiopoki. clothed, to be — with = to wear. a-i§6b, prf. aisoba. cloud, s. em-buruo. pi. imburuun. club. s. orl-guma. pK il-guman. The c\ah and the spear are the chief weapons of the Masai in the throwing of which they are exceedingly expert, coagulate, v. n. a-gurl. prf. adugiirla. coal, s. eng-ukuo. pi. ingiik. cold. s. eng-ijape. cold, to get, — a-robi. prf. atobiu. — 79 — collect, V. a. a-iuou. prf. aiwoiio. pass, aiwouni. prf. aiuAVOuoln. coloured, to he highly or strongly — a-gar. come, V. a-lodu. Imp. come uoii. Come ye uodu, [jiI. aiuo. pass, a-loduni. prf. aiiolu. exg. iloduni(i)ari lit. thou -vvilst be come to be beaten = thou shalt be beaten. come, V. to — to the surface, a-ibor. prf. aiboro. come, out of. v. n. a-ibuii, prf. aibungo. come, to make a thing to come out of its place, v. a. albuii. prf. aibunga. come, to — as for as = to reach, a-baya. prf. adahaye. common, s. aulo. a clear place round about every sett- lement, which is cleared & hej)t clear by all, on which the cows are milked morning and evening. community, s. em-boida. pi. imboidan. complete, v. a. a-idib. prf. aidiba. conceal, v. a. a-isiido. prf. aisudoye. confuse, v. to be made — a-guru. consistent, v. lo get — a-gurl, prf. adagurlu. cook, v. a. a-ier. prf. adeiera. pass, a-ieri. prf. adeie- raki. cool, V. n. a-robi. prf. a-robiu. cord, s. e-roguet. pi, irogueti. cough, s. eng-anirati. cough, V. a-irok. prf. airoga. count, V. a-igen, prf. aigena. pass, a-igeni. prf. aige- naki. country, s. orl-maniara. pi. ilmaniaran. orlmaniara lovl — asomba the country of the Suaheli. cover, V. a. (with cloth) a-iop prf. aiopo. cover, V. a. with the vicAv of hiding a-jab. prf. adajabii. cover, V. a. with a lid a-bising. prf. adibising;i. pass, abisingi. — 80 — cover, s. em-bisinge. pi, imbisingen. cow, s. en-gidcn. pi. in-gisu. collectively cattle. cow, name of a — having thrown the iirst calf cn- dauo. pi. indauon. coward, s. orldungnani guret. cowry, s. o-sigiria. pi. isigirian. For a small number of these shells the largest tusk of ivory is obtained. They are used as ornaments, crocodile, s. orl-gingnlan. pi. ilgingnian, crooked, v. to be — n-gordil. prf. adogordila. cruel, V. to be — a-man. prf. adamana. cruel, adj. masc. oman. adj. fern, naman. crush, V. a. apeda. prf. adepedaye. pass, a-pedari. prf. adepedayoki. curdle, v. n. a-gurl. prf. adagurla. cut, V. a. & cut down, a-dun. prf. adudunga. pass. adiingi. prf. adudungaki. cut, V. a. to-open, a-burl. prf. aduburlo. pass, abiirli. cut, V. a. to-into halves, (lit. to half.) a-saj. prf. ada- saja, pass, asaji. D. dance, v. a-ran. prf. adarania. dance, & sing (religiously) a-isilil. dare, v. a-ideu. prf. aideiio. dark, v. n, to be — a-misimis. dawn, V. n. a-igenu. prf. aigenua. day, s. eng-orion. pi. ing-crlongi. (lit. sun. as in Ki- nika.) day, to day — duo. day before yesterday — nabari. — yesteiday gnole, day, in contra lis. to night, em-bargiji. day, another day. en-gaiorlon. The cthiM' day engor- loii engai. — 81 — dead, s. the male dead orl-inencngani. [>!. ilmenenga. fem, emencnjjaui. lit. the llecty ones iioiu ilic verb a-nencn. dead, adj. masc. odoa. adj. fein. nadoa. dear, s. (pet-name) uadangile. pi. nadangilen used but for females, debt, s. e-sile. deceive, v. a. a-led'. prf. adeled'a. pass, aled'i. prf. adelcjaki. defend, v. a. a-lris. prf. airi.sa. pass, airisi. prf. airi- saki. deliver, v. a. a-idayu. prf. aidayuo. deny, v. a. to — one =: take from, a-midiki. prf. adomidikjo. pass, a-midikini. pi'f. adomidikjoki. descend, v. a-daii. prf. adadaiio. desire, v. a, a^jau. prf. adajaua. pass, ajauni. despise, v. a. a-men. prf. adamona. pass, ameni. destroy, v. a. a-idaruo. prf. aidaruoye, pass, aidaruori. prf. ruoyoki. die, V. n. a-e. prf. adoa. ie duo he dies to doy. dig, V. a. a-dur. prf. adudi'iro. pass, aduri. dig, V. a. to-up. a-diiru. prf. aduduriio. pass, aduruni. dig, V. a. to a-hole. a-ud. prf. adudo. pass. audi, disappear, v. n. a-mud. prf. adumudo. engorlon edu- mudo the sun has set. disclose, v. a. a-gin. prf. adiginia. pass, agini. prf. adiginiaki. discover, v. a. a-iras. prf. airasa. pass, airasi. dish, s. Avooden — eng.ira, pi. ingiran. dispex'se, v. a. a-sur. prf. adasiira. distance, el-akua. the unknown far away distance. (^Beite.) distance, s. e-ban. e-baneiiiiie medigido its distance is not great. 6 - 82 - distort!, v. a. a-gur. prf. a«]agui'a. clivide, v. a. a-or. pif. adoro. pass. aori. do, V. a. a-idobil", prf, aidobira. pass, aidobiri. prt'. aidobiraki, dog, s. orl-dia. pi. ildiain. dog, s. fern, cn-dia. pi. indiain. donkey, s. o-sigirio. pi, isigiiion. door, s. engiiduk. house door gudukadji. down, adv. abori. draw, V. a-jeda. prf. adejeda. pass, a-jedari. draw, water, a-6gu. prf. adogu. pass, aguni. dream, v. a-idedided. prf. aldedideda. dress, of cloth, en-anga. pi. inangan. dress, of skins, orl-gila, pi. ilgilan. drink, v. a. a-mad, prf. adamada. pass, amadi. prf. ada- madaki. drink, (out) = finish the drink, a-inid. prf. adimida. pass, a-midi. drizzle, v. a-idibidib. prf. aidibidiba. dry, V. n. to be — a-doyo. prf. adadoyiio. dry, adj. masc, odoyo. adj. fem. nadoyo. E. each, bogi. orlduiinani bogi each man. ear, s. eng-iok. pL ing-ia. earth, s. eng-urlukua, earth = world, eng-6b. pi. ingobi. eat, V. a. a-nyia. Imp. dama. pi. indama. prf. a-dama. pass, anyiai. egg, s. — of the ostrich, em-odorui. pi. imodoriii. eight, esied. orl esied duiinani the 8*'* man. ildunnan esied. eight men. elephant, s. orl-dome. pi. ildomen. elephant's tusk orl ale lorldome. — 83 — emigrate, v. n. a-idur. prf. aifliira. empty, v. a. a-bugu. pif. aduhugu. pass, ahugi'iiii. prf. adubuguyolii. empty, y. a. ^= finish a-mid. prf. adimida. empty, v. ii. a~m6da. prf. adomoda. enemy, s. orl-niangadi. pi. iimangadi. lit. the cruel from a-man. engaged, to be — ad-anjamarl. lit. to have to do. enlarge, v. a. a-bir. prf. adoliiro. (from >vhich aidobir to make or do.) enough, adv. nagai. enter, v. a. a-jing. prf. adijinga. pass, ajingi. prf. adi- jingaki. entrance, s. o^mi. ingisomi the gate through which cows pass. entrail, s. e-monit. equal, to be — v. n. a-ris. prf. adirisa. equalize, v. a. a-risio. pif. adorisio. pass, a-risiori. prf. adorisioyoki. erect, v. a. a-ngadu. prf. adangadi'io. erect, v. n, to be — a-ngade. prf. adangade. eruct, V. n. a-ser. prf. adesera. escape, y. n. a-luaja. prf. aduluaja. pass, a-luajari. prf. aduluajoki. exg. eduluajokio ingisu bogi. lit. we were escaped all our cows, i. e. all our cows es- caped us. evening, deiba. ewe, s. en-ger. pi. in-gera. excrement, s. eng-ik. extend, v. a. vid. enlarge spreading out. extend, y. a. = stretch, a-guraki. prf. adugurakie. eye, s. eng-on. pi. ing-oniek. eye, brow. s. orl-babid lingoniek lit. hair of the eyes. 6* — 84 — IP. face, s. eng-omon. pi. ingomomi. face, V. a. a-ingnor. prf. aifinora. faint, V. to be — a-nana. fair, adj. sidai. fall, V. n. a-doye. prf. adadoye. fall, V. a. to cause to — make fall, a-ria. prf. adgria. fall, away, to get lean, a-sasu. prf. adasasua. family, s. en-donoda. pi. indonodan. far, adv. ba. how far? ajiba. fat, s. siinia. the fat gained of the tails of sheep, and used for anointing the body. father, s. baba. our father babalan. (the father as pro- vider) father, family-father as title, menie. father, orl-oiu. pi. iloiu. (the father as genitor) father, in law. orl-abudani. pi. ilabudan. fear, v. a-ureso. pass, auresori. feather, as collective name vid. plumage. feather, the long ones of the tail of the ostrich, orl- obiro. pi. ilobiro. feather, dim. the small of the ostrich, eng-obiro. pi, ing-obiro. feeble, to be — a-nana. feeble, adj. masc. onana. adj. fem. nanana. feel, V. a. a-niii. prf. adoningo. pass, aningi. prf. ado- ningoki. fell, V. a. a-dun. prf. adudunga. pass, adiingi. ferry, v. a. a-rlah. prf. adarlanga. pass, arlangi. fetch, water, a-ogu. prf, adogu. few, adj. gudi. field, s. en-giiruma. pi, inguruman. f, fifty, neiduruja. f( fight, V. a. a-ara. prf. adava. fin, V. a. a-ibiid. prf. iiibi'ula. pass, aihudi. fine, adj. rongai. finger, s. orl-gimojino. pi. il-ginjojik. finish, V. a. a-mid. prf. adimida. cdimid endai oinyo- dodo-he finished my food and got otT. finish, a-idib. prf. aidiba ejon aidib anjamarl .li lie ■will finish my -svorli. fire, eng-ima. first, obo. fern. nabo. the first man-orl oho dufinan the first child enabo gerai. fish, o-singeri. pi. i-singerin. (not eaten by the Masai) fist, to make a — a-nuigud. prf. adumuguda. five, emied. flay, V. a. a-jen. prf. adejenga. pass, ajengi. fleety — to be. v. n. a-nenin. prf, a-neninga (irre- gular) adj. masc. oneniii. adj. fem, nanenii'i. flesh, s. en-giringo. flour, s. embunoa. flow, V. n. a-gej. prf. adegeju. (River orl-geju lit. the flowing) fly, s. orl-ojonga. pi. ilojongan. fly, V. a-ibiri. prf. aibirio. foam, s. orl-abura. pi. ilaburan. fog, s. em-biiruo, foliage, s. ini-benek. follow, V. a. a-dubakf. prf. adudubaka. food, s. en-da. my food endaai contract, endai. foot, s. en-geju. pi. ingejek. foot, sole, endap. pi. indabi. foot, lower part of — from the heel to the toes, by man & beast orl-oilcle. pi. iloilelek. for, prep, g, gosiririm for beads. gingiSu for cons, forgetfulness. or-gine. — 86 — forgetful — lo be — adoiyine. formerly, adv. oba. forest, s. en. dim. pi. indimi. forty, osom. four, ungwan. fowl, s. en-gugusieki. pi. ingugusiek. Known only by name probably from ibe word kuku wbich among the tribes round about the Masai signifies fowl. freeze , t. n. a-irebiso. prf. airebise,>^lit. to stick to- gether. fresh, adj. masc, ojon. adj. fem, najon. friend, s. by addressing oneself to oido! friend, s. orl-doruet. pi. ildorueda. friend, female friend, en-doruet. pi, indorueda. friendshijj, to make — v. a. a-lilid. prf. adililida. frighten, v. a. a-idiire. prf. aidiiria. pass, aidurei. prf. aidureiaki. frog, s. en-dua. pi. induan, fuel, s. el-gek. fungus, s. orl-aba. pi. ilaban. €}. gall, s. orl-odua. gate, s. 6-mi. gaze, V. a. a-ngode. generate, v. a. a-iso. prf. (irregulaily) adoiiio. pass. aiiini. prf, adoiuoki. genitor, s. oil-oiu. pi. iloiii. The name by wliich a father goes after his death, genitor, female, e-naiu. pi. inaiu. The name by which a mother goes after her death, giraffe, s. orl-meud, pi. ilmeudi, girl, s, en-dido, pi. indoye, give, V. a. a-iSo. prf. adoisc. pass, aisori. — 87 — give, birth, v. a. a-dau. pi'f. adadauo. give, lip. V. a. a-idayu. pi'f. aidayuo. aidayungik to nialu- tlie necessai'y. glide, s. n. a-iserdid. prf. aiserdida. glimmer, v. n. a-uk. prf. adauga. cngim cuk abori ngnornon the fire glimmers under the ashes, gnate, s. eng ojonga. pi. ing-ojongan. go, V. a-rlo. Imp, ino. go ye ensom. let us go mabe. prf. asomo. go, In advance — a-idi'iruk. prf. aiduri'iga. go in, a-jcng. prf. adejt'nge. pass, ajengi. exg. rdojengaki ngajingnie oeduburoki gurl cfinie lit. he was entered his house and Avas stolen his milk, go, behind one i. e. follow, a-dubake. goat, s. masc. orl-gine. pi. ilgineji. goat, s. fern, en-ginc. pi. indare, god, s. eng-ai. good, adj. sidai. good, adv. subad. & nagai. good, good-by. sere, grand-father akwi. my — akwi lai my grand fathers akwi lainai, grass, s. long & strong grass, orl-gujida. pi. il-gi'ijid. grass, tender — such as cows feed on engujida, pi. in-gujid. gratuitously, beso. & sodoa. grave, s. eng-urare. pi. inguraren & ingiira. grease, s. eng-urin. great, adj. gido. green, v. to be — a-jon. green, adj. masc. ojon. adj. fem. najon. grinder, s. (tooth) oi 1-dara.scras. pi. ilfiarascras. groan, vid. grumble. grow, V. a-bi'ilu. prf. adubulua. grow, fat. a-bir. prf. adobiro. grow, lean, a-sasu, prf. adasasua. grumble, v. a-gor. prf. adagoro. guard, V. a. a-rib. prf. adoribo. gum, s. eng-ird. pi. ing-irdi. gut, s. en-dude. pi. in-diiden. hair, s. of the head ■ — orl-babld. pi. ilbabidi. liair, s. of the body em-bon. hand, s. eng-aina. pi. ing-aik. hand, hollow of the — cn-dap. pi. indabi. hand, v. to — over. a-im. prf. aima. hang, V. a. & n. aik. prf. adiga. prf. neut. adige. hard, adj. masc. ogol. adj. fem. nagol. hatchet, s. en-dorlu. pi. indoilun. have, s. a-ra. ara gnen to have undei'Standing. have, V. a-ada. prf. adoba. edingisu to have cows = possess. haAvk, s. orl-gilid. pi. ilgilili. head, s. e-lugunia. pi. ilugunian, head, of the windpipe, orl-gos. pi. ilgoso. heal, V. a. a-isyu. prf. aisyuo. pass, aisyuni. prf. aisyu- oki. healthy, s. orl-luliinga. healthy, to be. a-luliinga. healthy = strong to be — a-gol. prf. adagolo. hear, v. a. a-nifi. prf. adoningo. heart, s. orl-dau. pi. ildaun. heat, s. eng-ingningnire. heaven, s. eng-adambo. pi. ingadainbon. heavy — to be — a-r65i. heavy, adj. masc. orosi. adj. fem. naroSi. — 89 — he, pron. neunie & ennie. hedge, s. orl-ale. pi. ilalen. (within vvhlcli cows arc kept, hedge, s, orl-bombo. pi. ilbombon. strong — louml every settlement, for the sake of security against, man & beast. heel, s. en-{ludunio. i>l. indudunion. heh! enginiogo. her, pron. poss. eiinie, pi. eiiniena. here, ady. ene. it is here edine. it is not here mc- dine. hew, V. a. a-kuert. prf. adakuerda. pass, akuerdi. prf. adakuerdaki. hickup. to have the, — v. a-ijok. prf. aijogo. hide, s. (of goats & sheep, en-dabana. pi. indaban. hide, of cows, vid. skin, hide, aisudo- prf. aisudoye. hill, s. orl-eibangi. pi. ileibangin. him, pron. neiinie & chnie. hippopotamus, s. orl-magau. pi. ilmagaun. his, pron. poss. lerinie. pi. lennicna. hobble, V. ara-gnojine. hobbling, s. eng-nojine. hole, s. en-andado. pi. in-andad. hole, s. in the ear e-segerua. pi. isegeruan. hollow — to — out, a-mod. prf. adomodo. hollow, to be — v. n. a-moda. prf. adamoda. (lig. stupid) honey, s. e-neiso. horn, s. e-segegua. pi. isegeguan. hot, — to be — a-roiia. prf. aduroua (fig. angry) house, s. eng - aji. pi. ing-ajijik — this house en-aji (not as it should be enangaji) house, door gudukaji (contracted from eng-uduk-aji) — 90 — how, adv. ajl. liow far ajiba. how large ajiglJo. how many if referred to a noun of the masc. gender omuaja. how', many if referred to a noun of the fern, gender namuaja. how, many men? ildungnana omuaja & omuaj ildungnana. how, many sheep? ingera namuaja? hump e-ruk. pi. iriigi. hundred, ipi. ipi accompanied with a snap of the fingei s signifies all numbers beyond fifty, hunger, s. orl-ameu. husband, s. orl-moruo. pi. ilmoruak. I. I, pron. nanu. I alone, nanu oben. I myself nanugewan. ibis, en-dadolu. pi. in-dadolun. if, conj. den. denaibod engarna baba lengniena, edorl- mangadi lai osabe. If I pronounce the name of his fathers, so is he my enemy for ever. impose — to — upon, a-ltj. pif. adeleja. in, prep. = ev. adoa. he is in the house, ed adoaji, in & into. prep. = fi^^ — de. increase, v. a. a-bon. pif. adobono. india-corn. s. el- back. indifferently, adv. gasegase. inquire, v. a. a-ibaru. prf. aibarua. inspect, v. a. a-imariii. prf. aiinariria. inspect, willi the intent to find fault, a-mar, prf. ada- mara. intend, v. a-udiki, prf. adaudikjo. invert, v. a. a-ibeligen. prf. aibeligenia. iron, s. e-sengengei. itch, s. el-bebedo. — 91 — •r. jaguar, s. orl-uwaru. pi. IluwaraU. join, V. a-rub. prf. aduruba. judge, V. a. a-iri§. prf. airiSa. pass. alriSi. prf. alri- saki. julus, s. o-sambiirlal. pi. Isamburlal. H. keep, r. = a-ada = to have. keep, V. to — back a-don na lit. to sit with. prf. ado- dona-na. keep, in view a-ingnor. prf. aingnora. kick, V, a. a-rumo. prf. aduri'imoe. pass, arumokini. kidney, s. orl-airugiiji. pi. ilairuguj. kill, V. a-ar. prf. adara. king, s. orl-eiboni, pi. ileibonok. knee, s. eng-ugun. pi. in-guii. kiiee.pan, s, orl-elburugusi. pi. ileiburugiis. knife, s. orl-alem. pi. ilalcma. knife, s. dim. eng-alem. pi. ing-alema. knock, V. a. a-igor. prf. aigoro. know, V. a-j6rlo. prf. adajorlo. lament, v. a-buak. prf. adiibuaga. lamentation, s. eng-iibuak. language, s. eng-uduk. enguduk ilolgob the language of the Masai, lap, V. a. a-mej. prf. adamejo. pass. a-nieji. lap, s. eng-uhes. pi. ing-ubesir. laige, adj. gido & sabuk. laugh, V. a-kuen. prf. adakueni;i. lay, V. — eggs. vid. give birth, lay, V. to — down. a-Sum — vid. put. — 92 — lead, s. eng-osorlai. leaf, s. em-benek. pi. imbenek, leave, v. a-ingododo. prf. ainyo, leave, off. a-bal. prf. adabala. pass, abali. lick, V. vid. lap. lid, s. em-bisinge. pi. im-bisingen. lie, s. el-ejare. lie, V. ad-elejare. lit. to be -svitli lie. lie, V. = recline a-ber. prf. adabera. light, V. a. to — a fire a-lnok. prf, ainoa. light, to be — V. n. a-nenin. light, adj. inasc. o-nenin. adj. fein. nanenin. like, V. a. a-nior. prf. adaniora. pass, aniori. like, to be — v. n. vid. resemble. like, adv. gan. lion, s. orl-gnadun. pi. ilgnadun. lioness, s. en-gnadun. pi. ingnadun. liquor, s. an intoxicating made of wild honey, orl- marua. little, adj. gidi. littleness, eng-ingui. live, V. to — at, a-don. prf. adodona. liver, s. e-monyoa. pi. imonyoan. long — to be — in size a-ado. long, adj. masc. wado. (instead oado) adj. fern. nado. long. ago. adv. muidi. look, V. a. (at) a-ingnor. prf. aingnora. pass, aingnori. look, V. a. to — about for. aingnoru. vid. seek. look, V. a, up. a-imariri. prf. aimariria. eimariri ngor- long which eneba dauena, danyu emonyoa. lit. (the returning widow) she looks at the sun, at here far (he has descended) sit down, wait for the liver. The widow goes home and enters a settle- ment, where a cow has been killed. It is near — 93 — evening but still she is invited to sit doAvn & wait for the livci*. Internal parts of animals are eaten but by the aged & the females, wherefore old men are also called kidney and liver eaters. lose, V. a. a-imim. j>rf. aimina. pass, aimini. prf. aimi- naki. loosen, V. a. a-rlagu. prf, adarlagua. louse, s. orl-asei. pi. ilaSe. love, V. a. a-Sam. prf. adasama. pass, asami. prf. ada- samaki. love-apple, s. en-dulele. pi. in-dulelen. lover, masc. o-sanda. fern, e-sanda. pi. isandan. maggot, s. orl-gurdo. pi. il-gurd. maggot, dim. en-giiru. pi. in-gur. make, v. a. aidobir & a-idobiriso. prf. aidobira & aido- birise. pass, a-idobiri. prf. aidobiraki. male, adj. 61e. pi. lewa. engerai ole male child, ingera lewa. m. children, mamma, s. jejo. man, s. orl-dungnani. pi. ildungnana. many, adj. giimo. market, s. e-sengira. & o-s6gor. the latter is but an adoption from the w^ord soko meaning market among some of the coast-tribes, marry, v. a-iam & aianiiso. prf. aiama & aiamise. pass. a-iami. prf. aiamaki. Masai, s. orl-masai. pi. il-masai. Call themselves so in contradis. to the Wakuafi. fem. e-masai. pi. i-masai. Masai, orl-oigob. pi. iloigob. so they call themselves as descendants of a certain orloigob who is said to be the common father of Wakuafi and Masai. — 94 — The word orl oigob signifies: ,,tlie masculine (mas- lei') of the woi'ld" if composed of the words: or! masc. article, ole adj. male or masculine & eng-ob world, as I think it to be. master, (as tille) orl-garsis. matter, s. eng-imek. me, pron. nanu. meat, s. en-giringo. medicine, s. en-dasim. pi. indasimi. milk, s. gurle — The first milk after a cow has thrown a calf e-sigido. milk, s. a. a-lep. prf. adalebo. pass, alebi. prf. adale- boUi. mingle, v. a. a-idusur. prf. aidusuila. pass. aiduSuri. prf. aidusurlaki. mistress, s. en-garsis, mix, V. a. — (by stirring in a circular way) a-gurd. prf. adugi'irdo. mkuafi, s. (as he calls himself) orl-oigob. pi. iloigob. mkaafi, (as he is scornfully called by the Masaij em-ba- rawui. pi. imbarawuio. monkey, s. orl-goroi. pi. ilgoroin. moon, s. orl-aba. morning, s. dadegenia. morrow, deisere; come to — uou deisere. mother, s. jcjo. mother, s. who gave birth eng-nodon. mother, as she is called after her death e-naiu. pi. inaiu. mountain, s. orl-doenyo. pi. ildoenyon. mouth, s. eng-uduk, much, adv. giimo, mud, s. e-salmak. musket, s. en-diol. \ - i»5 - my, pron. poss, iiiasc. lai. pi. laiiiai. my, pron. poss. fern, ai, pi. ainai. nail, s. oil-oiljoso. pi. iloibosoU. name, s. cng-arna. pi. ing-arnan. name, v. to — a-ibod. pif. aiboda. pass, albodi. prf. aibodaki. navel, s. o-surorua. pi. isororuan. near, v. to be — a-dana. prf. adadana. neck, s. em-biden. pi. imbidingi. neck, s. bind part of the — o-sangi'irigur. neck, s. fore jiart of tlie — eni-urd, vld. throat, needle, s. orl-didu. pi. ildidun. new, adj. gnejuk. news, s. lomon. nice, adj. sidai, night, s. g-ewarie (the g rest of the fern, article eng. comp. gudukaji) night fall. s. dara. nine, enduruj & sal. no, me & erne. noise, to make a — a-dar. prf. adadara. noon, s. em-bargiji. nose, s. orl-gume. pi. ilgumen. nose, s. dim. the broad low — en-gume. pi. ingumen. not, adv. m'e & eme (in the negat. verb abridged to m) now, adv. dada. number, v. a-igen. prf, aigena. pass, aigeni, o. oath, s. muma. ochre, s. red — orl-garia. — 96 — offering, orl-geredi pi. ilgered. Made in distress to engai. oh! inter] . eh ! & oi! oil, el-ada. old, adj. in contradis. to new msana. old, s. gogo = the hoary. on, adv. geber. one, nabo & obo; only one naboge (fem. adj. also card, number) orldungnani obo one man. engnorion nabo one woman; enabo gnorion the first woman, orlobo dungnani the first man. only, adv. ge. open, V. a. a-igenu. prf. aigenua. ingenu gudukaji open the housedoor. or, conj. au. or-or au-au. ostrich, s. e-sidai. pi. isidan. (lit. the fair one) other, adj. gai. the other masc. orlgai. fem. engai. another man orlgai dungnani. the other — orl- dungnani oilgai. our, pron. poss. masc. Ian. our, pron. poss. fem. all. overbearing — to be — a-gorlon. overbearing, adj. masc. ogorloii. adj. fem. nagorlofl. overlay, v. a. a-peda. prf. adepedaye. over-reach, v. a. a-6ru. prf. adoruo. pass, a-orimi, owner, s. oi^l-oben. pi. iloben. ox, s. orl-giden. pi. ilmongi. P. pack, V. a. a-rid. prf. adirida. pass, a-ridi. prf. adiri- daki. palate, s. en-6ret. pan, s. (3-m6di. pi. imodio. party coloured, adj. geri. — 97 — pass, V. n. a-im. pi f. aima. pass, v« a. away, a-gik. prf. adiSiga. passage, s. o-nii. pasture, v. a. a-irid. prf. airida. pass, airidi. path, s. eng-oidoi. pi. ing-oidoi. paunch, s. eng-aya. pi. ing-ayan. peace, s. sei-e. peal, V. a. a-gin. prf. adiginia. penis, s. en-jabo. pi. injabok. perform, v. rid. do. perfume, s. orl-emoran. pi, ilemoran. a mint-like shrub used as perfume by almost all tribes in East- Africa. perspiration, s. eng-ilaii. pestle, s. en-auner, pi. inauneri. pipe, s. tobacco — orl-modi. pi. ilmodio. piss, V. a. a-rlud. prf, adurliida. pit, s. eng-umodo. pi. ing-umodon. pit, fall, s, orl-giringed. pi. ilgiringedi. place, s. e-weiji. pi. iweiji. plant, V. a. a-dur. prf. aduduro. pass, adiiri. plantation, s, en-guruma. pi. inguruman. plumage, s. oil-obiron. pi. ilobir. point, s. en-kue. pi. in-kuen. point, V. a. = make a thing pointedly sharp, a-kuert. prf. adakuerda. poison, s. e-seicd. pi. iseiedi. poor, vid. beggar. poorly — to be — a-muei. prf. adamueia. possess, V. vid. have, posterior, s. orl-giirum. pi. ilgurumi. pot, s, e-modi. pi. imodio. pot, sherd, s, eng-elesadi. pi. ingelisad. . pound, V. a. a-idun. prf. aidiingo. pass, aidungi. — 98 — pour, V. a. to — into a-big. prf. adibiga. pour, V. a. to — out = to empty a-bugu. prf. adubiigu. pass, abugiini. pour, v» a. to — out = throw away a-ibugo. prf. aibu- goye. pass, aibugori. powder, s. eng-ima. precede, v. a. a-iduruU. prf. aiduruko. pregnant, r. n. to be — a-mena. prf. adamena. pregnant, t. pass, to be brought into family ony a-me- nani. prf. adamenaki. presently, adv. dada. press, V. a. to~out, a-iron, prf. ai-i'6nia. prudent, adj. gnen. prudent, to be — ara gnen. puffed, up — to be — v, n. a-bonga. prf. adabonga. pull, V. a. a-ibiin. prf. aibunga. pull, V. a. to — out. a-burd. prf. adaburdo. pass, abiirdi. pull, V. a. to — asunder a-ngcr. prf. adengera. pull, V. a. to — to pieces, a-ngeru. prf. adangerua. pulverize, vid. pound. purge, V. a-rod. prf. adoroda. pus, s. eng-imek. push, V. a. a-rumo. prf. adurumoe. put, V. a. to — down, a-sum. prf. adusuma. put, V. a. to — together a-rid. prf, adirida. put, V. a. to — into abig. vid. pour. Q quickly, adv. sarasara. quiver, s. e- median, pi. iniodiani. u. rain, s. eng-ai. rain, v. n. to — a-sa, prf. adasa. I — 99 — rat, s. (of the lielil) ong-utla. [A. incj-udan. rat, s. (house-ral) on-deroni. pi. in-dero. ravenous, v. to be — a-urla. ravenous, atlj. niasc, ourla. feni. naurla. razor, s. orl-niori'inia. |:l. ilmorunlan. reach, v. a-baya. pif. adabaye. receptacle, s. en-dam. receive, v. a. a-isak. prf. aisa. lecoUect, v. a. a-damu. prf. adadamua. refuse, v, a-an. pif. adania. niian = do not say no. refuse, v. a. a-midiki. prf. adomidikjo. reign, v. a. a-idore. prf. aidoria. remove, v. a. a-diimu. prf. adudiimua. rend, v. a. a-gij. prf. a-digija. pass, agiji. reply, v. a. a-iriik. prf. alrugo. resemble, v. n. a-nana. prf. a-di\vana. (kisuaheli fa- nana) rest, V. n. a-ingnen. prf. aingnengna. return, v. n. a-ringniinie. prf. adoringniinie. revive, v. a. & n. a-piii. prf. adopiiio. pass, apiiini. prf. adopiuoki. rhinoceros, s. e-mun. pi. imuni. rib, s. orl-arasi. pi. ilaras. rip, V. a. to — up a-burl. prf. aduburlo. river, orUgeju. pi. ilgejek. roast, V. a. a-bej. prf. adabejo. robber, s. orl-aburon. pi. ilaburok. rock, s. o-soid. pi. isoido. room, s. el-ala. root, s. en-danai. pi. indana, root, V, a. to — up. a dur. prf. aduduro. root, V. a. to — out altogether a-ngciu. prf. aden- gerua. rough, to be — a-bi. (morally speaking) — 100 - rough, adj. niasc. obi. atlj, fern. nabi. rub, V. a. a-6j. prf. adojo. rule, vid. reign. I'un, on. a-gej. prf. adegeja. run, V. n, to — over a-bor. prf. adabora. run, V. — away, vid. escape. s. salt, s. e-munian. (kisuaheli muniu.) sand, s. eng-urlukua. sandal, s. en-anamake. pi. in-amuka, sap, s. orl-gijo lorl dada. (lit. tear of a tree.) satisfy, v. a. & n. a-imu. prf. aimi'io. say, V. a-ka & prf. a-diaka. In use only these two in- finitives by addressing oneself to a higher one exg. orleiboni aka lit. king to say = king may I say. say, V. a-jo. prf. adejo. pass. a-j6ki. prf. adejoki. orl- eibon(i) ejoki adoa the king is said to have died, scabbard, s. en-jasur. pi. injasiiri. scar, s. eng-iboroi. pi. ing-iboron. (derived from a-ibor) scorpion, s. eng-ulupa. pi. ing-ulupan. scramble, v. a. to — for. a-sar. prf. adasara. scratch, v. a. a-igorigor. prf. aigorigoro. scrip, s. orl-bene. pi. ilbenen. scrutinize, v. a-niar. prf. adamara. secundine, s. em-balis. pi. imbalisi. see, V. a. a-dol. pif. adadua. pass, adoli. prf. adaduaki. seek, V. a. a-ingnoru. prf. aingnorua. self, s. gewan. g-probably rest of the fern, article eng. self, willed — to be — a-gorlon. sell, V. a. a-mir. prf. adimira, select, V. a. a-silu. prf. adisilua. — 101 — send. V. a. (a person) a-ihaya. prf. aibayo. send, V. a. (of tilings) a-iaki. prf. aiaka. pass. aiaUini, prf. aiagaUi. scperate, v. a-isur. prf. .lisiira. set, V. n. a-niud. prf. adumudo. edumudo ngorloii tlie sun has set. settle, to — do'svn. a-don. prf. adadona. settlement, s. these vary in size as they follow upon each other, settlement, eng-anasa. pi. ing-anasan. settlement, s. eng-ail. pi. ing-angidi. settlement, s. e-lide. pi. iliden, settlement, s. (a forsaken one) orl-muade. pi. ilmuaden. (probably from mud) seven, nabusana. sew, V. a, a-rib. prf. adiriba. pass, aribi. prf. adiri- baki. shade & shadow, s. orl- oib. pi. iloib. shame, s. orl-ai'o. shame, v. to have — ad-orlaro. shame, v. to be put to — a-guru. prf. adugurua. sharpen, v. a. a-i. prf. aio. pass. aii. prf. aioki. shave, v. a. a-barn. prf. adabarno, sheep, s. masc. orl-ger. pi. ilgera. sheep, s. fern, en-ger. pi. in-gera. shepherd, s. orl-airidani. pi. ilairidan. shield, s. orl-ongo. pi. ilongon. shield, v. a, to — a-iris. prf. airisa. shite, V. a. a-idayu ngik. prf. aidayuo ngtk. shoe, s. vid. sandal. shoot, V. a. (an arrow) a-ngor. prf, adangoro. I short, adj. dorop. i shoulder, s. o-sib, pi. isibi. jl shoulder, blade, s. orl-dap, pi. lldabi. 102 — show, V. a. a-ldodol. prl. aidodolie. pass, aidodoli. coiiip. see. sickness, s. eng-ea. (probably from e to die $C so lit. the making die) silence, v. a, a-gira. prf. adigira. silent, V. to be — ^-g''"- P*''* adigire. sinew, s. eng ingniani. pi. ing-ingnian. sing, V. a ran. prf. adarania. (sing & dance for one can not be williout the other) sing, V. a-isilil. prf. aisililia. icligious dancing & sin- ging to the lionour of engai. sing, V. to — a persons shame a-iguran. prf. aigurana. sing-dance, s. o-singolio. pi. isingolion. sister, s. eng-anaisai. pi. inganaisan. sister, in law bager, my — in law bagerai. sit, V. a-don. prf. adodona. sit, V. a-wen. prf. adauena. six, ile. ' sixty, ipi. skin, s. orl-doiai. pi. ildonido. skin, s, dim. en-doni. pi. in-donido. skin, V. a. a-jon. ]>rf. adejengu. sky, s. eng-adambu. pi. ingadambon. sleep, s. en-jo. sleep, V. a-ber. prf. adabero. sleeping- place, em-berodo. slime, s. e-s;ilniak. slip, V. a-iserdid. prf. aiSerdida. slowly, adv. agidi, small, adj. (in size) gidi. (in quantity) gudi. small-pox, s. eng-ea naiber. (lit. the white dying.) smell, V. a. (badly) a-ngu. prf, adongua. sinell, V. (nicely) a-robil. smoke, s. em-bi'iruo engima. (lit. cloud of the fire) — UYS — snail, s. orl-bigid. pi. ilbigido. snake, s. en-durbiiba. pi. indurbi'iban. a tliick short snake called bafe in kisuaheli. snake, s. orl-asuiai. pi. ilasuran. snatch, x. a. vid. scramble for. snoar, r. a. a-riinguruh. prf. adurungurunga. snot, s. cng-urlak. snow, s. e-seret. so, adv. neja. so it is nejada. soft, adj. masc. onana. feni. nanana. (kisuaheli nuinana) sorcerer, s. orl-asagadon. pi, iiasagadok. - <,i .. sorcery, s. em-dasim.: soul, s. orl-dau. pi. ildaun. sour, to be ■ — a-dua. sour, adj. masc. odua, fern, nadua. space, s, el-ala. . spare, v. a. a-leku, prf; adelekua. pass, alekuni, speak, V. a-iro. prf. airoro. spear, s. em-bere. pi. im-beren. spectre, s. oi'l-oib. pi. il-6ib, speech, s. o-rorei. spine, s. en-giji. pi. ingijin. (from agij) spinster, s. (any woman without husband) eng-apiak. pi. ing-apiak. spirit, s. evil — orl-oiriroa. pi. iloiriroan. spittle, s. eng-amlak. split, V. a. & n. a-gij. prf. adigija. neut. prf, adigije, spoil, V. a. a-idaruo. prf. aidaruuyc. spoiled, dorok, adj. spoon, s. orl-mersie. pi. ilmersien. spring, V. n. a-sioyo. prf. adasioyo. squat, V. a-wen. prf. adauena. stand, V. n. a-idaso. prf. aidase. star, s. orl-ogirai. pi. ilogir. (the ushering in of stillness.) — 104 — slaie, V. vid. gaze. startle, v, a. & n. a-irud. prf. airiido. stay, at or with vid. live at. steal, V. a. a-bur. prf. aduburo. pass, a-biiri. steam, s. em-buruo. stick, together to. — v. n. a-irebiso. pi^f. airebise. stick, s. eng-udi. pi, ing-iiden. stink, V. a-ngii. prf. adongua.' stir, V. a. (in a circular way) a-gurd, prf, adugurdo (umriU;ren) stir, V. a. to — up, a-gurd. prf. adugiirda (aufrii()rcu) stone, s. a. large one o-s6id, pi. isoido. my rock osoid- lai. stone, s. dim. a small stone e-s6id. pi, isoido my stone esoidai, stoop, V. n. a-guruma. prf. adugiiruma, story, s. lomon. (1 part of the masc. article orl,) straighten, v. a. a-idorio. prf. aidoroje. stranger, s. orl-omon. pi. ilomon. stranger, s. female — eng-omon. pi. ing-omon. strangle, v. a. a-gor, prf. adagoro. (lit. to make one groan) strap, s. eng-ene. pi. ing-en. stretch, v. a. a-guraki. prf. udugurakie. stretch, v. oneself after a-beiki. prf. adabeikja. string, s. (of the bow) em-bido. pi. im-bido. stroke, vid. caress, strong, to be — v. n. a-gol, strong, adj. masc. ogol. fern, nagol, stumble, v. a-rwes, pif. adarwesa. stump, s. en-del6kue. pi. indelokuen. stupid, to be — a-moda. prf. adamoda. (lil. lo be hollow) sugar-cane. s. orl-gikua. pi. ilgikuan. — 105 — summit, s. en-kue. pi, inkuen = kibo in kijagga. NB. wliicli means not snow, but summit, point, being tbe dim. of mbo. Spilje. (nibo also penis) sun, s. eng-oilon. (mbo = penis in kisuaheli) sunder, v. a. vid. select. s-waliow, T. a. a-ijo. pif. adoijol. sweep, V. a. a-6r. prt. a-doro. sweet, V. n. to be — a-melok. sweet, potato, s. orl-gisoiai. pi. ilgisoia. swell, V. a-deya. prf. adedoya. swine, s. em-bidir, pi. imbidiro. sword, s. or-alem. pi, ilalcma, T. tail, s. eng-idongai. pi. ingidongo. tailor, s. orl-aribani. pi. ilariban. take, V. a. to — away a-ya. prf. awa. take, V. a. off tbe fire a-dodu. prf, adadodiio. take, V. a. hold a-ibufi. prf. aibiinga. tall, lo be — V. n. a-ado. tall, adj. masc. wado. adj. fem. nado. tamarind, s. orl-masambura. pi. ilmasamburan, tamarind, tree. s. orl-osambuia. pi. ilosamburan. taste, V. a. a-isamisam. prf. aisamisama, tatoo, V. a. a-ngom. prf. adongoma. tear, s. orl-gijo. pi. ilgljon. tear, v. vid. rent. tell, V. a-liki. prf. adolikjo. pass, alikini. ten, domon. tend, r. a. to — animals, airid. prf. airida. testicle, s. orUdcrege. pi. ilderegen. that, pron. masc. clde. pi. (those) guldo. that, pron. fem. enda. pi. gi'inda. the, article masc. sing, o, orl & 1. pi. il & i. 106 the, article fem. sing, e, en, em, eng & g. pi. i, in, im, & Ing. the collective article el without, plural form. thee, pron. pers. ie. their, pron. masc. lengni. their, pron. fem. engni, tliem. pron. pers. niend'e. thin, adj. longai. tiling, s. en-doki. pi. indokilin. thirty, ardum. this, pron. masc. ele. pi. (these) gulo, this, pron, fem. ena. pi. giina. three, uni.' throat, s. em-urd. pi. imurdo. throw, V. a. — away a-ibugo. prf. aibugoye. throw, V. a. — down, a-idad. prf. aidadoyu. throw, V. a. — out of a-idura. prf. aiduraye. thorn, s, orl-gigu. pi. ilgigiian. thou, 2>'on. pers. ie. thunder, v. to. — a-dar. prf. adadara. (the shrill thunder) thunder, v. to — a-gurugur. prf. adugurugiira. (the rolling distant thunder) thy, pron. poss. masc. lino. pi. linono. thy, pron. poss. fem. ino. pi. inono. tickle, V. a. a-igidigid. prf. aigidigida. tie, v. a. a-lid. prf. adilida. pass, alidi. time, s. en-gada. times, adv. gad. three times gadiini. tire, V. a. a-naiira. prf. adanaura. tired, v. n. a-naiire. prf. adanai'ire. to, adv. a. regular sign of the inlinitive. a-rlol to see. arlo to go. tobacco, s. orl-gumbau. pi. ilguml)aun. — 107 - toe, s. en-gimojino. pi. ingimojik. longuc, s. oil-gnc'ji'jj. pi. iIgiic'jt'W;t. lootli, s. orl-ala. pi. ilalan. loolh, brush, s. cng-igc. pi. ing-lgcn. Usually a piece of a creeper ^\hich serves reniarltaMy for llie pur- pose, tooth, hole, em-buata. pi. im-bualan. trade, s. eng-gingnianga. trade, V. a. a-iiiguiaii & a-IngiiiangiSo. prf. a-ingnianga & aiiigniangisc. tread, v. to • — upon, a-ioro. prf. adoioro. pass, a-roroi. tree, s. orl-d'ada, pi. ilgeh. tree, s. dim. small tree, en-d'ada. pi. ingeU. troubles, s. o-sina. troubles, v. to have — a-nyi(a) osina. prf. adaniuslua 111. to eat & to have eaten troubles, true, to be — a-sib. prf. adisiba. disib osake be always true, Irunk, s. — of a tree, when of great size orl.dim. pi. ildimi. truth, s. e-dede. turn, out. V. n. a-ai(U. prf. aijiasu. turn, a-gurd, vid. stir. turn, repeatedly = roll, a-igurduda. prf. aigurdudaye. turn, v. a. upside down, a-ibelegen. prf. aibelegenia. tusk, s. vid. toolh. tusk of the elephant orl-ala lorl. dome, twenty kitikidam. twice gadare. twins, s. il.mao. two (if ref. to a nomen niasc. ware instead of oare) if to a fern. are. I wist, V. a. a-biai. prf. adibiaja. twisi, V. a, = distord a-giii'. - 108 — IJ. ulcer, s. or] dotluclal. pi. ildocluda. unchaste, v. to be — a-sid. unchaste, adj. masc. osid. adj. fern, uasid. uncle, s. orl-abulai. pi. ilabulai. uncover, v. a. a-gin. prf. adiginia. under, adv. abori. undo, V. a. exg. sewing a-ribu. prf. adiribua. unite, V. a. a-lld. prf. adilida. up & upon, adv. geber. urin, s. in(g) gurlak. vagina, s. eng-uali. pi. ingualin. venture, v, a-ideu. prf. aideuo. very, adv. nalen. village, vid. selllement. violence, s, malmali. visit, V. a, a-lilida. prf. adililida. vomit, V. a-lobiSo. prf. alobiSe. wail, V. a-buak. prf. adabuaga. ■\vaiHng, s. vid. lamentation. wait, V. a. to — for a-nyii. prf. adanyua. pass, anyi'ini. want, V. a. a-jau. prf. adiijaua. wanton — to be. — a-miin. prf. adamuno. war, s. en-j6re. warm, v. to — oneself a-ij. jirf. adoijo. warm, v. a. to — up. a.idal. pri. aidadala. wash, V. a. a-6gu. prf. adogu. pass, aoguni. watch, V. = to be awake, a-inuda. prf. adumuda. watch, V. = guard a-rib. prf. adoribo. - 109 — >vatcr, s. cng.arc. wax, s. — of Avild bees. en.doSo. way, s. eng-oidoi, pi. ing.oidoi. wear, v. a. a-iSob. prf. aiSoba. weep, V. a-isir. prf. aisira. well, adv. sabad & nagai. well, y. to be — a-lulunga, well, s. — of water, crl-cluroclo, pi. ildurodon. west, s. en-apungningoiloi'i. apungni probably related with (aibung) what, pron. interrog. ainio what do you see. ainio idol? what — sort ga. garldungnani. what sort of man? where, adr. aji, where do you go ajiilo? whet, V. a, vid. sharwcn. whetstone, eng-io. pi. ingion. whisper, v. n. a-ngnoinaUi. prf. adongnomatl. pass, a-ngnomakini. white — to be — a-ibor. prf. aiboi'O. cnbue orldoenyo ngai eibor osake the summit of doenyo ngai is al- ways white, white — to make — a-ibora. prf. aiboraye. white, adj. masc. oibor. adj. feni. naiboi-. orldungnan(i) oibor a white man, enanga naibor white cloth. who, pron. interrog. ngnai, why, adv. balnio. (lit. for what) widow, s. vid. spinster. wife, e-siangiki. pi. isiangikin. will, V. a. vid. want. wind, s. eng-ijape. pi. ingijapen. winnow, v. a. a-isesi. prf. aisesia. wipe, V. a. a-yud. prf. adiiyudo. pass, ayudi. wise, adj. gnen. with, prep. na. withered — to be — a-doyo. «:# — no after she has given birth en- woman, s. eng.norion, pi. Ing.norlok, woman, s. name of a dangnadana. pi. indangnadan. woman, s. in childbed, en-damonon. pi. In-damonok. woman, s. as wife e-siangiUi. woman, s. pet name of a — nadangile. womb, s. eng-omos. woods, s. en-dim. pi. in-diml. wood, s. = fuel el.gek. world, s. eng-6b. pi. ing-obl. wound, s. orl-mogo. pi. ilmogon. wrap, V. a. a-jab. prf. adajaba. pass, a-jabi. wrath, s. e-gore, wrath, to be — a-roiia. prf. adaroua. wrench, sa. a-monir. prf. adamonira. year, s. orl-ari. pi. ilarin. yes, adv. — by males. 6i. by females eo. yesterday, adv. gnole. before — nabiiri. you, pron. pers. indai & 'ndai. youth, s. an uncircumcised — orl.aion. pi. ilaiok. youth, s. an circumcised — orl-giegu. pi. ilgiegu. Z. zebra, s. oi^l-oidigo. pi. il-oidigon. # ^ £rrata. Pag. 5» Hn. 11 from on high road ,,t]icmselves" not tliemsclver. Pag. 14, lin. 21 from on liigli read ,, grass" not grasi. Pag. 21, lin. 16 from on liigh read ,, against" not aganist. Pag. 24, lin. 9 from on highread „medicine" notmedecine. Pag. 27, lin. 5 from on high strike after ildungnana the in- terrogative sign. Pag. 32, lin. 2 from below read „a dress" not adress, Pag. 46, lin. 6 fiom on high read ,, genitive" not genetive. Pag. 50, lin. 6 from heloAV read ,,\vrit]ie" not wrilh. Pag. 65, lin. 2 from on liigh read ,, select" not sellect. Pag. 74t lin. 12 from below read ,,enkueni" not en-kneni. Pag. 8S, lin. 9 from below read ,, health'* not healthy. Pag. 96, lin. 1 from below read ,, partly coloured" not party coloured. # # L 009 519 93: UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY illlllli iIhMhI AA 001 219 921