A DISSERTATION ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS BEING A STUDY OF THE CHIEF CONTRIBUTIONS OF ITS EMINENT MASTERS, WITH A CRITIQUE OF THE FUN- DAMENTAL MECHANICAL CONCEPTS, AND A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SCIENCE EMBODYING RESEARCH SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE IN NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, 1908 BY DAVID HEYDORN RAY BACHELOR OF ARTS, COLLEGE OF CITY OF NEW YORK; BACHELOR OF SCIENCE AND MASTER OF ARTS, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY; CIVIL ENGINEER, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY; INSTRUCTOR IN THE COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK; CONSULTING ENGINEER », 1 » LANCASTER, PA. \\^ CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. NATURAL SCIENCE. PART I. BEGINNINGS IN MECHANICS. The Period of Antiquity, iogoo B. C. to 500 A. D. PAGE. 1. The Science of Mechanics 8 2. Science in Antiquity 12 3. Archimedes 19 PART II. The Medieval Period, 500 A. D. to 1500 A. D. 1. The Medieval Attitude toward Science 33 2. The Influence of Arabian Culture 39 3. The Period of the Renaissance 42 4. The Contribution of Stevinus 45 5. The Contribution of Galileo 52 PART III. MODERN MECHANICS. The Modern Period, 1500 to 1900. 1. Characteristics of the Modern Period 60 Huygens 63 2. Newton 69 3. The Contributions of Varignon, Leibnitz, the Bernoullis, Euler and D'Alembert 77 4. The Contributions OF Lagrange AND Laplace. . . 106 iii iv contents. 5. Recent Contributions. The Law of Conserva- tion 117 6. The Ether. Energy. Dissociation of Matter. 125 PART IV. CONCLUSION. 1. Conclusions and Critique of the Fundamental Concepts of the Science 133 2. Tabular View of the Development of Me- chanics 134 3. Bibliography 146 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. NATURAL SCIENCE. The word mechanics, though it indicated of old the study of machines, has long since outgrown this limited meaning and now embraces the entire study of moving bodies, both large and small, suns and satellites, as well as atoms and mole- cules. The phenomena of nature present to us a world of change through ceaseless motion. Mechanics is the "Science of Motion" as the physicist Kirchhoff has defined it, and has all natural phenomena for its field of investigation. Why things happen and how they happen are the questions that here present themselves. It was a long time before the distinction between "why" and "how" was drawn, but when once the question "why" was turned over to the metaphysician and the theologian, and attention was concentrated on "Aow," then mechanics made progress. Men then began to discover "how things go," and to try their hand at invention. It is not the purpose here to touch upon either the meta- physical or the psychological aspect of phenomena, nor the mystery of vegetable or animal activities, but to trace the development of Mechanics as a science from the earliest records to the present time, first analyzing the contributions made to it, step by step, and then touching upon their use and value. As the French philosopher Comte first noted, three stages are apparent in the growth of human knowledge. In the first stage, man ascribed every act to the direct interposition of the Deity, in the second he tried to analyze the Deity's motives and so tried to learn "why," while in the third, men came to regard the inquiry "why" as profitless and ask "how." In this last stage, they accept the universe and are content with learning all they can of how it goes. With this last attitude, called positivism, science flourishes. Out of it grew the notion of utilitarianism, — the devotion of all energies 2 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. toward the improvement of the conditions of life on earth. Though this later philosophy cannot entirely justify itself, it is commonly identified with the scientific attitude of mind. By the long road of experience, by blunder, trial and experi- ment, men first gathered, it seems, ideas of things that appear always to happen together as by a necessary sequence of "cause and effect." Of the stream of appearances continu- ously presenting themselves, some are invariably bound to- gether, being either simultaneous or successive, the presence or absence of the others apparently making no difference. Those having no influence may reasonably be ignored and eliminated as of no consequence. In this way, the method of abstracting from the great multitude of phenomena those that are mutually dependent seems to have been evolved. Barbarous peoples do not possess a clear notion of sequence or of the interdependence of things. They are prone to regard the consequence of an action as accessory, as something done by an invisible being or a god. An action is performed by them, and what is commonly called by us the result is con- ceived by them as the simultaneous act of their god. Their medicineman is thought of, as one proficient in the art of appealing to the moods and whims of their gods propitiously. Even the Greeks and Romans, the founders of our European civilization, were accustomed to be guided in affairs of state and of the home by omens, by the flight of birds, and the inspection of the entrails of animals, — most naive examples of traditional error in the interdependence of simultaneous phenomena. Things which we now understand to have not the slightest relation with each other were systematically confounded by the ancients. For thousands of years belief in astrology was general in Europe and the universahty of the belief is at- tested by such words as ill-starred, disastrous, consider and saturnine, all of which are manifestly of astrological ety- mology. It was only very slowly and gradually, step by step, that men came to think of phenomena quantitatively rather than qualitatively, and to arrive at a more rational concep- tion of nature through experience and reflection. NATURAL SCIENCE. 3 As the interrelation of things came to be more clearly per- ceived, people began to say they could "explain things," meaning that they had arrived at a familiarity with, and had begun to recognize certain permanent elements and sequences in the variety of phenomena. By joining these elements, they constructed a chain and attained to a more or less extensive and consistent comprehension of the relations of phenomena by a co-ordination of their permanent elements. If these elements are linked together logically, the satis- factoriness of "the explanation" depends upon the length of the chain. The longer the chain, the further it reaches, and the more satisfied one is, the more one "understands" the matter. This is the general method of "learning things," and the information so collected may be called, as Prof. Karl Pearson has called it, an "intellectual resume of experience." But it should be noted that it is rarely the simple correlation of things that will stand the test of experiment. There is in this method abundant chance to go wrong. It is difficult, and especially troublesome for a beginner, untrained in this process, to decide what things really do not have effect and hence may be excluded from consideration. And if it is difficult for the beginner in science to-day, surely it was im- mensely more so for primitive men. Students are wont to complain of the artificiality of geometry and mechanics. Fac- tors which they feel do make a difference in reality do not seem to them to be fully allowed for, or they are troubled by a feeling of uncertainty as to the equity of the allowance. The peculiar value of mathematical studies lies just here in the rigorous training in reasoning. Whatever a student's success with his mathematics, few make its acquaintance without receiving wholesome lessons of patient application of the in- tellectual method by which mankind has won its mastery over natural forces. We may quote here to advantage Prof. Faraday.^ "There are multitudes who think themselves competent to decide, after the most cursory observation, upon the cause of this or 1 Lecture delivered before Royal Institution of Great Britain, — "On Edu- cation of the Judgment." 4 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. that event, (and they may be really very acute and correct in things familiar to them) : — a not unusual phrase with them is, that 'it stands to reason,' that the effect they expect should result from the cause they assign to it, and yet it is very dif- ficult, in numerous cases that appear plain, to show this reason, or to deduce the true and only rational relation, of cause and effect. "If we are subject to mistake in the interpretation of our mere sense impressions, we are much more liable to error when we proceed to deduce from these impressions (as sup- plied to us by our ordinary experience), the relation of cause and effect; and the accuracy of our judgment, consequently, is more endangered. Then our dependence should be upon carefully observed facts, and the laws of nature; and I shall proceed to a further illustration of the mental deficiency I speak of, by a brief reference to one of these. "The laws of nature, as we understand them, are the founda- tion of our knowledge in natural things. So much as we know of them has been developed by the successive energies of the highest intellects, exerted through many ages. After a most rigid and scrutinizing examination upon principle and trial, a definite expression has been given to them; they have become, as it were, our belief or trust. From day to day we still examine and test our expression of them. We have no interest in their retention if erroneous; on the contrary, the greatest discovery a man could make would be to prove that one of these accepted laws was erroneous, and his greatest honour would be the discovery. . . . "These laws are numerous, and are more or less compre- hensive. 'They are also precise; for a law may present an apparent exception, and yet not be less a law to us, when the exception is included in the expression. Thus, that eleva- tion of temperature expands all bodies is a well-defined law, though there be an exception in water for a limited tempera- ture; we are careful, whilst stating the law to state the excep- tion and its limits. Pre-erriinent among these laws, because of its simplicity, its universality, and its undeviating truth, stands that enunciated by Newton (commonly called the law NATURAL SCIENCE. 5 of gravitation), that matter attracts matter with a force in- versely as the square of the distance. Newton showed that, by this law, the general condition of things on the surface of the earth is governed; and the globe itself, with all upon it kept together as a whole. He demonstrated that the motions of the planets round the sun, and of the satellites about the planets, were subject to it. During and since his time, certain variations in the movements of the planets, which were called irregularities, and might, for aught that was then known, be due to some cause other than the attraction of gravitation, were found to be its necessary consequences. By the close and scrutinizing attention of minds the most persevering and careful, it was ascertained that even the distant stars were subject to this law; and, at last, to place as it were the seal of assurance to its never-failing truth, it became, in the minds of Leverrier and Adams (1845), the foreteller and the dis- coverer of an orb rolling in the depths of space, so large as to equal nearly sixty earths, yet so far away as to be invisible to the unassisted eye. What truth, beneath that of revelation, can have an assurance stronger than this!" Such is the process of scientific induction. It was by linking ideas together in an orderly way, by forming and verifying hypotheses, that men finally came to the "principles," and "formulae," which embody these general "truths" or "laws of nature." In this way knowledge has been built up, chain by chain, into a more or less complete system of the relations of things. Without asking the "why" of it all one can see "how" it goes together by running along the chains from link to link. In a word this knowledge is relative, and therefore quantitative,- and that is why numbers and mathematics play so large a part in the exact sciences, and in mechanics. The guiding principle in all this is the belief in the con- stancy of the order of nature founded on the experience of the human race. On this belief are based all scientific calcu- lations and deductions. This is sometimes formulated as a "Law of Causality," affirming that every effect has a sufficient cause and that the relation of cause and effect is one of in- variable sequence, if not interfered with by conditions or circumstances that make the cases dissimilar. 6 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. Information thus systematized, verified and formulated into truths or general principles is called Natural Philosophy or Natural Science. The Science of Mechanics is the oldest and one of the most important divisions of Natural Philosophy. This knowledge of the interdependence and inter-relation of phenomena makes it possible to "predict" and "control" them, and keeps us from making hasty and erroneous inferences. When developed with this view, applied science or applied mechanics is the usual designation, and that such information is power to one who has the skill to apply it, need not be dwelt upon. As Herbert Spencer says in his volume on Education:^ "On the application of rational mechanics depends the success of nearly all modern manufacture. The properties of the lever, the wheel and axle, etc., are involved in every machine — every machine is a solidified mechanical theorem; and to machinery in these times we owe nearly all production.'' Elsewhere he says : "All Science is prevision ; and all prevision ultimately helps us in greater or less degree to achieve the good and to avoid the bad."^ It is not the intention here to discuss or even to enumerate the triumphs in the practical applications of mechanics. The utilization of power, of the strength of animals, the power of the wind, of waterfalls, of steam and of electromagnetic attraction, constitutes the art of machine contrivance rather than the science of mechanics. Progress in theoretical mechanics has always brought in its train an advance in machinery. The innumerable engines for enlightenment and destruction, the cylinder-printing-press and the machine-gun which have changed and are altering the economic, social and religious prospect of nations and tribes are the direct result of the application of the principles of the science of mechanics. With further advance in theory and systematic experimentation even more revolutionizing contrivances will inevitably follow. When invention has realized the theoretical surmise that the "molecular energy" in a cup of tea is sufficient to tumble down ip. 30. 2"First Principles," p. 15. NATURAL SCIENCE. 7 a town, we may expect an Age of Power ushering in wonders untold.^ With the philosophy that denies the existence of reaUties outside of the mind we shall not trouble ourselves here. Mechanics regards a "truth" or a "law" not as subjective but as objective, holding that an external world exists and that truth is a relation of conformity between the mental world of perceptions and inferences, and really existing objects and their relations. Unless this and the validity of the principle of logical inference be conceded, our science is futile. The mental processes by which the victories of Science are won are in no wise different from those used by all in daily affairs. As Huxley says : "Science is nothing but organized common sense. The man of Science simply uses with scrupulous exactness the methods which we all habitually and at every moment, use carelessly. Nor does that process of induction and de- duction by which a lady, finding a stain of a peculiar kind on her dress, concludes that somebody has upset the inkstand thereon, differ in any way, in kind from that by which Adams and Leverrier discovered a new planet." Nevertheless there will always remain certain ultimate truths which cannot be proved and which must be consideredas axiom- atic and intuitive. This should not invalidate our conclusions and we will not enter upon a discussion of these questions here. The science of mechanics has then, for its subject matter, the motion-phenomena of the universe. Its growth is co- extensive with that of the race, and one of its functions is the widening of its perceptions. It is obviously a subject of primary importance, for from apparent chaos, it evolves rules and principles of practical utility, and so increases knowledge and efhciency, and consequently happiness, through power and dominion over nature. ^Suppose that a cup of tea (about lOO cubic centimeters) could be suddenly and completely dissociated, after the manner of the radio-active emissions of radium, into a cloud of particles with a velocity similar to radium emanations of say 100,000 kilometers a second (about one-third the velocity of light), then a simple calcu lation by th e theoretical formula for energy, J^twi)^, gives 3^ X.1/9.8X 100, 000,000^ = 50,000,000,000,000 kilogramme-meters, equal to the energy of explosion of about 500,000 tons of rifle powder, or enough energy to drive an express train around the globe a hundred times. PART I. I. THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. The most common of all our experiences is the motion of solid bodies. No idea is more frequently with us than the idea of such movements. It seems to be the first experience of the dawning intellect and it is soon fully developed by boyhood's games of marbles and tops. Indeed, there is nothing that our imagination pictures with greater ease and readiness, than a moving speck or particle. There is there- fore considerable satisfaction, and an appealing reasonableness and inevitableness in the idea of classifying phenomena on the basis of this familiar experience. This idea and another, quite as familiar, namely, that com- mon objects can be crushed and broken into many small par- ticles and ground to dust so small as to seem indivisible, are fundamental, and upon them the science of mechanics, as a scheme of motions and equilibrium of particles has been built up. Masses either change their relative position or they do not. How they move, rather than why they move, is the question of Mechanics. It is especially the circumstances of motion or of rest that are the subject of investigation of the science. In its formal presentation in textbooks, Mechanics is now defined by an American Professor, Wright, as "the science of matter, motion, and force"; by an English Professor, Ran- kine, as the "science of rest, motion and force"; by a German Professor, Mach, as that branch of Science which is "concerned with the motions and equilibrium of masses." These defini- tions do not differ essentially. The questions at once present themselves what is force, what is matter, what is mass? Etymology does not help us. The further back one goes, the more indistinctive and general is the idea corresponding to a scientific term. The terms, matter, mass, force and weight lose precision as we trace them THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. 9 back. Matter leads us back to the Latin, materia, i. e., substance for construction or building. Mass appears to be derived from the Greek root (Mdaaetv), to knead. So by derivation, matter means the substance or pith of a body, and mass means anything kneaded together like a lump of dough. The fundamental idea of mass is then an agglutinated lump. Weight is of Saxon derivation from a root meaning to bear, to carry, to lift. Force appears to come from the Latin root, fortia, meaning muscular vigor and strength for violence. It is an anthropomorphic concept, and is suggestive of myth- ology in its application to inanimate things. All these terms are derived from words expressing distinct muscular sensations. Here in the last analysis we come back to sense-impressions. A mass is an agglutinated lump as of kneaded dough, weight is resistance to lifting, and force is some- thing that produces results analogous to those produced by muscular exertion. We cannot analyze these simple, immediate perceptions, nor can we analyze motion. Motion is a sense of free, unrestricted muscular action. Muscular action impeded gives us our sense of force. Perhaps our primitive perception of force was muscular action under restraint or not accom- panied by motion. From these sense-impressions we attain, by inference, the idea of space, i. e., room to move in, and the notion of time or uniformity of sequence. Mechanics might ^; then be crudely defined as a scheme of the relations of lumps of matter acted upon by muscular exertion or by anything ; that produces like effects. ) Observe that we are conscious of these sense-impressions, comparatively only. We are aware of them only through change in their intensity. Here in our endeavors to com- prehend and to define the ultimate elements of mechanics we have borne in upon us the relativity of knowledge. The con- viction that the human intelligence is incapable of absolute knowledge is the one idea upon which philosophers, scientists, and theologians are in accord. It is a characteristic of con- sciousness that it is only possible in the form of a relation. "Thinking is relationing and no thought can express more than relations," says Herbert Spencer in his Chapter on the 10 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. Relativity of Knowledge. And he concludes: "Deep down in the very nature of Life, the relativity of our knowledge is dis- cernible. The analysis of vital actions in general, leads not only to the conclusion that things in themselves cannot be known to us, but also to the conclusion that knowledge of them, were it possible, would be useless."^ But though we are limited in this way we have a large field in the building of a scheme of inter-relations of the relations which comprise our conscious perceptions. This is the purpose of our science of mechanics. In general it endeavors to inter- pret for us the complex relativity of phenomena in terms of the most common and simplest of our experiences, namely the relativity of motion of a particle and the relativity of the divided parts of bodies. As science progresses the ideas, mental pictures, and terms found serviceable in the earlier stages are bound to prove inadequate later. The process of reorganizing these ideas, and perfecting terminology is slow, but in it there is unmistak- able evolutionary progress. As the philologist Nietzsche says, "Wherever primitive man put up a word, he believed he had made a discovery. How utterly mistaken he really was! He had touched a problem, and while supposing he had solved it, he had created an obstacle to its solution. Now, with every new knowledge, we stumble over flint-like petrified words. "^ The prehistoric races probably explained phenomena by associating with everything that produces motion, some in- visible god whose muscular strength was the force of wind, wave or waterfall. We find in all languages, survivals of this in the genders ascribed to things inanimate. Indeed, one can dig out of philology and mythology a petrified primitive natu- ral philosophy. To-day we sometimes hear that all phenomena of the material world are explainable, in terms of matter, motion, and force, or by the whirl of molecules. One may endeavor to make this a truism by defining matter as anything that occupies ^Spencer, "First Principles," Chapter IV. ''Nietzsche, "Morgenrote," vol. i, 47. THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. II space, and by defining force as any agent which changes the relative condition as to rest or motion between two bodies, or which tends to change any physical relation between them, whether mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, magnetic, or of any other kind. But here one does not say what force is, nor what matter is. The chain hangs in the air; it does not begin or end anywhere, but the relation of the links is apparent and serviceable. Indeed, the idea of force is still fundamentally the same, it is still an agent, as was the ancient nature-god, though much less definite, nor does it help matters to subdivide force and mass. The idea of force as a latent unknown cause is a historical "-^ survival of our primitive conceptions and undergoes trans- formation with the idea of force as a "circumstance of motion," { which was developed about the year 1700. It is now held \ by some that force is a purely subjective conception. For example, Tait says in his "Newton's Laws of Motion": "We have absolutely no reason for looking upon force as a term for anything objective; we can, if we choose, entirely dispense with the use of it. But we continue to employ it; partly because of its undoubted convenience, mainly because it is essentially involved in the terminology of Newton's Laws of Motion, which still form the simplest foundation of our subject. It must be remembered that even in strict science we use such obvious anthropomorphisms as the 'sun rises,' 'the wind blows,' etc." Yet though there may be no such reality as force, mechanics ^ will probably long continue to be known as the dictionary defines it, as "the science which treats of the action of forces on bodies, whether solid, liquid or gaseous." We do not disparage the use of the idea and term force; we shall have occasion to use them often. But it should be noted that an evolution in terminology is involved in the evolution of science. Such changes in conception and in terminology are inevi- table. They are essential characteristics of progressive science which seeks continually to improve the definiteness of relation between phenomena by making clearer vague connections, or 12 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. by discovering new relations. The relations formerly classed as acoustic, luminous, thermal, electric, magnetic and chem- ical expressing certain constant connections of antecedents and consequents are now generally expressible with exactness in the terms of the science of mechanics which is built on the familiar notions of motion and divisibility. As a matter of convenience, the science has come to be divided into Phoronomics or Kinematics, the study of pure motion without reference to the nature of the body moved, or how the motion is produced, and Dynamics, the "science of force," "the study of the push or pull of bodies," or "the science of the properties of matter in motion." It is evident that in some cases the "forces balance," giving the condition of rest; this branch of the study is called Statics. The study of unbalanced forces producing motions of various kinds is called Kinematics. These divisions are purely arbitrary and were made late in the development of the subject. His- torically, the study of Statics, or of bodies relatively at rest, was the first to be undertaken for obvious reasons. 2. THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS IN ANTIQUITY. It is the verdict of conservative geologists and physicists that the earth's crust is at least 25,000,000 years old, that period of time being required for the deposit of the depth of about 50,000 feet^ of sedimentary rocks that research discloses; and it is the opinion of conservative authorities that rude com- munities of men were dwelling in the broad alluvial valleys of the Nile, Euphrates, Ganges, Hoang-Ho, (perhaps also on the ancient Thames-Rhine system), as early as 25,000 years ago. The subsidence of these broad rivers into narrower channels left exposed fertile plains in their old bottoms and islands in the estuaries, which favored the development of progressive communities. This was particularly true of the Euphrates valley and along the Nile, where the wild wheat and barley offered food and made life a less severe struggle for existence. Here perhaps the first rude camps and villages were developed. But even ^130,000 feet is the average figure suggested by Dr. E. Haeckel — p. 9 "Evolution of Man," Vol. 2. THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. 1 3 these early communities were probably in possession of rude tools and weapons. Darwin^ cites instances of tools used by animals and we must imagine that even the very earliest com- munities of men were acquainted with such crude mechanical appliances as the lever and cord. The researches of geologists and archaeologists present in- numerable stone wedges, flint axes, bone and horn implements, and primitive tools found in graves of the stone age, or on the site of ancient cave and lake dwellings, indicating extensive mechanical experience in prehistoric times.^ An instinctive familiarity through long experience, with some of the com- mon natural processes, and a knowledge of crude cutting and grinding tools must then be accepted as very ancient, at least twelve or fifteen thousand years old. This must be distinguished, however, from a mechanical theory of science, which is the product of reflection. The latter was a very slow and gradual evolution. From a long experience of measuring and bartering, a knowledge of numbers probably arose, and then a more definite knowl- edge of the simple mechanical devices was developed. From these, by reflection and generalization, rules and principles were evolved. In the ancient Sanskrit language the word from which "man" comes, appears to mean to estimate, to measure. Man first became conscious of himself, it appears, therefore, as the being who measures and weighs, compares and reflects. Wedges, pulleys, windlasses, oars and the lever in various forms were used before any rule for them was conceived of; and then the rules for centuries remained but disjointed unrelated statements of experience. Only very, very slowly were they mastered and made into a body of mechanical knowledge. As this process proceeded, the fetishism and mythology invented to explain natural phenomena declined before a more rational and logical group of mechanical prin- ciples. But traces of it long survived. For example, the idea that "nature abhors a vacuum" is a late survival of such iThe Descent of Man, Chapter III, "Tools and Weapons used by Animals." -Prehistoric Times, Sir J. Lubbock; Ancient Stone Implements, Evans; Man and the Glacial Period, D. F. Wright; Man's Place in Nature, T. H. Huxley; Origin of Species, etc., C. Darwin. 14 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. fanciful conceptions, and was cited as late as 1600 A.D. But for Science, as Spencer says, we should be still worshipping fetishes; or with hecatombs of victims be propitiating dia- bolical deities. It seems that it was only among the people of the Eastern Mediterranean coast that a true science of mechanics was developed. There is no evidence to show that among any of the peoples of the Far East any true science of mechanics was even begun. Indeed some of the people of the yellow and darker races still live in the stone or bronze age. Cer- tainly the whole development of the science as. we have it is European. Of the world's population of 1,500,000,000, the 200,000,000 of Europe and the 100,000,000 of America who have a grasp on mechanical science are in control. Half of Asia's 700,000,000 are held subject by Europe's Science, and the destiny of the other half is the topic of the hour. To the Babylonians and Phoenicians, skilled in measuring, in plane surveying, in keeping accounts, and in seafaring, the science of Europe is traced back. Centuries before the era of Greece, the Phoenicians had developed a crude astron- omy and were practicing and slowly improving the common mechanic arts and trades. They are not to be credited with originating them however, for scholars have traced these people back to a mingling of tribes of primitive Semetic and Aryan stock which took place in the Tigris-Euphrates region of Asia, about 8000-10000 B.C. Here a remarkable civilization of teeming cities had devel- oped by 5000 B.C. The trials and troubles, the institutions, arts, literature, and the wail of the prophets, the complete life history of growth and decay of these cities may be read in the cuneiform inscriptions on the clay tablets in the British Museum. With the shifting of the trade routes to the north and west, through the Dardanelles, their prosperity declined and they passed out of existence. Perhaps the oldest relic of their mechanical arts is the splendid tablet or "stele" set up in the -temple of Lagash by Eannatum (c. 4200 B.C.). One side shows the king in his chariot leading his army to victory, the other shows the wreck THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. 1 5 and ruin of the vanquished whose mangled corpses are left to the vultures. The great king of these people, Sargon I (c. 3800 B.C.), is said to have extended his conquests west- ward as far as the Island of Cyprus, the land of copper. Bartering expeditions then as now spread information and developed the arts and trades. As early as 3000 B.C. the Eg^'ptians seem to have become a power. It seems, then, that the European development of mechanics as a science is founded on at least 3,000 or 4,000 years^ develop- ment of the recognized mechanic arts and trades,^ and it is probable that it began with the systematizing of craft experi- ence and the formulation of this experience in connection with the instruction of apprentices. Reflection on methods, and endeavors to train novices by the experience and mistakes of older craftsmen, formed a sort of groundwork of experience, and tended to develop a nomen- iThe Egyptian pyramid of Cochrome is referred by archaeologists to the first dynasty of Manetho, 3600 B.C., making it fifty-five centuries old. It exhibits well developed skill in the trades, "dating from a time nearly coincident, according to Biblical authority, with the creation of the world itself (3761 B.C.)" — Reber, History of Ancient Art, p. 3. See also, Petrie; Maspero; Perrot and Chipiez. ^The Egyptians' sculptured wall reliefs and wall paintings exhibit con- siderable specialization in the trades several thousand years B.C. As for the Greeks, the picture of Vulcan's smithy in Iliad XVIII is that of a most busineslike and efficient shop. There is no mention of iron or steel, but it indicates the tools employed 1000 B.C. So speaking he withdrew, and went where they lay 589 The bellows, turned them toward the fire, and bade The work begin. From twenty iellows came Their breath into the furnaces, — a blast Varied in strength as need might he; . . . And as the work required. Upon the fire He laid impenetrable brass, and tin 595 And precious gold and silver; and on its block Placed the huge anvil and took the ponderous sledge And held the pincers in the other hand. When the great artist Vulcan saw his task 757 Complete, he lifted all that armor up And laid it at the feet of her who bore Achilles. Like a falcon in her flight, Down plunging from Olympus capped with snow, She bore the shining armor Vulcan gave. William Cullen Bryant's Translation. 1 6 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. clature, and a set of rules. This indicates in its very genesis the practical and economical character of mechanical science. It generalizes experience. It is not only a mental labor-sav- ing device, but also a guide to the fashioning of physical labor-saving apparatus. Mechanics began, then, with the theory and rules of the trades. The very common origin of its twin-brother geometry, is seen on translating this Greek word into English : Teco/xeTpia, rj, — the science of measuring the earth.^ Herodotus attributes the origin of this science to the necessity of resurveying the Egyptian fields after each inundation of the Nile and refers to the system of taxation of Rameses II (c. 1340-1273 B.C.), which required such survey. Early geometry was therefore a crude theory of land surveying. Its abstractions and rules were brought to bear upon mechanical problems and there followed that intimate connection in the development of these sciences which has been so useful. Formal mechanics has in- deed been called by one of the masters,^ a geometry of four dimensions, i. e., the three spatial dimensions and time. The Ahmes papyrus of the British Museum, "Directions for Obtaining Knowledge of all Dark Things" (about 2000 B.C.), is perhaps the oldest treatise on arithmetic in existence. The Egyptians appear to have had manuscripts on arithmetic as early as 2500 B.C. But what every school boy is now taught was then a dark mystery known to but a few priests and scribes. The hieroglyphic numerals are a vertical line for I, a kind of horse shoe for 10, a spiral for 100, a pointing finger for 10,000, a frog for 100,000 and the figure of a man in the attitude of wonder for 1,000,000; a rather hopeless notation for mechanical calculations from the modern point of view. Building on the accumulations of Egyptian and Phoenician civilization, the Greeks began the Science of Mechanics by applying in the trades the rules of geometry and the inductive and deductive methods of thought. They labored under the 1 Pickering's Greek Lexicon; Aristoph. Nub. 202; Th. yia and tiirpov; also Herodt. ^Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736-1813). THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. I7 erroneous conceptions of nature taught in their mythological religion, and they were further handicapped by the notion that it was not necessary to investigate nature at first hand, but that the scheme of things could be evolved by ratiocina- tion. Mechanics as a science may be said to begin with the Greeks, as they formulated the fl^=st principle of mechanics. But their speculations were limited to problems of equilibrium, that is, to Statics. They never evolved any rational theory of moving bodies. Dynamics was unknown to them and did not take form as a branch of mechanics until about 1600 A.D. The great bulk of the correct theory of mechanics known in an- tiquity is commonly attributed to Archimedes. Before con- sidering his work, it will be profitable to glance at the work of several of his predecessors. Thales, probably of Greek and Phoenician ancestry, tradi- tion declares, brought the art of geometry from Egypt into Greece about 600 B.C. He taught half a dozen theorems by the inductive method. Proclus a Greek teacher of about 450 A.D., speaks of him as the father of geometry in Greece, and declares that he learned it in Egypt. His method was later extended by Pythagoras who, about 500 B.C., prepared two books of geometry on the deductive plan. He appears to have been the first to separate clearly the studies of geometry and of numbers. By pointing out that quantity is incommensurable, but that measure of quan- tity or a unit may be enumerated or counted, he drew the distinction between geometry and arithmetic, and set apart the study of numbers or arithmetic as a branch of mathematics. One finds it difficult to realize the mysticism and magic with which so commonplace an idea as a number was then mingled. Pythagoras regarded numbers as having celestial natures, the even numbers as feminine and the odd as masculine!^ Hippocrates (420 B.C.) invented the method of reducing one theorem to another for proof instead of going back to the axioms with each proposition; while Eudoxus (355 B.C.) invented proportion and devised the method of exhaustions, ^"The Philosophy of Arithmetic," Dr. Edw. Brooks. 1 8 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. one form of the idea of limits which he applied in geometry. About 300 B.C., Euclid collected and systemized the geom- etry and number-work of his time, invented some new propo- sitions and made a volume on the "Elements of Geometry." This work of fifteen books remained the standard text-book of geometry the "Euclid," of the following twenty centuries. The work gives rules for the geometrical construction of various figures, as well as the proof of numerous theorems. He also wrote a volume on Conies and Geometrical Optics. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), the famous Greek teacher, often mentioned as one of the founders of Science, is notable for his voluminous writings on philosophy, on natural history and on geometry, which in part directed attention to the study of nature by direct observation. But there is no doubt that his teaching on the theory of motion and some of his notions on equilibrium were erroneous. His great reputation as a natural philosopher gained acceptance for some of his opinions for eighteen centuries after his time, and as they were wrong, this was a great impediment to the development of the science of mechanics. Even as late as 1590, Galileo felt the strength of the partisans of the erroneous Aristotelian philosophy who forced him from the University of Pisa. By 200 B.C., four centuries after Thales, the Greeks had brought their geometry to a high stage of perfection. Apol- lonius, of Perga (d. 205 B.C.), published about this time a treatise on conic sections and geometry containing over four hundred problems which left little for his successors to improve. His problem, "to draw a circle tangent to three given circles in a plane," found in his tretaise on "Tangency," has baffled many later mathematicians. His studies on astronomy were the basis of Ptolemy's expo- sition of planetary motions and his goemetry has been dis- covered in two distinct Arabic editions, indicating its influence on Moorish mathematics of the ninth and tenth centuries. He also wrote on methods of arithmetical calculation and on statics, but this work is overshadowed by that of his contemporary Archimedes, who appears to have co-ordinated the scattered information on statics and to have contributed largely to it. THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. I9 What Euclid did for geometry Archimedes tried to do for Sta- tics. In this he was in part at least successful. For he de- veloped a body of correct mechanical doctrine which still finds place to-day in our elementary text books of this science. 3. THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF ARCHIMEDES. (287-212 B.C.) Archimedes, the greatest mathematician of antiquity, the son of a Greek astronomer, had the advantage of a good train- ing in the schools of Alexandria, and then retired to Syracuse in Sicily, where he devoted himself to the study of mathematics and mechanics. We know his work through the manuscripts and the books which have come down to us, and by references to him in the classics which give us some slight additional data. Some of his writings we have in the original Greek, while others exist only in the Latin or Arabic translation. They may be briefly summarized as follows: Extant Works. 1 . On the Sphere and Cylinder. Two books containing sixty propositions relative to the dimensions of cones and cylinders, all demonstrated by rigorous geometric proof. 2. The Measure of the Circle. A book of three propositions. Prop. I proves that the area of a circle is equal to a triangle whose base is equal to the circumference and whose altitude is equal to the radius. Prop. II shows that the circumference exceeds three times the diameter by a fraction greater than 10/70 and less than 10/71. Prop. Ill proves that a circle is to its circumscribing square nearly as 11 to 14. 3. Conoids and Spheroids. A treatise of 40 propositions on the superficial areas and volume of solids generated by the revolution or conic sections about their axis. 4. On Spirals. A book of 28 propositions upon the curve known as the 20 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. spiral of Archimedes which is traced by a radius vector whose length varies as the angle through which it turns. 5. On Equiponderants and Centers of Gravity. Two volumes which are the foundation of Archimedes' theory of Mechanics. They deal with statics. The first book contains fifteen propositions and eight postulates. The methods of demonstration are those often given to-day for finding the center of gravity of — (a) any two weights, (b) any triangle, (c) any parallelogram, (d) any trapezium. The second volume is devoted to finding the center of gravity of parabolic segments. 6. The Quadrature of the Parabola. A book of 24 propositions demonstrating the quadrature of the parabola by a process of summation — a kind of crude integration. 7. On Floating Bodies. A treatise of two volumes on the principles of buoyancy and equilibrium of floating bodies and of floating para- bolic conoids. 8. The Sand Reckoner, or Arenarius. A book of arithmetical numeration which indicates a method of representing very large numbers. He indicates that the number of grains of sand required to fill the universe, is less than 10^^ It contains an idea which might have been developed into a system of logarithms. 9. A collection of Lemmas, — fifteen propositions in plane geometry. Archimedes is also credited with these lost books, though some authorities dispute the fact that he ever wrote such volumes; that he worked upon the subjects there is little doubt. the science of mechanics. 21 Lost Works.^ 1. On Polyhedra. 2. On the Principles of Numbers. 3. On Balances and Levers. 4. On Center of Gravity. 5. On Optics. 6. On Sphere Making. 7. On Method. 8. On a Calendar or Astronomical Work. 9. A Combination of Wheels and Axles. 10. On the Endless Screw or Screw of Archimedes. Archimedes is to be credited with the development of a theory of the lever, the principle of buoyancy, the theory of numbers and numeration. He was the first to apply correctly geometry and arithmetic to mechanical problems of equi- librium, and he thus founded the science of applied or mixed mathematics. He founded and developed the theory of statics in reference both to rigid solids and fluids, but he by no means completed it. He developed no correct theory of dynamics. The following quotations from his book on Equilibrium, or the "Center of Gravity of Plane Figures," give an insight to his mental attitude and an idea of his method of approaching problems in mechanics. Book L "I postulate the following: 1. "Equal weights at equal distances are in equilibrium, and equal weights at unequal distances are not in equilibrium but incline toward the weight which is at the greater distance. 2. "If, when weights at certain distances are in equilibrium, something be added to one of the weights, they are not in equilibrium but incline toward that weight to which addition is made. 3. "Similarly, if anything be taken away from one of the weights, they are not in equilibrium but incline toward the weight from which nothing was taken. •Accounts of the recently discovered "lost works" of Archimedes will be found in the following periodicals: Hermes, vol. 42; Bulletin of the Amer- ican Mathematical Society, May, 1908; Bibliotheca mathematica, vol. 7, p. 321. 22 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. 4. "When equal and similar plane figures coincide if applied to one another, their centers of gravity similarly coincide." 5. "In figures which are unequal but similar the centers of gravity will be similarly situated. By points similarly situated in relation to similar figures, I mean points such that, if straight lines be drawn from them to the equal angles, they make equal angles with the corresponding sides." 6. "If magnitudes at certain distances be in equilibrium (other) magnitudes equal to them will also be in equilibrium at the same distances." 7. "In any figure whose perimeter is concave in (one and) the same direction the center of gravity must be within the figure." This is the way he proves the equilibrium of the lever. ^^Proposition i." "Weights which balance at equal distances are equal." "For, if they are unequal, take away from the greater the difference between the two. The remainders will then not balance — (Postulate 3); which is absurd." "Therefore the weights cannot be unequal." ^^Proposition 2." "Unequal weights at equal distances will not balance but will incline toward the greater weight." "For take away from the greater the difference between the two. The equal remainders will therefore balance (Postulate i). Hence if we add the difference again the weights will not balance but will incUne toward the greater (Postulate 2)." Proposition j . Proves that weights will balance at unequal distances, the greater weight being at the lesser distance, by a similar kind of reasoning. Proposition 4. Shows similarly that two equal weights have the center of gravity of both at the middle point of the line joining their centers of gravity. THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. 23 Proposition 5. Proves, if three equal magnitudes have their centers of gravity on a straight Hne at equal distances, the center of gravity of the system will coincide with that of the middle magnitude. He then proves, Propositions 6-7. Two magnitudes, whether commensurable (Prop. 6) or in- commensurable (Prop. 7) balance at distances reciprocally proportional to the magnitudes. I. Suppose the magnitudes .4, 5 to be commensurable and the points A, B to he their centers of gravity. Let DE be a straight line so divided that at C A : B = DC : CE We have then to prove that, if A be placed at E and B at D, C is the center of gravity of the two taken together. A N B c Fig. I. H K Since A and B are commensurable, so are DC, CE. Let N be a common measure of DC, CE. Make DH, DK each equal to CE and EL (on CE produced) equal to CD. Then EH = CD. Since DH = CE therefore LH is bisected at E, as HK is bisected at D. Thus LH, HK must each contain N an even number of times. Take a magnitude such that is contained as many times in ^ as iV is contained in LH whence A :0 = LH :N 24 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. But B :A = CE:DC = HK :LH "Hence B : = HK : N, or is contained in B as many- times as N is contained in HK." "Thus is a common measure of A, B. Divide LH, HK into parts each equal to N, and A, B, into parts each equal to 0. The parts A will therefore be equal in number to those of LH, and the parts of B equal in number to those of HK. Place one of the parts of A at the middle point of each of the parts N of LH, and one of the parts of B at the middle point of each of the parts N of HK. "Then the center of gravity of the parts of A placed at equal distances on LH will be at E, the middle point of LH (Proposition 5, Cor. 2), and the center of gravity of the parts of B placed at equal distances along HK will be at D the middle point of HK. "Thus we may suppose A itself applied at E, and B itself applied at D." "But the system formed by the parts oi A and B to- gether is a system of equal magnitudes even in number and placed at equal distances along LK, and, since LE = CD and EC = DK, LC = CK so that C is the middle point of LK. Therefore C is the center of gravity of the system ranged along LK. "Therefore A acting at E and B acting at D balance about the point C" The incommensurable case. "Suppose the magnitudes to be incommensurable and let them be {A ± a) and B respectively. Let DE be a line divided at C so that (A + a) : B = DC : CE "Then, if {A + a) placed at E and B placed at D do not balance about C, (A + a) is either too great to balance B or not great enough." "Suppose, if possible that (A + o-) is too great to balance B. THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. 25 Take from (A + a) a. magnitude smaller than the deduction which would make the remainder balance B, but such that the remainder A and the magnitude B are commensurable. a : A B Fig. 2. "Then, since A, B are commensurable and A : B < DC : CR A and B will not balance (Prop. 6) but D will be depressed. "But this is impossible since the deduction A was an in- sufificient deduction from (A + a) to produce equilibrium, so that E was still depressed. "Therefore (A + a) is not too great to balance B; and similarly it may be proved that B is not too great to balance {A + a). "Hence (A -\- a), B taken together have their center of gravity at C." Thus it is seen that the demonstration rests upon the axiom that equal bodies at the ends of equal arms of a rod supported at its middle point will balance each other. From this he proves that the bodies will be in equilibrmm when their dis- tances from the fulcrum are inversely as their weight, and all his determinations are based on these propositions. All his investigations are limited to -the case of forces perpendicular to straight lever arms, he does not appear to have grasped the idea of "moments" or of "equal work" up and down. These conceptions were not fully attained until eighteen centuries later. To Archimedes also belongs the fame of establishing the principle of buoyancy commonly known as Archimedes' prin- 26 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. ciple. The account of this discovery given by Vitruvius in De Architectura, Liber IX, is as follows: "Although Archi- medes discovered many curious things proving his great intelli- gence, that which I now narrate is the most remarkable. Hiero, when he obtained the regal power in Syracuse, having on the happy turn of his fortunes decreed a votive crown of gold to be placed in a certain temple, commanded it to be made of great value, and assigned for the purpose an appropriate weight of metal to the goldsmith. The latter in good time presented the crown to the king beautifully wrought and of correct weight. But a report having been circulated, that some of the gold had been supplanted with silver of equal weight Hiero was indignant at the fraud, and appealed to Archimedes for a method by means of which the theft might be detected. Charged with this commission he by chance went to a bath, and on getting into the tub perceived that just in proportion that his body became immersed, in the same proportion the water ran out of the vessel. Whence catching at the method to be used in solving the king's difficulty he leapt out of the vessel in joy, and ran naked shouting in a loud voice, evprjKa, I have found it!" It seems that Archimedes' conception was, that a body immersed in water must raise an equivalent quantity of water just as though the body lay on one arm of a balance and the water on the other arm. Buoyancy he conceived as a case of equilibrium or equipoise by a balance of weights. If the object overbalances the water displaced it sinks. These ideas he elaborated in his book on Floating Bodies. One of his fundamental assumptions in this work is that it is an essential property of a liquid that the portion that suffers less pressure is forced upward by that which suffers greater pressure and that each part of the liquid suffers pressure from the portions directly above it, if the latter be sinking or suffer from another portion. From this he elabo- rates the ideas, (i) That when a heavy body is entirely surrounded by liquid it is buoyed up or balanced in part, by a force equal to the weight of the liquid it displaces; THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. 27 (2) That when bodies lighter than a fluid are wholly im- mersed in it, they displace an amount of liquid greater than their own weight and so if left free to adjust themselves they rise to the surface and float so that only so much of their bulk is submerged as will displace sufficient liquid to balance them- selves ; (3) When a submerged body displaces a magnitude of liquid which just balances itself it is in equilibrium anywhere below the surface of the liquids. It follows from the story of the gold and silver crown that Archimedes must have arrived at the idea of relative density or specific gravity but he could not distinguish mass and weight. The favorite word in his discussions is the abstract mathemati- cal term magnitude by which he often seems to mean mass. But how mass gets that drag downwards, or how the force or weight is related to mass he did not attempt to explain. Cer- tainly he presents no theory on the subject in any of his extant works. Some convenient mechanical appliances are by tradition commonly attributed to Archimedes, notably the Archimedean screw or pump, a device said to have been invented by him while in Egypt for use in the irrigation works. His practical inventions indicate that he, in common with all the eminent masters, was not so lost in his theoretical studies as to be out of touch with practical affairs. It should be noted that the geometry of Euclid was a geom- etry of forms and positions whereas that of Archimedes was a geometry of measurement. This new trend is seen in the attention that Archimedes gives to problems of the quadrature of curvilinear plane figures (such as the parabola), and to the cubature of curved surfaces. This development of geometry placed it in most intimate connection with mechanics, for progress in the latter depended upon accuracy of measure- ment. Therefore we are indebted to Archimedes not only for the mechanical devices and rules commonly associated with his name, but also for having given to geometry that trend of de- velopment into a science of measurements which made it of 28 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. such assistance in developing mechanics. Archimedes himself well illustrated this in the field of statics. Later when the labors of Galileo and Stevinus had developed the method of representing forces, velocities and acceleration by lines, it was by similar geometrical methods that Newton in his Principia presented the proofs of theorems in dynamics. Ctesibius and Hero (cir. 150 B.C.) are sometimes mentioned as the successors of Archimedes. Following Archimedes' method they formulated a table of mechanical appliances set- ting forth the five simple principles or "simple machines," about as they are listed in our elementary textbooks of physics to-day. But though they made several practical inventions such as the forcing pump, the clepsydra and air-gun and con- trived curious fountains and syphons, they do not appear to have added anything to the principles of mechanics, nor do they appear to have comprehended the theory of their mechan- ical appliances, except in so far as the principles of Archimedes could explain them. There is no evidence to show that the principle of work was understood or appreciated in ancient times in spite of Fig. 3. the fact that we feel almost instinctively now, that in a lever such as Fig. ;t, the force times the distance it moves {i. e., the work applied), is equal to the resistance times the distance it moves, {i. e., the work done) if we ignore friction, and that the algebraic sum of the positive and negative work is zero. The simple equation of work, F X S = R X S' was Chinese to Archimedes, for algebraic symbolic notation was not known in mechanics in his time. Archimedes does not appear to have THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. 29 attained to the conception of "moment," nor "principle of work," nor "conservation of center of gravity." He made equilibrium in the lever depend on the length of the lever-arm and the "magnitude" of the bodies hung on the ends of the lever-arms without understanding the terms moment, mass, work or weight in the modern sense. The physical science of "the Greeks was limited to calcula- tions based upon: (i) The law of the lever, (2) Center of gravity, (3) Density, (4) Hydrostatic pressure, (5) Arithmetical relations of tones, (6) The law of the reflection of light. Ancient Greece was a slave country. At the height of its glory Athens contained twenty slaves to one free citizen. The slaves were permitted no initiative and there was no incentive to mechanical invention. Indeed, the application of natural forces and the substitution of machines for slave-labor would have been viewed with alarm by all classes of the Greek state as ushering in an industrial and social revolution. Inventors and innovators therefore met scant encouragement in ancient Greece. The government was a close corporation of capitalist citizens whose profits depended upon the slaves. Furthermore it was to the interest of the government to keep the slaves steadily employed yet not oppressively burdened. Conditions of life were favorable in the Greek peninsula, and history records very few slave insurrections. There was no urgent demand for mechanical invention and no reward for it. Only free men have an interest in the improvement of their tools and only under the laws of property and of patents is there encourage- ment and incentive to mechanical invention. With the extension of the Roman power on the fall of Syracuse, in which Archimedes lost his life, conditions were not favorable to the advance of science. The Romans, a practical, commerical, military people did not advance the theory of mechanics. Their talents lay in administration 30 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. rather than in science. They used the simple machines prac- tically and successfully on land and on sea, in war and in peace, and by trireme and catapult extended their dominon over the known world. In their marvellous public works aqueducts, baths, fountains, sewers, roads, public buildings, and monuments, we find examples of the art of construction rather than of the science of engineering. They built by "rule of thumb" and experience based on trial, using a large surplus of materials. No delicate appre- ciation of stresses is apparent in their architecture. It is massive, heavy and monumental, without subtlety of artistic conception or of scientific design. It is true the Romans in- troduced as common features in their buildings, arches, vaults and domes which were used by the Greeks, Persians and Egyp- tians but rarely, but they used them without theoretical calculation. Some of their buildings were supplied with run- ning water carried in lead pipes, and were heated by hot air in tile flues but they had not grasped even the elements of hydraulics or thermodynamics. It was not till after 1600 A.D. / that the principle of moments and the law of action and re- ^ action upon which the common engineering calculations are^ based, were fully apprehended. Nor did Roman philosophers and writers busy themselves with mechanical science. The works of Lucretius (95-52 B.C.), Vitruvius (85-26 B.C.), Seneca (2-66 A.D.) and Pliny (23-79 A.D.) contain no new idea in mechanics. For prac- tically twenty centuries no advance was made in the theory of mechanics after the time of Archimedes. "Vir stupendae sagacitatis, qui prima fundamenta posuit inventionum fere omnium in quibus promovendis setas nostra gloriatur" is the tribute Wallis penned two thousand years later, when Latin was still the language of scholars and engineers. The Romans left their mark on civilization as the annals of government, law and language testify, but there does not appear to their credit the discovery of a single scientific prin- ciple or the invention of an important mechanical appliance for mitigating the drudgery and toil of mankind. Their slaves and captives labored long and hard, tilling the fields, in the galleys, or with brick, tiles and concrete on the aqueducts. THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. 3I Every conquest delivered to the Imperial City a new supply of labor. Besides, in tranquil times the legions, kept from mis- chief by employment on roads, bridges and wall building, supplied abundant labor. In a word the Romans had neither interest in the theory of mechanics, nor the pressing necessity for improved mechanical appliances, as they commanded an abundance of cheap labor. For these reasons this intensely practical people appears to have made no contribution to the science of mechanics. 32 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. REFERENCES. Ball, J. J. The History of Mathematics. Burr, W. H. Ancient and Modern Engineering. Darwin, C. Descent, Origin of Species, etc. Diihring. Geschichte der Principien der Mechanik. Faraday, M. Proc. Royal Ins. G. B. Fletcher, B. History of Architecture. Grote. History of Greece. Hamlin, A. D. F. History of Architecture. Heiburg, Leipsic (1881); Heath, Cambridge (1891). Opera Archimedis Huxley, T. H. Science and Educ, Man's Place in Nature. Lubbock, J. J. Prehistoric Times. Mach, E. The Science of Mechanics. Maspero and Sayce. The Dawn of Civilization. Perrot and Chipiez. History of Ancient Art. Petrie, W. M. F. A History of Egypt; Tales; Royal Tombs. Reber, F. History of Ancient Art. Renan, E. Mission de Phenicie. Robinson, J. H. A History of Western Europe. Rogers, New York (1900). History of Babylonia and Assyria. Spencer, H. First Principles, Education. Stark. Archaologie der Kunst. Tylor. Primitive Culture. Tylor. The Early History of Mankind. Tyndall, J. Essays, Notes and Papers. Winckelmann. Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums. Winckler (1900). Die politische Entwicklung Babyloniens und Assyriens. Wright, D. F. Man and the Glacial Period, etc. PART II. I. THE MEDIAEVAL PERIOD, 500-1500 A.D. I. The Medieval Attitude toward Science. The period of societal reconstruction which followed the decay of the Roman Empire was not a time of scientific re- search or achievement. It was an age of semi-barbarism, tumult and superstititon. Those of gentle and scholarly dis- position who sought the quiet asylum of the Church found there a faith in an established cosmography, which did not encourage independent research and investigation of natural phenomena. Dr. Andrew D, White, of Cornell, says:^ "The establishment of Christianity, beginning a new evolution of theology, arrested the normal development of physical sciences for fifteen hundred years." This is in part true and it was due, during the first thousand years at least, to a widespread belief, based on the New Testament, that the end of the world was soon at hand. St. Paul had preached: "For ye know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night," and St. Peter had reiterated: "The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat and the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." It was widely proclaimed that the world was in its last days, that just as the antediluvian world was destroyed in the flood, so now the coming of the Lord in a cataclysm of fire was to be awaited from day to day. With such a stupendous supernatural event impending and the termination of the world imminent, devotion to mechanical science was sheer folly. Even such science as had been developed was now become vain and trivial, and was neglected in the face of the duty to watch and to pray. The end of the world was announced for various specific ^"Warfare of Science and Theology," vol. i, p. 375. 3 33 34 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. dates notably looo A.D., and all endeavor except "saving souls" was pronounced folly and the inspiration of the evil one. And when, after centuries of waiting, the existing order was found going along just as ever, and curious men began to turn again to worldly affairs, they found theology had woven a magic circle and defied any one to find truth outside of it. In place of verified experience, a literal belief in the Old and New Testament offered a precarious theophany and created a frenzied terror of supernatural agencies. Demons, ( imps and devils rode the wind and disported themselves to the fevered imagination of the time as the cause of the most common occurrences.^ Any prying into the secrets of nature was held to be dangerous to body and soul. Physics and chemistry, such as there was, were tabooed as the devil's own arts, and experimental research was anathema. I Stories of interference with the law of gravitation by the \ devil and the saints are common among the legends of this \period. A story published in the Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great, Vol. II, illustrates this belief. During the con- struction of Monte Cassino about 530, one day the builders found a stone which their united efforts could not move. They reported this to St. Benedict, "who instantly knew the devil was hanging on to it." He exorcised the devil and the stone which before was too heavy for six men became so light that St. Benedict lifted it with ease and put it into the wall. A similar account of the devil increasing the gravity of two marble columns at the Cathedral of St. Virgile, Bishop of Aries, about 600, is given in "Les Petits Bollandistes," Vol. Ill, p. 162. Even after the year 1000 A.D., ideas, which to us appear most fantastic, were handed down for generations apparently without anyone doubting their verity or making any endeavor ipor the spirit of the time refer to Longfellow's "Christus; a mystery." Safe in this Wartburg tower I stand Where God hath led me by the hand, . . . Safe from the overwhelming blast Of the mouths of Hell, that followed me fast, And the howling demons of despair That hunted me as a beast to his lair. (Second interlude.) THE MEDIEVAL PERIOD. 35 to verify them by experiment. When Albertus Magnus (cir. 1250), a famous philosopher of the thirteenth century, beHeved that the diamond could be softened in the blood of a stag fed on parsley and that a sapphire would drive away boils, it is hardly to be expected that even the learned of this period would have any conception or appreciation of a science of mechanics. Though St. Paul had advised, "Prove all things, hold fast to what is good," St. Augustine commanded in vigorous Latin — "Major est Scripturse auctoritas quamomnis humani ingenii capacitas," i. e., accept nothing except on authority of Scrip- ture for that is greater than all the powers of the human mind. When asked, might there not be inhabitants on the other side of the earth, he answered, it is impossible that there should be inhabitants on the other side of the earth, for on judgment day such men could not see the Lord descending through the air. Discussion was closed by authority and debate came to be restricted to such questions as, whether an angel in passing from one spot to another, had to pass through the intervening space. It came to be considered blasphemous to wish for or to attempt to better earthly conditions, and presumptuous to attempt to explain phenomena except in terms of mystic theology. So, in the course of the centuries, an unfortunate 1 conviction was developed that science was dangerous and evil. \ This persisted beyond the Reformation. Martin Luther (1483- 1 546) complained : ' 'The people give ear to an upstart astrologer (Copernicus) who strives to show that the earth revolves, — but Sacred Scripture tells us that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, not the earth." In much the same spirit, Melanchthon (1497-1560) declared: "It is the want of honesty and decency to say that the earth revolves and the example is pernicious. It is the part of a good mind to accept the truth as revealed by God and to acquiesce in it." Indeed, theologians of all persuasions, have, at some time, denounced the Copernican idea, for Scripture declares the "sun Cometh forth as a bridegroom" — and "the earth standeth fast forever." When a theologian did deign to debate such a 36 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. topic, his argument was likely to be like that of Fromundus of Antwerp who, in refuting the revolution of the earth, declared that "the buildings would fly off with such rapid motion, and that men would have to be provided with claws like cats to enable them to hold onto the earth's surface." The theologian who declared in Galileo's time (1600) that "geometry is of the devil," and "that mathematicians should be banished as the authors of all heresies," was but fanatically defending his traditions. The matter is summed up by Huxley in his Essay on Science and Culture (p. 145), where he says: "The business of the philosopher of the middle ages was to deduce from the data furnished by theologians, conclusions in accordance with ecclesiastical decrees. They were allowed the high privilege of showing by logical process how and why that which the Church said was true and must be true and if their demonstrations fell short of or exceeded this limit, the church was maternally ready to check their aberrations; if need be by the secular arm. Between the two, our ancestors were furnished with a com- pact and complete criticism of life. They were told how the world began and how it would end ; they learned that material existence was a base and insignificant blot on the fair face of the spiritual world and that nature was to all intents and purposes, the playground of the devil; they learned that the earth is the center of the visible universe, and that man is the cynosure of things terrestrial, and more especially was it incul- cated that the course of nature had no fixed order but that it could be and constantly was, altered by the agency of innumer- able spiritual beings, good and bad, according as they were moved by the deeds and prayers of man. The sum and sub- stance of the whole doctrine was to produce the conviction that the only thing really worth knowing in this world was how to secure that place in a better, which under certain conditions the church promised." There was no place in such a scheme for a science of mechanics. To the unbiased student there is a measure of truth in the remarks of Dr. White and Dr. Huxley and yet in justice it must be said that they also carry a sting and a reproach which THE MEDIEVAL PERIOD. 37 is somewhat unfair. The attitude of the Middle Ages was a growth; it was developed in, and was not imposed on Europe. Whatever reproach there is, should be placed where it belongs on the general ignorance and stupidity of the inhabitants of Europe during this period. There was no conscious conspiracy to retard progress if we except the bigotry, fanaticism and perversion which inevitably .accompany ignorance anywhere and in any time. As the general average of intelligence rose, the situation improved. It cannot be denied that the Church was the great conserving and civilizing agency of this era. All the learning of the ancients was not lost or destroyed outright, but continued to filter through Europe until it gained force under the favorable circumstances of the so-called Renaissance about 1600. But it is most unfortunate that early Christian fanaticism burned and destroyed so much that was good, though "Pagan." In the East, the Greek School at Alexandria preserved, for some centuries A.D., the learning of the ancients, but, about the fifth century, there developed within the church a pronounced spirit of hostility toward the scientific spirit. Persecutions became common and culminated in 415 A.D. with the murder of Hypatia and the breaking up of the Alex- andrian University. In a burst of religious fervor, the schools and a portion of the library were destroyed. The scholars were forced to flee to Byzantium, where schools grew up. In the west, after 500 A.D., Roman civilization finally went down under the successive inroads of barbarians from the North and culture and refinement were eclipsed in Italy. Under Constantine (306-337), Christianity was recognized (313) and Byzantium rebuilt as the Eastern capital. Until 476, there were two capitals but the center of wealth and population shifted steadily to this new "City of Constantine." Constantinople soon became the wealthiest and most enlight- ened city of the world, a quiet retreat for scholarly pursuits. Here many ancient manuscripts on mathematics and mechanics were read, copied, and preserved for posterity. On the capture of Constantinople, a thousand years later in 1453, this Greek and Byzantine learning was spread to ( 38 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. various cities of Western Europe by traveling scholars, and stimulated scholarship in the West. As the mediaeval uni- versities grew up from the church schools, their enthusiasm was naturally not in the direction of scientific or mechanical investigation. An age of faith is not inclined to be an age of investigation, and the mediaeval period developed little mechanical progress. The one notable indirect contribution to mechanics in this period was the introduction about 1200, of Hindu arithmetic and Arabic algebra into Europe through the Moors of Spain. Among the ancients, primitive number pictures such as the Egyptian hieroglyphics and the Babylonian cuneiform sym- bols were used for the digits. The Greeks used the letters of their alphabet a, /3, 7, 8, etc., to represent numbers. The Roman system was little better and no extensive calculation could be performed without the aid of a registering instrument of colored beads called an abacus. Our present powerful system of ten symbols, the "ten digits," and the "method of position," whereby their value depends on their place, seems to have originated with the Hindus, and was carried into Europe by the Arabs. Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa (1175) among others is credited with introducing it into Italy by his book Liber Abaci (1202). His introduction reads — "The nine figures of the Hindoos are 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, I. With these nine and with the sign o which in Arabic is called sifr, any number may be written." It is likely that convenience and serviceableness in commerce brought the system into vogue through the trade of Genoa and Venice with the Orient. From these ports the merchants probably spread it by the great overland trade routes through Nuremberg and the Rhine to Antwerp, Bruges and the towns of the Hanseatic League. The money exchanges and the channels of trade probably had more to do with spreading it over Europe than the philosophers. The college accounts in the English Universities are found to have been kept in Roman numerals up to about the year 1550 and even later. After this date the Arabic system generally displaced the Roman method. the medieval period. 39 2. The Influence of Moorish Culture. Before the time of Mohammed (570-632), the Arabs had played an inactive part in history; but, when the wandering tribes of the desert had been welded into a nation by the fiery enthusiasm of the prophet and his fanatical followers, they began to be a factor in the civilization of both East and West. Within a decade after Mohammed's death, the faith had conquered Arabia, Palestine, Syria and Persia, and within a few years more, the Moslems threatened Europe from the northern coast of Africa. By 711 all Spain, except Asturia, was subject to their sway, and their dominion began to ap- proach in extent the glorious Empire of Rome. In their opinion, the Koran, the new revelation, was destined to sup- plant the Bible. The Koran is evidently based on the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. Islam is an offshoot of Christianity, modified to suit the Arabic temperament, by a coloring of Oriental imagery and fatalism. The theological structure of both is the same. There is much the same scheme of rewards and punishments with a tinge of predestination. The prohibition in the Koran against "graven images" was held to forbid the representation of any human or animal form. This had a marked effect upon their arts, and no doubt encour- aged the study of geometry and mathematics in general. On the whole the Moslems seem to have been rather favorably dis- posed toward pagan culture, regarding it with placid superi- ority rather than enmity, and they never were hostile to the scientific spirit. When in Europe the practice of medicine was looked at askance, the Arabs were adept in medicine, and their surgeons were in demand in the courts of Europe. The nomadic Arabs had neither need nor desire for a science of mechanics and the earlier caliphs were too busy establishing their empire, to develop any of the arts and sciences. But toward the end of the eighth century, when their religious fervor was no longer at a white heat, the caliphs became patrons of learning. 40 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. Through the Greeks of the conquered provinces, the Moham- medans became acquainted with classical learning and blended it with the wisdom of the Orient, which they had from India and Persia. From the tenth to the thirteenth centuries, the Arabs were the teachers of Europe. They brought about, within their dominions, a renaissance of the Greek culture. As early as 800, under the caliphate of Haroun-al-Raschid, Bagdad was a famous center of culture. Later, the Western caliphs developed, at Cordova and Seville, schools and libraries which equalled those of Constantinople and Bagdad, and made these Spanish cities famous seats of learning. In the tenth century, Cordova was one of the greatest centers of commerce of the world and supported eighty schools. The University of Cordova, with its library of 500,000 volumes, became famous throughout Christendom. Philosophy, mathe- matics, medicine, geography, astronomy and mechanics were taught from Arabian translations of the masters of ancient Greece, Persia, and India. In working over this material, the Moorish scholars, as was to be expected, developed new ideas and methods, especially in mathematics, astronomy and alchemy. In mechanics and geometry they studied and preserved for posterity the writings of Archimedes, Euclid, and Aristotle. They developed known principles and perfected methods, but it does not appear that they made any very important advance. Extensive fortifica- tions and irrigation works were developed by their engineers, who were well versed in algebra and statics, but had but little grasp of dynamics. The English champion of Science, Professor Huxley, may be again quoted to advantage on this topic. He says, "Even earlier than the thirteenth century, the development of Moorish civilization in Spain and the great movement of the Crusades had introduced the leaven which, from that day to this, has never ceased to work. At first, through the inter- mediation of Arabic translations, afterwards by the study of the originals, the western nations of Europe became acquainted with the writings of the ancient philosophers and poets, and in time with the whole of the vast literature of antiquity. THE MEDIiEVAL PERIOD. 4 1 Whatever there was of high intellectual aspiration or dominant capacity in Italy, France, Germany, and England, spent itself for centuries in taking possession of the rich inheritance left by the dead civilizations of Greece and Rome. . . . There was no physical science but that which Greece had created." This found its way into Europe in part through Arabic trans- lations of Greek and Latin texts. The celebrated Moslem scholar, Al-Khuwarizmi or Mo- hammed Ibn Musa (cir. 900 A.D.) wrote voluminously on mathematics, on Hindu arithmetic, the sun-dial, and the astrolabe. His "al-jabr-w'al-muqabalah," that is the "red- integration and the comparison," a treatise on algebra, gave the name to this science. The Arabic numbers and the algebraic method were an immense advance over the clumsy Roman numbers. Without these, it is hardly possible to apply mathematics extensively to mechanical problems. This indicates one reason why the ancients did not advance further in the practical applications of mechanical science. Much advance in mechanics was simply impossible with the old Roman arithmetic which possessed a most awkward duodecimal system of fractions. Decimal fractions date from 1600 when Stevinus, the Flemish engineer, recommended them in his writings. Of the numerous Christian scholars who attended the Moor- ish Universities of Cordova and Seville, the most famous was Gerbert, who later became Archbishop of Rheims, and who as Pope Sylvester H (999-1003), exercised a wide influence in Christendom. He is credited with the introduction in Europe of the Arabic mathematics. The Moors made small original contributions to the science of mechanics, but they are to be credited with the preservation and development of the Greek and Indian knowledge of arith- metic, geometry, and mechanics and the diffusion of it through- out Europe. The Arabic words in our language indicate the breadth of their influence: — algebra, alcohol, Aldebaran, almanac, amalgam, alkali, borax, cipher, carat, minaret, nadir, Vega, zenith, zero. Their invention of algebra and development of the Arabic numerals and notation, while not 42 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. a contribution to mechanics proper, had a most direct bearing upon the future progress of the science, for without it, the development of our analytical mechanics would probably have been long delayed. With the coming of the ignorant and fanatical Turks under Genghis Khan in the middle of the thirteenth century, Arabic civilization rapidly declined and the development of mathe- matics and mechanics was arrested in the Moslem domain. Four hundred years of the Turks has made the once world- renowned Byzantium, one of the most backward cities on the globe. It was not till about 1890 that the Sultan would permit a railway to run into Constantinople. 3. The Period of the Renaissance. The new order which slowly overcame and displaced the conceptions of mediaeval times was the expression of a revo- lution in the realm of thought. The Renaissance was a period of breaking away from the ideas and ideals of the Middle Ages. It was in part the result of the recognition of certain provinces of thought and endeavor, which the mediaeval spirit either ignored or condemned and in part the victory of certain superior features of the civilization of Athens and Rome. The inventions of printing, of gunpowder, of the mariner's compass and the discovery of America, accelerated this tendency, and the religious, political and social changes followed. With the weakening of the dictates of established authority, men credited personal experience more. They slowly became less biased and more open-minded in their opinions. Pagan writings, which, in mediaeval times, were regarded with aver- sion, if not fear and distrust, came to be studied with interest. Good was found in the manuscripts of the infidel Moslems; their writings were read with interest and appreciation, and their arithmetic was adopted throughout Europe. All this prepared the way for a new start in Science. Even the theologians began to be dissatisfied with barren dogmas. One of the first to break with the prevailing scholas- ticism was Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa (d. 1464), who possessed the independence to say that man was prone to err, that it THE MEDIEVAL PERIOD. 43 was good to hold one's opinions lightly, and to reject them when they began to appear erroneous. He cultivated mathe- matics and is said to have taught an imperfect heliocentric theory. The dawn of the period of the Renaissance may be set at about 1450. Then humanity's native curiosity overcame the terrors of narrow theology. Confidence in the persistence of the order of the universe gained ground and a general interest in the things of the world resulted. The spirit of inquiry soon became rife and with it came a healthy scepticism. In the words of Machiavelli, men began to follow the real truth of things rather than an imaginary view of them. The mute evidence of cathedral churches left half completed, or with one spire, or none, after the year 1400 or 1500, testifies to the flow of human enthusiasm and energy toward other channels. That so many mighty cathedrals could be con- structed in Europe from 900 to 1400 A.D., without advance in the science of mechanics, seems remarkable. But their excellence is in the field of art and not in that of engineering. Close acquaintance with them reveals to the engineer, poor foundations, cracked arches,^ crooked walls and leaning towers^ and settled piers,' quite in accord with the annals* of failure and collapse which is the history of their construction. In what constituted the spirit of their time, in imagination, in fancy, in inversion of idea, in naivete of conception, they are »In 1284 the central tower and the apse vaulting of Beauvais Cathedral collapsed utterly. The dome of St. Peter's at Rome would have fallen long since but for the iron bandage of chains placed about the dome in 1742 by Vanvitelli under the direction of Poleni. ^The Campanile at Bologna is a well-known example. sAnnales de Sevilla, 1677, "On Dec. 28, 151 1. a split pillar (of Seville Cathedral) brought down all the central tower and three great arches with a noise that stunned the city. . . . By a miracle of Our Lady of the Sea it did not fall at once. . . . The Archbishop granted indulgences to all who would assist in clearing away the debris." In 1890 it collapsed again. — The utter and complete collapse of the Campanile of San Marco at Venice in 1902 is recent history. *See Hamlin, p. 197, and Feree, Chronology of Cathedral Churches in France. — 'The unscientific Romanesque vaulting, etc., resulted in the entire reconstruction of the cathedrals of Bayeux Bayonne, Cambray, Evreux, Laon, Lisieux, Le Mans, Noyon, Poitiers, Senlis, Soissons and Troyes about 1200," etc. 44 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. wonderful, but to the trained eye of the engineer, the method of trial and blunder through which they were achieved is apparent. They are works of art par excellence, there is little science here, except the experienced skill of the master masons, whose closely guarded guild secrets seem to have been trade / tricks rather than a science of statics. No evidence has been discovered tending to prove that the cathedral builders had \ any clear conception of the law of action and reaction, or of I the general principle of moments, but they may have used a crude method of determining the ratio of stresses by the funi- cular method of using weighted strings passing over pulleys. The first formal exposition of this method seems to be in the works of the Flemish engineer Stevinus who was not born till v_ 1548- The opening of the Renaissance found the science of me- chanics not very much further advanced than where Archi- medes had left it. Now men began to study and speculate on the subject. Most eminent and successful among those who so occupied themselves are the following : 1. Copernicus (1473-1543), of Thorn in Prussia, who set forth the system of astronomy since identified with his name in "De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium." He main- tained that the sun is at rest and that the planets revolve about it, and hinted that theology and mechanics are two distinct branches of knowledge. This quotation dimly presag- ing the law of gravitation is interesting: "I am of the opinion that gravity is nothing more than a natural tendency im- planted in particles by the Divine Master by virtue of which, they collecting together in the shape of a sphere do form their own proper unity and integrity. And it is also to be assumed that this propensity is inherent in the sun, the moon and the other planets." 2. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), the Italian painter, whose manuscripts give a crude idea of the statical moment. 3. Peter Ramus (1515-1572), who contended in his thesis for the Master's degree at the College de Navarre that all that Aristotle taught was false. In his "Animadversiones in 4- The Contribution of Simon Stevinus ( 1 548-1 620). Simon Stevinus of Bruges, a military engineer of Prince Maurice of Orange seems to have been a man of genius in experimental research as well as in practical engineering. His earliest extant work is the "Beghinseln der Weegkonst" pub- lished in Dutch at Leyden in 1586. The full account of his researches is given in "Hypomnemata Mathematica" (Mathe- matical Memoranda) a large volume in Latin published at Leyden 1608. This volume covers in six books, the topics, arithmetic, geometry, cosmography, practical geometry, statics, optics and fortifications. The division on Statics treats of, 1. The elements of statics. 2. The theory of center of gravity. 3. Practical statics. 4. First principles of hydrostatics. 5. Practical hydrostatics. , 6. Miscellaneous topics. This curious medley of theory and practical hints was no doubt the encyclopedia of mathematics and mechanics of the period. A revised edition in French was published by Albert Gerard in 1634. Both editions are very fully illustrated with wood cuts. We do not find in it any mention of dynamics. Statics is defined as the interpretation of the computations, proportions and conditions of equilibrium (pondus) and of weight (gravi- THE MEDIEVAL PERIOD. 45 Dialecticam Aristotelis," 1543, he strenuously opposed the scholastic dogmas. ^ 4. Guido Ubaldi, an Italian, who published in his "Mechani- / corum Liber" (1577), an imperfect idea of the statical moment. I Of this period is the work of two of the great contributors to the science of mechanics, one in the field of statics, and the other in the field of dynamics, of which he was the founder — Simon Stevinus, an engineer of Bruges (1548-1620), and Galileo, a professor of Florence (1564-1642). 46 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. tas). The weight of a body is defined as its (potentia descen- sus in dato loco) force of descent in a given place. Center of gravity is clearly conceived and defined. Whereas Archimedes considered only the action of parallel forces at right angles to the lever, Stevinus considers the action of forces in any direction and at any angle. He was the first to give a solution of the problem of stability or in- stability on an inclined plane. His presentation of the simple machines differs from that of Archimedes in that he uses the graphic method of the triangle of forces in the solution of them. His principal contribution to the science is this idea of the parallelogram or triangle of forces which he gives by many graphical examples without definitely proving it as a general principle at the beginning. It was not completely stated and generally admitted as a principle until about ninety years later when Varignon proved it geometrically and set it forth in a paper before the Paris Academy (1687). In the same year Newton and Lami also published a proof. It is worthy of note that the first practical exposition of the solution of engineering problems by graphical representa- tion of forces or funicular polygons, now so commonly in use to-day under the name of "graphic statics" was published by engineer Stevinus, about three hundred years ago. He arrived at the conception of the triangle of forces and the conditions of stability on an inclined plane by his famous "chain of balls on prism" experiment. This is given in the Hypomnemata Mathematica as follows: /^I Theorem. Proposition 19. If a plane triangle is placed vertically with the base parallel to the horizon, and upon the other two sides are placed single globes in equilibrium then according as the right side of the triangle is to the left so is the balancing effect of the left globe to the counterbalancing effect of the right globe. -;,5 Given: Let ABC be the vertical triangle (Fig.^t) with base parallel to the horizon with side AB double BC, ar^d let the globe Aon AB be of equal size and weight to that £ on" 5 C. Question: Demonstrate to us that as AB (2) is to BC (i) so the balancing effect of globe E is to the counterbalancing globe D. THE MEDI/EVAL PERIOD. 47 Construction. Let us arrange a crown of fourteen balls of equal size and weight strung together at equal intervals, and let there be three fixed points STV which are touched by the string so to admit of motion of ascent or descent of the string of balls. Demonstration: If the balancing effect of the globes DRQP is not equal to that of EF they must be heavier. Suppose they are, then ONML being equal to GHIK, the eight globes Fig. 5. (From Liber Statica, Vol. IV, p. 34.) D, R, Q, P, 0, N, M and L must overbalance the six E, F, G, H, I and K and the eight will go down and the six will rise up. D will go down to and I and K will take the place of E and F. But, if this is so, the string of globes will now be situated as before and by the same cause the eight globes on the left will go down and the six on the right will go up, which is saying that the globes of themselves produce continual and eternal motion. This is false. Therefore the part of the string DRQPNML holds the part EFGHIK in equilibrium. If from equal things equal are taken, equals remain, therefore subtracting ONML and GHIK, DRPQ balances EF. But four being held in equilibrium by two, E must be doubly as effective as D. Therefore as the side BA (2) is to the side BC (i) so the balancing effect of globe E is the counter- balancing effect of globe D. As a corollary it follows that the four balls and the two balls 48 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. may be concentrated in globes of corresponding magnitudes as indicated in Fig. ^. Or a device like Fig. ^ may be em- ployed. 3p'] 3;o (..^o-- 'From this Stevinus comes by corollary to the study of the condition of equilibrium on an inclined plane, which he proves Fig. 6. (From Liber Statica, Vol. IV, p. 36.) by the diagram, Fig. 4. This diagram is the earliest exposition of the triangle of forces. He then generalizes the principle for practical use, in Figs;, 5 and 6, where CE is to EO as the weight of the body is to the/ pull P. From this principle the theory of the funicular polygon is then developed as indicated in Figs. 1^ and ^. jji- 31:5 Fig. 8. Fig. From the funicular polygon he advanced to the considera- tion of the conditions of statical equilibrium in each of the simple machines, referring back to his proof of the inclined plane. Nowhere does he state the principle of the parallelo- gram of forces explicitly as a general rule from which all cases of equilibrium in machines may be deduced. In the chapter on practical statics the simple machines are fully expounded THE MEDIEVAL PERIOD. 49 and their applications indicated in illustrations showing cask being moved into warehouses, etc. The chapter on hydrostatics is also very practical. The weight of a cubic foot of water at Leyden is noted (62 pounds) , Fig. 10. Fig. II. (From Liber Statica, Vol. IV, p. 162.) and suggestions on ship design are given. It is a question as to how much of Archimedes' Hydrostatics was known to Stevinus, but the probability is strong that Stevinus dis- covered, or at least proved the principle of Archimedes by his ^ WW B Fig. 12. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. (From de Hydrostatices Elementis, p. 119.) own method. He clearly set forth for the first time the fact that the pressure of a liquid is independent of the shape of the containing vessel and depends upon the height and area of the base. His method of reasoning is simple and convincing and worthy of quotation. 50 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. Suppose a mass of water A in a jar of still water. This cube is in equilibrium. For, if not, let us suppose it descends, then the water which comes into its place must also descend when it comes into that same place and under similar conditions; but, this leads to perpetual motion which is absurd and con- trary to our experiences. Therefore the cube A does not move down nor up. It is in equilibrium. If now we suppose the surface of the cube A to become solidified, this surface or "vas superficiarium" will be subjected to the same circum- stances of pressure. When it is empty it will suffer an upward pressure equal to the weight of the absent water which balanced the upward pressure. If we fill it with any other substance of any specific gravity it is plain that the loss in weight of that substance in water is equal to this same upward pressure which is equal to the weight of the water displaced. Figs. 9 and 10 illustrate experimental proofs with cubes of specific gravities 1-5 and 4 times that of the fluid. Granted that the pressure on the base of a cube or vertical parallelopiped of liquid is equal to its weight, by following a similar method of imagining portions of the liquid to become solidified or to be cut out, Stevinus shows that the pressure on the base of a vessel is independent of its form, and proves the laws of pressure of communicating vessels and tubes. Perusal of Stevinus' notes indicates that he had a hazy idea of the principle of virtual displacements. He had ob- served that what a simple machine gains in force it loses in distance. In his discussion of pulleys he notes that, "Ut spatium agentis ad spatium patientis, sic potentia patientis ad potentiam agentis" (Vol. IV, L. 3) as the space passed over by the force is to the space passed over by the resistance so is the resisting force to applied force. Here he strikes close to the principle of work, namely that in a perfect machine the product of the force and distance traversed is equal to the resistance times the distance through which it is overcome. We have here in Stevinus' book the germ of the idea of virtual displacements. That is, if in a simple machine we consider any virtual or possible displacement of the agent, THE MEDIEVAL PERIOD. 5I the resistance moves over a corresponding displacement so that in every case the product of the acting force and its dis- placement is equal to the resisting force times its displace- ment. Stevinus utilized this idea in a narrow limited way, applying it in the calculations on the simple machines but not attaining to the idea of work, as the measure of force acting through distance, nor to the idea of the balance of positive and negative work in a machine. His chief contributions are the statical principle of the triangle of forces, the founding of Graphic Statics, and the exposition of the conditions of buoyancy and liquid pressure. While he was developing Statics in these directions, his young contemporary Galileo had been experi- menting with moving bodies and was laying the foundations of Dynamics. REFERENCES. Ennemoser. The History of Magic. Rydberg. Magic in the Middle Ages. Dollinger. Studies in European History. Adams, B. The Law of Civilization and Decay. Whewell. History of the Inductive Sciences. Melanchton. Initia Doctrinae Physicse. Bacon. Novum Organum. Duhring. Geschichte der Mechanik. Heller. Geschichte der Physik. Eichen. Mittelalterische Weltanschauung. Schneider. Geschichte der Alchemic. Figuier. L'alchimie et les Alchimistes. Cuvier. Histoire de Sciences Naturelles. Maury. L'Antiquite et au Moyen Age. Fahie, J. J. Galileo, his life and work. Vivian. Life of Galileo. Boundry, F. Galilee, sa vie. Lord. Beacon Lights of History. Mach. The Science of Mechanics. Ball, J. W. The History of Mathematics. Cajori, F. A History of Physics. Alberi. Opere — Geo lettore Galilei, 16 vols. Mahafy. Des Cartes. Stevinus. Hyponemata Mathematica. Nasmith. Pascal. Gerland & Traumiiller. Geschichte der Physical Experimentier Kunst. Brewster. Martyrs of Science. Lodge, Sir. O. Pioneers of Science. 52 the science of mechanics. 5. The Contribution of Galileo Galilei (f^o/ (1564-1642). Taking up now the work of Galileo we find that he caused a revolution in mental attitude toward the study of natural phenomena. The Aristotelian Natural Philosophy had for centuries been regarded as an infallible authority in the schools. In 1543, Petrus Ramus (1515-1572), a scholar of the University of Paris, was forbidden by an edict of Francis I, under pain of punishment, to teach or write against it. To Galileo, a young medical student of noble Florentine family, who had come to disbelieve in the dogmas of the old philosophy belongs in part the glory of emancipating men's mind from this author- ity of antiquity. Galileo appealed from apriori axioms, presuppositions and syllogistic deductions to an investigation of the actual facts. The teachings of Aristotle had been received, "ipse dixit," up to this time, in spite of the fact that some of them were contradicted by daily experience, and in spite of the fact that easy, simple experiments proved them wrong. To quote but a few of these Aristotelian notions which were blindly accepted and believed — 1. Substances were divided into "corruptible" and "in- corruptible," chief among the latter were the heavenly bodies. 2. Bodies were classified as absolute heavy bodies and ab- solute light bodies and "sought their places"; the light bodies belonging up and the heavy bodies down. 3. Motions were classified as "natural motions" and "violent motions." 4. Large bodies were believed to fall quicker than small ones, or the velocity of falling bodies was believed to be in proportion to their weight. Galileo vigorously attacked this Aristotelian philosophy; he appealed from authority to experiment, to nature. He boldly contradicted the teachings of Aristotle, which had been accepted and believed for over a thousand years. By direct experiment, as for example, by dropping weights from the leaning tower of Pisa he proved that Aristotle was wrong. THE MEDIEVAL PERIOD. 53 The schoolmen of the time did not readily relinquish their errors and carried on long and bitter controversies with him so that he was obliged to leave Pisa for Padua. His keenness of perception is well illustrated by the story of the discovery of the isochronism of the pendulum through observations on the gradually decreasing swing of a hanging lamp in Pisa Cathedral. He counted his pulse as the lamp oscillated over a smaller and smaller arc and found that the number remained constant, thus verifying his suspicion of isochronism. He is also credited with the first determination of the relation between the time and length of a pendulum and the application of it in a metronome for the use of physi- cians. A scheme for a pendulum clock, which he never realized, is found among his manuscripts. Galileo seems to have been the first to set forth clearly : 1 . The idea of force as a mechanical agent. 2. The conception of mechanical invariability of cause and effect. 3. The principle of the independence of action of simul- taneous forces. The rigorous mechanical explanation of motion dates from Galileo. He studied carefully the motions of falling bodies and projectiles and found their laws setting forth: 1. All bodies fall from the same height in equal times. 2. In falling the final velocities are proportional to the times. 3. The spaces fallen through are proportional to the squares of the times. He came to these laws experimentally by collecting data on the time of descent, the final velocities and the distances traversed, as in the following table, g being a constant. Time. Velocity. Space. 1. Ig lXlg/2 2. 2g 2X2g/2 3. 32 3X3g/2 4. 42 4X4g/2 t tg tX tgl2 The experiment on grooved planes by which these results were obtained are now well known. An inspection of the table shows at once that the numbers follow the simple law, 54 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. V varies as gi, which expresses the relation between the first and second columns, 5 varies as gt^/2, which expresses the relation between column one and column three, while 5 varies as v^/2g, is the relation of the second and third columns. The first two of these expressions, vccgt and socgt^/2 were used by Galileo in his development of dynamics to the neglect of S(xv^/2g. Later, Huygens took up the expression s(x-\-t)-{-\p(x — t) in which <}> and 1/' are arbitrary functions. In 1749 D'Alembert published the first analytical solution of the precession of the Equinoxes and of the rotation of the earth's axis. He also published a work entitled "Reflexions sur la Cause Generale des Vents," 1744, and three volumes on the "Systemedu Monde" in which his calculations and theories in astronomy are set forth. One of D'Alembert's chief claims to distinction, in addition I06 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. to his special contributions, is that he put Newton's results into the form of the Calculus and made possible their study and extension. He presented in his "Traite de Dynamique," the first treatise on Analytical Mechanics. When this had been done the way was prepared for a complete exhaustive treatment of the entire domain of Mechanics by the An- alytical method. This was done by Lagrange within five years of D'Alembert's death. REFERENCES. Traite de Dynamique, 1743. Traite de I'Equibre du Mouvement de Fluides, 1744. Reflexions sur la Cause Generale des Vents, 1747. Recherches sur la Precession des Equinoxes, 1749. Reserches sur difi^erent Points Importans du Systeme du Monde, 1756. Systeme du Monde, 3 vols., 1754. W. W. R. Ball, History of Mathematics. Mach, The Science of Mechanics. Williamson, Treatise on Dynamics. Bertrand, D'Alembert. Condorcet, Eloge (French Acad., 1784). 4. The Contribution of Lagrange and Laplace. Although it is probable that Newton used his method of fluxions or calculus in arriving at the ideas set forth in the Principia, still he presented them in geometrical form. Even so, it was some fifty years before they were accepted and as- similated. The next big step in advance was to be the full and complete development of mechanics by the analytical method based on Newton's laws. It was necessary first that the calculus and its notation should be perfected and that its use and value in problems of mechanics should come to be recognized. The labors of Leib- nitz, the Bernoullis and Euler brought this to pass. Secondly it was necessary that the co-ordinate method should be devel- oped. This was done by Descartes, Euler and Maclaurin and D'Alembert. When this had been done it was possible to ex- press the results of Newton in the language of the calculus and have them generally received and accepted. the modern period. io7 Joseph Louis Lagrange ( 1736-18 13). Comte Lagrange, one of the greatest masters of pure and mixed mathematics that ever lived, was born at Turin though of French extraction. A Senator of France, a Count with the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor, professor in the Artillery School of Turin and in the Polytechnic School of France, Director of the Berlin Academy under Frederick the Great, his life is one glorious record of achievement. His great work the "Mecanique Analytique" is analytical as opposed to geometrical. There is not a geometric diagram in it, whereas the Principia is full of them, page on page. Writ- ten 100 years after Newton's great work, it is a grand com- prehensive treatise gathering up the scattered methods and principles of the preceding century, harmonizing them and setting them forth in concise harmonious algebraic form. He gives a general method by which every mechanical ques- tion of solids, liquids or gases may be stated in a single alge- braic equation. The entire mechanics of any system, even the solar system, can be summed up in a few equations by this method. This is a wonderful labor-saving and thought- saving device. It was his boast that he had transformed Mechanics, (de- fined by him as "a geometry of four dimensions") into a branch of analysis. He exhibited the mechanical principles of his predecessors as simple results of the calculus, and introduced the method of regarding a fluid as a material system charac- terized by free mobility of its molecules. With this the sep- aration between the mechanics of solids, liquids and gases disappeared, for the fundamental equations of forces could now be extended to hydraulics and pneumatics. He formu- lated a universal science of matter and motion, deduced from the principle of virtual velocities by the method of generalized co-ordinates. Departing from the method of D'Alembert and Euler, in- stead of considering the motion of each individual part of a material system, Lagrange shows how to determine its config- uration by a number of variables corresponding to the degrees of freedom of the system. The kinetic and potential energies I08 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. of the system can be expressed in terms of these variables and the equations of motion obtained by differentiation. He gave to analytical mechanics a complete logical per- fection, reducing the science to differential equations and developing the calculus of variations. The introduction of the "Mecanique Analytique" (1788) is so simple and direct a statement of the author's purpose that it is worthy of literal quotation. "There are already several treatises on Mechanics but the plan of this one is entirely new. I have attempted to reduce the theory of this science and the art of solving the problems connected with it to general formulas, whose simple develop- ment will have all the necessary equations for the solutions of each problem. I hope that the manner in which I have tried to accomplish my object will leave nothing to be desired, "This work will have in addition another advantage: it will collect and present under the same point of view the different principles, so far found, to facilitate the solution of mechanical questions. It will show their connection, their mutual de- pendence, leaving one to judge of their accuracy and value." "iVo diagram will be found in the work. The method which I follow requires neither figures nor arguments geometrical or mechanical, but merely algebraic operations arranged in a regular and uniform order. Those who are fond of analysis will anticipate this mechanics with pleasure, and be pleased that I have set it forth in this way." Concerning the fundamental principle of the work, he says after stating D'Alembert's principle: "But there is another manner of treatment more general and more severe which merits the attention of geometers. M. Euler gave the first hint of it at the end of his treatise on isomerism printed at Lausanne, 1744, showing that in the paths described by central forces, the integral of velocity by the element of the curve always is a maximum or a minimum. This property M. Euler had not noticed except in the motion of isolated bodies. Since that time I have considered the motion of bodies acting upon each other in any fashion whatsoever, and there THE MODERN PERIOD. IO9 has resulted this new general principle that the sum of the products of the masses by the integral of velocities multiplied by the elements of the spaces covered is constantly a maximum or a minimum. Such is the principle to which I give here, although improperly, the name of "least action," and which I consider not as a metaphysical principle, but as a simple and general result of the laws of mechanics. One may see in volume 2, "Memoirs of Jarin," the use I have made of it for solving several difficult problems of dynamics." This principle combined with that of the conservation of energy, and developed according to the rules of the calculus of variations, gives directly all the necessary equations for the solution of any problem. He then proceeds to develop his "general dynamic formula for the motion of a system of bodies acted upon by any forces whatsoever," after the manner briefly indicated here. He says if the forces acting upon a body do not mutually destroy or equilibrate themselves as in statics, then the forces produce accelerations. When these forces act freely and uniformly they necessarily produce velocities which increase with the time. One may regard these velocities as measures of the forces. Let us suppose now that of every accelerating force we know the velocity that it is capable of impressing upon a free body during a unit time. We measure accelerating force by the velocity it produces in a unit time supposing the body to move uniformly for that time, and we know by the theorems of Galileo that this space that the body would pass over is twice the distance that the body moves under a constant accelerating force, such as gravity; therefore we have as the velocity by which to measure a constant force twice the distance that the body passes over in a unit time. We must choose our units accordingly. After a careful development of these notions Lagrange says let us now consider a system of bodies disposed as you will and acted upon by any accelerating forces you please. Let m be the mass of any of the bodies regarded as point and let it be referred to three co-ordinate axes by the co-ordinates x, y, z at any instant t, then dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt, will represent the no THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. velocities in the directions of the axes, if the body is abandoned to itself and moves uniformly. But if by reason of the action of accelerating forces the velocities take on during the instant t, the increments dx dy dz dt ^ dt ' dt one may regard these increments as new velocities and dividing them by dt, one will have a measure of the accelerating forces that produce them. Taking the element of time dt, as constant, the accelerating forces will be proportional to d^x/df^, dy'^/dt'^, dz^jdf, and multiplying these forces by the mass of the body upon which it acts we have dH d^y d'^z ^^' ^J/^' ^^' for the forces moving the body during the time dt. We may regard each body m of the system as acted upon by parallel forces, then the total force will be equal the sum of these parallel forces. Employing now the sign d, to represent differentials relative to the time, and representing the variations which express the virtual velocity by 5, we have d^x d^y dH ^^^^' ^^^^' ^^^^ for the momenta of the forces dH d^y d^z ^^' ^^' ^^' and for the sum of the momenta ' d^x d'^x dH (d^x d^x d^z , \ ^8x+^,8y+j^dzjm. Now let P, Q, R, etc., be accelerating forces acting upon the system and p, q, r their distances, then the differentials bp, 8q, 8r, etc., represent the variations of the lines p, q, r during the variations 8x, 8y, 8z; but these forces P, Q, R, tend to shorten the lines, therefore their virtual velocities should be m THE MODERN PERIOD. Ill written — Sp, — dq, — 8r, and their moments — mP8p, — mQ8p, — mRbr and the sum of all these forces will be - -LiPbp + Qbg + Rhr + etc.)m. Therefore the sum of all the forces acting upon the body will be / d^x d^v d^z \ ^ (^^^ + ^2 53' + ^52)m = - X(P8p + Q8q = RSr,etc.) or (d^x d^y d^z \ dt^ ^^+^^3'+ ^^2 jw+2(P5^+<252+i?5r+etc.)w = o. "C'est la formule generate de la Dynamique pour le mouve- ment d'un systeme quelconque de corps." This formula does not differ from the formula given in his Statics says Lagrange, except in the terms d'^x d^y d^z ^^' ^^' ^J^ which express the accelerating forces. In statics where the acceleration is o, these terms drop out. Therefore this is a general formula applying to statics and dynamics and to solids and fluids. In fact the distinction between statics and dy- namics and solids and fluids vanishes except for the difference in substitution in the formulas. Lagrange then applied this formula to many problems such as, "Sur le mouvement d'un systems de corps libres regardes comme des points et animes par de forces d'attraction." He was the first to make extensive use of the calculus of variations. The idea of this is present in Euler's work in an undeveloped form, but Lagrange was the first to recognize the supreme importance of these ideas and to develop the method of varying arbitrary constants in analysis. He successfully applied this method to the investigation of periodical and secular inequali- ties of any system of interacting bodies. These methods gave beautiful solutions of such intricate problems as the effect of the disturbance produced in the rotation of the planets by external action on their equatorial protuberances. He also determined the first maximum and minimum values for the slowly varying planetary eccentricities, and contributed 112 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. memoirs on the "Propagation of Sound" on the "Motion of Fluids," on the "Calculus of Variations," and a "Treatise on Functions and Equations." His notes on the Problem of the Three Bodies, on Variations of the Element of Planetary- Orbits, on Attractions of Ellipsoids, and on the Moon's Secular Inequality are noteworthy. Lagrange verified Newton's theory and developed his sug- gestions much as Newton did those of Galileo. He reduced the whole theory of mechanics to one fundamental formula, and drew clearly the line between physics and metaphysics. After his time we hear no more such fantastic speculations as were set forth by Descartes and Leibnitz. Duhring in his "Geschicte der Principien der Mechanik," page 305, sums Lagrange's contribution in these words: "Die Anwendung eines Fundamentalprincips, welches sich fiir den Calciil eignet, und die grunsatzliche Durchfiihring der analytischen Entwicklungen als der Haupt eitfadens fiir die Verbindung aller Wahrheiten der rationellen Mechanik zu einem einheitlichen System, — das sind die beiden Hauptei- genschaften, durch welche sich die Behandlungsart Lagranges auszeichnet." /. e., The application of a fundamental principle adapted to the calculus and the consistent utilization of an- alysis as his main guide for the combination of all the truths of rational mechanics into a unified system, these are the two points which distinguish Lagrange's method. Laplace, Simon Pierre, Marquis De (1749-1827). The genius of Lagrange was at its best in generalization and abstraction and he brought his mind to practical physical problems with difficulty. It was not so with his contemporary Laplace, who was gifted with shrewd practical sagacity in addition to the wonderful mathematical power which won for him the title of the "Newton of France." He applied himself especially to the great problems of de- veloping an analytical exposition of celestial motions and per- turbations, based upon the law of gravitation, and he spent his life in tracing the consequences of the law of gravitation as applied to the solar system. The solar system does not consist of several bodies, but of THE MODERN PERIOD. II3 a crowd of them traveling about the sun, many of them at- tended by satelHtes; thus the compHcation of attractions is evident. Again the motion of a planet at any time de- pends not merely upon its relative position with reference to the sun, but also upon the position of the other planets ^ and of its own satellites. Added to this is the difficulty that no planet is where it seems to be, owing to the effects of atmospheric refraction and of the finite velocity of light. The magnitude of the task that Laplace set himself is appalling. Yet he produced in his "Mecanique Celeste" a work in which the whole theory of planetary motions is investigated, and which offers a complete solution of the great mechanical problem presented by the solar system. It was his constant endeavor to "bring theory to coincide so closely with observa- tion that empirical equations should no longer find a place in astronomical tables." His work is based on the Principia of Newton, which he translates into the language of the calculus, and carries forward and completes so as to produce a mechan- ical theory of celestial motions. The "Mecanique Celeste," in five volumes, gives a full an- alytical discussion of the solar system. The first two give methods for calculating the motions of translation and rotation of the planets, determining their figures and solving tidal problems. The third and fourth volumes contain applications of these formulae and astronomical tables. The fifth volume is historical. The work is a complete treatise on physical astronomy. The "Exposition du systeme du Monde" is the "Mecanique Celeste" in popular form without the analysis. The results only are given and the nebular theory is pro- pounded. Laplace's special contributions to the notation of mechanics are the Laplace Coefficient and the Potential Function. In the course of his work of investigating the figure of a rotating fluid mass, the stability of Saturn's rings, etc., he came upon expressions for the attraction of an ellipsoid involving an in- tegration, which he could not solve. He discovered however that the attracting force in any direction could be obtained by the direct process of differentiating a single function. He 8 114 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. was then able to translate the forces of nature into the language of analysis so that he could consider also by mathe- matical analysis the phenomena of heat, electricity and magnetism. The function V which was named the Potential Function by Green and Gauss about 1840 is defined as the sum of the masses of the molecules of the attracting bodies divided by their respective distance from the attracting point. In general terms m being the mass, and r the distance from the attracting point, we have ^^ _ . 2Aw V = Limit , r or Am = o, if p is the density of the body at the point x, y, z and a, j8, 7 the co-ordinates of the attracted point v= fff J J J [{x — a pdxdydz )2 + (3, _ ^)2 + (2 _ y)]' ' the limits of the integration being determined by the form of the attracting mass. Therefore F is a function of a, /3, 7, that is, it depends on the position of the point, and its several differentials furnish the components of the attractive force. As the integrations did not usually give V in finite terms, Laplace introduced (1785) the partial differential equation Since known as Laplace's equation. Here V^ is called the operator. This equation forms the basis of all Laplace's re- search in attractions and opened up the whole field of potential. This equation is now used in every branch of physical science. The quantity V^F may be viewed as the measure of the con- centration of F. Its value at any point indicates the excess of the value of F at that point over its mean value in the neigh- borhood of the point. This potential function laid the foun- dation of the mathematical development of heat, electricity and magnetism. THE MODERN PERIOD. 115 The form in which Laplace first gave his equation, "Re- cherches sur I'attraction des Spheroides homogenes" in Divers Savans, v. lo, 1873, is, in the polar co-ordinate form, where ix is substituted for the cos 9. If two points in space are determined by their polar co- ordinates r, 6, CO and /, 6', w', and T be the reciprocal of the distance between them expressed in these co-ordinates, then T= {r^- 2rr' W + Vi-,j?Vi- ^'^ ^^g (^ _ ^.)] _,_ ^>^y, where n and n' represent the cos B and cos 6' . If this expression be expanded into a series of the form -, (Po + Pi-, + P2-2 + • • • P„-,i • • •). where Po, Pi, P^ are known as Laplace's coefficients of the orders o, I, ... a, these are found to be rational integral func- tions of yi and /, of -v/l — /i^ cos w and '^ i — /t'^ cos w and -v^i — /i^ sin CO and Vi — ti'^ sin co or of the rectangular co- ordinates of the two points divided by their distances from the origin. The general coefficient P„ is of a dimensions and its maximum value Laplace shows to be unity so that the above series will converge if r' is greater than r. He proves that T satisfies the differential equation ^^' ~^^^lin I d'T dKrT) dix "^ I - m' * <^co2 + ^ dr'' ~ °' and if for T the expanded form is substituted we obtain the general differential equation of which Laplace's coefficients are particular integrals . ^dPa ^ + -o • -TT + «(«^ + l)^^ = O- dix I — )u aco'' Laplace's theorem of these functions is to the effect that if Il6 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. Expressions that satisfy this are called Laplace functions. Y and Z be two such functions, i and i' being whole numbers and not identical then J— I Jo YiZidfidco = o. The great value of these functions in physical research de- pends on the fact that every function of the co-ordinates of a point on a sphere can be expanded in a series by Laplace's functions. They are therefore useful in mechanics in researches in which spheres figure, as in the problem of the figure of the earth, the general theory of attraction, and in electricity and magnetism. Laplace also published in 1812 his "Theorie analytique des Probabilities," an exhaustive treatment of the subject of probability. It cannot be said of Laplace that he created a new branch of science like Galileo or Archimedes, new principles or a radically new method like Newton, Leibnitz, or Descartes. His work was one of verification and formulation of known ideas into grand generalizations. He possessed a genius for tracing out the remote consequences of the great principles already developed, and he brought within the range of analysis a great number of physical truths which it did not appear probable could ever be brought subject to laws of mechanics. His great contribution was the invention of the potential function in analysis, which, as developed by him and later by Green, Gauss and Lord Kelvin, brought fluid motion, heat, electricity, and magnetism under the dominion of analytical mechanics. REFERENCES. Mecanique Analytique. Paris, 1788. Mecanique Analytique. Paris, i8ii. Exposition du Systeme du Monde. Paris, 1873. Mecanique Celeste. Translated by Bowditch. Kelvin, General Integration of Laplace's Differential Equations of Tides. Diihring, Geschichte der Principien der Mechanik. Todhunter, Treatise on Laplace's Functions. Mach, The Science of Mechanics. Williamson, Treatise on Dynamics. Todhunter, History of the Mathematical Theory of Attraction. Thomson and Tait, Treatise on Natural Philosophy. the modern period. ii7 5. Recent Contributions. The Contribution of Louis Poinsot (i 777-1 859). The contribution of Poinsot to the science of mechanics is one of method rather than of principle. In fact, since the time of Lagrange and Laplace no radically new principle in the science of mechanics has been brought forth, with the excep- tion of the principle of conservation of matter and of energy. Poinsot's work is set forth in two volumes: "Les Elemens de Statique" and "Theorie Nouvelle de la Rotation des Corps." He follows Newton's method, and builds the science on force, T mass, and acceleration as fundamental concepts, but in his exposition the notion of couples, i. e., pairs of parallel forces acting on the same body in opposite directions has a prominent part. This idea of a couple was now new; Poinsot did not originate it. It follows from the principle of moments as set forth by Varignon in 1687, but nothing worth mentioning had been made of the idea till Poinsot based a system of mechanics on it, in his Elemens de Statique in 1803. Perhaps no idea in mechanics is so easily comprehended, so useful and so fruitful in the presentation of equilibrium of rigid bodies. But it does not express the historical development of the science. Once mechanics had been developed, it was easy to formulate a system of mechanics by the idea of the couple, but as a rational primitive conception, the idea of equilibrium established in this way does not appeal to the mind. Poinsot says, in the preface of the "Elemens": "Dans la solution mathematique des problemes, on doit regarder un corps en equilibre comme s'il etait en repos; et reciproquement, si un corps est en repos, on sollicite par des forces quelconques, on peut lui supposer appliquees telles nouvelles forces qu'on voudra, qui soient en equilibre d'elles-memes, et I'etat du corps ne sera point change. On verra bientot de nombreuses applications de cette remarque." One may regard a body in equilibrium as if at rest, and one may regard a body at rest as being so, because the forces applied to it balance each other. One may assume various other pairs of forces applied to the body and it will still remain at rest. This idea has many useful applications. ) Il8 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. He then develops the idea of a couple and sets forth a number of theorems on couples from which he evolves the theory of the simple machines. He says: "Nous reduirons les machines simples a trois principales que Ton peut considerer si Ton dans I'ordre suivant en regard a la nature de I'obstacle qui gene le mouvement du corps: le levier le tour et le plan incline." The simple machines may be reduced to three prin- ciples according to the nature of points considered as fixed, viz: the lever, the screw and the inclined plane. In the first, the obstacle or impediment is a fixed point; in the second, it is a straight line; in the third, it is a fixed plane. From these he develops geometrical theorems on the simple machines. In general, Poinsot's method is distinctly his own develop- ment of a synthetic mechanics, based on Newton's ideas. He does not use the calculus, but develops the whole system by a judicious choice of fixed points and by the action of couples. He gives a self-contained exposition of the science which is useful rather as a practical text-book than as a system for advancing the science. The Theorie Nouvelle de la Rota- tion des Corps treats of the motion of a rigid body by geometry and shows that the most general motion of such a body can be represented at any instant by a rotation about an axis combined with a motion of translation parallel to the axis, and that any motion of a body, of which one point is fixed, may be produced by the rolling of a cone fixed in a body on a cone fixed in space. This enables one to picture the motion of a rigid body as clearly as the motion of a point. The previous treatment of the motion of such a body had been analytical, and gave no mental picture of the moving body. Poinsot's exposition of statics and of rotation by the action of couples about arbitrarily chosen fixed points, lines, or planes, is valuable as offering ready practical conceptions of mechan- ical action for every-day use. It is just such a system as one would expect a professor in a technical school to develop for the use of students who were preparing for professional work rather than for research. The diagrams demonstrate the theorems so as to make the proof almost axiomatic and THE MODERN PERIOD. II9 intuitive. His theorems are to be found to-day in modern text-books and are of service to the mechanical and civil engineer. Among his memoirs are contributions on: "Sur la composi- tion des moments et des aires." "Sur la geometric de I'equi- libre et du mouvement des Systemes." "Sur la plan invariable du systeme du monde." His Mechanics is valuable for its ready practical methods, rather than for new contributions to the science. The Contributions of Simeon Denis Poisson (1781-1840). Poisson, the distinguished young contemporary of Laplace and Lagrange, was their equal in mathematical analysis and their superior in grasp of physical principles. A large number of memoirs, on a wide range of scientific subjects, testify to his ability. In some of these he corrected errors in the work of Laplace and Lagrange. Poisson applied himself particularly to mathematical physics. He explored heat, light, electricity and magnetism by analysis and originated the method of investigation by "potential." He evolved the correct equation for potential V^V = — 47rp in place of Laplace's equation V^F = o. This equation now appears in all branches of mathematical physics, and, according to some writers, it follows that it must so appear from the fact that the operator V^ is a scalar operator. Indeed it may be that this equation represents analytically some law of nature not yet reduced to words. Poisson's work, "Traite de Mecanique" (1853), is an excel- lent exposition of rational mechanics by the method of the calculus It proceeds logically from the definitions of "corps," "masse" and "force," and a definition of Mechanics "la science qui traite de I'equilibrium et du mouvement des corps" through 120 . THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. statics and dynamics, section by section. Though it contains some variations in mathematical presentation, it contains no new principle. His work on the theory of Electricity and Magnetism and his "Theorie Mathematique de la Chaleur," 1835, present methods by which nearly all physical phenomena may be explained in terms of mathematical mechanics. With this the science of mechanics approaches its highest development. From the time of Poisson up to the present, a number of investigators have worked over the field and developed the applications of known principles and methods. Among them must be mentioned : Fourier, Theorie analytique de la chaleur, 1822. Gauss, De figura fluidorum in statu sequilibrie, 1828. Poncelet, Cours de mecanique, 1828. Belanger, Cours de mecanique, 1847. Mobius, Statik, 1837. Coriolis, Traite de Mecanique, 1829. Grausmann, Ausdehnungslehre, 1844. Hamilton, Lectures on Quaternions, 1853. Jacobi, Vorlesungen iiber Dynamik, 1866. Joule, J. P., Scientific Papers, 1887. As a result of the earnest labors of these and others, and more particularly by the patient research of those mentioned below, the nineteenth century saw the establishment of the great mechanical principle of conservation, the most unifying and fruitful of all scientific dogmas. It is the result of the accu- mulated experience of many inquirers rather than the achieve- ment of any individual. The Law of Conservation. In 1775, the French Academy declined to consider any further devices for obtaining "perpetual motion," but it was not till one hundred years later, about 1875, that the generali- zations known as the Conservation of Matter and the Con- servation of Energy, or the Law of Conservation came to be generally admitted after long experiment and careful study. THE MODERN PERIOD. 121 The principle of the Conservation of Matter was established about 1780 by Lavoisier, (1743-94), as a result of a series of experiments with the chemist's balance which indicated that the mass of a given quantity of matter remains constant regardless of change of state or of chemical combination. The principle of conservation of energy was of slow growth. The idea of conservation in nature seems to have been dimly felt as far back as the time of Descartes (1596-1650). New- ton, also, seems to have had an idea of it, though his de- velopment of mechanics by the concepts of work, force and distance, blinded him to the appreciation of the measure of activity by energy. Still in the scholium to his third law, we read : "If the action of an agent be measured by the product of the force into its velocity, and if similarly the reaction of the resistance be measured by the velocities of its several parts multiplied into their several forces, whether they arise from friction, cohesion, weight or acceleration, action and reaction in all combination of machines will be equal and opposite." It is probable that the popularity of the Newtonian exposition of mechanics from the point of view of force and work, had a tendency to delay the establishment of this principle of con- servation. The concept of Energy was foreign to Newton's mechanics. The principle was rather a slow development of the Huy- genian idea of energy and it came to the fore, with the recog- nition of a relation between mechanical energy and heat. The idea that heat is a form of energy for which there is an exact mechanical equivalent was first suggested about 1798, by the experiments of Count Rumford on the heat resulting from the boring of cannon and by the experiments the following year, of Sir Humphrey Davy on melting ice by friction. This conception was at variance with the generally held hypothesis that heat was of the nature of a material fluid. The idea languished till 1842, when Julius Robert Mayer began experimental research on the subject. Choosing as the unit of heat, the quantity necessary to raise one gram of water ato° C, one degree centigrade, commonly called a "calorie," and for the unit of work, one gram lifted one meter or a 122 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. "gram-meter," the determination of the number of gram- meters that are equivalent to a calorie in energy was stated by Mayer as 365 from his experiments on the heat evolved in compressing air. In 1843 J. P. Joule (1818-89) undertook the investigation of the subject and invented a variety of apparatus for determin- ing the dynamical equivalent of heat and among other forms the common laboratory method of descending weights turning paddle wheels in a vessel of water, the temperature of which is determined by thermometers. The subject now came up for thorough investigation and discussion by scientists. Helm- holtz maintained the principle in "Ueber die Erhaltung der Kraft," 1847, and Rankine, Kelvin, Clausius and Maxwell contributed either experimentally or theoretically to its estab- lishment. It is worded in various ways, one form being: In any system of bodies the energy remains constant during any reaction or transformation between its part. It is also stated as: "The energy of the universe is constant." In 1850 Joule obtained his value 423.5 gram-meters for the dynamical equivalent of heat which for two decades was the accepted value. By i860 research had verified this figure by transformations of energy through mechanical, electric, mag- netic and chemical transformations in sufficient number to warrant the acceptance of the principle of conservation of energy. Prof. Rowland in 1879 made a series of very careful determinations of the dynamical equivalent of heat using Joule's stirring or paddle apparatus, and finally gave the value 425.9 for water at 10° C. This principle is, as Maxwell says, "the one generalized statement which is found to be consistent with fact, not in one physical science only but in all. When once apprehended, it furnishes to the physical inquirer a principle on which he may hang every known law relating to physical actions, and by which he may be put in the way to discover the relations of such actions in new branches of science." He states the principle as follows: "The energy of a system is a quantity which can neither be increased nor diminished by any action THE MODERN PERIOD. 1 23 between the parts of the system, though it may be transformed into any of the forms of which energy is susceptible." The total energy of a closed system is invariable quantity. Whether the energy of a system is partially in the kinetic and partially in the potential form, whether the energy exists as potential energy of arrangement of the gross parts of a system, or as molecular energy, or electrical energy, or as kinetic energy of moving masses, or of moving molecules, or of vibrations of the ether or of electrical currents, the total quantity of energy in an isolated system is constant. We have no acquaintance w^ith "absolute energy" or of energy apart from matter. Our knowledge is limited to energy changes in matter. Work done upon a body or a system increases its energy, or work done by it upon another body confers energy upon it. If we do work upon a body weighing 100 lbs. so as to raise it vertically 5 ft. we store 500 ft. lbs. of energy in it, which is said to be in the "potential" form. The mathematical expression of energy always requires two factors. For instance, in doing mechanical work we may measure the energy by the product of the force times the distance, F XS, or if the work has produced kinetic energy we measure it by the mass of the body multiplied by the square of the velocity, i. e., mv^J2. In case the mechanical work is transformed into heat the factors become the specific heat and the rise in tem- perature. If the heating is produced by a transformation of electrical energy, the electrical energy is measured by the quantity of electricity and the electromotive force. From the principle of conservation have been evolved the three principles of thermodynamics or of energetics which are commonly listed as: (i) the conservation of energy; (2) the distribution of energy or the principle of Carnot; (3) the law of least action. The second principle is given by Clausius in the form: "Heat cannot of itself pass from a colder body to a warmer one." Lord Kelvin put it thus: "It is impossible, by means of inanimate material agencies to derive mechanical effect from any portion of matter by cooling it below the tem- perature of the coldest surrounding objects." 124 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. This was later generalized and put into the form : The trans- fer of energy can only be effected by a fall in tension. This is the principle of Carnot and signifies that energy always goes from the point where the tension is high to the point where it is low. This applies not only to heat but to all known forms of energy. If we imagine a system of bodies taken at random in various conditions of temperature, electrification, etc., they will not remain as thrown together, but a readjustment, with trans- ferences and transformations of energy will begin, until one of the factors of the energy of all the bodies has the same value or intensity in all parts of the system. That is, if the electromotive force or the temperature is the same in all parts of the system, no transference takes place; or, if for the kinetic energy, the velocity is the same, there is no change; but whenever there is a difference there will follow a change within the system. The third principle of thermodynamics says that these changes always follow a path which requires the least effort. This is sometimes named Hamilton's principle. With these theories of readjustment and flux of energy the occasion and character of the various changes or phenomena of the material world may be schematized. It is worthy to note that no one has succeeded in exactly and completely reversing a series of natural processes. There is always a loss of energy usually as heat, in any series of transferences or transformations of energy. The researches of Clausius and Planck seem to prove that there is a constant "degradation" of energy or a reduction to the condition of a dead level. Without tension or difference in potential there is no transmission of energy, nor can there be any work done. Having attained then, the mechanical conception of energy and the principles of conservation, we come into possession of a unified theory and a workable scheme of antecedents and sequences of the gross phenomena of nature, which now become a subject of calculation by mathematical analysis as formulated in Analytical and Celestial Mechanics. Granted a certain quantity of energy in a material system, THE MODERN PERIOD. 125 the conditions of its transfer and transformation are now be- come a matter of mathematical calculation, and the concomi- tant gross phenomena may be predicted with certainty and precision. The great principle of conservation of energy is a wider generalization than the Newtonian mechanics. It has enabled us to advance our explanation of the motion-phenom- ena of the universe, but we are still far from explaining all phenomena by Mechanics. The result of recent efforts to ex- tend the science so as to explain the minuter and more subtle phenomena of the universe will now be briefly commented upon. 6. The Ether. Energy. Dissociation of Matter. The nineteenth century saw the general acceptance of Lavoisier's adage, "Nothing is created, nothing is lost." With the gradual establishment of the idea of conservation came an enthusiastic endeavor to unite the various separate sciences into Science by means of the concept of energy. Energy being conceived as a measure of activity and the quantity of energy being considered invariable, it is logical to expect that all the phenomena of the universe might be co-ordinated by this idea. Mechanics which had developed the concept of energy and a series of mathematical equations expressing its relations, from a study of the gross motion phenomena of the world, had arrived at what appeared to be a universal law. And now the various separate chains of phenomena which had been linked together by the chemist, the physicist, the botanist and the biologist were to be welded into one Science by the principles of mechanics. The chemists had been working toward the idea of conservation for nearly a century and when chemistry and mechanics came into accord upon the idea of conservation, it was felt that it must fit the other sciences too, and that it was the key to nature's secrets. A review of the scientific beliefs of twenty-five years ago reveals a faith in the duality of natural phenomena. They were conceived as the result of the action of indestructible energy through indestructible matter which was conceived as floating in an all pervading medium called the ether of space. 126 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. This medium was conceived as penetrating and pervading all matter. The idea of an ether of space appears to be very old. The term is derived from the Greek word aether, meaning the brilliant upper air. The hypothesis in later times was the result of the logic that demanded a medium to transmit light and heat through interplanetary space and through a vacuum. Hence it was at first called the light-bearing or luminiferous ether. Fresnel (i 788-1 827), the French physicist, in his undulatory theory of light first gave this hypothesis definition. Later Faraday (1791-1867) likewise postulated a medium in connec- tion with his researches in electricity and magnetism and suggested that perhaps one and the same medium would serve for both light and electricity. The researches and calculations of numerous investigators among whom Maxwell was promi- nent finally gave decision in favor of one medium or ether, possessing certain characteristics. Being a purely arbitrary hypothesis the ether could and soon came to be endowed with such properties as were called for by the logic of the situation, and these properties were altered from time to time as seemed necessary. The ether was declared to possess inertia, because time was required for the propagation of light through it. It was conceived as having density and elasticity by analogy with matter, and it was pictured as an "elastic jelly." In this medium, waves varying in length from miles to less than two millionths of a millimeter were conceived as explaining various phenomena of light, heat, electricity and magnetism. Though nothing is positively known of the existence or structure of the ether, this convenient assumption has been developed with great definiteness. Once this hypothesis was established Mechanics entered upon a new phase of development. It was called upon to deal with molecular and atomic energy and invited to explain by its principles the minute phenomena of light, electricity and biology. In this it relied upon the unifying power of the law of conservation and the license to warp and model the sup- posititious ether to the exigencies of the occasion. THE MODERN PERIOD. 127 How far this has been successful can be but briefly considered here. It soon became apparent that the molecule or smallest portion of physical matter, sometimes pictured as bearing to a drop of water the ratio that a golf ball bears to the earth, must give up its simplicity as a dense hard sphere and become constituted of at least several atoms of various densities to comply with the chemist's notions of elementary and com- pound substances. Before long, these atoms had assumed the complexity of solar systems and were conceived as composed of thousands of particles or electrons in rapid motion, and as being of many varieties. Here we see at work the familiar old primitive no- tions of division, moving particles and pictorial representation. In the hands of such investigators as Fizeau, Crookes, Kelvin, Lodge, Le Bon, Michelson, Morley, Rayleigh, Ramsey, Roent- gen, J. J. Thomson, Rutherford and others, the method has been applied in linking up, by the principles of gross mechanics a variety of minute phenomena. It has led experimental re- search through numerous novel and remarkable investigations in light, heat and electricity from which much is expected. With the discovery of the X-Rays by Roentgen in 1895, and of radioactivity by Becquerel and the Curies in 1898, and with the discovery by J. J. Thomson that the passage of these activities through the air makes it a conductor of electricity, new conceptions arise. The air as we commonly know it, is a non-conductor of electricity but "ionized" air produced by radioactivity, or by the emanations from such substances as radium, thorium, and polonium, is a conductor. It soon be- came evident that a great many bodies in nature are spon- taneously active and are constantly giving out emanations. Investigation showed that these emanations have the power of dissociating a gas, or of breaking it up into particles, com- parable with hydrogen atoms, and particles approximately one thousandth as large, called electrons. The velocity of these particles approximates that of light and their total mass or inertia appears to be due to an electric charge in motion. In other words the one characteristic invariable property of mat- ter, viz: mass, is explained as an electric charge in motion. 128 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. Larmor, in his "Ether and Matter," says the atom of matter is composed of electrons and of nothing else. This conception builds matter of electricity in motion, though it is a question as to whether this is a simplification or a complication of theory. The question as to where these electrons get their motion, or what is the origin of the energy which expels these emana- tions with such terrific velocity, has been met by a mechanical hypothesis of the atoms as whirling "solar systems" of thou- sands of electron-satellites, some of which, when equilibrium is disturbed, fly off tangentially with great velocities. This is practically saying that molecules and atoms of matter on their disruption or dissociation set free energy. Experiments on radioactivity show that a gram of radium will raise the tem- perature of 100 grams of water i° C. an hour without per- ceptible loss of weight on the chemist's balance. But the re- searches of Prof. Crookes and Dr. Heydweiller,^ estimate the duration of a gram of radium at about lOO years after which there is no longer any radium, therefore a quantity of highly heated water may be left as a result of its emanations if we conceive it to act upon water. Here matter disappears and energy in the form of steam pressure appears in exact ratio. This brings us face to face with a contradiction of the law of conservation as we have stated it. We have matter fading into the ghost of matter losing its one distinguishing unalter- able characteristic, namely, mass, and liberating an enormous quantity of energy in the process. From a mechanical point of view this is a contradiction in terms but the advance guard on the skirmish line of science necessarily uses the terms that are at hand with various mental reservations and modifications until nomenclature can be revised and remodeled. With every advance in Science there is inevitably a period of temporary anarchy in theory and terminology. The concepts of energy and electricity appear to be about to go through some such period of transformation as has happened with the term force. We find ourselves now on the threshold of the realization of the dream of the alchemist. These X-rays, emanations, ^P. 237. 'Phys. Zeitschrift, October 15, 1903. THE MODERN PERIOD. 1 29 ions, electrons and electricity appear to be phases of the dematerialization of matter, stages in the breaking down of matter into intra-atomic energy. As Professor de Heen of Liege says, "it seems we find ourselves confronted by condi- tions which remove themselves from matter by successive stages of cathode and X-ray emissions and approach the sub- stance designated as the ether." Further researches indicate that electricity is one of the forms of energy that result from the breaking up of atoms, that it is composed of these imponderable electrons, the ghostly emanations of fading matter which themselves have been pic- tured as but minute whirls in the all pervasive ether. We come here to a new conception, matter is conceived as built up of electrons, pictured as little whirl-pools in a fundamental ether of which the universe is composed. However this may be, we are made acquainted with stores of energy and activities as little known as electricity was before Volta's day. The estab- lishment of the fact of the dissociation of matter opens up unsuspected and inconceivable sources of energy. The energy liberated from the partial dissociation of a tub of water would probably equal that of all the anthracite coal fields of America. This theory hints at an explanation of some of the mysterious activities of vegetable and animal life. The researches of bio- logical chemistry are just beginning to reveal some of the secrets of the flux and reflux of intra-atomic energy in highly complicated and unstable compounds and the incidental liber- ation of (electrical) energy. The theory also offers suggestions as to the character of allotropy, catalytic action, diastases, toxins and protoplasmic action. These minute phenomena of nature are motion-phenomena and as such come within the purview of mechanics, but in the development of a theory of the grosser phenomena they have had scant attention. It may be that the laws of gross mechanics do not apply here exactly, at any rate it seems that there is enough suspicion of mutation of matter and flow of energy to put the law of con- servation on the defensive. The most radical contradiction of the now commonly ac- cepted doctrine of conservation is that given by Dr. Gustave 130 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. Le Bon in his "Evolution of Matter," 1905, from which the following summary is taken. "i. Matter, hitherto deemed indestructible, vanishes slowly by the continuous dissociation of its component atoms. "2. The products of the dematerialization of matter con- stitute substances placed by their properties between ponder- able bodies and the unponderable ether — that is to say between two worlds hitherto considered as widely separate. "3. Matter, formerly regarded as inert and only able to give back the energy originally applied to it, is on the other hand, a colossal reservoir of energy — of intra-atomic energy — which it can expend without borrowing anything from without. "4. It is from the intra-atomic energy, manifested during the dissociation of matter that most of the forces in the uni- verse are derived, notably electricity and solar heat. "5. Force and matter are two different forms of one and the same thing. Matter represents a stable form of intra- atomic energy; heat, light, electricity, etc., represent unstable forms of it. "6. By the dissociation of atoms, — that is to say, by the dematerialization of matter, the stable form of energy termed matter is simply changed into those unstable forms known by the names electricity, light, heat, etc. "7. The law of evolution applicable to living beings is also applicable to simple bodies; chemical species are no more in- variable than are living species." These are bold generalizations made from comparatively scanty experimental data on very minute and delicate phe- nomena, and they are not unchallenged. But they suggest a new departure and a new phase of development in mechanics and hint at marvels until now undreamt of. As to the possibility of producing energy for industrial purposes by breaking down or using up matter and thus turn- ing it into energy, the expectation is certainly as bright as was the prospect, that Volta's early electrical experiments with frogs' legs and a copper wire would ever lead to the operation of heavy railroad trains by electricity or to the THE MODERN PERIOD. I3I transmission of the voice from city to city, by wire, or of "wireless messages" from mid-ocean to shore. The wonders of aerial telegraphy and telephony are the result of careful investigation and study in this new field of what might be called the mechanics of the ether. When the "activities in the ether" are more thoroughly understood we may expect greater wonders. It is to be noted that it is not always the most intense action that will produce a desired result. A thunder clap will not move a tuning fork to vibra- tion, whereas the vibration of a violin string will do so if of the proper key. A spark is ridicuously inadequate as com- pared with the explosion of energy it may cause. The simple striking of a phosphorus-match by moving it with a velocity of about ten feet a second, serves to set up disturbances which have a velocity of 186,000 miles a second. Atomic energy, of the existence of which there seems to be no doubt, is practically inexhaustible in amount, as simple calculations show. The energy that would flow from the dis- sociation of a one cent copper coin is equal to the energy of 1,000 tons of coal applied in the production of steam. Me- chanics has brought us from the dim gropings of the Stone Age, for "more power to the arm," to an outlook upon an immense universe of ceaseless energy. When mechanical con- trivance shall have caught up with, and exploited this vision we may expect a conquest of power that will accomplish incon- ceivable wonders. This then is the fruit of fifty centuries of patient endeavor in mechanics, of 2,000 years of geometrical mechanics and 200 years of analytical mechanics. It is the heritage of the patient fidelity and stern integrity of the great inquirers and their nu- merous minor coadjutors, and it presages a greater and more marvellous harvest of enlightenment and benefaction for the future. The indomitable courage and patience of these searchers for ultimate and invariable truth have emancipated the race from much of the incubus of the superstitious fetish- ism, and from some of the drudgery of daily life, and they point prophetically to greater conquests to come. But in the words 132 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. of one of the eminent sages^ of the science, all have thus far been as little children picking pebbles on the shore, while the great ocean of the unknown glooms beyond. The words of Laplace are still all too true, "What we know is little, what we do not know, immense." ^Sir Isaac Newton. PART IV. CONCLUSION. The history of the science of mechanics has now been traced in outHne. We have noted its aspirations; we must now note its limitations. Science is human experience tested and ar- ranged in order. It is not its purpose to offer a philosophy of the universe, nor is it essentially in conflict with religion. It seeks, rather to co-ordinate experiences into a systematic theory of relations, of causes and effects. The discovery of natural truths and the extension of the field of knowledge by a process of correlation, rejection, revision and verification is its province. We note that the science is a mental resume of the growing experience of the race, a development founded on many cen- turies of endeavor in the arts and trades. It had its origin in the dim past with geometry which evolved from land- surveying as mechanics did from the trades. The science is essentially the product of European thought. In the nature of things its development consisted in abstracting from the numerous phenomena of nature the constant elements, this method obviously indicating itself as the path of progress. Once the abstractions of form and position were realized, study of forms and positions led to the development of a geometry of measurement and an arithmetic. Until this point is reached not much can be expected in physical science, for the spur of progress is the question "how," and no satisfactory answer can be given to it until a system of measurements is developed. When once the abstract conceptions of form and position are firmly established and a method of measurements devised, then the conditions and circumstances of change of position and of change of form and size present themselves as questions of possible investigation. Even after the Greeks had developed geometry, their ideas 133 134 THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. U uuu > cd cQ m y o o o (^ . 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