'p'mw^} ^^^m ,>jg^Vv'VV^^J 'V-!,:.: vy:>«yv\ .vvVv'U'^^ re v'<~*- c c CC CT c< c c'-^SS S^y^ cs^^<;^^f . ^K^^^"^^. ,VC-S'v<4 1«£ Cc<£i ff : — ation,' he added, 'Ned's down.' Sure enough. Cousin Edward was on the grass, striving in vain to raise himself, and gasping out that he ' wasn't the least hurt.' He had got it just be- tween the ribs, and was trying to stanch the blood with a delicate laced handkerchief, in a corner of which, had he examined it closely. Sir Hugh would have found embroidered the well-known name of ' Lucy.' Poor Cousin Edward ! it was all he had belonging to his lost love, and he would have been unwilling to die without that fragment of lace in his hand. ' A very promising fencer,' remarked Colonel Bludyer, as he wiped his rapier on the grass. ' If he ever gets over it, he wont forget that *■ plongeant ' thrust in tierce. I never knew it fail, Thornton — never, with a man under thirty.' So the Colonel put his coat on, and drove off to breakfast; while Sir Hugh took charge of Ned Meredith, and as soon as he was recovered — for his wound was not mortal TOO LATE. 103 — carried him down Avitli him to get thoroughly "well at Dangerfield Hall. It is an old, old story. Love outraged and set at defiance, bides his time, and takes his revenge. Dangerfield looked like a different place now, so thought Lucy ; and her spirits rose, and the colour came back to her cheek, and she even summoned courage to speak without hesitating to Sir Hugh. When Cousin Edward was strong enough to limp about the house, it seemed that glimpses of sun- shine brightened those dark oak rooms, and ere he was able to take the air, once more leaning on Lucy's arm, alas ! alas ! he had become even dearer to the impassioned, thoughtful woman, that he ever was to the timid vacillating girl. There was an addition now to the party on the terrace in the bright autumn mornings, but the little boy needed no longer to ask Mamma ^ What she was thinking of;' and the three would have seemed to a careless observer a happy family party — husband, wife, and child. Oh ! that it could but have been so. In the mean time. Sir Hugh was again, as usual, busied Avith his state intrigues and party politics, and absented himself for weeks together from the Hall; riding post to London night and day, returning at all sorts of unexpected hours, leaving again at a mo- ment's notice, and otherwise comporting himself in his usual mysterious, reserved manner. Yet those who knew him best, opined there was something I04 THE WORM AT THE CORE. wrong about Sir Hugh. He was restless and preoccupied; his temper less easily excited about trifles than was his wont, but perfectly ungovernable when once he gave way to it. No man dared to question him. He had not a friend in the world who would have ventured to offer him a word of advice or consolation ; but it was evident to his ser- vants and his intimates, that Sir Hugh was ill at ease. Who can tell the struggles that rent that strong proud heart ? Who could see beneath that cold surface, and read the intense feelings of love, hatred, jealousy, or revenge, that smouldered below, stifled and kept down by the iron will, the stubborn, indomitable pride ? There is a deep meaning in the legend of that Spartan boy, who sufl^ered the stolen fox to gnaw his very vitals, the while he covered him with his tunic, and preserved on his brave face a smile of unconcern. Most of us have a stolen fox somewhere; but the weak nature writhes and moans, and is delivered from its torment ; while the bold, unflinching spirit preserves a gallant bearing before the world, and scorns to be relieved from the fangs that arc draining its very life away. Whatever Sir Hugh saw or suspected, he said not a word to Lucy ; nor was it until surmise had be- come certainty, that he forbade ' Cousin Edward ' tlic house. To him he would not condescend to explain his motives; he simply wrote to him to say, that on his return, he should expect to find his guest had FORBIDDEN. I05 departed, and that he had sufficient reasons for re- questing his visits might not be repeated. With his wife, he was, if possible, more austere and morose than ever ; so, once more, the Hall resumed its old aspect of cheerlessness and desolation, and its mis- tress went moping about, more than ever miserable and broken-hearted. Such a state of things could not long g;o on : the visits forbidden openly, took place by stealth ; and the climax rapidly approached which was to result in the celebrated Dangerfield tragedy. At this period, there was set on foot another of those determined plots, which, during the first two reigns of the House of Hanover, so constantly harassed that dynasty. Sir Hugh, of course, was a prime mover of the conspiracy, and was much in London and elsewhere, gathering intelligence, raising funds, and making converts to his opinions. Ned Meredith, having, it is to be presumed, all his energies occupied in his own private intrigues, had somewhat withdrawn of late from the Jacobite party; and Sir Hugh heard, with his grim, unmoved smile, many a jest and inuendo levelled at the absentee. One stormy winter's evening, the baronet, well armed, cloaked, and booted, left his own house for the metropolis, accompanied by one trusty servant. He was bearing papers of importance, and was hurry- ing on to lay them, with the greatest despatch, before Io6 A SCOUT. his fellow conspirators. As niglit was drawing on, Sir Hugh's horse shied away from a wild figure, looming like some spectre in the fading light ; and ere he had forced the animal back into the path, his bridle was caught by a half-naked lad, whom the rider at once recognised as an emissary he had often before employed to be the bearer of secret intelli- gence, and who, under an affectation of being half- Avitted, concealed much shrewdness of observation, and unimpeachable fidelity to the cause. ' Whip and spur, Sir Hugh — whip and spur,' said the lad, who seemed flustered and confused with drink ; ' you may burst your best horse betwixt this and London, and all to get there before you're wanted. A dollar to drink. Sir Hugh, like Hand- some Ned gave me this morning — a dollar to drink, and I'll save you a journey for the sake of the * Bonny White Rose,' and the ' Bird with the Yel- low Bill.' ' Sir Hugh scrutinised the lad with a piercing eye, flung him a crown from his purse, and bid him ' out with what he had to say, for that he himself was hurried, and must push on to further the good cause.' The lad was sobered in an instant. 'Look ye here, Sir Hugh,' he said eagerly; ' Hand- some Ned went down the road at a gallop this morn- ing. There's something brewing in London, you may trust me. Sir Hugh, and I tried to stop him to learn his errand; but he tossed me a crown, and SUSPICION. 107 galloped on. He took tlie liill-road. Sir Hugh, and you came up tlie vale j but lie's bound for Danger- field^ I linow, and mayhap he's got papers that will save your journey to London : no offence, Sir Hugh/ added the lad, for the baronet's face was black as midnight. ' None, my good boy,' was the reply in a hoarse, thick voice. 'Hold, there's another crown for you — drink it every farthing, you villain ! or I never give you a sixpence again : ' and Sir Hugh rode on, as though bound for London, but stopped a mile farther forward, at a place where two roads met ; and entrusting his papers to his servant, bade him hasten on with them, whilst he galloped back through the darkness in the direction of his home. Home, indeed ! Had it ever been home to Sir Hugh ? Would it be home to-night ? When he got back there, and skulked into his own house like a midnight thief — what would he do ? — why was he galloping so fast ? Sir Hugh set his teeth tight, and holding his powerful horse hard by the head, urged him on faster than before. The lights are all out in the little village of which he is sole master, and his horse's hoofs clattering through the street, rouse the sleepy inmates for an instant, ere they re- turn to their peaceful rest. Sir Hugh is not sleepy, he feels as if he never should want to sleep again. How dark it is in the Park, under those huge old trees ! He fastens his horse to one of the di'ooping I08 CERTAINTY. branches, and after removing his pistols from their holsters, spreads his cloak over the heaving flanks of the heated animal. Habit is second nature, and he does not forget the good horse. He strides through the shrubberies, and across Lucy's garden, crushing with his heavy boot-heel the last flower that had lingered on into the winter. There is a light streaming from one of the windows in the gal- lery. Ha ! — he may be right — he may not have returned in vain. For an instant, a feeling of sickness comes over him ; and he learns for the first time that he had cherished a hope he might be deceived. He can let himself in by the garden gate with his own pass-key. Ere he is aware, he is tramping up the corridor in his heavy horseman's boots — his hand is on the door — there is a woman's shriek — and Sir Hugh's tall, dark figure fills the door way of Lucy's sitting-room, where, alas ! she is not alone, for the stern, angry husband is confronted by Ned Meredith ! Lucy cowers down in a corner of the room, with her face buried in her hands. Cousin Edward di*aws himself up to his fall height, and looks his antagonist steadily in the face, but with an expression of calm despair, that seems to say fate has now done her worst. Sir Hugh is cool, collected, and polite ; nay, he can even smile, but he speaks strangely, almost in a whisper, and hisses through his set teeth. He HAZAED. 109 lias double-locked the door behind him, and turns to Cousin Edward with a grave, courteous bow. * You have done me the honour of an unexpected visit, Mr. Meredith/ he says ; ' I trust Lady Horsing- liam has entertained you hospitably? Pray do not stu', Madam. Mr. Meredith, we are now quits; you saved my life when you encountered Colonel Bludyer ; I forbore from taking yours, when I had proofs that it was my right. We have now entered on a fresh account, but the game shall be fairly played. Mr. Meredith, you are a man of honour — yes, it shall be fairly played.' Ned's lip quivered, but he bowed and stood perfectly still. ' Lady Horsingham,' con- tinued Sir Hugh, ' be good enough to hand me those tables, they contain a dice box. Nay, Mr. Meredith,' seeing Ned about to assist the helpless, frightened woman ; ' when present, at least, I expect my Avife to obey me.' Lucy was forced to rise, and, trembling in every limb, to present the tables to her lord. Sir Hugh placed the dice box on the table, laid his pistols beside it, and taking a seat, motioned to Cousin Edward to do the same. ' You are a man of honour, Mr. Meredith,' he repeated ; ' Ave will throw three times, and the highest caster shall blow the other's brains out.' Lucy shrieked, and rushed to the door ; it was fast, and her husband forced her to ^it down and watch the ghastly game. * Good God, Sir Hugh ! ' exclaimed Cousin Ed- ward, ' this is too horrible — for your wife's sake — I I O THE MAN. any reparation I can make, I will; but this is murder, deliberate murder/ •^You are a man of honour, Mr. Meredith/ re- iterated Sir Hugh; 'I ask for no reparation but this — the chances are equal, if the stakes are high. You are my guest, or, rather, I should say. Lady Horsingham's guest. Begin.' Cousin Edward's face turned ghastly pale : he took the box, shook it, hesi- tated, but the immovable eye was fixed on him; the stern lips repeated once more, ' You are a man of honour, and he threw — ' Four.' It was now Sir Hugh's turn. With a courteous bow he received the box, and threw — 'Seven.' Again the adver- saries cast, the one a six, the other a three; and now they were even in the ghastly match. Once more Cousin Edward shook the box, and the leaping dice turned up — ' Eleven.' Lucy's white face stood out in the lamp-light, as she watched vaih. stony eyes that seemed to have lost the very power of sight. Tor God's sake, forego this frightful determina- tion, Sir Hugh/ pleaded Cousin Edward ; ' take my life in a fair field. I will ofl'cr no resistance; but you can hardly expect to outdo my throw, and nothing shall induce mc to take advantage of it : think better of it. Sir Hugh, I entreat you.' ' You are a man of honour, Mr. Meredith, and so am I,' Avas the only reply, as Sir Hugh brandished the box aloft, and thundered it down on the table — 'Sixes!' 'Good casting/ he remarked, and at the THE STAKE. I i I same instant, cocking the pistol nearest to him, dis- charged it full into his antagonist's bosom. The bullet sped through a delicate lace handkerchief, which he always wore there^ straight and true into Cousin Edward's heart. As he fell forward across the table, a dark stream flowed slowly, slowly along the carpet, till it dyed the border of Lucy's white dress with a crimson stain. She was on her knees, apparently insensible ; but one small hand felt the cold, wet contact, and she looked at it, and saw that it was blood. Once more she uttered a shriek that rang through those vast buildings, and rushed again to the door to find it locked. In sheer despair she made for the window, threw open the casement, and ere Sir Hugh could seize or stop her, flung herself headlong into the court below. When the horrified husband looked down into the darkness, a wisp of white garments, a bruised and lifeless body, was all that remained of Lady Horsingham. That night one-half of Dangerfield Hall was con- sumed by fire. Its mistress was said to have perished in the flames. The good neighbours, the honest country people, pitied poor Sir Hugh, galloping back from London, to find his house in ruins and his wife a corpse. His gay companions missed ' Ned Mere- dith' from his usual haunts; but it was generally supposed he had obtained a mission to the court of St. Germains, and there was a rumour that he had perished in a duel with a French marquis. A certain 112 LUCYS GHOST. half-witted lad, avIio had followed Sir Hugh back to Dangerfield on that fearful night, might have eluci- dated the mystery ; but he had been kidnapped, and sent to the plantations. After many years he re- turned to England, and on his death-bed left a written statement, implicating Sir Hugh in the double crime of arson and murder. But long ere this the culprit had appeared before a tribunal which admits of no prevarication, and the pretty boy with the golden curls had become lord of Dangerfield Hall. The long corridor had been but partially destroyed. It was repaired and re-furnished by suc- cessive generations; but guests and servants alike refused to sleep again in that dreary wing, after the first trial. Every night, so surely as the old clock tolled out the hour of twelve, a rush of feet was heard along the passage — a window looking into the court was thrown open — a piercing scream from a woman's voice rung through the building — and those who were bold enough to look out, averred that they beheld a white figure leap wildly into the air and disappear. Some even went so far as to affirm that drops of blood, freshly sprinkled, were found every morning on the pavement of the court. But no one ever doubted the Dangerfield ghost to be the nightly apparition of Lucy, Lady Horsingham. At length, in my grandfather's time, certain boards being lifted to admit of fresh repairs in the accursed corridor, the silver-mounted guard of a rapier, the LAYING THE GHOST. II3 stock and barrel of a pistol, with a shred of lace, on Avhich the letter ' L ' was yet visible, were discovered by the workmen. They are in existence still. Whatever other remains accompanied them turned to dust immediately on exposure to the air. That dust was, however, religiously collected and buried in the mausoleum appropriated to the Horsinghams. Since then the ghost has been less troublesome ; but most of the family have seen or heard it at least once in their lives. I confess, that if ever I lie awake at Dangerfield till the clock strikes twelve, I invariably stop my ears, and bury my head under the bed-clothes for at least a quarter of an hour. By these means I have hitherto avoided any personal acquaintance with the spectre ; but nothing on earth would induce me to walk down that corridor at mid- night, and risk a private interview with the Danger- field ghost ! 114 DREARY MORNINGS. CHAPTER X. A S for spending a whole morning in tlie di*awing- room with the ladies, it is what I cannot and will not submit to. Working and scandal, scandal and working, from half-past ten till two^ is more than I can stand, so, the very first morning I was at Danger- field, I resolved to break the chain at once, and do as I always meant to do for the future. Accordingly, immediately after breakfast I popped my bonnet on, — the lavender one, that had done a good deal of London work, but was still quite good enough for the country, — and started off for a walk by myself, confiding my intentions to no one ; as I well knew if I did, I should have Aunt Deborah's ' Kate, prmj don't overheat yourself, my dear. Do wrap yoiu'self up, and take care not to catch cold'; and Lady Horsingham's sarcastic smile, and ' In my time, Miss Coventry, young ladies were not in the habit of trailing all over the country by themselves ; but I expect soon to hear of their farming and fishing, and shooting, I shouldn't wonder — not worse than hunting, at any rate. However, I say nothing.' And Cousin Amelia, with her lackadaisical sneer, and her avowal that she ' was not equal to much walking ' ; A COUNTRY WALK. II5 and her offer to ' go as far as the garden with me in the afternoon/ So I tripped down the back stair- case, and away to the stables, with a bit of sugar for BriUiant, who had arrived safely by the train, in company with White-Stockings; and on through the kitchen-garden and the home-farm up to the free, fresh, breezy down. I do enjoy a walk by myself, and it was the last chance I should have of one ; for Cousin John was expected that very day, and when Cousin John and I are anywhere, of course we are inse- parable. But I am sure an occasional stroll quite by oneself does one more good than anything. I think of such quantities of things that never occur to me at other times — fairies, brigands, knights, and damsels, and all sorts of wild adventures ; and I feel so brave and determined, as if I could face any- thing in a right cause, and so good, and I make such excellent resolutions, and walk faster and faster, and get more and more romantic, like a goose, as I know I am. Well, it was a beautiful morning, early in au- tumn — blue sky, light fleecy clouds, a sharp clear air from the north, the low country studded with corn-ricks, and alive with reapers, and cart teams, and cattle. A green valley below me, rich in fine old timber, and clothed with high thick hedge-rows, concealing the sluggish river that stole softly away, and only gleamed out here and there to light up the ii6 'dreasis.' distance, whilst above and around me stretched far and wide the vast expanse of down^ cutting sharply against the sky, and dwarfing to mere shi'ubs the clumps of old fir-trees that relieved its magnificent monotony. I was deep in a day-dream, and an imaginary conversation with Frank Lovell, in which I was running over with much mental eloquence what / should say, and what he would say, and what 7 should reply to that, when a shrill whistle caused me to start and turn suddenly round, whilst at the same instant a great black retriever bounced up against my legs, and two handsome pointers raced by me as if just emancipated from the kennel. The consequence of all this was, that I stepped hastily on a loose stone, turned my foot the wrong way under me, and came down with a slightly' sprained ankle, and the black retriever, an animal of exceedingly noisome breath, afiectionately licking my face. ' Down, Juno ! I beg your pardon a million times; get down, you bitch ! How shall I ever apologise ; confound you, get down' ; said an agitated voice above me ; and, looking up, I espied the red-haired stranger of the railway, dressed in a most conspicuous shooting costume, white hat and aU, whose dogs had been the means of bringing me thus suddenly to the earth, and on whom I was now dependent for succour and support till I should be able to reach home. In such an emergency, my new friend was not half so confused and shy as I should have expected. He ' THE SQUIRE ' AGAIN. -II 7 seemed to summon all his energies to consider what was best to be done ; and as my foot pained me con- siderably when I tried to walk (particularly down- hill)^ he made no more ado, but lifted me carefully in his arms, and proceeded incontinently to carry me off in the direction of Dangerfield Hall, where he seemed intuitively to know I was at present residing. It Avas, to say the least of it, an unusual situation. A man I had never seen but once before in my life — and here was I lying in his arms (a precious weight he must have found me !), and looking up in his face like a child in its nurse's, and the usages of society making it incumbent on us both to attempt a sort of indifiPerent conversation about the weather, and the country, and the beauty of the scenery, which the juxtaposition of our respective faces ren- dered ludicrous in the extreme. '^ A tempting day for a walk. Miss — ah — ah' (he didn't know my name — how should he? — and was noAv beginning to get very red, partly from the re- turn of his constitutional shyness, and partly from the severity of his exertions) . ' I hope your foot does not pain you quite so much ; be good enough to lean a little more this way.' Poor man, how his arms must have ached ! Whilst I replied somewhat in this fashion : ' Thank you, I'm better ; I shall soon be able to walk, I think : this is indeed a lovely country. Don't you find me very heaAy?' ' I think I could carry you a good many miles,' he said, Il8 MY ANKLE. quietly; and then seemed so shocked at such an avowal, that he hardly opened his lips again, and put me down the very first time I asked him, and offered me his arm with an accession of confusion tliat made me feel quite awkward mjself Truth to tell, my ankle was not sprained, only twisted; and when the immediate pain wore off, I was pretty sound again, and managed, with the assistance of my new acquaintance's arm, to make a very good Avalk of it. So we plodded on quite sociably towards tlie Hall, and my friend took leave of me at the farm with a polite bow, and a sort of hesitating manner that most shy men possess, and which would lead one to infer they have always got something more to say that never is said, I knew I should be ■well scolded if I avowed my accident to any of the family ; besides, I did not quite fancy facing all the inquiries as to how I got home, and Cousin Amelia's sneers about errant damsels and wandering knights ; so I stole quietly up to my room, bathed my foot in eau de Cologne, and remained perdue till dinner-time, in despite of repeated messages from my aunts, and the arrival of Cousin John. People may talk about country pleasures and coun- try duties, and all the charms of country life ; but it appears to me that a good many things are done under the titles of pleasure and duty, which belong in reality to neither ; and that those who live entirely in the country, inflict on themselves a great variety A DINNER-PARTY. II9 of unnecessary disagreeables, as they lose a great many of its cliief delights. Of all receipts for weari- ness, commend me to a dinner-party of country neighbours by daylight — people who know each other just well enough to have opposite interests and secret jealousies — who arrive ill at ease in their smart dresses, to sit through a protracted meal with hot servants and forced conversation, till one young lady on her promotion being victimised at the piano- forte, enables them to yawn unobserved, and wel- come ten o'clock brings round the carriage and tipsy coachman, in order that they may enter on their long, dark, dreary drive home through lanes and bye-ways, which is only endurable from the consi- deration that the annual ordeal has been accom- plished, and that they need not do it again till this time next year. There was a dinner-party at Dangerfield regularly once a month, and this Avas the day. Aunt Horsing- ham was great on these occasions, astonishing the neighbours as much with her London dresses, as did Cousin Amelia with her London manners. We all assembled a few minutes earlier than usual in the drawing-room, so as to be ready to receive our guests, and great was the infliction on poor Aunt Deborah and my humble self. How they trooped in, one after another ! Sir Brian and Lady Banneret, and Master Banneret, and two Miss Bannerets : these were the great cards of the party ; so Lady Horsing- I20 COUNTRY NEIGHBOURS. ham kissed Lady Banneret and the young ladies, and opined Master Baaneret was grown, much to the indignation of that young gentleman, who being an Oxonian, of course considered himself a man. Sir Brian was a good-humoured, jolly old boy, with a loud laugh, and stood with his coat-tails lifted, and his back to the empty fire-place, in perfect ease and contentment : not so his lady ; first she scrutinised everything Lady Horsingham had got on ; then she took a review of the furniture, and specially marked one faded place in the carpet ; lastly, she turned a curious and disappointed glance on myself. I ac- counted for the latter mark of displeasure by the becoming shade of my gown ; I knew it was a pretty one, and would meet with feminine censure accord- ingly. The Bannerets were soon followed by Mr. and Mrs. Plumridge, a newly-married couple, who were feted accordingly. Mr. Plumridge was a light- haired, unmeaning-looking individual, partially bald, with a blue coat and white satin neckcloth; his bride a lively, sarcastic, black-eyed little woman, who must have married him for her own convenience — they said, afterwards, she Avas once a governess ; but at all events she held her own handsomely when alone with the ladies after dinner, and, partly from good liumour, partly from an exceedingly ofi'-hand natural manner, forced even Lady Baimeret to be civil to her. Then came the Marmadukes and the Mary golds, and old Miss Finch in a sedan-chair from 'our secret.' 121 the adjoining Adllage, and a goodisli-looking man whose name I never made out, and Mr. Sprigges, the curate ; and lastly, in a white heat and a state of utter confusion, my shy acquaintance of the railway and the pointers, who was ushered in by Lady Hor- singham's pompous butler under the style and title of Mr. Haycock. He appeared to be a great friend of the family; and, much to his own discomfiture, was immediately laid violent hands on by my aunt and cousin — the former not thinking it necessary to present him to me, till he offered me his arm to take me in to dinner, when her face of reproval on his stammering out, he ' had met Miss Coventry before/ was worth anything, expressive as it was of shocked propriety and puzzled astonishment. When you have a secret only known to your two selves, even Avith a shy man, it is wonderful how it brings him on. Before the soup was off the table, Squire Haycock and I had become wonderfully good friends. He had hoped ' my ankle did not pain me,' and I had trusted ' his arms did not ache' ; he had even gone the length of ' vowing ' that he would have shot his clumsy retriever for being the cause of the accident, only he let him off because if it hadn't been for the dog — ' and here, seeing cousin Amelia's eye fixed upon us, my companion stopped dead short, and concealed his blushes in a glass of champagne. Taking courage from that well-iced stimulant, he reverted to our railway journey in company. 122 DISCOURAGEMENT. ' I knew you again, this morning, Miss Coventry, I assure, you, a long way off; in fact, I was going the other way, only, seeing you walking in that lonely part of the down, I feared you might be frightened ' (he was getting bright scarlet again), ' and I deter- mined to watch you at a little distance, and be ready to assist you if you were alarmed by tramps, or sheep-dogs, or — ' I thought he was getting on too fast, so I stopped him at once by replying : ' I am well able to take care of myself, Mr. Hay- cock, I assure you, and I like best walking quite alone'; after which I turned my shoulder a little towards him, and comjiletely discomfited him for the rest of dinner. One great advantage of diffidence in a man is, that one can so easily reduce him to the lowest depths of despondency; but then, on the other hand, he is apt to think one means to be more cruel than one docs, and one is obliged to be kind in proportion to previous coldness, or the stupid creature breaks away altogether. When the ladies got up to leave the dining-room, I dropped my handkerchief well under the table, and when it was returned to me by the Squire, I gave him such a look of grati- tude as I knew would bring him back to me in the evening. Nobody hates flirting so much as myself, but what is one to do shut up in a country-house, with no earthly thing to occupy or amuse one ? Tea and coffee served but little to produce cor- LADIES CONVERSATION. I 23 diality amongst the female portion of tlie guests after their flight to the drawing-room. Lady Hor- singham and Lady Banneret talked apart on a sofa ; they were deep in the merits of their respective preachers and the failings of their respective maids. Mrs. Marmaduke and Mrs. Marygold having had a 'Book-Club' feud, did not speak to each other, but communicated through the medium of Miss Finch, whose deafness rendered this a somewhat unsatis- factory process. Aunt Deborah went to sleep, as usual ; and I tried the two Miss Bannerets consecu- tively, but ascertained that neither would open her lips, at least in the presence of mamma. At last I found a vacant place by the side of Mrs. Plumridge, and discovered immediately, with the peculiar free- masonry which I believe men do not possess, that she was one of my sort. She liked walking, riding, driving, dancing, all that I liked, in short ; and she hated scandal-gossiping, sensible women, morning visits, and worsted -work, for all of which I confess to an unqualified aversion. We were getting fast friends when the gentlemen came in from their wine, honest Sir Brian's voice sounding long before he entered the room, and the worthy gentleman himself rolling in with an unsteady step, partly from incipient gout, and partly, I fancy, from a good deal of port wine. He took a vacant seat by me almost imme- diately, chiefly, I think, because it was the nearest seat, and avowing openly his great regard and ad- 124 'the squire' changed. miration for my neighbour, Mrs. Plumridge, pro- ceeded to make himself agreeable to both of us in his own way, — though I am concerned to state that he trod heavily on my sprained foot, and spilt the greater part of a cup of coffee over her satin gown. The Squire, whose nerves for the present were strung above blushing pitch, soon joined our little party, and whilst the two Miss Bannerets performed an endless duet on Aunt Horsingham's luckless piano- forte, and their brother, choking in his stiff white neckcloth, turned over the leaves, Sir Brian bantered Mr. Haycock gracefully on his abstemiousness after dinner, an effort of self-denial of which no one could accuse him, and vowed, with much laughter, that ' Haycock must be in love ! in love, Miss Coventry, don't you think so ? A man that always used to take his two bottles as regularly as myself — I am a foe to excess, ladies, but Haycock's an an- chorite, d me — a monk. Haycock! monks musn't marry, you know! — wouldn't he look well with his feet shaved, Miss Coventrj^, and his head bare, and a rope round his neck?' Sir Brian was getting confused, and had slightly transposed the clerical costume to which he alluded ; but was quite satisfied that his little badinage was witty and amus- ing in the extreme ; indeed, Mrs. Plumridge and I couldn't help laughing ; but poor Squire Haycock's embarrassment Avas so intense, that he ordered his carriage immediately, and took leave, venturing how- HOME. 125 ever^ at the very last^ to shake me by the hand, and braving once again the banter of the inebriated baronet. ' Stole away/ said Sir Brian : ' a shy man. Miss Coventry, a shy, diffident man, my friend Haycock, but true as Steele — not a better landlord in the county — excellent neighbour — useful magistrate — good house — beautiful garden — lots of poultry, and a glass bee-hive — wants nothing but a wife : — order the carriage, my lady. ^Irs. Plumridge, you must come and see us at Slopperly, and don't forget to bring Plumridge. Miss Coventr}^, you 're a charm- ing young lady, mind you come too; so jolly Sir Brian wished us both a most affectionate good night, and shaking Aunt Horsingham violently by both hands, packed himself into his carriage in a state of high good-humour and confusion. I have since heard that on his arrival at Slopperly he stoutly re- fused to get out, declaring that he preferred to ' sit in the carriage whilst they changed horses,' and avowing, much to his old butler's astonishment, his resolution to go ' at least one more stage that night.' 126 MY DIARY. CHAPTER XL T MUST despair of being able, in simple narrative, to convey the remotest idea of the dulncss of Dangerfield Hall ; but as during my residence there I beguiled the weary hours by keeping a Diary (bound in blue velvet, with brass clasps, and a Bra- mah lock), I have it in my power, by transcribing a few of its pages, to present to my readers my own impressions of life in that well-regulated establish- ment. I put things do\^Ti just as they happened, with my own reflections, more or less philosophical, on the events of each day. My literary labours were invariably carried on after the family had retired for the night; and I may observe that a loose white dressing-gown, trimmed with Mechlin lace and pink ribbons, one's hair of course being ^ taken down/ is a costume extremely well adapted to the eftbrts of composition. I take a day from the Diary at random. Thursday. — Up at half-past seven : peeped in the glass the instant I was out of bed, and wondered how Cousin Amelia looks when she wakes; yellowish, I should think, and by no means captivating, par- ticularly if she wears a nightcap. I don't care how REFLECTIONS AT THE GLASS. 1 27 ugly a woman is_, she has no right look anything but fresh in the morning, and yet how few possess this advantage. Nothing like open air and plenty of exercise; saving one's complexion is undoubtedl}'- the very way to spoil it. Saw Brilliant and White- Stockings going to exercise in the park : what cod- dles they look on these fine autumn mornings, covered with clothing. Felt very keen about hunting; the same feeling always comes on at the fall of the leaf; shouldn't wonder if I could jump a gate, with my present nerves. Should like once in my life to plant a field of horsemen, and show these gentlemen how a woman can ride. Interrupted in my day- dreams by Lady Horsingham's bell, and huddled on my things in a tremendous hurry ; forced to wash my hands in cold water, which made the tips of my fingers as red as radishes for the rest of the day. Got down to prayers by half-past eight, and took Aunt Deborah her tea and toast from the breakfast- table at nine. Breakfast dull, and most of the party cross : Aunt Horsingham is generally out of humour at breakfast time, particularly on Sundays. Cousin Amelia sug- gested my towels were too coarse, ' they had rubbed a colour into my cheeks like a dairy-maid's.' John said I looked like a rose ; a tea-rose, he added, as I handed him his cup. Cousin John is getting quite poetical, and decidedly improved since he left Lon- don. I wonder whom he got that letter from that 128 COUSIN JOHNS LETTER. was lying on liis plate when he came down ? I am not curious, but I just glanced at the direction, and I am certain it was in a lady's hand — not that it's any business of mine, only I should think Miss Molasses would hardly have the face to ivrite to him. I wonder whether there is anything between John and Miss Molasses. I asked him, half spitefully, the other day, how he could bear to be parted from her now the season was over ; and he seemed so pleased at my taking an interest in the thing at all, that I had no patience to go on with my cross-questioning. I don't think she's good enough for John, I must confess, but he is easily imposed on by young ladies, as, indeed, for that matter, are the rest of his great thick-headed sex. When breakfast was over, and Cousin Amelia went off as usual to practise her music for an hour or two, I thought I might steal away for a visit to my favourites in the stable ; in- deed, I saw John at the front-door, in a hideous wide-awake, with a long cigar in his mouth; but I was waylaid by Aunt Horsingham, and as these visits to the stable are strictly forbidden, I was obliged to follow her into the drawing-room, and resign myself for the Avholc morning to that dreadful worsted-work, more especially as it was coming on a drizzling mist, and there was no pretext for my usual walk. ' I am glad to see you getting more sociable, Kate,' said Lady Horsingham, in her dry, harsh RESISTANCE. 1 29 voice, as I took a seat beside her and opened my work-basket; 'it is never advisable for any young lady to affect singularity ; and I have observed with some concern, that yoiir demeanour on many occa- sions is very unlike that of the rest of your sex.' I never give in to Aunt Horsingham; after all, she's not my own aunt, so I answered as pertly as ever I could. ' No ; you mean I do n't spend the morning in looking in the glass, and talking evil of my neigh- bours; I don't scream when I see a beetle, or go into convulsions because there 's a mouse in the room. I 've got two legs, very good legs, Aunt Horsingham — shall I show you them ? — and I like to use them, and to be out of doors amongst the trees, and the grass, and the daisies, instead of counting stitches for work that nobody wants, or writing letters that nobody reads. I had rather give Brilliant a good ' bucketing ' [Aunt Horsingham shuddered, I knew she would, and used the word on purpose] over an open heath or a line of grass, than go bodkin in a chariot, seven miles an hour, and both windows up. Thank you, Aunt Horsingham, you would like to make a fine lady of me — a useless, sickly, lacka- daisical being, instead of a healthy, active, light- hearted woman ; much obliged to you — I had rather stay as I am.' ' Miss Coventry,' said my aunt, who was com- pletely posed by my volubility, and apparently 130 MASCULINE WOMEN. shocked beyond tlie power of expression at my opinions ; ^ Miss Coventry/ she repeated^ ' if these are indeed your sentiments^ I must beg, nay, I must insist, on your keeping them to yourself whilst under this roof. (' Amelia, my dear ' [to my cousin, who was gliding quietly into the room,] ' Amelia, go back to your music for ten minutes.') I must insist. Miss Coventry, that you do not innoculate my daugh- ter with these pernicious doctrines — this mistaken view of the whole duties and essentials of your sex. Do you think men appreciate a Avoman who, if she had but a beard, would be exactly like one of them- selves? Do you think they like to see their ideal hot and dishevelled, plastered with mud, and drag- gled with wet ? Do you think they wish her to be strong and independent of them, and perhaps theii' superior at those very sports and exercises on which they plume themselves ? Do you think the}'- are to be taken by storm, and, so to speak, bullied into admiration? You're wrong, Kate, you're wrong; and I believe I am equally wrong to talk to you in this strain, inasmuch as the admiration of the other sex ought to be the last thing coveted or thought of by a young person of yours.' ' I'm sure. Aunt, I don't want the men to admire me,' I replied ; ' but I would not give much for the admiration of one who could be jealous of me for so paltry a cause as my riding better than himself; and as for ideals, I do n't know much about such things, A HAPPY HOYDEN. I3I but I think a man's ideal may do pretty well what she likes, and he is sure to think everytliing she does do is perfect. Besides^ I do n't see why I should huJly him into liking me because I am fond of the beautiful 'out of doors' instead of the fire-side. And courageous women^ like courageous men, are generally a deal more gentle than the timid ones, I've known ladies who would not venture into a carriage or a boat, who could wage a war of words bitterer than the veriest trooper would have at his command ; and I 've heard Cousin John say that there is scarcely an instance of a veritable heroine in history, from Joan of Arc downwards, who was not in her private life as sweet, as gentle, and as womanly, as she was high-couraged and undaunted when the moment came that summoned her energies to the encounter. Unselfishness is the cause in both cases, you may depend. People that are always so dread- fully afraid something is going to happen to them, think a great deal more of self than anything else ; and the same cause which makes them tremble at imaginary danger for their own sakes, will make them forgetful of real sufferings in which they themselves have no share. I had rather be a hoyden, Aunt Horsingham, and go on in my own way. I have much more enjoyment; and, upon my word, I do n't think I 'm one bit a worse member of society than if I was the most delicate fine lady that ever 132 LUNCHEON. fainted away at the over-powering smell of a rose- leaf, or the merry peal of a noisy child's laugh/ My aunt lifted up her hands and gave in; for the return of Cousin Amelia from the music-room effec- tually prevented further discussion ; and we beguiled the time till luncheon by alternate fits of scandal and work, running through the characters of most of the neighbours within twenty miles, and com- pletely demohshing the reputation of my friend, as they called her, lively, sarcastic little Mrs. Plum- ridge. John was off rabbit-shooting; so of course lie did not appear at that meal so essential to ladies ; and after Cousin Amelia, by way of being delicate, had got through two cutlets, the best part of a chicken, a plateful of rice-pudding, and a large glass of sherry, I ventured to propose to her that if the afternoon held up we should have a walk. ' I 'm not equal to much fatigue,' said she, with a languid air and a heavy look about her eyes which I attributed to the luncheon, ' but if you like, we '11 go to the garden and the hothouses, and be back in time for a cup of tea at five o'clock.' * Anything to get out of the house,' was my reply ; and forthwith I rushed upstairs, two steps at a time, to put on my things, whilst my aunt whispered to her daughter, loud enough for me to hear, ' She really ought to have been a man, Emmy ; did you ever see such a hoyden in your life?' THE FALL OF THE LEAF. 1 33 It was pleasant to get out even into that formal garden. The day was soft and misty_, such as one often finds it towards the close of autumn — dark^ without being chilly and the withered leaves strewed the earth in all the beauty of wholesome natural decay. Autumn makes some people miserable ; I confess it is the time of year that I like best. Spring makes me cross if it's bad weather, and melancholy if it 's fine. Summer is very enjoyable, certainly, but it has a luxuriance of splendour that weighs down my spirits ; and in those glorious hot, dreamy, hay-making days, I seem unable to identify myself sufficiently with all the beauty around me, and to pine for I do n't exactly know what. Winter is charming, when it don't freeze, with its early candle-light and long evenings ; but autumn combines everything that to me is most delightful — the joys of reality and the pleasures of anticipation. Cousin Amelia do n't think so at all. ' A nasty raw day, Kate,' she remarked, as we emerged from the hothouse into the moist, heavy air. ' How I hate the country, except whilst the straw- berries are ripe. Let's go back to the house, and read with our feet on the fender till tea-time.' ' Not yet, Emmy,' I pleaded, for I really pined for a good walk ; ' let 's go on the high road as far as the mile-stone — it's market-day at INIuddlebury, and we shall see the tipsy farmers riding home, and the car- riers' carts with their queer-looking loads; besides. 134 OUR WALK. think what a colour you'll have for dinner. Come on, there's a dear !' The last argument was unanswerable ; and Cousin Amelia putting her best foot foremost, we soon cleared the garden and the approach, and emerged on the high road three miles from Muddlebury, and well out of sight of the windows of Dangerfield Hall. As we rose the hill, on the top of which is perched the well-known milestone, and my cousin began already to complain of fatigue, the sound of hoofs behind us caused us both to stop and look round. ^It's cavalry/ said Amelia, who jumps rather rapidly to conclusions, and is no judge of a horse. ' It 's a stud,' was my reply ; ' somebody coming to hunt with ' the Heavy-top.' Let's stand in this gateway and see them pass.' We took up a position accordingly ; and if I felt keen about the commence- ment of the season previously, how much more so did I become to watch the string of gallant well- bred horses now jogging quietly towards us with all the paraphernalia and accessories of the chase ? Two, four, six, and a hack, all clothed and hooded, and packed for travelling. Such a chesnut in the van, with a minute boy on him, who cannot have weighed four stone — strong, flat, sinewy legs (the chcsnut's, not the boy's), hocks and thighs clean, full, and muscular as Brilliant's, only twice the size ; a long, square tail, and a wicked eye, — how I should like to ride that chesnut. Then a brown and two CAPTAIN LOVELL's STUD. 1 35 bays, one of the latter scarcely big enough for a hunter, to my fancy, but apparently as thoroughbred as Eclipse; then a grey, who seemed to have a strong objection to being led, and who held back and dragged at his rein in a most provoking manner ; and lastly, by the side of a brown hack that I fancied I had seen before, a beautiful black horse, the very impersonation of strength, symmetry, courage, speed, and all that a horse should be. 'Ask the groom whose they are,^ whispered Amelia, as he went by. ' I don't quite like to speak to him; he looks an impudent fellow, with those dark whiskers.' 1 should like to see the whiskers that would frighten me ; so I stepped boldly out into the road, and accosted him at once. ' Whose horses are those, my man ? ' I asked, with my most commanding air. ' Captain LovelPs, miss,' was the reply. My heart jumped into my mouth, and you might have knocked me down with a feather. ' Captain Lovell's ! ' exclaimed Amelia ; ' why, that's your old flirt, Kate. I see it all now,' — but I hardly heard her, and when I looked up the horses were a mile off, and we were retracing our steps towards Dangerfield Hall. What a happy day this has been, and how unpro- mising was its beginning. And yet I don't know why I should have been so happy. After all, there 136 MY WINDOW. is nothing extraordinary in Captain Lovell's sending down a stud of horses to hunt with so favoui'ite a pack as 'the Heavy-top' hounds. I wish I had summoned courage to ask the man when his master was coming, and where he was going to stay ; but I really could n't do it, no^ not if my life had depended on it. All the way home, Cousin Amelia laughed, and sneered, and chattered, and once she acknow- ledged I was ' the best tempered gii'l in the world' ; but I am sure I have not an idea Avhy I deserve this character : her words fell perfectly unheeded on my ear. I was glad to get to the solitude of my own room, when it was time to dress for dinner, that I might have the luxury, if it was only for five minutes, of thinking undisturbed : but there was Aunt Deborah to be attended to; for poor Aunt Deborah, I am sorry to say, is by no means well, and Gertrude came in ' to do my hair ' ; and then the dinner-bell rang, and the wearisome meal, and the long evening dragged on in their accustomed monotony; but / did not find it as dull as usual, though I was more rejoiced than ever when the hand-candles came, and we were dismissed to go to bed. And now they are all fast asleep, and I can sit at my open window, and think, think, think as much as I like. What a lovely night it is ! The mist has cleared ofi", and the moat is glistening in the moon- light, and the old trees are silvered over and black- WHERE IS he: 137 ened alternately by its beams; the church tower stands out massively against the sky. How dark the old belfry looks on such a night as this^ con- trasting with the white tombstones in the church- yard, and the slated roof shimmering above the aisle ! There is a faint breeze sighing amongst the few remaining leaves, now rising into a pleading whisper, now dying away with a sad unearthly moan. The deer are moving restlessly about the park, now standing out in bold relief on some open space brightened by the moonlight, now flitting like spectres athwart the shade. Everything breathes of romance and illusion; and I do believe it is very bad for one to be watching here, dreaming wide awake, instead of snoring healthily in bed. I wonder what he is about at this moment ? perhaps smoking a cigar out of doors, and enjoying this beautiful night. I wonder what he is thinking of ! Perhaps, after all, he's stewed up in some lamp-lit drawing- room, talking nonsense to Lady Scapegrace and Mrs. Lumley, or playing that odious whist at his club. Well, I suppose I may as well go to bed; one more look into the night, and then — hark ! what is it ? how beautiful ! how charming ! distant music from the wood at the low end of the park; the deer are all listening, and now they troop down towards the noise in scores : how softly it dies away and rises again : 'tis a cornet-a-piston, I think, and though not very skilfully played, it sounds heavenly 138 ECHO ANSWERS. by moonliglit. I never thought that old air of ' You'll remember me ' half so beautiful before. Who can it be ? I have never heard it since I came here. It can't be Captain Lovell's groom, it's not quite im- possible it might be Captain Lovell himself. Ah ! if I thought that ! Well, it has ceased now. I may as Avell go to bed. What a happy day this has been, and what dreams I shall have. A HUNTING MORNING. 1 39 CHAPTER XII. T7IIIDAY. — This has been an eventful day. I thought somehow it \yould be so ; at aU events, the first day's hunting is always an era to me — so when I came down to breakfast in my riding-habit, and braved the cold glances of my aunt and the sarcasms of my cousin, I was prepared for a certain amount of excitement, although, I confess, I did not bargain for quite so much as I got. 'You'll enjoy yourself to-day, I trust. Miss Co- ventry,' said Aunt Horsingham, looking as black as thunder. ' Mind you don't get a fall,' observed Cousin Amelia, with a sneer; but I cared little for their remarks and remonstrances. White-Stockings was at the door. Cousin John ready to lift me into my saddle, and I en\'ied no mortal woman on earth, no, not our gracious Queen upon the throne, when I found myself faii'ly mounted, and jogging gently down the park, in all the delightful anticipation of a good day's sport. I think I Avould rather have ridden Brilliant of the two, but John suggested that the country was cramped and sticky, Avith small 140 THE ' HEAVY-TOP ' HOUNDS. fields and blind fences. Now, White- Stockings is an animal of great circumspection, and allows no earthly consideration to hurry him. He is, more- over, as strong as a dray-horse, and as handy, so John declares, ' as a fiddle/ To him, therefore, was entrusted the honour of carrying me on my first ap- pearance with the Heavy-top hounds. The meet was at no great distance from Dangerfield Hall, and being the beginning of the season, and a favourite place, there was a considerable muster of the elite of the county, and a goodly show of very respectable horses to grace the covert side. As we rode up to the mounted assemblage, I perceived, by the glance of curiosity, not to say admiration, directed at my- self and White- Stockings, that ladies were unusual visitors in that field, and that the Heavy -top gentle- men were not prepared to be cut down, at all events hy a woman. Cousin John seems to know them all, and to be a universal favourite. ' Who^s the lady, Jones, my boy ? ' whispered a fat squire in a purple garment, with a face to match ; 'good seat on a horse, eh? rides like a bird, I'll warrant her.^ I did not catch John's answer; but the corpulent sportsman nodded, and smiled, and winked, and wheezed out, ' Lucky dog — pretty cou- sin — double harness.' I don't know what he meant ; but that it was something intensely ludicrous, I gather from his nearly choking with laughter at his own concluding THE CAPTAIN IN PINK. I4I observation^ though John blushed and looked rather like a fool. ' Who's that girl on the chesnut ? ' I again heard asked by a slang-looking man with red whiskers meeting under his chin ; ' looks like a larker — I must get introduced to her/ added the conceited brute. How I hated him ! If he had ventured to speak to me, I really think I could have struck him over the face with my riding-whip. ' I told you it would not be long before we met, Miss Coventry/ said a well-known voice beside me ; and, turning round, I shook hands with Captain Lovell ; and I am ashamed to confess, shook all over into the bargain. I am always a little nervous the first day of the season. How well he looked in his red coat and neat appointments, with his graceful seat upon a horse, and so high-bred, amongst all the country squires and jolly yeomen that surrounded us ! He had more colour, too, than when in Lon- don ; and altogether I thought I had never seen him looking so handsome. The chesnut with the wicked eye, showing off his fine shape, now divested of clothing, curvetted and bent to his rider's hand as if he thoroughly enjoyed that light restraining touch : the pair looked what the gentlemen call ' all over like going,' and I am sm'e one of them thought so too. ' I saw your horses on their way to Muddlebury, yesterday,' I at length found courage to say ; ' are 142 THE SQUIKE IN SCAKLET. you going to hunt all the season with the Heavy- top?' ' How long do you stay at Dangerfield ? ' was the counter question from Frank ; ' you see I know the name of the place already ; I believe I could find my way now about the park ; very picturesque it is, too, by night, Miss Coventry. Do you like music by moonlight ? ' ^Not if it's played out of tune/ I answered, with a laugh and a blush ; but just then Squire Haycock, whom I scarcely knew in his hunting costume, rode up to us, and begged as a personal favour to himself that we would accompany him to a particular point, from which he could ensiu-e us a good start if the fox went away — his face becoming scarlet as he ex- pressed a hope ' Miss Coventry would not allow her fondness for the chase to lead her into unnecessaiy danger'; whilst Frank looked at him with a half- amused, half-puzzled expression, that seemed to say, ' What a queer creature you are; and what the deuce can that matter to you ?' I wonder why people always want to oblige you when you don't Avant to be obliged; Hoo ci\il by half,' is much more in the way than ' not half civil enough.' So we rode on with Squire Haycock, and took u^ a position at the end of the wood that com- manded a view of the Avholc proceedings, and, as Frank whispered to me, was ' the likeliest place in the world if we wanted to head the fox.' 'the old sort.' 143 The Heavy-top hounds are an establishment such as, I am given to understand, is not usually kept in Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, and other so- called ' flying cou.nties/ I like to gain all the infor- mation I can — Cousin John calls this thirst for knowledge, * female curiosity' — and I gather from him that the Heavy-top consists of twenty-two cou- ples of hunting hounds, and that the whole twenty - two come out three times a week during the season. I don't see why they shouldn't, I'm sure ; they look very fat, and remind me of the otter hounds poor Uncle Horace used to keep when I was a child. He (that's my oracle, Cousin John) further adds, that they are remarkably ' steady' — which is more than can be said of their huntsman, who is constantly drunk — and that they consume a vast quantity of 'flesh'; which, far from being a meritorious, appears to me a disgusting tendency. They are capital ' line-hunters/ so says John ; a ' line-hunter,' I ima- gine, is a hound that keeps snuffing about under the horses' feet, and must be a most useful auxiliary, when, as is often the case, the sportsmen are stand- ing on the identical spot where the fox has crossed. He considers them a very Hvilling' pack, not in manners or appearance, certainly, but in persever- ance and undying determination. Their huntsman is what is called ' one of the old sort' : if this is a correct description, I can only say that ' the old sort' must have worn the brownest and shabbiest of 1 44 ' GONE AWAY ! ' boots, the oldest of coats, and the greasiest of caps ; must have smelt of brandy on all occasions ; and lived in a besotted state of general confusion, vibrat- ing between ' delirium audacious ' and ' delirium tremens.' They have, however, a certain whip, called ' Will,' who appears to me to do all the work, and to keep everything right. When old Tippler drinks himself to death (a casualty which must shortly hap- pen). Will is pretty sure to succeed him — an event which I fancy will greatly add to the efl&ciency of the Heavy-top hounds. To crown all, Frank Lovell dubs the whole thing ' slow'; but I have remarked, gentlemen make use of this epithet to convey their disapproval of that which they cannot find any posi- tive fault with — just as we ladies call a woman 'bad style/ when we have nothing else to say in her dis- paragement. ' Gone away ! ' exclaims Squire Haycock, lifting his cap high above his red head ; ' yonder he goes ! Don't you see him. Miss Coventry, now whisking under the gate ? ' ' Forward, forward 1' holloas Frank, giving vent to his excitement in one of those prolonged screams that proclaim how the astonished sportsman has ac- tually seen the fox with his own eyes. The next instant he is through the handgate at the end of the ride, and, rising in his stirrups, with the wicked chesnut held hard by the head, is speeding aM ay over the adjoining pasture, alongside of the two or three A FAMOUS START. 1 45 couples of leading hounds that have just emerged from the covert. Ah ! we are all forgotten now, women, children, everything is lost in that first de- lirious five minutes when the hounds are really away. Frank was gazing at me a minute ago as if his very life was at my disposal, and now he is speed- ing away a field a-head of me, and don't care whether I break my neck following him or not. But this is no time for such thoughts as these, the drunken huntsman is sounding his horn in our rear. Will, the whip, cap in hand, is bringing up the body of the pack. Squire Haycock holds the gate open for me to pass, Cousin John goes by me like a flash of lightning; White-Stockings, with a loose rein, submits to be kicked along at any pace I like to ask him ; the fence at the end of the field is nothing, I shall go exactly where Frank did ; my blood thrills with ecstasy in my veins : moment of moments ! I have got a capital start, and we are in for a run. As I sit here in my arm-chair and dressing-gown, I see the whole panorama of to-day passing once more before my eyes. I see that dark, wet, ploughed field, with the white hounds slipping noiselessly over its furrowed surface. I can almost perceive the fresh wholesome smell of the newly-turned earth. I see the ragged, overgrown, straggling fence at the far end, glistening with morning dew, and green with formidable briars. I see Frank LovelPs ches- nut rising at the weakest place, the rider sitting well L 146 GOLDEN IVnXUTES. back, his spurs and stirrup-irons shining in the sun ; I see Squire Haycock's square scarlet back, as he diverges to a -n-ell-known corner for some friendly egress ; I hear Cousin John^s voice shouting, ' Give him his head^ Kate!^ As White-Stockings and I rapidly approach the leap, my horse relapses of his own accord into a trot, points his small cars, crashes into the very middle of the fence, and just as I give myself up for lost, makes a second bound that settles me once more in the saddle, and lands gallantly in the adjoining field, Frank looking back over his shoulder in evident anxiety and admiration, whilst John's cheery voice, with its * bravo, Kate ! ' rings in my delighted ears. lYe three are now nearest the hounds, a long strip of rushy meadow-land before us, the pack streaming along the side of a high thick hedge that bounds it on our left ; the south wind fans my face and lifts my hair, as I slacken my horse's rein and urge him to his speed. I am along- side of Frank. I could ride anywhere now, or do anything. I pass him with a smile and a jest. I am the foremost with the chase. What is ten years of common life, one's feet upon the fender, compared to five such golden minutes as these ? The hounds stop suddenly, and after scattering and spreading themselves into the form of an open fan, look up in my face with an air of mute bewilderment. The huntsmen and the field come up, the gentlemen in a high state of delight and confusion ; but ISlr. Tippler PORWAKD ! 147 in the worst of humours, and muttering as he trots off to a corner of the meadow with the pack about his horses' heels : — 'Rode ^em slap off the scent — drove 'em. to a check — wish she was at home and a-hed and asleep^ and be d d to her ! ' A grim old lady who has but one eye, and answers to the name of * Jezebel/ has tlu-eaded the fence, and proclaims in anything but a sweet Yoice to her com- rades, that she has discovered the line of our fox. They join her in an instant, down go their heads in concert, and away we all speed again, through an open gate, across a wide common, into a strip of plantation, over a stile and footboard that leads out of it, and I find myself once more following Captain Lovell, Avith Cousin John alongside of me, and all the rest far, far behind. This is indeed glorious. I should like it to go on till dinner time. How I hope we shan't kill the fox. ' Take hold of his head, Kate,^ says my cousin, whose horse has just blundered on to his nose, through a gap, ' even White- Stockings wont last for ever, and this is going to be something out of the common.' 'Forward V is my reply, as I point with my whip towards the lessening pack, now a whole field a-head of us, ' forward ! ' If we hadn't been going such a pace I could have sung for joy. There is a line of pollarded willow-trees down iu 148 THE BROOK. that hollow, and the hounds have already left these behind them ; they are rising the opposite ground. Again Frank Lovell looks anxiously back at me, but makes no sign. ' We must have it, Kate ! ' says John, ' there's your best place, under the tree ; send him at it as hard as he can lay legs to the ground.' I ply my whip and loosen my reins in vain. White-Stockings stops dead short, and lowers his nose to the water, as if he wanted to drink ; all of a sud- den the stream is behind me, and with a flounder and a struggle we are safe over the brook. Not so Cousin John; I see him on his legs on the bank, with his horse's head lying helplessly between his feet, the rest of that valuable animal being com- pletely submerged. ' Go along, Kate ! ' he shouts encouragingly, and again I speed after Frank Lovell, who is by this time nearly a quarter of a mile ahead of me, and at least that distance behind the hounds. White-Stockings is going very pleasantly, but the ground is now en- tirely on the rise, and he indulges occasionally in a trot without any hint on my part ; the fences fortu- nately get weaker and weaker; the fields are covered with stones, and are light good galloping enough, but the rise gets steeper every yard ; round hills are closing in about us ; we are now on the Downs, and the pack is still fleeting a head, like a body of hounds in a dream, every moment increasing their distance FADING AWAY. 1 49 from us, and making them more and more indistinct. Frank Lovell disappears over the brow of that hill, and I urge White-Stockings to overtake my only companion. He don't seem to go much faster, for all that. I strike him once or twice with my light riding whip ; I shake my reins, and he comes back into a trot ; I rise in my stirrup and rouse his ener- gies in every way I can think of. I am afraid he must be ill, the trot degenerates to a jog, a walk; he carries his head further out from him than is his ■wont, and treats curb and snaffle with a like dis- regard and callousness of mouth. Now he stops altogether, and catching a side view of his head, his eye appears to me more prominent than usual, and the whole animal seems changed, till I can hardly fancy it is my own horse. I get a little frightened now, and look round for assistance. I am quite alone. Hounds, horsemen, all have disap- peared : the wide, dreary, solitary Downs stretch around me, and I begin to have misgivings as to how I am to get back to Dangerfield Hall. Cousin John has explained it all to me since. 'Nothing could be simpler, Kate,' said he, this evening, when I handed him his tea, ' you stopped your horse. If ladies will go in front with a loose rein for five and forty minutes, 'riding jealous' of such a first-rate performer as Frank Lovell, it is not an unlikely thing to happen. If you could have lasted ten minutes longer, you would have seen them 150 BEAT AT LAST. kill their fox. Frank was the only one there, but lie assures me he could not have gone another hun- dred yards. Never mind, Kate, better luck next time ! ' Well, to return to my day. After a while, White- Stockings began to recover himself; I'm sure I didn't know what to do for him. I got off, and loosened his girths as well as I could, and turned his head to the wind, and wiped his poor nose with my pocket-handkerchief. I hadn't any eau de Cologne, and if I had, it might not have done him much good. At last he got better, and I got on again (all my life I've been used to mounting and dismounting without assistance). Thinking down-hill must be the way home, down-hill I turned him, and proceeded slowly on, now running over in my own mind the glorious hour I had just spent, now wondering whether I should be lost and have to sleep amongst the Downs, and anon coming back to the old subject, and resolving that hunting was the only thing to live for, and that for the future I would devote my whole time and energies to that pursuit. At last I got into a steep chalky lane, and at a turn a little farther on espied, to my great relief, a red-coated back jogging leisurely home. White-Stockings pricked his ears and mended his pace, so I soon overtook the returning sportsman, who proved to be no other than Squire Haycock, thrown out like the rest of the Heavy-top gentlemen, and only too happy to take HOMEWAED IN COUPLES. I5I care of me, and sliow me the shortest way (eleven miles as the crow flies) back to Dangerfield Hall. We jogged on amicably enough, the Squire com- plimenting me much on my prowess, and not half so shy as usual, — very often the case with a diffident man when on horseback. We were forced to go very slow, both our horses being pretty well tired ; and to make matters better, we were caught in a tremendous hail-storm, about two miles from home, just as it was getting dark, and close to the spot where oiu* respective roads diverged. I could not possibly miss mine, as it was perfectly straight. Ah ! that hail-storm has a deal to answer for. We were forced to turn through a hand-gate, and take shelter in a friendly wood. What a ridiculous position, pitch dark, pelting with rain, an elderly gentleman and a young lady on horseback under a fir-tree. The Squire had been getting more incoherent for some time, I couldn't think what he was driving at. * You like our country. Miss Coventry, fine climate, excellent soil, nice and dry for ladies ? ' I willingly subscribed to all these advantages. ' Good neighbourhood,' added the Squire, ' capital hunting, charming rides, wonderful scenery for sketching ; do you think you could live in this part of the world ? ' I thought I could, if I was to try. ' You expressed your approbation of my house, Miss Coventry,' the Squire proceeded, with his hand 152 A PERTINENT QUESTION. on my horse's neck, ' do you think — I mean — should you consider — or rather I should say, is there any alteration you would suggest — anything in my power, — if you would condescend to ride over any after- noon, may I consider you will so far favour me ? ' I said ' I should be delighted, but that it had left off raining, and it was time for us to get home/ ' One word. Miss Coventry,' pleaded the Squire, with a shaking voice, ' have I your permission to call upon Lady Horsingham to-morrow ? ' I said I thought my aunt would be at home, and expressed my conviction that she would be delighted to see him, and I wished him good-bye. ' Good-bye, Miss Coventry, good-hjc,^ said the Squire, shaking hands with a squeeze that crushed my favourite ring into my prettiest finger ; you have made me the happiest of men — good-bye !' I saw it all in an instant, just as I see it now. The Squire means to propose for me to-morrow, and he thinks I have accepted him. What shall I do ! Mrs. Haycock — Kate Haycock — Catherine Haycock. No, I can't make it look well, write it how I will ; and then, to vow never to think of anyone else ; I suppose I mightn't even speak to Frank. Never, no, never ; but what a scrape I have got into, and how I wish to-morrow was over ! THE DOOR-BELL. I 53 CHAPTER XIII. ll/rY diary continued — Saturday. — Well^ it is over at last ; and, upon my word, I begin to think I am capable of anything after all I have got through to-day since breakfast. Scarcely had I finished the slice of toast and single cup of tea that constitute my morning meal, before I heard the tramp of a horse on the gravel in front of the house, followed by the ominous sound of the door-bell. I have remarked, that in all country families, a ring at the door-bell brings everybody's heart into everybody's mouth. Aunt Horsingham, brooding over the tea-pot as usual, had been in her worst of humours ever since she came down, and tried to look as if no bell that ever was cast had power to move her grim resolve. ' A message by electric telegraph,' exclaimed Cou- sin Amelia, who is always anticipating some catas- trophe ; ' no visitor would ever call at such a time.' ' Unless he came to propose for one of us,' sug- gested John, who was carving a ham at the side- table. 154 ^lY PRETENDU. ' Some one on business for me, probably,' remarked Aunt Horsingham, drawing herself up and looking more stately than usual. ' Mr. Haycock ! ' announced the butler^ throwing open the door with a flourish ; and while all our un- timely visitor's preparations^ such as wiping his shoes, arranging his dress, etc., were distinctly audible out- side, we looked at each other in mute astonishment, and I own I did feel the guilty one amongst the party. The Squire made his entrance iu a state of intense trepidation ; having been forcibly deprived of his white hat in the hall, he had nothing but natural means to resort to for concealment of his confusion. Had it not been for an enormous silk handkerchief (white spots on a yellow ground), with which he blew his nose and wiped his brow at short and start- ling intervals, his condition would have been pitiable in the extreme. The ' Squire's^ dress, too, was of a more florid style than is usual in these days of sad- coloured attire. A bright blue neckcloth, well starched and of great depth and volume; a buff waistcoat, with massive gilt buttons; a grass-green riding-coat, of peculiar shape and somewhat scanty material ; white cord trousers, York tan gaiters, and enormous double-soled shooting-shoes, pierced and strapped, and clamped and hob-nailed, completing a tout-ensemble that almost upset my aunt's gravity, and made me, nervous as I felt, stuff my pocket- OPENING THE TRENCHES 1 55 handkerchief into my mouthy that I might not laugh outright. 'Fine morning, Lady Horsingham/ observed the Squire, as if he had come all that distance at this early hour on purpose to impart so valuable a piece of information — ' fine morning, but cold/ he re- peated, rubbing his hands together, though the per- spiration stood on his brow. ' I don't recollect a much finer morning at this time of year,' he re- sumed, addressing Cousin John after a pause, during which he had ceremoniously shaken hands with each of us in succession. 'Will you have some breakfast?' asked Lady Horsiugham, whose cold and formal demeanour con- trasted strangely with the nervous excitement of her visitor. 'No, thank you — if you please,' answered the Squire, in a breath, 'I breakfasted before I left home; early hours. Lady Horsingham — I think your ladyship approves of early hours — but I'll ask for a cup of tea, if you please' : so he sat down to a weak cup of lukewarm tea with much assumed gusto and satisfaction. It was now time for Cousin Amelia to turn her battery on the Squire, so she presently attacked him about his poultry, and his garden, and his farm ; the honest gentleman's absent and inconsequent replies causing my aunt and John to regard him with silent astonishment as one who was rapidly 156 CEOSS PURPOSES. taking leave of liis senses; wliilst I, who knew or at least guessed the cause of his extraordinary beha- viour, began heartily to wish myself back in Lowndes -street, and to wonder how this absurd scene was going to end. ' Your dahlias must have suffered dreadfully from these early frosts,' said Cousin Amelia, shaking her ringlets at the poor man in what she fancies her most bewitching style. ' Beautifully/ was the bewildered reply, ' particu- larly the short-horns.' ^You never sent us over the Alderney calf you promised, Mr. Haycock,' pursued the lady, now adroitly changing her ground ; ' I begin to think you are not to be depended on.' 'You do me injustice. Miss Horsingham, indeed you do,' broke out the Squire in a white heat, and with a deprecating glance at me; 'I assure you I sent over a very fine cutting, with a pot and every- thing, directions for matting it in winter and trans- planting after a year ; if you never got it, I'll discharge my gardener, I will, upon my word.' * I have got such a Cochin China to show you,' persisted his tormentor, determined to renew the charge; 'when you've finished breakfast, I'll take you to the poultry -yard, if you like.' 'Delighted,' replied the Squire, looking ruefully around him, as if he meditated instant flight, ' de- lighted, I'm sure; but they haven't flowered well A 'love' game. 157 this year. 1^11 teach, you how to bud them^ if you like ; but you're aware, Miss Horsingham,, that they've no smell.* John could stand it no longer, and was forced to bolt out of the room. My aunt, too, rose from the table with something approaching a smile ; and the Squire, screwing his courage to the sticking place, was following her into the drawing-room, evidently for a private interview, when Cousin Amelia, who seemed to have made up her mind to take bodily possession of him, hurried the visitor off to the billiard-room, there to engage in a match which would probably last till luncheon-time. I never saw anything so hopeless as the expression of the vic- tim's countenance, whilst suffering himself to be thus led into captivity. He did summon courage to entreat ' Miss Coventry to come and mark' — a favour which, notwithstanding my cousin's black looks, I really had not the heart to refuse him. Game after game they played, the gentleman ap- parently abandoning himself to his fate. SprawUng over the table, making the most ridiculous blunders in counting, missing the most palpable of cannons, and failing to effect the easiest of hazards, the lady brandishing her mace in the most becoming atti- tudes, drooping her long hair over the cushions, and displaying the whiteness of her hand and slender symmetry of her fingers, as she requested her astonished adversary to teach her ' how to make a 158 'coming events,' etc. bridge/ or ' pocket the red/ or ' screw in off the wliite/ and lisped out ' how hard it was to be disap- pointed by that provoking kiss ! ' The Squire made one or two futile attempts to engage me in a game, but Cousin Amelia was determined to have him all to herself; and as it was getting near the time at which I take Aimt Deborah her broth, for poor Aunt Deborah, I am sorry to say, is very ill in bed, I made my escape, and as I ran up stairs, heard the billiard-room bell ring, and Squire Haycock summon up com*age to 'know if Lady Horsingham was at leisure, as he wished to see her for five minutes alone in the drawing-room/ People may say what they like about superstition and credulity, and old women's tales, but I have faith in presentiments. Didn't I get np from my work and walk to the window at least a dozen times, to watch for Cousin John coming home, that wet day two years ago, when he broke his leg with the har- riers, and yet he had only gone out for a moiTiing's canter on the best horse he ever had in his life? Didn't I feel for eight-and-forty hom's as if some- thing too delightful was going to happen to me the week that Brilliant was bought and sent home, looking like an angel in a horse's skin ? That re- minds me I never go to see him now ; I hope I am not inconstant to my old friends. And what was it but a presentiment that made my heart beat and my knees knock together when I entered my own room to-day MATERIALS FOR WORK. I 59 tefore luncheon, and saw a brown paper parcel on the table, addressed, evidently by the shop people, to ' Miss Coventry, Dangerfield Hall ? ' How my fin- gers trembled as I untied the thread and unfolded the paper ; after all, it was nothing but a packet of worsteds ! To be sure, I hadn't ordered any worsteds, but there might possibly be a note to explain ; so I shook every skein carefully, and turned the covering inside out, that the document, if there should be one, might not escape my vigilance. How could my presentiments deceive me? of course there was a note — after all, where was the harm. Captain Lovell had most politely sent me all these worsteds for a cushion I had once talked about working, and very naturally had enclosed a note to say so ; and nothing to my mind could be kinder or more wel- come than the contents. I am not going to say what they are, of course ; though for that matter I easily could, since I have got the note by me at this moment, and have read it over to-day besides, more than once. After all, there is nothing like a letter. Who does not remember the first letter received in one's childish days, written in a fair round text for childish eyes, or, perhaps, even printed by the kind and painstaking correspondent for the little dunce of a recipient. "Who has not slept with such a letter carefully hoarded away under the pillow, that morn- ing's first light might give positive assurance of the actual existence of our treasure. Nor is the little l6o WINGED WORDS. urchin the only glad supporter of our admh'ahle postal institutions. Manly eyes moisten with tears of joy over those faint delicate lines traced by her hand whose gentle influence has found the one soft place. Woman hides away in her bosom, close to her loving heart, the precious scrap which assures her, visibly, tangibly, unerringly, that he is hers and hers alone. Words may deceive, scenes of bliss pass away like a dream. Though ever present to the mind, it requires an effort to disentangle the realities of memory from the illusions of imagina- tion; but a letter is proof positive, there it is in black and white. You may read it again and again, you may kiss it as often as you please, you may prize it, and study it, and pore over it, and find a new meaning in every fresh perusal, a hidden in- terpretation for every magic word ; nothing can unsay it, nothing can deprive you of it, only don't forget to lock it up carefully, and mind you don't go leaving about your keys. I had hardly read my note over a second time, before Cousin Amelia bounced into the room without knocking. I should have locked the door had I known she was coming ; as it Mas, I had only time to pop the note into my dress (the seal made a great scratch just beloAV my neck), before she was upon me, and throwing herself into my arms with a most unusual access of affection^ exclaimed — 'Give me joy, Kate — give me joy — he's gone to A PROPOSAL. l6l mamma — he's in the drawing-room with her now — oh ! Kate, what shall I do ? ' ' My dear Amelia/ I exclaimed, as the delightful thought flashed across me, that, after all, the Squire's visit might have been for my cousin, though I must say I wondered at his taste, ' am I to congratulate you on being Mrs. Haycock? I do, indeed, from my heart. I am sure he is an excellent, amiable man, and will make you a capital husband.' ' That he will ! ' exclaimed Cousin Amelia ; ' and such a nice place and gardens, and a very good for- tune, too. Upon my word, Kate, I begin to think I 'm a lucky girl, though to be sure, with my advan- tages I might expect to make a good match. He's not so old, Kate, after all ; at least, not so old as he looks ; and he's very good-tempered I know, because his servants say so. I shall alter that tumble-down house of his, and new furnish the drawing-room. Of course he'll take me to London for two or three months every year in the season. I wonder if he knows about Mr. Johnson, not that I ever cared for him; and, of course, a poor curate like that, one could 'nt think of it. Do you know, Kate, I thought his manner was very odd the other day when he dined here, though he sat next you, he kept looking at me, and I remarked once that he coloured up, oh ! so red; poor fellow, I see it all now. Kate, you shall be one of my bridesmaids — perhaps it will be your turn to be a bride some of these days, who knows ? ' M I 62 A MISTAKE. Just then Gertrude tapped at the door. ' Miss Coventry, if you please, her ladyship wishes to see you in the drawing-room/ My cousin^s face fell several inches. ' Some mistake, Gertrude/ she exclaimed. ' It 's me, is 'nt it, that mamma wants ? ' ' Her ladyship hid me tell Miss Kate she wished to see her immediately' was my maid's reply, so I tripped down stairs with a heating heart, and crossed the hall just in time to see Squire Haycock riding leisurely away from the house (though it was bitter cold, and a hard frost, the first of the season), and looking up at the window, doubtless in hopes of an encouraging wave from the white handkerchief of his fiancee presumptive. Short as was the interval between my own door and that of the drawing-room, I had time to run over in my mind the Avhole advantages and disad- vantages of the flattering proposal which I was now convinced had been made on my behalf. If I be- came Mrs. Haycock (and I saw clearly that I had not mistaken the Squire's meaning on our return from hunting), I should be at the head of a handsome establishment, should have a good-tempered, easy- going, pleasant husband, who would let me do just what I liked, and Imnt to my heart's content ; should live in the country, and look after the poor, and feed hens and chickens, and sink down comfort- ably into a contented old age. I need not separate I couldn't. 163 from Auut Deborah, who would never be able to do without me ; and I might, I am sure, turn the Squire with the greatest ease round my little finger ; but then there certainly were great objections. I could have got over the colour of his hair, though a red head opposite me every morning would undoubtedly be a trial; but the freckles ! No, I do not think I could do my duty as a wife by a man so dreadfully freckled. I 'm certain I could n't love him ; and if I did n't love him I ought n't to marry him ; and I thought of the sad, sad tale of Lucy, Lady Horsing- ham, whose ghost was now in the nightly habit of haunting Dangerfield Hall. The struggles that poor thing must have gone through, the leaden hours of dull torpid misery, the agonizing moments of acute remorse, the perpetual spirit-wearing conflict between duty and inclination, much to the discomfiture of the former ; and the haunting face of Cousin Edward continually rising on that heated imagination, plead- ing, reproaching, suing till she loved him, if possibly, more madly in his absence than when he was by her side. I, too, was beginning to have a ' Cousin Ed- ward' of my own; Frank Lovell's image was far too often present in my mind. I did not choose to confess to myself how much I liked him; but the more I reflected on Mr. Haycock's proposal, the more I felt how impossible it would be never to think of Frank any more. ' No ! ' I said inwardly, with my hand on the 164 AND I wouldn't. drawing-room door, 'I will not give him up. I liave his note even now in my bosom^ he cares for 7ne at any rate. I am happier to-day than I have been for months, and I will 7iot got go and destroy it all with my own hand.' I opened the door, and found myself in the formidable presence of Aunt Horsingham. Her ladyship looked colder and more reserved, if possible, than ever. She motioned me stiffly to take a chair, and plunged at once into the subject in her dry measured tones. ' Before I congratulate you, Kate/ she began, ' on such an unlooked-for piece of good fortune as has just come to my knowledge, I am bound to confess, much to my astonishment ' 'Thank you. Aunt,' I put in; that's compli- mentary at any rate.' ' I should wish to say a few words,' proceeded my Aunt, without heeding the interruption, ' on the duties which will now devolve upon you, and the line of conduct which I should advise you to pursue in your new sphere ; these hoydenish manners, these ridiculous expeditions, these scampers all over the country, must be renounced forthwith. Unbecoming as they are in a young unmarried female, a much stricter sense of decorum, a vastly diifercnt repose and reserve of manner, are absolutely essential in a wife ; and it is as a ivife, Kate, that I am now ad- dressing you.' ' A wife, Aunt ! ' I exclaimed ; ' whose, I should like to know ? ' AND I didn't. 165 ^This is an ill-cliosen time for jesting, Kate/ said my aunt, with a frown ; I cannot congratulate you on your good taste in turning so important a subject into ridicule. Mr. Haycock has proposed to you ; you have accepted him. Whilst poor Deborah is so ill, I am your natural guardian, and he has with great propriety requested my consent ; although, in the agitation very natural to a man so circum- stanced/ added my aunt, smothering a smile, 'it was with some difficulty that I made out exactly what he meant.' ' He never proposed to me, I never accepted him/ I broke in, breathless with agitation ; ' I never ivill be his wife, Aunt — you had no right to tell him so. Write to him immediately, send a man off on horse- back to overtake him — I ^11 put my bonnet on this instant, and walk every mile of the way myself. He's a true-hearted gentleman, and I won't have him made a fool of.' I walked up and down the room — I looked Aunt Horsingham full in the face ; she was quite cowed by my vehemence. I felt I was mistress now, while the excitement lasted, and she gave in; she even wrote a note to the Squire at my dictation, she dispatched it by a special messenger, she did everything I told her, and never so much as ventured on remonstrance or reproach ; but she will never forgive me to her dying houi'. There is no victory so complete as that which one obtains over a person who is always accustomed to meet with fear I 66 AUNT 11. ROUTED. and obedience. Aunt Horsingham rules her house- hold with a rod of iron ; nobody ever ventures to disagree with her, or so much as to hint an opinion contrary to those which she is known to hold. Such a person is so astonished at resistance, as to be inca- pable of quelling it; the very hardihood of the rebel- lion ensures its success. AAHien I walked out of the drawing-room to-day, I felt that for once I had obtained the victory in a contest with my aunt; that in future I should no longer be the ' wild, trouble- some Kate,' the Mjlack sheep' of the family, the scapegoat on Avhotn were laid the faults and misde- meanours of all — but the master-spirit, the bold, resolute woman, whose value others were able to appreciate, and Avho was ready and willing to assert her own independence. In the meantime, poor Aunt Deborah had to be informed of what had taken place, and Cousin Amelia to be undeceived in her groundless expectations. That the latter would never forgive me, I was Avell enough ac- quainted with my own sex to be assured ; but the task required to be done, notwithstanding. Flushed with my triumph, with heightened colour and fiash- iug eyes, I stalked off towards my chamber, and met Cousin John in the hall. ' Good heavens, Kate, what is the matter ? What has happened ? ' exclaimed John, in obvious pertur- bation. ' A piece of news ! ' was my reply ; ' a conquest, COUSIN JOHN APPROVES. 1 67 John ! "What do you tliink ? Mr. Haycock has just been here^ and proposed for me ! ' He flushed up all over his face and temples, and then turned deadly pale^ even his lips were quite white and wide apart ; how they quivered as he tried to speak unconcernedly ! And after all he got out nothing but, ' "Well, Kate.' 'And I have refused him, John/ I said quietly, but in a tone that showed him there was no mistake about it. ' God bless you. Kale/ was all he replied, and turned away muttering something about ' wet things ' and 'his dressing-room'; but he was going to the wrong door, and had to turn back, though he took care not to let me see his face again. I can't make John out. At dinner he was just as if nothing had happened ; but at all events I 'm glad I 've refused Mr. Haycock ; so I shall read Frank's note over once more, and then go to bed. 1 68 THE DIAEY CLOSED. CHAPTER XIV. T NEED quote no more from my diary, as the next few days offered no incident worthy of recording, to break the monotony of our life at Dangerfield Halh Drearier than ever it was, and more especially to me ; for I felt that, although undeclared, there was 'war to the knife ^ between myself, my aunt, and cousin. The latter scarcely spoke to me at all ; and my aunt, whose defeat was rankling bitterly in her heart, merely took such sullen notice of me as was absolutely necessitated by the laws of hospitality and the usages of society. Poor Aunt Deborah requii'cd to be kept very quiet, and free from all worries and annoyances. ' The more she slept,' the doctor said, 'the sooner she would get well enough to move to London for fur- ther advice,^ so I had not even her to talk to — there was no hunting — the frost got harder and harder — that obstinate weathercock over the stal)lcs kept veering from north to north-north-east — the grooms went to exercise Avrapped up in great coats and shawl- handkerchiefs, and stayed out as short a time as was compatible with the mildest stable discipline : there A BITTER FROST. I 69 could be no change of the moon for a week, and it was obvious that I should have but little use for Bril- liant and White-Stockings before our return to town. Oh ! the hopelessness of a real bitter black frost coming on early in the season_, especially when you are not at your own home and your time is limited ; to get up morning after morning with the faint hope that the change mmj have come at last; to see the dry slates^ and the clear horizon, and the iron-bound earth, and to ascertain in your own pro- per person that the water gets colder and colder every day. You puzzle over the almanack till your eyes ache, and study the thermometer till you get a crick in your neck. You watch the smoke from every farmhouse and cottage within your ken, and still, after curling high up into the pure rarefied atmosphere, it floats hopelessly away to the south- ward, and corroborates the odious dog- vane that you fondly imagined might have got stuck in its north- erly direction. You walk out and ask every labourer you meet, whether he ^ does not think we are going to have a change?' The man looks up from his work, wonders at your solicitude, opines 'the gentry folks have queer ways,' but answers honestly enough, according to his convictions, in the negative — per- haps giving some local reason for his opinion, which, if an old man, he will tell you he has never known to fail. Lastly, you quarrel with every one of your non-hunting friends, whose unfeeling observations on iyo HCXTING STOPPED. * fine seasonable weatlier/ and ' liealtliy bracing frosts/ you feel to be brutal in the extreme. How I hated that frost at Dangerfield ! My only chance of meeting with Frank Lovell was out hunting. I had written him an answer to his note (I have often heard Aunt Horsingham say, that nothing is so inexcusable as not to answer a letter), and I had no possible means of delivering it. I could not put it in the bag, for my aunt keeps the key. I did not like to entrust it to any of the servants, and my own maid is the last person in whose power I should choose to place myself. I did once think of asking Cousin John to give it to Frank, and throwing my- self on kind, good John's generosity, and confessing everything to him, and asking for his advice ; but somehow I could not bring myself to it : if he had been my brother, nothing would have been easier ; but John is only a cousin, and one or two little things of late had made me suspect that he liked me even better than cousins generally do ; so altogether I thought I would leave it alone — besides, John Avas going off to shoot pheasants in Wales, The third morning of the frost he came down to breakfast in a suit of wondrous apparel, that I knew meant a move in some direction, and I attacked him accordingly. 'Is that killing 'get-up' entirely for our benefit, John?' I asked; ' or are you bound on some expe- dition that requires more fascinations than common?' John coloured — he has taken to blushing: lately — JOHNS DEPARTURE. 171 'I^m going down into Wales for a fe^y days' shoot- ing, Kate/ was his reply. * I shall come back again when the frost breaks up, if Lady Horsingham will be good enough to receive me.' Aunt Horsingham is always very civil to John, and so is Cousin Amelia. People generally are to young bachelors. I wonder why men ever marry^ they are so much more in request without wives and children. ' Always happy to see you,' said Aunt Horsingham, with an emphasis on the pronoun. ' By the way, what is your address in "Wales, that I may forward your letters ? ' John looked rather guilty as he handed an en- velope to my aunt, and begged her to copy it exactly, ' I can 't pronounce the name of my friend Lloyd's place/ he said, ' but you '11 find it written there in seven consonants and one vowel.' 'Lloyd!' said I, 'Lloyd! wasn't there a pretty Miss Lloyd you used to dance with last season in London ? John ! John ! — I 've found you out at last ; now I can account for the splendour of your attire — now I can see why you post oflP to Wales in such a hurry, leaving your horses, and your hunting, and your cousin, sir, for the heaux yeiix of Miss Fanny — isn't that her name? Well, John, I give you joy; she is a pretty girl, even in London, and Aunt Deborah says she 's a fortune.' John looked so distressed, I did n't like to pursue 172 NO FRANK the subject. I could n't think what had come over him — he never spoke another word to me till he jumped into his dog-cart to be oflP, and then he only muttered ' Good-bye, Kate/ in a hoarse whisper, but he wrung my hand very hard, and I even thought there were tears in his eyes ! He is a good fellow^, John ; I was sorry to think I might have said any- thing to hurt his feelings. After he went away it was drearier than ever. What could I do but think of Frank Lovell, and wonder when I should see him again? Where could he be? Perhaps at the inn at Muddlcbury. I could see the smoke of the town from the break- fast-room windows,, and used to watch it with a painful interest. Every time a servant came into the room, I thought something impossible was going to happen. If a carriage drove up to the house — if a horse's tramp was heard in the approach — if the door-bell rung, 1 fancied it must be Captain Lovell coming to call — perhaps to explain every- thing — possibly to request an interview with my aunt, such as Squire Haycock had undergone, ' but,' as I said to myself with a beating heart, ' to have a very different result.' If the dwelling solely on one idea be a species of madness, then was I undoubtedly mad — nothing Avas so wild and extravagant as to appear impossible to my heated fancy. I was always expecting, and always disappointed. The fourth morning I got a letter from Mrs. MRS. LmiLEY S LETTER. I 73 Lumley, which did not add much to my composure or comfort. "Why is it ladies have such a knack of making each other miserable equally by letter as by word of mouth ? I give the epistle of Mrs. Lumley verbatim, omitting only the dashes and notes of admiration with which it was studded : — ' My dearest dear Kate, — ' Here we are^ settled comfortably at Brighton, much to the benefit of my poor dear husband, whom you have never seen, but who knows you well by name, and ha^ing everything, even the weather, all we can wish. The only di'awback to me is the loss of your charming society, and the absence of your dear merry face. ' I am leading a highly \'irtuous and praiseworthy life, and have not done the least bit of mischief since I came here, except making the dean's wife jealous, which I can hardly call a crime, as she is a vulgar little woman, with a red nose and a yellow bonnet — the dean is a fat, good-natured man, and calls here nearly every day. His wife abuses me in all societies, and tries to pass me without speaking. You know how I always return good for evil, so I go up and shake hands with her, and ask after her dear children, and patronise her till I make her so angry she don't know which way to look — it^s rather good fun in such a slow place as this. My time is fully occupied nursing ' my old man,' who was very ill before we 174 THE GITAXA. came here, and can only go out in a pony-carriage for an hour or two at a time ; so I have brought the ponies do\\'n, and drive him myself. ' The only chance the brown mare has of a gallop is in the mornings, though next week I mean to have a day Avith the harriers; indeed, they have appointed them at a good place on purpose for me. I inspected the regiment of Dragroons quartered here, yesterday morning; they were at exercise on the downs, and as the Gitana (my brown mare) always behaves well vdth troops, which my enemies would affirm is more than can be said of her mistress, I am able to report upon their general appearance and efficiency. Such a set of ' gigs,' my dear, I never saw in my life ; large under-bred horses, and not a good-looking man amongst them. The officers are, if possible, more hideous than the privates, and they never give balls or theatricals, or anything, so we need waste no more words upon them. 'I am improving my mind, though, vastly, picking up shells for my little cousins, and perfecting my education besides by learning to swim. I wish you were here — what fun we would have enacting the part of mermaids ! though I fear the cold will now put a stop to my aquatic exploits. The other morning I swam nearly two hundred yards on a stretch; and the tide having taken me out of my reckoning, I brought up, as the sailors say, opposite the gentlemen's bathing-machines. "What could I A MERMAIDEN. I75 do ? It was as impossible to walk along tlie beach as to fight back against the current. Presence of mind, Kate_, is the salient point of the heroic character ; the door of a machine was open, and I popped in. My dear, there were all his clothes, his hair-brush, his button-hook, his wig, and, would vou believe it ? an instrument for curling his whiskers! I put everything on except the wig, crowned myself with his broad-brimmed white hat, felt in his pockets, which were full of gold and silver, and, to my credit be it said, only selected one shil- ling, with which I paid the bathing-man, and walked off, undiscovered to my own machine. The fat old she-triton laughed till she cried. I dressed in my proper costume leisurely enough, and was amused to hear afterwards of the luckless plight in which a stout gentleman had found himself, by the temporary loss of all his apparel, whilst he was disporting in 'the briny.' ' Other adventures I have had none ; and the contrast is, as you may believe, somewhat striking after the last two or three weeks of the London season, always to my mind the pleasantest part of the year. I was sorry you left town when you did ; we had such a number of charming little dinners and expeditions in our own set. Dear Frank Lovell was the life and soul of us all. I never knew him in such spirits — quite like a boy out of school ; and there were few days that we did not meet either at Greenwich or Richmond, or Windsor or Vauxhall ; 176 'the dean.' and of course wlierever he went, there was Lady Scapegrace. I must say, that although nobody can accuse me of being a prude, the way she goes on •with Frank is rather too brazen-faced even for her : taking him everywhere in her carriage ; setting him down at his club after the opera ; walking with him in Kensington Gardens ; his cab always at the door, and her ladyship ' not at home ' even to me. To be sure, he is almost as bad, if it is true, as everybody says it is, that he is to marry Miss Molasses. ' Poor Frank ! he must get hold of somebody with money, or he will soon be in the Bench. He is rather a friend of yours, my dear, so I ought not to abuse him ; but he is very wild, and though ex- tremely agreeable, I am afraid utterly unprincipled. I do not believe, however, that he cares one snap of his fingers for Lady Scapegrace, or ]\Iiss Molasses either, for the matter of that. I meant to have written you a long letter; but my stupid servants have let the dean in, and I hear his cough at this moment on the stairs — he is sadly out of wind before he reaches the first landing. I think even my poor ' old man' would beat him, at even weights, a hundred yards along the beach. As I shall not get rid of him under an hour, and the post will by that time be gone out, I must wish you good-bye. — Ever my dearest Kate's most affectionate, 'M. L.' I threw the letter on the floor, and stamped upon PIQUED. 177 it with my feet. And was this the end of all ? To have brooded and pined, and made myself miserable and well nigh broken my heart, day by day, for a man that was to prove so utterly unworthy as this. To have been thrown over for a Lady Scapegrace ! or, worse still, to have allowed, even to m3self, that I cared for one who was ready and willing to be sold to a Miss Molasses. ' Too degrading ! ' I thought ; ' no, I' 11 never care for him again, the dream is over; what a fool IVe been! and yet — why did he send his horses down to Muddlebury? Why did he serenade me that night from the park ? Why is he not now with his dear Lady Scapegrace at Scamperley, where, I see by the Morning Post, Sir Guy is ' entertaining a party of fashionables during the frost ? ' No ; I will not give him up quite yet.' On reading her letter over again, which I did many times during the day, I found a ray of comfort in my voluble correspondent's own opinion that Frank did not himself care a pin for either of the ladies, to both of whom the world gave him so unhesitat- ingly. Well, that was something, at any rate. As for his wildnesSj and his debts, and his recklessness, and many escapades, I liked him none the worse for these — what woman ever did? I thought it all over during the whole day ; and by the time that I opened my window for my usual look out into the night N I 7 8 MISJUDGED. before going to bed, I am afraid I felt more inclined than ever to forgive him all that had gone before, and more determined to find some means of forward- ing him the answer I had written to his note, and which I had been so many times on the point of burning during the day. What a bitter cold night it was! — yet the keen north wind felt pleasant and refreshing on my fevered forehead. There had been a sprinkling of snow, too, since sunset, and the open surface of the park was completely whitened over — how cheerless and desolate it looked ! I hadn't the heart to stay very long at the window, it reminded me too much of the pleasant evenings one short week ago. I felt weary and desponding and drowsy with uncertainty and unhappiness, so I Avas in the act of shutting down the window, when I saw a dark figure moving rapidly across the snow in the direction of the house. Not for an instant did I mistake it for a deer, or a game- keeper, or a poacher, or a housebreaker. From the moment I set eyes on it, something told me it must be Frank Lovell ; and though I shrunk back that he might not see me, I watched him with painful anxiety and a beating heart. He seemed to know his way quite well : he came straight to the moat, felt his way cautiously for a step or two, and finding the ice would bear him, crossed at once, and took up a position under my window, not twenty feet from where I was standing. MY NOTE DELIVERED. 1 79 He miist have seen my sliadow across the candle- light^ for he whispered my name. ' Miss Coventry, Kate ! only one word.' What could I do ? poor fellow ! He had walked all that distance in the cold and the snow only for one Avord — and this was the man I had been doubt- ing and misjudging all day. Why, of course, though I know it was very wrong and very improper and all that, of course I spoke to him, and listened to what he had to say, and carried on a long conversation, the effect of which was somewhat ludicrous, in con- sequence of the distance between the parties, ques- tion and answer requiring to be shouted, as it were, in a whisper. The night, too, was clouding over, more snow was falling, and it was getting so dark, I could not see Frank, even at the distance of twelve or fourteen feet, and it could not have been much more between my bed-room window and the ground. ' Did you get my note ?' said he, with sundry com- plimentary expressions. ' Here 's the answer,' was my practical reply, as I dropped my own missive into the darkness. I know he caught it, because — because — / heard him kiss it. At that moment I was aware of a step in the passage, a hand on my door : down went my window in a twinkling, out went my candles — the wick of the second one would keep glimmering like a light far off at sea — and in came Aunt Horsingham, clad in flannel attire, with a wondrous head-dress. l8o AN ALARM. the like of which I have never beheld before or since, just as I popped into bed, and buried myself beneath the clothes as if I had been asleep for horn's. 'Where can it be, Kate?' said my aunt; ' I haA^e been in every room along the passage to find out where the light comes from. I saw it distinctly from my own room, streaming across the moat; there might be thieves in the house,' added my aunt, looking valiant even in flannel, ' or some of the men- servants carousing, but I have been in every room on the ground floor myself; and then I thought perhaps you might be sitting up reading.' ' Reading, aunt ; oh dear, no ! I assure you I wasn't reading,' I answered, every nerve racked with suspense, lest Frank should get impatient, and won- der what had become of me — perhaps throw a snow- ball up at the window to attract my attention. ' "What o'clock is it ? ' I added, Avith a feigned yawn ; ' I think I must have been asleep for hours. As if to punish me for this gratuitous perversion of the truth, the Avords Avere hardly out of my mouth Avhen I heard a loud crack on the ice, and a splash as of the sudden immersion of some darinjr adventurer; then all Avas still — the snow-flakes fell softly against the window-panes. My aunt, shading her candle Avitli her long hand, talked di'OAVsily on, and finally persisted in my coming to sleep Avith her in her OAvn room, as she said I Avas 'the only person in the house that had the nerves of a hen.' I Avould THE ICE BROKEN. l8l have given all I was worth in the world to have one more look out of the open window, though even then it might be too late. I would willingly have walked barefoot in the snow all the way to Muddle- bury, only to know he was safe back at the inn. For a moment I thought of confessing everything, and alarming the house, but I had not courage, so I fol- lowed my aunt to her room, and lay awake that livelong night in such a state of agony and suspense as I hope I may never have to endure again. 1 82 GOOD-BYE. CHAPTER XV. TT may easily be believed that I took an early walk next morning before breakfast. No sooner had I made my escape from Aunt Horsingham's room, than^ in utter defiance of the cold thaw just com- mencing, I put my bonnet on, and made the best of my way to the moat. Sure enough, large fragments of ice were floating about where the surface had been broken close to the side furthest from the Hall. There were foot-prints on the snow though, leading away through the park in the direction of Muddle- bury, and I came back to breakfast with a heart lightened of at least half its load. We were to return to London immediately. Aunt Deborah, pale and reduced, but undoubtedly better, was able to appear at breakfast, and Lady Horsingham, now that we were really about to take leave of her, seemed to value our society, and to be sorry to part with us. ' My dear Deborah, I trust you are well wrapped up for this cold raw day,' said our hostess, pressing on her departing guest all kinds of provision for the journey. ' I have ordered them to put up a paper of AUNT HORSINGHAM'S PONY-CAREIAGE. 183 sandwiches, and some slierry^ and a few biscuits^ and a bottle of peppermint-water.' ^And Aunt Deborali,' put in Cousin Amelia, * here's a comforter I've made you myself, and a box of cayenne lozenges for your throat ; and don't forget the stone-jug of hot water for your poor feet ; and mind you write directly you arrive — you or Kate/ she added, turning to address me almost for the first time since the memorable mistake about Squire Haycock. Aunt Deborah was completely overpowered by so much kindness. '^ You'd better have the carriage all to yourself — you and your maid' — persisted Lady Horsingham. ' I'll drive Kate as far as the station in the pony- carriage. Kate, you're not afraid to trust yourself with me in the pony-carriage ? ' ' Not I, indeed, aunt/ was my reply, ' nor with anybody else, for that matter. I've pretty good nerves — there are few things that I am afraid of.' ' Indeed, Kate, I fear it is so/ was my aunt's reply. ' I own I should like to see you a little more of a coward.' So it was settled that Aunt Deborah and Gertrude being safely packed up in the close carriage, I should accompany Lady Horsingham, who was rather proud of her charioteering skill, and drove stiff and up- right, as if she had swallowed the poker — never looking to the right or left, or allowing her attention 184 MOUSE AND TINY. to "wander for an instant from the ponies she had undertaken to control. Now these said ponies had been doing nothing during the frost, except consuming their three feeds a day with vigorous appetite, and a considerable accession of high spirits. Consequently, they were what is termed in stable language, very much ' above themselves' — a state of self-exaltation which they demonstrated by sundry unbecoming squeaks and gambols as soon as they found themselves fairh" started on their journey. Tiny, the youngest and handsomest, would persist in shying, plunging, and swerving against the pole, much to the demoralisa- tion of his comrade, j\Iouse, a stiff-built little fellow with a thick neck, who was ordinarily extremely well-behaved, but apt, on occasions like the present, to lower his rebellious little head, and defy all con- trol. Lady Horsingham was tolerably courageous, but totally destitute of what is termed ' hand,' a quality as necessary in driving as in riding, particularly with fractious or high-spirited horses. The seat of a pony carriage, besides, is not a position from which a Jehu has much command over the animals in front of him ; and although, as I have repeatedly said, I am not nervous, I had earned sufficient experience in the ways of the equine race to know that we might easily be placed in a position of some peril, should anything occur to excite the mischievous propensi- A DANGEROUS VEHICLE. I 85 ties of eitlier of tlie specimens now gambolling before us. More accidents have happened out of pony car- riageSj than all other descriptions of vehicle put together. It is said, that in the olden and golden days of the road, the usual death of a ' long coachman' Avas to be pitched out of a gig ; and doubtless that two- wheeled conveniency, particularly when going at any pace, is capable of arriving at a large proportion of grief. But even a gig, if properly constructed, ad- mits of the driver having a certain amount of control over his horse : he is well above the animal, and can get a good purchase to pull him up from, when the acceleration is becoming dangerous, or there is a tendency to the grosser insubordination of a ' kicking match.' Not so in a pony-carriage : low down upon the ground, even under their very heels, you are completely at the mercy of your team; and the facility of egress in the event of a run-away only tempts you to the fatal expedient of jumping out — another form of expression for ' certain death.' To be sure, if people will but sit still, there is no reason why they should be much alarmed, as an 'upset' from so low an elevation need not necessa- rily produce any very serious results. But they never will sit still, at least they won't in nine cases out of ten; and the consequence is, that whilst newspaper columns are filled with ' horrid accidents ' and ' frightful occurrences,' based on the fact of the I 86 LADY HORSINGHAM's COACHMANSHIP. ^unfortunate sufferer taking an airing in his or her pony-carriage/ many an elderly ladj^ and cautious gentleman is not to be persuaded into entering one of these little conveyances, but prefers the slow and sure travelling of his or her own staid and respect- able feet. Wellj Lady Horsingham seemed rather uncom- fortable on her driving-seat, although far too proud to acknowledge so derogatory a feeling. We had no servant with us; and when I suggested that we might as well take one of the stable-men to open the gates, my proposal was met with derision and contempt. ' I should have thought such a masculine lady as yourself, Kate, would have been above requiring any assistance. I am always in the habit of driving these ponies quite by myself; but of course, if you're afraid, I'll have a groom to go -with iis imme- diately.' Afraid, indeed ! I scouted the idea ; my blood was up, and I almost hoped something would hap- pen, that I might fling the word in my aunt's teeth, and ask her, 'Who's afraid now?' It came sooner than I bargained for. The ponies were pulUng hard, and had got their mouths so thoroughly set against my aunt's iron hand, that she might as well have been driving with a pair of halters for any power she had over them, when a rush of colts in an adjoining paddock on one TIIET 're off! 187 side of tlie lane, and a covey of partridges ' "vvliirring ' up out of a turnip-field on the other, started them both at the same moment. My aunt gave a slight scream, clutched at her reins with a jerk; down went the ponies' heads, and we were off, as hard as ever they could lay legs to the ground, along a deep- rutted narrow lane, with innumerable twistings and turnings in front of us, for a certainty, and the off- chance of a waggon and bell team blocking up the whole passage before we could emerge upon the high-road. ' Lay hold, Kate ! ' vociferated my aunt, pulling for her very life, with the veins on her bare wrists swelling up like whipcord. ' Gracious goodness ! can't you stop 'em? there's a gravel-pit not half a mile further on! I'll jump out! I'll jump out!' My aunt began kicking her feet clear of the sundry wraps and shaAvls, and the leather apron that kept our knees warm, though I must do her the justice to say that she still tugged hard at the reins. I saw such an expedient would be certain death, and I wound one arm round her waist, and held her forcibly down in her seat, Avhile with the other I endeavoured to assist her in the hopeless task of stopping the runaway ponies. Everything was against us: the ground was slightly on the decline; the thaw had not yet reached the sheltered road we were travelling, and the wheels rung against its 158 THE CRirPLE. frozen surface as they spun round witli a velocity that seemed to add to the excitement of ovn flying steeds. Ever and anon we bounded and bumped over some rut or inequality that Avas deeper than usual. Twice we were within an inch of the ditch ; once, for an awful hundred yards, we were balancing on two wheels ; and still we went faster and faster than ever. The trees and hedges wheeled by us; the gravel road streamed away behind us. I began to get giddy, and to lose my strength. I could hardly hope to hold my aunt in much longer, and now she began to struggle frightfully, for we were nearing the gravel -pit turn ! Ahead of us was a comfortable fat farmer, jogging drowsily to market in his gig. I can see his broad, well-to-do back, now. What Avould I have given to be seated, I had almost said enthroned^ by his side. What a smash if we had touched him ! I pulled frantically at the off'-rein, and we just cleared his wheel. He said something, I could not make out what. I was nearly exhausted, and shut my eyes, resigning myself to my fate, but still clinging to my aunt. I think that if ever that austere woman was near fainting, it was on this occasion. I just caught a glimpse of her white stony face and fixed eyes ; her terror even gave me a certain confidence. A figure in front of us commenced gesticulating, and shouting, and waving its hat. The ponies slackened theii' pace, and my coiu^agc began to revive. SAVED AT THE TURX. 1 89 * Sit still/ I exclaimed to my aunt^ as I indulged them with a good strong ' give-and-take ' pull. The gravel-pit corner was close at hand, but the fio-ure had seized our refractorv little steeds bv their heads ; and though I shook all over^ and felt realhj frightened now the danger was past, I knew that we were safe, and that we owed our safety to a tall ragged cripple with a crutch, and a bandage over one eye. My aunt jumped out in a twinkling; and, the instant she touched terra firma, put her hand to her side, and began to sob, and gasp, and pant, as ladies will previous to an attack of what the doctors call ' hysteria/ She leant upon the cripple's shoulder, and I observed a strange roguish sparkle in his un- bandaged eye. Moreover, I remarked that his hands were white and clean; and his figure, if he hadn't been such a cripple, would have been tall and active. 'What shall I do?' gasped my aunt. 'I won't get in; nothing shall induce me to get in again. Kate, give this good man half-a-crown. What a providential escape ! He ought to have a sovereign. Perhaps ten shillings will be enough. How am I to get back ? I '11 walk all the way rather than get in.' ' But, Aunt,' I suggested, ' at any rate I must get to the station. Aunt Deborah is sure to think some- thing has happened, and she ought not to be fright- ened till she gets stronger. How far is it to the 190 IMY RAGGED COMPANION. station? I tliiuk I should not mind driving the ponies on.' In the mean time the fat farmer, whom we had passed so rapidly, had arrived at the scene of action, his anxiety not having induced him in the slightest degree to increase the jog-trot pace at which all his ideas seemed to travel. He knew Lady Horsingham quite well, and now sat in his gig, with his hat off, wiping his fat face, and expatiating on the narrow escape her ladyship had made, but without offering the slightest suggestion or assistance whatever. At this juncture the cripple showed himself a man of energj^ ' Your ladyship had best go home with this gen- tleman,' said he, indicating the fat farmer, 'if the young lady is not afraid to go on. I can take care of her as far as the railway, if it 's not too great a liberty, and bring the ponies back to the Hall after- wards, my lady?' with an interrogative snatch at his ragged hat. It seemed the best thing to be done under the cir- cumstances. My aunt, after much demurring, and another incipient attack of the hysterics, consented to entrust herself to the fat farmer's guidance, not, however, until she was assured that his horse was both blind and broken-winded. I put Mouse's bridle down on the lower bar instead of the check, on which he had previously been driven. ^l\ aunt climbed into the gig ; I mounted the pony-carriage, HOW COULD Your I9I tlie cripple took his seat deferentially by my side^ aud away Ave went on our respective journeys, certainly in a mode vrhicli we liad little anticipated when Ave left the front-door at Dangerfield Hall. My preserver sat half in and half out of the car- riage, leaning his Avhite Avell-shaped hand upon the splash-board. The bandaged side of his face was towards me ; the ponies went quietly enough ; they had enjoyed their gallop, and were, I think, a little blown. I had leisure to take a good survey of my companion. When Ave had thus travelled for a quar- ter of a mile in silence, he turned his face tOAvards me. We looked at each other for about half a minute, and then both burst out laughing. ' You didn't knoAV me. Miss CoA'entry ! not the least in the world,' exclaimed the cripple, pulling the bandage off his face, and showing another eye, quite as handsome as the one that had previously been uncoA'ered. ' How could you do so, Captain Lovell?' was all T could reply. ' Conceive if my aunt had found you out ; or even if any one should recognise you now. What would people think of me ? But how did you know Ave were going to London to-day, and how could you tell the ponies would run aAvay ? ' ' Never mind how I knew your movements. Miss Coventry,' Avas the reply. ' Kate ! may I call you Kate? it's such a soft sweet name,' he added, now sitting altogether inside the carriage, which certainly 192 FRANKS DEVOTION. was a small one for two people. ' You don't know how I 've watched for you, and waited and prowled about, during the last few days. You don't know how anxious I've been only for one word — even one look. I've spent hours out on the down just to see the flutter of your white dress as you went through the shrubbery — even at that distance it was some- thing to gaze at you, and know you were there. Last night I crossed the ice under your Avindow.' ' You did, indeed,' I replied with a laugh, ' and what a ducking you must have got !' Frank laughed, too, and resumed. ' I was sadly afraid that your aunt might have found out you were holding a parley with the enemy outside the walls. I knew you were to go to London to-day. I thought very likely you might be annoyed, and put under surveillance on my account, and I was resolved to see you, if only for one moment; so I borrowed these ragged garments of a professional beggar, who I believe is a great deal better off" in reality than myself, and I determined to watch for your carriage, and trust to chance for a word, or e^en a glance of recognition. She has befriended me more than I could expect. At first, when I saw ^ Aunt Deborah' alone in the chariot, it flashed across me that per- haps you were to stay eii penitence at Dangcrfield. But I knew Lady Horsingham had a pony-carriage. I also knew — or what would be use of servants? — that it was ordered this morning; so I stumped PLEADING. 1 g2 gaily along the road, thinking that at all events I might have an opportunity of saying three words to you at the station, whilst the servants were putting the luggage on, and the dear aunts, who, I presume, cherish a mutual hatred, were wishing each other a tender farewell. But that such a chance as this run-away should befriend me was more than I ever dared to hope for, and that I should be sitting next you, Kate (and so close, I^m sure he might have added), in Lady Horsingham's pony phaeton, is a piece of good-luck that in my wildest moments I never so much as dreamt of. We scarcely ever meet now. There — you needn't drive so fast, the up-train don't go by till the half-hom', and every minute is precious, at least to me. We are kept sadly apart, Kate. If you can bear it, / can't. I should like to be near you always — ahvays to watch over you and worship you. Confound that pony ! he 's off again.* Siu'e enough. Tiny was indulging in more vagaries, as if he meditated a second fit of rebellion, and what with holding him and humouring Mouse, and keep- ing my head down so as to hide my face from Frank, for I didn't want him to see how I was blushing, I am sure I had enough to do. ' Kate, you must really have pity on me,' pursued Frank ; ' You don't know how miserable I am some- times (I wonder what he wanted me to say?), or how happy you have it in your power to make me. Here we are at that cursed station ; and my dream is over. o 1 94 rOKGET-ME-NOT. I must be the cripple and the beggar once more — a beggar I am, indeed,, Kate, without your affection. When sliall we meet again, and where?' ' In London/ was all I could answer. * And you won't forget me, Kate ? ' pleaded poor Frank, looking so handsome, poor fellow ! ' Never, ^ I replied ; and before I knew how it was, I found myself standing on the platform, with Aunt Deborah, and the servants, and the luggage. The great green engine was panting and gasping in front of me, but ponies and pony-carriage and cripple had all vanished like a dream. As we steamed on to London, I sometimes thought it was a dream, not altogether a pleasant one, nor yet exactly the reverse. I should have liked my ad- mirer to have been a little more explicit. It is all very well to talk of being miserable and desperate, and to ring the changes on meeting and parting, and looks and sighs, and all that ; but after all the real question is 'Will you?' or 'Won't you?' and I don't think a man is acting very fairly towards a girl who don't put the case in that way at once, before he allows himself to run into rhapsodies about his feelings and his sufferings, and such matters, which after all lead to nothing, or least to nothing satisfac- tory. To be sure, men are strange creatures ; and, upon my word, I sometimes think they are more troubled with shyness than our own sex. Perhaps it's their diffidence that makes them hesitate so and, 'can you sew a button?' 195 as it were, ' beat about the bush/ when they have only got to ' flush the bircV and shoot it at once, and put it in the game-bag. Perhaps it's their pride for fear of being refused. Now I think it's far more creditable to a man to wear the willow, and take to men dinners and brandy and water for a month or six weeksj than to break a girl's heart for a whole year; and I know it takes nearly that time for a well brought-up young lady to get over a real matri- monial disappointment. However, shy or not shy, they certainly ought to be explicit. It's too bad to miss a chance, because we cannot interpret the meta- phor in which some bashful swain thinks it decorous to couch his proposals ; and I once knew a young lady who, happening to dislike needle-work, and re- plying in the negative to the insidious question, ' Can you sew a button ? ' never knew for months that she had actually declined a man she was really fond of, with large black whiskers, and two-and-twenty hun- dred a-year. Women can't be too cautious. 196 LONDON IN WINTER. CHAPTER XVI. T WAS not sorry to be once again fairly settled in ■*- Lowndes-street. Even in the -winter^ London lias its charms. People donH watch everything you do, or carp at everything you say. If there is more apparent constraint, there is more real liberty than in the country. Besides, you have so much society, and everybody is so much pleasanter in the metro- polis during December than July. The frost had set in again harder than ever. Brilliant and White- Stockings, like ' Speir- Adam's steeds/ veere compelled to ' bide in stall.' John was lingering at the Lloyds or elsewhere in the Principality, though expected back every day. Aunt Deborah was still weak, and had only just sufficient energy to forbid Captain Lovell the house, and insist on my never speaking to him. I can't think what she had found out, or what Aunt Horsingham had told her; but this I know, that if ever I have a daughter, and I don't want her to like Mr. Dash, or to be continually thinking about him, I shall not forbid her to speak to hira, nor shall I take every opportunity of im- pressing on her that he is wild, unprincipled, reck- MRS. LUMLEy's 'old MAN.' I 97 less, and dissipated, and that the only redeeming points about him are his agreeable conversation and his good looks. Altogether, I should have been some- what dull had it not been for Mrs. Lumley ; but of that vivacious lady I saw a good deal, and I confess took a far greater pleasure in her society than on our first acquaintance I should have esteemed possible. When I am ill at ease with myself, not thoroughly satisfied with my own conduct, I always like the society of fast people ; their liberality of sentiment and general carelessness of demeanour convey no tacit reproach on my own want of restraint ; and I feel more at home with them than with such severe moralists as Aunt Horsingham, or hypocritical Cousin Amelia. So I drove and shopped and visited with Mrs. Lumley — nay, I was even permitted, as a great favour, to dine with her on one or two occasions; Aunt Deborah only stipulating that there should be no male addition to the party, except Mr. Lumley himself, or, as the lady of the house termed him, ' her old man.' I confess I liked ' the old man,' and so I think, in her own way, did his wife. Why she married him I cannot think, more particularly as he had not then succeeded to the comfortable fortune they now en- joy : he was little, old, ugly, decrepid, and an invalid, but he was good-nature and contentment personified. I believe he had great talents — for all his want of physical beauty, he had a fine head — but these 198 AN ENTOMOLOGIST. talents were wliolly and unsparingly devoted to one pursuit, — he "was an entomologist. "With a black- beetle and a microscope he was happy for the day. Piles upon piles of manuscripts had he written upon the forms and classification of the bluebottle fly. He could tell you how many legs are flourished by the house-spider, and was thoroughly versed in the anatomy of the common gnat. This pursuit, or science as he called it, engrossed his whole attention. It was fortunate he had such an absorbing occupa- tion, inasmuch as his general debility prevented his entering into any amusement out of doors. His wife and he seemed to understand each other per- fectly. ' My dear,^ he would say, when listening to some escapade that it would have been scarcely prudent to trust to most husbands' ears, ' I never interfere with your butterflies, and 3'ou never trouble yourself about mine. I must, however, do myself the justice to observe, that you get tired of your insects infi- nitely the soonest of the two.' He never inquii'cd where she went, or what she did, but late or early always received her Avith the same quiet welcome, the same sly good-lmmom'cd smile. I firmly believe that with all her levity, whatever scan- dal might say, she was a good wife to him. He trusted her implicitly ; and I think she felt his confidence deserved to be respected. Such was not the opinion of the world, I am well aware ; but we all know the CiESARS WIFE. I 99 charitable construction it is so eager to put on a fair face with a loud laugh and a good set of teeth. Dear me ! if he looked for a lady that had never been talked about, Caesar might have searched London for a wife in vain. Good Mr. Lumley professed a great affection for me, and would occasionally favour me ■with long and technical dissertations, on the interior economy of the flea, for example ; and once in the fulness of his heart confided to his wife, that ' Miss Coventry was really a dear girl: it's my belief, Madge, that if she'd been a man, she'd have been a naturalist.' These little dinners were indeed vastly agreeable. Nobody had such a comfortable house, or such a good cook, or so many pretty things, as Mrs. Lumley. Her ' old man' seemed to enjoy the relaxation of ladies' society after his morning labours and researches. With me he was good-humoured and full of fun; at his wife's jokes and stories, most of them somewhat scandalous, he would laugh till he cried. ' I'm responsible for you. Miss Coventry,' he would say, with a sly laugh ; ' you 're not fit to be trusted with Madge ; upon my life, I believe she is the wildest of the two. If you won't have the car- riage, I must walk back with you myself. How far is it, Madge ? Do you think I can stay the distance, as you sporting people term it in your inexplicable jargon?' *Why, you know you can't get a hundred yards. 200 TEA IN THE BOUDOIR. you foolisli old man,' laughed his wife ; ' a nice cha- perone you 'd make for Kate : why, she 'd have to carry you, and you know youM tumble off even then. No, no, you and I will stay comfortably here by the fire, and I '11 give you your tea and put you tidily to bed : I shan't be at home any other night this week. Kate has a convoy coming for her ; haven't you, Kate? Le beau cousin will take the best possible care of us ; and even prim Aunt Debo- rah Avon't object to our walking back with hi)7i. I believe he came up from Wales on purpose. What would somebody else give to take the charge off his hands ? You needn't blusli, Kate ; I can see through a millstone as far as my neighbours. I 'm not quite such a fool as I look; am I, 'old man?' There's the door-bell. John, ask Mr. Jones if he won't step up and have some tea.' W^e Avere sitting by a blaz- ing fire in th6 boudoir, a snug and beautiful little room, to which no one was admitted but the lady's especial favourites — even the 'old man' never en- tered it during the day. ' Mr. Jones's compliments, and he hopes you '11 excuse him, ma'am,' was the footman's answer on his return; 'but it's very late, and he promised to bring Miss Coventry back by eleven.' 'Well, I'm sure,' said Mrs. Lumley, 'if I was you, Kate, I shouldn't stand his anticipating his authority in this way. Never mind, be a good girl, and do as you 're bid ; pop your bonnet on. Shall GAS-LIGHT WALKS. 201 I lend you an extra shawl ? There^ yon may give my 'old man^ a kiss, if you like. Bless him ! lie^s gone fast asleep. Good night, Kate ; mind you come to luncheon to-morro^y, there ^s a dear.' So saying, ]\Irs. Lumley bid me a most affectionate farewell ; and I found myself leaning on John^s arm, to walk home through the clear frosty night. I do like perambulating London streets by gas- light — of course, with a gentleman to take care of one. It is so much pleasanter than being stewed up in a brougham. Hoav I wish it was the fashion for people to take their bonnets Out to dinner with them, and walk back in the cool fresh air ! If it is delightful even in winter, how mueli more so in the hot summer nights of the season ! Your spirits rise and your nerves brace themselves as you inhale the midnight air, with all its smoky particles, pure by comparison with that which has just been poisoning you in a crowded drawing-room. Your cavalier asks leave to indulge in his * weed,' and you enjoy its fragrance at second-hand, as he puffs con- tentedly away, and chats on in that prosy, confi- dential sort of manner, which no man ever succeeds in assuming, save with a cigar in his mouth. John lit his, of course ; but was less communicative, to my fancy, than usual. After asking me if I had ' enjoyed a pleasant evening,' and whether ' I pre- ferred walking,' he relapsed into a somewhat con- strained silence. I, too, walked on without speaking. 202 JOHN S AVERSION. Much as I love the uight, it always makes me rather melancholy ; and I dare say we should have got to Lowndes-street without exchanging a syllable, had not some imp of mischief prompted me to cross- examine my cousin a little upon his sejour in Wales, and to quiz him, half spitefully, on his supposed penchant for pretty Fanny Lloyd. John rose freely in a moment. ' I know where you pick up all this nonsense, Kate,' he burst out quite savagely ; ' I know wliere half the scandal and half the mischief in London originates ! With that odious woman whose house we have just quitted, whose tongue cannot be still for a single moment ; who never by any chance speaks a word of truth ; and who is seldom so happy as when she is making mischief. I pity that poor decrcpid husband of hers, though he ought to keep her in better order, yet it is a hard case upon any man to be tied to such a Jezebel as that.' ' The Jezebel, as you call her, John,' I interposed quietly, ' is my most intimate friend.' ' That 's exactly what I complain of,' urged my cousin; 'that's my great objection to her, Kate; that 's one of the things that I do believe is driving me out of my senses day by day. You know I do n't wish you to associate with her ; you know that I object extremely to your being seen everywhere in her company. But you do n't care ; the more I ex- postulate, the more obstinate and wilful you seem to become.' A QUAEREL. 203 It is my turn to be angry now. ' Obstinate and wilful, indeed ! ' I repeated, draw- ing myself up. ' I should like to know what right you have to apply such terms to me ? Who gave you authority to choose my society for me ? or to deter- mine where I shall go or what I shall do? You presume on your relationship, John ; you take an ungenerous advantage of the regard and affection which I have always entertained for you.' John was mollified in an instant. ' Do you entertain regard and affection for me, Kate ? ' said he ; 'do you value my good opinion, and consider me as your dearest and best friend?' ^Of course I do, John,' was my reply. ' HavenH we known each other from childhood ? and are you not like a brother to me ? ' John's face fell a little, and his voice shook as he spoke : ' Am I never to be more than a brother to you ? never to obtain a greater interest in you, a larger share of your regard than I have now? Lis- ten to me, Kate — I have something to tell you, and I can put it off no longer. This delay, this uncer- tainty day by day, I do believe will drive me mad. Kate, I promised Aunt Deborah faithfully that I would never enter on this subject till you came of age, and you know by your father's will you do n't come of age till you 're five-and-twenty. ' By that time, John,' said my Aunt, ' Kate will have seen plenty of others, and be old enough to know her 204 AN EXPLANATION. OAvn mind. If she takes you then, she takes you with her eyes open^ and she won't get tired of you, and find out she likes some one else better. Promise me, John, that you ^11 wait till then.' And I did promise, Kate ; but I can 't keep my word — I can 't wait in this state of anxiety and uncertainty', and perhaps lose you after all. It 's too great a stake to play for, if one is to be kept so long in suspense, and I have resolved to be put out of my pain one way or the other.' John paused. I had never seen him so excited before ; he Avas quite hot, though the night was keen and frosty ; his arm trembled as mine leant upon it ; and though his cigar was gone out, he kept puffing away, utterly unconscious of the fact. He seemed to expect an answer. I hesitated. I did not know what to reply. I had got so accustomed to Cousin John, that I never looked upon him in any other light than that of a favourite brother, a constant companion and friend. Moreover, I was not pre- pared to take any such decisive step as that to which he now seemed to be urging me. There is a great difference between lihing people, and giving them power of life and death over one for the rest of one's days. I will not say that the image of another did not rise before me in all its winning beauty, as I had seen it last, scarcely one short week ago. Altogether, I did not know what to say; so I wisely said nothing, but walked on, looking straight before me, with an IN A CORNER. 205 uncomfortable feeling that I was driven into a corner, and should ere long be compelled to do that which is always distasteful to our liberty-loving sex — namely, to ' make up my mind/ John, too, walked on for a few paces in silence. We were at the corner of Lowndes-street. There was not a soul to be seen but our two selves. All at once he stopped short under the light of a lamp, and looked me full in the face. ' Kate,' said he, in a grave, deliberate voice, 'you know what I mean — Yes or No?' I shook like a leaf. What would I have given to have been able to take counsel of one of my own sex — Mrs. Lumley, Aunt Deborah, or even cold, pitiless Lady Horsingham ! But I had to choose for myself. I felt that the turning-point of my destiny had arrived — that the game was in my own hand, and that now I ought to decide one way or the other. I shrank from the responsibility. Like a very woman, I adopted a middle course. ' Give me time, John,' I pleaded, ' give me time to weigh matters over in my own mind. This is an affair that equally concerns the happiness of each of us. Do not let us decide in a hurry. Aunt Deborah was quite right ; her wishes ought to be my law. When I am five-and-twenty it will be soon enough to enter on this subject again. In the in- terval, believe me, John, I have the greatest regard and esteem for you.' 206 MY cousin's QUESTIONS. ' Nothing more, Kate?' said John, looking as if he did n't know whether he was pleased or annoyed — ' nothing but esteem ?' * Well, I must n't say any more,' was my reply, ' but you know you have that.^ John's face brightened considerably. ' And in the mean time, Kate,' he urged, ' you won't allow yourself to be entangled with any one else ?' ' Of coui'se not,' was my vigorous disclaimer : and by this time we had arrived at my aunt's door, and it was time to say ' Good night.' ' What 's the matter, Kate?' exclaimed Mrs. Lum- ley, when I called to lunch with her the following day, according to promise. 'You look pale and worried. For goodness' sake, tell me what has happened. Have you found out the rover trans- ferring his adoration to Miss Molasses ? or did mon cousin take advantage of the hour and the opportu- nity to lecture us last night on our love of admiration and general levity of conduct? Tell me all about it, dear. We sha' n't be disturbed. I 'm not ' at home ' to a soul, and my old man is busy dissecting an earwig, so he 's quite safe till dinner-time. Sit you down on the sofa, out with your pocket-hand- kerchief, and make a clean breast of it !' I told her the whole of my conversation with my cousin the previous night, only suppressing the im- flattering opinions he had thought fit to express of my present confidante. 'And oh, Mrs. Lumlcy !' I MRS. LUMXEY's advice. 207 exclaimed^ as I concluded, ' how could I sleep a wink last night, with all this to harass and reproach me ? No wonder I'm pale and worried, and perfectly miserable. I feel I 'm behaving shamefully to John, and not at all rightly towards Captain Lovell. I know I ought to come to an understanding with my cousin, and that Frank ought to be more explicit with me. I could n't have given a decided answer last night if my life had depended on it. I can't give up the one without knowing exactly whether he means honestly (if I thought he did, Mrs. Lumley, nothing should induce me to throw him over) ; and I don't like to make the other miserable, which I am sure I should do if I refused him point-blank; nor do I think I could do at all well Avithout him, accustomed as I have been to depend upon him for everything from childhood. So I have wavered and prevaricated, and behaved disingenuously, almost falsely — and Avhat must he think of me now?' 'Think of you, my dear?' replied my worldly friend ; ' why of course he thinks of you more than ever. There is nothing like uncertainty, Kate, to keep them well up to the collar. You should always treat men like the beasts of the field. If you want to retain the upper hand of him, ride an adorer as you do Brilliant, my dear : a light hand, with just enough liberty to make him fancy he is going quite at his ease; and then, when he is getting a little careless, and least expects it, give him such a jerk as 208 HOW TO MANAGE THEM. makes his fine moutli smart agaiu. He ^11 wiuce witli the pain, and very likely rear straight-on-end ; but he ^11 be all on his haunches well under control, and go much the pleasanter during the rest of the day. Never mind how much they suffer, it 's very good for them, and they will like you all the better for it/ ' That may answer very well with some,^ I replied, 'but I should be afraid to try the experiment too often. I am sure Brilliant would break away alto- gether if I used him so. And I think the very man that minds it most would be the least likely to stand a repetition of such treatment. No, Mrs. Lumley, I fear I must now choose between Frank and my cousin. The latter has behaved honoui'ably, con- siderately, and kindly, and like a thorough gentle- man. The former seems to think I am to be at his beck and call, indeed, whenever he chooses. He has never been to see me diu'ing the whole of this past week. At Dangerfield, he was as little careful of my reputation as he was of his own limbs. Did I tell you how nearly drowned he w^as crossing the moat ? How you would have laughed, j^ou Avicked, unfeeling woman, if you had heard the splash that cold, snowy night ! And then to disguise himself like a tramp, and stop those runaway ponies at the risk of his life, that he might speak three words to me before I Avent away. I will say for him, that he is afraid of nothing; but I cannot conceal from WHY NOT both: 209 myself which has behaved best towards me. And yet^ Mrs. Lumley/ I concluded, rising and walking off to the window, ' I would rather have Frank for a lover than Cousin John for a husband/ ' Many people would suggest there was no impos- sibility in your having both, but I don^t give such bad advice as that/ replied Mrs. Lumley; 'however, Kate, do nothing in a hurry — that's my counsel. I grant you, I think Master Frank a very slippery gentleman. I do know some curious stories about him; but I never tell tales out of school. In the meantime, you are, after all, only suffering from an embarras de richesses ; it's far better to have too many suitors than none at all. Come, I '11 take you out shopping with me till five ; then we '11 have some tea, and you can go home quietly to dinner, and ask Aunt Deborah's leave to join me at the French play. I 've got a capital box, and I '11 send the carriage for you. "Wait half a second, whilst I put on my bonnet.' So we went off shopping, and we had our tea, and I found no objections from Aunt Deborah to my going out again in the evening ; and I was so restless I did not the least grudge the trouble of dressing, or anything to take me away from my own thoughts. But all the afternoon and all the evening I made up my mind that I would give up Frank Lovell. A little resolution was all that was needed. It was plain he did not really care for me. Why, p CLIO GOOD INTENTIONS. he wasn't even in London, though he knew quite well I had been there more than a week. Very likely I should n't see him all the winter, and my heart sank as I thought how much easier this M'ould make my sacrifice. At all events, I determined, when I did see him, to be cold, and demure, and unmoved, and to show him unmistakeably that I belonged to another — in which Spartan frame of mind I betook myself to the French play. Alas, alas ! well may the bard complain — "Woman's vows are writ in water ; Woman's faith is traced in sand. Who should be in the back of the box but Frank Lovell himself! Mischievous ]Mrs. Lumley, was this your doing ? Before I went away, I had pro- mised to meet him next morning in the park, and he was to explain all. CROSS-QUESTIONS. 2 I I CHAPTER XVII. T HOPE I have as much command of countenance as falls to the lot of any lady who don't paint; but when I returned from my walk in the Park the following morning, I must have looked flushed or excited, or in some way different from usual. I met John at the corner of Lowndes-street, and he stop- ped short and looked me piercingly in the face. ' Where have you been, Kate ? ' said he, without waiting to bid me ' good morning' or anything. ' A little stroll in the Park, John/ was my reply. ' By yourself?' he asked; and his face looked pale and grave. I cannot tell a story, so I hesitated and stam- mered — ' No, not exactly — at least, I met an acquaintance near the Serpentine.' ' Have you any objection to telling me who it was ? ' said John ; and his voice sounded very strange. ' Good gracious ! what 's the matter ? ' I asked, in my tm-n. ' Has anything happened ? Are you ill, John ? You look quite upset.' ' I insist upon knowing,' answered he, without 2 12 AND CROOKED ANSWERS. taking the slightest notice of my tender inquiries after his health. ' Did you or did you not meet Captain Lovell this morning in Hyde-Park ? ' ' Yes^ I certainly did meet him/ I replied. 'Accidentally?^ exclaimed my cousin, 'Why — no — not entirely/ was my answer; ' but the fact is ' ' Enough ! ' burst out John, breaking in on my explanations with a rudeness I had never before seen him exhibit. ' Kate, I have been deceived in you. I thought, at least, you were candid and straight- forward : I find you faithless, ungrateful, ungene- rous ! But I will not reproach you/ he added, cheeking himself by a strong effort : ' it is only natural, I conclude, for a Avoman to be false. I thought you were different from the rest, and I was a fool for my pains. Kate, let us understand each other at once. I offered you last night all that man could give. I had a right to expect an answer then and there. I thought I had a favourable one, and I have spent twelve hours of happiness. I now see that I have deceived mj'self. Perhaps I value my own worth too highly; I own I feel sore and ag- grieved, but you shall not be the sufferer. Kate, I am only ' Cousin John' once more. Give me a few days to get over a natural disappointment, and you and I will be friends and playfellows as we used to be. Shake hands, Kate; I spoke harshly, in a moment of anger — it is over now. God bless you, deal* !' JOHN IMPROVES. 213 And with these words John walked away, and left me standing on that eventful doorstep which seemed to witness all the changes and chances of my life. How stately was his walk as he strode down the street ! I watched him all the way to the corner^ but he never once looked back. John was grown much handsomer of late ; he used to be too ruddy and prosperous-looking and boyish, but his counte- nance had altered considerably in the last two or three months — only, seeing him every day, I did not remark the change. Lady Scapegrace had found it out the first. I perfectly remember her saying to me, on the day of our Greenwich dinner — ' My dear, your cousin has a great deal in him, if one did but know how to get it out. You have no idea what a good-looking man he would be, if you could only succeed in making him ill and unhappy.' Poor John ! I am afraid I had made him un- happy, even now. It struck me he had a nobler bearing than Captain Lovell himself; although, of course, I could not think him so graceful, or so handsome, or half so charming as my dear Frank. I rushed into the house and locked myself in my boudoir, to think over and dwell upon the many events of that most eventful morning. My happy walk, my delightful companion, whose soft voice was still whispering in my ear — whose every look and gesture 1 could recall, even to the wind freshening his handsome brow and waving his clustering locks. 214 LAST LOOKS. How happy and contented I felt by his side! and yet — there was a something. I was not satisfied — I was not thoroughly at ease : my cousin's face would intrude itself upon my thoughts. I could not get out of my head the tone of manly kindness and regret in which he had last addressed me. I re- flected on his sincerity, his generosity, his undeviat- ing fidelity and good-humour, till my heart smote me to think of all he suffered for my sake ; and I began to wonder whether I was worthy of being so much cared for, and whether I was justified in throwing all this faith and truth away. Reader, have you ever lived for weeks and weeks in a place which bored you to death? Have you learned to loathe every tree and shrub and hedge- row in the dreary landscape? Have you shivered up and down the melancholy walks, and yawned through the dull, dark rooms, till you began to think the hour never woidd arrive that was to re- store you once again to liberty and light? And then, when the hour has come at last, have you been able to take your departure without some half- reproachful feeling akin to melancholy — Avithout some slight shade of regret to think that much as you have hated it, you look upon it all now for the last time ? Perhaps the sun breaks out and shines upon the old place as you catch yom* last glimpse. Ah ! it never used to shine like that when you could see it from those windows every day ; you almost "vviiicii IS rrr 215 wish your departure had been put off till the mor- row ; you think if you were back again, the walks would not be so very melancholy, the rooms no longer so dull and gloomy. You sigh because you are leaving it, and wonder at youi'self for doing so. It is the same thing with friends, and more espe- cially with those who would fain assume a tenderer title — we never know their value but by their loss. ' If it wasn't for Frank,' I began to think, ' I really believe I might have been very happy with Cousin John. Of course it's impossible now; and, as he says himself, he '11 never be anything but a cousin to me. Poor John ! he 's a noble, true-hearted, un- selfish, generous fellow.' But to return to my walk. When a lady and gentleman meet each other by appointment, either at the edge of the Serpentine or elsewhere, their conversation is not generally of a nature to be re- lated in detail, nor is it to be presumed that their colloquy would prove as interesting to the general public as to themselves. What I learnt of Frank's private history, his views, feelings, and intentions, on that morning, I may as well give in m}^ own words, suppressing divers interruptions, protesta- tions, and interjections, which, much as they added to its zest, necessarily rather impeded the course of the narrative, and postponed its completion till long after I ought to have been back at lun- cheon. 2i6 Frank's antecedents. Frank had been an only child, and spoiled as only children are in nine cases out of ten. His father was a peer's second son, and married a wealthy cotton-spinner's niece for the sake of her money, which money lasted him about as long as his own constitution. When he died, the widow was left with ten thousand pounds and the handsome, curly- pated, mischievous boy. She soon followed her hus- band : poor thing, she was very fond of him, and he had neglected her shamefvdly. The boy Avent to his uncle — the peer, not his uncle the mill-owner — to be brought up. Frank was consequently what the world calls a 'well-bred one'; his name was in the Peerage, though he had a first cousin once removed who was but an industrious weaver. The peer of course sent him to Eton. ' Ten thousand pounds/ said that judicious rela- tive, Mvill buy him his commissions. The lad's handsome and clever ; he can play whist now better than my boy's private tutor. By the time his ten thousand's gone, we'll pick up an heiress for him. 'Gad ! how like my poor brother he is about the eyes ! ' So Frank was started in life with a commission in the Light Dragoons, an extremely good opinion of himself, and as much of his ten thousand pounds as he had not already anticipated during the one term he spent at Oxford before he was rusticated. By the way, so many of my partners, and other young A GENTLEMAN-LIKE EDUCATION. 2x7 gentlemen witli whom I am acquainted, have gone through this process, that it was many years before I discovered the meaning of the term; for long I understood ncstication to be merely a playful form of expression for ' taking a degree ' ; and I was the more confirmed in this impression from observing that those who had experienced this treatment were spoken of with high respect and approbation by their fellow-collegians. What odd creatures young men are ! I can un- derstand their admiring prowess in field-sports and athletic pursuits, just as I could understand one's admiring a statesman, an author, an artist, or a successful man in any pursuit of life; but why they should think it creditable to get drunk, to run into debt, to set at defiance all the rules and regulations enacted for their own benefit, and to conduct themselves in unswerving opposition to the wishes of their nearest and dearest friends, and all to do themselves as much harm as possible, is more than I can comprehend. Girls are not wrong-headed like this. Where the son is the source of all the annoyance, and ill-humour, and retrenchment in a family, the daughter is generally the mainstay, and comfort, and sunshine of the whole house. When shall we poor women be done justice to? But to return to Frank. By his own account he was a gambler, of course. A man turned loose upon the world, with such an education as most 11 Q BOYHOODS IDEAL. English gentlemen deem befitting their sons, and "without means to indulge the tastes that education has led him to acquire, is very likely to become so. As a boy, the example of his elders teaches him to look upon frivolous distinction as the great end and aim of life, whilst that of his comrades leads him to neglect all study as dry, to despise all application as 'slow.' At home he hears some good-looking, grown-up cousin, or agreeable military uncle, admired and commented on for being such ' a capital shot,' — ' such a good cricket-player,' — ' such an undeniable rider to hounds,' — what wonder the boy grows up thinking that these accomplishments alone are the very essentials of a gentleman? At school, if he makes an eflFort at distinction in school-hows, he is stigmatised by his comrades as a ' sop/ and derided for his pursuit of the very object it is natiu'al to suppose he has been sent there to attain. AYliat wonder he hugs idleness as his bosom-friend, and loses all his powers of application in their disuse. Then come the realities of manhood, for which he is so ill prepared. In the absence of all useful know- ledge and practical pursuits, amusement becomes the business of life. Human nature cannot be idle, and if not doing good, is pretty sure to be doing harm. Pleasure, excitement, and fashionable dissipation, must be purchased, and paid for pretty dearly, in hard coin of the realm. The younger son, with his A LADY-KILLER. 219 ten thousand pounds, must soar in the same flight, must ^go as fast' as his elder brother with ten thousand a-year. How is it to be done? Why, of course, he must make money, if he can, by betting and play. So it goes on smoothly enough for a time. The Arch-croupier below, they say, arranges these matters for beginners; but the luck turns at last. The capital is eaten into ; the Jews are called in; and the young gentleman is ruined. Frank, I think, at this time was in a fair way of arriving pretty rapidly at the customary catastrophe. He had gone through the whole educational process I have described above, had been regularly and sys- tematically ^spoilt,' was a habitual gambler, and a confirmed ' dandy.' The ladies all liked him much, and I confess I don't wonder at it. Always good- humoured, never sentimental (I hate a sentimental man), invariably well-dressed, with a very good opinion of his own attractions, Frank could make himself agreeable in all societies. He had never been troubled with shyness as a boy, and in his manhood was as ' cool a hand ' as one would meet with often even in London. Then he had plenty of courage, which made the men respect him; and, above all, was very good-looking, an advantage which, doubtless, has a certain weight even with our far- sighted and reflective sex. I never quite made out the rights of his liaison, or whatever people call it, with Lady Scapegrace; nor 2 20 IMMUNITY. do I think his own account entirely satisfactory. He assured me that he met her first of all at a masked ball in Paris, that she mistook him for some one else, and confided a great deal to his ears which she would not have entrusted to any one save the individual she supposed him to be ; that when she discovered her mistake she was in despair, and that his discretion and respect for her feelings had made her his fast friend for life. I cannot tell how this may be, but that they were great friends I have had reason to know too well. He declared, however, that he looked upon her ' quite as a sister.' I do not think, though she is always very kind to me, that I should exactly like her for a sister-in-law I certainly have knowoi Lady Scapegrace do some most extraordinary things — such things as no other woman would be permitted to do without drawing down the abuse of the world : if she had been fair, and rosy, and pleasing, people would have scouted her; but she was dark, and stern, and commanding. The world was afraid of her, and it is very true that ' in the world one had better be feared than loved.' Scandal did not dare say all it thought of Lady Scapegrace; and if she brought Frank Lovell home in her carriage, or went to the opera alone with Count Coquin, or was seen day after day perambulating Kensington Gardens arm-in-arm with young Greenfinch, of the Life Guards, instead of shouting and hissing, and, so to speak, peliinrj her ofl* the stage, the world lifted its L ENFANT DE LA MAISOX. 221 fingers to its lips, shrugged up its worldly shoulders, and merely remarked — ' Always was very odd, poor woman ! Hers has been a cui'ious history — little cracked, I think, now — but what a handsome creature she was years ago, when I left school, before ijou were born, my boy V Whatever may have been her carelessness of ap- pearances and levity of manner, I think it was never for an instant supposed that she liked any human being half so much as she hated Sir Guy. Then, again, Sir Guy and Frank were fast friends, almost inseparable. They say Frank kept things right between the ill-assorted pair, and that his good offices had many a time interposed to prevent scenes of abuse and violence, such as must have ended in a separation at least. I was not quite clear that Frank's regard for the coach-driving baronet was alone at the bottom of all this friendship. I cannot conceive two men much worse suited to each other; but Frank vowed, when I cross-questioned him on the subject, which I thought I had a right to do, that he was under the greatest possible obligations to Sir Guy, that the latter had even lent him money, and stood by him when such assistance was most valuable ; and that he looked upon him as a brother, just as he looked upon her ladyship as a sister. It seems to have been quite a family party altogether. Frank warmed with the topic. ' You will hear me talked about with all sorts of 2 22 DISINTERESTED. people, Kate/ said he, as we took about our twen- tieth turn, each of which I had protested should be the last ; ' but the world is so officious and mischief- making, you must never believe a word it says. They know I ara ruined, and they choose to decide that I must be making up to some wealthy young lady. As if / was a man to marry for money ! as if I cared for anything on earth but one person, and that for the sake of her own dear self alone. You ask me about Miss Molasses ; you declare I am con- tinually riding with her, and dancing with her, and what you ladies call ' paying her attention ' — that yellow, lackadaisical miss ! Do you think I Avould marry her if she had half a million ? Do you think I could stand those sentimental airs, that smattering of learning, and affectation of being poetical, and romantic, and blue ? I, who have only lately learned what a woman should be, and what a treasure such a woman is ! No, no ; I have known the A^'hole family from a child; I can't quite stand the lady part of it, but old Molasses is a right good fellow, and one must be civil to them all. No, no, Kate, with my many faults, I am a ver}'^ different person from what you seem to think. I have my hopes and wishes, certainly, but " I can't possibly go on to relate tlie conclusion of Frank's rhapsody, but he took great pains to con- vince me that if there was ever a high-principled, pure-minded, much injured individual, that cxcmu- UNDECIDED. 223 plary character was the gentleman now walking by my side; and I was convinced, but at the same time not exactly satisfied. In thinking over the whole of our conversation, I could gather nothing very defi- nite, nothing that led to any particular result, from it. One thing was clear to my mind, and that was at all events a gratifying reflection. Frank did not seem to be awa,re that I had any worldly prospects whatever — it was evident that if he liked me he liked me entirely for myself. I confess I should not wish to be a great heiress ; I should always be fancy- ing that it was the ' fine eyes of my casket/ as the French say, which attracted my admirers; and I could not stand that. No, Frank was not mercenary, I was sure, and if even — why the competency I should be possessed of would be an agreeable sur- prise. If, indeed ! Nothing was clear, nothing was settled ; what a fool I was to dwell so upon an un- certainty, to anchor my hopes upon a dream ! I was not all comfortable that afternoon : the more I thought, the more I walked about my boudoir, in a state of high fidget and restlessness. One thing, however, was consolatory — the frost was breaking. Already in London it was a decided thaw, and I went to pay Brilliant a visit in the stable. Now I dare say I shall be considered very bold and unladylike, and unfeminine — that's the word — for owning that I do indeed enjoy paying my favourites a visit in their comfortable quarters. It's worth a good 224 MY FAVOURITE. deal to see Brilliant's reception of me when I approach his stable. From the instant I enter his abode and he hears my voice, he begins to move restlessly to and fro, whisking his dear tail, cocking his ears, and paw- ing up his ' litter,' till indeed that word alone de- scribes the state to which he reduces his bed ; then when I go up to him, he lays back his ears with sheer delight, and gives a jump, as if he was going to kick me, and whisks that thin tail about more than ever. I lay my cheek to his smooth soft skin, and he nestles his beautiful head in my arms, and pokes his pretty muzzle into my pockets, and seems to ask for bits of bread and sugar and other delicacies, all of which are conferred upon him forthwith. I am sure he has more sense than a dog, and a great deal more affection than most men. I don't care how shniff and ' bad style ' people may think me, but I feel every one of those strong flat black legs, and look into his hoofs, hind feet and all, and turn his rug up to see that he has been properly cleaned and treated as he deserves ; for I love Brilliant and Brilliant loves me. It has sometimes been my lot to have an ach- ing heart, as I conclude it is the lot of all here below. Like the rest of my fellow-creatures, I have been stung by ingratitude, lacerated by indifference where I had a right to expect attachment ; or worst of all, forced to confess myself deceived, wlicre I had bestowed regard and esteem. When I feel sore and unhappy on any or all of these points, nothing 'sweet sympathy.' 225 consoles and softens me so much as the affection of a dumb animal, more particularly a horse. His honest grave face seems to sympathize in one's grief, without obtruding the impertinence of curiosity or the mockery of consolation. He gives freely the affec- tion one has been disappointed in finding elsewhere, and seems to stand by one in his brute vigour and generous unreasoning nature like a true friend. I always feel inclined to pour my griefs into poor Brilliant's unintelligent ears, and many a tear have I shed nestling close to my favourite, with my arms round him like a child's round its nurse's neck. That very afternoon, when I had made sure there was no one else in the stable, I leaned my head against Brilliant's firm warm neck, and sobbed, like a fool as I was. 226 THE CALF. CHAPTER XYIII. f^ ENTLE]MEN think it riglit to affect a contempt for stag-huntings and many a battle have I had with Cousin John -when he has provoked mc by 'pooh-poohiug' that exhilarating amusement. I generally get the best of the argument : I put a few pertinent questions to him which he cannot answer satisfactorily. I ask him, ^"What is your principal object in going out hunting ? Is it to learn the habits of the wild animal or to watch the instinct of the hound that pursues him ? Do you enjoy seeing a fox ivcdked to deaths as you call it, on a cold-scenting day — or do you care for the finest hunting run that ever was seen in a woodland country ? Have I not heard you say a hundred times, when questioned as to your morning sport, 'Oh, wretched ! hounds never went any pace! — couldn't shake off the crowd — yes, we killed our fox ; but the whole thing Avas dead slow?' or else exclaim, with a face of delight, ' The fastest thing I have seen for years ! Eighteen minutes up wind, extra pace ! not a soul but myself in the same field with them Avhen they threw their heads up. Fox Avas back, of course, and we never recovered WHY DO YOU HUNT? 227 him, but it was by far tbe best gallop of the season ?' It is evident to me that what you like is riding a good hunter fast over a stiff country — going a turn better than your neighbours, and giving your own skill that credit which is due to the superiority of your horse. You only consider the hounds as a fleeting object at which to ride ; the fox as a neces- sary evil, without which all this ^rasping' and ' bruising ' and ' cutting down/ as you call it in your ridiculous jargon, cannot be attained. Why, then, do you waste so much energy, and money, and civility, and ' soft-sawder,^ to preserve the vulpine race ? Why don't you all hunt with stag -hounds, or, better still, devote yourselves to a drag, when you may gallop and jump and bustle about, and upset your horses, and break your own necks to your heart's content ? To all of which John answers, as men invariably do when they are worsted, 'that women can't enter into these things, and I am talk- ing great nonsense about what I don't understand.' However, let him despise ' the calf,' as he termed it, as much as he liked, I was not going to be stewed up in London, with the wind at south-west, the ther- mometer 45°, and the mud over one's ankles, whilst Brilliant and White-Stockings were eating their heads off in the stable; so I took advantage of John's good-nature to exact a promise that he would take me doAvn and show me her Majesty's stag- hounds in the field ; and on the express stipulation 228 THE GITANA. that Mrs. Lumley should join our party, and that Ave should confine ourselves religiously to the lanes, I was promised the enjoyment of a day^s hunting. John did everything I asked him now, he was even kinder than he used to he, hut it was a different sort of kindness, and it cut me to the heart. Still, the idea was enchanting : the Great "Western made a delightful cover-hack. We sent our horses on by the early train. The place of meeting was scarcely three miles from the station, so we had time to settle ourselves comfortably in the saddle, and to avoid the fuss and parade of two ladies in their habits stepping out of a first-class carriage into the midst of a metropolitan field. I ran my eye jealously over the brown mare as Mrs. Lumley jogged quietly along by my side, and I confess I had my misgivings whilst contemplating the easy pliant seat and firm graceful figure of her mistress, the strong lengthy frame and beautiful proportions of the mare herself; but then, Brilliant felt so light and elastic under me, the day was so soft and fresh, the country air so fragrant, and the dewdrops sparkling so brilliantly on the leafless hedges, that my courage rose with my spirits, and I felt as if I could ride anywhere or do anything in sheer gladness of heart. '^Mr. Jones is very strict,' said my companion, taking the brown marc lightly on the curb, and putting her into a canter along a level piece of sward by the road-side ; ' he declares he only takes charge THE queen's stag-hounds. 229 of US imder the solemn promise that there is to be no jumping. For my part^ I never do what I am told, Kate, do you?' 'I always do as I like with John/ said I; 'but then I always like to do what he wishes.' My cousin's sorrowful smile almost brought the tears into my eyes. 'I daresay he's quite right/ rejoined Mrs. Lum- ley ; ' for my part, I've no nerves left now ; if you'll promise not to jump, I'll promise too. What say you, Kate — is it a bargain?' ' Agreed,' I replied ; and just then a turn in the lane brought us into full view of the meet of Her Majesty's stag-hounds. What a motley assemblage it was ! At first I could not catch a glimpse of the hounds themselves, or even the servants, for the crowd, mostly of foot- people, that surrounded them. Where did these queer-looking pedestrians come from? They were not agricultural labourers, they were not towns- people nor operatives nor mechanics ; they were the sort of people that one never sees except on such an occasion as this. I believe if I was in the habit of attending low pigeon-matches, dog-fights, or steeple- chases, in ' the Harrow county,' I should recognise most of them enjoying the spectacle of such diver- sions. One pecviliarity I remarked amongst them, with scarcely an exception. Although in the last stage of shabbiness, their clothes had all been once 230 A WELL-KNOWN CHARACTER. of fasliionable texture and good material ; but they entirely neglected the ' unities ' in their personal apparel. A broad-cloth coat, much the -worse for wear, was invariably surmounted by a greasy cap; whilst he who rejoiced in a beaver, usually battered in at the crown and encircled by a tag of threadbare crape, was safe to have discarded his upper garment, and to appear in his waistcoat and shirt-sleeves. A xdvy sweep, in the full uniform of his profession, was by far the most respectable-looking personage of the lot. They clustered round the pack, and seemed to make remarks, more or less sarcastic, amongst them- selves. As they opened out a little, I observed a very aristocratic-looking old man, clad in most gor- geous apparel of scarlet and gold, and seated on a remarkably handsome powerful horse, long and low, with great strength in small compass, and to all appearance quite thoroughbred. ' That 's the huntsman,' said ]\Irs. Lumley, who kindly undertook to be my cicerone, for she often enjoyed ' a day with the Queen's,' and was quite at home here; 'he'll be so glad to see me. "We're great friends — if you like, Kate, I '11 introduce you.' I declined the honour as rather too public. ' But/ said I, Mo tell me who is in that green carriage with its back to us. Is it Prince Albert?' Mrs. Lumloy laughed. ' Not exactly, my dear,' she replied ; ' that 's the THE MASTER. 23 I €alf ! Come a little this way ; and when they open the door, we shall see him bounce out/ So we edged our horses off to a spot at which the foot- people were already beginning to congregate, and sat there quietly anticipating the ' enlargement of the deer/ ' What are we waiting for now ? ' I asked, at length, when my patience was nearly worn out. * Why don't we begin ? ' 'The Master of the Buekhounds, of course,' re- plied my cicerone. ' He 's not come yet. You know, Kate, it's a political appointment, and they gene- rally giA^e it to somebody who hates hunting, and particularly stag-hunting, more than anything ; so, of course, he wisely comes as late and goes home as early as he can. But this man is a good sportsman and a thorough gentleman, and very fond of it too ; so we shall not have to wait much longer.' In fact, the words were hardly out of her mouth, before a carriage-and-four drove up, containing three very gentleman-like, good-looking men, 'got up' to the utmost extent of hunting splendour, and looking the very personification of that dandyism which Melton engrafted upon London would be likely to produce. When they were mounted, I am obliged to confess, that those magnificent animals made 'Brilliant' himself look small. By this time there was great excitement amongst the foot-people; and an official in gold-lace, a sort of mounted beadle. 232 THE DEER ENLARGED. riding up with a heavy-thonged whip, cleared a lane at the back of the cart which I had so erroneously imagined to contain the Prince Consort. The doors flew open, and I was all eyes to witness the magni- ficent sight of ' the monarch of the Avaste^ leaping forth into the sunshine, exulting in his freedom. Shall I confess that I was somewhat disappointed? A neutral-coloured beast, something like a donkey, bundled out in a clumsy, unwilling sort of manner, and on his egress commenced cropping the grass with the utmost sang froicl and placidity. l\Iy friend the sweep threw his cap at him. He raised his head, shorn of its branching honours, and, after staring about him, trotted quietly off amongst the specta- tors, closely followed by two well-mounted officials, termed, I believe, ^flappers' by disrespectful sports- men; but whose duty, it appears, is to keep the chase in view till it either beats them off for pace, or leaves them 'planted^ at some large awkward impediment, the latter obstacle generally presenting itself in about three fields. On this occasion I saw the deer trot quite composedly up to a high thorn fence of at least six feet, and clear it without an eff'ortj whereon its pursuers, looking blandly around for gate or gap, and finding none, prudently returned to their fellow-officials in scarlet and gold-lace — I conclude, to report upon their own inefficiency. In the meantime, nobody seemed to be in a hurry ; there was, indeed, some slight stir among the THE START. 2^2 equestrians ; but tliere was no throwing away of cigars — no drawing of girths and taking up of curb- chains — none of the bustle and confusion created by the departure of a wild fox over a grass country. On the contrary, every one here seemed to know exactly how much time he had to spare. We ladies were naturally the most impatient of the throng. Presently the huntsman looked at his watch, and said something to the noble Master, who looked at his, and replied, ' I think we may begin.' There was a slight bustle among the ' knowing ones^; two or three officers of the Life-Guards stole forward a few paces ; one of the officials cracked his whip ; and ere I knew exactly w^hat had happened, the hounds were streaming away over an adjoining field, ' heads up and sterns down,' running perfectly mute, but at a pace which would have astonished my old friends of the Heavytop country to no small extent. Several desperate speculators were making frightful efforts for a start. Two of the Life-Guards- men were settled with the hounds, and the third would have been, had he not been 'turned over' by an uncompromising flight of rails. Four London dealers and a young Berkshire farmer were flourish- ing about, determined to show their horses whilst they were fresh; the noble Master and his aristo- cratic friends were pounding down a lane running parallel to tlie line of chase. Mrs. Lumley was getting excited, and ' the Gitana' reared straight on 234 ' FOLLOW-Jiy-LEADER.' end, ' Brilliant' was fighting most disagreeably with his bridle, and John nervously endeavouring to quiet our horses, and prevail on ourselves to submit to his guidance. We did follow him into the lane; but here what a scene of confusion it was ! Mild eques- trians, much at the mercy of their infuriated steeds ; hot foot-people springing out of the way of the charging squadrons, and revenging themselves for threatened annihilation by sarcastic jeers, not alto- gether undeserved. 'Give me a lead. Sir!' implored a good-looking light-weight — who was evidently not in his usual place, and most anxious to get out of the lane — to a fat, jolly old sportsman in a green coat and brass buttons, on a stiff bay horse. *■ Certainly, Sir,' said the good-natured man ; and turned his horse short at the fence, closely followed by the gentleman he was so ready to oblige. The bank was rotten, and the bay horse unwilling. As might have been expected, the green coat kissed mother earth ; whilst his own horse and his pursuer and his pursuer's horse rolled about on the top of him in a most complicated game of all-fours. As they picked each other up, I heard the fat man in green, much to my astonishment, apologising for the accident with the greatest ' cmpressement .^ ' A thousand pai'dons, my dear sir ! IIow could I be so clumsy? — it might have been a most serious accident ! ' All of which excuses the aggressor, as MRS. LU^JLEY BEGINS WORK. 1^^ was to be expected, received Avitli boundless affability and good humour. lu the mean time we had a beautiful view of the run. The hounds were still streaming away, two fields in front of every one ; the huntsman and the two officers going gallantly abreast in their wake. One of them reminded me a little of Frank Lovell. The noble Master, too, had cut in, and was striding along over every ob- stacle; the London dealers had dropped somewhat in the rear, and the farmer's horse was already com- pletely sobered by the pace. The hounds turned toward us. John entreated us to stop. They crossed the lane tmder our horses' heads, and taking up the scent in the adjoining pasture, went off again at score — not a soul 7'ealhj with them. 'Flesh and blood can't stand this!' exclaimed Mrs. Lumley, as, turning the Gitana short round at a high stile with a foot-board, she landed lightly in the field. ' Don't attempt it, Kate !' she screamed out to me, half turning in her saddle. I heard John's voice, too, raised in expostulation, but it was too late. I was already in the air. I thought Brilliant never would come to the ground; and when he did touch it, he was so excited with his previous restraint and his present position, that he broke clean away with me. I was a little frightened, but I never lost my nerve. I flew past Mrs. Lumley like an arrow ; and though she put the Gitana to her speed, and made my horse more violent still as 236 JEALOUSY. she thundered close upon his quarters, I Mas too proud to ask her to give me a pull, and a wicked, jealous feeling rose in my heart that was an excellent substitute for true courage at the time. jNIy horse was almost frantic; but fortunately he knew my voice, and by speaking to him I was able to steady him before we reached the fence. He bounded over it like a deer, and went quite quietly, now that he had nothing before him but the hounds. I had never known till now what it was to ride for myself. Hitherto I had always followed a leader, but hence- forth I resolved to enjoy the true pleasure of finding my own Avay. I looked back — I was positively first, but Mrs. Lumley was not fifty yards behind me, and coming up rapidly. ' Well done, Kate ! ' said she, as we flew our third fence side by side. Still the hounds fleeted on, and I never took my eye off them, but urged my horse in their wake, taking every turn they did, and swerving from nothing. Fortunately, Brilliant was thoroughbred and the fences light, or, even with my weight, such a style of riding must soon have pro- duced fatal results. I shall never go again as well as I did that day ; but do what I would I could not shake off Mrs. Luralcy. If I lost sight of her for an instant, she was sure to gain a turn upon me, and on one or two occasions she was actually in my front. I felt I could have ridden into a chalk-pit, and dared her to follow me with the srrcatcst satis- A DOWNFALL. . 237 faction. At last the hounds checked; we stood alone with them ; I felt almost delirious with the excitement. ' What an example we have made of the gentlemen, Kate/ said INIrs. Lumley, turning the Gitana's head to the wind. ' I had no idea you could ride like this/ I did not answer, but I thought ' Wait a little, and I '11 show you.' I felt I hated her, though she was my friend. Again the hounds stooped to the scent; they crossed a deep narrow lane, up which I saw the crowd advancing. I put my horse into his pace. ' You can 't go there, Kate/ vociferated Mrs. Lumley ; ' this way. Here 's a gate in this corner.^ I clenched my teeth, and rode straight for the fence. It looked dark and forbidding. I did not see ho^v it was to be done, but I trusted to Brilliant, and Bril- liant nearly did it — but not quite. There was a loud crash ; one of my pommels gave me an awk- ward dig in the side. I saw the white star on my horse's forehead shoot below me ; and the muddy, gravelly lane seemed to rise in my face and rasp my hands and smear my habit, and get conglo- merated with my hair. The horsemen were all round me when I got up. I did not care for my accident, I did not care for being bruised — in fact, I did not know whether I was hurt or not ? — but my prevailing feeling was one of burning shame and horror as I thought of my dress. To have had a fall 238 BACK TO LONDON. amongst all those men ! I could have sunk into the earth and thanked it for covering me. But there was no lack of sympathy and assistance. The hunts- man pulled up ; the noble ]Master offered me his carriage to go back to London ; everybody stopped to tender advice and condolences. ^ The lady 's had a fall ' — ' Give the lady some sherry' — ' Catch the lady's horse' — ' Can -we render the lady any assistance?' John^ of course, was much distressed and annoyed, but glad to find I was not seriously hurt. Mrs. Lumley only stood aloof and sneered. ' I told you not to ride there, Kate,' said she; 'and what a fall you've had — amongst all these people, too.' She very nearly made me an enemy for life. I was too much hurt to go on. The stag was taken, as usual, in a large pond about a mile from where I met with my accident ; but our party had had enough of huntmg for one day. I am sure I had ; and I think the Gitana was nearly beat, though her mistress would not confess it. We soon got back to the station, where I Avashcd my face and put myself to rights. After all, I was very little the worse, and everybody said I had ' gone like a bird.' As we returned to London by the fast train, and I sat in that comfortable, well-cushioned car- riage, enjoying the delightful languor of rest after fatigue, I half resolved to devote my whole life to a sport which Avas capable of aftbrding such thrilling excitement as that which I had so recently enjoyed. MY COUSIN CHANGED. 239 I had never been so happy, I thought, in my ex- istence, as whilst I was leading the field on my dear Brilliant, It was a pure, wholesome, legitimate excitement ; there were no harassing doubts and fears, no wounded feelings and bitter thoughts, no hours and days of suspense and misery to atone for a few short moments of delight. If I was disap- pointed in other things, could I not devote myself wholly to hunting, and so lead a happy and harmless life ? If I had been a man, I should have answered in the affirmative ; but I am a woman, and gradually softer thoughts stole over me. A distant vision of a happy home, with home-interests and home-pleasm'es — others to love, others to care for, besides myself — all a woman's duties, and all a woman^s best delights. I shut my eyes, and tried to realise the picture. When I opened them again, Mrs. Lumley had gone fast to sleep; but John was watching me with a look of painful attention. He certainly had acquired a very earnest, keen look of late, such as he never used to wear. I do not know what prompted the question, but I could not forbear asking him, in a sort of half-laughing way, ^ John, if I had broken my neck to-day, what on earth should you have done ?' ' Mourned for you as a sister, Kate,^ he replied, gravely, even severely. I did not speak another word the whole way home. 240 AUNT DEBORAHS TERMISSION. CHAPTER XIX. ' T SHALL miss you sadly, Kate ; but if you enjoy your visit I shall be quite satisfied.' It was Aunt Deborah who spoke. Dear Aunt Deborah ! I felt as if I had not been half attentive enough to her lately. I had selfishly been so taken up with my own thoughts and my own schemes, that I had neglected my poor suffering relative ; and now my heart smote me for my Avant of consideration. Aiuit Deborah had not left the house since our return from Dangerfield. She looked worn and old, but had the same kind smile, the same measiu'ed accents as ever. Though she endured a good deal of pain, and was kept in close confinement, she never complained : patient and quiet, she had a kind word for every one ; and even her maid avowed that 'missus's' temper was that of an angel. ' H'angel,' the maid called it, but it Avas perfectly true. xVunt Deborah must have had something ver}^ satisfactory to look forward to, or she never would have been so light-hearted. One thing I remarked, she Avas fonder of John than ever. * I won't go, my dear aunt,' Avas my reply, for my conscience smote me hard, ' I Avon't go ; I do n't A FASHIONABLE ENTERTAINMENT. 24 1 care about it; I had much rather stay and nurse you here/ But Aunt Deborah would n't hear of it. ' No, no/ said she, ' my dear ; you are at the right age to enjoy yourself. I don't know much about Scamperley^ and I have a far more charitable opinion of Lady Scapegrace than the world in ge- neral ; but I dare say you will have a pleasant party, and I can trust you anywhere with John/ There it was^ John again — always John — and I knew exactly what John thought of me ; and it made me thoroughly despise myself. I rcjflected that if I were John, I should have a very poor opinion of my cousin ; I should consider her silly, vacillating, easily deceived, and by no means to be depended upon; more than woman in her weaknesses, and less than woman in her affections. ' What a character ! and what a contempt he must have for me ! ' My cousin called to take me to the railway, and to accompany me as a chaperone on a visit to Sir Guy and Lady Scapegrace, who were, as usual, 'entertaining a distinguished party of fashion- ables at their residence, Scamperley.' By the waj^ what an odd phrase that same ' entertain- ing' always sounds to my ear. When I learn that ' the Marquis of Mopes has been ' enter- taining' his friends, the Duke of Drearyshire, Count and Countess Crotchet, Viscount Inane, Sir Simon and Lady Sulkes, the Honourable Hercules 242 SIR guy's drag. Heavyhead^ etc.^ etc., at his splendid seat, Boudoir Castle/ I cannot refrain from picturing to myself the dignified host standing on his bald head for the amusement of his immovable visitors, or otherwise, forgetful of his usual staid demeanour, performing ludicrous antics, projecting disrespectful ' larks,' to woo a smile from those stolid countenances in vain ! Sir Guy might be 'entertaining,' too, in this way, but hardly in any other. What a disagreeable man he was ! although I could not help acknowledging his good nature in coming to fetch us from the station himself. As we emerged from the railway-carriage, the first object that greeted my eyes was Sir Guy's great gaudy drag, with its three piebalds and a roan. The first tones that smote on my ear were those of his hoarse harsh voice (liow it jarred upon my nerves !) in loud obstreperous welcome — ' Thought you'd come by this train, Miss Coventry/ shouted Sir Guy, from the box, without making the slightest demonstration of descending; 'laid Frank five to two on the event — done him again, hey, Frank ? / knew what you 'd be up to ; brought the drag over on purpose. Now then, give us your hand ; one foot on the box, one on the roller-bolt, and now you're landed. Jones, my boy, get up behind. I 've sent the van for servants and lug- gage. Gad ! what a pretty maid you 've got — let 'em go, and sit tight !' PIQUE. 243 So we rolled smoothly out, the piebalds shaking their harness and trotting merrily along, the roan placed on the off-side, for the purpose of sustaining whatever amount of punishment our charioteer thought fit to inflict. Behold me, then, seated on the box of Sir Guy Scapegrace's drag ! a pretty position for a young lady who, during the last month or two, had been making daily resolutions of amendment as to slang conduct and general levity of demeanour. How I hated myself, and loathed the very sight of him, as I looked at my companion. Sir Guy was redder and fatter than when I had seen him last — his voice was more dissonant, his neckcloth more alarming, his jewellery more prominent, his hat closer shaved, and the flower in his mouth less like a flower than, ever. How came I there? Why, because I was piqued, and hurt, and reckless. I was capable of almost any enormity. John's manner to me in the train had well-nigh driven me mad. So quiet, so composed, so cold, so kind and considerate, but a kindness and consideration such as that with which one treats a child. He seemed to feel he was my superior —he seemed even to soothe and pity me. I would have given worlds to have spoken frankly out to him, to have asked him what I had done to offend him, even to have brought him back to that topic upon which I felt he would never enter more. But it was impossible. I dared not wound that kind. 244 PRIDE. generous heart again — I dared not trust myself. No^ he was only ' Cousin John ' now ; he had said so himself. Surely he need not have given me up quite so easily ; surely I was worthy of an effort at least : yet I knew it had been my own fault — though I would not allow it, even to myself — and this I believe it was that rankled and gnawed at my heart till I could hardly bear my own identity. It Avas a relief to do everything I could think of to annoy him. To heap self-contempt on my wicked head, to show him I was reckless of his good opinion as of my own, to lay up a store of agonising reproaches for the future, to gnash my teeth, as it were, and nerve myself into a savage indifference for the pre- sent. Nay, there was even a diabolical pleaswe in it. Frank Lovell occupied the seat behind me : at another time I might have been gratified at his near neighbourhood, and annoyed to think he should have been paying so long a visit to Scamperley. I was startled to find how little I cared. He leaned over and Avhispered to me occasionally, and seemed pleased with the marked encouragement I gave him. After all, I could not help liking Frank very much — and was not my cousin at the back of the coach, to witness all that took place ? But Sir Guy would not allow me to be ' monopolised,' as he called it. 'You've lost your roses sadly in London, Miss Coventry,' said he, poking his odious face almost under my bonnet, and double-thonging the off- RECKLESSNESS. 245 wheeler most unmercifully. 'Never mind; /think a woman looks best when she is pale. Egad_, you Ve more colour now, though. Don't be angry, it 's only my way ; you know I 'm your slave.' ' Sir Guy don't mean to be rude,' whispered Frank, for I confess I was beginning to get indignant ; and the baronet went on — ' Do you remember our pic-nic at Richmond, Miss Coventry, and my promise, that if ever you honoured me by taking a place on my coach you should drive ? Take hold of 'em now, there's a good girl; you ought to know something about the ribbons, and the next four miles is quite straight, and a dead flat.' I was in that state of mind that I should not have had the least scruple in upsetting the coach, and risking the lives of all upon it, my own included; but I know not Avhat imp of evil prompted me to tmn round and call to my cousin at the back — 'John, do you think I could drive four horses?' ' Pray don't,' whispered Frank Lovell, who seemed to disapprove of the whole proceeding; but I did not heed him, for my cousin never answered till I asked him again. 'Do as you like, Kate,' was his reply, 'only I should 'nt advise you to try'; but he looked very grave, and seriously hurt and annoyed. This was enough for me — I laughed aloud — I was determined to provoke him, and I changed places with Sir Guy. He showed me how to part 246 A CIGAK ON THE BOX ! and liold the reins; lie lectured me on the art of putting liorses together ; he got into a state of liigh good-humour, and smiled, and swore, and patronised me, and had the effrontery to call me a ' d d fine girl/ and I never boxed his ears, though I confess to haAdng been once or twice sorely tempted. In short, I flirted Avith him shamefully, and even Frank got grave and out of sorts. At last Sir Guy removed the flower from his mouth, and pulled out his cigar- case. ^Have a weed, jNIiss Coventry?" said he, with his detestable leer. ^Of course you smoke; any one who can tool 'em along as you do must be able to smoke — mine are very mild, let me choose one for you.' I accepted his ofl'er, though I had considerable misgivings as to whether it Avould not make me sick. I looked round to see how my cousin approved of all these goings on, and particularly this last cigar- movement. He was sitting with his back to us, reading the morning newspaper, apparently totally indiff'ercnt to my proceedings. That decided me. I would have smoked now if there had been a barrel of gunpowder under my nose. I didn't care how sick it made me ! I lit my cigar from Sir Guy's — I suff'ered him to put his horrid red face close to mine — I flirted, and laughed, and drove, and pufted away as if I had been used to these accomplishments all my life. I rattled through the turnpike without FOR SHAME. 247 stopping to pay, as if it were a good joke. I double- thonged a sleeping carter over the face and eyes as I passed him. My near-leader shied at a wheelbarrow, and I almost swore as I rated him and flanked him, and exclaimed — ' Confound you, I'll teach you to keep straight ! ' As we drove into the park at Scamperley — for I fearlessly rounded the avenue turn, and vowed I would not abandon the reins till I had delivered my load at the front door — even Frank was completely disgusted. My cousin took not the slightest notice, but kept his seat with his back turned to the horses, and was still deep in his newspaper. Sir Guy was delighted : he shouted, and grinned, and swore more than ever. I was a ' trump ' — I was a ' girl of the right sort' — I was a *" well-bred one' — I had no end of ^ devil' in me — I was fit ta be a ' queen 1' Whilst the object of all these polished encomiums could willingly have burst out crying at a moment's notice ; indeed, she would have found it an unspeak- able relief; and felt as she had never felt before, and as she trusts in heaven she may never feel again. It was a lovely spot, Scamperley — beautiful as a dream — with the quiet woodland beauty of a real English place. Such timber ! Such an avenue ! I wonder if any of the sporting dandies and thought- less visitors who came down 'to stay with Scape- grace,' because he had more pheasants and better * dry ' (meaning champagne) than anybody else, ever 248 SCAMPEELEY. tliouglit of the many proprietors tliose old oaks and cliesnuts had seen pass away — the strange doings they must have witnessed as generation after gene- ration of Scapegraces lived their short hour and went to their account, having done all the mischief they could — for they were a wild, wicked race, from father to son. The present Baronet's childhood was nursed in profligacy and excess. Sir Gilbert had been a fitting sire to Sir Guy, and drank and drove and sinned, and turned his wife out of doors, and gathered his boon companions about him, and placed his heir, a little child, upon the table, and baptised him, in mockery, with blood-red wine ; and one fine morning he was found dead in his di'essing-room, with a dark stream stealing slowly along the floor. They talked of ' broken blood-vessels,' and ' hard living/ and 'a full habit'; but some people thought he had died by his own hand ; and the dressing- room was shut up and made a lumber-room of, and nobody ever used it any more. However, it was the only thing to save the family. A long minority put the present possessor fairly on his legs again, and the oaks and the cliesnuts were spared the fate that had seemed too surely awaiting them. Nor was this the only escape they had experienced. A Scape- grace of former days had served in the Parlia- mentary army during his father's life-time — had gone over to the king at his death, had fought at Edgehill and Marston Moor — and to do Sir Neville SIR MONTAGUE. 249 justice, he could fight like a demon — had abandoned the royal cause when it was hopeless, and, by be- traying his sovereign, escaped the usual fate and amercement of malcontents; the Protector remark- ing^ with a certain solemn humour, ' that Sir Neville was an instrument in the hand of the Lord, but that Satan had a share in him which doubtless he would not fail to claim in due time/ So Sir Neville lived at Scamperley in abundance and honour, and pre- served his oaks and his rents^ and professed the strictest Puritanism ; and died in a fit brought on by excessive drinking to the success of the Restora- tion, when he heard that Charles had landed, and the king was really to ' enjoy his own again.' He was succeeded by his grandson. Sir Montague, the best-looking, the best-hearted, and the weakest of his race ; there was a picture of him hanging over- against the great staircase — a handsome, well- proportioned man, with a woman's beauty of coun- tenance, and more than womanly softness of expres- sion. Lady Scapegrace and I have stopped and gazed at it for hours. ' He 's not very like the present Baronet, my dear,' she would say, her haughty features gathering into a sneer — and Lady Scapegrace's sneer was that of Mephistopheles himself : ' he is beautiful, exceed- ingly. I love to look at his hazel eyes, his low antique brow, his silky chesnut hair, and his sweet melancholy smile. Depend upon it, Kate, no man 250 FAMILY SECRETS. with sucli a smile as tliat is ever capable of succeed- ing ia any one tiling he undertakes. I don't care what his intellect may be, I don't care Avhat animal courage he may possess_, however dashing his spirit, however chivalrous his sentiments — so surely as he has woman's strength of affection, woman's weak- ness of heart, so surely must he go to the wall. I have seen it a hundred times, Kate, and I never knew it otherwise.' Since the affair of the bull, Lady Scapegrace had contracted a great affection for me, and would have me to roam about the house with her for hours. She was a clever intellectual woman, without one idea or one sentiment in common with her husband. In this state of mental widowhood she had consoled herself by study, amongst other things; and the history of the family into which she had married afforded her ample materials for reflection and re- search. She had collected every scrap of writing, every private memorandum, letter, and document that could throw any light upon the subject; and I verily believe she coidd have concocted a highly- interesting volume, detailing the exploits and mis- deeds, the fortunes and misfortunes, of the Scape- graces. ' I know all about him, Kate,' she would proceed, fixing her great hollow eyes upon my face, and lay- ing her hand on my arm, as Avas her habit when interested. ' He is my pet amongst the family. LADY MABEL. 25 I though I despise liim thoroughly. You see that distant castle, sufficiently badly painted in the cor- ner of the picture ? That was the residence of her who exercised such a fatal influence over the life of poor Sir Montague. All his little sonnets, some of them touching and pretty enough, are addressed to ' The Lady INIabel.^ I have found two or three of his love-letters, probably returned by her, tied up in a faded bit of ribbon ; there is also one note from the lady to her admirer ; such a production, Kate ! Not a word but what is mis-spelt, not a sentence of common grammar in the whole of it ; and yet this was the woman he broke his heart for ! Look well at him, my dear, and you will see why. With all its beauty, such a face as that was made to be im- posed upon. The Lady Mabel, however, seems to have been a notable strong-minded personage enough. She acknowledges the receipt of her lover's letters; which, however, without condescending to give any farther explanation, she avers ' came to hand at an untoward moment,' and finishes by sending him a receipt for making elderflower wine — assuring him, with a certain sly malice, that it is ^a sovereign specific against colic, vertigo, and all ailments of the heart and stomach ' ! What a contrast to his pro- testations indorsed, ' These, with haste — ride — ride — ride ! ' which many a good horse must have been spurred and hm-ried to deliver. How he rings the changes upon his unalterable and eternal devotion ! 252 A FATAL ATTACHMENT How he implores 'his dear heart' never to forget him ! and calls her ' his sweet life/ and protests that *he welcomes the very night-breeze blowing from the castle_, because it must have swept past the Avin- dows of his love' ! and pours out his foolish heart like a child pouring water into a sieve. Lady Mabel, however, seems to have been proof against sentiment, as she undoubtedly was against good looks. From all that I can gather, she appears to have made use of her adorer in fui-therance of sundry political schemes, such as were so numerous at that period; and to have thrown him away, like a rusty blade, when she had no further occasion for his ser\aces. I cannot help thinking she despised him thoroughly. There are certain bills and memoranda, with his sig- nature attached, relating to levies of men and great purchases of arms, which look as if he had plunged into some desperate enterprise, doubtless at her in- stigation ; and in his sonnets there arc frequent allusions to ' winning her by the sword,' ' loving her to the death,' and such Quixotic protestations, that look as if he had at one time meditated an unusu- ally dariug stroke. He was a fool,' said Lady Scapegrace, reflectively ; ' but he was a fine fellow, too, to throw wealth, life, and honour at the feet of a woman who was not worth a throb of that kind, generous heart — a drop of that loyal, gallant blood ! ' Then he married, I can't quite make out why. THROWN AWAY. 2^2 as there is a considerable gap in the correspondence of the family about this time, only partially con- nected by the diary of an old chaplain, who seems to have been formerly tutor to Sir Montague, and to have cherished a great regard for his pupil. The lady was a foreigner and a Romanist, and although we have no picture of her, we gather from the reve- rend chronicler that she was ' low of stature, dark- browed, and swarthy in complexion,' though he gallantly adds that she was ' doubtless pleasing to the eyes of those who love such southern beauty.' At the wedding it appears that Lady Mabel was present ; and ' my good master's attire and orna- ments, consisting of ' peach-coloured doublet, and pearl-silken hose, and many gems of unspeakable price, dazzling to the sight of humble men,' are detailed with strange minuteness and fidelity. Even the plume in his hat and the jewelled hilt of his rapier are dwelt upon at considerable length. But notwithstanding his magnificence, the worthy chap- lain did not fail to remark, that ' my good master seemed ill at ease, and the vertigo seizing him during the ceremony, he must have fallen, had I not caught him something cunningly under the armpits, assisted by worthy master Holder, and one of the grooms- men.' The chaplain, who seems to have been as blind as became his reverend character, cannot for- bear from expressing his admiration of the Lady 254 TOO WELL. Mabel, whom lie describes as 'fair and comely in colour, like the bloom of the spring rose; of a buxom statui-e, and of lofty gait and gestures T\ithal/ What was she doing at Sir Montague's wedding? no wonder the old attack of 'vertigo/ which her elderflower wine seems rather to have increased, should have come on again. 'One thing is pretty clear, the baronet detested his wife (the Scapegraces have generally owned that amiable weakness, my dear). I think it must have been in consequence of her religion that he became so strenuous a supporter of the opposite faith. At last he joined Monmouth, and still the correspon- dence seems to have gone on, for the night before Sedgmoor he wrote her a letter. Such a letter, Kate ! I was lucky enough to get it from a descend- ant of the lady, who was under great obligations to me ; I '11 show it you to-morrow. No man with that mouth could have written such a letter, except when death was looking him in the face. I often think when she got it, she must have given way at last. But it was too late. He was killed in the first charge made by the royal troops. His own regiment, raw recruits and countrymen, turned at the first shot; but he died like a Scapegrace, waving his hat and cheering them on. We are rather proud of him in the family, after all. Compared with the rest of them, his was a harmless life and a creditable end.' WISELY. 255 'But what became of Lady Mabel?' I asked, for I confess I was a little interested in tliis disjointed romance of long-past days.' ' Did you ever know a thoroughly unfeeling person in your life that did not prosper?' was her ladyship's reply, and again her features writhed into the Me- phistopheles' sneer. ' Lady Mabel married an earl, and had sons and daughters, and lived to a green old age. I have seen a picture of her at fifty, and she was still 'fair and comely and buxom' as when she dazzled the old chaplain's eyes and broke Sir Mon- tague's heart ; yes, yes, Kate, there's nothing like a sensible woman. She's the evergreen in the garden, and blooms, and buds, and puts forth fresh shoots, Avhen the rose is lying withered and trampled into the earth; but for all that, she has never had the charm of the rose, and never can have.' Such is a specimen of one of my many conversa- tions with Lady Scapegrace, whom I liked more and more the better I knew her. But I have been an- ticipating sadly during my drive of Sir Guy's coach up Sir Guy's avenue. When I reached the front door, with all my recklessness, I felt glad to see no head poking out of windows, above all, no female witness to my unwomanly conduct. I felt thoroughly ashamed of myself as I got down from the box ; and I confess it was with feelings of intense relief that a polite groom of the chambers informed me, with many apologies, 'her ladyship and all the ladies had 2^6 YOUR ROOM, MA'AM. gone to dress' and handed me over with a courtly bow to a tidy elderly woman, in a cap that could only belong to a housekeeper. She conducted me to my room, and consigned me to Gertrude, already hard at work unpacking upon her knees. A SNUG RETREAT. 257 CHAPTER XX. A VERY pretty little room it was; none of your enormous dreary state-apartments, dull as a theatre in the daytime, with a bed like a mourning coach, and corners of gloom and mystery, uncom- fortable even at noon, and fatal to the nerves when seen by the light of a solitary wax candle. On the contrary, it was quite the room for a young lady : pink hangings tinted one's complexion with that roseate bloom which the poet avers is as indispensable to woman, as *^man^s imperial fi-ont^ — whatever that means — is to the male biped. A dark carpet with a rich border relieved the light-coloured paper, picked out sparingly with flowers; the toilet-table was covered with a blushing transparency of pink under white, like sunset on snow, perhaps I should rather say like a muslin dress over a satin slip ; and there was a charming full-length glass, in which I could contemplate my whole person from top to toe, with out slanting it an inch ofl' the perpendicular. The look-out was into Lady Scapegrace's garden, a little bijou of a place, that bore ample witness to the good taste of its mistress. Every shrub had been trans- 258 EESTLESS. planted under lier own eye, every border filled according to her personal directions. She tied her own carnations and budded her own roses_, like the most exemplary clergyman^s wife in England. I do believe she would have been a good wife to anybody but Sir Guy. However, it was too dark for me to see anything of her ladyship's garden. It was already getting dusk when we arrived, and although it wanted three mortal hours of dinner, all the ladies, including the hostess, had retired to their own rooms, to while away the time by writing letters, reading novels, and going to sleep. I was much too restless to embark in any of these occupations. It would have been a relief to write, certainly — to pour out all one's thoughts and feelings before some sympathising cor- respondent, but I owned none such ; I could not have settled to read, no, not the most interesting novel that was ever penned, although I might have left it off the day before in an agony of uncertainty at the critical place, which is always to be found near the conclusion of the second volume ; and as for sleep, sleep, indeed ! I felt as if I should never sleep again. When I am unhappy, and particularly when I am angry with myself, I must always be doing something — no matter what — but 1 must be occu- pied, so I hurried Gertrude, and bustled about, and got myself dressed, and found my own way to one of the drawing-rooms, where I hoped to be at least MY COUSINS STUDIES. 259 secure from interruption, and to brood and worry myself for an hour or two in unbroken solitude. I ought to have been safe enough here. As I had wandered through unknown passages and passed uncertain doors^ I had heard the click of billiard- balls, the sound of many voices, and the harsh laugh of Sir Guy ; I knew consequently that the gentlemen were all busy at ' pool/ or some equally intellectual pastime, and had not yet gone to dress. I was suffi- ciently conversant with the habits of my own sex to be aware that no lady would willingly tarnish the freshness of her dinner toilette by coming down before the very last minute, and I anticipated there- fore no further interruption than a housemaid coming to put the fire to rights, or a groom of the chambers to light fresh candles, functionaries, especially the former, who would be much more incommoded by my presence than T should be by theirs. Good gracious ! there was a gentleman down and dressed already; sitting with his back to me, im- mersed in the thrilling pages of The Draiving-Room Scrap Book, which he was studying upside-down. I came in very softly, and he never heard me nor turned his head, but I knew the back of that head pretty well. It was Cousin John. I also took a book, and sat down. ' Perhaps,^ I thought, ' he is not going to speak to me at all. Well, what do 1 care ? I \e a temper, too, if it comes to that.^ 26o THE FIEST WORD. So I read my book assiduously ; it was the Comic Almanack, but I don't know that it made me feel very much inclined to laugh. The clock ticked loud and disagreeably. I determined not to speak till I was spoken to; but after a time the silence grew irksome, and the ticking of the clock so loud, that I ventured on a slight cough, merely to break it. ' Ahem/ said I, still intent on the Comic Almanack. John turned slowly round, made a half rise, as if out of compliment to my presence, and returned to The Drawing-Room Scrap-Book, which, however, he was now reading the right way. This woukl not do ; I resolved to wait a little longer, just a quarter of an hour by the clock, and see whether he would not have the common civility to speak to me. What a long quarter of an hour it was ; the hand reached it at last — it passed it — I gave him another five mi- nutes. It was getting painful. I spoke, and the sound of my own voice quite startled me, yet was my remark as harmless and commonplace as well could be. ' John,' said I, ' what time do we dine?' ' A quarter before eight, I believe,' answered John, quite good-humouredly, and as if nothing had hap- pened to estrange us. ' Dear me, Kate, how early you 're dressed ! ' I could have cried with vexation ; but I resolved, if possible, to find a sore place somewhere, and give him ' one ' before I had done with him ; so I made a SIR GUY "get-up." 261 saucy face^ and asked him, half laughing, Trhether ' he did n't think I had driven them very well from the station/ 'Inimitably, Kate/ was his reply; 'I hadn't the least idea you were so accomplished a charioteer.' I should have burst into tears, I verily believe, but just then Lady Scapegrace sailed in, and the usual forms of society had to be gone through; and she kissed me, and shook hands with INIr. Jones, as if she really liked us ; and we talked of the weather, and the shameful stoppages of the train we had come by, and the general inconveniences of rail- ways; and presently more ladies came dovra, neat and crisp as if turned out of a bandbox, followed by their lords in choking white neckcloths ; and then Sir Guy himself appeared, in a costume of surpassing splendour; but still, although in his evening dress, brilliant with starch and polish, and buttons and jewellery, looking like a coachman in masquerade ; and 'dinner' was announced, and we all paired off with the utmost ceremony, and I found myself seated between Frank Lovell and dear old Mr. Lumley, and opposite the elder Miss INIolasses, who scowled at me with an asperity of which I should have believed her unmeaning face incapable, as if she hated me on this particular evening more than all the other days of the year. I soon discovered the cause. Frank was more attentive to me than I had ever known him, although there was a something 262 MRS. LUMLEY's husband. in his manner that I did not altogether like ; a sort of freedom that I had never remarked before, and which made me colder and more reserved than usual. It was evident he thought he might venture as far as he liked with a young lady who drove four horses, and smoked a cigar the while. I felt I was blushing under my skin ; but I was determined to brave it all out, to hide from every living soul my own vexation and self-contempt. Once I caught a telegraphic signal exchanged between my neighbour and Miss Molasses, after which she seemed more at ease, and went on with her dinner in comfort. I was so angry now that I turned my shoulder towards Master Frank, and took refuge with my dear old friend Mr. Lumley, who, utterly regardless of the noise and flirtation his better half was carrying on at the other end of the table, discussed his cutlet quite contentedly, and prosed away to me in his usual kind, consolatory manner. I was one of his great favourites; in fact, he told me so, then and there. He always called me ' my dear,^ and often vowed that if he had only the use of his legs he would walk to the end of the world to make me a thorough- going naturalist like himself. I was getting more at ease under his dear old wing. I had gone through so much excitement during the day, that this com- parative inaction was a positive relief, and I was really beginning to enjoy a sort of repose, when the baronet's horrid voice from the bottom of the table A "show-up." 263 roused me once more to an agony of shame and despite. ^ Do me the honour to drink a glass of champagne ; the champagne to Miss Coventry/ shouted Sir Guy, ' you must require it after your exertion. Egad ! my team won't get over it in a hurry — the roads were woolly and the time short, hey, Miss Kate? But d — mme if the whipcord was scarce. I 've done that seven miles in all Aveathers, and a sweet seven miles it is, hut / never came anything like the pace we did to-day. Your good health. Miss Kate ; 1 11 have a fresh team put together for you to-morrosv, and a better cigar to smoke than the one I gave you to-day.' I could willingly have sunk into the earth — nay, crept under the table-cloth — anything to hide my dishonoured head. The ladies looked at each other aghast, and then at me. The gentlemen, even the stiffest of them, turned boldly round, to survey §uch a phenomenon as the tobacco-smoking, four-in-hand Miss Coventry. Mrs, Lumley showered her long ringlets all over her face with one toss of her pretty little head, that I might not see how heartily she was laughing. Lady Scapegrace good-naturedly made an immense clatter with something that was handed to her, to distract attention from my unfor- tunate self; but I believe I must have got up and left the room, had not Cousin John come adroitly to the rescue. He had not been studying the daily 264 THANK YOU ! JOHN. paper for nothing, and his voice rose loud and clear through the awful silence that succeeded Sir Guy's polished remarks. ' Did you see that article in to-day's Times about Ministers?' asked John of the public in general; there's another split in the Cabinet — this time it's on the malt-tax. To-day, in the City, they were betting five to two there 's a general election within a fortnight, and taking two to one Ambidexter is Premier before the first of next month.' John ! John ! if you had saved my life I could not have been more obliged to you. Many of the present party were members of Parliament — all were deep in politics. Most of them had seen the Times, but none, like John, had the earliest intelli- gence from the City. I have since had reason to believe he invented every syllable of it. However, such a topic was too engrossing not to swamp every other, and no more allusions were made to my un- fortunate escapade till Lad}^ Scapegrace had drawn on her gloves, bent her haughty head, and 'made the move,' at which we all sailed away to tea and coffee in the drawing-room. Here I was more at my ease. Lady Scapegrace and ]\Irs. Lumley, hating each other, were, of course, inclined to be excessively kind to me — I formed a bond of union between the foes. We three, particu- larly with such a weapon as the tongue of ]\Irs. Lumley, wci'c more than a match for any number of our peank's disloyalty. 265 own sex, and most of the other ladies gave in at once. Only Miss Molasses held out^ and eyed me once more with an expression of eager malice for which I could not easih^ account. I remarked^ too^ that she seemed restless and fidgetty, glanced anxiously ever and anon at the door by which the gentlemen would join us_, and seemed uncomfortable if any of us approached an empty chair which was next to her seat. I began to have my suspicions of Frank Lovell, notwith- standing all his asseverations. I determined to watch him narrowly; and if I found my mis- givings were true — if I discovered he was false and treacherous, why then I would — after all, what could I do ? It stung me to think how powerless I was. Now the establishment of Scamperley, although doubtless the bonds of domestic discipline were by no means over-tightly drawn, was one in which servants, from the stately curly -headed 'groom of the chamber/ down to the little boy in green that was always too late for the post, had more than enough upon their hands. In the first place, nobody ever seemed to think of going to bed much before daylight. This entailed a breakfast, protracted by one late sleeper after another till luncheon-time ; that meal was of unusual magnificence and variety ; besides which, a hot repast, dressed by the French cook, and accompanied by iced champagne, etc., re- quired to be served in one of the woods for the refreshment of Sir Guy's shooting guests. Then in i66 THE servants' ball. the affceriioou tlicre were constant fresh arrivals and rooms to be got ready, for when the host and hostess were at home, they kept the house full, and the day concluded with a large dinner-party, at which seldom less than sixteen sat down to discuss the inspirations of Monsieur Hors-d'oeuvre, and the priceless wines of Sir Guy. No wonder the servants looked tired and over-worked, though I fancy the luxury and good living doicnstairs was quite equal to that which elicited encomiums from bon-vivants and connoisseurs above. Nevertheless, it was but just that they too should have their share of relaxation and amuse- ment; therefore did Sir Guy in his generosity give an annual servants^ ball, which he attended and opened himself in a state of hilarity not calculated to inspire much respect amongst his retainers. He had, however, sufficient self-command invariably to select as his partner the prettiest maid-servant in his establishment. But if the baronet failed in his dignity as head of the house, her ladyship had enough for both. She looked like a queen as she sailed in, amongst her own domestics, and all the retainers and hangers-on for miles round. On the evening in question, it amused me much to see the admiration, almost the adoration, she elicited from old and young. No wonder : that stately form, that queenly brow, had been bent over many a sick bed j those deep thrilling tones had spoken words of com- fort to many a humble sufferer; tliat white hand THE servants' BALL. 267 was ever ready to aid, ever open to relieve ; good or bad, none ever applied to Lady Scapegrace in vain. ' The virtuous it is pleasant to relieve and make friends of/ she has often said to me, in her moments of confidence ; ' the wicked it is a duty to assist and to pity. Who should feel for them, Kate, if I did n't ? God knows I have been wicked enough myself.' The men-servants never took their eyes off her, and I fear made but sorry partners to the buxom lasses of the household, till ' my lady ' had left the room. I saw two stable-boys, evidently fresh ar- rivals, who seemed perfectly transfixed with admira- tion, as at an apparition such as they had never pictured to themselves in their dreams ; and one rough fellow, a sort of under-keeper in velveteen, with the frame of a Herciiles, and a fist that could have stunned an ox, having gazed at her open- mouthed for about ten minutes without winking an eyelash, struck his hand against his thigh, and ex- claimed aloud, to his own inexpressible relief, though utterly unconscious of anything but the presence which so ovei'powered him — ' Noa, dashed if ever I did ! ' This was soon after ' my lady ' had sailed into the servants' hall at the head of her guests. It was the custom of the place for all the ' fashion- ables ' and smart people who were actually in the house to attend the servants' ball, most of us only 268 THE servants' BALL. staying long enough to set the thing going with spirit, though I believe some of the young dandies who found partners to their liking remained to the end, and 'kept it up* till daylight. Down we all went, as soon as the gentlemen had finished their wine and discussed their coffee in the drawing-room, down Are went, through stone passages and long under-grouud galleries into a splendidly lighted apartment, somewhat devoid of furniture, but deco- rated with evergreens, and further adorned by a sort of muslin transparency hanging from the roof. This was the servants' hall, and although on a stone floor, a capital room for dancing it was. We were all soon provided with partners. Sir Guy, much to her triumph, selected my maid, Gertrude. Lady Scapegrace paired off with the steward, a fat rosy man, who quite shone with delight at the honour. The French cook carried off Miss Molasses, with whose native stupidity I thought the vivacious foreigner seemed a little disappointed. Frank Lovell was taken possession of by the fat housekeeper, to whom he ' did the amiable,' as Frank had the knack of doing to anything with a petticoat. Cousin John handed off a stately damsel, whom I afterwards recog- nised as the upper-housemaid, and I was claimed by a dapper little second-horse rider, of whom I flatter myself I made a complete conquest by the interest I took iu his profession, and the thorough knowledge I displayed of its details. I had to make most of THE servants' BALL. 269 the conversation myself, certainly, for his replies, though couched in terms of the deepest respect, and accompanied by a chivalrous deference for my sex, to which I was totally unaccustomed from the part- ners of a London ball-room, consisted for the most part of little more than ' Yes, Miss/ and ' No, Miss/ with an additional smooth of the smoothest, shiniest head I ever beheld. When I had exhausted the meets of the hounds for the ensuing week, with a few general observations on the pursuit of hunting, and the merits of that noble animal, the horse, I began to get high and dry for further topics, and was not sorry when three fiddles and a flute struck up their inspiriting tones, and away we all went, ' cross hands,' ' down the middle and up again,' to the lively and by this time tolerably familiar air of ' Sir Eoger de Coverley.' I am bound to confess that, as far as the servants were concerned, everything went on Avith the ut- most propriety and respect. Sir Guy, indeed, pulled his partner about with an unnecessary degree of vigor, which at times almost degenerated into a romp, and squeezed my hands in 'the Poussette,' with an energy of affection which I could well have dispensed with; but every one else was a very pattern of politeness and decorum. In fact, the thing was almost getting stupid, when my little second-horse rider and myself, returning breathless from our rapid excursion down some two-and-thirty couple, were 270 fire! fire! 'brought up/ startled and dismayed by a piercing scream from at least that number of female voices_, all raised at the same instant. ' Fire ! fire !' exclaimed the tall housemaid at my elbow. ' Save me ! save me !' shrieked the fat house- keeper, plumping into Frank Lovell's arms, and well nigh bringing him to the ground, in which case she must have crushed him. ' Murder ! murder !' shouted my idiot of a maid, Gertrude, rushing frantically for the door-way, fol- lowed by Sir Guy, who Avas swearing, I am sorry to say, most fearfully. * Stand still, fools !' I heard Lady Scapegrace exclaim in her deep tones, ' and let nobody open the door !' By this time there was a rush of all the women towards the door; and as the centre of the room was cleared, I saw what had happened. The muslin transparency had caught fire — a large fragment of it was even now blazing on the floor, and the con- sequences amongst all those light floating dresses and teiTified Avomeu might have been indeed awful. For an instant everybody seemed paralyzed — every- body but Cousin John ; during that instant he had flung off his coat, and kneeling upon it, extinguished the flames; they were still blazing over his head: with a desperate bound he tore down the ill-fated transparency ; regardless of singed hair and blistered COUSIN JOHN AGAIN. 27 1 hands^ lie clasped and pressed it and stamped upon it, and smothered it. Ere one could have counted fifty, the danger was over, and not a vestige of the fire remained. How handsome he looked, with his brave face lighted up, and his eyes sparkling with excitement ! Nobody could say John wanted ex- pression of countenance now. The next moment he was quietly apologizing in his usual tone to Lady Scapegrace for ' spoiling her beautiful transparency,^ and parrying her thanks and encomiums on his courage and presence of mind, with an assurance that he ' only pulled it down because he happened to be directly under it ;' but he could not help turning to me and saying, — ' Kate, I hope you were not much frightened.' The words were not much, but they were uttered in the old kind voice ; they rung in my ears all the evening, and I went to bed happier than I ever thought I could have been after such a day. 272 SUNDAY AT SCAMPERLEY. CHAPTER XXI. nPHE Sunday at Scamperley^ I am sorry to say, was hardly observed with that degree of respect and strictness which is due to the one sacred day of the week. Very few people went to morning ser- vice, as indeed the late hours over-night kept most of us in our rooms till eleven or twelve o'clock, when we dawdled down to a breakfast that seemed to lengthen itself out till luncheon-time. To be sure, when the latter meal had been discussed, and we had marked our reverence for the day by a con- versation in which we expressed our disapproval of the personal appearance, faults and foibles, and gene- ral character of our friends, some of us would declare an intention of attending afternoon church — on which subject much discussion would arise, and the probability of the weather holding up would be volubly commented on; the church being situated about a quarter of a mile from the house, and the way to it through the park being so completely sheltered by evergreens, that to have got wet, save in a downright pour of rain, was next to impossible. At last we would get under way, the ladies mincing CHURCH-GOERS. 273 along with tlieir magnificently-covered prayer-books, aiFecting an air of unwilling decorum ; the dandies carrying cloaks, shawls, and umbrellas for their re- spective goddesses, and following them^ so to speak, under protest, as if there was something to be ashamed of in the whole proceeding. Lady Scape- grace always went early, and quite by herself : she sat apart, too, from her guests and relatives. Not no, Sir Guy. It was his great delight to create as much noise and confusion as possible, that on his entrance the respectable yeomen and humble pa- rishioners might be dazzled with his glorj^, anr' whisper one to another, ' that be Sir Guy/ as h^ marched to the front of his family pew in a blaze of wondrous apparel. It was natural that he should create a sensation, with his red face and gaudy- coloured clothes, and huge dj'cd whiskers, and the eternal flower in his mouth, which was always on dut}"^ save when relieved by a cigar or a toothpick. Pew it could scarcely with propriety be called, inas- much as it was more like a box at the opera than a seat in a place of worship. We entered by a stair- case outside the church, with a private door of our own ; passing through which, we found ourselves in a very comfortable chamber, with a good many chairs and sofas, a handsome book-case, and a blazing fire. This again led to a smaller apartment, into which Sir Guy would swagger with much unne- cessary noise and bustle. Throwing up a large T 274 THE KENNELS. window^ he leaned OA^er as it Avere from a hustings^ and, behold ! we were at church. When the sermon was concluded, Sir Guy shut the window down again, and we took our departure, much edified, as may easily be imagined, by the lessons of meekness and humility which we had received in so becoming a manner. Prom church we invariably proceeded to the kennel, where a stout, healthy-looking keeper paraded the Baronet's point- ers and setters for the inspection of the ladies. Here Sir Guy took entire possession of me once more. 'Don't be alarmed, my dear,' said he, as a great bull-headed black-and-white brute, surnamed Don, came blundering up, and tried to put his muddy paws on my dress. Sir Guy's affectation of ' the paternal,' and his odious way of calling one ' my dear,' provoked me intensely ; and I gave Don such a crack over his double nose with my parasol, as broke the ivory handle of that instrument, and completely quelled all further demonstrations of affection from the uninteresting brute. Sir Guy was charmed. 'Hit him hard,' said he, 'he's got no friends. What a \i\en it is ! How she punished my near leader the other day ! I love that girl !' The latter sentence, be it observed, was spoken sotto voce, and required, as indeed it received, no reply. SUNDAY AVALKS. 275 ' What interesting creatures ! ' exclaimed Miss Molasses^ indicating an old pointer lady, who went swinging by Avitli all the appearance of having lately brought up a large and thirsty family. ' Do tell me^ can that dog really catch a hare?^ The keeper's face was a study — he was apparently a humorous individual ; but Miss Molasses addressed her remarks to Frank Lovell; and Frank, as in duty bound^ replied. That girl was evidently making up to him, and, thinking he was fond of field-sports, pretended to take an interest in everything con- nected with those pursuits for his sake. ' Come and see the tame pheasants, Miss Coven- try/ said Sir Guy. I knew what this meant : I knew it would entail a tete-a-tete walk with my aver- sion, and I cast an imploring look at Frank, as much as to say, ' do save me.' He caught my meaning in an instant, and skilfully interposed. Of course, as he accompanied us, so did Miss Molasses ; but Frank and I lingered a little behind the rest of the party, made a wrong turn in the shrubbery, and found our- selves, I never knew exactly how, taking a long walk all alone in the waning twilight. I don't know wliat Aunt Deborah would have said to such pro- ceedings; and I am quite sure Lady Horsingham would have been unspeakably shocked; but these Sunday walks were the custom of the country at Scamperley — and, after all, it was not my doing, and consequently not my fault. 276 ' THE MOTE.' I wonder why it is, that in the very convenient code of morality which the world has adopted for its private use, places and people should so completely alter facts. You may do things with impunity in London, that would destroy the character of a Diana in the country; and again, certain rural practices, harmless — nay, even praiseworthy — when confined to a picturesque domain, if flourished before the eyes of the metropolis, would sink the performer to the lowest depth of social degradation. It is not what you do that matters one whit, but what the world thinks of your actions ; and the gentlemen use a proverb which I have often heard in connexion "svith certain racing enormities, that 'One man may steal a horse, while another must not even look at a halter' : and if this be the case with that sex who arrogate to themselves the exclusive privilege of doing wrong, how much more does the adage hold good with us poor, weak, trarapled-upon women? Lady Strait- lace may do Avhat she likes : she assumes a severe air in society, is strict with her children, and harsh with her servants. In all ranks of her acquaintance (of course below that of a countess), she visits the slightest dereliction from female propriety with un- relenting bitterness. Woe be to the trespasser, high or low ! The weapon is always ready to probe and gash and lacerate ; the lash is constantly raised, ' swift to smite and never to spare.' But who would ventui'C to speak a word against the decorum of ' THE BEAM. 277 Lady Straitlace? If she goes out in the dark, 'tis to visit a sick friend ; if she encourages young Antinous to be what ladies call continually ' in her pocket/ that is only in order to give the lad good advice, and keep him out of mischief. Major Ram- rod is never out of the house; but wliat then ? The visits of fifty Major Ramrods Avould not entitle the world to breathe a whisper against a person of such strict propriety as Lady Straitlace. But how that same forbearing world indemnifies itself on poor Mrs. Peony ! It is never tired of shrugging its worldly shoulders and raising its worldly hands and eyebrows at the sayings and doings of unfortunate Mrs. Peony. * Did you hear of her going to the bachelor's ball with three gentlemen in a fly ? ' (Nobody thinks it worth while to specify that the three Lotharios con- sisted of her grandfather, her husband, and her nephew.) ^Did you see her drop her bracelet, to make young Stiftneck pick it up? Do you know that she takes morning walks with Colonel Chanti- cleer, and evening strolls with Bob Bulbul? She chatters, she laughs, she flirts, she makes eyes; she's bad style, she's an odious Avoman; 'pon my word, I don't know whether mamma will go on visiting her!' And why should the world make this dead set at poor Mrs. Peony ? She is good-looking, soft-hearted, and unaffected ; she laughs when she is pleased, and 278 TWILIGHT. cries ^yhen she is tovichcd. She is altogether frank, and natural, and womanly. Can these be good reasons for running her down ? Heaven knows ! but run down she is, just as the hypocritical Lady Straitlace is cried up. Well, we must take tilings as they are, and make the best of them. So Frank and I walked on through the pleasant fields in the darkening twilight, and I for one enjoyed it exces- sively, and was quite sorry when a great bell sounding from the house Avarned us that it was time to return, and that our absence would too surely be the subject of remark should we linger out of doors any longer. I never knew Frank so agreeable ; on every topic he was brilliant, and lively, and amusing. Only once, in some casual remark about the future, there was a shade of melancholy in his tone, more like what he used to be formerly. Somehow, I don't think I liked him so well in his best spirits ; perhaps I was myself changed in the last few weeks. I used often to think so. At first, during that walk, I feared lest Frank should touch upon a topic which woidd have been far from unwelcome a short time ago. I soon saw he had not the slightest intention of doing so, and I confess I was immensely relieved. I liad dreaded the possibility of being obliged at last to give a decided answer — of having my own fate in my own hands, and feeling totally incapable of choosing for myself. But I might have spared my nerves all such misgivings — my cavalier never gave EOUND OUT. 279 me an opportunity of even fancying myself in such a dilemma till just as we reached the house, when, espying ]\Irs. Lumley and Miss Molasses returning from their stroll, he started, coloured up a little, like a guilty man, and acted as though he would have escaped their notice. I was provoked. ' Don't desert your colours, Captain Lovell,' I said, in a firm voice, ' Miss Molasses is looking for you, even now.' ' Unfeeling,' muttered Frank, biting his lip, and looking really annoyed ; ' oh. Miss Coventry ! oh, Kate ! give me an opportunity of explaining all.' ' Explain nothing,' was my reply ; ' we understand each other perfectly. It is time for me to go in and dress.' So I marched into the house, and left him looking foolish — if Frank ever could look foolish — on the doorstep. As I hurried along the passages, I en- countered Lady Scapegrace. 'What's the matter, Kate?' said she, following me into my room ; ' you look as if something had happened. No bad news, I trust, from Aunt De-- borah?' I burst into tears. Kindness always overcomes me completely, and then I make a fool of myself. 'Nothing's the matter,' I sobbed out, 'only I'm tired and nervous, Lady Scapegrace, and I want to dress.' My hostess slipped quietly out of the room, and 2 80 THE STxiLLED OX. presently returned with some sal volatile and water : she made me drink it every drop. ' I must have a talk to you, Kate/ said she^ ' but not now ; the dinner bell will ring in ten minutes' ; and she, too^ hurried away to perform her toilette. As I get older, I take to moralizing; and I am afraid I w^aste a good deal of valuable time in specu- lating on the thoughts, ideas, and, so to speak, the inner life of ^ny neighbours. It is curious to observe a large well-dressed party seated at dinner, all appa- rently frank and open as the day, full of fun and good humour, saying Avhatever comes uppermost, and to all outward seeming laying bare every crevice and cranny of their hearts, and then to reflect that each one of the throng has a separate life, entirely distinct from that which he or she parades before the public, cherished perhaps w4th a miser's care, or endured with a martyr's fortitude. Sir Guy, sitting at the bottom of his table, drinking rather more wine than usual, perhaps because it was Sunday, and the enforced decencies of the day had somewhat damped his spirits, looked a jovial, thoughtless, merry country gentleman, somewhat slang, it may be, not to say vulgar, but still open-hearted, joyous, and hospitable. Was there no skeleton in Sir Guy's mental cupboard? Were there no phantoms that would rise up, like Banquo's ghost, to their scat, unbidden, at his board? While lie smacked his great lips ove.t those bumpers of dark red Burgundy, AN EVERY-DAY MASQUERADE. 28 I had he quite forgotten the days of old — the friends he had pledged and made fools of — the kind hearts he had loved and betrayed ? Did he ever think of Damocles and the hanging sword ? Could he sum- mon courage to look into the future, or fortitude even to think of the past ? Sir Guy's was a strong, healthy, sensuous nature, in which the physical far outweighed the intellectual ; and yet I verily believe his conscience sometimes nearly drove him mad. Then there was my lady, sitting at the top of her table, the very picture of a courteous, affable, well- bred hostess. Perhaps, if anything, a little too placid and immovable in her outward demeanour. Who would have guessed at the wild and stormy passions that could rage beneath so calm a surface ? Who would suppose that stately, reserved, majestic- looking woman had the recklessness of a brigand and the caprices of a child ? A physiognomist might have marked the traces of strong feelings in her deepened eyes and the lines about her mouth; damages done by the hurricane, that years of calm can never repair ; but there had been a page or two in Lady Scapegrace's life, that, with all his acuteness, would have astonished Lavater himself. Then there was Miss Molasses, the pink of propriety and 'w^hat- would-mamma-say' young ladyism — cold as a statue, and, as old Chaucer says, ' upright as a bolt,' but all the time over head-and-ears in love ^^ith Frank Lovell, and ready to do anything he asked her at a 20 2 PLATIXG OUTSIDE. moment's notice. There was Frank himself, gay and debunnair. Outwardly the lightest-hearted man in the compan}' ; inwardly, I have reason to know, tormented with misgivings and stung by self-re- proach. Playing a double game — attached to one woman and courting another, despising himself thoroughly the while -, hemmed in by difficulties and loaded with debt, hampered by a bad book on ' The Two Thousand/ and playing hide-and-seek even now with the Jews, Frank's real existence was very dif- ferent from the one he showed his friends. So with the rest of the party. Old IMrs. ]Molasses was bothered by her maid ; Mr. Luraley puzzled by his beetles ; his wife involved in a thousand schemes of mischief-making which kept her in perpetual hot water ; all, even honest Cousin John, were sedulously hiding their real thoughts from their companions : all were playing the game with counters, of wdiich indeed they were lavish enough ; but had you asked for a bit of sterling coin, fresh from the jNIint, and stamped with the impress of truth, they would have buttoned their pockets closer than ever, aye, though you had been bankrupt and penniless, they would have seen you further first, and then they ivouhln't. So we flirted, and talked, and laughed, and ad- journed to the drawing-room, Avhere, after a proper interval, we were joined by the gentlemen, who in consideration of the day, consented for that one evening in the week to forego their usual games of LEARNING TO SPELL. 283 chance or skill, sucli as wliist, billiards, and cocka- maroo. But the essential inanity of a fashionable party requires to be amused, so we sat round a large table, and played at 'letters,' sedulously 'shuffling^ the handsome ivory capitals as we gave each other long jaw-breaking ATords, the difficulties of which were much enhanced by their being usually mis- spelt, but Avhich nevertheless formed a very appro- priate vehicle for what the world calls ' flirtation,' I can always find out other people's words much quicker than my own, and whilst I was puzzling over ' centipede,' and teasing Mrs. Lumley, who had given it me for the initial letter, I peeped over the shoulder of my nest neighbour, jNIiss Molasses, and made out clearly enough the word she had just received from Frank Lovell : she would not have discovered it for a century, but I read it at a glance. I just looked at Frank, who blushed like a girl, took it back, vowing he had spelt it wrong, and gave her another. Did he think to throw dust in my eyes ? There is a stage of mental suflPering at which we grow naturally clear-sighted. I had arrived at it long ago. Watching every action of my neighbours, I had yet ears for all that was going on around. Sir Guy, occupying a position on the heartlirug, with his coat-tails over his arms, Avas haranguing the clergyman of the parish, a quiet, meek little man, who dined at Scamperley regularly on Sunday, and appeared frightened out of his wits. He was a man 284 MR. WAXY'S mare. of education and intellect, a ripe scholar, a middling preacher, and a profound logician ; but he Avas com- pletely overpowered by coarse, ignorant, noisy Sir Guy. 'Driving — hay?* said the Baronet; 'we're all fond of driving, here, Mr. Waxy : there 's a young lady who will teach you to handle the ribbons. Gad, she'd make the crop-eared mare step along. Have you got the old mare, still ? Devilish good old mare ! ' No child of man is too learned, or too quiet, or too humble, to feel flattered at praise of his horse. Mr. Waxy blushed a moist yellow as he replied — ' Very good of you to remember her. Sir Guy — docile and safe, and gentle withal, Sir Guy ; but I don't drive her myself, Sir Guy,' added Mr. AVaxy, raising his hands deprecatingly — as who should say, ' Heaven forbid !' 'I don't drive myself. Sir; no — no — my lad assumes the reins; and notwithstanding the potency of your Scamperley ale. Sir Guy, we manage to arrive pretty safe at our destination.' ' Quite right, INIr. Waxy,' vociferated Sir Guy. ' Did I ever tell you what happened to me once, when I took it into my head to drive my own cha- riot home ? Look ye here, Sir, I '11 tell ye how it was. I was unmarried, then, Mr. Waxy, and as innocent as a babe, d'ye see? Well, Sir, I'd been to a hatlue at my friend Rocketer's ; and what with staying to dinner, and a ball and supper afterwards. SIR guy's coachman. 285 it was very late before I started, for Scamperley, and all the servants were drunk, as a matter of course. Why, Sir, when I came out of the house, there were my carriage and horses standing in the line with some dozen others, and devil a soul to look after 'em. What should you have done, Mr. Waxy ? Sworn like a trooper, I '11 warrant it ! ' Mr. Waxy shook his head, with an air of mild deprecation. ' Well, Sir,' continued Sir Guy, ' I '11 tell you what I did. I jumped on the box, Sir, before you could say Jack Robinson. I put on my own coach- man's box-coat. Sir, and drove 'em home myself. Thinks I, ' I '11 give the rascals a precious benefit ; they'll have to walk every mile of the way' — nine miles, and as dark as pitch, Mr. Waxy — as dark as pitch ! Well, Sir, I 'd a London footman, who was a sharpish fellow, and used to dissipation in general ; he heard the carriage drive oif, and ran to catch it. I gave him a pretty good breather as I rattled down the avenue. The fellow puffed like a grampus when he got up behind, making no doubt it was all right, and he hadn't been found out. The horses knew they were going home, and it wasn't long before I pulled up at my own door. Down gets John, all ofiiciousness and alacrity to make up for past enor- mities, and rings a peal that might waken the dead. Directly he hears them beginning to unbar, he opens the carriage-door, and looks in — no master ! The 286 THE BAKONET CLAIMED. day was just dawning. I shall never forget the fellow's face as he looked up, mistaking me, muffled as I was in my own livery, for his fellow-servant. • I always told you how it would be, Peter,' said he, turning up a face of drunken wisdom ; ' and now it's come to pass: the devil's been and took Sir Guy at last; and if he's as wicious there as he's been here, it's a precious bad bargain for both of 'em ' ! Poor Mr. Waxy was obliged to laugh, but he took his departure immediately; and of course, directly there was a move, the ladies went to bed. ' Come to my room, Kate,' whispered Lady Scape- grace, as we lighted our hand-candles ; ' you can go the short way through the boudoir : I want to speak a M'ord with vou.' A BIT OF ADVICE. 287 CHAPTER XXII. 'TZ'ATE/ said Lady Scapegrace, as she sliut the door of her snug dressing-room, and wheeled an easy-chair before the fire for ray benefit — ' Kate_, you 're a fooHsh girl ; it strikes me you are playing a dangerous game, and playing it all Avrong, raore- over. I can see more than you think. Do you know the difterence between real diamonds and paste? Not you, you little goose. But you shall, if I can teach it you. Kate, have you ever heard me talked about ? Did you ever hear any good of me?' I was forced to answer both questions — the former in the affirmative, the latter in the negative. ' Do you believe I 'm as bad as they give me credit for?' proceeded her ladyship. ' No, no ! ' I replied, taking her hand and kissing it; for I really liked Lady Scapegrace. ^ Let them say what they will, I won't believe anything bad of you at all.' ' I have had a strange life, Kate/ said she ; ' and perhaps not quite fair play. Well, the worst is over now, at any rate. I don't much care how short the 288 LADY scapegrace's STORY. remainder may be. Kate, did you ever hear I ^vas a murderess ? ' ' No, no !' I repeated, taking lier hand once more; for I was shocked and half-frightened at the expres- sion of her countenance. ' I never heard anybody say more than that you were odd, and a flirt, and perhaps not very much attached to Sir Guy.' Lady Scapegrace shuddered. ' I owe you a great deal, Kate Coventry/ she resumed — 'a great deal more than I can ever hope to repay. I consider that you once saved my life, but of that I make small account ; you have done me a far greater kindness — you have interested me ; you have made me fond of you; you have taught me to feel like a woman again. The least I can do in return is to watch you and warn you — to show you the rock on which I made shipwreck, and beseech you to avoid it. Kate, you^^e heard of my Cousin Latimer; would you like to see his picture?^ Lady Scapegrace rose, walked to a small cabinet, unlocked it, and produced a miniature, which she placed in my hands. If the painter had not flattered him, Cousin Latimer was indeed a handsome boy. There was genius on his wide, bold forehead, and resolution in his firm, well- cut mouth ; his large dark eyes betrayed strong passions and keen intclH- gence, whilst high birth was stamped on his fine features and cliivalrous expression of countenance. Poor Cousin Latimer ! COUSIN LATIMER. 289 ' Look at that, Kate/ said Lady Scapegrace, in low, cliilling tones ; ' the last time I saw him, that was his very image. Thank God, I never beheld him when those kind features were cold and rigid — that white neck gashed by his own hand ! Oh, Kate ! 't is a sad story. I have not mentioned it for twenty years; but it's a relief to talk of it now. Surely I was not altogether to blame ; surely he might have given me time ; he need not have been so hasty — so desperate. ' Listen, Kate. I was one of a large family of girls. All my sisters were beautiful; all were vain of their charms. As I grew up, I heard nothing talked about but conquests, and lovers, and captiva- tion. I thought, to dazzle and enslave the opposite sex was the noblest aim of woman. Latimer was brought up with us : Ave called him ' Cousin,' though he was in reality a very distant connexion. Poor boy ! day by day I could see he was growing more and more attached to me. Latimer always brouglit me the earliest roses. Latimer would walk miles by the side of my pony. Latimer helped me with my drawing, and did my commissions, and turned the leaves when I played on the piano-forte, and hung over the instrument when I sang. In short, Latimer was my slave, body and soul ; and the con- sequence was, Kate, that I cared very little for him. My sisters, to be sure, joked me about my conquest; and I felt, I confess, a proper pride in owning a u 290 FLIRTATION. lover, like the rest ; but of real affection for him I had then very little : and I often think, my dear, that we "women seldom value devotion such as his till too late. I was not old enough to think seriously of marriage ; hut Latimer was convinced I should become his "wife, and (poor fellow !) made all his arrangements and schemes for the future under this idea, with a forethought scarcely to be expected from one so young. 'Well, years crept on, and I 'came out,' as you young ladies call it, and was presented at court, and went to balls, and began to make the most of my time, and enjoy life after the manner of my kind. Of course, I was no wiser than my elders. I danced, and smiled, and flirted, as I had seen my sisters do ; and the more partners I could refuse, the better I was pleased. One day Cousin Latimer came to me, and spoke out honestly and explicitly. He told me of all his hopes, his misgivings, his future as I had the power to make it, and his love. I was pleased and flattered, I felt that I liked Cousin Latimer better than any one in the world ; but there were two things I liked even better than Cousin Latimer : these were, power and admiration. Of the former I never could obtain as much as I coveted; of the latter I determined to take my fill. AVe were that night to have a grand ball in the house, and were much occupied with decorating the rooms, and other preparations, such as we girls delighted in. I put A TRIUMPH. 291 off Latimer witli half-promises and vague assurances, which sent him away more in love with me than ever. I was to dance the first quadrille with him. It was an engagement of at least a month's standing, and he had rather wearied me by too often reminding of it, ' There was a regiment of hussars quartered in our neighbourhood, and we were well acquainted with most of the officers. The more so, as one of my sisters was engaged to be married to the major, who, by the way, ran away from her a year afterwards. One of these officers, a captain in the regiment, was an especial flirt of mine; he was a good-looking, agreeable man, and a beautiful waltzer. I recollect the night as well as if it was yesterday : the officers arriving in their uniforms — my father standing be- hind us, proclaiming aloud his pride in his six hand- some daughters — Cousin Latimer claiming my hand for the first dance, and my refusal, notwithstanding my long promise, on the plea that I Avas engaged to Captain Normanton. Poor boy ! I can see his pained, eager face now. ' You do what you like with me,' he said ; but you must dance the next.' I laughed, and promised. ' Captain Normanton was very agreeable ; he was the most dashing-looking man in the room, and I liked the vanity of parading him about in his uni- form, and showing my sisters and others the power I had over Cousin Latimer. Once more the latter claimed my promise, and once more I threw him 1ql ONCE TOO OFTEN. over. I glanced triumphantly at liim as lie uatclied me from a corner ; and tlie more he gazed, the more / acted at him, as if I was making violent love to my partner. Somehow, without looking, I saw every shade of Latimer's countenance. Once or twice I had compassion, hut there was the excitement of vanity and novelty to lure me on. ' For the first time in my life, I knew how much it was possible for men to care for us ; and I could not resist torturing my victim to the utmost. Fool that I was ! Cousin Latimer came up to me once more. Though annoyed and hurt, he mustered a good- humoured smile as he said, ' For the third and last time, will you dance with me?' 'But you don't waltz half as Avell as Captain Normantou,' I replied; ' I like liim best' ; and away I whirled again with the delighted hussar. ' The instant I had spoken, I felt I had gone too far. I would have given anything to unsay those foolish Avords, but it was too late. When I stopped, panting and breathless, after the dance. Cousin Latimer came quite close to me. I never saw a face so changed : he was deadly pale, and there was a sweet melancholy expression in his countenance, that contrasted strangely with the wild gleam in his eye. He spoke very low, almost softly, but in a voice I had never heard before. He only said, * God forgive you, dear ! — you try me too much.' 1 never saw him again, Kate — never ! NEVEK NO MORE. 293 ' When I heard what had happened, I was laid np for months with a brain fever; they cut all my hair off; they pinioned me; they did all that skill and science could do, and I recovered. Would to God that I had died ! I do not think my head has ever been quite right since. ' Kate ! Kate ! would you have such feelings as mine ? Should you like to live all your life haunted by one pale face? Would you wish never to enjoy a strain of music, a gleam of sunshine, a single, simple, natural pleasure, because of the phantom? Be warned, my dear, before it is too late. I tell you honestly, I never forgot him ; I tell you, I never forgave myself. What did I care for any of them, except poor Alphonse — and I only liked Alphonse because he reminded me of the dead. Do you think I was not a reckless woman when I married Sir Guy? 'Do you think I have not been punished and humiliated enough? Heaven forbid, my dear, that your fate should resemble mine ! I read your feel- ings far more plainly than you do yourself You have a kind, generous, noble heart deeply attached to you : don't be a fool, as I was ; don't throw him over for the sake of an empty-headed, flirting, good- for-nothing roue, who will forget you in a fortnight. Strong language, Kate, is it not? But think over what I have told you. Good night, dear. What would I give to yawn as honestly as you do, and to 294 A PURSUIT. sleep sound once again, as I used to sleep when I was a girl ! ' I took ray eandle, and kissed Lady Scapegrace affectionately as I thanked her, and -wished her 'good-night.' It was already late, and my room was quite at the other end of the house. As I sped along, devoutly trusting I should not meet any of the gentlemen on their way to bed, I spied a figure advancing towards me from the end of a long cor- ridor. It was attired in a flowing dressing-gown of crimson silk, with magnificent Turkish slippers, and carried a hand candlestick much off" the perpen- dicular, as it swayed up the passage in a somewhat devious course. When it caught sight of me it ex- tended both its arms, regardless of the melted wax with which such a manoeuvre bedaubed the wall, and prepared, with many endearing and compli- mentary expressions, to bar my further progress. The figure was no less a person than Sir Guy, half tipsy, proceeding from his dressing-room to bed. "What to do I knew not. I shuddered at the idea of meeting the baronet at such an hour, and in so ex- cited a state. I loathed and hated him at all times, and I quite trembled now^ to face his odious compli- ments and impertinent double-en tendres. My hunting experience, however, had given me a quick eye to see my way out of a difficulty ; and espying a green- baize door on my right, I rushed through it, and down a flight of stone steps that led I knew not MY ESCAPE. 295 where. Giving a view-holloa that must have startled every light sleeper in the house, Sir Guy followed close in my Avake^ dropping the silver candlestick with a most alarming clatter. I saw I had not the speed of him to any great extent, so I dodged into the first empty room I came to, and, blowing out my light, resolved to lie there j^erdue till my pursuer had over-run the scent. The manoeuvre answered admirably so far. I heard the enemy swearing volubly as he blundered along the passage, thinking I was still before him ; and I now prepared to grope my Avay back in the dark to my own room. But I had not escaped yet. To my infinite dismay, I heard the voices of gentle- men wishing each other the usual ' Good night, old fellow,' and proceeding along the passage from the direction of the smoking-room. Horror of horrors ! a light approached the door of the very room in which I had taken refuge ; in another second he would enter — the man would find me in his room. He stopped a moment on the threshold to fire a parting jest at his companions, and the light from his candle showed me my only chance. A covered shower bath stood in the corner of the apartment, and into that shower-bath I jumped, closing the curtains all round me, but, as may be easily believed, taking very par- ticular care not to pull the string. Scarcely was I fairly ensconced, before Frank Lovell made his ap- pearance ; and I saw at once, through a hole in the 296 A gentleman's toilet. curtains, that lie was the lawful occupier and pos- sessor of the apartment. Here was a predicament indeed ! If the emer- gency had not been so desperate, I must have fainted. ' Good gracious/ I thought, ' if he sliould lock the door !' Frank, however, seemed to have no such intention ; I belicA'e this is a precaution gentlemen seldom adopt. On the contrar}'', he proceeded to make himself thoroughly at home. Lighting his candle, he leisurely divested himself of his coat, waistcoat, and neckcloth, enfolded his person in a large loose dressing-gown, leaned his head on both hands, and gave a deep sigh. Apparently much relieved by this process, he took up his hair-brushes, and after a good refreshing turn at his locks aiul whiskers, and a muttered compliment to his own reflection in the glass, that sounded very like ' You fool !' he unlocked a small writing-case, and pro- ducing from it a little bundle of letters, tied up with pink ribbon, selected them one by one, and read them over from beginning to end, kissing each with devout fervour as he replaced it carefully in its en- velope. I Avould have given a great deal to know who they were from ; their perusal seemed to aftbrd him mingled satisfaction and annoyance ; but he sighed heavily again, and I saw he had a long lock of hair in his fingers, which he gazed at till the tears stood in his eyes. He kissed it, the traitor ! and fondled it, and spoke to it, and clasped it to his A VISITOR. 297 heart (men are just as great fools as we are). Whose could it be? Not mine, certainly^ for I never gave him such a thing; Miss Molasses'? No: hers was black, and rather coarse, this was a silky chesnut. Could it have belonged to Mrs. Luraley ? Hers was very much the colour, and I often thought Frank rather epiis with her. Nonsense ! that lively lady had not an atom of sentiment in her composition ; she would just as soon have thought of working him a counterpane ! I was so interested in my discoveries, that I for- got altogether my own critical position, the imprac- ticability of escape till Frank had gone to sleep, the chance of arousing him as I went out, or, more alarming still, the awful possibility of his lying awake all night. When morning dawned, conceal- ment could no longer be preserved, and what to do then ? I meditated a bold stroke. To rush from mj^ hiding-place, blow out both the candles before my host had recovered his surprise, and then run for it. Thrice was I on the eve of this perilous enter- prise. Thrice my courage failed me at the critical moment. The fourth time I think I should have gone, when a knock at the door arrested my atten- tion, and Frank's ' Come in,' welcomed a visitor whose voice I well knew to be that of Cousin John. The plot began to thicken. It was impossible to get away now. ' Lovell,' said John, in an unusually grave voice. 298 A PERTINENT QUESTION. ' I told you I wanted to speak a word with you, and this is the only time I can make sure of finding you alone.' Frank was busy huddling his treasures back into the writing-case. ' Drive, on, old fellow/ said he, ' there 's lots of time; it's not two o'clock yet.' ' Lovell,' proceeded John, ' you are an old friend of mine, and I have a great regard for you, but I have a duty to perform, and I must go through with it. Point-blank, on your honour as a gentleman, I ask you, are you or are you not engaged to be married to Miss Molasses?' Frank coloured, hesitated, looked confused, and then got angry. ' No intimacy can give you a right to ask such a question,' he replied, talking very fast and excitedly ; 'you take an unwarrantable liberty, both Avith her and me. Who told you I was going to be married at all ? or what business is it of yours whether I am married or not ? ' John began to get heated, too, but he looked very determined. ' I am sorry you should take it thus,' he replied, ' for you force me to come at once to the point. As the nearest relation and natural guardian of my cousin, Miss Coventry, I must ask your intention with regard to that young lady. I have often re- marked you paid her great attention, but it was not A DECIDED ANSWEE. 299 till to-day that I heard your name coupled with hers, and a doubt expressed as to which of the ladies I have mentioned you meant to honour with your preference. I don't want to quarrel with you, Frank/ added John, softening, ' I do n't want to mistrust your good feelings or your honour. Per- haps you do n't know her as well as I do ; perhaps you can 't appreciate her value like me. Many men would give away their lives for her — would think no sacrifice too dear at which to purchase her regard. Believe me, Frank, she 's worth anything ; if you have proposed to her, as I have reason to think you must have done, confide in me; I will smooth all difficulties ; I will arrange everything for you both. God knows I love her better than anything on earth ; but her happiness is my first consideration, and if she likes you, Frank, she shall marry you/ Captain Lovell seemed to be of a different opinion. He bit his lip, looking angry and annoyed. ' You go too fast, Mr. Jones,' he replied, very stiffly ; ' I have never given the young lady you men- tion an opportunity of either accepting or refusing me. If ever / am fool enough to marry, I shall take the liberty of selecting my own wife, without consulting your taste ; and I really cannot under- take to wed every lively young lady that condescends to flirt with me, merely pour passer le temps' John's face grew dark with anger. How noble he looked as he squared his fine figure and reared his 300 'an affair.' gallant Lead, standing erect before his enemy, and scanning liim from top to toe. He was veiy quiet, too ; he only said : — ' Captain Lovell, I claim a brother's right to pro- tect Miss Coventry's reputation, and as a brother I demand reparation for the Avrong you have done her ; need I say any more ?' ' Not another syllable,' replied Frank Lovell, carelessly, ' Whenever you like, only the sooner the better. Popham always acts for me on these occasions ; he do n't go away till to-morrow after- noon, so I refer you to him. I 'm getting sleepy now, Mr. Jones. I wish you a good niglit.' Cousin John took up his candle, and retired. Never in my life had I been in such a position as this. That there would be a duel, I had not the slightest shadow of doubt — and all for my sake. That my gallant, generous, true-hearted cousin should have behaved so nobly, so unselfishly, did not surprise me ; but that he should be sacrificed to his devoted fidelity — I could not bear to think of it for a moment ! How I loved him now ! How I wondered that I could ever have compared the two for an instant. How I resolved to make him full amends, and, come w^hat might, to frustrate this projected duel. But what could I do ? In the first place, how was I to get out of the room ? My situation Avas so embarrassing, and at (lu> same time so ridiculous, that I could with ditlicultv MY FLIGHT. 3OI resist a hysterical inclination to laugh. Here I was_, at all events, a close prisoner till Captain Lovell should go to bed, and he seemed to have no idea of that rational proceeding, though it was now past three o'clock. He walked about the room, Avhistling softly. Once he came so near my hiding-place that I felt his breath on my cheek. ' Good heavens,' thought I, ' if he should take it into his head to have a shower-bath now to brace his nerves ! ' At last he walked to a drawer, selected a cigar, lit it, and throwing open the window, proceeded deli- berately to get out. I almost hoped he would break his neck ! But I conclude there was a ledge or balcony of some sort to sustain him, and that he was accustomed to a nightly cigar in that position. Here was a chance not to be lost ! I bolted out of the shower-bath ; I popped the extinguisher on one candle, and blew the other out at the same instant. I heard the smoker's exclamation of astonishment, but heeded it not. 1 rushed through the door. I flew along the dark passages, breathless and trem- bling; at last I reached my own room, more by instinct, I believe, than any other faculty, and having locked the door, and struck a light, sat me down, in a state of immense confusion and bewilderment, to think what I should do next. 302 WHAT NEXT? CHAPTER XXIII. TT7H0 was there to whom I could apply? Sir Guy, of course^ was out of the question. Then, in an affair of such delicacy, I could not con- sult a young man ; besides, these boys, I fancy, are always for fighting right or wrong. A woman was no use, or I should have gone straight back to Lady Scapegrace. I pondered matters over and over again. I thought of every horror in the way of duelling I had ever heard of. My own uncle was shot dead by a Frenchman, when attached to the army of occupation at Cambray. It was a romantic stor}', and I had often heard the particulars from my godfather, General Grape, who officiated as his second. My uncle was a handsome, chivalrous youth, deeply attached to a countrywomaii of his own, whose picture he wore constantly next his heart. Such a man Avas not likely to l)ecome compromised with another lady. It happened, how- ever, that my uncle was quartered in the vicinity of a chateau belonging to a retired general of the Grand Army, who hated an Englishman as a matter of taste, and a British olliccr as a matter of duty. MY UNCLE. 303 The Freucli general had a charming daughter, and Rosalie, besides being belle comme le jour, was like- wise what her acquaintance called tant soil peu co- quette. So she made love to my uncle on every available opportunity, and of course, because he didn't care for her two pins, set her faithless heart upon him, as a woman will. To make things simpler, she was herself engaged to a yoimg marquis in the neighbourhood. Well, my uncle, like a sensible man, did his best to keep clear of the whole thing, but he could not avoid meeting Uosalie occasionally in his walks, nor could he absolutely refuse to make her acquaintance, or refrain from perusing the letters she wrote to him, or, finally, prevent that forward young person from falling into his arras, and burst- ing into tears, with her head on his shoulder. The moment was, however, ill-chosen for so dramatic a scene, inasmuch as it occurred under the very noses of her father and her fiance, both of whom, unknown to the fair wanderer, had followed Rosalie, on pur- pose to find out where it was she walked day after day so perseveringly. My luicle had scarcely recovered his surprise at the first demonstration, ere he was staggered by the second, — ' Malheureiise!^ exclaimed the father; ^Per- fide!^ groaned the lover. ' Traitre!' shouted the marquis; 'Ldche!' growled the general. My uncle turned from one to the other, completely at a non- plus, Rosalie in the meantime clinging to his breast. 304 ROSALIE. and imploring him passionately to save her ! INfy uncle's waistcoat came undone — his real mistress's miniature dropped out ; the sight added fuel to the fire of the belligerents. Nothing would satisfy them but his blood. In vain he protested, in vain he swore, in extremely bad French, that he had no penchant for Rosalie, had never made love to her in his life ; in fact, rather disliked her than otherwise. The Frenchmen sacreed, and fumed, and stormed at him, and jostled him, till my uncle lost all pa- tience, shook himself clear of Rosalie, who fell, fainting, to the ground, knocked each of his adver- saries down in turn, and walked home to his quarters, very much disgusted with the world in general, and the wilfulness of French young ladies in particular. Of course he knew perfectly well it was not to end here. He sent for Grape, then a brother subaltern, and placed his honour in that officer's hands. No message came for two days, that interval having elapsed in consequence of a deadly quarrel between the marquis and the general as to mIio should take the thing up first. Grape firmly believes they decided the matter with small swords ; another version is, that they played piquet for eight-and- forty hours to settle it — the best out of so many games. Be this how it may, the general appeared as the ostensible champion, and the marquis officiated as his temoin. Grape, as my uncle's second, chose pistols for the weapons, and selected a retired piece THE WHITE UOSE. 305 of groiancl in a large garden, near the chateau, as the lists. I give the conclusion in his own words : — ' Horsingham was as cool as a cucumber, and the only thing that seemed to annoy him was a possi- bility that the cause of his rencontre might be mis- represented to her he loved at home. ' « Tell her I was faithful to the last,' said he to me, as he squeezed my hand just before / put him up. ' Tell her, if I fall, that I never loved another ; that my heart is pure and spotless as that white rose, which I will wear upon it for her sake.' ' "While he spoke, he plucked a white rose from a neighbouring bush, and, in spite of my remon- strances, fixed it in the breast of his close-fitting dark coat. ' *^ What are you about, Charlie?' I urged. 'This is no time for romance ; don't you know all these cursed Frenchmen are dead shots. You might as well chalk out a bull's-eye over the pit of your stomach !' ' He was a romantic, foolish felloAV. I can see him now, drawing himself up, and looking like a knight of the olden time, with his brightening eye, and his smooth, unruffled forehead. ' ' Give her the White Rose,' he only said. * She'll keep it when it 's withered, perhaps. And tell her I never wavered — never for an hour !' ' I knew too Avell how it would be. From the instant he came on the ground, the old general never 3o6 EXPENDED. took liis eye off his man. What an eye it was ! Cokl and grey and leaden ; half shut, like that of some wild animal, with a pupil that contracted visibly while I watched it. I knew my friend had no chance. I did all I could. As I had the privi- lege of placing the men, I stationed our adversary where he would have to look over his shoulder to see my signal, whilst my friend's face was turned towards me. They were to fire when I dropped my hat. I dropped it with a flourish, Alas ! all was of no use. The general shot him right through the heart. I knew he would ; and the bullet cut the stalk of the rose in t^vo, smashed the loAvcr part of the miniature, leaving only the face untouched, and poor Charlie Horsingham never spoke again. As we lifted him, and unbuttoned his Avaistcoat, the two Frenchmen gazed at the miniature with looks of anger and curiosity. Great was their astonishment to behold the portrait of another than Rosalie. The younger man was much affected; he groaned aloud, and covered his face Avith his hands. No so the old general, — ' Tenez,' said he, wiping the barrel of his weapon on his glove, — 'c' est dommage ! je ne contais pas la-dessus; jnais, que voulez-vous ? Peste ! ce n' est qiCun Anglais de mains." This is the carelessness Avith Avhich men talk and think of human life ; and here Avas my cousin about to go through tlic fearful ordeal, jjcrhaps to be shot dead, like poor Charles Horsingham. The more I ENERGETIC MEASURES. 3O7 thought of it, the more resolutely I determined to prevent it. I had never taken off my dinner dress — my candles were nearly hurnt down — the clock struck five — in two hours it would be daylight. There was not a moment to lose. All at once a bright thought struck me. I would rouse good old Mr. Lumley. He was clever, sensible^ and respected ; he was likewise a man of honour and a gentleman. With all his infirmities, I had seen him show energy enough when he could do any good. I would go to him at once ; and I left my room with the resolu- tion that I, for one, would move heaven and earth ere a hair of Cousin John's precious head should be imperilled on my account. I lit my candle, and tripped once more along the silent passages. I knew where Mrs. Lumley slept, and soon reached the door of her room; audible snores, bass and treble, attested, if not the good consciences, at least the sound digestions, of the inmates. I tapped loudly; no answer. Again I knocked till my knuckles smarted A sleepy ' Come in,' was the reply to my summons. They probably thought it was the housemaid arrived to open the shutters. It was no time for false delicacy or diffi- dence, and I walked boldly into the apartment. By the light of the night lamp I beheld the happy pair. Of course, I am not going to describe the lady's dress ; but all I can say is, that if ever I am pre- vailed on to marry, and such a catastrophe is by no 308 MR. LUMLEY ASLEEP. means impossible, I shall not permit my Imsband to disfigure himself at any hour by adopting such a costume as that of dear, kind, good, old Mr. Lvmilcy. A Avhite cotton nightcap, coming well over the ears, and tied under the throat with tape to match, surmounted by a high honnet-rouge like an extin- guisher, the entire head-dress being further secured by a broad black ril)bon, would make Plato himself look ridiculous ; and a sleepy old face, with a small turn-up nose, and a rough stubbly chin of unshaven grey, does not add to the beauty or the dignity of such a recumbent subject. However, what I wanted was Mr. Lumley ; and ]Mr. Lumley I was forced to take as I could get him. 'What's o'clock?' he murmured, droAvsily. 'Come again to light the fire in half an hour.' ' Why, it 's Kate ! ' exclaimed his better half, rousing up, bright and Avarm, in a moment, like a child. ' Goodness ! Kate, what are you doing here ?' ' Miss Coventry !' ejaculated herhusljand. ' What is it? A perfect specimen of the common house- spider, I'll lay my life. What an energetic girl ! — found it on her pillow, and lost not a moment in bringing it here. I 'ra eternally obliged to you. Where is it? — Mind you don't injure the legs! — Pray don't stick a pin through the Ijack !' *0h, Mr. Lumley!' I sobbed out, 'it's worse than a spider. Get up, please; there's going to be CAPTAIN LOVELL S ADDRESS. 3O9 a duel, and I want you to stop it. Captain Lovell and Cousin — Cousin' — I fairly broke down here, and burst into tears ; but the kind old man understood me in an instant. ' Margery, my dear/ he shouted, * get me up du^ectly — there 's not a moment to lose. Oh, these boys ! these boys ! young blood and absence of brains ! If they would but devote their energies to science — don't distress yourself, my dear ; I '11 manage it all. Where does Captain Lovell sleep?' ' First door on the right when you get down the steps in the Bachelors' wing/ I replied, unhesi- tatingly, much to the surprise of Mrs. Lumley. She would have known, too, if she had been shut up there for a couple of hours in a shower-bath. ' I '11 go to him as soon as I am dressed,' promised Mr. Lumley. ' I pledge you my honour he sha'n't fight till I give him leave. Go to bed, my dear, and leave everything in my hands. Don't cry, there 's a good girl. By the way, the housemaids here are so infernally officious — you have n't seen a good speci- men of the common house-spider anywhere about, have you ? ' I assured the kind-hearted old naturalist I had not ; and as he was already half out of bed, I took my departure, and sought my own couch, not to sleep, Heaven knows, but to toss, and turn, and tumble, and see horrid \asions, waking as I was, and think of everything dreadful that might happen to 3IO THE TRUTH. my cousin, and confess to my own heart how I loved him now, and hated myself for having treated him as I had, and revel, as it were, in self-reproach and self-torture. It was broad daylight ere I fell into a sort of fitful doze, so out-wearied and over-excited was I, both in body and mind. BREAKFAST. 3 I I CHAPTER XXIV. 7 T is very disagreeable to face a large party with anything on your mind that you cannot help thinking must be known, or at least suspected, by your associates. When I came down to breakfast, after a hasty and uncomfortable toilette, and found the greater portion of the guests assembled at that gossiping meal, I could not help fancying that every listless dandy and affected fine lady present was ac- quainted with my proceedings during the last twelve hours, and was laughing in his or her sleeve accord- ingly. I cast a rapid and frightened glance round the table; and, to my infinite relief, beheld Cousin John eating his egg as composedly as possible ; whilst a re-assuring smile and pleasant ' Good morn- ing ' from jMr. Lumley, gave me to understand that his mediation had averted all fatal proceedings. The other guests ate and drank, and laughed and chattered much as usual ; but still I could not help remarking on the face of each of them a subdued expression of intelligence, as though in possession of some charming bit of news, or delightful morsel of 312 'a PARTI.' scandal. Lady Scapegrace -was the first to put me on a footing of equality with the rest. 'We have lost some of our party, Kate/ said she, as she handed me my tea. ' I confess I suspected it last year, in London. She is a most amiable girl, and will have a large fortune/ I looked at her ladyship as if I was dreaming. ' You need n't be so surprised, Kate,' said she, laughing at my utter bewilderment ; ' don't you miss anybody ? Look round the table.' Sure enough the JSIolasses party were absent, and there was no Frank Lovell. Then it was true, after all ! He had sold himself to that lackadaisical young lady, and had been making a fool of mc, Kate Coventry, the whole time. How angry I ought to have been ! I Mas surprised to find I was not. On the contrary, my first feeling was one of inexpres- sible relief, as I thought there was now no earthly obstacle between myself and that kind face on the other side of the breakfast-table ; though too soon a horrid tide of doubts and fears surged up, as I re- flected on my own unworthiness and caprice. How I had undervalued that noble, generous cha- racter ! How often I hud wounded and annoyed him in sheer carelessness or petulance, and thought little of inflicting on him days of pain to allbrd myself the short and doubtful amusement of an hour's flirtation and folly ! What if he should cast me off, now ? "What if he 'a clearing ur.' 313 had obtained an insight into mj character^ \Thich had cured him entirely of any regard he might pre- viously have entertained for me ? What if I should find that I had all my life been neglecting the gem which I was too ignorant to appreciate ; and now, Avhen I knew its real value, and would give my life for it, it was beyond my grasp ? At all events, I would never forget him. Come what might now, I would never care for another, I felt quite glad Frank Lovell was as good as married, and out of the way. The instant I had swallowed my breakfast, I put my bonnet on and rushed into the garden, for I felt as if fresh air was indispen- sable to my very existence. The first person I met amongst the flower-beds was dear old JNIr. Lumley. He had hobbled out on his crutches purposely to give me an interview. I thanked him, as if he had been my father, for all his kindness; and he talked to me gently and considerately, as a parent would to a child. 'I promised you, my dear, that they should not fight, and I think I have kept my word. Your cousin, Miss Coventry, is a noble fellow,' said the old man, his benevolent features kindling into ad- miration ; ' but I had more difiiculty with him than his antagonist. He would not be satisfied till Captain Lovell had assured him, on his honour, that you had yourself declined his advances in a manner which admitted of no misconstruction; and that then, and not till then, he considered himself free. You were 314 >IR- LUMLEY S OPINION. right, my dear — I am an old man^ and I take a great interest in you^ so do not think me impertinent — you were right to have nothing to say to a roue and a gambler. ' I was not always the old cripple you are so for- bearing with now. I lived in the world once, and saw a good deal of life and men. My experience has convinced me that selfishness is the bane of the generality of mankind ; but that nowhere is it so thoroughly developed as in those who live, what people call, ' by their wits/ and enjoy all the luxu- ries and pleasures of life by dint of imposing on the world. I consider Frank Lovell, though we all vote him such a good fellow, one of that class ; and I do not think he would have made a good husband to my young friend. Miss Coventry. Your cousin, my dear, is a character of another stamp altogether; and if, as I hear everybody say, he is really to be married to that Welsh girl, I think you will agree with me that she has got a prize such as falls to the lot of few.' Mr. Lumley was by this time out of breath ; but I could not have answered him, to save my life. Like one of his own favourite house-spiders, I had been unconsciously spinning a web of delightful self- delusion, and here came the ruthless housemaid and swept it all away. How blind I must have been not to sec it long ago. John might be very fond of pheasant-shooting, and I believe, when the game is plentiful and the thing well managed, that sport is TOO late! 315 fascinating enough; but people don't travel night and day into such a country as Wales, where there are no railroads, merely for the purpose of standing in a ride and knocking over a certain quantity of half-tame fowls. No, no ; T ought to have seen it long ago; I had lost him now, and now I knew his value when it was too late. Too late ! — the knell that tolls over half the hopes and half the visions of life. Too late ! The one bitter drop that poisons the whole cup of success. Too late ! The golden fruit has long hung temptingly just above your grasp; you have laboured, and striven, and persevered, and you seize it at last and press it to your thirsty lips. Dust and ashes are your reward; the fruit is still the same, but it is too late; your desire for it is gone, or your power of enjoying it has failed you at the very moment of fruition ; all that remains to you is the keen pang of disappointment, or, worse still, the apathy of disgust. I might have made John my slave a few short weeks ago, and now — it was too provoking, and for that Welsh girl, too ! How I hated everything Welsh ; not Ancient Pistol eating his enforced leak with its accompanying sauce, could have entertained a greater aversion for the Principality, than I did at that moment. Presently we were joined by Lady Scapegrace. She, too, had got something pleasant to say to me. ' I told you so, Kate,' she observed, taking my arm, and leading me down one of those secluded 3l6 UNSPARING. walksj 'I told Tou so, all along. Your friend, Cap- tain Lovcll, proposed to Miss Molasses yesterday. Don't blame him too mueh, Kate; if he's not married Avithin three weeks, he '11 be in the Bench — never mind Iioaa' I know, but I do know. I think he has behaved infamously to you, I confess ; but take comfort, my dear, you are not the first hy a good many.' I put it to my impartial reader whether such a remark, though made with the kindest intentions, was not enough to drive any woman mad with spite. I broke away from Lady Scapegrace and rushed back into the house. We were to leave Scamperley that day by the afternoon train. Gertrude was al- ready packing my things; but I was obliged to go to the drawing-room for some work I had left there, and in the drawing-room I found a whole bevy of ladies assembled over their different occupations. Women never spare each other; and I had to go through the ordeal, administered ruthlessly, and with a refinement of cruelty known only to our- selves. Even Mrs. Lumley, my own familiar friend, had no mercy. ' We ought to congratulate you, I conclude. Miss Coventry,' said one. ' He's a relation of yours, is he not?' inquired another. ' Only a very great friend,^ laughed ^Irs. Lumley, shakinii: her curls. 'a male flirt. 317 ' It ^s a great marriage for liirn,' sonic one else went ou to say ; ' far better than he deserves. Poor thing ! he ^11 lead her a sad life : he ^s a shocking flirt ! ' Now, if there is one thing to my mind more con- temptible than another^ it is that male impostor whom ladies so charitably designate by the mild term, ^ a flirt.' It is all fair for us to have our little harmless vanities and weaknesses. We are shame- fully debarred from the nobler pursuits and avoca- tions of life; so we may be excused for passing the time in such trivial manoeuvres as we can invent to excite the envy of our own, and triumph over the pride of the opposite, sex. But that a man should lower himself to act the part of a slave^ ' tied to an apron-string/ and voluntarily be a fool, without be- ing an honest one — it is too degrading ! Such a despicable being does us an infinity of harm ; he encourages us to display all the worst points of the female character — he cheats us of our due amoimt of homage from many a noble heart; and perhaps robs us of our own dignity and self-respect. Yet, such is the creature we encourage in ovir blind vanity, and Avhilst we vote him ' so pleasant and agreeable/ temper our commendation with the mild remonstrance, 'though I'm afraid he's rather a flirt!' I saw the drawing-room on that morning was no place for me^ so I folded my work, and curbing my tongue, which I own had a strong inclination to take its part in the war of words, I sought my own 3I0 COUSIN AMELIAS LETTER. room, and fouud there, in addition to the litter and discomfort inseparable from the process of packing, a letter just arrived by the post. It "was in Cousin Amelia's hand, and bore the Dangerfield post -mark. ^ What noAv ?' I thought, dreading to open it lest it might contain some fresh object of annoyance, some further inquiries or remarks calculated to irritate ray already over-driven temper out of due boimds. ' Cousin Amelia never writes to me unless she has something unpleasant to say,' was my mental ob- servation, ' find a very little more would fill the cup to overflowing. Whatever happens, I am determined not to cry — rather than face all those ladies with red eyes, when I go to wish Lady Scapegrace ' good- bye,' I would forego the pleasure of ever receiving a letter or hearing a bit of news again !' So I popped Cousin Amelia's epistle into my pocket without breaking the seal, and put on my bonnet at once, that I might be ready to start, and not keep Cousin John waiting. The leave-taking was got over more easily than I expected. People generally hustle one off in as great a hurry as the common decencies of society would admit of, in order to shorten as much as possible the unavoidable gene of parting. Sir Guy, staunch to his colours, was to drive me back on the detested drag; but his great face fell several inches when I expressed my determination to perform the journey tliis time inside. SIR GUY S DISAPFOINMENT. 3 I 9 ' I 've bitted the team ou purpose for j'ou^ Miss Kate/ he exclaimed, with one of his usual oaths, ' and now you throw me over at the last moment. Too bad ; by all that 's disappointing, it 's too bad ! Come now, think better of it, put on my box-coat, and catch hold of 'cm, tliere ^s a good girl/ ' Inside, or not at all, Sir Guy,' was my answer, and I can be pretty determined, too, when I choose. ' Then perhaps your maid would like to come on the box,' urged the baronet, who seemed to have set his heart on the enjoyment of some female society. ' Gertrude goes with me,' I replied, stoutly ; for I thought Cousin John looked pleased, and Sir Guy was at a nonplus. 'Awfully high temper,' he muttered, as he took his reins and placed his foot on the roller-bolt; «I like 'em saucy, I own, but this girl 's a regular vixen !' Sir Guy was very much put out, and vented his annoyance on his off-wheeler, ' double-thonging ' that unfortunate animal most unmercifully the whole way to the station. He bade me farewell with a coldness, and almost sulkiness, quite foreign to his usual demeanour, and infinitely pleasanter to my feelings. Besides, I saw plainly that the more I fell in the baronet's good opinion, the higher I rose in that of my chaperone ; and by the time John and I were fairly settled in a coupe, my cousin had got back to his old frank, cordial manner, and I took courage to break the seal of Cousin Amelia's letter, 320 THE SQUIRE CAUGHT AT LAST. and peruse that interesting doeument, regardless of all the sarcasms and inuendos it might probably contain. AYhat a jumble of incongruities it was ! Long stories about the weather, and the garden, and the farm, and all sorts of things which, no one knew better than I did, had no interest for my corres- pondent Avhatever. I remarked, however, throughout the whole composition, that ' mamma's' sentiments and regulations were treated with an usual degree of contempt, and the writer's own opinions asserted Avitli a boldness and freedom I had never before observed in my strait-laced, hypocritical cousin. Mr. Haycock's name, too, was very frequently brought on the tapis — he seemed to have breakfasted with them, lunched with them, walked, driven, played billiards with them, and, in short, to have taken up his residence almost entirely at Dangerfield. The post- script explained it all, and the postscript I give ver- batim, as I read it aloud to Cousin John whilst we were whizzing along at the rate of forty miles an hour. 'P. S. — I am sure my dear Kate will give me joy. You cannot have forgotten a certain person calling this autumn at Dangerfield for a certain purpose, in Avhich he did not seem clearly to know his own mind. Everything is now explained. My dear Herod (is it not a pretty Christian name?) — my dear Herod is all that I can wish, and assures me that all along it Mas intended for mc. The happij day is not yet COUSIN JOHN spp:aks out. 321 fixed ; but my dearest Kate may rest assured that I will not fail to give her the earliest intelliyence on the first opportunity. Tell Mr. Jones, I shall be married before him, after all.' The last sentence escaped my lips without my meaning it. Had I not come upon it unexpectedly, I think I should have kept it to myself. John blushed, and looked hurt. For a few minutes there was a disagreeable silence, which we both felt awk- ward. He was the first to break it. ' Kate,' said he, ' do you think I shall be married before Miss Horsingham?' ' How can I tell?' I replied, looking steadfastly out of the window, whilst my colour rose and my heart beat rapidly. 'Do you believe that Welsh story, Kate?' pro- ceeded my cousin. I knew by his voice it couldn't be true ; I felt it was a slander ', and I whispered, ' No.' * One more question, Kate,' urged Cousin John, in a thick, low voice : ' Why did you refuse Frank Lovell?' ' He never proposed to me,' I answered ; ' I never gave him an opportunity.' ' Why not ? ' said my cousin. ' Because I liked some one else better,' was my reply ; and I think those few words settled the whole business. * * * * 322 SETTLED AT LAST. I shall soon be five-and-twenty now, and on my birthday I am to be married. Aunt Deborah has got better ever sinee it has all been settled. Every- body seems pleased ; and I am sure no one can be better pleased than I am. Only Lady Horsingham says, ' Kate -will never settle.' I think I know bet- ter. I think I shall make none the worse a "ttife because I can walk, and ride, and get up early, and stand all weathers, and love the simple, wholesome, natural pleasures of the country. John thinks so too, and that is all I need care about. I have such a charming trousseau, though I am ashamed to say I take very little pleasure in looking at it. But kind, thoughtful Cousin John has pre- sented Brilliant with an entirely new set of clothing; and I think my horse seems almost more delighted with his finery, than his mistress is with hers. My Cousin and I ride together every day. Dear me ! how delightful it is to think that I shall always be as happy as I am now ! THE ENU. ..