SELECTED WRITINGS OF WILLIAM SHARP UNIFORM EDITION ARRANGED BY Mrs. WILLIAM SHARP VOLUME I UNIFORM WITH THIS VOLUME THE COLLECTED WORKS OF FIONA MACLEOD (WILLIAM sharp) Tn Seven Volumes. Crown 8vo. $1.50 net; by post, $1.63. With Photogravure Frontis- pieces from Photographs and Drawings by D. A. Cameron, A.R.S.A. I. PHARAIS : THE MOUNTAIN LOVERS II. THE SIN EATER: THE WASHER OF THE FORD AND OTHER LEGENDARY MORALITIES III. THE DOMINION OF DREAMS: UNDER THE DARK STAR IV. THE DIVINE ADVENTURE: lONA: STUDIES IN SPIRITUAL HISTORY V. THE WINGfiD DESTINY : STUDIES IN THE SPIRITUAL HISTORY OF THE GAEL VI. THE SILENCE OF AMOR: WHERE THE FOREST MURMURS VIL POEMS AND DRAMAS POEMS BY WILLIAM SHARP SELECTED AND ARRANGED BY MRS. WILLIAM SHARP WITH PORTRAIT NEW YORK: r DUFFIELD & COMPANY 1913' All 'rights' reserved FOREWORD The writings of William Sharp divide themselves in the midway of his literary- life into two distinct phases. The more racially imaginative phase, put forward under shelter of a pseudonym, has been gathered together in the '.' Fiona Macleod " Series published by Mr. Heinemann ; and it seems fitting that a companion Series of writings of William Sharp, signed with his own name, should follow, and be as repre- sentative as possible, so that the two phases of his work can be compared con- veniently. As the " W. S." writings extend over a period of thirty years (the " F. M." period coincided with the last twelve years of the author's life), and comprise a wide range of subjects — poems, fiction, biographies, essays critical and reminiscent, and a mass of ephemeral work urged by the necessities of daily life — it has been somewhat difficult to determine on what basis to make a selection for the present Series. Finally, I decided to make choice from among the 2G2590 Foreword shorter poems, from essays and tales, to the exclusion of the longer novel and biography, and thus, moreover, to fulfil certain of his expressed wishes. In the arrangement of these volumes I have not preserved a definite chronological order, except in that of songs and poems. I have preferred to group the contents according to their subjects : Vol. I. Poems : Vol. II. Critical Essays : Vols. III. and IV. Papers, Biographic and Reminiscent : Vol. V. Short Stories. With the exception of a few of the poems, early experimental work is unrepresented ; the earliest prose work in- cluded is the essay on the sonnet written in the author's thirty-first year. In accord- ance with his own wishes his Life of Rossetti — considered by him as youthful and un- balanced — also his romance, The Children of To-morrow, are not reissued. Of his later novels. Wives in Exile and Silence Farm (both out of print) were written during the " Fiona Macleod " period out of a desire to strengthen the reputation of " W. S." and thus help to shield the identity of " F. M." My husband considered that Silence Farm contained his most successful effort in characterisation. Nevertheless, in it, he deliberately suppressed certain quahties vi Foreword natural to him, and emphasised others in order to make the style of writing as unlike that of " Fiona Macleod " as possible. Of other excluded mature work, the mono- graphs on Shelley, Browning, and Heine are available among the publications of Messrs. Walter Scott, to whom I am indebted for permission to include in this volume the ballads of "The Weird of Michael Scott," " The Death-Child." and " The Isle of Lost Dreams." The Life and Letters of Joseph Severn is out of print ; and the Progress 0} Art in the XIX Century is published by Messrs W. and R. Chambers. The poems in the present volume (1879- 1905) are selected from five volumes and a number of miscellaneous poems pubhshed in his own name, and not from those written over the pseudonym of "Fiona Macleod" (1893-1905). The earliest volume, The Human Inheritance (Elliot Stock, 1882) opened with a long poem in four cycles descriptive of Childhood, Youth, Manhood, and Old Age ; and from it are taken " Childhood's Inheritance," "Motherhood," &c. The sonnets " Spring Wind " and " A Mid- summer Hour " were included in The Sonnets of this Century (Walter Scott), vii Foreword as were also those " To D. G. Rossetti," to whose memory the anthology was dedi- cated. Earth's Voices (Elliot Stock, 1884), dedicated to Walter Pater, contained a series of lyrics — voices of the forests, rivers, winds, flowers, mountains, oceans — two long poems, " Sospitra " and " Gaspara Stampa," from which " To suffer grief is to be strong " and " Sleep " are taken. " The Record " is autobiographic, inasmuch as it was the beginning of an endeavour to relate memories of past lives that haunted the author. Romantic Ballads (Walter Scott, 1888) was written under " the earnest conviction that a Romantic Revival is imminent in our poetic literature " ; that, as he stated in the Preface, " the third great epoch of English poetic literature will be an essentially dramatic one : and its fruitage will neces- sarily be preceded by a blossoming of the genuinely romantic sentiment ... of the Romantic spirit — not the formal letter of Romanticism — a renascence which will be as manifest in realistic as well as in more directly imaginative prose and poetry. . . . In ' The Weird of Michael Scott ' [of which two sections are herein included] I have attempted a ballad in enlarged form — that viii Foreword is, it is meant as a lyrical traged}^ of a soul that finds the face of disastrous fate against it whithersoever it turns in the closing moment of mortal hfe." And he adds, " The thrill of the supernatural is so keen because it touches the most natural part of us." The poet spent the winter and spring of 1890-gi in Rome and its environ- ments ; the immediate literary outcome thereof was a volume of unrhymed, irregu- lar metres, printed at Tivoli, published privately that spring under the title of Sospiri di Roma and prefaced by 'an etched portrait of him by Sir Charles Holroyd. Concerning his use of unrhymed metre he wrote to a friend : " What can be done in Greek and German can be done in English. This has been proved, for some of Matthew Arnold's finest work is in unrhymed verse. ... I felt that there is in verse, as in painting, a borderland for impressionism pure and simple, for the suggestion of a certain colour and emotion, a vivid actuality, which are apt to be dissipated by the effort and restrictions of rhyme. ... In this verse you wilUfind something of my passion for the Campagna, and of that still deeper passion and longing for the Beautiful. All that I attempt to ix Foreword do is to fashion anew something of the lovely vision I have seen." "The Coming of Love," "The Untold Story," and " Dionysos in India " appeared originally in The Pagan Review (1892), the first and only number of a projected monthly review edited by " W. H. Brooks " — of which William Sharp wrote every word from cover to cover, under the pseudonyms of the Editor and the seven contributors. Of the section of poems 1893-1905, " Hill Water " was written for the Evergreen, 1895, a quarterly issued by Patrick Geddes and Colleagues, and " Spanish Roses " is taken from A Fellow and His Wife, a novel written in collaboration with Blanche Willis Howard ; the remaining poems in the last section were contributed variously to Harper's Magazine, the Century, New York Independent, Literature, Country Life, and the Pall Mall Magazine. The Fragment entitled " Persephoneia " is the Prologue to a five-act play, begun in 1903 at II Castello di Maniace, on Etna ; and of it the complete draft, the Prologue, and half the first act only were written. Elizabeth A. Sharp CONTENTS FROM THE HUMAN INHERITANCE (1882) PACE First Words 3 Childhood's Inheritance 4 Young Love 14 Motherhood 16 The Redeemer 31 Lines to E. A. S. 33 SONNETS (1882-1886) Spring Wind A Midsummer Hour 37 38 Pain 39 Possibilities 40 To D. G. Rossetti. I. 41 To D. G. Rossetti. H. 42 FROM EARTH'S VOICES (1884) Madonna Natura 45 During Music Shadowed Souls 48 SO Song Sleep Mater Dolorosa 53 54 55 The Song of the Thrush The Song of Flowers 57 59 xi Contents PAGE Song of the Cornfields 60 The Field Mouse 62 The West Wind 63 Hymn of the Forests 64 Song of the Deserts 66 A Record 6j Moonrise from lona 79 Moonrise on the Venetian Lagoons 8 1 Moonrise on the Antarctic 82 TRANSCRIPTS FROM NATURE (iS Wild Roses 87 The Ebbing Tide 87 Dawn amid Scotch Firs 88 A Dead Calm and Mist 88 Tangled Sunrays 89 Loch Coruisk (Skye) 89 Sunrise above broad Wheatfields 90 Phosphorescent Sea 90 A Green Wave 91 A Crystal Forest 91 The Wasp 92 An Autumnal Evening 92 A Winter Hedgerow 93 The Rookery at Sunrise 93 IMoonrise 94 Fireflies 94 The Crescent Moon 95 The Eagle 95 A Venetian Sunset 96 Empire 96 AUSTRALIAN SKETCHES The Last Aboriginal 99 The Corobboree 102 Xll Contents I'AGE Justice 104 Noon-Silence 104 AUSTRALIAN TRANSCRIPTS An Orange Grove 107 Black Swans on the Murray Lagoons 107 Breaking Billows at Sorrento 108 Shea-Oak Trees on a Stormy Day 108 Mid-Noon in January 109 In the Fern 109 Sunset amid the Buffalo Mountains 1 10 The Flying Mouse 1 10 The Bell-Bird 1 1 1 The Wood- Swallows 1 1 1 The Rock-Lily 1 1 2 The Flame-Tree 112 FROM ROMANTIC BALLADS (1888) The Weird of IMichael Scott 1 1 5 The Twin-Soul 133 The Isle of Lost Dreams 135 The Death-Child 1 36 The Coves of Crail 138 FROM SOSPIRI DI ROMA (1891) Prelude 141 Susurro 143 High Noon at Midsummer on the Campagna 144 The Fountain of the Acqua Paola 146 Clouds 152 Red Poppies 154 xiii Contents '*"The White Peacock 156 The Swimmer of Nemi 159 Al far della Notte 161 Thistledown 163 The Shepherd 166 The Mandolin 169 Bat-Wings 174 La Velia 175 Spuma dal Mare 177 The Bather 179 The Wild Mare 182 Scirocco 184 The Wind at Fidenae 187 Sorgendo da Luna 189 In July : Agro Romano 192 A Dream at Ardea 194 De Profundis 203 Ultimo Sospiro 205 Epilogue : 11 Bosco Sacro 207 POEMS (1889-1893) Oceanus — I-IX 215 A Paris Nocturne 221 Robert Browning 224 The Man and the Centaur 231 Dionysos in India — A Fragment 233 Ballad of the Song of the Sea-Wind 241 SONNETS (1893) Sonnet-Sequence — I-VIII 245 An Untold Story — I and II 253 The Veils of Silence 255 Written by the Sea 256 The Menace of Autumn 257 XIV Contents Aftermath PAGE 258 Flora in January 259 POEMS (1893-1905) From Oversea 263 Song 264 The Sun Lord 265 The Summer Woman 266 Sycamores in Bloom 267 Spring's Advent 268 The Summer Wind 270 The Hill Water 271 Rainbow-Shimmer 274 The Yellowhammer's Song 276 The Song of the Sea- Wind 278 Spanish Roses 280 The Sea-bom Vine 282 Venilia 285 —On a Nightingale in April 286 The Dirge of the Republic 287 Into the Silence 290 The Hill-Road to Ardmore 291 ^^^lite Rose 292 Echoes of Joy 293 \Mien the Greenness is come again 294 It happened in May 295 Nightingale Lane 296 Blossom of Snow 297 The Dandelion 298 The Dream-Wind 300 Triad 301 In Memoriam 302 PERSEPHONEIA (1903) A Fragment 3^5 XV FROM THE HUMAN INHERITANCE 1882 Praise he the fathomless universe For life and joy . . . and love, sweet love. FIRST WORDS {To the one who has always first read everything I have written.) How can I tell thee, dear, what never words Have fitly told ? How ope my heart to thee Wherein thou mightst, as in a well, per- ceive Deep down but the mere shadow of my love ? But as the wind sweeps from the icy north To some lov'd isle in dim Pacific seas, Or as the never-ceasing circling waves Follow round earth the radiant orb of night, So follow I with love unspeakable The pathways fill'd with light which are thine own. O love, thou art the flame that burns for me, My steady purpose ! That no dark can quench ! Holding thy hand I fear no more to watch The shifting of the changeful lights of Fate. CHILDHOOD'S INHERITANCE Beneath the blue vault of a summer sky, Where little clouds with white wings strove to fly Far from the burning noon, leagues long there lay Wide heather moors that stretched till far away Northward faint hills arose, and southward rolled The ocean gleaming with sun-litten gold. II And 'mid a great swell of the purple waste Close to the sea, a rock, which no hand placed Thus lonely and afar but which was hurled A meteor from some ruin'd starry world. Rose dark and frowning, with its hoar sides scarred By winter tempests and the tiercel}^ hard 4 Childhood's Inheritance Gripe of the death-frosts that from north- land heights Steal silent through grim Januar}- nights, And traced with furrows by the many tears Of rainy autumns thro' unnumber'd years. Ill The purple moorland waste alone stretched wide Beneath the sun — no thing was seen beside To break the long still sweep that met the sky, No mounds of rocks confusedly piled high, No single tree with clear boughs limned in black Against the blue, no white and dusty track. But only miles and miles and miles that swept Purple to where the leagueless waters leapt. The old rock stood forth like an ancient throne Great tho' forgotten, where the winds alone Paid homage, fair in the sunshme of the day, Solemn by night with phosphorescent grey. IV Around, the honey-laden bees humm'd loud With summer gladness ; in a mazy cloud Whirling the grey gnats rose and wheeled and spun Swift golden notes within the golden sun ; 5 Childhood's Inheritance And bright with all their royal emblazonries Flashed like swift darts of fire great dragon- flies. Away across the glowing moors there rang The lapwing's wild complaint, and far off sang Hidden in blue a small rejoicing lark Singing against some unseen yearn'd for mark : About the heath the 3'ellowhammer's cry Piped sweet and clear, and often suddenly, With joyous chirps and jerks, the stonechat flew From spray to spray, and, darting flame-like through The scented heather spires to where beneath The ants had silent kingdoms in the heath. The green-grey black-eyed lizard flashing shot So swift the hawk on poised wings saw it not. V O'er all the deep skies arch'd a wondrous space Of ardent azure while the sun had place, That changed to dark, deep depths when twilight grey Dreamt into night dark'ning to one vast shade 6 Childhood' s Inheritance Of purple-black, when lamplike star by star Sparkled or shone or pulsing flamed afar. Silence, save for each blent and natural sound Of earth and air — ^where sea-caves made the ground, By tidal waves of ages undermined. Groan as in travail — ^when the ti umpet wind All uncheck'd blew — or swelled the incessant cries Of tossed waves in their breaking agonies. VI Upon the summit of the ancient stone (Whose birth was in Time's youth), and all alone. Sat silent, tranced, and motionless a child, Like some sweet flow'r chance nurtured in the wild. Sat watching seabirds, with his eager eyes Full of the deep blue of the vaulted skies. A child, for he indeed was little more ; A child at heart, such as whom make the door Of heaven seem open'd here — ^to whom the seas Breaking in foam, and scattered spray-swept trees 7 Childhood' s Inheritance With long arms wrestling, and the winds on wings Invisible were wondrous living things. VII A[^flower,[for his wind-kissed locks unshorn Shone yellow as gold daffodils at morn ; His eyes were blue as in the golden grain Windflow'rs are blue, and soft as after rain Violets that under dripping leaves have lain, And tender as a dappled fawn's that yearn For pity when the shrew-mice from the fern Shake down the dew-drops; 'neath his sunlit hair As early morning, his sweet face was fair Beneath the sun-brown — as a white bud rose That flushes faintly while the June sun glows. And even as he gazed there deeper grew Within his eyes a holier softer blue, Where some thought brooded in their sacred shade ; It seemed almost as if some song were laid Asleep upon his face that yet would find Some perfect utterance for the echoing wind To carry to the birds ; in reverie Raptured he saw what these could never see. Childhood's Inheritance VIII Oh blessed time, when all God's world is fair And to the soul not foreign ! When the bare Wide cruel wastes of death-encumber 'd sea Seem as the voice of God that thunderingly Beats round the recreant earth ; when morning seems The revelation of one's utmost dreams Of beauty ; when the slow death of the day Makes all the west one glorious crimson way For happy souls that die ; and when the moon, Wheeling her radiant orb thro' the dark noon Of night, with conscious splendour makes the seas Unutterably solemn, and great trees Lost in the shadow stand forth with huge limbs Ghostly and clear ; when bird-songs are all hymns Of joy and praise, and every wilding flower Is known and loved ; and when each pent- up hour Seems worse than wasted to the eager heart, That fain would hear the thrush- wings strike apart 9 Childhood' s Inheritance The beech leaves in short flight ere full and clear Burst the sweet tide of song, or watch the deer Stand with great eyes amid the fern, or high Hearken the cuckoo's music fill the sk3\ IX He seemed content just silentty to sit And watch the breaking waves, the swallows flit Like arrows through the air, save when along The summer wind swept bearing the sweet song Of happy larks, or the repeated cries Of plovers when they caught the hawk's keen eyes Fixt on their young — and then he seem'd tobe All sight and ear, as j^earning tearfully To beat with spirit pinions that fine air Where at the gates of heaven exceeding fair The bird-songs rose and fell like silver tides, Or else to be as that royal bird that prides Itself on flinching not before the sun But stares undaunted, so he might have spun Downward with death upon the fierce pois'd hawk, 10 Childhood's Inheritance Saving the moorland brood : not man or boy Seem'd he so much as some incarnate joy At one with all things fair, fiow'r o' the sod And insect, to the Loveliness call'd God. X As a red rose that in full bloom doth spread Her soft flushed bosom to the wind ere dead 'Mid fallen leaves her queenliness is gone, So the fair westering day in glory shone Heedless of coming night though night was nigh. The sunset burned afar ; the holy sk}' Seem'd filled with heavenly forms mail'd in clear gold, Guiding their purple rafts through seas that rolled Immeasurably far off in crimson fire. The sea lay tranced watching the da}' expire. And tired waves rose and fell as though each pray'r Of rest long sought were granted. Every- where God's blessing brooded. And at last the day With one long earthward smile, dissolved away. Veiling her head in twilight robes where- through The palpitating stars shone faint and few. II Childhood' s Inheritance XI From out the darkening vault where thej' had hid Through sweltering heats of noon, swiftly there slid Star after star, each swimming from the near Dark blue of heaven, as from a windless mere Rise in calm morning tMdlights white and clear Young lil}- buds that open golden eyes Which joy makes wider when the day doth rise. XII Far inland, vAih. an oft-repeated cry The curlew wailed, and swelled mysteriously Hoarse sounds from the dim sea. The bo37's face grew White in the dusky shade as swiftly flew A great grey gull close by him, like a ghost Haunting the desolate margins of the coast : Great moths came out, with myriad sharded wings Huge beetles droned, and other twilight things Hummed their dim lives away, and through the air 12 Childhood' s Inheritance The flittermice wheeled whisthng : while the glare Of summer lightnings flashing furtively Blazed for a moment o'er the sleeping sea. XIII At last, with a long sigh, he turn'd and sHd From the old rock, and for a Httle hid His face amongst the heather-spires that shook With cool sweet dews : then one last lingering look Across the twilight seas, whereo'er the moon Within her crescent shallop would sail soon, When with swift steps he turn'd and west- ward fled Across the moor by a little path that led. Almost unseen save known, till suddenly, Screened from the \ision of the neighbouring sea Low in a dip between two moorland mounds A cottage lay ; whereto with rapid bounds He sped, and, bearing with him odours of salt foam, Entered the little doorway of his home. 13 YOUNG LOVE On a flower in a forest, A lily-bosom'd flower, (Where never windy tempest Came, nor ever any shower) — A golden hour of birthtide, (The sky was blue, so blue !) Left me lying 'mid a songtide Of birds of every hue. Upon the white flower swaying I laughed and sang in glee, Till the thrushes long delaying Sang back deliciously ; And the dear white cloudlets sleeping Up in the blue, blue sky, Seem'd downy cherubs peeping Between the pine boughs high. A little wind came blowing And sang a wild-wood song, It whispered of the flowing Of bubbling streams along ; I laughed, and stood, and rising Found I had two small wings — So then I flew rejoicing Toward the water-springs. 14 Young Love And ever 'mid my flying, (A little cloud I seem'd !) I heard a great deep sighing, As earth in trouble dream'd ; And when I reached the river The sound more windlike blew : The glad stream hsped " for ever, But the sighing grew and grevv^. And as I laughed and wonder'd Among the flowers and grass. All suddenly it thunder'd, The sunlight seem'd to pass : A great wind took and blew me Across a grey wet sand, And tho' I wept it threw me Far from the joyous land. And now the salt waves leaping Pursue with hungry springs, And baffled, blind, and weeping, I beat my draggled wings : This was the great deep sighing I heard when I was 3'oung — And now, wind-weary, d\ang, My last sob-note is sung ! 15 MOTHERHOOD Beneath the awful fuU-orb'd moon The silent tracts of wild-rice lay Dumb since the fervid heat of noon Beat through the burning Indian day ; And still as some far tropic sea Where no winds murmur, no waves be. The bending seeded tops alone Swaj^ed in the sleepy sultry wind. Which came and went with frequent moan As though some dj'ing place to find ; While at sharp intervals there rang The fierce cicala's piercing clang. Deep 'mid the rice-field's green-hued gloom A tigress lay with birth-throes ta'en ; Her serpent tail swept o'er her womb As if to sweep away the pain That clutched her by the gold-barred thighs And shook her throat with snarling cries. Her white teeth tore the wild-rice stems ; And as she moaned her green eyes grew Lurid like shining baleful gems With fires volcanic lighten'd through, i6 Motherhood While froth fell from her churning jaws Upon her skin-drawn gleaming claws. As in a dream at some strange sound The soul doth seem to freeze, so she Lay fixed like marble on the ground, Changed in a moment : suddenly, A far-off roar of savage might Boomed through the silent sultry night. Her eyes grew large and flamed with fire ; Her body seem'd to feel the sound And thrill therewith, as thrills a lyre When wild wind wakes it with a bound And sweeps its string-clasp'd soul along In waves of melancholy song. Her answering howl swept back again And eddied to her far mate's ear ; Then once again the travail-pain Beat at the heart that knew no fear, But some new instinct seem'd to rise And yearn and wonder in her eyes. Did presage of the coming birth Light up her life with mother-love, As winds along the morning earth Whisper of golden dawn above ? Or was it but some sweet wild thought Remember'd vaguely ere forgot ? I 17 » Motherhood Some sweet wild thought of that still night When underneath the low-lying moon, Vast, awful, in its splendour white, Two tigers fought for love's last boon : Two striped and fire-eyed terrors strove Through blood and foam to reach her love. Of how their fight so deathly still Fill'd all her heart with savage glee ; The lust to love, to slay, to kill, — The fierce desire with him to be Whose fangs all bloody from the fray Should turn triumphantly away : Of how at last with one wild cry One gript the other's throat and breath, And, with hell gleaming thro' each e3^e, Shook the wild life to loveless death ; Then stood with waving tail and ire Triumphant changed to swift desire ? But once again the bitter strife Of wrestling sinews shook her there ; And soon a little mewling life Met her bewilder'd yearning stare, Till, through her pain, the tigress strove With licking tongue her love to prove. No longer fearless flamed the light Of great green eyes straight thro' the gloom, i8 Motherhood Each nerve seem'd laden with affright, The eyes expectant of some doom ; The very moonUght's steady glare Beat hungrily about her lair. A beetle rose, and hummed, and hung A moment ere it fled — but great In face of peril to her young The tigress rose supreme in hate And, with tail switching and lips drawn, The unreal foe scowled out upon. And when a mighty cobra, coiled Amid the tangled grass-roots near, Hissed out his hunger, her blood boiled With rage that left no room for fear. Till, with a howl that shook the dark, She sprang and left him cold and stark. But when a feeble hungry wail Smote on her yearning ears she turn'd With velvet paws and refluent tail And eyes that no more flashed and burn'd But flamed throughout the solemn night Like lamps of soft sweet yellow light To where her young was ; where she lay Silent, and full of some strange love Long hours. Along the star-strewn way A comet flashed and flamed above, 19 Motherhood And where great wastes of solemn blue Spread starless sailed the vast moon through, No sound disturb'd the tigress, save Stray jackals, or some wild boar's pant Where thickest did the tall rice wave, Or trump of distant elephant ; Or, when these fill'd the night no more, The tiger's deep tremendous roar. II Vast, solitary, gloomful, dark. Primeval forests swept away To where the gum and stringy bark Against great granite mountains lay ; And through their depths the twilight stole And dusk'd still deeper each dark bole. Deep in their pathless tracks there reared A huge white gum, whose giant height When winds infrequent blew appeared To brush the stars out from the night : A mighty column, straight and vast, Solemn with immemorial past : And at its base upon a bed Of fern-tree leaves strewn o'er the ground A woman lay as though lying dead — Dark, rigid still, without one sound : Her fixed eyes lifted not, nor saw The great stars tremble in strange awe. 20 Motherhood Crouch'd near upon the tufted grass Two wither'd, long-haired women bent Two dusky bodies. No sign was Made ever them between, nor went From swift, slant, startled eyes a glance To break the spell of their deep trance. They crouch'd with heads bent down between Thin, black uprisen knees ; their hair Hid their dark faces like a screen. And, scored with thorns, their feet lay bare : Hour after hour had watched them so. Three shadows fixt in sphinx-like woe. At times some wandering parrot's voice Clanged through the dusk ; from dead trees nigh A locust whirred its deafening noise And shrilled th' opossum's frequent cry : And hour by hour some slim snake stole Hissing from fallen rotting bole. At last, above the farthest range The full vast moon sail'd o'er the trees : The dead-like woman felt some change Thrill thro' her body ; from her knees Each shadow- watcher raised her head, And stared with eyes of moveless dread. 21 Motherhood Beyond — within the ghastly shade Of time-forgotten-gums aglow With phosphorescent light that made Each trunk burn taper-like — ^bent low, A savage, bearded and long-haired. Wild-eyed across the pale gloom stared : And when his shifting, restless eyes Caught the drawn woman's birthtime pang, He shrilled a wild yell to the skies And high with tossing arms upsprang Beating with eager blows a drum And shivering with some terror dumb : The list'ning women once again Shudder'd and grew more chill \\ith fear — Not at the harsh drum's maddening strain • But at the spirits that were near, The awful souls of hated dead That creep round each wild travail-bed ; The white-eyed sheeted things that steal Down dusky ways, and lie in wait And from the shade their death-darts wheel And wreak unseen their deathless hate : For these the fierce drum clanged and beat The summons of a swift retreat, 22 Motherhood What strange thoughts wander'd thro' the mind Of her who writhed in travail sore ? As, bearing scents and sounds, a wind Blows pregnant from some distant shore, So may have blown some wind of thought Memorioas from a past forgot. Drifting across her yearning eyes Stray visions of lost happy days. And filling with strange vague surprise The dreary sameness of her gaze — Dim, sweet memorial hours long lost, Scorched by long suns, numbed by long frost. But soon the wafted breaths that blew From off the deep drown'd past were blown Aside before some sharp wind new Of sudden agony. A moan Shook on her lips, and from her womb A new life crept to outer gloom. The watching women rose and went With deft hands unto her : the man Hush'd his tempestuous instrument. And with fleet silent footsteps ran To where, asleep in moonlight, lay Some huts rough built from branches stray : Motherhood And soon thereafter, in the light Of the full moon, the tribe stole out And fill'd with cries the startled night — Till, with claspt hands and one wild shout, They circled round the riven frame Of her whose blank eyes knew no shame. But as some feeble strength came back She stretched out thin and claw-like hands, With eyes as one who on a rack Yearns for mercy, or on strange lands Lifts outspread arms towards his own — So yearn'd she, with a mother's moan. Within her famish'd eyes no more The hunger of the body burned, But on the fruit her womb long bore Their light unspeakable was turned : And all the hunger of her love Lighten'd the child's eyes from above. Vast, solitary, gloomful, dark. Primeval forests swept away To where the gum and stringy bark Against the granite mountains lay : Till, as the great moon grew more wan, Stirred the first heart-beats of the dawn. And o'er the pathless tracks where reared The huge white gum, whose boughs had seen 24 Motherhood The woman's birth-throes, hght appeared And ht its leaves with golden green, And shone upon the straight trunk vast. Solemn with immemorial past. Ill Faint scent of lilies filled the room, Hush'd in sweet silence and asleep Within the dim delicious gloom : No windy lamp-flame strove to leap Amidst the moveless shade, but faint A soft light burned from censer quaint. And dimly through the gloom loomed large A carven bed that seem'd to sail Like ghost of some great funeral barge 'Mid shadow-seas no men might hail — Till from its depths suffused with night The wan sheets dreamed to gleaming white. And lo, half-hid, like some white flow'r Breasting the driven snow, there lay Expectant of the awful hour A waiting girl, who, far away Beyond where vision reacheth, gazed With eyes by some strange glory dazed. 25 Motherhood Like two strange dreams they were, wherein Played subtle lights of other life, Deep depths, scarce cognisant of sin, Serene, beyond all clamorous strife — Two seas unsoundable as night Yet lit to utmost depths with light. Silent she lay, as one who low In some dim vast deserted nave Bends rapt in mingled love and woe While the wild, passionate, sweeping wave Of organ music sweeps and rolls — The burden of all suffering souls. Silent she lay, for as a palm Within a thirsty desert feels A low wind break the deathly calm And drinks each rain-drop as it steals Between its dry parch'd leaves, so she Felt God's breath fill her fitfully. The soft low wind of life divine Entered the darkened womb, and there It cleft the mystic bands that twine The folded bud of childhood fair, Which, as an open'd lily, fell From death to life's strange miracle. 26 Motherhood O perfect bud of human flow'r Immaculately sweet and pure, Shall God's first influence in this hour Through all thy coming life endure, And thou expand to perfect bloom Untouched by crash of neighbouring doom ? Or, O sweet perfect human bud, Shall rains thee dash, and wild winds sweep Thy fair head to the mire and mud, And, with praying hands, thy mother weep Such tears of anguish as no pain Shall ever wring from her again ? Soft, soft, the wind of life doth breathe : — Some angel surely fans the while The faint new-litten spark beneath. And prayeth with a piteous smile That it may live, and living be A victor 'midst humanity. Silent she lay who soon should give This life to life : her secret thought Strove 'mid the happy past to live Again that day she ne'er forgot, That day when her young love took wing From maidenhood's sweet-scented spring : 27 Motherhood When hand in hand she trod the ways Flow'r-strewn with him, and felt his eyes Turn'd full on her with such deep gaze Of love triumphant, that the skies Seem'd but a hollow dome where rang Sweet tumult, as though angels sang : How the hush'd drowsy afternoon Slipt through the summertide, till low In the dark tranquil east the moon Rose vast and yellow, and more slow The flaming star that lights the west Lulled the sea-waters to their rest : How in the bridal chamber shone No other than the full-moon's light, And how between the dusk and dawn A wind of passion fiU'd the night And bore resistless soul with soul On to love's utmost crowning goal. Silent she was, but as her mind Made real once more that perfect day Her body trembled, as a wind Had blown upon her where she lay, And in her eyes serene and deep Joys unforgotten woke from sleep. 28 Motherhood As on a mighty midnight sea Wind-swept, and ht by a white glare Where intermittent hghtnings flee And deafened by the thunderous air Spht up with tumult, one great wave Doth rise and scorn an ocean-grave, And, gathering volume as it rolls, Doth sweep triumphant till at last It thunders up the sounding shoals Of stricken promontory aghast. And leaves its crown of foam where high The cliffs stare seaward steadily : So from love's throbbing pulsing sea All hghtning-lit by passion, reared A mighty wave resistlessly Of mother-love, which as it neared Fulfilment broke in one glad cry Of sweet half-wond'ring ecstasy. Hush ! the great sea is still, and low The night -wind wanders ; hush, for calm The mother waits the body's woe. Silent she lay ; mayhap a psalm Of sacred joy sang deep within The maiden heart unstained by sin. 29 Motherhood Mayhap the inward vision saw The unborn soul arise and stand Great in a people's love and awe, Crown'd not with gold by human hand But sacred with the bays that wait The victor in the strife of Fate : And deeper still, beheld afar The billows of the ages sweep A mightier soul from star to star — So ever upwards through the steep Dim ways of God's unfathom'd will But aye by fuller periods still. So shall it be for ever : evermore The mystic wheel of mother-love shall whirl Around the world, and link these three again. 30 THE REDEEMER I know that my Redeemer liveth — but out of the depths of time He hath not called to me yet. But from th' immeasurable tracts That widen unending to where beginneth eternity Falleth at times a voice, heart -thrilling, soul-piercing, life-giving ; High sometimes and clear, as a lark singing in a holy dawn, Hush'd and afar off again as a dreaming wave upon seas Lit by a low vast moon, and windlessly sleeping, but ever Sweet with a human love, and full of ineffable yearning, And crying of soul unto soul from infinite deep unto deep. And sometimes I look and gaze out upon uttermost darkness And hear the wail of desolate winds moaning around the world — 31 The Redeemer Till the darkness shivers to light, and clashing thro' earth and heaven I hear great wings make music, and mar- vellous thunderous songs Shout " Thy Redeemer liveth, O human soul, and crieth for thee I " 32 LINES TO E. A. S. Fair in my sight as white lihes that shine in the sunrise : Sweeter than flow'rs in the meadows that scent the mornings of spring : Dearer than vision of truth, for thou art the truth revealed, Dearer than faith, for thou art the crown of aspiration, Dearer than hope, for of hope thou art the fulfilment ! O love, love, love, thou hast turned the darkness of the world Into ineffable light, and all its intricate ways To straight, clear paths that lead from the depths to the heavens. The flower of my soul sways high in the wind of thy love, Glowing with passionate fervour through fulness of joy ; Soul with soul are we wedded, beyond the decay of the body, I 33 c Lines to E. A. 5. And spirit hath spirit touched, beyond the confines of flesh : Desire with mighty wings hath swept the chords of our being, And flesh and spirit are one in the mystic union of love ! 34 SONNETS 1882-1886 SPRING WIND O full-voiced herald of immaculate Spring, With clarion gladness striking every tree To answering raptures, as a resonant sea Fills rock-bound shores with thunders echo- ing— O thou, each beat of whose tempestuous wing Shakes the long winter-sleep from hill and lea, And rouses with loud reckless jubilant glee The birds that have not dared as yet to sing: O Wind that comest with prophetic cries. Hast thou indeed beheld the face that is The joy of poets and the glory of birds — Spring's face itself : hast thou 'neath bluer skies Met the warm lips that are the gates of bliss. And heard June's leaf-like murmur of sweet words ? 37 A MIDSUMMER HOUR There comes not through the o'erarching cloud of green A harsh, an envious sound to jar the ear : But vaguely swells a hum, now far, now near. Where the wild honey-bee beyond the screen Of beech-leaves haunts the field of flowering bean. Far, far away the low voice of the weir Dies into silence. Hush'd now is the clear Sweet song down-circling from the lark unseen. Beyond me, where I lie, the shrew-mice run A-patter where of late the streamlet's tones Made music : on a branch a drowsy bird Sways by the webs that midst dry pools are spun — Yet lives the streamlet still, for o'er flat stones The slow lapse of the gradual wave is heard. 38 PAIN I am God's eldest : — I and Love are twin ; We look for ever in the other's face ; Together our flight wings throughout all space — Sun, Star, Man, God, alike we dwell therein ; Some far-off goal together strive to win. But here on earth I leave the mightier trace. Clasp hands more close with all the human race. And weave the shadow- webs of joy and sin. And most I dwell in the clear skies at dawn, In marvellous eves when all the stars are bright, In music ere the sweetest chord is gone, In woman's beauty still unsoiled and white. In children's slumber in the morning wan. And lovers' vows and yearnings in tlie night. 39 POSSIBILITIES As day doth live beyond the sunset skies So life may wait us at the silent grave : Not windless is the sea because there rave Not alwa3"s the great storm-wind's har- monies. There may be light too strong for earthly eyes ; There maj' be hands to succour and to save From Death's indifferent o'erwhelming wave ; Nay, Death may lift to some divine sur- prise ! There may be music beyond instruments, And Spring for ev'r}' frost-nipt shapeless clod, There may be mightier love sacraments Than e'er were seen on consecrated sod ; A man there may be with Christ's linea- ments And 'mid the wheels of Fate a living God. 40 TO D. G. ROSSETTI From out the darkness cometh never a sound : No voice doth reach us from the silent place : There is one goal beyond life's blindfold race, For victor and for victim — burial-ground. O friend, revered, belov'd, mayst thou have found Beyond the shadowy gates a yearning face, A beckoning hand to guide thee with swift pace From the dull wave Lethean gliding round, Hope dwelt with thee, not Fear ; Faith, not Despair : But little heed thou hadst of the grave's gloom. What though thy body lies so deeply there Where the land throbs with tidal surge and boom, Thy soul doth breathe some Paradisal air And Rest long sought thou hast where amaranths bloom. 41 TO D, G. ROSSETTI II Yet even if Death indeed with pitiful sign Bade us drink deep of some obhvious draught, Is it not well to know, ere we have quaffed The soul-deceiving poppied anodyne, That not in vain erewhile we drink the wine Of life — that not all blankly or in craft Of evil went the days wherein we laughed And joyed i' the sun unknowing aught divine ? Not so thy doom, whatever fate betide : Not so for thee, O poet-heart and true, Who fearless watched, as evermore it grew. The shadow of Death creep closer to thy side. A glory with thy ebbing life withdrew And we inherit now its deathless Pride. 42 FROM EARTH'S VO'lCES 1884 MADONNA NATURA I love and worship thee in that thy ways Are fair, and that the glory of past days Haloes thy brightness with a sacred hue. Within thine eyes are dreams of mystic things, Within thy voice a subtler music rings Than ever mortal from the keen reeds drew ; Thou weav'st a web which men have called Death But Life is in the magic of thy breath. The secret things of Earth thou knowest well ; Thou seest the wild bee build his narrow cell. The lonely eagle wing through lonely skies, The lion on the desert roam afar, The glow-worm ghtter hke a fallen star, The hour-lived insect as it hums and flies ; Thou seest men like shadows come and go. And all their endless dreams drift to and fro. 45 Madonna Natura In thee is strength, endurance, wisdom, truth : Thou art above all mortal joy and ruth, Thou hast the calm and silence of the night : Mayhap thou seest what we cannot see, Surely far off thou hear'st harmoniously Echoes of flawless music infinite. Mayhap thou feelest thrilling through each sod Beneath thy feet the very breath of God. Monna Natura, fair and grand and great, I worship thee, who art inviolate : Through thee I reach to things beyond this span Of mine own puny life, through thee I learn Courage and hope, and dimly can discern The ever noble grades awaiting man : Madonna, unto thee I bend and pray — Saviour, Redeemer thou, whom none can slay ! No human fanes are dedicate to thee, But thine the temples of each tameless sea. Each mountain-height and forest-glade and plain : No priests with daily hymns thy praises sing, 46 Madonna Natura But far and wide the wild winds chanting sNving, And dirge the sea-waves on the changeless main, While songs of birds till all the fields and woods. And cries of beasts the savage solitudes. Hearken, Madonna, hearken to my cry ; Teach me through metaphors of liberty, Till strong and fearing nought in life or death I feel thy sacred freedom through me thrill, Wise, and defiant, with unquenched will Unyielding, though succumb the mortal breath — Then if I conquer, take me by the hand And guide me onward to thy Promised Land ! 47 DURING MUSIC tears that well up to my eyes, And vague thoughts wandering thro' my brain, Whence come ye ? From what alien skies, From what dim sorrow, what strange pain ? 1 hear old memories astir In dusky twilights of the past : voices telling me of her. My soul, whom now I know at last : 1 know her not by any name. But she with hope or fear is pale ; I see her ere this body came From mortal womb with mortal wail. Later and later through long years. Through generations of dead men, I see her in her mist of tears, I see her in her shroud of pain. I see her whom the aeons have raised From one dim birth to endless life ; I see her strive, regain, re-fail Forever in the endless strife. 48 During Music 1 see her, soul of man, and soul Of woman, and in many lands : Her eyes are fixt on some far goal But she hath neither thrall nor bands. On one da}' yet to come I see This body pale and cold and dead : The spirit once again made free Hovers triumphant overhead. Again, again, O endless day, I see her in new forms pace on, And ever with her on the wa}' Fair kindred souls in unison. O wandering thoughts within my brain, O voices speaking low to me, O music sweet with stingless pain, Bring clear the vision that I see ! O ecstasy of sound, O pain ! Too sad my heart, too sad the tears It bringeth to my eyes again. Too strange the hopes, too strange the fears. 49 SHADOWED SOULS It the soul withdraweth from the body, what profit thereafter hath a man of all the days of his life ? She died indeed, but to him her breath Was more than a hght blown out by death : He knew that they breathed the self-same air, That not midst the dead was her pale face fair But that she waited for him somewhere. To some dead city, or ancient town, Where the mould'ring towers were crumbling down, Or in some old mansion habited By dust and silence and things long dead. He knew the Shadows of Souls were led. For years he wandered a weary way, His eyes shone sadder, his hair grew grey : But still he knew that she lived for whom No grave lay waiting, no white carv'd tomb. No earthly silence, no voiceless gloom. 50 Shadowed Souls But once in a bitter year he came To an old dying town with a long dead name : That eve, as he walked thro' the dusty ways And the echoes woke in the empty place, He came on a Shadow face to face. It looked, but uttered no word at all Then beckoned him into an old dim hall : And lo, as soon as he passed between The pillars with age and damp mould green His eyes were dazed by a strange wild scene. A thousand lamps fill'd the place with light, And fountains glimmered faerily bright ; But never a single sound was heard, The dreadful silence was never stirred, Not even the breath of a single word Came from the shado\vy multitude. More dense than leaves in a summer wood. Than the sands where the swift tides ebb and flow ; But ever the Shades moved to and fro As windless waves on the sea will go. Then he who had come to the Shadow-land Swift strode by many a group and band ; 51 Shadowed Souls But never a glimpse he caught of her, In fleeting shadow or loiterer, For whom the earth held no sepulchre. He knew that she was not dead whom he So loved with bitterest memory, To whom through anguish' d years he had prayed ; Yet came she never, no sign was made, No touch on his haggard frame was laid. At last to an empty room he came, And there he saw in letters of flame : " This is a palace no king controls, A place unwritten in human scrolls, — • This is the Haunt of Shadowed Souls : " If thy Shadow-soul be here no more, Seek thine old life's deserted shore : And there, mayhap, thou wilt find again, Recovered now through sorrow and pain, The Soul thou didst thy most to have slain." 5^ SONG " To suffer grief is to be strong, And to be strong is beautiful and rare ' ' — 'Twas in thy court, O Love, I learned it there, This sad sweet song ! No one man dwells thy ways among, Wlio shall not learn thy thousand ways of grief Or how wild fears succeed each poor relief In dark'ning throng : There too a man may learn to put away The crowned summit of his heart's desire ; But O, the bitter burning of love's fire — Its bitterer ashes grey ! 53 SLEEP While sways the restless sea Beyond the shore, And the waves sing listlessly Their secret lore, And the soft fragrant air From off the deep Scarce stirs thine outspread hair,- Sleep ! Far up in purple skies Great lamps hang out, White flames that fall and rise In motley rout ; While fall their silvern rays O'er crag and steep, Woodlands and meadow-ways, — Sleep ! While the moon's amber gleams Gild rock and flow'r, Let no untimely dreams Possess the hour : Let no vague fears the heart 'Mid slumber keep, In dreams love hath no smart, — Sleep ! 54 MATER DOLOROSA She, brooding ever, dwells amidst the hills ; Her kingdom is call'd Solitude ; her name — More terrible than desolating flame — Is Silence ; and her soul is Pain. Day after day some weightier sorrow fills Her heart, and each new hour she knows The birth of further woes. And whoso, journeying, goes Unto the land wherein she dwells for aye Shall not come thence until have passed away For evermore the bright joy of his years. She giveth rest, but giveth it with tears, Tears that more bitter be Than drops of the Dead Sea : But never gives she peace to any soul For how could she that rarest gift bestow Who well doth know That though in dreams she can attain the goal. In dreams alone her steps can thither go:— 55 Mater Dolorosa Solitude, Silence, Pain, for all who live Within the twilit realms that are her own. And even Rest to those who seek her throne. But these her gifts alone : Peace hath she not and therefore cannot give. 56 THE SONG OF THE THRUSH When the beech-trees are green in the woodlands, And the thorns are whitened with may, And the meadow-sweet blows and the yellow gorse blooms I sit on a wind- waved spray, x\nd I sing through the livelong day From the golden dawn till the sunset comes and the shadows of gloaming grey. And I sing of the joy of the woodlands, And the fragrance of wild-wood flowers. And the song of the trees and the hum of the bees In the honeysuckle bowers, And the rustle of showers And the voice of the west wind calling as through glades and green branches he scours. When the sunset glows over the woodlands More sweet rings my lyrical cry, 57 The Song of the Thrush With the pain of my yearning to be 'mid the burning And beautiful colours that lie 'Midst the gold of the sun-down sky, Where over the purple and crimson and amber the rose-pink cloud-curls fly. Sweet, sweet swells my voice thro' the woodlands, Repetitive, marvellous, rare : And the song-birds cease singing as my music goes ringing And eddying echoing there, Now wild and now debonair, Now fill'd with a tumult of passion that throbs like a pulse in the hush'd warm air ! 58 THE SONG OF FLOWERS What is a bird but a living flower ? A flower but the soul of some dead bird ? And what is a weed but the dying breath Of a perjured word ? A flower is the soul of a singing-bird, Its scent is the breath of an old-time song : But a weed and a thorn spring forth each day For a new-done wrong. Dead souls of song-birds, thro' the green grass, Or deep in the midst of the golden grain, In woodland valley, where hill-streams pass. We flourish again. We flowers are the joy of the whole wide earth, Sweet nature's laughter and secret tears — Whoso hearkens a bird in its spring-time mirth The song of a flow'r-soul hears ! 59 SONG OF THE CORNFIELDS For miles along the sunlit lands We sway in waves of gold, A yellow sea that past the strands Has inland rolled. The sweet dews feed us thro' the night, The soft winds blow around ; The dayshine gladdens us with light And stores the ground. We feed a thousand happy birds, The field-mice have their share — Surely to these the reaping swords Some grains can spare. The deep joy of the joyous earth, We feel it throb and thrill ; The sweet return of natural mirth, Spring's miracle. All lands rejoice in us, we have A glory such as kings Might envy — but our gold we wave For humbler things. 60 Sojig of the Cornfields Our golden harvest is for those Who strive and toil through hfe, Who feel its agonies, its throes, Its want, its strife. O'er all the broad lands 'neath the sun, We spring, we ripen, glow ; The seasons change, the swift days run,- Again we grow. 6t THE FIELD MOUSE When the moon shines o'er the corn And the beetle drones his horn, And the fiittermice swift fly, And the nightjars swooping cry, And the young hares run and leap, We waken from our sleep. And we climb with tiny feet And we munch the green corn sweet With startled eyes for fear The white owl should fly near, Or long slim weasel spring Upon us where we swing. We do no hurt at all : Is there not room for all Within the happy world ? All day we lie close curled In drowsy sleep, nor rise Till through the dusky skies The moon shines o'er the corn, And the beetle drones his horn. 62 THE WEST WIND I come from out the West, And I breathe a breath of rest, And the sweet birds greet me singing From every tiny nest. I am the wind of flow'rs — I haunt the wild-wood bow'rs — And when my song is ringing Spring knows her sweetest hours. But when the autumn days Grow short, I rise and race Thro' all the woodlands, flinging Strewn leaves o'er every place. When winter comes once more, With deep tumultuous roar I sweep o'er ocean, bringing Wild tempests to each shore. 63 HYMN OF THE FORESTS We are the harps which the winds play, A myriad tones in one vast sound That the earth hearkens night and day — A ceaseless music swaying round The whole wide world, each voiceful tree Echoing the wave-chants of the sea. For even as inland waves that moan But break not 'midst the unflowing green Our trees are : and when tempests groan And howl our frantic boughs between, Our tumult is as when the deep Struggles with winds that o'er it sweep. 'Neath bitter northern skies we stand, Silent amidst the unmelting snows. Gaunt warders of the desolate land : Silent, save when the keen wind blows The drifting wreaths about our feet. Then moan we mournful music sweet. Or in vast ancient woods of beech Far south we make Spring's dearest home The haunt of myriad songsters, each A living fiow'r made free to roam 64 Hymn of the Forests From bough to bough, and thence we send A forest -music without end. 'Neath tropic suns and ceaseless glow With orient splendours we are filled : 'Midst Austral solitudes we grow, Where seldom human voice has thrilled : And ever and where'er we rise We chant our ancient harmonies. For aye the sea sings loud and long In strange and solemn mystery A wonderful transmitted song — The echo of all history — This song o'er all earth's lands we sing While round the circling seasons swing. 65 SONG OF THE DESERTS Wide, open, free, unbounded, vast. We leagueless stretch the wide world o'er : Above us sweeps the desert blast, Or booms the lion's reverberate roar Or the long howl of wolves that race Like shadows o'er the moonlit space In tireless, swift, relentless chase. We are the haunt of all the winds, O'er us as o'er the sea they sweep In boundless freedom : each blast finds A leagueless waste whereo'er to leap And race unchecked, — and day and night We hear the wild rush of their flight, A desert-music infinite. Ten thousand leagues of grassy plain We stretch, or trackless wastes of sand : O'er us no mortal king doth reign, But Bedouin or savage band And wild-eyed beasts of prey alone Wander about our tameless zone ; That bondage never yet hath known. 66 A RECORD {A Fragment) For, God wot, not the less a thing is trite Though every wight may not it chance to see. Chaucer. I hear the dark tempestuous sea Boom through the night monotonously, The hoarse faint cry of breaking waves Lashed by the wind that moans and raves Upon the deep — I hear them fall Against cliff-bases smooth and tall, A music wild, funereal. I seem to listen to a sound That circles earth for ever round, The dirge of an eternal song, A dull deep music swept along The listening coasts of many lands, Sighed mournfully o'er level sands, Or thunder'd amidst rocky strands. I sit within my lonely room Where the lamp's flame just breaks the gloom, 67 A Record And thro' the darkness of the night I see far down a starry Hght Where nestled safely in the chine The village street in one long line Doth like a glittering serpent shine. The keen wind blows through the dark skies, The stars look down like countless eyes That see and know, and therefore stare Unmoved 'midst their serene high air : And life seems but a dream, a shade Which fleeting Time o'er space hath laid, But which with Time shall one day fade. Old memories are mine once more, I see strange lives I lived of yore ; With dimmed sight see I far-off things, I feel the breath of bygone springs, And ringing strangely in mine ears I hear old laughter, ahen tears Slow falling, voices of past years. Far back the soul can never see — But dreams restore mysteriously Dim visions of a possible past, A time ere the last bond was cast Aside that bound the struggling soul Unto the brute, and first some goal Loomed dimly over Life's vast shoal. 68 A Record And dreaming so I live my dream : I see a yellow turbid stream Heavily flowing through clustered weeds Of tropic growth, and 'midst the reeds Of tall green rice upon its bank A crouching tiger, long and lank, With slow tail swaying from flank to flank. Its eyes are yellow flames, and burn Upon a man who dips an urn Into the Ganges' sacred wave, Unknowing he has reached his grave — A short, hoarse roar, a scream, a blow ! And even as I shudder, lo, My tiger-selt I seem to know. And dreaming so I live my dream : I see a sunrise glory gleam Against vast mountain-heights, and there Upon a peak precipitous, bare, I see an eagle scan the plain Immeasurable of his domain. With fierce untamable disdain : When first the stars wax pale his eyes Front the wide east where day doth rise. And with unflinching gaze look straight Against the sun, then proud, elate. On tireless wings he swoops on high 69 A Record O'er coimtless leagues, and thro' the sky Drifts Uke a dark cloud ominously : Then as day dies and swift night springs, I hear the sudden rush of wings And see the eagle from the plain Sweep to his eyrie once again With fierce keen dauntless eyes aglow — And even as I watch them, lo, Mine eagle-self I seem to know. And dreaming so I live my dream : I hear a savage voice, a scream Scarcely articulate, and far I see a red light like a star Flashed 'neath old trees, and the first fire Made by the brutish tribe burn higher Until unfed its flames expire : I see the savage whose hand drew The fire from wood, whose swift breath blew The flame until it gained new strength, — I see him stand supreme at length. And pointing to the burning flame Bend low his swart and trembling frame And cry aloud a guttural name : A god at last the tribe hath found, A god at whose strange crackhng sound 70 A Record Each man must bend in dread until This strange new god hath worked his will But lo, one day the fire spread fast, And ere its fury is o'erpast The tribe within its furnace-blast Hath perish'd, save one man alone Who far in sudden fear hath flown : But with a gleam of new-born thought A second flame he soon hath wrought Only to tramp it down, aware At last that no dead god lies there. Or one for whom no man need care. He looks around to see some god, And far upon the fire-scorch'd sod He sees his brown-burnt tribesmen lie, And thinks their voices fill the sky, And dreads some unseen sudden blow — And even as I watch him, lo, My savage -self I seem to know. And dreaming so I live my dream '. I see a flood of moonlight gleam Between vast ancient oaks, and round A rough-hewn altar on the ground Weird Druid priests are gathered While through their midst a man is led With face that is already dead : 71 A Record A low chant swells throughout the wood, Then comes a solemn interlude Ere loudlier rings dim aisles along Some ancient sacrificial song ; Before the fane the victim kneels And without sound he forward reels When the priest's knife the death-blow deals : The moonlight falls upon his face, His blood is spatter'd o'er the place. But now he is ev'n as a fiow'r Uprooted in some tempest hour. Dead, but whose seed shall elsewhere grow : And as I look upon him, lo, Some old ancestral-self I know. Thus far dreams bring mysteriously Visions of past lives back to me ; Visions alone perhaps they are, Each one a wandering futile star Flash'd o'er the mental firmament, — Yet may be thus in past times went My soul in gradual ascent. None sees the slow sure upward sweep By which the soul from life-depths deep Ascends — unless, mayhap, when free With each new death we backward see 72 A Record The long perspective of our race, Our multitudinous past lives trace Since first as breath of God through space Each came, and filled the lowest thing With life's faint pulse scarce quivering ; So ever onward upward grew, And ever with each death-birth knew An old sphere left, a mystic change — A sense of exaltation strange Thus through a myriad lives to range. But even in our mortal lives At times the eager spirit strives To gain through subtle memories Some hint of life's past mysteries — Brief moments they, that flash before Bewilder'd eyes some scene of yore, Some vivid hour returned once more. Swift through the darken'd clouds of sense A sudden lightning-gleam intense Reveals some glimpse of the long past. Some memory comes back at last — And yet 'twas but a sudden strain Of song — a scent — a sound of rain — Some trifle — made all clear again. 73 A Record With a swift glance such ghmpses come And go — but there are times for some When keen the vision is, so keen That thenceforth the indehble scene Remains within the mind for aye, Some reminiscence sad or gay, Some action of a bygone day. Thus came to me memorious gleams From the closed past, no sleep -brought dreams But revelations flashed out swift Upon the mind : a sudden lift Of the dense cloud of all past years, — A moment when the thrilling ears Heard, or the eyes slow filled with tears. Thus has there flashed across my sight A desert in a blinding light Of scorching sun, a dreary waste Of burning sand where seldom paced The swift, gaunt camels with their freight Of merchandise, but where the weight Of silence lay inviolate. There a few sterile rocks lay white In the sun's glare, a band by might Of old convulsions thither hurl'd In the far days of the young world : 74 A Record And in their midst a hollow cave Was cleft, where dwelt, as in a grave, One who came thence his soul to save. Young, and from out the joyous strife Of men he came to this drear life : No more for him the wine's swift spell, No more for him love's miracle — But bitter as the dead sea's dust Seem'd all past joys — dread things to thrust Aside, all equally accursed. In "fervid prayer all day he sought God's grace : in dreams at night he fought The fierce temptations born of youth. Awake, he strove to reach God's truth — Asleep, he felt his passions rise And darken all the heav'nly skies With dread deceitful lovely lies. Thus year by year he fell and rose In endless conflict, till his woes Fill'd all his days with burning tears And dreadful never-ending fears : Haggard he grew from scanty food. With sun and blast and shelter rude And terrors of his lonelihood. With long hair streaming out behind He raced before the burning wind. With wild insane strained eyes alert 75 A Record For demons lurking to his hurt— And though the sun beat fiercely hot Upon the sands, he heeded not But like a wand'ring shadow shot Across the burning level waste, Oft shouting as he wildly raced " My body is in hell, but L Its soul, thus hither speed and cry To God to blow me as a leaf From out this agony of grief, To slay, and give me death's relief ! " Oft as he fled, with from his mouth The white froth blown thro' maddening drought. He pass'd the crouching lion's lair — But when his shrill laugh fill'd the air The desert monarch shrank, as though He feared this raving shadow's woe, This haggard wretch with eyes aglow. But when the sun sank past the west The hermit fled the desert, lest God's eyes should lose him in the night. And foes Satanic guide his flight Till soul and body once again Made one should with the pangs of twain, In hell for ever writhe in pain. 76 A Record But when sleep came to him he lay In peace, and oft a smile would play Upon his face as though once more In dreams he lived his life of yore, — The life he did himself dismiss, The old sweet time of joy and bliss, — Heard laughter, or felt some loved kiss. Thus have I seen, and seeing known That he who lived afar alone, A hermit on a dreary waste. Was even that soul mine eyes have traced Through brute and savage steadily, That he even now is part of me Just as a wave is of the sea. Far out across the deep doth swell The hoarse boom of the Black- Rock bell, A heavy moan monotonous, An inner sea-sound ominous. As though throughout the ocean there Relentless Conscience aye did bear A bitter message of despair. Still sweeps the old impetuous sea Around the green earth ceaselessly — Changeless, yet full of change, it seems The very mirror of those dreams 77 A Record We call men's lives — for are not they Like life-sea waves Fate's winds doth sway And break, yet which pass not away Through depth of silent air, but blend Once more with the deep and lend Their never dying music sweet To the great choral song complete ; Each death is but a birth, a change — Each soul through myriad by-ways strange, Through birth and death, doth upward range. 78 MOONRISE FROM lONA Here, where in dim forgotten daj's A savage people chanted lays To long since perished gods, I stand : The sea breaks in, runs up the sand, Retreats as with a long-drawn sigh, Sweeps in again ; again leaves dr}^ The ancient beach, so old and yet So new that as the strong tides fret The island barriers in their flow The ebb-hours of each day can know A surface change. The day is dead. The sun is set, and overhead The white north stars shine keen and bright The wind upon the sea is light And just enough to stir the deep With phosphorescent gleams and sweep The spray from salt waves as they rise : And yonder light — ^is't from the skies Some meteor strange, a burning star — Or a lamp hung upon a spar Of vessel undescribed ? It gleams And rise?, slowl}^ till it seems 79 Moonrise from lona A burning isle, an angel-throne Reset on earth, a mountain-cone Of gold new-risen from sea-caves — ■ Until at last abo\'e the waves, Salt with Atlantic brine, it swims A silver crescent. Now no hymns In the wild Runic speech are heard. No chant, no sacrificial word : But only moans the weary sea. And only the cold wind sings free, And where the Runic temples stood The bat flies and the owl doth brood. 80 MOONRISE ON THE VENETIAN LAGOONS A more than twilight darkness dwells Upon the long lagoons : the bells Of distant Venice come and go Like sounds in dreams ; the tide's soft flow Sweeps onward, and a wandering gull Flits o'er the track of yon black hull Just fading in the gloom — ^no more I see or hear 'tween shore and shore : But as I lie and dreamily Watch the dark water from the sea Slip past the boat, in its blurred sky I see the crescent moon on high Casting curv'd golden flakes far down Amidst the calm lagoon — a crown Broken innumerabl}' up, The gold bands of a broken cup. I take an oar and make a rift In the soft tide of the lagoons, — And lo, the blade itself doth lift A score of quivering crescent moons. And as they flash I seem to see Each droplet with a small moon flee. I 8i F MOONRISE ON THE ANTARCTIC The huge white icebergs silently Voyage with us through this lonely sea, Noiseless and lifeless, yet they seem Like haunted islands in a dream Holding strange secrets that no one May know and live. In the bright sun They shine immeasurably fair, Bluer than bluest summer air, Or clear to the very heart with green Pure light, or amethyst as seen 'Mid sunset-clouds — ^but now they shine With a cold gleam and have no sign Of loveliness. The ship swings on, Plunging 'mid surging seas whereon Few vessels ever sail, and as Slowly the long hours come and pass The late moon rises cold and white, And sends a flood of wintry light Along the sweeping waves and round Our black and sea- worn hull. A sound Far off dies while it grows — some seal Long-drifted, frozen, waking but to feel Death's grip. And now the spectral isles 82 Moonrise on the Antarctic Grow whiter, icier still, and seem More hollow, with a strange weird gleam As though some pale unreal fires Consumed them to their utmost spires Yet without flame or heat. And still The moon doth rise, and seems to fill Each berg anew with life : we sail Upon a strange sad sea, where pale And moonshine isles float all around, Voyaging onward without sound. ^i TRANSCRIPTS FROM NATURE (From "The Human Inheritance AND t' Earth's Voices ") 1882-1 WILD ROSES Against the dim hot summer blue Yon wave of white wild-roses lies, Watching with listless golden eyes The green leaves shutting out their view. The tiny leaves whose motions bright Are like small wings of emerald light : Wliite butterflies like snow-flakes fall And brown bees drone their honey-call. THE EBBING TIDE A long low gurgle down the strand, The sputtering of the drj'ing wrack ! The tide is slowly ebbing back With listless murmuring from the land, And the small waves reluctant flow Where the broad-bosomed currents go. The sea has fall'n asleep, and lies Dense blue beneath the dense blue skies. 87 DAWN AMID SCOTCH FIRS The furtive lights that herald dawn Are shimmering 'mid the steel-blue firs ; A slow awakening wind half stirs And the long branches breathe upon ; The east grows clearer — clearer — lo, The day is born ! A refluent flow Of silver waves along each tree For one brief moment dazzlingty. A DEAD CALM AND MIST {Towards evening) The slow heave of the sleeping sea With pulse-like motion swells and falls, And drowsily a stray gull calls The very wail of melancholy ; All day the moveless mist has slept On the same bosom east winds swept : No breath of change in the gre}^ mist, Save just a dream of amethyst. TANGLED SUNRAYS Aslant from yonder sunlit hill The lance-like sunrays stream across The meadows where the king-cups toss r the wind, and where the beech-leaves thrill With flooding light they twist and turn And seem to interlace and burn, Until at last in tangle spun 'Mid the damp grass their race is run. LOCH CORUISK (SKYE) The bleak and barren mountains keep A never-ending gloom around The lonely loch ; the winds resound, The rains beat down, the tempests sweep. The days are calm and dark and still, — No other changes Coruisk fill. Scarce living sound is heard, save high The eagle's scream or wild swan's cry. 89 SUNRISE ABOVE BROAD WHEAT- FIELDS The pale tints of the twiHght fields Have turned into burnished gold, For waves of yellow light have rolled From the open'd east across the wealds ; While 'mid the wheat spires far behind Stirs lazily the awaken'd wind. A skylark high (a song-made bird) Sings as though God his singing heard. PHOSPHORESCENT SEA The sea scarce heaves in its calm sleep. The wind has not awakened yet Tho' in its dreams it seems to fret ; For, ever and again, the deep Hearkens a sigh that steals along As might some echo of sad song : Ah, there the wind stirs ! Lo, the dark Dim sea's on fire around our barque. 90 A GREEN WAVE Between the salt sea -send before And all the flowing gulfs behind, Half lifted by the rising wind, Half eager for the ungain'd shore, A great green wave of shining light Sweeps onward crowned with dazzling white : Above, the east wind shreds the sky With plumes from the grey clouds that fly. A CRYSTAL FOREST The air is blue and keen and cold, With snow the roads and fields are white ; But here the forest's clothed with light And in a shining sheath enrolled. Each branch, each twig, each blade of grass. Seems clad miraculously with glass : Above the ice-bound streamlet bends Each frozen fern with crystal ends. 91 THE WASP Where the ripe pears droop heavily The yellow wasp hums loud and long His hot and drowsy autumn song : A yellow flame he seems to be, When darting suddenly from high He lights where fallen peaches lie : Yellow and black, this tiny thing's A tiger-soul on elfin wings. AN AUTUMNAL EVENING Deep black against the dying glow The tall elms stand ; the rooks are still ; No windbreath makes the faintest thrill Amongst the leaves ; the fields below Are vague and dim in twilight shades — Only the bats wheel in their raids On the grey flies, and silently Great dusky moths go flitting by. 92 A WINTER HEDGEROW The wintry wolds are white ; the wind Seems frozen ; in the shelter'd nooks The sparrows shiver ; the black rooks WTieel homeward where the elms behind The manor stand ; at the field's edge The redbreasts in the blackthorn hedge Sit close and under snowy eaves The shrewmice sleep 'mid nested leaves. THE ROOKERY AT SUNRISE The lofty elm-trees darkly dream Against the steel-blue sky ; till far r the twilit east a golden star O'erbrims the dusk in one vast stream Of yellow light, and lo ! a cry Breaks from the windy nest — the sky Is filled \nth wheeling rooks — ^they sway In one black phalanx towards the day. 93 MOONRISE The first snows of the year lie white Upon the branches bending low ; A surging wind the flakes doth blow Before the coming feet of Night — Half dusk, half day, betwixt the pines Green -yellow the full moon reclines : Green-yellow, and now wholly green, While faint the windy stars are seen. FIREFLIES Softly sailing emerald lights Above the cornfields come and go, Listlessly wandering to and fro : The magic of these July nights Has surely even pierced down deep Where the earth's jewels unharmed sleep, And filled with fire the emeralds there And raised them thus to the outer air. 94 THE CRESCENT MOON As though the Power that made the nautilus A living glory o'er seas perilous Scathless to roam, had from the utmost deep Called a vast flawless pearl from out its sleep And carv'd it crescent-wise, exceeding fair, — • So seems the crescent moon that thro' the air With motionless motion glides from out the west, And sailing onward ever seems at rest. THE EAGLE Between two mighty hills a sheer Abyss — ^far down in the ravine A thread-hke torrent and a screen Of oaks like shrubs — and one doth rear A dry scarp'd peak above all sound Save windy voices wailing round : At sunrise here, in proud disdain The eagle scans his vast domain. 95 A VENETIAN SUNSET : BEFORE A CHANGE {Returning from Torcello) In violet hues each dome and spire Stands outhned against flawless rose ; O'er this a carmine ocean flows Streak'd with pm'e gold and amber fire, And through the sea of sundown mist Float isles of melted amethyst : Storm-portents, saffron streamers rise, Fan-like, from Venice to the skies. EMPIRE (PERSEPOLIS) The yellow waste of yellow sands, The bronze haze of a scorching sky ! Lo, what are these that broken lie ; Were these once temples made with hands ? Once towers and palaces that knew No hint of that which one da}- threw Their greatness to the winds — made this The memory of Persepolis ? 96 AUSTRALIAN SKETCHES THE LAST ABORIGINAL I see him sit, wild-eyed, alone, Amidst gaunt, spectral, moonlit gums — He waits for death : not once a moan From out his rigid fixt lips comes ; His lank hair falls adown a face Haggard as any wave-worn stone, And in his eyes I dimly trace The memory of a vanished race. The lofty ancient gum-trees stand. Each grey and ghostly in the moon, The giants of an old strange land That was exultant in its noon When all our Europe was o'erturned With deluge and with shifting sand. With earthquakes that the hills inurned And central fires that fused and burned. The moon moves slowly through the vast And solemn skies ; the night is still, Save when a warrigal springs past With dismal howl, or when the shrill 99 The last Aboriginal Scream of a parrot rings which feels A twining serpent's fangs fixt fast, Or when a grey opossum squeals. Or long iguana, as it steals From bole to bole disturbs the leaves : But hush'd and still he sits — who knows That all is o'er for him who weaves With inner speech, malign, morose, A curse upon the whites who came And gather'd up his race like sheaves Of thin wheat, fit but for the flame — ^^'ho shot or spurned them without shame. He knows he shall not see again The creeks whereby the lyre-birds sing — He shall no more upon the plain. Sun scorch'd, and void of water-spring, Watch the dark cassowaries sweep In startled flight, or, with spear lain In ready poise, glide, twist, and creep Where the bro^vn kangaroo doth leap. No more in silent dawns he'll wait By still lagoons, and mark the flight Of black swans near : no more elate Whirl high the boomerang aright Upon some foe : he knows that now He too must share his race's night — He scarce can know the white man's plough Will one day pass above his brow. 100 The last Aboriginal Last remnant of the Austral race He sits and stares, with faihng breath : The shadow deepens on his face, For 'midst the spectral gums waits death. A dingo's sudden howl swells near — He stares once with a startled gaze, As half in wonder, half in fear, Then sinks back on his unknown bier. lOI THE COROBBOREE {Midnight) Deep in the forest-depths the tribe A mighty blazing fire have made : Round this they spring with frantic yells In hideous pigments all arrayed — One barred with yellow ochre, one A skeleton in startling white, There one who dances furiously Blood-red against the great fire's light, — With death's insignia on his breast, In rude design, the swart chief springs ; And loud and long each echoes back The savage war-cry that he sings. Within the forest dark and dim The startled cockatoos like ghosts Flit to and fro, the mopokes scream. And parrots rise in chattering hosts ; 102 The Corobboree The gins and lubras crouch and watch With eager shining brute-Hke eves, And ever and again shrill back Wild echoes of the frantic cries : — Like some infernal scene it is — The forest dark, the blazing lire, The ghostly birds, the dancing fiends, Whose savage chant swells ever higher. Afar away gaunt wild-dogs howl. And strange cries vaguely call : but white The placid moon sails on, and flame The silent stars above the night. 103 JUSTICE [Uncivilised and Civilised) Ling-Tso Ah Sin, on Murderer's Flat One morning caught an old grey rat : " Ah, white man, I have got you now But no — dust be upon my brow If needless blood I cause to fall — • So go, there's world-room for us all ! " That night Ah Sin was somehow shot- By accident ! For he had got From earth a little gold — black sin For thee, though not for us, Ah Sin ! Murderer's Flat, February 1878. NOON-SILENCE {Anstralian Forest) A lyre-bird sings a low melodious song — Then all is still : a soft wind breathes along The lofty gums and faintly dies away : And Silence wakes and knows her dream is day. 104 AUSTRALIAN TRANSCRIPTS I. AN ORANGE GROVE {Victoria) The short sweet purple twilight dreams Of vanish'd day, of coming night ; And like gold moons in the soft light Each scented drooping orange gleams From out the glossy leaves black-green That make through noon a cool dark screen. The dusk is silence, save the thrill That stirs it from cicalas shrill. II. BLACK SWANS ON THE MURRAY LAGOONS The long lagoons lie white and still Beneath the great round Austral moon : The sudden dawn will waken soon With many a delicious thrill : Between this death and life the cries Of black swans ring through silent skies- And the long wash of the slow stream Moves as in sleep some bodeful dream. 107 III. BREAKING BILLOWS AT SORRENTO ( Victoria) A skj^ of whirling flakes of foam, A rushing world of dazzling blue One moment, the sky looms in view — The next, a crash in its curved dome, A tumult indescribable. And eyes dazed with the miracle. Here breaks by circling day and night In thunder the sea's boundless might. IV. SHEA-OAK TREES ON A STORMY DAY {S.E. Victoria) O'er sandy tracts the shea-oak trees Droop their long wavy grey-green trails : And inland wandering moans and wails The long blast of the ocean-breeze : Like loose strings of a viol or harp These answering sound — ^now low, now sharp And keen, a melancholy strain : A death song o'er the mournful plain. io8 V. MID-NOON IN JANUARY Upon a libry fern-tree bough A huge iguana lies alow, Bright yellow in the noonday glow With bars of black, — it watcheth now A gorgeous insect hover high Till suddenl}' its lance doth fly And catch the prey — but still no sound Breathes 'mid the green fern-spaces round. VI. IN THE FERN {Gippsland) The feathery fern-trees make a screen Wherethrough the sunglare cannot pass — Fern, gum, and lofty sassafras : The fronds sweep over, palely green, And underneath are orchids curl'd Adream through this cool shadow-world ; A fragrant greenness — like the noon Of lime-tree in an English June. 109 VII. SUNSET AMID THE BUFFALO MOUNTAINS {N.E. Victoria) Across the boulder 'd majesty Of the great hills the passing day Drifts like a wind-borne cloud away Far off beyond the western sky : And while a purple glor\^ spreads, With straits of gold and brilliant reds, An azure veil, translucent, strange, Dreamlike steals over each dim range. VIII. THE FLYING MOUSE {New South Wales — Moonlight) The eucalyptus-blooms are sweet With honey, and the birds all day Sip the clear juices forth : brown-grey, A bird-like thing with tiny feet Cleaves to the boughs, or with small wings Amidst the leafy spaces springs. And in the moonshine with shrill cries Flits bat-like where the white gums rise. no IX. THE BELL-BIRD The stillness of the Austral noon Is broken by no single sound — No lizards even on the ground Rustle amongst dry leaves — no tune The lyre-bird sings — yet hush ! I hear A soft bell tolling, silvery clear ! Low soft aerial chimes, unknown Save 'mid these silences alone. X. THE WOOD-SWALLOWS * [Sunrise) The lightning-stricken giant gum Stands leafless, dead — a giant still But heedless of this sunrise-thrill : What stir is this where all was dumb ? — What seem like old dead leaves break swift. And lo, a hundred wings uplift A cloud of birds that to and fro Dart joyous midst the sunrise-glow. * The wood-swallows of Australia have the singular habit of clustering like bees or bats on the boughs of a dead tree. Ill XI. THE ROCK-LILY {New South Wales) The amber-tinted level sands Unbroken stretch for leagues away Beyond these granite slabs, dull grey And lifeless, herbless — save where stands The mighty rock-fiow'r towering high, With carmine blooms crowned gloriously A giant amongst flowers it reigns, The glory of these Austral plains. XII. THE FLAME-TREE [New South Wales) For miles the Illawarra range Runs level with Pacific seas : What glory when the morning breeze Upon its slopes doth shift and change Deep pink and crimson hues, till all The leagues-long distance seems a wall Of swift uncurhng flames of fire That wander not nor reach up higher. 112 FROM ROMANTIC BALLAD! THE WEIRD OF MICHAEL SCOTT The wild wind moaned : fast waned the light : Dense cloud-wrack gloomed the front of night : The moorland cries were cries of pain : Green, red, or broad and glaring white The lightnings flashed athwart the main. The sound and fury of the waves, Upon the rocks, among the caves, Boomed inland from the thunderous strand : Mayhap the dead heard in their graves The tumult fill the hollow land. With savage pebbly rush and roar The billows swept the echoing shore In clouds of spume and swirling spray : The wild wings of the tempest bore The salt rheum to the Haunted Brae. 115 The Weird of Michael Scott Upon the Haunted Brae (where none Would linger in the noontide sun) Michael the Wizard rode apace : Wildly he rode where all men shun. With madness gleaming on his face. Loud, loud he laugh'd whene'er he saw The lightnings split on Lammer-Law, " Blood, bride, and bier the auld rune saith Heirs wind tae me ae nicht sail blaw. The nicht I ride unto my death ! " Across the Haunted Brae he fled, And mock'd and jeer'd the shuddering pead ; Wan white the horse that he bestrode, The fire-flaughts stricken as it sped Flashed thro' the black mirk of the road. And even as his race he ran, A shade pursued the fleeing man, A white and ghastly shade it was ; " Like saut sea-spray across wet san' Or wind abune the moonlit grass ! — " Like saut sea-spray it follows me. Or wind o'er grass — so fast's I flee : In vain I shout, and laugh, and call — The thing betwixt me and the sea God kens it is my ain lost saul ! " ii6 The Weird oj Michael Scott Down, down the Haunted Brae, and past The verge of precipices vast And eyries where the eagles screech ; By great pines swaying in the blast, Through woods of moaning larch and beech ; On, on by moorland glen and stream, Past lonely lochs where ospreys scream, Past marsh-lands where no sound is heard. The rider and his white horse gleam, And, aye behind, that dreadful third. Wild and more wild the wild wind blew, But Michael Scott the rein ne'er drew : Loud and more loud his laughter shrill, His wild and mocking laughter, grew, In dreadful cries 'twixt hill and hill. At last the great high road he gained, And now with whip and voice he strained To swifter flight the gleaming mare ; Afar ahead the fierce sleet rained Upon the ruin'd House of Stair. Then Michael Scott laughed long and loud : " Whan shone the mune ahint yon cloud I kent the Towers that saw my birth — Lang, lang, sail wait my cauld grey shroud, Lang cauld and weet my bed o' earth ! " 117 The Weird of Michael Scott But as by Stair he rode full speed His horse began to pant and bleed : " Win hame, win hame, my bonnie mare, Win hame if thou would'st rest and feed, Win hame, we're nigh the House of Stair ! " But with a shrill heart-bursten yell The white horse stumbled, plunged, and fell, And loud a summoning voice arose, " Is't White-Horse Death that rides frae Hell, Or Michael Scott that hereby goes ? " "Ah, Lord of Stair, I ken ye weel ! A vaunt, or I your saul sail steal, An' send ye howling through the wood A wild man- wolf — aye, ye maun reel An' cry upon your Holy Rood ! " Swift swept the sword within the shade. Swift was the flash the blue steel made. Swift was the downward stroke and rash— • But, as though leven-struck, the blade Fell splintered earthward with a crash. With frantic eyes Lord Stair out -peered When Michael Scott laughed loud and jeered : — " Forth fare ye now, ye'vegat lang room ! ii8 The Weird of Michael Scott Ah, by my saul thou'lt dree thy weird ! Begone, were-wolf, till the day o' doom ! " A shrill scream pierced the lonely place ; A dreadful change came o'er the face ; The head, with bristled hair, swung low ; Michael the Wizard turned and fled And laughed a mocking laugh of woe. And through the wood there stole and crept, And through the wood there raced and leapt, A thing in semblance of a man ; An awful look its wild eyes kept As howling through the night it ran. Part II Athwart the wan bleak moonlit waste, With staring eyes, in frantic haste, With thin locks back-blown by the wind, A grey gaunt haggard figure raced And moaned the thing that sped behind. It followed him, afar or near : In wrath he curs'd ; he shrieked in fear ; But ever more it followed him : Eftsoons he'd stop, and turn, and peer To front the following phantom grim. 119 The Weird of Michael Scott Naught would he see ; in vain would list For wing-like sound or feet that hissed Like wind-blown snow upon the ice ; The grey thing vanished like a mist, Or like the smoke of sacrifice : " Come forth frae out the mirk," his cry, " For I maun live or I maun die, But na, nae mair I'll suffer baith ! " Then, with a shriek, would onward fly And, swift behind, his following wraith. Michael the Wizard sped across The peat and bracken o' the moss : He heard the muir-wind rise and fall, And laughed to see the birk-boughs toss An' the stealthy shadows leap or crawl. When white St. Monan's Water streamed For leagues athwart the muir, and gleamed With phosphorescent marish-fires, With wild and sudden joy he screamed, For scarce a mile was Ke van- Byres — Sweet Kevan-Byres, dear Kevan-Byres, That oft of old was thronged with squires And joyous damsels blithe and gay : Alas, alas for Kevan-Byres That now is cold and grey. 120 The Weird of Michael Scott There in bed on linen sheet With white soft limbs and love-dreams sweet Fair Margaret o' the Byres would be : (Ah, when he'd lain and kissed her feet Had she not laughed in mockery !) Aye she had laughed, for what reck'd she O' a' the powers of Wizardie ! " Win up, win up, guid Michael Scott, For ye sail ne'er win boon o' me. By plea, or sword, or spell, God wot ! " Aye, these the words that she had said : These were the words that as he fled Michael the Wizard muttered o'er — " My Margaret, bow your bonnie head, For ye sail never flout me more ! " Swiftly he raced, with gleaming eyes, And wild, strange, sobbing, panting cries. Dire, dire, and fell his frantic mood ; Until he gained St. Monan's Rise Whereon the House of Kevan stood. There looked he long and fixed his gaze Upon a room where in past days His very soul had pled love's boon : Lit was it now with the wan rays Flick-flickering from the cloud-girt moon. 121 The Weird of Michael Scott " Come forth, May Margaret, come, my heart ! For thou and I nae mair sail part — Come forth, I bid, though Christ himsel' My bitter love should strive to thwart, For I have a' the powers o' hell ! " What was the white wan thing that came And lean'd from out the window-frame, And waved wild arms against the sky ? What was the hollow echoing name. What was the thin despairing cry ? Adown the long and dusky stair, And through the courtyard bleak and bare. And past the gate, and out upon The whistling, moaning, midnight air — What is't that Michael Scott has won ! Across the moat it seems to flee. It speeds across the windy lea, And through the ruin'd abbey-arch ; Now like a mist all waveringly It stands beneath a lonely larch. " Come Margaret, my Margaret, Thou see'st my vows I ne'er forget : Come win wi' me across the waste — Lang lang I've wandered cauld and wet, An' now thy sweet warm lips would taste ! " 122 The Weird oj Michael Scott But as a whirling drift of snow, Or flying foam the sea -winds blow, Or smoke swept thin before a gale It flew across the waste — and oh 'Twas Margaret's voice in that long wail ! Swift as the hound upon the deer. Swift as the stag when nigh the mere, Michael the Wizard followed fast — What though May Margaret fled in fear, She should be his, be his, at last ! — O'er broom and whin and bracken high, Where the peat bog lay gloomily, Where sullenly the bittern boomed And startled curlews swept the sky, Until St. Monan's Water loomed ! " The cauld wet water sail na be The bride-bed for my love and me — For now upon St. Monan's shore May ]\Iargaret her love sail gie To him she mocked and jeered of yore ! " Was that a heron in its flight ? Was that a mere-mist wan and white ? What thing from lonely kirkyard grave ? Forlorn it trails athwart the night With arms that writhe and wring and wave ! 123 The Weird of Michael Scott Deep down within the mere it sank, Among the slimy reeds and rank, And all the leagues -long loch was bare — One vast, grey, moonlit, lifeless blank Beneath a silent waste of air. " O God, O God ! her soul it is ! Christ's saved her frae my blasting kiss ! Her soul frae out her body drawn, The body I maun have for bliss ! body dead and spirit gaun ! " Hours long o'er Monan's wave he stared ; The fire-flaughts flashed and gleamed and glared. The death-lights o' the lonely place : And aye, dead still, he watch'd, till flared The sunrise on his haggard face. Full well he knew that with its fires Loud was the tumult 'mong the squires, And fierce the bitter pain of all Where stark and stift in Kevan-Byres May Margaret lay beneath her pall. Then once he laughed, and twice, and thrice, Though deep within his hollow eyes Dull-gleamed a light of fell despair. Around, Earth grew a Paradise In the sweet golden morning air. 124 The Weird of Michael Scott Slowly he rose at last, and swift One gaunt and frantic arm did lift And curs'd God in his heav'n o'erhead Then, like a lonely cloud adrift, Far from St. Monan's wave he fled. Part III All day the curlew wailed and screamed. All day the cushat crooned and dreamed, kW day the sweet muir-wind blew free : Beyond the grass}^ knowes far gleamed The splendour of the singing sea. Above the myriad gorse and broom And miles of golden kingcup -bloom The larks and 3'ellowhammers sang : Where the scaur cast an hour-long gloom The lintie's liquid notes out-rang. Oft as he wandered to and fro — As idly as the foam-bells flow Hither and thither on the deep — Michael the Wizard's face would grow From death to life, and he would weep— 125 The Weird of Michael Scott Weep, weep wild tears of bitter pain For what might never be again : Yet even as he wept his face Would gleam with mockery insane And with fierce laughter on he'd race. At times he watched the white clouds sail Across the wastes of azure pale ; Or oft would haunt some moorland pool Fringed round with thyme and fragrant gale And canna-tufts of snow-white wool. Long in its depths would Michael stare, As though some secret thing lay there : Mayhap the moving water made A gloom where crouched a Kelpie fair With death-eyes gleaming through the shade. Then on with weary listless feet He fared afar, until the sweet Cool sound of mountain brooks drew nigh, And loud he heard the strayed lambs bleat And the white ewes responsive cry. High up among the hills full clear He heard the belling of the deer Amid the corries where they browsed, And, where the peaks rose gaunt and sheer. Fierce swirling echoes eagle-roused. T26 The Weird of Michael Scott He watched the kestrel wheel and sweep, He watched the dun fox glide and creep, He heard the whaup's long-echoing call, Watched in the stream the brown trout leap And the grilse spring the waterfall. Along the slopes the grouse-cock whirred ; The grey -blue heron scarcely stirred Amid the mossed grey tarn-side stones : The burns gurg-gurgled through the yird Their sweet clear bubbling undertones. Above the tarn the dragon-fly Shot like a flashing arrow by ; And in a moving shifting haze The gnat -clouds sank or soared on high And danced their wild atrial maze. As the day waned he heard afar The hawking fern-owl's dissonant jar Disturb the silence of the hill : The gloaming came : star after star He watched the skiey spaces fill. But as the darkness grew and made Forest and mountain one vast shade, ^Michael the Wizard moaned in dread — A long white moonbeam like a blade Swept after him where'er he fled. 127 The Weird of Michael Scott Swiftly he leapt o'er rock and root, Swift o'er the fern his flying foot, But swifter still the white moonbeam : Wild was the grey-owl's dismal hoot, But wilder still his maniac scream. Once in his flight he paused to hear A hollow shriek that echoed near : — The louder were his dreadful cries, The louder rang adown the sheer Gaunt cliffs the echoing replies. As though a hunted wolf, he raced To the lone woods across the waste Steep granite slopes of Crammond-Low- The haunted forest where none faced The terror that no man might know. Betwixt the mountains and the sea Dark leagues of pine stood solemnly, Voiceful with grim and hollow song, Save when each tempest -stricken tree A savage tumult would prolong. Beneath the dark funereal plumes, Slow waving to and fro — death-blooms Within the void dim wood of death — Oft shuddering at the fearful glooms Sped Michael Scott with failing breath. 128 The Weird of Michael Scott Once, as he passed a dreary place, Between two trees he saw a face — x\ white face staring at his own : A weird strange cry he gave for grace, And heard an echoing moan. " Whate'er ye be, thing that bides Among the trees — O thing that hides In yonder moving mass o' shade Come forth tae me ! "—wan Michael glides Swift, as he speaks, athrough the glade : " Whate'er ye be, I fear ye nought ! Michael the Wizard has na fought Wi' men and demons 3'ear by year To shirk ae thing he has na sought Or blanch wi' any mortal fear ! " But not a sound thrilled thro' the air — Not even a she-fox in her lair Or brooding bird made any stir — All was as still and blank and bare As is a vaulted sepulchre. Then awe, and fear, and wild dismay O'ercame mad Michael, ashy grey. With eyes as of one newly dead : " If wi' my sword I canna slay, Ye'll dree my weird when it is said ! " I 129 I The Weird of Michael Scott " Whate'er ye be, man, beast, or sprite, I wind ye round wi' a sheet o' light — Aye, round and round your burning frame I cast by spell o' wizard might A fierce undying sheet of flame ! " Swift as he spoke a thing sprang out, A man -like thing, all hemmed about With blazing blasting burning fire ! The wind swoop'd wi' a demon-shout And whirled the red flame higher and higher ! And as, appalled, wan Michael stood The flying flaughts swift fired the wood ; And even as he shook and stared The gaunt pines turned the hue of blood And all the waving branches flared. Then with wild leaps the accursed thing Drew nigh and nigher : with a spring Michael escaped its fiery clasp. Although he felt the fierce flame sting And all the horror of its grasp. Swift as an arrow far he fled, But swifter still the flames o'erhead Rushed o'er the waving sea of pines. And hollow noises crashed and sped Like splitting blasts in ruin'd mines. 130 The Weird of Michael Scott A burning league — leagues, leagues of fire Arose behind, and ever higher The flying semi-circle came : And aye beyond this dreadful pyre There leapt a man-like thing in flame. With awful scream doom'd Michael saw The flying furnace reach Black-Law : " Blood, bride, and bier, the auld rune saith Heirs wind tae me ae nicht sail blaw, The nicht I ride unto my death ! " " The blood of Stair is round me now : My bride can laugh to scorn my vow : My bier, my bier, ah sail it be Wi' a crown o' fire around my brow Or deep within the cauld saut sea ! " Like lightning, over Black-Law's slope Michael fled swift with sudden hope : What though the forest roared behind — He yet might gain the cliff and grope For where the sheep-paths twist and wind. The air was like a furnace-blast And all the dome of heaven one vast Expanse of flame and fiery wings : To the cliff's edge, ere all be past, With shriek on shriek lost Michael springs. 131 The Weird of Michael Scott But none can hear his bitter call, None, none can see him sway and fall — Yea, one there is that shrills his name ! " God, it is my ain lost saul That I hae girt wV deathless flame ! " With waving arms and dreadful cries He cowers beneath those glaring eyes — But all in vain — in vain — in vain ! His own soul clasps him as its prize And scorches death upon his brain. Body and soul together swing Adown the night until they fling The hissing sea-spray far and wide : At morn the fresh sea-wind will bring A black corpse tossing on the tide. 132 THE TWIN-SOUL In the dead of the night a spirit came : H«r moon-white face and her eyes of flame Were known to me : — I called her name — The name that shall not be spoken at all Till Death hath this body of mine in thrall ! And she laughed to see me lying there, Wrapped in the living-corpse bloody and fair, And my soul 'mid its thin films shining bare — And I rose and followed her glance so sweet And passed from the house with noiseless feet. I know not myself what I knew, what I saw ! I know that it filled me with trouble and awe, With pain that still at my heart doth gnaw : That she with her wild eyes witched my soul And whispered the name of the Unknown Goal. 133 The Twin-Soul O, wild was her laugh, and wild was my cry When with one long flash and a weary sigh awoke as from sleep bewilderingly : Her voice, her eyes, they are with me still, O Spirit-Enchantress, O Demon-Will ! 134 THE ISLE OF LOST DREAMS There is an isle beyond our ken, Haunted by Dreams of weary men. Grey Hopes enshadow it with wings Weary with burdens of old things : There the insatiate water-springs Rise with the tears of all who weep : And deep within it, deep, oh deep The furtive voice of Sorrow sings. There evermore, Till Time be o'er, Sad, oh so sad, the Dreams of men Drift through the isle beyond our ken. 135 THE DEATH-CHILD She sits beneath the elder-tree And sings her song so sweet, And dreams o'er the burn that darksomely Runs by her moon-white feet. Her hair is dark as starless night, Her flower-crown'd face is pale, But oh, her eyes are lit with light Of dread ancestral bale. She sings an eerie song, so wild With immemorial dule — Though young and fair Death's mortal child That sits by that dark pool. And oft she cries an eldritch scream When red with human blood The burn becomes a crimson stream, A wild, red, surging flood : Or shrinks, when some swift tide of tears — The weeping of the world — Dark eddying 'neath man's phantom -fears, Is o'er the red stream hurl'd. 136 The Death-Child For hours beneath the elder-tree She broods beside the stream ; Her dark eyes filled with mystery. Her dark soul rapt in dream. The lapsing flow she heedeth not Though deepest depths she scans : Life is the shade that clouds her thought, As Death's the eclipse of man's. Time seems but as a bitter thing Remember'd from of yore : Yet ah (she thinks) her song she'll sing When Time's long reign is o'er. Erstwhiles she bends alow to hear What the swift water sings, The torrent running darkly clear With secrets of all things. x\nd then she smiles a strange sad smile, And lets her harp lie long ; The death-waves oft may rise the while, She greets them with no song. Few ever cross that dreary moor. Few see that flower-crown'd head ; But whoso knows that wild song's lure Knoweth that he is dead. 137 THE COVES OF CRAlL The moon-white waters wash and leap, The dark tide floods the Coves of Crail Sound, sound he lies in dreamless sleep, Nor hears the sea-wind wail. The pale gold of his oozy locks, Doth hither drift and thither wave ; His thin hands plash against the rocks, His white lips nothing crave. Afar away she laughs and sings — A song he loved, a wild sea-strain — Of how the mermen weave their rings Upon the reef -set main. Sound, sound he lies in dreamless sleep, Nor hears the sea-wind wail, Tho' with the tide his white hands creep Amid the Coves of Crail. 138 FROM SOSPIRI DI ROMA PRELUDE Supra un munti sparman stu bellu ciuri Chistu e lu ciuri di la to billizza ! Sicilian Camnno In a grove of ilex Of oak and of chestnut, Far on the sunswept Heights of Tusculum, There groweth a blossom, A snow-white bloom, Which many have heard of, But few have seen. Oft bright as the morning. Oft pale as moonlight, There in the greenness. In shadow and sunshine It grows, awaiting The hand that shall pluck it : For this blossom springeth From the heart of a poet And of her who loved him In the long ago. Here on the sunswept 141 Prelude Heights of Tusculum. And them it awaiteth, Deep lovers only, Kindred of those Who loved and passioned There, and whose heart 's-blood Wrought from the Earth This marvellous blossom, The Shadow-Lily, The Flower of Dream. Few that shall see it. Fewer still Those that shall pluck it : But whoso gathers That snow-white blossom Shall love for ever. For the passionate breath Of the Shadow-Lily Is Deathless Joy : And whoso plucks it, keeps it, treasures it, Has sunshine ever About the heart, Deep in the heart immortal sunshine : For this is the gift of the snow-white blossom. This is the gift of the Flower of Dream. 142 SUSURRO Breath o' the grass, Ripple of wandering wind. Murmur of tremulous leaves : A moonbeam moving white Like a ghost across the plain : A shadow on the road : And high up, high, From the cypress-bough, A long sweet melancholy note. Silence. And the topmost spray Of the cypress-bough is still As a wavelet in a pool : The road lies duskily bare : The plain is a misty gloom : Still are the tremulous leaves ; Scarce a last ripple of wind. Scarce a breath i' the grass. Hush : the tired wind sleeps Is it the wind's breath, or Breath o' the grass. 143 HIGH NOON AT MIDSUMMER ON THE CAMPAGNA High noon, And from the purple-veiled hills To where Rome lies in azure mist, Scarce any breath of wind Upon this vast and solitary waste, These leagues of sunscorch'd grass Where i' the dawn the scrambling goats maintain A hardy feast. And where, when the warm yellow moon- light floods the flats. Gaunt laggard sheep browse spectrally for hours While not less gaunt and spectral shepherds stand Brooding, or with hollow vacant eyes Stare down the long perspectives of the dusk. Now not a breath : No sound ; 144 High Noon at Midsummer on the Campagna No living thing, Save where the beetle jars his crackling shards, Or where the hoarse cicala fills The heavy heated hour with palpitant whirr. Yet hark ! Comes not a low deep whisper from the ground, A sigh as though the immemorial past Breathed here a long, slow, breath ? Hush'd nations sleep below ; lost empires here Are dust ; and deeper still, Dim shadowy peoples are the mould that warms The roots of even,- flower tliat blooms and blows : Even as we, too, bloom and fade, Who are so fain To be as the Night that dies not, but forever Weaves her immortal web of starry fires ; To be as Time itself, Time, whose vast holocausts Lie here, deep buried from the ken of men, Here, where no breath of wind Ruffles the brooding heat. The breathless blazing heat Of Noon. I 145 K THE FOUNTAIN OF THE ACQUA PAOLA Not where thy turbid wave Flowing Maremma-ward, Moves heavily, Tiber, Through Rome the Eternal, Not there her music, not there her joy is : But where on Janiculum The tall pines Sing their high song, with deeper therein, like an echo Heard in a mountain-hollow where cataracts break, A sound as of surge and of foaming : Yes, there where the echoing pines Whisper to high wandering winds The rush and the surge and the splendour Where the Acqua Paola thunders Into its fount gigantic. With noise like a tempest cleaving With mighty wings The norland forests. 146 The Fountain of the Acqtia Paola From dayspring, yellow and green And grey as a swan's breastfeather, To sunset 's amber and gold And the white star of dusk, And through the moon-white hours Till only Hesperus hangs His quivering tremulous disc O'er the faint -flushed forehead of Dawn- All hours, all days, forever Surgeth the singing flood, With chant and paean glorious, With foam and splash and splendour, A music wild, barbaric. That calleth loud over Rome, Laughing, mocking, rejoicing : The sound of the waves when Ocean Laughs at the vanishing land And, fronting her shoreless leagues, Remembers the ruined empires That now are the drift and shingle In cavernous hollows under Her zone of Oblivion, Silence that nought shall break. Eternal calm. Foam, spray and splendour Of rushing waters. Grey-blue as the pale blue dome That circleth the morning star 147 The Fountain of the Acqua Paola While still his fires are brighter Than the wanwhite fire of the moon. Foam, spray, and surge Of rushing waters ! O the hot flood of sunshine Yellowly pouring Over and into thee, jubilant Fountain : Thy cataracts filled With vanishing rainbows, Shimmering lights As though the Aurora's Wild polar fires Flashed in thy happy bubbles, died in thy foam. Ever in joyous laughter Thy wavelets are dancing. Little waves with crests bright with sun- light Tossing their foamy arms, Laughing and leaping. Whirling, inweaving, Rippling at last and sleepily laving The mossed stone -barriers That clasp them round. Bright too and joyous. They, in the moonshine. When the falling waters Are as wreaths of snow 148 The Fountain of the Acqua Paola Falling for ever Down mountain-flanks, Like melting snows In the high hill-hollows Seen from the valleys And seeming to fall, To fall forever A flower of water, Silent, and stirred not By any wind. Bright too and joyous In darkling nights, When the moon shroudeth Her face in a veil Of cloudy vapours, Or, like a flower I' the wane of its beauty, Droopeth and falleth Till lost to sight, Stoopeth and fadeth Into the dark — Or when like a sickle Thin and silvern She moveth slowly Through the starry fields, Moveth slowly 'Mid the flowers of the stars In the harvest-fields 149 The Fountain of the Acqua Paola Of Eternity : Bright too and joyous, For then the shadows Play with the foam-hghts, With the flying whiteness, And snowy surging. But brighter, more joyous. Save when the moon-flower In ah her splendour Floats on thy bosom. Or, rather, dreameth Deep in the heart of thee O happy Fountain : Brighter, more joyous. Thee, when amidst thee, Strewn through thy waters. The stars are sown As seed multitudinous. As silvern seed In thy shadow3/-furrows : Seed of the skiey flowers That in the heavens Bloom forever. Blossoms and blooms of Eternal splendour. Then is thy joy most, O jubilant Fountain, Then are thy waters Sweetest of song, 150 The Fountain of the Acqua Paola Then do thy waters Surge, leap, rejoicing, Lave, and lapse slowly To haunted stillness And darkling dreams : Then is thy music rarest. Wildest and sweetest Music of Rome — Rome the Eternal, Through whose heart of shadow Moveth slowly Flowing Maremma-ward Thy murmur, Tiber, Thy muffled voice, Whom none intcrpreteth But boding, ominous, Is as the sound of Murmurous seas Heard afar inland — There, where Maremma-ward Flowing heavily, Moveth, Tiber, Thy turbid wave. 151 CLOUDS {Agfo Romano) As though the dead cities Of the ancient time Were builded again In the heights of heaven, With spires of amber And golden domes, Wide streets of topaz and amethyst ways ; Far o'er the pale blue waste, Oft purple-shadowed, Of the Agro Romano, Rises the splendid City of Cloud. There must the winds be soft as the twilight Invisibly falling when the day-star has wester'd ; There must the rainbows trail up through the sunlight, So fair are the hues on those white snowy masses. Mountainous glories, 152 Clouds They move superbly ; Crumbling so slowly, That none perceives when The golden domes Are sunk in the valleys Of fathomless snow, Or when, in silence, The loftiest spires Fade into smoke, or as vapour that passeth When the hot breath of noon Thirsts through the firmament. Beautiful, beautiful. The City of Cloud, In splendour ruinous. With golden domes, And spires of amber, Builded superbly In the heights of heaven. 153 RED POPPIES {In the Sabine valleys near Rome) Through the seeding grass, And the tall corn, The wind goes : With nimble feet, And blithe voice, Calling, calling, The wind goes Through the seeding grass, And the tall corn. What calleth the wind, Passing by — The shepherd-wind ? Far and near He laugheth low And the red poppies Lift their heads And toss i' the sun. A thousand thousand blooms Tost i' the air, 154 Red Poppies Banners of joy. For 'tis the shepherd-wind Passing by, Singing and laughing low Through the seeding grass And the tall corn. 155 THE WHITE PEACOCK Here where the sunlight Floodeth the garden, Where the pomegranate Reareth its glory Of gorgeous blossom ; Where the oleanders Dream through the noontides ; And, like surf o' the sea Round chffs of basalt, The thick magnolias In billowy masses Front the sombre green of the ilexes Here where the heat lies Pale blue in the hollows. Where blue are the shadows On the fronds of the cactus. Where pale blue the gleaming Of fir and cypress. With the cones upon them Amber or glowing With virgin gold : 156 The White Peacock Here where the honey-flower Makes the heat fragrant, As though from the gardens Of Gulistan, Where the bulbul singeth Through a mist of roses A breath were borne : Here where the dream-flowers. The cream-white poppies Silently waver, And where the Scirocco, Faint in the hollows, Foldeth his soft white wings in the sunlight. And lieth sleeping Deep in the heart of A sea of white violets : Here,. _as the breath, as the soul of this beauty Moveth in silence, and dreamlike, and slowly, White as a snow-drift in mountain-valleys When softly upon it the gold light lingers : White as the foam o' the sea that is driven O'er billows of azure agleam with sun- yellow : Cream-white and soft as the breasts of a girl, Moves the White Peacock, as though through the noontide A dream of the moonlight were real for a moment . 157 The White Peacock Dim on the beautiful fan that he spreadeth, Foldeth and spreadeth abroad in the sun- light, Dim on the cream-white are bhie adum- brations, Shadows so pale in their delicate blucness That visions they seem as of vanishing violets. The fragrant white violets veined with azure, Pale, pale as tlie breath of blue smoke in far woodlands. Here, as the breath, as the soul of this beauty, White as a cloud tlirough the heats of the noontide Moves the White Peacock. 158 THE SWIMMER OF NEIVII [The Lake of Nemi : September) White through the azure, The purple blueness, Of Xemi's waters The swimmer goeth. Ivory-white, or wan white as roses Yellowed and tanned by the suns of the Orient, His strong limbs sever the violet hollows ; A shimmer of white fantastic motions ^^'avering deep through the lake as he swimmeth. Like gorse in the sunlight the gold of his yellow hair, Yellow with sunshine and bright as with dew-drops, Spray of the waters flung back as he tosseth His head i' the sunlight in the midst of his laughter : Red o'er his body, blossom-white 'mid the blueness, I5Q The Swimmer of Nemi And trailing behind him in glory of scarlet, A branch of the red-berried ash of the mountains. White as a moonbeam Drifting athwart The purple twilight, The swimmer goeth — ■ Joyously laughing, With o'er his shoulders, Agleam in the sunshine The trailing branch With the scarlet berries. Green are the leaves, and scarlet the berries. White are the limbs of the swimmer beyond them, Blue the deep heart of the still, brooding lakelet. Pale-blue the hills in the haze of September, The high Alban hills in their silence and beauty. Purple the depths of the windless heaven Curv'd like a flower o'er the waters of Nemi. i6o AL FAR DELLA NOTTE Hark! As a bubbling fount That suddenly wells And rises in tall spiral waves and flj^ing spray, The high, sweet, quavering, throbbing voice Of the nightingale ! Not 3^et the purple veil of dusk has fallen, But o'er the yellow band That binds the west The vesper star beats like the pulse of heaven. Up from the fields The peasants troop Singing their songs of love : And oft the twang of thin string'd music breaks High o'er the welcoming shouts, The homing laughter. The whirling bats are out, And to and fro I i6i L Al Far della NoUe The blue swifts wheel Where, i' the shallows of the dusk, The grey moths flutter Over the pale blooms Of the night -flowering bay. Softly adown the slopes, And o'er the plain, Ave Maria Solemnly soundeth. The long day is over. Dusk, and silence now : And Night, that is as dew On the Flower of the World. 162 THISTLEDOWN [Spring on the Canipagna) Bloweth like snow From the grey thistles The thistledown : And the fairy-feathers O' the dandelion Are tossed by the breeze Hither and thither : Over the grasses. The seeding grasses Where the poppies shake And the campions waver, And where the clover. Purple and white, Fills leagues with the fragrance Of sunsweet honey ; Hither and thither The fairy-feathers O' the dandelion, And white puff-balls O' the thistledown, Merrily dancing. Light on the breeze, 163 Thistledown Wheeling and sailing. And laughing to scorn The butterflies And the moths of azure ; Blowing like snow Or foam o' the sea. Hither and thither Upward and downward. Now for a moment A thistledown On a white ball resteth, Sunbleached and hollow ; A human skull Of the ancient days. When Sabines and Latins Made all the land here As red with blood As it now is scarlet With flaming poppies. Now the feathers, O' the dandelion, Like sunlit swan's-down Long tost by the wind O'er the laughter of waters. Are blown like surf On a hidden rock — A broken arch Of a Roman temple, 164 Thistledown Where long, long ago, The swarthy priests Worshipped their Gods, The Gods now less than The very dust Whence the green grass springeth ! But for a moment, then the wind takes them. Blows them, plays with them, Tosses them high through the gold of the sunshine. Wavers them upward, wavers them down- ward. Hither and thither among the white butter- flies, Over and under the blue-moths and honey- bees, Over the leagues of blossoming clover. Purple and white, the sweet -smelling clover. Far o'er the grasses. And grey hanging thistles. Hither and thither Are floating and sailing The fairy-feathers O' the dandelion, Bloweth hke snow The joy o' the meadows. The thistledown. 165 THE SHEPHERD {Near the Theatre of Marcellus : Piazza Montanara) Solitary he stands, Clad in his goat -skins, Though all about him The busy throng Cometh and goeth. Overhead, the vast ruin. Wind-worn, time-wrought, Gloomily rises. Scarce doth he note it. Yet doth it give him The touch of nearness, Which the soul craves for In alien places : As the strayed mariner. Yearning, far inland. For sight of the sea. Smiles when he fingers a rope, or Heareth the wind Surge round the hedgerows i66 The Shepherd As erst through the cordage ; Or, on the endless, dusty, white high-road Puts his ear to the pole Vibrating with song, as the mast Ere while rang with the hum Of the hurricane. What doth he here, Away from the pastures On the desolate Campagna ? From his haggard face Sorrowfully his wild black eyes Stare on the weariness. The noise, and hurry. And surge of the traffic. Sometimes, a faint smile Flitteth athwart his face, When a woman, from the well, Passeth by with a conca Poised on her head : Thus oft hath he seen The peasant girls In the little hamlets Far out on the plain : Or when a wine-cart With its tall cappoto A-swing like a high tent windswayed sidewise, Rattles in from the Appian highway. White with the dust of the Alban hills. 167 The Shepherd What doth he here, He in whose eyes are The passion of the desert : He in whose ears rings The free music Of the winds that wander Through the desert -ruins ? Not here, O Shepherd, Wouldst thou fain dwell, Though in the Holy City God's Regent lives : Better the desolate waste, Better the free lone life. For there thou canst breathe. There silence abideth. There, not the Regent, But God himself Dwelleth and speaketh. i68 THE MANDOLIN Tinklc-trink, tinklc-trink, trinklc-trinklc, trink ! Hark, the mandolin ! Through the dusk the merry music falleth sweet . Where the fountain falls, Where the fountain falls all shimmering in the moonshine white, Tinkle-trink, tinkle-trink, trinklc-trinkle, trink ! Where the wind-stirred olives quiver. Quiver, quiver, leaves a-quiver. White as silver in the moonlight but like bat -wings in the dusk. Where the great grey moths sail slowly Slowly, slowly, like faint dreams In the wildering woods of Sleep, Where no night or day is. But only, in dim twilights, the wan sheen Of the Moon of Sleep. Hark, the mandolin ! Where the dark-coned cypress rises, 169 The Mandolin Thin, more thin, till threadlike, wavering The last spray soars up as smoke, As a vanishing breath of incense. To the silent stars that glimmer In the veil of purple darkness. The deep vault of heaven that seemeth As a veil that falleth, A dark veil that foldeth gently The tired day-worn world, breathing stilly as a sleeping child. Hark, the mandolin : And a soft low sound of laughter ! Tinkle-trink, tinkle-trink, trinkle-tr inkle, trink ! Hush : from out the cypress standing Black against the yellow moonlight What a thrill, what a sob, what a sudden rapture flung Athwart the dark ! Passion of song ! Silence again, save 'mid the whispering leaves The unquiet wind, that as the tide Cometh and goeth. Now one long thrilling note, prolonged and sweet , And then a low swift stir, A whirr of fluttering wings, 170 The Mandolin And, in the laurels near, two nested nightin- gales ! Loud, loud, the mandolin, Tinkle-trink, tinkle-trink, trinklc-tr inkle, trink, Trink, trink, trinkle-trink ! Through the fragrant silent night it draweth near, Ah, the low cry, the little laugh, the rustle : Tinkle-trink — hush, a kiss — tinkle-trink — hush — hush — Tinkle-trink, tinkle-trink, tr inkle-tr inkle ^ trink ! Where the shadows massed together Make a hollow darkness, girt By the yellow flood of moonshine floating by, Where the groves of ilex whisper In the silence, fragrant, sweet. Where the ilexes are dreaming In their depths of darkest shadow, Move the fireflies slowly, Mazily inweaving, Interweaving, interflowing ; Wandering fires, like little lanterns Borne by souls of birds and flowers Seeking ever resurrection In the gladsome world of sunshme ; 171 The Mandolin Seekly vainly through the darkness In beneath the ilex-branches Where the very moonshine faileth. And the dark grey moths wave wanly Flitting from the outer gloaming. Oh, the fragrance, and the mystery, and the silence ! Where the fireflies, 'mid the ilex. Rise and fall, recross, inweave In an endless wavy motion, In a slow aerial dancing In a maze of little flames In and out the ilex-branches : Hush ! the mandolin ! Louder still, and louder, louder : Ah, the happy laugh, and rustle. Rustle, rustle. Ah, the kiss, the cry, the rapture. Silence, where the ilex-branches Loom out faintly from their darkness Where, slow- wandering flames, the fireflies Rise and fall, recross, inweave In an endless wavy motion. In a slow aerial dancing. Silence : not a breath is stirring : Not a leaflet quivers faintly. Silence : even the bats are silent Wheeling swiftly through the upper air, 172 The Mandolin Where the gnat's thin shrilHng music Fades into the flooding moonhght : Hush, low whispered words and kisses, Hush, a cry of pain, of rapture. Not a sound, a sound thereafter, But a low sweet sigh of breathing. And, from out the flowering laurel, Just a twittering breath of music. Just a long-drawn pulsing note Of a sweet and passionate answer. Silence : hark, a stir — low laughter — Whispered words — and rustle — rustle — Trink — trink — the mandolin ! Hark, it trinkles down the valley, Trink-trink, trinkle-trink, trinkle-trink ! Past the cistus, blooming whitely, Past the oleander-bushes. Past the ilexes and olives. Where the two tall pines are whispering With the sleepy wind that foldeth His tired pinions ere he sleepeth On the flood of amber moonlight. Wind o' the night, tired wind o' night — Tinkle-trink, trink, trinkle-trink, Trink, trinkle-trink, Trink I 173 BAT-WINGS Flitter, flitter, through the twilight, Pipistrello : Where the moonshine glitters Waver thy swart wings, Darting hither, thither, Swift as wheeling swallow. Where the shadows gather In and out thou flittest, Flitter, flitter, Waver, waver, Pipistrello. Thin thy faint aerial song is. Thin and fainter than the shrilling Of the gnats thou chasest wildly, But how delicately dainty — Thin and faint and wavering also. In the high sweet upper air. Where the gnats weave endless mazes In their pyramidal dances — And thy dusky wings go flutter. Flutter, flutter, Waver, waver. But without a sound or rustle Through the purple air of twilight. Flitter, flitter, flutter, flitter, Pipistrello. 174 LA VELIA {The Sea-Gull : Pontine Marshes) Here where the marsh Waves white with ranunculus. Where the yellow daffodil Flieth his banner In the fetid air, And oft 'mid the bulrushes Rustleth the porcupine Or surgeth the boar — Though bloweth rarely The fresh wind, The Tramontana, And only Scirocco Heavily lifts The feathery plumes the tall canes carry What dost thou here, O bird of the ocean ? Here, where the marshes Are never stirred By the pulse of the tides ; Here where the white mists 175 La Velia Crawl on the swamp, But never the rush and the surge of the billows ? White as a snowflake thou gleamest, and passest : Drearier now the chill waste of the Stagno, Wearier now the dull silence and boding. Would that again Thy glad presence were gleaming Here where the marsh Steams white in the sunshine ; For swift on my sight, As thy white wings wavered. Broke the sea in its beauty, With foam, and splendour Of rolling waves : And loud on my ears (O the longing, the yearning) When thy cry filled the silence. Came the surge of the sea And the tumult of waters. 176 SPUMA DAL MARE {On the Latin Coast) Flower o' the wave, WTiite foam of the waters, The many-coloured : Here blue as a hare-bell, Here pale as the turquoise ; Here green as the grasses Of mountain hollows, Here lucent as jade when wet in the sun- shine, Here paler than apples ere ruddied by autumn. Depths o' the purple ! Amethyst yonder, Yonder as ling on the hills of October, With shadows as deep, Where islets of sea-wrack Wave in the shallows, As the sheen of the feathers On the blue-green breast Of the bird of the Orient, The splendid peacock. I 177 M Spuma dal Mare Foam o' the waves, White crests ashine With a dazzle of sunlight ! Here the low breakers are rolling through shallows, Yellow and muddied, the hue of the topaz Ere cut from the boulder ; Save when the sunlight swims through them slantwise, When inward they roll Long billows of amber. Crowned with pale yellow And grey-green spume. Here wan grey their slopes Where the broken lights reach them, Dull grey of pearl, and dappled, and darkling, As when 'mid the high Northward drift of the clouds, Scirocco bloweth With soft fanning breath. Foam o' the waves. Blown blossoms of ocean, White flowers of the waters. The many-coloured. 178 THE BATHER Where the sea- wind ruffles The pale pink blooms Of the fragrant Daphne, And passeth softly Over the sward Of the cyclamen-blossoms, The Bather stands. Rosy white, as a cloud at the dawning, Silent she stands, And looks far seaward. As a seabird, dreaming On some lone rock, Poiseth his pinions Ere over the waters He moves like a vision On motionless wings. Beautiful, beautiful, The sunlit gleam Of her naked body. Ivory-white 'mid the cyclamen-blossoms 179 The Bather A wave o' the sea 'mid the blooms of the Daphne. Blue as the innermost heart of the ocean The arch of the sky where the wood runneth seaward, Blue as the depths of the innermost heaven The vast heaving breast of the slow-moving waters : Green the thick grasses that run from the woodland, Green as the heart of the foam-crested billows Curving a moment ere washing far inland Up the long reach of the sands gleaming golden. The land-breath beareth Afar the fragrance Of thyme and basil And clustered rosemary ; And o'er the fennel, And through the broom, It floateth softly, As the wind of noon That Cometh and goeth Though none hearkens Its downy wings. And keen, the sea wind Bears up the odours Of blossoming pinks i8o The Bather And salt rock-grasses, Of rustling seaweed And mosses of pools Where the rosy blooms Of the sea-fiowers open 'Mid stranded waves. As a water-lil}' Touched by the breath Of sunrise-glory, ]\Ioveth and swayeth With tremulous joy, So o'er the sunlit White gleaming body Of the beautiful bather Passeth a quiver Rosy-white, as a cloud at the dawning. Poised like a swallow that meeteth the wind. For a moment she standeth Where the sea-wind softly Mo vet h over The thick pink sward of the cyclamen- blossoms. Mo vet h and rust let h With faint susurrus The pale pink blooms Of the fragrant Daphne. I5l THE WILD MARE Like a breath that comes and goes O'er the waveless waste Of sleeping Ocean, So sweeps across the plain -; The herd of wild horses. Like banners in the wind Their flying tails, Their streaming manes : And like spume of the sea Fang'd by breakers, The white froth tossed from their blood-red nostrils. Out from the midst of them Dasheth a white mare, White as a swan in the pride of her beauty : And, like the whirlwind, Following after, A snorting stallion. Swart as an Indian Diver of coral ! Wild the gyrations, The rush and the whirl ; 182 The Wild Mare Loud the hot panting Of the snow-white mare, As swift upon her The stalHon gaineth : Fierce the proud snorting Of him, victorious : And loud, sweUing loud on the wind from the mountains. The hoarse savage tumult of neighing and stamping Where, wheeling, the herd of wild horses await eth — Ears thrown back, tails thrashing their flanks or swept under — The challenging scream of the conqueror- stallion. 183 SCIROCCO [June] Softly as feathers That fall through the twilight When wild swans are winging Back to the northward : Softly as waters, Unruffled, and tideless. Laving the mosses Of inland seas : Soft through the forest, And down through the valley, Light as a breath o'er the pools of the marish. Still as a moonbeam over the pastures, Goeth Scirocco. Warm his breath : The night-flowers know it, Love it, and open ^ Their blooms for its sweetness : Warm the tender low wind of his pinions 184 Scirocco Scarce brushing together the spires of the grasses : Ah, how they whisper, the little green leaflets Black in the dusk or grey in the moonlight : Ah, how they whisper and shiver, the tremulous Leaves of the poplar, and shimmer and rustle When soft as a vapour that steals from the marshes The wings of Scirocco fan silently through them. Oft-times he lingers By ruined nests Deep in the hedgerows. And bloweth a feather In little eddies, A yellow feather That once had fluttered On a breast alive with A rapture of song : But slowly ceaseth. And passeth sadly. Oft-times he riseth Up through the branches Where the fireflies wander Up through the branches Of oak and chestnut. And stirs so gently 185 Scirocco With sway of his wings That the leaves, dreaming, Think that a moonbeam Only, or moonshine, Moves through the heart of them. Upward he soareth Oft, silently floating Through the purple aether. Still as the fern-owl over the covert, Or as allocco haunting the woodland, Up to the soft curded foam of the cloudlets, The white dappled cloudlets the south- wind bringeth. There, dreaming, he moveth Or sails through the moonlight. Till chill in the high upper air and the silence. Slowly he sinketh Earthward again. Silently fioateth Down o'er the woodlands : Foldeth his wings and slow through the branches Drifts, scarcely breathing. Till tired, 'mid the flowers or the hedgerows he creepeth, Whispers alow 'mid the spires of the grasses. Or swooning at last to motionless slumber Floats like a shadow adrift on the pastures. i86 THE WIND AT FIDENAE Fresh from the Sabines, The Beautiful Hills, The wind bloweth. Down o'er the slopes, Where the olives whiten As though the feet Of the wind were snow-clad : Out o'er the plain Where a paradise Of wild blooms waveth, And where, in the suns wept Leagues of azure, A thousand larks are As a thousand founts 'Mid the perfect joy of The depth of heaven. Swift o'er the heights, And over the valleys Where the grey oxen sleepily stand, Down, like a wild hawk swooping earthward, Over the winding reaches of Tiber, Bloweth the wind ! 187 The Wind at Fidenae How the wind bio wet h, Here on the steeps of Ancient Fidenae, Where no voice soimdeth Now, save the shepherd Calhng his sheep ; And where none wander But only the cloud-shadows. Vague ghosts of the past. Sweet and fresh from the Sabines, Now as of yore. When Etruscan maidens Laughed as their lovers Mocked the damsels Of alien Rome, Sweet with the same young breath o' the world Bio wet h the wind. i88 SORGENDO DA LUNA No sound, Save the hush'd breath, The slowl}' flowing, The long and low withdrawing breath of Rome. Not a leaf quivers, where the dark, With eyes of rayless shadow and moonht hair, Dreams in the black And hollow cavernous depth of the ilex- trees. No sound, Save the hush'd breath of Rome, And sweet and fresh and clear The bubbling, swaying, ever quavering jet Of water fill'd with pale nocturnal gleams, That, in the broad low fount. Pallet h. Pallet h and riseth, Riseth and falleth, swayeth and surgeth, ever A spring of life and joy where ceaselessly 189 Sorgendo da Luna The shadow of two sovran powers make A terror without fear, a night that hath no dark, Time, with his sunht wings. Death, with his pinions vast and duskily dim : Time, breathing vanishing hfe : Death, breathing low From twilights of Oblivion whence Time rose A wild and wandering star forlornly whirled, Seen for a moment, ere for ever lost. Up from the marble fount The water leaps, Sways in the moonshine, springeth, springeth, Falleth and riseth. Like sweet faint lapping music, Soft gurgling notes of woodland brooks that wander Low laughing where the hollowed stones are green With slippery moss that hath a trickling sound : Leapeth and springeth, Singing forever A wayward song. While the vast wings of Time and Death drift slowly, 190 Sorgendo da Luna While, faint and far, the tides of life Sigh in a long scarce audible breath from Rome, Or faintlier still withdraw down shores of dusk ; For ever singing It leapeth and falleth : Pallet h and leapeth, Falleth, And falleth. 191 IN JULY [South of Rome) Pale-rose the dust lying thick upon the road : Grey-green the thirsty grasses by the way. The long flat silvery sheen of the vast champaign Shimmers beneath the blazing tide of noon. The blood-red poppies flame Like furnace-breaths : Like wan vague dreams the misty lavender Drifts greyly through the quivering maze; or seems Thus through the visionary glow to drift. On the far slope, beyond the ruin'd arch, A grey-white cloudlet rests, The cluster'd sheep alow : close, moveless all, And silent, save when faintly from their midst A slumberous tinkle comes, Cometh, and goeth. 192 Ill July Low-stretch'd in the blue shade. Beneath the ruin The shepherd sleeps. Nought stirs. The wind moves not, nor with the faintest breath Toucheth the half-fallen blooms of the asphodels. Here only, where the pale pink ash Of the long road doth slowly flush to rose, A bronze-wing 'd beetle mo vet h low. And sends one tiny puff of smoke-like dust Faint through the golden glimmer of the heat. 193 A DREAM AT ARDEA {Maremma) Where Ardea, the cliff -girt, Looks to the Sea, Dreaming forever In her desert place Of her vanished glory — There too in the tall grass, Starred with narcissus And the flaming poppy, I dreamed a dream. Not of the days when The fierce trumpeting Of the Asian elephants Made the wild horses Snort in new terror. Snort and wheel wildly, Till o'er the Campagna They passed like a trail Of vanishing smoke. No, nor when 194 A Dream at Anica The brazen clarions Of the Roman legion Sammoned the hill-folk To the Punic War : Nor yet when the shadow Of the falling star Of the House of Tarquin Swept unseen o'er the banquet, And none, foreseeing, Drew forth the pure sword For the foul heart of Scxtus, Nor yet of the ancient days When the fierce Rutuli Laughed at the boasting of The seven-hilled city, And when on rude altars White victims lay. To appease the anger Of barbarian Gods — Nay, not of these, not even the far-off. The ancient time, when the mother of Perseus, Danae the beautiful, came hither and buildcd Close to the sea the hill-town which standeth Now amid leagues of the inland grasses. White with the surf of the blossoming ^^ asphodels — Nay, but only 195 A Dream at Ardea Of the shrine of her, Venus, the Beautiful One, The Well-Beloved. Lost, it lieth Deep 'mid the tangle, Deep 'neath the roots of the flowers and the grasses Drawn like a veil o'er The face of Maremma. Only the brown lark Singing above it, Only the grey hare Beneath the wild olive. Only the linnet aflit in the myrtle. Only the spotted snake Writhing swiftly O'er the thyme and the spikenard. Only the falcon Dusking a moment the gold of the yellow broom, Only the things of the air and the desert. Know where deep in the maze of the under- growth Lieth the shrine of the sacred Goddess, The shrine of Venus, Up through the dark blue mist of the hare- bells- All the wild glory, with trailing convolvulus, Lenten lilies asway in the sunlight, 196 A Dream at Ardea Wine-dark anemones, pasque-flowers of ruby, Iris and daffodil and sweet -smelling violet. And high over all the white and gold shining Where the wind raced o'er the asphodel meadows : All the flower-glory of Spring in Maremm.a. But here, just here, a mist of the harebells — Up through the dark blue mist of the hare- bells Rose like a white smoke hovering gently Over the windless woodlands of Ostia Where the charcoal-burners wander like shadows. Rose a white vapour, stealthily, slowly. Ah, but the wonder ! the wan ghost of Venus Rose slowly before me : Dark, deep, and awful the eyes of the vision, Sad beyond words that wraith of dead beauty. Chill now and solemn Austere as the grave, The face that had blanched The high gods of old, The face that had led The heroes of men 197 A D yearn at Ardea From the heights of Caucasus To the uttermost ends Of Earth, as leadeth nightly The Moon, her cohorts Of perishing billows. " I am she whom thou lovest : " " Nay, whom I worship, Goddess and Queen ! " " I am she whom thou worshippest : " " For thou art Beauty, and Beauty I worship, And thou art Love, and Love — " " Love is Beauty. They love not nor worship, They who dissever the one from the other." " Hearken, Goddess ! " " Nay, shadow of shadows, why callest me Goddess ! Far from thy world ' the Goddess ' is banished. Ye have chosen the dark : the dark be with you ! Ye have chosen sorrow : and sorrow is yours : O fools that worship vain Gods, and know not That life is the breath but of perishing dust — They onty live in whose hearts there hath fallen The breath of my passion — " " Goddess, fade not ! " 198 A D yearn at Ardea " I pass, and behold. With my passing goeth The joy of the world ! " Darkly austere The face of the Goddess. Then like a flame That groweth wan And flickereth forth from the reach of vision, The face of Venus Was seen no more, Though through the mist Her eyes gleamed darkly, Great fires of joy — Of joy disherited. But glorious ever In their lordly scorn, Their high disdain. Not till the purple-hue d Wings of the twilight Waved softly downward From the Alban hills. And moved stilly Over the vast dim leagues of Maremma, Tamed I backward My wandering steps. Far o'er the white-glimmering Breast of the Tyrrhene Sea (Laid as in sleep at the feet of the hills) 199 A Dream at Ardea Rose, dropping liquid fires Into the wine-dark vault of the heaven, The Star of Evening, Venus, the Evening Star : Eternal, serene. In deathless beauty Revolving ever Through th^ stellar spheres ! High o'er the shadowy heights Of the Volscian summits The full moon soared : Soared slowly upward Like a golden nenuphar In a vaster Nilus Than that which floweth Through the heart of Egypt. The moon that maketh The world so beautiful, That moveth so tenderly Over desolate things, The moon that giveth The amber light. Wherein best blossom The mystic flowers Of human love. Through the darkness WTielming the waste. And, like a stealthy tide 200 A Dream at Ardea Rising around Ardea, the cliff -girt, Wavered the sound of joyous laughter. Sweet words and sweeter Fell where the lentisc Bloomed, and the rosemary : Loving caresses Lost in a rustle Where the hawthorn-bushes Loomed large in the twilight Of the fireflies' lanterns. Deep in the heart of A myrtle-thicket A nightingale stirred : With low sweet note, Thrilling strangely, And as though moving With the breath of it-, passion The midmost leaves. But once her plaint : — Then wild and glad. In a free ecstasy. In utter bliss, In one high whirl of rapture, sang His answering song Her mate, low swaying upon a bough, With throat full-strained, and quivering wings Beating with tremulous whirr. 201 A Dream at Ardea Then I was glad, For surely I knew I had dreamed a dream 'neath the spell of Maremma. Not sunk in the drift Of antique dust, Lost from the ken of Eartn Within her shrine, Venus, the Beautiful, The Oueen of Love ! But though no longer Beheld of man. Still living and breathing Through the heart of the world — Whether in the song, Passionate, beautiful. Of the nightingale ; Or in the glad rapture Of lovers meeting, With soft caresses Hid in the dusk ; In the fair flower of the vast field of heaven ; Or in the glow. The pulsing splendour, Of the white star of joy, The Star of Eve. 202 DE PROFUNDIS Whence hast thou gone, vision beloved ? There is silence now In thy groves, and never A voice proclaimeth Thy glory come. Thy joy rearisen ! O passion of beauty, Forsake not thus Those who have worshipped thee, Body and soul ! Come to us, come to us. Inviolate, Beautiful, Thou whose breath Is as Spring o'er the world, Whose smile is the flowering Of the wide green Earth ! Deep in the heart of thee. Like a moonbeam moving Through the heart of a hill-lake Moveth Compassion : 203 De Profundis O Beloved, Be with us ever, Thou, the Beautiful, Passion of Beauty, Alma Victrix ! 204 ULTIMO SOSPIRO O dolce primavera pien' di olezzo e amor! Che fai tu . . . che fai fra tanti fior ? Colgo le rose amabili dei piu soavi odori ; Colgo le rose affabili e i lunghi gelsomini, Nei olenti miei giardini io vi tengo al cor. Roman Folksong. Joy of the world, O flower-crown 'd Spring, With thine odorous breath and thy heart of love, Breathe through this verse thy sweet mes- sage of longing. Lo, in the gardens of Alma, whose lovers Die gladly in worship, but fail not ever. Oft have I strayed, Oft have I lingered When high through the noon the lost lark has been singing, Or when in the moonlight Soft through the silence has whispered the ocean, Or when, in the dark 205 Ultimo Sospiro Of the ilex-woods, Where the fireflies wavered Frail wandering stars, Not a sound has been heard But Scirocco rustling The midmost leaves Of the trees where he sleepeth. Roses of love, White lilies of dream, Frail blooms that have blossom 'd Into life with thy breathing : Blow them, O wind, West wind of the Spring, Lift them and take tJiem where gardens await them, Lift them and take them to those who hearken, Facing the dawn, for the sounds of the morning, With wide eyes glad with the beautiful vision, O whispers of joy, O breaths of passion, O sighs of longing. ?o6 EPILOGUE II Bosco Sacro Ah, the sweet silence : Not a breath stirreth : Scarce a leaf moveth. The Dusk, as a dream. Steals slowly, slowly. With shadowy feet Under the branches Here, in the woodland, Hushfully seeking The Night, her lover. Sweet are the odours Breath'd through the twilight, Lovely spirits Of lovely things. One by one Forth-shimmer white stars Beyond the skiey Boughs of chestnuts, 207 Pale Phosphorescence Gleaming and glancing As in the wake Of a windspent vessel That, moonlike, drifts With motionless motion. Peace : utter peace. Not a sound riseth From where in the hollow The town lies dreaming : Not a cry from the pastures That far below Are drowsed in the shadows. Only afar, On the dim Campagna, Peace, utter peace : On the pastures, peace Low in the hollows. Deep in the woodlands. High on the hill-slopes, Rest, utter rest. Utter peace. Suddenly . . . thrilling Long-drawn vibrations ! Passionate preludes Of passionate song O the wild music 208 Epilogue • Tost through the silence, As a swaying fountain Is swept by the wind's wings Far through the sunshine, A mist of flashing And fahing spray. How the hush of the stillness Deepeneth slowly. . . . Till never, never Can pain and rapture So wild a music, So sweet a song. List in the moonlight- Listen again O never, never ! O heart still thy beating : O bird, thy song ! Too deep the rapture Of this new sorrow. White falls the moonshine Here, where we gather'd The snow-pure blossoms. The Flowers of Dream : Here, when the sunlight On that glad day Flooded the mosses With golden wine, And deep in the forest, 209 o Epilogue Joy passed us, laughing. Laughing low. While ever behind her Rose lovely, delicate. Beautiful, beautiful. The fadeless blossoms, The Flowers of Dream. Be still, O beating, O yearning heart ! Here there is silence . . . Silence . . . Silence . . . O beating heart ! Here, in the sunshine, Together we gather'd The perfect blooms : And now in the gloaming, Here, where the moonlight. Lies like white foam on The dark tides of night, Here is one only. Longing forever. Longing, longing With passion and pain. Come, O Beloved ! O heart, be still ! Nay, through the silence Cometh uo answer, 210 Epilogue But only, only The sweet subsiding Of this wild strain Now lost in the thickets Down in the hollows. Hark . . . rapture outwelling O song of joy ! Glad voice of my passion Singing there Out of the heart of The fragrant darkness ! O flowers at my feet. White beautiful flowers, That whisper, whisper My soul's desire ! O never, never Lost though afar, My Joy, my Dream Too deep the rapture Of this sweet sorrow, Of this glad pain : O heart, still thy beating, bird, thy song ! 211 POEiMS 1889-1893 OCEANUS I While still the dusk impends above the glimmering waste A tremor comes : wave after wave turns silver}' bright : A sudden yellow gleam athwart the east is traced : The waning stars fade forth, swift perish- ing pyres. The moon lies pearly-wan upon the front of Night, Then all at once upwells a flood of golden light And a myriad waves flash forth a myriad fires : Now is the hour the amplest glory of life to taste, Out swimming towards the sun upon the billowy waste. II The pure green waves ! with crests of dazzling foam ashine, Onward they roll : innumerably grand, they beat 215 Oceanus A wild and jubilant triumph-music all divine ! The sea-fowl, their white kindred of the spray-swept air. Scream joyous echoes as with wave- dipped pinions fleet They whirl before the blast or vanish 'mid blown sleet. In loud-resounding, strenuous, conquering play they fare, Like clouds, high over head, forgotten lands i' the brine — Great combing deep-sea waves with sunlit foam ashine. Ill On the wide wastes she lives her lawless, passionate life : Enslaved of none, the imperious mighty Sea ! How glorious the music of her waves at strife With all the winds of heaven that, fiercely wooing, blow ! On high she ever chants her psalm of Victory ; Afar her turbulent pjean tells that she is free ; The tireless albatross with wings like foam or snow 216 Oceanus Flies leagues on leagues for days, and yet the world seems rife With nought save windy waves and the Sea's wild free life ! IV How oft the strange, wild, haunting glamour of the Sea, The strange, compelling magic of her thrilhng Voice, Have won me, when, 'mid lonely places, wild and free As any wand 'ring wind, I have heard along the shore The wondrous ever-varying Sea-song loud rejoice. I have seen a sno^vy petrel, arising, poise Above the green-sloped wave, then pass for evermore From keenest sight, and I have thought that I might be Thus also deathward lured by glamour of the Sea. V Hark to the long resilient surge o' the - ebbing tide ; With shingly rush and roar it foams adown the strand : 217 Oceanus The great Sea heaves her restless bosom far and wide — Heedless she seems of winds and all the forceful laws That bar her empire over the usurping Land : Enough, she dreams, is her imperial command To make the very torrents, waveward falling, pause : She scorns the Bridegroom-Land, yet is a subject Bride For she must come and go with each re- current tide. VI On moonless nights, when winds are still, her stealthy waves Creep towards the listening land ; with voices soft and low They whisper strange sea-secrets 'mid the hollow caves : A wondrous song it is that rises then and falls ! Deep-buried memories of the ancient long- ago. Confused strange echoes of some vanished old world woe, Weird prophecies reverberant round those wave-worn walls : 218 Occanus When loud the wrathful billows roar and the Sea runes Her deepest mourning broods beneath the foaming waves. VII As some aerial spirit weaves a rainbow-veil Of mist, his high immortal loveliness to hide ; So too thy palpitant waters, duskily pale. Oft-times take on a sudden splendour wild. Then thy sea-horses rise, fierce prancing side by side. And — like the host of the dead-arisen — ride Ghastly afar to bournes where all the dead lie piled ! . . . Superb, fantastic, cro\vn'd with flying splen- dours frail. Thou, when in dreams, thou weav'st thy phosphorescent veil ! VIII Vast, vast, immeasurably vast, thy dreadful peace When heaving with slow mighty breath thou liest In utter rest, and dost thy ministering winds release 219 Oceanus So that with folded wings they too subside, Floating through hollow spaces, though the highest Stirs his long tremulous pinions when thou sighest ! Then in thy soul, that doth in fathomless depths abide; All wild desires and turbulent longings cease — Profound, immeasurable then, thy dreadful peace ! IX But in thy noon of night, serene as death, when under The terrible silence of that arched dome Not a lost whisper ev'n of thy wandering thunder Ascends like the spiral smoke of perishing flame. Nor dying wave on thy swart bosom sinks in foam — Then, then the world is thine, thy heri- tage, thy home ! What then for thee, O Sea, thou Terror ! or what name To call thee by, thou Sphinx, thou Mystery, thou Wonder — ■ Above thou art Living Death, Oblivion under ! 220 A PARIS NOCTURNE Over the lonesome hollows And secret haunts of the river, Past fields and homestead and village. Past the grey wharves and the piers The darkness moves like a veil, Save when obscure, vast, nigrescent Flakes from the travelling gloom Slant westward great fans of blackness. Then a mist of radiance, Lamps with red lights and yellow, Foam-white, and blue as an ice-floe. Lamps intermingling with gas-light, Leagues of wind-wavered gas-light. Lamps on the masts of barges, Lamps upon sloops and on steamers, Lamps below quays and dark bridges. Yellow and red and green, Like a myriad growths phosphorescent When a swamp, erewhile flooded with waters, ■221 A Pans Nocturne Lies low to the stare of the moon And the stealthy white breath of the wind. And, over all, one light Palpitant, circular, wide. Sweeping the city vast — Yonder, beyond where in shadow The thronged Champs-Elysees are filling With echoes of human voices. With shadows of human lives. With phantoms of vampyre-vices — Beyond where the serpentine river Curves in a coil gigantic. And straight, a thin shaft, through the vagueness Soars the high lighthouse of Paris, Soars o'er the sea of the city With all its shoals and its terrors. Its perilous straits and its breakers, High o'er the brightness and splendour Of shores where the sirens sing ever. Then, shadows enmassed once again : And the river moving slowly, And the hills making darkness deeper. The lamps now fewer and fewer — Fewer the red lights and yellow. Till only a dusky barge Moves like a water-snake 222 A Paris Noctunw On the face of a dark lagoon, A stealthy fire 'mid the stillness ; While from a weir in the distance Comes a sound like the cry of waters When the tides and the sea-winds gather And the sands of the dunes are scattered In the scud of the spray. 223 ROBERT BROWNING One who never turned his back but marched breast forward, Never doubted clouds would break, Never dreamed, though right were worsted, wrong would triumph : Held we fall to rise, are baffled to fight better. Sleep to wake. (Died at the Palazzo Rezzonico, Venice, December 12, 1889.) So, it is well : what need is there to mourn ? What of the darkness was there, of the dread, Of all the pity of old age forlorn When the swift mind and hand are though as dead ? Nothing : the change was his that comes to days When, after long, rich, restful afternoons, A sudden flush of glory fills the skies : Thereafter is the peace of dream-fraught moons, And then, oh ! then for sure, in the eastern ways At morn, once more Life's golden floods arise. 224 Robert Broivning Ay, it is well : what better fate were his ? Why wish for him the twilight-greyncss drear ? He hath not known the bitter thing it is To halt, and doubt, grope blindly, tremble, fear : The reverend snows above his forehead brought No ominous hints of that which might not be. No chill suggestion of the ephemeral soul : Unto the very end 'twas his to see Failure no drear climacteric, but wrought To nobler issues, a victorious goal. There, where the long lagoons by day and night Feel the swift journeying tides, in ebb and flow. Move inward from the deep with sound and light And splendour of the seas, or outward go Resurgent from the city that doth rest Upon the flood even as a swan asleep. Or as a lily 'mid encircling streams. Or as a flower a dusky maid doth keep, An orient maid, upon her love-warm breast. Thrilled with its inspiration through her dreams — I 225 P Robert Browning There, in the city that he loved so well, And with the sea-sound in his ears, the sound Of healing waters in their miracle Of changeless and regenerative round. The strange and solemn silence that is death Came o'er him. 'Mid the loved ones near The deep suspense of the last torturing hope Hung like a wounded bird, ere swift and sheer It fall with the last frail exhausted breath And feeble fluttering wings that cannot ope. There death was his : within his golden prime. Painless, serene, unvanquished, undis- mayed. He fronted the dark lapse of mortal time With eyes alit, through all the gathering shade, With the strange light that clothes immortal things — Beauty, and Truth, Faith, Hope, and Joy and Peace, The garnished harvest of our human years, 226 Robert Browning Fair dreams and hopes that triumphed o'er surcease, The immaculate sweetness of all bygone Springs, The rainbow-glory of transfigured tears. Over him went the Powers, the Dreams, the Graces, The invisible Dominations that we know Despite the mystic veil that hides their faces, The immortal faces that divinely glow : Fair Hope was there to take him by the hand ; White Aspirations smiled about his bed ; Desires and Dreams moved gently by his side ; Beauty stooped low, and shone upon the dead ; Joy spake not, for, from out the Deathless land, She led God's loveliest gift, his long-lost Bride. Oh, what a trivial mockery then was this, The change we so involve with alien terror : How lorn in light of that supernal bliss The ruinous wrecking folly of our error ! 227 Robert Broimting Sweet beyond words the meeting that was there, Sweet beyond words the deep-set yearning gaze, Sweet, sweet the voice that long had silent been ! Ah, how his soul, beleagurcd by no maze, No glooms of Deatli, i' that Paradisal air Knew all was well, since She was there, his Queen. They are not gone, those Dreams, Fair Hopes, and Graces, Those Powers and Dominations and Desires, They are not passed, though veiled the immortal faces. Though dimmed meanwhile their eyes' wild starry fires. Meanwhile, it may be, on wan wings and slender Invisible to mortal gaze, they gleam In solemn, sad, processional array There where the sunshafts through stained windows stream, And flood the gioomful majesty with splendour, And charm the aisles from out their brooding grey. 228 Robert Browning They are not gone : nor shall they ever vanish, Those precious ministers of him, our Poet : WTiat madness would it be for one to banish. To barter his inheritance, forego it, For some phantasmal gift, some transient boon ! Thus would it be vsith us were we to turn Indifferently aside, when iliey draw nigh. To look with callous gaze, nor once discern How swift they come and go, how all too soon They evade for ever the unheeding eye. They are not gone : for wheresoe'er there liveth One hope his song inspired — whom they inspired — Yea, wheresoever in one heart there breatheth An aspiration by his ardour fired : Where'er through him are souls made serfs to Beauty, Where'er through him hearts stir with lofty aim, Where'er through him men thrill with high endeavour, There shall these ministers breathe low his name, 229 Robert Browning Linked to ideals of Love and Truth and Duty. And all high things of mind and soul, for ever. No carven stone, no monumental fane. Can equal this : that he hath builded deep A cenotaph beyond the assoiling reign Of Her whose eyes are dusk with Night and Sleep, Queenly Oblivion : no Pyramid, No vast, gigantic Tomb, no Sepulchre Made awful with imag'ries of doom. Evade her hand who one day shall inter Man's proudest monuments, as she hath hid The immemorial past within her womb. For he hath built his lasting monument Within the hearts and in the minds of men : The Powers of Life around its base have bent The Stream of Memory ; our furthest ken Beholds no reach, no hmit to its rise ; It hath foundations sure ; it shall not pass ; The ruin of Time upon it none shall see. Till the last wind shall wither the last grass, Nay, while man's Hopes, Fears, Dreams, and Agonies Uplift his soul to Immortality. 230 THE MAN AND THE CENTAUR The ]\Ian Upon the mountain-heights thou goest; As swift as some fierce wind-swept flame ; Thy doom thou scornest while thou knowest Men mock thy name. But thou — thou hast the mountain-splen- dour, The lonely streams, blue lakes serene, Wouldst thou these virgin haunts surrender For man's demesne ? Wouldst thou, for peaks where eagles gather, Where moon-white skies slow flush with dawn. Where, drenched with dew thy chieftain- father Is far withdrawn — Wouldst thou all these exchange, give over Thy wild free joys and all delights, Thy proud and passionate mountain-lover, Thy starry nights, 231 The Man and the Centaur For that drear life in huddled places Where men like ants move to and fro Tired men, with ever on their faces The shadow of woe ? The Centaur I would not change — did not the waters Did not the winds, all living things Proclaim that we, the sons and daughters Of Time's first kings. That we must change and pass and perish Even as autumnal leaves that fall ; Even as the wind the hill-flowers cherish, At Winter's call : That we, even wc, should know no morrow, For as our body, so our soul : O human, fair thy life of sorrow, Thou hast a Goal ! 232 DIONYSOS IN INDIA {Ope?iing Fragment of a Lyrical Drama) Opening Scene : Verge of an upland glade among the Hima- layas. Ti)ne : Sunrise First Faux . . . Hark ! I hear Aerial voices — Second Faun Whist ! First Faun It is the wind Leaping against the sunrise, on the heights. Second Faun No, no, yon mountain-springs — First Faun Hark, hark, oh, hark ! — 233 Dionysos in India Second Faun Are budding into foam-flowers : see, they fall Laughing before the dawn — First Faun Oh, the sweet music ! Child-Faun {Timidly peeping over a cistus, uncurling into blooms.) Dear brother, say, oh say, what fills the air ? The leaves whisper, yet is not any wind : I am afraid. First Faun Be not afraid, dear child : There is no gloom. Child-Faun But silence : and — and — then. The birds have suddenly ceased : and see, alow The gossamer quivers where my startled hare — Slipt from my leash — cow'rs 'mid the fox- glove-bells. His eyes like pansies in a lonely wood ! Oh, I am afraid — afraid — ^though glad : — 234 Dionysos in India Second Faux Why glad ? Child-Faun I know not. First Faun Never yet an evil god Forsook the dusk. Lo ! all our vales are mied With light : the darkest shimmers in pale blue : Nought is forlorn : no evil thing goeth by. Second Faun They say — First Faun What ? who ? Second Faun They of the hills : they say That a lost god — First Faun Hush, hush : beware ! Second Faun And why ? There is no god in the blue empty air ? Where else ? 235 Dionysos in India First Faun There is a lifting up of joy : The morning moves in ecstasy. Never ! Oh, never fairer morning dawned than this. Somewhat is nigh ! Second Faun Maybe : and yet I hear Nought, save day's famihar sounds, nought see But the sweet concourse of famihar things. First Faun Speak on, though never a single leaf but hears. And, like the hollow shells o' the twisted nuts That fall in autumn, aye murmuringly holds The breath of bygone sound. We know not when — To whom — these little wavering tongues betray Our heedless words, wild wanderers though we be. What say the mountain-lords ? Second Faun That a lost god Fares hither through the dark, ever the dark. 236 Dioiivsos in India First Faun What dark ? Second Faun Not the blank hollows of the night : Blind is he though a god : forgotten graves The cavernous depths of his oblivious eyes. His face is as the desert, blanched with ruins. His voice none ever heard, though whispers say That in the dead of icy winters far Beyond the utmost peaks we ever clomb It hath gone forth — a deep, an awful woe. First Faun What seeks he ? Second Faun No one knoweth. First Faun Yet a god, And blind ! Second Faun Ay so : and I have heard beside That he is not as other gods ; but from vast age- So vast, that in his youth those hills were wet With the tossed spume of each returning tide — 237 Dionysos in India He hath lost knowledge of the things that are, All memory of what was, in that dim Past Which was old time for him ; and knoweth nought, Nought feels, but inextinguishable pain. Titanic woe and burden of long aeons Of unrequited quest. First Faun But if he be Of the Immortal Brotherhood, though blind, How lost to them ? Second Faun I know not, I. 'Tis said — Lython the Centaur told me in those days When he had pity on me in his cave Far up among the hills — that the lost god Is curs'd of all his kin, and that his curse Lies like a cloud about their golden home : So evermore he goeth to and fro — The shadow of their glory . . . Ay, he knows The lost beginnings of the things that are : We are but morning-dreams to him, and Man But a fantastic shadow of the dawn : The very Gods seem children to his age, 238 Dionysos in India Who reigned before their birth-throes filled the sky With the myriad shattered lights that are the stars. First Faun Where reigned this ancient God ? Second Faun Old Lython said His kingdom was the Void, where evermore Silence sits throned upon Oblivion. First Faun \Miat wants he here ? Second Faun He hateth Hehos, And dogs his steps. None knoweth more. First Faun Aha! I heed no dotard god ! Behold, behold. My ears betrayed me not : Oh, hearken now ! Child-Faun Brother, O brother, all the birds are wild With song, and through the sun-splashed wood there goes A*sound as of a multitude of wings. 239 Dionysos in India Second Faun The sun, the sun ! the flowers in the grass ! Oh, the white glory ! First Faun 'Tis the Virgin God ! Hark, hear the hymns that thrill the winds of morn, Wild paeans to the light ! The white processionals ! They come ! They come ! . . . 240 BALLAD OF THE SONG OF THE SEA-WIND What is the song the sea-wind sings — The old, old song it singeth for aye ? When abroad it stretches its mighty wings And drivcth the white clouds far away, — What is the song it sings to-day ? From fire and tmnuU the white world came, When all was a mist of driven spray And the whirling fragments of a frame ! What is the song the sea- wind sings — The old, old song it singeth for aye ? It seems to breathe a thousand things Ere the world grew sad and old and grey — Of the dear gods banished far astray — Of strange wild rumours of joy and shame ! The Earth is old, so old, To-day — Blind and halt and weary and lame. What is the song the sea-wind sings — The old, old song it singeth for aye ? Like a trumpet blast its voice out-rings, The world spins down the darksome way ! It crieth aloud in wild dismay, I 241 Q Ballad of the Song of the Sea-Wind The Earth that from fire and iuinidt came Draws swift to her weary eml To-day, Her fires are fusing for that last Flame ! Envoy What singcth the sea-wind thus for aye, From fire and tumult the white world came ! What is the sea-wind's cry To-day— Her central fires make one vast flame ! 242 SONNETS 1S93 SONNET-SEOUENCE Wliere have I known thee, dear, in what strange place, Midst what caprices of our ahen fate. Where have I bowed, worshipping this thy face, And hunger'd for thee, as now, insatiate ? Tell me, white soul, that through those starry veils Keep'st steadfast vigil o'er my wavering spirit. On what far sea trimm'd we our darkling sails WTien fell the shadow o'er that we now inherit ? Two tempest-driven souls were we, or glad With the young joy that recks of no to- morrow : Or were we as now inexplicably sad Before the coming twilight of new Sorrow ? Did our flesh quail as now this poor flesh quails. Our faces blanch, as mine, as thine that pales ! 245 Sonnet-Sequence II Out of the valley of the Shadow of Death Who Cometh, through the haunted Hollow Land ? On those tired lips of mine whose quickening breath, In this long yearning clasp whose tremulous hand ? O, is it death or dream, madness, or what Fantastic torture of the chemic brain. That brings thee here, as thus, when all forgot. Thy body sleeps, as mine doth, free from pain ? What is the brooding word upon thy lips O beautiful image of my heart's desire ? What is the ominous shadow of eclipse That dusks those veiled eyes' redeeming fire? O soul whom I from life to life have sought. What menace haunteth joy so dearly bought ? 246 Sonnet-Sequence III This menace : — of remembrance that must come : This menace : — of the waking that must be. O soul, let the rhj'thm of life itself grow dumb And be the song of death our litany : Let the world perish as a perishing fire, For us be less than ashes without flame, So that we twain our last breath here suspire, Here where none uttereth word, none callcth name. For in the Hollow Land is utter peace, The magic spell which hath no first or last, But all that never ceaseth here doth cease And what would know no death is long since past : Only one thing endures where all expire — The inviolate rapture of fulfilled desire. 247 Sonnet-Sequence IV Wliere art thou, Love ! Lo, I am crucified Here on the bitter tree of my suspense. And my soul travails in my quivering side Wild with the passionate longing to go hence. Where would it voyage, lost, bewildered soul If from the body's warm white home it strayed : Even as the wild-fox would it find its hole, Even as the fowls of the air would it find shade ? Yea, dear, with winnowing wings there would it fly To fold them on the whiteness of thy breast, And all its passion breathe into thy sigh. Fulfil the uttermost peace of perfect rest : And passing into thee as its last goal Should know no more this bitter-sweet control. 248 Sonnet -Sequence Dear, through the silence comes a vibrant call, Thy voice, thy very voice it is, Sweet ! Yet who shall scale the dread invisible wall That guards the Eden where our souls would meet ? O veil of flesh, O dull mortality. Is there no vision for the enfranchised eyes : Must we stoop low thro' Death's green- glooms to see Tlic immaculate light known of our winged sighs ? Nay, Love, of body or soul no shadow or gloom Can always, always, thee and me dispart ; Soul of my soul, thro' the very gates of Doom Even as deep to deep, heart crieth to heart — Yea, as two moving waves on Life's wild sea. We meet, we merge, we are one, I thou, thou me ! 249 Sonnet-Sequence VI " And dost thou love me not a whit the less : And is thy heart as tremulous as of yore, And do thine eyes mirror the wonderful- ness, And do thy lips retain their magic lore ? " What, Sweet, can these things be, ev'n in thy thought, And I so briefly gone, so swiftly come ? Nay, if the pulse of life its beat forgot This speaking heart would not thereby be dumb. I love thee, love thee so, O beautiful Hell That dost consume heart, brain, nerves, body, soul That even my immortal birthright I \\'ould sell Were Heaven to choose, or Thee, as my one goal. Sweet love fulfilled, they sa}', the common lot ! He who speaks thus, of real love knoweth not. 250 Sonnet-Sequence VII The dull day darkens to its close. The sheen Of a myriad gas-jets lights the squalid night. There is no joy, it seems, but what hath been : There is nought left but semblance of delight. Nay, is it so ? Down this long darkling way What surety is there for the hungry- heart, What ^'istas of white peace, rapt holiday Of the tired soul forlorn, thus kept apart ? Oh, hearken, hearken, love ! I cannot wait : Drear is the night without, the night within ; I am so tired, so tired, so baffled of our fate. The very sport it seems of our sweet sin : Oh, open, open now, and bid me stay, Who almost am too tired, too weak, to pray. 251 Sonnet-Sequence VIII And so, is it so ? the long sweet pain is over ? The dear familiar love must know a change ? No more am I, no more, to be your lover, But life be cold once more, and drear, and strange. We have sinned, you say, and sorrow must redeem All the cruel largess of our passionate love, And we, at the last, content us with a dream Who have known a hell below, a heaven above ! Well, be it so : thy life I shall not darken : Thy dream, for me, shall be disturbed no more : Thine ears, by day or night, shall never hearken The coming of the steps thou lovedst of yore : And if, afar, a lost wild soul blaspheme. Thou shalt not know it in thy peace supreme. 252 AN UNTOLD STORY I When the dark falls, and as a single star The orient planets blend in one bright ray A-quiver through the violet shadows far WTiere the rose-rod still lingers 'mid the grey: And when the moon, half-cirque around her hollow, Casts on the upland pastures shimmer of green : And tlie marsh-meteors the frail lightnings follow, And wave lapse into wave with amber sheen — O then my heart is full of thee, who never From out thy beautiful mysterious eyes Givest one glance at this my wild endeavour, Who hast no heed, no heed, of all my sighs : Is it so well with thee in thy high place That thou canst mock me thus even to my face ? 253 An Untold Story II Dull ash-grey irost upon the black-grey lields: Thick wreaths of tortured smoke above the town : The chill impervious fog no foothold yields, But onward draws its shroud of yellow brown. No star can pierce the gloom, no moon dispart : And I am lonely here, and scarcely know What mockery is " death from a broken heart," What tragic pity in the one word : Woe. But I am free of thee, at least, yea free ! No more thy bondager 'twixt heaven and hell ! No more there numbs, no more there shroudeth me The paralysing horror of thy spell : No more win'st thou this last frail wor- shipping breath. For twice dead he who dies this second death. 254 THE VEILS OF SILENCE Three veils of Silence, Summer draws apace. The noon-tide Peace that broods on hill and dale, That passes o'er the sea and leaves no trace, That sleeps in the moveless clouds' move- less trail : The wave of colour deepening day by day, The yellow grown to purple on the leas, Blue within there beyond the dusky wa}s ; A green-gloom dusk within the grass-green trees. The third ^•eil no man sees. She weaves it where Beneath the fret and fume tired hearts aspire And long for some divine impossible air. Out of Man's heart she weaves this veil of Rest— Sweet anod^mc for all the feverish quest And ache of inarticulate Desire. 255 WRITTEN BY THE SEA Sweet are white dreams i' the dusk, yet sweeter far When the sea-music fills those haunting dreams : When light survives alone in each white star And in the far white shine of a myriad gleams : When from white flowers, that through the violet gloom Shine faintly phosphorescent, strange breaths steal And in the lamp-lit silence of the room The longing, yearning soul makes mute appeal : When nought is heard, and yet the tired hands stray To meet white dream-like hands soft floating by: When the disanchor'd mind sails far away 'Mid the suspense of an imagined sigh — 'Tis thee, 'tis thee, O dear white soul, 'tis thee, White Joy, white Peace, white Balm that healcth me ! 256 THE MENACE OF AUTUMN Amber and yellow and russet, gold and red, The autumnal leaves dream they are summer flowers : Day after day the windless sunny hours With feet of flame pass softly overhead : Day after day over each perishing leaf The windless hours pass with slow-fading flame : No song is heard where floods of music came ; Long garner'd on the fields the final sheaf. One day a wild and ravishing wind will rise. One day a paralysing frost will come, And all this glory be taken unaware : Dark branches then will lean against the skies, Sear leaves will drift the forest-pathways dumb, And wold and woodland lie, austere and bare. 257 R AFTERMATH The herald redbreast sings his winter lays. The fieldfares drift in flocks ado"wn the weald : The turbulent rooks gather on every field. And clamorous starlings dare our garden- ways : O beautiful garden-ways, not gro^^'n less dear Because the rose has gone, and briony waves Where lil}^ and purple iris have their graves, Or that, where violets were, the asters rear. Lo, what a sheen of colour lingers still, Though the autumnal rains and frost be come : The tall dishevelled simflowers, stooping, spill Lost rays of sunshine o'er the tangled mould, \Miile everywhere, touched with a glory of gold, Flaunts the imperial chrysanthemum. 25S FLORA IN JANUARY The goddess slept. About her where she lay Dead pansies, fragrant still, and the myriad rose : Adream 'mid the fallen drift, she woke one day, And the blooms stirred, seeing her eyes unclose. The oaks and beeches stood in disarray. Gaunt, spectral, dark, in dismal phantom rows ; She smiled, and there was a shimmer 'mid the grey And sudden fall of the first winter-snows. But when, tired with the icy blossoms of the air. She slept once more, and all the snow was over, She dreamed of Spring and saw his sunlit hair. And heard the whisper of her laughing lover : But while she dreamed, the dead blooms had grown fair And Christmas-roses made a veil above her. 259 POEMS 1893-1905 FROM OVERSEA From oversea — Violets for memories, I send to thee ; Let them bear thoughts of me. With pleasant memories To touch the heart of thee, Far oversea. A little way it is for love to flee, Love wing'd with memories, Hither to thither oversea. 26- SONG Love in my heart : oh, heart of me, heart of me ! Love is my tyrant, Love is supreme. What if he passeth, oh, heart of me, heart of me ! Love is a phantom, and Life is a dream ! What if he changeth, oh, heart of me, heart of me ! Oh, can the waters be void of the wind ? What if he wendeth afar and apart from me. What if he leave me to perish behind ? \Miat if he passeth, oh, heart of me, heart of me ! A flame i' the dusk, a breath of Desire ? Nay, my sweet Love is the heart and the soul of me And I am the innermost heart of his fire ! Love in my heart : oh, heart of me, heart of me ! Love is my tyrant, Love is supreme. What if he passeth, oh, heart of me, heart of me ! Love is a phantom, and Life is a dream ! 264 THE SUN LORD Low laughing, blithely scorning— Beware, beware, of flaming wings, Love hunts thee do\\Ti the morning ! His white feet dip i' the hillside springs, He mocks thy flying terror ! The woodland with his laughter rings ! He'll make thee his slave to follow, Nor shall he forgive thee, maid, thine error. Who spied thee hid in the hollow. Too late, too late the warning ! Behold the flash of flaming wings- Love hath thee now i' the morning ! 205 THE SUMMER WO:\IAN O wild bee humming in the gorse, O wild dove croodling in the woods, Know ye not she is false as fair, A sweet Caprice with bitter moods ? For bitter-sweet her wild kiss is, And bitter-sweet her haunting voice : How oft my eyes have filled with tears When she hath bid me to rejoice ! loved Caprice, is thine the fault Or is the bitterness all mine ! Art thou the quenchless Thirst of Joy And I the lees of thy spilt wine ? Oh, greenness, greenness everywhere. Oh, whisper of green leaves, green grass, Surely the glory is not gone. Surely the glory shall not pass ? 1 long for some lost magic thing, A voice, a gleam, a joy, a pain : Wild doves, your old-time strain once more. Wild bees, wild bees, come back again ! 266 SYCAMORES IN BLOOM Like flame-wing'd harps the seed blooms lit Amid the shadowy sycamores. The music of each leaflet's sigh Thrills them continually, The small harps of the sycamores. Small birds innumerable find rest And shelter 'midst the sycamores. Their songs (of love in a warm soft nest) Are faintly echoed east and west By the red harps o' the sycamores. The dewfall and the starshine make Amidst the shadowy sycamores Sweet delicate strains ; the gold beams shake The leaves at morn, and swift awake The small harps of the sycamores. O sweet Earth's music everywhere. Though faint as in the sycamores : Sweet when buds burst, birds pair ; Sweet when as thus there wave in the air The red harps of the sycamores. 267 SPRING'S ADVENT The Spirit of Spring is in the air ; The daffodils wave bhthe and free To the wind's minstrelsy, And everywhere A green rebirth involves each branchlet bare. Already from the elm-tree boughs The jubilant thrush doth cry aloud ; From fallow fields new ploughed The plovers rouse ; In hollow boles no more the squirrels drowse. The blackbird calls his thrilling note ; And by each field, and copse, and glade The leverets race, the rabbits raid ; Where gorse-blooms float The yellow-yite pipes o'er and o'er by rote. In the blue arch of sky, cloud-swept, The unseen larks are singing ; The green grass is springing : While nature slept, Leaf-crown'd, bird-liaunted Spring hath hither leapt. 268 spring's Advent O joy of winds, and birds, and flowers, Of growing grass, of budding leaves, Of green and sappy sheaves, Of rustling showers, Sunshine, and plenitude of marvellous hours. Thrilled Earth beholds her golden prime Returned again ; her heart beats swift. Low-laughing, as the spring winds lift Their songs sublime, Mocking, she dares the circling Shadow of Time. 269 THE SUMMER WIND The bugling of the summer wind Is sweet upon the hill : I love to hear its eddies The heather-crannies fill. It plays upon the bracken A blithe fanfarronade : And thro' the moss-cups whistleth " The Fairy Raid." It leaps from birch to rowan, And laugheth long and loud, Then with a spring is vanished, And rideth on a cloud ! 270 THE HILL WATER There is a little brook, I love it well : It hath so sweet a sound That even in dreams my ears could tell Its music anywhere. Often I wander there, And leave my book Unread upon the ground, Eager to quell In the hush'd air That haunts its flowing forehead fair All that about my heart hath wound A trouble of care : Or, it may be, idly to spell Its runic music rare And with its singing soul to share Its ancient lore profound : For sweet it is to be the echoing shell That lists and inly keeps that murmurous miracle. About it all day long In this June-tide 271 The Hill Wattr There is a myriad song« From every side There comes a breath, a hum, a voice : The hill-wind fans it with a pleasant noise As of sweet rustling things That move on unseen wings, And from the pinewood near A floating whisper oftentimes I hear. As when, o'er pastoral meadows wide; Stealeth the drowsy music of a weir. The green reeds bend above it. The soft green grasses stoop and trail therein : The minnows dart and spin : The purple-gleaming swallows lo\'e it : And, hush, its innermost depth within. The vague prophetic murmur of the linn. But not in summer-tide alone I love to look Upon this rippling water in my glen : Most sweet, most dear, my brook, And most my own, When the grey mists shroud every ben. And in its quiet place The stream doth bare her face. And lets me pore deep down into her eyes, Her eyes of shadowy grey. Wherein from day to day 272 The Hill Water My soul is startled with a new surmise, Or doth some subtler meaning trace Reflected from unseen invisible skies. Dear mountain-solitary, dear lonely brook, Of hillside rains and dews the vagrant daughter, Sweet, sweet, thy music when I bend above thee, When in thy fugitive face I look ; Yet not the less I love thee, When, far away, and absent from thee long, I yearn, my dark hill-water, I yearn, I strain to hear thy song, Bro\^Ti, wandering water, Dear, murmuring water ! 273 RAINBOW-SHIMMER To-day upon the hillside I saw a golden fairy ; Her name is Rainbow-Shimmer, But for you and me she's Mary For Mary is the mother Of all sweet souls that be, From the angels in heaven To the best fish in the sea. And of all sweet souls that are, Fairies are the rarest. And Mary was a star Among the fairest. She had a golden kingcup Her little golden head. For dress she had a daisy white Just tipped with red. She danced upon a clover leaf Still ashine with dew And the blue sky above was not As her blue eyes so blue. 274 Rainbow-Shimmer Her partner was a sunbeam, A partner wild and wary, Whose reel might even tire The patience of a fair3^ Ah, how the two went dancing Among the dewy clover ; I would that you were Mary And I your sunbeam lover ! " Stop, Mary, stop," I whispered? " Be not so \vild and wary, I know a little lassie Who'd dearly love a fairy ! " But in a twink she vanished, The dewshine dance was over I Ah, her twinkling laughter With her sunbeam lover ! But, hush ! Her hiding-place Is not so far apart : I'll tell you where it is, dear, It's deep in Mother's heart. 275 THE YELLOWHAMMER'S SONG Out on the waste, a little lonely bird, I flit and I sing ; My breast is yellow as sunshine, and light as the wind my wing. The golden gorse me shelters, in the tufted grass is my nest, And Sweet, sweet, sweet the world, though the wind blow east or west. The harebells chime their music, the canna floats white in the breeze : But as for me, I flit to and fro and I sing at my ease. When the thyme is dripping with dew, and the hill-wind beareth along The pungent scent of the gale, loudly I sing my morning song. When the sun beats on the gorse, the broom, and the budding heather, I flit from spray to spray, and my song is of the golden weather. 276 The Y ellowhammc/ s Song When the moor-fowl sink to their rest, and the sky is soft rose-red, I sing of the crescent moon and the single star overhead. Out on the waste, out on the waste, I flit all day as I sing, Sweet, sweet, sweet is the world — dear world — how beautiful everything ! Only a little lonely bird that loveth the moorland w^aste, And little perhaps of the joy of the world is that which I taste ; But out on the wild, free moorlands or the gold gorse-boughs I swing, And Sweet, sweet, sweet the world ; oh, sweet ! ah, sweet ! the song that I sing. 277 THE SONG OF THE SEA- WIND King of the winds, O Wind of the Sea, When thou sweepest abroad thy voice crieth; Crieth the anguish of hving souls As with the wild storm-rapt soughing of the oaks. Breath of the world , hitter breath, King of the winds, Wind of the Sea ! King of the winds, Wind of the Sea, Hitherward blow, by our doors, through our souls. Blow, blow, Euroclydon . . . and as dead leaves Whirl seaward vain hopes and perishing dreams. Breath of the world, hitter breath. King of the winds, Wind of the Sea ! King of the winds, Wind of the Sea, Uplift us, resurge us out with thy waves, 278 The Song of the Sea-Wind Out on thine infinite heaving breast Where not a wave breaks but is higher than hope. Breath of the world, hitter breath, King of the winds, Wind of the Sea ! King of the winds, O Wind of the Sea, In the sweep and shadow of mighty wings \N\m\ far this Dream that is Hfe, afar To the Shores of Joy or the Coasts of Night. Breath of the world, hitter breath, King of the winds, Wind of the Sea ! King of the winds, Wind of the Sea, Before thee my heart bows, for it may be that God — Yea, that it. is Thee, O God, who passeth by. Voicing Thy Word to our souls out of infinite space — Eternal Breath, hitter-sweet Breath, Lord of all winds, Wind of the Sea ! 279 SPANISH ROSES Roses, roses, Yellow and red ; A rose for the living, A rose for the dead ! Who'll sip their dew ? There are only a few Of the yellow and red : Youth sells its roses Ere youth is sped. Roses, roses. All for delignt ; What of the night ? Hark, the tramp, tramp. The scabbard's clamp, The flaring lamp ! Wliere is the morning dew ? Ah, only a few Drank ere the yellow and red Lay shrivelled, shrivelled. Over the dead. 280 Spanish Roses Roses, roses, Buy, oh buy. The years fly; 'Tis the time of roses. Here are posies For one and all. For lovers that sigh And for lovers that die : And for Love's pall And burial ! Roses, roses, roses, buy, buy, oh buy ! Why delay, why delay, roses also die. Pink and yellow, blood-red, snow-white, Roses for dayspring, roses for night ! Buy, buy, oh my roses buy ! A kiss for a kiss, and a sigh for a sigh ! 281 THE SEA-BORN VINE (A Dionysiac Legend) The sun leapt up the rose-flushed sky And yellowed all the sea's pale blue ; The Tyrrhene crew Uprose and hailed the God on high. But Dionysos made no sign : The shipmen hailed their Lord again, Acclaimed His reign, Then stared upon their guest divine, " The deep shall swallow thee, fair sir : The sea-things shall make thee their prey— The God obey Or meet swift death ere thou canst stir ! " " Ere ye arose, my spirit lowed To the Great God unrisen then : — Take heed, men, Your clamour grow not overloud." 282 The Sca-Born Vine " A priest of Bacchus thou ! Behold : On sea-wave here could whelm thy God — His mystic rod Would float foam-crown'd 'mid this wave- gold. *' Ai Evoe ! Thy voice might fill The waste of sea, the waste of sky, Yet thou wouldst die. Thy god supine on some green hill ! " Ai Evoe ! The cry thrilled wide : The startled rowers shrank — they saw With trembling awe The conscious waters surge aside. Ai Evoe ! The waves turn green ; In tendril masses twist and twine A mighty vine Uprises and o'erhead doth lean : Ai Evoe ! The tendrils chng About the shipmen as they swim The Bacchic hymn The waves chant and the wild winds sing. Evoe ! Dionysos cries. The seamen and the boat no more The shingly shore Shall feel 'neath known or alien skies. 283 The Sea-Born Vine Blue dolphins guide the wave-born vine To caves near mystic Ind : Only the wind Murmurs for aye the tale divine. Ye who deride the gods, beware : They are with us evermore ; they brook No scornful look ; Their vengeance fills our mortal air. Yea, of the jealous gods, take heed : One day the earth or sea shall ope And vanquish hope — A i Evoe be vain indeed ! 284 VENILIA Exspirarc rosas, dccresccre lilia vidi . . . Claudian. Along the faint shores of the foamless gulf I see pale lilies droop, wan roses fall, And Silence stilling the uplifted wave. And in the movement of the uplifted wave. And ere the rose fall, or the lily breathe, Silence becomes a lonely voice, like hers, Venilia's, who when love was given wings And far off flight, mourned ceaseless as a dove, Till bitter Circe made her but a voice Still lingering as a fragrance in dim woods When on the gay wind swims the yellow leaf. 285 ON A NIGHTINGALE IN APRIL The yellow moon is a dancing phantom Down secret ways of the flowing shade ; And the waveless stream has a murmuring whisper Where the alders wave. Not a breath, not a sigh, save the slow stream's whisper : Only the moon is a dancing blade That leads a host of the Crescent warriors To a phantom raid. Out of the Lands of Faerie a summons, A long, strange cry that thrills through the glade : — The grey-green glooms of the elm are stirring, Newly afraid. Last heard, white music, under the olives WTiere once Theocritus sang and plaj^ed — Thy Thracian song is the old new wonder O moon-white maid ! 286 THE DIRGE OF THE REPUBLIC {In Memoriam. — E. Z.) In the great days men heard afar the clarions of Hope rejoice : The hearts of men were shaken as reeds by the wind of a Voice. But now the roll of muffled drums drowns 'mid the last Retreat The wild fanfare of perishing hopes, the tramp of passing feet. The winds of heaven are banners lost, are pennons of dismay ; The innumerous legion of the sun toils on in disarray ; The moon that carries freight of gold to ransom forth the mom Sails desolate beneath a myriad starry eyes of scorn. Wild rhetoric, yes : but who shall say what metaphors of pain Are fit for the funeral dirge of a Republic slain ? 287 The Dirge of the RepuUic High hopes, faiths, dreams, great passions, aspirations. Prove but the trodden, useless, bitter dust of weary nations ! That which was great is fallen, that which was high is low : The rising star has sunk again, but in a blood-red glow : The hundred thousand souls that died before the golden prime Did well, for it is well to miss the Ironies of Time. Faith, Honour, Love, the Noble and the True, These lofty words are pawns of an ignoble crew : How better far to light the Torch with flames of cheap desire Than thus to mock the eyes of man with stolen fire ! There is no State broad-based enough upon the People's heart That some day may not hunted be by the People's dart : 288 The Dirge of the Republic The rebel nerves, the rebel lusts, the rebel hounds of life — If these be loosened from the whip they turn to fratricidal strife. Is this the end of all high dreams above thrones trampled under ? Is this the tinsel chorus left after the noble thunder ? 'Twere better, then, than thus to live, thus forfeit high renown, To be true men, and free, " beneath the shadow of a Crown " ! 289 INTO THE SILENCE {A Death in the West Highlands) Ungather'd lie the peats upon the moss ; No more is heard the shaggy pony's hoof ; The thin smoke curls no more above the roof ; Unused the brown-sailed boat doth idly toss At anchor in the Kyle ; and all across The strath the collie scours without reproof ; The gat her 'd sheep stand wonderingly aloof ; And everywhere there is a sense of loss. " Has Sheumais left for over sea ? Nay, sir, A se'nnight since a gloom came over him ; He sicken 'd, and his gaze grew vague and dim ; Three days ago we found he did not stir. He has gone into the Silence. 'Neath yon fir He lies, and waits the Lord in darkness grim." 290 THE HILL-ROAD TO ARDMORE There's the hill-road to Ardmore, Mar}', Here's the glen-road to Ardstrae : Your home is younder, Mary, And mine lies this way. Will you come by the glen, Mary, Or go the hill-road to Ardmore ? It is now and as you wdll, Mary, For I will ask no more. 'Tis but a score years, Mary, Since I bade you to Ardstrae ; And now you are not there, Mary Nor walk the hill-side way. Is it only a score years, Mary, Since we parted by the shore, And I watched you go, Mary, By the hill-road to Ardmore ? 291 WHITE ROSE Far in the inland valleys The Spring her secret tells ; The roses lift on the bushes, The lilies shake their bells. To a lily of the valley A white rose leans from above : " Little white flower o' the valley, Come up and be my love." To the lily of the valley A speedwell whispers, " No ! Where the roses live are thorns, 'Tis safe below." The lily clomb to the rose-bush, A thorn in her side : The white rose has wedded a red rose. And the lily died. 292 ECHOES OF JOY Only a song of jo}^ Wind-blown over the heather, Somewhere two little hearts Thrill and throb together. Ah, far 'mid the nethermost spheres Life and Death live together ; And deep is their love, without tears, For they laugh at the shadows of years- And yet there rings in my ears Only a song of joy Wind-blown over the heather. 293 WHEN THE GREENNESS IS COME AGAIN The west wind lifts the plumes of the fir, The west wind swings on the pine ; In the sun-and-shadow the cushats stir ; For the breath of Spring is a wine That fills the wood, That thrills the blood, When the glad March sun doth shine, Once more. When the glad March sun doth shine. When the strong May sun is a song, a song, A song in the good green world, Then the little green leaves wax long And the little fern-fronds are uncurl'd ; The banners of green are all unfurl 'd, And the wind goes marching along, along, The wind goes marching along The good green world. 294 IT HAPPENED IN MAY A maid forsaken A white prayer offered Under the snow of the apple-blossom : To whom was it proffered ? By whom was it taken ? Well, I suppose Nobody knows. But somehow, the snows Of the apple-blossom Were changed one day. A kiss was offered, A kiss was taken : And lo ! when the maiden looked shyly away, Of bloom of the apple the boughs were forsaken ! But whiter and sweeter grew orange- blossom ! Now this is quite true, I say. And it happened in May. 295 NIGHTINGALE LANE Down through the thicket, out of the hedges, A ripple of music singeth a tune . . . Like water that falls From mossy ledges With a soft low croon : Soon It will cease ! No, it falls but to rise — but to rise — but to rise ! It is over the thickets, it leaps in the trees, It swims like a star in the purple-black skies ! Ah, once again, With its rapture and pain. The nightingale singeth under the moon ! 296 BLOSSOM OF SNOW " Sing a song of blossom," Said little Marjory Brown : " Why won't it come down, Here in the town. Please ? " Said little Marjory Brown. " Please, Wind, blow just a breath, for me To see The great white apple-blossoms blow Just like snow- Just like snow in our garden before we Came back to town," Said little Marjory Brown. All day and all night A wind did blow, Marjory laughed at the flying snow And its whirling riot : But at dawn she grew wan and white, And was quiet. And the doctor said, With his hand on a bowed sobbing head, " Too late you came up to town With little Marjory Brown." 297 THE DANDELION A thousand poets have sung the Rose, The daisy white, the heather, The green grass we he on In summer weather . . . Of almost every flower that grows, But never of the Dandehon, That the winds of Spring have scattered hither and thither ! Is there any more fair to see Than this bright fellow Who, also, " takes the winds of March with beauty " ? True his coat in a vulgar yellow. And his is a very humble duty . . . Merely to be As joyous as a wave on the sea, A wave dancing on the great sea, — Merely to be bright, sunshiny, glad, strong, and free, As free as a beggar, as proud as a king ! 298 The Dandelion And so, quite as good as the Rose, The daisy white, the heather, The green grass we lie on In summer weather, Is that flame of the feet of Spring, The Dandehon ! 299 THE DREAM-WIND {Written for Music) When, like a sleeping child Or a bird in the nest, The day is gathered To the earth's breast . . , Hush ! . . . 'tis the Dream- Wind, Breathing peace, Breathing rest. Out of the Gardens of Sleep in the West. Oh, come to me, wandering Wind of the West ! Grey doves of slumber Come hither to rest ! . . . Hush / . . . now the wings cease Below the dim trees . . . And the White Rose of Rest Breathes low in the Gardens of Sleep in the West. 300 TRIAD From the Silence of Time, Time's Silence borrow. In the heart of To-day is the word of To- morrow. The Builders of Joy are the Children of Soirow. 301 IN MEMORIAM He laughed at Life's Sunset Gates With vanishing breath : Glad soul, who went with the Sun To the Sunrise of Death. 302 PERSEPHONEIA A FRAGMENT 1903 PROLOGUE An ancient solitary temple of Persephoncia by the sea. A dull sunset, burning slowly over Hybla. Melkos, an old blind priest, attended by a boy. A brazen glow rests on Etna, whence issues a thin column of dusky smoke filled at times with a tongue of red flame. Melkos The old dull whisper of the unceasing wave. [Sighing.l The slow sound of the unceasing wave. [Displaces a stone with his foot. Out of these shadowy hollows of the ocean Troop the grey dreams that plague the minds of men. Far off Hadranos hears : Enkelados Puts forth his hands and shapes the sound to thought : And on her lonely Mount where the sunset bums Hybla remoulds in pale invisible flame. [The boy idly plays a note or two. I- 305 u Persephoneia I am too old to fear these Holy Ones. Hybla Beneficent, why should one fear The Twilight Goddess, born where the Evening star Hangs o'er the abyss where swims the unrisen moon. Hadranos loves us not, but hates us not : Though dreadful to men's ears the baying of the hounds That night and day, a thousandfold, engird His sacred temple with a surge of sound. Rather the man I fear, the Titan-slave, Who hates the sovran powers who hold him thrall, And hugs a secret that no god doth know, Save only her, Demeter, when the frenzy Terribly moves her calm to dreadful storm — And him, Poseidon, when in his shell-strewn sleep Deep in the dim green silences he moans Remembering . . . him rather do I fear, Enkelados, the Helot of the Gods. \The hoy half raises himself, looks toward the ancient temple. Melkos Why do you stir, Neanthes ? Does the light From off Hyblaean hill draw near the roof ? 306 Persephoneia Neanthes The she-goat browsing 'mid the yellow spurge Yonder, where the lava crouches like a lizard Nailed to a thorn, looked suddenly up and whinnied, Her ears swung like figs in the wind, and her knees Bent, and she shrank shivering to the ground. [He sinks again, and flays a few notes on his reed pipe. Melkos That slow sound of the unceasing wave. For ages These watery fangs have gnawed and torn the shore. [Again displaces a stone with his foot. When I was young I sailed three days and nights, Southward three days when the great God drowned in fire, Southward three nights when lost amid pale stars The half-moon waned, and never land I saw, Nor living thing, save a shadow in the calms ao7 Persephoneia Where overhead a white-winged sea-hawk flew. And on the morrow of the fourth I heard The stifled laughters of a hidden folk, Hoarse murmurings, a dull tumultuous haste, With sad sea-voices full of lamentation. And a single voice that knew not any peace. Neanthes [Listlessly, without looking up. Who were these creatures of the salt south sea ? Melkos Out of the depths they came, I know not whence. Or what. Poseidon's offspring, they, who made A green and dreadful rumour through the wave. Neanthes [Singing. Fair is the jailing wave, and fair The paven green sea-halls, And one who sleepeth sound is sleeping there. Melkos And as m some old dream that swims un- sought Into the unwilling mind, I know once more 308 Persephoneia The old fear I felt, and all the horror of fear, When out of the foam and the seas and the wind I heard a voice of vengeance and of wrath And heard Poseidon calling on the shade Of that most sacred, dread, and nameless god Who lives below the root of ancient slime Left by forgotten seas and the most deepset fires Enkelados hath watched, Hadranos seen. Leaning o'er midnight chasms fill'd wit! flame. Loudly he called, and billow on biHow leapt ; Louder, and seas rose, and fell upon seas ; Loudlier, till the shaken watery domes That moved as a falling city on Etna moves, Crag-shpt to gulfs of fathomless abyss, I saw far-off steadfast stars involved. Spun round like dust about a chariot wheel. And all the anguish of his cry was filled With one name only — hers, whom he begat A thousand thousand years ago, on her The stern implacable guardian of mankind Demeter-Erinnys, on whose name be peace. That name alone I heard. . . Persephoneia. [Neanthes again raises himself, looking towards the ancient temple. 309 Persephoneia Melkos Does the light fall from oft the Hyblsean hill, Neanthes ? Neanthes Three sea-birds dripping from the foam Wheeled inland, yonder where the spotted snake Has made her lair under the asphodels. And one by one withered in fright, and flung Heavily downward, and all three lie dead. Melkos [Again to himself, unheeding the boy. And when like a snowflake blindly up- whirled and borne My frail boat sung from one gulf to another, And I lay breathless, dead, as one long dead, Blind, deaf, dumb, senseless, without hope or fear. Who ploughed the furrow of my flying keel ? That thing I do not know, nor how I escaped A peril more dire than that which waits for ships For Cumae bound when Zankle sinks behind. But on one desolate morrow my grey lips Knew rain, and all my weary flesh was healed With warmth and peace, at the coming of a calm 310 Persephoneia Leaning from heaven on the lapping waters, And from the violet hollows heavenward risen. And that day, in the hush of afternoon, I heard a shoreward sighing of the sea And in my nostrils was the blessed smell Of grass and earth and trees : so lifting me, And having made my prayer of thankfulness To him, the lord Poseidon of the Deep, I looked . . . and saw a melancholy shore, A long low lifeless melancholy shore, Wherefrom, an infinite way, the world uprose. Leaning gigantic . . . the vast womb of her, The Mother Mountain, and, purpling in the west , Hybla I saw, the Holy Hill : and else. No single home wherefrom the blue smoke toiled. But this I saw with dread, that ancient homes Hearthless and faded stood among grey trees, And a gaunt bridge hung broken o'er the bed Of a great river where no water ran. And old-time gardens all unwall'd, un- kempt. Were green with noisome growth, and fruit- less, drear. 311 Persephoneia Some fallen columns lay upon the sand Whereon the lizards fled, and in one place I saw the image of an unknown God Within whose cavernous ruin the adder curled. Near by, erect, unshaken, stood a fane Even that by which this solitary eve I stand in these my blind and listless years — Fearing so little, with so little hope. Yet dimly seeing in the far-off law The shaping of divine perfected things. Most drear and solitar}^ it rose thereby. The columns held the vast grey slab of roof That still they hold, in whose wind-haunted places The sea-crows built, with melancholy cries Lifting black wings at sundown and at dawn. But on that dayset, from the midmost rose A thin and wavering column of spiced smoke Such as from altars rise, fragrant with gums, With wine and frankincense, where gods are known ; And even as I watched, the purple bloom That Hybla wore, as a priestess wears a robe, So that the woman and the robe are one. Took fire : or rather, far below, a sea of flame Swung from its ebb, and with a mighty sigh From dim abysms reached a fiery crest, 312 Persefhoneia The conflagration of whose soundless hfe Changed Hybla to a molten brazen mass. Therefrom a concentrated stream of light Poured near the desolate fane ; but as the God Sank sighing to the underworld his hand Lingered a brief while here : and the pale smoke Spired suddenly like the crimson breath of roses. [The hoy again raises himself, looking towards the ancient temple. Does the light fall from off the Hyblsean hill, Neanthes ? Neanthes A little breath of smoke Rose from the broken terrace near the fane, No more than from the white ox idly breathes When with wet lips he tastes the morning grass. Melkos And then ? Neanthes A sudden noisy whirl of sparrows Scattered like leaves around the seaward columns : 313 Persephoneia And even as I looked, like leaves they fluttered, Falling and fallen, and now strewn deep they lie. Melkos [Turning his face seaward again. And even as the curling breath of roses Wavered again to pale aerial smoke, Even in that moment I beheld a woman Standing in silence on the ruin'd terrace That downward reaches to the lifting wave Oozy with slimy frondage of the sea. So tall she was, so noble of mien, so great In the perfected beauty of repose, That for a moment all my thoughts beheld A flawless statue simulating life. Most pale, most terrible her awful face. The dark hair lay adown it in great clusters, Like to the wild vine on the ashy cliff That on ^Etnean Inessa bears the grape Wherefrom the grey priests of Demeter brew A fatal juice. The sadness of the hills Crowned the sheer lonely height that was her forehead. The immemorial whisper of the sea Inhabited the silence of her face :] And in the flamelit darkness of her eyes The melancholy of forgotten things Was like a rainy dusk in the inlands drear. 314 Persephoneia In stillness she stood there, immovable, As Twilight stands in the passes of the hills When the Noon lifts her blazing wing and sheers Behind the incurring, blank, precipitous walls. Then well I knew a goddess I beheld. A Voice O bitter and terrible love of the wave for the wind, Of the north for the flame. And the love and the joy and the glory half left behind For the mockery of a name. Melkos What words were these : what bitter song from the sea, Out of the hills, or lifted from the slain ? Neaxthes Only the wind I heard, and a sigh from the sea. It is gone now, and the far-off sea is still. Melkos [Again turning his face to the sea. Then I knew a goddess I beheld. [A pause. 315 Persefhoneia But sad she was, more sad than I had dreamed The high immortal ones could ever be. And while I looked I saw that in one hand A cluster of flowers she held, anemones Wine-dark in hue, the sunbright celandine And poppies heavy in a downward flame, With pale green blossoms of the yellow spurge. But even as I looked a withering came Like a grey bloom upon them, and that bloom Dusked into ash, and in grey ash they fell Making an eddy of dust before her feet. Then a wild dove with sudden clamorous wing Batted the still air of the dreadful peace ; Circling about her, come I know not whence ; But even as I looked the grey wing sank And as a falling dust the cushat fell. \A pause. Then all my soul rose up in me, and knew Persephoneia. \A pause. And at that dreadful name, Bom on my lips as dawn on a moving wave, The dark gulfs of her dreadful beautiful eyes Turned slowly upon mine, wherefrom the light, 316 Persephoneia Ebbed, as the withdrawing gleam ebbs from a pool On sundown sands when the seas grow suddenly pale. From that day unto this I have not seen Goddess nor mortal, maid nor mortal man : No, nor the grey stairs of Poseidon's home. Nor Helios lighting torches on the hills. Nor any queen hour laughing on the slopes WTiere the watercourses are, nor almond blossom Foaming the pools where purple iris grow. No, never once have I beheld my kind ; Never the goatherd fluting to his flock Black-feeted kids amid the lava blocks Stained with old lichen, yellow with flower- ing spurge ; Nor the white train of sacred maids down- wending By the fig-bordered ways of holy Inessa, Nor the gold filleted ancient men who bow At Hybla, nor the blue-robed youths who stand Watching the thousand hounds of Hadranon. Yea, all these weary years I have not seen. In gracious places I have never heard The chorus rave, nor the solitary hymn Peal from the heights of Enna when the doves 317 Persephoneia Gather like flames before the Kore's fane : Nor laughter in the nightingale-haunted woods When the moon lifts the silver from the pools And ripples it lightly through the rippling boughs ; Never for me the chariot-race, the games. The sounds of down-falling cars in gladsome havens, The kiss of wife or child, the choric song Of kings and wars and mighty kings of old, The bubble from the wine-skin, the gay jibe And all familiar things of the old-time day. For I am old and blind : for years on years, How many years I know not, have been blind. That sorrow came to me because I saw Divinity unveiled, and for a moment knew The terrible life of immortality. The high gods rule us hardly. If we fail To seek them in their shrines and holy places Sorrows are laid on us, and many plagues. And the awful weight of the superhuman frown. And, if unseen we come upon these folk, Star-tramplers, sea-shod, kindred of the powers That are the Eternal balance of the world, 318 Persephoneia Pitiless are they, or full of dreadful scorn, Or mockery worse than flushing of thelevin. But I have ser\'ed her faithfully , Aweful One. . . . Yea, all these years in blindness and in pain. In sorrow, loneliness and grievous days I have not strayed an hour long from her shrine. Few men come here, to this deserted land : These haste away, so dreadful is the air Of deathless immemorial decays, Cities that were, dis-peopled villages. Gardens, with barren founts and fruitless trees, Old roadways gathered to the prickly-pear. Dry watercourses where the lizards run With withered tongues seeking forbidden dew. And this gaunt solitary ruined fane WTiereon is Silence, terrible and alone. Yea, I have kept the sacred fire alit From dusk till dawn, and quenched it at the dawn, And every noon have gathered up the ashes And thrown them in the grey receding wave. Yet never has the goddess deigned to me . . . No, not a word, no, not a little word, Nor even guerdon given, albeit ease Or dreamless sleep, or food, or shade, or warmth, 319 Persephoneia The visitation of unblended hours. The gifts of song, of prophecy, of dream. But, when I die, the crow will pick mine eyes. And if the crawling wave discrown my tomb The clammy fins of fish will touch my bones. {Raising his arms in supplication. O thou who in thy unknown secret power Descendeth hither, coming as a wind That eddies in the grass, and as an eddy Returning when it wills, in a secret way, O thou, Persephoneia, whom men worship High in the holy fane of the sacred Kore Where Enna rears her consecrated steep In frowning flanks of basalt from the wilds Hearken, have pity, give at least a sign. . . . For I have served thee well, who am broken, and blind, And now am old, and soon shall know no more. But be a thing that was not, unrecalled. [The hoy suddenly gives three sharp calls on his reed. Melkos Neanthes . . . what ? Neanthes A shadow suddenly falls Which nothing casts, where no one is ! . . . yonder 320 Persephoneia Betwixt the columns where the sea gleams red, As a pomegranate on a dark blue leaf. Melkos Quick, boy ! . . . Neanthes . . . does the beam of light From off the Hyblasan hill yet reach the roof ? [Neanthes, leaping to his feet, covers his face, and turns and bounds swiftly away. Neanthes It comes ! It comes ! Melkos [Slowly advancing. Hail to the Kore of Enna, hail ! [A pause. Persephoneia ! Mother of Life and Death ! Hail! Hail, Unbegotten but by the dreams of the gods Foreshaped by him, Poseidon-Hippios, Forekno\\'ii of her, Demeter, the veiled Queen ! Hail to the Kore ! Hail, Persephoneia ! [A pause, I 321 X Persephoneia Though many days have sunk and dark nights risen, Yea, many moons have waxt and waned in vain, And thou hast not revisited this place. Yet art thou come again, O Holy One ! I know well by the portents, and the awe That lies on all this breath-suspended shore. [A pause. A sign, a sign, O thou whom I have served In silent adoration all these years ! A Voice Go down to the dim waves and bathe thine eyes. Maybe other gods may serve thee there : Or sleep, or dream. I knew not thou wert blind. Who have never known nor seen that worshipper Save as a shadow flickering in the silence. Go up to the hill-encircled mountain fane That frowns on Enna, and then lay thee down On the altar-step, that so, perchance, my foot May for less than a moment burn thy lips. Then may thy blindness quicken ... or the dark 322 Persephoneia Drown in upon thee with a deeper night. But trouble me no more with faithful service. That, or unfaithful. Here I dwell alone. [Melkos stands in silence, then slowly moves towards the sea. As in a dream he walks slowly, through lentisk and tamarisk, often look- ing hack, half in dread, half in expectation. BALLANTVNE & COMPANY LTD Tavistock Street Covent Garden London ^m wmmmmaF ^ORNTA LIBRAT THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE, SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. -^i^ 19 1937 JUN 7 1&3 1 . APR 9 194" IViAV 4 :94i: i MiY "i ;--^ _l3Jan'57HV ^ I t'*r ,jAN i i *5S^ /!P/?5>9'co ^ •^ DO - 7 OM LD 21-100m-8,'34 262590 .■r