UC-NRLF $B S3D 7D3 \ ♦ LIBRAR,Y ^ ^ OF THE University of California. GIFT OF C O - .SA..:-.-k-^.^XAA^^ ^ -^ -^X^/L^l^ yyU^'U-^. CcnUl^....^^.^ MANUAL OF TRIGONOMETRY. FOR THE USE OF HIGH SCHOOLS. ACADEMIES AND COLLEGES. BY J. B. CLARKE, Ph. B. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. \%V<. [AUTHOa'S EDITION.] CC)?^H\Q»UT, \%?.a, QN iOHH B. C\_NHY.£. F»ACIF^IC PRESS, PRINTERS, ELECTROTYPERS, AND BINDERS. PREFACE. In the following pages the author has endeavored to present a brief, but thorough and complete, course in Trigonometry. While non-essentials have been excluded, considerable attention has been given to some matters not discussed in any of the usual text-books. It is dis- couraging even to a bright student, to meet, in his work in the Integral Calculus, difficulties that should have been surmounted in his Trigonometrical course. The chapter on Algebraic Trigonometry will, it is hoped, lighten the labor of the student preparing for advanced work and broaden the views of the reader whose Trigo- nometry is merely a minor part of a symmetrical course of liberal ytudy. The text, taken in connection with the exercises, (all of which should be worked out), will afford ample preparation for any University Mathematical course. The author desires to express his sense of obligation to Prof. Irving Stringham for encouraging and valuable hints and suggestions. J. B. CLARKE. Department of Mathematics, University of California, February, 1888. 183630 TABLH OK CONTKNTS. Paoe. Chapter I. — Preliminary Definitions. — Signs and Limiting Values of Functions. — Fundamental Relations. — Geometric Repre- sentation of Functions. — Trigonometric Tables 9 Chapter II. —Solution of Right Triangles. — Solution of Oblique Triangles by means of Right Triangles. — Examples 20 Chapter III. — Functions of the Sum and of the Difference. — Sums and Differences of Functions. — Miscellaneous Form- ulae 26 Chapter IV. — Additional Formulae for Plane Triangles. — Special Formulae 30 Chapter V. — Spherical Trigonometey. — Napier's Rules. — De- termination of Species. — Solution of Right Triangles and Solution of Oblique Triangles by means of Right Triangles . . 33 Section II. — Additional Formulae for Oblique Triangles. — Special Formulae, — Napier's and Delambre's Analogies 41 Chapter VI. — Algebraic Trigonometry. — Trigonometric De- velopments. — Exponential Functions. — Circular and Hyper- bolic Functions. — Properties and Relations of the Functions. — Geometric Representation of the Exponential Functions 47 Exercises. — OF THE \ IVERSfTT ^ . OF TRIGONOMETRY. CHAPTER I. 1. Trigonometry is a branch of Mathematics, in which are discussed the properties, relations, and applications of cer- tain functions of angles. These functions, to be hereafter defined, are called the Trigonometric functions, and are practi- cally useful mainly in the solution of triangles. 2. An angle, AOB (Fig. 1), is considered as generated by the revolution of a line about the vertex, O, from the posi- tion OA to the position OB. Ois called the Angular Centre; OA, the Initial, and OB, the Tei-minal dine. We call the revolution, and the angle gen- erated, joo^i^ive, when the motion is opposite in direction to that of fig- 1- a watch-hand ; negative, when the motion is in the direction of that of a watch-hand. Angles are assumed to be positive unless they are explicitly stated to be negative. Angular magnitude, thus considered, evidently admits of infinite extension ; AOD may be generated by a simple passage of the moving line from OA to OD, or by a movement in which this line reaches OD after passing around O any number of times. This requires, of course, that the magnitude of the measuring arcs be similarly considered ; hence the occurrence of angles of 540°, 630°, etc. (i. e., the (9) HHkSBSUHE 10 DEFINITIONS. angle as ordinarily taken, + any multiple of 360°). The plane space about O is, for convenience, divided into four equal parts, called quadrants, by two lines, viz., the Initial line, as- sumed horizontal and unlimited in length, and a perpendicular thereto through O. These quadrants are numbered as in the figure, and an angle lies in that quadrant in which is found its terminal line. 3. An angle is usually denoted by a single symbol, thus : x, y, A. In general this symbol will denote the radial measure of the angle, except when we deal with triangles. The radial measure (Ven. IV, 19) of an angle is the arc intercepted (by the initial and terminal lines) divided by the radius with which it is described from the vertex as a centre. The unit is the angle whose sides intercept on the circumference an arc equal in length to the radius, for, in the case of this angle, arc : ra- dius = 1. As 2-R = 360°, R = 360 ^ 2r = 180° -r 3.1415926 = 57°.29578, or about 57°.3 (57° 17' 45'^ nearly). To pass from the " degree " measure of an angle to its " radial " meas- ure, we therefore divide by 57°.3, and conversely. The complement of an angle (or arc) is a right angle (or 90°), minus the angle (or arc); the supplement is the difference between the angle (or arc) and two right angles (180°). 4. Angles are dealt with by means of certain Trigonometric Functions. If a perpendicular be dropped from any point of the Terminal line on the (unlimited) Initial line, a right triangle is formed called the Triangle of Reference. The following ratios, involving its sides, are the Trigonometric Functions of the angle. (1.) The perpendicular (p) divided by the hypothenuse, is the SINE (sin). Thus (Fig. 1), BM:OB = sin AOB. (2.) The base (6) divided by the hypothenuse, is the cosine (cos). Thus, cos AOB = OM : OB ; cos AOD = OL : OD. (3.) The perpendicular (p) divided by the base (h) is the TANGENT (tan). Thus, tan AOB = BM : OM. (4.) The base (h) divided by the perpendicular (p) is the COTANGENT (cot). Thus, cot AOC = OK : KG. 5/: TRIGONOMETRY. 11 (5.) The reciprocal of the sine is called the co-secant (csc). Thus, CSC AOB = OB : BM. (6.) The reciprocal of the cosine is called the Secant (sec). Thus, sec AOD = OD:OL. Unity minus the cosine is called the versed-sine (yersin) ; thus versin AOB =1 - OM : OB. Unity minus the sine is called the coversed-sine (coversin); thus coversin AOC = 1 - CK : CO It will be noticed: — (1.) That each ratio can have but one value for any one angle. For if the perpendicular were dropped from any other point of OB than B (e. g., B', C, D'), the new triangles of reference would be similar to OBM, and hence the ratios of their sides would equal the corresponding ratios in OBM. (2.) Neither the sine nor the cosine can exceed 1. (3.) The secant and cosecant must both exceed 1. (4.) Neither the versed-sine nor the coversed-sine can ex- ceed 2. 5. The functions (4) may evidently be grouped in two triads, viz.: Sine, Tangent, Secant, and Co-sine, Co-tangent, Co-secant. Fig. 2 will render clear the reason of this nomenclature. Let AOB be any angle, BOQ its com- plement, BOM and KOL the tri- angles of reference. As BOM is sim- ilar to KOL, OM : OB = KL : OK, or co-sine AOB = sin (90° -AOB), OM : BM = KL : OL, or co-tangent AOB = tan (90° - AOB), OB:BM = OK:OL, or co-secant AOB = sec (90° - AOB), ,^'»- ^' that is, the co-sine of an angle is the sine of the complement, the co-tangent is the tangent of the complement, and the co- secant is the secant of the complement. 12 SIGNS — LIMITING VALUES. ^ 6, While each function has but one value for any one angle, the converse is not true. To a single numerical value of a function may correspond four different angles, each less than 360°. Any confusion that might result from this fact is avoided by the adoption of the following convention (Cf. Alg. §§8, 46, 55, 429, 432) :~ Vertical distances are estimated from the initial line XOX' (Fig. 1) ; those measured upward are said to he positive; hence those measured downward must be taken as negative. Hori- zontal distances are estimated from the vertical line YOY'; those laid off to the right are said to he positive; hence those measured to the left are negative. The hypothenuses of the triangles of reference being, in general, neither vertical nor horizontal, may be considered signless. Consequently all functions of angles in the first quadrant are positive. For angles in the second quadrant the base of the triangles of reference are negative, and the perpendiculars positive ; hence the sine and cosecant are positive^ and the other functions negative. In the third quadrant both base and per- pendicular are negative; hence the tangent and cotangent are positive, and the other functions negative. Finally, for angles in the fourth quadrant the cosine and secant are positive, and the other functions negative. 7. Limiting Values of Functions. Tlie Sine. At 0° p in the triangle of reference is evidently 0, and hence sin 0° = : /i = 0. It will be convenient, though not necessary, to assume that the length of h remains constant as the angle increases from 0° to 360°; let the changing angle be denoted by x. As X increases from 0° onward, p increases, and hence sin x in- creases, rapidly at first, but slowly as x approaches 90°. When X is nearly 90°, p and h are nearly equal, and, finally, when X = 90°, p and h coincide, and p : /*= 1, .-. sin 90° = 1. As X increases,^ (and hence p : h) decreases, slowly at first, but TRIGONOMETRY. 13 more rapidly as x approaches 180°. When x is very near 180°,/) (and hence ^: h) is very small; finally when re = 180°, p: h = 0. A peculiar circumstance here presents itself. As 180° = 180° - 0°, and also 180° + 0° (Alg. Ch. VIII) the angle of 180° may be considered as ending in either the second quadrant or the third. In the first case sin 180° is +, and in the second case-. Obliged to recognize both contingencies we say that sin 180° =±0. Here, then, sin x changes its sign, becoming negative. As x increases,^, and therefore p : h, increases numerically until, when a; = 270°, p and h coin- cide, and p: h= -1. An x increases, p (and hence p : Ji) de- creases numerically, until, when x = 360°, sin x = + according as X is taken as 360° -0° or 360° + 0°. If the angle gen- eratrix continue to revolve, the same values will evidently recur in the same order. The Tangent When a; = 0°,^ = 0, and .-. p:b = 0, i. e., tan 0° = 0. As a; increases p increases and b decreases at the same time; hence tan x increases very rapidly. When x is nearly 90°, tan X is very great, and, when x = 90°, tan x =p ; = oo . As X may at this stage be considered as ending in the first (90° -0°), or in the second (90° + 0°), quadrant, and as the tangent is positive in the first and negative in the second, we say that tan 90° = ±od . Here the tangent changes sign by passing through qo . As a: increases toward 180° tan x rapidly diminishes (numerically), since p diminishes and b increases, until, when a; = 180°, tan x^T 0. Tan x, changing its sign by passing through 0, increases rapidly as x increases toward 270°. When a; = 270°, tan .t= tec , and as x increases, tan x, changing its sign by passing through co , decreases, numeri- cally, with great rapidity, until, when a; = 360° tan a;=+ 0. A consideration of the changes in all the functions as x changes from 0° to 360° leads to the results given in the fol- lowing 14 "FUNDAMENTAL RELATIONS." ►: Table of Limiting Values of the Functions. Function. 0° to 90° 90° to 180° 180° to 270° 270° to 360° Sine Oto+1 + 1 to±0 to±oo 4- ooto±0 1 t0±00 C0t04l 4-1 to±0 ±0 to-1 ±ooto+0 ±0 toqrx ±x to-1 + 1 to±oo ±0 to-1 -1 to + + to±c» T CO to±0 - 1 toqroo ± 00 to - 1 -1 to + Cosine + to 4-1 Tangent Cotangent Secant ±00 to + ±0 to+co Cosecant -1 to^co 8. Negative Angles. By comparing the functions of negative angles (2) with the functions of numerically equal positive angles, it will be seen that, A being any angle, sin ( - J.) = - sin J. ; esc ( - J.) = - esc A; cos ( - J.) = cos J. ; sec ( — A)= sec A; tan ( - J.) = - tan A; cot ( - ^) = - cot A. Hence changing the sign of an angle changes the sign of the SINE, COSECANT, TANGENT, and COTANGENT, but does not af- fect the sign of the cosine and secant. 9. Fundamental Relations.* If A represent any angle, (1.) Sin' A + cos'^ ^ = 1. (4.) Tan ^ cot JL = 1. sin A (5.) Sin A esc A = 1. cos A (6.) Cos A sec A = 1. i cos A (7.) Sec' A = l+ tan' A. ~" "■ • (8.) Csc^ (2.) Tan A (3.) Cot sin^ • (8.) Csc'^ = l + cot'X Of these, (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), follow immediately from the P ^ definitions. To prove (1): Sin A = -/ cos A = - hence sin' A + « h h p' 6' p'+¥ h' , . M , cos' A = — -{- — = = -- = 1. (7) and (8) may be similarly /t' /i' /r h established. 10. Anti-functions. If ab=.m, we write b = a-hn. By analogy we usually say that if tan A=m, J. = tan~^m,. al- *The student must memorize these, and be thoroughly familiar with them. TRIGONOMETRY. 15 though the word tangent cannot be considered a factor. Though this notation can be justified, it is inconvenient and may produce confusion, as powers of functions are indicated by placing the exponent above and a little to the right of the abbreviation for the function ; thus (tan A)^ is usually written tan' A ; so that tan""^ A might mean "t^" as well as " the angle whose tangent is A." As it is useless now to attempt to change the notation, the student must be on his guard to avoid confusion. While sin~^ A, cot~^ A, etc., are sometimes read " anti- sine of tI," " inverse sine of J.," etc., it is better to read, in full, " the angle whose sine is A," etc. 11. The trigonometric functions may be represented by lines, if it be assumed that all angles are formed about the centre of a circle of unit radius, and that in every triangle of reference one side is equal to the radius. In this case, however, the angles are treated by means of the measuring arcs, and it is better to consider the functions as functions immediately of the arcs. Arcs considered directly are generally supposed to be- gin at the right hand extremity of a horizontal diameter (and we shall assume that they do so begin); this point is called the primary origin, or simply, the origin. The complements of arcs are in this case estimated from the upper extremity of a vertical diameter ; this point is called the secondary origin. The sine is the perpendicular dropped from the termination of the arc on the diameter through the origin. Thus sin AP (Fig. 3) is PM. The cosine of an arc is the sine of the complement; thus cos AP = PL; cos AD = KD. The tan- gent is that part of the geo- metric tangent a( the origin which is limited by the diame- ^^' '• ter through the termination of r. 1(5 TRIGONOIk^ETRIC LINES. the arc; thus tan AP = tan ABF = AT. The cotangent of an arc is the tangent of the complement ; thus cot AD = BE. The secant is the line connecting the centre of the circle with the extremity of the tangent ; thus sec ABD = OS. The co- secant of an arc is the secant of the complement ; thus esc AP = 0V. The versed-sine is the radius minus the cosine, and the co-versed-sine is the radius minus the sine ; thus versin AP = MA ; coversin AD = KB. Lines are always measured /ro?^ A A' and BB'; those meas- ured upward and those measured to the right of BB' are pos- itive ; all other horizontal or vertical lines are negative. The secant and cosecant follow in ^ign their reciprocals, the cosine and sine, respectively.* If the radius be different from unity the lines indicated above must be divided by the radius, in order to get the various functions. As these definitions agree in substance with those given in (4) we may use angles or their measuring arcs in- differently, and likewise the trigonometric functions or their line representatives. 12. Functions of SO'' and of ^5°. Let AOB (Fig. 4) = 30°. Then (Ven. 36 p. 51) OB = 2 AB, .-. sin AOB = AB : OB = ^. As sin' 30° + cos' 30^ = 1, cos'' 30° = 1 .-. cos 30° = ^ Vs. Fig. 4^ T,an_30°=i--- J V^3 = Jl/'S; cot 30° = 1/3; sec 30° = f 1/3 ; CSC 30° = 2. Again let AOC (Fig. 5) = 45°. As OC is the diagonal of a square, AC : OC=sin 45° = il/2=cos 45°. As OA ^ig. 5. ^ = AC, tan 45° ^ cot 45° = 1 . Finally, sec 45° = esc 45° =i/2. 13. Trigonometric Tables. — To enable us to deal with angles by means of their functions tables are computed, giving the values of these functions for all angles from 0° to 90°. *The versed-sine and coversed-sine are measured from the foot of the sine and cosine respectively, and therefore are never negative. TRIGONOMETRY. 17 The angles are usually taken at intervals of V, though the in- terval may be as large as 10' in tables for ordinary use, and is frequently as small as 1" in tables used for calculations requiring great accuracy. The functions of an angle lying between any two angles of the table are found by interpola- tion (Alg. 491 and Appendix III). 14. The Tables of Natural Functions give the actual val- ues of the functions ; the Tables of Logarithmic Functions give the common logarithms of these values. As all sines and cosines, tangents of angles between 0° and 4^°, and cotangents of angles between 45° and 90°, are " proper " fractions, the characteristics of their logarithms are negative. To avoid these negative characteristics, 10 is added to the characteristic of the logarithm of each of these functions, and, in many tables, for uniformity, 10 is added to every characteristic. 15, Elementary Method of Computing a Table of Natural Functions. — We will consider the line representa- tives of functions, i. e., (11) the functions of the arc (radius being unity). Though an arc exceeds its sine, the inequality diminishes as the arc decreases, the ratio (sin x) : x having for its limit 1. This inequality is so small for an arc of V that there is no error, within the limits of ordinary tables, in assuming arc l' = sin 1'. In a circle of radius 1, the semi- circumference = 10800' = TT = 3.14159265; hence arc 1' = 3.14159265^10800 = .000290888-sinr. cos V = ^/l~mi'V = V (1+sin l')(l-sin T) =-/l.000290888 x .999709112 = .999999958 It will be shown (37) that if A and B be any two angles, (I) sin (^ + J5) - 2 sin ^ cos J5 - sin {A - B). (II) cos {A + B) = 2 cos ^ cos i> - cos {A - B), Let B= V, and let A become successively, V, 2', 3', etc. From (I), sin (1' + 1') = sin 2' = 2 sin 1' cos V Sin (2' + V) = sin 3' = 2 sin 2' cos 1' - sin V sin 4'= 2 sin 3' cos 1' - sin 2', and so on. 18 TRIGONOMETRIC TABLES. . From (II) COS 2' = 2 cos'^ 1' - / cos 3'-- 2 cos 2' cos V - cos 1' cos 4'= 2 cos 3' cos V -cos 2' and so on. As 2 cos 1'= 1.999999154 = 2 -.000000846 is a constant factor in the first term of the second member, these equations may be written sin 2'- 2 sin 1' - .000000846 sin V = .000581776 sin 3' = 2 sin 2' - .000000846 sin 2' -sin 1' = . 000872665 sin 4' = 2 sin 3' - .000000846 sin 3' - sin 2' = .001163553 and similarly for the cosines. After computing the functions of angles up to 30° by these formulae, we let A (I) remain equal to 30°, while B changes from V successively at minute intervals up to 15°. Then, as sin 30° = ^, 2 sin 30°- 1, and we have sin (30° + 1') = cos 1' - sin 29° 59' sin (30° + 2') = cos 2' - sin 29° 58' sin (30° + 3') = cos 3' - sin 29° 57' and so on up to 45°, the only operation required in the second members being mere subtraction. Instead of (II) we now use, (37), the formula cos (A + B)^ - 2 sin ^ sin ^ + cos (A - B). Letting A remain equal to 30°, we have cos (30° + ,1') = - sin 1' + cos 29° 59' cos (30° + 2') = - sin 2' + cos 29° 58' and so on, up to 45° inclusive. We need not compute beyond 45°, as the sine and cosine of any angle between 45° and 90° are respectively the cosine and sine of the complement, i. e., of an angle between 45° and 0° (of which the cosine and sine have been computed). The tangents, cotangents, secants, and cosecants may be obtained from the sines and cosines by means of the funda- mental relations (9). Functions of angles greater than 90° may be obtained from the table by means of the relations suggested in (5, 6). TRIGONO]NIETRY. 19 16. The Table of Logarithmic Functions may be obtained by simply tabulating the common logarithms of the natural functions and adding 10 to each characteristic. Other and better methods will be indicated later. This table is usually employed in preference to the table of natural functions, as logarithms are utilized whenever they serve to facilitate com- putation, as in multiplications, divisions, involution, and evolu- tion. 17. Tables are usually so arranged that for angles from 0^ to 45° the degrees and the names of the functions are to be taken from the top of the page, and the minutes from the left- hand column, while for angles between 45° and 90° the degrees and the names of the functions are to be taken from the bottom of the page, and the minutes from the right-hand column. 18. Interpolation is effected on the hypothesis that as t]ie arc changes uniformly, the function changes uniformly. The error involved in this assumption being greatest for cosines of very small angles and sines of angles near 90° ^ we avoid com- puting small angles by means of the cosine, and angles near 90° by means of the sine, unless we have tables specially cal- culated for the purpose. It is best in general to compute angles by means of the tangent or cotangent. 19. To guard against the errors likely to creep into the extended computations of (15) we check the results of those computations by comparing them with the values of functions of various angles, determined independently by formulae that might in this connection be termed verification formulse.. Numerous examples of these will be given later. I CHAPTER II. SOLUTION" OF TRIANGLES. The parts of a triangle, trigonometrically considered, are its sides and angles. Plane Trigonometry treats in detail the problem : — " Given three parts of a triangle, to compute the other three," or, more generally, "From data sufficient to determine a plane triangle, to compute the unknown parts." Of given parts one at least must fix the length of a line; angles only can determine nothing more than the shape of a tri- angle : — the ratios of the sides to each other. In any triangle, ABC, the angles will be denoted by A, B, C, and the sides opposite by a, 6, c, respectively. 20. Right Triangles. — The problems that arise in the solution of right triangles may be grouped thus : — I. Given the hypothenuse and another side. II. Given the two sides about the right angle. III. Given the hypothenuse and an acute angle. IV. Given an acute angle and a side, opposite or adjacent. The definitions (4) may, (Fig. 6) be stated thus: — (1) sin C = c^ a (2) cos C=h^a (3) tanC = c-^ h (4) cot Q=h^G These suffice for the solution of all right triangles. ^'°" ^' I. 1°. Given a, h, (2) gives cos C, whence is obtained at once from the tables, c'^ = d^ - h^ ; hence c = V {a->rb) (a- h) and the solution is complete, c might also be computed from (1) after C has been found; but, (i) any error in the computa- tion of would vitiate this computation, and (2) if C be near 90° its sine cannot be accurately determined from the usual (20) TRIGONOMETRY. 21 tables. Required parts should always be determined directly (if possible) from given parts. Unused relations may then serve as " checks " on the work. 2°. Given a, c. Solution similar to that just indicated. II. Given h, c. From (3) and the Tables, C and hence B are determined at once. To determine a we have the two for- mulae a=l/6^ + c^ and a = c-rsin C; the former is direct, but not adapted to logarithmic computation ; the latter, the simpler, has the disadvantage already indicated. III. Given b, B. C = 90° - B. (2) gives a, and (3) deter- mines c. When c, C are given the solution is similar. 21. Oblique TrianorleS. — As every oblique triangle may be divided into two right triangles, all oblique triangles may be solved by (20). Fig. 7. Fig. 8. I. Given two sides and the included angle, e. g., c, h, A. Draw from the extremity of one known side, (6), CD J_ c, the other known side. Solve ACD (20, HI), thus determining k and p; if ^ >• c, CD falls without the triangle (Fig. 7). BD = G— k or k- c, according as CD falls within or without. Knowing p and m, solve the triangle BDC, thus obtaining a and BCD. ACB = ACD + BCD or ACD -BCD according as CD falls within or without ACB. II. Given two angles and a side, e. g.. A, B, h. All the angles are known, and the side 6. Draw, from the extremity of this side, CD J_ c. Solve ACD (I). Then, knowing p and the angle DCB, solve DCB. If CD falls mthin the tri- 22 SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. angle, i. e., if ACD < C (as given), AB = AD + DB. If CD falls without, i. e., if ACD > C, AB = AD- DB. Fig. 9. Fi?. 10. III. Given two sides and the angle opposite one of them, e. g., h, a A. From the extremity of a known side, h, draw CD _L c, the unknown side. Solve ACD, as before. Know- ing |) and a, solve DCB (20, 1). As in this case two triangles may fulfill the given conditions, it is called the "ambiguous case" Thus if a < 6, a may take either one of the positions CB or CB\ cutting c at equal distances from the foot of the p3rpendicular, and both ACB and ACB' fulfill the require- msnts. If b = a, ACB' shrinks to a line, and there is but one solution. Again if a >■ 6, a can fall on only one side of AC and there can be but one solution. If a=p, ACB' and ACB coincide. Finally, if a < ]:> there is no solution. IV. Given the sildi a, b, c. Drop the parpendicular from any vertex, as C. Then (Fig. 7), p'=.b'-k' = a^-^m' .'. 6'— x^ = Ic^ - m\ whence (6 - a)(6 + a) = (^ - ?n)(^ -f »i), i. e., b + a: k + m: : k-m: b-a (1); ^ (6 + «)(6-a) or k Determining k-m from (2), we have A; = J(A; -H m) -f J(^ - 7rt), and m = ^(k -f- m) - \{k - m). TRIGONOMETRY. 23 Knowing k and m, we solve ACD and DCB, and thus de- termine A, B, C. 22. The solutions, I, III, (21) may be abbreviated by noting that " the sides of a plane triangle are proportional to the sines of the opposite angles" Thus (Figs. 9, 10), p = bsin.A = a sin B, whence a: 6 = sin A : sin B. This proposition may be used to " check " solutions of (2.1). The constant ratio = — = is the modulus of sni A sin B sin C the triangle, and is numerically equal to the diameter of the circumscribing circle. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES. 1. Right Triangles.— 1. Let a = 256, 5 = 172. From (2) cos C = sin B = 172 -^ 256 = .67188. The table of Natural Functions gives C = 47° 47' 14", and hence B = 42° 12' 46". € = V {ct + b)(a-h)= l/428x84 = l/35952 = 189.6. (1) now serves as a " check," to test the correctness of the computation. Thus sin 47° 47' 14" = .74065, .-. c = 256 x .74065 = 189.6 as before. 2. Let 6 = .0795; c = .0386 [Logarithmic solution]. From (3), tan C = c-7-6, whence log tan C = log c-log 6 + 10 = 2.58659- 2.90037 + 10= 9.68622, whence C= 25° 53' 26". From (1), a = c + sin C, .*. log a = log c-log sin C + 10 = 2.58659 - 9.64025 + 10 = 2.94634 /. a = 0.08838. The rela- tion a"^= b'^ + c"^ may be used as a " check." 3. Let a =27.125, C= 37° 42' 18". From (1), €=a sin C log a=- 1.43337 Again, 6 = a sin B; log a = 1.43337 log sin C= 9.78647 log sin B = 9.89827 log c= 1.21984 log ^> = 1.33164 c= 16.589 6=21.46 IL Oblique Triangle8.-l°.Given A=56°41', B=74° 28' 24 NUMERICAL EXAMPLES. ^and 6=1326. C=180°- (A + B) = 48° 51'. InACD(Fig.7) AD= b cos A and CD= 6 sin A. log 1326=3.12254 log 1326= 3.12254 log cos 56° 41' = 9.73978 log sin 56° 41' = 9.92202 log AD = 2.86232 log CD = 3.04456 .-.AD =728.31 In CDB, CB = CD -^ sin B, and DB = CD.cotB. log CD = 3.04456 log CD - 3.04456 log sin 74° 28' = 9.98384 log cot 74° 28' = 9.44397 log CB = 3.02840 log DB = 2.48853 a= 1067.59 DB = 307.99 c= AD + DB= 1036.3 We check our results by the law of sines ; thus : sin A -^ a should equal sin B -^ 6. log sin B- 9.98384 log sin A= 9.87679 log ^>= 3.12254 log a= 3.01549 6.86130 6.86130 Thus the logarithms of the two ratios agree exactly. 2. Given a= 1200, b= 758, A= 72° 14'. As a> 5 there is but one solution. In ACD, CD= 5 sin A, and AD= b cos A. log sin 72° 14'= 9.97878 log cos 72° 14'= 9.48450 log 758= 2.879(37 =2.87967 log CD= 2.85845 log AD =T3G4r7 CD= 721.8 AD= 231.3 In CDB, BD= |/(a + CD)(a - CD) = v^ 1921.8 x 478.2 log 1921.8= 3.28371 log sin B= log CD - log a + 10 log 478. 2=2.67961 log CD= 2.85845 2 I 5.96332 log a = 3.07918 log BD= 2.98166 log sin B= 9.77927 BD= 958.6 B= 36° 58' 49" ACB= 180° - (A + B) = 70° 47' 11". 3. Given a = 12.76; 6 = 26.58, c=31.6. Then, (Fig. 7), TRIGONOMETRY. 25 , 39.34x13.82 ,^^, i oa 4 no k-m= — = 17.21 .-. ^'=24.4; w^7.2. ol.D log COS B=log 7.2 - log 12.76 + 10 =.85733 - 1.10585 + 10 = 9.75148.-. B=55°38' 57". log cos A=log 24.4 - log 26.58 4- 10 =1.38739 - 1.42455 + 10= 9.96284 .-. A= 23° 22' C= 180° - (A + B) = 100° 59' 3". As a check we may use (22) ; thus :— log b = 1.42455 log c= 1.49969 log sin B =9.91677 log sin C = 9.99197 log modulus= 1.50778 or, 1.50772 results agreeing to the fourth decimal place. 4. Given 6=.0079, c= .0124, A= 37° 22' 17". In ACD (Fig. 7), log sin A = 9.78318 log CD = 3.68081 log .0079 = 3.89763 log DB = 3.78675 log CD = 3.68081 log tan B = 9.89406 .-. B = 38°4'48" log cos A = 9.90021 log CD = 3.68081 log .0079 = 3.89763 log sin B = 9.79012 log AD = 3179784 log a = 3.89069 AD= .00628 a= .00777 .-. DB= .00612 We-may again check by use of (22), thus: — loga= 3.89069 log b= 3.89763 log sin A =9.78318 log sin B =9.79012 log modulus= 2.10751 log modulus =2. 107 51 results agreeing exactly. CHAPTEK III. FUNCTIONS OF THE SUM AND OF THE DIFFERENCE OF TWO ANGLES. MISCELLANEOUS FORMUL.F. 23. Sine and Cosine of the Sum. — To show that (1) sin (^x + 2/) = sin x cosy + cos x sin y (2) cos ^y')^cosx cos y-sinx sin y. Let OA, OB, and OC be any three lines whatever, forming the angles AOB and BOC (Figs. 11, 12). Let AOB- x and BOC=- y. From any point of OC, as F, drop FE _|_ OA and FP j^ OB, and from P drop PD j_ OA and PG _[_ EF. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Then PD :0P = sin x =PG: FP (similar triangles), and OD : 0P= cos a;= FG : FP ; sin y^ FP : OF, cos y=0¥: OF, sin (x + y) = FE : OF, and cos (a; + y) = OE : OF. From the figures, EF : EG + GF = PD + GF, i. e., EF^PD PO FG FP . OF~ PO • OF "^ FP * OF ' ^* ^'' 8m(x + y) = sin X cos y + cos X sin y Again, (Fig. 11), OE = OD-GP, whence OE^OD OPGP FP . OF~OP*OF FPOF'*'^' cos(a; + y) = cos x cosy- sin x sin y (26) (I). (II). TRIGONOMETRY. 27 The same formulae may be deduced from figure 12, if it be noted that in this case OE is negative. 24. Sine and Cosine of the Difference. — To show that (1) sin (x-y)^ sin x cos y - cos x sin y (2) cos (x-y') = cos x cos y + sin a sin y. Fig. 13. Fig. U. Let AOB (Fig. 13) be x, and BOC (laid off backward, i. e., in a negative direction), be - y, so that AOC is x-y. From any point, D, of OC. draw DH _l OA, and DE _l OB. Draw EG i OA, and DF x EG. Then EG : OE = FD : ED = di\x, OG:OE = EF:ED = cosa;, DE:0D = sin2/, OE:OD = cos y, DH : OD = sin (x - y), and OH : OD = cos (x - y). From the figure we see that DH = EG - EF, whence DHEG OEEF ED . OD"OE'OD EDOD'"'^' sin (a; -y)= sin x cosy- cos x sin y (HI)* Again, OH = OG + FD, whence ohog oe fd ed . od~oeod"^ed'od''-^" cos (a; -y) = cos x cos y + smx sin y • (I^« In Fig. 14, both x and x-y are obtuse. mil f Of^ -I- 7/1 25. Tanirents. — Since tan(a; + w)= — \ ^, we obtain, cos {x + y) by substitution from (31), tan (x + y') = — — - cos X cos y -s\n X sm y, Tlie student should notice that no supposition has been made concerning the direction of OB and OC, and that, therefore, the formulae are true for all angles. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAE. or, dividing both numerator and denominator- by 'CO&^c-cosy, (remembering that = tan x, etc.), cos a; tan {x + y) _ tan X + tan y 1 - tan X tan % (V). Bya similarprocess we^obtain tan (x - y) =~.^ ~ (VT)- -' ^ \ :/y 1-f tana:tan y ^ ^ cos \ X "4" \l^ 34. Cotangents. — Since cot(a;4-v) =— r— ^ — =^, weob- ^ sm(a; + 2/) * • V u i-i. i.- /otN x/ N COS a; COS w - sin a; sin y tam,- by substitution- («>1)> cot(a; + v) = -; ; — ^• sin a; cos y + cos x sin y* or, dividing both terms of the fraction by sin x sin y, cot a; cot 2^ - 1 cot (a3H-i/) = - cot 2/ + cot a; Similarly we obtain cot (a^ - y) = cot a; cot 3/ - 1 (VII). (VIII). cot 2/ - cot a; 35. Exercise.— Find (31 - 34) the functions of (90±a:), (180°±a;), (270°±a;), (360°±a;). The results are given in Table II. Observe that if the number of quadrants involved be odd the function changes name, and not otherwise. Thus^ tan(270° + a;)= -cota;; but tan(180° + aj) =tanaj. The sign is determined by the quadrant in which the angle would lie, if a; were less than 90°. Table II. Function. 90^ +x 90* -X 180°+a; ISC-x 270°+x 270°— X 360° +x 360°-x Sink. cos X cos X —sin X sin X —cos X —cos X —sin X sin X —sin X Cosine. -sin X sin X —cos X —cos X sin X cos X cos X Tangent. —cot X cot X tan X —tan X —cot X —tan X cot X tanx —tan X Cotangent. —tan X tan X cot X —cot X tan X cot X —cot X Secant. —CSC X CSC X —sec X —sec X CSC X —esc X sec X sec X Cosecant. sec X sec X —CSC X CSC « -sec X —sec x CSC X --CSC X 36. Functions of Double Angles and Half Angles. If in (31-4) we make y= x, we obtain, TRIGONOMETRY. 29 sin t^+"^) =sin (x + x)= sin 2 :r= 2 sin x cos x (A) ' cos (x + y) --cos (.i; + ^) = cos 2x= cos'^ a; - siu^ x =2cos''a;-l=l-2sin2a; (B) / N ^ o 2 tan ^ ^i-,N tan (x + x)= tan 2 a;=- ■ — {yj 1 - tan'' X cot^ic-1 ^■n>. cot (x + x)^ cot z a;= — r K^J ^ ^ 2 cot a; Again, from (B), we have 1 - cos2a:= 2 sin^a;. Let a; = -^, whence 2 x=a. Then 2 sin' -= 1 - cos a, whence sin ^ 2 2 2 = ^"1(1 ~ ^o^ ^0 (^')- From (B) we have, also, 2 cos''' x= 1 + cos 2 X, or, if a;= -^, 2 cos'^ ^=1 4- cos a, whence cos— = 2 2 -^ l/j(l +COS a) (B'). From (A') and (B') we derive, at once, a /l - cos a .^,. , , ^ /l + cos a ^-p.,. tan - =^/- (C); and cot ^ =-y/- (D ). 2 \ 1 -f-cos a ^ \ 1 - cos a These are formulae of great importance. 28. Adding (I) and (III), member to member, we obtain sin {x-\-y)-\- sin (a? - ?/) = 2 sin x cos y (1). Let x-\-y = m and a; - 2/ = ^, whence ic = |^(?/i + /:) ; 2/ = i(^'i'- ^)- Then (1) be- comes sin m + sin ^• = 2 sin \{in + A;) cos ^(m - ^) (2); Similarly, sin m - sin ^ = 2 cos \{iin + ^) sin |(?/i - U) («J); cos m 4- cos ^ = 2 cos |^(m + ^) cos \{m - k') (4); cos m - cos ^ = - 2 sin ^(r^i + U) sin J(m - ^) (5). 29. From (2) -(4), (28) we deduce, by direct division, sin m + sin k _2 sin ^(m + k) cos \{m - k~) _ tan ^(m + ^ ) ,^ ^ sin m- sin ^ 2cos^(m + ^) sin J(m-A;) tan^(m-^) ' and similarly, cos?)i-cosA; ^ 1/ . 7^x i> 7N r9^. — i = - tan *(wr+ A^) tan -J^(m - A;) K.'^jf cos ?7i + cos A; "^ ^ sinm + sinA; ^ ,, zn /on sinm-sin k i\/a\ = tan Urn + k) (3): j- =-cot|(m— A;) (4). cosm + cosA; ^ oosm-cosA; 30. The formulae of (28, 29) enable us to adapt formulae involving sums or differences of functions to logarithmic calcu- lation. CHAPTER lY. ADDITIONAL FORMULA FOR PLANE TRIANGLES. 40, A7iy side of a plane triangle equals the sum of the prod- ucts of the remaining sides into the cosines of the respective angles included between them and the first side. Thus (in Fig. 7), if CD i AB, AD =6 cos A, and BD = a cos B, whence c = AD + DB = b cos A + a cos B. If (as in Fig. 8), CD fall without the triangle, c = AD - DB. But DB = a cos CBD = a cos (180° - B) = - a cos B and we have as before, c= 6 cos A + a cos B (1) Similarly 6 = c cos A + a cos C (2) a = ^ cos C + c cos B (3) 41, The square of any side of a triangle equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides, minus twice the product of these sides into the cosine of their included angle. From (40), (2), by transposing and squaring, we obtain d^ cos"^ C = 5^ - 2 6c cos A + c^ cos'^A From (22 ) a'^sin^C = c^sin^A Adding, a' = b'' -2 be cos A + c' (1) Similarly, * h' = a' + G'-2ac cos B (2) c'=b'' + d'-2abcosO (3) 42, From (1) - (3), (41) we deduce cosA = cosC = ^^±^^'(3) 2 be These formulae, not being adapted for logarithmic computa- tion, are usually transformed as follows : — (30) 2 be ^^ TRIGONOMETRY. 31 Subtracting each member of (1) from luiity, we have , , b^ + c'-a:' 2cb-b'-c' + ci:' ci'-(b-cy l-eosA=.l ^^— = ^^ ==-^^- ; or, since l-cosA^2sm-^4' 2sin^^i = (.^zA±£^^ Let 2 8=a + b + c; then s—b^^(a + c- b), and 8-c = ^(a + b-c'), so that sm ~^- ^X-e) . A Ks-bX' ■^ (2); VR^ rtrr ^Hft- r similarly, «n- = y -^^ (2); WB) r^ ^^"2 = V-^;i— ^^>j Adding both members of the equations (A) to unity we obtain, by similar reductions, formulse (C). cos cos |B = ^!(i2_*) (2); 1(C) ^-^«^ '^f'^ /.■^ (.s - c) ab cosiC = y^^l^^ (3). From (B) and (C) we obtain, by direct division, (D). tan tan tan^C=^/^l-;i^^^ (3). (s-a)(s- Of these three sets, (B), (C), (D), the first should be used only when the angles are small; the second should never be used 32 SPECIAL FORMULA. with small angles. The formulse (D) are the best for general itse, being accurate for all angles. These form- ulae furnish the means of solving Case IV (21). 34. Radius of Inscribed Circle (r). Area.— Let ABC be any triangle. The bisectrices of the angles meet in the centre of the inscribed circle. Also AE = s-CB, BD = s-AC, etc. Hence, in the right triangle AOE, tanOAE = tan^A--=-^ = s -a - a = (33, D), Us-b)(is-c) _ 1 / \ sijs — a) s-a\ (s—a)(s- bXs- c) = tan ^A.{s-a )-^/ o^-«x.^- bXs-c) Again, as the area of a triangle equals one-half the peri- meter multiplied by the radius of the inscribed circle, the area of ABC V(s—a')(s--b)(s — c) /—. ^, TTT : ^^: <-^ ^-^ ^ = -^ s {s — a){s—b){s ~- g). 35. Another expression for the area is "one-half the prod- uct of any two sides into the sine of the included angle." Thus (Figs. 7, 8), area ABC = ^ AB . CD = J AB . 6 sin A = ■| be sin A. This is equivalent to be sin ^ A cos J A. 36 . The sum of any two sides of a triangle is to their dif- ference as the tangent of half the sum of the opposite angles is to the tangent of half their difference. Let ABC be the triangle. By (22), a:b :: sin A: sin B. By composition and division, a + b:a-b: : sin A + sin B : sin A - sin B : : (29), tan i(A + B) : tan |(A - B). Q. E. D. Case II (21) may be solved by means of this proposition. CHAPTER V. SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 36. Spherical Trigonometry treats of the solution of spherical triangles, or the relations between the face-angles and diedrals of the triedrals, whose common vertex is the centre of the sphere, and which intercept these triangles on the surface. As the sides of these triangles are expressed in degrees, or in radial measure, the solution of the triangle gives, not the absolute lengths of the sides, but only the ratios ex- isting between them. To determine the absolute lengths w^e must know the radius. This premised, any three parts of a spherical triangle suffice to determine the other three. Two parts are of the same species when they lie in the same quadrant, and of diflferent species w^hen they lie in different quadrants. We consider only triangles in which no part exceeds 180°; this convention, though not absolutely necessary, simplifies our calculations without causing any material loss of generality. 37. Right Triangles. Napier's Parts. Napier's Rules. — ^To express, in two general rules, the various formulae required in solving a right triangle, Napier adopted the follow- ing convention : In any right triangle the two sides about the right angle, the complements of the two angles opposite them, and the complement of the hypothenuse, are called the five circular parts. If any three of these be considered, one will be adjacent to both the others, or one will be separated from each of the others by the intervention of a circular part. A part adjacent to two others is called a middle part, and the other two are called adjacent extremes. A part separated from two others is called a middle, and the other two are called opposite extremes. (33) 34 NAPIER S EULES. Napier's Rules —I. The SINE of the middle part equals the product ,of the COSINES of the OPPOSITE extremes. Taking the circular parts successively as middles, we Fig. 15. have the following equa- tions to establish : — (1) sin J = sin a sin B (2) sin c = sin a sin C (3) cos a = cos h cos c (4) cos B = cos h sin C (5) cos C = cos c sin B Let ABC be the right triangle, A being the right angle. Connect the vertices with the centre (O) of the sphere. From any point D, of OC, drop DE ± O A, and from E draw EF x OB. Then DF must be perpendicular to OB, and DFE, the recti- lineal angle of the diedral, OB, will equal the spherical angle B. DEO, EOF, DOF, and DFE, are respectively triangles of reference for h, c, a, and B. (1) As sin i = DE :0D, sin a = DF : OD, and sin B = DE :DF, we have, at once, DE_DF DE 0D~uI3 DF' sin h = sin a sin B. Q. E. D. The lettering of the figure being purely arbitrary, so far as B and C (and therefore b and c), are concerned, (2) follows at once from (1). OF^OE OF OD ODOE' ' we have, at once, cos a = cos h cos c. Q. E. D. (4) To r.how that cos B = cos 6 sin C. We cannot get sin C sin c directly fro::a the %ure, so we replace it by -: — (2), as sin c and or (3) As TRIGONOMETRY. 35 sin a can be obtained directly. We must prove, then, that „ sin c . cos ±>= cos 0—. ; 1. e., cos i3= cos o sin c esc a. , sin a ^ ^ , ,. , EF OE EF OD . But we have, directly, j^^q^ " OE ' FD ' ^' ^•' cos B = cos h sin c esc a = cos h sin C. Q. E. D. II. The SINE of the middle part equals the product of the TANGENTS o/ the ADJACENT extremes. We are to prove that : — (1) sin 6 = tanc cotC (2) sin c= tan h cot B (3) cos B = tan c cot a (4) cos C= tan h cot a (5) cos a = cot B cot C (1) From (I, (1)) we have, sin 6 = sin a sinB; from,-(I, (2)) siaa= -. — ;^,and from (1,(5)) sinB= ; whence sm C ^ ^ ^^ cos c . , sin c cos C sin c cos C /-. ^ -r^ t^ sm b = ■-:—r- . = -: — — = tan -c cot C Q, E. D. sm O cos c cos c sm C (2) Similarly sin c = tan h cot B. (3) From (1,(4)) cos B= cos 6 sin C, and as , cos a - . „ sin c , cos 0= , and sm C= -. — ,we have cos c sin a ^ cos a sin c ^ ^ >^ -r^ t^ cos B = : — =tan c cot a. Q. E. D. cos G sin a (4) Similarly, cos C= tan h cot a. cos B (5) Finally, as (I) cos a= cos 6 cos c, and cos h=—. — ^, sin v^ , cos C cos B cos C , T^ ^ ^ T^ T^ and cos c^-. — =^, cosa=-^ — -,.-^ — ^=cotB cotC. Q. E. D. sm B sm C sin B ^ 88. Napier's Rules suffice for the solution of all problems involving only right triangles. Slight difficulties may, however, present themselves in actual practice, when we wish to decide whether an angle (arc) whose functions are numerically deter- mined, lies in the first, or in the second, quadrant. 36 DETERMINATION OP SPECIES. 38. Determination of Species.— If, in any investiga- tion, a part be determined by means of the cosine, tangent, or cotangent, the sign of the function will indicate the qu^-drant in which the part is to be found. If, however, the part be determined by means of the sine, an ambiguity presents itself, as the sine is positive in both the first and^ second quadrants. In this event we note that : — I. An oblique angle and the side opposite are always of the same species. From (37)sinC= p as sinC is necessarily positive, cos B and cos b must agree in sign ; i. e., B and b must lie in the same quadrant. II. If the hypothenuse exceed 90°, the remaining sides, and consequently the oblique angles, are of different species. From (37), cos a = cos b cos c. Hence, if a> 90°, cos a is negative, and therefore cos b and cos c are of different signs ; i. e., b and c, and therefore, by (I), B and C, lie in different quadrants. If, however, a < 90°, cos a is positive, and hence cos b and cos c agree in sign, and therefore b and c (and like- wise B and C), lie in the same quadrant. Hence III. If the hypothenuse be less thayi 90°, the remaining sides, and therefore the oblique angles, are of the same species. IV. If a side {other than the hypothenuse'), and the angle opposite be given, there will be two solutions, if the sine of the side be less than the sine of the angle; one solution if the sine of the side equal the sine of the angle, and no solution if the sine of the side exceed the sine of the angle. From (87), sin a=-^— — -; hence (4) sin b cannot exceed ^ ^ smB . ^ sin B. If sin 6 = sinB, sin a = \, a = 90°, and the triangle is birectangular. If sin b < sin B, sin a < 1, but positive, and a may lie either in the first or in the second quadrant. 40. Quadrantal Triangles, i. e., triangles in which at least one side is a quadrant, may be solved by Napier's Rules, TRIGONOMETRY. 37 as the polar of every quadrautal triangle must be a right triangle. 41 i Example. In a right triangle, 6= 38° 16'; c= 120° 35'; solve. From (37) cos a=cos h cos c, whence log cos a= log cos 6 + log cos c - 10 = 9.89495 + 9.73121 - 10= 9.62616. h <90° and c> 90°; .-. cos 6 is +, and cos c is -, so that, cos a is negative, and a> 90°; .*. a= 155° 0'47". To avoid. using a we compute C by (37, II, 1), which gives log cot C= log sin 6 - log tan c = 9.79192 -10.19442 + 10 = . 5975. e > 90°; C > 90°, (89) /. C= 111° 35' 40". Finally, log cot B= log sin c - log tan b = 9.92563- 9.89697 =.02866 whence B= 43° 06' 40". 42. The formulae of Spherical Trigonometry correspond closely to those of Plane Trigonometry ; differences arise from the fact that the sides of plane triangles are dealt with directly, while the sides of spherical triangles are dealt with only by means of their functions. Analogies deserve attention so far as they aid in fixing formulae in mind. Table III suggests analogies between the formulae for solving Plane Right trian- gles and those employed in solving Spherical Right triangles. More striking analogies will present themselves in the case of oblique triangles. Table III. Higfit Plane Triangles. JUgJa Spherical Triangles. sin B= - ; sin C = a* c a ' • T) sm * sm B= ; sm a . ^ sm c smC= -: . sm a cosB=-; cosC = b a ' ^ tane cosB = - : tan a ^ tan 5 C08C=-T . tana tanB = -; tanC = c c b' ^ T> tan 6 tanB=-^ — ■; sm c ^ ^ tan c tanC= -T— ,. sm6 COtB = ^; cotC = b c ' ^ -r, sin c cotB== -• tan 6 ^ ^ sin b cotO=-- . tan c 38 OBLIQUE TRIANGLES. Fig. 17. '" 43. Oblique Triangles. — I. Given two sides and the in- cluded angle, e. g., 6, c, A. From the extremity of one known side drop BD, perpendicular to the other. Solve (37) ABD. If AD •< b, the perpendicular falls within the triangle ; if AD >• b, the perpendicular falls without. In either case, p and m being known, BCD may be solved. Finally, the angle ABC = ABD + DBC, or ABD - DBC, according as DB falls within or without the triangle. II, Given two angles and the in- cluded side, e. g., B, A, c. Drop the perpendicular, BD, from one extremity of the known side, to b. Solve the triangle ABD as in I. If ABD >• B the perpendicular falls without ; if ABD < B, the perpendicular falls within the triangle, p and DBC being known, the triangle DBC may be solved. Finally, AC = k + m, or k-m, according as BD falls within or without ABC. III. Given two sides, and an angle opposite one of them; e. g., a, c, A. Drop BD i. b, the unknown side. Solve ABD (37); in DBC the sides a and BD will then be known, and DBC may be solved. But as two equal arcs may be drawn from a point to an arc of a great circle, a may occupy either of two positions, one on the right, and the other on the left, of BD. Hence (compare (21) III), there ^^s-'^s. ujay \yQ t^YQ solutions. There TRIGONOMETRY. 39 will evidently be two solutions if a be intermediate in value between jo and c, and aho between p and 180° - c. I. If A < 90°, a>p, and < c, but a > 180° - c, there can be but one solution, as ABC"; for, though a might occupy a second position BC", as far to the right as BC" is to the left, of BD, C" would fall beyond A', since BC" > BA', and the arc AC" would exceed 180°, so that we could not (36) con- sider the triangle ABC"'. II. If A<90°, a>j9, and a> c, but ^«<180°-c, a must fall to the right of the perpendicular, and there will be but one solution. III. If A > 90°, the conditions I, II, must of course be changed by reversing the signs of inequality. IV. If o=i?, ABC and ABC coincide with ABD. V. If a <.pj A •< 90°, there will be no solution, as, when A < 90°, the perpendicular is the shortest arc (of a great circle) from B to ADA'. VI. If a >• JO, A >• 90°, there will be no solution, for if A > 90° the perpendicular is the longest arc of a great circle that can be drawn from B to ADA'. The number of solutions should be determined as soon as BD is computed. IV • Given two angles and a side opposite one of them, e. g., A, C, a. The polar or supplemental triangle may be solved a? in III. The angles and sides of ABC may then be ob- tained by taking the supplements respectively of the sides and angles of the polar. V. Given the sides : a, b, c. From any vertex, as B, draw 40 OBLIQUE TRIANGLES. ^'BJ),J.b. Let AD = w, and CT>=k. Then, (87), cos c=cosm cos^ (1), and cosa= cos A; cos^ (2), whence cos c : cos a^ cos m : cos k, and, by division and composition, cos c - cos a : cos c + cos a^ cos m - cos k : cos m + cos k, or (29,2), tan i(c + a).tan i(c-a) - tan ^(m + k) . tan |(m - yt)(3). From (3) either m+k ovm-k may be determined if the other be known. If BD fall within the triangle, in + k=b; if BD fall without, m-k=h (numerically). The symmetry of (3) shows that either ^(in + k) or \(m— k) may be assumed equal to ^ 6 in the first instance, the other being t^j^-i tanKc + ft) tanK^-g) tan ^6 ^ ^' Adding this latter value, (4), to ^b, we obtain the greater seg- ment ; subtracting (4) from ^b we obtain the other segment. If either segment exceed b, the perpendicular must fall with- out, and b must be the numerical difference of the segments. The signs of the functions in (3) are important ; tan |(c -H a) will be + if a + c < 180°, and - if c + a > 180° ; tan ^(c - a) is + if e'>' a, and - if c << a ; for c - a cannot ex- exceed 1 80°. tan J6 is + . If the tangent (4) be negative it is the tangent of half the nu- merical difference of the segments, and m < k. For tan ^(_,n + k) is always + . For, the feet of the two perpendiculars that can be dropped from B to AC... are 180° apart, and if they both fall without the triangle we take D as the foot of the nearer. Hence k + m is always less than 180°. k and m being determined, ABD and CBD may be solved, (37), and thus all parts of ABC obtained. From (3) we derive the following important theorem (com- pare 21, IV):— If from any vertex of a spherical triangle, a perpendicular be dropped to the opposite side, the tangent of half the sum of the segments of this side is to the tangent of half the sum of the other tivo sides as the tangent of half the difference of the sides is to the tangent of half the difference of the segments. TRIGONOMETRY. 41 VI. Given the angles A, B, C. Solve the polar by Y. The supplements of its angles are the sides of the original triangle. The solutions III, IT, may be facilitated by use of the the- orem, " The sines of the sides of a spherical triangle are propor- tional to the sines of the opposite angles." Thus (Figs. 19, 20), sin j9= sin a sin C ; also, in ABD, sin^ = sin c sin A, whence sin a sin C— sin c sin A or, sin a : sin c : : sin A : sin C. This theorem may also be used as a " check " on the other solutions of this article. SECTION II.— ADDITIONAL FORMULA. 4:4:, Right Triangles. — When B or C is small, computa- tion by means of the cosine should (18) be avoided. We may use the following formula : — , B 1 - cos B 1 - tan c cot a tan a - tan c sin (a - c), 2 1 + cos B 1 + tan c cot a tan a + tan c sin (a + c) whence tan 4 B = -i / -; — 7 ^ (I). ^ V sni (a + c) ^ ^ Again, if a be near 90°, we may use the formula tan ^ = y - ^^g^gt^jx [proof similar to proof of (I)] (II). If 6 or c be near 90°, it will be better not to compute by means of the sine. 45. Oblique Triangles. — In any spherical triangle. The cosine of any side equals the product of the cosines of the other two, plus the product of the sines of these sides into the cosine of the included angle. To prove (Figs. 16, 17) cos b = cosa cos c + sin a sin c cos B. (1) By (C7) cos a = cos m cos p; cos c = cos k cos p, \ ,on sin a = sin ^ ^ sin C ; sin c = sin /> -f^ sin A ) ^ ^ Again, (37) cos B = cos ABD cos DBG - sin ABD sin DBC. By (37) cos ABD = sin A cos ^ ; sin ABD = sin ^ -^ sin c ; cos DBC = sin C cos m ; sin DBC = sin m -f sin a 42 ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. XT T> J ... ^ sin m sink ^ xlence cos B = cos m cos k sin A sin C - -; : — . (Z) sin a sin c ^ "^ Substituting the values (2),(3) in the second member-of (1), we obtain cosm cos k cos^p + cos m cos k sin^jy - sin k sin m, i. e., cos m cos k - sin w sin k, which equals cos b, or, cos a cos c -f sin a sin c cos B = cos b. Q, E. D. Il> fall without, (Fig. 17), B = ABD - DBC, and 6 = ^ - m, and the reduction is similar to that just indicated. For a and c we have cos a = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos J. (4), cos c = cos a cos b + sin a sin 6 cos C (5). 46. -From (1), (4), (5), we deduce cos a - cos b cos c cos A = cos B = cos C = sin 6 sin c cos 6 - cos a cos c sin a sin c cos c - cos a cos 6 sin a sin b These formulae, like their analogues, (33) are ill adapted for logarithmic coitiputation. We therefore transform them, as follows: From (1) we deduce cos a - cos b cos c sin b sin c + cos 6 cos c - cos a 1 - cos A = 1 or, sin""^ ^ A = sin b sine sin 6 sine cos (6 - e) - cos a 2 sin ^(a + b—c) sin ^(a + c—b) 2 sin 6 sin e 2 sin 6 sin e * 1 • n T . i 1 A sin(s— c)sin (s-ft) or, placing 2s = a + b + c, sm^ -J- A = — ~.~-,-,— \ sin b sm c \ sin 6 sin c sinularlv, sin J B ^ /«i" (^ 7 «) sin (^I) (2). 1(B) \ sin a sine | sinJC = ^AMH5fl£5E5 (3). V sin a sin A TRIGONOMETRY. 43 4:7. Adding both members of (1), (2), (3), (A), to unity and reducing in a manner similar to that just shown, we obtain cos-^ ^ — ' ^ ^ I \ _ /sin s sin {s — a] \ sin b sin c T -D /sin « si V smi sin (s — b) b sine 1 r^ /sin«sin(s - c) cos i C= ^ — —-4 ^^ \ sni 6 sm c The tabulated cosines are inaccurate for small angles, and the sines are unsatisfactory for angles near 90°. We therefore obtain, by direct division, from (B) and (C), the tangents, (D), which may be satisfactorily employed for all angles. tan|A = ..M"(^-"^^'"^\-^> (1); \ sm«sm(«— a) tanJB=J!l^5IS5E5 (2); 1(D) taniC= j!i^l!HllIlfEJ) (3). V sin.'?sin(«~c) If A'B'C be the polar of ABC, A' = 180° - a, B' = 180° - 6, C = 180° - c. ) a' = 180° - A, b' = 180° - B, c' = 180° - C. j In this polar then we have (45) cos a' = cos b' cos c' - sin b' sin c' cos A', etc., or, by substitution, - cos A = cos B cos C - sin B sin C cos a (1); | - cos B = cos A cos C - sin A sin C cos b (2); > - cos C = cos' A cosB - sin A sin B cos c (3). ) From (1;, (2), (3), by methods similar to those employed in (45-6) we obtain the formulae (A'), and, adapting these to logarithmic computation, the sets (B^ and (€')> ^^^^ which by direct division we obtain (D')- In all these formula s = ^(A + B + C). (B'). (C), (DO, may also be obtained from (B), (C), (B), by passing directly to the 44 ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. v; polar triangle, as in the deduction of (A') from (A). The general remarks on (A), (B), (C), (D), are applicable also to (AO, (BO, (CO, (DO- cos a = cos b = cos c = cosB cos C- cos A, sin B sin C cos A cos C - cos B^ sin A sin C cos A cos B - cos C sin A sin B cosScos(S- A)^ sin-|-a = -*/ — _, . V \ sniBsinC • 1 7. / - c^s S cos (S - B) \ sin A sui C sin^c cos cos -V -cosScos(8-C) sin A sin B cos(S-B)cos(S-C). sin B sin C ^ \ cos S cos OS -A) i.^ 1. /- cos (8 - A) cos (8 - C) cot i- 6 = -• / !i-- ^-- — -^^- '' ^ V cosScos(S-B) \ cos 8 cos (8 - C) .(A') (B') / cos(S-A)co.(S-C X 1 V sin A sin C j v^ / lc= / cos (8 -A) cos (8 -B ) \ sin A sin B (D') 48. The analogies obtaining between the formulae of Spheri- cal Trigonometry and those of Plane Trigonometry are no- where more interesting than at this part of our work. We deduced in (34) an expression for the radius of the inscribed TRIGONOMETRY. 45 circle (r) in terms of the sides of a plane triangle. We have an analo- gous expression in the spherical tri- angle. Let O, (Fig. 21), be the pole of the inscribed circle of ABC. AOF, FOB, etc., are right triangles; OAF = JA, OBD = |B, etc., and AE = AF, BF = BD, CD = CE. Hence (36) ^ , tan OF tan r tan ^ A Fiff. 21. tan h A sin AF 1 sin(«— a) i sin {s—a)\ whence tan r = -♦ V sin (s -6) sin (s-c) sin 8 sin (s - a) or /sin (s - b) sin (s - c) sin {s - a) tan r sin (s - a) sin (.s* - b) sin (« sin (s - a) -\ in which r is inscribed Fig. 22. cotR^ sin 5 the arcual radius of the circle, and s = ^ (a + 6 + c). Again, let R = O'A represent (Fig. 22) the arcual radius of the cir- cumscribed circle of ABC. In any right triangle, as AO'E, we have, cos O' AE = cot R tan AE. By con- sideration of the isosceles AO'C, etc., we find that S-Cand AE=-|C;hence cos (S — C) triangles 0'AE = tan -^ C = (47,D') cos (S V -cos(S-A)cos(S-B ) _ cos 8 cos (S - C) - cos (S - A) cos (S - B) cos (S - C) 49. Napier's Analogies.- JVapier',9 Analogies, viz. : — cosS -From (46-7) we readily deduce 46 napier's and delambre's analogies. tan-J(A+B)_cos^(a- 6) tan ^{a+b) eos^(A-B). cotiC ~cosK«+^) tan^c ""cosiCA + B) ^ '^' tan i( A-B) ^ sin |(a - 6) tan |(a- ^) ^ sin |(A - B) cot J (J sini(a+6) ^ ^' tanjc sini(A + B)^ ^' To establish (1):— cos J(a - b)= cos (|-a - 1^6) = cos |- a cos |^ 6 + sin ^ a sin ^ 6; substituting for cos^a, etc., their values (46-7), we obtain . , , ^ cos (S - C) - cos S /cos (8 - B) cos (S - A) cosi(a-6)= ^ — ;— ^^ -x — - . -p . .^ ^ sinC V sinBsmA cos (S - C) - cos S 1 ,j-,^ , X = sinC •'''''*'' ^*^) ^''^• «-.. -1 1 w ,. cos(S-C) + cosS ^ ,-^ Similarly, cos ^(a + b} = ^ — ^~F^~ ^^* 2 ^ W* By division, cos -|(a- ^ j cos (S - C) -cos S sin (S-^C) sin^C cos i(a + 6) "~ cos (S - C) + cos S ~ cos (S - -|^ C) cos ^ C As S = i( A + B + C), S - ^ C = J( A + B), ancTwe have cos^(ct-6) _ tanyA + B ) q j. -p cos -J(a + b) cot 1^ C The other equations may be similarly established. 50 . In a similar manner we may also establish the truth of Delambre's Analogies, otherwise known as Gaiiss's Equations, viz. : — ^ ^ cos^C " cos^c sinKA-B) _ sinK^-5) . ^ ^ cos^C sin^c cosKA + B) _ cos|(a + 6) , ^ ^ sin^C cos^c cosKA-B) _ sinK« + 6) ^ -^ sin^^C sin^c These formulae afford solutions of cases I, II (43); the species of the parts should be carefully determined from the signs of the functions. Napier's Analogies may be readily deduced, by division, from Delambre's. i UNIVERSITY CHAPTEIi yi, ALGEBRAIC TRIGONOMETEY. 51. The Trigonometric functions have thus far been treated in a somewhat restricted way, from a point of view ahnost purely geometric. We now propose to show that the relation between the arc (or angle) and the function may be expressed algebraically, and thus that Trigonometry may be treated as a branch of pure Algebra. We will also extend our discussions to other transcendental functions of the same general form as those with which we have been dealing, and in properties and relations closely analogous to them. 52. To develop sinx and cosx into series arranged accord- ing to the powers of x, i. e., to express algebraically the relation between x and sin x and cos x respectively. Whatever the relation between x and sin x, let it be expressed by the identity sina; = M + Na; + Pa;' + Qic' + Ra^* + . . . (1) in which M, N, P, Q, etc., are independent of x, and are to be determined. After we have determined them we must further show that the series is convergent. As sin = 0, the second member of (1) nmst vanish when x = 0, and hence can contain no term independent of x ; .*. M = 0. Again, as sin(-£c)= -sin a*, the second member of (1) must change its sign (without changing its numerical value), when - X is substituted for x. Hence it can contain no even power of X. Further, the coefficient of the first term must be 1, since for an infinitely small arc the ratio (sin .t): .r= 1. We must therefore modify the form of (1) by assuming a develop- ment of the form, smx = x + qx' + Sx' + \Jx' + (2). (47) 48 TRIGONOMETRIC DEVELOPMENTS. In the development of cos x no term of an odd degree can occur, for the development must remain unchanged when for x we substitute -x. Again, the development must contain a term independent of x and equal to unity, since, when a; = we must have cos £c = 1 (7). We assume then, co^x= 1 + RV+ TV+ W + (3). R', T', V, etc., being independent of x, and to be determined. Since (2) is an identity we may substitute 2x for x, thus : — sin2a; = 2sina; cos£c = 2x + 8Qa;=* + 32S:c' + 128Ux' + (4). or, sin x qo?,x= x+ A Qx^ + 16 Sa:^ + 64 JJx' + (5). Multiplying (2) by (3), member by member, we obtain, sin xQ.o^x = x+((^ + W)x^ + (S + T' + QR'jic' + (U + V + QT' + SR')a:^ + . . . . (6). Equating the second members of (5) and (6), we obtain, a; + (Q + Wy + (S + T' + QR')^' + (U + V + QT' + m!)x' + = a; + 4Qx^ + 16Sa;' + 64LV + Equating coefficients, (Alg. 462), we obtain Q + R'^4Q (a); 8 + T' + QR' = 16S (6); ) ,^. U + V' + QT' + SR' = 64U(c);etc. P ^ Again, sin^a; + cos^a; = 1; substituting for sin x, cos x, their values, (2), (3), we obtain 1 + (1 + 2'K')x' + (R' 2 + 2Q + 2T)x' + (Q"^ + 2S + 2T'R' + 2\')x^ + (T'=^ + 2QS + 2U + 2V'R' + 2WK+ = 1. (8). As this is an identity w^e have, 1 + 2R' = (a'); R' '^ + 2Q + 2T' = (h'y, | Q-^ + 2S + 2T'R' + 2V' = (cO; etc. J ^^^ From (A) and (B) we obtain Q, R', S, T', etc., thus:— 1 + 2R' = 0, .-. R'=-i- From (a), R' = 3Q, .-. Q = |r' = - g- = - ^j From(6'),l-i- + 2T' = 0, .-. T' = -i-4= \ From (6), 8+1 + 1 = 168, .-. S = jl= ^ TRIGONOMETRY. 49 etc., etc. Substituting the values of these coefficients in (2) and (3) we obtain „3 „5 „7 ^9 (A). «• x' x' x' " 7! ^ 9! ^2 ^4 cos^ = l--+-- x' x' -6!'' 8!"- (B). The series (A) and (B) are convergent. For, the ratios of xi^ x^ x^ the terms in successive pairs in (A) are — -^ -— , — -, and so ^.o 4.0 D.7 on, and in (B), — , — , ^ , and on on. Whatever the ^ ^ 3.4' 6.7 9.10 value of X we may continue these fractions until the denomina- tor is, say, greater than 3x^ Then the sum of the remaining terms in each series will be less than the sum of a geometric progression of which the ratio is ^ ; hence (Alg. Ch. IX) each series is convergent. The convergence may also be shown for all ordinary values of x by (Alg. 500). On account of the rapid convergence, these series give a shorter method of com- puting a table of natural sines and cosines than that indicated in Chapter I.* 53. From (A) and (B) we may deduce, by the relations of (9) (C). (E). • (F). ^Elegant methods of computing Tables of Natural Functions, and also methods of computing directly Tables of Logarithmic Functions, which would be out of place, however, in a work'^of this character, may be found in Caliet's "Tables de Loga- rithiues" Paris, 1879. tancc — X ■ o ^3.5 3^5.7 3^5.7.9 + •• cot a; 1 X X "3 x' 5.9 2x' 5.7.9 x' 7.25.27 secic = 1 x' ^2 6x' ^2^3 ' 277x« 5 ^ 2^3^.7 + CSC a; = x~ ■^ 4-- X W2 7x' Six' 2\^\b.l ^ 127a;^ 2^3^5^7 ^ 50 THE EXPONENTIAL SERIES. 54, The relations expressed in (A) .... (F) might evidently be taken as definitions, replacing those given in (4). The trigonometric functions might then be treated precisely as any other algebraic functions involving infkiite converging series. We proceed to the purely algebraic treatment of these func- tions, and to some important extensions of Trigonometry, viewed as a department of pure algebra. 55. The Exponential Series. — Let us first expand a' into a series arranged according to the ascending powers of x. Assume a-=P + Qa; + Rx^ + Sa;^-f-Tx* + Va;^ + This equation, being identical, must be true for every value of X. Making ic=0 we have a°=P; i. e., P=l. Hence a^=l+Qa; + Ric2-fS.'«' + Ta:* + Va;^ + Squaring both members of (1) we obtain + 2QR x^+ R^ + 2QS + T (1). (2). Again, since (1) is an identity, we may substitute- 2x for a;; so doing we obtain a^= 1 + 2Qir + 4Ra;^ + 8Sx^ + IGToj* + 32Vx^ + . . . (3). Equating the second members of (2) and (3), we obtain the identity l + 2Q£c + 2R a;^ + 2S 4-2QR x^ + . + R^ + 2QS + T 1 + 2Qa; + AUx' + 8Sx^ + 16Ta;V .-.-(4> Equating coefiicients in (4), we obtain, 2R + Q2= 4R, whence R = -|-' 2S + 2QR = 8S, whence S= ^' --= %; 24 4!* etc., etc. Substituting the values thus found in (1), we obtain, R' + 2QS + T= 16T, whence T= TRIGONOMETRY. 51 «'=l + Qx + |!x^+|V + ^jX' + ..... (5), the required series, in which Q, independent of a, depends only on the value of a. Since x may have any value what- ever, let ic=l : Q. Then a^ = a^=<^ = l + l+i + ^j + ^ + (6). The second member of (6) is e, the Natural Base, (x\lg. 511); hence a}'-^== e, or e^=a; i. e., Q=lna, so that a^ =1 + (In a)x + (In a)^|^+ (In a)^|^+ (In a)*^J + . . . . (7). 56. In (7), (55), let a=e ; we then have „^ X OC X X r-i^ e«=l + «+- + -+^+.-+ ^^> As (1) is an identity, xV - 1 may be substituted for x. Making this substitution, denoting V - 1 by i, we obtain .^ , XXtXXlilL /■c\^ ^=^+"'-2-- 4! +3!+ 5! -6!- ^^^^ _ x"^ X*' x^ x^ "2""^4!~6!'^8!"**' a? x"" x' or, by (52), e^' = cos cc + i sin x (3). Similarly we may show that e~^* = cos x — i sin x (4). Combining (3) and (4) we obtain, e-- + e— ■ = 2 cos aj ; .-. cos x = ^(e'' + e'^O (5). e"' _ e-- = 2i sin .r ; /. sin x = lie"' - e""') (6). These relations may also be expressed thus : — ^xi _^ ^-xi = cos ic + COS ( - x'). (7). ^xl _ ^-xi ^ ^ gjjj ^ _ ^' gii^ (^ _ x). (8). (7) and (8) are called "Euler's Equations," 57. The trigonometric functions are, then, merely expo- 52 FUNDAMENTAL RELATIONS. LIMITING VALUES. nential fanctions of the arc, and may, therefore, be thus defined : — 8inx=l-.(e''-0 (l);tan.= .^j,7;"l^ (3); , cosa! = i(e- + e-'') (2); -cotx = lg^^^ (4); 2 2i ^'''^=-pTP''' ^^^' ^^^^=^^rr^ (6). All the formulae established with the old definitions may now be established analytically with these, so that Trigonome- try may be considered merely a department of Algebra. 58. Fundamental Relations. — Multiplying (3) and (4) (56), we obtain 1 = cos'^ic + sin^a;. This may also be obtained by direct substitution. Again, squaring the fractions defined as tan x and sec a;, and subtract- ing the first square from the second, we obtain sec^a; - tan^a; = 1 . Similarly, csc'^a; — cot'^a; = 1. The other relations are mere restatements of definitions. 59 . Limiting Values. — By substituting, successively, |-, r,|r, 2', etc., for x, in (1) . . . (6), (57), we find the same set of limiting values as given in the Table on page 14. 60. Again, by substituting for x in (5), (6), (56), ^tt - x, re- membering that, by equations (3), (4), when a;=i-, e^ = i, and e~^^ = -i, we shall obtain, sin a;= cos (^-—x); and similarly, tan aj= cot (J- —x), and esc x= sec (|-- - x), as in (5). 61. The addition and subtraction formulae of Chapter III may be established by direct substitution of the values of sin x^ cos a;, etc., as given in the definitions of (57). Or, we may proceed thus : — e(.x+y)i _ COS (ix + y) + i sin (x + xj) (a), by (3) (56). But (Xi+yi ^ ^i^yi ^ ^^.^g x-\-i^\\\ x) (cos y + i siu y) (Jb). Equating the values (a) and (6) we obtain TRIGONOMETRY. 63 (cos X + { sin X) (cos y-\-i siny) = cos (a; + y) 4- i sin (ic + y), or, expanding in the first member, cos cc cos y - sin a; sin y + % (sin a; cos y + cos ic sin y)= cos (a; + 2/) + i sin {x + ?/). As the real parts of the two members of the identity must be equal, cos (a; + y) = cos a; cos y - sin a; sin 2/ (1). As the coefficients of i in the two members must be equal, sin (a; + y) = sin x cos y + cos a; sin y (2). Since y may be negative in (1) and (2), the formulae for cos {x - y) and sin (a; - y) are established. From these we derive at once the formulse for tan (x±y'), cot (x±y\ and the remaining formulae of Chapter III. 62. Demoivre's Theorem.— In (3), (4), of (56), sub- stitute nx for X ; there results f,nxi ^ (.Qg nx + i sin nx ; e~"^ = cos nx-i sin nx. As e"^ = (/'')"', and e~"^ = (e~^^y, we obtain, on substituting for e^^ and e~^ their values, (56), (cos x±i sin a;)" = cos nx±i sin nXy Demoivre's Theorem. 63 . It is clear that in the functions we have been consider- ing X is not necessarily real. On the other hand it is plain that we may define and discuss a series of exponential func- tions, analogous to those already treated, but having the exponents real. From these we may develop a theory as complete and interesting as that of the ordinary trigonometric functions. These latter have those relations to the circular arc of length X, which we have already discussed, (11), whence they are usually called circular functions. The functions, the treatment of which we are about to undertake, have anal- ogous relations to the arc of the equiangular hyperbola, whence they are called hyperbolic functions. Taking again the natu- ral base, e, we define as follows : — the hyperbolic sine of x, (sinhx) = o(^ - 6~^) O-y^ 54 DEFINITIONS THE HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS. % 1 the hyperbolic cosine of x, (coshx)^ -^(e^ + e~^) (2) the hyperbolic tangent of x, (tanh x) = ^^ (3) e^ -T €■ the hyperbolic cotangent of x, (coth a?) = (4) 2 the hyperbolic secant of x, (sech x') = — ■ (5) 2 the hyperbolic cosecant of x,(cschx)= — - (6). From these definitions we derive at once series and relations analogous to those of (53, 55). Thus, e^ = cosh X + sinh x (7); e~^ — cosh x - sinh x (8). Whence, by using the exponential series, we deduce q? rJ' ly^ sinha; = ^ + ^j+^ + ^j + (9); cosha; = l+| + | + | + (10): and from these we may derive, by mere division, series for tanh x^ coth x, sech x and csch x. The convergence of these series may be shown as in the case of the analogous series for the circular functions. 64. Fundamental Relations. —These, for the hyperbolic functions, are : — cosPo; — sinh^a; =1 (1) - sinh X .^. tanh a; = — -, — (2) cosh a; coshaj coth a; = -.— .; — (d): smn£c tanh X . coth x = l (4) sinh X csch x =1 (5); cosh :c sech a; =1 (6); tanh^oj + sech'^x- = 1 (7); coth^ic- csch^a? = l (8). (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) are evident from equations (l)-(6), (63). To establish (1) we may multiply (7) by (8), (63), member by member. To establish (7) and (8) we may substitute at once the exponential values of tanh x, etc., from (l)-(G) (63). TRIGONOMETRY. 55 65. Limiting Talues. — Sinhx. AVhen ^- = sinha; = •|(1 - 1) = 0. As a; increases sinh x rapidly increases, becom- ing infinite when x — cc. If a;, diminishing from 0, becomes negative, sinh x becomes negative, and numerically increases, until, when aj = - qo , sinh a; = - oo . It will be observed that, as in the case of sin Xy changing the sign of x changes the sign of sinh x. Cosh X. When x = 0, cosh a; = 1 , and this is the smallest value of cosh x; as x increases cosh x increases very rapidly, until, when a; = qo , cosh a: = oo . Since, however, cosh'-'a; — sinh^ic = 1, cosh X always exceeds sinh x. Again, cosh x = cosh ( — x); i. e., changing the sign of x does not affect the sign of cosh x. Tank X. Tanh =^ 0, and as x increases tanh x increases, from onward, but very slowly. As x approaches qo , tanh x approaches 1 ; when x =oo , tanh a: = 1. For, e^ _ e--' 1 - e-^ 1 e-^^' 1 1 = 1, when 03= 00. If X, passing through 0, becomes negative, tanh x becomes negative, and passes through the same numerical changes as in the case of positive x. Coth X. AVhen ic = 0, coth aj = l:0=oc;as x increases coth X decreases, but remains the reciprocal of tanh x, and, when £c = QO , coth a: = 1 : 1 = 1. For negative arcs the numerical changes in the coth x are the same as in the case of positive arcs. Seek X and Csch x. These functions are the reciprocals respectively of the cosh x and sinh x. Hence, as x passes from to oo , sech x passes from 1 to 0,.and as x passes from to — QO , sech X again passes from 1 to 0. As x passes from to oo , csch X passes from cc to 0, and as x passes from to - go , csch X passes from — oo to 0. 66. Addition and Subtraction Formulae . — By direct ba PERIODICITY OF THE FUNCTIONS. substitution of the values (63) of the functions we may readily show that : — sinh (ic + 1/) = sinh x cosh y + cosh x sinh 2/(1) sinh {x-y) = sinh x cosh y - cosh x sinh y (2) : cosh {x + y) = cosh x cosh y + sinh x sinh i/ (3) cosh {x-y) = cosh £c cosh y - sinh cc sinh y (4) tanh a:±tanh?/ tanh {x±y') = coth (a3±t/) = l±tanhaj tanhi/ coth X coth 2/± 1 (5); (6). coth 2/±coth X We may also derive these from the corresponding formulae for circular functions (and vice versa), by using the following relations, which are evident from the definitions, viz. : — sin x = - sinh ix (1); tan x = - tanh ix (3) ; I I cos X =i cosh ix (2) ; cot x — i coth ix (4). 67. Periodicity of tlie Functions. — The circular func- tions are periodic; i. e., as x passes from to oo the same values of the functions recur at intervals of 2-. The functions of ic'are the same as those of {x-\-2n7i), n being any integer. The values of cos x, sin x, sec x, esc x, recur at intervals of 2- ; the values of tan x and cot x at intervals of -. The re- lations just expressed indicate a similar periodicity in the hyperbolic, functions. But while the circular functions are periodic for real values of x, and continuous for imaginary Talues, the hyperbolic functions, on the other hand, are con- tinuous for real values of x (65), and periodic for imaginary values. As cosh 2nrd = cos "In- = 1, and sinh 2nr:i = i sin 2??- = 0, we have the following formulae, analogous in pairs : — CIRCULAR FUNCTIONS. sin {x + 2?i-) = sin x ; cos {x + 2/1-) = cos a; ; tan {x -H nrr) = tan x ; cot {x + W-) = cot X ; HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS. sinh (x -f- 2n-i) = sinh x ; cosh (x- 4- 27iTd) = cosh x ; tanh (a; + nrA) = tanh x ; coth (x + 7irA) = coth X ; TRIGONOMETRY. 57 The student should substitute, successively, Jri, -ni, |ri, and 2rt" for y in all the formulae of (66), and thus construct a table for hyperbolic functions analogous to that on page 14. 68. By processes analogous to those of (27, 28) we may deduce expressions for the hyperbolic functions of 2x and of ^x, and also for cosh a^cosh i, sinh a±sinh b, etc. Or, we may derive these formulae directly from the definitions. Thus, as (e^+ib ^ g-ia-i6>)^gia-i6 ^ g-t«+i6) = e« -f e"^ + g" + e-\ we have cosh a + cosh 6 = 2 cosh J(a 4- b) cosh ^(a - 6). Similarly for the other formulae. 69. The exponential character of the hy}:)erbolic and circu- lar functions suggests important relations that obtain between them and the ordinary logarithmic functions. For example, let cosh x^^z, so that sinh a;= Vz'^ - 1, then, ((7), (8), 63), a;= In (2; + V^z' - 1), and - x= In (z - Vz^ - 1). Similarly, if z = sinh x, x^ In (2 4- Vz' + l), and - re- In (l^zN^ - z). * . . l+tanha; e^ ,_ .^^ •/. ^ 1 Agam, smce - — - — -- =—, = e'^ (6 3 j; if « = tanh x, 1 - tanh X e~^ 2a; = In ^ , or aj = ^ In q- — = In-v/ t^ 1 -z 2 1-z \ 1 + z -z Further, if iv= coth x, x-. V 1 - w The corresponding relations for the circular functions are evidently, xi:= In (Vl^' + zi)= - In (VY^'-zi) (1); 70. This connection of the Trigonometric functions with logarithms indicates that we are not confined to the natural base, e, in our definitions. Thus, if a be the base, instead of e, 58 GEOMETRIC INTERPRETATION OF HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS. since a^=e^^°«, if, in all discussions we replace a bye, the only change required in the functions will be the change of the exponent from x to x In a, which will evidently not affect the nature or the results of our investigations. 71. Geometric Interpretation of the Hyperbolic Functions. — In (4) we dealt with the relations of the Fig. 23. circular functions to the sides of tri- angles of reference. Let us now investigate the analogous re- lations of the hyperbolic functions. If BAG, (Fig. 23), be right-angled at A, we have sin C = c : a ; cos C = 6 : a ; tan C = c:h. Kow let BA revolve about B, the angle C remaining con- stant, and let x be an arc, some function of the measuring arc of C, such that sinha; = c:a; cosha;=6:a; tanhic = c:6. We are to determine the proper shape of the triangle, and the relation betwaen C and x. Since, (22), sin C c^ sin B 6, sin C c sin A a sinA~a sinB 6' and since cosh^a; - sinh^aj = 1 (or); we obtain, on substituting in (or) for cosh X and sinh x their values, sin'B - sin'C = sin^^A = sin"' (C + A) - sin'C ; or, since sinV - sin^^/ = sin (x + y) sin (x + y) sin (2C + A) sin A = sin^A; whence sin (2C + A) = sin A (1), or sin A = (2). The latter value of sin A being inadmissible, we have, from (1), 2C + A = --A, orC + A = j7:; whence B = ^r; L e., BA ± CB. This determines the shape of the triangle. The relation be- tween C and X is evident; for sinh a? = tan C ; tanh a? = sin C; cosh a; = sec C ; coth x = esc C. 72. If, in any circle, (Fig. 24), a perpendicular, PM, be dropped from the termination, (M), of any arc on the diame- TRIGONOMETRY. 59 ter through the origin thereof, and if PM = y, OM ic, and radius = a, then evidently, Hence we may at once write : — ic = a cos ^; y = a sin ^, if 6 denote the radial measure of AOP. This convention gives us the circular functions as de- fined geometrically in Chapter I. \a^d is the area of the sector AOP, and hence, if a = 1, d represents double this area. The hyperbolic functions are connected in an analogous way with the rectangular hyperbola. Thus, (Fig. 25), if PM be the perpendicular dropped from any point P, of a rectangular hyper- ^*^' ^^' bola on the diameter through the origin, (A), of the hyperbolic arc, and if, as before, PM = y, OM = x, and the radius of the auxiliary circle be a. we have, from the well-known property of the curve. Hence we may define the hyperbolic functions geometrically as follows: — (1) The hyperbolic sine is the perpendicular dropped from the termination of the hyperbolic arc on the diameter through the origin, divided by the radius of the auxiliary circle. This radius is to the hyperbola what the radius is to the circle, viz., the semi-axis of the curve. (2) The hyperbolic cosine is the distance from the centre to the foot of the hyperbolic sine (the base of the hyperbolic triangle of reference), divided by the semi-axis (a). In a circle every diameter is an axis; hence any semi-diameter (or radius) may be taken as a semi-axis. In the hyperbola, however," tliis is not the fact; hence we take the only semi-diameter that is also a semi-axis, as the denominator of the hyperbolic functions. 60 GEOMETRIC INTERPRETATION OF HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS. The definitions of the geometric representatives of the other hyperbolic functions are at once evident (63). 73. As will be shown later, the area of the hyperbolic sector AOP is ^a\ (u being the hyperbolic arc AP), and hence, just as in the case of the circle, if a = 1, i* is double the area of AOP. From M draw ML, tangent to the auxiliary circle (of radius a), at L, and denote the angle (arc) AOL by 6. Then a sec ^ = OM = a cosh u ; a tan ^ = LM = a sinh u = PM. When 6 is thus connected with u it is called the Gudermannian of t*,* ordinarily abbreviated gd u. A tri- angle of reference for any hyperbolic function of u may be readily con- structed ; the calculation of any hy- perbolic function may thus be reduced to the calculation of a circular func- Fig. 25. tion. For example, lay off MK = a, and draw PK ; tan MKP = PM : a = sinh u. Similarly for the other functions. 74. Hyperbolic and circular functions are of great impor- tance in the Integral Calculus, where it will be shown that they are special forms of certain more general functions, known as Elliptic Functions. Any attempt at a discussion of these latter would, however, be entirely beyond the scope of this work. Interesting examples of the methods of employing these functions in the solution of equations will be found in Tod- hunter's and Burnside and Panton's treatises on the Theory of Equations, and also in the various mathematical journals, among which Crelle's is perhaps the best. These discussions are not, however, deemed of sufficient practical importance to warrant their introduction into the present work. *cf . Orelle, " Journal fUr die reine und an^'ewandte Mathematik," Band 6. EXERCISES- CHAPTER L 1. Construct sin-Y.3); tan-^e^; cof^C - 4); sec-'( - 3); coS"\ - . 6); sin~'j - |; tan~^7r; csc~V —1 |; cos~M - J. Determine (with a protractor) these angles, to within 1°; I determine also their radial measure. 2. Determine, with protractor and scale, the functions of 5°, 10°, 15°, etc., to 180° inclusive. 3. Determine geometrically the functions of (90° ±a;), (180°±a:), (270°tx), and (360°±ic), in terms of functions of X. 4. Find the functions of sin-^'- ; cos"'^ ; tan-^c ; cot-^( - 2); csc~\ - m). 5 5. Express successively all the functions of x in terms of each. 6. State the signs of the functions of (2?i + l)180°±A; 2?ir±A; (2?i. - l)r- ^^^ rr. 7. Prove that sec X + CSC X 1 + cot X tan ^ + 1 (1) secic — cscx 1-cota; tanic-1 .^^ sec X + CSC X - sec x esc x sin a: cos x sec x esc x sec X CSC X sec x + esc x + sec x esc x .^^ 1 H-tan'a; (^) A/r" -^=tanic; tan a; + cot x = ^ sec a; esc a;. ^ \ 1+COt'iC ^]:r^<^- ^ (1) EXERCISES. (4) — - = - ^ r— .tan^aj. CSC a; - 1 1 + sina; coversm x (5) tan-^^ + cot-X2aJ + l) = ^ (6) tan A + cot A = sec A esc A. 1 (7) secB + V'sec=^B-l = sec B - -y/sec^B - 1 (8) ] 'l^'f = l + 2tan^A-2secAtaiiA. 1 + sin A .(.-. tan A + tan B , . ^ _, (9) =:=tanAtanB. ^ cot A + cot B (10) sec-^Acsc'A-(sec'A + csc'A) = 0. (11) sinA + cosA= /?5^A^!:^A±^. \ sec A CSC A 8. Solve, analytically and graphically, the following equa- tions : — (1) 2 cos'^a; = tan x ; (2) esc a; = 4 sin x ; (3) sin cc = 2 cos x, (4) sin a; + cos ic = CSC ic ; (5) 5 sec'^ic — 12 sin^a; = 4 tan x. (6) sin X cos a; + tan a; cot x = . sec a; esc x (7) 2 (sin X + cos a;) + sec a; esc a; - cot x = S. (8) 3 sec X esc x tan x = cot^a; + 1 . (9) 3sina; + 5cosa; = 8; (10) 2 tan aj + 3cscaj = 6. (11) cot aj - 4 sin x --=.7 ; (12) sin-'a; + 7 cos a; = 1. (13) 3 cos^a; + 6 sin^a; cos x= 1. (14) secaj— tanaj= 4'v/sina;-2. (15) a cos x + b sin x= c. 9. Show that, for any angle, 2 (sin*A + cos*A + 2 sin^A cos'^A) = (tan A + cot A)^ - tan^A — cot''^A= constant ; cos A + COS B sin A + sin B sin A - sin B cos B - cos A 10. Solve the equations r sin x=a (1) r cos a; =6 (2), CHAPTER II. 1. Solve the right triangle ABC, given (1) 6= 3;c=4 ; (4) a=625 B^52°13'; (2) a=29;6=20 ; (5) 6=.00216 B== 87°26'; (3) a= 30.126 ; C=27° 50' ; (6) c=^. 00326 C=: 2° 15'. 2. When the sun's altitude is 36° 19' the shadow of a flag, pole is 175 ft. What is the height of the pole? What is the length of the shadow when the sun's altitude increases to 40° 16' 27"? 3. A winding road 3 miles long has a rise of 1,196 feet. Required the angle of (uniform) slope. 4. The angles of elevation of the top of an inaccessible crag are 32° 46', and 24° 17', as observed from two points, 200 yards apart, in the same vertical plane with the top. If the theodolite stands four feet from the ground, what is the height of the crag? 5. Two towers stand on opposite banks of a river. From the top of one, 168 feet high, the angles of depression of the top and bottom of the other are observed to be 13° 28', and 28° 16', respectively. Required the breadth of the river and the height of the second tower. 6. What is the angle of depression of a tangent to the earth's surface as observed from the top of a mountain 18,260 feet high ? What is the distance from the foot of the mountain at which the top must cease to be visible, the average slope being 28° 17'? 7. Let E represent the earth and M the moon. The angle EMS = 57', (moon's paral- Fij:. i6. lax); the radius of the earthis 3,956 miles. Required thegeocentric distance of the moon. 8. The angle MET (the moon's apparent semi-diameter), is 31' 20" What is the diameter of the moon ? (3) 4 EXERCISES. 9. To find the point at which a perpendicular from an in- accessible point will meet a given line. 10. In a right triangle are given R and r. To solve. 11. Find the volume of a cone of revolution whose vertical angle is 75° 16' 23", and whose slant height is 2a 136. 1 2. To solve an isosceles triangle, when the base and r are given. 13. Each side of the base of a regular heptagonal pyramid is 10.307, each lateral edge makes with the base an angle of 39° 46' 19". Required the volume and surface of the pyramid. 14. To solve a right triangle, given R and B, or R and h. CHAPTER HI. 1. Establish geometrically the formulae of (27-8-9). 2. Show that:— (1) sin (30° + A) + sin (30° - A) =cos (60° + A)cos(60° - A) = cos A ; x^x -i A cotiA + tanA . cotiA + taniA (2) sec4A= ^-— r-i ; secA=— -f-i — r — ?-*-: ^ ^ ^ cotJA cot^A-tan^A' (3) sin 3a7= sin x (4 cos'^cc— 1) = 3 sin a; - 4 sin^ sin 4ic = sin £c ( .8 qos^x - 4 cos .^•), sin bx= sin x { \% cos*a; - 12 co^^x + 1), sin 6ic= sin x ( 32 cos^:^ - 32 cos^an- 6 cos a;), sin 7a; = sin a; ( 64 cos^'a; - 80 cos*a; + 24 cosmic — 1), sin 80;= sin x (128 cos'a;- 192 cos^it'H- 80 cos^a?-8cosa;); (4) cos 3a; = 4 cos^a; - 3 cos x, cos 4a: = 8cos*a;- 8cos^a;+ 1, cos bx^ 16 cos^a; - 20 cos*.r + 5 cos x, cos Qx= 32 cos^a; - 48 cos*a; + 18 cos^a; - 1, cos 7a;= 64 cos'a; - 1 1 2 cos^'c + 56 cos^a; - 7 cos x, cos 8a;- 128 cos^a; - 256 cos^a; + 160 cos*a; - 32 coslr + 1. EXERCISES. 5 Establish also the formulae for the tangents and cotangents of multiples of x, Gos^k=^-^ cos 2^ + — . 1 3 cos^^= -J- cos 3/: + — cos h, cos*^= -r- COS 4^ + -^ cos 2^ + -^ , L o C0S^^=-Tr77 COS ^h-V—t COS 3^ + -5- COS h, lb lb o C0S^^=-:r7r COS 6^ + :j7; COS 4^ + r^ COS 2^ + :^ , oz lb Iz lb cos^^=-rr cos Ih + 7,-: cos 5^ + ^ : cos 3^ + tt. cos h, b4 b4 b4 b4 1 1 7 7 35 - C0S^^=r7T^ cos %h + — COS GA; + — - COS 4^ + 77^ COS 'Ih + zrr^-- . Izo lb oZ lb Izo 3. Show that : — tan.x±tanw= — ^-^^ (1); tana; + cotw= ^-t^^- (3j; cosxcosy cos^smi/ ^ , ^ sin (w+x) ,^^ / , X l+tanrt-tan^ cota;±cotw=^ — ^T (2); cos(a;± w) = --:- ^ (4^ sm x sin 1/ ^ ^ ^ sec xaecy ^ ^* What do (1), (2), (3), become when x = a-^-, and ?/= a + 1-- ? (5) sin (aj + y) sin {x-y)-= sin^cc - sin"^^/^ cos^i/ - cos'^x ; (6) cos (aj + 2/) cos {x -y) = cos'^a^ - siii^y = cos^^/ ~ sin^^ • From (6) deduce the value of cos 2x. (7) (tan'a: - tsLii'y){cofx - coi^y)= ? J au ^u ^ ^ 1 1-cosaj , ^, 1 + cosa; 4. fenow that tanj.7;= — : , and cot Jo; = smic Prove that tan2ic= — ^ — ; also that COSiC + COSdx' ^ sin 2x + sin 4x tan 3a; = tan 4x = cos 2x + COS 4x ' sin X + sin 3a; + sin 5a; + sin 7 cos X + cos 3a; + cos ox + cos 7a; X tan 5x = EXERCISES. sin 2x -h bin 4x + sin Qx + sin 8a: cos 2x 4- cos 4£P + cos 6x 4- cos Sx ' Deduce the corresponding expression for tan nx. Show that cot x= tan x + 2 tan 20? + 4 tan 4ir + 8 tan Sx. 5. Prove that : — (1 ) cos (x + y) + sin (x - 2/) = -/ 2 sin ( Jrr + x) cos ( J-r ± ?/) ; (2) cos i/= cos (x + 2/) cos ;c + sin {x ■\-y)smx; (3) tan-^^ + cot-V2a; + 1)= 7- ; ^ ^ ic + 1 4 (4) 2cot-'3 + cot-7 =-r; /rx . 1 . 1 . A-x-y-xy TT (5) tan-U- + tan-V + tan-^^; ^^ = 7 • ^^ ^ l+x + y-\-xy4 6. Given sin 2.r = cos Sx ; find x and its functions. 7. From the functions of 30°, 45°, and 18°, find the func- tions of all those angles between 0° and 90°, the expressions for which involve no fraction less than 0.°5, and the calculation of whose functions requires no other data. 8. Show that:— W. ^ 2 tan x 2 r. r^ cos^a- + sin'ic sin 2x = ~ = = 2-2 : — : 1 + tan-a; tan x + cot x cos x + sin x cot'a;-! ^ . cot ccipl (2) cos 2x= -— ~ = (l±sin2a:) -V ; ^ ^ cot'a3 + l ^ ^cot^±l X 1+sin^ + cosiP , (3) cot -. = :; ; ^ \ 2 1 + sin 0? - cos a; i 9. Express, as the sum or difference of two functions, (1), 2 sin 3a; cos 2 2/; (2) sin 3.r cos 5a; ; (3) sin 20° sin 30°. ^. -.„ sin 3a;±sin 5a; cos 4;i;±cos 6.^' bimpliiy =— ; — — : — -— . cos 3a;±cos 5a; sm 4a;+sni bx Prove that tan 5a; - tan 3a; - tan 2a; = tan 5x tan 3a; tan 2a;. 1 . Solve the following equations : — (1) cos X - sin X = (cos x + sin a;)(2 cos^a; - 1); (2) cos (a; + -5-) + 2 sin a; + 3 tan (x + —-) = cot'-^a; + esc x ; (3) 2 tan a; + tan (a- a;) = tan (6 4- a;); EXERCISES. (4). 2a sec X = (a -\- b^O- - tan x + sec x) ; (5). ^/smx - CSC a; - l/ 1 - esc a; = esc x (sin x - 1). 11. Show that :— sin A + sinB + sin (A + B) A B ... r— :5 ^-)-r ^ =COt^ cot - (1): sin A + sin B - sm ( A + B) 2 2 ^ ^ tan 3A cot A (2 cos 2A - 1) = 2 cos 2A + 1 (2) 12. Sum the series, sinic + asin2ic + rt'^sin Sx + Assuming that a? = cos m + V - 2 sin m, sum x + x'^ + x^ + ,, . 13. Show that, if C = 90°, a + h a — b 4 sin^A -2. 1 COSOJ COS 2/ COS a; 1 cos 2 cosy COS 2! 1 COS w COS 11^ 1 a - 6 a + 6 COS 2B 14. COS (x + y + z) + cos (^x + y — z) + cos (^x— y -^ z) + _ cos(z + y-x') = ^ y__ 15. Show that if ^^^^^^tkavv-ao^. = 0, sin'''a5 cos'^w; = 1 - cost's - cos'-'y ~ cos'^o; + 2 cos ic cos y cos z. 16. Evaluate: — 1, 1, 1, since, sin 2/, sin 2, sin aj, sin y, sin 2, cos a;, cosy, cos 2, cos x, cos y, cos 2, , sin 2a;, sin 2y, sin 22, 1 7. Given, (1), sin £c - J sin 2x = m; (2), cos x-^ cos 2a; = ^ : find a;. 18' Eliminate x and 1/ from the groups of equations: — r cos X sec y-- (r: a) esc (a; -f y) = [(t : 6) - sin x sec y] sec (^x + y) = tan 3/ (1)^ r cos (x — 37/) = 2a cos^i/ 5 ^ sin (a; — 3?/) = 2a sin^y C^)- 19- Show that two geometrical progressions may be formed firom the roots of x^ - 2x cos a + 1 = 0, x'- - 2x cos 2a + 1 = 0, sin x, sin ?/, sin 2, sin 2x, sin 2y, sin 22, sin 4a;, sin 4y, sin 42, or* - 2a; cos Tia + 1 = 0; EXERCISES. the product of the two series being sin^ I — jcsc^ ( o I 20. Show that:— a" 6 sin A c sin A h c 21. 6 sin A 1 cos A h 1 cos A Show that cosi (B-C) cos 4 (B + C) sin 4 (B + C) c sin A 1 cos A =0; 1 c COS A - 6- 1 e- -1 cosC cosC -1 cosB cosA a h ccosA a h cos A cosB cos A -1 0; = a^ equals 22, cosi (C-A) cos^ (A-B) cos|(C + A) cos|(A + B) sinJ(C + A) sin| (A + B) sin (B - C) + sin (C - A) + sin (A - B). If A, B, C, be the angles of a triangle : — cos A cos B cos C ^ -: h -: ; h -; : ' = 2 sin B sin C sin A sin C sin B sin C sin^C = cos"B + cos'^A + 2 cos A cos B cos C sin A + sin B + sin C = (semi-perimeter) : R e+h:a::e-h:c cos B - 5 cos C & cos ( X - C) + c cos (X + B) = 6 cos (X + C) + c cos (X ■ he + 4R^ = cos A + cos B cos C = 2 (Area) sin A + a^ 2R sin C = 6 cos A + \/{a' — b'^ sin'^A) 23. What is the shape of a triangle in which B)? (1); (2); (3); (4); B)(5); (6); (7). a' + h' : ce - h' = sin ( A + B) : sin (A 24. In any right triangle, (A - 90°): - sin 2B + sin 2C = 4 a^ + c^ (1); sin 2B - sin 2C = cos 2B + cos 2C = (2); sin^C + sin^B - (sin'^JB + sin'^C) = {h + c>+ 2a (3). Express (3) in terms of cosines. 25. In any triangle, ABC, 6 - c : a : : sin ^(B - C) : cos ^A : : cos C - cos B : 1 + cos A; 6 + c : a : : cos J(B - C) : sin J A : : cos C + cos B : 1 - cos A; a + i -I- c = (6 + c) cos A + (c + a) cos B + (a + 6) cos C ; (cos A -f 6 sin C) + (cos B + c sin A) + (cos C -r a sin B) = 2 (sinA + 2sinB)-r-(a + 2i»). EXERCISES. 9 26. If i,j, h be the altitudes of a triangle, a sin A + i sin B + c sin C = 2(icos A +j cos B + ^cos C) (1); sinA = sin(2A4-B + C) = -cosK3A + B + C) (2); tan (B - 2C) = - tan (A + 2C) (3); csc(P-C) = sec(iA + C);tan(A + 2B + 3C)=tan(A-C)(4); cot ^(B + C) cot ^(C + A) -f cot J(C + A) cot i(A + B) + cot |(B + C) cot ^(C + A) = 1 (5). 27. Extend to quadrilaterals (and to polygons in general), the relation a^= fe^ + c'^ — 26c cos A. Extend also the relation a = b cos C + c cos B. 28. The roots of a cubic are the tangents of the angles of a triangle. Required the form of the cubic. Investigate also the cubic whose roots are sines and cosines. EXERCISES IN SOLVING PLANE TRIANGLES. 1. To solve a triangle ABC, given: — (1) a = 237.062, h = 127.268, A = 27° 32' 16". (2) a = 156.82. 6 = 284.072, c= 192.007. 2. To solve a triangle ABC, given: — _ (1) a, 6,A±B U^(2) A,a,6^±c^ (3) A, C, a±6: Jk- (4) c,A,a'^±6^: (5) The altitudes; (6) The medians ; (7) The bisectrices of the angles ; ^^ (8) The sides of the Pedal triangle ; (9) The perimeter, an altitude and a side ; (10) The radius of the inscribed circle, a±h, and c; (11) The radius of the inscribed circle, the radius of the circumscribed circle, and one altitude. 3. The distance between two buoys, A and B, being required, a base line, CD, of 300 yards is laid oif, and the angles, CDA, ( = 28° 19'), ADB( = 62°16'), ACB ( = 57°38'), and BCD ( = 38° 52') are measured. Required, AB, and the angle CBD. 4*. Deduce expressions for the side, apothem and area of each regular polygon inscribed in a circle whose radius is 10, up to and including, the dodecagon. 10 EXERCISES. 5. An aeronaut observes the angles of depression of two towers on opposite shores of a lake, and 12 miles apart, to be 47° 58' and 33° 25', respectively. What is his altitude? 6. An engine passes a station, C, that is 8 miles distant, and that beai-s S 32° 17' W, at 10 A. m.; moving continuously, it passes B, N 68° 26' W, and 5 miles away, at 10 : 20 a. m. If the road BC is straight, what is the average rate of speed of the engine ? « n, 1 , /T^- rf ON ^-r^ c sin A sin B 7. Show that, (Fig. 7, 8), CD= — ^— ^- — ^— ; express the area of ABC in terms of c. A, B. 8. The area of the largest circle that can be cut from a triangular block, is 1312. The area of the block is 2018, and the angle at one corner is 57° 10'. Required the dimensions of the block. 9. If ABC, DEF, have a = d,b = e, and C = 180°- F, they are equivalent. Generalize this statement. 10. To determine the distance from D to an invisible, inac- cessible point, B. 11. Show that in any triangle, ABC : — cot^A-rCot JB + cot|C = s-^r; sin A + sin B + sin C = s-^ R = sin A sin B sin C • 2 R-7-r ; tan A + tan B+tan C =^ tan A tan B tan C ; cos^A + cos^B + cos'^C = 1 - 2 cos A cos B cos C. 12. A line AD is drawn from A to BC. Compare the ratios D AC : DAB, and DB : DC. 1 3. To find the area of an inaccessible field, knowing a base line KL, and the angles subtended at K and L by the sides of the field. 17. Express the area of a quadrilateral in terms of the diagonals and their included angle. 18. Determine a trapezoid, knowing the sides a, b, c, d; a being parallel to c. 19. B is due south of A. An observer at C notes the re- spective intervals (6 seconds,. 9 seconds), between the flashes of EXERCISES. 11 the sunset guns at B and A, and the times at which the reports reach him. AB subtends to him an angle of 68° 29'. How far is A from B ? 20. A circular arch, 98 feet in (curvilinear) length, rests on piers 16 feet high and 82 feet apart (from centre to centre). ,What is the height of the highest point of the arch? 21. Three circles, of radii 8, 12, and 20, respectively, are tangent, each to the other two. Required the perimeter and area of the enclosed space. 22. Find the distance in space described in one day, in con- sequence of the rotation of the earth, by the Great Equatorial at the Lick Observatory of the University of California, at ^It. Hamilton, (Lat. 37° 20' 22".51 K Long. 121° 38' 35".75 W). 23. Find the distance between the orthocentre and the cen- tre of the circumscribed circle, (of ABC), in terms of the radius of the latter and the angles of ABC. 24. Express, in terms of the radii, the distance between the centres of the inscribed and circumscribed circles. Express, (in terms of a, h, c), the distances between the centres of the escribed circles. 25. Show that the area of ABC = 4Rr cos |A cos JB cos |C. 20. Circles passing through the centre of the circumscribed circle, and having a, h, c as chords, have for radii k, I, m). Prove that {(i^k) + {h^l) + {c-^ m) = 8 sin A sin B sin C. 27. Show how to determine the height of a cloud from its angle of elevation and the angle of depression of its reflection in a lake h feet below the level of the observer. 28. A man sees two spires, the tops of which seem to be in a straight line whose angular elevation is m ; the angles of de- pression of the reflections in a lake h feet below him are B and C. Determine the distance between the spires, and the height of each. 29. In any triangle, E = J(a cot A CSC B CSC C+ 6 cot B esc A esc C+c cot C esc B esc A). 12 • EXERCISES. BO. Determine the radii (/,/',/'' )of the-escribed circles, in terms of the sides. Hence show that - + —+-777 = (1); area=-/rrVV" (2); r r' r area ^ ' / + /' +r'"-r = 4i^(3). 31. A, walking along a straight road, observes that the greatest angle that two distant spires subtend at his eye is a\ walking c rods farther he observes that they are in a line mak- ing an angle ft with the road. Find the distance between the spires. 32. A spire S is observed from A and B. If the angles SAB and SBA, the distance AB, and the angle of elevation of the spire at B be known, find the distance of the spire from A and its height above the level road AB. 33- The angular elevation of a hill, as observed from a point due north of it, is A; as observed from a point due west of the first and m miles distant across a lake, the angle of ele- vation is B. How high is the hill ? 34. An observer at sea takes the angles subtended at his position, (P), by the known shore distances, AB, AD, DB. Find AP, DP, BP, when APD = 42° 17', BPD = 36° 25', AD = 2100, BD = 1672, AB = 2867. 35. To determine the geocentric distance of a heavenly body M, knowing the zenith distances of M at two stations of which the latitudes are known, and which are situated on the same meridian. 36. To determine the area of the greatest pentagonal star that can be cut from a circular disc, four inches in diameter. 37 . The area of the base of a regular quadrangular pyra- mid is 289 square feet. Find the area of a section inclined at an angle of 26° 37' to the base, one of the sides of the section being parallel to the base, and at a distance therefrom equal to two-thirds of the altitude. 38 . The sides of an inscribed quadrilateral are a, h, c, d. What is the radius of the circumscribing circle? EXERCISES. 13 |>9. If a triangle be inscribed in ABC, its perimeter must lie between a-\-b + G and a cos A -f ^ cos B + c cos C, ( = 4R sin A sin B sin C). CHAPTER V. 1. Solve the spherical triangle ABC, given: — (1) a =106° 17' 22"; ft = 120° 08' 20"; A= 39° 52' ; (2) A = 129° 05' 28" ; B = 140° 25' ; C = 110° 27' ; (3) a= 70° 32'; b= 38° 25' ; C= 51° 17' 24"; (4)A=49°37'; B=126°; ft=110°17'; (5) C= 50° 32'; B= 136° 15' 28" ; • a= 68° 35' . 2 . To solve a spherical triangle, given c, B, and A + C, or c, B, and a + c. 3. Establish the propositions concerning spherical triangles usually given in the text-books in Geometry, by means of the formulse of chapter V. 4. Prove directly from a figure that sin a : sin c : : sin A : siaC. 5. Show that the values given (47) for sin|^, tan ^a, etc., are real. 6. Show that sin a : sin A : : sin b sin ciV^l - cos'^a - cos'^b - cos'^c + 2 cos a cos b Cos c. 7. Sliow that the sum of any two angles of a spherical tri- angle is less than 180° + the third. AYhat property of a right triangle is suggested hereby ? 8. If OX, OY, OZ, be mutually at right angles, and any two lines be drawn through O, (1) The sum of the squares of the cosines of the angles that each makes with OX, OY, and OZ, respectively, will equal unity. (2) The cosine of the angle between the two lines will equal the sum of the products of tlie cosines of the angles made by the two lines, with OX, with OY, and with OZ, respectively. 14 EXERCISES. 9. If CD be a median in ABC, cos AC + cos CB = 2 cos |AB cos CD. 10. If two angles of a spherical triangle be equal to the opposite sides respectively, the remaining angle will be equal or supplementary to the third side. 11. D is any point in AB ; show that cos AD sin BC = cos AB sin DC + cos AC sin DB. 12. If arcs be drawn from the vertices of any spherical triangle through any point, the product of the sines of one set of alternate segments of the sides will equal the product of the sines of the other set ; and conversely. IB. The last proposition proves the concurrence of what sets of angle-transversals of a spherical triangle ? 1 4 . If an arc cuts the sides of ABC, in D, E, and F, re- spectively, what relation obtains between the two sets of alter- nate segments ? 15. If ^, /, m, be the altitudes of a spherical triangle, sin k sin a = sin Z sin b = sin m sin c ; also, cos m = esc c V cos^a + cos^ft - 2 cos a cos b cos c. 1 6. San Francisco is 122° 25' 40." TCd W., 37° AT 22."55 N., and Yokohama is 139° 40' 27" K, 35° 26' 50" N.; what is the shortest sailing distance between the cities? What is the shortest distance on the surface of the earth between Mount Hamilton and Annapolis', Md.? (See Ex. 22). 17. Show that in any right spherical triangle (A = 90°). sin^Ja = sin"-J6 cos'^-Jc + cos%6 sin^Jc. 18. If ^, /?, y^ be the lengths of the angle-bisectrices of ABC, cot a cos ^A + cot f3 cos JB + cot y cos ^C = cot a + cot b 4- cot c. 19. Determine the arcual radii (polar distances), of the circumscribed, inscribed, and escribed circles, of the triangles formed by the intersection of any three arcs (of great circles), on the sphere. EXERCISES. 15 20. ABC is equilateral, P the pole of its circumscribing circle, and Q any point on the sphere. To show that cos QA + cos QB + cos QC = 3 cos PA cos PQ. What is the analogous formula for the plane triangle ? 21. The angle of elevation of the top of a cliff, A, is 23° 27' 12" ; the angle of elevation of a cliff, B, is 10° 28' 53" ; the angle subtended at the point of observation by AB is 73° 47' 18". What is the horizontal angle between A and B ? * 22. ABC is trirectangular ; P is the pole of its circum- scribed circle, and Q any point on the sphere. Show that (cos AQ + cos BQ + cos CQ)"'= 3 cosTQ. 2 B. In any triangle, ^(a + c) and J(A + C) agree in species. 24. If r>, E, F, be the feet of the altitudes of ABC, tan BD . tan CE . tan AF --= tan DC . tan E A . tan FB. 25. Through any point, in the side of a spherical triangle, to draw an arc (of a great circle), that shall cut off a given fracti(>n of the area. 2 6 . Three circles are described in a triangle, each angle of which is 120°, so that each circle touches the two others and two sides of the triangle. Find the arcual radii. 27. To find the angle formed by two adjacent faces of a regular polyedron. 28. To find, for any regular polyedron, the radii of the in- scribed and circumscribed spheres. 29. To find, for any tetraedron the radii of the -circum- scribed, the inscribed, and the escribed, spheres. 30. To express the volume of any tetraedron, (and hence of any parallelopiped), in terms of the edges. 31. If, wath the vertices of any parallelopiped as centres, equal spheres be described, the sum of the intercepted portions of the parallelopiped will equal the volume of any one of the spheres. *The solution of examples of this character is called "reducing angles to the horizon." CHAPTER VI. 1. Show that : — (1) cosh^cc - cosh'-i/ = sinh'^a? - sinh'''2/= sinh (x + y) sinh {x - y) (2) cosh^^ 4- sinh^o; = cosh^a; -f sinh^y = ^^sh (x + y) cosh (x - y) ; ^^, , X sinha? . . i ^* r^ , (d) tanh ^=- :; i — = coth a; - cscn x^ coth r - 2 csch a; ; ^ ' 2 1+ cosh X 2 1 + tanh X tanh y (4) cosh(a; + y) •= -. ^; ^ ' ^ ^' sech re- sech y (5) cosh (n + 2)^ = 2 cosh k cosh (?i + 1)A; — cosh nk. What are the corresponding formulse for circular functions? 2. Prove that \ a (p + qx^) y p{a + hx') What is the corresponding formulse for inverse hyperbolic functions ? 3. Show that "/ (a + 1) cos J- a? + V{ct - h) sin J x In ———-—- = V {a + ^) cos -J a; - V{a - h) sin ^ x 2 tanh~^ \ , tan |- x (Va + 6 Find corresponding logarithmic equivalents for tan~^ -! tan \x\- . and tanh~^ -^ . tanh -^ x (l^a + 6 y (l/a+6 4. Show that : — ( 1 ) cosh (In ?/) + sinh (1 n ?/) = 2/ ; (2) tanh (In y)^ {if - 1) + {f + 1). Thence show that hi2=6.9;jl4718 + . (3)co^.„^'[±|)=^;tanh(.n^[±i)=, (4) If f=- 1w - 1, tanh (In t/) = l-w-\ (5) cosh-^(sec x) = tanh-^(sin x) = 2 tanh-^(tan \ x) (16) , 1 + tan -A- a; - , / - \ = ln - — - — f— Intan^ 13 + ^ • 1-tan^^ "\ 2 / EXERCISES. 17 (6) If tan-Jcc =2, "^ sinli a:= .j ; cosh x = . 1-2^ 1 - z^ (7) OO.I.-- f-+^- = sinh-- l aV + -2abx + ac v¥ -ac \ 6- - ac (8) In tan ^ . a — a? a (9)ln^:±^^^=tanh-^. a;-^_^-/2 + l 1 + cc^ 5. Find the hyperbolic functions of J-i, ^-i, and y\7~i. 6. Calculate directly sinh 1 and cosh 1 ; thence show that e = 2.71828182845904523536 + . Show also that sin 1 = 0.841470984807896 + ; cos 1 = 0.540302305868039 + . 7. Apply De Moivre's theorem to hyperbolic functions so as to deduce, for the powers of sinh k and cosh k formulae analo- gous to those given, for circular functions, on pages 4, 5. 8. Show that :— \nsmhk=^k-\n2-e-''-ie-''-ie-'^-ie-'^-.. . . .; lncoshk = k-\n2 + e-''-ie-'^ + le-^-ie-'' + Thence derive the development of In tanh k. 9. Show that cosh (£c + ^) = cosh k + sinh kj + cosh k— + sinh.^- .57 + .... ; sinh (a; + ^) = sinh k + cosh h~-\- sinh ^ t^ + cosh X;— + What are the corresponding developments for the circular functions ? 10. Prove the truth of the following equations : — cosh 2aj = 2 cosh-oj - 1, cosh 3ic = 4 cosh^o; - 3 cosh x, cosh 4:c = 8 cosh% - 8 cosh^a; + 1 , cosh 5^ = 16 cosh^rc — 20 cosh^.?; + 5 cosh x. 18 EXERCISES. cosh6ir= 32 cosher- 48cosh*a;+ IBcosh^a;- 1, cosh 7x = 64 cosh'x - 1 1 2 cosh^ic + 56 cosh^a? - 7 cosh x, cosh So; = 128 cosh'o; - 256 cosh'^ + 1 60 cosh*a; - 32 cosh=^:c + 1. Establish the corresponding formulae for the hyperbolic sine, and tangents. Express also sinh^o:, sinh^ic, cosh^:c, cosli^a;, etc., in terms of functions of x. Compare Ex. 4-, page 5. 11. If ?i = 2r, .T = a + ftcot<9, (A + I'B) {x - a + hiy + (A - iB)(a; - g - 6i) » _ \{x-ay + b'\^' ~ A cos n^' - B sin ?i^ , \ix-ay + hY 12. Show that, as In (cos k + i sin k) ^ ki, the logarithm of unity has an infinite number of values, of which all but one are imaginary. Thence show that any number has an infinite number of logarithms for any given base. 1 3. Show that ."-(.-;)(.-,4).... This may be shown l)y proving, first, that the equation sin ^ = can have no imaginary roots, and then showing that the series (see page 49) for sin 6 is exactly divisible by 6±n-, n being any integer. Thus sin 8 is shown to be a product of the form a^(^+r)(^-r)(/9+2rr)(^-2ir)(^+3T:)(<9-3-) in which a cannot contain ^, since the equation sin^ = has no imaginary roots. Finally it may be shown that a = l, whence we may factor sin 6 as shown, cos 6 may, of course, be treated similarly. From these expressions for sin ^ and cos ^ we may deduce interesting forms of algebraic statement for the other expo- nential functions. ■ OF THE UNIVERSITY of V THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. 8 i93:i OCT 7 t935 -,PP £5 1936 ■ SEP 14 wm mm 19 1S42E NOV 6 1942 • » i ' ^tt- LD 21-100m-7,'33 CioTuW ^1 o i\