after tfie mttatm of faturne (i fmgu ff rfp ifcflag f;e flat? wabe j> rewofuctos ifle tbM amoiTt to £££ pere o: t?e: cBout tD?erof Vbe 0aue f 5me expend! ce foz after p rwofutioito of fattirne ra" afrj>anbrc. |jf(kreafmeof perce toae beffrv <>eb. a»b p teuof wrtotte* after ccf Jfitfu tttft toQic? toge our Gitmanpte ? Drought tfje uettoe fattoe to tfie tfcoifb auby reuofuctone* afta cam tyeny ttoJjiriJ rotitrtneb apenft tfjepapnemeo a ttetbe fattoe . (i p reuoftiaono after cam. mafjomet tfje cdtrtuer of a fate fatten v reuofttctono . after ca* £ljarfemapne tbfltffl couquirebtflemppre* anb ,v rewo fiictotto. after can> gobefrap of Bofop ne xofytfy conqweieb t0e fjofp fanb anb tfjm f5me map fap J> Bp fwc? mwtact* on ae fetb ie. CQat t?ep map £nott>e Bp affrofogpe p c be ffpnpfffjmct of pStootf bc.Bitt 31 am not of t^at opppnpoi) foi gob frtoifoetJ) ttonfp 4 anb m. (§10 ma* tere oiigfjt notljige to 6e affermeb* fpge ae feint atsfrpr) fetflf it) 0te u Bo&of p c cite f gob ti)e it tfaptafta me femet? t^at Qovue Be it pt^ou 0t otDe tfjebape of 3na,tmenk anb fuppofe tflat itftat not Be it) fonge tymt* tfjerfoze is tt not fiumjattfjoiiowgflteftc to brebe tt ae mocfji ae tt fflofbe Be rtgfjt fflotffp. fot tlje bap of t?e bttf. ttofjiclj f IJa£ Be rigfjt tyoiL ffjatbc tfje bap of t6p iugemetrt f ttfl tfjet tn tfje fame flour fOaf at Be bo tie YbitQ tfje t anb newer fflaf t?e fentltt Be c?augcb* anb it ie no bonBte tflat if tijoti bpe in euifeftace in jr flonre / t?ow fflaft Be bampneb 3nb tf tfcu bpe ti> grace t(Je fame IJoit re^tflci* ;«>aftBefaueb* o:ii> tljetbap of fafiamon/foflerfoze it appertt? tffat fpfptattapfetflfiMopeoftfJem f>faP* tfjat tfje uoift ffjafeirffare mocfj Conge Hwpfffa& «wb tranffateb out of f re! f^eintoeugft^t^e fitti bap of June int^epereof unre forbe (^ ££££ f j)^St/ anb tf)e f trft pere of tfje regnc of #pnge ?enrp t$e Sri. anb mpt^nteb tfje (aft ba? of feptemBre in t?e pere of our foibe 00 ££££ fj>j>j>5>iitt E>f liltc?arbQ ppnfot?* Jawobeo No. 135 To face Title A HAND-LIST OF A COLLECTION OF BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS BELONGING TO The Right Hon. Lord AMHERST OF HACKNEY AT DIDLINGTON HALL, NORFOLK COMPILED BY SEYMOUR DE RICCI CAMBRIDGE PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1906 For private circulation 1A <0 ^ 4 INTRODUCTION. THE present brief hand-list has been published under circum- stances some of which may need a few words of explanation. I had begun last year to draw up a very minute description of some of the bibliographical treasures of the Didlington Hall library, Lord Amherst of Hackney having the intention to even- tually publish a large Catalogue raisonne' of his collection, on a very elaborate scale. Sad circumstances, already well known to the British public, have compelled the owner of this library to issue a catalogue at a few weeks' notice, and to reduce the proposed publication to the proportions of a mere hand-list. The detailed descriptions of several hundred books had how- ever already been drawn up, in a manuscript now in the hands of Mr Quaritch, from whom specialists may obtain fuller information on a great many of the volumes described below. It has been my object, in the present hand-list, to give sufficient descriptions of the volumes to enable them to be easily identified by any librarian. Most of the superior bindings have been noticed and all important shortcomings or deficiencies of the copies under description have been carefully recorded. I trust that the errors which have escaped my attention will meet with the indulgence of the bibliographical public. SEYMOUR DE RICCI. Part's, 36 avenue Henri Martin, November 1906. 809823 BLOCK-BOOKS. 1. Holland? 1455? Apocalypsis S. Johannis {fourth edition of Sotheby, second of Heinecken). A very fine coloured copy from the Earl of Crawford's collection, quite perfect in 48 leaves, bound with nos. 47, 58 and 59, and some ms. matter, in the original monastic binding, about 1475. The exceptional preservation of this copy is due to its early insertion in this volume. 2. Five leaves, two of them being partly coloured (possibly at a more recent date), of Sotheby's third (Hein- ecken's fifth) edition of the xylographic Apocalypse. Very clean impressions but without margins. The leaves are 14, 15, 18, 19, 20 of a complete copy. They are probably from the same copy as the eleven leaves presented by Uffenbach to the Francfort library in the xvnith century and are apparently the five leaves bought by Griffiths (of Wadham College, Oxford) at B. Delessert's sale in 1852. Of this edition only two perfect and six imperfect copies or fragments are known. 3. Holland ? 1455 ? Biblia pauperum. A single leaf, of the same edition as the Sykes and second Spencer copies. From the Bateman collection. ©ptafomatprpfnuirt] anDirrr^tpfr m auoirmi! jrfcaiplufqipfcautatiol pfrwauDiiriffrnfaiiDHi niaan&iaaauoiat^airfct tfcMrfiua raa tpt pfrati r ruauoiam^auoiattsaHd auoirtsaiiDirft-fprrnim; Prctrmopffanlauoiiirt auomfriitfatiDiiircitiDal rfo nlauDitufff inmitnCTra nfauDnuffrnsau^uyfi't flubnifnt.^ftniauDium : fm;fo n?o fmr nine i pfon n»airr5tcntopfefr-3ur< ire nrt nuDmiu rftr a^alio 1 mrptcatofpfnjanbicuafi Kjjtrritoulurpjptcoauoin, irogafamototurprrmini nmrprijft-iiriftjjtcdtorpfc plurcfjpfco ut auDuil r act t mctiuoiimtDtprpfnitiruti ret ptcrito pfto ru audita Ui ru auDitu rffctiici tunTa hi ftmra mo fine ruus * pftmj No. 5 recto jpfftioutaufiifafufmut eauDifapfr^aumtum* if-10retcrito inpf ca au&i^ aiuD!£baf«4*&ati&itfja* 9rctmto jjfca auUif Cunt pfrauDirifum^uclfutoT urtc*lE>rf tccito pluCcT?eto amis teat utt fitt rat^fc trio mlmrratisrratuf tut au&iftfautmfapftaimi* : 0momc.f]frutiaDfJtiani •.ftpt'rmiDiaitmrauDinli iixitorilli-^aftauiimrim!: ©r^dtoytcatpluCq-attt^ fuiCfm^ rartiQ »rt f uiffrtifi imrauHianoufaumarca^ &iamranoiaT£owdmmff io hri atiDiarc auOtat- spft rinf-TPrctcrito fpfto tu au! timtff ~*Pf> mm aitfetrnt to jjftc FJfiM&u 9 dm urt fur pBriu a atmi fim? urf turn . No. 5 verso BOOKS PRINTED IN MOVABLE TYPES BEFORE 1500. GERMANY. MAINZ. 4. Probably by Gutenberg and Fust. About 1455. Volume 1 of the 42 line Bible (Mazarine Bible). (Hain 3031-) Very fine, tall and absolutely fresh copy of the first issue (40-41-42 lines) in a contemporary monastic binding. From Lord Gosford's collec- tion. Nearly uncut (a temoin), with many ms. signatures preserved. 5. Probably by Gutenberg and Pfister. About 1456- 1458. Part of a leaf of a Donatus on vellum. In the type of the 36 line Bible. Only one other fragment of this edition is known. (Cf. the full-size facsimile.) 6. Possibly by Gutenberg. 1460. Balbus de Janua, Catholicon. (Hain 2254.) The Paris Feuillants' copy, the first one to be noticed, being described as early as 1649 m Naudd's Mascurat. Title written in red. The last f. is inlaid. Old brown calf (rebacked). 7. Fust and Schoiffer. 1457. Psalmorum codex. Two vellum leaves. (Hain 13479.) With a good specimen of the red and blue initials and seven lines of music. From the Culemann collection. The first book with a dated colophon. The nine copies known of the whole book are all in public libraries. GERMANY 9 8. Fust and Schoiffer. 1462. Latin Bible. Two vellum leaves from the New Testament. (Hain 3050.) The first dated Latin Bible. 9. Fust and Schoiffer. 1465. Cicero, De officiis. (Hain 3238.) Fine copy on paper from the Duke of Sussex' (and Harleian ?) library. The first classic printed, also the first instance of printing of Greek. Old red doubli morocco, with the usual Harleian pattern. 10. Fust and Schoiffer. 1466. Cicero, de Officiis. (Hain 3239.) A beautiful copy on vellum, from the Earl of Jersey's library, formerly in the Harleian (?) collection. Old red morocco. Wanting leaf 52. 11. Fust and Schoiffer. About 1466. Augustinus, Ars praedicandi. (Hain 1957.) The Syston Park copy. Modern red morocco. 12. Peter Schoiffer. 1467. Thomas Aquinas, Secunda secundae. (Hain 1459.) The first dated book with Schoiffer's name alone. 13. Peter Schoiffer. About 1470. Sermo de prae- sentatione B. V. Mariae (also known as Laus Virginis). (Hain 1993 and 9954.) Old French citron calf. Only seven or eight other copies are known, all in public libraries. 14. Peter Schoiffer. 1471. Thomas Aquinas, Prima secundae. (Hain 1447.) Very tall copy in original binding in leather-covered oak boards with clasps. Has both final blanks. Formerly at St Dorothy of Vienna. The seams of each quire are lined with vellum strips from an early ms. German Bible. 15. Peter Schoiffer. 1472. Justinianus, Institutiones. (Hain 9490.) The Wodhull copy. Old English red morocco. GERMANY 1 1 16. Peter Schoiffer. 1476. Justinianus, Institutiones. (Hain 9498.) Pymme's copy. Old French mottled calf. 17. Peter Schoiffer. 1484? Herbarius sive Aggre- gator. (Hain 8443.) With many valuable contemporary ms. notes in English. Scored russia. 18. Erhard Reuwich. i486. Breydenbach, Peregri- natio (in Latin). (Hain 3956.) Red morocco by Pratt. 19. Erhard Reuwich. Undated. Breydenbach, Reysen. (Hain 3958.) The rare undated German edition. Very fine copy. 20. Meydenbach. 1491. Ortus Sanitatis (by Jo- annes de Cuba). (Hain 8944.) Fine copy. STRASSBURG. 21. Mentelin. About 1465. Augustinus, Ars prae- dicandi, recto edition. (Hain 1955.) The Culemann copy, with rubricator's note dated 1469. Brown morocco by Bedford. 22. Mentelin. About 1465. Augustinus, Ars prae- dicandi, verso edition. (Hain 1956.) From the Munich library, Didot's and Lord Crawford's collections. Brown morocco by Lortic. 23. The R printer. About 1470 ? Jacques Le Grand, Sophologium. (Hain 10472.) The Syston Park copy. A fine specimen from the press of the cele- brated unknown Strassburg printer (often identified with Mentelin or Rusch) whose alphabet contains a most peculiar capital R. Olive morocco by Ridge. GERMANY 1 3 24. Eggesteyn. 1471. Clemens V, Constitutiones. (Hain 5413.) The Wodhull copy. The first or perhaps the second dated book from Eggesteyn's press, with a remarkable colophon, referring to the printer's previous productions. Old red English morocco. This is the only copy which has occurred for sale since 1835. 25. Eggesteyn (s. a.). Beda, Historia ecclesiastica. (Hain 2732.) The editio princeps of Bede. White vellum. 26. Eggesteyn (s. a.). Ludolfus de Suchen, Iter ad Terram Sanctam. (Hain 10307.) Perhaps the earliest printed relation of a journey to the Holy Land. Red morocco by Mackenzie. 27. Reinhard Gruninger. 1496. Terentius. (Hain I543I-) With numerous woodcuts. From the library of Jardel de Braines. (Wanting 1 f.) Old French calf. 28. Reinhard Gruninger. 1496. Lombardica his- toria. (Copinger 6466.) One of the rarest editions of Voragine's Golden Legend. Original binding in oak boards covered with stamped calf, with clasps. 29. Reinhard Gruninger. 1498. Horatius. (Hain 8898.) With remarkable woodcuts. Syston Park copy. Old stamped calf (rebacked). 30. Pruss. About 1490. Rolewinck, Fasciculus tem- porum. (Hain 6916.) From the Corbyn Barrow collection. 31. Heinrich Knoblochtzer (s. a.). Presbiter Io- hannes, De ritu et moribus Indorum. (Hain 9429.) Only six other copies are known, all in public libraries. GERMANY I 5 COLOGNE. 32. Ulric Zel. 1467. Augustinus, De singularitate clericorum. (Hain 2082.) The Sykes and Syston Park copy. The second dated book from Zel's press. Old blue English morocco. 33. Ther Hoernen. 1471. Thomas Aquinas, Quaes- tiones de quodlibet. (Hain 1401.) The Egerton and Wodhull copy, formerly in the Monastery at Rouge Val. Old russia. With the original ms. signatures. 34. Ther Hoernen. About 1471. Thomas Aquinas, De malo. (Hain 14 13.) The Rouge Val, Egerton and Wodhull copy in old russia. Though much rarer than no. 34, it was probably issued together with it, as several of the ten or twelve known copies are or were bound with copies of no. 33. 35. Ther Hoernen. 1474. Rolewinck, Fasciculus Temporum. (Hain 6918.) The Wodhull copy. Wanting 1 f. of table. Old white vellum. The editio princeps of Rolewinck's well known and once very popular work. 36. Dares printer. About 1470. Dares Phrygius, Historia Troiana. (Hain 5957.) From the Syston Park and Crawford collections. Green morocco. 37. Aug. de fide printer. 1473. Richardus de Bury, Philobiblon. (Hain 41 51.) The Wodhull copy. Editio princeps. Red morocco. 38. Gotz de Sletztat and Caxton ? About 1472. Bar- tholomaeus Anglicus, De proprietatibus rerum. (Hain 2498.) The Crawford copy of this exceedingly rare volume, which Caxton probably helped to print. Blue morocco. GERMANY 1 7 39. Gotz de Sletztat. 1478. Rolewinck, Fasciculus temporum. (Hain 6922.) With the interesting copper-plate device. Nos. 40 — 42 are bound together in the original binding. (Oak boards covered with stamped vellum.) All three have the remarkable woodcut frontispiece. 40. Quentell. 1496. Boethius, Cato cum glosa. (Hain 4735.) 41. Quentell. 1497. Boethius, De consolatione. (Hain 3390.) 42. Quentell. 1498. Boethius, De disciplina scho- larium. (Hain 3425.) 43. Koelhoff. 1499. Cronica van der hilliger Stat van Coellen. (Hain 4989.) Old German binding, in oak boards and stamped vellum, from the Didot collection. Numerous woodcuts. This is the celebrated Cologne chronicle which contains a valuable statement on the discovery of printing. 44. C. de Zieriksee. 1495 ? Mandeville, Itinerarius. (Copinger 3831 and 3832.) Old white vellum. * 45. C. de Zieriksee. 1495 ? Joh. de Hese, Itine- rarius. (Hain 8535.) The Inglis copy. Only one other copy is known. 46. C. de Zieriksee. 1495 ? Joh. de Hese, Itine- rarius. (Copinger 2948.) Only two or three copies are known. Olive morocco by Bedford. AUGSBURG. 47. Gunther Zainer. 1469. Aurbach, Summa de sacramentis. (Hain 2124.) Bound with no. 1, a. 2 GERMANY 1 9 48. Gunther Zainer. About 1471. Imitatio Christi. (Hain 8589, part.) The rare editio princeps of this famous book. Probably from the Culemann sale. Brown morocco. 49. Gunther Zainer. About 1471. Gerson, Donatus etymologisatus. (Hain 7723 = 8589, part.) Bound with 2 ff. from an early hagiographical ms. With original final blank. 50. Schiiszler. 1471 ? Turrecremata, Explanatio in Psalterium. (Hain 15693.) Old vellum binding. From St Nicholas of Passau. 51. Pflanczmann. 1475. Das puch das Rabi Samuel.... (Hain 14272.) Only three or four copies are known. NUREMBERG. 52. Sensenschmid. 1472. Alb. de Eyb, Margarita poetica. (Hain 6818.) Old oak boards and stamped vellum. 53. Fr. Creussner. About 1475. The lower half of a leaf from a Donatus. An interesting specimen of Creuss- ner's large second type. (Hain 6353 ?) 54. Koberger. 1493. H. Schedel, Nuremberg chronicle. (Hain 14508.) With about 2250 woodcuts. Perfect with the three blanks and the rare additional leaves de Sarmatia. Old vellum binding. 55. Hochfeder. 1494. A Kempis, Opera. (Hain 9769.) Very fine copy in original binding. 2 — 2 GERMANY 2 1 SPEIER. 56. J. & C. Hist. I483. RlCHARDUS DE BURY, Philobiblon. (Hain 4150.) Much rarer than the first edition. The Fuller-Russell copy. Purple morocco by Mackenzie. 57. J. & C. Hist ? (s. a.). De raptu animae Tundali. (Hain 15541 ?) This is apparently different from all described editions. Red morocco by Bedford. ESSLINGEN. 58. Fyner. 1474. Thomas Aquinas, Postilla in Job. (Hain 1397.) This and the following are bound with no. 1. 59. Fyner (s. a.). Gerson, Conclusiones. (Hain 7641.) ULM. 60. Reger de Kemnat. 1496. Caoursin, Stabili- menta militum hierosolymitanorum. (Hain 4364 a.) The Seilliere copy in a beautiful Lavalliere morocco double binding by Chambolle-Duru. Many woodcuts. 61. Reger de Kemnat. 1496. Caoursin, Obsidio Rhodiae. (Hain 4369.) The Lakelands copy. Many woodcuts. LUBECK. 62. Brandis de Schasz. 1475. Rudimentum noviti- orum. (Hain 4996.) Imperfect. The first book containing a map of the world and the first book printed at Lubeck. Old calf. HOLLAND 23 HOLLAND. UTRECHT. 63. Prototypographer. 1460 ? Alexander Gallus, Doctrinale. A single leaf on vellum of a 32 line edition. This edition is only known by similar single leaves rescued from bindings. This is therefore unique. From the Earl of Crawford's collection. 64. Prototypographer. 1465 ? Ludovicus Pontanus de Roma, Singularia juris. (Hain 13264; Campbell 1186.) The Syston Park copy. Of the highest rarity, only four (?) other copies being known. This and no. 63 belong to the class long known as Costeriana. Purple morocco. 65. Ketelaer and De Leempt. 1473 ? Defensorium fidei. (Hain 6083 ; Campbell 558.) Red morocco. 66. Ketelaer and De Leempt. 1473 ? A. Kempis (?), Soliloquium animae. (Copinger 5551 ; Campbell 1567.) The Syston Park copy. Red morocco by C. Lewis. DEVENTER. 67. Paffroet. 1499. J oh. de Hese, Itinerarius. (Hain 8537 ; Campbell 1032.) The Seilliere copy in a handsome French binding. (Brown morocco by Pagnant.) CULENBORCH. 68. Veldener. 1483. Spieghel onser behoude- nisse. (Hain 14927; Campbell 1573.) Only nine copies are known ; all are probably imperfect except this one which is quite complete and in very fine condition. This is very valuable as containing about 100 woodcuts from the original woodblocks of the famous xylotypographic Speculum humanae salvationis. From the Seilliere collection. ITALY 25 ITALY. SUBIACO. 69. Sweynheym and Pannartz. 1465. Lactantius. (Hain 9806.) The first book printed in Italy and the second book containing portions in Greek. A beautiful copy, with the rare 2 additional ff. of errata. The last book that Bedford bound. Red morocco. ROME. 70. Sweynheym and Pannartz. 1468. Lactantius. (Hain 9807). The first book in which occurs a passage printed in Italian. Old English russia. 71. Sweynheym and Pannartz. 1468. Rodericus Zamorensis, Speculum humanae vitae. (Hain 13939.) From the Rivarola collection. Russia. 72. Lignamine. 1474. Martinus Polonus, Chronica pontificum. (Hain 10857.) The first, or perhaps second, book naming Gutenberg as a printer. This is slightly different at the end from the Spencer copy, and wants the last leaf. Blue morocco. 73. Eucharius Silber. 1490. Sallustius. (Hain 14217.) One of the rarest xvth century editions of Sallust. 74. Oliverius Servius. 1481. Aeneas Sylvius, Ab- breviatio in decades Blondi. (Hain 259.) The Kloss copy. Oak boards. 75. P. de Turre. 1490. Ptolomaeus, Geographia. (Hain 13541.) A very fine copy with excellent impressions of the 27 copper-plate maps, which are identical to those in Buckink's edition. In many copies the maps are wanting. Green morocco. ITALY 27 76. Unknown printer. About 1480. Taxe sacre peni- tentiarie apostolice. Apparently different from all described editions. VENICE. 77. Vindelinus de Spira. 1470. Augustinus, De 'civitate Dei. (Hain 2048.) The fourth book printed at Venice and the first from Vindelin's press. The Culemann copy. Brown calf. 78. Vindelinus de Spira. 1471. Cyprianus, Episto- lae. (Hain 5897.) 79. Vindelinus de Spira. About 1471. Martialis. (Hain 10809.), The Wodhull copy of the editio princeps of Martial. Red morocco by Wier. 80. Jenson. 1472. Plinius Major. (Hain 13089.) A beautiful copy, one of the tallest known, in the original stamped leather binding. One of the most handsome books from the Venetian presses. 81. Erhard Ratdolt. 1482. Euclides. (Hain 6693.) Contemporary stamped vellum binding; from the Munich library. The editio princeps. 82. Erhard Ratdolt. 1482. Hyginus. (Hain 9062.) Remarkable woodcuts. With the rare first blank. Olive morocco. 83. Erhard Ratdolt. 1483. Eusebius, Chronicon. (Hain 6717.) Original limp vellum wrapper. 84. Erhard Ratdolt (s. a.). Chyromantica scientia. (Hain 4971.) With woodcuts. Exceedingly rare, only five or six copies being known. White vellum. ITALY 29 85. Raynaldus de Novimagio. 1481. Josephus. (Hain 9453 and 9456.) From the Luscombe collection. White vellum. 86. Bernardinus Rizus. 1490. Portolano. (Hain 13302.) The Gaisford copy. Dark green morocco. 87. Gulielmus de Piancerreto. 1485. Bartholomeo [Zamberto], Isolario. (Hain 2538.) Probably from the Reina and Libri sales. With 47 full-page maps. Russia. 88. Hamman de Landoia. 1496. Regiomontanus, Epytoma in Almagestum. (Hain 13806.) 89. Bern, de Vitalibus. (Venetus.) 1499. Pomponio Leto, Romanae historiae compendium. (Hain 9830.) A fragment only, bound after no. 90. 90. Aldus Manutius. 1496. Benedictus Paeantius, Diaria de bello Carolino. (Hain 805.) Bishop Butler's copy of one of the rarest books in the Aldine series. Olive morocco by Aitken. 91. Aldus Manutius. 1497. Leonicenus, De morbo gallico. (Hain 10019.) Probably the first book on the subject. (Without the erratum.) Red morocco by Kalthoeber. 92. Venice ? About 1490. Imitatio Christi (in 8vo., 100 ff.) (Copinger 3221.) One of the rarest of all editions of the Imitatio, only one, or perhaps two other copies being known. From Marcel Schwob's collection. Brown janseniste morocco. MILAN. 93. Antonius Zarotthus. 1475. Cicero, Epistolae familiares. (Hain 5215.) De Bure's copy. Only four others are known, all in public libraries. The printer was the prototypographer of Milan. ITALY 3 1 94. Pachel. 1495. Bernardus, Sermones. (Hain 2850.) Bound with the following, in white vellum : 95. Pachel. 1495. Bernardus, Epistolae. (Hain 2873.) Both 94 and 95 are exceedingly rare. 96. Bissolus and Mangius. 1499. Suidas, Lexicon. (Hain I5I35-) A beautiful specimen of early Greek printing and the editio princeps of Suidas. Old red morocco. FLORENCE. 97. Nicolo di Lorenzo. 1477. Antonio [Bettini] da Siena, Monte sancto di Dio. (Hain 1276.) The Syston Park (formerly Sykes ?) copy of a very rare book, the first dated volume with copper-plate engravings (1 plate in facs.). Olive morocco. 98. Nicolo di Lorenzo. 1481. Dante, Divina Come- dia. (Hain 5946.) The first edition containing Landino's commentary. One of the few copies with three copper-plate engravings from Botticelli's designs, believed to be by Baccio Baldini. These copies are much rarer than those with two engravings. Old russia. TREVISO. 99. Rubeus. Quintilianus. (Hain 13644.) From Watson Taylor and the Duke of Sussex' sales. (Perhaps the Crevenna copy.) Old French red morocco. BOLOGNA. 100. Abraham ben Chaiim. 1482. Pentateuchus hebraice. (Hain 12568.) The exceedingly rare first edition of the Hebrew Pentateuch, a perfect copy on vellum, the lower corner of the first nine leaves being supplied in manuscript. Only twelve other copies on vellum are known to exist. Old calf. ITALY SWITZERLAND FRANCE 33 PARMA. 101. Stephanus Corallus. 1476. Plinius Major. (Hain 13091.) A fine copy in the original binding. (Oak boards and stamped leather.) VICENZA. 102. Hermannus Levislapis. 1475. Ptolemaeus, Cosmographia. (Hain 13536.) White vellum. SWITZERLAND. bAle. 103. Kesler. 1491 ? Bernardinus de Senis, Ser- mones. (Hain 2828.) With a valuable rubricator's colophon dated 1494. Brown morocco. FRANCE. PARIS. 104. Gering, Krantz and Friburger. 1471. Fichet, Rhetorica. (Hain 7057.) A beautiful specimen from the first Paris press. Cardinal Lomenie de Brienne's and Michael Wodhull's copy. Old green morocco by Derome le jeune. Only fifteen other copies are known, of which at least twelve are in public libraries. 105. Gering, Krantz and Friburger. 2nd press. 1475 ? Bartholomaeus Pisanus, Summa. (Hain 2525.) Cardinal Lomenie de Brienne's copy. 106. G. Lerouge. 1493 ? Caoursin, Stabilimenta militum hierosolymitanorum. (In French.) (Hain 4365 ?) From the Seilliere sale. This is possibly the Baluze, Roxburghe, Heber, Giraud, Solar and Minoret copy (though it does not bear Baluze's signature). If so, only five other copies are known, all in French public libraries. Handsome red morocco binding by Belz-Niedre"e. a. 3 FRANCE SPAIN 35 107. Printer unknown. Macer Floridus, De viribus herbarum. Perhaps unique, as the published descriptions do not tally with this copy. TOULOUSE. 108. Henri Mayer. About 1485. Guillaume du Brueil, Stilus parliamenti. (Copinger 5666.) Original binding in brown calf. Only two other copies are known, both in French public libraries. From the Lantelme collection. SPAIN. VALLADOLID. 109. Giraldi and de Planes. About 1497. Alfonso della Torre, Vision delettable. (Haebler no. 645.) Only one other copy exists, being in the National Library at Madrid. From the same press as the Spanish letter of Christopher Columbus of which the unique copy is at Milan. Brown morocco by Bedford. SEVILLA. 110. Paul of Cologne, Johannes Pegnitzer, Magnus Herbst de Filz and Thomas Glockner. 1490. Alfonso de Palentia, Vocabulario. (Hain 12255 5 Haebler no. 5 10.) Only two other copies are known, being in the libraries of Madrid and Lisbon. Old white vellum, 2 vols. BURGOS. 111. Fadrique Biel. 1487. Alf. de Cartagena, Doctrinal de los caualleros. (Hain 4538 and 6313 ; Haebler no. 124.) Four ff. are in facsimile. Salva's copy, now in the British Museum, is said to be the only existing perfect copy. Old red morocco. 3— 2 ENGLAND 37 ENGLAND. WESTMINSTER. 112. William Caxton. 1474? Lefevre, Recuyell of historyes of Troye. (Hain 7048.) [Printed at Bruges.] The only perfect copy known of the first book printed in the English language, although another in poor condition is said to be at Longleat. A very fine copy, with the original initial blank, from Bryan Fairfax', Francis Child's and the Earl of Jersey's collections. Green morocco by C. Lewis. (270 x 200 mm.) 113. William Caxton. 1475 ? Cessolis, Game of chesse. (1st ed.) (Hain 4902.) [Printed at Bruges.] Lord Petre's copy, quite perfect and sound, but without the two blanks, on stout paper, bound in old English calf. Only four other perfect copies are known, two being in public collections, the others being the Holford and Pembroke copies. (257 x 185 mm.) 114. William Caxton. 1477. Dictes and sayings. (1st ed.) (Hain 4902.) The first book printed in England. A fine copy, wanting the three blanks and the two last ff., but having the very important leaf with the date 1477. From the Harleian library, Bryan Fairfax', Francis Child's and the Earl of Jersey's collections. Only 5 perfect, 1 made perfect, and 6 im- perfect copies are known. Only 6 copies including this one are still in private hands, only two of these being perfect. Old English calf. (276 x 200 mm.) 115. William Caxton. 1478. Christine de Pisan, Morale prouerbes. (Hain 4987.) Bound after the Dictes and sayings (no. 114). Perfect and clean, being the finest of the three known copies, the other two being in the Miller and Rylands libraries. (276 x 200 mm.) 116. William Caxton. 1478-9 ? Boecius, De con- solatione philosophiae. (Hain 4987.) Perfect (without the initial blank ; a few ff. transposed). Old English calf. From "a nobleman's" sale (13 July 1887). Only seven other perfect copies are known, all in public libraries except the Chatsworth copy. (276 x 195 mm.) ENGLAND 39 117. William Caxton. 1481. Mirrour of the world. (1st ed.) (Hain 11656.) Perfect and very clean, with the original blank. Only nine other perfect copies are known of which four are in public libraries. The Ratcliffe copy now in the British Museum is the only other copy described as having the original blank. From Bryan Fairfax', Francis Child's and the Earl of Jersey's libraries. Old calf. (236 x 153 mm.) 118. William Caxton. 1481. Tulle of olde age. (Hain 531 1.) The treatise on olde age only, but that perfect and perhaps issued separately. Perfect and clean, without the initial blank, but with the very rare blank at a 6, from the Jolley and Corser collections. Modern olive morocco. (277 x 180 mm.) 119. William Caxton. 1481. Godfrey of Boloyne. (Hain 3684.) Perfect with both blanks, nearly uncut, absolutely clean and in the original oak boards covered with brown stamped leather. A matchless copy, from H. J. Todd's collection. Only two other perfect copies are known (British Museum and Holford collection). (284 x 204 mm.) 120. William Caxton. 1482. Higden, Polycronicon. (Hain 8659.) Wanting only 18 ff. and five blanks. From Sir Patrick Blake's and Robert Glendining's collections. Only three perfect and four perfected copies exist. This copy comes about fourth in order of quality among the imperfect copies of which over 25 are known. Purple morocco by Aitken. (257 x 184 mm.) 121. William Caxton. 1484. Voragine, Golden legend. (1st ed.) (Copinger 6473.) Wanting seven ff. in various parts and the last 29 ff., in all 33 ff. and three blanks. A tall and fine copy from the Craven Ord and Fuller- Russell collections. No perfect copy is known except the Spencer copy, made up with a number of leaves from Douce's collection. Old russia. (388 x 268 mm.) 122. William Caxton. 1487 ? Voragine, Golden legend. (2nd ed.) (Copinger 6473.) No less than 229 ff. of no. 121 belong to the second edition, the same ENGLAND 4 I admixture existing as in the Cambridge copy (which has 244 ff. of the second edition). None of the four other known copies have more than 170 leaves of this edition, so that this copy is second to none but the Cambridge copy; it is the only one still in private possession. 123. William Caxton. 1489. Christine de Pisan, Fayttes of armes. (Hain 4988, 15918.) Sir William Tite's copy made perfect with the two first leaves supplied from Samuell Rowley's shorter copy (243 mm.). There is a unique set-off on the blank verso of f. 2. Twelve perfect copies are known, only five, including this one, being still in private hands. Purple morocco by Clarke. This copy was formerly in the Marlborough, Ch. Meigh, J. Wilk and C H. Crauford collections. (267 x 184 mm.) 124. William Caxton. 1490. Virgil, Eneydos. (Co- pinger 6159.) Perfect (without the blanks), the Earl of Jersey's copy, formerly in the libraries of George Jackson, Bryan Fairfax and Francis Child. Eight other perfect copies are known, all except two being in public libraries. With Caxton's device. Old English calf. (257 x 176 mm.) 125. William Caxton. 1491 ? Four sermons. (2nd ed.) (Copinger 5400.) Wanting the last nine leaves. The Culemann copy, from Samuel Addington's sale. The Spencer-Rylands copy is the only perfect one known, the three other known copies (British Museum, Cambridge, Chatsworth) being imperfect. Modern orange morocco by Hayday. (258 x 185 mm.) 126. [Caxton's press continued.] 1491. Chastysing of goddes Chyldern. (Hain 4920.) Perfect and fine. The White Knights' copy, from Lord Aylesford's sale. Ten other perfect copies are known, seven being in public libraries. Modern brown morocco. (268 x 194 mm.) 127. [Caxton's press continued.] 1493. Tretyse of love. (Hain 10224.) Perfect and fine. Bound after no. 126; only seven other copies are known, six being in public libraries, and the seventh at Chatsworth. (168 x 194 mm.) ENGLAND 43 128. [Caxton's press continued.] 1493. Voragine, Golden legend. (3rd ed.) (Copinger 6474.) Very imperfect, wanting about 80 leaves, but very clean. An interest- ing copy from the libraries of Frank Hall Standish, King Louis Philippe of France, Duke d'Aumale and William Blades. Modern brown morocco. (270 x 209 mm.) 129. Wynkyn de Worde. 1495. Jerome, Vitas patrum. (Copinger 2961.) The first f. in facsimile. Otherwise an exceptionally fine copy from the libraries of the Duke of Sussex (?), William Maskell and Lord Crawford, with many rough edges. This is the celebrated book "whiche hath be translated out of frensshe in to Englysshe by Wyllyam Caxton of West- mynstre late deed, and fynysshed it at the laste daye of his lyff." Violet morocco. (270 x 233 mm.) 130. Wynkyn de Worde. 1495. Higden, Poly- cronicon. (Hain 8668.) Perfect, and exceedingly rare in this state, even the British Museum and the Spencer copies being imperfect. First and last leaf mended. Black morocco by Pratt. (253 x 177 mm.) 131. Wynkyn de Worde. About 1495. Bartholo- maeus Anglicus, De proprietatibus rerum. (Hain 2520.) A very fine and tall copy (286 x 208 mm.) wanting only the last leaf. (F. 1 inlaid.) From Cecil Dunn Gardner's collection. Russia. 132. Wynkyn de Worde. 1496. "Juliana Barnes," Book of St Albans. (Hain 2466.) Perfect, and exceedingly rare in that state. This edition contains the treatise on fishing which is not in the St Albans edition. F. 1 inlaid. Russia. 133. Wynkyn de Worde. 1496. Lyndewode, Con- stitutiones provinciales. (Hain 3656 and 1036.) Perfect. With the celebrated colophon "Apud Westmonasterium in domo Caxton." From the library of John Forbes of Boyndlie. Original (?) calf binding. ENGLAND 45 LONDON. 134. Lettou and Machlinia. Vieux abridgement des statutes. (Copinger 5609.) Perfect. The Culemann copy. White vellum. 135. Pynson. 1494. Legrand, Book of good manners. Wanting 2 ff., but unique, no other copy having ever been discovered, in spite of diligent researches. From the collections of Richard Heber, Bliss and Cecil Dunn Gardner. Blue morocco by C. Lewis. (Cf. the facsimile of the last page.) 136. Julian Notary. 1499. Four sermons. (Hain 7036. 2.) Imperfect. Only two other copies seem to be known, both imperfect, one of them being in the British Museum, the other in Rev. J. Ellis' collec- tion (the Jersey copy). This copy is from the libraries of John Brand and Richard Heber. OXFORD. 137. Prototypographer. 1479. Leonardus Aretinus, In libros ethicorum Aristotelis. (Hain 1749.) The second book printed at Oxford and the first with a certain date. Four ff. in the middle are in facs. ; the missing ff. are in the Spencer copy, now in the John Rylands library. Lord Spencer discarded this copy which was afterwards in the Bright and Ashburnham collections. Only seven other copies are known, all in public libraries except the copy at Wilton. Green morocco. 138. Thierry Rood. 1482. Latteburius, In Threnos Jeremiae. (Hain 9928.) A fine copy, wanting only one leaf. From the Towneley and Madan collections. With the woodcut border on the title-page. Calf. SAINT ALBANS. 139. The Scholemaster. 1484? Chronicle of St Albans. (Hain 4997.) A very fine copy (272 x 205 mm.), one of the finest known, wanting only the table at beginning, but having both the rare blank at a 1 and the last printed f. with the typographical device (a few letters of last f. in facs.). Black morocco by Maltby. No perfect copy is quoted, even the Grenville copy wanting one leaf; but Mr Gordon Duff tells me that Bradshaw saw a perfect copy at Longleat. BOOKS FROM SOME NOTABLE EARLY ENGLISH PRESSES OF THE BE- GINNING OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. WYNKYN DE WORDE. 140. Bishop Fyssher, Treatise concernynge the fruyt- full saynges of Dauyd. (Exposycyon of the vii psalmes.) (London, Wynkyn de Worde, 1508, in 4to.) Perfect. From Frederick Perkins' collection. Purple morocco by Clyde. 141. Promptuarium paruulorum. (London, Wynkyn de Worde, 1510, in 4to.) From the Wilbraham collection. The only copy known and the one described by Dibdin. Blue morocco. 142. Robert Whitinton, Sintaxis. (London, Wyn- kyn de Worde, 1524, in 4to.) From Arthur Dairy mple's collection. Old calf. 143. Robert Whitinton, Secunda grammatica pars. (London, Wynkyn de Worde, 1524, in 4to.) Bandinel's copy. 144. Robert Whitinton, Lucubrationes. De Syno- nimis..., etc. (London, Wynkyn de Worde, 1525, in 4to.) From the Dalrymple collection. White vellum. 145. Richard Whytford, The Martiloge in Englysshe. (London, Wynkyn de Worde, 1526, in 4to.) Original binding, in stamped leather, lined with a leaf from an early printed De modis significandi. EARLY ENGLISH PRINTERS 49 146. Mirkus, The Festyuall. (London, Wynkyn de Worde, 1528, in 8vo.) From W. Maskell's and A. I. B. Beresford Hope's collections. Blue morocco. 147. The Fruyte of redempcyon. (London, Wyn- kyn de Worde, 1532, in 4to.) From Sir William Tite's sale. JULIAN NOTARY. 148. Cronycle of Englonde with the fruyte of tymes. (London, Julian Notary, 1515, in fol.) A fine copy in old calf from the library of Robert Myddleton. Another copy, in old russia, from Richard Farmer's collection, wanting the five first ff. but containing at the end the Dyscrypcyon of Englonde not in the first copy. WILLIAM FAQUES. 149. Psalterium. (London, William Faques, 1504, in 8vo.) Old red English morocco. The Ashburnham copy. R. PYNSON. 150. [John Stanbridge ?], What nownys maketh comparison al adjectives.... (London, R. Pynson, about 1510, in 4to.) Possibly unique. Red morocco. 151. Textus Alexandri cum sententiis et con- structionists. (London, R. Pynson, 1516, in 8vo.) From William Bromley's library. Olive morocco. 152. Guilelmus Hormanus, Vulgaria. (London, R. Pynson, 1519, in 8vo.) The Lakelands copy. Russia. 153. Year Book. Anno regni Regis E. iii. xlv. (London, Richard Pynson, about 1520, in fol.) Very fine copy. Not recorded in the Handlists of English printers but already known from a copy in the British Museum 5805. a. 6. Purple morocco by Bedford. a. 4 EARLY ENGLISH PRINTERS 5 1 153 bis. Year Book. Anno regni regis Edwardi tertij post conquestum quadragesimo septimo. (London, Richard Pynson, 1520, in fol.) Very fine copy. Also omitted in the Handlists but also in the British Museum 5805. a. 8. Purple morocco by Bedford. 154. King Henry VIII, Assertio septem sacramen- torum adversus Martinum Lutherum. (London, R. Pynson, 1521, in 4to.) Black morocco by Pratt. 155. Froissart's chronicles, translated by John Bourchier. (London, R. Pynson, 1523-1525, in fol.) 2 vols. The original Pynson edition which is much rarer than the reprint issued in 1525 by Myddleton. Nearly all copies contain leaves from the reprint, but this fine copy is throughout of the genuine Pynson issue and quite perfect. One or two ff. are mended. In a handsome red morocco binding by Bedford. 156. A copy of the letters, wherin the most redouted & mighty Prince, our souerayne Lorde Kyng Henry the eight,. ..made answere unto a certayne letter of Martyn Luther,... also the copy of ye foresayd Luther's letter. (London, Richard Pynson [1526], in 8vo.) From the Simes' collection. Blue morocco. ROBERT COPLAND. 157. The begynnynge and foundacyon of the holy hospytall of the ordre of the knyghtes hospytallers of saynt Johan baptyst of Jerusalem. (London, Robert Coplande, 1524, in fol.) Probably unique, being omitted by Plomer in the Handlists of English printers. Wanting probably the initial blank and title-page. Contains an account of the siege of Rhodes in 1522. From W. H. Crawford's collection. 4—2 EARLY ENGLISH PRINTERS 53 JOHN HAWKINS. 158. Jehan Palsgrave, Lesclaircissement de la langue Francoyse. (London, John Haukyns, 1530, in fol.) Very fine copy from the Wilbraham library. Only about ten copies are known. It is the first French grammar printed in England. Stamped calf. RICHARD FAWKES. 159. The Myrroure of Oure Lady. (London, Richarde Fawkes, 1530, in fol.) From James West's and W. Herbert's libraries. Old calf. 160. John Rastell, Three dyaloges. — the fyrste... thc.existens of God. — seconde . . . the immortalyte of mannys soule. — thrydc.of purgatory. (London, John Rastell, 1530, in 4to.) From William Radford's collection. PETER TREVERIS. 161. The Grete Herball. (South wark, Peter Treveris, July 1526, in sm. fol.) The Heathcote copy, bound by Staggemeier and Welcher in panelled calf. 162. Robert Whitinton. Grammatices primae partis liber primus. (Southwark, Peter Treveris, 1522-1532 ? in 4to.) From Arthur Dalrymple's collection. Brown calf. 163. Robert Whitinton, Vulgaria. (Southwark, Peter Treveris, about 1530, in 4to.) Wanting the first 4 ff. LAURENCE ANDREWE. 164. Jerome of Bruynswike, The vertuose Boke of Distillacyon. (London, Laurence Andrewe, 1527, in 4to.) From Thomas Bateman's library. EARLY ENGLISH PRINTERS 55 WILLIAM RASTELL. 165. A dyaloge of syr Thomas More knyghte..., wheryn be treatyd dyuers maters, as of the veneracyon & worshyp of ymagys & relyques, prayng to sayntis & goynge on pylgrymage. Wyth many other thyngys touchyng the pestylent secte of Luther & Tyndale.... (London, William Rastell, 1531, in fol.) A fine copy, but slightly wormed at end. Purple morocco. 166. Robert Fabyan, Cronycle, conteynyng the cronycles of Englande and of Fraunce. (London, William Rastell, 1533, in fol.) 2 vols, (bound in one). Wanting 2 ff. at beginning of vol. 1 and 7 ff. at the end of vol. 11. From the libraries of Samuel Chandler and of Rev. W. Parr Greswell (who has added two pages of remarks in his autograph). Old vellum. For three other books from the same press, cf. infra nos. 371, 373 and 377- JOHN BYDDELL. 167. Erasmus of Roterodame, Enchiridion militis christiani. (London, John Byddell, 1534, in 8vo.) Bound with Henry VIII's arms (inlaid). From the Earl of Jersey's collection. (Cf. infra no. 401.) ROBERT REDMAN. 168. Richard Whytforde, The Pype or Tonne of the lyfe of perfection. (London, Robert Redman, 1532, in 8vo.) Bound, in the original calf, for King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, with the signature Anne, possibly in the autograph of the Queen of England. From the Fuller-Russell sale. For three other books from the same press, cf. infra nos. 376, 382 and 383- i6ett}DemffeeiiBe ecnnouDtge \i tlrggDingf Urs ttjactac^tiotjtn "gfjcloofs / mto to al(rcmrf nnt arttculcn tan Dcfupucve Cl):if?cli:fec reitguv gcmacet met ahemepner ccnDxacbtwbcpt tan DC IDtcnacnr Dn: &crcKen 3Bcfu CbUfn /Diebacr in ^wiRrrtant vm: re toctcn tc Xaridl / tcH5 acrn meitwe nocb talftijc lecrinojen en ftrocp* en/ ei oaerom oocfc gbcen gcincpnfcbap tnet cents «c £>rctcn oft ftetteracn cni)cbbcn.T»ricfc« 3J5riuDcmffc fv nt op befen tat fotgftcs acn/ot) b*t al be pjbenc Dt: Den !^cc re bicejen ' taw tan oojbcc= len mosben. TteMiWeTSritjDentffc Df^^brtooftf bet (Bbf^evtifftt *««• 4pcantcijch/t)!f t>en atvr Cbt'iMi^fft* C unmet* in fol.) Wanting the title and two last printed ff. supplied in facs. A number of margins are mended with a few letters in facs. The first Bible printed in Scotland and so rare that Fry could never obtain a perfect copy. (Darlow and Moule, no. 119.) 201. The New Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English out of the authentical Latin. (Reims, Iohn Fogny, 1582, in 4to.) Old calf. From Sir Charles Cotton's library. The editio princeps of the Roman Catholic version of the New Testament in English. (Darlow and Moule, no. 134.) 202. The Bible. (London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1599, in 8vo.) Titles inlaid. Geneva version, with Junius' Revelation, the remainder of the New Testament being in Tomson's revision. (Darlow and Moule, no. 189.) 203. The New Testament of Iesus Christ faithfully translated into English..., by the English College then Resident in Rhemes. Set forth the second time by the same College now returned to Doway. (Antwerp, Daniel Vervliet,*i6oo, in 4to.) A fine copy of the second edition of the Reims New Testament. Blue morocco by Holloway. (Darlow and Moule, no. 198.) 204. The Holie Bible faithfully translated into English out of the authentical Latin. (Doway, Laurence Kellam, 1609-1610, in 4to.) 2 vols. Old calf. The first edition of the celebrated Douai Bible. (Darlow and Moule, no. 231.) 205. The Holy Bible, Authorised version. (London, Robert Barker, 161 1, in fol.) Old oak leather-covered boards with metal bosses. Title mounted. Otherwise a very fine copy of the He issue of the first edition of the Authorised version. Collated throughout by Fry in 1862 who pronounced every leaf to be of the genuine first issue. (Darlow and Moule, no. 240.) BIBLES 79 206. The Holy Bible, Authorised version. (London, Robert Barker, 1611-1613, in fol.) Original pigskin. A fine copy of the She issue of the first edition of the Authorised version. (Darlow and Moule, no. 246.) 207. William Fulke. The Text of the New Testa- ment..., translated... by the Papists..., at Rhemes With a confutation. (London, Augustine Mathewes one of the assignes of Hester Ogden, 1633, in fol.) The fourth edition. (Darlow and Moule, no. 371.) Wanting the title. Bound with : 208. The same, A defense of the sincere and true translation of the Holy Scriptures in to the English tongue against..., Gregorie Martin.... (Ibid., 1633, in fol.) Old calf. 209. The Holy Bible, Authorised version. (Cam- bridge, Thomas Buck and Roger Daniel, s. a. [1638], in fol.) A fine copy of the revised Cambridge version, being King Charles I's own copy in a very fine contemporary binding with the King's arms and cipher embroidered on red velvet in gold and silver thread, and skilfully painted on the edges of the book. An important historical monument in a beautiful binding. (Darlow and Moule, no. 403.) 210. Another copy with the Metrical Psalms (1638) added at the end in a beautiful old blue morocco binding elaborately gilt, made about 1650 and ascribed to Hugh Hutchinson, BIBLES IN VARIOUS TONGUES. POLYGLOT, HEBREW, GREEK, LATIN, FRENCH, ITALIAN, SPANISH, DUTCH, GERMAN, &c. Cf. the Latin Bibles (1455 and 1462) described supra nos. 4 and 8, and the Hebrew Pentateuch (1482), supra no. 100. MS. 5. The Gospels according to Saint Luke and Saint John in Greek (ms. on vellum, xith century), 252 ff., long lines, 18 to a page (220x170 mm.). With fine coloured miniature portraits of the two Evangelists. The readings of this interesting ms. seem closely connected with those of the codex Alexandrinus and of Teschendorf 's mss. A, A and n. Old red velvet. MS. 6. The four Gospels in Armenian (ms. on paper, xvith century?) with miniatures of the four Evangelists and illuminated titles. Bound in old repousse' silver with the Crucifixion and Resurrection on the sides. MS. 7. The Pentateuch in Arabic, written for the use of the Samaritans (ms. on paper, xvnith century ?). From Silvestre de Sacy's library. 211. Biblia polyglotta, hebraice, chaldaice, graece et latine. (Alcala, Arnaldus Guillelmus de Brocario, 1514- 1517, in fol.) 6 vols. A perfect copy of the celebrated Complutensian polyglot published by Cardinal Ximenez. This contains the first edition of the Greek text of the Bible. A fine copy (of the issue with arms in red on the title-page) in old calf, from the Sunderland library. a. 6 BIBLES 83 212. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta..., Edidit Brianus Walton. (London, Thomas Roycroft, 1655-1657, in fol.) 6 vols. (Cf. the following.) 213. Edmundus Castellus, Lexicon Heptaglotton. {Ibid., 1669, in fol.) Bound in two vols, (uniform with the Bible). A very fine copy, ruled throughout, in old French green morocco, probably by Derome, with the arms, of Mirabeau l'alne, the celebrated statesman. 214. Via Sancta Quam non praeteribunt immundi, cum sit pro illis: A qua nee viatores, nee stulti aberrabunt. Siue Biblia Sacra eleganti et maiuscula characterum forma, qua ad facilem sanctae linguae & scripturae intelligentiam, nouo compendio, primo statim intuitu, literae Radicales & Seruiles, Deficientes & Quiescentes &c. : situ & colore discernuntur. Authore Elia Huttero. (Hamburg, Iohan- nes Saxo, 1587, in fol.) Old white vellum. 215. Novum instrumentum omne, diligenter ab Eras- mo Roterodamo recognitum & emendatum. (Bale, John Froben, February 1516, in fol.) Fine copy in original oak boards covered with stamped vellum. The first Greek New Testament published. 216. IIA'NTA TA X KAT' 'EHOXlTN KAAOT'MENA BIBAI'A ©EI'AS AHAAAtf TPA^lTS IIAAAIA~2 TE KAf NE'AS. Sacrae scripturae veteris nouaeque omnia. (Venice, in aedibus Aldi et Andreae Soceri, February 1518.) Old red morocco, by Froding (Amsterdam). A beautiful copy of the rare first Aldine Greek Bible, The first published edition of the Septuagint. 6—2 BIBLES 85 217. Novum Testamentum graece. (Paris, Robert Estienne, 1551, in 8vo.) 2 vols. Old red French morocco (by Boyet?). From William Beckford's library. 218. Vetus Testamentum iuxta Septuaginta ex auc- toritate Sixti V Pont. Max. editum. (Rome, Franciscus Zanetti, 1587, in fol.) The Duke of Sussex' copy of the authentic edition of the Sixtine Septuagint. Brown calf. 219. H' KAINH N AIA0H'KH. Novum Testamentum. (Cambridge, Thomas Buck, 1632, small, in 8vo.) In a beautiful old English inlaid binding of green, red and yellow morocco. 220. Biblia Latina. (Lyon, Iacques Mareschal, 21 March 1514, in 8vo.) Imperfect at beginning and end. Oak boards, covered with stamped vellum, with brass clasps and corners. On each side is the metal armorial bookplate of Sebastian zu Ebersberg 1508. 221. Testamentum nouum. Erasmus' Latin edition. (Bale, John Froben, 1522, in 8vo.) Long grained blue morocco, from George Soaper's collection. 222. Biblia Latina. (s. 1., I. F., 1528, in 4to.) Not in the Copinger collection. White vellum. 223. Biblia Sacrosancta Testamenti Veteris & Noui. (Zurich, Christ. Froschouer, 1544, in 4to.) A fine copy in an old German binding dated 1548, oak boards covered with elegant stamped vellum. A very rare edition, the New Testament being revised by Cholino and Gualther. BIBLES 87 224. Psalmorum libri quinque ad Hebraicam veri- tatem traducti, et summa fide, parique diligentia a Martino Bucero enarrati. Eiusdem commentarii In librum Iudicum & In Sophoniam Prophetam. (Paris, Robert Estienne, 1554, in fol.) In a fine contemporary English stamped leather binding, very well preserved and lined with two ff. from a Latin ms. of the xmth century. 225. The Four Gospels in French, with a table. (Paris, Simon de Colines, 1524, in 8vo.) Fine copy. Original stamped calf, rebacked. 226. Seconde partie du nouveau testament. (Paris, Simon de Colines, 1524, in 8vo.) Original binding. From Lord Crawford's collection. 227. La Bible, Qui est toute la Saincte escripture. En laquelle sont contenus, le Vieil Testament & le Nouueau, translatez en Francoys. Le Vieil, de Lebrieu : & le Nouueau du Grec. (Neufchatel, Pierre de Wingle, 1535, in fol.) Wanting the 5th preliminary leaf. Original leather-covered boards. The first French Protestant Bible with the celebrated acrostic on the last leaf: Les Vaudois peuple evangelique, Ont mis ce thresor en publique. 228. Nouveau Testament, translate et reveu de Grec en Francois par M. lean Caluin. (Geneve, Adam et lean Riveriz, 1551, in i6mo.) Title-page mended. Brown calf. 229. La Bible qui est toute la Saincte Escriture : contenant le Vieil & le Nouueau Testament. (Geneve, Francois Estienne, 1567, in 8vo.) 4 parts in 2 vols. Old French calf. Wanting a map and part of a leaf, in the New Testament. 230. Il Nuovo Testamento (in Latin and Italian). (Lyon, Guillaume Roville, 1558, in i6mo.) 2 vols. An exceedingly rare edition, not in the Copinger collection. Old black morocco. BIBLES 89 231. La Bibia, che si chiama il vecchio Testamento nuouamente tradutto in lingua volgare secondo la verita del testo Hebreo Quanto al nuouo Testamento e stato riueduto e ricorretto secondo la verita del testo Greco. (Geneva, Francesco Durone, 1562, in 4to.) Old stamped calf. 232. La Bibia, che si chiama il vecchio Testamento, nuouamente tradutto in lingua volgare secondo la verita del testo Hebreo. (Geneva, Francesco Durone, 1562, in 4 to.) Old red French morocco, probably by Derome. In this copy the New Testament is not of the same edition as in no. 231. 233. La Bibbia, cioe, i libri del Vecchio e del Nuouo Testamento. Nuouamente traslatati in lingua Italiana da Giouanni Diodati di nation Lucchese. (s. 1., 1607, in 4-to.) Original white vellum. 234. La Sacra Bibbia tradotta in lingua Italiana e commentata da Giovanni Diodati... Seconda Editione mi- gliorata ed accresciuta. (Geneva, Pierre Chouet, 1641, in foL) Elegant English binding of the xvnth century in dark green morocco, gilt. 235. Biblia En Lengua Espafiola traduzida palabra por palabra dela verdad Hebrayca por muy excelentes letrados vista y examinada por el officio dela Inquisicion. (Ferrara, Jeronimo de Vargas, 1553, in fol.) The first Spanish Bible, containing only the Old Testament and translated for the use of the Jews. This copy is one of the very few which have the Tabla de las Haphtaroth. Old brown calf. 236. La Biblia, que es los Sacros Libros del Vieio y Nueuo Testamento. Traslada en Espafiol. (s. 1. [Bale], 1569, in 8vo.) Translated by Cassiodoro Reyna. The celebrated " Bear Bible." Old blue morocco. BIBLES 91 237. El Testamento nuevo (in Spanish). (Ricardo de Campo, i.e. London, Richard Field, 1596, in 8vo.) A very rare Spanish Protestant New Testament. Old vellum. 238. Het Nieuwe Testament (in Dutch, with the Psalter). (Dordrecht, Hendrick en Jacob Keur, 1683, m i8mo.) In a tortoise-shell binding. 239. Das Newe Testament Deutsch. (Wittemberg [Melchior Lotter], s. a. [September 1522], in fol.) Wanting bb 1 and 6. The first edition of Luther's New Testament, with good impressions of the celebrated Cranach woodcuts, of which this is the earliest edition. The Duke of Sussex' copy. 240. Das Newe Testament Deutsch. (s. 1. et a. [1523?], in fol.) Apparently one of the earliest reprints of Luther's 1522 Wittemberg Bible. Wanting the prel. ff. Old oak boards covered with stamped vellum. 241. The Acts of the Apostles in German, Luther's version. (No date, no place or printer s name, in 8vo.) Printed on vellum, being the second volume of a New Testament. 30 lines to a page (including running-title). Manuscript prayers are added on old vellum fly leaves. From the collection of Henry J. Atkinson. In the Caxton Celebration catalogue no. 726, this edition is ascribed to the year 15 21. Green morocco. 242. Das Newe Testament mit fleyss verteutscht. (Nurenberg, Friderich Peypus, 1524, in fol.) Old oak boards covered with stamped leather. 243. Das Neuw Testament, Rechtgrundtlich teutscht. (Strassburg, Johan Knoblouch, 1525, in fol.) Title-page soiled. BIBLES 93 244. Das gantz New Testament (Jerome Emser's version). (Cologne, Heronem Fuchs for Peter Quentell, 23 August 1529, in fol.) A very rare edition. Fine copy in original oak boards, covered with stamped leather, with metal bosses and clasps. 245. Die Propheten alle Deudsch (Luther's transla- tion), (s. 1. [Wittemberg, Hans Lufft], 1534, in fol.) The second issue of Luther's translation of the Prophets. Bound with : 246. Das Newe Testament (Luther's translation). (Wittemberg, Hans Lufft, 1534, in fol.) The last ff. are torn and soiled. Old oak leather-covered boards. Coloured cuts. From the library of the Jesuits of Wurzburg. 247. Biblia, beider Alt und Newen Testamenten... Durch D. Iohan Dietenberger new verdeutscht. (Mayence, Peter Iordan for Peter Quentel at Cologne, 1534, in fol.) Wanting the last leaf. Elegant contemporary German binding in wooden boards covered with stamped vellum, with clasps. 248. Biblia. Das ist die ganze Heilige Schrifft Deudsch Auffs new zugericht. (Wittemberg, Hans Lufft, 1551, in fol.) Perfect. Coloured cuts and initials. 249. Biblia tu ie use suetu pismu Starigainu Noviga Testamenta Slovenski, tolmazhena, skusi Iuria Dalmatina. (Wittemburg, The heirs of Hans Krafft, 1584, in fol.) 2 vols. Old calf. A duplicate from the Vienna library. The very rare first edition of the Wendish Bible. BIBLES 95 250. Enchyridion ou manuel contenant plusieurs matieres traictees es liures de Lancien Testament ex- primees par figures. (Antwerp, Martin Empereur et Simon Coc, 1535, in 8vo.) With a number of woodcuts. Exceedingly rare, the Sussex-Ashburnham copy being the only one I can trace in sales since 1820. This interesting volume contains the same woodcut of Saint Paul as the " Engraver's mark" issue of the 1536 Tindale New Testament. Brown morocco. «3 a £ .+?*^*p ,i 0>A! '2 #W' o J>*. iS^aSl5S5'»SS^^ ^^^^^>^^^^>, ES *^^^!?m* I s-V <*■< g^Ssa^a Sites ^*™~^ '■■. 0) LITURGY. The books described below are nearly all connected with the Church of England. A few foreign books are inserted in the chronological sequence, their number not being sufficient to justify their being placed in a special series. Cf. supra nos. 7 and 149 for the liturgical Psalters of 1457 and 1504. MS. 8. Latin Psalter (ms. upon vellum, xmth century). The initials (some large) are illuminated in gold and colours. Written in England. Brown morocco by Bedford. MS. 9- Psalterium cum calendario (ms. on vellum, xvth century, 121 ff.). Imperfect at end. Written in England. Old brown morocco. MS. 10. Missale romanum (ms. on vellum, end of the xnth century). 1 30 ff. With fine red and blue initials. Written in France and showing several liturgical peculiarities particular to that country. White vellum. MS. 11. Missal in Latin (ms. on vellum, about a.d. 1400). With illuminated borders in gold and colours and small miniatures in some of the large initials. Part of the original stamped leather binding is preserved. Red morocco. MS. 12. Missale ad usum Sarum (ms. on vellum, 290 ff., xvth century). A fine ms. written in England, with elegant red and blue capitals. At the end is a prayer in the autograph of Sir Thomas Pope, the founder of Trinity College, Oxford, and the privy councillor of Queen Mary (1507- 1559). Old russia, a. 7 LITURGIES 99 MS. 13. Graduale in Latin for the use of a Dominican monastery (ms. on vellum, about a.d. 1200, 312 ff.). A very large folio volume in its old monastic binding with metal bosses, written throughout with the music ; it contains upwards of seventy very large illuminated initials, some occupying the whole height of the page and used by the illuminator as a framework for elaborate miniatures painted on a gold background. Belonged as early as 1251 to a German monastery. An important monument of early German painting. MS. 14. Pontificale Joannis II, Archiepiscopi Trevi- rensis et Marchionis Badensis (ms. on vellum, written in 1457 or shortly after). With numerous painted initials, armorial bearings and borders. A valuable palaeographical document for the history of printing, the writing being identical with the earliest large Missal type used in books from the presses of Gutenberg and Fust-Schoiffer, the musical portions closely resembling those contained in the 1457 Psalter. Red velvet. MS. 15. German book of Hours (ms. on vellum, early xvth century). With illuminated borders and medallions and a number of large miniatures. Old green morocco. MS. 16. A Latin book of Hours, containing the Office of the Virgin, the Seven Penitential Psalms, etc. (ms. on vellum, xvth century). With a number of very beautiful miniatures by an Italian artist of unusual merit. Old red morocco. MS. 17. Latin book of Hours (ms. on vellum, about 1450). Every page has a broad border illuminated in gold and colours. There are a number of half-page miniatures in the best French style and of a much higher grade of art than most books of the same kind. Red velvet. MS. 18. Latin book of Hours (ms. on vellum, late xvth century). With several miniatures by a French artist. Contains the Quinze joyes de Notre Dame, 7-2 LITURGIES IOI MS. 19. Horae B. V. Mariae secundum usum Sarum, with several Yorkshire commemorations (ms. on vellum, about 1471). On the first page is the signature Lutnley (about 1590) of John Lord Lumley, whose direct ancestor, the Yorkist, Sir Thomas Lumley, married Elizabeth Plantagenet, daughter of King Edward IV. The ms., which contains 1 1 very beautiful small miniatures and many illuminated borders, was apparently executed at Bruges about 1471 in Colard Mansion's shop either for King Edward IV, or for Caxton's patron, Lord Arundel, whose mss. belonged later to Lord Lumley. Caxton was probably then at Bruges working with Colard Mansion. The handwriting closely resembles Colard Mansion's and Caxton's types. From T. W. Bramston's collection. (Cf. the facsimile.) N.B. Several Caxtons are known to exist with the same signature Lumley, which also occurs in the Pepysian ms. of Ovid, supposed to be in Caxton's autograph. They may therefore be considered as presentation copies from the printer. MS. 20. Passional in English. Deuout Prayers of the Passyon of God (ms. on vellum, about 1440). With 39 rude coloured miniatures closely resembling the engravings of the earliest block-books, of which these drawings are the direct and imme- diate prototypes. From the library of J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. Red morocco. MS. 21. A ms. of Latin prayers written by John I slip, later Abbot of Westminster (ms. on vellum, xvth century). With rude miniatures. Original binding with the arms of King Henry VII. Brown calf stamped and gilt. A very rare provenance. 251. Missale ad usum Sarum. (Paris, Wolffgang Hopyl, 1515, in 8vo.) Only three other copies known, one of which is imperfect. Brown morocco by Bedford. 252. Hortulus animae cum horis beate virginis secundum consuetudinem Romane ecclesie. (s. 1., 1519, in 8vo.) Woodcuts and woodcut borders to every page. Original binding (leather-covered oak boards), wanting last leaf with imprint. 253. Martin Luther, Deudsche Messe und ordnung Goth's diensts. (Wittemberg, 1526, in 4to.) LITURGIES IO3 254. Prymer of Salysbury use. (Paris, Francois Reg- nault, 1531, in 8vo.) With numerous woodcuts. From the Duke of Sussex' library. Red morocco by Birdsall. 255. Primer off Salysburye use. (Paris, Yolande Bonhomme, widow of Thielman Kerver, for Johan Growte of London, 1532-1533, in i6mo.) A perfect copy, apparently the only one known, very fine, in the original stamped brown calf with goffered edges. From Lord Hampton's collection. 256. Kirchen Ordnung, in meiner gnedigen herrn der Marggrauen zu Brandenburg, und eins Erbern Rats der Stat Niirmberg.... (Nuremberg, Christopher Gut- knecht, 1533, in fol.) With several pages of woodcut music. Bound with : 257. Catechismus oder Kinderpredig (ibid., s. a.). Both are perfect and very fine. From Lord Crawford's collection. Neither of these two works are mentioned by Panzer, and according to the Crawford catalogue they are both unique, the second being " the original catechism from which that known as Archbishop Cranmer's was translated." Morocco by Thompson. 258. A goodly Prymer in Englysshe. (London, John Byddell for William Marshall, 1535, in 4to.) The preliminary leaves much damaged by water, otherwise a very fine copy. 259. Ordinatio Ecclesiastica Regnorum Daniae et Norwegiae et Ducatuum Sleswicensis Holtsatiae etcet. (Copenhagen, Ioannes Vinitor, 1537, in 8vo.) Original vellum wrapper. 260. Prymer in Englysshe after the use of Salysbury. (Rouen, Nycholas le Roux for Franchoys Regnault, 1538, in 8vo.) Old calf, from the Burton Constable library. Wanting 54 leaves. I cannot trace a perfect copy. Those in the British Museum, at Cam- bridge, and in Lord Aldenham's collection are all defective, as was also the copy owned in 1880 by Quaritch. LITURGIES IO5 261. Cardinal de Quignonez, Breuiarium Romanum. (Paris, Yolande Bonhomme, 1539, in i6mo.) Exceedingly rare, no other copy being mentioned in the bibliographical works which I have examined. This contains Pope Paul Ill's bull against King Henry VIII. Brown morocco. 262. The Manuall of Prayer, or the prymer in Englyshe. (London, Jhon Mayler for Jhon Waylande, 1539. in 8vo.) " Set forth by Jhon late bysshoppe of Rochester at the commandement of the ryght honourable Lorde Thomas Crumwel." Title in facs. Brown morocco. 263. The Epistles and GosPELLEs...(by Taverner). (London, Richard Bankes for Anthony Clerke, 1540, in 4to.) Old calf. From the libraries of R. Mead, G. North, M. Lort, and Lea Wilson. A sound copy. 264. The Prymer in Englyshe and Latyn wyth the Epystles and Gospelles. (London, Roberte Toye, 1542, in 4to.) From the Simes' collection. Morocco by Birdsall. 265. Martin Luther, Enchiridion piarum precatio- num. (Wittemberg, Johannes Lufft, 1543, in 8vo.) With fifty full-page woodcuts. The best edition of Luther's prayer- book. Brown morocco. 266. The Primer in Englishe and Latyn. (London, Richard Grafton, 1545, in 8vo.) Bound with : 267. The Pistels and Gospels. (London, J. Her- forde [1545 ?], small, in 4to.) Both are imperfect. Old calf. Illuminated initials. 267 bis. Also another imperfect copy, of a different edition of the Printer. Morocco by Birdsall. LITURGIES I07 268. The Primer, in English and Latin. (London, Edward Whitchurche, 1546, in 8vo.) Perfect. Old blue morocco from the libraries of Dr Lort, Michael Wodhull, George Frederick Nott, being the copy described by Herbert. Only one or two others appear to be known. 269. The Primer, set furth by the Kinges maiestie and his Clergie. (London, Richard Grafton, 1546, in 4to.) Portions of ff. 1 and 2 in facs. Some headlines cut into. Brown morocco. 270. The Primer, 1546. " Reprinted without any alteration." (London, about 1710, in 4to.) Old calf. This is probably the rare xvmth century facsimile reprint mentioned by Lowndes, from the White Knights' catalogue. 271. Iniunccions geuen by the moste excellent prince Edward the sixte. (London, Richard Grafton, 1547, in 4to.) Bound with : 272. Articles to bee inquired of in the kynges maies- ties visitacion. (London, Richard Grafton, s. a., in 4to.) And with : 273. Certayne Sermons or homilies.... (London, Richard Grafton, 1547, in 4to.) In a contemporary calf binding with Thomas Wotton's name and medallions, from the Bindley and Fuller-Russell collections. 274. Another copy of the Iniunccions only, from another issue, with variations in the colophon. Blue morocco by Clarke and Bedford. 275. Certayne Sermons or Homelies appoynted by the kynges maiestie, to be... redde... every Sondaye in their churches where they have cure. (London, Richard Grafton, 31 July 1547, in 4to.) A very fine copy. Brown calf. LITURGIES IO9 276. Certayne Sermons or Homelies, appoynted by the kynges maiestie. (London, Richard Grafton, 1548, in 4to.) Morocco by Holloway. 277. The forme and maner of makyng and conse- cratyngof Archebishoppes, Bishoppes.... (London, Richard Grafton, 1549, in 4to.) From King Edward VI's library with his arms and initials. A very handsome and interesting binding in brown calf with painted entrelacs. 278. The booke of the common praier and adminis- tracion of the Sacramentes. (London, Richard Grafton, March 1549, in fol.) Margins of calendar and communion mended, lower portion of A 3 — 4 in facs., Bb 4 in facs., last quire (>J< 1 — 4) missing. From Henry Latham's library. Brown calf. Another copy, in old calf, from the Earl of Jersey's library, in very fine preservation and wanting only the three preliminary leaves (which are to be found in the first copy). 279. The booke of the common prayer and adminis- tracion of the Sacramentes. (London, Edward Whitchurch, March 1549, in fol.) Perfect, but some headlines and marginalia cut into. From the library of the Duke of Grafton, afterwards in the Simes' collection. Purple morocco. 280. The booke of the common prayer and the ad- ministracion of the Sacraments. (London, Edward Whit- church, June 1549, in fol.) A very fine copy (title inlaid), from the libraries of Rev. Henry Dawson, Daly Bishop of Cashel, and Benjamin Greene Lake. Purple morocco. 281. John Werbecke. The booke of Common praier, noted. (London, Richard Grafton, 1550, in 4to.) Very fine copy from the Simes' collection. Morocco by Hayday. LITURGIES I 1 1 282. The Pystles and Gospels of everye Sonday and holy day in the yere. (London, William Powell, s. a., in 4to.) Perfect. Brown morocco. 283. John Hamilton, Archbishop of St Andrews. The Catechisme that is to say ane commone and catholyk instructioun (St Andrews, John Scot, 1552, in 4to.) Perfect. Title mended (a few letters in facs.), several ff. inlaid. Not more than a dozen copies are known. Brown morocco. 284. The Boke of common prayer, and administracion of the Sacramentes. (London, Edward Whitchurch, 1552, in fol.) The second leaf after the colophon is in facs. Otherwise fine. From the Simes' collection. Purple morocco. 285. The Boke of common prayer and administracion of the Sacramentes. (London, Edward Whitchurch, about 1552, in fol.) Imperfect at beginning and end, several ff. being supplied in MS. Original stamped calf. Different from no. 284. 286. The booke of Common Praier. (London, Richard Grafton, 1552-1553, in 8vo.) Wanting a leaf in the middle. Blue morocco. 287. The form of prayers and ministration of the Sacraments, &c, used in the Englishe Congregation at Geneva and approved by the famous and godly learned man John Calvyn. (Geneva, John Crespin, 1556, small in 8vo.) - With it are bound : 288 — 289. The Sternholde Psalter and the Cate- chisme (s. a.) from the same press. The Makellar copy. LITURGIES I I 3 290. The fourme and maner of makyng and con- secratyng Bishoppes.... (London, Richard Jugge, 1559, in fol.) An exceedingly rare edition of the Ordinal, only one other copy being mentioned by bibliographers. Old calf. 291. The Letanye, used in the Quenes Maiesties Chappel, according to the tenor of the Proclamation. (London, Richard Jugge, 1559, in 8vo.) Vellum wrapper made out of a piece of a Latin ms. 292. Iniunctions giuen by the Queens Maiestie, Anno Dom. 1559. (London, Jugge and Cawood ? 1559, in 4to.) Old brown calf decorated by " Archbishop Parker's binder." 293. Iniunctions geven by the Quenes Maiestie. (London, Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood, 1559, in 4*0.) Title-page soiled and torn. Bound with : 293 bis. . Articles to be enquyred in the visitation.... (Ibid., 1559.) 294. Book of common prayer, with the Psalter. (London, Richarde Jugge and John Cawoode, 1560, in 8vo.) Imperfect. Original binding in brown calf with metal bosses (rebacked). 295. Liber Precum publicarum. (London, Reynold Wolfe, [1560], in 4to.) Walter Haddon's translation. Red morocco. 296. George Buchanan, Psalmorum Davidis para- phrasis poetica. (Paris, Henry and Robert Estienne, [1564], in 8vo.) The earliest of all editions of this celebrated paraphrase. Con- temporary green morocco, from Francis Martin's collection. a. • 8 LITURGIES I I 5 297. George Buchanan, Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis. (Antwerp, Christopher Plantin, 1566, in i6mo.) Original vellum wrapper. The earliest editions of this Psalter are generally stated to be the undated Estienne edition and one published in 1566 at Strasburg. This volume also contains Buchanan's Jephthe. 298. The booke of common Prayer. (London, Richard Jugge and John Cawood, [1571], in 8vo.) Bound with : 299. The Psalter. (London, Richard Jugge and John Cawood, 1571, in 8vo.) And with : 300. The whole boke of Psalms..., (T. Sternhold, W. Whitingham, J. Hopkins). (London, John Daye, 1571, in 8vo.) In a beautiful contemporary stamped and painted binding by M Arch- bishop Parker's binder." From Lord Crawford's collection. 301. A Booke of Christian Prayers. (London, John Daye, 1578, in 4to.) The rare second edition of Queen Elizabeth's prayer-book, in a handsome modern binding in brown morocco. Of the first edition only one copy exists (the Queen's own), at Lambeth. 302. Psalmi Davidis a G. Buchanano versibus ex- pressi. (Lyon, Charles Pesnot, 1579, oblong in 4to.) Remarkable contemporary English brown calf binding, elaborately gilt and with the arms of King James VI of Scotland. 303. Psalmorum Davidis et aliorum Prophetarum libri quinque. (London, Thomas Vautrollier, 1580, in 8vo.) In a beautiful contemporary French brown morocco binding in the Eve style. From the Syston Park library. 304. Book of Common Prayer. (London, Christopher Barker, 1581, in i6mo.) Imperfect at beginning. Bound with : 305. The Psalmes in meeter. (London, John Daye, 1581, in i6mo.) Wanting title. Original brown calf binding. 8—2 LITURGIES I I 7 306. Psalterium Graece. (Antwerp, Christopher Plantin, 1584, in 3 2 mo.) In a remarkable contemporary red morocco Dutch binding, gilt all over. From the Syston Park library. 307. Officia Sanctorum Toletanae ecclesiae. A. S. D. N. Gregorio .xiij. approbata. Et illustriss. ac Reueren- diss. D. D. Gasparis Quiroga, S. R. E. Cardin. Archiep. Tolet. iussu edita. (Madrid, Widow of Alfonso Gomez, 1584) Old vellum. From the libraries of the Earl of Arundel (?), the Duke of Norfolk, and the Royal Society. 308. The Booke of Common Prayer. (London, Robert Barker, 1603, in fol.) Bound with : 309. The Psalter. (Same date.) Old calf. Much rarer than the 1604 edition. 310. The booke of Common Prayer, and Administra- tion of the Sacraments. (London, Robert Barker, 1604, in fol.) Bound with : 311. The Whole Booke of Psalmes, Collected into English Meeter by Thomas Sternhold, Iohn Hopkins and others. (London, for the Company of Stationers, 1604, in fol.) A very fine copy of this rare edition. Old stamped calf, from the Simes' collection. 312. The Booke of Common Prayer. (London, Robert Barker, 1605, in 8vo.) Brown calf, with the arms of King James I. 313. The Book of Common Prayer. (In 4to.) Wanting title, all Q, R, S, T, and a corner of Ii 6. Headlines cut into. Old calf (without upper cover). LITURGIES 119 314. Leabhar Nanurnaightheadh.... (Dublin, John Franckton, 1608, in fol.) The first edition of the Book of Common Prayer in the Irish language and writing. From the D. H. Kelly and W. H. Crawford (Lakelands) libraries. 315. A Booke of Christian Praiers. (London, Com- pany of Stationers, 1608, in 4to.) Queen Elizabeth's prayer-book. Bound with : 316. The Whole Book of Psalmes. (Thomas Stern- hold, John Hopkins.) (London, Companie of Stationers. 1616, in 8vo.) Contemporary brown calf binding, with the arms of King James I. From the Bramston collection. 317. The CL Psalmes of David in Prose and Meeter. (Edinburgh, Andro Hart, 1615, in 8vo.) The first 120 ff. contain the Prayer- Book. Bound with : 318. A catechisme of Christian religion appointed to be printed for the use of the Kirke of Edinburgh. {Ibid.) From the libraries of Geo. Chalmers, W. Maskell and Sir William Tite. Old red morocco. 319. Liturgia Inglesa o Libro del Rezado publico, de la administracion de los Sacramentos, y otros Ritos y ceremonias de la Yglesia de Ingalaterra. (Augustae Trino- bantum [i.e. London] cid. idi. ixiiv. [1623], in 4*0.) Old black morocco, gilt, with arms. From George Finch's library. 320. The Booke of Common Prayer and Administra- tion of the Sacraments. (London, Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, 1625, in fol.) Bound with : 321. The whole Booke of Psalmes Collected into English meeter by Thomas Sternhold, Iohn Hopkins and others. (London, Companie of Stationers, 1625, in fol.) Old calf. LITURGIES I 2 I 322. The Psalmes of David in prose and meeter. (Edinburgh, the Heires of Andrew Hart, 1635, in 8vo.) Two ff. in ms. Old calf. 323. The booke of common prayer. (London, Robert Barker and by the assignes of John Bill, 1636, in fol.) Contemporary gilt calf. Ruled. 324. A forme of Common Prayer, Together with an order of Fasting. (London, Robert Barker, and the Assignes of John Bill, 1636, in 4-to.) Blue morocco by Holloway. 325. A Paraphrase upon the Psalms of David... by G. S(andys). (London, At the Bell, 1636, in 8vo.) Old calf with gilt emblems, from David Laing's collection. 326. The Book of Common Prayer for the use of the Church of Scotland. (Edinburgh, Robert Young, 1637, in fol.) " Laud's book." Wanting 7 ff. This is the first edition of the Scotch Pray er-B 00k. Bound with : 327. King James' Psalms. (Probably the 1636 Lon- don edition.) Old calf. 326 bis. The Booke of Common Prayer and Adminis- tration Of The Sacraments. (Edinburgh, Robert Young, 1637, in fol.) Instead of cc 3 and 6 is a duplicate of bb 2 and 7. There is also inserted a duplicate of hh 3 from another edition (?). Bound with : 328. The Psalmes of King David Translated by King lames. (London, Thomas Harper, 1636, in fol.) Fine copies. Black morocco from Rev. J. H. Todd's library. LITURGIES 123 329. The book of Common Prayer. (Dublin, Society of Stationers, 1637, in 4to.) Bound with : 330. The whole book of Psalmes collected into English Meeter by Tho. Sternhold, Iohn Hopkins and others. (London, Company of Stationers, 1641, in 4to.) Original pigskin. 331. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments. (London, Robert Barker for John Bill, 1639, in fol.) Bound with : 332. The whole book of Psalmes collected into English meeter by Thomas Sternhold and Iohn Hopkins. (London, I. H. for the Company of Stationers, 1638, in fol.) Very fine copy in old stamped calf with clasps. 331 bis. The Book of Common Prayer and Adminis- tration of The Sacraments. (London, Robert Barker for John Bill, 1639, in fol.) Bound with : 333. The whole Booke of Psalmes, collected into English Meeter by Thomas Sternhold, Iohn Hopkins and others. (London, E. G. for the Company of Stationers, 1640, in fol.) Old calf. 334. A Directory for the Publique Worship of God, throughout the Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Together with an Ordinance of Parliament for the taking away of the Book of Common- Prayer. (London, for Evans Tyler, Alexander Fifield, Ralph Smith and John Field, 1644, in 4to.) Fine copy in original calf. Other copies nos. 544 and 553. LITURGIES 125 335. Formes of Prayer used in the Court of Her Highnesse The Princesse Royall : at the Solemne Fast For the Preservation of the King. (s. L, 1649, in 8vo.) Apparently printed abroad just before the execution of King Charles I. 336. George Abbot, The whole book of Psalms, paraphrased. (London, William Bentley, 1650, in 4to.) Old English binding in green morocco, with the arms of Walter Chetwynde and his wife Francis Haselrigge. 337. The Book of Common Prayer. (London, John Bill, 1661, small, in fol.) Bound with : 338. The form and manner of making and consecrat- ing Bishops.... (London, John Bill, 1661, small, in fol.) And with : 339. Articles agreed upon By the Arch- Bishops and Bishops of both Provinces. (London, John Bill, 1661, small, in fol.) Contemporary inlaid red, blue and orange morocco binding, with the mysterious LD cipher probably to be ascribed to the Duke of Richmond. From the Simes' collection. 340. The Book of Common Prayer. (London, John Bill and Christopher Barker, s. a. [1662], in fol.) With a frontispiece by Loggan. The edition known as the Sealed book of Charles II. The King's own copy bound in black morocco with his usual cipher repeated no less than fifteen times on the back and sides. 341. The Psalms of King David paraphrased... by Miles Smyth. (London, T. Garthwait, 1668, in 8vo.) Fine old binding in green morocco covered with gold and silver tooling. From the libraries of Joseph Esdaile and Henry Latham. LITURGIES 127 342. Certain Sermons or Homilies Appointed to be Read in Churches, in the Time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory : And Now thought fit to be Reprinted by- Authority from the Kings most Excellent Majesty. (Lon- don, T. R. for Andrew Crooke, Samuel Mearne and Robert Pawlet, 1673, in fol.) Old calf. 343. The book of Common Prayer. (London, the Assigns of John Bill, & Ch: Barker, 1674, m 241110.) Engravings. Bound with : 344. The whole Book of Psalms collected into English Meeter by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins.... (London, Company of Stationers, 1672, in 24m©.) Contemporary binding in solid silver, with an elegant network of silver wire. From the collection of Thomas Shadford Walker. 345. A Collection of Articles, Injunctions, Canons, Orders, Ordinances, and Constitutions Ecclesiastical, with other publick Records of the Church of England Chiefly in the Times of K. Edward VI, Q. Elizabeth, K. James & K. Charles I. The Third Impression with Additions. (London, for Robert Pawlet, 1675, m 4 to -) Old calf. 346. Le Bossu, S. J., Heures royales, contenant les offices, vespres, hymnes, et proses de l'Eglise. (Paris, Andre Soubron, 1680, in 8vo.) Modern brown sealskin. 347. Die Psalmen des Koenigs und Propheten Davids durch D. Ambrosium Lobwassern, in Deutsche Reimen gebracht. (Zurich, Johannes Bachmann, 1689, in 8vo.) Original brown calf with metal bosses. 348. Officium Eucharisticum. (London, Christopher Wilkinson, 1689, in i2mo.) Handsome contemporary English binding in dark-green morocco, inlaid with mosaics of red and yellow morocco. LITURGIES 129 349. A form of Prayer and thanksgiving. (London, John Baskett, And the Assigns of Thomas Newcomb and Henry Hills, 1714, in 4to.) Fine English binding in old red morocco, elaborately gilt, with the crowned cipher of King George I. 350. L'office de la semaine sainte en latin et en fran^is. (Paris, Guillaume Desprez, 1754, m 8vo.) Old French red morocco, with the arms of Madame Adelaide, daughter of King Louis XV of France. THEOLOGY. HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION AND OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. As for the English Bibles and the liturgical books, it has seemed desirable to describe the " Reformation series " in chronological order. It may be observed that the books described hereafter would not all doubtless be classed under this heading by a bibliographer with purely scientific pre- tensions. A punctilious person might object to find together commentaries on the Scriptures and Roman Catholic or Protestant controversial tracts on liturgical questions. A few pamphlets also might equally have been classed in the historical section. I hope however that this unpretentious handlist will be found more handy and serviceable if I bring together the books that the collector brought himself to- gether on his shelves with one and the same purpose. It may also be observed that several of the theological mss. were written long before the Reformation. Cf. also supra nos. 154, 156, 165 and 167. MS. 22. Speculum humanae salvationis (ms. on vellum, about 1400, 71 ff.). The scribe had intended to paint a miniature on each page but has in most cases not proceeded beyond a lead pencil sketch, sometimes gone over with pen and ink. This ms. is a curious document of the technique used by illuminators. Of the numerous historical events recorded in the paschal table, the most recent is the death of Simon Sudbury, Archbishop of Canterbury (a.d. 1381). Original binding (oak boards and white leather). THEOLOGY I 33 MS. 23. Latin prayers and English poems, including The Debate of the Body and the Soul (ms. on vellum, i 3 86). Several of these texts appear to be unpublished. The ms. was written by John Northewodde at the Monastery of Our Lady of Bordesley near Birmingham. Original binding. From the Thomas Shadford Walker collection. MS. 24. English sermons (ms. on paper, late xivth century). The first leaves are very defective. Phillipps' ms. 11071. MS. 25. This tretis compiled of a pore caitif & redi of goosth help of alle christen peple... (ms. on vellum, early xvth century, 97 ff.). An interesting English manuscript in the original brown calf binding. MS. 26. Thomas Occleve, De regimine principum in English verse (ms. on paper and vellum, early xvth century, 80 ft). The ms. is on paper, but the exterior double leaf of each gathering is on vellum. From the Constable collection. MS. 27. Bishop Reginald Pecock, An abbreviation of his Donet of Christen Religion, in English, followed by the gaderid Councels of Seint Ysid(o)re (ms. on vellum, about 1440, 89 ft). From the library of Churchill Babington. Brown morocco. MS. 28. Hampole, Mendynge of lyfe or Rewle of lyfynge and Incendium amoris (both translated into English by Richard Misyn 1434-1435) ; S. Bernard, Golden pystill ; The vision of Juliane de Norwych ; The tretyse of per- feccion off the sonnes of God ; De triplici generis amoris ; The myrroure of symple saules ; Augustini Soliloquiorum cap. 48 (in Latin) ; Via ad contemplacionem... in English (ms. on vellum, early xvth century). Old half-calf, from the Constable collection. THEOLOGY 1 35 MS. 29. Richard Rolle of Hampole, Prik of Con- ciens (Stimulus consciencie) in English, with his "Treatise written for a Hermit" (ms. on vellum, 1465, 146 ff.). Written by a South English scribe. Belonged in the xvth century to Alice Burton and her cousin Margaret. From the library of Gregory Lewis Way. White vellum. MS. 30. An abstract of the necessary doctrine and erudition for any Christian man (ms. on paper, xvith century). From the collections of Ralph Thoresby and William Herbert. MS. 31. Le liure propose par Lempereur pour entrer en voye de concorde touchant les controuersies de la religion. Les Articles des protestants sur les Articles cy dessus proposez..., etc. (ms. on paper, xvith century). An early Greek eikon of St Nicolas is let into the red morocco binding. MS. 32. A discourse written by Bishop Ridley in answer to Bishop Hooper's scruples about the vestment (ms. on paper, xvith century). From the Phillipps' collection, no. 4901. MS. 33. The Summe of the Doctrine of Saluation laid downe by way of short and familliar Catechising (ms. on paper, early xvnth century). Old brown calf. 351. Martin Luther, De votis Monasticis. (Wittem- berg, 1521 ?, in 4to.) Bound with : 352. The same, Adversus execrabilem Antichristi bullam. (Wittemberg, 1520, in 4to.) Mottled calf by Bedford. THEOLOGY 137 353. Iohannes Cochlaeus, De authoritate ecclesiae & scripturae, Libri Duo..., Aduersus Lutheranos. (s. 1. et a. [1524], in 4 to.) Bound with : 354. The same, Ad Paulum hi. Pont. Max. congratu- latio. (Leipzig, Michael Blum, 1535, in 4to.) And with : 355. The same, Sacerdotii ac Sacrificii Nouae Legis Defensio Aduersus Vuolfgang, Musculi, Augustae Concio- nantis Arrosiones. (Ingolstadt, Alexander Weissenborn, 1544, in 4to.) And with : 356. The same, Christianum De Fide, & Sacramentis, Edictum. (Ibid., 1545, in 4to.) Oak boards covered with elegant German stamped vellum, dated 1560, with medallion portraits of Cicero, Caesar, Ovid and Virgil. From the library of St Augustine of Wiirzburg. 357. Io. Wiclefi..., dialogorum libri quattuor. (s. 1. [Bale ?], 1525, in 4to.) (Panzer ix, p. 142, no. 343.) Bound with : 358. Ioannes Huss, De Anatomia Antichristi (and seven other tracts), (s. 1. et a., in 4to.) (Panzer ix, p. 180, no. 195.) Old calf, from Thomas Russell's library. 359. Algerus, De veritate Corporis & sanguis dominici in Eucharistia, published by Erasmus. (Freiburg in Bris- gau, Joannes Emmeus, 1530, in 8vo.) Bound with : 360. Guimundi Archiepiscopi Aversani, De veritate Corporis & Sanguinis Christi in Eucharistia. (Ibid., 1530.) And with : 361. Martin Luther, Sermon von dem Sacrament THEOLOGY 1 39 des liebs und bluts Christi. (Wittemberg, Hans Luft, 1526, in 8vo.) And with : 362. Joannes Bugenhagius Pomeranus, Contra nouum errorem de sacramento Corporis & sanguinis domini nostri Jesu Christi. (s. 1. et typ. nom., 1525, in 8vo.) The last of these four rare tracts bears an autograph dedication B. Birckheimero. It proves the whole volume to have come from the library of the famous Nuremberg book collector Bilibald Pirckheimer, whose library, after having belonged to Lord Arundel and to the Duke of Norfolk, was sold by the Royal Society in 1873. Blue morocco by Bedford. 363. Rupertus of Deutz In Matthaeum...libri xm ; de glorificatione Trinitatis...libri ix. (Cologne, Peter Quentell, 1526, in fol.) Original stamped vellum. A very important volume for the history of the English Bible, the woodcut on the frontispiece being the same which is to be found (in an earlier state) in the unique Grenville copy of Tindale's first New Testament. 364. William Roy, Rede me and be not wrothe. (Strassburg, Iohann Schott, 1526, in 8vo.) Apparently in the same types as the unique Grenville copy of Tindale's first New Testament. Black morocco. 365. Johan Ashwell, Priour of Newnham Abbey, Letters..., to the Byshope of Lyncolne..., M.D.xxvii. Wherein the sayde pryour accuseth George Joye...of fower opinyons. (Strassburg, 10 June [1527?], in 8vo.) 366. William Tyndale, The Obedience of a Christian man. (Marlborow, Hans Luft, 1528, in 8vo.) Modern citron morocco, from Sir William Tite's collection. Title in facsimile. THEOLOGY 141 367. [John Valdesso], Dialogo de Mercurio y Caron; en que allende de muchas cosas graciosus y de buena doctrina : se cuenta lo que ha acaescido en la guerra desdel ano de mill y Quinientos y veynte y uno hasta los de safios delos Reyes de Francia et ynglaterra hechos al Emperador en el ano de M.D.xxiij. Followed by : Dialogo ; en que particularmente se tratare las cosas acaecidas en Roma el ano de m.d.xxvii. (s. 1. et a., in 8vo.) The rarest of all Valdesso's works. White vellum. 368. Richarde Brightwell [i.e. John Frith], A pistle to the Christen reader. The revelation of Antichrist. (Marlborow in the lande of Hesse, Hans Luft, 1529, in 8vo.) Old calf. From the library of Thomas Baker, the well-known soma ejectus of St John's College, Cambridge. 369. William Tindale, The practyse of Prelates. (Marborch [Hans Luft], 1530, in 8vo.) The Simes copy. Brown calf. Perfect and clean. The headline of leaf f. 4 is cut into, but good duplicates of f. 4 and f. 5 are inserted, from another copy. The woodcut compartment on the title-page occurs also in the Penta- teuch and in books printed at Mayence by John Schoiffer. 370. The determinations of the moste famous and mooste excellent universities of Italy and Fraunce, that it is so unlefull for a man to marie his brothers wyfe, that the pope hath no power to dispence therwith. (London, Thomas Berthelet, 1531, in 8vo.) Perfect. Old calf. 371. Sir Thomas More, The confutacyon of Tyn- dale's answere. (London, Wyllyam Rastell, 1532, in fol.) Old calf, from William Dalton's library. THEOLOGY I 43 372. [Saint-Germain], A Treatise concernynge the diuision betwene the spiritualtie and temporaltie. (London, Thomas Berthelet [1531-1533], in 8vo.) It is because of this treatise that Sir Thomas More wrote his Debella- cyon of Salem and Bizance (1533). Brown calf. 373. Sir Thomas More, The debellacyon of Salem and Bizance. (London, W. Rastell, 1533, in 8vo.) With the two rare additional leaves. Old red and green morocco, from the Roxburghe, Heber and Fuller-Russell collections. 374. The Supper of the Lorde (s. 1. et typ. nom., *533> in 8vo.) From the library of Richard Heber who had bought it at Voigt's sale (1806). 375. Johannes Cochlaeus, An expediat laicis, legere novi Testamenti libros lingua Vernacula. (Dresden?, Wolfgang Stoeckel ?, 1533, in 8vo.) Contains the very important contemporary account of the printing of Tyndale's first New Testament. White vellum. 376. Erasmus, A playne and godly exposytion or declaration of the commune Crede. (London, Robert Redman [1533 ?], in 8vo.) Modern red morocco. Another copy in modern blue morocco, from the library of Cornelius Paine. Not so tall, but with the last leaf in better condition than the first. 377. Syr Thomas More, The answere to the fyrst parte of the poysend booke, whych a namelesse heretyke hath named the souper of the lorde. (London, William Rastell, 1534, in 8vo.) From George Day's library. Old russia. THEOLOGY 145 378. A mandment of John, Bishop of Lincoln (in Latin and English) informing the clergy of his diocese that the "unlaufull Jurisdiction, power and authoryte" of the "bysshop of Rome" is to be considered as "extinct and ceased for euer, as of no strength, value, or effect, in this realme of England " and instructing them to publish it in his name. (London [Thomas Berthelet ?], 19 June I53S in fol.) A valuable and interesting early broadside of great historical impor- tance. 379. William Tindale, The Obedience of a Christen man. (Marborow in the lande of Hesse, Hans Luft, 1535, in 8vo.) Morocco by Riviere. 380. John Calvin, Christianae religionis institutio. (Basileae per Thomam Platterun & Balthasarem Lasium, 1536, in 8vo.) Morocco by Riviere. 381. A compedious letter which Ihon Pomerane curate of the congregation at Wittenberg sent to the faythfull christen congregation in Englande. (s. 1., 1536 (?), in 8vo.) Probably unique. From the Neunberg, Heber and Makellar collec- tions. Brown calf. 382. The confession of the fayth of the Germaynes. (London, Robert Redman, 1536, in 8vo.) From the Simes' collection. Brown calf. 383. The confession of the faythe of the Garmaynes. (London, Robert Redman, s. a., in 8vo.) Printed after 1536?. Old brown stamped calf. 384. William Tyndale, The Obedience of a christen man. ( Marlboro w, Hans Luft, 1536-7, in 8vo.) Old calf. A. IO THEOLOGY I 47 385. The institvtion of a Christen man. (London, Thomas Berthelet, 1537, in 8vo.) Commonly known as the Bishop's book. From the Simes' collection. Old calf. 386. The institvtion of a Christen man. (London, Thomas Berthelet, 1537, in 4to.) Title soiled. Old calf. 387. Another edition of the same book, reprinted page by page in a different type. Modern blue morocco. 388. Albertus Pighius Campensis, Apologia... ad- versus Lutheranae confederationis rationes.... (Cologne, October 1537, in fol.) Bound with : 389. Antididagma seu christianae et catholicae reli- gionis...propugnatio adversus librum...nuper pressum.... (Cologne, Iaspar Gennepaeus, 1544, in fol.) And with : 390. Iudicium deputatorum universitatis et secundarii cleri Colonien. de doctrina & vocatione Martini Buceri ad Bonnam.... (Cologne, 1543, in fol.) Old calf. From the Van den Block and Van de Velde's collections. 391. Jeremy the Prophete translated into Englisshe by George Joye. (Antwerp ?, de Keyser or Crom ?, 1538, in 8vo.) Perfect and clean. Bound with : 392. William Tindale, An exposicion uppon the v. vi. vii. chapters of Mathew. (Antwerp ?, s. a., in 8vo.) Both are exceedingly rare. From the Bayntun and Chalmers collec- tions. Brown calf. jo — 2 THEOLOGY I 49 393. Ricardus Morisynus, Apomaxis calumniarum conuitiorumque quibus Ioannes Coclaeus, homo theologus exiguus artium professor, scurra procax, Henrici octaui, serenissimi regis Angliae formam impetere, nomen obscu- rare, rerum gestarum gloriam faedare, nuper edita, non tam ad regem quam in regis inuidiam epistola studuit. (London, Thomas Berthelet, 1537 [i.e. July 1538], in 4to.) Old stamped leather. This was answered to by Cochlaeus in his Scopa. 394. Joannes Cochlaeus, Scopa in Araneas Ricardi Morysini Angli. (Leipzig, Nicolaus Vuolrab, March 1538 [i.e. 1539], in 4to.) A rare book on King Henry VIII's divorce and the death of Sir Thomas More, being an answer to the Apomaxis. Green morocco by Mackenzie. 395. Hereafter folowe X Certayne Places of Scrypture. (London, Robert Wyer, s. a., in 8vo.) From the Fuller-Russell collection. I can find no other mention of this tract, printed about a.d. 1540. 396. The last wil And last confession of Martyn luthers faith concerming (sic) the principal articles of religion which are in controuersy. (s. 1. et typ. nom., 1543, in 8vo.) The earliest English edition hitherto recorded is of the year 1548. From Ricardo de Heredia's collection. The only other copy I can trace has been recently discovered at the Bodleian by Mr Gordon Duff. Printed abroad. 397. A necessary Doctrine and erudition for any chrysten man. (London, Thomas Berthelet, 1543, in 8vo.) Commonly called the " King's book." Original binding. A leaf from an early printed English New Testament (Luke xiv) is pasted inside the binding. From Brand's collection. 398. Another copy with the upper cover of the original binding, bearing the arms of King Henry VIII inlaid into the modern binding. It is not of the same issue and the title-page is different. THEOLOGY I 5 I 399. A necessary doctrine and erudition for any Christen man. (London, Thomas Barthelet, 1543, in 4to.) Morocco by Aitken. 400. Another copy from John Disney's library, being of a different issue and showing small differences throughout the book. Brown calf. 401. Erasmus, Enchiridion militis christiani (in English). (London, John Byddell, 1544, in 8vo.) This translation has sometimes been ascribed to Tindale. Original stamped calf with crown and Tudor Rose. (Cf. supra no. 167.) 402. Pia et Catholica Christiani hominis Institutio. (London, Thomas Berthelet, 1544, in 4to.) Very fine copy. Morocco by Pratt. 403. Richard Tracy, A supplication to our moste sovereigne Lord King Henry the eight, (s. 1. et typ. nom., 1544, in 8vo.) 404. Henry Stalbrydge, The Epistel Exhortatorye of an Inglyshe chrystian...agaynst the pompouse popysh Bisshops. [sine nota, in 8vo.) Printed in 1544(F) and generally ascribed to John Bale. Bound in a fragment of a Latin ms. on vellum. 405. John a Lasco, Defensio verae semperque in ecclesia receptae doctrinae De Christi Domini incarnatione. (Bonn, Laurentius Mylius, 1545, in 8vo.) Morocco by Hayday. 406. George Joye, The exposicion of Daniel the Prophete. (Geneva, G. J., 1545, in 8vo.) Morocco by Bedford. 407. Richard Smythe, The assertion and defence of the sacramente of the aulter. (London, John Herforde, 1546, in 8vo.) Very fine copy in original vellum wrapper, with vellum fly-leaves from a xivth century Latin ms. THEOLOGY 1 53 408. Stephen Gardiner, A detection of the Deuils Sophistrie wherwith he robbeth the unlearned people of the true byleef in the most blessed Sacrament of the aulter. (Lond., John Herforde, 1546, in 8vo.) Perfect. Slightly wormed at end. Old calf, from the Fuller-Russell collection. 409. Steven Gardiner, A declaration of suche true articles as George Ioye hath gone about to confute as false. (London, John Herforde, 1546, in 8vo.) Perfect and fine. From the Fuller-Russell collection. 410. Another edition of the same book (ibid., in 4to.). Modern yellow calf. 411. George Ioye, The refutation of the byshop of Winchesters derke declaration, of his false articles once before confuted. (s. 1. et typ. nom., [London], 1546, in 8vo.) Perfect and fine. The British Museum copy wants the last leaf. Another copy, also perfect but with some minor defects. Old calf, with Hugh Latimer's autograph signature on the title-page. From William Hamper's sale (1831). 412. William Tindale, Wycklyffes wycket. (Noren- burch, 1546, in 8vo.) Bound with : 413. William Tindale, The Souper of the Lorde. (Nornburg, Niclas Twonson, 1533, in 8vo.) From Richard Heber's collection. 414. A spirituall Almanacke. (London, Rychard Kele, s. a., in 8vo.) Printed between 1546 and 1552. From the Simes' collection. 415. Johann Hoper, An Answer unto my lord of Wynchesters booke. (Zurich, Augustyne Fries, 1547, in 4to.) By John Hooper, bishop of Gloucester. THEOLOGY 1 55 416. A. Gilby, An answer to the deuillish detection of Stephane Gardiner. (London, Richard Grafton (?), 1547, in 8vo.) From the Fuller-Russell collection. 417. Rychard Tracye, A brief & short declaracyon made wherebye everye chrysten man maye knowe what is a sacrament. (London, Robert Stoughton, 1548, in 8vo.) 418. George Bancrofte, Answere that preachers at Basile made for defence of the Lord's supper. (London, J. Day and W. Seres, 1548, in 8vo.) Wanting title. Bound with : 419. The true beliefe in Christ and his sacramentes set forth in a dialoge. (London, Gwalter Lynne, 1550, in 8vo.) And with : 420. The boke of Barthram Priest intreatinge of thee bodye and bloude of Christe. (London, Thomas Raynalde, 1549, in 8vo.) And with : 421. The godly saiyngs of the old auncient faithful fathers upon the Sacrament of the bodye and bloude of Chryste. (Worcester, John Oswen, 1550, in 8vo.) One of the first books printed at Worcester. Extremely rare. Old calf, from the Fuller-Russell collection. 422. Urbanus Regius, A lytle treatise after the manner of an Epystle.... (London, Gwalter Lynne, 1548, in 8vo.) With a woodcut signed hans holbein, on the title-page. From the library of Lt. Gen. William Thornton. Morocco by Murton. THEOLOGY 157 423. Hugh Latimer, A notable sermon... (preached 1 8 January 1548). (London, John Daye and William Seres, 1548, in 8vo.) The first edition of Latimer's sermon on the plough. 424. Thomas Cranmer, Cathechismus. (London, Gwalter Lynne, 1548, in 8vo.) With woodcuts from Holbein's engravings. From Theodore Williams' and William van Mildert's libraries. 425. Thomas Cranmer, Catechismus. (London, Nycholas Hyll for Gwalter Lynne, 1548, in 8vo.) Wanting f. 1 and all after f. 239 (Kk 7) except the last f. Old calf. 426. Also three loose leaves, from one of the first editions of this treatise. 427. A Boke made by I oh an Fryth, prysoner in the Towr of London, answering unto M. Mores letter... con- cering the sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ. (London, Anthon Scoloker and Wyllyam Seres, 1548, in 8vo.) 427 bis. Another copy. Bound with : 428. A disputacion of Purgatorye made by Jhon Frith, (s. 1. et a., in 8vo.) In the same types as the following : And with : 429. An other boke against Rastel named the subsedye or bulwark to his fyrst boke, made by Ihon Frithe pre- sonner in the Tower, (s. 1. et a., in 8vo.) And with : THEOLOGY I 59 430. A myrroure or lokynge glasse wherin you may beholde the Sacramente of baptisme described. Anno M.D.xxxiii. Per me I. F. (London, Ihon Daye, s. a., in 8vo.) Perfect copies of these four exceedingly rare tracts. Old calf, prob- ably Herbert's copies and those described by him, pp. 678, 689 and 1540. 431. A simple, and Religious consultation of us Herman, by the grace of God, Archbishop of Colone.... (London, John Baye & William Seres, 1548, in 8vo.) Old calf. 432. D. Urbanum Regium, A declaration of the twelue articles of the christen faythe. (London, Gwalter Lynne, 1548, in 8vo.) 433. William Tindale & John Frythe, Wicklieffes wicket, (s. 1. et a. [1548], in 8vo.) Old red English morocco. 434. William Tindale, The Practyse of prelates. (London, Anthony Scoloker and Wyllyam Seres, s. a., in 8vo.) Printed about 1548-1549. 435. Wyllyam Tindale, A Briefe declaration of the sacraments. (London, Robert Stoughton, s. a., in 8vo.) Printed between 1548 and 155 1. From the libraries of Sir Francis Freeling, J. T. and N. P. Simes. 436. Bernardino Ochino, A tragoedie or Dialoge of the uniuste usurped primacie of the Bishop of Rome... translated... by Master John Ponet. (London, Gwalter Lynne, 1549, in 4to.) In a beautiful grolieresque painted binding with the arms of Thomas Wotton, in very good preservation. It is probably one of the finest specimens known of the bindings executed for the English Grolier. THEOLOGY I 6 I 437. William Tindale, The parable of the Wicked mammon. (London, Willyam Copland, 1549, in 8vo.) Morocco by Pratt. 438. Joannes Cochlaeus, Commentaria de actis et scriptis Martini Lutheri Saxonis, Chronographice, ex ordine ab Anno Domini 15 17 usq; ad annum 1546, inclusiue. (St Victor near Mayence, Franciscus Behem, 1549, in fol.) Old calf. Fine copy. 439. Giovani Valdesso, Le cento & dieci diuine Considerationi. (Bale, 1550, in 8vo.) Original vellum wrapper. Formerly in the library of the Royal Society. 440. John Marbeck, A Concordance, that is to saie, a worke wherein by the ordre of the letters of the A. B. C. ye maie redely finde any worde conteigned in the whole Bible, so often as it is expressed or mencioned. (London, Richard Grafton, 1550, in fol.) Wanting one leaf (Vvv 3). Old calf. From the library of Peter Hardy. 441. The Apology of Johan Bale agaynste a ranke papyst. (London, John Day, 1550, in 8vo.) 442. Thomas Cranmer, A Defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our Sauiour Christ. (London, Reynold Wolfe, 1550, in 4to.) Very fine copy in the original vellum wrapper. 443. Hugh Latimer, A sermon of Master Latimer preached at Stamford the .ix. day of October Anno M.cccc. and fyftie. (London, John Daye, 1550, in 8vo.) A. II THEOLOGY 1 63 444. All suche Proclamations as have been sette furthe by the Kinges Maiestie...( Years i-iv). (London, Richard Grafton, 1550, in 8vo.) 445. Duke of Somerset, A Spyrytuall and most precyous Pearle. (London, Gwalter Lynne, 1550, in 8vo.) 446. Lancelot Rydley of Canterbury, An exposytion in Englyshe upon the Epistyll of saynt Paule to the Philippians. (Canterbury, John Mychell, [about 1550], in 8vo.) Old calf. 447. Jean Calvin, A faythfull and most Godlye treatyse concerning the most sacred Sacrament of the blessed body and bloude of our Sauioure Chryst... (trans- lated by Myles Coverdale). (s. 1. et a., about 1550, in 8vo.) Morocco by Murton. 448. Thomas Langley, An abridgement of the notable worke of Polidore Vergile conteinyng the deuisers...of Artes... commonly used in the churche. (London, Richard Grafton, 1551, in 8vo.) 449. John a Lasco, Brevis et dilucida de sacramentis Ecclesiae Christi tractatio. (London, Stephen Myerdmann, 1552, in 8vo.) Contemporary gilt white calf binding. 450. Pierce the Ploughmans Crede. (London, Rey- nold Wolfe, 1553, in 4to.) Old calf. From Dr Fothergill's and Gregory Lewis Way's collections. 451. Stephen Gardiner, De Vera obedientia. (Rouen, Michael Wood, 1553, in 8vo.) Morocco by Clarke. 452. A short Catechisme or playne instruction.... (London, John Day, 1553, in 8vo.) Contains the "articles agreed upon by the Bishoppes" in 1552. 11— 2 THEOLOGY I 65 453. John Knox, A confession & declaration of praiers added therunto..., upon the death of that moste verteous and moste famous king Edward the VI. kynge of Englande ..., etc. (Rome, before the Castel of s. Aungel at the signe of Sainct Peter [i.e. London, Henry Sutton ?], July 1554, in 8vo.) Morocco by Bedford. 454. John Christoferson, An exhortation to all menne to take hede and beware of rebellion. (London, John Cawood, 1554, in 8vo.) Original stamped calf (rebacked and inlaid). Upper margin stained. 455. A supplicacyon to the quenes maiestie. (London, John Cawood, 1550 [read 1555 ?], in 8vo.) From the Duke of Roxburghe's and Richard Heber's collections. 456. Juan Valdesio, Comentario o declaracion breue y compendiosa sobre la Epistola de S. Paulo Apostol a los Romanos. (Venice, Iuan Philadelpho, 1556, in 8vo.) 457. Albanus Langdailus, Catholica Confutatio, im- piae cuiusdam determinationis D. Nicolai Ridlaei..., post disputationem de Eucharistia in Academia Cantabrigiensi, habitae.... (Paris, Michel Vascosan, 1556, in 4to.) Old calf, gilt. From the libraries of the Earl of Arundel (?), the Duke of Norfolk and the Royal Society. 458. John a Lasco, Toute la forme & maniere du Ministere Ecclesiastique, en l'Eglise des estrangers dresse a Londres. (s. 1., Giles Clematius, 1556, in 8vo.) Imperfect at the beginning. Old calf. From A. C. Du Card's collection. 459. D. J. P. B. R. VV., A Shorte Treatise of politike pouuer and of the true Obedience which subiectes owe to kynges. (s. 1. et typ. nom., 1556, in 8vo.) By Dr John Ponet, Bishop of Rochester and Winchester. Yellow calf by Bedford. THEOLOGY I 67 460. The workes of Sir Thomas More Knyght, sometyme Lorde Chauncellour of England written by him in the Englysh tonge. (London, Iohn Cawood, Iohn Waly and Richarde Tottell, 1557, in fol.) Old calf. A fine copy. 461. A prohibition to preach or teach or giue audience to anie manner of doctrine or preaching other then the Gospells and Epistels commonly called the Gospell and Epistel of the day, and to the Ten Commandements in the vulgar tongue, without exposition or addition.... (London, Richarde Iugge, 27 December 1558, in fol.) A most interesting broadside. 462. John Veron, A fruteful treatise of predestina- tion and of the diuine prouidence of god, with an apology of the same against the swynyshe gruntinge of the Epicures and Atheystes of oure time. (London, John Tisdale [1563 ?], in 8vo.) From the libraries of Bayntun and of John Robert Daniel Tyssen. 463. Iohn Foxe, Actes and Monuments of these latter and perillous dayes. (London, Iohn Day, 1563, in fol.) A fine and tall copy in brown morocco by Bedford, believed to want only the calendar, the title, the 1st prel. f, and the plate at p. 25. A few ff. inlaid, and Boner's head cut out on p. n 01 (with a duplicate of the engraving). Another copy in old rough calf, with various imperfections but having the calendar, the 1st prel. f, and the whole of p. 1101 perfect. This copy therefore apparently supplies the defects of the other one except the title-page and the separate woodcut at p. 25. At the time of Lowndes no perfect copy was believed to exist, but Lord Ashburnham managed to make up one. 464. William Baldwin, A myrrour for Magistrates. (London, Thomas Marshe, 1563, in 4to.) Contemporary brown calf. THEOLOGY 1 69 465. Bucer and Martir, A briefe examination for the tyme, of a certaine declaration.... (London, Richard Jugge, 1566, in 4to.) Probably composed by Archbishop Parker. From the Wilbraham collection. 466. The Pedegrewe of Heretiques. (London, Henry Denham, 1566, in 4to.) Morocco by Riviere. 467. John Jewel, A replie unto M. Hardinges answeare. (London, Henry Wykes, 1566, in fol.) Bound with : 468. John Whitgift, The Defense of the Aunswere to the Admonition against the Replie of T. C. (London, Henry Binneman, for Humfrey Toy, 1574, in fol.) Old calf. 469. Hieronymus Osorius, In Gualterum Haddonum libri tres. (Lisbon, Franciscus Correa, 1567, in 4to.) Old calf with the arms of Thomas Wotton (last form). From the Sunderland library. 470. A Testimonie of Antiquitie shewing the auncient fayth in the Church of England touching the sacrament of the body and bloude of the Lord. (London, John Day, 1567 ?, in 4to.) With portions in Anglo-Saxon type. From Bindley's and Richard Heber's libraries. 471. John Whitgifte, An answere to a certen Libell intituled An admonition to the Parliament. (London, Henrie Bynneman, 1572, in 4to.) Morocco by Riviere. Cf. no. 469. 472. Radulpe Gualthere Tigurine, An hundred, threescore and fiftene Homelyes or Sermons vppon the Actes of the Apostles written by Saint Luke. (London, Henrie Denham, 1572, in fol.) Slightly wormed. Old pigskin. THEOLOGY I 7 1 473. The whole workes of W. Tyndall, Iohn Frith, and Doct. Barnes three worthy Martyrs, and principall teachers of this Churche of England. (London, Iohn Daye, 1572-1573, in fol.) A fine copy. 474. Sir Thomas More, A Dialogue of Cumfort against Tribulation. (Antwerp, Johan Fouler, 1573, in 8vo.) 475. John Marbecke, The lyues of holy Sainctes, Prophetes, Patriarches and others contayned in holye Scripture. (London, Henry Denham and Richarde Watkins, 1574, in 4to.) Old calf, from R. C. Hussey's collection. 476. A forme of Christian pollicie gathered out of French by Geffray Fenton. (London, H. Middleton for Rafe Newbery, 1574, in 4to.) Bound for Archbishop Parker by his usual binder, in brown calf, stamped and gilt with the autograph of that learned prelate. From the libraries of Thomas Barrett of Lee, Guglielmo Libri and Sir William Tite. 477. Iohn Calvin, The Institution of Christian Religion... translated into Englishe according to the authors last edition by Thomas Norton. (London, Widow of Reginalde WolfTe, 1574, in 4to.) Original stamped calf. In the binding are used two fragments of a Latin chronicle of the Saxon Kings of England (ms. on vellum, xnith century). 478. A brieff discours off the troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany Anno Domini 1554. Abowte the Booke off common prayer and Ceremonies, and con- tinued by the Englishe men theyre, to thende off Q. Marie's Raigne, in the which discours, the gentle reader shall see THEOLOGY 1 73 the very originall and beginninge off all the contention that hathe byn, and what was the cause off the same, (s. 1., 1575, in 4to.) Title mounted. Printed in Germany. 479. John Woolton, A treatise of the immortalitie of the soule. (London, Thomas Purfoote for John Shepperd, 1576, in i2mo.) Bound with : 480. The same, The Castell of Christians and Fortresse of the faithfull, beseeged and defended, now almost sixe thowsand yeares. (London, J(ohn) C(harlewood) for Thomas Sturrupp, 1577, in 8vo.) And with : 481. The same, The Christian Manuell or of the life and manners of true Christians. (London, I(ohn) C(harlewood) for Thomas Sturruppe, 1576, in 8vo.) And with : 482. The same, A newe anatomie of whole man as well of his body as of his Soule. (London, Thomas Purfoote, 1576, in 8vo.) Contemporary stamped calf, with Queen Elizabeth's cipher. I can trace no other copy of the last two tracts. 483. A bryefe and necessary Catechisme or Instruc- tion.... (London, John Charlewood, 1577, in 8vo.) From Valentine Evans' sale (a.d. 1842). 484. Thomas Cranmer, An aunswere.-.vnto a craftie and Sophisticall cauillation, deuised by Stephen Gardiner. (London, Iohn Daye, 1580, in fol.) Mottled calf by Aitken. 485. [Lord Burghley], The Execution of Iustice in England for maintenaunce of publique and Christian peace... Secondly Imprinted. (London, January 1583, in 4to.) Brown morocco. THEOLOGY 175 486. William Fulke, A defense of the sincere and true Translation of the holie Scriptures into the English tong against ... Gregorie Martin — (London, George Bishop and Bynneman, 1583, in 8vo.) From William Maskell's and Sir William Tite's collections. A copy of Fulke's New Testament is described supra no. 207. 487. James Bisse, Two sermons preached... the eight of Ianuarie 1580.... (London, Robert Waldegrave, 1585, in 8vo.) 488. An Harmony of the Confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed , Churches. (Cambridge, Thomas Thomas, 1586, in 8vo.) Bound in old (?) vellum. 489. [Walter Travers], A Defence Of The Ecclesi- astical Discipline ordayned of God to be vsed in his Church. Against a Replie of Maister Bridges, (s. L, 1588, in 4to.) 490. Lambert Danaeus, A treatise touching Anti- christ. (London, Thomas Orwin, for Iohn Porter and Thomas Gubbin, 1589, in 4to.) Wanting pp. 75 — 78. From the Jolley collection. 491. Richard Bancroft, Daungerous positions and proceedings published and practised within this Hand of Brytaine under pretence of Reformation and for the Pres- biteriall Discipline. (London, John Wolfe, 1595, in 4to.) The author's own copy, in old calf, with rough edges, subsequently in the libraries of Roger Twysden, the Marquis of Blandford and Richard Heber. 492. Nicolas Bownde, The doctrine of the Sabbath, Plainely layde forth, and soundly proued by testimonies both of holy Scripture, and also of olde and new ecclesi- asticall writers. (London, Widow Orwin for Iohn Porter, 1595, in 4to.) Original vellum wrapper. THEOLOGY I 77 493. T. Cartwright, tvv deca ev ^piarto, the answere to the preface of the Rhemish Testament. (Edinburgh, Robert Waldegrave, 1602, in 8vo.) 494. Joseph Hall, Salomon's ethicks or morals. (London, Humphry Lownes for E. Edgar and S. Macham, in 8vo.) Wanting title. Brown calf with the arms of King James I and the inscription: 1608 strenvla radvlphi ewens. It is a paraphrase on several books of the Old Testament. 495. Luther, A commentarie upon the fifteene Psalmes, called Psalmi Graduum, that is, Psalmes of Degrees : Faithfully copied out of the Lectures of D. Martin Luther... translated out of Latine into English by Henry Bull. (London, Richard Field, 1615, in 4to.) Original brown calf. 496. Sir John Davies, Nosce Teipsum. (London, Augustine Mathews, 1622, in 8vo.) The final edition, corrected by the author four years before his death. Handsome English binding of the end of the xvnth century in red morocco, elaborately gilt and silvered. From Edward Breese's collection. 497. Ambrose Fisher, A Defence of the Liturgie of the Church of England. (London, W. S., for Robert Milbourne, 1630, in A British Museum duplicate. (Sold in 1831.) 498. xcvi Sermons by the Right Honourable and Reverend Father in God, Lancelot Andrewes, late Lord Bishop of Winchester. The third edition. (London, Richard Badger, 1635, m fol.) Bound with : 499. Iohn, Bishop of Ely, A sermon preached at the funeral of ... Lancelot, late Lord Bishop of Winchester. (London, Richard Badger, 1634, m f° L ) Old calf with the arms of Archbishop Laud, and his autograph on the fly-leaf. a. 12 THEOLOGY 1 79 500. Fr. White, Bishop of Ely, A Treatise of the Sabbath-day. (London, Richard Badger, 1635, in 4to.) Contemporary green morocco with the arms of Archbishop Laud. 501. A Coale from the Altar, or, an answer to a Letter not long since written to the Vicar of Gr., .... (London, for Robert Milbourne, 1636, in 4to.) Bound with : 502. The Holy Table, Name & Thing more anciently properly, and literally used under the New Testament, then that of an Altar : Written long ago by a Minister in Lincolnshire, in answer to D. Coal ; a judicious Divine of Q. Maries dayes. (Lincoln, 1637, in 4to.) And with : 503. The True character of a Rigid Presbyter : With a narrative of the Dangerous Designes of the English and Scotish Covenanters. To which is added, A short History of the English Rebellion : Compiled in Verse, By Marcha- mont Nedham. (London, by the assignes of J. Calvin, sold by Z. Crofton, 1661, in 4to.) And with: 504. The Burthen of Jssachar : or The Tyrannicall Power and Practises of the Presbyteriall Government in Scotland.... (s. 1., 1646, in 4to.) And with : 505. The great Case of Tythes..., By a Country-man, A. P. (London, for Giles Calvert, 1657, in 4to.) And with : 506. William Prynne, Ten Considerable Quaeries concerning Tithes. (London, Edward Thomas, 1659, in 4to.) And with : 12 — 2 THEOLOGY l8l 507. The Confession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland, (s. I., 1638, in 4to.) And with : 508. A seasonable Memorial in some Historical notes upon the liberties of the Presse and Pulpit.... (Edinburgh, the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1680, in 4to.) And with : 509. The speech of S r . Harbottle Grimston Baronet, Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons, ..., De- livered in the Banquetting- House at Whitehal 29 May, 1660. (London, Edward Husbands and Thomas Newcomb, 1660, in 4to.) And with : 510. The Recantation of Daniel Scargill, Publickly made before the University of Cambridge, in Great St Maries, July 25, 1669. (Cambridge, by the Printers to the University, 1669, in 4to.) And with : 511. A Letter From His Excellencie The Lord General MoNCK, the Parliament. (London, John Macock, 1660, in 4to.) And with : 512. Anglorum singultus : or, the Sobbs of England, Poured out. To be presented to His Excellency Generall George Monke. (London, for D. L., 1660, in 4to.) And with : 513. London's Account : or, A Calculation of the Arbitrary and Tyrannicall Exactions, Taxations..., and other Assessements, within the Lines of Communication, during the foure yeers of this Unnaturall Warre. (s. 1., 1647, in 4to.) And with : THEOLOGY I 83 514. A full Declaration Of the true State of the Secluded Members Case. In Vindication of Themselves, and their Privileges..., Compiled and published by some of the Secluded Members, who could meet without danger of a forcible surprize by Red-coats. (London, Edward Thomas, 1660, in 4-to.) And with : 515. M. A., Materials for Union, Proposed to Publick Consideration, With Indifferency To All Parties. (Oxford, 1681, in 4to.) And with : 516. A Directory of Church-government, Anciently contended for, and as farre as the Times would suffer, practised by the first Non-conformists in the daies of Queen Elizabeth. Found in the study of...M r Thomas Cartwright. (London, for John Wright, 1644, in 4to.) And with : 517. Proposals for Reformation of Abuses and Sub- tilties in Practise against the Law and in Scandall of it. By William Gery, Esq. ; of Grays- Inn. (London, William Shears, 1659, in 4to.) And with : 518. The Parsons Guide : or the Law of Tithes. By W. S. Esq. (London, for W. Lee, D. Pakeman and G. Bedell, 1654, m 4 to -) And with : 519. Considerations Touching the Dissolving or Taking away The Court of Chancery, and the Courts of Iustice depending upon it. (London, by F. L. for Thomas Heath, 1653, in 4to.) And with : THEOLOGY I 85 520. Directions concerning Preachers. (London, Charles Bill, Henry Hills and Thomas Newcomb, 1685, in 4to.) Wanting title. And with : 521. An Abridgment ; or, A Summary Account of all the Statute Laws of this Kingdom made against Jesuites, Seminary Priests, and Popish Recusants ; drawn up for the benefit of my dear Protestant Countreymen..., according to the tenor and effect of the said Statute Laws, and the said Proclamation. (London, 1666, in 4to.) And with : 522. A Discourse of Fines. By T. L. of Lincolns- Inn Esq. (s. 1. et a., in 4to.) Old brown calf. 523. Richard Maden, Christ's love and affection to- wards Jerusalem, delivered in sundry sermons (London, M. F. for John Clark, 1637, in 4to.) Original brown calf. 524. John Squier, A thankesgiving for the decreasing and hope of the removing of the plague..., a sermon. (London, B. A. and T. F. for John Clark, 1637, in 4to.) 525. The Hundred and ten Considerations of Signior Iohn Valdesso. (Oxford, Leonard Lichfield, 1638, in 4to.) 526. Bound with 5 ff. of an early Paris edition (printed by Jean de Gourmont) of Pic de la Mirandole's Golden Letters. In old green morocco, elegantly gilt with the following important ms. note : This booke was bound by the hands of M rs Mary Farrar of title THEOLOGY I 87 Gidding in Huntingdonshire who hath wholly dedicated her selfe to the service of god in the state of virginity e. Only eleven other genuine Little Gidding bindings are known to exist, not including the following. This volume was formerly in the library of the Royal Society. 525 bis. Another copy of the same edition of Valdesso, in a closely similar binding probably to be also ascribed to the Little Gidding workshop. 527. William Laud, A Relation of The Conference betweene William Lawd, Then, L rd Bishop of S l Davids, now Lord Arch- Bishop of Canterbury and M r Fisher the Jesuite. (London, Richard Badger, 1639, in fol.) Old calf with Archbishop Laud's arms. From the libraries of the Earl of Arundel (?), the Duke of Norfolk and the Royal Society. 528. Richard Bernard, A Threefold Treatise of the Sabbath. (London, Richard Bishop for Edward Black- more, 1641, in 4to.) Unknown to Lowndes and Hazlitt. 529. John Fox, Acts and Monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the Church..., with the..., great Persecutions against the true Martyrs of Christ.... (London, Company of Stationers, 1641, in fol.) Three vols., with woodcuts. Old calf. 530. Robert Baillie, A parallel or briefe comparison of the Liturgie with the Mass-book. (London, Thomas Paine, 1641, in 4to.) Not in Lowndes or Hazlitt. Bound with : 531. Richard Bernard, The article of Christ's descen- sion into Hell. (London, John Beale for Thomas Under- bill, 1641, in 4to.) Not in Lowndes or Hazlitt. And with : THEOLOGY 1 89 532. John Brinsley, Stanbrigii Embrion relimatum seu Vocabularium metricum. (London, T. W. for Thomas Knight and Andrew Crooke, 1649, in 4to.) Not in Lowndes or Hazlitt. And with : 533. A true copy of Sir Henry Hide's speech on the scaffold, immediately before his Execution, before the Exchange, on the 4th of March 1650. Taken in Short- hand from his mouth by John Hinde. (London, Peter Cole, 1650, in 4to.) And with : 534. English Liberty and Property Asserted ... dis- covering Israels Sin in chusing a King. (London, Live- well Chapman, 1657, in 4to.) Not in Lowndes or Hazlitt. And with : 535. Irenaeus Philadelphus Philanthropus (i.e. Robert Gell ?), EIPHNIKON or a treatise of peace between the two visible divided Parties. (London, T. J. for Nath. Brooks, 1660, in 4to.) Not in Lowndes or Hazlitt. And with : 536. A free conference concerning the Present Revo- lution of affairs in England. (London, R. Baldwyn, 1689, in 4to.) Not in Lowndes or Hazlitt. And with : 537. A letter to Dr Sherlock, in Vindication of that part of Josephus' History, which gives an account of Iaddus the High- Priest's submitting to Alexander the Great while Darius was living, against the answer to the Piece Intituled: Obedience and Submission to the Present Government. The Second Edition. (London, Thomas Jones, 1691, in 4to.) Not in Lowndes or Hazlitt. And with : THEOLOGY 191 538. Thomas Rawlins, Admonitio Pseudo-chymicis seu Alphabetarium Philosophicum. (London, Edward Allde, s. a., in 4to.) Printed according to Sayle about 1620. And with : 539. The narrative (of) Charles Webb... concerning the manifest fraud used in the importation of Madder into this Common-wealth, (s. 1. et a. [about 1656?], in 4to.) 8 ff. the ist(?) and last blanks. (Wanting a I, a blank?.) Inaccu- rately collated by Hazlitt, 11. p. 637. And with : 540. A Letter to a New Member of the Ensuing Parliament by a True Britton. (London, Edm. Powell, s. a. [1714], in 4to.) Not in Lowndes or Hazlitt. This collection of eleven rare tracts nearly all undescribed by biblio- graphers, is bound in one volume in old brown calf. 541. Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici. (London, Andrew Crooke, 1642, in 8vo.) One of the two unauthorized editions which have preserved part 1, §59, the correct reading "how much we stand in need of the precept of Saint Paul." Red morocco by Bedford. Another copy not so fine, which is bound with : 542. Sir Kenelme Digby, Observations upon Religio Medici. (London, R. C. for Daniel Frere, 1643, in 8vo.) And with : 543. Sir Kenelme Digby, Observations on the 22 Stanza in the 9th Canto of the 2d Book of Spencers Faery Queen. (London, for Daniel Frere, 1644, in 8vo.) Contemporary brown calf. THEOLOGY 193 544. A Directory for the Publique Worship of God ..., Together with an Ordinance of Parliament for the taking away of the Book of Common-Prayer: and for establishing and observing of this present Directory.... (London, for Evans Tyler, Alexander Fifield, Ralph Smith and John Field, 1644, in 4to.) Cf. supra no. 334 and infra no. 553. Bound with : 545. Henry Hammond, A view of the Directory and Reflections upon the Ancient Liturgies. Wanting the title. And with: 546. An accompt of all the Proceedings of the Com- missioners of both Perswasions. (London, 1661, in 4to.) And with : 547. A Petition for Peace : with the Reformation of the Liturgy as it was Presented to the Right Reverend Bishops by the Divines appointed by His Majesties Commission. (London, 1661, in 4to.) And with : 548. A Sermon concerning the Excellency, and Use- fulness of the Common- Prayer. Preached by William Beveridge, D.D., Rector of St Peter's Cornhill, London; At the opening of the said Parish Church the 27th of November, 1681. The eighth edition. (London, A. Grover for Richard Northcott, 1687, in 4to.) And with : 549. S. B., An Examination of Dr Comber's Scholas- tical History of the Primitive and General Use of Liturgies in the Christian Church. (London, for Richard Janeway, 1690, in 4to.) And with : a. 13 THEOLOGY I 95 550. S. B., A Second Examination of Doctor Comber's Scholastical History.... (London, Richard Janeway, 1691, in 4to.) And with : 551. T. C, The Examiner Examined : Being a Vindi- cation of the History of Liturgies. (London, Robert Clavell, 1691, in 4to.) And with : 552. Crofts, Bishop of Hereford, The Naked Truth. Or, the true state of the Primitive Church, by an Humble Moderator. (London ?, 1675, in 4to.) Old brown calf. 553. A Directory for the Publique Worship of God. (London, Evans Tyler, Alexander Fifield, Ralph Smith, and John Field, 1644, in 4to.) Bound with : 554. The Common Prayer Book unmasked by divers ministers of Gods Word. (s. 1., 1660, in 4to.) And with : 555. Ireneus Freeman, AOriKH AATPEIA. The reasonablenesse of Divine Service. (London, Thomas Basset, 1661, in 4to.) And with : 556. An accompt of all proceedings of the Commis- sioners of both Perswasions. (London, for R. H., 1661, in 4to.) » Cf. no. 546. 557. A view of the new Directorie and a Vindication of the ancient Liturgie of the Church of England. The Third Edition. (Oxford, Henry Hall, 1646, in 4to.) Bound with : 13—2 THEOLOGY 1 97 558. Considerations of present use concerning the danger resulting from the change of our Church-Govern- ment, (s. I., 1664, in 4to.) And with : 559. Of resisting the lawfull Magistrate under colour of Religion... Reprinted, (s. 1., 1647, in 4to.) And with : 560. A view of some exceptions which have beene made by a Romanist to the Lord Viscount Falkland's Discourse, of the Infallibilitie of the Church of Rome. (London, R. Royston and Oxford, R. Davis, 1646, in 4to.) And with : 561. A copy of some Papers past at Oxford betwixt the Author of the Practicall Catechisme, and Mr Ch. (London, R. Cotes for Richard Royston, 1647, in 4to.) And with : 562. H. Hammond, The christian's obligations to peace and charity. Delivered in an Advent Sermon at Carisbrooke-Castle. Ann. 1647. And now published with ix Sermons more. (London, R. Royston, 1649, in 4to.) And with : 563. To the Right Honourable the Lord Fairfax and his Councell of Warre the humble addresse of Henry Hammond. (London, R. Royston, 1649, in 4to.) Nos. 544 to 563 form a valuable series of rare tracts. 564. The humble advice of the Assembly of Divines, now by the authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concerning a Confession of Faith. (Edinburgh, Evan Tyler, 1647, in 4to.) Headlines cut into. THEOLOGY I 99 565. Orbis Miraculum, or the Temple of Solomon, pourtrayed by Scripture- Light. (London, John Streater for Giles Calvert, 1659, in fol.) From Samuel Prince's collection. Russia by Kalthoeber. 566. A Treatise of the Nature & Use of Things Indifferent. Tending to prove That the Ceremonies in present Controversie amongst the Ministers of the Gospel in the Realm of England, are neither in Nature or Use Indifferent. (London?, 1660, in 4to.) This copy ends on p. 32. 567. A Petition for Peace with the Reformation of the Liturgy. As it was Presented to the Right Reverend Bishops by the Divines Appointed by His Majesties Com- mission. (London, 1661, in 4to.) Bound with : 568. A True and Perfect Copy of the Whole disputa- tion at the Savoy, That was managed by the Episcopal Divines as Opponents, To prove that there is nothing sinful in the Liturgy. (London, 1662, in / Morocco by Holloway. 569. John Featly, Tears in time of pestilence or a spiritual antidote against the plague. (London, W. Godbid, 1665, in 8vo.) Old calf (rebacked). 570. R. F. S. Cressy, XVI revelations of Divine Love, shewed to a devout servant of our Lord called Mother Juliana, (s. 1. et typ. nom., 1670, in 8vo.) Contemporary calf. 571. England's Imminent Danger and Only Remedy. (London, Thomas Dring, 1671, in 8vo.) Old red morocco with the cipher of King Charles II, from his library. Possibly bound by Samuel Mearne. THEOLOGY 201 572. The Ladies Calling..., by the Author of the whole Duty of Man. The third impression. (Oxford, at the Theater, 1675, m 4 to -) Contemporary English binding in green morocco, inlaid with red morocco, elaborately gilt and silvered, with an imitation pointille pattern. 573. Contemplations Moral and Divine. The Second Part. (London, William Shrowsbury and John Leigh, 1676, in 8vo.) Handsome contemporary binding in black morocco, elaborately gilt and silvered all over, with an imitation pointille pattern. 574. John Hales, A tract concerning the Sin against the Holy Ghost. (London, Playford for John Blyth, 1677, in 8vo.) Old calf. 575. [Arthur Bury], The Naked Gospel. (London ?, 1690, in 4to.) Bound with : 576. [James Parkinson], The fire's continued at Oxford, or the decree of the convocation for burning the Naked Gospel considered, (s. 1. et a. [London ?], 1690 ?, in 4to.) 577. William Laud, The history of the troubles and tryal of The Most Reverend Father in God, and Blessed Martyr William Laud, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. (London, Joseph Cant for Richard Chiswell, 1695, in fol.) • A fine copy, in orange calf. 578. The Principles of a member of the Black List. (London, George Strahan, 1702, in 8vo.) Very fine binding in dark blue morocco, gilt floral tooling, by Elliot and Chapman. From the Masham library. THEOLOGY 203 579. Charles Wheatly, The Church of England Man's companion. (Oxford, at the Theater, 1710, in 8vo.) Black morocco gilt, probably by Elliot and Chapman. The author's presentation copy to his parents (with his autograph) of this rare com- mentary on the Prayer-Book. 580. Robert Nelson, The Life of Dr George Bull, Late Lord Bishop of St David's with the History of those Controversies in which he was engaged. (London, for Richard Smith, 1713, in 8vo.) Handsome red morocco binding, probably by Elliot and Chapman, with the arms of Queen Anne. From the Masham library, with Richard Palmer's bookplate. THEOLOGY. VARIOUS. 581. Pedro Ciruelo, Doctrina muy verdadera y catholica...Reprouacion de supersticiones. (s. 1. et a., in 8vo.) Original (?) vellum wrapper lined with two leaves from an early printed Spanish book. 582. Ioannes de Turrecremata, Questiones super evangeliis totius anni. (s. 1. et a., in 8vo.) Bound with : 583. Vocabulista Ecclesiastico Latino e vulgare, utile e necessario. (Venetijs, Simon de Luere, 1514, in 410.) Old French morocco with the arms and cipher of Henry II and Diane de Poitiers. A fine specimen of a binding from that famous royal library. 584. Libro llamado Thesoro de virtudes muy util & copioso. (Medina del campo, Pedro de Castro, 1543, in 8vo.) Bound with : 585. El glorioso martyrio del bien auenturado padre fray Andres de espoleto...(i532). (s. 1. et a., but by the same printer, about 1543.) Original vellum wrapper. At the end is a sermon written at Talmanaco near Mexico in 1531. THEOLOGY '. VARIOUS 207 586. Jacopo Passauanti, Lo Specchio di vera peni- tenzia. (Firenze, Bartolommeo Sermartelli, 1585, in i2mo.) Beautiful English binding, about a.d. 1700, in red morocco, inlaid with black morocco and elaborately gilt. From the Sunderland collection. 587. Laurentius Petius de Colonia. Vinea domini cum breui descriptione sacramentorum.... (Venice, Hiero- nymus Porrus, 1588, in 8vo.) Beautiful contemporary French gilt binding in citron morocco, by Clovis Eve (?), with the ciphers of Francois de Coligny and Marguerite d'Ailly, his wife. From the libraries of Gancia and Ricardo de Heredia. 588. Saint Bonaventure, The Miroure of the Blessed life of Our Lorde and Savioure Iesus Christe. (s. 1. et a., in i2mo.) Old calf. A poor copy but believed to be unique and undescribed by all bibliographers. Probably printed in the Netherlands about a.d. 1600. From E. Powell's collection. 589. Thomas A Kempis, His soliloquies translated out of Latine by Thomas Carre. (Paris, M. Blageart, 1653, in i2mo.) Original vellum wrapper. 590. Thomas Erpenius, Historia Josephi Patriarchae ex Alcorano, Arabice. Cum triplici versione Latina & scholiis. (Leyden, typographia Erpeniana linguarum Orientalium, 1617, in 4to.) Original (?) vellum binding. CHURCH FATHERS. MS. 34. Isidorus Hispalensis, de summo bono. Al- quinus, de sapientia (ms. on vellum, about 1200 ; 84 ff.). A remarkable specimen of a contemporary binding executed at Haugh- mond Abbey, Shropshire : thick oak boards covered with white deerskin, the linings being leaves of a Latin ms. written in Ireland in an Irish hand in the earlier part of the xnth century. MS. 35. Sancti Hieronymi Epistolae (ms. on vellum, about a.d. 1400). Written in a beautiful round Italian hand. Brown morocco by Bedford. MS. 36. Sanctus Bernardus, Sermones supra Cantica Canticorum, liber 111. (Sermons 31 — 87 end), (ms. on vellum, 48 ff., dated 1416.) From Peter Hardy's collection. Bound in two vols, obtained at different dates by their present owner. 591. TOT AriOT IOT2TINOT OlAOSOOOT KAI MAPTTPOS, ZHNA kclI 2ep-ijva>..., etc. (Paris, Robert Estienne, 1551, in fol.) Bound with : 592. rPHropiOT tot nazianzhnot tot beoao- TOT AIIANTA. (Bale, for John Hervagius, 1550, in fol.) Wormed at end. Beautiful old German binding, in oak boards, covered with most delicately stamped white vellum with a gilt portrait of the owner kneeling, his initials M. H. K. and the date 1561. a. x 4 CHURCH FATHERS 211 593. Sanctus Gregorius Nazianzenus, In Iulianum inuectiuae duae...ex Bibliotheca Clarissimi viri D. Henrici Savilii, edidit R. Montagu. (Eton, John Norton, 1610, in 4to.) Bound with : 594. Ioannes, Metropolitanus Euchaitensis, Versus iambici...editi cura Matthaei Busti. {Ibid., 1610.) Contemporary calf. Presented by Edmund Savile to John Gere, and by John Gere to John Langley. These are the two first books printed at Eton. Both are in Sir Henry Savile's famous Silver type (Proctor, Trans. Bibliogr. Soc. vn. 1904, pp. 68 — 73). In the binding are pasted printers' waste from the ninth vol. of the Mercurius Gallobelgicus and a fragment of a Latin ms. of the xivth century. 595. S. Ioannis Chrysostomi Opera Graece. (Eton, John Norton, 1612 [i.e. 1610-1613], in fol.) 8 vols. Original brown calf (with arms), lined with leaves from an early Spanish book. Probably the third book printed at Eton, also in the Silver type. 596. Eusebii Caesariensis Episcopi Chronicon, quod Hieronymus presbyter diuino eius ingenio Latinum facere curauit. (Paris, Henri Estienne and Iehan Petit, 1513, in 4to.) Old boards covered with stamped leather. From the libraries of Christopher Plantin, the great printer (with his autograph) and of the Lou vain Jesuits. 597. Eusebius, Chronicon, completed by P. M. and M. Palmerius. (Paris, Henri Estienne, 1518, in 4to.) Original brown calf, made perfect with 2 ff. from another copy. With a valuable account of the invention of printing on f. 155 verso. 598. Eusebii Pamphili Euangelicae demonstrationis. Lib. x. Ex Bibliotheca Regia. (Paris, Robert Estienne, I545> in fol.) The margins contain a valuable collation (in the autograph of Gaisford) of the text with a Greek manuscript. From Leon Duchesne de la Sicotiere's library. 14 — 2 CHURCH FATHERS 213 599. EIII2TOAAI TOT AriOT I2IAOPOT TOT nHAOTSlHTOT. S. Isidori Pelusiotae epistolae. (Paris, Guillaume Chaudiere, 1585, in fol.) With Jacobus Billius' Latin translation. Green morocco, with de Thou's first arms. From the Syston Park library. 600. Divi Basilii Magni Caesariensis episcopi erudi- tissima opera... (translated by Iohannes Argyropilus, Georgius Trapezuntius, and others). (Cologne, Eucharius Cervicornus for Godefridus Hittorpius, 1523, in fol.) Fine contemporary English stamped calf binding by R. L. who was probably a Frenchman living in London. 601. Hieronymus in Vitas Patrum. (Lyon, Jacques Mareschal, 1520, in 8vo.) Contemporary English stamped leather binding by Julian Notary, with his two panel stamps (the Tudor Rose and the arms of England and France), being a fine specimen of the "Henry VIII" bindings. 602. L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani, Divinarum Insti- tutionum Libri vii. (Basileae, Andreas Cratander, 1521, in 4to.) Very fine contemporary German stamped leather binding, with religious and emblematic figures. From the Sunderland library. JURISPRUDENCE. ECCLESIASTIC AND CIVIL INCLUDING RELIGIOUS ORDERS. Cf. also nos. 15, 16, 24, 60, 106, 108, 133, *34i J53> 153 bis and 157. MS. 37. Extent of the Estates of the Hospitalars in England, taken under the direction of Prior Philip de Thume (a.d. 1338). Transcribed from the original in the Public Library in Malta, 1839, by Lambert B. Larking (ms. on paper, 488 pages, in 2 vols.). Brown calf. MS. 38. Forest laws, ms. on paper, a part of it in the autograph of Peter Le Neve (1661-1729) the Norfolk antiquary. From the Topham collection. 603. Thomas de Torquemada, Copilacion de las In- structiones del Officio de la sancta Inquisicion. (Granada, 29 September 1537, in fol.) Original vellum wrapper. 604. Canones et decreta sacrosancti oecumenici et generalis Concilii Tridentini. (Rome, Paulus Manutius, 1564, in fol.) Old calf, from Bishop Butler's collection. With ms. corrections made by the contemporary authorities and authenticated by the official signa- tures. 605. Pietro Soave Polano, Historia del Concilio Tridentino. (Londra, Giovan Billio, 1619, in fol.) From the Suajer collection. JURISPRUDENCE 2 I 7 606. Imago primi saeculi Societatis Iesu a Provincia Flandro-Belgica eiusdem Societatis repraesentata. (Ant- werp, Balthasar Moretus, 1640, in fol.) Old calf. 607. Stabilimenta militum sacri ordinis diui Ioannis hierosolymitani, una cum bulla ipsis concessa. A summo pontifice Claemente .vij. (Salamanca, Ioannes Iunte, 1534, in fol.) Original vellum wrapper. This copy is authenticated by a seal and by a number of official signatures. 608. Statuta ordinis domus hospitalis Hierusalem. (Rome, Antonius Bladus, 1556, in fol.) Plain vellum binding, from the libraries of Prosperus Bottinius, the Earl of Guilford, Dr Lee and Sir Edmund Lechmere. With the autograph signature of Portalruvio, Vice-chancellor of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. 609. Statuta Hospitalis Hierusalem. (Romae, 1588, in fol.) Compiled, with an index, by Ptolemaeus Veltronius. From the libraries of Sir George Nagler and Dr Lee. 610. des Clozeaulx, Privilleges des Papes...en faveur de l'ordre S. Jean de Jerusalem. (Paris, Remy Soubret, 1649, in 4to.) 2 vols. Old calf with arms. 611. Les Statuts de l'ordre de Sainct lean de Hieru- salem. (s. 1., 1658, in fol.) Followed by Naberat's Sommaire des privileges octroyez a Fordre de S. lean... (in two parts) and by Malthe suppliante aux pieds du Roy. Old white vellum. 612. Giacomo Bosio, Histoire des chevaliers de l'ordre de S. Jean de Hierusalem. (Paris, Jacques D'Allin, 1659, in fol.) Original calf. The best edition of P. de Boissat's translation, added to by Baudoin and Naberat. From the library of St Bernard on the Escaut. JURISPRUDENCE 2 1 Q. 613. F. Mathieu de Goussancourt, Le martyrologe des chevaliers de S. Jean de Hierusalem, dits de Make. (Paris, Francis Noel et Veuve Guillaume Le Noir, 1643, in fol.) 2 vols, in one. Old French calf. With a great number of copper-plate coats of arms. 614. Dynus, De regulis juris, published by Celsus Hugo. (s. 1., 1525, in 8vo.) Original stamped leather binding with a panel representing St Catherine of Alexandria. From the Sunderland collection. 615. William Lyndewode, Constitutiones prouinciales. (Paris, Iodocus Badius Ascensius, 15 May 1506, in fol.) A very fine copy in old panelled calf. From the libraries of Thomas Beet, George Davenport (a.d. 1666) and Edmund Yorke. An interesting specimen of a book printed abroad for sale in England. (Cf. no. 133.) 616. The fyrste dyaloge in Englysche bythwyxt a Doctoure of Dywynyte and a Student in the Lawes of Englande.... (London, Robert Wyer, about 1530, in 4to.) Bound with : 617. The secunde dyalogue in englysshe wyth new addycyons.... (London, Peter Treveris, 1531, in 8vo.) Old green morocco. 618. Statutes, Anno xxxn Henrici octaui. (London, Thomas Berthelet, " 1540," in fol.) From the library of Cornelius Paine. Cf. nos. 153, 153 bis, 1009 and 1010. 619. Reformatio legum ecclesiasticarum, ex authoritate primum Regis Henrici .8. inchoata : Deinde per Regem Edouardum 6. prouecta, adauctaque in hunc modum, atque nunc ad pleniorem ipsarum reformationem in lucem aedita. (London, Iohn Day, 1571, in 4to.) From the libraries of Walter Haddon, Richard Parsons, John Jones and Sir William Tite. JURISPRUDENCE 221 620. Magna Charta cum statutis turn antiquis turn recentibus. (London, for the Companie of Stationers, 1608, in 8vo.) Old calf, probably from Herbert's library. Many neat ms. notes in Law French. 621. William Dugdale, Originales Juridiciales or Historical Memorials of the English Laws..., etc. (London, F. and T. Warren, 1666, in fol.) From the Comerford library. Maroon morocco. 622. William Dugdale, Origines juridiciales or Historical Memorials of the English Laws, Courts of Justice.... Also a chronologie of the Lord Chancelors and Keepers of great Seal.... The second edition with additions. (London, Tho. Newcomb, for Abel Roper, John Martin and Henry Herringman, 1671, in fol.) Old calf. 623. Coustumes du pais de Normandie, anciens ressors, et enclaves d'iceluy. (Paris, pour Iacques du Puys, 1586, in 4to.) Old calf. From the Sunderland library. SCIENCES AND ARTS. PHILOSOPHY. MS. 39. Ditz Moraulx des Philosophes. (ms. on vellum with 20 large miniatures, dated "fait Ian. 1473, 1 Apvril.") The original French of " the Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers " translated by Earl Rivers and printed by Caxton. This copy may well be the very one lent by Louis de Bretaylles to Earl Rivers during their voyage to Spain in July, 1473. Old red velvet. MS. 40. Laurentius Gallus, La Somme le Roy or Somme des vices et vertus. (ms. on vellum, about a.d. 1300.) Contains at the end four pages of additional matter beginning : (S)ains pos dist cest tres ligiere chose ou regart de deu de tost enrechir .j. poure desperit. A fine ms., from Baron Achille Seilliere's collection (no. 621). Blue morocco by Thompson. 624. Georgius Reisch, Margarita philosophica cum additionibus nouis. (Bale, Iohann Schott, 1508, in 4to.) Original oak boards covered with stamped vellum, with clasps. From the Kloss collection. 625. Georgius Reisch, Margarita philosophica noua. (Strassburg, Johann Griininger, 1512, in 4to.) With numerous woodcuts. Original oak boards and stamped calf. SCIENCES AND ARTS 225 626. Abraham Choen (or Cohen) De Herrera, Epitome y compendio de la logica o dialectica. (s. 1. et a., in 8vo.) Bound with : 627. The same, Libro de diffiniciones, discripciones y breues declaraciones, de muchos terminos, palabras y conceptos que se usan en la Theologia...y...Philosophia.... (s. 1. et a., in 8vo.) Old calf. 628. Ioseph Glanvill, Scepsis Scientifica or, Confest Ignorance, the way to Science ; in an Essay of The Vanity of Dogmatizing and Confident Opinion with a Reply to the Exceptions of the Learned Thomas Albius. (London, E. Cotes for Henry Eversden, 1665, in 4to.) Bound with : 629. The same, Scire (Sciri) tuum nihil est or the Author's Defence of the Vanity of Dogmatizing against the Exceptions of the Learned Tho. Albius in his Late Sciri. (Ibid., 1665, in 4to.) Old calf. 630. Henry Peacham, The Compleat Gentleman, fashioning him absolute in the most necessary & com- mendable qualities.... (London, Francis Constable, 1634, in 4to.) Original vellum binding. 631. H(enry) P(eacham), The Worth of a Peny or a Caution to keep Money. (London, 1647, in 4to.) A duplicate from the British Museum. (Sold in 1787.) J 5 SCIENCES AND ARTS 227 SCIENCES. MS. 41. Bernardo Perez de Vargas, De re metal- lica. En el qual se tratan muchos i di versos secretos del conoscimiento de toda suerte de minerales. (ms. on paper, xvnth century.) Apparently a copy of the edition printed at Madrid by Pierres Cosin, in 1649. Old white vellum. 632. William Whiston, A new theory of the earth from its original, to the Consummation of all Things. (London, R. Roberts for Benjamin Tooke, 1696, in 8vo.) Bound with : 633. The same, A vindication of the New Theory of the Earth from the exceptions of Mr Keill and Others. (London, for Benjamin Tooke, 1698, in 8vo.) Old brown calf with an Earl's monogram. 634. F. Hauksbee, Physico Mechanical Experiments on various subjects. Containing an account of several surprizing Phenomena touching Light and Electricity, producible on the attrition of bodies. (London, R. Brugis, 1709, in 4to.) Contemporary red English morocco. From the libraries of Phillip Carteret Webb and Count D. Boutourlin. 635. William Gilbert, De magnete, magneticisque corporibus et de magno magnete tellure. (London, Peter Short, 1600, in fol.) Original calf. 636. Robert Wittie, Scarbrough Spaw or a descrip- tion of the Nature and Vertues of the Spaw at Scarbrough in Yorkshire. (London, and York, Richard Lambert, 1660, in 8vo.) Old calf. 15—2 SCIENCES AND ARTS 229 637. Robert Wittie, Scarbrough Spaw, or a de- scription of the Nature and Vertues of the Spaw at Scarbrough, Yorkshire. (York, A. Broad for Tho. Passenger, 1667, in 8vo.) Old brown calf. 638. George Tonstall, Scarbrough Spaw spagyrically anatomized. (London, J. M., 1670, in 8vo.) Bound with : 639. The same, A New- Years- Gift for Doctor Witty ; or the Dissector anatomized : which is a reply to the Dis- course Intituled, An Answer to all that Doctor Tonstall has writ, or shall hereafter write, against Scarbrough Spaw. (London, J. M., 1672, in 8vo.) Original brown calf. From John Rhodes' collection. 640. Johannes Caius, Of Englishe Dogges, translated by Abraham Fleming. (London, Ry chard Johnes, 1576, in 4to.) From Dr Charles Chauncy's and the Duke of Grafton's libraries. 641. Charles Butler, The feminine Monarchic or the histori of bees. (Oxford, William Turner, 1634, in 4to.) Olive morocco by Hering. From Joseph Gwilt's library. Another copy in the original calf. 642. Antonius Guaynerius, Opus preclarum ad praxim non mediocriter necessarium..., De egritudinibus capitis, De egritudinibus oculorum..., etc. (Lyon, Con- stantin Fradin, 9 June 1525, in 4to.) Original vellum wrapper. 643. Henricus Ronsovius, The English mans Doctor or, The Schoole of Salerne [Translated by Sir John Harington]. (London, William Stansby, for the Widdow Helme, 1617, in 8vo.) Title in -facsimile. Bound with : SCIENCES AND ARTS 23 1 644. S. H., De valetudine conseruanda or the preserva- tion of health. (London, August Mathewes for Thomas Dewe, 1624, in 8vo.) 645. Henricus Ronsovius, The Englishmans doctor or the Schoole of Salerne..., translated by Sir John Harington. (London, A. M. for Thomas Dewe, 1624, in 8vo.) 646. Recreations Mathematiques, composees de plu- sieurs problemes plaisans & facetieux.... (Lyon, Claude Prost, 1642-1643, in 8vo.) Original vellum wrapper. OCCULT SCIENCES. MS. 42. Various treatises in English on Astrology and Chiromancy (ms. on vellum, 50 fif., circa 1485). From the Bateman library. 647. Johannes Hasius, Prefatio laudatoria in Artem Chiromanticam. (Augsburg, Joannes Erffordianus, 1519, in 4to.) With woodcuts. From the Yemeniz coll. (no. 917). Unknown to Panzer, this being the only copy quoted by bibliographers. Mottled calf by Birdsall. (Cf. no. 84.) 648. Ioannes Stoflerinus, Elucidatio fabricae ususque astrolabii. (Oppenheim, Jacobus Cobelius, 1524, in fol.) Old brown calf, with gilt entrelacs, bound for Grolier, with his name and motto (rebacked and inlaid). From the Gibson Craig collection. 649. Prognosticatio Iohannis Liechtenrerger's, quam olim scripsit super magna ilia Saturni ac Jovis coniunctione quae fuit Anno m.cccc.lxxxiiii. (Cologne, Petrus Quentel, 1526, in 4to.) With many woodcuts by Anthony of Worms. Old citron morocco, with gilt fillets and entrelacs, bound for Grolier with his name and motto (rebacked and inlaid). From the Gibson Craig collection. SCIENCES AND ARTS 233 650. Chyromantia del Tricasso da Ceresari Mantuano ingeniosamente extratta dai libri di Aristotile & altri Philo- sophi naturali. (Venice, Vettor . q . Piero Rauano della Serena & Compagni, 1535, in 8vo.) Old red French morocco binding of the xvmth century. 651. Alexander Roberts, A Treatise of Witchcraft. (London, N. O. for Samuel Man, 1616, in 4*0.) 652. Henry de Boyvin du Vaurouy, La Physionomie ou des indices que la Nature a mis au corps humain par 011 Ton peut descouurir les Moeurs, & les inclinations d'un chacun. (Paris, Toussainct Du Bray, 1635, m 8vo.) Presentation copy to Cardinal de Richelieu in a beautiful binding in old red French morocco with an elaborate pointilU tooling, by Le Gascon, with the Cardinal's arms. From the libraries of Baron Jerdme Pichon and Ricardo de Heredia. It is a translation from the Greek of Adamantius. 653. Reginald Scot, Discovery of Witchcraft. (London, R. C, 1651, in 4to.) 654. Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Three books of occult philosophy. (London, R. W. for Gregory Moule, 1651, in 4to.) Bound with the Fourth book. (London, J. C. for John Harrison, 1655, in 4to.) 655. William Lilly, Christian astrology modestly Treated of in three Books. The second Edition Corrected and Amended. (London, John Macock, 1659, in 4to.) Bound in Russia leather by Roger Payne for Dr Benjamin Moseley, an interesting binding with gilt astronomical ornaments. Payne's invoice is bound in the book. From the Hibbert collection. SCIENCES AND ARTS 235 ARTS, CRAFTS AND PASTIMES. MS. 43. A perfect waie and order to be observed in chosing and keping of Sparhawkes (ms. on vellum, xvith century, 25 ff.). This is the only ms. known of this treatise which has been reprinted from this MS. by J. E. Harting, A perfect booke for kepinge of sparkawkes or goshawkes (London, Quaritch, 1886, in 4to.). White vellum. 656. Hartman Schopper, riANOIIAIA Omnium illi- beralium mechanicarum aut sedentariarum artium genera continens. (Frankfurt-am-Main, Georgius Coruinus for Sigismund Feyerabent, 1568, in 8vo.) With 135 fine woodcuts. Contemporary pigskin. 657. Hartman Schopper, De Omnibus illiberalibus sive mechanicis artibus. (Frankfurt-am-Main, Georgius Coruinus for Sigismund Feyerabent, 1574, in 8vo.) Original stamped leather binding. From Gaisford's library. 658. Joseph Moxon, Mechanick exercises or the doc- trine of Handy- Works. (London, 1683, in 4to.) 2 vols. Old calf. With a number of plates. 659. Simon Stevin van Brugghe, De Weeghdaet, praxis artis ponderariae. (Ley den, Christophe Plantin [Francoys van Raphelingen], 1586, in 4to.) Bound with : 660. The same, De beghinselen der weeghconst. (Ibid., 1586.) And with : 661. The same, De beghinselen (Elementa) des Water- wichts. {Ibid., 1586.) Handsome contemporary German binding in brown calf, stamped and gilt, dated 1586 and made for the Nuremberg library of which this volume is a duplicate. SCIENCES AND ARTS 237 662. William Cuningham, The Cosmographical Glasse, conteinyng the pleasant Principles of Cosmographie, Geographie, Hydrographie or Nauigation. (London, Iohn, Daye, 1559, in fol.) From the libraries of James Bindley and Richard Heber. With the rare view of Norwich which is often wanting. 663. Martin Cortes, The Arte of Nauigation... Englished out of Spanish. (London, Richard Watkins, 1589, in 4to.) The second edition. 664. M. Blundeville, His exercises containing eight Treatises... to the furtherance of... [the] Art of Nauigation. (London, William Stansby, 1613, in 4to.) With diagrams and charts. Old brown calf. 665. Robert Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, Dell' arcano del mare...libri sei. (Florence, Francesco Onofri, 1646, in fol.) 3 vols. Vols. 1 and 11. With a great number of plates, charts and diagrams. From Earl Devon's library. In one vol. white vellum. 666. Conrad Gesner, A new booke of destillatyon of waters called the Treasure of Euonymus... Translated... out of Latin by Peter Morwyng. (London, John Day, 1565, in 4to.) With numerous woodcuts. Original brown calf. From Colonel Forbes Leith's collection. 667. William Sanderson, Graphice, The use of the pen and pencil, or the most excellent art of painting. (London, Robert Crofts, 1658, in fol.) 668. Francisco Lucas, Arte de escrevir. (Madrid, Iuan de la Cuesta, 1608, in 4to.) With a number of engraved models of handwriting. SCIENCES AND ARTS 239 669. The First Book of Architecture by Andrea Palladio, translated out of Italian w th diuerse other designes necessary to the art of well building by Godfrey Richards. (London, for T. Parkhurst, George Sawbridge and Eben. Tracy, 1693, in 4to.) With numerous plates. 670. The Gentleman Angler. The third edition. (London, C. Hitch [about 1680], in i2mo.) Green morocco. 671. George Turbervile, The Booke of Faulconrie or Hauking, for the onely delight and pleasure of all Noblemen and Gentlemen. (London, Christopher Barker, 1575. in 4to.) With woodcuts. A corner of the title in facs. Mottled calf by Pratt. 672. Antonio Scaino da Sal6, Trattato del giuoco della Palla. (Venice, Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari et Fratelli, I55S in 8vo.) With interesting woodcuts of playing-courts, balls and rackets. GARDENING AND OTHER AGRICULTURAL ARTS. Cf. also nos. 17, 20, 107, 161 and 164. MS. 44. Macer, De uiribus herbarum, an early English translation (ms. on vellum, early xvth century ; 44 ff-)- From the libraries of John Dalton, John Benedictus, Henry Savyll, James Hargrave (1783) and Hugh W. Diamond (1833). Old russia. MS. 45. The garden book of Kelmarsh court (ms. on paper, xvnith century). 2 vols. Old calf. Written from 1733 to 1763 and containing many curious recipes on gardening and interesting details as to the management of an estate in the xvmth century. 673. Aemilius Macer, De Herbarum virtutibus. (Freiburg in Brisgau, Joannes Faber Emmeus, 1530, in 8vo.) Contains Strabi Galli, Hortulus vernantissimus. 674. De re hortensi libellus. (Lyons, Seb. Gryphius, 1536, in 8vo.) Original vellum wrapper, from the Vine. Marini collection. 675. Sir Rycharde Benese, The maner of measurynge of all maner of lande. (Southwark, James Nicolson, [1537], in 4to.) Contemporary brown stamped calf with the arms of King Henry VIII and the emblems of the Passion arranged heraldically (bound by John Reynes). A. l6 GARDENING 243 676. The boke of husbandry. (London, Thomas Berthelet, 1537, in 8vo.) Old calf. One leaf in facs. Not in the Handlist of English printers. 677. William Turner, The names of herbes in Greke, Latin, Englishe, Duche & Frenche. (London, John Day and Wyllyam Seres, 1548, in 8vo.) British Museum duplicate. (Sold in 1831.) 678. Anthony Askham, A little Herball of the properties of Herbes. (London, John King, 1550, in 8vo.) The Wilbraham copy (wanting 1 f). 679. Anthony Askham, A little Herball of the properties of Herbes. (London, Wyllyam Powell, 12 March 1550, in 8vo.) Old calf. From the Bateman collection (wanting title). 680. Wylliam Turner, A new Herball. (London, Steven Mierdman, 1551, in fol.) Bound with : 681. The seconde parte of Vuilliam Turners herball. (Cologne, Arnold Birckman, 1562, in fol.) And with : 682. William Turner, A booke of the natures and properties... of the bathes.... (Ibid., 1562.) And with : 683. A most excellent and perfecte homish apothecarye ...translated by John Hollybush. (Ibid., 1561.) All four being fine copies. 684. Rembert Dodoens, Histoire des plantes, en laquelle est contenue la description entiere des herbes..., traduite...par Charles de l'Escluse. (Anvers, Jean Loe, 1557, in fol.) With many woodcuts. Original vellum wrapper. 16 — 2 GARDENING 245 685. The greate Herball. (London, Jhon Kynge, 1561, in fol.) From the Bateman collection. Apparently the last edition of the book. 686. Thomas Tusser, A hundreth good poyntes of husbandry. (London, Richard Tottell, 1562, in 4to.) Wanting the last f. of table. Old calf. The Ashburnham copy of the rare third edition of Tusser's Husbandry. 687. William Turner, Herbal. (Cologne, Arnold Birckman, 1568, in fol.) 3 parts. Bound with : 688. The same, A book of the natures and properties... of the bathes. . .. {Ibid., 1568.) And with : 689. A most excellent and perfecte homish apothecarye or homely physick booke ... translated by John Hollybush. (Ibid., 1561.) Old English calf. 690. Sir Richarde de Benese, The Boke of measur- yng of Lande as well of Woodland as Plowland, & pasture in the feelde : & to compt the true nombre of Acres of the same. (London, Thomas Colwell, s. a. [1561-1575 ?], in 8vo.) Bound with : 691. Thomas Hyll, A most briefe and pleasaunte treatise, teachyng how to dresse, sowe, and set a garden.... (London, Ihon Day, s. a. [about 1570], in 8vo.) This is doubtless the yet unknown second edition vainly sought for by A. Amherst, Bibliography p. 6. And with : GARDENING 247 692. The Booke of Thrift, containing a perfite order, and right methode to profite lands, and other things belonging to Husbandry. Newly Englished and set out. (London, Iohn Wolfe, 1589, in 8vo.) And with : 693. The Husbandlye ordring, and Governmente of Poultrie. (London, Thomas Purfoote for Gerarde Dewse, 1581, in 8vo.) 694. Leonard Mascall, A Booke of the Arte and maner, howe to plant and graffe all sortes of trees.... (London, Henrie Denham, for John Wight, 1572, in 4to.) 695. Nicolaus Monardus, Historia medicinal de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias Occidentales que siruen en Medicina. (Seville, Alonso Escrivano, 1574, in 8vo.) 696. Thomas Tusser, Five hundreth points of good husbandry united to as many of good huswiferie. (London, Rychard Tottell, 1577, in 4to.) A fine copy from the Bindley and Ashburnham collections. 697. Rembert Dodoens, A niewe Herball, or historie of plantes translated by Henry Lyte. (London, Gerard Dewes, 1578, in fol.) With many woodcuts. The first English edition, printed at Antwerp by Henry Loe. Old calf. 698. [Leonard Mascall], The art of planting and grafting, (s. 1. et a. [about 1580], in 4to.) Wanting the first four ff. 699. Thomas Tusser, Five hundred pointes of good Husbandrie, as well for the champion, or open countrie as also for the woodland. (London, Henrie Denham, 1580, in 4to.) Old calf. From W. Jenner's library. With the rare first blank. 699 bis. Another edition. Wanting the first leaf. GARDENING 249 700. Rembertus Dodoneaeus, Stirpium Historiae pemptades sex. (Antwerp, Christophe Plantin, 1583, in fol.) Old oak boards covered with stamped vellum. 701. Rembert Dodoens, A new Herball, or historie of plants... translated by Henrie Lyte. (London, Ninian Newton, 1586, in 4to.) The second English edition. Old calf. 701 bis. Didymus Mountain [i.e. Thomas Hill], The Gardener's Labyrinth. (London, Iohn Wolfe, 1586, in 4to.) Mottled calf, from Henry L. Sandham's library. 702. Didymus Mountain [i. e. Thomas Hill], The Gardener's Labyrinth. (London, Adam I slip, 1594, in 4to.) Bound with : 703. Leonard Mascall, A Booke of the Arte and manner how to Plant and Graffe all sorts of Trees... (London, T. East for Thomas Wight, 1592, in 4to.) Old calf. From the libraries of William Wilson, W. H. Pepys and Thomas Bateman. 704. Rembert Dodoens, A new Herball, or historie of plants... translated by Henrie Lyte. Corrected and amended. (London, Edm. Bollifant, 1595, in 4to.) The third English edition. Mottled calf. 705. Nicolaus Monardus, Joyfull newes out of the New-found Worlde wherin are declared the. ..virtues of divers Herbs, trees.... Englished by John Frampton. (London, E. Allde for Bonham Norton, 1596, in 4to.) From the libraries of Revd. James W. Bellamy and John Lindsay. 706. John Gerarde, The Herball or generall historie of Plantes. (London, Edm. Bollifant for Bonham and Iohn Norton, 1597, in fol.) Old calf (rebacked). GARDENING 25 1 706 bis. Another copy. Bound with : 707. Catalogus arborum, fruticum ac plantarum tarn indigenarum quam exoticarum, in horto Johannis Gerardi Ciuis & Chirurgi Londinensis nascentium. (London, Arnold Hatfield, 1599, in fol.) From Charles Havell's library. 708. Charles Stevens and John Liebault, Maison rustique or the countrie farme... translated by Richard Surflet. (London, Edm. Bollifant for Bonham Norton, 1600, in 4to.) Old calf. 709. Carolus Clusius, Rariorum plantarum historia. (Antwerp, ex ofificina Plantiniana, J. Moretus, 1601, in fol.) Bound with : 710. The same, Exoticorum libri decern. (Antwerp, ex ofificina Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1605, in fol.) Containing also : Nicolai Monardi Magna Medicinae secreta, and : Petri Bellonii Cenomani Observationes. And with : 711. The same, Curae posteriores. (Ibid., 161 1.) A very fine copy in old red morocco, from Michael Wodhull's library, complete with all the supplements. De Gheyn's original drawing of the portrait of Clusius engraved in the book, has been inserted at the beginning. 712. Charles Stevens and John Liebault, Maison rustique or the countrey farme... translated by Richard Surflet. (London, Arnold Hatfield for John Norton and John Bill, 1606, in 4to.) Old calf. A leaf of a black-letter prayer-book is used in the binding. Contains at the end a treatise on hunting and hawking. Another copy, also in old calf, with the arms of King James I. GARDENING 253 713. N. F., The Husbandmans fruitfull Orchard. (London, Roger Jackson, 1609, in 4to.) The same work as The Fruiterers Secrets (1604). Green morocco by Riviere. I can trace only one other copy. 714. John Parkinson, Paradisi in Sole, Paradisus Terrestris or A Garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permit to be noursed up. (London, Humfrey Lownes & Robert Young, 1629, in fol.) Old calf. From Edward Hasted's library. 715. John Gerarde, The Herball or generall historie of Plantes. (London, Adam Islip, Ioice Norton, and Richard Whitakers, 1633, in fol.) Old russia. 716. John Parkinson, Theatrum botanicum, the theater of plants or an herball of large extent. (London, Tho. Cotes, 1640, in fol.) Woodcuts. Old panelled calf. 717. N. Culpeper, The English Physician or an Astrologo-physical Discourse of the vulgar Herbs of this Nation. (London, 1652, in i2mo.) Old russia. Frontispiece mounted. 718. Sir Hugh Plat, The Jewel House of Art and Nature. (London, Elizabeth Alsop, 1653, in 4to.) Original brown calf. Published by Charles Bellingham and differing apparently from the copy described in A. Amherst's bibliography. 719. Ralph Austen, A Treatise of Fruit-Trees. (Oxford, Thomas Robinson, 1653, in 4to.) 720. T. Barker (?), The Country-mans Recreation or the Art of Planting Grafting and Gardening. (London, T. Mabb for William Shears, 1654, in 4to.) Contemporary calf. From Th. Jolley's collection. GARDENING 255 721. John Moore, Considerations concerning common fields, and inclosures, dialogvewise. (London, Abel Roper, 1654, in 4to.) Yellow calf. 722. Samuel Hartlib, His legacy of Husbandry. Third edition. (London, J. M. for Richard Wodnothe, 1655, in 4to.) Old calf. From the Earl of Jersey's library. 723. John Parkinson, Paradisi in sole paradisus ter- restris or A choise Garden of all sorts of Rarest Flowers. (London, R. N. for Richard Thrale, 1656, in fol.) Imperfect. Another copy, with the title inlaid, but containing all the leaves wanting in the first copy. 724. John Tradescant, Museum Tradescantianum. (London, John Grismond for Nathaniel Brooke, 1656, in 8vo.) Contemporary brown calf. 725. Ralph Austen, A Treatise of Fruit-Trees. Second edition. (Oxford, Henry Hall for Thomas Robinson, 1657, in 4to.) Contemporary brown calf. 726. Thomas Browne, Hydriotaphia, Urne-buriall, or a Discourse of the Sepulchrall Urnes lately found in Norfolk. Together with the Garden of Cyrus.... (London, Hen. Brome, 1658, in 8vo.) 727. R. D. C. D. W. B. D. N., The French Gardiner, instructing how to cultivate all sorts of fruit-trees and herbs for the garden... transplanted into English by Philocepos. (London, John Crooke, 1658, in i2mo.) GARDENING 257 728. Sir Hugh Plat, The Garden of Eden, or an accurate description of all flowers and fruits now growing in England. The fifth edition. (London, William Leake, 1659-1660, in 8vo.) 2 vols, in one. Contemporary brown calf. 729. William Dugdale, The history of imbanking and drayning of divers Fenns and Marshes, both in foreign parts, and in this kingdom And of the Improve- ments thereby. (London, Alice Warren, 1662, in fol.) With folding maps. Old calf. 730. Stephen Blake, The Compleat Gardeners Practice, directing the exact way of Gardening. (London, Thomas Pierrepoint, 1664, in 4*0.) 731. J(ohn) E(velyn). Sylva, or a discourse of forest-trees, and the propagation of timber. (London, John Martyn and James Allestry, 1664, in fol.) Containing also his Pomona. Old calf. 732. John Rea, Flora, Ceres & Pomona. (London, Richard Marriott, 1665, in fol.) The first edition. Old calf. From the libraries of Charles Cotton and Josiah Spode. 733. John Rose, The English Vineyard vindicated. (London, J. Grismond for John Crook, 1666, in 8vo.) From Forsyth's library. 734. John Evelyn, Kalendarium Hortense, or the Gardeners Almanac, directing what he is to do Monethly throughout the Year, and what Fruits and Flowers are in Prime. (London, J. Martyn and J. Allestry, 1669, in 8vo.) Already published in his Sylva (no. 731). Old calf. A. xj GARDENING 259 735. John Smith, England's Improvement reviv'd : Digested into six books. (London, Thomas Newcomb, 1670, in 4to.) Mottled calf. 736. John Smith, England's improvement reviv'd : in a treatise of all manner of husbandry & trade by land and sea. (London, Tho. Newcomb for Benjamin South- wood and Israel Harrison, 1673, in / Old calf. 737. M. Cook, The manner of raising, ordering and improving Forrest-trees. (London, Peter Parker, 1676, in 4to.) Old calf. From William Hanbury's library. 738. John Rea, Flora, Ceres et Pomona. (London, T. N. for George Marriott, 1676, in fol.) Old panelled calf. The second edition much fuller than the first. 739. John Worlidge, Systema Horti-culturae, or the Art of Gardening. (London, for Tho. Burrel and Will. Hensman, 1677, in 8vo.) The second edition. Old calf. Belonged in 1736 to Alexander Boswel. 740. Anatomie des plantes...traduite de l'Anglois de Monsieur Grew de la Societe Royale. Seconde Edition. (Paris, Antoine Dezallier, 1679, in i2mo.) With plates. Old red French morocco. 741. John Reid, The Scots Gard'ner. (Edinburgh, David Lindsay, 1683, in 4to.) Bound with : 742. The same, The gard'ners kalendar. {Ibid., 1683.) Old calf. 17 — 2 GARDENING 26 1 743. W(illiam) L(awson), A new Orchard & Garden, or, the best way for planting, grafting.... (London, Hannah Sawbridge, 1683, in 4to.) This edition is not in A. Amherst's bibliography. 744. The Art of Pruning Fruit Trees... translated from the French. (London, Tho. Basset, 1685, in 8vo.) The last 3 ff. contain Basset's officinal catalogue. Original calf. 745. J(ohn) W(orlidge). Systema Agriculturae ; the mystery of husbandry discovered. The fourth edition. (London, for Tho. Dring, 1687, in fol.) Old calf. Published first in 1669. 746. Leonard Meager, The English Gardner : or, a sure guide to young planters & gardeners. In three parts. (London, J. Rawlins, for M. Wotton and G. Conyers, 1688, in 4to.) With 24 plates. From Lord Brandon's library. 747. John Evelin, The French Gardiner. (London, T. B. for B. Took and F. Taylor, 1691, in i2mo.) Original calf. 748. William Westmacott, ©EOAOBOTONOAOriA sive Historia Vegetabilium Sacra : or a Scripture Herbal.... (London, T. Salusbury, 1694, in i2mo.) 749. Iohn Ray, Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britan- nicarum, Turn Indigenis, turn in agris cultis, locis suis dispositis..., Editio Secunda. (London, S. Smith and B. Walford, 1696, in 8vo.) Old panelled calf. From the libraries of Patrick Blair, Steuart of Coltness and Robert Hogg. GRAMMAR. PHILOLOGY, INCLUDING GRAMMARS AND DICTIONARIES. Cf. also nos. 5, 6, 53, 63, no, 141 to 144, 150, 151, 158, 162 and 163. MS. 46. Promptorium parvulorum (Phillipps ms. 8306). ms. on paper (end of the xvth century). From Richard Heber's collection. Only five other mss. of the Promp- torium are known, all in English public collections. Original oak boards. MS. 47. Donatus, Partes oracionis...(MS. on vellum, 1469, 12 ff.). In the original oak boards covered with stamped leather. From the library of Christopher Theophilus de Murr, who read the date as 1369 and thought the ms. to be the Archetypon Donati Gutenbergii. As a matter of fact it was written just after Gutenberg's death and is very important for the purpose of comparison with the extant fragments of early printed editions of Donatus. MS. 48. Abecedarium in English or lesson book for children (ms. on vellum, 8 ff., xvth century). Two or three editions of similar little books were printed in the xvth century. White vellum. 750. Franciscus Garonus, Quinque linguarum utilis- simus Vocabulista, Latine, Tusche, Gallice, Hyspane et Alemanice. Valde necessarius per mundum versari cupienti- bus. (Venice, 1533, in 4to.) From Richard Ford's library. Green morocco. GRAMMAR 265 751. Erasmus, De recta latini graecique sermonis pro- nuntiatione dialogus. (Bale, Froben, 1528, in 8vo.) Contemporary English stamped leather binding by A. H. with the Tudor Rose and the arms of France and England. The initials H. and A. were long supposed to refer to King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, but this interpretation is impossible. 752. Roger Ascham, The Schole Master, or plaine and perfite way of teaching... the Latin tong.... (London, John Daye, 1579, in 4to.) Fine copy. Morocco by Toovey. 753. Philibert Monet, Schorus digestus, hoc est delectus latinitatis. (Lyon, Antoine Pillehotte, 1619, in i2mo.) Contemporary French binding, elaborately gilt, with arms. Given as a prize in 1629 in the Jesuits' college at La Fleche. 754. Sir Thomas Eliot, The Dictionary. (London, Thomas Berthelet, 1538, in fol.) Perhaps Thomas Lord Cromwell's copy of the rare first Latin-English dictionary published in England. Contemporary English stamped leather binding, probably from an Oxford workshop. 755. Sir Thomas Elyot, Bibliotheca Eliotae. Eliotis Librarie. (London, Thomas Berthelet, 1548, in fol.) The first edition revised by Thomas Cooper, of this curious Latin- English dictionary. 756. M. Withals, A dictionary in English and Latine. (London, Thomas Purfoot, 1634, in 8vo.) Original calf. 757. Henricus Spelmannus, Glossarium archaiolo- gicum, continens Latino- Barbara, Peregrina, Obsoleta, & Novatae Significations vocabula. (London, Thomas Braddyll for George Pawlett and William Freeman, 1687, in fol.) Contemporary Dutch stamped vellum. GRAMMAR 267 758. Charles Du Fresne Du Cange, Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae & Infimae Graecitatis. (Lyons, les Anisson, Jean Posuel, Claude Rigaud, 1688, in fol.) 2 vols. Bound in one vol. Old English calf. 759. William Somner, Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino- Anglicum. (Oxford, William Hall, 1659, in fol.) Contains also Aelfric's grammar and glossary. Old russia. From the Gilman collection (sold 1825). Russia. 760. Randle Cotgrave, A dictionarie of the French and English tongues. (London, Adam Islip, 1611, in fol.) Old calf. The first edition. Contains under the word cross* one of the earliest mentions of cricket. 761. Gramatica dela Lengua Vulgar de Espana. (Louvain, Bartholome Gravio, 1559, in 8vo.) From the Montino and Arozarena collections. Brown morocco by Niedree. 762. Doctor Bernardo Adrete, Del origen y prin- cipio de la lengua Castellana 6 Romance que oy se osa en Espana. (Madrid, Melchor Sanchez for Gabriel de Leon, 1674, in fol.) Original limp vellum wrapper. 763. Grammatica Hebraica absolutissima Eliae Leuitae Germani nuper per Sebastianum Munsterum iuxta Hebrais- mum Latinitate donata. (Bale, Iohannes Frobenius, 1525, in 8vo.) Bound with : 764. The same, Tabula omnium Hebraicarum coniuga- tionum. (Ibid., s. a.) And with : 765. The same, Composita verborum & nominum Hebraicorum. {Ibid., 1525, in 8vo.) Contemporary stamped leather binding with the arms of King Henry VIII. (Inlaid and rebacked.) GRAMMAR 269 766. Pedro de Alcala, Arte para ligeramente saber la lengua arauiga emendada y anadida y segundamente imprimada. (Granada, Iuan Varela, 1505, in 4to.) From Richard Ford's library. 767. Rhetorica en lengua Castellana {and three other treatises). (Alcala de Henares, Iuan de Brocar, 1541, in 4to.) Original vellum wrapper. CLASSICS. It will be easily seen that this section was never a main object of the collector's researches and that most of the volumes described in it have been obtained for their bindings or for some other individual particularity. The fine series of Ptolemies forms an interesting intro- duction to the geographical section to be described hereafter. Cf. also nos. 9, 10, 27, 29, 36, 40-42, 73, 75, 79-82, 93, 96, 99, 101, 102, 118 and 124. 768. Poetae Graeci principes heroici carminis, & alii nonnulli. Homerus, Hesiodus, Orpheus, ..., etc. (Paris, Henry Estienne, 1566, in fol.) A beautiful copy of this important book, so often to be met with in poor condition. 769. TNflMAI 7roir)T(o:v, Versus sententiosi ex Grae- corum poematis vetustis collecti & ad literarum ordinem digesti opera & studio Bartolemaei Schonbornii. (Wit- temberg, 1570, in 8vo.) Interleaved with MS. translation into Latin in the autograph of Schonborn himself. Handsome contemporary German stamped leather binding, dated 1572. From the Earl of Gosford's library. 770. SlBTAAIAKOI XPH2MOI, hoc est Sibyllina oracula ex vett. codd. aucta renouata et notis illustrata a D. Iohanne Opsopoeo Brettano. (Paris, 1599, in 8vo.) Engravings. Complete with the Notae (71 pp.). Bound with : CLASSICS 273 771. Oracula magica Zoroastris cum scholiis Plethonis et Pselli nunc primum editi. E Bibliotheca Regia, studio Iohannis Opsopoei. (Paris, 1599, in 8vo.) And with : 772. Oracula metrica Iovis, Apollinis, Hecates, Sera- pidis et aliorum deorum ac vatum tarn virorum quam feminarum, a Iohanne Opsopoeo collecta. Item Astram- psychi oneirocriticon a Ios. Scaligero digestum & casti- gatum. (Paris, 1599, in 8vo.) English red morocco, probably by Roger Payne, 773. 0OTKTAIAH2. Thucydides. (Venice, Aldus Manutius, May 1502, in fol.) Very fine copy of the editio princeps of the Greek text. Olive morocco by Clarke. 774. Thucydides, L'histoire de Thucydide Athenien de la guerre qui fut entre les Peloponesiens & Atheniens, translatee en langue francoyse par feu Messire Claude de Seyssel. (Paris, Pierre Gaultier for Jehan Barbe & Claude Garamont, 1545, in 8vo.) Contemporary English calf binding, stamped and gilt, lettered Thotnae Woitoni et atnicorum. 775. Xenophons treatise of householde... translated out of the greke tonge into Englysshe by Gentian Heruet.... (London, Thomas Berthelet, 1537, in 8vo.) 776. Simplicii commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti. (Lugduni Batavorum, 1640, in 4to.) At the end is an Arabic paraphrase of the Tabula Cebetis. From the libraries of Richard and Robert Palmer. Old English green morocco, perhaps bound by Hugh Hutchinson for Bishop Cosin about 1665- 1670. 777. The Historical library of Diodorvs the Sicilian. Made English by G. Booth. (London, Edw. Jones for Awnsham and John Churchil, 1700, in fol.) Wanting 9 ff. Old panelled calf. a. 18 CLASSICS 275 778. [Achilles Tatius], Narrationis amatoriae frag- mentum e graeco in latinum conversum, L. Annibale Cruceio interprete. (Lyon, Sebastianus Gryphius, 1544, in 8vo.) The editio princeps of Achilles Tatius. Contemporary black morocco with plain gilt fillets, lettered t. maioli et amicorvm. Specimens of Maioli's everyday bindings are exceedingly rare. From the library of the Abbe Fauvel. 779. In hoc Opere haec continentur : Geographiae Cl. Ptolemaei a plurimis uiris utriusque linguae doctissimis emendata..., Schemata cum demonstrationibus suis correcta a Marco Beneuentano..., & Ioanne Cotta...Noua orbis descriptio ac noua Oceani nauigatio qua Lisbona ad Indicum peruenitur pelagus..., Noua & uniuersalior Orbis cogniti tabula Ioanne Ruysch Germano elaborata. (Rome, 1508, in fol.) With copper-plate maps. Original leather-covered oak boards. From the library of Pamfilo Guerrini. 780. Claudii Ptolemaei..., Geographiae opus. (Strassburg, Ioannes Schottus, 1513, in fol.) A fine copy with coloured cuts. 781. A map of the Eastern coast of America engraved on wood (in piano) being map 30 from the edition of Ptolemy's geography published at Strassburg by Iohannes Grieninger in 1522 (Harrisse no. 117) with two mentions of Christopher Columbus in the letterpress of the map. 782. Claudii Ptolemaei, Geographicae enarrationis libri octo, Bilibaldo Pirckeymhero interprete. (Strassburg, Iohannes Grieningerus for Iohannes Koberger, 1525, in fol.) Contemporary English stamped leather binding by Godfrey Garrett, a few maps slightly damaged. Also another copy in very fine condition with all the maps quite perfect. Both copies are uncoloured. 18—2 CLASSICS 277 783. Claudii Ptolemaei Pelusiensis libri quatuor compositi Syro fratro,...with other treatises and com- mentaries. (Nuremberg, Ioannes Petreius, 1535, in 4-to.) Contemporary English stamped leather binding, signed by F. G. (sic), who has often been conjectured without sufficient proof to be the well- known Thomas Godfray. 784. Ptolemeo, La geografia de Claudio Ptolemeo, con alcuni comenti & aggiunte fatte ui da Sebastiano Munstero.... (Venice, for Giouanbattista Pedrezano by Nicolo Bascarini, 1547, in 8vo.) A fine copy of Mattiolo's Ptolemy. According to Santarem, the maps in this edition are the first to represent South America as a continent. Green morocco by Lortic. 785. Claudii Galeni, Methodus Medendi, Thoma Linacro Anglo interprete. (Paris, Claudius Chevallonius, 1526, in 8vo.) Old stamped calf with the arms of Henry VIII and the emblems of the Passion arranged heraldically (bound by John Reynes). Belonged to several members of the Scotch family of Nesbitt. 786. Ivliani Imp. opera quae quidem reperiri potue- runt omnia. (Paris, Sebastien Cramoisy, 1630, in 4to.) Well preserved contemporary binding with the arms of King Louis XIII of France and a semis of crowned L's and fleurs-de-lys. 787. Dei discorsi di M. Pietro Andrea Matthioli Sanese, nelli sei libri di Pedacio Dioscoride Anazarbo, della Materia Medicinale. (Venetia, Bartolomeo de gli Alberti, 1604, in fol.) 2 vols. Coloured cuts. Vol. 1 imperfect at beginning. 788. Robert and Henri Estienne, Fragmenta poeta- rum veterum Latinorum, quorum opera non extant : Ennii, Pacuuii, Accii, Afranii, Lucilii, Naeuii, Laberii, Caecilii, aliorumque multorum. (Paris, Henri Estienne, 1564, in 8vo.) Old red French morocco by Derome le Jeune (still quite fresh), with his label. From William Beckford's library. CLASSICS 279 789. M. T. Cicero, Epistolarum ad Atticum libri xvi. (Paris, Jacques Dupuys, 1573, in 8vo.) Contemporary brown calf. From the library of Queen Elizabeth, having stamped on the sides her maternal device, adopted by Anne Boleyn after her daughter's birth in 1533- 790. Marci Tullii Ciceronis epistolarum Libri iv. Cum postremis H. Stephani & D. Lambini editionibus diligenter collati & quam accuratissime emendati. (London, Abraham Miller for Stationers' Company, 1663, in 8vo.) Original calf. 791. C. Julii Caesaris quae extant Ex emendatione Ios. Scaligeri. (Leyden, Elzevir, 1635, in i2mo.) Contemporary green morocco. The rare original issue with the buffalo-head fleuron and the two misprints in page numbers (122 mm.). 792. Romische Historie usz Tito Livio gezogen. (Mayence, Johan SchofTer, 1505, in fol.) This volume is not only remarkable for its beautiful woodcuts, but also for a most interesting mention of Gutenberg as the inventor of printing. 793. Les Satires de Juvenal en vers francois...par M e Denys Challine. (Paris, Edme Pepingue, 1653, in i2mo.) Old calf. 794. Pomponius Mela. Iulius Solinus. Itinerarium Antonini Aug. Vibius Sequester. P. Victor de regionibus urbis Romae. Dionysius Afer de Situ orbis Prisciano Interprete. (Venice, In aedibus Aldi et Andreae Soceri, 1518, in 8vo.) Handsome contemporary Venetian binding in dark green morocco. A present from Antonio Panizzi (1840) to Robert Samuel Turner. CLASSICS 28l 795. Libri de re rustica Catonis Marci Terentii Varronis L. Iunii Moderati Columellae Palladii Rutilii. (Paris, Antonius Augerellus for Iehan Petit and Galiot du Pre, 1533, in fol.) Old citron morocco gilt. From the Duke of Newcastle's library. LITERATURE. ENGLISH, FRENCH, ITALIAN, SPANISH, ETC. Cf. supra nos. 98, 112 and following. MS. 49. Pierre Gringore, La coqueluche (ms. on vellum, xvinth century ; 6 ff.). A carefully made facsimile of the unique copy, printed at Paris by Pierre le Dru (15 10) and formerly in the library of King Louis XVI, now in the Bibliotheque Nationale where it has been discovered by Monsieur Emile Picot. This ms. copy is from the library of Meon and Morel Vinde and is quoted by Brunet, who did not know the whereabouts of the original. Old red morocco. MS. 50. Rime di Fra Giulio Cini, Novitio nel Convento del Annontiata di Fiorenza (ms. on paper, 1581 ; 97 ff). Original vellum wrapper. Contains 56 Italian poems. From Baron de Warenghien's library. 796. The workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers workes whiche were neuer in print before : As in the table more playnly dothe appere. Cum priuilegio. (London, Thomas Godfray, 1532, in fol.) Original oak boards and stamped leather. Wanting A 1 and 4, B3 and 4 and G 2 and 5, in all six leaves. The rare first collected edition of Chaucer's works and the only dated book from Godfray's press. 797. The works of our Ancient, Learned, & Excellent English poet, Jeffrey Chaucer. (London, 1587, in fol.) A fine copy. Olive morocco by Riviere. LITERATURE 285 798. The recuile of the Histories of Troie. First translated out of latin in to Frenche by Raoul le feure in the yere from Thincarnacion of our Sauiour Christ . MCCCCLxiiii . and translated out of Frenche in to Englishe by Wyllyam Caxton Mercer of London, begon in the fyrst day of Marche in the yere of our Lord god . MCCCCLxviiii . and fynished in the . xix . of Septembre in the yere mencyoned by the sayd Caxton in the ende of the seconde booke. Where in be declared the myghty prowesses of Hercules, the valyant actes of Hector and the renomed dedes of many other notable persones of famous memory, worthy to bee rede and diligently to be marked of all men, and specially of men of nobilytie and high degree. (London, Wyllyam Copland, 1553, in fol.) A fine copy. From the Fuller Russell collection. Russia. 112. 799. The second book of the collection of the Histories of Troy. (London, Thomas Creede, 1607, in 4to.) 800. Stultifera Nauis..., The Ship of Fooles, wherin is shewed the folly of all States..., Translated out of Latin into Englishe by Alexander Barclay Priest. (London, Iohn Cawood, 1570, in fol.) Contains at the end, Barclay's Mirrour of good Manners and his Egloges. Red morocco. 801. Thomas Nash, Pierce Pennilesse his Supplication to the Diuell. (London, Nicholas Ling, 1595, in 4*0.) With the title-page in facsimile. Citron calf by Pratt. 802. Thomas Nash, Have with you to Saffron Walden, or Gabriell Harueys Hunt is up. (London, John Danter, 1596, in 4to.) Title-page washed. Olive morocco, gilt, by Aitken. LITERATURE 287 803. Thomas Nash, Nashe's Lenten Stuffe, Contain- ing, The Description and first Procreation and Increase of the towne of Great Yarmouth in Norffolke : With a new Play never played before, of the praise of the Red Herring. (London, N. L. and C. B., 1599, in 4to.) A fine copy from Thomas Jolley's collection. 804. Thomas Nash, Christs Teares over Jerusalem. (London, Thomas Thorp, 1613, in 4to.) An indifferent copy, title-page mounted. Calf. 805. William Shakespeare, A Midsommer nights dreame. As it hath been sundry times publikely acted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. (London, James Roberts, 1600, in 4to.) The margins of 5 ff. are slightly mended. The genuine first quarto of the Midsummer Night's Dream. From John Fitchett Marsh's collection. Modern white vellum. 806. Mr. William Shakespeares comedies, histories, and tragedies. Published according to the True Originall Copies. (London, Printed by Isaac laggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623, in fol.) Two copies : First copy (Sidney Lee, no. lxix). Wanting three leaves, supplied in facsimile : fly-leaf, verses " To the memorie of the deceased Authour," sub-title "The Workes." Title mounted with a good impression of the portrait, but inlaid and the letterpress apparently in facsimile, the upper portion being perhaps from a later folio. The other preliminary leaves are mended and the last leaf is mounted, but with the text and imprint complete. Bound in xvmth century brown morocco and was presented by the Duke of Roxburghe to the bookseller Nicol. (The Duke's letter is inserted.) Size 310x200 mm. Second copy (Sidney Lee, no. lxx). Wanting only two leaves : the title and the last leaf. The headlines of three preliminary leaves have been slightly cut into by the binder. Otherwise a good and sound copy absolutely untouched by any modern binder. Bound about 1700 in panelled calf. On the fly-leaf at the end are written in an early hand three epitaphs on Shakespeare, one being unknown from any other source. Size 310 x 203 mm. It is to be observed that this copy, being exactly of the same height LITERATURE 289 and very slightly broader than the first copy, could be easily made perfect from it, with the exception of the letterpress on the title-page. 807. Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queen. The Shepheards Calendar. Together with the other Works of England's Arch- Poet... Collected into one Volume and carefully corrected. (London, H. L. for Mathew Lownes, 1617, in fol.) Kenelm Digby's copy with an epitaph on Spencer in his autograph and his arms stamped in gold on the old calf binding. Very fine copy from De Lacouperie's collection. 808. Ralph Knevet, Rhodon and Iris. A Pastorall as it was presented at the Florist's feast in Norwich, May 3, 1 63 1. (London, Michael Sparke, 1631, in 4to.) A duplicate from the British Museum (sold 1787); then fn Mathew Wilson's and Miss Richardson Currer's libraries. 809. Recreation for Ingenious Head-peeces or a Pleasant Grove for their Wits to walke in. (London, M. Simmons for John Hancock, 1650, in 8vo.) From Charles Sutton's library. 810. John Bunyan, Grace abounding to the chief of Sinners. (London, George Larkin, 1666, in 8vo.) Old calf. Much rarer than the Pilgrim's Progress. 811. John Bunyan, Grace Abounding, The fifth edition. (London, Nath. Ponder, 1680, in i2mo.) Original calf. 812. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress. (London, Nath. Ponder, 1680, in i2mo.) The rare fifth edition with additions. Fine copy in green morocco by Riviere. a. 19 LITERATURE 2QI 813. Another copy in old calf (very fine preservation) with the additional plates and the frontispiece reversed. 814. John Milton, Paradise lost. A poem written in ten books. (London, Peter Parker, Robert Boulter and Matthias Walker, 1667, in 4to.) Second title-page. Some headlines cut into. 815. Poems, &c. by John Donne late Dean of St. Pauls with elegies on the Author's death. (London, T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1669, in 8vo.) Old calf. From the Fountaine library. 816. M. Stevenson, Norfolk drollery, or a compleat collection of the Newest Songs, jovial Poems and Catches, etc. (London, R. Reynolds & John Lutton, 1673, in 8vo.) Green morocco. 817. The Works of S r William Davenant K\.., now published out of the Authors Originall Copies. (London, T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1673, in fol.) Old calf. 818. Golden Remains of the ever memorable Mr. John Hales, of Eaton-Colledge, &c. The Third Impression, with Additions from the Authors own copy. (London, T. B. for George Pawlet, 1688, in 8vo.) Old panelled calf. 819. The Most Delectable History of Reynard the Fox. Newly Corrected and Purged from all grossness in Phrase and Matter. (London, Thomas James for Edward Brewster, 1694, m 4-to.) Old calf. With the arms of William Catton. Followed by The Shifts of Raynardine, the Son of Reynard the Fox or an History of his Life and Death. 19 — 2 LITERATURE 293 820. Daniel Defoe, The life and Strange surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York Mariner. (London, W. Taylor, 1719, in 8vo.) A very fine copy of the genuine first issue of the first edition, with the reading always apyly them on the second page of the preface and Taylor's catalogue at the end. Modern panelled calf. 821. Les Oeuures de Clement Marot, de Cahors, vallet de Chambre du Roy. (Paris, Pierre Gaultier, 1548, in 8vo.) Bound with : 822. Cinquante deux pseaumes de Dauid. Traduictz en rithme Francoyse selon la verite Hebraique, par Clement Marot. (Paris, Guillaume Thibout, 1549, in 8vo.) French binding about 1700, probably by Boyet : blue morocco, double" with red morocco. 823. Montaigne, The Essayes or Morall, Politike and Millitarie Discourses (translated by John Florio). (London, Val. Sims for Edward Blount, 1603, in fol.) Old calf. With the Towneley arms. From Richard Towneley's library. 824. De Sonan, Chriserionte de Gaule, Histoire memorable, nouuellement & miraculeusement trouuee en la Terre Saincte. (Lyon, Barthelemy Vincent, 1620, in 8vo.) From the Seilliere collection. Blue morocco by Fargher and Lindner. 825. Vital d'Audiguier, Love and Valour celebrated in the person of the Author by the name of Adraste, or the divers affections of Minerva. One part of the unfained story of the true Lisander and Caliste. Translated out of the French by W. B. (London, Thomas Harper for Thomas Slater, 1638, in 4to.) The first edition of the English translation. LITERATURE 295 826. Dante, La traducion del dante de lengua toscana en verso castellano, por el Reuerendo don pedro fernandez de villegas. (Burgos, Fadrique aleman de Basilea, 1515, in fol.) Old calf. From Richard Ford's collection, wanting G 2 and 7, H 3 and 6, M 4 and 5, O 3 and 6. Another copy wanting P 2 — 5 and Q 5, and from which the first copy of this exceedingly rare book could easily be completed. 827. Il Petrarca. (Venice, the sons of Aldus Manutius, 1546, in 8vo.) In a remarkable contemporary red morocco binding stamped and gilt, lined with black morocco and a red morocco openwork on a background of green silk, being one of the oldest doubl'e bindings known to exist. From the Sunderland library. The fifth and last Aldine Petrarch. 828. II libro del cortegiano del Conte Baldesar Castiglione, novamente revisto. (Venice, Giovanni Paduano for F. Torresano d'Asola, 1538, in 8vo.) Contemporary stamped English binding with the crowned Tudor Rose (about a.d. 1550). From the Hopetoun collection. Inside the binding are pasted two leaves (printer's waste) from an 8vo edition of an English commentary on Joshua (hi — iv) in Coverdale's version. 829. II cortegiano del conte Baldessare Castiglione di nuouo rincontrato con 1' originale scritto di mano dell' autore. (Lyon, Guglielmo Rovillio, 1553, in 8vo.) Handsome contemporary French binding in red calf with elegant azure entrelacs and floral patterns on the sides. 830. M. Agnolo Firenzuola, Prose. (Florence, Lorenzo Torrentino, 1552, in 8vo.) The second edition. Old calf. From Colonel Stanley's and the Fountaine libraries. 831. L'Amadigi del S. Bernardo Tasso. (Venice, Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1560, in 4to.) LITERATURE 297 832. La Zucca del Doni Fiorentino...espurgata...da Ieronimo Gioannini da Capugnano. (Venice, Matteo Zanetti and Comino Presegni, 1595, in 8vo.) Original vellum wrapper. 833. Historia in lingua Castigliana composta, & da .M. Lelio Aletiphilo in parlare Italico tradutta. (Venice, Marchio Sessa, 1533, in 8vo.) 834. El noueno libro de Amadis de Gaula. (Burgos, Juan de Junta, 1535, in fol.) Ff. i — 2 in facs. Only one other copy seems to be known, but I cannot trace its present owner. This edition is only mentioned (without any direct reference to a copy) by Salva, Repertorio Americano and by Lenglet du Fresnoy (quoted by Brunet). Green morocco by Pratt. 835. Los quatro libros del invencible cavallero Amadis de Gaula. (Louvain, Servacio Sasseno, for Arnoldo Byrckmanno at Antwerp, 1551, in 8vo.) Books 1 and 11 only. Original vellum wrapper. 836. La coronica de los muy valientes caualleros don Florisel de Niquea y el fuerte Anaxartes hijos del excelente principe Amadis de Grecia. (Lisbon, Marcos Borges, 1566, in fol.) Four first ff. and last f. mended. The Seilliere copy is probably the only other one known. Green morocco by Pratt. 837. Luys de Aranda, Glosa de Moral sentido en prosa, alas famosas y muy excelentes coplas de don Iorge Manrrique. (Valladolid, dela offecina solida de Cordoua, [1552], in 4 to.) Red morocco. 838. Glosa famosa sobre las coplas de don Iorge Manrique, compuesta por el protonotario Luys Perez. (Valladolid, Sebastian Martinez, 1561, in 4to.) Bound with : 839. Glosa famosissima sobre las coplas que hizo don Iorge Manrique a la muerte del maestre de Santiago su padre. (Cuenca, Iuan de Canova, 1552, in 4to.) And with : LITERATURE 299 840. Glosa sobre la obra que hizo don George Manrique a la muerte del maestre de Santiago, Don Rodrigo Manrique, su padre. Con otro Romance, y su glosa, quando el Emperador Carlo Quinto entro en Francia por la parte de Flandes, con gran exercito, en el Afto de 1545. (Lisbon, Antonio Aluarez, 1633, in 4to.) 841. Chronica del muy esclarescido Principe & Rey don Alfonzo el Onzeno deste nombre de los reyes que reynaron en Castilla y en Leon. (Valladolid, Sebastian Martinez, 1551, in fol.) A fine copy from the libraries of Richard Ford and W. B. Chorley. Green morocco by Winstanley. 842. Cronica del famoso & inuencible cauallero Cid Ruy Diaz campeador. Agora nueuamente corregida y emendada. (Medina del Campo, Juan Maria da Terranoua, y Jacome de Liarcari, 1552, in fol.) A fine copy in old calf. 843. Chronica del famoso Cauallero Cid Ruy Diez Campeador. (Burgos, Philippe de Iunta y Iuan Baptista Varesio, 1593, in fol.) Original vellum wrapper. 844. Chronica del sancto rey don Fernando tercero. (Medina del Campo, Francisco del Canto, 1567, in fol.) Bound with : 845. Chronica del muy esclarecido principe y rey don Alonso. (Valladolid, Sebastian Martinez, 1554, in fol.) This edition contains at the end the "Chronica del rey Don Sancho el Brauo." And with : 846. Chronica del muy valeroso rey don Fernando. (Ibid., 1554, in fol.) All three are fine and clean copies. LITERATURE 301 847. Francisco Lopez de Ubeda, La Picara Montafiesa llamada Justina. (Barcelona, Sebastian de Cormellas, 1605, in 8vo.) This rare edition is considered by many bibliographers to be the first. Red morocco by Cape. 848. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quixote de la Mancha. (Brussels, Roger Velpius, 1607, in 8vo.) From the libraries of S. Mead, G. Hibbert, P. A. Hanrott and Richard Ford. Brown morocco (by C. Lewis?). Gives the same text as the 1605 edition and is the first edition printed at Brussels. 849. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, El ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. (Madrid, Juan de la Cuesta, 1608, in 8vo.) A fine copy of a very important edition, being the first to give the revised text from which all subsequent reprints are derived. Handsome red morocco binding by Riviere. 850. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Primera parte del ingenioso Hidalgo don Quixote de la Mancha. (Brussels, Huberto Antonio, 1617, in 8vo.) Original vellum wrapper. A very rare reprint of the 161 1 Brussels issue. 851. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Segunda parte del ingenioso cavallero don Quixote de la Mancha. (Brussels, Huberto Antonio, 1616, in 8vo.) From the libraries of P. A. Hanrott and Richard Ford, with the same elegant binding as the 1607 edition of part 1. The first edition of the second part printed at Brussels. 852. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, The history of the valorous and witty knight-errant Don Quixote of the Mancha. Translated by Shelton. (London, for Edward Blount, 1612-1620, in 4to.) 2 vols. Wanting the printed title to vol. 1, but having the portrait and frontis- pieces. The rare first English edition of Cervantes' book. Red morocco. LITERATURE 303 853. Another copy from Dr Ford's and D. F. MacCarthy's libraries, wanting only the portrait and frontis- pieces. 2 vols. Volume I is not from the same issue as in the other copy. 854. Alonso Fernandez de Avellaneda, Segundo tomo del ingenioso hidalgo don Quixote de la Mancha, que contiene su tercera salida, y es la quinta parte de sus auenturas. (Tarragona, Felipe Roberto, 1614, in 8vo.) A fine copy of the rare first edition of an independent continuation of Don Quixote, published a year before Cervantes issued his second part. Red morocco by Bedford. 855. Novelas exemplares de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. (Brussels, Huberto Antonio, 1625, in 8vo.) From Thomas Fairholme's library. Morocco. 856. Don Sebastian de Couarrubias Orozco, Em- blemas morales. (Madrid, Luis Sanchez, 1610, in 4to.) With woodcuts and woodcut borders on each page. Original vellum wrapper. 857. Todas las obras de Don Luis de Gongora, en varios poemas, recogidos por Don. Gonzalo de Hozes y Cordova. (Madrid, Imprenta Real, 1654, in 8vo.) Red morocco by Niedre'e. 858. Primera parte de las sentencias que hasta nuestros tiempos, para edificacion de buenos costumbres, estan por diuersos Autores escritas, enste tratado summariamente referidas, en su propio estilo. Y traduzidas en el nuestro comun. (Coimbra, loan Aluarez, 1554-1555, in 4to.) Old calf. 859. Philippus Beroaldus, Orationes, Praelectiones, Praefationes et quaedam Mithicae Historiae. (Paris, Josse Bade, s.a., in 4to.) Bound with : 860. Varia Philippi Beroaldi Opuscula. (Ibid., 1508-1509.) LITERATURE 305 861. Philippi Beroaldi Carmen Lugubre. [Ibid., 1 March 1508, 28 ff.) Inserted between ff. lxxii and lxxiii of no. 860. And with: 862. Philippus Beroaldus, Declamatio Philosophi Medici & Oratoris ; Ebriosus contra Scortatorem & Aleatorem. (Ibid., 1508 [1509].) And with: 863. Lactantius, Pia Nenia. (Ibid, 1508 [1509].) Old calf. A curious collection of four rare tracts from the Prelum Ascensianum, two of them bearing the well-known woodcut device with the view of a printer's press. 864. Andreas Alciatus, Emblematum libellus, uigi- lanter recognitus, & iam recens per Wolphgangum Hunga- rum Bauarum rhythmis Germanicis uersus. (Paris, Chretien Wechel, 1542, in 8vo.) With woodcuts. 865. Joseph Scaliger, IIAPOIMIAI EMMETPOI, Prouerbiales Graecorum versus. (Paris, Frederic Morel, 1593, in 4 to.) Contemporary red morocco with the cipher and arms of de Thou and his first wife Marie Barbancon. From the Syston Park library. 866. Delitiae poetarum Scotorum hujus aevi illustrium. (Amsterdam, Johannes Blaew, 1637, in i2mo.) Original calf. From the libraries of George Lockhart of Carnwath and of Sir Henry Gardine. 867. Colloquiorum Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami fami- liarium opus avrevm. (London, M. Fletcher, 1639, m 8vo.) From Ridley's collection. Contemporary black morocco with the large cipher of King Charles II, when still Prince of Wales, and his auto- graph signature at the end of the book. 20 GEOGRAPHY. To this section might be added, the series of Ptolemies (supra nos. 75, 779-782) and the books relating to the topography and history of various parts of England. Cf. also nos. 31, 62, 86 and 87. MS. 51. A portulan on vellum, illuminated in gold and colours (about a.d. 1500) signed "Jacobus Scotti Genouesi faciebat." Containing interesting maps of the British Isles and of the western coast of Africa. Red velvet. MS. 52. Cartas y'nstruciones y cedillas de su Mages- tad i fortificaciones echas por el ingenero Bautista Antoneli. (ms. on paper, 1608.) With a number of coloured plans, and maps of various ports and citadels. Old vellum. MS. 53. Vyaie y descubrimieto de las yslas Salomon en el Mar de el Sur. Hecho por Hernando Gallego Natural de la Corufia. Ano de 1566 del s or . (ms. on paper.) Translated and published by Lord Amherst of Hackney in the Hakluyt Society series. The original account of the discovery of the Solomon Islands by the chief pilot of the expedition. Old vellum. 868. Petrus Apianus, Libro de la Cosmographia . . . augmentado por... Gemma Frisio...con otros dos libros del dicho Gemma... nueuamente traduzidos en Romance Castel- lano. (Antwerp, Gregorio Bontio, 1548, in 4to.) A very rare book, with a map of America and a very curious revolving cardboard diagram, made up with fragments from an incunable. Green morocco. From Marquis de Morante's collection. 20 — 2 GEOGRAPHY 3O9 869. Geographia di M. Livio Sanuto distinta in xii libri. (Venice, Damiano Zenaro, 1588, in fol.) With numerous maps. From V. Cesarini's collection. 870. Abraham Ortelius, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. (Antwerp, In Ofncina Plantiniana, 1592, in fol.) A fine copy, coloured throughout; title-page inlaid. Old white vellum. A duplicate from the Florence library. 871. Iudocus Hondy, Historia Mundi or Mercator's Atlas, containing his cosmographicall description of the fabricke and figure of the world..., Englished by W. S. (London, T. Cotes for Michael Sparke and Samuel Cartwright, 1635, m f°l«) The map of Virginia is pasted (p. 905) over a map of New Spaine which had been printed twice by error (pp. 905 and 907). Old calf. From Joseph King's library. 872. Thomaso Porcacchi, L' I sole piu famose del mondo. (Padua, Paolo et Francesco Galignani, 1620, in fol.) With engraved maps by Girolamo Porro. Old white vellum with arms. 873. Richard Hakluyt, The principall navigations, voiages and discoveries of the English nation. (London, George Bishop and Ralph Newberie, 1589, in fol.) Old calf. Title-page soiled. With the very rare six additional ff., between pp. 643 and 644 containing the account of Sir Francis Drake's voyage. 874. Richard Hakluyt, The principal navigations, voiages, traffiques and discoueries of the English Nation. (London, G. Bishop, R. Newberie and R. Barker, 1598, in fol.) 3 vols. A fine copy in a modern red morocco binding. Contains at the end of vol. 1 the rare original issue of the voyage to Cadiz. 875. Purchas his pilgrimes, in five books. (London, William Stansby for Henry Fetherstone, 1625-1626, in fol.) 5 vols. A fine copy, with the usual map of the Christian world on p. 65 of vol. 1. GEOGRAPHY 3 I I 876. Melchisedec Thevenot, Relation de divers voyages curieux qui n'ont point este publiees. (Paris, Thomas Moette, 1696, in fol.) 2 vols. Fine copy in original calf. 877. Recueil de voyages de Mr. Thevenot, dedie au Roy. (Paris, Estienne Michallet, 1681, in 8vo.) A very rare collection of eight small tracts forming an indispensable supplement to the folio collection of travels. Old calf. 878. Christopher Saxton, Atlas of the counties of England. (London, 1574-1579, in fol.) Has all the 35 maps (and the frontispiece framed separately), but wants the table. A fine coloured copy, presenting several variants from Herbert's description. 879. A Direction for the English Traviller, by which he shal be inabled to Coast about all England and Wales. (London, Thomas Jenner, 1643, in i2mo.) Entirely engraved (by Jacob van Langeren) and consisting of 37 folding maps. Elegant contemporary red English morocco, gilt. Another copy in the original brown calf with some early ms. matter at the beginning. 880. John Ogilby, Britannia or an , illustration of the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, by a geographical and historical description of the principal roads thereof. (London, 1675, in fol.) Old calf. From James Comerford's library. 881. Sir Henry Spelman, Villare Anglicum : Or a view of all The Cities, Towns, and Villages in England Alphabetically composed.... (London, by T. H. for Robert Pawlett, 1678, in 8vo.) Original brown calf. GEOGRAPHY 3 1 3 882. John Ogilby, Britannia or, the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, Actually survey 'd with A Geographical and Historical Description of The Principal Roads. (London, Abel Swall and Robert Morden, 1698, in fol.) With a great number of maps. Old panelled calf. 883. Petruccio Ubaldini, Descrittione del Regno di Scotia et delle isole sue adiacenti. (Antwerp, 1578, in fol.) Original vellum wrapper. 884. Itinerarium Germaniae provincias continens. A collection of nearly 90 engraved maps (the last is a plan dated 1587) not only of Germany but of all the other countries in Europe, all coloured by hand and bound in an elegant old French red morocco binding with green and citron mosaic inlaid centrepieces on the sides (by Padeloup ?). From the Duke of Sussex' library. 885. An Itinerary written by Fynes Moryson, Gent. First in the Latine Tongue and then translated by him into English. Containing his ten yeeres travell through the twelve domjnions of Germany, ... Bohmerland, Sweitzerland ..., etc. (London, John Beale, 1617, in fol.) A fine copy in russia. 886. Topographia Galliae, Dat is, Een Algemeene en naeukeurige Lant en Plaets-beschrijvinghe van het Machtige Koninckrijck Vranckryck. (Amsterdam, the widow of Joost Broersz, and Caspar Merian, Broer and Jan Appelaar, 1660-1663, in fol.) 4 vols. With a great number of views and maps. Contemporary white stamped vellum. 887. F. d'Aarsens de Sommerdyck, Voyage d'Espagne. (Cologne, Pierre Marteau [i.e. Holland], 1666, in i2mo.) Red morocco. From the Sobolewski and Crawford collections. 888. Marco Polo, De le maravegliose cose del Mondo. (Venice, Melchior Sessa, 1508, in 8vo.) Fine copy in brown morocco by Birdsall. GEOGRAPHY 3 1 5 889. Eerste Schipvaert gedaen van de Hollanders naer Oost-Indien met vier Scheepen onder beleydt van Cornells Houtman... Anno 1595. (Amsterdam, Gillis Joosten Saeghman, s. a., in 4to.) 890. Gerardus de Vera, Diarium Nauticum seu vera descriptio trium navigationum admirandarum, tribus con- tinuis annis factarum, a Hollandicis & Zelandicis navibus, ad Septentrionem, supra Norvagiam, Moscoviam & Tartarian!.... (Amsterdam, Cornelius Nicolaius, 1598, in fol.) With engraved maps. 891. The true and perfect description of three voyages ...done... by the Ships of Holland and Zeland, on the north sides of Norway, Muscovia and Tartaria towards the King- domes of Cathaia and China ; shewing the Discoverie of the Straights of Weigates, Nova Zembla and the countrie lying under 80 Degrees which is thought to be Greenland... (London, T. Pavier, 1609, in 4to.) Translated from the Dutch, on Richard Hakluyt's advice, by William Phillip. From Edmund Smith's collection. 892. William Bruton, Newes from the East- Indies, or a Voyage to Bengalla one of the greatest Kingdomes under the High and Mighty Prince Pedesha Shassallem, usually called the Great Mogull. (London, I. Okes for Humphery Blunden, 1638, in 4*0.) 893. Sir Thomas Herbert, Some Yeares travels into Africa & Asia the great. Especially Describing the Famous Empires of Persia and Industant. As also Divers other Kingdoms in the Oriental Indies and Ties Adjacent..., with a revivall of the first Discoverer of America. (London, R. Bishop for Jacob Blome, 1638, in fol.) Numerous copper-plate maps. The relation of the travels of Sir Thomas Herbert with Sir Dodmore Cotton and Sir Robert Shirley. GEOGRAPHY 3 I 7 894. Filippo Pigafetta, Relatione del Reame di Congo, Tratta dalli Scritti & ragionamenti di Odoardo Lopez Portoghese. (Roma, Bartolomeo Grassi, s.a., in 4to.) The maps, so rarely found in this edition, are complete but have small imperfections. Original vellum wrapper. 895. Philippo Pigafetta, A report of the Kingdome of Congo..., Drawen out of the writings and discourses of Odoardo Lopez a Portingall... Translated out of Italian by Abraham Hartwell. (London, John Wolfe, 1597, in 4 to.) Perfect, with the rare leaves A 1 (a blank) and A 2 (the second title- page), this last mended at top and bottom. Olive morocco. 896. Segunda parte y libro septimo de la descripcion general de Africa. (Malaga, Iuan Rene, 1599, in fol.) 897. Iohn Leo, A Geographical Historie of Africa... translated and collected by Iohn Pory. (London, George Bishop, 1600, in fol.) Contemporary brown calf (rebacked). 898. Richard Iobson, The Golden Trade : or, A dis- couery of the Riuer Gambra, and the Golden Trade of the Aethiopians. Also the Commerce with a great blacke Merchant called Buckor Sano.... (London, Nicholas Okes, for Nicholas Bourne, 1623, in 4to.) 899. A Description of Tangier, The Country and People adjoyning with an account of the person and Government of Gayland, the present Usurper of the Kingdome of Fez. (London, for Samuel Speed, 1664, in 4to.) A fine uncut copy. GEOGRAPHY 3 1 9 900. The Relation of a voyage made into Mauritania, in Africk, by the Sieur Roland Frejus of Marseilles in the Year 1666..., with a letter..., by Mons. A. Charant who lived 25 years in the Kingdoms of Sus and Morocco. Englished out of French. (London, W. Godbid for Moses Pitt, 1671, in 8vo.) Bound with : 901. A letter..., concerning the Religion, Manners and Customs of the Countrys of Muley Arxid, King of Tafiletta..., By Mons. A#### who lived 25 years in the Kingdom of Sus and Morocco. Englished out of French. (London, B. G. for Moses Pitt, 1671, in 8vo.) And with : 902. These Books are to be sold by Moses Pitt.... (s. 1. et a., in 8vo.) 3 ff. A very rare officinal catalogue. These pamphlets were in 1703 in the Earl of Denbigh's library. 903. A true discourse of the late voyages of discouerie, foe the finding of a passage to Cathaya, by the North weast, vnder the conduct of Martin Frobisher Generall : Deuided into three Bookes. (London, Henry Bynnyman, 1578, in 4to.) One of the three or four copies known with the maps. From the libraries of Richard Heber (?) and Lord Crawford, in blue morocco by Hering. 904. Petrus Martyr Anglerius, De orbe novo, published by Richard Hakluyt. (Paris, Guillaume Auvray, 1587, in 8vo.) Old vellum. With a brilliant impression of the large map of America, forming the frontispiece. 905. Ioseph de Acosta, S.J. Historia natural y moral de las Indias. (Sevilla, Iuan de Leon, 1590, in 4to.) Original vellum wrapper. GEOGRAPHY 32 I 906. Descriptio ac delineatio Geographica detectionis freti, sive, transitus ad Occasum, supra terras Americanas, in Chinam atque Iaponem ducturi, Recens investigati ab M. Henrico Hudsono Anglo Item Narratio Ser mo Regi Hispaniae facta, super tractu, in quinta Orbis terrarum parte, cui Austrialiae Incognitae nomen est, recens detecto, per Capitaneum Petrum Ferdinandez de Quir. Vna cum descriptione Terrae Samoiedarum & Tingoesiorum in Tartaria ad Ortum Freti Waygats sitae, nuperque Imperio Moscovitarum subactae. (Amsterdam, Hesselius Gerard, 1612, in 4to.) A fine copy, with the maps, from Lord Crawford's collection. 907. Antoine de Herrera, Description des Indes Occidentales qu'on appelle aujourdhuy le Nouveau Monde. (Amsterdam, Michel Colin, 1622, in fol.) Contains numerous maps, the relation of Jacques le Maire and the description of the West Indies by Pedro Ordonnez de Cevallos. Old calf. 908. Antonius de Herrera, Novus orbis Sive de- scriptio Indiae Occidentalis..., Metaphraste C. Barlaeo. Accesserunt & aliorum Indiae Occidentalis Descriptiones, & Navigationis nuperae Australis Jacobi le Maire Historia, uti & navigationum omnium per Fretum Magellanicum succincta narratio. (Amsterdam, Michael Colinius, 1622, in fol.) With maps. Old vellum. From the libraries of I. P. de Ludewig and Johann Conrad Feuerlein. 909. Lionel Wafer, A new voyage and description of the Isthmus of America, Giving an Account of the Author's Abode there. (London, James Knapton, 1699, in 8vo.) With folding plates. Old calf. A. 21 GEOGRAPHY 323 910. Terra Australis incognita or A new Southerne Discouerie containing A fifth part of the World. Lately found out By Ferdinand de Quir, a Spanish Captaine. Neuer before published. (London, for Iohn Hodgetts, 1617, in 4to.) Perfect with the rare first blank. Blue morocco by Riviere. 21 — 2 TRAVELS TO THE HOLY LAND. In spite of Rohricht's most diligent efforts to publish an absolutely complete Bibliotheca geographica Palaestinae it will be found that several rare editions contained in this collection have escaped his notice, while others have been described or referred to by him in a more or less inaccurate way. Cf. also nos. 18, 19, 26, 44-46 and 67. MS. 54. Iohannes de Mandeville, Itinerarius a terra Anglie in partes Iherosolimitanas et in ulteriores trans- marinas, (ms. on paper, early xvth century ; 104 ff.) The 34 mss. known in 1890 to Rohricht are all, without exception, in public libraries. Old calf. 911. Burchardus de Monte Sion, Veridica Terre Sancte Regionumque finitimarum ac in eis mirabilium Descriptio. (Venice, Joannes Tacuinus de Tridino, 1519, in 8vo.) Original limp vellum wrapper, made out of an old Latin deed. (Rohricht no. 143.) 912. Burchardus de Monte Sion, Descriptio Terrae Sanctae et regionum finitimarum. ...Item itinerarium Hierosolymitanum Bartholomaei de Saligniaco. (Magde- burg, Paulus Donatus for Ambrosius Kirchner, 1587, in 4 to.) Incompletely described by Rohricht (no. 143, B, 12). Original vellum wrapper. HOLY LAND 327 913. Iacobus Bongarsius, Gesta Dei per Francos, Siue Orientalium expeditionum et regni Francorum Hiero- solymitani Historia. (Hannover, typis Wechelianis apud heredes loan. Aubrii, 1611, in fol.) Two vols, bound in one. The second volume contains Marino Sanuto Torselli, Liber Secretorum Fidelium Crucis super Terrae Sanctae recuperatione et conservatione. (Rohricht no. 179.) Old half calf. From Miss Richardson Currer's library. 914. Hermannus Wagner, Dissertatio de Friderici I Imperatoris, Cognomento Aenobarbi, Expeditione in Terram Sanctam. (Strassburg, Pastor, 1696, in 4to.) 915. Petrus de Suchen, Itinerarium ad Terram Sanctam, a.d. m.ccc.xxxvi. scriptum a.d. m.ccc.l. Ex manuscripto antiquo in bibliotheca fratrum eremitarum ordinis Sancti Augustini, apud Friburgam, in Helvetia, nunc primum edit D. Thomas Phillipps, Baronettus. (Typis Mediomontanis, in Turre Lativiensi impressus, 1825, in 4to.) Uncut. A fragment, all that was printed of an edition that Sir Thomas Phillipps intended to publish at his own press at Middle-Hill. (Rohricht no. 195.) 916. Joannes de Hese, Peregrinatio...ab urbe Hieru- salem instituta et per Indiam, Aethiopiam aliasque quasdam remotas mundi nationes ducta.. . (Antwerp, Joannes Withagius, 1565, in 8vo.) The only xvith century edition. (Rohricht no. 227.) Red morocco. 917. Le grant voyage de hierusalem diuise en deux parties. En la premiere est traicte des peregrinations de la saincte cite de Hierusalem..., En la seconde...des croisees et entreprinses...des guerres des turcs.... Le chemin et voyage de Romme auec les stations des eglises (Paris, Francois Regnault, 1522, in 4*0.) The fourth French edition of Breydenbach's travels. (Rohricht no. 402.) From the Yemeniz collection. Red morocco by C. Smith. HOLY LAND 329 918. [Ioanne Cola] Viagio da Venetia [al santo] Sepulchro & al monte Synai. (Venice, Giovanne Tacuino de Trino, 1538, in 8vo.) Woodcuts. Original vellum wrapper. This book and the two following seem to be an edition unknown to Rohricht (cf. no. 555) of the geo- graphical description ascribed by other editions to Joanne Cola or to Noe Bianco, but which is apparently nothing else but an abridgement of Breydenbach. Corner of title torn off. 919. [Ioanne Cola] Viaggio da Venetia al Santo Sepolcro, et al Monte Sinai. (Venice, Daniel Zanetti, 1600, in 8vo.) Original vellum wrapper. This edition is unknown to Rohricht (cf. no. 555). 920. Fra Noe, Viaggio da Venetia al Santo Sepolcro & al Monte Sinai. (Ronciglione, Domenico Dominici, 1615, in 8vo.) The same text as the " Ioanne Cola " travels. This edition is unknown to Rohricht (cf. no. 555) and other bibliographers, and is probably the first book printed at Ronciglione, 16 16 being the earliest date hitherto ascertained. 921. Itinerario de Ludouico de Varthema nello Egypto, nella Surria, nella Arabia deserta & felice, nella Persia, nella India, & nella Ethiopia. (Rome, Stephano Guillireti de Loreno & Hercule de Nani for Lodouico de Henricis da Corneto, 1510, in 4to.) Maroon morocco, gilt, by Bedford. From the Gaisford collection. The very rare first edition. (Rohricht no. 574.) 922. Itinerario de Ludouico de Varthema Bolognese ne lo Egypto, ne la Suria, ne la Arabia Deserta & Felice, ne la Persia, ne la India & ne la Ethiopia. (Venice, Zorzi di Rusconi, 1517, in 8vo.) The rare third edition. (Rohricht no. 574.) Green morocco, by Bauzonnet-Trautz. From the Yemeniz collection. HOLY LAND 331 923. Frat' Antonio Medina, Viaggio di Terra Santa con sue stationi e misterii. (Florence, Giorgio Marescotti, 1590, in 4to.) Old brown calf. Translated from the Spanish by Pietro Buonfanti. The only Italian edition. (Rohricht no. 592.) 924. Fadrique Enrriquez de Rivera, El viaje que hize a Ierusalem.... (Sevilla, Francisco Perez, 1606, in 4 to.) Original vellum wrapper. The second edition, wrongly described by Rohricht (no. 611). 925. Jacob Ziegler, Terrae Sanctae, quam Palaestinam nominant, Syriae, Arabiae, Aegypti et Schondiae doctissima descriptio. (Argentorati, apud Vuendelinum Rihelium, 1536, small in fol.) Interesting contemporary German binding in stamped vellum, with clasps. (Rohricht no. 653.) 926. Iodocus a M egg en, Peregrinatio Hierosolymitana. (Dillingen, Ioannes Mayer, 1580, in 8vo.) Original vellum wrapper. From the library of Thomas Selden with his autograph signature on the title-page. Belonged before, in 1591, to the Jesuits at Dillingen. (Rohricht no. 667.) 927. Pierre Belon du Mans, Les observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses memorables trouvees en Grece, Asie, Judee, Egypte, Arabie & autres pays estranges. (Paris, Hierosme de Marnef & la veuve Guillaume Cavellat, 1588, in 4to.) With the three folding views. The last edition. (Rohricht no. 678.) Cf. supra no. 710. 928. Antoine Regnaut, Discours du voyage d'outre mer au Sainct Sepulcre de Jerusalem et autres lieux de la terre Saincte. (Lyon, 1573, in 4to.) With 91 woodcuts. With the rare additional section (Ordonnances des Empereurs, Roys, et Princes de France..., etc.) Red morocco. By Trautz-Bauzonnet. From the Yemeniz collection. (Rohricht no. 684.) HOLY LAND 333 929. Bartholomeo Georgieuicz, Specchio della pere- grinatione delli piu notabili luoghi della Terra Santa di Promessione. (Rome, Valerio Dorico, 1554, in 4to.) The first edition, incompletely described by Rdhricht (no. 691). Mottled calf. Title inlaid. 930. Bartholomaeus Georgieuits, De Turcarum ritu et caeremoniis. (Antwerp, Gregorius Bontius, I544> m 8vo.) The first edition, not quoted by Rohricht (no. 691). Citron calf by Dupre\ 931. Daniel Ecklin von Araw, Reisz zum heiligen Grab. (Tubingen, Alexander Hock, 1585, in 8vo.) Rohricht no. 701. 932. Adam Reisner, Ierusalem, vetvstissima ilia et celeberrima totius mundi ciuitas. (Frankfurt-am-Main, 1563, in fol.) Original vellum wrapper. From the library of the Augsburg Jesuits. The only Latin edition. (Rohricht no. 708.) 933. Adam Reiszner, Ierusalem, die alte Haubtstat der Jiiden. (Frankfurt-am-Main, 1565, in fol.) A very rare edition, unknown to Rohricht (no. 708). Handsome con- temporary German binding in stamped vellum, with clasps. 934. Johan Helffrich, Kurtzer und warhafftiger Bericht von der Reisz aus Venedig nach H ierusalem, von dannen in Aegypten auff dem Berg Sinai, Alcair, Alexandria und folgends widerumb gen Venedig.... (Leipzig, Jacob Berwaldts Erben, 1581, in 4to.) With numerous full-page woodcuts and seven folding plates. From the library of the Recollects at Hammelburg in Thuringia. (Rohricht no. 739.) 935. Petrus Villinger, Pilgerfahrt und Beschreibung der Hierusolomitanischen Reisz in das heylig Land und deren Provintzen Palestina.... Anno 1565 fiirgenommen und dann 1568 vollendet. (Constance, Nicolas Kalt, 1603, in 4to.) From the Carmelite library at Straubingen. The only edition of these travels. (Rohricht no. 740.) HOLY LAND 335 936. Christophorus FOrer ab Haimendorf, Itine- rarium Aegypti, Arabiae, Palaestinae, Syriae, aliarumque regionum Orientalium. (Nuremberg, Abraham Wogen- mann, 1621, in 4to.) With a folding plate. Old white vellum. The second edition. (Rohricht no. 742.) 937. Leonhart Rauchwolff, Aigentliche Beschrei- bung der Raisz so er vor diser zeit gegen Auffgang in die Morgenlander furnemlich Syriam, Judaeam, Arabiam, Mesopotamiam, Babyloniam, Assyriam, Armeniam &c... selbs volbracht. (Laugingen, Leonhart Reinmichel for Georg Willers, 1583, in 4to.) The fourth edition. (Rohricht no. 758.) Fine contemporary German stamped vellum binding with the portraits of Erasmus, John Huss, Luther and Melanchthon. 938. Salomon Schweigger, Kurtzer Auszug der Reissbeschreibung nach Konstantinopel und Jerusalem. (Nuremberg, Johann Cramer, 1665, in 6to oblong.) Rohricht no. 777. 939. Michael Aitsinger, Terra promissionis topo- graphice atque historice descripta. (Cologne, Godefridus Kempensis, 1582, in 4to.) Original vellum. The only edition. (Rohricht no. 779.) 940. Melchior Lussy, Reissbuch gen Hierusalem. (Freyburg in Uchtland, Abraham Gemperlin, 1590, in 4to.) The only edition. (Rohricht no. 785.) 941. Ierosolymitana peregrinatio illustrissimi Nicolai Christophori Radzivili. (Antwerp, ex officina Plantiniana, 1614, in fol.) Handsome old binding in brown calf, stamped and gilt. The best and most complete edition. (Rohricht no. 787.) HOLY LAND 337 942. Christianus Adrichomius, Theatrum Terrae Sanctae et Biblicarum historiarum. (Cologne, Birckmann, 1593, in fol.) Old calf with the arms generally ascribed to Sir Christopher Hatton. From the Sunderland library. The second edition. (Rohricht no. 791.) 943. Christianus Adrichomius, Theatrum Terrae Sanctae et Biblicarum Historiarum. (Cologne, Birckmann for Hermann Mylius, 1628, in fol.) Old stamped calf. (Rohricht no. 791.) 944. Giovanni Zuallardo, II devotissimo viaggio di Gierusalemme fatto e descritto in sei libri...l' anno 1586. (Rome, Domenico Basa, 1595, in 8vo.) With engravings and woodcuts. The third Italian edition. (Rohricht no. 797.) Original vellum wrapper. 945. Jean Zuallart, Le tres-devot voyage de Jeru- salem. (Anvers, sold by Guillaume Van Tongheren and Arnould s' Conincx, 1608-1626, in 4to.) Rohricht no. 797. 946. Bernardino Amico, Trattato delle Piante & Immagini de Sacri Edifizi di Terra Santa, disegnate in Jerusalemme.... (Florence, Pietro Cecconcelli, 1620, in fol.) With 34 engraved plates. (Rohricht no. 837.) 947. Johann van Kootwyck (Cotovicus), Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum et Syriacum. (Antwerp, Hieronymus Verdussius, 1619, in 410.) Original white vellum, a presentation copy, with the author's autograph on the fly-leaf. The only Latin edition. (Rohricht no. 839.) A 32 HOLY LAND 339 948. Theophilus Lavender, The travels of certaine Englishmen into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia and to the Black Sea, and into Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia.... Begunne in the yeere of Iubile 1600 and by some of them finished this yeere 1608. The others not yet returned. (London, Th. Haveland for W. Aspley, 1609, in 4to.) This first edition of Biddulph's travels is unknown to Rohricht (no. 877). From the Brand and Wilbraham collections. 949. Theophilus Lavender, The travels of foure Englishmen and a preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy..., etc. (London, Felix Kyngston for William Aspley, 1612, in 4to.) The second edition. (Rohricht no. 877.) From Mathew Wilson and Miss Richardson Currer's libraries. 950. Henry Timberlake and John Burrell, A true and strange discourse of the travailes of two English Pilgrims... to Jerusalem, Gaza, Grand Cayro, Alexandria and other places. (London, Thomas Archer, 1608, in 4to.) The second edition. (Rohricht no. 891.) 951. Henry Timberlake, Two Journeys to Jerusalem. (London, Nath. Crouch, 1683, in i2mo.) This edition (Rohricht no. 891) contains several additional portions, including T. B(urrel)'s relation (1669). Panelled calf by Birdsall. 952. George Sandys, A relation of a journey begun An. Dom. 16 10. Four bookes, containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of Aegypt, of the Holy Land.... 4th edition. (London, Andrew Crooke, 1637, in fol.) Very rare and not seen by Rohricht (no. 923). Original calf. From the library of Marquis Cornwallis. 953. George Sandys, A relation of a journey begun An. Dom. 1610.... The 6th edition. (London, Robert Clavel and others, 1670, in fol.) 2 3 2 HOLY LAND 34 1 954. George Sandys, A relation... etc. The Seventh edition. (London, John Williams junior, 1673, in fol.) Incorrectly described by Rohricht (no. 923), whose account of the various editions of Sandys' travels is very unsatisfactory. Both 953 and 954 have an additional engraved title dated 1670 and naming Philip Chetwin as the publisher. 955. John Cartwright, The Preacher's Travels, wherein is set downe a true Journall to the confines of the East Indies... also a true relation of Sir Anthonie Sherley's •entertainment there, and the estate that his brother M. Robert Sherley lived in after his departure for Christen- dome. (London, Thomas Thorppe, 161 1, in 4to.) With an autograph ex-dono by Thomas Coryat. Title inlaid. The rare first (and only separate) edition, inaccurately described by Rohricht (no. 927). 956. Viaggi di Pietro della VALLE...descritti da lui medesimo in 54. Lettere familiari..., all' erudito..., suo amico Mario Schipano divisi in tre parti, cioe la Turchia, la Persia, e Y India. (Roma, Vitale Mascardi, 1650-1663, in 4to.) 4 vols. The rare first edition of these celebrated travels, inaccurately described by Rohricht (no. 947). The first book containing a reproduction of a Cuneiform inscription. Blue morocco, from the Wilbraham collection. 957. Louis des Hayes, Baron de Courmesnin, Voiage de Levant fait par le Commandement du Roy en l'annee 1621. Seconde edition. (Paris, Adrian Taupinart, 1632, in 4to.) Contemporary French calf. The second edition. (Rohricht no. 968.) Chateaubriand's description of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem is entirely taken out of Courmesnin's book. 958. Les voyages et observations du Sieur de la Boullaye le Gouz, Gentilhomme Angevin 011 sont decrites les Religions, Gouvernemens & situations des Stats et Royaumes d'ltalie, Grece, Natolie, Syrie, Perse, HOLY LAND 343 Palestine..., etc. Nouvellement reueu & corrige par l'Autheur. (Troyes, Nicolas Oudot for Gervais Clousier at Paris, 1657, in 4to.) The second and best edition, inaccurately described by Rohricht (no. 1049). 959. R. Pere Bernardin Surus, Le pieux pelerin, ou voyage de Jerusalem. (Brussels, Francois Foppens, 1666, in 4to.) Original white vellum binding. The second edition. (Rohricht no. 1054.) 960. Thomas Fuller, A Pisgah-Sight of Palestine and the confines thereof. (London, J. F. for John Williams, 1650, in fol.) With numerous maps. The first edition. (Rohricht no. 1070.) Modern panelled calf. 961. M. J. Doubdan, Le voyage de la Terre-Sainte..., Fait Tan 1652. (Paris, Gervais Clousier, 1657, in 4to.) The first edition. (Rohricht no. 1079.) 962. M. J. Doubdan, Le voyage de la Terre-Sainte. (Paris, Francois Clousier, 1661, in 4to.) Original calf. The very rare second edition. (Rohricht no. 1079.) From John Laughton's library. 963. Ignatius von Rheinfelden, Newe Ierosolomy- tanische Bilger-Fahrt. (Constance, Iohann Geng, 1664, in 4to.) Original vellum. The first edition. (Rohricht no. 1096.) From the library of the Capucines of Frauenfeld. 964. Le Grand Tremblement & espouentable Ruyne qui est aduenue en la Cite de Ierusalem.... (Paris, a lenseigne S. Sebastien, s.a., in 8vo.) A very rare tract of four leaves. Red morocco by Niedre'e. Rohricht no. 1264 (who only knows one other copy, now at Amiens). HOLY LAND 345 965. Melchior von Seydlitz, Griindtliche Beschrei- bung Der Wallfart nach dem heyligen Lande. (Gorlitz, Ambrosius Fritsch, 1591, in 4to.) Rohricht no. 1556. 966. Joannes Ciampini, De sacris aedificiis a Con- stantino Magno constructis. (Romae, Jacobus Komarek, 1693, in fol.) Rohricht no. 1224. Bound with : 967. Biagio Terzi di Lauria, Siria sacra, descrit- tione..., delle due chiese patriarcali Antiochia a Gerusa- lemme. (Rome, Bernabo, 1695, m W») Old stamped calf. (Rohricht no. 1695.) HISTORY. ARCHAEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES. MS. 55. Giuseppe Donzelli, Partenope liberata, ouero il Racconto della nuoua solleuatione del popolo di Napoli e come si libero dalle grandissime angustie de Spagnioli. Parte seconda. (ms. on paper, xvnth century, 206 ff.) MS. 56. Relacion de la perdida de la Goleta y Tunez. El ano de 1574. Contemporary Spanish ms. on paper (180 ff.). It also contains some other Spanish poems. The Relacion is believed to have been printed in Spain from this very ms. Red morocco. 968. Giles Fletcher, Israel Redux, or the Restaura- tion of Israel... that the present Tartars near the Caspian Sea are the Posterity of the ten Tribes of Israel. (London, S. Streater for John Hancock, 1677, in i2mo.) Two parts in one volume. Original calf. 969. Baptistae Fulgosi de dictis factisque memora- bilibus collectanea, a Camillo Gilino latina facta. (Milan, Iacobus Ferrarius, 1508, in fol.) From the libraries of Bilibald Pirckheimer (his bookplate), the Earl of Arundel, the Duke of Norfolk and the Royal Society. HISTORY 349 970. Christophorus Hendreich, Carthago sive Car- thaginensium respublica. (Francofurti ad Oderam, 1664, in 8vo.) With the arms (inlaid) and bookplate of Bishop Huet d'Avranches. 971. Gulielmus Postellus, De Magistratibus Athe- niensium liber. (Venice, Joannes Antonius & Petrus de Nicolinis de Sabio, 1541, in 8vo.) Large paper copy on blue paper (the only copy known in this condition) in a contemporary black morocco binding, inlaid with citron morocco and bearing the name of Guillaume Du Choul, the famous Lyons archaeologist. Also a note in his autograph presenting the volume to Laurent Rabot. Later in the libraries of the Jesuits of Paris, P. A. Bolongaro Crevenna and J. J. de Bure. 972. Franciscus Iunius, De pictura veterum libri tres. (Amsterdam, Iohannes Blaeu, 1637, in 4to.) Old white vellum, gilt. Belonged in 1709 to John Bedingfeld. 973. Procopius of Caesarea, The Secret History of the Court of the Emperor Justinian. (London, John Barkesdale, 1674, in 8vo.) Original brown calf, bearing the arms, name and motto of Robert Harley (of Bramton). 974. Andre Duchesne, Historiae Normannorum scrip- tores antiqui..., ab anno Christi dcccxxxviii. ad Annum mccxx. (Paris, Robert Fouet, Nicolas Buon, Sebastien Cramoisy, 1619, in fol.) A fine copy in light brown morocco of this rare and important work. 975. Arthur du Monstier, Neustria pia, seu de omnibus et singulis abbatiis et prioratibus totius Normaniae. (Rouen, Jean Berthelin, 1663, in fol.) Original calf. From the Benedictine library of Moleme and the Robert Edmond Chester Waters collection. HISTORY 351 976. Agostino Mascardi, La congiura de conte Gio. Luigi de Fieschi. (Antwerp, 1629, in 4to.) Old French red morocco, by Padeloup with his ticket. From the libraries of George Hibbert and William Beckford. 977. Gio. Battista Falda, Le fontane di Roma. (Rome, 1691, oblong fol.) Complete with the rare four parts and the 107 engraved plates (in- cluding the titles). Old calf. In one vol. 978. Francesco Abela, Delia descrittione di Malta, isola nel mare siciliano con le sue antichita ed altre notitie. (Malta, Paolo Bonacota, 1647, in 4to.) The first book printed in Malta. Old white vellum, gilt. With the bookplate of Charles Viscount Bruce of Ampthill (17 12). 979. Rodericus Toletanus, Rerum in Hispania gestarum Chronicon Libri nouem. (Granada, 1545, in fol.) Original vellum wrapper. From the libraries of " P. Schottus " (doubt- less the historian Andreas Schott or his brother Francis) and of the Antwerp Jesuits. 980. Pedro de Medina, Libro de grandezas y cosas memorables de Espana. (Seville, Dominico de Robertis, 1548, in fol.) Wanting 3 ff. 981. Antonio de Morga, Sucesos de las islas Philipinas. (Antwerp ?, 1609, in 4to.) From the Sobolewski collection. 982. Emanuel de Meteren, L'histoire des Pays-Bas. (La Haye, Hillebrant Jacobz Wou, 1618, in fol.) Old calf. Contains important evidence on the printing of the earliest English Bibles. The French translation. HISTORY 353 983. M. Smallegange, Niewe Cronyk van Zeeland, eerste deel. (Middelburg, Joannes Meertens, and Amster- dam, Abraham van Someren, 1696, in fol.) With maps and engravings. Original white stamped vellum. 984. Sir R(oger) M(anley), The history of the late warres in Denmark. Comprising all the transactions, both military and civil, during the differences betwixt the two Northern crowns in the years 1657, 1658, 1659, 1660. (London, for Thomas Basset, 1670, in fol.) Original brown calf. From the Sunderland library. 985. Jacobus Laderchius, De sacris basilicis SS. Martyrum Marcellini Presbyteri et Petri Exorcistae de Urbe. (Rome, Franciscus Gonzaga, 1705, in 4to.) A very fine copy in old red morocco, with the Medicis arms. From the Fountaine library. 986. Die Turckish Chronica von irem vrsprung anefang und regiment, bisz vff dise zeit, sampt iren kriegen und streyten mit den christen begangen. (Strassburg, Martin Flach, 1413 [i.e. 1513], in fol.) With woodcuts. Bound with : 987. Historia Von Rhodis, Wie ritterlich sie sich gehalten mit dem Tyrannischen keiser Machomet vsz Tiirckyen. (Strassburg, Martin Flach, 1513, in fol.) With woodcuts. And with : 988. Das Bayrisch lantrechtpuch, Durch den aller- durchleuchtigisten kayser Ludwigen den vierdten Hertzo- gen in Bayren &c..., etc. (Munich, Hannssen Schobsser, 1516, in fol.) Not in Panzer. Title inlaid. a. 23 HISTORY 355 989. Iacobus Fontanus, De bello Rhodio libri tres. (Rome, F. Minitius Calvus, 1524, in fol.) Blue morocco. 990. Jacopo Fontano, Delia guerra di Rhodi. (Venice, Vicenzo Vaugris, 1545, in 8vo.) Bound with : 991. Viaggi fatti da Vinetia alia Tana, in Persia, in India et in Costantinopoli. (Venice, nelle case di figliuoli di Aldo, 1545, in 8vo.) From the Syston Park collection. Morocco by Storr (?). 992. Job Ludolfus, Historia aethiopica. (Frankfurt- am-Main, Balth. Chr. Wust, 1681, in fol.) 993. Appendix ad historiam aethiopicam.... (Frankfurt-am-Main, Joh. David Zunner, 1693, in fol.) 994. Appendix Secunda. [Ibid., 1694.) 995. Ad historiam aethiopicam commentarius. (Ibid., 1 69 1.) The four works (992 — 995) bound together in two vols., old brown calf. Fine copies from the library of Thomas Barrett of Lee. 23—2 HISTORY. ARCHAEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF THE BRITISH ISLES. MS. 57. The chronicle of Brute in English, (ms. on vellum, about 1420.) A handsome ms. with a continuation, brought down to the 6th year of King Henry V (141 8). The last f. is mutilated. Old calf. MS. 58. The chronicle of Brute in English, (ms. on vellum, xvth century.) Illuminated title-page. A valuable English manuscript with a continua- tion down to 1 43 1, ending with a curious chapter on Jeanne d'Arc, " the wycch of Fraunce that was callid the pusshell." From the Duke of Buccleuch's library at Dalkeith House. Old calf. MS. 59. A chronicle of England, apparently the Brute chronicle, imperfect at beginning and end. (ms. on vellum, early xvth century.) Ends at the fourth year of King Henry IV. MS. 60. A collection of 67 Writs of Covenant upon which fines have been levied in the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster. (Also four Notes of Fines, at the end.) (ms. slips on vellum, xvith century.) Inlaid and transcribed in an album. All these documents concern lands in the county of Hertford. Brown calf. HISTORY 359 996. Raphael Holinshed, The Chronicles of England, Scotlande and Irelande. (London, John Hunne, I577> m fol.) 2 vols. A very fine copy in old russia, from the Countess of Pomfret's library. Absolutely perfect, including two leaves of errata in vol. i, unknown to Lowndes, and the very rare view of Edinburgh in vol. n (one margin mended). A few marginalia, as in nearly all known copies, are cut into. Exceedingly rare in such a fine condition. 997. Iohn Stow, The annales of England, Faithfully collected out of the most autenticall Authors, Records, and other Monuments of Antiquitie. (London, Ralfe Newbery, 1600, in 4to.) From the libraries of Sir Roger Twysden (notes in his autograph), Viscount Falmouth and the Rev. Lambert Larking. Light brown calf. 998. William Prynne, An exact chronological vindica- tion and historical demonstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English Kings supreme ecclesias- tical jurisdiction. (London, Thomas Ratcliff, for Roper, Gabriel Bedell, and Edward Thomas, 1666-1670, in fol.) 3 vols. On large paper. Old calf, with the arms of King Charles II. 999. Thomas Fuller, The church-history of Britain, From the Birth of Jesus Christ untill the Year m.dc.xlviii. (London, Iohn Williams, 1655, in fol.) Contains at the end The History of the University of Cambridge and The History of Waliham-Abby. Light brown morocco. 1000. Historiae Ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum libri v. A Venerabili Beda presbytero scripti. (Cambridge, Roger Daniel, 1644, in fol.) Old calf, with the arms and cipher of De Thou and his second wife. Added to his library after his death. From Horace Walpole's collection. HISTORY 361 1001. Sir Henry Savile, Rerum Anglicarum Scrip- tores post Bedam praecipui. (London, G. Bishop, R. Nuberie and R. Barker, 1596, in fol.) On large paper. From the library of John Lord Lumley, with his signature. Then in the library of Henry, Prince of Wales, eldest brother of King Charles I, with the Prince's arms on each side of the old brown calf binding. 1002. William Camden, Remaines of a greater worke, concerning Britaine, the inhabitants thereof, their Lan- guages, Names, Surnames, Empreses, Wise Speeches, Poesies and Epitaphes. (London, G. E. for Simon Waterson, 1605, in 4to.) Old calf. 1003. Humfrey Lhuyd of Denbigh, The Breviary of Britayne. (London, Richard Johnes, 1573, in 8vo.) Old green morocco. From the libraries of Ralph Thoresby, Mathew Wilson and Miss Richardson Currer. 1004. Sir Winston Churchill, Divi Britannici, being a remark upon the lives of all the Kings of this isle. (London, Tho. Roycroft for Francis Eglesfield, 1675, m fol.) 1005. Archbishop Parker, Asserius, Aelfredi regis res gestae — Historia breuis Thomae Walsingham — Ypodig- ma Neustriae vel Normanniae per Thomam de Walsingham. (London, Henry Binneman and John Day, 1574, in fol.) The presentation copy to Queen Elizabeth in a beautiful red morocco stamped and painted binding by "Parker's binder" with the Queen's arms. Ruled throughout and many pages illuminated. 1006. The chronicle of Ihon Hardyng in metre. (London, Richard Grafton, 1543, in 8vo.) Fine copy (but a few headlines cut into), from the library of Sir Henry Ellis, who reprinted this chronicle in 181 2. HISTORY 363 1007. Edward Halle (Chronicle). The union of the two noble and illustre famelies of Lancastre & Yorke.... (London, Richard Grafton, 1548, in fol.) A mixed copy with gatherings from both the first and the second issues. Old russia. From the Duke of Roxburghe's and Laing's collections. 1008. Joshua Barnes, The history of that most victorious monarch Edward III. (Cambridge, John Hayes, 1688, in fol.) 1009. Anno secundo et tertio Edouardi sexti. Actes made in the Session of this present Parlament. (London, Richard Grafton, 1552, in fol.) Cf. nos. 153, 153 bis and 618. 1010. Anno 111 & 1111 Edwardi Sexti. Actes made in the session of this present Parliament. (London, R. Grafton, 1553, in fol.) 1011. Sir Dudley Digges, The Compleat Ambassador or two treaties of the intended marriage of Qu. Elizabeth. (London, Tho. Newcomb for Gabriel Bedell and Thomas Collins, 1655, in fol.) Brown morocco. 1012. Sir Simonds d'Ewes, A compleat journal of the votes, speeches and debates, both of the House of Lords and House of Commons, throughout the whole reign of Queen Elizabeth. Published by Paul Bowes. (London, Jonathan Robinson and others, 1693, in fol.) Brown morocco. 1013. The Kings Maiesties Speech... delivered... on Munday the 19 day of March 1603. (London, R. Barker, 1604, in 4to.) 1014. John Nalson, An impartial collection of the great affairs of state, from the beginning of the Scotch rebellion in the year mdcxxxix to the murther of King Charles I. (London, for S. Mearne and others, 1682-1683, in fol.) 2 vols. Brown morocco. HISTORY 365 1015. King Charles I, Elkgdv BacnAiKr), The Pour- traicture of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitude and sufferings. (No place or printer s name, 1648, in 8vo.) Original calf, with a leaf of a xvth century Cologne (?) edition of the life of Saint Bernard, pasted inside the cover (157 x 101 mm.). The genuine first issue of this celebrated book. Only eleven copies are known (including the two from the Philbrick collection), three being in this library. Thin paper, from E. Almack's collection. (Almack 1.) Another copy in brown calf, from Edward Solly's collection (155 mm.). Thick paper. Another copy in a handsome contemporary binding in black morocco elaborately gilt with goffered edges. From the Dyneley collection (152 mm.). Thin paper. 1016. EtKo>i> Bao-iXifcr). The Pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitude and sufferings, (s. 1., 1648, in i2mo.) Old calf. Almack no. 7, but with 6 ff. at end unknown to that bibliographer. 1017. Reliquiae Sacrae Carolinae. The Workes of that great Monarch and glorious Martyr King Charles the 1 st both Civil and Sacred. With a short view of the Life and Reign of that most blessed Prince from his Birth to his Buriall. (The Hague, Sam. Browne, s. a., in 8vo.) Almack no. 19, who only records eight copies, including this one. Old black calf (rebacked). 1018. The Papers concerning Church-Government, 1646. (London, R. Royston, 1649, in 8vo.) Followed by : 1019. Et/co>i/ Bao-iXi/oJ (and "Praiers"). (W. D. in R. M., 1649, in 8vo.) And by: 1020. Apophthegmata Aurea, Regia, Carolina. (London, William Du-gard for Francis Eglesfield, 1649, in 8vo.) Contemporary black morocco with CR crowned on each side. Almack no. 45. Only three other copies are known, and this is apparently the only one containing, after the Eikon, the 12 pages of "Praiers used by His Maiestie in the time of His sufferings." HISTORY 367 1021. EIKI2N BA2IAIKH, The Pourtraicture of his sacred Majesty in his Solitudes and Sufferings. (Followed by the "Papers" and "Prayers.") (s. 1., 1649, in 8vo.) [The Hague, Samuel Browne, 1651 ?] A copy of Almack's no. 49, but beginning with the " Eikon." Only one other copy is known. Old calf. 1022. ETlKON A'AH'OINH. The portraiture of Truths most sacred Majesty truly suffering, though not solely... published to undeceive the World. (London, Thomas Paine for George Whittington, 1649, in 4to.) Old calf. (Almack p. 74.) 1023. R. F., ¥ EIKflN BA2IAIK N H, or the true Pourtrai- ture of His Sacred Majestie Charls the 1 1. ..from his Birth 1630 unto this present year 1660. (London, H. Brome & H. Marsh, 1660, in 8vo.) Contemporary greenish brown morocco. Not quoted by Almack in his list of imitations of the original Eikon Basilike. 1024. EIKIl'N BA2IAIKH' AET'TEPA, The pourtraicture of his sacred majesty king Charles 1 1 with his reasons for turning Roman Catholick, published by K. James. Found in the strong box. (s. 1., 1694, in 8vo.) Described by Almack (p. 82) from a copy with a slightly different title-page. Old calf (rebacked). 1025. Tragicum Theatrum Actorum & Casuum Tragicorum Londini Publice celebratorum.... (Amsterdam, Jodocus Jansonius, 1649, in 8vo.) With eleven engravings. From the library of Walter Young. Russia. 1026. Boscobel: or the compleat History of His Sacred Majesties most miraculous Preservation After the Battle of Worcester, 3 Sept. 1651. (London, M. Clark for H. Brome and C. Harper, 1680, in 8vo.) Bound with : HISTORY 369 1027. Boscobel : or the History of His Sacred Majesties most miraculous Preservation after the Battle of Worcester, 3 Sept. 165 1. The second Part. (Ibid., 1681, in 8vo.) Followed by : 1028. Claustrum Regale... or the King's concealment at Trent. Published by A. W. (Ibid., 1681, in 8vo.) Old calf. From the libraries of J. M. Gresley and William Twopenny. 1029. Sir Henry Wotton, The state of Christendom, or a most exact and curious discovery of many secret passages, and hidden mysteries of the times. (London, for Humphrey Moseley, 1657, in fol.) Fine copy in old calf, from the libraries of Charles Rugge Price and Henry White. 1030. William Prynne, A Plea for the Lords and House of Peers. (London, 1658, in 4to.) Original brown calf. 1031. The Appeal of Iniured Innocence unto The religious learned and ingenuous reader in a controversie betwixt the Animadvertor Dr. Peter Heylyn and The Author Thomas Fuller. (London, W. Godbid for John Williams, 1659, in fol.) Red morocco by Bedford. 1032. Some farther intelligence of the affairs of England. The death of the Renowned Oliver, Lord Protector.... (London, M. S. for Thomas Jenner, 1659, in 4to.) With engravings. Bound with it is a list of "The names of all the Knights and Burgesses in the House of Pari: Nov. 3. 1640." Brown morocco by Bedford. A. 24 HISTORY 37 1 1033. Former Ages never heard of.... A brief Review of the most materiall Parliamentary Transactions, Beginning November 3. 1640... unto the dissolving of the Parliament April 23. 1659. (London, M. S. for Thomas Jenner, 1660, in 4 to.) "The names of all the Knights..." are bound in at the end. Brown morocco by Bedford. 1034. Strafford's Memoires, or a Brief and Impartial Account.... (s. 1., 1681, in fol.) Old red morocco, with imitation pointill'e tooling and the arms of King James II. 1035. Peter Rae, The history of the Late Rebellion ; Rais'd against His Majesty King George, By the Friends of the Popish Pretender. (Dumfries, 1718, in 4to.) In a beautiful Old Scotch binding in blue morocco elaborately gilt, probably by Elliot and Chapman. 1036. John Weever, Ancient funerall monuments within the united monarchic of Great Britaine Ireland and the Hands adiacent. (London, Tho. Harper, 1631, in fol.) Mottled calf. 1037. William Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum. (London, Richard Hodgkinson, 1655-1682, in fol.) 4 vols. A very fine copy in modern russia-leather binding, from the library of Charles George Young. Contains both the 1655 and the 1682 editions of vol. 1, vol. 11 (166 1) and vol. m (1673). Believed to be absolutely perfect (according to Lowndes' collation) except perhaps for a map of Thanet in the 1st edition of vol. 1. 1038. William Dugdale, The history of St Pauls cathedral in London, from its foundation until these times. (London, Tho. Warren, 1658, in fol.) With plates by Hollar. From the Duke and Thomas Rashleigh libraries. 24 — 2 HISTORY 373 1039. William Lambard, A Perambulation of Kent. (London, Henrie Middleton for Ralphe Newberie, 1576, in 4to.) Fine and large copy in old russia from the Fountaine collection. 1040. William Lambarde, A Perambulation of Kent. . . written in the yeere 1570. ..first published in the yeere 1576 and now increased and altered after the Authors owne last Copie. (London, Edm. Bollifant, 1596, in 8vo.) Old calf. 1041. William Lambard, The perambulation of Kent..., corrected and enlarged. (London, Matthew Walbancke and Daniel Pakeman, 1656, in 8vo.) The only edition containing the Charters^ Laws and Privileges of the Cinque Ports. Mottled calf. 1042. Thomas Philipott, Villare Cantianum, or Kent surveyed and illustrated. (London, William Godbid, 1659, in fol.) Old calf. 1043. William Somner, The Antiquities of Canterbury, or a survey of that ancient citie with the suburbs and Cathedral. (London, I. L. for Richard Thrale, 1640, in 4to.) The author's own copy with his signature. Old panelled calf. 1044. The Joyfull Receyving of the Queenes most excellent Maiestie into her Highnesse Citie of Norwich. (London, Henrie Bynneman, s. a., in 4to.) 1045. Alexander Nevill, De furoribus Norfolciensium Ketto Duce, Liber unus, Eiusdem Noruicus. (London, Henry Binneman, 1575, in 4to.) Contemporary brown calf, gilt, with the initials B G. From the libraries of R. Harvey, John Earl of Hyndford, and Lord Carmichael. HISTORY 375 1046. Alexander Nevill, Kettus siue de furoribus Norfolciensium Ketto Duce. (London, Henry Binneman, 1582, in 8vo.) Imperfect at end. 1047. Alexander Nevill, Norfolke Furies and their foyle under Kett..., Englished by Richard Woods. (Norwich, for Edmund Casson, 1623, in 4to.) Citron calf by Bedford. 1048. A true relation of the most Inhumane and bloody Murther of Master James Minister and Preacher of the Word of God at Rockland in Norfolke. (London, for R. Bonian and H. Walley, 1609, in 4to.) The earliest known book with the full address of R. Bonian. Morocco by Bedford. 1049. 1607. A true report of certaine wonderfull overflow of Waters, now lately in Summersetshire, Norfolk, and places of England: destroying many thousands of men, women and children, overthrowing and bearing downe whole townes and villages, and drowning infinite numbers of sheepe and other Cattle, (s. 1., in 4to., 16 ff.) Citron calf. 1050. David Loggan, Oxonia illustrata. (Oxford, E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1675, m f° L ) A fine and clean copy in a beautiful contemporary English binding, old red morocco, elaborately gilt, with an imitation pointille decoration. 1051. David Loggan, Cantabrigia Illustrata. (Cam- bridge [1688], in fol.) A beautiful copy in an old red morocco binding, with a very fine impression of the portrait, but wanting plate xi. Another copy, perfect, also with good impressions of the plates. 1052. Robert Plot, The Natural History of Stafford- Shire. (Oxford, The Theater, 1686, in fol.) With many engravings, maps etc. Old panelled calf. HISTORY 2)77 1053. H. Lhoyd, The historie of Cambria now called Wales ... (continued by David Powel). (London, Rafe Newberie and Henrie Denham, 1584, in 410.) A very fine copy in the original stamped calf. 1054. List of such of the names of the Nobility Gentry and Commonalty... who are all by an Act of a Pretended Parliament assembled in Dublin... 7th May 1 689... attainted of High Treason. (London, R. Clavel and J. Watts, 1690, in 4to.) Not mentioned by Lowndes and Hazlitt. Bound with : 1055. A short view of Both Reports in Relation to the Irish Forfeitures, In a Familiar Dialogue Between A and B. (London, 1701, in 4to.) And with: 1056. An account of the Sessions of Parliament in Ireland 1692. (London, J. T., 1693, m 4to.) And with : 1057. A memento for English Protestants. (London, Jacob Sampson, 1680, in 4to.) Unmentioned by Lowndes and Hazlitt. And with: 1058. Samuel D'Assigny, A short relation of the Brave Exploits of the Vaudois. (Dublin, John Brent, 1699, in 4to.) Not mentioned by Lowndes and Hazlitt. And with : 1059. A collection of Certain horrid Murthers in several Counties of Ireland committed since the 23 of October 1641. (London, Henry Brome, 1679, in 4to.) Ascribed to the Bishop of London by a contemporary ms. note in this copy. The only copy known to Hazlitt wanted the last leaf. These six rare tracts are bound in one volume and are from D. H. Kelly's collection. HERALDRY, GENEALOGY, ETC. MS. 61. Carta de preuillegio, in Spanish, delivered at Sevilla the ioth November 1447. (ms. on vellum, 13 fif.) In a contemporary Spanish binding in leather-covered wooden boards, with the arms of Castille and Leon quarterly, painted on each side. MS. 62. Carta executoria de hidalguia de Iuan Lopez y Martin Lopez Vezinos de la villa de La Haua. (ms. on vellum, dated 1587.) With a full-page miniature on the title-page and several long illuminated initials. Original Spanish binding in brown calf, stamped and gilt, a rare and interesting specimen of early bookbinding in the Peninsula. From Robert Schuhmann's collection. 1060. Georg Ruxner, Thurnier-Buch. Von Anfang, Ursachen, Ursprung und Herkommen der Thurnier im heyligen Romischen Reich. (Frankfurt-am-Main, Georg Raben, 1566, in fol.) With many woodcuts by Jost Amman and Feyrabend (?). A fine copy in a contemporary stamped vellum binding, with metal bosses and clasps. From the library of Johannes Paulus Ebner. 1061. Iehan le Feron, De la Primitiue Institution des Roys, Herauldz & Poursuiuans dArmes. (Paris, Maurice Menier, 1555, in 4to.) Bound with : 1062. The same, Le Simbol Armorial des Armoiries de France & d'Escoce & de Lorraine. {Ibid.) Red morocco. HERALDRY 38 I 1063. Gerard Legh, The Accedens of Armory. (London, Richard Tottill, 1562, in 8vo.) Numerous woodcuts. 1064. Iohn Bossewell, Workes of Armorie, deuyded into three bookes, entituled, the Concordes of Armorie, the Armorie of Honor, and of Coates and Creastes. (London, Rychard Tottyl, 1572, in 4*0.) With numerous woodcuts. 1065. Iohn Ferne, The Blazon of Gentrie. (London, John Windet for Andrew Maunsell, 1586, in 4to.) On large paper, from the Earl of Gosford's library. Red morocco. 1066. The booke of honor and armes. (London, Richard I hones, 1590, in 4to.) With woodcuts. Sir Francis Freeling's copy. 1067. William Wyrley, The true use of armorie, shewed by Historie, and plainly proued by example. (London, I. Iackson for Gabriell Cawood, 1592, in 4to.) Old panelled calf. 1068. Ralph Brooke, A discouerie of certaine errours published in print in the much commended Britannia 1594. (s. 1. et a. [London, 1596], in 4to.) Old white vellum, gilt. 1068 bis. Another copy of this rare first edition of a virulent attack on Camden's Britannia, from the library of George Grant Francis. With it is bound : 1069. Iohn Leylands new yeeres Gyft, giuen of him to King Henrie the .viii. in the .$J. yeere of his reigne, concerning his laborious Iorney and search for Englandes antiquities, (s. 1. et a., in 4to.) 4 ff. 1070. Edmund Bolton, Elements of Armories. (London, George Eld, 1610, in 4to.) Probably on large paper ; original gilt vellum wrapper. HERALDRY 383 1071. Gerard Leigh, The Accedence of Armorie. (London, Iohn laggard, 1612, in 4to.) With numerous woodcuts. Morocco by Stones. 1072. Raphe Brooke, A catalogue and succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes..., since the Norman Conquest to this present yeare, 1619. (London, William laggard, 1619, in fol.) Old calf, with the author's autograph ex-dono on the title-page. From the libraries of Sir Thomas Hanmer and of Henry Edward Bunbury. 1073. Raphe Brooke (sic), A catalogue and succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, and Viscounts of this Realme of England, since the Norman Conquest, to this present yeere 1622. (s. 1., 1622, in fol.) With numerous woodcuts (uncoloured). Old calf (rebacked). 1074. Ralph Brooke (sic), A catalogue and succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, and Viscounts of this Realme of England, since the Norman Conquest, to this present yeere 1622. (s. 1., 1622, in fol.) With numerous heraldic woodcuts coloured by hand. From John Tuckett's library. Green calf. 1075. Silvester Petra Sancta, S.J., Tesserae gentilitiae. (Rome, The heirs of Franciscus Corbelletti, 1638, in fol.) With a great number of engravings. Old English calf. From the Verney and Newling collections. 1076. Bird, The Magazine of honour,... Perused and enlarged by that Learned and Judicious Lawyer Sir John Doderidge Knight. (London, William Sheares, 1642, in 8vo.) 1077. Sylvanus Morgan, The sphere of gentry deduced from the principles of nature. (London, William Leybourn, 1661, in fol.) Old calf (rebacked). Wanting 8 leaves or plates (if we trust the published collations). HERALDRY 385 1078. Elias Ashmole, The institution, laws & cere- monies of the most noble order of the garter. (London, J. Macock for N. Brooke, 1672, in fol.) A fine copy, bound in russia by Bedford. 1079. Matthew Carter, Honor Redivivus, or the Analysis of Honor and Armory. The third edition. (London, for Henry Herringman, 1673, in 8vo.) With plates and woodcuts. 1080. William Dugdale, The antient usage in bear- ing of such ensigns of honour as are commonly call'd arms with a catalogue of the present nobility and baronets of England. The second edition, corrected. (Oxford, for Moses Pitt and Samuel Smith, 1682, in 8vo.) Old calf cropped. 1081. William Dugdale, The Baronage of England, or an Historical Account of the lives and most memorable actions of our English Nobility. (London, Tho. Newcomb for A. Roper, J. Martin, and H. Herringman, 1675-1676, in fol.) 2 vols. A very fine copy, bound in citron calf by Bedford. 1082. Randle Holme, The academy of armory or a storehouse of armory and blazon. (Chester, 1688, in fol.) 3 vols. A fine copy with the rare third part, issued some time after the other two. Russia. Another copy without the third part (issued after King James II abdicated), but bound in red morocco with the arms of King James II. From the libraries of William and Thomas Cowper and Reginald Cholmondeley. This copy, being the presentation copy to the King, has a specially printed leaf of dedication. 25 BIOGRAPHY AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1083. Vita & processus sancti thome cantuariensis martyris super libertate ecclesiastica. (Salamanca, Ioannes Gysser de Silgenstat, 1506, in 4to.) Old white vellum. A fine copy. 1084. Ioachimus Camerarius, De Philippi Melanch- thonis ortu, totius vitae curriculo et morte. (Leipzig, Ernestus Voegelin, 1566, in 8vo.) Bound with : 1085. Breuis narratio exponens quo fine vitam in terris suam clauserit...Melanchthon. (Wittemberg, Petrus Seitz, 1560, in 4to.) Written by the Professors of the Wittemberg Academia. And with : 1086. Martinus Henricus, Epicedion in obitum..., D. Philippi Melanchthonis. (Wittemberg, Iohannes Crato, 1560, in 4to.) Old German stamped calf binding, dated 1567. From Miinter's library (a.d. 1792). 1087. Paolo Giovio Vescovo di Nocera, La vita di Consalvo Ferrando di Cordova, detto il gran cappitano. (Florence, 1550, in 8vo.) Bound in old red morocco by Du Seuil (?) for Louis-Henri Count de Lomenie de Brienne, with his arms. From the library of John Baron Carteret de Hawnes. 25 — 2 BIOGRAPHY 389 1088. Eugenio de Robles, Compendio de la vida y Hazaiias del Cardenal don fray Francisco Ximenez de Cisneros. (Toledo, Pedro Rodriguez, 1604, in 4to.) Old green French morocco, probably by Derome le Jeune. From Thomas Gaisford's library. 1089. Christoval Suarez de Figueroa, Hechos de Don Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza, Quarto Marques de Canete. (Madrid, Imprenta Real, 1613, in 4to.) From the library of the Jesuits of Madrid. 1090. Richard Parr, The life of the Most Reverend Father in God James Usher, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh. (London, Nathanael Ranew, 1686, in fol.) Very fine copy with both title-pages. Light brown morocco. 1091. Iacobus Philippus Tomasinus, Illustrium virorum elogia. (Padua, Donatus Pasquardus, 1630, in 4to.) With numerous engravings. Old veau fauve, with the monogram of de Thou's widow Gasparde de la Chastre on the back ; on each side are her arms with those of her late husband. 1092. John Bale, Illustrium Maioris Britanniae scriptorum summarium. (Ipswich, John Overton, 1548, in 4to.) A very fine copy from the Wodhull library with an autograph dedication from Bale to Ralph Heymann. This is possibly the first book printed at Ipswich, although portions of it were certainly printed abroad. 1093. William London, A catalogue of the most vendible books in England. (London, 1658, in 4to.) Original calf. A rare and important bibliographical document, the first of the kind to have been published in England. 1094. The Catalogue of our English Writers On the Old and New Testament..., Corrected and Enlarged with three or four thousand Additionals. The second Impression. (London, E. Cotes for Thomas Williams, 1668, in 8vo.) Old calf. BIOGRAPHY 39 1 1095. John Bullord, The Library of Mr. Tho. Britton smallcoal-man. Will be sold by Auction at Toms Coffee- House adjoyning to Ludgate on Thursday the ist of November at Three in the Afternoon, (s. 1. et a. [London, 1714], in 4to.) In a handsomely gilt contemporary red morocco binding (rebacked). No other copy is known of this Catalogue, only two copies being extant of the subsequent catalogue of January 1715. In this volume are described, not only books, but also 126 mss. 1096. J. S(pencer), Catalogus universalis librorum omnium in bibliotheca Collegii Sionii apud Londinenses. (London, Robert Leybourn, 1650, in 4to.) IMITATION OF CHRIST. Cf. supra nos. 48 and 92. 1097. A boke newe||ly translated out of Latyn in||to Englisshe, called The folowig||of Christe, with the Golden||epystel of saint Barnard. (London, Wyllyam Myddylton, s. a. [about 1542], in 8vo.) Wanting quire R, otherwise very fine. Unique and undescribed by any bibliographer. It is the first edition of the second (Whytford's) English translation of the Imitation. Original brown calf. 1098. The folowinge of Chryste, translated oute of Latyn into Englysh ... (London, Iohn Cawood, 18 September 1556, in 8vo.) Original brown calf. Before the discovery of no. 1097 this was thought to be the first edition of Whytford's translation. 1099. The Imitation or following of Christ, and the contemning of worldly vanities. (London, Henry Denham, 1568, in 8vo.) Edward Hake's translation. Exceedingly rare. Bound in blue morocco by Lloyd with : 1100. A short and pretie Treatise touching the per- petuall Reioyce of the godly, euen in this lyfe. (Ibid., 1568, in 8vo.) IMITATION OF CHRIST 395 1101. Of the Imitation of Christ... now newlie corrected, translated, and... illustrated by Thomas Rogers. (London, Henrie Denham, 1580, in i2mo.) Believed to be unique. The earliest edition hitherto known of this version, was of 1584. Brown calf. 1102. The christians pattern ; or a divine treatise of the imitation of christ. (London, R. Daniel for John Clark, 1657, in 8vo.) The earliest edition yet discovered of Dr Worthington's version. Con- temporary mosaique binding in light and dark brown calf, gilt all over. Only two other copies were known in 1888 to R. C. Christie. 1103. De imitatione Christi. (Paris, Typographia Regia, 1640, in fol.) In a beautiful English binding in the so-called Mearne style, being one of the finest examples known : red morocco elaborately gilt tooled in imitation pointille with ornaments painted black and silver. From the library of Nathanael Crewe, Bishop of Durham in 1703. ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS. MS. 63. Twelve oblong leaves (on vellum) of a very- early Cufic ms. of the Koran (about a.d. 800). A valuable specimen of early Arabic palaeography. MS. 64. A large Arabic Koran in fol. On vellum, from the isle of Java, in a stamped leather binding. MS. 65. An imperfect copy of the Koran. (Arabic ms., on paper.) MS. 66. An Arabic ms. of 131 paper leaves (ap- parently a portion of the Koran), with a narrow gold border round each page. Oriental binding in red calf with floral ornaments stamped on each side. MS. 67. "Aboos Seroor," an Arabic ms. on paper (267 ff.). MS. 68. Jelaleddin. An Arabic ms. on paper (xvith century ?). MS. 69. An Arabic ms. on paper (312 pages). In an elegant Oriental gilt calf binding. MS. 70. Firdousi Khial, a collection of Persian poetry. (ms. on paper, xvith century.) With ten full-page miniatures. In an old Oriental double binding. MS. 71. Another Persian ms. on paper. (xvnth century.) In an Oriental red morocco binding. INDEX. I. AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. d'Aarsens de Sommerdyck (F.) 887 Abbot (George) 336 Abecedarium MS. 48 Abela (Francesco) 978 Aboos Seroor MS. 67 Abridgment 521 Accius 788 Accompt of the proceedings 546, 556 An account of the Sessions 1056 Achilles Tatius 778 de Acosta (Joseph) 905 Adamantius 652 Adrete (Dr Bernardo) 762 Adriaenssen (Cornelis) 172 Adrichomius (Christianus) 942, 943 Aeneas Sylvius 74 Afranius 788 Africa 894-901 Aggregator 17 Agrippa (Henry Cornelius) 654 Aitsinger (Michael) 939 Albius (Thomas) 628, 629 de Alcala (Pedro) 766 Alciatus (Andreas) 864 Alexander Gallus 63 Alfonso Onzeno 841 Alfonso de Cartagena m Algerus 359 Alonso 845 Amadigi 831 Amadis de Gaula 834-836 Amadis de Grecia 836 Americana 779-784, 868, 871, 893, 903-909 Anaxartes 836 Andres de Espoleto 585 Andrewes (Lancelot) 498, 499 Anglorum singultus 512 Anglo-Saxon Gospels 198 Antididagma 389 Antoneli (Bautista) MS. 52 Antonini Itinerarium 794 Antonio da Siena 97 Antonio Medina 923 A. P. 505 Apocalypse I, 2 Apomaxis 393 Apophthegmata aurea 1020 Apothecarye 683, 689 Apianus (Petrus) 868 Appeal of injured innocence 103 1 Aquinas, cf. Thomas de Aranda (Luys) 837 Arctic regions 890, 891, 903, 906 Aretinus (Leonardus) 137 Aristotle 137 Art of pruning 744 Articles agreed upon 339, 452 Articles des protestants MS. 31 Articles to be enquired of 272, 293 bis Ascham (Roger) 752 Ashmole (Elias) 1078 Ashwell (John) 365 Askham (Anthony) 678, 679 Asserius 1005 Assertio septem sacramentorum 154 d'Assigny (Samuel) 1058 INDEX 40I Astrampsychus 772 Astrology MS. 42 Atticus 789 d'Audiguier (Vital) 825 Augustinus IX, 21, 22, 32, 77 Augustinus MS. 28 Aurbach 47 Austen (Ralph) 719, 725 Australia 906, 910 de Avellaneda (Alonso Fernandez) 854 Baillie (Robert) 530 Balbus de Janua 6 Baldwin (William) 464 Bale (John) 441, 1092 Bancroft (Richard) 491 Barclay (Alexander) 800 Barker (T.) 720 Barlaeus (C.) 908 Barnes 473 Barnes (Joshua) 1008 Barnes (Juliana) 132 Bartholomaeus Anglicus 38, 131 Bartholomaeus Pisanus 105 Barthram priest 420 Basset 744 Baudoin 612 Bavaria 988 Bayrisch Lantrechtpuch 988 Beda 25, 1000 Belijdenisse 171 Bellingham (Charles) 718 Belon (Pierre) 710, 927 Benedictus Paeantius 90 Benese (Sir Richard) 675, 690 Bernard (Richard) 528, 531 Bernardinus de Senis 103 Bernardus 94, 95 Beroaldus (Philippus) 859-862 Bettini 97 Beveridge (William) 548 Biagio Terzi di Lauria 967 Bibles, Arabic MS. 7 Bibles, Armenian MS. 6 Bibles, Dutch 238 Bibles, English MS. 1-3, 174-210, 982 Bibles, French 225-229, 250 Bibles, German 239-247 Bibles, Greek MS. 5, 215-219 Bibles, Hebrew 100, 214 Bibles, Italian 230-234 Bibles, Latin 4, 8, 220-223, 2 3° Bibles, Polyglot 211-213 Bibles, Scots MS. 4 Bibles, Spanish 235-237 Bibles, Wendish 249 Biblia pauperum 3 Bird 1076 Bisse (James) 487 Bishops book, cf. Institution of a Christian man Black list 578 Blake (Stephen) 730 Blundeville (M.) 664 Boethius 40-42, 116 Bolton (Edmund) 1070 Bongarsius (Jacobus) 913 Book of honor 1066 Book of St Albans 132 Booth (G.) 777 Boscobel 1026, 1027 Bosio (Giacomo) 612 Bossewell (John) 1064 Bownde (Nicolas) 492 de Boyvin du Vaurouy (Henry) 652 Brant 800 Breviary 261 Brevis narratio 1085 Breydenbach 18, 19, 917-920 Bridges 490 Brightwell (Richard) 368 Brinsley (John) 532 Britton (Thomas) 1095 Broadsides 378, 461 Brooke (Ralph) 1068, 1068 bis, 1072- 1074 Browne (Thomas) 726 Browne (Sir Thomas) 541, 542 du Brueil (Guillaume) 108 Brute chronicle MS. 57-59 Bruton (William) 892 Bruynswike (Jerome of) 164 Bucer 465 Bucerus (Martinus) 390 Buchanan (George) 296, 297, 302 Bugenhagius 362, 381 Bull (George) 580 Bull (Henry) 495 26 INDEX 403 Bullord (John) 1095 Bunyan (John) 810-813 Burchardus de Monte Sion 911,912 Burden of Issachar 504 Burghley (Lord) 485 Burrell (John) 950 Bury (Arthur) 575 de Bury (Richardus) 37, 56 Butler (Charles) 641 Cadiz 874 Caecilius 788 Caesar 791 Caius (John) 640 Calendier historiael 170 Calvin (John) 380, 477 Cambridge 105 1 Camden (William) 1002, 1068, 1068 bis Camerarius (Joachim) 1084 Caoursin 60, 61, 106 Carlo Quinto 840 Carta de hidalguia MS. 62 Carta de previllegio MS. 61 de Cartagena (Alfonso) m Carter (Matthew) 1079 Cartwright (John) 955 Cartwright (Thomas) 516 Cartwright (T.) 493 Castellus (Edm.) 213 Castiglione (Count Balthasar) 828, 829 Catalogue of our English writers 1094 Catechism 257, 283, 289, 318, 452, 483 Catholicon 6 Cato 795 Caxton (William) 798 Cebes 776 Ceresari 650 de Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel) 848- 855 de Cessolis (Jacobus) 113 Ch. 551 Challine (Denis) 793 Chancery (Court of) 519 Charant (A.) 900, 901 Charles I 101 5-1025 Chastysing of Goddes Chyldern 126 Chateaubriand 957 Chaucer 796, 797 Chiromancy MS. 42, 647, 650 Cholino 223 Chriserionte de Gaule 824 Christian prayers 301, 315 Christine de Pisan 115, 123 Christoferson (John) 454 Chronicle MS. 57-59 Chronicle (Turkish) 986 Chronicle of England 148 Chronicle of St Albans 139 Chronicles 841-846 Chronyc Historie 173 Churchill (Sir Winston) 1004 Chyromantica scientia 84 Ciampini (Johannes) 966 Cicero 9, 10, 93, 118, 789, 790 Cid 842, 843 Cini (Giulio) MS. 50 Ciruelo (Pedro) 581 Claustrum regale 1028 Clemens V 24 des Clozeaulx 610 Clusius (Carolus) 709, 710, 711 Coal from the altar 501, 502 Cochlaeus (Johannes) 353, 354, 355, 356, 375. 393, 394, 438 Cohen de Herrera (Abr.) 626, 627 Cola (Joanne) 918-920 Collection of articles 345 Collection of certain horrid murders 1059 Cologne Chronicle 43 Cologne university 390 Columella 795 Dr Comber 549, 550, 551 Common Prayer 278-343 {passim) Common prayer book unmasked 554 Confession of faith 507 Confession of the faith of the Ger- maynes 382, 383 Congo 894, 895 Consalvo di Cordova 1087 Considerations of present use 558 Considerations touching the dissolv- ing... 519 Constantinople 991 Contemplations moral and divine 573 Cook (M.) 737 Copy of some papers passed at Oxford 561 26 — 2 INDEX 405 Cornelius Agrippa (Henry) 654 Cortes (Martin) 663 Cotgrave (Randle) 760 Cotta (Johannes) 779 Cotton (Sir Dodmore) 893 Council of Trent 604, 605 de Courmesnin (Louis des Hayes) 957 Coutumes de Normandie 623 de Covarrubias Orozco (Sebastian) 856 Covenant writs MS. 60 Coverdale 828 Coverdale (Miles) 177, 178, 182, 184, 185, 186 Cranmer (Thomas) 424, 425, 426, 442, 484 Cressy (R. F. S.) 570 Cricket 760 Crofts 552 Cromwell (Oliver) 1032 Cruceius (L. Annibal) 778 de Cuba (Joannes) 20 Culpeper (N.) 717 Cuningham (William) 662 Cyprianus 78 Danaeus (Lambert) 490 Daniel 406 Dante 98, 826 Dares Phrygius 36 D'Assigny (Samuel) 1058 Davenant (Sir William) 817 Davies (Sir John) 496 Debate of the body and the soul MS. 23 Defensorium fidei 65 Defoe (Daniel) 820 Delitiae poetarum Scotorum 866 Delia Valle (Pietro) 956 Denmark 984 Des Hayes (Louis) 957 Determinations of the Universities 37o D'Ewes (Sir Simonds) 1012 Didymus Mountain, cf. Hill (Thomas) Dietenberger (Johan) 247 Digby (Sir Kenelme) 542, 543 Digges (Sir Dudley) 101 1 Diodati (Giov.) 233, 234 Diodorus Siculus yjj Dionysius Afer 794 Dioscorides 787 Direction for the English traveller 879 Directions concerning preachers 520 Directory 334, 544, 553, 557 Directory of church-government 516 Discourse of fines 522 Dits moraux des philosophes MS. 39 Dodoens (Rembert) 684, 697, 700, 701, 704 Donatus 5, 49, 53, MS. 47 Doni 832 Donne (John) 815 Donzelli MS. 55 Doubdan (M. J.) 961, 962 Drake (Sir Francis) 873 Dublin 1054 Du Cange (Charles Du Fresne) 758 Duchesne (Andrd) 974 Dudley (Robert) 665 Dugdale (William) 621, 622, 729 1037, 1038, 1080, 1 08 1 Dynus 614 Earthquake 964 Ecklin von Araw (Daniel) 931 Edinburgh 996 Edward VI 619, 1009, 1010 Eikon Basilike 1015, 1016, 1019, 1020, 102 1, 1023 Eikon Basilike Deutera 1024 Elias Levita 763, 764, 765 Eliot (Sir Thomas) 754, 755 Enchyridion 250 England's imminent danger 571 English liberty and property 534 English traveller 879 Ennius 788 Enrriquez de Rivera (Fadrique) 924 Epictetus 776 Epistles and Gospels 263, 264, 267, 282 Erasmus 167, 189, 215, 359, 376, 401, 751, 867 Erpenius (Thomas) 590 Estienne (Henri) 788, 790 Estienne (Robert) 788 Euclid 81 Eusebius 83, 596, 597, 598 Evelyn (John) 731, 734, 747 INDEX 407 d'Ewes (Sir Simonds) 1012 Execution of justice 485 de Eyb (Albertus) 52 Fabyan 166 Fairfax (Lord) 563 Falkland (Lord Viscount) 560 Fasciculus temporum, cf. Rolewinck Featly (John) 569 Fenton (Geffray) 476 Fernando 846 Fernando Tercero 844 Feme (John) 1065 Feron (Jean le) 1061, 1062 Festyvall 146 Feyrabend 1060 Fichet 104 de Fieschi (Gio. Luigi) 976 de Figueroa (Christoval Suarez) 1089 Fines 522 Firdousi Khial MS. 70 Firenzuola (M. Agnolo) 830 First dyaloge in Englysche 616, 617 Fisher 527 Fisher (Ambrose) 497 Fleming (Abr.) 640 Fletcher (Giles) 968 Floods 1049 Florio (John) 823 Florisel de Niquea 836 Fontanus (Jacobus) 989, 990 Forest laws MS. 38 Former ages never heard of 1033 Form of making bishops 277, 290, 338 Form of prayer 287, 335, 349 Four Sermons 125, 136 Fox (John) 529 Foxe (John) 463 France 886 Francfort 478 Frederick I 914 Free conference 536 Freeman (Irenaeus) 555 Frejus (Roland) 900 French gardiner 727 Frith (John) 368, 427, 427 bis, 428, 429, 430, 433, 473 Frobisher (Martin) 903 Froissart 155 Fruyte of redempcyon 147 Fulgosus (Baptista) 969 Fulke (William) 207, 208, 486 Full declaration 514 Fuller (Thomas) 960, 999, 1031 Fiirer ab Haimendorf (Christophorus) 936 Fynes Moryson 885 Fyssher 140 Gaisford 598 Galenus (Claudius) 785 Gallego (Hernando) MS. 53 Garden book MS. 45 Gardiner (Stephen) 408, 409, 410, 411, 415, 416, 451 Garonus (Franciscus) 750 Gell (Robert) 535 Gemma Frisio 868 Gentleman Angler 670 Georgievicz ( Bartholomaeus) 929, 930 Gerarde (John) 706, 706 bis, 707, 7 1 5 Germany 884, 885 Gerson 49, 59 Gery (William) 517 Gesner (Conrad) 666 de Gheyn 711 Gilbert (William) 635 Gilby (A) 416 Gilinus (Camillus) 969 Gioannini da Capugnano (Ieronimo) 832 Giovio (Paolo) 1087 Glanvill (Joseph) 628, 629 Gnomic verses 769 Godfrey of Boloyne 119 Godly sayings 421 de Gongora (Luis) 857 de Goussancourt (Mathieu) 613 Graduale MS. 13 Grand tremblement 964 Great case of tithes 505, 506 Great Mogul 892 Grew 740 Grimston (Sir Harbottle) 509 Gringore (Pierre) MS. 49 Gualther 223 Gualthere (Radulfe) 472 Guaynerius (Ant.) 642 Guimundus 360 Gutenberg 792 INDEX 409 Haddon (Walter) 295, 469 ab Haimendorf (Christophorus Fiirer) 936 Hake (Edward) 1099 Hakluyt (Richard) 873, 874, 891, 904 Hakluyt society MS. 53 Hales (John) 574, 818 Hall (Joseph) 494 Halle (Edward) 1007 Hamilton (John) 283 Hammond (Henry) 545, 562, 563 Hampole MS. 28-29 Hanbury MS. 45 Sir Harbottle Grimston 509 Hardinge (M.) 467 Hardyng (John) 1006 Harington (Sir John) 643 Harmony of the confessions 488 Harting (J. E.) MS. 43 Hartlib (Samuel) 722 Hartwell (Abraham) 895 Harvey (Gabriell) 802 Hasius (Johannes) 647 Hauksbee (F.) 634 Hayes (Louis des) 957 Helffrich (Johan) 934 Hendreich (Christophorus) 970 Henricus (Martinus) 1086 Henry VIII 154, 156, 403, 618, 619, 1069 Herbal 161, 685 Herbarius 17 Herbert (Sir Thomas) 893 Herman of Cologne 431 de Herrera (Abr. Cohen) 626, 627 de Herrera (Antonio) 907, 908 Hertford MS. 60 Hervet (Gentian) 775 de Hese (Johannes) 45, 46, 67, 916 Hesiod 768 Heures Royales 346 Heylyn (Peter) 1031 Hide (Sir Henry) 533 Higden 120, 130 Hill (Thomas) 691, 701 bis, 702 Historia von Rhodis 987 Histories of Troy 799 Holbein 422, 424 Holinshed (Raphael) 996 Hollar 1038 Hollybush (John) 683, 689 Holme (Randle) 1082 Holy Table 502 Homer 768 Hondy (Judocus) 871 Hooper MS. 32 Hooper (John) 415 Hopkins (J.), cf. Psalter Horatius 29 Hormanus (Guilelmus) 152 Hortensi (De re) 674 Hortulus animae 252 Hospitallers MS. 37 Hours (Books of) MS. 15-19 Houtman (Cornelis) 889 de Hozes y Cordova (Gonzalo) 857 Hudson (Henry) 906 Humble advice of the assembly of divines 564 Hurtado de Mendoza 1089 Husbandman's fruitful orchard 713 Husbandry (Book of) 676 Huss (Johannes) 358 Hutterus (Elias) 214 Hyginus 82 Imago primi saeculi 606 Imitation of Christ 48, 92, 1097- 1103 India 892, 893, 991 Indifferent (Things) 566 Injunctions 271, 274, 292, 293 Institutio Christiani hominis 402 Institution of a Christian Man 385— 387 Institutiones 15, 16 Ireland 1054-1056, 1059 Irenaeus Philadelphus Philanthropus 535 Isidorus Hispalensis MS. 34 Isolario 87 Itinerarium Antonini 794 Itinerarium Germaniae 884 James 1048 de Janua 6 Jelaleddin MS. 68 Jeremiah 391 Jerome 129 Jerusalem 964 INDEX 411 Jesuits 606 Jesuits (Laws against) 521 Jewel (John) 467 Jobson (Richard) 898 Johannes de Cuba 20 John, Bishop of Ely 499 John Euchaita 594 Josephus 85, 537 Joshua 828 Jost Amman 1060 Joye (George) 365,391,406,409-411 Joyful receiving 1044 Judicium deputatorum Universitatis Coloniensis 390 Juliana (Mother) 570 Juliane de Norwych MS. 28 Julianus 786 Junius (Franciscus) 972 Junius Moderatus 795 Justinianus 15, 16, 973 Juvenal 793 Keill 633 Kelmarsh court MS. 45 a Kempis (Thomas) 55, 66, 589 Kent 1 039- 1 043 Kettus 1045- 1047 King's book, cf. Necessary doctrine... Kings Majesties speech 1013 Kirchenordnung 256 Knevet (Ralph) 807 Knight (Sir Doderidge) 1076 Knox (John) 453 van Kootwyck (Johann) 947 Koran 590, MS. 63-66 Laberius 788 La Boullaye le Gouz 958 Lactantius 69, 70, 602, 863 Laderchius (Jacobus) 985 Ladies calling 572 Lambard (William) 1039-1041 Lambin (Denis) 790 Langdailus (Albanus) 457 van Langeren (Jacob) 879 Langley (Thomas) 448 Larking (Lambert B.) MS. 37 a Lasco (John) 405, 449, 458 Latimer (Hugh) 423, 443 Latteburius 138 Laud (William) 527, 577 Laurentius Gallus MS. 40 di Lauria (Biagio Terzi) 967 Laus Virginis 13 Lavender (Theophilus) 948 Lawson (William) 743 Leabhar 314 Le Bossu 346 Le Feron (Jean) 1061, 1062 Lefevre (Raoul) 112, 798 Legh (Gerard) 1063, 1071 Le Gouz (La Boullaye) 958 Le Grand (Jacques) 23, 135 Lelio Aletiphilo (M.) 833 Le Neve (Peter) MS. 38 Leo (John) 897 Leonardus Aretinus 137 Leonicenus 91 de L'Escluse (Charles) 684 Leto (Pomponio) 89 Letter to a new member 540 Letter to Dr Sherlock 537 Leyland (John) 1069 Lhoyd (H.) 1053 Lhuyd (Humfrey) 1003 Liberties of the press and pulpit 508 Liebault (John) 708, 712 Liechtenberger (Johannes) 649 Lilly (William) 655 Linacre (Thomas) 785 Lincoln (Bishop of) 365, 378 List of such of the names 1054 Litany 291 Liturgia Inglesa 319 Livio Sanuto 869 Livy 792 Lobwasser (Ambr.) 347 Loggan (David) 1050 London (William) 1093 London's account 513 Lopez (Juan and Martin) MS. 62 Lopez (Odoardo) 894, 895 Lopez de Ubeda (Francisco) 847 Lucas (Francisco) 668 Lucilius 788 Ludolfus (Job) 992-995 Lussy (Melchior) 940 Luther 239-241, 245, 253, 265, 351, 352, 361, 396, 438, 495 Lyndewode (William) 133, 615 INDEX 413 M. A. 515 Macer 107, 673, MS. 44 Madder 539 Maden (Richard) 523 Magna Charta 620 Malta 978 de Mandeville (Johannes) 44, MS. 54 Manley (Sir Roger) 984 Manrique (Don Jorge) 837-840 Manrique (Don Rodrigo) 839, 840 Marbeck (John) 440-475 Marchamont Nedham 503 Marco Polo 888 Marcus Beneventanus 779 Marino Sanuto Torselli 913 Marot (Clement) 821, 822 Martialis 79 Martinus Polonus 72 Martir 465 Martyr Anglerius (Petrus) 904 Mascall (Leonard) 694, 698, 703 Mascardi (Agostino) 976 Materials for union 515 Matthew 183 Matthioli (Pietro Andrea) 787 Mattiolo 784 Meager (Leonard) 746 Medina (Antonio) 923 de Medina (Pedro) 980 a Meggen (Jodocus) 926 Melanchthon 1084-1086 Memento for English Protestants 1057 Mercator 871 Merian 886 de Meteren (Emanuel) 982 Milton (John) 814 Mirandole (Pic de la) 526 Mirkus 146 Mirrour or looking glass 432 Mirrour of our Lady 159 Mirrour of simple souls MS. 28 Mirrour of the world 117 Missal 251, MS. 10-12 Misyn (Richard) MS. 28 Monardus (Nicolas) 695, 705, 710 Monck (General) 511, 512 Monet (Philibert) 753 du Monstier (Arthur) 975 Montaigne 823 Moore (John) 721 More (Sir Thomas) 165, 371, 373, 377. 427, 460, 474 de Morga (Antonio) 981 Morgan (Sylvanus) 1077 Morisynus (Rich.) 393, 394 Morocco 898-901 Moryson (Fynes) 885 Mountain (Didymus),cf. Hill (Thomas) Moxon (Joseph) 658 Munster (Sebastian) 763-765, 784 Murder 1048, 1059 Naberat 611, 612 Naevius 788 Naked Gospel 575, 576 Nalson (John) 1014 Nash (Thomas) 801-804 Necessary doctrine... 397-400, MS. 30 Needham (Marchamont) 503 Nelson (Robert) 580 Nevill (Alexander) 1045-1047 N. F. 713 Nisbet (Murdoch) MS. 4 Noe Bianco 918-920 Norfolk 816, 1045-1049 Normandy 623 Northumberland (Duke of) 665 Norwich 808, 1044, 1045 Nuremberg Chronicle 54 Occleve (Thomas) MS. 26 Ochino (Bernardino) 436 Office de la Semaine Sainte 350 Officia Sanctorum 307 Officium Eucharisticum 348 Ogilby (John) 880, 882 Opsopoeus (Johannes) 770-772 Oracles 770-772 Orbis miraculum 565 Ordinatio ecclesiastica 259 Orozco (Sebastian de Covarrubias) 856 Orpheus 768 Ortelius (Abraham) 870 Ortus sanitatis 20 Osorius (Hieron.) 469 Oxford 1050 Paeantius (Benedictus) Pacuvius 788 90 INDEX 415 de Palentia (Alfonso) no Palladio (Andrea) 669 Palladius 795 Palsgrave 1 58 Papers concerning Church govern- ment 1018, 1021 Parker (Archbishop) 465, 1005 Parkinson (James) 576 Parkinson (John) 714, 716, 723 Parliament 540, 564, 1009, 1010, 1032, 1033 Parr (Richard) 1090 Parson's guide 518 Passavanti (Jacopo) 586 Passional MS. 20 Peacham (Henry) 630, 631 Pecock (Reginald) MS. 27 Pedigree of Heretics 466 Pentateuch 100, 174 Perez (Luys) 838 Perez de Vargas (Bernardo) MS. 41 Perpetual rejoice of the Godly 1 100 Persia 991 Petition for peace 547, 567 Petius de Colonia (Laurentius) 587 Petrarch 827 Petra Sancta (Silvester) 1075 Petruccio Ubaldini 883 Philipott (Thomas) 1042 Philippine 981 Phillip (William) 891 Phillipps (Sir Thomas) 915 Piccolomini 74 Pierce Penniless 801 Pierce Ploughman 450 Pigafetta (Filippo) 894, 895 Pighius (Albertus) 388 Pirckheimer (Bilibald) 782 Pisanus (Barth.) 104 Pitt (Moses) 902 Plat (Sir Hugh) 718, 728 Pletho 771 Pliny 80, 101 Plot (Robert) 1052 Poetae Graeci 768 Polo (Marco) 888 Polycronicon 120, 130 Pomponio Leto 89 Pomponius Mela 794 Ponet (John) 436, 459 Pontanus de Roma (Ludovicus) 64 Pontificale MS. 14 Poor Caitiff MS. 25 Porcacchi (Thomaso) 872 Porro (Girolamo) 872 Portolano 86 Portulan MS. 51 Pory (John) 897 Postellus (Guilielmus) 971 Poultry 693 Powel (David) 1053 Prayers 295, MS. 20, 21, 23 Preachers 520 Preces publicae 295 Presbiter Iohannes 31 Principles of a member of the Black list 578 Priscianus 794 Proclamations 444 Procopius 973 Promptuarium parvulorum 141, MS. 46 Proverbs 865 Prymer 254, 255, 258, 260, 262, 264, 266, 267 bis, 268-270 Prynne (William) 506, 998, 1030 Psalter 7, 140, 149, 169, 210, 224, 288, 296, 297, 299, 300, 302, 305, 306, 309, 31 1> 3i6, 317, 321. 322, 325, 327, 328, 330, 332, 333, 336, 34i, 344, 347, 822 Psellus 771 Ptolemy 75, 102, 779-784 Purchas 875 Purvey MS. 2-3 de Quignonez (Cardinal) 261 Quintilianus 99 de Quir (Petrus Ferdinandez) 906, 910 Quixote (Don) 848-854 Rabi Samuel 51 Radzivilus (Nicolaus Christophorus) 941 Rae (Peter) 1035 Randle Holme 1082 Rastell 429 Rastell (John) 160 Rauchwolff (Leonhart) 937 Rawlins (Thomas) 538 Ray (John) 749 INDEX 417 Rea (John) 732, 738 Recreation for ingenious head-pieces 809 Recreations mathe"matiques 646 Reformatio legum ecclesiasticarum 619 Regiomontanus 88 Regnaut (Antoine) 928 Reid (John) 741, 742 Reisch (Georgius) 624, 625 Reiszner (Adam) 932, 933 Relacion de la perdida MS. 56 Reliquiae Sacrae Carolinae 1017 Resisting the lawful magistrate 559 Reyna (Cassiodoro) 236 Reynard the Fox 819 R. F. 1023 von Rheinfelden (Ignatius) 963 Rhetorica 767 Rhodes 987, 989, 990 Ridley MS. 32 Ridley (Lancelot) 446 Ridley (Nicolas) 457 de Rivera (Fadrique Enrriquez) 924 Roberts (Alexander) 651 de Robles (Eugenio) 1088 Rockland 1048 Rodericus Zamorensis 71 Rogers (Thomas) 1101 Rolewinck 30, 35, 39 Ronciglione 920 Ronsovius (Henricus) 643, 645 Rose (John) 733 Roy (William) 364 Rudimentum novitiorum 62 Rupertus of Deutz 363 Rutilius 795 Riixner (Georg) 1060 St Albans chronicle 139 St Basilius 600 St Bernard MS. 28, 36 St Bonaventure 588 Saint-Germain 372 St Gregory Nazianz. 592, 593 St Isidore MS. 27 St Isidorus Pelusiota 599 St Jerome 601, MS. 35 St John Chrysostom 595 St John of Jerusalem 157, 607-613, MS. 37 A. St Justinus 591 St Marcellinus 985 St Peter 985 St Thomas of Canterbury 1083 de Saligniaco (Bartholomaeus) 912 Sallustius 7^ Salo (Antonio Scaino da) 672 Sancho el Bravo 845 Sanderson (William) 667 Sandys (George) 325, 952-954 Santiago 839, 840 Sanuto (Livio) 869 Sanuto Torselli (Marino) 913 Savile (Sir Henry) 1001 Saxton (Christopher) 878 S. B. 549, 550 Scaino da Salo (Antonio) 672 Scaliger (Joseph) 772, 791, 865 Scarborough 636-639 Scargill (Daniel) 510 Schedel (H.) 54 Schipano (Mario) 956 Schonbornius (Bartolemaeus) 769 Schopper (Hartman) 656, 657 Schweigger (Salomon) 938 Scopa 394 Scot (Reginald) 653 Scotch poets 866 Scotland 883 Scotti Genovesi (Jacobus) MS. 51 Seasonable memorial 508 Secluded member's case 514 Sentencias 858 Sermons MS. 24 Sermons (Certain) 273, 275, 276, 342 von Seydlitz (Melchior) 965 de Seyssel (Claude) 774 S. H. 644 Shakespeare (William) 805, 806 Shelton 852, 853 Sherley (Sir Anthony and Robert) 955 Sherlock (Dr) 537 Ship of fools 800 Shirley (Sir Robert) 893 Short and pretty treatise 1100 Short view of both reports 1055 Sibylline books 770 Siege of Rhodes 157 Silvester Petra Sancta 1075 27 INDEX 419 Simplicius 776 Sion College 1096 Smallegange (M.) 983 Smith (John) 735, 73& Smyth (Miles) 341 Smythe (Rich.) 406 Soave Polano (Pietro) 605 Sobs of England 512 Solinus (Julius) 794 Solomon islands MS. 53 Some farther intelligence 1032 Somerset (Duke of) 445 Somersetshire 1049 Somme le Roy MS. 40 de Sommerdyck (F. d'Aarsens) 887 Somner (William) 759, 1043 de Sonan 824 da li Sonetti (Barth.) 87 Spain 887 Spanish grammar 761 Sparhawkes MS. 43 Speculum 68, MS. 22 Spelman (Sir Henry) 881 Spelmannus (Henricus) 757 Spencer (J.) 1096 Spencer (Edmund) 543, 807 Spieghel 68 Spiritual Almanack 414 Squier (John) 524 Stabilimenta 607 Staffordshire 1052 Stanbridge (John) 150, 532 Statutes 134, 608, 609, 611, 618 Sternhold (T.), cf. Psalter Stevens (Charles) 708, 712 Stevenson (M.) 816 Stevin van Brugghe (Simon) 659-661 Stimulus conscientiae MS. 29 Stoflerinus (Johannes) 648 Stow (John) 997 Strafford 1034 Stultifera navis 800 Suarez de Figueroa (Christoval) 1089 de Suchen (Ludolfus) 26 de Suchen (Petrus) 915 Suidas 96 Summe of the doctrine of salvation MS. 33 Supper of the Lord 374, 377 Supplication 455 Surflet (Richard) 708, 712 Sums (Bernardin) 959 Switzerland 171 Talmanaco 585 Tana 991 Tangier 899 Tasso (Bernardo) 831 Taxe sacre 76 T. C. 55i Ten certain places of Scripture 395 Terentius 27 Terzi di Lauria (Biagio) 967 Testimony of antiquity 470 Textus Alexandri 151 Thesoro de virtudes 584 Thevenot (Melchisedec) 876, 877 Thomas Aquinas 12, 14, 33, 34, 58 Thrift (Book of) 692 Thucydides 773, 774 Thurnierbuch 1060 de Tignonville (Jacques) 114, MS 39 Timberlake (Henry) 950, 951 Tindale (William) 174-176, I79"' 8l > 190, 192, 366, 369, 371, 379. 3 8 4> 392, 412, 413, 433-435. 437, 473 Tithes 505 T. L. 522 Toledo 307 Toletanus (Rodericus) 979 Tomasinus (Jacobus Philippus) 109 1 Tomson 199, 202 Tonstall (George) 638, 639 de Torquemada (Thomas) 603, cf. 50 della Torre (Alfonso) 109 Torselli (Marino Sanuto) 913 Tracy (Rich.) 403, 417 Tradescant (John) 724 Tragicum theatrum 1025 Travers (Walter) 489 Treatise of a poor caitiff MS. 25 Treatise of love 127 Treatise of perfection MS. 28 Treatise of the nature and use of things indifferent 566 Trent 1028 True and perfect copy... 568 True belief in Christ 419 True Britton 540 True relation 1048 27 — 2 INDEX 421 True report of certain overflows 1049 Tundalus 57 Tunez MS. 56 Tubervile (George) 671 Turckish Chronica 986 Turner (William) 677, 680, 681, 687, 688 de Turrecremata (Johannes) 582, cf. 5o Tusser (Thomas) 686, 696, 699, 699 bis Ubaldini (Petruccio) 883 de Ubeda (Francisco Lopez) Urbanus Regius 422, 432 Usher (James) 1090 847 Valdesso (John) 367, 439, 456, 525, 525 bis De valetudine conservanda 644 Valle (Pietro della) 956 de Vargas (Bernardo Perez) MS. 41 Varro 795 de Varthema (Ludovico) 921, 922 Vaudois 1058 du Vaurouy (Henry de Boyvin) 652 de Vera (Gerardus) 890, 891 Veron (John) 462 Viaggi 991 Vibius Sequester 794 Victor (P.) 794 View of some exceptions... 560 View of the new Directory 557 de Villedieu (Alexandre) 63 de Villegas (Fernandez) 826 Villinger (Peter) 935 Vincentius 117 Virgil 124 Vital d'Audiguier 825 Vocabulista 583, 750 de Voragine (Jacobus) 28, 121, 122,128 Wafer (Lionel) 909 Wagner (Hermannus) 914 Wales 1053 Walsingham (Thomas) 1005 Walton (Brian) 212 W. B. 825 Webb (Charles) 539 Weever (John) 1036 Werbecke (John) 281 Westmacott (William) 748 Westminster MS. 60 Wheatly (Charles) 579 Whiston (William) 632, 633 White (Fr.) 500 Whitgift (John) 468, 471 Whitingham (W.), cf. Psalter Whitinton (Robert) 142-144, 162, 163 Whytford 1097, 1098 Whytford (Richard) 145, 168 Witchcraft 653 Withals (M.) 756 Wittie (Robert) 636, 637, 639 Woolton (John) 479-482 Worlidge (John) 739, 745 Worthington 1 102 Wotton (Sir Henry) 1029 Writs of Covenant MS. 60 W. S. 518, 871 Wycliffe MS. 1-3 Wycliffe (John) 357, 433 Wyrley (William) 1067 Xenophon 775 Ximenez (Cardinal) 211 1088 Year book 153, 153 bis, 1009, 1010 Zamberto (Barth.) 87 Ziegler (Jacob) 925 Zoroaster 771 Zuallart (Jean) 944, 945 II. BOOKS BEARING ROYAL ARMS OR CIPHERS. King Henry VII MS. 21 King Henry VIII 167, 168, 398, 601, 675. 75i, 763-765, 785 Queen Catherine of Aragon 168 King Edward VI 277 Queen Elizabeth, 482, 789, 1005 King James VI (of Scotland) 302 King James I 312, 316, 494, 712 Henry, Prince of Wales, elder brother of King Charles I 1001 King Charles I 209, 1020 King Charles II 340, 571, 867, 998 King James II 1034, 1082 Queen Anne 580 King George I 349 Henri II, King of France 583 Louis XIII, King of France 786 Louis- Philippe, King of France 128 III. BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARIES OF VARIOUS COLLECTORS. Addington (Samuel) 125 d'Ailly (Marguerite) 587 Almack (E.) 1015 Anderson (David and George) 191 Antwerp, Jesuits 979 Arozarena 761 Arundel (Earl of) 307(F), 362, 457, 527 (?), 969, MS. 19 Ashburnham (The Earl of) 137, 149, 686, 696 Atkinson (Henry J.) 241 Auchinleck library MS. 4 Augsburg, Jesuits 932 d'Aumale (Duke) 128 Aylesford (Lord) 126 Babington (Churchill) MS. 26 Baker (Thomas) 368 Baluze (Etienne) io6(?) Bandinel (Bulkeley) 143 Barbancon (Marie) 865 Barrett of Lee (Thomas) 476, 992-995 Bateman (Thomas) 3, 164, 679, 685, 703, ms. 42 Bayntun 184, 391, 392, 462 Beckford (William) 217, 788, 976 Bedingfeld 972 Beet (Thomas) 615 Bellamy (The Rev. James W.) 705 Benedictus (John) MS. 44 Benzon (Ernest) 177 Beresford Hope (A. I. B.) 146 Berkshire (The Earl of) 179 Bindley 273, 470, 662, 696 Blades (William) 128 Blair (Patrick) 749 Blake (Sir Patrick) 120 Blandford (Marquis of) 126, 127, 491 Bliss 135 Boswel (Alexander) 739 Bottinius (Prosperus) 608 Boutourlin (Count D.) 634 Bramston 316 Bramston (T. W.) MS. 19 Brand (John) 136, 397, 948 Brandon (Lord) 746 Breese (Edward) 496 de Brienne (Cardinal Lomdnie) 104, 105 de Brienne (Count Louis-Henri de Lomenie) 1087 Bright (Benjamin Hey wood) 137 British Museum duplicates 497, 631, 677 Bromley (William) 151 Bruce of Ampthill (Charles Viscount) 978 Bryan Fairfax 112, 114, 115, 117, 124 Buccleuch (The Duke of) MS. 58 Bunbury (Henry Edward) 1072 Burton (Alice and Margaret) MS. 29 Burton Constable library 260, MS. 26 and 28 Butler (Bishop) 89, 90, 604 Campbell (George) 191 Carmichael (Lord) 1045 Catton (William) 819 Cesarini (V.) 869 Chalmers (Geo.) 318, 391, 392 27—5 INDEX 427 Chandler (Samuel) 166 de la Chastre (Gasparde) 1000, 1091 Chauncy (Charles) 640 Chetwynde (Walter) 336 Child (Francis) 112, 114, 115, 117, 124 Cholmondeley (Reginald) 1082 Chorley (W. B.) 841 de Coligny (Francois) 587 Comerford (James) 621, 880 Corbyn Barrow 30 Cornwallis (Marquis) 952 Corser (The Rev. Thomas) 118 Cosin (Bishop) 776 (?) Cotton (Sir Charles) 201, 732 Cowper (William and Thomas) 1082 Craig (Gibson) 648, 649 Crauford (C. H.) 123 Craven Ord 121, 122 Crawford (The Earl of) I, 22, 36, 38, 47, 58, 59, 63, 129, 226, 256, 257, 300, 887, 903, 906 Crawford (William Horatio) 61, 152, 157, 314 Crevenna ( Pierre- Antoine Bolongaro) 99(?)» 97i Crewe, Bishop of Durham (Nathanael) 1 103 Cromwell (Thomas Lord) 754 (?) Culemann, of Hanover (Senator) 7, 2r, 46, 77, 125, 134 Currer (Miss Richardson) 808, 913, 949, 1003 Dalrymple (Arthur) 142, 144, 163 Dalton (John) MS. 44 Dalton (William) 371 Daly, Bishop of Cashel 280 Davenport (George) 615 Dawson (The Rev. Henry) 280 Day (George) 377 De Bure 93 De Bure (J. J.) 971 Delessert (B.) 2 Denbigh (The Earl of) 900-902 Dent (John) 177 Devon (Earl) 665 Diamond (Hugh W.) MS. 44 Didot (Ambroise Firmin-) 22, 43 Dillingen, Jesuits 926 Disney (John) 400 Dobree (W.) 184 Du Choul (Guillaume) 971 Duke 1038 Dyneley 10 15 zu Ebersberg (Sebastian) 220 Ebner (Johann Paulus) 1060 Egerton 33, 34 Ellis (Sir Henry) 1006 Esdaile (Joseph) 341 Evans (Valentine) 483 Ewens (Radulphus) 494 Fairfax, cf. Bryan Fairholme (Thomas) 855 Falmouth (Viscount) 997 Farmer (Richard) 148 Fauvel (Abbe) 778 Fenwick (Fitzroy), cf. Phillipps (Sir Thomas) Feuerlein (Johann Conrad) 908 Feuillants of Paris 6 Finch (George) 319 Florence library duplicate 870 Forbes, of Boyndlie (John) 133 Ford (Richard) 750, 766, 826, 841, 848, 851, 853 Forsyth 733 Fothergill 450 Fountaine (Andrew) 815, 830, 985, 1039 Frauenfeld, Capucines 963 Freeling (Sir Francis) 435, 1066 Fuller-Russell (The Rev. John) 56, 121, 122, 168, 273, 373, 395, 408, 416, 798 Furze (J. N.) 169, 170 Gaisford (Thomas) 86, 597, 657, 921, 1088 Gancia 587 Gardine (Sir Henry) 866 Gardner (Cecil Dunn) 131, 135 Gere (John) 593, 594 Gilman 759 Giraud (Charles) 106 (?) Glendining (Robert) 120 Gosford (The Earl of) 4, 769, 1065 Grafton (Duke of) 279, 640 Gresley (J. M.) 1026, 1027, 1028 INDEX 429 Greswell (The Rev. W. Parr) 166 Griffiths 2 Grolier (Jean) 648, 649 Guilford (The Earl of) 608, cf. North Gwilt (Joseph) 641 Haddon (Walter) 619 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. Orchard) MS. 20 Hammelburg, Recollects 934 Hamper (William) 411 Hampton (Lord) 174, 178, 255 Hanbury (William) 737, MS. 45 Hanmer (Sir Thomas) 1072 Hanrott (P. A.) 848, 851 Hardy (Peter) 440, MS. 36 Hargrave (James) MS. 44 Harleian library 9, 10, 114, 115 Harley (Robert) 973 Harvey (R.) 1045 Haselrigge (Francis) 336 Hasted (Edward) 714 Hatton (Sir Christopher?) 942 Haughmond Abbey MS. 34 Havell (Charles) 707 de Hawnes (John, Baron Carteret) 1087 Heathcote 161 Heber (Richard) io6(?), 135, 136, 373, 374, 381, 413, 455, 47o, 491, 662, 903(F), MS. 46 Herbert (William) 159, 191, 427 bis -430, 620, MS. 30 de Heredia, Count de Benahavis (Ricardo) 396, 587, 652 Heymann (Ralph) 1092 Hibbert (George) 655, 848, 976 Hogg (Robert) 749 Hopetoun (The Earl of) 828 Huet, Bishop of Avranches 970 Hussey (R. C.) 475 Hyndford (John, Earl of) 1045 Inglis (J. B.) 45 Jackson (George) 124 Jardel de Braines 27 Jenner (W.) 699 Jersey (The Earl of) 10, 112, 114, 115, 117, 124, 167, 278, 722 Jolley (Thomas) 118, 490, 720, 803 Jones (John) 619 Kelly (D. H.) 314, 1054-1059 Kenelm Digby 807 King (Joseph) 871 Kloss (George) 74, 624 de Lacouperie 807 Laing 1007 Laing (David) 325 Lake (Benjamin Greene) 280 Lakelands library, cf. Crawford(W. H.) Langley (John) 593, 594 Lantelme 108 Larking (The Rev. Lambert) 997 Latham (Henry) 187, 278, 341 Latimer (Hugh) 411 Laud (Archbishop) 498, 499, 500, 527 Laughton (John) 962 Lea Wilson 263 Lechmere (Sir Edmund) 608 Lee (Dr) 608, 609 Leith (Colonel Forbes) 666 Libri (Guglielmo) 476 Lindsay (John) 705 Lockhart of Carnwath (George) 866 Lort (M.) 263 Lort (Dr) 268 Louvain, Jesuits 596 de Ludewig (I. P) 908 Lumley (John, Lord) 1001, MS. 19 Luscombe 85 MacCarthy (D. Florence) 853 Madame Adelaide 350 Madan (Falconer) 138 Madrid, Jesuits 1089 Maioli (T.) 778 Makellar 287-289, 381 Marini (Vine.) 674 Marlborough (?) 123 Marsh (John Fitchett) 805 Martin (Francis) 296 Masham 578, 580 Maskell (William) 129, 146, 318,486 Mead (Richard) 263 Mead (S.) 848 Medicis 985 Meigh (Ch.) 123 Me"on MS. 49 INDEX 431 M. H. K. 592 Mildert (William van) 424 Minoret 106 (?) Mirabeau 1'aine" 212, 213 Moleme, Benedictines 975 Montino 761 Morante (J. Gomez de la Cortina, Marquis de) 868 de Morel- Vinde" (Vicomte) MS. 49 Moseley (Dr Benjamin) 655 Munich library duplicate 22, 81 Miinter 1084-1086 de Murr (Christopher Theophilus) MS. 47 Myddleton (Robert) 148 Nagler (Sir George) 609 Nesbitt 785 Neunberg 381 Newcastle (Duke of) 795 Newling 1075 Norfolk (Duke of) 307, 362, 457, 527, 969 North (G.) 263 Nott (George Frederick) 268 Nuremberg library duplicates 659-661 Osterley Park, cf. The Earl of Jersey Oxford (The Earl of), cf. Harleian library Paine (Cornelius) 376, 618 Palmer (Richard) 580, 776 Palmer (Robert) 776 Panizzi (Antonio) 794 Paris, Feuillants 6 Paris, Jesuits 971 Parker (Archbishop) 197, 476 Parsons (Richard) 619 Passau, St Nicholas 50 Pepys (W. H.) 703 Perkins (Frederick) 140 Perkins (Henry) 177 Persiuall (Thomas) MS. 1 Petre (Lord) 113 Phillipps (Sir Thomas) MS. 32 Pichon (Baron Jerome) 652 Pirckheimer (Bilibald) 362, 969 Plantin (Christopher) 596 Pomfret (The Countess of) 996 Pope (Sir Thomas) MS. 12 Powell (E.) 588 Price (Charles Rugge) 1029 Prince (Samuel) 565 Pymme 16 Rabot (Laurent) 971 Radford (William) 160 Rashleigh (Thomas) 1038 Rhodes (John) 639 Richelieu (Cardinal de) 652 Richmond (Duke of) 339 Ridley 867 Rivarola 71 Rouge Val 33, 34 Roxburghe (The Duke of) 106 (?), 373, 455, 806, 1007 Rowley (Samuell) 123 Royal Society 307, 362, 439, 457, 525-527, 969 Russell (Thomas) 358 de Sacy (Silvestre) MS. 7 St Bernard on the Efcaut 612 Sandham (Henry L.) 701 bis Savyll (Henry) MS. 44 Schottus (Andreas or Franciscus) 979 Schuhmann (Robert) MS. 62 Schwob (Marcel) 92 Seilliere (Baron Achille) 60, 67, 68, 106, 824, MS. 40 Selden (Thomas) 926 Sherbrooke (H.) 186 Sicotiere (Leon Duchesne de la) 598 Simes (N. P.) 156, 264, 279, 281, 284, 3i i> 339, 385, 414, 435 Smith (Edmund) 891 Soaper (George) 221 Sobolewski (Serge) 887, 981 Solar (Felix) 106 (?) Solly (Edward) 1015 Spencer (Earl) 137 Spode (Josiah) 732 Standish (Frank Hall) 128 Stanley (Colonel) 830 Steuart of Coltness 749 Straubingen, Carmelites 935 Suajer 605 Sunderland library 211, 586, 602, 614, 623, 827, 942, 984 INDEX 433 Sussex (The Duke of) 9, 99, 129(F), Voigt 374 218, 239, 254, 884 Sutton (Charles) 809 Sykes (Sir Mark Masterman) 32, 97 (?) Syston Park, cf. Sir John Thorold Thoresby (Ralph) 1003, MS. 30 Thornton (Lt. Gen. William) 422 Thorold (Sir John) 11,23,29,32,36, 64, 66, 97, 303, 306, 599, 865, 99* de Thou (Jacques-Auguste) 865, 1000, 1091 Tite (Sir William) 123, 147, 169, 170, 174, 194, 318, 366, 369, 476, 486, 619 Todd (Rev. J. H.) 328 Todd (H. J.) 119 Topham MS. 36 Towneley 138 Towneley (Richard) 823 Tuckett (John) 1074 Turner (Robert Samuel) 794 Twopenny (William) 1026-1028 Twysden (Roger) 491, 997 Tyssen (John Robert Daniel) 462 Van den Block 390 Van de Velde 390 Verney 1075 Vienna library duplicate 249 Vienna, St Dorothy 14 Walker (Thomas Shadford) 343, 344, MS. 23 Walpole (Horace) 1000 de Warenghien (Baron) MS. 50 Waters (Robert, Edmund, Chester) 975 Watson -Taylor (George) 99 Way (Gregory Lewis) 450, MS. 29 Webb (Phillip Carteret) 634 West (James) 159 White (Henry) 1029 White Knights library, cf. Blandford (Marquis of) Wilbraham (Roger) 141, 158, 465, 678 948, 956 Wilk (J.) 123 Williams (Theodore) 424 Wilson (Mathew) 808, 949, 1003 Wilson (William) 703 Wodhull (Michael) 15, 24, 33-35, 37, 79, 104, 268, 709-711, 1092 Wotton (Thomas) 273, 436, 469, 774 Wurzburg, Jesuits 246 Wurzburg, St Augustine 353-35 6 Yemeniz (N.) 647, 917, 922, 928 Yorke (Edmund) 615 Young (Charles George) 1037 Young (Walter) 1025 CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction 3 Block-books 5 Books printed in movable types before 1500 7 Germany 7 ; Holland 23 ; Italy 25 ; Switzerland 33 ; France 33 ; Spain 35 ; England 37 Books from some notable early English presses of the beginning of the sixteenth century 47 Books from the early Norwich Press, printed by Anthony de Solemne 57 English Bibles 61 Bibles in various tongues 81 Liturgy 97 Theology : history of the Reformation and of the Church of England 131 Theology : various 205 Fathers of the Church 207 Jurisprudence ecclesiastic and civil. Religious orders 215 Sciences and arts 223 Occult sciences 231 Arts, crafts and pastimes 235 Gardening and other agricultural arts 241 Grammar. Philology 263 Classics 271 Literature, English, French, Italian, Spanish, etc 283 Geography 307 Travels to the Holy Land 325 History, archaeology and topography of various countries 347 History, archaeology and topography of the British Isles 357 Heraldry, genealogy, etc 379 Biography and bibliography 387 Imitation of Christ 393 Oriental manuscripts 397 Index (Authors and subjects ; books bearing royal arms ; previous owners) 399 CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. Amher. *■ hand- —&t book s lislt of a collection asoV JUL 3 ipts SfcM.220-PERM Z997 •T.A. 45_ JAN 9 154? -7 809823 2947 ri/" UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY