THE REGISTERS *f EDITED BY iiiPinriYiWtT/iiiiHi F. S.A.S. ji \ ^ h ' * ; J. >1 it* i* 0^ ^P ®Jje |U*nistera of faoptim, anb fflovhn ©ID (Tljapd. Uoohs bn Militant Smith, J.S.A.S. AUTHOR OF A TRIP TO FRANCE AND SWITZERLAND. Post 8vo. 2s. Cd. 1emy 8vo. Is. 6d. >-> pp. 1865 Smith A 8on. A YORKSHIREMANS TRIP TO ROME. Post 8vo. 2s. Cd 200 pp. 1868 Longmans. RAMBLES ABOUT MORLEY. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. 4s, Od. 200 pp. 1866 J. R. Smith. HISTORY OF MORLEY. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. 7c 6d. 800 pp. 1876 Longmans. MORLEY: ANCIENT AND MODERN. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. 7«. 6d. 840pp. 1886 Longmans. Do. Demy 4to. 12s. 6d. EDITOR OF OLD YORKSHIRE. Vol*. 1-5. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. 7s. 6d. 840pp. each. 1881-4 Longmans. „ 4to. 12s. Cd. HISTpRY OF PUDSEY. by S. HaYNER „ 8vo. 7h. 6d. :«0p.p 1887 Longmans. „ 4to. 12s. Cd. REGISTERS OF TOPCLIFFE AND MORLEY. ,. 8vo. 6s. Od. 240 pp. 188H Longmans. WILLIAM SMITH. New Brighton, MORLEY, near LEEDS. ^3 'i>:i smell LIETH-THE BODY OFW ILLIAMTOM PSON'WHO DEPXTEDT HI SLIFEIV LY S.[&. £}.&.' PREXIOVSISTHE ; DEKTH'OFTHE SSNT51N.THE IES OF-THE L0RDPSL115" ^ERELIETH ' THE BODYOF STEPHEN THOMPSON OFMORLEY-WHO DEPRRTEDTHIS LIFETHEfCR'IOF DECEMBERINTHI I3£ rEKR-OFMSXCE IN THEYEKROF LORO n Ancient Tombstones in the Old Chapel Graveyard, Morley. THE REGISTERS OF TOPCLIFFE, AND MOKLEY, In the W. R. of the County of York. BAPTISMS, 1054-1880. BURIALS, 1054-1888. Edited by WILLIAM SMITH, F.S.A.S. Author of " Mouley : Ancient and Modern." Editor of " Old Yorkshire. lont»on: LONGMANS, GREEN AND Co., 1888. Printed for J. HoRSI All. TlKNKlI, ISKL, BRADFORD, l.V Tuomas Harbison. QOHDI Street, Binuley. W THIS VOLUME OF REGISTERS is TO Professor JOHN MORRIS, D.D., Memorial < 'ollege, Brecon ; Rev. FREDERICK BARNES, B.A., ( 'tmgregat&onal Minister, Chester ; Rev. WILLIAM EDWARD ANDERTON, M.A., Woodford, Hsse.r, and the Rev. AMBROSE SHEPHERD, old Parsonage, Morley; THE Livixo Representatives. Off THE Long- Line of Faithful Ministers, WHO HAVE Occupied the Pulpit, AT Till'. Old Chapel (St. Mary's in the Wood), Morley. Morley, April, 1888. W.B. IN presenting to the Subscribers this volume of Registers, I feel that my work in connection with writing the history of my native town is now completed. So long as these interesting records remained unpublished, the index appeared to be wanting to all that had pre- viously been written concerning the place. I feel therefore, that it is unnecessary for me to make any apology for this my last effort, or dwell at any length upon the value of manu- script records, such as the Topcliffe and Morley Registers. Suffice it to say, that I have no doubt this work will be found to possess a special interest, not only for the inhabitants of Moidey, but also for the anti- quary and the genealogist, who may not be so nearly allied to the families of whom the volume is a record. I have printed the Registers in their entirety (the original spelling of the names being retained), because to have eliminated, or altered what I might have deemed to be useless and uninteresting matter, would, in all probability, have destroyed the value of the book for historical and genealogical purposes. It seems likely that many of the descendants of "the rude forefathers of the hamlet," whose names are to be found in this volume, will in the future (as some have already done in the past, and the present), attain to positions of rank and distinction, and therefore I should be doing such persons an in- justice, had I limited my entries to those families, who have already attained a recognised social position. The \ nm \< at. I'll.' ffflfllltnm ban printed liavo more than a local interest, for the TopeKfla Congregational Church was the first of that denomination established in the Weal lading of Yorkshiiv, and included unionist its memben bmbj distinguished persons. such as Mr. .lohn Piokering, (aoo of Captain Thomas Pickering, an old Republican Officer, pro- genitor of Lords Bore), who gave them the Chapel. Christopher Nesse, M.A., Mr. Gamaliel liareden a friend of Thoresby, Madame Elisabeth Rofeeby, Mr. Isaac Balme, Mrs. Spencer, Naylor the mad (piaker. and others. Mr. Piokering also gave the land at Tingley for the burial ground. The first minister at Topcliffe was Mr. Marshall, who also held the living at Woodchoroh, from which he was ejected in 161 The Old Chum i.. Iforley, has a history, unique and unequalled amongst the churches of the West Riding. For more than seven hundred year-, it was the only place for worship, or burial of the dead, for Morley and the surrounding villages, and during that long period, the Chapel was occupied at various times by Papists, Pro- testants and lYotestant Dissenters. Its graveyard, in all probability, has for all these centuries, been the resting place for the remains of the inhabitants of Morley. Churwell, Gildersome, and other hamlets, hence the Register, which commences in the 18th century, contains the names of many generations of the Scatcherds. Dawsons, Websters, Wetherills, Asquiths, Thompsons, and other important families. It only remains for me to express my obligations to my friend, Mr. •I. H<>i:s!-\!.i. Tiknkk, for his great kindness in undertaking the responsi- bility of printing the volume, and my sincere thanks to the authorities Of St. Mary- Congregational Church, for the readiness with which they acceded to my request for permission to transcribe the Registers. April, 1888. W.S. I. Topcliffe Congregational Chapel ... ... Page 1. II. The Topcliffe Register of Baptisms ... ... 12. III. The Topcliffe Register of Buhials ... ... 18. IV. Morley Old Chapel and its Registers ... ... 24. V. Morley Old Chapel "Register of Baptisms ... 52. VI. Catalogue of Ministers at Morley Old Chapel ... 98. VII. Morley Old Chapel Register of Burials ... '.)!). VIII. Inscriptions on Gravestones in Old Chapel Graveyard 200. IX. Index of Surnames ... ... ... 211. X. Index of Places ... ... ... ... ... 228. XL List of Subscribers ... ... ... ... ... 220. $g& I. Asm \i G&avkstONBS in Old Chapkl Yabd To face Title page. II. Mni;i.i.v Old Chapbl, k.v y 1880... ... ... page 25. III. Autoorai'hs ok TiasiKKs ok Tin-: Old Chapel, 1721 27. IV. Manor Hoi si.. Moki.ey ... 29. V. Corporal Crowther's House, Morley ... ... 81. VI. Ai i.m.i;\imis ok Tbustkss 01 mi. Old Chapel, 1708 83. Vll. Moki.iv Old Chafbl, \.i>. LS70 35. VIII. AOTOOBAFBS OF Minister* OF IHB Old OhAFKL ... 15. IX. (lion; (iAU.K.KY AT THK OLD CHAPEL, A.D. 1788. . 47. TIHIIE TOPCLIFFE, AND MORLEY REGISTERS. ®0pdiffe C0tt3r^ati0nal Cljapd. HIS small body of Congregational Dissenters, or Inde- pendents, was the first Congregational Church established in the West Riding, and owed its origin to a Mr. Chris- ' topher Marshall, who, whilst establishing this Church on Independent principles, occupied the post of Minister of the Parish Church of Woodchurch [Woodkirk] close by, from which he was ejected in 1662. After being ejected, he lived privately among his people, in a house of his own. Mr. Marshall was born in Lincolnshire; and "educated partly in Cambridge, and partly under Mr. Cotton, at Boston, in New England." During his connection with the Church at Topcliffe, he was, for a short time, " imprisoned, with several of his brethren, on account of a plot, but came clear off, there being nothing found against him." This would, in all prob- ability, have reference to the Farnley Wood plot, to which many of the ejected ministers in this neighbourhood were privy. After his ejection, it is probable that he preached to his flock in secret, and though the Five Mile Act drove him to Horbury, yet the meetings of his society were not suspended, and Marshall still met with thorn privately. During the ministry of Mr. Marshall, many distinguished persons were received into communion. In 1054, the year after the Church 2 TOPCLIFFE CHAPEL. .mi. -1. mention is made of Brother Gledhill* and Brother . Loth of whom were sent, subsequently, to Leeds, in 1072, .Imputation, to recogni/.e and congratulate the new Church, just formed in that town, under the pastorship of the Rev. Christopher MA. In lt'.7o, the Rev. David Noble, M. A. joined the Church. This eminent minister, ami schoolmaster, was born at Inverness, in Scotland, and educated at Christ College, Cambridge. His classical attainments were considerable. He taught a School in Morley, and amount his pupils were the two sons of Oliver Hey wood, who boarded in the house Of Thomas Dawson, probably lather of the minister at the Old Chapel. To this school, Joseph Lister, of Bradford, in 1079. sent his son. and in Mr. Lister's autobiography we read, " I was then at a loss, but I went to Morley, where Mr. Noble taught school at that time, and put my son (David) under his care, who was a diligent, faithful man. There my son profited much, and was soon fitted for University learning, but not having convenience of disposing of him at that time, he stayed another year and learned logic with him, in winch he was a good proficient." About 1078, Mr. Noble became ( haplain to — Woolhouse, Esq., of Glapwell, Derbyshire, and preached there and at Sutton. He died at Chapel Fold, November 2Gth, 1709, and was buried at Dewsbury. In 1001, Christopher Nesse, M.A. was admitted into Church-fellowship, and in the same year, Josiah Holds- worth. Nesse was born, December 20th, 1021, at North Cave, in the Riding, where his family had resided a considerable time, and w. re possessed of considerable wealth as shewn by the Wills at York. II.- wil educated at Cambridge, after which, he retired into the Country, during the Civil War, and preached for a while at Chile Chapel. He was at that time under the care of his Uncle, then Vicar of North Cave. He subsequently accepted a call to Holderness, and from thence removed to Beverley, where he kept a school, and preached occasionally. His next station appears to have been Collingham, the living of which was presented to him by Dr. Winter. In the course of a few years, he was called to Leeds, where he laboured with great suecess, as Lecturer at the Parish Church. He remained here during the Vicariate of Rev. William Styles, till 1000, and subse- quently during that of Dr. Lake, afterwards Bishop of Chichester, with whose High Church opinions, Nesse by no means agreed. Miall tells us that N.sse was at this time "avowedly an Independent in principle, having joined the Congregational Church at Topcliffe in the L661 : and the difference between his own teachings and that of Dr. Lake, became very marked and notorious. The Duke of Buck- ingham attempted to flatter him into Conformity after 1002, but Nesse was too high-minded to be cajoled. When the Five Mile Act was • In a Funeril Sermon, pnblishe 1 by Dr. Harris, 1719, for Mrs. Bathsheba Barker, (ilt'.lhill's daughter, he speaks of the eminent piety and holiness of this Gledhill. Hi* daughter, he says, felt it a singular honour to have descended from so good a man. NAYLOR, THE MAD QUAKER. 3 passed lie retreated to Clayton, and afterwards preached for a time at Morley, though that place was within the prohibited distance." In 1072, Nesse formed a religious society in Water Lane, Leeds, and became its first pastor. But when the persecution, which had been intermitted, was revived, Nesse became especially the object of attack. Seeing no probability of tranquility, he removed to London in 1675, where he preached to a congregation in Salisbury Court, Fleet Street. His death took place on December 2Gth, 1705, in the 84th year of his age, and he was buried in Bunhill Fields. Josiah Holdsworth, who joined the Church at Topcliffe, with Mr. Nesse, became the first pastor at Upper Chapel, Heckmondwike. He was educated at Cambridge, ejected from Sutton, and became chaplain to Sir Richard Houghton, of Houghton Tower, Lancashire, then an asylum for persecuted ministers. As he became a member at Top- cliffe in 1001, it is likely that he was ejected at the Restoration. In 1072, he went to reside at Heckmondwike, and received his dismissal from the Church at Topcliffe, August 24th, 1074, though he often preached at the old place, when it was without a pastor. Mr. Holdsworth died in 1085, aged 40. Calamy speaks of him as " a man of great piety, sincerity, strictness, and industry for the good of souls, and blessed with abundance of success. He was much beloved, and is still spoken of with great respect." He was buried at Topcliffe, but his tombstone exists no longer. James Naylor, the Quaker enthusiast, was originally a member of the Church at Topcliffe. He was brought before the Church on a charge of adultery. The meeting was held at Hague Hall, in the room called the Lord's parlour. Naylor went afterwards to London, and joined the Baptist Church of which Hanserd Knollys was minister, whence he was again expelled. The Church at Topcliffe was largely assisted by the ministrations of Oliver Heywood, B.A. as appears from the following entry in his "Event Book" under date "Munday, June 23, 1073. Some friends were with me from about Woodkirk upon a speciall occasion and John Koppindall told me before them all, and sd he was ingaged to declare it for my incouragemt that most of the persons that had been ad- mitted into Mr. Marshalls Church of late years, delivering their experiences, haue confessed that their first work was by my ministry, where they haue had occasion to hear me, in this sad and silencing time, and indeed I confesse god drew me out to preacli abroad at Hunslet, Bramley, Farsley, Pudsey, Morley, Idle — in publick, and multitudes of people flockt and were affected, and I now hear of some fruit. I hope there is more yet not discovered." In 1085, the society at Topcliffe was an important one, the heads of the families being about thirty in number, the chief of whom, were Madame Elizabeth Rokeby, Captain John Pickering, Mrs. Spencer. Mr. Isaac Balme, Mr. John Wordsworth, and a Mr. Samuel Craister. The last-named was no credit to the body, for we find the following [ TOPCUKFE CHAPEL. entry respecting him:— "Oct. Bl . 1677, Mr. Samuel Craister, excom- municated for drunkenness at Belby, Leeds, Pudsey— an iniquity too frequent with him." * The Church met for worship in Topeliffe Hall, then inhabited by Captain Pickering, a person in whom Cromwell expressed great confidence. ' No part of the Topeliffe (Impel now remains except a heavy oak door, which Mr. A. L>. Marker, the fanner there, had in 1 The hall was at one time the residence of Sir John Topeliffe, Chief Justice of Inland, and Master of the Mint, in the reigns of Henry Y1I. and V1I1., who was interred at West Ardslev Church, near Leeds. In the middle of the chancel floor of West Ardsley, Wood- church, or Woodknk, lies the tomb of Sir John Topeliffe, bearing an inscription round the edges, and a large carved cross in the centre, within which were the letters I.H.C. The cross is erected on live steps, and is not defaced ; but much of the inscription has become illegible. We are indebted, first to Dr. Whitaker, and later to Mi;. Scatcherd for preserving the words of this most interesting tomb. Sir John was a notable man in his time, being Chief Justice of the King's Bench, Master of the Mint, and a high officer in the households of Kings Henry VII. and VIII. He resided in his own house at Top- eliffe, in those reigns, and probably in the reign of Richard III. Much of his great house has disappeared ; much also remains, but no bed as in Mr. Scatcherd's time, nor anything that can be immediately connected with the Chief Justice. He died there in 1518 or 1514. Dr. Whitaker and Mk. Scavchhbd give these dates respect- ively. The slab covering his grave measures Gft. 9in. by 8ft. Sin. Mr. Scatc -herd says it was almost perfect in his time (1830), and that the following was the inscription : — " Orate pro anima Johannis Topeliffe, quondam Capitalis Justiciarii Domini Regis Henrici VII. • • VIII., in Hibernia, item magistri monetir, qui quidem obiit xii. die Decembris, Anno Domini MCCCCCXII : cujus animae propicietur Deus." Dr. Whitaker's reading differs slightly, he only giving the abbreviations of several words. In the absence of this inscription, it would be almost impossible to make out that this was Sir John Topcliffe's tomb. The chancel has been rebuilt over it ; and doubtless the workmen would do their work upon it, regardless of the injury they were committing. His daughter and heiress, Rose, was married in 1512, to Richard Bunny, of Bonny Hall, near Wakefield, who was buried in Wakefield Parish Church in 1585, near Rose, his late wife. • On Lord's day night, Sep. 15, 1678, I and my wife were nil night at Wilhn Wadsworths at Alverthorp, he came home from Topeliffe, and in onr discourse, we fell into a debate concerning church matters, they told mo that 4 or 5 were excom- municated out of that church for scandall, Marmadukc Reiner (an ancient member), Mr. Sam. Craister, Thomas Arundel, etc. — UnjicjodCs Diaries, (Turner) Vol. 2. page 243. t Banks's Walk* in Yorkshire, p. 530. TINGLEY burial GROUND. 5 From 1681 until 1684, the pulpit at Topcliffe was occupied by Mr. Holdsworth, Mr. Jollie, and other ejected ministers. In the Sessions Rolls, Heywood's Xoncon. Register, (Turner,) under date July 1689, Leeds, we find that " A congregation or assembly of Protestant subjects dissenting from the Church of England doe hold their meeting for religious worship on the Lords dayes in Toplife Hall, Woodkirk, and they hold other occasional meetings at J. Pickerings house at Tingley." " Jo Pickering, Thomas Atkinson." From 1684 to 1709, Mr. Thomas Elston was the pastor, when he was succeeded in his office by supplies from the ranks of the ejected ministers, until 1714, when Mr. Riley was pastor, and remained until 1727. At this period he was succeeded by a Mr. Lax who remained until 1736, and was, we believe, the last minister. In the last- named year, the Chapel at Topcliffe was converted into a dwelling- house, and a meeting house was built on the Upper Green, at Leefair. Topcliffe at that time was but sparsely inhabited, aiid the congre- gation at the chapel, as well as the funds for carrying on the work, had for many years been mainly supplied by the inhabitants of Morley, for the reason that after the passing of the Five Mile Act, Topcliffe was much resorted to by the ministers, both on account of its privacy, and its exempting them from the penalties of that Act, the chapel there being without the five miles radius of any church. There was, however, another cogent reason why Tingley* or Leefair should be selected as the site for the new chapel. It was a much more populous district, and in addition to this "Pastor Elston," in 1685, married Miss Mary Pickering, whose father had given " a handsome piece of ground at Tingley, for a burial place, and had wholly, or partly, built a wall round it at his own expense." It was, therefore, a matter of convenience that a chapel should be near to the last-named, and accordingly, when Mr. Hesketh was chosen as minister, a house and chapel were built for him on the Upper Green. This good man lived until 1743, when for want of adequate support, the Dissenting interest became extinct. * TntQLBl : — The field of Council. [In the earliest Memorial Rolls, at Wakefield, the name invariahly appears THING LAWE. — J.H.T.] Tin, ting, or thinge, is derived from the old Norse tinga, to speak, allied to the English word, think. In this word we prohably have a trace of one of the legislative institutions of the Northmen. The thinge was their great council, or popular assembly, where their laws were passed, and their chiefs elected. This council was held in the open air, on an island, hill, or promontory, and — probably to prevent any undue local influence from predominating — generally at a distance from any town or village. The Northmen introduced their "Things" into England, and from it wo derive Hustings, or house things, (hus, 0. E. house) the place where the election of a Member of Parliament is proposed by the householders qualified to vote. The following description of one of the judicial proceedings of a Danish " Thing " gives us a good idea of the commencement of an institution that now forms so important a part in our legal system. Tho " Things " wero held in the open air, and served both for the discussion of public affairs and the administration of justice. For the latter purpose, a circle called the doom-ring (dvmhringe) was formed with hazel twigs, 6 TOPCUFFE CHAPEL. The Burial Ground, at Tingley, is situate about half-way between Leeds and Dewsbury, on what is known as the Dewsbury Road, and near to the Mansion known as "Tingley Hall," owned by Henry Longbottom, Esq. In the Park, which surrounds the Hall, and just beyond the fence wall separating the Park from the above-named road, may be Been this •• God's Acre." Five of the gravestones which were placed over the members of the Topcliffe Ghuxeh, yet remain, and may be seen in the plantation near Tingley House. The following copies of the inscription on these stones I have taken recently. Mercy Sargan, departed this life the 18th day of November, 1676, being <;f age 26 years. " Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth." Hero lyeth the body of Judith Brooksbank, daughter of Joseph Brooksbank, of Ellaud, who was buried the 10th of July, 1686. Also Joseph aud Sarah, children of the said John Brooksbank. Here lyeth interred the bodi of Captain John Pickering, who died the 18th of April, 1699, in the year of his ago 75, and also of Deborah, his wife, who died November 5th, 1693, in the 70 year of her age, daughter to Horatio Eure, Esquire and sister to the Right Honourable Lords G. and R. Euro.* " The righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance." Here lyeth the body of Mr. John Lister, who departed this life April 11, 1707. " But the righteous hath hope in his death." Here also lyeth Bathshua his wife, neico to the late Lord Eure, who died February 21, 1732, age 77. Here lieth the body of Hannah, daughter of Andrew Hodgson, of Horton, who departed tb ; « life tho 8th day of October, anno domini, 1740. Hannah, wife i the Rev. Robert Hesketh, was daughter to Joseph Sykes, of Leeds, merchant, and Bathia,f his wife, eldest daughter to Captain Pickering. I or with upright stones, to which were attached cords called vtbi'md, i.e., the conse- crated or sacred cords. Within this circle sat the Judges, the people standing on the outside, and in the middle stood the bidtsteinn, a huge stone with a sharp ridge, on which the backs of criminals condemned to death were broken. Each of the three godars or presidents of the Thing summoned twelve assessors or dooms- men (domsmenn) to sit with him within the forensic circle which thus formed a court of justice— if we may apply modern terms to ancient institutions — of three Judges and thirty-six jurymen. Any doomsman to whom either the plaintiff or defendant might object was to be instantly replaced by the godi who had nominated him. There was a ring called the Altar-ring for tho administration of oaths. Every one engaged in a law-suit, whether as plaintiff or defendant, as witness or compurgator or doomsman, was obliged to swear on this ring, " In the name of Frey, N jord, and the Almighty God, that he would fulfil the duty imposed on him — to give evidence, plead, or judge, as the case might be, conscientiously and to the best of his abilities." Here we have, evidently, the Scandinavian form of trial by jury, for which we are indebted to our Danish invaders. — Grkenwelt,. * The fine parchment pedigree of the Lords Eure, with special reference to the Pickerings of Tingley, the Heskeths, and the Swaincs, is preserved at Braboeuf Manor, Guildford. t The first entry in the Woodchurch register, now existing, records the baptism on the 4th November, 1652, of " Bethia tilia Dom. Johan Pickering and on 30th July, 1673, is an entry of her marriage to Joseph Sykes. On 12th May, 1654, also 18 entered tho baptism of " Bathshua ftlia Dom. Johan Pickering," and on March 6th, 1655, of Hannah, another of his daughters. On the 22nd of April, is registered the burial of '* Dom. Johanes Pickering." — W. S. Banks. \ Banks's " Walks in Yorkshire," p. 531. LEE FAIRS. 7 We cannot conclude this notice of Topcliffe Chapel without referring to the historically interesting character of the immediate neighbour- hood, from whence the congregation at Topcliffe were drawn. Leefair, as its name implies, was the scene of one of the most remarkable of these annual gatherings. These fairs are of very old date. Mr. Batty, in a paper on the priory of St. Oswald at Nostel, says the Canons of Nostel received a charter from King Stephen to hold two annual fairs, but in the preface to the Woodkirk (or Wakefield) Mysteries (usually called the Townley Mysteries) it is shown that King Henry I. made the original grant, and Stephen confirmed it. The days fixed are given as "Feast of Assumption," and Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Mary," viz., 15th August and 8th September. How long these dates were adhered to we cannot determine, but the present fairs are nine days later, 24th August (St. Bartholomew's Day) and 17th September. Another important change has taken place with respect to these fairs, for, whereas they are now only held on the two days last-named, a century ago there was in reality but one fair, which lasted for three weeks, and was one of the most important in the kingdom. It was at that time, a mart for the sale of nearly all kinds of produce, as well as being celebrated for the size and importance of its transactions in horses and cattle. Fruit, onions, &c, were in abundance, and it is said that "multitudes came from towards Huddersfield and many other parts of the countj > purchase these articles, which were stowed in barns, and sold at booths by lamplight in the morning." If we are to believe the testimony of the " oldest inhabitant," " Lee Fair " of fifty years ago was a gathering, which, once seen, was ever remembered, having only its counterpart in the fun and frolic of " Donnybrook," in the sister isle. As to the origin of the name "Lee," Scatcherd derives it from the name of Dr. Legh, grantee of the site of Nostel Priory, in 1540. That the Legh family had a connection with West Ardsley is shown in Thoresby's Due. htod. t 221 in the Legh pedigree, where it names William Leghe, Esq., attainted 83 Henry VIII. , as seized of lands in West Ardsley and Westerton. This person was attainted of high treason with Edward Tattersal, a clothier, and Ambler, a priest, and was executed in 1541. An interesting notice of "Lee Fair " is to be found in the court rolls of the manor of Wakefield, and therefrom something is learned about the scenes which took place at this annual carnival. Notwithstanding that the fair at that time belonged to the Canons of Wodekirk, riot and disorder were not uncommon : — Alicia de Scardeby op. se versus Johannem de Heton, et quer ; quod die Lume, in Festo Nativitatis Beatje Marle, anno regis Edwardi nunc nono, idem Johannes insultum fecit in ipsam Aliciam et cepit ipsam per capillos capitis sui in nundinis de Wodekirk, et ipsam extraxit per capillos pnedictos, a parte boreali ex parte nunc praedict : quousque fossatum : Australi ex parte earun- dum. Et quia non potuit capillos predictos eradicare in hac fonna, emarcuit ped, suo in facie ejusdem. Alicia? causa eradicandi capillos 8 TOPCLIFFE CHAPEL. pndietos; et nihil hominus cepit quendem baculum et ipsam verberavit ultra humerus, lumbos, et corpus, et alia enormia et intulit, ad dampa sua solct inde perduxit sectain. The John do Heton named in this charge was the head of a great family living at Old Howley Hall, near Woodkiik. His wife Amabil was also concerned in this outrage, and complaint was made against both, and also against one John Graffard, in the same court. John de Heton was evidently a pugnacious character, for one John of Ni u castle also complained of him for an assault and battery at the same fair, to his damage of 100 shillings ; and one William (the) Carter also laid complaint that the said John de Heton had come into his stall at the fair and had overturned it, by which he had lost 20 gallons of beer, worth 2s. 4d., a cask valued 12d., and a sack valued 8d.; the covering of his stall was also torn, damage 12d., and other injuries; total loss 40s. — a great sum of money in those days. One thing more in the above extract is noticeable, namely, the distance from whence people came to this very celebrated fair to lay in their stock of necess- aries for the winter. Here we have two travellers, Alice (of) Scardeby and John of Newcastle — the one probably a thrifty housewife, and the other a dealer in cattle and wares. There is in this incident a fair illustration of how in these ancient chivalrous times, the great men of the day conducted themselves. John de Heton, in all probability, aided by his man Graffard, and wife Amadil, made valorous by the carter's good liquor, kicks up a row, overturns the landlord's stall, taps his casks, knocks down the Newcastle wight, and then falls foul upon the person of Alice de Scardeby. The fair at Woodkiik at this period (Edward II.) was reckoned amongst the most famous then held in the country, and to which it is said that merchants from France, Spain, Florence, the Low Countries, and even Germany came with their wares and merchandise to sell, and every family of consequence, as well as the religious houses, laid in their stock of necessaries for a whole year. In these accommodating days the priest and clerk stood ready all day, during the time of the fair, to marry in the neighbouring church all such as, during the mirth of the fair, were desirous to enter the matrimonial state. Another noteworthy circumstance connected with this celebrated fair must not be overlooked. On St. Bartholomew's Day, on which the fair ended, the scholars from the Grammar Schools of Leeds, Wakefield and other places, were brought to this place for disputation, or to ascertain their proficiency in classical learning, annually, down to the early part of last century. Whether these examinations were conducted on the Oxford and Cambridge models, or on that of the Science and Art Department, or Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes, there is no authentic data on which to found an opinion ; but St. Bartholomew, the patron or tutelary saint of scholars, held high carnival once a year at "Lee Fair." An amusing incident connected with one of these gatherings is related by an old man who died about 1780. He says, " My father, when a boy, was WOODCHURCH. 9 present during a disputation, and had well-nigh been knocked on the head by a beadle ; for happening to ask one of the boys who stood up improper questions, the gentleman in gold-laced robe and cocked hat applied his truncheon so forcibly to the ' pericranium ' of the catechiser as made him remember his impudence all his life afterwards." Of all the early English fairs, established by Koyal charters and privileges, for the sale or interchange of goods and produce, and for the hiring of men and maid-servants, when towns, villages, and hamlets were scattered and far apart, and the roads few and unsafe, Lee Fair was one of the earliest and best known. Our readers will have learnt by this time not to judge of what Wodekirk fair was, from what "Lee Fair" now is. In our early days it was of much more consequence than it has been for many years past, and musicians, actors, and jugglers, such as were brought to fairs to attract company, were present in large numbers. Woodchurch, is a place of great interest, pointing to Saxon times, with its cell of Black Canons, its " Mystery Plays," its " Frying-Pan Stone," its Poet, " Old Trash," and its ancient church, with its "Howley Hall," "Topcliffe," "Westerton," and "Hague Hall," seats telling of times when families of great note dwelt hereabouts. The name Woodchurch as applied to the sacred edifice, is thought by W. S. Banks to mean Church-in-the-Wood, but we are inclined to agree with Scatcherd, that it means wooden church. " Wood- church" designates a very ancient place of worship, composed of the usual materials of which sacred buildings were constructed in Saxon times, or in remoter ages. " Woodkirk," says Scatcherd, "originally a cell under Nostel Priory was formed in the reign of Henry I. (a.d. 1100-1135), although only a cell to the Priory, the remaining foundations prove it to have been of considerable extent. The church was conventual as well as parochial, and was supposed to be possessed of considerable sanctity. It was noticed by Leland (Henry VIII). On July 12th, 1831, the roof fell in, burying the nave, pulpit, and pews ; and as a result of this disaster, it was discovered that the ancient walls had been beautifully painted, lettered, and gilded, exhibiting roses (red and white), tulips, anemones, grapes, peaches, leaves and other decorations. The colours were still beautiful, but we should like to know why they were plastered over. The tower of the church is supposed by some to have been rebuilt, since the days of the Black Canons ; but I am inclined to think that such is not the case, as from the characters of the mountings and carvings, it evidently belongs to the twelfth century and the tran- sition perio-1, when the semicircular arch of the Norman style was giving way to the pointed arch. There are no buttresses now, but an embattled parapet round the top. The three bells in the tower are dated 1713. One bears the words "Deum Lamhtmm" another ••/'. Gloria" but the third has no inscription. We cannot say that the interior of the chui'ch at ihe present time is of a pleasing character, 10 TOPCLIFFE CHAPEL. though there are some fine specimens of old carving, conspicuous among which aro the ends of the stalls in the chancel, all of the kh century — the remnants, no doubt, of the seats once used by tin Hlack Canons. These seat ends are remarkably perfect, having the outer face richly relieved by rectilinear tracery, and are each sur- rounded by a finial or poppy head, on which is carved a wheat sheaf, vine leaves and grapes, dividing over a curious monogram of the Saviour composed of the letters I and S coupled with a chord, so disposed as to complete the I II S, and with its ends crossed, the whole device aptly symbolising the bread and wine, the significant memorials of the passion and (loath of Christ. If the casual observer will go to the east end of the church, he can see where the Canons had their fishponds in a deep hollow. These reservoirs for the Canons' fish were in existence in Dr. Whitaker's day. In the churchyard, close to the path leading from the entrance on the road-side to the porch, is a stone — a curious relic, known as the Frying-pan Stone. It bears the design of a wheel, cross-wheel, and shaft ; and about this stone there is a strange legend, to which, however, we attach no credence." The registers of the church commence in 1G52, and include some interesting parchments, many of them bearing the Great Seal df l.ngland. Two of these seals — one of Queen Elizabeth and one of King Charles I. — are in good preservation, Another interesting fact connected with Woodchurch can be gathered from one of the volumes of the Surtees Society's publi- cations, on the Tonneh'u Myttoriea. From this work it may be learned that there were three sets of mysteries — one at Chester, another at Coventry, and a third at what was described at Wydkirk. It is believed that the latter had been performed, if not written, at Wood- church, for they contained local references and West Riding expressions. For instance, allusion is made to " Horbury Shroggs." In all prob- ability these miracle plays were written at the monastery at Woodkirk, and acted in the church on the occasion of the fairs. The object of these mysteries or plays was to bring religion home in a tangible form to the frequenters of the " Lee Fairs " of that day. Duxxixiii.KY, within half-a-mile due east of Topcliffe, is noted as being the birthplace of Christopher Saxton, an eminent choro- grapher, and also as containing the residence of a sweetheart of Neviaon, the highwayman. In Dr. John Dee's diary, 159G, appears this entry : — " July 10th, Manchester town described and measured by Mr. Christopher Saxton." Mr. J. E. Ba.ii.ey, writes of this as follows : — " This Manchester survey which would be a valuable addition to our local topography, is not now known to be in existence, i \ton was the author of the first maps of Britain from actual survey. The series of maps was nine years in preparation and was first issued as a complete atlas of maps in 1579. Thoresby remarked that the maps had never been surpassed, scarcely equalled for e xactness.* Each ma p contains the arms of the Queen, who gave • Loidit and Elmete, Ed. 1816, p. 240. DUXXIXGLEY. 11 Saxton a patent for publishing the charts for ten years, and of Thomas Sackford, Master of Requests, in whose employment, Saxton was at the date of the patent. Saxton was also encouraged by Sir William Cordel, Master of the Rolls. His skill as a chorographer is set forth in his epitaph." Thoresby says that in all probability he was buried in Batley Church.* Dunningley at the present time, consists of a few farm-houses, not remarkable for their antiquity or picturesqueness. The entries in the Topcliffe register commence in 1656, and end in 1736, a period of eighty years, and the entries refer to members of the congregation residing in Morley, as well as at Topcliffe, and the immediate neighbourhood. When the Act of Uniformity became law, though the Presbyterians kept possession of the lease of the chapel, they had to leave the premises, and for twenty years at least, they worshipped at Topcliffe chapel, until in 1689, they built the old parsonage in Morley, and obtained a license to perform worship therein. Scatcherd gives it as his opinion, that the Old Chapel was restored to the Nonconformists in 1698, but if this is correct it is somewhat singular that the register contains no entries referring to the Old Chapel, between 1691 and 1736, when the Topcliffe chapel was given up. But remembering that the Topcliffe chapel, and the Old Chapel were as one this lends additional hiterest to the register. * In Dogdale's " Visitation of Yorkshire,'' 16G6, " Birkbeck of Sheffield and Castleford" — Christopher Saxton, the geographer, here called Surveyor and Compiler of Maps of England, is said to have been of Dunningley. The Saxtons were to be found at Mirfield, &c, a century afterwards. $!)* ®oprliffe Register of ^Baptisms. T Chukch Members' Infants Baptized . Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Joseph John Houldsworth, our elder 1654-5 January 13 Abigail! John Willson August 1G Hannah Robert Riddlesdon February 6 Hannah Mr.* Jon Pickeiing March 12 Sarah Christopher Marshall 165G-7 April 18 Josopth Will : Dawson of Gh : of Bradforth May 18 Hannah Willy : Wodesworth 25 Bathshua Isaac Sargan 25 Japheth John Thorndton June 15 Mary Gorege Ward of Church of Bradforthe 15 Samuel John W r illson August 6 Bphraim Josepth Rohedes 24 Moses Richard Hargrgraw September 80 Hannah Mikaell Dawson October 80 Sarah Francis Atkinson November 2 Hannah Joseph Angerom March 22 Sarah Joh. Houldesworth, our elder 1657 29 Adeinge Thomas Houldesworth April 5 Elyzabeth Robb : Riddelsden 7 Bcniainin Mr. Jo : Wadesworth 14 Jacob Francis Muffett August 2 Rebecka Jo. Brige 2 Mercy Mr. John Pickering 12 David Joseph Listerf of Ch. of Bradforthd. 1657 August 12 * The title " Mr." is prefixed so very seldom in the Registers, that we must sup- pose it to give special distinction when it does occur. t Author of " Autobiography," father of Rev. Accepted Lister. OF BAPTISMS. 13 Child's Name. Jossuah John Martha Lidia Mary Elyzabeth Martha Samuell Samuell Elyezer Hannah Jacob. Elizabeth Samuell Martha Mary Daniell Isaack Mehelebal Sarah Bathshua Sarah Josias Sarah Mary Hannah John Caleb Beniamin Timothy Abraham Joshuah Samuell Abell Jeremyah Christ. Mary Sarah Josiah Barriah Deborah Mary Father's Name. John Tailer, of Ch. of Bradforthd. 1057 John Tailer do. John Rohodes do. William Jones do. Nicholas Linley do. Mr. Thos. Smallwood,! Ch. of Bradforthe Jonathan Jouet do. Jonas Tettley Abraham Hage, of Thornes Jo. Houldesworth, our elder John Rayner Richard Haregrave John Pickering Mr. Robart Riddellesden Bro. John Thornton Sister Tetley's Child John Willson John Birled Mr. Thomas Smallwood Bro. Mr. Willyam Sikes Mr. Christopher Marshall Joseph Angrom Mr. John Wadesworth [Wordsworth.] 1660-1 Mr. John Bradley John Thornton of Ch. of Bradforthe Bro. Job Gledhill John Briges Our Sister Atkinson Our elder John Houldesworth John Rayner Michaell Dawson John Jowiet of the Ch. of Bradforth Mr. Jo. Wordes worth Bro. Tho. Houldesworth Jonas Tetley, of Bradford Christiopher Nesso Date. August 12 12 12 12 12 Oct. 14 Thomas Smallwood Abraham Bell, of Ch. of Bradforthe Richard Hargreave John Thornton Our elder Houldesworth Bro. Mr. William Sikes Qctober 14 November 16 1658 April 25 November 30 December 7 1659 April 5 13 May 22 June 29 July 4 August 28 September 28 February 15 26 26 April 18 July 15 15 August 1 5 November 11 14 January 27 1661-2 March 31 June 2 5 5 July 7 9 August 4 11 21 September 29 October 20 November 20 t Mr. Smallwood, formerly of Batley, was ejected from Idle Chapel, in 1662. He had been a Chaplain in Fairfax's Army, and was noted also for his prodigious strength.— (See Heywood's Diaries, Turner.) 11 T1IK TOPCLIFFE REGISTER Father*! Name. Dat«. 1(1(12 -lanuarv February 1 (i(i2-3 May June January February 1068 May Child \ SamufU Thomas aikeeoa Tainar Natliamvll Hodgson .tli Our Pastor, Mr. Chr. Marshall John Bradley Ifahelebal John Briges John Bro. Robb. C.ledhill EUnezer John Cloudesley Hannah . Mr. Christopher Nesso Joshua John Thornton I'.h, Bro. Thomas Atkinson 1665 March •ice Mr. Larteem [ ? Rev. George Larkham, Cleckheaton and Cockermouth.] 1666 April Mary Bro. John Thornton May Ely/.abeth Joseph Angrom 1GG7 October Mary John Rayner, of Batley 1G68-9 March Abigaill Bro : Hargreave May Timothy Thomas Atkinson Isaaih Francis Beaumont October IWnimin Abram Blackburne November Mary Sister Cloudesley January Eidia Willm Bolland February Sarah Joseph Jackson February John Thomas Atkinson 1G70 April Jabeth Mr. Josiah Holdsworth [Ejected Minister.] May Ruth Joseph Jackson 1671 April John John Rayner, of Batley May Elizabeth Bro. Nesse October Hannah Grandchild of Bro. Nesse, who owned it as his owne seed, and claimed the previlige of Baptism and undertook to bring it uppe as his owne as to religious care and education December Hannah John Jowett May Joseph Joshua Wood Daniel Nathan Baxter Bathshua Joseph Jackson 1672 Ruth Mr. Josiah Houldsworth Rachel Thomas Arundill Joseph Michell Gargrave of Church of Bradforth Bbeneaer John Thornton September Anne Joseph Jackson 1673 August Mary Mr. Jo. Wordsworth October Hannah Thomas Arundill 1674 June Naomi William Bolland November Stephen Joseph Jackson John Robert Graues July June May Aug. 15 Q 1 2D 18 17 12 18 27 19 2(1 8 28 14 26 15 6 8 5 22 18 2 25 10 17 26 25 25 25 18 2 5 11 20 26 12 21 10 16 14 OF BAPTISMS. lu Child's Name. * Father's Name. Date. Elizabeth Dau. of Mrs. Spencer 1074 July 14 William Son of do. do 14 Mary Joseph Jackson 1075-0 January 14 Joseph Robert Gledhill June 28 John Mr. Joseph Sykes [Thoresby pedigree.] Sep. 29 John Joseph Sutton December 28 Joseph Isaack Balme [Pudsey.] January 17 John Thomas Arundill 1G7G October 29 Samuel Robert Gledhill 1077-8 May 1G Joseph William Bolland August 20 Benimin William Bolland 20 Samuel Isaack Balme September 18 Jacob Nathl. Hodgson October 18 Mary Nathl. Hodgson 18 Caleb Mr. Joseph Sykes January 20 Elisha Mr. Joseph Sykes • March 15 Sarah Joseph Sutton 1G78 April 23 Ralph Son of Mrs. Spenser 23 Mary John Jackson July 30 Samuel Timothy Heald 1G79 April 80 John John Heald December 17 John Isaack Balme 1G80 April 14 Mercy Robert Gledhill May 17 Ichabod Robert Gledhill 17 Joseph Joseph Sutton October 10 Hannah Mr. Joseph Sykes 1G81 May 29 Joshua Mr. Joseph Sykes 1G82 July 21 Samuel Mr. Joseph Sykes 1(583 September 5 Joseph Timothy Heald 1G84 February 11 John Son of Mrs. Brooksbanks 1G85 February 1 Joshua Josuah Dawson of Leeds Church 9 Joseph Son of Mrs. Brooksbanks 17 Jeremiah William Armitage of Heckmondwike 20 Mary John Rhodes of Hague Hall June 1 Cabel Timothy Wymersley June 28 Joshua Timothy Wymersley 28 Joseph Mr. Joseph Sykes September 1 Elizabeth Ambi-ose Ambler of Leeds 1 Deborah William Dixon of Healey October 12 Martha William Owring of Leeds Church December 7 Mary Samuel Asquith 1G8G April 1 1 Benjamin Mr. Joseph Sykes August 2 1 Hannah John Rhodes October 27 Bamnel Samuel Asquith 1087 February 16 David Richard Brerah of Ealand March 28 Sarah Dau. of Mrs, Brooksbank 'August 3 Deborah Mr. Joseph Sykes October 4 1C mi loivi.lFFK BXOI8TEB Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Muliail Richard Brerah 1088 February 18 Klunezer Timothy Heald March 7 Sarah John Rhodes April 11 lVtliiah Mr. Joseph Sykes 1089 July 18 Elizabeth Mr. Joseph Sykes 1090 February 24 Samuel Mr. Ealston, our Pastor May 7 Joseph Joseph Dawson of Haigh Moor June 9 Sarah Asaph Gledhill December 10 Ralpah Mr. Thomas Elston, Pastor 1091 April 15 James John Heald May 18 Hannah John Rhodes of Hague Hall KJ92 January 28 Lydia Samuel Asquith May 11 Bathshua Mr. Joseph Sykes September 20 Sarah Japhot Heald November 10 Noah Mr. Thos. Elston, Pastor 1093 April 15 Joseph Anthony Story July 10 David Mr. Joseph Sykes December 19 Mary Japhot Heald 1094-5 Marcli 7 Mercy Asaph Gledhill July 10 Timothy Timothy Heald September 20 Samuel John Rhodes, of Hague Hall January 22 Jacob Jacob Muffit 1095-0 October 25 Hananiah Mr. Thos. Elston, Pastor January 4 Josiah Josuah Holdsworth 1090-7 March 80 Bathshua Robert Sharp April 10 Liilia John Heald September 9 Joseph Mr. Elston, Pastor February 10 Ebenezer Joseph Dawson 1097 April 7 Martha John Rhodes May 5 Dorothy Asaph Gliedhill 81 Eleazer Gershum Holdsworth 1G98 April 14 Martha Japhot Heald 1099 May 8 Ruth Joseph Dawson October 25 (in-shorn Gershom Holdsworth 1700 July 21 Mercy Gershom Holdsworth 1702 May 20 Nathaniel Daniel Pickles 1703 June 2 Mary Gershom Holdsworth 1704 28 Martha Daniel Pickles November 15 Bathshua Daniel Pickles 1700 January 29 Elizabeth Gershom Holdsworth December 18 Abraham Abraham Whiteker 1719 August 2 James John Morton, of Middleton 1729-30 October 1 John John Day of Chidsel 10 Mary John Kill pa tli. of Wakefield November 22 Martha John Ward, of Baghill January 11 Hannah Jona. Day 18 Hannah Joshua Leabeater, of Stainchffe 1730-1 June 20 OF BAPTISMS. 17 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Joshua Joshua Sharpe 1730 December 23 John John Butterworth, of Oepperton February 15 Benjamin James Pearson, of Haigh Moor 1731 June 30 Grace Timothy Senior, do. July 28 Edward Joseph Leathley, of Morley October 1 Thomas John Morton, of Middleton November 12 Isaac Isaac Whitaker, of Bagill December 15 Mary J. Butterworth March 8 Bathshua Benjamin Clark, of Tinglaw 1732 May 17 Alice John Day, of Chidsel November 8 Jonas Jonas Day 1733 April 8 Mary James Scarth September 19 Jenet Thomas Hague, of Heckmondwike 29 Susannah Benjamin Clark 1735-6 April 13 Mary J. Morton, of Middleton May 18 Grace James Pearson September 24 John John Waring, of Morley Liberty. 25 Joseph Tho. Barras December 30 John James Scarth, of Ouslewell Green January 19 Rosamond Thomas Senior February 2 Susannah John Day, of Chidsell 1736-7 March 22 Lydia Thomas Barras, jun. 1737 June 17 Mary Jonas Day, of Chidsell October 23 Hannah John Morton, of Middleton November 2 Sarah John Morton, of Wakefield Outwood 1738 April 10 John Benjamin Clark May 15 James James Scarth, Jun. June 12 Ann Thomas Barras, Jun. October 29 Neriah Thomas Hague, of Heckmondwike December 26 Mary Arthur Scarth February 19 Mary John Day, of Chid sail 1739 June 12 John John More ton, of Middleton 1740-1 July 9 Hannah Thomas Barras, jun. March 15 William John Pearson 1741 April 20 Jane Joseph Talbut, of Howding-clough 1742 11 Joseph John Morton 18 Jane Joseph Seeker, of Adwalton May 16 Ann Benjamin Butterworth June 29 Joshua Samuel Wilks August 11 Thomas Thomas Barras, jun. 1748 July 18 Sarah Benjamin Butterworth 1744-5 April 11 James Joseph Scarth January 28 Joseph Joshua Sharp 1745 June 5 Elizabeth Thomas Barras, jun. 5 Abigal Joseph Skarth 1746 16 John Ben : Butterworth November 28 The Topcliffe Church ceased exist in 1746. WBt lHBHMff ^^ '•' - '~ ^ "■- '•- " r -~ r ~ *mu BaaaMaa»gga^^^<'^4iHaEiM-^ s£ ^ ®b* Sopdiffe JUgister of Burials. -:o:- Hannali, daughter of Robert Hiddellsden Bathshua, daughter of Isaac Sargon Hannah, daughter of Bro. Mr. Pickering Sarah, daughter of our Bro. Rayner Sister Grace Rayner, widow Anne, the wife of our Bro. Blagburne 1656-7 April 21 August 12 February 13 1657-8 June 5 August G November 19 Our deare Sister Sarah, the wife of our Pastor, Mr. Christo. Marshall February 23 Samuel, son of Mr. Christopher Marshall 1658 May 12 Our dear Bro. Arthure Rayner December 25 Kli/.abeth, daughter of our Bro. Mr. Jo. Pickering 1659 April 17 Jeremyah Dixon, our deare Bro. Bro. Robb. Riddellsdon Sister Abigaill Linley Bro. William Ward Mehelabel, daughter of Mr. Smallwood Bro. Robb. Wade Samuel, Bro. Riddellsdon Sister Sarah Wood Dorcas, the wife of our Bro. Thos. Houldesworth Elizabeth, our deare Sister, Mrs. Smallwood" Mary, daughter of Mr. Thomas Smallwood Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Marshall May 24 1660 January 5 March 12 August 8 13 September 21 November 22 22 1661-2 June 8 October 26 January 13 1662 December 16 Abell, son of Mr. Christopher Marshall, our Pastor 1663-4 March 23 Bro. John Hardcastle November 2 Isaac, son of Sister Birled 30 • Heywood makes mention of a Mr. Smallwood, formerly minister at Batley, whom he calls " an eminent minister of God." He died 1667, at FlanshaW Hall, near Wakefield. This person was doubtless the husband of the Mrs. Smallwood bore referred to. REGISTER OF RITRIALS. 19 Mary, daughter of Jo. Beamon 1G63 December 11 Mary, daughter of Nicholas Linley January 25 Our Pastor's daughter that was born before time 1GG5 Sept. 16 fUgtsto of Uurials in t\)t $5nrial plate at ®itt0kg. -:o: Mary Sargan 1G7G November 20 Frances Muffitt 25 Anne Oates of Purlwell, in Batley 1677 April G Edward Sparling of Morley 25, Joseph Sykes 1G78-9 June 5 Elizabeth Askwith and child, buried by her sister Mary Sargonf September 15 Samuel Bradley of Haigh Moor January 11 Hannah Holdsworth March G Thomas Pickering 1679 May 27 Judith Reyner 1G80-1 November 25 Joseph Sparling December 8 Marmaduke Raynerf February 7 Mr. Gamaliel Marsden ■ 1681-2 May 27 * " Isaac Sergeant's daughter near Woodkirk, died of childbearing, bnried in the new burying place Sept. 15 (1678) endured much, the story dreadfull, Dr. Johnson of Pontefract acted the midwife." — Noncon. Reg., page 62. t " Marmaduke Reiner, of Gildersome, near Morley, was buryed at their burying place near Woodkirk, being a member of that church many years, Feb. 7, 1680-1, aged 73." — Heywood's Diaries (Turner) vol. 2, page 143. See ante p. 4. J Gamaliel Marsden, was the son of a minister at Coley, near Halifax ; educated at Trinity College, Dublin, of which he was a Fellow, and turned out at the Restor- ation. In his poverty, being possessed of only £5, he went to his father's friends nt Coley, and obtained the chapelry of Le Brears, or St. Ann's Chapel, near Halifax, but was ejected in 1662. He went to Holland for a short time, and on his return opened a school for students at Hague Hall, near TopclifTe. " Rid to Tingley to the funeral of that holy man, Mr. Gamaliel Marsden, whoso death was much bewailed, not by relations only, but many pood people and godly ministers, as a public loss." Thoresby's Diary, May 27, 1681. " Mr. Gamaliel Marsden, (son to Mr. Ralph Marsden, my predecessor at Coley), a pious young scholar, and Fellow of Trinity College, in Dublin, was turned out with the Mast.r of the College, Dr. Winter, 1660, on the King's return, had no parents or relations that he could betake himself to, little left, for when ho was landed at Liverpool, had paid his fraight, bought an horse, had but about 3 li. in his pocket, knew not where to have more, had no hopes of employment, knew not whither to betake himself, he came for Yorkshire, light first at my house in Northourum, stayd under my window, wn we were at family prayer, we entertained some nights, he then wont to Joshua Bayley's of Allcrton, where his brother Jer. had lately been minister, he made him welcome, and married a young woman in the 20 THE TOPCLIFFE REGISTER — Briggs, son of Jo. Briggs of Batley 1681-2 July 12 A child of Samuel Askwith's February 13 Joshua Sykes, Mr. Jos. Sykes' child 1G82-8 October 2G John I'.arras March 1 S;imuel Sykes, son of Mr. -los. Sykes 1684 August 18 A child of Jacob Muffits 1685 May 10 Mr. Josiah Holdsworth July 29 Robert Bradley, of Healey in Batley September 12 John Bradley of Hague Moor 14 Joseph, Mr. Brooksbank's child February 26 Mrs. Judith Brooksbank 1686-7 July 16 Pastor Elston's infant August* 20 Mikaell Dawson January 11 Pastor Elston's infant March 19 Jo. Wright's still-born child 1687 October 27 Sarah, Mr. Brooksbank's child November 21 Deborah, Mr. Joseph Sykes' child 22 An infant, still-born child of Wm. Casson 1688 May — John Holdsworth, elder 1689-90 April 27 Robt. Muffitt June 15 A child of Jacob Muffitts, July 19 Elizabeth Rhodes of Hague Hall August 18 Ann Sargan January 7 Benjamin Sykes 1690-1 April 5 A child of Jacob Muffitt's 7 Bethiah Sykes 18 A newly born child of Samuel Askwith July 28 Joseph Sykes January 27 Elizabeth Brook, widow 1691-2 May 80 A child of Joshua Sparlin — Eleazer Holdsworth of Alverthorp September 1 Willey Boole of Baghill February 27 A child of Joseph Dawson 1692-8 April 19 A child of Jacob Muffits May 22 A child of Isaack Cryer's November — A child of Robert Sharpes January 9 Ann Dawson, of Middleton* 23 family worth 40 li. a year, was minister at Chapel-ie-breare, out at Barthol, 62, his wife djed he went into Holland, returned, was teacher of the Church at Topliff, murrvcl Mr. Marshall's widow, who lived plentifully, comfortably, dyed with honour, was buryed May 27, 1680, left a competent estate to his friends, wife, having no child, lent, gave while he lived, bequeathed 20 li. to poor ministers, widows, scholars, godly poor, ordered by his last will Mr. John Pickering of Tingley, and myself to assist his wife in the distribution of it." — Heywood's Diaries (Turner), vol. 4, p. 36. • Middloton, the middle congregation of houses or huts, half-way betwixt Roth- well and Morley, these places being more closely connected formerly. — Batty's Rothwell, p. 20. OF BURIALS. 21 Mrs. Smallwood 1693-4 July 14 A child of Jacob Muffitt's August — A child of Joshua Sparlin's October 30 My dear Wife, Mrs. Deborah Pickering November 8 John Rhodes wife, of Chidswell 11 David Sykes, son of Mr. Jos. Sykes March 14 Hannah, wife of Isaack Oyer 14 Bathshua, daughter of Mr. Jos. Sykes 19 A child of Isaac Oyer's, an infirm boy 1G94-5 May 29 Thomas Abbot, of Leeds November 13 A child of James Pearson's January 9 Susan, wife of Timothy Ellis 21 Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Asquith 1695-6 June 27 Samuel, son of Robert Sharpe September 7 A child of James Pearson's January 23 Grace, wife of James Pearson February 6 Mrs. Holdsworth, widow, of Batley 26 Noah, a child of Pastor Elston's ' 1696-7 October 27 A daughter of James Pearson January 26 A young child of Robt. Sharpe's 1697 April 15 Hannah Tomlinson, a sister of Joseph Tomlinson, of Dunningley May — Jacob, a child of Jacob Muffitt's September 3 A child of Joshua Asquith, or Sparlin October 9 Ellen Barrass, widow 1699 April 17 Our Honoured Elder, Mr. John Pickering* (who built the burying place) April 22 Mrs. Isabell Sagar . July 7 Mary, daughter of John Reyner, Heckmondwike 22 Esther, ye wife of John Dawson, of Hague Moor 1700-1 July 13 Gershon, a child of Gershon Holdsworth February 12 John Reyner, of Heckmondwike March 22 Old Ralph Foss, his wife 1701 April 7 A child of John Rights, of Tingley 12 Jabez Holdsworth, son of Mr. Josiah Holdsworth July 1 Mr. Robert Gledhill + 1703 21 Mary, an infant daughter of Gershon Holdsworth 1704-5 August 8 Elizabeth Haley, daughter of John Haley 1704-5 November 30 Ellen Wright, daughter of John Wright, Tingley January 31 Old Mary Tomlinson, of Dunningley 1705 December 8 Old John Rhodes, of Chidswell 1706 April 2 John Sharp, son of Robert Sharp, of Tingley 13 * " Mr. John Pickering of Tingley, bur. in his bnrjing place April 22, 1699, aged 74." — Noncon. Reg., p. 95. t " Mr. Robert Gledhill of Woodkirk bar. at the burying place near Tingley, July 21, 1703."— Noncon. Keg., (Tumor) p. 233. 22 TBI TOPCLIFFE REGISTKK. Mr. John Lister,* of Tingley 1707 April 15 <>M Ralph Foss December 1G John Foss 1708 June 8 M. rcy, daughter of G. Holdsworth 1709 January 1G Mr. Joseph Sykes, of Leeds June 12 Mr. Joshua Sagar, of Wakefield! 1710 March 81 Mr. Thos. Elston, * Pastor at Topcliffe for about 84 years, re- moved thence to Chesterfield, the 8th of July, 1709, at the desire, in answer to the invitation and call of the Congregational church there, and dyed, the 81st March, 1710, buryed at Chesterfield the 8rd of April, in the 59th year of his age. Mrs. Sarah Gledhill/ 1711-2 May 7 Mi s, Sarah Sagar, daughter of Mr. Sagar of Wakefield 81 Kli/iihetli, wife of Abraham Whitaker of Topcliffe August 2G Martha Burnill of Wakefield January 18 Benjamin Holdsworth of Old Hall 81 Jane Foss, of Topcliff 1718 September 19 Joseph Dawson of Topcliff 1720-1 June 27 Abraham Whitaker.//' of Topcliffe, he was great grandfather to Samuel, John, and Joseph Wetherill, of Millshaw January 2G Liddia Dawson of Middleton 1722 May 8 John Hawksworth, son of Richard Ha wkes worth 12 • "Mr. John Lister and Mrs. Bathshua Pickering, married Nov. 15, 1682." — Soncon. Reg., p. 45. "J. Lister: Minister at Tingley or Topcliffe, died April 11, 1707, of a very short sicklies-; and was hnried there. N.R. He was ordained at Alverthorpe, Sop. 4, 1682, by O. Heywood and others. Ho was minister at Elland in Sep., 1661. There were in the congregation at Tingley 60 persons who had votes for the County members." — Heywood's Dim it*, (Turner) vol. 4, p. 309. f " Mr. Joshna Sagar, Minr. at New Chapel, at Wakefield, died Mar. 28, buried at a burying place near Woodkirk, March Bl, ageel abt 44. A worthy usefull man, a very great loss." — Soncon. Keg., (Turner) p. 251. J " T. Elston : Minister at Chesterfield, was seized in the pulpit in prayer on the fast day, March 15. 1710, with a disorder in his head, died March 81, buried April 3. A serious good man. He had been pastor to a small congregation at Topcliffe, and had but lately removed from them. N.R. He was an Independent. He was at Topcliffe in 1691 ; see lis=t in Hunter's Life of O.H. His funeral sermon was proached by Rev. Thos. Whitaker, of Leeds, who had been hi-i fellow student, and survived him only a few months."— Heywood's Diarie*, (Turner) vol. 4, p. 306. / " Mrs. S. Gledhill of Elland bur. at Tingley Yate, May 7."— Soncon. Reg. p. '!'>'>. Jf" Abraham Whitaker, of Tingley, Woodkirk parish and Elizabeth Walker, of Birstall parish, publsht, marryed May 1, 1674." — Nonconformist lieahtcr, (Turner) p. 41. " 1677. Dec. 6. Abraham S. Abraham Whitaker, of Tingley, bap. at Morley. — Idii>, p- 30. " Abraham Whitaker, of Topcliffe, born Jan. 26, 1721."— Ibid, p. 282. OF BURIALS. 23 James Pearson of Bagill Alice Esope Mr. John Riley, who was Pastor about 14 years Abigail, daughter of Richd. Hawkes worth Martha Muffit Mrs. Grace Pearson Mrs. Bathshua Lister, nr. Leeds Grace Beamon Gershon Holds worth of Alverthorpe Robert Austerberry, of the Lump, near Tingley 1727 February 22 March 12 August 21 1729 August 20 September 3 October 4 1732 February 24 1734 February 17 1735 July 5 1739 August 30 The Burial Ground at Tingley was closed in 1840. iKorleg ©15 C!jap*l attir its fUgtster. [E ancient Church, or place where our forefathers wor- shipped for centuries, must of necessity have an historical value beyond that of any other relic of antiquity which a town or village may possess, and we are prepared to state that there are circumstances about the ecclesias- tical history of Morley, and more particularly of its ancient Church of St Mary's, which, we believe, do not appertain to any other district in England. If we could fathom all the details of its career, we should find that around it has centred the main history of the village, and associated with it are incidents interesting to the student and the antiquary. To what secular as well as religious uses St. Mary's may have been put during the past ages it is now difficult to determine, but as Churches were often used during civil strife, as a depository for arms and a refuge during pressing dangers, it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that when the Scots wintered at Morley, and during the Civil )War. and at many other times the walls of St. Mary's may have been a shelter and protection for other than the Christians of those times. Certain it is that the Chapel has been used as a school-house and a tithe-barn, and a place for the discussion and settlement of parish affairs. We do not claim to be able to settle the point as to when a place for public worship was first planted upon the site of St. Mary's, but it is more than likely that after the first rude and primitive cross was planted as a rallying point for the faithful, a Saxon Church was in all probability built, perhaps wattled, staked and thatched, or of wood. In Anglo-Saxon times the Church on this site, by whatever name DOMESDAY BOOK. 25 it was called, served as the Parish Church for the whole district. Scatcherd says that there was a Church here during the Saxon Heptarchy, but so far as building materials are concerned, there are no traces to be found to justify this theory. We are inclined, however, to think that the surmise is a correct one, and for the reason that, after the conversion of Edwin to Christianity, and the destruction of the images by Coifa, in the kingdom of Northumbria, the people fol- lowed the example of their ruler, and after incessant wars with the neighbouring kingdoms, we find Christian people copying the example of Wilfred, Bishop of York, who built several Churches in his diocese before the end of the eighth century. Leaving the speculative, we can affirm with certainty that a place of worship occupied the site of St. Mary's as early as the eleventh Morley Old Chapel, a.d. 1830. century, for Domesday Book records the fact ; but independent of this testimony, we have in the garden of Osborne House portions of two Norman arches, and the keystone of one of them. The Norman decorations on these stones are similar to those which are to be found at Hartshead and Adel Churches. The stones were found embedded in t!io foundations of the Old Chapel when it was pulled down in 1875, to make way for the present handsome building. On a piece of one of these arches there is the chevron work, which has its counter- part in some ancient buildings in Canterbury, which are said to have been built in the year 1110. On the arch is the Norman tooth work, identical with the newer portions of the buildings to which we have just referred. The chevron work was generally done by the axe, and 20 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. the toothwork by the chisel. These are unerring evidences of a Norman Church having existed at Morley soon after the Conquest. Other stones are in company with those to which we have just referred, which also possess historical interest, and to which we shall refer subsequently. " When Edward II. found himself in the possession of plenary power, he resolved to wipe out the disgrace of Bannockburn and win back Scotland to his crown. He addressed a letter to the Pope, stating that he was engaged in preparing to invade Scotland, but the Scots, anticipating the coming war, entered England and penetrated to Lancashire, but subsequently returned laden with booty. Meanwhile EdwaM was marching towards Scotland, but he was seriously menaced in the rear by the Scots who remained in England." Referring to the latter, Dr. Whitaker says: "In the year 1822 a large division of the Scottish army, which spread devastation and havoc wherever it went, wintered at Morley, and threw the inhabitants of Leeds into such a panic that they buried their treasures, some of which being the coins of that period were found in the early part of the last century." In the records of Nostel Priory it is stated in the defence of Henry H. Abberford, one of the Priors, that Morley had to support an army of Scots for fifteen days, some years before the re- bellion of Lancaster. We can readily believe that at this time Morley was a place of some consequence, and no doubt the Church would figure prominently in the scenes of those stirring times. Before they left the town there is reason to believe that they destroyed the principal buildings, including the Church, which they are understood to have burnt down. This is very likely, as on the stones to which we have already referred, there are marks which clearly show that they have been subjected to intense heat. The Church so burnt down was not, however, the Norman Church which was in existence when the Domes- day Book was compiled. Soon after the Conquest the Church of St. Mary's was made a dependent Chapel to Batley, by Robert de Lacy, and this must have been previous to the year 1120, for in that year Lacy founded the Priory of Nostel, to which he gave the Church at Batley, and in all probability, the Church of St. Mary's at Morley along with it. There is some evidence that the Church was not in existence when Henry III. ascended the throne in 1216 ; but be that as it may, we do not believe that for any great length of time the site was unoccupied by a place for worship. The nave of the " Old Chapel," as nearly as can be ascertained, was erected about the year 1560, and was used, doubtless, for the tithe-barn of the lord of the manor. When the tithes came to be compounded for, it became useless for this purpose, and was converted into a place of worship about the time of James I. or Charles I. The nave was enlarged about the year 1710, by the addition of two side aisles. When the nave was altered from the tithe-barn into a "chapel," we believe that the chancel was converted into a school, if not a dwel- /^yJ&?A //c<*r*<&* «— Ac: Qrowfket dm? f%&& Autographs of Trustees of St. Mary's, a.d. 1721. 28 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. ling, and was an integral structure down to the era of the Revolution, in 1088. At any rate it was the village school in 1GG8, the master being the celebrated Republican officer, Captain Thomas Oates, or one of his sons, Ralph or Samuel, the former of whom had taken his degree of M.A. in one of the Universities. Scatcherd says that "it is most likely that it was the vestry as well as the village school after the Restoration, but I am convinced it was not laid open to the chapel till after the Revolution in 1688." In 1825, on removing the white- wash from the walls of the nave, an interesting discovery of ancient scrolls was 'made, bearing inscriptions which were very suggestive. These writings were, in all probability, copies of others which had been on the walls of the nave previous to its enlargement, and which were put up soon after the time of the Commonwealth. At that time it was common to affix upon walls passages from Scripture calculated to keep up a feeling of loyalty. Scatcherd gives it as his -opinion that the inscriptions in the Old Chapel were levelled at Major Great- head, Captain Oates, and all those who had been privy to the Farnley Wood Plot, in 1668, and also as a rebuke to the Republicans through- out the land. This is probable, as in close proximity to the following inscription, " My Son, fear thou the Lord and the King, and meddle not with them that are given to change," was the Royal coat of arms, with the letters " C.R." on each side of the crown, and also above the lion's head, and the date 1664 underneath the whole. This ancient and spirited symbol of royalty is still preserved to us. Outside the Chapel was an ancient clock and bell turret, the ponderous and anti- quated mecnanism of the former proving it to be of an early date. The bell on which the hour was struck is dated 1694, and the motto, " Soli Deo Gloria ," shows that it was intended for the service of the sanctuary, though tradition says that it was the' dinner bell at Howley Hall. We shall now say something respecting the people and the times more immediately connected with the change from the Romish service tg the Puritan form of worship. The exact date when this took place we cannot determine, but the first minister of whom we have any record was the Rev. Samuel Wales, a Presbyterian, who occupied the pulpit in 1627. During his ministry the congregation increased rapidly, and the influence of its pastor and chief members obtained such coun- tenance that Thomas Viscount Savile, Earl of Sussex, who was then living at Howley Hall, gave a lease of the Chapel and premises to the following trustees of the Presbyterian denomination :—" Edward Birtbie, of Scholecroft ; Thomas Oates, John Rayner, John Ellis, William Ward, John Crowther, Thomas Greathead, of Morley ; John Smith, Wm. Bancke, Jos. Greathead, of Gildersome ; Robert Paulden, and William Burnhill, of Churwell, in the county of York." A copy of this interesting document may be seen in " Smith's Rambles about Morley." Several of the trustees above-named were famous in their day and generation, and left themselves a name and a place in the THE MANOR HOUSE. 29 page of history. They lived in eventful times, and were no idle spec- tators of the circumstances by which they were surrounded. They gained for the village of Morley a notoriety which has outlived their own days. In the year 1663, immediately after the ejectment or passing of the Act of Uniformity, there arose a disaffection amongst the people of the West Riding, which culminated in the " Farnley Wood Plot." The Morley and neighbouring Nonconformists, and some of their pastors even, were privy to this rising, and several of them were present on the occasion. Many will remember that the object of this plot was to reinstate the ejected pastors, to restore the rebel Parliament, and to remit the taxes. Government was made aware of the movement by some who were in the secret, and steps were taken to entrap and secure the offenders. The actual date when the meeting took place in Farnley Wood seems to be a disputed point, as Miaia in his " Congregationalism in Yorkshire," gives the 10th of *«"*&*£:;' -- Manor House, Morley. October, while Scatcherd states that it took place a little before mid- night on the 12th of that month. In the " Calendar of Domestic Papers," we find a letter, sent on the 13th October, 1663, from Edward Copley, to Sir Geo. Saville, to this effect : — 1663, Oct. 13. Fear surprise, as many passed through Leeds on horseback last night, and 40 more from Holbeck, Huns'et, &c. 300 are in Farnley Wood, three miles from Leeds. They intend to take Skipton Castle. Captain Oates, of Morley, is thought to bo with them. They are very numerous Scatcherd erroneously speaks of some thirty persons as forming the band of conspirators, whilst Miall also says that " the number as- sembled amounted in all to about twenty persons." In face of the above letter, these writers can only refer to the leaders of the plot, of whom twenty-one were executed, whilst the bulk of those who were present made their escape. We cannot stay to give a detailed history 80 MOBLEY OLD CHAPEL. of the origin, progress, and failure of this rising, but we will refer to the Morley conspirators who took part in that memorable plot. Captain Thomas Otes, or Oates, one of the Old Chapel trustees, and the leader of the insurrection, is thus described by Scatcherd : "Captain Oates, being an old Republican officer, had, doubtless, distinguished himself on the same fields with Major Greathead, Captains Hodgson and Pickering, and many others who lived in this vicinity. At the call of his country he first took up arms, and probably laid them down when the army under Lambert was disbanded. At any rate, after the Restora- tion he was the village schoolmaster, and he taught his scholars in the chancel end of the Chapel of ' St. Mary-in-the-Wood.' From aged people I have learned that upon his boys giving warning of the approach of military, he fled, and was seen no more at Morley ; which is not improbable, as the Chapel-yard commands a distant view of the road from Leeds, and as, it is certain, he was taken and executed." Captain Oates, lived in the Manor House, Morley, a substantial dwel- ling-house, memorable since the Captain's days as the birthplace of one of Yorkshire's merchant princes, the late Sir Titus Salt, Bart. The house still remains, and is occupied by Dr. Steele. The Captain was aided in the plot by Ralph Oates, a clergyman, his son, who assisted his father in the school, but of whom it is said that he was a man of no reputation. He was taken prisoner, when he turned king's evidence, and declared the existence of a widely-spread conspiracy. The captain was tried at York, and afterwards executed. John Ellis, another of the trustees connected with the Old Chapel, some of whose descendants are still living, also had been a soldier and trumpeter in the army of the Parliament. Having acquired some property he lived upon it, at or near where Tingley Hall now stands. This property was seized by the Crown, and Ellis was hanged, drawn, and quartered. Amongst the other conspirators connected with this plot were the following, who were members of the congregation worshipping at the Old Chapel. John Fozzard, who had been a cavalry soldier under Fairfax, and was at the time of the plot " the servant of Abraham Dawson, who lent him a horse." Fozzard was a faithful servant, for he was induced to join the conspirators at the instigation of his master, and to his honour it is recorded that " he might have saved his own life by the sacrifice of his master's, but he disdained the thought," and in gratitude for his constancy, his widow and children were almost wholly supported by the Dawsons, who then lived at the Hall in Morley. Joseph Crowther, commonly called " Corporal Crowther," from his holding that position in the Parliamentary army, occupied a house on Banks' Hill, Morley, to which the agitators often resorted. The house is still standing, and is a fair specimen of the architecture of the seventeenth century. Crowther does not appear to have been executed, and the probability is that he fled his country or turned King's evidence. Several others of the Morley conspirators escaped with their lives, amongst them being Atkinson and Dickenson, the a - i silt ; Mm m 82 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. latter after lying long concealed with the former in coal pits, near Gildersome, went one night late to his own house, and, rapping at a window, asked for some shoes and stockings, which having received, he and his partner in crime travelled to London, and subsequently made their escape to Holland. Joshua Asquith, alia* Cardmaker, aliaM Sparling, descendants of whom are still living, also escaped with his life by turning informer, for we find that a letter was sent by Sir Thomas Wentworth to the Duke of Buckingham to the following effect : — Mr. Boulton's evidence of a rising is confirmed by Askwith and William Tolson (another of the Morley conspirators), who were asked to get horses and join a meeting at Morley. After the mee'ing at Farnley 100 horses marched forward to Bradford Moor, and the rest dispersed ; they only waiting the disarming of the other side to act their part. Oct. 16, 1663. An interesting notice of the part Asquith took in this plot is to be found in the "Depositions at York," published by the Surtees Society. It is to this effect : — Oct. 28th, 1663.— William Hage (Haigh), of Woodchurch, husbandman, said that on Monday the 12th October last, he mett William Askwith, alia* Sparlinge, abonte 8 of the clocke at night, nere Howley Parke, to soarch for two horses of Sir Richard Tankard's, and that they did intend to have rise with Captain Thos. Oates. About two days after this the informant apprehended him upon the late plott, and he told this informant that on the night after they parted he went to Morley to Oates, his house, that Oates was gone to Farnley Wood, and beinge too late to goe, he returned homo againe. And one, Samuel Ellis did confesse to this informant t':at he went to Morley to be a trumpitcr to a troope of horse under Captain Oates, and had the Lord Castleton's trumpctt with him. John Aveyard, saith, that he apprehended John Fawcet, for the late plott, and he did confesse, that he was in armes in Farneloy Wood with Captain Oates and others, to the number of 25 persons or thereabouts. Sparling (Askwith) was a prisoner in York Castle for a long time, but escaped the gallows. Returning to the Old Chapel trust deed, we find another name which we must not omit, viz., that of Major Greathead, who fought bravely against the Royalists at the battle of Adwalton Moor. The Major was born about 1G15, and lost his father when little more than seven years of age. A brother of his, named "Peter, was a man of some consequence, being an eminent woollen manufacturer in Morley. In early life the Major married Susan, daughter of Mr. Ralph Crowther, of Gildersome, a man of some fortune, by which lady he had four sons and three daughters. At the commencement of the Civil War the Major was possessed of but a small estate, though enjoying a high character for patriotism and honour. About six months after the engagement at Adwalton he was, in January, 1044, when between twenty-eight and twenty-nine years of age, appointed Major of a regiment of foot, commanded by Colonel Richard Thornton. Subse- quently, and in particular after the death of his Colonel, who is supposed to have fallen at Marston Moor, or before Pontefract Castle, he was still further advanced in the service, and we find him ulti- mately chosen by the Republicans to be General in the West Riding. 'A&frt^ ±sW*jJ5z$y p^^^^_~) ^o-A^J^emJi hperffi-- Autographs of Trustees of St. Mary's, a.i>. 1763. 84 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. The Major subsequently lost his fair fame, and his laurels became tarnished, not only by his submission to the Government of Charles, but by his acceptance of a mercenary office under it. When the Act of Uniformity became law, the then minister of the Old Chapel con- formed, and by this act the Established Church then obtained pos- session of the Chapel, but the Presbyterian trustees still kept possession of the lease of the property. The fact of the possession of the Chapel is proved by the "Royal Arms " being set up in the nave, in 1064, and also by the service book used about that time and still preserved, which contains the liturgy of the Church of England. In this service-book are "prayers for James, for Mary Catherine, the Queen Dowager ; Mary, Princess of Orange ; and the Princess Ann of Den- mark," and at the beginning in an old-fashioned hand, we find the entry, " Morley Town's Book Common Prayer." This book was not used after 1688, for in the prayers no substitution of the name of King William for that of James occurs. The Chapel was restored to the Nonconformists somewhere between 1698 and 1698, for we know that in 1686 the Dissenters built the present parsonage, and three years afterwards obtained a license to perform religious worship therein, which they would not have done had they regained at that time possession of the Chapel. This certificate of license appears to have been obtained after the passing and by virtue of the Toleration Act, and is to the following effect : — At the general quarter sessions of the peace of onr Lord and Lady the King and Queen, held at Leeds, adjournment from another place in the West Riding, the 13th day of July, in the first year in the reign of our said Lord and Lady William and Mary, now King and Queen of England, hefore Sir John Kay, Baronet ; Marmadukc Wentworth and William Lowther, Knights; Wm. Norton, John Townley, and Robert Ferrand, Esquires, and other justices; these are to certify that the house built by the inhabitants of Morley, within the said West Riding, was recorded at the sessions above-siid, for a meeting-place for a congre- gation or assembly for religious worship according to the form of the statute in that case made and provided. The above license was accepted on behalf of the congregation at Morley by two of the members. In 1875 the Church of St. Mary's-in-the-W T ood was razed to the ground, and a handsome new edifice erected on the site. Previous to this the Chapel had undergone "restoration" in 1865, but it was subsequently found that the roof and other parts of the structure were unsafe, and it was ultimately decided to remove it altogether, much to the regret of many of the inhabitants. The Registers of the Old Chapel commence in 1756, so far as the separate entries of Baptisms and Burials are concerned, as distinct from the joint entries in the Topcliffe Register. We trust that the perusal of these Registers may afford gratification to our readers, especially to those who are natives of our newly incorporated Borough, and whose ancestors have dwelt there during many generations. We are aware that there is a prejudice against the study of genealogy, PARISH REGISTERS. 35 happily however, decreasing day by day, and it is spoken of as simply a harmless pastime, without any real bearing upon any matter of importance : but we hold a more exalted idea of the value of this study, believing that a correct and exact knowledge of family history is the first step to the true knowledge of the history of a country. And the same is true in a lesser degree of the history of a town or village, and though the old families of such a small village as Morley was, two centuries ago, may not all have become famous in the history of England, yet, many of them, as we shall see bye and bye, did good work in their day and generation, and took their share, may be, a modest one, but not an unimportant one — in forming the character and habits and reputation of the Morley of the past. We look upon it, therefore, as a matter of much interest to pry into this old Register, Morley -Old Chapel, 1870. and to notice what families now amongst us had representatives settled here two hundred years ago. When we come to mention the names of these families, it must not be taken for granted that in every instance the modern holders of the name are descendants from their namesakes of the seventeenth century, but it may safely be said that it is the case in most of the examples. We shall also have occasion to make refer- ence to the residence here of other families who have now altogether disappeared, families too of some consequence in their day. Parish Registers were established for the identification of individuals and to avoid confusion. They were ordained by mandate of Thomas Cromwell, the Vicar General, to be kept in every Parish, and the order M MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. was pretty generally obeyed. They were to specify the dates of baptisms, marriages and burials. " This information may appear to be of a most scanty nature and so it was, and yet, the Parish Registers of England constitute the substratum of the social and domestic history of every Parish, because they record the names of all those persons who have played a part, be it humble or distinguished, in the annals of the district in which they lived, or possibly became famous in a world-wide sense, for learning, piety, enterprise or valour ; besides they are oft- times the only proofs of a man's existence." When Vicar Cromwell, in 1588, ordered the keeping of Registers, ho stipulated that the entries were to be made weekly by the Clergy- man, in tho presence of the Churchwardens, and a fine of 8s. 4d. was imposed for neglect, the fines to be employed in the repairs of the Church. In 1547, a second order was issued, similar to the first, except that the penalty was directed to "be paid to the poore men's box of each parish." What has become of the Register of St. Mary's for the first one hundred years after these orders were issued, it is impossible for us to determine, but it is greatly to be regretted that it is not to be found. It is also to be deplored that the original Register (of which the present volume is only a copy) was not kept, for, after a careful examination of the copy, we have come to the conclusion that the work of transcribing has been very slovenly done. From evidence taken from the book itself, we find that the copy of the Register-i)ook would be made between the years 1884 and 1840. The entries in original Register commence in 1668 and would continue to the date of transcription, with some slight intervals to be accounted for. The copying has been done by several different writers, and in some instances without any regard to order or regularity, and we are afraid without much regard to veracity. In many Parishes the Register served as a kind of note-book for the Minister, and in addition to the ordinary prosaic chronicles of the living and the dead, it often contained memoranda of local interest, brief and pithy notes on passing events, and the ever-varying circumstances of parochial life, recalling past scenes and incidents with a vividness that required only the warm heart to give the actual throb of life. In the Register of St. Mary's, however, little beyond the short tale of baptism and burial is told. In one or two instances, mention is made when a death has been caused by accident or violence, or some poor homeless wanderer has met his or her death while passing through the village. In 1759, it is recorded that " A traveling Man Unknown where he came from Died at Matthew Ellis house at Morley, Died, Nov. 22nd, 1759." Another entry reads as follows : " Joseph Buckley, of Morley, died August 13th, 17G8, he was slain by a cart near Ardsley." In 1708, we are told that a A poor travelling woman died at John Gammells, of Churwell, Nov. 10, her name unknown." In a few instances, in list of baptisms, the exact time of the birth is recorded, probably to give facility to the Astrologer who might afterwards wish to " cast the PARISH REGISTERS. 87 nativity," or tell the fortune of the child. In 1679, we are told that " Elisha, son of Mr. Joseph Sykes, born 4th March, about two in the morning, and baptised loth of the same month." This Mr. Joseph Sykes had doubtless satisfactory reasons for being so particular as to the moment of birth, for we find that on one page of the Register, and from the year 1675 to 1693, he had no less than twelve children baptised, to each of which entry is added the time of birth. The principal families in Morley at the present day, whose names occur in the Register for more than two centuries, are the Scatcherd's, Rayner's, Brook's, Bradley's, Tetley's, Sykes's, Marshall's, Jackson's, Asquith's, Brooksbank's, Rhodes's, Baxter's, Dawson's, Clark's, Pickles's, and some few others. By far the greater number of names which appear from 1656 to 1700 have disappeared, and are unrepre- sented at the present time. We may name a few chosen at random : Linley, Smallwood, Pickering, Riddlesden, Angrom, Wadsworth, Thornton, Holdsworth, Cloudesley, Heald, Balme, Gargrave, Arundel, Storey, Barras, and many others. From these lists we learn how some family names endure in the same place for centuries, whilst others become extinct or worn out in a much shorter period. The names of Rayner, Webster, and Asquith have been connected with Morley from time immemorial we may almost venture to say. Mr. Scatcherd says that " the name of the first person whom I can discover living at Morley is Richard Webster, married in 1575 to Johan Watson." In 1600, was born in Morley, Mr. Edward Reyner, who became an University M.A., and a most distinguished preacher and author. About 1640, he was settled at Lincoln, but was invited to Leeds by the magistrates and principal inhabitants, who pressed him with the consideration of its being his native county which needed his help. This exemplary and worthy member of a family, which is -well represented in Morley at the present day, was the author of several good books on " Christian Practice," " Marriage," " A Vindication of Human Learning," " The Being and Well-being of a Christian," and a little book, which is in our possession, dated 1656, and is said to be printed by R. I. for Thomas Ne ub et ijf , and are to be sold at his shop at the Three Lions, near the Exchange, London. The title is "Rules for the Government of the Tongue," and from a perusal of its interesting pages, we feel sure that a reprint of the work might serve a useful purpose at the present day if it was read. The first entry of the name of Reyner is in 1657, three years after the Register commences, and strange to say the name is spelt with the <( as at the present day, though the Edward Reyner of whom we have been speaking, spelt his name " Reyner." For a century the a remained in the name, until in 1758 it changes back to e, and also to a variety of spellings such as lienor, Reynor, Reynar, Reiner, and one or two others. We shall now proceed to notice the Christian Names which appear in the early entries of St. Mary's Register, but before doing so, we will 88 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. refer to the names in vogue for some considerable period before the Register commences. " The earliest class of names are the British, but none of these can be found in Morley at the present time. Gwendolin, Malvina, Mona, Sabrina, and Una, were amongst the number. The second class were known as Roman -British ; when the Romans con- quered England, it became customary for every man and woman to have a British and Latin name, the one having the same meaning as the other. Thus Agnes became Nest in British, Claudia became Gladys, Helena became Ham, and Julia became Guala. Then came the Saxon period to which belong such names as Alice, Bertha, Edith, Kimna, and Winifred. When William the Conqueror took possession of England there were no Scripture names in use, but with him he brought Bible names, Saints names and his own Teutonic names. About the year 1300, in every Community of one hundred English- men, there was an average of twenty Johns and fifteen Williams, then followed Thomas, Bartholomew, Philip, Simon, Isaac and Peter, from the Scriptures ; and Richard, Robert, Walter, Henry, and some few others from the Teutonic list. Of female names, Matilda, Isabella, and Emma, were first favourites. Now, it is a somewhat singular, and to us an almost incomprehensible fact, that at the time of which we are writing there were no surnames, and the personality of John or William it was not easy to fix. It was in the fourteenth century that the surname was adopted, and at first there were .such names as John the Wheelwright, John the Bigg, John the Carter, and Richard the Gardener. In the early part of the fourteenth century, nearly one- third of the male population living in England were known either by the name of William or John. Then arose what is known as the nick form and pet-name epoch ; that was the curtailment of the name, say from Emma to Emm, or the addition to Emma, making it Emmott. This will be better understood if we give one familiar illustration. Where a number of boys went to school and each of them were named Bartholomew, they would be known as Bat, Bate, Batty, Bartle, Bartelot, Batkin, Tolly, and Tholy. This was done to fix the identity of the boys, and these several forms of Bartholomew were treated as so many proper names." * Passing on to the Eve of the Reformation, in relation to the- Bible, there were then in existence fbur classes of names, namely : — Mystery names, taken from the characters in the sacred plays given under the supervision of the Church. An interesting account of these "mysteries" as performed at York and Woodchurch will be found in the pages of OU Yorkshire. \ To these plays we can attribute the popularity of such names as Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and others. The second class of names came from the Crusaders, who gave us Baptist, Ellis or Elias, Jordan, and John, which became very popular. • Bardslet'b KnylUh Surnames. t Vol. V., p. 136. PURITANICAL NAMES. 39 < The third class of names came from the Saints' Calendar, and James, Nicholas, Thomas, with all the Apostles save Judas, became household names. The fourth and remaining class of names came from the festivals of the Church ; as when a child was born at Easter, or Christmas, or Whitsuntide, it received the name of the day, viz : — Easter, Nowel, or Pentecost. These classes of names were in the full tide of prosperity when the Bible printed into English, and set up in our Churches, became an institution. Of this period Bakdsley, a learned authority, says, " what is known as the 'Vulgar Tongue' Bible revolutionized our nomenclature within the space of forty years. No such crisis surely ever visited a nation's register before, nor can such possibly happen again. Every home felt its effect. The Puritans at once rejected all names, Pagan or Popish, under the first head, class- ing all names that could not be found in the Scriptures ; and under the second head all names that had been employed by the Church as a foundation for their system." And now, passing on to the time when the Registers of St. Mary's commence, we see the influence of the stern Puritanism of the times in the Christian names which are found in the first ten or twenty pages of the book. In these pages there are about 150 entries and the names run as follows : — Bathshua, eight times ; Lydia, six times ; Elyezer, five times ; Jacob, five times ; Mehelabal, four times ; and of those which appear twice or more are Abigail, Dorcas, Deborah, Mercy, Tamar, Defience, Ruth, Naomi, Rachel, Bethiah, Hannah, Rebekah, Sarah, in the female list ; and Ichabod, Japheth, Ephraim, Moses, Benjamin, Jacob, David, Joshua, Samuel, Isaac, Jeremiah, Josiah, Caleb, Timothy, Abraham, Barriah, Jabesh, Stephen, Noah, and Gamaliel. This, to our mind, is a most interesting feature of the Registers, as showing the character of the people who dwelt in this place at that period in our history. In its religious aspect, how much we may learn of the stubborn independence and deep-seated convictions of the inhabitants ! A most interesting account of the introduction of Bible names into Yorkshire is given by Mr. Bardsley, and our readers will, we feel sure, pardon us if we reproduce it. " In Yorkshire, Puritanism made early stand, though its effects on the names of the people were not immediately visible. It was like the fire that smoulders among the underwood before it catches flame, it spreads the more rapidly afterwards. The Genevan Bible crept into the dales and farmsteads, and their own primitive life seemed but to be reflected in its pages. The Patriarchs lived as graziers, so did they. There was a good deal about sheep and kine in its chapters, and their own lives were spent among the milk-pails and wool shears. The women of the Old Testament baked cakes, and knew what good butter was. So did the dales' folk. By slow degrees Cecilia, Isabella, and Emma lapsed from their pedestal, and the little babes were turned into Sarahs, Rebekahs, and Deborahs. As Nonconformity gained ground, Guy and Miles, and Peter and Philip became forgotten. The 40 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. lads were no sooner ushered into existence than they were transformed into duplicates of Joel and Amos, and Obadiah. The measles still ran through the family, but it was Phineas and Caleb, not Robert and Roger, that underwent the infliction. Chosen leaders of Israel passed through the critical stages of teething. As for the twelve sons of Jacob they could all have answered to their names in the dames' schools, through their little apple-cheeked representatives which lined the rude benches. On the village green every prophet, from Isaiah to Malachi, might be seen of an evening playing leap-frog ; unless, indeed, Zeph- aniah was stealing apples in the Garth. If we look over the pages of the Directories of West Yorkshire and strike out the surnames, we could imagine we were consulting anciently inscribed registers of Joppa or Jericho. It would seem as if Canaan and the West Riding had got inextricably mixed." This description is in every respect applicable to the registers of St. Mary's. Another feature in these registers is the absence of double Christian names, for with two exceptions a double Christian name does not occur until the year 1800. Previous to this date John, Thomas, James, and William ; Mary, Sarah, Ann, and Jane were found to be amply sufficient for all practical purposes. The custom of giving double Christian names came from France, and there, as in England, it was for a long time confined to the Royal and aristocratic circles. It was not until the end of the 18th century that names of this character came into general use amongst the well-to-do people, and in our register the first instance is that of our esteemed historian, the entry reading as follows : " 1779, July 2nd, Norrisson Cavendish, son of Watson Scatcherd, Esq., of Morley was born, and baptised July 25th, by the Rev. M. Fountain his grandfather." The second instance is in 1782, and refers to a member of the same family, namely, " Watson Samuel, son of Watson Scatcherd, Esq., was born and baptised July 8th." It was not until some years later that any member of the lower classes dreamt of aspiring to such a daring innovation. The first entry in the register relating to the adoption of a double Christian name by people in the humbler walks of life is in 1816, and refers to the baptism of " Sarah Ann, daughter of John and Ellen Knightson of Morley." We shall now notice the "surnames attached to the entries of two hundred years ago, or rather refer to some of those names, which are represented at the present time in Morley and we will endeavour to give their derivation, in the hope that we may stimulate some of our readers to prosecute a most interesting and at the same time, in- structive and amusing study, that of the derivation of words, whether they be surnames, place-names, or personal names.* One of the very first surnames in St. Mary's register is that of Barker, a name still common amongst us. This surname was * Most of the derivations here given, are from Bakdsley's English Surnames. DERIVATIONS OF StHlNAMES. 41 originally given to the person who stripped the bark off the trees and prepared it for use, so that the tanner might ply his calling. Bark is derived from an old Danish verb, barka, to cover with a skin, hence the exterior covering of a tree. The word Er signifies an agent, or man, and from the frequency of the surname in ancient times, we may judge how important was the preparation of bark for the tanner's yard. A very common name at the present day, and one which has been represented in Morley for centuries, is that of Senior, and we have some of the family who are, as a byword, called "Swinyerd," to this hour, and yet, it may be news to many to learn that Senior is but a corruption of Swineherd or Swinherd. In the register we find that in 1770 was born, " Samuel, son of Samuel Swinyerd." This some- what prolific family have their origin in the Swineherds of the " good old times." Time was, when the rustic villagers of Morley, as of other places, lived upon bacon, and the care of the swine was a lazy may be, but nevertheless an important occupation. It is to the im- portance this unsavoury-looking animal held in the eyes of early rustics we have to attribute the fact of so many names coming down to us connected with its keep. Another interesting and equally common name is that of Foster, whose ancestors were the foresters of their day, i.e. they had to keep the wilder beasts within their prescribed limits ; to prevent them from injuring the tilled lands, and in general, to guard the common interests of the lords and tenants of their day. Associated with the merry greenwood was the forester, or man of the forest. Forest is a middle English word (13th-15th cent.), derived from the Low Latin foresta, a wood ; forestis, an open space of hunting ground (Mediaeval writers oppose the forestis, open hunting ground, to the pa reus, enclosed park). The origin of the word is in the Latin foris, out of doors, an adverb allied to fores, doors. Forster and Foster are merely abbreviative forms of forester." The surname Clark, is one of long standing in Morley, and originally signified one who ministered by God's appointment. The title is now used to designate certain laymen who assist in the services of the church, and also a man employed in an office ; also an official in various capacities. Before the Reformation and for some time after, clerks were clergymen, or men in holy orders who assisted the offici- ating priest. The word clerk should be pronounced as it is handed down to us in our Morley surname, namely, Clark. Webster, a surname well known amongst us for generations, refers as many of our readers will be aware, to the cloth manufacture, an occupation in Morley, almost as old as its hills. Webb, is an old English word, signifying a cloth, tapestry; a texture of anything woven. The word Er a man, or agent, signified a male weaver, or Webber, which ultimately merged into Webster, though the ster was a feminine suffix, and meant a female weaver. With the Websters 42 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. you would be sure to meet with the Walkers, who derive their sur- name from wealcere, O.E. one who trod upon the cloth to thicken it. The root-word is wtaloetn, to roll, turn, tumble, revolve, turn up and down, hence M to walk." This was tho mode of thickening cloth, before fulling stocks and milling machines were invented. In the Statutes of the Realm, temp. Edward IV. (1401), we find the following statement : — " Hats, caps, and bonnets hitherto have been made, wrought, fulled, and thickened in the wonted manner, that is to say, with hands and feet," but now " the use of mills brings inferior articles into the market." A walk mill was a thickening mill. With regard to the surname Smith, which appears on the first page of the register, and can be met with on most of the pages in the book, the surname is not, by any means confined to the Morley register, but, on the contrary, it pervades every part of the English speaking world. In England, Smith was applied as a suffix to almost every hard material on which the artisan was employed. Hence we have blacksmith, silversmith, goldsmith, and many others. In proportion to the many "smiters" connected with the various trades, there sprung up a corresponding hosts of " Smiths." As a very old writer says : — " From whence comes Smith, all bo he Knight or squire, But from the Smith that forgeth at the fire." The bearers of this good old Saxon name, were, in ancient times, closely connected with the fabrication of instruments of war, as well as those for rural and industrial life. In fact, so useful was the smith as a citizen, that he is said to have been, as it were, the rivet that held society together, and in rural districts like Morley, he was often the sole mechanic of the district, and besides being a toolmaker, a farrier, and agricultural instrument maker, he doctored cattle, drew teeth, practised blood-drawing, and sometimes officiated as parish clerk and general newsmonger, for " the smithy was the very eye and tongue of the village." The name of the occupations of our forefathers and iovem others is given us in Thackray (not the Morley whitesmith of to-day) but the thacker and thackster of centuries ago. Thacker signified one who thatched, or covered buildings and stacks with straw thrashed out, or in the sheaf, having the heads cut off. In those far-off days, nay, within our own recollection, the villager's homestead had but little decorative refinement about it. He was content if he could keep out the cold blast and the driving rain, and have a warm corner by the fireside. His roof was in nine cases out of ten composed of thack or thatch, and every village had its " thatcher." But this useful member of the male population had not the business of thatching all to himself, for we find the word thackster to have been in use, and to perpetrate an Irishism, this thackster was a woman thatcher. Marshall is a surname familiar in St. Mary's Register, and is derived from the French marechal, and signified a horse groom, a DERIVATIONS OF SURNAMES. 48 blacksmith, or farrier. The word was afterwards applied to designate the chief officer at arms, an officer who regulated combats in the lists ; one who regulated rank and order on public occasions ; a harbinger, a pursuivant. He was also a person who ordered the position of guests in the hall. It would be very difficult to assign the exact period when the surname of Brook was first used in Morley, but no doubt some William or John at the brook, would be the ancestor of the present bearers of that common name. In the earlier usages of the name it is entered as John of the brook, John at the brook, John above the brook, Richard below the brook, and Peter behind the brook ; the situation of the home of the owner giving his personality. The surname of Scarth, a very common name in Morley for centuries, is said by Mr. D. Scarth (Morley) to belong to that class of names which are of foreign origin ; was brought to England and the Orkney Islands by our Norse ancestors — the Scandinavian invaders, or Danish Vikings. Like most other names it has experienced many variations in spelling, the result of which is that there are two or three forms of surname extant, viz., Scarth, Scarfe, Scafe, and I am inclined to think Skaife has emanated from the same source. The name is said to come direct from one of those " Skartha," the friend and companion in arms of King Sweyn, of the tenth century. Scarth, or Skarth, according to the old spelling, means a rocky valley. There are several places named Scarth in Iceland ; one hill or valley in Cumberland ; one or two places in Lancashire and Yorkshire, called Scarth-in-Well, Scarth-in-all ; one place in Lincolnshire, not far from Grimsby and Cleethorpes, named Scarths. The nomenclature and geographical positions of these places point with unerring certainty to their Danish origin ; instance the two last, Grimsby with its "by," and Cleethorpes with its "thorp." It may reasonably be inferred, from the position occupied by the men bearing this name, that they would be selected as leaders of those expeditions which used to visit these shores ; and that, having made settlements and built their " bys " or homesteads, they would, in course of time, be called after the name of the owner. I think there is abundant evidence to prove that there is one class of surnames from which place-names have been derived, and another derived from place-names. It is well known to most students of history that the Orkney Islands for a considerable number of years belonged to the Danish Crown, and that they were early seized by the Northmen. Not far from Kirkwall is a place called Bin Scarth ; on this estate are a number of valleys named Howes Scarth, Hind Scarth, Cotter Scarth, Scttis Scarth, &c. In 1544, this estate was owned by Andrew Scartii, Pothman or Magistrate of Orkney, who seems to have inherited it from his conquering ancestor. It appears to have since passed out of the family, but was again repurchased by one of the descendants in 1800. From the above-named Andrew, descended a William Scarth, a Hull shipowner, from whom have 44 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. descended most of the Scarths in the Leeds and Morley district. To a James Scarth, who was born in 1070, and whose remains now rest in the graveyard at Wood Kirk, near Wakefield, I can trace in a direct line most of the Scarths in this neighbourhood. Scattered throughout the register, the name of Mortimer is met with, and Greenwell tells us that legitimately or illegitimately, the blood of old Norman knights run in the veins of the possessors of the designation, although in some cases the appellation may have been assumed. The name appears in Leland's copy of the Roll of Battle Abbey, and there seems to be no reason why the appellation there given should not be accepted as the correct one. Mortimer, i.e. de Mortuo-Mari, or in other words, "of the Dead Sea," but why it was bestowed on the valiant knight, we leave for future research. Ranulph de Mortuo-Mari was one of the followers of the Conqueror, and from him derived a branch which held an important position in Southern Wales for centuries. From it or the elder branch the present race of Mortimers descended. Bailey, from "a bailiff, baillie, bailey, or as we now call him, a steward, acted as his master's deputy. His place was one of honour and trust. The unjust steward in the parable is in Wickliffe's Bible called a baylyf and a baylye." Bail had and has the meaning of security. Bailler was an old French law term, which signified to secure, to keep in custody, hence bailiff and Middle English (13th-15th centuries), one who keeps in ward. Fletcher. The fletcher in ancient days, was one whose business it was to feather the arrows. To fledge is to furnish with feathers. A fledgling is a young bird ready to leave the nest. The last surname we shall allude to, and of which many examples occur in the Morley register, is the name of Oldroyd, Holroyd, Oldrut, etc. D. Scarth, says the word seems to have had its origin as a place- name. Our own district furnishes abundant evidence of this. There are place names of this description almost innumerable. There is scarcely a town, village, or hamlet, that has not a " royd," or " royds," in the shape of a farm, field, or a certain part within its boundaries known by that name. The name exists -in Booth Royd, which speaks of a long-ago occupant ; Monk Royd tells of an owner and a religious order of things long since passed away ; Harper Royd tells of an owner who in all probability would be the village harper ; Miller Royd would, no doubt, be owned by the man who would grind the corn for the village rustics. We might go on enumerating these names almost indefinitely — Gill Royd, Far Royds, Low Royds, Hanging Royd, Bin Royd, Raven Royd, May Royd. The last furnishes memories of a time when the lonely farmstead would be hedged round with hawthorn or may, In remote times, some Saxon Thane, Danish Viking, or landed proprietor may have measured out a part of his estate by the rod for one of his dependents, and it would be known ever after as the Royds. When sons and daughters multiplied and herds and flocks increased, AUTOGRAPHS OF MINISTERS. 45 new homes or settlements would have to be made, hence the old one would become " Oldroyd." The old people in the course of time taking the name of the homestead, would be called " Oldroyds." I have a strong impression that the surname of Rhodes, so numerously represented in the West Biding, comes from the same source, the old way of pronouncing it, if not spelling it, being Roydes. We shall now briefly allude to some noteworthy individuals whose burials are recorded in the Register : — In 17G9, Samuel Clark was buried, and Morley lost a worthy citizen. Samuel, when living, was a drysalter, and accumulated money, and he was of some importance as a town's official in days when incorporation Autographs of*Mii»isters of St. Mary's, 1840-6 was not in the reckoning. He was chief constable in 17G0, and those who remember John Hollings will know what an important personage the constable was in ancient times. They were, indeed, a terror to evil-doers, and the mere mention of his name was sufficient to cower the youth of the village. Samuel was Churchwarden in 1766, though we are at a loss to know in what his official duties consisted, seeing that Morley had no church until 1880. He was also overseer of the poor in 1768, long before the Union House at Staincliffe had an exist- ence, and in" the days when the poor were kept in their own township and looked after by those who best knew their necessities. Samuel had also been surveyor of the highways, and to give our readers some idea of what the duties were of a town's official, we have a rate-book 40 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. for 1794, thirty years after the time when Samuel Clark was surveyor, and we leani from this insignificant little book that there were only 100 ratepayers, and the rate at sixpence in the pound realised £80 15s. 3d. ; the rateable value being £1,888, as against £58,000 in 1888. Clark was a man whose opinion had weight with his neighbours ; he was given to hospitality, and no doubt left this world amid the regrets and lamentations of his many friends. Among the entries for 1778 in the Register we find the " burial " of the Rev. Timothy Aldred, a minister who was universally respected. He was an accomplished Latin scholar and an erudite Biblical critic. He was Pastor at the Old Chapel for 54 years, and during all that time was only once absent from his pulpit. It is said that in 1715 his hearers amounted to 450, a number which puts to shame the attend- ance in 1888, especially when we consider the increase in population. During his ministry the chapel was underdrawn and otherwise " restored," and we can well understand how the hard headed Puritans who lived in Morley nearly two centuries ago would flock to listen to this worthy divine, of whom it is said that he "approved himself in polemical debate to be no less a polished gentleman than an elegant scholar and profound theologian." During Mr. Aldred's ministry, Joseph Haigh was appointed clerk, and following the example set him by his superior in office, he kept to his post for half-a-century, though we have no record to show that he attended to his duties with the same regularity as his pastor. His burial took place, as the Register testifies, in 1770. In the time of Mr. Haigh, and until the year 1847, the ministers at St. Mary's retained the services of a clerk who occupied a seat below the pulpit, and who acted as precentor and gave out public and other notices. Besides giving out the psalms and hymns, the clerk made public many secular matters in which the congregation were expected to take an interest. It was no unusual thing to hear the clerk drawl out a notice as follows in his sing-song style : " I am desired to give notice that a rate of one shilling in the pound for the township of Morley has been allowed by Thomas Blank and John Blank, two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of York, one whereof is of the quorum." In a similar way sales by auction, acts of trespass, and town's meetings were duly made known. In 1781, we find the following entry in the Register of Burials : — Feby. 14th. Lady Loughborough, daughter of John Dawson, Esq., aged 80. This lady, whose maiden name was Betty Anne Dawson, became the wife of Alexander Wedderburn, who was born in 1733 ; was Solicitor-General, in 1771 ; Attorney- General, 1778 ; Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1781 ; created Baron Loughborough, 14th June, 1780. The tombstone of Lady Loughborough is on the South side of the Chapel, but the inscription upon it is illegible, and it is desirable that steps should be taken to have the letters re-cut, so that this memorial of a member of a family to whom Morley was greatly indebted should not perish altogether. ST. MARY S CHOIR. 47 The Kev. Thomas Morgan, whose death occurred in the last year of the last century, must not be passed over without our paying a tribute to his many excellent qualities. He was a native of Wales, and was known as the " Welsh Cicero." His abilities and virtues have been summed up as follows: — "He was well-informed, serious and diligent ; his matter was sound and appropriate, his language clear and well- selected, his demeanour dignified and reverend, his figure majestic and venerable, his countenance most expressive ; and it is said further, that he addressed his congregation in the earnestness of faith, with the language of a scholar, with the learning of a deep divine, and the manners of a courteous and accomplished gentleman." This character given of Mr. Morgan by one who knew him in the flesh, leaves nothing for us to add. Choir at St. Mary's, a.d. 1786. ["(''The last of the notabilities, whose names are in the Register, that we shall notice is Ben Foster, who was the sexton and chapel-keeper, and the son of one who held office as " dog-whipper " at St. Mary's — a term applied to one whose office was to keep the chapel clear of stray dogs, who at times succeeded in gaining an entrance and would join in the responses in a way calculated to upset the gravity and decorum of the worshippers. In those days it was customary in many churches 48 MOBLEY OLD CHAPEL. for this functionary to go round the edifice during service, carrying a long staff, at one end of which was a fox's brush, and at the other a knob ; with the former he gently tickled the faces of the female sleepers, while on the heads of their male compeers he bestowed with the knob a sensible rap. During the time Foster filled the offices of sexton and grave-digger, the funerals at the Old Chapel were numerous, and the fees from this source formed an important part of his income. If there happened to be, as he termed it, "a slack time," he often wished that "somebody as buries at the place would be sharp and die." When complaining to the minister, as he often did, that some one or other had not treated him as he deserved, he always ended by saying, "You know that I am the third man in the chapel; you know it is parson, clerk, and sexton ; there is only you, sir, and George Smifli (the clerk), before me ; — I am sexton ; — you know, I always give you the pre-eminence ; but I am the third man." " Old Ben " died Feb- ruary 21st, 1841, aged 78 years. From a study of the Register, we think, we may learn one or two useful lessons. In reading over the bare catalogue of the names of those who for the last two hundred years occupied a place in Morley in much the same manner and for much the same purpose as we do, we are reminded of the vanity of human ambition ; for, whatever they may have been or done, except in a very few instances, all knowledge of them individually has gone ; all their acts of generosity and benevo- lence have borne their fruit and passed away ; those whom they helped in their sad hour of trial are gone also ; nothing material is left to us concerning them, and there is no living witness to sing their praises. Some, indeed, to whom we have alluded, and others who might have been named, who have been benefactors both to St. Mary's and to the town, we cannot willingly forget. If their bones have long since crumbled to dust, they have been laid in the God's Acre which sur- rounds the Chapel, and the dear old stones which testify to their worth remind us of them, their deeds, their hopes, and their fears. The history of bygone times as read in our Chapel register, furnishes us with many illustrations of talent and piety, and self-denial, all of which might advantageously be imitated now. Of St. Mary's and its graveyard, which contain all that remains of many generations of men, women, and children of this ancient town, we can say with the poet : — *' Where soars that spire, our rude forefathers prayed : Thither they came, from many a thick-leaved dell Year after year, and o'er those footpaths strayed, When summoned by the sounding Sabbath bell, — For in those walls they deemed that God did dwell. And still they sleep within that bell's deep sound. Yon spire doth here of no distinction tell : O'er rich and poor, marble and earthly mound, The Monument of all — it marks one common ground." The graveyard connected with the old Chapel, cannot fail to be an object of interest, when we remember that for one thousand years it ANCIEXT TOMBSTONES. 49 has, in all probability, been the resting-place for the remains of former inhabitants of this and the neighbouring villages. Before proceeding to speak of the tombstones, we would correct an error into which Scatcherd has fallen with regard to non-interment in that portion of the graveyard situate on the north side of the Chapel. He explains what he calls "this singularity," by references to the writings of eminent archaeologists and antiquaries, who, however, differ very materially in their conclusions ; and certainly their opinions do not warrant us in supposing that any superstitious motives caused the inhabitants of Morley to avoid the interment of their dead on the north side of the Old Chapel. When the Chapel was taken down in 1875, it was found that on the north side of the interior there were a number of graves having slabs over them, four of these having brass plates with inscriptions. These graves must have been at one time in the graveyard, for the dates on the inscriptions are prior to 1700, and the enlargement of the Chapel, which brought in these slabs and graves, did certainly not take place before 1720 or 1780. As we wander amongst the graves we are reminded what a parish history is beneath our feet. Here we can trace generations of Greatheads, Scatcherds, Websters, Asquiths, Smiths, Dawsons, and many other well-known local family names. There are many gravestones dating from 1007 to the end of the seventeenth century, and these have curious designs and rudely-carved inscriptions upon them, and are well worthy the inspection of those persons curious in such matters. Two of the oldest stones have inscriptions as follows : — Heare lieth the body of William Tompson, who departed this life July 5, 1667. " Precious is the death of the sants in the ies of the Lord." — Psl. 11 6 vr. Here lieth the body of Stephen Tompson, of Morley, who departed this life the 5th day of December, in the 62nd year of his age, in the year of our Lord 1675. " Whom have I in heaven but thee, and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee." Nothing further is known of these worthies beyond the fact that they were father and son, and both were at one time members of the congregation at the Old Chapel. Another stone of the plainest character records the burial of one of the ejected ministers, as follows : Here resteth the body of Abraham Dawson, of Morley, who departed this life the 19th November, 1671, aged 61. Abraham Dawson was a person of some consequence, and possessed of considerable means. He was privy to the Farnley Wood Plot, and was denounced by Ralph Oates as such, but escaped any unpleasant consequences. Here lyeth the body of Alice, the wife of Samuel Baily, of Morley, who was buried the 22nd day of June, Anno Domini 1674. " Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." — Matt. 5 chapter 3 verse. Here lyeth the body of Mr. Samuel Baily, minister of the Gospel at Morley and Topliffc, who departed this life December 5, 1675. The Rev. Samuel Bailey here referred to was minister to the Indepen- dent congregations worshipping in Morley and Topcliffe. lie was an ii 50 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. excellent preacher, and having wealth, he was in the hahit of enter- taining other ministers who sometimes officiated. Other gravestones anterior to 1700, have inscriptions as follows, but nothing special is known of the parties named. Horo resteth the body of Esther, the wife of Joshua Crowther, mother-in-law of Thomas Dawson, who departed this life April the 22nd, 1693, in ye 84th year of ■ft. Here lyeth the body of John Hallway, who departed this life October the 23rd, 1667. Here lyeth the body of Mary Bkamont, wife of Joseph Beamont. Junior, of Batley, and Daughter of Thomas Metcalfe, of Morley, who departed this life Nov- ember the 5th, 1689. M.B. On the west side of the Chapel is a stone over one John Scurr, of Holbeck, who was related to Leonard Scurr, mentioned by Calam? , and of whose murder and robbery in 1680, by Holroyd, Littlewood and others, a full account may be found in Whitaker's Leeds. Here lyeth the body of Mr. Johs Scurr, of Houlbeck, who departed this life the tenth day of May, Anno Domini, 1684. Behold I come. as a thief in the night. Rev. 16. 15. Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth Scur, the wife of John Scar, of Hague Hall, who departed this life the — day of February Ao. Domi. 1676. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. Matthew 5 chap. v. 6. Scatcherd says " The first and my favourite stone is that over Robert Pickering," * which reads as follows : — Hero lyeth interred the body of Robert Pickerixoe, Preacher of the Gospell att Morley, who accounted himself the meanest servant in the work of Christ, who de- parted this life October the 11th, 1680. Master of Art, Sidney College, Cambridge. Under the west window of the chapel, is a plain stone to the memory of another ejected minister, who, after some changes, of residence, imprisonment, and loss of sight, abode for some time at Wakefield, where he died. It is not known whether he was minister at the Old Chapel, but the supposition would fill a gap otherwise unaccounted for. Here lyeth the body of William Hawden, minister, who departed this life, ye 26th day of August, 1699, and of age 88. The righteous hath hope in his death. — Prov. ye 14, 32 v. The name and misfortunes of this worthy man are preserved in Calamy's Nonconformist Memorial. On the south side of the Chapel is a stone with inscription as follows : — Here lyeth the body of Susannah, wife of John Bainbridge, of Rowmes, who died the 11th Feby., 1687. This stone indicates that there were families living at Rooms, on the border of Farnley Wood, two hundred years ago, long anterior to • Mr. Pickering was one of the ejected ministers. He was born at Kippax, near Leeds, and was ejected from Barley Chapel, Selby. It is said that " he bore himself during the times of persecution, with dignified resignation and a meek fortitude. He was a modest, humble, and pious man, courageous in fighting the good fight." ANCIENT TOMBSTONES. 51 the conspiracy. Another member of the celebrated Dawson family is buried in this graveyard. Here resteth the body of Samuel, son of Joseph Dawson, who exchanged this life for a better ye 23rd day of July: Anno. Dom., 1696, aged 20 years and nine months. Several of the Scatcherd family were interred in the graveyard previous to the erection of the mausoleum. A stone near to the last- named bears record as follows : — Here lyeth the body of Jane, the wife of Thomas Scatcherd, Morley, who departed this life, September the 4. Anno Dom. 1691. I will beare the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against him untill he plead my cause and execute judgment for mee hee will bring me forth to the light and I shall behold his righteousness. Micah tlje 7th, verse the 9th. Norrisson Scatcherd, speaking of his ancestor Thomas, says that he was the eldest son of Matthew Scatcherd, an opulent merchant in the proudest days of England's glory. Besides his personal property, Matthew had handsome real estates at Morley, Birstal, Heckmondwike, and Healey. In memory of Mr. Thomas Craister, who died May 13th, 1681, and of his son Thomas, who died March 6th, 1702, aged 48. The first-named Thomas was a trustee of the chapel, and the last- named served as pikeman in Sir Michael Wentworth's regiment of militia in. 1680. Another brief epitaph attests the burial of the wife of Thomas Craister, sen. Here lyeth the body of Mrs. Elizabeth Craister, who departed this life, Anno Domini 1691. The list of inscriptions from tombstones dating back to the 17th century is completed by the two following : — Here lyeth the body of Richard Huntington, son of Richard Huntington, who departed this life, the 11th day of September, Anno Domini 1679. Here lyeth the body of William Robinson, of Drighlington, who departed this life the 21st day of May in the year of our Lord, 1695. " Offer unto God thanksgiving and pay thy vows unto the Most High, and call upon me in the day of trouble. I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorifie me." Psalm the 50th, the 14 and 15 vers. Near the mausoleum of the Scatcherd family is a stone which, for more than a century and a half, occupied a position close to the chapel on the south side. It bears the following inscription : — In memory of Dorothy, daughter of the celebrated Edmund Waller, of Beacons- field, in the county of Bucks, who died January 18th, 1717, in the 61st year of her age. This lady was a dwarf, and was sent down to Morley for her health. She lived in the village many years, at first in a house on Banks'-hill, called Yew Tree House, built by a family -called Huntington, and pur- chased by her from them. She afterwards removed to lodgings near the Old Parsonage, and was accustomed to be carried to the chapel in a sedan chair. Of Edmund Waller, her father, much might be written. He was the poet who wrote flatteries in rhyme, addressed to Cromwell and Charles the Second, and who, when the latter remarked that his poetical panegyric of the Protector was the best composition of the two, excused himself by saying " that poets are most successful in fiction." K^.'wtt.v. 1 -.-:. T. ^*h&yyy5. 3trvT^^tf*^?^C/l-i^dfifa JRarleg ©1& Cljapsl Krister of baptisms. Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Joseph Andrew Fostard 1742-8 July 86 Mearcy Joseph Leathley August (5 Joseph John Barns of Churwell 6 Ann William Stogdale September 1J> Mary John Baimforth November 28 John James Ingham of Churwell January 28 John John Hartley do. February 4 Abraham John Reynor, 1743-4 April 1 John John Armitig of Gildersum* June 12 Mary William Crumack July 10 Hannah John Mathew September 4 John John Stead November Beniamin Beniamin Cromack December 2 Robart John Clark February 8 William William Batley of Churwell 5 John Luke Sykes March 18 Mary William Stogdale 1744-5 April John Bethiah Ellis 14 John John Dickingson June 1 John Joseph Talbut 17 Susannah Andrew Fostard 24 Joseph Joseph Tomlinson of Churwell July 1 Martha John Terry October 5 Samuel Samuel Waring December 7 Thomas Samuel Sugdin 7 Mearcy Samuel Glover February 1 * Gildersome : — The village boundary or district of the Gueldres, a corruption of Guelderzoome, Guelder, for Gueldre. Flanders traders fleeing from Flanders, under the persecution of Alva, in 1571. found an asylum, under the politic encouragement of Elizabeth, settled in this part of Yorkshire. Zoom signifies a boundary, a hem, or seam, and metaphorically, a border. — Gbeenwell. REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 53 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. John John Balmforth 1744-5 February 24 John Thos. Snell of Churwell March 5 Joseph Joseph Turney 1745-6 April 3 Ruth Jonathan 5 Mary John Hartley of Churwell October 4 David Thomas Crowther December 15 Sarah John Stead 15 John William Stogdale 15 Mary John Mathews 15 Hannah James Hornor of Churwell 18 Betty John Clark February 1 Ann Benjamin Crumack 23 John Matthew Ellis March 7 Andew Andrew Foster 7 Luke Luke Sykes 1746-7 April~13 Isaac . — Reynors May 2 Mary James Ingham of Gildersome 18 Elizabeth William Collet October 5 William John Clark December 25 Nanne Joseph Turner January 1 Joseph Robart Dixon 1 Sarah Samuel Sugden 1 Betty John Terrey February 6 John Joseph Brook of Adwalton 15 John — Brooksbank's — Hannah John Barns of Churwell 1747-8 March 1 Stepen John Jackson April 3 Robart Robart Jackson 3 Tabatha Joseph Talbut of Gildersom July 3 Mileah Thomas Haigh of Heckmondwike 20 Hannah John Gant August 2 Thomas Mary Garnet 7 Hannah Jonathan Brook September 4 James James Baimforth October 18 Sarah Samuel Brook 25 William John Dickinson November 5 Sarah Joseph Bollon 29 Rebekah Joseph Bollon 29 Isaac William Stogdale December 4 Hannah John Worsman 18 William John Clark 25 Joseph James Clark 31 Joseph Robart Dixon January 1 Joseph Joseph Scarth 4 Mary John Stead February 17 Betty Joseph Longley of Churwell 24 54 MOKLEY OLD CHAPEL. Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Samuel Andrew Fostard 1747-fc Elizabeth Thomas Hardcastle 4 Samuel William Batley 1748 Abraham Samuel Dawson of Topcliff 22 Susannah Jonathan Heawood 24 Thomas John Tomlinson May 9 John Jonathan Fothergill, jun. May 30 Mary William Chaddwick June 8 Hannah Cotton Horn of Churwell 3 Ann Mathew Ellis 8 John Thomas Waring July 1 John John Warde, Mason November 4 Sarah Luke Sykes 6 John John Renor January Sarah Joseph Trougton March 8 John Thomas Barras 5 Benjamin Robart Dixon 1749- Sarah Joseph Scarth 16 Mary Samuel Leathley of Churwell Lane October 11 John John Clark February 2 Thomas Andrew Fostard 1750 John Cotton Horn of Churwell G William Jonathan Brook 29 Ann Jonathan Brook 29 Hannah Joseph Crowther June 1 Samuel Samuel Brook July 8 Hannah William Stogdale 8 Sarah John Gont 8 Joseph Ellis, Smitfi 8 Mary Joseph Ellis r Cooper September 1G Penelope Mr. John Green of Leeds October 11 Thomas Thomas Hardcastle 7 William John Richmson December 11 William William Collett January 5 Watson Mr. Samuel Scatchard, jun March 13 Hannah Nathanel Slack 17 John Lawrence Lawson 17 John Joseph Ellis 17 51 March 21 Ann Samuel Leathley of Churwell Lain April 5 Rebeccah Joseph Webster 29 Joseph Joseph Troughton June 23 Hannah Joshua Appleyard 25 Samuel Joseph Westerman July 5 Jesiah Samuel Rhoads 14 Sarah James Bilsbrough of Brunclife August 18 John Joseph Scarth 18 REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 55 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Mary James Horn or of Houdingclough 3 L751 Sept. 1 Mearcy Thomas Toulson 7 Hannah Robert Dixon 7 Thomas Mr. Samuel Scatcherd, jun., born 1752 May 15 Hannah Mr. Henry Scatcherd of Gildersom, born Sept. 21 John Joseph Webster October 8 Susannah John Richinson of Churwell, born November 25 William William Leathley of New Hall, born 1753 May G Edmund Mr. Samuel Scatchard, jun. born 11 Samuel Joseph Ellis June 19 Hannah Samuel Leathley of Churwell Lain September 26 Nathaniel Joseph Webster 1754-5 February 11 Penelope Samuel Matthews July 5 Jonathan Jonathan Brook 14 Norison Mr. Samuel Scatcherd, jun., born September 6 William Mathew Ellis ' October 6 Sarah Thomas Toulson born 14 Hannah John Richinson of Churwell, born 24 Samuel Robart Ellis December 25 Hannah Jonathan Heywood 25 Samuel Micah Robinson 1755 March 2 Joseph Robart Pollard 2 John Samuel Crowther, jun., of Churwell 2 John John Scott 2 John Richard Taylor 7 William Mr. Henry Scatcherd of Gildersome, born Dec. 7 John Richard Taylor 7 Thomas Joseph Scarth 7 Sarah John Brook . 28 Mary Joshua Appleyard 23 David John Brook April 4 Edward Edward Welor, born 14 William Benjamin Cromack May 7 Richard William Lumby of Rooms June 1 Betty Samuel Sugdin 8 Mary John Gont 15 Dina Joseph Crowther July 4 John Samuel Dawson of Topclif 22 Grace Henry Hartley of Nipsshaw Lane head August 17 Samuel Samuel Smith September 5 George John Reynor of Tingley Moor Sid November 5 Samuel Moeses Ellis 7 Joseph James Pearson jun. 9 John John Tomlinson December 25 Ann Stuen Gregson 25 Mary George Eastwood 175G February 3 MORLF.Y OLD CHAPEL. Cliild'a Name. Father's Name. Date. Murtha George Eastwood 175G February 8 Qeotge George Magdonil G Qemge George Wood of Churwell 22 Benjamin John Hemsworth March 5 Bamml Samuel Warin 5 Betty John Hague of Beeston April 18 Benjamin Thomas Briggs of Churwell 25 Sarah James Horner of Stump Cross 25 Jo3eph John Day 25 Jonathan William Stogdale July 2 Thomas Joseph Webster 14 Theadosia Mr. Samuel Scatcherd, jun. August 12 Ruth Jonathan Brook 22 John Joseph Webster September 8 Ann Samuel Matthews October 1 Hannah John Clark 1 William John Mathew 1 Samuel Joseph Hinslif of Churwell 10 Samuel John Pickels 21 Joseph Samuel Whiteaker November 5 William Micakel Robinson 5 Jude Andrew Fostard 7 William Joseph Scarth 21 Ann Samuel Crowther December 8 Hannah Joseph Crowther of Churwell 25 Hannah Thomas Smith 1757 February 18 Nanne Isaac Rebbel March 2 Martha Jonathan Heywood 4 Sarah Isaac Revel of Gildersom 4 Joseph Joshua Appleyard 18 Bettey Samuel Leathley of Churwell Lain 24 Ann James Broadbent 27 Elizabeth Joseph Brown April 1 Ralph John Eastwood 1 Hannah Thomas Tolson May 6 John John Terrey G Malley James Stead, jun. G Bettey Samuel Glover G Mary Thomas Wood G George John Worseman 8 William James Morton of Midalton 22 Abraham John Tornor June 8 John John Westerman June 8 Nanne . Samuel Sugdin 8 Hannah Edward Right, of Middleton 12 John William Garfot July 2G REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 57 March April Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. John Thomas Westerman 1757 August 5 Thomas John Hemsworth 21 James James Pearson, junor, of Leefair Green 21 Hannah James Pearson, junior, do. September 1 Joshua Joshua Sharp of Tingley Moor Side October 9 Anna Samuel Rhoads 30 William John Reynor do. November 5 Isaac John Brook Nance Richard Taylor Joseph Samuel Crowther of Churwell Joseph Moses Ellis of Bottom of Morley Moor Hannah William Fox 1758 January Keagell Matthew Ellis Mary John Walker February Sarah James Leivison Matthew John Scoot Stephen Stephen Gregson Thomas Samuel Whiteaker Matha James Horner of Stump Cross Mary John Brook Dinah William Troughton Jonathan Mical Robinson Jane Mr. Henry Scatchard, born Samuel John Robards Mary John Haigh of Beeston Samuel James Morton August John John Scoot of Churwell • September Joseph Joseph Ellis, cooper Betty William Pollook Nance Joseph Lodge Sarah Samuel Clark, jun. Hannah Ralph Thompson of Midalton Rebekah Jeremiah Longbottom October David Joseph Scarth of Morley Uper Moor Joseph John Clark November Betty Joshua Appalyard Ann John Tomlinson of Bradford Street Side Thomas Samuel Matthews December 17 Mary Anthony Barrowclough 1759 January 5 Elizabeth Jonathan Brook, bom 5 Joseph Nathaniel Slack, born 80 John Joseph Crowther of Churwell Lain March 11 Mary John Dodgson 11 Sarah Daniel Pickles 11 John Georg Wood of Churwell 25 William Joseph Webster April 2 5 5 5 20 25 3 3 3 26 5 2 16 20 May 5 June 11 July 2 16 7 1 1 1 1 10 10 1 22 3 3 12 MOKLKY ni,|> ( || \i'i;i.. Lliihl's Name. Father'B Name. Date. William Joseph Brown, born 1750 April 10 Samuel Thomas Smith June 10 William William Watson Julv 8 Sarah William Hinnel of Churwell '22 limiamin Moses Ellis 2!) ph Mattathias Murgitroid August 8 John Joshua Sharp of Tingle; More Side September 10 Joseph Joseph Settle 18 Son of Rebecah Hinks. born October 1 Matthew William (iarforth November 1H Hannah James Stead, jun. December 7 Man John Westerman B Bath Kdward Wright of Midalton 9 Ann Samuel Whiteaker, born 10 Man- Charles Career of Churwell 1700 January 80 Sarah Joseph Lodg " 20 Joseph John Hague of Beeston February •"> Rohert John Brook 19 Sarah Samuel Crowther of Street side 24 Betty •John Reynor of Tingle? More Side March 2 Robart Samuel Hall, jun. 7 Ralph Ralph Thompson of Middalton 9 Betty Daniel Slack, jun. 28 Robart Robart Dixon April 4 Samuel James Broad bent (i Easter William Watson Mav 26 Man Samuel Dawson of Toplif June 28 Sarah Daniel Hirst Julv 1 Joseph John Scott " 24 John James Morton 20 Mary John Worsman 27 Betty Cotton Horn August 17 Nancy John Woollridg 17 Martha Samuel Suddin September 5 Mary Ralph Harris 21 Joseph Joseph Ellis 2* James Samuel Clark jun. November 28 Mary Jonathan Brook 23 Sainmey John Hartley of Churwell December 7 Hannah John Dodgson 21 Martha Matthias Murgetroyd 21 Ruth John Scott of Churwell 1701 January 25 Mary John Roberts February John Son of Judith Ellis Man- Thomas Westerman March Samuel Samuel Ouldroyd REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 59 Date. April 6 19 Ma\ 22 31 August 2 7 7 7 9 28 6 20 8 27 1 5 2 13 25 1 17 24 September October November December Child's Name. Father's Name. Mary John Hague 17G1 Sarah Moses Ellis Abagil Jonathan Hey wood, born Grace James Pearson of Leefair Green Samuel Jeremiah Longbottom Benjamin Son of Mary Lassy Samuel Joseph Crowther, Churwell Lane Side Samuel Samuel Matthews Samuel John Tomlinson of Bradford Lane Side Malley Thomas Wood Grace Isaac Reuil of Gildersome Isaac Samuel Crowther of Street Side Sarah Abraham Bradley Joseph James Morton Elizabeth Joseph Lodg Salley William Brown Sarah Samuel Leathley of Churwell Lane Betty Ralph Thompson of Middleton Thomas George Wood of Churwell William Joseph Slater of Churwell 1762 January Hannah John Rhoads Eadan James Stead, jun. Nathaniel Daniel Slack February 21 Hannah Balak Firth March 5 John - John Hemsworth 12 Joseph Nathaniel Renor 21 James Joseph Webster 22 William John Smith, born 29 Benjamin John Clark April 2 Hannah Richard Burrow of Churwell 2 Hannah John Westerman 4 Hannah William Newsome May 7 John John Hartley of Churwell 7 Mary John Brook June 24 Elizabeth Pearcful Horsfild 27 John John Day July 2 Sarah John Scoals 2 John Samuel Rhodes 23 Martha John Hague of Beeston 23 Thomas Thomas Hudson September 3 Hannah Samuel Tickles of Churwell 3 Mary William Renor 10 Mary William Garfirth October 10 William Ralph Hams 17 Hannah Robert Polard December 2G Benjamin Joseph Ellis 27 00 MORLF.Y OLD OHAPEL. Child'n Name. Father's Name. Date. Betty John Richardson of Churwell 1708 January William John Crowther 7 Joseph John Reuil February 4 Benjamin John Reuil 4 Sarah Abraham Broadhead 4 Joseph John Binks of Churwell 20 Benjamin James Morton March 8 John Samuel Clark, jun. 27 Grace Joseph Crowther May 6 Benjamin Daniel Hirst G Elizabeth Moses Ellis Sarah John Drak May 28 James John Hague June 12 Daniel Daniel Slack August 5 Jonathan John Renor 2G Arthur John Hemsworth September 2 Driccilah Dau. of Ann Talbut of Gildersome Sarah John Scoot of Churwell 12 Ann John Worsman October 7 John Isaac Reuil of Gildersome November 20 Hannah Samuel Ouldroyd December 2 Samuel Thomas Wood 18 John William Strother 48 Nathaniel Nathaniel Renor 25 Ann Thomas Smith 25 Sarah John Rhoads 1764 January 1 Salley Jeremiah Maud 8 John Benjamin Foster 22 Ruth Ralph Thompson of Middleton February 5 Daniel John Pickals 8 Hannah Joseph Westerman 19 Betty James Fenton 7 Mearcy Samuel Leathley of Churwell-lane-side March 1 Hannah John Briskeum of Churwell 16 James Abraham Bradley 26 Joseph Abraham Sykes April 6 Joseph John Westerman G Joseph Thomas Aueward 6 Hannah William Troughton May 5 William John Hartley of Churwell 5 Mary Joseph Slater do. July 1 John William Chadwick, jun. 6 Mary Matthew Totley 6 Joseph S. of Ann Darnbrough 12 John Isaac Wilson August 2 Mary Joseph Webster 10 REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 01 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Jacob John Binks of Churwell 1704 September 9 Jemme John Goslin do. October 5 Hannah Parciful Horsfield 15 William John Scoals November 2 Jesse Thomas Strother 11 Thomas Ralph Harris 25 Ann John Crowther December 7 Thomas Joseph Settle 25 Joseph Jacob Brook 30 John Thomas Gont 1705 January 20 Matthew William Fox February 1 Benjamin James Pearson of Leefair Green 1 Betty John Heaton 1 Samuel William Kellefc February 3 James Balak Firth of Churwell G Sarah Samuel Pickels of Churwell 17 Chrissey John Eastwood 17 Christopher William Milner 23 William Thomas Dawson April Mearcy Charles Broadbent 11 Betty John Banks 12 John Daniel Slack 21 Joseph Samuel Hall May 3 John John Scoot 3 Henry William Oldroyd 7 David David Terry 9 Susannah John Scoot 10 William Isaac Hey 19 William Thomas Westerman June 7 Hannah Isaac Nussey 7 John John Millner 14 John Hinchliff 17 Joseph Joseph Thornton 19 Mary George Wood of Churwell 80 John S. of Mary Lassey 80 Joseph William Dixon July 18 Matthew Abraham Broadhead 20 Sarah Nathaniel Sykes August 8 Thomas Samuel Whitacer September John Parciful Horsfield 28 Samuel John Clark October 20 John Samuel Warin 28 Martha John Westerman 28 Joseph Benjamin Fostard November 9 Mary Benjamin Fostard 9 Malley John Asquith 17 62 MOHI.KY <>U> (MM'KI.. Cliilil's Nsime. Father's Name. Date. Alec Thomas Merritt L766 November 24 Barforey William Strother December 13 John John Akeroyd of Gildersome 16 Tliomas William Gariirth St9 Sarah John Gaunt of Churwell 170C 1 January 18 Sal lev Samuel Leathley of Churwell Lane 14 M alley John (ioslin of C'hurwell 15 John John Hagae March 7 Maltha Joseph Slater of C'hurwell April 2 (ieorge Thomas Smith 1(5 John Benjamin Ciarnett Ma\ i Betty John Scott of C'hurwell 10 William William Fox 10 • lames John Hartley of Churwell July 18 Joseph Ralph Thompson of Middleton 27 Susanna Joseph Broadbent August 1 John Thomas Wood October 17 John Samuel Ouldroyd November 28 Fanny John Heasolwood December 5 Samuel James Pearson of Leefair Green 25 Mary Samuel Swinyard 1707 January 2 Betty Ralph Harris 2 Mary John Heaton 2 Elizabeth John Scoals 2 William John Banks 2 John Jeremiah Maud of Gildersome 2o Joseph John Hemsworth 80 A Ina ham Balak Firth February 14 John David Terry 24 Samuel John Scoot of Churwell 2H Joseph Joseph Webster March 4 lJenjamin James Morton 80 Benjamin Thomas Ricroft of Gildersome April 8 Sarah Jonathan Brook a James Abraham Sykes 18 James John Scoot June 5 Betty John Murbey, Colyar 5 Isaac Isaac Reuil of Gildersome September (5 James Samuel Pickels November 10 Samuel Joseph Settle December 4 Hananiah John Itlingworth 17G8 January o Samuel John lllingworth 6 Jonathan John Westerman 18 Joseph William Steward 18 Ellen John Richardson of Churwell 23 Hannah John Banks 26 BEGISTER OF BAPTISMS. G3 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Nanne Joseph Tolson, jun. 17G8 January 27 Thomas John Clark February 5 Betty Samuel Whitacker March 1 Elizabeth William Smith, jun. 4 George George Webster 11 Betty John Akeroyd of Gildersome 27 Benjamin Benjamin Taylor April 5 Samuel Samuel Warin May 4 Hannah John Smith, mason June 3 William William Dixon July 8 Samuel Ralph Thompson of Middleton 17 Sammey John Roberts August 5 Jonathan William Garfirth (! Ruth Jonathan Locock September 18 Joseph •John Hartley of Churwell 30 Thomas Jonathan Brook October 2G William Daniel Slack November 5 Thomas Parss. Horsheld December 23 Jonathan William Cellit 28 Elizabeth John Hague 31 Joseph John Heaton 17G9 January 1 Sarah John Leathley 1 Ruth Balak Firth of Churwell 18 Hannah John Scholes February 19 John Nathaniel Sykes March 17 Isaac Samuel Crowther 21 John Lenard Longbottom 27 Grace William Fox April 27 Thomas John Scoat June 3 John Joseph Turner 17 Robert Benjamin Garnett July J) Sarah Ralph Harris 10 Pheaby Samuel Hall 11 Sarah Joshua Appleyard 25 Thomas John Crowther August 5 Nathaniel Isaac Reuil of Gildersome November 3 Joshua Joseph Brown 11 Edward William Smith, jun. December 81 William Abraham Bradley 1770 January 4 Sarah John Scott February 1 Jonathan William Speight 25 Martha John Akeroyd of Farnley May C Hannah William Steward July 15 Mary John Smith lr, Mary Jonathan Appleyard 10 Sam. Warin 27 til MOKLEY OLD CHAPEL. Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Peter Ralph Thompson of Middle-ton 1770 July 29 Palley John Scott August 8 Hannah Jonathan Brook :; Sarah John llinchliff 18 William Joseph Settle September 7 Lidea William Leathley 14 Joseph Elcanah Blamirs of Gildersome October 28 Martha John Scott of Churwell November 2 John Benjamin Taylor of Gildersome 28 William W illiam Trougton December 2 Thomas William Bradley of Churwell 1771 January 4 Hannah John Gont February 1 Sarah Joseph Beevers of Leeds 8 Sarah Samuel Hall Sarah John Haley of Dewsbury 17 Charles Abraham Broadbent 17 Mary John Scoals March <> William John W'ilcock of Gildersome 10 Thomas Nathaniel Sykes 19 Hannah Parciful Horsfield 19 Susannah Samuel Pickles of Churwell April ;> Thomas Balak Firth do. 3 Mary Hannah Clark 8 Hannah Joseph Wood 29 Hannah Joseph Craven of Churwell May 1 John Joseph Ellis June 17 Peter Jonathan Locock of Gildersome - July 7 Sarah Joseph Morton of Middleton 8 William William Lumb do. 15 Hannah Thomas Ryecroft of Farnley Moor September 8 Ann Isaac Nussey 29 Thomas Joseph Toulson October 20 Ann William Garfirth November 22 Joseph Job Longley December 1 Elizabeth George Eastwood 8 Hannah W illiam Banks 25 Sarah Thomas Jackson 25 Thomas Joseph Wood of Middleton 1772 January 6 Martha Joshua Appleyard February 12 Jonathan Jonathan Appleyard 12 Ann Solomon Sykes March G Susannah Francis Bradley 10 Betty William Smith, jun. April 5 Samuel Ralph Harris 26 John Samuel Stogdale 26 Grace William Speight 26 REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 65 Child's Name. Father's Name. Sarah Thomas Broadbent of Leeds 1 George William Brook, coleyer Mary Elcanah Blamires Mary Charles Smith Hannah Joseph Slater of Churwell John William Horn Nathaniel Jonathan Brook Sarah Ralph Thompson of Middleton John William Smith of Churwell John Balak Firth do. Mary Samuel Westerman Hannah Joseph Oucring Salley Thomas Dickinson Thomas John Westerman ] Thomas John Willcock of Gildersome Benjamin John Scott 1772 i Joshua John Butterworth Matthew George Oldrid Francis William Bradley of Churwell John Thomas Waring do. 1778 John Thomas Broadbent of Gouldthorp James John Troughton of Gildersome Elizabeth Thomas Barras of Leefair green Ann James Wade of Bruntcliffe Joseph Jonathan Locock of Gildersome Elizabeth Abraham Bradley Jonathan Joseph Craven of Churwell Sarah John Holms do. Betty Richard Evers Matthew Robert Ellis John William Leathley Sarah Willi. Clark Henry Joseph Trougton Charity Lenard Longbottom Ruth John Scholes Grace John Scott Rachel John Banks Hannah John Leathley Mercy Parciful Horsfall William John Eastwood Malley Nathan Stanhope of West Ardsley Joseph Benjamin Matthews Joseph Samuel Stockdale Hannah John Hartley of Churwell 1774 Ann Samuel Hall William William Garford 1771 November December Date. May 10 14 July 19 August 80 80 80 September 21 27 October 2 2 4 18 1 25 27 September 21 27 October 15 December 21, January 1 G 11 February 2G March 9 28 April 2 May 7 11 10 80 June 27 27 July 18 September 8 October 1 November 5 December 2 8 8 8 8 25 2G January 2 7 10 ,;,; MORLKY OLD CHAPKL. Chilli's Name. Father's Name. Date. Betty Jonathan Appleyard of Low Wortley 1774 January 21 28 M alley William Horn of Tong WOUam Jonathan Speight 80 Hannah Samuel Crowther February 8 Bebekah William Smith, jun. 8 Hannah Joshua Man 5 Elizabeth John Eothergill •6 James John Jackson, jun. 18 Joshua James Asquith of Middleton March 5 Betty Job Longley 7 Benjamin William Walker of Top of Tingley 17 Nancy John Lister of Lee Fair 18 Hannah Samuel Asquith 19 Ann William Bradley of Churwell 81 William Elkanah Blamires of Gildersome April 1 James Jonathan Brook 16 Betty Samuel Pickles of Churwell 18 Lydia Thomas Ricroft of Gildersome 29 William William Speight May 1 Hannah William Senior of Churwell 4 Mary William Banks 5 Mark William Sykes Rachel Joseph Brook of Two Gates 7 William William Broadbent 24 Joseph Joseph Barras of Leefair 2G Thomas Joseph Scholes of Middleton June 2 Ralph Ralph Harris 80 Betty Thomas Gaunt July 8 Sarah John Hague 20 Hannah William W 7 ood September 24 Hannah Samuel W T esterman 25 Mary Robert Jackson jun. October 11 Mary John Barras of Rooms 1G Benjamin Jonathan Locock of Gildersome November 11 Salley Joseph Wood 17 Ely John Crowther, Blacksmith December 11 Isaac Joseph Slater of Churwell 10 Ebenezer James Morton of Middleton 16 Jonathan John Butterworth 1775 January 2 Daniel Daniel Pickles 29 Hannah Daniel Pickles 29 Aaron Abraham W r ebster of Churwell 29 Ann Abraham Webster of Churwell 29 John William Laurance of Churwell February 2 Martha John Fox, jun. March 5 REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 67 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Jonas Samuel Westerman 1775 March 10 Mary Benjamin Garnett 11 Mary Joseph In man 19 Isaac James Ben, of Churwell April 16 William John Rhodes, jun. 11 William William Smith, jun. 20 Sarah William Smith jun. 20 Samuel William Clark 20 Mary David Dean 23 Mary Isaac Nussey 25 Benjamin John Scott July 9 Elizabeth Baruch Firth 9 Mary Joseph Cockerham 9 Hannah Joseph Cockerham 9 Joseph John Broadbent of Beeston Lodge 29 Susannah Jonathan Brook 81 Jonathan Thomas Strodder August 4 David Leonard Longbottom 6 William Joseph Wood of Westerton 19 Nancy John Banks 20 Susanna Samuel Crowther September 2 Susanna Thomas Sugden 16 John John Scholes October 5 Samuel John Holms of Churwell 13 Thomas William Smith of Churwell 30 Hannah Thomas Rodley November 12 Betty John Stogdale December 6 Hannah John Jackson, jun. 15 Sarah George Oldroid 21 William Joseph Craven of Churwell 25 Richard John Land 25 William William Leathley 29 Thomas Samuel Stogdale 1776 January 8 Sarah James Thompson 9 Joseph Joseph Scholes of Middleton 10 Joseph Thomas Morteman 18 Ann Samuel Bowling of Rothwell 17 Joseph John Fothergill 22 Benjamin John Lawson 25 Joseph Thomas Barras of Leefair February 12 Martha Robert Jackson, jun. 12 Joseph William Bradley of Churwell 14 William Percival Horsfall 15 William William Horn of Tong 22 Sally Benjamin Theaker 27 Betty John Scot of Bank Hills March 10 ft MOKLEY OLD CHAl'EL. Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Sarah Jonathan Speight 177G March 81 Mally Thomas Wilson of Tingley Moor April 10 Matty John Lister of Leefair April 28 John John Butterworth 29 Ann John Ban-as of Rooms May 22 William Thos. Ricroft, of Gilclersome 25 Betty Francis Bradley 27 Alice Thomas Harrison June* 9 Hannah Ralph Harris 14 John Job Longley July Mary Joseph Wood 18 John John Leathley 28 Sarah Andrew Foster, jun. August 1 Hannah William Richerdson of Tingley M' oor Sept. 18 Robert Richard Evers 24 James Abraham Webster of Churwell 27 James Joseph Cockerham October 1 Pally John Binks, jun. 4 Nathaniel John Webster, clothier 18 Thomas John Fox, jun. 30 Betty Nathan Stanhope November 12 Susanna Samuel Ellis of Gildersome 17 John Thomas Goodheath of Churwell 21 Joseph John Howroyd do. 28 Nancy William Wood December 1 James Thomas Hardcastle, jun. 20 William John Barron 29 Joseph Joshua Brook of Tingley Moor Turnpike 1777 January 14 William William Smith 18 William John Scott, clothier — William John Crumack of Churwell 25 Jonathan James Hartley February 23 William John Turner, jun. March 2 Sarah John Hartley of Churwell 20 Mary Dau. of Ann Crowther, widow 27 Robert Robert Ellis, butcher May 6 Nancy Abraham Sykes, clothier 6 Benjamin Samuel W r esterman of Churwell 20 Matthew Joseph Barras of Leefair June 1 Mary Joshua Locock 8 Tommy John Roberts, jun. 25 Hannah W'illiam Laurence of Churwell 27 Sarah Joseph Slater of Churwell 27 Mary William Clark July 2 Nancy Nathaniel Sykes September 28 REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. G9 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Benjamin James Asquith of West Ardsley 1777 October 3 Betty William Banks, jun. 8 William Thomas Whitaker of Churwell 24 George George Oldrid November 9 Nancy William Horn of Tong 11 Samuel Samuel Crowther 30 Rachel John Lister of Leefair — . Deborah Barak Firth of Churwell December 14 Benjamin Samuel Wetherill of Millshaw 23 Sally Thomas Rodley 26 Elizabeth John Strother 1778 January 4 Jacob Isaac Rogers of Gildersome 17 Joseph W 7 illiam Asquith 18 Rachel John Jackson, jun. — Betty James Hartley 21 John John Scholes 27 Mercy Benjamin Garnett February 25 Mary Percival Horsfall April 2 Jonathan John Reyner of Churwell 26 Matty David Hirst May 13 John John Fothergill 20 Hannah Joseph Tolson June 18 Joseph Joseph Craven of Churwell July 4 John John Holms of Churwell 21 Jonathan Leonard Longbottom 27 Joseph William Broadbent August 2 Thomas John Barras of Rooms 2 William Samuel Stogdale 12 Francis John Gisburn 18 William John Gisburn 18 Hannah John Garnett 19 Charles Abm. Collinson, of Militia men for Morley 19 John Robert Jackson, jun. 24 John Francis Bradley 26 Betty Joseph Whitaker of Farnley 27 Sarah Thomas Sugden 28 William Benjamin Theaker September 8 Sally Samuel Ellis of Gildersome 28 Elizabeth James Scarth of Cad Beeston October 5 Benjamin John Binks, husbandman 14 Lydia Thomas Barras of Leefair November 5 Joseph Thomas Rycroft of Gildersome 7 Elizabeth Thomas Morteman 9 Mary James Swithenbank 17 Hannah Samuel Gaunt 22 Benjamin William Leathley 23 70 MOKLKY OLD CHAPEL. Child's Name. Futber's Name. Date. Hannah John Hirst of Giklersome 1778 November 27 Mary John Fox, jun. December 7 Fauuy Elkanah Blamires 14 William John Jubb of Churwell 20 James Job Longley 1779 January 19 Nanny John Scott, husbandman February 4 Ann Thomas Wilson of Giklersome 8 John John Scott, clothier 8 Robert William Hainsworth — Hannah John Turner 24 Thomas Thomas Goodhall of Churwell 25 Elizabeth Thomas Goodhall of Churwell 25 William John Butterworth April 4 Thomas John W r ebster, Clothier — William John Booth of Gildersome 20 Isaac Isaac Richardson of Churwell 21 Thomas George Oldrid 22 Mary William Asquith May 5 Rachel James Robinson 14 Betty John Dickinson of Tingley Moor 10 William Thomas Strother June 6 Mary Charles Gaines of Gildersome 10 John James Howroyd 18 Thomas William Wood July 6 John Samuel Westerman 10 Mary John Bilbrough of Bruntcliffe 17 Nw ^ # &VW '}Watson Scatcherd, Esq. 25 Samuel William Turner August 6 Mary John Hirst 12 Hannah Isaac Rogers of Gildersome 12 Nancy John Hirst 12 John John Reyner of Churwell 23 Jonathan Jonathan Brook September 4 John Thomas Reyner October 80 John Robert Ellis November 4 Betty James Hartley of Gildersome James James Benn of Churwell Robert Thomas Rodley 22 George George Eastwood December 8 Matty John Hartley 21 Betty John Blackburn 28 Betty Mr. John Guisburn — John John Jackson, jun. • 1780 January 3 • Eldest son of Watson Scatcherd, Esq., J. P., Barrister-at-law. Antiquary and author of History of Morley, &c. REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 71 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. William Abraham Tittan 1780 January 2G Susannah John Stanhope 81 Michael William Speight of Birstal * February 8 Sarah John Barras of Rooms 22 Mary John Barron 22 James John Scholes March 10 Joseph John Scholes 10 Elizabeth George Suit 10 John William Clark 18 James Joseph Wood of Westerton 31 Sarah John Jubb of Churwell April 8 James Nathan Stanhope 14 Ruth Samuel Pickles 25 Ann Joseph Barras of Leefair 28 John Charles Smith — John Abraham Sykes, clothier June 9 Joseph William Oldrid July 15 Thomas Joseph Whitaker of Farnley Moorhead 19 Joseph Joseph Wood August 5 Sarah James Swithenbank of Churwell 21 William John Fox i September 4 Peter William Smith of Tingley Moor side 7 John Francis Bradley 9 Michael William Horn of Tong 14 Samuel Samuel Waring 28 James James Fenton October 2 Nanny Samuel Ellis of Gildersome 8 Hannah John Eastwood, jun. 18 John William Broadbent 14 Nanny Joseph Craven of Churwell 17 Mary Leonard Longbottom November 7 Sarah Miles Suttcliffe of Churwell 18 Nancy John Wilcock of Gildersome — Nanny William Laurens of Churwell 1781 January 1 William Jonathan Stogdale 5 Joseph John Scott, clothier 5 James George Oldrid February 5 Sarah William Smith of Tingley Moor side 6 Hannah William Balmforth 17 Sally Samuel Gaunt 22 Ann John Hartley of Churwell March 2 Benjamin John Hirst 2 * Birstal. — The town, station, or place. Bir. from byr, D, a city or town. Stal, from stifle, O.E. a stall, station, place, or stead. Byr seems to bo an equivalent to the O.E. burgh, and has probably been merged in that word in many cases. — Gkeenwell. 73 MORLI.V OLD < MAPKI,. Father's Name. Date. May July August Child's Name. Samuel John Atkinson 1781 March 17 (it orgs James Hodgson 2G Sally William Hudson April William William Steward Sally Benjamin (iarnett Hannah John Howroyd of Chunvell William Job Longley Nanny John Bilbrough of Bruncliffe William Jonathan Brook Mary Isaac Roger of Giklersome Joseph Timothy Scot Martha John Jubb of Churwell Mary John Dickenson of Tingley John William Asquith Samuel John Fothergill Thomas Thomas Rycroft of Gildersome James James Scarth of Churwell Thomas Thomas Barras of Leefair Joseph Thomas Scarth John John Binks, jun. Sarah Thomas Reyner John John Garnett Betty John Booth of Gildersome Jonathan John Rayner of Churwell Mally Joseph Tolson Mary Francis Sowry, jun. of Churwell William James Dodgeson Thomas William Banks John John Turner Joseph Samuel Waring Joseph Abraham Webster William Joseph Horncastle Sarah Joseph Newsom Hannah John Lawson John Richard Evers Nancy Joseph Wood Betty Thomas Rodley Nathaniel Nathaniel Sykes Lucy James Ben of Churwell Nelly John Hartley Hannah James Hartley John John Whitaker Mary John Todd, late of Morley, a soldier in the 48th Regiment of foot 1782 January Thomas William Leathley Matthew William Ellis, late of Morley, now a Militia man o 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 11 16 16 17 19 21 6 21 3 8 4 18 21 September 4 6 7 9 9 2 5 8 11 29 November 10 18 18 18 November 19 22 December 7 17 4 14 October REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 78 Child's Name. Father's Name. Nancy John Jackson, jun. 1782 John John Lister of Ossett Street Mary Robert Jackson, -jun. Nancy William Clark Samuel Thomas Sugden Luke Luke Senior Betty James Fenton Hannah John Barras of Rooms Ann Samuel Waring Joseph Anthony Brook Hannah John Fox, jun. John Robert Dixon, jun. Hannah Robert Stogdale Matthew John Butterworth Sally William Wood Watson Samuel Watson Scatcherd, Esq. John Samuel Bowling of Rothwell William George Sur John William Smith of Leefair Thomas Thomas W 7 aring Betty Nathaniel Slack, jun. Joseph Thomas Hardcastle, jun. Mary John Wilson Mary Jonathan Stockdil I" Ann Isaac Rogers of Gildersome Hannah Samuel Dunderdill I Mary John Turner Joseph Benjamin Briggs 1788 Joseph John Eastwood John George Austin William William Asquith Benjamin Andrew Baxter of Churwell Isaac John Barron Rebekah John BaiTon Thomas William Olroid Hannah James Swithenbank of Churwell John John Howroid of Churwell David John Hirst John Guisburn Samuel Ellis of Gildersome Mary George George Gleadhill of Gildersome Street Benjamin Joseph Craven of Churwell James John Scott, clothier Hannah John Pickles, Joseph Thomas Croft of Churwell Pally William Hudson March Date. January 80 February 7 12 18 1 1 1 18 18 April 12 22 May G 20 81 5 8 4 18 18 18 4 4 21 G 2G G 28 1* 8 8 10 11 20 20 February 7 17 7 12 20 4 July August October November December January March April 8 May 2 •1 •J 28 71 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Chilli's Name. Father's Name. Date. Betty John Jubb of Churwell 1783 May 10 John John Dickison of Lofthouse June 1 William Thomas Scarth 6 Sarah William Wilkinson of Churwell 28 Hannah William Fosterd July 2 James Timothy Scott 8 Sally John Fox, jon. 8 William Charles Smith 20 Thomas Thomas Dixon 20 lluth James Scarth August 18 Samuel John Bramma of Churwell October 1 John John Stogdale 2 John John Booth of Gildersome 8 Sarah Samuel Ellis 27 Benjamin Roger Hardaker of Churwell October 21) Cagill Samuel Westerman November 19 Joseph Nathaniel Sykes 21 Samuell Percifal Horsfall December 8 Hannah Thomas Harrison of Gildersome 5 Sarah James Hodgson 16 Mary Joseph Smith 1784 January 4 Hannah Samuel Gaunt 28 Samuel John Webster February 18 John ThomaS Mortimer March 1 Stephen John Fothergill 5 Job Samuel Dunderdil 5 William John Lawson 18 Mally Robert Stockdale 22 Joseph John Broadbent April 2 John John Yates 2 John Joseph Wood 2 Hannah William Ellis 5 Hannah Eunice Bradley 6 Joseph John Binks 7 Samuel Job Longley 7 Robert John Jackson 7 Sarah Andrew Baxter 10 Grace William Baxter of Churwell 10 Josua John Hazzewood, a pauper 21 Joseph Samuel Waring 22 John John Hartley July 9 Mally John Richarson of Churwell 9 Betty John Hollings September 7 David John Scholes 20 Timothy John Stanhope 20 Samuel Joseph Firth October REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 75 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. John John Longbottom 1784 October 21 John Joseph Appleyard 21 Betty Stephen Lantland November 5 Betty Isaac Roger of Gildersome 5 Samuel James Dodshun 5 Pally John Jubb of Churwell 26 John George Sur December 1 William William Banks 3 Mary John Westerman 22 Amelia Samuel Midgley 1785 January 7 Lidea Jonathan Hargreaves 7 Mary Thomas Hardcastle 7 Betty John Bilborough of Bruntcliffe 7 Mary George Tempest 10 Daniel John Pickles February 4 Mary William Broadbent 4 John John Blackburn 4 Sarah Ralph Eastwood 16 Matty Nathaniel Slack April 1 John Robert Jackson 18 Sally Thomas Wilson of Gildersome 19 James William Foster 28 Sammy William Hudson May 6 Sammy George Oldrid 22 Joseph William Whittel June 1 Hannah Timothy Scott 3 John Thomas Brown 3 Sarah William Oldroyd 3 Sarah Abraham Dawson of Topcliffe 16 Hannah William Clark July 1 Mary John Rayner of Churwell 4 John John Barron 6 William Joseph Craven of Churwell 14 William John Baxter do. 14 William John Wilson August 1 William William Asquith 1 Betty Benjamin Briggs 5 James Benjamin Theaker Thomas Thomas Scarth 16 George John Heald of Middleton September 2 Rebeckah John Turner 28 John Samuel Overin 20 William William Scarth October 7 William Son of Elizabeth Bramhall of Churwell John Son of Elizabeth Bramhall do. 18 Susannah William Mitchell of Clifton, in the Parish of Hatchet November 7 76 MOKLEY OLD CHAPEL. Chilil - !" Name. Fathers Name. Date. Saimifl Samuel daunt 1785 November 7 Sarah Samuel Smith December 16 John John Gaunt 80 Hiinnah John Scott 178G January 2 Hannah John Gomersal 2 Betty Roger Hardacre 9 William Andrew Baxter 9 William lames Scarth of Churwell 9 Hannah John Jubb do. 9 Mar \ William Laurence do. 9 Mary Samuel Ellis 18 M:iry Anne John Tolson 28 Samuel Thomas Mortimer February 8 William John Howroid 8 John Robert Stockdale 28 Elizabeth Jonathan Robinson March 8 Betty John Broadbent 29 Anne John Holmes April 17 Joseph Joseph Barras 17 Thomas John Booth of Gildersome 19 Grace Joseph Rayner May 5 Hannah John Blackburn 5 John William Baxter 22 Nancy John Foster June 6 John George Tempest 9 John John Westerman 22 Hannah Robert Dixon of Hooley Mill 26 Watson John Stanhope July 7 Mary John Hirst 7 Samuel Samuel Dunderdil 7 Milcah William Chadwick of Adwalton 18 Mary Thomas Sugdin 29 Betty Thomas Sugdin 29 Samuel Job Longley September 1 Pally William Wood 8 Sally Matthew Hirst 8 Sally Isaac Rodgers of Gildersome 8 Hannah William Broadbent October 6 Mary James Dodgshun 6 Hannah John Richardson of Churwell 17 William Miles Shirtliff do. 21 Hannah Miles Shirtliff do. 21 Mary John Longbottom 24 Mary John Bilsbrow of Bruntcliff November 8 Hannah Samuel Dawson of Churwell 3 Martha Samuel Cliff 6 REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 77 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Ann John Dickinson of Lofthouse 1786 December 1 Mary Joseph Whitaker of Pudsey 10 Mary Ralph Thomson of Middleton 21 William James Asquith of Churwell 21 William George Oldred 25 Susannah John Gisburn 1787 January 12 Joseph John Westerman 29 Joseph John Jackson 29 Lidea Ralph Eastwood February 2 Thomas John Reyner 8 Sarah James Scarth of Churwell 23 Hannah James Scarth do. 23 Joshua Samuel Overend do. March 2 Mary Joseph Appleyard 2 Matty John Lawson 2 Miles George Surr 5 Betty Samuel Robinson of Churwell 5 Sally Samuel Waring 17 Robert William Clark 28 Joseph John Pickles April G Joseph John Hazzlewood 6 Ruth John Fox 11 Sarah John Hollings 13 Thomas Thomas Rodley 19 Thomas Jonathan Hargreaves May 4 James Benjamin Garnett 4 Nancy John Jubb of Churwell 7 William Benjamin Briggs 10 William John Bragg 10 James William Asquith 12 Anne John Broadbent July 2 Abraham Timothy Scott 24 Sally Abraham Marshall 30 Martha William Fox August 3 Sarah John Fothergill 3 Hannah Samuel Elliss of Gildersome 8 William _ John Binks 3 Tabitha John Stanhope 3 Mally Joseph Firth 3 John John Baxter of Churwell September 7 Susy John Hartley 19 Nancy Samuel Smith October 5 William William Baxter of Churwell November 22 Ann John Barron December 5 Mally Joseph Wood 7 James Thomas Scarth 7 7s M0RLEY OLD CHAPEL. Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Mary .loM-ph Morton of Middle ton 1787 December 14 Mary Abraham Dawson of Topcliffe 15 ( i. urge John Wilson 1788 January 4 Hannah William Oldrid 4 Betty James Bradley 7 John John Webster 10 Luke Luke Senior February 1 George John Eastwood March 7 Thonias John Westerman 8 Hannah John Bramhall of Churwell 25 Betty James Greaves of Churwell April 4 Sally Ralph Malthouse 4 William Thomas Mortimer 4 James William Harrison of Tingley Moor May 5 John Lee Samuel Ellis 19 John John Clifton 23 Mary Benjamin Theyker June 6 Elizabeth Benjamin Clark 6 Thomas John Barras 6 Rachel Joseph Horncastle 6 Ruth Isaac Rodgers of Gildersome July 4 Hannah John Booth of Gildersome 4 Thomas George Tempest 15 Betty James Denison of Wiskithill 20 Hannah David Lindley of Leefair 21 Betty Robert Stogdill August 1 Nanny Samuel Robinson of Churwell 1 Joseph Joseph Firth of Stump Cross (» Hannah John Wilson 19 Thomas Nathaniel Reyner of Churwell 22 Sarah Abraham Broadhead 25 Hannah John Whitworth October 8 Thomas Thomas Gommersall 15 Joseph John Roberts 17 William John Lassey [Lacy originally, probably.] 28 Hannah Matthew Hirst November 5 Jonas William Hartley 5 William Samuel Binns 9 Hannah , William Clegg December G Sarah Samuel Overend of Churwell 6 Nathaniel Joseph Rayner of Churwell 25 Rachel Abraham Mitchell 178C > January 2 Grace John Richardson of Churwell 21 Betty Mark Webster • 21 Mary Joseph Stewart 26 Martha Samuel Gaunt February 6 REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 79 Child's Name. Father's Name. Betty William Broadbent 1789 John John Hollings Judith William Clark Joseph William Slater of Churwell Grace John Lawson Elizabeth John Hirst Mary - John Brook Martha John Bilborough of Gildersome Mary Samuel Waring William William Foster John James Dodshun Mary David Scott Mary John Lindsay Hannah John Foster William Wilham Blacklock of Churwell Sally Samuel Dunderdale Betty Wilham Banks Matty David Hartley Betty John Howroyd of Churwell Benjamin Benjamin Briggs Sarah William Brook of Churwell Hannah Williain Baxter of Churwell Rachel John Roberts of Cotton Mill Sally Abraham Marshall Martha Robert Garnett 1790 Joseph Samuel Binns Thomas John Holmes of Holbeck Elizabeth Thomas Rhodes Mercy Isaac Rodgers of Gildersome Mary John Hazzlewood Joshua William Asquith Isaac William Slater of Millshaw George William Wood Jinny John Wilson John John Pickles Sarah Joseph Firth John Joseph Westerman Samuel Peter Hepworth, bottom of Morley Moor Mary Timothy Scott of Tingley Susannah Samuel Robinson of Churwell John Joshua Wilby Hannah Samuel Ellis Thomas Samuel Smith Elizabeth John Reyner of Churwell Elizabeth John Toulson Abraham Abraham Dawson of Topcliffe Date. February G March 4 24 27 8 April May June 3 1 1 5 5 5 10 18 22 3 3 12 7 7 3 21 28 5 4 8 25 G G 15 15 15 2 2 2 2 7 14 7 7 7 17 24 24 June 1 July September October November February March April May 80 MOKI-EY OLD CIUPF.L. Child's Name. Father's Name Date. .John William Oldrid 1790 June 4 Sarah James Bradley 4 Mary Samuel Middle y of Millshaw 4 Martha John Binks 14 Henry William Clark 18 Elizabeth Benjamin Clark 18 Andrew John Baxter July 2 William John Jackson 5 Thomas William Hartley August 8 Thomas John Lassey 28 Ann John Brammall of Churwell 80 John Joseph Hartley of Churwell October 1 Thomas Joseph Appleyard 1 William Samuel Westerman 15 Samuel Thomas Gommersall 18 Martha William Laurence of Millshaw 25 William George Smith of Churwell November 8 "William John Fothergill December 8 Elizabeth Thomas Hardcastle 1791 January 7 Sally John Whitworth 5 Hannah William Pickles of Churwell IS Thomas John Turner 28 John Mark Webster February 4 Hannah Thomas Mortimer 4 Mary Abraham Mitchell 4 Ann John Lindsay 4 William Joseph Reyner of Churwell 4 Mary Samuel Gaunt May 7 Sally Robert Stockdill 7 Mary Benjamin Clark 11 William John Reyner of Leeds April 4 Betty Peter Hepworth G Hannah John Hollings 4 80 Hannah William Banks May 6 Mary William Foster G John Matthew Hirst G Mary Benjamin Briggs June 8 Sarah John Whitley 12 Joseph John Hirst 29 John John Hirst , 29 Benjamin John Eastwood July 1 Betty John Richardson of Churwell 1 William John Bilsborough of Bruntcliffe 1 Betty Samuel Overend of Churwell 1 Ruth David Scott August 5 William John Scott 25 REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 81 Child's Name. . Father's Name. Date. Ruth William Broadbent 1791 September 16 Samuel Samuel Cliff 22 William Samuel Bins October 7 Joseph Samuel Waring 7 William William Garth 17 Job Job Longley November 5 Joseph Robert Garnett 5 Mary William Stanhope 5 Sally William Clegg December 2 George Nathaniel Reyner of Churwell 2 Sally John Bywater of Stump Cross 2 John William Hartley 2 Sarah Christopher Milner 25 Ann George Smith of Churwell 1792 January 6 Pally Thomas Rodley 7 William William Ellis 13 Rachel Samuel Dunderdale February 3 Rebeckah Thomas Rhodes 3 Isaac Isaac Rodgers of Churwell March 2 Elizabeth John Barras 2 Elizabeth Abraham Dawson of Topcliffe 5 John John Bragg 9 Mary John Atkinson 22 Rebeckah John Baxter of Churwell 2G Rachel John Baxter of Churwell 26 Samuel John Booth of Gildersome April 5 Nanny Samuel Robinson of Churwell 5 Matthew George Surr of Millshaw 9 Samuel George Tempest 19 Hannah William Ingham of Churwell 20 Mary William Baxter of Churwell 24 Joseph John Wilson May 15 Sarah John Wetherill 23 Mary Joseph Smith 28 William John Reyner of Churwell 28 John John Whitworth June 1 Sarah Thomas Scarth 1 John Andrew Foster 1 Nelly Samuel Smith 1 Joseph John Ward 8 Hannah Abraham Marshall 10 Sarah William Collett 10 Hannah Joseph Westerman 26 Sarah John Reyner of St. Peter's Square, Leeds July 5 Nancy Joseph Firth 6 David William Hartley 8 82 MOKLEY OLD CHAi'EL. Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. James John Hirst 1792 August 8 William William Wilkinson of Churwell <> Nanny Peter Hepworth 7 Joseph Samuel Gaunt 13 William William Oldrid September 7 John William Oldrid 7 Hannah Thomas Foster October 29 Hannah Benjamin Briggs November 2 William William Pickels of Churwell 2 Hannah John Lassey 2 William John Roberts of Cotton Mill 2 Nanny Robert Stogdill December 7 William Thomas Hardcastle 7 Molly John Terry 14 James Samuel Broadbent 25 David Abraham Mitchell 1793 January i Hannah William Asquith 10 Thomas Isaac Sikes February 1 Joseph Joseph Appleyard 1 Jonathan John Hollings 25 Ruth Timothy Scott of Tingley March 1 Rebeckah Christopher Milner 18 Hannah George Smith of Churwell 27 Charles Samuel Binns April 5 John John Scott 5 Samuel Mark Webster 15 Samuel John Binks 19 Hannah John Westerman May 8 Sarah William Banks June 7 Nancy William Foster 7 Betty John Fox 7 Matty Jonathan Garforth July 5 Sarah James Pickels of Churwell 5 Elizabeth John Brammall do. August 2 Samuel John Nussey of Gildersome 2 John John Nussey do. 2 Betty William Wood 24 John Joseph Reyner of Churwell September 6 John William Smith 12 Ann John Wetherill 18 John John Reyner of Leeds October 3 Susannah Joseph Mortimer of Topcliffe 4 George Ralph Malthouse 4 Thomas John Bywater of Stump Cross 4 Benjamin Thomas Mortimer 4 John Robert Gamett 4 REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 83 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Ruth Joseph Ward 1798 October 12 Nanny Samuel Overend of Churwell November 1 James John Trougton of Gildersome Workhouse Dec. 15 John * Isaac Sikes 28 Martha Isaac Rogers of Cotton Mill 25 Mercy John Whiteley 29 "William John Illingworth 29 Ann Joseph Smith 1794 January 1 Peter Peter Hepworth 1 Benjamin Benjamin Theaker 20 Hannah Samuel Waring February 7 Mary Nathaniel Rayner of Churwell 7 Betty William Jackson do. 7 Betty William Ingham do. 7 Joseph William Hartley 7 Martha Samuel Robinson of Churwell 1G Hannah William Oldrid March 7 Elizabeth - Samuel Oldrid of Beeston 9 Samuel William Asquith 28 John John Bragg April 4 Samuel Samuel Smith May 2 Elizabeth William Baxter of Churwell 15 Kaigill William Ellis June 8 Patience Matthew Hirst 8 Grace John Baxter of Churwell Jesse Joseph Firth G George George Smith of Churwell G Lydea Thomas Rhodes G John William Stanhope G William Joseph Hartley 19 William Joseph Steward 23 Mary John Whitworth July 4 Ann John Longbottom (soldier) ' 4 Samuel Abraham Dawson of Topcliffe 4 Rachel Robert Stockdill 17 Ruth William Lassey 22 Nanny John Blackburn of Tingley August 1 Elizabeth Thomas Scarth 12 Sally John Terry 12 Thomas Job Longley September 5 Stephen John Lassey 12 Ann William Banks October 3 Hannah Samuel Cliff 12 John Thomas Rodley 81 Mary David Sharp 81 Nanny Jonathan Garforth December 22 84 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Surah John Tolson 1795 January 4 William William Laurence of Millshaw 4 Joseph Samuel Ellis of Gildersome Street George George Tempest 11 William John Westerman February 22 Samuel James Pickels of Ch unveil 28 Mary Christopher Milner March 1 Elizabeth James Bradley (5 Ruth William Stead of Churwell 18 Mary Ann William Smith do. July 29 Mary John Whiteley of Leeds December (5 John George Smith of Churwell 8 Elizabeth Richard Senior 179G January 1 Sarah Andrew Foster February 22 Samuel Joseph Appleyard 22 Mary John Pickels March 4 John John Illingworth 7 John John Bywater 9 William Joseph Smith 9 Sarah Joseph Scarth 9 John John Fawcett 18 David John Terry 27 Samuel William Baxter of Churwell April 1 Samuel Samuel Robinson do. 1 John Thomas Bradley June 12 Ann Christopher Milner 24 Betty Samuel Waring 80 Sarah Joseph Rayner of Churwell August 6 Robert Joseph Hall September 5 Hannah William Hartley 17 John James Taylor 19 John William Carter November 20 Susanna James Pickles 24 Martha Matthew Hirst December 9 Mary Abraham Marshall 1797 January 2 William Abraham Marshall 2 Mary William Clegg 2 Samuel William Lassey 2 Jeremiah John Baxter of Churwell 6 Ann Joseph Roberts 20 William John Tolson 25 Benjamin Matthew Gomersal of Gildersome February 8 Mary Samuel Bins of Millshaw 20 Joseph Benjamin Clark 23 John George Evers 27 Thomas Thomas Mortimer April 2 REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 85 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Martha Isaac Sykes 1797 April 18 Elizabeth George Smith 24 George William Hartley May 19 Robert John Hargreave 25 George Richard Senior 25 George William Smith of Churwell June 2 Richard George Tempest 14 Nancy Joseph Westerman 14 John Abraham Snell 18 Martha Abraham Dawson of Topcliffe 22 Richard Peter Hepworth July 13 Hannah Joseph Hartley 17 Joseph Andrew Foster 19 William Joseph Woofendale September 17 William Gill John Whiteley of Leeds 24 Betty Robert Evers October 2 David John Barras 14 Matthew Nathaniel Sykes December 4 Robert Robert Garnett 4 William John Crowther of Churwell 10 Mary Joseph Rayner of Churwell 12 Susanna Samuel Broadbent 14 Mary William Wilkinson do. 19 William Edward Bellows of Beeston 25 Sarah Isaac Nussey of Churwell 25 Betty William Ingham do. 25 William Joseph Scarth of Churwell 1798 January 7 Hannah Joseph Mortimer 2G John Owen Scatcherd of West Ardsley February 17 Thomas John Illingworth 25 Joshua Isaac Sykes March 5 Elizabeth Isaac Sykes 5 Charlotte Thomas Gomersal 20 Nancy John Horn 20 Elizabeth Joseph Smith 28 Sarah Joseph Newsome April 5 John John Maud 10 Mahalah Andrew Foster 16 Mary John Bywater 16 Samuel Joseph Hall June 28 John Richard Senior July 19 John John Terry August 21 Samuel James Pickels of Churwell September 8 James William Lassey 24 Joseph John Hargreave October 11 Jonas William Clegg November 19 80 MORI.KY OI.I) CHAPEL. Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. George George Evers 1798 November 20 John Samuel Waring December 4 Hannah William Smith of Churwell 19 Man John Bramma do. 1799 January 8 John Joseph Broadbent 5 Samuel Samuel Bins of Millshaw 7 George George Smith February 15 William Peter Hepworth 27 Elizabeth Abraham Snell March 17 Jonathan James Taylor 24 Hannah John Whiteley of Leeds 24 Susannah Edward Bellows of Beeston April 14 Abraham John Hirst 15 Mary Samuel Robinson of Churwell 15 Ester Joseph Appleyard 15 Frances Jonathan Garforth Mav 27 John Robert Evers 27 Martha John Broadhead June 17 John John Tolson 27 John John Roberts of Cotton Mill 80 Sarah George Tempest August 5 George William Gaunt 5 William Enoch Simpson 25 Mary Joseph Wofendale 25 Joseph Thomas Mortimer 2G Matthew John Scarth September Mary v Thomas Gilpin of Gildersome October Thomas Robert Garnett 21 Sally Joseph Westerman November 1 John Hare John Gisburn, jun. December Hannah Samuel Waring 1800 February 7 Hannah John Asquith 7 John John Laurence of Milshaw 24 John Andrew Foster, sen. March 8 Hannah Richard Senior 17 Sarah Ann William Linley April G Joseph John Terry 7 George Joseph Hartley 18 William Joseph Broadbent 18 Betty John Maude 21 Elizabeth Andrew Foster 21 Robert Samuel Gaunt 25 Grace Samuel Gaunt 25 Joseph John Bywater May 10 Ruth Samuel Broadbent June 2G George John Blackburn July 2 REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 87 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Nancy John Robertshaw 1800 July 7 Sarah John Baxter of Churwell 16 Mary- Joseph Newsome 28 Joseph Benjamin Matthews August 1 Sarah Joseph Mortimer 1 Isaac Isaac Sykes 18 Isaac John Hirst 20 Samuel Joseph Smith 26 Frances William Scholes September 14 Joseph James Pickles of Churwell 18 Robert Matthew Ellis 28 Mary William Hartley October 26 John John Scarth of Churwell 26 Rachel Abraham Dawson of Topcliffe November 13 Sarah William Smith 24 Henry Owen Scatcherd of Leefair 27 John Thomas Gilpin of Gildersome 30 John William Stead of Churwell December 4 Elizabeth William Longley do. 1801 February 11 Thomas James Taylor 17 David George Smith March 22 Matty John Hargreaves 24 Thomas James Hardcastle 25 Mary William Carter of Wakefield Outwood 29 Jennet Edward Bellows of Beeston April 5 William John Glover of Gildersome May 8 Henry John Gisburn 18 Grace William Lassey 18 Sarah George Evers 18 Adah Scholey Peter Hepworth 21 Hannah John Bramma of Churwell July 5 Mary John Laurence of Milshaw 18 Joseph John Whitley 29 Mary Ann John Lassey 29 Mary William Crooker of Stump Cross August 28 John John Middlebrook 81 Grace Jonathan Garforth 81 John Matthew Ellis September 16 Rebekah William Westerman December 4 Mary Ann Samuel Waring 12 Thomas John Westerman 25 Josiah Joshua Butterworth 1802 February 15 John John Asquith March 5 George Robert Evers April 12 George Robert Garnett 12 Nanny George Smith June 1 88 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. John Abraham Marshall 1802 June 4 John William Longley of Churwell 80 William John Terry July 2 John James Tod 2 William Thomas Waring August 6 Hannah John Bywater of Stump Cross 6 Elizabeth John Gisburn September 2 Joseph John Maud October 11 Maria Andrew Foster, jun. 11 Ruth Joseph Smith 12 John John Whitley of Leeds 17 William John Asquith 22 John Jonas Westerman November 11 Jeremiah William Smith 14 Sarah John Tolson 16 Joseph Joseph W r esterman 16 Mary Joseph Mortimer 16 Joseph Joseph Hall December 29 Hannah Edward Bellows of Beeston 1803 January 2 James Joseph Broadbent 2 Betty Joseph Whitley 80 Samuel Isaac Sykes February 2 George Matthew Hirst March 1 David John Hudson 1 Samuel Peter Hepworth April 1 James Owen Scatcherd of W r est Ardsley 1 Nanny John Glover of Gildersome street 1 Robert Joseph Day 10 Martha William Scholes May 10 John Nathaniel Webster July 22 Joseph Samuel Waring September 2 John Jonathan Garforth 4 George James Hardcastle 25 Joseph Samuel Hardcastle 25 Martha George Smith October 15 Joseph Henry Sykes 23 Jonathan W T illiam Longley November 23 Robert George Evers December 11 John William Lassey 11 Thomas Thomas Fox 11 Joshua Joseph Wofendale 11 Elizabeth Nathaniel Brook 16 Levi Robert Evers 1804 March 2 John John Broadhead 2 Helen John Whitehead 25 Martha John Asquith 26 register of baptisms. 80 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Mary Nathaniel Webster 1804 November 20 Mary Ann John Rycroft of Adwalton December 17 William Samuel Hardcastle of Churwell Lane side Thomas William Smith 23 Jane John Maude 30 John Edward Bellows of Beeston 1805 January 27 Thomas James Todd February 3 Richard William Chapel 17 James . William Wilkinson 17 William Isaac Barron 17 Thomas John Storr of Churwell 28 Mary John Robertshaw March 10 Hannah John Robertshaw 10 Nanny Isaac Nussey 11 David Peter Hepworth 24 Hannah Benjamin Savile 27 Martha John Bywater April 5 James John Hargrave 5 Hannaji John Whitley 5 John Abraham Dawson of Topcliffe 11 Charlotte John Rhodes of Topcliffe 11 William William Longley of Churwell July 17 Benjamin Isaac Sykes 21 Elizabeth Joseph Wofendale September 8 Mary Henry Dykes October 6 Sarah Joseph Smith 24 Ann Joseph Day 26 John Joseph Heaton November 10 James James Fox December 8 Mary Jonathan Garforth 8 John Samuel Bramma of Churwell 180G January 8 bally Samuel Hardcastle of Churwell 5 William John Gisburn 10 Joseph John Asquith February 7 Jane Samuel Waring 20 Mary Joseph Hall March 10 Hannah Thomas Fox May 2 Samuel John Asquith 7 Thomas Andrew Foster, sen. 18 Mary William Lassey June 10 James James Taylor 25 Ruth John Broadbent July 30 John Joseph Mortimer October 24 Sarah William Smith November 9 David Jonathan Smith ll Samuel William Longley of Churwell 12 90 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. James James Pickles of Churwell 1800 November 12 George Andrew Foster, jun. December 26 Samuel Robert Garnett 1807 April 20 Agues William Chappell 26 Nanny John Broadbent — William Henry Dykes 1808 April 18 Samuel John Gisburn as Thomas Thomas Warin 2!) Thomas William Longley of Churwell June 1 Sarah .1 nines Taylor — Joseph Thomas Fox 1809 June 1(5 Mary John Gisburn 1810 April 2 Joseph Joseph Mortimer — George James Tetley 2 Mary Jonathan Garforth July 21 Hannah Joseph Day 29 Sarah Benjamin Whiteley of Milshaw August 9 George William Smith — Thomas John Broadbent — Sarah Thomas Fox 1811 January 12 Mary James Taylor — Sarah William Longley of Churwell March 18 John Joseph Mortimer 1812 George Thomas Fox 1818 May 15 John John Storr of Churwell July 28 Henry Henry Dykes August 11 Susannah John Gisburn December 9 Elizabeth Jonathan Garforth 1815 January 17 Joseph John Storr of Churwell April 15 Elizabeth John Broadbent — George Thomas Fox May 15 Hannah Henry Dykes 1810 February 1 Sarah Thomas Waring 1 David Joseph Broadbent 1 Elizabeth Beckwith Wilson April 19 Hannah Andrew Foster June 20 James Andrew Foster July 15 Khoda Thomas Jagger August 22 James James Tetley September 12 Joseph Benjamin Theaker 1817 February 10 Martha John Storr of Churwell 19 Paul Paul Bradley 22 John James Garnett March 5 Ann Nathaniel Sykes 5 David David Greenwood Samuel Samuel Brook 10 REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 91 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. John Thomas Middlebrook 1817 March — James William Benson 30 Hannah Jonathan Garforth April 1G Elizabeth John Jones 20 William James Ward May 1G Mary Thomas Tidswell June 14 Betty Jonas Stables July 1G Mary Benjamin Theaker August 17 Benjamin William Clough 19 George Robert Nay lor September 2 Mary Jonathan Maud of Towlers 18 Mary David Terry October 20 Joseph % Benjamin Binks November 8 Ebenezer Abraham Hudswell (Minister) 17 David Jeremiah Horsfield [Horsfall or: tginally] 2o Joseph Thomas Waring 2G Joseph Thomas Day December 2 Sarah William Gath 1818 January 10 Hannah Samuel Hardcastle of Tingley Moor February 22 Charlotte Thomas Jagger March 18 Rohert John Gisburn 18 Mary David Butterworth April 5 Mary William Smith 28 Wra. Johnson Thomas Middlebrook May 28 David Henry Dykes 28 Betty Miles Hall June 5 William Thomas Whitacre , 15 Ellen Nathaniel Dickinson July 1G Sarah David Marshall August 1G John Job Dunderdale, Nipshaw Lane 18 Grace Anthony Todd 29 Hannah Joseph Eastwood September 18 George Joseph Eastwood 18 Harriot William Waring October 17 Betty Thomas Fox December 27 Daniel John Taylor 27 Benjamin David Ellis 28 Betty David Ellis 28 Joseph Samuel Brook 1819 April 17 Elizabeth Samuel Brook 17 Susannah •lames Broadbent of Howlers May 10 John Jonathan Maud of Owlers 10 James Benjamin Binks 1G William John Towlson of Broad Oak September 8 Harriott Joseph Waring 10 James John Senior 22 02 MoIU.EY OLD CHAPEL. Child'a Name. Father's Name. Date. John Thomas Tidswell 1810 September 24 James William Smith October 8 Martha Norrisson Scatcherd 22 John Marshall John Fothergill November 5 David Jeremiah Horsfield 86* Joseph Thomas Waring 2(5 Thomas Thomas Tempest 26 Nancy .lames (iarnett 27 Jonathan Jonathan Smith 1820 January t) Daniel Daniel Pickles February 15 William Daniel Pickles 15 William William Perry 18 George Joseph Broadbent 10 Nancy J >avid Terry April G Ann James Taylor G Hannah Hollings Thomas Middlebrook May 25 Sarah Ann John Gisburn June 1 Edward James John Knightson 20 Joseph Joseph Watson 20 Harriott Thomas Day 24 Nancy John Elam July H Sarah David Dixon 10 Ann John Storr of Churwell August 25 Thomas Joseph Garnett 20 John John Taylor September 15 John •lames Brummit September 15 John William Lassey 18 Nancy John Taylor October 8 John John Broadbent of Tingley Bar James Joseph Brown 10 Samuel James Broadbent of Morley Moor 2G James James, Kenworthy December 80 Sarah George Hartley 1821 January 28 Richard John Stockdale February 8 Hannah William Smith March 18 Benjamin John Sykes 20 Charlotte Thomas Varey 80 Ann Maria Thomas Roberts of Churwell April 18 Ellen Thomas Roberts of Churwell 18 Walter James Bryden of Tingley Bar 22 Joseph John Wilson of Owlers' Lane 24 William Beckwith Wilson 25 Hannah Thomas Waring May 1 Thomas William Newsome G Henry Nathaniel Webster June 11 Cornelius Benjamin Binks 2G REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 93 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Mary Samuel Webster 1821 August 10 Martha Joseph Waring 24 Sarah John Turton September 18 James Joseph Binks 18 Mary , Jonathan Maude 18 Eliza John Elam 21 James Joseph Longley October 1 William William Clough November 8 Martha Thomas Blakeley December 17 William Robert Clark of Leadhouse Wells Joseph David Ellis 1822 January 1 Hannah Thomas Jagger 1 Sarah William Waterhouse 14 Charlotte John Renton February 1G John John Renton 10 Thomas Joseph Sykes March 14 Jane David Terry 14 Joseph Samuel Dixon 80 James William Hartley April 9 Joseph John Stables 9 Joseph Newsome 18 William William Gommersall 18 Rachel Joseph Firth 28 Joseph John Garnett 2G Achsah John Ward 27 Sarah William Smith June 17 John David Dickson July 15 Joseph David Dickson 15 Joseph George Sharp September 80 Elizabeth John Webster, jun. November 4 Selina John Elam 17 Elizabeth Thomas Roberts 20 Mary Ann Dau. of Jane Maude 20 Joseph David Marshall December 8 Sarah Henry Dykes 19 Samuel Norrisson Scatcherd 26 Sarah Elizabeth Joseph Marshall 1823 February 5 John Thomas Whitacre of Millshaw 17 Mary Ann John Aaron of Churwell March 5 Charlotte Thomas Schofield April 4 Mary Fisher Thomas Middlebrook 4 Mary George Hartley 17 Thomas Thomas Jagger 22 John Joseph Watson May 8 John John Fletcher 7 Mary John Firth 18 !>! MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Robert Samuel Hall 1823 May 18 llauiiiih Klizabeth Samuel Webster 22 Mary John Taylor June 15 Thomas Son of Elizabeth Raby 24 James John Dunderdale July 10 James John Dassey August 2 George John Storr of Churwell September 2 Hannah John Renton 8 Mary John Brook 3 John John Towlson 11 Mary John Towlson 11 Jane Thomas Varey 25 Charlotte William Tetley October 2 William Samuel Holdred 27 Man- William Smith 27 Joseph George Megson 2 Hannah John Garnett December 4 Mary Ann Benjamin Binks 25 William James Bryden 81 Joseph William Gomersal 1824 January 2 Benjamin William Gomersal 2 Mary Samuel Lassey 2 James Samuel Pickles February 18 EKz&beth Joseph Sykes March 1 John David Terry April 21 William Anthony Todd May 24 Martha Anthony Todd 24 Mary Joseph Mortimer June 19 Joseph Jonathan Maud September G Mary James Garnett 27 Betty William Brook October 1 John Samuel Oldred 11 Robert Francis Thackray November 2 George Thomas Tempest 11 Elizabeth John Illingworth 20 Thomas Dixon Samuel Asquith 28 Mary Joseph Ellis 80 Mary Dau. of Ann Lassey 1825 Jan. 25 David George Megson 25 James William Ward Feb. 9 Joseph William Ward 9 Mary John Lassey 21 Jane Samuel Webster Mar. 1G Joshua John Asquith May 2 Edward John Jones 9 Elizabeth William Smith 8 REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 05 Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Samuel William Clough 1825 June 17 Mary Thomas Roberts of Churwell 23 Joseph Thomas Roberts do. 23 John William Thomas Whitacre do. 27 Joseph i Job Dunderdale of Mint Holbeck July 14 John Henry Dykes 20 Elizabeth Dau. of Dinah Brook 25 Jonathan Thomas Middlebrook August 5 Benjamin William Hirst 26 William George Hartley- September 11 Joseph John Cockerham 21 John John Wilson 29 Mary John Garnett October G John Robert Colbeck 15 Thomas Joseph Mortimer 17 William James Mortimer November 22 Hannah Samuel Asquith December 8 James George Eletcher 18 Joshua Thomas Varey 182G February 10 Ann Robert Turner March 2 Susannah Jonathan Maude 6 Ruth John Tempest 28 Joseph John Tempest 28 Sarah William Benson April 17 John John Sykes May 8 Elizabeth Benjamin Binks 11 David Erancis Thackray August 7 Richard Ripley John Storr of Churwell 9 Ann Joseph Senior 31 Mary- James Tetley October 5 Ruth David Marshall 18 David Matthew Hirst November 11 Mary- James Bryden December 10 David David Terry- 11 Sarah John Lassey 28 Mary Ann James Brook 1827 January 12 William George Megson February 1 John John Taylor Ann James Garnett 10 David Samuel Rhodes 20 Samuel James Hall March 19 James Dixon Samuel Asquith 22 James John Garnett April 9 Martha William Smith 10 Solomon William Clough 15 Eliza Samuel Oldred 10 in; MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Child's Name. Father's Name. Date. Anne Samuel Webster 1827 April 10 William Joseph Sykes May 10 Elisabeth William Almond 20 Samuel John Webster June 7 Elizabeth Benjamin Addy 10 Ann Dau. of Sarah Baxter July 1 Sarah Thomas Whitacre of Leeds 10 Ann William Benson 20 George George Hartley 20 Sarah Thomas Middlebrook August 22 Ann Thomas Potter September 4 Esther John Roberts of Churwell October 18 James Joseph Asquith December Benjamin John Fletcher 15 Hannah James Mortimer 25 Ruth James Broadbent 1828 January 7 James Robert Colbeck 7 Hannah Joseph Dykes February 5 Mary William Walker 20 John Joseph Mortimer May 23 George William Brook April Ann Isaiah Crowther 7 George Augustus Hohnan 18 Martha John Fox 27 William Samuel Smith May 2 Jane Ann John Renton 7 Joseph James Broadbent 23 Ruth James Broadbent 23 Thomas James Broadbent 23 Sarah David Terry June 25 William James Pickles July Mary Ann Dau. of Ann Lassey August 28 Sarah Ann Samuel Lassey October 23 Emma George Fawcett November 5 Mary Job Dunderdale of Holbeck 10 William James Wilkinson 25 Emma John Newsome 25 Richard William Ellis December 22 William George Hartley 25 Elizabeth John Garnett 1820 January 8 Sarah John Garnett 8 Samuel Samuel Webster April 10 Joseph Joseph Kitson 25 Elizabeth William Hartley May 2 John John Reyner June 2 Eliza Samuel Asquith July U REGISTER OF BAPTISMS. 97 Child's Name. Father's Name. Elizabeth James Bryden Joseph Samuel Smith Joseph William Benson Sarah John Webster William l Joseph Mortimer Eliza Thomas Middlebrook Martha James Mortimer Mary James Mortimer Mary Robert Colbeck Ann James Wilkinson Joseph John Sykes Ruth William Smith Mary Thomas Whitacre Robert Thomas Potter Hannah Thomas Gomersal Ann James Brook of Holbeck Joseph David Terry James James Wilkinson James Samuel Lassey Eliza Samuel Smith John John Garnett Date. 1829 July 26 September 1 22 23 October 12 1830 January 26 February 5 22 26 March 7 April 8 26 June 11 15 July 25 August 1 1 8 September 19 December 25 Jt Catalogue of tljc iRinisters of tljt ©15 Cljapd, ilorkg. Date. Ministers' Names. Cause of Vacation. 1G27 Samuel Wales Death. 1662 — Etherington Resigned. 1665—1071 Christopher Nesse, M.A. Do. 1073—1674 David Noble, M.A. Do. 1071—1075 Samuel Bailey Death. 1075—1077 Thomas Sharp, M.A. Resigned. 1677—1680 Robert Pickering, M.A. Death. 1688—1709 Joseph Dawson Do. 1709—1703 Timothy Aldred Resigned. 1708—1794 Thomas Morgan Do. 1795—1800 Samuel Lucas Do. 1806—1807 — Spencer Do. 1807—1815 — Duncan Do. 1817—1887 Abraham Hudswell Death. 1837—1841 Joseph Fox Resigned. 1842—1854 John Morris, D.D. Do. 1854—1860 James Wonnacott Do. 1802—1805 Frederick Barnes, B.A. Do. 1866—1875 George Southey, B.A. Death. 1877—1884 William Edward Anderton, M.A. Resigned. 1884— Ambrose Shepherd — [Z^i^aj^L^y^^yi^/^^e^ r,< A child of Christopher Briggs was buried February G William Dixon, died February 7, aged 52 Theadosha, wife of Mr. Samuel Scatchard, died February 18 John, son of Samuel Rhodes, died February 11, aged 4 A child of John Brooks, died March 12, aged 3 days Sarah, dau. of John Terry, died March 20, aged 25 Matthew, son of Matthew Spence, died April 19, aged G mos. Samuel, son of Thomas Wood, died May 11, aged 4 A traveling woman came to Morley Hole May 11, and boare a bastard child, still-born Jane, wife of Isaac Birkhead, of Gildersome, died May 30, aged 64 Betty, wife of Zackriah Hopkins, died June 18, aged 32 Ann, wife of Mr. John Dawson, died July 2, aged 89 John, son of Abraham Ellis, of Holbeck, died July 9, aged 11 Hannah, dau. of John Olrid, died July 14, aged 15 Susannah, wife of Samuel Sugdin, died July 23, aged 46 Mary, wife of Jonathan Alan, died July 28, aged (Hi John Croft of Gildersome, died July 80, aged 55 John, son of John Sutlif, of Churwell, died August 4, aged 8 A child of Jacob Hudson, of Gildersome, shoemaker, still-born Samuel, son of John Crowther, died October 13, aged 8 Jennet, dau. of Daniel Slack, died September 4, aged 1 Mary, dau. of Abraham Sykes, died September 28, aged 6 Matthew Ellis, died October 8, aged 5 Joshua Wood, died October 24, aged 45 James, son of John Balmfirth, died October 27, aged 20 John Worsman, died October 28, aged ">7 Thomas Snell, died October 28, aged 48 Catrin Glendillin, died November 28, aged 40 John Richardson, of Churwell, died December 8, aged 58 Matthew Spence, died December 18, aged 28 Betty, wife of Joseph Lodge, died December 21, aged 81 Emme, wife of Moses Clough, of Gildersome, died December 81, aged 64 116 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Mary, wife of William Dixon, died December 81 1707 Isral Longcastor, died January 5, aged 24 1708 A child of Baits, born January 8, still-born Samuel Sugdin of Pudsey, died January 18, aged 40 William, son of William Dixon, died January 21, aged 20 .lames Stead, died January 20, aged 04 Mr. Henry Scatchard, died February 8, aged 40 James Chaddick, of Churwell, died March 25, aged 77 A child of Jones Hartley, March 81, stil-born Jeremiah, son of Jeremiah Elinsal, of Churwell, died March 81, aged 20 Hannah, wife of Richard N umiak, died April 10, aged 21 Rachel, wife of Joseph (Jrowther, of Churwell, died April 17, aged 80 Rachel, dau. of John Binks, died July 8, aged 85 John, son of W'illiam Reuel, died July 5, aged 29 Hannah, dau. of Jonathan Allin, died July 10, aged 10 Crissey, wife of William Bradley, of Churwell, died July 11, aged 89 Thomas, son of Thomas Shard, of Leeds, died September 25 Hannah, wife of James Chaddwick, of Churwell, died October 2, aged 79 Mr. George Alrid, of Churwell, died October 21, aged 48 Mary, dau, of Joshua Appleyard, died October 81, aged 18 A poor traveling woman, died at John Gamwells, of Churwell, November 10, her name vn known. Sarah dau. of Joseph Wood, died November 20, aged 1 Sarah, dau. of John Dodgson, died November 24, aged 5 Robart, son of Samuel Hall, died December 9, aged 9 Daniel, son of Daniel Slack, died December 10, aged 5 Benjamin, son of Daniel Hurst, died December 15, aged G A child of Francis Bradleys, December 15, still-born Ann Bock, died December 20, aged 8 Ann, dau. of John Goslin, of Churwell, died December 31, aged 8 George, son of Abraham Sykes, colyer, died January 2, aged 8 1709 William Balmfirth, died January 22, aged 03 William, son of William Celit, died January 24, aged Benjamin, son of Hannah Jackson, died January 25, aged Samme, son of John Robards, juner, died January 24, aged 7 mos. Fanny, dau. of William Garfirth, died January 27, aged 15 James, son of Ann Smith, died January 27, aged 8 Grace, dau. of John Lister, died February 0, aged Betty, dau. of William Celit, died February 8th, aged 17 Mary, dau. of William Reynor, died March 4, aged Martha, dau. of Abraham Ellis, of Holbeck, died March 12, aged 28 Samuel, son of John Illingworth, died March 19, aged 14 mos. John, son of Elkanah Blamiers, of Gildersom, died March 29, aged 8 Mary, wife of William Brook, died April 7, aged 70 Sarah, wife of Jonathan Heywood, died May 8, aged 52 Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Burrow, of Churwell, died May 8 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 117 John, father of William Watson, died May 5, aged GG 17G0 Jacob Brook, died May 1G, aged 40 Thomas, son of John Scott, died June 10, aged 2 weeks Ann, dau. of Abraham Sykes, collier, died June 14, aged 9 weeks Benjamin, son of Thomas Ricroft, of Gildersome, died July 4, aged 2 Martha, wife of John Slack, died September 1, aged 82 John Heaton, died September 10, aged 31 William, son of Samuel Westerman, of Churwell, died September 14 Ann, dau. of John Polard, of Gildersome, died October 1, aged 20 Samuel Clark, died October 2 aged 71 Mary, dau. of George Wood, of Churwell, died October 3, aged 4 Hannah, dau. of Mary Crowther, of Churwell, died December, aged 2 John Dawson, died December 11 John, son of John Banks, died December 13 Elizabeth, wife of Luke Hemminah, of Liversheg Hall, near Heck- mondwike, died December 18, aged 40 Sarah, dau. of Sarah Crowther, of Churwell, died January 2, aged 1 [1770 Francaes, wife of Richard Ward, died January 19, aged 80 Grace, dau. of William Fox, died January 81, aged 9 mos. Martha, dau. of Joseph Slater, of Churwell, aged 4 Joseph, son of Joseph Tomlinson, of Sphen, near Birstal, died Feb- ruary 8, aged 20 Samuel, son of John Clark, died February 22, aged 5 James, son of Edward Troughton, of Gildersome, died March 1, aged 39 Hannah, dau. of George Scott, of Atherton, died March 3, aged G4 Thomas, son of John Crowther, died March 15, aged 7 mos. Elizabeth, wife of James Garnit, died March 3, aged G4 Jane Burrow, of Churwell, died March 17 Joseph Leathley, of Churwell, died March 24, aged 75 John Renor, of Churwell, died April 7, aged 80 Mearcy, wife of John Hagger, died April 21, aged 79 Joseph, son of Joseph Tumor, died April 25, aged 25 A still-born child of Jonas Hartleys, May 4 Hannah, wife of John Crowther, died May 12, aged 28 Mary, wife of Abraham Whitwham, of Churwell, died June 2 aged 23 Mary, wife of William Smith, of Dean Hall, died June 9, aged GG Ann, dau. of Jacob Brook, died July 1, aged 2 Hannah Diggne, died July 4, aged 73 Hannah, wife of Robert Watson, of Gildersome, died July 18, aged 78 Thomas, son of Jeremiah Longbottom, died August 4, aged 16 Joseph, son of Samuel Swinyard, died August 10, aged 1 Rachel, wife of Edward Troughton, of Gildersome, August 20, aged 79 Isaac Reuil, of Gildersome, died August 28, aged 41 Hannah, dau. of Obadiah Wood, of Gildersome, died August 24, aged 11 118 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Surah, wife of John Land, of Churwell, died Sept. G, aged 02 1770 .lames Fenton, died October 8, aged 42 A still-born child of Joseph Toulsous, b. October 24 Elizabeth, dau. of Obadiah Wood, of Gildersome, died October 17, Med 5 Mary, vih' of Brian Bradley, died October 25, aged 05 Hannah, dau. of James Lassey, died November 7, aged 20 Hannah, dau. of John Richardson, of Churwell, died November 17, aged 10 Samuel Hincliff, of Churwell, died November 21. aged 09 Hannah, wife of Thomas Ismay, of Churwell, died December 85, aged 85 Benjamin, son of Joseph Ellis, died January 10, aged 8 1771 A child of Betty Longleys,, of Churwell, died January 25 Robert Watson, of Gildersome, died February 1, aged 80 James Cfarnit, died February 7, aged 75 William Jackson, died February 15, aged 5(5 Grace Firth, died February 25, aged :; I Martha, wife of John Westerman, of Gildersome, hunter, died Feb- ruary 28, aged 78 Judith Crowther, of Churwell, died April 8, aged 52 Deborah Watson, of Gildersome, died May 20, aged 47 Thomas Waring, died May 24, aged G4 Joseph Darnbrook, jiner, died June 7, aged 27 Martha Chappil, died July 7, aged 98 Thomas, son of Abraham Sykes, colier, died July 7 Hannah, dau. of Joseph Howroyd, of Churwell, died July 10, aged 21 Samuel, son of Joseph Hinsliff, of Churwell, died July 20, aged 14 Betty, dau. of Joseph Longley, of Churwell, died July 81, aged 22 Obadiah Wood, of Gildersome, died August 24, aged 71 A child of Abraham Watsons, died September 18 Hannah, wife of Daniel Slack, sen., died September 23, aged 50 Samuel, son of George Oldrid, died October 25, aged 9 weeks Thomas Scatcherd, died October 28, aged 19 Thomas, son of Balak Firth, of Churwell, died October 28 Ann, wife of Daniel Pickles, of Churwell, died November 0, aged 71 Betty, dau. of Daniel Slack, juner, died November 9, aged 11 Robart, son of John Clark, died December, 24, aged 19 Edward Renor, died December 21, aged 80 Hannah, dau. of David Hirst, died November 9, aged 3 mos. Martha, dau. of Daniel Slack, died November 10, aged 13 A still-born child of Joseph Ellis, of Gildersome, November 10 Joseph, son of Joseph Ellis, of Gildersome, died^ovember 10, aged 11 Isaac, son of John Walk, died December 14, aged 18 Madam Scathard, died December 22, aged 80 Joseph Wooler, died January 5, aged 82 1772 John Sickor of Chunvell, died January 5, aged 57 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 119 Grace dau. of John Leathley, died January 25 1772 Hannah, wife of Edward Renor, died February 10, aged 79 Mrs. Ann. Taylor, died January 28J aged 56 A child of James Ward, of Bruntcliff, died February 20 James, son of John Scott, died March 8, aged 5 A child of Francis Bradley's, died March 20 Joshua Tomlinson, of Gildersome, died March 24, aged 65 Joseph Ellis, of Gildersome, died April 11, aged 46 A still-born child of John Lands, of Churwell, April 29 John, son of John Tomlinson, died May 17, aged 22 Mary, wife of Nathaniel Sykes, died June 4, aged 26 A still-born son of John Hazzlewoods, June 9 Hannah, wife of Daniel Pickels, died July 5, aged 52 Samuel, son of John Banks, died July 16 Sarah Scoals, died August 21, aged 63 Martha, wife of William Cromack, died September 18, aged 72 Mary, dau. of Samuel W 7 estcrman, of Churwell, died Oct. 29, aged 11 Jeremiah, son of Thomas Smith, died October 30, aged 24 A still-born child of William Stewards, November 11 William Troughton, died November 14, aged 43 Mary, dau. of Samuel Hall, died December 9, aged 5 Martha, wife of Isaac Beamon, of Rooms, died Jan 12, aged 58 1773 Benjamin, son of Joseph Ellis, died January 17, aged 4 Joseph Crowther, died January 26, aged 75 Ann, wife of John Ward, of Bruntcliff, died January 31, aged 73 William, son of William Reuel, died February 8, aged 39 Mark Brook, of Atherton, died February 14, aged 85 Thomas W r arin, of Churwell, died February 20, aged 32 Joseph, son of Susannah Tumor, died March 20 Betty, wife of Thomas Settle, of Barack, died March 30 A still-born child of Abram Sykes, b. April 4 John Smith, mason, died April 21, aged 35 Hannah, dau. of Samuel Westerman, of Churwell, died May 12, aged 9 Joseph, son of Joseph Slator, of Churwell, died May 21, aged 3 Thomas Jackson, died May 25, aged 26 Mary, dau. of John Hartley, of Churwell, died July 17, aged 28 Martha, wife of Joseph Chadwick, of Adwalton, died Aug. 20, aged 75 Joseph, son of Richard Collison, of Adwalton, died August 7, aged 1 Joseph Tolson, died August 11, sged 75 James Clark, died August 22 Catherine Morris, died October 8, aged 76. Calep, son of George Scott, of Adwalton, died October 10 Hannah, wife of John Binks, of Churwell, died November 1, aged 40 Samuel, son of John Clark, tailor, died November, 18, aged 1 The Rev. Mr. Timothy Aired,* died August 21, aged 88 •Tiir Rev. Mr. Aldrcd, was an accomplished Latin scholar, and an erudite Biblical critic, as well as a most estimable and worthy pastor. He was a recipient of the 120 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Samuel Atkinson, died November 28, aged 68 1778 William Brook, died November 28, aged 80 Anne, wife of Abraham Sykes, died December 8, aged 40 Samuel Crowther, of Churwell Lane Side, died December 12, aged 70 Paul Ayre, died December 12, aged 71 Rachel, dau. of Joseph Wood, died January 4, aged 4 1774 William Chappel, died January 5, aged GO Anne, dau. of William Garforth, died January 10, aged 2 John Gomersal, bur. January 80, aged 82 f Tabitha, dau. of George Scott, of Adwalton, buried March 1, aged 8 Thomas, son of Samuel Hopkin, bur. March 80 W r illiam, son of William Crumock, bur. April 19, aged 41 Mary, wife of Joseph Settle, bur. May 10, aged 48 Ann Brummit, bur. June 15, aged 00 Rachel, dau. of John Banks, bur. May 11 A child of Elizabeth Chapels, bur. July 15 Alice, widow of Timothy Clark, buried July 17, aged 70 Ann, wife of John Hazlewood, bur. August 1, aged 34 Michael, son of Joseph Settle, buried August 7, aged 17 Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Inman, bur. August 10 Mary, widow of Samuel Waring, buried September 5, aged 70 Sarah Hinchliffe, of Churwell, bur. September 22, aged 92 Sarah, dau. of Samuel Slack, buried October 23, aged 20 A child of Abraham Watson's of Gildersome, buried October 28 Alice, widow of James Clark, bur. November 29, aged 01 Thomas Rayner, bur. December 14, aged 70 Joseph Talbot, bur. December 27, aged 09 Jonathan Brook, senor, buried January 8, aged 57 1775 Betty, widow of Jonathan Croft, buried January 24, aged 07 Ralph, son of Ralph Harris, bur. January 25 Ann, dau. of Samuel Waring, cooper, bur. February 8, aged 4 Mary, dau. of John Wormald, bur. February 12, aged 19 Rebekah, dau. of William Smith, jun., bur. February 10 George, son of William Brook, collier, bur. February 21, aged 2 Hannah, dau. of Joseph Wood, bur. March 8, aged 4 Hewley fund. It is much to be regretted that one whose manuscripts consisted of sermons, critical essays, and some Latin compositions, has not left us rome memorials of the ancient church with which he was so long connected, and with the history of which there is reason to believe he was well acquainted. Mr. Aldred was energetic in opposition to Wesley's doctrine of Christian perfection. He departed this life August 21st, 1773, and was buried in the Old Chapel graveyard, where a stone was erected over hi* grave bearing the following inscription : — " Here lyeth interred the Rev. Mr. Timothy Aldred, pastor of the congregation of Protestant Dissenters at Morley 54 years, who departed this life, August 21st, 1773, jEtatis, 88th." Mr. AldreJ had resigned his pastorate in 1763. Neal describes him as having 450 hearers in 1715. — Scatcherd'b Unrley. f Burials, not deaths, now recorded. REGISTER OF BURIALS. 121 Mary, dau. of Robert Jackson, Jan., bur. March 15 1775 Martha, dau. of Joshua Apleyard, bur. March 17, aged 3 Joseph, son of Joseph Scholes, of Middleton, bur. March 17 ; aged 3 Hannah, dau. of Daniel Pickels, bur. March 17 Daniel, the son of Daniel Pickels, bur. March 18 Ann, dau. of Abraham Webster, of Churwell, bur. March 24 Elizabeth, dau. of Abraham Bradley, bur. March 27, aged 2 Aaron, son of Abraham Webster, of Churwell, bur. March 31 Sarah, dau. of John Tod, bur. April 1, aged 3 Hannah, dau. of Samuel Crowther, bur. April 22 James, son of Francis Bradley, jun., bur. April 22 Susannah, dau. of Francis Bradley, bur. May 14, aged 3 William Smith, son., of Churwell, bur. June 5, aged 10 Margai*et, dau. of John Strother, bur. June 7, aged 3 Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Weatherill, of Millshaw, bur. June 9, aged 11 Thomas, son of Joseph Scholes, of Middleton, bur. June 13, aged 1 James, son of John Troughton, buried June 30, aged 2 Thomas, son of Francis Bradley, buried July 9, aged 8 A child of Abraham Bradley's, bur. July 11 Judith, wife of Andrew Foster, buried August 3, aged 54 Lidia, dau. of Thomas Ricroft, of Gildersome, buried July 25, aged 1 Betty, dau. of John Longley, bur. August 4, aged 1 Thomas Oldrid, buried August 6, aged 1G Susannah, wife of William Lister, sen., of Bruntcliffe, buried March 26, aged GO Elizabeth, dau. of Baruch Firth, of Churwell, buried September 3 A still-born child of Joseph Cockerham, buried September 10 Tbomas Chapel, buried September 14, aged 80 Mary, dau. of Joseph Cockerham, buried September 24 Hannah, dau. of Joseph Cockerham, buried October 5 James Carter, grandson to John Fox, sen., bur. October 13 Rachel, dau. of James Troughton, late of Gildersome, bur. October 13 Patience, wife of David Hirst, buried November 21, aged 49 John Crowther, clothier, buried January 3, aged GO 1776 William Lister, sen., of Bruntcliffe, buried February 1, aged G9 Martha, dau. of John Fox, buried February 3 William Revel, buried February 9, aged 73 Benjamin, son of John Lawson, bur. February 22 Deborah, wife of William Fletcher, of Churwell, bur. March 15, aged 47 Nathaniel Webster, bur. March 30, aged 65 Thomas, son of Samuel Stogdale, bur. March 31 Cotton Horn, bur. May 19, aged 56 Ralph Williamson, of Churwell, bur. June 8, aged 42 Mary, wife of John Hazlewood, buried July 12, aged 36 John, son of William Leathley, of Newhall, buried September 7, aged 34 John Crowther, blacksmith, buried November 12, aged 42 Q 122 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Joseph Haigh,* who was clerk of Morley Chapel, upwards of 50 years, buried November 17, aged 85 1770 Martha, wife of Samuel Farrah, of Churwell, bur. November 21 Richard, son of Thomas Morteman, bur. November 20 Sarah Kellet, bur. November 27, aged 09 Mary, dau. of Patience Jackson, of Middleton Wood, bur. December 7 Benjamin Ellis, bur. January 1, aged 75 1777 A child of Abraham Watsons, of Gildersome, bur. January 1 James Jackson, of Gildersome, bur. January 5, aged 50 John Walker, bur. January 7, aged 21 A child of William Smiths, jun., buried January 11 William, the son of William Smith, jun., bur. February 7 William Smith, sen., bur. February 28, aged 70 Sarah, wife of Robert Horraby, of Churwell, bur. March 14, aged G7 Grace Gleadhill, of Leefair, bur. March 20 A child of John Hazlewoods, bur. March 21 Jonathan, son of James Hartley, bur. March 28 A child of William Fox, jun., bur. March 27 Hannah, wife of John Pollard, of Gildersome, bur. April 30, aged 77 Judith Reyner, bur. May 8, aged 82 Samuel Farrah, of Churwell, bur. May 10, aged 04 Elizabeth Leathley, widow, bur. June 8, aged 70 A child of Jonathan Brooks, bur. June 20 William Chadwick, sen., bur. July 15, aged GO Mary, dau. of James Bilbrough, of Gildersome, bur. July 24, aged 3 Hannah Terry, bur. August G, aged 55 William, son of Thomas Ryecroft, of Gildersome, bur. August 10 Asa, son of Thomas Sheard, of London, bur. August 22 Mary, dau. of Joseph Wood, bur. August 27 Joseph Tomlinson, of Churwell, bur. September 8 Benjamin Booth, of Gildersome, bur. September 9, aged 17 Joseph, the son of William Fothergill, bur. September 10, aged 1 Joseph Ward, bur. October 14, aged 89 Joseph, son of Jane Thornton, bur. November 29, aged 12 Joseph, son of Andrew Foster, bur. December 22, aged 85 * In the "good old times" the minister retained the services of a clerk, who occupied a seat below the pulpit, and who acted as precentor, and gave out public and other notices. In those days the duties of the clerk were not confined to simply giving out the psalms and hymns, for the art of printing was then in its infancy in country villages, and our simple-minded forefathers made public through this important functionary, after the sermon, all those secular transactions in which the villagers were expected to feel an interest. In this way sales by auction, acts of trespass or damage, and towns' meetings were duly mqde known. A person of the name of Stainer was the first chapel clerk of whom we have any record, and his immediate successor was one John Kayner. In 1726, Joseph Haigh was ap- pointed to the office of clerk, and retained it until 1776, when he died, aged 85 years. In 1777 Nathaniel Slack was elected, and held the appointment until 1804, when he was succeeded by George Smith, who diligently performed the duties of the office for upwards of forty years. — Smith's Morley : Ancient and Modern. REGISTER OF BURIALS. ■ 123 Benjamin Weatherill, of Churwell, bur. March 8, aged 61 1778 A child of Joseph Walker's, jun., of Bruntcliffe, bur. March 20 A child of William Smith's, bur. March 31 Hannah, dau. of Barak Firth, of Churwell, bur. April 3, aged 10 Elizabeth, wife of John Lister, bur. April 25, aged 47 Joseph, son of John Banks, bur. May 6 Mary, widow of Thomas Banks, bur. May 26 Laurence Lawson, bur. June 18, aged 70 Susannah, dau. of Martha Richardson, of Churwell, bur. July 3, aged 25 John Tomlinson, bur. July 8, aged 65 John Turner, sen., bur. July 16, aged 68 Sarah, wife of Isaac Ellis, of Gildersome, bur. September 8, aged 60 Joshua, son of Joshua Chadwick, of Adwalton, bur. September 13, aged 35 A child of William Mitchell, bur. September 15 Robert Blackburn, bur. September 29, aged 87 Francis, son of Mr. John Gisburn, bur. October 8 Rebekah, dau. of George Scott, of Gomersal, bur. November 9 A child of Joseph Woods, bur. November 20 Mary, wife of William Ward, of Pudsey, bur. November 21, aged 21 William, son of Mr. John Gisburn, bur. November 80 Mary Walker, widow, bur. December 2, aged 55 A child of Thomas Lockwoods, of Gildersome, bur. December 7 Susannah, wife of John Gomersal, buried December 31, aged 84 Samuel, son of Joseph Chadwick, of Adwalton, bur. January 8, aged 40 1779 William Fox, sen., bur. January 21, aged 82 William, son of Charles Smith, bur. January 27, aged 1 A child of Andrew Foster's, jun., bur. January 31 Thomas, son of John Barras, of Booms, bur. February 17 William, son of John Cawthray, of Gildersome, bur. February 18, aged 1 Grace Chadwick, widow, bur. February 25, aged 60. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Goodhath, of Churwell, bur. March 2 Thomas, son of Thomas Goodhath, of Churwell, bur. March 3 Nanny, dau. of Thomas Smith, bur. November 8, aged 15 Deborah, dau. of Barak Firth, of Churwell, bur. November 12, aged 1 Jacob, son of Jacob Hudson, of Adwalton, bur. March 21, aged 20 Hannah, dau. of William Steward, bur. April 17, aged 8 A child of Charles Smith, bur. April 17 Robert, son of William Hainsworth, bur. April 25, aged 2 James Jackson, of Gildersome Street Side, bur. April 28, aged 76 William, son of William Garforth, bur. May 2, aged 5 Joseph, son of George Scot, of Gomersal, bur. May 7, aged 2 Matty, dau. of David Hirst, bur. May 8 Sally, dau. of Samuel Ellis, bur. May 24 Sarah Oldrid, widow, bur. May 26, aged 52 121 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. George, son of George Webster, bur. May 20, aged 11 177!) Nancy, dau. of William Wood, bur. May 81, aged 2 Hannah, wife of John Booth, of Gildersome, bur. June 3, aged 50 George, son of George Oldrid, bur. June Mr. Samuel Scatcherd, bur. June 11, aged 01 Mary, wife of William Banks, bur. June 80, aged 08 John, son of Francis Bradley, bur. July Benjamin, son of Samuel Westerman, of Churwell, bur. July 9, aged 2 Martha, wife of James Ward, of Bruntcliffe, bur. August 4, aged 20 Fanny, dau. of John Hazlewood, bur. August 17, aged 12 John, son of Wilham Hainsworth, bur. August 21, aged 4 William, son of William Broadbent, bur. August 22, aged 5 Elizabeth, dau. of George Eastwood, bur. August 25, aged 7 Martha, dau. of Susannah Turner, bur. September 11 William, son of Samuel Stockdale, bur. September 10, aged 1 Ann, wife of Samuel Wetherill, of Millshaw, bur. Sept. 20, aged 25 John, son of John Scott, bur. September 24 Wilham, son of Thomas Strother, bur. September 27 Ruth, dau. of Samuel Pickels, bur. September 28, aged 2 Eleanor, dau. of John Golin, of Churwell, bur. October 19, aged 25 Joseph, son of Hannah Barns, of Churwell, bur. October 27, aged William, son of John Craven, of Churwell, bur. November 11, aged 4 Joseph Scot, of Adwalton, bur. November 12, aged 07 Benjamin, son of Samuel Wetherill, of Millshaw, bur. November 15 Wilham, son of John Jubb, of Churwell, bur. November 20, aged 1 Thomas Smith, bur. November 28 Mary, dau. of John Bilbrough, of Bruntcliffe, bur. November 24, aged 18 weeks Jonathan, the son of Jonathan Brook, bur. November 20 Hannah, dau. of William Laurence, of Churwell, bur. Dec. 2, aged 2 Mary, dau. of John Fox, bur. December 10, aged 1 Stephen Gregson, bur. December 18, aged 54 Agnes, widow of Joseph Buckley, bur. January 15, aged 77 1780 Grace, wife of Robert Jackson, sen., bur. January 18, aged 72 Mary, dau. of Richard Evers, bur. January 22 John, son of James Ward, of Bruntcliffe, bur. February 8, aged 4 Samuel Morley, bur. February 28, aged 84 Mary, wife of Samuel Webster, bur. March 2, aged 50 Matthew, son of Abraham Broadhead, bur. March 4, aged 15 John, son of John Howroyd, of Churwell, bur. March 5 Jeremiah Longbottom, bur. March 7 Jonathan, son of John Rayner, of Churwell, bur. April 24, aged Hannah, dau. of Samuel Gaunt, bur. April 25, aged 1 John, son of John Rayner, of Churwell, bur. April 27 A child of Abraham Watson's, of Gildersome, bur. May 10 Brian Bradley, bur. July 29, aged 95 Mercy Broadbent, bur. August 5, aged 84 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 125 Thomas, son of George Olrid, bur. October 8, aged 1 1780 James Bilbrough, of Bruntcliffe, bur. November 13, aged 07 Eleanor, wife of Thomas Waring, bur. December 12, aged 40. Matthew, son of Samuel Westerman, bur. January 7, aged 4 1781 William Balmforth, bur. January 8, aged 24 Martha, dau. of Thomas Morteman, bur. January 20 Sally, dau. of Samuel Crowther, bur. January 21, aged 20 Martha, wife of John Barras, of Rooms, bur. January 28, aged 23 William Bradshaw, of Gildersome, bur. January, 27, aged 53 The Right Honble. the Lady Loughborough,* and dau. of John Dawson, Esq., late of Morley, bur. February 28, aged 36 A child of Isaac Ellis, bur. March 18 William son of John Fox, jun., bur. April 17 Hannah Harris, bur. April 30, aged 95 John Ward, of Bruntcliffe, bur. May 3, aged 75 Martha, wife of William Fox, buried May 4, aged 45 Isabel Waring, widow, bur. June 20 Hannah Smith, widow, of Churwell, bur. July 11, aged 47 A still-born child of John Marshalls, bur. August 12 Elizabeth Rhodes, widow, Gildersome, bur. August 13 John, son of John Garnet t, bur. August jl4 Hannah Fothergill, widow, bur. August 17, aged 75 Mary, wife of John Marshall, of Gildersome, bur. August 28, aged 26 Grace, dau. of John Westerman, of Gildersome, bur. Aug. 29, aged 6 Lidea Croft, of Gildersome, bur. September 4, aged 30 Sarah, widow of Joshua Wood, bur. September 6, aged 71 John, son of John Turner, bur. September 10 Mary, dau. of Leonard Longbottom, bur. September 15 The son of George Scot, of Gomersal, bur. September 15, aged 1 A still-born child of John Westerman's, bur. September 18 John Woolridge, bur. October 8, aged 56 Hannah, wife of John Land, bur. October 6, aged 49 John Clark, bur. October 24, aged 72 * Alexauder Wedderburn, (husband to Lady Loughborough) was born nt Edin- burgh in 1773, went the Northern Circuit ; was M.P. for Richmond, in 1768. and Chairman of Quarter Sessions in Yorkshire, where he had property ; became Lord Chancellor Loughborough and Earl of Rosslyn ; and died January 2nd, 1805, aged 72. Mr. Wedderburn married the sole daughter and heiress of John Dawson, Esq., of The Hall, Morley, near Leeds. Lady Loughborough died at Morley Hall, February 14th, 1781, aged 36, acd was buried in the old chapel-yard. He became Solicitor-General, in 1771, Attorney-General in 1778, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in 1781 ; was created Lord Loughborough in 1780, and Earl Rosslyn in 1801. Wedderburn House, Harrogate, was so named from its builder, the above Alexander Wedderburn, who purchased the estate, built the house, laid out the plantations, and otherwise greatly improved the domain, about the year 1786. There is an engraved portrait of him, after Jackvou, by Meyer, folio, and several smaller ones.— R. V. Taylor. 126 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Mrs. Sage Mcldrum, wife of the Rev. Mr. Meldruni,* of Brighouse, bur. November 24, aged 42 1781 Samuel Asquith, of Stump Cross, bur. November 80, aged 44 A still-born child of John Scholes, bur. November 80 Joseph Mortimer, bur. December 11, aged 44 Hannah, dau. of John Ellis, of Gildersome, bur. December 12, aged 1 Thomas Goodhath, of Churwell, bur. December 10, aged 32 Widow Holdsworth, the mother of widow Asquith, of Stump Cross, bur. January 14, aged 85 1788 James Ingham, of Millshaw, bur. January 15, aged 74 James, son of James Hartley, late of Gildersome Street, but now a soldier, bur. January 25, aged 4 Rebekah, dau. of John Barron, bur. January 80 John, son of John Bradshaw, of Gildersome Street, bur. March 18, aged 2 John Ellis, formerly call John Tuber, bur. March 1G, aged 50 A child of Grace Nussey's bur. March 16 David son of David Dean, bur. March 28, aged 5 Joseph, son of David Dean, bur. March 80, aged 2 Martha, wife of John Binks, sen., bur. April 4, aged 82 William Day, bur. May 7, aged 56 Mary, wife of John Garnet, bur. May 12, aged 41 Samuel, son of John Westerman, sen., bur. May 12, aged 18 William Dickenson, bur. May 16, aged 35 Lidea, dau. of John Eastwood, sen., bur. June 12, aged 16 Mary, wife of John Eastwood, jun., bur. June 14, aged 19 Ann Tailor, bur. June 26 James Hartley, of Churwell, bur. June 29, aged 19 Sarah, wife of John Fox, jun., bur. July 8, aged 82 Sally, dau. of John Fox, jun. bur. July 6 Mary, widow of James Ingham, of Millshaw, bur. July 11, aged 78 Thomas, son of William Leathley, bur. July 20, aged 1 John Booth, of Gildersome, bur. July 25, aged 68 Hannah Balmforth, widow, bur. July 80, aged 72 Hannah, dau. of Joseph Sykes, brother to Ann, wife of David Terry, bur. July 80 Thomas, son of John Eastwood, jun., bur. August 7 John, son of John Lister, of Driglinton, bur. August 11 Joseph, son of Samuel Garnett, of Churwell, bur. September 15, aged 8 Elizabeth, wife of Barack Firth, of Churwell, bur. Sept. 15, aged 52 Jonathan, son of John Rayner, of Churwell, bur. September 17, aged 2 Richard, son of John Holmes, of Churwell, bur. October 29, aged 8 John Holdsworth, of Gildersome, bur. November 1, aged 30 Mary, wife of George Oldred, bur. December 22 * The Rev. John Meldrum, author of a work entitled " The Incarnation of the Son of God." He removed from Brighouse, in 1786, to Hatherlow, Cheshire. — See Independency at Brighouse. — (Tubner). REGISTER OF BURIALS. 127 Joseph, son of Thomas Scarth, bur. December 28, aged 29 1783 James Swithenbank, of Churwell, bur. January 12, aged 27 1784 John Eastwood, bur. February G, aged 25 John, son of Robert Jackson, bur. February 18, aged 5 Mary, dau. of Jonathan Hargreaves, bur. March 19, aged 1 Betty Troughton, bur. March 28, aged 44 Matty, dau. of John Hartley, bur. April 12, aged 4 Thomas, son of William Clark, bur. April 1G, aged 8 days Christiana, wife of Joseph Smith, bur. April 25, aged 81 Mary, wife of John Hague, bur. April 25, aged 23 Sarah, wife of John Stogdill, bur. April 29, aged 29 Obadiah Wood, of Churwell, bur. 'May 1, aged 27 Hannah Webster, of Sled Hall, bur. May 12, aged 73 Hannah, wife of Thomas Wood, bur. June 8, aged 55 Robert Jackson, bur. June 11, aged 76 Joshua, son of Thomas Rhodes, bur. June 23, aged 5 Hannah, dau. of James Swithenbank, late of Churwell, bur. July 10 Abraham Sykes, bur. August 22, aged 49 Matty, dau. of Joseph Sykes, of Gildersome Street, bur. September 28 Isaac, son of Isaac Richardson, of Churwell, bur. October 24, aged 5 W T illiam Banks, bur. October 29, aged 77 Hannah Midgley, of Churwell, bur. November 28, aged 77 William Stogdill, bur. December 8, aged 74 Jonathan Heywood, bur. December 18, aged 71 John Oldrid, bur. December 26, aged 18 Timothy Stanhope, bur. January 19 1785 Sarah, wife of Ralph Eastwood, bur. February 2, aged 59 Susanna Gisburn, bur. February 23, aged 18 Nancy Hartley, of Churwell, bur. March 2, aged 4 Sarah Eastwood, bur. March 2 John Hartley of Churwell, bur. March 1G, aged 72 Matthew Butterworth, bur. March 19, aged 2 Joseph Broadbent, bur. March 20, aged 1 William Whittell, bur. March 80, aged 1 Sarah Rhodes, bur. April 4, aged 84 William Medley, of Churwell, bur. April 14, aged 75 Benjamin Hopperton, bur. April 16, aged G8 Hannah Bradley, bur. April 22, aged 70 William Singleton Banks, bur. April 28 William Dodgson, bur. April 25, aged 8 Nancy Jackson, bur. April 25, aged 8 ^ William Horsfall, bur. April 28, aged 9 * William Westerman, bur. April 29 Ann Horsfall, bur. May 2, aged 4 Hannah, dau. of John Lawson, bur. May 15, aged 8 William, son of William Leathley, May 17, aged 9 John, son of John Todd, bur. May 29, aged 7 128 MORLEY OLD CIIAPEL. William, son of William Asquith, bur. June 5, aged 2 1785 Joseph, son of Benjamin Briggs, bur. June 7, aged 2 Nancy, dau. of John Holmes, bur. June 8, aged 2 William, son of John Lawson, bur. June 18 Mary, dau. of Thomas Hardcastle, bur. June 14 Abraham, son of Joseph Smith, of Stump Cross, bur. June 21, aged Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Mortimer, bur. June 20, aged Mary, dau. of John Todd, bur. July 5 Hannah, dau. of John Westerman, bur. July 7, aged 28 Jonathan, son of James Bentley, bur. July 15, aged 8 Betty, dau. of Stephen Lontland, bur. July 10, aged 1 John Fox, bur. July 19, aged 79 Ann Darnbrook, bur. July 21, aged 80 Lidea, dau. of Jonathan Hargreave, bur. July 21 Thomas, son of John Hirst, bur. July 27 Samuel, son of Thomas Sugden, bur. August 1, aged 3 A child of Joseph Sykes, of Gildersome Street, bur. August 8 John, son of Job Longley, bur. August 4, aged 9 Ann Polard, bur. August 15, aged 71 Samuel, son of Job Longley, bur. August 81, aged 1 John Longley, of Churwell, bur. August 81, aged 72 Rebekah, dau. of John Turner, bur. October 9 John Todd, bur. December 17, aged 42 Hannah Austen, bur. January 28 aged 00 178G Francis, son of Joseph Booth, of Gildersome, bur. February 27, aged 24 James, son of Micha Robinson, bur. March 8, aged 88, William, son of William Dixon, bur. March 8, aged 17 Nanny, wife of Samuel Waring, bur. March 15, aged 51 Sarah, dau. of Isaac Ellis, of Gildersome, bur. March 15, aged 24 Samuel, son of Thomas Mortimer, bur. April 20 Joseph, son of Samuel Waring, buried April 29, aged 2 John Asquith, bur. May 17, aged 70 William, son of John Wilson, bur. May 20 Mary, wife of John Yeates, bur. May 27, aged 28 Betty, dau. of John Broadbent, bur. June 8 John Westerman, bur. June 22, aged 55 Samuel Gomersall, of Churwell, bur. July 2, aged 25 John Lister, of Gildersome, bur. July 15, aged 09 Mary Ellis, bur. July 28, aged 70 Margaret, wife of Rev. Thomas Morgan, bur. August 5, aged G5 Betty, dau. of Thomas Sugden, bur. August 5, Samuel Booth, of Gildersome, bur. August 0, aged GO Mary, dau. of Thomas Sugden, bur. August 14 John, son of William Baxter, of Churwell, bur. Aug 15 Daniel Pickles, bur. September 2G, aged 05 Mary, dau of Joseph Chadwick, of Adwalton, bur. September 30, aged 04 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 129 Rebekah, dau. of Rebekah Elmsal, bur. October 28 1780 A cbild of Mary Westermans, bur. September 24 Mary, dau. of Moses Ellis, bur. September 28, aged 19 Ratcbel, dau. of John Turner, bur. December 19 Martha Bold, bur. December 28, aged 72 Robert Morley, bur. January 10, aged 08 1787 Rebekah Elmsal, of Churwell, bur. January 28, aged 35 Joseph, son of John Westerman, bur. February 5 Joseph Chadwick, of Adwalton, bur. March 27, aged 82 Sarah, dau. of James Scarth, bur. March 8 Mary, wife of William Harris, bur. March 17, aged 04 William Cromack, bur. April 11, aged 81 Mary, dau. of William Asquith, bur. May 13, aged 8 Betty Auty, bur. May 18, aged 24 Andrew Forster, bur. June 0, aged 7G Ann, wife of Thomas Hardcastle, bur. June 19, aged 71 Elizabeth, wife of John Wormald, bur. June 25, aged 58 Ann, wife of Nathan Stanhope, bur. June 28, aged 80 Samuel, son of James Dodgson, bur. July G, aged 2 Grace, dau. of Abraham Broadhead, bur. July 27, aged 1 Thomas, son of Jonathan Hargreaves, bur. August 1 John Binks, bur. August 13, aged 83 Mary, wife of Jeremiah Elmsal, of Churwell, bur. September 10 Sarah, wife of Joseph Tetley, bur. September 10, aged 54 Mary, wife of Abraham Fittan, bur. October 80, aged 27 Rebekah, widow of Benjamin Cromack, bur. November 29, aged 75 Sarah, dau. of John Whitworth, bur. December 0, aged 2 Mary, dau. of Ann Smith, of Stump Cross, bur. December 7 Patience, widow of Robert Blackburn, bur. December 25, aged 87 Ann, wife of Thomas Toulson, bur. December 28, aged 78 Marv, dau. of Joseph Smith, of Stump Cross, bur. February 8, aged 4 [1788 Nanny, dau. of Joseph Ward, bur. February 28, aged 21 Samuel, son of Job Longley, bur. February 24, aged 1 Ann Auty, bur. March 2, aged 57 Elizabeth, dau. of David Dean, bur. March 8, aged 4 Henry, son of Mr. John Lister, of Bruntcliff, bur. March 5 Kitty Eddison, of Churwell, bur. March 18 Sarah, wife of George Webster, bur. March 17, aged 86 Hannah, dau. of Thomas Rodley, bur. March 80, aged 12 Jonathan Robinson, of Churwell, bur. April G, aged 80 John Stead, of Drighlington, bur. April 20, aged 40 Mury, dau. of Joseph Seckor, of Gildersome, bur. May 2 Mercy Ambler, bur. May 8, aged 5 Betty Heaton, bur. May 8, aged 28 Matthew Pearson, bur. May 18, aged GG Jesse Strother, bur. May 21, aged 28 180 MoKI.KY ol.D CHAPEL. Martha, wife of James Sykes, of Huddersfield, bur. June 18, aged 88 Sarah, dau. of Charles Smith, bur. June 10 [1788 Mary, dau. of James Broadbent, bur. June 27, aged 20 Betty, dau. of Thomas Hardcastle, bur. August 5, aged 1 John, son of John Clifton, bur. August 7 Sarah, wife of Charles Smith, bur. August 15, aged 40 William Brook, collier, bur. August 15, aged 55 Samuel, son of Joseph Craven, of Hunslet, bur. August 17 Thomas, son of Nathaniel Rayner, of Churwell, bur. August 28 Betty, dau. of John Bilsbrow, of Brunteliff, bur. September 14, aged 8 Joseph Wood, tailor, bur. September 21, aged 55 Mary, dau. of John Scholes, bur. October 12, aged 17 Mrs. Mary Asquith, of Gildersome, bur. October 10, aged 80 Joseph, son of John Hazlewood, bur. October 20, aged 1 William, son of Samuel Bins, bur. November 10, Mrs. Dawson, widow of the late John Dawson, Esq., bur. November 18, age 77 Mrs. Green, of Holbeck, bur. November 20, aged 80 Hannah Tomlinson of Millshaw,bur. December 1, aged 89 Joseph, son of John Roberts, of Cotton Mill, bur. December 1 Rachel, dau. of Joseph Horncastle, bur. December Hannah, dau. of John Bramhal, of Churwell, bur. December 8 Betty, dau. of Francis Sibery, bur. December 9 Francis, son of Francis Sibery, bur. January 2 1789 Rachel, dau. of John Scholes, bur. January 2, aged 10 Matthew, son of John Marshall, of Gildersome Street, bur. February 8 John Balmforth, bur. February 20, aged 75 W r illiam, son of John Hazlewood, bur. March 11, aged 9 Hannah, wife of Micha Robinson, bur. March 18, aged GO Sally, dau. of Abraham Marshall, bur. March 17, aged 1 Elizabeth, dau. of Jane Turner, bur. March 27 Jeremiah Maude, bur. March 80, aged 48 John Barron, bur. March 80, aged 47 Juley Seckor, of Nether ton, bur. April 2, aged 38 William Garforth, bur. April 5, aged 01 Elizabeth, widow of Samuel Webster, late of Morley, bur. April 11, aged 94 Mary, widow of James Bilbrough, of Bruntcliffe, bur. April 1G, aged 70 Benjamin, son of John Scott, bur. April 18, aged 18 Thomas, son of Thomas Waring, bur. April 18, aged G Sarah, wife of David Ellis, sen., bur. May 10, aged 80 Thomas, son of Thomas Gomersall, bur. May 10 John Jackson, of Churwell, bur. May 12 Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Brook, bur. May 17, aged 22 Mercy, widow of Joseph Toulson, bur. May 80, aged 92 Hannah, dau. of Thomas Wood, bur. May 30, aged 35 Easter, wife of Joseph Croft, of Churwell, bur. June 12, aged GG REGISTER OF BURIALS. 131 James, son of Sarah Maud, bur. June 13, aged 5 1789 William, son of Abraham Fittan, of Leeds, bur. June 14, aged 9 George, son of John Ellis, bur. June 22, aged 2 Sarah, dau. of Samuel Forster, bur. June 23, aged 1 Matty, dau. of John Richardson, of Churwell, bur. July 5, aged 5 David Ellis, bur. July 8, aged 82 Elizabeth, widow of Joseph Ambler, bur. July 11, aged 87 Hannah, dau. of John Forster, bur. July 14 William Leathley, of Churwell, bur. July 27, aged 79 John Forster, bur. August 13, aged 25 Elizabeth Cass, of Wakefield Outwood, bur. August 15, aged 27 Thomas, son of John Barras, of Rooms, bur. August 24 Sarah, widow of Joseph Ward, bur. September 17, aged 50 Betty, wife of John Jackson, bur. September 24, aged 76 William Steward, bur. October 15, aged 44 James, son of Joseph Cockerham, bur. November 4, aged 13 Mary Ann, dau. of John Towlson, bur. November 5, aged 3 Micah Robinson, bur. November 8, aged 05, Ruth, widow of Timothy Scott, bur. November 10, aged 93 Jane, widow of James Jackson, late of Gildersome, bur. November 24, aged 08 Mary, widow of Matthew Ellis, bur. December 4, aged 72 Mary, dau. of John Lindsay, bur. December Nathaniel Rayner of Churwell, bur. December 8, aged 67 Betty, dau. of William Broadbent, bur. December 31, aged 1 Hannah, dau. of William Broadbent, bur. January 3, aged 3 1790 Elijah, son of Thomas Rhodes, bur. January 4, aged 2 George, son of Israel Whitley, bur. January 5, aged 2 Betty, dau. of William Ellis, bur. January 20, aged 8 A child of Mary Westerman, bur. January 20 William, son of William Ellis, bur. January 27 Martha, widow of John Tomlinson, bur. January 31, aged 79 Hannah, widow of Joseph Scott, late of Adwalton, bur. February 1, aged 78 Joseph Crosland, bur. February 7, aged 73 William Hainsworth, bur. February 10, aged 3 Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Bins, bur. February 13, aged 25 Mary, wife of Jacob Hudson, of Adwalton, bur. March 22, aged 68 Samuel Waring, of Churwell, bur. March 29, aged 60 Susannah, dau. of Mr. John Gisburn, bur. April 25, aged 8 Sarah, dau. of Abraham Broadhead, bur. May 6, aged 16 Betty, dau. of Benjamin Briggs, bur. May 18, aged 4 Francis Bradley, bur. May 20, aged 76 Ellen, wife of John Clark, bur. May 28, aged 54 Joseph Horncastle, bur. June 9, aged 55 Mary, wife of James Broadbent, bur. June 14, aged 59 William Brook, bur. June 1(5, aged 40 182 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Sarah, clau. of John Stead, bur. July 2, aged 10 1700 Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Lofthouse of Churwell, bur. July 2, aged 1 William, son of John Marshall, of Gildersome Street, bur. July 7, aged 5 Alice, widow of John Stead, bur. July 28, aged 88 Benjamin Ellis, bur. August 24, aged 70 Edmund, son of John Scott, joiner, bur. September 15 Thomas, son of William Gaunt, bur. October 7 Hannah Binns, bur. October 10, aged 50 Jeremiah Elmsal, of Churwell, bur. October 20, aged 07 Matty, dau. of John Eirth, bur. November 0, aged 8 Ruth, wife of John Dodgson, bur. November 11, aged 05 Mariah, dau. of Richard Taylor, bur. November 12, aged 10 John Oldrid, bur. November 18, aged 78 Mary, widow of John Eox, bur. December 8, aged 91 Hannah, dau. of Samuel Ellis, bur. December 14 Sarah, wife of John Jubb, of Leeds, bur. December 21, aged 38 John Pickles, of Churwell, bur. December 22, aged 03 James Asquith, of Churwell, bur. January 8, aged 41 17!Jl Kobert Horaby, of Churwell, bur. January 18, aged 85 Elizabeth, dau. of John Whitworth, bur. January 14 Thomas, son of John Turner, bur. January 28 Mary, wife of Richard Taylor, bur. Eebruary 4, aged 50 Martha, dau. of Robert Garnett, bur. Eebruary 25, aged 1 John, son of John Hague, bur. March 0, aged 25 Mary, dau. of Samuel Gant, bur. March 12 Phebe Barns, of Churwell, bur. March 10, aged 74 Thomas Westerman, bur. May 10, aged 18 Ann, dau. of John Linsay, bur. May 24 James Baildon, bur. May 81 Matthew, son of George Oldrid, bur. June 7, aged 18 William, son of Samuel Clough, bur. June 7, aged 1 Mary, dau. of William Smith, of Churwell, bur. June 10, aged 8 Dorothy, wife of William Chadwick, of Adwalton, bur. June 28, aged 37 Martha, wife of Daniel Slack, bur. July 0, aged 08 Betty, wife of John Richardson, of Churwell, bur. July 28, aged 85 Matty, dau. of David Hartley, of Leeds, bur. August 2, aged 2 Joseph, son of John Hirst, bur. September 8 Sally, dau. of Francis Sibery, bur. November 1, aged 1 Betty, dau. of James Bradley, bur. November 7, aged 4 John Walker, of Bruntcliffe, bur. January 8, aged 75 1702 Thomas, son of Thomas Sugden, bur. Eebruary 0, aged 4 Hannah, widow of John Turner, bur. February 12, aged 88 William, son of Mr. John Lister, of Bruntcliffe, bur. Eebruary 15, aged 10 Betty Darnbrook, bur. February 14, aged 52, James, son of Jonathan Brook, bur. March 0, aged 17 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 188 Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Rhodes, bur. March 8, aged 2 1792 John Jackson, bur. March 27, aged 79 Hannah, widow of William Stogdill, bur. March 27, aged 78 Sarah Ellis, bur. April 15, aged 52 John, son of William Gaunt, bur. April 15, Hannah, dau. of William Pickles, of Churwell, bur. April 18, aged 1 Samuel Leathley, of Churwell Lane Side, bur. April 22, aged 74 William Rayner, of Churwell, bur. April 20, aged 02 Jane, wife of John Wilson, bur. May 15, aged 29 Sarah, dau. of Christopher Milner, bur. May 25 John Hague, of Holbeck, bur. May 28, aged 09 William Pickles, of Churwell, born June 9, aged 23 Nanny, dau. of Matthew Garforth, bur. June 10, aged 2 William, son of Samuel Bins, bur. June 12 George, son of Mark Webster, bur. June 15, aged 7 Mary, dau. of William Stanhope, bur. June 22 Samuel, son of Robert Jackson, bur. July 1 John, son of Jeremiah Buckle, of Gildersome Street, bur. July 29 Hannah, widow of Nathaniel Slack, bur. August 9, aged 72 Judith, dau. of Mr. John Lister, of Bruntcliffe, bur. August 12, aged 1 Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel Sykes, bur. August 21, aged 5 Joseph Webster, of Morley, bur. September 18, aged 59 Jacob Appleyard of Hunslet, bur. October 18, aged 05 John, son of John Whitworth, bur. October 25 Elizabeth Hartley, bur. October 28, aged 80 William Milner, bur. November 10, aged 07 Isaac Ellis, of Gildersome, bur. November 14, aged 72 Hannah, dau. of James Holstead, of Gildersome, bur. November 17' Elizabeth, wife of John Howroid, of Churwell, bur. November 20, aged 41 William Newsome, bur. December 2, aged 58 Nancy, dau. of Samuel Weatherill, of Millshaw, bur. December 10, aged 18 Michael Elswick, bur. December 12, aged 55 Mary, dau. of George Tempest, bur. December 20, aged 8 Sarah, wife of Joshua Butterworth, bur. December 20, aged 76 Sarah, dau. of Samuel Pickles, bur. January 8, aged 27 1798 Elizabeth, wife of John Marshall, of Gildersome Street, bur. January 10, aged 81 Mary, dau. of John Lister, of Gildersome, bur. March 2, aged 5 Anne, widow of Benjamin Hopperton, bur. March 0, aged 73 Mary, dau. of Widow Overend, bur. March 13, aged 9 Mary, dau. of William Seckor, of Gildersome, bur. March 24, aged 4 Mary, wife of Joseph Scott, of Topcliffe, bur. March 20, aged 28 John Illingworth, bur. April 8, aged t'-l Sarah, widow of Benjamin Wetherill, bur. April 8, aged 70 Betty, wife of Isaac Richardson, of Churwell, bur. April 18, aged 54 181 MORLEY OLD CH.U'KL. Sarah, widow of Samuel Booth, late of Gildersome, bur. April 20, aged 05 1703 Rebekah, wife of John Clifton, bur. April 21, aged 81 Nanny, dau. of Robert Stogdale, bur. May 4, aged 8 Ruth, dau. of Jonas Stables, bur. May 0, aged 2 Betty, dau. of Robert Stogdil, bur. May 7, age^2 William Watson, bur. May 10, aged 05 George Eastwood, bur. May 18, aged 07 Rebekah, wife of Thomas Westerman, bur. May 18, aged 02 Samuel Whitaker, bur. May 23, aged 07 Jacob Binks, bur. June 12, aged 77 David Binks, bur. June 12, aged 8 Sarah, wife of Joseph Seckor, of Gildersome, bur. June 24, aged 75 Sarah, dau. of John Hague, bur. June 20, aged 18 Sarah, wife of Joseph West, bur. June 28, aged 85 Lucy, wife of William Stead, of Churwell, bur. July 8, aged 29 William, son of John Bilbrough, of Bruntcliffe, bur. July 14, aged 2 Elizabeth, wife of Joshua Appleyard, bur. July 17, aged 08 Samuel, son of John Stanhope, of Tingley Moor, bur. July 28, aged 10 John, son of John Bragg, bur. July 20, aged 1 Susannah, dau. of Sarah Clark, bur. July 29 John, son of James Baildon, bur. August 8 aged 3 Ruth, dau, of David Scott, bur. August 11 Mary, dau. of Richard Brown, of Churwell, bur. August 18 Thomas, son of John Marshall, of Gildersome Street, bur. August 17, aged 2 George, son of William Wood, bur. August 24, aged 2 Sarah, dau. of John Ellis, bur. August 25, aged 4 Abigail, dau. of Abraham Webster, born, August 28, aged 20 Sarah, dau. of Thomas Scarth, bur. August 28, aged 1 James, son of William Asquith, bur. September 7, aged Grace, dau. of Dorothy Hollingworth, bur. September 12 Joseph, son of William Lassey, bur. September 18 Mary, dau. of William Foster, bur. September 18, aged 2 Hannah, dau. of Rebekah Binns, of Millshaw, bur. September 20, aged 4 William, son of William Wilson, bur. September 30, aged 1 Benjamin, son of John Eastwood, bur. October 2, aged 2 Mary, dau. of John Clifton, bur. October 0, aged 8 Nancy, dau. of Joseph Firth, bur. October 10, aged 1 Samuel, son of Thomas Gommersal, bur. October 15, aged 8 James, son of John Hirst, bur. October 17, aged 1 Ruth, dau. of Joseph W T ard, bur. October 24 Ann, dau. of Thomas Snell, bur. November 1, aged 2 Joseph, son of John Hartley, bur. November 1 John Howan, of Churwell, bur. November 4, aged 54 William, son of Thomas Hardcastle, jun., bur. November 0, aged 1 REGISTER OF RURIALS. 185 Jonathan, son of John Hollings, bur. November 8 1798 William, son of William Ellis, bur. November 18, aged 2 Hannah, dau. of William Bank, bur. November 80, aged 3 A child of Joshua Browns, bur. December 21 Elizabeth Rawson, bur. January 13, aged 11 1794 Joseph Brown, bur. January 15, aged 54 John, son of Isaac Sykes, bur. January 20 William, son of John Bradley, bur. February 1 John Dodgshun, bur. February 5, aged 52 Mary, wife of Jonathan Allan, bur. February 0, aged 54 John, son of John Rayner, of Leeds, bur. February 24, aged 5 mos. Henry, son of Mr. Henry Scatcherd, bur. March 11, aged 31 Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Foster, sen., bur. March 21, aged 52 Joseph Gaunt, of Gildersome, bur. April 9, aged (54 Mary, wife of Samuel Asquith, bur. April 18, aged 48 John, son of Joseph Rayner, of Churwell, bur. April 30 Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Rayner, of Churwell, bur. April 30 Mary, widow of Joseph Brown, bur. May 2, aged 50 William Asquith, bur. May 15, aged 39 Joseph, son of William Smith, of Churwell, bur. May 15,. aged 3 Betty, wife of Richard Evers, bur. May 2G, aged 53 Jonathan, son of Thomas Middlebrook, bur. June 8, aged 15 Martha Clark, bur. June 11, aged.G7 Ann, dau. of George Smith, of Churwell, bur. June 11 aged 2 Betty, dau. of Mary, dau. of William Wilson, of Gildersome, bur. June 15, aged 2 Mary, widow of Samuel Asquith, of Stump Cross, bur. July 10, aged 66 Sarah, dau. of George Ellis, of Adwalton, bur. September 18, aged 7 Grace, dau. of Nathaniel Reuil, of Gildersome, bur. July 21 Susannah Hardcastle, bur. July 22, aged 68 Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Scarth, bur. August 15 Joseph Seckor, of Gildersome, pauper, bur. August 17 George Ellis, of Gildersome, bur. August 17, aged 84 William, son of Joseph Reyner, of Churwell, bur. August 22, aged 8 John Scott, of Churwell, bur. August 24, aged (iO James Garnett, bur. September 7, aged 68 Stephen, son of John Lassey, bur. September 18 Martha, dau. of Samuel Robinson, of Churwell. bur. September 26 Mary, wife of Joseph Barker, of Hunslet, bur. September 80, aged 27 Hannah, dau. of Samuel Cliff, bur. October 15 Rebekah, dau. of John Baxter, of Churwell, bur. October 19 Rachel, dau. of John Baxter, of Churwell, bur. October 20, aged 2 Samuel, son of William Ingham, of Churwell, bur. November 20 Susannah, widow of John Woolridge, bur. November 21, aged 7!» Anne, dau. of John Bramhall, of Churwell, November 22, aged 4 Isaac, son of Joseph Reftil, of Gildersome Street, bur. November 25 aged 8 18(5 M0RLKY OLD CIIAI'KI.. William, son of Daniel Black, bur. November 25, aged 2G 1794 Samuel, son of Nathaniel Sykes, bur. November 29, aged 80 Hannah, dau. of Miles Shirtcliffe, of Churwell, bur. December 10, aged 8 A child of Sarah Sykes, bur. December 10 John, son of Mary Gommersal, bur. December 21, aged 28 William Leathley, bur. January 28, aged 08 1795 David Illingworth, bur. February 11, aged 02 Hannah, dau. of Martha Garforth, bur. February 18 Thomas, son of William Almond, bur. February 19, aged 1 William, son of Susannah Sykes, bur. February 20, aged 2 Anne, wife of Samuel Troughton, of Driglington, bur. March 8, aged 21 Mary, dau. of Christopher Milner, bur. March 4 Samuel, son of James Pickles, of Churwell, bur. March 15 Mary, wife of John Lister, of Gildersome, bur. March 25, aged 89 Elizabeth, wife of James Hodgson, bur. April 5, aged 48 Samuel, son of Mark Webster, bur. April 10, aged 2 James, son of William Harrison, bur. April 18, aged 7 Martha, dau. of Samuel Gaunt, bur. April 19, aged William, son of John Illingworth, buried April 21, aged 1 Joseph, son of Samuel Gaunt, bur. April 28, aged 2 Ann, widow of John Crowther, bur. April 29, aged 80 Betty, dau. of William Hudson, of Adwalton, bur. May 1, aged 4 William, son of William Pickles, late of Churwell, bur. May 10, aged 2 Betty, dau. of William Smith, of Churwell, bur. June 5, aged 10 Thomas Hartley, bur. June 12, aged 68, Hannah dau. of Thomas Gommersall, bur. June 12, aged 9 Grace, widow of Nathaniel Reyner, late of Churwell, bur. June 14, aged 72 Samuel Cliffe, bur. June 15, aged 29 John Yates, of Hunslet, bur. July G, aged 87 William, son of Richard Brown, of Churwell, bur. July 17, aged 1 Hannah, dau. of Joseph Rayner, of Churwell, bur. July 18 Mary, dau. of Samuel Westerman, bur. July 2G, aged 22 Edward, son of Joseph Trofton, of Driglington, bur. August 4, aged 1 Rebeckah, wife of Thomas Foster, bur. August 18, aged 85 Mary, wife of John Cauthray, of Gildersome, bur. August 2G Betty, widow of George Eastwood, bur. August 80, aged 50 Martha, wife of Rev. Thomas Balmforth, bur. September 2, aged 89 Samuel Dunderdale, bur. September 4, aged 89 Mary, wife of Matthew Garfoth, bur. September 20, aged 84 John Brown, bur. September 80, aged 81 Mary, dau. of Thomas Foster, bur. October 11 Mary Masker, commonly called Mary Gomersal, bur. October 24, aged 5G Thomas Hardcastle, jun., bur. November 28, aged 45 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 187 Joseph Westerman, bur. November 29, aged 73 1795 Mary, widow of Joseph Longbottom, bur. December 24, aged 74 Hannah, wife of John Clark, commonly called Hannah Garnett, bur. January 2G, aged 57 1796 George Webster, bur. February 14, aged 74 Elizabeth, dau. of John Verity, bur. February 25, aged 10 IClizabeth, wife of Matthew Benn, bur. February 28 Joseph Walker, jun., of Bruntcliffe, bur. March 8, aged 45 John, son of John Illingworth, bur. March 10 Hannah, widow of Paul Fyre, bur. April 4, aged 80 John, son of William Newson, bur. April 30, aged 17 Elizabeth, widow of Joseph Troughton, bur. May 8, aged 82 Benjamin, son of Jeremiah Buckley, of Farnley Moor Head, bur. May 8, aged 2 Hannah, dau. of David Hartley, of Leeds, bur. May 13, aged 2 Samuel, son of William Newsom, bur. June 8, aged 20 Mary, wife of Jeremiah Buckley, of Farnley Moor Head, bur. June 10, aged 30 Ralph Eastwood, bur. June 14, aged 39 Elkana Blamiers, of Gildersome Street, bur. June 20, aged 51 Samuel Hinceliffe, of Churwell, bur. June 27, aged 72 Joseph Tetley, bur. July 0, aged 08 Sarah, widow of Joshua Brown, bur. August 18, aged 86 John Westerman, of Gildersome Street, bur. August 21, aged 72 Hannah, wife of James Jackson, bur. August 26, aged 33 Jonathan Alein bur. August 30, aged 97 Rachel, widow of William Leathley, of Churwell, bur. September 1, aged 78 Hannah, dau. of James Jackson, bur. September 6 Sarah, dau. of Thomas Gomersall, bur. October 16, aged 1 Hannah, dau. of Samuel Waring, bur. October 26, aged 2 Thomas Strother, bur. October 80, aged 60 Mary, widow of Samuel Cliff, bur. November 9, aged 84 Sarah, widow of Thomas Strother, bur. November 22, aged 60 Nancy, dau. of Samuel Smith, bur. October 28, aged 6 Ann, widow of John Pickles, bur. October 28, aged 66 William, son of John Jackson, bur. October 29, aged 6 William, son of Joseph Towlson, bur. October 80, aged 21 Thomas Hardcastle, bur. December 1, aged 75 John, son of Joseph Newsom, of Norwich, bur. December 4, aged 1 Hannah, dau. of William Oldrid, bur. December 9, aged 2 George, son of George Smith, bur. December 11, aged 2 Hannah, dau. of Sarah Goodill, bur. December 14, aged 7 John, son of William Hartley, bur. December 23, aged 5 Martha, widow of Jeremiah Maude, bur. January 6, aged 78 1797 Thomas, son of Joshua Butterworth, bur. January 10 John, son of George Smith, bur. February 18, aged 1 186 MORLEY OLD CHAl'KL. Mary, granddau. of John Swithcnbank, bur. Feb. 24, aged 18 1797 Mrs. Martha Sugden, of Hanging Heaton, bur. February 28, aged 84 Pally, dau. of Thomas Rodley, bur. February 20, aged 2 John, son of Thomas Rodley, bur. February 20, agnl ."> Hannah, dau. of William Wilkinson, of Churwell, bur. March 0, aged 1 Thomas, son of Samuel Smith, bur. March 22, aged 7 John, son of James Haigh, of Churwell, bur. March 20 Anne, wife of Samuel Crowther, bur. March 80, aged Eleaner, wife of John Eastwood, bur. April 7, aged 03 Mary, widow of John Scott, bur. April 14, aged OS Hannah, wife of John Bradley, bur. April 20, aged 20 Susannah Marsden, bur. April 27, aged 70 Ann, dau. of Elizabeth Hartley, of Tingley Moor, bur. May 1, aged 2 Martha, dau. of Isaac Sykes, bur. May 8 Sally, wife of William Gill, bur. May 0, aged 03 Elizabeth, dau. of George Smith, bur. May 7 William, son of Nathaniel Carter, bur. May 30, aged 1 A child of Benjamin Savills, bur. June 5 Eleanor, dau. of Kitty Longbottoin, bur. June 9, aged 5 Thomas, son of Job Longley, bur. June 12, aged 2 Sarah, dau. of John Jubb, of Leeds, bur. June 15, aged 17 Elizabeth, dau. of David Shap, a soldier, bur. June 15, aged 1 William Lister, of Bruntcliffe, bur. June 21, aged 50 Betty, dau of Joseph W 7 alker, bur. June 24, aged 2 John Milner, sen., bur. June 29, aged 70 Betty, wife of William Oldrid, a soldier, bur. July 7, aged 20 Elizabeth, widow of Samuel Leathley, bur. July 15, aged 70 Hannah, dau. of Joseph Watson, bur. July 10, aged 2 George, son of Richard Senior, bur. July 29 Hannah, dau. of Thomas Rodley, bur. August 3, aged 7 Mally, dau. of Joseph Tolson, bur. August 14, aged 10 Mary, widow of Joseph Webster, bur. August 20, aged 04 Joshua Atkinson, of Gildersome Street, bur. September 8, aged 80 Hannah, widow of Joseph Westerman, bur. September 3, aged 72 Sarah, dau. of William Foster, bur. September 3, aged 2 Thomas, son of James Jackson, bur. September 5, aged 5 Ruth, dau. of Nathaniel Carter, bur. September 5, aged 8 Ann Chappell, bur. September 0, aged 03 John, son of Mary Foster, bur. September 10, aged 1 Samuel, son of William Lassey, bur. October 8 Sarah, dau. of Mary Tingle, bur. October 10, aged William, son of John Westerman, bur. October 17, aged 2 John Binks, bur. October 18, aged 00 Betty, dau. of Mary Tingle, bur. October 20, aged 2 William, son of Betty Westerman, bur. October 27, aged 2 Susannah, dau. of William Blamires, bur. October 27 Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Webster, bur. October 29, aged 49, REGISTER OF BURIALS. 130 Robert, son of John Hargreaves, bur. October 29 1797 John, son of William Crooker, of Stump Cross, bur. November 12 Ann, dau. of John Lister, of Bruntcliffe, bur. November 13 Joseph, son of George Evers, bur. November 1G John, son of William Carter, bur. November 1G, aged 1 Sarah, dau. of John Tolson, bur. November 21, aged 3 Joseph, son of Samuel Ellis, bur. November 22, aged 3 John, son of Mary Asquith, bur. November 25, aged 3 Ruth, dau. of William Hargreaves, bur. December 4, aged 3 Mary, dau. of Samuel Gaunt, bur. December 1H Sarah, wife of Joseph Rayner, of Churwell, bur. December 22, aged 38 Martha, wife of Joseph Walker, bur. December 31, aged 75 Mary, dau. of Joseph Rayner, of Churwell, bur. January 7 1798 Betty, dau. of Jonathan Butterworth, bur. January 12 Hannah, widow of John Illingworth, bur. January 18, aged G4 Mary, dau. of James Haigh, bur. January 24 Daniel, son of John Slack, bur. January 27, aged 2 Thomas, son of Thomas Mortimer, bur. February 19 Martha, dau. of Matthew Hirst, bur. February 27, aged 1 Mary, wife of John Strother, bur. February 28, aged Go Margaret, widoAv of John Clark, bur. March 14, aged 75 Charlotte, dau. of Thomas Middlebrook, bur. March 14, aged 1 Martha, dau. of John Binks, of Churwell, bur. March 23, aged 26 Thomas, son of William Hudson, of Adwalton, bur. April G, aged 18 Mary Dockrah, of Churwell, bur. April 8, aged 62 John, son of William Almond, bur. April 19 Hannah Burkit, widow of Francis Burkit, late of East Ardsley, bur. April 29, aged 78 Pheabe, dau. of Samuel Hall, bur. May 2, aged 28 Martha, widow of John Richardson, bur. May 26, aged 70 Hannah, dau. of William Wilson, bur. May 27, aged 81 Thomas, son of Samuel Crowther, bur. May 28, aged 25 John Rayner, of Cotton Mill, bur. June 11, aged 45 Abigail, widow of John Balmorth, bur. June 16, aged 87 John, son of William Broadbent, bur. June 18, aged 17 Mary, mother of Benjamin Theafcer, bur. June 26, aged 88 Mary, wife of John Wilson, clothier, bur. July 5, aged 19 Nancy, dau. of John Lawson, bur. July 15, aged 20 Matt v, wife of William Stead, of Churwell, bur. July 26, aged 28 Betty, dau. of John Richardson, of Churwell, bur. July 27, aged 7 Judith, widow of William Troughton, bur. July 2!), aged GG Mary, dau. of Samuel Binns, of Millshaw, bur. August 4, aged 1 Mary, widow of Joseph Hinchliffe, of Churwell, bur. August 5, aged 75 Mary, dau. of Francis Sibery, of Birstal, bur. August 20, aged 18 Jeremiah, son of John Baxter, of Churwell, bur. August 81, aged 1 Joshua Butterworth, bur. September 5, aged 75 Samuel, son of Richard Brown, of Churwell, bur. September G, aged 2 140 M"i;i.r.v OLD CHAF1L. John Walton Nussey, son of Ann, the wife of William Rosendale, of Churwell, bur. September 9, aged 4 1708 William, son of Nathaniel Reyner, of Chmwell, bur. September 27, aged 8 Hannah, wife of Abraham Watson, of Gildersome Street, bur. October 8, aged 58 John, son of Joseph Trough ton, of Driglington, bur. October 22 Elizabeth, wife of John Westerman, shoemaker, bur. November 8, aged 40 Hannah, wife of John Banks, bur. December 4, aged 57 John, son of William Ellis, bur. December 4, aged 1 John, son of Abraham Snell, bur. December 4, aged 1 Mary, tlau. of Robert Jackson, bur. December (>, aged 1G William Troughton, bur. December 16, aged 28 Patience Jackson, of Churwell, bur. January 8, aged 89 1709 Mary, wife of Samuel Ellis, bur. January 28, aged 87 Abraham Webster, bur. February 8, aged 78 John Shepherd, bur. February 18, aged 8 Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Garnett, bur. February 24, aged 57 Ruth, wife of Mark Webster, bur. March 10, aged 84 Thomas, son of William Leathley, bur. March 10, aged 5 mos. James, son of Mark Webster, bur. March 14 Mary Ann, dau. of David Hartley, of Leeds, bur. March 2G, aged 14 mos. Betty, dau. of John Stockdill, bur. April 2, aged 4 Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Sugden,bur. April 15, aged 52 John, son of Daniel Slack, bur. April 21, aged 84 Mary, wife of Abram Snell, bur. May 2G, aged 24 John, son of William Harrison, bur. June 27 Rev. Thomas Morgan,* minister of Morley Old Chapel, bur. July ;"5. aged 79 John Scholes, sen., bur. July 7, aged 59 Samuel, son of William Stanhope, bur. July 8, aged 1 Joseph, son of John Wilson, clothier, bur. August 7, aged 1 Francis Bradley, bur. August 29, aged 55 Elizabeth, dau. of John Rayner, of Leeds, bur. September 5, aged 8 • Rev. Thomas Morgan came from Delph in 1763. He appears to have left this charge because his people thought that he was not fully Evangelical (it may be pre- sumed he was a Baxterian), and he created the same feeling among some of his flock at the Old Chapel. He was under- no suspicion of heterodoxy as it regnrds tho Atonement, for among other tracts he wrote "An Appeal to the Common Sense of Plain and Common Christians on behalf of the Old Christianity of the Gospel," which drew the famous Dr. Priestley, then at Leeds, into the conflict through the columns of the Leeds Intelligencer. "Mr. Morgan died July 22nd, 1799, aged 80 years ; after having faithfully discharged the office of pastor here, from October 23rd, 17(53, to September 28th, 1794, when it pleased God to suffer his power of speech and active usefulness to be destroyed by a paralytic stroke." Mr. Morgan's son, the Rev. Thomas Morgan, LL.D., and a daughter, the late Mrs. John Wetherill, his only children, long survived their worthy parent. REGISTER OF BURIALS. 141 William, son of John Rayner, of Leeds, bur. Sept. 20, aged 8 1790 Hannah, dau. of John Leathley, bur. October 2, aged 25 Ann, dau. of John Jubb, of Leeds, bur. October 3, aged 12 Thomas, son of William Rossendale, of Churwell, bur. October 20 Samuel Waring, bur. November 4, aged 48 Mary, dau. of John Middlebrook, bur. November 12 Samuel Hall, bur. December 22, aged 70 Joshua Collinson, of Adwalton, bur. December 20, aged 25 John, son of Thomas Mortimer, bur. January 3, aged 15 1800» Sally, dau. of Isaac Rodgers, of Churwell, bur. January 15, aged 14 Mrs. Hannah Jarves, bur. February 5 Sarah, wife of John Middlebrook, bur. February 17, aged 10 Richard Evers, bur. February 28, aged 50 Elizabeth, wife of William Sheperd, of Leeds, bur. March 17, aged 31 Abram Bradley, bur. March 13, aged 02 David Sharp, bur. March 18, aged 28 Joseph, son of Isaac Rodgers, of Churwell, bur. March 18, aged 4 William, son of Nathaniel Revel, of Gildersome, bur. March 2 1 John Binks, of Churwell, bur. March 20, aged 50 Joseph, son of William Bradley, of Churwell, bur. April 27, aged 24 John, son of Thomas Scarth, bur. May 13 Joseph, son of Joseph Jackson, of Gildersome, bur. May 18 John Clark, bur. June 3, aged 72 Robert, son of Samuel Gaunt, bur. June 11, aged 3 mos. Thomas, son of William Wood, bur. July 9, aged 21 Ann, widow of William Garforth, bur. July 23, aged 70 Joseph, son of Benjamin Ellis, bur. July 25, aged 18 Miles Shirtcliffe, of Churwell, bur. August 11, aged 02 John, the son of John Whiteley, bur. August 24 Isaac, the son of John Hirst, bur. August 24, David Kitchingman, the son of Samuel Ellis, bur. August 20 Robert, son of Matthew Ellis, bur. September 28 Robert Jackson, bur. November 1, aged 53 William, son of Richard Brown, of Churwell, bur. November 10, aged 2 Isaac, son of John Binks, bur. December 13, aged 2 Charlotte, dau. of Thomas Scarth, bur. December 20, aged 2 Rebecca, widow of Michael Elswick, bur. January 4, aged 07 1801 Ann, widow of Joseph Crowther, bur. January 10, aged 83 Sarah, widow of John Shepherd, bur. January 28, aged 85 Mary, widow of Abraham Webster, bur. January 27, aged 08 Betty, wife of William Gaunt, bur. February 18, aged 18 Grace, dau. of Samuel Gaunt, bur. February 18, aged 11 William Binks, sen., bur. February 25, aged 58 Joseph, son of Robert Evers, bur. February 26 Mr. John Gisburn, bur. February 28, aged 58 David, son of George Smith, bur. March 27 1 12 M(»i:i.kv OLD CHAHEL. Sally, dau. of William Westerman, l>ur. April 27 1801 William Batter, bur. April 10, aged 06 Joshua, son of Joshua Butterworth, of Gildersome Street, bur. April 15, aged 1 Joseph, son of John Ellis, bur. April 29, aged 1 William, son of John Eastwood, bur. May 22, aged 27 John, son of Isaac Nussty, sen., bur. May 2!>, aged 1 William Rodley, son of Martha Ilazzlewood, bur. June 27 Mary, dau. of Joseph Newsome, bur. June 12, aged 1 Betty, dau. of Nathaniel Slack, bur. July 5, aged 18 Sarah, dau. of Joseph Newsome, of Norwich, bur. July 18, aged 10 Ann, wife of John Milner, bur. July 11), aged 85 Ann, dau. of John Broadbent, of West Ardsley, bur. July 27, aged 11 Benjamin Ellis, bur. August 8, aged 56 Hannah Tottie, bur. August 10, aged 62 Mary, wife of John Stanhope, of West Ardsley, bur. August 18, aged 50 Joseph, son of John Whitley, bur. September (5 Join: Scott, bur. October 20, aged 72 Elizabeth, widow of Lawrence Lawson, bur. October 25, aged 90 Elizabeth, widow of William Watson, bur. November 27, aged 84 John Ellis, of Adwalton, bur. November 29, aged ;">2 Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Sikes, of Hunslet, bur. November 30, aged 8 Hannah, wife of Joseph Dikes, of Pudsey, bur. December 18, aged 58 Richard, son of John Ellis, late of Adwalton, bur. December 22, aged 2 Betty, dau. of William Smith, bur. February 12, aged 1 1802 Jacob Hudson of Adwalton, bur. February 17, aged 70 Hannah, dau. of John Bramma, of Churwell, bur. February 19 Joseph, son of William Almon, bur. Mar 14, aged 9 mos. David, son of John Ellis, bur. March 20 Benjamin, son of Thomas Scarth, bur. March 20, aged Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Hall, bur. March 21, aged Betty, dau. of Robert Evers, bur. March 81, aged 4 Susannah, wife of Joseph Broadbent, bur. April 1, aged 78 John Terry, bur. April 2, aged 84 Thomas Tolson, bur. April 15, aged 80 Mary, dau. of Benjamin Theaker, bur. Api'il 18, aged 18 Hannah, dau. of John Fox, bur. April 23, aged 3 Benjamin Foster, bur. May 2, aged 03 Hannah, dau. of John Asquith, bur. May 19, aged 2 Georg^l, son of George Evers, bur. May 21, aged 3 John, son of Samuel Asquith, bur. May 23, aged 2") Martha, dau. of John Hargreave, bur. June G, aged 1 Sally, wife of Matthew Ellis, bur. June 10, aged 21 John, son of James Fozard, bur. June 11, aged Nanny, dau. of Abraham Marshall, bur. June 12 Elizabeth, dau. of Isaac Sikes, bur. June 13, aged 4 Sarah, wife of John Hirst, bur. July 5, aged 40 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 143 Frances, tlau. of Jonathan Garforth, bur. July 5, aged 3 1802 Rebecca, widow of Stephen Gregson, bur. July G, aged 80 Henry, son of Mr. John Gisburn, surgeon, bur. July 7, aged 18 mos. Ann, dau. of Thomas Brook, bur. July 1G, aged 3 Samuel, son of John Stead, of Horsforth, bur. July 22, aged 4 George, son of William Gant, and grandson of Benjamin Garnett, bur. August 29, aged 3 William, son of Thomas Banks, Jan., bur. August 21, aged 1 Alice, wife of John Scott, bur. September 12, aged G7 Joseph, son of Joseph Stead, of Driglington, bur. September 12, aged 12 Mary Ann, dau. of Samuel Waring, bur. September 25 Benjamin Garnett, bur. October 15, aged Gl Samuel, son of Robert Garnett, bur. November 2, aged 7 Nanny, dau. of Hannah Wood, bur. November 2, aged -1 Martha, dau. of John Broadhead, bur. November 3, aged 3 Percifall Horsfall, bur. November 5, aged 82 Thomas, son of James Taylor, bur. November 11, aged 1 Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin Clark, bur. November 21, aged 14 Hannah, dau. of John Priestley, of Churwell, bur. November 21, aged 3 Nanny, dau. of George Smith, bur. November 21, aged 8 mos. Sarah, dau. of Matthew Gath, bur. November 20, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Senior, bur. November 30, aged 7 John Fothergill, bur. December 2, aged GO John, son of Robert Evers, bur. December 5, aged 3 George, son of Robert Evers, bur. December 1G John, son of Joseph Stead, of Driglington, bur. December 19, aged G Jonathan, son of John Priestley, of Churwell, bur. December 25, aged 7 James, son of John Hathaye, of Kirkstall, bur. December 29, aged 11 mos. David Ellis, bur. January 23, aged 57 1803 Mary, dau. of Samuel Robinson, of Churwell, bur. January 1G, aged 3 Robert Croft, bur. January 21, aged G7 Joseph Cockerham, bur. January 23, aged 5G Hannah, wife of George Wood, of Leeds, bur. January 28, aged G8 Pheabe, widow of Samuel Hall, bur. January 28, aged 71 Ann, widow of John Walker, late of Bruntcliffe, bur. February 18, aged 94 William Bins, of Driglington, bur. February 16, aged 42 John, son of Andrew Foster, bur. March -, aged 3 Rebecca, widow of William Milner, bur. March 10, aged 80 Joseph, son of William Broadhead, bur. March 31, A child of William Steads, of QilderSome, bur. April 5 Joseph, son of Edward Grassland, bur. April H Hannah, widow of William Jackson, bur. April 12, aged 88 144 MORLEV OLD CHAPEL. Elizabeth, widow of John Oldrid, bur. April 14, aged 84 Betty, wife of Samuel Weatherill, of Millshaw, bur. April 28, aged 00 Christopher, son of Christopher Milner, bur. May 2, aged 81 weeks Hannah, wife of Daniel Hinchlifte, of Churwell, bur. May 11, aged 47 Sarah, dan. of William Horn, bur. June 7 Jeremiah, son of Sarah Maud, bur. June 17, aged 7 Samuel Robinson, of Gildersome, bur. July 21, aged 48 John, son of Nathaniel Webster, bur. July 28 Ruth, dau. of Joseph Smith, bur. July 8, aged 11 mos. Ruth, dau. of John Slack, bur. August 2, aged 20 Hannah, dau of Joseph Stead, bur. August 0, aged 1 James, son of John Whitworth, bur. August 10, aged 20 John Strother, bur. September 0, aged 74 Sally, dau. of Martha Hirst, bur. September 18, aged 17 John Middlebrook, bur. October 7, aged 27, Hannah, dau. of Joseph Brown, bur. October 25, aged 24 Ann, dau. of William Lister, bur. November 5, aged 00 William Harris, bur. November 9, aged 82 Mary, widow of John Milner, bur. November 17, aged 78 Matthew Ben, of Gildersome, bur. November 28, aged 92 Sarah, sister of John Lister, of Bruntcliffe, bur. November 30, aged 59 George, son of Matthew Hirst, bur. December 2 Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel Brook, bur. December 18 Mary, dau. of William Jackson, bur. December 20, aged 15 Joseph, son of William Mitimer, of Wortley, bur. January 10 1804 Samuel Wilson of Gildersome, bur. January 18, aged 29 Lidea, wife of Thomas Rvecroft, of Gildersome, bur. January 20, aged 04 John, son of Wilham Chapel, bur. January 25 Joseph, son of Samuel Hardcastle, bur. January 80 John, son of Richard Brown, of Churwell, bur. March 15, aged 12 Martha, widow of John Westerman, bur. March 23, aged 77 Mary, dau. of Joseph Mortimer, bur. May 1, aged 18 weeks George, son of George Smith, bur. May 17, aged 5 Mary, dau. of Joseph Troughton, of Driglington, bur. June 12 James, son of Samuel Elswick, bur. July 8, aged 18 Mary, dau. of Isaac Nussey, bur. July 22, aged 28 Thomas, son of John Tod, bur. July 29, aged 18 Susanna, dau. of Joseph Mortimer, bur. August 2, aged 10 Mary, wife of W'illiam Bradley, of Churwell, bur. August 10, aged 74 Nancy, dau. of Benjamin Garnett, bur. September 11, aged 20 John, son of John Maud, bur. September 23, aged 2 John, son of John Robarts, of Cotton Mill, bur. October 21, aged 5 Nathaniel Slack, Old Chapel Clerk, bur. November 2, aged 00 Sarah, dau. of John Binks, bur. November 5 Samuel Webster, bur. December 5, aged 84 William, son of Samuel Hardcastle, bur. December 21 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 145 John, son of John Middlebrook, bur. December 28, aged 3 1801 James, son of Matthew Ellis, of Churwell, bur. December 31 Martha, widow of Joseph Webster, bur. January 23, aged 83 1805 Matthew, son of Elizabeth Han, bur. January 80, aged 21 Betty, dau. of John Atha, of Kirkstall, bur. February 13 Mary, widow of Matthew Pearson, bur. February 13, aged 89 Richard Collison, of Adwalton, bur. February 14, aged 65 John, son of William Smith, bur. February 28, aged 11 Hannah, wife of Benjamin Saville, bur. March 27, aged 29 William Smith, of Churwell, bur. April 1, aged 21 Hannah, dau. of John Whitley, bur. April 7 Elizabeth Stockwell, of Birstal, bur. April 10, aged 78 Rebecca Troughton, of Driglington, bur. April 12, aged 80 Martha Storr, of Churwell, bur. April 15, aged 28 Richard Taylor, of Leeds, bur. April 22, aged 75 James Bilbrough, of Gildersome, bur. May 5, aged 64 Hannah Todd, bur. May 15, aged 70 Daniel Slack, bur. June 2, aged 70 John, son of William Mortimer, of Wortley, bur. June 12 Ester Senior, bur. July 4, aged GO John, infant son of Jeremiah Horsfall, of Pudsey, bur. July G Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Webster, bur. July 9, aged 8 mos. Patience, dau. of Matthew Hirst, bur. July 28, aged 11 Jane Sykes, bur. August 9, aged 82 A child of William Blamires, bur. August 22 John Gosling, of Churwell, bur. September 2, aged 80 Elizabeth, wife of John Broadbent, of Tingley Moor, bur. October 13, aged 50 Samuel Webster, son of John Stead, bur. October 13, aged 1 Hannah, dau. of Benjamin Savile. bur. November 2, aged 7 mos. Nathaniel, infant son of Robert Sykes, of Hunslet, bur. November 3 George, son of Wilham Smith, bur. December 5, aged 8 John Webster, infant son of John Stead, bur. December G, aged 1 James, infant son of James Fox, bur. December 15 Sarah, wife of Joseph Asquith, of Bruntcliffe, bur. December 25, aged 54 Mary, dau. of William Foster, bur. January 22, nged 8 180G William Fletcher, of Churwell, bur. January 28, aged 70 Martha, wife of Joseph Slater, of Churwell, bur. February 12, aged G7 William Wilkinson, bur. February 23, aged 22 John, son of Matthew Kllis, of Churwell, bur. March 18, aged 1 Hannah, wife of John Toulson, bur. March 28, aged 84 Ann. wife of JamBB Crowther, of Churwell, bur. April 21, aged 29 Joseph Slater, of Churwell, bur. May 18, aged 7 1 Jeremiah Walker, of Leeds, bur. June 4, aged 66 John Ryecroft, of Adwalton, bur. June G. aged 87 John, son of Joseph Scarth, of Churwell, bur. June G, aged 1 140 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. William, son of Joseph Hearth, of Churwell, bur. June K, aged 8 1800 Hannah, widow of John Ryecroft, of Adwalton. bur. June 8, aged 40 Sarah, dau. of Samuel Waring, bur. June 17, aged 80 George Fawoett, bur. June 22, aged 85 Mary, widow of Samuel Robinson, late of Gildersome, bur. July 0, aged <;c> John, son of Robert Howett, of Leeds, bur. July 2(5. aged 8 Ann, widow of John Crowther, bur. August 19, aged 02 Rachel, dau. of John Roberts, bur. August 28, aged 10 John, son of Robert Jackson, bur. September 1!', aged 21 Sarah, wife of Richard Brooks, of Leeds, bur. October 28, aged 20 John, son of William Blamires, bur. November 10, aged 1 mOB. John, son of Joseph Mortimer, bur. November 18, aged 5 weeks Rachel, dau. of \\ illiam Leathley, of Leeds, bur. November 28, aged 8 mos. Martha, wife of Samuel daunt, bur. November 29, aged 52 John Chappel, bur. December 8, aged 66 Charlotte, dau. of Sarah Oldroyd, bur. Jan. 14, aged 1!) weeks 1807 Hannah, dau. of Hannah Wariu, bur. January IK, aged 8 Elizabeth, dau. of John Renton, bur. January 28, aged 11 mos. Sarah, dau. of William Baxter, of Churwell, bur. January 80, aged 8 Betty, dau. of John Locock, bur. February 4, aged 1 Mary, dau. of Jonathan Garforth, bur. February 10, aged 1 Joseph Rayner, of Churwell, bur. February 20, aged 45 A child of Isaac Barron, bur. March 10 Mary Worsnop, bur. March 29, aged 02 Betty Revell, bur. April 19, aged 08 Elizabeth, wife of John Lister, of Bruntcliffe, bur. April 22, aged 52 Elizabeth, wife of John Storr, bur. May 10, aged 28 Nancy, dau. of Thomas Waring, bur. May 10, aged 9 mos. Fanny, wife of Joseph Howard, of Churwell, bur. May 21, aged 00 Samuel Gaunt, bur. June 10, aged 21 Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel Carter, bur. June 20, aged 15 Robert Ellis, bur. July — aged 64 Joseph Howroyd. of Churwell, bur. August !), aged 80 Ma iy, wife of Thomas Rycroft, of Gildersome, bur. August 11, aged 22 Samuel, son of John Holmes, of Churwell, bur. August 15, aged 81 John, son of John Binks, of Churwell, bur. August 22, aged 2 Thomas Whitaker, bur. August 27, aged 41 Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Lofthouse, bur. September 8, aged 80 Mary Slack, bur. September 8, aged 58 Martha, wife of William Laurence, of Millshaw, bur. September 18, aged 55 Mary, wife of Joseph Hall, bur. October 23, aged 84 William, son of William Leathley, of Leeds, bur. November 5, aged 17 Betty Fothergill, bur. November 13, aged 33 Mercy, wife of John Turner, bur. November 14, aged 50 BK0I8TBH OF BUBIALS, 147 Ann Jackson, bur. November 15, aged 02 1807 Josepb, son of Benjamin Briggs, bur. November 29, aged 12 A child of James Hardcastle, bur. December 6 Sarah Fletcher, bur. December 13, aged 03 Sarah Shirtcliff, of Churwell, bur. December 23, aged 27 Benjamin, son of John Hirst, bur. December 27, aged 20 Thomas Wood, bur. January 10, aged 03 1808 Mary Elliss, bur. January 21, aged 57 Sarah, wife of William Fox, bur. February 7, aged 59 Mary, wife of Joseph Toulson, bur. February 14, aged 09 Mary Heaton, bur. February 14, aged 70 Joseph Webster, bur. February 17, aged 83 Joseph Ravell, of Gildersome, bur. February 21, aged 53 Hannah, dan. of Isaac Nussey, bur. February 21, aged 4 mos. Sarah, dau. of William Broadhead, bur. February 25, aged 10 mos. Hannah, wife of John Hazzlewood, bur. March 21, aged 55 Matthew Elliss, bur. March 29, aged 34 John Westerman, bur. April 2, aged 55 Joseph Walker, of Bruntcliffe, bur. April 0, aged 82 John Elliss, bur. April 9, aged 00 •John, son of Benjamin Briggs, bur, April 10, aged 8 David, son of Jonathan Smith, bur. May 4, aged 1 Hannah Elliss, bur. May 27, aged 07 A child of Trough ton, Driglington Hannah, wife of Samuel (iarnett, of Churwell, bur. June 10, aged 78 A child of Benjamin Mitchell, of Bruntcliffe, bur. June 19 Joseph Webster, jun., bur. June 22, aged 41 Lydia, dau. of Benjamin Savill. bur. June 27, aged 1(5 John Jubb, of Leeds, bur. July 20, aged 00 Joseph Walker, of Bruntcliffe, bur. August 1, aged 17 Mary, dau. of John Asquith, bur. October 3, aged 1 Sarah Troughton, bur. October 17, aged 60 Elizabeth, dau. of James Fox, bur. October 20 Robert, son of John Howett, of Leeds, bur. November 14, aged 22 mos. Joshua Locock, bur. November 15, aged 73 Sarah Brooksbank, of Millshaw, bur. November 17, aged 21 Joseph, son of Joseph Btocgall, bur. November 27, aged 4 Barack Firth, bur. December 14, aged 73 Sarah, wife of James Pickles, bur. January 10, aged 89 1809 Mary, dau. of Robert Sykes, bur. January 22, aged mos. Hannah, dau. of William Almond, bur. February 9, aged 17 Titu-, son of John Whitehead, of Churwell, bur. Feb. 17. aged 5 mos. William Chadwick, of Birstal, bur. February 28, aged 70 (irace Laund, of Holbeck, bur. February 27, aged 81 Sarah, dau. of John Rayner, of Leeds, bur. March 8, aged 10 Benjamin, son of Thomas Waring, bur. March 9, aged I Mary Holstead, of Gildersome, bur. March 18, aged 20 L48 MORLKY OLD OHAPBL. John Wormald, bur. April 9, aged 88 180i) .'" sph Broadbent, bur. May 23, aged 88 Betty, wife of William Smith, of Churwell, bur. May 24, aged 71 Joseph, son of William Iiorsman. of Millsliaw, bur. July HI, aged 8 Harriet, dau. of Samuel Waring, bur. August 21, aged 1 Mary Gisburn, bur. August 22, aged 88 Samuel Longbottom, bur. August 26, aged 4H .lohu Howroyd, bur. September 1, aged 6 John Scott, bur. September 5, aged 75 John, son of William Houseman, of Millsliaw, bur. October 22, aged 8 William Fox, bur. October 25, aged 78 Grace ltavell, of Gildersonu', bur. November 7, aged 70 Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Carter, bur. November 0, aged 22 William Pickles, bur. November 21, aged 1 Mary, dau. of John Priestley, of Millsliaw, bur. December 24, aged Hannah Mathers, of Morley, bur. December 28, aged 87 Joseph, son of Nathaniel Carter, bur. January 4, aged 5 1810 Sarah Brook, bur. January 17, aged 82 Hannah, dau. of Nathaniel Carter, bur. January 21, aged 7 Mary, dau. of John Robshaw, bur. February 10, aged 7 Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Evers, bur. February 27, aged 4 John, son of Thomas Clark, bur. March 2, aged 4 Mary, dau. of Thomas Clark, bur. March 11, aged 8 John, son of Joseph Hufindill, bur. April 4, aged 15 Hannah, wife of John Boyle, bur. May 3, aged 51 Betty, dau. of Mary Wilson, of Gildersome, bur. May G, aged 5 Hannah Slater, of Birstall, bur. May 15, aged 40 Jane, dau. of John Worsnop, of Birstall, bur. May 15, aged 1 Thomas Foster, bur. May 28, aged 01 Mary Brooksbank, of Churwell, bur. June 3, aged 22 mos. Thomas Middlebrook, bur. June 15, aged 05 Ann, dau. of Edward Crossland, bur. July 11, aged mos. Sarah, wife of William Anderson, of Leeds, bur. July 15 Margret, dau. of William Brooksbank, bur. July 23, aged 5 weeks Ann, wife of John Holmes, of Churwell, bur. August 2, aged 59 Hannah, wife of William Tempest, bur. August 4, aged 53 Grace Pickles, bur. August 7, aged 79 A child from Gomersal Grace, dau. of William Ingham, of Churwell, bur. August 21, aged 9 mos. • Ann, wife of John Baxter, bur. August 23, aged 52 William Gill, bur. September 5, aged 77 John Holmes, of Churwell, bur. February 18, aged 59 A child of Benjamin Clark, bur. October 4 Joseph, son of William Brooksbank, bur. October 15, aged 14 weeks Edward Trough ton, of Gildersome, bur. October 17 Sarah Asquith, bur. November 18, aged 74 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 149 James Webster, bur. November 14, aged 48 1810 Harriett, dau. of John Sutcliffe, bur. November 21, aged 8 Mary, wife of Jonathan Garforth, bur. December 2, aged 36 William Scholes, bur. December 9, aged 40 Hannah, wife of John Evers, of Churwell, bur. Jan. 15, aged 26 1811 Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Wood, of Holbeck, bur. January 20, aged 52 Eydia Eawrence, of Churwell, bur. February 24, aged 55, Betty, wife of Thomas Banks, bur. February 27, aged 00 Jonathan Strodder, bur. March 14, aged 85 John, son of Abraham Marshall, bur. March 27, aged 11 William Broadley, of Churwell, bur. March 27, aged 75 William Lawrence, of Millshaw, bur. April 1, aged 57 Hannah, dau. of Joseph Westerman, bur. April 9, aged 18 Hannah, wife of Abraham Marshall, bur. April 2H, aged 51 William, son of John Roberts, bur. April 30, aged 18 Robert Ellis, jun., bur. May 2, aged 83 Mary, dau. of Joseph Broadbent, bur. May 3, aged 8 Hannah Longbottom, of Driglington, bur. May 15, aged 50 Mary, dau. of Abram Marshall, bur. May 21, aged 16 Betty Strodder, bur. May 31, aged 3 Martha, wife of John Toulson, bur. June 25, aged 62 Mary, dau. of George Smith, bur. July 12, aged 6 mos. Hannah, dau. of Isaac Nussey, bur. July 24, aged 2 Ann Foster, bur. August 6, aged 72 Hannah, dau. of Joseph Waring, bur. August 9, aged 17 mos. Andrew Foster, bur. September 4, aged 60 Elizabeth, dau. of Broadbent, bur. September 4, aged 1 A child of Thomas Clark, bur. September 5 A child of Hannah Mortimer, bur. September 18 Rachel, dau. of William Lassey, bur. October 18 A child of William Brooksbanks, bur. October 17 Hetty, dau. of Norison Scatcherd, bur. October 18, aged 18 mos. Jane Porrit, bur. October 20, aged 21 Joseph Appleyard, bur. October 20, aged 85 John, son of Joseph Binks, bur. October 24, aged 4 Ann, dau. of Andrew Foster, bur. October 24, aged 18 mos, Nancy Strodder, bur. November 8, aged 18 mos. Hannah Ellis, of Gildersome, bur. January 2, aged 1!> 1812 Thomas Mortimer, bur. January 14, aged 51 Joseph Steward, bur. January 17, aged 81 Joseph Dockray, of Churwell, bur. January 19, aged 71 Thomas, son of Nathaniel Webster, bur. January 22, aged 8 Samuel, son of Joseph Appleyard, bur. January 26, aged 16 Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Webster, bur. February 17. aged 15 mos. Betty, dau. of Samuel Pickles, bur. February 1!>, aged 87 Joseph Booth, of Gildersome, bur. February 29, aged 88 Sarah, wife of James Fox, bur. March 1, aged 89 160 MOKI.I.Y <>!.!> CH.U'IX. Joseph, son of James Fox. bur. March 1(>, aged 7 weeks 1H12 Ann, wife of John Leathley, bar. March 26, aged 77 William, son of DftVtd Wilson, bur. April 4, aged 18 weeks Joseph Guile, of Leeds, bur. April 28, aged 85 James Broadbent, bur. May 20, aged 29 Sarah, dau. of William Ingham, of Churwell, bur. May 20, aged 10 John Fox, of Hcckinondwike. bar. .June 8, aged 88 Samuel daunt, bur. June 20, aged 62 Thomas Morley, bur. July 22, aged HI John Banks, bur. August 15, aged 75 Ann, wife of Elliss, bur. August 17. aged 28 Mercy, wife of John Etha, bur. October 1!), aged 84 Pollard Brook, bur. December 31 William Hartley, died April 16, aged ">1 1815* Ann Whitaker. died April 20, aged -V) John, son of William Rayner, of Churwell, died April 2H, aged 16 mos. Mary, dau. of Matthew Ellis, of Churwell, died June 80, aged 7 Sarah, widow of William Kavner. late of Churwell, died July 14, aged 7(5 Susanna Tod, died July 2G, aged 07 John Bilbrough, of Bruntcliffe, died September 0, aged 7 Robert, son of Joseph Broadbent, died September 24, aged 11 Joseph, son of William Leathley, of Leeds, died October 2, aged 1!) George, son of John Eastwood, died October 9, aged 27 Mary, wife of Abram Broadbent, died October 10, aged 75 A child of John Eastwoods, Jan., died November 2 A child of Jonathan Butterworth, died November 2 Thomas Warin, died January 3, aged 81 1810 William Robinson, son of Thomas Hartley, died January 12, aged !> mos. William Smith, from New Hall, died January 14, aged 75 Betty, dau. of Joseph Wade, died February 9, aged 9 Ann Johnson, of Leeds, died February 28, aged 18 mos. Mary, wife of Benjamin Briggs, died February 28, aged 66 Mary, wife of Isaac Ellis, died February 29, aged 66 A child of Joseph Sykes's, died March 2!) John Jubb, jun., of Leeds, died April 8, aged 41 Hannah, dau. of George Smith, died April 3, aged 23 John Hollings, died April 8, aged 08 Abram Broadhead, died April 14, aged 78 Martha Clough, died April 29, aged 24 A child of James Taylor, died May 2 John Pickles, sen., died May 0, aged 65 Joseph, son of Jonathan Smith, died May 9, aged 2 Maria Armitage, dau. of Mr. Buttry, Bruntcliffe, died May 18, aged 8 mos. * 1813-14 are missing. REGISTEK OF BURIALS. 151 Mary, widow of Isaac Stockdill, of Beeston, died May 23, aged 01 1810 Mary, widow of Joseph Newsom, died June 11, aged -17 Thomas Mortimer, died June 12, aged 04 John, son of John Fox, died June 10, aged 8 Joseph Toulson, died June 20, aged 82 John Lister, of Bruntcliffe, died July 10, aged 02 James Ward, of Bruntcliffe, died July 20, aged 71 William Turner, died August 11, aged 30 Hannah, dau. of John Appleyard, died Octoher 21, aged 15 mos. Hannah, dau. of Jonas Nichols, died October 29, aged 8 mos. Grace, dau. of John Evers, of Churwell, died November 8, aged 4 Sarah, dau. of Samuel dough, died November 12, aged 11 mos. John, son of Joseph Heaton, died November 18, aged 11 months A child of John Whitehead's died November 20 Ann Scott, of Great Gomersal, died November 27, aged 83 Ann, dau. of James Taylor, died November 27, aged 3 James Hols worth, died December 7. aged 78 Robert, son of Matthew Ellis, of Churwell, died December 18 A child of Joseph Robinsons, died January 1 1817 A child of Samuel Troughton's, of (iildersome, died January 14 Ann, dau. of Robert Howett, died January 24, aged 2 Martha, dau. of Jonas Westerman, of Churwell, died January 20, aged 10 mos. A child of Thomas Banks's, died February 10 Martini Jackson, died February 14, aged 00 Joseph Ellis, died February 21, aged 14 Ann Batley, died March 9, aged 83 A child of Thomas Appleyard's, died March 1 1 Watson Scatcherd," Esq., died March 12, aged 00 SiLsanna, wife of Samuel Pickles, died March 22, aged 78 Hannah, wife of John Eastwood. Jan., died March 25. aged 88 John, son of John Broadbent, of Tingley Bar, died April 24, aged James Hodgson, died April 29, aged 82 Ann, widow of John Ellis, died May 8, aged 8 Sarah, wife of William Pratt, died May 17, aged 57 Hannah, wife of David Incliff, of Churwell, bur. May 17, aged 15 DDOB. * Watson Scatcherd, father to Xorrisson, the historian, was educated in the law, under Warren, an eminent special pleader. For thirty years he practised as a harrister, hut he was hest remembered by our elders as the magistrate who held his Court in a parlour at the Nelson's Arms. Here did Win. Wilkinson, the village constable, bring before his "Worship" the refractory drunkard, the ne'er-do w» -el of the village, the poacher, and the incorrigible of every class ; and hero did the magistrate dispense his even-handed justice, tempering it with merer, to the law- breaking neighbours amongst whom it was his lot to dwell. He was a native of whom wc have reason to he proud,— ever kind to the poor, generous to a fault, aud, as his son says of him, " never guilty of an immoral action or even an improper expression. Of immorality in every form, he was a severe censor, but he never forgave the man who offended his delicacy." 152 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Elizabeth, wife of James Pearson, died May is, aged 85 1817 Harriet, wife of John llargreaves, Jan., of Clmrwell, died June 1, aged 2 1 Hannah, wife of Anthony Todd, died June 10, aged 2G William Almond, died June 2(5, aged 59 John son of John Foster, died June 80, aged 10 mos. William Ihoadbent, died July 0, aged 07 John llayner, of Leeds, died July 28, aged 5(5 Elizabeth, dau. of Anthony Todd, died July 28, aged 15 mos. Sarah, wife of John Barron, dud August ;», aged 80 Milley Porrit, of Hodgson Lane, died August LI, aged 28 Benjamin son of William dough, died August 21 Betty, dau. of William Smith, died September 1, aged :» mos. William, son of Robert Naylor, died September 4, aged 8 mos. William Banks, of Churwell, died September 4, aged 2 mos. George, son of Charles Knowles, of Birstal, died September 8 Thomas Sykes, of Potovens, near W r akefield, died September 11, aged 40 A child of Jonathan Maud's, died September 12 Mary, dau. of Jonathan Maud's, died September 19 James, son of Thomas Helliwell, of Bruntcliffe, died October 8, aged 15 mos. Sarah Ellis, died November 8, aged 18 Elizabeth, dau. of John Barron, died November 2!), aged 10 mos. ■la He, widow of J. W r arin, died November 80, aged 75 Hannah, dau. of William Hartley, died December 28, aged 2 Mary, wife of Joseph Robinson, died December 81, aged 15 Fanny Hargreaves, died January 14, aged 54 1818 Joseph, son of Martha Sykes, died January 19, aged 7 John Whitworth, died February 8, aged 02 Tabitha Bradley, died February 15, aged H4 John Jackson, died February 10, aged 78 Martha, wife of Jonathan Fothergill, died February 20, aged 07 Mary, dau. of Samuel Brook, died February 22, aged 5 David, son of John Parras, of Rooms, died February 25, aged 20 A child of Judith Walkers, of Bruntcliffe, died February 28 Elizabeth, dau. of John Jones, died March 4, aged 1 Joshua, son of John Asquith, died March 0, aged 1 Samuel, son of William Perigo, died March 20, aged 1 William, son of Joseph Firth, of Tingley Moor, died March 20 Judith Cockill, of Bruntcliffe, died March 24, aged 30- A child of John Troughton's, died March 28 Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Robinson, died April 2, aged 8 John, son of Mary Sykes, died April 3, aged 1 George, son of William Johnson, of Leeds, died April 12 A child of Jonathan Smith's, died April 14 A child of Jonathan Smith's, died April 20 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 153 Joseph, son of Cageill Ellis, of Ch unveil, died April 30, aged 11 mos. Hannah, widow of Miles Shirtcliffe, of Churwell, died May 13, aged 69 Joseph Warm, died May 23, aged 77 Samuel Hartley, of Tingley Bar, died November 3, aged 56 Benjamin, son of William Blamires, died November 6, aged 2 Ann Almond, died November 8, aged 23 Mary, wife of John Westerman, died November 15, aged 59 Mary, widow of William Newsome, sen., died November 16, aged 80 A still-born child of John Storr's, of Churwell, November 25 Elizabeth Fothergill, died November 30, aged 71 Benjamin, son of James Garnett, died December 31, aged 7 John Neetson, died January 24, aged 37 1819 Ann Appleyard, died February 2, aged 62 Thomas, son of Samuel Troughton, died February 25, aged 7 mos. Martha, dau. of John Asquith, died March 7, aged 15 Ruth, dau. of Robert Naylor, died March 13, aged 5 mos. Sarah Steward, died May 25, aged 64 Isaac Richardson, of Churwell, died May 26, aged 76 Thomas Ryecroft, of Gildersome, died June 22, aged 76 Richard Senior, died June 27, aged 45 t • Ann, dau. of William Almond, jun., died June 28, aged 7 mos. Benjamin, son of David Ellis, died June 30, aged 3 Sarah, wife of Andrew Foster, jun., died July 6, aged 23 Elizabeth, widow of — Jackson, died July 12, aged 72 A child of a traveller, died July 16 Nathaniel Sykes, jun., died July 24, aged 37 Samuel, son of Betty Stanhope, died July 25, aged 11 mos. Joseph Stockdill, died July 27, aged 45 Hannah, wife of John Garnett, died July 31, aged 66 Ellen, dau. of Benjamin Mitchell, died August 15, aged 3 Joseph, son of Jonas Nicholls, died August 25, age 17 John Priestley, of Millshaw, died September 5, aged 4 William Baxter, of Churwell, died September 8, aged 66 Ann, dau. of John Gisburn, sen., died September 13, aged 50 A child of David Hartley's died October 10 Martha, dau. of Norrison Scatoherd, died November 6, aged 6 weeks William son of William Marshall, grocer, died November 7, aged 22 Martha Westerman, of Churwell, died November 10, aged 85 Thomas Gomersal, died November 26, aged 60 Alice Cockerham, of Stump Cross, died December 1, aged 84 Sarah Nussey, died December 1, aged 85 Mary, widow of Barack Firth, of Churwell, died November 12, aged 69 Samuel Foster, died November 30, aged 73 Joseph, son of John Terry, died January 8, aged 10 1820 Ann, dau. of John Ronton, died January 16, aged 12 William, son of Matthew Ellis, of Clmrwell, died January 21, aged 5 A child of Will Brooks, died February 2 154 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Dorothy, widow of Benjamin Foster, died February 0, aged 88 1820 Mary, dau. of William Lasse, died February 9, aged 1 Mary, wife of John Riley, died February 18, aged 2H Daniel, son of Daniel Pickles, died February 18, aged 2 Ann, dau. of Robert Evers, died February 20, aged 8 Mary, dau. of Benjamin Foster, died February 25, aged 54 Rosey, dau. of William Rodley, died February 27, aged 1 Isebela, wife of Samuel Trough ton, of Gildersome, died February 28, aged 87 George, son of Joseph Broadbent, died February 29, aged 1 Ann, dau. of John Appleyard, of Tingley, died February 29 George Mortimer, of Little Town, died March 5, aged 20 Benjamin Gaunt, died March 7, aged 68 Sarah, wife of Samuel Oldroyd, died March 8, aged 84 Sarah, wife of Daniel Pickles, died March 10, aged 80 Jane, wife of Robert Howett, of Bruntcliffe, died March 14, aged 88 William, son of William Perigo, died March 19, aged 10 mos. John Robinson, farmer, died, March 22, aged 72 John Garnett, died March 25, aged 58 Samuel Broadbent, died April 24, aged 00 Hannah, wife of William Rayner, of Churwell, died May 8, aged 41 W'illiam Firth, died May 18, aged 73 Thomas Westerman, died June 21, aged 89 Mary, dau. of John Ryland, died June 22, aged 3 Thomas Rodley, sen., died June 29, aged 70 A child of Martha Blaymires, died June 29 Frederick William, son of Henry Knowles, of Birstal, died August 1, aged 1 mo. Mary Wliiteley, of Wibsey, died August 2, aged 43 Mary, widow of T. Middlebrook, died August 8, aged 68 Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Pickles, died August 10, aged 2 John, son of Joseph Pickles, died August 81, aged 6 mos. A child of John Asquith's, died September 10 John, son of Thomas Tidswell's, died September 5, aged 1 Hannah Halleyday, died October 21, aged 84 A child of Mary Ann Butterworth's, died October 30 Harriot, dau. of John Rayner, of Leeds, died November 23, aged 21 A child of Joshua Asquith's, died December 15 John Turner, carpenter, bur. January 3, aged 69 1821 A child of James Kenworthy, bur. January 8 Martha, wife of James Dodgshun, bur. January 9, aged 70 Mary, dau. of David Ellis, bur. January 12, aged 1 Samuel Waring, sen., cooper, bur. January 14, aged 78 Samuel Wearing, jun., bur. January 20, aged 55 Martha Chadwick, of Gomersal, bur. March 4, aged 18 Mary Stead, of Churwell, bur. March 21, aged 73 George Tempest, sen., bur. March 30, aged 61 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 155 Joseph, son of John Ward, bur. April 5, aged 9 1821 Eliza, dau. of Abra. Grace, bur. April 9, aged 18 mos. Jonathan Fothergill, bur. May 1, aged 77 Mary, dau. of Isaac Rodger, bur. May 13, aged 15 Sally, wife of Joseph Rodgers, of Churwell, bur. May 21, aged 61 Sarah, widow of Thomas Gomersall, bur. June 1, aged CI Samuel, son of John Whitely, bur. June 14, aged 3 Betty Horsfall, bur. June 23, aged 84 Jonathan Sutliff, of Churwell, bur. July 25, aged 61 Martha Benn, bur. August 16, aged 76 An infant belonging to John Asquith, bur. August 81 William, son of James Wade, of Bradford, bur. September 1, aged 6 mos. An infant belonging to Ann Go ugh, bur. September 9 Mary, dau. of John Evers, of Churwell, bur. October 7, aged 7 mos. Hannah, wife of John Eastwood, bur. October 17, aged 71 Mary, dau. of William Smith, bur. October 18, aged 3 Hannah, wife of William Briggs, bur. October 25, aged 29 William, son of William Asquith, bur. October 28, aged 6 William Johnson, of Leeds, bur. November 14, aged 28 John, son of Samuel Hardcastle, bur. November 17, aged 17 mos. William, son of William Johnson, of Leeds, bur. December 3, aged 2 Grace, dau. of William Johnson, of Leeds, bur. December 12, aged 10 weeks, Robert, son of Joseph Loftus, bur. December 28, aged 5 mos. Jonathan Kirkby, bur. December 23, aged 80 Hannah, dau. of Thomas Banks, bur. January 18, aged 1 1822 Nathaniel Sykes, sen., bur. February 10, aged 79 An infant belonging to John Sykes, bur. February 14 Jonathan, son of Jonathan Butler, bur. February 15 John Horn, bur. February 19, aged 49 Ann, wife of John Atkinson, bur. February 22, aged 64 John, son of John Renton, bur. February 24, aged 9 weeks Ann Hayley, bur. March 28, aged 25 Ann, dau. of Joseph Pickles, of Churwell, bur. April 5, Ann, dau. of John Storr, bur. April 9, Mary Hartley, bur. April 14, aged 21 Mary, dau. of John Jones, bur. April 23, aged 12 Joseph, son of John Garnett, jun. bur. April 28, aged 12 days Jane, wife of Isaac Roger, bur. April 80, aged 44 William, son of William Gomersal, bur. May 19, aged 6 weeks Ann, wife of Thomas Snell, bur. May 24, aged 72 Mary, wife of John Jones, bur. June 7, aged 88 Robert Blackley, of Churwell, bur. June 9, aged 11 John Atkinson, bur. June 19, aged 74 William, son of Beckforth Wilson, bur. June 28, aged 17 mos. Grace Lawson, bur. August 6, aged 72 156 KOBUn OLD CHAPEL. Robert, son of John Barrow, bur. August 18, aged 12 1822 Elisabeth Bilbrough, bur. August 18, aged 71 John Stockdale, bur. September 9, aged 28 John, son of Thomas Tidswell, bur. September 80, aged 1 Joseph, son of George Sharp, bur. October 8 Thomas Webster, of Beeston, bur. October 0, aged 20 Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Clough, bur. November G, aged 9 weeks Hannah Rodger, bur. November 20, aged 85 Harriet, dau. of Joseph Waring, bur. December 4, aged 8 An infant of Robert Jackson's, bur. December (i, Thomas Johnson, killed by a cart he was driving, bur. December 9, aged 10 Joseph, son of William Briggs, bur. December 14, aged 6 Joseph Wetherill, bur. January 1, aged 00 1823 Penelope Sykes, bur. January 8, aged 09 Elizabeth, dau. of John Gamett, jun. bur. January 8, aged 9 mos. Hannah Robinson, bur. January 31, aged 78 Johir Leathley, of Leeds, bur. February 7, aged 30 Mary, wife of John Lassey, bur. February 10, aged GO John Richardson, of Thirstaland, February 19, aged 48 David, son of Hem-y Dykes, bur. February 28, aged 5 Samuel Westerman, bur. March 4, aged 77 Martha, wife of Isaac Nussey, bur. March 18, aged 52 William Wilkinson, bur. April 13, aged 05 Jane Leathley, of Leeds, bur. April 14, aged 12 Nancy, wife of John Longley, bur. April 24, aged 25 Samuel Stogdill, bur. April 27, aged 83 Thomas, son of William Mortimer, bur. April 29, aged 8 Jane, dau. of John Robinson, bur. May 4, aged 20 mos. John, son of John Fletcher, bur. May 11, aged 9 days John, son of Robert Garnett, bur. May 17, aged 29 James, son of Mary Foster, bur. May 18, aged 10 mos. Benjamin Broadbent, bur. May 20, aged 05 William Smith, bur. May 27, aged 02 Joseph, son of John Hornbey, bur. May 28, aged 1 William, son of Stephen Wass, bur. June 1, aged 1 Squire, son of David Ellis, bur. June 4, aged 1 John Barker, bur. June 8, aged 9 Nancy, dau. of George Gaunt, bur. June 18, aged 12 days Enoch, son of John Hardwick, bur. June 24, aged 14 days Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Clough, bur. June 27, aged 14 mos. Sarah, dau. of James Garnett, bur. July 29, aged 13 mos. John Toulson, jun., bur. September 1, aged 35 William, son of Sarah Brook, bur. September 19, aged 3 Hannah, dau. of Betty Maude, bur. July 22, aged 28 mos. Isaac, son of Isaac Rodger, bur. July 27, aged 15 Hannah, wife of William Asquith, bur. September 24, aged 87 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 157 Sarah, wife of James Fozzard, bur. October 2, aged 70 1823 Hannah, dau. of John Ren ton, bur. November 1, aged 3 mos. Robert Howet, of Cleckheaton, bur. December 14, aged 42 James Dodgson, bur. January 7, aged 83 1824- Betty Lawson, bur, January 10, aged 51 Mary Holmes, bur. January 19, aged G2 • John Garnett, sen., bur. February 15, aged 84 Samuel Hudson, of Gildersome Street, bur. March 8, aged 34 Martha, dau. of Charles Wade, bur. March 15, aged 7 weeks James, son of William Broadbent, bur. March 21, aged 6 mos. Elizabeth Westerman, bur. March 26, aged 72 Samuel Garnett, bur. April 6, aged 86 Mary, dau. of John Ren ton, bur. April 10, aged 7 George, son of John Evers, bur. April 18, aged 10 Samuel Asquith, of Bruntcliffe, bur. May 23, aged 82 John, son of John Deeton, bur. May 23, aged 6 mos. William Crooker Newsome, bur. June 6, aged 5 weeks John Stanhope, bur. June 9, aged 85 Grace, dau. of Joseph Loftus, bur. June 9, aged 8 mos. John, son of John Ingham, bur. June 9, aged 2 A child of Isaac Barron's, bur. June 21 Mary, dau. of Joseph Mortimer, bur. June 23, aged 5 weeks James, son of James Wade, bur. July 9, aged 14 James Asquith, bur. July 10, aged 29 Samuel Pickles, bur. July 25, aged 86 Rachel, wife of Robert Evers, bur. August 6, aged 49 Mary, dau. of David Hartley, bur. August 9, aged 14 mos. Samuel Westerman, of Churwell, bur. August 22, aged 89 William, son of Thomas Robinson, bur. August 25 Nanny Foster, bur. August 30, aged 31 A child of Mary Blaymires, bur. September 26 John Bramma, of Leeds, bur. October 17, aged 65 Joseph, son of Jonathan Maude, bur. October 17, aged 9 weeks William, son of John Appleyard, bur. October 28, aged 8 mos. John Stockdale, bur. October 31, aged 38 Robert, son of Francis Thackray, bur. November 6, aged 8 weeks A child of Mercy Watson's, bur. November 17 Joseph, son of William Asquith, bur. November 21, aged 9 Susanna, dau. of Benjamin Holdsworth, bur. Nov. 26, aged 17 days Isaac Rodgers child, bur. November 26 James, son of Jonas Clegg, bur. November 28, aged 6 mos. Sarah, wife of Benjamin Perro, bur. December 14, aged 73 Mary, dau. of John Fox, bur. December 29, aged 13 mos. Thomas Dixon Asquith, bur. January 8, aged 4 mos. 1825 Mercy Wilkinson, of Holbeck, bur. January 12, aged 34 Thomas Reyner, bur. February 8, aged 10 mos. Hannah Webster, bur. February 5, aged 71 158 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Mary, dau. of James Garnett, bur. January 18, aged 9 mos. 1825 Joseph, sou of William Newsom, bur. March 8, aged 9 John, son of William Rodley, bur. March 8, aged 16 Susannah Bentley, bur. April 5, aged 78 Hannah Asquith, bur. April 0, aged 41 Elizabeth Broadbent, bur. April 15, aged 80 Elizabeth, dau. of Abraham Grace, bur. April 17, aged 11 mos. Mary Hartley, bur. April 17, aged 102* Hannah, wife of William Perigo, bur. May 1, aged 87 Betty, dau. of Thomas Hardcastle, bur. May 2, aged 2 Moses Foster, bur. May 8, aged 28 Julyan Mortimer, May 11, aged 85 Thomas, son of Thomas Webster, bur. May 17, aged 2 A child of Francis Thackray's, bur. May 20 Zacharia, son of John Asquith, bur. May 27, aged 10 weeks Samuel, son of John Asquith, bur. May 28, aged 19 Elizabeth, dau. of John Lassey, bur. May 29, aged 6 mos. Hannah, dau. of John Fletcher, bur. June 8, aged 8 Ann, dau. of John Asquith, bur. June 8, aged 2 John Richardson, of Churwell, bur. June 10, aged 08 James, son of John Asquith, bur. June 17, aged 13 Jane Scott, of Churwell, bur. July 17, aged 11 John Toulson, bur. July 24, aged 75 Ann Greenwood, bur. July 28, aged 78 Samuel, son of William Clough, bur. August 4, aged 2 mos. A child of John Sykes's, bur. August 6 Elizabeth Wilkinson, bur. August 19, aged 88 Jonathan, son of Benjamin Mitchell, bur. September 5, aged 18 mos. William Hartley, bur. September 13, aged 40 Mary Barron, bur. September 15, aged 79 William, son of George Hartley, bur. September 21, aged 11 weeks An infant of John Hollings, bur. October 11 Elizabeth, wife of William Rayner, of Churwell, bur. October 25, aged 85 Mary, dau. of Nanny Lassey, bur. October 20, aged 10 mos. Sarah, dau. of Daniel Hinchliff, of Churwell, bur. November 18, aged 14 mos. Hannah, dau. of Samuel Asquith, bur. December 12, aged 5 weeks Thomas Sugden, bur. December 20, aged 81 Sarah, dau. of Samuel Pickles, bur. December 20, aged 4 Samuel Robinson, jun., of Churwell, bur. January 1, aged 28 182G W r illiam, son of Thomas Rayner, bur. January 8, aged 1 Hannah, widow of Robert Ellis, bur. January 12, aged 73 Thomas Banks, bur. January 12, aged 78 William, son of James Bryden, bur. January 15, aged 1 » Note Centenarian. REGISTER OF BURIALS. 159 Ann, wife of John Richardson, of Leeds, bur. January 18, aged 31 Thomas Snell, bur. January 23, aged 71 Hannah Heaton, of Adwalton, bur. February 7, aged 84 David, son of John Pickles, bur. February 8, aged 5 weeks Faith, dau. of Matthew Hinchliff, of Churwell, bur. Feb. 20, aged 4 Joseph, son of Job Dunderdale, of Holbeck, bur. March 1, aged 9 mos. George, son of Abraham Grace, of Bingley, bur. March 5, aged 4 Mary Brook, bur. March 26, aged 84 Thomas Roberts, bur. April 12, aged 25 William, son of John Wilson, of Millshaw, bur. April 19, aged 1 mo. Thomas Potter, bur. May 5, aged 05 John, son of John Sykes, bur. May 9 John, son of Thomas Illingworth, of Leeds, bur. May 21, aged 2 Samuel Wetherill,* bur. May 24, aged 74 James, son of Joseph Hargreaves, bur. May 28, aged 10 mos. Ruth, dau. of James Rushforth, of Holbeck, bur. June 1, aged 3 Joseph, son of John Asquith, bur. June 26, aged 16 Samuel Leathley, bur. June 20, aged 59 James, son of John Evers, bur. June 20, aged 2 Grace, wife of John Trowton, of Gildersome, bur. July 8, aged 31 Richard, son of John Evers, of Wortley, bur. July aged 2 John Eastwood, bur. July 17, aged 74 Mary, dau. of Jonas Clegg, bur. July 25, aged mos. George Scott, of Adwalton, bur. August 31, aged 81 An infant of William Smith's, of Leeds, bur. September 23 Elizabeth Rodley, bur. October 11, aged 44 Mary Hooker, of Churwell, bur. October 12, aged 20 Sarah, wife of John Barras, of Rooms, bur. October 21, aged 74 Elizabeth Gardiner, of Churwell, bur. October 30, aged 32 Samuel Westerman, Jan., bur. October 80, aged 89 * Samuel Wetherill, trustee of the Old Chapel, was one of a family of that name who lived many years at Millshaw. He was a well-informed man, remarkably con- versant in the ecclesiastical history of the seventeenth century, with a taste for antiquities, and an excellent memory, which caused his society to be much sought after. He was the beau-ideal of a genuine antiquary, for it was no unusual thing for him to spend a great portion of the night, poring over manuscripts, copying old parish registers or copies of documents that had been leut to him, or entering up his collection of facts relating to the ecclesiastical history of the county. Nor did he, miser-like, keep his acquisitions to himself, for he was ever ready with the most kindly good nature to answer all enquiries, and, as our historian informs us, he, as well as other antiquarian students, perpetually made use of Mr. Wetherill's useful advice and counsel, and to one and all he was alike ready to tell what he knew, and in return to accept any small contributions^ information his visitors might be able to impart. Unlike some modern enthusiastic lovers of antiquity, he was scrupulous in preserving and returning everything that was lent to him ; and had he possessed the faculty for collecting, arranging, and editing his materials, he would, no doubt, have left to posterity, many volumes of most interesting matter. A friend says of him that " he was still more distinguished for the equality and sweetness of his temper, and the propriety and consistency of his conduct." — Smith's Morley. 160 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. An infant of Isaac Rodgers, bur. October 80 1826 Jonas, son of Jonas Westerman, bur. November 15, aged 5 David, son of Matthew Hirst, jun., bur. November 10, aged 12 days Joshua, son of Thomas Varey, bur. November 21, aged 1 Ann, widow of Thomas Mortimer, bur. December 10, aged 71 Mary, dau. of Joseph Pickles, bur. December 26, aged 3 Henry, son of Samuel Dunderdale, of Dewsbury, bur. December 26, aged 8 A still-born child of James Dickenson's, bur. January 18 1H27 Isaac, son of Isaac Barron, bur. January 17, aged 9 mos. Margaret Nussey, bur. January 21, aged l>!) William, son of William Clough, bur. February 15, aged 2 Ann, dau. of James Garnett, bur. February 20, aged 1 month Ruth, dau. of William Baxter, of llolbeck, bur. February 23, aged 22 A still-born child of John Sykes's, bur. March 13 Betty, widow of Samuel Waring, bur. March 14, aged 86 Sarah, widow of William Banks, bur. March 22, aged 91 Mary Wade, of Bruntcliff, bur. April 8, aged Hi; A still-born child of William Clough's, bur. April 16 Benjamin Porret, of Hodgson Lane, bur. April 25, aged 78 Elizabeth Smith, bur. April 26, aged 59 Sarah, dau. of William Clough, bur. April 26, aged 2 weeks James Robinson, bur. May 8, aged 8!) Susanna, wife of Thomas Tempest, bur. May 9, aged 37 Frederick, son of William Horn, of Holbeck, bur. June 8, aged 9 mos. Robert, son of Samuel Hall, bur. June 8, aged 4 Ann, widow of John Wormald, bur. June 29, aged 82 Martha Heywood, bur. July 1, aged 71 A child of Benjamin Oddy, bur. July 1, aged 14 mos. Richard Collison, of Adwalton, bur. July 15, aged 57 William, son of Samuel Dunderdale, of Dewsbury, bur. August 10, aged 3 A child of William Ingham's, of Churwell, bur. August 15 John Wilkinson, bur. August 26, aged 24 Elizabeth Home, bur. September 11, aged 83 Martha, dau. of William Smith, bur. September 22, aged 7 mos. Sarah, wife of James Wade, of Bradford, bur. October 7, aged 48 Joshua Asquith, bur. October 24, aged 37 Ann, dau. of Nanny Hardcastle, bur. October 25, aged 8 mos. Ruth Stephenson, bur. October 31, aged 21 Sarah, dau. of James Newton, bur. November 6, aged 9 Ruth, wife of Matthew Hinchliff of Churwell, bur. November 25, aged 25 Elizabeth, wife of John Buttrey, of Leeds, bur. November 22, aged 42 A child of Joseph Asquith's, bur. December 8 Mary, dau. of John Stogdill, bur. December 19, aged 4 A child of James Garnett, bur. December 29 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 1G1 Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. Robinson, of Beeston, bur. Jan. 13, aged 6 1828 William, son of Joseph Sykes, bur. January 30, aged 10 mos. Matthew Ellis, of Churwell, bur. February 7, aged 4G Joseph, son of Daniel Hinchliff, of Littletown, bur. February 10, aged 17 mos, John, son of Joseph Sykes, bur. February 17, aged 10 James Jackson, bur. February 19, aged QG Jane, dau. of John Illingworth, of Leeds, bur. February 20, aged 1 George, son of Thomas Tempest, bur. February 20, aged 3 William, son of William Pickard, of Churwell, bur. March 2, aged 14 mos. A still-born child of John Sykes, bur. March 3 Fanny, widow of James Robinson, bur. March 1G, aged G9 Hannah, wife of William Lasse, bur. March 29, aged 35 William, son of Joseph Hargreaves, of Churwell, bur. March 31, aged 9 mos. Martha, dau. of Jonathan Smith, bur. April 15, aged 26 Samuel, son of Matthew Hinchliff, of Churwell, bur. April 22, aged 4 George, son„of George Sharp, bur. April 28, aged 2 Martha, dau. of John Fox, bur. April 30, aged 2 Mary, dau. of Charles W T ade, bur. May 4, aged 4 Rachel, dau. of James Dickinson, bur. May 9, aged 4 mos. James, son of John Garnett, bur. May 11, aged 13 mos. Joseph, son of John Butterworth, bur. May 11, aged 13 mos. Hannah, dau. of William Asquith, bur. May 13, aged 13 mos. Ann, dau. of James Broadbent, bur. May 14, aged 2 John, son of Joseph Mortimer, bur. March 15, aged 11 weeks, Benjamin, son of William Gomersall, bur. May 19, aged 4 Emma, dau. of Norrison Scatcherd, Esq., bur. May 21, aged 11 mos. Sarah, dau. of William Stogdill, bur. May 25, aged 2 Thomas Wilkinson, of Bruntcliffe, bur. May 27, aged 51 James, son of James Broadbent, bur. May 28 Jane, dau. of Charles Westerman, bur. May 80, aged 1 Mary, wife of John Hollings, bur. June 8, aged 88 Esther, dau. of David Ellis, bur. June 10, aged 18 mos. William, son of Jonas Clegg, bur. June 11, aged G Hannah, wife of David Hartley, of Churwell, bur. June 15, aged G5 Ruth, dau. of James Broadbent, bur. June 19, aged 4 weeks Rachel, wife of Joseph Pickles, of Churwell, bur. June 25, aged 27 Betty, dau. of William FothergiH, bur. July 1, aged 2 Rachel, dau. of Joseph Pickles, of Churwell, bur. July 8, aged 7 weeks Grace, wife of Joseph Lofthouse, bur. July 8, aged 51 George, son of Augustus Holmau, bur. July 8, aged 19 William, son of Joseph Pickles, bur. July 9, aged 4 weeks Nancy, wife of John Reyner, bur. July 18, aged G8 Ruth, dau. of James Dickinson, bur. July 1G, aged 28 weeks Elizabeth Walker, of Bruntcliffe, bur. July 17, aged 79 162 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Reyner, bur. July 18, aged 11 1828 Hannah Eastwood, of Bruntcliffe, bur. July 17, aged 78 A child of Joseph Robshaw, bur. July 17 Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Clark, of Millshaw, bur. August 8, aged 8 weeks Stephen Fothergill, bur. August 10, aged 44 Mary Ann, dau. of Stephen Johnson, of Churwell, bur. August 11 aged 2 Joseph Wade, bur. September 18, aged 54 Thomas, son of James Broadbent, bur. September 15, aged 4 mos, A child of Thomas Varey, bur. September 15, aged 1 week Matthew, son of Matthew Ellis, of Churwell, bur. September 28, aged 4 mos. Hannah, wife of John Hazzlewood, bur. October 19, aged 52 A child of George Hartley's bur. October 20 Mary Ann, dau. of John Broadbent, of Holbeck, bur. October 2G, aged 18 mos. Hannah, dau. of John Hazzlewood, bur. October 29, aged 2 weeks Benjamin Hartley, of Leeds, bur. December 4, aged 2G ' m John, son of Joseph Pickles, bur. December 19, aged 8 A child of William Ellis, near Doncaster, bur. December 28, aged 11 days Ellen Richardson, of Churwell, bur. December 24, aged GO Elizabeth Clark, bur. January 8, aged Gl 1829 Sarah, dau. of John Garnett, bur. January 10 William Hirst, bur. January 14, aged 33 William, son of John Asquith, bur. January 28, aged 26 James, son of Benjamin Hartley, of Wortley, bur. January 29, aged 5 A still-born child of John Sykes's, bur. February 1 Ann, wife of Samuel Pickles, of Churwell, bur. February 9, aged 80 William Newsom, bur. February 11, aged 5G Mary, dau. of Robert Porrit, bur. February 13, aged 18 John, son of James Gardiner, of Leeds, bur. February 22, aged 5 Hannah, wife of Jonas Westerman, bur. February 26, aged 47 Joseph Richardson, of Churwell, bur. March 8, aged 71 Nancy, widow of David Terry, bur. March 6, aged 84 Hannah, wife of Abraham Grace, of Bingley, bur. March 18, aged 86 Rebecca, dau. of David Foster, of Holbeck, bur. March 22, aged 4 John, son of John Oates, bur. March 27, aged 14 weeks Emma, dau. of Robert Naylor, bur. March 29, aged 30 weeks Mary, wife of David Greenwood, bur. April 8, aged 57 Nathaniel Brook, bur. April 11, aged 58 Sarah Ann, dau. of Benjamin Briggs, bur. April 21, aged 10 mos. Sarah, dau. of Joseph Pickles, of Churwell, bur. May 2, aged 2 George, son of John Fox, bur. May 8, aged 15 mos. Joseph, son of Joseph Westerman, bur. May 10, aged 26 Elizabeth, wife of William Smith, of Leeds, bur. May 15, aged 24 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 163 Samuel Pickles, bur. May 22, aged 78 1829 Elizabeth, dau. of John Gamett, bur. May 23, aged 20 weeks Joseph, son of William Swainson, bur. June 17, aged 5 Mary, wife of Thomas Rayner, bur. June ,28, aged 44 John, son of John Rayner, bur. July 9, aged 8 mos. A child of Joseph Robshaw, bur. July 18, John Middlebrook, son of Abraham Grace, of Bingley, bur. July 21, aged 18 mos. Ann, widow of George Tempest, bur. August 19, aged 74 Sarah, wife of John Weatherill, bur. September 2, aged 74 Elizabeth, dau. of John Barron, bur. September 13, aged 9 Emanuel, son, of Samuel Troughton, of Gildersome, bur. September 18, aged 2 Joseph, son of Samuel Smith, bur. September 24, aged 12 weeks Ann, dau. of John Jones, of Leeds, bur. September 28, aged 17 A child of John Storrs, of Churwell, bur. October 3 Hannah Bilbrough, of Bruntcliff, bur. October 9, aged 55 Hannah Haywood, bur. October 15, aged 76 John Bragg, bur. November 1, aged 62 John, son of Isaac Rodger, bur. November 11, aged 15 Joseph, bro. of Augustus Holman, bur. December 2, aged 21 William Wood, bur. December 6, aged 76 Elizabeth, dau. of Sarah Fothergill, bur. December 23, aged 17 Joseph, son of Joseph Cook, of Churwell, bur. Jan. 4, aged 5 1830 Thomas Walker, bur. January 20, aged 68 Hannah Hirst, bur. January 22, aged 84 Ann, widow of John Pickles, bur. March 8, aged 76 A child of William Stogdill's, bur. March 9 A child of John Sykes, bur. March 9 Ann Stead, of Holbeck, bur. March 18, aged 21 John Field, bur. March 22, aged 70 Mary Ann, dau. of Nancy Lassey, bur. April 2, aged 19 mos. Two children of William Briggs, bur. April 2 A child of James Garnett's, bur. April 3 Ruth, dau. of William Smith, bur. April 10 David Foster, bur. April 14, aged 28 Joseph, son of Mary Foster, bur. May 16, aged 7 mos. Mary, dau. of Joseph Hargreaves, of Churwell, bur. May 29, aged 15 Jane, dau. of Hannah Clough, bur. June 2, aged 18 Elizabeth, dau. of William Ingham, of Churwell, bur. June 4 Ann, dau. of James Dickinson, bur. July 17, aged 5 mos. Esther, dau. of David Ellis, bur. August 24, aged 1 Martha Webster, bur. September 12, aged 89 Eliza, dau. of Samuel Smith, bur. October 16, aged 8 weeks Joseph Wooffenden, bur. November 8, aged 66 Elizabeth, dau. of John Broadbent, of Holbeck, bur. November 80 John Westerman, bur. January 16, aged 75 1881 164 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Sarah, dau. of William Fotbergill, bur. February 4, aged 8 1881 A child of William dough's bur. February 28 John Hirst, bur. March 1G, aged 78, Mary, dau. of George Hartley, bur. March 10, aged 8 Sarah, dau. of John Whitehead, of Leeds, bur. March 27, aged 4 Ruth, dau. of William Broadbent, bur. March 28, aged 5 Sarah, dau. of Daniel Hinchliff, of Littletown, bur. April 5, aged 28 mos. Jonathan Garforth, bur. April 8, aged (>2 Ruth, dau. of Joseph Naylor, bur. April 10 George, son of Thomas Varey, of Leeds, bur. April 17, aged 14 mos. Benjamin, son of James Pickles, of Churwell, bur. May 18 Mary, dau. of John Butter worth, bur. May 21, aged 6 John Webster, sen., bur. May 21, aged 78 Christiana, wife of Samuel Dunderill, bur. May 29, aged 48 Sarah, dau. of Robert Jackson, bur. May 29, aged 1 Hannah, wife of Joseph Robshaw, bur. June 4, aged 25 David, son of William Smith, bur. June 7, aged 8 mos. Ruth, dau. of John Butterworth, bur. June 22, aged 2 Abigail Haywood, bur. June 23, aged 69 John Aaron, of Churwell, bur. July 8, aged 40 A still-born child of John Sykes, bur. July 17 Sarah, wife of William Briggs, bur. August 2, aged 40 Isabella, wife of William Hartley, bur, August 23, aged 76 Henry Knowles, of Birstal, bur. September 10, aged 56 Sarah, wife of Jonathan Brook, bur. October 1, aged 24 A still-born child of Thomas Hardcastle, bur. October 7 A child of Sarah Dykes's, bur. October 18 A dau. of Jonathan Brooks's, bur. October 15 Ann, dau. of George Foster, bur. October 24, aged 3 Mary, dau. of James Taylor, bur. October 25, aged 9 mos. Thomas Webster,* bur. October 26, aged 52 John, son of Samuel Pickles, of Churwell, bur. October 30, aged 2 George Oldroyd, bur. November 10, aged 85 Hannah, wife of John Ellis, bur. November 10, aged 66 Thomas Hartley, of Leeds, bur. November 26, aged 4 Joseph, son of Mary Walker, bur. December 1, aged 8 Joseph, son of James Wilkinson, bur. December 6 George Augustus, son of Samuel Bywater, bur. December 19 John Thomas, son of Samuel Webster, bur. December 21, aged 7 mos. * His tombstone in the Old Chapel-yard, has the following inscxiption upon it : — " Sacred to the memory of Thomas Webster, of Morley, formerly of London. A man in sincere piety and benevolent feeling scarcely inferior to any. His com- mercial career was marked by successful industry and undeviating integrity while he resided in London, and the latter years of his life were spent in this, his native village, where, like his Divine Master, he went about doing good. He was born April 26th, 1779, and died October 19th, 1831." REGISTER OF BURIALS. 165 Thomas Horsfall, of Wakefield, bur. December 29, aged 68 1831 Joseph, son of Charlotte Wade, bur. January 11 1832 A child of James Garnett's bur. January 11 Mary Ann, dau. of John Whiteley, of Hunslet, bur. January 27, aged 1 Sarah Wilkinson, bur. January 27, aged 50 Ruth, dau. of Samuel Cliff, bur. February 19, aged 7 mos. Robert Evers, bur. March 21, aged 54 Elizabeth Barras, of Rooms, bur. March 26, aged 40 John Broadbent of Tingley Moor, bur. April 11, aged 77 Sarah, dau. of William Scholes, bur. May 2 Ann, dau. of Thomas Tomlinson, bur. June 21, aged 5 mos. A child of Mary Dykes's, bur. June 30 Elizabeth, dau. of Godfrey Thurgeland, bur. July 6, aged 1 Isaac, son of Ann Rodger, bur. July 11 A child of John Sykes's, bur. August 9 William Scholes, bur. August 26, aged 25 Mary Bilbrough, of Bruntcliffe, bur. August 27, aged 24 Betty, dau. of Cagill Westerman, bur. September 26, aged 1 mo. James, son of Robert Naylor, bur. October 5 James, son of Betty Deeton, bur. October 14, aged 8 mos. Mary, widow of William Wood, bur. November 21, aged 79 Sarah, dau. of Thomas Rodley, bur. December 16 Wilham, son of David Hartley, of Bradford, bur. December 26, aged 45 Frances, wife of James Nicholls, bur. December 30, aged 35 William, son of Thomas Waring, bur. January 6, aged 2 1833 Samuel Troughton, of Gildersome, bur. January 10, aged 64 A child of David Ellis's, bur. January 20 Job Dunderdale, of Holbeck, bur. February 18, aged 49 Ann, wife of James Wilkinson, bur. February 16, aged 27 Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Banks, bur. March 15, aged 50 A child of James Smith's, bur. March 17 Joseph Banks, bur. March 20, aged 49 Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Stead, bur. March 28, aged 2 Robert, son of Thomas Potter, bur. March 29, aged 8 Grace Jubb, of Wakefield, bur. April 1, aged 81 Joseph Wood, bur. April 6, aged 75 David, son of Joseph Dykes, bur. April 12, aged 8 Betty, dau. of James Pickles, bur. April 12, aged 8 Jolin Lister, bur. April 24, aged 87 James Dickinson, bur. April 28, aged 81 Grace Senior, bur. April 28, aged 67 John Lasse, bur. May 8, aged 70 John, son of Matthew Hirst, bur. May 9, aged 42 Thomas Clark, of Millshaw, bur. May 10, aged 65 Catherine Sutcliffe, of Churwoll, bur. May 12, aged 80 166 MOKLEY OLD CHAPEL. Martha, dau. of William Bilbrough, of Bruntcliffe, bur. May 14, aged 29 1833 Sarah, wife of Samuel Foster, bur. May 17, aged 40 Joshua Butterworth, of Leeds, bur. May 21, aged 59 John, son of Joseph Wood, bur. May 23, aged 16 mos. A child of William Smith's, bur. June 8 Ann, wife of John Clough, bur. June 6, aged 25 Margaret, dau. of James Bryden, bur. June 10, aged 2 mos. John Binks, of Leefair, bur. June 12, aged 51 Joseph, son of John Evers, of Wortley, bur. June 12, aged 15 mos. Mary, dau. of John Senior, bur. June 20, aged 7 mos. Watson Samuel Scatcherd, of Halifax, bur. June 21, aged 51 Hannah, wife of John Wade, bur. June 22, aged 29 Grace Kirkby, bur. June 23, aged 87 Hannah, wife of Thomas Brook, bur. July 1, aged 59 Joseph Sykes, bur. July 11, aged 31 David, son of Thomas Banks, bur. July 14, aged 22 Caraline, dau. of Bachel Kirkby, bur. July 31, aged 19 Benjamin, son of John Fox, bur. August 10, aged 1 Harriot, dau. of Hannah Waring, bur. August 10, aged 4 mos. Samuel Waring, bur. August 25, aged 53 A child of John Helliwell's, bur. October 24 John Fox, sen., bur. November 3, aged 85 Sarah Rodley, bur. November 13, aged 82 Isaac Sykes, of Pudsey, bur. November 17, aged 66 Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Hardcastle, bur. November 80, aged 14 mos. Elizabeth Brammal, of Churwell, bur. December 5, aged 74 Nancy, wife of Nathaniel Slack, bur. December 15, aged 75 John, son of Samuel Pickles, bur. December 17, aged 8 mos. Robert Stogdill, bur. January 7, aged 79 1884 Ann Foster, bur. January 12, aged 68 Elizabeth Halstead, of Gildersome, bur. January 17, aged 77 Benjamin Mitchell, of Bruntcliffe, bur. January 17, aged 56 Samuel Ellis, bur. January 28, aged 83 William Bragg, of Holbeck, bur. February 9, aged 45 A child of William Smith's, bur. March 17 Sarah, dau. of William Clough, bur. March 20, aged 5 Samuel Ellis, of Gildersome Street,-bur. April 4, aged 79 Joseph Rodgers, of Churwell, bur. April 17, aged 82 Betty, wife of John Locock, bur. April 20, aged 66 Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Brook, bur. April 28, aged 75 John, son of James Gregory, bur. May 4, aged 16 A child of Godfrey Thurgoland, bur. June 2 Hannah, wife of Henry Dykes, bur. June 11, aged 55 Samuel Oldroyd, bur. June 19, aged 49 Hannah Ellis, of Gildersome Street, bur. June 26, aged 82 Jeremiah Smith, of Leeds, bur. August 18, aged 81 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 107 Charlotte, wife of Stephen Johnson, of Holbeck, bur. August 19, aged 32 1834 Eliza, dau. of James Wilkinson, bur. August 29, aged 3 mos. Michael Home bur. September 6, aged 53 John Wade, bur. September 1G, aged 34 John, son of Augustus Holman, bur. September 17, aged 2.0 days John Hazzlewood, jun. bur. October 10, aged 27 Joseph Firth, sen., bur. October 23, aged 76 David, son of William Fawcett, bur. October 31, aged 11 weeks Leathley, apn of Mr. George Nussey, jun. bur. November 21, aged 6 days Sarah, widow of Nathaniel Carter, of Holbeck, bur. December 28, aged 76 Alice Holdsworth, bur. January 13, aged 82 1835 Robert Naylor, bur. February 8, aged 52 Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Smith, bur. February 11, aged 71 Isabella, dau. of Samuel Newsome, bur. February 14, aged 15 mos. Charlotte, wife of Benjamin Clough, of Leeds, bur. Feb. 19, aged 37 John, son of William Swainson, bur. February 25, aged 13 Susanna, widow of William Firth, bur. March 4, aged 59 William Hudson, sen., of Adwalton, bur. March 7, aged 78 Nathaniel Slack, bur. April 19, aged 73 George, son of Eobert Evers, bur. May 5, aged 28 James, son of John Broadbent, of Holbeck, bur. May 10 aged 3 Jane, dau. of John Oates, bur. May 11, aged 10 mos. Mary, wife of John Baxter, jun. bur. May 18, aged 49 John, son of Benjamin Clough, of Leeds, bur. June 2, aged 5 mos. Edwin, son of Joseph Mitchell, of Holbeck, bur. June 18, aged 2 Hannah, widow of William Ellis, bur. June 20, aged 70 Emma, dau. of Samuel By water, bur. July 6, aged 2 Mary, widow of Robert Stockdill, bur. July 15, aged 77 An infant son of Mr. John Hudson's, Gildersome Street, bur. August 21 William Booth, bur. October 19, aged 7G Ruth, dau. of John Vickers, bur. October 25, aged 15 Frederick, son of George Waterhouse, bur. November 21, aged 2 mos. Ann, widow of William Newsome, bur. November 28, aged 58 Joseph, son of Hannah Wade, bur. November 25, aged 23 Edward, son of Joseph Asquith, bur. December 2G, aged 7 mos. James Taylor, sen., bur. January 14, aged 65, 1836 Henry Dykes, jun., bur. January 15, aged 22 William, son of George Renton, bur. January 19, aged 7 William Lassey, bur. January 23, aged 66 Ann, dau. of Joseph Mortimer, bur. February 18, aged 15 weeks William Lassey, jun., bur. March 9, aged 47 Ann, widow of Thomas Sykes, of Potovens, bur. March 20, aged 70 Elizabeth, wife of William Wilson, bur. March 27, aged 66 Martha, wife of Thomas Parratt, of Bradford, bur. March 80, aged 28 1C8 MORLKY OLD CIUPEL. Ann, dau. of Andrew Foster, jun., bur. April 11, aged 7 mos. 1880 M« rcy, dau. of the late Mr. Thomas Webster, bur. April 80, aged 15 Robert Garnett, bur. May 8, aged GO Elizabeth, wife of James Wilkinson, bur. May 13, aged 48 Hannah, widow of Joseph Wade, bur. May 25, aged 00 John Eastwood, bur. June 22, aged 51 Mary Goodall, bur. June 22, aged 88 Henry Dykes, bur. June 28, aged 50 James Garner, of Leeds, bur. July 8, aged 44 Robert, son of Joseph Hall, bur. July 17, aged 89 m Ann, dau. of Joseph Smith, bur. July 22, aged 42 Sarah, wife of Robert Sykes, of Hunslet, bur. July 24, aged 71 Ann, widow of William Scholes, bur. July 81, aged 75 Betty Wood, of Holbeck, bur. July 81, aged 18 A child of John Fox's bur. July 81, aged 2 weeks John, son of Thomas Hardcastle, bur. September 8, aged 5 mos. Rachel, dau. of John Lassey, bur. September 11; aged 7 James Pickles, bur. September 22, aged 82 John Baxter, sen., bur. October 28, aged 78 David, son of Thomas Rayner, bur. November 12, aged 14 Samuel, son of John Thompson, of Holbeck, bur. November 12, aged 2 James Bentley, bur. November 22, aged 84 John, son of Eliza Sykes, bur. December G, aged 4 mos. Sarah, wife of Joseph Heaton, bur. December 7, aged 72 Hannah Waring, bur. January 20, aged 75 1887 Ann, widow of John Westerman, bur. February 2, aged 74 John Barras, sen., of Rooms, bur. February 8, aged 89 Mary, widow of William Broadbent, bur. February 8, aged 90 Mark Webster, bur. February 12, aged 80 Rachel, dau. of Joseph Naylor, bur. February 12, aged 11 weeks John, son of William Slack, bur. February 16, aged 2 Hannah, dau. of John Asquith, bur. February 18, aged 88 Elizabeth, dau. of John Taylor, bur. February 22, aged 1 Samuel Robinson, of Churwell, bur. March 4, aged 77 John W'illiam, son of John Whiteley, of Churwell, bur. March 28, aged 1G Mr. Samuel Webster,* bur. April 8, aged 58 James, son of Francis Thackray, bur. May 9, aged 2 weeks Rebecca, wife of Benjamin Mitchell, bur. May 1G, aged 27 * The following inscription is on bis tombstone :— " Here lie interred the remains of Samuel Webster, of Bank House, Morley. A man of sound judgment, joined with undeviating principle, unostentatious in his manners, and sincere in his piety, esteemed by the wise and good, and most regretted by tbose who knew him best. Ho was born in this village, February 15th, 1784, and finished his course in it April 2nd, 1837, aged 53 years. His name will be had in remembrance here, and ' the memory of the just is blessed ' " REGISTER OF BURIALS. 169 Joseph Hall, sen., bur. May 22, aged 72 1837 Sarah, wife of William Rodley, bur. May 29, aged 56 A child of Joseph Asquith's, bur. June 10, aged 2 weeks, Mary, dau. of George Fawcett, bur. June 17, aged 23 Grace, wife of John Fox, bur. June 21, aged 37 Edward, son of John Lassey, bur. June 27, aged 11 Sarah, dau. of the late William Hudson of Adwalton, bur. July 4, aged 56 Sarah Ann Hepworth, bur. July 20, aged 21 Jane, dau. of William Smith, bur. July 28 Jonas Stables, bur. August 15, aged 75 Ann, widow of Joseph Firth, bur. August 16, aged 70 Edward, son of Samuel Westerman, bur. September 6, aged 2 weeks Hannah, wife of John Wood, bur. September 18, aged 81 Nanny, widow of Samuel Robinson, of Birstal bur. October 3, aged 79 Samuel, son of Caygill Westerman, bur. October 6, aged 6 weeks Ann, dau. of William Pilkington, bur. October 14, aged 7 Hilton Beck with Wilson, bur. October 30, aged 55 Humphrey, son of George Sharp, bur. November 5, aged 7 Mary, widow of Samuel Wetherill, bur. December 3, aged 79 Hannah, dau. of Ellen Ellis, bur. January 31, aged 1 1838 Robert, son of Joseph Mortimer, jun., bur. January 31, aged 19 mos. Elizabeth, dau. of David King, bur. February 13, aged 15 mos. Hannah, widow of William Booth, bur. March 2, aged 67 The Rev. Abraham Hudswell,* having discharged the duty of minister of this Chapel, for upwards of twenty years, he finished his labours and entered on his rest, the 27th of February, aged 67, bur. March 2 * The Rev. Abraham Hudswell, whose name and teachings are still remembered with affection by some of the older inhabitants of the village, commenced his stated ministry, at the Old Chapel, on the first Sunday in January, 1817. His congre- gation was small, and yet it contained diverse elements, " the poor members being the most evangelical, the richer holding very doubtful sentiments." In the prime of life, and with great mental and physical energy, full of activity, with a great love for his work, he determined, if possible, to win over the whole people to decided evangelical sentiments. As a preacher, it has been said of him that "he was a most pious and gifted man, a zealous and able preacher of the pure faith, deeply read in theology, orthodox in his views, eloquent and impressive in his delivery, with a clear metaphysical mind, capable of nice discernment." His plain, earnest, effective ministry rallied the congregation, and re-established evangelical sentiments, bringing the church once more into union with other bodies of the Congregational order. At the latter part of his ministry the congregation had greatly improved, for there was one thing the bulk of the people of Morley were remarkable for, namely, the extreme strictness with which they kept the Lord's day. It was considered very wrong to "go for a walk" f . r mere recreation or pleasure on that day; and, like their predecessors the Puritans, they did as little housework as possible, and cooked no victuals, the whole time being devoted to meditation and prayer. We are ftlad to find that Mr. Hudswell, confined his sermons within thirty-five minutes, for this is much shorter than was the case the century previous, when wo are told that seven w 170 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Charlotte, wife of John Barron, jun., bur. April 18, aged 28 1888 Betty, dau. of Richard Bragg, bur. April 19 Benjamin Briggs, sen., bur. May 10, aged 82 John, son of Thomas Crooker, bur. May 10, aged 10 mos. Sarah Wade, bur. May 10, aged 85, Joseph Robertshaw, of Tingley Bar, bur. May 28, aged 85 Thomas Foster, of Beeston, bur. May 80, aged 9 Joseph Heaton, bur. May 80, aged 70 Thomas Lobley, son of John Asquith, jun. bur. June 9, aged 9 weeks Edrnund, son of Joseph Barron, bur. July 18, aged 8 mos. Hannah, dau. of William Lassey, bur. July 25, aged 11 Betty, widow of Joseph Woffenden, bur. August 26, aged 62 Benjamin, son of Robert Brook, bur. August 29, aged 7 Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Barron, bur. September 2, aged 6 mos. Ann, widow of John Illingworth, of Leeds, bur. September 2, aged 79 Hannah, widow of Joshua Butterworth, bur. September 16, aged 71 Sarah, dau. of Robert Brook, bur. September 16, aged 18 mos. Robert Sykes, of Hunslet, bur. October 7, aged 64 John, son of John Broadbent, of Leeds, bur. October 16, aged 1 Joseph, son of Thomas Clough, bur. October 24, aged 15 weeks John Andrew, son of Thomas Hilton, of Gildersome, bur. October 28, aged 20 mos. John Chadwick, of Cleckheaton, bur. November 2, aged 79 Sarah, wife of George Sewell, of Cleckheaton, bur. November 8, aged 84 Charles, son of John Brown, bur. November 21, aged 19 mos. Hannah, wife of John Todd, of Hunslet, bur. Jan. 9, aged 28 1889 William Schofield, of Bradford, bur. January 11, aged 74 Samuel, son of Thomas Oldroyd, of Wortley, bur. February 18, aged 19 Daniel Stables, bur. February 27, aged 52 Mary, dau. of Thomas Vickers, of Leeds, bur. April 18, aged 3 John, son of Williarn Stockdale, bur. April 19, aged 16 Simeon, son of Benjamin Cooke, bur. April 25, aged 7 mos. Jeremiah, son of Joseph Fawcett, of Stockport, bur. June 20, aged 5 Sarah, wife of James Garnett, bur. July 8, aged 51 Sarah, widow of Isaac Sykes, bur. July 8, aged 70 John Asquith, sen., bur. July 11, aged 70 Catherine, widow of James Pickels, bur. July 15, aged 88 Sarah, dau. of William Broadbent, bur. July 15, aged 8 Martha, widow of Benjamin Mitchell, bur. July 18, aged 50 George Henry, son of Samuel By water, bur. July 21, aged 10 mos. hours, with a quarter of au hour's interval, was uo uncommon time ! Heywood, in his Diary, speaks of an " exercise extending over six hours, and adds that " he did not feel weary." He wisely refrains from saying how his hearers felt, and we can readily imagine that to children and young persons the services must have been seasons of torture altogether intolerable. Mr. Hudswell died on the 27th of Feb- ruary, 1838, aged 68 years. His funeral sermon was preached by the late Rev. Dr. Hamilton, of Leeds.— Smitu's Morley. REGISTER OF BURIALS. 171 Matthew, son of James Smith, bur. August 11, aged 19 mos. 1830 Mary, dau. of John Barraclough, bur. August 15, aged 22 mos. Nathaniel Slack, sen., bur. August 17, aged 68 Elizabeth, wife of John Briggs, bur. August 18, aged 25 George, son of James Wilkinson, bur. August 19, aged 7 mos. George, son of Stephen Wass, bur. August 19, aged 14 William, son of Richard Bragg, bur. August 21, aged 2 Eliza Ann, dau. of David Brook, bur. August 24, aged 2 Joseph, son of George Fox, bur. August 2G, aged 9 mos. Eliza, dau. of Abraham Dickenson, bur. August 30, aged 13 mos. Joseph Westerman, bur. August 31, aged 75 Alice, dau. of John Oates, bur. September 5, aged 15 mos. John Roberts, of Cotton Mill, bur. September 8, aged 82 Ebenezer, son of William Smith, bur. September 10, aged 13 mos. Eliza, dau. of George Waterhouse, bur. September 11, aged 13 mos. Alfred, son of John Toulson, bur. September 24, aged 21 months John, son of John Brown, bur. October 5, aged 5 Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Brook, bur. October 19, aged 4 Daniel, son of John Taylor, bur. November 18, aged 20 Mary, dau. of John Broadbent, of Leeds, bur. Nov. 20, aged 21 mos. Thomas, son of Nathaniel Dickenson, bur. Nov. 23, aged 10 weeks Grace, dau. of John Glover, bur. December 1, aged 7 mos. Joseph Brook, bur. December 3, aged 85 Emily, dau. of James Theaker, bur. December G, aged 10 mos. Joseph, son of Thomas Stead, bur. December 8, aged 3 Mr. John Webster,* Springfield House, bur. December 14, aged 52 James Bryden, bur. January 25, aged 48 1840 Hannah, dau. of William Asquith, bur. January 25, aged 2 Sarah, widow of John Westerman, bur. February 5, aged 84 James, son of John Butterworth, bur. February 6, aged 8 mos. Mr. Nathaniel Webster, bur. February 7, aged G4 Matthew Hirst, sen., bur., February 22, aged 74 Ellen, dau. of Thomas Hilton, of Gildersome, bur. March 15, aged 13 mos. Tom, son of James Taylor, bur. March 13, aged G mos. James Wilkinson, bur. March 23, aged 58 Charles, son of Matthew Butterworth, bur. April 23, aged 10 mos. John, son of Matthew Butterworth, bur. April 29, aged 5 Elizabeth, widow of William Hudson, of Adwalton, bur. June 1G, aged 81 John, son of George Eastwood, bur. July 13, aged 24 * On a tombstone in the family burial ground, is the following inscription : — " This stone records the memory of John Webster, of Springfield House, Morley, merchant. His commercial energy furnished extensive employment for the indus- trious population of this village, and the regrets of his neighbours at his death, proclaim the highest tribute to his worth. He was born on the 11th of December, 1788, and died on the 9th of December, 1839, aged 52 years." 172 M0RLEY OLD CHAPEL. Joseph, son of Samuel Oldroyd, bur. July 22, aged 10 mos. 1840 Ezra, son of William Stansfield bur. July 24, aged 4 Betty Banks, bur. July 28, aged 75 Lydia Ann, dau. of John Helliwell, bur. September 17, aged 10 Sarah, dau. of William Swainson, bur. September 80, aged 17 mos. Andrew Foster, sen., bur. October 8, aged 70 Ann, wife of Joseph Clough, of Bruntcliffe, bur. November 27, aged 28 Sarah, dau. of Matthew Ellis, bur. November 29, aged 28 Fanny, dau. of John Wilson, bur. December 25, aged 8 weeks Uriah, son of Joseph Lassey, bur. January 7, aged 5 weeks 1841 Emma, dau. of Joseph Dykes, bur. January 10, aged 2 Mary, wife of Jonas Nichols, bur. January 18, aged »1") Fanny, dau. of Joseph Stead, bur. January 21, aged weeks Thomas, son of George Newsome, bur. February 0, aged 18 mos. Benjamin Foster, bur. February 21, aged 78. He was sexton of this Chapel, from April 1815 to May, 1888 ♦ Hannah, widow of Nathaniel Sykes, bur. February 25, aged 59 Joseph, son of David Gaunt, bur. March G, aged 5 weeks Joseph Thackray, bur. March 8, aged G7 Ruth, widow of Samuel Broadbent, bur. March 8, aged 81 Ann, wife of Cornelius Schofield, bur. April 1, aged 24 Benjamin, son of Joseph Mitchell, of Holbeck, bur. April 14, aged 8 Eleanor, dau. of Thomas Crooker, bur. April 20, aged 10 mos. John, son of William Broadbent, bur. April 28, aged 11 Samuel Hall, bur. May 11, aged 42 Joseph Appleyard, bur. June 1, aged 84 Martha, widow of Jonas Stables, bur. June 7, aged 84 Ann. dau. of Thomas Crooker, bur. July 27, aged 18 mos. Robert, son of Francis Thackray, bur. August 8, aged 7 weeks James, son of John Fox, bur. August 10, aged 15 James, son of William Broadbent, bur. August 10, aged 7 mos. Robert, son of Nanny Hartley, bur. September 20, aged 1 John Renton, bur. September 2G, aged 65 Hannah, dau. of John Stockdill, bur. October 6, aged 12 George, son of James Wilkinson, of Leeds, bur. Oct. 28, aged 15 mos. Benjamin Mortimer, bur. November 10, aged 48 Benjamin Edward, son of the late Henry Knowles, of Birstal, bur. December 25, aged 17 Hannah, dau. of Samuel Westerman, bur. December 29, aged 5 mos. Henry, son of William Stansfield, bur. December 81, aged 17 Charlotte, widow of Samuel Ellis, bur. January 1, aged 86 1842 Thomas, son of John Broadbent, of Leeds, bur. January 11, aged 1 Mary Ann, dau. of Hannah Jackson, bur. January 17, aged 1 month Eliza, dau. of Adam Waterhouse, bur. February 4, aged 11 mos. Ellen, dau. of John Cliff, bur. February 4, aged 18 weeks John Mortimer, of Birstal, bur. February 10, aged 44 * See ante p. 122. , REGISTER OF BURIALS. 173 John, son of William Mortimer, bur. February 22, aged G mos. 1842 George, son of Samuel Greenwood, of Holbeek, bur. March 6, aged 2 John Rayner, bur. April 28, aged 87 Chrissey, dau. of James Nichols, bur. May 3, aged 5 Hannah, widow of Daniel Stables, bur. May G, aged 59 William, son of William Wilkinson, of Churwell, bur. June 5, aged 20 Grace Hudswell, widow, bur. June 9, aged G7 Sarah Ann, dau. of James Wilkinson, of Leeds, bur. June 19, aged 7 weeks John Fox, bur. July 1G, aged 47 Hannah, dau. of William Smith, bur. July 27, aged 21 Joseph Smith, bur. August 31, aged 80 Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Vickers, of Holbeek, bur. Sep. 2G, aged 29 John Butterworth, bur. November 5, aged 42 Thomas, son of Samuel Oldroyd, bur. November 5, aged 1G mos. Ellen, wife of Joseph Lassey, bur. November 5, aged 29 Charlotte Garnett, bur. November 11, aged 21 William Westerman, bur. December 15, aged 52 John Calverley Westerman, bur. December 28, aged 54 John, son of Charlotte Garnett, bur. January 29, aged 15 weeks 1843 John, son of Bethiah Gaunt, bur. January 31, aged 1 week Jane Brown, bur. February 8, aged 70 Martha Ann, dau. of John Cook, bur. February 10, aged 2 Joseph, son of Andrew Foster, bur. March G, aged 4 mos. George, son of Henry Turner, bur. March 20, aged 9 mos. Mary, dau. of John Wood, bur. March 21, aged 3 weeks Anne, dau. of the late Samuel Webster, of Bank House, bur. April 1, aged 1G Samuel, son of Joseph Pickles, bur. April 3, aged 19 Sarah, dau. of Joseph Savill, bur. April G, aged G mos. Benjamin, son of Francis Thackray, bur. April 22, aged 8 mos. Thomas Oldroyd, of Churwell, bur. April 27, aged 27 William Swainson, jun., bur. May 4, aged 30 Samuel, son of Samuel Cliff, bur. May 10, aged 17 James, son of Joseph Greenwood, bur. May 80, aged 10 mos. Maria Mortimer, bur. June 11, aged 3G Sarah Stead, better known as Sarah Beldon, bur. June 19, aged 5G Hephzibah, dau. of Benjamin Mitchell, bur. July 20, aged 4 David Ellis, bur. July 2G, aged 5G Thomas, son of James Wilkinson, of Leeds, bur. August 8 Mary Whiteley, of Churwell, bur. August 10, aged 53 Mary, widow of Thomas Potter, of South Milford, bur. September 22, aged 90 Susan, dau. of Thomas Tempest, bur. October 1, aged 7 weeks Sarah, dau. of James Rodley, bur. October 15, aged 14 mos. George Granville, son of Mr. George Field, of Gildersome, bur. November 29, aged 11 mos. 174 MORLEY OLD OHAPEL. Mary, wife of Thomas Horn, bur. December 8, aged 27 1848 Mary, wife of John Hartley, bur. December 11, aged 26 John, son of Nanny Lassey, bur. December 17, aged 28 John, son of George Garforth, bur. January 1, aged 1 month 1844 Phebe, widow of Matthew Hirst, bur. February 9, aged 70 Nancy, wife of David Lawton, bur. March 2, aged 28 M;irv Ellis, of Chapeltown, bur. April 8, aged 70 Betty, wife of James Nicholls, bur. April 8, aged 89 David Ellis, son of Charles King, bur. April 19, aged 10 mos. Sarah, widow of Nathaniel Brook, April 28, aged 75 Mary, dau. of Samuel Greenwood, of Holbeck, bur. April 24, aged 2 Sarah, wife of Francis Thackray, biir. April 20, aged 48 Emma, dau. of Joseph Brook, bur. April 28, aged 2 mos. Ann, dau. of William Fothergill, bur. June 5, aged 9 weeks Benjamin Ellis, bur. June 10, aged 0G John Cockerham, bur. June 18, aged 72 William Horn, bur. June 18, aged 72 David, son of William Broadbent, bur. June 25, aged 9 Edwin, son of James Dixon, bur. July 11, aged 8 James Fox, bur. July 18, aged 71 Charlotte, dau. of David Gaunt, bur. July 29, aged 1 month Hannah, wife of Joseph Stead, bur. August 8, aged 80 Judith, wife of David Greenwood, bur. August 16, aged 50 John, son of Benjamin Wormald, bur. August 27, aged 1 month Squire, son of John Fox, bur. September 15, aged 12 Martha, widow of William Lassey, bur. September 1G, aged 78 Maria, dau. of Samuel Cliff, bur. September 25, aged 17 Martha, dau. of Joseph Stead, bur. September 80, aged 11 weeks Emma, dau. of John Broadbent, of Leeds, bur. Oct. 4, aged 21 mos. Betty, wife of John Dodgshon, bur. October 15, aged 6G Mary, widow of Joseph Sykes, bur. November 18, aged 39 Sarah, dau. of William Asquith, bur. November 15, aged 5 Maria, dau. of Maria Cliff, bur. November 16, aged 9 weeks John Asquith, sen., bur. November 20, aged 68 John Maude, bur. December 15, aged 76 James, infant son of James Smith, bur. December 16 Nathaniel, son of Cornelius Schofield, bur. December 17, aged 8 Maria, dau. of Mary Clough, bur. December 26, aged 9 mos. Hannah, widow of John Broadbent, bur. January 14, aged GG 1845 Nanny, wife of John Sugden, bur. January 24, aged 67 James, son of Gad Dixon, bur. February 5, aged 19 weeks Sarah Ann, dau. of John Butterworth, bur. February 16, aged 9 Abraham Snell, bur. March 8, aged 69 Jane, wife of David Thackray, bur. March 4, aged 40 Eliza, wife of John Hollings, bur. March 11, aged 57 Mary Beldon, of Tingley Bar, bur. March 17, aged 82 Sarah, widow of William Leathley, of Leeds, bur. March 24, aged 79 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 175 George, son of John Fox, bur. March 30, aged 9 18-15 William Wilson, bur. April 12, aged 75 John Storr, of Leeds, bur. April 15, aged 65 William, son of George Hartley, bur. April 20, aged 10 Charles, son of John Wilson, bur. August 20, aged 3 Joseph, son of William Stockdale, bur. September 2, aged 9 Joshua, son of John Senior, bur. September 4, aged 10 weeks, Joseph, son of George Waterhouse, bur. September 18, aged 2 Eleanor, dau. of George Waterhouse, bur. September 8, aged 1 Grace, dau. of John Oates, bur. October 4, aged 5 Ann, dau. of Joseph Slack, bur. October 4, aged 9 mos. Ann, dau. of William Broadbent, bur. October 15, aged 18 Emma, dau. of Richard Naylor, bur. October 17, aged 2 Eliza, dau. of Richard Naylor, bur. October 17, aged 4 William Oldroyd, bur. October 19, aged 89 Priscilla, widow of John Roberts, bur. October 19, aged 82 Sarah, wife of Joseph Wade, of Bradford, bur. October 29, aged 24 Sarah, dau. of Joseph Saville, bur. October 29, aged 1 David Wilson, bur. October 31, aged 50 Sarah, dau. of Joseph Wade, of Bradford, bur. December 5 Martha, dau. of Joseph Fawcett, bur. December 20, aged 2 mos. Hannah, dau. of Joseph Tempest, bur. January 7, aged 3 1840 John Sugden, bur. February 8, aged 74 Sarah, wife of Thomas Tempest, bur. February 10, aged 25 Elizabeth Wood, bur. February 17, aged 05 William Briggs, bur. February 22, aged 58 John, son of Joseph Thackray, bur. March 11, aged 44 Martha Crooker, bur. March 12, aged 77 Robert Jackson, bur. March 14, aged 01 William, son of John Taylor, bur. March 19, aged 13 Benjamin, son of James Hartley, bur. April 11, aged 1 Llewellyn, son of Rev. John Morris, bur. April 15, aged 17 mos. Fanny, dau. of George Hartley, bur. June 9, aged 9 Mary Ann, wife of John Woodhead, of Leeds, bur. June 15, aged 28 Hannah P^lizabeth, dau. of Isaac Turner, bur. June 23, aged 2 Mary, wife of Samuel Foster, jun., bur. June 29, aged 20 A child of James Fawcett's, bur. June 29, aged 3 weeks Benjamin, son of Henry Turner, bur. July 1, aged 1 Enoch, son of Samuel Foster, jun., bur. July 3, aged 19 mos. Elizabeth, dau. of David King, bur. July 7, aged 10 mos. Thomas Crooker, bur. July 11, aged 51 Mary Ann Godherd, bur. July 10, aged 9 mos. Ruth, wife of Abraham Dickenson, bur. July 27, aged 86 William Griffiths, a miner on the Railway, bur. August 24, aged 40 Sarah Roberts, bur. September 23, aged 70 Sarah, widow of the late John Webster, of Springfield House, bur. September 20, aged 49 176 MORLKY OLD CHAPEL. Thomas Fox, sen., bur. October 6, aged 69 1846 Mary, dau. of John Taylor, bur. November 0, aged 23 Mary Jane, dau. of William Barron, a Railway labourer, bur. Nov. 7, aged 8 mos. Mary, wife of John Broadbent, bur. November 25, aged 45 Sarah, widow of James Taylor, bur. December 9, aged 72 Eunice Ann, dau. of John Oates, bur. December 28, aged 28 weeks Edwin Smith, son of John Woodhead, of Leeds, bur. December 27, aged 28 mos. Ann, widow of Abraham Snell, bur. December 29, aged 55 Michael, son of John Oates, bur. January 4, aged 28 mos 1847 Sarah Ann, dau. of John Taylor, jun., bur. January 12, aged 7 mos. Thomas Tempest, jun., bur. January 16, aged 27 Hannah, dau. of Benjamin Cook, bur. January 20, aged 2 Hannah, dau. of Mary Broadbent, bur. January 24, aged 8 Joseph, son of John Lassey, bur. January 80, aged 5 mos. Sarah, dau. of William Broadbent, bur. January 81, aged 21 mos. Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Hirst, bur. February 8, aged 80 Cagill Westerman, bur. February 20, aged 63 Ellis, son of James Taylor, bur. February 25, aged 17 mos. Benjamin Clark, bur. February 25, aged 85 Thomas Edwin, son of — Wainman, of Gateshead, in the County of Durham, bur. March 4, aged 21 mos. John, son of George Fawcett, bur. March 12, aged 20 Samuel, son of James Broadbent, bur. March 14, aged 26 Thomas Rodley, son of Robert Barron, bur. March 17, aged 15 mos. Edwin, son of William Benson, jun., bur. March 29, aged 2 Fanny, dau. of David Gamett, bur. March 29, aged 4 Jane, dau. of Samuel Asquith, bur. March 31, aged 6 Elizabeth, dau. of George Garforth, bur. April 2, aged 11 mos. Elizabeth, dau. of William Hirst, bur. April 8, aged 6 Maria, dau. of William Benson, jun., bur. April, 5, aged 4 Gad Dixon, bur. April 80, aged 24 Joseph, son of William Benson, bur. May 6, aged 17 Ann, wife of John Sykes, bur. May 20, aged 51 George Smith, of Gildersome Street, bur. June 28, aged 82 He was Clerk at this Chapel more than 40 years. Sarah, widow of William Horn, bur. August 17, aged 76 Zechariah, son of — Marsden, bur. August 28, aged 10 mos. Mary Wilkinson, bur. October 7, aged 51 Sarah, wife of Benjamin Holdsworth, of Cleckheaton, bur. November 5, aged 48 Elizabeth, widow of Jonathan Garforth, bur. November 25, aged 76 William Drylie, a Scotchman, bur. November 26, aged 50 Mary, wife of Jonathan Butterworth, bur. December 8, aged 70 Hannah, wife of Isaac Rodgers, bur. December 10, aged 61 John Leathley, bur. December 17, aged 69 REGISTER OP BURIALS. 177 Betty, dau. of William Mortimer, bur. Dec. 17, aged 19 weeks 1847 Fanny Hartley, dau. of James Smith, bur. Feb. 1, aged 24 weeks 1848 Ruth, widow of James Dickenson, bur. March 22, aged 54 Jim, son of David Garnett, bur. March 24, aged 20 weeks William, son of Thomas Smith, bur. April 4, aged 1 Catherine, dau. of John Wade, of Bradford, bur. May 3, aged 4 Barbara Bragg, bur. May 6, aged 87 Sarah, dau. of Matthew Butterworth, bur. May 10, aged 11 Eliza Jane, dau. of Mr. George Field, of Drighlington, bur. May 13 Joseph Acton, bur. May 14, aged 2 weeks John Hazzlewood, bur. May 16, aged 80 James, son of Joseph Greenwood, bur. May 22, aged 2 Ann, wife of Matthew Gath, bur. May 30, aged 44 Benjamin, son of Matthew Butterworth, bur. June 6, aged 4 Nathaniel, son of Isaac Turner, bur. June 8, aged 5 weeks Ann Rayner, of Chapeltown, bur. June 22, aged 48 Michael, son of John Oates, bur. June 22, aged 3 weeks William, son of Daniel Pickles, aged 28 Sarah, wife of Thomas Aked, bur. August 3, aged 36 Joseph, son of Jonathan Westerman, bur. August 9, aged 2 Mary Ann Mortimer, bur. August 21, aged 20 mos. Thomas, son of Joseph Mortimer, bur. August 29, aged 22 George, son of James Wilkinson, of Churwell, bur. Sep. 25, aged 29 Deborah Holmes, bur. September 22, aged 63 John, son of Jonathan Maude, bur. November 1, aged 29 William Fawcett, of Pudsey, bur. November 8, aged 58 James, son of Mary Westerman, bur. November 20, aged 4 mos. John Ellis, bur. January 18, aged 77 1849 Benjamin, son of James Scholes, bur. January 19, aged 6 nios. Matthew Fox, bur. February 24, aged 27 Eunice, dau. of George Waterhouse, bur. March 5, aged 11 mos. Joseph Brook, bur. March 6, aged 42 Ann, dau. of John Wilson, bur. March 27, aged 4 Isaac Rodgers, bur. March 29, aged 80 Mary, dau. of Robert Naylor, bur. April 9, aged 11 mos. Eliza, wife of Richard Fox, bur. April 24, aged 22 James Garnett, bur. May 28, aged 62 Mary, wife of John Toulson, bur. June 21, aged 58 Hannah, dau. of James Smith, bur. June 28, aged 8 Edward Rowland, bur. June 29, aged 83 Thomas, son of Matthew Fox, bur. July 6, aged 14 mos. Hannah, dau. of W T ilham Maude, bur. July 9, aged 8 weeks Dinah Brook, bur. August 6, aged 59 Cholera* * Soon after the disease had made its appearance in the village, cases multiplied, and a great fear came upon the inhabitants which weakened bodies as well as minds, and made them all the more susceptible to receive the poison which was circulating in the atmosphere around. By the second week in August, there had been upwards X 178 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Elizabeth, wife of William Hirst, bur. August 7, aged 84 Cholera Nancy, dau. of William Hirst, bur. August 7, aged 3 ,, William Gomersall, bur. August 8, aged 06 ,, Thomas Rayner, bur. August 9, aged 05 ,, Harriot, wife of Thomas Smith, bur. August 9, aged 87 ,, Ellen, wife of — W'ainman, bur. August 18, aged 87 ,, Joseph Firth, bur. August 18, aged 68 ,, William Longley, bur. August 18, aged Go ,, Nancy, dau. of David Garnett, bur. August 14, aged 4 ,, Thomas Brook, bur. August 15, aged 80 ,, Charlotte, dau. of David Gaunt, bur. August 1G, aged 5 mos. ,, Catherine, widow of Thomas Walker, bur. August 18, aged 84 ,, William Benson, bur. August 19, aged G8 ,, Sarah Aaron, bur. August 19, aged 11 ,, Samuel Foster, sen., bur. August 19, aged 59 ,, George Myers, bur. August 20, aged 83 ,, Hannah, wife of Joseph Broadbent, bur. August 21, aged 78 ,, Wilham Swainson, bur. August 21, aged GO ,, Hannah, wife of Thomas Fox, bur. August 24, aged 78 ,, Ann, wife of Daniel Hinchliffe, bur. August 25, aged 61 ,, George Fox, bur. August 25, aged 82 ,, of twenty deaths ; and the whole village seemed covered with the shadow of death. There was the frequent carrying of coffins and passage of funerals through the streets ; and we well rememher watching the burial of several of the victims in the south corner of the churchyard, where lime was shovelled on to the coffins, and the faces of the few attendants aud the white robes of the clergyman looked ghostlike in the flickering glare of the huge pan of pitch which had accompanied the mournful procession. Many of the funerals took place after the long summer day had faded into darkness. The villagers, in their great alarm, were afraid to strip their dead ; hence, numbers were buried in their clothes. All the old funeral customs were set aside, for the last breath was hardly gasped out before the coffin was sent for, and in a few hours the corpse was on its way to the graveyard. Sufficient bearers could seldom be found to carry it in the old decorous fashion ; and tbe coffin was, in most instances, placed in a cart, behind which a pan of boiling pitch formed part of the funeral cortege. As the cases of cholera increased, and the fear and peril grew from day to day, the means to counteract them grew also. A committee was formed, and a fund of £60 subscribed, which was expended in alleviating the misery of the sufferers, and affording aid where human help was possible. Clergy and laity met daily, to plan fresh precautions, and to grant relief in the most abundant measure. The Earl of Dartmouth, with a commendable liberality, sent several subscriptions to the fund, besides contributing £15 to be expended in clothing and bedding for the sufferers, and also placing £4 per week for three months at the disposal of the com- mittee to be paid to the widows, orphans, and others, who stood in the greatest need. We cannot record the sad account of those fearful weeks during which the pestilence was in our midst, without mentioning the valuable services rendered by the Rev. John Morris, at that time minister of the Old Chapel. Throughout the whole period of the visitation, the disease was of the most malignant character, horrible in its symptoms, and rapid in its destruction ; and, though the deaths were not so numerous, in proportion to the population, as at Hunslet and many other places, yet it was probably more keenly felt, for each case was known throughout the village, and each death was more or less a grief to numbers of old friends, or neighbours, or relations. — Smith's, Morley, Ancient and Modern. REGISTER OF HURIALS. 179 Sarah, wife of William Walker, bur. August 26, aged 40 Cholera William, son of Joseph Tempest, bur. August 26, aged 2 Mary, wife of George Foster, bur. August 30, aged 43 John Wilson, bur. August 31, aged 33 Elizabeth, widow of Andrew Foster, bur. September 1, aged 78 Nathaniel Slack, bur. September 3, aged 34 Martha, dau. of John Barron, bur. September 7, aged G Sarah, widow of JohnButterworth, bur. September 15, aged 49 Hannah, wife of Joseph Pickles, bur. September 24, aged 60 William Henry, son of Arthur Hirst, bur. October G, aged 4 Elizabeth, widow of John Storr, of Leeds, bur. October 9, aged 65 Ann, wife of John Helliwell, bur. October 13, aged 4G Charlotte, dau. of John Barron, bur. October 14, aged 1G mos. William, son of George Wilkinson, bur. November 2, aged 4 Maria Asquith, dau. of James Foster, of Leeds bur. December 4, aged 7 mos. Joseph Mortimer, sen., bur. December 20, aged 85 Laban, son of William Stansfield, bur. January 19 1850 Sarah Hannah, dau. of William Stansfield, bur. January 7 John, son of Joseph Asquith, bur. January 19, aged 20 Alfred, son of Joseph Asquith, bur. January 21, aged 4 mos. John Lassey, bur. January 23, aged 4G Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. Thomas Webster, bur. February 1, aged 24 Reuben, son of Benjamin Cook, bur. February 23, aged 1G Martha Ann, dau. of Joseph Stockdill, bur. March 22, aged 10 mos. Ann, wife of David Snell, bur. May 20, aged 68 Sarah Ann, dau. of Whitfield Butterworth, bur. May 28, aged 16 weeks Sarah, widow of William Fowler, bur. June 3, aged 76 Emma, dau. of David King, bur. June 11, aged 10 mos. Joseph, son of George Tempest, jun. bur. July 14, aged 4 Hannah, wife of Samson Bennett, bur. July 17, aged 28 Hannah, wife of James Peel, bur. July 19, aged 20 - Samuel, son of Samson Bennett, bur. July 20, aged 5 weeks Mr. George Field, of Drighlington, bur. September 1, aged 42 Hannah, wife of Thomas Oakes, bur. September 20, aged 33 Sarah Gisburn, bur. October 9, aged 67 Samuel Wilkinson, bur. November 10, aged 09 Samuel Asquith, bur. November 19, aged 37 Ann, widow of Stephen Laurence, bur. November 21, aged 83 Joseph, son of George Marsden, bur. December 24, aged 6 mos. Elizabeth, dau. of John Binks, bur. December 25, aged 3 Mary, wife of Zachariah Bentley, bur. February 8, aged 27 1851 Ann, wife of Joseph Barras, of Leeds, bur. February 14, aged 65 Mary, dau. of John Foster, bur. February 16, aged 5 weeks Ruth, wife of Thomas Barraclough, of Adwalton, bur. March 11, aged 72 Laurance, son of Charles King, bur. April 7, aged 22 mos. Horsfall, son of Ann Marshall, bur. May 8, aged 1 180 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Fletcher, bur. May 21 1851 Rachel, wife of William Butterworth, bur. May 24, aged 88 Elizabeth, dau. of James Hartley, bur. June 1G, aged 11 mos. Sarah, widow of Matthew Fox, bur. June 18, aged 28 Sarah Fothergill, bur. June 23, aged 08 Mary, wife of Joseph Bentley, bur. June 29, aged 81 Nancy Lawson, bur. July 4, aged 47 Hannah, dau. of William Butterworth, bur. July 14, aged 5 Elizabeth, wife of John Stables, bur. July 10, aged 04 Martha Ann Butterworth, bur. July 22, aged 9 John, son of David Brook, bur. July 22 Sarah Ann, dau. of William Asquith, bur. August 4, aged 2 Joseph Woffendon, bur. August 4, aged 57 Hannah, dau. of William Maude, bur. September 2, aged 2 William Hezzlewood, bur. March 14, aged 41 Thomas Hilton, of Leeds, bur. September 19, aged G8 Sarah Chadwick, bur. October 18, aged 29 Ann, wife of John Barron, bur. October 29, aged 57 W^ilham Stockdill, bur. October 80, aged 07 Mary, dau. of William Butterworth, bur. November 1, aged 1 Uriah, son of Matthew Oath, bur. December 10, aged 17 mos. Richard Naylor, bur. December 18, aged 85 Joseph, son of Joseph Stockdill, bur. December 25, aged 17 weeks Mary, wife of Joseph Kitson, of Batley, bur. Feb. 29, aged 50 1852 John Senior, bur. February 29, aged 58 Betty, wife of William Maude, bur. March 10, aged 29 Benjamin, son of Nathaniel Turner, bur. March 24, aged 19 weeks William Walker, bur. March 81, aged 53 Sarah Ami, dau. of David Thackray, bur. May 5, aged 27 mos. Emma, dau. of Richard Bragg, bur. May 19, aged 11 weeks John Milner, of Wakefield, bur. June 2, aged 02 Sarah, widow of the late John Asquith, bur. June 8, aged 79 Hannah, widow of John Wade, bur. June 10, aged 82 Ann Lobley, dau. of John Helliwell, bur. June 19, aged 24 Joseph, son of James Wade, of Bradford, bur. June 21, aged 84 Joseph Tempest, bur. August 9, aged 8G Walter, son of Joseph Myers, bur. August 14, aged 5 weeks Emma, dau. of Zachariah Bentley, bur. August 10, aged 4 Hannah Westerman, bur. September 10, aged 77 Joseph Sykes, bur. September 18, aged 09 Joseph Broadbent, bur. October 9, aged 75 George, son of George Tempest, jun., bur. October 25 John, son of George Guest, of Ardsley, bur. November 1, aged 89 Ben, son of David Garnett, bur. November 4 Jonas Nicholls, bur. November 10, aged 84 John Barron, sen., bur. December 10, aged 09 Joseph Brook, bur. December 14, aged 83 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 181 Joseph, son of Joseph Dykes, bur. December 18, aged 8 mos. 1852 John, son of David Thackray, bur. December 21, aged 10 mos. Hannah, wife of John Garnett, bur. December 29, aged 02 Norrisson Cavendish Scatcherd, Esq.,* bur. Feb. 21, aged 73 1853 Jonathan Butterworth, bur. March 1, aged 78 Emma, dau. of Randal Foster, bur. March 10, aged 20 mos. John Locock, bur. March 10, aged 80 Spedding, son of William Toulson, bur. March 31, aged 4 mos. John, son of the late Mr. Thomas Webster, bur. April 19, aged 41 Joseph Pickles, bur. April 27, aged 00 Jane, wife of Samuel Brook, bur. April 27, aged 74 Grace, wife of George Newsome, bur. May 8, aged 37 Ann Clough, bur. June 0, aged 72 John Garnett, bur. July 0, aged 07 Adelaide Best, bur. August 10, aged 14 mos. Richard, son of Robert Naylor, bur. September 3, aged 11 weeks Samuel Marshall, bur. September 7, aged G2 George, son of William Mortimer, bur. September 11, aged 13 Walter, son of William Benson, bur. October 1, aged 5 Sarah, wife of Jonathan Maude, bur. October 2, aged GO Eliza Jane, dau. of William Middlebrook, bur. October 2 aged 2 Lydia Fothergill, bur. October 8, aged Ann, dau. of Thomas Cain, bur. November 3, aged 5 Emma, dau. of William Stables, bur. November 5, aged * Norrisson Cavendish Scatcherd was born at Morley House, on the 29th of Feb- ruary, 1780, and was the son of Watson Scatcherd, who for thirty years practised as a barrister, and served the public as a magistrate. Young Norrisson was educated at Marylebone and Hipperholme Schools, and, graduating at Cambridge, was called to the bar on the 28th of November, 180(5. He practised only for a very short time, and then betook himself to literature and antiquarian pursuits. It was not his social position that gave Mr. Scatcherd a name and a place in the annals of his native village ; nor the humble simplicity and goodness of his private life ; but his marvellous industry and care as a topographical and historical collector. His History of Morley contains many most noteworthy facts concerning a district which has always been interesting, and is now of considerable importance. To the compilation of this work Mr. Scatcherd brought a large amount of assiduous research and patient enquiry, extending even to the legendary recollections of " oldest inhabitants," who related to him what they knew of the history of the villnge and district. In addition to these sources of information, he hunted up all the facts he could obtain from authors and from neighbours, and in this way the History became a labour of life, and a labour of love. Our historian also wrote " Memoirs of the cchbra'ed Eugene . -Irani, who was executed for the murder of Daniel Clark, at Knaresborough, 1759 ; with some account of his family, and other particulars, collected for the most part above thirty years ago," two editions; Gleanin aged 8 mos. George Sharp, bur. May 3, aged 28 William Mortimer, bur. May 10, aged 68 Isaac Nussey, bur. July 3, aged 82 William Fothergill, bur. July 14, aged 65 William Asquith, of Leeds, bur. July 17, aged 69 Joseph Lofthouse, bur. August 14, aged 86 David Fothergill, bur. August 18, aged 43 Jane, widow of Samuel Waring, bur. August 29, aged 87 Ann, dau. of Thomas Wood, bur. September 12, aged 19 Nancy, dau. of Matthew Fox, bur. September 16, aged 10 John Edward Davies, son of Francis Thackray, bur. October 30, aged 4 mos. Sam, son of John Wilson, bur. October 13, aged 4 Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Oldroyd, bur. November 3, aged 15 Ann, widow of John Chadwick, of Cleckheaton, bur. Nov. 13, aged 83 * Helliwell was a man of singular activity, courage, and sagacity. These traits of character he displayed in a remarkable manner on one occasion, when (about four o'clock in the morning of February 7th, 1822) he and his family were alarmed by the cry of fire, and soon perceived that the stacks in the farmyard were in flames. The fire had burnt a stack of clover and one of corn, and had reached the threshold of a barn and mistal in which were thirteen head of cattle, when the neighbours arrived at this critical moment and saved the property from further destruction. A Blight snow had just fallen on the ground, sufficient for tracing the footsteps of a man who appeared to have worn remarkable shoes. One of them had evidently been repaired with a clumsy strip of leather on the sole, and both of them left the impression of their nails so perfect that not only the number but the shape of them was manifest. The incendiary had clearly come np a field on the north-east side, had tried to enter the mistal, and had come into the fold by getting over the fence wall ; no other foot- steps were visible. Helliwell noticed all these peculiarities, and, rousing himself to almost superhuman energies, he flew from place to place to restrain the wanderings of those who he feared might obliterate the footmarks; and, hunting the enemy backward to his house in Neepshaw Lane, and thence to Morley and Beeston, with the fleotnes8 of a bloodhound he overtook and seized him. with the very shoes upon his feet, before eight o'clock on the same morning. John Vickcrs, the delinquent, was a fellow of the vilest and most dangerous description, and he had committed this atrocious act simply in revenge, because Helliwell had pointed out his dwelling to an officer who was instructed to make a distress for rent. Vickcrs was transported to Botany Bay, much to the annoyance of our historian, who deemed him worthy of a much more sevcro punishment. — Scatcheiu/s Minify. 181 MORLKY OLD CHAPEL. Elizabeth, widow of John Eastwood, bur. December 1, aged 58 1856 William Mortimer, bur. December 3, aged 48 Arthur, son of William Fox, of Gildersome, bur. December 10, aged 2 Hannah, widow of David Ellis, bur. December 21, aged 69 William, son of Samuel Asquith, bur. December 25, aged 14 Thomas, son of William Mortimer, bur. December 25, aged 19 Joseph Hall, sen., bur. December 28, aged 54 James Hartley, bur. December 81, aged 85 Sarah, widow of Thomas Blakeley, bur. January 30, aged 72 1857 Sarah Taylor, bur. February 14, aged 48 Emily, dau. of John Horn, bur. March 16, aged 1 Zillah, wife of William Marshall, bur. May 20, aged 32 Sarah, wife of Thomas Middlebrook, bur. March 30, aged 69 Joseph Mortimer, bur. April 2, aged 58 Hannah, widow of David Fothergill, bur. April 26, aged 42 Walter, son of Mr. Joseph Webster, bur. June 15, aged 3 days Elizabeth, widow of William Smith, bur. June 13, aged 94 Thomas, son of William Dickinson, bur. June 18, aged 16 John, son of James Garnett, bur. June 26, aged 41 Charles Nicholls, bur. June 29, aged 44 John Barnes, bur. July 11, aged 84 William Rodley, bur. July 14, aged 76 Ruth, dau. of Matthew Stephenson, bur. August 3, aged 2 Emmeline, dau. of Samuel Greenwood, of Holbeck bur. August 5, aged 15 mos. Isaac Barron, bur. August 5, aged 74 Elizabeth Ann, dau. of Joseph Barron, bur. September 15, aged 18 Annie, dau. of Thomas Wilson, bur. September 18, aged 1 Hiram, son of Matthew Gath, bur. September 20, aged 1 George, son of John Scholefield, bur. September 28, aged 22 mos. Hannah Garnett, bur. October 7, aged 79 John, son James Taylor, bur. October 28, aged 21 Thomas Helliwell, bur. November 12, aged 52 Alice Jane, dau. of John Schofield, bur. November 15, aged 2 mos. Joseph, son of John Horn, bur. November 15, aged 21 Emily, dau. of John Broadbent, bur. December 5, aged 8 months Sarah Secunda, dau. of Francis Thackray, jun., bur. December 10 James Scholes, son of George Wilkinson, bur. December 17 Sarah, widow of William Waring, bur. January 5, aged 54 1858 Mr. Thomas Robinson, of Chapeltown, bur. February 18, aged 63 Ruth, widow of Robert Naylor, bur. March 13, aged 65 Alice, wife of Thomas Clough, bur. March 29, aged 45 Ruth, dau. of Joseph Brook, bur. April 17, aged 29 Maria, wife of John Middlebrook, bur. April 20, aged 89 William Wilson, bur. April 20, aged 59 Emily, dau. of Joseph Brown, bur. April 25, aged 9 mos. John Baxter, of Dean Hall, bur. May 31, aged 70 REGISTER OP BURIALS. 185 Thomas, son of Charles Chadwick, bur. June 2, aged 15 mos. 1858 Hannah, dau. of John Barraclough, bur. June 15, aged 2 weeks Maria, dau. of John Middlebrook, bur. June 21, aged 10 weeks John William, son of Henry Asquith, bur. June 25, aged 15 weeks Jane, dau. of Joseph Tempest, bur. August 4, aged 18 Elizabeth, widow of William Briggs, bur. August 8, aged 52 Sarah Ann, dau. of Thomas Horn, bur. August 15, aged 18 Joseph, son of Francis Thackray, bur. August 28, aged 20 Hannah, wife of John Watson, bur. October 2, aged 24 Mary Hannah, dau. of William Maude, bur. October 2, aged 2 John William, son of William Hardcastle, bur. Oct. 19, aged 14 mos. Sarah, widow of William Benson, bur. October 28, aged 09 Margaret Wells, bur. November 24, aged 82 Sarah, widow of William Fothergill, bur. December 14, aged GO Emily, dau. of William Stables, bur. December 20, aged 16 mos. Rebecca, widow of George Fawcett, bur. January 14, aged 72 1859 Lavinia, dau. of William Dews, bur. January 30, aged 2 Betty, wife of Thomas Dykes, bur. February 3, aged 24 Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Brown, bur. February 21, aged 3 wks. William W r ood, bur. March 6, aged 4 Thomas Lassey, bur. March 1G, aged 32 John Robert, son of Thomas Oakes, bur. March 18, aged 4 mos. Norrison, son of Benjamin Tempest, bur. March 31, aged 4 James, son of John Senior, bur. April 30, aged 10 John, son of George Sharp, bur. May 10, aged 6 George Teale, bur. June 7, aged 32 Mary Ann, wife of Thomas Clough, bur. June 16, aged 35 Elizabeth Ann, dau. of William Fox, bur. June 26, aged 9 mos. Elizabeth, dau. of George Teale, bur. June 30, aged 4 mos. John William, son of James Dixon Asquith, bur. July 8, aged 1 Hadfield, son of Randal Foster, bur. July 28, aged 3 Ann, wife of John Schofield, bur. August 10, aged 25 George Tebbs, son of Joseph Greenwood, bur. August 22, aged 5 Robert, son of William Jackson, bur. August 27, aged 11 mos. Edward Denton, of Batley, bur. September 4, aged 26 William, son of David Fawcett, bur. September 11, aged 4 Andrew, son of Nathaniel Foster, bur. September 13, aged 3 Emma, dau. of James Mortimer, bur. September 19, aged 5 Andrew Foster, sen., bur. October 24, aged 86 Martha, wife of David Dixon, bur. October 80, aged 28 Betty, dau. of Thomas Dykes, bur. October 81, aged 9 mos. Isaiah Crowther, of Knaresbrough, bur. November 1, aged 0!) Ann, widow of Joseph Tempest, bur. November 12, aged 41 Jonas Hartley, bur. November 18, aged 26 Grace Wilson, bur. November 20, aged 86 James Clegg, bur. December 4, aged (Jl Sarah Ann Maud, of Holbeck, bur. December 19, aged 17 186 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Emma Dickinson, bur. December 22, aged 20 mos. 1859 David, son of David Brook, bur. December 25, aged 5) Betty, wife of Joseph Horsfall, of Leeds, bur. December 25, aged 81 Mary Ann C'hadwick, of Batley, bur. January 20, aged 7 mos. I860 John Todd, of Leeds, bur. January 2H, aged 57 An infant of Walter Bryden, bur. February 10 Charlotte, wife of Joseph Asquith, bur. April 11, aged 58 Sarah, dau. of Joseph Westerman, bur. May 12, aged 02 Ann, wife of Robert Jackson, bur. May 14, aged 88 Edwin, son of Joseph Senior, bur. May 18, aged 18 Sarah, wife of John Renton, bur. May 29, aged 78 Walter, son of William Marshall, bur. May Bl, aged 8 days Hannah, widow of Richard Rylands, bur. June 14, aged 79 Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Lassey, bur. June 20, aged G Sarah Jane, dau. of Zechariah Bentley, bur. June 25, aged 7 mos. Alice, dau. of Thomas Lassey, bur. July 10, aged 2 William, son of George Sharp, bur. July 80, aged 9 David, son of David Fothergill, bur. August 1, aged 18 John Thomas Dickinson, bur. September 7, aged 9 weeks William Pawson, bur. September 16, aged 54 James Wade, of Bradford, bur. September 22, aged 83 Martha, widow of Isaac Barron, bur. September 29, aged 75 Eliza, wife of Samuel Scarth, bur. October 1, aged 24 Elizabeth Kilvington, bur. October 24, aged 11 Elizabeth, widow of Jonathan Brook, bur. November 29, aged 61 Eliza Lister, bur. November 80, aged 2 John Westerman, bur. November 30, aged 80 Walter Tempest, bur. December 1,'aged 2 Joshua, son of Arthur Hirst, bur. December 10, aged 18 days James Foster, bur. December 10, aged 49 George Albert, son of James Smith, bur. December 26 William Theaker, bur. December 81, aged 82 Mary, widow of Robert Turner, bur. January 2, aged 75 1861 Edith, dau. of Whitfield Butterworth, bur. January 22, aged 5 mos. Joseph, son of Thomas Mosley, bur. February 16, aged 7 mos. Ann, wife of Joseph Simpson, of Batley, bur. March 18, aged 29 W'illiam, son of Thomas Lassey, jun., bur. March 20, aged 7 mos. Sarah, wife of George Roberts, bur. March 30, aged 27 Abraham, son of Abraham Dickenson, bur. April 22, aged 17 John Holmes, son of Joseph Mortimer, bur. April 26, aged 17 Fanny, dau. of William Stables, bur. April 28, aged 13 mos. John, son of Ruth Sharp, bur. April 80, aged 7 11103. Thomas, son of John Helliwell, bur. May 10, aged 20 Martha, dau. of William Marshall, bur. May 11, aged 8 weeks Mary, dau. of George Teal, bur. May 21, aged 4 Alma Ledgard, bur. June 27, aged 10 weeks Sam, son of Zachariah Bentley, bur. July 5, aged 8 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 187 Mary Ann, dau. of Daniel Stables, bur. July 14, aged 8 18G1 Tbomas Tempest, bur. August 6, aged 73 William Bilbrough, of Bruntcliffe, bur. August 22, aged 90 Ann, dau. of Matthew Fox, bur. September G, aged 19 Samuel Asquith, bur. October 7, aged 67 James Frederick Adolphus Wainman, of Holbeck, bur. October 10, aged 20 Matthew Sykes, son of David Gaunt, bur. October 10, aged 1G George Brook, bur. October 17, aged 38 Milcah, widow of Henry Knowles, of Birstal, bur. November 4, aged 75 James Foster, son of William Appleyard, bur. November 10, aged 10 mos. George, son of Joseph Marshall, bur. November 21, aged 7 Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin Bradley, bur. November 21, aged 10 Mary, wife of John Clough, of Leeds, bur. November 28, aged 8G Benjamin Waring, bur. December 16, aged 28 John Robert, son of John Clough, of Leeds, bur. December 17 Maranda, dau. of William Fothergill, bur. December 24, aged 10 weeks Francis Benson, son of William Gaunt, bur. December 25, aged G John Davies, son of James Holdsworth, bur. December 80, aged 9 mos. John Wood, bur. December 31, aged 78 Ruth, dau. of Joseph Marshall, bur. January 17, aged 11 18G2 Joseph Horsfall, of Leeds, bur. January 17, aged 74 Benjamin, son of David Fawcett, bur. February 14 Mary Pickles, bur. February 15, aged GG Polly, dau. of George Brook, bur. March 3, aged 1G mos. Emily, dau. of Joseph Brook, bur.- March 15, aged 7 mos. Emily, dau. of Joseph Westerman, bur. March 29, aged 18 mos. Elizabeth, wife of William Mortimer, bur. April 2, aged 50 Sam, son of Sarah Dickenson, bur. April 12, aged 18 mos. Eli Brook, son of James Nelson, bur. April 21, aged 7 mos. Sarah, dau. of Robert Ban-on, bur. May 2, aged 1 Joseph Stockdill, bur. May 8, aged 48 Mary, dau. of Robert Barron, bur. May 9, aged 1 Emily, dau. of Samuel Horsfall, jun., bur. June 9, aged 17 days Fanny, dau. of Charles Barraclougli, bur. June 27, aged 9 mos. Mary, widow of William Pawson, bur. June 29, aged 59 Hannah, dau. of John Teal, bur. July 4, aged 20 days Betty, wife of Benjamin Briggs, bur. July 12, aged 68 John William, son of Daniel Stables, bur. July 14, aged 17 mos. Joseph Jackson, bur. July 15, aged 75 Hannah, dau. of Joseph Wood, bur. July 80, aged 18 Betty, wife of John Bradley, bur. August 5, aged 29 Ann, dau. of Edward Theaker, bur. October 4, aged 1 Sarah Ann, dau. of William Toulson, bur. October 27, aged 18 mos. John Barraclougli, sen., bur. November 9, aged 73 Mary, wife of William Marshall, bur. November 16, aged 84 188 pfOBLSX OLD CHAPEL. James Watson, bur. December 8, aged 84 1802 Fred, son of Thomas Oakes, bur. December 28, aged 19 Thomas Lassey, bur. December 28, aged 71 Sarah Jane, dau. of Joseph Mitchell, of Leeds, bur. January 4, aged 21 ' [1808 Eunice, dau. of Joshua Rhodes, bur. January 8, aged 18 Elizabeth, widow of John Burnudough, bur. January 14, aged 01 Askar, son of Whitfield Butterworth, bur. January 10, aged 7 Joseph, son of Stockdill, bur. Eebruary 11, aged mos. John Terry, sen., bur. February 18, aged 04 John Sykes, bur. February 20, aged 07 Samuel, son of Joseph Brook, bur. February 27, aged 18 Ann, wife of David Thackray, bur. March 7, aged 86 Mary, widow of Thomas Lassey, bur. March 11, aged 04 John Tempest, bur. March 20, aged 70 Edmund, son of William Marshall, bur. April 8, aged 10 mos. Ruth, wife of Samuel Cliff, bur. April 14, aged 70 William, son of James Broadbent, bur. April 25, aged 40 Oliver, son of Jeremiah Chappell, bur. May 2, aged 15 mos. Mary, dau. of David Fawcett, bur. May 10 Ann, dau. of Thomas Mosley, bur. May 20, aged 7 weeks Joseph Barron, bur. May 29, aged 48 Elizabeth, wife of David Fawcett, bur. May 80, aged 25 Jane Hannah, dau. of Humphrey Bradley, bur. June G, aged 82 mos. Clara, dau. of Humphrey Bradley, bur. June 9, aged 4 Samuel, son of David Peel, bur. June 17, aged 14 mos. Joseph, son of David Thackray, bur. June 24, aged 9 mos. David Thackray,* bur. June 27, aged - 59 Emma, dau. of George Carr, bur. June 27, aged 15 James, son of Joseph Marshall, bur. June 27, aged 10 Thomas Smith, bur. June 27, aged 58 Robert Hebden Bentley, of Wortley, bur. June 28, aged 44 John, son of George Roberts, of Hunslet, bur. July 11, aged Ben, son of Thomas Waring, bur. July 11, aged 4 mos. Harriet Ann, dau. of Joseph Wilkinson, bur. July 20, aged 11 mos. Louisa, dau. of Joseph Brown, bur. July 20, aged 8 Thomas, son of Simeon Tiffany, bur. July 20, aged 14 mos. Willie, son of William Austin, bur. July 22, aged 14 mos. Hedley, son of Oliver Halliday, of Gildersome, bur. August 11, aged 2 John William, son of William Fox, of Wakefield, bur. August 25, aged 5 mos. An infant of James Asquith's, bur. May 25 Sam, son of George Roberts, of Hunslet, bur. August 22, aged mos. Matthew Sykes, bur. August 22, aged 05 Polly, dau. of Samuel Greenwood, of Wortley, bur. August 20, aged 18 mos. * This person was killed by a boiler explosion at Hembrigg Mill, Morley. REGISTER OF BURIALS. 189 Anne, dau. of Thomas Oakes, bur. September 0, aged 21 mos. 18G3 Emma, dau. of Thomas Fothergill, bur. October 19, aged 18 mos. Margaret, wife of John Senior, jun., bur. October 20, aged 31 Miriam, dau. of Benjamin Tempest, bur. October 28, aged 18 John, son of Thomas Horn, bur. November 17, aged 23 Carrie, dau. of Oliver Holliday, bur. December 1, aged 10 mos. Emma, dau. of Edmund Leathley, bur. December 24, aged mos. John Barraclough, jun., bur. December 25, aged 30 William Stables, sen., bur. December 27, aged 62 Samuel Brook, bur. January 1, aged 84 1804 Ruth, dau. of Joshua Rhodes, bur. January 14, aged 20 William, son of Charles Wilkinson, bur. February 9, aged 10 John, son of Thomas Lassey, bur. February 10, aged 12 James Bryden, jun., bur. February 17, aged 25 Grace, widow of David Wilson, bur. March 1, aged 75 Walter, son of John Amery, bur. March 27, aged 14 John Hartley, bur. May 10, aged 57 Margaret, dau. of Henry Hill, bur. May 10, aged 2 John Hollings,* bur. May 16, aged 75 David Garnett, bur. June 1, aged 49 William Stables, jun., bur. June 0, aged 27 Thomas Henry, son of John Aked, bur. June 8, aged 10 weeks Joseph Fawcett, bur. June 15, aged 55 Betsy, wife of John Aked, bur. June 22, aged 25 Mary Ann, wife of Oliver Foster, of Wakefield, bur. July 4, aged 32 William Slack, bur. July 10, aged G7 Mary, dau. of Elizabeth Hartley, bur. July 18, aged 1G mos. Edwin Longley, bur. July 22, aged 45 Hannah, wife of David Brook, bur. July 23, aged 53 William Smith, of Leeds, bur. July 30, aged 08 Thomas Barrowclough, of Adwalton, bur. August 2, aged 83 Samuel Cliff, bur. August 8, aged 73 Charles William, son of Robert Hepworth, of Liversedge, bur. August 25, aged 14 weeks Fred Allen, son of Benjamin Worrall, bur. September 12, aged 2 mos. James Broadbent, bur. September 25, aged 71 Alfred Austin Robertshaw, son of William Austin, bur. Oct. 2, aged G Joseph Fox, bur. October 15, aged 29 Nanny Lassey, bur. October 22, aged 6G * John Hollings was the village constable for many years, and until the West Riding police was established, he was an officer of some influence, and the threat to "fetch John Hollings" was sufficient to quell many an incipient " row," and the approach of his robust person, stern countenance, and stout blackthorn stick, invariably caused young offenders to make " tracks." In trivial cases of assault, or summon* cases arising out of neighbours' quarrels, John's services were invaluable. His practice was to smooth the troubled waters, by speaking kindly to the offended ones, and terrifying the wrongdoers into making amends, rather than to " make a case " for the magistrates. 100 MiiKLEY OLD CHAPEL. Sarah, dan. of James Hartley, bur. October 25, aged 9 weeks 18G4 Sarah Ann, wife of Edward Rhodes, bur. October 29, aged 28 Joshua Swainson, bur. November 8, aged 88 An infant of James Asquith's, bur. November 8 Sarah, widow of Thomas Wilson, bur. November 2G, aged 75 Sarah, dau. of William Mortimer, bur. November 28, aged 15 Ann, widow of Thomas Helliwell, bur. November 80, aged 84 Miranda, dau. of Samuel Fothergill, bur. December 11, aged 2 Sarah Ann, dau. of John Aked, bur. January 18, aged 8 mos. 1805 Hannah Maria, dau. of Charles Smith, bur. February 8, aged 2 Joseph Myers, bur. February 8, aged 48 Hannah, wife of John Stockdill, bur. February 18, aged G5 Jonathan Maude, bur. February 18, aged 77 John Nicholls, bur. March G, aged GO Andrew, son of Edmund Leathley, bur. March 18, aged 14 weeks William Wood, bur. March 20, aged 72 Grace, dau. of Joseph Marshall, bur. March 29, aged 1G William, son of William Austin, bur. March 80, aged 1 Ann, wife of John Holstead, bur. April 18, aged 45 Hannah, wife of John Illingworth, bur. April 14, aged 26 Fanny, dau. of Martha Mortimer, bur. May 18, aged 2 Mary, widow of Thomas Robinson, of Potternewton, bur. May 21, aged 70 Charles, son of Whitfield Butterworth, of Yeadon, bur. June 7, aged 8 Mary, widow of David Garnett, bur. June 14, aged 48 Frederick, son of Thomas Holmes, bur. July 14, aged 18 mos. Charles Henry, son of Charles Foster, of Leeds, bur. July 14, aged 9 mos. Hannah, widow of William Asquith, of Leeds, bur. July 14, aged 75 Margaret, widow of James Bryden, bur. July 18, aged 71 Judith, widow of Stephen Wass, bur. August 2, aged 05 Edward, son of George Lassey, bur. August 8, aged 4 mos. James Roberts, bur. August 27, aged 07 Ada, dau. of Joseph Barraclough, of West Ardsley, bur. September 18, aged 17 mos. Robert Porritt, of Adwalton, bur. September 17, aged 82 Jeremiah Chappell, bur. September 27, aged 80 Fanny Elizabeth, dau. of Charles Barrowclough, of Dewsbury, bur. October 7, aged 15 mos. James Scholes, bur. October 9, aged 43 Ellen Knightson, bur. October 10, aged 84 Rebecah Kirkby, bur. October 21, aged 79 Matthew Butterworth, bur. November 5, aged 57 Alfred Saville, son of William Waring, bur. November 18, aged 2 Sarah Ann, dau. of John Barstow, bur. December 1, aged 6 weeks Samuel, son of Samuel Worsnop, bur. December 8, aged 14 mos. Sam, son of William Scholes, bur. December 4, aged weeks REGISTER OF BURIALS. 191 Samuel Bywater, of West Ardsley, bur. December 5, aged 55 1865 John William, son of William Charlesworth, bur. December 6, aged 17 days Emily, dau. of John Brook, bur. December 9, aged 3 Hannah, wife of George Hartley, bur. January 1, aged 71 1800 Hannah, wife of Thomas Sykes, bur. January 0, aged 30 Harriet, dau. of Samuel Scarth, bur. January 0, aged Mary, wife of John Brown, bur. January 9, aged 48 Tabitha, dau. of Benjamin Wilkinson, of Holbeck, bur. January 11, aged 31 Joseph, son of John Foster, bur. January 21, aged G weeks Amos, son of Joseph Asquith, bur. January 23, aged 5 mos. Edmund Leathley, bur. February 17, aged 31 Mary, wife of Thomas Swainson, bur. February 21, aged 51 Anne Gath, dau. of James Skelton, of Wortley, bur. March 11, aged 11 mos. Hannah, dau. of David Fawcett, of Holbeck, bur. March 20, aged Henry, son of Benjamin Fletcher, bur. March 22, aged 10 days William, son of William Fothergill, bur. March 31, aged 10 weeks Sarah, dau. of George Clough, bur. April 1, aged 17 William, son of Thomas Rayner, bur. April 4, aged 7 mos. William Appleyard, bur. April 7, aged 28, Hannah, widow of William Stables, sen., bur. April 17, aged 00 Henry, son of John Horn, bur. April 25, aged 19 John Brown, bur. May 4, aged 70 Emily, dau. of Titus Briggs, bur. May 7, aged 3 Jonathan, son of Jonathan Benson, bur. May 12, aged 8 Joseph, son of James Nelson, bur. May 23, aged 15 mos. Sarah, dau. of John Binks, bur. June 3, aged 40 Edward, son of Joseph Sykes, bur. June 7, aged 2 Joseph, son of W'illiam Ladley, bur. June 11, aged 34 John Thomas, son of Thomas Fothergill, bur. June 13, aged 18 mos. Susannah, wife of James Taylor, bur. June 18, aged 58 Fanny, dau. of Benjamin Tempest, bur. July 11, aged 2 Joseph, son of Samuel Naylor, of Wortley, bur. July 18, aged 21 mos. Ann, widow of Benjamin Ellis, bur. August 31, aged 03 Jane, widow of Joseph Barron, bur. September 2, aged 51 Herbert, son of Thomas Fothergill, bur. September 5, aged 4 Joseph William, son of William Slack, bur. September G, aged 7 weeks James Smith, bur. September 24, aged 47 Maria, dau. of — Baxter, bur. October 0, aged 5 mos. Maria, wife of Joseph Marshall, died October 31, aged 42 Samuel, son of Jonathan Middlebrook, died November 8, aged 20 Bradley, son of David Peel, died November 25, aged 8 mos. John Asquith, died November 2G, aged (it Mary, wife of James Dixon Asquith, died November 30, aged 88 Selina Tordoff, died November 30, aged G3 192 MORLEY OLD CHAPKL. Emma, wife of James Barron, died December 4, aged 48 1866 Bradskaw, son of Thomas Dykes, died December 11, aged 7 mos. Edith, dau. of William Fox, of Wakefield, died December 26, aged 5 Sarah, dau. of John Westerman, died December 27, aged 5 weeks Edward, son of Robert Barron, died December 27, aged 19 mos. Mary Ann, wife of William Broadbent, died January 28, aged 68 1867 Edward, son of John Bywater, died January 24, aged 20 mos. Samuel Fothergill, died February 7, aged 29 Thomas, son of William Austin, died February 11, aged 15 mos. Harry, son of Joseph Longley, died February 12, aged 13 mos. George, son of James Wilson, died February 16, aged 88 Elizabeth Ann, dau. of Abraham Taylor, died March 18, aged 8 Horace, son of Oliver Halliday, died March 17, aged 6 mos. Eleanor, dau. of William Fox, of Wakefield, died April 18, aged 2 Emily, dau. of William Horn, died May 6, aged 19 mos. Sarah Ann, dau. of Joseph Barrowclough, died May 18, aged 4 Elizabeth, wife of William Clough, sen., died May 23, aged 76 Annie, dau. of William Wilson, died June 1, aged 7 Ruth, wife of John Morrell Freeman, died June 2, aged 33 Jane, wife of James Skelton, of Wortley, died June 2, aged 88 Susan, wife of Daniel Stables, died June 2, aged 84 Henry, son of Thomas Horn, died June 26, aged 18 mos. Snowden Barrowclough, son of John Morrell Freeman, died July 10, aged 6 weeks Martha Jane, dau. of John Morrell Freeman, died July 14, aged 7 weeks Sarah Ann, dau. of Samuel Worsnop, died July 21, aged 6 Samuel, son of Francis Thackray, died August 18, aged 27 Emanuel, son of Joseph Brown, died August 16, aged 19 mos. Jane Gath, dau. of James Skelton, died September 13, aged 6 mos. Richard Webster, died September 23, aged 37 John, son of Samuel Webster, of Bromsgrove, Worcester, died Sept. 24, at Bromsgrove, aged 34 Ann, wife of Robert Brook, died October 2, aged 59 James, son of Henry Hebden, died October 18, aged 11 Henry, son of Nathaniel Foster, died October 22, aged 8 Fanny, dau. of Henry Hebden, died November 2, aged 3 Joseph, son of Alfred Ladley, of Leeds, died November 5, aged 5 mos. Frederick William, son of Samuel Asquith, died November 7, aged 9 Thomas Audsley Oakes, died November 8, aged 48 Thomas Henry, son of Samuel Asquith, died November 9, aged 7 Oliver, son of Stell Bedford, died November 20, aged 15 mos. Harriet, dau. of Thomas Oakes, died November 21, aged 3 Mary, dau. of John Kellett, died November 23, aged 10 mos. Thomas Middlebrook, died November 27, aged 77 Alpha George, son of Samuel Asquith, died December 24, aged 5 Ada, dau. of Robert Hepworth, of Heckmondw ke, died January 11 aged 3 weeks 1868, REGISTER OF BURIALS. 198 Squire, son of John Bradley, died January 13, aged 1G nios. 1868 Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of William Clough, died January 15, aged 8 Mary, wife of John Banks, died January 16, aged 70 John, son of Abraham Taylor, died January 28, aged 8 Annie, dau. of Joseph Brown, died February 9, aged 6 mos. Fred, son of Thomas Mosley, died February 10, aged 1 Jane, wife of Thomas Waring, died February 14, aged 38 Ann Boothby, died March 30, aged 80 Elizabeth, widow of John Taylor, died April 4, aged 74 Harry, son of Charles Barraclough, died April 17, aged 2 Annie, dau. of David Brook, died April 26, aged 14 mos. William Mortimer, died May 4, aged 63 George Hep worth, died May 12, aged 21 Mary, wife of Charles Garnett, died June 7, aged 49 George Ernest, son of John Wilkinson, died June 7, aged 7 mos. David, son of Joseph Butterworth, died June 24, aged 4 Ramsden, son of Nathaniel Foster, died July 6, aged 8 weeks Jonathan Benson, died July 8, aged 45 Charley, son of John Sykes, died July 12, aged 2 Mary Ann, dau. of William Briggs, died July 24, aged 17 weeks Erne, dau. of Emmanuel Bradley, died July 24, aged 12 weeks Mary, dau. of Simeon Tiffany, died July 30, aged 5 weeks Sarah, widow of William Swainson, died August 2, aged 80 William, son of William Fox, died August 8, aged 7 days Mary Ann, widow of Cagill Westerman, died August 9, aged 57 Eliza, dau. of John Horn, died August 13, aged 28 Matthew Henry, son of George Sandy Singleton, died August 20, aged 17 mos. Henry Turner, died September 2, aged 52 Samuel Rayner, died September 8, aged 77 Elizabeth, dau. of William Briggs, died October 4, aged 7 Stephen Wass, died October 4, aged 74 Elizabeth, dau. of John Armitage Buttery, of Shadwell, died October 14, aged 57 John Stockdill, died October 17, aged 77 Tom, son of William Wilson, died October 18, aged 18 Rachel, widow of Joseph Myers, died October 21, aged 46 Samuel Holroyd, died October 27, aged 71 Samuel Smith, of Bruntcliffe, died November 8, aged 68 Walter, son of Thomas Horn, died November 12, aged 7 John William, son of William Bradley, died December 10, aged 12 weeks Sarah Ellen, dau. of David Ward, died December 11, aged 28 mos. James, son of Benjamin Fletcher, died December 24, aged 5 weeks William Thomas, son of Oliver Brook, died December 26, aged 12 James Wilson, of Wortley, died January 2, aged 65 1869 Alice, wife of James Sykes, died January 8, aged 41 194 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. James, son of Oliver Foster, died January 15, aged 5 weeks 18G9 John Naylor, died February G, aged 54 Elizabeth Brook, died March 2, aged 7 James Taylor, died March 7, aged 02 Walter Toulson, died March 8, aged 4 mos. William Theaker Horsfall, died March 9, aged 8 Alfred Ladley, of Bruntcliffe, died March 19, aged 84 William Clough, died March 80, aged 74 John Henry Thornton, bur. March 80, aged 24 Squire William Fox, of Horbury, bur. May 5, aged 9 mos. Maria Wilkinson, bur. June 5, aged 8 mos. Hannah Broadbent, bur. June 7, aged 79 James Watson, bur. June 22, aged 00 Henry Asquith, bur. June 28, aged 44 Charles Edwin, son of Oliver Halliday, bur. July 5, aged 17 mos. John Horn, bur. July 8, aged 01 Malinda Fothergill, bur. July 14, aged 41 Mahala Priscilla Brown, bur. July 22, aged 9 Hannah Mortimer, bur. July 20, aged 00 James Henry Asquith, bur. August 1, aged 9 Maria Asquith, bur. August 1, aged 9 weeks Titus Briggs, of Ardsley, bur. August 7, aged 11 weeks George Smith, bur. August 10, aged 59 Amina Freeman, of Castleford, bur. August 12, aged 10 weeks Sarah Ann Horn, bur. August 14, aged 17 William Jackson Teal, bur. August 20, aged 24 Maria Garforth, bur. August 25, aged 44 Fanny Levers, bur. August 29, aged 1 Sam. Asquith, bur. August 24, aged 5 mos. Charles William Ward, bur. October 22, aged 5 Jane Smith, of Holbeck, bur. October 28, aged GO Maria Hirst, bur. October 30 John Horn, bur. November 8, aged 20 Isaiah Foster, bur. November 15, aged 17 William Lassey, bur. November 10, aged 31 Joseph Septimus Orlando Wainman, of Leeds, bur. November 18, aged 28 James Wilkinson, of Hunslet, bur. December 3, aged 00 Arthur Glover, bur. December 18, aged 10 mos Susan Fox, of Hunslet, bur. December 18, aged 10 weeks Annie Fletcher, bur. December 18, aged G weeks William James Beal, bur. December 81, aged 12 Edith Kellett, bur. February 7, aged 5 1870 Annie Briggs, bur. February 15, aged 10 mos. Mary Worsnop, bur. February 15, aged 8 Mary Crowther, bur. February 2G, aged 77 William Scarth, bur. March 7, aged 59 REGISTER OF BURIALS. 195 William Henry Dixon, bur. March 14, aged 15 1870 John Brown, bur. March 18, aged 13 Walter Lister, bur. March 26, aged 22 mos. Elizabeth Foster, of Wakefield, bur. March 31, aged 14 mos. Charlotte Longley, bur. April 14, aged 1 Fred Oakes, bur. April 15, aged 7 mos. Mary Dun well, of Holbeck, bur. April 20, aged 15 Benjamin Olroyd, bur. April 30, aged 3 Mary Singleton, bur. May 6, aged 28 Charlotte Tiffany, bur. May 19, aged 32 George Foster, bur. June 12, aged 5 weeks James Fletcher, bur. July 6, aged 16 William Brooke, bur. July 17, aged 59 Joseph Senior, bur. July 27, aged 60 John Andrew Wilson, bur. July 31, aged 7 weeks Charlotte Asquith, bur. August 12, aged 72 Mary Jane Charlesworth, bur. September 6, aged 7 mos. Hiram Gath, bur. October 18, aged 1 month Ann Charlesworth, bur. October 20, aged 6 mos. Leonard Brown, bur. October 31, aged 14 mos. Joshua Woffenden, of Tong, bur. November 7, aged 67 Harry, son of William Bradley, bur. November 16, aged 8 mos. Joseph Marshall, bur. November 18, aged 10 mos. Sarah Elizabeth Fothergill, bur. November 20, aged 2 mos. John Fletcher, bur. December 1, aged 14 days Sarah Wood, bur. December 10, aged 82 Alice Winterbottom, bur. December 22, aged 2 Rupert Tempest, of Gildersome Street, bur. January 1, aged 2 1871 Fanny Walker, bur. January 10, aged 1 week Fanny Briggs, bur. January 81, aged 7 mos. John Stables, bur. February 5, aged 87 John Senior, bur. February 11, aged 13 mos. Thomas Clough, bur. February 22, aged 59 Mary Elizabeth Bradley, bur. March 22, aged 18 mos. John Stables, bur. April 3, aged 32 John Toulson, bur. April 7, aged 71 Oldroyd Moss, bur. April 11, aged 7 mos. Thomas Charlesworth, bur. April 12, aged 30 William Broadbent, bur. April 21, aged 70 William Butterworth, bur. May 2, aged 65 Emma Dykes, bur. May 6, aged 13 Annie Asquith, bur. May 11, aged 4 Jane Asquith, bur. May 24, aged 22 Sarah Ann Ackroyd, bur. June 9, aged 2 Mary Sykes, bur. August 2, aged 83 Andrew Scarth, bur. August 26, aged 5 mos. Cameron Ainley, bur. August 30, aged 2 196 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Joseph Scholes, bur. August 30, aged 7 days 1871 Jaines Wilkinson, bur. September 7, aged 82 James Goff, bur. September 9, aged 1 week George Wilkinson, bur. September 17, aged GO Ann Ainley, bur. September 23, aged 10 weeks Emily Oldroyd, bur. October 21, aged 18 mos. James Stables, of Hunslet, bur. October 22, aged 47 John Myers, bur. October 28, aged 18 mos. Florence Bragg, bur. November 7, aged 10 mos. John Scholes, bur. November 20, aged 16 Samuel Westerman, bur. November 20, aged 3 John William Barron, bur. December 4, aged 6 Frances, wife of Robert Barron, bur. January 11, aged 46 1872 Thomas Henry Butterworth, bur. January 20, aged 2 Alfred Teal, bur. January 28, aged 6 William Austin, bur. February 11, aged 82 Robert Newsome Asquith, bur. February 10, aged 4 Ann Wilson, bur. February 11, aged 51 John William Hartley, of Leeds, bur. February 20, aged 6 mos, Thomas Fothergill, bur. February 21, aged 84 John Jagger, of Bruntcliffe, bur. March 5, aged 14 mos. Eleanor Hirst, bur. March 18, aged 15 mos. Grace Johnson Perrigo, bur. April 7, aged 74 Mary Briggs, bur. April 18, aged 20 Benjamin Walker, bur. April 17, aged 11 mos. Sarah Scarth, bur. April 20, aged 24 William Middlebrook, of Bruntcliffe, bur. April 28, aged 89 Betty Bragg, bur. April 80, aged 60 Elijah Fletcher, bur. May 8, aged 18 weeks Hannah Turner, bur. June 4, aged 60 Joseph Croisdale, bur. June 15, aged 35 Mary Westerman, bur. July 2, aged 27 Ann Hirst, bur. July 3, aged 41 Sarah Ann Asquith, bur. July 5, aged 15 Emma Asquith, bur. July 8, aged 81 Eliza Asquith, bur. July 20, aged 4 weeks William Henry Stockdale, bur. October 8, aged 12 Elizabeth Brook, bur. October 8, aged 2 William Townley, bur. October 8, aged 56 Charles Chadwick, bur. October 28, aged 60 George William Teale, bur. November 10, aged 16 mos. Mary Esther Briggs, bur. November 10, aged 6 mos. Lionel and Edith Day, twins, bur. November 28, aged 12 days Lilian Buttery, bur. December 8, aged 11 mos. Joseph Fawcett, bur. December 10, aged 42 Hannah Butler, bur. January 20, aged 79 1878 Thomas Bragg, bur. January 27, aged 11 mos. REGISTER OP BURIALS. 197 John Barron, bur. January 31, aged 31 1B73 George Hinchliffe, bur. January 31, aged 14 days William Francis Mortimer, bur. March 4, aged 3D William Terry, bur. March 7, aged 25 Mary Turner, bur. March 8, aged 25 Albert Asquith, bur. March 20, aged 19 Thomas Broadbent, of Bingley, bur. May 11, aged 63 Rebecca Fawcett, of Adwalton, bur. May 11, aged 16 Thomas HaU Taylor, bur. May 14, aged 9 mos. Mary Steel, bur. May 27, aged 65 Rose Theaker, bur. May 31, aged 78 William Horn, bur. June 15, aged 14 days Mary Ann Briggs, bur. June 25, aged 37 Abraham Dickenson, bur. July 18, aged 65 Ernest Arthur Hartley, bur. July 26, aged 5 mos. Ann Asquith, bur. August 1, aged 66 Horace Bradley, bur. September 2, aged 8 mos. Matthew Sykes Gaunt, bur. September 30, aged 15 mos. Sarah Senior, bur. October 3, aged 1 Rose Knightson, bur. October 9, aged 78 Sarah Foster, bur. November 29, aged 71 Miriam Bragg, bur. December 3, aged 20 mos. William Asquith, bur. December 16, aged 77 Elizabeth Walker, bur. December 17, aged 6 Benjamin Briggs, bur. December 18, aged 84 Herbert Hilton Terry, bur. December 22, aged 10 Horace Peel, bur. January 5, aged 8 mos. 1874 Matthew Gath, bur. January 11, aged 70 Oliver Halliday, bur. January 13, aged 43 Harry Oldroyd, bur. January 13, aged 16 weeks Frances Mills, bur. January 24, aged 3 weeks Jeremy Wylde, bur. January 25, aged 3 Rebecca Westerman, bur. February 7, aged 82 Mary Gaunt, bur. February 16, aged 3 Walter Quarmby, bur. February 21, aged 7 mos. Sarah Ann Lupton, bur. February 23, aged 4 William Smith, bur. March 9, aged 82 Benjamin Lassey, bur. March 14, aged 6 mos. Mary Ellen Speight, bur. March 29, aged 4 Robert Barron, bur. April 3, aged 48 Francis Davis Thackray, bur. April 23, aged 12 John Foster, bur. July 4, aged 20 Mary Taylor, bur. July 13, aged 67 Thomas Glover, bur. July 80, aged 80 Ethel Holliday, bur. August 10, aged 10 mos. Mary Eleanor Oakes, bur. August 7, aged 15 days Joshua Scatcherd, bur. August 17, aged 49 198 MOBLEY OLD CHAPEL. Samuel Holroyd, bur. August 80, aged 4 1871 George C lough, bur. September 14, aged 5 Hannah Rayner, bur. October 5, aged 81 Elizabeth Lassey, bur. October 13, aged 5 Hannah Maria Child, bur. November 1 George Foster, bur. November 2, aged G8 Ann Fox, bur. November 4, aged 73 Foster Mosley, bur. November 5, aged 4 weeks Annette Clayton, bur. December 13, aged 2 Florence Mills, bur. December 14, aged 11 mos. Sophia Teale, bur. January 28, aged 34 1875 Sarah Tempest, bur. January 30, aged 79 Rev. George Southey, B.A.,* bur. February 20, aged 40 John By water, bur. March 3, aged 80 Elizabeth, wife of Jonathan Brook, bur. April 12, aged 65 George Brook, bur. May 10, aged 14 days Sarah Hannah Wilkinson, bur. May 18, aged 9 Joseph Waring, bur. June 4, aged 72 James Albert Senior, bur. June 10, aged 14 mos. John Fletcher, bur. June 10, aged 1 Elizabeth Hartley, bur. June 22, aged 59 Joseph Mortimer, bur. June 28, aged 12 Mary Ann Charlesworth, bur. July 15, aged 88 Ann Butterworth, bur. August 9, aged 15 Mary Brook, bur. August 18, aged 44 Walter Chapman, bur. August 27, aged 33 Ann Butterworth, bur. September 3, aged 57 Sarah, wife of John Asquith, bur. September 6, aged 57 Eunice Ann Foster, bur. September 22, aged 6 Louisa Brook, bur. September 27, aged 29 Mary Wilkinson, bur. September 29, aged 68 Joseph Wilson, bur. October 11, aged 57 William Henry Gaunt, bur. October 13, aged 31 James Nicholls, bur. October 19, aged 79 Edith, dau. of Benjamin Fletcher, bur. November 1, aged 17 mos. Fanny, dau. of David Peel, bur. December 16, aged 11 mos. William Jackson, bur. January 10, aged 42 1876 Mary Ann Miller, of Shipley, bur. January 19, aged 70 » Rev. George Southey, B.A., who was a native of Warwick, received his edu- cation at Spring Hill College, and remained there six years. He matriculated the first year he entered college, and in the second year he obtained his B.A. degree first-class, and also passed two Scriptural examinations in Hebrew, for which he received two prizes. In May, 1866, he accepted the call to the pastorate at the Old Chapel. His pulpit ministrations were very acceptable, and his sermons were characterised by earnestness of faith with the language of a scholar. To the great regret of his people, his earthly career was cut short by death on the 17th of February, 1875, in the forty-first year of his age, and the ninth year of his ministry here. A monument to his memory is in the graveyard.— Smith's Alorley. REGISTER OF BURIALS. 199 Hannah Maria Briggs, bur. January 29, aged 8 mos. 1876 Mary, dau. of Henry Hebden, bur. March 2, aged 2 Elizabeth Webster, bur. April 8, aged 85 Eunice Ann Mills, bur. April 13, aged G mos. Ann Bentley, bur. May 8, aged 63 Florence, dau. of William Myers, bur. May 15, aged 20 mos. Annie Elizabeth Lupton, bur. May 18, aged 4 Benjamin Wilkinson, bur. May 30, aged 34 Martha Butterworth, bur. June 3, aged 6 Susan Oxley, bur. June 7, aged 80 James, son of Samuel Wilson, bur. June 10, aged 8 William Henry Turner, bur. June 12, aged 10 mos. Tom Barron, bur. June 20, aged 6 days Elizabeth Smith, spinster, bur. June 27, aged 78 William Wass, innkeeper, bur. July 18, aged 58 Betty Foster, bur. July 18, aged 64 Hannah Smith, bur. July 29, aged 25 Robert Brown, mason, bur. August 1, aged 45 John Fletcher, bur. August 12, aged 9 mos. Mary, wife of Joseph Dykes, bur. September 4, aged 66 Betty Bragg, bur. October 23, aged 4 weeks Joseph Asquith, bur. October 24, aged 70 Mary Ann Butterworth, bur. November 6, aged 71 Grace, wife of Henry Scarth, bur. November 6, aged 53 John James Foster, bur. November 9, aged 11 mos. Annie Hainsworth, bur. November 15, aged 18 mos. Sarah, wife of David Terry, bur. November 18, aged 88 Annie Greenwood, bur. November 18, aged 20 Henry Asquith, bur. November 23, aged 5 weeks, Mary Elizabeth Crowther, bur. November 27, aged 19 mos. Harry Wade, bur. November 30, aged 4 Charlotte, wife of Robert Bradley, bur. December 11, aged 68 Jane Webster, of Roundhay, bur. December 28, aged 81 Ellen Ban-on, bur. January 8, aged 67 1877 Ruth Brook, bur. January 14, aged 75 Sarah Smith, bur. January 16, aged 88 John Waring, bur. January 29, aged 78 Sarah Elizabeth Dykes, bur. January 81, aged 18 mos. John Glover Wadsworth, bur. February 8, aged 28 Sarah Aked, bur. February 14, aged 6 mos. William Ladley, bur. March 1, aged 76 Harry Goalby Middlebrook, bur. March 20, aged 6 mos. Sarah Thackray, bur. March 27, aged 76 George Foster, bur. March 81, aged 4 David Whitaker Peel, bur. April 7, aged 18 days John Thomas Middlebrook, bur. April 9, aged 9 mos. Walter Jackson Teale, bur. May 2, aged 22 mos. 200 MORLEY OLD CHAPEL. Jane Dunckley,* bur. May 9, aged 77 1877 Amelia Hirst, bur. May 21, aged 1 Joseph Hainsworth, bur. June 22, aged 4 Emma Baines, bur. August 15, aged 88 Erasmus Wilson, bur. August 80, aged 19 days Mary Ann Taylor, bur. September 0, aged 24 Charles Garnett, bur. September 12, aged 00 William Buttenvorth, bur. September 19, aged (50 Mary Ann Bentley, bur. October 1G, aged 68 Mabel Bradley, bur. November 9, aged 4 Maria Westerman, bur. November 19, aged 38 George Vance Smith Briscoe, bur. November 20, aged 11 mos. Eliza Sykes, bur. November 20, aged 29 Joseph Gambles, bur. December 6, aged 57 John Holroyd, bur. December 17, aged GO Benjamin Ellis, bur. December 24, aged 72 Samuel Scarth, bur. December 27, aged G mos. John Banks, bur. January 8, aged 68 1878 Lucy Taylor, bur. January 10, aged 8 mos. Ada Hirst, bur. January 26, aged 8 Christiana Wood, bur. February 9, aged G4 Rose Bywater, bur. February 9, aged 5 mos. Esther Slack, bur. March 6, aged 78 Emma Walker, bur. April 4, aged 2 Mary Gambles, bur. April 12, aged G8 Susannah Buchan, bur. April 29, aged 84 Francis Thackray, bur. May 21, aged 81 Charles Edwai-d Asquith, bur. June 3, aged 18 Myra Smith, bur. June 5, aged 24 George Alfred Teale, bur. June 7, aged 7 mos. Agnes Jane Teale, bur. July 15, aged 84 Fanny Asquith, bur. July 17, aged 4 mos. Lionel Talbot Sheard, of Batley, bur. July 2G, aged 8 mos. Eliza Gould, of Churwell, bur. August 9, aged 19 Annie Hartley, bur. August 22, aged 2 Nora Tempest, bur. August 26, aged 18 mos. Mary Ann Holroyd, bur. August 27, aged 77 John Barron, bur. September 2, aged 66 Eliza Clough, bur. September 5, aged 85 Ida Nussey, bur. October 7, aged 7 weeks Sam Longbottom Smith, bur. October 9, aged 9 mos. Mary Mozley, bur. November 9, aged 16 Francis Thackray, bur. November 12, aged 17 days Martha Longley, bur. November 20, aged 11 mos. Annie Glover, bur. November 80 •Mother to Henry Dunckley, Esq., LL D., J.P., editor of The Manchester Examiner and Times, and Sarah, wife of the Rev. George Southey, B.A., of Morley. REGISTER OF BUHIALS. 201 Frances Hirst, bur. December 10, aged 7 mos. 1878 Alfred Waring, of Hunslet, bur. December 22, aged 3 mos. Eliza Bradley, bur. December 23, aged 10 days Owen Ezra Asquith, bur. January 7, aged 18 weeks 1879 Thomas Swainson, bur. February 0, aged G2 Ann Wood, bur. February 10, aged 49 Florence Brown, bur. February 13, aged 14 mos. Mary Ann Gath, bur. February 24, aged 51 Mary Brown, bur. March 4, aged 67 Charles William Bell wood, of Wortley, bur. March 10, aged 23 Lionel Austin, bur. March 11, aged 2 Annie Asquith, bur. March 13, aged 11 mos. John Smith, chapel-keeper, bur. April 4, aged 50 Jane Wilson, bur. April 5, aged 28 Mary Fox, bur. April 12, aged 55 Jim Toulson, bur. May 11, aged 28 Harry By water, bur. June 1, aged 5 Maria Ann Buttery, bur. June 12, aged 4 mos. Emily Ann Bragg, bur. July 6, aged 8 Joseph Mortimer, bur. July 9, aged G9 Harry Brook, bur. August 28, aged 10 weeks Zillah Tempest, bur. October 22, aged 4 Lavinia Tempest, bur. October 25, aged 2 Freddy Blakeley, bur. November 9, aged 1 James Ramsden Hall, bur. December 10, aged 16 mos. George Hartley, bur. December 27, aged 82 Mary Elizabeth Mosley, bur. January 7, aged 14 mos. 1880 Hannah Walsh, bur. January 25, aged 84 Emily Barron, bur. February 14, aged 1G mos. Sarah Naylor, of Batley, bur. March 3, aged 72 Mary Ann Gaunt, bur. March 4, aged 11 mos. John Knowles Barron, bur. March 20, aged 71 Olive Lassey, bur. April 9, aged 1 Hannah Mary Brown, bur. June 16, aged 4 Bertha Carr, bur. August 15, aged 10 Laura Thornton Brown, bur. August 19, aged 8 mos. Amy Williams Barron, bur. September 6, aged 1 Ann Helliwell, of Bruntcliffe, bur. September 23, aged 6!) Walter Stead, bur. September 27, aged 4 John Rowland Wilson, bur. September 28, aged 6 weeks Harriet Westmoreland, bur. October 14, aged 17 Thomas Kirk, bur. December 6, aged 60 Charles Wilkinson Clark, bur. December 18, aged 59 Nancy, wife of Ezra Hartley, bur. January 9, aged 80 1881 Mary Crowther, of Knaresborough, bur. January 15, aged 49 Miriam Longley, bur. February 2, aged 1 Sarah Scarth, bur. February 7, aged 71 AA 202 MOKLEY OLD CHAPEL. Oliver Asquith, bur. February 17, aged 22 1881 William Bywater, bur, March 10, aged 83 Bradley Butterworth, bur. April 1, aged 11 mos. John Brown Hartley, bur. April 6, aged 1-1 mos. Sarah Ann Slack, bur. April 11. aged !:! Beatrice Brown, bur. April 12, aged 2 Elizabeth Ladley, bur. April 12, aged 76 Samuel Scatcherd, bur. April 23. aged 57 Ann Brook, bur. April 16, aged 07 Prances Wilson, of Soothill, bur. May 7, aged 73 William Oakes, bur. May 8, aged 41 Joseph Webster, bur. May 9, aged 08 Elizabeth Townley, of Gildersome, bur. May 26, aged 55 Fanny Leathley, bur. July 20, aged 5 Mary Greenwood, bur. August 9, aged 70 Mary Sykes, bur. August 12, aged 37 Mary Bradley, bur. September 10, aged 10 Robert Gaunt, bur. October 20, aged 4 mos. Sarah Jane Hirst, bur. October 20, aged 28 William C'rowther, bur. November 14, aged 59 John Knightson, bur. December 5, aged 71 Joseph Bragg, bur. December 9, aged 33 Kate Bywater, bur. December 28, aged 1 Emmanuel Bradley,* bur. January iO, aged 52 1882 .lames Lassey, bur. January 28, aged 10 mos. Margaret Maude, bur. February 14, aged GO Elizabeth Taylor, bur. March 18, aged 14 mos. William Hein-y Foster, bur. March 25, aged 2 Benjamin Worrall Jowett, bur. March 21), aged 11 mos. Edmund Bragg, bur. April 8, aged 5 Jonathan Middlebrook, bur. April 14, aged 50 William Brook, bur. April 14, aged 7 mos. Rowland Teale, bur. May 8, aged 9 mos. Albert Sykes, bur. May 8, aged 9 Benson Hirst, bur. May 8, aged 7 mos. Hannah Mary Naylor, bur. May 10, aged 9 mos. Hannah Bellwood, bur. May 15, aged G3 Fanny Horn, bur. May 25, aged 21 * In the vestibule of the new St. Mary's Church is a white marble tablet on a black ground, bearing the following inscription to this munificent patron of the church, he having subscribed upwards of two thousand pounds towards the erection :-- I.H.S. Sacred to the Memory of Emmanuel Bkadley, Born March 11th, 1829 ; Died January 8, 1882. His children rise up and call him blessed. The spirit shall return unto God who gave it. I have loved the habitation of thiue house, and the place where thine honour dwcllcth. REGISTER OF BURIALS. 208 Harriet Thackray, bur. May 20, aged 77 1882 Frances Ann Foster, bur. June 5, aged 7 Willie Blakeley, bur. June 10, aged 15 mos. Martha Stables, bur. July 17, aged 50 William Kirkland, bur. August 14, aged 9 mos. Charlotte Florence Toulson, bur. August 24, aged 11 mos. John Helliwell, of Gomersal, bur. September 11, aged 78 Fred Bradley, bur. September 13, aged 6 mos. Elizabeth Mortimer, bur. September 18, aged 38 Louisa Middlebrook, bur. September 20, aged 10 mos. Lily Thornton Brown, bur. October 27, aged weeks Florence Armitage, bur. November 0, aged 8 days Thomas Stead, bur. November 23, aged 75 Hannah Scholes, bur. November 23, aged 43 William Maud, bur. November 25, aged G2 Annie Taylor, bur. November 29, aged 1 day Horace Peel, bur. January 5, aged 2 1883 Judith Ann Lupton, bur. January 9, aged 20 mos. Hannah Teal, bur. January 10, aged 59 Sarah Austin, bur. January 20, aged 70 Lilian Austin, bur. February 12, aged 7 mos. Fphraim Fletcher, bur. February 20, aged 8 John Fletcher, bur. February 23, aged 14 mos. John Foster, bur. February 28, aged mos. Nancy Taylor, bur. March 1, aged 34 Hannah Jackson, bur. March 5, aged 52 David Terry, bur. March 20, aged 87 Mary Walker, bur. March 20, aged 55 Charles William Scarth, bur. March 31, aged 5 mos. Emmanuel Bradley Butterworth, bur. April 20, aged 1 William Benson, bur. May 9, aged 02 Harold Glover, bur. May 12, aged mos. Grace Peterson, of Leeds, bur. July 12 Charles Henry Middlebrook, bur. July 27, aged 20 Mary Winterbottom, of Mirfield, bur. August 18, aged 17 Scholes Asquith, bur. August 20, aged 20 Laura Hainsworth, bur. August 29, aged 14 mos. Ruth Wilson, bur. September 21, aged 10 Lily Akero, bur. October 15, aged 4 Sarah Wilkinson, bur. November 5, aged 85 Harriet Crowther, bur. November 18, aged 02 Andrew Foster Shaw, bur. November 20, aged 5 mos. Mary Webster, of Morley Hall, bur. November 20, aged 05 Joshua Asquith, bur. November 20, aged 52 Evelyn Clougb, bur. December :i. aged 8 days Laura Appleyard, bur. December 8, aged 15 mos. Maria Glover, bur. December 17, aged 08 204 VOKI.KY i.I.I) OBAPKi, Henry Crowther, bur. February 1, aged 12 1884 Lionel Crowther, bur. February 18, aged 2 George Garforth, bur. February 14, aged <> I Mary Nicbolls, of Hunslet, bur. February 14, aged 82 Fanny Austin, bur. February 14, aged 1(5 mos. John Clough, of Leeds, bur. February 21 Paul Bradley, bur. February 21, aged 1!» Violetta Hirst, bur. March U, aged 17 Robert Thornton Brown, bur. April 1, aged 4 mos. Harold Scarth, bur. April 17, aged 3 Luke Pyrah Middlebrook, bur. April 21, aged 24 Ann Connor, bur. April 25, aged 15 mos. Tom Kirkland, bur. May 15, aged 15 mos. Robert Hepworth, of Southowram, bur. July 2, aged 51 Miranda Horn, bur. August 1, aged 7 Edward Speight, bur. September 5, aged 8 weeks Florence Ethel Ladley, bur. September 5, aged 2 John William Teale, bur. September 9, aged 5 Hannah Wilson, bur. September 9, aged 68 William Marshall, bur. September 18, aged 58 Alfred Waring, bur. September 20, aged 8 mos. Lillian Middlebrook, bur. September 28, aged 4 Nancy Glover, bur. October 10, aged 85 Fred Oakes, bur. October 20, aged 15 mos. Eliza Mary Davies, bur. October 24, aged 15 Milton Blakeley, bur. November 16, aged 18 Katie Teale, bur. December 3, aged 1 Mary Scatcherd, bur. December 19, aged 92 Amy Asquith, bur. January 8, aged 10 1885 Joseph Greenwood, bur. March 18, aged 74 George Speight, bur. March 80, aged 2 days Charlotte Stead, bur. April 21, aged 78 Fred Fletcher, bur. May 18, aged 8 weeks David Gaunt, bur. June 6, aged 74 Elizabeth Slack, bur. September 2, aged 58 Ann Ladley, bur. September 8, aged 52 Ramsden Wilkinson, bur. September 8, aged 5 mos. Richard Fox, bur. September 14, aged 61 Annie Westerman, bur. September 21, aged 2 Alma Woodhouse, bur. September 28, aged 14 mos. Ann Stables, bur. October 8, aged 59 Barnard Butterworth, bur. October 17, aged 17 Ruth Taylor, bur. October 27, aged 78 Joseph Butler, bur. November 17, aged 18 Ann Walker, bur. November 24, aged 52 Dorothy Barron, bur. December 5, aged 6 mos. Jane Scarth, bur. December 8, aged 41 i;k<;ister of ih'uiai.s. '20') Thomas Butler, died January 8, aged 21 1880 George Olivers, son of Richard Davies, died January 17, aged 16 mrs. Henry Austin, died January 25, aged 49 Sarah, widow of John Bywater, died March 20, aged HH Alfred Toulson, died April 4, aged 37 Rehecca, wife of Joshua Rhodes, died April 10, aged 85 Clara, dan. of Mark Akers, died April 10, aged 10 Rebecca, widow of Samuel Asquith, died May 4, aged 79 Charlotte Butler, died July 17,, aged 7 William Lumb, died July 25, aged 54 Eliza, wife of William Benson, died July 31, aged 65 Walter Barron, died August 19, aged 3 Amy Cookson, died September 17, aged 14 weeks Joseph Dykes, died September 30, aged 83 James Taylor, died October 30, aged 7U Martha, dau. of Beckwith Wilson, died November 20, aged 59 Nathaniel Hartley, died December 1, aged 34 William Austin, died December 11, aged 74 James Walter Shaw, died December 13, aged 38 Emma, wife of William Sykes, died December 20, aged 74 Wdliam Stables, died January 8, aged 07 l ss 7 William Clough, died January 23, aged 55 Annis Naylor, died February 20, aged 4 Hannah Marshall, died March 19, aged 50 John Asquith, died March 21, aged 72 Leonard Waterhouse, died March 27, aged 3 days Mary^Tempest, died April 8, aged 9 days Clara Foster, died April 19, aged 20 mos. Mary Akers, died April 20, aged 80 William Austin, died May 20, aged 3 Sydney Hartley, died June 2, aged 13 mos. Robert Harold Naylor, died August 23, aged 18 mos. James William Wilson, died September 8, aged 18 Elizabeth Hardwick Asquith, of Gildersome, died September 9, aged 35 James Hartley Sykes, died November 7, aged 73 Louisa, dau. of Thomas Oldroyd, died November 11, aged 28 Jane Carr, died November 22, aged 88 Sarah Rodley, died December 21, aged 74 Hannah Lassey, died December 27, aged 87 Dennis Handcock, died January 1, aged 11 mos. 1888 Edith, dau. of Edward Foster, died January 18, aged 10 Charlotte Wells, died February 1, aged 70 Maria Butterworth, died February 1, aged 18 Joseph Rhodes, died February 20. aged I John Glover, died February 28, aged 72 ::-.;_ .\.l l. •:..■;;-■_ *.:., ..--v.;,... .;.:.-.:::. J> -.,^^i>v:^: •■■. KM | Jnsrrtpttans un ©ombstanes in tin* ROM the year 1662, until the end of the seventeenth century, the Old Chapel was in the possession of the Established Church, and the Register lor that period is not available, nor is the Register from 1700 to 1750 with the Topcliffe Register, hut in order to supply, in some measure, this deficiency, we have in a former part of this work* given copies of the inscriptions on all the gravestones in the Old Chapel burying ground, previous to A.D. 1700, and we give below copies of inscriptions, dating from A.D. 1700 to 1750, when the Register commences, thus enabling our readers to trace many of the families named in the Register, back to the middle of the seventeenth century. Here lyeth the body of Thomas Scatcherd, of Morley, who departed this life, the 20th day' of May, 1700. Here resteth the body of Thomas, the only son of Mr. Joseph Dawson, of Roch- dale in Lancashire, who was born December 13th 1702, and deceased November Bid 1706. Under this stone is also deposited the body of the ltev. Mr. Joseph Dawson,! of Rochdale in Lancashire, who departed this life the 15th of April, 1739, in the 72nd year of his age. * See ante, pp. 19-51. t"J. Dawson: He became minister at Rochdale and died there. April 15th. 1739, having been minister there about 40 years. He was ordained Jane 7, 1093, at Mr. Franfeland's. Rathraell, by O. Heywood, Frankland, Dawson (bis father), Carrington of Lancaster and Puncheon of Iiossendale, in Westmoreland. He then preached at Harford, near Richmond in Yorkshire, but afterwards removed to Rochdalo."— Hunter's O.H., p. 379. INSCRIPTIONS ON GRAVESTONES. 207 Here lieth the body of Mehcy, late wife of John Margerison of Drighlington, who departed this life, the 12th day of April, in the 63rd year of her age, 1704, Memento Mori. Here lieth interred the body of Nehemiaii Wood* of Gildersome, yeoman, he died the 26th of October, 1707, in the — year of his age. Also John, his son who died the 26th of September. 1707, in the 17th year of his age. Adjacent lies the body of Jeremiah Smith, who died the 18th of March, 1711, in the 15th year of his age. Also here was interred the body of Hannah the wife of Nehemiah Wood, who died on the 29th of February, 1752, in tbe 83rd year of her age Here lieth the body of Edward Richardson, of Morley, who dyd October 28th, 1711, JE. 39 years. Mary, his daughter who died September 28, 1744, JE. 36 years. Sabah his wife dyd ye 18th of March, 1757, Jfi. 74 years. Here lyeth interred the body of Rebeckah late wife of John Birkhead of Gilder- some, who departed this life the 19th of December, Anno. Dom. 1714. Also here lieth the body of Rebeckah the wife of John Milneb, of Gildersome, who departed this life, the 23rd day of January, 1733, in the 52nd year of her age. Here's interred the body of Elizabeth, the wife of Matthew Scar herd of Morley who deptd this life the 25th day of August, 1715, and in the 84th year of her age. Also Jane the daughter of Samuel Scatcherd of Morley, who died ye 27th day of March 1719, in the first year of her age. Also Thomas, ya son of ye above«J Samuel who died September ye 18th, 1721, in ye lirst year of his age. Also Mary, y daughter of Samuel Scatcherd who died Feby. ye 15th, 1732, in the 12th yea! of her age. Here lieth interned the body of Ann Lax, of Morley, who departed this life, the 20th day of May, Anno. Dom. 1716. Here was interred the body of Samuel Webster, of Rooms, senior, who departed this life the 9th day of January in the 68th year of his age, Anno Domini, 1717. Here also lieth adjacent the body of Lima, the wife of Samuel Webster, of Rooms, who died the 15th day of April, 1721, in the 70th year of her age. Samuel Wersier died June 10th, 1766, aged 75 years. Here lyeth interred the body of Thomas Medcalf, of Morley, who departed this life, September 29th, Anno Dom. 1717. Here's interred the body of Mr. Henuy Greatheed,! of Gildersome, who de- parted life the 5th day of July. 1718, in the 60th year of his age. Also Martha the wife of ye above Henry who died the 15th day of August, 1722, in the 71st year of her age. Here lieth the body of William Robuck,} of Morley, who departed this life the 17th day of September, 1720, in the 63rd year of his age. Also Rachel, the wife of William Robuck, who departed this life the 12th day of June, Auo. Dom. 1725, in the 67th year of her age. Here also was interred the body of Sabah Dawson, wife of John Dawson, of Tcpclifl", who departed this life the 8th day of February, in the 79th year of her age, Anno. Dom. 1763. Here was interred the body of Hannah, the wife of Thomas, of Morley, who departed this life, the 10th day of May, Anno Dom. 1721. Here lieth interred the body of John Crowther, of Churwell, who departed this life the 24th day of September, in the 85th year of his age, A.D. 1721. Abo the body of Elizabeth the wife of Samuel Crowther, of Morley Lane Side, who de- parted this life, the 31st day of October, 1765, aged 70 years. Here also lieth the body of the abovesaid Samuel Crowtiikr who died the 12th day of December, 1773 aged 78 years. • " Married Hannah, one of tho daughters of Major Oreathead."— Scatcubrd's Morlr^, p. HO. t A descendant of Major Joshua Orcuthuul. See unlr y. :;j, : " Wihiaui Roebuck, Morley uud Rachel fosse (!) of Top liff married, Nov. \i, 1679."— Ath year of his age. On the south side of this stone lyes the body of Mrs. Lydia Dawson, daughter of the said John Dawson, who died September 2nd, 1764, aged 57. Also Ann, relict of the said John Dawson, who died the 2nd of July, 1767, in the 89th year of her age. At the foot lies Anderson Dawson, au infant, 7th April, 1743. Here was interred the body of Thomas Hemsworth, of Morley who departed this life, the 14th day of January, 1743, in the 81st year of his age. Here also lieth the body of Hannah, wife of the abovesaid Thomas Hemsworth, who departed this life the 15th day of December, 17")0 in the 82nd year of her age. Also Thomas Hemsworth his sou, who departed this life, the 15th day of July, 1758 in the 54th year of his age. Here was interred the body of Elizabeth, the wife of Robert Park, of Morley who departed this life, the 13th day of October, 1743, in the 29th year of her age. Here also lyeth Ann, daughter of the said Robert Park, who died the 7th day of December, in the 6th year of her age, Anno. Dom. 1745. Here also is interred tho body of John, son of the abovesaid Robert Park, who died the 6th day of November, Anno. Dom. 1746, in the 5th year of his age. Here lieth tho body of Mary, tho daughter of Thomas Bywater, who diod tho 20th day of May 1747, in tho 2nd year of her ago. Also Josei-h, son of the above- 210 OLD ( uai'ki. <;i;ayky.vkd. said Thomas, who died the 10th day of March, 1760, iu the 21st year of his age. Also Maiitha, wife of the ahovesaid Thomas By water who died Decemher 25th, 1786, iu the 72nd year of her age. Hero was interred the hody of John Brown, of Morley, who departed this life the 18th day of January, 1749, in the 76th year of his age. Also Elizaheth, wife of the ahovesaid John Brown, who diod Decemher the 28th, 1750 in the 73rd year of her ago. Also Thomas, son of John Bx-owu, who died September 11th, 1753, iu the 53rd year of his age. Also Thomas, son of Isaac Brown, who died May the 17th, 1753, in the 4th year of his ige. Hero lieth the hody of John, the son of Joseph- Westerman, who died Octoher the 9th, 1749, in the 1st year of his age. Here lyeth the hody of Nathaniel Slack, who died the 12th of January, 1754, in the 38th year of his age. Hero lieth, the hody of Joseph, the son of Joseph Sales, who died the 17th day of July, 1756, in the 5th year of his age. Here lyeth the hody of James Fox, of Morley, who died the 22nd day of Septemher, iu the 23rd year of his age, Anno. Dom. 1756. Also John Fox, brother of the ahove- said James Fox, who died Oct 31st, 1883, aged 85 years. Hero lieth the hody of Samuel Scott, of Morley, who departed this life, j* 28th day of Decemher, 1756, in ye 67th year of his age. Also Mary, his wife, who died the 14th day of February, 1729-30. Here also lieth the hody of Ann Hague, second wife of the ahovesaid Samuel Scott and late wife of Joseph Hague, who departed this life, the 28th day of January, 1767, in the 75th year of her age. Here lieth the hody of Sarah, wife of John' Booth, of Gildersome, who departed this life, the 17th day of Septemher, 1757, in the 55th year of her age. Also the body of John Booth, of Gildersome, who died July 22ud, 1783, aged 67 years. Here lieth interred the hody of Martha, the wifo of Joseph Webster, of Morley, who departed this life, the 12th day of June, 1758, iu the 31st year of her age. (Compiled by the Editor.) Often a Surname occurs more than once on the same page. Aaron, 93, 104, 178. Abberford, 26. Abbot, 21. Acton, 177. Addy, 76. Ainley. 195, 196. Aked, 177, 189, 190, 199. Akeroyd, Ackroyd, 62, 63, 195. Akers, 203, 205. Aldred, Aired, Alrid, 46, 98, 116, 119, 120. Allan, Alan, Allein, Allin, Allon, 102, 115, 116, 135, 137. Almond, Almon, 96, 136, 139, 1 12, 147, 152, 153. Ambler, Amblor, 15, 100, 102, 103, 105, 110, 129,131. Amery, 189. Anderton, 45, 98. Anderson, 148. Angerom, Angrom, 12, 14. Ann, Princess, 34. Appleyard, Appalyard, Applavard. Aplf- yard. 54, 55, 56, 57, 63, 64, 66, 75, 77, 80, 84, 86, 105, 110, 116, 121, 133, 134, 149, 150, 153, 154, 157, 172, 187, 191, 203. Armitage, Armitigc, Armitig, 15, 52, 100, 104, 150, 203. Arundel, Arundill, 4, 14, 15. Asqnith, alias Sparling. A.^kwith, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21. 32, 33, 37, 61, 66, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79, 82, 83, 80, 87, 88, 89, 94, 95, 90, 100, 107, 109, 112, 126, 128, 129, 130, 132, 134, 135, 139, 142, 145, 147, 148, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 174, 176, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205. Atba, Etha, 145, 150. Atkinson, Atkeson, Atckinson, 5, 12, 13, 14, 30, 72, 81, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 110, 111, 120, 138, 155. Austerbury, 23 Austin, Austen, 73, 108, 128, 188, 189, 190, 192, 190, 201, 203, 204, 205, Auty, 129. Ave-vard, Aueward, 32, 60, 114. Ayre, Eyre, 120, 137. B. Baildon, 132, 131. Bailey, Bayley, Bailv. Balev, 19, 44, 49, 98, 100. Baiubridge, 50. Baines. 200. Baits, 116. Balme, 3, 15. H ilinforth, Bainfortb, Balmfot, Balm- fotb, Balmfirth, Balmortli, 52, 53, 71, 100, 104, 105, 106, 107, 115, 116, 125, 126, 130, 136, 139. Banks, Baucko, Bank, 9, 28, 61, 02, 04, 65, 00, 07, 09, 72, 74, 75, 79, 80, 82, 83, 101. 109, 110, 117, 119, 120, 123, 124, 127, 135, 140, 143, 1 I.'. L50, 151, 152, 155, 158, 160, 165, 166. 172, 182, 193, 200. Bardslov, 38, 39. Barker. J. I. 185, 136. Barnes, Barns, 45, 52, 53, 98, 102, 104, 111, 124, 132, 184 Baraett, 100, 104. Barraclough, Barrowclough, 57, 171, 212 INDEX OF BUBNAMES. 179, 182, 185„ 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193. Barms, Barrass, 17, 21, 54, 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 76, 78, 81, 108, 123, 195, 131, 152, 159, 165, 168, 179. Barron, 68, 71, 73, 75, 77, 89, 126, 130, 145, 154, 157. 158, 160, 163, 170, 176, 179, 180, 182, 184, 186, 187, 188, 191, 102, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 204, 905. Barrow, 156. Barstow, 190. Batley, Battley, 52, 54, 101, 104, 105, 106, 110, 112, 113, 142, 151. Batty, 7, 21. Baxter, 14, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79. 80, 81, 83, 84, 87, 96, 128, 135, 139, 145, 148, 153, 160, 167, 168, 184, 191. Beal, 194. Bcaamont, Beamont, Beamon, 14, 19, 23, 50, 119. Bedford, 192. Beeston, 113. Beevers, 64. Beldon, 173, 174. Bell, 13. Bellhouse, Bellows, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89. Bellwood, 201, 202. Ben, Benn, 67, 70, 72, 137, 144, 145. Benuit, Bennett, 102, 179. Benson, 91, 95, 96, 97, 176, 178, 181, 185, 191, 193, 203, 205. Bentley 128, 158, 163, 179, 180, 186, 188, 199, 200. Best, 181. Bilborough, Bilsborough, Bilsbrough, Bilbrongh, Bilsbrow, 54, 70, 72, 74, 76, 79, 80, 103, 122, 124, 125, 130, 134, 145, 150, 156, 163, 165, 166, 187. Binks, 58, 60, 61, 68, 69, 72, 74, 77, 80, 82, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 100, 102, 105, 107, 109, 116, 119, 126, 129, 134, 138, 139, 141, 144, 146, 149, 166, 179, 191. Binns, Bins, 73, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 139, 143. Birkbeck, 11. Birkhead, 102, 105, 108, 115, 207. Birled, 13, 18. Birtbie, 28. Blackbnrn, Blackbume, Blagbnme, 14, 18, 70, 75, 76, 83, 86, 107, 123, 129, 209. Blakeley, Blackley, 93, 155, 184, 201, 203, 204. Blacklock, 79. Blamires, Blamiers, Blaymires, 61, 65, 66, 70, 116, 137, 138, 145, 146, 153 154, 157. Bolland, Bollon, Bollons, It, 15, .":',, 99, 106. Booth, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 81, 103, 107, .108, 111. 122, 124, 126, 128, 131, 149, 167, 169, 208, 210. Boothbv, 198. Bonld, Bold, 110, 129. Boulton, 32. Bowling, 67, 73. Boyle, Boole, 20, 148. Bradley, 13, 14, 19, 20, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 74, 78, 80, 84, 90, 103, 108, 112, 116, 118, 119, 121, 124, 127, 131, 132, 135, 138, 140, 141, 141, 152, 182, 187, 188, 193, 195, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 2J4. Bradshaw, 125, 126. Bragg, 77, 81, 83, 134, 163, 166, 170, 171, 177, 180, 182, 196, 197, 199, 201, 202. Bramraa, Bramhal, Bramhall, Bram- mall, 74, 75, 78, 80, 82, 86, 87, 89, 130, 135, 142, 157, 166. Brerah, 15, 16. Briggs, Brigg, Brige, Briges, 12, 13, 14, 20, 56, 73, 75, 77, 79, 80, 82, 108, 110, 111, 115, 128, 131, 147, 150, 155, 156, 162, 163, 164, 170, 171, 175, 182, 185, 187, 191, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199. Briscoo, Briscoe, Briskeum, 60, 114, 20(> Broadbent, Broadbelt, 56, 58, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 96, 100, 107, 110, 124, 127, 128, 130, 131, 139, 142, 145, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 154, 156, 157, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 168, 170, 172, 174, 175, 176, 178, 180, 184, 188, 189, 192, 194, 195, 107. Broadhead, 60, 61, 78, 86, 88, 114, 124, 129, 131, 143, 147, 150. Broadley, 149. Brogdin, 104. Brook, Brooke, 42, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73, 79, 88, 90, 91, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 122, 124, 130, 131, 132, 143, 146, 148, 150, 152, 153, 156, 159, 162, 164, 166, 170, 171, 174, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 184, 186, 187, 188. 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198, 201, 202, 208. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 213 Brooksbank, 6, 15, 20, 147, 148. Brown, 56, 58, 59, 63, 75, 92, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 112, 113, 114, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 141, 144, 170, 171, 173, 182, 184, 185, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 210. Brummit, 92, 120. Bryden, 92, 94, 95, 97, 158, 166, 171, 186, 189. Buchan, 200. Buckingham, 2, 32. Buckley, Buckle, 36, 105, 110, 112, 124, 133, 137, Bunny, 4. Burkit, 139. Burnil, Burnkill, 22, 28, 10] , 106. Burrow, 59, 116, 117. Bushby (? Rushby), 101, 108, 109. Butler, 155, 196, 204, 205. Butterworth, 17, 65, 66, 68, 70, 73, 87, 91, 108, 110, 127, 133, 137, 139, 142, 150, 154, 161, 164, 166, 170, 171, 173, 174, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 183, 186, 188, 190, 193, 195, 196, 198, 199, 200, 202, 203, 204, 205, Buttrey, Buttry, 150, 160, 193, 196, 201. Bywater, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 88. 89, 103, 110, 164, 167, 170, 191, 192, 198, 200, 201, 202, 205, 209. Cain, 181. Calamy, 3, 50. Carcey, 58, 110. Carr, 188, 201, 205. Carter, 84, 87, 111, 121, 138, 139, 146, 148, 167. Cass, 131. Casson, 20. Castleton, 32. Cave, 100. Cawthray, Cauthray, 123, 136. Chadwick, Chaddwick, Chaddick, 60, 76, 113, 114, 116, 119, 123, 128, 129, 132, 147, 154, 170, 180, 183, 185, 186, 196. Chapman, 198. Chappell, Chapel, Chappel, 89, 90, 100, 104, 110, 118, 120, 121, 138, 144, 146, 188, 190. Charles I., 10, 26; II., 51. Charlesworth, 191, 195, 198. Chichester, 2. Child, 108, 198. Clapham, 109. Clark, 17, 27, 41, 45, 46, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 71, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80. 84, 93, 99, 100, 10:', 103, 104, 105, 107, 109, 110, 113, 117, 118, 119, 120, 125, 127, 131, 134, 135, 137, 139, 141, 143, 148, 149, 162, 165, 176, 201. Clarkson, 100. Clayton, 198. Clegg, 78, 81, 84, 85, 157, 159, 161, 185. Cliff, Cliffe, 76, 81, 83, 135, 136, 137, 165, 172, 173, 174, 188, 189. Clifton, 78, 130, 134. Cloudesley, 14. Clough, 91, 93, 95, 102, 115, 132, 150, 151, 152, 155, 156, 158, 160, 163, 164, 166, 167, 170, 172, 174, 181, 182, 184, 185, 187, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 200, 202, 204, 205. Cockerham, 67, 68, 95, 121, 131, 143, 153, 174. Cockill, 152. Coifa, 25. Colbeck, 95, 96, 97. Collet, Collett, Colley, 53, 54, 81, 103. Collinson, Collison, Colison, 62, 113, 119, 141, 145, 160. Connor, 204. Cook, Cooke, 163, 170, 173, 176, 179. Cookson, 205. Copley, 29. Cordel, 10. Cotton, 1 Craister, 3, 4, 51, 209- Craven, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 114, 124, 130. Croft, 73, 101, 107, 111, 115, 120, 125, 130. 143. Croisdale, 196. Cromack, Crumack, Cromak, Crumock, Crummack, 52, 53, 55, 68, 99, 100, 101, 105, 106, 107, 119, 120, 129. Cromwell, 35, 36, 51. Crooker, 27, 87, 139, 170, 172, 175, 209. Crosland, Crossland, 131, 143, 148. Crowther, 27, 28, 30, 32, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 08, 69, 85, 96, 102, 103, 105, 107, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 125, 136, 138, 139, 141, 145, 146, 185, 194. 199, 202, 203, 204, 207. Cryer, Crier, 20, 21, 99, 100, 103, 209. Currer, 113. Darnbrough,60, 100, 102, 104, 106, 114. 214 INDEX OF BURNAME8. Dambrook, 118, 128, 132. Dartmouth, Earl of, 178. Dusscy (? Lassey), 93. DavieB, 204, 905. Dawson, 2, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 27, 30, 33, 46, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 58, 61, 75, 76, 78, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 98, 100, 101, 112, 115, 117, 125, 128, 130, 200, 207. Day, 16, 17, 56, 59, 88, 90, 91, 92, 126, 196. Dean, 67, 126, 129. Dee, 10. Denison, 78. Denton, 185. Dews, 183, 185. Dickenson, Dickinson, Dickison, 30,32, 53, 65, 70, 72, 74, 77, 91, 105, 126, 160, 161, 163, 165, 171, 175, 177, 184, 186, 187, 197. Diggne, 117. Dighton, Deighton, Deeton, 101, 113, 157, 165. Dixon, Dickson, 15, 27, 33, 53, 54, 55, 58, 61, 63, 73, 74, 76, 92, 93, 99, 100, 101, 102, 106, 108, 115, 116, 174, 176, 182, 185, 195. Dobson, 99, 100. Dockray, Dockrah, 139, 149. Dodgson, DodgeBon, Dodshnn, Dodg- shun, 57, 58, 72, 75, 76, 79, 111, 116, 127, 129, 132, 135, 154, 157, 174. Drake, Drak, 60, 109, 182. Drylic, 176. Dugdale, 11. Dnncan, 98. Dunckley, 200. Dunderdale, Dunderdill, 73, 74, 76, 79, 81, 91, 94, 95, 96, 136, 159, 160, 164, 165. Dnnwell, Dnnill, 109, 195. Dykes, Dikes, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 142, 156, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 172, 181, 185, 192, 195, 199, 205. E. Eastwood, 55, 56, 61, 64. 65, 70, 71, 73, 75, 77, 78, 80, 91, 107, 124, 126, 127, 134, 136, 137, 138, 142, 150, 151, 155, 159, 162, 168, 171, 184. Eddison. 129. Edward II. 26. Edwin, King, 25. Elam, 92, 93. Ellis, Elliss, 21, 28, 30, 32, 33, 36, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 87, 91, 93, 94, 96, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 119, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 122, 123, 125, 196, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 163, 154, 156, 158, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167. 169, 172, 173, 174, 177, 184, 191, 200, 208, 209. Elmsall, 116, 129, 132. Elston, Ealston, 5, 17, 20, 21, 22. Elswick, 133, 141, 144. Emit, 106. Esope, 23. Etherington, 98. Eure, 6. Evors, 65, 68, 72, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 124, 135, 139, 141, 142, 143, 148, 149, 150. 154, 155, 157, 159, 165, 166, 167. • Eyre, Ape, 120, 137. Fairfax, 30. Farrah, 113, 122. Fawcett, Fawcet, 32, 84, 96, 147, 167, 169, 170, 175, 176, 177, 183, 185, 187, 188, 189, 191, 196, 197. Fenton, 60, 73, 106, 118. Ferrand, 34. Field, 108, 115, 163, 173, 177, 179. Firth, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 74, 77, 78, 79, 81, 83, 93, 115, 118, 121, 123, 126, 132, 147, 152, 153, 154, 167, 169, 178. Fittan, 129, 131. Fletcher, 44, 93, 95, 96. 100, 103, 121, 145, 156, 158, 180, 191, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199, 203, 204. Fobs, 21. 22. Foster, Forster, Fostard, Fosterd, 41, 47, 48, 52, 53, 54, 56, 60, 61, 68, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 101, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 121, 122, 129, 131, 134, 135, 136, 138, 142, 143, 145, 148, 149, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 158, 162, 163, I 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 173, 175, 178, 179, 181, 182, 185, 186, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198, 199, 202, 203, 205. Fothergill, 27, 54, 66, 67, 69, 72, 74, 77, 80, 92, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 111, 122, 125, 143, 146, 153, 155, 161, 162, 163, 164, 174, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195, 196, 208. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 215 Fountain, 40. Fowler, 179. Fox, 45, 57, 61, 62, 63, 66, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 77, 82, 88, 89, 90, 91, 96, 98, 101, 103, 104, 107, 110, 114, 117, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 132, 142, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 157, 161, 162, 166. 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 192, 193, 194, 198, 201, 204. Fozard, Fozzard, 30, 142, 157. Frankland, 206. Freeman, 192, 104. G. Gaines, 70. Gambles, 200. Gammell, 36, 116. Gardiner, Garner, 159, 162, 168. Garforth, Gartirth, Garfort, Garford, 56, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 65, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 110, 114, 116, 120, 123, 130, 133, 136, 143, 146, 149, 164, 174, 176, 194, 204. Gargrave, 14. Garnett, Garnet, Garnit, 53, 62, 63, 67, 69, 72, 77, 79, 81, 82, 86, 87, 90, 92, 93, 94. 95, 96, 97, 101, 103, 104, 112, 117, 118, 125, 126, 132, 135, 137, 140, 143, 144, 147, 153, 151, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 170, 173, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 189, 190, 193, 200. Garth, 81. Gath, 91, 143, 177, 180, 181, 195, 197, 201. Gaunt, Gont, 53, 54, 55, 61, 62, 64, 66, 69, 71, 74, 76, 77, 80, 82, 85, 86, 100, 105, 106, 107, 111, 124, 132, 133, 135, 136, 139, 141, 143, 146, 154, 156, 172, 173, 174, 178, 187, 197, 198, 201, 202, 204. Gauthtbrow, 114. GUI, 105, 114, 138, 148. Gilpin, 86, 87. Gilson, 106. Gisburn, Guisburn, 69, 70, 73, 77, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 123, 127, 131, 141, 143, 148, 153, 179. Gledhill, Gleadhill, Gliedhill, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 73, 107, 122. GlendiUin, 115, Glover, 52, 56, 87, 88, 171, 191, 197, 201, 203, 204, 205. Godherd, 175. Goff, 196. Goodall, Goodhall, Goodill, 70, 137, 168. Goodhath, Goodheath, 68, 123, 126. Gomersal, Gomersall, 76, 78, 80, 84, 85, 93, 94, 97, 102, 120, 123, 128, 130, 134, 136, 153, 155, 161, 178. Gosling, Goslin, Golin, 61, 62, 112, 113, 116, 124, 145. Gould, 200. Grace, 155, 158, 159, 162, 163. Graffard, 8. Greaves, Graves, Graues, 14, 78. Green, 54, 130. Greenwood, 90, 158, 162, 174, 170, 177, 182, 184, 185, 188, 199, 202, 204. Gregory, 165. Gregson, Grcckson, 55, 57, 101, 105, 108, 109, 112, 124, 143. Greathead, Greatheed, 28, 30, 32, 207. Griffiths 175. Gudson, 102. Guest, 180. Guile, 150. II. Hagger, Haggor, 101, 108, 117. Haigh, Hague, Hage, 13, 17, 32, 46, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 66, 107, 108, 109, 115, 122, 127, 132, 133, 134, 138, 139. Hainsworth, Ainsworth, 70, 123, 124, 131, 199, 200, 203. Haley, Hayley, 21, 64, 155. Hall, 58, 61, 63, 64, 65, 84, 85, 88, 89, 91, 94, 95, 107, 109, 111, 112, 114, 116, 119, 139, 142, 143, 160, 168, 169, 172, 182, 184, 201. Halliday, Holliday, Halleyday, 50, 154, 188, 189, 192, 194, 197. Hamilton, 170. Handcock, 205. Hardaker, Hardacro, 74, 76. Hanlcastle, Hardcastel, Hardcastal, Hardcastale, 18, 54, 68, 73, 75, 80, 82, 87, 88, 89, 91, 99, 102, 106, 107, 108, 109, 112, 128, 129, 130, 134, 135, 136, 137, 144, 147, 155, 158, 160, 166, 185. Hardwick, 156. Hargreave, Haregreave, Hargrave, Hargrgraw, Hargreaves, 2, 12, 13, 14, 75, 77, 85, 87, 89, 127, 128, 139, 142, 152, 159, 161, 163. Harris, Harres, 2, 58*, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 68, 99, 103, 108, 109, 110, 111, 115, 120, 125, 129, 144. Harrison, 68, 74, 78, 101, 108, 136, 140. Hartley, 52, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 216 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 92, 93, 95, 96, 102, 106, 107, 114, 116, 117, 119, 122, 126, 127, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 140, 150, 152, 153, 155, 157, 158, 161, 162, 164, 165, 172, 174, 175, 180, 184, 185, 189, 190, 191, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 205. Hathaye, 143. Hawden, 50. Hawkesworth, 22, 23. Hawworth, 99. Hazzlewood, Heasolwood, Hazzlwood, Hezzlewood, 62, 74, 77, 79, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 130, 142, 147, 162, 177, 180. Heald, 15, 16,' 75. Heard, 114. Hoaton, Hetou, 8, 61, 62, 89, 117, 129, 147, 151, 159, 168, 170. Hebden, 192, 199. Helliwell, 152, 166, 172, 179, 180, 183, 184, 186, 190, 201, 203. Hcmiuinah, 117. Hemsworth, 27, 33, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 101, 104, 109, 111. Henry I., 9 ; VII., 4; VIII., 4, 7, 9. Hepworth, Heprays, Hepproh, Hep- prah, Hepprhs, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 100, 105, 106, 107, 111, 112, 169, 189, 192, 193, 204. Hesketh, Hesket, 5, 6, 104. Hey, 61. Heywood, Heawood, Haywood, 2, 3, 18, 19, 54, 55, 56, 59, 104, 105, 116, 127, 160, 163, 164, 206. Hill, 189. Hilton, 170, 171, 180. Hinchliff, Hinslif, Hinceliffe, Hinsliff, Hincliff, Incliff, 56, 61, 64, 99, 102, 103, 114, 118, 120, 137, 139, 144, 151, 159, 160, 161, 164, 178, 197, 208. Hirst, Hurst, 60, 69, 70, 71, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 95, 116, 118, 121, 123, 128, 132, 134, 1 Q 9, 141, 142, 144, 145, 147, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 171. 174, 176, 178, 179, 186, 194, 196, 200, 201, 202, 204. Hodgson, Hodgshon, 6, 14, 15, 30, 72, 74, 113, 151. Holdswortk, Houldesworth, Houlds- worth, Holsworth, 2, 3, 5, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 101, 108, 166, 151, 157, 167, 176, 187. Hollings, 33, 45, 74, 77, 79, 80, 82, 135, 150, 161, 174, 189. Hollingworth, 134. Holman, 96, 161, 163, 167. Holmes, Holms, 65, 67, 69, 76, 79, 126, 128, 146, 148, 157, 177, 190. Holstead, Halstead, 133, 147, 166, 190. Hooker, 159. Hopkins, 112, 114, 115, 120. Hopperton, 127, 133. Hornby, Hornbey, 156. Homcastle, 72, 78, 130, 131. Homo, Horn, 54, 58, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71, 85, 104, 105, 144, 155, 160, 167, 174, 176, 184, 185, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 197, 203, 204. Horner, Hornor, 53, 55, 56, 57, 102. Horraby, Horaby, 122, 132. Horsfield, Horsfild, Horsfall, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 91, 92, 113, 127, 143, 145, 155, 165, 186, 187, 194. Horsman, 148. Hough, 108. Houghton, 3. Hoult, 182. Houseman, 148. Howan, 134. Howard, 146. Howett, Howet, 146, 147, 151, 154, 157. Howton, 103. Hudson, 59, 72, 73, 75, 88, 115, 123, 131, 136, 139, 142, 157, 167, 169, 171. Hudswell, 91, 98, 169, 170, 173. Hunter, 206. Huntington, 51. I. Illiugworth, 62, 83, 84, 85, 94, 116. 133, 136, 137, 139, 159, 161, 170, 190. Ineson, Hinesou, 100, 102, 106. Ingham, 52, 53, 81, 83, 85, 100, 126, 135, 148, 150, 157, 160, 163. Inman, 67, 120. Ismay, 118. J. Jackson, 14, 15, 33, 53, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 80, 83, 101, 102, 105, 110, 111, 112, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 130, 131, 133, 137, 138, 140, 141, 143, 144, 146, 147, 151, 152, 153, 156, 161, 164, 172, 175, 185, 186, 187, 198, 203. Jagger, 90, 91, 93, 196. James I., 26, 34. Jarves, 141. INDEX OF ST'RXAMKS. 217 Jefferson, 105, 111, 114. Johnson, 150, 152, 155, 156, 162, 167. Jollie, 5. Jones, 13, 91, 94, 152, 155, 163. Jourdan, 183. Jowett, Jowet, Jowiet Jouet, 13, 14, 202. Jubb, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 124, 132, 138, 141, 147, 150, 165. K. Kay, 34. Kellet, Cellit, Celit, 61, 63, 100, 105, 106, 116, 122, 192, 194. Kenworthy, 92, 154. Kilvington, 186. King, 169, 174, 175, 179, 183. Kirk, Kirkby, 100, 101, 105, 155, 166, 190, 201. Kirkland, 203, 204. Kitson, 96, 180. Knighton, Neetson, 42, 92, 153, 190, 197, 202. Knollys, 3. Knowles, Nonls, 111, 112, 152, 154, 164, 172, 187. Koppindall, 31. L. Lacy, 26. Ladley, 192, 194, 199, 202, 204. Lake, 2. Land, Laund, 67, 118, 119, 125, 147. Lantland, Lontland, 75, 128. Lassey, Lassy, Lasse, 59, 61, 78, 80 v 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 106, 109, 113, 114, 118, 134, 135, 138, 149, 154, 156, 158, 161, 163, 165, 167. 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 176, 179, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 194, 197, 198, 201, 202, 205. Lawrence, Lawrens, 66, 71, 76, 80, 84, 86, 87, 124, 146, 149, 179. Lawson, 54, 67, 72, 74, 77, 79, 103, 121, 123, 127, 128, 139, 142, 155, 157, 180. Lawton, 174. Lax, 5, 104, 112, 207. Leadbeater, Leabeater, 16, 112. Leathley, 17, 52, 51, 55, 56, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 72, 99, 109, 110, 112, 119, 121, 122. 126, 127, 131, 133, 136, 137, 138. 140, 141, 146, 150, 156, 159, 174, 176, 189, 190, 191, 202, 208, 209. Ledgurd, 186. Legh, Leghe, 7. Leivison, 57. Leland, 9, 14. Levers, 194. Lindsay, Linsay, 79, 80, 131, 132. Linley, Lindley, 13, 18, 19, 78, 86. Lister, 2, 6, 12, 22, 23, 27. 68. 69, 73, 106, 108, 114, 116, 121, 123, 126, 128, 129. 132, 133, 136, 138, 139, 144, 146, 151, 165, 182, 186, 195, 208. Littlewood, 50. 101. Lobley, 170, 191. Lockwood, 123. Locock, 63, 61, 65, 66, 68, 146, 147, 166, 181. Lodge, Loodg, Lodg, 58, 59, 103, 104, 111, 112, 115. Lofthouse, Loftus, 132, 146, 155, 157, 161, 183. Longbottom, 6, 57, 59, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 76, 83, 117, 124, 125, 137, 138, 148, 149. Longcaster, 116. Longley, 53, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 81, 83, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 105, 118, 121, 128, 129, 138, 156, 178, 189, 192, 195, 20), 201. Lord, 100. Loughborough, 46, 125. Lowther, 34. Lucas, 98. Lumb, 64, '205. Lumby, 55. Lupton, 197, 199, 203. M. Magdonil, 56. Malthonso, 78, 82. Man, 66. Margerison, 207. Marsden, 19, 138, 176, 179. Marshall, 1, IS, 13. 14, 77, 79, 81, 84, 88, 91, 93, 95, 125. 130, 132, 133, 134, 142, 149, 153, 179, 181, 182, 184, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 195, 204, 205. Mathers, 148. Matthews. Mathow, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, .V.l. 65, 87, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112. Maud, Maude, 60, 62, 85, 86, 88, 89, 91, '.13. 94, 95, 111, 130, 131, 137. 111. 1.V2, 156, 157, 174, 177, 180, 181, 185, 190, 202, 203. Medley, 127. Megson, 94, 95. Meldrum, 126. Merritt. 8S. Metcalfe, Modcalf, Modculfc, 50, 207. Meyer Miall, 29. CO 218 IM.I \ OF BUBNAME8. Middlebrook, 87, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 185, 139, 141, 144, 145, 148, 154, 181, 184, 185, 191, 192, 196, 199, 202, 203, 204. Midgley, 75, 80, 107, 110, 111, 127. Mills, 197, 198, 199. Milner, Millner, Milnor, Miller, 61, 81, 82, 84, 106, 133, 136, 138, 142, 143, 144, 180, 198, 207. Mitchell, 75, 78, 80, 82, 123, 153, 158, 166, 168, 170, 172, 173, 182, 188. Moor, Moore, 99, 208. Morgan, 47, 98, 113, 128, 140. Morley, 108, 124. Morris, 45, 98, 119, 175. Mortimer, Morteman, Mitimer, 44, 67, 69, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 94, 95, 96, 97, 113, 122, 125, 126, 128, 139, 141, 144, 145, 146, 149, 151, 154, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 167, 169, 172, 173, 177, 179, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 190, 194, 197, 198, 203. Morton, Moreton, 16. 17, 18, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66, 78, 112. Mosley, 186, 188, 193, 198, 200, 201. Moss, 195. Muffit, Muffitt, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23. Murfield, 103. Murbey, Morby, 62, 104. Murgatroyd, Murgitroid, Murgetroyd, 58, 109, 111, 112. Myers, 178, 180, 190, 193, 196, 199. N. Naylor, 3, 91, 152, 153, 162, 165, 168, 175, 177, 180, 184, 191, 193, 194, 201, 202, 203, 205. Nelson, 187, 191. Nesse, Nesso, 2, 3, 13, 14, 98. Newberry, 37. Newcastle, 8. Newsome, Newsom, 59, 72, 85, 87, 92, 93, 96, 133, 137, 142, 153, 157, 158, 162, 167, 172, 181, 196. Newton, 160. Nicholls, Nichols, 151, 153, 165, 173, 174, 180, 184, 190, 198, 204. Noble, 2, 98. Norton, 34. Nunnak, 116. Nussey, 61, 64, 67, 82, 85, 89, 126, 140, 142, 144, 147, 149, 156, 160, 167, 183, 200. O. Oaken, 179, 185, 188, 189, 192, 195, 197, 204. Oates, 19, 28, 29, 30, 32, 49, 162, 167, 171, 175, 176, 177. Oddy, 160. Oldroyd, Ouldroyd, Oldrid, Oldroid, Oldred, Holroyd, Holdred, Howroyd, 50, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78,80, 82, 94, 95, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 115, 118, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 132, 133, 137, 138, 144, 146, 148, 154, 164, 166, 170, 173, 175, 183, 193, 195, 198, 200, 205. Oringe, 103, 105. Oucring, 65. Overend, Ovcrin, 75, 77, 78, 80, 83, 133. Oxley, 199. P. Park, 101, 102, 209. Parratt, 167. Pauldon, 28. Pawson, 186. Pearson, 17, 21, 23, 55, 57, 59, 61, 62, 108, 129, 145, 152. Peel, 179, 188, 191, 197, 198, 199, 203. Perigo, Perro, 152, 154, 157. 158, 196. Perry, 92. Peterson, 203. Pickard, 161. Pickering, Pickeringe, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 30, 50, 98. Pickles, Pickels, Pickals, 16, 56, 57, ' 60, 61, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 82, 84, 85, 87, 90, 92, 94, 112, 113, 114, 118, 119, 121, 128, 132, 133, 136, 137, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 170, 173, 179, 181, 182, 183, 187. Pilkington, 169. Pollard, Polard, 55, 59, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 117, 122, 128. Pollock, Pollack, 57, 109. Porrit, Porritt, 149, 152, 160, 162, 190. Potter, 96, 97, 159, 165, 173. Pratt, 151. Prentis, 99, 104. Priestley, 140, 143, 148, 153. Q- Quarmby, 197. R. Raby, 94. Rayner, Reiner, Reyner, Reynor, Renor, 4, 13, 14, 18, 19, 21, 27, 28, 33, 37, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 69, 70, 72, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 96, 99, 101, 104, 105, INDEX OE SURNAMES. 219 107, 109, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 124, 126, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136, 139, 140, 141, 147, 150, 152, 154, 157, 158, 161, 162, 163, 168, 173, 177, 178, 182, 191, 193, 198, 209. RawBon, 135. Redfearn, 102. Ronton, 93, 94, 96, 146, 153, 155, 157, 167, 172, 186. Revel, Reuil, Rebbel, Refill, Ravell, 56, 59, 60, 62, 63,99, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 117, 119, 121, 135, 141, 146, 147, 148, 207, 208. Rhodes, Rohedes, Rohodes, Rhoads, Rhoods, 12, 13, 15, 16, 21, 54, 59, 60, 67, 79, 81, 83, 89, 95, 101, 103, 107, 110, 115, 125, 127, 131, 133, 188, 189, 190, 205. Richardson, Richerdson, Richarson, Richinson, 54, 55, 60, 62, 88, 70, 74, 76, 78, 113, 115, 118, 123, 127, 131, 132, 133, 139, 153, 156, 158, 159, 162, 207. Riddlesdon, Riddelsden, Riddellsden, 12, 13, 18. Ridpath, 16. Riley, 5, 23, 154. Roberts, Robards, 57, 58, 63, 68, 78, 79, 82, 84, 86, 92, 95, 96, 105, 107, 109, 116, 130, 146, 149, 171, 175, 188, 190. Robertshaw, 87, 89, 170, 189. Robinson, 51, 55, 56, 57, 70, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 86, 102, 109, 110, 128, 129, 130, 135, 143, 144, 146, 152, 154, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 169, 190. Robshaw, 148, 162, 163, 164. Rodley, 67, 69, 77, 83, 129, 138, 142, 154, 158, 159, 165, 166, 169, 173, 184, 205. Roe, 114. Roebuck, 207. Rogers, Roger, Rodgers, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 81, 83, 141, 155, 156, 157, 160, 163, 165, 166, 176, 177. Rokeby, 3. Rothery, Rothrey, 109, 112. Rothwell, 107. Rowland, 177. Rushforth, 159. Ryecroft, Rycroft, Ricroft, 62, 64, 66, 68, 69, 72, 89, 117, 121, 122, 144, 145, 146, 153. Rylands, 186. S. Sackford, 10. Sagar, 21, 22. Sails, Sales, 107, 210. Salt, 30. Sargesou, 106, Sarjeant, Sargan, Sargou, 6, 12, 18, 19, 20. Savage, 104. Savile, Saville, 28, 29, 89, 138, 145, 147, 173, 175. Saxton, 10, 11. Scardeby, 7. Scatcherd, Scathard, Scatchard, Schards, Shard, 4, 7, 9, 25, 28, 29, 30, 33, 37, 40, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 70, 73, 85, 87, 88, 92, 93, 104, 105, 10(i, 107, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 124, 135, 149, 151, 153, 161, 166, 181, 183, 197, 202, 204, 206, 207. Scarth, Skarth, 17, 43, 44, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 69, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 127, 129, 134, 135, 141, 142, 145, 146, 186, 191, 194, 195, 196, 199, 200, 202, 203, 204, 205. Schofield, Scholefield, Chofield, 93, 113, 170, 172, 174, 184, 185. Scholes, Scoals, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71, 74, 87, 88, 119, 121, 126, 130, 140, 149, 165, 168, 177, 191, 196, 203. Scott, Scoot, Scoat, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 80, 82, 99, 103, 105, 108, 111, 112, 115, 117, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 132, 135, 138, 148, 151, 158, 159, 210. Scnr, Scurr, 50. Senior, Swinyard, 17, 41, 62, 66, 72, 78, 84, 85, 86, 91, 95, 117, 138, 143, 145, 153, 165, 166, 175, 180, 182, 185, 186, 189, 195, 197, 198. Settle, 58, 61, 62, 64, 111, 119, 120. Sewell, 170. Sharp, Sharpe, Shap, 16, 17, 20, 21, 57, 58, 83, 93, 98, 106, 107, 108, 138, 156, 161, 183, 185, 186. Shaw, 203, 205. Shoard, 122, 200. Shepherd, Sheperd, 45, 98, 141. Shirtclifte, Shirtliff, 76, 136, 141, 147, 153. Sibery, Siberry, 130, 132, 139. Sickor, Seckor, Seeker, 17, 107, 118, 129, 130, 133, 134, 135. Siddal, Siddale, 111, 112. Simpson, 86, 186. Singleton, Siughiutou, 115, 193, 195. •I'll) INDEX OF SUBNAMES. Skolton, 1411, 192. Slack, 54, 57, 58, 59, GO, 61, 63,. 73, 75, 99, 102, 103, 104, 106, 110, 112, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 122, 132, 133, 136, 139, 140, 142, 144, 145, 146, 166, 167, 168, 171, 175, 179, 189, 191, 200, 202, 204, 210. Sinter, Slator, 59, 60, 62, 6.3, 66, 68, 79, 117, 119, 148. Sraallwood, 13, 18,21. Smith, 28, 42, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84,85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 100, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107. 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 135, 136, 137, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 155, 156, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 173. 174, 176, 177, 184, 186, 188, 189, 191, 193, 194, 197, 199, 200, 201, 207. Snell, 53, 85, 86, 101, 107, 108, 113, 115, 134, 140, 155, 159, 176, 182. Southey, 45, 98, 198, 200. Sowry 72. Speight, Spight, 63, 64, 66, 68, 71, 102, 111, 197, 204. Spence, 108, 115. Spencer, Spenser, 3, 15, 98. Squires, 109. Stables, 91, 93, 134. 169, 170, 172, 173, 180, 181, 182, 185, 186, 187, 189, 191, 192, 195, 203, 204, 205, Stanhope, 65, 68. 71, 74, 76, 77, 81, 83, 127, 129, 133, 134, 140, 142, 153, 157. Stanstield, 172, 179. Stead, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 84, 87, 104, 109, 115, 116, 129, 132, 134, 139, 143, 144, 145, 154, 163, 165, 171, 172, 173, 174, 201, 203, 204. Steadinan, 182. Steel, Steele, 30, 197. Steuben 7. Stephenson, 160, 184. Steward, Stewart, 62, 63, 72, 78, 83, 119, 123, 131, 119, 153. Stockdale, Stogdale, Stockdil, Stock- dill, Stogdill, Stocgall, 52, 53, 54, 56, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 83, 92, 100, 101, 102, 121, 124, 127, 133, 134, 140, 151, 153, 156, 157, 160, 161, 163, 166, 167, 170, 172, 175, 179, 180, 187, 188, 190, 196. Stockwell, 145. Storr, 89, 90, 92, 94, 95, 145, 146, 153, 155, 163, 173. Story, 16. Strother, Strodder, 60, 61, 62, 67, 69, 70, 106, 114, 115, 121, 124, 129, 137, 139, 144, 149. Styles, 2. Sugden Sngdin, Sudden, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 67, 69, 73, 76, 106, 115, 116, 128, 132, 138, 140, 158, 174 ; 175. Surr, Sur, 73, 75, 77, 81. Sussex, Earl of, 28. Sutcliffe, Sutliff, Suttcliffe, Sutlif, 71, 115, 149, 155, 165. Swainson, 163, 167, 172, 173, 178, 190, 191, 193,201. Swift, 100. Swithenbank, 69, 71, 73, 127, 138. Sykcs, Sikeg, 6, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 37, 52, 53, 54, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 68, 71, 72, 74, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 102, 104, 109, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 126, 127, 128, 130, 133, 135, 136, 138, 142, 145, 147, 150, 152, 153, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176, 188, 191, 193, 195, 200, 202, 205. T. Talbot, Talbut, 17, 52, 53, 60, 120. Tankard, 32. Tattersal, Tattcrsall, 7. Taylor, Tailer, 13, 55, 57, 63, 64, 84, 86, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 119, 125, 126, 132, 143, 145, 150, 151, 164, 167, 168, 171, 176, 182, 184, 191, 192, 193, 194, 197, 200, 202, 203, 204. Teale, Teal, 185, 186, 187, 194, 196, 198, 199, 200, 202, 203, 204. Tempest, 75, 76, 81, 84, 85, 92, 94, 95, 133, 148, 154, 160, 161, 163, 173, 175, 176, 179, 180, 185, 186, 187, 189, 191, 195, 198, 200, 201, 205. Terry, Terrey, 52, 53, 56, 61, 62, 82. 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 99, 106, 109, 115, 122, 142, 153, 162, 188, 197, 199, 203, 209. Totley, Tettley, Totley, 13, 60, 90, 94, 95, 114, 129, 137. Thackray, Thackrah, 42, 94, 157, 158, 168, 172, 173, 174, 175, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185 188, 192, 197, 199, 200 203 Theak'er, Theyker, 67, 75, 78, 83, 90, 91, 139, 142, 171, 182, 187, 197. IKDEX OF SURNAMES. 221 Thompson, Tompson, Thomson, 49, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 77, 101, 168, 182. Thornton, Thorndton, 12, 13, 32, 61, 113, 122, 194. Thoresby, 7, 10, 11, Thurgeland, Thurgoland, 165, 166. Tidswell, 91, 92, 154, 156. Tiffany, 188, 193, 195. Tingle, 138. Todd, Tod, 72, 88, 89, 91 , 94, 110, 121, 127, 128, 144, 145, 150, 152, 170, 186. Tolson, Towlson, Toulson, 32, 55, 56, 63, 64, 69, 72, 76, 79, 84, 86, 88, 91, 94, 100, 104, 105, 111, 113, 118, 119, 129, 130, 131, 137, 138, 139, 142, 147, 149, 151, 156, 158, 171, 177, 181, 187, 194, 195, 201, 203, 205. Tomlinson, 21, 52, 54, 55, 59, 103, 104, 108, 109, 117, 119, 123, 130, 131, 165. Topcliffe, 4. Tordoff, 192. Tottie, 142. Townley, 34, 182, 196, 202. Troughton, Trongton, Trowton, Trof- ton, 54, 57, 60, 64, 65, 83, 106, 108, 114, 117, 119, 121, 127, 136, 137, 139, 140, 144, 145, 147, 148, 151, 153, 154, 159, 163, 165. Turner, Turney, Tornor, 53, 56, 63, 70, 72, 73, 75, 80, 95, 101, 102, 104, 107, 108, 109, 117, 119, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 132, 146, 151, 173, 175, 177, 180, 182, 186, 193, 196, 197, 199. Turton, 93. V. Varey, 92, 94, 95, 160, 162, 164. Verity, 137. Vickers, 167, 170, 173, 183. W. Wade, 65, 150, 155, 157, 160, 161, 162, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 175, 177, 180, 186, 199. Wainman, 176, 178, 182, 187, 194. Wales, 28, 98. Walk, 118. Walker, 42, 57, 66, 96, 100, 109, 111, 122, 123, 132, 137, 138, 139, 143, 145, 147, 152, 161, 163, 178, 179, 180, 195, 196, 197, 200, 204. Waller, 51. Walsh, 201. Ward, Wardo, 12, 16, 18, 81, 83, 91, 93, 193, 194. Waring, Warin, 17, 52, 54, 56, 61, 63, 65, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,91, 92, 93, 99, 101, 103, 104, 108, 109, 111, 118, 119, 120, 125, 128, 130, 131, 137, 141, 143, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153. 154, 156, 160, 165, 166, 168, 183. 184, 187, 188, 190, 193, 198, 199, 201, 204. Wass, 156, 171, 190, 199. Waterhouse, 93, 167, 171, 172, 175, 177, 205. Watson, 37, 58, 92, 93, 99, 109, 110, 112, 117, 118, 120, 122, 124, 134, 138, 140, 142, 157, 185, 188. 194, Webster, 27, 33, 37, 41, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 62, 63, 66, 68, 72, 74, 78, 80, 82, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 105, 106, 108, 114, 121, 124, 127, 129, 130, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 144, 145, 147, 149, 156, 157, 158, 163, 164, 168, 171, 173. 175, 179, 181, 182, 184, 192, 199, 202, 203, 207, 210. Wedderburn. 46, 125. Wells, 185, 205. Wentworth, 32 ; Sir M., 51 Westerman, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 65, 67, 68, 70, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 100, 103, 107, 108, 110, 114, 117, 118, 119, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, 136, 137, 138, 140, 142, 144, 147, 149, 151, 153, 154, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 160, 171, 172, 173, 176, 177, 183, 186, 187, 192, 193, 196, 200, 204, 208, 210. Westmoreland, 201. Wetherill, Weatherill, 33, 69, 81, 82, 121, 123, 124, 133, 140, 144, 154, 159, 163. Whelor, Welor, 55, 107. Whitaker, Whiteaker, Whitacer, Wliit- acker. Whitacre, 4, 10, 17, 22, M, 50, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63, 69, 71, 72, 77, 91, 93, 95, 96, 97, 105, 110, 146, 150. White, 182. Whitehead, 104, 147, 164. Whiteley, Whitloy, Whittel, 75, 80, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 127, 131, 141, 142, 145, 154, 155, 165, 168, 173. Wliitwam, 117, Whitworth, 78, 80, 81, 83, 129, 132, 133, 144, 152. Will.y, 79, 109. Wileock, Willcock, 64, 65, 71. Wilfred, 25. '2'1'2 INDEX OK SUKNAMES. Wilks, 17. Wilkinson, 74, 82, 85, 89, 96, 97, 102, 138, 145, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 164, 165, 167, 168, 171, 172, 173, 176, 177, 179, 182, 188, 189, 191, 193, 194, 196, 198, 199, 203, 204. William, King, 34. Williamson, 121. Wilson, Willson, 12, 13, 60, 68, 70, 73. 75, 78, 79, 90, 92, 95, 112, 128, 133, 134, 135, 139, 140, 148, 150, 155, 159, 167, 169, 172, 175, 177, 179, 182, 183, 184, 185, 189, 190, 192, 193, 195, 196, 198, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205. Winter, 2, 19. Winterbottom, 195, 203. Womersley, Wymersley, 15. Wonnacott, 45, 98, Wood, 56, 59, 60, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79, 82, 100, 104, 105, 106, 107, 111, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 122, 124, 125, 127, 130, 134, 141, 113, 147, 149, 163, 165, 166, 168, 169, 173, 175, 182, 183, 185, 187, 190, 195, 200, 207. Woodhead, 175, 176. Woodhouse, 204. Wooffenden, Woofindale, Wofendale, Hufindill, 85, 86, 89, 148, 168, 170, 180, 195. Wooler, 118. Woolhouse, 2. Woolridge, Woolridg, 58, 125, 135. Wordsworth, Wordcsworth, Wades- worth, Wadsworth, 3, 4, 12, 13 199. Wormald, 33, 120, 129, 148, 160, 174. Worrall, 189. Worsman, Worseman, 53, 56, 58, 60, 101, 106, 111, 112, 115. Worsnop, 148, 190, 192. Wright, Right, 20, 21, 56, 106, 112, 114. Wylde, 197. Y. Yates, Yeates, 74, 128, 136. Jtttes nf fHaus. A. Abbey, Battle, 44 Adel 25 Adwalton, Atberton, 17, 32, 53, 76, 89, 99, 117, 119, 120, 123, 128, 131, 132, 135, 136, 139, 141, 142, 145, 146, 159, 160, 167, 169, 171, 178, 182, 189, 190, 197. Allerton, 19. Alverthorpe, 4, 20, 22, 23. Ardsley, 36, 112, 139, 180, 194. Ardsley, West, 4, 7, 65, 69, 84, 88, 142, 190. B. Baghill, 16, 17, 20. Bar, Tingley, 151, 153, 170. Barack, (? Berwick), 119. Bartbol, 20. Batley, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 50, 104, 114, 180, 186, 199, 201. Battle Abbey, 44. Bay, Botany, 183. Beacon sfield, 51. Beeston, 56, 57, 58, 59, 67, 69, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 109, 113, 151, 156, 170, 183. Beverley, 2. Bingley, 159, 162, 163, 197. Birstall, 22, 51, 71, 109. 113, 117, 139, 145, 147, 148, 152, 154, 169, 172, 187. Boston, 1. Bradford, 2, 12, 13, 14, 57, 155, 160, 165, 167, 170, 175, 177, 180, 186. Bradford Moor, 32. Bramley, 3. Brears, Le, 19, 20. Brighouse, 126 Britain, 10. Broad Oaks, 89. Bromsgrove, 192. Brnntcliffe, a Hamlet in Morley, about 1 mile E. of the Town Hall, men- tioned very frequently. Bucks, 51. Cad Beeston, 69. Cambridge, 1, 2, 8, 50, 181. Canaan, 40. Canterbury, 25. Castle, Pontefract, 32. Castleford, 11, 194. Cave, North. 2. Chapel, 8t. Ann's, 19 ; New 22. Chapel Fold, 2. Chapeltown, 184. Cheshire 126. Chester, vii., 10. Chesterfield, 22. Chichester, 2. Chidswell, 16, 17, 21. Churwell, a village 1 mile N. of Morley. The name occurs frequently. Clayton, 3. Cleckheaton, 14, 157, 170, 176, 183. Cleethorpes, 43. Cliffe Chapel, 2. Clifton, 73. Clough, Howding, 17. Cockermouth, 14. Coley, 19. College, Christ's, 2 ; Memorial, vii ; Sidney, 50 ; Trinity, 19. Collingham, 2. Cotton Mill, a very small hamlet W. of the borough, 79, 82, 83, 86, 130, 139, 144, 171. Countries, Low, 8. Coventry, 10. Cumberland, 43. D. Dead Sea, 44. Dean Hall. 117, 184. Delph, 140. Denmark, 34. Derbyshire, 2. Dewabury, 2, 6, 64, 160. Doncaster, 162. Donnybrook, 7. 22 l |\1>1.\ OF PLACES. Dritfhlington, 51, 126, 129, 136, 140, 143, 144, 145, 149, 177, 178, 207. Dublin. 19. Dunningloy. 10, 11, 21. Durham, 176. E. East Riding, 2. Elland, 6, 15, 22. England, 5, 35, 38, 40, 43. England, New, 1. F. Farnley, 1, 28, 29, 32, 49, 63, 64, 69, 71, 108, 137. Farsley, 3. Fields, Burnhill, 3. Flanders, 52. Flanshaw Hall, 18. Florence, 8. Fold, Chapel, 2. France, 8, 40. G. Gates, Two, 66. Gateshead, 176. Germany, 8. Gildersome, a village, abont a mile distant from Morloy. The name occurs on almost every page of the Register. Glapwell, 2. Gomersal, 99, 123, 125, 148, 151, 154, 201. Green, Leefair, 57, 59, 61, 62, 65 ; Ouzlewell, 17 ; Upper, 5. Grimsby, 43. Guildford, 6. H. Halifax, 19, 107, 166. Hall, Bunny, 4; Dean, 117, 184; Flan- shaw, 18; Hague, 3, 9, 15, 16, 19, 20, 50; Holling, 113; Howley, 8, 9, 28; Morley, 125, 203; New, 55, 113, 121, 150 ; Old, 22 ; Sled, 127 ; Ting- ley, 6, 30 ; Topcliffe, 4, 5. Harrogate, 125. Hartshead, 25. Hatchet, 73 ; Hatherlow, 126. Healey, 15, 20, 51. Heaton, Hanging, 138. Heckmondwike, 3, 15, 17, 21, 51, 53, 110, 111, 117, 150, 153. Hipperholme, 181. Holbeck, 29, 50, 79, 95, 96, 97, 100, 109, 115, 116, 130, 133, 147, 149, 157, 159, 160, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 172, 173, 174, 182, 184, 186, 187, 191, 194, 195. Holderness, 2. Holland, 19, 20, 32. Horbury, 1, 10, 194. Horsforth, 143. Horton, 6. House, Bank, 173; Livershog, 117; Springfield, 175 ; Tingley, 6. Howley, Mill, 76 ; Park, 32. Huddersfield, 7, 130. Hull, 43. Hunslet, 3, 29, 130, 135, 142, 145, 165, 168, 170, 194, 196, 201. I. Idle, 3, 13. Inverness, 2. Ireland, 4. Islands, Orkney, 43. J. Jericho, 40. Joppa, 40. . K. Knareshorough, 181, 185, 201. Kippax, 50. Kirkstall, 143, 145. Kirkwall, 43. L. Lancashire, 26, 43. Lancaster, 26. Lane, Neepsbaw, 183 ; Hodgson, 152, 160. Leadhouse Wells, 93. Lee Fair, 5, 7, 8, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 78, 122, 166 ; Green, 105, 108. Leeds, mentioned on nearly every page of the Register. Lincoln, 37. Lincolnshire, 1. Littletowu, 161, 164. Liverpool, 19. Livorsedge, 117, 189. Lodge, Beeston, 67. Lofthouse, 73, 76. London, 3, 37, 122, 164. M. Manchester, 10, 199. Manor, Brabceuf, 6. Marylebone, 181. Middleton, a village 1 mile E. of Mor- ley, 16, 17, 20, 22, 56, 57, 58, 5!>, (JO, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 73, 76, 77, 114, 121. Milford, South, 173. Millshaw, a suburb of Leeds, distant from Morley about 2 miles, 22, 69, 79^80, 81, 84, 86, 87, 89, 93, 121, 124, 126, 130, 133, 134, 139, 144, 146, 147, 148, 153, 159, 162, 165. INDEX OF PLACES. 225 Mirfield, 203. Moor, Farnley, 64 ; Haigh, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21 ; Marston, 32 ; Morley, 57, 79, 92 ; Tingley, 57, 68, 70, 71, 78, 89, 107 ; Upper, 57. Morley is, of course, mentioned on almost every page of the Register. N. Netherton, 130. New England, 1. Newcastle, 8. Newhall, 113, 121, 150. North Cave, 2. Northowram, 19. Northumbria, 25. Norwich, 137, 142. O. Oepperton, 17. Orkney, 43 ; Islands, 43. Osborne House, 25. Ossett Street, 73. Outwood, 87, 131. Ouzlewell Green, 17. Owlers, a small hamlet in the borough, 91, 92. Oxford, 8. P. Park, Howley, 32. Pontefract, 19 ; Castle, 32. Potovens, (near Wakefield,) 152, 167. Potternewton, 190. Priory, Nostel, 7, 9. Pudsey, 3, 4, 15, 76, 108, 116, 123, 142, 145, 166, 177. Purlwell, 19. R. Richmond, 125, 206. Riding, East, 2; West, 1, 32, 34, 40, 44, 45. Rooms, a small hamlet in the borough of Morley. 50, 66, 68, 69, 71, 73, 99, 119, 123, 125, 131, 152, 159, 165, 168, 207. Rochdale, 206. Rossendale, 206. Rothwell, 20, 67, 173. Roundhay, 199. Scotland, 2, 26. Scholecroft, 28. Selby, 4, 50. Shadwell, 193. Sheffield, 11. Shipley, 198. Snitels, a farm in Morley, 113. South Milford, 173. Spain, 8. Spring Hill, 198. Staiuoliffe, 16, 45, 112. Stank Hall, 113. Stockport, 170. Stump Cross, a hamlet in Morley, 56, 57, 78, 81, 82, 87, 88, 110, 126, 128, 129, 135, 139, 153. Sutton, 2. T. Thiretaland, 156. Thornes, 13. Tingley, 5, 6, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 66, 68, 79, 81, 83, 89, 100, 107, 134. Tong, 66, 67, 69, 71, 195. Topcliffe, on every page of the Top- cliffe Register, and frequently in the Old Chapel Register. W. Wakefield, 4, 5, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 22, 44, 50, 87, 112, 131, 152, 165, 181, 188, 189, 192, 195. Wales, vii., 47. Warwick, 198. West Ardsley, 4, 7, 65, 69, 84, 88. West Riding, 1, 32, 34, 40, 44, 45. Westerton, 7, 66, 67, 70, 71. Whisket Hill, 78. Wibsey, 154. Wood, Farnley, 49. Woodchurch, Woodkirk, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 21, 22, 32, 44, 105. Worcester, 192. Wortlcy, 144, 145, 159, 170, 182, 188, 191, 192, 193, 201 ; Low, 66. Yeadon, 190. York, 2, 25, 28, 30, 32, 38, 46. Yorkshire, 19, 29, 30, 39, 43, 125, 206. DO gtet of &\xbzcvxbev$+ Anukkton, William, J. P., Worsted Spinner, Elm Bank, Cleckheatou. Audcrton, Rev. William E., M.A., Woodford, Essex. (5 copies) Armytage, George J., F.S.A., Clifton Woodhead, Brighouse. Asquith, Joshua, J. P., Wool Merchant, Morloy Grange, Churwell, near Leeds. Adshead, G. H., Bolton Road, Pendleton. Aldred, H. W., 181, Coldharhour Lane, Camberwell, London. Asquith, William, New Bank Street, Morley. Balme, E. B. W.. M.A., J.P., Cotewall, Mirfield. Bruce, Samuel, J. P., LL.B., St. John's House, Wakefield. Brigg, William, B.A., 4, Larkfield Road, Richmond, Surrey. Bradford 11181011081 and Antiquarian Society, (J. A. Clapham, Sec). Banks, Mrs. Geo. Linnseus, 31, Fassett Square, Dalston, London. Brookshank, George, Rate Collector, Town Hall, Queen Street, Morley. Bradley, David, Cloth Manufacturer, Denshaw House, Morley. Bradley, Isaac, Cloth Manufactnrer, Prospect House, Bruntcliffo, Leeds. Brown, Reuben, Clerk to School Board, Troy Hill, Morley. Booth, John H., 39, High Street, Morley. Brook, John, Cloth Manufacturer, Brookfield Villas, Morley. Brierley, William, Bookseller, 2, Bond Street, Leed3. " Brook, David, Cloth Manufacturer, Marlborough House, Morley. Brook, Samuel, School House, Chapel Lane, Morecambe. Collyer, Rev. Robert, D.D., 137, East Thirty-Ninth Street, New York. Cole, William, 268, Manchester Road, Bradford. Coles, T. Horsman, 76, Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, London. Chadwick, S. J., F.S.A., Solicitor, Knowle, Mirfield. Crisp, F. Arthur, Grove Park, Denmark Hill, London. Camidge, William, 36, Monkgate, York. Clegg, Thomas, Builder and Contractor, Wesley Street, Morley. Clegg, Councillor John, Builder and Contractor, Morley. Child, James, Manager, Parliament Street, New Brighton, Morley. Crowther, William, Bootmaker, Morley. (2 copies) Dyson, W. Colbeck, F.S.A.S., Rock House, Batley. (2 copies) Dyson, Alfred, Elland. Dodgshun, William, Chairman of School Board, Highfield House, Morley. Dodgshun, James, Ex-Mayor of Melbourne, Australia. Dodgshun, John Edward, Fountayne Road, Stoke Newington, London. Dodgshun, William Henry, Gladstone Terrace, New Brighton, Morley. Ellis, Edwin, J.P., Marquette, Hamilton County, Nebraska, U.S.A. Eshelby, Henry D., 27, Park Road South, Birkenhead, Cheshire. Fokster, Thomas, 3, Museum Street, Colchester. (3 copies) Foster, William B., Bank Street, Morley. Fearnside, Edwin, Manufacturer, Gladstone Terrace, Morley. J, isr Of BUBSCBIBEBS. 227 Foster, Oliver, Woollen Manufacturer, Victoria Terrace, Morley. Fox, William, Lougside Lane, Bradford. Goss, William, H., F.G.S., Stoke-on-Trent. Galloway, F. C, 120, Bowling Old Lane, Bradford. Green, Joseph, J., Tayspill House, Stansted Montfitchct, Essex. Guest, William H., Cross Street Chambers, Manchester. Gott, Joseph, School Board Inspector, 57, King Street, Morley. Hanson, Sir Reginald, Bart , M.A., 4, Bryanston Square, London. Howard, J. J., LL.D., 5, Dartmouth Bow, Blackheath, Kent. Hill, Alderman John, Manager, Victoria Road, Morley. Hovendon, Robert, Park Hill Road, Croydon. Hemsworih. J. D., Monk Fryston Hall, South Milford, York. Hainsworth, Lewis, 118, Bowling Oil Lane, Bradford. Hopkins, Richard Borrough, Solicitor and Town Clerk, Morley. (2 copies) Hall, Joseph, Manufacturer, 18, Woodbine Place, Leeds. Hewitt, Jobn, 92, Harris Street, Leeds Road, Bradford. Hinchcliff, Daniel, Wellfield House, Churwell, near Leeds. Hutton, Polly, Albion Street, Morley. Hustler, Benjamin, New Brighton, Morley. (2 copies) Jackson, Rev. Henry, M.A., St. Peter's Vicarage, Morley. Johnson, Councillor George, Builder and Contractor, Morley. Jackson, Edward, Gentleman, Scawthorpe, Doncaster. King, Councillor William, Wortley, and 9, Park Place, Leeds. Kenyon, Councillor John, Ackroyd Street, Morley. Longbottom, Henry, Wool Merchant, Tingley House, Wakefield. Lassey, James, Milk Dealer, Birks, Morley. Lawson, Joseph S., 8, Kelso Road, Leeds. Lee, Robert, Insurance Secretary, 50, Victoria Terrace, Morley. Marshall, George W., LL.D., Rouge Croix, College of Arms, London, E.C. Marriott, Charles H., J. P., Land Surveyor, Manor Lawn, Dewsbury. Margerison, Samuel, Author, Calverley Lodge, near Leeds. Manlove, A., Sheffield Library, Surrey Street, Sheffield. Marshall, Robert Dixon, Manufacturer, 11, Carlton Mount, Leeds. Middleton, George, Prestwich, Manchester. Morrell, W. Wilberforce, Bank Manager, York. Middlebrook, Fanny, Rock Cottage, Morley. Morley Liberal Club, per Councillor George Johnson. New England Hist, and Geu. Soc, 18, Somerset Street,* Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Peace, Joseph, Superintendent Registrar, Stainclifl'e, Dewsbury. Pickersgil), Charles P., Registrar, Old Court House, Dewsbury. Peel, Frank, Newspaper Proprietor, Heckmondwike. Procter, Richard, Solicitor, Oak Mount, Burnley. Randall, Josefh, Bank Chambers, George Street, Sheffield. Rajnor, John, 2Ga, York Street, Manchester. Rusbforth, Thomas H.. Moorlands, Halifax. Rhodes, W. Vcnables, Oldtield House, Heckmondwike. Sykis, John, v \) , F.S.A , J.P., Hall Gate, Doncaster. Shaw, Giles, F.R.H.8., 72, Manchester Street, Oldham. Stuart, J. Erskine, M.R.C.S., Staincliffo, Dewsbury. Stend, T. liallan, F.R.H.S., 17, West Hillary Street, Leeds. Stock well, Alderman Edward, Mayor, Town Hall, Morley. Schofield, Alderman Joseph, Ex-Mayor, Queen Street, Morley. Stockdale, Councillor Samuel, Manufacturer, Field Mill, Morley. Scarth, Councillor Charles, Manufacturer, Scarthingwell House, Morley. 228 LIST Of Si i:sci;ir,KRS. Shepherd, Rev. Ambrose, The Old Parsonage, Morley. Stephenson, Thomas, Cloth Finisher, Gladstone Terrace, Morley. Sheard, Michael, Land Surveyor, Batley, and St. Alhan's, Harrogate. Scott, Joseph, Solicitor, 51, Albion Street, Leeds. Stanhope, N., Leeds Road, Calverley, near Leeds. Stead, Samuel, Newspaper Proprietor, Queen Street, Morley. Scruton, William, 35, Clough btreet, West Bowling, Bradford. Stockwell, Joseph, Manufacturer, Victoria Road, Morley. Speight, H., West Bowling. Southport Free Library, (per Thomas Newman, Librarian.) Smith, J.B., Registrar, Bank Top, Morley. Sykes, Mrs. Hannah Elizabeth, Roundhay Grango, Leeds. Southey, Mrs. Sarah, Broomfield, Morley. Sykes, John, 8, Bagby Terrace, Leeds. Stead, John James, Albert Cottage, Heckmondwike. Stead, Joseph, Ashfield Villa, Heckmondwike. Squire, J. T., Solicitor's Dept., Somerset House, London, W\C. Taylor, Rev. R. V., B.A., Author, Melbecks Vicarago Richmond, Yorkshire. Taylor, Major Thomas, J.P., The Cliff, Wakefield. Tomlinson, Geo W., F.S.A., The Elms, Huddersfield. Taylor, Rev. J. R., Primitive Methodist Minister, Morley. Tolson, Legh, Dalton, Huddersfield. Thaokray, Charles W., Mannheim Road, Toller Lane, Bradford. Taylor, John, Tinplate Worker, Queen Street, Morley. Turner, William, Fountain Street, Morley. Tetley, Rev. William M., Budleigh Salterton, Devon. Terry, Joseph, Peel Street, Morley. Terry, Albert, Bookkeeper. Commercial Street, Morley. (3 copies) Thackray, Fred, Deputy Town Clerk, Town Hall, Morley. Tweedale, John, jun., The Moorlands, Dewsbury. Webster, Councillor George, The Woodlands, Gildersoine, Leeds. Webster, Joseph, Gentleman, 31, The Grove, Ilkley. Wilson, Councillor John, Manufacturer, Mount Pleasant, Morley. Wilson, Edward, Plasterer, 59, Hungerhill, Morley. Wilson, John, Rag Merchant, California Street, Morley. Wurtzbnrg, John H, c/o Greenwood and Batley, Leeds. Whitley, Samuel, Mount Ebenezer, Gildersomo, Leeds. PUDSEY: ANCIENT AND MODERN BY THE LATE Lately published, in one handsome volume, with 100 illustrations, printed on thick paper, (jilt top and gilt lettered, 320 jip. Price, Demy 8yo. 7s. 6d. ; Demy 4to. 12s. 6d. ; Post Free. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS: Yorkshire Post. Mr. Rayner's work, so carefully edited by Mr. William Smith, is of more than passing interest ; of permanent value to the student of Yorkshire county history. The book is most profusely illustrated with portraits, landscapes and facsimiles of documents. * * * Altogether the work is one which does honour to the memory of its author, and the sympathetic care of its no less industrious editor. Leeds Mercury. This handsome volume. ***** The text of the work shows wise planning. We have the story of the town told in a series of distinct parts — one relating to the early civil history of the district, and others to the ecclesiastical and political history of Pudsey. Then follow chapters on etymologies, topographical features, local Government, bio- graphical sketches, folk lore and superstition, local customs, manufactures, etc. Altogether, the work gives a most acceptable presentation of local history. There are not many places in Yorkshire, or indeed in England, which have had so much justice done to their origin, development and antiquity, as has Pudsey, now that this volume has appeared. Sicord and Trowel. (Rev. C. H. Spurgeon.) This is a noble volume. How comes Pudsey to be so favoured when many a larger place is left unhonoured and unsung? We have a weakness for these topographical books: they are the gossip of history, the chit-chat of geography. Better far than tales of battle are the records of the peacelul growth of village and township, and the rise and decay of families. The annals of our forefathers, the pictures of their antique abodes, the descriptions of their manners — all these have a quiet charm about them, and help to make hours of leisure, bright, cheerful and useful. Pudsey News. It is impossible in a brief paragraph to do more than indicate a few of the treasures of this work, which, as a book of reference, is invaluable. * * * The book taken as a whole, is highly creditable, praiseworthy and valuable in its contents, and is well printed and bound in a very handsome style. Suffolk Records. The compilation is so good that we doubt whether few parochial histories can compete therewith, and the book should be purchased just as a specimen of what a local history should be. Western Antiquary. The typography is excellent, the engravings are above the average, and the woodcut* are equally good. Hereafter we shall rank Pudsey amongst the many notable Yorkshire towns having a history, and that history well told. Mrs. Rayner will send the work on receipt of Postal Notes for the amount. Address: — Mrs. S. Rayner, Chapeltown, Pudsey, near Leeds. egfeters of Ca(bcrfcj) §arisj) Cjntnj), 1574 to 17:0, Edited by SAMUEL MARGERISON. In Three Vols., Grown 8vo., over 700 pagea. Price 12s. OPINIOXS OF THE PRESS: " In this (second) volume we have the Registers of Calverley from 1 649 to 1 680, together with a History of the Church, and copies of the monumental inscriptions remaining in it. Many very useful notes of wills, entries from other registers, gravestones, &c, have been added to the Registers ; and in " Additional Notes," which come at the end of the book, will be found much relating to the Calverley Family, and the ancestry of the poet Longfellow. The Longfellows appear to have been settled at Otley as early as i486, and to have been a family of the yeoman class Although Mr. Margerison has collected a mass of Inter- eating details, he has not yet succeeded in making out clearly the missing link, but he has come so near it that we (eel that there is every reason to think he may yet be able to discover the direct positive prcof now wanting. We spoke in terms of commendation of the first volume of this work, and the one now before us is certainly in many respects an improvement on its predecessor. Mr. Margeri- son is doing, and doing well, a laborious task, and one which, when completed, will, we trust, gain for him that esteem he well merits." — The Genealogist, October, 1883. " We reviewed the first volume of the Calverley Registers some time ago (6th S. ii. 400) We spoke highly of Mr. Margerison's labours at that time, and are bound to repeat what we then said. We have, indeed, seldom met with documents of this nature edited with such reverend care. The time has passed by when it was thought a sensible thing to make fun of persons who devoted their time to the study of genealogy. The student of " musty old manuscripts" was once thought of a5 a harmless imbecile ; now even the densest persons have attained to the notion that there is bo:h pleasure and profit to be gleaned by the se who will intelligently study the registers of the humblest village church. Genea- logists of former days were in some degree to blame for the slight esteem in which they were held. When the pedigrees of men of rank were alone thought worth chronicling there was much excuse for those who looked upon such, studies as time misspent. The modern school of genealogists know well that a parish register, to be of any service for bistorical purposes, must be given entire, and that it is as silly to publish excerpts only as it would be to treat a chronicle or a poem that existed only in one copy in a similar manner. We have read every word of this Calverley Register, and feel assured that it will be found very useful for many purposes but remotely connected with the history of Yorkshire families. The present volume extends from 1 649 to 1680. The account of the church is short, but sensibly written, and there is a useful appendix, containing information as to the families of Calverley, Longfellow, and several others. The monumental inscriptions in the church, and a list of the churchwardens from 1653 to 1881, is also given." — Notes and Queries, Nov. 3, 1883. "The second volume of these interesting and valuable registers has just been published by Mr. Samuel Margerison. The volume contains the register of baptisms, marriages, and burials of the interesting period 1650 to 1680, and the second part of a well-written history of this ancient parish church. The register is interspersed with historical notes on the wills, &c, of the persons named therein. There are numerous notes at the end of the volume on the Calverley family, as well as other local families of Pudsey, Idle, &c, all interesting and valuable to the genealogist and historian. Considerable interest has been shewn [lately] on the subject of the ancestry of the poet Longfellow, whose ancestors emigrated from this part of Yorkshire to America in the seventeenth century, and this volume contains the most complete collection of notes, extending over thirteen pages, on this subject, hitherto published. The volume, which is illustrated, also contains a valuable index, and altogether it reflects the highest credit upon Mr. Margerison for his painstaking and praiseworthy work." — Leeds Alercury. As I have a slight overplus of Vols. II. and III., owing to the death of some of tlw, earlier subscribers, I shall be glad to supply these volumes separately for a short time to those who possess Vol. I. only. The first volume will only be sold in a set. Address : — Calverley Lodge, near Leeds. In One Handsome Volume, Eighty Illustrations, Demy 8vo., Extra Cloth/Gilt. PRICE— Library Edition, 14s.; Large Paper, of which very few remain, 24s. ILKLEY : ANCIENT & MODERN REV. ROBERT COLLYER, D.D., NEW YORK, U.S.A.; AND J. HORSFALL TURNER. WITH CHAPTERS ON PREHISTORIC REMAINS, Ry the EDITOR, GEOLOGY, - - - Ry J. W. DAVIS, f.g.s., f.s.a., f.l.b., etc. ROTANY, - - - Ry F. ARNOLD LEES, f.l.s., etc., and FAUNA, ... By W. EAGLE CLARKE, W. DENISON ROERUCK, and J. W. TAYLOR. BY kind permission of "W. Myddelton, Esq., the vast and hither- to unexplored Muniments at Myddelton Lodge have been laid under contribution, as also the Parish Registers, by leave of the Vicar. The stories are told of the British Llecan, Roman Olicana, Teutonic Ilkley, Austby, Nessfield, Stubham, Middleton, and Wheatley; the Dapifers and Du Kymes, Percies and Plumptons, Myddletons and Fairfaxes, Hebers and Longfellows ; the Church and its Vicars, the Castle and Halls, Grammar School and Bridge; the Doles, Customs, and Folk Lore ; the palatial Ben Rhydding and Ilkley Hydropathic Establishments, with the Modern History, mainly narrated in Dr. Collyer's unique style, and illustrated by beautiful engravings, by Mr. Sabin, of New York, and others. The names of the writers of the special chapters are sufficient guarantee to ensure a full, original, and sparkling history of a place rich in Archaeological remains, and a favourite field of the Naturalists. Map, Plans, Emblazoned Arms, Steel and other Engravings. Address — J. liars/all Turner, Idel, Ilrad/nrd gorksjwc |totcs anb (Queries: WITH THE YORKSHIRE GENEALOGIST, YORKSHIRE BIBLIOGRAPHER, AND YORKSHIRE FOLK-LORE JOURNAL. EDITED BY IDEL, RRADFORD. Eighty Pages, Quarterly, with several Illustrations. Instinct Vaijination. FIVE SHILLINGS PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. The Twelve Parts issued contain 1000 pages, 180 illustrations. tt'ural Hooks, bn I. Itjorsfall fEurtwr. Hawobth, Past \m> Pbesbnt: A History of Haworth, Stanbury ami Ozenhope. 20 Ilhistratiuns. 3s. ••Mr. J. Horsfall Turner has here given us a delightful little history of a place which will always have an interest for the student of English literature. We have not space to deal with it as lengthily as it deserves, but we can say that all should road it who care to know anything of the little village made memorable by the Brontes 1 fame, it may be obtained of the author, Idel, Bradford, and is ridiculously cheap." — OrapKie, .Ian. 31, 1880. Nonconformist Registeb of Births, Marriages, and Deaths , 1644- 1750, by the Revs. 0. Beywood and T. Dickenson, from the MSS. in the Congre- gational memorial Hall, London, comprehending numerous notices of Puritans and Anti-Puritans in Yorkshire. Lancashire, Cheshire. London, &C , with Lists of Popish Recusants, Quakers, &'c. Five Illustrations, 380 pagi Thk Rev. 0. Heywood, B.A., 1630-1702 : His Autobiography, Diaries, Anecdote and Event Books, illustrating the General and Family History of Yorkshire and Lancashire. Four volumes, 380 pages each, illustrated, hound in cloth, (is. each. Independency at Brighouse : Pastors and People, 4 Illustrations, 3s. Nonconformity IN Idel, AND HlSTORY OF AlREDALE COLLEGE, 10 Illustrations. ( antotype portraits of Rev. J. Dawson, Founder of Low Moor Ironworks ; Rev. W. Vint, S.T.P.), Ac. 3s. Biographia Halifaxiensis: A Biographical and Genealogical History for Halifax Parish. 2 Vols., 380 pages, with Portraits, <>s. each. Vol. I. is a reprint of half of Mr. Watson's "Halifax," that is. such chapters as the Halifax Worthies, Vicars. Benefactors. Ac. This volume thus serves a douhle purpose, as it is a literatim reprint. Vfli. II. will he an original compilation, noting the Families and Worthies for six hundred years. Life of Captain John Hodgson, 1640-83. Illustrated, Is. 6d. This is a reprint of the 1806 publication, said to have been edited by Sir Walter Scott. The Captain narrates bis exploits in the Wars at Bradford, ds, Lancashire, Isle of Man, Scotland, &C, and the troubles that followed on his settlement at Coley Hall, near Halifax ; his imprisonment in York Castle, Ac. The Antiquities of Halifax : By the Bev. Thomas Wright. A Literatim Reprint. Is. (id. Triplex Memoriale, (York, 1650). Three quaint Sermons by William Ainsworth, preached at Halifax, on Waterhouse's Charities. From the only known copy. 2s. Halifax Gibbet Book, with Appendix, 2s. Ready for the Press :— The Elland Feud, 2s. Krabtree's Almanack, 1685, 2s. The Bridges of W. B. Yorkshire : Their Histories and Mysteries. By the late Fairless Barber, Esq., F.S.A., & J. Horsfall Turner. P.O. Orders payable at Idel, near Bradford. Address: — J. Hoksfall Turner, Idel, Bradford. THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. =iE?ZT Series 9482