UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Poland D. Iiusse?/ ^/VC- P. Catalogue No. 943 Part IV THE VALUABLE LIBRARY OF THE HON. SAMUEL W. PENNYPACKER LATE GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA EMBRACING HIS IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF BOOKS RELATING TO GENERAL AMERICAN HISTORY TO BE SOLD APRIL 24th and 25th, 1907 Catalogue Compiled and Sale At the Book Auction Rooms of Conducted by DAVIS V HARVEY. STAN. V. HENKELS. 1112 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. Pa. Catalogue No. 943 THE VALUABLE LIBRARY OF THE HON. SAMUEL W. PENNYPACKER LATE GOVERNOR OP PENNSYLVANIA EMBRACING His Important Collection of Books relating to General American History. Including many that are of the Greatest Rarity. Being the fruits of untiring research for the last forty years, in American Colonial History, the History of the Revolution, State, County and Town His- tory, Indian History, etc., etc. ALSO A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. TO BE SOLD WEDNESDAY and TJlORSDflY, APRlIi 24 and 25, 1907 Commencing Wednesday Afternoon at -2. 30 o'clock and Thursday Morning and Afternoon at 10.30 and 2.30 o'clock ORDER OF SALE First Sitting, - Lots 1 to 450 Second " - "451 to 90O Third " - " 901 to end. CATALOGUE OOMPILBD AND BALK AT THE BOOK AUCTION ROOMS OF COKDUCTKD BY DAVIS A HARVKY STAN. V. HENKELS 1112 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. NOTICE. Bids will be executed by the Auctioneers without extra charge. Bids are always so much per volume or piece, unless other- wise stated in catalogue. TERMS OF SALE CASH. All purchases must be settled for and removed on day imme- diately following the sale. DAVIS & HARVEY. REMARKS. 'HIS, the fourth part of the Catalogue of the valuable collection of books on Pennsylvania and general American history, gathered by the Hon. Samuel W. Penny- packer, late Governor of Pennsylvania, is replete with items of intense historical interest relating to nearly every State in the Union, as well as the complete history of the American Revolution. By this we mean an exhaustive list *^ of the various pamphlets and books published at the time, from the first commencement of the controversy up to the x present; also many items of great rarity relating to the ^ early discoveries and Indian wars of the first settlers, in- \ eluding the French and Indian War. *i i The Catalogue commences with a collection of American Genealogies, including many that were privately printed and that are almost unattainable to-day. The pre-Revolutionary pamphlets is the most complete set ever offered at public auction, and includes the excessively rare pamphlet, "A Full Vindication of the Measures of Congress," written by Alex- <^T ander Hamilton at the age of eighteen; together with the various answers, pro and con, written by Samuel Seabury, Isaac Wilkins and others, and published by James Riving- ton, the celebrated Tory printer of New York. Of the various controversial pamphlets issued during the Revolutionary War, the collection is very complete, as well as containing all the important histories of the Revolution, \a including the original Journals of Congress, the original draft used in the convention of the Constitution of the United ISiL States, of which probably another copy could not be found. ^S> There is a complete list of the early histories of the States, counties and towns, and of the early travels and explora- tions. The Indians are represented by a fine copy of Lou- don's Indian Wars, published at Carlisle in 1808, and which 449403 IV to-day is rated as one of the rarest items in Indian history; Ziesberger's Delaware Indian Spelling Book, published at Philadelphia in 1776; Livingston's Review of the Military Operations in North America, published in New York in 1770; original edition of Hecke welder's Narrative; and an extra-illustrated copy of "A Letter to the Right Honorable William Pitt, from an Officer at Fort Frontenac," London, 1759- Among the books of general interest will be found a fine copy of Morgan Edwards' History of American Baptists, 2 vols. ; the most complete collection of the pamphlets writ- ten by William Cobbett, including his "Political Censor"; the works of Thomas Paine as first issued; an original auto- graph orderly book written at Valley Forge by Henry Dear- born in 1778; the suppressed edition of Herndon's Lincoln, in 3 vols. ; an early Jansen imprint in 1679, before he came to Philadelphia, giving an account of the hanging of Qua- kers in Boston; the life of James Aitken, alias John the Painter, who destroyed the naval stores at Portsmouth, England, in 1777 the rare original edition published at Lon- don in 1777; the original broadside issued by Secretary Stan- ton for the apprehension of the assassin of Abraham Lincoln ; Stanbury and Odell's Loyal Verses; Major Robert Rogers' Account of North America, London, 1765 ; Sargent's Loyal- ists Poetry of the Revolution, etc. This will give a general idea of the worth of the collection, as it would be impossible for us to quote all the important items. The collection merits the attention of all collectors of early Indian history, early State and town history, pre-Revolutionary and Revo- lutionary history, and early explorations and travels in the United States. STAN. V. HENKELS. flfalognr. GENEALOGY. i American Genealogist, The. A Monthly Magazine of Genealogy and Local History. Edited by Thomas A. Glenn. Vol. I. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia-, 1899 All published. 3 Baily, Joel J., 1847-1897. Golden v Anniversary, April i. Souvenir of the Fiftieth Business Anniversary of. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1897 Privately printed. 4 Banes, Charles H. Annals of Miles' Ancestry in Penn- sylvania, and Story of a Forged Will. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1895 5 Barber, Edwin A. Genealogy of the Barber Family, the Descendants of Robert Barber, of Lancaster County, Pa. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1890 6 Barber, Edwin A. Genealogical Records of the Atlee Family, the Descendants of Judge William Augustus Atlee and Col. Samuel J. Atlee, of Lancaster County, Pa. Illus- trated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1884 8 Bibighaus, Samuel H. The Descendants of John Bibig- haus, of Bedminster, Bucks County, Pa. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, (1889), 9 Binney, Charles J. Genealogy of the Binney Family in the United States. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1886 10 Boogher's Repository. Devoted to the Preservation of History,^?;/, for . Sh >p the South fide of thcTovvjj-IIoui'c^ Z H.t)icock f at the Bible .ind'*ThiccrCio\vj)siii Ann-Street. M DCC XXXII. Facsimile Title of Lot 129. 14 127 American Remembrancer, The; or, An Impartial Col- lection of Essays, Resolves, Speeches, etc., relative, or having affinity to, the Treaty with Great Britain. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, 1795 128 American Revolution. Collection D'Estampes Repre- sentant Les Evenements De La Guerre Pour la Liberte de L'Amerique Septentrionale. A series of fourteen beau- tiful engravings, representing the Hanging of John Mal- colm, the Journey to Lexington, the Surrender at Sara- toga, the Capture of Dominque, the Surrender of Senegal, the Surrender of L' Isle de la Grenade, the Capture of Pensacola, the Surrender of Cornwallis, the Attack on Brimstone Hill, etc. In all, sixteen plates beautifully en- graved. 4to, calf. Paris (1783) Very scarce. A complete set, including the two maps. '4. 129 America. The Vade Mecum ; or, A Companion for Traders and Travellers. Containing * * * the Names of the Towns and Counties in the several Provinces and Colonies of New England, New York and the Jerseys, as also the several Counties in Pensilvania, Maryland and Virginia. * * * The Time of the General Meetings of the Baptists and Quakers. * * * A Description of the Principal Roads from the Mouth of Kennebec River in the North-East of New-England to James River in Virginia. To which is added the Names of the Streets in Boston. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Boston, 1732 A line copy of this excessively rare book. See facsimile title. 130 America. The History of. (Containing a History of the Revolution). I2tno, sheep. (Broken.) Philadelphia, 1790 o 131 America. War of 1812. History of the. Illustrated with a portrait of General Pike and six other engravings of naval baffles, etc. I2mo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1816 A poor copy, but with a good portrait of Pike. ' 132 American War. An Historcal Journal of the. (1765- 1783.) 8vc, boards. N. P., N. D. Name cut from top of title and book stained. Very rare. \ 132 American War. An Historical Journal of the. (1765- Parts of America. In a series of letters. Illustrated with map and folding plates. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. London, 1789 A fine copy, with all the rare plates, including a view of St. Johns, Canada: View of the Saw Mill and Blockhouse on Fort Anne, View of the West Bank of the Hudson River, Encampment of the Convention Army, etc. 15 134 Andre, Major John. Proceedings of a Board of Gen- eral Officers Respecting. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1867 Only forty-nine copies privately printed. 135 Annesley, James. The Trial of, and Joseph Redding, at the. Sessions-House in the Old-Bailey, on Thursday the 1 5th of July, 1742, for the Murder of Thomas Eggle- stone. 4to, boards. London, 1742 Portrait of Annesley laid in. Smollett's Peregrine Pickle, Scott's Guy Mannering, and Read's Wandering Heir were all founded upon the events of the life of Annesley, who was brought to Philadel- phia and sold to a farmer in Lancaster County. 136 Annesley, James. The Case of. Humbly Offered to all Lovers of Truth and Justice. 8vo, calf, gilt. (London), 1756 Gives many details not elsewhere found, and shows that English justice was too expensive for the Pennsylvania Redemptioner. 137 Annesley and Angelsey. The Trial in Ejectment be- tween Campbell Craig, Lessee of James Annesley, Esq., and other Plaintiffs, and the Right Hon. Richard, Earl of Angelsey, Defendant. Folio, sheep. Dublin, 1744 Elias Boudinot's copy, with his autograph and bookplate. 138 Annesley and Anglesey. The Trial at Bar between Campbell Craig, Lessee of James Annesley, Esq., Plain- tiff, and the Right Honorable Richard, Earl of Anglesey, Defendant. * * * in the Year 1743. Portrait. 8vo, contemporary paneled calf. London, 1744 Contains also the trial of James Annesly for the murder of Thomas Eggleston, and bookplate of Robert Clark Paul. / 139 Annesley, Mr. A Letter to a Nobleman in the Country on the Affairs of. 8vo. half morocco. London, 1744 140 Anti-Masonic Convention. The Proceedings of the United States. Held at Philadelphia, Sep. n, 1830. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1830 141 Anti-Masonic Convention. The Proceedings of the United States. Held at. Philadelphia, Sep. n, 1830. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1830 142 Anti-Masonic Convention. The Proceedings of the United States. Held at Philadelphia, Sep. u, 1830. 8vo, half bound. Philadelphia, 1830 143 Armies of the United States. An Act for Establishing, Rules and Articles for the Government of the. I2mo, boards. Lancaster (1807) i6 144 Armistead, Wilson. Memoirs of James Logan, a Dis- tinguished Scholar and Christian Legislator. Portrait. I2mo, cloth. London, 1851 145 Arnoux, William H. The Dutch in America. A His- torical Argument. 4to, boards, uncut. New York, 1890 Privately printed. 146 Ashe, Thomas. Travels in America, performed in 1806, for the purpose of Exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Mo- nongahela. Ohio and Mississippi, and ascertaining the Produce and Condition of their Banks and Vicinity. (Soiled.) I2mo, sheep. Newburyport, 1808 147 Ashe, Thomas. Travels in America, performed in 1806, for the puipose of Exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Mo- nongahela, Ohio and Mississippi, and ascertaining the Produce and Condition of their Banks and Vicinity. (Soiled.) I2mo, sheep. Newburyport, 1808 148 Aspden, Matthias. Paper Book in the Case of Aspden vs. Aspden. With testimony containing many Revolu- tionary Letters and Genealogies of Leading Philadelphia Families. Thick 8vo, half roan. (Philadelphia, 1851) 149 Association of Centenary Firms and Corporations of the United States. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1892 150 Atwater, Caleb. Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Washington City in 1829. I2mo, half bound. Columbus, Ohio, 1831 151 Audubon, Maria R. Audubon and His Journals. With Zoological and other Notes, by Elliott Coues. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8\o, cloth, top edges gilt. New York, 1897 152 Audubon, John James. The Life of, the Naturalist. Edited by his widow. Portrait. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1879 153 Avviso. A quegli che pensasero D'Andare in America e Osservazioni Sulle buone Creanze de' Selvaggi dell 'America Settentrionale.' 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Cremona, 1785 Very rare. Written by Lorenzo Manini. Contains much matter relating to Pennsylvania and Benjamin Franklin. 154 (Bache, B. F.) Truth Will Out! The Foul Charges of the Tories against the Editor of the "Aurora" Re- pelled by Positive Proof and Plain Truth, and His Base Calumniators Put to Shame. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia (1798) 155 Bailey, Robert. The Life and Adventures of, from his Infancy up to December, 1821. Interspersed with Anec- dotes and Religious and Moral Admonitions. Portraits and woodcuts. 8vo, sheep. Richmond, 1822 The author was a son of Major Bailey, who fought at Cowpens; he was born in Chester County, and went to Virginia and became a gambler. Exceedingly rare. 156 Bailey, William. Records of Patriotism and Love of Country. 8vo, boards, uncut. Washington, 1826 The writer, and Englishman, follows Alexander Garden's Anec- dotes of the Revolution, and adds anecdotes and comments. The book was suppressed in England and exported here. Very rare. 157 Balch, Thomas W. The Alabama Arbitration 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1900 158 Baldwin, John D. Ancient America in Notes on American Archaeology. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1872 159 Baldwin, Matthias W. Memorial of. Portrait. 8vo, full morocco, antique. Philadelphia, 1867 Thick paper copy. Privately printed. 160 Bancroft vs. Grandfathers Grandsons vs. Bancroft. Nathaniel Greene. An Examination of some Statements Concerning Major-General Greene, in the ninth volume of Bancroft's History of the United States. By Geo. W. Greene. Boston, 1866 Bancroft's Letter to the Editors of the North Ameri- can Review, 1867. Geo. W. Greene's Letter to the North American Re- view. 1867. General John Sullivan. A Vindication of his Char- acter as a Soldier and a Patriot. By Thos. C. Amory. Privately printed. Morrisania, 1867 General Sullivan: not a Pensioner of Luzerne. (Min- ister of France at Philadelphia, 1778-1783.) Boston, 1875 Correspondence and Remarks upon Bancroft's History of the Northern Campaign of 1777. By G. L. Schuyler. New York, 1867 President Reed, of Pennsylvania : A reply to Mr. Geo. Bancroft. Philadelphia, 1867 Joseph Reed: An Historical Essay. By Geo. Bancroft. New York, 1867 A Rejoinder to Mr. Bancroft's Historical Essay on President Reed. By Win. B. Reed. Philadelphia, 1867 (*) 1 60 Continued. Wm. B. Reed, of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Expert in the Art of Exhumation of the Dead. By B. Rush. Philadelphia, 1867 A Criticism of Wm. B. Reed's Aspersion on the Char- acter of Dr. Benjamin Rush. By J. G. Johnson. Philadelphia, 1867 The Reed Controversy. Further Facts with reference to the Character of Joseph Reed. By W. S. Stryker. Privately printed. Trenton, 1876 Bound in I vol.. thick 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. An unique and complete collection of these pamphlets on this acrimonious controversy. Newspaper clippings and autograph let- ters inserted. 161 Bancroft, George. History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent. Illustrated. 10 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1852 162 Barber, E. A. Anglo-American Pottery. Old English China, with American Views. A Manual for Collectors. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Indianapolis, 1899 163 Barber, J. W. United States Book; or, Interesting Events in the History of the United States. Illustrated with numerous small copperplates. i2mo. half morocco. New Haven, 1824 164 Barbiere, Joe. Scraps from the Prison Table of Camp Chase and Johnson's Island. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Doylestown, 1868 165 Barker, Jacob. Brief and Speech of, of New Orleans, and other Pamphlets relating to the Ten Million Dollar Loan of the United States in 1814. 8vo. half morocco. Washington, 1814 166 Barlow, Joel. The Columbiad. Illustrated with eleven fine engravings. Royal 4to, three-quarter morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1807 Large-paper copy, dedicated to Robert Fulton, at whose ex- pense the book was published. It is the handsomest specimen of Dookmaking, up to its time, ever attempted in America. A magnifi- cent clean copy, totally free from spots. 167 Barton, Benjamin S. New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1798 Very rare. 168 Barton, Benjamin S. Collections for an Essay toward a Materia Medica of the United States. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1810 19 169 Bartram, William. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Choctaws ; containing an Account of the Soil and Natural Produc- tions of those Regions. Together with Observations on the Manners of the Indians. Embellished with copper- plates. 8vo, original calf. Philadelphia, 1791 Fine copy. Name on title. 170 Bartram, William. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Choctaws ; containing an Account of the Soil and Natural Produc- tions of those Regions. Together with Observations on the Manners of the Indians. Embellished with copper- plates. Second edition in London. 8vo, half bound, uncut. London, 1794 171 Bastardy. The Commissioners of the Alm's-House vs. Alexander Whisleto, a Black Man ; being a remarkable case of Bastardy. Tryed and Adjudged by the Mayor, Recorder and several Aldermen of the City of New York. 8vo. half morocco. New York, 1808 Very rare. 172 Bayard, Ferdinand M. Voyage Dans LTnterieur Des Etats-Unis, A Bath, Winchester. Dans La Vallee De Shenandoah, etc., Pendant 1'Ete de 1791. Second edition. 8vo, half bound. Paris, 1798 Contains interesting anecdotes relating to General Washington. 173 Beale, James. From Marsh Run to Seminary Ridge. Oblong 4to, half morocco. (Philadelphia, 1889) Fifty copies privately printed. 174 Beale, James. A Famous War-Song. A Paper read before the United Service Club, Philadelphia. Illustrated. Oblong 4to, half morocco. Philadelphia, N. D. Of this beautiful printed account of the original of the John Brown song, there are but one hundred copies. 175 Bear, John W. The Life and Travels of. ("The Buck- eye Blacksmith.") Written by himself. I2mo, cloth. Baltimore, 1873 A curious and egotistical book of old-time political campaigning. He was a most effective speaker and an early daguerreotypist. 176 Another copy. 20 177 Bearcroft, Philip. A Sermon Preached before the In- corporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, * * * February i5th, 1744. 4to, half morocco, uncut. London, 1744 Large paper copy. Refers to the American colonies. 178 Beath, Robert B. History of the Grand Army of the Republic. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1889 179 (Beaumarchais, Pierre A. C.) Observations on the Justificative Memorial of the Court of London. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1781 Edges injured. Very scarce. In reference to the relation be- tween France and the Colonies during the Revolutionary War. Translated by P. S. Du Ponceau. 180 Belknap, Jeremy. The History of New Hampshire. (From the Discovery of the River Pascataqua to 1790.) 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Philadelphia and Boston, 1784-1792 Scarce. 181 Belknap, Jeremy. American Biography ; or, An His- torical Account of those Persons who have been Distin- guished in America. 2. vols. 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1794 With two bookplates stating that this copy was given to John McCall, of Philadelphia, by St. Mary's College, Baltimore, for excellence in Latin Syntax. 182 Benezet, Anthony. A Caution and Warning to Great- Britain and Her Colonies in a Short Representation of the Calamitous State of the Enslaved Negroes in the British Dominions. 8vo, half morocco. Hall & Sellers, Philadelphia, 1767 183 Benezet, Anthony. The Potent Enemies of America laid open; being some Account of the Baneful Effects attending the use of Distilled, Spirituous Liquors, and the Slavery of the Negroes. I2mo, half bound. j. Crukshank, Philadelphia (1774) 184 Benezet, Anthony. Some Observations on the Indian Natives of the Continent. 121110, paper. Philadelphia, 1784 Lacks title. John Heckewelder's copy. With stamp, "Hecke- welder's Family Library No. 113." 185 Benezet, Anthony. Some Observations on the Situa- tion, Disposition and Character of the Indian Natives of this Continent. I2mo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1784 Scarce. 21 186 Benson, Egbert. Vindication of the Captors of Major Andre. With Introduction and Appendix. 4to, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1865 Large-paper copy, of which only thirty- five were printed. 187 Bernard, John. Retrospection of America, 1797-1811. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1887 Contains many original anecdotes of Washington, Franklin and the Revolution. 188 Bertin, Georges. Joseph Bonaparte en Amerique, 1815- 1832. Portrait. 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Paris, 1893 189 Binney, Horace. An Eulogy on the Life and Character of John Marshall. 8vo, half morocco, top edge gilt. Philadelphia (1835) 190 Birkbeck, Morris. Notes on a Journey in America. From the coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. 8vo, hoards, uncut. London, 1818 191 Bishops in America. A Critical Commentary on Arch- bishop Seeker's Letters to the Right Honorable Horatio Walpole, concerning. 8vo, half morocco. J. Dunlap, Philadelphia, 1771 192 Blackburn, J. S., and McDonald, W. N. New School History of the United States of America. Tenth edition, revised. I2mo, half morocco. Baltimore, 1879 This history was prepared after the war for use in the South, and in the Garfield campaign caused a great sensation. Here are a few quotations from it: "Col. Ellsworth, a famous rough and circus rider"; "Grant had been a bold man of the world"; "He (Butler) and his officers unblushingly plundered the city, robbing the elegant mansions of its princely merchants, and ship- ping these stolen wares to points in the North." 194 Elaine's Campaign of 1884. Newspaper Clippings Re- lating to. Neatly mounted in i vol. 8vo, half morocco. A full and succinct history of the celebrated campaign in which James G. Blaitre was defeated for President by Grover Cleveland. It is really the history of the greatest political upheaval since the war. 195 Blair, Rev. Samuel. The Works of. * * * Late Minister of the Gospel at Fogs-Manor, Chester, Pa. 8vo, sheep. Wm. Bradford, 1754 Not mentioned in Hildeburn. Lacks the title and several pages. 196 Bliven, Major Charles E. Continental Congress. 8vo, boards. Chicago, 1892 197 Blok, Petrus Johannus. History of the People of the Netherlands. Translated by O. A. Bierstadt and Ruth Putnam. 8vo, buckram, top edge gilt. New York, if 22 198 Boehm, Rev. Henry. Reminiscences, Historical and Biographical, of Sixty-four Years in the Ministry. Por- trait. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1865 : 199 Bookplate. An Abridgment of the American Gazet- teer. By Tedediah Morse. Map imperfect. I2mo, sheep. Boston, 1798 Has the very rare armorial bookplate of J. Ellis Bloomfield. Engraved by J. Trenchard. 200 Bouquet's Expedition. Historical Account of, against the Ohio Indians in. 1764. With a Preface by Francis Parkman. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1868 201 Bowen, Eman. Atlas Minimus; or, A New Set of Pocket Maps of the Several Empires, Kingdoms and States of the known World. With Historical Extracts relative to such. Drawn and engraved by J. Gibson. Square i6mo, calf. London, 1758 Very rare. Beautifully engraved. Containing the maps of New England, New York and Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, Carolina and Georgia, Canada and New France, Mexico and New Spain, etc. With armorial bookplate of Charles Wright. 202 Bowen's Picture of Boston; or, The Citizens' and Strangers' Guide to the Metropolis of Massachusetts and its Environs. To which is prefixed the annals of Boston. Numerous copperplates and woodcuts. i6mo, roan. Boston, 1838 203 Brackenridge, H. M. Views of Louisiana, together with a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River in 1811. 8vo, calf. Pittsburg, 1814 A fine copy. Very scarce. Name on title. 204 Brackenridge, H. M. Speeches on the Jew Bill in the House of Delegates of Maryland, by H. M*. Brackenridge, Col. W. G. D. Worthington, and John S. Tyson, Esq., * * * and an Eulogy on Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1829 205 Brackenridge, H. M. Recollections of Persons and Places in the West. i2mo, cloth. (Philadelphia, 1834) 206 Brackenridge, H. M. Recollections of Persons and Places in the West. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1868 207 Brackenridge, H. M. History of the Late War be- tween the United States and Great Britain. Illustrated. 8vo, roan. Philadelphia, 1836 23 ' 2o8 Bradford, T. G. The Illustrated Atlas, Geographical, Statistical and Historical, of the United States. Imperial 4to, half roan. Boston, N. D. ( 1838) This contains the beautifully engraved and colored title page, with the very rare vignette portrait of George Washington. 209 Bradford's History "of Plimoth Plantation." From the original manuscript. With a Report of the Proceedings incident to the return of the Manuscript to Massachu- setts. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1898 210 Branagan, Thomas. Serious Remonstrances Ad- dressed to the Citizens of the Northern States * * * on the Recent Revival of the Slave Trade. i2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1805 211 Breck, Samuel. Historical Sketch of Continental Paper Money. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1863 212 Brewster, F. Carroll. From Independence Hall around the World. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1895 213 Brief Statement of Opinions given in the Board of Commissioners under the Sixth Article of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation with Great Britain. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1800 214 Brinton, Daniel G. The Lenape and their Legends. With the Complete Texts. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1885 215 Brinton, Daniel G. Essays of an Americanist. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1890 216 British Empire. The History of the, from the Year 1765 to the end of 1783. Containing an Important His- tory of the Origin, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution. By a Society of Gentlemen. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, 1798 V 217 British Tyranny. The Fall of; or, American Liberty Triumphant. The First Campaign. A Tragi-Comedy of Five A.cts, as lately planned at the Royal Theatrum Pan- demonium at St. James's. The Phincipal Place of Action in America. 8vo, half bock. Philadelphia, Styner & Cist, 1776 Most of the scenes are laid about Boston. Among the charac- ters are Washington, Lee, Putnam, Prescott, and Ethan Allen, Bute, North, Chatham and Wilkes. Somewhat stained. Very rare. 218 (Bromwell, William.) Locomotive Sketches with Pen and Pencil : or, Hints and Suggestions to the Tourist over the Great Central Route from Philadelphia to Pittsburg. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1854 24 219 (Bromwell, William.) Off-Hand Sketches: A Com- panion for the Tourist and Traveller over the Philadel- phia. Pottsville and Reading Railroad. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1854 221 Brooke, H. K. Annals of the Revolution; or, A His- tory of the Doans. Illustrated. i6mo. picture boards. Philadelphia, 1843 222 Brown, Alexander. The Genesis of the United States. A Narrative of the Movement in England. 1605-1616, which resulted in the Plantation of North America by Englishmen. Profusely illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston, 1890 223 Brown, Henry Armitt. Oration Delivered in Carpen- ters' Hall on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Con- gress of 1774. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1875 Large-paper copy. 224 Brown, Sam'l R. The Western Gazetteer or Emigrants' Directory. Containing a Geographical Description of the Western States and Territories, viz., the States of Ken- tucky. Indiana, Louisiana, Ohio, Tennessee and Missis- sippi, etc. 8vo, sheep. (Stained.) Auburn, 1817 Early and full account of the West. 225 Brownlow, W. G. Sketches of the Rise, Progress and Decline of Secession. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1862 226 Buchanan and Fremont Campaign of 1856. Consisting of forty-six pamphlets and broadsides (Republican), col- lected by the late General Hector Tyndale, and twenty- six pamphlets (Democratic), collected by the late Hon. Charles W. Carregan. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco and roan. An unique collection. 227 Boudinot, Elias. Journal or Historical Recollections of American Events during the Revolutionary War. Copied from his own original manuscripts. Edited by Stan. V. Henkels. 4to, half morocco, gilt, red tops, uncut. Philadelphia, 1874 Large-paper copy, of which twenty-five were only published, this copy being No. 13. One of the most delightful books ever published for extra-illustrating. Illustrated with facsimiles. 228 Boudinot, Elias. The Life, Public Services, Addresses and Letters of. President of the Continental Congress. Edited by J. J. Boudinot. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt. Boston, 1896 25 Bulkeley, John, and Cummins, John. A Voyage to the South Seas in the Years 1740-1. Second edition. With additions. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. James Chattin, Philadelphia, 1757 This is the only uncut copy I have ever seen. Bulkeley, who lived in Pennsylvania, dedicated this edition to William Denny. 230 Bulkeley, John, and Cummins, John. A Voyage to the South Seas in the Years 1740-1. Second edition. With additions. 8vo, calf. Tames Chattin, Philadelphia, 1757 231 Bunn, Alfred. Old England and New England. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1853 232 Burke's Account of the European Settlements in America. With maps. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1758 233 Burnaby, Rev. Andrew. Travels through the Middle Settlement in North-America in the Years 1759 and 1760. With Observations upon the State of the Colonies. 4to, half calf, gilt, canary edges. London, 1775 Fine copy. Scarce. 234 Burnaby, M. Andre. Voyages dans les Colonies du milieu de rAmerique Septentrionale, Faits in 1759 and 1760. Traduit par M. Willd. I2mo, uncut. Lausanne, 1778 Scarce. 235 Burr, Col. Aaron. The Trial of, on an Indictment of Treason, before the Circuit Court of the United States, held in Richmond (Va.), May Term. 1807. Including the arguments and decisions on all the motions made during the examination and trial, and on the motion for an at- tachment against Gen. Wilkinson. Taken in shorthand by T. Carpenter. 3 vols. 8vo. original boards, uncut. Washington City, 1807 The excessively rare first edition, with name on title. The title of Vol. II. is wrongly lettered "Vol. III." 236 Butler, Frederick. Memoirs of the Marquis de La Fayette, Major-General in the Revolutionary Army. * * * Together with his tour through the United States. Illustrated. 121110, sheep. Wetherfield, 1825 237 Butterfield, C. W. An Historical Account of the Ex- pedition against Sandusky under Colonel William Craw- ford in 1782. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt. Cincinnati, 1873 26 238 Butterfield, C. W. History of the Girtys : being a Con- cise Account of the Girty Brothers Thomas, Simon, Tames and George and of their half-brother, John Turner; also of the part taken by them in Lord Dun- more's War, in the Western-Border Wars of the Revo- lution, and in the Indian War, 1790-95. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1890 239 (Cadwalader, John.) A Reply to General Joseph Reed's Remarks on a Late Publication in the Independent Gazetteer. With some Observations on his Address to the People of Pennsylvania. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. T. Bradford, Philadelphia, 1783 Autograph presentation copy from the author. The very rare first edition. 240 Caldwell, Charles. Medical and Physical Memoirs. Containing, among other subjects, a particular inquiry into the origin and nature of the late pestilential epi- demics in the United States. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1801 241 Caldwell, Charles. Memoirs of the Life and Campaigns of the Hon. Nathaniel Greene, Major-General in the Revo- lution. Portrait. (Foxed.) 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1819 242 Calef, Robert. The Wonders of the Invisible World. Displayed in five parts. New edition. i6mo, sheep. (Broken.) Boston, 1828 243 Callender, James T. Sketches of the History of Amer- ica. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1798 Presented to Citizen Barriere by P. S. D. (Du Ponceau). 244 (Callender, J. T.) The Prospect Before Us. Vol. II., part 2. 8vo. half bound. Richmond, 1801 245 Calvert, Frederick, Esq. The Trial of, Baron of Balti- more, in the Kingdom of Ireland, for a Rape on the Body of Sarah Woodcock; and of E1iz. Griffinburg and Ann Harvey, otherwise Darby, as Accessories before the Fact, For Procuring, Aiding and Abetting him in Committing the said Rape. At the Assizes, held at Kingston, for the County of Surrey, on Saturday, the 26th of March, 1768.. London, 1768 The Tryal between Henry. Duke of Norfolk, Plaintiff, and John Jermaine, Defendant, in an Action of Trespass on the Case * * * on the 24th of November, 1692. London, 1692 27 The Whole Proceedings at large * * * on an Action brought by the Rt. Hon. Richard Lord Grosvenor against His Royal Highness Henry Frederick. Duke of Cumber- land, for Criminal Conversation with Lady Grosvenor. London, 1770 The Whole of the Evidence on the Trial of Her Grace Elizabeth, Duchess Dowager of Kingston, before the Right Honorable the House of Peers, in Westminster- Hail * * * April, 1776. Boun^ in i vol. Folio, half morocco. A very rare and unique collection. 247 Campbell, Charles. The Bland Papers. Being a Selec- tion from the Manuscripts of Colonel Theodorick Bland, Jr., of Prince George County, Va. 2 vols. in i. 8vo, boards. Petersburg, 1840 Fine copy. Very scarce. 248 Campbell, Douglas. The Puritan in Holland, England and America. An Introduction to American History. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1892 249 Campbell, J. W. A History of Virginia, from its Dis- covery till the Year 1781. With Biographical Sketches of all the most Distinguished Characters that occur in the Colonial, Revolutionary or Subsequent Period of our History. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1813 Fine copy. Very scarce. 250 Canada and Guadaloupe. The Interest of Great Britain Considered, with regard to her Colonies and the Acquisi- tions of. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1760 Stained. 251 (Carey, Mathew.) A Plumb Pudding for the Humane, Chased, Valiant. Enlightened Peter Porcupine. By his Obliged Friend. 8vo, half back, uncut. Philadelphia (1799) 252 Carey, Mathew. Nine Letters to Dr. Adam Seybert, Representative in Congress from the City of Philadel- phia. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1810 253 (Carey, Mathew.) The Olive Branch; or, Faults on Both. Sides Federal and Democratic. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1814 "Presented as a merit of respect to John Morton, Esq., by the author." Stained. 28 254 Carey. M. Auto-Biographical Sketches. A series of letters addressed to a friend. Vol. I. I2mo, half morocco, unctit. Philadelphia (1829) All published. Very scarce. Suppressed by the family. 255 Carey's American Pocket Atlas. Containing nineteen maps. With a brief description of each State. Second edition. 8vo. sheep. (Broken.) Philadelphia, 1801 256 Carmina Sacra; or, Boston Collection of Church Music. By Lowell Mason. Oblong 4to, boards. Boston, 1845 257 Carnesworthe. Atlantic City: its Early and Modern History. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1868 Presentation copy from the author. 258 (Carpenter, Stephen C.) Memoirs of the Hon. Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, Vice-President and Presi- dent of the United States of America. Containing a concise history of those States from the acknowledgment of their Independence. With a view of the Rise and Progress of French Influence and French Principles in that Country. 2 vols. 8vo, half bound. Printed for the purchasers, 1809 Very rare. This copyright bears the name of "Thomas Hall," but does not contain the name of either the author or publisher. A considerable edition was published, but the printers became alarmed, in view of the stringency of the law of libel at the time, and took advice of a leading attorney, Mr. Samuel M. Hopkins, a young lawyer in Auburn, N. Y. Mr. Hopkins informed them that "he found, on an average, a libel on every page." On this the memoir was suppressed and the edition destroyed, after a few copies only had been sold. 259 Carpenter, Thomas. The American Senator; or, A Copious and Impartial Report of the Debates in the Con- gress of the United States. Including all Treaties, Ad- dresses, Proclamations, etc., which occur during the Present Session, being the Second of the Fourth Con- gress. 3 vols. 8vo, half bound and sheep. Philadelphia, 1796 260 Carpenter, W. H. Claiborne, the Rebel. A Romance of Maryland and the Proprietary. 8vo, paper. New York, 1845 261 Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton. Journal of, During his Visit to Canada in 1776 as one of the Commissioners from Congress. With a Memoir and Notes, by Brantz Mayer. 8vo, full morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. Baltimore, 1845 Brantz Mayer's copy, with a two-page autograph letter of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, dated September 19, 1820, and thirty-six fine portraits and views inserted. 29 262 Carson, Hampton L. The Supreme Court of the United States. Its History, and its Centennial Celebra- tion, February 4th. 1890. Illustrated -with numerous etched portraits. 4to, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1891 263 Carver, J. Travels Ihrough the Interior Parts of North-America in the Years 1766, 1767 and 1768. Illus- trated with maps and copperplates. 8vo, calf. London, 1778 Fine copy. 264 Carver, Capt. Jonathan. Three Years' Travels through the Interior Parts of North America for more than Five Thousand Miles. Containing an Account of the Great Lakes, and all the Lakes, Islands, the Rivers, Cataracts, Mountains, Minerals, etc. I2mo, sheep. (Soiled.) Philadelphia, 1792 265 Carver, Capt. Jonathan. Three Years' Travels through the Interior Parts of North- Am erica for more than Five Thousand Miles. Containing an Account of the Great Lakes, and all the Lakes and Islands and Rivers, Cata- racts. Mountains, Minerals, Soil and Vegetable Produc- tions of the North-West Regions of that Vast Continent. * * * Together with a concise history of the Genius, Manners and Customs of the Indian Inhabitants, etc. 8vo, calf, reoacked. Philadelphia, 1796 266 Census. Return of the Whole Number of Persons within the Several Districts of the United States. 8vo, boards, uncut. Washington, 1802 The first census of 1791. 267 Census. Return of the Whole Number of Persons within the Several Districts of the United States. 8vo, boards, uncut. Washington, 1802 268 Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. A Collec- tion of Catalogues, Advertising Pamphlets and Descrip- tive Papers from the. In i vol. 8vo, half bock. 269 Centennial Exposition, 1876. A Set of the Medals Struck off in Commemoration of the. 5 pieces in morocco case. 270 Chapman, Isaac A. A Sketch of the History of Wyo- ming. To which is added an Appendix, containing a Statistical Account of the Valley and the Adjacent Country. By a Gentleman of Wilkesbarre. I2mo, original boards, white label. Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1830 A fine, tall and clean copy. 30 271 Chastelleaux, M. Le Marquis de. Voyages, Dans TAmerique Septentrionale Dans les Annees, 1780, 1781 and 1782. With maps and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1786 272 Chronicles of the Great Rebellion Against the United States of America. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, N. D. 273 Cincinnati. Proceedings of the General Society of the. , With the Original Institution of the Order. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1841 274 (Clarkson, Thomas.) An Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, particularly the Afri- can. 8vo, half morocco, red top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1787 275 Clarkson, Rev. T. An Essay on the Impolicy of the African Slave-Trade. To which is added an Oration by J. P. Bnssot de Warville. 8vo, sheep. (Broken.) Philadelphia, 1788 276 Clarkson, Rev. T. An Essay on the Impolicy of the African Slave-Trade. To which is added an Oration upon the necessity of establishing at Paris a Society to pro- mote the Abolition of the Trade and Slavery of Negroes. By J. P. Brissot de Warville. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1788 277 Clarkson, Thomas. The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the American Slave Trale. 2 vols. I2mo, calf. Philadelphia, 1808 Roberts Vaux's copy. With autograph. 278 Clarkson, Thomas. The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade. I2mo, sheep. Wilmington, 1816 279 Clarkson, Thomas. The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade. I2mo, sheep. Wilmington, 1816 283 (Cobbett, William.) The Political Censor; or, Monthly Review of the Most Interesting Political Oc- currences relative to the United States of America. For December, 1795; March, April, May, September, Novem- ber and December, 1796, and January, March and April, 1797. 10 pamphlets. 8vo, paper and half morocco, mostly uncut. Philadelphia, 1796-1797 All first editions, except the first four. The most complete set of Cobbett ever sold. The political history of Washington's ad- ministration, rich and racy, by the great master of invective. 284 The Same. For May, March, September, November and December, 1796. 5 pamphlets. 8vo, half morocco, one unbound. Philadelphia, 1796 285 The Same. For March, November and December, 1796. 3 pamphlets. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1796 286 Cobbett, William. A Little Plain English, Addressed to the People of the United States on the Treaty Nego- tiated with his Britannic Majesty, and on the Conduct of the President relative thereto. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1795 287 Cobbett, William. A Little Plain English, Addressed to the People of the United States on the Treaty with Great Britain. By Peter Porcupine. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1795 288 Cobbett, William. A New Year's Gift to the Demo- crats or Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled "A Vindi- cation of Mr. Randolph's Vindication." 8vo, half roan, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 289 Cobbett, William. A New Year's Gift to the Demo- crats. By Peter Porcupine. Second edition. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 290 Cobbett, William. A Prospect from the Congress Gal- lery, during the Session begun Dec. 7. 1795. With occa- sional Remarks by Peter Porcupine. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 Original covers bound in. 291 Cobbett, William. The Scare-Crow. Being an Infa- mous Letter sent to Mr. John Oldden, threatening de- struction to his House and Violence to the Person of his Tenant, William Cobbett. By Peter Porcupine. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 292 (Cobbett, William.) The Scare-Crow. Being an In- famous Letter sent to Mr. John Oldden, threatening De- struction to his House and Violence to the Person of his Tenant, William Cobbett. With Remarks on the same, by Peter Porcupine. Second edition. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 293 Cobbett, William. The Gros Mousquetin Diplomat- ique ; or, Diplomatic Blunderbuss. Containing Citizen Adet's Notes to the Secretary of State; as also his Cock- ade Proclamation. By Peter Porcupine. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1796 32 294 Cobbett, William. A Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats. By Peter Porcupine. Two parts. 8vo, half sheep. Thomas Bradford, Philadelphia, 1795 Bound up in the above volume are: Peter Porcupine's "A Little Plain English on the Treaty Negotiated with His Britannic Ma- jesty," Philadelphia, I7Q5; "A Vindication of Mr. Randolph's Resignation,'' Philadelphia, 1795; Peter Porcupine's "A New Year's Gift to the Democrats or Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled 'Vindication of Mr. Randolph's Resignation,' " Philadel- phia, 1796; 'A Pill for 'Porcupine,' being a Specific for an Obsti- nate Itching which that Hireling has long contracted for Lying and Calumny, containing a Vindication of the American, French and Irish Characters, against his Scurrilities, by 'A Friend to Political Equality.' " Philadelphia: Printed for the author, 1796. 295 Cobbett, William. A Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats, or Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled "The Political Progress of Britain." 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 296 Cobbett, William. A Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats. Containing Observations on a Patriotic Pamphlet, en- titled "Proceedings of the United Irishmen." Part II. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1795 297 Cobbett, William. A Bone to Gnaw for the Demo- crats ; or, Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled "The Political Progress of Britain," etc. Parts I. and II. By Peter Porcupine. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1795-6 298 The Same. Part II. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1795 299 (Cobbett, William.) An Antidote for Tom Paine's Theological and Political Poison. Containing Tom's Life, interspersed with Remarks and Reflections, by P. Porcupine, etc. 8vo, half bound, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 300 (Cobbett, William.) The Bloody Buoy. Thrown out as a Warning to the Political Pilot of America. By Peter Porcupine. Illustrated with four striking copperplates. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1791 301 Cobbett, William. A Kick for a Bite ; or. Review upon Review. With a Critical Essay on the Works of Mrs. S. Rowson, by Peter Porcupine. Second edition. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 302 (Cobbett, William.) The Life and Adventures of Peter Porcupine. With a Full and Fair Account of all 33 his Authoring Transactions. By Peter Porcupine Him- self. Second edition. 8vo. half morocco. Philadelphia, 1796 Speaking of Dr. Franklin trying to prove that his ancestors were wealthy men, he says: "According to Dr. Johnson, A. Frank- lin was what we now call a gentleman steward, or Lord's Bailiff, a personage one degree above a Bumbailiff, and that's all." 303 Cobbett, William. The Works of Peter Porcupine, Revised, Altered and Corrected by the Author. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1796 304 (Cobbett, William.) Porcupine's Works. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, 1796-7 Fifteen political pamphlets, separately printed and bound to- gether in this shape, with general titles. 305 (Cobbett, William.) The Last Confession and Dying Speech of Peter Porcupine. With an Account of his Dissection. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1797 306 (Cobbett, William.) The Republican Judge; or, The American Liberty of the Press. By Peter Porcupine. 8vo. London, 1798 307 (Cobbett, William.) The Democratic Judge; or, The Equal Liberty of the Press, as Exhibited, Explained and Exposed in the Prosecution of William Cobbett for a Pretended Libel against the King of Spain and his Em- bassador, before Thomas McKean, a Justice of the State of Pennsylvania. By Peter Porcupine. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1798 308 Cobbett, William. Porcupine's Gazette. Nos. 777, 778 and 779. I2mo, half morocco, uncut. Bustleton and New York, 1799 These three numbers, issued after Cobbett was driven from Philadelphia, contain his final compliments to Chief Justice Mc- Kean and Dr. Rush. Very rare. 309 Cobbett, William. Porcupine's Works. Containing various Writings and Selections, exhibiting a Faithful Picture of the United States of America, of their Gov- ernment, Laws, Politics and Resources ; of the Character of their Presidents, Governors, Legislators, Magistrates and Military Men * * * from the End of the War in 1783 to the Election of the President in March, 1801. 12 vols. in 6. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1801 A fine set. (3) 34 310 (Cobbett, William.) The Pride of Britannia Humbled; or, The Queen of the Ocean Unqueen'd, by "The Ameri- can Cock Boats," and "The Fir Built Things, with Bits of Striped Bunting at their Mast Heads." (As the Rt. H. Mr. Canning, in the British Parliament, called our Frigates.) Illustrated and demonstrated by four Letters addressed to Lord Liverpool, on the Late American War. With frontispiece of a group of four portraits of American naval heroes. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1815 Scarce. 311 Cobbett, William. Letters on the Late War between the United States and Great Britain. 8vo. boards, uncut. New York, 1815 312 Cobbett, William. A Year's Residence in the United States of America. 3 vols. I2mo, original boards, uncut. New York, 1818 Name on title. 312}^ The Same. Vol. I. I2mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1818 Roberts Vaux's copy. 313 Cobbett, William. A Year's Residence in the United States of America. Third edition . I2mo, half sheep. London, 1822 314 Cobbett, William. Cottage Economy. Frontispiece. I2mo, boards, uncut, London, 1823 315 Cobbett, William. A History of the Reformation in England and Ireland. I2mo, half morocco, top edge trimmed, others uncut. Philadelphia, 1826 316 Cobbett, William. Life of Andrew Jackson, President of the United States of America. Portrait. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1834 317 Cobbett, William. The Life of. i2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1835 318 Coke, Thomas. Extracts of the Journals of the Rev. Dr. Coke's Five Visits to America. London, 1793. And A Statement of the Receipts and Disbursements for the Support of the Missions Established by the Methodist Society for the Instruction and Conversion of the Negroes in the West Indies. By Thomas Coke. London, 1794. In i vol. 8vo, calf. 319 (Coleman, William.) A Collection of the Facts and Documents Relative to the Death of Major-General Alex- 35 ander Hamilton. With Comments, together with the various Orations, Sermons and Eulogies. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1804 4 320 Colonial and Continental Currency and Shin Plasters. A Remarkable Collection of, mostly mounted in a scrap book, consisting of two hundred and three specimens of the Continental and Colonial Money of Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Massa- chusetts, including many of the rarest variety. Quite a number uncirculated and generally in very good condi- tion. Also, fifty-two specimens of early Shin Plasters or broken Bank Notes and some few of the Confederacy. Making in all, 255 pieces. 4to, half morocco. An unique collection, and a graphic portrayal of the currency of the Colonies mentioned just prior to and during the Revolu- tion, as well as the worthless currency of our banks during the early part of the nineteenth century. 321 Columbian Magazine, The; or, Monthly Miscellany. From January to December, 1789. Vol. III. 8vo, half sheep. Contains a View of the State House at Annapolis, View of Bushhill, the seat of William Hamilton, View of the Triumphal Arch and the manner of receiving Gen. Washington at Trenton, View on Schuylkill near Philadelphia, etc. Lacks some plates. 322 Columbian Muse, The. A Selection of American Poetry from various Authors of Established Reputations. I2mo, calf. New York, 1794 323 Commerce of the United States. Observations on. Lacking title page. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1783 324 Common-Place Arguments Against Administration. With Obvious Answers. (Intended for the use of the New Parliament.) Second edition. London, 1780 Relating to the Revolutionary War. Very scarce. One page defective. 325 Conduct of the War. Reports of the Joint Committee on the. With the Supplemental Volumes. Complete set of 8 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Washington, 1863-1866 326 Congress, The; Canvassed, or An Examination into the Conduct of the Delegates at their Grand Convention held in Philadelphia, September I, 1774. Addressed to the Merchants of New York. By A. W. Farmer, author of "Free Thought/' etc. 8vo, half morocco. (New York), 1774 This extremely rare pamphlet was written by Samuel Seabury and Isaac Wilkins, in reply to Alexander Hamilton's "Full Vindi- cation of the Measures of the Congress." 36 327 Congress. Journals of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774. With the half title. 8vo, contemporary calf, gilt. Wm. & Thos. Bradford, Philadelphia, 1774 Fine copy. The binding is slightly cracked, but affords a pretty specimen of early binding in Philadelphia. 328 Conrad, Henry C. "The Three Signers" (from Dela- ware). 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1897 329 Constitution of the Several Independent States of America; The Declaration of Independence; The Articles of Confederation between the said States ; The Treaties ^between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America. I2mo, calf. F. Bailey, Philadelphia, 1781 First edition. Only two hundred copies printed by order of the Congress, with autograph of Jacob Hiltzheimer on preface. Ex- cessively rare. 330 Constitutions, The, of the Several Independent States of America ; The Declaration of Independence ; The Arti- cles of Confederation between the said States ; The Trea- ties between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America, and the Treaties between their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Nether- lands and the United States of America. i2mo, sheep. Boston, 1785 Name cut from title. 331 Constitution of the United States. "We, the People of the State of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Is- land and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, do Ordain, Declare and Establish the following Constitu- tions for the Government of Ourselves and our Poster- ity." Folio. 7 pp., half morocco. 1787 A proposed Constitution of the United States, of which this is the only copy known, a draft used in the convention. Unluckily, it lacks pages five and six. It is printed on one side only and each page is mounted. Of the utmost importance. 332 Constitution of the United States. A View of the Pro- posed, as Agreed to by the Convention of Delegates from Several States at Philadelphia, the T7th day of September, 1787, compared with the present Confederation. 8vo. top edge trimmed, others uncut. R. Aitken & Son, Philadelphia, 1787 This is probably the first publication of the Constitution of the United States in pamphlet. 37 333 Constitution of the United States According to the Latest Amendments. To which is Annexed the Declara- tion of Independence and the Federal Constitution. 121110, sheep. Philadelphia, 1791 This edition contains the Constitution of Vermont, not in any former one. Belonged to Jonathan Dayton, with his autograph. 334 Another Copy. i2mo, sheep. (Stained.) Philadelphia, 1796 335 Constitution of the United States According to the Latest Amendments. To which are Prefixed the Decla- ration of Independence and the Federal Constitution. With portrait of Washington by Gobrecht. i2mo, sheep. Gettysburg, 1811 Scarce Gettysburg imprint, with list of thirteen hundred and twenty-two subscribers, including "the husband of Barbara Fritchie." 336 Continental Congress. The Journals of the Proceed- ings of Congress. Held at Philadelphia from January to May, 1776. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. R. Aitken. Philadelphia, 1776 Of this excessively rare volume, Aitken says, in his account book, April, 1776: "I was ordered to print no more in this large type and to begin a new edition, beginning with the Session of Congress which rendered the sale of the above abortive. Mean- time I sold 80 copies. I also sold 14 Reams of this edition to Benjamin Flower for the use of the Army for cartridges at 3os per ream/' It is probable that another copy could not be found. This is clean as the day of issue. 337 Journals of Congress. Containing the Pro- ceedings from September 5, 1774, to January I, 1776. Published by order of Congress. Vol. I. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. R. Aitken, Philadelphia, 1777 Fine, clean copy. 338 Another copy. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. R. Aitken, Philadelphia, 1777 Fine, clean copy. 339 Journals of Congress. Containing the Pro- ceedings in the Year 1776. Published by order of Con- gress. Vol. II. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. R. Aitken, Philadelphia, 1777 Fine, clean copy. Contains the first official publication of the Declaration of Independence. 38 34O Journals of Congress. Containing the Pro- ceedings from January ist, 1777, to January ist, 1778. Published by order of Congress. Vol. III. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. John Dunlap, Philadelphia, N. D. Fine copy. 341 Journals of Congress. Containing the Pro- ceedings from January ist, 1778, to January ist, 1779. Published by order of Congress. Vol. IV. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. David C. Claypoole, Philadelphia, N. D. Fine, clean copy, with autograph of J. Ingersoll on title. 342 Journals of Congress. Containing the Pro- ceedings from January ist, 1779, to January ist, 1780. Vol. V. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. David C. Claypoole, Philadelphia, 1782 Fine, clean copy, with autograph of Richard Bland Lee on title. 343 Journals of the United States, in Congress As- sembled. Containing the Proceedings from the third day of November, 1783, to the third day of June, 1784. Pub- lished by order of Congress. Vol IX. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. John Dunlap, Philadelphia, N. D. Fine copy. 344 Journals of the United States in Congress As- sembled. Containing the. Proceedings from the first Monday in November, 1784. Published by order of Con- ress. Vol. X. vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. John Dunlap, Philadelphia, 1785 Fine copy, with autograph of Richard Bland Lee on title. 345 Journals of the United States in Congress As- sembled. Containing the Proceedings from the sixth day of November, 1786, to the fifth day of November, 1787. Published by order of Congress. Vol. XII. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. N. P., 1787 Slightly stained. Autograph of Richard Bland Lee on title. 346 Journals of Congress. Containing the Pro- ceedings from January ist, 1778, to January ist, 1779. Published by order of Congress. Vol. IV. 8vo, half morocco, top edge gilt, uncut. David C. Claypoole, Philadelphia, N. D. 347 Continental Congress. Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia on the 5th of September, 1774. Contain- 39 ing the Bill of Rights, a List of Grievances, Occasional Resolves, the Association, an Address to the People of Great-Britain, and a Memorial to the Inhabitants of the British-American Colonies. Published by order of the Congress. 8vo ,half morocco, top edge trimmed, others uncut. Wm. & Thos. Bradford, Philadelphia, 1774 Fine copy. Rare. 348 Continental Congress. The Congress Canvassed; or, An Examination into the Conduct of the Delegates at their Grand Convention, held in Philadelphia, September, 1774. Addressed to the Merchants of New York. By A. W. Farmer, author of "Free Thoughts," etc. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Printed in the Year 1774 Somewhat soiled, but very scarce. 349 Continental Congress. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress held in Philadelphia, May loth, 1775. With the half title. 8vo, half bound. W. & T. Bradford, Philadelphia, 1775 Scarce. Name cut from top of half title. 350 Journals of Congress. From Monday, Febru- ary ist, to Monday, March ist; Monday, March ist, to Tuesday, March 3Oth ; Wednesday, March 3ist, to Sat- urday, April loth ; Monday, April iQth, to Saturday, April 24th ; Saturday, April 24th, to Monday, May 3d ; Monday, May 24th, to Saturday, May 2Qth ; Monday, June 7th, to Saturday, June I2th, 1779. 7 pamphlets. 8vo, uncut. David C. Claypoole, Philadelphia, N. D. In the original parts as issued. 351 Congress. A Supplemental Journal of such Proceed- ings of the First Session of the Ninth Congress, as, during the Time they were Depending, were Ordered to be kept Secret, and respecting which the Injunction of Secrecy was afterwards taken off by order of the House. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 1806 John Dickinson's copy, with autograph. 352 Corwell, Russell H. The Life, Travels and Literary Career of Bayard Taylor. Portrait. I2mo, cloth. Boston, 1879 353 Cooper, Rev. Mr. The History of North America. Containing a Review of the Customs and Manners of the Original Inhabitants, the First Settlement of the British Colonies, etc. Illustrated. i6mo, sheep. Lansingburgh, 1795 Very rare. Contains frontispiece, "America Trampling on Op- 4 o pression," with portraits of Washington and Franklin, View of the Battle of Bunker Hill, Death of Gen. Montgomery, Destruc- tion of the Tea at Boston, Destruction of the Randolph Frigate, and Defeat of De Grasse. The frontispiece is injured on the margin. 354 Cooper, Rev. Mr. The History of North America. Containing a Review of the Customs and Manners of the Original Inhabitants, the First Settlement of the British Colonies, etc. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, 1797 Very scarce. Name on title. 355 Cooper, Rev. Mr. The History of North America. Containing- a Review of the Customs and Manners of the Original Inhabitants. I2tno, boards. Philadelphia, 1797 556 Cooper, The Rev. Mr. The History of North America. I2mo, sheep. Lansingburgh (1805) 357 Cooper, Thomas. Some Information Respecting Amer- ica, collected by. With folding map. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Dublin. 1794 Name on title. 358 Cooper, Thomas. An Account of the Trial of, of Northumberland, on a Charge of Libel against the Presi- dent of the United States. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1800 Very rare. This trial attracted world-wide attention and, in fact, established the right of free speech in America. 359 Copperhead Minstrel. A Choice Collection of Demo- cratic Poems and Songs for the use of Political Clubs and the Social Circle. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1863 Original covers bound in. Rare. "God Save our Wretched Land from Lincoln's Traitor Band." 360 (Coxe, Tench.) A Brief Examination of Lord Shef- field's Observations on the Commerce of the United States. In seven numbers. With two Supplementary Notes on American Manufacturers. 8vo, half roan. Philadelphia, 1791 361 Coxe, Tench. A View of the United States of Amer- ' ica in a Series of Papers written at Various Times be- tween the Years 1787 and 1794. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1794 Name on title. 362 Coxe, Tench. A View of the United States of Amer- ica. 8vo, calf. Dublin, 1795 363 Coxe, Tench. A Statement of the Arts and Manufac- tures of the United States of America for the year 1810. 4to, half sheep. Philadelphia, 1814 364 Craig- Anglesey. The Trial in Ejectment (at large) between Campbell Craig, Lessee of James Annesley, Esq.. and others, Plaintiff: and the Right Honorable Richard Earl of Anglesey, Defendant. Before the Barons of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland, Friday, November n, 1743, etc. Folio, half bound. London, 1744 Very rare. James Annesley, the heir to the earldom, was sold as a redemptioner in 1728 to a German farmer in Lancaster County. Pa. In this suit he recovered his estate and title. Scott's "Guy Mannering" and Read's "Wandering Heir" are founded upon incidents in the life of this remarkable character. 365 Cramer, Zadok. The Navigator. Containing Direc- tions for Navigating the Monongahela, Allegheny, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. With an Ample Account of these Much-Admired Waters, from the Head of the Former to the Mouth of the Latter, and a Concise Description of the Towns, Villages, Harbours, Settlements, etc., with accurate maps of the Ohio and Mississippi. To which is added an Appendix, containing an Account of Louisiana and of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers. I2mo, boards. Pittsburgh, 1811 Very scarce. Contains also a plan of Pittsburg. 366 Crawford, Charles. Observations upon Negro-Slavery. I2mo, original covers, uncut. Philadelphia, 1790 367 Crawford, Charles. An Essay on the Propagation of the Gospel, in which there are Numerous Facts and Ar- guments addressed to prove that many of the Indians of America are Descended from the Ten Tribes. Second edition. I2mo, foxed. Philadelphia, 1891 368 Crevecoeur, Robert de. Saint John de Crevecceur sa vie et ses ouvrages (1735-1813). With portraits. 8vo, half morocco, top edge gilt. Paris, 1883 369 Criminal Recorder, The; or, An Awful Beacon to the Rising Generation of Both Sects. Illustrated -with copper- plates. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1812 Poor copy. 371 Crisis, The. To the People of England and America. 8vo. London, 1775 The first fourteen numbers of this excessively rare periodical in prose and poetry. Written in reference to the American Revolu- tion, and of a decidedly American tendency. 42 371 Crockett, David. A Narrative of the Life of. By Him- self. I2mo, muslin. Philadelphia, 1834 372 Cuming, F. Sketches of a Tour to the Western Country ; through the States of Ohio and Kentucky ; a Voyage down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and i Trip through the Mississippi Territory and Part of West Florida. Commenced at Philadelphia in the W T inter of 1807 and Concluded in 1809. T2mo, sheep. Pittsburgh, 1810 Very scarce. , 373 Curious Portraits. The History of America. Abridged for the use of Children of all Denominations. Adorned with cuts i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1795 Very curious and excessively rare. Contains a frontispiece and twenty-one curious wood-cut portraits of Geo. Washington, Ben- jamin Franklin, Gen. Sullivan, Gen. Clinton, Gen. Henry Lee, Gen. Montgomery, Gen. Green, the Governors of the Thirteen Provinces, etc. 374 Currie, William. An Historical Account of the Climate and Diseases of the United States of America. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, 1792 375 Dagnall, John M. Daisy Swain, the Flower of She- nandoah. Illustrated. i6mo, cloth. Brooklyn, 1865 376 Dallas, George M. A Series of Letters from London. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1869 377 Dall, Caroline H. Barbara Fritchie. A Study. Por- trait and other illustrations. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1892 378 Darlington, William. Reliquiae Baldwinianse. Selec- tions from the Correspondence of William Baldwin, M. D. Portrait. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1843 Portrait engraved by A. Newsam. 379 Darlington, William. Memorials of John Bartram and Humphrey Marshall. With Notice of their Botanical Contemporaries. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1849 380 Daughters of the American Revolution. Third Report of the National Society. 8vo, uncut. Washington, 1901 , 381 Davies, John. The History of the Caribby Islands, viz. : Barbados, Sr. Christophers, St. Vincents, Martinics, Dominico, Barbonthos, Monserrat, Mevis, Angelo, etc. In all, XXVIII. Numerous plates. Folio. Full sprinkled calf, gilt, carmine edges. London 1666 Fine copy. Very scarce. 43 382 Davis, Charles L. A Brief History of the North Caro- lina Troops on the Continental Establishment in the War of the Revolution. * * * Also a Sketch of the North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati. By Henry H. Bellas. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1896 383 Davis, John. Travels of Four Years and a Half in the United States of America, during 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801 and 1802. 8vo, original boards, uncut. London, 1803 This book is the authority for the story of Jefferson's hitching his horse to the fence when inaugurated, and is severe upon Frank lin. The book is dedicated, by permission, to Thomas Jefferson. 384 Davis, L. H. The Centennial Celebration at Pottstown, Pa., July 4, 1876. And Historical Sketch. 8vo, cloth. Pottstown, 1876 385 Davis, W. W. H. Sketch of the Life and Character of John Lacey, a Brigadier-General in the Revolutionary Army. 8vo, boards, top edge gilt, uncut. Privately printed, 1868 386 Davis, W. W. H. The History of Bucks County, Penn- sylvania from the Discovery of the Delaware to the Pres- ent Time. Maps. 8vo, cloth. Doylestown, 1876 Scarce. 387 Dawson, Henry B. The Assault on Stony Point by General Anthony Wayne, July i6th, 1779. With map, facsimiles and notes. Imperial 8vo. boards, uncut. Morrisania, N. Y., 1863 Large-paper copy. Only two hundred and fifty copies printed. With duplicate title, dedication and introduction. 388 Dawson, Moses. A Historical Narrative of the Civil and Military Services of Major-General William H. Har- rison, and a Vindication of his Character and Conduct as a Statesmen, a Citizen and a Soldier. With a Detail of his Negotiations and Wars with the Indians, until the final overthrow of the Celebrated Chief Tecumseh and his brother The Prophet. (Foxed.) 8vo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1824 Very scarce. Henry Dearborn's Valley Forge Orderly Book. 389 Dearborn, Henry. The Original Autograph Orderly Book of, at Valley Forge from January I3th to February 4th, 1778. With each day's Orders. Courts Martial and Events. 4to, half morocco. This orderly book lacks several pages at the front and back, but contains all the orders, courts martial and events in camp from January T.3 to July 1-1, 1778. It is of great historical interest from the fact that it takes in one whole month at Valley Forge, of the most severe winter the Continental Army had to suffer 44 under. The proceedings of the courts martial are peculiarly inter- esting in detailing the different petty offenses committed by the soldiers, and their punishments, which generally consisted of a generous use of the rod at the head of their regiment, and also of a few cases where capital punishment was necessary. It also gives an account of how bravely Colonel Lee defended his quarters against a troop of the enemy's dragoons of vastly superior numbers. Anything of this character from the memorable camp at Valley Forge is of the greatest rarity. 390 Debates of the Convention of the State of Pennsylvania Proposed for the Government of the United States. Taken in shorthand by Thomas Lloyd. Vol. I. 8vo, boards, uncut. Joseph James, Philadelphia, 1788 All published. Exceedingly rare. 391 Debates in the House of Representatives of the United States during the First Session of the Fourth Congress. Part II.. upon the subject of the British Treaty. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 Has library stamp on title. 392 De Haas Wills. History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Virginia. Containing an Ac- count of the Various Expeditions in the West Previous to 1795 ; and also Biographical Sketches of Col. Ebe- nezer Zane, Major Sam. McCulloch, Lewis Wetzel, Gen. Andrew Lewis, Gen. Daniel Broadhead, Capt. Sam. Brady, Col. Wm. Crawford, and other Distinguished Actors in our Border Wars. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Wheeling, 1851 Scarce. Most of the edition was destroyed by fire. 393 Deland, Margaret. Florida Days. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1889 394 Delano, Amasa. A Narrative of Voyages and Travels in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Portrait. 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1817 Gives an account of the discovery of Pitcairn's Island, and the mutineers of the bounty. 395 Delaplaine's Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished American Characters. With eighteen por- traits and two frontispieces. 4to calf. Philadelphia, 1815 Three parts bound in one volume. All published. 396 Democratic Electoral Hand Book. A Collection of Pamphlets on the Democratic Campaign of 1856. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half roan. 397 Democratic Pamphlets. A Collection of Twenty-seven Scarce Political Brochures, Speeches, Songs, etc., written in the North in Opposition to the Policy of Abraham Lincoln in 1864. 8vo, cloth. 45 398 Democracy-Sublimated; or, The Blissful Effects of a Union of Philanthropy, Philosophy and Power. Illus- trated in letters to a young candidate for public honors. 8vo, half bock. Pa., 1802 399 Desultory Reflections on the New Political Aspects of Public Affairs in the United States of America, 1799. 8vo, half red morocco. New York, 1800 400 Dickinson, John. A Speech Delivered in the House of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, May 24, 1764 * * * on the Occasion of a Petition Drawn up by Order, and then under Consideration of the House, Praying His Majesty for a Change of Government of this Province. Second edition. 8vo, half bock, red tops, uncut. Wm. Bradford, 1764 Name on title. 401 (Dickinson, John.) Letters from a Farmer in Penn- sylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. Boston, 1768 The very rare First Boston Edition of the letters which had so much to do in shaping the destinies of America. 402 (Dickinson, John.) Letters from a Farmer in Penn- sylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. The third edition. 8vo, half morocco. Wm. & Thos. Bradford, Philadelphia, 1769 403 (Dickinson, John.) An Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great-Britain over the Colonies in America. With the Resolves of the Committee for the Province of Pennsylvania, and their Instructions to their Repre- sentatives in Assembly. 8vo, naif morocco, top edge trimmed, others uncut. Wm. & Thos. Bradford, Philadelphia, 1774 On page 66 is an article on the Pennsylvania Germans. The last leaf damaged on margin. 404 (Dickinson, John.") A Declaration by the Representa- tives of the United Colonies of North-America, now Met in General Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the Causes and Necessity of their taking up Arms. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1775 Very rare. 405 Dickinson, John. The Political Writings of. Late President of the State of Delaware and of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Wilmington, 1801 Good copy. Scarce. 4 6 406 Dilworth, W. H. The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Celebrated Hernando Cortez. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1801 Title scribbled upon. 407 Diplomatic Correspondence. Papers Relating to the Foreign Affairs of the United States during the Thirty- ninth Congress. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1866 408 Doane, Bishop George W. A Collection of Ten Pam- phlets, Three Broadsides, and Numerous Newspaper Clippings Relating to the Trial of Bishop Doane. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half morocco. 409 Documentary History of the Constitution of the United States, 1786-1870. Derived from the Records, Manuscripts and Rolls Deposited in the Bureau of Rolls and Library of the Department of State. 3 vols. Imperial 8vo, paper, uncut. Washington, 1894-1900 410 Doddridge, Rev. Dr. Joseph. Notes on the Settle- ment and Indian W r ars of the Western Parts of Virgina and Pennsylvania, from the Year 1763 until the Year 1783, inclusive. Together with a View of the State of Society and Manners of the First Settlers of the Western Country. I2tno, half morocco. Wellsburgh, Va., 1824 First Edition. Title repaired. "Rev. Jos. D. McCabe from Dr. D.'s sister, Mrs. Brown, of Wellsburgh, W. Va." Very rare. 411 Doddridge, Rev. Dr. Joseph. Notes on the Settlements and Indian Wars of Virginia and Pennsylvania, etc. I2mo, sheep. Wellsburgh, Va., 1824 Lacks title page and last three pages. 412 Donaldson, Thomas. The Moqui Pueblo Indians of Arizona ; The Six Nations of New York, and the Eastern Band of Cherokees of North Carolina. Colored and plain illustrations. 3 vols. 4to, paper. Washington, 1892-93 413 Doubleday, Abner. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1882 414 Dougherty's Cabinet of Natural History and American Rural Sports. Illustrated iviih portraits and numerous lithographs in colors. 3 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1830-33 This elegant work was too expensive for the time, and perished in the third volume. It is one of the rarest and most interesting works on our rural sports. 47 415 Douglass, William. A Summary, Historical and Po- litical, of the First Planting, Progressive Improvements and Present State of the British Settlements in North America. With mops. 2 vols. 8vo, contemporary calf. London, 1760 Fine copy. Scarce. 416 Drake, Daniel. Natural and Statistical View; or, Picture of Cincinnati and the Miami County. With an Appendix, containing Observations on the Late Earth- quakes, the Aurora Borealis and South-West Wind. Illustrated by maps. I2mo, original lettered boards, uncut. (Broken.) Cincinnati, 1815 One of the earliest Cincinnati books. Very rare. 417 Draper, Lyman C. King's Mountain and its Heroes. History of the Battle of King's Mountain, October 7, 1780. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1881 418 Duane, William. Report of a Debate in the Senate of the United States. 8vo, half roan. Philadelphia, 1804 On a resolution of changing the mode of electing the President and Vice-President of the United States. 419 Dubbs, Joseph Henry. Historic Manual of the Re- formed Church in the United States. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Lancaster, 1885 / 420 Duche, Jacob M. A. Discourses on Various Subjects. Rector of Christ-Church and St. Peter's, in Philadelphia. Frontispieces by William Sharp, after B. West. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt, canary edges. London, 1780 Name on title. The author was the first chaplain to the Con- tinental Congress. 421 Duffield, George. Evangelical Piety. A Farewell Dis- course. Preached at Carlisle, March 28, 1835. With portrait. i6mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1835 422 Duganne, A. J. H. The Quaker Soldier. A True Story of the War for our Union. Frontispiece and portraits. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1869 423 Duncan, Archibald. The Mariners' Chronicle. Being a Collection of the Most Interesting Narratives of Ship- wrecks, Fires, Famines, and other Calamities Incident to a Life of Maritime Enterprise. With many interesting plates, by Tanner. 4 vols. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1806 Scarce. 425 Dunlap, William. The Life of Charles Brockden Brown. Together with Selections from the Rarest of his Printed Works. From his Original Letters and from his Manuscripts never before published. (Foxed.) 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1815 .426 Dunlap, William. History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. original boards. New York, 1834 Portrait inserted. Fine, clean copy. Very rare. 427 Du Ponceau, Peter S. A Brief View of the Constitu- tion of the United States. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1834 428 Duportail, M. Love and Patriotism ; or, The Extra- ordinary Adventures of. Late Major-General in the Army of the United States. Interspersed with many Surprising Incidents in the Life of the Late Count Pu- laski. I2mo, sheep. Boston, 1799 Has bound with it The History of Louisa, the Lovely Orphan. By Mrs. Helme. Boston, 1798. 429 Durrett, Reuben T. John Filson, the First Historian of Kentucky. An Account of his Life and Writings. Prepared for the Filson Club. With portrait. 4to, half morocco, red tops, uncut. Louisville and Cincinnati, 1884 430 Durrie, Daniel S. A History of Madison, the Capital of Wisconsin. Including the Four-Lake Country. 8vo, cloth. Madison, 1874 Autograph letter, signed, of the author inserted. 431 Eaton, John H. The Life of Andrew Jackson, Major- General in the Service of the United States. Comprising a History of the War in the South, from the Commence- ment of the Creek Campaign to the Termination of Hos- tilities before New Orleans. With portraits and plans. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, 1817 Name on title. 432 Eaton, John H. The Life of Andrew Jackson. Por- trait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1824 Name on title. Stained. 433 Eddis, William. Letters from America, Historical and Descriptive. Comprising Occurrences from 1769 to 1777, inclusive. 8vo, boards, uncut, one side of cover missing. London, 1792 The author was a Tory, who came from England and resided at Annapolis, Maryland, under protection of the Governor. He 49 gives a good account of the state of affairs in Maryland during the Revolution, and also tells of the trials and tribulations of a Tory among those patriotic people. 434 Edwards, Bryan. The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. With portrait by Edwin. Lacks atlas. 4 vols. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1806 For a lively account of Col. Daniel Parke Custis, ancestor of Martha Washington, see Vol. II., page 159. 435 Edwards, Jonathan. An Account of the Life of the Reverend Mr. David Brainerd, Minister of the Gospel, Missionary to the Indians from the Honorable Society in Scotland for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge, and Pastor of a Church of Christian Indians in New Jersey. Who died at Northampton in New England, Octob. Qth, 1747, in the 3Oth year of his age. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1749 Fine copy of this very scarce book, with a long list of subscribers. 436 Edwards, Jonathan. An Account of the Life of Mr. David Brainerd, Missionary from the Society for Pro- pagating Christian Knowledge. With Mr. Brainerd's Public Journal. To this edition is added Air. Beatty's Mission to the Westward of the Allegheny Mountains. 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1798 437 Edwards, Morgan. Materials Towards a History of American Baptists. In 12 vols. Fellow of Rhodeisland College and Overseer of the Baptist Church in Phila- delphia. With frontispiece, "View on the Schuylkill." 2 vols. (Vol. I. I2mo, original calf, and Vol II. I2mo, half morocco, top edge gilt, uncut.) Philadelphia, 1770-1792 Of the most extreme rarity and a fine copy, although differently bound. Two volumes were all that were published, and they contain a history of the Baptists of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, in the postscript to Vol. II. he advises purchasers not to bind their books, because "four other little volumes will be added in due time, and because the five may be bound nearly as cheap as one. which volumes (with this) will comprise the history of the Bap- tists in the five Middle States. The history of them in Delaware State is obtained already; and will be sent to the press as soon as sufficient number of subscribers offer." It is evident that a sufficient number of subscribers never did offer, as the two vol- umes were all that ever appeared in print. See facsimile title. 439 Egle, William H. Some Pennsylvania Women during the War of the Revolution. 8vo, buckram, uncut. Harrisburg, 1898 (4) A HISTORY O* THE AMERICAN BAPTISES* 4N XII VOLUMES, By MORGAN EDWARDS, &. M, Fellow of Rhodeifland college, and OVERSEER of the Baptift church in Philadelphia. Lo f a people that dwell alone t and Jhall not le rec~ konsd among ths nations. NUMB, x xn i , 9* VHI1ADEL7HIA t l&IMTCD By JOSEPH CRUKSHA-NK, ISAAC COLLINS, MDCCL^Kr Facsimile Title of Vol. i, Lot 4.37. s t> 52 440 Elmer, L. Q. C. History of the Early Settlement and Progress of Cumberland County, New Jersey. 8vo, cloth. Bridgeton, 1869 441 Elisha, Patrick N. I. Patent Right Oppression Ex- posed ; or, Knavery Detected. In an Address to Unite all Good People to Obtain a Repeal of the Patent-Laws. I2mo, boards," uncut. Philadelphia, 1814 A caustic bit in verse against Patent-Right Oprression. Name on title and stained. v 442 Ellicott, Andrew. The Journal of. Late Commissioner on Behalf of the United States, during part of the Year 1796, the Years 1797, 1798, 1799, and part of the Year 1800. For Determining the Boundary between the United States and the Possessions of His Catholic Majesty in America. Containing Occasional Remarks on the Situation, Soil, Rivers, Natural Productions and the Diseases of the Different Countries on the Ohio, Mississippi and Gulf of Mexico. With six maps. 4to, calf. (Cracked.) Philadelphia, 1803 443 Elliott, Com. Jesse Duncan. Speech of. Delivered at Hagerstown, November 14, 1843. Portrait. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1844 His defense of his action at the Battle of Lake Erie, and which forms really the best account of that battle. 444 Emerick, A. G. Songs for the People. Comprising National, Patriotic, Sentimental. Comic and Naval Songs. Illustrated. Vol .1. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1848 445 Emma Corbett; or, The Miseries of Civil War. Founded on some Recent Circumstances which Hap- pened in America. Frontispiece by Burke, after Angelica Kaitffman. 3 vols. i6mo, calf. London, 1780 The scene is laid in and around Philadelphia during the Revo- lution. 446 England and Maryland. Summary View of the Courses of the Crops in the Husbandry of. With a Com- parison of their Products, with a System of Improved Courses, Proposed for Farms in America. Small 4t.o, half morocco. Chas. Cist, Philadelphia, 1784 447 English Colonies in America. The History of, from pages 35 to 541. Beginning with New England and ending with Carolina. 8vo, half bock. Circa 1741 Probably a portion of Oldmixon's History. 448 Evans, George. Illustrated History of the United States Mint. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1890 53 449 Everett, Edward. The Questions of the Day. An Ad- dress, July 4, 1861. 8vo, cloth. New York. 1861 450 Facts and Arguments Respecting the Great Utility of an Extensive Plan of Inland Navigation. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1805 451 Fashionable Tour, The; or, A Trip to the Springs, Niagara, Quebec and Boston in the Summer of 1821. With a view of the pavilion at Saratoga Springs. i6mo, half roan. Saratoga Springs, 1822 452 Federal Government. A n Essay on the Seat of the Federal Government, and the Exclusive Jurisdiction of Congress over a Ten Mile District. With Observations on the Economy and Delicate Morals Necessary to be Observed in Infant States. Humbly Offered to the Pub- lic by a Citizen ot Philadelphia. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1789 One of the earliest pamphlets published in reference to the establishment cf the seat of government in Philadelphia. j-* 453 Federalist, The, on the New Constitution Written in 1788 by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison and Mr. Jay. 8vo, sheep. Hallo well, 1842 454 Ferguson, James. Select Mechanical Exercises, show- ing how to Construct Different Clocks, Orreries and Sun- Dials, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, calf. London, 1773 The author, who says he was a friend of Dr. Franklin, of Phila- delphia, gives a plan of a clock invented by Dr. Franklin, "which measures time exceedingly well." ^ 455 (Fessenden. Thomas G.) Democracy Unveiled; or, Tyranny Stripped of the Garb of Patriotism. By Christo- pher Caustic. Third edition. With additions. 2 vols. 8vo ,calf. New York, 1800 c/2? 456 (Fessenden, Thomas G.) The Modern Philosopher; or, Terrible Tractoration. By Christopher Caustick. 8vo, original boards, uncut. (Broken.) Philadelphia, 1806 .J^f~457 (Fessenden, Thomas G.) The Modern Philosopher; or, Terrible Tractoration. By Christopher Caustick. Frontispiece. Second edition. 8vo. half bound. Philadelphia, 1806 fa 458 (Fessenden, Thomas G.) The Modern Philosopher; or, Terrible Tractoration. Second American edition. Frontispiece. (Stained.) 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1806 54 459 Fiction. Motherless Mary ; or, The Entertaining His- tory of a Motherless Orphan * * * Decoyed to Lon- i / don. Colored plate. New York, 1828 ' Jfi Elizabeth; or, The Exiles of Siberia. By Madame Cot- tin. Colored plate. New York, 1823 Midnight Horrors : or, The Bandit's Daughter. Colored plate. New York, 1823 Raymond and Agnes; or, The Bleeding Nun of the Castle of Lindenberg. By M. G. Lewis.- Colored plate. New York.. N. D. The Seven Champions of Christendom. Colored plate. New York, 1830 Valentine and Orson. Colored plate. New York, N. D. The Wandering Spirit. Colored plate. New York, 1830 The Bravo of Perth, or Voorm, the Robber. Colored plate. New York, 1826 The Surprising Adventures of the Renowned Baron Munchausen. Folding plate. New York, 1826 The Extraordinary Life and Adventures of Robin Hood. Colored plate. New York, 1823 The Interesting Life. Travels, Voyages and Daring Engagements of the Celebrated Paul Jones. Folding plate. New York, 1823 The Adventures of Don Quixote. Folding plate. New York, 1823 The Life, Adventures and Uncommon Escapes of Frederick Baron Trenck. New York, 1826 Bound in i vol. I2tno. half sheep. An extraordinary collection of the blood-curdling literature pub- lished for the improvement of the young minds of the early part of the nineteenth century. 460 Filson, John. Historic de Kentucke, Nouvelle Colonie a 1'ouest de la Virginie. Continent: (i) La Decouvrte, {'Acquisition, 1'Establissement, la Description topogra- phique, 1'Histoire Naturelle, etc., du Territoire ; (2) La Relation historique du Colonel Boon, tin des premiers Colons, fur les guerres contro les Naturels ; (3) 1'Assem- blee des Piankashaws au Poste Saint Vincent ; (4) Un expose succinct des Nation? Indiennes qui habitens dans les limites des Treize Etats-Unis, de leurs moeurs & Contumes & des Reflexions sur leur Origine ; & autres Pieces, avec une Carte, Traduit de FAnglois par M. Par- raud. With map. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Paris, 1785 An exact translation of the original edition published at Wil- mington in 1784. Very rare. 56 469 Fort Frontenac. A Letter to the Right Honorable William Pitt, from an Officer at Fort Frontenac. S8vo, half morocco. London, 1759 E^tra illustrated with a portrait of Pitt and the following contemporary rare plans: (i) Fort and Bay of Fronte- nac; (2) Map of New England, showing Generals Shirley and Johnson's Routes; (3) Niagara Fort, 1758; (4) Oswego; (5) East- ern Part of Province of New York, with Crown Point; (6) Crown Point; (7) Maps of Virginia, Carolina, Georgia, Maryland and part of New Jersey 1755: (8) Province of Pennsylvania; (9) Crown Point and Fort Edward; (10) Plan of Fort Du Quesne, 1758; (11) Country between Wills Creek and Fort Du Quesne; (12) Port and Environs of Quebec; (13) Province of Quebec: (14) Plan of Siege of Quebec; (15) Taking of Quebec. The whole illustrating the French and Indian War, and forming an unique volume and should be purchased by somebody interested in the early history of Pittsburg. Franck, R. A Philosophical Treatise of the Origin and Production of Things. Writ in America in a Time of Solitude. Small 8vo, old calf. London, 1687 The author, judging from some of his descriptions, was one of the early immigrants to Pennsylvania; and. if so, his book is one of our earliest productions. There is an ink stain on the last two leaves and title somewhat soiled. 471 Freheri, D. Pauli. Theatrum Virorum, Eruditione Clseorum, In quo Vitse & Scripta Theologorum, Jure , Consultorum, Medicorum & Philosophorum, * * * Reprsesentantur, Opus omnibus Eruditus Lectu Jucundis- simum in quatuor partus divisum quarum, &c. Illustrated with hundreds of copperplate portraits. Folio, contemporary calf, with crest in gold on sides. Noribergae, 1688 Engraved frontispiece and portrait of author and thirteen hun- dred and twelve copperplates of portraits of persons, whose biog- raphies are given. The plates were destroyed by fire, which pre- vented a second edition, and it had become scarce a century ago. This copy was presented to Herman Drogenhan for diligence in study at an examination in 1693. ,// 472 French Republic. Instructions to the Envoys Extra- ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America, to the. 8vo. half morocco. Philadelphia (1798) 473 Freylinghausen, Gottlieb A. Renere Geschichte der evangelischen Missions Angstalten zu Bekehrung der Heiden in Osteidien aus den eigenhandigen aufsatzen und Briefen der Missionairen. 4to, paper. Halle, 1777 (6 474 Frost, John. Remarkable Events in the History of America. Illustrated. 2 vols. in i. 8vo, roan. ivf'*' Philadelphia, 1849 57 ' 475 Furlong, Captain Laurence. The American Coast Pilot. 8vo, sheep. Newburyport, 1800 476 Gallatin, Albert. The Speech of, * * * touching the Validity of the Election Held in the Four Western Counties of the State on the I4th day of October, 1794. With Notes * * * Relative to the Western Insurrec- tion. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1795 Very rare. Title soiled. 477 Gallatin, Albert. A Sketch of the Finances of the /^a-e. United States. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1796 Scarce. 1478 (Galloway, Joseph.) A Reply to the Observations of Lieut. -Gen. Sir William Howe, on a Pamphlet, entitled "Letters to a Nobleman, in which his Misrepresentations are Detected, and these Letters are Supported by a Va- riety of New Matter and Argument," To which is added an Appendix, containing (I.) A Letter to Sir William Howe upon his Strictures on Mr. Galloway's Private Character; (II.) A Letter from Mr. Kirk to Sir William Howe and his Answer: (III.) A Letter from a Commit- tee to the President of the Congress on the State of the Rebel Army at Valley Forge, found among the papers of Henry Laurens. 8vo, half roan. London, 1780 Very rare. Bookplate of Henry Stevens. &$ 479 (Galloway, Joseph.) Letters to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. The third edition. With map. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1780 > 480 Galloway, Joseph. The Examination of, Late Speaker of the House of Assembly of Pennsylvania, before the House of Commons in a Committee on the American Papers. Second edition. With map. 8vo. half bock . London, 1780 481 Garden, Alexander. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America. With Sketches of Character of Persons the most Distinguished in the Southern States for Civil and Military Services. 8vo. half morocco; gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. Charleston, 1822 Fine copy. /^^ 482 Garden, Alexander. Anecdotes of the American Revo- lution. Illustrative of the Talents and Virtues of the Heroes and Patriots who Acted the Most Conspicuous Parts Therein. Second series. Small 8vo, half morocco. Charleston, 1828 Original edition. Very rare. 58 483 Garfield Campaign. Newspaper Clippings Relating to the Garfield Campaign of 1880. Neatly mounted in book form. 8vo, half morocco. 484 Garfield, Death of President. Meeting of Americans in London at Exeter Hall, 24 September, 1881. To which is added, by permission, the Address of His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, delivered at the Church of St. Martin's in the Fields. Portrait. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1881 485 Gass, Patrick. A Journal of the Voyages and Travels //. J& f a Corps of Discovery under the Command of Captain Lewis and Captain Clarke, of the Army of the United States. From the Mouth of the River Missouri through the Interior Parts of North America to the Pacific Ocean, during the Years 1804, 1805 and 1806, etc. I2mo, sheep. Pittsburgh, 1807 First edition. Very rare. 486 Gass, Patrick. A Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Discovery under the Command of Captain Lewis and Captain Clarke, of the Army of the United States. From the Mouth of the River Missouri through the Interior Parts of North America to the Pacific Ocean, during the Years 1804, 1805 and 1806. Illustrated. Sec- ond edition. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1810 Foxed, as most copies are. The margin torn on frontispiece. rt ^7 487 General Attacked by a Subaltern, The ; or, The Strict- ures on the Friendly Address Examined and a Refuta- &yt*' tion of its Principles Attempted. Addressed to the Peo- ple of America. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. James Rivington. New York (1775) 488 Geschichte des Americanischen Kriegs, von 1812, vom Anfang bis Zum endlichen Schlusz desselben, an dem glorreichen Achten Januar, 1815, vor Neu-Orleans. With fine portrait of General Pike and folding view of the Battle of New Orleans. I2mo, sheep. Reading, 1817 Scarce. 489 Geschichte des Americanischen Kriegs, von 1812, vom Anfang bis Zum endlichen Schlusz desselben, an dem glorreichen Achten Januar, 1815, vor Neu-Orleans. Portrait of General Pike and other plates. i2mo, sheep. Reading, 1817 490 Gibson, J. Atlas Minimus ; or, A New Set of Pocket Maps of Various Empires, Kingdoms and States. With Geographical Extracts Relative to each. Forty-one maps. Small 4to, half roan. Philadelphia, 1798 Two copies. . 59 491 Gilbert, Benjamin. A Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of. and his Family, who were Taken by the Indians in the Spring- of 1780. Third edition. To which is Prefixed a Short Account of the Gilbert Family, who Settled at Byberry. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1848 492 Gilpin, Thomas. Exiles in Virginia. With Observa- tions on the Conduct of the Society of Friends during the Revolutionary War. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1848 493 Girdlestone, Thomas. Facts Tending to Prove that *j f General Lee was never Absent from this Country for any Length of Time during the Years 1767, '68, '69, '70, '71 and '72, and that he was the Author of "Junius." With the curious caricature portrait of General Lee. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1813 Contains the celebrated letters attributed to Junius from America. 494 Glenn, Thomas A. Genealogical Notes Relating to the Families of Lloyd, Pemberton, Huntchinson, Hudson and Parke, and to others Connected Directly or Remotely with them. Imperial 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1898 One of three hundred copies privately printed. 495 Good, Rev. James I. History of the Reformed Church in the United States. 1725-1792. I2mo, cloth. "Reading, 1899 Goodwin, Maud W. Dolly Madison. Portrait. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1896 497 Gordon, Pat. Geography Anatomiz'd; or, The Com- plete Geographical Grammar. (Imperfect.) London, 1699 jT> 498 Gordon, Thomas F. History of New Jersey from its Discovery by Europeans to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. With a Gazetteer. 8vo, sheep. Trenton, 1834 499 Gordon, William, D. D. The History of the Rise. Progress and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America. Including an Account of the Late War, and of the Thirteen Colonies from their Origin to that Period. With mafis mounted on muslin. 3 vols. Calf. New York, 1789 Very scarce. Not in Brinley or Menzies. . /> 500 Grand Army of the Republic. Thirty-third Annual National Encampment, Philadelphia, September, 1899. 8vo, half roan. Philadelphia, 1899 60 2_iT 502 Grant, Gen. U. S. Souvenir of the Banquet at the Union League, Philadelphia, Friday, April 27, 1894, in Commemoration of the Seventy-second Anniversary of the Birthday of. With illustrations and facsimiles. 4to, half roan. Philadelphia, 1894 Has the menu of the occasion, card of invitation, and news- paper clippings inserted. 503 Grant. The Riverside Souvenir. A Memorial Volume Illustrating the Nations' Tribue to Gen. U. S. Grant. Illustrated u'iih forty large lithographic views. Oblong 4to, boards. New York, 1886 504 Grant, General U. S. The Funeral of. Consisting of Contemporary Newspaper Cuttings, Original Orders, Circulars, Tickets, etc. Neatly bound in a volume. 4to, half morocco. N. P., 1885 3& 55 Grattan, Thomas Colley. The History of the Nether- lands. I2mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1835 506 Great-Britain and Her American Colonies. Four Dis- sertations on the Reciprocal Advantages of a Perpetual /> Union between. Written for Mr. Sargeant's Prize Medal. To which (by Desire) is Prefixed an Eulogium Spoken on the Delivery of the Medal at the Public Com- mencement in the College of Philadelphia, May 20, 1766. 8vo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1766 The dissertations were written by Joseph Reed, Francis Hop- kinson, John Morgan, etc. /o 57 Greene, Jacob J-. Gen. William B. Franklin and the Operations of the Left Wing at the Battle of Fredericks- burg, December 13, 1862. Portrait. 8vo. cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. Hartford. 1900 508 Grimeston, Edward. A General Historic of the Nether- lands. With the Genealogie and Memorable Acts of the Earls of Holland. Zeeland and West Friseland from Thierry of Acquitaine the First Earl, successively, unto Philip the Third, King of Spaine. Continued unto this Present Year of our Lord, 1608, out of the best Authors that have Written of that subject. Engraved title and curious copperplate portraits. Folio, half calf. London, 1608 It contains fifty-seven copperplate portraits. Very rare. ? 500 Grimke, John F. The Public Laws of the State of South Carolina, from its First Establishment as a British Province down to the Year 1790, inclusive. 4to, sheep. Philadelphia, 1790 A fine copy, with the autograph of William Plumer, Governor of New Hampshire. 6i / ^y-sio Griswold, Rufus W. The Republican Court; or, American Society in the Days of Washington. With twenty-one portraits of distinguished women. Imperial 8vo, morocco, gilt. New York, 1856 511 Griswold, Rufus W. Supplemental Numbers to the above, on Society of Philadelphia, v/hen the City was the Capital of the Republic. Four portraits. Imperial 8vo, half morocco. (Rubbed.) New York, N. D. With the original covers bound in. 512 The Same. In the original numbers (22 to 25). Lack- ing one portrait. 513 Gross, Samuel D., M. D. Autobiography of. Edited by his Sons. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1887 514 Guard, Theodore de la. The Simple Cobler of Aggav- vam in America. Willing to Help 'Mend his Native Country, lamentably tattered, both in the Upper-Leather and Sole, with all the Honest Stitches he can take. And as Willing Never to bee Paid for his Work, by Old Eng- lish Wonted Pay. It is his Trade to Patch all the year long, gratis. Therefore I pray, Gentlemen, keep your Purses. Small 4to, half calf. London, 1647 The author was Nathaniel Ward. Aggawam is the ancient name of Springfield, Mass. This is a very good copy of this very quaint and excessively rare work, which ends with crude verses against Popery. See facsimile. 515 Guthrie, William. A New System of Modern Geog- raphy ; or, A Geographical, Historical and Commercial Grammar and Present State of the Several Nations of the World. Two volumes, text, 4to, sheep, and atlas of maps, folio, half morocco. Together, 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1795 First American edition, with long list of subscribers. Astro- nomical part corrected by David Rittenhouse. 516 Habeas-Corpus Pamphlets. Habeas-Corpus and Mar- tial Law. By Joel Parker. Cambridge, 1861. A Re- view of the Argument of President Lincoln and Attorney-General Bates in favor of Presidential Power to Suspend the Privilege of the Writ of Habeas-Corpus. By S. S. Nicholas. Louisville, Ky., 1861. Habeas-Cor- pus: A Response to Mr. Binney. By S. S. Nicholas. Louisville, Ky., 1862 Writ of Habeas-Corpus. Ex-parte Merryman. Philadelphia. 1861. Review of Binney on the Habeas-Corpus. By J. C. Bullitt. Philadelphia, 1862. The Suspending Power of the Writ of Habeas- Corpus. Philadelphia, 1862. A Reply to Horace Bin- nev's Pamphlets on Habeas-Copus. Philadelphia, 1862. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half roan. ' THE SIMPLE COBLER OF AGGAVVAM in AMERICA. WILLING To help 'mend his Native Country > la- mentably tatteredjboth in the upper-Leather and folc,with afl the honcft (liccnes he can take. And as willing never to bee paid for his work A by Old Englifh wonted pay. It fa bit Trade to patch all tie year long, gratis* Therefore I pray Gentlemen keep your purfes. By Theodore deU Guard. In Engliffi, When bootes and fliocs arc Eorne up to the lefts, Coblers muft thruft their awles up to the hefts. This is no time to feare /fptfa gramrtt : NeSnttr LONDON, Printed by ftbn Dwcr Si Rekn Ittit(on t for Stqbe* fiefoteB, at the figneof the Bible in Popes Head- Alley, Facsimile Title of Lot 63 5*7 ** all Captain Basil. Extracts from a Journal Writ- ten on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the Years 1820, '21, and '22. 2 vols. I2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1824 518 Hall, Captain Basil. Travels in North America. 2 vols. i2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1829 519 Hall, James. Tales of the Border. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1835 */0 520 Hallowell, Richard P. The Pioneer Quaker. I2mo, cloth. Boston, 1887 521 Hammond Gazette. November i/th, 1862, to June 23d, /.- 1863. 4to, half roan. Very scarce. A soldiers' paper, published at a general hospital at Point Lookout, Md. Lacks three numbers. 522 Hanger, Col. George. The Life, Adventures and Opin- ions of. Written by Himself. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1801 The author took part in the Revolution In Vol. II., page 427, he says: "One of these days the Northern and Southern powers will fight rigorously against each other, as they both have united to do against the British." 523 Hanna, John S. A History of the Life and Services of Capt. Samuel Dewees, a Native of Pennsylvania and Soldier of the Revolutionary and Last Wars ; also Remin- iscences of the Revolutionary Struggle (Indian War Western Expedition, Whiskey Insurrection in Northampi ton County, Pa.), and Late War with Great Britain. In all of which he was Patriotically Engaged. Illustrated. I2mo, half morocco. Baltimore, 1844 This rare work contains also original information concerning the Whiskey and Fries Insurrections. - * 524 Harbaugh, Rev. H. The Fathers of the German Re- form Church in Europe and America. 2 vols. I2mo, cloth. Lancaster, 1857 . 2.J~ 525 Hardie, James. The American Remembrancer and Universal Tablet of Memory. i2mo, sheep. , Philadelphia, 1795 yft 526 Hare, Joseph T. The Life and Adventures of. The Bold Robber and Highwayman. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. New York, 1849 J 2 < /""i>29 Harrington, James. The Common-Wealth of Oceana. Dedicated to His Highness the Lord Protector of the Common-Wealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. Folio, old calf. (Foxed.) London, 1656 From this ideal Commonwealth, William Penn derived many of his plans for the government of Pennsylvania. Very rare. 64 /O ^530 Harriott, Lieut. John. Struggle Through Life. Ex- emplified in the Various Travels and Adventures in Eu- rope, Asia, Africa and America. 2 vols. I2mo, sheep. (Broken.) Philadelphia, 1809 With bookplate of Richard Pennington, Philadelphia. +j \ S3 1 Another Copy. 2 vols. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1809 Portrait inserted. "A living likeness which they found in me to their old General Washington." Vol. II., page 77. ,*. 532 Harris, Thaddeus M. Discourses Delivered on Public Occasions. Illustrating the Principles of Free Masonry. Frontispiece. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia: Anno Lucius, 5819 , /O 533 The Same. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia: Anno Lucius, 5819 534 Harrison. Gabriel. Edwin Forrest, the Actor and the Man. Critical and Reminiscent. Illustrated. ^ Imperial 8vo, three-quarter morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. Brooklyn, 1889 Only two hundred copies printed from type, of which this is No. 109. With autograph and circulars bound in. / ^ 535 Harrison, Major-General William Henry. The Life of Portrait. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1840 537 Harsha, D. A. Life of the Rev. George Whitefield. Royal 4to, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. Albany, 1866 Large-paper copy, of which only fifty copies were printed. Au- tograph letter, signed, of the author inserted. 538 Hart, Charles Henry. Browere's Life Masks of Great Americans. Numerous plates. 4to, half morocco, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1899 No. 32 of fifty signed copies on Dickinson antique hand-made paper, with an extra set of twenty-one plates. * r# 539 Harvey, Henry. History of the Shawnee Indians. From the Year 1681 to 1854, inclusive. Portrait. I2mo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1855 "One of the most simple and veritable narrations of facts re- lating to the Indians ever printed." Fields. .-. 540 Hayden, Rev. Horace E. A Biographical Sketch of Captain Oliver Brown, an Officer of the Revolutionary Army. 8vo, half bock. Wilkes-Barre, 1882 Privately printed. Captain Brown commanded the party who destroyed the statue of George III. in New York. 65 541 Hays, I. M, A Note on the History of the Jefferson Manuscript Draft of the Declaration of Independence. In the Library ot the American Philosophical Society. With facsimiles. Folio. Philadelphia, 1898 Large-paper copy, of which only a few copies were printed for private distribution. 542 Hazard, Ebenezer. Historical Collections. Consisting of State Papers and other Authentic Documents, intended fy as Material for an History of the United States of America. 2 vote. 4to, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1792 An exceptionally fine copy. Very rare. 543 Heath, Major-General. Memoirs of. Containing Anec- dotes, Details of Skirmishes, Battles and other Military Events during the American War. (Stained.) 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1798 , 6 544 Headley, J. T. The Great Rebellion. A History of the Civil War in the United States. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Hartford, 1864 _ 545 Heberton Tragedy. A Full and Complete Account of the. To which is added Beauchamp; or, The Kentucky Tragedy. Illustrated. i6mo, paper. New York, 1843 546 Heckewelder, Rev. John. An Account of the History, Manners and Customs of the Indian Nations who once Inhabited Pennsylvania and the Neighboring States. Being Vol. I. of the Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical So- ciety, held at Philadelphia. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1819 First edition. Very rare. 547 Heckewelder, John. A Narrative of the Mission of the / -Q United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan In- dians, from its Commencement in the Year 1740 to Close of the Year 1808. Portrait of Rev. D. Ziesberger. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1820 Fine copy. Scarce. Has inserted an autograph letter, signed, of Heckewelder, dated August 26, 1820, in which he says: "As I am to receive of Messrs. McCarty & Davis, Printers & Book- sellers, a certain number of copies of my narrative of the Mission which they have printed off, I have this day written and inquired of them in what manner they are to be forwarded," etc. (5) 66 548 Herndon, William H. Herndon's Lincoln. The True Story of a Great Life. The History and Personal Recol- lections of Abraham Lincoln (and by Jesse William Weik). Illustrated. 3 vols. I2mo, cloth. Chicago (1889) The work was vigorously suppressed by Hon. Robert T. Lin- coln, as it contained some objectionable matter in reference to his father, which he did not want made public. The work was after- wards published with the matter cut out. Very rare. Corner torn from one page. 549 Helper, H. R. The Impending Crisis of the South How to Meet it. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1857 This book brought the quarrel in Congress, and led to the assault on Senator Sumner by Bully Brook. Helper, H. R. Compendium of the Impending Crisis of the South. i2mo. New York, 1860 / /# 55 T Henry, Alexander. Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories, between the Years 1760 and 1776. (Foxed.) 8vo, sheep. (Broken.) New York, 1809 552 Henry, John Joseph. An Accurate and Interesting Ac- count of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes who Traversed the Wilderness in the Campaign against Quebec in 1775. I2mo, sheep. Lancaster, 1812 , /& 553 Henshaw, J. P. K. Memoir of the Life of the Rev. Rich- ard Channing Moore. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1843 554 Heriot, George. Travels through the Canadas. Con- / J& taining a Description of the Picturesque Scenery on some of the Rivers and Lakes, etc. I2mo, lettered boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1813 Printed by Alexander & Phillips, at Carlisle, Pa. Hewes, Robert. Rules and Regulations for the Sword Exercise of the Cavalry. With twenty-eight plates. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia and Carlisle (1802) 557 Hildeburn, Charles R. Sketches of Printers and Print- ing in Colonial New York. With numerous illustrations. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1895 Only three hundred and seventy-five copies printed. 558 Hill, George C. Captain John Smith. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1863 559 History of the American War of Eighteen Hundred and Twelve. From the Commencement until the Final Ter- mination thereof. With portrait of Pike and view of naval battles. I2mo, sheep. (Broken.) Philadelphia, 1816 Imperfect. 560 Another Copy. In German. i2mo, sheep. Reading, 1817 6 7 561 Holcombe, Henry. The Whole Truth Relative to the Controversy betwixt the American Baptists. Part I. 8vo. sheep. (Broken.) Philadelphia, 1820 562 Holland's Society of Chicago. Year Book of. 1897- T 900- 8vo > cloth. Chicago, 1901 563 Hopkins, Thomas. An Appeal to the Tribunal of Pub- lic Justice. Being a Concise Statement of the Facts ty- Jf which led to the Extraordinary Case of Stockton versus Hopkins. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1808 An exceedingly rare scandal concerning a daughter of Richard Stockton. 564 Hopkinson, Francis. The Miscellaneous Essays and Occasional Writings of. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1792 With autograph of J. D. Barnard, United States Senator. Unique copy. They represent the refined literary development of Colonial America. Also contains the first printed Pennsylvania Law Reports. 565 Hopkinson, Francis. The Miscellaneous Essays and Occasional Writings of. P 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1792 Very scarce and fine copy. 567 House of Wisdom in a Bustle, The. A Poem Descrip- tive of the Noted Battle Lately Fought in C-ng ss. By Geoffry Touchstone. 8vo, half bock, uncut. Philadelphia, 1798 Engraving representing the Congressional pugilists inserted. 568 Howe, Lieut.-Gen. Sir William. The Narrative of. In a Committee of the House of Commons on the 29th of April, 1779, relative to his Conduct during his Late Com- mand of the King's Troops in North America. To which is added Some Observations upon a Pamphlet, entitled "Letters to a Nobleman." 4to. half roan, uncut. London, 1780 This copy was presented by Lieut-Gen. Sir William Howe to Col. John Montresor, his chief of engineers, and has, in Howe's autograph, on the title: "Mr. Montresor," and with the beautiful bookplate of Henry Stevens, of Vermont. A finer copy could not be had. ., 569 Howe, Lieut.-Gen. Sir William. The Narrative of. In a Committee in the House of Commons, on the 29th of April, 1779, relative to his Conduct during his Late Com- mand of the King's Troops in North America. To which are added Some Observations upon a Pamphlet, entitled "Letters to a Nobleman.'' 4to, half morocco. London, 1780 Fine copy. Scarce. 6'8 570 Hubley, Bernard. The History of the American Revo- lution. Including the most Important Events and Reso- lutions of the Honorable Continental Congress during that period ; and also the most Interesting Letters and Orders of His Excellency General George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the American Forces. Vol. I. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Northumberland, Pa., 1805 All published. Excessively rare. Name on title, preface and first page of history. Title and few pages stained, and small piece torn from the margin of page 174. 571 Huey, Pennock. A True History of the Charge of the Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry at Chancellorsville. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia (1883) 572 Hull, Brigadier-General W. Defense of. Delivered be- fore the General Cotirt-Martial, of which Major-General Dearborn, was President, at Albany, March, 1814. With an Address to the Citizens of the United States. I2mo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1814 Fine copy. Very scarce. 73 Hume, Sophia. An Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the Province of South Carolina. * * * In which is inserted some Account of the Author's Experience in the Important Business of Religion. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. William Bradford, Philadelphia (1747) Valuable for its description of Southern life, and very rare. Title and first leaf repaired on upper corner. Another Copy. 8vo, half morocco. William Bradford, Philadelphia (1747) 574 Humphreys, Col. David. Life of the Honorable Major- General Israel Putnam. View of Putnam's escape. I2mo. sheep. (Broken.) New York, 1810 10 575 Humphreys, David. The Miscellaneous Works of. With fine portrait and plate. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1804 Portrait stained. 576 (Iddings, James.) The Monitor's Instructor; or, A System of Practical Geography, of the United States of America in Particular. With plate. I2mo, sheep. Wilmington, 1804 The ingenious author has described the geography of the whole country in verse, for example: " First north of Schuylkill lowish down Some distance off is Germantown. On the same river of Schuylkill, Lies Norristown, but higher still." 6 9 577 Indians. The History of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By Rev. Samuel Lieberkuhn. Translated into the Delaware Indian Language. By Rev. David Zeisberger. I2mo, sheep. (Broken.) New York, 1821 Elias Boudinot's copy, with his autograph on title. 578 Indians. Plain Facts. Being an Examination into the ., Rights of the Indian Nations of America, to their Re- _, spective Countries ; and a Vindication of the Grant, from the Six United Nations of Indians, to the Proprietors of Indiana; against the Decision of the Legislature of Vir- ginia. Together with Authentic Documents, proving that the Territory, Westward of the Allegany Mountains. never belonged to Virginia, etc. 8vo, half morocco. R. Aitken, Philadelphia, 1781 Very rare. Name on title. 1579 Indians. The Surprising Adventures and Sufferings of John Rhodes, a Seaman of Workington. Containing an Account of his Captivity and Cruel Treatment during Eight Years with the Indians, and Five Years in Differ- ent Prisons amongst the Spaniards in South America. I2mo, sheep . Newark, 1799 / 7 580 (Ingersoll, Charles.) A Letter to a Friend in a Slave State. By a Citizen in Pennsylvania. 4to, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1862 One of forty-nine copies printed on large paper. n 581 Ingraham, Edward D. A Sketch of the Events which Preceded the Capture of Washington by the British on the 24th of August, 1814. With map. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1849 Autograph presentation copy from the author. 582 Instructions of Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the French Republic. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1798 583 Internal Navigation of the United States. A Connected View of the Whole. Natural and Artificial. Present and Prospective. With maps. (Stained.) 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1826 584 Iron. The Case of Importation of Bar Iron from our /own Colonies of North America. Humbly Recommended to the Consideration of the Present Parliament by the Iron Manufacturers of Great Britain. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1756 "That the American Bar Iron has some qualities in it. peculiarly useful in several of our capital manufactures, viz: there is one sort callest 'Best Principio,' as good as any in the world for making Fire Arms," etc. Very rare. 7 o 585 Jackson, Henry E. Benjamin West: His Life and -Work. A Monograph by. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1900 Jackson, Tatlow. Martial Law. What Is It? And Who Can Declare It? 4to, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1862 Large-paper copy. Only forty-nine published. Jacob, John J. A Historical Sketch of the Life of the Late Captain Michael Cresap. 4to, half bound, uncut. Cincinnati, 1866 Large-paper copy. / 588 Jansen Imprint. Een Roep, Van de Doot, tot het Leeven, Ende Uyt de duistere wegen on aanbiddinge des ,, werelts ; alwaar het zaat in banden is gehouden onder de Koopluiden van Babilon. Beschreeven door Marmaduke Stephenson; Dewelke (met een ander waerde dieustknegt "i*< des Heeren genaemt William Robinson) heeft (na dit schryven) tot der Doot geleden om getuigenis te dragen voor deselve waerheit onder de Belijders van Bostons Jurisdicte in nieu Englandt (in America), etc. 4to, full morocco, gilt. Gedrukt voor Reyner Jansen, Anno 1679 An account of the hanging of the Quakers in Boston. Printed by the famous Philadelphia printer, Reynier Jansen, before he came to America. The book is slightly stained, but is considered unique. See facsimile title. 589 Janson, Charles William. The Stranger in America. Containing Observations made during a Long Residence in that Country, on the Genius, Manners and Customs of the People of the United States. With Biographical Par- ticulars of Public Characters, Hints and Facts relative to the Arts, Sciences, Commerce, Agriculture, Manufactures, Emigration and the Slave Trade. Illustrated by engrav- ings. 4to, half calf, gilt. London, 1807 Contains Views of the City and Port of Philadelphia, View of Boston, View of Hell Gate, Plan of Philadelphia, View of Second Street, Philadelphia: Bank of the United States, View of Mt. Vernon, Philadelphia Theatre, Chestnut Street: Procession at Philadelphia in the Commemoration of the Death of General ""Washington, etc. Fine copy. Rare. 590 Janvier, F. De H. Patriotic Poems. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1866 Een R O E P. Van de DOOT, tot het LEEVEN, Ende tJyt de duiftere wegen en aanbiddinge des wercfts 5 alwaarte: gaat in banden is gehouden onder de Koopluidcn van Babilon. Befchreeven door M A R M AD UKE STEPHENSON; (ntet een antiee nacmt William Robinfon; [jeeft ( m &it fc!)?iibfn ) rot Dec Doot gdcDcn/ cm getuigeni^ te tyagcn boo? Defclbe taaetfjeit/ onDec be 23eajbc Uau 23ofton^ ^urifDictie/ in nieu a^ngelanDt (in America) 3&ef ecn toaate Copp ban ttoee 25?icbf ny toclftc f? -Uebcn gefcD?eeben fjcftfcn / acn get Uolft &c ifeercn/ cen toetnig boo; fjaate DooD. Mede een Copy van een Brief, (b alsdie totonfehanden quam 5 yancenVriendin nieu-Eogeland ; welkverhaalt yandetnanierhaarder Mar- telizatie, met eenige van haar woorden, die fy-lieden aan deRegeer- ders , en het volk , een weinig voor haar doot , fchre ven,en fpraak en. Een Copy vari Kbnink Karcl ordre, sen de Gouverneurs in nieu-Engelandt, orn haer het dooden en mishandelen tegensde Quakers te beletten. Nog etn Copy van ten ordre vaer door tldaer de Quaker* x%n vry en lot gtlnttn* Job. Sy fullen u uyt de Vergadeiinge werpen; Ja de ure kont, datfoo \vle UL. doodtn faJ , fal mccnen Code dienft te docnj en die fullen fy UL. doen > om die fy nog dei>Vader, nogtemy, niet gekcnc en bcbbcri* feyc Gedajktvoor REYNER JANSEN, Anno Facsimile Title-page of Lot 588. 72 591 (Jefferson, Thomas.) A Summary View of the Rights of British America. Set forth in some Resolutions In- tended for the Inspection of the Present Delegates of the People of Virginia now in Convention. By a Native, and Member of the House of Burgesses. Svo, half morocco. J. Dunlap : Philadelphia, 1774 Very fine copy of this excessively rare tract. With a manuscript of twelve pages, signed "Tribunis," inserted, as also autograph of Thomas Jefferson. 502 Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia. Svo, calf. Philadelphia, 1788 A fine, clean copy of the very rare first American edition. ,'$ 593 Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia. Second American edition. Svo, calf. Philadelphia, 1794 594 Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia. With the Appendices, Complete. To which is sub-joined a Sublime and Argumentative Dissertation on Mr. Jefferson's Re- ligious Principles. Svo, sheep. Baltimore, 1800 595 Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia. With the Appendix, containing Facts Relative to the Mur- der of Logan's Family. With map, plan and portrait. First hot-pressed edition. Svo, calf. Philadelphia, 1801 596 Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia. With an Appendix relative to the Murdering of Logan's Family. With rare portrait by Tanner. I2mo, contemporary calf. Trenton, 1803 V 597 Jefferson, Thomas. A Series of Letters Addressed to the President of the United States, concerning his Official Conduct and Principles. By Tacitus. Svo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1802 598 (Jefferson, Thomas.) Message from the President of the United States, communicating Discoveries made in Exploring the Missouri, Red River and Washita, by Cap- tains Lewis and Clark, Dr. Sibley and Mr. Dunbar. With a Statistical Account of the Countries Adjacent. Portrait and map inserted. Svo, half calf. Washington, 1806 Very scarce. 599 Jesuits in America. The Travels of Several Learned Missionaries of the Society of Jesus into Divers Parts of the Archipelago, India, China and America. Containing a General Description of the most Remarkable Towns ; with a Particular Account of the Customs, Manners and Religion of those several Nations. The whole inter- 73 spersed with Philosophical Observations and other curious Remarks. With two plates. 8vo, calf. London, 1714 Very rare. Gives an account of the Country of Accadia in North America, yielded up by the King of France to the Crown of England. With an account of the customs, manners, and re- ligion of the natives, a description of the finding and virtures of the gin-seng plant, an account of Newfoundland, etc. With book- plate of Thomas Cowper, Esq., of Overlegh. 600 John, The Painter. A Genuine Account of the Life, Transactions, Confession and Execution of James Aitken alia.; John Hill, commonly called John, the Painter, who was Tried at the Castle of Winchester on Thursday, the 7th of March, 1777, and Convicted of Setting Fire to His Majesty's Dock- Yard at Portsmouth. The whole faith- fully taken down from the Convict's own Mouth in the Three Days Preceding his Execution. With curious wood- cut of the execution. I2mo, half calf. London, 1777 Excessively rare. James Aitken was a native of Edinburgh, came to this country and was one of the Boston Tea Party. He had been badly treated by the British soldiers, who burnt his house. For this, he made up his mind to be avenged: went to France, where he informed Silas Deane of a plot to kill George III. Deane persuaded him not to do it; and he then set upon the idea to set fire to the naval stores at Portsmouth, Eng- land, a feat in which Deane encouraged him. See facsimile title. 601 Johnston, George. History of Cecil County, Maryland, and the Early Settlements Around the Head of Chesa- peake Bay and on the Delaware River. With Sketches of some of the Old Families of Cecil County. 8vo, cloth. Elkton, 1881 602 Johnston, Henry P. The Storming of Stony Point on the Hudson, Midnight July 15, 1779. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1900 -603 Johnston, Samuel B. Letters Written during a Resi- dence of three years in Chili. Containing an Account of the Most Remarkable Events in the Revolutionary Strug- gle of that Province. I2tno, boards, uncut. Erie, Pa., 1816 604 Jones, Charles Henry. History of the Campaign for the Conquest of Canada in 1776. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1882 Jones, Rev. David. Defensive War in a Just Cause Sinless. A Sermon Preached on the Day of the Conti- nental Fast at TredyfTryn in Chester County. 8vo, half morocco. H. Miller, Philadelphia, 1775 606 Jones, David. Peter Edwards's Candid Reason Exam- ined and Answered. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1811 fPubKJbed' by Authority.}. A GENUINE ACCOUNT OF THE Life, Tranfations 5 Confeffion, and Execution, OF JAMES A IT KEN, A L I AS JOHN H I L iL, COMMONLY CALLED JOHN the PAINTER, Who was tried at the CASTLE of WINCHESTER, On THURSDAY, the ;th of MARCH, 1777, And convicted offering FIRE to hig MAJESTY'S DOCK-YARD at PORTS-MOUTH* The whole faithfully taken down from the Cbnvi&Yowtf Mouth, on the Three Days preceding his Execution. LONDON: Printed fw R O B E R T TURNER, fa the Year Pric F O U R - P E N C E. Facsimile Title of Lot 600. 75 607 (Jones, George.) Sketches of Naval Life. With Notices of Men, Manners and Scenery on the Shores of f~d the Mediterranean. In a Series of Letters from the Bran- dywine and Constitution Frigates. With maps and illus- trations. 2 vols. I2mo, sheep. New Haven, 1829 Autograph presentation copy from the author. 608 Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States. Anno 1789, Francis Childs. New York (1789). Journal of the House of Representatives of the United [ J~t> States. Anno 1790. New York, 1790. And Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States. Anno 1790. Francis Childs, Philadelphia, 1791. In i vol. Folio, boards, uncut. A fine copy of the excessively rare first sessions of Congress under the Constitution. 609 Journal of the Third Session of the Senate of the United States. Begun and Held at the Ci,ty of Philadelphia, December 6, 1790. Folio, sheep. Philadelphia, 1791 610 Another Copy. , . 61 1 Journal of the Senate of the United States of America. Being the Second Session of the Third Congress. Begun and Held at the City of Philadelphia, November 3, 1794. Folio. Philadelphia, 1794 612 Journal of the Senate of the United States of America. Being a First Session of a Fifth Congress. Begun and Held at the City of Philadelphia, May 15, 1797. 8vo, half bound. Philadelphia, 1797 Judiciary. Debates in the United States Senate on the. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1802 614 Kalm, Peter. Travels into North America. Containing its Natural History, and a Circumstantial Account of its Plantations and Agriculture in General. With the Civil. Ecclesiastical and Commercial State of the Country. Translated by John R. Forster. 3 vols. 8vo, half levant, gilt, marbled edges. Warrington, 1770 615 Kapp, Friedrich. The Life of John Kalb, Major-Gen- eral in the Revolutionary Arm}'. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1870 Privately printed. Large-paper copy. 616 Kapp, Friedrich. The Life of John Kalb, Major-Gen- eral in the Revolutionary War. Portrait. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1884 *. 7 6 t /f 617 Keese, John. The Poets of America. Illustrated by One of Her Painters. I2mo, full morocco, gilt. , New York, 1840 First edition. Scarce. %6i8 (Keimer, Samuel.) Caribbeana. Containing Letters and Dissertations, together with Poetical Essays, on Va- rious Subjects and Occasions. Chiefly Wrote by Several Hands in the West Indies. And some of them to Gen- tlemen Residing there. Now collected together in two volumes, wherein are also Comprised Divers Papers re- lating to Trade, Government and Laws in General. But more especially to those of the British Sugar-Colonies, and of Barbados in particular ; as likewise the Characters of the Most Eminent Men that have Died of Late Years in that Island. 2 vols. 410, paneled calf, rebacked. London, 1741 These volumes are made up of extracts from the Barbadoes Gazette, edited by Keimer. who aided Franklin when poor, and whom the latter endeavored to defame in his autobiography. They contain much information relating to Pennsylvania, comments on the Zenger trial, etc. Both titles soiled. 619 Keith, George. The Presbyterian and Independent Visible Churches in New England and Else-where. Brought to the Test and Examined According to the Doctrine of the Holy Scriptures in their Doctrine, Minis- try, Worship, Constitution, Government, Sacraments and Sabbath Day. More Particularly Directed to those in New-England, and more Generally to those in Old-Eng- land, Scotland, Ireland, etc. With a Call and Warning from the Lord to the People of Boston and New England to Repent, etc. ; and two Letters to the Preachers in Boston; and an Answer to the Gross Abuses, Lies and Slanders of Increase Mather and Nath. Morton, etc. I2mo, contemporary calf. London, 1691 Fine copy. Very rare. See facsimile. / jro 620 Keckley, Elizabeth. Behind the Scenes. Portrait. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1868 The author was formerly a slave, but more recently modiste and friend to Mrs. Abraham Lincoln. ./ ,. Ker, Henry. Travels through the Western Interior of the United States. From the Year 1808 up to the Year 1816. 8vo, sheep Elizabethtown, 1816 - g~~ 622 Kercheval, Samuel. A History of the Valley of Vir- ginia. Second edition. 8vo. half sheep. Woodstock, Va., 1850 THE Presbyterian and Independent I N And elfe-where, Brought to the Teft, and examined according to the Dotlrin of the holy Scriptures, in their Doftrin, Miniftrj,. Worfhjp, coaftitttiion, Government^ Sacraments, and Sabbath J>aj. More particulary directed to thofe In Afew-.E>y;JW, and more generally to thofe in OIL England , Scotland , Ireland, &c. WITH A Call and Warning from the Lord to the People of Bofton and Nero-Enghnd, to Repent, Cfc. And two Letters to the Preachers InBofton ; and an Anfwer to the grote Abufe?, Lies and Slanders of laireafe Mather anciK'jifc. Morton ,&*. ^GEORGE KEITH. L N P Nl Printed for ^omatf ^OJtljtett, in Gtorge-r*ra in LombarJ'ftreeffl 1 5p t . Facsimile Title of Lot 78 623 Kersteman, P. L. De Vrouwelyke Lakei, of Het Leven Van Clorimena, etc. Amsterdam, 1756, & De Berugte Land-en-Zee-Heldin, Of de wonderbare Levensgevallen van Anna Blound, anders Robert Stafford. Illustrated with numerous copperplates. Amsterdam, 1756 Bound together. Small 8vo, vellum. 624 Kirchen. Agende der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Veretn- igten Gemeinen in Nord Amerika. 8vo, half bound. Philadelphia, 1786 Contains a list of Lutheran ministers, and with the signature of the Rev. H. A. Muhlenberg. 625 Laert, Joannes de. Beschryvinghe van West-Indien. Illustrated with numerous copperplates and map. Second edition. Folio, vellum. Elzeviers, Leyden, 1630 Fine copy. Scarce. / j# 626 La Fayette, General. An Authentic Biography of. With rare portrait. (Foxed.) I2mo, morocco, gilt, canary edges. Philadelphia, 1824 627 Lafayette, General. Memoires, Correspondances et Manuscrits du. Publics par sa Famille. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan. Bruxelles, 1837 / +- 628 Lafayette at Brandywine. * * * With Supplement- ary Paper on Lafayette and the Historian. By C. T. Lewis. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. West Chester, 1896 629 Lamb, R. An Original and Authentic Journal of Oc- currences during the Late American War. From its Com- mencement to the Year 1783. 8vo, calf. Dublin, 1809 The author was sergeant in the Royal Welch Fuzilleers. It is replete with detail information of rather an unbiased character re- lating to the American Revolution. . 2 t 630 Lambart, Richard. A New System of Military Disci- pline Founded upon Principle. By a General Officer. 8vo, calf. R. Aitken, Philadelphia, 1776 With autograph of Derick Peterson. 631 Lambert, John. Travels through Canada and the United States of North America in the Years, 1806, 1807 and 1808. With map and numerous engravings, colored aquatints of the costumes of the country, tinted views, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1813 /. V 636 L'Amerique Delivree, Equisse d'un Poeme, fur 1'Inde- pendance de rAmerique. Vignette on title. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Amsterdam, 1783 The story of the American Revolution told in verse by a Dutch- man, and dedicated to John Adams. The elaborate notes are of great value. 79 637 Lamon, Ward H. The Life of Abraham Lincoln, from his Birth to his Inauguration as President. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1872 Scarce. 638 Late Regulations Respecting the British Colonies in the Continent of America Considered In a Letter from a Gentleman in Philadelphia, through his Friend in London. 8vo, polished calf, gilt, dentelle borders, gilt edges. Wm. Bradford, Philadelphia, 1775 Very rare. / Short Sketch of his Life. 12010, lettered covers, uncut. Ax,*/-* ^ T ,' c.,- London, 1865 7 663 Lincoln, Abraham. Selections from the Works of. Portraits. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1893 Q C 664 Lincoln, Abraham. The Early Life of. Containing many Unpublished Documents. By Ida M. Tarbell. Il- lustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1896 $r 665 Lincoln, Abraham. His Book. A Facsimile Reproduc- tion of the Original. With an Explanatory Note, by J. McC. Davis. i6mo, roan, in case. New York, 1901 C6) $2 2 2.4^-666 Lincoln and Douglas. Political Debates between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas in the /k -$** Celebrated Campaign of 1858 in Illinois. 8vo, cloth. Columbus, 1860 First edition, with newspaper clippings. 667 Lincoln. The Terrible Tragedy at Washington ; Assas- sination of President Lincoln ; Last Hours and Death-bed Scene of the President. A Full and Graphic Account from Reliable Authorities. 8vo, half roan. Philadelphia, 1865 i/# 668 Lippard, George. Legends of Mexico. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1847 Scarce. 669 Livermore, George. An Historical Research respecting the Opinions of the Founders of the Republic on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens and as Soldiers. 4to, half morocco, red top, uncut. Boston, 1863 One of fifty large-paper copies. 670 Livermore, Rev. S. T. Harriet Livermore, the "Pil- grim Stranger." Portrait. I2mo, cloth. Hartford, 1884 671 Livingston, Edward. An Answer to Mr. Jefferson's Justification of his Conduct in the Case of the New Or- leans Batture. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1813 672 (Livingston, William.) A Review of the Military Operations in North America. From the Commencement of the French Hostilities on the Frontiers of Virginia to 2 * .** the Surrender of Oswego, on the I4th of August, 1756. Interspersed with various Observations, Characters and Anecdotes necessary to give Light into the Conduct of American Transactions in General ; and more especially into the Political Management of Affairs in New York. In a Letter to a Nobleman. 8vo, original boards. Alexander & James Robertson, New York, 1770 Excessively rare. An exhausted review of the French and Indian War, giving an impartial account of Braddock's Expedition and his defeat, loss of Oswego, etc. And giving an account of Col. Washington's encounter with the French and Indians on May 28, J 754, who, after a vigorous resistance for three hours, was obliged to surrender to overwhelming numbers. The work is somewhat foxed. Has the name of Samuel Wheeler on title page, and small hole in the centre of the last page. See facsimile title. 673 Lloyd, Pemberton, Huntchinson, Hudson and Parke. Genealogical Notes relating to the Families of. And to others Connected Directly or Remotely with them. By Thomas A. Glenn. Philadelphia, 1898 One of three hundred -copies privately printed. OF THE 1 N NORTH-AMERICA; FROM The Commencement of the FRENCH HOSTILITIES on tbe Frontiers of Virginia, in 1753, to t^e^Sur- render of Ofwego, on the I4th of Auguft, 1756. INTERS RERSED With various Obfervatjbns, Charaftcrs, and Anecdotes-, necefiary to give Light into the Conduft of American TranfacHons in general; and more efpecially into the poli- tical Management of Affairs in NEW-YORK. In a L E T T E R to a Nobleman. NEW T O R K: Printed by ALEXANDER aaxf JAME* ROJLRRTSON, MDCCLXX. Facsimile Title of Lot 672. 84 674 Loeher, Franz. Geschichtc und Zustande der Deutsch- en in Amerika. Second edition. 8vo, half bock. Gottingen, 1855 675 Losa, Francisco. Vida que el Siervo de Dios Gregorio /Lopez Hizo en algunos Lugares de la Nueua Espana Principalmenteen el Pueblo de Santa Fe. Portrait of Lopes. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1648 Lopez was born in Madrid July 4, 1542. Came to Vera Cruz in 1562; soon after went to Sante Fe, where he spent thirty-three years in solitude as a padre, and died July 20, 1596. One of the earliest and rarest items in Americana. The only copy we ever saw. 676 Lossing, Benson J. The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution ; or, Illustrations, by Pen and Pencil, of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics and Traditions of the War for Independence. With eleven hundred engravings on wood, by Lossing and Barritt, chiefly from original sketches by the author. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, half calf, antique, marbled edges. New York, 1860 677 Lossing Benson J. The Pictorial Field-Book of the War of 1812; or, Illustrations, by Pen and Pencil, of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics and Traditions of the Last War for American Independence. With several hun- dred engravings on wood, by Lossing and Barritt, chiefly from original sketches by the author. Royal 8vo, half calf, antique, marbled edges. New York, 1869 A J~3 678 Lossing, Benson J. Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States of America. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, antique, marbled edges. Philadelphia, 1866 -A/" 679 Lossing, Benson J. Harper's Popular Cyclopaedia of United States History. Illustrated. 2 vols, Royal 8vo, sheep. New York, 1888 . x?tT"68o Lost Tribes of Israel; or, The First of the Red Men. Colored plates. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1861 London's Indian Wars. 681 Loudon, Archibald. A Selection of the Most Interest- ing Narratives of Outrages, Committed by the Indians in their Wars with the White People. Also, an Account of their Manners, Customs, Traditions, Religious Senti- ments, Mode of Warfare, Military Tactics, Discipline and Encampments, Treatment of Prisoners, etc., which are A SELECTION, or SOME OFTHE MOST INTERESTING NARRATIVES, OF OUTRAGES, COMMITTED BY THE INDIANS. WITH THE WHITE PEOPLE. ALSO, An Account of their Manners, Customs, Traditions, Religious Sentiments, Mode of Warfare, Military Tactics, Discipline and Encampments, Treatment of Prisoners, &c. which are better Explained, and more Minutely Related, than has been heretofore done, by any other Author on that subject. Many of the Articles have never before appeared in print. The whole .Compiled from the best Authorities, BY ARCHIBALD LOUDON. VOLUME I. CARLISLE: FROM THE PRESS OF A. fWhitehaU.J 1808. Facsimile Title of Lot 68 1, 86 better Explained and more Minutely Related than has been heretofore done by any other Author on the subject. Many of the Articles have never before Appeared in Print. The whole Compiled from the best Authorities. 2 vols. I2mo, original sheep. Carlisle: From the Press of A. Loudon (Whitehall), 1808 A very good copy of this excessively rare work. It is so scarce that Brinley only succeeded in getting a copy, lacking a signature. In this copy Vol. I. cannot be surpassed. Vol. II is somewhat thumbed and time-stained, and the title and some few of the front pages are slightly torn on the margins, in the way a book will get when much read. It is the third and very best copy we have seen, and I think we are safe in saying it is as good a copy as a collector could hope to get. See facsimile title. 682 Loyal Verses of Joseph Stanbury and Dr. Jonathan 2, z^ Odell Relating to the American Revolution. Now first edited by Winthrop Sargent. vSmall 4to, half morocco, top edge gilt. Albany, 1860 Very rare. Only one hundred and twelve copies printed. , T '683 Lubbock, Sir John. The Origin of Civilization and the Primitive Condition of Man. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1871 684 Lubbock, Sir John. Pre-Historic Times, as Illustrated by Ancient Remains, and the Manners and Customs of Modern Savages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York (London), 1872 ^- 685 Luden, Hemrich. Reise Sr. Hoheit des Herzogs Bern- hard zu Sachsen-Weimer-Eisenach durch Nord-Amerika in den Jahren < i825 und 1826. Herausgegben von. Illus- trated with maps_and vieivs of Philadelphia and New York, and portrait of Bernhard. 8vo, full red morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Weimer, 1828 686 Lundy, Benjamin. The Life, Travels and Opinions of. Including his Journeys to Texas and Mexico. Portrait. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1847 / / f 687 McClure, A. K. Addresses. Literary. Political, Legal and Miscellaneous. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1894 688 McClure, William. Observations on the Geology of the United States of America. With map and two plates. 8vo, half roan. Philadelphia, 1817 "Pennsylvania is perhaps the best cultivated of all the States." 689 McConnell, S. D. History of the American Episcopal Church from the Planting of the Colonies to the End of the Civil War. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1891 /6ox> McLaws, Lafayette. Original Autograph Detailed Description of the Battle of Gettysburg. Bound in 4to vol., half morocco. This is the original manuscript of Major-General Lafayette Mc- Laws' account of the Battle of Gettysburg. It was he who com- manded the Confederate forces at the Peach Orchard. 691 Macminn, Edwin. On the Frontier with Col. Antes ; or, The Struggle for Supremacy of the Red and White Races in Pennsylvania. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Camden, 1800 _ 692 McPherson, Edw. A Hand-Book of Politics for 1868. 8vo, cloth. ^Washington, 1868 693 (Macpherson, John.) Macpherson's Letters. vo, boards, half calf. Printed for the author. Philadelphia, 1770 The title and book somewhat repaired throughout. Printed to prove his sanity . "My Principal Enemy, though under the mask of friendship, is Jno. Dickinson, Esq., who wrote the 'Farmers' Letters,' or rather has got credit for them." Page 42. Rare. 694 McKenney, Thomas L. Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, of the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians, and of Incidents Connected with the Treaty of Fond du Lac. Also a Vocabulary of the Algic or Chippe- Avay Language. Illustrated. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Baltimore, 1827 Fine copy. Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Lawrence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, in the Years 1789 and 1793. Portrait and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1802 Lacks one map, and one page of preface to Vol. I is imperfect. 696 Mackenzie, William L. The Lives and Opinions of Benjamin F. Butler and Jesse Hoyt. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1845 697 Maisch, J. M. Gotthilf Henrich Ernst Muhlenberg als Botaniker. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1886 v 698 Manuscript. Original Manuscript Narrative of the Ad- ventures of John Menzies, alias John Little, in the Years 1793 and '4. I2tno, full morocco, gilt. Philadelphia, 1835 ,if The author of this beautifully written and exceedingly interesting f^ 7T7 manuscript journal was John Menzies who was born in 1776, on the River Esk in Scotland. It contains a graphic and realistic de- scription of life on a slaver, of the ceremonies to Neptune on cross- ing the line, and of the great naval battle between the British fleet under Lord Howe and the French Fleet, in 1704- He was on Howe's vessel, and says at the gun where he stood the captain 7 88 of the gun and two men were wounded, one of them having the cap of his knee entirely taken off. The balance of the volume contains his poetical descriptions, in Scottish dialect, of persons and events in Philadelphia, where he lived in 1835. 699 Manuscript, The. Second edition. 2 vols. in i. 8vo, boards. New York, 1828 By Elam Bliss. Contains twenty-two articles relating chiefly to the Revolutionary War. 700 Markham, Clements K. The Fighting Veres. Lives of Sir Francis Vere, General of the Queen's Forces in the Low Countries ; Governor of the Brill and of Portsmouth, and of Sir Horace Vere, General of the English Forces in the Low Countries, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt. Boston, 1888 701 Marquardo, Johanne. Tractatus Politico Juridicus de Jure Mercatorum et Commerciorum Singulari. Engraved title. 2 vols. in i. Folio, vellum. Francofurti, 1662 702 Marshall, John. Exercises at the Ceremony of Unveil- ing the Statue of. In front of the Capitol, Washington, May 10, 1884. Frontispiece. Imperial 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1884 703 Marshe, Witham. Lancaster in 1744. Journal of the Treaty at Lancaster in 1744. Annotated by William H. Egle. 4to, half calf. Lancaster, 1884 704 Mason, George C. The Life and Works of Gilbert Stuart. With selections from Stuart's paintings reproduced on steel and by photogravure. 4to, cloth, uncut. New York, 1894 705 Masonic. Downfall of Free-Masonry. Being an Au- thentic History of the Rise, Progress and Triumph of Anti-Masonry; also of the Origin and Increase of Aboli- tion. Together with a Faithful Account of the Travels, Dangers, Attacks, Discoveries, and Escapes of the Gov- ernor from the Cut-Throats of the Lodge, etc. By Jona- than Punkin. Illustrated. I2mo, boards. (Philadelphia) 1838 A political satire upon Governor Ritner, Thaddeus Stevens, Nich. Biddle, W. B. Reed, etc. 706 Meade, William. An Experimental Inquiry into the Chemical Properties and Medicinal Qualities of the Prin- cipal Mineral Waters of Ballston and Saratoga. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1817 Autograph presentation copy from the author. 707 Mease, James. A Geological Account of the United States Comprehending a Short Description of their Ani- mal, Vegetable and Mineral Productions. Illustrated. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1807 708 Mease, James. Geographical Account of the United States. (Imperfect.) i2mo, sheep. (Broken.) Philadelphia, 1807 v 709 Melish, John. A Military and Topographical Atlas of the United States. Including the British Possessions in Florida. * * * To which is added a List of the Mili- tary Districts, a Register of the Army, and a List of the Navy of the United States. With four large colored maps. 8vo, half roan. Philadelphia. 1813 Contains a map and official documents relative to operations of the British Army employed in the reduction of the Canadas, under Majors-General Wolfe, Amherst, etc.. in 1759 and 1760. A map and description of East and West Florida, etc. 710 Meltons, Eduward, Engelsch Edelmans, Zeldzaame en Gedenkwaardige Zee-en Land-Reizen ; Door Egypten. West-Indien, Perzien, Turkyen, Oost-Indien. * * Aangevangen in den jaare 1660, en guendigd in den jaare 1677. Illustrated with numerous fine old copperplate en- gravings and portraits. 4to, old calf. Amsterdam, 1702 711 Memoirs of an Unfortunate Young Nobleman. Re- turned from a Thirteen Years' .Slavery in America, where he had been Sent by the Wicked Contrivance of his Cruel Uncle. 3 vols. I2tno, sheep. London, 1743 Contains the case of James Annesley, who was a Redemptionist in Lancaster County, 712 Message from the President of the United States of America to Congress, relative to the French Republic. Delivered January 19, 1797. With the Papers therein Referred to. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia (1797) 713 Message from the President of the United States, trans- mitting a Roll of the Persons having Office or Employ- ment under the United States. 8vo, half roan. Washington, 1802 714 Methodists' Conferences. Minutes of the, Annually held in America. From 1773 to 1814, inclusive. Vol. I. I2mo, calf. New York, 1813 Very rare. 715 Meyers, R. C. V. Life and Adventures of Louis Wetzel. the Renowned Virginia Ranger and Scout. Illustrated. I2mo, half morocco, red top, uncut. Philadelphia, N. D. 716 Michaux, F. A. Travels to the Westward of the Alle- gany Mountains in the States of the Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, and Return to Charlestown, through the Upper Carolinas. With map. Translated by B. Lambert. 8vo, original boards, uncut. London, 1805 Fine copy. 717 Mickle, Isaac. Reminiscences of Old Gloucester; or, Incidents in the History of the Counties of Gloucester, Atlantic and Camden, New Jersey. Frontispiece. 8vo, half bock. Philadelphia, 1845 Scarce. Name on title. 718 Miller, Edward. The Medical Works of. Late Pro- fessor of the Practice of Phvsic in the University of New York. Collected by Samuel Miller. With two portraits. 8vo, half sheep. New York, 1814 719 Miller Imprint. Thoughts on the Nature of War and its Repugnancy to the Christian Life. A Sermon Preached 29th November, 1759. Philadelphia, H. Miller, 1766. An Extract from a Treatise by William Law. Called The Spirit of Prayer. Philadelphia, H. Miller, 1766. Christian Piety Freed from Many Delusions of Modern Enthusiasts. Philadelphia, H. Miller, 1766. And Daily Conversation with God. Exemplified in the Holy Life of Armelle Nicolas. Philadelphia, H. Miller, 1767. Bound in i vol. i6mo, boards. 720 Miller, Samuel. Memoirs of the Rev. John Rodgers, late Pastor of the Wall-Street and Brick Churches, New- York. Portrait. 8vo. boards, uncut. New York, 1813 721 Miller, Samuel. Memoirs of the Rev. John Rodgers, late Pastor of the Wall-Street and Brick Churches, New York. Portrait. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1813 Stained. 722 Mississippi Bubble. Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaas- heid. Vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondervang der actie. Bubbel en Windnegotie in Vrankryk Engeland, en de Nederland, gepleegt in den Jaare 1720. Zynde een Verzameling van alle de Conditien en Projecten Van de opgeregte Compagnien van Assurantie, Navigatie, Com- mercie. etc. * * * Als meede Konst Plaaten Come- dien en Gedigten, etc. Folio, half bound. 1720 A collection of papers relating to John Law's famous "Missis- sippi Bubble." Illustrated with sixty-nine contemporary plates and caricatures of exceeding interest. Very rare. 724 Monroe, James. A View of the Conduct of the Execu- tive in the Foreign Affairs of the United States, con- nected with the Mission to the French Republic. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1797 Slightly water stained. 725 Monroe, James. A Narrative of a Tour of Observa- tion ma Artilleiij-Meeftervande Ed: M: Heerea Gecoramitteerde Raden vac Stateo van Weft- Vrieflandt ende 't Noorder-quartieri toarfoo^te ijan iffcn/ enlic biat ftrilfce iBenfcfjcn naer ' f H O O R N, Voor David Puterfa deVrtes, Artillprj-Meeftervan ' qasrtier. Toe AlcJfmacr, by ^ Cormlifa Bnkege$, Anno Facsimile Title of Lot 1044.* I2Q 1051 Wallace, John W. An Address at the Celebration of of the Two Hundredth Birthday of Mr. "\Villiam Brad- ford, who Introduced the Art of Printing into the Mid- dle Colonies of British America. 8vo. half morocco, top edge gilt. Albany, 1863 Autograph letter, signed, of the author inserted. 1052 Wallace, John W. An Address Delivered at the Cele- bration by the New York Historical Society * * * of the Two Hundredth Birth Day of Mr. William Brad- ford, who Introduced the Art of Printing into the Mid- dles Colonies of British America. 8vo, boards, top edge gilt, uncut. Albany, 1863 1053 Wallace, Gen. Lew. Life of Hon. Benjamin Harrison, Ex-President of the United States. (And by Murat Hal- stead.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. 1892 1054 (Wain, Robert, Jr.) The Hermit in America; or, A Visit to Philadelphia. Containing some Account of the Beaux and Belles, Dandies and Coquettes, Cotillon Par- ties, Supper Parties, Tea Parties, etc., of that Famous City. Edited by Peter Atall, Esq. i2mo, original lettered boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1819 Scarce. 1055 Wain, Robert, Jr. Life of the Marquis de la Fayette, Major-General in the Service of the United States of America in the War of the Revolution. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1825 Name on title. 1056 Walsh, Robert, Jr. An Appeal from the Judgment of Great Britain, respecting the United States of Amer- ica. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1819 1057 Wansey, Henry. The Journal of an Excursion to the United States of North America in the Summer of 1794. Embellished with the profile of General Washington and aquatint view of the State House at Philadelphia. 8vo, calf, gilt. Salisbury, 1796 Scarce. Contains a very interesting description of Washing- ton whom he met at Philadelphia, and an American bibliography. 1058 War Lyrics and Songs of the South. i2mo, cloth. London, 1866 1059 War of the Rebellion. A Series of Articles on the. By Conspicuous Participants. Printed in the Philadel- phia Times, and mounted into a neat volume. 4to, cloth. (9) 130 1060 Warden, D. B. A Satirical, Political and Historical Account of the United States of North America. From the Period of their First Colonization to the Present Day. With colored maps. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1819 Name on title. 1061 Warrington, James. Short Titles of Books Relating to or Illustrating the History and Practice of Psalmody in the United States, 1620-1820. Small 4to, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1898 Privately printed. 1062 Warville, J. P. Brissot de. New Travels in the United States of America, performed in 1788. i2mo, calf, rebacked. Boston, 1797 1063 (Washington, George.) A Message of the President of the United States to Congress, Relative to France and Great Britain, Delivered December 5, 1792. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1795 1064 Washington. A Message of the President of the United States to Congress, Relative to France and Great Britain, Delivered December 5, 1793. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, 1795 1065 Washington and the Generals of the American Revo- lution. With sixteen portraits on steel. 2 vols. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1848 1066 Webster, Daniel. The Works of. Portrait. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1853 1067 (Webster, Pelatiah.) A Second Essay on Free Trade and Finance, Humbly Offered to the Consideration of the Public. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1779 1068 Webster, Pelatiah. A Dissertation on the Political Union and Constitution of the Thirteen United States of North-America, which is Necessary to their Preserv- ation and Happiness. Humbly Offered to the Public. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1783 Stained. 1069 (Webster, Pelatiah.) A Sixth Essay on Free Trade and Finance. * * * By a Citizen of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1783 1070 Webster, Pelatiah. Political Essays on the Nature and Operation of Money, Public Finances and other Subjects. Published during the American War and Continued up to the Present Year, 1791. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1791 Scarce. 1071 Weedon, Gen. George. Valley Forge Orderly Book of, of the Continental Army under Command of Gen. George Washington, in the Campaign of 1777-8, de- scribing the Events of the Battles of Brandywine, War- ren Tavern, Germantown and White Marsh ; of the Camps at Neshaminy, Washington, Pennypacker's Mills. Shippack, White Marsh and Valley Forge. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1902 1072 Weems. Rev. M. L. The True Patriot; or, An Ora- tion on the Beauties and Beatitudes of a Republic, and the Abominations and Desolations of Despotism. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia (1802) Very scarce. 1073 Weld, Isaac. Travels through the State of North America and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Can- ada, during the Years 1795, 1796 and 1797. Second edition. Illustrated and embellished with sixteen plates. 2 vols. 8vo, half bound. London, 1799 Contains a View of Mount Vernon, View of the Potowmac (Hudson) River, Plan of the City of Washington, American Stage Waggon, View" of Bethlehem, Pa.. ;. View of the Horseshoe Falls of Niagara, and Falls of Niagara. 1074 Westcott, Thompson. The Life of John Fitch, the Inventor of the Steamboat. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1857 1075 Western Souvenir, The; or, A Christmas and New Year s Gift for 1829. Edited by James Hall. Illustrated. i6mo, morocco, gilt. Cincinnati (1829) Six plates, including Views of Cincinnati, Pittsburg and Frank- fort, Ky. "First attempt to imitate the beautiful productions of art and genius * * * of our worthy countrymen in some of the Atlantic States.'' "The Indian Hater," page 256, is the orig- inal of Bird's "Nick of the Woods." 1076 Whale Fishery. An Act for the Further Encourage- ment and Enlargement of the Whale Fishery, and. for Continuing such Laws as are Therein Mentioned, Re- lating Thereto; and for the Naturalization of such Foreign Protestants as shall Serve for the Time Therein Mentioned. Folio. London, 1749 1077 Wharton, Anne H. Colonial Days and Dames. Illus- trated. I2mo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1893 1078 Wharton, Anne H. Through Colonial Doorways. Illustrated, I2mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1893 Autograph letter, signed, of the author about the book inserted. 132 4 IO79 Wharton, Anne H. Martha Washington. Portrait. i2mo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1897 1080 Whig Against Tory; or, The Military Adventures of a Shoe-Maker. Illustrated. (Stained.) i6mo, boards. Hartford, 1832 1081 Whig Almanac, for 1849, J 85 2 to 55> inclusive, and the Tribune Almanac, 1856 to 1862, inclusive, and 1864 to 1866, inclusive. Bound in 3 vols. I2mo, half morocco. New York 1/1082 White, Samuel. History of the American Troops during the Late War, under the Command of Colonels Fenton and Campbell. Giving an Account of the Cross- ing of the Lake from Erie to Long Point ; also the Cross- ing of Niagara by the Troops under Generals Gaines, Brown, Scott and Porter, the Taking of Fort Erie, the Battle of Chippewa, etc. i2mo, half morocco. Baltimore, 1829 Rare. 1083 Wilkinson, General James. Memoirs of My Own . Times. With the Atlas of Diagrams and Plans. 3 vols. 8vo, and i vol. 4to; together, 4 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1816 A fine copy. Has inserted an autograph letter, signed, of Wil- kinson, introducing Commodore Preble to Charles Biddle; auto- graph letter, signed, of Wilkinson about the work; the only known copy of a five-page circular issued by him for information, as well as the only known copy of the prospectus of the work; bookplate of the Skene Library; autograph note of E. D. In- graham about President Madison, and newspaper clipping about the murder of Jane McCrea. Making the copy unique, and in the finest possible condition. 1084 Williams, Edward. Statesman's Manual. Presidents' Messages, Inaugural, Annual and Special, from 1789 to 1846. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1843 1085 Williamson, Hugh. The History of North Carolina. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1812 Library stamp on title. Duplicate from the Indiana State Library. With bookplate. 1086 Williamson, Peter. French and Indian Cruelty Ex- emplified in the Life and Various Vicissitudes of Fortune of, who was Carried off from Aberdeen in his Infancy and sold for a Slave in Pennsylvania. With the rare portrait. I2mo, half morocco. Edinburgh, 1787 Very scarce. Contains the portrait of the author in the dress of a Delaware Indian. 133 1087 Wilmer, L. A. The American Sybil; or, The Fate of the Republic. Small 4to, boards. Philadelphia, 1852 A curious poem of spiritualistic tendency. 1088 Wilson, Frazer E. The Treaty of Greenville. Being an Official Account of the same ; together with the Expeditions of Gen. Arthur St. Clair and Gen. Anthony Wayne against the Northwestern Indian Tribes. 8vo, cloth. Piqua, Ohio, 1894 1089 Wilson, Hon. James. The Works of. Late One of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Published under the Direction of Bird Wilson. Portrait, by Edwin. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, red tops, uncut. Philadelphia, 1804 Portrait and title foxed. To Wilson, more than to any one else, is due the formation and adoption of the Constitution. Bayne says: "One of the deepest thinkers and most exact rea- soners among the members of the Constitution of 1787." 1090 Winchester, Elhanan. The Universal Restoration. Exhibited in a Series of Dialogues between a Minister and his Friend. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1788 Substance of conversations he had with persons in America and Europe. 1091 Wirt, William. Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry. Portrait. 8vo, sheep. Hartford, 1852 1092 Wisconsin. Report and Collections of the State His- torical Society of. Vols. VII. and IX. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Madison, 1876-1882 1093 Wistar Museum of Anatomy. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1894 1094 Wister, Mrs. O. J., and Irwin, Miss Agnes. Worthy Women of Our First Century. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1877 1095 Woodcuts. A Collection of Several Hundred Wood- cuts of Old Buildings, Portraits, Views in various parts of the United States. 4to, half roan. 1096 Wood, John. The History of the Administration of John Adams, late President of the United States. 8vo, half calf, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1802 The original edition. Was suppressed by Aaron Burr. This copy is somewhat stained. 134 1097 Wood, John. A Narrative of the Suppression by Colonel Burr of the History of the Administration of John Adams, late President of the United States. Written by * * * To which is added a Biography of Thomas Jefferson * * * and of General Hamil- ton, etc. By a Citizen of New York. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1802 1098 Wood, John. The Suppressed History of the Admin- istration of John Adams (from 1797 to 1801), as Printed and Suppressed in 1802. Portrait by Newsam. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1846 1099 Wood, John. A Suppressed History of the Adminis- tration of John Adams (from 1797 to 1801), as Printed and Suppressed in 1802. Now reprinted, with Notes by John H. Sherburne. Portrait, by Newsam. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1846 noo Wood, John. A Correct Statement of the Various Sources from which the History of the Administration of John Adams was Compiled. And the Motives for its Suppression by Colonel Burr. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1802 noi Wood, Nicholas. A Poetical Treatise on Rail Roads and Interior Communication in General. Illustrated. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1832 First American edition. 1102 Wood, William B. Personal Recollections of the * Stage. Portrait. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1855 1103 Wood and James 1 Directory of the Borough of West Chester for 1857. Containing a Complete History of the Borough. 8vo, boards. West Chester, 1857 Woolrych, Humphrey W. Memoirs of the Life of Judge Jeffreys, sometime Lord High Chancellor of England. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1827 E. D. Ingraham's copy, with portrait of Monmouth. Clippings and notes added. 1105 Wright, J. The American Negotiator; or, The Va- rious Currencies of the British Colonies in America. London, 1765 1106 Young, David. The Wonderful History of the Mor- ristown Ghost. Thoroughly and Carefully Revised. i6mo, new boards. Newark, 1826 ESSAY OF A Delaware- Indian and Englijh SPELLING-BOOK, FOR THE USE OF THE SCHOOLS OF THE CHRISTIAN INDIANS on Mufkingum River. By DAVID ZEISBERGER, MISSIONARY among the Wejlcrn Indians* PHILADELPHIA, Printed by HENRY MILLER. 1776. Facsimile Title of Lot noj. 136 uo7 Zeisberger, David. Essay of a Delaware-Indian and English Spelling Book for the Use of the Schools of the Christian Indians on Muskingum River. I2mo, original half binding. Henry Miller, Philadelphia, 1776 A beautiful clean copy of this excessively rare book, with the half title. See facsimile. 1108 Zook, Samuel K. Memorial to. Brevet-Major-General United States Volunteers. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1889 UNBOUND PAMPHLETS. 1109 Abercrombie, James. Sermon Preached in Christ- Church and St. Paul's, Philadelphia, Monday, May 9, 1798. 8vo. Philadelphia (1798) i no Acadia. Remarks on the French Memorials, Con- cerning the Limits of Acadia. 8vo. London, 1756 Title damaged and lacks the two maps. 1 ii i Adams, John. Twenty-six Letters upon Interesting Subjects respecting the Revolution in America. 8vo. New York, 1789 1 1 12 (Adams, John.) Message of the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, June 18, 1798. 8vo, uncut. (Philadelphia, 1798) 1113 (Adams, John.) Message of the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, April 3, 1798. 2 copies. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1798 1114 Adams, John. Message of the President of the United States, accompanying a Report of the Secretary of State, Philadelphia, 1798 On French affairs and Dr. George Logan's mission. 1115 Addison, Alexander. An Oration on the Rise and Progress of the United States of America to the Pres- ent Crisis, and the Duties of the Citizens. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1798 1116 Address of Members of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States to their Constitu- ents on the Subject of the War with Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1812 137 1 1 17 Adet, Citizen. Notes from. Minister Plenipotentiary of the French Republic near the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1796 1118 Algiers. A Short Account of * * * With a Con- cise View of the Origin of the Rupture between Algiers and the United States. Map. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1794 1119 Alien Bill. The Speech of Edward Livingston, Esq., on the Third Reading of the. 8vo. James Carey, Philadelphia, circa 1800 1120 Allan, Col. William. Jackson's Valley Campaign. An Address by. 8vo. Richmond, 1878 1 12 1 Allen, Col. Ethan. A Narrative of Colonel Ethan Allen's Captivity. * * * Containing his Voyages and Travels. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1799 1 122 Allen, John. Speech of. Relative to Employing the Armed Vessels as Convoys. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1798 1123 Allen, Ira. Statements Applicable to the Cause of the Olive Branch, which had a Cargo of Cannon and Arms Purchased by the Authority of the Governor of Ver- mont to Supply the Militia thereof, and Captured in its Passage from Ostend, in France, to New York * * * by an English Man of War (in 1796). 8vo. Philadelphia, 1807 Very rare. 1124 Allen. Ira. A Concise Summary of the Second Ven- ture of the Olive Branch, etc. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1807 1125 Alley, Sarah. Account of a Trance or Vision of, of Beekman Town, Dutchess County, and State of New York * * * on the 25th of the 2d Month, 1798. i6mo. Philadelphia, 1807 1126 America. The Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo, uncut. (Damaged.) London, 1775 1127 America. Gesunde Vernunft an die Einwokner von America. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1776 1128 America. Itinerant Observations in. Reprinted from the London Magazine, 1745-6. 8vo. Savannah, 1878 1129 Ames, Mr. The Speech of, on the Treaty between the United States and Great Britain. 3 copies. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1796 1130 Andrews, Rev. John. Two Sermons on Public Occa- sions. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1788 138 1 13 1 Answer to Robert Smith's Address to the People. 8vo, uncut. (1811) An interesting political episode of Madison's administration. 1132 Ashmun, J. History of the American Colony in Li- beria, from December, 1821 to 1823. With map. 8vo, uncut. Washington, 1826 1133 Asplund, John. The Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America, to the First of No- vember, 1790. 4to. uncut. 1790 1134 Associate Synod of North America. Extracts from the Minutes of the, at their Meeting at Pittsburg, May 23, 1821. 8vo, uncut. Carlisle, 1821 1135 (Bache, B. F.) Remarks Occasioned by the late Con- duct of Mr. Washington, as President of the United States, 1796. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797 Very rare. 1136 (Bache, B. F.) Truth Will Out. The Foul Charges of the Tories against the Editor of the Aurora Repelled. 2 copies. 8vo. (Philadelphia, 1798) 1137 Baltimore and Penn. Indenture of Agreement, etc., between Lord Baltimore and Thomas and Richard Penn, Esquires, 4th July, 1760. Folio. N. P., N. D. 1138 Barlow, Joel. To his Fellow Citizens of the United States. 2 copies. 8vo. (Philadelphia, 1801) 1139 (Barry, Joseph.) The Annals of Harper's Ferry, from the Establishment of the National Armory in 1794 to the Present Time, 1869. With Anecdotes of Harper's- Ferrians. By Josephus, Jr. 8vo, original printed wrappers. Hagerstown, 1869 1140 Bassett, Richard. The Protest of. One of the Judges of the Circuit Court of the United States against Two Acts of Congress * * * to Abolish the Offices * * * of the Judges of the Circuit Court. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1802 1141 Bellas, Henry H. A History of the Delaware State Society of the Cincinnati. Illustrated. 8vo, uncut. Wilmington, 1895 1142 Benezet, Anthony. A Caution and Warning to Great- Britain and Her Colonies in a Short Representation of the Calamitous State of the Enslaved Negroes, etc. Hall & Sellers, Philadelphia, 1767 1143 Binney, Horace. An Eulogy on the Life and Char- acter of John Marshall. 8vo." Philadelphia, 1835 139 1 144 Birkbeck, Morris. An Appeal to the People of Illi- nois on the Question of a Convention. 8vo. Shawneetown, 1823 On Anti-Slavery. Rare. 1145 Boissiere, C. C. Tanguy de la. Observations on the Dispatch Written the i6th January, 1797, by Mr. Pick- ering * * * to Mr. Pinkney, Minister * * * to the French Republic. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797 1146 Boston. An Appeal to the World; or, A Vindication of the Town of Boston from Many False and Malicious Aspersions contain'd in Certain Letters and Memorials by Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, and others. 8vo. Boston, 1769 1147 Brief Account of the Work of God in the Delaware District since the Sitting of Conference in May, 1805. To which is included an Account of the Camp Meeting held in the State of Delaware, July 25, etc. In a Letter to Francis Asbury. 8vo, uncut. Dover, N. D. 1148 Brothers, Thomas. The Senator Unmasked. Being a Letter to Mr. Daniel Webster. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1834 1149 Brown, Captain John. The Life, Trial and Execution of. Known as "Old Brown of Ossawatomie." 8vo, uncut. New York, N. D. 1150 Burleigh, W. H. The Republican Campaign Song- ster for 1860. i6mo. (Stained.) New York, 1860 1151 Burr, Aaron. A View of the Political Conduct of, Vice President of the United States. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1802 1152 Burr, Aaron. A View of the Political Conduct of, Vice President of the United States. By the author of the "Narrative." 8vo. New York, 1802 1153 Burr, Aaron. A Letter to, Vice President of the United States, on the Barbarous Origin, the Criminal Nature and the Baneful Effects of Duels. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1804 1154 Burr, Rev. C. C. An Essay on the Writings and Genius of George Lippard. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847 1155 Caldwell, Charles. An Address to the Philadelphia Medical School on the Yellow Fever. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1801 1156 Caldwell, Charles. An Eulogium to the Memory of Mr. George Lee. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1802 1 1 57 Callender, J. T. The Political Progress of Britain; or, An Impartial History of Abuses in the Government of the British Empire in Europe, Asia and America. Part I. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1795 1158 Callender, Tom. Letters to Alexander Hamilton, King of the Feds, Ci-Devant Secretary of the Treasury, etc. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1802 1159 Carey, Mathew. Debates and Proceedings of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania on the Memorials Praying a Repeal or Suspension of the Law Annulling the Charter of the Bank. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1786 Very rare. 1160 Carey, Mathew. The Porcupiniad. A Hudibrastic Poem. * * * Addressed to William Cobbett. Frontis- piece. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1799 1161 Carey, Mathew. A Plum Pudding for the Humane, Chaste, Valiant, Enlightened Peter Porcupine. 8vo. Philadelphia, N. D. 1162 Cathrall, Isaac. Memoir on the Analysis of the Black Vomit Ejected in the Last Stage of the Yellow Fever. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1800 1163 Census. Return of the Whole Number of Persons within the Several Districts of the United States, ac- cording to an Act * * * Passed March ist, 1791. 8vo, uncut. Washington, 1802 1164 Census. Return of the Whole Number of Persons within the Several Districts of the United States, ac- cording to an Act * * * Passed February 28th, 1800. 8vo, uncut. Washington, 1802 1165 Chartered Banks of the United States. A Correct List. i6mo. Philadelphia, 1818 1166 (Cheetham, James.) An Antidote to John Wood's Poison. By Warren. 8vo. New York, 1802 1167 Cheetham, James. Nine Letters on the Subject of Aaron Burr's Political Defection. 8vo. New York, 1803 1168 Cheetham, James. Nine Letters on the Subject of Aaron Burr's Political Defection. Svo,, uncut. New York, 1803 1169 Cheyney, E. P. The Anti-Rent Agitation in the State of New York, 1839-1846. Svo. Philadelphia, 1887 1170 Circular Letter from the Congress of the United States to their Constituents. 8vo. Philadelphia (1779) 1171 Civil War. An Interim and Ad Outerim; or, Confi- dential Disclosures of State Secrets. Illustrated. 8vo. Washington, 1868 Satire in verse upon the controversy between Andrew John- son, E. M. Stanton, U. S. Grant, Thaddeus Stevens, etc. 1172 Clough, Joel. Trial, Sentence, Confession and Exe- cution of; for the Wilful Murder of Mrs. Mary Hamil- ton at Bordentown, New Jersey, April 6, 1833. 8vo, uncut. New York 1173 Cobbett, William. The Gros Mousqueton Diplomat- ique : or, Diplomatic Blunderbuss. Containing Citizen Adet's Notes to the Secretary of State, etc. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 1174 Cobbett. The Last Confession and Dying Speech of Peter Porcupine. With an Account of his Dissection. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797 1175 Cobbett, William. The Democratic Judge; or, The Equal Liberty of the Press; as Exhibited, Explained and Exposed in the Prosecution of William Cobbett for a Pretended Libel against the King of Spain. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1798 1176 (Cobbett, William.) Porcupine's Gazette. No. 779. January 13, 1800. I2mo. New York Excessively rare. This is the pamphlet in which Cobbett re- views the practice of the physicians who attended General Wash- ington in his last illness, and mentions the fact that they virtually bled him to death, taking about nine pounds of blood from him, and as they say of him in their report, "Expired without a strug- gle" on the same day on which a Philadelphia court and jury laid a fine of "5,000 for denouncing Dr. Rush for advocating such a mode of practice," and further says: "On that day the victory of Rush and Death was complete." In fact, the whole pamphlet is a scathing rebuke to Rush and his practice. 1177 Cobbett, William. The Republican Rush- Light. (No. VII., being the first number of Vol. II.) 8vo, uncut. N. P., N. D. 1178 Coles, Edward. History of the Ordinances of 1787. 2 copies. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856 1179 Confederate. Journal of the Sixty-Eighth Annual Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia, held at St. Paul's Church, Richmond. 8vo, original printed covers. Richmond, 1863 Very rare. 142 n8o Confederate States. Executive and Congressional Di- rectory of the, 1861-1865. 8va 1899 1181 Congratulatory Epistle to the Redoubtable "Peter Porctipine" on his "Complete Triumph" over the Once Towering but Fallen and Despicable Faction in the United States. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 1182 Congratulatory Epstle, A, to the Redoubtable "Peter Porcupine." By Peter Grievous. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 1183 Connecticut Claims. A Petition Presented by Capt. Alexander Patterson to the Legislature of Pennsylvania * * * for the Monies he Expended and the Services he Rendered in Defence of the Pennsylvania Title against the Connecticut Claimants. 8vo. Lancaster, 1804 Scarce. Describes events which took place at Wyoming. 1184 Conrad, Henry C. The Three Signers (from Dela- ware). 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1897 1185 Conrad, Henry C. Methodism in Wilmington. 8vo, uncut. Wilmington, 1900 1186 Continental Congress. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774. With half title. 8vo. W. & T. Bradford, Philadelphia, 1774 The first edition. Scarce. Stamp and name on title. 1187 Continental Congress. Auszuge aus den Stimmungen und Verhandlungen des Americanischen Congresses vom Besten Lande Gehalten zu Philadelphia, den 5ten September, 1774. H. Miller, Philadelphia, 1774 Very rare. Stained. 1188 Continental Money. A Review of the Article on, in Harper's Magazine, 1863. 8vo. Privately printed, 1863 1189 Cooke, John E. Confession of. Brother-in-Law of Gen. A. P. Willard, of Indiana, and one of the Partici- pants in the Harper's Ferry Invasion. 8vo. Charlestown, 1859 1190 Cooper, Thomas. Some Information Respecting America. With map. 8vo, uncut. London, 1794 1191 Dangers of the Country. By the Author of War in Disguise. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1807 143 1192 Days of Sixty-three, The. A Poem. 2 copies. I2mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1864 i 193 (De Braham, W. G.) The Atlantic Pilot. With map. 8vo, uncut. London, 1772 Exceedingly rare. The author was Surveyor-General of the Southern District of North America. The earliest survey of a route across the Atlantic. 1194 Democracy Sublimated; or, The Blissful Effects of a Union of Philanthropy, Philosophy and Power. 8vo. Pennsylvania, 1802 1195 Democratic. The Proceedings of a Meeting of the Democratic Citizens of North Mulberry Ward. Held at Moody's Hotel on August 18, 1828. 8vo . 1828 1196 De Smet, P. J., SJ. The Indian Missions in the United States under the Care of the Missouri Province of the Society of Jesus. I2mo. Philadelphia, 1841 Excessively rare. 1197 Desultory Reflections on the New Political Aspects of Public Affairs, 1799. 8vo. New York, 1800 1198 (Dickinson, John.) The Late Regulations Respect- ing the British Colonies on the Continent of America Considered in a Letter from a Gentleman in Phila- delphia to his Friend in London. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1765 1199 (Dickinson, John.) An Address to the Committee of Correspondence in Barbadoes, Occasioned by a late Let- ter from them to their Agent in London. By a North- American. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1766 1 200 Directions for the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence. With some Occasional Remarks. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1774 Rare. 1201 Douglas, Mrs. Margaret. The Personal Narrative of. A Southern Women who was Imprisoned one Month in the Common Jail of Norfolk * * * for the Crime of Teaching Free Colored Children to Read. 8vo. Boston, 1854 1202 Duane, William. Mississippi Question. Report of a Debate in the Senate of the United States. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1803 1203 (Duane, William.) Sampson against the Philistines; or, The Reformation of Law Suits. 2 copies. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1805 144 1204 (Duane, William J.) The Law of Nations Investiga- ted. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1809 1205 Du Ponceau and Fisher's Memoir on The History of the Celebrated Treaty made by William Penn with the Indians. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836 1206 Dwight, Jasper. A Letter to Geo. Washington. * * * Containing Strictures on his Address of the I7th Sep- tember, 1796, notifying his Relinquishment of the Presi- dential Office. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 Describes Washington as a "Harmless General" and a "Dan- gerous Politician." 1207 East India Company. Constitutional Articles of the Association of the, of North America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1799 1208 Eaton, John H. Candid Appeal to the American Pub- lic, in Reply to Messrs. Ingham, Branch & Berrien. 8vo. Washington, 1831 1209 Elliott, Garrett. A Physical and Topographical Sketch of the Mississippi Territory, Lower Louisiana, and a Part of West Florida. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1803 Very rare. University of Pennsylvania Thesis. 1210 Elting, Irving. Dutch Village Communities on the Hudson River. 8vo. Baltimore, 1886 121 1 Evans, David. General Election; or, Salvation for all Men Illustrated and Proved. A Sermon Preached at the Meeting of the United Brethren in New Britain, in Pennsylvania, November 1785. 8vo. 1786 Very rare. 1212 Evangelical Lutheran Church. Minutes and Proceed- ings of the Synod of the, 1820 to 1825. 8 pamphlets. V. P., 18201825 1213 (Evans, Thomas.) A Series of Letters Addressed to Thomas Jefferson, Esq., President of the United States, concerning his Official Conduct and Principles. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1802 1214 Examination of the Conduct of the Executive of the United States toward the French Republic. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797 1215 Examination of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation between the United States and Great Britain. By Cato. 8vo. 1795 145 1216 Excise Laws. A Short History of the Nature and Consequences of. Including some Account of the Re- cent Interruption to the Manufactors of Snuff and Re- fined Sugar. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1795 1217 Experience. The Test of Government. In Eighteen Essays. Written during the Years 1805 and 1806. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1807 1218 Extracts from Early Magazines. Description of the Spring. A Journey from Patapsco in Maryland to An- napolis. From Gent's Magazine, 1732. Description of South Carolina and M. Purry's Swiss Settlement. From Gent's Magazine, 1732. Account, of a Journey from Wil- liamsburg to the French Fort on the Ohio, by Major George Washington. From Gent's Magazine, 1754. A Compendious View of the Encroachments of the French in America. From Gent's Magazine, 1755. Account of General Bradclock's Defeat, and List of the Officers Killed near Fort Du Quesne. From Gent's Magazine, 1755. Rurke's Speech on American Taxation. From Gent's Magazine, 1774. Intercepted Letter from Benja- min Llarrison to General Washington. From Gent's Magazine, 1775. And A Poem on the Prospect of See- ing the Fine Arts Flourish in America. By John Swan- wick. From the Gent's Magazine, 1795. 8 pieces. 8vo. An extraordinary lot, which could not again be gathered to- gether without destroying a set of a very rare magazine. 1219 Facts are Stubborn Things; or, Nine Plain Questions to the People of Connecticut. By Simon Hold-Fast. 8vo. Hartford, 1803 Federalist pamphlet. "In the name of God what have we Re- publicans been contending for if Federalists are to hold the offices." William Duane, page 15. 1220 Federalism Triumphant in the Steady Habits of Con- necticut Alone ; or, The Turnpike Road to a Fortune. A Comic Opera or Political Farce in Six Acts, as Per- formed at the Theatres Royal and Aristrocratic at Hart- ford and New Haven, October, 1801. 8vo, uncut. 1802 Very rare. A satire on the Hamiltonian system of govern- ment, in which the characters of Jonathan Trumbull and Timothy Dexter are introduced. 1221 Fessenden, Thomas G. Some Thoughts on the Pres- ent Dispute between Great Britain and America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1807 1222 Fetterolf, A. H. Washington Irving Traveller, Dip- lomat, Author. Portrait. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1897 (10; 146 1223 Franklin. An Enquiry into the Principles on which a Commercial System for the United States of America should be Founded. Read before the Society for Politi- cal Enquiries, convened at the House of Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia, May n, 1787. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1787 1224 Franklin. Letters of, on the Conduct of the Execu- tive and the Treaty Negotiated by the Chief Justice of the United States with the Court of Great Britain. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1795 Name cut from title. 1225 Free Masonry. A Revelation of, as Published to the World by a Convention of Seceding Masons, held at Le Roy. Genesee County, N. Y., on the 4th and 5th of July, 1828. I2mo. (Stained.) Rochester, 1828 Very rare. 1226 Free Remarks on the Spirit of the Federal Constitu- tion * * * respecting the Exclusion of Slavery from the Territories and New States. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819 1227 Fremont, J. C. Narrative of the Exploring Expe- dition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842. 8vo. New York, 1846 1228 French Arrogance; or, "The Cat Let Out of the Bag." A Poetical Dialogue between the Envoys of America and X. Y. Z and the Lady. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1798 Scarce. 1229 Gallagher, Rev. M. The Protestant Episcopacy of the Revolutionary Patriots, Lost and Restored. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1883 1230 Gallatin, Albert. Views of the Public Debt. Receipts, and Expenditures of the United States. 2 copies. 8vo. uncut. Philadelphia, 1801 1231 Gordon, Thomas. The War on the Banks of the United States. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1834 1232 Goss-Udderzook Tragedy. Being * * * the Trial of William E. Udderzook for the Murder of W. S. Goss. 8vo. Baltimore, 1873 1233 Granite Songster, The. Containing the Poetry as Sung by the Hutchinson Family. i6mo. Boston, 1847 1234 Green, Ashbel. A Sermon Delivered before the Sec- ond Presbyterian Church in the City of Philadelphia, February 19, 1795. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1795 Name on title. H7 / 1235 Griswold, Mr. Speech of, on the Bill for the Repeal of the Internal Taxes. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1802 1236 Griffin, Martin I. J. Thomas Fitz-Simons, Pennsyl- vania's Catholic Signer of the Constitution. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1887 1237 Grove, Mrs., of Richmond. A Letter to a Right Hon- ourable Patriot, upon the Glorious Success of Quebec. In which is Drawn a Parallel between a Good and Bad General. A Scene Exhibited, wherein are Introduced (besides others) those of the Greatest Names in Britain, and a Particular Account of the Manner of General Wolfe's Death. London, 1759. A Second Letter to a Right Honourable Patriot on the Glorious Victory ob- tained over the Brest Fleet, 1759. And an Historical Account of that at La Hague, 1692. By Mrs. Grove, of Richmond. London, 1760. 2 pamphlets. 8vo. Very scarce. Contains an exact account of the death of General Wolfed 1238 Growoll, A. Frederick Leypoldt and Henry Harrisse. Biographical and Bibliographical Sketches. 2 pamphlets. 8vo. New York, 1899 1239 Gummere, Amelia M. Oxford and the Quakers. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1899 1240 Habeas-Corpus Pamphlets. The Writ of Habeas- Corpus and Mr. Binney ; A Diplomat on Diplomacy ; Decision of Chief Justice Taney in the Merryman Case ; The Suspending Power and the Writ of Habeas-Corpus. 4 pamphlets. 4to. Philadelphia, 1862 Large paper. 1241 Hall, Rev. Charles H. The Dutch and the Iroquois. 8vo. New York, 1882 1242 Hamilton, Alexander. Observations on Certain Docu- ments contained in Nos. V. and VI. of "The History of the United States for the Year 1796," in which the Charge of Speculation against Alexander Hamilton, late Secretary of the Treasury, is fully Refuted by Himself. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1800 Contains the celebrated correspondence with Mrs. Reynolds, and his confession of a "liaison'' with her. 1243 Another Copy. 1244 Hamilton, Alexander. An Answer to, concerning (his letter on) the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, President of the United States. By a Citizen of New York. New York, 1800. And A Letter to Gen- eral Hamilton occasioned by his Letter to President Adams. By a Federalist. 8vo. 148 1245 Hamilton, Alexander. Observations on Certain Docu- ments contained in Nos. V. and VI. of "The History of the United States for the Year 1796," in which the Charge of Speculation against Alexander Hamilton, late Secretary of the Treasury, is fully Refuted by Himself. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1800 Contains the famous Reynolds correspondence. "My real crime is an amorous connection with his wife." 1246 Hamilton, Alexander. Letter from, concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams. 8vo, uncut. New York. 1800 Last leaves reversed. 1247 Hamilton, Alexander. Letter from, concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Presi- dent of the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1800 1248 Hamilton, Alexander. Letters to, King of the Feds, Ci-Devant Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America, etc. By Tom Callender. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1802 1249 Hamilton, Gen. Alexander. Discourse Delivered in the North Dutch Church in the City of Albany, occa- sioned by the ever-to-be Lamented Death of, July 29, 1804. 8vo. Albany, 1804 Presented to the Rev. Dr. Eastman by the author. 1250 Hamiltoniad; or, The Effects of Discord. By a Young Gentleman of Philadelphia. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1804 1251 Harley, L. R. Charles Thomson, Patriot and Scholar. 8vo. Norristown, 1897 1252 Harper, Robert G. An Address of, giving his Reasons for Approving of the Treaty * * * with Great Brit- ain. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1796 1253 Harper, Robert G. Observations on the Dispute be- tween the United States and France. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1798 1254 Harper's Ferry Tragedy. The John Brown Invasion. An Authentic History of the. Portrait. 8vo. Boston, 1860 1255 Harper's (Mr.) Speech on the Foreign Intercourse Bill. 8vo. 1798 1256 Harrison, Major-Gen. William Henry. The Life of. Portrait. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840 149 1257 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Life of Franklin Pierce. With portrait. I2mo, original covers. (Loose.) Boston, 1852 First edition. Cover soiled. 1258 Hays, I. M. A Journal Kept during the Siege of Fort William Henry, August, 1757. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1898 1259 Hazeltine, C. Narcissus Scrap-Book. Containing an Account of the Seizure of a Nude Statuette by the City Marshal of New Bedford. Frontispiece. 8vo. New Bedford, 1873 1260 Henfrey, Benjamin. A Plan, with Proposals, for Forming a Company to Work Mines in the United States, and to Smelt and Refine Ores, whether of Copper, Lead, Tin, Silver or Gold. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797 1261 History of the Strange Sounds or Rappings Heard in Rochester and Western New York, and Usually Called the Mysterious Noises. 2 copies. 8vo. Rochester, 1850 1262 Hoar, George F. The Charge against President Grant and Attorney-General Hoar of Packing the Supreme Court of the United States Refuted. 8vo. Worcester 1896 1263 (Hopkins, Lemuel.) The Guillotine; or, A Demo- cratic Dirge. A Poem. 8vo. Philadelphia (1796) 1264 Hopkinson, Joseph. Eulogium in Commemoration of Hon. Bushrod Washington. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1830 1265 Hortensius. An Address on the Liberty of the Press. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1799 1266 Humble Petition of the Twelve United Colonies by the Delegates in Congress to the King. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1775 Title damaged. 1267 Indians. A Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert and his Family, who were Sur- prised by the Indians and taken from their Farms, on the Frontiers of Pennsylvania, in the Spring of 1780. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1784 Very rare. Fine copy. 1268 Indians. A Speech Delivered by an Indian Chief in America in Reply to a Sermon Preached by a Swedish Missionary in Order to Convert the Indians. 8vo. London, 1789 150 1269 Indians. Affecting History of the Dreadful Distresses of Frederic Manheim's Family. To which are added the Sufferings of John Corbly's Family ; an Encounter between a White Man and Two Savages ; Extraordinary Bravery of a Woman ; Adventures of Captain Isaac Stewart ; Deposition of Massey Herbeson ; Adventures and Sufferings of Peter Wilkinson. * * * Account of the Destruction of the Settlement at Wyoming. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1794 Very rare. Lower margin cut from title. 1270 Impostor Detected, The; or, A Review of Some of the Writings of "Peter Porcupine." By Timothy Tickle- toby. 3 copies. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 1271 Jackson. Letters Addressed to John Sargeant, Man- uel Eyre, Lawrence Lewis, etc., authors of "An Ad- dress to the People of Pennsylvania," adopted at a Meeting of the Friends to the Election of John Quincy Adams, held in Philadelphia, July 7, 1828. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1828 Written by William J. Duane and others in support of Andrew Jackson. 1272 Jefferson, Thomas. The Pretensions of, to the Presi- dency Examined, and the Charges against John Adams Refuted. Part the second. 8vo, uncut. (Philadelphia) 1796 1273 Jefferson. A Solemn Address to Christians and Patri- ots upon the Approaching Election of a President of the United States. 2 copies. 8vo. New York, 1800 In favor of Jefferson's election. 1274 Jefferson, Thomas. A Vindication of, against the Charges Contained in a Pamphlet, entitled "Serious Con- siderations," etc. By Grotius. 8vo. New York, 1800 1275 Jefferson, Thomas. Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting a Roll of the Persons having Office or Employment under the United States. 8vo, uncut. Washington, 1802 1276 Jefferson, Thomas. Message of, President of the United States * * * December 8, 1801. 8vo. Wilmington, 1802 1277 Jefferson. Observations upon Certain Passages in Mr. Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, which appear to have a Tendency to Subvert Religion and Establish a False Philosophy. 2 copies. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1804 1278 Jones, Absalom. A Thanksgiving Sermon, January I, 1808, on the Abolition of the African Slave Trade" on that Day. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1808 The author was pastor of St. Thomas' African Church. 1279 Jones, H. G. Historical Sketch of the Rittenhouse Paper-Mill. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1896 1280 Jordan, John W. Continental Hospital Returns, 1777- 1780. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1899 1281 Kane, Thomas L. The Mormons. A Discourse. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850 1282 Keene, Richard R. A Letter from, to Luther Martin upon the Subject of Modern Gratitude. 8vo, uncut. Baltimore 1802 Racy and personal. Keene ran away with the great lawyer's daughter. 1283 Latrobe, John H. B. The History of Mason and Dixon's Line. 8vo. . Philadelphia, 1855 1284 Leonidas. A Reply to Lucius Junius Brutus' Exam- ination of the President's Answer to the New Haven Remonstrance. 8vo. New York, 1801 1285 Lewis, George W. The History of the Pequot War and Battle of Stonington. Illustrated. 8vo. Bridgeport, 1899 1286 Liberty of the Press. An Essay on. By Hortensius. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1799 1287 Liberty of the Press in Baltimore. Facts and Docu- ments Relative to the late Attacks on the. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1812 Contains a full account of the riots in Baltimore. 1288 Lincoln, Abraham. Some Characteristics of. By Rev. H. C. McCook. Portraits. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1901 1289 Lincoln, Abraham. The Life and Martyrdom of. 8vo. Philadelphia, N. D. 1290 Lord Grenville's Treaty. Address to the House of Representatives of the United States on. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1796 1291 Louisiana. An Account of. Being an Abstract of Documents in the Offices of the Department of State. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1803 Rare. 1292 Louisiana. An Account of. Being an Abstract of Documents in the Offices of the Department of State. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1803 1293 McHenry, James, A Letter to the Honourable the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States. 8vo, uncut. Baltimore, 1803- 1294 Matlack, Timothy. An Oration Delivered March 16, 1780, before the Patron, Vice-Presidents and Members of the American Philosophical Society. 4to, uncut. Philadelphia, 1780 1295 Mayer, Brantz. Tah-Gah-Jute ; or, Logan and Cap- tain Michael Cresap. 8vo. Baltimore, 1851 1296 Meade, Major-General. Report of Military Opera- tions and Administration of Civil Affairs in the Third Military District and Department of the South. I2mo. Atlanta, 1868 1297 Meade's CMajor-General) Report on the Ashburn Murder. i2mo. 1868 1298 Methodism Displayed. The Doctrines of the Church ; or, An Enthusiasm Detected. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1793 1299 Mexico. The History of the Raising of the First American Flag on the Capitol of Mexico. 8vo. Washington, 1856 1300 Mickley, Joseph J. Some Account of William Ussel- inx and Peter Minuet. 8vo. Wilmington, 1881 1301 (Miller, Rev. William.) A Sermon on the Abolition of the Slave Trade. Delivered in the African Church, New York, January i, 1810. 8vo. New York, 1810 1302 Minutes of the Trial and Examination of Certain Per- sons in the Province of New York Charged with being Engaged in a Conspiracy against the Authority of the Congress and the Liberties of America. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1865 Only two hundred and fifty copies printed from the edition of 7786. 1303 (Mitchell, Samuel T.) A Tour through Part of Vir- ginia in the Summer of 1808. In a Series of Letters including an Account of Harper's Ferry, The Natural Bridge, The New Discovery Called Weir's Cave, Monti- cello, etc. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1809 1304 Monroe's Views. Reflections on the Conduct of the Executive. 8vo. N. P., N. D. 1305 Morse, Jedediah. A Sermon Delivered before the Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company in Boston, June 6, 1803. 8vo, uncut. Charlestown, 1803 1306 New Jersey. An Address from the Council of Pro- prietors of the Western Division of New Jersey to the Occupiers of Lands within the Angle. By Aristides. I2mo. 1795 1307 New Jersey. Report of the Committee of the Council of Proprietors of West New Jersey, in relation to the Province Line between East and West New Jersey. 8vo. Camden, 1888 1308 New Political Aspects of Public Affairs. Desultory Reflections on the, in the United States since 1799. 8vo. New York, 1800 1309 New York Hospital. A Brief Account of the. 8vo. New York, 1804 Name cut from title. 1310 Observations Leading to a Fair Examination of the System of Government Proposed by the Convention. * * * In a Number of Letters from the Federal Farmer. 8vo. 1787 1311 Observations on the Dispatch Written the i6th January, 1797, by Mr. Pickering * * * to Mr. Pink- ney, Minister * * * to the French Republic. By C. C. Tanguey de la Boissiere. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1797 1312 Paine, Thomas. The American Crisis. Nos. I., II. and III. And the Crisis Extraordinary. 4 pamphlets. 8vo. Styner & Cist, Phila., 1776-1780 First edition. Very rare. The Same. Nos. I., II. and III. 3 pamphlets. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1776-1777 The Same. No. III. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1777 Paine, Thomas. Letter Addressed to the Abbe Ray- nal on the Affairs of North America. 2 copies. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1782 1317 Paine, Thomas. Dissertation on First-Principles of Government. 4 copies. 8vo, uncut. Paris (1795) 1319 Paine, Thomas. Agrarian Justice. Opposed to Ag- rarian Law and to Agrarian Monopoly. Being a Plan for Meliorating the Condition of Man by Creating in every Nation a National Fund to Pay every Person, when Arrived at the Age of Twenty-one Years the sum of Fifteen Pounds Sterling, to Enable him or her to begin the World. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia (1796) 1320 Paine, Thomas. Letter to General Washington, Presi- dent of the United States of America, on Affairs Public and Private. 2 copies. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 1321 Paine, Thomas. The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance. 3 copies. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 1322 Paine. Christianity Vindicated in the Admirable Speech of the Hon. Thomas Erskine on the Trial of J. Williams for Publishing Paine's "Age of Reason,'' 24th June, 1797. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1797 1323 Paine, Thomas. Letters from, to the Citizens of the United States on his Arrival from France. 8vo, uncut. Washington, 1802 1324 Paine, Thomas. Letters to the Citizens of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1802 1325 Paine, Thomas. Rights of Man. 8vo. Albany, N. D. 1326 Paine, Thomas. To the Citizens of Pennsylvania on the Proposal for Calling a Convention. 2 copies. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1805 1327 Palmer, Miss Sarah L. Six Months Among the Se- cessionists. A Reliable and Thrilling Narrative of the Sufferings and Trials of. Illustrated. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1861 1328 Pamphlets on Education. Circular Memorial to the Legislature and People of the United States, Proposing a Set of Class Books for the Use of Schools. By Jesse Torrey. (1830.) A Brief Sketch of the Lancasterian System. By Edward Baker. Troy. 1816. The Several Acts of Assembly Providing for the Education of Chil- dren at Public Expense within the City and County of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1821. Observations on the Education of Children. By James Mott. New York, 1816. Report on Monitorial Education to the Hon. Mayor of Louisville. By Mann Butler. Louisville, 1829. Bye-Laws of the Board of Directors of Public Schools for the First Section of the First School Dis- 155 trict of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1828. Rules and Regulations of the Primary School Committee of the City of Boston. Boston, 1826. Regulations for the Government of the Board of Managers and the Visit- ing Committee when Attending the Adelphia School. Philadelphia, 1810. Report of the Visitors to the Trustees of the Public School Society of New York. New York, 1829. Addresses to the People of Color at the Exhibition of the Mary-Street Public School at Bethel Church, Philadelphia, November, 1825. Phila- delphia, 1825. Etc. Bound in i vol. I2mo, half sheep. 1329 Pamphlets. Remarks on Dr. Batie's Treatise on Madness. By John Monro. London, 1758. A Short Essay on the Corn Trade and the Corn Laws. Lon- don, 1758. Impartial Remarks upon the Preface of the Rev. Dr. Warburton. London, 1758. One Very Re- markable Fact more Relating to the Conduct of the Jesuits. By Mr. Bower. London, 1758. A Genuine and Particular Account of the Late Enterprise on the Coast of France, 1758. London, 1758. The Conduct of a Noble Commander in America Impartially Reviewed. With the Genuine Causes of the Discontents at New York and Halifax, and the True Occasion of the Delays in that Important Expedition, including a Regular Ac- count of all the Proceedings and Incidents in the Order of Time wherein they Happened. London, 1758. Etc. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half sheep. Tn this collection is the very rare pamphlets on the conduct of the Earl of London during his command of the expedition against Louisbourg, and vindicating the accusations against him for delays on that occasion. T 33 Pamphlets. Review of an Address of the Joint Board of Directors of the Delaware and Raritan Canal, and Camden and Amboy Railroad Companies, to the Peo- ple of New Jersey. Philadelphia, 1848. The Import- ance of Religion to the Legal Profession. With some Remarks on the Character of the late Charles Chauncey, Esq. By Henry A. Boardman. Philadelphia, 1849. Report of the Select Committee of the House of Repre- sentatives in Relation to the Veto by the Governor of the Apportionment Bill. Harrisburg, 1850. Report of the Committee of Fifteen Citizens Appointed to Investi- gate and Report upon the Corruptions in the Adminis- tration of Law. Philadelphia, 1849. Slavery and the Constitution. By F. E. Brewster. Philadelphia, 1850. Etc. Bound in i vol. 156 133 1 Pamphlets. Propositions for Amending the Consti- tution of the United States. Washington, 1808. Amend- ments to the Constitution of the United States Submit- ted for Consideration. By Mr. Hillhouse. Washington, 1808. New Haven. A Poem, Satirical and Sentimen- tal. By Selim. New York, 1809. An Inquiry into the Origin, Nature and Object of the British Order in Coun- cil of May 1 6, 1806. By E. Bronson. Philadelphia, 1811. An Address .of Members of the House of Rep- resentatives * * * to their Constituents on * * * the War with Great Britain. Alexandria, 1812. Etc. Bound in i vol. I2mo, sheep. 1332 Pamphlets. A Short Description of the Province of New Sweden, now called by the English Pennsylvania. By Campanius Holm. Philadelphia, 1833. A History of the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1834. Inedited Letters of William Penn. Philadelphia, 1834. A Memoir on the History of the Treaty Made by William Penn with the Indians. By P. N. Du Pon- ceau and J. F. Fisher. Philadelphia, 1836. A True Re- lation of the Flourishing State of Pennsylvania. By John Holme. Philadelphia, N. D. The Journal of Isaac Senter on a Secret Expedition against Quebec. Phila- delphia, 1846. Some Account of the British Army under the Command of General Howe, and of the Battle of Brandywine. Philadelphia, 1846. Ethan Allen's Narra- tive of the Capture of Ticonderoga. Etc. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half roan. 1333 Pamphlets. The Democratiad. A Poem. Philadel- phia, 1796. A Tribute to the Memory of Samuel Mor- ris, late Governor of the State in Schuylkill. Philadel- phia, 1812. David Cusick's Sketches of the Ancient History of the Six Nations. Lockport, 1848. A Brief Notice of Continental Paper Money. By Samuel Breck. Philadelphia, 1851. A Brief Account of My Exercises from My Childhood. By Mary Penington. Privately printed, Philadelphia, 1848. Calvert and Penn on the Growth of Civil and Religious Liberty in America. By Brantz Mayer. Baltimore, 1852. History of the Ordi- nance of 1857. By Edward Coles. Philadelphia, 1856. And other Pamphlets. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half roan. 1334 Pamphlets. A Message of the President of the United State to Congress, relative to France and Great Britain. December 5, 1793. Philadelphia, 1793. The Proceedings of the Executive of the United States, respecting the In- 157 surgents, 1794. (Whisky Insurrection.) Philadelphia, 1795. Marcellus. Published in the Virginia Gazette, November and December, 1794. Report of Mr. Er- skine's Defence of Thomas Hardy on the Charge of High Treason, November I, 1794. Dublin, N. D. Bound in i vol. 8vo, sheep. 1335 Pamphlets. A Correct Statement of the Various Sources from which the History of the Administration of John Adams was Compiled, and the Motive for its Suppression by Colonel Burr. With some Observations on a Narrative by a Citizen of New York. By John Wood. New York, 1802. Improved Galvanisthmus and its Medical Application. By S. M. Niderburg. New York, 1803. An Examination of the Various Charges Exhibited against Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-President of the United States. By Aristides, 1804. Nine Letters on the Subject of Aaron Burr's Political Defection. By James Cheetham. New York, 1803. Bound in I vol. 8vo, boards. 1336 Pamphlets. Oration before the Society of Phi Beta Kappa, 1824. By S. R. Knapp. Boston, 1824. A Dis- course on William Penn. By C. J. Ingersoll. Phila- delphia, 1825. Poem Delivered before the Connecticut Alpha. By James Percival. Boston, 1826. Anniver- sary Poem Delivered before the Connecticut Alpha. By James G. Brooks. New York, 1826. Discourse on the Lives of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. By Wil- liam Wirt. Washington, 1826. Oration on General Lafayette. By John 6. Adams. Washington, 1835. A Poem, by Guy Biglow, before the Senior Class of Yale College, New Haven, 1845. Etc. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half roan. 1337 Pamphlets. Speech of Mr. Dallas on the Bill to Mod- ify and Continue the Charter of the Bank of the United States. Washington, 1832. Speech of John Quincy Adams on the Removal of the Public Deposits. Wash- ington, 1834. Speech of Daniel Webster on the Sub- ject of Public Lands. Washington, 1830. Remarks of John C. Calhoun on the Removal of the Deposits from the Banks of the United States. Washington, 1834. Etc. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half roan. 1338 Pamphlets. Governor Wise's Letter on Know- nothingism. 1854. The Siamese Presidents. An In- vocation by their High Priest, Gas. By Nemo. Buffalo, 1856. South Carolina and Massachusetts. A Speech by 158 the Hon. A. J. Evans. Washington, 1856. Address of Hon. B. F. Hallett to the Democrats of Cheshire County. Boston. 1856. Martial Law. By Tatlow Jackson. Philadelphia, 1862. Anti-Slavery and Pro-Slavery. By S. M. Johnson. Baltimore, 1863. Secrets of the Amer- ican Bastile. Philadelphia, 1863. Military Lessons Taught by the War. By H. W. Slocum. New York, 1869. And many other Pamphlets Published on the Eve of the Rebellion, during the War, and Immediately after. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half roan. 1339 Pamphlets. Eulogy on John Q. Adams. By Edward Everett. Boston, 1848. The Philadelphia Grays' Col- lection of Official Reports of Brig.-Gen. George Cadwal- lader's Services during the Campaign of 1847 in Mexico. Philadelphia, 1848. The Will of Stephen Girard. Phila- delphia, 1848. Account of the Proceedings of Laying of the Corner Stone of Girard College. Philadelphia, 1833. Life of Gen. Z. Taylor. New York, 1846. Bat- tles of Mexico. Illustrated. New York, 1847. And others. Bound in i vol. 8vo, sheep. 1340 Pamphlets. The Dangers of the Country. By the Author of War in Disguise. Philadelphia, 1807. Peace Without Dishonor, War Without Hope. Being a Calm and Dispassionate Inquiry into the Question of the Chesapeake. By a Yankee Farmer. Boston, 1807. And other Pamphlets relating to the War of 1812. Bound in i vol. Half sheep. 1341 Pamphlets. An Address on Religious Intolerance. By John W. Forney. Washington, 1855. An Address on the Parties and Issues of the Presidential Election. By Ex-Governor Aaron V. Brown. Nashville, 1856. Union Speeches Delivered in England. By George F. Train. Philadelphia, 1862. The Destiny of the Irish Race. By Rev. M. O'Connor. Philadelphia, 1864. Trial of the Hon. Daniel E. Sickles for Shooting Philip B. Key. New York, N. D. Etc. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half roan. 1342 Pamphlets. An Address before the Southern lov/a Horticultural Society, 1852. By John H. Rausch. Bur- lington, 1853. Address Delivered at the University of Pennsylvania. By Henry D. Gilpin. Philadelphia, 1851. Speech of William D. Baker in the German Roman Catholic Holy Trinity Church Case. Philadelphia, 1852. Etc. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half sheep. 1343 Pamphlets. War in Disguise; or, The Frauds of Neu- tral Flags. New York, 1806. An Answer to War in Disguise. New York, 1806. An Examination of the British Doctrine, which Subjects to Capture a Neutral Trade not Open in Time of Peace. Etc. V. P., V. D. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half sheep. 1344 Pamphlets. An Address Adopted at a Meeting of Citizens of Philadelphia Opposed to Secret Societies, September 14, 1829. Philadelphia, 1829. Discourse on the Surviving Remnant of the Indian Race. By J. R. Tyson. Philadelphia, 1836. Etc. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half roan. 1345 Pamphlets. An Address Delivered before the Law Academy of Philadelphia at the Opening of the Session of 1826-7. By Joseph Hopkinson. And other Pam- phlets. Bound in i vol. 8vo, sheep. 1346 Pennsylvania Property Company. Plan of Associa- tion of the. Established 1797. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797 1347 Permanent Navy. An Address to the People of the United States on the Policy of Maintaining. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1802 1348 Penrose, Charles B. Speech of. on the Subject of the Re-Charter of the United States Bank. 8vo. Harrisburgh, 1834 1349 Perpetual War the Policy of Mr. Madison. * * * By a New-England Farmer. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1812 The writer was probably a member of the Hartford Convention. 1350 Philadelphia. Famous Book Sales held in Philadel- phia since the time of Franklin. By Robert F. Roden. From the New York Times. Neatly mounted. 8vo, half roan. 1351 Piatt, William. The Nose ; or, Political Satirist. Pub- lished Weekly till the Presidential Election. Nos. n and 12. 8vo, uncut. Jersey Shore, 1828 Favors Jackson. Attacks and caricatures John Binns. 1352 Pinckney, Charles. Three Letters Written and Orig- inally Published under the Signature of a South Carolina Planter * * * on the Case of Jonathan Robbins * * x on the Recent Captures of American Vessels, etc. 5 copies. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1799 1353 Pindar, Peter. The Louisiad : An Heroi-Comic Poem. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1789 i6o 1354 Political Intollerance ; or, The Violence of Party Spirit, exemplified in a Recent Removal from Office. With a Comment upon Executive Conduct. * * * In a Sketch of the Services and Sacrifices of a Dismissed Officer. 8vo. Boston, 1801 J 355 Price, Richard. Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Free Government, and the Justice and Policy of the War with America. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1776 1356 Priestley. Copies of Original Letters Recently Writ- ten by Persons in Paris to Dr. Priestley in America. 8vo, uncut. London, 1798 1357 Puglia, James Ph de. A Short Extract (concerning the Rights of Man and Title) from the Work, entitled "Man Undeceived," by. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1793 '' J 359 Quebec. Lettre Adresse aux Habitans de la Provence de Quebec. Ci-devant le Canada. De la part du Con- gres General de 1'Amerique Septentrionale, tenu a Phila- delphia. 8vo. Fleury Mesplet, Philadelphia, 1774 Very rare. 1360 Quebec. Letters to the Inhabitants of the Province of Quebec. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1774 The address of the Continental Congress to their fellow-colo- nists in Canada. Upper edge of title damaged. 1361 Ramsay, David. Observations on the Decision of the House of Representatives of the LTnited States on the 22d Day of May, 1789. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1789 1362 Rebel Brag and British Bluster. i2mo. New York (1865) 1363 Reflections on Monroe's View of the Conduct of the Executive. As published in the Gazette of the United States. 8vo. uncut. N. P., N. D. 1364 Refugees of the Revolution. The Buttonwoods; or, The. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1849 1365 Revelation. A Companion to the "New Gospel of Peace" according to Abraham. 121110. New York, 1863 1366 Rifle Shots at Past and Present Events. By an In- habitant of the Comet of 1861. 8vo. Philadelphia, N. D. 1367 (Robinson, Matthew.) Considerations on the Meas- ures Carrying on with Respect to the British Colonies in North America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1774 1368 (Roch, B.) An Address to the Inhabitants of the British Settlements on the Slavery of Negroes in Amer- ica. To which is added a Vindication of the Address. 2 pamphlets. I2mo. Philadelphia, 1783 1369 Roman Catholics of the United States. An Address to the. By a Catholic Clergyman. 8vo. Frederick Green, Annapolis, 1784 One of the first, if not the first Catholic book published in the United States. Very rare. Water stained. 1370 Rosengarten, Joseph G. A Defence of the Hessians. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1899 1371 Rosengarten, J. G. American History from German Archives. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1900 1372 Ross, Mr., and Morris, Mr. The Speeches of, on the Free Navigation of the River Mississippi. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1803 1373 Rouelle. John. A Complete Treatise on the Mineral Waters of Virginia. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1792 1374 Sachse, J. F. The Mission of Justus Falckner, of Ger- mantown, concerning the Religious Condition of Penn- sylvania in 1701. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1897 1375 Sampson Against the Philistines; or, The Reforma- tion of Law Suits and Justice Made Cheap, Speedy, etc. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1805 1376 Saunders, Prince. A Memoir Presented to the Amer- ican Convention for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1818 1377 Schlegel, J. F. W. Neutral Rights; or, An Impartial Examination of the Right of Search of Neutral Vessels under Convoy. 2 copies. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1801 1378 Self ridge, Thomas O. Trial of, for Killing Charles Austin on the Public Exchange in Boston, August 4th, 1806. 8vo. Boston (1806.1, 1379 Self ridge, Thomas O. A Correct Statement of the Whole Preliminary Controversy between Thomas O. Self ridge and Benjamin Austin. 8vo. Charleston, 1807 1380 Sharp, Granville. A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1774 1381 Short Account of Algiers. * * * With a Concise View of the Origin of the Rupture between Algiers and the United States. With map. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1794 1382 Singleton, Arthur. Letters from the South and West. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1824 1383 Slavery. The Case of our Yellow-Creatures, the Op- pressed Africans, respectfully recommended to the Se- rious Consideration of the Legislature of Great-Britain. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1784 1384 Slavery. A Short Sketch of the Evidence for the Abolition of the Slave Trade. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1792 1385 Slavery. Reflections on, with Recent Evidence of its Inhumanity. Occasioned by the Melancholy Death of Romain, a French Negro. Frontispiece. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1803 An account of a slave who killed himself rather than be kid- napped. 1386 Slavery. Societe Formee a Liverpool pour 1'Adoucis- sement et 1'Abolition graduelle de 1'Esclavage. 8vo. 1822 1387 Slavery in Missouri. Desultory Remarks on the Ques- tion of Extending. 8vo. West Chester, Pa., 1856 1388 Sleigh, W. W. The Veil Removed, or; Unmasked. 8vo. New York, 1836 1389 Smith, William. Two Sermons Delivered in Christ- Church, Philadelphia, before the General Convention of the P. E. Church. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1789 1390 Smith, William. A Funeral Address in the German Lutheran Church, Lancaster, at the Public Interment of Major-General Mifflin, January 22, 1800. 8vo. (Lancaster, N. D.) Very rare. Not mentioned in the Life of Dr. Smith. 1391 Sons of St. George. List of Members of the Society of the, at Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1802 1392 Stamp Act. Considerations on the Propriety of Im- posing Taxes in the British Colonies, for the Purpose of Raising a Revenue, by Act of Parliament. 8vo. John Holt, New York, 1765 1393 Stamp Act. Anno Regni Georgii III., etc. At a Par- liament begun and holden at Westminster, the Nine- teenth Day of May, Anno Dom. 1761, * * * and from thence continued by several Prerogatives to the Tenth Day of January, 1765. 8vo. London, Printed by Mark Baskett * * * and re- printed by James Parker in the Province of New Jersey (1766). The celebrated Stamp Act. "An Act for granting and applying certain Stamp Duties, and other Duties in the British Colonies and Plantations in America." Very rare. 1394 Stamp Act. The Examination of Doctor Benjamin Franklin before an August Assembly, relating to the Repeal of the Stamp Act, etc. 8vo. Philadelphia (circa 1766) Very rare. The examination of Franklin before the House of Lords. 1395 Stewart, Commodore Charles. Biographical Sketch and Services of. Portrait. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838 1396 Stokesiana. Illustrated with cuts. i6mo. Philadelphia, 1865 A humorous satire on Philadelphia. 1397 Surratt, John H. Argument of Hon. Edwards Pierre- pont to the Jury on the Trial of, for the Murder of President Lincoln. 8vo. Washington, 1867 1398 Surratt, John H. Life, Trial and Adventures of, the Conspirator. Illustrated. 2 copies. 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, N. D. 1399 Susquehanna. A Brief Statement of Facts Showing the Importance of a Bridge over the Susquehanna at Connowengo Creek, and of the Roads to the River Sus- quehanna to the Growth of the City of Baltimore. 8vo. Baltimore, 1816 1400 Talbot, Silas. The Resolution of the High Court of Errors and Appeals for the State of Pennsylvania. In the Cause of Silas Talbot, quitam, etc., against the Own- ers of the Brigs Achilles, Patty and Hibernia, January 14, 1785. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1785 Very scarce. Not in Martin's Bench and Bar. 1401 Tilden, B. P., Jr. Notes on the Upper Rio Grande. With maps. 8vo, printed wrappers. Philadelphia, 1847 1402 Torrey, H. D. America; or, Visions of the Rebellion. A Poem, i2mo. Reading, Pa., 1862 164 1403 Torrey. Jesse. A Portraiture of Domestic Slavery in the United States. * * * Including Memoirs of Facts on the Interior Traffic in Slaves and on Kidnapping. With plate. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817 1404 Townsend, Joseph. Some Account of the British Army under the Command of General Howe, and of the Battle of Brandjavine. With map. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846 1405 Truth Will Out. The Foul Charges of the Tories against the Editor of the Aurora Repelled by Positive Proof and Plain Truth. 2 copies. 8vo, uncut. (Philadelphia, 1798) 1406 Two West New Jersey Tracts. (I.) The Case Put and Decided, by George Fox, George Whitehead, Ste- phen Crisp, and other the most Antient and Eminent Quakers. Wherein Edward Billing on the one Part and Samuell Jenings on the other part, etc.; (II.) Truth Rescued from Forgery and Falsehood. Being an An- swer * * * to the Case Put and Decided. Small 4to, uncut. Philadelphia, 1880 Reprinted from the original edition, printed by Reynier Jansen, 1699. 1407 Vindication of Mr. Randolph's Resignation. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1795 1408 Virginia. Description of the Album of Virginia; or, The Old Dominion. 3 parts in 2. 8vo. Richmond, 1857-8 1409 Virginia. The Address of the Minority in the Vir- ginia Legislature to the People of that State, concern- ing a Vindication of the Constitutionality of the Alien and Sedition Laws. 8vo. Circa 1800 1410 Virginiensis. Defence of the Alien and Sedition Laws. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1798 1411 Wakefield, Gilbert. An Examination of the Age of Reason. By Thomas Paine. I2mo. New York, 1794 1412 Warville, J. P. Brissot de. A Critical Examination of the Marquis de Chatelleux's Travels in North America. 2 copies. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1788 1413 Washington, General. Letters from, to Several of his Friends, in June and July, 1776. In which is set forth an Interesting View of American Politics at that All- Important Period. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1795 The notorious spurious letters issued to defame General Wash- ington. Very rare. i6 5 1414 Washington, General. An Elegiac Poem on the Death of. By Charles Caldwell. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1800 1415 (Webster, Peletiah.) A Dissertation on the Political Union and Constitution of the Thirteen United States of North America, which is Necessary to their Preserva- tion and Happiness. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1783 1416 Wharton, Joseph. Mexico. Illustrated. 8vo, uncut. Privately printed, 1902 1417 Wilkes, George. The History of Oregon, Geographi- cal and Political. With map. 8vo, printed covers. New York, 1845 1418 Wilmington Academy. Draught of a Plan of Educa- tion which was Adopted by. the Trustees of the said Academy * * * 1786. 8vo, uncut. (Wilmington, 1786) 1419 Wilson, Amos. The Sweets of Solitude ; or, Directions to Mankind how they may be Happy in a "Miserable World." Portrait. I2mo, uncut. Boston, 1822 The author lived nineteen years in a cave. The pamphlet con- tains a sketch of his life. 1420 Winchester, Elhanan. The Outcast Comforted. A Sermon Delivered at the University in Philadelphia, January 4, 1782, to the Members of the Baptist Church who have been Rejected by their Brethren for holding the Doctrine of the Final Restoration of all Things. 8vo, half morocco. (Stained.) Philadelphia, 1782 Scarce. 1421 Winston, N. B. Peter Francisco, Soldier of the Revo- lution. 8vo, paper. Richmond, 1893 1422 Witherspoon, John. Christian Magnanimity. A Ser- mon Preached at Princeton, September, 1775. * * * To which is added an Address to the Senior Class, who were to Receive the Degree of Bachelor of Arts. 8vo. Princeton, 1787 1423 Wolcott, Oliver. An Address to the People of the United States. 8vo. Boston, 1802 1424 Wood, John. A Narrative of the Suppression by Col. Burr of the History of the Administration of John Adams, late President of the United States, Written by John Wood. To which is added a Biography of Thomas Jefferson * * * and of General Hamilton. 8vo. New York, 1802 i66 1425 Wood, John. A Narrative of the Suppression by Col. Burr of the History of the Administration of John Adams, late President of the United States, Written by John Wood. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1802 1426 Wood, John. A Correct Statement of the Various Sources from which the History of the Administration of John Adams was Compiled, and the Motives of its Suppression by Colonel Burr. 8vo. New York, 1802 1427 Wood, John. A Correct Statement of the Various Sources from which the History of the Administration of John Adams was Compiled, and the Motives of its Suppression by Colonel Burr. Second edition. 8vo. New York, 1802 1428 Zenger, John Peter. Remarks on the Trial of, Printer of the New York Weekly Journal, who was lately Try'd and Acquitted for Printing and Publishing Two Libels against the Government of that Province. 4to, uncut. London, 1738 Very rare. 1429 Penn Charter Magazine. Index to Vols. I. to X. 8vo. Philadelphia, N. D. 1430 The Literary Era. From May, 1896, to March, 1899. Lacking October, 1898, and February, 1899. 33 numbers. Philadelphia 1431 Fifty American Historical Pamphlets. 1432 Fifty American Historical Pamphlets. 1433 Twenty-eight American Historical Pamphlets. 1434 Fifty-nine Pamphlets on the Civil War. 1435 Lot of Historical Pamphlets. 1436 Lot of Magazines. THE BICKING PRESS 1026 and 1028 Filbert Street A 000903833 2 2997 P38r Henry E. Huntington Library fti . . - .