UC-NRLF ; 71 oil 111 •vOD i<.^ r- o Under Revision. Cami)ntise Antiquarian ^otietp. CATALOGUE OF THE LOAN COLLECTION OF '^t*: PLATE Exhibited at the Fitzwilliam Museum, ' May 8, g, lo, i8gs. CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. • 1895 Price One Shilling, Digitizea oy the Internet archive in 2007 \ivith funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.arQhive,org/details/catalogueofloancOOcambrich CATALOGUE OF THE LOAN COLLECTION OF PLATE CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. Under Revision, Camftritise ^ntttiuartatt ^ocietp* \i CATALOGUE OF THE LOAN COLLECTION OF PLATE Exhibited at the Fitzwilliam Museum, May 8, g, lo, i8g^. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED AT TH^ UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1895 » t 10 In the following pages constant use is made of the list of makers marks compiled by Mr W. J. Cripps, F.S.A., and given in his Old English Plate. This is referred to as " Cripps ", and the date under which the mark may be found is also given. When the same author is quoted on other points, the name of the work, Old English Plate, or. College and Corporation Plate, is given. PREFACE. THE present Exhibition originated under the following circumstances. In 1893, the Council of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society appointed a Committee to make a cata- logue of the Church Plate in the County. In the course of their visits to the Colleges it was suggested to this Committee that an exhibition of some of the finer pieces of plate there preserved would be of general interest. This expression of opinion was conveyed to the Council, who accepted the suggestion, and requested four of their number to make the necessary arrangements, to select the pieces that it would be desirable to exhibit, and to prepare a catalogue of them. The management of the Exhibition was placed in the hands of a General Committee, representative of the County, University, and Borough, and including the members of the Council of the Society. The Committee tender their thanks to the Vice-Chancellor of the University, to the Masters and Fellows of the Colleges, to the Mayor, Town Clerk, and Treasurer of the Borough, to the Incumbents and Church- wardens of parishes in the Town and County, to the Earl of Carysfort, Alderman Cockerell, Alderman Deck, Alderman Redfern, Mr William Hanchett Hattersley, the Reverend Samuel Ashton Thompson-Yates, M.A., Mr David Munsey and other friends, for the liberality with which they have placed at the disposal of the Committee the various objects which are exhibited. . The thanks of the Committee are also due to the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate for the use of the building. O A 6 * * . ^' . •.. PREFACE. fo 'Cbflis^e'BlirSaTS and others for facilities afforded in ex- amining and selecting objects for exhibition, to Mr David Munsey and to Mr Alfred H. Sadd for the loan of some of the cases, to the Technical Education Committee for the loan of tables, to the Butlers of the different Colleges, and to the Staff of the Fitzwilliam Museum for assistance rendered in the arrangement of the Exhibition. The collections of Plate belonging to the Colleges of Cambridge have been formed chiefly by gifts from private persons. The most interesting, perhaps, are the presents made by the Founder of a College, or by others at the time of the foundation. As instances of this class may be men- tioned the splendid Plate left to Christ's College by the Lady Margaret Beaufort, the tazza of Sir Walter Mildmay at Emmanuel, the drinking-horn given to the Gild of Corpus Christi and now the property of the College founded by that Gild, the cup made of an ostrich's egg given by Henry Tangmer to the same College, and the enamelled cup at Trinity Hall. Sidney Sussex College also possesses Plate presented by the Executors of the Foundress, and Gonville and Caius College a sceptre given by its second Founder, Dr Caius. Near to these in date and in historical interest, are the gifts of Archbishop Parker to his own College, and his New Year's Gifts to Gonville and Caius College and to Trinity Hall. It should be observed, however, that more than one piece of Plate known as the "Founder's Cup" is really of a later date than the name would imply. The greater part of the Plate of a later date than the middle of the seventeenth century is due to gifts from mem- bers of the foundation, or was bought with the sums which it was usual for Fellow-Commoners to present on leaving the College. As these sums were not always expended im- mediately, the dates of the manufacture of the pieces do not always agree with the date of the gift. Several examples of this are noticeable amongst the exhibited pieces. The University has suffered from the distractions and revolutions which have from time to time affected the PREFACE. 7 Country. At the Reformation all that savoured of Popery- was ruthlessly destroyed, and consequently no Sacramental Plate of a date anterior to that epoch has survived. The Colleges were also liberal contributors to the necessities of^ King Charles the First, and records are in existence of the amount of the Plate sent by them to the King at Oxford. St John's College forwarded more than 2,000 ounces, and an inventory of it has been printed by Professor Mayor in his edition of Baker's History of the College. It is believed, however, that this fell into the hands of the Parliament, and that the like fate nearly befell that of Queens' College, which, however, eventually reached the Royal Treasury. Change of fashion has also largely affected the stores of old Plate in the University. Several pieces have been recast ; in many cases at the end of the seventeenth century. The Plate now belonging to the Corporation of the Borough consists of the fine Maces (presented at the be- ginning of the last century), which form a prominent feature of the Exhibition ; the small but interesting copper-gilt mace of the time of Charles I. ; and the Mayor's Chain, the recent gift of an old and grateful inhabitant of the Borough now passed away. A considerable number of articles for use at their feasts were presented to the Corporation in the middle of the last century by various members of its body. The reforming zeal of the Councillors elected under different auspices caused the dispersal of the collection in the year 1837 for an insignificant sum. Efforts have been made to trace the present owners, and the objects now exhibited are the result of the search, but a large number cannot be found. An account of the sale will be found in Cooper's- Annals under the year mentioned. As compared with the Secular Plate, the Ecclesiastical Vessels of Cambridgeshire are plain in type, and not interesting in character. The Commissioners of King Edward the Sixth found the usual rich collections in the Churches, and carried off the bulk for the royal 'use, leaving only sufficient in each parish for the due performance of Divine Service. The lists 8 PREFACE. of articles found by the Commissioners, and of those which they allowed to remain for use, are preserved in the Public Record Office. The vessels spared by these Commissioners were destroyed under the order of Archbishop Parker, which directed the substitution of " decent communion cups " for the old chalices. This order appears to have been carried out in this County about the year 1569, as a large number of chalices and cover patens of that date are preserved ; some typical specimens of these are now exhibited. They are very largely by one maker, who adopted as his mark a flat-fish. The progress of his manufacture may be traced from the district round Norwich, in which the cups of his making bear date 1567 or 1568, through this County, where they are dated 1569, to the Isle of Ely and Northamptonshire, where they are of the year 1570. The Cambridgeshire pieces were not assayed. The only mark they bear is that of the maker, but the date is usually inscribed on the foot of the paten, and sometimes also after the name of the parish, which is generally engraved on the bowl of the chalice. One example, the cover-paten from Westley Waterless, bears unmistakeable evidence of being the medieval paten altered to suit the new ideas. The Thurible and Incense-ship, which once belonged to Ramsey Abbey, are objects of extreme interest. These two vessels, and the Chalice presented to Trinity College, Oxford, by Sir Thomas Pope, and believed to have belonged to St Alban's Abbey, are perhaps the only surviving specimens of Plate known to have belonged to English Abbeys. I. SECULAR. 1. Drinking Horn ; silver-gilt mounting, middle OF 14th CENT. Corpus Christi Coll. The horn is that of an ox ; the mounts consist of a scalloped band nearly one inch deep round the lip; of a battlemented band round the centre, carrying strap-shaped supports to sustain the horn ; and of a terminal ornament consisting of a crowned and bearded head rising from an open-work battlemented turret. On the front of the horn is an oval shield bearing the arms of the College; but this and the rings on the central band are modern. The horn originally had a cover. Marks: none. Dimensions : length, 24^ ; diameter at lip, 4^. This horn was presented, probably about the year 1347, to the Gild of Corpus Christi by John Goldcorne, Alderman of the Gild. The gild gave it to the College, which was founded by this gild and that of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1352. Figured in Archaeologia, Vol. iii., and in the Cambridge Portfolio, p. 296. 2. Beaker and Cover ; silver-gilt, middle of 14th CENT. Trinity Hall. This is known as the Founder's Cup. It is plain, with slightly curving sides ; round the middle of the cup is a lO . PLATE EXHIBITION 1895. harrow b^rfd Varmed of two rings of plain moulding, with a small enrichment between them, the width of the whole being | in. ; a similar band, but with only the upper ring of moulding, runs round the foot. Inside, on the bottom of the cup, is a device in translucent enamel. This consists of a circle surrounded by three trefoiled arches, the whole formed by a continuous band ; in the centre is a shield containing the arms of the College in enamel, and in the spaces between the arches are dragons ; the argent in the shield, the band forming the outline of the design, and the dragons are in silver, the spaces between being filled with enamel ; the colours of the enamel are as follows : surrounding the shield, green, purple, and [blue ?]; between the arches, green ; within the arches, stars of white opaque enamel on a ground of blue translucent enamel ; in the spandrels formed by the cusps, red. In some of the divisions only very small fragments of the enamel remain. The rim of the cover is surrounded by low broad battlements, below which is a band of enrichment, similar to that round the cup. On the print in the cover is a shield, with the arms of the college in enamel, similar to that on the bottom of the cup ; the print is surrounded by a band of enrichment similar to that round the cup and cover. The finial is supposed to have originally contained a jewel, which has been lost ; its place is now filled by a bust of Pallas Athene, in opal, presented by Mr H. W. Willett in 1893. Marks: The only mark is that of the maker. This is an oval shield, bearing, apparently, the following charges ir- regularly placed : in base a lion rampant transfixed, in dexter chief two keys in saltire, in sinister two [escallops .?]. Weight: 18*29 oz. Dimensions: height, \\\ diameter at lip, i\%\ diameter at base, 3|. The founder, William Bateman, who according to tradition gave this cup to the College, became Bishop of Norwich in 1344. He founded the College in 1350, and died in 1354, at Avignon. fl SECULAR. 1 1 3. Cocoa-nut Cup ; silver-gilt xMounting, end of 14th cent. Gonville and Caius Coll, A black cocoa-nut cup, with straight spreading Hp, \\ deep ; the stem is trumpet shaped, and stands on a battle- mented and traceried base, supported on the backs of three seated lions ; the rim is connected with the stem by three hinged bands with a cable-moulding down the centre ; the edges of the mounting are worked into fleur-de-lis, but those round the top of the stem are broken off; the upper part of the stem is surrounded by five slight projections, giving the effect of stepped gables ; on the flat part of the rim is a very beautiful design of birds and scrolls of foliage, worked in delicate stippling ; round the lower part of the stem is a landscape of similar workmanship. The vertical bands appear to have been renewed. Marks: none. Dimensions : total height, 9I ; height of stem and base (including lions), 4J ; height of stem and base alone, 3| ; depth of bowl, 3I ; diameter of lip, bowl, and base, 3^ ; diameter of top of stem, i^. 4. Cocoa-nut Cup; silver-gilt mounting, 15th CENT. Corpus Christi Coll. A black cocoa-nut. The base is late (probably quite modern) and not gilt. Marks: none. Dimensions : height, j\ ; diameter of nut, 4 ; diameter of foot, 2|. • 12 plate exhibition t895. 5. Cocoa-nut Cup ; silver-gilt mounting, middle OF 15th CENT. Gonville and Caius Coll. The rim and stem are connected by hinged bands pierced with quatrefoils ; the rim has slight enrichments ; three series of long narrow tongues, or spurs, with their points down- wards, surround the stem and foot ; the lower row and the spaces between the points have a leaf ornament. The upper part of the rim has perhaps been renewed. Marks: none. Weight: 9*25 oz. (inscribed, "vij Q^iiS"). Dimensions : total height, 8 ; height of stem, 3f ; depth of cup, A^\ ; diameter of lip, 3J ; diameter of foot, 3f . 6. Standing Cup and Cover ; silver-gilt, 1435 — 1440. Christ's ColL Known as the Foundress' Cup. The bowl, cover and stem are ornamented with spiral bands, with a running en- richment of oak, vine, and rose leaves, repousse ; a cresting of leaves surrounds the cover and the base; on the print within the cup is a shield of arms in translucent enamel ; the cover is surmounted by a hexagonal finial with rope and diaper patterns, and with six crocketed pinnacles ; the flat top of the finial is engraved with the Tudor rose. The arms fix the date of the cup as 1440, or a year or two earlier. Marks: none. Weight: 3875 oz. Dimertsions : height with cover, 12} ; diameter, 6\. Arms: Humphry, Duke of Gloucester, impaHng those of Eleanor Cobham of Sterborough, his second wife. This is a piece of the plate left to the College by the Lady Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby, and mother of King Henry VII. She was the only daughter and heiress of John Duke of Somerset, and was born in 1441. After the death of her third husband in 1504, she founded in 1505 Christ's College, I. SECULAR. 13 and subsequently began the foundation of S. John's College, which was completed by her executors as directed by her will. She died in 1509, and left all her plate to be divided between her two colleges. Figured in Coll. and Corp. Plate and Old English Plate. 7. Cup; silver-gilt, early 15th cent. Pembroke Coll, Known as the Foundress' Cup. The cup has an expanded lip, round the outside of which is the following inscription in Gothic characters : — "Sayn • denes • yt • es • me • dre • for • hes • lof • drenk • and • mak • gud • cher." Round the base is a rope ornament formed of twisted wire, and above it a cresting of leaves; encircling the stem is the following, "God • help • at • ned," and on the sides a V. and an M., pro- bably to designate the name of the college, which was originally Valence-Marie. Within the cup is an open-work boss, rising about an inch, on the top of which is engraved the letter M. The cup was originally a mazer, with a bowl of maple wood, but this was at some time broken and re- placed by the present one of silver-gilt. Though called the Foundress' Cup its date is long subsequent to her death. It had a cover, which was in existence in 1546. From a description in Publications of the Camb. Antiq. Soc, 4to Series, No. XL, it appears that the base was removed about 1844, but it has since been replaced. Marks: none. Weight: 22' i oz. Dimensions : height, 6f ; diameter at top, 6. From an inventory in the College Register dated 1491 it appears that the cup was given by Dr Richard Sokborn, who was elected Fellow in 1470, resigned 1478, and died at Soham in 1502. Figured in Publ. Camb. Aiitiq. Soc, 4to Series, No. xi., without the base ; Lysons' Britannia, Vol. Ii. ; and Sflaw's Decorations of the Middle Ages, with the base. 14 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 8. Cup ; silver-gilt, 1482. Pembroke Coll. This is known as the " Anathema Cup." It is a plain expanded cup on a trumpet-shaped foot, the base moulded, and having a stamped running enrichment of riband-scroll divided by roses ; a plain moulding encircles the upper part of the stem, and above it are six hemispherical bosses ; the print is engraved with a seeded rose surrounded by sprays of foliage. The print is loose and is attached by a modern screw. Mark: D of 1481-2. (No other marks.) Weight: 39-1 oz. (inscribed, "LXVII unc"). Dimensions : height, 8^ ; diameter at lip, 7 J. Inscriptions: (in black letter) QUI ALIENAVERIT ANATHEMA "SIT LXVII UNC ; and also the following below the former : — T. LANGTON WINTON EPS AULE PENBROCHIE OLIM SOCII DEBIT HAG TASSEA COOPTA EIDE AULE I497. Thomas Langton was Bishop of Winchester from 1493 to 1500. Figured in Pnbl. Camb. Ant. Soc, \\.o Series, No. XL; and Coll. and Corp. Plate. 9. Salt and Cover; silver-gilt, c. 1500. Christ's Coll, Hour-glass shaped, hexagonal in plan, with raised lobes alternately ornamented with a large Tudor rose in repousse. The central knop of the stem is enriched with rope and diaper patterns, and has six pinnacles of similar work to those on the finial of the cover of the Foundress' cup (No. 6) ; the pyramidal lid has a Tudor rose at the top. Marks : There is a mark on the salt and on the cover, but it is nearly obliterated. Dimensions : height, 9J ; diameter, 4|. Weight : 24 oz. . This is probably a part of the Foundress' bequest of plate. Figured in Fubl. Camh. Antiq. Soc, 40 Series, No. xi. ; and Coll. and Corp Plate. I. SECULAR. 15 10. Salt and Cover ; silver-gilt. Christ's Coll. Companion piece to No. 9, and of same size and workman- ship. Weight: 23-35 oz. 11. Mazer ^ ; silver-gilt mounting, late 14th CENT. Corpus Christi Coll. Maplewood bowl with silver-gilt band i in. deep inside and outside ; the band differs from any other known example, being nearly vertical, with no mouldings except a plain beading on the upper edge, from which rise three beautifully worked strawberry leaves, originally intended to prevent the cover falling off; no cover now exists. The pillar which replaces the usual print in the centre of the bowl has a tube inside it reaching nearly to its top and open at both ends, and holes are pierced in the lowest member of the base of the pillar. It is thus impossible to fill the mazer with wine, as, on reaching the level of the top of the tube the liquor begins to flow down it and escapes through the open end in the bottom of the vessel. This arrangement is unique. Marks: (none). Dimensions : diameter of bowl, 5 ; depth of bowl, 2j ; height, 2f ; diameter of foot, if. This beautiful and curious mazer was given to the College by John Northwode, who was admitted P'ellow before 1384. Figured in Archaeologia, Vol. 50. * The notes on this and on the three other mazers from Corpus Christi College are taken from the descriptions given by Mr W. H. St John Hope, M.A., in Archaeologia, Vol. 50. 1 6 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 12. Mazer ; silver-gilt mounting, probably c. 1490. Corpus Christi Coll. Known as the " Cup of the Three Kings." Maplewood bowl with silver-gilt band, 13^ deep outside and \\ deep inside. The band is of the usual late form, with mouldings studded with square four-leaved flowers ; it has a rayed fringe inscribed with the names of the three kings, Jaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar. The print is engraved with a squirrel sitting on the back of a fish. This mazer is convertible into a standing cup by means of a short silver socket piece with three flanges. Marks: none. Dimensions: diameter of bowl, 4f ; depth of bowl, if; height of bowl, 5^ ; diameter of foot, 3^ ; height of foot, 3i. Figured in Camb. Antiq. Soc. 4to Series, No. XI. 13. Mazer; silver-gilt mounting, c. 1500. Corpus Christi Coll. Maplewood bowl, with characteristic late band of silver gilt, i^ deep outside and i^ within ; the band has the usual mouldings set with four-leaved flowers, and a rayed fringe. There is no print, and it is quite clear that there never was one. Marks: none. Diameter of bowl, 4^ ; depth, i|. i. secular. t7 14. Mazer; silver-gilt, mounting, 1522. Corpus Christi Coll. Maplewood bowl with silver-gilt band, i^ deep outside and I inside. The band is of characteristic late form, with plain mouldings and rayed fringe on its lower edge ; but the lower band of mouldings has a hollow member studded at short intervals with small balls. In the bottom is the usual print ; in this case consisting of a somewhat rudely- made silver-gilt socket with rayed plate beneath, 2| in diameter, enclosing a silver plate f inch in diameter, engraved with a five-leaved flower with surrounding sprigs enamelled red and green. Marks: (on the band) D of 152 1-2; the leopard's head crowned ; the maker's mark, apparently a ragged staflf. Diameter of bowl, 4| ; depth, if. 15. Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, 152 i. Christ's Coll, The stem and bowl and a portion of the cover are orna- mented with scale pattern in repousse ; the ornament at the top of the cover is finished with six pinnacles, and has a shield of arms in translucent enamel on its upper surface ; round the foot and the rim of the cover are a cable moulding, pierced quatrefoils, and low battlements. Marks: C of 15 20-1 ; leopard's head crowned ; a crescent and star (as in Cripps 15 16). Weight: 23-84 oz. Dimensions : height, G)\ ; diameter, 6. Arms: Argent, on a bend sable, between three dragon's heads of the second, three estoiles of the field, in chief a crescent for difference. a standing cup was left to the College by Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury (1575 — 1583), and it is thought that this may be that cup. The shield of arms has not been identified, but it somewhat resembles that of William Hughes, Bishop of St Asaph in Elizabeth's reign {Coll. and Corp. Plate). Figured in Coll. and Corp. Plate. 2 1 8 plate exhibition i 895. 16. Beaker and Cover; silver-gilt, 1507. Christ's Coll. The outside of the bowl is engraved with a diaper of the Tudor rose, fleur-de-lis, and portcullis, with daisies or marguerites at each interlacing of the pattern, in allusion to the Foundress' name, Margaret. The cover is battlemented and similarly diapered, and surmounted by a hexagonal ornament, composed of six portcullises separated by pin- nacles, with a finial of four marguerites and a Tudor rose. The base is in form of a Tudor rose, \\ inches, deep, battle- mented, ornamented with repousse bosses and stamped run- ning enrichments, and having holes pierced round it, as if some ornament now lost, had been formerly rivetted on. Marks: K of 1506-7; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; a fish. Weight: 19*65 oz. Dimefisions : height with cover, g^ ; diameter of base, 5 J. Figured in Coll. and Corp. Plate. 17. Salt and Cover ; silver-gilt, i 508. Christ's Coll. Hour-glass shaped, hexagonal in plan, with raised lobes, the alternate lobes engraved with the Tudor rose, portcullis and fleur-de-lis in a diapered ground, the others plain. Probably a piece of the Foundress* bequest of plate. Mark : K of 1 507-8. Weight: 17*53 oz. Dimensions : height, 8§ ; diameter, 4J. 18. Apostle Spoons; silver-gilt, early i6th cent. Christ's Coll. A set of six apostle spoons ; probably Flemish work, a portion of the Foundress' bequest of plate. The engravings of the College arms in the bowls are modern. The set I. SECULAR. 19 comprises the Master spoon, S. Paul, S. Matthias, S. Bar- tholomew, S. Jude or S. James the Less, S. Simon Zelotes. Marks: none. Weights : The Master spoon, 179 oz., the weights of the other five vary from 1-54 oz. to v^ oz. f Length of each, yf . The other seven spoons of this set went to S. John's College on the division of the Foundress' plate. 19. Cup with Cover; silver-gilt, 1532. Corpus Christi Coll, The bowl has broad flutings with foliage on the alternate flutes,, and arabesques round the neck ; the handles are in the form of serpents ; the upper member of the foot is ornamented with six medallions containing heads of Egyptian type with arabesques between them ; below is an ornament formed of a row of scales resting upon an ^g'g and tongue moulding, both repousse ; the cover has a flat top surrounded by a sunflower ornament ; on the top of the cover, and below the foot are stippled the arms of Archbishop Parker, and the initials M. C, for ''• Matthew Cantaur." Marks: (on cover), O of 153 1-2 ; leopard's head ; IC with orb and crescent between. (On bowl) N of 15 70-1 ; London assay ; IP. Weight: 12*35 oz. Arms: on a chevron between three mullets three keys. This piece and an exactly similar vessel without a cover, marked with the S of 1555 and the maker's mark T in a shield, were given to the College by Archbishop Parker. Matthew Parker was born at Norwich in 1504. He was educated at Corpus Christi College, of which he became Master in 1544. He was appointed Dean of Lincoln in 1552. He had married in 1547. On the accession of Queen Elizabeth he was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury. The manner of his consecration, which is now known to have taken place on the 17th Dec, 1559, in the chapel of Lambeth Palace, has been the subject of much controversy. He died 17th May, 1575. Besides making gifts of plate to Trinity Hall, to Gonville Hall and to his own College, he enriched the latter with his famous collection of 2 — 2 20 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. MSS. His orders for the destruction of * superstitious chalices ' which had been • profaned by use at Mass ' and for the substitution of * decent cups,' were carried out in Cambridgeshire in 1569, if we may judge by the number now existing bearing that date. 20. Ewer and Dish; silver-gilt, 1546. Corpus Christi Coll. Ewer. The body is octagonal and engraved with arabesques. The spout is angular and has a cover with a heart-shaped orifice ; the cavetto moulding at the base is stamped with an arabesque pattern, repeated in lengths of about \\ inches ; the lid has a thumb-piece, and a boss in the centre with a shield of arms in champleve enamel, surrounded by the motto, and the initials M. P. (Matthew Parker). Marks: H of 1545-6; leopard's head crowned; lion passant; a maidenhead, (as in Cripps, 1545). Dimensions : total height, 8f ; height of vessel, 7 ; diameter at rim, 4|. Arms: Az. on a cross arg. the letters I sa., for Christ Church, Canterbury ; impaling gu. on a chevron arg. between three keys of the same, three estoiles of six points of the field, for Parker. Behind the shield, a crozier. Motto: "MVNDvs transit et concvpicentia eius, I •570." Dish. The edge is engraved with foliated arabesques; the centre similarly engraved and ornamented with a series of depressions radiating from the central boss, the base of which is repouss6 or stamped with a graceful pattern of interlaced arabesques ; the top of the boss has a shield in champleve enamel, with the arms of the donor, Archbishop Parker, and his initials as on the Ewer. Marks : same as on Ewer. Weight: (inscribed " VNCI^ 122: D "). I. SECULAR. 2 1 Dimensions : diameter, i8 ; width of rim, 2\ ; diameter of print, 2 ; height, \\. Inscription (under the salver in faintly stippled letters) : MATTAEVS • CaNTVAR • DEBIT • COLLE° • CORPORIS • CHRI • CANTAB . 1° • SEPT • A° 1 5/0 • CONSECR'^ • SV^E • 11° • ET • ^TATIS • SViE 6^ ; and the weight quoted above. Given with the Ewer to the College by Archbishop Parker. 21. Salt and Cover; silver-gilt, 1563. Corpus Chinsti Coll. Circular ; repousse in bold relief, with strap-work orna- ment forming three cartouches containing satyr-masks, with foliated pendants of fruit and flowers ; the whole finished in a vigorous style with graver ; the base is similarly orna- mented, and rests on three demi-monsters ; the cover is repousse in the same style, with three cherubs' heads and groups of fruit between them. It is surmounted by a finial, formed of three grotesque sea monsters, projecting from a base ; they support a dome-shaped top terminating in a head perforated for use as a pepper castor ; immediately below are three lions' head masks. The work of this finial is unlike that of the rest of the salt. Marks: E of 1562-3; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; D (as in Cripps, 1552). Weight: 39*25 oz. Dimensions : height, iij ; diameter, 6; depth of bowl, \\. Inscriptions (round upper part of drum in stippled letters): MaTTH^US • ArCHIEPUS • CaNTVARIENSIS • DEDIT • COL- legio • Corporis • Christi • Cantabrigi^ • primo • Sep- TEMBRIS • Anno • Dni • 1570;" round the lower portion is, " SaLINUM • HOC • CUM • PIXIDE • PRO • PIPERE • IN • OPER- culo • cum • 13 • coclearibus • deauratis • qu^ • hent (habent) • Crum (Christum) • et • aplos (apostolos) • ponderant oz. 64. Given to the College by Archbishop Parker. 22 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 22. Apostle's Spoons ; silver-gilt, 1567. Corpus Christi Coll. A set of thirteen. One spoon, representing probably the figure of S. Paul, is earlier than the others and may have served as a model. The detail is rather more delicate and the nimbus is plain, the others being rayed. Marks: On all except the S. Paul spoon. (On stem) I of 1566-7 ; lion pass ; a stag. (In bowl) leopard's head crowned. On the S. Paul spoon. (On stem) S of 1515-6 ; a heart ; (in bowl), leopard's head crowned. Weight of one spoon : 1*85 oz. Length: 7J. These are doubtless the thirteen spoons alluded to in the inscription on the Salt, as having been given by Archbishop Parker. Figured in Coll, and Corp. Plate \ and Camb. Antiq. Soc, 4to Series, No. xi. 23. Standing Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, c. 1562. Trinity Hall. Round the body of the cup are rings of plain mouldings and a broad band of arabesque ornament ; the bottom of the cup, the cover, and the foot are scalloped ; the stem is bal- uster shaped, is ornamented with acanthus, and has three brackets of concave outline at the top ; the base of the cup and the centre of the cover are ornamented with acanthus leaves. Marks: none. Weight: 34 oz. Inscription (inside the Ewer, stippled) : -f- Matthaeus - Cantuar • Dedit • AvLA • S Trinitat'^ • Cantab • 1° • Ian • Anno • 1569 • Consec* • Svae • XP • et • ^tatis • Svae • 66. I. SECULAR. 23 24. Standing Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, 1570. Corpus Christi Coll. Richly ornamented over the whole surface with repousse, and chasing ; the foot, baluster-shaped stem, and base in which the cup rests are repousse with grotesque masks, fruit, and flowers ; the drum is chased with a strap work pattern and foliated arabesques, and has three medallions of repousse containing female heads in high relief; the expanding lip is also chased and has three cherub heads in relief The cover is similarly ornamented with masks, fruit, and flowers, and is surmounted by a statuette of a nude male figure leaning on a rod, and holding a blank escutcheon ; within the cover is engraved a male classical head in profile. Has been mended with lead. Marks, (on bowl and lid) : M of 1 569-70 ; leopard's head crowned ; lion passant ; a bunch of grapes, (as in Cripps, 1568.) Weight: 55*38 oz. (Inscribed "VNCIE 53.") Dimensions : height, 2i| ; diameter at lip, 5f. Inscription : (under the foot) + Matth^vs • Cantvar • Dedit • CoLLEo . Corporis • Chri • Cantab • 1° • Jan' A^ • DnI • 1569 . CONSEC'^ • SV^ • 11^ . ET . ^TATIS • Sv^ 66, Given to the College by Archbishop Parker, Figured in Coll. and Corp. Plate; Old English Plate. 25. Tankard; silver-gilt, 1571. Trinity Hall. Round the tankard are four raised bands enriched with Elizabethan ornament ; between the middle bands are panels formed of arabesques, with plaques of similar design in their centres ; the dome-shaped lid is ornamented in a similar manner, and is surmounted by a vase-shaped knob ; the 24 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. handle is attached to the upper and to the third rings of ornament. Marks: N of 1570-71; London assay office; FR in monogram (as in Cripps, 1568). Weight: i6'08 oz. (inscribed " : VNCIS : 16°"). Dimensions : height, 3f. Inscription : (on the bottom, stippled) + Matth^US : Archieps : Catuar : 1° : Ian : hP D^ 1571. Arms, (on the bottom, stippled): those of Archbishop Parker. Given to the College by Archbishop Parker. 26. Tankard; silver-gilt, 1572. Corpus Christi Coll. The drum has two bands of arabesque ornament, re- pousse, and finished with the graver, and three circular medallions with masks in high relief within laurel wreaths ; the lid and handle are similarly ornamented, and the former has three helmeted masks ; a band of imbricated ornament finishes the edge of the lid and surrounds the base of the tankard ; this has been stamped in lengths and finished with the graver. Marks, (under vessel and on upper surface of lid) : O of 1 57 1-2; leopard's head crowned; lion passant; a dove in a shaped shield. Weight: 16*29 oz. (inscribed "VNCIS 16 d"). Dimensions : height, 6^ ; diameter at top, 2|. Inscriptions: (under tankard, in faintly stippled letters) Mathaeus Archieps • Cantuar • debit • colle° • Cor- poris • Chri • Cantabrig • I • Jan • A° • D • 1571. Arms, (stippled); those of Archbishop Parker. Given to the College by Archbishop Parker. i. secular. 25 27. Falcon Cup; silver-gilt, c. 1550. Clare Coll, A cup in the form of a falcon standing on an oblong coffret as pedestal, and known as the " Falcon Cup." The bird and lid of the coffer are wrought in repousse work, and finished with the graver ; the sides of the coffer are engraved with foliated grotesques, and in front is a medallion with laurelled bust ; ring handles, in monsters' heads, are attached to the ends ; the coffer had formerly four compartments. The bird is so arranged as to stand without the pedestal. Pro- bably made in Antwerp {Coll. and Corp. Plate, and Rosenberg, Der Goldschmeide Merkzeicheri). Marks : (under cover) C ; a raised hand and a crown, (mark of Antwerp Assay Office) ; Pan-pipes in a shield (maker's mark). Height, \\\. This cup, and the tankard (No. 28), were left to the College by Dr William Butler, a former Fellow, physician to James I., and celebrated in his time. Fuller, in his Worthies, says of him that **he was better pleased with presents than money, loved what was pretty rather than what was costly, and preferred rarities before riches." Dr Butler died in 161 7, aged 83. The cups are referred to in college documents, from that time downwards, as " Dr Butler's falcon cup," and **Dr Butler's crystal cup." 28. Tankard ; parcel-gilt mounting, probably late 1 6th CENT. Clare Coll Known as the " Poison Cup." The drum is made of glass, enclosed in silver filigree, to which the upper and lower mounts are hinged ; the base, supported on three cherubs' heads, is engraved with foliated ornaments, and has a band of repousse arabesque, with masks and strapwork entwined with wreaths, and supporting birds ; the upper mount, form- ing the lip, is similarly ornamented ; the cover is set with a 26 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. conical crystal, surrounded with a band of silver filigree. The thumb-piece is a demi-angel with outspread wings. The upper part of the handle is engraved with arabesques ; below the annulet is an acanthus. This cup was one of those called " poison cups," from a belief that poison poured into it would be detected by the glass bursting, and the crystal in the lid becoming discoloured. It has been supposed by some that this tankard is German work, but it is considered by Mr Cripps {Coll. and Corp, Plate) to be English. Marks: none. Height: 7. Inscription: (on bottom) AUL : DE CLARE. Given to the College by Dr Butler. 29. Sceptre; silver, c. 1560. Gonville and Caius Coll. This caduceus consists of a slender rod with a small boss at each end. Attached to the head and rod are four serpents, forming brackets. On the bosses are shields of arms in enamel. These are minute, but appear to be semee of flower gentil. A small ring surrounds the rod about five inches from its lower end, forming a handle. Marks: none. Dimensions: total length, 24I ; length of head, 2\\ length of handle, 5. The case is contemporary ; it is covered with leather, and lined with yellow velvet. The cushion, also contemporary, is covered with yellow silk, and has a heavy fringe of knot work in brown silk. This caduceus, or sceptre, was presented by Dr Caius to the College of Physicians whilst he was President. On refounding Gonville Hall as Gonville and Caius College he presented a new sceptre to the College of Physicians, and gave this one to its present possessors. The cushion forms a rest for the sceptre, or perhaps for one of the other emblems of the President's authority which Dr Caius introduced at the College of Physicians. I. SECULAR. 27 30. Tazza; silver-gilt, 1573. Christ's Coll. The cup stands on a baluster stem, fluted and chased ; the bowl is ornamented with a diaper of interlacing lines of small circular dots produced by a punch, with a larger circular punch mark in the centre of each compartment ; a grotesque monster's head is engraved on the print ; on the rim is en- graved the portcullis and rose. Marks: P of 1572-3; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; a trefoil (as in Cripps, 1572). Weight: 7-85 oz. (inscribed " 7 • 18 • 00 • 8 "). Dimensions : height, 4I ; diameter, 5f . 31. Cup formed of an Ostrich Egg ; silver MOUNTING, 1593. Corpus Christi Coll. The cup stands on a base ornamented with enriched mouldings and sea-monsters in relief; the stem is in the form of a twisted tree trunk ; the ^^^ is enclosed in a small saucer connected by three bands with the rim ; the saucer is en- graved with cherubs' heads and arabesques; the bands and lower part of the rim have simple engraved patterns; the upper part of the rim (about i;^ high) is engraved with sea- monsters and a shield of arms. The cover is made from a different &gg, it has a rim with enriched mouldings and is engraved with representations of insects ; the rim is con- nected by three bands, similar to those round the cup, to a finial, probably of the same date as the base. This piece was originally gilt, but none of the gilding remains. The ^^'g has been broken. The cup is preserved in a box, shaped to fit it, of wood covered with stamped leather; the case is divided vertically and opens on an iron hinge; it formerly had a strap as a handle. MarkSy (on base): P of 1592-3; lion passant; leopard's liead crowned ; RW with pellet above in shield (as in Cripps, 28 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 1 592, who, however, omits the pellet). The same on the rim. None on the cover. Dimensions: total height, 15; height of vessel, 1 1| ; diameter of rim, 3f ; diameter of base, 4f ; diameter of egg, 5i. Anns (on upper part of rim): Party per pale, three crowns in pale, impaling a cross fleury cantoned by four escallops with initials R-B. Although none of the mounting of this cup appears to be earlier than the date indicated by the Hall mark, namely 1592-3, the shell itself is much older. It was originally given to the gild of Corpus Christi by Henry Tangmer, burgess of Cambridge and a brother of the gild, in 1342. It was used for carrying the Host, probably in the great annual procession through the town on the Feast of Corpus Christi ; it was called the Gripes eye. It was broken some time between 1553 and 1557, — possibly on the occasion of the canopy which was held over it in the procession catching fire, — but was repaired between 1557 and 1569. It is said to have been again repaired at the expense of Richard Fletcher when Bishop of Bristol, that is, between 1589 and 1592. This tradition is supported by the evidence of the date-letter. 32. Standing Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, 1593. Vice- Chancellor of the University. Known as the Essex Cup. A wide shallow bowl on an oviform stem with a flat foot ; the cover is domical with a tapering finial. The cover and bowl are each surrounded by a simple wreath ; they and the knop of the stem and the foot are divided into large checkers, the spaces being alternately plain and hatched. The finial and the edges of the cover and base have enriched mouldings. Marks, (on lip): P of 1592-3; leopard's head crowned; lion passant; IG in monogram, in a shield (as in Cripps, 1 591). The marks inside the cover are nearly obliterated, but they are clearly the same as those on the cup ; they are on a piece of metal which has been separated from the rest of the cover, probably during repairs. I. SECULAR. 29 Weight: cup, 40*2 oz.; cover, 21 oz. ; total, 6 12 oz. (in- scribed, " OUNZ 62 "). Dimensions: total height, i/f ; height of cup, ii|; depth of bowl, 4| ; diameter of bowl, ^\ ; diameter of foot, 5{. Inscription, (round edge of bowl, stippled, in Roman capitals): ROB • COM • ESSEX • COM • MARESCH • ANGLIC • CANCEL • CANT • ACAD . DEDIT • PROCANCEL^ . SVCCESSIVE • A . RR.ELTZ • 40 • 1598. Arms: (on bowl, stippled) Quarterly, ist, a fess three torteaux in chief; 2nd, a cross engrailed cantoned by four water bougets ; 3rd, France modern and England quarterly within a bordure ; 4th, an escarbuncle. The shield is en- circled by the Garter, and surmounted by a coronet. Robert Devereux, K.G., second Earl of Essex, was born in 1567, and was educated at Trinity College. He was made Earl Marshal of England in about 1597 and Chancellor of the University of Cambridge in 1598. He was beheaded 25 Feb. 1 600-1. He married the widow of Sir Philip Sidney, by whom he had a son Robert, the Parliamentary General. 33. Tankard; silver-gilt mountings, late i6th CENT. Clare Coll. A tankard of serpentine, known as the " Serpentine Cup." The marble has been turned in a lathe ; it has slight annular mouldings and a spreading foot ; it tapers slightly outside, but is cylindrical inside ; the handle is metal, and is secured by two metal bands surrounding the vessel ; the lip, lid, and base are also metal ; the lid is domical ; it has a finial and is ornamented with three grotesque heads in shields, with strap work, fruit and flowers between in repousse ; the thumb- piece is a grotesque figure ; the lip is engraved with birds, the handle with arabesques ; the ring below the lip has a stamped enrichment ; the lower ring has plain mouldings ; the foot an enriched moulding. Marks: none. Dimensions : total height, /f ; height of vessel, 5| ; depth, 5 ; diameter of lip, 3 ; diameter of foot, 4J. 30 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 34. Tazza and Cover ; silver-gilt, late i 6th cent. Emmanuel Coll, Known as the 'Founder's Cup.' The bowl is plain around the lip, but surrounded lower down with a twisted cable, below which there are three large shells, between shell- fish, all in high relief; harpies with upstretched arms appear to support the bowl ; the upper part of the knop of the stem is repousse, in high relief, with a mass of fruits, and the lower part with four masks, between which are scroll-like arms ; the foot is circular and ornamented with scroll-work and grotesques, repousse. The bowl is double, the interior being richly worked in repousse and chasing, with nude figures and marine monsters. The cover is repousse with shells, the print inside it has a coat of arms in translucent enamel, the shield being set in green enamel. The finial is supported by four demi-seahorses, and is surmounted by a heart-shaped enamel- led escutcheon, containing on one side a coat of arms, and on the other the initials W M, for Walter Mildmay, knotted together, the whole surmounted by a helm and crest. Marks: the marks on the lip of the bowl are almost illegible, but they appear to be as follows : a lion's head affrontee, not crowned ; a Gothic T and a very indistinct mark in a hexagon. Although the several pieces of which the cup is formed are easily separable, the marks are not repeated on any of them. Weight: cup, 63-5 oz. ; cover, 3395 oz. ; total, 97*45 oz. Dimensions: total height, 15^; height of cup, 7J ; depth of bowl to boss, J; diameter of cover, 10; diameter of base, 6. Arms: (on print in cover), Quarterly, ist, arg. three lions rampant az. ; 2nd, arg. on a canton or, a mullet [purpure .?] ; 3rd, az. a chevron embattled or, between three roses arg. seeded or ; 4th, per fess nebulee or and sable, three grey- hounds' heads coupee counterchanged collared of the first. (On finial): as in 4th quarter of the above difterenced by I. SECULAR. 31 a mullet. Crest: on a helmet affrontee with visor closed, a lion's head erased gorged. This cup was given to the College by the founder, Sir Walter Mildmay (1522—89). Figured in Coll. and Corp. Plate; and Publ, Catnb. Antiq. Soc. 4to series, No. XI. 35. Standing Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, 1603. Corpus Christi Coll. The- bowl is straight sided, and is ornamented with ara- besques round the lip, and with a coat of arms between two skulls ; it is supported by three brackets on a vase-shaped stem with a swelling foot ; the stem is ornamented with shells, and enriched mouldings surround the lower parts of the cover, bowl, and foot. On the top of the cover is the figure of a soldier, armed with a spear and shield. Marks: E of 1602-3 ; London Assay ; AB (as in Cripps, 1602). Weight: iri oz. (inscribed " ii^"^^"). Dimefisions : total height, 11^; height of cup, /y^g^ ; depth of bowl, 3{ ; diameter of bowl, 3 J ; diameter of foot, 2>^^- Inscription: EX DONO JOHANNIS CHAMPERNOWNE. Arms: Quarterly of twenty: ist, ermine, a saltire vair; 2nd, arg. three bendlets or ; 3rd, arg. two chevrons or, in a canton a mullet ; 4th, two lions passant ; 5th, a chevron or between three birds ; 6th, on a chevron between three birds' {} hawks) heads erased three acorns ; 7th, a chevron engrailed between three birds ; 8th, three corbs {}) ; 9th, a chevron ermine between three birds; loth, three birds' heads erased; I ith, two bars nebule {}) ; 12th, as no. 4, on a bordure eight saltires; 13th, a castle; 14th, Vairy; 15th, three fleur-de-lis; 1 6th, a fess, in chief three pawns; 17th, a trellis; i8th, as no. I ; 19th, on a bend three horseshoes ; 20th, an eagle displayed. Crest, (over the shield on the cover): a swan issuing from a ducal crown. 32 plate exhibition 1 895. 36. Standing Cup; silver-gilt, 1607. Corpus Christi Coll. A shallow cup on stem. Arabesque ornaments engraved round the lip both inside and outside, and a head in the centre of the bowl. The stem is conical with expanded top, and from it rise three arms of serpentine form which support the bowl. The domical foot is ornamented with repousse work. Marks: I of 1606-7 ; London Assay ; CB in a shield (as in Cripps, 1606). Weight: 8*17 oz. (inscribed "8°" i d"). Inscription, (on side of bowl in stippled letters) : COLL • CORPU • CHRISTI. 37. Ewer and Basin; silver-gilt, 1607. Sidney Sussex Coll. Ewer. The bowl is contracted in the middle, the upper part is ornamented with cartouches containing sea-monsters, and surrounded by strap work, flowers, marks, &c. ; the base and neck are similarly enriched ; the lower part of the bowl is ornamented with acanthus ; all in bold repousse ; there are numerous enriched mouldings ; the upper part of the handle is formed of a grotesque female bust. Marks, (on neck): I of 1606-7; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; R W with a pellet below (as in Cripps, 1605). Weight: 52-1 oz. Dimensions: total height, 16J; greatest diameter, about 6. Crest, stippled under the lip: a talbot's head erased collared. i. secular. 33 Basin. Ornamented with sea-monsters, shells, cherubs' heads, flowers, &c., and enriched mouldings, in the centre a boss engraved in stippling with a shield of arms. Marks : the same as on Ewer. ( Dimensions : diameter, 19J ; width of rim, if ; height, 2| ; depth to boss, |. Weight: 93 '8 oz. Inscription : (round boss, in Roman capitals, stippled) EX DONO TOANNIS HARINGTON EQVITIS AVRITI ORDINIS BALNEI FILII ET HAEREDIS lOANNIS BARONIS DE EXTON. Arms: Quarterly, ist and 4th, a fret, 2nd and 3rd, [arg.] two thigh-bones in saltire [sa.] between four pears [or], a bordure engr. [of the second], for Kelway. Crest : a talbot's head erased collared. Sir John Harington, K.B,, second Baron Harington of Exton, was son of the first Lord by Anne, daughter and heiress of Sir Robert Kelway. He was, through his mother, related to the Foundress, who made his father and the Earl of Kent her executors. He died 27 Feb. 16 13 — 4, aged 21. 38. Standing Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, 1608. Corpus Christi Coll. The lower part of the bowl is ornamented with expanding flutings ; on the upper part are three cartouches containing sea-monsters in relief; between two of them is a blank shield. The stem has a knop formed of three plain bosses alternating with scallop shells in relief The base is high and ornamented with flutings similar to those on the bowl, and has a stamped enrichment on the lowest moulding. On the cover are car- touches similar to those on the bowl, and a finial consisting of a triangular spire supported on grotesques. Has been re- cently regilt. 3 34 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. Marks, (on lip and cover): K of 1607-8; leopard's head crowned; lion passant; T W in monogram (as in Cripps, 1607). Weight: with cover, 25 oz. (inscribed, " 15 ONC") Dimensions: total height, I5i; height of vessel, 8f ; depth of bowl, 3| ; diameter of bowl, \\ ; diameter of foot, 3J. Inscription, {round lip in stippled letters): MUNUSCULU DUORU FRATRU RO ET TO IN 9^^' 1607 + COLLEGIU COR- PORIS Christi. The inscription refers to Robert and Thomas Ogle of Lincolnshire, members of the College in 1 607. 39. Standing Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, 1609. Trinity Hall. Known as Bishop Barlow's Cup. The upper part of the bowl is ornamented with fleur-de-lis and scallop shells and a blank shield ; the lower part with leaves ; the stem is baluster-shaped, with three grotesque brackets on a high pedestal foot with ornament similar to that on the bowl. The cover is domical, v/ith similar ornament ; its finial con- sists of a female figure with a spear, supported by three grotesques like those on the stem. Marks, (on cover and lip of bowl): L of 1608-9: lion passant ; leopard's head crowned ; T C, with three pellets above and one below, in a shield (as in Cripps, 161 3). Weight: 38-6 oz. (inscribed under foot " • 39 • OUNCES. •i6i3-")- Dimensions : total height, 20J ; height of cup, 14I ; dia- meter of bowl, 5| ; diameter of foot, 4f ; depth of bowl, 5§. Given to the college by William Barlow, a native of Lancashire, and a member of the college. He became Bishop of Rochester, whence he was translated in 1608 to the see of Lincoln. He died in 16 13. i. secular. 35 40. Standing Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, 1609. Corpus Christi Coll. The bowl is supported on a vase-shaped stem, with three brackets ; the cover is domical, and surmounted by a pierced triangular spire with a finial ; the bowl, cover, and base are ornamented with leaves. Marks: L of 1608-9; London Assay; I S on a line above a crescent (as in Cripps, 1608, where however the line is omitted). Weight: 2939 oz. (inscribed " xxr"- "). Dimensions: height of cup, iij ; diameter, 51 ; diameter of foot, 4^ ; height of cover, 6|. Inscription, (round lip) : Ex DONO JOH • IegON • EPI : Nor : Martii X • An : Dom : 1614." John Jegon was Master of Corpus Christi College from 1590 to 1602, and Bishop of Norwich from 1602 till 161 8. 41. Tazza ; silver-gilt, i 6 i o. Christ's Coll. Of similar size, character, and workmanship to No. 30. Marks: M of 1609-10; lion passant; leopard's head; (maker's mark illegible). Weight: 8-43 oz. (inscribed, "8 • 13 • 12"). 42. Standing Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, 1610. Sidney Sussex Coll. The bowl is ornamented with a formal arrangement of flowers and trellis work, of excellent design, and with shields of arms ; the stem is baluster shaped with three grotesque brackets ; the base is ornamented with flowers and leaves ; the domical cover is surrounded by a scroll of foliage, and surmounted by a pierced triangular spire, also resting on three grotesque brackets. 3—2 36 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. Marks: N of 1 610-11; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; W R over a rainbow (as in Cripps, 1608). Weight: (from College Plate-book) 69 oz. 3 dwt. Dimensions: total height, i/f; height of cup, \2\ ; depth of bowl, 4f ; diameter of cup, \\ ; diameter of foot, 4f . Arms: (on bowl) arms of the College; also arms of the Earl of Kent, viz., Quarterly of six, ist, barry of six arg. and purp., in chief three roundles ; 2nd, a manche ; 3rd, arg. three piles in point az. ; 4th, three garbs, two and one ; 5th, three leopards' heads jessant de lys ; 6th, barry of six, an orle of martlets. The shield is surmounted by an Earl's coronet. This cup was given to the College by Henry, Earl of Kent, one of the Executors of the Foundress. 43. Standing Cup; silver, i6i6. Trinity Coll. Known as the Nevile Cup. The bowl is hemispherical ; the stem is baluster shaped. Two of its members are discs with bosses on their edges. There are three grotesque brackets at its top, and it has a high base. The lower part of the bowl was renewed in 1871, and the thumb screw, by which it is fastened to the stem, was then added. Marks: (on lip) S of 161 5-16; lion passant; leopard's head crowned. (Maker) A B in a shield (as in Cripps, 1602). Weight: 94-80 (inscribed under base " 124 les 2 "). Dimensions: height, i6|; diameter of bowl, io| ; diameter of base, 6f ; depth of bowl, 6^. Liscription : (in Italian script) " Ex DONO TllOMAE Nevile sacrae Theologiae Doctoris, Decani Can- tuariensis, et hujus Collegii magistri." Arms: (on bowl) Quarterly of nine ; ist, on a cross gules, a rose ; 2nd, frettee a canton ermine ; 3rd, ermine a lion rampant ; 4th, ermine, in chief a crescent (probably for dif- ference) ; 5th, per fess dancett^ arg. and vert ; 6th, three crescents between eight cross crosslets ; 7th, quarterly arg. and vert, over all a bend ; 8th, three bars, on a bordure, ten I. SECULAR. l"] birds (? ducks) ; 9th, on a chevron, three crosses formee. Motto: Neuile UELIS. (Opposite), the arms of the College. Thomas Nevile, D.D., one of the greatest benefactors to Trinity College, was Master of Magdalene College from 1582 to 1593, and of Trinity from 1593 till his death in 16:5. 44. Standing Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, 16 17. St Johns Coll. A tall cup on a baluster stem, with six grotesque brackets attached ; the lip is enlarged and engraved ; the bowl, base, and cover are ornamented with grotesques, amorini, lions' heads, fruit, &c., in repousse, enclosing medallions with my- thological figures also in repousse ; the cover is surmounted by a figure of LJercules on a pedestal, supported by three grotesque brackets, and three dolphins form brackets for the base. The top of the stem is formed into a deep socket to receive the bowl. Marks: (on lip and cover) T of 1616-7 ; ^^o" passant; leopard's head crowned ; (on lip) a trefoil in an irregular oval ring. Weight: cup, 654 oz. ; cover, 27 oz. ; total, 92*4 oz. Dimensions : total height, 24I ; height of vessel, 1 5f ; depth of bowl, 6^ ; diameter of lip, 6| ; diameter of bowl, 3J ; diameter of foot, 6J. 45. Standing Cup; silver-gilt, 161 7. Corpus Christi ColL A small cup on a tall spindle-shaped stem, with three cherub brackets at the top. The bowl is ornamented with leaves, in repousse work, rising from the base. There is slight engraving round the rim. The base is flat and ornamented with similar leaves to those on the bowl. The gilding is almost gone. Marks: (on rim) T of 1616-7; ^i^n passant; leopard's 2,8 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. head crowned. R between two pellets, with W below (as in Cripps, 1 6x6). Lion passant repeated under foot. Weight: 875 oz. (inscribed "9°""). Dimensions : height, 8 J ; diameter of bowl, 3^ ; depth of bowl, 3I ; diameter of foot, 3^^. Inscriptions: (stippled on rim) WILLIAM JOHNSON, 1616 ; and Coll. Corp. Christi. Arms: (stippled on bowl) Quarterly, ist and 4th, a canton charged with a bird ; 2nd and 3rd, a chevron between three crescents. William Johnson, adm. 1608, A.M. 1615. 46. Standing Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, 1619. Emmanuel Coll. The lower part of the bowl is ornamented with acanthus leaves repousse, and the upper part with strap-work scrolls engraved ; the stem is baluster shaped ; two members are discs with bosses on the edges ; the upper of these and the knop are connected by grotesque brackets. The high base and the domical cover are ornamented in a similar manner to the bowl ; the finial is a square open-work spire on four grotesques, and with brackets of similar form at the top ; it appears to have been originally surmounted by a figure. Marks: (on lip) A of 1618-9 ; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; IS with a pellet below in a shaped shield. The lion passant is repeated under the foot, the three other marks on the cover. Weight: 33-35 oz. Dimensio7zs : total height, 18J; height of vessel, 12J; depth of bowl, 5 ; diameter of lip, 4| ; diameter of foot, 4J. Arms: (stippled on bowl) Quarterly, ist and 4th, three gauntlets ; 2nd and 3rd, a saltire, on the fess point a rose. Impaling, quarterly, ist and 4th, three lions rampant; 2nd and 3rd, Ranches, two crosses pattee. Inscribed below (in script), Mildmay Fane. I. SECULAR. 39 47. Standing Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, 1629. Christ's Coll. r The lower part of the bowl is ornamented with six up- right leaves, repousse ; the upper part is engraved with strap ornament ; on the plain part between is a shield bearing the arms of the Montagues, and, opposite, their crest ; the stem is baluster shaped, with engraved ornament, and has three grotesque brackets ; the base has leaf and strap ornaments similar to those on bowl, and enriched mouldings round the lower part ; the cover is ornamented with leaves similar to those on bowl and base ; the finial consists of a square open- work spire supported by four grotesques standing on a cir- cular base, with enriched mouldings; it is surmounted by a figure of Britannia holding a trident and a shield bearing the Union Jack. Marks: L of 1628-9; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; T F as a monogram in a shield. Weight : (this cannot be tested, as the hollow base is filled with a block of wood. An inscription states that it is 62 oz, 4 dwt.). Diniejisions : total height, 25| ; height of cup, 16^; dia- meter of bowl, 6| ; depth of bowl, 6. Inscriptio7is : (on lip, stippled) "Ex DONO GeorGII MON- TAGUE D HENRICI COMITIS Mancestri^ filii natu QUINTI." (Under foot) " 62 oz. 4 dwt." Arms: az. three fusils conjoined in fess arg. Crest: a demi-gryphon collared. George Montagu, fifth son of Henry Montagu, (created Earl of Manchester, 5 Feb. 1625 — 26,) by his third wife, whom he married 26 Apr. 1620. 40 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 48. Tankard; silver-gilt, 1636. Trinity Hall. Marks: S of 1635-6. London Assay. Maker's mark doubtful, possibly lilies growing out of a pot. Weight: 4574 oz. Dimensions : height, %\ ; diameter at lip, 4| ; diameter of base, 5|. Inscription: (in front, in script) Minimum E MULTIS DONUM ViRI DE hoc COLLEGIO / OPTIME MERITI ThOM/E EdENI LeGUM DOCTORIS / EJUSDEMQVE CUSTODIS VlGl- LANTISSIML Arms: (above inscription) on a fess between two chevrons charged with three escallops as many garbs, a crescent in the honour point for difference. Crest: a demi-dragon couped holding a branch of a rose tree with three blooms, slipped. Thomas Eden, LL.D., was Master of Trinity Hall 1626 — 1645. 49. Standing Cup; silver, 1637. Queens Coll. Known as the Compton Cup. A plain cup, the bowl covered with stippling ; a baluster stem, with flame ornament engraved on the top member. Marks: on lip T of 1636-7 ; lion passant ; leopard's head crowned ; ^y with a pellet on each side of the R. Weight: 46*25 oz. Dimensions : total height, \2\ ; depth of bowl, 6 ; diameter of bowl, 6 ; diameter of foot, 6\. Inscription: (on lip) Ex DONO PR/ENOBILIS JACOBI DO- MINI Compton honoratissimi Comitis Northamptoni/E FILIJ Natu Maximi. Arms: (on one side of the bowl) the arms granted to the College in 1575; (on the other side of the bowl) the Compton Arms, viz., a lion passant regardant between three helms, differenced with a label of three points. I. SECULAR. 41 50. Cup and Cover; silver, 1658. Peterhouse. This is a straight-sided cup, with two handles in the form of female figures ; the ornament on the sides is divided into panels filled with stiff foliage ; the cover is ornamented with similar foliage and has a plain knop. Marks: V of 1657-8; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; A F in an irregular shield. Weight: 36*95 oz. Difirensions : total height, 7^; height of cup, 6 ; diameter of lip, 4j ; diameter of foot, 7J. Inscription: (in script) DONUM JOHANNIS EPISCOPI / DUNELM NUPER MAGISTRI / HUJUS COLLEGII A« / D^' MDCLXI : Arms: (on one side) the Arms of the College, with PE- CULUM MAGISTRI COLL. S^ PETRI. (On the Other side) the Arms of the See of Durham, impaling, or, a fret. Crests : on helm dexter a bishop's mitre, sinister a bird volant. The inscri}ition refers to John Cosin, D.D., Master of Peterhouse from 1635 till 1644, when he was ejected; restored in 1660, in which year he was appointed to the Bishopric of Durham. He died in 1674. 51. Caudle Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, i66i. Emmanuel ColL The lower part of the bowl and the cover are ornamented with fruit and flowers, repousse ; the handles are crowned with female busts ; the cover has a knob formed of four gro- tesque heads. The inside is not gilt. Marks: C of 1660-1 ; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; T A with a star and two pellets below, in a shield. Weight: 33*84 oz. Dimeitsions: height, 4J ; diameter at lip, 5J; greatest diameter, 6| ; diameter at base, \\. 42 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. Inscription: (on bowl, in script) Ex BONO Henrici Fane FiLIJ 3^'^ COMITIS WESTMORLAND!^. Arms: Quarterly of sixteen : ist, three gauntlets ; 2nd, a chevron engrailed between three rings ; 3rd, a chief, over all a crowned lion rampant ; 4th, a cross ; in the dexter chief, an escocheon bearing three chevronels ; 5th, a bend between six fleur-de-lis; 6th, quarterly, first and fourth, az. two pallets arg., second and third, ermine ; 7th, on a chief two wiverns' heads erased ; 8th, two lions passant ; 9th, a saltire on the fess point a rose ; lOth, frettee, a canton ermine ; nth, a fess between six cross crosslets ; 1 2th, barry of eight, arg. and gu. ; 13th, a lion rampant; 14th, cheque, arg. and vert; 15th quarterly, first and fourth, a plain shield, second and third, a fret, over all a bend ; i6th, three chevronels. Crest: out of a ducal crown, a bull's head couped issuant, differenced with a rose. Motto: NE VILE FANO. 52. Porringer and Cover ; silver, probably c. 1670. Trinity Hall. The bowl is ornamented with acanthus and laurel leaves springing from the base. The cover is flat with ornament similar to that on the bowl. The knop is surrounded by acanthus leaves. Marks : (on lip) maker TH with a star below. The T is doubtful. This mark appears to be repeated four times, but there are no others. Weight: 32*88 oz. Dimensions: total height, 7f ; height without cover, 51 ; diameter, 6|. Inscriptions : (round rim of cover and on bowl) Ex DONO JoHANNis Sudbury comensalis 1677; (on bowl) Aul Trin. Arms: (of Donor.?) a talbot passant in a bordure en- grailed. I. SECULAR. 43 53. Three Tankards; pewter, c. 167 i. Kings ColL Maker's mark : RB 1671 and a dove with an olive branch. These pieces are inscribed with the College arms and PKC. They all have the same maker's mark ; their heights are respectively 8f , 8^, and 5^. 54. Tankard ; silver, 1682. Kings Coll. This has an ornament of acanthus leaves on the moulding round the rim and also round the base ; the thumb piece is formed of two dolphins intertwined ; a whistle handle. Marks: D of 1681-2; leopard's head crowned; lion passant. The maker's mark, which only occurs on the lid, is illegible. Weight : (inscribed on the bottom) 34"8. Height: (vessel only) 5^. Inscription: (on vessel) Ex DONO Henrici Lyttelton GENEROSL ANNO DOMINI i68i. Anns : (above inscription), in mantling of palm leaves the Lyttelton arms: Quarterly, ist, a chevron between three escallops ; 2nd, two lions passant ; 3rd, a lion rampant in a bordure engrailed ; 4th, the Royal arms of 1681 in a bordure for difference. Crest: a negro's head couped. Motto: Vng DiEV / Vng ROY. (On lid) the College arms in a mantling of palm leaves and CoLL. REGAL. 55. Tankard; silver, 1683. Queens Coll. The bowl and cover are ornamented with pseudo-Chinese designs and with shields of arms. Marks: (on lip and lid) E of 1682-3; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; PM with a pellet between, a star above, and a fleur-de-lis below in a quatrefoil. (The last mark is repeated on the handle.) Weight : 40*6 oz. 44 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. Dimensions : total height, 8; height of vessel, 6; diameter at lip, 5| ; diameter at foot, 6\. Inscriptions: (in Italian script) Ex DONO Mattei Ducie MoRETON Genero^^ • and Coll Regin Cant : Arms : the arms granted to the College in 1575 and a shield bearing : a chevron between three buckles ; on a shield of pretence two lions passant gardant. Crest: on an esquire's helmet, a demi-cock displayed. 56. Standing Cup and Cover; silver-gilt, 1684. St Johns Coll. Known as the " Burleigh Cup." The bowl stands on a baluster stem and is engraved with quasi-Chinese scenes and shields of arms ; on the foot is engraved foliage ; the cover is ornamented with Chinese figures similar to those on the bowl and with shields of arms &c., and is surmounted by a female figure clothed in a chiton and holding a rod. Marks: E of 1683-4; leopard's head crowned; lion passant; AH with star above and crescent below, in a shield (as in Cripps, 1681). Weight: cup, 9825 oz.; cover, i6'5. Dimeftsions : total height, 22J; height of cup, i6f ; depth of bowl, 7f^g ; diameter of bowl, 8^ ; diameter of foot, 7|. Inscriptions : (round foot, in Roman capitals) EX DONO ILLUSTRISSIMI JACOBI COMITIS SARISBVRICE VICE COMITIS CRANBVRN ET BARONIS CECILL DE ESSENDINE • (on pedestal of cover) COLL • S^ JOHN • CANTAB. A rms : (on bowl) the arms of the College ; (on bowl and cover) the arms of Cecil, viz.: Barry of ten arg. and gu. six shields three two and one, each bearing a lion rampant. Supporters : two lions rampant ermine. The shield sur- mounted by an Earl's coronet. Motto : (on bowl) SERO SED SERIO. Crest: (on cover) six crossed arrows bound together at the centre surmounted by a shield, over all is an Earl's coronet. I. SECULAR. 45 57. Tankard; silver, 1691. Kings Coll. Marks: (on cup and lid) N of 1690-1 ; leopard's head; Hon passant; IS with mullet underneath. Weight: (inscribed underneath) d*^ oz. 5 dwt. Dimensions: total height, 9^; height of vessel, 7; diameter^ inside, 5J. Inscription: (on vessel) Legavit J. GERARD / A • M • NUPER socius / Coll • Regal • Ann • Doni • 1690. (On handle) 2. Arms: (on vessel) a shield bearing a saltire (arms of Donor ?) ; (on lid) the arms of the College and COLL. Regal. 58. Punch Bowl and Cover; silver, 1692. Trinity Coll. The surface of the bowl is ornamented with ten spiral scallops with plain convex surfaces ; the spaces between have a slightly granular surface ; the hanging handles are held in the mouths of lions. Marks: O of 1691-2; leopard's head crowned; lion passant; R • C • between six pellets in a beaded ellipse (as in Cripps, 1684). Weight: (from College Plate-book) 1150Z. 10 dwt. Dimensions: total height, 13; height of bowl, 8f, diameter of bowl, 13I ; diameter of base, 7J. Inscription : (on the panel of the bowl next to the College arms) Ex DoNO Caroli Firebrace Arm : et Georgii Fratris / EJUS FiLiORUM Dni Basilii / Firebrace Mili- Tis & / Baronetti. Arms: (inside bowl) on a bend between two roses, three crescents ; (in one of the panels) the College arms^ ; (on cover) the College arms [as on bowl]. Crest: (on cover, on opposite side) a portcullis held by a dexter arm in plate armour counter embowed. ^ The lion is not ejardant. 46 PLATE EXHIRTTTON 1 895. 59. MoNTEiTH ; SILVER, 1 698. Pembroke Coll. The bowl has hanging handles ; the rim, which was move- able, has been fastened to the bowl ; it has eight depressions with heads between them, and is fluted and ornamented with two medallions bearing shields of arms. Marks: (on rim and on bowl) B of 1697-8; lion's head erased; Britannia; A Ne [for Anthony Nelme. Cripps, 1700]. Weight: S4'7S oz. Dimensions: height, 8; internal diameter, 9I; total depth, 7^; depth of rim, 2. Inscription: (underneath) Edmundus FILIUS Natu Max- iMus / RoBERTi Bacon Baronetti / de Redgrave in Agro Suffolciensi dedit / AuL. Pemb. Cant. Arms: (on one side of bowl) per pale arg. and three lions rampant. In chief counterchanged a rose and thistle. (On the other side) Quarterly, ist and 4th, gu. on a chief arg. two mullets ; 2nd and 3rd, barry of six or and az., over all a bend gu.; on a shield of pretence the hand of Ulster. Crest: a boar passant ermine. 60. Ewer and Basin; silver-gilt, probably 17th cent. St Johns Coll. Ewer. The ewer is octagonal and is ornamented with foliated afabesques, masks, and strap work, repousse. A portion of the stem seems to have been renewed or repaired. Marks: (on base) a pine-apple [Augsburg assay] ; a mark resembling a St Andrew's cross with a bar joining the upper ends of the limbs and with a pellet above, in a shield (nearly identical with the mark given by Rosenberg under the year 1615). Weight : 30*6 oz. Height: 9J. I. SECULAR. 47 Inscription : (on ewer and inside lid) COLL DIVI JOHAN • CANT. Crest: (on lid, faintly stippled) a crowned lion rampant. Basin. The Basin is octagonal and is ornamented in a similar style to the ewer ; the centre is raised to receive the base of the ewer, and on either side of it is a winged amorino seated. Marks : (on the raised centre) as on ewer. Weight: 47*25 oz. Dimensions: length, \^\\ width, 13^; height, if. Inscription: (round centre) Ex DONO Edwardi VlL- LIERS, GENEROSI 167I, and COLLEGIUM DiVI JOHANNIS Cant. Arms: (on raised centre) a Cross charged with five escallops. (Beneath the dish), the Arms of the College. 61. Salver; silver, probably 17th cent. Pembroke Coll. The edge is bossed into twenty scallops, each containing a flower ; the centre boss has a fluted border, and is surrounded by a garland on which birds are perched. The decoration is beaten out from below, but the lines and the raised surfaces are enriched by tooling on the upper surface, giving a very, brilliant effect. Portuguese work, Marks: none. Weight: 28*1 oz. Ditneftsions : height, ij; diameter, i^\. Inscription: (underneath, partly illegible) Ex DONO Chr. MiLLES DE NaCKINTON ARM [.?] IN COM . . . CANTII : AuL : Pemb[roke] Co Soc : Apud Cantab : a : d. 1730- . 48 PLATE EXIIIRITTON 1 895. 62. Tankard ; silver, i 700. Trinity Coll. There is a spiral fluting round the lower part of the tankard and the edge of the lid ; an enriched band encircles the plain portion above the fluting. Marks: (on lip and on lid) D of 1699-1700; Britannia; lion's head erased ; KE with two pellets above and a star below, in a shield. Weight : 52 oz. 14 dwt. (inscribed beneath, "55:5 "). Dimensions : total height, 9f ; height of bowl, y\\ diameter of top, 6\ ; diameter of base, 6|. Inscription: (in Italian script) Ex DONO Thomae ALS- TON Armig filii natu : maximi Rowlandi Allston Baronett' de Woodhill in Com Bedford. Arms: ten estoiles 4, 3, 2, i. Crest: on a wreath a crescent with an estoile of six points. Also, the arms of the College, and : COLL : Trin : Cant. 63. Snuff Box ; silver, i 700. St Johns Coll. Marks: (on side) D of 1699-1700; Britannia; lion's head erased ; S O in an oval. Dimensions : length. 51 ; width, 4^; height, i^. Inscription: (on lid) Ex DONO Christopheri Blakis- TON L.L.B. Coll : Div : Johan : Evang: Arms: (on lid) Barry of four, in chief three cocks. Crest: a cock. 64. Mace; copper-gilt, 1625-1648. Corporation of Cambridge. A very small, but elegant municipal mace of medieval type, the handle retaining in the three projecting plates the form of the primitive head ; the shaft is surrounded by three moulded bands ; the head is of hemispherical form, broad in I. SECULAR. 49 proportion to its length ; it is divided into four sections by moulded bands connecting the shaft with the rim ; the four divisions contain the letters C R, a rose, and an arched crown ; the rim was formerly surrounded by a cresting of alternate crosses and fleur-de-lis, six of each, | in. high ; all of them are broken off or mutilated, and the plate which^ doubtless covered the head is missing. Dimensions: total length, including cresting, lO;^; length of shaft, 7f ; length of head, \\\ diameter of head, 2\\ diameter of shaft, ■^. 65. Great Mace and Rest. Corporation of Cambridge, Mace ; silver-gilt, i 7 it . A large mace with an arched crown. The head or bowl is divided into four sections by scrolls surmounted by demi- human figures; the compartments contain, (i) the rose and thistle, (2) the fleur-de-lis, (3) the harp, — each surmounted by a crown between the letters A R ; (4) the Arms of the Borough. On the cover of the head are the Royal Arms encircled by the badge and motto of the order of the Garter and surmounted by a crown between the letters A R ; below is the motto " semper EADEM." The bowl is surrounded by a cresting of alternate maltese crosses and fleur-de-lis, four of each ; the arches of the crown are perhaps later than the rest. Below the head are four grotesque brackets rising from the upper knop, which is ornamented with acanthus and laurel ; there is another knop at the middle of the shaft, and a large foot, the upper half concave, the lower half convex ; both knop and foot are ornamented with acanthus. Marks: P of 1710-1 ; lion's head erased; Britannia; Py with a crown and a rose above [for Benjamin Pyne. Cripps, 1 701]. These appear under the bowl — the lion's head twice — and on the cover; the lion's head and maker's mark are repeated on the necking, central knop, and foot, the maker's 4 50 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. mark alone on the tip of the bowl and the upper and lower parts of the shaft. Weight: (stippled inscription under the bowl, "155 17"). Total length: 52|. Arms: on cover, the Royal Arms, viz.: Quarterly, 1st and 4th, England and Scotland impaled ; 2nd, France modern ; 3rd, Ireland. Supporters : Dexter, lion crowned ; sinister, unicorn royally gorged and chained. Crown above. On bowl, arms of the Borough. Rest ; silver-gilt and iron. A forked iron support with the end made to drop into a socket ; the shaft has a small ring at the back and another at the side. In front of the fork is placed a silver-gilt escutcheon charged with the royal arms as on the Mace, with the same mottos and supporters, and having for the crest a crowned lion passant gardant on a crown surmounting a helmet. Marks : same as on Mace. Weight: (stippled inscription on back, "25-8"). This Mace and Rest were given to the town in 1710 by Samuel Shepheard, jun., Esq., of Exning, one of the Members of Parliament for the Borough. He was elected to represent the County in 1724. 66. Four Maces; silver-gilt, 1724. Corporation of Cambridge. These four smaller maces are similar in character to the great mace. They are all identical in design, date and size. One of them may be described as follows : The head is ornamented, like that of the great mace, with the Royal badges and the Arms of the Borough, but with the initials G R instead of A R. On the cover of the bowl are the Royal Arms. Marks: H of 1723 ; lion passant ; leopard's head crowned P with a crown above, in a shield of irregular shape [for I. SECULAR. 5 1 Benjamin Pyne. Cripps, 1684]. These marks are repeated on various parts. Total length : 42. Inscription: (in a cartouche on the foot, in script) The Gift of / Tho. Bacon Esq / Tho. Nutting / Mayor / 1724. Arms: (on cover) as on the great mace, except that the 4th quarter contains the arms of Hanover instead of England and Scotland impaled, and the motto below is DIEU ET MON DROIT instead of SEMPER EADEM: (engraved on foot) or a chevron gules between three trefoils slipped. Thomas Bacon, by whom these four Maces were given, was one of the Members of Parliament for the Borough till his death in 1736. The mention of Thomas Nutting in the inscription merely indicates that he was Mayor at the time. 67. Tankard; silver, 1702. Kings Coll. A large plain tankard with a thumb-piece in the form of a lion couchant. Marks: (on rim and lid) year letter of 1701-2 ; lion's head erased ; Britannia ; L E. Weight: (inscribed underneath, "42 • 12"). Dimensions : total height, 8J ; height of vessel, 5|. Inscription: (in Roman capitals) EX DONO JOSEPHO HERNE 1701 : Arms: (on vessel) a chevron ermine between three storks. Crest: a stork's head erased ducally gorged. (On lid) the arms of the College. 68. Tankard ; silver, i 706. Sidney Sussex Coll. There are plain mouldings round the base and lip. Marks: L of 1706-7; lion's head erased; Britannia; S P with pellet above and below. Weight: 23-17 oz. 4-2 52 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. Dimensions: height to top of thumb-piece, 7| ; height to rim, 5f ; diameter of cup, 6{ ; diameter of foot, 5. Inscription: Ex DONO Radulphi Cromwell Comen- SALIS. Arms: (on one side) the arms of the College with : COLL. SID. below. (Opposite) a shield bearing a lion rampant. 69. Ewer; silver, 1707. Pembroke Coll. A helmet-shaped ewer with Rococo ornament. Marks: L of 1706-7 ; Britannia ; lion's head erased ; M A with a crown above and a mullet below. Weight: 50-25 oz. (inscribed " 51. : 18"). Inscription: Ex DONO RiCHARDI Belward Aul : PEMB : COMMENSALIS. 70. Beaker; silver, 1711. Pembroke Coll. Marks: P of 1710-1 ; Britannia; lion's head erased; S:H with a pellet above and below in a lozenge [for Alice Sheene. Cripps]. Weight: 14-5 oz. (inscribed " 18°^ : 17^^'"). Dimensions : height, 4| ; diameter at lip, 3f ; diameter at foot, 3|. Inscription: (below shield) Gault : ROWLAND / Canham : 1656 : D. Arms: (on one side of cup) Quarterly of nine: ist, on a chevron three estoiles ; 2nd, a cross fleur-de-lisee over all a bend, thereon three buckles ; 3rd, (undecipherable, probably a wreath); 4th, a bend ragule between two garbs; 5th, a bend between three estoiles ; 6th, a chevron between three sinister hands appaume ; 7th, a fess between six fleurs-de-lis ; 8th, a trellis and a canton ermine; 9th, a chevron between three rabbits. (On opposite side) the arms of the College and : "Aul : Pemb : Cant." i. . secular. 53 71. Snuffers' Tray; silver, 17 15. Pembroke Coll, An oblong tray on four feet and with handles. Marks: (in dish) T of 1 7 14-5 ; Britannia; lion's head erased ; A Ne (for Anthony Nelme. Cripps, under 1700). Weight: 7*19 oz. Dimensions : length, 7 ; width, 3 J. Inscription : Ex BONO Fl Fl / MuNDY DE / Markeaton / IN AGRO / DeRBIENSI / ArMIGERI / FILII NATU MAXIMI / AuL Pemb Commensalis. Anns: (on dexter side of inscription) a shield of arms, probably of donor : In chief three birds' claws. (On sinister side) the arms of the College. 72. Cup and Cover; silver, 1716. Pembroke ColL A two-handled cup with plain mouldings round the middle and round the rim of the cover; on the top of the cover is a dolphin. Marks: V of 17 15-6; Britannia; lion's head erased; [mark of David Willaume. Cripps, 1706]. Weight : 6 1 '40 oz. Dimensions: height of cup, 7|; height of cover, 4|f ; diameter at lip, 6 ; diameter at foot, 4J. Inscription : (on side of cup, in script) Ex DONO GUILIELMI GoDOLPHiN Armigeri, Aula Fembroc. / Commensalis, FiLii Natu Maximi, Francisci Godolphin / Armigeri, SiLUORUM Insularum Prefecti, 171 2. Arms: (above inscription) a double-headed eagle dis- played between three fleurs-de-lis. (On the other side) the arms of the College, with " Pem. Hall." 54 plate exhibition 1 895. 73. Cup and Cover ; silver-gilt, c. i 7 i 7. Clare Coll. Known as the " Tipping Cup." A two-handled cup ; the lower part of the bowl and the cover are ornamented with stiff foliage in applique work ; the knop of the cover and the foot are gadrooned. Marks: none. Weight: 39 oz. Dimensions: total height, 8^; height of vessel, 5 J ; diame- ter of bowl, 5 J ; diameter of foot, 3 J. Inscription: (on bowl, in script) Ex DoNO Thomae Tipping / Armig. 17 17. Arms: (above the foregoing) on a bend engrailed three pheons. Crest: a goat's head issuing out of a crown. (On base) the College arms, and : COLL : CLARE / CANT : 74. Salt; silver, 1718. Gonville and Caius Coll. Small octagonal salt with oval depression. One of a set of six. Marks: B of 17 17-8; Britannia; lion's head erased; Bi, in Gothic characters, with a trefoil above and a pellet below. Weight: the weights of the six salts are inscribed on the bottoms of the pieces. They vary from 3 oz. 14 dwt. to 3 oz. 17 dwt. Dimensions : height, i inch ; length of top, 2^ ; length of base, 2\. Inscription: (on one side) In USUM CUSTODI COLL. GoNv. & Caius. Arms: (on opposite side) these are presumably those of the donor. They are much obliterated, but appear to consist of impaled arms having in the dexter side a chevron charged with a roundel, and on the sinister, a fess with other bearings which are undecipherable. There is a set of spoons, one of which is modern, belonging to the salts ; they are not marked. I. SECULAR. 55 75. Mug; silver, 1720. Pembroke Coll. Marks: D of 1719-20; Britannia; lion's head erased; S L [for Gabriel Sleath]. Weight : 14 oz. (inscribed " 16 oz. : 13 dw."). ^ Dimensions : height, 4| ; diameter at lip, 3y^^ ; diameter at foot, 3|. Inscription: (in front) AUL : PEMB : Rl : VENABLES : DEBIT. 16 oz. : 13 dw. Arms: (above inscription) two shields, one charged with the College arms ; the other : Barry of five. 76. Salt; silver, 1721. Pembroke ColL Circular, without any ornament. Marks: E of 1720-1 ; Britannia; lion's head erased; Fl with crown over [for Wm Fleming. Cripps, 17 15]. Weight: 2*6 oz. Dimensions : height, ij; diameter, 2|f. Inscriptions: nearly obliterated (on one side) Ex DONO lOHN GOUGH. (Opposite) Pemb. 77. Cup; silver, 1722. Pembroke ColL A two-handled cup of the Britannia standard after it had ceased to be compulsory. Marks: F of 172 1-2; lion's head erased; Britannia; FA [for William Fawdery. Cripps]. Weight: 1 1*44 oz. (inscribed "pr. 23 : 15 "). Dimensions : height, 3f ; diameter at lip, 4^ ; diameter at base, 3| ; depth of bowl, 2|. Inscription: Ex DONO Tho : Chiffinch F'lLIJ UNICI Tho : Chiffinch Armigeri de Northflret {sic^ in Com : Cant : Aul : Pemb : Commensalis. 56 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. Arms: (on one side) the arms of the College and : AUL PEMB. (On the other side) a shield bearing, or, in a chief embattled three lions' heads affrontees. Crest : a demi-dragon coupee carrying a key. 78. Beaker; silver, 1723. Pembroke Coll. A heavy cup, made of the Britannia standard two years after it had ceased to be compulsory. Marks: G of 1722-3; Britannia; lion's head erased; [maker, Gabriel Sleath]. Weight: 18*57 oz. Dimensions : height, 5^^ ; internal diameter at top, 3^ ; ditto at bottom, 4. Inscription: Hoc & ALTERUM IDEM POCULUM DONO DEDiT Joannes Thom's / de Tremaine in agro Cornu- BIENSI ArMIGER / HUJUSCE COLLEGIJ COMENSALIS / ANNO Dni (1785). Arms: per pale nebule, argent and azure. (On opposite side) the arms of the College and : AUL : PEMB : Cant : 79. Punch Strainer; silver, 1727. Pembroke Coll. Marks: L of 1726-7. London Assay Office. S.*L [(.?) Sleath]. Weight: 4*15 oz. Inscribed on handles, PEMB : AUL : 80. Sauce Boat ; silver, 1 729. St John's Coll. Marks: year letter of 1728-9; [maker, Gabriel Sleath]. London Assay. Weight: (inscribed) 14 oz. 2 dwt. Inscription: "The gift of John Searl, FelL-Commr." I. SECULAR. 57 81. Fork ; silver, 1 734. Jesus Coll. Marks: S of 1733-4; leopard's head crowned; lion passant. P H with acorn above (Paul Hanet. See Cripps, 1725). Weight: (inscribed 44 : 10; probably the weight of the set). Inscription: (round handle) Ex • BONO • JOHANNIS • Merrill • Arm • Coll • Jesu • Cant • commensalis • AM • 1735. Arms: (on back of handle) the arms of the College. (On front) or a bend gules, in chief a cross crosslet. 82. Salt ; silver, i 734. Trinity Coll. " The four arms are common to salts of this period, and were inserted for the purpose of supporting a napkin to preserve the salt from dirt or from the possible introduction of poison." (Cripps, Old English Plate.) Marks: S of I y ^^-4. London Assay Office. F S. Weight: 91 oz. i dwt. (College books); (inscribed under 920. 15 d.) Dimensions : total height, 8| ; height of vessel, 6| ; total diameter, 9J ; diameter of hollow, 5 J ; depth of hollow, 2\. Inscriptions : (on top) Ex DONO JAC. DUPORT S. T. P. in usum mensae Vice Magistrl (Below) : e^^ere ev eavToi^; a\a^ Kat eiprfvevere ev aWrjXot^. Arms: (on left-hand side) the arms of the College. (On right) the arms of the donor : Per chevron embattled, in chief, a crescent and estoile, in base, a lion rampant. Above, a crest. r 58 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 83. Knife; silver handle, c. 1735. Jesus ColL Weight: inscribed "44-10," probably referring to the set. Length: total loj; length of handle, 3J. hiscription: Ex • DONO . JOHANNIS • MERRILL • ARM • COLL • Jesu • Cant • commensalis • & a • m • 1735. Arms : (on handle) on one side the College arms ; on the other those of the donor. • 84. Muffineer; silver, 1727. Jesus Coll. Marks: L of 1726-7 ; lion passant ; leopard's head crowned ; T. B. in an oval. (The lion and maker's mark are repeated on the cap.) Height: 8}. Inscribed : COLL : JESU : CANTAB : 85. Muffineer; silver, 1737. Jesus Coll. Marks: A of 1736-7; leopard's head crowned; lion passant. Height: 8f. Inscribed : COLL : JESU CANTAB : 86. Muffineer; silver, 1739. Jesus Coll. Marks: C of 1738-9; leopard's head crowned; lion passant; WS. The lion and maker's mark are repeated on the sprinkler. Height: 6|. Inscribed : COLL : JESU : CANTAB : SECULAR. 59 87. Muffineer; silver, 1784. Jesus Coll, Marks: (on foot) H of 1783-4; lion passant; [leopard's head crowned, nearly obliterated] ; T D in an oval. (The lion passant and maker's mark are repeated on the cap.) Height: 7f. Inscription: (on bowl, in script) Dedit IN USUM Mensa [Sociorum.?] / [Jacobus..?] Winstanley de [Brans- ton.?] / IN COMITATU LeICESTRIAE ArMIGER. Arms: (on neck) the arms of the College with : COLL JESU above and a shield bearing : Barry of four, on a chief three crosses pattee. Crest : (over 2nd shield) obliterated. The inscription has been partly obliterated. 88. Muffineer; silver, 1784. Jesus Coll. Marks : as last piece. Height: 6f. Inscription and arms : as last piece. 89. Standing Cup and Cover; silver, 1740. Clare Coll. Known as the " Ashburnham Cup." A two-handled cup by Paul Lamerie. The handles formed of two female figures of bold design. Inside of bowl gilt. Marks: D of 1739-40. London Assay Office. [Maker, Paul Lamerie]. W eight \ 9075 oz. Dimensions: total height, 14^; height of vessel, 8f ; depth of bowl, 6J ; diameter of bowl, 6|; diameter of foot, 5f. Inscription: (on bowl) THE GIFT OF JOHN Earl OF Ashburnham to Clare Hall in Cambridge 1744. Achievement of arms: (on bowl) gules a fess argent between six mullets. Supporters: Two greyhounds collared. Over the shield, an earl's coronet. (On the opposite side of the bowl) the College Arms. 6o PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 90. Standing Cup and Cover; silver, 1746. Clare Coll. Two-handled cup with ornament of fruit and foliage. Marks: K of 1745-6. London Assay Office. E G [for El. Godfrey. Cripps]. Weight: 59-85 oz. Dimensions : total height, I2|; height of vessel, 8 ; depth of bowl, 6J ; diameter of bowl, 6J ; diameter of foot, 4f . Inscription: (on cover, in Roman capitals) Ex DONO Tho. Pelham Arm. hujus Coll : commensalis. Arms: (on bowl) the College Arms and the inscription, Coll sive Aula de Clare. (On the side of bowl) Quarterly: 1st and 4th, arg. three pelicans vulning themselves; 2nd and 3rd, gules two buckles in pale. Motto: ViNCiT Amor Patriae. (On the cover) : the Buckle of the Pelhams. 91. Salt; silver, 1752. Jesus Coll Marks: Q of 175 1-2 ; leopard's head crowned; lion passant. Dh and above, a fleur-de-lis (.?). Dimensions : height, 2 ; diameter of bowl, 2\ ; diameter of base, 2\ ; depth of bowl, i. Inscription, (round bowl and under base): COLL • Jesu • Cant • 92. Jug; silver, 1755. Jesus Coll. The body of the jug is covered with repousse foliage and a leaf ornament surrounds the upper part of the foot Marks: T of 1754-5; leopard's head crowned; lion passant. J R with a star above (as in Cripps, 1744). Weight: 36*45 oz. I. SECULAR. 6 1 Dimensions', height, iif ; diameter, 5 ; diameter of mouth, 3i ; depth, 6. Inscription: (below dexter shield) Henricus Annesley WooDHAM, A. B. / Bercestriensis Socio Commensalis / 1839. SOCIUS 1841. (Below sinister shield of arms) Henricus HOTHAM SUFFOLCIENSIS / SOCIO COMMENSALIS / 184O. Arms: (in front) the Arms of the College with: "Coll • Jesu • Cantab." (On dexter side) gules a chevron arg. between three roses seeded. Crest: a stag's head erased between two roses. (On sinister side) barry of ten arg. and az. in a canton or a bird. Crest: a demi-man coupe naked, bearing in his sinister hand a shield with a miniature representation of the above arms and in his dexter a sword. 93. Fish Knife; silver, 1773. Trinity Hall. It has a pierced trowel-shaped blade with very delicate scroll work. The handle is connected with the blade by a dolphin ; it is twisted, and is partly ivory, partly silver. Marks: (under blade) R of 1772-3; lion passant; leopard's head crowned. W • P (for Wm. Plummer, entered, 1755. Cripps). Inscriptions: (under blade) the College arms, and"AUL TRIN CANT." 94. Standing Cup and Cover; silver, 1777. St Johns Coll. The lower part of the bowl and the stem, base and cover are ornamented with acanthus ; the upper part of the bowl with festoons supported by two circular medallions containing shields of arms ; the handles are formed of twisted serpents. Marks: A of ijyG-y \ leopard's head crowned; lion T ^ passant; f^ * [for John Wakelin, William Taylor]. 62 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. Dimensions: total height, 15 ; height of cup, io|; diameter of cup, 6f ; diameter of foot, 4J ; depth of cup, 7J. Inscription: (below the arms of the College) DONO DEDIT Petrus Burrell a. m. / A.D. 1777. Arms: (on one medallion) the arms of the College. (On the other) : Vert, three shields arg. a bordure engrailed. 96. . Tea Caddies ; silver, i 764. Clare Coll. A set of three Tea Caddies in a shagreen case with silver mounting. Marks: h of 1763-4; lion passant; leopard's head crowned. (Maker, Pierre Gillois. See Cripps, 1757.) The marks are not repeated on the mountings of the case, biit the maker s mark and lion passant appear on the lid. Height: (i)4|. (2) Si- (3)5- Weight: (i) 7*85 oz. (2) 9*55 oz. (3) 7*85 oz. Inscriptions : AUL : Clar : Cant : Dedit Johannes Hobart Baronettus hujus Collegii Nobilis 1 7 10. Arms: on one side the College arms. Opposite: On a flanched shield, the Ranches ermine, a star of six points ; above, the hand of Ulster. 96. Snuffers' Tray ; silver, i 786. Pembroke Coll. Marks: K of 1785-6; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; king's head ; R • H [for Robert Hennel]. Weight: 4*02 oz. Dimensions : length, 8| ; width, 3f . Inscription, (in script underneath) : AUL. Pemb. I. SECULAR. 63 97. Salt Cellar; parcel-gilt, 1787. Pembroke Coll. A boat-shaped salt on a spreading foot. Marks: L of 1786-7; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; king's head ; R • H in an oval [for Robert Hennell. Cripps]. Weight : 3*12 oz. Inscription: (round base, in script) Ex DONO Arthuri Robinson Chauvel LLB Socio Commensalis 1788. Arms: (on the bowl) the arms of the College and "AUL. Pemb." 98. Sugar Castor, Cover and Sifter ; silver, 1789. Jesus Coll. Circular, on a square plinth. Marks: (on plinth) I of 1784-5 ; leopard's head crowned ; lion passant ; king's head ; I K. The lion passant and maker's mark are repeated on the cover. Dimensio7is : total height, 6| ; height of vessel, 4^ ; depth, 34 ; diameter, 3^. Inscription: (in script on cover) COLL. JES. CANT. Arms : on the bowl are the arms of the College. Sifter. f^' Marks: N of 1788-9 ; sovereign's head ; W • S in an oval ; [no leopard's head]. Length : 4^. Inscription : (in script) jES. COLL. Cant. 64 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 99. Salt; silver, 1791. Jesus ColL Marks: P of 1790-1 ; leopard's head crowned; lion pas- sant ; sovereign's head ; A. P. Dimensions : height (in middle), 2 ; at ends, 2f ; length of bowl, 4| ; breadth of bowl, 2^ ; length of base, 2| ; breadth of base, if; depth of bowl, i. Inscription : (on side in script) Ex DONO Thomae TURTON / BeRKERIENSIS / SOCIO COMIVTENSALIS. (On base) Coll. Jes. Cant. Arms: (opposite inscription) the arms of the College. 100. Snuffers' Tray ; silver, i 793. Pembroke Coll. Marks: (underneath) R of 1792-3; leopard's head crowned ; lion passant ; sovereign's head. H C. Weight: 37 oz. Dimensions: length, 9|; width, 3j^ ; height, i to if. Inscription : (underneath in script) Ex DONO Thomae Alday Kerrison Armigeri Aul : Pemb : Cant : Soc : COMMENS. 1792. Arms: (in centre) a lion rampant impaled with the arms of the College. 101. Salt; silver. Clare Coll. Marks : lion's head erased. Dimensions : height 3|; diameter, exterior, 5!; interior, 3; diameter of base, 5f ; depth of bowl, \. Weight: 16*89 ^z. Inscriptions: Ex DONO JOHANNI LiND... 24-10. Arms: (i.) coat of arms obliterated. (2.) The College arms, between : AUL. Clare. I. SECULAR. 65 102. Tankard ; silver. Queens Coll. The lower part of the bowl and the lid are ornamented with acanthus in applique work, and with gadrooning round the foot and the rim of the lid. r Marks: Weight: 38-15. Inscription: Ex DONO JACOBI FORTREY ArmiGERL Arms: the arms of the College, with COLL. Regin. ; and a shield bearing : Three boars' heads. Crests : two wings ; and the arms of the College (third shield) as a crest. 103. Toaster; silver, 1701. Queens' Coll. A silver rack hanging from the end of a long handle of wood, and turning on a joint so that by turning the handle either side of the bread may be exposed to the fire. Marks: E of 1700-1 (very doubtful); Britannia; lion's head erased ; A.Ne, the A and N in monogram [for Anthony Nelme. Cripps....]. Dimensions : total length, 43I ; length of handle, 35. Inscription: (on the rack, in script) Ex DONO JOHANNIS Courtenay ffilij / Natu maximi Johannis- Courtenay DE West Moland in Comitatu Devon / Armigeri. 104. Beaker; silver, 1718. Jesus Call Marks: B of 17 17-8; lion's head erased; Britannia; SL with a pellet above [for Gabriel Sleath. Cripps, 17 10]. Weight: 12-4 oz. Dimensions : height, 4J ; diameter of lip, 4 ; diameter of foot, 3}. Inscribed, COLL JESU cant. 5 66 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 105. MoNTEiTH ; SILVER, 1 723. Clare Coll. The bowl is plain with drop-handles hanging from human heads. The rim is moveable and has ten escallops. Marks: G of 1722-3; lion's head erased; Britannia; A.Ne, the A and N in monogram [for Anthony Nelme. Cripps....]. Weight: inscribed under foot " 1392". Dimensions: total height, 10^; height of bowl, 8| ; depth of bowl, 6f ; diameter of rim, 14J ; diameter of lip (outside), 13 ; diameter of foot, 8f . Inscription: (on bowl) Ded. praenob. domin. Geor. Parker fil. unic. honoratis. Thom. comit. de Maccles- field Magnae Britan. summi cancellaril (and on opposite side of bowl) : COLLEGIUM SIVE DOMUS SIVE AULA de Clare. Arms: (on bowl) Quarterly, ist and 4th, quarterly, first and fourth gu. a chevron or between three leopards' heads ; second and third, barry of five arg. and az., in chief two mullets ; 2nd and 3rd sa., a bend arg. between three spear heads. Motto : sapere AUDE. Above the shield a Viscount's coronet. (On the opposite side of the bowl) the arms of the College. 106. Snuffers and Tray; silver, 1725. Clare Coll. Marks: (on snuffers) H of 1723-4 ; lion passant ; leopard's head crowned ; IG as a monogram in a heart-shaped sinking; (on tray) I of 1724-5 ; other marks as on the snuffers. Inscription: (on snuffers, in script) Ex DONO Jacobi Darcy. I. SECULAR. 67 Anns: (on snuffers and tray) the arms of the College with the words : AUL DE CLARE ; and the arms of the donor : Quarterly, ist and 4th, crusilly three roses; 2nd and 3rd, three bars with three mullets. Motto: UNO DIEU ET UNO ROY. 107. Salt; silver, 1732. Emmanuel Coll. A trencher salt, of an irregular octagonal form, inscribed EM : COLL: Marks: Q of 173 1-2; leopard's head crowned; lion passant ; RW with a star below (as in Cripps, 1696). Weight: 4*05 oz. Dimensions: height, i{; diameter of base, 2|f. 108. Beaker ; silver, 1 744. Magdalene Coll. A cylindrical beaker with a slightly expanded lip and a broad band of stippling round the centre. Marks: H of 1743-4; leopard's head crowned; lion passant ; TW in script in an oblong sinking [for Thomas Whipham, entered 1739. Cripps, 1756]. Weight: 14*14 oz. Dimensions : height, 5 ; diameter of bowl, 3J ; diameter of lip, 3J- Inscriptions: (round lower part of bowl, in script) Ex Dong Gulielmi Hide Hujus Collegij Commensalis. (and in Roman) COLL : MAG : CAM : 109. Case of Knives and Forks; 1755. Clare Coll. A shagreen case containing a dozen knives and forks. Given to the College by H. Townshend in 1755 and en- graved with his arms, viz.: a chevron ermine between three escallops. • 5-3 f 68 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 110. Cream Jug; silver, 1761. Queens ColL The jug is helmet shaped ; the body and foot are orna- mented with gadroons and the lip has a cable moulding with foliage beneath. Marks: E of 1 760-1 ; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; P.P with a star above (for P^z6 Pilleau. Cripps, 1745). Weight : 1 9*42 oz. Dimensions : height, to top of handle, 6J ; height of stem, if ; diameter of foot, 4f. Arms: the arms of the College (fourth shield), and: COLL. Regin.; below is a shield bearing: Quarterly, ist and 4th, arg. on a chief or, three martlets; 2nd and 3rd, gules a chevron ermine between three pine-apples ; with DW in script on either side. 111. Salt ; silver, i 769. Emmanuel ColL A boat-shaped salt on a foot. Marks: N of 1768-9; leopard's head crowned; lion passant. Weight: 5*35 oz. (inscribed " 5-1 1|"). Length: 4|. Inscription : (in Roman capitals) Almo Collegio a momanvelensi Martinus Folkes arm. Dono Debit mdcclxix. Arms: on one side, the arms of the College; on the other, Quarterly, ist and 4th, per pale... and gu., a fleur-de-lis; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a crescent, in chief a label of three points for difference. Crest: an arm embowed, holding a spear orna- mented with tassels. Motto: SeRVARE MODUM. I. SECULAR. 69 112. Bowl; silver, 1670. Magdalene Coll. A two-handled bowl with applique work of upright leaves, the handles being surmounted by crowned heads of bold design. On the cover stands the figure of a bird 3f high. The great weight of this piece of plate, in proportion to its size, is very remarkable. Marks: M of 1669-70 ; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; TM above a coronet (as in Cripps, 1669). Weight: bowl, 96*35 oz.; cover, 3375 oz.; total, 130*1 oz. Dimensions : total height, 1 2\ ; height of bowl, 7f ; dia- meter of bowl, 9j ; diameter of foot, 6|. Inscription: (in script) Ex DONG NOBILISSIMI lACOBI Bertie / Baronis Norreys de Rycot et filii Monta- CUTII / NUPER COMITIS DE LiNDSEY MAGNI CAMERARII Angliae &c. Arms: (on the bowl) Quarterly of twelve: ist, three battering rams ; 2nd, a fret; 3rd, a cross fleury; 4th, a cross engrailed ; 5th, in a chief three martlets ; 6th, quarterly, first and fourth [plain], second and third, a fret ; over all a fess ; 7th, barry nebulee ; 8th, semee de lis a lion rampant, 9th, quarterly, first and fourth [plain], second and third, gu. in dexter chief a mallet; lOth, a lion rampant; nth, barry undee ; 12th, two bars gemelles. Supporters: Dexter, a palmer proper ; sinister, a salvage man, wreathed round his head and loins. Crest: out of an Earl's coronet, a vizored ) helm surmounted by a bearded and crowned head couped. Motto : Virtus ariete fortior. (On the cover) the arms of the College, with the inscription : Mag : COLL : CANT : 113. Urn; silver, 1778. St Johns Coll. The lower part of the vessel and the top and foot are ornamented with gadrooning ; the upper part of the vessel with garlands and medallions containing mythological subjects. The tap is in the form of a .dolphin issuing from bulrushes. 70 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. The handles are each formed of two serpents entwined. The cover is modern. Marks: B of 1777-8; London assay ; WH. Dhnensmts: total height, 2i|; height of vessel, I5f; depth of urn, 9| ; diameter, 8. Inscription : (on foot, in script) DONO DEDIT HONORAB. lOHAN Stuart / comitis de Bute Filius natu max^ 1795- Arms: arms of the College, and a shield bearing: Or a fess cheeky, arg. and az., a double tressure flory counterflory. Above, a Viscount's coronet. Supporters : Dexter, a horse rampant, bridled ; sinister, a stag rampant. Motto : AviTO viret honore. 114. Vase and Cover ; silver, i 789. Pembroke Coll. An urn-shaped vase with two handles. Marks : (under foot) N of 1788-9 ; leopard's head crowned ; lion passant ; king's head ; H C in an oblong sinking. (The last three marks are repeated on the cover.) Weight: 36' 13 oz. Dimemions: total height, 14J; diameter, 5|. Inscription: (on base) Thomas Coney, LLB. Aul: PExM. Commen. Soc. D.D. 1789. Arms : (on bowl) Quarterly, ist and 4th, sa. a fess cotised between three conies ; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a bend between three fleurs-de-lis. Crest: (on cover) a demi-coney couped, collared, holding a flower. 115. Urn and Teapot with Stand; silver, 1794. Queens Coll. Urn. Marks: S of 1793-4; sovereign's head; leopard's head crowned ; lion passant , H C in an oval. I. SECULAR. 7J Weight: 43*95 oz. Dimensions : height, 1 3f ; depth, 6|. Crest: (on bowl and lid) boar's head (the charges of the third shield of the College used as a crest) with the inscription " Col. Regin." Teapot. Marks: as on urn. Weight: 21*9 oz. Height: 6\. Crest: as on urn. Stand. Marks: as on urn. Weight: 573 oz. Height: \, Crest: as on urn. 116. Tobacco Pipe; silver mountings, i8th cent. Emmanuel Coll. The bowl and stem are of wood ornamented with silver scrolls. There is a long silver mouth-piece, and a tobacco stopper attached to the bowl by a chain. The pipe is said to have belonged to Dr Parr. Marks : none. Length: I3|. 117. Decanter Crook; silver mountings, i8th cent. Magdalene Coll. A crook formed of three chamois horns, mounted in metal \} silver] and with a wooden handle. Used for pulling or pushing a decanter at table. Marks: none. Total length: 35^. 72 plate exhibition 1 895. 118. Seal-headed Spoon; silver, 1547. King's Coll. Marks: I of 1546-7 [doubtful] ; lion passant; [one mark illegible]. Length: 6f. I • C Inscription: COLL : REGAL. (On seal, stippled) .x-^-c- • 119. Seal-headed Spoon; silver, 1590. Trinity Hall. Marks : (in bowl) leopard's head crowned ; (on stem) M of 1589-90 ; lion passant ; a crescent and star in a circle (as in Cripps, 1590). Length: 6|. Inscription: (on stem, stippled) Agnes • Byllyng • almes- WOMAN. 120. Seal-headed Spoon ; parcel-gilt, early i 7th CENT. Mr Munsey. Marks: none. Length: 6|. w.p Inscribed on seal (stippled): I • B. 1622 The handle is possibly modern. 121. Seal-headed Spoon; parcel-gilt, early 17th CENT. Mr Munsey. Marks : (in bowl) leopard's head crowned (?). Length : 6J. Inscribed on seal (in stippling): \ ^. 1 Jj I. SECULAR. 7^ 122. Spoon; silver, 1707. Trinity Coll. A rat-tail spoon ; the stem, handle and rat's-tail are engraved with heads, flowers and fruit (The handle has perhaps been re-engraved.) Marks: L of 1706-7; lion's head erased; Britannia; G L with two pellets above and one below, in a shield. Weight: i oz. 15 dwt. (College Plate-book). Length: 7 J. Inscription: (on handle) TRIN : / COLL : / BACC : / 1852. 123. Spoon ; silver, i 709. Clare ColL Marks: N of 1708-9; lion's head erased ; Britannia; M E with two sickles above, and over these a sheaf of corn [as in Cripps, 17 10]. Weight: (inscribed on stem, "7 : 12"). Length: 16^. Inscription: (in script) Ex DONO HONORABILIS DN' Thomae Prendergast Bar : Aulae Clar : nobilis. Arms: (on bowl, dexter) gu. a saltire vairy or and az., in the fess point on a scutcheon of pretence the badge of Ulster. Motto : VINCIT VERITAS. (Sinister) the arms of the College. Crest : (on back of handle) a stag trippant. 124. Spoon ; silver, i 709. Mr Munsey, A rat-tail spoon. Marks ; N of 1 708-9 ; London assay ; G R with two pellets above and crescent below, in a shaped shield. Length: 8|. Inscribed on handle, I^ E. 74 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 125. Spoon; silver, 171 i. Mr Munsey. A rat-tail spoon. Marks: P of 1710-1 ; London assay; DA, with two pellets above and one below. Length: I4|. Monogram recently inscribed on handle, GB. 126. Spoon; silver, 1714. Mr Munsey. A rat-tail spoon. Marks: S of 17 13-4; London assay. Length: 7f. Crest on handle obliterated. 127. Spoon; silver, 1739 [?]. Trinity Hall. A rat-tail spoon. Marks: (on stem) C of 1738-9 (?) ; lion passant ; leopard's head crowned ; [another mark illegible]. Length: 7f. Inscription : (under handle) N^ : 7. : 2 : 2 ; and the College Arms. 128. Spoon ; silver, i 760. Queens Coll. Marks: D of 1759-60; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; I • T. Weight: 2*14 oz. Length : total, 8 ; of bowl, 3. Inscription: (on back of bowl, under a fleur-de-lis) Ex DONO / Georgii Birch / Armigeri / Socio / Commensa- LIS / DE HARBOURN / IN AGRO StAFFORDIENSI ; and down the handle : COLL. Regin. Cantab. Crest: an eagle volant in a coronet. I. SECULAR. 75 129. Spoon ; silver, i 763. Queens Coll. Marks: G of 1762-3; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; W * T in an engrailed border (as in Cripps, ....). Weight: 3-25. , Length: lof. Arms: (on back of handle) the arms of the College (third shield) with the date 1763 inscribed. 130. Cake-basket ; silver, early i 8th cent. Pembroke Coll. Open-work basket with drop-handles. Marks : Britannia ; crowned harp ; I C with a star between. Weight: 42 oz. Dimensions: length, 14; width, \\\\ height, 3 J. 131. Coffee Pot; silver, 1704. Lender, Anonymous. The vessel is ornamented with scrolls, foliage and birds, the ground being covered with coarse stippling. The spout is in the form of a dragon's head. The lid is domical with a plain vase-shaped finial, its ornament is like that on the bowl, but is inferior in character ; it is perhaps of later date ; it has a thumb-piece ornamented with a scroll. The handle is of later date and is decorated with foliage. Marks: (on vessel) H of 1703-4; lion's head erased; Britannia; [maker's mark illegible]. (On handle) lion passant ; king's head ; [maker's mark illegible, probably WB or WH]. Weight: 31*45 oz. (scratched on the bottom, "28 : 08 : 00 "). Dimensions: total height, 9^ ; height of vessel, 7 ; diameter at top, 3 ; diameter at bottom, 4|: 76 plate exhibition 1 895. 132. Cup and Cover; gold, 1773. Peterhouse. A small cup on a high fluted stem. The bowl and cover are ornamented with festoons of fruit ; the cover has a plain knop. Marks: R of 1772-3; leopard's head crowned; lion passant; I • Y (as in Cripps, 1775). Weight: 18-65 oz. Dimensions : total height, 1 1 ; height of vessel, 8^ ; depth of bowl, 3 ; diameter of bowl, 3^ ; diameter of foot, 3|^. Inscription : Domo Petrensi carissimge Alvmno ei a fidelissimo Gvlielmo Browne, nvnc milite Medentivm patre a prteside Sodilitate et ex Kegia Datur leve hocce mvnvscvlvm Et, qvod apprime convenit Medentis artem qui hie havserat, Salvtis vt sit hoc pocvlvm. Medentis est salvtem dare. Lati ex Canarinis insvlis Bibant meri qvantvm svfiicit Magister et pares singvli. Perenne sic sit collegivm Precante iambo et dactylo TeXos oXojs TreXei -KavTO. 7e Comitiis A S mdcclxxiii ^tatis xixc The following free rendering of this inscription is by A. W. Verrall, Litt.D., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College. To Peterhouse a faithful son Approves his love by this guerdon. To 'William Browne,' whilome his name, He added knighthood, style and fame Of Royal Fellowship, and part Of Father in the Healing Art; And (chiefly this doth now appear) He drank the lore of healing here^ vSo gives this 'health-cup,' with the will Hereby to do his office still. I. SECULAR. "l*] Canary wine the potion be, And quantum stiff, the quantity; Master and Brethren in rotation Shall pledge the health of this foundation, And say withal (to round the metre) *Long live the Ancient House of Peter.' Arms: Two cross keys in saltire. Above the shield a sunT and a chalice, and between them the word HINC. On a riband below : Alm^ MATRIS NVTRIX PRIMA. On the opposite side of bowl : a double-headed eagle displayed on a helmet. On a riband below Principias OBSTA. Sir William Browne was bom in 1692, educated at Peterhouse, President of College of Physicians 1765, 1766, died 1774. 133. Cup and Cover; silver, 1775. Queens ColL ' The cup has two handles ; the finial of the cover is in the form of a pine-apple. Marks: S of 1774-5 ; leopard's head crowned; lion pas- sant ; W • C. Weight: 36" i oz. Inscription: DoNO DEBIT HONORABILIS Carolus Her- VEV / HONORATISSIMI COMITIS DE BRISTOL / FiLIUS NaTU QUINTUS 1727. Arms: (on side of cup) the arms of the College (fourth shield) with : COLL. REGIN. CANTAB, (and opposite) Gu. on a bend arg. three trefoils slipped. Motto : JE n'oublieray JAMAIS. (On cover) the College arms (third shield) as a crest ; (opposite) a leopard passant holding a trefoil slipped in its dexter paw. 134. Fish Slice; silver, 1795. Queens Coll. Marks: (on back of blade) year letter of 1794; London assay ; M ' P. Weight: 7 29 oz. Dimensions: total length, iif ; length of handle, 5f; breadth of blade, 3. Arms: the arms of the College (third shield) with the inscription COL : Regin. 78 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 135. Candlestick; silver, 1691. Pembroke Coll. The stem is in the form of a column with cabled flutes ; the hand-guard is octagonal, as is also the foot, which is wide spreading with invected and moulded ornament. Marks: N of 1690-1 ; London assay; T A with a fleur- de-lis above and three pellets below, in a circle. Weight: 14*9502. Dimensions : height, 8f ; diameter of foot, 6f . Arms: (on foot) A fess ermine between three crescents, a roundel for difference. Crest: a cock, on an esquire's helmet. 136. Candlestick ; silver, i 7 i 7. Queens Coll. This is baluster shaped and has an octagonal foot and a circular nozzle. Marks: (under foot) A of 1716-7, London assay; Gr with crown above. Weight: 13-3302. Dimensions : height, 7^ ; diameter of foot, 4|. Arms: (on foot and nozzle) the arms of the College (third shield) and Queen's Colledge ; opposite the College arms is an oval medallion containing a monogram. 137. Candlestick; 1718. Queens Coll. A copy on a smaller scale of No. 136. Marks: B of 17 17-8; London assay; S L with pellet below (for Sleath. Cripps, 17 10). Weight: 3*06 oz. Dimensions: height, 4/^; diameter of foot, 3. Crest : (on foot) the College arms (third shield) used as a crest. I. SECULAR. 79 138. Taper Candlestick; silver, 1729. S^ Johns Coll. Marks: N of 1728-9 ; London assay ; M & C. r Height: 4f Inscription: COLL : DIVI : JOH : CANT. 139. Candlestick; silver, 1734. St Johns Coll. This is in form a Corinthian cohimn with spiral festoons of oak round it ; the base is square in plan. Marks: The Newcastle N of 1733-4; [one mark oblite- rated, probably that of the Newcastle assay] ; lion passant ; I. .C Weight: (inscribed) " 10 • 8." Height: 10^. Inscription: Ex DONO Thomae Christmas Arm • Coll • Div • Johan • Soc • Com • 1775 • 140. Candlestick ; silver, i 760. Clare Coll. A small Taper-candlestick. Marks: E of 1760. London assay. W. C. in Gothic characters with pellet over [for Wm. Cafe, entered 1757. Cripps, 1759]. Height: 5|. Base, 3f Weight : 5 77 oz. Inscriptions : (on socket) AUL • Clar ; (under rim) AUL • Clar. 8o PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 141. Candlestick; silver, 1762. Trinity Hall. Square base and rim. Marks: F of 1761-2 ; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; I H with a star between [or H • I] ; (lion passant and maker's mark are repeated near the top). Weight : 2 1*4 oz. Height: loj. 142. Candlestick; silver, 1763. St Johns Coll. This candlestick is in the form of an Egyptian column ; the base is square in plan and is ornamented with marks. Marks: E of 1762-3; lion passant ; [one mark illegible]; I C [for John Carter or Isaac Collard. Cripps]. Weight: (inscribed) " 14*0." Height: I2|. Inscriptions : (on base, in script) E • DONO JOANNIS Payne Arm. (On the other side) CoLL • Div • JOAN • SO- CIO • COMMENSALIS • 1 774 • Crest: (on base) lion passant holding a dart. 143. Taper Candlestick; silver, 1764. St Johns Coll. The stem is baluster shaped ; the base and rim are square in plan. Marks: (on base) H of 1763-4; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; W C in Gothic characters with a pellet above [for William Cafe. Cripps]. Weight: (inscribed) "6 • 18." Height: 6\. Inscribed on base : " COLL. DiV. JOH. Cant." I. SECULAR. 8 1 144. Candlestick; silver, 1774. Clare Coll. A fluted Corinthian column ; the lower part has spiral flutings ; the base is square. Marks: S of 1773-4; leopard's head crowned; lion pas- sant ; I C in a cartouche with the corners cut off. Weight: 24*65 oz. Inscription: (on base) Ex DONO HONORATISSIMI Dmi Caroli Baronis Cornwallis 1723. Arms: (on base, over the foregoing inscription) sable goutt^e on a fess three birds. Above the shield a Baron's coronet. Supporters: Two stags attired, and gorged with a wreath ; over the shield a baronial coronet. Motto : ViRTUS VINCIT invidiam ; (on the other side of the base) the College arms, and the inscription AuL. DE Clare Cant. 145. Candlestick; silver, 1770. Queens Coll. Marks : O of 1 769-70 ; leopard's head crowned ; lion pas- , LC sant;^^. Weight : 24*9 oz. Dimensiofis : height, io| ; diameter of foot, 5f. Inscription : (round base) Ex DONO JOHANNIS Darell Arm: Soc: Com: mdcclxxi. Arms: (on foot) the arms of the College (fourth shield) with COLL. REGIN. Also a shield bearing : Az., a crowned lion rampant, in the dexter chief a crescent. Crest : out of a ducal coronet a man's head proper issuant wreathed. 146. Candlestick; silver, 1778. St Catharines Coll. The stem is ornamented with classical portraits in profile ; the base with cherubs' heads. 82 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. Marks: B of 1777-8; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; E F in script, with a pellet above [for Edward Feline. Cripps]. Weight: 2675 oz. Height: 9|. Inscription : (in script) E DONO FranciSCI Whichcote SOCIO-COMMENSALIS, FILII NATU MINORIS DOMINI FRAN- CISCI Whichcote Baronetti, de Aswarbij in Com : Lincoln. Arms: Arms of the College with the inscription AUL : Cath. and a shield bearing : Ermine two hogs in pale, with the date 1764. 147. Candlestick ; silver, i 780. St Johns Coll. In the Adams style. A square stem tapering downwards ; the socket vase shaped. Marks: Sheffield A of 1779-80; lion passant; crown; I S in an irregular cartouche. Height: 12. Inscription: DoNO DEDiT Henricus Arthur Herbert Hibernicus / Soc : Com : Coll. Div. Joh : / Cantab. 1778. Arms: on one side, the arms of the College; on the other side, a shield bearing : Per pale az. and gu., three lions. 148. Candlestick; silver, 1780. Jesus Coll. This candlestick is square in plan, with a round socket; the stem tapers downwards. M F Marks: A of 1779-80 ; crown ; lion passant; ^ ^ . Dimensiojts : height, 12; diameter of base, 5. Inscriptions : (on base, in script) D. D. Felix Vaughan. socio coMMENSALis ; and Coll • Jesu • Cant. Arms : (on base) sable a chevron or between three heads ; and the arms of the College. I. SECULAR. 83 149. Candlestick; silver, 1782. St Johns Coll. The stem is fluted and tapers downwards. The socket is vase shaped. Marks: D of 1781-2 ; lion passant; crown; TW (nearly illegible). Height: i\\. Inscription : CoLL : Div : JOHAN. Cant. D.D. Egerton Leigh 1728. 150. Candlestick ; SILVER, 1787. St Johns Coll. The stem is fluted and tapers downwards ; the base has spiral flutings. Marks: (on base) K of 1786-7; crown; Hon passant; sovereign's head ; I • P & Co. Weight: inscribed "9°^ i^dwt" Height: lof. Inscription : COLL : DiVI : JOHAN : Cant : DONO : DEDIT : Petrus Ashton Hanmond Surriensis a. b. 1786. 151. Candlestick; silver, 1787. Queens Coll. Marks: K of 1786-7; lion passant; crown; sovereign's head ; I P & Co. Dimensions : height, iif ; diameter of foot, 5 J. Inscription: Georgius Pelhill de Agro CantIana / Arm : Soc°. Dedit 1787. Arms: Quarterly, ist, on a bend gu. three cross crosslets ; 2nd, an eagle displayed ; 3rd, az., a fess or between three garbs ; 4th, gu., six cross crosslets fitchee ; in chief a crescent for difference. (Opposite) the arms of the College (third shield), with the inscription COLL : Regin : Cantab : • 6 — 2 84 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 152. Candlestick; silver, 1796. Queens Coll. Marks: (on base and cup) S of 1793-4; lion passant; leopard's head crowned; I • S [for John Schofield, entered 1778. Cripps, 1780]. Weight: 20*3902. Dimensions: height, ii|; diameter of foot, 5f. Arms : the arms of the College (third shield) ; and : COLL Regin. 153. Coffee Pot ; silver, i 763. Mr J, E, L, Whitehead. Marks: G of 1762-3; London assay; T • W. with a C above and a W below in a circle [for Whipham and Wright]. Weight: 20 oz. 6 dwt. Total height: \o\. Inscription: The gift of Thomas Halsted, Esq., Mayor in 1767. Elected Alderman 1765. Resigned 1775. Arms: the arms of the Town, and a shield bearing: Gu. an eagle displayed, a chief cheque or and az. Crest: out of a mural crown an eagle displayed issuant. Formerly the property of the Corporation of Cambridge. 154. Tankard; silver, 1763. Mr H, J, Whitehead, Marks: G of 1762-3; leopard's head crowned; lion passant ; maker's mark the same as on the coffee-pot, No. 153. Weight: (inscribed "65 oz."). Dimensions: total height, io|; height of vessel, 7f. Inscriptions : (i) CORPORATION OF CAMBRIDGE. (2) The Gift of Jam : Harrimore, John York, Tho : Wilson, Phil : Havers, Jam : Burleigh, John : Newling, John : Purchas, Jam : Gifford, & Marmaduke Whittred. (3) To the Use of the Common Council. (4) King Whittred Mayor 1763. Scratched on the bottom is, "engrav'd by W. Stephens 1763." Formerly the property of the Corporation of Cambridge. i. secular. 85 155. Stoup; silver, 1763. Mr J, E, L. Whitehead, Maker's mark: J • S [for John Smith]. Weight: 10-83 oz. (inscribed " 10 : 19"). Inscription : The gift of / John Purchas Alderm" / Sept. 29, 1759. And : Corporation op Cambridge. Arms: the arms of the Town, and those of the Donor, viz. : Or a lion rampant, debruised by a fess sa. bearing three bezants or. Formerly the property of the Corporation of Cambridge. 156. Two Spoons; silver, 1764. Mr Hatter sley. Marks: H of 1763-4; leopard's head crowned; lion passant ; W • C with a T above (as in Cripps, 1763). Weight: 2*48 oz. Length: 8f. Inscription : (on stem, in script) The Gift of John Newling Alderm^. Jan. ii. 1763. On the handle: the Town Crest ; and in a late style the initial H. Formerly the property of the Corporation of Cambridge. 157. Four Salt Cellars ; two silver, two parcel- gilt, 1765. Mr J, E, L. Whitehead, Marks: I of 1764-5; lion passant; leopard's head crowned; H A [for David and Robert Hennett, entered 1763. Cripps]. Weights: from 344 oz. to 3*88 oz. Inscriptions: (on No. 3) Ald=^' James Buleigh to the Corporation of Cambridge June 1764. (On No. 4) The Gift of W=^' Mott, JuN^ Common Councilman to the Corporation of Cambridge June 1764. Formerly the property of the C<^poration of Cambridge. 86 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 158. Beaker; silver, 1763. Alderman Cockerell. Marks: G of 1762-3; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; J S in an oval sinking, as in Cripps, 1756 [for John Swift, entered 1739]. Height: 3f. Inscriptio7is : THE GIFT OF W^^ NORFOLK ALDERMAN / Aug. 16. 1759. And : Corporation of Cambridge. Arms: the arms of the Town, and a shield bearing: Gu. a fess between two chevrons; impaling, quarterly, ist and 4th, arg., 2nd and 3rd, gu., a trellis, over all a bend sa., charged with three escallops. On the bottom is scratched, "The cup & all the stoups were graved by W. Stephens Cambridge 1762." Formerly the property of the Corporation of Cambridge. 159. Stoup; SILVER, 1763. The Rev. S. A, Thompson- Yates, Marks: G of 1762-3; lion passant; leopard's head crowned; J-S- as on the beaker No. 158. Height: 5. Weight: 972 oz. Inscriptions: THE GIFT OF / WlLL^ Weales Alderm^, Jan. 22. 1792. And: Corporation of Cambridge. Anns: the arms of the Town, and a shield bearing: Or a wivern rampant. 160. Salt; silver. Mr W. M. Fawcett. Given to the Corporation of Cambridge by Alderman James Burleigh in 1764. Weight: 3-88 oz. Dimensions : diameter of bowl, 3 J ; diameter of foot, 2| ; height, 2i; depth of bowl, i|. 161. Salt ; silver. Mr W. M. Fawcett. Given to the Corporation of Cambridge by Wm. Mott, Junior, Common Councilman. Similar to No. 160. Weight: 4" 14 oz. II. p:cclesiastical. A. COLLEGIA TE. 162. Chalice and Cover ; silver-gilt, middle of 1 6th CENT. Gonville and Caius ColL Chalice. A large and richly-decorated chalice. The bowl is decorated with arabesques and stands on a baluster stem, from the top of which spring three double volutes. The base is massive and is ornamented similarly to the bowl. The cover is domical and is surmounted by a human figure standing on a pedestal. Marks: none. Weight : cup, 29 oz. ; cover, 1 1 oz. 2 dwt. ; total, 40 oz. 2 dwt. (inscribed, *' 40 "). Dimensions: total height, I5|; height of cover, io| ; depth of bowl, 4^'^ ; diameter of bowl, 5f . Presented to the College by Archbishop Parker. 163. Chalice and Cover Paten ; silver-gilt, 1567-8. Christ's Coll. Marks: K of 1567-8 ; London assay; T B in monogram. Diinensio7is : Chalice : — total height, 9| ; depth of bowl, 5 ; diameter of bowl, 44. Paten: — diameter, 4|; height, if; depth of depression, y^. ss plate exhibition 1 895. 164. Chalice and Cover Paten ; silver-gilt, 1569. Trinity Hall. Marks: L of 1568-9; London assay; (maker) a hand holding a branch with flowers and leaves. Dimensions: height, including Paten, \o\. Weights: Chalice, 15-1 oz. ; Paten, 4*88 oz. 165. Flagon; silver-gilt, 1571. Gonville and Caius Coll. Tankard shaped with concave sides, ornamented with arabesques. Marks: year letter of 15 70-1; London assay; FR in monogram (as in Cripps). Weight: 15 oz, 14 dwt. Dimensions: total height, 6^; height of vessel, 5|; depth of bowl, 4| ; diameter at lip (inside), 2\ ; diameter of foot (outside), 4j. Inscription : (under foot, stippled) + MATTH^VS : AR- CHIEPS : CANTVAR : DEBIT : COLLE" : GVNWELLI : ET : CAII : CANTAB : T : IAN : A° : D' : 1571. Also: VNCIS : 15 : 3 S. Arms: those of Archbishop Parker. Given to the College by Archbishop Parker. 166. Alms-dish ; PARCEL-GILT, 1573- Jesus Coll. A very pretty dish, no doubt originally intended for secular use. In the centre a female bust, to the right, crowned with laurel, in repousse, surrounded with arabesques. The dish evidently had a foot or stem, for there is a socket below to receive it. This piece was till recently used in a countrj^ church. The inscription identifying it with Jesus II. ECCLESIASTICAL. 89 College (though possibly Jesus College, Oxford) was on it when it was bought by its present possessors. Marks: year letter of 1572-3; London assay; H S in a shield. Weight: 6*59 oz. Inscription : (in Italian script) COLL : JESU * Ad COLLI- GENDUM Eleemosynas. 167. Chalice and Cover; silver, 1587. Magdalene Coll. The bowl is ornamented with arabesques, and stands on a baluster stem. The cover has, as a finial, a statuette of an armed soldier with a shield and spear, on a vase-shaped pedestal. Marks: I of 1586-7; London assay; [the maker's mark is illegible]. Weight: chalice, 18*58 oz. ; cover, 9*93 oz. ; total, 28-51 oz. Dimensions: total height, I5f ; height of chalice, 6^; depth of bowl, 4J ; diameter of bowl, 5^. 168. Flagon; silver-gilt, 1598. Christ's Coll. A tankard-shaped vessel with a domical lid, on the top of which is a griffin's head. Marks: V of 1597-8; London assay; J H, below which is a bear passant (as in Cripps, 1 597). Dimensions: total height, 10; depth of bowl, 6^; diame- ter of bowl, 3| ; diameter of foot, 5. Inscription: (in Roman capitals) Henry Iames Sydney MOUNTAGU. Arms: arg. three diamonds in fess. Crest: a griffin's head. 90 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 169. Flagon ; silver-gilt, 1608. Trinity Coll. Marks : year letter of 1 607-8 ; London assay ; R • W with a pellet below. Weight: 62*55 oz. Dimensio7is : height, 14^; depth of bowl, 7 J. Inscriptions: Ex DONO PRAENOBILIS DOMINI JOHANNIS Stuart Fratris Illustris : / Domini Jacobi Ducis Laviniae natu quarti 1636. Also: Collegi Sanctae Trinitatis Cantebrig: Arms: Quarterly, ist and 4th, three fleurs-de-lis within a bordure, on which are ten bezants ; 2nd and 3rd, a fess cheeky within a bordure engrailed ; an inescochon or, semee of cinquefoils. 170. Flagon ; silver-gilt, 1609. Gonville and Caius Coll. The vessel is richly decorated with repousse work and shields of arms ; the base is high and ornamented with repousse work and enriched mouldings ; the cover is domical and has a finial. Marks: L of 1608-9; London assay; I M with some other mark below, in a shield. Weight: 27 oz. 2 dwt. Dimensions : total height, 9| ; depth of bowl, 6f ; diameter of lip, 34. Arms: central shield plain; on one side a shield bearing: Quarterly, ist and 4th, on a bend, three lions passant guardant ; 2nd and 3rd, two bends ragulee; with the inscription, RiCHARD Branthwayte. On the other side, a shield bearing: Quarterly of eight, ist, in a bordure, on a chevron, between three voided mullets, a crescent; 2nd, a cross cantoned by four birds ; 3rd, two swords in saltire cantoned by 4 fleurs-de-lis ; 4th, ermine, on a chevron 3 estoiles ; 5th, a chevron ragulee 11. ECCLESIASTICAL. 9 1 between 3 pegtops ; 6th, 3 lions rampant ; 7th, between 3 crescents a ram's head caboshed ; 8th, between 3 fleurs-de-lis a crescent. Below, on a ribbon : William Webb. 171. Candlestick ; silver-gilt, i66i. c Pembroke Coll, Marks : (in saucer and under foot) C of 1660-1 ; leopard's head crowned ; lion passant ; (maker's mark illegible). Weight: 68' i oz. (inscribed under foot, "31 • 2 • 12"; under saucer, " 14 • 13 • 12 " ; on stem, " 23 • 3 • 12 " ; making total, 68 • 19 • 12). Dimensions: total height, 2 if; height to saucer, 17^; diameter of base, \o^. 172. Alms-dish; silver-gilt, 1669. Kings ColL The centre of the dish is occupied by a representation of the Last Supper, repousse in high relief, surrounded by a wreath. On the rim are four cartouches in bold scroll work with leaves and grotesque heads. The cartouches contain I. the Royal Arms, crowned, and surrounded by the garter, between the letters C R ; 2. (to dexter of No. i) the arms of the College ; 3. (to sinister) the arms of [the donor .?] viz. in a bordure, a fess dancettee between three martlets ; 4. (opposite No. i) the following inscription, (in script): Dedit Thomas Page Socius 1668. Marks : L of 1668-9 ; London assay ; I • B with a crescent and two pellets below, in a shield (as in Cripps, 1669). Dimensions: diameter, 24; width of rim, \\\ height, if. 173. Alms-dish; silver, 17th cent. Kings ColL A dish of filagree-work, on a foot. Inscription and arms : (on rim of foot) arms of [donor ?] and: THOMAS PAGE SOCIVS DEDIT AN^ DOM 1 673. The arms of the College, and : ^OLL REGAL. 92 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 174. Candlestick; silver, early i8th cent. Trinity Hall. One of a pair of hexagonal candlesticks, of bold baluster form, with deep socket and wide spreading base. Weight: 25-45 oz- These candlesticks were given to the College by a member of the Lloyd family, probably by Sir Nathaniel Lloyd, Master of the College 17 10- 173 5. On the base are the following arms: Quarterly, ist and 4th, per fess arg. and gu. a lion rampant counterchanged ; 2nd and 3rd, a chevron between three pheons, two and one, the two upper horizontal with points inwards, the lower vertical with point upwards. On the opposite side of the base a crest: a demi-lion rampant issuant from an Earl's coronet. Inscrip- tion below coat of arms : " D*^ Rich : Lloyd Pater." The companion piece is inscribed : " D^ Elis : Lloyd Mater." 175. Candlesticks ; silver, i 749. St Johns Coll. Marks: N of 1748-9; leopard's head crowned; lion passant ; E G with a pellet above and below in lozenge [for Elizabeth Godfray]. Height: i6j. 176. Mitre; silver-gilt, c. 1660. Pe77ibroke Coll. Round the edge are a series of holes for attaching the cap, which is of crimson satin, lined- with white silk on a foundation of coarse canvas. The fanons are edged with gold lace and fringed. Weight: 38 oz. Dirneiisious : height, ii|; diameter, 7^. This mitre and the crozier, No. 177, were used by Matthew Wren, Bishop of Ely 1638 — 6j, formerly Master of Peterhouse. He was educated at Pembroke College. He died 1667, and was buried in Pembroke College Chapel, which had been built by his nephew, Sir Christopher Wren. II. FXCLESIASTICAL. 93 177. Crozier ; PARCEL-GILT. Pembroke Coll. The head is formed of rococo foliage and is silver-gilt ; the staff, which is in two separate pieces, is of silver and has an iron spike at the foot. Dimensions: total length, 5 ft. \o\ in. ; length of head,, 6| ; diameter of staff, f . B. PAROCHIAL AND MONASTIC 178. Chalice; silver, 1569. Si Edward's Church, Cambridge. Inscriptions: (on bowl) S^ EDWARDS PARISH /CAMBRIDGE; and c'T- • SE Marks: (on lip) year letter of 1568-9; London assay; [maker's mark undecipherable]. Dimensions : height, 8{ ; depth of bowl, 5 ; diameter of bowl, i\. 179. Chalice and Cover Paten ; silver-gilt, 1569. Holy Trinity Church, Cambridge. Chalice. Inscriptions: (round bowl in Roman capitals) THIS CVP IS FOR TRINITE PARYS IN CAMBRYDG • 1 569. (Underfoot) REPAIR'D A.D. 1827 WILLIAM COE • CHARLES CLAYDON, CHURCHWARDENS. Marks: none. Dimensions : height, 7 ; depth of bowl, 3f ; diameter of bowl, \\ ; diameter of foot, 4. Weight : 94 plate exhibition 1 895. Paten. Inscription: on foot 1569. Marks: none. Dimensions : height, if; depth in centre, ^; diameter, 4f. Weight: 180. Chalice and Cover Paten; silver, 1569. Great St Andrew s Church, Cambridge. Chalice. A band of Elizabethan arabesque runs round the centre of the bowl. Inscription: (round bottom of bowl) THIS * FOR * SENT * TANDROS * PARES * IN * KAMBREGE * Mark : IV over a heart in a shield. Weight: 8 oz. 14 dwt. Dimensiofis : total weight, 6|; depth of bowl, 3f ; diameter of bowl, 4^. Paten. A cover paten on a foot, circular depression. On a panel on the foot is inscribed the date 1569. Marks: none. Weight: 3 oz. 5 dwt. Diinensions : diameter, 4f ; width of rim, -^ ; diameter of foot, If; height, if; depth of depression, f. 181. Chalice and Cover Paten ; silver, early 17th cent. St Benedict's Church, Cambridge. Chalice. Two bands of strap ornament surround the bowl, and one band of similar work covers the base. Inscription: (under the foot) * BENET * PARRYSH. II. ECCLESIASTICAL. 95 Marks: none. Weight : 8 oz. 15 dwt. Dimensions : height, 6| ; depth of bowl, 3| ; diameter of bowl, 3^. Paten. Similar ornament on outer surface to that on Chalice ; inscribed on the foot with B P. Marks : (on rim) obliterated. Weight : 2 oz. 6 dwt. Dimensions : height, i ; depth of depression, -^ ; diameter, 4i. 182. Chalice and Cover Paten ; silver-gilt, 1623. //o/y Trinity Church, Cambridge. Chalice. Inscriptions : (on bowl, in Roman capitals) THE GIFT OF WILLIAM ROWLAND TO TRINITIE CHURCH IN CAMBRIDGE : ano : d :: 1622 : (Under foot) REPAIR'd A.D. 1827 WILLIAM COE CHARLES CLAYDON CHURCHWARDENS. And (stippled) 23.8^^ Marks: year letter of 1622-3; London Assay; T F in a shield. Weight : Dimettsions : height, 9| ; depth of bowl, 4f ; diameter of bowl, 3| ; diameter of foot, 4. Paten. Marks : as on Chalice. Weight : Dimensions : height, f J ; diameter, 4|. 96 plate exhibition 1 895. 183. Chalice ; silver, 1623. St Giles Church, Cambridge. Inscription: (under base) FOR THE PARRYSHE IN 1622 CAMBR + H . T MINISTER + IS + T P + CHURCH W + Marks: E of 1622-3; lion passant; leopard's head crowned ; R B in a shield. Weight: 17-4002. Dimensions: height, 9; depth of bowl, 5; diameter of bowl, 4^. 184. Chalice; silver, 1628. St Edward' s Church, Cambridge. Inscriptions : (on bowl) S. EDWARDS PARISH / CAMBRIDGE ; and g^^g. Marks: year letter of 1627-8; London Assay; WS in an oval. Dimensions : height, 8^ ; depth of bowl, 4f ; diameter of bowl, 4. 185. Chalice and Cover Paten; silver, 1630. St Benedict's Church, Cambridge. Chalice. Inscription: (under foot) Geuen TO S^ BENETS ONE Gilt Comunion Cup with a Couer by Mrs Smith. 1629. Marks: year letter of 1629-30; London Assay; RA with fleur-de-lis under, in a shield. Weight: 13 oz. Dimensions: height, 8^; depth of bowl, 4|; diameter of bowl, 3j. II. ECCLESIASTICAL. 07 Paten. Inscribed on foot, in stippled letters, B P. Marks : same as on Chalice. Weight : 4 oz. 3 dwt. Dimensions: diameter, 5{ ; height, i{; depth of depres- sion, \\. ^ 186. Alms-dish; silver, 1632. Holy Tenuity Church, Cambridge. The depression is cinquefoil, with plain raised boss in centre ; the rim is ornamented with five cherubs' heads repousse, the wing feathers formed into volutes ; engraved volutes at cusps of depression. Marks: year letter of 163 1-2; London Assay; G B in a shield. Weight : Dimensions : height, 2 ; depth of depression in centre, ^ ; diameter, 9^. 187. Paten ; silver, 1650. St Edward's Church, Cambridge, Inscription: S*^ : Edw°^ : Camb : and the weight, "6 : 10." Marks : year letter of 1649-50; London Assay ; S P in an oval. Dimensions : height, 2\ ; diameter, 6|. 188. Flagon; silver, 1660. St Benedict's Church, Cambridge. Inscription: {on bowl, in script) THIS FLAGGON BOUGHT AT THE Charge of the Parishoners of S^ Bennets in Cambridge / 1658. Marks: (on rim and lid) year letter of 1659-60; London Assay; XX (as in Cripps, 1665 or 1672). Weight: 34 oz. 10 dwt. Dimensions : total height, g\ ; depth of bowl, 7^ ; diameter of bowl, 3 J ; diameter of foot, 6. 7 98 plate exhibition 1 895. 189. Chalice; silver, 1705. S^ Bdward's Church, Cambridge. Inscriptions: (round bowl) " GIVEN FOR Y^ USE OF Y^ SiCK COMUNICANTS OF S"^ EDWARDS PARISH IN CAMBRIDGE / BY Mrs Dor : Roderick." (Under foot) "a- 0-1734." " W 4 . 5." Arms: (on bowl) a lion passant gardant, impaling a chevron ermine between three bulls' heads caboshed. Marks: (on lip) year letter of 1704-5; London Assay; [maker's mark undecipherable]. Dimensions : height, 3 J ; depth of bowl, 2| ; diameter of bowl, 2j. 190. Flagon; silver, 1711. St Edward's Church, Cambridge. Inscription: (round vessel) '*Deo et Ecclesi^ S"' Edwardi Cantabrigi^ Jacobus Johnson LLD / Vica- RIUS IN Spiritualibus Generalis Reverendi Patris Episcopi / Eliensis hanc Lagenam sacrvm esse voluit Decembris • 25 • 1711 . "; and the sacred monogram. Marks: year letter of 1711 ; London Assay; SL with a pellet below in a shield ; [for Sleath]. Dimensions: height, iif ; diameter at top, 4, 191. Alms-dish; silver, 1711. St Edward's Church, Cambridge. Inscriptions: (round rim) S"^ EDWARDS PARISH IN Cambridge, 1711. (In centre) the sacred monogram. Marks: year letter of 1711 ; London Assay; SL with a pellet below, in a shield. Dimensions : height, |; diameter, 8f. II. ECCLESIASTICAL. 99 192. Incense Ship; silver-gilt, late 15th cent. The Earl of Carysfort. This is a boat-shaped covered vessel on a hexagonal stem and foot. Round the rim is a moulding, surmounted by a battlement and enriched with a small stamped ornament consisting of five pellets. Four ribs connect the rim with the foot and a rib crosses the cover from side to side ; these ribs have similar mouldings to the rim. At each end of the vessel is a ram's head, as a rebus on Ramsey ; a horn has been broken off one head. Half the cover is made to open on a hinge. In the centre of each portion of the cover is engraved a seeded double Tudor rose; in the centre of that on the lid is fixed a small hexagonal knob as a handle. Marks: none. Weight : Dimensions: length, 11^; width, ; height, ; height of stem, if; depth of bowl, i. The rams' heads at each end of the boat are supposed to identify the vessel with Ramsey Abbey, and the Tudor roses on the cover, to fix its earliest date as i486. It was found with the thurible (No. 193) in Whittlesea Mere in 1850. Figured in the Reliquary^ Vol. 5. N. S. (1891). 193. Thurible; silver-gilt, c. 1375. The Earl of Carysfort. A censer with a circular shallow bowl on a circular foot, and with a cover of architectural character. The bowl is plain, with a moulding round the rim con- taining a minute enrichment. The lower rim of the foot is pierced with quatrefoils. The standing rim of the cover is battlemented and pierced with trefoils. The pierced part of the cover is in the form of lOO PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. the louvre on the roof of a hall. It is hexagonal in plan and consists of two vertical stages and a spire. At each angle of the lower stage is a pair of buttresses surmounted by a pinnacle. The alternate sides are pierced with windows of four lights with flowing tracery in two orders, and terminate in crocketed gables. The other sides are longer and are pierced with four cusped lancets under a level parapet, battle- mented and pierced with trefoils. ' The upper stage is a regular hexagon, with a small buttress at each angle. The gables of the lower stage rise in front of three sides, which are pierced with two cusped lancets ; the other sides contain traceried windows of two lights under crocketed gables. This stage is finished by a continuous parapet like that on the alternate sides of the lower stage. The spire is hexagonal, with crocketed ribs on the angles, and with a finial in the form of a pine-apple ; the faces of the spire are engraved with a chevron pattern. The thurible is swung on three chains hanging from a plate to which a ring handle is attached ; the edge of the plate is battlemented. The chains pass through the flat part of the cover and are attached to the rim of the bowl. The cover is raised by a chain attached to the finial. This chain passes through the plate from which the censer hangs. When the vessel is hanging the cover can be raised by pulling the chain, the three other chains acting as guides. Marks: none. Weight : nearly 50 oz. Dimensions : height, 1 1 ; height of bowl, 2 J ; height of foot, I ; diameter of bowl, 54 ; diameter of foot, 3f ; length of chain and handle, 33. This censer is supposed to have belonged to Ramsey Abbey. It was found with the incense boat, No. 192, in Whittlesea Mere in 1850. Figured in Shaw's Decorative Arts of the Middle Ages ; and in the Reliqtiary, Vol. 5. N. S. {1891). ii. ecclesiastical. iqi 194. Chalice and Cover Paten ; silver, i 569. Abington Pigotts. Chalice. ^ Marks : none. Dime7isio7is : height, 6 ; depth of bowl, 4^ ; diameter of bowl, 4^. Inscription: For • THE • ToWEN • OF • Abyngton • next • Shynge. Paten. Marks: none. Inscriptio7i : (on foot) 1569. 195. Chalice and Cover Paten ; silver, 1569. Willingham. Chalice. Mark : a flat fish in an oval. Weight : 11 oz. 6 dwt. Dimensions: height, 6\\ depth of bowl, 3|; diameter of rim of bowl, 4|. Inscription : (round centre of bowl) FOR • THE • TOWN • OF • wyllyngham. Paten. Mark : as on chalice. Weight : 5 oz. 3 dwt. Inscribed: (on foot) 1569. v07 ; .;, plate exhibition 1 895. 196. Chalice and Cover Paten, 1639. Little Shelford. Chalice. Marks: A of 1638-9; London Assay ; I W with a star below in a shield. Weight : 6 oz. 1 8 dwt. Dimefisions : height, 5|; depth of bowl, 3| ; diameter of fim of bowl, 3|. Inscription: This Belongeth to Littell Shill- FORTH. Paten. Marks: as on chalice. Weight: 2 oz. 13 dwt. 197. Chalice and Cover ; silver, 1677. Litlington. A porringer used as a chalice. The lower part of the bowl and the cover ornamented with acanthus. Marks: (bowl) year letter of i^T^-y \ London Assay; A • H with a star above and below. (Cover) year letter of 1678-9 ; London Assay ; W M with a star and two pellets above and one pellet below in a shield. Weight: bowl, 13*3602. ; cover, 3*42 oz. Dimensions : height, 4^ ; depth of bowl, 5^^ ; diameter of bowl, 5^ ; height of cover, \\. Inscription: DONUM Rebekae Archer Relictae Timothei Archer S : St^« Theologiae D"^ / nec non DE Blonham et Mepshall nuper Rectoris Apri^^' 14. 1681. ii. ecclesiastical. io3 198. Chalice and Cover Paten; silver, 1691. Fen Ditton, Chalice. A spout has been added to the chalice with the object of ^ converting it into a flagon. The paten would fit as a cover but for this. Marks: year letter of 1 690-1 ; London Assay; I C with a crown above and a pellet below. Weight: 13-4602. (inscribed, " 18 18"). Dimensions : height, 8f ; depth of bowl, 4| ; diameter of bowl, 4^. Inscription : Deo Sacrum IN USUM ECCLESIAE Paro- chialis de Fen ditton in Comitatu Cantabrige"^' An : DoM: 1691. Paten. Marks', as on chalice. Weight: 5*2902. Dimensions: diameter, 5; height, \\\ depth of depres- sion, \. Inscription ; I H S. 199. Chalice; silver, 1699. Efnmanuel Congregational Church, Cambridge, A porringer used as a chalice. The lower part of the bowl has spiral flutings, repousse. Marks: C of 1698-9 ; Britannia ; lion's head erased ; BO with a mitre above and a fleur-de-lis below [for John Bodington. Cripps, 1701]. Weight: 14 oz. 18 dwt. (inscribed, "15:8: "). Dimensions : height, 4| ; diameter, 5. Inscriptions : (i) Given by / Mrs S. Ewens / 1756. (2) v^s- 104 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. 200. Chalice and Cover; silver, 1558. Waterbeach. A cup of tazza form with repousse ornament of dolphins &c. The finial of the cover has been broken off. Marks: V of 1557-8; London assay; W (as in Cripps, 1557)- Weight: 9'i oz. Dimensions : height, 6J-f ; height of stem, 3^^ ; depth of bowl, 2^\ diameter of bowl, ^y^\ diameter of foot, 3^. M Inscriptions: (i) — ; (2) Waterbeach PARISH (the latter inscription is modern). 201. Chalice and Cover Paten ; silver parcel- gilt, 1563. Heydon, Chalice. Marks: E of 1562-3; London assay; maker's mark illegible. Weight: 7*3 oz. Dimensions : height, 5| ; depth of bowl, 2| ; diameter of bowl, 3|. Paten. Marks : same as on chalice. Weight : y^y oz. Dimensions : diameter, 3| ; height, 3 J ; depth of de- pression, 3 J. III. THE UNIVERSITY MACES. 202. Maces ; silver-gilt. University of Cambridge. The University Maces^ are four in number, three for Esquire bedells (Maces A, B, C) and one for a Yeoman bedell (Mace D). Maces A, B, and C. The head has on its upper surface the Royal Arms of the Stuart Kings. Round the top is a crown of alternate fleurs-de-lys and Maltese crosses. Between them is a ball on a point. The rounded underside of the knob is divided into four parts by upright pieces of Renaissance ornament of scroll work about a human figure. In two of the Maces the spaces between these are blank, in the other they are occupied by a rose, fleur-de-lys and thistle surmounted by a crown, and the fourth was occupied by a harp, but the crown only remains. This ornament is applique, not embossed. The staves are engraved with the escallops of the donor's arms, and are divided into six compartments by rings, the three nearest to the centre being larger than the others and having appropriate mottoes on them in Roman caps. The ^ The Notes on the four following Maces are taken from a paper by A. P. Humphry, M.A., Esquire Bedell, in the Camb. Antiq. Soc. Conini. Vol. iv. p. 207. 8 I06 PLATE EXHIBITION 1 895. mouldings above and below the mottoes are of Elizabethan character. The mottoes are taken from one of the Latin editions of the Bible, not the Vulgate, and are as follows : Mace A : Dux erat super eos Jehovah cum eo. i Paral. 9. 20. Factae sunt ei virgae solidae in sceptra regentium. Ezech. 19. II. Dux tibi sit semper talis et iste dui {sic for diu). Mart. L. 12 Eps. Mace B : Tolle virgam et congrega populum. Num. 20. 8. Me duce certus eris. Mart. Lib. i. Ep. 4. Virga tua et baculus consolantur me. Psal. 23. 4. MaceC: Portans virgam Dei in manu sua. Exod. 4. 20. Virtute duce comite fortuna. (Cic. Ep. ad Fam. xiii. § 2.) Annon ipse baculus manus nostrae. Tobi. 5. 25. The lower knob has a little foot intended to rest on the ground and is similarly divided into four quarters containing {i) a shield bearing University Arms ; (2) the crest of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, viz. a lion rampant arg. ducally crowned or; (3) the badge of his office of High Admiral, viz. a cabled anchor ; (4) his coat of arms, viz. arg. a cross gu. charged with five escallops or. Below the University Arms is the motto: MARS MUSAS, as used on the seal of 1580, and below the Duke of Buckingham's arms: FIDEI COLVICULA CRUSO, where " colvicula " is a misreading of " coticula." Presented by George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, Chancellor of the University 1626, assassinated 1628. Mace D. The Yeoman Bedell's Mace is like the others, except that the staff is of mahogany with the central part encircled by two silver rings engraved with the motto DITIOR EST QUI SE. III. THE UNIVERSITY MACES. IO7 The silver work was formerly gilded, of which traces remain. The lower knob is smaller and almost plain, and ends in a pyramidal point. The silver coverings of the upper and lower part are engraved with the cross crosslets of the donor's -arms, which appear in a shield at the upper end. The arms are those of the University and of the Earl of Holland, viz. : a chevron between three cross crosslets differenced by a crescent ; with the crest : on a mount vert a wivern rising or, and an Earl's coronet. The Royal arms on the top of the maces were doubtless cut out during the Commonwealth period, but were replaced in 1663, as appears from the bill preserved at the Registry. Traces of this are visible in the interior of the knobs. , Presented by Henry Rich, Earl Holland, who succeeded the Duke of Buckingham as Chancellor of the University in 1628 and was beheaded in 1648. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. t ■^i> \0 m