CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, ETCHINGS AND LITHOGRAPHS THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SCULPTORS, PAINTERS & GRAVERS MEMORIAL EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF THE LATE J. McNEILL WHISTLER (FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SCULPTORS, PAINTERS, AND GRADERS), IN THE NEW GALLERY, REGENT STREET, LONDON, FROM THE TWENTY-SECOND OF FEBRUARY TO THE THIRTY-FIRST OF MARCH 1903. HELD UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SOCIETY PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY A T THE BALLANTYNE PRESS, LONDON AND PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM HEINEMANN FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SCULPTORS, PAINTERS, AND GRA VERS, A T THE NEW GALLERY, REGENT STREET, FEBRUARY AND MARCH 7905 Entertd at Stationers 1 HaU Art Library IT THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SCULPTORS, PAINTERS & GRA VERS THE COUNCIL AUGUSTE RODIN, President JOHN LAYER Y, Vice- President T. STIRLING LEE, Honorary Secretary WILLIAM WEBB, Honorary Solicitor and Treasurer ]. CRAWHALL FRANCIS HOWARD A. LUDOVICI A. NEVEN DU MONT JOSEPH PENNELL BERTRAM PRIESTMAN PROF. G. SAUTER C. H. SHANNON EDMUND J. SULLIVAN FRITZ THAULOW E. A. WALTON H. WILSON ACTING SECRETARY DR. C. BAKKER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR THE WHISTLER MEMORIAL EXHIBITION APPOINTED BY THE COUNCIL JOHN LAVERY A. LUDOVICI JOSEPH PENNELL PROFESSOR G. SAUTER D. C. THOMSON E. A. WALTON CATALOGUE COMMITTEE JOHN LAVERY A. LUDOVICI JOSEPH PENNELL HONOR ART COMMITTEE H.R.H. PRINCE EUGBNE of Sweden and Norway His EXCELLENCY MONSIEUR PAUL CAMBON, Ambassador of the French Republic His EXCELLENCY JOSEPH H. CHOATE, Ambassador of the United States of America His EXCELLENCY MONSIEUR M. CHAUMIE, Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts in France His EXCELLENCY SIGNOR E.ORLANDO, Minister of Publi Instruction in Italy W. C. ALEXANDER, Esq. J. W. BEATTY, Esq., Director of the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg MONSIEUR L. BENEDITE, Director of the Luxembourg, Paris MONSIEUR A. BESNARD MONSIEUR J. E. BLANCHE DR. WILLIAM BODE, Director of the Berlin Museum DR. A. BREDIUS, Director of the Hague Gallery MONSIEUR EUGENE CARRIERE SIR C. PURDON CLARKE, Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington PROFESSOR SIDNEY COLVIN, Keeper of the Print Room, British Museum EDMUND DAVIS, Esq. THE EARL OF DONOUGHMORE HON. GEORGE A. DRUMMOND MONSIEUR THEODORE DURET W. M. R. FRENCH, Esq., Director of the Chicago Insti- tute of the Fine Arts WALTER GAY, Esq. THE MARQUIS OF GRANBY SIR JAMES GUTHRIE, P.R.S.A. LUKE IONIDES, Esq. SIR HENRY IRVING PROFESSOR H. C. IVES, Director of the St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts THE EARL OF LYTTON HOWARD MANSFIELD, Esq. MONSIEUR H. MARCEL, Director of Fine Arts in France SIR J. STIRLING MAXWELL, Bart. HARRISON MORRIS, Esq., Director of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts J. J. PATON, Esq., Glasgow Corporation Gallery SIR FRANCIS POWELL, P.R.S.W. J. S. SARGENT, R.A. THE VERY REV. R. HERBERT STORY, Principal of Glasgow University MRS. CHARLES THYNNE DR. VON TSCHUDI, Director of the National Gallery, Berlin THE MARQUIS OF TULLIBARDINE. SAMUEL DENNIS WARREN, Esq., President of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts THE LORD WINDSOR MRS. WILLIAM MCNEILL WHISTLER CENTRAL HALL A COLLECTION OF ETCHINGS BT THE LATE J. McNEILL WHISTLER, LENT BY HIS MAJESTY THE KING, FROM THE ROYAL LIBRARY, WINDSOR CASTLE, AND THE PRIVATE APARTMENTS OF H.R.H. THE PRINCESS VICTORIA, AND A BUST OF WHISTLER BY SIR J. E. BOEHM, LENT BY H.R.H. THE PRINCESS LOUISE, DUCHESS OF ARGYLL, FROM I^ENSINgTON PALACE THE SMALL LETTER " W " AFTER THE TITLE DENOTES THE NUMBER IN MR. WEDMORE'S CATALOGUE OF WHISTLER'S ETCHINGS, "s" REFERS TO THE SUP- PLEMENT TO WEDMORE'S CATALOGUE COMPILED BY "AN AMATEUR" 1 Liverdun w 4 2 La Retameuse w 5 3 En Plein Soleil w 6 4 The Unsafe Tenement w 7 5 The Dog on the Kennel vv 8 6 La Mere Gerard w 9 7 Street at Saverne w 1 1 8 Little Arthur w 13 9 La Vieille aux Loques w 14 10 Annie w 15 11 La Marchande de Moutarde w 16 1 2 The Rag Gatherers w 1 7 13 Fumette w 18 14 The Kitchen w 19 15 The Title to the French Set w 20 1 6 A Little Boy w 22 17 Seymour w 23 1 8 Annie Seated w 24 19 Reading by Lamplight w 25 20 The Music Room w 26 2 1 Soupe a trois sous w 2 7 22 Bibi Valentin w 28 13 23 Reading in Bed w 29 24 Bibi Lalouette w 30 25 Greenwich Pensioner w 32 26 Greenwich Park w 33 27 Nursemaid and Child w 34 28 Thames Warehouses from Thames Tunnel Pier w 35 29 Westminster Bridge w 36 30 Limehouse w 37 31 Tyzac, Whiteley and Co. w 39 32 Black Lion Wharf w 4O 33 The Pool w 4I 34 The Thames Police w 42 35 Long-Shore Men w 43 36 The Lime-Burner w 44 37 Billingsgate w 45 38 The Landscape with the Horse w 46 39 Becquet w 4 g 40 Finette w ,-4 41 Paris, Isle da la Cit6 w 55 42 Annie Haden w r* 43 Rotherhithe w g o 44 The Forge w 6j 45 Vauxhall Bridge w 66 46 Millbank w 67 47 The Little Wapping w y z 48 The Little Pool w 72 49 Encamping w 75 50 The Storm w 77 51 Little Smithfield w 78 52 Cadogan Pier w 79 53 Old Hungerford Bridge w 80 54 Chelsea Wharf w 81 55 Weary w 83 56 Chelsea Bridge and Church w 85 57 Speke Hall w 86 58 The Model Besting (from H.R.H. the Princess Victoria's Apartments) w 87 59 Swan Brewery w 89 60 Fanny Leyland w 94 6 1 Elinor Leyland woe 62 Florence Leyland w 96 63 Tatting w 9 g 64 The Boy w IO9 65 A Child on a Couch w 112 66 Steamboats off the Tower (from H.R.It. the Princess Victoria's Apartments) w 114 67 The Little Forge w nc 68 The Piano w 117 69 The Dam Wood w 120 70 Shipbuilder's Yard w 121 71 The Guitar Player (from H.R.H. the Princess Victoria's Apartments) w 122 72 London Bridge w I2 ~ 73 Price's Candle Works w 124 74 Battersea : Dawn (from H.R.H. the Prin- cess Victoria's Apartments) w 125 75 The Muff w T26 76 A Sketch from Billingsgate w 130 77 Fishing Boats, Hastings w 131 78 Wych Street w 132 79 Temple Bar w 133 80 Free Trade Wharf w 134 8 1 The Thames toward Erith (from II.E.1L the Princess Victoria's Apartments) w 1 3 5 82 Lindsay Houses do. w 136 83 From Pickled Herring Stairs w 137 84 Lord Wolseley w 138 85 St. James's Street w 140 86 The Large Pool w 143 87 The Adam and Eve, Old Chelsea w 144 88 Putney Bridge w 145 89 The Little Putney (from H.R.H. the Princess Victoria's Apartments') w 146 90 Hurlingham do. w 147 91 Fulham do. w 148 THE REMAINING NUMBERS OF THIS COLLECTION ARE IN THE BALCONY 92 The Little Venice w 149 93 Nocturne w 150 94 The Little Mast w 1 5 1 95 The Little Lagoon w 152 96 The Palaces w 153 97 The Doorway w 154 98 The Piazzetta w 155 99 The Traghetto w 156 16 100 The Riva w 157 10 1 The Two Doorways w 158 1 02 The Beggars w 159 103 The Mast w 160 104 Doorway and Vine w 161 105 San Biagio w 163 1 06 Nocturne Palaces w 168 107 Long Lagoon w 169 1 08 The Bridge w 171 109 Upright Venice w 172 no The Riva, No. 2 w 175 in The Balcony w 1 7 7 112 The Fishing Boat w 178 113 Garden w 180 114 The Rialto w 181 115 Long Venice w 182 116 The Dyer w 189 117 Nocturne Shipping w 194 118 Alderney Street w 196 119 The Smithy w 197 1 20 Nocturne Salute w 199 121 Dordrecht w 200 122 Cottage Door w 204 123 The Village Sweet Shop w 205 124 The Fruit Shop w 210 125 The Steps w 213 126 Mother and Child w 224 127 The Barbers w 229 128 Old Clothes Exchange w 231 17 B 129 Fleur de Lys Passage w 233 130 Visitors' Boat w 237 131 Troop Ships w 238 132 Monitors w 239 133 Southampton Docks w 240 134 Bunting w 241 135 Dipping the Flag w 242 136 The Fleet Evening w 243 137 Return to Tilbury w 244 138 Landing Stage, Cowes (incorrectly de- scribed by Wed more as Hyde Pier) w 245 139 Turret Ship (undescribed) 140 Windsor (Where she lives) w 247 141 The Church, Brussels w 249 142 Square House w 261 143 Pierrot (from H.R.H. the Princess Vic- toria's Apartments) w 264 144 Long House Dyer's Amsterdam w 266 145 Zaandam (from H.R.H. the Princess Victoria's Apartments') - w 268 146 Speke Hall, No. 2 s 269 147 The Mill s 358 148 Portrait Bust of Whistler by Sir J. E. Boehm (Lent by H.R.H. the Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll) 18 NORTH ROOM RIGHT HAND SIDE A CHRONOLOGICAL COLLECTION OF JAMES McNEILL WHISTLERS ETCHINGS THE NUMBERS BEFORE THE TITLES DENOTE THE PRINTS SHOWN J THOSE AFTER, THE WEDMORE CATALOGUE AND SUPPLEMENT NUMBERS Early Portrait of Whistler w i Annie Haden w 2 The Dutchman holding the Glass w 3 4 Liverdun (See Sis Majesty's Collection) w 4 5 La Retameuse do. w 5 6 En Plein Soleil do. w 6 7 The Unsafe Tenement do. w 7 8 The Dog on the Kennel do. w 8 9 La Mere Gerard do. w 9 La Mere Gerard stooping w 10 1 1 Street in Saverne (See His Majesty's Col- lection) 1 1 Gretchen at Heidelberg w 12 13 Little Arthur (See His Majesty's Collection) w 13 14 La Vieille aux Loques do. w 14 15 Annie do. w 15 1 6 LaMarchandedeMoutarde do. w 16 1 7 The Rag Gatherers do. w 1 7 1 8 Fumette do. \v 18 19 The Kitchen do. w 19 20 The Title to the French Set do. w 20 21 Auguste Delatre (Lent by Messrs. Ernest Brown and Phillips), destroyed proof W 2 T 22 A Little Boy (See His Majesty's Collection) w 22 23 Seymour do. w 23 24 Annie Seated do. w 24 25 Reading by Lamplight do. w 25 26 The Music Room do. w 26 27 Soupe a Trois Sous do. w 27 28 Bibi Valentin do. w 28 29 Reading in Bed do. w 29 30 Bibi Lalouette do. w 30 31 The Wine Glass (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq. w 31 32 Greenwich Pensioner (See His Majesty's Collection) w 32 33 Greenwich Park (See His Majesty's Collec- tion) w 33 34 Nursemaid and Child (See His Majesty's Collection) w 34 35 Thames Warehouses from Thames Tunnel Pier (See His Majesty's Collection') w 35 36 Westminster Bridge do. w 36 37 Limehouse do. w 37 38 A Wharf (Lent by Messrs. Ernest Brown and Phillips) w 38 39 Tyzac, Whiteley & Co. (See His Majesty's Collection) w 39 40 Black Lion' Wharf (See His Majesty's Col- lection w 40- 41 The Pool (See His Majesty's Collection) w 41 42 The Thames Police do. w 42- 22 c. 43 Long-Shore Men (See His Majesty's Col- lection) w 43. 44 The Lime-Burner do. w 44 45 Billingsgate do. w 45 46 The Landscape with the Horse (See His Majesty's Collection) w 46- 47 Arthur Seymour (Lent by the Board of Education) w 47 48 Becquet (See His Majesty's Collection) w 48 Astruc w 49 50 Fumette Standing (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day w 50- 51 Fumette's Bent Head (Lent by Messrs, Ernest Brown and Phillips) (destroyed) w 51 52 Whistler (Lent by Sir James Knowles) w 52 53 Drouet (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C.Day) w 53; 54 Finette (See His Majesty's Collection) w 54 5 5 Paris ; Isle de la Cite do. w 5 5 Venus w 56' 5 7 Annie Haden (See His Majesty's Collection} w 5 7 58 Mr. Mann (Lent by the Board of Educa- tion) w 58 59 The Penny Boat (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 59 60 Rotherhithe (See His Majesty's Collection) w 60 6 1 Axenfeldi (Lent by the Board of Education) w 6 1 The Engraver w 62 63 The Forge (See His Majesty's Collection) w 63 Joe w 64. 23 65 The Miser (Lent by the Board of Educa- tion) w 65 66 Vauxhall Bridge (See His Majesty's Col- lection) w 66 67 Millbank (See His Majesty's Collection) w 67 68 The Punt (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 68 69 Sketching do. w 69 70 Westminster Bridge in Progress (Lent by ff. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 70 71 The Little Wapping (See His Majesty's Collection) w 71 72 The Little Pool do. w 72 73 Tiny Pool do. w 73 Ratclifie Highway w 74 75 Encamping (See His Majesty's Collection) w 75 76 Ross Winans (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 76 77 The Storm (See His Majesty's Collection') w 77 78 Little Smithfield do. w 78 79 Cadogan Pier do. w 79 80 Old Hungerford Bridge do. w 80 8 1 Chelsea Wharf do. w 81 82 Amsterdam, etched from the Tolhuis (Lent by H. S. Theobald Esq.) w 82 83 Weary (See His Majesty's Collection) w 83 Shipping at Liverpool w 84 85 Chelsea Bridge and Church (See His Majesty's Collection) w 85 86 Speke Hall (See His Majesty's Collection) w 86 24 87 The Model Resting (Lent by H.R.E. the Princess Victoria) W 87 88 Whistler's Mother (destroyed plate, lent by Messrs. Ernest Broivn and Phillips) w 88 89 Swan Brewery (See His Majesty's Collec- tion) w 89 90 Fosco (Lent by IT. S. Theobald, Esq.) W 90 91 The Velvet Dress do. w 91 92 The Little Velvet Dress (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) w 92 93 F. R. Leyland (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 93 94 Fanny Leyland (See His Majesty's Collec- tion) w 94 95 Elinor Leyland do. w 95 96 Florence Leyland do. w 96 97 Reading a Book (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 97 98 Tatting (See His Majesty 1 s Collection) w 98 99 Maude (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq). w 99 100 Maud.e Seated do. w 100 The Beach w 101 1 02 Tillie, a Model (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) w 102 Seated Girl w 103 104 The Desk (Lent by Messrs. Ernest Brown and Phillips) w 104 105 Resting w 105 1 06 Agnes (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 106 25 The Model Lying Down w 107 Two Sketches w 108 109 The Boy (See His Majesty's Collection) w 109 Swinburne w no A Lady at a Window win 1 1 2 A Child on a Couch (See His Majesty's Collection) w 112 Sketch of a Girl, Nude w 1 1 3 1 14 Steamboats off the Tower (Lent by H.R.H. the Princess Victoria) w 114 115 The Little Forge (See His Majesty's Col- lection) w 115 116 Two Ships (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.} w 116 117 The Piano (See His Majesty's Collec- tion) w 117 The Scotch Widow w 118 119 Speke Shore (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.} w 119 1 20 The Dam Wood (See His Majesty's Collec- tion) w 1 20 121 Shipbuilder's Yard do. w 121 122 The Guitar Player (Lent by H.R.H. the Princess Victoria) w 122 123 London Bridge (See His Majesty's Collec- tion) w 123 124 Price's Candle Works do. w 124 125 Battersea : Dawn (Lent by H.R.H. the Princess Victoria) w 125 26 126 The Muff (See His Majesty's Collection) w 126 1 2 7 A Sketch of Ships (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) w 127 128 The White Tower (Lent by H. S. Theo- bald, Esq.) w 128 The Troubled Thames w 129 130 A Sketch from Billingsgate (See His Majesty's Collection) w 130 131 Fishing Boats, Hastings do. w 131 132 Wych Street do. w 132 133 Temple Bar do. w 133 134 Free-Trade Wharf do. w 134 135 The Thames toward Erith (Lent by H.R.H. the Princess Victoria) w 135 136 Lindsay Houses do. w 136 137 From Pickled Herring Stairs (See His Majesty's Collection) w 137 138 Lord Wolseley do. w 138 1 39 Irving as Philip of Spain (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 139 140 St. James's Street (See His Majesty's Collection) w 140 141 Battersea Bridge (Lent by H. S. Theo- bald, Esq.) w 141 Whistler with the White Lock w 142 143 The Large Pool (See His Majesty's Col- lection) w 143 144 The "Adam & Eve," Old Chelsea do. w 144 145 Putney Bridge do. w 145 27 146 The Little Putney (Lent by 1I.R.IL the Princess Victoria} w 146 147 Hurlingham do. w 147 148 Fulham do. w 148 149 The Little Venice (See His Majesty's Collection) w 149 150 Nocturne do. w 150 151 The Little Mast do. w 1 5 1 152 The Little Lagoon do. w 152 153 The Palaces do. w 153 154 The Doorway do. w 154 155 The Piazzetta do. w 155 156 The Traghetto do. w 156 157 The Riva do. w 157 158 Two Doorways do. w 158 159 The Beggars do. w 159 1 60 The Mast do. w 160 161 Doorway and Vine do. w 161 162 Wheelwright (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 162 163 San Biagio (See His Majesty's Collection) w 163 164 Bead-Stringers (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 164 165 Turkeys do. w 165 1 66 Fruit-Stall do. w 166 167 San Giorgio do. w 167 1 68 Nocturne Palaces (See His Majesty's Col- lection) w 1 68 169 Long Lagoon do. w 169 28 170 Temple (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.] w 170 171 The Bridge (See His Majesty's Collec- tion) w 171 172 Upright Venice do. w 172 173 Little Court (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 173 174 Lobster Pots do. \v 174 175 TheRiva, No. 2 (See His Majesty's Collec- tion) w 175 176 Drury Lane (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 176 177 The Balcony (See His Majesty's Collection) w 1 7 7 178 Fishing Boat do. w 178 179 Ponte Piovan (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 179 1 80 Garden (See His Majesty's Collection) w 180 181 The Eialto do. w 181 182 Long Venice do. w 182 183 Furnace, Nocturne (Lent by H. S. Theo- bald, Esq.) w 183 184 Quiet Canal do. w 184 185 Salute: Dawn do. w 185 1 86 Lagoon: Noon do. w 186 187 Murano-Glass Furnace do. w 187 1 88 Fish-Shop, Venice do. w 188 189 The Dyer (See His Majesty's Collection) w 189 190 Little Salute (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq. w 190 Wool- Carders w 191 29 1 92 Regent's Quadrant (Lent by H. S. Theo- bald,, Esq. w 192 193 Islands (Lent by Ernest Marsh, Esq.) w 193 194 Nocturne Shipping (See His Majesty's Collection) w 1 94 Old Women w 195 196 Alderney Street (See His Majesty's Col- lection) w 196 197 The Smithy do. w 197 198 Stables (Lent by Messrs. F. Keppel & Co.) w 198 199 Nocturne Salute (See His Majesty's Col- lection) w 199 200 Dordrecht do. w 200 20 1 A Corner of the Palais Royal (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) w 201 202 Sketch at Dieppe (Lent by Messrs. Ernest Brown and Phillips) w 202 203 Booth at a Fair (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) w 203 204 Cottage Door (See His Majesty's Collec- tion) w 204 205 The Village Sweet-Shop do. w 205 206 The Seamstress (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) w 206 207 Sketch in St. James's Park (Lent by II. S. Theobald, Esq.") \v 207 208 Fragment of Piccadilly (Lent by Messrs. Ernest Brown and Phillips) w 208 209 Old Clothes Shop do. w 209 30 2 1 o The Fruit-Shop (See His Majesty's Collec- tion) w 210 2 1 1 A Sketch on the Embankment (Lent by Messrs. Ernest Brown and Phillips) w 2 1 1 212 The Menpes Children do. w 212 213 The Steps (See His Majesty's Collection) w 213 214 The Fruit-Shop: " Busy Chelsea" (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 214 215 T. A. Nash do. w 215 216 Furniture Shop (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) w 2 16 217 Savoy Scaffolding do. w 2 1 7 218 Railway Arch do. w 2 1 8 Rochester Row w 219 220 York St., Westminster (Lent by Howard Mansfield, Esq.) w 220 221 The Fur Cloak (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) W22I 222 Woman Seated do. w 222 223 Steamboat Fleet do. w 223 224 Mother and Child (See His Majesty's Col- lection) w 224 225 Sketch of Battersea Bridge (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq) w 225 226 Putney No. 3 do. w 226 227 F. R, Leyland's Mother do. w 227 Wild West w 228 229 The Barbers (See His Majesty's Collection) w 229 230 Petticoat Lane (Lent by His Honour Sir J. 0. Day) w 230 231 Old Clothes Exchange (See His Majesty's Collection) w 231 232 St. James's Place Houndsditch (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 232 233 Fleur de Lys Passage (See His' Majesty's Collection) w 233 234 Cutler's Street (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 234 235 The Cock and the Pump do. w 235 236 Sandwich : Salvation Army do. w 236 237 Visitors' Boat (See His Majesty's Collec- tion) w 237 238 Troop Ships do. w 238 239 Monitors do. w 239 240 Southampton Docks do. w 240 241 Bunting do. w 241 242 Dipping the Flag do. w 242 243 The Fleet Evening do. w 243 244 Return to Tilbury do. w 244 245 Landing Stage, Cowes do. w 245 Turret Ship do. (undescribed) Chelsea (Where I live) w 246 247 Windsor (Where she lives) (See His Majesty's Collection) w 247 The Canal, Ostend w 248 249 The Church, Brussels (See His Majesty's Collection) w 249 3 2 250 Court Yard Brussels (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq. w 250 251 Grande Place, Brussels do. w 251 252 Palace, Brussels do. w 252 253 The Barrow, Brussels do. ^'253 254 The High Street, Brussels (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) w 254 255 Market Place, Bruges (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) w 255 256 Passages de 1'Opera (Lent by Ernest Marsh, Esq.) w 256 Carpet-Menders w 257 Sun Flowers, Rue des Beaux Arts w 258 259 Mairie, Loches (Lent by the Board of Education) w 259 260 Steps, Amsterdam (See His Majesty's Col- lection) w 260 261 Square House do. w 261 262 Balcony, Amsterdam (Lent by the Board of Education) w 262 263 Little Draw-Bridge (Lent by H. J. Pollitt, Esq.) w 263 264 Pierrot (Lentby H.R.H. Princess Victoria) w 264 265 Nocturne Dance House (Lent by Ernest Marsh, Esq.) w 265 266 Long House Dyer's Amsterdam (See His Majesty's Collection) w 266 267 Bridge, Amsterdam (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) w 267 33 c 268 Zaandam (Lent by H. the Princess Victoria) w 268 269 Speke Hall, No. 2 (See His Majesty's Col- lection) w 269 270 Church Doorway, Edgemere (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) s 270 Double Doorway, Sandwich 8271 Doorway, Sandwich s 272 Butcher's Shop, Sandwich s 273 274 Ramparts, Sandwich (Lent by Howard Mansfield, Esq. s 274 275 Portsmouth Children (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) s 275 276 Tilbury Naval Review Series (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) s 276 Windsor s 277 Little Putney, No. 2 s 278 Battersea Bridge, No. 3 s 279 280 Under Battersea Bridge (Lent by Messrs. Ernest Brown and Phillips) s 280 281 Melon Shop, Houndsditch (Lent by Messrs. F. Keppel and Co.) 8281 After the Sale, Houndsditch s 282 Steps, Gray's Inn s 283 284 Gray's Inn Babies (Lent by Howard Mansfield, Esq.) s 284 285 Gray's Inn Place (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) s 285 Seats, Gray's Inn s 286 34 287 Exeter Street (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) g 287 Abbey Jubilee s 288 289 Bird Cages, Drury Lane (Lent by His Honour Sir J. G. Day) s 289 290 The Bucking Horse (Lent by Messrs. F. Keppel and Co.) s 290 291 Rag Shop Millman's Row (Lent by Howard Mansfield, Esq.) s 291 292 Clothes Exchange, No. i (Lent by Howard Mansfield, Esq.) s 292 293 Charing Cross Railway Bridge (Lent by His Honour Sir J. G. Day) s 293 Shaving and Shampooing s 294 295 Jubilee Place, Chelsea (Lent by E. G. Kennedy, Esq.) s 2 nr 296 Justice Walk, Chelsea (Lent by E. G. Kennedy, Esq.) s 29 6 297 Bird Cages, Chelsea (Lent by His Honour Sir J. G. Day) s 297 Merton Villa, Chelsea s 298 299 Little Maunders (Lent by Messrs. Ernest Brown and Phillips) s 299 Custom House s , co 301 Nut Shop, St. James's Place (Lent by Howard Mansfield, Esq.) s 301 302 Old Clothes Shop, No. 2 (See His Majesty's Collection) s 302 35 303 Model Stooping (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq. s 303 Nude Figure Reclining s 304 Binding the Hair s 305 306 The Little Hat (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) s 306 307 The Little Nurse Maid do. s 307 Baby Pettigrew s 308 Miss Lenoir s 309 310 Swan and Iris (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) s 310 Cameo No. 2 8311 Marbles s 312 Jardin du Luxembourg s 313 Terrace, Luxembourg Gardens s 314 Boulevard Poissoniere s 315 316 Rue Rochefoucault (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) s 316 317 Quai de Montebello (Lent by E. G. Kennedy, Esq.) s 317 Quai, Ostend s 318 Railway Station, Voves s 319 320 Rue des Bons Enfants, Tours (Lent by Messrs. F, Keppel & Co.) s 320 Hotel Croix Blanche, Tours s 321 Market Place, Tours s 322 323 Hangman's House, Tours (Lent by Ernest Marsh, Esq.) s 323 Little Market Place, Tours s 324 36 Cellar Door, Tours s 325 Place Daumont s 326 Chateau s 327 Chateau, Touraine s 328 Doorway, Touraine s 329 Court of the Monastery of St. Augustin at Bourges s 330 Hotel Lallement, Bourges s 331 Windows, Bourges s 332 333 Windows opposite Hotel, Bourges (Lent by Ernest Marsh, Esq>) s 333 334 Chancellerie, Loches (Lent by L. W. nod- son, Esq.) s 334 THE REMAINDER OF THIS COLLECTION IS IN BALCONY Market Women, Loches s 335 Hotel Promenade, Loches s 336 Theatre, Loches s 337 Tour St. Antoine, Loches s 338 Market-Place, Loches s 339 Rennaisance Window, Loches s 340 Chapel Doorway, Montresor s 341 Chateau, Amboise s 342 Clock Tower, Amboise s 343 Gateway, Chartreuse s 344 Under the Cathedral, Blois s 345 346 A Guild House, Brussels (Lent by Messrs. F. Keppel & Co.) s 346 37 347 Gold House, Brussels (Lent by His Honour Sir J. 0. Day} s 34? Butter Street, Brussels s 348 House of the Swan, Brussels s 349 350 Archway, Brussels (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) s 350 Court-yard, Rue P. L. Courier s 351 Brussels Children s 352 Street, Brussels s 353 Chateau Verneuil 8 354 Church, Amsterdam s 355 356 The Embroidered Curtain (Lent by H. J. Pollitt, Esq.) s 356 Jews' Quarter, Amsterdam 357 The Mill s 358 Little Nocturne, Amsterdam s 359 Bohemians, Corsica s 360 Venice s 361 Seymour Standing s 362 363 Opposite Lindsay Row (Lent by H. S. Theo- bald, Esq.) s 363 Full Length Figure of Lady in Hat with Feather s 364 Full Length Figure of Girl with Short Hair s 365 Twelve Sketches of Heads s 366 Nora Quinn s 367 Second Traghetto s 368 An Eagle s 369 38 37 Jo's Bent Head (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) s 370 Young Woman, standing s 371 Nude 3372 373 Jeweller's Shop (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) (350 Grolier) 374 Fisherwomen, Ostend (undescribed) A fish market under a glass and iron roof, just seen at top. Two children and a chicken in front to right. Nu- merous figures around the stall. Three children to left, the Butterfly on upper left-hand side (Lent by His Honour Sir J.C.Day) H. 3 i, B. sf 375 J. L. Druez's Fruit and Flower Shop (undescribed) A door with three figures in centre. Fruit and vegetable stalls on both sides. A fourth figure, a woman, to right. The Butterfly to right at top (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) H. 4 ii,B. 3 f 376 Nude Model, standing (undescribed) Slightly turned to right, looking down. Butterfly to left (Lent by H. J. Pollitt, Esq.) H. 3 i B. if 39 377 Luxembourg Gardens (undescribed) A balustrade extends across the centre. Six women seated on chairs before it. A vase supported by two cupids on right, the Butterfly on left above balustrade (Lent by His Honour J. G. Day) H. 5, B. 6if 378 Wood's Fruit Shop (undescribed) A shop with an awning across the entire plate, over which on a sign is written Fruit and Potatoes, J. S. Wood, Salesman (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) H. 3 f , B. si 379 Rue de Seine (349 Grolier) (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) 380 A Market, Ostend (undescribed) A woman and two children to right. Two women on left, stalls on trestles beyond them. Shops in background. Butterfly at bottom toward left (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day) H. 3 ii,B. 5 i 381 Resting in Studio (undescribed) Two models, one to right, seated reading a book, the other to left seen from behind facing to right. Butterfly 40 to left (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C, Day} H. Si, B. 3 | 382 The Silk Dress (Mrs. Leyland) (undescribed) A lady in profile to left, turning her head full face towards the spectator. Dry-point (Lent by His Honour Sir J. C. Day} H. 8|, B. s| 383 Luxembourg Garden (undescribed) Trees and flowers in centre. Beyond a pond with a railing, and people walking around it. The dome of the Pantheon appears in the distant centre. Butterfly on left (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) H. 3i B. 7 | 384 Sailing Boats off Battersea (undescribed) Three barges sailing to left. A land- ing stage on the foreground. Houses and mills in the distance. Battersea Bridge to left. Signature, "Whistler 1863," lower left-hand corner. Plate destroyed (Lent by Messrs. Ernest Brown and Phillips} H. si, B. 8J 385 Nude Model (undescribed) She stands with crossed legs and arms raised behind her head. Destroyed plate (Lent by H. J. Pollitt, Esq.) ' H. 7 J, B. 3 | 386 Two Young Girls (undescribed) One to the right is dressing the hair of the other. Signed, " Whistler 1 863," lower right-hand side. Destroyed plate (Lent by Messrs. Ernest Brown and Phillips) H. 9, B. 6 387 Female Figure . (undescribed) Sitting in a large chair, turning'^to right, with open book on her lap. Signed, "Whistler 1 86 1," lower right- hand corner. Destroyed plate (Lent by Messrs. Ernest Brown and Phillips) H. 6, B. 4 388 Portrait of Mr. Leyland (undescribed) Full-length portrait of Leyland, and head of Whistler upside down, and a third portrait on the same plate, to left of Leyland. Destroyed plate (Lent by Messrs. Ernest Brown and Phillips) H. n|, B. 7 BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOUR NORTH ROOM 389 Japanese Figure seated (black and white chalk on brown paper) A lightly draped model seated in 42 profile to left, eats with chopsticks from a plate ; on a table beside the plate is a glass. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by the Executors of the late J. Stoats Forbes, Esq.) H. xoi, B. 6| 390 Female Figure with Fan (black and white chalk on brown paper) Full-length study of a lady looking left, in 1860 gown. She wears a chig- non, and holds a fan in her hand. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by the Executors of the late J. Stoats Forbes, Esq.} H. 7 f , B. 4 f 391 Female Figure, back (black and white chalk on brown paper) She rests with her elbows on a bal- cony, looking off. Butterfly signature on left (Lent by the Executors of the late J. Stoats Forbes, Esq.) H. ii, B. 6| 392 Female Figure with Fan (black and white chalk on brown paper) Profile of a woman, her face turned away. Butterfly signature to left (Lent by the Executors of the late J. Staats Forbes, Esq.) H. 8, B. 5 43 393 Female Figure, front (black and white chalk on brown paper) A figure in light drapery, her right hand resting on a parapet, her head supported on her left elbow. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by the Execu- tors of the late J. Staats Forbes, Esq.) H. io, B. 6f 394 A Nude (black and white chalk on brown paper) A nude Female Figure leaning on a balcony. Butterfly signature on right (Lent by the Executors of the late J. Staats Forbes, Esq.) H. ioj, B. 7 | 395 Female figure, hand on rail (black and white chalk on brown paper) Back view of a figure, with head resting on her hand and turned towards the spectator. Butterfly signature to left (Lent by the Executors of the late J. Staats Forbes, Esq.) H. i 4 J, B. 6| 396 Female Figure, looking over her shoulder (black and white chalk on brown paper) Figure of a Girl, in her right hand she holds a scroll. Butterfly signature 44 to right (Lent by the Executors of the late J. Staats Foi-bes, Esq.) H. 8, B. 5 397 Female Figure in flounced dress (black and white chalk on brown paper) A lady in 1860 costume, in profile to right, looking down, turns her head towards the spectator. Butterfly sig- nature to right (Lent by the Executors of the late J. Staats Forbes, Esq.) H, i2j, B. 6f 398 Lady with Fan (do. do.) Full-length figure leaning to right over a balcony, the face partially hidden behind her fan. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by the Executors of the late J. Staats Forbes, Esq.) H. 7 f , B. 5 399 Three Figures, pink and grey (oil) Three figures, one nude, standing looking to left, a black band bound round her hair, the next in centre stooping to arrange a blossoming peach in a flower- pot. She is almost nude, with a pink kerchief on her head. The third stands to right in diaphanous draperies, with a Japanese parasol open over her head. Behind them a long 45 wall, which crosses the picture, beyond the distant sea, blue mountains and blue grey sky (Lent by Alfred Chapman, Esq.) H. ssJ, N. 72 BALCONY 400 The Coast Survey, No. i , from the copper- plate etched by Whistler, when attached to the United States Coast Survey De- partment at Washington, about 1854-5. Around the Survey plan are several figures drawn and etched by Whistler ; the plate was confiscated (Print lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.] The Original Plate, and proof from it, printed by F. Goulding (shown in the case) The plate is undescribed in Mr. Wed- more's Catalogue, though he refers to it in the Preface to the Second Edition, but it is the first, or one of the first, etched by Whistler (Lent by W. Heine- mann, Esq.) 401 Coast Survey, No. 2, Anacapa Island The lower part of the plate etched by Whistler, i.e., the land and sea. Signed, J. A. Whistler (Lent by the United States Coast Survey Department) 46 NORTH ROOM LEFT-HJND SIDE LITHOGRAPHS AND BLACK AND WHITE THE NUMBERS FOLLOWING THE TITLES REFER TO MR. WAY'S CATALOGUE OF WHISTLER'S LITHOGRAPHS ; THE NUMBERS BEFORE THE TITLES INDICATE THE PRINTS SHOWN 1 Study, Figure of Lady (lent by T. Way, Esq.) w i 2 Study, Female Figure do. w 2 3 Study do. do. w 3 4 Limehouse (lithotint) do. w 4 5 Nocturne do. do. w 5 6 The Toilet do. do. w 6 7 Early Morning do. do. w 7 7 A Another State do. do. (undescribed) 8 The Broad Bridge do. do. w 8 9 The Tall Bridge do. do. w 9 10 Gaiety Stage Door do. w 10 1 1 Victoria Club do. w 1 1 12 Old Battersea Bridge do. w 12 13 Reading do. w 13 I3A Another State do. w i3A 14 The Fan do. w 14 15 Study, Classical Figure Lightly Draped (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 15 1 6 Entrance Gate, St. Bartholomew's (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 16 17 Churchyard, St. Bartholomew's (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 17 49 D 1 8 Little Court, Cloth Fair (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w l8 19 Lindsay Row, Chelsea(Zen by T. Way, Esq.) w 19 20 Chelsea Shops do. w 20 2 1 Drury Lane Rags do. w 2 1 22 Chelsea Rags do. w 22 23 Courtyard, Chelsea Hospital do. w 23 24 The Farriers do. w 24 25 The Winged Hat do. w 25 26 Gants de Suede do. w 26 27 The Tyre Smith do. w 27 28 Maunder's Fish-shop, Chelsea do. w 28 29 The Little Nude Model Reading do. w 29 30 The Dancing Girl do. w 30 31 Model Draping do. w 31 32 The Horoscope do. w 32 33 The Model, Girl Reading do. w 33 34 Gatti's do. w 34 35 Hotel Colbert, Windows do. w 35 36 Cocks and Hens, Hotel Colbert do. w 36 37 Staircase do. w 37 38 The Garden do. w 38 39 Vitre, The Canal do. w 39 40 Market Place, Vitr6 do. w 40 41 Gabled Roofs, Vitre do. w 41 42 The Clockmakers, Paimpol do. w 42 43 The Steps, Luxembourg do. w 43 44 Conversation under the Statue, Luxem- bourg Gardens (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 44 5 45 The Pantheon, from the Terrace of the Luxembourg Gardens (Lent by T. Way w 45 46 The Draped Figure, Seated do. w 46 47 Nude Model, Reclining do. w 47 48 Nursemaids, "Les Bonnes du Luxem- bourg " (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 4 8 49 The Long Balcony do. w 49 50 The Little Balcony do. w SQ 51 Little Draped Figure, Leaning (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w $l 52 The Long Gallery, Louvre (Lent by T. Way Es l) w 52 53 The Whitesmith, Impasse des Carmelites (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 53 54 Tete-a-tete In the Garden (Lent byT. Way, E *^ w 54 55 The Terrace, Luxembourg do. w 55 56 The Little Cafe au Bois do. w 56 57 Late Picquet do. w ^ 58 The Laundress do. w 5 g 59 Rue Furstenburg do. w 59 60 Confidences in the Garden do. w 60 6 1 La jolie New Yorkaise do. w6i 62 La Belle Dame Paresseuse do. w 62 63 La Belle Jardiniere do. w 63 64 The Duet do. w 64 The Duet, No. 2 w 6s 66 Stephane Mallarme do. w 66 The Draped Figure, back view (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 67 68 La Robe Rouge w 68 69 La Belle Dame Endormie do. w 69 70 La Fruitiere de la rue de Grenelle (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 70 71 The Sisters (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 71 72 The Forge, Passage du Dragon (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 72 73 The Smith, Passage du Dragon (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 73 74 The Priests' House, Rouen (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 74 75 A Portrait (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 75 76 Figure Study do. w 76 77 Study do. w 77 78 The Doctor (Lent by Mrs. W. McNeill Whistler) w 78 79 Walter Sickert (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 79 So Mother and Child, No. i do. w 80 8 1 Back of the Gaiety Theatre do. w 8 1 82 Girl with Bowl do. w 82 83 The Little Doorway, Lyme Regis (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 83 84 The Master Smith (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 84 85 The Sunny Smithy do. w 85 86 The Good Shoe do. w 86 87 Father and Son do. w 87 88 The Smith's Yard do. w 88 52 89 The Strong Arm (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 89 90 The Blacksmith do. w 90 91 The Brothers do. w 91 92 The Fair do. w 92 93 John Grove do. w 93 94 The Little Steps, Lyme Kegis do. w 94 95 Study of a Horse do. w 95 96 Sunday, Lyme Regis do. w 96 97 The Fifth of November do. w 97 98 The Old Smith's Story do. w 98 99 Figure Study (in colour) do. w 99 100 The Red House, Paimpol (in colour) (Lent by T. Way, Esq.} w 100 1 01 The Yellow House, Lannion (in colour) (Lent by Mrs. Katharine Furse) w 101 102 Mother and Child, No. 2 (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 1 02 103 Portrait of Mrs. Pennell do w 103 104 Portrait of Joseph Pennell, No. i (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 104 105 Portrait of Joseph Pennell, No. 2 (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 105 1 06 The Barbers' Shop in the Mews (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 106 107 Portrait of T. Way, No. i (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 107 1 08 Same, No. 2 do. w 108 109 Kensington Gardens do. w 109 no Little Evelyn (Lent by D. C. Thomson, Esq.) w 1 1 o 53 n i Portrait of Joseph Pennell, No. 3 (Lent by T. Way, Esq. win 112 Portrait of Joseph Pennell, No 4 (Lent by T. Way, Esq. w 1 1 2 113 Needlework (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 113 114 The Manager's Window, Gaiety Theatre (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 114 115 Little Dorothy (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 115 1 1 6 Portrait Study do. w 1 1 6 1 1 7 A Young Man do. w 1 1 7 1 1 8 Savoy Pigeons do. w 1 1 8 TIQ Evening, Little Waterloo Bridge (Lent by T. Way, Esq. w 119 1 20 Charing Cross Railway Bridge (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 120 121 Little London (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) w 121 122 The Siesta do. w 122 123 Waterloo Bridge do. w 123 124 By the Balcony do. w 124 125 The Thames (lithotint) do. w 1 2 5 126 St. Anne's, Soho do. w 126 127 W. E. Henley do. w 127 128 The Butcher's Dog do. w 128 129 St. Giles' in the Fields do. w 129 130 Little London Model do. w 130 131 The Fireplace, Vitre (undescribed) A French peasant, in his big felt hat and sabots, sits in profile to left, and looks at the spectator, behind him is a 54 big open fireplace with a mantel-shelf at the top, on which, to right, are pots and jars (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) H. 7, W. 6f 132 The Model, dancing (undescribed) A nearly nude figure of a girl is seen, full face, dancing, with both arms ex- tended, waving gauzy, floating drapery about her. Butterfly signature to left (Lent by Dr. E. Tail) ' H. 7, W. 5 133 A Lady in a Big Chair (undescribed) A lady in 1 860 costume, sits sideways in a big arm-chair. Her crossed legs are resting on one arm of the chair. She regards the spectator, the raised forefinger of her right hand upon her lips. This drawing is partially in line and lithotint. Butterfly signature to the right. This is evidently an early work (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) H. 9i, W. yi 134 Garden of the Rue du Bac, No. i (undescribed) The drawing has been made from within the doorway of the artist's house, looking out upon the garden. A curtain falls on the left. On the right is an elaborate trellis work with a birdcage at 55 the top; at the bottom are flower-pots. Steps descend to the garden where a man, stooping, cuts grass with a sickle (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) H. 9, W. 6} 135 Mother and Child, No. 3 (undescribed) A mother in light drapery, wearing a cap, sits upon a sofa and plays with her infant lying nude on the couch to her left (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) H. si W. 9 | 136 Two Sketches (undescribed) The upper, of a woman looking to left. The lower of a man, Mr. Arthur Studd, who looks to right (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) H. 7, W. 3 137 Garden, Rue du Bac, No. 2 (undescribed) The drawing is made from the garden, on the right is the lattice-covered door- way in which three figures are standing. Above, many window shutters are suggested, and to the left a climbing vine, and a window opens on the ground floor. Butterfly signature at the bottom (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) H. 8, W. 6 56 138 Two Slight Sketches (undescribed) (a) Several figures sit at cafe tables, behind which are two windows H. 2 , W. 2 (6) View of a square in Paris, a four- story house, with mansard roof to right, and a three-story house across a street in the centre. In front are two cabs (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) ^ H. ai, W. 5i 139 Mother and Child, No. 4 The same model, lightly draped, and wearing a cap, nurses her infant on her knee. She sits upright with cushions at her back (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) H. 71, W. 6 140 Mother and Child, No. 5 (undescribed) A mother, sitting upon a couch, leans over her nude child, which lies upon its back. This print may be unique, as the drawing does not seem to have come well upon the stone. Butterfly at top to left (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) H. 6, W. 8 141 A Smith of Ly me Regis (undescribed) A slight sketch of a blacksmith at the forge, lit by firelight. His arms are just suggested and his body is only seen 57 to the waist, there is a shadow behind him (Lent by T. Way, Esq.} H. 4 J, W. 3 J 142 The Black Bonnet (undescribed) The figure of an old lady, her eyes turned to the right, faces the spectator. She wears a black bonnet, her hands are but slightly indicated. Butterfly signa- ture to right. Evidently an early work (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) H. i if, W. 8 143 Dr. Whistler, No. 2 (undescribed) The Doctor sits in an easy chair facing the spectator, but rather turned to the left. His right hand rests upon the arm of the chair and in his left he holds a glass. A handkerchief is on his knee (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) 1 H. 7 J, W. 6 144 Portrait of M. le Comte_de Montesquiou, No. i (undescribed) A full-length figure, standing, turned to the right, his full-face emerging from a dark background. He is in evening dress, and carries a cloak over his left arm. A cane is in his right hand, a bracelet is round the right wrist. Butterfly signature is slightly to the 58 left of right hand (Lent by T. Way, Esq.} H. 9 J, W. 4 145 Battersea Bridge (undescribed) A sketch of the Old Bridge, looking down the river. To the right are fac- tories and chimneys, to the left are two piers of the new suspension bridge seen through the old. In the foreground several boats are drawn up on the shore. The drawing does not seem to have come well upon the stone (Lent by T. Way, Esq.) H. 2} , W. roj 146 Afternoon Tea (undescribed) Two ladies, Mrs. Philip and Mrs. Charles Whibley, at tea ; the younger lady sits to the -right behind the tea- table, wearing a black hat with white feather, and a coat with high collar. The other lady regards her, resting her face upon her hand. Butterfly signa- ture to the right (Lent by Mme. Blanche Marchesi) H. 7 J, W. 6J 147 Le Cordonnier (undescribed) A shoemaker sits turned to right; in centre of drawing ; he has stopped working, his hands rest upon his knees 59 he wears a French workman's cap and an apron, his bench covered with boots and tools is lit by a lamp, behind him is a bureau with plates and pots on it, a woman leans upon the end of it be- hind him. Butterfly signature to right at top (Lent by Mme. Blanche Marchesi) H. 6, W. 8 148 Two sketches, very slight, man's head at top to left. A woman in a black hat bottom to right (Lent by Ernest Brown and Phillips) H. 10, B. 7 149 Comte de Montesquieu, No. 2. Another study of the Count in the same position as the previous one, No. 144 (Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq.) H.8,B. 4 J 150 Model on Couch. Another print of No. 47 (Lent by W. Heinemann, Esq.) 151 Model, standing, in colour. Lightly draped figure rests her head on her hand, turning slightly to left. The print is touched with colour, and there is a green butterfly to right (Lent by W. ffeinemann, Esq.) H. 8|, B. 5 60 152 Model on Couch, in colour Trial proof, probably unique. She lies on couch to left, one leg raised, the other hanging down. Carries a fan in her right hand, and there is a jar with blue spots beside her (Lent by W. ffeinemann, Esq.) H. 7,B. 10 153 Completed print of the previous subject. Blue background, red couch, on the model's head a purple cap bound with green, green drapery, blue spots on fan and jar. Purple butterfly to right (Lent by Ernest Marsh, Esq.) DRAWINGS, ILLUSTRATIONS, PASTELS, ETC. 154 School House on Fire (water-colour) This was done by the artist while he was at school at Pomfret, Connecticut, U.S.A., on his return from Russia (Lent by Mrs. W. McNeill Whistler) H. 5, B. 7 f 155 Sam Weller's Lodging in the Fleet Prison (early water-colour drawing) (Lent by Mrs. W. McNeill Whistler) H. 4i, B. s| 156 Illustrations to Sir Henry Thompson's catalogue of his Collection of Blue and 61 White Nankin Porcelain, 1878. These drawings are in Indian ink. The book in which the illustrations appeared will be found in a case in the North Room 157 do. do. 158 do. do. 159 do. do. 1 60 do. do. 161 do. do. (Lent by Pickford /?. Waller, Esq.) 162 Design for Matting (black and coloured chalk on brown paper) Butterfly signature to right at top (Lent by Mrs. Knowles) ' H. lof, B. 6| 163 Studies of Nudes (black and white chalk) Three complete female figures, one at bottom with her arms crossed, one in the centre stooping with her hands between her knees, the third at the top standing on tip-toe with her arms raised. Suggestion of a torso ; heads, and unfinished notes all over the paper (Lent by Laurence W. flodson, Esq.) H. uf,B. 7 f 164 A Study (black and white chalk on brown paper) Back view of a nude figure seated, 62 turned slightly to right (Lent by Mrs. Knowles) H. 9, B. 6f 165 A Female Figure (black and white chalk on brown paper) In light drapery, which falls from her, kneeling, and tying a sandal on her foot, extended in front of her At bottom of drawing, a large blue butterfly. H. 8|, B. 6. On the back of the drawing is a slight study of a nude, in black and white (Lent by Sir James Knowles) 1 66 Full length Nude (pastel and black chalk on brown paper) Slightly turned to right, face and legs barely indicated. She leans back wards over a bar. H. 13, B. 7. On the back is a sketch for a very elaborate composition. A figure descends a flight of stairs to greet another figure sitting at the bottom. On a raised seat in the background are three other figures very classic in feeling (Lent by Sir James Knowles) 167 Mother and Child (black and white chalk on brown paper) The mother in light draperies, her 63 nude child rests its head on her lap. On the back is a study of drapery (Lent by Sir James Knowles) H. 7, B. 8| 1 68 Study of a Nude (black and white chalk on brown paper) A nude with the extremities only just indicated. Butterfly signature to right low down (Lent by Sir James Knowles) H. 10, B. 5 i 169 Water colour on tinted paper Two female figures, one in light yellowish draperies, the other in blue bodice and black skirt. Beyond, blue sea, and overhead, a lighter blue sky (Lent by Sir James Knowles) H. 7 i,B. 6 170 A Nude Figure (pastel and black and white chalk on brown paper) A nude figure, facing left, draws around her folds of drapery. Light pastel work in background. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by Sir James Knowles) H. joj, B. 7 i 171 Study for Dress (pastel) Full length of a lady to right holding a fan. She wears a soft, rose-tinted 64 gown. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by W. C. A lexander, Esq.) ' H. 9 f,B. 3 f 172 Maude Standing (black chalk on brown paper) Full length figure turned to right, right hand holds her dress, on her shoulders a fur tippet (Lent by Thomas Way, Esq.} H. loj, B. 6f 173 Drawing from the Nude, No. I (chalk and pastel on brown paper) A nude figure, full face, leans against a railing (Lent by Edmund Davis, Esq.) H. 9 i, B. 6 174 Figure (pastel on brown paper) Nude study of back of a girl, seated, turned to right (Lent by Madame Blanche Marchesi) H. 10, B. 6 175 Harmony in Gold and Brown (pastel on brown paper) A girl in light brown and golden draperies, and a yellow cap, reclines on the floor, a white wall indicated behind her. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by Pickford . Waller, Esq.) H. 5 f, B. 10 65 E 176 Souvenir of Velasquez (black and white chalk on brown paper) A reminiscence of Velasquez' Duke of Olivarez (Lent by H. Graves, Esq.) H. 6|, B. 5^ 177 Girl with Parasol (pen and ink) Study for the painting (Lent by G. R. Halkett, Esq.) H. 6i, B. 3 f 178 Lady with a Fan (pencil drawing, touched with white) Full length, full face figure of a lady carrying a fan in her right hand. She stands on richly decorated matting, and behind her is black dado, pattern of wall-paper and picture frames to right and left slightly indicated. Butterfly signature to left (Lent by C. L. Rothen- stein, Esq.") H. 7|, B. 4i 179 Studies in lead pencil for Butterflies used in the artist's publications (pencil drawing) 1 80 do. do. (Lent by H. J. Pollitt, Esq.) 181 Portrait of Whistler (pen and ink drawing) A half length of the artist slightly turned -to right. A very elaborate pen 66 drawing made as a study for the full length portrait, exhibited in the Inter- national Exhibition in Paris in 1900. The figure is enveloped in a long over- coat, the right sleeve of which is empty, and his hands show under it. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by Joseph Pennell, Esq.) H. 4, B. si 182 Pen Sketch for the Portrait of Sarasate Butterfly signature to right at bottom (Lent by Charles Morley, Esq.) H. si B. 2} 183 A Sleeping Figure (in black chalk) H. 9, B. 6| (Lent by B. B, MacGeorgey) 184 A Sleeping Figure do. do. H. 9 J, B. 7 f Both -183 and 184 signed Whistler 185 Study for the Portrait of Carlyle (Pen, ink, and wash) (Lent by Chcvrles Morley, Esq.) H.4.B. 3 f 1 86 Figure Reading (black and white chalk on brown paper) A figure seated in profile to left reading a book (Lent by Mrs. Knowles) H. 8$, B. 6f 67 187 Figure of a Child (black and white chalk on broAvn paper) Child seated in profile to left, hands folded in her lap (Lent by Mrs. Knowlea) H. 9, B. 7 1 88 Draped Figure (black and white chalk on brown paper) The draped figure of a girl standing facing spectator. A background of trellis work (Lent by Mrs. Knowles) H. io|, B. 6| 189 Study of a Nude (black and white chalk on brown paper) Nude figure stooping in profile to right with hands between her knees (Lent by Mrs. Knowles) 1 H. 9 , B. 6f 190 Enlargement by Photo Engraving of the Etching of Black Lion Wharf. Pub- lished in the Daily Chronicle, Friday, February 22, 1895. Engraved by Carl Hentschel (Lent by Joseph Pennell, Esq.) H. n, B. 17 191 Nelly (pencil drawing on blue paper) A young woman seated full face on a couch sewing, she wears an 1860 dress. An early drawing very pre-Raphaelite 68 in feeling; signed with Butterfly to left at bottom, and " Nelly " in artist's handwriting on right at bottom (Lent by Laurence W. ffodson, Esq.) H. 8, B. 6 192 Illustration to <; The First Sermon " (proof of wood engraving) "Good Words," 1862. Engraved by Dalziel Bros. (Lent by ffarold Hartley, Esq.) 193 Illustration to " The First Sermon " (proof of wood engraving) " Good Words," 1862. Engraved by Dalziel Bros. (Lent by ffarold Hartley, Esq.) 194 The morning before the Massacre of St. Bartholomew (proof of wood engraving) "Once a Week," vol. vii. p. 210. Engraved by Dalziel (Lent by Messrs. Chatto and Windiis) H. 6, B. 4 195 Count Burkhardt (proof of wood engraving) "Once a Week," vol. vii. p. 378. Engraved by Swain (Lent by Messrs. Chatto and Windus) H. 6, B. 4 69 196 The Major's Daughter (proof of wood engraving) "Once a Week," vol. vi. p. 712 (Lent by Messrs. Chalto and Windus) H. 5, B. 4i 197 The Relief Fund in Lancashire (do. do.) " Once a Week," vol. vii. p. 140. Engraved by Swain (Lent by Messrs. Chatto and Windus) H. 5 J, B. 4 198 A Portrait (pencil drawing on wood block, unengraved) (Lent by Joseph Pennell, Esq.) 199 Study of a Head do. (Lent by Joseph Pennell, Esq.) 200 Study of a Head, No. 2 do. (Lent by Joseph Pennell, Esq.) 201 An Illustration on wood, a little figure under the sea, gazing at a fish. Mrs. Whistler may have worked on this block (Lent by Joseph Pennell, Esq.) 202 Study of a girl in bed, covered by an elaborate quilt, on which sits a monkey (Lent by Joseph Pennell, Esq.) 203 Portrait of the Artist by himself (black and white chalk drawing) The artist leaning over a table, draw- ing, is seen full face inclined slightly to 70 right. He wears a white shirt, white cuffs, and in his pocket is a white handkerchief just showing, a black necktie, and greyish coat. His white lock is seen (Lent by Thomas Way, Esq.) H. 10, B. 6f 204 A Study (black and white chalk on brown paper) Draped figure in profile to right, arm outstretched (Lent by Mrs. Knowles) H. 7i,B. 4 $ 205 Study of Nude Figure looking right (pen drawing) (Lent by William ffeinemann, Esq.) H. 4 |, B. 2 206 Old Battersea Bridge (black and white chalk drawing on brown paper ^ Three piers of the old bridge are seen, and the footway of the Bridge crosses the top of the drawing. In the fore- ground, to the right, a man in a top hat rows a boat. Chelsea Church is seen on the left beyond the Bridge, and the new Suspension Bridge appears to right in the distance (Lent by H. J. Pollitt, Esq.) H. 6f, B. io 207 A frame of ten early pencil sketches which were given to his niece, Mrs. Thynne, by Whistler after she had posed for him as a child. Her portrait appears in lower middle sketch. The other sketches are mostly of provincial towns in France. Very early works (Lent by Mrs. Charles Thynne) 72 WEST ROOM 'NOCTURNES, MARINES, AND CHEVALET PIECES" J 1 The Widow (oil) Full face of a young woman with dark hair. She wears a dark cloak with lace at the throat. Oval frame. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by the Executors of the late J. Staats Forbes, Esq.} H. 22, B. 17 2 Nocturne, St. Mark's (oil) Four bays of front of Church are seen, the domes dimly outlined against a deep blue sky. On the left a sugges- tion of the Clock Tower, and lights are dotted about on left-hand side of the Piazza (Lent by John J. Cowan, Esq.) H. i 7 J,B. 2 3 J Seascape (oil) A stretch of sea and shore with figure standing in the water on left, greyish blue clouded sky. Signed "Whistler '65 " in right-hand bottom corner (Lent by Alexander Young, Esq.] H. i 9 f, B. 2 8J 4 Girl with a Red Feather (oil) Full face of a young girl, with a red feather in her hair, her costume very 75 slightly indicated. She is placed rather to right of canvas (Lent by the Execu- tors of the late James Staats Forbes, -Esq.) H. 19, B. ii 5 Portrait of Thomas Carlyle (oil) Full length almost life-size portrait seated in profile to left, against a flat grey wall. To right, behind the sitter, is adark butterfly within a white circle. To left there are two prints on the wall, and a black dado runs all across the picture. The sitter is in black, with a brown coat over his knees, upon which rests his hat. He holds his cane in his right hand. Whistler is wrongly described on the frame of this picture as belong- ing to the English School (Lent by the Glasgow Corporation) H. 67, B. 56 6 Girl in Black (oil) Half length figure of a young girl in black gown and black cap, with white frill at her throat. Her brown hair is cut straight across her forehead and falls over her shoulders on either side of her face. Probably the last picture Whistler painted (Lent by Monsieur JT.) H. 19, B. ii 76 7 Symphony in White, No. 3 (oil) A girl lies upon a sofa her head supported on her right hand, her left arm stretched along the back of the sofa. Her hair is of a beautiful reddish gold ; she is dressed in white, the sofa is white, and another girl with the same ruddy-toned hair in which is a comb of gold, also dressed in white, is seated on the floor, and leans against the sofa, her right arm resting on it, her left on her knee. A Japanese fan lies on the floor between the two girls. On the extreme left are flowers in bloom, and flowers also lie on the sofa. The carpet is blue with white pattern. Signed " Symphony in White, No. 3, Whistler, 1867." This is the picture which caused the celebrated difference of opinion between Hamerton and , Whistler (Lent by Edmwid Davis, Esq.} H. i 9 i, B. 29 8 The Little Blue Bonnet (oil) A golden-haired girl in blue bonnet, with grey feather, looks straight at the spectator. Her dress is grey, trimmed with blue, and she wears lace at her 77 throat. Red Butterfly to left. Oval (Lent by Wittiam Heinemann, Esq.) H. 23, B. 18 9 Nocturne, Southampton Water (oil) Vast expanse of water in foreground, on it three boats, one with a light. To right ships, their lights reflected in the water. To the left the moon is rising, cut by a cloud, and further left is the town with more lights reflected (Lent by the Chicago Art Institute) H. 19, B. 29 10 Portrait of Monsieur Theodore Duret, Writer on Art (oil) The first writer in France to recog- nise the genius of Whistler. Monsieur Duret in full evening dress, faces the spectator. In his left hand he holds his hat, over his right arm is a pink opera cloak, and he holds a fan in his right hand. Butterfly signature, a curious silhouette on right (Lent by Monsieur Theodore Duret) H. 72, B. 32^ 1 1 The Coast of Brittany (oil) A beach covered with rocks extends to the deep blue sea, beyond and over- head summer sky with floating white 78 clouds. In the left foreground a peasant girl in white cap and kerchief sleeps resting against the rocks. Sig- nature Whistler in lower left hand corner (Lent by Ross Winans, Esq.) H. 36, B. 46 1 2 Nocturne in Blue and Silver (oil) A Pier of Old Battersea Bridge rises in the foreground. People and ve- hicles cross the bridge, seen at the top. Rockets fall behind it. In the immediate foreground a man sculls a boat to right of the pier. The lights of Battersea are reflected in the dis- tant water. The picture is in the ori- ginal frame, designed and decorated by Whistler (Lent by Robert H. C. Har- rison, Esq.} H. 26, B. i 9 f 13 Whistler in his Studio (oil) This is another version of No. 15 (Lent by Douglas Freshfield, Esq.) ' H. 23, B. 17 J 14 The Fur Jacket (oil) Full length standing figure of a lady in profile to left, three-quarter face, her left hand on her hip. She wears a brown hat, brown boa round her neck, black jacket trimmed with 79 brown fur, and brown skirt. The floor is brown and the background black. A black butterfly in brown panel to left (Lent by William Burrell, Esq.) H. 73, B. 3 4i 15 The Artist's Studio (oil) Whistler stands in profile to right facing the spectator, dressed in a white suit and holding a palette in his right hand, his left hand is raised. Behind him is a woman with her back to him, in rose-tinted drapery, holding a Japan- ese fan, and talking to another figure in white dress, seated on a sofa. There is a mirror behind the artist's head and a small print in white mount and gold frame to extreme right (Lent by the City of Dublin Gallery) H. 23 , B. 18 1 6 Valparaiso, Nocturne (oil) A pier stretches out into the water, and on it many people are walking about. A fleet of many ships in the middle distance, their lights and masts reflected in the water, to extreme left a rocket falls. A mountainous distance and light blue sky (Lent by George McCulloch, Esq.) H. 2 9 |, B. i 9 J 80 17 Old Battersea Bridge (oil) Both shores of the river are seen., and the old Bridge connects them. On the near shore to right are three boats, in the centre three men, two of them in white shirts, launch another boat. Beside them five other men carry sails and oars, one in the foreground wears a white shirt. A barge laden with barrels, one man on it, floats with the stream. There are several waggons and vans on the bridge, beyond are the houses and factories of Battersea, a single lofty chimney appears almost in centre of the picture, a fleet of steamboats is moored on extreme left (Lent by Edmund Davis, Esq.) H. 24^, B. 29^ 1 8 Lillie in our Ally (oil) Portrait of red-haired girl seated. She wears a blue black cap and coat, and looks directly out of the picture. The back of the chair, on which she is seated, is seen to right (Lent by John J. Cowan, Esq.) H. 20, B. 1 1| 19 Portrait of Pablo Sarasate (oil) Full length, full face portrait of the musician in evening dress, holding his 81 F violin and bow in his hands. Butterfly signature to right. Original frame de- signed by Whistler, and on it to left his Butterfly signature (Lent by tfie Carnegie Art Gallery, Pittsburg, Pa.) H. 84, B. 40 20 Lilian, daughter of E. G. Woakes, Esq., M.D. (oil) Portrait of a girl, full face, her head surmounted by masses of dark hair, wearing a white and green dress (Lent by E. G. Woakes, Esq., M.D.) H. 20, B. i 3 | 2 1 Cremorne, No. i (oil) The gardens backed by dense masses of foliage are illuminated. Figures are seen moving about, amongst them waiters in red jackets. Two women dressed in white are seen, one of whom seems to be picking up a handkerchief. In the foreground a number of chairs and tables. The frame is original, and designed by Whistler. The picture was painted for John Calvocoressi (Lent by Mrs. Alexander Ar genii) H. 19!, B. 30 22 Study in Brown (oil) Full face figure of a young girl, head 82 framed in with brown hair against a richer brown background, she wears a dark brown dress. Her hands are crossed in her lap at the bottom of the canvas (Lent by Baroness de Meyer}\ H. 20, B. 12 23 Portrait of My Mother (oil) Full length figure of the artist's mother, seated in left profile on a light chair. She wears a white cap and ker- chief, and black dress. Her hands in which she holds a handkerchief are folded in her lap, her feet rest upon a cushion. Two prints hang on the wall, one is of the Black Lion Wharf. An embroidered curtain falls from the top nearly to the bottom of the picture, on left. Butterfly signature seen at the top of curtain to right (Lent by the French Government from the Musee de Luxembourg by special decree of Presi- dent Loubet) H. 56, B. 64 24 The Master Smith of Lyme Regis (oil) Half length figure of a man slightly turned to right. His hair, beard, and thin moustache very dark brown, his arms are crossed on his breast, his 83 wrists showing. He wears a white shirt, no collar, and a black coat ; the background slightly lighter in tone than the coat (Lent by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The Warren Collection) H. i 9 f, B. 1 1| 25 Cremorne Gardens, No. 2 (oil) A sketch of the gardens. In the foreground a number of people are promenading. To the right a gen- tleman and three ladies are seated at a table. In the centre are tables, and still more tables to the left. Across the background stretches a light wall or screen upon which shadows of figures are cast. The garden is illuminated with little coloured lamps, white on the right, and red on the left (Lent by T. R. Way, Esq.) H. 25, B. 51 26 The Little Rose of Lyme Regis (oil) Half length full face figure of a small girl, with brown hair, seen against a brown background, in a black dress, white collar, and red apron ; her hands appear at the bottom of the canvas (Lent by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts The Warren Collection) H. IQftB. 12 84 27 Portrait of Sir Henry Irving as Philip of Spain (oil) Full length, full face figure of the actor, in black hat with white feather, black doublet and hose, and short black cloak. Cloak and doublet are em- broidered in gold, and the cloak is lined with white silk, the hose slashed with same. The long trunks and shoes are white. On the left leg is the Order of the Garter. In his right hand he clasps a golden order which hangs from his neck (Lent by Sir Henry Irving) H. 81, B. 41 28 The Girl in Ked (oil) Full face of a young girl in red gown, against a red background. Her un- bound hair falls over either shoulder. Butterfly signature on left (Lent by the Executors of the late J. Stoats Forbes, Esq.) H. i 9 f, B. 12 29 The Blue Wave (oil) A great stretch of sea, with two huge waves rolling in to break on a rocky shore. The surf boils amid brown rocks. A big white cumulcus cloud floats in the sky, and to the left are masses of greyish 85 cloud. This is one of the pictures that Whistler painted in company with Courbet, when they worked together for one or two summers on the coast of France (Lent by Alfred Atmore Pope, Esq.} H. 24^, B. 34 30 Portrait of the Artist (oil) Half length, left profile, face turned to the spectator. He wears a black hat, black necktie, white collar and grey painting jacket. In his right hand he holds three paint-brushes. There is a black dado behind his head. Butterfly signature in circle partially seen low down to left. On the back is the artist's signature in his own handwriting, the frame is decorated by him, and has his Butterfly signature on it to left (Lent by George McCulloch, Esq.) H. 29!, B. 21 31 Nocturne, Blue and Green (oil) A stretch of the Thames looking towards Chelsea from Battersea. Both sides of the stream are seen. To the right stands a solitary figure. In the centre and to left is a long barge with a single light upon it. Beyond is Old 86 Chelsea with the Tower, and lights re- flected in the water. In centre at the bottom of the picture is the yellow Butterfly signature in black plaque. On the back in the artist's handwriting is " Nocturne Blue and Green ; Nocturne Bleu vert" (Lent by W. C. Alexander, Esq.) H. i8J, B. 2 3 i 32 Portrait of Cicely, Henrietta, Miss Alex- ander (oil) A little girl stands in profile to left, face turned toward the spectator. She is dressed in white muslin trimmed with grey, and carries a grey hat in her left hand. There is a large black rosette on her dress, a black bow in her hat, a black ribbon in her hair, and she has white stockings and black shoes. She stands near a grey wall, with a black dado, and there is a long black line reaching to top of picture. A grey coat lies on chair to left, above which appears the Butterfly signature. Two butterflies flutter near her head on the left, and one low down on the right. On the extreme right are some daisies (Lent by W. C. Alexander, Esq.) H. 74, B. 39 3? 33 Trafalgar Square, Chelsea (oil) A grey winter evening, trees in fore- ground. Two sides of this square are seen, to left and centre ; on the right a gas lamp flickers, in the distance, more towards the centre, are ia row of other lights (Lent ~by W. Martin White, Esq.) H. 1 8, B. 24 34 The Violinist (oil) Full face half length figure of a young woman in grey and rose evening dress, holding a violin under her right arm. She is seen to the waist (Lent by Monsieur Z.) H. 30, B. i 9 J 35 Old Westminster Bridge (oil) This should properly be described as the building of New Westminster Bridge. To ^the right is the present bridge in process of construction, many figures are at work on it. Only the first span can be seen, the others are hidden by scaffolding and piles. The bridge stretches across the picture to the Surrey side of the river, and the horizon is bounded by warehouses, domes, chim- neys, and the trees in Lambeth Palace Park. The whole of this background is 88 now completely changed by St. Thomas's Hospital, since built. Signature in ex- treme left lower corner "Whistler 1862 " (Lent by Alfred Atmore Pope, Esq.) H.22,B. 3 36 Nocturne, Blue and Silver (oil) The Thames at Westminster, looking towards Lambeth. On the right, West- minster Palace, with two towers. Be- yond the city stretches into the distance. On the left the lights of the Embank- ment are reflected in the waters. A single factory chimney breaks the long low line of houses. On the back of the picture is a card bearing the artist's signature and the Butterfly with title, " Westminster, Blue and Silver, J. McNeill Whistler, 2 Old Lindsay Houses, Old Chelsea" (Lent by the Hon. Percy Wyndham) H. 18, B. 24 37 The White Girl (oil) Full length, almost life size of young woman in white, against a white back- ground. Her dark auburn hair hangs loosely about her face, in her left hand she carries a white flower, and she stands on a bear-skin rug lying on a 89 richly flowered carpet. Signed on the right hand at top, "Whistler 1862." Original frame designed and decorated by Whistler. Butterfly signature on right hand near the top of frame. On the back of the frame in the artist's handwriting, is " J. McN. Whistler, 2 Lindsay Houses, Chelsea." This pic- ture .was rejected at the salon of 1863 (Lent by Han-is Whittemore, Esq.) H. 84, B. 42 38 Arrangement in Grey and Gold, Noc- turne, Battersea Bridge (oil) A reach of the Thames with Batter- sea Bridge in the distance to right, clock tower illuminated on left, and in the foreground a barge with a man rowing. Butterfly signature at bottom left centre (Lent by Mrs. Flower) H.i8,B. 23^ 90 SOUTH ROOM OILS, WATER COLOURS, AND PASTELS 39 Pink and Rose : The Mother's Sleep (water colour) A young mother lightly draped, lies asleep on a couch, beside her child. Her drapery is pink and rose, more drapery is suggested on the couch to left. Butterfly to left centre of the drawing. On the back of this picture, is the title in Whistler's lown hand- writing, with Butterfly signature be- neath it (Lent by John J. Cowan, Esq.) H. 7, B. ioj 40 Design for a Mosaic (pastel) A rich robed figure] turned to right carries a Japanese umbrella over her left shoulder. The whole drawing is in blue purple and gold. A blue purple and yellow butterfly to right, and purple irises at bottom (Lent by W t Graham Robertson, Esq.) H. xoj, B. 6| 41 Draped Figure and Cupid '(water colour) A nude figure seated on long couch, head ttirned to right, a green cap on her head , supports a cupid on her knee. 93 Signature to right (Lent by Madame la Comtesse de Beam) H. 10, B. 7 42 Little Scheveningen (a grey note) (water colour) A grey beach, with long stretch of sand, sea coming in, in the distance, three boats lie in the surf (Lent by Walter Gay, Esq.) H. 4, B. 8 43 Seascape (water colour) Many boats are tossing in a dirty grey sea. To right low down is the Butterfly signature. To left two boats, and others are grouped in the distance (Lent by Mrs. A . M. Jarvis) ' H. 4 f,B.8J 44 Rose et Vert, L'Iris : Portrait of Miss Kinsella (oil) Full length portrait of a lady in rose- coloured evening gown, turned to left. In her right hand she holds an iris, in her left a fan. Signed on the back in artist's handwriting, " Rose et Vert, Tlris, J. McNeill Whistler" (Lent by Miss Kinsella) H. 74, B. 34 94 45 The Salute, Venice, from the Riva Schia- voni (oil) The Church and Custom House in the distance, seen behind masts. Figures in centre and to left; and t'vo others to right, slightly sketched in, seated at a cafe table (Lent by B. B. MacG-eorge, Esq.) H. 5^ B. 8f 46 Venice (pastel) A grey day in Venice. A gondola in foreground is being rowed towards the distant city, the flat line of which is broken by two white sails. The Butter- fly signature is seen low down to right (Lent by Madame Blanche Marchesi) H. 6f, B. ii 47 Study of Mrs. Leyland (pastel on brown paper) Really a study of costume, the face quite unfinished, full length, full face. Her gown is white and gold, the pattern in red. In her left hand she holds a fan. At the side is a study for the sleeve of her gown. Butterfly in black and red circle on right (Lent by Thomas Way, Esq.) H. io, B. 6| 95 48 The Convalescent (water colour) The figure of a young girl propped up in bed, reading a book with a green cover. By her side, is a table, with breakfast things upon it. In the back- ground the suggestion of a fireplace. Butterfly signature appears to left near the bottom (Lent by Dr. John W. Maclntyre) H. gi, B. 6J 49 Sea Beach and Figures (pastel) Four figures in gauzy draperies danc- ing on the seashore. Of the two centre figures, one to right carries a fan, and the other to left a Japanese parasol, white with blue spots. Further to left another with lyre in her hands, and a fourth, on extreme right, leans on a railing which -crosses the picture. In the background a suggestion of sea and sky, with flowers in right foreground (Lent by Sir William JEden, Bart.) H. S , B. ioj 50 Nocturne, Cremorne Gardens, No. 3 (oil) A brightly lighted portico in the gardens to the right, in which figures are seated. Above them are eight windows also lighted up. The left of 96 the composition is in complete darkness (Lent by C. Condor, Esq.) H. 17, B. 24 51 Portrait of Master Stephen Manuel (oil) Small boy wearing large white hat with white feather, white lace collar, and grey coat, sits full face on a Chip- pendale chair looking out of the canvas, the back of the chair is just visible (Lent by Mrs. Manuel} H. i 9 , B. i 4 | 52 Bead Stringers, Venice (pastel) Walls of high buildings to right and left. On the left are two women string- ing beads, and to the right sits another, clothes hang overhead. At the end of the street is a shop, and a two-story house with many chimneys above it. A glimpse of blue sky beyond (Lent by Thomas Way, JZsq.) H. io, B. 4 53 Portrait of Mrs. Huth (oil) Full length portrait in profile to right, head slightly turned towards spectator. Her dress is black with white lace at throat and wrists, and the train of her gown sweeps almost across the entire foreground. To the left low 97 G down is the Butterfly signature, a Butterfly scarcely conventionalised, black on yellow ground (Lent by Louis Huth t Esq.) H. 75, B. 39 54 Marble Palace, Venice (pastel) The corner of a palace juts out into a canal, the water of which is very blue. It is five stories high, with a water gate. The surrounding buildings are merely indicated. Two gondolas to left, and Butterfly signature to extreme left (Lent by Thomas Way, Esq.) ' H. n,B. si 55 A Harmony in Blue and Silver (oil) A blue sea stretches away to a grey sky. Upon the shore to the left men are beaching a boat. Butterfly signa- ture just below the boat (Lent by His Honour Judge Evans) H. 5, B. 8 56 A Venetian Water Gate (pastel on brown paper) A brick house with a large water gate to right, reflected in the canal, half closed windows above, and sug- gestions of a canal, running away in the distance to left (Lent by Lord Battersea) H. ii,B. 7i 5 7 Belle a jour, Blue and Violet (oil) Nude study full length of a girl lean- ing against a parapet. The background is blue, and violet, gauzy draperies fall from her shoulders (Lent by Madame Blanche Marchesi) H. 6, B. 4 58 Study of a Girl's Head and Shoulders (oil) A girl full face, her hair brown, and her white jacket trimmed with brown fur, a blue tie (Lent by Baroness de Meyer) H. 6, B. 3 59 The Shop Window (oil) A long, low, double-fronted shop window, in centre of picture, in which are flowers in pots. To the left an open doorway where stand a woman and little girl. Butterfly signature on the wall between the window and door (Lent by A. Arnold Hannay, Esq.) H. 4 f,B. 8 99 60 Calle, Venice (pastel) A narrow street with many figures. Butterfly lower left-hand corner. Pastel on brown paper (Lent by J. P. ffeseltine, Esq.) H. io, B. 7 6 1 A Venetian Courtyard (pastel) Two boys to right, a woman and child to left looking out of a doorway, three doors at the bottom of the Court, the centre one open, above a white three- storied house with clothes hanging from the windows (Lent by Lord Battersea) H. nB. 62 Nocturne in Green and Gold, The Falling Rocket (oil) Cremorne Gardens, a group of figures dancing on a platform to left, and spectators seated looking on in centre and to left. Illuminated kiosk on right. On the back in artist's own hand- writing, " Nocturne in Green and Gold," with the Butterfly signature. This picture was exhibited at the trial (Lent by William Heinemann, Esq.} H. 24, B. 2 9 | TOO 63 The Purple Cap (pastel) A female figure stands on the shore, with her back to the spectator, her left hand on a railing. She is dressed in gauzy white, a purple shawl floats from her arms, and a purple cap on her head. Behind is a wide expanse of blue sea and sky. At the foot of the drawing are purple irises. Butterfly signature in water to left (Lent by Thomas Way, Esq.] H. i2i,B. 6} 64 The Sea, Pourville (oil) A rough sea rolls in on a sandy beach, under a blue grey sky, with rolling clouds. Butterfly signature to right on sofa (Lent by A. Arnold Hannay, Esq.) H. 4, B. 6| 65 Portrait of Mrs. Louis Jarvis (oil) She sits full face to spectator, in a grey dress, against a grey background, round her neck is a white collar and a tie edged with red (Lent by Mrs. A. M. Jarvis) H. 23 J, B. 16 66 In the Channel (water colour) Various craft seen in centre to right, grey sea and sky. Butterfly signature 101 at bottom to right (Lent by Mrs. Knowles) H. 6J, B. ioj 67 Battersea (water colour) Boats in the foreground, a barge and more boats to right further away, in centre the tower of Battersea church, to left works and factories, with clouds of smoke coming from their chimneys. Butterfly signature to extreme left (Lent by Sir William Eden, Bcvrt.) H. 3 |, B. 4 | 68 La Mere Gerard (oil) Portrait study of an old woman, full face, in white cap with long strings, under which her white hair appears. Her left hand in which she holds a yellow pansy, is seen at the bottom of the canvas. She wears a black shawl over a greyish gown. This was the first picture Whistler exhibited, and he presented it to Mr. Algernon Charles Swinburne (Lent by Algernon Charles Swinburne, Esq.) H. n, B. 8 69 Shipping on the Thames (oil) Yiew from the artist's studio at Chelsea. Both banks of the river are 102 seen, and on the nearer side to right are three figures, two in black, one in white, to the left another figure in black. Beyond the first group are two barges with sails furled, and a third barge to extreme right. Beyond that again, a ship and boats, then again the river in extreme distance. Battersea shore and Battersea Church tower are seen in centre, and on the left a huge factory and two smoke stacks (Lent by P. A. B. Widener, Esq.) H. 2 3 |, B. i 7 f 70 Little Nude (pastel) A very complete study of a girl, slightly turning to right, seen against a red background. Her right hand is raised to her lips, her left arm is pressed against the wall. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by Thomas Way, Esq.) H. 10, B. 5 7 1 An arrangement in Black (oil) A lady in black seated in profile, on yellow chair, turns her head to the spectator and toys with a brown boa which encircles her throat and falls upon her lap. The light comes from an unseen fire in the lower left hand 103 corner. On the back the signature, and " An arrangement in Black by J. McNeill Whistler," in artist's hand- writing (Lent by Alexander Henderson, Esq.) H. 9i, B. 7 72 Dieppe (oil) The beach at Dieppe, numerous figures walking along, one man in black with two women in white skirts almost in centre. Fishing-boats in the offing and a pier to left. Butterfly signature low down to right (Lent by Douglas Freshfield, Esq.) H. 4, B. 8 73 Annabel Lee (pastel) A blue robed model, stands full face leaning with her left arm upon a balcony. Her right hand is on her chin. She is lightly draped in white gauzy stuff, and behind her are the folds of a great blue robe, spread on the balcony. Butterfly signature to left (Lent by Thomas Way, Esq.) H io, B. 61 74 Study for the head of Miss Cicely H. Alexander (oil) The pose and costume are exactly the same as in the large oil picture. Butter- 104 fly signature to left (Lent by Alexander Reid, Esq.) H. 10, B. 14^ 75 The Piano Picture (oil) A lady (Lady Seymour Haden) dressed completely in black 1860 cos- tume, save for white collar, sits in profile to left of picture, at a piano. Facing her is a little girl, dressed all in white (Annie Haden, Mrs. Charles Thynne), her hair is brown, and she wears black shoes, with crossed straps over her white stockings. Behind to extreme left an enamelled plate stands on a red table, the carpet also is red. The wall is white, and on it are seen the lower parts of two prints framed in gold (Lent by Edmund Davis, Esq.) H. 26, B. 35! 76 Portrait of a baby (oil) The baby, full face, smiles upon the spectator. He is dressed in white against a darker background (Lent by Brandon Thomas, Esq.) H. 19 J, B. i if 77 Note in Red and Violet (oil) A small child stands in the imme- diate foreground, wearing a red cloak and white frock, beyond her are nets or seaweed. Several figures are walking along the shore, and on the sea beyond a single boat is coming in through the surf. Butterfly signature in right-hand corner (Lent by Miss Constance Halford) H. 4, B. 8 78 The Base of the Tower, Venice (pastel) A high brick church tower on right. Shops, two-story houses, one with balcony, and large chimney on left. Figures in foreground. Unsigned (Lent ~by J. P. Heseltine, Esq.) H. uJ,B.6f 79 The Blue Girl (pastel on brown paper) The very lightly robed figure of a girl, draping herself in thin gauzy stuff, on her head a blue cap. Butterfly on extreme right (Lent by Madame Blanche Marchesi) H. loj, B. 6f 80 Tete de Femme (oil) Head of a peasant woman slightly turned to left, very low in tone, against a dark background. She wears a white cap and chemisette, a dark ribbon at her throat. This is probably a very 106 early work (Lent by Madame la Com- tesse de Beam) H. 9 |, B. 6f 8 1 Variations in Violet and Green (oil) A river, both banks of which are seen, upon the nearer three figures, a railing behind them. The first to left is seated, the second carries a parasol, and the third to right walks apart. On the further side of the river, a ship is sailing, and a church tower rises behind it. Butterfly sig- nature in an oblong plaque appears on extreme right. Frame designed by Whistler, and signed J. McN". Whistler at the bottom (Lent by Sir Charles McLaren, Bart.) H. 23 |, B. i 2 J 82 Draped Model (black and white chalk on brown paper) Back view of draped figure, leaning on a parapet. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by Mrs, Knowles) H. i of, B. 6| 83 Portrait of E. G. Kennedy, Esq. (oil) Full length figure slightly turned to left, wearing a black frock coat, lighter trousers, and holding his top hat in his 107 right hand, his left hand in his trousers pocket (Lent by E. G. Kennedy, Esq.) H. 1 4, B. 6 84 Mrs. Leyland (black and white chalk drawing on brown paper) Study of Mrs. Leyland standing look- ing to right and holding a fan in her hand (Lent by Monsieur J. E. Blanche) H. zof, B. 6f 85 The Beach (water colour) The beach at a seaside resort. In the foreground a small child in a red skirt, many figures, a flagstaff, and bunting in the distance, and light- house beyond (Lent by Mrs. Knowles) H. 8, B. 4 f 86 Landscape (oil) Group of white village cottages, two children's figures to right in foreground, trees and hedges against the sky in background. Butterfly signature in right-hand bottom corner (Lent by Alexander Young, Esq.) H. i if, B. 24 87 Study of Eosettes (black and coloured chalk on brown paper) (Lent by Mrs. Knowles) H. ii, B. 7 108 88 St. Yves. The Beach (oil) The sea at low tide rolls in from the distant horizon. Three small figures to right, a dog near centre. To left low rocks, round which waves swirl (Lent by Monsieur J, E. Blanche) H. 8f, B. ii J 89 Portrait of L. A. lonides, Esq. (oil) Mr. lonides is seated on left side of canvas looking almost directly at the spectator. His hair is black, and his beard a rich brown. He wears a black coat, his hands are seen at lower right- hand corner. An early work (Lent by L. A. lonides, Esq.) H. isi.B. nf 90 Nocturne, Chelsea Rags (oil) Shop fronts; in centre a dimly lighted window, into which two figures peer. To the left, the door of shop in which stands a child dressed in white, above her head on the wall hang three white prints. The whole is very dark and low in tone (Lent by John J. Cowan, Esq.) H. 14, B. 20 109 91 On the Thames at Chelsea (pastel) Four very slightly indicated figures stroll along the embankment. To the left a white sail, and in the middle distance three barges, the masts of which are seen against distant Battersea, with the Church spire to left (Lent by W. G. Alexander, Esq.) H. ioj, B. 6\ 92 The Isles of Venice (pastel) A distant view of Venice seen across the Lagunes, a fishing-boat with red sails, and the piles which mark the channel, stretching across the fore- ground (Lent by W. Baptiste Scoones, Esq. ) H. 2, B. io 93 Valparaiso, Nocturne (oil) Many square-rigged ships in the middle distance and offing. The open sea to left, and suggestions of hills in background to right. Time early eve- ning (Lent by W. Graham Robertson, Esq.) H. 22, B. 29 94 The General Dealer A shop front ; to right a woman wear- ing a white apron carries a baby in a red hood and black cloak. In front of the shop, a stand with vegetables, various objects seen through the window, and beyond a mixed collection of all sorts of bric-a-brac, the stock in trade of the general dealer (Lent by John J. Cowan, Esq.} H. 4, B. 8| 95 The Lily (pastel) Stooping figure of a girl, arranging a pot of lilies. Four full blooms are seen above her head on a long stalk. Behind her to right, a yellow and white butterfly. On left Butterfly signature in a circle (Lent l>y W. Ber- nard Knobel, Esq.) H. i 3 |, B. 9 96 The Philosopher (oil) Portrait of C. E. Holloway, Esq., painted in Fitzroy Street, London, about 1896. Full length figure somewhat turned to right, face looking straight out of picture. He stands before the fireplace wearing a long brown overcoat (Lent by Madame la Comtesse de Beam) ' H. 8J, B. 4 f 97 Portrait Sketch of F. R. Leyland (oil) The figure of a tall red-bearded man stands in centre of canvas, one hand on in his hip, in the other he holds a light overcoat. A dark dado crosses the picture, behind him, the rest of the wall light in tone. A single upright line is drawn down the right-hand side of picture. The Butterfly signature in red on left of canvas (Lent by Charles Condor, Esq.) H. 14, B. 8| 98 The Little White Sofa (oil) A white sofa, on which reclines the slightly draped figure of a girl with a yellow cap. Behind her blue drapery with rose-coloured design running through it. Butterfly signature to right on sofa (Lent by A. Arnold Hannay, Esq.) H. 4, B. 6J 99 Seated Figure (pastel) Girl in light drapery, sits on the ground in profile to left. Her left hand rests on her left foot, and her right arm is extended before her. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by Thomas Way, Esq.) H. 7 J, B. 5 112 100 Portrait of F. K. Leyland, Esq. (oil) Full length full face figure in evening dress, slightly turned to right, his right hand on his hip, over his left arm he carries a grey overcoat, and a silver buckle shows on one shoe. An arrange- ment in black on black. The floor is much lighter than the wall behind (Lent by Mrs. Val Prinsep) H. 72, B. 34 101 A Freshening Breeze (oil) A Harbour with two ships in the distance, one of which, on the right, lies behind a breakwater that runs out towards another. A boat puts out to sea, in the middle distance, and hauled up on shore in the foreground are six boats behind two other breakwaters. In the right hand lower corner a small figure appears. Butterfly at bottom to left (Lent by John G. Ure, Esq.) H. 8i, B. 5 102 Rose and Red: The Baker's Shop at Lyme Regis (oil) A double doorway to right, in first half of which stands a little girl in a red pinafore, and other figures are seen 113 H within the second half. In the centre of picture is a many-paned shop window, with a loaf and other things in it. To the left low down is the Butterfly signature. The house stands on a slight descending road. On the back is written " Rose and Ked, The Baker's Shop, Lyme Regis, James McNeill Whistler," and the Butterfly (Lent by Humphrey Roberts, Esq.) H. 4, B. 8 103 Portrait of Dr. William McNeill Whistler (oil) (Elder brother of the artist). Bust three-quarter face placed on left of canvas, black hat, white shirt or coat and black necktie. Part of the hat is cut off by the frame (Lent, by Mrs. Helen Whistler) H. 17, B. 14 104 The Seashore (oil) Three figures walk along the shore at low tide, two in the centre, one beyond in the offing to right. A number of fishing smacks at anchor, grey sea and grey sky (Lent by Sir William Eden, Bart.) H. si , B. S J 114 TO5 A Canal, Venice (oil) Bridge in centre, boat to left. Dark mass of trees hanging over a wall to right (Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq.) H 8f , B S i 1 06 The Cure's Little Class (oil) Interior of Church at Dieppe. The foreground filled with chairs, on the left, the cure holds his class. Behind, supported on two pillars, is seen the organ-loft with semicircular ends (Lent by John J. Cowan, Esq.) H. 4 J, B. 8i 107 Petite bonne a la porte d'une Auberge (oil) A maid in grey cap with white band appearing under it, stands full face. She wears a grey bodice, red skirt, and long apron, which is tucked up showing her bare feet and ankles. She holds up her skirts in her left hand and has a broom in her right. Behind her is an open door (Lent by Mrs. T. L. Schwann) H. 8f, B. 4 f 1 08 Portrait of Miss Yvonne Forster (black and white chalk on brown paper) Slight full length, full face, of a small child. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by Miss A . E. Forster) H. 8|, B. 5^ "5 iog Portrait of Agnes, Mary, Miss Alexander (oil) Full length figure of a young lady slightly turned to left. She wears a long simple grey gown, a black hat trimmed with white, and has a white ruffle round hea throat. She is button- ing her gloves. To the left is a large pot of white flowers (Lent by W. C. Alexander, Esq.) H. 74, B. 37 no Souvenir of the Gaiety (pastel) A very slight sketch of three dancers in costume, touched here and there with brilliant notes of colour (Lent by Sir William Eden, Bart.) H.4|,B.6J in Baby Leyland (pastel on brown paper) Full length of small child in profile to left ; she holds a book on her crossed knees. Her hair is golden, and her dress white and gold (Lent by Thomas Way, Esq.) H. 10, B. 6| 116 OILS, WATER-COLOURS, PASTELS, AND PHOTOGRAPHS OF PICTURES NOT IN THE EXHIBITION 1 1 2 A Little Red Note, Dordrecht (water colour) A river in the foreground in the middle distance, to right, a barge or raft with a mast and brown sail. To left centre, low red houses, and further left a tall windmill. Cloudy sky in the background. The drawing is signed on the back in Whistler's own hand- writing. " A little Red Note, Dor- drecht, J. McNeill Whistler," and the Butterfly (Lent by W. Bryant, Esq.) H. 4}, B. 8} " 113 Three drawings in one frame (pastel on grey paper) (a) Model leaning forward, full length, lightly draped, looking to right. Butterfly to right. Pastel on grey paper H. 9, B. 6 (b) Portrait of the Artist (black chalk on brown paper) H. 6, B. 5 J (c) Model with Flowers (pastel and chalk) Full length figure facing slightly to left, mainly in black chalk with slight touches of brilliant pastel. Butterfly 119 signature to right (Lent by J. P. Ilesel- tine, Esq.} H. 9 f , B. 6f 1 14 A Grey Note (body colour) A stretch of seashore at low tide, with stranded vessel to right, grey and white cloudy sky (Lent by Mrs. Knowles) H. 6,B. io| 115 Study for Dress (pastel) Very slightly indicated figure of a girl, in blue dress with crimson touches here and there, white collar and cuffs (Lent by W. C. Alexander, Esq.) H. 9 f , B. 5 f 116 Design for a Fan (water colour) Four figures on the sea-shore in a strong breeze, their very light draperies blown about by the wind. Three of them walk with the wind behind them, the fourth, with a large parasol, struggles against it. A distant blue sea (Lent by C. H. Shannon, Esq.} H. 6, extreme B. 19^ 117 Diana at the Pool (oil) Copy of a picture in the Louvre (Lent by Louis W. Winans, Esq.) H. 23, B. 27 I2O n8 Blue and Gold (pastel) Slightly draped figure of a girl, hold- ing a sprig of blossom in her left hand (Lent by Mrs. Knowles) H. ii, B. 4 f 119 Venice (pastel) A white campanile, built out of a church with a black roof, rises in centre. To the left red and white houses, and suggestions of figures and gondolas in foreground, reflected in water to the centre, the right occupied by the wall of a whitewashed house, peeling here and there, and showing the red bricks underneath (Lent by Laurence W. Hodson, Esq. H. 9 f , B. 7 1 20 Maude Reading, in a Hammock (water colour) Freely sketched figure in a hammock, reading a paper which she holds near her face. Her head crowned with yellow hair is to left, her feet to right. Butterfly signature to right. The Frame contains a photograph of Whistler to right, and an envelope addressed to Mrs. McNay, and a note inviting her to lunch, 121 are in lower left hand corner (Lent by A. Buck, Esq.) H. si, B. 8f 121 St. Ives, Cornwall (water colour) A long stretch of sand on which figures are walking. In the middle distance the town, and to right the sea stretches in a great curve to the horizon. Butterfly signature in red to right on the sand (Lent by Thomas Way, Esq.) H. 6f , B. 4 | 122 Nocturne, Valparaiso, silver and gold (water colour) (Evidently a study for the larger oil picture.) There is a long pier in fore- ground, and a fleet of ships in the offing, with lights reflected in the water. Mountainous distance slightly indicated (Lent by G. N. Stevens, Esq.) H. 8|, B. 6| 123 Study for the Peacock Room (pencil drawing) (Lent by A. Ludovici, Esq.) H. 6|, B. 6 124 Benedictine Monks, a very early sketch (pen and pencil) (Lent by Mrs. Helen Whistler) 122 125 La Dame au Brodigue Jaune (photogravure) (Lent by D. Croal Thomson, Esq.) 126 Girl Reading (pen sketch) Full length figure facing left, holding a book, with inscription under Butterfly to right. " Un apres midi chez Van Dyck, Aug. 10, 1901," in Whistler's handwriting (Lent by William Heine- mann, Esq.) H. 6, B. 4 | 127 Two Sketches in one Frame Illustrations for " Thoughts at Sun- rise," a song by Mrs. Moncrieff (a) The sun is rising over a great lake to left, sprays of blossom and waving grass to right, Butterfly signa- ture also to right. At bottom " Thoughts at Sunrise, by Mrs. Mon- crieff, '' in the artist's handwriting H. 6f , B. 4^ b) The sun is rising over a great plain, a flight of birds from it towards the zenith. Blossoming boughs and waving grass to right. Again, "Thoughts at Sunrise, by Mrs. Mon- crieff," at bottom (Lent by Mrs. Mon- crieff) H. 6f , B. 4 123 128 La Toilette (pen drawing on blue paper) Back of female figure at her toilet, looking towards right into a mirror. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by Madame Blanche Marchesi) H. 6f, B. 4 129 Selsea Bill (water colour) A white house rather to right, on a sandy shore, seen against a blue sky, dotted with white clouds. In the foreground a chair, besides which are remains of lunch. Butterfly signa- ture to extreme left, at bottom (Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq.) H. 8, B. 12 130 A Marine Sunset (water colour) A stretch of yellow sand on which some figures are slightly indicated, on the right a reach of water. Distant land, yellow sunset sky, and floating clouds above. Butterfly signature to right (Lent by Thomas Way, Esq.} H. 5, B. 6J MEZZOTINT 131 Portrait of Rosa Oorder Mezzotint by Josey. Proof signed by Whistler (Lent by Joseph Pennell, Esq.) 124 132 The Balcony (photograph) (Lent by Messrs. Goupil & Co.) 133 The Little White Girl do. (photograph) 134 The Music Kooin do. (photograph) 135 The Lange Leisen do. (photograph) 136 The Yellow Buskin do. (photograph) 137 The Falling Rocket do. (photograph) BALLANTYNE PRESS, LONDON THE GENTLE ART OF MAKING ENEMIES AS PLEASINGLY EXEMPLIFIED IN MANY INSTANCES, WHEREIN THE SERIOUS ONES OF THIS EARTH, CAREFULLY EXASPERATED, HAVE BEEN PRETTILY SPURRED ON TO UNSEEMLINESS AND INDISCRETION, WHILE OVERCOME BY AN UNDUE SENSE OF RIGHT BY JAMES McNEILL WHISTLER Pott 4to, los. 6d. net LONDON: WILLIAM HEINEMANN 21 BEDFORD STREET, W.C.