BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 15091909 VOL. I OXFORD PUBLISHED BY B. H. BLACKWELL 1909 Oxford : Horace Hart Printer to the University AULAE REGIAE ET COLLEGIO AENEI NASI OCTAVUM AGENTI JUBILAEUM OMNIA FAUSTA FELICIA FORTUNATA EXOPTANS D. D. D. PRINCI PALIS PREFACE IN the year 1888 the Rev. William Edward Buckley and Mr. Falconer Madan published ' The Brasenose Calendar : a List of Members of the King's Hall and College of Brasenose in Oxford (1509-1888)'. This was based upon the manuscript list compiled from College -and University Registers as far as 1782 by the Rev. John Holmes, and continued to 1814 by other hands, but the record was completed, and an Index was provided, by Mr. Madan. It was recognized by the Editors that this, though all that could be done at that time, was only the first step. Since 1888 the publications of the Oxford Historical Society and those of Mr. Joseph Foster have made it possible to take a step further. The object of the present volume is to supplement the 'Brasenose Calendar' by annotations derived primarily from College and University Registers, but also from the stores above mentioned, as well as from other sources which time and opportunity have made avail- able. An account of the materials used for this purpose, and of the method of their arrangement, will be given in the second volume, which will also contain an Index to all the names in the Register, together with various Appendixes, and a list of the abbreviations employed. In a book crammed with facts and dates on every page, mistakes are inevitable, and, apart from this, the Editor is fully aware how imperfectly his object has been attained. vi PKEFACE For all errors and omissions the responsibility rests upon himself, and not upon his assistants. He will be glad to receive any corrections and additions for use in the second volume which, it is hoped, will be ready for publication in the course of the present year. It will be observed that, while the annotations up to the year 1800 are mainly confined to the facts of College and University life, an attempt has been made, though with very incomplete success, to trace the subsequent career of men who matriculated after that date. The work of arranging the materials gathered by the Editor, and of collecting further information, has been done by Mr. T. H. Penson, M.A., of Worcester College, Mr. P. M. D. Bonnor, B.A., and Mr. W. T. Coxhill, Junior Clerk in the College Bursary. To all these the Editor is deeply indebted, and especially to Mr. Coxhill, to whose zeal, energy, unflagging perseverance and resource, combined with a wide study of the College archives, such merit as the Register may possess is chiefly due. He must also express his great obligations to Mr. Madan, from whom he has received constant assistance and encouragement, and whose knowledge of University and College history has been of incalculable service. Much interesting information, which would have been otherwise inaccessible, has been obtained from two volumes of Memo- randa compiled by Mr. Madan, and comprising a large collection of notes on Brasenose men made by the Rev. J. E. B. Mayor, Professor of Latin in the University of Cambridge. Finally, the Editor desires to thank all those alumni of the College who have been kind enough to supply him with information about themselves or their relations and friends. PREFACE vii In sending out a book which, however imperfect, may, he trusts, be of interest to Brasenose men, and may stimulate some successor to supplement and improve upon his work, he ventures to borrow the words of his predecessors, the Editors of the ' Brasenose Calendar ', and to express the hope that the Register ' will be regarded as a measure not indeed of what the College deserves at his hands, but of his affection for it '. BBASENOSE COLLEGE, May 15, 1909. BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER First Principal and Original Fellows SMYTH (Smygth), Matthew (Lanes.). B.A. 30 June 1505 ; Fellow of Oriel 27 Apr. 1506 ; Principal of Brasenose Hall 1510 ; Principal 151^ ? ; disp. asM.A. 24 Feb. 151| ; disp. as B.D. 20 Oct. 1519 ; sup. for D.D. 1519. Preb. of Lincoln 1508 ; Rector of Godstow Nunnery 1533 ; died 6 Feb. 154, buried in St. Mary's Church. A benefactor to Falmouth Grammar School. BENEF. : Bequeathed lands, &c., for an annual commemoration. O.H.S. xvii ; N. & Q. 9 Ser. 6. 509; Cartulary of Godstow, E.E.T.S. 1906 ; Deputy Keeper of Public Records, Report 7, App. 2, p. 297 ; Quat. Mon. i, iv. HASTEB, John, 1510. Fellow (Founders) and perhaps first Vice- Principal. Benefactor to the Library. Churton. FORN"BY (Forneby, Formby), John, 1510. Fellow (Founders) ; Bursar (Senior or Junior?), 1513-15; B.D. 20 June 1514. Principal of Brasenose Hall 1502 and 1508. Churton ; Quat. Mon. i. LEIGH (Legh, Lygh, Lea), John. M.A. 20 June 1507. Fellow (Founders) ; Senior Bursar 1515-16, 17-18. Churton. MESSENGER (Messynger, Mesyngere, Massenger), Rowland (Roland). Inc. 30 June 1505. Elected Northern Proctor 11 May 1508. Principal of Little University Hall in 1508, of Black Hall in 1511 ; Fellow (Founders); Bursar (Senior or Junior ?) 1512-15. Removed from his Fellowship by the College Statutes of 1522 ; disp. Jan. or Feb. 152-j because he is managing the Cardinal's buildings (i. e. at Christ Church J, died 1546. Preb. of Lincoln 1513. Fasti i ; Churton ; Quat. Mon. i. Perhaps Original Fellows RIDGE (Ryd), Richard. Fellow (Founders) ; B.A. 30 June 1516 ; M.A. 26 Jan. 15g. Junior Bursar 1526-7. Perhaps the last abbot of Notley, near Long Crendon, Bucks. Fasti i ; Churton. SHERWODE (Shirwood, Schyrwoode), Richard. B.A. 9 Dec. 1508; M.A. 21 June 1514 ; Fellow (Founders) ; Bursar (Senior or Junior?) 1514-15 : had charge of one of the University Chests in 1515; Junior Bursar 1517-18. Churton. 2 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1509 STARKEY (Starkie, Sterkey), Simon (Chesh.). Chaplain; B.A. 20 Feb. 15 If; M.A. June 1518; Fellow (Founders). Senior Bursar 1529-31. Deputy Keeper of Public Records, Report 7, App. 2, p. 297 ; Churton. Coppock (Cappock), John. Sup. B.A. 20 May 1508 ; Chaplain. Probate at Oxford granted 5 Mar. 151f. Egerton (Hectherton), Richard. B.A. ; Secular chaplain ; disp. Jan. or Feb. 152*, as having retired in old age to Brasenose. Preb. of Lichfield 1487. Fleetwood, "William (Lanes.). ? M.P. for Marlborough in last parliament of Queen Mary; M.P. for Lancaster in first two parliaments of Queen Elizabeth ; Recorder of London 1571 ; M.P. London 1572, 86, 88. WOKKS : -^Annalium Edw. V, Eic. Ill, Henry \The effect of the declaration made in VII, VIII, Elenchus 1579, &c. the Guildhall, 1571. The office of a Justice of Peace, 1658. Ath. i ; D.N.B. Kelway (Keilway), Robert. WORK : ^Relat iones quorundam casuum, 1602. Ath. i. Parks? Churton. Smith, "William (Chesh.). WORK : The Vale Royal of England. Ath. ii. Standish (Standyche), Edward. Sup. M.A. 2 July 1505. "Whithead, David. WORKS : Some of his Discourses in A Brief Lectures and Homilies on St. PauCs Discourse of the Troubles began at Epistles. Frankfort in Germany, 1575. Ath. i. "Wytherton. A tutor. ? = Oliver Withington. O.H.S. xi. 1509 Radcliffe, Ralph, c. 1509 ?; M.A. Jesus, Cambridge, 1539. Died 1559. WORKS : Patient Griseld, a comedy not printed. Epigrammata. Dives and Lazarus. Probably : Friendship of Titus and Gisippus. The Condemnation of John Hus. Qiaucer's Melebie. The FaU of Jonas. Job's Afflictions. The Fortitude of Judith. Delivery of Susanna from the Elders. Congratulation on the Peace bettoeen The Burning of Sodom. Henry VIII and Francis King of Pugna nominis & verbi. France. De puerorum institutione. Tractatus de naturali, artificiali et Epistolae ad Tyrones. novissima memoria. Ath. i ; D.N.B. 1510- 16J BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 3 1510 Curwen (Curwyn, Coren, Current), Hugh. B.C.L. Cambridge 1510 B.C.L. Brasenose 18 Feb. 152J ; D.C.L. 5 July 1532. Chaplain to Hen. VIII and Queen Mary; Preb. of Hereford 1538; Dean of Hereford 1541 ; Archbishop of Dublin 1555 ; Ld. Chancellor of Ireland 1555; Ld. Justice of Ireland 1557; 3rd Bishop of Oxford 1567 ; buried in Burford Church 1 Nov. 1568. O.H.S. xvii ; Ath. ii ; D.N.B. 1511 CH ARNOCK (Charnocke, Charnoke, Chernocke, Carnock), Hugh. B.A. Cambridge 1511; incorp. B.A. 15 June, M.A. 21 June 1514; Junior Bursar 1515-16 ; sup. B.D. 24 July 1523. Preb. of Hereford in 1529. Churton. GUN'STON" (Gonston), Richard. Chaplain ; sup. B.A. 2 June 1511 ; det. 1512 ; cr. M.A. 2 July 1515 ; Fellow (Founders) ; auditor and guardian of some of the University chests in 1515-16 ; perhaps Bursar in 1520. Churton ; O.H.S. i. 1512 ALLEN (Alen, Alyn), William. Fellow (Founders) early in 16th cent. ; ? B.A. 13 Dec. 1512 ; sup. M.A. 15 Oct. 1515. Button, George (Salop). Fellow of New College 1512 ; M.A. 1 July 1521 ; B.D. 27 June 1531. Lived in Black Hall 1537. Brother of the co-founder Sir R. Sutton. Churton. BOSTOCK (Bostocke), Ralph. B.A. 20 Feb. 151f; M.A. 1518; Fellow (Founders) ; Senior Bursar 1526-7 ; died c. 1530. 1514 Cragge, John. M.A. 21 June 1514. One of these names Preb. of Hereford 1526. 1515 HA WARDEN (Hawrden, Hawardeyne, Hawardyn, Hawwardyn, Hawrdyn, Hardynge), John (Lanes.). Fellow (Founders) ; sup. B.A. 14 Oct. 1515, det. 1516 ; M.A. 26 Jan. 15 ; B.D. 12 Mar. 152| ; said to have been Tutor of John Foxe c. 1532 ; Principal 27 Feb. 154&, being then Rector of Steeple Aston ; resigned 21 Jan. 156jt. 1516 BARKER (Bakar), Richard. Fellow (Founders) ; ? B.A. 30 June 1516; M.A. 26 Jan. 15$; B.D. 15 July 1528. B 2 4 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [151f-28 151f STANDISH (Standyche), Edward. Pellow (Founders) ; B.A. 10 Mar. 151f or 15$ ; ? Superior Bedell of Law 5 Nov. 1518, or is this the Edward Standish who sup. M.A. 2 July 1505. 1520 Ogle, Humphrey (Oxon.). B.D. of Brasenose ; LL.B. in 1520. Collated to the Prebend of Yne in Hereford Cathedral 1520 ; collated to Moreton Magna24 Jan. 1522 ; Archdeacon of Salop 28 Jan. 1523. BENEF. : Founded two Scholarships 1546. Churton ; Quat. Mon. iv. 1521 SUTTON, William. Pellow (Founders); ? B.A. 18 July 1521 ; M.A. 13 July 1525. 1524 PORT, John (Chesh.). Fellow (Williamson P.) in 1524, the first on the Williamson foundation. Son of Sir John Port ; knighted at the coronation of Edw. VI ; Knight of the Shire for Derbs. 1553 ; Sheriff for Derbs. 1554 ; Founder of Repton School. BENEF. : Founded two Readerships 1560. Churton ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. iv. Standish (Standiche, Standisshe, Standyche, Standsch), John (Lanes.). Entered in 1524, aged c. 15 ; B.A. 16 May; Fellow of Corpus 16 June 1528; M.A. 11 July 1531: sup. B.D. Apr. 1540; D.D. 2 Aug. 1541 ; in residence at Brasenose 1549 and later as well as probably earlier. Praelector of theology in London (Whittington College) ; Preb. of St. Paul's 1557. WORKS : f.4. Little Treatise against the Protesta- should be in English for al men. to tion of Robert Barnes at the time of read, 1554, &c. his Death, 1540. Treatise of the Union of the Church, A Discourse wherein is debated whether 1556. it be expedient that the Scripture The triatt of supremacy, 1556. Ath. i; Fasti; D.N.B. 1525 PEKE, John. Pellow (Williamson W.) ; B.A. in 1525. Churton. 1527 COTTON, Robert. Pellow (Founders); B.A. Dec. 1527; M.A. 30 Jan. 153|; Senior Bursar 1531-3. Deputy Keeper of Public Records, Report 7, App. 2, p. 297. Delahyde (Dalahyde), Peter. B.A. Dec. 1527; Secular Chaplain. 1528 Dingley, Roger ? Churton. 1528-3 J-J BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 5 LECHE, John (Chesh.). Pellow (Founders) ; ? B.A. 16 May 1528 ; M.A. 30 Jan. 153 ; Vice-Principal 1535 ; Senior Bursar 1537-8. Deputy Keeper of Public Records, Report 7, App. 2, p. 297. 1529 BRUCH (Bruche, Bryche, Breche, Breeche), George. B.A. 21 June 1529 ; M.A. 30 Jan. 153 ; sup. B.D. Oct 1540 ; Fellow (Founders) ; 8 Oct. 1548 ' gratiose concessum est a principali et sex sociis Magistro Georgio Bruch olim socio at nunc infirmo et impotent! accipere e manu bursariorum ex bonis huius collegii hoc anno quadraginta solidos et proximo anno sequenti si vixerit viginti solidos, et si ad alterum quoque annum vixerit alteros viginti solidos sub hac conditione ut nihil deinceps petat a collegio sub ullo titulo aut praetextu iuris.' Deputy Keeper of Public Records, Report 7, App. 2, p. 297. MORE, Robert. Pellow (Founders) ; ? sup. B.A. 23 June 1528 ; disp. B.A. 5 July 1529 ; Junior Bursar 1529-31, 32-3; M.A. 30 Jan. 153 ; Senior Bursar 1533-7. Deputy Keeper of Public Records, Report 7, App. 2, p. 297. TIPPING (Typping, Typpyng, Tippinge), Thomas. Pellow (Founders) ; B.A. 21 June 1529 ; M.A. 30 Jan. 153| ; Junior Bursar 1531-2, 3-5; Senior Bursar 1539-40; 31 Aug. 1544 ' dispensatum est cum Thoma Typpyng pro absentia duodecim ebdomadorum quibus Curatore suo egrotante ad beneficium in sua cura illic ministrabat ' ; B.D. 22 Oct. 1544. 153O HA WARDEN" (Harden), Thomas. Pellow (Founders) ; B.A. 12 Dec. 1530 ; M.A. 17 Mar. 153f. Deputy Keeper of Public Records, Report 7, App. 2, p. 297 ; Gutch ii. Parrett (Perret, Perrot, Perrott, Perot), Clement (Oxon.). Adm. Corpus 28 Sept. 1530; B.A. 19 Feb. 153; Clerk of Magdalen 1534; Fellow of Lincoln ; M.A. 10 May 1535 ; B.D. 12 Dec. 1543; in residence at Brasenose 1549. Preb. of Lincoln 1544. Bloxam ii. ; O.H.S. x. 15 3| Charnock (Charnoeke, Charnoke), Hugh. B.A. 5 Feb. 153 ; ' iuris consultus ' in residence 1564 or later. HOLMES (Hollmes, Holmys, Hulmes, Holms, Hulme), Robert (Chesh.). Pellow (Founders); one of these names B.A. 5 Feb. 153; M.A. 17 Mar. 1534 ; another (?) was M.A. and disp. May 1535 ; Junior Bursar 1535-7 ; Senior Bursar 1538-9, 42-3, 6-7 ; 2 Oct. 1549 'gratiose concessum est m ro roberto holmes ut inserviat curae nostrae apud coldnorton et pro stipendio suo recipiat de bonis collegii per manus bursariorum decem mercas singulis annis per integrum spatium 30 ta annorum.' Deputy Keeper of Public Records, Report 7, App. 2, p. 297. SMITH (Smithe, Smyth, Smythe), Matthew (Lanes.). Pellow (Founders) ; B.A. 5 Feb. 153^ ; M.A. 17 Mar. 1534 ; Junior Bursar 1537-9 ; B.D. 1545 ; removed from his Fellowship 1550. 6 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [153^-4 Walshe, Patrick. B.A. 5 Feb. 153 ; M.A. 17 Mar. 1534 ; sup. B.D. June 1545. Dean of Waterford 1547 ; Bishop of Waterford and Lismore 1551 ; died 1578. Ath. ii. 1532 Fox (Foxe), John (Lines. ?). c. 1532 ; B.A. 17 July 1537 ; Fellow of Magdalen July 1538. The Martyrologist. A pupil of John Hawarden (1515) ; Preb. of Salisbury 1563 ; Preb. of Durham 1572 ; died 18 April 1587. WOBKS: fZte won plectendis morte adulteris con- sultatio, 1548. An Instruccyon of Christen Fayth, 1550. A Sarmon of Jhon Oecolampadius to Tong Men and May dens, 1 550. M translation from Urbanus Regius, and De Censura, 1551. Tables of Grammar, 1552. A Fruitfull Sermon of the moost Evan- gelicatt wryter, M. Luther made oj the Angells, 1554. \-Commentarii rerum in ecclesia gesta- rum . . . 1554. Cranmer's treatise on the Eucharist into Latin (MS.). \-Christus Triumphans (MS.), 1556. \Ad inclytos ac praepotentes Angliae proceres . . . supplicatio. 1557. Locorum communium logicalium tituli et ordines 150, ad seriem praedica- mentorum decem descripti, 1557, &c. Mira et elegans cum primis historia vel tragoedia potius de tota ratione ex- aminationis et condemnationis J. Philpotti . . . nunc in Latinum "versa, interprets J. F. [no copy known]. Rerum in ecclesia gestarum . . . nar- ratio continetur, 1559. \-Actes and Monuments (i) 156f, (ii) (1570), (iii) 1576, (iv) 1583, &c. Sylhgisticon, 1563. [ALatin translation of Grindal's funeral sermon in memory of the Emperor Ferdinand I, 1564. \-Christ Crucified, 1570, &c. \-Reformatio Legum, 1571, &c. ^Anglo-Saxon text of the Gospels, 1571. \-De OlivaEwngelica. Concio in baptismo ludaei habita, 1577, &c. \~Christ Jesus Triumphant, 1579. ^Contra Hieron. Osorium . . . Responsio Apologetica, L.V. 1577, E.V. 1581.' fDe Christo grates iustijicante. Contra Osorioniam iustitiam, 1583. Disputatio loannis Foxii Angli contra lesuitas, 1585. t(Acc. to Tanner) ed. Bishop Pil- kington's Latin Commentary on Nehemiah, 1585. \-Eicasmi seu Meditationes in Sacram Apocalypsin, 1587. Papa Confutatus, 1580. O.H.S. viii ; Ath. i ; Fasti i ; D.N.B. ; Camden Soc. no. 77 (for a MS. of him). 1533 CALDWELL (Cauldwell, Caldwall, Calwale), Richard (Staffs.). B.A. 20 July 1533; M.A. 12 Mar. 153f ; Fellow (Founders); Senior Bursar 1540-2 ; Senior Student of Christ Church c. 1547 ; B.Med. 9 Mar. 155 ; D.Med. 29 July 1555. F.E.C.P. 1559 ; P.R.C.P. 1570 ; died 1584. WORKS : Translation of some Tables of Sur- entine Physician, 1585. gerie, by Horatius Morus, a Flor- And other works. R.N. ; Fasti i ; D.N.B. 1534 Munson, George. Sup. B.C.L. and B.Can.L. Nov. 1534. Gutch ii. 1534-6] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE 7 Pytts, Arthur. Fellow of All Souls 1534 ; B.C.L. from Brasenose 7 Nov. 1537. Registrar of the diocese and archdeaconry of Oxford and impropriator of Iffley. Ath. ii. 1535 GOTJLBOUKNE (Gowlburne, Golborne, Golburn, Goldborn, Goldburne), Roger (Chesh.). rellow (Founders) ; sup. B.A. June 1535, det. 1537 ; M.A. 10 June 1540 ; Junior Bursar 1540-2, 4-6 ; of Christ Church 1547. Ath. i. 1536 Goodman (Gudman), Christopher (Chesh.). c. 1536. B.A. 4 Feb. 154-; M.A. 13 June, Student of Christ Church 1544; B.D. 1547; Margaret Professor of Divinity 1548. Retired to Frankfort and Geneva in reign of Queen Mary, took part in (Geneva ?) version of the Bible ; joined John Knox in Scotland 1559 ; Archdeacon of Richmond 1559. WORKS : obeyed of their subjects, and wherein Helped Knox in the Book of common they may lawfully be by God's word order. disobeyed and resisted, 1558. ^How superior powers ought to be Commentary upon Amos. Fasti i ; Gutch ; D.N.B. NOWELL (Nowel), Alexander (Lanes.). B.A. 29 May 1536 ; M.A. 10 June 1540 ; Fellow (Founders) ; 22 Jan. 1544 (or possibly later, but not later than 27 Feb. 1544) leave of absence for a year is granted to Mr. Nowell ' modo se ipsum exerceat erudiendo tyrunculos ut est pollicitus ', Principal 6 Sept., D.D. 1 Oct., resigned 14 Dec. 1595. Preb. of Westminster 1551 ; Preb. of Canterbury 1560 ; Archdeacon of Middlesex, Dean of St. Paul's 1560 ; Canon of Windsor 1594 ; died 13 (? 19) Feb. 160|. BENEF. : Founded 13 Scholarships, a School at Middleton, gave the advowson of Gillingham, and bequeathed books to Library. WORKS : A book containing Redman's last judg- Carmina duo in obitum Buceri ap. ment of several points of religion, 1551. Buceri Scripta Anglicana. Sermon preached 11 Jan. 1563. Carmen in mortem J. Juelli, at end An Homily. of Lawrence Humphrey's Life of Commendatory verses in Cooper's Jewell, 1573. Thesaurus, 1565. Commendatory verses in Pank- Reproofe written by A. N. of a book hurst's Juvenilia, 1573. entituled l A Proofe of certain Articles Letters printed in whole or part in Religion denied by Master Jewel, by Strype and Churton. set forth by Tho. Dorman, B.D., 1565. ^Large Catechism. The Reproofe of M. Dorman's Proofe ^Catechismus sive prima Institutio Dis- . . . continued, 1566. ciplinaque PietatisChristianae, 1570, A Computation as wel of M. Dorman's &c. last book entituled a Defence,' &c., as Middle Catechism, also Dr. Saunders' Causes of Tran- Christianae Pietatis prima Institutio ad substantiation, 1567. usum Scholarum, 1570, &c. -\-A True Report of the Disputation . . . Small Catechism. held in the Tower of London with Catechismus parvus pueris primum La- Edmund Campion, Jesuit, 31 Aug. tine qui ediscatur, proponendus in 1581, 1583. scholis, 1572, c. R.N. ; Ath. i ; D.N.B. ; O.H.S. x ; Quat. Mon. iv, vii. 8 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1536-9 No well, Lawrence (Lanes.). Entered c. 1536 ; migrated to Cam- bridge ; B.A. 154J; incorp. 19 Nov. 1542; M.A. 18 Mar. 154; ? of Christ Church 1550. Brother of Alexander and Robert; Archdeacon of Derby 1558; Dean of Lichfield 1560 ; Preb. of Chichester 1563 ; Preb. of York 1566. WORKS : Letter in Latin to Cecil, 1563. Answer to the charges of Peter Morvin. Letter to Archbishop Parker, June 1567. Vocabularium Saxonicum (MS.). A collection containing perambulations of forests and other matters (MS.). Collectanea (MS. Cotton Vitell D. vii). Ath. i ; Churton ; D.N.B. Excerpta quaedam Saxonica, A. D. 189- 997 (MS.). Excerpta, A. D. 1043-1079 (MS.). Variae Mappae chorographicae Hiber- niae, Scottiae, Angliae, Walliae, Ac. (MS.). Gesta episcopornm Lindisfarnensium et Dunelmensium ... ex Symeone Du- nelmensi collecta (MS.). 1537 Chogan, William. Scholar. Will proved at Oxford 1537. Constable, William. ' Has detained William son to Sir Robt. Constable who was sent to school in Oxford in Brasynnose, in case the said Sir R. were one of the rebels in York.' John Scudamore to Cromwell, State Papers, Dom., 6 Jan. 1537. 153{< BRTTERNE (Bruarne, Bmarn, Brewarne, Brewarn), Thomas (Leics.). Fellow (Darbie); B.A. 11 Feb. 153f ; M.A. 18 Mar. 154f ; B.D. in 1551; Junior Bursar in 1542-3, 46-7, ?51-2, and one of the Bursars in 53-4 and perhaps 54-5; res. Fell. 1 Oct. 1555. The first on the Darbie foundation. 1539 ALLEN" (Alen, Alenne), Simon (Lanes.). B.A. 11 May 1539; M.A. 12 July 1542 ; Fellow (Founders); 'S. Th. B. authoritate Regis legatorum in societatem m ri Matthaei Smyth admissus est 17 Sep. 1550' ; Senior Bursar 1551-2. Canon of Windsor 1559. BLANCHARD (Blancharde, Blancherd, Blamscherde, Blayn- aherd), Thomas (Yorks.). Fellow (Clifton) ? 1539-40 (no record) ; B.A. 27 April 1540; M.A. 18 Mar. 154J ; B.D. in 1551; Principal Feb. 156|; resigned 13 Feb. 157|. The first on the Clifton foundation. Caple (Capel, Capull), Giles (Herefs.). of All Souls 1540 ; M.A. 28 May 1543. Preb. of Bath and Wells in 1559. Churton. B.A. 11 May 1539; Fellow GROVE, Richard. Fellow (Founders) ; B.A. 11 May 1539; Junior Bursar 1539-40; sup. M.A. July 1545. 1540-1] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 9 1540 Bradborne, Richard. ? B.A. (as Thomas) 27 Apr. 1540 ; M.A. 19 Nov. 1543. A Scholar of Broadgates Hall in 1553. Cruche (Cruch, Crowch), John. Grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1540 ? or 1541 V; B.A. Feb. 154|. Griffith. Grace for B.A. 27 Sept. 1540, when he was 'presbiter'; ?=David Gryffith, Secular Chaplain; B.A. Feb. 154. Hobbold (Hobbolt, Hubholde), John. Grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1540 or 1541 ? ; B.A. Mar. More. Grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1540 or 1541 ? Moryche (Moorya, Maurice), David. Grace for B.A. 11 Apr. 1540 ; B.A. 17 May 1541. Tayler, Humphrey. Grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1540 or 1541?; B.A. Feb. 154; Fellow of All Souls 1542. Watkyns. 20 Dec. 1540 or 1541 ?; grace for dominus Watkyns and others ' sub hac lege ut singuli intersint sophismatibus et dubiis in nostra aula communi ad tempus prescriptum ' (i. e. 6 weeks); ?=William Wattkyns, Chaplain, B.A. Feb. 154; M.A. 15 June 1544. Whytingham (Whytyngam), William (Chesh.). Adm. c. 1540; B.A., Fellow of All Souls 1545; M.A., Fellow of 'Cardinal College' 1547 ; sup. for B.D.19 July 1563 ; D.D. 17 Feb. 156f Dean of Durham ; one of the translators of the Geneva Bible. WORKS : A Brieff Discours off the Troubles be- Ee vised for press Knox's work on gonne at Franckford in Geimany, predestination, 1560. 1554. Translator of Geneva Bible, 1560. \-Liturgia sacra, 1554. A metrical rendering of the Ten t Preface to Ridley's Brief Declara- Commandments, 1561, and Song tion of the Lord's Supper, 1555. of Simeon and two of the Lord's Seven among fifty-one Psalms Prayer. turned into metre, 1556. Aboute the BooJee off Common Prayer ^Neice Testatement, 1557. and Ceremonies, and continued by Dedicated epistle to Goodman's the English men thyre to thende of How Superior Poicers ought to be Q. Marie's Raigne, 1575, &c. obeyed, 1558. Ath. i ; Fasti i ; D.N.B. ; Camden Society 104. 1541 Clyfforde. Grace for B.A. 26 May 1541 or 1542 ?; ? = John Clyfford sup. B.A. July 1542. Lingham (Lyngham, Lyngam), Leonard (Salop). Chaplain ; B.A. 21 July 1541 ; M.A. 18 Oct. 1544; Proctor 1549. Preb. of Worcester 1557. Standych (Standysshe, Standyche), Thurstan (Thurston). B.A. 1 Aug. 1541 ; M.A. 18 Oct. 1544. Probably he is referred to in the 10 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1541-4 following: (?22 Jan.) 1544 'concessumestlnceptori Standycke ut graduni magistratus simul cum consortibus (suis ?) in nostris suscipiat aedibus, modo brevi post gradum susceptum a collegio discedat '. He ' incepted ' 9 Feb. 1544 and was dispensed from ' necessary regency ' because lie was leaving the University ' spe potiundae societatis in collegio Whyttyngtonensi Londini'; 19 April 1545 'conceditur per principalem et 6 socios seniores magistro Standyche quo liceat ei esse ex contubernio nostro, nostrisque frui comodis (sic) modo studiose animum literis applicat' (sic). Longlonde (Longlond), John (Salop). B.A. Feb. 154|; readm. 1 Apr. 1552. Preb. of Lincohi 1541 ; deprived 1554 (for marriage) ; restored 1559 ; Archdeacon of Buckingham 1544 ; restored 1559. Fasti i. 1542 Nowell, Robert (Lanes.). ? c. 1542 ; died 5 Feb. 156f . Brother of Alexander and Lawrence. Churton's Life of Nowell ; The Spending of the Money of Robert Newell, 1568-80 ; Some account of Ld. Williams (founder of Thame Grammar School) . . . 1873 ; Quat. Mon. iv. PENDLETON (Pendilton, Pendylton, Pendulton, Pennylton), Henry (Lanes.). Fellow (Founders); B.A. 16 Nov. 1542; M.A. 18 Oct. 1544 ; B.D. in 1551 ; vice-Principal 1551-2 ; D.D. 18 July 1552 ; ? Senior Bursar 1553-4. Doni. chaplain to Bp. Bonner; Preb. of St. Paul's 1554; Preb. of Lichfield 1554. WORKS : Of the Church, what it is, 1555. Of the Authoritie of the Church. Ath. i ; D.N.B. 1543 Henshaw (Henshal), Henry. B.A. 12 July 1543; readm. 10 July 154(4 ?) ; sup. M.A. July 1546 ; inc. 5 Feb. 154| ; B.D. from Magdalen 3 Dec. 1557 ; Rector of Lincoln 24 Oct. 1558 ; compelled to resign 1560. Fasti ; Gutch ii. Marsh (Marsche, Mershe), Edward. Grace for B.A. 12 Dec. 1543 ; B.A. 19 Feb. 154f . OGLE, Roger (Lanes.). Grace for B.A. 12 Dec. 1543; B.A. 19 Feb. 154f ; Fellow (Founders) 20 May 1547. Palmer, Thomas. Grace for B.A. 12 Dec. 1543 ; ?=Thomas Palmer B.A. from Hart Hall 19 Feb. 154J. 1544 ALLEN (Alen, Aleyne), Thomas (Lanes.). Fellow (Founders); Senior Bursar 1544-6 ; M.A. in 1549 ; B.D. in 1551 ; res. Fell. 20 July 1552 : in residence as late as 1557. 1544-5] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 11 Bradford (Bradforth), Robert. Chaplain ; B.A. 15 June 1544. Charnocke, James. B.A. 15 June 1544 ; sup. M.A. 10 Oct. 1562. Newell (Nuall). 25 Mar. 1544 ; readm. on condition that he binds himself by oath ' observare omnia et singula statuta personam non socium concernentia '. 1544 Vernam. (?22 Jan.)154f grace for B.A 'rectori Vemain'; ? = Thomas Vernon or Vernan B.A. 17 Feb. 154; of Christ Church 1547; sup. as M.A. for B.D. 155J; B.D. 18 July 1552 as 'Wernan'. 1545 Adams, John. Grace for B.A. 23 Aug. (1545 ?) ; B.A. 1547. Bostock (Bostocke), Edward. B.A. 1545. Clark (Clarke), Thomas. Grace for B.A. 7 Sept. 1545 ; sup. Oct. 1545 ; det. 1545 ?; Fellow of All Souls 1545. Coxe (Cockis), John. Grace for B.A. 23 Aug. 154(5 ?) ; det. 1547. WORKS : Translated Bullinger's Questions of Exhortation to the Ministers of God's Religion cast abroad in Helvetia by Worde in the Church of Christ, 1575. the Adversaries of the same ... A Treatise on the Word of God by Anth. reduced into xvii Commonplaces, Sadull, written against the Traditions 1572. of Men, 1783. Fasti i; D.N.B. HODGESON (Hodgsun, Hodson, Hogson), John (Yorks.). An allowance of xiitZ. a week made him for a year, provided the College income permits 'dummodoque etiam concessio huius beneficii non re- pugnet aut regis voluntati aut eorum qui sub eo vel ius habent aut habituri sunt in collegium nostrum ' 23 Aug. 1545 ; similar grants made subsequently; sup. B.A. 1548; Fellow (Higden) 2 Dec. 1550 (?1549); sup. M.A. 155; inc. 18 July 1552; Junior Bursar 1553-4; Clerk of the Market 15 Jan. 155f ; expelled from his Fellowship 14 Aug. 1556. Chaplain of the King's College at Windsor 1558. Parrett (Ferret, Perott), Edward. Grace for B.A. 23 Aug. 1545 ?; sup. B.A. July 1546 ; det. 1547 ; M.A. 13 July 1554. Rogers, Peter. Grace for B.A. (1 May ?), ? B.A. 1545 ; M.A. 1547 ; Proctor (for Christ Church) 1551 ; allowed to give up theology for medicine 155 J. O.H.S. xi, xii, xvi. Thackam, Thomas. Grace for B.A. 23 Aug. 154(5 ?). ? = Thomas Thackham det. 1547. Wilson (Wylson), Thomas (Yorks.). Grace for B.A. 23 Aug. 1545 ; sup. B.A. July 1546 ; det. 1547 ; M.A. 27 Nov. 1553. 12 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1546-8 1546 BRADSHAW (Brawdshaw, Brodshaw), Thomas (Lanes.). Sup. B.A. July 1546; det. 1547; Fellow (Founders) 20 May 1547; sup. M.A. 154&, and M.A. in 1550; 'lector' 1551 ; Senior Bursar 1555-6 ; res. Fell. 27 Aug. 1557. WORK : The Shepherd's Starre, 1591. D.N.B. ELYE (Ely, Ellye, Elly, Hely ?), William (Herefs.). Sup. B.A. July 1546; det. 1547; Pellow (Porter) 1547; sup. M.A. 154f; Clerk of the Market 1552; pel-mission given 'ut regiarum iniunctionum beneficio studia sua ad rem medicam conferat' 18 Mar. 155| ; Vice- Principal 1553-4 ; expelled from his Fellowship for disobedience 14 Aug. 1556 ; sup. B.C. 21 June 1557 ; lie. to preach 25 Nov. 1558 ; President of St. John's College 1559 ; expelled for refusing to acknowledge royal supremacy 1563 ; died in prison at Hereford 1609 ; brother of Humphrey Elye. Hist, MSS. Com. Rep. 3, 466 ; D.N.B. 1547 KING (Kyng), Richard. Pellow (Founders) 20 May 1547 ; ? B.A. 1547. Lloyd, Humphrey (Denbighs.). B.A. 1547 ; sup. M.A. 1547. WORKS : f77te Breviary ofBretagne, 1573. ^Commentarioli Britannicae Descri- ^De Mono, Druidum insula. ptionis fragmenta, 1572. flfte History of Cambria, 1584. Fasti i ; Ath. i. STOCKE (Stock, Stoke), William (Herefs.). Fellow (Elton) 25 Sep. 1547; sup. B.A. 1548 ; sup. M.A. 155; inc. 18 July 1552 ?; 'lector aulae' Dec. 1553; leave of absence for 13 months 'modo id sacerdotii ratio et curae quam vocant cura postulat (sic) ' 12 Mar. 1554 ; ceased to be Fellow in 1557 ; one of the first Fellows of St. John's ; B.D. 27 Mar. 1560 ; First Principal of Gloucester Hall 1560 ; President of St. John's 1563 ; resigned 1564, and again became Principal of Gloucester Hall ; sup. D.D. 13 July 1574 ; sup. lie. to preach 18 June 1575 ; resigned Principalship of Gloucester Hall 16 Jan. Preb. of Bath and Wells in 1560. Fasti i. 1548 HICHMOCH (Hychmoch, Hychemoche, Hichmogh, Hichemoghe, Hychemoghe, Hychemoughe, Hychmoughe, Hitchmoughe, Hitche- mough, Hychmoght), John (Lanes.). Sup. B.A. 1548 : Fellow (Founders) 17 June 1550; grace for M.A. 15 Mar. 155; inc. 18 July 1552 ; res. Fell. 25 Mar. 1552 5 di ed H June (Reg. A), 17 June (Al. Ox.) 1559. Will proved at Oxford. Piers (Pyers), Robert. Sup. B.A. 1548; grace for B.A. 31 Jan. 154*. 1548-50] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK 13 Smith, Baldwin (Lanes.). 14 Dec. 1548 'gratiose concessum est baldwino smitheo ut salarium suum quippe solid. 20 aliis decem solidis augeatur eousque donee aliter visum fuerit principal! et sociis ' ; ' sub- mancipium ' in 1552, 'mancipium' in 1553. Probably = Boldwyn in Brasenose list of 1552. 154:; ASHBROKE (Ashbrocke, Asbroke), John (Lanes.). Sup. B.A. 154*; Fellow (Founders) 17 June 1550; M.A. 15 July 1553; Vice- Principal 1556 ; leave of absence 10 Dec. 1557 ' ea lege ut non procurabit Iniunctiones aliquas contra socios veil aliquem socium' ; res. Fell. 9 Jan. 155, when a sum of forty shillings was granted to him, to be paid in two instalments. EVANS, Hugh (Denbighs.). Sup. B.A. 154* ; Fellow (Founders) 28 Feb. M.A. 15 July 1553. Preb. of St. Paul's 1558 ; Dean of St. Asaph 26 Apr. 1560. 1549 Hitchings, John (Lanes.). B.A. in 1549 ; M.A. in 1552. Radcliffe, John (Lanes.). M.A. in 1549 ; ? = John Radclyft'e or Ratclyff, B.A. Cambridge; sup. for incorporation Dec. 1538; M.A. 10 June 1540; sup. B.D. June 1545. Smith (Smythe, Smyth), William (Lanes.). First entry of his name is in 1549 ; in 1551 he is entered as being then B.D. ? B.A. 23 June 1531 ; M.A. 1 July 1535 ; Proctor 1539 and 1544; B.D. 1544. Fasti i. Warnow, Thomas (Chesh.). ? B.A. D(ominus) in 1549; a later hand has added Fell[ow], but there is no other record of this. ? = Vernam (154i). WITHIKTGTON (Wythyngton, Wythinton, Whitington, Whith- ington, Whytyngton, "Winthington, Winthinghton), Oliver (Lanes.). Adm. 30 Sep. 1549 ; Fellow (Founders) 7 July 1552 ; M.A. 21 June 1555 ; ' lector aulae ' in 1556 and 1557 ; ' publicus dialectices praelector' in 1559 ; Senior Bursar 1558-9 ; Vice-Principal 1559-64 ; Proctor 1561 ; admitted (in College?) 'ad studium rei medicae' 21 Nov. 1561 ; res. Fell. 16 Sept. 1565; B.Med. 9 Mar. 156*; D.Med. 11 July 1569; acted as Vice-Chan- cellor in absence of Dr. James, Master of University College in 1582. The inventory of his goods in Brasenose Archives. Died in 1590 and buried in Church of St. Peter in the East, Oxford. Will proved at Oxford 30 Apr. 1591. Fasti i; O.H.S. xi ; Hist. MSS. Com. v. 367. 1550 Birch (Byrche), George (Lanes.). Bible-clerk in 1550 ; ' concessum est georgio bircheo lectori bibliae ut suscipiat hebdomadatim dimidiatas communias sociorum de bonis collegii 20 Dec. 1550.' One of these names minister of God's word, B.A. 18 June 1568. 14 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1550-| SHERBROKE (Sherbrocke, Shirbroke), David (Derbs ). Fellow (Williamson P.) 1550 ; B.A. in 1552 ; M.A. 29 May 1554 ; Vice-Principal 1557-8 ; 14 Feb. 155| ' principalis et seniores sex socii concesserunt m ro Davidi Sherbroke socio istius Collegii quinquaginta so lidos persolvendos praedicto m ro Sherbroke singulis anni quartis per aequas portiones usque ad festum sancti Valentini proxime insequentis, pro comniuniis suis integrispro illo tempore' ; res. Fell. 3 Mar. 155f ; B.Med. 9 May 1562. 155? Wakeman, John (Gloucs.). Adm. 24 Jan. 155 or 155J ? 1551 Bateson (Batson, Battison), Christopher (Lines.). 'Presbiter' 1551, when he is styled Dominus (B.A.) ; 'Minister' 1552; = ? Secular Chaplain, allowed to practise surgery 153f ; sup. B.Med. Oct. 1539. Blaynshe, Richard (Yorks.). M.A. in 1551. Burne (Staffs.). ' Presbiter ' 1551. GARY (Carye, Carie), Christopher (Bucks.). 1551 ; B.A. in 1552 or earlier ; Fellow (Founders) 7 Aug. 1552 ; M.A. 15 July 1553 ; took the oath 11 Oct. 1553; expelled from his Fellowship by the Principal 'propter manifestam contra eum inobedientiam et rebellionem ' ; expulsion con- firmed by commissioners of Cardinal Pole 14 Aug. 1556 ; B.Med. 26 June 1560. Dennothe (Ireland). 1551 when Dominus. Eston (Eyston, Elston), Robert (Berks. ?). 1551 ; B.A. 9 Nov. 1554 ; Fellow of Exeter 1555. Eston, Thomas (Berks. ?). 1551. Hartop, ' Elisius ' (London). 1551. Jones, Thomas (Denbighs.). ' Presbiter ', B.A. in 1551. Matthews (Mathews), John (Salop). ' Presbiter 1 ; B.A. in 1551. Nuberye, William (Berks.). 1551. Vans. 'Presbiter' 1551. ? = Laurence Vaus, priest; B.D. 29 July 1556. Ath. i; Fasti i; D.N.B. Walle, Hugh (Salop). ' Presbiter '1551. Badger, George (Gloucs.). Adm. 24 Jan. 1 ">">?;. BARNES, Richard (Lanes.). ' Natus apud Bould prope Werington ' 1532 ; adm. 3 Feb. 155^ ; Fellow (Founders) ' authoritate eorum qui Kegi sunt a consiliis admissus ' 28 April 1552 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 155| ; M.A. 10 Mar. 155f ; Junior Bursar 1555-6; Senior Bursar 1556-7; Vice-Principal 1558-9 ; leave of absence 7 Jan. 15f g ' modo officium et cantariam nostri Sutton per se vel per alios peragat, vel eadem resignet' ; Praelector 1560 ; res. Fell. 7 May 1561 ; grace passed 3 April 1579, that being M.A. of Oxford and B.D. of Cambridge he should incorporate as B.D. and be created D.D. ; D.D. 12 Feb. 15|g. 155^-2] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 15 Chancellor of York 12 July 1561 ; Suffragan Bishop of Nottingham 4 Jan. 156f; Bishop of Carlisle 25 June 1570 ; Bishop of Durham 5 Apr. 1577 ; commissioned together with others to proceed to the borders of Scotland for redress of grievances 24 May 1580; 'a favourer of puritanism ' (Wood). BENEF. : Bequeathed to the College 20 in books. Cooper's Athenae Cantabrigienses ; Ath. ii ; Fasti i; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. iv. Bridgwater (Brydge water), John (Yorks.). Adm. 4 Feb 155; B.A. of Cambridge ; sup. for incorporation 21 Feb., B.A. 13 Mar. 1554 ; M.A. 20 Apr. 1556; Rector of Lincoln College 14 Apr. 1563; resigned Rectorship 1574. Archdeacon of Rochester 1560 ; Preb. of Bristol 1563, deprived 1576. WORKS : ConfutatiovirulentaeDisputationisTheo- illustrium renovata et recognita. ac logicae, in qua Georgius Sohn, Pro- nunc de novo centum et eo amplius fessor Academiae Heidelbergensis, Martyrum, sexcentorumqueinsignium conatus est docere Pontificem Roma- virorum rebus, gestis, variisque cer- num esse Antichristum a Prophetis et taminibus, lapsorum Palinodiis, Apostolis praedictum, 1589 (under novis persecutorum edictis, ac doc- name of J. Aquipontanus). tissimis Catholicorum de Anglicano \Concertatio ecclesiae Catholicae in An- seu muliebri Pontificatu, ac Romani glia adversus Calvinopapistas et Puri- Pontiflcis in Principes Christianos tanos sub Elizabetha Regina quorun- auctoritate disputationibus et defen- dam hominum doctrina et sanctitate sionibus aucta, 1589-94. Ath. i; D.N.B. Thatcher, Richard (Kent). Adm. 10 Mar. 155J. ? Richard Thatcher (Thetcher, Thakker), B.A. 1 Feb. 155* : of Christ Church 1552. Tison (Tyson, Teyson), Bryan (Brian) (Middlx.). Adm. 24 Feb. B.A. 9 Feb. 155*. 1552 Alan ?, Thomas. Adm. 19 Aug. 1552. ? = Alen (Worcs.), 1552. Andros (Androwes, Andrews), Richard (London). Adm. (19 Aug. ?) 1552 ; scholasticus. Ansley (Ansleye, Annesley, Ansle), Edmund (Oxon.). Adm. 27 Nov. 1552 ; sup. B.A. 17 Jan. 155f ; det. 1556. ? Fellow of Merton 1557 ; expelled or resigned on account of religion in his year of pro- bation ; imprisoned in 1573 on suspicion of carrying on correspondence with Mary Queen of Scots. F.R.C.P. O.H.S. iv. Aplyn, Hugh (Carmarthen. ?). Rector.' ? B.A. 1552. Aprice, Hugh (Carmarthens. ?). Adm. 26 Mar. 1552, when he was probably B.A. Atkins (Atkyns, Atkinson ?), Thomas (Gloucs.). 1552 ; B.A. 16 July 1554 ; Fellow of Merton 1554 ; ' procurator generalis Regius apud Wallos,' a Councillor of Queen Elizabeth, and apparently charged with a general criminal jurisdiction in Wales. Fasti i. Atwood, Antony (Worcs.). Adm. 20 Sept. 1552. 16 BRASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1552 Atwood, Henry (Worcs.). Adm. 22 Sept. 1552 ; ? of Christ Church 1552 ; ? B.A. 19 May 1557 ; M.A. 15 Feb. 15f. One of this name Fellow of Merton 1557 and Junior Linacre Lecturer 1560 ; also a Clerk of the Market 10 Oct. 1560. Ayllott, Thomas (Oxon.). Adm. 5 Mar. 1552. ? 155 or 155, prob. the former. Barcley (Barkley, Barkcleye), William (Herefs.). 1552. Barnavel. Adm. 7 Nov. 1552. ?=Barnewell, James (1553). Barton (Oxon.). Adm. 5 Nov. 1552. Bricknell (Bryckenell), Francis (Bucks). 1552. Browne, George (Lines.). Adm. 15 Oct. 1552. Browne, Richard (Lines.). Adm. 15 Oct. 1552. Chadwell, James (Gloucs.). 1552 ; readm. 3 Apr. 1554. Chapman (Chypnam, Chipnam), Henry. ' Barbitonsor ' 1552. Clarke (Clearke), William (Oxon.). 1552. Cole (Coll, Coles), Michael (Worcs.). Adm. 23 Dec. 1552?; B.A 30 Apr. 1555. Constantine, William (Salop). 1552; B.A. 9 Dec. 1554; B.C.L. 5 Feb. 156? ; D.C.L. 21 Apr. 1567. Corbett (Corbet), ' Qallus ' (? Wales). Cook of Brasenose in 1552 and later. Davyes (Davys), William. 1552. Dewye. 1552. Button, John (Chesh.). 1552. One of this name B.A. 26 Jan. 1554, but according to O.H.S. i he was of Christ Church in 1553. Elye (Ellye, Eley), Humphrey (Herefs.). 1552 ; lector bibliae in 1553. WORK : -^Certaine briefs notes upon a briefs apologie (anon. n. d.). Ath. i ; D.N.B. Elys. 1552. Perhaps = Elye, Humphrey. Eltonhead (Eltonhed) (Lanes.). ' Minister ' ; B.A. 1552. Evans, Lewis (Flint). 1552; ? B.A. 1 Feb. 155f ; M.A. 17 Dec. 1556 ; sup. B.D. Feb. 15% D.N.B. Fayne, Thomas, senior (Kent). 1552. Brother of Thomas Fayne, junior. ? = Sir Thomas Fane. D.N.B. ; Cal. State Pap. Doin. Fayne, Thomas, junior (Kent). 1552. Brother of Thomas Fayne, senior. ? = Sir Thomas Fane, Sheriff of Kent 1580, Lt. of Dover Castle 1590, Dep. Warden Cinque Ports 1603. Cal. State Pap. Dom. Feteplace, William. Adm. 14 Oct. 1552. Franks (Frankes), Robert (Lines.). ' Diaconus ' and B.A. in 1552. Franks (Frankes), Thomas (Lines.) 1552. Greenefield (Grenfelde), Ralph (Bucks.). Adm. 9 June 1552. 1552] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 17 Gryffyth (Gryffitth), Edward. Readm. 23 Sept. 1552 ? Hall (Haule), Humfrey (Humphrey), (Herefs.). 1552; B.A. 9 Dec. 1554 ; M.A. 17 Mar. 155$ ; sup. B.Med. 24 Apr. 1561 ; Fellow of All Souls (date ?) ; Proctor (All'Souls) 1561 ; perhaps Clerk of the Market 1559 and 1562 ; sup. as D.Med. of Pavia to have the same degree at Oxford 14 July 1567. Halton. Adm. 12 July 1552. ? = Haulton, Nicholas (Salop), who was in residence in Dec. 1553. Hardyng (Hawrdyng), William (Lanes.). ' Mancipium ' 1552. Hasard (Hasarde), Gylbert. Adm. 22 Aug. 1552 ; readm. 20 June 1553. Haulton (Worcs.). 1552. ?=Haughton in Brasenose List of 1552. Hawarde, Thomas (Glamorgs.) Adm. 29 Sept. 1552. Hearyng (Hearynge, Heryng), William (Herefs.). 1552. Holbroke, William (Lanes.). Adm. 30 Oct. 1552; B.A. in 1556; ' presbiter ' in 1557. Hughes. B.A. in 1552. Jones (Jonis), James (Carmarthens. ?). Adm. 26 Mar. 1552. Younger brother of Richard. Jones ( Jonis), Richard (Carmarthens. ?). Adm. 26 Mar. 1552. Elder brother of James. Jones, Walter (Herefs.). Adm. 28 Oct. 1552. In a list of members of the College in 1552 in Reg. A the names are written Water (sic) Jones, and as the Christian name is displaced, this may account for Water appearing as surname in the Brasenose List of 1552 given in O.H.S. i. Key (Keye), Matthew (Yorks.). 1552. Iiecestre (Lecetre?), George (Chesh.). Adm. 27 Nov. 1552. Lewes. In Brasenose List of 1552 perhaps Lewes is the Christian name ; see Evans, Lewis ; or ?= William or Henry Lewis. O.H.S. i. Lloyed, William (Wales). 1552. Morecroft (Moorecroft), Edward (Lanes.). ' Rector ' and B.A. in Brasenose List of 1552. On 10 Oct. 1556 Edmund Morecroft, ' Rector ', was readmitted, probably a mistake for Edward. An Edward More- croft (Moorecrofte) was at Broadgates Hall in 1550 and 1553. Canon of Windsor (Reg. A) 23 Jan. 15$$. ? Preb. of Hereford in 1566. Morgan (Ireland). 1552. ? = D(ominus) Morgan, who was readmitted 28 Nov. 1553. 18 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1552 PARKINSON" (Parkynson, Parkenson, Perkenson, Perkinson, Perkynson), Edmund (Lanes., in one place given as Herefs. ?). 1552 ; Clerk of Magdalen 1553 ; B.A. 24 July 1555 ; Fellow (Founders) 17 Oct. 1556 ; M.A. 30 Jan. 155$ ; Chaplain of Magdalen 1559 ; Junior Bursar 1559-60 ; Senior Bursar 1560-3 ; res. Fell. 17 Dec., B.C.L. 24 Dec. 1566. Preb. of St. Paul's 1565. Fasti ; Bloxam. Peers (Perse), John (Dorset). 1552. Poulton (Pulton), Ferdinando (Northants.). Christ's College, Camb., 23 Nov. 1552 ; B.A. and Fellow 155f ; adm. 28 June 1556. WORKS: \An abstract of all the penal statutes, ^De pace regis et regni, 1609. 1577. -^Collection of sundrie statutes frequent \A Kalender or table comprehending the in use, 1632. effect of all the sta'.utes, 1608, &c. Ath. ii ; O.H.S. 1. Rogers, Richard (Kent). Said to be B.A. Oxon. and M.A. Camb. 1552 ; in residence 1559, being then B.A. ; B.D. (? Camb.) 1562. Archdeacon of St. Asaph (Reg. A) 1559 ; Preb. of St. Paul's 1566 ; Bp. Suffragan of Dover 1568. He was the last Suffragan of Dover till the election of Parry 1870. D.N.B. SACHEVERELL (Sacheverel, Sacheveryll, Secheveril), Patrick (Derbs.). Adm. 12 Sept. 1552 ; Fellow (Founders) 1552 ; B.A. 15 Dec. 1553 ; removed from his Fellowship 1556. Shaxenry (Ireland). Adm. 7 Nov. 1552. SHEPLEY (Shepleye, Shepeley, Shepelee, Sheple), Hugh (Lanes.). 'Promus' in 1552; 'sacerdos' in 1558; B.A. 18 Jan. 155&; Fellow (Founders) 24 Oct. 1561 ; M.A. 5 Mar. 1561 ; Junior Bursar 1562-5 ; a Clerk of the Market 11 Oct. 1563 ; res. Fell. 10 Dec. 1566 ; sup. B.Med. and leave to practise 156f . Smyth (Smythe), Hugh (Herefs.). 1552. Smyth, Matthew (Lanes.). 1552 ; a Matthew Smyth is ' famulus Principalis' in 1544 or 1545: this may be the same person as the 'obsonator' (1564). Deputy Keeper of Public Records, Report 7, App. 2, p. 297. Taylor (Telear), Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. 6 Oct. 1552 ; prob. the same as was adm. Ogle Scholar 20 Oct. 1556 ; ? B.A. 30 Jan. 1550 ; M.A. 1 Dec. 1562 ; Fellow of All Souls. Teryll- 1552. Vavasor, Thomas (Yorks.). 1552 ; perhaps = Thomas Vavizer, a scholasticus of St. Mary's College 17 Sept. 1556. O.H.S. xi. Walwen. 1552. Watkyns. 1552. Watson, Roger (Durham). Adm. 16 Oct. 1552. 1552-3] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 19 Williams ( Wylliams), Roger (Wales). 1552 ; ? = the Roger Williams of Ath. i. Withyngton, Henry (Lanes.). 1552. Ashfield (Ashefylde, Ashfelde), Robert (Oxon.). Adm. 15 Mar- 155. Burton, Thomas (Yorks.). Adm. 3 Feb. 155|. Cobbe, John (London). Adm. 2 Mar. 155. Dymocke (Dymmoeke, Dimocke, Dimmocke, Dymmok, Democke), Robert (Lines.). Adm. mil. fil. 3 Feb. 155| ; B.A. 1 Feb. 155f ; M.A. 25 Feb. 155f ; died 1580. Foster says Fellow in 1565. No record found in College books as such. D.N.B. 1553 Acton (Ackton), John (Salop). Adm. 20 Nov. 1553. Barnewell, James (Ireland). 1553. Bowne, John. Adm. 25 Sept. 1553 ; ? = John Bownde (Derbs.) in resi- dence Dec. 1553 ; ? = John Bownde (Bowne or Boune) at Corpus 9 June 1554, from diocese of Lincoln ; Fellow 5 June 1557 ; B.A. 155|. Bradshaw (Bradshawe), John (Oxon.). Adm. 3 May 1553. CARR (Carre, Corre, Corr), Morgan (Ireland). B.A. 24 Nov. 1553 ; Tellow (Founders) 23 Jan. 1554, but on 7 Aug. 1556 ' non ignorans se contra huius collegii decreta in annum probationis electum fuisse Visitatoribus Rev di Cardinalis Poli id persaepe asserentibus totum ius quod habuit in collegio ut expulsionis ignominiam evitaret lubentissime resign avit '. Davys, Thomas (Gloucs.). Dec. 1553. Dermothe (Dermouth, Dormothe), William (Ireland). Adm. 6 Nov. 1553 ; ? B.A. in residence 1556. Dryhurst (Dryhurste, Dry ehurste), Hugh (Denbighs.). Adm. 12 Oct. 1553 ; re-adm. 24 May 1554. Erdeswicke (Erdeswyke), Sampson (Staffs.). 1553. WORKS : north countrie (attributed to S. E.), t View or Survey of Staffordshire, 1717. 1848. Certaine verie rare observations of the Left various MSS. collections. Ath. i; D.N.B. Evytoe (Oxon.). 1553. Fowler, R. Adm. 30 Oct. 1553 ; probably = Richard Fowler (Staffs.), in residence Dec. 1553. Goslett ? Adm. 1553. HARCOORTE (Harcotte, Harcote, Harcot, Hartcot), Robert (Chesh.). Adm. 16 Sept. 1553 ; Fellow (Founders) 17 Oct. 1556 : B.A. 5 July 1558. Hickins (Hyckyn), Thomas (Staffs.). Adm. 20 Oct. 1553. Jones, William. 1553 ; ? sup. B.A. 25 Jan. 155f. C 2 20 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK [1553 Kyngesmell (or ? Kyngesmett). Four of this name adm. in 1553 , Christian names not given. Kyngsmell, George (Hants.). Dec. 1553. Latham (Lathum, Lathon?, Lathon), Ralph (Lanes.). Clerk and Instructor of the Choristers, Magdalen 1553; adm. 11 Sept. 1556; B.A, 21 Jan. 155f ; Fellow of Balliol 1559; Fellow of Merton 156f; M.A~ 1 June 1565 ; B.C.L. sup. 20 Apr. 1569. O.H.S. iv. Lawton, David (Chesh.). 1553 ; ? B.Med. 25 Nov. 1555. Hunk's Boll. Meyryke (Meryk, Merwick, Myrycke), Edmund (Anglesey). Dec. 1553 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 1554 ; B.C.L. 9 July 1558 ; D.C.L. 3 July 1566 or 14 July 1567. Chancellor of St. Asaph (?) and Preb. of Lichfield 1558 ; Archdeacon of Bangor in 1560. Moore, J. (Lanes.). Adm. 27 Oct. 1553 ; ? = John Moore of Christ Church; B.A. 11 Jan. 155f ; Brasenose Calendar gives James More. More, William (Lanes.). Dec. 1553 ; ? B.C.L. 4 July 1562. Morgan, John (Wales). Adin. 14 Nov. 1553. Moryche (Moryse, Morise), David (Wales). Adm. 17 Sept. 1553. Ogle, Edward (Lanes.). Adm. Ogle Scholar with a stipend of 40 shillings a year 17 Oct. 1553. Palmer (Palmar), Thomas. B.A. 1 Dec. 1553 ; M.A. 17 Dec. 1556 ; Scholar of St. John's 1557 ; Principal of Gloucester Hall 1563. Fasti i ; Gutch i. Powell, Hugh (Monmouths. or Merioneths. ?). Readrn. 16 June 1553 ; ? B.A. 19 Apr. 1559. Ryse. Adm. May 1553 ; a Ryse, from Wales, in residence, Dec. 1553, Stapleton. B.A. ' sacerdos ', in residence Dec. 1553. Thornes (Staffs.). 1553. Wast. Adm. 1553. Watts, Oswald (Winton). Adm. 13 Nov. 1553. Watts, William (Northants.). Dec. 1553. Webster (Websterre), John (Lanes.). Adm. Ogle Sch. 17 Oct. 1553 ; res. Sch. 12 Oct. 1555. Whytyngton. Adin. 7 May 1553. ? one of the two following. Whytyngton, Richard (Herefs.). Dec. 1553. Whittynton, Thomas (Herefs.). Dec. 1553. Wintre, junior. Adm. 18 Aug. 1553; perhaps = Richard Wyntre, Dorset, whose name comes after that of Thomas Wyntre in the list of residents in December 1553. 1553-4] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEE 21 Wolton fWulton), John (Lanes.), son of John, of Wigan, nephew of Alexander Nowell; adm. 26 Oct. 1553; sup. B.A. 26 April 1555; on 29 Oct. 1555 permission given for his reaclmission 'ea lege quod ipse qui tutor eius fuerat testetur eum honeste ab ecclesia Christi recessisse ' ; dis- pensed from taking M.A. before B.D. 24 Apr. 1574 ; allowed to take B.D. and D.D. together 2 June 1579. Bishop of Exeter 2 July 1579. WORKS : -[New anatomie of the ivhole man, 1576. tQ/" the immortal itie of the soul, etc., -\-The castell of Christians, 1577. 1576. "^Articles to lie inquired of within the ^The Christian manucll, 1576. diocese of Exeter, 1579. Ath. i. ; Fasti i. Wyntre. Adm. 19 Apr. 1553 ; perhaps = Thomas Wyntre, Dorset, in residence in December 1553. 155f Stockeley (Stoekeleye), Cuthbert (Lanes.). Adm. 155|. Whelar, Christopher (Oxon.). Adm. 15 Jan. 155f. 1554 Angel (Angell), John (Gloucs.). Adm. 1 Apr., Scholar of Corpus 19 June 1554 ; B.A. 17 Dec. 1557 ; M.A. 8 July, sup. B.D. 25 Nov. 1572. Fasti. Barcleye, John (Herefs.). Adm. 8 Apr. 1554 ; ? adm. B.C.L. 27 June 1570 ; ? Fellow of New College 2 Oct. 1562. Bowles (Bolls), Charles (Lines.). Adm. 29 Oct. 1554 ? Surges (Burgess), Thomas (Beds.). Adm. 7 June 1554 ?; ? B A. 12 July 1558. Coxe. Two of this name, both Leics., expelled in 155(4 ?). Denham, William (Oxon.). Adm. 155(4 ?). Dermothe (Dormothe), Eobert (Ireland). B.A. 29 May 1554 ; M.A. 28 June 1558 ; a Robert Dermot was Chaplain at Magdalen in 1552. Bloxam. Qodley, John. Adm. Nov. 1554 ; entered in one place as ' famulus Leycestr '. Lloyd (Lloyde), Richard (Herefs.). Adm. 1554. London, William. Adm. 18 Nov. 1554. Packer (Gloucs.). Adm. 10 May 1554. Reynolds, Robert (Denbighs.). Returned to College in 1554. RILEY (Rily, Ryley), Hugh (Lanes.). Adm. 28 June 1554 or 1555 ; B.A. 29 Apr. 1554 ; Fellow (Founders) 17 Oct. 1556 ; Junior Bursar 1558-'^. Rutter. Readm. 24 May 1554. Saintjohn, William (Hants.). Adm. 29 July 155(4 ?). 22 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1554-5 Smythe, Nicolas. Readm. 10 May 1554. Townrowe (Derbs.). Adm. 14 July 155(4 ?). Walkeden (Staffs.). Adm. 7 Aug. 155(4 ?) % Warren, Richard (London). Adm. 18 Nov. 1554. Whytney (Wytney) (Essex). Adm. 10 Apr. 1554. Williams, Henry (London). Adm. 18 Nov. 1554. Wisdome, William (Oxon.). Adm. 18 June 1554. 155i Andros (Andrews), Francis (Northants.) Adm. Jan. 1554. Batson (Batsonne), James (Lanes.). Adm. Mar. 1554; B.A. 14 Nov. 1558 ; M.A. 6 June 1562. BRASEGIRDLE (Brasgirdell, Brachgyrdle, Brachegyrdle, Brachegirdle, Brechegyrdle), Roger (Chesh.). Fellow (Founders) 23 Jan. 1554; B.A. 17 Dec. 1556; M.A. 5 Nov. 1561; Junior Bursar 1561-2 ; a ' tutor ' in July 1562 ; Senior Bursar 1564-7 ;" res. Fell. 6 Feb. 156* ; B.Med. 28 Mar. 1569 ; sup. D.M. 13 Feb. 157$. BENEF. : Plate 1606. O.H.S. ii; Quat. Mon. v. David, Richard (Wales). B.A. ; adm. 10 Mar. 1554 or 155 ? Harryngton, Hamlet (Lanes.). Adm. 24 Feb. 1554. Ivye (Yvye), Richard (Wilts.). Adm. 15 Jan. 1554; grace for him (being then a 'rector') to take B.A. 25 Oct. 1556; B.A. 6 July 1557; ' Presbiter' in 1557. ? of Christ Church in 1552. LECHE (Leyche, Leache), William (Chesh.). Adin. Jan. 1554; Fellow (Founders) 23 Jan. 1554; adm. Fellow 7 Aug., B.A. 17 Dec. 1556 ; Junior Bursar 1557-8 ; M'.A. 26 July 1560 ; Clerk of the Market 1 Oct. 1561 ; ' publicus dialecticae praelector ' 1563 ; Senior Bursar 1563-4; Proctor 1566; res. Fell. 27 July 1567. O.H.S. viii. Moreton, Richard (Salop). Adm. 13 Feb. 1554. Pawnsefote, Emerye. Adm. 29 Jan. 1554. Pendleton (Pendilton, Pendiltone), George (Lanes.). Adm. 20 Mar. 1554.. WILIiOUGHBY (Wyllobye, Wyllowbye, Wilobye), Baptist (Derbs.). Fellow (Founders) 23 Jan. 1554 (so Reg. A ; Yate gives 7 Aug. 1555 as the date) ; sup. B.A. 29 Nov. 1557. 1555 Acton, Thomas (Worcs.). ? Student of Christ Church 1555 ; in resi- dence 155S ; B.A. 14 Nov. 1558 ; M.A. 26 June 1562. Berowe (Berow), John (Herefs.). Adm. 5 Apr. 1555. 1555] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 28 Byrde, William (Devon). Adm. 4 Dec. 1555 ; ? = Byrd, William (Som.), in residence Jan. 155y. Byrrye ?, John (Oxon.). Adm. 19 June 1555 ; ? = Burye (155f). Conway. Adm. ? 18 Aug. 1555 ; ? = Conway, Hugh, sup. (then a 'scholaris' of twelve years' standing) B.A. 16 June; adm. 20 June 1575 ; M.A. 6 July 1575. Jackman ( Jakeman), John (Gloucs.). Adm. ? 18 Aug. 1555 ; B.A. 29 Mar. 1561 : Fellow of Oriel 28 Oct. 1562 ; M.A. 30 May 1566 ; sup. for B.Med. 3 Feb. 158?. Gutch i. Johannes ? Adm. 2 July 1555. Kyng (Kinge), Thomas (Herefs.). Adm. 5 Apr. 1555 ; ? B.A. 3 July 1556 ? LATHAM (Ladham), Paul. Adm. 21 Oct 1555; Fellow (Founders) 17 Oct. 1556; B.A. 2 July 1557. Lightfoot (Lyghtfote), John (Gloucs.). Adm. 18 Aug. 1555. Lloyd (Wales). Adm. 15 June 1555. Lyllye, Geoffrey (Worcs.). Adm. 14 Aug. 1555. Machyn (Machyne), Thomas (Gloucs.). Adm. June 1555 ; B.A. 14 Dec. 1557 ; sup. M.A. 22 Oct. 1562. Newman (Newmanne), William (Middlx.). Adm. 5 Apr. 1555. But in the list of residents in Jan. 155f William Newman is given as from Gloucs. Owen. Adm. 18 Aug. 1555; ? = Peter Owens (Wales) in residence Jan. 155f. Packer (Gloucs.). Adm. ? 18 June 1555 ; = Thomas Packer (Gloucs.) in residence Jan. 155f. Potts (Potte), Thomas (Beds.). Adm. 7 June 1555 ; ? Student of Christ Church 1555 ; B.A. 12 July 1558 ; M.A. 6 June 1562. Ridge (Rigge, Rige, Ryge), Bevis (Worcs.). Adm. 1555; B.A. Merton 16 Oct. 1556 ; Fellow of Merton College 1557. O.H.S. iv. Rowland, Edward (Wales). Adm. 18 Aug. 1555. Rowswell, William (Som.) Adm. 18 Aug. 1555. Saltmarsh (Saltemarshe, Saltmarshe, Saltmershe, Saltmersh), William (Yorks.). Adm. 1 Apr. 1555; Sch. of Trinity 1556; B.A. 23 May 1558; M.A. 1 Dec. 1562 ; Fellow of Trinity 1564 or 1565. Gutch i ; O.H.S. xii. Statford (Statforde), Richard. Adm. 18 Aug. 1555 ; B.A. 14 Nov. 1558 ; as Stratforde sup. M.A. May 1562 and 22 Apr. 1563. Stockley, William (London). Adm. 21 June 1555. Trevilian (Trevylyan), Edward (Som.). Adm. 13 Nov. 1555. 24 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1555-6 WITHENS (Withenes, Withins, Wythins, Wythyns), John (Chesh.). Adm. 18 Aug. 1555 ; Fellow (Williamson W.) 30 Oct. 1556 ; B.A. 18 Jan. 155|; M.A. 23 Jan. 1561; Junior Bursar 1565-6; Vice- Principal 1567; B.C. 10 May 1567; Senior Bursar 1567-73; D.D. 1570; res. Fell. 12 Dec. 1573 ; Dean of Battle. Oxford Univ. Brass Kubbing Society, vol. i, No. 3. 155f Ap rice (Ap Kyce, Ap Kys), Lewis (Wales). Adm. 1 Feb. 155f ; ? = Lewis Aprice (Denbighs.) ' sacerdos ' ; B.A. in residence in 1559. Crumwell, Henry (Middlx.). Jan. 155|. = Henry Williams, q.v. Hanshert (Hansart, Hansord), Hammond (Lines.). B.A. 25 Feb. 155f, having been four years at Cambridge ; adm. 2 June 1556. O.H.S. xi. Leland, John (Lanes.). Adm. 20 Mar. 155f . Madryn, Thomas (Wales). Adm. 1 Feb. 155f. MITCHELL (Michell, Mytchell, Michel), John (Lanes.). B.A. 11 Jan. 155; adm. 13 Aug. 1556; Fellow (Founders) 17 Oct. 1556; res. Fell. 10 Apr. 1559 ; M.A. 23 Jan. 156. Nugent, Robert (Ireland). Adm. 10 Jan. 155JJ. Sherlocke, James (Ireland). Adm. 1 Feb. 155^. Statford, Thomas (Gloucs.). Jan. 155f. Whyte, Christopher. Jan. 155f. Wylliams (alias Crumwell), Henry (Middlx.). Jan. 155|. 1556 ALLEN (Alen, Alenne), Ralph (Leics.). Fellow (Barbie) 30 Oct. 1556; B.A. 15 Jan., res. Fell. 17 Mar. 15# ; M.A. 14 Feb. 156. Ashebrpke (Ashbroke), Thomas (Lanes.). Ogle Sch. 20 Oct. 1556. One of this name a student of grammar for twenty years and school- master of ' Uxellum ' ; adm. B. Grain. 10 July 1568, the last instance of this degree. Fasti i. Badger, Giles (Gloucs.). 1556. Barton, Michael (Beds.). ' Diaconus ' (? B.A.) ; adin. 29 June 1556 ; 'Presbiter'inl557. Blofyld, Giles (Beds.). 1556. Bullocke, John (Gloucs.). 1556. R.N. CHARNOCK (Charnocke, Charnoke, Chernock), James (Lanes.). 1556 ; B.A. 21 Jan. 155| ; Fellow (Founders) 25 Oct. 1559 ; M.A. 1 Dec. 1562 ; Proctor ; res. Fell. 23 July 1568 ; B.C.L. 27 May ; readm. 30 Sept, 1569. Charnocke, Robert (Lanes.). 1556. 1556] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 25 Chetam (Chetham, Chitam, Chytara), Henry (Ckesh.). Adm. 21 Sept. 1556 ; B.A. 18 Jan. 155* ; M.A. 1 Dec. 1562 ; Fellow of All Souls in, or before, Oct. 1564. Comport (Comporte), Thomas. 1556. Dowle (Doole), Andrew (Gloucs.). Adm. 15 Apr. 1556. Egerton, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. c. 1556, aged 17 ; Chancellor of the University 1610. Portrait in Hall and Bodleian Gallery. Barr.-at-law Lincoln's Inn 1572; Solicitor-General of England 1581; M.P. Chesh. 1585 ; Attorney-General 1592 ; Chamberlain of Chester, knighted 1593 ; Master of the Rolls 1594 ; Lord Keeper, P.C. 1596 ; Baron Ellesinere 19 July, Lord Chancellor 24 July 1603; Lord-Lieutenant of Bucks. 1607 ; Viscount Brackley 7 Nov. 1616. WORKS : Anagrammata in nomina illustrissi- Very doubtful mormn heroum, 1603. ^Observations concerning the Office of fHis judgement in the case of the Lord Chancellor, 1651. ' postnati ' in Colvin's case, 1607. fiord Chancellor Egerton's Observations The Privileges of Prerogative of the High on Lord Coke's Report, c. 1710. Court of Chancery, 1641. Ath. ii ; O.H.S. x ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. iv, vii, xi. EMOT (Emott, Emmott, Emmote), William (Lanes.). B.A. 14 Oct. 1556; Tellow (Founders) 17 Oct. 1556; M.A. 15 Jan. 15#; Senior Bursar 1559-60 ; Junior Bursar 1560-1 ; leave of absence given to him and another 'donee nos qui iam Astoniae [i.e. Steeple Aston] commo- ramur Oxonium revertemur viz usque ad reditum praelectoris et scho- larium ibidem commorantium ' 20 Oct 1563 (plague at Oxford in 1563) ; Vice-Principal 1565; res. Fell. 17 Jan. 157f ; sup. B.D. 26 Apr. 1571. O.H.S. ii. Greneacars (Grenekars, Greneaker, Grinacre, Gryneakers), Robert (Lanes.). Adm. 10 May 1556; B.A. 18 Jan. 1558; M.A. 26 June 1562 ; sup. for B.C.L. Apr. 1565. Preb. of St. Paul's 1564. Harrys, John (Dorset). Adm. 27 Mar. 1556. Haworth (Haworthe), William (Lanes.). Adm. 7 Nov. 1556 ; B.A. 30 Jan. 155f ; sup. M.A. 29 Jan. 156. Hunlocke, Henry (Lines.). Claymond Sch. 30 Oct. 1556. Johnns (Johns, Jones), Thomas (Wales). Adm. 5 Sept. 1556 ; ? B.A. 25 Oct. 1559 ; sup. M.A. May 1563. Johnns (Jones, Jonys), William (Wales). Adm. 2 Oct. 1556; ? B.A. 25 Oct. 1559 ; adm. actual Fellow of Oriel (from Carnarvon- shire) 4 April 1561 ; M.A. 12 May 1563. Jolibrande, Nicolas (Lanes.). Adm. 7 July 1556. Kenyon (Kenion), Edward (Lanes.). Adm. 22 May 1556. Lancaster (Langaster), John (Hants.). Adm. 31 Aug. 1556; '? at Corpus 1557 ; B.A. 27 Jan. 156?. Preb. of Wells 1582. 26 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1556-& Landre, Thomas (Lines.). Adm. 17 Oct. 1556. Langscar (Lanskeearre, Langsker, Langskarge), John. B.A. 26 Mar. 1556; Fellow of Trinity; M.A. 28 May 1560. LONG (Longe), Hugh (Gloucs.). Adm. 3 Sept. 1556 ; Fellow (Elton) 18 Nov. 1557 ; B.A. 4 Dec. 1559 ; a ' tutor ' in 1562 ; grace for M.A. 6 Feb. 1563 ' modo diligentia eius et studium quod in literis consump- serit ante dictum festum [Pentecost] tune per maiorem partem sociorum. approbabitur et commentarium in primum librum Meteororum conscrip- serit prius quam inceptor fiat' ; sup. M.A. 5 June 1565 ; expelled from his fellowship because absent for a longer time than is allowed by the statutes, without the cause of his absence having been approved, 22 Dec. 1565 when he is still a B.A. [D(ominus)]. O.H.S. xi. Lydeote, Christopher (Berks.). Adm. 15 Sept. 1556. Lydcote, Leonard (Berks.). Adm. 7 Sept. 1556. Pacey (Pacye), Thomas (Dorset). Adm. 2 May 1556. Packer, Richard (Gloucs.). Adm. 25 Oct. 1556. Quyethedde, Ralph (Lanes.). Adm. 27 Nov. 1556. Sherbroke, William (Derbs.). 1556 or 155?. Symson, John (Yorks.). Cook in 1556. Vaugham (Vaham), Geoffrey (Wales). Adm. 17 Aug. 1556 ; prob. = Geoffrey Vaghan, sup. B.A. 29 Jan. 156, det. in Lent. Vawdrye, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. 17 Apr. 1556. Walmysley, Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. 7 Nov. 1556. ? = Sir Thomas Walmesley (Lanes.), Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1567 ; Bencher 1574 ; Sjnt.-at-law 1580 ; M.P. Lanes. 1588 ; Justice of the Common Pleas 1589 ; knighted 1603. See his Account Book in Camden Miscellany, vol. iv. Foss; D.N.B. Waytt, Nicolas (Warws.). Adm. 17 May 1556 ; a Nicholas Wayte was admitted to be a Bookseller 11 Aug. 1556. O.H.S. xi. Wilde (Wyld), Richard (Lanes.). Adin. 11 Oct. 1556. R.N. Willeys, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. 17 May 1556. Wynstanley, William (Lanes.). Adm. 8 Sept. 1556. 155 Burye, John (Berks.). Jan. 155ft ; ? = Byrrye, John, 1555 ; ? = Burye, B.A., will proved at Oxford 1567. Coxe, Richard (Leics.). Jan. 155f. Johnson (Jonson), Roger (Beds.). Adm. 12 Feb. 155? ; at Corpus 17 Aug. 1557 ; Fellow of Corpus 17 Mar. 1560; B.A. 25 June 1562 ; M.A. 19 Dec. 1566. 155f-7] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 27 Jones, Hugh (Wales). Jan. 1552. Kyffyn (Kyffen), Thomas (Salop or Wales). Adm. 10 Jan. 155f. Moston ?, Edward (Wales). Adm. Feb. 155?. Pratt (Prat), John (London). Adm. 1 Mar. 155f ; B.A. 17 Dec. 1557; M.A. 26 July 1560; 24 Feb. 156J 'dispensation est cum magistro Pratt archidiacono Menevensi ne officium senescalli aulae subire teneatur.' Archdeacon of St. David's 1557 ; Preb. of Wells 1562 ; of Lincoln 1581. Salman (Salmon, Samon, Samond, Samand), Thomas (Wales). Jan. 155f ; B.A. 14 Dec. 1557 ; B.C.L. 13 May 1562 ; D.C.L. 4 July 1567. Townerowe (Lines.). B.A. in 155&; ?= Henry Townerow at Corpus 1555 from diocese of Lincoln, who however took B.A. 29 July 1557 ; inventory at Oxford 29 Oct. 1565 as B.A. of Brasenose. 1557 Atherton, George (Lanes.). Adm. 24 June 1557. Oilman (Gylman), Henry (London). Adm. 23 Sept. 1557. Harrison (Harison), Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. 5 May 1557 ; Ogle Sch. 23 Sept. 1558. Hygham ?, William (London). Adm. 17 June 1557. Jones, Geoffrey (Wales). Adm. 18 July 1557. Marshe (Mershe), Robert (Lanes.). Adm. 24 June 1557 ; Ogle Sch. 23 Sept. 1558. Pollarde (Polard), William (Devon.). Adm. 7 Oct. 1557. Fellow of Exeter 1559 ; B.A. 4 Dec. 1561. Sagar, Charles (Lanes.). Adm. 19 July 1557. Smart, Ralph (London). Adm. 2 May 1557. SMITH (Smyth), Robert (Yorks.). Fellow (Higden) 18 Nov. 1557 ; B.A. 4 Dec. 1559 ; M.A. 21 May 1563 ; 'praelector aulae publicus ' 1565 ; sup. B.Med. and lie. to practise 1 Dec. 1567 ; Vice-Principal 1568-9 ; res. Fell. 8 July 1570 ; sup. D.M. 18 June 1574. Somer, Henry (Som.). Adm. 22 Oct. 1557 ; ? = Hemy Somer (Sommer, Summer) of Christ Church ; B.A. 12 Dec. 1561 ; M.A. 17 Jan. 156. Standley, Humphrey (Wales). Adm. 7 Apr. 1557. WHITAKERS (Whittakers, Whytakers, Whyttakers, Whitacres, Whetacars, Whitecars, Witakers, Wyttakers), James (Lanes.). Adm. 23 May 1557 ; Fellow (Founders) 25 Oct. 1559 ; B.A. 28 June 1560; grace for M.A. 3 Aug. 1564 ' modo hec (sic) concessio statutis nostris non sit dissona eo quod Dedingtoniae facta est, uno de sex senioribus sociis tune temporis Oxoniae existente ' (plague at Oxford in summer of 1564) ; M.A. 5 Dec. 1564; Junior Bursar 1569-73 until he res. Fell. 6 June 1573 ; perhaps an Esquire Bedel. 28 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1557-9 Wryght, John (Salop). Aclm. 7 Sept, 1557 ; ? sup. B.A. Michs. Term 1560. Foxe, Richard (Salop). Aclm. 7 Feb. 155|. Hawle, John (Lines.). Aclm. at Corpus 28 Jan. 155|; reaclm. and allowed to hold Claymoncl Scholarship ' licet multo doctiores a doctore Chedseo praesidenti collegii Corporis Christi reiiciebantur ' 22 Mar. 155&; sup. B.A. 10 Oct. 1559 and July 1560. 155* HARRIS (Harrys, Harrise, Harryes, Harryees, Haryes, Haries), Richard (Herefs.]. Fellow (Porter) 1 Feb. 155; B.A. 5 Nov. 1561; M.A. 5 July 1566 ; Junior Bursar 1566-9 ; Vice-Principal 1572-3 ; Principal 16 Feb. 157f ; grace for B.D. 13 Nov. 1575 ; res. 22 Aug. 1595. Preb. of Hereford 1575. R.N. Moore, William (Derbs.). Adm. 4 Feb. 155|. Taylor, Thomas (Derbs.). Adm. 4 Feb. 155*; ? B.A. 17 Feb. 156^. and sup. M.A. 156; Fellow of All Souls. WHITHEAD (Whythead, Whythed, Whiteheade, Witeheade), Ralph (Lanes.). Grace for B.A. 25 Nov. 1558 ; B.A. 30 Jan. 155 ; Peilow (Founders) 14 Dec. 1561, but on completion of his probationary year ' decretum est ut de eius admissione deliberetur usque ad quartum diem Februarii proxime futuri ut ? cognitio criminuin quae ei obiiciuntur interea temporis haberi possit ' ; confirmed as Actual Fellow 4 Feb. 156f ; M.A. 21 May 1563 ; removed from his Fellowship for being absent longer than the statutes permitted 20 Jan. 15'J{}. 1559 Arowsmith (Arrowsmith), Thomas (Lanes.). ' Promus ' in 1559. Ashe (Asshe), Thomas (Som.). Adm. 31 May 1559 ; B.A. 3 Mar., readm. 4 Mar. 156. Ashfield (Ashefilde), Humphrey (Gloucs.). 1559; 3 May 1560 readm., but this may refer to either Humphrey or Robert. Badger, Charles (Gloucs.). 1559. Beale, John (London). Adm. 1 July 1559. Bisse (Bysse), James (Som.). Adm. 13 Apr. 1559, 'receptus est in hoc nostrum collegium lacobus Bisse, Somersetensis, filius nobilis, cuius pater annuatim centum libras expendere potest, et hie primogenitns <>ius '. BISSE (Bysse), Philip (Som.). 1559; B.A. 28 June 1560; Fellow (Founders) 15 Jan. 156? ; M.A. 20 Oct. 1564; Fellow of Magdalen, B.D. 14 July 1569 ; D.D. 8 July 1580 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1581. Sub-Dean of Wells 1571 ; Archdeacon of Taunton 1584. Fasti i. 1559] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 29 Blackwell, Thomas (London). 1559. Boughton, William (Warws.j. 1559. Bradshawe, Robert (Northants.). 1559. Browne, Robert ? (Lines.). 1559. Calveleye, Richard (Chesh.). 1559. Chappeman, Thomas (Lines.). 1559. Davison, Clement (Oxon.). 1559. Davison, John. See Davison, Peter. Davison, Peter. Adm. 31 Aug. 1559, apparently one of the 'servi Archdiaconi Asaphensis ' (Richard Rogers). A second entry, however, states that John Davison was adm. 31 Aug. 1559. Possibly the first entry means that Peter Davison and the ' servi ' were adm. Davyse, Hugh. 1559. Dimblebye, Edward (London). 1559. Fido (Fydoe) (Worcs.). Adm. 4 Sept. 1559. Probably = John Fido B.A. 14 May 1567. Fisher (Fysshar), Andrew (London). 1559 ; B.A. 13 Feb. 156? ; ? Fellow of All Souls before 1564 ; readm. to Brasenose 20 Sept, 1569. Fisher, Henry, gen. fil. (London). 1559 ; B.A. 21 Nov. 1565. Gildridge, William (Kent). 1559. Qrenacres (Qrenakers, Greneakers, Grenicars ?), Alexander (Lanes.). Adm. as Ogle Sch. 10 Oct. 1559 ; B.A. 23 Oct. 1565. Gunter, Robert, 'generosus' (Monmouth or London, entries differ), Adm. 6 May 1559. Henrison, Thomas (Lanes.). Ogle Sch. in 1559. Hesam, Thomas (Lanes.) 1559. Higon, James (Gloucs.). Adm. 1 May 1559. Hitchemough, Thomas (Lanes.). 1559. Hokerer, William (Lanes.). 1559. Hollingworth (Holingworth), Robert (Lines.). 1559 ; ? sup. B.A. June 1565 and 9 Mar. 156f ; Demy of Magdalen 1559. Bloxam. Hughes, William (Oxon.). 1559. Jackeson, James (Notts.). M.A. in 1559. Iieycester (Leyceter), George (Chesh.). ? B.A. (' Dominus '), ' sacerdos,' adm. 9 Aug. 1559. Perhaps a readmission ; see 1552. Lodington (Lodinton), John (Lines.). Adm. 23 Oct. 1559. A John Loddington is one of the scholares of Magdalen Hall who elect a Principal of the Hall 22 Oct. 1558. Middilton, William (Yorks.). 1559. Moldworth (Moldeworth), Richard (Chesh.). 1559 ; B.A. 23 Jan. 156i. Pennington, Guy (Lanes.). Cook in 1559. 30 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK [1559-60 Pitts fPittes, Pyttes), Robert (Oxon.). Claymond Sch. 7 Sept. 1559 in default of a scholar from Hants. ; sup. B.A. 10 Oct. 1564. Platt, James (London). 1559. Robartes, George (Sussex). Adm. 2 Dec. 1559. Rolston, George (Derbs.). 1559. Shawe (Shaw), Henry (Chesh. 1. Adm. 23 July 1559; ? grace for B.A, 4 Feb. 157 ; B.A. 27 June 1572. R.N. Smith (Smithe), John (Chesh.). 1559 ; ? B.A. 30 Jan. 156. Snowe (Beds.). Adm. 1 Oct. 1559. Stanley (Stanleye), Antony (Merioneths.). Adm. 16 Nov. 1559. Stevens, John (Gloucs.). 1559. Stevens, senior (Gloucs.). 1559. Swinlerste (Swynlerste) (Lanes.). Two brothers adm. 3 Sept. 1559. ? = Swindlehurst. Taylforth (Tailforthe, Taylford, Toulforthe), John (Lanes.). Chaplain Magdalen 1559 ; B.A. (? from Brasenose, where he was in residence in 1563) 27 Mar. 1560 : sup. as ' minister of the word ' for leave to attend theological lectures 1 Feb. 15S. Tempeste, George (Durham). 1559. Townerow, Thomas (Lincs.jt. Adm. 22 Sept. 1559. Veale, Francis (Lanes.) 1559 and probably earlier. Waller, Walter (Kent). 1559. Wellis, Edward (Gloucs.). 1559. Wemme, John (Worcs.). Adm. 15 Oct. 1559. Westcote, John (Soin.). 1559. Woolleye (Woole), Randulph (Chesh.). Adm. 15 June 1559. Baraker, William (London). Adm. 5 Feb. 15 Benbrige (Benbrike), Robert (Derbs.). Adm. 4 Feb. Bunting (Buntynge), Richard (Derbs.). Adm, 4 Feb. Pynder ?, William. Adm. 5 Mar. 1560 Bartley. Adm. 16 May 1560. Crompton, Richard (Lanes.), c. 1560. WORKS : Subjects to the Soueringe Gtovernour, Edited Fitzherbert's Office et Auc- 1587. thoritie de Justices de Peace, 1583, ^L'Authoritie et Jurisdiction des Courts &c. de la Maiestie de la Roygne, 1594, f.4 Short Declaration of the Ende of &c. Traytors and False Conspirators -\The Mansion of Magnanimitie, 1599, against tJte State, and the Duetie of &c. Ath. i ; D.N.B. 1560-2] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 31 Starkye. Adm. 12 July 1560. ? = John St-arkey, 156;":. Sutton. A-lin. 14 May 1560. ? William Sutton, B.A. 5 July 1567 ; M.A. 4 Dec. 1570. Willobye, senior. Adm. 14 May 1560. Willobye, junior. Adm. 14 May 1560. 156? Braxbrech (?=Bracebridge). Adm. Jan. 1565- CUWDALL (Condall, Cundayl, Cundle, Cundole), Robert. Adm. 5 Mar. 156? ; yellow (Clifton) 11 Oct. 1564; B.A. 7 Feb. 156 ; leave of absence for a year ' dummodo in juventate instituenda tempus illud transumpserit ' 30 Aug. 1568 ; M.A. 5 July 1569 ; res. Fell. 17 Apr. 1573 ; incorp. Cambridge 1574 ; B.D. 22 June, D.D. 14 July 1585. Archdeacon of Huntingdon 1576. Davye ? ' Diaconus ' ? Adrn. 7 Mar. 156^. Lloyde, Watkin. Adm. 7 Mar. 156 ; B.A. 21 Nov. 1565. PHILIP (T^hilipps, Phylipps), Rhys (Rees, Rise, Ryes) (Wales). Fellow (Williamson P.), ' per literas a regiis commissionariis missas,' 21 Feb. 156" ; up. B.A. 22 Apr. 1563 ; adm. as ' Richard ' 18 June 1563 ; removed from his Fellowship for being absent without leave longer than the statutes al owed 22 Dec. 1565. WHITWOBTH (Whytworth, Whytworthe, Whyttworthe, Whitt- worthe, Wuitr worth), Miles (Milo). Fellow (Darbie) 15 Jan. 156^ on condition that he should not be admitted 'in perpetuam societatem ' till after two years; B.A. 18 June 1563; M.A. 12 July 1567; 'rhetorices praelector' in 1574; res. Fell. 5 July 1574. K.N. 1561 FOSTER ( 'orster), John (Lanes.). Fellow (Founders) 5 July 1561 ; B.A. 18 June 1563 ; sup. M.A. 10 Mar. 156f PULLED William. Fellow (Clifton) 5 July 1561. ?=William Pullein, B.A 3u Jan. 156| ; M.A. 27 May 1566. Savile, Jot. > Yorks.). c. 1561. Autumn reader, Middle Temple 1586 ; Serjeant-at-law 1594 ; Baron of Exchequer 1598 ; knighted 1603 ; an original F.S.A. WORK : RK a of cases tried in the Exchequer Court, 1675. Ath. i ; D.r B. ; Quaritch's Catal. 267, p. 47, July 1908. 1562 Hepethe. . r hn. Student residing in the town in July 1562. Tutor, Roger Brech. jryrdell (1554). O.H.S. xi. Ingleby liby), David (Yorks.). 1562? Brother of Francis and William (q. 32 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1562-4 Ingleby (Ingliby), Francis. 1562 ? Student of the Inner Temple 1576 ; hanged at York 3 June 1586 for being a Roman Catholic priest. Ingleby (Inglebye, Inglebie, Ingliby), William. 5 July 1562 ' concessum est Guilielmo Inglebye et fratribus suis abesse a collegia usque ad festuni omnium sanctorum pristino iure tarn cubiculi quam ceterarum commoditatum in eodem collegio integre servato ' ; sup. B.A. 10 Oct. 1564. High Sheriff Yorks. ; knighted 1603 ; died 5 Jan. 1617. 1563 Biston (Byston). B.A. readm. 20 June 1563. ? Hugh Biston, B.A. 18 June 1563. Greenway (Greneway), Thomas (Hants.). Adm. at Corpus 29 Apr. 1563; grace for B.A. 22 Mar. 1564 ; B.A. 13 May 1567. Hobbes. Readm. 21 July 1563. Kinder (Kynder, Kyndar, Kyndare), William. Grace for B.Med, 3 Apr. 1563 ; B.Med. and adm. to practise 24 July 1563. Fasti i. Merser (Marser). Readm. 22 June (1563 ?). Prob. =Thomas Marser, B.A. 21 June 1563. Price. B.A. readm. 20 June 1563. ? = William Price, B.A. 18 June 1563. Slithurst (Slithurste, Slythurst), Richard (Berks.). M. A. in residence 1563 ; ? Demy of Magdalen in 1537 ; ? B.Med. and lie. to practise 28 Mar. 1555 ; ? sup. D.Med. 20 Oct. 1558. Fasti i. Willet (Wyllet). B.A. readm. 15 July 1563. ? = John Willett, B.A. 10 July 1563, Fellow of Magdalen in 1563. 1564 Banner, James (Lanes.). B.A. 17 Oct. 1564; M.A. 12 July 1567; Mr. Banner readrn. 18 July 1567. Bland (Blande), John (Worcs.). ? 1564 or later; grace for B.A. 14 May 1566. Bonte, George (Derbs.). Cler. fil. ' Promus' in 1564 or 1565. Byam, Laurence (Som.). 1564 or 1565 ; a ' pauper scholaris ' c. 156J. Cowper, James (Lanes.). 1264 or later. Deacon, John (Gloucs.). 1564 or 1565. Edmonds, John (OxonA 1564 or later; ? sup. B.A 1566, det. 1567. Floyd, Grifit ? (Wales). 1564 or 1565. Flytcroft (or ? Flytcrost), William (Lanes.). 1564 or 1565. 1564] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 33 Foster (Forster), Randolph (Rodolph, Ralph) (Lanes.). Ogle Sch. 23 Oct. 1564; sup. B.A. 14 May 1567. Fouks, John (Wales). 1564 or 1565. Probably = Fowkes, a ' pauper scholaris ' c. 156f . Graynefilde (Granfyeld), George (Cornw.). 1564 or later. ?= George Granfield (Grenefelde, Grainvill), B.C.L. 12 July 1568. Gwyn (Gwynn, Guinne), John (Wales). 1564 or later ; B.A. 6 Apr. 1566 : ' verbi minister ' in 1566 ; M.A. 9 July 1568. Hanxey, William. 1564 or 1565. Haule, Richard (Gloucs.). 1564 or 1565. ? = Hall r. 156f q.v. Lante, James. Chorister of Christ Church in and before 1564 ; B.A. Brasenose 17 Dec. 1574 ; M.A. 26 June 1578. Latham ?. Scholaris readm. 20 Feb. 156|. Lister (Lyster). B.A. readm. 15 Nov. 1564. ? = John Lister, B.A. 19 June 1564. Lister, Laurence. ? of Brasenose; B.A. 10 Oct. 1564; sometime of Cambridge. Lye (Lanes.). Apparently B.A., in residence 1564 or later. Merston ?, Richard. 1564 or later. Moore (More), Robert (Lanes.). 1564 or later ; B.A. 30 Oct. 1566. Morres (Morris), William (Lanes.). Grace for B.A. 25 Oct. 1564 ; B.A. 26 Jan. 156$ ; Fellow of Lincoln 1566 ; M.A. Lincoln 4 July 1570 ; Subrector of Lincoln 1571. Napper, William (Hants.). 1564 or later; grace for B.A. 24 Feb. 156f ; B.A. 21 Nov. 1565 ; sup. M.A. June 1568 ; Fellow of Corpus 6 Aug. 1568. Niccolas. See Nicolls, George. Nicolls (Nicola), George (Oxon.). 1564 or 1565. Probably = Niccolas, ' scholaris facultatis artium,' who is readm. 20 Aug. 1567 ; grace for B.A. 17 June 1570; sup. B.A. 157. R.N. Nutter, Robert (Lanes.). 1564 or 156-5. Patts (Pates, Pattes), Walter (Gloucs.). 1564 or 1565. Pitts, Thomas (Oxon.). 1564 or 1565. Pitts, Walter (Oxon.). 1564 or 1565. A Walter Pitts, undergraduate, was Fellow of Lincoln in 1571. Platts (Plattes, Platte), William (Derbs.). 1564 or 1565; B.A. 17 Jan. 1562 ; perhaps an orginal scholar of Jesus 1571. Gutch i. Shelley, Thomas (Dorset). 1564 or 1565. D 34 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE [1564-f Shert (Sherte, Shirte, Shyrte), John (Chesh.). 1564 or 1565 ; B.A. 17 Jan. 156f For being a priest and denying the Queen's supremacy he was hanged, drawn, and quartered at London, 28 May 1582. Fasti i. SHEWARD (Shewarde, Showard, Seeward), Thomas (Herefs.). Entered as resident in 1564 or 1565, but name subsequently scratched out ; Fellow (Elton) 19 Jan. 156f ; B.A. 17 Jan. 1562 ; M.A. 22 Nov. 1571 ; Junior Bursar 1572-5 ; Senior Bursar 1575-8 ; res. Fell. 26 July 1581. Slocombe (Slocumbe, Slocumb, Slocum, Slocume), Henry (Som.). 1564; B.A. 7 Feb. 156f ; M.A. 12 July 1567 ; sup. lie. to preach 16 July 1572 ; sup. B.D. Oct. 1573. Preb. of Wells 1574. Smith, Edward (Chesh.). 1564 or 1565 ; BJL 5 July 1566. Fasti i. Smith (Smyth, Smithe), Matthew. ' Obsonator ' in 1564 or 1565 ; 17 Aug. 1570 leave is given to him to be absent for a year from the festival of All Saints next following without losing his post ; Manciple of Brasenose 2 Mar. 15$ ; 13 Oct. 1581 ' m r principalis et sex socii seniores concesserunt ac dederunt Matthaeo Smyth mancipio unam arborem ad aulae nigrae aedificium reparandum vel plures, si id necessum videbitur alteri bursariorum *. O.H.S. xii. Smyth (Smythe), Thomas (Chesh.). 1564 or 1565 ; B.A. 5 July 1566. Townrow, John (Lines.). 1564 or 1565. Vaughan, William. Adm. 3 July 1560. ?=William Vaghan, B.A. 11 Feb. 156. Waterhouse (Watterhouse), Thomas (Yorks.). Gen. fil. 1564. Whyke (Wyke), John (Lanes.). Adm. Ogle Sch. 23 Oct. 1564. ?=Wycke in Brasenose List of c. 156|. Willobye. ' Custos equorum ' 1564 or 1565. One of the ' servientes ' in Brasenose List of c. 156. Barrett (Barret), Richard. Grace for B.A. 24 Feb. 156; B.A. 21 Nov. 1565; M.A. 26 June 1570; Fellow of Oriel before 1572; Proctor 1574. Bond (Bonde), Daniel (London). Gen. fil. at Merton 156|, at Brasenose e. 156$; B.A. 16 Jan. 15fg; Fellow of Merton 1572; M.A. 18 June 1575. O.H.S. iv and xi. Dugdaile (Dugdall), Christopher (Lanes.). B.A. 7 Feb. 156|. Maddocks (Maddockes, Maddox, Madox, Maddock), Thomas. B.A. 9 Mar. 156 ; dispensed from determination because a schoolmaster in London June 1571 ; M.A. 8 July 1572. 1565] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 35 1565 Atfield, Peter (Hants.). Adm. 1565. Bandwyne, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. 1565. Bisten (Biston ?), James. Adm. 1565. Blackwell, William (Derbs.). Adm. 1565. Bolde, John (Lanes.). Adm. 1565; elected Ogle Sch. 24 Sept. 1566 ' ita tainen ut ad diem Christ! natalitium proximo sequentein remoueri pcssit si eo tempore ad dialecticae stadium aptus non inueniatur.' Boyle, James (Herefs.). Adm. 1565. Bromwyche ?, Francis '? (Gloucs.). Adm. 1565. Carpenter, Thomas (Herefs.). Adm. 1565; Fellow of All Souls 1569 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 157; M.A. 25 Nov. 1575. Charlwood (Charlwode, Clarkewood), John. Pleb. adm. aged 18, 1565; B.A. 16 Jan. 15g; M.A. 14 Mar. 157. Clark (Clerke, Clercke), Thomas (Hants). Adm. 1565 ; B.A. 17 Jan. 156f Bloxam. Colles, John (Worcs.). Adm. 1565. Coppock, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. 1565. Dale, John (Chesh.). Adm. 1565. Dearlowe (Dernelove ?), Richard (Lanes.). Adm. 1565. Dreaton (Dreton), Peter (Devon). Adm. 1565 ; B.A. 22 Mar 156^. Games, Walter ?. Adm. 1565. Gelibrande (Gelebrande), William (Lanes.). Adm. 1565 ; B.A. 14 July 1569. Genins, Robert (Chesh.). Adm. 1565. Genkyns, Richard (Wales). Adm. 1565 ; probably = Jenkynne in Brasenose List of c. 156f, in which there are two of that name. Genkyns, Rise (Wales). Adm. 1565. ? = Jenkynne in Brasenose List of c. 156f. Genkynson, Morgan (Wales). Adm. 1565. Godberye ?, Thomas (Som.). Adm. 1565. Grenwyche (Greenwich), William (London). Adm. 1565 ; ? Fellow of All Souls 1572 ; B.A. All Souls 17 June 1573 ; M.A. 17 May 1577. Preb. of Hereford 1571 ; Archdeacon of Salop 1580. Gwynne, Lewse ? (Wales). Adm. 1565. Gye. Cook in 1564 or 1565 ; one of the ' servientes ' c. 156f ; possibly = Guy Pennington (1559). Haldsworth (Halsworth, Halsworthe, Halseworthe), William (Yorks.). Adm. 1565; B.A. 5 July 1566. Heath (Hethe), William. Scholar in 1565. Brasenose Arch. D 2 36 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1565 HOLDEN (Holdon), Thomas. Fellow (Founders) 1 Dec. 1565 ; B.A. 17 Jan. 156 ; M.A. 8 July 1570 ; leave of absence granted 4 Oct. 1571, but on condition that if ' trium seniorum iudicio ipse pro rebus et bonis collegii conservandis domi tempore pestis permanere designaretur hac non obstante venia ad suum in hac parte exequendum officium reverti tenetur'; res. Fell. 19 May 1573. R.N. Holt (Holte), "William (Lanes.). Adm. 1565; B.A. 30 Oct. 1566; Fellow of Oriel 29 Feb. 156 ; M.A. 12 Feb. 157 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1573 ; adm. a Jesuit 1578. D.N.B. ; Cooper, Ath. Camb. Howard ?, James (Lanes. ?). Adm. 1565. Howarde, Thomas (Grloucs.). Adm. 1565. Hunte, Thomas (Warws.). Adm. 1565. Hybbott, Christopher (Worcs.). Adm. 1565. Jhons (? = Jones), Hugh (Wales). Adm. 1565. Kyrkebee (Kirckby, Kyrby, Kirbie, Kirbee), Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. 1565 ; B.A. 30 Oct. 1566 ; ? M.A. 26 June 1588. Kirvyn (or ? Kinvyn), Reginald (Coventry, ? Diocese). Adm. 1565. Latham, Henry (Lanes.). Adm. 1565 ; B.A. 5 July 1566. Latham, John (Lanes.). Adm. 1565 ; sup. B.A. 15 Feb. 156|. Lloyd, Watkins ? (Wales). Adm. 1565. Probably = Lloyde or Loyd in Brasenose List of c. 156f . O.H.S. ii. 26. Mascall, William (Gloucs.). Adm. 1565 ; B.A. 16 Jan. Nixon, Robert. Adm. 1565 ; grace for B.A. 13 Dec. 1566 when 'Christi minister' ; B.A. 17 Jan. 156f ; grace for M.A. 24 May 1570. Pope, Josiah (Gloucs.). Adm. 1565; B.A. 11 June 1570; M.A. 28 June 1574. R.N. Pryse, John (Herefs.): Adm. 1565. Rabon (Rabonne, Rawebone), Henry (Worcs.). Adm. 1565 ; grace for B.A. 1 Dec. 1569 ; a Henry Rabon sup. B.A. 13 July 1569 and 8 July 1572. Radford, Thomas (Chesh.). 1564 or 1565. Rawlyngs, James (Herefs%). Adm. 1565. Revell (Revel), "William (Pembs.). Adm. 1565 ; permission ' ut possit abesse a collegio per unum mensem praeter octo septimanas scholaribus dari comuetas' 20 Aug. 1567; leave of absence till Christmas 'et tune si redierit armario quo prius potitus est utatur ut suo' 5 Nov. 1568. Savell (Savile). c. 156 ; ? = Henry Savile (Yorks.) ; Fellow of Merton 1565 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 156f : M.A. 30 May 1570 ; Proctor 1575, 6 ; 1565-|] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 37 Warden of Merton 1585-1622 ; founded professorship in geometry and astronomy 1619; died 19 Feb. 162; buried in the College Chapel, Eton. Author. Provost of Eton 1596 ; knighted 1604. Ath. ii ; Gutch i ; Quaritch's Catal. 267, p. 47, July 1908 ; D.N.B. ; O.H.S. iv, viii, xi, xii. Sheward (Shewarde), John (Herefs.). Adm. 1565 ; readm. 8 Feb. B.A. 22 Mar. 157; Fellow of Oriel in 1572 ; M.A. 9 June 1576. Slaughter, Davis ? (or Paris ?). Adm. 1565. Smith (Smythe), James ? (Yorks.). Adm. 1565 ; ? = James Sinythe, sup. B.A. 25 Nov. 1572 ; grace for B.A. 25 Oct. 1573. Smythe ?, William (Wales). Adm. 1565. Sperin (Speryn, Sperine, Speryne, Spearin, Spyren, Spyreyn), Thomas (London). Adm. 1565; B.A. 11 June 1570 (apparently, not 1569) ; M.A. 1 July 1574. ? = Thomas Sperme mentioned in R.N. Stanley, Edward (Lanes.). Adm. 1565. ? = Edward Stanlee B.A. 14 July 1568. Stanley (Standlee), Peter (Lanes.). Adm. 1565 ; prob. B.A. 21 Nov. 1565 ; M.A. 5 July 1568 ; perh. = Dominus Standley disp. for absence 28 July 1567. Stubberfield (Stubberfeld, Stubberfylde, Stobersfield, Stubbers- fyll), Roland (Kent) (' Kensiensis ') Adm. 1565; B.A. 14 Feb. 156|; sup. M.A. Mar. 157^. In Brasenose List of c. 156f Stubbersicle is pro- bably a mistake for Stubbersfield. Tayler, Thomas (Oxon.). Adm. 1565. Prob. = Tayler who is one of the ' pauperes scholares' in the Brasenose List of c. 156|. TOMPSON" (Tomson, Thompson, Tomsone, Thomsoon), Ralph (Chesh.). Fellow (Founders) 1 Dec. 1565; B.A. 17 Jan. 156f; M.A. 8 July 1570 ; vice-Principal 1573-5 ; B.D. 14 Feb. 157| ; res. Fell. 13 June 1576; DD. 27 Mar. 1579. Chaplain to Queen Elizabeth ; died 18 Aug. 1591. Fasti i ; K.N. Venable, William (Chesh.). Adm. 1565. Warbrick (Warbricke, Warbrake), John (Lanes.). Adm. 1565; B.A. 14 Feb. 156; sup. M.A. 4 July 1575. Williams, Nicolas (Herefs.). Generosus. Adm. 1565, aged 18. WTNISTINGTON (Wynyngton), Edward (Chesh.). Adm. 1565; B.A. 13 May 1567 ; Fellow (Founders) 20 Jan. 156f. Winstandley, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. 1565. Wood, Matthew (Chesh.). Adm. 1565. 156f Asheby (Ashby), Thomas, c. 156f. Birtwhistle (Birtwysle, Birtwesell, Birwisle), Anthony, c. 156j| : B.A. 16 Jan. 15f#. Blackleche (Blacklech, Blakeleche, Blaclege, Blackley), William (Lanes.), c. 156g ; B.A. 8 July 1566; B.C.L. 19 July 1573. Brameche, John. c. 156. 38 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [156f-G Chetteley (Cetle, Chettle, or Chettell), Thomas, c. 1565 ; B.A. 11 Apr. 1567. Complon (? Compton). c. 156$. Cooper, c. 156f. Davy. A ' pauper scholaris ' c. 156$. Elys. A ' pauper scholaris ' c. 156$". Evans. A ' pauper scholaris' c. 156$. Hall. c. 156f. ? = Richard or Thomas Hall (Haull). The latter B.A. 9 July 1567. Heywoode. c. 156$. Hewes. A ' pauper scholaris ' c. 156;;. Jenkynne ? Two of this name c. 156$. See under Genkyns (1565). Juxston, Robert, c. 156$. Moston (Mosten, Mostyne, Mosden), Henry (Flints.). Arm. fil. aged 28 ? or 18 ?, c. 156$; sup. B.A. 18 June 1574; det. 157i; grace for M.A. for him and others provided they perform certain exercises 'nisi eorum singuli convenientem pro principals arbitratu sunimam in librum aliquem vel libros conferendam solvere seque sMperioribus oneribus liberare maluerint ' 11 May 1577 ; M.A. 22 May 1577. O.H.S. xi. Murren (Morrin), James. One of the ' servientes ' c. 156$. He was cook, and in his will proved at Oxford 7 Feb. 158| he bequeathed his kitchen implements to the College. O.H.S. xi ; Quat. Mon. iv. NORRIS (Norrys, Norres, Norrise, Morrice, Norice), Robert (Lines, not Leics. as given in Brasenose List of c. 156$). B.A. 16 Feb. 157 ; peuow (Higden) 29 Mar. 1571 ; M.A. 28 June 1574 ; 11 Feb. 157 received leave of absence on condition ' ut pro tempore absentiae suae aliquem constituat qui lectiones rhetoricas diligenter suscipiat ' ; res. Fell. 29 Oct. 1582. Pittes, Arthur. Chorister of All Souls c. 156$. Went to Douay ; D.D. at Douay ; Chancellor to the Cardinal at Lorraine. WORKS : In quatuor lesu Christi Evangelia & Acta Apostolorum Commentaritis. Ath. ii. Prescott. A 'pauper scholaris' c. 156jj. Smythe. Two of this name c. 156$. STARKEX" (Starkie), John (Chesh.). PeUow (Williamson P.) 19 Jan. 156$ ; ceased to be Fellow Jan. 156. Worsley. One of the ' servientes ' c. 156$. 1566 Aspinall (Aspinal), Alexander (Lanes.), c. 1566; aged 20 on admission; ? grace for B.A. 28 Aug. 1574; B.A. 25 Feb. 157| ; M.A. 12 June 1578. R.N. 1566-7] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 39 Avenant (Avenanta), Alexander (London). B.A. Canib. ; ineorp 30 May 1566; M.A. 16 Feb. 15fg; sup. for licence to preach 14 Jan. 1-371. COLMERE (Colmer, Colmore), Clement (War ws.). Came to Oxford 1566 ; Fellow (Founders) 20 Jan. 156f ; B.A. 16 Jan. 15f ; M.A. 14 Mar. 157H ; 'publicus dialecticae praelector' 1574; Junior Bursar 1575-8; Senior Bursar 1578-9 ; Proctor 1578 ; ineorp. at Cambridge 1579 ; res. Fell. 7 Jan. 15&; B.C.L. 22 Oct. 1580; D.C.L. 5 July 1582. Chancellor of Durham. Cottam (Cottamme, Cottetamme, Cottom), John. Grace for B A. 14 May 1566; B.A. 19 June 1566. CROWTHER (Crother), William (Salop). B.A. 10 Oct. 1566 ; M.A. 8 July 1570 ; Fellow (Founders) 8 Nov. 1570 (? 1569) ; Senior Bursar 1573-5; grace for B.D. 2 Dec. 1575; Vice-Principal 1575-8 ; res. Fell. 20 Dec. 1578. Fittone (Fytton, Ffiton), Edward. B.A. 6 Apr. 1566 ; grace for M.A. 28 May 1568. Knighted 157f ; M.P. Wigan 1572; Boroughbridge 1588; died 1606. D.N.B. ; Memorial brasses of Sir E. Fitton by F. Renaud 1894. Masterson (Maysterson), Richard. Grace for B.A. 8 Apr. ; B.A. 27 May 1566. 156S Dodson (Dodshon, Dotshon, Dotshunne), Richard. Grace for B.A. 22 Mar. 156? ; B.A. 12 July 1567 ; M.A. 12 July 1572. 1567 Appleton, Christopher (Lanes.). Born in parish of Prescot ; admitted to Ogle Sch., vacant by resignation of John Bolde, 28 July 1567. Chesshyre, Edward. B.A. 12 July 1567 ; readm. 18 July 1567. COOK (Cooke, Coke), Robert (Yorks.). 1567, aged about 17 ; B.A, 27 June 1573 ; Fellow (Clifton) 2 Dec. 1573 ; M.A. 31 Jan. 157? ; sup. lie. to preach 22 Feb. 158^; Proctor 1582; Senior Bursar 1582-3, 5-6; ineorp. at Cambridge 1583; Vice-Principal 1583-4 ; B.D. 15 July 1584; res. Fell. 1 June 1590. Preb. of Durham 1614. WORKS : Six Latin orations delivered at Censura quorundam Scriptorum, quae Oxford, 1583 onwards. sub nominibus Sanctorum, et veterum A Learned Disputation betwixt Robert Auctorum, a Pontificiis passim in Cooke, B.D., and . . . Cuthbert John- eorum Scriptis sed potissimum in son . . . before his Majesty's Council Quaestionibus hodie controversis citari and other learned men at York, 1610. solent, 1614, &c. D.N.B. Hall (Hard), Thomas. B.A. 9 July 1567 (see 156). Hewarde. Eeadm. 18 July 1567. ? = Thomas Hewarde or Haward, B.A. 12 July 1567. 40 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1567-f Williams, Thomas. Possibly B.A. 12 July 1567 ; M.A. 19 June 1573. WORK : Dictionarium Latino-Britannicum. Ath. i ; D.N.B. 1568 Higginson (Hyggynson). Permission given to him and Robert Randall ' suis cubiculis frui ' if they return before Whitsuntide 9 Dec. 1568. ? = Ralph Higginson, B.A. 10 June 1569. Randall, Robert. (See above); B.A. 16 Jan. 15f; M.A. 10 Oct. 1573. Bishton, Edward (Lanes.), c. 1568 ; B.A. 30 Apr. 1572 ; M.A. Douay. WORKS : t-De Origins ac Progressu Schismatis Schema per prorocationem catholici ... Anglican!, 1585. 1575. JKerum pro religione catholica ac in turri Profession of his Faith made manifest, Londlnensi gestarum ab an. 1580 ad and confirmed by twenty-four Reasons an. usque 1585. indiculus seu diarium or Motives. Religiosarum et sacerdotum nomina, 1595. Ath. i ; D.N.B. Smith (Smyth), Miles (Herefs.). At Corpus about 1568, a fletcher's son ' ; B.A. 31 Jan. 157 ; M.A. 27 June 1576 * B.C. from Christ Church 1 Feb. 1584; incorp. at Cambridge 1586; D.D. from Brasenose 4 July 1594. Bishop of Gloucester 1612 ; one of the translators of the Authorized Version of the Bible and author of the Preface ? ; buried in Gloucester Cathedral 9 Nov. 1624. WOBKS : A Commendatory Preface to G. fSermon, 1602. Babington's Certaine plaine, briefe, Sermon, 1632. and comfortable notes upon every The Works of ... G. Babington, 1637. chapter of Genesis, 1596. Ath. ii ; K.N. ; O.H.S. x. 140 ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. xi. 156f Cottam, Thomas (Lanes.). B.A. 23 Mar. 156| ; M.A. 11 July 1572. Taught at a Grammar School in London ; went to Rome, where he studied divinity, and to Rheims, where he was made a priest ; taken prisoner at, or near, Dover 1580, and kept in prison for about two years, in course of which he became a Jesuit. Refusing to take the oath of supremacy, he was executed at Tyburn 30 May 1582. Fasti i; D.N.B. ENGLISH (Englishe, Englisshe), John (Worcs.). Fellow (Williamson P.) 20 Jan. 156* ; B.A. 16 Jan. 15fg ; res. Fell, in 15?$. HUTCHZN'S (Huttchins, Hutchyns, Hychins, Hyehin), Thomas (Denbighs.). Fellow (Founders) 20 Jan. 156* ; B.A. 16 Jan. 15Sg; M.A. 14 Mar. 157 ; ' Graecaruin literarum lector ' 1574 ; sup. lie. to preach 25 Nov. 1575 ; appointed ' ad legendum publice catechismum, et ut scholares instruat in fidei articulis ' 30 Jan. 157. 156f-9] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 41 KNOWLES (Knowls, Knolls, Knowlles, Knowllis, Knowlis, Knollys, Knollis), Thomas (Lanes.). Fellow (Founders) 20 Jan. 156* ; B.A. 16 Jan. 15#; grace for M.A. 30 Jan. 157 for him and Robert Randall ' modo . . . etiam declamationes faciant et pronuncient solenni Bacchalaureorum scolariumque conventu ... in papam aut eius hereses ' ; M.A. 24 Mar. 157 ; philosophiae lector 1574 ; on 3 Dec. 1575 leave is given ' ut ei liceat regiones transmarinas peragrandi causa per totos tres annos abesse a Collegio, cui etiam in Itineris tarn sumptuosi leuamen et gratiam praedicti Principalis et seniores quinque marcas de bonis Collegii per manus Bursariorum eidem soluendas gratiose concesserunt ', but apparently this was not acted on, for in June 1576 he has leave of absence granted to him for eight weeks, and he has again leave of absence in 1577 and 1578 ; res. Fell. 12 Oct. 1582. R.N. Latham, Henry. B.A. ? from Brasenose 27 Feb. 156f ; ? M.A. Catherine Hall, Cambridge 1571. Prichard. B.A. readm. 13 Jan. 156. 1569 Atkins (Attkins), John. Grace for B.A. 1 Dec. 1569 ; B.A. 30 Jan. 154$ ; grace for M.A. 19 Mar. 1574. Bankes, Thomas. 1569 ; B.A. 4 Dec. 1571 ; M.A. 24 July 1574. Fasti i ; R.N. Barker (Barcker), Thomas. Grace for B.A. 9 Nov. 1569; B.A. 27 Jan. Belchere, Edward. 1569. R.N. Cotton, Roberte. 1569. R.N. Dyckines, Raffe. 1569. R.N. Evans, David. 28 May 1569, ' concessum est ut camera qua nuno fruitur unacum armario si ad festum S cti Michaelis reversus fuerit utatur ut prius ' ; B.A. 11 June 1570 ; ? a Fellow: no record of this in Reg. A. O.H.S. i. Eyre, Michael. Leave to retain his 'armarium et cubiculum' when absent 29 Sept. 1569. Gwersey (Guersey, Gwarsey, Warsley), William. Grace for B.A. 1 Dec. 1569 ; B.A. 16 Jan. 15f. Harrison (Harryson, Harison), James. Grace for B.A. 1 Dec. 1569 ; B.A. 16 Jan. 15f fl ; M.A. 27 Apr. 1577. Hewes, Edward? 1569. ?= Ed ward He we s, or Hues, B.A. 5 July 1569. Heye, Ralph (Raffe). 1569. R.N. 42 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1569-70 Lawrence, John. 1569. R.N. Powell, Thomas. 1569. E.N. Risley, James. 1569. R.N. Robertson, John. Grace for B.A. 9 Nov. 1569. Shaw, Henry ? c. 1569. Stone (Stonne), Thomas. 1569; Student of Christ Church 1571; B.A. 27 Feb. 157; M.A. 17 May 1575; Proctor 13 Apr. 1580; sup. for licence to preach 18 May 1582 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1581. Fasti i; RN. Towenley, Lawrance. 1569. R.N. Watts (Wattes), Edmund. Grace for B.A. 1 Dec. 1569, when he is Claymond Scholar, and has leave of absence without losing ' salarii cubiculi armarii ius ' ; B.A. 16 Jan. 15 ; B.D. and D.D. 31 Mar. 1596. Preb. of Wells 1580. Whyte (White, Whytte, Whyt), WUliam. Grace for B.A. 1 Dec. 1569 ; B.A. 16 Jan. ISffl ; ? Fellow of Me.rton 1569 ; M.A. 2 ? or 7 ? Oct. (Boase and Clark differ) 1573. O.H.S. iv. 157O Batt (Batte, Bate), John. Grace for B.A. 31 Dec. 1570; B.A. 20 Feb. 157f DOBBES (Dobbs, Dobs), Thomas (Chesh.). Fellow (Founders) 8 Nov. 1570; B.A. 20 Feb. 157; M.A. 28 June 1574; Junior Bursar 1578-80; vice-Principal 1581-2; B.D. 16 Jan. 158*; res. Fell. 28 Sept. 1583. Evanse (Evance), Hugh. Grace for B.A. ' D no Evans verbi ministro * Nov. 1570 (probably = Hugh Evanse or Evance); B.A. 20 Feb. 157?; M.A. 18 May 1574. Ath. i. Farmer (Farmar, Former), Nicolas. B.A. 11 June 1570; readm. 17 June 1570. HOLKER (Holcker, Holkcar, Holckar), Richard (? Lanes.). Fellow (Founders) 8 Nov. 1570; grace for B.A. (17 April?) 1573. R.N. JOHNSON, Laurence (Lawrence). Fellow (Founders) 8 Nov. 1570; sup. B.A. 25 Nov. 1572; grace for B.A. 5 Dec. 1572 'ac etiam tenetur infra annum post susceptionem gradus graece in aula declamare.' Went to Douay and thence to Rheims, where he was made a priest 23 Mar. 157f ; being sent on a mission to England in Feb. 1579 (? 15j$) changed his name to Laurence Richardson ; executed at Tyburn 30 May 1582. Ath. i. 1570-1] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 43 Nicolls, John (Glamorg.). c. 1570. First at White Hal] ; a Jesuit. WORKS : +His pilgrimage. 1581. "\~A true report of the apprehension and ^Declaration o) his recantation, 1581. imprisonment of, 1583. Myles Davies's Athenae Britannicae, pt. 3 (Lewis on Pallas, p. 10) ; Ath. i. Short (Shorte), Anthony (Devon). B.A. 11 June 1570; Fellow of All Souls 1570; B.C.L. 24 Nov. 1576. TOMPSON, Edward. Fellow (Higden) 8 Nov. 1570 ; grace for B.A. 25 Oct. 1573 ; res. Fell. 1582. Worthington, Thomas (Lane?.). ? of Brasenose. B.A. 17 Oct. 1570. B.D. (at Douay) 1577 ; D.D. University of Triers 1588 ; President of Dotiay 1599. WORKS : \-Rosarium sive psalterium B.V.M., ^An anker of Christian doctrine, 1618, 1600, & c . & c . Ath. ii. 157? Chetam (Chitam), William. Grace for B.A. 4 Feb. 157? ; ? B.A. 18 June 1572. R.N. Holland, Philemon (Gloucs.). B.A. (Trinity, Cambridge) 1570-1 ; Fellow 1573; M.A. 1574; incorp. (probably from Brasenose) 11 July 1585. WORKS : a supplement to Thomasius's Romane History of Livy, 1600. Dictionarium, 1615. The Historic of the World, 1601 (Rep.). His Oration before James I at The Philosophic, 1603 (Rep.). Coventry (1617) with a sermon Translated Suetonius's Historic of by Samuel Briggs, B.D., 1622, Twelve Caesars, 160f. &c. Roman History , . . of Ammianus English rendering of Xenophon's Marcellinus, 1609. Cyropaerfia, 1632. English translation of Camden's Latin rendering of Bauderon's Britannia, 1610 (Rep.). French Pharmacopoeia, 1639. Speed's Theatre of the Empire of Great Regimen Sanitatis Salerni. 1649, &c. Britaine, and with Paralipomena, Euclid's Harmonics (MS.). Fasti i; D.N.B. 1571 Hues, Robert (Herefs.). c. 1571 ; B.A. Magdalen Hall 12 July 1578. Monument in Christ Church. WORK : De globis coeksti et terrestri, 1594 (Rep.). Ath. ii; D.N.B. Knight, William. Grace for B.A. 8 Nov. 1571; B.A. 15 Feb. M.A. 23 Mar. 157-2. 44 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1571-2 LEIGH (Lee, Leighe, Leygh, Leegh, Lighe, Ligh, Lye), William (Lanes.). Came to Oxford 1571, aged 20 ; Fellow (Founders) 24 Nov. 1573 ; B.A. 10 Dec. 1574 ; M.A. 29 May 1578 ; sup. lie. to preach 24 July 1584 ; Vice-Principal 1584-7 ; B.D. 4 July 1586 ; res. Pell. 24 Nov. 1587. WORKS : \-Tfie Soul's Solaceagainst Sorrow, 1602, -^Queen Elizabeth paraleled in her &c. Princely Vertues with David, Joshua, The Christian's Watch, 1605. and Hezekia, 1617. Great Britaine's Great Deliverance from The Drumme of Devotion striking out the great danger of Popish Powder, an Allarum to Prayer, 1613. 1606, &c. Strange News of a Prodigious Monster The First Step towards Heaven, 1609. borne in the Toioneship of Adlington The Dreadfull Day, 1610. in the Parish of Standish, 1613. Ath. ii; R.N. ; D.N.B. ; O.H.S. xi. Tatersall, John. 1571 ; grace for B.A. 1 Aug. 1575 ; sup. B.A. 13 Feb. 157|. R.N. 1572 Bamford (Bamforde), Ralph. 1572; B.A. 17 May 1575; M.A. 12 June 1578. R.N. Garstaine, William. 1572. R.N. GOODMAN, Adam. A member of St. Alban Hall in 1572 ; Fellow (Founders) 24 Nov. 1573 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 157f ; M.A. 1576 (Yate). Greatracke, Francis. 1572. R.N. Hare, Thomas. Student of Christ Church in 1572 ; B.A. 19 Feb. 157f; M.A. 27 June 1577; readm. to Brasenose 26 Feb. 158^; B.Med. and licensed to practise medicine 13 July 1587. Holland, Richard. Grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1572 ' rnodo . . . declama- cionem faciat in papam ac pronunciet aula communi huius collegii infra tempus sibi a viceprincipali limitatum ' ; ? B.A. from St. Mary Hall 26 Feb. 157. R.N. Holt (Hoolte), Thomas. 1572; M.A. in 1574. There is a Holte c. 156f, but see also Holt, William. R.N. Jacksonne, Roberts. 1572. R.N. JENKINSON (Jenkensone), Zachary (Leics.). At St. Alban Hall in 1572, and while there took B.A. 10 Feb. 157|; Fellow (Darbie) 19 Mar. 157; 'declaratur non socius per Principalem quia abfuerit diutius quam statuta ferant ' 26 June 1579. Lawe, Thomas (Lanes.). 1572. Formerly of Lincoln College. R.N. Nicolas, Richard. Grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1572; ? B.A. 26 Feb. 157; M.A. 6 July 1576. One of this name was at Hart Hall in 1568. 1572-3] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 45 Pennington, William. ' Scholler ' 1572. Related to Robert Nowell (1542). R.N. Pollarde, George (Lanes.), c. 1572. R.N. Seller, Thomas. 1572. R.N. Smithe. ' Poor Scholler ' 1572. R.N. Weston, John. Grace for B.A. 30 May 1572; ? B.A. 11 July 1572; M.A. 18 May 1575 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1580. Whitakers, Hugh. 1572. R.N. 1573 BAMFORD (Bamforde), John (Herefs.). Fellow (Founders) 2 Dec. 1573 ; B.A. 3 Feb. 157f ; res. Fell. 3 Dec. 1574. Bamford (Bamforde), Robert. Grace for B.A. 25 Oct. 1573 ; B.A. 3 Feb. 157 ; M.A. 10 June 1580. Preb. Lichfield 5 Aug. 1597. Braddill (Braddyll, Bradell, Badhill), John (Lanes.). Came to Oxford 1573, aged 16 ; matr. entry under 10 Jan. 1574, aged 17 ; B.A. 16 Feb. 157f Burches (Burger), Hugh. ? B.A. Queen's 1573 ; M.A. Canterbury incorp. 11 July 1585 ; B.Med. Brasenose 12 July 1603. COLMERE (Colmer, Colmore), Thomas. Fellow (Founders) 24 Nov. 1573; B.A. 15 Feb. 157f; M.A. 7 June 1581; Senior Bursar 1587-8; removed from his Fellowship ' quod infra septem annos postquam sus- ceperat gradum magistratus sacros ordines non habuerat et Presbyter non fuerat ' 29 June 1593. Gardener, Thomas. Grace for B.A. 25 Oct. 1573 ; B.A. 3 Feb. 157|. Grene (Green), James. Grace for B.A. 25 Oct. 1573 ; B.A. 3 Mar. 157f ; M.A. 4 July 1577. Helme, Thomas. ? Adm. 1573 ; grace for B.A. 26 Jan. 157f ; B.A. 14 Feb. 157| ; M.A. 17 July 1579. Hussye (Hussie), William. Grace for B.A. 30 Oct. 1573; B.A. 17 Feb. 157f. Kirkame, William. 1573. R.N. Lascelles (Lasselles), Roger. Grace for B.A. 1 Aug. 1575 ; B.A. 20 June 1576 ; M.A. March 15$ ; admitted ' ad disputationes theologicas ' at Brasenose 21 May 1582; '? of All Souls; sup. licence to preach Mar. 158. LAW (Lawe, Lowe), John. Fellow (Founders) 24 Nov. 1573; B.A. 3 Feb. 157f ; M.A. 4 July 1577 ; 5 June 1586 ' eo quod repertus est in collegio nostro Inobediens erga superiores, contentionem habens cum Sociis et Intollerabilis in collegio, juxta statuti exigentiam in ea parte. super eodem genere delicti monitus est per principalem secunda vice In presentia Sex Seniorum. ' 18 Aprilis huius anni [1589] m ro lohanni Lawe in artibus magistro 46 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1573 et socio Aulae regiae et collegii de Brasennose, propterea quod plurimos istius collegii tarn socios quam non socios fictis et turpibus conviciis impie proscidisset, multis etiam modis intollerabilis extitisset : idcirco m ro Principali et sex senioribus sociis ad collegii dicti capellam congregatis, data est dies (eidem, inquam, m ro lohanni Lawe) ut decima quinta deinceps die vel convicia probaret sua, vel dignam ipse vita intollerabili et petulantia subiret expulsionis poenam, 3 deinceps maii, convenientibus iterum ad capellam m ro Principali et sex senioribus sociis, quum idem m r Johannes Lawe non modo non probaret convicia et maledicta a se in alios bonae et laudatae vitae coniecta sed et in vita intollerabili etiam persisteret, et magis indies magisque sociis suis bonisque omnibus molestum se praeberet, idque spretis et reiectis plurimorum monitionibus atque cohortationibus turn piis, turn amicis, et privatis (quod omnibus in nostro collegio agentibus constat) et publicis (quod in nonnullis huius registri locis apparet) adeo ut nullam penitus daret sese corrigendi spem : decretum tandem est a m ro Principali coram iisdem sex senioribus sociis, ut praefatus m r Johannes Lawe omne ius suum in societate dicti collegii resignaret, aliquo die septimanae proximo futura comitia imme- diate sequentis, vel eo citius, ad evitandarn expulsionis infamiam ; id quod idem m r Johannes Lawe fide sua m ro Principali coram iisdem senioribus sociis turn praestita spopondit.' It appears, however, that this resolution did not take effect, for on 3 July 1590 a grace for B.D. is passed for other members of the College, provided that they do not anticipate John Lawe if he takes the degree within a specified time : and he was apparently still a Fellow when Alexander Nowell resigned the office of Principal in December 1595. Ley (Lee, Lye), James (Wilts.). Grace for B.A. 25 Oct. 1573 ; B.A. 3 Feb. 157. M.P. Westbury, 1597, 1604, 1609; Serjeant-at-law and knighted 1603; Ld. Chief Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland 1604; Commis- sioner of the Great Seal at Dublin 1605 ; Governor of Lincoln's Inn 1609 ; M.P. Bath 1614 ; created Baronet 1619 ; Ld. Chief Justice of the King's Bench 1623-4 ; Ld. High Treasurer and Privy Councillor 1624 ; created Baron Ley of Ley (Devon) 1624 ; Earl of Marlborough 1626 ; Pres. of the Council 1628 ; died 1629. WOBKS : Papers read before the Eliza- arising upon Cases in tlie Court of bethan Society of Antiquaries. Wards and other Courts at We$t- Sterling Money. minster in the Reigns of King James Ttie Antiquity of Arms in England. and King Charles I, 1659. The Office of Chancellor. Annals of John Clyne (MS.). On Epitaphs and Mottos. Annals of the Priory of St. John the ^A Learned Treatise concerning Wards Evangelist (MS.). and Liveries, 1641, &c. Annals of Multifernan, Rosa, and Clon- ^Reports of divers Resolutions in Law meU (MS.X Ath. ii ; Bibliographica, pt. xi (1894) ; O.H.S. xix ; D.N.B. MASSEY (Massye, Massie, Massy, Masai), William (Chesh.). ? 'A poor scholler of brodgattes ' in 1571 ; Pellow (Founders) 24 Nov. 1573 ; B.A. 3 Feb. 157| ; M.A. 25 June 1577 ; submits after disobedience to the Vice-Principal's injunctions 4-6 Feb.l58; prohibited ' ne intret promptua- rium quod infidelis et iniuriosus in communias repertus esset ', 10 April 1582 ; Vice-Principal 1582-3 ; sup. lie. to preach 15 Apr. 1586 ; B.D. 4 July 1586; expelled from his Fellowship because he had married 4 Nov. 1588. WORKS : Sermon, 1586 ; Sermon, 1586. Fasti i ; R.N. 1573-fJ BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 47 Marten, Thomas. Grace for B.A. 25 Oct. 1573 ; ? B.A. from Trinity College 3 Mar. 157f. Nashe, Jerome. Fellow of St. John's 1573; B.A. 25 June 1577; M.A. Brasenose 13 July 1581 ; B.C.L. 5 Nov. 1588. ROBINSON", Robert (Chesh.). Fellow (Williamson P.) 24 Nov. 1573; M.A. 1576 (Yate) ; removed from his Fellowship because he had been absent longer than the statutes allow 14 Oct. 1581, when he is styled Dominus. Perhaps, therefore, 1576 is the date of the B.A. degree. One Robinson, apparently a Fellow, has grace for B.A. 27 Dec. 1576. Royle (Roylle, Roile), Walter. Grace for B.A. 25 Oct. 1573 ; B.A. 3 Feb. 157f ; M.A. 25 June 1577. SINGLETON (Syngleton, Shingleton), Thomas (Chesh.). Came to Oxford 1573 aged 21 ; incorp. as an undergraduate (from Cambridge) 13 July 1574; B.A. 23 July 1574; Fellow (Founders) 19 Mar. 157*; M.A. 29 May 1578; Proctor 1585; B.D. 4 July 1586; Junior Bursar 1580-3, 85-6 ; Senior Bursar 1583-5, 6-7, 88-90, 91-2, 3-4 ; Vice- Frincipal 1590-1, 2-3; Principal 29 Dec. 1595; D.D. 12 July 1597; Vice-Chancellor 1598, 1611 ; Preb. of Hereford 1604 ; died 29 Nov. 1614. Buried in St. Mary's Oxon. O.H.S. xxxvii ; Quat. Mon. xi. WALMESLEY (Walmesleye, Walmsley, Wamesley, Wamseley, Wammesleye, Walmesly, Walmisley, Walmysley, Warmesley), Henry. Grace for B.A. 25 Oct. 1573 ; B.A. 3 Feb. 157f ; M.A. 29 Jan. 157| ; Fellow (Founders) 4 Feb. 158^ ; his confirmation as actual Fellow was refused 4 Feb. 1581, but subsequently he was admitted by the Principal, ostensibly by order of the Visitor; admitted 'ad communias sociorum' 4 Mar. 158?; res. Fell. 31 Dec. 1584; grace for B.D. 7 Dec. 1585. In 1591 Her Majesty's Commissioners declare that he has been unlawfully expelled from the College on the pretext of having been absent longer than the statutes permit, and that his expulsion was, and is, utterly void. Cal. State Papers Dom. James I. Perrin (Perin, Perryn, Pirrin), Christopher (Worcs.). Aged 27 or 17 ? on coming into residence ; B.A. as ' Berrie ' 10 Feb. 157f ; grace for M.A. 11 May 1577 ; M.A. as ' Berithe' 25 June 1577. ? Preb. of Winchester 1583 ; ? Preb. of Sarum 1602. POWELL (Powel), Morgan. Fellow (Porter) 19 Mar. 157f ; B.A. 10 Dec. 1574 ; M.A. 29 May 1578 ; Junior Bursar 1583-5, 6-7 ; sup. lie. to preach 2 July 1585 ; B.D. 4 July 1586 ; res. Fell. 4 July 1588. Chancellor of Hereford 1587 ; Preb. of Hereford 1588. Vide brass in Cradley Church. Smith (Smyth, Smythe), Henry. Claymond Sch. ; leave of absence is granted to him 19 Mar. 157^ ' ea tamen conditione ut semel ante praedictum festum contra Papismum iuxta viceprincipalis assignationem publice in Aula orationem habere teneatur'; B.A. 11 Feb. 157i; M.A. 9 July 1579. 48 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1574-5 1574 Pinch (Finche, Fynche), Richard. 8 June 1574 leave of absence granted to him, being then Ogle Sch. : B.A. 22 Feb. 157i ; sup. M.A. 21 June 1581. R.N. Griffith, William. Grace for M.A. ' si prius tarnen sexies publice in aula aliquid scholarium captui conducens legerit' 7 Nov. 1574; ? = William Griffith (Griffet, Griffin) B.A. 18 Mar. 157i; M.A. 27 Jan. 1574. Hook (Hooke), Thomas. Grace for B.A. 28 Aug. 1574; B.A. 18 June 1575 ; M.A. 30 Apr. 1579. Jones, Roger. Grace for M.A. 29 Apr. 1574; ? B.A. 17 Dec. 1571 ; M.A. 28 June 1574. Mathew (Mathewe), William. Grace for B.A. 28 Aug. 1574 ; B.A. 25 Feb. 157f. Maudsley (Mawdsley), Henry. Grace for B.A. 28 Aug. 1574; B.A. 10 Dec. 1574. R.N. Munoke, Henry. 1574. R.N. Roberts, Henry. Grace for M.A. 16 Apr. 1574 ; ? B.A. 15 Feb. 1574 ; sup. M.A. 18 June 1574, inc. 1574. Scarboroughe (Scharbourough, Scharborow), Thomas. Grace for B.A. 16 Apr. 1574, but he failed to fulfil the conditions; sup. B.A. 24 Apr. 1574. R.N. Sheward (Shewarde), Henry. Grace for B.A. 20 Sept., B.A. 10 Dec. 1574 ; M.A. 6 July 1580. Stafferton, William. Grace for B.A. 14 Nov. 1574; ? B.A. 25 Feb. 157f ; Fellow of Balliol in 1576 ; M.A. 16 May 1579. Stanley (Standley), Thomas. Leave of absence 27 June 1574 ; B.A. 25 Feb. 157f Will proved at Oxford 1577. R.N. Thorne, Thomas. Grace for B.A. 7 Nov. 1574; B.A. 11 Feb. 157 Webb, Richard. B.A. 17 Dec. 1574. WORKS : Christ's Kingdom described in seven Sermons, 1610 ; Two Sennoits, 101 -'5. Ath. ii. 1575 Bridge (Brydge), Edward (Lanes., parish of Prescot). Ogle Sch. 4 July 1575 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 157|. Courthope (Courthop, Curtoppe, Curtop, Courtep), Laurence. B.A. 7 June ; readm. 3 Aug. 1575 ; M.A. 29 May 1578. 1575-6] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 49 Porte, Robert. 1575 ; B.A. 13 Apr. 1579. R.N. Howell (Howie), John. Grace for B.A. 1 Aug. 1575; B.A. 14 Feb. 157f. Newman, Henry. Grace for B.A. 1 Aug. 1575 ; B.A. 14 Feb. 157$ ; M.A. 14 June 1578. Nutter, John. 7 June 1575 was dispensed to use the 'purpurea roba ad placitum ' ; B.D. 30 June 1575. Dean of Chester 1589. Fasti i ; O.H.S. x. Sharpe, Peter. B.A. St. John's, Cambridge, 1575; M.A. 1579; ? incorp. at Oxford 14 July 1579 ; sup. B.D. Brasenose 30 June and ? B.D. 9 July 1590. Preb. of Chester 1588. Skinner (Sekinner). Grace for B.A. 1 Aug. 1575 ; ? = Edmund Skinner, sup. B.A. 13 Feb. 157f. Smith, S r . 1575 ; ? which Smith does this refer to. R.N. 157| DOD (Dodde, Dodd, Dode), Richard (Chesh.). B.A. 28 Feb. 157| ; Fellow (Founders) 4 Feb. 1582; M.A. 26 June 1581; Vice-Principal 1588-9 ; B.D. 15 Dec. 1590 ; Senior Bursar 1591. Gregson, William. Grace for B.A. 26 Jan., B.A. 24 Feb. 157& R.N. HIGGINS (Higgin), Edward (Lanes.). B.A. from Queen's 17 Mar. 157| ; M.A. 3 July 1581 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1583 ; Fellow (Founders) 3 Dec, 1583. 1576 Bache, Thomas (Worcs.). Matr. pleb. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 17 ; Student of Christ Church in 1579 ; B.A. 26 Jan. 15|ft ; M.A. 15 Feb. 158|. Preb. of Hereford 1598. Baker, Richard. Matr. gen. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 17. Ath. iii. Broune (Browne). Grace for M.A. 4 May 1576 ; ? = Edward Browne, B.A. 29 Jan. 157^ ; M.A. 27 June 1576. Buckfield (Buckfbulde), Stephen (London). Matr. pleb. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 16. Calcott (Calcot), Anthony, Grace for B.A. 27 Dec. 1576; B.A. 15 Feb. 157f ; M.A. 26 June 1581. Caterall (Cateralle, Catterall), George. Grace -for B.A. 27 Dec. 1576 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 157f Cheshire, John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 5 Apr. 1576, aged 20 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 157f Colley, Leonard (Derbs.). Matr. pleb. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 24. 50 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE [1576 Congley, Richard, 1576 ; grace for B.A. 23 Dec. 1577 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 157|; M.A. 4 June 1580. R. Congleidis aeneinasensis Collegii liber 1576 in copy of Joannis de Celaya Aurea expositio (on the Ethics of Aristotle) in Bodleian Library. Dellam (Dallam), William. Grace for B.A. 27 Dec. 1576; B.A. 15 Feb. 157f Evans. Grace for B.A. 27 Dec. 1576. Probably = Maurice Evans (Evance), B.A. 1 Feb. 157f ; M.A. (as ' Martin ' Evans) 14 July 1583. Farmer, Nicholas. Matr. mil. fil. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 15. Farmer, Richard. Matr. mil. fil. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576. aged 14. FLESHWARE, William (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 18 ; Fellow (Williamson W.) 14 Apr. 1576 ; ' was dispensed three terms because being Fellow of Bras., it will be to his great advantage to take his degree ' 12 Dec. 1577 ; B.A. 15 Jan. 1571 ; M.A. 8 July, res. Fell. 15 July 1581 ; B.D. 4 July 1594. O.H.S. x. Gibbon (Gibbone), Robert (Lines.). Matr. pleb. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 16 ; B.A. 14 Dec. 1577; ? = D. Gibbon readm. 16 Dec. 1577 ; Fellow of Lincoln before 1579; M.A. 17 June 1580. Hanson (Handsoon), Richard. Matr. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576. Harpur, Richard (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 15. Haughton (Houghton), Peter (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 5 Apr. 1576 (or later), aged 20 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 157f Hayman, William (Kent). Matr. pleb. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 Mar. 157ft R.N. Haywood, John (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 16 ; Fellow of Exeter 1579. R.N. ; O.H.S. xxvii. Hellewell, Nichols, c. 1576. R.N. Hunt (Hunte), Henry. Grace for B.A. 14 Apr., B.A. 20 June 1576 ; M.A. 8 July 1579. HUTCHINS (Hychins, Hychin, Hitchins), Edward (Denbs.). Matr. pleb. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 18 ; B.A. 6 Feb. 157| ; Fellow (Founders) 4 Feb. 158? ; M.A. 8 July 1581 ; Junior Bursar 1589 ; Vice-Principal 1589- 90 ; rem. from Fell, for marrying 9 Nov., sup. B.D. 21 Nov. 1590. Preb. of Salisbury 1589. WORKS : A Sermon preached in St. Peter's "\-A Sermon preached at Oxford, 1589. Church at Westchester, 25 Sept. 1586, -^David's sling, 1589. 1586. -^Jawbone against the Spiritual Ptiilis- Do., 8 Oct. 1586, 1586. tine, 1601. Ath. ii ; Fasti i ; D.N.B. Jace (Jacke), David (Carmarth.). B.A. 29 Mar. 1576 ; M.A. 12 June 1578; grace for B.D. Nov. 1585 'cum hac conditione ut infra mensem a suscepto gradu discedat e collegio et conferat se ad gregem ' ; B.D. 4 July 1586. Perhaps = Mr. Jacy (Jacye) readm. 5 Sept. 1583. 1576-7] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 51 Judd, Henry (London). Matr. gen. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 19. Kistell (Kystell, Kistle, Kistill), Philip. Grace for B.A. 27 Dec. 1576; B.A. 15 Feb. 157; M.A. 29 Jan. 15|#; adm. 'ad disputationes theologicas' 21 May 1582 ; sup. lie. to preach 20 Oct. 1587. Moore (More), Francis (Yorks.). Matr. gen. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 16. Nurse (Nurce, Nourse, ? Noweshe), Thomas. Grace for B.A. 27 Dec. 1576 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 157f ; D(ominus) Nurce readm. 18 Feb. 157f Osborne, Hugh. Grace for B.A. 27 Dec. 1576, B.A. 17 Dec. 1577. Porter, Roger. Grace for B.A. 4 May ; B.A. 20 June 1576 ; M.A. Mar. 15f$; readm. 4 Feb. 158^; adm. 'ad disputationes theologicas' 21 May 1582; B.D. 14 Apr. 1600; lie. to preach 20 Oct. 1604. Powell, Morgan (Herefs.). Matr. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576. Savage, Edward (Chesh.). Matr. mil. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 16. M.P. Newton-in-Makerfield 1584. Smith, John (Wilts.). Matr. pleb. 5 Apr. (or later) 1576, aged 14. Smyth. B.A. ; grace for M.A. 4 May 1576. Sudbury, Richard, a 'person privileged'. 1576; pleb. aged 40; 'serviens Principalis.' Wilde (Wylde), Richard. B.A. 29 Mar. 1576. Arnold. Readm. 11 Mar. 15Jg. ? = Philip Arnold, B.A. 1 Feb. 1574; M.A. 9 Mar. ATHERTON, John, B.A. 15 Feb. 157f ; readm. 18 Apr. 1577; Fellow (Darbie) 30 June 1579; M.A. 26 June 1581; res. Fell. 23 Oct. 1586. Preb. of St. Paul's 1592. Colmer, junior. Readm. 18 Feb. 157f ; perhaps = Jasper Colmer, B.A. 16 Feb. 1574 ; Fellow of Merton 1577 ; M.A. 14 May 1582 ; Proctor 1590 ; expelled for insubordination by order of the Visitor 22 Oct. 1598. O.H.S. iv. Evance, Richard. B.A. 14 Feb. 157f ; M.A. 27 June 1579 ; stated by Foster to be of Brasenose, but not so given in O.H.S. xii. Harley, Thomas. B.A. 15 Feb., readm. 18 Feb. 1574. Sheriff of Hereford 1594, 1602, 3. Humphrey (Humfrey, Humfries), David. B.A. 16 Feb. 1575; M.A. 8 July 1585. 1577 Benett (Benet, Bennet), Bernard, B.A. 17 Dec. 1577 ; M.A. 7 July 1581. Preb. of Hereford 1585 ; died Nov. 1615. Betham, William. B.A. 10 July 1577 ; M.A. 6 July 1580. Blatoo, Edmund (Edward) (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 13 (? 23). E a 52 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1577 Bonner, George (Gloucs.). Matr. priv. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 19, aa ' serviens Edwardi Winster ' (Winter) ; see below. Braddill, Richard. Matr. gen. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 17. Caphin, George (Hants.). Matr. gen. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 19 ; ? = Caplin, George, B.A. Magdalen 4 Mar. 158^. ? = Caplayne who had grace for B.A. 11 Mar. 15|J} and readm. 4 Dec. 1580. Coys, William (London). Matr. gen. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 17. Delafielde (Delafeilde, Dalifeld), John. Grace for B.A. 24 Dec, 1577 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 157. Eaton (Eton, Heton), Robert. B.A. 6 July 1577 ; M.A. 26 May 1587, Fane, Henry (Kent). Matr. arm. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 17. M.P. Hythe 1593. Pinch (Fynche), Francis (Kent). Matr. gen. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 17. Fletcher, Lawrence (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 20 ;: B.A. 18 Apr. 158? ; M.A. 8 May 1584. Gardiner, James (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 20. Glover, Daniel, B.A. 6 July, readm. 16 Dec. 1577. R.N. Glover, Edward. 1576. B.A. Hart Hall 14 Dec. 1577; M.A. July 1581. R.N. Harpur, Christopher (Kent). Matr. pleb. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 18 - r B.A. 16 July 1580. Harpur (or Harpoole), Walter (Kent). Matr. pleb. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 16 ; B.A. 6 Feb. 158g ; M.A. 3 July 1588. Helme, Nicholas (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 20; B.A. 30 Jan. 158-f ; M.A. 8 July 1585. Hurlston (Harlestone), Rowland (Chesh.) Matr. gen. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 18. Lister, Thomas (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 18. Manley, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 15. Parkes (Parrkes), Richard (Lanes.). Nowell Sch. 12 Dec., naatr. pleb. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 18; B.A, 26 Feb. 157f ; M.A. 8 July 1585. WORK : -\An apologie of three testimonies of Holy Scripture, 1607. Ath. ii ; Fasti i ; R.N. Scofield (Scofilde, Scofyelde, Scowfilde, Scholfyeld, Scholfyld), Edmund. Nowell Sch. July 1577 ; B.A. 6 May 1583. R.N. Stotefeyld, Edmund (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 18, ? = Scofield above. Thomas, Evan. Matr. pleb. Gloucester Hall 20 Dec. 1577, aged 18 ; B.A. 7 Feb. 157 ; M.A. Brasenose 8 July 1584. Urmston (Urmstone), James (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 14. Whittle fWhittell), William (Lanes.). Ogle Sch. 23 Oct. 1577^ matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 19. 1577-8] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 53 Winter (Winster), Edward (Gloucs.). Matr. 20 Dec. 1577, aged 17 B.A. 28 Jan. 157^. Knighted 1595; M.P.Newport (Cornwall) 1586; co. Gloucester 1588, 1601. His father was Sir W. Winter, Vice-Admiral of the Fleet opposed to the Armada. D ALTON, Richard (Lanes.). B.A. 6 Feb. 157 ; M.A. 7 July 1581 ; Fellow (Founders) 13 Dec. 1583; 'lector publicus' 1589, 90; B.D. 15 Dec. 1590; Vice-Principal 1591, 3, 4, 5 ; Bursar 1593; res. Fell. 12 Feb. 1596 ; lie. to preach 14 July 1607. Preb. of Hereford 1601. R.N. Sarsfield, Thomas (Ireland). Came to Oxford 15 Mar. 157| ; matr. gen. 20 July 1578, aged 19. 1578 Abell, George (Derbs.). Matr. gen. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 17. Almond, Oliver (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 17. Ambrose, Henry (Lanes., or Lines.). Matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 21. Anderton, Robert (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 18. Ashley, Kelamus (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 15. Barnsley, Walter (Salop). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 18 ; B.A. 13 Mar. 158J. Becke, Thomas. Readm. 16 July 1578. Bonner, John (Oxon.). Matr. gen. 20 July 1578, aged 17 ; B.A. 28 Jan. 157f. Bonner (Bonnor), William (Oxon.). Matr. gen. 20 July 1578, aged 16. Broccas, Pexall, sen. (Bucks.). Matr. arm. 20 July 1578, aged 15. M.P. Steyning 1584; knighted 11 May 1603. Buckfield (Buckfoold, Buckfould, Bucfoulde, Bukfoolde, Book- fould, Boockfoulde, Boockfould), John (London). Matr. arm. 20 July 1578, aged 15; B.A. 6 Feb. 158$; M.A. 7 July 1584; Chaplain of All Souls 1593; lie. to preach Dec. 1593; B.D. 16 Dec. 1594. Cade, William (Som.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 20 ; Chaplain of Corpus 15 Mar. 15f$; B.A. 16 July 1580; M.A. 29 May 1583. Calcott (Calcot), John (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 20 July 1578, aged 17. Carwarden (Carwardyne), John (Herefs.) Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 17 ; B.A. 7 July 1581. Coles, William (Worcs.). Matr. gen. 20 July 1578, aged 18 ; ? B.A. Queen's 12 June 1578; M.A. 3 July 1581. Crowther, John (Salop). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 20; B.A. 16 July 1580; M.A. 6 May 1583. R.N. Davies, Gerson. Matr. episcopi Menevensis 20 July 1578, aged 19; sup. B.A. 9 Feb. loU; det. 158?; incorp. Cambridge 1581 ; M.A. 30 June 1582. 54 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1578 Denton, Anthony (Middlx.). Matr. gen. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 18. Dyer, William (Glamorg.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 20 ; B.A. 11 Feb. 157$; M.A. 7 July 1581. 3 Feb. 158i certificate that William Dier had studied for 10 years with intervals in Brasenose. Hist. MSS. Com. Report, v. 367. Ely, Thomas (Hants.). Matr. pleb. 20 July, aged 23 ; B.A. Magdalen 17 Dec. 1578 ; M.A. 31 May 1581. Preb. of Salisbury 1604. Faer (Phayer, Pheere), Miles (Lanes.). Ogle Sch. 24 June ; matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 20 ; B.A. 30 Jan. 158- ; M.A. 10 July 1585. Fleming (Flemminge), William (Glamorg.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 21. Gerard, Alexander (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 20 July 1578, aged 17. Gerard, Thomas (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 20 July 1578, aged 18. Knighted 18 Apr. 1603; cr. Bart. 22 May 1611; M.P. Lanes. 1614; Wigan 1621. Gethin, Roger (Salop). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 20; B.A. 4 Feb. 15$. Gibson, Nicholas (Derbs.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 18. Hale, George (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 23. Harvey (Harveye, Harvye), Christopher (Wilts.). Matr. pleb, 20 July 1578, aged 18 ; B.A. 22 Nov. 1581 ; M.A. 8 Feb. 1584. Haughton, Gilbert (Derbs.). Matr. gen. 20 July 1578, aged 17 ; B.A. 24 Mar. 15gfr Heydon, Edward (Herts.). Matr. arm. 20 July 1578, aged 16. Heyney (Henye), John (Montgom.). Matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 18 - r B.A. 31 Jan. 158 ; M.A. 2 July 1586. Hickes, Thomas (Salop). Matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 19. Hickes, William (Salop). Matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 17; B.A. 6 Feb. 158; M.A. Magdalen 3 June 1584; Chaplain 1585. Preb. of Lincoln 1612. Hore, Henry (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 18; B.A. 16 July 1580, and again 4 Mar. 158?. ? = D. Hore, who has grace for M.A. 26 May 1585. Houseman, John (Montgom.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 17; B.A. 8 Feb. 158 ; M.A. 8 July 1584. Ireland, Gilbert (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 20 July 1578, aged 15. ? Knighted 20 Aug. 1617. Jennings, John (Salop). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 18. Kitchen, James (London). Matr. arm. 20 July 1578, aged 12. LA WES (Lawe), Robert (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 18 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 15f; Fellow (Founders) 4 Feb. 158?; M.A., res. Fell. 29 Nov. 1582. K.N. Lloyd, Thomas (Glamorg.). Matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1578. aged 14 ; B.A. 27 Oct. 1579 ; M.A. 29 Mar. 1582. 1578] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 55 Molyneux (Molynex), John (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 15. Morris, Edward (Denbighs.). Matr. gen. 20 July 1578, aged 19. Morris, John (Montgom.). Matr. gen. 20 July 1578, aged 18. Odyll (Wodhull), Nicholas (Northants.). Matr. gen. 20 July 1578, aged 18. Pate, Edward (Leics.). Matr. gen. 20 July 1578, aged 18. Distich on his death, Kawl. D. 1092, fol. 267 T . Pattenden, Henry (Kent). Matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 18 ; Chaplain New College ; B.A. 20 Mar. 158 ; M.A. St. Mary Hall 3 July 1585. Polhill (Polhille, Pollhill), Richard (Kent). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 20 ; B.A. 18 May 1582 ; M.A. 8 July 1585. Porter, Robert (Worcs.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 20; B.A. 28 Jan. 157f ; Fellow of All Souls 1580; M.A. 18 Oct. 1582. Ravenscrofte, William (Flints.). Matr. arm. 20 July 1578, aged 17 ; B.A. 29 Jan. 15. M.P. Flints. 1586, 96, 1601, 21, 4-6, 8 ; Old Sarum 1604, 14. Richards, Hugh. B.A. 15 July 1578; M.A. 8 July 1584. RILSTON" (Rilstone, Riddlestone), Edward (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 16, or 9 Nov. 1579 aged 15 ; Nowell Sch. 21 July 1581 ; B A. 8 Feb. 158-| ; incorp. at Cambridge 1583 ; M.A. 8 July 1585 ; Fellow (Founders) 11 Mar. 158$; Junior Bursar 1590, 1, 3, 6?; Vice-Principal 1596-1600, 1-2, 6-8, 13-16; Senior Bursar 1600-1, 4-5, 21-2; B.D. 14 Apr. 1600; lie. to preach 21 Jan. 161. Hollinworth's Mancuniensis. Salisbury, John (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 19. Sargent, Michael (Northants.). Matr. gen. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 18. Stacy (Stace), James (Kent). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 20; B.A. 28 Jan. 157f ; M.A. 30 June 1582. K.N. Taylor (Tayler, Taylior), Jasper. B.A. 26 June 1578 ; M.A. 7 July 1581. Taylor (Taylier), Richard (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 18. Thomas, William (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 19. Twisse (Twyss, Twiss), George (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578 r aged 23. Vaughan, Robert (Salop). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 21 ; B.A. 14 Mar. 158f. Vaughan (Vaghan), Watkin. B.A. 13 June 1578 ; M.A. Mar. 158. Wakefield, Thomas (Cambs.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 16. Walwyn (Walwein), Robert (Cornw.). Matr. gen. 20 July 1578, aged 18. Waterhouse, Thomas (Bucks.). Matr. gen. 20 July 1578, aged 16. 56 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1578-f Watts (Wattis, Watis, Wates, Waites), Edward (Salop). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 16 ; B.A. 22 Oct. 1580. Welling, Richard (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 21. Whittingham (Whittingam, Whitingham, Withingham), George. Grace for B.A. 18 Oct. 1578 ; B.A. 24 Jan. 157 ; M.A. 7 July 1581. Preb. of Hereford 1580. Wilbraham (Wylbraham), John (London). Matr. arm. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 16 ; B.A. 25 Oct. 1581; M.A. Gloucester Hall 8 May 1584. Wilde, Thomas (Worcs.). Matr. gen. 20 July 1578, aged 15; sup. B.A. 7 May 1583. Wilkinson, William (Yorks.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 19 ; B.A. 28 Jan. 157$. ? Preb. of York 158 J. Wirdnam, James (Bucks, or Berks. ?). Matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 15. Wood, William (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 20 July 1578. aged 20 ; B.A. 28 Jan. 157f; M.A. 7 July 1581. Yernall ( Yarnold), Francis (Salop). Matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1578, aged 17 ; B.A. 22 Feb. 158$; M.A. 8 Feb. 158 ; of Merton 1585. 157| Bedo, Thomas (Salop). Matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 157|, aged 19; B.A. Jesus 28 Feb. 158 J. Bootle, Thomas (Lanes.). Privileged adin. as Serviens of Edward Stanley 20 Mar. 157f. Braddill, Edward (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 20 Mar. 157|, aged 16. Braddill (Braddil), Ralph (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 20 Mar. 157f, aged 15 ; B.A. 30 Jan. 158| ; Fellow of Oriel in 1584 ; M.A. 6 May 1588 ; Principal of St. Mary Hall 1591 ; Clerk of the Market 1611. Button, Henry (Wilts.). Matr. arm. 20 Mar. 157|, aged 12 ; grace for B.A. 29 Sept. 1586. Courtney, Richard (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 20 Mar. 157f , aged 14. Davy (Davies), Thomas (Lines.). Matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 157f , aged 20 ; B.A. 17 Feb. 158|; was dispensed eight terms, 'from poverty he could not stay longer in the University,' 21 Jan., M.A. 7 Feb. 158f. O.H.S. x. Button, Hugh (Gloucs.). Matr. arm. 20 Mar. 157f, aged 18. Hale, Anthony (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 157f, aged 20. Hennege, William (Lines.). Matr. gen. 20 Mar. 157f, aged 18. Hulton, Adam (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 20 Mar. 157f, aged 15. Hyde, Hamnet (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 20 Mar. 157f, aged 15; grace for B.A. 7 July 1581. Ireland (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 157f , aged 15. Lea (Legh), Henry (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 20 Mar. 157|, aged 24; B.A. 26 Jan. 15#; ? M.A. St. Edmund Hall 4 July 1582. Newman, William (Dorset). Matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 157|, aged 19. 157|-9] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 57 Rookes (Roock), William (Dorset). Matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 157$, aged 19 ; B.A. St. Alban Hall 30 Jan. 158| ; M.A. 9 May 1586. Slater (Thomas ?) (Northants). Matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 157f, aged 25. Smith (Gloucs.). Matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 157, aged 19. Stanley, Edward (Lanes.). Matr. mil. 20 Mar. 157f, aged 16. Vaughan, Richard (Herefs.) Matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 157$, aged 18; B.A. 30 Jan. 158|; ? M.A. Christ Church 2 Dec. 1592. Wainwright, John (Lanes.). Privileged adm. as Serviens of Edward Stanley 20 Mar. 157$ . "Walter, James (Salop). Matr. arm. 20 Mar. 157f, aged 15. ? M.P. New Radnor 1588. Walter, John (Salop). Matr. arm. 30 Mar. 157f, aged 13; cr. M.A. 1 July 1613. Knighted 18 May 1619 ; M.P. East Looe 1621, 4. Fasti i. WALWYN (Walweyn, Wai wine), Gabriel (Worcs.). Matr. gen. 20 Mar. 157f, aged 16 ; Fellow (Elton) 22 Feb. 158 ; B.A. 17 Feb. 158-J ; M.A. 16 Mar. I59f. Preb. of Hereford 1601. Welshe (Welche), Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 20 Mar. 1571,, age r d 18. Whitacres, Henry (Lanes.). Privileged adm. as Serviens of Edward Stanley 20 Mar. 157f. 1579 Aspinall, Richard. 1579. R.N. Batt, Robert (Yorks.). Matr. arm. 9 Nov. 1579, aged 19 ; B.A. 6 Feb. 158|; M.A. University 29 Apr. 1586; B.D. 27 June 1594; lie. to preach 27 Oct. 1595. Copies of Letters from him at Brasenose in Latin, 1581-4, and his College Exercises ; MS. Rawl. D. 985. Quat. Mon. x. Beistone, Robert (Yorks.). Matr. arm. 9 Nov. 1579, aged 15. Blunt (Blounte), Richard (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 9 Nov. 1579, aged 14. BROOKE (Brocke), Robert (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 4 July 1579; Fellow (Williamson W.) 4 Nov. 1581 ; B.A. 30 Jan. 158 ; M.A. 8 July 1585 ; res. Fell. 14 Feb. 158f. Brown (Browne), Richard (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 4 July 1579, aged 17. Charnock, Edward (Lanes.). Matr. arm. Trinity 3 Apr. 1579 ; died 5 Aug. L581. On a brass fastened to the buttress of the steeple of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxon., he is described as of Brasenose. O.H.S. xxxvii. Clayton, Edward (Lanes.). Matr. 9 Nov. 1579, aged 18; Nowell Sch. 14 Mar. 158| ; B.A. 17 June 1583 ; M.A. 2 July 1588. RN. Cooper, William (Salop). Matr. pleb. 4 July 1579, aged 20; B.A. 22 Feb. 158J ; M.A. 8 July 1584. 58 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK [1579-8O Gumminde, James (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 9 Nov. 1579, aged 14. Hales, Bartholomew (Warws.). Matr. gen. 9 Nov. 1579, aged 14. Knighted 21 Aug. 1619. Hales, Thomas (Warws.). Matr. gen. 9 Nov. 1579, aged 15. Hawes, Thomas (Warws.). Matr. gen. 9 Nov. 1579, aged 16. Johnson, Edward (Lines.). Matr. pleb. 4 July 1579, aged 15. Jonea, Edward (Flints.). Matr. pleb. 4 July 1579, aged 19. Jones, Thomas (Carnarv.). 'Pauper scholaris '. Matr. 9 Nov. 1579 r aged 22. Iiangley, Thomas (Lanes, or Leics. ?). Matr. pleb. 9 Nov. 1579, aged 15. Matthews (Mathewe), Marmaduke (Glamorg.) Matr. arm. 4 July 1579, aged 18. Matthews (Matthewe), William (Glamorg.). Matr. arm. 4 July 1579 r aged 13. Nash (Nashe), Ralph (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 4 July 1579, aged 19. Parkinson, Richard (Lanes.). Matr. 9 Nov. 1579, aged 19 ; B.A. 17 June 1585 ; M.A. Oriel 15 Apr. 1592. Pilyn, Rowland (Anglesea). Priv. adm. ' famulus M ri Roberti Harrison T 9 Nov. 1579. Poulton, John (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 4 July 1579, aged 21 ; B.A, 80 Jan. 158|. Rilston, Edward (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 9 Nov. 1579, aged 15 (see 1578). Rilston (Rilstone), James (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 9 Nov. 1579, aged 14; B.A. 6 Feb. 158| ; M.A. 8 July 1585. Robinson. Grace for M.A. D(omino) Robinson 29 June 1579 and 11 May 1581. Robinson, Thomas. Ogle Sch. 28 Nov. 1579 ; B.A. 30 Jan. 158 ; ? = T. R. matr. pleb. Magdalen Hall 25 Feb. 158, aged 21. Slugg, David (Glamorg.). Matr. verbi minister 9 Nov. 1579, aged 37, Spencer, Roger (Glamorg.). Matr. pleb. 4 July 1579, aged 17. Taylor, William (Gloucs.). Matr. pleb. 4 July 1579, aged 16. Tempest, John (Yorks.). Matr. arm. 9 Nov. 1579, aged 18 ; B.A. (as 4 Thomas') 6 Feb. 158. TurbervUe, James (Glamorg.). Matr. arm. 4 July 1579, aged 22. FOXCROFT (Foxcrofte), Edward (Yorks.). Matr. St. John's, Cam- bridge, 1 Mar. 15$; Fellow (Higden) 13 Dec. 1583; B.A. 17 Feb. 158-^ M.A. 19 Apr. 1588 ; Junior Bursar 1594, 1604-5 ; B.D. 14 Apr. 1600 ; Senior Bursar 1606-7. Buried in St. Mary's 13 June 1607. O.H.S. xxxvii. 1580 Baron (Berron), Edward (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 12 Dec. 1580, aged 18 ; grace for B.A. 7 Jan. 158* and 26 May 1585. 1580] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 59 Bradshaw (Bradshawe), Thomas (Worcs.). Matr. gen. 18 July 1580, aged 17. Bright, Henry (Worcs.). Matr. pleb. 18 July (also 12 Dec.) 1580, aged 18 ; B.A. Balliol 17 Jan. 158*; M.A. 27 Jan. 158S. Preb. of Hereford 1607; Preb. of Worcester 1619. Fasti i ; Ath. iii. Brockfield (Brockfild), Henry (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 18 July 1580, aged 21. CARWARDEN, Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 18 July 1580, aged 18 ; B.A. 29 Oct. 1583 ; M.A. Oriel 2 May 1589 ; Fellow (Porter) 6 July 1594 ; Senior Bursar 1596-7 ; res. Fell. 24 Nov. 1597 ; B.D. 28 June 1598. Preb. of Hereford 1601. Constantino, William (Dorset). Matr. gen. 18 July 1580, aged 18 ; ? = Alan Constantine, 158f q.v. Cooth (Cowthe, Couthe), John (Dorset). Matr. pleb. 18 July 1580, aged 20; B.A. 17 Feb. 158J ; M.A. St. Alban Hall 2 July 1586. Elliott (Elliotte), John (Warws.). Matr. pleb. 12 Dec. 1580, aged 18. Ellis (Elis). Grace for M.A. 8 May 1580; leave of absence for Mr. Ellis 24 July 1580. Ewen, William. Matr. pleb. Broadgates Hall 28 April 1580, aged 23 ; B.A. Brasenose 13 May 1588. FOSTER, Henry (Dorset). Matr. pleb. 18 July 1580, aged 19; B.A. 17 Feb. 158f ; Fellow (Founders) 1586 (? 11 Mar. 158f) ; M.A. 8 July 1586; Proctor 10 Apr. 1594. Gough (G-oughe), Morris (Salop). Matr. gen. 12 Dec. 1580, aged 18, Gray (Graye), Richard (Middlx.). Matr. gen. 18 July 1580, aged 16 ; B.A. 17 Feb. 158f . Hibbott (Hibbottes, Hybbots, Hybotes, Hibbotes, Hibbotte), Thomas (Worcs.). Matr. pleb. 12 Dec. 1580, aged 16 ; B.A. 17 Feb. 158f ; M.A. 2 July 1586. Hunter, Nicholas (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 18 July 1580, aged 17. Jeffrey (Jeffrees, Jeffreyse), John (Denbighs.). Matr. pleb. 18 July 1580, aged 16 ; B.A. 17 June 1583 ; M.A. 2 July 1586. Jordan, Thomas (Sussex). Matr. gen. 18 July 1580, aged 18. ? Knighted 17 Aug. 1606. Lloyd, Thomas (Gloucs.). Matr. arm. 12 Dec. 1580, aged 17. Lloyd, Walter, sen. (Gloucs.). Matr. arm. 12 Dec. 1580, aged 18; sup. B.A. 27 Apr. 1583. Malard (Maylard), John (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 18 July 1580, aged 18. Middleton, Christopher (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 12 Dec. 1580, aged 20; ? B.D. St. John's, Cambridge, 1619 ; incorp. 13 July 1619. ? WORKS : The Famous Historic of Chinon of Eng- A Short Introduction for to Learne to land, 1597. Swimme, 1595. The Legend of Humphrey Duke of Glon- The Historie of Heaven, 1596. cester, 1600. ?D.N.B. BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1580-$ Puleston (Pylston, Pilson), Edward (Denbigh.). Matr. gen. 18 July 1580, aged 18 ; B.A. 17 June 1583. Rasteall ? (Rasthall ?). Grace for B.A. 19 June 1580 ; ? = Rascall (Rastall). Thomas, matr. pleb. 20 July 1578, aged 14; B.A. Balliol 26 Jan. 158?; M.A. 17 Jan. 158J. Reddish, Francis (Berks.). Matr. gen. 18 July 1580, aged 18. Riddowt (Ridout, Rideout), Walter (Dorset). Matr. 18 July 15SO, aged 16. Rogers, Robert (Glamorg.). Matr. pleb. 12 Dec. 1580, aged 17. Roile, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 18 July 1580, aged 16, and of Merton 24 Nov. 1581, aged 17. Sarsfield (Sarsfeld), Philip (Ireland). Matr. gen. 12 Dec. 1580. aged 19. Sorrocold (Sorrocoulde, Sorocold, Sowrocowld, Sorocould, Sorrocould, Soroeoulde, Sorowcould, Sorowcoulde), Thomas (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 18 July 1580, aged 18 ; B.A. 6 Feb., Nowell Sch. 22 Feb. 158; M.A. 8 July 1585. WORK : Supplications of Saints, 1608, &c. R.N. ; D.N.B. ; Ath. i. Stradling, John (Som.). Matr. gen. 18 July 1580, aged 16 ; B.A. Magdalen Hall 7 Feb. 158f. Knighted 15 May 1608; cr. Bart. 21 May 1611; M.P. St. Germans 1624, Old Sarum 1625, co. Glamorgan 1626. WORKS : A Direction for TrauaUers, 1592. Beati Padftci, 1623. ^Two BooJces of Constancie, 1595. Divine Poems, 1625. De Vita etMorte contemnenda libriduo, A Sustaeme Theologicall, 1628. 1597. A Poetical Description of Glamorgan- \-Epigrammatum libri quatuor, 1607. shire. Ath. ii ; D.N.B. ; Bodl. MS. Add. B. 109. Willis, Robert (Worcs.). Matr. pleb. Magdalen Hall 15 Apr. 1580, aged 19 ; B.A. Brasenose 29 Oct. 1583 ; Fellow Oriel 1584. Winder, Thomas (Yorks.). Matr. pleb. 12 Dec. 1580 ; aged 27 (? 17). Wrenn, Charles (Durham). Matr. gen. 12 Dec. 1580, aged 16 ; grace for degree (?B.A.) 'sine exercitio ullo' 3 July 1583. Knighted 28 May 1607. 158? Hopwood (Hopwodde), Arthur (Lanes.). Nowell Sch. 13 Mar. 158?; matr. pleb. 31 May 1581, aged 17 ; sup. B.A. 5 Feb. 158f. Jones, Lewis. B.A. 3 Feb. 158?; ? = Lewis Jones of Merioneth- shire. Dean of Ardagh 1606 ; Dean of Cashel 1607 ; Prebendary of Ely 1629; Bishop of Killaloe 1633; restored Cashel Cathedral. Ath. iv ; D.N.B. Man (Mann), Abraham (Lines.). ' Sch. m ri dementis ' ? = Claymond 15 Mar. 158? ; matr. cler. 31 May 1581 ; B.A. Queen's 5 Feb. 158jj; M.A. 8 July 1585. Plumpton, Lancelot (Lanes.). Nowell Sch. 13 Mar. 158? ; matr. pleb. 31 May 1581, aged 16.' 1581] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 61 1581 Amyas (Amias), William (Salop). Matr. gen. 24 Nov. 1581, aged 35. Atkins, Gabriel (Gloucs.). Matr. gen. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 1G. Atkins, John (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 15. BARNSTON (Barnstone), John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, a^ed 18 ; B.A. 17 June 1585 ; Fellow (Founders) 5 Mar. 158J ; M.A. 11 July 1589; res. Fell. 20 Dec. 1597; B.D. and D.D. 17 June 1615. Preb. of Salisbury 1600. BENEF. : Founder of Hebrew lectureship 1628. Fasti i ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. iv. Benskin (Benchin), James (Derbs.)- Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 15 ; B.A. Lincoln 16 Dec. 1583 ; M.A. 23 May 1588. Billingsley (Billingslie, Bilingsley), Richard. (Warws.). Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 18 ; sup. B.A. 27 June 1585 ; det. 158 ; M.A. 5 July 1592. Brierwood (Briarwoode, Brerewood, Brearwode), Edward (Chesh.). Matr. 1581, aged about 16; B.A. 15 Feb. 158f ; M.A. 9 July 1590. Professor of Astronomy, Gresham College ; died 4 Nov. 1613. WORKS : fZ>e ponderibus et pretiis reterum num- meteoris scnmdns de ocvlo, 1631, morum eorumque cum recent ioribu* &c. (Also published by Six- collatione, 1614. (Edited by Robert smith.) Brerewood.) -\A Treatise of the Sabbath, 1630, ^Enquiries touching the Diversities of &c. Languages and Religions through the ^Mr. Byfield's Answer icitlt Mr. Brere- chief parts of the world, 1614, &c. wood's Reply, 1631. ^Ekmenfa Logicae . . . 1614, &c. f.4 Second Treatise of the Sabbath or \-Traclatus quidam Jogici de pracdi- . . . , 1632. cabilibus et praedicamentis, 1628, ^Commcntarii in Ethica Aristotelis, &c. (This was first published 1640. (Published by Sixsmith, by Thomas Sixsmith, M.A., Fel- MS. in Queen's.) low of B.N.C. A manuscript of -^A Declaration of the Patriarchal it is in Queen's College.) Government of the antient Church. ^Tractatus duo, quorum primus est de 1641, &c. Ath. ii ; Fasti i ; Gutch ii ; Wood, F. 48 ; O.H.S. viii, xxix ; D.N.B. Butler, William (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 31 May 1581, aged 14. Cook (Kooke), Alexander (Yorks.). Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 17 ; B.A. 17 June 1585 ; Fellow of University 1587 ; M.A. 2 July 1588 ; B.D. 26 May 1596. Author. Ath. ii; D.N.B. Crowther. Matr. 31 May 1581. Davies, Henry (Flints.). Matr. pleb. 31 May 1581, aged 18. Dunn, St. John (Carmarth.). Matr. arm. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 16. Ellis, Andrew (Norfolk). Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 18 ; B.A. 24 Apr. 1588. Fitz- William (Fitz-Wylliams), Thomas (Ireland). Matr. eq. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 19. Gillam (Gwyllam, Guillim), John (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 16. WORK : -\-A Display of Heraldry, 1610, &c. D.N.B. 62 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1581 Goddard (Goddarde), Robert (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 19 ; B.A. 9 Nov. 1584 ; M.A. 7 July 1592 ; dispensation was granted to him for his degree in absence because ' he was going down on urgent business ' 1 July 1592 ; ? = Inceptor Godward (Godwarde) who is con- ditionally admitted into College 7 July 1592. Griffiths, Maurice (Pembs.). Matr. gen. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 19. Griffiths, Thomas (Flints.). Matr. gen. 15 Dec. 1581, aged 17 ; B.A. 17 June 1585 ; M.A. 16 July 1589. Henockes (Heycock), Mark (Worcs.). Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 20. Hill, Henry (Middlx.). Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 16. Hotchkin (Hodgthins, Hotchkins, Hotchkys), Hugh (Salop). Matr. 24 Nov. 1581, aged 30, when 'minister'. Hulton, William (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 31 May 1581, aged 16. Igmathropp (Igmethroppe), Thomas (Worcs.). Matr. pleb. 31 May 1581, aged 19 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 7 Feb. 1584; M.A. Brasenose 8 July 1586. WORKS: [Sermon, 1609. -\-A short catechisme by law authorise'!, [Sermon, 1619. 1633. Ath. ii ; D.N.B. Kitson (Ritson), Robert (Yorks.). Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 17 ; B.A. 17 June 1585 ; M.A. Magdalen 10 July 1590; B.D. 22 Nov. 1600 ; sup. lie. to preach 26 Nov. 1604. Langhorne (Laugharne, Lawgharne), Roland (Rowland) (Pembs.). Matr. arm. 31 May 1581, aged 17. Lea, Edward (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 31 May 1581, aged 16 ; grace for B.A. 31 Oct. 1583. ? M.P. Wigan 159. Lea, Thomas (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 31 May 1581, aged 14 ; grace for B.A. 31 Oct. 1583. Lewis, Evan (Evans) (Carnarv.). Matr. 15 Dec. 1581, aged 19, 'serviens collegii' ; sup. B.A. 27 June 1585 ; det. 158$. Lloyd, Charles (Carmarth.). Matr. gen. Jesus 17 Nov. 1581, aged 19; B.A. Brasenose 17 June 1585. LOWE (Lawes), Richard (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 15 Dec. 1581 ; B.A. 17 June 1585; Fellow (Founders) 19 Nov. 1590; M.A. 9 July 1591; admitted 'ad lecturas in theologia 1 13 Dec. 1592. Lughar, Robert. At St. John's 1581 ; B.A. Brasenose 19 Jan. 158f. Morris, Thomas (Salop). Matr. gen. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 24. PERCIVAL (Parcevall, Parsevall, Parsivall, Percivale, Persival, Percevall, Perceval), Jeflry (Geoffrey) (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. Trinity 1581, aged 18 or ? 28 ; B.A. Brasenose 20 Jan. 158 ; Peilow (Founders) 13 Dec. 1583; M.A. 8 July 1585; Junior Bursar 1592; B.D. 30 Jan. 159$ ; Senior Bursar 1597-8, 9-1600, 3-4, 5-6. Signif. ind. to benefice on 27 Aug. 1606, 25 Sept. 1606. Philips, Giles (Som.). Matr. pleb. 31 May 1581, aged 17; grace for B.A. 3 July 1583, but this may refer to the next. ] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE 63 Philips, Giles (Gyles) (Berks.). Matr. pleb. 31 May 1581, aged 18. Radcliffe, John (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 15 Dec. 1581, aged 16. Shaw, Robert (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 31 May 1581, aged 18; grace for B.A. 31 Oct. 1583. Simons, William (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 19. Taylor, Richard (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. Queen's 17 Nov. 1581, aged 20; B.A. 12 July 1582 ; M.A. Brasenose 7 July 1586. Thompson, Thomas. B.A. 13 July 1581 ; M.A. 9 July 1584. Thornley (Thornleye, Thornelie), John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 31 May 1581, aged 18 ; B.A. 17 Feb. 158f ; M.A. 2 July 1586. Torporley, Nathaniel (Salop). Matr. pleb. Christ Church 17 Nov. 1581, aged 17 ; B.A. 5 Feb. 158f ; M.A. Brasenose 8 July 1591. WORKS : Atomorum Atopia demoiistrata (MS.). Congestor (MS.). Corrector Annalyticus Artis posthumae Opus Mathemaficum (MS.). (MS.). Philosophia (MS.). Didides Coelometricae, 1602. Fasti i; Ath. ii; D.N.B. But see O.H.S. xii. 118. Tovy. Matr. 31 May 1581. Vaughan, Oliver (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 24 Nov. 1581, aged 16. Wade, Randall (Randulph) (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 21 ; B.A. 17 June 1585 ; M.A. 11 July 1589. Willoughby (Willoughbie), Oliver (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 14. Wodhull, Anthony (Warws.). Matr. gen. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 15. Wodhull (Odle, Odell), Laurence (Northants.). Matr. gen. 3 Nov. 1581, aged 16 ; B.A. 22 May 1587; M.A. 20 Apr. 1591; adm. 'ad lecturas in theologia' 13 Dec. 1582 ; B.D. 14 Apr. 1600. Yerworth (Yerworthe), John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 31 May 1581, .aged 19. 158* Allen, Roger (Worcs.). Matr. pleb. 16 Feb. 1581, aged 17. Berkeley (Bartley), William (Salop). Matr. gen. 16 Feb. 158^, aged 18; B.A. 19 Jan. 158% ; M.A. 2 July 1588. Cobham, Peter (Devon). Matr. arm. 9 Mar. 158^, aged 14. Emmott (Emmote, Emotte), Alexander (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 9 Mar. 158J, aged 17; B.A. 19 Jan. 158g ; M.A. 9 July 1591. Hartley, Alexander (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 9 Mar. 158^, aged 18. Higgons, Thomas (Salop). Matr. pleb. 16 Feb. 158^, aged 18 ; B.A. Balliol 26 Oct. 1585; M.A. 11 June 1588; lie. to practise medicine 23 June 1591 ; B.D. and D.D. 25 June 1608. Ath. iv. Husband, James (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 9 Mar. 158, aged 16. Hyde, Robert (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 16 Feb. 1584, aged 16 ; B.A. 2 July 1588. 64 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [158^-2 Lloyd, Thomas (Montgom.). Matr. gen. 2 Mar. 158^, aged 17. Percival, William (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 9 Feb. 158J, aged 20; B.A. 8 Feb. 158|. PHILPOTTS (Phillpotte, Philpot, Phelpotts), Roger (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 9 Mar. 158*, aged 18; B.A. 19 Jan. 158$; Fellow (Porter) 14 Dec. 1588 ; M.A. HJuly 1589 ; res. Fell. 29 June 1594. Scholey, Richard (Yorks.). Matr. pleb. 16 Feb. 158$, aged 19. Shucborough (Shuckburghe), Thomas (Warws.). Matr. gen. 9 Mar, 158, aged 18. 1582 Baker, Michael (Sussex). Matr. gen. 19 Oct. 1582, aged 19. Baker, Thomas (Sussex). Matr. gen. 19 Oct. 1582, aged 16. Bayley (Bailey), James. Ex. Oriel 6 Dec. 1582 ; adm. B.A. Brasenose 13 June 1586. Blake, Valentine (Worcs.). Matr. pleb. 19 Oct. 1582, aged 22. Bold, Thomas (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 19 Oct. 1582, aged 14. Brereton, Peter. B.A. 28 May 1582. Budgen (Budgin), William (Kent). Matr. pleb. 19 Oct. 1582, aged 16 ; B.A. 7 May 1586 ; M.A. 4 Feb. 158f|. Bullingham, Nicholas (Gloucs.). Matr. episcopi 19 Oct. 1582, aged 14. Carre, William (Yorks.). Matr. pleb. 19 Oct. 1582, aged 18; B.A. Lincoln 13 June 1586. Chever (Chivers), Laurence (Ireland). Matr. gen. 14 June 1582 r aged 14. Clark, Robert (Berks.). Matr. gen. 19 Oct. 1582, aged 19. Cullarne, William (Wilts.). Priv. adm. ' servus M vi Leeche ' 11 May 1582. Davies, Nicholas (Worcs.). Matr. pleb. 18 May 1582, aged 17. Dungette, Edward (Sussex). Matr. pleb. 19 Oct. 1582, aged 26. Fettiplace, Edward (Berks.). Matr. arm. 19 Oct. 1582, aged 13 ; B.A. 22 June 1586. Pe'.tiplace, Richard (Berks.). Matr. arm. 19 Oct. 1582, aged 16. Hartley (Harrtley), John (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 2 Nov. 1582, aged 19 ; B.A. 13 June 1586. Hone, Arthur (Gloucs.). Matr. pleb. 19 Oct. 1582, aged 20; B.A. 22 June 1586. Jones, Henry (Denbigh). Matr. pleb. 10 Aug. 1582, aged 20; scholaris Domini Harby ' (Harvy); B.A. Jesus 12 Feb. 158$. LEACH (Leich), John (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 29 Nov. 1582, aged 17 ; rellow (Williamson P.) 21 Mar. 158f ; B.A. 13 June 1586 ; M.A. 4 Nov, 1589 ; Chaplain 1 Jan. 159. ? WOKKS : Book of Grammar Questions, c. 1622. +Senn aged 16 B.A. (arm. fil.) 6 Feb. 159f. WORKS : The Metamorphosis of Pigmalion's Im- age, 1598. The Scourge of ViUanie, 1598, &c. History of Antonio and MeUidia, 1601. The Malcontent, 1604. Prefixed complimentary verses to Jonson's Syamis, 1605. Eastward Ho ! 1605. 77;e Dutch Courtezan, 1605. Parasitaster, 1606. Ath. i ; Fasti i ; D.N.B. Wonder of Women, 1606. What you mil, 1607. Histriomastix, 1610. The Insatiate Countess, 1613. Jack Drum's Entertainment, 1616. Among divers Poetical Essays ap- pended to Robert Chester's Love's Martyr is a poem by J. M., 1601. Latin Speeches. Collected Works, published 1887. Morton (Murton), Adam (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 4 Feb. 159i, aged 16 : B.A. 27 Feb. 159|- ; Nowell Sch. 5 May 1595 ; M.A. 4 July 1598. Small, William (Hants.). Matr. pleb. 4 Feb. 159i, aged 17 ; B.A. 6 Feb. 159f ; M.A. Corpus 5 Mar. 159f . Smethurst, Richard (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 4 Feb. 159|, aged 16; B.A. 27 Feb. 159f ; grace for M.A. 5 May 1598. Smith, George (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 4 Feb. 1594-, aged 21 ; B.A. 16 Dec. ; Nowell Sch. 28 Dec. 1592 ; M.A. 27 Feb. I59f. 80 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1592 1592 Almond (Allmonte, Almon), Roger (Oxon.). Matr. arm. 20 Oct 1592, aged 17. Bickerton, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 15 Dec. 1592. a^ed 17 B.A. Christ Church 25 Oct. 1599; M.A. 8 June 1602. BOLTON, Robert (Lanes.). Of Lincoln College, 1592 ; B.A. Brase- nose 2 Dec. 1596 ; Nowell Sch. 28 July 1597 ; Fellow (Founders) 8 June M.A. 8 July 1602 ; B.D. 14 Dec. 1609 ; signif. ind. to rectory 3 Mar' 16? ; lie. to preach 22 June 1610 ; res. Fell. 2 Mar. 161?. Died 17 Dec. 1631. BEKEF. : Plate 1603. WORKS : The Saints' Soule-exalting Humiliation, ^A Discourse about the State of true 1634. Happiness, 1611, &c. Two Assize Sermons, 1635. \Some generall Directions for a comfort- -\-A Short and Private Discourse with able Walking with God, 1625, &c. 31. S. concerning Usury, 1637. Meditations on the Life to come, 1628. Devout Prayers upon Solemn Occasions, ^Instructions for a right Comforting 1638. afflicted Consciences, 1631, &c. Two Sermons, 1639. Posthumously : A Cordiall for Christmas in the Time of \-Mr. Bolton's Last and Learned Worke affliction, 1640. of the Foure Last Things . . . , 1632, The Last Visitation, Conflict, and Death &c. of Mr. TJiomas Peacocke, B.D., 1646, Assize and other Sermons, 1632. &c. The Carnal Professor, 1634. The collective ' Workes ' of . . . Robert M Three-fold Treatise, 1634. Bolton, B.D. . . . , 1638-41. 3 vols. Ath. ii ; D.N.B. ; J. Garstangs, Blackburn Grammar School, p. 49 ; Quat. Mon. v. Cromwell, Philip (Hunts.). Matr. mil. 2 June 1592, aged 14 ; B.C.L. St. John's 2 July 1599. Knighted 20 Aug. 1604. Fasti i ; ? Oxf. Mag. vol. ii, p. 161 sqq. Davies, John (Surrey). Matr. pleb. 15 Dec. 1592, aged 15 ; B.A. 16 Feb. 159. Dickenson (Diccanson), Hugh (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 7 Apr. 1592, aged 15. Duckett, John (Wilts.). Matr. arm. 15 Dec. 1592, aged 12. M.P. Calne 1621 and 4 ; fined for not taking knighthood at the coronation of Charles I. Duckett, Lionell (Wilts.). Matr. arm. 15 Dec. 1592, aged 15. M.P. Calne 1601. Emmott (Emmot), Thomas (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 7 Apr. 1592, aged 19 ; grace for B.A. 30 Oct. 1594. Leversage, Hugh (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 15 Dec. 1592, aged 19; disp. B.A. St. Mary Hall 25 Nov. 1596. Meade, John (Essex). Matr. gen. 2 June 1592, aged 13 ; B.A. St. John's 5 Dec. 1597. Peckstons, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 14 July 1592, aged 21 ; B.A. 16 Feb. 159f . Price, Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. arm. 2 June 1592, aged 10; B.A. 16 Feb. 159f. 1592-3] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 81 Smith, John (Kent). Matr. cler. 7 Apr. 1592, aged 13 ; ? B.A. All Souls 5 Feb. 159f ; M.A. Lincoln 6 July 1599. Thynne, Thomas (Wilts.). Matr. arm. 2 June 1592, aged 14. Knighted 20 Aug. 1604. CARWARDEN, Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 23 Mar. 159* ; B.A. 16 Feb. 159 ; Fellow (Elton) 1 Dec. 1598 ; M.A. 22 May 1599 ; B.D. 24 Feb. 160f ; Senior Bursar 1610-12; Vice-Principal 1612-13; signif. 2 Sept. ind. to benefice on 26 Aug. 1613. 1593 Birch (Birche), George (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 6 July 1593, aged 17. Burton, Robert (Leics.). Matr. arm. July 1593, aged 15 ; Student of Christ Church 1599 ; B.A. 30 June 1602 ; M.A. 9 June 1605 ; B.D. 16 May 1614 ; lie. to preach 3 Dec. 1618. WORKS : Inchoata, 1606, alterata, renovata, per- -^Philosophaster, Poemata (ed. by fecta Anno Domini, 1615. W. E. Buckley, 1862). ^Anatomy of Melancholy, 1621, &c. Ath. ii ; Gutch i ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. vii, xi. Fleetwood, John (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 6 July 1593, aged 18. Grills, John (Cornw.). Matr. gen. July 1593, aged 17. Knighted 3 Aug. 1644. Keelinge (Keeling), John (Staffs.). Matr. pleb. 23 Nov. 1593, aged 17 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 14 Dec. 1599 ; cr. M.A. 1 May 1621. M.P. Newcastle-under-Lyme 1625. Fasti i. Lewis, Evan (Herefs.). Matr. arm. 22 June 1593, aged 16. Lewis, Evan (Herefs.). Matr. arm. 22 June 1593, aged 18; ? B.A. St. Edmund Hall 26 June 1596. Lewis, Hugh (Herefs.). Matr. arm. 22 June 1593, aged 18 ; ? B.A. Lincoln 26 Feb. 1594. Mason, Henry (Lewis) (Lanes.). Ogle Sch. 2 Nov. 1593 ; matr. pleb. 25 Jan. 159f, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 5 May 1595 ; B.A. 22 Jan. 159| ; Chaplain of Corpus 1602; M.A. 11 May 1603; B.D. 25 June 1610. WORKS : ^Christian Humiliation, 1627, &c. \-The new art of Lying, 1624, &c. ^The Cure of Cares, 1628, &c. ^Tiibunal of the Conscience, 1626, ^Hearing and Doing . . . , 1635. &c. ? The Riches of God's love unto the J-r/te Epicure's Feast, 1626. vessells of mercy, 1653. Ath. iii; D.N.B. Moore, Robert (Oxon.). Matr. gen. 6 July 1593, aged 17 ; dispensed for an absence of three terms caused by illness 22 Feb. ; B.A. 27 Feb. 159*. O.H.S. x ; Quat. Mon. xi. a 82 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1593-| Norris, William (Devon). Matr. gen. 6 July 1593, aged 17 ; B.A. 22 Apr. 1597 ; M.A. 15 Feb. jj$$ ; ? lie. to preach All Souls 10 Nov. 1608 ; sup. B.D. 13 Apr. 1611. Preb. of Bristol 1619. Sefton (Seston), Thomas (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 6 July, aged 17 ; Ogle Sch. 3 Oct. 1593 ; B.A. 3 Feb. 159S ; M.A. 7 June 1600. Died 30 Mar. 1631 ; epitaph in Bignor Church, Sussex. Smith, Basil (Warws.). Matr. pleb. July 1593, aged 20; B.A. Magdalen 25 Feb. 159f. Wight (Wighte or Wike ?), John (Surrey). Matr. gen. 1593, aged 16. Wyatt (Wiat), Thomas (Staffs.). Matr. pleb. 1593, aged 19; B.A. 3 Feb. 1595; M.A. Oriel 11 Mar. 160; lie. to preach 17 Dec. 1610; B.D. 27 June 1611 ; D.D. 5 July 1614. 159f Arrow-smith, John (Berks.). Matr. pleb. 25 Jan. 159f, aged 15. ? Ath. iii ; iv. Arundel (Arundell), Daniel (Gloucs.). Matr. gen. 22 Mar. 159J, aged 17 ; B.A. 26 Oct. 1597 ; M.A. 4 July 1600. Charman (Charmar), Richard (Sussex). Matr. pleb. 9 Feb. 159^, aged 15 ; B.A. 25 Feb. 159|. Dautrey (Dawtrie), William (Sussex). Matr. gen. 9 Feb. 15 9f, aged 14. Dixwell, Edward (Warws.). Matr. pleb. 25 Jan. 159^, aged 18 ; B.A. Merton 17 Oct. 1597 ; M.A. St. Alban Hall 16 July 1600. Hearne (Home, Heron), Thomas (Lines.). Matr. pleb. (? 18 Jan.) 159f, aged 19 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 1594 ; M.A. 4 July 1598. D.Med. Padua ; Fellow of College of Physicians 20 Oct. 1606 ; Censor 1609. Juell, Edward (Oxon.). Matr. gen. 9 Feb. 159J, aged 12. Little, John (Kent). Matr. pleb. (? 18 Jan.) 159f, aged 18 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 159S ; M.A. 20 May 1612. Richards, Robert (Wilts.). Matr. pleb. 22 Mar. 159, aged 17 ; B.A. 10 Nov. 1597 ; grace for M.A. dno. Richards 18 Dec. 1601. Tomkins, Ely (Elias) (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 9 Feb. 159f , aged 15 ; B.A. 25 Feb. 159. Trobridge, Gilbert (Devon). Matr. gen. 9 Feb. 159f, aged 16. VERNON, Edward (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 25 Jan. 159, aged 16 ; B.A. 10 Nov. 1597 ; Fellow (Founders) 26 Jan. 159 ; M.A. 21 June 1600; B.D. Feb. 160; signif. ind. to benefice on 11 Apr. ; sup. lie. to preach 26 Nov. 1610; incorp. at Cambridge 1612. Preb. of Hereford 1611. Wall, George (Worcs.). Matr. pleb. 25 Jan. 159J, aged 17 ; B.A. 25 Feb. 159; B.D. 10 July 1616. Wrightinton (Writtington), Edward (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 9 Feb. iged 13 ; grace for B.A. 8 D St. Mawes 1621 ; knighted. 159f ; aged 13 ; grace for B.A. 8 Dec. 1596. 1594] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 83 1594 Barton, Edmund (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 30 May 1594, aged 14; B.A. 6 Feb. 159f. Batson, Thomas. Grace for B.A. 24 Oct. 1594. ? = Betson, Thomas (Chesh.), matr. pleb. 8 July 1591, aged 19. Birch (Birche), William (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. (22 Nov. ?) 1594, aged 20 ; B.A. 7 July 1598. Blundell (Blunde), John (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 10 Oct. 1594, aged 18 ; Ogle Sch. 13 Nov. 1595 ; Nowell Sch. 28 July 1597. Breton (Bretton), Dennis (Sussex). Matr. gen. 30 May 1594, aged 15. Bruen (Bruin), John (Dorset). Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1594, aged 16. Bruer (Bruen, Brewen), Robert (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 8 Nov. 1594, aged 19 ; B.A. 3 Feb. 159?; M.A. St. Mary Hall 18 May 1602. Fasti ii. Caulveley, George (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1594, aged 18. Knighted 23 Aug. 1617. Caulveley, Hugh (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1594, aged 16. M.P. Liverpool 1601. Chambers, Walter (Oxon.). Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1594, aged 16. Dautrey (Dautrye, Dawtry), Francis (Sussex). Matr. gen. 30 May 1594, aged 12. Fitton, Richard (Chesh.). Matr. mil. 30 Oct. 1594, aged 15. Goring (Goringe), George (Sussex). Matr. arm. 30 May 1594, aged 15. ? Knighted 7 May 1605 ; M.P. Lewes 1621 ; Ambassador Extraord. to the Hague 1642 ; to Paris 1643 ; Earl of Norwich 28 Nov. 1644. D.N.B. Greenhalgh (Greenhough), Robert (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 21 June 1594, aged 14 ; B.A. 3 Feb. 159? ; Nowell Sch. 2 Feb. 159 J ; grace for M.A. dno. Greenehall 27 Apr. 1600. Hall (Haule), Anthony (Hants.). Matr. arm. 14 June 1594, aged 15. Hall, John (Hants). Matr. arm. 14 June 1594, aged 14. Hieron (Heron), Thomas. Grace for B.A. 24 Oct. 1594 ; B.A. 15 Feb. ; readm. 25 Feb. 159*; M.A. 4 July 1598. Jackson (Jacsonne), Nicholas (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 8 Nov. 1594, aged 19; ? subst. for Nowell Sch. 13 Nov. 1595; ? grace for B.A. 2 Oct. 1597. Kellway (Kellawaye), Robert (Dorset). Matr. gen. 8 Nov. 1594, aged 17. Knowles, William (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 14 June 1594, aged 17 ; B.A. 25 Feb. 159; M.A. 8 July 1602. Lloyd, Thomas (Flints.). Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1594, aged 16 ; B.A, 7 July 1598. Brother of William Lloyd, matr. same date. Lloyd, William (Flints.). Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1594, aged 18. Brother of Thomas Lloyd, matr. same date. a 2 84 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1594- Manwaring (Manering), Edmund (Chesh.). Matr. gen. (? Dec.) 1594, aged 15 ; B.A. 27 Nov. 1598 ; M.A. All Souls 8 July 1602 ; B.C.L. 14 Dec. 1605 ; sup. D.C.L. 24 Nov. 1610 ; cr. D.C.L. 10 Oct. 1629. Brother of Thomas. Fasti i. Manwaring (Maynwaringe, Manering), John (Salop). Matr. cler, 10 Oct. 1594, aged 18. MANWARING (Manering, Manwairinge, Mannaringe, Man- wayringe, Manwaringe), Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. gen. '? arm. (Dec. ?) 1594, aged 14 ; B.A. 27 Nov. 1598 ; Fellow (Founders) 7 Mar. 160? ; M.A. 18 Mar. 160; B.D. 24 Feb. 160 ; Junior Bursar 1610-11 ; signif. ind. on 7 May 1611 to benefice, but afterwards resigned rectory within year ; Senior Bursar 1612-13 ; signif. 5 May ind. to benefice on 3 May 1613; cr. D.D. 31 Aug. 1636. BENEP. : Gave 10 towards new chapel, &c. 1663. Quat. Mon. iv. Manwaring (Maynwaringe), William (Salop). Matr. pleb. 10 Oct. 1594, aged 18 ; disp. towards B.A. St. Mary Hall 14 Dec. 1599. Mewis (Mews or Melvis), William (Hants). Matr. arm. 21 June 1594, aged 15. Napper, Andrew (Essex). Matr. gen. (? 22 Nov.) 1594, aged 14. Pownall, Richard Sup. M.A. 15 June 1594, being then ' promotus ad beneficium Litigiosum '. SEWARD, Henry (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 10 Oct. 1594, aged 17 ; Fellow (Porter) 1 Dec. 1597; B.A. 2 May 1598; M.A. 14 Mar. 160?; signif. 22 Oct. ind. to benefice on 9 Oct. 1608 ; B.D. 24 Feb. 160 ; D.D. 4 July 1616. Preb. of Salisbury. Shucborough, Francis (Warws. or Norwich). Matr. arm. 21 June 1594, aged 15. Singleton, William (London). Matr. gen. (15 Nov. ?) 1594 r aged 16. Tirrell (Tirrel), Timothy (Bucks.). Matr. arm. 21 June 1594 aged 10 ; ? B.A. 18 June 1602. But see also under 1597. Warburton, Edward (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 8 Nov. 1594, aged 20. Watkins (Watkine), Edward (Yorks). Matr. pleb. 10 Oct. 1594, aged 18 ; B.A. Christ Church 25 Oct. 1599 ; M.A. 8 June 1602. Williams, John. B.A. 7 Nov. 1594. Wingate, Edward (Beds.). Matr. arm. 29 Nov. 1594, aged 16. Wingate, Richard (Beds.). Matr. arm. 29 Nov. 1594, aged 16. Wingate, Robert (Beds.). Matr. arm. 29 Nov. 1594, aged 18. Wolley (Wooly), John (London). Matr. gen. 21 June 1594, aged 16. Yetshwoorth (Yetsworth), John (Lanes, or Middlx.). Matr. arm. 21 June 1594, aged 12. 1594. Simcocks, Humphrey. B.A. 27 Feb. 1594. Smith, Dns., junior. Leave of absence 3 Mar. I59f; also on 7 May 1595. 1595-f] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 85 1595 Ambrose, William (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 28 Mar. 1595, aged 16. Ashe, Richard (Warws.). Matr. pleb. 24 Oct. 1595, aged 19 ; B.A. 31 Oct. 1600. Bannister, George (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 24 Oct. 1595, aged 17 ; B.A. 10 Feb. 160 J ; grace for M.A. Dno. Bannister (? George) 29 May 1603. Bisse, Thomas. Grace for B.A. 14 May 1595 ; ? B.A. All Souls 13 Feb. 159$; M.A. 19 Oct. 1599. Buckley (Buckleyd, Bulkeley), Richard (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 24 Oct. 1595, aged 17 ; B.A. 6 Feb. 159f. Collinson, Thurston. Subst. for Nowell Sch. 13 Nov. 1595; B.A. 14 Dec. 1596; Nowell Sch. 28 July 1597; M.A. 6 July 1604; subst. for Nowell Sch. 11 Sept. 1606. Deane, John (Essex). Matr. arm. 24 Oct. 1595, aged 12 ; disp. towards B.A. 8 Nov. 1600. ? Knighted 11 May 1603, and M.P. Essex 1621. Ewen (Ewens), Matthew (Som.). Matr. gen. 21 Nov. 1595, aged 16. Freke (Freake), Richard (Dorset). Matr. gen. 7 Nov. 1595, aged 18 ; B.A. 13 Feb. 159f ; M.A. 18 Mar. 160J. Guise, William (Gloucs.). Matr. arm. 24 Oct. 1595 aged 17 ; B.A. Hart Hall 5 July 1599 ; M.A. 7 July 1602. Hale. Nowell Sch. 5 May 1595. Hamar, D(ns.) Subst. for Nowell Sch. 13 Nov. 1595; ? = Samuel Hamer, B.A. 12 July 1593; M.A. 5 July 1596; Mr. Hamer el. Nowell Sch. 15 Apr. 1597. Haughton (Houghton), George (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 24 Oct. 1595, .aged 18 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 14 Dec. 1599. Haworth. Subst. for Nowell Sch. 13 Nov. 1595. Large, Thomas (Sussex). Matr. cler. 24 Oct. 1595, aged 18; B.A. 10 Feb. 159*; M.A. 8 July 1602. Preb. of Chichester 1615. Marston (Merston), Thomas (Salop). Matr. gen. 24 Oct. 1595, aged 17; ? of Broadgates Hall. Master son (Maisterson), Edward (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 28 Mar. 1595, aged 16. Paslew, John (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 24 Oct. 1595, aged 18 ; grace for B.A. 15 June 1598. Samois (?) Leave of absence 3 July 1595. Warburton, George (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 28 Mar. 1595, aged 15 ; B.A. 14 Dec. 1598 ; M.A. 30 June 1603 ; cr. D.D. 31 Aug. 1636. Dean of Gloucester June 1631, and of Wells Aug. 1631. WORK : iKiiiy Melchizedek, 1623. Fasti i. 159f Deane, Thomas. Leave of absence 2 Jan. 159f , and again 1 Nov. 1596. Grevill (Grivill, Gre vile), Francis (Warws.). Matr. gen. 27 Feb. 159, uged 16 ; B.A. 5 July 1599 ; Fellow of Merton 1602 ; M.A. 10 Feb. 160-? ; Proctor 1617. 86 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [159f-6 Harpur, Henry (Derbs.)- Matr. arm. 20 Feb. 159g, aged 17; B.A. 10 Feb. 159f. Cr. Bart, 8 Sept. 1626. Lawley, George (Salop). Matr. gen. 12 Mar. 159, aged 16; B.A. 3 Dec. 1599 ; M.A. 13 Dec. 1602 ; Fellow of All Souls, B.C.L. 17 Dec. 1608. ? M.P. Much Wenlock 1604. O.H.S. x. Mokett (Moekett), Richard. Matr. at Lincoln ; B.A. 16 Feb. 159| ; Fellow of All Souls 1599 ; M.A. 5 Apr. 1600 ; B.D. 23 Apr. 1607 ; D.D. 6 July 1609; Warden of All Souls 1614. Dom. Chaplain to G. Abbot, Archb. of Canterbur}'. WORKS : (5) The Liturgy of the Church Volume of his Sermons (Rawl. E. of England. 154), Oxford, 160f . (6) The Book of Ordination of \-Grod and the King, 1615, &c. Bishops, Priests, and Dea- Volume containing cons. (1) Bishop Jewel's Apology. ^Doctrina et Politia Ecclesiac Angli- (2) The Church Catechism. canae, 1616. (3) Nowell's Catechism. Tractatus de Politia Ecclesiae Anrjli- (4) The Thirty-nine Articles. canae, 1683. Ath. ii ; Gutch i. Pateshall, William (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 12 Mar. 159f, aged 15. 1596 Antrobus (Anterbus), Ralph (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 7 May 1596 r aged 20. Ormerod's Cheshire, i. 658. Aris (Arris), Thomas (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. Magdalen Hall 30 July 1596, aged 17 ; B.A. Brasenose 10 Feb. 159*. Benion, William (Salop). Matr. 7 May 1596, aged 18; B.A. 3 Dec. 1599 ; M.A. All Souls 2 July 1603. O.H.S. x. Boote, Michael. B.A. 5 July 1596. Cunliffe, John (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 12 Nov. 1596, aged 16. DYCUS, Hugh (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 7 May 1596, aged 17; B.A. 4 Dec. 1600 ; Fellow (Founders) 20 Nov. 1607 ; M.A. 7 July 1608 ; signif. ind. to benefice 3 July 1614; Proctor 1615; B.D. 8 July 1619; lie. to preach 18 May 1621. BENEF. : Plate 1608. Quat. Mon. v. Qarrard (Qerrard), Alexander (Berks.). Matr. gen. 7 May 1596, aged 14; died Student of Christ Church 21 Dec. 1601. Gutch i. Garrard, Thomas (Berks.). Matr. gen. May 1596, aged 15. Griffiths (Gruffith, Griffith), Robert (Carnarv.). Matr. pleb. May 1596, aged 18 ; B.A. 3 Dec. 1599 ; M.A. 17 June 1605. O.H.S. x. Marow (Marowe), Edmund (Gloucs.). Matr. gen. May 1596. aged 22; B.A. 3 Feb. 159f 1596-7] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 87 Noden, Stephen (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 29 Oct. 1596, aged 28. Twisse (Twist). John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 12 Nov. 1596, aged 17; Ogle Sch. 10 Jan. 159U ; B.A. 13 Feb. 159IJ. Whitbey, Edward (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 12 Nov. 1596, aged 18 ; B.A. 3 Dec. 1599. Recorder of Chester 1613 ; M.P. in six parliaments, 1614, 21, 4, 5, 6, 8. O.H.S. x. Whitbey, William (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 29 Oct. 1596, aged 19 ; B.A. 31 Jan. Wrote, Samuel (London). Matr. gen. 5 Nov. 1596, aged 16. 159? Coles, Henry. B.A. 3 Feb. 1591'. Dobbes, Gilbert (Chesh.). Ogle Sch. 10 Jan. 159'-' ; matr. pleb. 14 Oct. 1597, aged 18; grace for B.A. Dec. 1599. Haall, George. Leave of absence 28 Feb. 1595. Hulme, Thomas. Kept ten terms at Cambridge ; B.A. 3 Feb. 159; M.A. 12 July 1600. See Thomas Hulme 1586 ; ? the same. Parry (Parrye), Morgan (Carnarv.). Matr. pleb. 16 Feb. 159- ? , aged 18; B.A. 4 Dec. 1600 ; M.A. 5 July 1605. 1597 ALLANSON" (Allansone), Stephen (Yorks.). Matr. pleb. University 1597, aged 16 ; B.A. 21 Feb. 160? ; Fellow (Clifton) 23 June 1606; M.A. 7 July 1608 ; Senior Bursar 1615-16 ; Vice-Principal 1616-17 ; signif. ind. to benefice on 1 Jan. 161? ; res. Fell. 31 Dec. 1617 ; B.D. 8 July 1619 ; lie. to preach 4 Dec. 1620. BENEF.: Plate 1608. Gutch ii ; Quat. Mon. v. Aythe (Eythen, Hythe), Edward (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 1597, aged 15. Baldwin, Henry (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 9 Dec. 1597, aged 21 ; Nowell Sch. 2 July 1601 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 160. Bannister, Nicholas (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 1597, aged 19 (?11); subst. for Nowell Sch. 14 Apr. 1598 ; B.A. 4 Dec. 1600 ; M.A. 20 May 1605. Brercliffe (Brearcliffe, Brieraliffe), Robert (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 9 Dec. 1597, aged 19. Buckley, Anthony (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 1597, aged 20; Nowell Sch. 25 July 1600 ; B.A. 6 July 1601 ; M.A. 6 July 1604. Collins, Samson (Cornw.). Matr. pleb. 1597, aged 21 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1 Dec. 1601. Cotgrave, William (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 17 June 1597, aged 17. Davies, Robert (Flints.). Matr. arm. 14 Oct. 1597, aged 19. Hassall, William (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 17 June 1597, aged 17. Haughton (Houghton), John (' Cecestrensis '). Matr. pleb. 14 Oct. 1597, aged 19. Hayes, Edward. Grace for B.A. 30 May 1597 ; ? = Hayes, Edward (London), inatr. pleb. Corpus 10 Oct. 1594. Jacob, Hamnet (Dorset). Matr. gen. 1597, aged 17. 88 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1597- Morris, Thomas (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 1597, aged 16 ; Nowell Sch. 2 Feb. 159$. Moseley (Mosleye), Oswald (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 1597, aged 14. Napper, Edward (Essex). Matr. gen. 1597, aged 16. Philips (Phellips), Thomas (Som.). Matr. gen. 1597, aged 16 ; B.A. Hart Hall 18 Mar. 160*. Powell, Thomas (Carnarv.). Matr. pleb. 1597, aged 17; ? B.A. Broadgates Hall 19 Nov. 1601 ; B.D. Brasenose 17 June 1613. WORK : -\-Sermon, 1613. Pulteney, John (Warws.). Matr. arm. 1597, aged 12. RADCLIFFE, Samuel (Lanes.). Nowell Sch. 28 July ; inatr. gen. 14 Oct. 1597, aged 17; B.A. 8 May 1601; ? subst. for Nowell Sch. 12 Aug. 1603; Fellow (Founders) 12 Dec. 1603; MA. 21 May 1604; Junior Proctor 1610 ; B.D. 6 June 1611 ; Junior Bursar 1611-13 ; Principal 14 Dec. 1614; D.D. 27 Mar. 1615; Committee of Lords and Commons orders his removal 20 Jan. 164&. Buried in St. Mary's 30 June 1648. BENEF. : Plate 1634; bequeathed plate, 5,000 towards new chapel, library, and cloister, and to found two scholarships, to endow a school and almshouse at Steeple Aston, to augment the stipend of the Gustos Jocalium, and for other uses. O.H S. xxxvii ; Camden Soc., New Ser. 29, p. 482 ; Verses in Flos Britan- nicus ; Quat. Mon. iv, v, vi, vii, xi, xii. Singleton, Isaac (London). Matr. gen. 1597, aged 14 ; B.A. 4 Dec. 1600; M.A. All Souls 1 May 1604. Preb. of St. Paul's 1614; Archdeacon of Brecon 1620; Chancellor 1622 ; Archdeacon of Carlisle 1623. WORK : ^The downfall of Shebna, 1015. Fasti i. Skinner, Richard (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 1597, aged 15. Tirrell (Terill), Timothy (Bucks.). Matr. arm. (? 14 Oct.) 1597, aged 13 ; ? B.A. 18 June 1602. See under 1594. Knighted 29 Aug. 1624. Tompkins, Anthony (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 1597, aged 18. Watkins, William (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 1597. aged 18; B.A. All Souls 9 July 1602. Yate, Basil (Bezellus) (Berks.). Matr. cler. 1597, aged 16; B.A. 6 July 1601. 159| Bennet (Benett), David (Som.). Matr. pleb. 7 Mar. 159|, aged 15; grace for B.A. 28 May 1601. Carter, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. Jan. 159|, aged 19; B.A. 18 Jan. 160. Colmore, Thomas (Oxon.). Matr. cancellarii Merton 20 Jan. 159$-, aged 17; B.A. Brasenose 19 Feb. 160?; M.A. 30 June 1603; ? readm. 1 July 1603. Rycrofte (Roycrofte), Thomas (' Cecestrensis '). Matr. pleb. 20 Jan. 159|, aged 16. Wood, Richard. Incorpor. from Cambridge 6 Mar. 159|; B.A. 22 June 1598. 1598] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 89 1598 Aylley (Ashley), William (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 5 May 1598, aged 18. Bennet (Benet), William (Sussex). Matr. gen. 13 Oct. 1598, aged 15 ; B.A. 18 June 1602; M.A. 17 June 1605. Quat. Mon. iv. Dakin (Dakins, Dakens), Humphrey (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 13 Oct. 1598, aged 17 ; B.A. 18 June 1602. Dugdale, Christopher (Wilts.). Matr. gen. 13 Oct. 1598, aged 16; B.A. Christ Church 17 Oct. 1604; M.A. 18 June 1607. Emerson (Emersonne), John (Northants). Matr. pleb. 24 Nov. 1598, aged 17 ; B.A. St. Edmund Hall 4 July 1600. Emmott (Emmot, Emmotte), Barnard (Bernard) (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 10 Nov. 1598, aged 19; Nowell Sch. 24 Dec. 1600; B.A. 18 June 1602; M.A. 17 June 1605. Fearnely, Thomas (Derbs.). Matr. pleb. 10 Nov. 1598, aged 17. Fifield (Fyfylde), William (Gloucs.). Matr. pleb. 24 Nov. 1598, aged 17. Fox, Richard (Salop). Matr. arm. 5 May 1598, aged 18. Gery, James (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 27 Oct. 1598, aged 18. Gorton, William (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 27 Oct. 1598, aged 16. Hawtayne, Henry (Oxon.). Matr. gen. 10 Nov. 1598, aged 18. Hey, Henry (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 13 Oct. 1598, aged 15 ; Nowell Sch. 19 Jan. 159. Hill, John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 19 May 1598, aged 18 ; B.A. 18 June 1602. Jackson, Richard (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 5 May 1598, aged 19. Jones (Jhones), Edward (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 5 May 1598, aged 17 ; B.A. All Souls 9 July 1602. Lowe (Lee), Humphrey (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 13 Oct. 1598, aged 20. Manwaring (Mannering), Arthur. Eq. B.A. 7 July 1598; M.A. 15 June 1601. Knighted 11 May 1603 ; M.P. Huntingdon 1624. BENEF. : Plate (? date). Quat. Mon. v. Minchin, Richard (Gloucs.). Matr. cler. 27 Oct. 1598, aged 15 ; B.A. Christ Church 30 June 1602 ; M.A. 9 June 1605. Petty, Christopher (Oxon.). Matr. arm. 13 Oct. 1598, aged 13; B.A. 18 June 1602; Fellow of All Souls, B.C.L. 15 Dec. 1608. Gutch i ; O.H.S. xix. Petty, George (Oxon.). Matr. arm. 13 Oct. 1598, aged 11 ; B.A. 18 June 1602 ; Fellow of Merton 1606 ; M.A. 13 Dec. 1610. Administration granted 3 Mar. 163^. Guteh i ; O.H.S. xix. Petty, Maximilian (Oxon.). Matr. arm. 13 Oct. 1598, aged 15; B.A. 18 June 1602. M.P. Westbuiy 1628. O.H.S. xix. 90 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1598-9 Richardson, Edward (Sussex). Matr. pleb. 13 Oct. 1598, aged 16 - r B.A. 9 Feb. Robinson, Richard (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 24 Nov. 1598, aged 18. Savage, John (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 13 Oct. 1598, aged 13 ; grace for B.A. 28 May 1601. Savage, Roger (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 13 Oct. 1598, aged 15. Shackelton (Shacleton), William (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 10 Nov. 1598, aged 15; Nowell Sch. 25 July 1600; B.A. 18 June 1602. Sharpe, William. B.A. 26 Oct. 1602. Warington, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 5 May 1598, aged 17 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 160*. Buried in St. Mary's 19 Mar. 160*. O.H.S. xxxvii. Wike (Wyke), William (Salop). Matr. pleb. 24 Nov. 1598, aged 18. WHITBEY (Whitbee, Whitby), Robert (Chesh.). Matr. gen- 5 May 1598, aged 13 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 160*; Fellow (Williamson P.) 8 June 1602; M.A. 17 June 1605 : Junior Bursar 1613-14. Died 26 Sept, 1617; buried in St. Mary's ; will proved at Oxford. BENEF. : Plate (? date.) O.H.S. xxxvii ; Quat. Mon. v. Wodhull (Woodhull), Fulke (Poulck) (Northants.). Matr. gen. 24 Nov. 1598, aged 16. Wodhull, Giles (Northants.). Matr. gen. 24 Nov. 1598, aged 17. Wright, Ralph (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 5 May 1598, aged 21 ;? Frank- land Sch. 25 July 1600 ; B.A. 6 July 1601 ; M.A. 8 July 1606. Yenens ?, Matthew. Grace for B.A. 22 May 1598. 159* Ashton (Asheton), Radeliffe (Ratcliffe) (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 16 Feb. 159f, aged 15. Ashton, Ralph (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 16 Feb. 159, aged 17. Cr. Bart. 28 June 1620. Berkeley, Francis (Salop). Matr. gen. 16 Feb. 159f, aged 15, and again 14 July 1602 ; B.A. 15 July 1602. M.P. Shrewsbury 1614, 21, 4. Fulford (Fulforde), Francis (Devon). Matr. arm. 16 Feb. 159, aged 15. Knighted 26 Feb. 160f ; M.P. Devon 1625. Parker, Giles (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 16 Feb. 159, aged 17 ; ? Nowell: Sch. 19 July 1602. Risdon, William (Devon). Matr. cler. 23 Feb. 159, aged 15; B.A. St. Mary Hall 5 Feb. 160^ ; M.A. 25 June 1608. Sherborne, Richard (Lanes.). Matr. eq. 16 Feb. 159f, aged 15. 1580 Aston, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 11 May 1599, aged 17 ; B.A. 18 June 1602. Knighted 18 Apr. 1603. 1599] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE 91 Childe, Walter (Worcs.). Matr. gen. 11 May 1599, aged 15. Clark (Clerke), James (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 19 Apr. 1599, aged 15; ? B.A. Hart Hall 10 Feb. 160*. M.P. Hereford 1624. Clark, Thomas (Herefs. ). Matr. gen. 19 Apr. 1599, aged 14; B.A. 26 Oct. 1602 ; M.A. All Souls 9 Dec. 1607 ; B.C. 28 Nov. 1618. Denton, John (Berks.). Matr. arm. 9 Nov. 1599, aged 15. Poster. ' Scolaris ' ; leave of absence 6 May 1599. Qrenalde (Greenall), Robert (Yorks.). Matr. pleb. 24 Nov. 1599, aged 17 ; B.A. 24 Jan. 160f. Harrison, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 27 Apr. 1599, aged 18; Frankland Sch. 24 Jan. ; B.A. 14 Feb. 16014 ; M.A. 6 July 1610. Hawarden (Hawardine), Francis (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 2 Nov. 1599, aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 25 July 1600 ; B.A. 5 July 1603. Leachmore (Lechemere), Edmund (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 19 Apr. 1599, aged 12 ; B.A. Hart Hall 21 Feb. 16Qjj. Leachmore (Lechmere), Roger (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 19 Apr. 1599 r aged 14; B.A. Hart Hall 21 Feb. 160g. Lee (Leighe), Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 26 Oct. 1599, aged 16. Ligfon (Lygon), John (Worcs.). Matr. arm. 4 May 1599, aged 17. Manwaring, Henry (Salop). Matr. eq. 27 Apr. 1599, aged 12, and again 14 July 1602 ; B.A. 15 July 1602 ; ? cr. D.Med. 31 Jan. 164*. ' The famous sea captain ' ; knighted 20 Mar. 161 ; M.P. Dover 1621. Fasti ii. Martin, Robert (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 27 Apr. 1599, aged 20; B.A. 26 Oct. 1602. MARTIN (Merton), Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. Queen's 26 Oct. 1599, aged 17 ; adrn. July 1603 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 160f ; Fellow (Frankland) 1 Dec. 1606; M.A. 7 July 1608; signif. 9 Jan. 161 ind. to benefice 24 Dec. 1613. BENEF. : Plate 1608. Quat. Mon. v. Seymour (Seimer), Richard (Dorset). Matr. gen. 22 June 1599, aged 15 ; grace for B.A. 24 Mar. 160|. Spencer, George (Oxon.). Matr. eq. 8 June 1599, aged 12 ; B.A. 10 May 1604. '? Knighted 9 Aug. 1617. Spencer, Thomas (Oxon.). Matr. eq. 8 June 1599, aged 13 ; B.A. 18 June 1602. Cr. Bart. 29 June 1611 ; knighted 4 Apr. 1612. Turner, Richard (Warws.). Matr. pleb. 8 June 1599, aged 14. Twisse, William (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 11 May 1599, aged 19 ; ? Ogle Sch. 25 July 1600 ; grace for B.A. 23 Oct. 1602. Unet (TJnete), Richard (Herefs.). Matr. arm. 19 Apr. 1599, aged 8. Unet, Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. arm. 19 Apr. 1599, aged 10. Unet, William (Herefs.). Matr. arm. 19 Apr. 1599, aged 13. 92 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEE [1599-1600 Whitaker (Whittakers), Richard (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 19 Apr. 1599, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 5 Jan. if^J ; B - A - ^ 6 O ct - 1602 '. M A - 6 May 1607 ; B.D. 10 July 1618 (as Robert). 1600 Ashfield (Ashfielde), William (Grloucs.). Matr. gen. 4 July 1600, aged 17 ; B.A. 10 Mar. 160; M.A. St. Mary Hall 4 May 1608. Ball (Balle), John (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 24 Oct. 1600, aged 15; B.A. 24 Jan. 160J. WORKS : \AtreatiseofFaith, 1632, &c. A Tnjall of the New-Church Way in f.4 short treatise contayning all the New England and in Old, 1644. principall grounds of Christian Reli- f^l treatise of the Covenant of Grace, gion, 1635. 1645. +^4 friendly tryall of the grounds tend- -\-A mit. Mon. v. Slater, William (Som.). Matr. gen. St. Mary Hall 6 Feb. 160?, aged 13 ; adm. pleb. 1607 ; B A. 23 Feb. 160* ; was dispensed seven terms, having been called away ' immatura morte parentum ' 4 Nov. ; M.A. 13 Nov. 1611 ; B.D. 7 Dec. ; D.D. 17 Dec. 1623. According to Ath. a Fellow of Brasenose, but ? WORKS : ^GenethUacon sire stemma Jacobi, pr]v v $ia, 1619. 1643. \-The historic of Great Brilanic, 1621. -^ The psalms of David, 1643, &c. Ath. iii ; O.H.S. x. 1601 Anderson, Richard (London). Matr. gen. 22 May 1601, aged 17; B A. 15 Feb. 160J. Antrobus, Thomas (London). Matr. gen. 3 Apr. 1601, aged 15 ; B.A. 15 July 1603. 94 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1601 Apley, Philip (Devon). Matr. gen. 3 Apr. 1601, aged 18. Aspinall (Aspinal), Alexander (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 3 Apr. 1601. aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 16 Apr. 1604 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 160*. Barcrofte. Nowell Sch. 10 Nov. 1601. Boterecke (Botericke), William (Sussex). Matr. gen. 3 Apr. 1601, aged 15. Danvers (Davers), John (Gloucs.). Matr. eq. 10 July 1601, aged 16. Knighted 3 Mar. 160$ ; M.P. Arundell 1610, Montgomery 1614, Oxford Univ. 1621, 5, 8, 40, Newport (I.W.) 1624, Malmesbury 1645 (L.P.). BENEF. ; Plate (? date). D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. v. Emmott (Emmot, Emmotte), Laurence (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 3 Apr. 1601, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 2 Jan. 160f ; B A. 13 Dec. 1604. Freke, Robert (Som.). Matr. gen. 3 Apr. 1601, aged 17 ; B.A. 13 Dec. 1604; M.A. Hart Hall 10 June 1607. Havard, Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 8 May 1601, aged 17. Holloway (Hollway), Gamaliel (Oxon.). Matr. gen. 3 Apr. 1601, aged 15 ; B.A. 10 May 1604 ; M.A. 10 July 1607 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1608. BENEF.: Plate 1613. Quat. Mon. v. JACKSON, Christopher. B.A.Lincoln 17 May 1601 ; Fellow (Darbie) 5 July 1603; M.A. 17 Apr. 1605; res. Fell. 18 Dec. 1606. BENEF. : Plate ('? date). Quat. Mon. v. Makepeace, Laurence (Northants.). Matr. gen. 3 Apr. 1601, aged 15 : B.A. 5 July 1603. Mansell, Henry (Glamorg.). Matr. eq. 22 May 1601, aged 14. Mason, Richard (Hants.). Matr. gen. 3 Apr. 1601, aged 15; B.A. 15 July 1602 ; M.A. 12 May 1608 ; grace for B.D. 13 July 1620. Moore, William (Surrey). Matr. eq. 7 May 1601, aged 15; B.A. 15 Feb. 160| ; ? cr. M.A. 30 Aug. 1605. Parker, William (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 3 Apr., aged 18 ; subst. for Sch. 2 July 1601 ; B.A. 30 Jan. 160 ; M.A. St. Mary Hall 4 July 1608 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1620. Primrose, William (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 23 Oct. 1601, aged 15; B.A. 6 July 1605 ; M.A. 5 July 1609. Preb. of Lichfield 1626. Raymer ('? Kemer, Remor), Richard (Kent). Matr. gen. 7 May 1601, aged 16. Sebright, Edward (Worcs.). Matr. gen. 11 Dec. 1601, aged 16. ? Cr. Bart. 20 Dec. 1626 ; knighted 10 Apr. 1627. Tatton, William (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 3 Apr. 1601, aged 15. Warburton, Peter (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 23 Oct. 1601, aged 15; B.A. 10 July 1604. Webb, Francis (Gloucs.). Matr. pleb. 3 Apr. 1601, aged 16 ;? readm. from Hart Hall 10 Oct. 1604; B.A. 30 Jan. 160i ; M.A. 7 July 1608. 160-2-2] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER Cockshott (Cockshett, Cocshet, Cockshet, Cockshot, Cockeshut), John (Lanes.). Nowell Sch. 3 Mar. 160^; matr. pleb. 7 May 1602, aged 18 ; B.A. 5 July 1605 ; M.A. ? Lincoln 8 July 1609. Dunn (Done, Dove), Thomas (Chesh.). Grace for B.A. 24 Mar. 160^ ; matr. arm. 7 May, aged 20; disp. towards B.A. 16 Apr. 1602. Hurst, James. B.A. 12 Feb. 160| ; M.A. 13 Feb. 160? ; incorp. at Cambridge 1609. Sidenham, William. Leave of absence 25 Jan. 160|; ? = William Sidenham (Som.), matr. gen. Hart Hall 14 May 1602, aged 18. 1602 Acson, William (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 7 May 1602, aged 18 ; Ogle Sch. 24 Jan. 160| ; B.A. 20 July 1604. Allen (Allene), William (Northants.). Matr. pleb. 22 Oct. 1602, aged 16. Ambrose, William (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 7 May 1602, aged 17. Anderton, Matthew (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 7 May, aged 17 ; B.A. 26 Oct. 1602; B.C.L. All Souls 14 Dec. 1609. Baldwin (Baldwine), Richard (Lanes.). Matr. 7 May 1602, aged 17 : Nowell Sch. 8 July 1603; B.A. 31 Oct. 1605. Barlow (Barton), John (Chesh.). Pleb. 1602. Barnby, Thomas (Herefs.). Arm. 1602; matr. 3 June 1603, aged 16. Bostock, George (Chesh.). Arm. 1602; matr. 3 Dec. 1602, aged 16; B.A. 5 July 1605. Brereton, Hugh (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1602, aged 14. Byrom (Byram, Birom), George (Lanes.). Pleb. 1602 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 2 Jan. 160f ; rnatr. 11 May 1604, aged 15 ; Nowell Sch. 17 Apr. 1605; ? B.D. and D.D. 27 June 1627. Fasti i. Bytham (Byhame, Bythame), George (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 7 May 1602, aged 15 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 16 Apr. 1604. Calamore, Gilbert (Chesh.). Pleb. 1602. Carrick, Richard (London). Matr. gen. 22 Oct. 1602, aged 16. Case, William (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 7 May 1602, aged 17; B.A. 5 July 1605 ; M.A. 2 Apr. 1612 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1615. Preb. of Chester 1613. Chew (Chewe), Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 7 May 1602, aged 19 ; grace for B.A. 10 July 1605. Clarke, Thomas (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 24 Dec. 1602. Cook, Edward (Worcs.). Matr. pleb. 7 May 1602, aged 17; B.A. 31 Oct. 1605. ? Ath. iv. Davies, Grange (Berks.). Matr. gen. Hart Hall 23 Apr. 1602, aged 15 ; B.A. Brasenose 31 Oct. 1605 ; M.A. St. Mary Hall 18 May 1609. 96 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1602 Denton, Thomas (Berks.). Matr. arm. 12 Nov. 1602, aged 16. Glasbrooke (Glazebrooke, Glassebrooke, Glassebroke), Peter (Cheek). Matr. pleb. 7 May 1602, aged 18 ; disp. towards B.A. 14 May 1605. Green, John (London). Adra. gen. 1602. Matr. gen. 24 Mar. 160^, aged 17. Herbert, George (Beds.). Matr. gen. 15 Oct. 1602, aged 12. Holliday, Francis (Lanes.). Pleb. 1602. Hollinpreist (Hollinpriest), William (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 3 Dec. 1602, aged 20; Frankland Sch. 26 Sept. 1605; B.A. 11 Dec. 1606. Buried in St. Mary's 11 Nov. 1613; will proved at Oxford. BENEF. : Plate 1613. O.H.S. xxxvii ; Quat. Mon. v. HUTCHINS (Hutchinges), William (Chesh.). Pleb. 1602; matr. 3 June 1603, aged 16; Mordaunt Sch. 3 May 1605; B.A. 11 Dec. 1606 ; Fellow (Founders) 28 Apr. 1608 ; M.A. 5 July 1609 ; Junior Bursar 1614-15, 17-19; B.D. 8 July 1619; Senior Bursar 1624-5,7-8, 30-1, 3-4,40-1; grace for D.D. 22 Feb. 163^ ; Vice-Principal 1642-7. Buried in St. Mary's 2 Jan. 164|. BENEF.; Plate 1626; bequeathed books, and money to augment stipends of Vice-Principal, Divinity Reader, and Master of the Hall. O.H.S. xxxvii ; Quat. Mon. iv, v, xi. Jenkins, Henry (Glamorg.). Pleb. 1602; ? = Jenkins, matr. Jesus 16 Oct. 1601, aged 15. Johnson, Richard. B.A. 15 July 1602 ; M.A. 17 June 1605 ; grace for B.D. 23 Dec. 1634 (see also 1603). Judge, Thomas (Oxon.). Priv. adm. 14 May 1602. Kettleby (Kettlebye), Thomas (Worcs.). Arm. 1602; matr. 11 May 1604, aged 19; B.A. 11 Dec. 1606. Kingswell, Edward (Southants.). Matr. arm. 7 May, aged 15, B.A. 26 Oct. 1602 ; ? = Edward Kingswell (Hants.), adm. arm. 1603. Lea, Henry (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 7 May 1602, aged 15. Machin, Edward (Gloucs.). Matr. arm. 18 June 1602, aged 16. Madocks, Ancell (Anselm) (Gloucs.). Matr. gen. 3 Dec. 1602, aged 17. Madocks, George (Gloucs.). Matr. gen. 3 Dec. 1602, aged 16; B.A. 11 July 1606. Manwaring (Maynaring), George (Salop, or Surrey). Matr. eq. 19 Nov. 1602, aged 15 ; disp. towards B.A. 14 May 1605. May, Joseph (Cornw. or Devon). Matr. cler. 22 Oct. 1602, aged 17; Frankland Sch. 24 Jan. 160H; B.A. 17 Apr. 1605; M.A. 7 July 1608. Nicholas (Nicolls), Francis (Northants.). Matr. arm. 15 Oct. 1602, aged 15. M.P. Bishop's Castle 1628, Northants. 1628; cr. Bart, 1641. Okes, John (Chesh.). Pleb. 1602. Pudisant, Nicholas (North, ? Northants.). Pleb. 1602. 1602-f] BRASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 97 RICHARDSON, Gabriel (Lines.). 1602; B.A. 20 July 1604; Tellow (Higden) 20 Nov. 1607; M.A. 7 July 1608; Senior Bursar 1616-8, 22-3, 6-7, 9-30, 2-3, 41-2 ; B.D. 8 July 1619 ; Vice-Principal 1619-21, 3-5, 30-2, 4-5, 7-8, 9-41, 2; Junior Bursar 1621-2; signif. ind. to benefice 16 May 1628 ; also on 25 Dec. 1636. Died 1 Jan. 164g ; will proved at Oxford. BENEF. : Plate 1608. WORK : 1, Of the State of Europe, 1627. Ath. iii ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. v. Sammon, John (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. Trinity 5 Nov. 1602, aged 14; Claymond Sch. 12 Oct. 1604; B.A. 31 Jan. 160|; M.A. 22 May 1612. Sampson, Thomas (Leics.). Matr. gen. 22 Oct. 1602, aged 16 ; Frank- land Sch. 24 Jan. 160| ; B.A. 2 June 1606 ; M.A. 5 July 1609. Shaxton, Francis (Devon). Matr. pleb. 7 May 1602, aged 16 ; B.A. Christ Church 9 Feb. 160 ; M.A. 4 July 1608. Shipwaye (Shippway, Shipway, Shipwaie), Richard (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 3 June 1603, aged 19. Stringer, Edward (Gloucs.). Matr. pleb. 9 July 1602, aged 17. Tichborne, Henry (Hants.). Matr. mil. 7 May 1602, aged 17. Knighted 29 Aug. 1623. D.N.B. Trulocke (Trenlocke), Edmund (Berks.). Adm. pleb. ; matr. gen. 7 May 1602, aged 15 ; B.A. Christ Church 2 July 1606 ; M.A. 18 May 1609. Waldron, Richard (Som.). Matr. gen. 7 May 1602, aged 15 . Walley, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 7 May 1602, aged 17 ; grace for B.A. 17 May 1605. Westover, James (Devon). Matr. gen. 7 May 1602, aged 18. White, John (Notts.). 1602 ; matr. 1 July 1603, aged 19 ; B.A. 11 Dec. 1606. Withington, Francis (Oxon.). 1602; matr. M.D. f. 1 July 1603, aged 17; B.A. 11 Dec. 1606; M.A. St. Mary Hall 13 Dec. 1611. Preb. of Southwell 1624. Yerworth, Edward (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 7 May 1602, aged 13; B.A. Hart Hall 28 Feb. 160f ; M.A. 6 July 1609. 160| Dale, John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 24 Mar. 160jf-, aged 20. French (Frenes), Hugh (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 7 Mar. 160^; matr. 3 June 1603, aged 19 ; B.A. 11 Dec. 1606 ; M.A. 26 June 1610. Harding (Hardinge), William (Gloucs.). Matr. cler. 28 Jan. 160* , aged 12 ; B.A. St. Alban Hall 20 Feb. 160f . H 98 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [160|-3 Ogle, Henry (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 11 Mar. 160*, aged 16. Patridge, John (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 21 Mar. 160|. Pennington, Robert (Essex). Adm. gen. 160 ; matr. pleb. 3 June 1603, aged 17; Frankland Sch. 17 Mar. 160f ; was dispensed three tern is because of the plague 24 Oct.; B.A. 11 Dec. 1606. O.H.S. x. Somerford, Edward (Middlx.). Adm. gen. 26 Feb. 160| ; matr. 3 June 1603, aged 15. Waldron, Francis (Som.). Adm. gen. 12 Mar. 160 ; matr. 3 June 1603, aged 20. White, Thomas (Wilts.). Adm. pleb. 31 Jan. 160g ; matr. 1 July 1603, aged 18 ; B.A. Corpus 10 Feb. 160f ; M.A. 9 May 1610. 1603 Aisgill, Joshua (Gloucs.). Matr. cler. Queen's July 1603, aged 16; B.A. Corpus 4 Feb. 160; M.A. 14 Mar. 161 ; incorp. at Cambridge: 1617 ; B.D. Brasenose 8 July 1619 ; D.D. Corpus 14 Oct. 1623. O.H.S. xxiv. Barefoot, John (Dorset). Matr. M.D. f. 20 May 1603, aged 15 ; B.A. Balliol 26 Oct. 1605 ; M.A. 26 Oct. 1609. Batteriche (Batridg), John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 3 June 1603, aged 16 ; B.A. 11 Dec. 1606; M.A. St. Mary Hall 7 July 1610. Bussie, Paul. Adm. arm. 4 July 1603. Cheyney, Thomas (Sussex). Adm. gen. 27 July 1603 ; matr. 22 June 1604, aged 18. Cooke, Richard (Hants.). Adm. gen. 9 Aug. 1603. Davies, Hugh (Oxon.). Priv. adm. ' mancipium ' 8 July 1603. Dawson, John (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 3 June, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 12 Aug. 1603. Day, Qrangius (Berks.). Adm. gen. 10 May 1603. Pane (Pawne, Vane), Henry (Kent). Adm. arm. 1 June 1603 ; matr. 15 June 1604, aged 15. Knighted 28 Mar. 1611; M.P. Lostwithiel 1614, Carlisle 1621, 4. Thetford 162?;, Wilton 1640, Kent 1654; P.C. 1630; Secretaiy of State 1640. D.N.B. Qallamore, Gilbert (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 3 June 1603, aged 18. B.A. 7 July 1608 ; M.A. 6 July 1615. Harrison, Humphrey (Derbs.). Adm. pleb. 6 Aug. 1603 ; matr. 22 Feb. 160$, aged 18; B.A. 10 July 1607. Harward (Harworde), William (Southants. or Berks.). Adm. gen. 6 July 1603 ; matr. 22 June 1604, aged 17 ; B.A. 21 May 1607. Will proved at Oxford 1608. Jackson, William (Lines.). Adm. pleb. 14 Dec. 1603 ; matr. 15 June 1604, aged 16 ; B.A. 23 Feb. 160f; M.A. 7 July 1614. Johnson, Richard (London). Adm. gen. 1603. 1603-f] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 99 Okell (Okelle), John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 3 June 1603, aged 18; Ogle Sch. 5 May 1604; B.A. 11 Dec. 1606 ; M.A. 15 May 1610. Prouae, John (Devon). Adm. gen. 16 July 1603 ; matr. pleb. St. Mary Hall 26 July 1605, aged 17; B.A. Corpus 6 Feb. 161. Reading (Riddinges), Thomas (Staffs.). Adm. cler. 25 June 1603 ; matr. 11 May 1604, aged 22 ; B.A. 10 July 1607. Remslie, Thomas (Kent). Adm. gen. 15 July 1603. Shuttleworth (Shuttleworthe), Nicholas (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 1603; matr. 14 June 1605, aged 17. Shuttle-worth (Shuttleworthe), Richard (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 10 Aug. 1603 ; matr. 14 June 1605, aged 15. M.P. Preston, April and L.P. 1640, 54, 6, 9. Shuttleworth, Utred (Lanes.). Adm. gen, 1603 ; matr. 14 June 1605, aged 16. Vaughan, John (Carnarv.). Adm. arm. 8 July 1603 ; matr. 11 May 1604, aged 19. Vaughan, Richard (Carnarv.). Adm. arm. July 1603 ; matr. 11 May 1604, aged 14. Vaughan, Thomas (Carnarv.). Adm. arm. July 1603; matr. 11 May 1604, aged 16. Yate, James (Lanes.). Pleb. 1603. Aldersey (Aldersoi), Hugh (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 25 Feb. 160f ; matr. gen. 30 Mar. 1604, aged 18 ; B.A. 19 Nov. 1607. Broughton, Richard (Salop). Adm. gen. 23 Mar. 160f ; matr. 18 May 1604, aged 16. Browne, John (Som.). Adm. Jan. 160f; V = John Brown, niatr. St. Mary Hall 26 Oct. 1604, aged 24. Gollop (Gallop), William (Dorset). Adm. gen. 16 Jan. 160f ; matr. gen. 11 May 1604, aged 20; B.A. 19 Nov. 1607; M.A. 26 June 1610. Grills (Grylls), Francis (Cornw.). Adm. gen. 17 Mar. 160f ; matr. 11 May 1604, aged 19 ; B.A. 19 Nov. 1607 ; M.A. 26 June 1610. Hurdman (Hurdeman), George (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 8 Mar. 160| ; matr. 30 Mar. 1604 ? aged 18 ; B.A. 2 May 1608 ; M.A. 9 July 1612. Lawley, Edward (Salop). Adm. arm. 11 Feb. 1602; matr. 11 May 1004, aged 17. Knighted 9 Nov. 1619 ; M.P. Much Wenlock 1614, 21. Madocks, John (Gloucs.). Adm. gen. 26 Feb. 1609- ; matr. 11 May 1604, aged 17. Michell, William (Som.). Adm. gen. Jan. 160f ; matr. 11 May 1604, aged 18. Sheldon, William (Worcs.). Adin. arm. Feb. 160f ; matr. 11 Muy 1604, aged 16. H 2 100 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER Smith, Edward (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 27 Jan. 160^, aged 19 : Nowell Sch. 14 May 1604. Smith, Ralph (Chesh.). Adni. pleb. 19 Feb. 160f ; matr. 30 Mar. 1604, aged 19 ;' Frankland Sch. 15 Jan. 160 ; B.A. 7 July 1608; M.A. 16 Dec. 1611 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1615. Strange (Straunge), Robert (Wilts.). Adm. arm. 31 Jan. 160? ; matr. 11 May 1604, aged 17. ? M.P. Cirencester 1614. Vaughan, Charles (Brecon). Adm. arm. 4 Feb. 160?; matr. 22 Feb. 160i, aged 17. 1604 Bagshawe (Bagshaw), Edward (London). Adm. gen. 24 Oct. 1604 ; matr. 22 Feb. 160^, aged 15 ; B.A. 7 July 1608. WORKS : "\~Life and Death of Mr. Robert Bolton, Treatise maintaining the Doctrine, Lit- 1633. urgy, and Discipline of the Church of Editions of three of Bolton's Works, England, 1646. 1633-5-7. De Monarchia Absoluta, 1659. Published two of R. Bolton's Ser- -\-Just vindication of the questioned port mons, 1635. of the reading in Middle Temple Hall. Preface to R. Bolton's Usury, 1637. 20 Feb. 1639. With a narrative of Several Speeches in Parliament : the Cause of their Silencing by the (1) 9 Nov. 1640; Archbishop of Canterbury, 1660. t(2) 9 Feb. 164f. Fratres in malo, represented in the (3) 18 Feb. 164f, concerning writings of Mr. E. B. and Mr. H. Episcopacy ; Hickman, 1660. (4) 12 Jan. 164, The Trial of the -^Tfie rights of the Crown of England an Twelve Bishops. established by law, 1660. tTico arguments in Parliament : Short Answer to the Book of W. Prynn< . (1) Concerning the Canons ; entitled University of Oxford's refuted, (2) Concerning the Praemunire 1848. on these Canons. Short Defence of the Reformation of the Treatise defending the Revenues of the Church by King Edward and Qneen Church, 1646. Elizabeth (MS.). Ath. iii ; D.N.B. Dillworth (Dillworthe), John (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. St. Mary Hall 19 Oct. 1604, aged 20; adm. 1604 or 5 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 17 Apr. 1605; Nowell Sch. 22 Feb. 160S; B.A. 2 May 1608; M.A. 29 Apr. 1611. Johnson, William (Beds.). Pleb. Mordaunt Sch. 10 Oct. ; matr. gen. 26 Oct. 1604, aged 15. Jones, John (Carnarv.). Matr. pleb. 28 June 1604, aged 19. Kingswell, William (Hants.). Adm. mil. 19 July 1604. Kinvin, William (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 10 Aug. : matr. 26 Oct. 1604, aged 15; B.A. 6 Feb. 16?g. Knottisford, Fulke (Powlke, Pulk) (Warws.). Adm. arm. 15 Aug. ;- matr. 19 Oct. 1604. Knowles (Knollis), Robert (Dorset). Adm. cler. 19 Oct. 1604 ; matr. 22 Feb. 160, aged 18; B.A. 7 July 1608; M.A. 5 July 1611; B.D, 9 July 1618. Son of Thomas Knowles (156f). 1604) BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK 101 Larymer, Henry (Devon). Matr. pleb. Exeter 6 Oct. 1604, a^ed 20 ; B.A. 3 Feb. 160; M.A. ? Brasenose 5 July 1611. LODINGTON, Robert (Lines.). Matr. Lincoln 8 June 1604, aged 16; B.A. Corpus 13 Feb. ; Fellow (Barbie) 22 Feb. 160U; M.A. 6 Feb. 16? ; res. Fell. 23 Jan. 161? ; Principal of New Inn Hall 1621. BENEF. : Plate 1608. Quat. Mon. v. Mokett, Abraham (Dorset). Adm. gen. 28 Oct. 1604 ; matr. 22 Feb. 160, aged 16 ; B.A. 7 July 1608 ; M.A. All Souls 15 Jan. 161. Newport (Newporte), Richard (Salop). Matr. mil. 19 Oct. 1604, aged 17 ; B.A. 12 June 1607. M.P. Salop 1614, Shrewsbury 1621, Salop 1624, 5, 8 ; knighted 2 June 1615; cr. Baron Newport 14 Oct. 1642. D.N.B. O'Brien, Brian (Brien) (Ireland). Adm. 'Donati Comitis Thoniondiae ' 17 Nov. 1604 ; matr. 20 Feb. 160i, aged 14. M.P. Coleraine 1613, Carlow, Bangor, co. Clare and Ennis 1634; ? 6th Earl of Thomond 1639 ; cr. Marquis of Billing 3 May 1645. O'Brien, Henry (Ireland). Adm. ' Baro Ibrickinniae Donati Comitis Thomondiae' 17 Nov. 1604; matr. 20 Feb. 160i, aged 16. ' Baro de Bryken in Co. Tumont in Hibern.,' 5th Earl of Thoinond. PRICE, Philip (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. Christ Church 11 May 1604, aged 19; B.A. 5 May 1607; adm. 1608; Fellow (Porter) 7 Dec. 1610; M.A. 5 July 1611 ; signif. 4 May ind. to benefice on 22 Apr. 1616. Preb. of Hereford 1616. BENEF. : Plate 1608. Quat. Mon. v. Prigge (Prig), Richard (Som.). Matr. pleb. St. Alban Hall 12 Oct. 1604, aged 16 ; B.A. Brasenose 2 May 1608 ; M.A. 24 Jan. 161". Prince, Francis (Salop). Adm. arm. 14 May ; matr. June 1604, aged 15. ? Knighted Feb. 1610. Smith, Francis (Dorset). Adm. gen. 17 July 1604. Taylor, John (London). Adm. gen. 19 May ; matr. June 1604, aged 18. Taylor, William (Northants.). Adm. gen. 22 May ; matr. June 1604, aged 16. Tetlow (Tetlowe), Robert (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 7 May ; matr. 18 May, aged 19 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 23 Oct. 1604 ; Nowell Sch. 2 Feb. 160? ; B.A. 23 Feb. 160; M.A. 21 June 1615. Vaughan, Roger (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 13 Apr. ; matr. 11 May 1604, aged 15. Warburton, Peter (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 11 May 1604, aged 16; B.A. 22 Nov. 1606. D.N.B. 102 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1604- Whitaker, James (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 13 July; Nowell Sch. from Burnley School 1 Sept. 1604 ; matr. 22 Feb. 1604,, aged 19 ; B.A. 2 May 1608 ; M.A. 20 June 1611 ; B.D. 10 July 1618. Whorwood, William (Staffs.). Adm. mil. 8 Nov. 1604 ; matr. 22 Feb. 1604, aged 17 ; B.A. Gloucester Hall 13 July 1608. Wright (Wryght), Richard (Staffs.). Adm. pleb. 27 June 1604; matr. 22 Feb. 1604, aged 18; B.A. 30 Jan. 160| ; M.A. .26 June 1611. 160i or 5 Antrobus, Richard (Aliddlx.). Adm. gen. 1604-5 ; ? B.A. New Inn Hall 27 Nov. 1609. Brunley (Bromley, Brumley), John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1604-5 \ matr. 14 June 1605 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 7 June from Burnley School; Nowell Sch. 3 Nov. 1606 ; B.A. 18 Feb. 160, CAPPUR, Philip (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 22 Feb. 1604, aged 19: B.A. 23 Feb. 160| ; Fellow (Founders) 23 June 1609 ; MA. 16 Dec. 1611 ; B.D. 8 July 1619 ; Junior Bursar 1620-1, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9 ; Vice- Principal 1627-8, 9-30 ; Vicar of Gillingham 30 Nov. 1630 ; res. FelL 29 Nov. 1631. BENEF. : Plate 1608. Quat. Mon. v. Corbet, Thomas (Salop). Adm. arm. 25 Jan. ; matr. 1 Feb. 160i r aged 19. Cotton, Henry (Hants, or Wilts.). Adm. episcopi 1604-5 ; matr, 14 June 1605, aged 15 ; B.A. 5 Feb. 160-J ; M.A. 26 June 1610. Preb. of Sarum 1608 ; Precentor 1614. Fasti i; O.H.S. x. Cotton, Richard (Hants, or Wilts.). Adm. episcopi 1604-5 ; matr, 14 June 1605, aged 14. Buried in St. Mary's 9 Apr. 1606. O.H.S. xxxvii. Davis, Kenelm (Gloucs.). Adm. gen. 1604-5. Devereux (Devereaux), Henry (Warws.). Adm. arm. 1604-5 ; matr. 11 Oct. 1605, aged 18. Edes (Eedes), Richard (Warws.). Adm. pleb. 1604-5 ; matr. 14 June 1605, aged 19 ; B.A. 18 Feb. 160f . Farrington, Laurence (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. St. Mary Hall 15 Mar. 1604; Nowell Sch. 2 Feb. 160f ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1608; M.A. University 9 July 1619. Fenner, George (Surrey or Middlx.). Adm. mil. fil. et Justiciarii Regii Banci 1604-5 ; matr. 14 June 1605, aged 14. Gey (Gay), John (Som.). Adm. pleb. 1604-5; matr. 21 Feb. 160JJ-, aged 19 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 16; M.A. 15 June 1613. GifFord (Gifforde, Giffard, Gyffbrd), Samuel (Essex). Adm. cler. 1604-5; matr. 22 Nov. 1605, aged 16 ; B.A. 14 Feb. 16?*; M.A. 8 July 1613. Hamer, Ralph (London). Adm. 1604-5; matr. gen. 14 Mar. 160;], aged 17. 160|-5] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEK 103 Hester, William (Oxon. or Middlx.). Adm. gen. 1604-5 ; matr. 22 Feb. 160$, aged 15. Hitchcock (Hitchcocke), Robert (Wilts.). Adm. gen. 1604-5 ; matr. 10 May 1605, aged 14; Demy Magdalen 1608; B.A. 25 Jan. 160f ; Fellow 1612; M.A. 23 May 1612 ; B.D. 10 May 1620. Preb. of Lincoln 1660. Horner, Richard (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 15 Mar. 160|, aged 17. Johnson, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 1604-5 ; ?B.A. 18 Feb. 160f. Lewis, Richard (Sussex). Adm. cler. 1604-5; matr. 13 Dec 1605, aged 18; B.A. 5 July 1609 ; M.A. 9 July 1612. Lister (Leceter, Leicester), Thomas (Chesh. or Essex). Matr. gen. 22 Feb., 160f, aged 16 ; B.A. 23 Nov. 1608 ; M.A. 5 July 1611. Long, Ellis (Elizeus, Eliseus) (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 22 Feb. 1604. aged 17; Nowell Sch. 17 Apr. 1605; B.A. 23 Feb. 160* ; sup. B.Med. 15 June 1631. Maudslep (Mawdisley), Thomas (Sussex). Adm. cler. 1604-5 ; matr. 14 June 1605, aged 18. Morgell (Morgett, Morget), Ralph (Randulph) (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 1604-5 ; matr. 10 May 1605, aged 17 ; B.A. 23 Feb. 160*. Guide (Quid), Francis (Salop). Adm. gen. 1604-5; matr. 11 Oct. 1605, aged 16. Parsons, Robert (Som.). Matr. pleb. Hart Hall 1 Feb. 160i, aged 17 ; adm. arm. 1605 ; B.A. 13 Apr. 1608. Pearte, George (London). Matr. arm. 15 Mar. 160i, aged 16 ; B.A. 23 Nov. 1608. Pearte, William (London). Matr. arm. 15 Mar. 160t, aged 18. Poyntz, Robert (Gloucs.). Matr. mil. 15 Mar. 160i, aged 15. M.P. Gloucester 1626, 8 ; K.B. 2 Feb. 162f Ath. iii ; D.N.B. Rutter, Richard (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 22 Feb. 160*, aged 17. Sal way, Thomas (Worcs.). Matr. arm. 22 Feb. 160i, aged 19 ; B.A. 23 Nov. 1608 ; B.C.L. All Souls 22 Nov. 1615. Smith, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1604-5 ; matr. 14 June 1605, aged 19 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 18 May 1609. Turner, Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. cler. 15 Mar. 1604, aged 20 ; B.A. 23 Nov. 1608. Yorke, George (Oxon.). Adm. gen. 1604-5. 1605 Ashworth (Ashworthe), Nathan (Lanes.). Adm. cler. 19 Oct. 1605 ; matr. 14 Mar. 160, aged 18; subst. for Nowell Sch. 7 June; Nowell Sch. 3 Nov. 1606 ; B.A. 29 Nov. 1609. Aspen, Joshua (Gloucs.). Adm. cler. 1605. 104 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1605-f Bradford, James (Soru.). Adm. 1605 ; matr. gen. 14 Mar. 160;| aged 19. Buried in St. Mary's 26 Apr. 1606. O.H.S. xxxvii. Brerewood (Brierwood), Robert (Chesh.). Adm. 1605 ; matr. gen. 14 Mar. 160|, aged 17. Recorder of Chester 1639; M.P. Chester 1640; Serjt.-at-Law 1640; King's Serjeant 1641 ; knighted at Oxford 6 Dec. 1643 ; advanced to the Bench of Oxford as Justice of Common Pleas 164J. WORKS : Published some of the Works of Edited E. B.'s De ponderibus, 1614. Edward Brerewood (1581) his Edited E. B.'s Enquiries touching the uncle. diversity of languages, 1615. Ath. ii ; D.N.B. David, William (Radnor). Matr. pleb. 14 June 1605, aged 19. Games, Edward (Brecon). Adm. mil. 1605. Games, John (Brecon). Adm. mil. 1605. Ireland, George (Lanes.). Adm. 1605 : matr. gen. 24 Jan. 160, aged 16 ; sup. B.A. 4 Nov. 1608. Lathum, Edward (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 24 Sept. 1605 ; matr. 14 Mar. 160f, aged 16. Taylor Letters. Mason, John (Hants.). Adm. cler. 1605 ; ? B.A. 22 May 1606 ; M.A. 3 May 1609. Mathews, Riceus (Glamorg.). Adm. gen. 17 Oct. 1605. ? = Rice, Mathew (Glamorg.), matr. pleb. Broadgates Hall 8 Mar. 1604, aged 15. Newell John (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 1605. Pickes, Richard (Kent). Adm. gen. 10 Dec. 1605. Powlins, Thomas (Herefs.). Adm. gen : 1605. Putter, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 1605. See Rutter 1604, Rawlins, Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 13 Dec. 1605, aged 18 ; B.A. 31 May 1609. Samson, Thomas (Leics.). Adm. cler. 1605. Stedman, Thomas (Salop). Adm. pleb. 1605; matr. 14 Mar. 160g, aged 16; B.A. 22 Feb. 16. Stradlinge, Richard (Som.). Matr. Magdalen Hall 21 June 1605, aged 20 ; B.A. St. Edmund Hall 31 Jan. 160* ; M.A. 14 June 1613 ; adm. 27 May 1615. Thocke, Richard (Middlx.). Adm. gen. 1605. Whitney, Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 25 Oct. 1605, aged 19; B.A. 31 May 1609. Wigge, Richard (Som.). Adm. pleb. 1605. Coles (Colles), John (Worcs.). Adm. arm. Feb. ; matr. 14 Mar. 160;}, aged 17 ; B.A. 23 Nov. 1608. Evans, Charles (Montgom.). Adrn. gen. 13 Feb. ; matr. 8 Mar. IGOjj, aged 16. lliOf-6] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEK 105 Forster, Giles (Gloucs.). Adm. arm. 7 Feb. ; matr. 14 Mar. 160;], aged 17. Glerway, Timothy (London). Adm. arm. 7 Feb. 160f . Hardware, Henry (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 14 Mar. 160-jj, aged 17. Radcliffe, Jonathan (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 160^; subst. for Nowell Sch. 7 June ; Nowell Sch. 14 Dec. 1606 ; matr. 21 Oct. 1608, aged 19 ; B.A. 9 Nov. 1609 ; M.A. Balliol 20 Mar. 161:f. Smith, Miles (Milo) (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 8 Feb. ; matr. 14 Mar. 160;}, aged 17; B.A. 9 Nov. 1609 ; M.A. 9 July 1612. Stockton, Jonas (Warws.). Matr. gen. 21 Feb. 160, aged 17. Wolrich, Edward (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 6 Mar. ; matr. 14 Mar. 160;]. aged 17. 1606 Bancroft, Richard, ' servus m ri . John Button ' (below) 1606. Bonnell, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 31 Oct. 1606, aged 17; Mordaunt Sch. 22 May 1608 ; grace for B.A. 12 May 1609 ; grace for M.A. 28 May 1612. Bould, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 8 Nov. 1606. Cappur, John (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 21 July ; matr. 31 Oct. 1606 ; B.A. 26 June 1610. Carter, John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 6 Oct. 1606. Carter, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 2 Sept. ; matr. 31 Oct. 1606, aged 18 ; B.A. Christ Church 26 June 1610. Carwarden, John (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 27 Mar. 1606 ; matr. 20 Mar. 160f, aged 16. Colman, John (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. 27 May; matr. 31 Oct. 1606, aged 17. Buried in St. Mary's 18 Dec. 1606. O.H.S. xxxvii. Cook (Cookes), Henry (Worcs.). Matr. pleb. 12 Dec. 1606, aged 16 ; B.A. Merton 13 Dec. 1610; M.A. 15 Jan. 161f ; ? cr. B.D. Nov. 1642. Daniel. Adm. to office of Janitor 25 Sept. 1606. Button, John (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 8 Nov. 1606. Farroll (Farol, Farrol), George (Surrey). Adm. gen. 4 June 1606 ; matr. Oriel 12 May 1609, aged 18 ; B.A. Brasenose 26 Apr. 1610; M.A. 23 June 1613. Foster, John. Nowell Sch. from Whalley School 3 Nov. 1606. Gollop, Thomas (Dorset). Adm. gen. 16 July ; matr. 31 Oct. 1606, aged 18. Griffith, John (Carnarv.). Adm. arm. 15 July; matr. 31 Oct. 1606, aged 15 ; B.A. 5 July 1609. M.P. Carnarvon 1621, 6, 8, 40 (L.P.). Groom (Groome), Thomas (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 31 Oct. 1606, aged 17 ; B.A. 6 Feb. 16 J; M.A. 2 July 1613. 106 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER (1606 Gounter, John (Sussex). Aclm. mil. 17 July 1606. Holliday, Jeremiah (Jeremy) (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 6 June ; matr. 10 July, aged 15; Nowell Sch. 11 Sept, 1606; B.A. 6 Feb. Jackson, William (Sona.). Adm. gen. 30 Oct. ; matr. 31 Oct. 1606, aged 15. Lever, Thomas (Durham). Adm. pleb. 1 Oct. 1606 ; sup. B.A. 29 May 1609. Massey, Henry (Devon). Adm. pleb'. 25 July 1606. Mervin (Marvin), William (Wilts, or Dorset). Adm. cler. 1606 ; matr. 8 May 1607, aged 16; B.A. 26 Apr. 1610. Millet, Richard (Middlx.). Adm. gen. 1606. Mortimer, John (Gloucs.). Adm. cler. 22 Oct. 1606; matr. gen. 26 June 1607, aged 17 ; B.A. 26 June 1610. Oldfeld (Oldfield), Michael (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 30 May; matr. 27 June, 1606. Paulet (Poulet), Thomas (Dorset). Adm. arm. 3 June ; matr. 27 June 1606, aged 18. ? M.P. Bridport 1628. Peck, John (Gloucs.). Adm. pleb. 20 June 1606. Piper, Edward (Montgom.). Matr. pleb. 12 Dec. 1606. aged 20 ; B.A. 26 June, 1610; M.A. 23 June 1613. Porter, John (Derbs.). Matr. cler. Christ Church 7 Nov. 1606, aged 15 ; adm. 1607 ; B.A. 26 June 1610 ; M.A. 23 June 1613. Savage, John (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 9 Oct. ; matr. gen. 31 Oct. 1606, aged 16. Smith, Francis (Dorset). '? Matr. gen. (Wilts.) Magdalen Hall 11 July, aged 15; adm. cler. 13 July 1606; B.A. 26 Apr. 1610; M.A. 23 June 1613; sup. B.Med. 21 Mar. 162f ; cr. D.Med. 1 Nov. 1642. Willard, John (Kent). Adm. pleb. 6 July 1606 ; matr. 23 Jan. 160t ; , aged 17 ; B.A. 26 Apr. 1610; M.A. 4 June 1614. WIRRALL, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 19 May; matr. 31 Oct. 1606, aged 17; Ogle Sch. 17 Mar. 160|; B.A. 6 Feb. 16^; Pellow (Founders) 25 April 1611; M.A. 26 Oct. 1612; B.D. 8 July 1619; res. Fell. 26 Dec. 1621 ; D.D. 18 July 1623 ; incorporated at Cambridge 1624. Preb. of St. Paul's 1627. BENEF. : Plate 1613. Fasti i ; Quat. Mou. v. Yate (Yaite), Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 10 Sept. ; inatr. 31 Oct. 1606, aged 18; Ogle Sch. 17 Mar. 160; B.A. 26 June 1610. He was allowed to determine, although he had not been present on Egg Saturday, because on that day he had been laid up with a violent fever 9 Mar. 161?. O.H.S. x. 160f] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 107 160 'i or 7 Aldersey, Richard. Atlm. gen. 1606-7 ; B.A. 30 Oct. 1610. Atherton, Nicholas (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 1606-7. Braddyl, John (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 1606-7. Bradshaw, Francis (London). Adm. D.D. f. 1606-7 ; rnatr. 8 May 1607, aged 16. BRANDWOOD (Branwoode), John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1606-7 ; Nowell Sch. 14 May 1607 ; B.A. 30 Oct. 1610 ; Fellow (Founders) 5 May 1613; M.A. 7 July 1614. Buried in St. Mary's 7 Apr. 1621. O.H.S. xxxvii. Brereton, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 1606-7. Carter, Peter (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. All Souls 6 Feb. 1602, aged 15 ; B.A. Hart Hall 17 Dec. 1610; M.A. Brasenose 17 May 1614. Cragge, John (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 1606-7. Cunliffe (Cunlife), Nicholas (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 1606-7; Nowell Sch. 1 June 1607 ; ?matr. St. Mary Hall 7 Nov. 1606, aged 17. Dorell, Thomas. B.A. ; received permission to use Bodleian Library 17 Jan. 160ft. O.H.S. x. Dymock, Humphrey (Flints.). Matr. arm. 6 Feb. 160^', aged 17. Evans, Thomas (Chesh. or Flints.). Adm. pleb. 1606-7 ; matr. gen. 20 Mar. 160?, aged 18. Poster (Forster), John (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 6 Feb. 160f, aged 16. Gardner, William (Northants.). Adm. cler. 1606-7; matr. 16 June 1610, aged 20; B.A. 31 Jan. 161". Hancock (Hancocke), Richard (London). Adm. gen. 1606-7 ; matr. 30 Oct. 1607, aged 16 ; B.A. 30 Oct. 1610; M.A. 23 June 1613. Hanmer, William (Flints.). Adm. mil. 1606-7. Hawkins, James. Adm. ' servus m rl Thomas Holcroft ' (below) 1606-7. Hill, Alexander (London). Adm. gen. 1606-7. Buried in St. Mary's 16 Oct. 1607. O.H.S. xxxvii. Hill, John '(Herefs.). Adm. gen. 1606-7 ; matr. 6 Nov. 1607, aged 17. Holcroft, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. mil. 1606-7. Kington, John (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 1606-7 ; matr. 6 Nov. 1607, aged 19; B.A. 28 Jan. 161?. Iiegh, Edward (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 1606-7. Ludlowe (Ludlow), Henry (Wilts.). Adm. mil. 1606-7 ; matr. 16 Oct. 1607, aged 15 ; granted a disp. from non-attendance at lectures for fear of the plague 18 Jan. ; B.A. 6 Feb. 1&$. M.P. Heytesbury 1614, 21, 4, Wilts. 1640; High Sheriff Wilts. 1633; Kt. ; died 1643. Fasti i. ; O.H.S. x. 108 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [160SJ-7 Marrett (Maret, Marrat), Joshua (Gersey, Jersey). Adm. pleb. 1606-7 ; matr. 16 Oct. 1607, aged 17. Marsden, Ralph (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 13 Mar. 1604, aged 21 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 1 June 1607; Nowell Sch. 16 Dec. 1608; B.A. 24 Oct. 1610. Masse, Robert (Gloucs.). Adm. pleb. 1606-7. Meyrick (Meyricke), Riceus (Glamorg.). Adm. arm. 1606-7 ; ? = Reese M(e)yricke (Glamorg.), matr. Jesus 27 Nov. 1607, aged 17. Parsons, Thomas (Warws.). Adm. arm. 1606-7. Philips, Francis (Som.). Adm. mil. 1606-7 ; matr. 6 Nov. 1607, aged 14. Sowerby (Sowrbye), Francis (Durham). Adm. pleb. 1606-7; Claymond Sch. 6 Nov. ; matr. 1 Dec. 1609, aged 19 ; B.A. 12 June 1611. Tipping (Tippinge), Richard (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1606-7 ; Nowell Sch. 10 Apr. 1609 ; ? matr. 16 June 1610, aged 18 ; grace for B.A. 12 July 1610. Wilbraham, Roger (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 1606-7 ; was dispensed one term because he was going over sea 24 Jan. ; B.A. 6 Feb. 16f$. BENEF. : Gave 4 towards new chapel, &c. 1657. O.H.S. x ; Quat. Mon. iv. 1607 Dennis, Henry (Sussex). Adm. gen. 1607. Forster, Josias (Gloucs.). Adm. arm. 6 Nov. 1607. Grange, Thomas (Dorset). Matr. pleb. 6 Nov. 1607, aged 20; B.A. 20 Feb. 160 ; M.A. 9 July 1612. Greenhalgh, John (Lanes.). Adin. arm. 1607. Harley, James (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 1607 ; eup. B.A. 10 July 1611. Harris (Haries), Thomas (Oxon.). Adm. cler. Aug. 1607 ; matr. 1 Dec. 1609, aged 19; B.A. 26 June 1610; M.A. 23 June 1613; grace for B.D. 13 July 1620. Son of Richard Harris (155*). HILL, Richard (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 6 Nov. 1607, aged 15 ; B.A. 28 Jan. 161?; Fellow (Elton) 2 Nov. 1614; M.A. 3 May 1615; B.D. 10 June 1624; Proctor 1624; Junior Bursar 1624-5, 7-8, 30-1, 33-4; Senior Bursar 1636-7 ; signif. 19 Feb. 163 his ind. on 17 Jan. 163S to Rectory of Stretton ; removed by the Visitors 1649. BENEF. : Plate 1617. Laud's Chancellorship 1700 ; Caniden Soc. Now Ser. 29 ; Quat. Mon. v, xi. Leonard, Thomas (Worcs.). Matr. cler. Oriel 11 Dec. 1607, aged 19 ; adm. 10 Oct. 1608; grace for B.A. 12 July 1610. Will proved at Oxford 1616. Maudsley (Maudisley), Thomas (Sussex). Adm. cler. 10 Oct. 1607 : matr. 8 Apr. 1608, aged 17 ; B.A. St. Edmund Hall 27 May 1611. Newport, Henry (Salop). Adm. eq. 22 July 1607. Newport, Thomas (Salop). Adm. eq. f. min r . 1607. Nye (Ny), Henry (Sussex). Adm. gen. Oct. 1607 ; matr. 24 Nov. 1609, aged 20 ; B.A. 12 June 1611 ; could not come up in time for Egg Satur- day on account of the sudden death of his sister 9 Mar. 161|. O.H.S. x. 1607-8] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 109 Richardson. William (Salop). Adm. gen. 7 Oct. 1607 : matr. pleb. 26 May 1609, aged 16 : B.A 12 June 1611 ; M.A. St. Mary Hall 23 June 1617. Shaw, Walter (Yorks.). Adm. gen. 1607 ; B.A. 12 June 1611. ANDREWS, Edward (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 15 Mar. 160^-; B.A. 26 June 1610 ; Pellow (Founders) 21 Jan. 1611 ; M.A. 23 June 1613 ; ind. to benefice of annual value of 7 lib. 4 sol. 21 May 1622; res. Fell. 8 May 1623. BENEF. : Plate 1613. Quat. Mon. v. Bucknell, John (Northants.). Adm. gen. 8 Feb. 160^. de Beauvays, Charles (Guernsey). Adm. arm. 2 Mar. 160. Fasti i. Dycus (Dicas), John (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 24 Mar. 160; matr. 19 June 1610, aged 18 ; B.A. 7 Feb. 1611 ; sup. M.A. 15 June 1615. Eaton, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. cler. 17 Feb. 160; B.A. 12 June 1611 ; M.A. 7 July 1614. Jones, William (Denbigh*.). Adm. gen. 9 Feb. 160|. Latch, John (Som.). Adm. gen. 22 Jan.; matr. 26 Feb. 160J, aged 19. Died 1655. WORK : ans du raign du feu roy Charles le Plusieurs tres-bons cases, come ilx premier en la Court de Bank le Roy estoyent adjudgees es trois premiers Colligees per . . . J. L., 1662. Ath. iii; O.H.S. xliv. Legh (Leigh), Francis (Lanes.). Adm. eq. 18 Jan. 160; matr. 24 Nov. 1609, aged 19; B.A. 29 Nov. 1610. Quat. Mon. xl. LEGH (Leigh), Thomas (Middlx.). Adm. eq. Jan. 160; matr. 24 Nov. 1609, aged 15 ; B.A. 29 Nov. 1610 ; Fellow (Frankland) 10 May 1614 ; M.A. 7 July 1614 ; res. Fell. 29 June 1621 ; B.D. 10 June 1624 ; D.D. 1 July 1634. BENEF.: Plate 1615. Quat. Mon. v. Peters, Ambrose (Cornw.). Adm. gen. 11 Apr. 160|. Rod, John (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 20 Feb. 160| ; ? = Rhodes (1608). 16O8 Alcock, Laurence (Sussex). Adm. cler. Apr. 1608 ; matr. 24 Nov. 1609, aged 15; B.A. Trinity 17 Feb. 161; M.A. 6 July 1615; B.D. 3 July 1623. Alcock, Thomas (Sussex). Adm. cler. 17 Apr. 1608; matr. 24 Nov. 1609, aged 16; B.A. 15 Feb. 16U; M.A. 7 July 1614. Bennerley, Lennox (Chesh.). Adm. mil. 8 June 1608. Brereton (Breirton), Randle (Rannalphus) (Salop). Adm. arm. 15 Oct. 1608; matr. 26 May 1609, aged 17 ; B.A. 26 June 1610; M.A. St. Mary Hall 18 June 1613. 110 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1608- Clement, John (Dorset). Adm. cler. 27 Oct. 1608 ; matr. 26 May 1609, aged 16 ; B.A. 1 July 1612 ; M.A. 3 May 1615. Preb. of Wells 1619. Formbye ? Dominus; disp. and leave of absence 11 May 1608. Galloway, Thomas. Grace for B.A. 22 Apr. 1608. Heape (Heap), Theodore (Essex). Adm. cler. 23 May 1608 ; matr. pleb. 19 June 1610, aged 17 ; Stoddard Sch. 13 Mar. 16H ; B.A. 3 Feb. 161f ; M.A. 21 June 1616. Hesilrige (Hessyllrigge, Hesterig, Hesteric), Donwald (Leics. or Northants.). Adrn. arm. 16 Apr. ; niatr. 3 June 1608, aged 15. Howe, Bobert (Som.). Adm. pleb. 28 Oct.; matr. 16 Dec. 1608, aged 15 ; B.A. 1 July 1612. Jackson, Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 21 May ; subst. for No well Sch. 16 Dec. 1608. MASON, James (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. paup. sch. 27 May ; Nowell Sch. 16 Dec. 1608 ; matr. 16 June 1610, aged 17 ; B.A. 16 July 1612 ; Fellow (Founders) 13 Mar. 161; M.A. 3 May 1615 ; B.D. 10 June 1624. Buried in St. Mary's 29 Apr. 1628. O.H.S. xxxvii. Mason, William (Hants.). Adm. cler. 6 Oct. ; ? subst. for Nowell Sch. 6 Oct 1608. Osberne (Devon). Adm. gen. 29 Oct. 1608. Khodes (Rodes), John (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 27 May 1608, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 10 Apr. 1609 ; B.A. 17 Dec. 1611 ; M.A. 6 July 1615 (see 160|). Bilston (Riddleston), John (Cornw.). Adm. cler. 11 July 1608; Frankland Sch. 17 July 1610; B.A. 15 Feb. 16U; M.A. 7 July 1614. Scriven (Screven), Philip (Gloucs.). Adm. cler. 1608; matr. pleb. 16 June 1610, aged 17; paup. sch., B.A. 1 July 1612. Smith, Qervase (Herefs.). Adm. D.D. f. July 1608; matr. gen. 16 June 1610, aged 15; B.A. 11 Dec. 1611; M.A. 7 July 1614; incorp. at Cambridge 1622. Smyth, William (Sussex). Adm. gen. 19 May 1608. Starkey, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 31 Oct. 1608 ; ? matr. 1 Dec. 1609, aged 18. Trigge, Richard (Leics.). Adni. pleb. 7 May 1608; B.A. 21 Feb. 16U. Turner, Thomas. B.A. 23 Nov. 1608. Wight, Gabriel (Middlx.). Adm. gen. 29 Oct. 1608. Wyatt, John (Som.). Adm. cler. 13 July 1608; matr. 16 June 1610. aged 19 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 6 Feb. 161 *. Preb. of Wells 1615. 160!; Baynham, Alexander (Gloucs.). Adm. arm. Feb. 1605; m atr. Dec. 1609, aged 19. Knighted. Ath. i. Blathwayt (Blaithwaite), William (London). Adm. gen. 22 Feb. 160; matr. 1 Dec. 1609, aged 15; grace for B A. 15 May 1612. 160|-9] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 111 Chaldecott (Chaldecot), Andrew (Dorset). Adm. arm. 15 Mar. 160$ ; inatr. 16 June 1610, aged 16; B.A. 21 Oct. 1612. Clark, Gilbert (Derbs.). Adm. gen. 6 Feb. 160* ; matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1609, aged 17. Gauler (Galer), William (Som.). Adm. gen. 27 Feb. 160| ; matr. X Dec. 1609, aged 17 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 7 July 1612 ; M.A. 4 May 1615. Grove, Thomas (Berks.). Adm. gen. 13 Jan. 160*. Hawkins, Nicholas (Glamorg.). Adm. gen. Feb. 160y ; matr. Jesus 25 Oct. 1611, aged 19 ; B.A. 4 Nov. 1612. Juell (Inell), Jephson (Cornw.). Adm. gen. 27 Jan. 160-1}; matr. arm. 1 Dec. 1609, aged 18. Lister (Leycester), Laurence (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 10 Mar. 160 ; matr. 15 Dec. 1609, aged 17. Lowndes, Ralph (Chesh.). Adm. 18 Jan. 160?| ; matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1609, aged 16. Manwaring (Manwairinge), Robert (Lanes.). Adm. gen. Mar. 160$ ; matr. pieb. 8 Dec. 1609, aged 15; B.A. 8 Feb. 161. Ringwood, Hugh (Cornw.). Adm. cler. 25 Feb. 1601} ; matr. pleb. S Dec. 1609, aged 17 ; B.A. 21 Oct. 1612 ; M.A. 19 Apr. 1616. Rudhole, William (Herefs.). Adm. arm. Feb. 160*. Skinner, William (Herefs.). Adm. gen. Mar. 160f ; matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1609, aged 16 ; B.A. 21 Oct. 1612 ; ? B.C.L. All Souls 10 Dec. 1617 ; D.C.L 31 Mar. 1625. Preb. of Hereford 1631, and Chancellor. Stockman, John (Sarum or Wilts.). Adm. gen. Feb. 160$ ; matr. arm. 17 Nov. 1609, aged 18. Stockman, William (Sarum or Wilts). Adm. gen. Feb. 160$ ; matr. arm. 24 Nov. 1609, aged 15 ; B.A. All Souls 17 Jan. 161f. Taylor, Ferdinando (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 25 Mar. 160^ ; matr. 24 Nov. 1609; B.A. 21 Oct. 1612; M.A. 17 June 1615. Taylor, Thomas (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. Feb. 1601} ; matr. 24 Nov. 1609, aged 15 ; B.A. 11 Feb. 161. Whittingham (Whittingam). Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. gen. Corpus 17 Feb. 160*, aged 15; B.A. 18 Feb. 1611; adm. 30 Sept. 1612; M.A. 7 July 1614.' Wright, Ranulph (Randulph) (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. Mar. 160^ ; matr. Hi June 1610, aged 20 ; B.A. 21 Oct. 1612 ; M.A. 29 Apr. 1619. 1609 Bellingham, Richard (Lines.). Adm. ami. 12 July; matr. 1 Dec. 1609, aged 18. M.P. for Boston 1628 ; Governor of Massachusetts 1641. D.N.B. Button, John (Wilts.). Adm. arm. 13 Dec., aged 17 ; matr. gen. 15 Dec. 1609 ; grace for B.A. 2 Nov. 1611. Cromlum (Cromleholme, Cromlerine), Richard (Lanes.). Adm. 7 May; matr. pleb. 1 Dec. 1609, aged 17 ; B.A. 8 Feb. 161$. Culliford, John (Dorset). Adm. gen. 6 Nov., aged 19 ; ? matr. Trinity 15 Dec. 1609, aged 18. 112 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER (1609 Dodgson (Dodgsonne, Dodgsonn), John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 30 Aug. ; matr. 1 Dec. 1609 ; B.A. 4 Mar. 161f . Doile, William (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 19 Oct. 1609, aged 16. Dowglass (Dowglas), Henry (Lanes.). Nowell Sch. ; adm. pleb. 26 Aug. 1609 ; B.A. 13 Feb. 161. Elcocke (Elcock, Elcoc), Bichard (Middlx.). Matr. gen. 3 Nov., aged 18 ; B.A. 9 Nov. 1609 ; M.A. 9 July 1612 ; grace for B.C. 26 May 1619. Pinch (Finche, Fynche), George (Sussex). Adm. gen. May ; matr. 24 Nov. 1609, aged 14. Griffin (Gryffin), Richard (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 2 Nov., aged 15 ; matr. 1 Dec. 1609 ; B.A. 1 July 1612. Helme, Robert (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 5 Dec. 1609, aged 15; matr. 16 June, aged 17; Nowell Sch. from Whalley School 17 July 1610; B.A. 26 Oct. 1613 ; M.A. 18 June 1616. Lister (Leicester, Leycester), Ralph (Chesh.). Adm. mil. 8 May 1609; matr. 16 June 1610, aged 16. Ludlowe (Ludlow), Edmund (Wilts.). Adm. mil. 29 Mar. 1609 ; matr. 19 June 1610, aged 14; B.A. 11 Dec. 1611. M.P. Hindon 1645; will proved 1666. Mainwaringe, James (Lanes.). Nowell Sch. 10 Apr. 1609. Molyneux (Mullinex), Richard (Lanes.). Adm. eq. 15 Nov. : matr. 24 Nov. 1609, aged 15. Knighted 27 Mar. 1613; M.P. Wigan 1614; 2nd Bart. 1623; M.P. Lancashire 1625 and 28; cr. Viscount Molyneux 22 Dec. 1628. D.N.B. ; Taylor Letters. Molyneux (Mollinex), Vivian (Lanes.). Adm. eq. Nov. ; matr. 24 Nov. 1609, aged 14; B.A. 1 July 1612. Knighted 26 July 1639. BENEF. : Plate 1613. Fasti i r Taylor Letters ; Quat. Mon. v. Morgell, "William (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 20 May ; matr. 1 Dec. 1609, aged 16 ; B.A. 8 Feb. 161|. Ny, Richard (Sussex). Adm. gen. 29 Sept. 1609. PARRE, Richard (Lanes.). Adrn. pleb.; subst. for Nowell Sch. 2 Sept. ; matr. 24 Nov. 1609, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 12 Dec. 1612 ; B.A. 17 June 1613; Fellow (Founders) 25 Jan. 161$; M.A. 19 Apr. 1616; B.D. 10 June 1624; res. Fell. 18 May 1625 ; inco'rp. at Cambridge 1626 ; lie. to preach 26 Apr. 1626 ; D.D. 1 July 1634. Bishop of Sodor and Man 1635 ; died 1643. WORKS : The End of the Perfect Man, 1627. fConcfo ad Clerum 12 July, 1625, 1628. Sermons. Ath. iii ; D.N.B. Peare, Benjamin (London or Kent). Adm. gen. 26 May 1609 ; matr. 16 June 1610, aged 15 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 161$. Pellett (Pellet, Pollett), William (Sussex). Adm. gen. 18 Oct., aged 15 ; matr. 24 Nov. 1609; B.A. 17 June 1613. 1609- ] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 113 Smith, John (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. Apr., inatr. 1 Dec. 1609, aged 17; B.A. 26 Oct. 1613. Smythe, John (Som.). Adm. gen. 28 Apr., matr. 26 May 1609, aged 16. Starkey, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 1 Dec. 1609, aged 18. Stevens (Stephens), Jeremy (Jeremiah) (Salop). Adm. cler. (? Mar.) 1609 ; matr. 19 June 1610, aged 18 ; B.A. 1 July ; Frankland Sch. 1 Oct. 1612; M.A. 3 May 1615; Chaplain of All Souls; B.D. 11 Nov.; lie. to preach 17 Dec. 1628. Preb. of Lincoln 1621 ; of Sarum 1660. WORKS : B. Gregorii Magni episcopi Romani A Comparison between the Bdgic, Gallic, de Curd Pastor all liber, 1629. Bohemian, and Scotch with the Eng- Notae in D. Cyprian, de Unitate Ecde- lish Covenant. siae, 1632. Account of the Principles and Practices Notae in D. Capriati, de Bono Patientiae, of the Presbyterians. 1633. The Sequestration of the Clergy. (With Sir H. Spelman) Concilia, Treatise of the Laws of England (not Decreta, Leges Constitutiones in re published). Ecclesiarum orbis Britannici, 1639. The Design of the Cormorants upon the f Edited Spelman's Tithes too hot to Church Lands defeated in the time of be touched, 1646. King Henry V, effected in the days of Edited Spelman's Apologia, 1647. King Henry VIII (not published). An Apology for the Ancient Right and Tracts. Power of the Bishops to sit and vote in Parliaments, 1661. Ath. iii ; D.N.B. Stoughton, Thomas (Sussex). Adni. arm. 6 May ; matr. 24 Nov. 1609, aged 15. Thomas, William (Salop). Adm. pleb. 17 May ; matr. 1 Dec. 1609, aged 16; B.A. 8 Feb. 161 ; M.A. 17 June 1615. WORKS : Two Speeches, 1653. -[Christian and conjugall counsell, 1671. [Rayling rebuked, 1656. -^Scriptures opened and sundry cases of ^A preservative of piety, 1662. conscience resolved, 1675. [The countries sense of London's suffer- ings, 1667. Ath. iii. Vowell (Voile, Voyle), William (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 8 Dec. 1609, aged 15; B.A. Oriel 17 June 1613. Wells, John (Beds.). Adm. cler. 5 Apr. ; matr. 7 Apr. 1609, aged 16; B.A. 21 Oct. 1612 ; M.A. 17 June 1615. Whithead (Whitehed), Richard (Hants.). Adm. mil. 29 Nov. 1609, aged 15 ; matr. 16 June 1610, aged 16 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 161. M.P. New Lymington 1628 ; co. Southampton Apr. 1640 ; L.P. 1640. Barnby (Barnabie), John (Worcs.). Adm. arm. 14 Feb. 16, aged 18 ; matr. 16 June 1610, aged 17 ? Bartlett, Francis (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. 15 Feb., aged 17 ; matr. 2 Mar. 16 Jg ; B.A. 21 Oct. 1613. I 114 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [16f-g-10 Beaehe (Bearche), Henry (Sussex). Adm. gen. 2 Feb. 16$}, aged 15; matr. pleb. 16 June 1610. Bullock, Bichard (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 21 Feb. ; matr. 2 Mar. 16$!-, aged 17 ; B.A. 5 Mar. 161f . Cheeke (Checke), Thomas (Isle of Wight). Adm. aim. 23 Jan. 16$}, aged 20 ; matr. 16 June 1610. M.P. Yarmouth (I.W.) 1614. Church, Bichard (Chesh.). Adm. gen. Apr. 16$}, aged 15; matr. 19 June 1610, aged 16. Fettiplace, William (Berks.). Adm. mil. Jan., aged 20 ? ; matr. 2 Mar. 16$}, aged 16 ? ; B.A. 21 Oct. 1612 ; ? Fellow of Merton 1613. Freke, William (Som.). Adm. gen. 24 Mar. 16$}, aged 15 ; matr. 19 June 1610, aged 16 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 10 Dec. 1612. Lewis, Bichard (Som.). Adm. cler. 2 Mar. ; Claymond Sch. 3 Mar. 16$}, aged 17 ; matr. 26 June 1610 ; B.A. 17 June 1613. Marbury (Marburie), William (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 24 Feb. 16$}, aged 15; matr. 22 June 1610; B.A. 9 July 1612. BENEF. : Plate ('? date). Quat. Mon. v. Newburgh (Neuburg, Neughbery, Weubery, Weubergh), Walter (Dorset). Matr. arm. Hart Hall 16 Feb. 16$}, aged 14 ; B.A. 29 Jan. 161; M.A. 5 July 1614 ; adm. 18 Dec. 1615 ; lie. to preach 7 May ; B.D. 24 May 1623. Phippes, Christopher (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 28 Feb. 16$}, aged 17 ; matr. 19 June 1610, aged 17; Nowell Sch. from Middleton School 18 Jan. 161$ ; B.A, 26 Nov. 1613 ; M.A. 18 June 1616. BENEF. : Plate (? 1623). Fasti i ; Quat. Mon. v. Bandall, John (Sussex). Adm. pleb. 17 Jan., aged 16 ; matr. 2 Mar. 16$}, aged 15 ? ; B.A. 28 Oct. 1613 ; M.A. 18 June 1616 ; B.D. 7 July 1624 ; sup. lie. to preach 23 Apr. 1627. WORKS,: Sermon, 1624 ; Noble Blastus, 1633. BAWSTOBNE (Bostorne, Bosthorne, Bostorn), John (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. Feb. 16$}, aged 15; matr. 16 June, aged 16; Frankland Sch. 17 July 1610 ; B.A. 26 Oct. 1613 ; Pellow (Founders) 4 July 1615 ; M.A. 18 June 1616 ; sig. ind. to benefice 21 Sept. 1626 ; res. Fell. 16 Sept. 1627. Twambrookes, John (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. Feb. 16$}, aged 19 ? ; matr. 19 June 1610, aged 16 ? 1610 Ambrose, Henry (Lanes.). Adm. cler. 21 Apr. ; matr. 22 June, aged 16; subst. for Nowell Sch. 17 July; Nowell Sch. 13 Dec. 1610. Bere, Bobert (Middlx.). Adm. gen. 9 July 1610, aged 18 ; ? = Beare, Robert, B.A. from St. Mary Hall 30 May 1614. Brooke, William (Chesh.). (Adm. 1606-7 ?) ; matr. gen. 16 June 1610, aged 17; B.A. 11 Dec. 1611. BENEF. : Bequeathed 66 13s. 4cZ. towards new Chapel, &c. 1657. Quat. Mon. iv. 1610] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 115 Cappur, Christopher (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. July 1610, aged 15 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 1614; M.A. 11 July 1619 as John. Carter, Daniel (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 16 June 1610, aged 16. Glutton, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 1 Apr. ; matr. 19 June 1610, aged 17. Day (Way, written above in Holmes), William. (Sotn.). Adm. pleb. July 1610, aged 23 ; matr. 1 July 1613 ; B.A. 23 May 1614. BEKEF. : Gave 5 towards new chapel, &c. 1658. Quat. Mon. iv. Dicus, John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 19 June 1610, aged 18 ; B.A. 7 Feb. 161| ; 8up . for M.A. 15 June 1615. Ordered to officiate at Woodnesbury 10 Sept. 1647 by the Westminster Assembly of Divines. Dodgson, Henry. Nowell Sch. 19 July 1610. Freake, Robert (Som.). Adm. gen. 8 Oct. 1610, aged 18. Frenche, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. 25 Oct. 1610, aged 20. Godwin (Godwine), Robert (Som.). Adm. gen. 8 July 1610, aged 18; B.A. 22 May 1614. Gunter (Gounter), George (Sussex). Adm. mil. 14 Apr., aged 17 ; matr. 16 June 1610. Jones, Alexander (Som.). Adm. gen. 20 July 1610, aged 17. Jones (Johnes), Thomas (Middlx.). Adm. arm. 1 Oct. 1610, aged 14; Mordaunt Sch. 16 Mar. 161$. Linney, Reynold (Raynold, Reginald) (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 16 June 1610, aged 19 ; grace for B.A. 26 July 1612 ; ? = Linnaeus, Regnaldus, adm. 10 Aug. 1609. Manbee, Daniel (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. 13 Apr. 1610, aged 16. Manwaring (Manwairinge, Manwaringe), Philip (Chesh.). Adm. mil. July 1610, aged 18 (and 8 Aug. 1610, aged 21, ? two persons) ; matr. 29 Aug. 1610, aged 21 ; B.A. 8 Feb. 161. M.P. Boroughbridge 1624 ; Derby 1628 ; Morpeth 1640 ; Newton (Lanes.) 1661. D.N.B. Moore, Francis (Berks.). Adm. arm. 16 Oct. 1610, aged 16 ; ?subscr. 25 Jan. 161?. BENEF. : Plate 1613. Quat. Mon. v. Moore, Henry (Berks.). Adm. arm. Oct. 1610, aged 14 ; ? subscr. 25 Jan. 161$. Moore, William (Berks.). Adm. arm. Oct. 1610, aged 12 ; ? subscr. 25 Jan. 161$. Ormerod, George (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 16 Apr., aged 17; matr. 16 June ; Nowell Sch., from Middleton School 17 July 1610; B.A. 3 Feb. 161f ; M.A. 5 July 1616. Paxton, Thomas (Bucks.). Adm. gen., aged 17 ; matr. pleb. 16 June 1610; B.A. Christ Church 21 Oct. 1613 ; M.A. 20 June 1616. I 2 116 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1610-lf Petre (Peters), Thomas (Cornw.). Adm. gen. 12 Nov. 1610, aged 13; B.A. 30 June 1614 ; M.A. 6 Apr. 1625. ? = T.P. who wrote three letters (1646-8), which are in Massachusetts Hist. Coll., a brother of the well-known Hugh P. Rawlins, James (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 18 May 1610, aged 14. Ridgway, Robert (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. July 1610, aged 19; B.A. 23 May 1614 ; M.A. 10 July 1617. Sharpe, Richard (Lines.). Claymond Sch. 18 Dec. ; adm. pleb. 19 Dec. 1610, aged 16 ; B.A. 30 June 1614. Smith, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 6 July 1610, aged 17 ; ? subscr. 5 July 1611 ; B.A. 8 Feb. 161f. Smith, William (Berks.). Adm. gen. 26 Nov. 1610, aged 17 ;? grace for B.A. 9 Mar. 161f. TRAFFORD, John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. New 19 June; adm. 1610, aged 16 ; B.A. 17 June 1613 ; Fellow (Founders) 10 May 1614 ; M.A. 19 Apr. 1616 ; Junior Bursar 1631-2, 4-5, 6-7 ; Vice-Principal 1632-3 ; B.D. 27 Feb. 163$ ; lie. to preach 1633 ; Senior Bursar 1638-9 ; Vicar of Gillingham 9 Feb. 16fg ; res. Fell. 9 Feb. 164*. BENEF. : Plate 1630. Quat. Mon. v. Tutt, James (Hants.). Adm. arm. 18 Oct., aged 13 ; matr. 14 Dec. 1610, aged 15. Way (written y, William (Som.). Adm. pleb. July 1610, aged 23. Wolley, Leonard (Herts.). Adm. gen. 26 Apr. 1610, aged 16. Woodhall, Foulro (Fulcke ?) (Oxon.). Adm. gen. 5 July 1610, aged 16. Wright (or Waight), Randulph (Randall) (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 16 June 1610, aged 20; B.A. 21 Oct. 1612 ; M.A. 29 Apr. 1619. Ashton, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. arm. Feb. 161 J, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. (? 8 Dec.) 1611 ; matr. 13 May 1613 ; B.A. 19 Oct. 1614 ; M.A. 23 June 1617. ?Ath. iii. Cheke, John (Isle of Wight). Adm. arm. 7 Feb. 161, aged 14. Duddell (Duddel), John (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. St. Mary Hall 15 Mar. 161$, aged 19; adm. 4 May 1611; subst. for Nowell Sch. 21 Jan. 161$ ; Nowell Sch. 27 Sept. 1613 ; grace for B.A. 5 May 1616. Gibbon (Gybbins), William (Kent). Adm. gen. 11 Mar. 161, aged 16 ; matr. 1 July 1613 ; grace for B.A. 25 May 1614. Jones, Griffin (Carnarv.). Adm. arm. 29 Jan. 161, aged 16. Lewis, William (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 19 Feb. 161$, aged 16. Mynshull (Minshull), Geoffrey (Chesh.). Adm. gen. Feb. 161?. 161^-11] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 117 Ordway, William (Beds.). Adm. gen. 25 Jan. 161$, aged 14 : matr. 1 July 1613 ; B.A. 19 Oct. 1614. Parkinson, Gerard (London). Adm. gen. 8 Mar. 161 J, aged 16. Buried in St. Mary's 10 Jan. 161|. O.H.S. xxxvii. Riley, Richard (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. St. Mary Hall 15 Mar. 161J, aged 19; adm. May 1611. Tomson, Roger, ' servus m ri Gabriel Wright,' adm. 29 Jan. 1611 Barnston, William (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 20 Dec. 1611, aged 20. Brawne, Richard (Surrey). Adm. mil. ?Nov. 1611, aged 16; matr. 1 July 1613. BENEF. : Plate 1613. Quat. Mon. v. Brereton, Owen (Denbighs.). Adm. arm. 30 Sept., aged 16; matr. 8 Nov. 1611, aged 15 ? Carwarden, Walter (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 29 Sept., aged 13?; matr. pleb. 22 Nov. 1611, aged 15. Clark, Ralph (Derbs.). Adm. gen. (Sept. ?), aged 16 ; matr. 8 Nov. 1611. Clutterbuck (Clutterbucke, Clotterboote), Toby (Tobias) (Gloucs.). Adm. gen. 24 Oct. 1611 ; matr. 1 July 1613. Davies ? M r . Adm. (13 July ?) 1611. Duckworth, Charles (Chesh.). Adm. gen. (Sept. ?) 1611, aged 16; B.A. 21 June 1615 ; M.A. 9 July 1618. Preb. of Chester 1635. Dudley, Arthur (Chesh.). Adm. Presbiter Cestrensis Sept. ; matr. cler. 8 Nov. 1611, aged 30; dispensed seven terms' absence, partly owing to illness, partly to business, 16 July 1612. O.H.S. x. Eaton, Richard. B.A. 12 June 1611 ; M.A. 7 July 1614. Edwards, Francis (Chesh. or Southants.). Adm. gen. (Sept. ?) 1611, aged 16 ; matr. pleb. Magdalen Hall 28 Apr. ; B.A. 21 June 1615 ; M.A. 7 July 1618. Gregson, John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 13 Apr. 1611, aged 16 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 21 Jan. 161J; matr. 1 July 1613; B.A. 11 June 1616. Holford, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. Oct. 1611 ; niatr. 1 July 1613 ; he was allowed to ask his grace for B.A. though several congregations had intervened since the last time it was asked ; he was ' febri hectica graviter laborans ' 7 June ; B.A. 21 June 1615 ; M.A. 8 July 1619. O.H.S. x. Holliday, Daniel (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 14 Oct. 1611, aged 14; subst. for Nowell Sch. 21 Jan. 161* ; subscr. 9 Dec. ; B.A. Corpus 16 Dec. 1614; MA. 19 Apr. 1618. 118 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1611-1 | Lambe, James (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. 13 Dec. 1611, aged 14 ?; matr. 1 July 1613 ; B.A. 13 Dec. 1615 : M.A. 11 Dec. 1619 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1628 ; cr. D.D. St. Mary Hall 9 Aug. 1660. BENEF. : Gave 10 towards new chapel, &c. 1663. WORKS : CoUediones ad Lexicon Arabicum spec- Grammatica Arabica. tantia Forma oblongd. Danidl's Prophetiae Liber Syriace. Flexio Verborum Arabicorum. Ath. iii ; Quat. Mon. iv. Lea (Legh), Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. arm. (? May) 1611, aged 17. Taylor Letters. Marburie, Thomas. Disp. for absence 6 Oct. 1611. BENEF.: Plate 1611. Quat. Mon. v. Martin, Richard (Cornw.). Adm. pleb. 9 May 1611, aged 20. Morton, Adam (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 15 Oct. 1611, aged 19; subst. for Nowell Sch. 21 Jan. 161$. Phillips, James (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 8 June 1611, aged 17. Smallnian, Francis (Salop or Herefs.). Adm. arm. 14 Nov. 1611, aged 16, or ? 25 June 1613, aged 17 ; matr. 1 July 1613. ? M.P. Leominster 1621, Wenlock 1626. Swadel, John (Som.). Adm. pleb. Apr., aged 16 ; Fellow of Wadham 1613; B.A. 2 July 1616 ; M.A. 24 Apr. 1619. Preb. of Combe 1632. Thomas, Michael (Herefs.). Adm. arm. (? May) 1611, aged 16 ; ? B.A. University 15 Apr. 1611. Tyrrell, Thomas (Bucks.). Adm. mil. (? May) 1611, aged 16. WHITNEY, James (Herefs.). Matr. gen. St. Mary Hall 19 Apr. 1611, aged 18; adm. 1612, aged 19; B.A. 1 Feb. 161*; reilow (Porter- altered to Elton in Reg. B.) 10 May; M.A. 4 Dec. 1617; res. Fell. 19 May 1626 ; B.D. 5 July 1627 ; grace for D.D. 22 Feb. 163J. BENEF.: Gave 5 towards new chapel, &c. 1657, 10, 1671. Quat. Mon. iv. WRIGHT, Joseph (Lines.). Adm. pleb. (? Nov.) 1611, aged 17 ; matr. 1 July 1613 ; B.A. 29 Jan. 161$ ; Fellow (Darbie) 27 Feb. 161f ; M.A. 17 Oct. 1618; incorp. at Cambridge 1621 ; died 1623. Yate, John (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 6 Nov. 1611, aged 18 ; ? subscr. 16 Apr. 1613 ; B.A. All Souls 26 Apr. 1615 ; M.A. 8 May 1618. Young (Yong), Jerome (Gloucs.). Adm. pleb. (? May) 1611, aged 17 ; B.A. 21 June 1615 ; M.A. 7 July 1618. Bushell, Edward (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 161| or end of 1611. Croke, Henry (Oxon.). Matr. arm. Christ Church 17 Jan. 161%, aged 14; B.A. 10 Feb. 1613; M.A. 20 June 1616; adm. 23 July 1617 ; lie. to preach 30 Oct. 1628 ; B.D. 7 Apr. 1635 ; D.D. 25 June 1640. Preb. of Wells 1628. Kennett White's Parochial Antiquities ii, p. 491. Fielding, Garrat (Notts.). Adm. arm. 24 Feb. 161 J, aged 18. 1613-12] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 119 Jackson, John, 'servus m vi Richard Brawne'; adm. 161 or end of 1611. Minshull, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 16 Mar. 161-|, aged 15. Oldfeld, Philip (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 161| or end of 1611, aged 26; diaconus. Walweyn, John (Worcs.). Adm. gen. 16 Feb. 161|, aged 19. White, Thomas (Notts). Adm. pleb. 7 Feb. 1611, aged 13; matr. 1 July 1613 ; B.A. 13 Dec. 1615 ; M.A. 17 Oct. 1618. Wilcocks (Willcockes), Richard (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. 9 Feb. 161i, aged 12; ? subscr. 1 July 1613; B.A. 13 Dec. 1615; M.A. 7 July 1618. 1612 Allen, Nathaniel (Lines.). Adm cler. 1612, aged 17; matr. 1 July 1613. Anderton, John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 16 Sept. 1612, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 11 Mar. 161$. Apsley, William (Sussex). Adm. arm. 24 Dec. 1612, aged 17. Barksdale (Berksdall), Nathaniel (Northants.). Adm. cler. 3 Apr. 1612, aged 17; matr. 1 July 1613; B.A. 13 Dec. 1615; M.A. St. Mary Hall 8 July 1618. Baskerville, Hannibal (Warws.). Adm. mil. 12 May 1612, aged 15. Died 16 Mar. 166*, aged 68. Ath. xxxiii, xxxiv ; D.N.B. ; O.H.S. xix, xlvii. Bentley, Charles (Warws.). Adm. arm. 1612, aged 17. Bentley, Thomas (Warws.). Adm. arm. 1612, aged 15. Berksdall, Samuel (Northants.). Adm. cler. Apr. 1612, aged 17. Booth (Bouthe), William (Chesh.). Adm. mil. et bart. 1612, aged 15 ; matr. 1 July 1613. Boulton, George, ' servus m ri Bouthe ' (Chesh.). 1612. Browne, Matthew (Middlx.). Adm. gen. 1612, aged 15. Clement, Thomas (Dorset). Adm. cler. 23 June, aged 16 ; matr. 3 July 1612 ; B.A. 21 June 1615 ; M.A. 3 June 1618. Cooper, William (Warws.). Adm. pleb. Aug. or Sept. 1612, aged 15 ; matr. 31 May; Frankland Sch. 25 Nov. 1616; ? B.A. 4 Dec. 1617; M.A. 6 July 1620. Dobynes (Dobines, Dobbins), William (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 1612, aged 16; matr. 26 Apr. ; grace for B.A. 24 Oct. 1616. Dod, Piers (Notts.). Adm. cler. 14 Sept. 1612, aged 15 ; matr. 1 July 1613. Duddell, Edmund (Lanes.). Subst. for Nowell Sch. 12 Dec. 1612; matr. pleb. 31 May 1616, aged 18 ; B.A. 4 Dec. 1617. Ellis, Roger (Flints.). Adm. arm. 19 June 1612, aged 15. Grene, John (Herefs.). Adm. gen 1612, aged 15. Grene, Roger (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 1612, aged 16. Grene, Thomas (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 24 June 1612, aged 17. 120 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1612 Haworth (Haiworth), Richard (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 15 May, aged 17, subst. for No-well Sch. 12 Dec. 1612 ; matr. 1 July 1613 ; B.A. 29 Jan. 161|. Hayhurst, John (Lanes.). Adin. pleb. 15 May 1612, aged 23. Henry, Henry (Sussex). Adni. doct. 24 Dec. 1612, aged 14. Henry, William (Sussex). Adm. doct. 24 Dec. 1612, aged 15. Hopkins, John (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. aged 17 ; matr. 3 July 1612 ; B.A. 12 Dec. 1616. Lea (Leigh), John (Devon). Matr. pleb. Exeter 22 May 1612, aged 16 ; B.A. 26 Oct. 1615 ; ? cr. M.A. Brasenose 1 July 1622 as a B.A. of four years' standing. Fasti i. Ludlow, Humphrey (Wilts.). Adm. mil. 2 Apr. 1612, aged 14. Living in 1633. Moseley (Mosly), Edward (Lanes.). Adm. gen. June, aged 16, Nowell Sch. 12 Dec. 1612 ; ? subscr. 1 July 1613 ; ? B.A. New Inn Hall 17 Dec. 1616. ? Buried in St. Mary's 8 Aug. 1612. ? BENEF. : 20 towards new chapel, &c. 1658. O.H.S. xxxvii ; Quat. Mon. iv. Moseley (Mosly), Edward (London). Adm. arm. 5 Aug. 1612, aged 16 ; ? subscr. 1 July 1613 ; ? B.A. New Inn Hall 17 Dec. 1616. ? Buried in St. Mary's 8 Aug. 1612. ? BENEF. : Gave 20 towards new chapel, &c. 1658. O.H.S. xxxvii ; Quat. Mon. iv. Norbury (Norburie), Thomas (Oxon.). Adm. cler. 1612, aged 16 ; matr. 31 May, aged 20 ; B.A. 6 June 1616 ; M.A. 8 July 1619. Orme, Jerome (Lanes.). Adni. gen. 17 June, aged 19; subst. for Nowell Sch. 12 Dec. 1612; niatr. 1 July 1613; Ogle Sch. 9 Jan. 161f ; B.A. 15 July 1616. Prise, John (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 1612, aged 12. Rawstorne, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. pleb Apr. 1612, aged 15 ; matr. 13 Oct. ; B.A. 13 Dec. 1615 ; M.A. 9 June 1618. Roydon, John (Denbighs.). Adm. arm. 19 June 1612, aged 16. Saunders, Robert (Denbighs.). Adm. 19 June 1612, aged 19 ; matr. pleb. 18 Oct., aged 21 ?; sup. B.A. 20 Oct. 1616. Turner, Lancelot (Yorks.). Adm. gen. 1612, aged 17. Walmesley (Walmsley), Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 15 May 1612, aged 15 ; matr. 1 July 1613. Knighted 11 Aug. 1617 ; M.P. Clitheroe 1621, Lanes. 1624. BENEF. : Plate 1614. Quat. Mon. v. Wright (Wrighte), Richard (Lanes.). Matr. paup. sch. 3 July 1612, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 27 Sept. 1613 : B.A. 21 June 1615. Yate, Hugh (Chesh.). Adm. doct. 1612, aged 14; grace for B.A. 18 May 1615. lGlf-13] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK 121 1611 Hatton, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 13 Mar. 161 H, aged 18; matr. 24 Nov. 1615, aged 20; B.A. 14 Feb. 161. Hyde, William (Wilts.). Adrn. arm. 14 Jan. 161 2 , aged 15; matr. 1 July 1613; Fellow of Exeter 1615; B.A. 16 July 1618; M.A. 27 June 1621. Thornley (Thorneley), John (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 8 Mar. 161$, aged 17 ; matr. 18 Oct. ; B.A. 4 Nov. 1616 ; sup. M.A. Hart Hall 29 May 1619. 1613 Achelley (Achley, Acsley), Thomas (Salop). Adin. cler. 27 Sept. 1613, aged 16; matr. pleb. 28 June 1616; B.A, 19 May 1617; M.A. Broadgates Hall 1 Feb. 16|. Atkinson, William (Lines.). Adm. cler. July or Aug. 1613, aged 16 ; matr. 16 June 1615 ; B.A. 19 May 1617 ; M.A. 6 July 1620. Baber, Robert (Som.). Adm. pleb. 5 Oct. 1613, aged 17. Bankes, Henry (Warws.). Adm. pleb. July or Aug. 1613, aged 17. Chadwicke, James (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 29 Apr., aged 17 ; subscr. 1 July 1613 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 29 Jan. 161f Chapman, William (London). Adni. mercatoris 3 May ; matr. 1 July 1613; B.A. 6 Feb. 161*; M.A. All Souls 21 June 1620; Fellow. Clark, John (London). Matr. 18 June ; adm. gen. 25 June 1613, aged 10. Cooper, William (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 27 (? Sept.) 1613, aged 15 ; ? B.A. 4 Dec. (or 10 July) 1617. Cornell, George, matr. 1 July 1613 ; ? = George Cornelius (Essex), adm. pleb. 1612, aged 16. Cotton, Thomas (Chesh.). Subscr. arm. 16 Apr. 1613 ; adm. 24 Mar. 161*, aged 16 ; B.A. Broadgates Hall 24 Oct. 1616. ?' Bart, and M.P. Gt. Maiiow 1624, St. Germans 1628, Hunts. Apr. 1640. Delves, Henry (Chesh.). Adm. mil. 17 May, aged 14 ; matr. eq. 1 July 1613 ; B.A. 29 Jan. 161f. 2nd Bart. Doughtie (Dowty), John (Worcs.). Matr. 30 Apr. 1613 ; B.A. 4 Nov. 1616 ; Fellow of Merton 1619 : M.A. 11 July 1623 ; Proctor 1631 (removed by King 23 Aug.); D.D. 19 Oct. 1660. Preb. of Westminster 1660. WORKS : Two Sermons on the Abstruseness of Velitationes Polemicae, or Polemical Divine Mysteries and on Church Short Discussions of certain Particular Schisms, 1628. and Select Questions, 1651-2. The King's Cause, rationally, briefly, Analecta Sacra : sive Excursus Philo- and plainly Debated, as it stands de logici, &c., 1658. facto against Hie irrational Misprision of a Deceived People, 1644. Ath. iii ; D.N.B. 122 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1613 Driver, William (Gloucs.). Adm. gen. July or Aug. 1613, aged 18 ; ? subscr. 28 Jan. 161; B.A. Broadgates Hall 30 June 1617 ; M.A. 10 May 1620. Drury, William. ? = William Drury subs. 7 May 1613. ? Gray's Inn 1611 (as son and heir of Anthony of Besthorpe, Norfolk, Knt); knighted 30 Sept. 1618. BENEF. : Plate 1615. Quat. Mon. v. Ely, John (Hants.). Adm. cler. 13 Aug. 1613, aged 18. Gee, John (Devon). Adrn. cler. 13 July 1613, aged 16; Frankland Sch. 2 Nov. 1614 ; B.A. Exeter 28 Feb. 1615; M.A. 17 Oct. 1621. Died 1639. WORKS : -\-New Shreds of the old snare, 1624. \The Foot out of the Snare, 1624, &c. \The epistle to the reader, 1624. Sermon preached at St. Paul's Cross, Steps of Ascension to God, 1625, 1624. &c. Ath. ii ; Manchester Courier, 13 Dec. 1878 ; D.N.B. Girault, Geoffrey (' Gallus '), ' servus m ri Leigh ' (i. e. Francis and Robert Leigh, Middlx.). Adm. 23 May 1613. Goddard, Edward (Wilts.). Adm. arm. 5 May, aged 15; matr. 1 July 1613 ; B.A. 29 Jan. 161f Godman, Henry (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. 17 May, aged 16; subscr. 2 July 1613 ; grace for B.A. 29 Apr. 1616. Buried in St. Mary's 10 Sept. 1616. O.H.S. xxxvii. Hackshaw, Ralph (London). Adm. mercatoris 26 Apr. 1613 ; matr. gen. 24 Nov. 1615, aged 20 ; B.A. 4 Nov. 1616. Hancock (Hancocke), John (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 15 Oct. 1613, aged 13 ; matr. 27 June ; B.A. 10 July 1617 ; M.A. 6 July 1622. Hancock (Hancocke), Nathaniel (Lanes.). Adm. gen. Nov. 1613, aged 16 ; matr. pleb. 30 May ; B.A. 10 July 1617. Harvey, Christopher (Chesh.). Adm. cler. 4 June, aged 16 ; matr. 1 July ; B.A. 19 May 1617 ; M.A. 10 May 1620. WORKS: \-The Synagogue, appended to George -\-The Right Rebel, 1661. Herbert's Temple, 1640, &c. Faction Supplanted, 1663. ^Schola Cordis, 1647, &c. Conditions of Christianity (Doubtful). Edited T. Pierson's Excellent En- Prefixed commendatory verses to couragements, 1647. the Compleat Angler, 1685. Ath. iii ; D.N.B. Holborne, Robert (Sussex). Adm. arm. 28 June 1613, aged 14 ; cr. M.A. 1 Nov. 1642 ; cr. D.C.L. 7 Feb. 164f Entered Lincoln's Inn 1615; M.P. Southwark April 1640, St. Michael's 1640 ; sat in Parliament at Oxford Jan. 164| ; a P.O. and knighted 19 Jan. 164f ; represented the King at the treaties of Uxbridge and the Isle of Wight. He was the counsel for John Hampden in the ship-money case. Died 16 Feb. 1647. WORKS : The Freeholders' Grand Inquest, 1647. The Reading in Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 28, Edited : William TothilVs Transac- 1641, upon the Statute . . . of Trea- tiona of the High Court of Chancery, sons, 1642. 1649. Fasti ii ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. xi. 1613] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 123 Hulse, Ralph, ' servus m ri Stanley ' (Chesh.). Adin. 17 May 1613. Hurlton, Roger (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 19 Oct. 1613, aged 16. Kinsey, John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 1 July ; adm. 6 July 1613, aged 16. Lea (Leigh), Francis (Middlx.). Adm. mil. 23 May, aged 15 ; matr. 1 July 1613. " ? M.P. Wai-wick 1625 ; cr. Baron Dunsmore 1628 ; Earl of Chichester 1644. Lea (Leigh), Robert (Middlx.). Adm. mil. 23 May, aged 14 ; matr. 1 July 1613. Lloyd, James (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. June, aged 19, ? subscr. 2 July 1613. Manwaring (Manwaringe, Maynewaringe), Thomas (Surrey). Adm. mil. 8 Nov. 1613, aged 15 ; matr. 31 May ; B.A. 6 June 1616 ; cr. D.C.L. 20 Dec. 1642. Massey, Hamlet (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 9 July 1613, aged 17. Nowell, Samuel. Matr. (? Brasenose) 23 Apr. 1613; B.A. Trinity 27 Nov. 1617 ; M.A. Brasenose 27 June 1621 ; B.D. Trinity 10 May 1630. Pate, John. Palin Ex. 20 Oct. 1613; B.A. 21 June 1615; M.A. 7 July 1618. Buried in St. Mary's 11 Feb. 16$. O.H.S. xxxvii. Peacocke, John (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 27 Sept, 1613, aged 15. Philpotts, Francis (Herefs.). Adm. Rogeri Philpotts (1584) ? 13 July 1613, aged 18. Potts (Potter), Sandes(us) (Beds.). Matr. arm. Oriel 11 Oct. 1613, aged 14; B.A. 27 June 1617; adm. 1619; M.A. 7 July 1620. Smith, William. Matr. 16 Apr. 1613 ; B.A. 30 June 1614. Stanley, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. mil. 17 May, aged 16 ; matr. 1 July 1613. ? Cr. Bart. 25 June 1660. BENEF. : Gave 2 10s. towards new chapel, &c. 1658. Quat. Mon. iv. Stone, Thomas (Gloucs.). Adm. cler. 9 June 1613, aged 18 ; matr. 13 Oct., aged 19 ? ; B.A. 13 Dec. 1615 ; M.A. 6 July 1618. Walweyn, Richard (Worcs.). Adm. gen. 12 Nov. 1613, aged 17; ? = (Herefs.), matr. Jesus 26 Apr. 1616, aged 18 ; B.A. 10 July 1617 ; M.A. 1 June 1620. Waties, Edward (Salop). Adm. arm. 10 Nov. 1613, aged 17. Whittington, Henry (Herefs.). Adm. gen. Nov. or Dec. 1613, aged 13. Whittington, Henry (Gloucs. or Herefs.). Adm. gen. (? 12 Nov.) 1613, aged 13 ; matr. 28 Mar., aged 17, B.A. 4 Dec. 1617 ; M.A. 5 July 1621. Whittington, William (Herefs.). Adm. gen. Nov. or Dec. 1613, aged 15. 124 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [161|-14 161f BRUCH (Bruche), Atherton (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 5 Feb. 161f, aged 15 ; Nowell Sch. 20 June 1614; matr. 9 June 1615 ; B.A. 4 Dec. 1617; rellow (Founders) 6 June; M.A. 5 July 1621; Proctor 1631 (removed by the King 23 Aug. 1631); B.C. 27 Feb. 163; lie. to preach 1633. Buried in St. Mary's 29 Oct. 1633 ; will proved at Oxford. BENEF. : Plate 1626. Fasti i ; Gutch ii ; O.H.S. xxxvii ; Quat. Mon. v, xi. Dowghlaus, John (Worcs.). Adm. gen. 10 Feb. 161f , aged 16. Ecett, Richard (Wilts.). Adm. mil. 26 Jan. 161-*-, aged 16. Morris, John (Lanes.). Adm. cler. 8 Feb. 161f, aged 16 ; subst. Nowell Sch. 20 June 1614 ; matr. 28 June 1616, aged 16 ? : B.A. 14 Feb. 161$. Buried in St. Mary's (as Norrys) 7 Sept. 1620. O.H.S. xxxvii. Reade, John (Oxon.). Adm. gen. 12 Mar. 161f, aged 18 ; matr. arm. 18 Oct., B.A. 14 Dec. 1616. Rigby, William (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 16 Feb. 161f, aged 17. Buried in St. Mary's 24 Apr. 1614. O.H.S. xxxvii. 1614 Ashton, James (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 3 May, aged 17, Nowell Sch. 20 June 1614; matr. 10 Nov. 1615; B.A. 28 Jan. 16U: M.A. 6 July 1622. Bedford, William (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 3 Apr. 1614, aged 18 ; matr. 24 Nov. 1615 ; B.A. 4 Dec. 1617 ; M.A. 6 July 1620. Booth, John (Lines.). Adm. gen. 9 July 1614, aged 14 ; inatr. pleb. 12 Apr. 1616 ; Mordaunt Sch. 7 July 1618 ; (? John Booth, adm. 1615, or Edm. Booth, adm. 1617) ; B.A. 19 Apr. 1619. Breinton, Thomas (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 12 Apr. 1614, aged 17. Browne, Thomas (Middlx.). Adm. gen. 9 July aged 15 ; ? matr. 1614 ; B.A. 9 June 1618. Colbatch (Colbeache), Thomas (Salop). Adm. pleb. 26 July 1614, aged 18 ; matr. 28 June 1616, aged 20 ; B.A. 8 May 1618 ; M.A. 19 Apr. 1621. COOK, Thomas (Kent). Adm. cler. 4 July 1614, aged 17; matr. 16 June 1615, aged 16 ? ; B.A. 8 May 1618 ; rellow (Frankland) 9 Nov. 1621; M.A. 23 May 1622; B.D. 27 Feb. 163; res. Fell. 2 Oct. 1635; grace for D.D. 9 May 1640. Archdeacon of Salop. BENEF. : Plate 1626, 10 towards new chapel, &c. 1665. Fasti i ; Gutch ii ; Quat. Mon. iv, v, xi. Dobynes, Richard (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 15 Apr. 1614, aged 18 ; matr. 9 June, aged 18 ?, B.A. 13 Dec. 1615. DTJCKENFIELD (Duckenfeild, Duckinfield, Duckenfild, Duckin- fild), William (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 3 Apr. 1614, aged 15 ; matr. 10 Nov. 1615, aged 17 ; B.A. 10 July 1617 ; Pellow (Williamson P.) 14 Feb. M.A. 6 July 1620. Died 1632 ; will proved at Oxford. 1614] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 125 Fowel, William (Sussex). Adm. gen. 1 Dec. 1614, aged 17. Gauler, John (Som.). Adm. gen. 11 July 1614, aged 18. Gregg (Gregge), Richard (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 21 Sept. 1614, aged 18 ; Ogle Sch. Apr. ; matr. 28 June 1616, aged 19. Haughton (Houghton), William. Matr. 1 July 1614 ; B.A. Trinity 13 May 1618 ; M.A. Brasenose 27 June 1621. Hobbs, William. Matr. (? Brasenose) 1 July 1614; B.A. Trinity 27 Nov. 1617 ; M.A. Brasenose 27 June 1621 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1627 ; B.D. Trinity 10 May 1630 ; lie. to preach 1633 ; D.D. 29 Nov. 1639. Holloway (Hollowaye), Thomas (Oxon.). Adm. cler. 19 May 1614, aged 12 ; matr. 10 Nov. 1615 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1618 ; M.A. 17 Oct. 1621. TT Hutton (Hytton) (written g utton), John (Lines.). Adm. pleb. 23 Sept. 1614, aged 16 ; sup. B.A. 25 June 1617 ; grace for M.A. 29 Mar. 1622. Indman, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 28 Mar. 1614, aged 14. Ireland, Francis (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 24 Sept. 1614, aged 15 ; matr. 19 Apr. 1616, aged 15 ? ; B.A. 10 July 1617 ; grace for M.A. 29 May 1623. Ireland, William (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 24 Sept. 1614, aged 12 ; matr. 19 Apr. 1616, aged 14. Latham, John (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 13 Oct. 1614, aged 15; matr. pleb. 14 Nov. 1617, aged 17 ?. Latham, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 8 Oct. 1614, aged 18 ; matr. 28 June 1616. Lathom (Lathum), John (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 8 Oct. 1614, aged 16; matr. 28 June 1616, aged 18 ; ? B.A. 2 July 1618. O.H.S. x. Lea (Leigh and Legh), Peter (Lanes.). Adm. mil. 31 Oct. 1614, 15 ; B.A. 4 Dec. 1617. MARBTJRY (Merburie, Merburye), Erasmus (Lines.). Adm. cler. 22 July 1614, aged 19; matr. 12 Apr., aged 19 ?; B.A. 6 June 1616; Fellow (Clifton) 14 Feb. 16U; M.A. 9 July 1619. Died 1627. Moreton, Edward (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 28 May 1614, aged 16. Morris, Alexander (Lanes.). Adm. mil. 1 Apr. 1614, aged 15 ; matr. eq. (as Norris) 28 June 1616, aged 16 ? Pauling (Pawling, Pawlett), Richard. Matr. 1 July 1614; B.A. Trinity 4 Nov. 1618 ; M.A. Brasenose 27 June 1621 ; incorp. Cambridge 1625. Ravenscrofte, Thomas (Flints.). Adm. arm. 30 Mar. 1614, aged 15. Richmond, Silvester (Staffs.). Adm. gen. 31 Oct. 1614, aged 14. Saunders, William (Northants). Adm. gen. 19 May 1614, aged 16. TT Button (written g utton), John (Lines.). Adm. pleb. 23 Sept. 1614, aged 16 ; sup. (as Hutton) B.A. 25 June 1617 ; det. 161|. Travers, Edward (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 18 July 1614, aged 16. Weeden, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 3 Sept. 1614, aged 15 ; grace for B.A. 28 Oct. 1617. 126 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1614-15 "Whistler, Edward (Oxon.). Adm. gen. 13 July 1614, aged 17. White, Richard (Wilts.). Adm. gen. 31 Aug. 1614, aged 15 ; matr. 16 June 1615, aged 16; Demy of Magdalen 1615; B.A. 15 Dec. 1618; Fellow 1619 ; M.A. 14 June 1621. 1614 Brooke, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 4 Mar. 161*, aged 16 ; ? matr. Broadgates Hall 28 June 1616. Bullock, John (Herefs.). Adm. cler. 25 Mar. 1614, aged 16; matr. pleb. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16 ? ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1618 ; M.A. 5 July 1621. Haythurste (Hayhurste), Henry (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 2 Jan. 161f, aged 15 ; matr. 28 June 1616, aged 15 ? ; B.A. 4 Feb. 1610. Leaster, George, 'servus m ri Cotton.' Adm. 24 Mar. 161*,. Molineux, Gilbert (Lanes.). Adm. mil. 6 Mar. 161 *, aged 15. Pincke, Henry (Gloucs.). Adm. pleb. 2 Feb. 161*, aged 15. Stoughton, Adrian (Sussex). Adm. arm. 15 Mar. 161*, aged 16 ; matr. 16 June 1615. Yateman, Francis (Berks.). Adm. gen. 11 Jan. 161*, aged 14. 1615 Anderton, William (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 9 July 1615, aged 18 ; matr. pleb. 12 Mar. 161f , aged 20 ; B.A. 19 Apr. 1619. Banger, Bernard (Dorset). Matr. pleb. 28 Apr. 1615, aged 16 ; B.A. Merlon 15 Oct. 1618 ; M.A. Magdalen Hall 30 June 1625. Barlow, Laurence (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 20 May, aged 18 ; matr. 3 NOT. 1615 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 161$ ; M.A. 2 Nov. 1621. Billinge, William (Middlx.). Adm. cler. 28 July 1615, aged 16. BOOTH (Bouthe), John (Chesh.). Adm. cler. 9 June, aged 15, matr. 10 Nov. 1615; B.A. 8 May 1618 ; Fellow (Founders) 28 Jan. 162* ; M.A. 23 May 1622. Buried in St. Mary's 3 Sept. 1627 ; will proved at Oxford. O.H.S. xxxvii. Brereton, Henry (Middlx. or Wilts). Adm. 24 May 1615, aged 15 ; matr. gen. 28 Mar. 1617. Campion, Edward (Essex). Adm. gen. 8 May 1615, aged 15. Chellingham, Allan (Westmor.). Adm. mil. 25 Oct. 1615, aged 18. Chetwood (Chetwode), John (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 12 May 1615, aged 16; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 17. Cooper, Peter (Lines.). Adm. cler. 9 Sept. ; matr. 10 Nov. 1615, aged 16; B.A. 8 July 1619; M.A. 11 May 1624. Fallowes, John (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 9 June, aged 16 ; matr. 3 Nov. 1615. 1615] BBASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 127 Gerard (Gerrarde), Edward (Middlx.). Adm. arm. 13 June 1615, aged 17 ; matr. gen. 28 June 1616. Griffiths, Evan (Glamorg.). Adm. pleb. 12 Aug. 1615, aged 17 ; rnatr. 12 Apr. 1616 ; B.A. 3 Nov. 1618. Griffiths, Matthew (London). Adm. gen. 8 May 1615, aged 16 ; B.A. Gloucester Hall 3 Feb. 161| ; M.A. Christ's Coll., Cambridge 1621 ; cr. D.D. 16 June 1643. Chaplain to the King at Oxford ; reinstated at the Restoration. WORKS : ^Bethel, 1633. ^Tlie Fear of God and the King, . . . f.4 PalJietical Perswasion to pray for 1660. Publick Peace, 1642. -^The Samaritan revived. [A Sermon touching the Poicer of the The Catholique Doctor and his spiritual King, 1643. Catholicon to cure our sinfull souls, A Generall Bill of Mortality of tJie Clergie 1661. of London which have been defunct by -^Christian Concord, 1661. reason of the contagious breath of the The Spiritual Antidote to cure our sinful sectaries, 1646. souls, 1662. f-tfb Blinde guides, 1660. fZTze King's Life-Guard, 1665. Ath. iii ; Fasti ii ; D.N.B. Halton, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 24 Nov. 1615, aged 20. Hardin (? = Harbin), John (Dorset). Adm. gen. 8 July 1615, aged 14. Harise, Thomas (Gloucs.). Adm. gen. 26 July 1615, aged 15. Harris, James (Northants.). Adm. pleb. 11 July 1615, aged 19. Holford (Houlford), Hichard (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 1 Dec. 1615, aged 18 ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 8 July 1619 ; M.A. 10 July 1623. Holland, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 1 Apr., aged 16 ; matr. 10 Nov. 1615. M.P. Newton in Makerfield 1646, Lancashire 1654, 6. Johnson (Joynson), Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 24 Nov. 1615, aged 17 ; adm. 30 Jan. 161| ; B.A. 28 Jan. 161$. King, Henry (Middlx.). Adm. gen. 9 July 1615, aged 17 ; matr. arm. 21 Nov. 1617, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 4 July 1618. BENEF. : Plate 1630. Quat. Mon. v. Kollys, William, A. B. (Berks.). Adm. mil. 28 Aug. 1615, aged 21. Lea, John (Hants.). Adm. pleb. 22 Dec. 1615, aged 14 ; matr. 28 June 1616, aged 13 ? ; B.A. All Souls 9 Feb. 162?. Mansfield (Mansfeild, Mansfeilde), John (Leics.). Adm. cler. 26 May, aged 15 ; matr. 16 June 1615 ; B.A. Lincoln 28 Jan. 161f. Matthews, Daniel (Flints.). Adm. pleb. 2 June, aged 17; matr. 24 Nov. 1615, aged 18. Nye, Philip (Sussex). Adm. 21 July 1615, aged 19 ; matr. gen. 28 June 1616 ; B.A. Magdalen Hall 24 Apr. 1619 ; M.A. 9 May 1622. 128 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK [1615 ? = P.N. referred to in Hudibras as having ' Philip Nye's thanksgiving beard '. WORKS : \-An apologeticaU narration by P. N. -\-Sermon, 1659. and others, 1643. Beames of former Light, 1660, &c. Letter from Scotland, 1643. The Case of P. Nye, 1660. ^Exhortation to the Taking of the Solemn Sermon, 1661. League and Covenant, 1643, &c. Case of great and present use, 1677. ^Antapologia, 1643. The Lawfulness of the Oath of Supremacy, Had a hand with Thomas Good- &c., 1683. win and Samuel Hartlib in An Extracts from his writings in The Epistolary Discourse about Toleration, Lawfulness of Hearing the . . . 1644. Ministers of the Church of England \-Anatomy of Independency, 1644. proved by Philip Nye and John With Goodwin edited Sibs' Bowel's Robinson, 1683. Opened, 1641, and Cotton's Keys of -\-The King's Authority, 1687. the Kingdom of Heaven, 1644. Edited and published with T. Good- \The excellency and lawfulness of the win, and also various volumes of Solemn League, 1646. the works of J. Burroughs. Ath. itf ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. xi. Powell, Richard (Denbighs.). Adm. arm. 10 May 1615, aged 18; B.A. 4 Feb. 161f ; M.A. Hart Hall 21 June 1621. Price, John (Flints.). Matr. pleb. 17 Nov. 1615, aged 18 ; B.A. 4 Dec. 1617; M.A. 6 July 1620. Quipp (Quippe), William (Lines.). Matr. cler. St. Mary Hall 8 Dec. 1615, aged 16 ; adm. 17 Jan. 161f, aged 17 ? ; sup. B.A. 29 May 1619. Savage, Edward. Adm. arm. 29 Apr. 1615, aged 15. Skynner, Edward (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 20 Aug. 1615, aged 19 ; ? = Edward Skinner, grace for B.D. 17 Jan. 163. BENEF. : Gave 5 towards new chapel, &c. 1663. Quat. Mon. iv. Stedman, Francis (Salop). Adm. pleb. 12 Oct., aged 17 ; matr. 24 Nov. 1615, aged 17, and 28 Feb. 161$, aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 1 June 1616 ; B.A. 3 June 1619 ; M.A. 6 May 1622. Steward, Silvester (Staffs.). Matr. gen. 10 Nov. 1615, aged 15 ; B.A. 2 July 1618. Stocke (Stock), Thomas (Durham). Matr. pleb. Queen's 15 Dec. 1615, aged 18; adm. 18 July 1617, aged 18?; B.A. 8 July 1619; M.A. 1 July 1625. Stradling, Edward (Glamorg.). Adm. bart. 27 May ; matr. 16 June 1615, aged 14. 2nd Bart. ; M.P. Glamorgan 1640. BENEF. : Plate 1615. D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. v. Stradling, Thomas (Glamorg.). Adm. bart. 27 May ; matr. 16 June 1615, aged 13. Stratford, Edward (Warws.). Adm. ' Rob* 1 Stratford arm. adoptivus ' 14 Dec., aged 16 ; matr. 15 Dec. 1615, aged 16. Stringer, Richard (Gloucs.). Matr. pleb. Corpus 15 Dec. 1615, aged 17; adm. 23 Nov. 1616; B.A. 19 Apr. 1619; M.A. Hart Hall 4 June 1622. 1615-lf] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK 129 Tracy, "Nathaniel (Nathan) (Gloucs.). Adm. eq. (? bart.) 30 Nov. 1615, aged 17 ; B.A. 10 May 1619. Tredcroft (Tredcrofte), Edward (Sussex). Adm. pleb. 21 July 1615, aged 18 ; matr. 12 Apr. 1616 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 161f . Turner, Anthony (Devon). Matr. pleb. Wadham 19 May 1615, aged 17 ; B.A. Brasenose 4 Feb. 161f ; ?adm. gen. 16g. Tutt, John (Hants.). Adm. gen. 11 July 1615, aged 15 ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617 ; grace for B.A. 22 Dec. 1619. "Wade, Hichard (Glamorg.). Matr. pleb. Jesus 12 May; adm. 27 May 1615, aged 17 ; B.A. Jesus 9 Feb. 181|. Wright, Thomas (Staff's.). Adm. pleb. 15 June, aged 16 ; matr. 16 June 1615, aged 17 ? ; sup. B.A. 3 June 1619. Cooks, Thomas (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 5 Feb. 161f. Croker, John (Oxon.). Adm. arm. 30 Jan. 1614, aged 15: matr. 28 Mar. 1617. Croker, William (Oxon.). Adm. arm. 30 Jan. 1614, aged 17 ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16 ?. Qellibrand (Gellibrande), Henry (Kent). Matr. gen. 22 Mar. 161$. aged 17 ; B.A. Trinity 25 Nov. 1619 ; M.A. 26 May 1623. Gresham Prof, of Astronomy 1627. WORKS : An Institution Trigonometricall wherein Briggs's Trigonometria Britannica, . . , is exhibited the doctrine of the 1633, &c. dimension of plain and spherical An Appendix concerning Longi- triangles . . . by tabks . . . of tude to The . . . Voyage of Captain series . . . , 1638, &c. Thomas James, 1633, &c. An Epitome of Navigation, 1698. A Discourse Mathematical of the Varia- Astronomia lunaris, 1635 (MS.). tion of ihe Magnetic Needle . . ., Treatise of Building of Ships ( ,MS.). 1685. In laudem Gassendi astronomiae Preface to Sciographia, 1635. (MS.). Ath. ii ; D.N.B. Harpur, John (Derbs.). Adm. arm. 22 Mar. 1614, aged 14; matr. 12 Apr. 1616. ? Knighted 4 July 1630. BENEP. : Plate 1620. Quat. Mon. v. Leversage, William (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 19 Feb. 161| ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 17. Prowse, Anthony (Som.). Adm. pleb. 30 Jan. 161f, aged 17 ; matr. 21 Nov. ; B.A. 9 Dec. 1617 ; M.A. 6 July 1620. Seddon, Laurence (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. Balliol 15 Mar. 161$, aged 18; adm. 17 July 1617, aged 18?; subst. for Nowell Sch. 20 Jan. 161|; Nowell Sch. 13 Apr. 1618 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 161f ; M.A. 23 May 1622 ; adm. Founder's Chaplain 28 Jan. 162 2 ; B.D. 27 Feb. 163 ; lie. to preach 1633 ; D.D. Lambeth 3 Jan. 167*. Preb. of Hereford 1661." Warren, William (Warws.). Adm. arm. 24 Jan. 161, aged 16 ; matr. 12 Apr. 1616. K 130 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEE [1616 1616 Arney, Richard (Monm.). Adm. gen. 8 Apr. 1616 ; matr. (as Rees) 28 Mar. 1617, aged 18. Ashbrooke, John (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 10 Oct. 1616. Ashton (Aston), John (Salop). Adm. arm. (Sept. ?) 1616, aged 14 ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617. Ashton, Thomas (Salop or Chesh.). Adm. arm. 30 Sept. 1616, aged 16 ; matr. 28 March 1617 ; B.A. 8 July 1619. Cr. Bart. 25 July 1628. WORKS : ^A remonstrance against Presbitery of Parliament in behalf of Episcopacy, exhibited by divers of the nobilitie, 1641. 1641. -\-A collection of sundry petitions pre- \-PetitioninfavourofEpiscopacy, 1641. sented to the King's Most Excellent \"Two petitions to the honourable court Majestic, 1642. Alh. iii. Belfleld (Belfeld), Robert (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 13 May ; Nowell Sch. Aug. 1616; matr. 21 Nov. 1617, aged 14. BOSTOCK, Nathaniel (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 1616; matr. cler. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16; B.A. 6 July 1620; Fellow (Williamson W.) 5 Nov. (? Dec.) 1622 ; M.A. 10 July 1623; B.D. 3 July 1634; res. Fell. 28 Dec. 1642. BENEF. : Plate 1630. Cheshire Sheaf 15 Apr. 1891 ; Quat. Mon. v. Braddill (Braddil), Anthony. Frankland Sch. (? 10) Apr. ; adm. gen. 20 Apr. 1616 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 24 Feb. 16^. Broome, Edward (Salop). Adm. gen. 5 June 1616 ; ? matr. Magdalen Hall 11 Apr. 1617, aged 18. Brown (Browne), Thomas (Rutland). Adm. pleb. 29 June 1616 ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16 ; B.A. 23 May 1620. Carnons, John (Herefs.). Adm. cler. 27 Sept. 1616, aged 15. Challoner, James (Middlx.). Adm. eq. 28 Sept. 1616, aged 13; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 15 ? M.P. Aldborough, Yorks., 1645 and 48. WORKS : Left Antiquarian MSS. (but nothing of them now known). Ath. iii ; G. W. Johnson's Fairfax Correspondence (1848), vol. i, pp. Ixxvii-lxxx ; Mark ham's Life of Fairfax; D.N.B. Cheshire, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 9 Apr. ; matr. 28 June 1616, aged 15; B.A. 26 Nov. 1619. WORKS : tSermon preached at St. Paul's, 1641 ; Sermon, 1642. Crompton, Robert. Matr. arm. 14 July 1616, aged 18. Evans, Evan (Brecon). Matr. pleb. Jesus 3 May 1616, aged 16 ; adm. 17 July 1617 ; B.A. 26 Nov. 1619. Feild, Robert (Surrey). Adm. pleb. 21 Sept. 1616; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 18 ; B.A. 23 May 1620 ; M.A. 30 Apr. 1623. Fleetwood (Fletwood), William (Bucks.). Adm. mil. 11 Apr. ; matr. eq. aur. 12 Apr. 1616, aged 15 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 161$ . 1616] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 131 Floyd, George (Hants.). Adm. cler. 9 June 1616, aged 18; matr. (as Lloyde) pleb. Hart Hall 20 June 1617 ; B.A. Brasenose 3 May 1621 ; M.A. 6 July 1626. Ath. iii. Golsey, William (Dorset). Adm. gen. 1616 ; B.A. 23 May 1620. Buried in St. Mary's 9 Dec. 1622. O.H.S. xxxvii. Hall, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 3 June, aged 15 ; matr. 14 June 1616 ; B.A. 22 Feb. 16fcg. Harbyn (Harbine), Henry (Dorset). Adm. gen. (Nov. ?) 1616 ; matr. pleb. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16. Harflett (Harslett), John (Kent). Adm. gen. 16 June 1616, aged 15 ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 161f ; M.A. Hart Hall 21 June 1621. Harris, Thomas (Bucks.). Adm. 26 Sept. 1616 ; matr. pleb. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16. Howell, James (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 24 July 1616 ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16 ; B.A. 22 Feb. 16g ; M.A. Jesus 16 May 1623. Preb. of Hereford 1629. Key (Kaye), Edmund (Yorks.). Adm. cler. 1616 ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16 ; B.A. 23 May 1620 ; M.A. 16 May 1623. Killingworth, John (London). Adm. pleb. ; matr. gen. 28 June 1616, aged 16; B.A. Balliol 11 May 1620; M.A. 23 Jan. 162; incorp. at Cambridge 1634. Langford, William (Denbighs.). Adm. gen. 1616 ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 15; B.A. Hart Hall 13 Dec. 1620; M.A. 26 June 1623. Headmaster Ruthin Grammar School 1626 ; Preb. of St. Asaph 1639. Littleton, Edward (Warws. or Staffs.). Adm. mil. 13 Nov. 1616; matr. eq. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 18. Bart. 28 June 1627 ; M.P. Stafford 1640. Norris, Alexander (Lanes.). Matr. eq. aur. 28 June, aged 16; B.A. 4 Nov. 1616. Nutter, George (Lanes.). Adm. pleb.; Nowell Sch. Aug. 1616; matr. 28 Mar. 161 7, aged 20. Pearle, Henry (Herefs.). Adm. arm. septimus 15 Apr. ; matr. 28 June 1616, aged 16; B.A. 22 Feb. 16$$; M.A. 6 July 1622. Pickeringe (Pickering), Richard (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 30 Aug. 1616; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 19 ; Ogle Sch. 20 Jan. 161|. Pickes (Pyke), Richard (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. (? Sept.) 1616, aged 16 ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16 ; Ogle Sch. 8 Sept. 1618 ; B.A. 8 Feb. 162?. Pore, John (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 16 May 1616. Powell, William (Forest of Dean or Denbighs.). Adm. pleb. 16 Oct. 1616 ; matr. 28 June, aged 19 ; B.A. 6 July 1620. Richardson, Conon (Worcp.). Adm. pleb. 5 Apr. 1616 ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16 ; B.A. 19 Feb. 162. Richardson, John (Worcs.). Adm. pleb. 5 Apr. 1616; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16 ; B.A. 9 Nov. 1620; M.A. 10 July 1623. SIXESMITH (Sixsmith), Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. (Sept. or Oct.) 1616; Nowell Sch. 27 Feb. 1616; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 17; K "2. 132 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1616-17 B.A. 23 May 1620 ; Fellow (Founders) 28 May ; M.A. 1 July 1625 ; B.D. 3 July 1634; Junior Bursar 1635-6 ; lie. to preach 14 July 1636 ; Vice-Principal 1641-2, 7-8; Senior Bursar 1642-3; Rector of Steeple Aston 7 Dec. 1648 ; died 165$ or 1651. BENEF. : Plate 1635, 1650. WOBK : Edited Brerewood's Tractatus quidam logici, 3628. Camden Soc. New Ser. 29, p. 482 ; Quat. Mon. v, xi, xii. Skinner, Edmund (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 26 Apr. 1616, aged 19; B.A. 8 July 1619 ; M.A. 23 May 1622. Tomkins, John (Worcs.). Adm. gen. 1616; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 17 ; B.A. 6 July 1620. Vouwill, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. arm. (? Sept.) 1616, aged 16. Washbourne (Washbourn), William (Worcs.). Adm. arm. 1 May 1616; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 17. Wright, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 1616; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16 ; grace for B.A. 1 Feb. 16. BENEF. : Gave B towards new chapel, &c. 1657. Quat. Mon. iv, Wyrrall (Worrall), Richard (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 6 Apr. 1616; Frankland Sch. 18 Feb. 161? ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16 ; B.A. 26 Nov. 1619 ; M.A. 2 July 1622. Yate (Yates, Yeates), Francis (Staffs.) Adm. pleb. 10 July 1616 ; matr. 23 Jan. 161 J, aged 17 ; B.A. 23 May 1620; M.A. 10 July 1623. 161? Garnons, John (Herefs.). Matr. cler. 14 Mar. 161? , aged 16 ; B.A. 6 July 1620. Gibbon, Anthony (Kent). Adm. gen. 7 Mar. 161? ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 15 ; B.A. Hart Hall 16 Nov. 1620; M.A. 23 June 1623. Lock (Loche), James (Southants. or Isle of Wight). Adm. gen., aged 18 ; matr. 14 Mar. 161?, aged 18. Skinner, Francis (Southants. or Isle of Wight). Adm. cler. 17 Feb. ; matr. 14 Mar. 161?, aged 18 ; B.A. Magdalen Hall 12 Dec. 1620. 1617 Baker, Arthur (London). Adm. eq. aur. 10 Oct., aged 12 ; matr. 12 Dec. 1617 ; B.A. 6 July 1620. Baker, Thomas (London). Adm. eq. aur. 10 Oct., aged 15 ; matr. 12 Dec. 1617 ; B.A. 6 July 1620. Birchall (Birchal), John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 6 Nov. ; matr. 21 Nov. 1617, aged 17 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 20 Jan. 1614; Nowell Sch. 24 Oct, 1620; B.A. 22 Nov. 1621. Birkhened (Birckened), Henry (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 25 Oct., aged 17 ; matr. 21 Nov. 1617, aged 16 ? ; grace for B.A. 15 May 1620. Booth (Bouth), Edward (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 14 July, aged 16 ; matr. 21 Nov. 1617, aged 18 ? ; ? Mordaunt Sch. 7 July 1618 ; B.A. (as Edmund) 8 Feb. 162f Buried in St. Mary's 14 June 1622. O.H.S. xxxvii. 1617] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 138 Cresey (Cressey, Cressie), Parke (Yorks.). Adm. gen. 12 Nov. aged 18; matr. 12 Dec. 1617, aged 16? Crompton, William (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 28 Mar., aged 17; adm. gen. 4 Apr. 1617; subst. for Nowell Sch. 20 Jan. 16U; Nowell Sch. 29.May; B.A. 9 Nov. 1620; M.A. 10 July 1623. WORKS : every paire that have or shall meete ^Saint Austin's Religion, 1624, in the fear of God, 1632, &c. &c. An Explication of those Principles of \fA Lasting Jewell for Religious Women, Christian Religion exprest or implyed 1630. in the Catechism of our Church of \-A Wedding-ring fitted to the finger of England, 1633. Ath. hi ; D.N.B. Domvill, Richard (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16. Buncombe, Ralph (Herts.). Adm. pleb. 6 Dec. 1617. Dunn (Done), John (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16. Edmonds, Charles (Middlx.). Adm. mil. 13 Oct. 1617, aged 14 ; matr. 5 June 1618, aged 15. BENEF. : Plate 1620. Quat. Mon. v. Ely, Thomas (Hants.). ? Matr. St. Mary Hall 28 Mar., aged 17 ; adm. cler. 1 Aug. 1617. Qanler (Galler), Thomas (Som.). Matr. gen. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 19! B.A. 5 June 1618 ; M.A. 3 July 1621. Goodall, Wortley (Wai-ws.). Adm. arm. 3 Apr. 1617, aged 15; matr. 12 Nov., aged 18 ; B.A. 26 Nov. 1619 ; ' collector determinantium ' 16J#. O.H.S. x. Gough, Richard (Gloucs.). Adm. gen. 9 July ; matr. 21 Nov. 1617, aged 18. Halsall (Halsal), Cuthbert (Lanes.). Adm. cler. 15 Nov.; matr. 21 Nov. 1617, aged 17 ; B.A. 5 July 1621 ; M.A. 29 Oct. 1624. Harbyn (? Hardin), John (Dorset). Matr. pleb. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 15; B.A. Lincoln 10 May 1619. Hargrave (Hargreves), John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 21 Oct. ; matr. 21 Nov. 1617, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 24 Oct. 1620; B.A. 5 July 1621. Harris, John (Northants.). Adm. pleb. 9 Oct. matr. 14 Nov. 1617, aged 18. Holme (Holmeus, Holmes), George (Derbs.). Adm. pleb. 17 July, aged 19; matr. 21 Nov. 1617, aged 17?; B.A. 3 May 1621; M.A. 28 June 1633. Houlford, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 15 Oct. 1617, aged 17. Hovenden (Hovedon), Robert (Kent). Adni. fil. canonic! de Canter- bury 12 May; matr. 27 June 1617, aged 14; B.A. 8 Feb. 162; Fellow of All Souls ; M.A. 26 Jan. 162f ; incorp. at Cambridge 1625. Hughson (Hewson), William (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 16 July ; matr. 21 Nov. 1617, aged 15 ; B.A. 5 July 1621. King, James (London). Adm. gen. 21 July, aged 16; matr. arm. 21 Nov. 1617, aged 15 ? Died 27 July 1620 ; buried at Cuddesdpn, Oxon. 134 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1617-lf Lister (Leycester, Lester), John (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 25 Nov. 1617. aged 20; raatr. pleb. 28 Jan. 16g, aged 21 ; B.A. 28 Feb. 162. WORKS : t.RainoW s Excellent Oration, 1638. \The civill warres of England, 1649. Ath. ii ; D.N.B. Lucas, William (Hants.). Adm. gen. 9 July 1617, aged 17. Lucius, George (Salop). Adm. arm. 4 Apr. 1617, aged 18. Packington (Pakington), Barnard (Bernard) (London). Adm. arm. 9 July, aged 14 ; matr. 12 Dec. 1617, aged 15 ; B.A. 23 May 1620 ; M.A. 30 Apr. 1623 ; B.C.L. All Souls 17 Nov. 1630. Pope, Anthony (Wilts.). Adm. gen. 3 Dec. 1617, aged 18 ; matr. pleb. 24 Apr. 1618 ; B.A. 8 Feb. 162" ; M.A. 10 July 1623. Poynter, John (London). Adm. arm. 19 Apr. 1615, aged 17 ; matr. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 17 ? ; B.A. 2 July 1618 ; Sub-dean and Canon of Christ Church 1655. Fasti i ; Ath. iv. Sherlock, William (Lanes.). Matr. cler. 21 Nov., aged 20; adm. 6 Dec. 1617 ; Nowell Sch. 1 Jan. 161f. Skrymsher, Ralph (Staffs.). Matr. arm. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16. Stapleton, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 16 July 1617, aged 14. Buried in St. Mary's 10 Dec. 1617. O.H.S. xxxvii. Tomkins, Edmund (London). Adm. gen. 10 Oct. ; matr. 12 Dec. 1617, aged 15 ; B.A, 5 July 1621 (as Edward). Tudman, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 28 Mar. 1617, aged 16; B.A. 4 Dec. 1617 ; M.A. 6 July 1620. Preb. of Lichfield 1639. Tyrer, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 3 Oct., aged 18: matr. 21 Nov. 1617, aged 17 ? ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 20 Jan. 16}J ; Nowell Sch. 22 Mar. 161 ; B.A. 5 July 1621. Wall, John (Worcs.). Adm. cler. 27 Oct. 1617, aged 19 ; matr. 15 May 1618 ; B.A. 9 Nov. 1620 ; M.A. 7 July 1625. Webb, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 9 July, aged 18 ; matr. 21 Nov. 1617, aged 17 ? Whittington, John (Gloucs.). Adm. gen. 1 Nov. 1617, aged 14 ; matr. arm. 2 Nov., aged 17 ?; B.A. 22 Nov. 1621 ; M.A. 1 July 1625. Garthwait, Ephraim (Lines.). Adm. cler. 26 Feb. 161&, aged 17; matr. 28 Jan. 16^; B.A. 8 Feb. 162-" ; M.A. 25 June 1623. Ireland (Irelande), Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. mil. 27 Feb. 161> matr. 17 Apr. 1618, aged 15; B.A. 19 Oct. 1620; M.A. 10 July 1623. Fasti ii. Maisterson, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 161J, aged 14. Rutt, Thomas (London). Adm. pleb. 14 Mar. 1611- ; matr. 5 June 1618, aged 15 ; B.A. 22 Nov. 1621 ; M.A. 23 Oct. 1624. Watson, Ralph (Derbs.). Adm. cler. 7 Feb. 1611; matr. 28 Jan.. , aged 17 ; B.A. 22 Nov. 1621. 1618] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 185 1618 Andrews, Josias (Monm.). Adm. gen. 24 Apr. 1618, aged 18. Aspinall (Aspinwall), Timothy (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 11 May 1618, aged 15 ; matr. 28 Jan. 16-|p. Beamall, Ralph. Adm. pleb. 13 June 1618, aged 28. Bennet, Hugh (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 6 June 1618, aged 16; matr. cler. 28 Jan. 16|g, aged 17 ? ; B.A. 28 Feb. 162 ; M.A. 7 July 1624. Busbie (Busbye), Thomas (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. St. Mary Hall 20 Nov. 1618, aged 17 ; adm. pleb. 1619. Buried in St. Michael's at the North Gate 7 Dec. 1620. O.H.S. xxxvii. Fleetwood, Edward (Lanes.). Adm. cler. 13 Sept. 1618, aged 16. Gregg (Gregge), John (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 6 June 1618, aged 16. Gregg (Gregge), William (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 6 June 1618, aged 18 ; matr. cler. 10 Nov. 1621, aged 19 ? ; B.A. 23 May 1622. Harris, William (London). Matr. gen. St. Alban Hall 28 Nov. 1618, aged 18 ; adm. 17 June 1620 ; B.A. 3 May 1621 ; M.A. 7 July 1624 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1637. Hibbert, Henry (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 5 Oct. 1618, aged 17 ; matr. 28 Jan. 16*$, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 27 June 1622 ; B.D. St. John's, Cambridge, 1664; D.Dt 1665; Preb. of St. Paul's Jan. 166f ; died Sept. 1678. WORKS : Regina Dierum or the Joyful Day, 1661. ^-Waters ofMarah, 1654. -{Syntagma Theologicum, 1662. Ath. iii; D.N.B. Hurst, Henry (Gloucs.). Adm. cler. 20 May 1618 ; B.A. 15 Mar. 162|. Hyttens, John (Som.). Adm. pleb. 18 June 1618, aged 16. Lancaster, Nathanael (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 13 Sept. 1618, aged 19 ; matr. All Souls 10 May, aged 21 ?; B.A. 13 July 1622 ; B.D. Brasenose 3 July 1634 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1647. Littleton, Fisher (Warws.). Adm. eq. 11 June 1618, aged 17. Ludlow, Benjamin (Wilts.). Adm. eq. 12 July 1618, aged 18. Killed at the siege of Corfe Castle. Man waring, Edward (Staffs.). Adm. arm. 16 May 1618, aged 15. Mather, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 11 May 1618, aged 22. WORKS : An Answer of the . . . Churches in New A Defence of the Synod at Boston, 1662. England, unto Nine Propositions,&c., A Brief Relation . . . of the Lord's 1643. Work among the Indians (n. d.). Church Government and Church Coven- Helped in preparation of Bay Psalm ant, 1643. Book, 1640. A Modest . . . Answer to Mr. Charles Prepared for Press a series of Herle, 1644. sermons on 2 Peter and a De- A Reply to Mr. Rutherford. 1645. fence of New England Churches An Heart-melting Exhortation, 1650. against William Rathband. A Catechisme, 1650. Posthumous : A Treatise of Justification, 1652. An Answer to Twelve Questions, 1712. A Farewell Exhortation, 1657. Journal, 1846. A Plea for the Churches of New Eng- land, 1660. Ath. iii ; D.N.B. ; Wood MS. F 43 (132 v) ; The Influence of the English Universities in the development of New England (F. B. Dexter, 1880). 136 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1618-lf Print, Richard (Gloucs.)- Adm. cler. 26 Mar. 1618, aged 18 ; B.A. St. Alban Hall 10 July 1624 ; ? M.A. Oriel 8 July 1637. Rutter, John (Cheek). Adm. gen. 13 Oct. 1618, aged 17; matr. 28 Jan. 16^, aged 18 ? Shenson, John (Derbs.). Adm. pleb. 14 Dec. 1618. aged 18. Smith (Smyth), Philip (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 28 May ; matr. 5 June 1618, aged 15 ; B.A. 28 Feb. 162; M.A. 7 July 1624. Stevens (Stephens), Enoch (Salop). Matr. cler. Corpus 3 July 1618, aged 17 ; B.A. 16 July ; adm. Brasenose 20 July 1621 ; M.A. St. Mary Hall 7 July 1624. Style, William. ? Entered Brasenose 1618. WORKS : fDt'ZAerne's Contemplations . . . of a Registrum Practical, 1657, &c. Christian, 1640. ^Narratioiies modernae, 1658. \-The Spanish gallant of L Gracion Antisco, 1640. Allibone's Dictionary of English Literature. Thomas, Samuel (Salop). Matr. pleb. 3 July ; adm. 8 Oct. 1618, aged 18; Frankland Sch. 21 Oct. 1620; B.A. 8 Feb. 162$ ; M.A. 18 July 1623. Thompson (Tomson), William (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 9 May 1618, aged 20 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 22 Mar. 161f ; matr. 28 Jan. 16^ ; Nowell Sch. 24 Oct. 1620 ; B.A. 28 Feb. 162. The Influence of the English Universities in the development of New England (F. B. Dexter, 1880). Tillyard (Tilliard), Edward (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. 14 Dec. 1618; matr. 28 Jan. 16^, aged 15. Twambrookes (Twanbrooks, Twanbrookes), Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 12 June 1618, aged 18; matr. 19 Nov. 1619 ; B.A. 22 Nov. 1621 ; buried in St. Mary's 28 Aug. 1622. O.H.S. xxxvii. Vachell (Vachel, Vatchell), Thomas (Northants.). Adm. pleb. 14 Dec. 1618, aged 14 ; matr. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 27 June 1622. Venables, Peter, Baro de Kinderton (Chesh.). Adm. 13 June 1618, aged 14 ; ? = Sir Peter Venables, last Baron Kinderton. Walkeden, Francis (Lanes.). Adm. Rob. Walkeden Ludi Magistri 19 June, aged 20 ; Nowell Sch. 7 July 1618 ; matr. 28 Jan. 16^ ( aged 21 ; B.A. 23 May 1622. Walmysley, Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 27 May 1618, aged 16. Wilbraham, Thomas. Adm. eq. 13 June 1618, aged 15. BENEF. : Gave 10 towards new chapel, &c. 1657. Quat. Mon. iv. Yorke, Stephen. Manciple. Will proved at Oxford 1618. iei Griffith, John (Glamorg.). Adm. pleb. 7 Feb. 161f, aged 16 ; matr. 23 Jan., aged 22 ? ; B.A. 5 Feb. 162|. Johnson, Sampson (Wilts.). Adm. gen. 16 Feb. 161f, aged 15 ; matr. 28 Jan. 16g; Demy Magdalen ; B.A. 11 Dec. 1622 ; M.A. 30 June 1625 ; Fellow 1625 ; B.D. 12 Dec. 1635 ; cr. D.D. 31 Aug. 1636. 161-1-19] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 137 Meyrick, Jasper (Oxon.). Adm. gen. 20 Feb. 161f, aged 18 ; B.A. Hart Hall 2 July 1622. Whitfield (Whitfeild, Whitfild), Richard (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 19 Mar., aged 18; subst. for Nowell Sch. 22 Mar. 161f ; matr. pleb. 23 June 1621, aged 18?; B.A. 17 Feb. 162|. 1619 Allen, William (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 1619. Baker, Edward (Northants.). Adm. cler. 13 July, aged 17 ; matr. 19 Nov. 1619 ; B.A. Trinity 18 Feb. 162. Bateman, Daniel (Middlx.). Adm. gen. 1619, aged 15 ; matr. arm. 28 Jan. 16*8, aged 16 ; B.A. 28 Feb. 162*. Bordman (Burdman, Bradman), Samuel (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1619 ; matr. 28 Jan. 16}, aged 17 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 24 Oct. 1620 ; Nowell Sch. 8 June 1622 ; B.A. 7 July 1623 ; M.A. 7 July 1626 ; B.D. 12 May 1635 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1635. Brelsforde, John (Derbs.). Adm. gen. 1619, aged 16. Brooke, William (Oxon.). Priv. adm. as receptor reddituum 15 May 1619. Carter, Edward (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 16 July 1619 ; matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 18 ; B.A. 7 July 1623. Carwarden (Carwardine), Daniel (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. Christ Church 9 Dec. 1619, aged 18 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 17 Feb. 162$ ; M.A. Brasenose 1 July 1625. Cheeke (Checke), John (Southants. or Isle of Wight). Adm. arm. 1619 ; matr. 28 Jan. 16, aged 18. Clavell, John (Dorset). Adm. 10 Apr. ; matr. arm. 19 Nov. 1619, aged 18. WORK : A Recantation of an ill-led Life ; or a Discoverie of the Highway Law in rerse, 1627, &c. D.N.B. Cranage, Thomas. B.A. St. John's College, Cambridge 1619 ; incorp. as M.A. 10 May 1628 ; B.D. Brasenose 6 July 1629. Dichfield (Dytchfild, Dytchfield), John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1619 ; matr. 28 Jan. 16^ aged 15 ; B.A. 7 July 1623. Dickens, Thomas (Derbs.). Adm. pleb. 1619, aged 17 ; matr. 10 Nov. 1621, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 7 July 1623 ; M.A. 7 July 1626. Fox, Edward (Dorset). Adm. pleb. 23 Apr., aged 22 ; matr. gen. 7 May 1619 ; B.A. Magdalen Hall 20 Feb. 162. Haslam (Haselam), Edward (Derbs.). Adm. pleb. 1619, aged 17 ; matr. 28 June 1620, aged 18. Hoskins, Thomas (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 1 June 1619, aged 16; matr. 28 Jan. Jarvis (Jortin written above), Edward (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 16 July 1619. Johnson, George (London). Adm. gen. 1619, aged 16 ; matr. 10 Nov. 1621 ; B.A. 7 July 1623 ; M.A. Christ Church 25 May 1626. Kent, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 24 Oct. 1619, aged 20 ; matr. 28 Jan. 16$$ ; B.A. 21 Oct. 1624 (as John) ; M.A. 5 July 1627 ; B. Med. and lie. to practise 16 Dec. 1630 (as John). Kinsey, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 15 Dec. 1619, aged 18. 138 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1619 Marbury, (Jerimoth) (Lines.). Matr. cler. 11 June 1619, aged 18 ; B.A. Exeter 23 Jan. 162f . Richardson, Richard (Yorks.). Adm. pleb. 1619 ; matr. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18. Buried in St. Mary's 30 June 1642. O.H.S. xxxvii. Rocke (Rock), John (Som.). Adm. cler., aged 20 ; ? B.A. All Souls 13 July 1619 ; M.A. Brasenose 3 July 1622. Rudyard (Rudiard), Benjamin (Staffs.). Adm. arm. 2 Juty 1619 ; matr. cler. 28 Jan. 16g, aged 17. Sprignell (Spignel), Richard (Middlx.). Adm. arm. 27 May 1619, aged 16 ; matr. 28 Jan. 16^g ; B.A. 28 Feb. 162. BENEF. : Plate 1621. Quat. Mon. v. Thomas, John (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 1619. Vaughan, Edward (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 1619; matr. 28 Jan. 16| r aged 18. VAUGHAN, William (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 1619 ; matr. 28 Jan. 16g, aged 16; B.A. 18 July 1623; Fellow (Porter) 15 June; M.A. Jesus 26 Oct. 1626. Died in year of probation ; buried in St. Mary's 14 Feb. 1622. O.H.S. xxxvii. Wall, George (Worcs.). Matr. cler. 23 Apr. 1619, aged 17; B.A. 17 Feb. 162 ; M.A. 1 July 1625. WASHINGTON" (Washinton), Laurence (Northants.). Adm. gen. 1619 ; matr. pleb. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 19 ; B.A. 16 May ; Fellow (Barbie) 27 May 1623 ; M.A. 1 Feb. 162 ; Proctor 26 Aug. 1631 ; signif. ind. to- benefice 4 Apr. 1633 ; res. Fell. 30 Nov. 1633 ; grace for B.D. 10 Mar. BENEF.: Plate 1619. Fasti ii ; Quat. Mon. v. Wilcoxon, Cranage (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 19 July 1619, aged 16. Wilson, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 10 May 1619; matr. 28 Jan. , aged 20 ; B.A. 7 July 1623. Wirrall (Worrall), Thomas (Berks.). Adm. cler. 13 July, aged 15; matr. cler. 19 Nov. 1619; Frankland Sch. 2 Mar. 16M; B.A. 17 Feb. 162| ; M.A. 1 July 1625. YATE (Yates), Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 1619, aged 15 or 16 ; B.A. 17 Feb. 162; Fellow (Founders) 16 June 1623; M.A. 1 July 1625 ; signif. ind. to benefice 7 Oct. 1633 ; declared on oath that rectory of Middleton Cheney was ' litigiosa ' : accordingly he was able to retain his fellowship, 23 Sept. 1634; B.D. 31 Aug. 1636 ; signif. ind. to rectory of Middleton Cheney 13 Oct. 1642 ; signif. that rectory of Middleton Cheney was 'litigiosa' 15 May 1643 ; Senior Bursar 1643-5 ; Principal 1648 ; removed 165 or 1651 ; D.D. 2 Aug. ; visitors order reinstatement of Yate as principal 10 Aug. ; installed Principal in the Chapel 11 Aug. 1660 ; died in College 22 Apr. 1681, aged 78 ; buried in the cloister. BENEF. : Bequeathed the advowson of Middleton Cheney, books to the Library, money to augment Church's Scholarships, and to found three Scholarships. O.H.S. xl; Fasti ii; Gutch i; Camden Soc., New Ser. 29, p. 482; Quat. Mon. iv, vi, vii, xi, xii. 16t-20] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 139 Berkeley, Samuel (Salop). Adm. cler. 17 Feb. 16i$, aged 18 ; matr. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18 ?; B.A. 7 July 1623; M.A. New 17 May 1626. Preb. of Hereford 1632. Butterfield, Robert (London). Adm. pleb. Mar. 16^$, aged 16. Copley, Edward (Yorks.). Matr. pleb. 28 Jan. 16g, aged 18. Davenport, Humphrey (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 21 Jan. ; matr. 28 Jan. 16^, aged 15. BENEF. : Plate 1620. Quat. Mon. v. Earbury (Earburye, Erbery), William (Glamorg.). Adm. mercatoria 14 Feb. 16U, aged 15 ; matr. cler. 2 Nov. 1621 ; B.A. 29 Oct. 1623 ; incorp. Cambridge 1624. WORKS : A monstrous dispute, 1653. \"The relation of a public discourse be- Zion's sad tears for Nineveh's just fears, tween Mr. Cheynel and Mr. Erbury, 1653. 1647. The great Earthquake, 1654. f2%e Lord of Hosts, 1648. Jack Pudding, 1654. \-The bishop of London, the welsh curate, An Oliie Leaf, 1654. 1652. The Man of Peace, 1654. ^Ministers for tythes, 1653. {The testimony of William Erbury, The Baby of Glory, 1653. 1658. A Call to the Churches, 1653. The sword doubJed to cut off both the The Madman's Plea, 1653. righteous and the wicked, 1662. Ath. iii ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. xi. Hawarden, Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 24 Feb. 16!$, aged 17. Holderness, Richard (Oxon.). Priv. adm. as coquus secundus 21 Jan. Lewis (Lewes), Walter (Essex). Adm. pleb. 13 Mar. 16g, aged 19 ; matr. 2 Nov. 1621 ; grace for B.A. 1 July ; Morclaunt Sch. 19 Aug. 1623. Manwaring (Mainwaring), Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 12 Mar. ; matr. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18 ; B.A. 29 Oct. 1623. Miller, Thomas (Oxon.). Priv. adm. as servus 21 Jan. 16^. Will proved at Oxford 1622. Rawlins, Giles (Herefs.). Adm. mercatoris 3 Feb. 16ig, aged 18 ; matr. 7 Dec. 1621 ; B.A. 29 Oct. 1622 ; M.A. 7 July 1625. Shelton, John (Warws.). Priv. adm. as tertius promus 21 Jan. 16. Tayler (Taylor), John (Worcs.). Adm. gen. 29 Feb. 16$, aged 14; matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 17; B.A. 29 Oct. 1623 ; M.A. 6 July 1626. Thomas, Lewis (Glamorg.). Adm. cler. 5 Feb. 16M ; ? B.A. Jesua 13 Feb. 162|, Thomas, Thomas (Glamorg.). Adm. gen. 14 Feb. 16g matr. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18 ; B.A. 29 Oct. 1623 ; M.A. 6 July 1626. Turner, Anthony. Adm. gen. 162O Archdale, Thomas (London). Adm. arm. 8 Nov. 1620, aged 16. Bold, Edward (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 30 Sept, 1620, aged 16 ; B.A. 7 July 1624 ; M.A. 5 July 1627. 140 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE [1620 Brereton, William (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 6 Oct. 1620, aged 16; matr. 2 Nov. 1621. Cr. Bart. 10 Mai-. 1627 ; M.P. Cheshire 1628. WORK : Kept a Diary, which was published by Cheetham Society, 1844. Ath. iii ; D.N.B. Challoner (ChaUenor), Henry (Surrey). Adm. eq. 13 May 1620, aged 14 ; matr. 16 Feb. 162^, aged 16 ? ; B.A. 15 Feb. 162|. Chambers, William (London). Adm. pleb. 8 Sept. 1620, aged 15 ; matr. 2 Nov. 1621 ; Nowell Sch. 27 Julv 1622 ; B.A. 7 July 1624 ; M.A. 5 July 1627. Croxtpn, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. gen. 1 June 1620, aged 15. ? D.N.B. Dawson, John (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. Christ Church 27 Oct. 1620, aged 14; B.A. 11 May 1624; M.A. Brasenose 17 Apr. 1627. ' A most eminent preacher of his time.' Vicar of Maidenhead, Berks., until his death Sept. 1641 ; buried in the Church at Cookham. Ath. iii. Dingley, Philip (Warws.). Adm. arm. 19 Oct. 1620 ; matr. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18. German, Joseph (London). Matr. pleb. 28 June, aged 19 ; sup. B.A. 14 June 1620. Hall, John (Sussex). Adm. gen. 4 Oct. 1620, aged 18; matr. pleb. 10 Nov. 1621 ; B.A. 7 July 1624. Harris, Edward (Surrey or Oxon.). Adm. doct. f. 27 Sept. 1620, aged 15 ; matr. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18 ? Holland, Thomas (Salop). Adm. gen. 27 June 1620, aged 18. Hopton, William (Salop). Adm. mil. 13 May 1620, aged 17. Hyte, John (Som.). Matr. pleb. Oct. 1620, aged 18 ; B.A. 23 May 1622 ; M.A. Balliol 6 June 1627. Jeffrey (Gefferyes, Jefferis), Nicholas. Subscr. 27 Oct. ; adm. 16 Nov. ; B.A. 23 May 1620; M.A. 11 July 1623. Johnson, Thomas (Lanes.). Nowell Sch. 24 Oct., 1620 ; matr. pleb. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 19; B.A. 17 Feb. 162; M.A. 7 July 1626. Knowles (Knoille), Thomas (Som.). Adm. arm. 6 Nov. 1620, aged 17 ; matr. 16 Feb. 162?. Lacy, William (Lines.). Adm. pleb. 15 May 1620, aged 15; matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1622 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 26 Feb. 162$. Pickeringe (Pickering), Peter (Lanes.). Adm. paedagogi 14 Oct., aged 17 ; ? subst. for Nowell Sch. 24 Oct. 1620 ; matr. 2 Nov. 1621 ; grace for B.A. 26 Oct. 1623. Price, Raphael (Glamorg.). Adm. arm. 29 June 1620, aged 16. Richards, Timothy (Wilts.). Adm. cler. 4 May, aged 18; matr. 7 July 1620 ; B.A. 5 Feb. 162 ; M.A. 6 July 1626. Salway (Sallawaie, Salowaie, Saloway), Arthur (Worcs.). Adm. arm. (? June) 1620 ; grace for B.A. 1 July 1623 ; grace for M.A. 24 May 1626. 1620-1] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 141 Salway, Edward (Worcs.). Adm. arm. June 1620 ; matr. gen. 10 Nov. 1621, aged 18. M.P. Droitwich 1659. Smallman, John (Salop). Adm. arm. 11 Nov. 1620, aged 17 ; rnatr. pleb. 10 Nov. 1621 ; B.A. 7 July 1624 ; M.A. 5 July 1627. Smith, George (Sussex). Adm. gen. 20 July 1620, aged 18 ; matr. cler. 2 Nov. 1621 ; B.A. 6 Feb. 162| ; M.A. 6 July 1626. Tempest, John (Yorks.). Adm. arm. 20 June 1620, aged 17. Whinnell (Whynnell), John (Dorset). Matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1620 (? or 1622), aged 16 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 162f . Wilkinson, William (Chesh.) Adm. pleb. 17 Nov. 1620, aged 17; matr. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18 ; B.A. 29 Oct. 1624. Hyte, Bichard (Som.). Adm. pleb. 1 Jan. 162; matr. 10 Nov. 1621, aged 19. Linche (Lench), John (Worcs.). Adm. arm. 14 Mar. 1629, aged 16 ; matr. 2 Nov. 1621 ; B.A. 29 Oct. 1623. Linche (Lench), Ealph (Worcs.). Adm. arm. (? 14) Mar. 162?, aged 15; matr. 2 Nov. 1621; B.A. 7 July 1624; Fellow of All Souls, B.C.L. 16 Nov. 1630. Nixon (Nickson), Edmund (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 9 Feb. 162; matr. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18 ; B.A. 7 July 1624. Ormston, Ralph (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. Feb. or Mar. 162J. 1621 Ambrose (Ambros), Isaac (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. (? cler.) 19 July; matr. 2 Nov., aged 17 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 11 Oct. 1621 ; Nowell Sch. 8 June 1622 ; B.A. 25 Feb. 162 ; incorp. as M.A. at Cambridge 1632. WORKS : -\-Looking unto Jesus, 1658, &c. fPriwa, Media, and Ultima, 1650, -\-War with Devils, 1661. &c. -^Ministrations of Angels, 1661, &c. ^Redeeming the Time, 1658. f Complete Works, in 1 vol., 1674. Ath. iii ; Fasti i ; D.N.B. Andrew, George (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. ; ? Nowell Sch. 11 Oct. 1621. Aspinall (Aspinwall), William (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. (19 July ?); Nowell Sch. 6 Sept. ; matr. arm. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18 ; B.A. 25 Feb. 162f. BENEF. : Gave 1 towards new chapel, &c. 1660. Quat. Mon. iv. Astbrooke, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 10 Nov. 1621, aged 17. Axon, Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 16 Nov. 1621, aged 20. Bentley, Edward (Warws.). Adm. gen. Nov., aged 17; matr. Magdalen Hall 7 Dec. 1621, aged 16 ? ; B.A. 7 July 1625 ; M.A. 13 May 1628; B.C.L. All Souls 11 Dec. 1634. Brereton, Brian (Urian) (Lanes.). Adm. arm. (Oct. ?), aged 14 ; matr. arm. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 15. Bridges, William (Gloucs.). Matr. pleb. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18 ; B.A. 7 July 1624 ; M.A. 5 July 1627. 142 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1621 Domvill, Randle (Randulphus, Ranulphus) (Chesh. or Lanes.). Adm. arm. 26 Mar., aged 16; matr. cler. 2 Nov. 1621; No-well Sch. 8 Nov. 1622 ; B.A. 7 July 1624 ; Fellow of Merton 1625 ; M.A. 10 July 1629 ; expelled by Visitors 1648. Durant (Durand), Francis (Bucks.). Adm. gen. 1621 ; matr. pleb. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 18 ; B.A. 7 July 1625. Edwards, Thomas (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 17. Emerson, Pulke (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. 21 July ; matr. 10 Nov. 1621, aged 17. Progg, Peter (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. (Oct. ?) 1621. Gamage, Nathaniel (Glamorg.). Adm. pleb. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 16 ; matr. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 18 ; B.A. Jesus 21 June 1625. Gregg (Gregge), William (Chesh.). Matr. cler. 10 Nov. 1621, aged 19 ; B.A. 23 May 1622. GRIFFITHS, Herbert (Harbert) (Herefs.). Adm. doct. f. 3 Dec. aged 15 ; rnatr. 7 Dec. 1621 ; Fellow (Porter) Feb. 1625 ; M.A. 5 July 1628; signif. ind. to Vicarage of Bucknell, Salop, 1 July 1636; res. Fell. 19 Jan. 163*. BENEF. : Plate 1626. Quat. Mon. v. Griffiths, Robert (Herefs.). Adm. doct. f. 3 Dec. aged 16 ; matr. 7 Dec. 1621, aged 17 ? ; B.A. Jesus 1 July 1624. Grime (Grymes), George (Surrey). Adm. mil. 5 May 1621, aged 15 ; ? matr. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 14. Knighted 19 Dec. 1628. Haberley, Richard (Herefs.). Adm. cler. 3 Dec., aged 15 ; matr. 7 Dec. 1621, aged 16 ? ; B.A. Jesus 19 Feb. 162 ; M.A. 2 June 1627. Holland, Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. arm. Oct., aged 15; matr. arm. 2 Nov. 1621 ; B.A. 7 July 1625 ; M.A. 17 June 1629. Hunt, Edward (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 2 Nov., aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 12 Dec. 1621 ; B.A. 17 Feb. 162 ; M.A. 7 July 1625. Johnson, Richard (Bucks.). Matr. pleb. 2 Nov., aged 18 ; adm. 3 Dec. 1621 ; B.A. 25 Feb. 162 ; M.A. 5 July 1627. Master of the Temple 1647. ' BENEF. : Gave 10 towards new chapel, &c. 1657. <^uat. Mon. iv. Kent, John (Hants.). Adm. pleb. 8 May 1621, aged 18 ; matr. cler. 24 Oct. 1623, aged 19 ? ; sup. B.A. 16 Oct. 1624 (as Kempe.) Will proved at Oxford (as M.A.) 27 Mar. 1632. Mulsho, Francis (Leics.). Adm. gen. 30 May 1621, aged 18. Oldfield, Somerford (Chesh.). Adm. arm. Nov. 1621, aged 17. Prestwicke (Prestwitch), Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 2 July, aged 16 ; matr. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 23 June 1626 ; M.A. 17 June 1629; incorp. at Cambridge 1632. Cr. Bart. 23 or 25 Apr. 1644. Rawlinson (Rowlinson), Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. and matr. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 8 June 1622 ; Nowell Sch. 26 Oct. 1623; B.A. 1 Feb. 162?. 1621-2] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 143 Salway, Arthur (Worcs.). Matr. arm. 10 Nov. 1621, aged 15 ; B.A. Feb. 162 ; M.A. 6 July 1626. WORK : -^Halting stigmatised, 1644. Sa(u)nders, Edward (Salop). Matr. pleb. Oriel 16 Nov. 1621, aged 17 ; B.A. All Souls 26 July; adm. 1624 ; M.A. 17 June 1629. Stradlinge, Edmund (Glamorg.). Adm. mil. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 15; matr. bart. Jesus 30 Apr. ; B.A. 1 July 1624 ; M.A. 17 Apr. 1627. Stradlinge, John (Glamorg.). Adm. mil. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 16. Street (Strete), John (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 2 Nov., aged 19 ; adm. Dec. 1621, aged 21 ? Tackley, Ralph. Adm. pleb. 1621. Tomkins, John (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 28 Apr. aged 16 ; matr. 2 Nov. 1621. Tovy (Tovie), Charles (Worcs.). Adm. pleb. 2 July ; matr. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 18 ; B.A. 6 July 1626 ; M.A. 9 July 1629. Tuckley (Tokley, Tukley), Ralph (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 2 Nov. 1621, aged 16 ; B.A. 17 Dec. 1623. Urmston, Ralph (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 2 Nov., aged 18 ; Ogle Sch. 14 Dec. 1621 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 162|. Watson, Job (Leics.). Adm. pleb. Nov., aged 18 ; matr. 23 Nov. 1621 ; B.A. 25 Feb. 162| ; M.A. Balliol 11 July 1627. 162| Jarvis, John (Essex). Matr. arm. 18 Jan. aged 18; B.A, 28 Feb M.A. All Souls 9 July 1625 ; B.C.L. 29 Nov. 1627 ; D.C.L. 163. 1622 Austin, Benjamin (Kent). Matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 18 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 162f (? also 29 Jan. 162&) ; M.A. 17 June 1629. Baker, Richard (Middlx.). Adm. gen., aged 15 ; matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 14 ? BaU, Gabriel (Som.). Matr. pleb. 13 Dec. 1622, aged 18. Bannester, Richard (Herefs.). Matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 18. Blacke, William (Leics.). Adm. pleb. ; matr. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 17; B.A. 9 Feb. 162$. Bolton (Boulton), Adam (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. May, aged 18; subst. for Nowell Scb. 8 June ; matr. 6 Dec. 1622 ; B.A. 14 Feb. 162f . BOOTHE (Bouth, Booth), Robert (Lanes.). Adm. gen., aged 15 ; Nowell Sch. 8 June ; matr. pleb. 6 Dec. 1622 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 162f ; Fellow (Founders) 15 June 1626 ; M.A. 30 Apr. 1629. A- Died 1631. BENEF. : Plate 1630. Quat. Mon. v. Buckley (Buckleye), Jonathan (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 8 Nov. ; Nowell Sch. 22 Nov. ; matr. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 17 ;. B.A. 9 Feb. 162$; M.A. 26 May 1631. 144 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1622 Burrcmgh, William (Leics.). Adm. arm. Apr. or May ; matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 17. BENEF. : Gave 5 towards new chapel, &c. 1658. Quat. Mon. iv. Cooper, William (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 25 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 9 Dec. 1624 ; B.A. 26 Oct. 1626 ; M.A. 9 Mar. 16|$. Dansey, John (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 1622, aged 14. Davies (Davyes), Eustace (Radnors.). Matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 18; B.A. 9 Feb. 162$; M.A. 11 July 1628. Dextoun, William (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. Apr. or May 1622, aged 20. Dickons, John. Grace for B.A. 8 Nov. 1622. Downes, Francis (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 1622, aged 15 ; matr. gen. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 17. M.P. Wigan 162f. Evans, Lewis (Radnors.). Matr. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 18. Gamull (Gamul), Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 13 Apr. 1622, aged 16 ; grace for B.A. 17 June 1624. Haddon, Robert (Northants.). Adm. pleb. 13 May, aged 18 ; matr. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 17 ? ; B.A. 9 Feb. 162 ; M.A. 7 July 1631. Hughes, Michael (Merioneths.). Matr. cler. All Souls 13 Dec. 1622, aged 18; B.A. Brasenose 17 Feb. 162 (as Nicholas); M.A. All Souls 8 July 1628. Archdeacon of Merioneth 1676. Ker(r)esford, Cotton (Yorks.). Matr. pleb. 13 Dec. 1622, aged 18. Moryson, Henry (Hibern.). Adm. mil. 1622, aged 14. NEWTON" (Nuton, Neuton), John (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 13 ; B.A. 26 Oct. 1626 ; Fellow (Founders) 15 Oct. 1627 ; M.A. 17 June 1629 ; Junior Bursar 1637-8 ; B.D. 3 Feb. 164? ; Senior Bursar 1645-6; removed by Visitors 1648; reinstated 11 Aug. 1660; grace for D.D. 8 Nov. 1660. Died 12 Apr. ; buried in St. Mary's 15 Apr. 1664. BENEF.: Plate (?date); gave 15 towards new chapel, &c. 1660; bequeathed 50 to new chapel, &c. 1666. O.H.S. xix, xxi, xxxvii ; Camden Soc., New Ser. 29, p. 482 ; Quat. Mon. iv, v, xi, xii. Oldfeld, John (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 1622, aged 17. Parkinson, Edmund (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 17 ; adm. arm. (as Edward) 1622-3. Parry, George (Brecon ?). Adm. arm. 1622, aged 17. Parsones (Parsons), John (Herefs.). Matr. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 18; B.A. 5 July 1627. Pexton, William (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 19 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 162 ; M.A. Balliol 7 July 1631. Radclyffe, Alexander (Lanes.). Adm. mil. 1622, aged 14. Rochester, Edward (Nortbumb. or Durham). Adm. pleb., aged 15 ; matr. 6 Dec. 1622 ; B.A. 18 Feb. 162 ; M.A. 5 July 1628. 1622-|] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 145 Rogers, Charles (Herefs.). Adm. gen. ; matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 17. Rusten, Benjamin (North. ?). Adm. cler. 4 June 1622, aged 15. Seddon, Robert (Lanes.). Adm. pleb., aged 18 ; matr. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 19 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 26 Oct. 1623. Smith (Smyth, Smythe), Gervase (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. aged 17 ; matr. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 18 ; B.A. 3 Dec. 1625. West, Edmund (Bucks.). Adm. arm., aged 15; matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 14 (sic). M.P. Bucks. Nov. 1645. Whinnell (WhynneU), Thomas (Dorset). Adm. cler., aged 21 ; matr. 6 Dec. 1622, aged 22 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 162. WORK : A sober reply to Mr. R. Steeds concerning singing, 1691. 162s and 1622-3 Alcocke (Elcocke), Anthony (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1622-3, aged 17 ; matr. 5 Dec. 1623, [aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 9 Dec. 1624 ; B.A. 29 Jan. 162; M.A. Magdalen Hall 8 June 1630; D.D. Brasenose 14 Mar. 166. Sub-dean of York 1660 ; died 1670. Bannister (Banister), William (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 1622-3, aged 18 ; matr. pleb. 5 Dec. 1623; Nowell Sch. 9 Dec. 1624; B.C.L. All Souls 17 Apr. 1630; incorp. at Cambridge 1632. Gutch i. Barcroft, Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1622-3, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 16 June ; matr. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 18 ; B.A. 26 Oct. 1626 ; M.A. 7 July 1631. Berkeley (Barckelye, Barckley, Barkley), George (Salop). Adm. cler. 1622-3, aged 17; matr. 26 Nov. 1624, aged 17; Frankland Sch. 26 Jan. 162 ; B.A. 26 Oct. 1626 ; 'M.A. 17 June 1629. Chowne, George (Kent). Adm. arm. 1622-3. Harris, Joseph (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. 1622-3, aged 17 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 19 ; B.A. 5 July 1627 ; M.A. 5 July 1632. Holker (Houlker, Houlcker), Richard (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1622-3, aged 15; Nowell Sch. 16 June; matr. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 17; B.A. 26 Oct. 1626. Horrockes, James (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1622-3, aged 15 ; matr. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 16 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 9 Dec. 1624 : B.A. 29 Jan. 162f Hulme, John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1622-3, aged 15 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 16 June 1623 ; matr. 18 Nov. 1625, aged 17. Jervis, Richard (Montgom.). Adm. pleb. 1622-3, aged 16 ; matr. 24 Mar. 162f, aged 18 ; B.A. 20 Oct. 1626. Miller, Thomas (Worcs.). Adm. pleb. 1622-3, aged 15. Nicholson, Micaiah (London). Adm. arm. 1622-3, aged 17 ; matr. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 18 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 162f . Nicholson, Nicholas (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1622-3, aged 15 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 9 Dec. 1624. Powell, John (Denbighs.). Adm. arm. 1622-3, aged 17. L 146 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK [162|-3 Pregion, Thomas (Lines.). Matr. gen. Wadham 7 Feb. 162g, aged 15 ; ? = Thomas, rigion (Lines.), adm. gen. 1622-3, aged 15 ; B.A. Brasenose 23 June 1626. Prest, Henry (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 1622-3, aged 16. Prestwich, John (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 1622-3, aged 15; grace for B.A 17 May 1626 ; grace for M.A. 7 May 1629 ; Fellow of All Souls ; made Dean of Arts by Parliamentary Visitors 1649. 'He had formerlie been a Benefactor to Brasnose College of which he had sometimes been a commoner and would have been again at his death and a greater to All Soules if he had died with a will.' BENEF. : Plate 1630, 1680. Gave 20 towards new chapel, &c. 1658. Gutch i ; O.H.S. xxi ; Quat. Mon. iv, v. Sterr, Henry (Dorset). Adm. gen. 1622-3, aged 18. Trevilian, Richard (London). Adm. pleb. 1622-3, aged 15. White, Thomas (Hants.). Adm. eq. 1622-3, aged 17. 1623 Acton, William (Gloucs.). Matr. gen. 24 Oct. 1623, aged 19. Beacham, Josias (Northants.). Matr. pleb. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 20. Blount, Thomas (London). Matr. arm. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 17. F.R.S. 1665. BENEF. : Plate 1625. Quat. Mon. v. Brereton (Brertonn), Richard (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 15 ; B.A. 27 Nov. 1626. Fry (Freye, Frye), Thomas (Sussex). Matr. pleb. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 18; grace for B.A. 17 May 1626. Griffith, William (Carnarv.). Matr. arm. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 18 ; B.A. 18 Feb. 162|. Peirse, Edward (Berks.). Matr. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 15. Preston, Henry (Lanes.). Matr. cler. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 17. Shaw, Henry (Lanes.). Nowell Sch. 26 Oct.; matr. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 17; B.A. 29 Jan. 162f ; M.A. 17 June 1629. SHIPTON, Samuel (Chesh.). Matr. cler. All Souls 31 Oct. 1623, aged 17; B.A. 11 Dec. 1626; adm. 17 Jan. 162f ; Fellow (Founders) 15 Oct. 1627 ; M.A. 17 June 1629 ; signif. 10 Nov. 1630 ind. on 27 Oct. to benefice ; res. Fell. 27 Oct. 1631. BENEF : Plate 1630. Quat. Mon. v. Smith, Thomas (London). Matr. pleb. Trinity 5 Dec. 1623, aged 17 ; ? adm. gen. 1624 ; Nowell Sch. 3 Feb. 162 ; B.A. 5 July 1627. Buried in St. Mary's 3 Dec. 1628. O.H.S. xxxvii. Stillinge, John (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 19; B.A. 14 Mar. 162$. 1623-4] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 147 Stock, John (London). Matr. pleb. St. John's 4 July 1623, aged 15 ; B.A. 11 Apr. 1627 ; M.A. Brasenose 26 May 1631 ; Fellow of St. John's ; B.D. 18 Dec. 1637. Buried in St. John's chapel, 5 Nov. 1638. Taylor, William (Ohesh.). Matr. 5 Dec. 1623, aged 18. Aldersey, John (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 19 Mar. 162J, aged 15. Amerie (Amery), Robert (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. Mar. or Apr. 162f or 1624, aged 15 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 16 ? ; B.A. 14 Feb. 162*. Buried in St. Mary's 13 Mar. IGl^. O.H S. xxxvii. Crosse, Matthew (Lines.). Matr. cler. University 6 Feb. 162f, aged 15 ; B.A. All Souls 12 Feb. 162| ; M.A. Brasenose 3 July 1632. Harnott, Daniel (London). Adm. pleb. 29 Jan. 162, aged 17. Leighe (Leigh), Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 20 Feb. 162J ; matr. 24 Mar. 162^, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 162& or 1627 ; B.A. 25 Oct. 1627. Pollett (Pollet), John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 18 Mar. 162f, aged 14 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 17 ; B.A. 25 Oct. 1627. Sherborne, Robert (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 29 Jan. 162f, aged 18 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 21. 1624 Aubrey, Morgan (Herefs.). Adm. mil. 1624, aged 17. Barnard, Nathaniel (Berks.). Matr. pleb. 28 May 1624, aged 15. Bateman, John (Middlx.). Adm. arm. 1624, aged 16. Birchall, Henry (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1624, aged 17. Blackburne (Blackborne, Blackeborne), William (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 1624, aged 15; matr. 20 Oct. 1626; B.A. 10 July 1628; M.A. St. John's 26 May 1631 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1633 ; grace for B.D. Brasenose 13 Mar. 163^. Cardell, John (Bucks.). Adm. pleb. 1624, aged 15 ; matr. 18 Nov. 1625 ; B.A. 7 Feb. 162f ; M.A. 17 Dec. 1631. Coyte, Richard. Servant. Will proved at Oxford 1624. Darell (Darrell), Thomas (Notts.). Adm. arm. 12 May 1624, aged 16; B.A. 10 July 1628 ; Fellow of All Souls ; M.A. 24 Apr. 1632. Fish. Adm. pleb. 1624. GREENWOOD (Greenewood, Greenewoode), Daniel (Yorks.). Matr. pleb. Lincoln 30 Apr. 1624, aged 19; B.A. 26 Jan. 1625 ; Fellow (Clifton) 15 Oct. 1627 ; M.A. 17 June 1629 ; Junior Bursar 1638-9 ; eignif. ind. to rectory July 1640 ; B.D. 3 Feb. 164? ; res. Fell. 16 June 1647 ; order of committee of Lords and Commons for the establishment of Daniel Greenwood in Dr. Eadcliffe's place 29 Feb. 164 ; Principal 1648-60 ; cr. D.D. 24 July 1649 ; Vice-Chancellor 1650-2. Died 29 Jan. 167^, aged 71 ; buried at Steeple Aston. BENEF. : Plate 1630. Fasti ii ; O.H.S. xl ; Camdcn Soc., NewSer. 29, p. 481 ; Quat. Mon. v, xi, xii. L 2 148 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1624-f Jephson, William (Hibern.). Adm. mil. 1624, aged 14 ; B.A. 29 Jan. 1625. BENEF. : Plate 1630. ? D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. v. Lewis, James (Brecon). Adm. arm. 1624. Marbury (Merbury), Anthony (London). Adm. cler. 1624 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 18 ; B.A. Pembroke 22 Feb. 162J. Osbaston (Osbaldeston). Adm. gen. 1624. Parker, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 1624, aged 20 ; matr. 11 Feb. 1624, aged 19 ?; B.A. 10 July 1628 ; M.A. 7 July 1631. Paulet, John. Nowell Sch. 9 Dec. 1624. Phillips (Philipps), Stephen (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 1624, aged 16; matr. pleb. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 17 ; B.A. Christ Church 7 May 1629 ; M.A. 21 Jan. 163. Preb. of Hereford 1641. BENEF. : Gave 5 towards new chapel, &c. 1658. Quat. Mon. iv. Radcliffe, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 1624, aged 16. Samon, Thomas (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. 1624 ; matr. gen. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 14 ; Fellow of Corpus ; B.A. 19 Feb. 163? ; M.A. 18 Mar. 163}. Buried in Corpus Chapel. Gutch Coll. 408. Singleton, Edward (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 15 May 1624, aged 19. Sprinte, John (Gloucs.). Matr. cler. Pembroke 26 Nov. 1624, aged 18 ; B.A. Brasenose 3 July 1628 ; M.A. Christ Church 30 Apr. 1631. Stanhope, John (Yorks.). Matr. 26 Nov. 1624, aged 18. Stansnelde (Stanfielde, Stansfeild, Stansfeilde, Stanftld), James (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 17 May, aged 18; matr. 26 Nov. 1624; Nowell Sch. 3 Feb. 162: B.A. 21 Feb. 162; M.A. 3 July 1630; Rodborough Lecturer 9 Sept. 1633 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1633. Vaughan, Roger (Radnors.). Adm. arm. 1624. Whalie. Adm. pleb. 1624 ; ? = George Walley buried in St. Mary's 22 Mar. 163f O.H.S. xxxvii. Whitinge, John. Adm. pleb. 1624. Woodward, William (Willinus) (Hants. ). Adm. pleb. 1624, aged 16 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 17; B.A. 11 Dec. 1628 ; M.A. 27 Jan. 163*. 162| and 1624-5 Harvie, Charles (Middlx.). Adm. gen. 1624-5, aged 17. Jones (Johnes), John (Lanes.). Adm. cler. 15 Feb. 162|, aged 15; Nowell Sch. 3 Feb. 162$; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 16; B.A. 11 Nov. 1628; M.A. 7 July 1631 ; cr. D.D. 31 Jan. 164. Parker, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 162i, aged 16; matr. 11 Feb. ; B.A. 7 Feb. 162JJ. 1622-5] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 149 Percivall (Perceivall), John (Chesh.). Matr. 4 Feb. 162*, aged 17; ? cr. B.D. in convocation 21 Feb. 164g. Williams, David (Hants.). Adm. cler. 162i, aged 17 ; B.A. Balliol 5 Feb. 162*. 1625 Anwill, John. Adm. 1625. Boswood, Roger (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 1625, aged 16; matr. 20 Oct. 1626 ; B.A. 7 Feb. 162f . Boys, Joseph (Kent). Adm. gen. 9 May 1625, aged 17 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626; Demy Magdalen 1628; B.A. 20 June 1629; M.A. 8 May 1632. Clarke, John (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 1625, aged 17 ; B.A. 11 Nov. 1628 ; M.A. 7 July 1632. Dodwell, William (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. 1625, aged 14. Done, James (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 1625, aged 18; matr. 24 Mar. 162$, aged 17 ?; B.A. 17 June 1629. Fforth, Roger. Adm. pleb. 1625. Gregge (Gregg), John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 16 Dec., aged 17; adm. 1625, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 17 June 1629. Halleley, Walter (Middlx.). Adm. pleb. 1625, aged 17. Harv(e)y, John (Gloucs.). Adm. gen. 1625, aged 15 ; matr. 30 June 1626, aged 16 ; B.A. 10 July 1628 ; M.A. 10 May 1631. HOUGHTON (Haughton), John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 9 May 1625, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 3 Feb. 162 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 7 Feb. 162f ; Fellow (Founders) 21 May 1631 ; M.A. 26 June 1632 ; Junior Bursar 1641-3, and 6 Aug. 1657 ; cr. B.D. 16 Jan. 164 ; Senior Bursar 1646-8, 50-1, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9, 60-2; grace for D.D. 8 Nov. 1660; res. Fell. 9 Oct. 1663. Signif. 11 Oct. 1660 ind. on 4 Oct. to prebend. Sarum; signif. 23 Jan. 166^ ind. on 16 Jan. to prebend. Sarum ; signif. 3 Dec. 1662 adm. on 9 Oct. to perpetual chaplaincy ' Sabaudiae de la Strand ' ; died 7 Aug. 1677 ; buried in College cloister ; will proved at Oxford. BENEF. : Plate 1632. Gutch Coll. 378 ; Cainden Soc., New Ser. 29, p. 483 ; Quat. Mon. v, xi, xii. Ingram, James (Northants.). Matr. mercatoris gen. All Souls 27 May 1625, aged 20; B.A. Brasenose 17 Feb. 162f ; M.A. Hart Hall 25 June 1628 ; perhaps cr. B.D. 16 Jan. 164$ and ordered to be cr. D.D. 9 Dec. 1643. Leighe (Legh, Leigh), Robert (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 25 May 1625, aged 16 ; Nowell Sch. 3 Feb. 162$ ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 17 ; B.A. 7 Feb. 162| ; ? M.A. St. Maiy Hall 26 June 1632. Meredith, Thomas (Montgom.). Adm. pleb. 1625, aged 20 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 21 ; B.A. 21 Feb. 162J ; M.A. 3 July 1630. Peckston (Pexton), Francis (Som.). Adm. cler. 1625, aged 18 ; B.A. 7 Feb. 162-5. Powell, Richard (Herefs.). Adm. cler. 1625, aged 16 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626 ; B.A. 10 July 1628 ; M.A. 10 May 1631. 150 Preston, Christopher (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 1625 ; ? = Christopher Preston (Lanes.), matr. arm. Queen's 4 Dec. 1618, aged 17 ; B.A. 26 June 1622 ; M.A. 30 June 1625. Rous, Thomas (Worcs.). Adm. mil. 13 May 1625, aged 17 ; matr, 20 Oct. 1626, aged 18 ; sup. B.A. Corpus 31 Jan. 162. Cr. Bart. 23 July 1641 ; M.P. co. Worcester 1654, 6, Evesham 1660. Shrawley, John (Montgorn. or Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 1625, aged 16 ;. matr. 20 Oct. 1626 ; B.A. Merton 10 Feb. 162f . Towers, Jephson. Adm. pleb. 1625, aged 13. Walmsley, Charles (Lanes.). Adrn. arm. 1625, aged 17. BENEP : Plate 1667. Quat. Mon. v. Weller, William (Gloucs.). Adm. pleb. 1625, aged 16. Whetstones (Whetston), James (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. Apr. 1625, aged 15 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 16 ; B.A. 28 Jan. 16j$; M.A. 30 Oct. 1632 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1640. Whittingham, William (Montgom.). Adm. gen. 1625, aged 18 ^ matr. pleb. 20 Oct. 1626 ; B.A. 10 July 1628. Arderne, Ralph (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 25 Jan. 162f, aged 17; grace for B.A. 26 June 1628. Austin, David (Kent). Adm. pleb. 24 Jan. 162, aged 15. Hickes, John (Middlx.). Adm. cler. 9 Feb. 162f, aged 15. OLDPEILD (Ouldfeild, Oldfeld), Geoffrey (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 4 Feb. 162$, aged 16 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 10 July 1628 ; Fellow (Founders) 3 Dec. 1631 ; M.A. 26 June 1632 ; Junior Bursar 1640-1 ; Rector of Selham 2 Feb. 164? ; res. Fell. 31 Jan. 1642. BENEF. : Plate 1632. Quat. Mon. v. Wats (Watts), Richard (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 10 Feb. 162g, aged 18 ,- B.A. 5 July 1627 ; M.A. 3 July 1630 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1634. Yonge, Robert (Oxon.). Adm. gen. 25 Feb. 162g, aged 17; B.A. All Souls 16 June 1629; M.A. 11 May 1633. 1626 Astley, Ralph (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 3 June, aged 18 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626 ; B.A. 28 Jan. 16|. Bisse, William (Som.). Matr. cler. Corpus 14 July, aged 16 ; adm. 27 Oct. 1626 ; M.A. 9 May 1633. Preb. of Wells 1635. Bolde (Bold, Bould), Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. June, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 26 June ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 19. Brereton, William (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 30 May, aged 19 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 28 Jan. 16. Buckley, John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. July 1626, aged 17. 1626] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK 151 Burnett, Rowland (Yorks.). Adm. pleb. 17 Aug., aged 18; matr. 20 Oct. 1626. Cartur (Carter, Cartar), John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb., aged 19 ; matr. 20 Oct. ; Ogle Sch. 14 Nov. 1626 ; B.A. 5 May 1631. Clerke, "William (Kent). Adm. mil. 3 June, aged 16 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 17. Dodington, John (Hants.). Adm. mil. 19 Oct. 1626, aged 17 ; B.A. 17 June 1629. Edmonds (Edmunds), Richard (Bucks.). Adm. gen. 25 Apr., aged 13 ; matr. pleb. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 15 ?. Farrington, John (Sussex). Adm. arm. 29 June, aged 17 ; matr. gen. 30 June 1626. Knighted 30 May 1661. Ath. iii. Fleetwoode (Fletewood), John (Bucks.). Adm. mil. 6 June ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 17 ; B.A. 7 Feb. 162. , Foxall (Foxoll), Robert (Hants.). Adm. pleb.; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 17 ; B.A. 7 Feb. 162. Gee, Edward (Lanes, or Oxon.). Adm. cler. 26 Oct. 1626, aged 14; B.A. 16 Dec. 1630; M.A. 8 July 1636. Chaplain to Dr. Parr, Bishop of Sodor and Man. WORKS : ?A Plea for Non(Sub') Scribers, 1650. -\-The Divine Eight and Originall of An Exercitation concerning Usurped Civil Magistrates from God Illustrated Power (n. d.). and Vindicated, 1658. A Vindication of the Oath of Allegiance, Joint author with Hollingworth of 1650. a Preface to Brownsword's Rome's ^A Treatise of Prayer and of Divine Conviction, 1654. Providence relating to it, 1653, &c. Ath. iii ; Manchester Courier, 13 Dec., 1878 ; D.N.B. Glasbrooke, Peter (Wilts.). Adm. cler. 17 July, aged 16 ; matr. pleb. 20 Oct. 1626 ; B.A. Christ Church 11 June 1629. Graye, Henry (Staffs.). Adm. arm. 25 Oct. 1626, aged 15. Grymes, Arthur (Surrey). Adm. mil. Apr. 1626, aged 15. Harrison, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. June 1626, aged 16; matr. 10 June 1630 ; B.A. 28 Jan. 1631 ; M.A. 3 Oct. 1632 ; incorp. at Cam- bridge 1633. Hilton, Robert (Lanes.). Adm. pleb., aged 19 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 18 ? ; subst. for absent' (Nowell V) Sch. 26 Oct. 1629 ; B.A. 10 June 1630. Holland, George (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 26 Oct. 1626, aged 15; subst. for Nowell Sch. 162? or 1627; matr. 23 Jan. 162$; Nowell Sch. 26 Oct. 1629 ; B.A. 3 Feb. 163 (as Gregory). Holworthy, Matthew (Som.). Adm. gen. 7 July, aged 17; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 18 ; B.A. 7 Feb. 162;;. Knighted 12 May 1665. Lambert, John (Hants.). Adm. gen. 3 June, aged 16; matr. pleb. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 18 ? 152 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1626 Prichard (Pytchard, Pychard), Richard (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 3 July 1626, aged 18 ; matr. gen. 15 Jan., aged 21 ? ; B.A. 28 Jan. 16jf# (as Petchard). Bickard (Richards), William (Oxon.). Adm. cler. 3 Aug., aged 19 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626. Sefton, Daniel (Lanes.). Adm. pleb., aged 15 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626. Smith, Peter (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 18; B.A. 10 June 1630. Taylor, Jeremy (Cambs.). Matr. Gonville and Caius, Cambridge, 18 Aug. 1626, aged 18 ; B.A. 163$ ; Fellow, M.A. 1634 ; incorp. at Oxford 20 Oct. ; Fellow of All Souls 1635 ; cr. D.D. Brasenose 1 Nov. 1642. Vice-Chancellor Trinity Coll., Dublin ; Chaplain to Charles I ; Bishop of Down and Connor 1661 ; died 1667. WORKS : Polemical and Moral Discourses, 1657, A Sermon upon the Anniversary of the &c. Gun Powder Treason, 1638. Discourse of Friendship, 1657. Of the Sacred Orders and Offices of Letter in John Stearne's Qavaro- Episcopacy, 1642. \oyia, 1659. A Discourse of the Liberty of Pro- Ductor Dubitantium, 1660. phesying, 1646. Worthy Communicant, 1660. Discourse concerning Prayer, 1646. Certaine . . . Letters concerning . . . An Apology for . . . Liturgie, 1649. Originall Sin, in a Second Part of The Great Exemplar, 1649. the Mixture of Scholasticall Divinity, Rule and Exercises of Holy Living, 1660. 1650, &c. Letter (or prayer) prefixed to Funeral Sermon . . . Frances, Countess Henry Leslie's Discourse, 1660. of Carbery, 1 650. Sermon, 1 66 1 . Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying, 1651, Rules and Advices to the Clergy of . . . &c. Down and Connor, 1661. A Discourse of Baptism, 1652. A Sermond (sic) . . . at the opening of A Short Catechism, 1652. the Parliament of Ireland, 1661. Two Discourses: (1) of Baptism, (2) Of 'ESSofids 'Eft&o\t(Jiaios, 1661-3. Prayer, 1653. Via Intelligentiae, 1662. Sermons for all the Sundays in the Sermon ... funeral of John ... Arch- year, 1653-5, &c. bishop of Armagh, 1663, &c. The Real Presence, 1654. . Confirmation, 1663. Unum Necessarium, 1655. A Dissuasive from Popery, 1664. The Golden Grove, 1655, c. Christ's Yoke an Easy Yoke, 1675. A Discourse of Auxiliary Beauty, 1656, Whole Works, by Heber, 1822, &c. &c. On the Reverence due to the Altar, 1848. Ath. iii ; Gutch i ; Fasti ii ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. xi, xii. Throkmorton, Thomas (Gloucs.). Adm. mil. 7 July 1626, aged 15. Tredcroft (Tredecroft), John (Sussex). Adm. pleb. 22 Nov. 1626, aged 19; matr. and B.A. 10 June 1630; M.A. Magdalen Hall 11 May 1633; cr. B.D. 10 Nov. 1642. Whaley, Thomas (Lanes ). Adm. pleb. 15 July, aged 21 ; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 6 Feb. Wogan, William (Pembs.). Adm. gen. 7 July 1626, aged 17. Worrall (Wyrrall, Worral), James (Lanes.). Adm. pleb., aged 19; matr. 20 Oct. 1626, aged 17 ?; B.A. 28 Jan. 16$*; M.A. 3 June 1633 ; ? Nowell Sch. 1626-7] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 153 Worrall, Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 29 Apr., aged 17; matr. 20 Oct. 1626 ; B.A. 17 June, 1629 ; M.A. 26 June 1632. Yates, Jonathan (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 6 July 1626, aged 17; B.A. 28 Jan. ; matr. 29 Jan. 16$, aged 19. Bray (Braye), Edmund (Gloucs.). Adm. gen. 16 Mar. 1622. aged 16 ; B.A. 15 Dec. 1629. Broome, Humphrey (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 15 Mar. 162fi, aged 17. Crompton (Crumpton), Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 15 Jan. 162S, aged 16; matr. 23 Jan. 162$; Nowell Sch. 26 Oct. 1629; B.A. Exeter 16 Nov. 1630. Henley, Henry (Som.). Adm. arm. 9 Mar. 1622, aged 16. Phillips, Joseph (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 1 Mar. 1626, aged 16. 1627 Bennet, Joseph (Northants.). Adm. pleb. 7 Dec. 1627, aged 15. Best, Robert (Herefs.). Adm. doct. f. 28 Apr. 1627, aged 17. Birom, Adam (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 6 Oct. 1627, aged 16. Brooke, Edmund (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 7 Dec. 1627, aged 16. Brooke, Henry (Chesh.). Adm. mil. 30 June 1627, aged 16. Cartwright, John (Middlx.). Adm. arm. 17 Nov. 1627, aged 15 ; B.A. 28 Jan., matr. 29 Jan. 16$g ; cr. M.A. 12 Apr. 1648. BENEP. : Founded two Scholarships 1665 ; gave 20, 1657, 100, 1663, towards new chapel, &c. O.H.S. xxi ; Quat. Mon. iv. Clough, Jonas (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 11 May, aged 16'; Nowell Sch. 16 June ; matr. 12 Oct. 1627 ; B.A. 27 Feb. 163. Coles, Robert (Wilts.). Adm. gen. 11 Oct. 1627, aged 15. Buried in St. Mary's 27 Nov. 1628. O.H.S. xxxvii. . Corbett, John. Adm. arm. 7 June 1627, aged 18. Cordell, Nicholas (Surrey). Adm. cler. 29 May 1627, aged 16 ; B.A. All Souls 4 May 1631 ; M.A. 13 Feb. 163* ; cr. B.D. Nov. 1642 ; D.D. 1 Dec. 1660. Fellow of Eton College 1660. Courthop, Henry (Kent). Adm. arm. 28 Apr. 1627, aged 17. Daunser (Dauncer, Danser), Garnouns (Garnons) (Herefs ). Adm. arm. 9 July 1627, aged 17 ; B.A. 5 May (as Dancer) ; matr. 10 May 1631, aged 18 ?; M.A. 6 Feb. 163|. Davenport, James (Lanes.). Adm. servientis ad legeni, 14 Oct. 1627, aged 15. BENEP. : Plate 1630. Quat. Mon. v. Davison, Robert (Surrey). Adm. gen. 7 Dec. 1627, aged 16. 154 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1627 Fisher, Edward (Oxon. ?). Adm. eq. aur. 25 Aug. 1627, aged 15; B.A. 10 Apr. 1630. BENEF. : Plate 1631, WORKS: A Touchstone for a Communicant, 1647. The Scriptures Harmony, 1643. London's Gate to the Lord's Table, 1647. \-An Appeal to thy Conscience, 1643. ^A Cliristian Car-eat to the Old and \The Feast of Feasts, 1644. New Sabbatarians, 1649, &c. ^Marrow of Modern Divinity, 1645, Faith in Five Fnndamentall Principles, &c. 1650. fA manifest and briefe discovery of An Ansicer to sixteen queries touching errors in the Marrow of Divinity, the . . . observation of Christmass 1646. propounded by J. Hemming, 1652. Ath. iii ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. v, xi. Fletewood (Fleetwoode), Francis (Bucks.). Adm. eq. 19 Nov. 1627 r aged 15. Fleetwood (Fleetwoode), Thomas (Bucks.). Adm. eq. 19 Nov. 1627, aged 15 ; grace for B.A. 19 Mar. 16 J ; called Doctor of Laws and Fellow of All Souls ; ? LL.D Padua, and incorp. 10 July 1639. Fasti i. Gilibrand, Jonathan (Lanes.). Adm. cler. 8 May 1627, aged 17. Griffith (Griffithes), Edward (Montgom.). Adm. pleb. 4 July 1627, aged 17 ; B.A. 5 May 1631. Henley, John (Som.). Adm. arm. 12 Oct. 1627, aged 15. Holland, "William (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 11 May 1627, aged 16; B.A. 3 Feb. 163 ; M.A. 4 Dec. 1633 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1635. Janings, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 30 June 1627. Leare, Richard (Bucks.). Adm. pleb. 17 Nov. 1627, aged 17. LEIGH, Robert (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 17 Nov. 1627, aged 15 ; matr. 23 Jan. 162| ; Nowell Sch. 26 Oct. 1629 ; B.A. 10 Dec. 1631 ; Fellow (Founders) 4 Nov. 1633 ; M.A. 28 June 1634. Marbury (Marburie, Merburi), Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 29 June 1627, aged 15 ; B.A. 5 May 1631 ; M.A. 6 Feb. 163f. ? M.P. Cheshire 1656. May, John (Cornw.). Adm. cler. 7 May 1627, aged 16 ; ? matr. Exeter 28 Jan. 163, aged 20; B.A. 27 Jan. 163 Milborne (Milbourne), Charles (Monm.). Adm. arm. 3 Dec. 1627, aged 17. Milborne (Milbourne), Henry (Monm.). Adm. arm. 3 Dec. 1627, aged 16. Moston, Ambrose (Flints.). Adm. arm. 16 May 1627, aged 17 ; matr. doct. f. 15 Jan., aged 19 ?; B.A. 28 Jan. legg. Noyse (? Wyse), James (Wilts.). Adm. cler. 22 Aug. 1627, aged 18 ; grace for B.A. 7 May 1629. Assisted his cousin at the Free Sch., Newbury, England ; embarked for New England in the ' Mary and John ' of London with his brother and cousin Mar. 1633 ; settled at Newbury, Mass., 1635 ; died there 1656. His second child, James N., was one of the founders of Yale. Plummer (Plummar), Thomas (Beds.). Adm. pleb. 17 Nov. 1627, aged 19 ; matr. 23 Jan. 162f ; B.A. 5 May 1631 ; M.A. 28 June 1634. Hamsbottom, William (Lanes.). Subst. for Nowell Sch. 16 June; adm.pleb. 2 Nov. 1627, aged 17. 1627-7] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 155 o j Russell (Russel), Paul (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 23 July 1627, aged 17 ; B.A. 5 May 1631 ; M.A. 6 Feb. 163J. Sefton (Sephton), John (Sussex). Adm. cler. 21 June 1627, aged 17 ; B.A. 5 May 1631 ; M.A. 28 June 1634. Preb. of Chichester 1660. BENEF. : Gave 5 towards new chapel, &c. 1664. Quat. Mon. iv. West, Robert (Hants.). Adrn. pleb. 16 July 1627, aged 16; matr. 11 Mar. 163" ; B.A. 5 May 1631 ; M.A. 24 Apr. 1634. Whittingham, John (Montgom.). Adm. gen. 7 Dec. 1627 ; B.A. 29 June 1631. Windowe, Thomas. Grace for B.A. 9 May 1627. 1627-8 Abraham (alias Meatcalfe), Thomas (Oxon.). Adm. mercatoris, 1627-8, aged 16. Broade, Francis (Warws.). Adm. gen. 1627-8, aged 15 ; matr. 15 Oct. ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1631; Fellow of Merton 1633; M.A. 20 Feb. 163 ; Proctor 1644 ; ejected 1648. Brooke, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. eq. 1627-8, aged 16. Bruen, Jonathan (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 1627-8, aged 18. BENEF. : Gave 2 towards new chapel, &c. 1658. Quat. Mon. iv. Byrom, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 1627-8, aged 18 ; matr. 9 Dec., aged 20 ?; B.A. 10 Dec. 1631 ; M.A. 5 July 1636. Gooden, Peter (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 1627-8, aged 17. Hardware, Henry (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 1627-8, aged 15. Hardwick (Hardwicke), John (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 1627-8, aged 20 ; matr. 15 Oct. ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1631 ; ? M.A. Oriel 27 July 1650. Lee, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 1627-8, aged 15. Lewis, Henry (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 1627-8, aged 16. Meatcalfe (alias Abraham), Thomas. Adm. mercatoris, 1627-8, aged 16. Rodd (Rod), Thomas (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 1627-8, aged 18 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 21 ; B.A. 27 Jan. 163. Sager (Sagar, Seagur), Richard (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1627-8, aged 18 ; matr. 23 Jan. 162;} ; Nowell Sch. 26 Oct. 1629; B.A. 3 Nov. 1632; M.A. 4 June 1635. Shilton, William (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. 1627-8, aged 14 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 16 ?. Towne, John (Herefs.). Adm. gen. 1627-8, aged 17. Tyrrel, Robert (Bucks.). Adm. mil. et bart. 1627-8, aged 18. Whitbee (Whitbye, Whitby), Daniel (Beds.). Adm. cler. 1627-8, aged 17 ; matr. 23 Jan. 162f ; B.A. 10 Dec. 1631 ; M.A. 28 June 1634. Preb. of Chichester 1660. WORK : The Vindication of a true Protestant and faithful servant to his church, . .. 1644. Ath. iii. Woodhouse, Richard (Staffs.). Adm. pleb. 1627-8, aged 18. 156 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1628-f 1628 Bennett, Michael. B.A. Brasenose 3 July ; inatr. mil. Christ Church 4 July 1628 ; M.A. 30 Apr. 1631. Goodwyn, Robert. B.A. 3 July 1628. HEYWOOD (Hay wood), Robert. B.A. Cambridge ; incorp. 15 July 1628 ; Fellow (Founders) 21 May 1631 ; M.A. 27 Jan. 163 ; Proctor 24 Apr. 1639 ; Junior Bursar 1639-40 ; cr. B.D. 16 Jan. 164*. Died 1643. BENEF. : Plate 1633. Quat. Mon. v. Home, Robert (Herts.). Matr. gen. Oriel 20 June, aged 19 ; B.A. 30 Oct. 1628 ; M.A. Brasenose 18 June 1631. Will proved at Oxford 1635. Hyde, Edward (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 1628, aged 17. BENEF. : Gave 5 towards new chapel, &c. 1658. Quat. Mon. iv. Lancaster, Thomas (Lanes.). Adm. pleb., aged 16 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 21 Dec. 1628 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 6 Feb. 163* ; M.A. 20 Feb. 163f. Packe, John (Sussex). Matr. cler. Magdalen Hall 12 Dec. 1628, aged 19 ; B.A. Brasenose 15 Feb. 163f ; Clerk of Magdalen ; M.A. 28 Nov. 1636. Shaw, John (Durham). Matr. cler. Queen's 21 Nov. 1628, aged 15 ; adm. 2 Apr. 1629 ; B.A. 24 Mar. 163 ; resigned Claymond Sch. 10 Oct. 1634. WORKS : fOngro protestantium 1677, &c. \-Theportraiture of the primitive saints, ^No reformation of the established re- 1652. formation, 1685. Ath. iv ; D.N.B. Warmstrey, Thomas (Worcs.). B.A. 3 Julv 1628 ; matr. gen. Christ Church 4 July 1628, aged 18 ; M.A. 30 Apr. 1631 ; cr. D.D. 20 Dec. 1642. Preb. of Gloucester 1660 ; Dean of Worcester 1661. WORKS : Suspiria Ecclesiae et Reipublicae Angli- The Preparation for London, 1648. comae, 1640. The Vindication of the Solemnity of the Pax Vobis, 1641. Nativity of Christ, 1648. A Convocation Speech against Images, The Baptised Turk, 1658. Altars, Crosses, Neio Canons, the The Countermine of Union, 1660. Oaths, 1641. An Humble Monitory to the Most Glori- Ramus Olivae, 1642, &c. ous Majesty of Charles II, 1661. An Answer to certain Observations of A box of spicnard, 1664. W. Brydges, 1643. Ath. iii ; D.N.B. 162;; Brownlowe, Robert (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. St. Mary Hall 23 Jan., 162&, aged 20; adm. Mar. 1629; D.Med. of Leyden ; incorp. 10 July 1638. Harrison, John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 20 Feb. 162f, aged 16 ; grace for B.A. 9 Nov. 1631. Poulter, John (Wilts.). Adm. pleb. 11 Mar. 162f, aged 17. 162f-9] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 157 Wolley (Woolley), William. Matr. pleb. 23 Jan., aged 18 ; B.A. 7 Feb. 162f. 1629 Ainsworth, Richard (Lanes.). Adtn. arm. Oct. 1629, aged 18 ; matr. gen. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 19 ? ALDERSEY (Alderseye, Aldersay), William (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 27 May 1629, aged 17 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 6 Feb. 163f ; Fellow (Founders) 8 Feb. 163f; M.A. 3 Dec. 1635; incorp. at Cambridge 1639. Died 28 May 1642 ; will proved at Oxford. Anderton, James (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 15 July 1629, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 7 May ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 14 May 1633 ; M.A. 20 Feb. 163f. Banner, Richard (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. Nov. 1629, aged 17 ; sub. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 3 Nov. 1632 ; M.A. 4 June 1635. Barton, John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 30 Oct. 1629, aged 17. Bignell, Henry (Oxon.). Adm. pleb. 3 June 1629, aged 17 ; matr. 18 Nov. 1631 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 20 Oct. 1632. WORKS : The Son's Portion, 1640 ; A few trivial things not worth mention- ing (Wood). Ath. iii ; D.N.B. Bolton, Daniel (Hants.). Adm. gen. 8 Sept. 1629, aged 18. BYRON (Byrom, Byram, Birom), Ralph (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 1 May 1629, aged 16 ; B.A. 6 Feb. 163| ; Fellow (Frankland) 14 Oct. 1635 ; M.A. 3 Dec. 1635; grace for B.D. 17 Jan. 164; removed by the Visitors 1648. Gutch ii ; Camden Soc., New Ser. 29, p. 481. Chiver (Chiners ?), Henry (Wilts.). Adm. gen. 1 Dec. 1629, aged 16; matr. arm. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 17 ? Egerton, John (Chesh.). Adm. mil. 7 Oct. 1629, aged 19 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 5 July 1632. Egerton, Robert (Chesh.). Adm. mil. 7 Oct. 1629, aged 17 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 5 July 1632. Glynne, William (Carnarv.). Adm. gen. Oct.-Nov. 1629, aged 16 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631. Gwyn (Gwinne, Gwinn), William (Denbighs. or Chesh.). Adm. pleb. Oct. 1629, aged 17; matr. 9 Dec. 1631. Hill, James (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 10 July 1629, aged 17; matr. 12 Apr. ; B.A. 14 May 1633. Jennings (Jeninges, Jannings, Janinge), Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 9 July 1629, aged 16 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 14 May 1633 ; M.A. 20 Feb. 163f. Johnson, Thomas. Adm. pleb. 1629, aged 18; matr. 9 Dec. 1631; B.A. 6 Feb. 163; M.A. 31 May 1636. Jones, Robert (Carnarv.). Adm. pleb. 1629, aged 18. 158 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1629 Kearsley (Kersleye), Richard (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 1629, aged 15 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. June ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 16 ? ; No well Sch. 22 Feb. 163 ; B.A. 14 May 1633 ; M.A. 24 May 1636. KINGE (King), Robert (Chesh.). Adm. doct. f. (? Nov.) 1629, aged 16; B.A. 3 Feb. 163? ; Fellow (Williamson P.) 19 Oct. 1632 ; M.A. 28 June 1634 ; Junior Bursar 1644-5, 7-8 ; signif. ind. to rectory 19 Mar. 164i ; cr. B.D. 27 July 1646 ; removed by the Visitors 1648. Gutch ii ; Camden Soc., New Ser. 29, p. 482 ; Quat. Mon. xi. Leycester (Lecester), Peter (Chesh.). Matr. 'gent, common.' 13 Oct.; adm. arm. 23 Oct. 1629. aged 15. Cr. Bart. 10 Aug. 1660. BENEF. : Gave 5 towards new chapel, &c. 1658. WORKS : On the Soul of Man, 1653. Sir Thomas Mawcaringe's Law- \-HistoricalAntiquities in two books, Cases M istaken, 1674. 1673. A Reply to Sir TJiomas Maimvaringe' s ^An Answer to the Book of Sir Thomas Answer to my two Books. The Second Manwaringe . . . entitled a Defence Reply. Together ivith the case of of Amicia, 1673. Amicia truly state I, 1676. Addenda . . . to Sir Thomas Man- An Answer to Sir Thomas Man- waringe's Book, to he placed imme- waringe's Book, entitled An Admoni- diately after p. 90, 1673. tionto the Reader of Sir Peter Leicester's )-Two Books, the first being styled A Books, 1677. Reply to Sir Thomas Manwaringe s Prolegomena Historica de Ntisica, P. L. Book entitled An Answer to Sir Peter MS. and other MSS. (cal. by Leycester"s Addenda. The other styled Hist. MSS. Com.). Ath. iii ; O.H.S. xxi ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. iv. Massye, Gerard (Chesh.). Adm. doct. f. Dec. 1629, aged 17 ; rnatr. (as Chester) 11 Mar. 1635 > Nowell Sch. 22 Feb. 163$. Norton, Daniel (Hants.). Adm. mil. 18 Apr. 1629, aged 14 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 27 Jan. 163|. BENEF. : Plate 1632. Quat. Mon. v. Gates, Jeremy (Yorks.). Adm. pleb. 15 July 1629, aged 16 ; matr. 24 Feb. 1631, aged 19 ; B.A. St. Edmund Hall 14 May 1633. Buried in St. Mary's (and described as of Brasonose) 22 Feb. 163. O.H.S. xxxvii. Paiton, John (Warws.). Adm. pleb. 27 Mar. 1629, aged 17. Porter, Roger (Bucks.). Frankland Sch. 26 Oct. 1629 ; adm. cler. 25 Mar. 1630, aged 16 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 23 Oct. 1633 ; M.A. 5 July 1636. Rawatorne, Edward (Lanes.). Adm. arm. Oct. 1629, aged 18 ; matr. 9 Apr. 1630. Richardson, Bennett (Herefs.). Adm. doct. f. 1629, aged 18. Richardson, John (Herefs.). Adm. doct. f. 1629, aged 17. Stanhope, Edward (Yorks.). Adm. gen. 29 Apr. 1629, aged 16. Stoddard, Hugh (Cambro-Britannus, ex insula Mona, Anglesey). Adm. pleb. 1629, aged 15. Swindlehurst (Swinlehurst), John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb., aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 26 Oct. 1629 ; B.A. 13 Feb. 163*. 1629-30] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 159 Taylor, Thomas (Worcs.). Adm. pleb. 1629 ; matr. pleb. 9 Dee. 1631 aged 16 ; B.A. 4 Dec. 1632. Warrocke (Warrock), James (Herefs.). Adm. pleb. 6 Nov. 1629 aged 17 ; matr. 23 Nov. 1632, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 29 Oct. 1634. Watmoughe (Watmough), Timothy (Lanes.). Adm. cler. 3 June 1629, aged 11; matr. 11 Mar. 163?; B.A. 6 Feb. 163S; M.A. Pembroke 14 Nov. 1635. Woodcocke (Wodcock), Francis (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 27 May 1629, aged 15 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 27 Feb. 163* ; grace for M.A. 21 Oct. 1635 ; ? Ogle Sch. WORKS : An Answer to two treatises of Mr. J. -^Christ's warning piece, 1644. Can, 1642. flex talionis, 1646. f The tico witnesses, 1643. ^Joseph paralleled, 1646. Ath. iii. Wright, Geoffrey (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. Oct. 1629. Bingham, John (Dorset). Adm. arm. 12 Feb. 16g^, aged 18 ; matr. 9 Dec, 1631, aged 18? M.P. Shaftesbury Nov. 1645 (L.P.) ; Dorset 1653, a 'Rumper'. Bradshawe (Bradshaw), Jamea (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 5 Jan. 16|g, aged 16 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 7 May ; Nowell Sch. June ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 17 ? ; B.A. 22 Apr. 1634 ; M.A. 19 Jan. 163?. Encouraged the siege of Lathom House by sermons from Jer. xv. 14. Bradshawe, John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 5 Jan 16j, aged 17 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 18. Bromley, Baro de (see Dutton, Dorn. Gerard) (Chesh.). Adm. 30 Jan. 16$;}, aged 16. BENEF. : Plate 1632. Quat. Mon. v. Dutton, Dominus Gerard, Baro de Bromley. See Bromley. Rigbie (Rigbye), Edward (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 19 Mar. 16|, aged 17 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 18 ? ; B.A. 23 Oct. 1633 ; M.A. 5 July 1636. Tod, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 30 Jan. 16^. Turner, Robert (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 12 Feb. 16|$, aged 15; Nowell Sch. 20 Jan. 163^; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 16 ?; B.A. 23 Oct. 1633; M.A. 5 July 1636. Vernon, Robert (Staffs.). Adm. pleb. 30 Jan. 16, aged 18; matr. 14 Dec. 1632 ; B.A. 23 Oct. 1633 ; M.A. 5 July 1636. Whitney, Robert (Herefs.). Adm. mil. 15 Nov. 16jg, aged 15 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631. 3330 Birch (Byrch), Henry (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 24 June, aged 15; Nowell Sch. 13 Nov. 1630; matr. 9 Dec. 1631; B.A. 22 Apr. 1634; M.A. 18 Feb. 163? ; readm. 19 Feb. 1631! . Brandreth, Holland (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 8 July 1630, aged 20; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 20 ? ; B.A. 22 Apr. 1634 ; M.A. 30 June 1640. 160 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1630 Bridecake (Brideoke, Bridocke, Briddocke), Raphe (Lanes.). Adrn. pleb. 15 July, aged 16; Nowell Sch. 13 Nov. 1630; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 16?; B.A. 9 July 1634; Chaplain of New College; cr. M.A. 31 Aug. 1636 ; D.D. 2 Aug. 1660. Chaplain to Speaker of House of Commons ; Canon of Windsor and Chaplain to the King 1660 ; Dean of Salisbury 1667 ; Bishop of Chichester 1675 ; died 5 Oct. 1678. BENEF. : Gave 5 towards new chapel, &c. 1658. WORKS : Contributed some Latin and Eng- mendatory preface to N. Mosley's lish verses to Musarum Oxonien- Vv\o-aoq>ia or Natural and Divine slum Charisteria pro regina Maria Contemplations of Uie Soul of Man, recens e nixus labnriosi discrimine 1653. recepta, 1638 ; and a Latin com- Ath. iv ; Fasti i ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. iv. Catchmay, William (Monm.). Adm. arm. 10 July 1630, aged 18. Chorlton (Chorleton), Adam (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 7 May 1630, aged 18; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 18?; B.A. 13 Feb. 163; M.A. 19 Jan. 1635. CLOWES (Cloughes, Clowghes), William (Chesh.). Sch. of Cam- bridge adm. gen. 31 July ; B.A. 16 Dec. 1630 ; Fellow (Founders) 7 Dec. 1631 ; M.A. 27 June 1633. Died 1633. Dayngerfeild, Thomas (Gloucs.). Adm. 3 Dec. 1630, aged 17. Fairbank (Fairebanke), Jonathan (Yorks.). Adm. pleb. 17 June 1630, aged 17 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 22 Apr. 1634. Feilden (Feilding), Henry (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 17 June, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 13 Nov. 1630 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 13 Feb. 163f. Gilliam, John (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 5 June 1630, aged 17. Harris, John (Southants.). Adm. gen. 23 Oct. 1630, aged 16; matr. pleb. 9 Dec. 1631. Holland, Philip (Chesh.). Adm. cler. 12 May 1630, aged 17; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B A. 13 Feb. 163J. Ince, Peter (Chesh.). Adm. pleb. 3 Dec. 1630, aged 15 ; matr. gen. 9 Dec. 1631 ; ? B.A. 22 Apr. 1634 ; M.A. 9 Mar. 163f BENEF. : Gave 5 towards new chapel, &c. 1658. Quat. Mon. iv. Iremonger (Ironmonger), John (Berks.). Adm. cler. 25 May 1630, aged 15 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 16 ; ? Frankland Sch. ; grace for B.A. 1 June 1633. Leighe, John (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 10 Oct. 1630, aged 18; matr. 9 Dec. 1631. Mallery, John (Chesh.). Adm. decani 14 July 1630. Moulton, William (Gloucs. or Leics.) Adm. pleb. 1630, aged 18 ; matr. Gloucester Hall 16 Nov. 1632. Pickin, Thomas (Staffs.). Adm. pleb. 10 Nov. 1630, aged 18 ; matr. Magdalen Hall 11 May 1632; B.A. 11 June 1634; M.A. 22 Apr. 1637. 1630-1] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 161 Reed (Reade), Richard (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 9 Oct. 1630, aged 16; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 16 ?. M.P. Herefs. 1654. BENEF. : Founded one Scholarship 1676. Quat. Mon. iv, vi. Scudamore, Rowland (Roland) (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 27 Aug. 1630, " 18 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 18 ? ; grace for B.A. 1 June 1633 ; B:C.L. 3 Dec. 1635 ; D.C.L. 2 July 1640. Preb. of Hereford 1643. Fasti i. Tench, John (Bucks.). Adm. pleb. 13 Nov. 1630, aged 17. Wilson, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. pleb. 26 Aug. 1630, aged 16 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 20 Jan. 163 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 16 ? ; B.A. 30 Apr. 1635. 1630-1 Assheton (Ashton, Asheton), John (Lanes.). Adm. arm. 1630-1 r aged 17 ; matr. mil. 9 Dec. 1631. Assheton (Ashton, Asheton), Richard (Lanes). Adm. eq. et bart., aged 19 ; matr. mil. 9 Dec. 1631 ; sup. B.A. 10 Oct. 1633. Bannpster, Alexander (Lanes.). Adm. gen. 1630-1, aged 18 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 11 Nov. 1634. Delahay, Cicill (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 1630-1, aged 17 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631. Fisher, Andrew (Gloucs.). Adm. mil. 1630-1, aged 16 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 18 ? Le(i)gh, John(Chesh.). Adm. arm. 1630-1 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 14, Le(i)gh, Thomas (Chesh.). Adm. arm. 1630-1 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 16. Roach, Brian (Berks.). Adm. pleb. 1630-1, aged 16 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631. Shut(t)leworth(e), Richard (Lanes). Adm. arm. 1630-1, aged 17; matr. 9 Dec. 1631. aged 15 ? ; B.A. 23 Oct. 1633. M.P. Clitheroe Apr.-May 1640, and 1640 (L.P.). Stell (Still), Henry (Wilts.). Adm. cler. 1630-1, aged 16 ; matr. 7 Nov.; readm. 10 Nov. ; B.A. 11 Nov. 1634 ; M.A. Hart Hall 27 June 1637. Witton, Joshua (Yorks.). Adm. pleb. 1630-1, aged 16 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 11 Nov. 1634; M.A. 30 June 1637. 1631 Barlowe, John (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 19 ; B.A, 23 Oct. 1633 ; M.A. 30 June 1637. Barton, Richard (Northants.). Adm. gen., aged 17 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631. Bellott, Edward (Staffs.). Adm. arm. 22 Apr. 1631, aged 18. Bisse, Thomas (Som.). Adm. cler. 1631, aged 17 ; ? matr. St. Albans Hall 13 Dec. 1633 ; B.A. 28 Jan. 163| ; ? B.A. Oriel 24 Jan. 163*. M 162 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1631 Blundell (Blondell), Samuel (Hants.). Adm. cler. Apr. or May 1631, aged 15; matr. 15 Feb. 163^; B.A. 5 Feb. 163*; M.A. 8 Mar. BENEF. : Gave 5 towards new chapel, &c. 1658. Quat. Mon. iv. Calverly (Caulveley), Hugh (Chesh.). Adm. mil. 17 May, aged 18; matr. 9 Dec. 1631. High Sheriff; knighted 25 Sept. 1642. Collier (Colier), Henry (Dorset). Matr. gen. 9 Dec., aged 16 ; adm. arm. 1631. Cradoeke, John (Gloucs.). Adm. cler. ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 17 ; B.A. Balliol 8 May 1635 ; M.A. 25 June 1639 (as Crafford). Endon, John (Staffs.). Adm. pleb. 22 Apr., aged 18; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 5 Feb. 163*. Goldston, Robert (Kent). Adm. pleb. May-July, aged 17 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 19 Feb. 163i ; Fisher Sch. Griffith (Griffiths), John (Som.). Adm. gen., aged 15 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 30 Apr. 1635 ; M.A. 8 Mar. 163J. Holt, Richard (Lanes.). Adm. arm., aged 17 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; readm. 10 Nov. ; B.A. 11 Nov. 1634; B.Med. 18 June 1636. HOYLE, Nathaniel. B.A. and Fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1631 ; M.A. 1635 ; Fellow (Clifton) by the Visitors 18 July 1648 ; incorp. B.D. 24 Apr. 1649 ; Vice-Principal by the Visitors 30 May 1649 ; Fellowship declared void 12 Sept. 1650. Fasti ii ; Camden Soc., New Ser. 29, p. 483. Manship (Manshipp), John (Sorn ). Matr. pleb. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 18 ; adm. 1632 ; B.A. 13 Feb. 163^ ; M.A. Lincoln 30 Jan. 164J. Extra licentiate of the College of Physicians 1663. Marbury, James (Chesh.). Adm arm., aged 16; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; readm. and B.A. 30 Apr. 1635 ; M.A. 21 June 1638. Marburye (Merburye), John. Matr. gen. 10 May 1631, aged 17. Newman, Francis (Essex or London). Adm. gen., aged 17 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631; BA. 30 Apr. 1635; M.A. 8 Mar. 163J; Fellow of All Souls 1639 ; expelled by Visitors 1648. Northam (Northan), James (Lines.). Adm. cler., aged 18 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B A. 15 Feb. 163? ; d. Northan, Claymond Sch. of the Diocese of Lincoln, deprived of scholarship 10 Oct. 1634. Norton, Richard (Hants.). Adm. mil., aged 15 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 16. M.P. co. Southampton 1645 ; Portsmouth 1661 ; co. Southampton 1690. Fasti ii ; Carlyle's Cromwell ; Quat. Mon. xi. Payne (Paine), Samuel (Wilts.). Adm. cler. 1631, aged 15 ; matr. 9 Dec. 1631 ; B.A. 8 July 1635 ; M.A. 7 April 1638. Pemberton, Godda-d (North.). Pensioner of St. John's, Cambridge, 10 June 1631, aged 16 ; incorp. Oxford 13 Jan. ; adm. eq. ; B.A. 13 Feb. 163f. 1631-IJ BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 163 Pill, William (Northants.). Adm. gen., aged 15 ; matr. arm. 9 Dec. 1631 ; Frankland Sch. 22 Feb. 163^. Poulter. George (Wilts.). Matr. pleb. 9 Dec. 1631, aged 18; B.A. 3 Nov. 1632 ; M.A. 6 July 1637. Scudamore, James (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 12 July 1631, aged 14. SCUBAMORE, Robert (Herefs.). Adm. arm. 12 July 1631, aged 16 ; matr. 20 Mar. 1634 ; B.A. 30 Apr. 1635 ; Fellow (Elton) 31 Jan. ; M.A. 8 Mar. 163 ; signif. 30 Oct. 1641 ind. to rectory on 9 July ; declared his rectory is still 'litigiosa 1 30 June 1642; res. Fell. 29 Apr. 1643. Preb. of Hereford 1658. BENEF. : Gave 5 towards new chapel, &c. 1658. <^uat. MOD. iv. Smith, John. Frankland Sch. 7 May 1631 ; B.A. 23 Oct. 1633. ? WORK : fTVw Portrait of Old Age, Tatlocke (Tatlock), John (Lanes.). Com. c. 10 May ; matr. gen. 20 May 1672, aged 18; rem. 22 Dec. 1673. 167! Brasier, William (Wilts.). Batt. c. 12 Feb. Matr. p. p. 21 Feb. 167*, aged 16; rem. 24 Mar. 1674; B.A. Balliol 17 Oct. 1676; M.A. 17 Dec. 1690. Coningsby (Conyngesby), Bennet (Herefs.). Com. c. 13 Mar. ; matr. arm. 21 Mar. 167$, aged 18; rem. 17 May 1675. FEILDEN" (Fielden, Fielding), Richard (Lanes.). Batt. c. 13 Feb. ; Nowell Sch. 6 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 7 Mar. 167;f, aged 18 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1676 ; Fellow (Founders) 3 Nov. 1677 ; M.A. 27 June 1679 ; Junior Bursar 1686-7, 8-91, 1701-2; Vice-Principal 1692-4, 10 Jan. 169, 99-1700; Senior Bursar 1696-8, 1702-27 Feb. 170| ; B.D. 18 Nov. 1697. Died 27 Feb. 170| ; buried in College cloister ; will proved at Oxford. Gutch, Coll. 379. Heber, Reginald (Yorks.). Com. c. 14 Mar. ; matr. arm. 21 Mar. 167, aged 17 ; rem. 12 Jan. 167f ; B.A. Lincoln 17 Oct. 1676. Kippax, Richard (Lanes.). Batt. c. 14 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 21 Mar. 167, aged 17; Nowell Sch. 24 July 1673; B.A. 17 Oct. 1676; rem. 15 Mar. 167f. Owens (Owen), Francis (Herefs.). Batt. c. 31 Jan. ; matr. p. p. 21 Feb. 167, aged 16 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 24 Mar. 167f ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1676 ; rem. 14 Apr. 1677; M.A. Hart Hall 3 July 1679. Walthall, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 20 Mar. 167g, aged 17 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1676 ; M.A. 27 June 1679 ; rem. 31 July 1682. Werdon (Worden), James (Lanes.). Batt. c. 7 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 21 Feb., aged 16; Nowell Sch. 6 Mar. 167; B.A. 17 Oct. 1676; rem. 3 Apr. 1678; readm. 15 Mar. 167f ; M.A. 30 June 1679; rem. 12 Jan. 1613- Yonge, Josiah (Chesh.). Batt. c. 17 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 21 Mar. 167, aged 17 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1676 ; rem. 20 Sept. 1677. 1673 Adderley, Thomas (Staffs.). Batt. c. 23 Apr. ; matr. p. p. 5 May 1673, aged 16 ; grace for B.A. 23 Mar. 167f ; rem. 27 Mar. 1677. Bingley, Richard (Salop or Herefs.). Batt. c. 31 Oct. ; matr. p. p. 12 Dec. 1673, aged 18 ; rem. 29 July 1674. Breedon, Orlando (Middlx.). Batt. Matr. p. p. 5 May, aged 15; c. 9 May 1673 ; rem. 15 Aug. 1674. Egerton, John (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 23 Apr. ; matr. eq. 5 May 1673, aged 16 ; rem. 8 Oct. 1677 ; ? D.C.L. 22 May 1683. 3rd Bart. BENEF. : Plate 1677. Quat. Mon. v. 230 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1673 Egerton, John (Northants.). Gen. Com. c. 23 Apr. 1673 ; rem. 8 Oct. 1677. BENEF. : Plate 1677. Quat. Mon. v. Ellis, John (Salop or Flints.). Batt. c. 7 May ; matr. pleb. 13 May 1673, aged 17 ; B.A. 23 Jan. 167f ; incorp. Cambridge 1678; rem. 7 June 1682 ; M.A. Hart Hall 11 July 1709. Farrington (Parington), Henry (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 23 May ; matr. arm. 17 July 1673, aged 18 ; rem. 17 Aug. 1674. BENEF. : Plate 1674. Quat. Mon. v. Frauncis (Francis, Frances), Matthew (Berks.). Batt. Matr. cler. 12 Dec. 1673, aged 15 ; c. 31 Mar. 1674 ; B.A. 16 June 1677 ; M.A. 25 June ; rem. 17 July 1680. Gibbes (Ghibbes), James Alban. D.Med. by diploma 1673 ; Poet Laureate to the Emperor Leopold, 'the Horace of his age.' Died 1677 at Rome, and buried in the Pantheon. Wood says ' some- times of Brasenos, quaere.' Fasti ii ; O.H.S. xxi ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. xii. Goulborne (Goulborn), Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. 3 May ; matr gen. 13 May 1673, aged 18; B.A. 23 Jan. 167f ; rem. 6 Aug. 1679. Greenwood, Daniel (Oxon.). Com. c. 30 Sept. ; matr. cler. 24 Oct. 1673, aged 17 ; B.A. 16 June 1677 ; M.A. 30 Apr. 1680 ; B.Med. 5 July ; readm. 5 July 1686 ; D.Med. 30 June 1687 ; rem. 23 Sept, 1698. BENEF. : 1698. O.H.S. xix ; Quat. Mon. iv, xii. Hill, George (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. 4 Sept. 1673 ; rem. 24 Mar. 1674. BENEF. : Plate 1674. Quat. Mon . v. Horsfall, John (Yorks.). Com. c. 10 June ; matr. gen. 17 July 1673, aged 17 ; rem. 22 July 1674. Kent, Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. p. p. St. Alban Hall 15 May 1673, aged 17 ; c. 17 Jan. 167f ; Fraukland Sch. 7 Nov. 1675 ; B.A. 22 Feb. 1675 ; rem. 27 Mar. 1677. Manfield (Manfeild), Charles (Herefs.). Batt, Matr. p. p. Christ Church 19 July 1673, aged 16 ; c. 24 Feb. 167 ; Reed Sch. 5 Oct. 1676 ; B.A. 3 May 1677 ; rem. 8 Nov. 1679 ; readm. 26 May ; M.A. 25 June 1680. Marten, William (Oxon.). Com. c. 30 Sept. ; matr. gen. 24 Oct. 1673, aged 17 ; B.A. 16 June 1677 ; rem. 2 Nov. 1678 ; M.A. Hart Hall 23 June 1680. MILLINGTON, Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 23 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 5 May 1673, aged 18.; B.A. 13 Jan. ; Frankland Sch. 22 Jan. 167 ; Peilow (Founders) 27 Mar. 1677; M.A. 20 Nov. 1679; died 9 Apr. 1689. Gutch, Coll. 379. Sorton, William (Chesh.). Batt. c. 10 May ; matr. pleb. 13 May 1673, aged 17; Frankland Sch. 1 May 1674: B.A. 23 Jan. 1675 ; rem. 25 Sept. 1679. 1673-4] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE 231 TENCH, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 23 Apr.; matr. gen. 5 May 1673, aged 18 ; rem. 23 Mar. 1674 ; Mordaunt Sch. 6 Jan. 167 ; Church Sch. 16 Oct. ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1678 ; Fellow (Williamson W.) 18 Oct. 1680 ; M.A. 6 June 1681 ; Rector of Selham 7 Nov. 1682 ; res. Fell. 20 Jan. 168. Tipping, Thomas (Oxon.). Com. c. 13 Sept.; matr. pleb. 24 Oct. 1673, aged 14 ; B.A. 16 June 1677 ; rem. 26 July 1678 ; M.A. Hart Hall 5 July 1680 ; incorp. Cambridge 1681. Wellington, James (Herefs.). Com. c. 10 July ; matr. gen. 18 July 1673, aged 18; rem. 24 Dec. 1673. Weston, Robert (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 5 May, aged 16 ; c. 9 May 1673; rem. 12 May 1676. Buried in the Temple Church. Young (Younge, Yonge, Yong), Thomas (Hants.). Batt. Matr. p. p. Pembroke 5 Dec., aged 16 ; c. 8 Dec. 1673 ; readm. 21 May ; Claymond Sch. 7 June 1675 ; B.A. 16 June 1677 ; rem. 7 Nov. 1679. 167f ev9t Acton, Samuel (Chesh.). Com. c. 9 Mar. ; matr. gen. 20 Mar. 167f , aged 18 ; rem. 11 May 1676. Burleton (Burlton), William (Dorset or Wilts.). Com. c. 19 Mar. 167f ; matr. gen. 10 Apr. 1674, aged 17 ; rem. 22 Dec. 1674. Davenport, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 24 Feb. ; matr. gen. 20 Mar. 167f, aged 18 ; rem. 25 June 1675. Hawkins, Robert (Gloucs.). Batt. c. 24 Mar. 167f ; matr. pleb. 7 Apr. 1674, aged 18 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1677 ; reni. 10 July 1678. Lowndes (Lownes), John (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 20 Mar. 167f, aged 16; c. 27 Mar. 1674; rem. 29 Sept. 1675. Mainewaring (Manwaring), William (Chesh.). Com. c. 6 Feb. ; matr. bart. f. 20 Feb. 167f, aged 15 ; rem. 27 Feb. 167f Ryman, William (Oxon.). Batt. c. 20 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 167f, aged 18; B.A. 29 Jan. 167i; rem. 12 Mar. 1678; M.A New, 5 July 1680. O.H.S. xxvi. Wolfe, Isaac (Chesh.). Batt. c. 7 Feb. 167f. Matr. pleb. 7 Apr. 1674; Ogle Sch. 21 May 1675; B.A. 16 Oct. 1677 ; rem. 5 May 1679. 1674 Bagley, Henry (Som.). Batt. c. 31 Mar. ; matr. cler. 3 Apr., aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. 13 Aug. 1674 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1677 ; rem. 16 Oct. 1679 ; M.A. Gloucester Hall 15 June 1680. Brett (Bret), John (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 10 Apr. 1674, aged 18 ; Ogle Sch. 5 July 1676 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1677 ; M.A. 4 July 1683; rem. 5 Apr. 1684. Colbatch (Colebach), Thomas (Salop). Batt. c. 10 July ; matr. pleb. 17 July 1674, aged 16 ; rein. 21 Feb. 1676 ;" B.A. Christ Church 30 Apr. 1678. 232 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE [1674 Draper, Edmund (Worcs.). Com. c. 12 Aug. ; matr. gen. 30 Oct. 1674, aged 17. Button, Henry (Som.). Com. Matr. cler. Lincoln 3 Apr. 1674, aged 16 ; c. 13 Apr. 1676; B.A. 3 May 1677 ; rem. 14 Nov. 1678; M.A. Hart Hall 30 Apr. 1680. Preb. of Wells 1684. Hewitt (He wit, Hewytt, Hewett), John (Chesh. or Lanes.). Batt. c. 31 Mar.; matr. p. p. 10 Apr. 1674, aged 18; B.A. 16 Oct. 1677; M.A. 8 Dec. 1681 ; rem. 15 July 1682. HTJLTON, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 25 Nov. ; rnatr. p. p. 4 Dec. 1674, aged 17 ; Frankland Sch. 26 June 1675 ; B.A. 4 June 1678 ; Fellow (Williamson P.) 14 Jan. 16 ; M.A. 11 May 1681 ; Rector of Gt. Rollright 28 Sept. 1693 ; res. Fell. 22 Nov. 1694 ; died 1694 ; D.Med. Padua, incorp. 9 Nov. 1695. Jones, Samuel (Salop). Batt. c. 3 Aug. ; rnatr. p. p. 15 Oct., aged 17 ; rem. 3 Dec. 1674. Kirkham, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 14 Nov. ; matr. pleb. 11 Dec., aged 18; Nowell Sch. 24 Dec. 1674; B.A. 4 June 1678; rem. 29 Aug. 1679. Matthews (Mathews), Thomas (Oxon.). Batt. Matr. p. p. Magdalen 30 Oct. 1674, aged 15; c. 25 June 1675; Walker Sch. 29 Jan. 167f; B.A. 4 June 1678; M.A. 6 June; rem. 19 July 1681. Newcombe (Newcome), Peter (' Henry ' Caution Book) (Lanes.). Batt. Adm. Magdalene, Cambridge, 29 Mar. 1674 ; matr. cler. St. Edmund Hall 17 Mar., aged 17 ; migrated to Brasenose 27 Mar. ; c. 12 June 1675 ; rem. 26 Feb. 1676 ; rep. 8 Oct. ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1678 ; M.A. 6 June ; rem. 29 July 1681 ; died 5 Oct. 1738. WORKS : Peccata in Deliciis, 1686. f Sermon on tlie reformation of manners, Two Sermons, 1701. 1710. \-A Catechetical Course of Sermons, 1702. The Religion of an Oath, 1715. The Blessing of a good name at Death, Gospel Salvation explain'd, 1719. 1705. A Readiness for Sudden Death, 1739. D.N.B. Peachey, John (Sussex). Com. c. 26 Sept. ; matr. arm. 15 Oct. 1674, aged 17 ; rem. 20 June 1678. Peart (Pearth, Pert), George (Essex). Com. c. 19 June : matr. arm. 10 July 1674, aged 16 ; rem. 23 Sept. 1675. Poole, Charles (Herefs.). Batt. c. 10 July ; matr. p.p. 17 July 1674, aged 18 ; B.A. 4 June 1678 ; rem. 12 Apr. 1679. Prichard (Pritchard), John (Salop). Batt. c. and matr. p. p. 10 Apr. 1674, aged 19 ; rem. 15 Feb. 1676. Reade (Read), Richard (Chesh.). Batt. c. 9 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 15 Oct. 1674, aged 20 ; B.A. 4 June 1678 ; rem. 29 Mar. 1681. Shaw (Shawe), Peter (Lanes.). Batt. c. 1 June ; matr. p. p. 4 June, aged 17; Nowell Sch. 6 Aug. 1674; B.A. 29 Jan. 167| : rem. 21 Mar. 167f. Westphaling (Westfaling), Richard (Herefs.). Com. Matr. gen. St John's 8 Apr. 1674, aged 19; c. 5 Mar. 1674 ; rem. 5 Oct. 1675. 1674-fJ BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 233 Whalley (Whaley), Bernard (Northants. or Leics.). Com. c. 6 Apr. ; matr. arm. 6 Apr. 1674, aged 17 ; rem. 17 Nov. 1675. Yeomans (Yeomanns), Thomas (Northants.). Batt. c. 10 July ; Carfcwright Sch. 10 July ; matr. p. p. 17 July 1674, aged 17 ; B.A. 10 May 1678; rem. 22 Oct. 1680. 1674 ACTON, Francis (Chesh.). Com. c. 22 Feb.; matr. gen. 26 Feb. 1674, aged 17; B.A. 17 Oct. 1678; Fellow (Founders) 24 June; M.A. 4 July ; grace for B.D. 19 June 1691. Died 1 Mar. 169; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 379. Barber (Barbor), John (Som.). Batt. c. 25 Feb.; Claymond Sch. forco. Hants. 11 Mar.; matr. pleb. 24 Mar. 1674,agedl6; rein. 6 June 1677. COCKS, Robert (Gloucs.). Matr. arm. Oriel 26 Feb. 1674,, aged 15 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1678 ; Fellow (Elton) 20 June 1679 ; M.A. 6 June 1681 ; Junior Bursar 1691-2, 3-5 ; B.D. and D.D. 7 June 1695 ; elected Rector of Gt. Rollright 7 Mar. 169|, inducted 7 Sept. 1695; res. Fell. 7 Sept. 1696 ; died 9 Feb. 173f. 3rd Bart. 1695. WOKKS : Tlie Great Importance of a Meek and Sermons, &c., 14447-48, Rawl. E. Merciful Spirit, 1714. 214-15. ^Assize Sermon at Warwick, 1715. Mayo Family ; Rawl. J. Ath. Oxoii. Farr, Thomas (Dorset). Batt. c. 10 Mar. ; matr. p. p. 12 Mar. 167f , aged 18 ; rem. 19 Jan. 167f ; B.A. Exeter 17 Oct. 1678 ; M.A. 19 Jan. 168$. Jackson, John (Oxon. or Gloucs.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 20 Mar. 1674., aged 19 ; Walker Sch. 29 Jan. 167f ; grace for B.A. 27 Mar. ; rem. 14 Oct. 1678. Jenkinson, Daniel (Lanes.). Batt. c. 12 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 19 Mar. 1674. ; aged 18; Nowell Sch. 12 June 1675; B.A. 21 Jan. 167f ; rem. 17 Dec. 1680. Osland, Cornelius (Salop). Batt. c. 27 Feb. ; matr. p.p. 8 Mar. 167i, aged 17. Pindar (Pyndar), Charles (Chesh.). Com. c. 18 Feb. 1674; matr. bart. 26 Mar. 1675, aged 15 ; rein. 1 Oct. 1677. Tench, Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 1 Mar. 1674; matr. gen. 26 Mar. 1675, aged 16. WALTERS, Charles (Salop). Batt. c. 21 Jan. ; matr. p. p. 12 Mar. 1674., aged 15 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 23 Mar. 167^ ; B.A. 21 Jan. 167 ; Fellow (Porter) 31 Oct. 1679; M.A. 6 June 1681 ; grace for B.D. 19 June 1691 ; Vice-Principal 1694. Died 29 Dec. 1694 ; buried in College cloister ; will proved at Oxford. Gutch, Coll. 379 ; O.H.S. xxvi. Warburton, Thomas (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 20 Feb. ; matr. bart. f. 12 Mar. 1674, aged 18 ; rem. 8 May 1677. BENEF. : Plate 1677. Quat. Mon. v. Wrigley, Henry (Lanes.). Com. c. 12 Mar. ; matr. arm. 19 Mar. 1674, aged 19 ; rem. 30 Oct. 1677. 234 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1675 1675 Browne (Brown), Francis (Chesh.). Com. c. 11 June ; matr. gen. 18 June 1675, aged 16 ; rem. 3 Feb. 167. Chaderton (Chadderton), Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 10 May ; matr. pleb. 14 May, aged 20 ; rem. 23 Aug. 1675. Clarke (Clerk), George (London). Com. Matr. eq. 15 Dec. 1675 r aged 15 ; c. 9 Dec. 1676 ; B.A. 27 June 1679 ; rem. 10 Dec. 1680 ; Fellow of All Souls 1680 ; M.A. 18 Apr. 1683 ; B.C.L. 28 Apr. 1686 ; D.C.L. 12 July 1708. Judge Advocate 1684 ; Secretary of War 1692 ; Lord of the Admiralty; M.P. Oxford University 1685 and 1717, Winchilsea 1702, East Looe 1705, Launceston 1710, died 19 Oct. 1736. BENEF. : Plate 1725 ; gave 'Cain and Abel' to the college 1727. Gutch, Coll. 297 ; D.N.B. ; Pp. 1899, 49, p. 259 ; Quat. Mon. iv, v, xii. Colton, "William (Chesh. or Yorks.). Batt. c. 22 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 14 May 1675, aged 17 ; subst, for Nowell Sch. 2 Aug. 1676 ; B.A. 22 Feb. 167 ; rem. 4 Apr. 1682. Fogge, Nathaniel (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. cler. St. Edmund Hall 17 May; c. 17 Aug. 1675; rem. 12 Aug. 1676. Qalwey, James (Ireland). Batt. c. 16 Sept. 1675 ; rem. 25 Jan. 167. GREENWOOD, Edward (Oxon.). Com. Matr. cler. 2 July, aged 15 ; c. 6 July 1675 ; B.A. 6 May 1679 ; Fellow (Darbie) 22 Feb. ; M.A, 21 Mar. 168f ; grace for B.D. 19 June 1691. Chaplain to English Ambassador at Madrid ; died at Madrid, Spain, 1691. BENEF. : 1698. O.H.S. xix ; Quat. Mon. iv, xii. Ham(m)ond, Nathaniel (Lanes.). Batt. c. 8 May ; matr. pleb^ 14 May 1675, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 19 Apr. 1678 ; B.A. 21 Jan. 167|; M.A. 3 July ; rem. 16 July 1684. Hinde (Hynde), Edward (Sussex). Batt. c. 20 Sept. ; matr. cler. 14 Dec. 1675, aged 16 ; rem. 31 Mar. 1677. Horton, Joshua (Yorks.). Com. c. 16 June ; matr. arm. 17 July 1675, aged 17; rem. 1 Oct. 1677. Jauncy (Jauncey), Francis (Herefs.). Com. c. 22 June ; matr. gen. 25 June 1675, aged 17 ; B.A. 6 May 1679 ; M.A. 21 Mar. 168| ; rem. 25 July 1683. Preb. of Hereford 1690. Ma(i)nwaringe (Manwaring), Hartstongue (Chesh.). Com. c.lJuly; matr. cler. 2 July 1675, aged 16 ; rem. 23 Mar. 1676 ; B.A. Hart Hall 8 May 1679. Mather (Matther), John (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. May, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 26 June 1675 ; B.A. 21 Jan. 167f ; rem. 15 Jan. 16|$. Shawe (Shaw), Humphrey (Herefs.). Batt. c. 21 June ; matr. p. p. 16 July, aged 17 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 26 Aug. 1675 ; Henley Sch. 2 Mar. 167$; B.A. 6 May 1679 ; died 1 Oct. ; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 379. 1675-6] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 285 Taylor, John (Sussex). Com. c. 30 Oct.; matr. arm. 26 Nov. 1675, aged 16; Nowell Sch. 22 Aug. 1677: B.A. 27 June 1679; rem. 6 Dec. 1680. Thropp, Roger (Lanes.). Com. c. 21 June : matr. gen. 16 July 1675, aged 19; reni. 30 Oct. 1677. Wright, Matthew (Chesh.). Batt. c. 22 Apr.; matr. pleb. 14 May 1675, aged 17 ; B.A. 22 Feb. 167* ; rem. 28 Sept. 1683. Caldecott (Caldecot), Philip (Wilts.). Gen. Com. c. 1 Mar. ; matr. S.T.D. 2 Mar. 167f, aged 17 ; rem. 10 Sept. 1679. BENEF. : Plate 1678. Quat. Mon. v. Cooke, John (Warws.). Batt. c. and matr. p. p. 17 Mar. 167;";. aged 17 ; Milward Sch. 29 June 1677 ; B.A. and rem. 16 Oct. 1679. Button, Richard (Oxon.). Batt. Matr. cler. St.Mary Hall 17 Mar. 167;], aged 15 ; c. 18 Apr. 1676 ; Claymond Sch. 24 Mar. 167^ ; B.A. 30 Oct. 1679 ; rem. 8 Apr. 1680 ; M.A. New 30 June 1682. Golsey, Henry (Soin.). Batt, c. 23 Feb. Matr. cler. 2 Mar., aged 18 ; Radcliffe Sch. 23 Mar. 167 jj : Claymond Sch. 29 Oct. ; B.A. 30 Oct. 1679 ; rem. 22 May 1680. Golsey, John (Som.). Batt. c. 23 Feb.; matr. cler. 2 Mar., aged 16; Radclift'e Sch. 23 Mar. 167 ; B.A. 30 Oct. 1679 : rem. 22 May 1680. Lewis, Hugh (Hugo) (Herefs.). Batt, c. 11 Feb.; matr. pleb. 21 Feb., aged 17 ; Mordaunt Scb. 16 Mar. 167^ ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1679 ; rem. 17 Jan. 168? ; M.A. New Inn Hall 13 Feb. 168g' ; B.D. and D.D. 18 Feb. 17?H- Preb. of Hereford 1690 : died 1 Dec. 1722. Robinson, Henry (Chesh.). Batt. c. 10 Mar.; subs. paup. 15 Mar, 167| ; Frankland Sch. 14 Apr. 1677 ; B.A. 30 Oct. 1679 ; M.A. 10 Nov. 1682 ; rem. 25 July 1683. Searle, Christopher (Kent). Com. c. and matr. gen. 17 Mar. 167;";, ;iged 16; rem. 29 Sept. 1677. Shenton, Samuel (Chesh.). Batt. c. 25 Feb. ; matr. p. p. 13 Mar. 167, aged 19 ; Frankland Sch. 14 Apr. 1677 ; Church Sch. 16 Oct. 1678 ; B.A. 30 Oct. 1679; rem. 2 May 1683; rep. 6 Mar. 168; M.A. 30 Mar.; rem. 24 Oct. 1688. Taylor, John (Lanes.). Batt, c. 22 Mar. 167^ ; matr. pleb. 21 Apr. 1676, aged 17 ; B.A. 22 Jan. I6~tf t ; rem. 21 Sept. 1680. Walley, Ralph (Chesh.). Com. c. 6 Mar.: matr. gen. 17 Mar. 167# T aged 16 ; rem. 30 Oct. 1676. Watts, John (Herefs.). Com. Matr. cler. Balliol 2 Feb. 167$, aged 18 ; c. 6 Mar. 167 ; B.A. 27 Nov. 1679 ; rem. 12 May 1680. Williamson, Charles (Lines.). Com. Matr. cler. Lincoln 23 Feb. 1(;7;}, aged 15 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1679 ; c. 30 Apr. 1681 : M.A. 4 July ; rem. 15 July 1682. 1676 Bagnall, Thomas (London). Com. c. 30 Sept. ; matr. gen. 20 Oct. 1676, aged 16; rem. 21 Mar. 167^. 236 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1676 BARNARD (Bernard), John (Augustine) (Lines.). Matr. doctoris Lincoln 17 Nov. 1676, aged 15 ; B.A. 15 June 1680 ; Fellow (Higden) 24 June 1681 ; M.A. 24 Apr. 1683 ; White's Professor of Moral Philo- sophy 1687-9 ; res. Fell. 27 Dec. 1688. He gave a copy of J. H. Hattinger's de usu linguarum Orientalium (Heidelb. 1658) to Bicester School in 1684. Book now in Bodleian Library. WORKS : Continued, corrected, and enlarged, upon le Grand Dictionary Historique, with great additions throughout, or the Great Historical Dictionary of the great Geographical Dictionary Lewis Morery, D.D., printed at of Edmund Bohun, Esq. (1693), Utrecht, 1692. and placed before it A Reflection Pamphlets. Ath. iv; Fasti ii ; Gutch ii ; O.H.S. xl ; D.N.B. ; Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon ; Quat. Mon. xii. Barriett (Barnet), Daniel (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. p. p. 1 July, aged 18 ; c. 5 July 1676 ; Cartwright Sch. 10 Nov. 1677 ; rem. 11 Jan. 168J. Dutton, William (Gloucs.). Batt. c. 4 May ; matr. pleb. 8 May 1676, aged 18 ; rem. 6 Apr. 1677 ; B.A. Balliol 22 Mar. ENTWISLE, Edmund (Lanes.). Com. c. 8 Apr.; matr. arm. 28 Apr. 1676, aged 16 ; BA. 22 Jan. 16f ; Fellow (Founders) 14 June 1681 ; M.A. 5 July 1682 ; signif. ind. to benefice, 24 Nov. 1691 ; res. Fell. 8 Oct. 1692 ; B.D. and D.D. 1 July 1693. Preb. of Chester 1691 ; Archdeacon of Chester 1695 ; died 15 Sept, 1707. WORKS : Sermon, 1689 ; Sermon, 1697. O.H.S. xxvi ; Quat. Mon. xii. Farington (Farrington), Alexander (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. p. p. 15 July, aged 16 ; c. 2 Aug. ; Nowell Sch. 30 Nov. 1676 ; B.A. 30 Apr. 1680; rem. 13 June 1681. Gamull (Gamul), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. (as William) 25 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 11 Apr. 1676, aged 17; Nowell Sch. 10 May 1677; died 17 June; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 378. Qrosvenor, John (Chesh.). Gen. Corn. c. 5 J ulj r ; matr. arm. 7 Aug. 1676, aged 16; rem. 14 Nov. 1678. BENEF. : Plate 1678. Quat. Mon. v. Horton, Elkana(h) (Yorks.). Com. c. 8 July ; matr. arm. 14 July 1676, aged 17 ; B.A. 30 Apr. 1680 ; M.A. 6 Feb. 168| ; rem. 6 Oct. 1688. Quat. Mon. iv. Lowe, Jonathan (Chesh.). Com. B.A. Glasgow University ; incorp. 29 Apr. ; c. 4 May ; rem. 24 July 1676. Repton, John (Staffs.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 28 Apr. 1676, aged 17 ; Mordaunt Sch. 25 Aug. 1677 ; B.A. 2 Mar. 16|g ; rem. 29 Mar. 1681. Smith (Smyth), John (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 22 June 1676, aged 19; B.A. 30 Apr. 1680; rem. 24 Mar. 168J. 1676-7] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 237 Styth (Stythe, Stithe), Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 3 Apr.; matr. pleb. 11 Apr. 1676, aged 19; Nowell Sch. 19 Feb. 167 ; B.A. 2 Mar. 16*$ rem. 13 May 1680. Whalley (Whaley), Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. p. p. 21 June 1676, aged 17 ; rem. 13 Apr. 1681. Whitehead, Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 3 Apr.; matr. pleb. 11 Apr. 1676, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 27 Mar. 1677 ; B.A. 22 Mar. 16i* ; rein. 30 Apr. 1680. Wood, Joseph (Durham). Batt. Matr. pleb. University 16 June 1676, aged 17 ; c. 29 Oct. ; Claymond Sch. 29 Oct. 1677 ; B.A. 30 Apr. 1680 ; rem. 14 Oct. 1682. Wood, William (Yorks.). Com. c. 7 July. Matr. gen. 11 July 1676, aged 16 ; rem. 13 May 1679 ; died 1679 ; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 377. 167'^ PRESCOTT (Prescot), Thomas (Lanes.). Matr. p. p. Hart Hall 15 Feb. 167? , aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 26 May 1680 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 168V > Fellow (Founders) 14 June 1681 ; M.A. 13 Nov. 1683 ; died 30 July 1687 ; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 379. Yate, Jeremiah. El. ' Clericus Computi ' and took the oath 24 Feb. 167? ; died 31 Jan. 168?, Brother to Dr. Yate the Principal ; was ' buried in the cloyster at the foot of William Yate's grave ' 31 Jan. 1681 ; will proved at Oxford. O.H.S. xxi ; Quat. Mon. xii. 1677 Bisse (Bysse), James (Wilts.). Batt. c. 21 Sept. ; matr. p. p. 16 Oct. 1677, aged 18; B.A. 11 Dec. 1683 ; rem. 2 Jan. 1685. Bowyer, Thomas (Staffs.). Com. c. and matr. bart. 5 Apr. 1677, aged 17 ; rem. 16 Aug. 1679. Burnham, Gerrard (Gerard) (Bucks.). Com. c. 27 Sept.; matr. gen. 13 Dec. 1677, aged 16 ; rem. 24 Aug. 1678. Crompton, Thomas (Salop). Com. c. and matr. arm. 25 May 1677, aged 16 ; rem. 13 July 1680. DALE, Richard (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. p. p. 2 Apr., aged 20; c. 14 Apr. 1677; subst. for Nowell Sch. 20 June 1678; B.A. 1 Feb. 168J; Fellow (Williamson W.) 19 Feb. ; died 10 Mar. 1683. Delahay, Paul (Herefs.). Com. c. 5 Apr. ; matr. gen. 6 Apr. 1677, aged 16 ; rem. 13 Apr. 1680. DRAKE, Humphrey (Yorks.). Matr. cler. University 11 May 1677, aged 16 ; B.A. 28 Jan. 168? ; Fellow (Clifton) 14 Dec. 1682 ; M.A. 13 Nov. 1683 ; Rector of Gillingham 18 May ; inducted 17 Sept. 1691 ; res. Fell. 17 Sept. 1692; incorp. Cambridge 1711. Garnston, William (Worcs.). Batt. c. 20 Sept. 1677 ; rem. 3 Apr. 1678. Gregson, Alexander (Hants.). Com. c. 30 Aug. ; matr. cler. 19 Oct. 1677, aged 20 ; rem. 3 Apr. 1678. 238 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK [1677-8 Parker, Edward (Yorks.). Com. c. 1 June ; matr. arm. 20 June 1677, aged 17 ; rem. 16 Oct. 1679. Parkinson, Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 15 May ; matr. pleb. 25 May, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 22 Aug. 1677 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 168? ; rem. 6 Nov. 1682 ; rep. 24 Apr. ; M.A. 3 July ; rem. 16 July 1684. Percrvall, Richard (Lanes.). Com. c. 29 May ; matr. gen. 30 May 1677, aged 17 ; rem. 3 Oct. 1678. Robinson, William (Beds.). Com. Matr. gen. St. Mary Hall 7 Dec. 1677, aged 17 ; c. 15 May 1680; rem. 29 Dec. 1682. WTLBRAHAM, Charles (Chesh.). Matr. arm. Oriel 6 Apr. 1677, aged 16; B.A. 15 Oct. 1680; Fellow (Williamson W.) 1 May; M.A. 20 June 1683; signif. ind. to benefice 19 Dec. 1687; res. Fell. 14 June 1688. Willcocks (Wilcocks, Wileockes), Henry (Wilts, or Sussex). Com. c. 9 July; matr. cler. 13 July 1677, aged 15; B.A. 26 Mar.; rem. 5 Oct. 1681. 167| Arnold, Richard (Gloucs.). Gen. Com. c. 28 Feb.; matr. gen. 1 Mar. 167|, aged 16 ; rem. 30 Apr. 1679. Bowen, Arnold (Pembs,). Batt. Matr. pleb. Jesus 8 Mar. 167$, -aged 18 ; c. 9 Oct. 1680 ; Milward Sch. 21 Jan. 168? ; B.A. 27 Oct. 1681 ; rem. 5 May 1683 ; M.A. Jesus 10 June 1684. Preb. of St. David's 1691. Dickson, Jonas (Jonath) (Yorks.). Batt. c. 20 Mar.; matr. p. p. 22 Mar. 167-$, aged 14 ; subst, for Nowell Sch. 8 Nov. 1679 ; B.A. 27 Oct. 1681 ; rem. 31 July 1683. Fletcher, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 16 Feb.; matr. pleb. 4 Mar. 167& aged 20; Frankland Sch. 2 Nov. 1678; B.A. 27 Oct. 1681 ; M.A. 3 July 1684 ; rem. 6 June 1687. Kirshaw (Kershaw), Richard (Yorks.). Batt. c. 9 Mar. ; matr. eler. 22 Mar. 167, aged 13; rem. 19 Feb. 1680; B.A. Clare Hall, Cambridge, 1681 ; M.A. 1685 ; D.D. 1702. Lowndes, Ralph (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 22 Mar. 167J, aged 19; rem. 26 Feb. 1678. Marcer (Mercer), James (Lanes.). Batt. e. 8 Jan. ; Nowell Sch. 19 Jan.; matr. pleb. 26 Jan. 167$, aged 19; B.A. 17 Oct. 1681; rem. 3 May 1683. Marton (Marten), Peter (Chesh.). Batt. c. 23 Feb.; matr. pleb. 25 Feb. 167|, aged 19 ; B.A. 27 Oct. ; rem. 31 Oct. 1681. Nicholas, Robert (Wilts.). Com. c. 19 Mar.; matr. gen. 20 Mar. 167* aged 16 ; rem. 12 May 1680. Townley (Towneley), John (Lanes.). Com. c. 23 Feb. ; matr. gen. 4 Mar. 167$, aged 18 ; rem. 5 May 1681. 1678 Anderton, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 10 June ; Nowell Sch. 20 June ; matr. p. p. 21 June, aged 17 ; rem. 30 Oct. 1678. 1678-9] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 239 "Rraddyll, John (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 21 June ; matr. arm. 4 July 1678, aged 17 ; rem. 27 Sept. 1681. BENEF. : Plate 1678. Quat. Mon. v. Croome, James (Wilts.). Batt. c. 26 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 29 Oct., aged 16; Walker Sch. 2 Nov. 1678; B.A. 30 June 1682; rem. 16 Sept. 1684; rep. 12 Mar. 1684; M.A. 7 July; rem. 15 July 1685. Dodd (Dod), Henry (Warws.). Batt. c. 8 July ; matr. pleb. 29 July 1678, aged 16 ; B.A. 9 May ; rem. 25 Aug. 1682 ; M.A. St. Alban Hall 10 July 1685. Forrester (Forester), Francis (Salop). Batt. c. 12 June ; matr. p. p. 1 July 1678, aged 16 ; Frankland Sch. 8 Nov. 1680 ; rem. 7 June'168'2. Gassoigne (Gascoinge), George (Lines.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 26 Oct. 1678, aged 16 ; Claymond Sch. 27 Jan. 1671* ; B.A. 30 June 1682 ; rem. 11 Apr. 1683 ; M.A. Emmanuel, Cambridge, 1687. Haynes (Haines), Henry (Salop). Gen. Com. c. 12 June ; matr. gen. 1 July 1678, aged 16 ; rem. 13 June 1681. BENEF. : Plate 1681. Quat. Mon. v. Niccolls (Nicolls, Nicola), Orlando (Salop). Gen. Com. c. 12 June ; matr. arm. 1 July 1678, aged 15 ; rem. 13 June 1681. BENEF. : Plate 1681. Quat. Mon. iv, v. Sutton, Daniel (Chesh.). Batt. c. 6 May ; matr. p. p. 10 May 1678, aged 18 ; Ogle Sch. 20 May 1679 ; B.A. 26 Jan. 168J ; rem. 2 June 1682. Towson, Allan (Alan) (Yorks. or Westmor.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 5 July, aged 19; Nowell Sch. 2 Nov. 1678; rem. 25 May 1681 ; M.A. Sidney Sussex, Cambridge, 1697. Walker, Alexander (Lanes.). Com. c. 24 Sept. ; matr. cler. 8 Oct. 1678, aged 15 ; rem. 28 Nov. 1681 ; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 381. 167f WELLS, Joseph (Lines.). Matr. pleb. Christ Church 4 Feb. 167JJ, aged 22 ; B.A. 22 May 1679 ; Fellow (Clifton) 8 Nov. 1679 ; M.A. 21 Mar. 168$; res. Fell. 18 Nov. 1682. 1679 Andrews, William (Notts.). Gen. Com,, c. 8 May; matr. arm. 2 June 1679, aged 16 rem. 22 Nov. 1680. BENEF. : Plate 1680. Quat. Mon. v. Biroh, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 27 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 10 Apr. 1679, aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 29 Jan. 16|# ; Church Sch. 31 Oct. 1680 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1682 ; M.A. 7 July 1685 ; rem. 15 July 1685. Bridecake, Jethro (Jithro) (Berks.). Batt. Matr. cler. Gloucester Hall 28 May 1679, aged 16 ; Somerset Sch. 26 May 1680 ; B.A. 13 Nov. 1683 ; c. 22 June ; M.A. 8 July ; rem. 4 Aug. 1686. Castleman, Jonathan (Jonatan) (Gloucs.). Com. c. 26 Mar. ; matr. 1 Apr. 1679, aged 16 ; rem. 18 Nov. 1681. Castleman, Paul (Gloucs.). Com; c. '26 Mar.; matr. gen. 1 Apr. 1679, aged 13 ; rem. 3 Apr. 1680; 240 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1679-|f Clarke (Clerk, Clark), Charles (Torks.). Com. c. 20 May ; matr. gen. 23 May 1679, aged 15; B.A. 17 Feb. 168 ; rem. 23 July 1683; readm. 6 Mar. 1685 ; M.A. 8 Dec. 1685 ; rem. 28 Sept. 1686. Clayton, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 23 May ; matr. gen. 28 May, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 31 May 1679 ; rem. 17 Mar. 168f . Hallifax, Thomas (Lines.). Batt. c. and matr. p. p. 12 Apr., aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. 17 July 1679; B.A. 13 Oct. 1682; M.A. 7 July; rem. 29 Aug. 1686. Kite (Kyte), Thomas (Salop). Batt. Matr. p. p. (as William) 27 June, aged 17 ; c. 23 July 1679 ; Radcliffe Sch. 16 June 1680 ; rem. 2 May 1683. Latter, Thomas (Kent). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 5 June 1679, aged 17 ; BA. 23 Jan. 168 ; MA. 15 Oct. 1685 ; rem. 14 July 1686. Leigh, Charles (Lanes.). Com. c. 7 July ; matr. gen. 18 July 1679, aged 17 ; B.A. 24 May 1683; grace for M.A. 15 Dec. 1685 ; rem. 13 Dec. 1689; D.Med. Jesus, Cambridge, comitiis regiis, 1690; died 1717. F.R.S. 1685. WORKS : \-PhthisiologiaLancastriensis. . .,1694. 3 Pamphlets, in answer to R. Bolton ^Exercitationes quinque, 1697. on Heat of Blood, 1698. ifThe Natural History of Lancashire, 1 Pamphlet, in reply to John Colbatch &c., 1700. on curing the Inte of a viper. Ath. iv; D.N.B.; Quat. Mon. xii. Mallory. Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. gen. Gloucester Hall 12 Apr. 1 679, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 14 Feb. 168; BA. 13 Oct. 1682. Polhill, Edward (Middlx.). Com. Matr. pleb. Lincoln 17 Oct. 1679 r aged 17 ; c. 31 Oct ; rem. 16 Dec. 1681 ; B A. New Inn Hall 8 June 1683 ; M.A. 27 Apr. 1686. Eoberts.Lewis (Merioneth.). Batt. c. 23 Oct.; matr. p. p. 30 Oct. 1679, aged 19 ; Frankland Sch. 16 Oct. 1680 ; rem. 2 Mar. 168* ; readm. 4 Mar. B.A. 13 Mar 168f . Shawe (Shaw), Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 21 May ; matr. pleb. 28 May, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 31 May 1679 ; B.A. 17 Feb. 168 ; rem. 31 Mar. 1684; M.A. Magdalene, Cambridge, 1699; incorp. Oxford 7 July 1705. "Welles (Wells), Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 27 Mar.; matr. gen. 28 Mar. 1679, aged 16 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1682 ; M.A. 7 July 1685 ; rem. 6 July 1687. Booth, Nathaniel (Chesh.). Com. c. 29 Jan. ; matr. arm. 20 Feb. 16, aged 18; rem. 25 Oct. 1681. Boothe (Booth), Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 29 Jan.; matr. arm. 20 Feb. 16|, aged 19 ; rem. 25 Oct. 1681. Cooper (Cowper), Nathaniel (Nathan) (Chesh.). Batt. c. 28 Feb. matr. p. p. 6 Mar. 16W, aged 19 ; Ogle Sch. 13 June 1682 ; B.A. 13 Nov. 1683; rem. 16 Apr. 1684. Gordon, John (Oxon.). Batt. c. 20 Jan.; matr. pleb. 29 Jan. 16g, aged 16 ; Claymond Sch. 24 May 1680 ; B.A. 13 Nov. 1683 ; rem. 3 Mar. 16|-80] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 241 Pennington, William (Chesh.). Com. c. 17 Mar. ; matr. D.Med. fil. 19 Mar. 16Jg, aged 19 ; rem. 12 July 1681. Tomlinson (Tomlison), John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 24 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 27 Feb., aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 6 Mar. 16 Mar. IGjJft ; rem. 18 Nov. 1681. Buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 379. Wright, Thomas (Derbs.). Gen. Com. c. 9 Feb. ; matr. arm. 20 Feb. 16|*. aged 18 ; rem. 8 June 1682. BENEF. : Plate 1682. ? Gutch ii ; Quat. Mon. v. 1680 Bankes (Banks, Bancks), Charles (Chesh.). Batt. c. 1 Apr. ; matr. p. p. 1 Apr. 1680, aged 16 ; Cartwright Sch. 17 Feb. 168? ; B.A. 13 Nov. 1683 ; rem. 2 Oct. 1686. Barrell, Francis (Kent). Gen. Com. c. 14 June ; matr. 25 June 1680 ; rem. 19 July 1681. M.P. Rochester 1701. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. BECONSALL (Beconsal, Beconsell), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 30 Mar. 1680, aged 16 ; B.A. 13 Nov. 1683 ; Fellow (Founders) 19 Jan. 168f; M.A. 8 June 1686; Junior Bursar 1695-7 ; B.D. 29 Nov. 1697 ; Vice-Principal 1698-9, 1700-1, 2-3 ; Rector of Catworth Magna 23 Dec. 1703; res. Rectory of Catworth Magna 19 Apr. 1704; Senior Bursar 1704-6; Rector of Steeple Aston and Master of Steeple Aston School 16 Aug. 1706 ; res. Fell. 20 Jan. 170. WORKS : \The Grounds and Foundations of \-Sermon on John v. 28, 29, 1697. Natural Eeligion discovered, 1698. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Bennett (Bennet), William (Middlx.). Com. c. 30 June; matr. pleb. 17 July 1680, aged 18 ; rem. 22 Mar. 168 ; rep. 6 Apr. 1683 ; rem. 18 Mar. 168f. Catherall, Samuel (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. Christ Church 17 Dec. 1680, aged 19 ; servitor ; c. 24 Oct. 1683 ; B.A. 3 June 1684 ; M.A. 17 June 1687 ; rem. 9 Aug. 1688. WORKS : Sermon, 1692. An Essay on the Conflagration, 1720. ElKcav SW/XITI/CT;, 1717. Cato Major, 1725. Ath. iv. Comberbach (Comberbatch), Roger (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. pleb. 8 July 1680, aged 14 ; rem. 13 Feb. 1681 ; rep. 4 July 1684 ; rem. 18 Feb. 1685. Cooper, Roger (London). Matr. gen. 27 May, aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. (one of the first four) 26 May 1680 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 168f ; M.A. 26 Oct. 1686. ECKERSALL, James (Lanes.). Batt. c. 15 May ; matr. pleb. 21 May, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 10 June 1680 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 168f ; Fellow (Founders) 26 Nov. 1684 ; M.A. 1 Dec. 1686 ; res. Fell. 10 Jan. 169$ ; died 1699. Life of Kettlewell, vol. ii, App. p. xxxii, Lond. 1718; O.H.S. xxvi ; Qwat. Mon. xii. R 242 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1680 Egerton, Philip (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 26 Apr. ; matr. eq. 30 Apr. 1680, aged 17 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 168f ; M.A. 22 June 1686 ; rem. 26 Mar. 1689 ; B.D. and D.D. 11 July 1707. BENEF. : Gave 10 towards repanelling Hall, &c. 1683, Plate 1686. Quat. Mon. iv, v. Gee, Nathaniel (Derbs.). Batt. c. 28 Apr.; matr. pleb. 30 Apr. 1680, aged 19; rem. 28 May 1681. Hathway, Robert (Herefs.). Batt. c. 27 Mar. ; adm. Reed Sch. 27 Mar. ; matr. cler. 30 Mar. 1680, aged 16; rem. 3 Jan. 168; B.A. St. John's, Cambridge, 168f ; M.A. 1687. Hill, Bellovisus (Belville, Bevis) (Middlx.). Com. c. 22 July; matr. gen. 15 Oct. 1680, aged 17 ; rem. 15 Apr. 1682. Hodges, Boaz (Herefs.). Batt. c. 22 Nov. ; matr. paup. 1 Dec. 1680, aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 13 Aug. 1681 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1684; rem. 30 Mar. 1691. Hodges, John (Gloucs.). Com. c. 22 Apr. ; matr. arm. 23 Apr. 1680, aged 16 ; rem. 10 May 1682. Jodrell, Edmund (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 24 Apr. ; matr. arm. 14 May 1680, aged 17 ; rem. 4 Aug. 1682. BENEF. : Plate 1680. Quat. Mon. v. Marsden, Christopher (Lanes.). Batt. c. 10 June ; matr. cler. 15 June, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 16 June 1680 ; rem. 19 Jan. 1682 ; ?B.A. St. John's, Cambridge, 168|. Archdeacon of Sodor and Man 1700. Woden, Ralph (Middlx.). Com. Matr. gen. 20 May 1680, aged 16 ; c. 18 May 1686 ? ; rem. 27 Nov. 1688. Pulteney, Charles (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. eq. 21 Apr. 1680, aged 17 ; rem. 22 Dec. 1681. Shallcrosse (Shalcrosse), John (Derbs.). Gen. Com. c. 28 Apr. ; matr. arm. 30 Apr. 1680, aged 18 ; rem. 28 May 1681. BENEF. : Plate 1681. Quat. Mon. v. Whitfeld (Whitfield), John (Northants.). Somerset Sch. (one of the first four) 25 May ; matr. cler. 27 May 1680, aged 18 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 168 ; Fellow of Merton 1684; M.A. 19 June 1688. Died 10 Aug. 1694 ; buried in Merton chapel. WORK : Editor of Musae Anglicanae. Gutch, Coll. 29. Woods, Henry (Lanes.). Batt. c. 18 June ; Nowell Sch. 20 June : matr. pleb. 25 June 1680, aged 19; B.A. 22 Apr. 1684; rem. 18 Nov. 1686. Wright, Henry (Lanes.). Com. c. 2 June ; matr. gen. 2 July 1680, aged 16 ; rem. 28 July 1683. Wymondesold (Wymondesall), Richard (Surrey). Com. c. 31 Mar.; matr. eq. aur. 1 Apr. 1680, aged 15 ; rem. 10 May 1682. 168-1] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 243 168? Bowker, Alexander (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 5 Mar. 168$, aged 16; Nowell Sch. 16 May 1681; rein. 26 Nov. 1684. BROWNE (Brown), Benjamin (Chesh.). Com. c. 14 Mar. 168','; niatr. gen. 26 Mar. 1681, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1684 ; Peilow (Frankland) 26 June 1686; M.A. 17 June 1687; Proctor 17 Feb. 169^; B.D. 29 Nov. 1697; Junior Bursar 1697-8, 9-1700; Vice-Principal "1701-2 ; signif. ind. to benefice 4 Feb. 170g ; res. Fell. 4 Feb. 170|. Browne, Robert (Chesh.). Batt. c. 8 Feb.; matr. pleb. 1-1 Feb. 168$, aged 20; rem. 1 June 1682; rep. 2 May 1683; B.A. and rem. 2 June 1685 ; incorp. Cambridge 1691 ; M.A. Christ's, Cambridge, 1691. Bushell, William (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. doct. f. 19 Mar. 168?, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1684 ; rein. 24 Oct. 1688. Died' Apr. 1735. Chadwicke (Chadwick), William (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 5 Mar. 168$, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 16 May 1681 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1684; rem. 12 Aug. 1685 ; incorp. at Cambridge 1693; M.A. Jesus 1693. Deane (Dean), William (Leics.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 10 Mar. 168$, aged 17; B.A. 14 Oct. 1684; M.A; 17 June 1687; rem. 19 Pec. 1692. Nicholls, John (Montgom.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 12 Mar. 168$, aged 18 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1684 ; rem. 26 Mar. 1685 ; M.A. 17 June 168.7 ; rep. 6 May ; B.Med. 5 July ; rem. 25 July 1690. Tilley, Thomas (Leics.). Batt. c. 10 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 11 Mar. 168$, aged 17 ; Frankland Sch. 26 Sept. 1682 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1684 ; rem. 11 Mar. 1685. Warburton, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 22 Jan. ; matr. bart. f. 28 Jan. 168$, aged 17 ; rem. 3 Aug. ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1684 ; rep. 3 Oct. 1685 ? ; M.A. 17 June ; rem. 3 Aug. ; rep. 3 Sept. 1687 ; died 11 Aug. 1689, Warburton, Robert (Chesh.). Com. c. 22 Jan. ; matr. bart. f. 28 Jan. 168$, aged 18 ; rem. 22 Nov. 1683. Watkins (Watkyns), Walter (Herefs. or Brecon). Batt. c. 26 Feb. ; matr. paup. 1 Mar. 168", aged 16 ; Henley Sch. 12 Oct. 1681 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1684 ; rem. 26 Mar. 1685. Weaver (Weever, Wever), Richard (Chesh.). Batt. c. 7 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 11 Feb. 168$, aged 20; Cartwright Sch. Sept. 1681 ; Church Sch. 26 Sept. 1682 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1684 ; rem. 17 Oct. 1687. 1681 Adee, Bayly (Wilts.). Batt. c. 10 Nov. ; matr. cler. 11 Nov. 1681, aged 16; rem. 13 July 1682; Sch. Wadham 1682; B.A. 4 July 1685; M.A. 5 May 1688 ; Fellow 1689. Bevan (Beavan), James (Herefs.). Batt. c. 28 Sept. ; matr. paup. 21 Oct., aged 18; Radcliffe Sch. 22 Oct. 1681; B.A. 7 July 1685; rem. 24 May 168. K 2 244 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1681 Croxton (Coxton), George (Chesh.). Com. c. 23 Sept. ; matr. arm. 11 Nov. 1681, aged 18 ; rem. 2 Apr. 1685. Davie, Henry (Lanes.). Com. c. 26 June ; matr. gen. 4 July 1681, aged 16; rem. 22 Apr. 1684. Davis, Walter. Nominated and admitted ' Clericus Computi ' 5 Apr. 1681. ?B.A. 15 Oct. 1658; M.A. 18 June 1661. Fleetwood, Samuel (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 2 July ; matr. arm. 4 July 1681, aged 15 ; rem. 28 Aug. 1685. BENEF.: Plate 1685. Quat. Mon. v. Forster (Foster), William (Leics.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 27 Apr. 1681, aged 20; Mordaunt Sch. 6 Nov. 1682; B.A. 22 Jan. 168-i; rem. 23 Mar. 1687. WORKS : A joyous and peaceable state of mind, Two letters about the original and anti- 1714. gutties of the toum of Stanford, 1737. Gregory, Peter (Lanes.). Batt. c. 30 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 13 May, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 21 May 1681 ; rem. 2 May 1684 ; B.A. Hart Hall 31 Mar. 1685. Grimbalston (Grimbaldson, Grimbalson), William (Lanes.). Batt. c. 2 July ; matr. pleb. 4 July, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 13 Aug. 1681 ; B.A. 8 Dec. 1685 ; rem. 19 Nov. 1687 ; M.A. Jesus, Cambridge, 1688 ; M.D. 1696 ; died 29 Sept. 1725. BENEF. : Bequeathed 1,000 to the Library. Quat. Mon. iv, vi. Hopkins, William. ' Attorney in St. Marie's Parish ; Steward to Oriel, Brasnose, and Lyncoln'; died 30 Mar. 1681, aged 40. Buried in St. Mary's Church. O.H.S. xxi. Mathew (Matthews), William (Grloucs.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 15 July, aged 19 ; c. 29 Sept. ; Claymond Sch. 28 Oct. 1681 ; rem. 25 Apr. 1684 ; B.A. Hart Hall 5 May 1685 (as Mathews). NORRES (Norries, Norris), Henry (Lanes.). Com. c. 10 June ; matr. arm. 4 July 1681, aged 16 ; B.A. 5 May 1685 ; Peilow (Founders) 10 Oct. 1687; M.A. 31 Jan. 168; B.D. 29 Nov. 1697; Junior Bursar 1698-9, 1700-1 ; died 28 June 1702. Will proved at Oxford. Phillips (Philips), Joseph (Gloucs. or Herefs.). Batt. c. 29 July ; matr. gen. 11 Nov. 1681, aged 19; Mordaunt Sch. 4 May; Claymond Sch. 1 Sept. 1682 ; rem. 29 Oct. 1683. Smith, Samuel (Staffs.). Com. c. 13 Oct. ; matr. gen. 14 Oct. 1681, aged 16 ; B.A. 18 Mar. 168f ; rem. 13 Oct. 1686. Sympson, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 26 June ; matr. gen. 6 July, aged 17 ; Walker Sch. 13 Aug. 1681 ; rem. 17 Oct. 1684 ; B.A. Hart Hall 5 May 1685. Sympson, Thomas (Ireland). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 15 July 1681, aged 16 ; rem. 14 May 1684. Weston, Peter (Chesh.). Com. c. 25 May; matr. cler. 10 June 1681, aged 16 ; rem. 7 Apr. 1684. 1681-2] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 245 Whaley (Whalley), Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 9 Aug. ; xnatr. pleb. 10 Nov. 1681, aged 20 ; rem. 28 Oct. 1682. Wilson, John (Chesb.). Batt. c. and rnatr. pleb. 14 Oct. 1681, aged 17 ; Frankland Sch. 26 Sept. 1682 ; B.A. 18 July 1685 ; M.A. 7 May; rem. 17 July 1688. Wotton, Thomas (Berks.). Matr. cler. New 6 May 1681, aged 15; Mordaunt Sch. 4 Dec. 1685 ; B.A. Trinity 22 Mar. 168| ; M.A. Clare Hall, Cambridge, 1700. 168| Abrahall, George (Herefs.). Gen. Com. c. 13 Feb. 168|; rem. 12 July 1682; ? rnatr. Oriel 23 Mar. 167, aged 19; subs, as of Christ Church. Hodges, William (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 Feb. 168|, aged 14 ; c. 10 May 1682 ; B.A. 8 Dec. 1685 ; rem. 28 Jan. 1686 ; rep. 20 Apr. 1687 ; M.A. 26 June 1688; rem. 17 Feb. 169?; ?incorp. at Cambridge 1699. Preb. of Wells 1695 ; died 29 Apr. 1740. Holme, Benjamin (Lanes.). Batt. c. 22 Feb. ; rnatr. pleb. 10 Mar., aged 14 ; Nowell Sch. 14 Mar. 168* ; rem. 7 June 1682 ; grace for B.A. 14 Dec. 1682. 1682 Adams, William (Salop). Com. c. and rnatr. arm. 26 May 1682, aged 18 ; rem. 18 Feb. 168f. Anby (Anbie, Aubie), John (Yorks.). Com. c. 20 May ; rnatr. gen. 26 May 1682, aged 15; B.A. 28 Jan. 168f ; M.A. 22 Mar. 168f ; rem. 3 July 1689. Baskervyle (Baskerville), John (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 4 Aug. ; matr. arm. 24 Nov. 1682, aged 18 ; rem. 30 Dec. 1691. BENEF.: Plate 1685. Quat. Mon. v. Baxter, Alexander (Wilts.). Corn. c. and rnatr. cler. 4 Apr. 1682, aged 16 ; B.A. 8 Dec. 1685 ; rep. and M.A. 26 June 1688 ; rem. 3 Apr. 1694. O.H.S. xxvi. Butler, George (Northants.). Com. c. 4 Apr. ; matr. gen. 5 Apr. 1682, aged 16 ; rem. 16 Oct. ; B.A. Lincoln 1 Dec. 1685. Cocks, Thomas (Herefs.). Com. c. 12 July ; matr. gen. 13 July 1682, aged 16 ; B.A. 14 May 1686 ; rem. 26 Aug. 1688 ; rep. 23 Oct. 1690 ; M.A. 9 July 1691 ; rem. 15 Apr. 1692. DALE, Hugh (Chesh.). Com. c. 3 July ; matr. gen. 6 July 1682, aged 18 ; B.A. 14 May 1686 ; Fellow (Williamson W.) 22 June 1688 ; M.A. 22 Mar. 168$ ; ind. to Rectory 29 July 1689 ; res. Fell. 1 May 1690. Easton, Thomas (Gloucs.). Com. c. 6 Dec. ; matr. cler. 7 Dec. 1682, aged 14; rem. 24 Mar. 168. Eddowes, Ralph (Salop). Com. c. 23 May ; matr. gen. 26 May 1682, aged 17 ; B.A. 28 Jan. 168;] ; M.A. 4 Dec. 1688 ; rem. 12 July 1689. 246 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE [1682-f FREEMAN, George (Yorks.). Batt. c. 20 May ; matr. p. p. 26 May, aged 16 ; Frankland Sch. 3 July 1682 ; B.A. 28 Jan. 168f ; Fellow (Higden) 8 Feb. 168g- ; M.A. 1 June 1689 ; B.D. 29 Nov. 1697 ; Junior Bursar 1702-3, 5-6 ; 'senior Bursar 1703^, 6-7 : D.D. 23 June ; Rector of Steeple Aston 27 June ; Master of School 22 Oct. 1709 ; res. Fell. Dec. 1710 ; died 30 Oct. 1745. Gregson, William (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 6 Apr., aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 29 Nov. 1682 ; B.A. 28 Jan. ; rem. 8 Mar. 168$. Hancox (Hancocks), John (Herefs.). Batt. c. 4 July ; matr. p. p. 14 July 1682, aged 16 ; adm. Reed Sch. 1 Mar. 168 ; B.A. 15 May 1686 ; rem. 27 June 1687. Nanney (Nanny), William (Merioneth.). Batt. c. 28 Oct. ; matr. p. p. 2 Nov. 1682, aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 5 Mar. 168* ; rem. 12 Jan* 1685. Noble, Marcus (Oxon.). Batt. Matr. paup. Lincoln 1 Dec. 1682, aged 18; c. 3 Oct.; Walker Sch. 10 Nov. 1684: rem. 11 Mar. 1685; B.A. St. Alban Hall 20 Oct. 1686. Parkinson (Perkinson), Adam (Lanes.). Batt. c. 24 June ; matr. p. p. 11 July, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 16 Nov. 1682 ; rem. 28 Nov. 1683. O.H.S. xxvi. Wilcox (Wilcockes), John (Salop). Batt. c. 14 Oct. ; matr. cler. 16 Oct. 1682, aged 24; Frankland Sch. 25 July 1684; rem. 10 Sept. 1686. 168| Berkeley (Barkley), Charles (Chesh.). Batt. c. 23 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 28 Mar. 1683, aged 18 ; Radcliffe Sch. (in default of candidate from Steeple Aston) 18 Mar. 168f ; B.A. 26 Oct. 1686. Blagge (Blagg), Jonathan (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. p. p. 9 Feb. 168|, aged 18; Ogle Sch. 6 Nov. 1684; Frankland Sch. 26 Mar. 1685; B.A. 26 Oct. 1686 ; rem. 25 June 1687 ; died 31 Aug. 1726. Browne, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 7 Mar. ; matr. cler. 12 Mar. 1682; Nowell Sch. 29 Oct. 1683; B.A. 26 Oct. 1686; rem. 23 Mar. 168 if. Cooper (Cpwper), Peter (Chesh.). Batt. c. 26 Feb. ; matr. paup. 19 Mar. 168|, aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 26 Mar. 1683 ; B.A. 26 Oct. 1686 ; rem. 28 Mar. 1689. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Drinkwater, William (Chesh.). Batt. c. 8 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 12 Mar. 168 ; aged 16 ; Ogle Sch. 28 July 1683 ; rem. 17 Apr. 1686. Norres (Norris), Edward (Lanes.). Com. c. 9 Feb. ; matr. arm. 19 Mar. 168|, aged 17; B.A. 26 Oct. 1686; M.A. 1 June 1689; B.Med. 19 Jan. 169J; rem. 30 May 1693; rep. 25 Feb. 169| ; D.Med. 12 Mar. 169$. F.R.S. 1698 ; Fellow of Coll. of Physicians 1716 ; died 22 July 1726. D.N.B. Mon. xii. 1681-3J BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 247 Oakeley, Richard (Salop). Batt. c. 15 Mar. 168 ; matr. paup. 81 Mar., aged 18 ; Mordaunt Sch. 22 May 1683 ; rem. 28 July 1685. Shuttle-worth, Barton (Lanes.). Com. c. 23 Mar. 168 ; matr. arm. 28 Mar. 1683, aged 18 ; rem. 19 Jan. 1684. Silston, Charles (Lines.). Batt. c. 6 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 19 Mar. 168, aged 16 ; rem. 15 Jan. 168. Ward, William (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 9 Feb., aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 19 Feb. 168| ; B.A. 26 Oct.; rem. 19 Mar. 1686; M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1704. Wilson, William (Chesh.). Cartwright Sch. 22 Mar. 168j. 1683 Cape, Faithful (Fidelis) (Som.). Batt. Matr. paup. Corpus 6 July; c. and Claymond Sch. 25 Oct. 1683 ; rem. 22 Sept. 1684. DWIGHT, George (Chesh.). Matr. gen. Christ Church 2 July 1683, aged 18; B.A. 20 Apr. 1687; Fellow (Founders) 23 Nov. 1689; M.A. 5 Feb. 16^ Died 30 June 1690. Quat. Mon. iv. Eyre, Robert (Wilts.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. Lincoln 11 May; c. 22 Nov. 1683 ; rem. 8 Apr. 1685. M.P. in six Parliaments 1698-1710. BENEF. : Gave 6 9s. towards repanelling Hall, &c. 1683. D.N.B. ; O.H.S. xxvi ; Quat. Mon. iv, xii. Farrington (Farington), John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 26 May ; matr. paup. 22 June 1683, aged 17 ; rem. 19 Oct. 1685. WORK : Articles of agreement made between Sir ton . . . for maintaining the peace R. Farington, Bar. and J. Faring- of the City of ChicJtester, 1707. Fleetwood, Henry (Staffs.). Com. c. 9 Aug. ; matr. gen. 25 Oct. 1683, aged 16 ; rem. 28 Aug. 1684. Haughton, William (Lanes.). Batt. c. 5 July ; rem. 13 Aug. 1683. Hunt, George (Oxon.). Batt. c. 25 Apr. ; matr. paup. 2 May 1683, aged 20 ; Walker Sch. 6 Nov. 1684 ; rem. 4 May (?). Hunter, Samuel (Chesh.). Batt. c. 18 May ; matr. cler. 23 May, aged 17: Nowell Sch. 8 Dec. 1683: Somerset Sch. 26 Nov. 1684 ; rem. 26 Mar. 1685 ; B.A. 18 Jan. 168 ; M.A. St. Mary Hall 15 Nov. 1689. Jenkinson, Simeon (Lanes.). Batt. c. 5 July; matr. pleb. 6 July 1683, aged 16; rem. 10 Oct. 1684. Sharpies, James (Lanes.). Batt. c. 26 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 28 Mar., aged 16: Nowell Sch. 5 May 1683; B.A. 26 Oct. 1686; rem. 31 Dec. 1691. Smethurst, Thomas (Yorks.). Batt. c. 12 June ; matr. cler, 14 July, aged 20 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 21 Aug. 1683 ; rem. 16 Aug. 1684. 248 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1683- Smith, Edmund (Lines.)- Batt. c. 3 Oct. ; Claymond Sch. 4 Oct. 1683; rem. 11 Mar. I68f ; ?matr. cler. Corpus 27 Apr. 1683, aged 18 ; B.A. Magdalen Hall 20 Oct. 1686 ; M.A. 1 June 1689 ; or ? matr. paup. Exeter 23 May 1683, aged 18 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 10 Mar. 168f Thornburgh (Thornbury), Giles (Wilts.). Com. Matr. cler. St. Mary Hall 26 Mar. 1683, aged 19 ; c. 16 Oct. 1685 ; B.A. 26 Oct. 1686 ; rem. 19 Sept. 1687; died Mar. 169(f?). "Walker, John (Lanes.). Com. e. 2 May ; matr. gen. 11 May 1683, aged 18 ; rem. 28 Apr. 1684. 168| Adee, John (Wilts.). Matr. paup. Magdalen 14 Mar. 168f, aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 2 Dec. 1686 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1688. Bolton, Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 19 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 21 Mar. 168f, aged 17 ; rem. 3 Apr. 1864 ; Fellow of Corpus ; B.A. 4 Nov. 1687 ; M.A. 4 Apr. 1681. Broade (Broad), Francis (Herefs.). Com. c. 19 Mar. ; matr. cler. 20 Mar. 168f ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1687; M.A. 28 June; rem. 21 July 1690. Preb. of Hereford 1702. BTJK'BTJRY, William (Chesh.). Com. c. 13 Mar. ; matr. gen. 20 Mar. 168f ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1687; Fellow (Founders) 20 Apr. 1689; M.A. 21 June 1690; incorp. Cambridge 1693; Rector of Catworth 11 Nov. 1704 ; B.D. 16 Oct. 1705 ; res. Fell. 29 Mar. 1706. Died 1748. WORK : reign of King George the First until Reports of cases in the Court of Ex- the fourteenth year of . . . George chequer from the beginning of the the Second, 1755. O.H.S. xliii ; Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Deane (Dean), Henry (Chesh.). Batt. c. 13 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 168f ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 25 July 1684 ; rem. 8 Aug. 1685. Dod, John (Kent). Gen. Com. c. 13 Mar. ; matr. arm. 20 Mar. 168J ; rem. 1 Nov. 1686. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. Frauncis (Fraunces), Samuel (Northants.). Matr. cler. Christ Church 18 Mar. 168f, aged 16 ; Somerset Sch. 4 Apr. 1685 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1688. Goodwin, John (Oxon.). Batt. c. and matr. p.p. 15 Mar. 168; Claymond Sch. 17 July 1684; B.A. 17 Oct. 1687; rem. 27 Sept. 1690. Greathed (Greathead), Edward (Notts.). Com. c. 17 Mar. ; matr. cler. 20 Mar. 168 ; rem. 17 July 1685 ; B.A. Oriel 4 Nov. 1687. Hall, Edward (Denbighs.). Batt. c. 19 Mar. ; matr. p. p. 20 Mar. 168f ; rem. 25 Aug. 1684. LUCAS (Lucass), William (Lines.). Batt. Matr. cler. Magdalen HaU 13 Mar. 168|, aged 17; c. and Claymond Sch. 11 June 1686; B.A. 17 Oct. 1687 ; rem. 26 Oct. 1688 ; rep. 5 Feb. 168g ; rem. 12 July 168|-4] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 249 1689 ; rep. 1 June 1691 ; Fellow (Clifton) 10 Nov. 1692 ; M.A. 14 July 1696. Died in London Dec. 1728. O.H.S. xxvi. Mallowes, Benjamin (Herefs.). Batt. c. 19 Mar. ; matr. cler. 20 Mar. 168f ; rem. 3 Dec. 1686 ; readm. 7 Feb. ; Reed Sch. 7 Mar. 168? ; B.A. 24 Oct. 1687 ; M.A. 8 July ; rem. 12 July 1690. Newton, Peter (Salop). Com. c. 20 Mar. ; matr. gen. 21 Mar. 168f ; rem. 2 Apr. 1687 ; B.A. Hart Hall 10 Nov. 1687 ; M.A. St. John's, Cam- bridge, 1701. Savory (Savorie), Peter (Lines, or Lanes.). Batt. c. 9 Feb. ; Nowell Sch. 18 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 168-2; g rdce for B - A - 15 Nov - 1686 ; rem. 23 Mar. 1687. Shaw, Francis (Lanes.). Batt. c. 18 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 168f; Nowell Sch. 20 June 1684; B.A. 17 Oct. 1687; M.A. 21 June 1690; rem. 18 July 1691. Wake, Robert (Northants.). Com. c. and matr. bart. f. 21 Mar. 168f ; rem. 24 Apr. 1685 ; Sch. Trinity 1685 ; B.A. 10 Nov. 1687 ; M.A. 6 Nov. 1690. 1684 Baskervyle (Baskervile), Handle (Randolph) (Chesh.). Com. B.A. Catherine Hall, Cambridge, 1684 ; c. 14 May : incorp. 5 July 1686 ; MA. 17 Dec. 1687 ; rem. 4 Apr. 1689. Bedford, Arthur (Gloucs.). Batt. c. 2 May ; Clayniond Sch. 3 May ; matr. cler. 13 May 1684, aged 15 ; B.A. 23 Feb. 168 ; rem. 10 July 1688 ; rep. 27 June 1690 ; M.A. 9 July ; rem. 3 Sept, 1691. Chaplain to Prince of Wales, and Haberdashers' Co. 1724 ; died 1745. WORKS : fSenows reflections on the scandalous ^A sermon on the erection of a play- abuse and effects of the Stage, 1705. house, 1730. \Tlie evil and danger of stage-plays, -\The Excellency of Divine Music, 1733. 1706. \A Sermon preached to the societies for \-The Temple Musick, 1706. the reformation of manners, 1734. f27te great Abuses of Music, 1711. The doctrine of Assurance, 1738. The doctrine of Obedience and Non- ^Examination of Mr. Hutchinson's resistance, 1717. Remarks, etc., 1738. Three Sermons, 1717. -\-The Moyer Lectures for 1739, 1741. \The obligations lohwh lie both upon The doctrine of Justification by Faith Magistrates and others, 1718. stated according to the articles of the t-4 Serious Remonstrance on behalf of Church of England, 1741. the Christian Religion against the -^Scripture Chronology demonstrated by Horrid Blasphemies and Impieties Astronomical Considerations, 1741. which are still used in the English Assisted in preparing the Arabic Playhouse, 1719. Psalter and New Testament for ^Animadversions on Sir I. Newton's the poor Christians in Asia. Book entitled ' The Cltronoloyy of ^Horae Matl/ematicae Vacuae, 1743. Ancient Kingdoms amended', 1728. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. ; D.N.B. Birkenhead (Berkenhead), Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. paup. Corpus 13 May, aged 19 ; c. 14 May ; rem. 31 May 1684. 250 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE [1684-5 Kearsley (Kersey), James (Lanes.). Batt. c. 22 Sept. ; matr. pleb. 14 Oct., aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 13 Dec. 1684 ; B.A. 19 June 1688 ; rem. 19 Mar. 168f. Lindley, Francis (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 3 Apr. ; matr. arm. 9 May 1684, aged 16 ; rem. 23 Feb. 168g. BENEF. : Gave .6 9s. towards repanelling Hall, &c. 1683. Quat. Mon. iv Newton, Arthur (Staffs.). Batt. Matr. paup. Christ Church 6 May 1684, aged 16 ; c. 19 May ; rein. 4 July 1685. Rode, Christopher (Chesh.). Com. c. 4 July ; matr. gem 19 July 1684, aged 17; rem. 5 June 1685. Rome, William (Northants.). Batt. c. 10 Nov. ; matr. pleb. 11 Dec. 1684, aged 16 ; rem. 7 Nov. 1685. Savage, Robert (Worcs.). Batt. c. 2 July ; matr. p. p. 7 July 1684, aged 16 ; Mordaunt Sch. 1 Feb. 168i ; B.A. 5 May 1688 ; rem. 17 Jan. 1690. Toulson, Clemens (Yorks.). Com. c. 28 June ; matr. gen. 19 July 1684, aged 16 ; rem. 8 Nov. 1686. Wilkinson, Thomas (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. 25 June ; matr. arm. 19 July 1684, aged 19 ; ? B.A. 1 June 1689 ; rem. 6 Nov. 1690. 1684 Delahay, Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 27 Feb. 168i ; Nowell Sch. 26 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 27 Mar. 1685, aged 17 ; rem. 11 Jan. 1686. Sorocold, Michael (Lanes.). Batt. c. 27 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 168*, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 26 Mar. 1685 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1688 ; rem. 6 Nov. 1689. Stanhope, Thomas (Lanes, or Leics.). Com. c. 16 Mar. 168i ; matr. D.D. f. 27 Mar, 1685, aged 17 ; rem. 12 Aug. 1685. Walworth, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 7 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 168i, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 15 Aug. 1685 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1688 ; rem. 22 Oct. 1691. 1685 Barker, Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 8 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 10 Apr. r aged 19; Ogle Sch. 15 Aug.; Walker Sch. 16 Oct. 1685; rem. 30 Mar. 1691. Bedford, Henry (Gloucs.). Batt. c. 26 Mar. ; Claymond Sch. 27 Mar. ; matr. cler. 8 Apr. 1685, aged 15 ; rem. 28 Sept. 1686 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 12 Oct. 1688 ; M.A. 6 Apr. 1692. BTJERDSEIiL (Buerdsall), James (Lanes.). Batt. c. 6 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 10 Apr. aged 15 ; Henley Sch. 4 May 1685 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1688 ; Pellow (Founders) 2 Mar. 1691 ; M.A. 15 Apr. 1692. Died 2 Oct. 1700 ; buried in College cloister ; will proved at Oxford. WORKS : "^Discourses and essays, 1699 ; -^Discourses and essays, 1700. Gutch, Coll. 377 ; Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. ; Quat. Mon. iv. Coleire (Coliere), Richard (London). Com. c. 11 Sept. 1685 : rem, 9 Nov. 1688; B.A. All Souls 1 June 1689 ; M.A. 26 Apr. 1693. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon* 1685-f] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 251 Foster, Josiah (Warws.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 22 May, aged 16; c. and Milward Sch. 26 May 1685 ; B.A. 23 Jan. 168 ; rein. 18 Apr. 1690 : M.A. Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, 1692. Gamull, William (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 22 May, aged 19 ; c. 30 May 1685. Harrison, Joseph (Lanes.). Batt. c. 9 Nov. ; matr. cler. 20 Nov. 1685, aged 15 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 19 Jan. 168f ; B.A. 1 June 1689 j rein. 27 June 1690; M.A. Emmanuel, Cambridge, 1702. Chancellor of the Diocese of Canterbury; died 28 Nov. 1753; sixty- three years vicar of Cirencester. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Johnson, Henry (Surrey). Com. c. 19 Nov. ; matr. gen. 17 Dec. 1685, aged 16; rem. 15 Dec. 1687. Jones, John (Herefs.). Batt. c. 4 Apr. ; matr. p. p. 7 Apr., aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 15 Aug. 1685 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1688; rem. 30 Mar. 1691. King, Nathaniel (Montgom.). Com. c. 17 Nov. ; matr. gen. 17 Dec 1685, aged 19; rem. 11 Feb. 1686. Mosley (Moseley), Francis (Lanes, or Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 8 Apr. 1685, aged 16 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1688 ; rem. 22 May 1690 ; M.A, Merton 25 June 1691. Usherwood, John (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 10 Apr. 1685, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 18 Mar. 168 J ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1688 ; M.A. Jesus, Cambridge, 1693 ; died 3 Oct. 1705. Wilkinson, Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 16 Oct., aged 16 : Ogle Sch. 16 Oct. 1685 ; ? Walker Sch. 17 May 1686 ; Somerset Sch. G Apr. ; rem. 10 May 1689. But see also Thomas Wilkinson (1684). Wotton, Andrew (Staffs.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 8 Apr. 1685, aged 16; B.A. 16 May ; rem. 14 June 1689. YATE (Yates), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 19 Nov. ; matr. pleb. 1 Dec., aged 18 ; Church. Sch. 4 Dec. 1685 ; B.A. 1 June 1689 : Yate Sch. 1 Feb. 16|g ; Pellow (Williamson W.) 31 May 1690 ; M.A. 15 Apr. 1692: res. Fell. 10 May 1699. Quat. Mon. xii. Astley, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 11 Jan. ; matr. pleb. 5 Feb., aged 18; Nowell Sch. 18 Mar. 168f ; Somerset Sch. 6 Apr. 1689; B.A. 15 Oct. 1689 ; rem. 1 Jan. Bowyer, George (Chesh.). Batt. c. 16 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 19 Feb. 168;], aged 18; Radcliffe Sch. 26 June 1686; Church Sch. 6 Oct. 1687; B.A. 15 Oct. 1689 ; M.A. 4 July ; rem. 13 Dec. 1693. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Cockson, Henry (Oxon.). Batt. c. 26 Feb. ; matr. cler. 18 Man 1683, aged 18 ; Cartwright Sch. 28 Apr. 1686 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1689 ; rem 4 Apr. 1690. Dauntesey, William (Lanes.). Com. c. 11 Mar. ; matr. arm. 19 Mar. 168s, aged 17 ; rem. 23 Sept, 1687. 252 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [168|-6 Davison, Samuel (Salop). Com. c. 12 Mar. ; matr. gen. 19 Mav. I68f , aged 19 ; rem. 19 Mar. 1688. Powell, John (Kent). Batt. c. 15 Feb. ; matr. gen. 19 Feb. 168^, aged 18 ; Mordaunt Sch. 12 Mar. 168| ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1689 ; rem. 27 Feb. 1693. Sneyd, Ralph (Staffs.). Com. c. 15 Feb. ; matr. gen. 18 Mar. 168^, aged 16 ; rem. 21 Oct. 1687. THOMPSON (Tompson), William (Chesh.). Com. c. 3 Mar. ; matr. cler. 12 Mar. 168, aged 16 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1689 ; Fellow (Founders) 12 July 1690 ; M.A. 26 May 1692 ; Junior Bursar 1703-5 ; B.D. 16 Oct. 1705 ; Vice-Principal 1706-7, ft-12 ; D.D. 23 June 1709 ; Senior Bursar 9 June 1710,if-ll. Died 4 Apr. 1713 ; buried in College cloister ; will proved at Oxford. Gutch, Coll. 375 ; Quat. Mon. xii. Tilly (Tilley), Samuel (Som.). Batt. c. and rnatr. cler. 21 Jan. 168|, aged 16 ; Claymond Sch. 17 Apr. ; rem. 22 Sept. 1686 ; Sch. of Wadham 1687 ; B.A. 22 Oct. 1689 ; M.A. 28 May 1692 ; Fellow 1694 ; B.D. 12 July 1712. Weaver, Edmund (Herefs.). Com. c. 20 Mar. 168f ; matr. gen. 26 Mar., aged 16 ; B.A. 22 Oct. 1689; M.A. 4 July 1692. 1686 Cronkshaw, Nathan (Lanes.). Batt. c. 29 May ; matr. pleb. 25 June, aged 16 ; Ogle Sch. 30 Oct. 1686 ; Newell Sch. 8 Feb. 168^ ; rem. 23 Feb. 169; readm. 1 Dec. ; B.A. 17 Dec. 1691 ; rem. 2 Mar. 1694. Hartley, William (Lanes.). Batt. c. 12 June ; matr. pleb. 25 June, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 8 Dec. 1686 ; B.A. 8 May 1690 ; rem. 16 Dec. 1693 ; M.A. St. Alban Hall 25 June 1694. HEYES (Heys, Hays, Hayes), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 14 May ; matr. cler. 20 May, aged 16; Ogle Sch. 26 June; Frankland Sch. 28 Sept. 1686; Yate Sch. 1 Feb. ; B.A. 11 Feb. 16f& ; Fellow (Founders) 28 Apr.; M.A. 5 May 1693; Vice-Principal 1704-6; B.D. 16 Oct. 1705: Rector of Ould 15 June 1706 ; res. Fell. 2 Nov. 1707. Heyes (Heys), William (Chesh.). Batt. c. 14 May ; matr. pleb. 15 May, aged 17 ; Ogle Sch. 26 June 1686 ; B.A. 1 Mar. ; rem. 24 Mav. TTott, Edward (Wilts.). Com. c. 6 May ; matr. gen. 15 May 1686, aged 19 ; grace for B.A. 4 July 1689 ; rem. 11 Oct. 1690. Price, James (Cardigan.). Batt. c. 8 June 1686; rem/23 Mar. 168L'. Tyler, Solomon (Herefs.). Com. c. 5 Nov. ; matr. cler. 9 Nov. 1686, aged 15 ; B.A. 28 June 1690 ; M.A. 5 May ; rem. 11 July 1693 ; B.D. and D.D. 10 July 1704. WALSHE (Walsh), Walter (Northants.). Matr. cler. Merton 9 July 1686, aged 17; Demy Magdalen ' 1687 ; B.A. 3 June 1690; Fellow (Darbie) 8 Feb. 169; M.A. 11 Feb. 169 ; res. Fell. 10 Oct. 1700. ? Author. 1686-7] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 253 Wodhull, Michael (Northants.). Gen. Com. c. 1 June ; matr. arm. 17 Dec. 1686, aged 16 ; rem. 14 Aug. 1688. JiENEF.: Plate 1688. Quat. Mon. v. Wotton, John (Herefs.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 18 May 1686, aged 17 ; Claymond Sch. 25 June 1687 ; rem. 16 June 1693. Wotton, Richard (Berks.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 18 May, aged 16 ; rem. 20 Nov. 1686 ; B.A. Merton 5 June 1690 ; M.A. 5 July 1693. 168? Halliwell (Hallywell), John (Yorks.). Batt. c. 18 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 19 Mar. 168, aged 15; Ogle Sch. 16 Apr. 1687; Somerset Sch. 22 July 1689 ; Walker Sch. 8 Feb. 168& ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1690 ; Schoolmaster of Midclleton, Lanes. 2 May 1691 ; M.A. 21 June 1693. JJe(i)gh, John (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 19 Mar. 1686, aged 18 ; rem. 27 June 1688. M.P. Bodmin 1715. BENEF.: 1688. Quat. Mon. iv. Shippen (Sheppen), Edward (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. D.D. f. 19 Mar. 1685, aged 16 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1690 ; M.A. 22 July 1693 ; rem. 6 Aug. 1697 ; B.Med. and D.Med. 4 July 1699. Professor of Music at Gresham College 1710 ; died 2 Jan. 172f. He resided in Brasenose for fourteen years, and then removed to London, where he practised physic. Quat. Mon. xii. Thomas, John. Gardener; priv. 18 Mar. 168f. 1687 Booth, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 3 June ; matr. arm. 8 July 1687, aged 17 ; rem. 29 Nov. 1689. Finney, Josiah (Staffs.). Batt. c. 25 Mar. ; rem. 1 Apr. ; matr. p. p. St. John's 11 Apr. 1687, aged 18. Halliwell (Hallywell), John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 23 Sept. ; Nowell Sch. 6 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 21 Oct. 1687, aged 15 ; B.A. 25 June 1691 ; M.A. 9 June 1694 ; rem. 12 June 1696. But see also John Halliwell (168f). Martin, Amos (Som.). Batt. c. 6 June ; Claymond Sch. 25 June ; matr. pleb. 30 June 1687 ; B.A. 10 July 1691 ; rem. 26 Dec. 1694. Martin, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 3 June ; matr. pleb. 10 June, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 25 June 1687 ; rem. 22 May 1691 ; B.A. Hart Hall 6 May 1692. Mellish, Mr. George (Surrey). Gen. Com. c. 18 May ; matr. arm. 10 June 1687, aged 16 ; rem. 30 Oct. 1689. BENEF. : Plate 1689. Quat. Mon. v. Orton, George (Chesh.). Batt. c. 20 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 24 Oct. 1687, aged 18; Frankland Sch. 16 Aug. 1688; Yate Sch. 1 Feb. 16f#; B.A. 25 June 1691 ; M.A. 9 June 1694 ; readm. 8 May 1696. Parker, Alexander (Lanes.). Com. c. 3 June ; matr. arm. 10 June 1687, aged 17 ; B.A. 26 May 1691 ; rem. 12 July 1695. 254 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1687-8 Shippen, William (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. D.D. f. 16 July 1687, aged 14 ; rem. 6 July 1688 ; B.A. Trinity, Cambridge, 169i. M.P. Brambei-1707. 1710; Saltash 1713; Newton Lancs.'in five Parlia- ments from 1715. Of him Pope wrote : ' I love to pour out all myself as plain As downright Shippen, or as old Montaigne.' Of him Robert Walpole said : ' That he was the only incorruptible man he knew.' D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. xii. Skeate, John (Wilts.). Batt. c. 6 June ; matr. cler. 17 June, aged 16 ; Frankland Sch. 25 June 1687 ; drowned 8 July 1689 ; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 379. Tucker, Charles (Gloucs. or Herefs.), Batt. c. 25 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 22 Apr. 1687, aged 17; Radcliffe Sch. 7 Apr. 1688; Reed Sch. 17 May 1690 ; grace for B.A. 11 Jan. 169? ; rem. 25 Feb. 169. Woods, Richard (Chesh.). Batt. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. cler. 29 Apr. 1687, aged 15 ; rem. 6 June ; c. 16 Oct ; Cartwright Sch. 23 Dec. 1687 ; Church Sch. 24 Mar. 16gg ; B.A. 19 Jan. 169 ; rem. 6 Oct. 1692. Baguley, William (Lanes.). Com. c. 24 Mar. 168| ; matr. gen. 28 Mar. 1688, aged 18 ; grace for B.A. 1 July 1691 ; rein. 22 June 1694. Da vie (Davy), Samuel (Lanes.). Com. c. 23 Mai-. 168J ; matr. cler. 28 Mar. 1688, aged 17; B.A. 14 Mar. 169i; Hulnie Ex. 25 June 1692; M.A. 9 June 1694; rem. 13 May 1696: HYDE (Hide), John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 3 Mar.; Nowell Sch. 15 Mar. 168*; matr. cler. 28 Mar. 1688, aged 17 p Somerset Sch. 17 July ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1691; Hulme Ex. 25 June; Pellow (Founders) 24 Nov. 1692; M.A. 9 June 1694; B.D. 7 Nov. 1705; Junior Bursar 1706-7: Senior Bursar 1707-10; grace for D.D. 11 Apr.; Rector of Dudcote 22 Auff. 1709; died 15 July 1710. Hyde and -Da vie the first Hulnie Exhibitioners elected. Sagar, Stephen (Lanes.). Batt. c. 18 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 6 Mar., aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 15 Mar. 168 J ; rem. 21 July 1688. Stephen Sagar is included in the list of non-jurors, see Wordsworth, Social Life, &c., p. 605, where he is wrongly described as Fellow of Brasenose. Life of Kettlewell, vol. ii, App. 1688 Boulton (Bolton), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 31 May ; matr. pleb. 31 Aug. 1688, aged 16 ; Walker Sch. 20 Apr. 1689 ; Yate Sch. 21 June 1690 ; rem. 27 Apr. 1695. Died 12 Sept. 1695 and buried in cemetery of St. Mary's, Oxford. COWPER (Cooper), John (Chesh.). Com. c. 31 May 1688 : matr. gen. 13 Jan. 168$, aged 16; B.A. 19 Jan. 169^; Fellow (Williamson P.) 14 Dec. 1694; M.A. 17 Dec. 1694; res. Fell. 28 Oct. 1698. ? Will proved at Oxford 1G99. Kawl. J. Ath. Oxon. 1688-f] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 255 Cowper (Cooper), Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 31 May ; matr. gen. 13 June 1688, aged 17 ; rem. 26 Dec. 1690. M.P. Chester 1698. BENEF. : Gave 20 for the use of the library, &c. 1701. Quat. Mon. iv. Davenport, Edward (Lanes.). Com. c. 5 Apr. ; matr. gen. 6 Apr. 1688, aged 16 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1691 ; M.A. 23 June ; rem. 16 Aug. 1694. Gould, Thomas (Derbs. or Devon). Batt. c. 6 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 7 Apr., aged 19; rem. 10 Apr. 1688; B.A. All Souls 1 Dec. 1691. Morris, John (Salop). Batt. c. 4 Oct. ; rnatr. pleb. 17 Dec., aged 16 ; Franldand Sch. 22 Dec. 1688 ; rem. 5 Feb. 16# ; B.A. Wadham 28 May 1692 ; M.A. 23 Apr. 1695. Ogden, Samuel (Lanes.). Batt. c. 24 Sept. ; matr. 24 Oct., aged 16 ; Radcliffe Sch. 22 Dec. 1688 ; Nowell Sch. 23 Mar. 168 ; B.A. 2 June ; Hulme Ex. 25 June 1692 ; rem. 20 Sept. 1695. Philips, Stephen (Herefs.). Batt. c. 20 June ; matr. paup. New Inn Hall 3 July, aged 17 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 8 Sept. 1688 ; Yate Sch. 21 Apr. ; B.A. 2 June 1692 ; readm. 14 Mar. 169f . Robins, Richard. Manciple. Will proved at Oxford 1688. Robinson, William (Bucks, or London). Com. c. 13 July 1688; matr. gen. 12 Dec. 1689, aged 16 ; rem. 11 Jan. 16|. Wegewood (Wedgewood), Mr. John (Staffs.). Gen. Com. c. 1 June; matr. arm. 25 June 1688, aged 18 ; rem. 25 Nov. 1689. BENEF. : 1689. Quat. Mon. iv. Yarborough, Harrington (Notts.). Matr. D.Med. f. 7 July 1688, aged 16; B.A. Trinity 1692; M.A. 1695. 168f Barret, Michael (Sussex). Com. c. 7 Mar. ; niatr. cler. 18 Mar. 168$, aged 15 ; rem. 17 July 1691. Bavand, Robert (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 18 Mai-. 168 ft, aged 16; B.A. 15 Oct. 1692; M.A. 4 July 1699; B.Med. and D.Med. 7 July 1710 ; rem. 6 Jan. 1710 ; died 1741. In him the Bavands of Bromborough and Christleton became extinct. On Feb. 4 1880 Mr. Madan saw in a copy of Sir Will. Davenant's Works, Lond., 1673 : ' R l . Bavand, Aen. Nas.' ; on the next page scratched out was ' Ex dono Rogeri Bavand '. O.H.S. xiii. Chaddocke (Chaddock), Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 22 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 23 Mar. 168*, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 20 Apr. 1689 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1692 ; rem. 4 Apr. 1693. Johnson, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 22 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 23 Mar. 1685, aged 17 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 20 Apr. 1689 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1692 ; rem. 26 Oct. 1699. King, William (Gloucs.). Batt. c. 7 Feb. ; Claymond Sch. 11 Feb. ; matr. paup. 18 Mar. 168*, aged 16 ; B.A. Balliol 15 Oct. 1692 ; rem. ? Mar. 169?,. 256 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK [168|-9 SLADE, Thomas (Herefs.). Com. c. 15 Mar. ; matr. cler. 18 Mar. 168|, aged 17 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1692 : Pellow (Porter) 7 Feb. 169* ; M.A. 7 June 1695; Junior Bursar 1707-9; B.D. 16 July; died 5 Oct. 1709 ; buried in College cloister. Will proved at Oxford 1709. Gutch, Coll. 381. Smith (Smyth), Thomas (Herefs.). Batt. c. 7 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 18 Mar. 168g, aged 16 ; Ogle Sch. 20 Apr. ; Mordaunt Sch. 22 Aug. 1689 ; Somerset Sch. 24 Sept. 1691 ; B.A. 24 Nov. 1692 ; incorp. Cambridge 1695 ; M.A. Queens', Cambridge, 1695. Thickness (Thicknes, Thieknesse), John (Staffs.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 23 Mar. 168^ ; B.A. 11 Feb. 169?, ; B.C.L. 9 July ; rem. 31 July 1695. 1689 Baguley, Richard (Lanes.). Batt. c. 19 Oct. ; matr. gen. 22 Oct., aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 17 Dec. 1689 ; B.A. 21 June ; Hulme Ex. 24 July 1693 ; M.A. 12 July ; reni. 26 Nov. 1697. He was a kinsman of William Hulme, hence his election to the exhibition. Man. School Hist. Bordman (Boardman), John (Chesh.). Com. c. 18 Nov. ; matr. cler. 26 Nov. 1689, aged 18; B.A. 1 July 1693; rem. 12 Nov.; M.A. St. Mary Hall 13 Nov. 1696. Brooke, Henry (Chesh.). Com. c. 29 June ; matr. bart. f. 5 July 1689, aged 17 ; B.A. 29 Apr. 1693. Carleton, Josias ( Josiah) (Surrey). Gen. Com. c. 6 June ; matr. gen. 12 June 1689, aged 17; B.A. 11 Feb. 169|; B.C.L. 24 Oct. 1695; rem. 28 May 1700. BENEF. :"1699. Quat. Mon. iv. Derwas, Richard (Montgom.). Batt. c. 30 Aug. ; matr. pleb. 6 Nov. 1689, aged 20; Frankland Sch. 6 Mar. 16fg; B.A. 1 July 1693. Goldsmith, Charles (Hants, or I. of W.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 10 May 1689, aged 17 ; B.A. 23 Feb. 169| ; M.A. 24 Oct. 1695 ; rem. 23 Oct. 1696. Hawkshaw, Benjamin (Ireland). Com. c. 27 Sept. ; rem. 30 Oct. 1689. Jeffs, George (Middlx.). Batt. c. 25 Mar. ; Mordaunt Sch. 6 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 16 May, aged 17 ; rem. 13 Jan. 1689 ; B.A. Merton 15 Dec. 1692 ; Fellow 1694 ; M.A. 17 Apr. 1697 ; buried in Merton chapel. Gutch, App. 215. Kinge (King), Charles (Oxon.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 6 July, aged 18 ; Walker Sch. 29 July 1689 ; B.A. 29 Apr. 1693 ; Claymond Sch. 26 June 1694 ; rem. 21 Mar. 170?. Kippax, Peter (Lanes.). Batt. c. 26 June ; matr. pleb. 28 June, aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 29 July 1689 ; Nowell Sch. 23 Dec. 1691 ; Ogle Sch. 15 July 1692 ; B.A. 12 May 1693 ; rem. 26 Apr. 1695. Ordained for colony of Virginia 1 Nov. 1699. 1689-90] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 257 Powell, George (Hants.). Batt. c. and Claymond Sch. 18 June ; matr. pleb. 28 June 1689, aged 17 ; B.A. 29 Apr. 1693 ; rem. 23 Feb. 169J. Preston, Peter (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 21 June 1689, aged 18 ; rem. 19 Nov. 1690; B.A. Christ Church 4 May 1693. Purchase (Purchas), Richard (Bucks.). Batt. c. and matr. p. p. 13 Dec. 1689, aged 14 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 12 July 1690 ; B.A. 1 July 1693; rem. 5 Feb. 169; readm. 23 June 1696; M.A. 11 July 1698; rem. 5 Aug. 1710. Died 29 Aug. 1742. Thelwall (Thetwel), Mr. Ambrose (Denbs.). Gen. Com. c. 20 July ; matr. arm. 7 Nov. 1689, aged 19 ; rem. 30 Dec. 1691. BENEF. : Plate 1691. Quat. Mon. v. Townley, Henry (Lanes.). Com. c. 28 Sept. ; matr. gen. 22 Oct. 1689, aged 18; rem. 22 June 1695. Langford, William (Chesh.). Com. c. 28 Feb. 16f$ ; matr. gen. 7 Apr. 1690, aged 16 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1692 ; M.A. 7 June ; rem. 14 June 1695. Morecroft (Moorcroft), James (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 27 Feb. ; c. 28 Feb. 16f$ ; B.A. 16 Oct. ; rem. 31 Oct. 1690. 1690 Alcock (Allcock), John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 3 Apr. ; matr. p. p. 10 Apr., aged 20; Mordaunt Sch. 17 May 1690; B.A. 19 Oct. 1693; rem. 11 July 1696. Died 26 Aug. 1736. Berkeley (Berkley, Barkley), Mr. Henry (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. 16 Oct. ; matr. 31 Oct. 1690, aged 16 ; rem. 20 May 1704. Boulton (Bolton), John (Pembs.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 19 July, aged 18; Mibvard Sch. 26 July 1690; c. 23 June 1691 ; B.A. 9 June 1694 ; rem. 1 Nov. 1700. Dennis, Barnes (Lanes, or Chesh.). Batt. c. 3 Apr. 1690 ; matr. cler. 7 Apr. 1690, aged 16 ; Nowell Sch. 24 Jan. 169& ; B.A. 19 Oct. 1693 ; HulmeEx.30 May 1695 ; M.A. 13 June; rem. 17 Nov. 1696. Gardiner, James (Middlx.). Batt, Matr. pleb. 20 Nov. 1690, aged 16 ; c. 20 Mar. 169 ; Walker Sch. 24 Apr. 1691 ; B.A. 9 June ; rem. 30 Aug. 1694 ; readm. 3 June 1696; M.A. 13 Nov. 1697. Morton (Moreton), John (Lines.). Batt. c. 29 May 1690 ; matr. pleb. 31 May, aged 16; Claymond Sch. 21 June 1690; B.A. 19 Jan.; rem. 1 Feb. 169f. Owen, Robert (Salop or Montgom.). Batt. c. 8 July ; matr. pleb. 19 July 1690, aged 18 ; rem. 16 Nov. 1692. Plaxton, William (Yorks.). Com. c. 9 Oct. ; matr. gen. 10 Oct. 1690, aged 22 ; rem. 14 May 1696. Pullen, William (Yorks.). Batt. c. 26 Apr. 1690; matr. pleb. 19 May 1690, aged 18 ; Radcliffe Sch. 10 Feb. 169? ; B.A. 14 Feb. 169J; rem. 12 June 1694. 258 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1690- Button, William (Middlx.). Com. c. 3 Apr. ; matr. gen. 4 Apr. 1690, aged 16; B.A. 9 Oct. 1693 ; B.C.L. 18 July; rem. 6 Oct. 1696. Short, Richard (Oxon.). Batt. c. 1 July ; matr. pleb. 8 July, aged 18 ; Walker Sch. 12 July 1690 ; B.A. 21 Apr. 1693. SMETHUBST (Smithurst), James (Lanes.). Batt. c. 4 June ; matr. pleb. 5 June, aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 19 June 1690 ; Nowell Sch. 3 Nov. 1693 ; B.A. 19 Jan. 169f ; Fellow (Founders) 18 Feb. 169| ; M.A. 7 Mar. 169f ; Vice-Principal 1707-9; Proctor 25 Feb. 170. Died 5 Mar. 170f ; buried in College cloister ; will proved at Oxford. Gutch, Coll. 380 ; Quat. Mon. xii. Smith, Samuel (Herefs.). Batt. c. 15 May ; matr. pleb. 3 June ; Frankland Sch. 12 July 1690 ; B.A. 1 July ; rem. 2 July 1695 ; ? cr. M.A. Lincoln 7 June 1708. Stephens, Stephen (Montgom.). Batt. c. 4 Apr. ; matr. p. p. 9 Apr. aged 20 ; rem. 19 Aug. 1690 ; B.A. Christ Church 26 Mar. 1694 ; M.A. 3 July 1699. Stones, Mr. Thomas (Derbs.). Gen. Com. c. 13 Nov. ; matr. arm. 19 Nov. 1690. Whalley, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 2 Aug. 1690, aged 17 ; B.A. 21 Apr. 1694 ; rem. 4 Nov. 1698 ; M.A. Oriel 15 Nov. 1699; B.Med. 27 Oct. 1708; D.Med. 6 July 1711. 169? Arblaster, Mr. Edmund (Staffs.). Gen. Com. c. 9 Mar. 169?; matr. arm. 3 Apr. 1691, aged 17 ; rem. 3 May 1693. BENEF. : 1693. Quat. Mon. iv. Bebington (Babbington), Josiah (Chesh.). Batt. c. 9 Mar. 169? ; matr. paup. 3 Apr., aged 16 ; Cartwright Sch. 19 June 1691 ; Church Sch. 1 Nov. 1692 ; B.A. 14 Dec. 1694 ; rem. 18 May 1695. Clutton, Richard (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. gen. 20 Mar. 169?, aged 16; Church Sch. 29 Aug. 1692; B.A. 27 Oct. 1694; M.A. 12 July 1697 ; rem. 19 Dec. 1698. Halsted, Charles (Middlx.). Com. c. 23 Feb. ; matr. arm. 23 Mar. 169}, a &ed 16 ; rem. 4 Aug. 1692. Heton, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 10 Jan. ; matr. pleb. 19 Jan., aged 20 ; Nowell Sch. 24 Jan. 169? ; B.A. 16 Oct. ; rem. 21 Nov. 1694 ; incorp. Cambridge ; M.A. Christ's, Cambridge, 1704. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Lever, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 10 Jan. ; matr. arm. 19 Jan. 169?, aged 15 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1694 ; rem. 14 July 1698. Lever, Bobert (Lanes.). Com. c. 10 Jan. ; mafcr. arm. 19 Jan. 169?, aged 18; B.A. 16 Oct. 1694; rem. 20 Feb. 169|. Mather, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 18 Mar. ; matr. gen. 20 Mar. 169?, aged 16 ; rem. 1 Feb. 169f. Mosley (Mosely), Oswald (Lanes.). Com. c. 8 Jan. ; matr. arm. 19 Jan. 169?, aged 16; rem. 17 Dec. 1692; cr. Bart. 18 June 1720. 169f-l] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 259 Thompson (Thomson), James (Chesh.). Coin. c. 3 Mar. 169? ; .subs. cler. 3 Apr. 1691 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1694 ; M.A. 9 June ; rem. 19 July 1699. 1691 Aldersey, Samuel (Chesh.). Com. c. 27 Mar. ; inatr. arm. 28 Mar. 1691, aged 16 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1694 ; M.A. 7 June ; rem. 16 July 1700. Boudler (Bowdler), Stephen (Herefs.). Com. c. 27 Mar. ; matr. gen. 3 Apr. 1691, aged 15 ; grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1693 ; rem. Apr. 1701. Bower, John (Som.). Batt. c. and rnatr. cler. 2 Apr. 1691, aged 17 ; rem. 22 Jan. 169|. Bracebridge, Samuel (Warws.). Com. c. 14 May ; matr. gen. 23 May 1691, aged 18; rem. 4 May 1693. M.P. Tamworth 1710. Hanmer, Mr. William (Flints, or Herefs.). Gen. Com. c. 20 Oct. ; matr. arm. 24 Nov. 1691, aged 17 ; rem. 27 Sept. 1695. BENEF.: 1696. Quat. Mon. iv. Kent, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 15 (Dec. ?) ; matr. pleb. 17 Dec. 1691 ; Mordaunt Sch. 1 July 1692 ; B.A. 7 June ; rem. 30 Nov. 1695. Kent, Ottiwell (Ottivel) (Chesh.). Batt. c. 15 (Dec.?); matr. pleb. 15 Dec. 1691, aged 23; rem. 22 Sept. 1692. Lloyd, John (Oxon.). Batt. c. (3 Dec. ?) ; matr. gen. 8 Dec. 1691, aged 16 ; Claymond Sch. 18 May ; ? grace for B.A. 25 Aug. 1694 ; rem. 20 May 1704. Meare, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. and Cartwright Sch. 21 May ; matr. pleb. 28 May, aged 16 ; Somerset Sch. 23 Dec. 1691 ; rem. 12 Mar. I69|; died 31 July 1694. Gutch, Coll. 379. Royden (Roydon), John (Salop or London). Com. c. 17 July ; matr. gen. 18 July 1691, aged 17 ; rem. 12 Aug. 1693. Russell, Daniel (Middlx.). Com. c. 7 Aug. ; matr. eq. 26 Oct. 1691, aged 16 ; rem. 9 Feb. 1692. Short, John. Claymond Sch. 24 Apr. 1691 ; ? = Short, Richard (Oxon.). Batt. c. 1 July 1690. Tempest, John (Middlx.). Com. Matr. gen. (as William, son of John) 26 June, aged 18 ; c. 17 July 1691 ; grace for B.A. 18 April 1694 ; rem. 11 May 1696. Thompson (Thomson), Richard (Lanes.). Batt. c. 3 Dec. ; matr. cler. 4 Dec. 1691, aged 17; Nowell Sch. 21 Apr. 1692; Somerset Sch. 4 May ; rem. 26 July 1693 ; B.A. 7 June 1695. Waring, Walter (Salop). Batt. c. 20 Oct.; matr. pleb. 24 Nov., iiged 16 ; Frankland Sch. 23 Dec. 1691 ; B.A. 7 June 1695 ; M.A. 17 May ; rem. 13 June 1698. White, Mr. Peter (Sussex). Gen. Com. c. 1 Apr. ; raatr. med. doct. 3Apr. 1691, aged 18 ; rem. 22 July 1697. BENEF. : 1697. Quat. Mon. iv. s 2 260 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1691-2 Worrall (Worall), Richard (Chesh.). Batt. c. 23 May ; matr. pleb. 26 May, aged 19 ; Mordaunt Sch. 1 Oct. 1691 ; Yate Sch. 1 Nov. 1692 ; B.A. 14 Feb. 169. Died 2 May 1697 ; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 379. Arrowsmith, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 17 Mar. ; matr. paup. 18 Mar. , aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 21 Apr. 1692 ; B.A. 24 Oct. 1695 ; rem. 14 Aug. 1696. Darley, John Nathan (Nathaniel) (Cornw.). Com. c. 14 Mar. ; matr. cler. 17 Mar. 1694, aged 17 ; B.A. 31 Oct. 1695 ; rem. 2 Apr. 1696. Egerton, James (Middlx.). Com. c. 17 Mar. ; matr. arm. 18 Mar. 169|, aged 16 ; B.C.L. 2 July 1698 ; rem. 19 Oct. 1703. Evans, Evan (Evans, Evanns) (Montgom.). Batt. Matr. paup. St. Alban Hall 12 Mar. 169i, aged 21 ; c. 6 June ; Ogle Sch. 29 Aug. 1692 ; B.A. 24 Oct. ; rem. 16 Nov. 1695 ; readm. ; M.A. 19 July ; B.D. and D.D. 17 Dec. 1714. Harpur (Harper), John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 17 Mar. ; matr. cler. 18 Mar. 169i/aged 17; Nowell Sch. 21 Apr. 1692; Hulme Ex. 29 June ; B.A. 17 Dec. 1695 ; rem. 3 July 1697; M.A. Jesus, Cambridge, 1709. Marshall, Mr. Edward (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. 19 Mar. 169i; matr. gen. 6 Apr. 1692, aged 15 ; rem. Feb. 169f . BENEF. : Plate 1693. Quat. Mon. v. Moore (Moor), John (Salop). Batt. c. 12 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 14 Mar. 169$, aged 16 ; Henley Sch. 21 Apr. 1692 ; B.A. 24 Oct. 1695 ; M.A. 4 July ; rem. 13 July 1698. Morgan, Evan (Montgom.). Batt. ; matr. paup. St. Alban Hall 12 Mar. 169, aged 18 ; c. 30 June 1692 ; rem. 7 May 1694. Richmond, Henry (Lanes.). Com. c. 5 Mar. ; matr. gen. 11 Mar. , aged 17 ; B.A. 13 Apr. 1695 ; rem. 17 Mar. 169|. 1692 Astry (Astrey), Francis (Middlx.). Com. c. 18 May ; matr. eq. 28 May 1692, aged 15 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 169* ; Fellow of Merton Feb. 169f ; rem. 3 June 1699 ; M.A. 18 June 1702 ; B.D. and D.D. 15 Oct. 1715. Preb. of St. Paul's 1718 ; died 30 Oct. 1766. WORK: Sermons, 1716-33. Aatry, James (Oxon. or Beds.). Com. c. 18 May 1692 ; matr. eq. aur. 25 Aug. 1691, aged 16 ; rem. 27 Oct. 1693. Ball, Ben(edict) (Isle of Wight). Com. c. 1 Oct. ; matr. cler. 10 Oct. 1692, aged 16 ; B.A. 13 June 1696 ; M.A. 9 June 1699 ; rem. 20 June 1700. Browne (Brown), John (Middlx.). Com. c. 10 Oct. ; matr. gen. 15 Oct. 1692, aged 16; rem. 15 Mar. 169f. 1692-3] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 261 Burscough, William (Surrey). Com. c. 8 July ; matr. cler. 11 July 1692, aged 16; rem. 9 Nov. 1694; Sch. Wadham 1695; B.A. 14 May 1696 ; M.A. 2 Mar. 169$ ; B.D. and D.D. 12 Mar. 171*. Dean of Lismore 172| ? ; Bishop of Limerick 1725. Frauncis (Fraunces), Benjamin (Northants.). Batt. c. 9 May; matr. cler. 12 May, aged 16 ; Cartwright Sch. 24 June 1692 ; B.A. 28 Feb. 169f; rem. 22 Sept. 1699; M.A. 30 June 1713. Lloyd, "William (Flints.). Com. c. 7 Dec. ; matr. gen. 8 Dec. 1692. aged 16; rem. 11 May 1696. Massie (Massy), John (Chesh.). Com. c. 15 Oct.: matr. arm. 7 Nov. 1692, aged 15; rem. 23 Mar. 169f. Syddall (Syddal), Arnold (Lanes.). Batt. c. 31 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 15 Apr., aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 21 Apr. ; Somerset Sch. 23 Dec. 1692 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 169$. Yates (Yeates), Robert (Salop). Batt. c. 8 June ; matr. paup. 22 June, aged 18; Mordaunt Sch. 22 Nov. 1692; B.A. 16 May, rem. 13 Aug. 1696. 169 Ashe (Ash), Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 24 Mar. 169 ; matr. paup. pleb. 29 Mar., aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 4 Apr. 1693; B.A. 15 Oct. ; Hulme Ex. 27 Nov. 1696 ; M.A. 9 June 1699 ; rem. 25 Nov. 1700. Davies, Thomas (Herefs.). Batt. c. 25 Feb. ; matr. paup. 27 Feb. 169 ; Frankland Sch. 11 Apr. ; Walker Sch. 25 Aug. 1694; B.A. 15 Oct. 1696; M.A. 9 June 1699. Lever, Samuel (Lanes.). Com. c. 6 Mar. ; matr. cler. 7 Mar. 169|, aged 17 ; B.A. 15 Oct. ; Hulme Ex. 27 Nov. 1696 ; M.A. 9 June 1699 ; rem. 1 Nov. 1700. STANLEY, Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 6 Mar. ; matr. gen. 23 Mar. 169,'aged 17; subst. for Nowell Sch. 25 Aug. 1694; B.A. 15 Oct. 1696; Peiiow (Founders) 10 July 1697 ; M.A. 9 June 1699 ; Rector of Begbroke 29 June 1704; Proctor 10 Mar. 170$; Rector of Middleton Chenej 9 June 1710; Vice-Principal 9 June 1710; res. Fell. 26 May 1711. O.H.S. xxv. Topp, Edward (Kent). Com. c. 22 Mar. ; matr. cler. 23 Mar. 169, aged 16 ; rem. 2 Nov. 1694 ; readm. 22 June 1695 ; rem. 13 Aug. 1696 ; readm. 28 Jan.; B.A. 18 Mar. 169f ; rem. 26 June 1697. Townley, Henry (Lanes.). Com. c. 24 Mar. 1691 ; matr. gen. 29 Mar. 1693, aged 16; rem. 29 Nov. 1694. Tyler, William (Herefs.). Batt. c. 25 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 7 Mar. 169, aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 25 Aug. 1694; rem. 11 Jan. 169*; B.C.L. Hart Hall 15 Nov. 1699. Preb. of Llandaff 1720. 1683 Balgay, Mr. Henry (Derbs.). Gen. Com. c. 15 Feb. 1693; rem. 23 Oct. 1694 ; ? = Balgay, Henry, 1667. 262 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1693 Barrell (Barrel), Edmund (Kent). Coin. c. 5 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 6 Apr. 1693, aged 16 ; B.A. 13 Nov. 1696 ; M.A. 7 June 1700 ; rem, 14 Aug. 1702. Preb. of Norwich 1702; Preb. of Rochester 1705; died 15 Mar. 1765. WORK : Contributed to Phil. Trans., 1717-27. Raw!. J. Ath. Oxon. Chadwick, Lewis (Lanes.). Batt. c. 16 Dec. ; matr. pleb. 18 Dec. 1693, aged 17; Nowell Sch. 1 Feb. 169f ; Somerset Sch. 25 Aug. 1694; B.A. 25 June ; Hulme Ex. 23 Sept. 1697. Evans, David (Cardigan.). Batt. c. 29 Mar.; matr. p.p. 6 Apr., aged 18 ; rem. 23 Aug. 1693 ; readm. 13 Aug. ; again readm. 14 Oct. ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1696; rem. 28 Jan. 169. Farington, Valentine (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 26 May 1693, aged 16 ; B.A. 26 Jan. 169? ; rem. 20 May 1704. ? A physician of Preston. Feild (Field), Miles (Salop). Batt. c. 12 July ; matr. cler. 15 July 1693, aged 18 ; Walker Sch. 27 June ; rem. 29 Dec. 1694. Garnett (Garnet), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 22 June ; matr. giup. (subs, pleb.) 15 July ; Cartwright Sch. 21 July 1693 ; rem. 28 Mar. ; .A. New Inn Hall 11 Apr. 1698. Hargreaves (Hargraves), Robert (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. cler. 15 July, aged 17 ; c. 21 July 1693 ; Nowell Sch. 26 Jan. 169f ; B.A. 25 June ; rem. 18 Sept. 1697 ; incorp. Cambridge ; M.A. Christ's, Cam- bridge ; incorp. Oxford 8 July 1707. Hollier (Hollyer), William (Staffs.). Batt. c. and matr. paup. (subs, pleb.) 6 Apr., aged 16; Mordaunt Sch. 20 Nov. 1693 ; B.A. 15 Oct. ; rem. 23 Dec. 1696 ; rep. 12 Feb. 169f ; rem. 1 Nov. 1700 ; M.A. Caius, Cambridge, 1710. Landon, John (Herefs. or Glamorg.). Com. Matr. p. p. 26 May, aged 18; c. 30 May 1693; B.A. 26 Jan. 169?; rem. 21 Dec. 1699; B.C.L. and D.C.L. 1709. Lecturer at St. Dunstan's, Stepney ; died 1729. PRICHARD (Pritchard), Benjamin (Herefs.). Com. Matr. cler. 26 May. c. 30 May 1693 ; Fellow (Elton) 17 Oct. ; B.A. 26 Jan. 169? ; M.A. 4 July 1699 ; grace for B.D. 30 Jan. 170| ; Junior Bursar 9 June 1710 ; Vice-Principal 17^-H ; Senior Bursar 171i-12, 13-15, 16-18 ; Rector of Stepney 19 Dec. 1718 ; res. Fell. 10 July 1719 ; died Oct. 1726. Rishton, Jeffrey (Geoffrey, Galfridus) (Lanes, or Montgom.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 26 May 1693, aged 17 ; B.A. 26 Jan. 169? ; Hulme Ex. 24 June 1697 ; rem. 30 Apr. 1702. Shaw, Robert (Chesh.). Batt. c. 27 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 29 Mar., aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 4 May 1693 ; Church Sch. 26 July 1695 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1696 ; rem. 28 Nov. 1698 ; incorp. at Christ's, Cambridge, 1700. SHIPPEN, Robert (Chesh.). Com. Matr. doct. Merton 6 Apr. 1693, aged 16 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1696 ; c. 7 Aug. 1697 : Fellow (Williamson W.) 22 June ; M.A. 4 July 1699 ; Junior Bursar 1709-10; Principal 2 June ; Rector of Stepney 16 June ; Rector of Great Billing ; B.D. and D.D. 1693-4] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK 268 7 July 1710; Vice-Chancellor 1718-22; died 24 Nov. 1745; buried in College chapel. Professor of Music at Grresham College 1705 ; F.R.S. 1706. WORKS: ? Rufinus, 1712; -\-The spiritual intruder unmasked, &c., 1716. Gutch, Coll. 375; D.N.B. ; Hist. MSS. Com. Report, vii. 417 b ; O.H.S. xiii; Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. ; Quat. Mon. xii. Thistlewhaite, George. Frankland Sch. 3 Nov. 1693 ; ? = Thistle- wheat, John (Bucks.). Batt. c. 6 Apr. 1693. Thistlewheat, John (Bucks.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 6 Apr. 1693, aged 16 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1696 ; rem. 20 Aug. 1697. Wood, Thomas (Salop). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 29 Nov. 1693, aged 18 ; Radcliffe Sch. 27 Sept. 1695 ; B.A. 8 June 1697 ; M.A. 7 June ; rem. 13 July 1700. Yate, Samuel (Salop). Com. c. 7 Sept. ; rem. 7 Nov. 1693. Colly (Colley), Jonathan (Chesh.). Com. c. 15 Mar. 169f ; matr. cler. 30 Mar. 1694, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1697 ; M.A. 7 June ; rem. 16 July 1700 ; chantor of Christ Church. Gutch, Coll. 515. Crowfoot, Kobert (Chesh.). Batt. c. 15 Mar. 169f ; matr. pleb. 30 Mar., aged 16; Radcliffe Sch. 14 Dec. 1694; Church Sch. 20 July; B.A. 14 Oct. 1697 ; M.A. 7 June ; rem. 16 July 1700. Glover, Edward (Oxon.). Batt. Matr. p. p. Trinity 22 Mar. 169f, aged 17; c. 17 Nov. ; Claymond Sch. 18 Nov. 1696 ; rem. 26 Apr. 1699 Milne, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 24 Mar. 169f ; matr. pleb. 26 Mar., aged 17; Nowell Sch. 11 Apr. 1694; Somerset Sch. 26 July 1695 ; B.A. 26 Oct. 1697 ; M.A. 7 June 1700. Porter, William (Bucks.). Com. c. 23 Mar. ; matr. cler. 24 Mar. 169f, aged 16 ; rem. 12 Dec. 1695 ; B.A. Trinity 18 Nov. 1697 ; M.A. Wadham 1 June 1700. Symonds, Walter (Herefs.). Batt. c. 21 Feb. ; Reed Sch. 22 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 8 Mar. 169f, aged 19 ; rem. 27 Feb. 1694 ; B.A. Gloucester Hall 16 Oct. 1697 ; M.A. 17 Mar. 1700. Wetenhall (Wettenhall), Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 15 Feb. 169f ; matr. arm. 30 Mar. 1694, aged 17 ; rem. 28 Apr. 1697. Whitehead, Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 24 Mar. 169f ; matr. pleb. 26 Mar., aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 11 Apr. 1694; B.A. 14 Oct. 1697; rem. 30 Dec. 1698. Non-juring clergyman ordained by Bishop N. Spinckes, c. 1710-20. Bodl. MS. Eng. Hist. d. 1, p. 195. 1694 Adams, John (Salop or Flints.). Com. c. 23 June ; matr. cler. 25 June 1694, aged 17 ; rem. 16 Nov. 1695 ; rep. 10 Dec. 1700 ; B.A. 17 Dec. ; readm. Dec. 1700 ; rem. 27 May 1703. Calamy's Abridgement of Baxter's Life, 2nd ed., 1713, vol. ii, p. 66. 264 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1694 Atherton, Mr. John (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 16 Apr. ; matr. eq. aur. 5 May 1694, aged 16 ; rem. 4 Oct. 1697. BENEF. : 1697. Quat. Mon. iv. Burches (Burchase), George (Chesh.). Batt. c. 2 June ; matr. cler. 9 June 1694, aged 18 ; rep. 20 Dec. 1697. Corbett, Mr. Roger (Salop). Gen. Com. c. 21 May ; subs. arm. 24 May 1694 ; rem. 23 Sept. 1695. BENEF. : 1698. Quat. Mon. iv. Eaton, Christopher (Gloucs.). Batt. Matr. cler. St. Alban Hall 16 Oct. 1694, aged 18 ; c. 30 Nov. ; Claymond Sch. 14 Dec. 1695 ; B.A. 25 June 1698 ; M.A. 8 July 1701 ; rem. 1 Feb. 170|. Eckersall, Richard (Lanes.). Batt. c. 16 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 5 May, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 15 Sept. 1694 ; B.A. 20 Jan. 169| ; M.A. 7 June ; rem. 25 Nov. 1700. Forshall, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 27 Sept. ; matr. pleb. 16 Oct. 1694, aged 16 ; B.A. 25 June ; rem. 1 Nov. 1703. Fowler, John (Salop). Batt. c. 21 May ; matr. cler. 30 Mar. 1694 ; Walker Sch. 7 Feb. 169f ; B.A. 12 Apr. ; rem. 7 Jan. 1698. Greene (Green), Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 28 Mar. ; matr. arm. 30 Mar. 1694, aged 16 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1697 ; M.A. 7 June 1700 ; rem. 29 Nov. 1706. MEARE (Mear, Mare), Thomas (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 19 May, aged 17 ; Yate Sch. 16 June 1694 ; B.A. 20 Jan. 169| ; Fellow (William- son P.) 24 Nov. 1698 ; M.A. 7 June 1700 ; grace for B.D. 30 Jan. 170; Junior Bursar 171|-12 ; Senior Bursar 1712-13; Rector of Cottingham 24 May 1714; res. Fell. 23 Nov. 1715. Quat. Mon. xii. Middleton, Mr. Robert (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. 13 Dec. ; matr. gen. 14 Dec. 1694 ; rem. 15 June 1699. BENEF. : 1701. Quat. Mon. iv. Morris, William (Monmouth.). Batt. c. 18 May; matr. cler. 19 May 1694, aged 19 ; rem. 1 Nov. 1700. Offley, Mr. John (Staffs.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. gen. 19 May 1694, aged 16 ; rem. 28 Jan. 169f BENEF.: 1697. Quat. Mon. iv. Pease, Francis (Devon.). Batt. c. 21 June ; matr. pleb. 25 June, aged 20 ; Ogle Sch. 22 Dec. 1694 ; rem. 16 Feb. 169f ; B.A. Exeter 6 May 1698. Powell, Henry (Salop). Com. c. 12 June ; matr. gen. 25 June 1694, aged 17 ; rem. 24 May 1695. Rudd, Edward (Durham). Batt. c. and Claymond Sch. 20 Aug.; matr. cler. 16 Oct. 1694, aged 17 ; rem. 19 Mar. 169 ; B.A. Trinity, Cambridge, 169f ; M.A. 1702 ; incorp.8 July 1704 ; B.D.1709 ; D.D. 1717. Slade, John (Salop). Com. Matr. cler. Hart Hall 5 May 1694, aged 19 ; c. 14 Feb. 169| ; rem. 28 Mar. 1700. 1694-5] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 265 Varley, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 30 Mar., aged 19; Nowell Sch. 11 Apr. 1694; B.A. 14 Oct. 1697; rem. 14 July 1698. Whishaw, Joseph (Chesh.). Batt. c. 30 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 30 Mar., aged 19 ; rem. 31 Mar. 1694. Wilson, John (Chesh.) Batt. c. 26 Apr. ; subs. pleb. 5 May ; Frank- land Sch., 25 Aug. 1694 ; B.A. 20 Jan. 169; rem. 14 July 1698. 169* Adams, Edmund (Herefs. or Radnor.). Batt. Matr. pleb. St. Mary Hall 16 Mar. 1694,, aged 18 ; c. 10 June 1695 ; rem. 17 Oct. ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 25 Nov. 1698. Alsop, George (Northants or Lines.). Com. c. 14 Mar. ; matr. cler. 15 Mar. 169$, aged 17 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1698 ; M.A. 8 July ; rem. 6 Aug. ; rep. 6 Dec. ; rem. 22 Dec. 1701. Arderne (Ardern), Richard (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. eq. 15 Mar. 1694, aged 18 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1698 ; M.A. 1 Mar. 170* ; rem. 29 June 1704. Died Oct. 1752. Blackburne (Blackburn), John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 6 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 15 Mar. 1694, , aged 16 ; Yate Sch., 26 July 1695 ; rem. 26 Oct. 1699. Clayton, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 2 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 4 Mar. 169 f, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch., 8 Apr. 1695 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1698 ; M.A. 22 June ; rem. 12 July 1703. Lloyd, Meredith (Merideth) (Cardigan.). Batt. c. 16 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 4 Mar. 1694,, aged 19 ; Ogle Sch., 20 Dec. 1695 ; rem. 21 Sept. 1696 ; rep. 26 Feb. 169f ; rem. 16 Aug. 1697. Yates, Bartholomew (Salop). Batt. c, 7 Mar. ; matr. p. p. 16 Mar. 1694 ; Mordaunt Sch., 1 Aug. 1696 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1698 ; rem. 7 Jan. 169f . Was ordained and licensed to serve for colony of Virginia 10 Sept 1700. 1695 . Barkham, Mr. Edward (Oxon.). Gen. Com. c. 10 Dec. ; matr. 14 Dec. 1695, aged 15 ; rem. 29 Nov. 1698. 3rd Bart. BENEF. : Plate 1698. ' Quat. Mon. v. Clerk (Clarke), John (Herefs.). Batt. Matr. cler. 10 Oct., aged 14 ; c. 18 Oct. 1695 ; Mordaunt Sch. 24 Mar. 169 j ; B.A. 9 June 1699 ; M.A. 2 Dec. 1706. Collins (Ceilings), Richard (Herefs.). Batt. Matr. cler. 10 Oct., aged 16 ; c. 18 Oct. 1695 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 20 July 1697 ; B.A. 9 June 1699 ; rem. 20 June 1700. Glasiour, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 20 Apr. ; matr. arm. 23 Apr. 1695, aged 17 ; rem. 18 June 1698. Hall, Samuel (Herefs.) Batt. c. 20 Apr. ; inatr. cler. 23 Apr. 1695, aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 28 Aug. 1697 ; B.A. 18 Feb. 169| ; rem. 20 May 1704 : B.C.L. 10 Mar. 172f Osbaldeston, Alexander (Lanes.). Com. c. 14 May; matr. arm. 28 May 1695, aged 16 ; rem. 8 Apr. 1698. 266 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1695-6 PENNINGTON, Nicholas (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. St. Alban Hall 22 Nov. 1695, aged 18 ; c. 7 Mar. 169f ; Nowell Sch. 27 Apr. 1696 ; Somerset Sch. 6 July 1697 ; B.A. 9 June ; Hulme Ex. 13 July 1699 ; Fellow (Founders) 19 Oct. 1702 : M.A. 6 Feb. 170* ; res. Fell. 17 Nov. 1704. Rodd, Thomas (Herefs.). Batt. c. 8 July ; matr. pleb. 9 July 1695, aged 17 ; rem. 23 Sept. 1698 ; B.A. 22 Apr. 1699. Russell (Russel), William (Surrey). Batt. Matr. pleb. Gloucester Hall, 16 Oct. 1695, aged 17; c. 3 Oct. 1696; Radcliffe Sch. 28 Aug. 1697; B.A. 9 June 1699 ; rem. 30 Apr. 1703. Beward, William (Herefs.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 2 Aug., aged 15 * T c. 1 Sept. 1695 ; Henley Sch. 8 July ; rem. 23 Sept. 1698 ; B.A. 16 June 1699 ; M.A. St. John's, Cambridge, 1710. Sleamaker (Slaymaker), Thomas (Oxon.). Batt. Matr. p.p. Magdalen Hall 29 Nov. 1695, aged 18; c. 25 Sept.; Claymond Sch. 25 Sept. 1697 ; B.A. 9 June 1699 ; rem. 5 Apr. 1701. Sunderland, John (Yorks.). Batt. c. 4 May ; matr. cler. 7 May 1695, aged 19; subst. for Nowell Sch. 6 Feb. 169$; B.A. 17 Jan. 169| ; rem. 4 Feb. Sunderland, William (Yorks.). Batt. c. 4 May ; matr. cler. 7 May 1695, aged 16; Frankland Sch. 6 Feb. 169| ; B.A. 17 Jan. 169f ; rem. Venables, Mr. George (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 7 June 1695 ; rem. 8 Apr. 1699. BENEF. : 1702. Quat. Mon. iv. Walley, Mr. Charles (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 27 Sept. ; matr. arm. 31 Oct. 1695, aged 18 ; rem. 20 May 1704. Assheton, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 14 Feb. ; matr. arm. 22 Feb. 169;|, aged 16 ; rem. 26 Apr. 1699. Evans, Joshua (Carnarv.). Batt. c. 21 Mar. 169| ; rem. 2 Apr. 1696. Hampton, John (Chesh.). Matr. pleb. 17 Jan. 169f, aged 18. Malham, Francis (Lanes.). Batt. c. 21 Mar. 169; matr. pleb. 27 Mar. aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 13 June 1696 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1699 ; rem. 16 Apr. 1701. NEWCOME (Newcom), Henry (Chesh.). Batt. c. 16 Jan. ; matr. cler. 17 Jan. 169f , aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 14 Aug. 1696 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1699; Hulme Ex. 24 June; Pellow (Founders) 28 Oct. 1700; M.A. 5 June 1702 ; Rector of Dudcote 25 Aug. 1710 ; res. Fell. 4 Feb. 171^. Died 15 Mar. 175. 1606 Baylye, Robert (Wilts.). Com. c. 25 Mar. ; matr. gen. 2 Apr. 1696, aged 17 ; rem. 16 Mar. 169'J ; B.A. Wadham 10 Nov. 1699 ; M.A. 27 June 1702. 1696] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 267 BROOKE (Brook), Legh (Leigh) (Chesh.). Coin. c. 2 Apr. : matr. bart. f. 3 Apr. 1696, aged 16 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1699 ; Fellow (Founders) 16 Apr. ; M.A. 7 May 1706 ; Junior Bursar 1713-15; Vice-Principal 1716-17, 23-4, 9-30, 1-2, 6-7, 8-9 : Senior Bursar 1718-20, 1-2, 5-9, 33-4, 5-6; Rector of Torporley 1715, of Selham 1718, of Cottingham 29 May 1739 ; res. Pell. 29 Mar. 1740 ; died 30 Sept. 1745. Church, Mr. William (Salop). Gen. Com. c. 27 Nov. ; matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1696, aged 17; rem. 26 May 1701. BENEF. : 1704. Quat. Mon. iv. Cookco, Will. Cook. Will proved at Oxford 1696. Daxon, Edward (Chesh.). Batt. c. 26 Mar. ; matr. cler. 27 Mar. 1696, aged 16 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 28 Aug. ; Yate Sch. 23 Dec. 1697 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1699 ; rem. 29 Jan. 170|. Ferrers, William (Yorks. or Lanes.). Com. c. 2 July ; matr. arm. 8 July 1696, aged 16 ; rem. 4 Feb. Fleetwood, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 9 July ; matr. pleb. 15 Oct., aged 16 ; Nowell Sch. 18 Dec. 1696 ; B.A. 18 Apr. 1700 ; M.A. 3 Nov. 1702. Qlegge (O-legg), Mr. Edward (Chesh. or Leics.). Gen. Com. c. 2 Apr.; matr. gen. 27 May 1696, aged 16 ; rem. 13 Mar. 1698. BENEF. : 1702. Quat. Mon. iv. Harding, Brian (Bryan) (Staffs.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 27 Mar., aged 20 ; c. 14 May ; Mordaunt Sch. 18 Dec. 1696 ; B.A. 18 Jan. }$%$ ; rem. 15 July 1701. Jones, Isaiah (Herefs. or Gloucs.). Batt. c. 2 Apr. ; matr. cler. 3 Apr., aged 16 ; Claymond Sch. 18 Apr. 1696 ; rem. 2 Mar. 169. Maxham, Thomas (Som.). Batt. Claymond Sch. 5 Aug. ; c. 8 Aug. 1696 ; rem. 1 Mar. 169f Nanfan, Giles (Aegidius) (Worcs. or Herefs.). Batt. c. 23 May ; matr. p.p. 27 May 1696, aged 17; rep. 6 Oct. 1697; rem. 22 July; rep. 11 Oct. 1699 ; B.A. 3 Feb. *ftM ; rem. 3 Oct. 1700. Died 1742. Oakes, Stephen (Chesh. or Leics.). Batt. c. 16 May ; matr. pleb. 27 May 1696, aged 18 ; rem. 4 Feb. 169'J. Sayce (Seys), James (Herefs.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 24 Oct. 1696, aged 17 ; rem. 10 Aug. 1697. Gentleman's Magazine 1736, p. 553, says one James Seys died a fellow of Brasenose College, 13 Sept. 1736. Skerrett (Skirret), Ralph (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 10 Oct., aged 15 ; c. 12 Oct. 1696 ; Church Sch. 23 Dec. 1698 ; B.A. 1 June 1700 ; rem. 25 Mar. 1701 ; M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1706 ; D.D. 1720. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Smith, William (Chesh. or Leics.). Batt. c. 14 May ; matr. pleb. 27 May 1696, aged 19 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 23 Dec. 1697 ; Cartwright Sch. 27 June 1698 ; B.A. 18 Jan. i-j;;;-; : rem. 21 Dec. 1701. 268 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK [1696-f Stanhope, Mr. Thomas (Derbs.). Gen. Com. c. 9 July; rnatr. arm. 14 July 1696, aged 16; rem. 24 Mar. 169 4. M.P. co. Derby 1702. BENEF. : 1698. Quat. Mon. iv. Tucker, William (Som.). Com. Matr. pleb. 27 Oct., aged 21 ; c. 26 Nov. 1696 ; rem. 24 Dec. 1700. Whip, William (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. p.p. 24 Apr., aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 13 June ; c. 2 July 1696 ; B.A. 8 Feb. m$ ; rem. 23 Dec. 1702 ; M.A. New Inn Hall 28 June 1705. Whiteside, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 14 May ; matr. pleb. 16 May, aged 16 ; Nowell Sch. 26 June 1696 ; B.A. 18 Jan. 4 ; Hulme Ex. 24 June 1700 ; M.A. 23 June 1704 ; rem. 3 Nov. 1707 ; Chaplain of Christ Church. Keeper of Ashmolean Museum 1714; F.E.S. 1718; died 22 Oct. 1729 ; buried in Cathedral. Gutch, Coll. 478. Winterborne (Winterbourn), Robert (Berks.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 27 May, aged 18 ; rem. 19 Jan. 169f WRIGHTE (Wright), Nathan (Leics.). Com. c. 31 Mar. ; matr. arm. 1 Apr. 1696, aged 16 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1699 ; Fellow (Darbie) 21 Oct. 1700 ; M.A. 5 May 1702 ; res. Fell. 26 Aug. 1704. Preb. of Norwich 1703 ; died 15 Aug. 1721. BENEF. : 1708. Quat. Mon. iv. 169^ Baker, Thomas (Herefs.). Batt. c. 18 Feb. ; Ogle Sch. 27 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 18 Mar. 169f, aged 17 ; rem. 27 July 1697 ; B.A. Christ Church 25 Oct. 1700 ; ? M.A. Sidney Sussex, Cambridge, 1709. Collier (Collyer), Philip (Berks.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 18 Mar. 169^, aged 16; Ogle Sch. 23 Dec. 1697; B.A. 12 Oct. 1700; rem. 3 Nov. 1707. Duckworth, James (Lanes.). Batt. c. (as Thomas) 11 Mar.; matr. cler. 26 Mar., aged 18; Nowell Sch. 20 July 1697; Somerset Sch. 26 July ; B.A. 12 Oct. ; rem. 10 Nov. 1700. Grenville (Grenvill), William (Lanes.). Com. c. 6 Mar. 1692 ; matr. eq. 13 July 1697, aged 15 ; rem. 23 Feb. 1699. Hatton, Joseph (Lanes.). Batt. c. 8 Mar. ; matr. cler. 18 Mar. 169f, aged 18; Nowell Sch. 16 June 1697; B.A. 12 Oct. 1700; M.A. 3 July; rem. 15 July 1703. Lomax, Joshua (Lanes.). Com. c. 22 Mar. 169- ; rnatr. pleb. 26 Mar. 1697, aged 19 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 27 Aug. 1698 ; B.A. 29 Oct. 1700 ; Huhne Ex. 25 Mar. 1701 ; B.C.L. 4 Mar. 170f ; rem. 19 Nov. 1706. M.P. St. Albans 1700, 8, 17; died 11 Dec. 1724. Marten, Thomas (Cornw.). Batt. c. 23 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 18 Mar. 169^, aged 18 ; rem. 20 June ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 29 Oct. 1700. Whishaw (WhistaU ?), Hugh (Chesh.). Batt. c. 24 Mar. 169$ ; matr. pleb. 26 Mar., aged 17 ; Yate Sch. 20 July 1697 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1700 ; rem. 17 July 1702. 1697] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 269 1697 Barnston, Mr. Trafford(Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 26 Apr. ; matr. arm. 30 Apr. 1697, aged 15 ; rem. 11 Apr. 1700. BENEF. : Plate 1700. Quat. Mon. iv. Boulton (Bolton), Richard (Chesh.). Batt. c. 2 Oct. ; matr. pleb, 29 Nov. 1697, aged 20 ; Frankland Sch. 25 May 1698 ; rem. 15 Nov. 1700. Physician. D.N.B. ; Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. ; Quat. Mon. xii. Bosworth, Harry (Herefs.). Com. c. 19 June ; matr. 25 June 1697, aged 16 (as Henry) ; B.A. 1 July 1701 ; M.A. 25 June 1707 ; ? = Mr. Bosworth ; grace for D.Med. 13 Nov. 1710 ; rem. 14 Jan. 1715. Fox, John (Herefs.). Com. c. 7 July ; matr. cler. 8 July 1697, aged 17; B.A. 11 Feb. 170$; M.A. 17 Dec. 1703; rem. 4 July 1704; readm. 7 May; B.Med. and D.Med. 10 July 1714. Goodwin (Goddwin), Benjamin (Oxon.). Batt. c. 10 May: matr. pleb. 11 May, aged 17 ; Claymond Sch. 26 Nov. 1697 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 170? ; M.A. 26 Feb. 170f ; rem. 25 Oct. 1705. Was ordained and licensed to serve for colony of Virginia 5 Mar. 170. Holbrook, John (Herefs.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 30 June 1697, aged 17 ; B.A. 3 May 1701 ; rem. 16 Dec. 1704. Lloyd, Walter (Cardigan.). Batt. c. 3 July ; matr. pleb. 6 July 1697, aged 19. Mainewaring (Manwaring), Mr. Roger (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 19 Nov. ; matr. bart. f. 29 Nov. 1697, aged 15 ; rem. 2 Apr. 1700. BENEF. : Plate 1697. Quat. Mon. v. Mainewaring (Manwaring), Mr. Thomas (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 19 Nov. ; matr. bart. f. 29 Nov. 1697, aged 16 ; rem. 2 Apr. 1700. 3rd Bart. BENEF. : Plate 1697. Quat. Mon. v. Massie (Massey), Richard (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. gen. 26 Mar., aged 15 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 16 June as Richard Middelton Massey ; Somerset Sch. 28 Aug. 1697 ; D.Med. Aberdeen 7 Mar. 172&. Keeper of Ashmolean ; F.R.S. 1712 ; F.S.A. 1718; Hon. Fell, of College of Physicians 1726 ; died 29 Mar. 1743. Massie (Massey), William (Chesh.). Com. c. 2 Oct. ; matr. gen. 17 Dec. 1697, aged 16 ; rem. 5 Feb. 170 S . Page, Matthew (Northants. or Oxon.). Batt. c. 1 Dec. ; matr. pleb. 17 Dec. 1697, aged 15 ; Walker Sch. 8 Apr. 1698. Pollexfen (Pollexfin), Mr. Reed (Read) (Surrey). Gen. Com. c. 17 Aug. ; matr. gen. 28 Aug. 1697, aged 15 ; rem. 16 Apr. 1702. BENEF.: 1702. Quat. Mon. iv. 270 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1697-8 Shipton, John (Middlx.). Com. c. 15 Apr. ; matr. gen. 20 May 1697, aged 15 ; rem. 9 Apr. 1699. Young, William (Oxon.). Batt. c. and Claymond Sch. 2 Sept. ; matr. pleb. 22 Oct. 1697, aged 18 ; B.A. 1 July 1701 ; rem. 24 May 1703. 169| Ball, Hugh (Chesh.). Batt. c. 21 Feb. ; matr. gen. 11 Mar. 169, aged 17; Frankland Sch. 23 Sept. 1700; B.A. 14 Oct. 1701 ; rem. 19 Oct. 1703. Dod, John (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 19 Mar. 169, aged 16 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1701 ; M.A. 23 June 1704 ; rem. 28 July 1705 ; B.Med. and D.Med. 6 July 1711. BENEF. : 1709. Quat. Mon. iv. Dod, Pierce (Piercius) (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 19 Mar. 169, aged 14 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1701 ; rein. 28 Dec. 1703 ; M.A. All Souls 6 June 1705 ; B.Med. 22 Mar. 171? ; D.Med. 29 Oct. 1714. Fellow of College of Physicians 1720 ; died 1754. WORKS: Person who icas Inoculated for the Harmon Oration, 1730. Small Pox . . . , 1746. Several cases in Physick and one in Two Papers to the Philosophical particular, giving an account of a Transactions. D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. xii. EABLE, Peter (Lanes.). Batt. c. 4 Mar. 169 ; Nowell Sch. 8 Apr. (?) matr. gen. 14 Apr. 1698, aged 18; B.A. 14 Oct. 1701 ; Peilow (Founders) 19 Mar. 170| ; M.A. 23 June 1704. Died 1708. Heddrington, Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 7 Mar. 169|. Hetherington, Isaiah (London). Matr. pleb. 26 Feb. 169&, aged 18. LE(I)GH, Thomas (Chesh. or Lanes.), c. 4 Mar. 169; Ogle Sch. 8 Apr.; matr. gen. 14 Apr. 1698, aged 16; B.A. 14 Oct. 1701; Peilow (Founders) 13 June 1702 ; M.A. 23 June 1704 ; incorp. Cambridge 1707 ; Junior Bursar 1714-11, 12-13; Vice-Principal 1713-15, 1717-19; Senior Bursar 171f-16 ; Rector of Stoke Bruerne 30 Apr. 1719 ; res. Fell. 25 Oct. 1720; died 1751. BENEF.: 1714. Quat. Mon. iv. Osborne, Mr. Farley (Farleus) (Herefs.). Gen. Com. c. 24 Feb.; matr. gen. 26 Feb. 169|, aged 16. BENEF. : Plate 1698. Quat. Mon. iv. Symonds (Symons), John (Herefs.). Batt. c. 24 Mar. 169 ; matr. pleb. 7 Apr. 1698, aged 18; B.A. 14 Oct. 1701; rem. 10 Mar. 170. Woodhouse, Thomas (Herefs.). Batt. c. 24 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 26 Feb. 169|, aged 19; B.A. 14 Oct. 1701 ; rem. 14 Jan. 1715. 1698 Adney, George (Herefs. or Salop). Batt. c. 7 Nov. ; matr. pleb. 8 Nov. 1698, aged 16 ; B.A. 15 June ; rem. 26 Aug. 1702. 1698] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 271 Bunce, John (Kent). Batt, c. 7 Nov. ; matr. pleb. 18 Dec. 1698, aged 15 ; Mordaunt Sch. 18 Jan. 169$; rem. 20 Oct. 1701 ; B.A. Lincoln 3 Feb. 170 ; incorp. Cambridge ; M.A. Trinity Hall 1727. Cart (Carte), Thomas (Warws.). Com. Matr. cler. University 8 July, aged 12 ; c. 23 June 1699 ; B.A. 25 June 1702 ; rem. 22 Mar. 170 ; incorp. Cambridge 1706 ; M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1706 ; died 2 Apr. 1754. WORKS : ^The Irish Massacre set in a Clear Light, 1714. Collected materials for History of Thuanus. \-Life of James, Duke of Ormonde, 1736. Further Reasons addressed to Parlia- ment for rendering more effectual an Act of Queen Anne relating to Vesting in Authors the Rights of Copies for the encouragement of Learning, 1737. fPreface to a translation by Mrs. Thomson of the History of Mar- garet of Anjou, 1737. ^-Advice of a Mother to Jier Son and Daughter, 1737. A General Account of the Necessary Material for a History of England, 1738. A Collection of Original Letters and Papers, concerning the Affairs of England from the year 1641-1660, 1739. -\-A Full Answer to a Letter of a By- stander icherein his False Calcula- tions and Misrepresentations of Facts in the Time of Charles II, 1741-2. Preface to Catalogue des Polles, Gas- cons, Normands et Francois conserves dans ks Archives de la Tour, 1743. \A Full and Clear Vindication of a Full Answer to a Letter from a By- stander. 1744. t-4 Collection of the several Papers pub- lished by Thomas Carte in relation to his History of England, 1744. Proposals for printing his History, 1746. \-History of England. Vol. I, 1747 ; II, 1750; III, 1752; IV, 1755. The History of the Revolutions of Por- tugal from the foundation of that Kingdom to the year 1567. D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. xii. Chambers, Joseph (Lanes.). Batt. c. 9 Apr. ; matr. p.p. 14 Apr., aged 18; Nowell Sch. 20 Oct. 1698; B.A. 25 Oct. 1701; rem. 5 Feb. 170$. Chestroe, Nathaniel (Gloucs.). Batt. Claymond Sch. 24 Apr. ; c. 29 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 7 June 1698, aged 18 ; B.A. 12 Feb. 170i ; rem. 5 Sept. 1706. Cooper, Richard (Salop). Batt. c. 30 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 4 Apr. 1698, aged 19 ; Walker Sch. 24 Mar. 169* ; Frankland Sch. 23 Dec. 1700 ; B.A. 14 Oct. ; rem. 24 Feb. 1701. Hulse, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 14 Apr. ; niatr. gen. 16 Apr. 1698, aged 17 ; rem. 11 July 1699. Lowe (Low), Joseph (Chesh.). Batt. c. 31 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 7 Apr. 1698, aged 19; Church Sch. 23 Mar. 170?; B.A. 12 Feb. 170* ; M.A. 7 May 1706; rem. 29 Oct. 1707. Died Oct. 1732. MEARE (Mear), John (Oxon.). Matr. doct. 16 Apr. 1698, aged 14 ; B.A. 8 Dec. 1701 ; Fellow (Frankland) 18 Feb. 170^ ; M.A. 23 June 1704 ; Vice-Principal 1712-13. ? Preb. of Wells 1703 ; died 17 Aug. 1715 at Stockport. Quat. Mon. xii. Meare, Thomas (Oxon.). Matr. doct. 16 Apr. 1698, aged 14 ; ? = Meare, Thomas, who died 10 July 1714, and was buried on the 12th in College. Gutch, Coll. 381. 272 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1698-f Mercer, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 28 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 4 Apr., aged 15 ; Frankland Sch. 10 May 1698 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1701 ; M.A. 23 June ; rem. 6 Aug. 1704. Moss (Mosse), Adam (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 7 Apr., aged 17 ; c. 11 Apr. 1698 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 4 May 1700 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1701 ; rem. 11 Jan. 170f. Oldfeld (Oldfield), Mr. Leftwich (Lestwich) (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 30 Mar. ; matr. arm. 7 Apr. 1698, aged 15 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1704. BENEF.: 1704. Quat. Mon. iv. Oulton (Olton), Charles (Chesh.). Batt. c. 28 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 7 Apr., aged 15; Yate Sch. 23 Dec. 1698; B.A. 6 Feb. 170; rem. 28 July 1704. Seddon, Roger (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 7 Apr., aged 18 ; c. 11 Apr. 1698 ; Nowell Sch. 26 June 1700 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1701 ; rem. 20 Mar. 1702. Shakerley, Mr. George (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. eq. 7 Apr. 1698, aged 15 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1704. BENEF. : 1704, 1710. Quat. Mon. iv. Vaughan, Richard (Kadnor.). Batt. c. and matr. p.p. 7 Apr. 1698, aged 18; B.A. 24 Mar. 170$; rem. 1 Feb. 170. Wallace (Wallis), Francis (Hants.). Batt. Matr. cler. New 9 Nov. 1698, aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. (? 30 June) ; c. 11 July 1699 ; B.A. 15 June 1703 ; rem. 19 Mar. 170?. Wilbraham, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 7 June ; matr. gen. 7 July 1698, aged 16 ; rem. 20 Mar. #j$. Withers, Richard (Lanes.). Batt. c. 7 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 14 Apr., aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 10 May 1698 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1701 ; rem. 23 June 1705 ; M.A. Pembroke, Cambridge, 1719. 169* Eyre, Charles (Oxon.). Batt. c. 7 Mar. ; matr. p.p. 17 Mar. 169, aged 16 ; Walker Sch. 14 July 1699 ; rem. 16 Oct. ; B.A. Christ Church 20 Oct. 1702 ; M.A. 21 June 1705. Grosvenor, Fulke (Fulco) (Middlx.). Com. c. 7 Jan. ; matr. arm. 10 Feb. 169f , aged 15 ; rem. 24 Jan. 170. Hall, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 7 Feb. ; matr. cler. 10 Feb. 169|, aged 17 ; B.A. 16 Nov. 1702 ; ? Hall (? John or Timothy), Nowell Sch. 26 June 1700. Leadbetter, Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 10 Mar. 169 ; matr. pleb. 27 Mar., aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 14 July 1699 ; rem. 22 Feb. 170f Pott, Edward (Chesh.). Batt. c. 17 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 22 Mar. 169f, aged 19 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1702. Died 5 July 1753. 169f-9] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 273 Robertshaw (Robershaw), Benjamin (Lanes.). Batt. c. 24 Mar. 1691* ; matr. pleb. 27 Mar., aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 14 July 1699 ; B.A. St. 'Alban Hall 11 Mar. 1703; M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1706; incorp. Oxford 12 June 1708. Slater (Slatter), John (Salop). Batt. c. 8 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 15 Mar. 169|, aged 16 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1702 ; rern. 2 July 1703. Twittey (T willy or Twitty ?, Twity), John (Yorks.). Batt. c. 17 Mar. 169- ; matr. cler. 27 Mar., aged 16 ; Frankland Sch. 14 July 1699 ; B.A. 9 Mar. 170 (as Jonathan) ; rem. 17 Dec. 1706. 1699 Bayly (Bayley), James (Herefs.). Batt. c. 9 Aug. 1699 ; matr. cler. 31 Oct. 1699, aged 18; Reed Sch. 18 Apr. 1700; B.A. 7 July 1703; rem. 8 July 1704. Biddulph (Biddulf), Robert (Herefs.). Corn. c. and subs. arm. 23 Aug. 1699 ; rem. 28 Sept. 1704. Booth, Mr. Robert (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 13 June ; matr. gen. 21 Dec. 1699, aged 19 ; rem. 9 Apr. 1702. M.P. Bodmin 1727; died 25 Jan. 1733. BENEF. : 1702. Quat. Mon: iv. Dale, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 15 June ; matr. cler. 21 June 1699, aged 16 ; Nowell Sch. 26 June 1700 ; B.A. 26 June ; Hulme Ex. 30 June 1703. FINCH, James (Lanes.). Batt. c. 15 May ; matr. pleb. 20 May 1699, aged 18; B.A. 6 Feb. 170f ; Hulme Ex. 25 Dec. 1703; Fellow (Founders) 16 Dec. 1704 ; M.A. 7 Nov. 1705 ; Rector of Selham 26 June 1716; Rector of Stepney 21 Oct. 1718 ; died 8 Dec. 1718 at London. Gufcch, Coll. 380. GARTSIDE (Garthside, Gartsides), Adam (Lanes.). Batt. c. 22 Sept. ; rnatr. gen. 13 Oct., aged 16; Somerset Sch. 23 Dec. 1699; B.A. 17 July ; Hulme Ex. 30 Sept. 1703 ; Fellow (Founders) 11 Dec. ; M.A. 17 Dec. 1708; Vice-Principal 1720-1, 2-3, 4-5; died 1 Jan. 172$ at Oxford. Gutch, Coll. 380. Hall, Timothy (Lanes.). Batt. c. 2 Dec. ; matr. cler. 21 Dec. 1699, aged 18 ; B.A. 15 June 1703. Hartill, Henry (Warws.). Batt. c. and Milward Sch. 12 July; matr. p. p. 15 July 1699, aged 17 ; rern. 19 Oct. 1703. Howell (Howel), John (Staffs, or Salop). Batt. c. 19 May ; matr. pleb. 25 May 1699, aged 16 ; Mordaunt Sch. 1 Jan. 170* ; B.A. 22 Feb. 1705; rem. 14 Dec. 1704 ; rep, 22 Feb. 170i ; M.A. 11 Dec. 1705 ; rem. 3 Nov. 1707. LECHE (Leech, Leach), Henry (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 21 June, aged 16 ; c. 22 June 1699 ; Cartwright Sch. 22 July 1700 ; B.A. 13 Apr. 1703 ; Frankland Sch. 26 June 1705 ; Fellow (Founders) 29 May 1707 ; M.A. 11 July 1707 ; Junior Bursar 171^-16, 17-18, 21-2 ; Vice-Frincipal 1719-20,5-6; Senior Bursar 1723-4; Rector of Stepney 23 June 1727; res. Fell. 30 Mar.1728 ; died 1742 at London. 274 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1699-ifff Pargiter, Samuel (Middlx.). Com. c. 13 June ; matr. gen. 21 June 1699, aged 17; rem. 27 Mar. 1702 ; B.A. Magdalen Hall 5 Mar. 170f Whittell (Whittel), 'William (Herefa.). Batt. Matr. cler. 31 Aug., aged 20 ; c. 12 Oct. 1699 ; rem. 7 June 1701. Aynscough, Radley (Lanes, or Chesli.). Batt. c. 23 Feb.; matr. cler. 8 Mar. fft$, aged 18 ; Church Sch. 26 June 1700 ; Somerset Sch. 19 Jan. 170J; B.A. 21 Oct. 1703. Biddulph (Biddolph), Michael (Herefs.). Com. c. 19 Mar. ; matr. arm. 23 Mar. f ft$, aged 14 ; rem. 28 Sept. 1704. Clayton, Ralph (Chesh.). Batt. c. 22 Feb. Matr. pleb. 26 Feb. *Ti$. aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 4 July 1700 ; B.A. 21 Oct. 1703 ; rem. 28 Apr. 1704 ; M.A. Hart Hall 2 July 1709. Fewtrell, Thomas (Herefs. or Salop). Batt. c. 22 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 26 Feb. i?, aged 18 ; B.A. 21 Oct. 1703 ; rem. 12 June 1704. Hesketh, William (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 8 Mar., aged 17; c. 11 Mar. tf%%; rem. 9 Feb. 170f ; ? Church Sch. 8 Feb. 170. See William Hesketh, 170. lies (Isles), Henry (Herefs.). Batt. c. 22 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 23 Mar. MM. aged 18; Frankland Sch. Dec. 1700; B.A. 21 Oct. 1703; rem. 10 Mar. 170J. Jaye, William and Nathaniel (Gloucs.). Batt. c. (as William) 19 Mar. Matr. pleb. (as Nathaniel) 23 Mar. }%%$. aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. (as W-) (18 ?) Apr. 1701 ; B.A. (as N ath> ) 21 Oct. 1703 ; rem. (as W") 23 Mar. 170J. Smith (Smyth), Henry (Herefs.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 8 Mar., aged 19 ; c. 16 Mar. ifflfc ; B.A. 21 Oct. 1703 ; rem. 14 Aug. 1706 ; M.A. Jesus, Cambridge, 1713. Tilden (Pielden), Samuel (Herefs. or Kent). Com. c. 23 Feb. ; matr. gen. 23 Mar. *f, aged 18; B.A. 21 Oct. 1703; rem. 7 Mar. 1704; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 379. Watson, Joseph (Lanes.). Batt. c. 20 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 21 Mar. YTJT&. aged 18; Mordaunt Sch. 18 Oct. 1700; rem. 27 Jan. 1701; rep. 6 Dec. 1703 ; B.A. 17 Dec. 1703 ; Hulme Ex. 24 June 1704 ; M.A. 25 June 1707 ; rem. 8 Mar. 1708 ; readm. 18 June 1720 ; B.D. and D.D. 23 June 1720. WOBKS : Preventive charity the best method of Hie Restoration to be had in Remem- doing good, 1727. brance, 1722. The Duty of Public Worship, 1728. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Worthington, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 23 Mar. fM ; matr. pleb. 18 Apr., aged 18; Nowell Sch. 16 Dec. 1700; B.A. 16 May 1704; rem. 20 Apr. 1705. 1700-J BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 275 1700 ALSOP, William (Leics.). Com. c. 15 May ; matr. cler. 18 May 1700, aged 16; B.A. 18 Jan. 170; Fellow (Darbie) 19 Oct. 1704; M.A. 15 Oct. 1706; Vice-Principal 171^-16; Junior Bursar 1716-17, 18-19; Senior Bursar 1720-1, 2-3, 4-5 ; died 28 Sept. 1728. BENEF. : Plate 1706. Quat. Mon. v. Dod, George (Chesh.). Com. c. 12 Sept. ; matr. gen. 24 Sept. 1700. aged 19 ; rem. 30 Apr. 1703 ; died 1714. DOD, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 12 Sept ; matr. gen. 24 Sept. 1700, aged 18 ; B.A. 23 June 1704 ; Fellow (Founders) 21 Nov. 1707 ; M.A. 4 Dec. 1707 ; Proctor 9 Mar. 171* ; Rector of Spitalfields, Stepney, 21 Oct. ; ind. 29 Nov. 1718, and again ind. 16 Jan. 171* ; res. Fell. 15 Jan. l?4g; died 27 July 1727. WORK : -^The Rule of Equity, 1717. Fleetwood, Mr. Edward (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 27 May; matr. (arm. or gen.) 4 June 1700, aged 17; rem. 17 July 1702. BENEF. : Plate 1702. Quat. Mon. v. Hope, Richard (Staffs.). Com. c. 13 May ; matr. gen. 18 May 1700, aged 18 ; rem. 9 Dec. 1701. Nevile (Nevil, Nevill), Brian (Bryan) (Lines.). Com. c. 28 May; matr. arm. 4 June 1700, aged 17 ; died 10 July 1702 ; buried in College cloister. Uutch, Coll. 379. Warburton, George (Chesh.). Com. c. 17 May ; matr. arm. 4 June 1700, aged 18 ; rem. 20 Mar. 1702. 170? Bateman, James (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 24 Mar. 170?, aged 17 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1704 ; rem. 10 Apr. 1707. Gabell, Thomas (Oxon.). Com. c. 20 Mar. ; Cartwright Sch. 23 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 24 Mar. 170?, aged 17 ; rem. 16 Oct. 1703. Garencieres (Garenciers), Theophilus (Chesh.). Batt. c. 24 Feb. ; matr. cler. 27 Feb. 170, aged 18 ; Yate Sch. (18 ?) July 1701 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1704 ; rem. 28 July 1708 ; readm. 11 Oct. ; M.A. 16 Oct. 1728. WORK : figurative, . . . tending to confirm the ^Instructions, divine, moral, historical, truth of the Christian religion, 1728. Hesketh, William (Lanes.). Com. c. 21 Mar. ; matr. gen. 24 Mar. 170?, a ged 19 ; B.A. 21 Oct. 1703 ; ? Radcliffe Sch. 26 June 1700. See William Hesketh, Jones, Theophilus (Herefs.). Batt. Matr. cler. 24 Mar. 170?, aged 16 ; c. 30 Mar. 1701 ; B.A. 4 June ; rem. 19 Nov. 1706. Matthews, Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. p. p. 11 Mar. 170?, aged 18 ; Philpottine Ex. Morgan, Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 11 Mar. 170?, aged 16 ; Henley Sch. 20 May 1701 ; Philpottine Ex. T 2 276 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [170f-| TTeweome (NTewcomb), Daniel (Lanes.). Batt. c. 20 Feb. ; niatr. pleb. 27 Feb. 170?, aged 16 ; Radcliffe Sch. 17 Feb. 170|; B.A. 20 Feb. 170f ; rem. 5 July 1705 ; M.A. Peterliouse, Cambridge, 1719. Dean of Gloucester 1730. Seward, James (Herefs.). Batt. c. 24 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 24 Mar. 170V, aged 17 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1704. Shaw, Edward (Herefs.). Com. Matr. cler. 11 Mar., aged 18 ; c. 12 Mar. 170? ; B.A. 23 Oct. 1704 ; rem. 29 Aug. 1705. Spire (Spires), John (Oxon.). Batt. c. 17 Jan. ; matr. 18 Jan. 170?, aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. 9 May ; rem. 29 June 1701. Taylor, John (Staffs.). Com. Matr. cler. 24 Mar. 170?, aged 16 ; c. 25 Mar. 1701 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1704 ; M.A. 25 June ; rem. 17 July 1707. 1701 Badham, Benjamin (Herefs.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 8 Apr. 1701, aged 24 ; rem. 20 Mar. 1702. Barton, Henry (Herefs.). Com. c. 2 Dec. ; matr. 3 Dec. 1701, aged 16 ; B.A. Christ Church 13 June 1705 ; M.A. Brasenose 7 June ; rem. 1 July 1708. Bradshaigh, Thomas (Lanes.). Matr. bart. f. 2 June, aged 17; Somerset Sch. 5 June 1701 ; B.A. 22 Jan. 1704 ; M.A. 15 Oct. 1707. Chaplain in ordinary to the king. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Planner, Thomas (Cambs.). Gen. Com. Matr. gen. 18 June, aged 17.; c. 26 June 1701 ; rem. 18 Dec. 1706. Haward (Howorth), John. Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 2 June 1701, aged 17 ; B.A. 22 Mar. 170 ; rem. 5 July 1705. Jones, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 26 May ; matr. gen. 28 May 1701, aged 16 ; rem. 24 Oct. 1703. Newcome, Peter (Herts.). Com. Matr. cler. 3 Dec., aged 17 ; c. 16 Dec. 1701; B.A. Christ Church 13 June 1705; M.A. Brasenose 7 June ; rem. 16 July 1708. Peroivall (Percival, Pearcival), John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 12 Apr. ; matr. p.p. 13 Apr. 1701, aged 26 ; B.A. 21 Nov. 1704 ; M.A. 23 June 1709. Smith, George (Lanes.). Batt. c. 16 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 30 Apr. 1701, aged 18 ; B.A. 22 Jan. 170 ; rem. 25 Oct. 1705 ; ? = Smith, Nowell Sch. 2 May 1701. Taylor, Jeremiah (Salop). Batt. Matr. cler. 28 May, aged 17 ; c. 30 May 1701 ; Mordaunt Sch. 13 Mar. 170| ; B.A. 20 Feb. 170 ; M.A. 23 June 1709 ; rem. 14 Jan. 1715. 170| Baylye (Bayly), Thomas (Wilts.). Com. c. 16 Feb. ; matr. 17 Feb. 170|, aged 15 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1705 ; rem. 4 May 1706. Calkin, William (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 23 Mar. 17Q1 aged 17 ; Radcliffe Sch. 24 Oct. 1703 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1705. 170A-2] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 277 Fazakerley, Nicholas (Lanes.). Com. c. 26 Feb. ; matr. arm. 12 Mar. 170|, aged 17 ; rem. 12 Jan. 1703. M.R Preston 1732 ; Recorder of Preston 1742 ; died 1767. D.N.B. Greene (Green), Amos (Herefs.). Batt. c. 21 Mar. ; matr. p. p. 23 Mar. 170|, aged 17 ; Frankland Sch. 16 Mar. 170 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1705; rem. 20 Mar. 170%. Hayward (Heyward), Pengry (Pengrey, Pengreus) (Grloucs.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 24 Mar. 170^, aged 16 ; Claymond Sch. 3 Apr. 1702; B.A. 16 Oct. 1705; M.A. 10 July; rem. 22 Nov. 1708; incorp. Cambridge 1735. RADCLYFFE (Radcliff), Edward (Lanes.). Somerset Sch. 9 Mar. ; matr. arm. 12 Mar. 170, aged 16 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1705; Fellow (Founders) 13 Feb. 170^ ; M.A. 7 June 1708 ; Junior Bursar 1719-20 ; Vice-Principal 1721-2. Died 4 Sept. 1723; will proved at Oxford. Remington (Remmington), Thomas (Grloucs.). Batt. c. 24 Mar. 170 ; matr. pleb. 25 Mar. 1702, aged 17 ; Claymond Sch. 17 June 1704 ; B.A. 7 Mar. ; rem. 14 Mar. 170f ; readm. Oct. 1709; M.A. 10 June 1710 ; rem. 11 Nov. 1713. Smethurst, Ralph (Chesh.). Batt. c. 20 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 23 Mar. 170-5, aged 19 ; Cartwright Sch. 19 Oct. 1702 ; Frankland Sch. 26 June ; B.Al 16 Oct. 1705; M.A. 7 June 1708; rem. Jan. 1711. Smith, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 21 Mar. ; matr. gen. 23 Mar. 170|, aged 18 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1705 ; rem. 11 Oct. 1707 ; ? = Smyth, Ogle Sch. 19 Oct. 1702; ? M.A. by diploma 17 Dec. 1714. Veale (Veal), John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 21 Mar. ; matr. gen. 23 Mar. 170J, aged 16 ; Nowell Sch. 21 Dec. 1702 ; B.A. 7 Mar. 170| ; Hulme Ex. 20 July 1707 ; M.A. 7 June 1708 ; rem. 22 Jan. 1712. Woodland, Joseph (Leics.). Batt. c. 27 Jan. ; matr. pleb. 3 Feb., aged 18 ; Walker Sch. 17 Feb. 170 ; rem. 16 Jan. 1706. Woodward, Robert (Bucks.). Batt. Ent. cler. Merton 4 Mar. 170J, aged ' 9 ' ; c. and Frankland Sch. 11 July ; matr. 12 July 1712, aged 17 ; B.A. 1 July 1715 ; M.A. 13 June 1718. 1702 Bordman (Boardman), John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 1 June; malr. pleb. 5 June, aged 21 ; Walker Sch. 3 Nov. 1702 ; B.A. 11 Apr. ; rem. 11 Dec. 1706. Davies (Davis), Mr. Robert (Denbighs.). Gen. Com. c. 23 June; matr. arm. 27 June 1702, aged 16 ; rem. 17 Dec. 1708. Benefactor. ? D.N.B. ; Quafc. Mon. iv. Eccles, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 1 July, aged 18 ; c. 6 July 1702 ; rem. 29 June 1704. Pieldhouse (Fiedhouse), John (Staffs.). Com. Matr. gen. 1 July, aged 18; c. 6 July 1702; B.A. 11 Apr. 1706; rem. 26 Mar. 1709. 278 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1702-f Giffard, Thomas (Middlx.). Com. Matr. pleb. 15 June, aged 19 ; c. 17 June 1702 ; B.A. 11 Apr. ; Yate Sch. 23 Apr. 1706 ; rem. 20 Nov. 1708. Hale, Mr. "William (Surrey). Gen. Com. c. 11 July; matr. arm. 30 Sept. 1702, aged 16 ; rem. 29 Nov. 1706. M.P. Bramber 1709, St. Albans 1713, 1715. BENEF. : Plate 1706. Quat. Mon. v. Hooper (Hoper), Mr. Richard (Herefs. or London). Gen. Com. Matr. arm., 9 May, aged 17; c. 11 May 1702; rem. 17 Aug. 1704. Horton, Mr. Thomas (Lanes, or Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 30 Apr. ; matr. arm. 9 May 1702, aged 17 ; rem. 18 July 1704. J.P. ; Governor of the Isle of Man for Lord Derby. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. Le(i)gh, Calverley (Calveley) (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 28 Mar. 1702, aged 16 ; c. 22 Feb. 170 ; rem. 24 Nov. 1704 ; B.A. All Souls 24 Jan. 170f ; M.A. 27 Oct. 1710; B.Med. 12 Nov. 1716 ; D.Med. 22 Oct. 1720 ; admon. (as D.C.L.) at Oxford 20 May 1727. PRITCHAKD, Herbert (Herefs.). Com. c. 17 June ; matr. cler. 10 July 1702, aged 15 ; B.A. 11 Apr. 1706 ; Fellow (Porter) 24 Nov. 1709 ; M.A. 17 Feb. 17^; Junior Bursar 1720-1. 2-3, 4-6; Vice-Principal 1726-7; res. Fell. 27 Jan. ; grace for B.D. and D.D. 9 Feb. 172S; res. Spitalfields, Stepney, and presented to Rectory of Christ Church, Spital- fields, 7 July 1729 ; died 28 Sept. 1782. Mayo Family. Robinson, John (Dorset). Batt. c. 7 May; matr. cler. 11 May 1702, aged 17 ; Mordaunt Sch. 19 Nov. 1703 ; B.A. 25 June ; rem. 29 June 1706 ; incorp. Cambridge and M.A. Clare 1721. Whishaw (Wishaw), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 4 July ; matr. pleb. 14 July, aged 17; Yate Sch. 25 Sept. 1702; B.A. 11 Apr. 1706; rem. 31 Oct. 1710; M.A. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1713; ? = dns. Whishaw, Schoolmaster of Steeple Aston, 17 May, 1708. Preb. of Hereford 1723, of Sarum 1727, of Winchester 1739. 170 Clerke (Clerk, Clarke), William (Oxon.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 17 Mar. 170, aged 16 ; B.A. Trinity 29 Oct. 1706 ; M.A. 10 Nov. 1709. Griffiths (Griffith), Charles (Herefs.). Batt, c. 13 Mar. ; matr. p. p. 15 Mar. 170, aged 17 ; rem. 12 Jan. 1703 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1706. Jordan, John (Salop). Com. c. 10 Mar. ; matr. gen. 12 Mar. 110 f, aged 16; B.A. 15 Oct. 1706; M.A. 29 Jan. 171f ; rem. 19 June 1718. ' Lovatt, John (Staffs.). Batt. c. 19 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 170g, aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 24 Dec. 1703 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1706 ; rem. 29 Oct. 1707. Merrick, Mr. John (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. 17 Mar. 170; rem. 19 Nov. 1716. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. 170|~f] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK 279 Rainstorp (Reinstorp), Walter (Som.). Batt. c. 10 Mar.; inatr. pleb. 11 Mar. 170|, aged 16; Clayniond Sch. 28 July 1703; B.A. 15 Oct. 1706; M.A, 5 July; rem. 13 July 1709. Ryland, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 12 Feb. ; Radcliffe Sch. 17 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 18 Feb. 170, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 21 Aug. 1703; Somerset Sch. 16 June; Hulrne Ex. and B.A. 15 Oct. 1706; grace for M.A. 26 Oct. 1710. 1703 Bootle, Charles (Caryll) (Lanes.). Com. c. 10 May ; naatr. gen. 13 May 1703, aged 16; rem. 29 Nov. 1706. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. Browne, Mr. Thomas (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. 8 July ; matr. arm. 23 July 1703, aged 16 ; rem. 29 Nov. 1706. BENEF. : Gave 200 for the use of the college 1741. Quat. Mon. iv. Colclough, Caesar (Staff's.). Com. Matr. gen. 16 July, aged 16 ; c. 17 July 1703 ; rem. 3 Oct. 1705. HOPLEY, Randolph (Randle, Ralph) (Chesh.). Batt. c. 6 May ; matr. 8 May, aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 24 Oct. 1703 ; B.A. 20 Jan. 170? ; Fellow (Founders) 23 Apr. 1713; M.A. 21 May 1713; Junior Bursar 1726-7 ; died 18 July 1727. BENEF.: Plate 1713. Gutch, Coll. 380; Quat. Mon. v. Lawrence (Laurence), William (Worcs.). Batt. c. 27 Apr. ; matr. p. p. 29 Apr. 1703, aged 18 ; Ogle Sch. 3 Nov. 1704 ; B.A. 20 Mar. 170? ; rem. 3 Nov. 1707. Captain. His widow gave plate 1761. Quat. Mon. v. Leigh (Lee), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 30 Oct ; matr. pleb. 11 Nov. 1703, aged 17; B.A. 17 June 1707; rem. 13 Feb. 170; ? = Leigh, subst. for Nowell Sch. 30 Nov. 1703. SIMPSON" (Sympson), William (Chesh.). Batt. c. 16 July ; matr. gen. 23 July, aged 16 ; Ogle Sch. 21 Aug. 1703 ; Church Sch. 7 Oct. 1704 ; B.A. 17 June 1707 ; Fellow (Founders) 12 June ; M.A. 21 July 1711 ; Junior Bursar 1723-4 ; Vice-Frincipal 1727-8 ; Rector of St. George's, Wapping, 27 July 1729 ; res. Fell. 1 Dec. 1730 ; B.D. and D.D. 1 June 1731 ; died 19 July 1764. WORK : -\-Sermon, 1738. Willis, Thomas (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. gen. 13 May 1703 ; rem. 4 Apr. 1709. Quat. Mon. iv. 170f Canthorn (Cauthorn), John (Middlx.). Com. c. 4 Mar. 170f ; rem. 20 Mar, 1704. GOTJLBORNE (Goulborn, Gouldbourne, Gouldburn, Gold- bourne, Goulbourne, Goldburn), Samuel (Lanes.). Batt. c. 7 Feb. ; Nowell Sch. 26 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 7 Mar. 170f, aged 18; B.A. 15 Oct.; Hulme Ex. 18 Oct. 1707 ; Fellow (Founders) 11 May 1709 ; M.A. 10 June 1710 ; died 27 Apr. 1718 ; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 380. 280 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [170f-f Harris, Thomas (Gloucs.). Batt. c. and Claymond Sch. 4 Feb. Matr. pleb. 8 Feb. 170f, aged 16 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1707 ; rem. 15 Nov. 1708 ; M.A. Balliol 4 July 1710. Martin (Marten), William (Lanes.). Batt. c. 20 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 21 Mar. 170f, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 19 Apr. 1704 ; Somerset Sch. 13 Oct. ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1707 ; M.A. 10 June 1710. Powlet (Pawlet), Francis (Berks.). Nobilis. c. 2 Mar. ; matr. 4 Mar. 170f , aged 15 ; rem. 16 June 1707 ; subscr. baronis. f. Benefactor. WOBK : Wrote a Latin poem in Plausus Husarum, Oxon., 1704, pp. 45-6. Quat. Mon. iv. Worden, John (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 21 Mar., aged 16; c. 23 Mar. 170f ; Nowell Sch. 19 Apr. 1704 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1707 ; Hulme Ex. 24 Jan. 1708 ; rem. 4 May 1711. 1704 Carrington (Carington), Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 7 July; matr. gen. 10 July 1704, aged 16 ; rem. 7 Nov. (1704 ?). Egerton, Mr. Holland (Staffs, or Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 9 Oct. ; matr. bart. f. 10 Oct. 1704, aged 15; rem. 14 Dec. 1711. 4th Bart. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. Hayward, John (Staffs.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 6 Apr. 1704, aged 17 ; Reed Sch. 26 June 1705 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1707 ; M.A. 10 June ; rem. 19 July 1710. Key, John (Salop). Batt. c. 26 May; rem. 29 May; subscr. pleb. Trinity 1 June 1704, aged 17 ; B.A. 23 Mar. 170|. Kingston, William (Chesh.). Batt. c. and subscr. gen. 4 July, aged 19 ; Radcliffe Sch. 3 Nov. 1704 ; rem. 3 Nov. 1707. MEARE (Mear), Samuel (Chesh.). Subscr. pleb. 23 May 1704, aged 16 ; Cartwright and Frankland Sch. 23 Apr. 1706 ; B.A. 20 Jan. 170 ; Fellow (Williamson W.) 16 June 1710; M.A. 16 Oct. 1710; died at Cottingham 9 May 1723. Foyer, Thomas (Pembs.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 6 Apr., aged 19; Milward Sch. 17 June 1704; rem. 17 Oct. 1706. Starkie (Starkey), Mr. Peirs (Pierce) (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 1 Apr. ; subscr. arm. 23 May 1704, aged 16 ; rem. 29 Nov. 1706. Bjenefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. Wilson, Robert (Chesh.). Batt. c. 7 July ; subscr. pleb. 10 July, aged 17 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 7 Oct. 1704 ; Church Sch. 27 July 1706 ; B.A. 20 Apr. 1708 ; M.A. 25 June ; rem. 30 Dec. 1712. Bevan, Mr. Arthur (Pembs. or Carmarth.). Gen. Com. c. 26 Feb. ; matr. gen. 28 Feb. 170, aged 17 ; rem. 18 Nov. 1708. M.P. Carmarthen 1727. Broade (Broad), Edward (Herefs.). Batt. c. 16 Mar. 170 ; matr. pleb. 28 Mar. 1705, aged 15 ; rem. 2 May (1705 ?). 170f-f] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 281 Hallings, William (Herefs.). Batt. c. 7 Mar. ; Mordaunt Sch. 9 Mar. 170* ; matr. pleb. 28 Mar. 1705, aged 18 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1708 ; reaclm. 22 Oct.; rem. 13 Dec. 1709; M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1726. Wall, George (Chesh.). Batt. c. 16 Mar. ; raatr. cler. 22 Mar. 170f, aged 16; Somerset Sch. 16 June 1706; B.A. 12 Oct. 1708. 1705 Bethell (Bethel), Samuel (Herefs.). c. 26 Mar. ; matr. p. p. 28 Mar. 1705, aged 17; Henley Sch. 15 Nov. 1706; B.A. 23 June 1709; Philpottine Ex. Mayo Family. Capell (Capel), Gamaliel (Surrey or Suffolk). Com. c. 20 June; matr. cler. 28 June 1705, aged 18; B.A. 22 Oct. 1706; M.A. 5 July; rem. 11 July 1709. DALE, William (Lanes.). Matr. cler. Trinity 23 Oct. 1705, aged 19 ; c. 20 Apr. 1709 ; B.A. 17 Feb. 17$$ ; Fellow (Founders) 10 Nov. 1710 ; M.A. 4 July 1712 ; died at Stepney 27 Oct. 1724. Ellis, John (Wilts.). Batt. c. 20 May ; matr. cler. 20 June 1705, aged 16; B.A. 8 Feb. 170|; M.A. 25 June ; rem. 10 Oct. 1712; readm. 6 July ; B.D. and D.D. 13 July 1730. WOKKS : Tlie Knowledge of divine things from ledge of God is attainable by Ideas Revelation, 1743, &c. of Reflexion, 1743. Some brief considerations upon Mr. ^An enquiry whence cometk msdom, Locke's hypothesis, that the know- 1757. Featley, John (Notts.). Batt. c. 19 May ; matr. pleb. 24 May 1705, aged 21 ; subst.for Nowell Sch. 31 Aug. 1706 ; rem. 11 Nov. 1708 ; ?= John Featley, butler, whose will was proved at Oxford 1736. Plymley (Plimley), John (Staffs.). Batt. c. 25 June ; matr. cler. 30 Oct., aged 18 ; Walker Sch. 31 Dec. 1705 ; B.A. 23 June 1709 ; rem. 29 Nov. 1712 ; readm. and grace for M.A. 8 Mar. 172. Taylor, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 2 Nov. 1705 ; rem. 25 Mar. 1708 ; V = Taylor, Richard, 1705 (the next). Taylor, Richard (Chesh.). Matr. gen. 12 Nov. 1705 ; Somerset Sch. 14 Feb. 170 1 ; B.A. 23 June 1709 ; ? = Taylor, John, 1705 (the previous). Wilbraham, Richard (Chesh.). Com. c. 14 Sept. ; matr. gen. 16 Oct. 1705, aged 16 ; rem. 27 Feb. 1706. 170f CURTOIS (Curtoise, Curtiss), John (Lines.). Matr. cler. Lincoln 4 Mar. 170$, aged 16 ; B.A. 22 Oct. 1709 ; c. 9 May 1710 ; Fellow (Higden) 16 Apr. 1711 ; M.A. 25 June 1712 ; res. Fell. 1 July 1719. Eden, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 9 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 12 Mar. 170|, aged 18; Nowell Sch. 28 Mar. 1706; B.A. 14 Oct. 1709; Hulme Ex. 29 May 1710 ; grace for M.A. 12 Oct. ; rem. 22 Oct. 1713. Grace, Isaac (Lanes.). Matr. p.p. 4 Mar. 170|, aged 24; ? readm. 10 Apr. 1710. Robinson, Samuel (Chesh.). c. 14 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 16 Mar. 170f, aged 17; Mordaunt Sch. 14 Nov. 1706. 282 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE [170f-f Smith, James (Herefs.)- Batt. Matr. p. p. 4 Mar., aged 18 ; c. 6 Mar. 170J; Ogle Sch. 27 July 1706; rem. 21 Dec. 1710. Watkins, Thomas (Herefs.). Batt. -c. 13 Mar. ; matr. 16 Mar. 170, aged 17 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 5 Apr. 1707 ; rem. 31 May 1708 ; rep. 14 May 1720 ; rem. 26 Dec. 1721. Wright, Charles (Chesh.). Batt. c. 14 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 16 Mar. 170f, aged 18; Mordaunt Sch. 16 Apr. 1706; B.A. 14 Oct. 1709; died of small-pox 14 Aug. 1710; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 380. Wright, John (Herefs.). Batt. c. 13 Mar. ; matr. p. p. 16 Mar. 170, aged 17 ; rem. 3 Nov. 1707. 17O6 Rice, John (Carmarth.). Batt. c. 8 June ; matr. cler. 26 June, aged 18; Walker Sch. 4 Dec. 1706; B.A. 5 May; rem. 30 Mar. 1711. Shallcross (Shalcrosse), John (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 12 Apr. ; matr. arm. 25 June 1706, aged 18 ; rem. 4 June 1708. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. Ward, Mr. Thomas (Staffs.). Gen. Com. c. 29 Oct.; matr. gen. 14 Dec. 1706, aged 22 ; rem. 28 May 1711. 170? Andrews, Thomas (Gloucs. or Oxon.) Batt. c. 31 Jan. ; Claymond Sch. 3 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 17 Mar. 170?, aged 17 ; rem. 5 Aug. 1710. Arrow-smith, Edward (Lanes.). Batt. c. 22 Feb. ; Nowell Sch. 28 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 1704, aged 17 ; B.A. 16 Oct. ; Hulme Ex. 28 Oct. 1710 ; rem. 22 Aug. 1713 ;' M.A. 8 July 1715. President of Corporation of London Clergy 1737. WOBKS: . . that make for peace recommended, Sermon, 1724. 1737. The reasonableness and origin of govern- What ought to be the behaviour of sub- ment, 1735. jects in time of war, 1744. The duty of following after tlie things Sermon, 1745. Bawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Burton, John (Oxon.). Com. c. 8 Feb.; matr. gen. 11 Feb. 170, aged 17 ; Cartwright Sch. 15 Aug. 1710 ; B.A. 12 July 1712 ; rem. 8 Jan. 171. Daniell (Daniel), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 14 Feb. ; matr. gen. 20 Feb., aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 22 Feb. 170 ; c. (as Coin.) 15 June 1709 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1710 ; rem. 3 Apr. 1713. Dicken, Samuel (Warws.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 170?, aged 16 ; c. 26 Mar. ; Milward Sch. 3 Apr. 1707 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1710 ; rem. 29 Nov. 1712 ; M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1719. Hancock, John (Norf.). Com. c. 18 Mar. ; matr. gen. 20 Mar. 170?, aged 19; B.A. 20 Apr. 1708; rem. 16 Sept. 1710. Leftwiche (Leftwich, Leftwicke), Nathaniel (Chesh.). Batt. c. 15 Feb. Frankland Sch. 28 Feb. ; matr. cler. 20 Mar. 170?, aged 19 ; 170f-7] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK 283 Yate Sch. 18 Jan. 170$ ; rem. 12 Nov. 1709 ; B.A. New 1 Feb. 171 ; incorp. Cambridge ; M.A. St. John's, Cambridge, 1719. Lytton (Litton), Mr. Lytton (Denbs.). Gen. Com. c. 8 Mar. ; matr. eq. 20 Mar. 1705, aged 18 ; rem. 30 Mar. 1755. Assumed surname of Lytton in lieu of Strode. BENEF. : Plate 1707. Quat. Mon. v. Rode (Rhode), William (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 20 Mar. 170-!f, aged 18; c. 31 Mar. 1707; B.A. 16 Oct. 1710; died 24 May 1712; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 380. Shurtt (Shurt), John (Sorn.). Batt. c. 31 Jan.; Claymond Sch. 7 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 17 Mar. 170*, aged 19 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1710 ; rem. 31 Jan. 1712. Walmsley Henry (Lanes.). Batt. c. 19 Feb. ; niatr. cler. 20 Feb., aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 22 Feb. 170^ ; B.A. 1710 ; rem. 20 Apr. 1711. 1707 Armitstead (Armitsteade, Armestead), James (Bucks.). Batt. c. 3 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 5 Apr. 1707, aged 17 ; B.A. 27 Oct. 1710 ; rem. 20 Jan. 1711. Armitstead (Armistead, Armstead), William (Yorks.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 14 July 1707, aged 21; B.A. 9 May 1711; rem. 5 May 1713. Ashley, Joseph (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 6 June 1707, aged 16; B.A. 17 Apr. 1711 ; M.A. 29 Jan. 171f ; rem. 10 Aug. 1714. Cartwright, John (Salop). Com. c. 19 June; Matr. gen. 29 June 1707, aged 16 ; B.A. 28 Apr. 1711 ; M.A. 8 June 1714 ; rem. 29 May 1718. Cattell (Cattel), Thomas (Warws.). Batt. c. 27 May; matr. pleb. 30 May, aged 17 ; rem. 18 June 1707 ; B.A. All Souls 19 Mar. 1710 ; M.A. New Inn Hall 29 Nov. 1715 ; readm. 9 July 1731. Chaplain at Christ's College, Manchester. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Clegg, Ralph (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 5 Apr., aged 19 ; c. 10 Apr. 1707; ? = Gleg, Nowell Sch. 23 Apr. 1707; B.A. 16 Oct.; 27 Oct. 1710; rem. 24 Mar. 1713. Coburne, Isaac. Porter. Will proved at Oxford 1707. Egerton, Mr. Edward (Staffs.). Gen. Com. c. 4 Sept. ; matr. bart. f. 11 Nov. 1707, aged 17 ; ? B.A. St. Alban Hall 14 Dec. 1714 ; rem. 26 Nov. 1715. Egerton, John (Devon).' Com. c. 19 June ; matr. cler. f. 21 June 1707, aged 17; rem. 23 Mar. 170f ; B.A. Queen's 18 Apr. 1711; M.A. .16 Feb. 171. Egerton, Mr. Ralph (Staffs.). Gen. Com. c. 4 Sept. ; matr. bart. f. 11 Nov. 1707, aged 16 ; B.A. 23 Mar. 171; rem. 26 Nov. 1715. Foot, Walter (Herefs.). c. 7 May; matr. pleb. 8 May, aged 18; Ogle Sch. 26 July 1707; B.A. 6 Feb. 171?; Langfordian Ex.; ? M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1719. 284 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEE [1707-f Gardiner, Edward (Oxon.). Matr. p. p. University 28 Mar., aged 16 ; Claymond Sch. 26 July 1707 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1710 ; M.A. Catherine Hall, Cambridge, 1715. Gleg : see Clegg (above). King, Samuel (Oxon.). Batt. Matr. p. p. St. Edmund Hall 2 Apr., aged 18 ; c. 14 Nov. 1707 ; B.A. 17 Dec. 1712 ; rem. 4 Dec. 1714. Liptrott (Liptrot), William (Warws.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 11 Nov., aged 17; c. 11 Dec. 1707; B.A. as John 1711; rem. 22 Feb. 17H ; ? =Liptrot ' electus in scholam de Middleton ', i. e. as Master 19 Apr. 1712. Lloyd, John (Sussex). Com. Matr. cler. Gloucester Hall 19 July, aged 16 ; c. 4 Sept. 1707 ; Yate Sch. 18 Dec. 1708 ; B.A. 28 Apr. 1711 ; rem. 22 Jan. 17l|; M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1724. Roth-well, James (Lanes.). Matr. pleb. 25 June, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 8 July 1707 ; B.A. 17 Apr. 1711. Shippary, Edward. Butler. Will proved at Oxford 1707. Woodhouse, Edward (Herefs.). Batt. c. 3 Nov. 1707; rem. 17 July 1713 ; ? = Woodhouse, Robert, 1707 (the next). Woodhouse, Robert (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 7 Nov. 1707, aged 17; Frankland Sch. 20 Jan. 170f; B.A. 2 June 1711 ; M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1720 ; ? = Woodhouse, Edward, 1707 (the previous). Bolton, Samuel (Lanes.). Batt. c. 14 Feb. 170| ; matr. cler. 27 Mar. 1708, aged 18; Somerset Sch. 22 Mar. 17; B.A. 13 Oct. ; Hulme Ex. 23 Oct. 1711 ; M.A. 8 June 1714. Bullicocke (Bulcok, Bullock), Christopher (Lanes.). Batt. c. 22 Mar. 170 f; matr. pleb. 30 Mar. 1708, aged 18; B.A. 5 June (as Bulcock) ; rem. 6 Aug. 1712. Byron (Byrom), John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 23 Feb. 170 ; matr. pleb. 27 Mar. 1708, aged 18; Nowell Sch. 3 Aug. 1710; B.A. 13 Oct. 1711; rem. 31 Jan. 1712. Clough, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 15 Jan. ; Nowell Sch. 20 Jan. ; matr. pleb. 26 Jan. 170J, aged 19 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1711 ; rem. 7 Apr. 1712. Entwisle (Entwistle), WiUiam (Lanes.). Com. c. 27 Feb. 170 -; matr. gen. 27 Mar. 1708, aged 17; B.A. 13 Oct. 1711 ; M.A. 16 Apr. ; rem. 26 Dec. 1716. Lawson, William (Lanes.). Batt. c. 28 Feb. 170| ; matr. pleb. 27 Mar., aged 15 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 21 June 1708 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1711 ; el. Master of Middleton School 31 Dec. 1712; rem. 3 Apr. 1713; died 27 Feb. 1757. Lomax, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 9 Feb. ; matr. p. p. 13 Mar. 170, aged 16; subst. for Nowell Sch. 2 Dec. 1708; B.A. 28 Feb. 17U; rem. 7 Apr. 1712. Orme (Orm), William (Lanes.). Batt. c. 19 Feb. 170 ; matr. pleb. 27 Mar. 1708, aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 20 June 1709 ; Walker and Radcliffe Sch. 3 Aug. 1710 ; B.A. 17 Dec. 1711 ; rem. 5 May 1713. Wrighte, Thomas (Leics.). Com. c. 12 Feb. ; matr. eq. 13 Mar. 170|' aged 16; died 8 July 1710 ; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 377. 1708-f] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEE 285 1708 Bellinger, Francis. 1708. Practised as a surgeon in Stamford 18 Apr. 1694 ; died in London 1721. WORKS : A Discourse concerning the nutrition of A Treatise concerning the Small Pox, the Foetus in the Womb, 1717. 1721. Munks Roll ii. 20. Brooke, Richard (Chesh.). Com. c. 24 Sept.; matr. gen. 11 Oct. 1708, aged 16 ; rem. ; Gen. Com. 17 Nov. 1710 ; rem. 15 Oct. 1750. BENEF. : Plate 1716. Quat. Mon. v. Burton, Mr. Philip (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. 9 July ; matr. gen. 15 Nov. 1708, aged 16 ; rem. 2 Dec. 1712. Gary, Mr. Thomas (Middlx.). Gen. Coni. c. 5 July; matr. gen. 8 July 1708, aged 15 ; rem. 20 Aug. 1710. Clark (Clarke), John (Essex). Batt. Matr. pleb. 26 May, aged 16 ; c. 28 May 1708; B.A. 10 May 1712 ; rem. 23 Apr. 1715. DELVES (Delve), William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 20 Apr. ; c. 27 Apr. 1708; B.A. (as John) 1 Feb. 171 ; Pellow (Founders) 10 Mar. 171; M.A. 14 Oct. 1714; readm. to rights of Fellow 19 Jan. 171$ (?) ; died at Manchester 10 Nov. 1717. BENEF. : Plate 1718. Quat. Mon. v. Dicken (Dickins), William (Salop). Batt. c. 11 Nov.; matr. pleb. 12 Nov. 1708, aged 18; rem. 11 Nov. 1711 ; B. A. Trinity 4 July 1712. Dodd (Dod), Ralph (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 17 July 1708, aged 18; B.A. 10 May 1712; rem. 27 June 1715; readm. 21 June; M.A. 6 July 1717. Drake, Humphrey (Berks.). Com. Matr. cler. 8 July, aged 15; c. 16 Sept. 1708 ; B.A. 5 June 1712 ; rem. 28 Mar. 1713. Entwistle, Richard (Lanes.). Com. c. 23 Apr. ; matr. gen. 17 May 1708, aged 18; rem. 1 Aug. 1710. Malbon (Malborn), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 25 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 27 Mar., aged 19 ; Yate Sch. 13 Sept. 1708 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1711 (as Edward) ; rem. 5 May 1713 ; Head Master of Congleton School 1721. His father was Master of Congleton before him. Sharpies, George (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. gen. 14 Oct. aged 16 ; c. 16 Oct. 1708 ; Com. 22 Mar. 170f ; rem. 12 Aug. 1709, Sidebottom (Sydebottom, Sydebotham), William (Chesh.). Batt. c. 16 Oct. ; Cartwright Sch. 18 Oct. ; Matr. gen. 22 Oct. 1708, aged 15 ; rem. 10 Oct. 1712. Vaughan, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 14 June 1708 ; Somerset Sch. 5 Aug. 1709 ; rein. 20 Aug. 1710. 170f Acton, Thomas (Staffs.). Batt. c. 12 May 170g ; matr. pleb. 29 Mar. 1709, aged 19 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1712 ; rem. 4 May 1716. Bedford, William (Oxon.). Batt. c. and Claymond Sch. 3 Feb.; inatr. pleb. 22 Feb. 170, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1712 ; rem. 23 Jan. 286 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [170f-9 Payne (Paine, Pain), Robert (G-loucs.). Batt. Claymond Seh. 11 Mar. 170; c. 5 May; inatr. cler. 6 May 1709, aged 14; again Claymond Sch. 7 May 1709 ; rem. 24 Nov. 1712 ; B.A. St. Edmund Hall 13 Feb. 171 ; M.A. 22 June 1716. Skerratt (Skerrett, Skerrat, Skarret), John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 8 Mar. 170 ; matr. pleb. 16 Apr. 1709, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1712 ; rem. 5 May 1713 ; M.A. Christ's, Cambridge, 1727. Webster, Wriggan (Wrigan) (Chesh.). Batt. c. 22 Mar. 1700; matr. pleb. 6 Apr. 1709, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1712 ; rem. 21 May 1713. 1709 Betham, William (Bucks.). Batt. Matr. 4 June 1709, aged 18 ; c. 17 May 1710 ; B.A. 21 Jan. 171 ; rem. 24 Jan. 1730. Brereton, Thomas (Chesh. or Flints.). Com. c. 13 Apr. ; matr. arm. 16 Apr. 1709, aged 18 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1712 ; rem. 7 Aug. 1718 ; was drowned 1722. His wife was a poetess whose nom de plume was Melissa ; after having squandered his own and his wife's fortunes they separated in 1721. WOKKS : Sir John Oldcastte, 1717. George, 1715. A Day's Journey from the Vale of Esther or Faith Triumphant, 1715. Evesham to Oxford . . . , 1719. D.N.B. Brownell (Brownwell, Brownel), William (Lanes, or Chesh.). Com. c. 15 Dec. ; matr. cler. 17 Dec. 1709, aged 19; B.A. 13 Oct. 1711; rem. 15 Jan. 171; readm. 5 Feb. 171f. Bushell, William (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 4 June 1709, aged 17 ; rem. 28 Mar. 1713. Comberbach (Comberbatch), Roger (Chesh.). Com. c. 7 Nov. ; matr. arm. 9 Nov. 1709, aged 16 ; rem. 11 Nov. 1711. Cooke (Cook), John (Som.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 6 July 1709, aged 15 ; rem. 27 Mar. 1713. HUGHSON", John (Chesh.). Com. c. 7 Nov.; matr. gen. 9 Nov. 1709, aged 16 ; B.A. 5 June 1713 ; Fellow (Williamson P.) 10 Dec. 1715 ; M.A. 16 Apr. 1716 ; died 9 Feb. 172?. Gutch, Coll. 380. Lancaster, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 18 May; matr. pleb. 4 June 1709, aged 23 ; rem. 27 Mar. 1711. Morgan, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 8 Nov. 1709 ; rem. 20 Jan. 1712. Norcross, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 4 June 1709, aged 16 ; Nowell Sch. 3 Aug. 1710 ; rem. 31 July 1711 ; Hulme Ex. 7 Oct. ; readm. 12 Oct. ; B.A. 20 Oct. 1713 ; M.A. 16 Apr. 1716. Head Master of Eivington School 1727. Short (Short), John (Kent). Com. c. 1 July ; matr. gen. 6 July 1709, aged 17; B.A. 16 Oct. 1710 (as Shurtt) ; rem. 14 May 1716. Sidebottom (Sydebotham), Samuel (Lanes.). Com. c. 18 June; matr. gen. 22 June 1709, aged 19 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 171f ; rem. 26 Jan. 1714 M.A. St. John's, Cambridge, 1718. 1709-10] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 287 Symonds (Simmonds), William (Warws.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 13 July 1709, aged 17; c. 19 May 1710; B.A. 20 Apr. 1713; readm. 12 Oct. ; M.A. 20 Oct. ; rem. 19 Nov. 1716. Tatlocke (Tatlock), John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 4 June, aged 17 ; c. 6 June 1709 ; Somerset Sch. 7 Apr. 1710 ; B.A. 13 Feb. 171 2 ; Hulme Ex. 31 Oct. 1713 ; M.A. 16 Apr. 1716. WRIGHT, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 31 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 16 Apr. 1709, aged 19; B.A. 14 Oct. 1712; Hulme Ex. 12 Mar. 1714; Fellow (Founders) 15 Jan. 171f ; M.A. 20 Feb. 1715; Vice-Principal 1728-9; presented to Christ Church, Spitalfields, 22 Aug. 1730; B.D. and D.D. 10 July 1731 ; res. Fell. 5 Feb. 173J. Clerke (Clerk, Clark), James (Herefs.). Com. Matr. cler. 16 Mar. aged 16 ; c. 20 May 1710 ; B.A. 10 Nov. 1713 ; M.A. 9 July ; rem. 17 July 1719. Jones, John (Denbighs.). Batt. c. 20 Feb. ; matr. p. p. 28 Feb. 17?4, aged 18; rem. 28 Mar. 1711 ; ? B.A. Christ Church 1 Mar. 171|. Leigh, Ralph (Lanes.). Batt. c. 18 Jan. ; matr. pleb. 28 Feb. 11$, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 3 Aug. 1710 ; rem. 24 Mar. 1713 ; B.A. 14 Dec. 1714; M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1722. Russell (Russel), John (Middlx.). Com. Matr. cler. 17 Feb., aged 16 ; c. 18 Feb. 17?g ; Henley and Stoddard Sch. 5 Dec. 1710 ; B.A. 20 Oct. 1713 ; Fellow of Merton 1715 ; rem. 23 Jan. 1716 ; M.A. 6 May 1717. Preb. of Peterborough 1720, and of Lincoln 1724. Kawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Sutton, John (Chesh. or Lanes.). Batt. c. 18 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 28 Feb. 17$$, aged 18 ; rem. 21 Aug. ; rep. (as Com.) 21 Aug. 1711 ; B.A. 20 Oct. 1713; rem. 17 Mar. 171 ; ?M.A. Catherine Hall, Cambridge, 1717. 1710 Bateson, Robert (Gloucs.). Com. c. 1 Nov.; matr. arm. 14 Nov. 1710, aged 18 ; rem. 3 July 1713. Brooke (Brook), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 3 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 24 Oct. 1710, aged 17 ; rem. 24 Mar. ; rep. (as Com.) 24 Mar. 171? ; B.A. 27 May 1714 ; rem. 20 Sept. 1715 ; incorp. Cambridge ; M.A. Catherine Hall 1719 ; LL.D. 1732. Dean of Chester 1732. WORKS : The perfedness of God displayed in His The pleasure and advantage of unity. uiorks, and the obligation that ariseth to A Sermon, 1746. us from a consideration of them, 1731. Cawley, Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 31 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 1 Apr. 1710, aged 17; B.A. 20 Oct. 1713; rem. 6 Dec. 1715; readm. 15 Mar. 1715 ; M.A. 21 June 1717 ; rem. 13 July 1737. Currer, Mr. Haworth (Howorth) (Yorks.). Gen. Com. c. 15 May ; matr. gen. 25 May 1710, aged 18 ; rem. 25 Apr. 1712. BENEF. : Plate 1712. Quat. Mon. v. 288 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1710-f Day, Richard (Gloucs.). Com. c. 28 Mar. ; matr. cler. 29 Mar., aged 17 ; rem. 5 Aug. 1710. Egerton, Thomas (Staffs.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. bart. f. 8 July 1710, aged 15 ; B.A. 16 Mar. 171 ; M.A. 21 June ; rem. 2 Nov. 1717 ; died 1763. Floyd (Lloyd), John and Richard (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. (as John, son of Richard) 31 Mar., aged 16 ; c. (as Richard) 15 May 1710 ; Langford Ex. ; B.A. (as Lloyd) 29 Jan. 1712 ; M.A. (as Lloyd) Magdalene, Cambridge, 1725. HAMMOND, George (Chesh.). Com. c. 17 Nov. ; matr. cler. 18 Nov. 1710, aged 16 ; Somerset Sch. 31 Jan. 171 1 ; rem. 24 Nov. 1712 ; B.A. 27 May 1714 ; Peilow (Founders) 25 Jan. 17,%; M.A. 6 Apr. 1720 ; res. Fell. 20 Nov. 1724. Head Master of Macclesfield School 1717. Herle, Francis (Middlx. or Essex). Com. c. 17 Nov. ; matr. gen. 18 Nov. 1710, aged 18 ; rem. 10 Mar. 1713. Hyde, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 31 Mar., aged 19 : Church Sch. 29 July 1710 ; B.A. 20 Oct. ; rem. 27 Dec. 1713. Lamprey, James (John) (Warws.). Batt. c. 13 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 16 Oct. 1710, aged 15 ; rem. 26 Mar. 1712 ; B.A. Christ Church 3 Mar. Parker, Robert (Lanes.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 16 Oct., aged 17 : c. 20 Oct. 1710 ; rem. 4 May 1716. Rowley, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 3 May ; matr. gen. 25 May, aged 19 ; Church Sch. 10 Nov. 1710 ; B.A. 25 June 1714 ; rem. 4 May 1716. Tringham, Thomas (Herefs.). Batt. c. 31 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 2 May 1710, aged 17 ; B.A. 18 Feb. 171f ; rem. 23 Dec. 1716 ; M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1723. Head Master of Luton Grammar School 1723. Wade, Cuthbert (Yorks. or Ireland). Com. c. 5 Sept. ; matr. arm. 18 Nov. 1710, aged 17 ; B.A. 27 May 1714; rem. 10 Aug. 1716. Wilbraham, Roger (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 12 Aug. ; matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1710, aged 16 ; rem. 7 Aug. 1718. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. 171? Bankes, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 17 Feb. ; rnatr. pleb. 9 Mar. 171, aged 18 ; Com. 7 June 1711 ; rem. 10 Aug. 1714. Birch (Burch), John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 15 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 19 Mar. 171, aged 17; B.A. 15 Oct. 1714; M.A. New 28 Apr. 1715; rem. 14 May 1716. Bullock, Thomas (Herefs.). Com. c. 23 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 24 Mar. 171, aged 17 ; Heed and Ogle Sch. 1 Nov. 1711 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1714 ; M.A. 21 June ; rem. 28 Sept. 1717 ; B.D. and D.D. Christ Church 15 Oct. 1736. Dean of Norwich 2 Aug. 1739 ; died 1760. WORKS: Jesus Christ the prophet whom Moses The reasoning of Christ and his Apostles foretold, 1724. vindicated, 1728. The reasoning of Christ and his Apostles Sermon, 1730. . t'n their Defence of Christianity, 1725. BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 289 Case, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. 16 Feb. Matr. arm. 26 Feb. aged 18 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1714; rem. 6 Dec. 1715. Crosby, Henry (Chesh.). Batt. c. 15 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 5 Mar. aged 18 ; Com. 3 Aug. 1711 ; B.A. 22 Oct. 1714 ; M.A. 21 June ; rem. 2 Nov. 1717. Entwistle, Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 16 Mar. ; matr. arm 19 Mar. 171?, aged 17 ; Com. 27 Sept. 1712 ; rem. 23 Nov. 1714. J.P. co. Lancaster. Gray, Bennett (Chesh.). Batt. c. 23 Feb. ; matr. cler. 26 Feb. 171, aged 16 (as Benjamin) ; B.A. 22 Feb. 171f ; rem. 14 May 1716. Hulton, Edward (Lanes.). Batt. c. 15 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 19 Mar. 171f, aged 17; B.A. 15 Oct. 1714; rem. 19 Nov. 1716; M.A. Queens', Cambridge, 1722. Juxon (Jouxson), Benjamin (Som.). Batt. Claymond Sch. 3 Feb. ; c. 15 Feb. ; matr. cler. 9 Mar. 171, aged 16 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1714; rem. 19 Nov. 1716. Kilner, James (Middlx.). Com. c. 5 Mar. ; matr. gen. 9 Mar. 171J, aged 17 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1714; M.A. 21 June 1717 ; rem. 12 Jan. 1720. Chaplain in Ordinary to the king. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. LEYBORN" (Leyborne, Leybourn, Leybourne), Robert (Middlx.). Com. c. 5 Mar. ; matr. 9 Mar. 171^, aged 17 ; Student Christ Church 1712; rem. 10 June 1712; B.A. 19 Jan. 171^; Fellow (Frankland) 10 Oct. 1715 ; M.A. 21 June 1717 ; Proctor 6 Mar. 172$ ; Junior Bursar 1727-8; Rector of Stepney 26 July 1729 ; presented to Rectory of Limehouse 14 Sept. ; res. Fell. 5 Dec. 1730 ; B.D. and D.D. 29 Apr. 1731 ; Principal of St. Alban Hall, 1736 ; died 14 May 1759. Quat. Mon. xii. Lloyd, Ashton (Chesh. or Flints.). Com. Matr. arm. 15 Jan., aged 15 ; c. 23 Jan. 171; rem. 21 May 1713. Poole (Pool), John (Chesh.). Com. c. 23 May ; matr. cler. 24 Mar , aged 17; Yate Sch. 8 May 1713 ; rem. 6 May 1717. Rode, James (Staffs.). Com. c. 19 Mar. ; matr. gen. 24 Mar. 171?, " 17; B.A. 15 Oct. 1714; M.A. 6 July 1717; rem. 30 Oct. 1728. Smith, James (Lanes.). Batt. c. 17 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 24 Mar. aged 18; Nowell Sch. 15 Aug. 1711; B.A. 15 Oct. 1714; rem. 11 Oct. 1715. Southby, Thomas (Oxon. or Berks.). Com. c. 13 Mar. ; matr. gen. 15 Mar. 171?, age d 15; Walker and Radcliffe Sch. 6 Mar. 1.714; B.A. 15 Oct. 1714 ; grace for M.A. 20 Dec. 1716 ; rem. 21 Jan. 1722. 1711 Alcock (Alcocke), William (Chesh.). Com. c. 13 July ; matr. gen. 14 July 1711 ; B.A. 23 June 1715 ; grace for M.A. 15 Nov. 1717 ; rem. 17 Jan. 1718. Barret, Michael (Lanes.). Batt. c. 25 June 1711 ; rem. 19 Nov. 1716. 290 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1711-lf Cholmondeley, Robert (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 24 Apr. ; rnatr. arm. 28 Apr. 1711, aged 15; rem. 19 Dec. 1750. BENEF. : Plate 1711. Quat. Mon. v. Foot, Walter (Herefs.). c. 28 June 1711; B.A. 24 May 1715; ? Philpottine Ex. ; ? M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1719. Hiccocks (Hiccocke), William (Northants.). Batt. Matr. pleb. Hart Hall 15 May 1711, aged 17 ; Cartwright and Frankland Sch. 26 Feb. ; c. 28 Feb. 171 ; grace for B.A. 8 June 1714 ; died 5 July 1714. Gutch, Coll. 380. Holme, Edmund (Lanes.). Batt. c. 15 May 1711 ; B.A. 19 June 1714 ; M.A. 10 June 1718 ; rem. 4 Nov. 1720. Marshall (Marshal), Joshua (Lines.). Batt. Matr. cler. University 14 July 1711, aged 15 ; c. 21 Jan. ; Claymond Sch. 21 Jan. 171f ; ? B.A. 16 June 1715 as John ; rem. 2 Nov. 1717. Onions, James (Salop). Batt. c. 4 May; matr. pleb. 16 May 1711, aged 18; rem. 16 Apr. 1712; B.A. New Inn Hall 25 Feb. 171f ; M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1722. Shelbery (Shellbery, Shelbury, Shellberry), Corbet (Corbett) (Hants.). Batt. c. 6 June; Claymond Sch. 13 June 1711 ; readm. 26 June ; B.A. 13 Dec. 1716; rem. 4 Apr. 1717. Snooke, Henry (Sussex). Com. c. 30 July ; matr. cler. 1 Aug. 1711, aged 17 ; rem. 2 June 1714. Thomas, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 9 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 19 Apr. 1711, aged 17; B.A. 23 June; rem. 13 Oct. 1715; M.A. Corpus, Cambridge, 1721. WORK : -^Funebria, 1728. Whitehead, Henry (Lanes.). Batt. c. 26 June ; matr. pleb. 3 July, aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 15 Aug. 1711 ; rem. 15 June 1715. Wilbraham, Handle (Ranulph) (Chesh.). Com. c. 24 Aug. ; matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1711, aged 16 ; rem. 2 June 1714 ; D.C L. by diploma 14 Apr. 1761 being then Deputy Steward to the University. M.P. Newcastle-under-Lyme 1740, Appleby 1747, Newton, Lanes., 1754 ; Treasurer of Lincoln's Inn 1754 ; died 3 Dec. 1770. N. & Q. 1st series, vol. vii, p. 498. Assheton (Asheton, Ashton), Richard (Lanes.). Batt. c. 29 Jan. ; matr. cler. 11 Feb. 171*, aged 17 ; B.A. 13 Oct. ; Hulme Ex. ? 1715 ; M.A. 13 Jan. 171f ; rem. 31 Dec. 1719. Goldsmith (Gouldsinith, Qouldsmyth), Jonathan (Chesh.). Com. c. 2 Feb. ; matr. gen. 26 Feb. 171$, aged 17 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1715 ; M.A. (Gr. Compdr.) 13 June 1718 ; B.Med. and D.Med. (Gr. Compdr.) 11 June ; rem. 14 July 1724. F.R.C.P. 1726; F.R.S. 1730; died 12 Apr. 1732. Newcome, Nicholas (Lanes, or Chesh.). c. and Somerset Sch. 23 Feb. ; matr. cler. 26 Feb. 171, aged 16 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1715 (as Thomas) ; grace for M.A. 15 Nov. 1717. 171^-12] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK 291 Oldes, Thomas (Staffs.). Batt. c. 13 Mar. 171^ ; matr. pleb. 31 Mar. 1712, aged 18 ; Com. 27 Mar. 1713; rem. 4 Sept. 1714. Robertshaw, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 31 Jan. 171J ; matr. pleb. 12 Apr. 1712, aged 18; subst. for Nowell Sch. 18 June 1714; rem. 1 Mar. 171$. Sedgwick (Sedgewick), Edward (Chesh.). Batt. c. 15 Feb. ; matr. cler. 16 Feb. 171$, aged 17 ; Yate Sch. 8 May 1713 ; B.A. 24 Oct. 1715 ; rem. 14 May 1716.' Stock, Nathan (Lanes.). Batt. c. 23 Feb. 17U ; Nowell Sch. 19 Aug. 1712 ; B.A. 24 Oct. 1715 ; Hulme Ex. ? 1715 ; M.A. 13 June 1718; rem. 10 Dec. 1720. Tipping, Moses (Chesh.). Batt. c. 11 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 29 Feb. 171-J, aged 19; died 25 June 1714 ; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 380. Yate, Thomas (Oxon.). Batt. c. 12 Jan. ; Yate Sch. 31 Jan. 171i ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1715 ; rem. 19 Nov. 1716. 1712 Allanson (Alanson), Edward (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. cler. 3 July, aged 16 ; c. 11 July 1712 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 17 Oct. 1713 ; Somerset Sch. 18 June 1714; B.A. 16 Apr. ; Hulme Ex. ? 1716 ; M.A. 1 June 1719 ; rem. 17 June 1720. Bateson (Batson), Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 9 May ; Nowell Sch. 14 May ; matr. pleb. 20 May 1712, aged 20 ; B.A. 23 Feb. 1714 ; rem. 29 Nov. 1716. Blackburne, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 7 Apr. ; matr. arm. 8 Apr. 1712, aged 17; rem. 25 Oct. 1714. Glutton, Ralph (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 6 Nov. 1712, aged 16 ; c. 13 Oct. 1713 ; B.A. 8 Apr. ; rem. 9 Apr. 1717 ; readm. cler. 6 Nov. 1723; M.A. 6 July 1725. Earnshaw (Ernshaw), James (Yorks.). Batt. c. 10 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 10 Oct. 1712, aged 18; rem. 7 Jan. 1714. Earnshaw (Ernshaw), John (Yorks.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 10 Oct. 1712, aged 17; ? B.A. 1 June 1716 (as Edward) ; rem. 8 Nov. 1717. Egerton, Philip (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 25 Apr. ; matr. doctoris 30 Apr. 1712, aged 16 ; rem. 19 Oct. 1750. BENEF. : Plate 1712. Quat. Mon. v. Evans, Robert (Merioneths.). Batt. c. 9 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 21 Oct. 1712, aged 17 ; rem. 19 Feb. 171f ; ? B.A. Jesus 6 June 1716. Grosvenor, Robert (Chesh.). Com. c. 30 Aug. ; matr. bart. f. 21 Oct. 1712, aged 16 ; rem. 7 Aug. 1718. M.P. Chester Jan. 1733 ; 6th Bart. Grosvenor, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 30 Aug. ; matr. bart. f. 21 Oct. 1712, aged 17 ; rem. 19 Feb. 1713. M.P. Chester 1727 ; 5th Bart. Hanson, William (Chesh.). Batt. c. 27 June ; matr. pleb. 3 July 1712, aged 19 ; B.A. 16 Apr. 1716; rem. 8 Apr. 1717. U 2 292 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1712-lf Harris, Thomas (Northants.). Batt. Matr. cler. 2 Dec. ; c. 4 Dec. 1712 ; B.A. 4 July 1716 ; rem. 20 Nov. 1718 ; readm. 25 June ; M.A. 7 July 1722 ; died Dec. 1762. Thirty-six years Vicar of Northfleet, Kent ; buried in Northfleet Church ; nephew and Chaplain to Dr. S. Bradford, Bishop of Rochester. PIGOTT (Pigot), Francis (Lanes.). Sch. ; Somerset Sch. 5 Oct. s c. 9 Oct. ; matr. gen. 10 Oct. 1712, aged 17 ; B.A. 1 June ; Hulme Ex. 16 Oct. 1716 ; Fellow (Founders) 14 Jan. 171f ; M.A. 10 Apr. 1719 ; Junior Bursar 1728-9 ; Senior Bursar 1729-30 ; Vicar of Gillingham 6 Mar. 17g; res. Fell. 25 June 1731 ; Rector of Middleton 17 July 1752. Pollard, Timothy (Lanes.). Batt. c. 9 May ; matr. pleb. 20 May 1712, aged 18; B.A. (as Thomas) 23 Feb. 171f ; rem. 14 May 1716. ITlg Assheton (Ashton), Ralph (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 21 Mar. ; matr. arm. 23 Mar. 171|, aged 16; rem. 26 Mar. 1718. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. Brooke (Brock), William (Chesh.). Com. c. 16 Feb. ; matr. 23 Mar. 171, aged 17 ; rem. 20 July 1714. Chatfield, Thomas (Sussex). Com. c. 14 Jan. ; matr. cler. 20 Jan. 171 j, aged 18 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1716 ; rem. 2 Nov. 1717. Davies (Davids), Roger (Pembs.). Batt. c. 21 Mar. 171 ; matr. pleb. 26 Mar. 1713 ; died 5 Mar. 1715 ; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 380. Dod, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 7 Mar. ; matr. cler. 16 Mar. 171, aged 17 ; ? Yate Sch. 14 Feb. 1714 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1716 ; rem. 1 July 1720 ; M.A. 4 July 1721. Feilden (Fielden), Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 2 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 3 Mar. 171J, aged 22 ; Nowell Sch. Nov. 1713 ; B.A. 16 Nov. ; rem. 20 Nov. 1716; ? = ds. Fielden app. Schoolmaster of Middleton 13 Mar. 171?. Foxlowe (Foxlow), Joseph (Chesh.). Batt. c. 18 Mar. ; matr. cler. 23 Mar. 171*, aged 17 ; rem. 5 May 1719. O ~ O / France, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 21 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 23 Mar. 171f, aged 18; died 15 Sept. 1716 ; buried in College cloister. Gutch, Coll. 380. Hayward, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 30 Jan. ; matr. pleb. 3 Mar. 171$, aged 17; B.A. 15 Oct. 1716; M.A. 9 July ; rem. 15 July 1719. Head Master of Warrington Grammar School 1731 ; died 2 Sept. 1757 ; father of sixteen children, an admirable scholar, and an able but severe master. Heginbottom, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 2 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 3 Mar. 171, aged 17 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1716 ; rem. 22 Mar. 1711:. Philips, Samuel (Salop). Batt. c. 27 Feb. ; inatr. pleb. (as James) 23 Mar. 171|, aged 19; B.A. 15 Oct. 1716 ; rem. 12 Jan. 172. 171|_1|] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 293 Whitcombe (Whitcomb), William (Salop). Com. c. 20 Mar. ; matr gen. 23 Mar. 171-', aged 19 ; B.A. 19 Oct. 1716; rem. 6 Aug. 1720; M.A. King's, Cambridge, 1734. . YARBOROUGH (Yarburgh), Francis (Yorks.). Matr. arm. University 18 Mar. 171f, aged 17; B.A. 15 Oct. 1716; Fellow (Higden) 13 July 1719 ; M.A. 12 Oct. 1719 ; Junior Bursar 1729-30 ; Senior Bursar 1730-1, 2-3,4-5, 6-7; res. Fell. 10 May 17*40; Principal 9 Dec. 1745; B.D. and D.D. 27 June 1746 ; option of Rectory of Dudcote offered to him 28 Mar. 1750 ; refused 5 May 1750. Rector of Aynhoe 1739 ; died at Bath 24 Apr. 1770. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. 1713 Cooke, William (Bucks.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 19 May, aged 16; c. 20 May 1713 ; B.A. 20 Mar. 171f ; rem. 10 Apr. 1717. Drink water, Peter (Chesh.). Batt. c. 27 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 28 Mar. 1713, aged 19; B.A. 15 Oct. 1716; rem. 8 Apr. 1717; readm. 8 Apr. 1719 ; M.A. 15 June 1720. Hyde, Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 12 Oct. ; matr. cler. 20 Oct. 1713, aged 22 ; B.A. 4 Mar. 171| ; rem. 29 May 1718. Meare, Peter (Chesh.). Batt. c. 6 Nov. ; matr. pleb. 9 Nov. 1713, aged 16 ;' ? Church Sch. 7 Nov. 1713 ; B.A. 21 June 1717 ; rem. 24 June 1726. Pierpoint, Nathaniel (Nathan) (Lanes.). Batt. c. 27 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 28 Mar. 1713, aged 16 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1716 ; rem. 8 Apr. 1717. RICHMOND, Sylvester (Silvester) (Lanes.). Com. c. 20 May; matr. cler. 21 May 1713, aged 17 ; B.A. 1 Mar. 171^ ; Fellow (Founders) 18 June 1718; M.A. 1 June 1719; res. Fell. 10 Aug. 1721. Springett (Springet), Nathaniel (Berks.). Batt. c. 8 Dec. ; matr. cler. 9 Dec. 1713, aged 16 ; B.A. (as Matthew) 21 June ; rem. 9 Dec. 1717 ; readm. 21 Feb. 17l| ; rem. 3 Sept. 1718. Stawell, Thomas (Som.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 13 Oct. 1713, aged 17; B.A. 21 June 1717; rem. 26 Mar. 1718. Taylor (Tayler), Edward (Lanes.). Batt. c. 8 May ; matr. cler. 21 May 1713, aged 16; ? Mordaunt Sch. 28 Jan. 171 ; B.A. 27 Feb. 171?; M.A. 4 July 1722; rem. 20 Nov. 1724. Brooke, Henry (Chesh.). Com. c. 13 Feb. ; matr. bart. f. 15 Mar. 171 J, aged 17; B.A. 14 Oct. 1717; M.A. 15 June; rem. 26 Dec. 1720; Fellow of All Souls ; B.C.L. 8 July 1723; D.C.L. 18 Apr. 1727; Regius Professor of Civil Law 1736. Preb. of Salisbury 1737 ; died 1752. WORKS: A practical essay concerning Ctiristian The respect and submission due to the peaceabkness, 1740. constitution both in Church and State, Sermon, 1746. 1747 294 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [171^-14 Davenport, William (Middlx.). Batt. c. and matr. gen. 17 Mar. 171f, aged 18; Henley and Stoddard Sch. 22 Nov. 1715; B.A. 23 Oct. 1717 ; rem. 20 Nov. 1721. Benson, Robert (Chesh.). Batt. c. and niatr. pleb. 19 Mar. 171f, aged 21 ; B.A. 10 Mar. 171 ; rem. 29 May 1718. Egerton, John (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 17 Mar. 171|, aged 18 ; rem. 17 June 1718. Fenton, Thomas (Staffs.). Com. c. 27 Feb. ; matr. gen. 17 Mar. 171f ; rem. 4 May 1716. FOXLEY, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 22 Jan. ; matr. cler. 25 Feb. 17 If, aged 16 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1717 ; Fellow (Founders) 13 Nov. ; M.A. 20 Nov. 1721 ; died 31 Aug. 1623. Halsted, William (Lanes.). Batt. c. 8 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 17 Mar. 171f ; Nowell Sch. 14 Feb. 1714 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1717; M.A. 15 June; rem. 12 July 1720. Hughes, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 20 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 9 Mar. 171| ; grace for B.A. 19 Dec. 1716 ; rem. 14 Jan. 173?. Jenks, Samuel (Chesh.). Batt. c. 13 Feb. ; matr. cler. 17 Mar. 171|; B.A. 14 Oct. 1717; M.A. 15 June; rem. 12 Nov. 1720. 4 ' Liptrott, Edmund ( Warws.). Batt. c. 16 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 17 Mar. 171f ; rem. 17 Feb. 171$. Longfield, James (Lanes.). Batt. c. 16 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 17 Mar. 171f ; B.A. 23 Oct. ; rem. 18 Nov. 1717. Oldfeild (Oldfield), Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 20 Feb. ; matr. gen. 1 Mar. 171f, aged 17; B.A. 11 Nov. 1717 ; rem. 7 Dec. 1723. Parker, Thomas (Warws.). Batt. c. 16 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 17 Mar. 171f ; B.A. 14 Oct. ; rem. 18 Nov. 1717. Prichard, Samuel (Herefs.). c. and Somerset Sch. 29 Jan. ; matr. cler. 5 Feb. 171f, aged 16 ; grace for B.A. 19 Dec. 1716. Sneyd (Snead), Ralph (Staffs.). Com. c. 27 Feb. ; matr. gen. 17 Mar. 171f , aged 17 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1717 ; M.A. 15 June 1720 ; rem. 13 Mar. 172| ; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Compdr.) 25 May 1742. Walker, Thomas (Northants.). Batt. c. and subscr. cler. 17 Mar. 171| ; Cartwright Sch. 7 Aug. 1714 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1717 ; M.A. 15 June ; rem. 14 Dec. 1720. Worth, Thomas (Hants, or Som.). Com. Matr. gen. 19 Feb., aged 17 ; c. 20 Feb. 171| ; rem. 6 Dec. 1715. Wright, Thomas (Middlx.). Com. c. 4 Mar. ; matr. cler. 5 Mar. 171f, aged 17; B.A. 14 Oct. 1717 ; rem. 25 Jan. 172f. 1714 Bird, John (Herefs.). Matr. cler. 16 Dec. 1714, aged 18; B.A. 13 June 1718 ; incorp. Cambridge ; M.A. King's, 1723. Booth, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 17 June, aged 19 ; c. 28 June 1714; rem. 26 Mar. 1718. Brooke, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 7 June; ? Church Sch. 18 June; matr. pleb. 21 July 1714, aged 17 ; B.A. 30 May 1718 ; M.A. 21 June ; rem. 23 Dec. 1721. 1714-15] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 295 Butler, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. 23 Oct. ; matr. arm. 26 Oct. 1714, aged 18 ; rem. 19 Nov. 1716. Cotton, Robert (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 28 June ; matr. bart. f. 8 July 1714, aged 19 ; rem. 17 Aug. 1716. 3rd Bart. ; M.P. Cheshire 1727, Lostwithiel 1741. BENEF. : Plate 1716. Quat. Mon. v. Green, Thomas (Warws.). Batt. c. 18 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 15 Nov. 1714, aged 17; Milward Sch. 24 Mar. 1714; B.A. 13 June 1718 ; M.A. 10 July ; rem. 12 July 1721. Kitchen, Jonathan (Chesh.). Batt. c. 24 May ; matr. pleb. 8 June 1714, aged 18 ; rem. 4 May 1716. Longworth, Edward (Lanes.). Com. c. 23 Oct. ; matr. arm. 26 Oct. 1714, aged 18 ; rem. 19 Nov. 1716. Norcross, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 27 Dec. 1714 ; matr. pleb. 8 Jan. 1714, aged 19 ; Ogle and Reed Sch. 22 Nov. 1715 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1718; grace for M.A. 20 Dec. 1720 ; rem. 19 Jan. 172. Ramsden, Thomas (Yorks.). Com. c. 7 June ; matr. arm. 8 June, aged 17 ; Gen. Com. 26 June 1714 ; rem. 30 Apr. 1725. High Sheriff Yorks 1726. BENEF. : Plate 1724. Quat. Mon. v. Wright, William (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. 24 May ; matr. gen. 8 June 1714, aged 16; rem. 13 Mar. 171f. Benefactor 1718. Quat. Mon. iv. Child, Charles (Herts.). Com. c. 1 Mar. ; matr. gen. 2 Mar. 17 If , aged 15 ; grace for B.A. 15 Nov. 1717 ; rem. 14 June 1718. Davenport, Warren (Chesh.). Com. c. 19 Feb. ; matr. arm. 22 Feb. 1714, aged 16; Yate Sch. 23 Jan. 171f ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1718; grace for M.A. 20 Dec. 1720 ; rem. 2 Aug. 1728. FOXLEY, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 21 Jan. ; matr. cler. 5 Feb. 171i, aged 14; B.A. 11 Oct. 1718; Fellow (Founders) 9 Nov. 1720; M.A. 10 June 1721 ; Vice-Principal 1730-1, 3-4, 5-6 ; Proctor 10 Mar. 173; White's Reader in Moral Philosophy 1731 ; Senior Bursar 1731-2 ; Rector of Great Rollright 24 May 1736; res. Fell. 6 Aug. 1737; exchanged Rectory of Great Rollright with Rectory of Stratford, Bow, 29 Oct. 1740 ; died 2 Dec. 1770. Speakman, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 12 Feb. 171f ; matr. pleb. 4 Apr. 1715, aged 20 ; rem. 8 Apr. 1717. 1715 Albin, Christopher (Lanes.). Batt. c. 4 May ; matr. pleb. 17 May 1715, aged 18; B.A. 19 Feb. 171f ; rem. 22 June 1719; died 1753. Baldwin (Baldwine, Baldwyn), John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 17 May ; matr. pleb. 30 May 1715, aged 18 ; B.A. 6 Feb. 171 ; Hulme Ex. 28 Oct. 1719 ; M.A. 25 May 1722 ; rem. 23 Feb. 172. Cowper, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 7 May ; matr. arm. 30 May 1715, aged 18 ; rem. 26 Dec. 1720. 296 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1715-lf Farington (Farrington), George (Lanes, or Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 17 May 1715, aged 18 ; rem. 3 Apr. 1718. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. Gower, Foote (Surrey). Com. Matr. cler. 9 Apr., aged 18 ; c. 16 Apr. 1715 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1718 ; rem. 16 Jan. 1719 ; readra. 13 Sept. 1720 ; M.A. 10 June ; rem. 12 June 1721 ; readm. 4 May ; B.M. 11 May 1724 ; readm. 28 June ; D.M. (Gr. Compdr.) 13 July 1728 ; died 23 Mar. 1763. Harris, Samson (Sampson) (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. pleb Pembroke 7 Apr. 1715, aged 16; Claymond Sch. 8 Mar.; c. 12 Mar. 171; B.A. 11 Oct. 1718; M.A. 4 July ; rem. 11 Aug. 1721 ; died 10 Nov. 1763. Hesketh, Thomas (Lanes.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 17 May, aged 16 ; c. 15 July 1715 ; rem. 21 Dec. 1722. ? M.P. Preston 1722. Hughson, Roger (Chesh.). Batt. c. 26 May ; matr. gen. 30 May 1715, aged 17; Com. 9 Oct. 1717; B.A. 8 June 1719; M.A. 25 May 1722; rem. 14 Dec. 1724. Hyde, William (Derbs.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 28 June 1715, aged 17; B.A. 30 Mar. ; rem. 26 Dec. 1720. Myddelton (Middleton), William (Denbighs.). Com. c. 15 July ; matr. gen. 16 July 1715, aged 17; grace for B.A. 17 Dec. 1718; rem. 9 June 1726. Nicholes (Nichols, Nicholls), Philip (Lanes.). Com. c. 30 Mar. ; matr. gen. 4 Apr. 1715, aged 16 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1718 ; M.A. 8 June 1722 ; rem. 8 July 1729. Oliver, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 28 May ; matr. cler. 30 May 1715, aged 17 ; B.A. 16 Jan. 171f ; M.A. 22 June ; rem. 21 Dec. 1722. ITlf Ball, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 12 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 15 Mar. 171|, aged 18; ? B.A. 12 Oct. 1719 (as Bell); name removed from books 25 Mar. 1720; restored 25 May 1720; Hulme Ex. 1 Mar. 172&; rem. 30 June 1726. O.H.S. xlviii. Bimson, Nicholas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 12 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 15 Mar. 171|, aged 21 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1719; rem. 1 July 1720. Boardman, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 23 Mar. ; matr. cler. 24 Mar. 171, aged 17 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1719 ; M.A. 7 July 1722 ; rem. 22 Mar. 172f ; died 1775. Bradshaw, William (Chesh.). Batt. c. 23 Mar. ; matr. gen. 24 Mar. 171|, aged 20 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1719 ; rem. 28 May ; readm. 23 June ; M.A. 6 July 1723. Copland (Copeland), James (Chesh.). Batt. c. 1 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 1 Mar. 171$, aged 22 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1719 ; grace for M.A. 13 Nov. 1721 ; rem. 24 Dec. 1726. Dod, John Herbert (Harbord) (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Mar., aged 16; c. 22 Mar. 171|; rem. 4 Nov. 1718; B.A. All Souls 21 Oct. 1719. 171f-16] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 297 Haddon, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 2 Mar. ; matr. cler. 15 Mar. 171--;-, aged 17; Radcliffe and Walker Sch. 15 Nov. 1717; B.A. 12 Oct.; Hulme Ex. 16 Oct. 1719 ; M.A. 18 June ; rem. 14 Dec. 1723 ; died 1767. Haighton (Heighten), Richard (Lanes.). Batt. c. 18 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 15 Mar. 171$, aged 20; B.A. 12 Oct. 1719; rem. 6 Aug. 1720. TJardey (Hardy), George (Chesh.). Batt. c. 23 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 15 Mar. 171$, aged 18 ; B.A. 12 Oct. ; rem. 21 Dec. 1719. Houghton, Henry (Lanes.). Com. c. 22 Mar. : matr. gen. 24 Mar. 171$, aged 17 ; rem. 8 July 1718. HUXLEY, Charles (Chesh.). Batt. c. 25 Feb. ; inatr. pleb. 5 Mar. 171$, aged 16; B.A. 12 Oct. 1719; Fellow (Founders) 7 Nov. 1723; M.A. 3 Feb. 172f ; Junior Bursar 1732 ; died 10 Jan. 178|. WORK : -\A Sermon, 1730. Mawdesley, William (Lanes.). Com. c. 12 Mar. ; matr. arm. 15 Mar. 171$, aged 20 ; rem. 26 Mar. 1718. NEWTOTT, Peter (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 24 Mar. 171$, aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 29 Mar. 1716 ; B.A. 20 Feb. 17J# ; Fellow (Williamson P.) 13 Mar. 172J; M.A. 25 May; died 29 Dec. 1722. Parker, Banaster (Banister) (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 13 Feb. ; matr. arm. 15 Mar. 171$, aged 18 ; rem. 12 Mar. 1729. Rogers, Benjamin (Herefs.). Batt. c. 28 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 1 Mar. 171$, aged 19; B.A. 12 Oct. 1719; rem. 25 Mar. 1720. Willes, William (Sussex or Warws.). Batt. c. 22 Feb.; matr. cler. 15 Mar. 171$, aged 18 ; Com. 1 Apr. 1716 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1719 ; rem. 7 Mar. : readm. 16 Mar. 172; M.A. 25 May 1722. 1716 Bardsley, Benjamin (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 22 June, aged 19 ; c. 22 Aug. 1716 ; B.A. 18 June 1720 ; rem. 28 Nov. 1721. Bennett (Bennet), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 16 Nov. 1716, aged 25 ; B.A. 27 June 1720 ; rem. 25 Feb. 172?. Non-juring clergyman ordained in 1720. B..dl. MS. Eng. Hist. d. 1. p. 197. Broade (Broad), Thomas (Herefs.). c. 13 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 16 Apr. 1716, aged 17; B.A. 16 Mar. 17; ? Philpottine Ex. Clayton, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. May ; matr. arm. 15 May 1716) aged 17 ; died 17 June 1717. Cowper, William (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. St. Mary Hall 24 Oct. 1716, aged 14; c. 19 Jan. 171&; rem. 17 Dec. 1718. Crooke (Crook), William (Middlx.). Batt. c. 6 Oct. ; matr. gen. 7 Nov. 1716, aged 19; Com. 14 May 1717; grace for B.A. 17 Dec. 1719 ; rem. 8 Dec. 1721 ; adm. to Sidney Sussex, Cambridge, 1724. Earnshaw, Edward. B.A. 1 June 1716. Folds, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 8 Nov. ; matr. pleb. 16 Nov., aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 27 Dec. 1716; B.A. 18 June 1720; rem. 2 Mar. 172?. Greaves, William (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 16 July, aged 17; c. 22 Aug.; Nowell Sch. 21 Sept. 1716; rem. 9 Jan.; grace for B.A. 17 Dec. 1719; ? B.A. Clare Hall, Cambridge, 1720; M.A. 1724. 298 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1716-lf HALL, Charles (Chesh.). Batt. c. 6 Nov. ; matr. gen. 12 Nov. 1716, aged 16; Com. 8 Nov. 1717; B.A. 18 June 1720; Pellow (Williamson P.) 22 Feb. 172| ; Junior Bursar 1730-2 ; Vice-Principal 1734-5 ; Rector of Christ Church, Spitalfields, 18 Sept, 1736 ; res. Fell. 2 Jan. 173. ? M.P. Lincoln 1727. Martin, William (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 26 June, aged 22; c. 22 Aug. 1716 ; rem. 18 Dec. 1806 (in us. Vas argent.). BENEF. : Plate 1723. Quat. Mon. v. Mills, William (Middlx.). Com. c. 22 Aug. ; matr. gen. 10 Oct. 1716, aged 17; rem. 3 July 1719. Newell, Roger (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 25 Apr. ; matr. arm. 30 Apr, 1716, aged 18 ; rem. 26 Mar. 1718. BENEF. : Plate 1717. Quat. Mon. v. Parker, John (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. gen. 15 May 1716, aged 17; rem. 28 Feb. 172|. BENEF. : Plate 1716. Quat. Mon. v. Pigot, Hugh (Salop). Com. c. and matr. gen. 10 Dec. 1716, aged 18; B.A. 18 June 1720; M.A. 6 July 1723; rem. 23 June 1726. Renaud, Daniel (Switzerland). Com. c. 19 Oct. ; matr. gen. 29 Oct. 1716, aged 18 ; B.A. 18 June 1720 ; M.A. 24 Apr. ; rem. 13 Aug. 1723. Southworth, Paul (Lanes.). Batt. c. 21 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 30 Apr. 1716, aged 17; B.A. 11 Feb. 17ig; Hulme Ex. ? 1720; rem. 18 May 1720; grace for M.A. 13 Nov. 1721. Walley, Peter (Chesh.). Com. c. 2 Nov. ; matr. gen. 12 Nov., aged 15 ; Yate Sch. 27 Dec. 1716 ; rem. 3 Dec. 1718. Bennett (Bennet), William (Chesh.). Batt. c. 15 Mar. ; matr, pleb. 18 Mar. 171f, aged 24; B.A. 20 Feb. ; rem. 25 Feb. 172-. Drake, Francis (Berks.). Com. Matr. cler. 23 Jan., aged 15 ; c. 25 Jan. 171f ; Mordaunt Sch. 1 May 1719 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1720 ; M.A. 6 July ; rem. 13 July 1723. Eden, Robert (Northumb. or Durham). Com. Claymond Scb. 18 Jan. ; c. 19 Jan. ; matr. gen. 21 Feb. 171f, aged 15 ; rem. 17 Nov, 1718; B.A. Lincoln 12 Oct. 1720; M.A. University 18 June 1723; Proctor 1733; B.D. 14 Jan. 1734; D.D. 27 Mar. 1754. WORKS : -^The necessary connexion of truth and f The necessary and unchangeable differ- love in matters of religion, 1754. ence of Moral Good and Evil, 1743. The Harmony of Benevolence, 1755. fTVze connexion of public and private A Schultingi . . . oratio de jurispru- happiness, 1743. dentiaM. T. Ciwonis, notis iUusfrata Jurisprudentia philologica, 1744. per E. E., 1760. Mee, Hugh (Chesh.). Com. c. 18 Feb. ; matr. gen. 21 Feb. 171?, aged 13; B.A. 12 Oct. 1720; M.A. 10 June ; rem. 16 July 1726. Mottershead, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 8 Feb. ; matr. 21 Feb. aged 16 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1720 ; M.A. 6 July 1723 ; rem. 13 July 1723. 171f-l|] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 299 Plaisted (Plasted), Richard (Oxon.). Batt. Matr. pleb. Queen's 21 Mar. 171ti, aged 17; Claymond Sch. 30 Mar.; c. 3 Apr. 1717: B.A. Queen's 12 Oct. 1720 ; M.A. 13 June ; rem. 13 July 1723. 1717 Alcock, George (Bucks.). Batt. c. 4 July : matr. cler. 17 Dec. 1717, aged 16 ; rem. 18 Dec. 1719. Allen, Henry (Oxon.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 8 Apr. 1717, aged 17 ; B.A. 9 Dec. 1720 ; grace for M.A. 18 Dec. 1722 ; rem. 2 Nov. 1727. ? Resigned Mastership of Charlbury School 22 Nov. 1731. Atherton, Richard (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 6 May ; matr. arm. 17 May 1717, aged 15 ; rem. 19 Jan. 172f BENEF. : Gave 50 to beautify College building 1726 ; plate 1731. Quat. Mon. iv, v. Dale, Edward (Salop). Com. c. 6 Apr. ; matr. cler. 8 Apr. 1717, aged 16; Frankland Sch. 26 June 1718; B.A. 12 Oct. 1720; grace for M.A. 18 Dec. 1722; rem. 14 Dec. 1723. Dale, William (Salop). Com. c. 6 Apr. ; matr. cler. 8 Apr. 1717, aged 16 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1720 ; grace for M.A. 18 Dec. 1722 ; rem. 3 Apr. 1723. Goddard, William (Lanes, or Derbs.). Batt. c. 4 July ; matr. pleb. 5 July 1717, aged 16; B.A. 22 Apr. 1721 ; rem. 10 Feb. 172* ; M.A. New 5 July 1726. Parry, David (DenbB.). Gen. Com. c. 6 Apr ; matr. arm. 8 Apr. 1717, aged 19; rem. 19 Dec. 1750. BENEF. : Plate 1716. Quat. Mon. v. PRICHARD, John (Herefs.). Matr. cler. 22 May 1717, aged 15; Fellow (Elton) 17 July 1719 ; B.A. 6 Feb. 172$; M.A. 12 Oct. 1723; Vice-Principal 1732-3, 7-8; Junior Bursar 1733-4, 5-6; Rector of Christ Church, Spitalfields, 13 Jan. 173-!} ; res. Fell. 9 May ; grace for B.D. and D.D. 21 May 1740 ; died 28 Sept. 1782. Prickett, John. Cook ; will proved at Oxford 1717. Savage, Henry (Worcs.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 6 June 1717, aged 16 ; B.A. 13 Apr. 1722 ; rem. 20 May 1723. Watkins, John (Micldlx.). Com. c. 1 July ; matr. gen. 2 July 1717, aged 16; rem. 26 Mar. 1718 ; readm. 11 May 1720. Wilbraham, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 6 July, aged 15; c. 8 July 1717 ; B.A. 22 Apr. 1721 ; rem. 6 Nov. 1722 ; readm. 6 Nov. 1723 ; Fellow of All Souls; B.C.L. 14 June 1727; D.C.L. 7 July 1732; lie. to practise medicine 11 Nov. 1738; D.M. by diploma 12 Dec. 1752. F.R.S. 1742; F.R.C.P. 1754; died 1782. Andrews, Richard (Middlx.). Com. c. 18 Mar. ; matr. gen. 20 Mar. , aged 17 ; grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1720 ; B.C.L. 24 Oct. 1724; readm. 29 Oct. 1724 ; rem. 30 Aug. 1729. Battine, Edward (Hants.). Batt. Matr. Trinity 17 May 1716, aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. 5 Apr. ; c. 8 Apr. 1718 ; B.A. 16 Jan. 17&} ; M.A. 6 July 1723. 300 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [171f-18 Clayton, William (Lanes.). Com. c. 11 Jan.; matr. arm. 21 Feb. 171 1, aged 18 ; rem. 2 Sept. 1720. Haslehurst, Randle (Ranulph) (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 21 Feb. 171f, aged 17 ; c. 26 Mar. 1718 ; Church Sch. 21 Dae. 1719; B.A. 22 Feb. 172$; rem. 27 Sept. 1723. Hurst, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 25 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 17 Mar. 171, aged 19; Somerset Sch. 25 July 1719; Hulme Ex. ?1721; B.A. 11 Oct. 1721 ; rem. 20 May 1728 ; readm. 26 June ; M.A. 7 July 1739. Jones, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 18 Mar. 171 ; matr. pleb. 3 Apr. 1718, aged 18; B.A. 5 Dec. 1721 ; rem. 17 Mar. 172$. Kippax, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 20 Feb. ; inatr. cler. 21 Feb. 171f, aged 17 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1721 ; grace for M.A. 16 Dec. 1723 ; rem. 7 June 1726. Leatherbarrow, Jonathan (Chesh.). Batt. c. 20 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 17 Mar. 171$, aged 17; Yate Sch. 3 Dec. 1719; B.A. 11 Oct. 1721 ; rem. 7 June; readm. 15 June ; M.A. 7 July 1726. Markland, Daniel (Chesh.). Com. c. 22 Feb. 171| ; matr. gen; 31 Mar. 1718, aged 16; B.A. 11 Oct. 1721; rem. 23 Jan. 172. Urmson, John (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 17 Mar., aged 17 ; c. 18 Mar. 171|; B.A. 11 Oct. 1721 ; M.A. 11 July ; rem. 20 July 1724. 1718 Agutter, William (Northants.). Com. c. 29 Nov. 1718; ? matr. gen. Hart Hall 13 Apr. 1717, aged 17; rem. 21 May 1720. Bankes, Seth (Lanes.). Com. c. May ; matr. pleb. 8 May 1718, aged 17; Nowell Sch. 16 Jan. 17g ; B.A. 24 Jan. 1721; Hulme Ex. 5 Aug. 1723 ; M.A. 6 July 1725 ; rem. 28 May 1726. Clayton, William (Lanes.). Batt. c. 4 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 5 Apr. 1718, aged 20; B.A. 23 Oct. 1721 ; rem. 28 Feb. 172|. Heath, Thomas. M.A. BENEF. : Plate 1718. Quat. Mon. v. Livesay (Livesey), John (Yorks.). Batt. c. 31 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 3 Apr. 1718, aged 19 ; B.A. 19 Oct. 1721 ; rem. 18 May 1722. Malyn (Malin), Massey (Notts.). Matr. gen. 5 May, aged 30 ; B.C.L. 15 May 1718 ; LL.D. Queens', Cambridge, 1723. Martin, Edward. (Lanes.). Batt. c. 14 June ; Nowell Sch. 26 June; matr. pleb. 10 July 1718, aged 18; B.A. 6 Apr. 1722; grace for M.A. 19 Nov. 1724; rem. 26 June 1725. Massey, Leigh (Ireland). Batt. c. 9 May; matr. pleb. 30 May 1718, aged 18; B.A. 31 Jan.; rem. 28 Feb. 172^. Matthews (Mathews), James (London). Batt. c. 17 May ; matr. cler. 30 May 1718, aged 20 ; Nowell Sch. 17 July 1719 ; B.A. 13 May 1721 ; rem. 25 July 1722. Molins, John (Middlx.). Com. c. 8 July ; matr. gen. 10 July 1718, aged 18 ; rem. 28 Feb. 172?. Sunderland, Joseph (Yorks.). Batt. c. 31 Mar. ; matr. cler. 3 Apr. 1718, aged 18 ; B.A. 19 Oct. 1721 ; rem. 10 Mar. 172*. 1718-19] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 301 Walmsley (Walmesley), Peter (Chesh.). Batt. c. 4 Apr. ; matr. cler. 5 Apr. 1718, aged 18 ; Cartwright Sch. 12 Jan. 17-Sg; B.A. 19 Oct. 1721 ; rem. 28 Feb. 172. Wetenhall, Nathaniel (Chesh.). Corn. c. 26 Nov. ; matr. arm. 10 Dec. 1718, aged 17 ; rem. 15 Aug. 1720. WISE, John (Oxon.). Com. c. 2 Apr. ; matr. gen. 3 Apr. 1718, aged 15 ; B.A. 6 Nov. 1721 ; Fellow (Darbie) 14 Oct. ; M.A. 29 Oct. ; died 14 Nov. 1728. "Woodward, George (Devon). Com. c. 12 Apr. 1718. ? Matr. gen. Wadham 9 Jan. 171|, aged 14; rem. 16 Apr. 1740. Alanson, Robert (Lanes.), c. 17 Jan. ; Somerset Sch. 24 Jan. ; matr. cler. 14 Feb. 171* aged 17 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1722 ; grace for M.A. 19 Nov. 1724. Barnes, William (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 21 Mar., aged 16 ; Somerset Sch. 21 Mar. 171f ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1722 ; M.A. 18 May 1725. Burscoe (Burscough), John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 14 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 21 Mar. 171$, aged 20 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1722 ; rem. 22 Mar. 172| ; readm. (? 19 May) 1727 ; died 1773. Dewhurst, James (Lanes.). Batt. c. 13 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 21 Mar. 171$, aged 19 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1722 ; grace for M.A. 19 Nov. 1724 ; rem. 14 Jan. 1730. GARNETT (Garnet), Richard (Lanes.). Batt. c. 12 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 2 Mar. 171*, aged 18 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1722 ; Fellow (Founders) 7 Nov. 1723 ; M.A. 28 May 1725 ; Junior Bursar 2 May 1733, 4-5, 6-7 ; Senior Bursar 1737-8, 9-40; Rector of Middleton Cheney 11 Jan. 17f ; res. Fell. 26 June 1741 ; died 1764. Moss, Samuel (Chesh.). Batt. c. 14 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 21 Mar. 171, aged 18 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1722 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1724. PARKER, James (Lanes.). Com. c. 20 Mar. ; matr. gen. 21 Mar. 171f , aged 17 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1722 ; Fellow (Founders) 13 Nov. 1724 ; M.A. 28 May 1725; Junior Bursar 1737-8, 9-40; Senior Bursar 1738-9; Rector of Stratford, Bow, 21 July 1740 ; allowed to exchange Rectory of Bow with the Rectory of Gt. Rollright 29 Oct. 1740 ; res. Fell. 8 Jan. 1741; died 9 Dec. 1780. BENEF. : Gave 50 to augment Gt. Rollright living 1752. Quat. Mon. iv. Stepney, George (Hants.). Com. c. 1 Mar. ; matr. arm. 12 Mar. 171f, aged 16 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1722 ; M.A. 28 May 1725 ; B.Med. 29 Apr. ; rem. 29 Aug. 1729. 1719 Blagg, Edward (Chesh.). Com. c. 4 Sept. ; matr. gen. 10 Oct. 1719, aged 15 ; grace for B.A. 18 Dec. 1722 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1724. Bradley, Henry (Yorks.). B.A. incorp. 5 Nov. 1719, aged 25 ; M.A. 8 June 1722. Bristowe (Bristow), Duncombe (Middlx.). Com. c. 12 May ; niatr. gen. 17 June 1719, aged 16; rem. 27 Dec. 1721 ; B.A. Magdalen 2 May 1723 ; M.A. 14 Feb. 172 ; B.D. 28 Jan. 1731 ; D.D. 12 July 1736. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. 302 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1719- Burslem, Samuel (Chesh.). Batt. c. 12 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 17 Apr. 1719, aged 18 ; Yate Sch. 2 Dec. 1721 ; B.A. 21 Feb. 172 ; M.A. 5 July ; rem. 12 July 1726. Caverley, Thomas (Middlx.). Com. Matr. gen. 26 Sept. 1719, aged 16 ; c. 23 Jan. 17 ; Mordaunt Sch. 15 Aug. 1721 ; B.A. 13 June 1723; M.A. 16 June 1726; rem. 13 Feb. 172 ; readm. and grace for B.D. and D.D. 30 May 1738. Clarke, Richard (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 12 Oct. 1719, aged 17 ; c. 23 Jan. 17i; B.A. 13 June 1723 ; rem. 17 Feb. 172f. Heyrick, John (Leics.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 12 May 1719, aged 17; subst. for Nowell Sch. 17 Mar. 17J$ ; grace for B.A. 18 Dec. 1722 ; for M.A. 19 Nov. 1724 ; rem. 13 Sept. 1727. Lowe, Paul (Warws.). Batt. Matr. cler. 18 July, aged 19; c. 4 Nov. 1719; ?Milward Sch. 1 Mar. 17i$ ; B.A. 26 Apr. 1723; rem. 24 June 1726. Owen, Charles (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 11 May, aged 17; c. 12 May ; Reed and Ogle Sch. 21 Dec. 1719; B.A. 21 Feb. 172^; Langford Ex. Prestidge, Thomas Kimbel (Northants.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 18 July, aged 16 ; Cartwright Sch. 18 July 1719 ; c. 1 Feb. 17 ; B.A. 13 June 1723 ; M.A. 28 June 1726 ; rem. 29 May (?). Richardson, James (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 12 Oct. 1719 ; c. 16 Jan. 171$ ; B.A. 13 June ; Hulme Ex. ? 1723 ; grace for M.A. 15 Dec. 1725 ; rem! 29 July 1727 ; readm. 10 Feb. 173. Stopford, Joshua (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 13 July 1719, aged 20 ; B.A. 22 Feb. 172i ; rem. 14 Jan. 173?. Warren, Spencer (Oxon.). Com. c. 25 July ; matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1719, aged 17 ; B.C.L, 10 June 1726 ; rem. 21 Dec. 1727. WILBRAHAM, Henry (Chesh.). Com. c. 13 Apr. ; matr. arm. 30 Apr. 1719, aged 17 ; B.A. 23 Jan. 172 2 ; Fellow (Williamson W.) 23 May 1723; M.A. 19 Nov. 1725; Junior Bursar 1738-9; Vice-Principal 1739-40; Senior Bursar 1740-1, 2-3, 4-5; Rector of Great Shefford 22 Feb. 174J ; res. Fell. 6 June ; died 15 Oct. 1747. BENEF. : Gave ,50 which was laid out in furniture for Communion Table 1747. Quat. Mon. iv. Wroe, Thomas (Lanes.), c. Somerset Sch. ; and matr. doct. 12 May 1719, aged 16 ; B.A. 23 Jan. 1723 ; Hulme Ex. 22 July 1723 ; M.A. 25 Nov. 1725. Booth, Humphrey (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 16 Jan. ; matr. arm. 23 Jan. 17g, aged 17 ; rem. 29 Aug. 1721. Darwall, Randle (Ranulph) (Chesh.). Com. c. 1 Feb. ; matr. gen. 11 Mar. 17^8, aged 17; B.A. 12 Oct. 1723; M.A. 28 June; rem. 23 July 1726. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Evans, Bemjamin (Pembs.). Batt. c. 1 Feb. ; matr. cler. 11 Mar. aged 14 ; rem. 8 Feb. 172* ; B.A. Magdalen Hall 16 Mar. 172f . 17i-20] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 303 Johnson, William (Lanes.). Com. c. 1 Feb. 17J ; matr. cler. 9 Apr. 1720, aged 18; Nowell Sch. 4 Feb. 172?-; B.A." 11 Nov. 1723; M.A. 4 July ; rein. 20 Aug. 1726. Lowe, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 1 Feb. ; matr. gen. 11 Mar. 17M, aged 16 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1723 ; M.A. 5 July ; rem. 12 July 1726. High Sheriff Lanes, (c. 1718). Moreton, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 1 Feb. 174*. aged 18; rem. 21 June 1720; B.A. Corpus 31 Oct. 1723; M.A. 23 Feb. 172; B.D. 7 Mar. 1734 ; D.D. 8 Mar. 173f Nicholls, William (Wilts.). Matr. pleb. 26 Feb. 174*, aged 17 ; grace for B.A. 18 Dec. 1723. PARR (Par), James (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 16 Jan. 17|o, aged 18; B.A. 12 Oct. 1723; Fellow (Founders) 26 Jan. 1724; M.A. 13 June 1726; Rector of (W)01d 18 June 1740; res. Fell. 15 July 1741 ; died 15 Apr. 1777. BENEP. : Gave 50 to augment Wold living and bore the expense of enclosing the said living 1761. Quat. Mon. iv. Pierpoint (Pierpont), Edward (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 11 Mar. aged 19; c. 14 Mar. 1720; B.A. 12 Oct. 1723; rem. 14 Dec. 1724. Plumbe, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 16 Jan. m$, aged 17; B.A. 12 Oct. 1723; grace for M.A. 15 Dec. 1725; rem. 14 Jan. 1730. Shaw, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 1 Feb. ; matr. cler. 11 Mar. 17M, aged 17 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1723 ; M.A. 28 June ; rem. 7 Dec. 1726. 1720 Barnett (Burnett), Daniel (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 10 Oct. 1720, aged 19 ; B.A. 5 June 1724 (as Barnett) ; rem. 15 Apr. 1725. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. Bell, Francis (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 5 July 1720, aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 27 Sept. 1723 ; B.A. 5 June 1724 ; grace for M.A. 2 Nov. 1726. Booth, Robert (Lanes.). Com. c. 7 Apr. ; matr. arm. 9 Apr. 1720, aged 16 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1723 ; grace for M.A. 15 Dec. 1725 ; rem. 21 Dec. 1727. Craster, Bertram (Bartram) (Durham). Com. c. Mar. ; matr. gen. 31 Mar. 1720, aged 16 ; B.A. Lincoln 12 Oct. 1723; rem. 15 Jan. 172 Davenport, Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 14 May ; matr. gen. 2 June 1720, aged 15; rem. 5 Mar. 172f Legh (Leigh), Richard (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 6 Aug. 1720, aged 17 ; B.A. 29 Jan. 1724 ; rem. 21 Dec. 1734. Lindley, Pinch (Yorks.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 1 July 1720, aged 19 ; rem. 30 Nov. 1733. BENEF. : Plate 1722. Quat. Mon. v. Maekerness, John (Bucks.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 6 Apr., aged 19; c. 7 Apr, 1720; Cartwright Sch. 2 Dec. 1721; B.A. 12 Oct. 1723; M.A. 11 July; rem. 23 July 1726. Metcalf, John Church (Bucks.). Gen. Com. Matr. cler. 15 Dec., aged 19 ; c. 17 Dec. 1720 ; rein. 21 Dec. 1726. 304 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK [1720-21 Norbury, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. Mar. ; matr. gen. 4 Apr. 1720, aged 19 ; grace for B.A. 18 Dec. 1722 ; rem. 17 Apr. 1728. Roe, William (Derbs.). Batt. c. 14 May ; matr. cler. 2 June 1720, aged 16 ; B.A. 21 Jan. 172|; M.A. 3 July; rem. 21 Dec. 1727. SMITH, Norman (Chesh.). Com. c. Mar. Matr. gen. 4 Apr. 1720, aged 17; B.A. 31 Oct. 1723; Fellow (Founders) 5 Dec. 1724; M.A. 13 June 1726 ; Junior Bursar 1740-1 ; Vice-Principal 1741-2 ; Senior Bursar 1743-4, 5-6; Rector of Cottingham 22 Feb. 174* ; res. Fell. 30 Mar. 1747 ; died 9 July 1768. 172? Alford, Thomas (Som.). Com. Matr. cler. Oriel 23 Jan. 172?, aged 19 ; Claymond Sch. 2 Sept. ; c. 14 Sept. 1721 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1724 ; M.A. 3 July ; rem. 11 July 1728. Backhouse, Leonard (Bucks.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 17 Mar. 172?, aged 17 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1724 ; grace for M.A. 2 Nov. 1726 ; rem. 21 Dec. 1726. Bagshaw, Henry (Derbs.). Batt. c. 8 Mar. 172? ; matr. cler. 28 Mar., aged 18 ; died 19 June 1721. Bowen, Henry (Pembs.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 24 Mar. 172?, aged 18 ; c. 5 May 1721 ; Milward Sch. 8 June 1723 ; grace for B.A. 16 Dec. 1723 ; rem. 21 Dec. 1726. Cartwright, William (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 8 Mar. 172?, aged 16; rem. 10 Dec. 1750 ; cr. D.C.L. 2 July 1759. M.P. Dec. 1754. BENEF. : Gave 40 towards rebuilding the College chimneys 1750. Quat. Mon. iv. Egerton, Rowland (Staffs.). Com. c. 17 Mar. 172?; matr. doct. 4 May 1721, aged 18 ; grace for B.A. 19 Nov. 1724 ; rem. 21 Dec. 1727. Entwistle (Enstwistle), Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. doct. 24 Feb. 172?, aged 17 ; rem. 30 Aug. 1723. Shrigley, William (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 6 Feb. 172?, aged 16; Somerset Sch. 26 June 1722; B.A. 13 Oct. 1724; Hulme Ex. 17 Aug. 1725 ; grace for M.A. 2 Nov. 1726. Wilcoxon, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 25 Feb. 172?, aged 18; Church Sch. 2 Dec. 1721 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1724; grace for M.A. 2 Nov. 1726 ; rem. 14 Jan. 173?. Worrall, Richard (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 23 Feb. 172?, aged 17 ; rem. 5 Mar. 172f . Wright, Francis (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 25 Feb., aged 18; c. 28 Feb. 172? ; B.A. 13 Oct. ; grace for M.A. 2 Nov. 1726 : rem. 14 Aug. 1727. 1721 Aldersey, John (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 6 May 1721, aged 16 ; rem. 28 Aug. 1723. Benison, Joseph (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 15 May 1721, aged 18 ; rem. 31 May 1722. GLEYDHIIiL (Gleydill), John (Yorks.). Matr. gen. Balliol 28 Mar. 1721, aged 18 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1724 ; Fellow (Clifton) 15 Feb. 172 ; M A. 6 June 1729; died Feb. 1741. 1721-|] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 305 Holden, Robert (Lanes.). Coin. Matr. pleb. 28 Mar., aged 16; c. 5 May 1721 ; Nowell Sch. 26 July 1722 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 1724 ; Hulme Ex. 24 Jan. 172$ ; M.A. 1 July 1728 ; rem. 7 Oct. 1729 ; readm. 10 Feb. 173|. Johnson, John. B.C.L. by diploma 13 June 1721 ; D.C.L. 16 June 1726. ? = J. J. who was Dom. Chap, to Caroline Princess of Wales, a preb. of Durham, and who died 14 Oct. 1761. King, Edward (Herefs.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 31 Mar., aged 19; c. 5 May 1721 ; rem. Dec. 1806 (in us. Vas arg.) BENEF. : Plate 1728. Quat. Mon. v. Landon, John (Herefs.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 31 Mar. ; c. 5 1721, aged 20 ; rem. 7 Mar. 172; B.A. Christ Church 10 May 1725. Legh, Fleetwood (Middlx.). Com. Matr. gen. 25 May 1721, aged 17 ; c. 7 May 1722 ; rem. 6 Mar. 172jj. Legh, Richard (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. gen. 15 May 1721. aged 19; Yate Sch. 26 June 1722; B.A. 29 Jan. 1724; rem. 18 Nov! 1726. Lowndes, Richard (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 19 June 1721, aged 18; grace for B.A. 19 Nov. 1724; rem. 26 Apr. 1725. Orrett (Orrell, Orrit), Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 13 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 14 Oct. 1721, aged 19; B.A. 18 Feb. 172$; Hulme Ex. 30 June 1726; M.A. 11 July; rem. 26 July 1731. POLLEY, George (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 14 July 1721, aged 18; B.A. 4 May 1725; rem. 10 Dec. 1726; readm. Oct.; Fellow (Founders) 17 Nov.; rem. 10 Dec. 1727; M.A.7 May 1728; died 12 Mar. 174$. Sorton (Sorten), Charles (Salop). Batt. Matr. cler. 31 Mar., aged 20; c. 5 May 1721 ; rem. 22 Jan. 172*. Swettenham (Swetenham), Peter (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 31 Mar., aged 18 ; c. 5 May 1721 ; grace for B.A. 16 Dec. 1723 ; rem. 15 Jan. 172f Tatton, William (Chesh.). Com. c. 12 Aug. ; matr. arm. 24 Nov. 1721, aged 18; rem. 2 Jan. 172f. Twyforde (Twyford), Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 23 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 26 Oct. 1721 ; B.A. 28 May 1725 ; rem. 14 Jan. 173. Watson, John (Oxon.). Matr. gen. 8 Oct. 1721, aged 16 ; c. 17 Mar. 172* ; Walker and Radcliffe Sch. 26 July 1722 ; B.A. 28 May 1725 ; grace for M.A. 9 July 1727. Ashton, Hugh (Lance.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 8 Feb. aged 18; rem. 21 Jan. 172if. Bold, Peter (Lanes. \ Gen. Com. Matr. ann. 2 Feb., aged 16; c. 3 Feb. 172* ; rem. 24 Feb. 172f . M.P. Wigan 1727, Lancaster 1736, died 12 Sept. 1762. Clayton, Richard (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 8 Feb. 172, aged 18; grace for B.A. 19 Nov. 1724 ; rem. 28 May 1725. K.C. ; Recorder of Wigan ; M.P. 1747 ; Chief Justice of Common Pleas, Ireland, 1765 ; died 8 July 1770. 306 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [172-2 Docksey, Thomas (Derbs.). Gen. Com. c. 5 Feb. ; matr. arm. 6 Feb. 172, aged 17; rem. 28 Dec. 1725. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. Edwards, Thomas (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 5 Feb. ; matr. arm. 6 Feb. 172, aged 18; rem. 26 July 1738. Lever, James Darcy (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 5 Feb. ; matr. arm. 6 Feb. 172|, aged 17 ; cr. D.C.L. 11 July 1733; rem. 21 Dec. 1734. High Sheriff of Lanes. 1736; knighted 26 Jan. 173f ; died 1742. BENEF. : Gave 50 towards marble altar piece in chapel 1733. Quat. Mon. iv. Marsh, William (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 21 Feb. 172, aged 18 ; Reed andOgle Sch. 23 May 1723 ; B.A. 24 May 1726. Bead, Joseph (Oxon.). Matr. cler. Magdalen Hall 17 Mar. 172-1, aged 16 ; c. 22 Mar. 172f ; B.A. 3 Dec. 1725 ; grace for M.A. 9 July 1727; rem. 9 Aug. 1736; ? = Reade, Joseph (Gloucs.)., adm. Claymond Sch. 22 Mar. 172. Yates, John (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. cler. 14 Mar., aged 19 ; c. 17 Mar. 172; rem. 17 Aug. 1724. 1722 Beighton, William. Matr. pleb. 24 Nov. 1722, aged 18 ; B.A. 10 June 1726. Chadwick, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. pleb. 13 Apr. 1722, aged 18 ; rem. 16 Feb. ; B.A. Magdalen Hall 22 Feb. 172$. Church, Thomas (Wilts.). Somerset Sch. 26 June ; matr. pleb. 3 July 1722, aged 18; B.A. 22 Apr. 1726; M.A. 10 July 1731 ; D.D. by diploma 23 Feb. im. Preb. of St. Paul's 1744; died 23 Dec. 1756. WORKS : -\-Remarks on the Eev. Mr. John Wesley's Occasional Sermons. Last Journal, 1745. An Essay towards vindicating the literal -^A Vindication of the Miraculous Powers sense of the Demoniacks in the New which subsisted in the three first Cen- Testament. 1737 (Anon.). turies of the Christian Church, in A Short State of the Controversy about answer to Dr. Middleton's Free En- the meaning of the Demoniacks in the <7wn/, 1750. New Testament, 1739 (Anon.). ^Sermon, 1750. ^An explanation and defence of the ^Sermon, 1751. Church of England, 1739. Sermon, 1752. A Serious and Expostulatory Letter to An Analysis of the Philosophical Works the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, on the of the late Lord Viscount Bolingbroke, occasion of his late Letter to the 1755 (Anon.). Bishop of London and other Bishops, Preface to W. Reay's Sermons, 1755. 1744. Sermon, 1756; Sermon, 1768. Rawl. J. Ath. Oxon. ; D.N.B. Currer, John (Yorks.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 7 May 1722, aged 18 ; B.A. 18 Feb. 172$; grace for M.A. 9 July 1727; rem. 6 Sept. 1729. Matthews, Tobias (Leics.). Batt. c. 7 May 1722. Matr. cler. 11 Jan. 172$, aged 17; B.A. 13 Oct. 1726; grace for M.A. 9 Feb. 172f ; rem. 19 Jan. 1729. Orton, George (Sussex). Matr. cler. 2 Oct. 1722, aged 16 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 20 May 1723 ; grace for B.A. 15 Dec. 1725, for B.C.L. 14 Sept. 1730. 1722-3] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 307 Poulson, George (Yorks.). Cora. c. 7 May ; matr. gen. 10 Oct. 1722, aged 18 ; rem. 20 Dec. 1727. Simpson, Robert. Cook ; will proved at Oxford 1722. Swaine (Swain), John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 7 May ; matr. pleb. 9 May 1722, aged 18; Yate Sch. 13 Nov. 1724; B.A. 1 Mar. 1724; rem. 21 Dec. 1726 ; grace for M.A. 1 July 1727. TRAHERN (Traherne), Edward (Herefs.). Matr. cler. 26 June, aged 17; Somerset Sch. 26 June 1722; B.A. 22 Apr. 1726; Fellow (Porter) 15 Feb. 172f ; M.A. 26 Mar. 1729; Proctor 22 Feb. 173; pre- sented to Rectory of Selham 24 Jan. 17f; Vice-Principal 1740-1, 3-4; Kirtlington Lect. 8 Feb. 174; junior Bursar 1742-3, 5-6; Rector of St. Mary, White Chappie, 22 Feb. 174f ; grace for B.D. and D.D. 16 Apr. 1746 ; res. Fell. 24 May 1747. 172| BROOKBANK, John (Lanes.). Matr. cler. 14 Mar. 172, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 20 May 1723; B.A. 14 Feb. 172f ; Hulme Ex. 13 June 1727 ; Fellow (Founders) 6 July ; M.A. 10 July 1731 ; Junior Bursar 1741-2; Rector of Stepney 30 Oct. 1742; res. Fell. 14 Dec. 1743; presented to Rectory of Bethnal Green 1746; died 1748. Chapman, Robert (Bucks.). Com. Matr. gen. 23 Feb. 172, aged 17 ; c. 5 Nov. 1723 ; B.A. 4 Nov. 1726 ; rem. 26 Dec. 1728 ; readm. 17 Apr. ; M.A. 9 June 1738. Farington (Farrington), William (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 11 Feb. 172, aged 18; B.A. 25 Oct. 1726; rem. 2 Mar. 17|#; M.A. 26 Nov. 1766; B.D. 5 Dec. 1766 ; died 1767. Glegg, William (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 9 Mar. ; matr. arm. 9 Mar. 172|, aged 18 ; rem. 30 Mar. 1755. Green, Edward (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 20 Feb. 172$, aged 17 ; rem. 5 May 1749. BENEF. : Plate 1722. Quat. Mon. v. 1723 Bankes, James (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 25 Nov., aged 20; c. 27 Nov. 1723 ; B.A. 3 June 1727; rem. 17 Aug. 1728. Bennett (Bennet), Christopher (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 24 Apr. 1723, aged 20; rem. 12 July 1725. Croker, James (Kent). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 3 June 1723, aged 17 ; B.A. 18 Apr. 1727 ; grace for M.A.9 Feb. 172|; rem. 29 Aug. 1729. Leigh, William ?. Matr. pleb. 27 Aug., aged 15; Henley and Stoddard Sch. 31 Aug. 1723; B.A. 27 Feb. 172. BEXEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Lenthal. William (Oxon.). Gen. Com. Matr. gen. 6 Apr., aged 17; c. 24 Apr. 1723 ; rem. 21 Dec. 1724. ? High Sheriff, Oxon. ; died 1781. Benefactor. Quat. Mon. iv. X 2 308 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE [1723-4 Mil ward, Thomas (Notts.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 20 May 1723, aged 17; B.A. 14 Feb. 172$; rem. 21 Dec. 1729; grace for M.A. 9 Feb. 172f. Napier, Wyndham (Dorset). Gen. Com. c. 11 Oct. ; matr. bart. f. 12 Oct. 1723, aged 18; B.A. 3 June 1727; rem. 26 Feb. 172J. Beading, Thomas (Lines.). Batt. Claymond Sch. 29 Aug. ; c. and matr. cler. 31 Aug. 1723; B.A. 8 June 1727 ; rem. 17 Mar. 172$. Whalley, James (Lanes.). Com. c. and inatr. gen. 25 Mar. 1723, aged 18 ; rem. 2 Mar. 172f . Bencher of Middle Temple 1760 ; died 20 Feb. 1780. 172f Colly (Colley, Coley), Hugh (Chesb.). Com. Matr. gen. Christ Church 17 Mar. 172, aged 19 ; c. 4 Mar. 172*; rem. Feb. 173?; M.A. St. Alban Hall 11 July 1740. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. HenshaU, Ralph (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 9 Mar., aged 20; c. 22 Mar. 172| ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1727; rem. 14 Mar. 172. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Huxley, John (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 9 Mar., aged 18 ; Church Sch. 19 Mar. ; c. 22 Mar. 172f ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1727; rem. 20 Jan. 17f. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Poulter, Thomas (Bucks.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 24 Mar. 172f, aged 17 \ c. 26 Mar. 1724; B.A. 17 Oct. 1727; rem. 15 June 1728. Wainwright, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 17 Feb. ; matr. gen. 21 Feb. 172f, aged 18 ; B.A. 19 Oct. 1727; grace for M.A. 25 Nov. 1729 ; renu 29 Mar. 1730. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. 1724 Adams, James (Chesh.). Com. c. 12 Dec. 1724 ; matr. gen. 25 Feb. 1724, aged 17 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1728 ; M.A. 18 June 1731 ; rem. 14 Mar. 173. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Arrowsmith, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 26 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 28 Mar, 1724, aged 17; B.A. 1 July 1728; Hulme Ex. 4 Feb. 172|; ? = dna, Arrowsmith, Master of Charlbury School 19 Dec. 1731. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Bolton, Edmund (Suffolk). Com. c. 1 1 Apr. ; matr. gen. 15 Apr. 1724, aged 17 ; rem. 11 July 1726. Bromwick (Bromwicke), John (Berks.). Batt. c. 2 Dec. 1724; matr. cler. 20 Mar. 1724,, aged 19 ; B.A. 6 June ; rem. 16 Dec. 1729. Chaplain 38th Regiment and forty years Vicar of Patshull, Staffs. ; died 1803. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. 1724] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 309 Chute, Robert (Devon). Com. c. 18 Nov. ; matr. gen. 19 Nov. 1724. aged 18; B.A. 1 July 1728; M.A. 2 July ; rem. 19 Dec. 1731. BENEF.: Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Cowper (Cooper), Peter (Chesh.). Yate Sch. 16 Julv ; matr. cler. 18 July 1724, aged 18; B.A. 7 May 1728; M.A. Cambridge 1733; died 24 Oct. 1782. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Dalby, Richard (Oxon.). Com. Matr. cler. Hart Hall 18 May, aged 15; Cartwright Sch. 8 Dec. ; c. 12 Dec. 1724; B.A. 23 Jan. 1721; grace for M.A. 25 Nov. ; rem. 20 Dec. 1729. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Dawson, Henry (Lanes.). Batt. c. 12 Dec. 1724; matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 172 aged 23 ; rem. 10 Nov. 1725. Denton, Alexander (Chesh.). Com. Matr. pleb. 4 Nov., aged 18 ; c. 12 Dec. 1724; B.A. 1 July 1728 ; grace for M.A. 25 Nov. 1729; rem. 2 July 1730. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. EATON, John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 13 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 11 May 1724, aged 18; B.A. 8 Mar. 172; Fellow (Founders) 27 May 1728; M.A. 12 Oct. 1730; Senior Bursar 1741-2; Vice-Principal 1742-3; Junior Bursar 1744-5; grace for B.D. and D.D. 28 Jan.; Rector of Steeple Aston 22 Feb. 174f ; res. Fell. 6 May 1746; died 28 Feb. 1761. Evanson, John (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 28 Mar., aged 21 ; c. 30 Mar. 1724 ; B.A. 19 Oct. 1727 ; rem. 15 Mar. 172. Frodsham, Robert (Chesh.). Com. c. 12 Dec. 1724; matr. gen. 15 Mar. 172f, aged 17 ; grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1728; rem. 19 Dec. 1730; rep. 12 Mar. 173 ; B.C.L. 2 July; rem. 19 Dec. 1731. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Gorges, Richard (Radnor.). Gen. Com. c. 12 Dec. 1724 ; matr. arm. 20 Mar. 172$, aged 17; rem. 23 May 1727. BENEF. : Plate 1726. Quat. Mon. v. Hodges, John (Herefs.). Batt. c. 17 June ; matr. pleb. 6 July 1724, aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 15 Sept. 1725 ; B.A. 24 May 1728; rem. 1 Dec. 1728. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. JENNER, Charles (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 27 Mar. 1724, aged 17 ; B.A. 19 Oct. 1727 ; Fellow (Darbie) 25 Nov. 1728 ; M.A. 30 May 1730 ; res. Fell. 1735 ; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Compdr.) 28 Feb. 174f. Preb. of Lincoln ; Archdeacon of Huntingdon 1757 ; Chaplain to George II ; died 2 Feb. 1770. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Lawson, Richard (Lanes.). Batt. c. 16 May ; matr. pleb. 21 May 1724, aged 18 ; B.A. 27 Feb. 172| ; rem. 24 Dec. 1728. 310 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1724- Palmer, Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 28 Mar. 1724 ; Reed and Ogle Sch. 19 May ; B.A. 24 Oct. 1727. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Radclyffe, Robert (Lanes.). Com. c. 26 June ; matr. arm. 27 June 1724, aged 16 ; grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1728. BENEF. : Plate 1727, 1756. Quat. Mon. v. Richmond, Silvester (Sylvester) (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 28 Mar., aged 17 ; c. 31 Mar. 1724 ; Nowell Sch. 2 July 1725 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1727 ; Hulme Ex. 13 Oct. 1728 ; died 23 June 1729. BEKEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. St. John, Henry (Northants.). Gen. Com. c. 26 May ; matr. bart. f. 12 June 1724, aged 17 ; rem. 15 Nov. 1755. BENEF. : Plate 1724. Quat. Mon. v. Shakerley, Geoffrey (Denbs.). Gen. Com. c. 19 May ; matr. arm. 20 May 1724, aged 17 ; rem. 20 Dec. 1735. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Temple, "William (Surrey). Gen. Com. c. 18 Nov. ; matr. arm. 19 Nov. 1724, aged 19 ; rem. 10 May 1726. BENEF. : Plate 1726. Quat. Mon. v. Tuite, Henry (Ireland). Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 2 Oct., aged 16 - r c. 7 Nov. 1724; rem. 10 June 1728; died Apr. 1765. Sixth Bart. BENEF. : Plate 1728. Quat. Mon. v. Welton, Richard (London). Matr. doct. 3 June 1724, aged 16 ; Mordaunt Sch. 29 June 1726 ; B.A. 24 May 1728 ; M.A. St. Alban Hall 14 Apr. 1739. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Yate, Samuel (Northants.). Batt. c. 15 Nov. ; matr. gen. 16 Nov. 1724, aged 18 ; Yate Sch. 18 Nov. 1725 ; B.A. 1 July 1728 ; M.A. 19 June 1732 ; rem. 15 Dec. 1732. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. 172! Holme, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. Oriel 2 Mar. 172i, aged 17 ; c. 10 Oct. ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1728 ; M.A. 2 July; rem. 8 July 1731 ; B.D. and D.D. 5 July 1751. Palmer, Nicolas (Nicholas) (Devon). Com. Matr. pleb. Exeter 20 Mar. 1724, aged 18 ; c. 20 Sept. ; rem. 15 Oct. ; B.A. Exeter 16 Apr. 1729. 1725-|] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 311 1725 BOWDLER, James (Herefs.)- Com. c. and matr. gen. 17 July 1725, aged 17 ; Iver Sch. 18 Nov. 1725 ; B.A. 22 May 1729 ; Fellow (Frankland) 14 Dec. 1730; M.A. 1 Apr. 1732; Junior Bursar 1743-4; died at Rodborough 1745. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Clayton, John (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 17 July, aged 15; Iver Sch. 19 Aug. 1725 ; B.A. 16 Apr. ; Hulme Ex. 23 June 1729; M.A. 8 June 1732 ; died 25 Sept. 1773. A Methodist, then High Church and Jacobean. BENEF. : Plate 1727. WORKS : The Necessity of duly executing the laws Anacreontis et Sapphonis Carmina, cum against immorality and profaneness, virorum doctorum notis et emenda- 1736. tionibus, 1754. \-Mancfiester vindicated, 1749. -^Friendly Advice to the Poor, 1755. D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. v. Farncombe (Farncomb), John (Sussex). Com. c. and matr. gen. 10 May 1725, aged 16; rem. 11 Nov. 1728. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Harpur, Henry (Derbs.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. bart. f. 10 May 1725, aged 16 ; rem. 21 Dec. 1733. M.P. Worcester 1744; Tamworth 1747 ; 5th Bart. Quat. Mon. v. Hort, Robert (Wilts.). Somerset Sch. 21 July ; matr. pleb. 18 Nov. 1725, aged 16 ; B.A. 18 June 1729 ; grace for M.A. 12 Oct. 1731. ? = R.H., LL.D., Canon of Windsor 1762 ; died Dec. 1773. , BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Legh, Peter (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 2 July 1725, aged 16 ; B.A. All Souls 27 June 1735. M.P. Newton, Lanes. 1743. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. JACKSON, Samuel (Chesh.). Com. c. 21 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 25 Feb. 172f, aged 17; Cartwright Sch. 12 Sept. 1728; B.A. 14 Oct. 1729; Fellow (Founders) 14 Dec. 1730 ; M.A. 8 June 1732 ; Rector of Stysted, Essex, 10 Oct. ; res. Fell. 17 Oct. 1742 ; died 1792. BENEF. : Plate 1727, and bequeathed money for an annual com- memoration 1792. Quat. Mon. iv, v. Wrench, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 3 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 9 Mar. 172, aged 17; B.A. 17 Dec. 1729; M.A. 6 July; rem. 28 Nov. 1732. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. 312 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1726 1726 Clough (Cloughs), Hugh (Flints.). Com. c. 16 May ; matr. 21 May 1726, aged 17 ; rem. 13 Nov. 1727. High Sheriff. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Oilman, Henry (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 24 May, aged 18 ; c. 9 June 1726 ; ? B.A. Merton 13 May 1728 ; rem. 11 June 1729. BENEF.: Plate 1727. " ' Quat. Mon. v. Hyde, George (Yorks. or Chesh.). Batt. Matr. cler. 24 May, aged 19 ; c. 9 June 1726 ; grace for B.A. 25 Nov. 1729. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Nutter (Nuttar), Ellis (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 31 Mar., aged 18 ; c. 10 May ; Nowell Sch. 25 July 1726 ; grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1728 ; rem. 19 Dec. 1730. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Orret (Orrett), Henry (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 2 May, aged 18 ; c. 10 May 1726; B.A. 6 Feb. 17 ; Hulme Ex. 19 Feb. 173? ; M.A. 21 June 1733; rem. 23 July 1739. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Richardson, Richard (Yorks.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 16 Aug., aged 17 ; c. 16 Aug. 1726 ; rem. 10 May 1731. BENEF. : Plate 1730. Quat. Mon. v. Smith, John (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 26 May, aged 20 ; c. 9 June 1726 ; rem. 8 Mar. 172f ; grace for B.A. 25 Nov. 1729. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Wetenhall (Wettenhall), Edward (Chesh.). Corn. c. 10 May ; matr. arm. 25 May 1726, aged 18; grace for B.A. 25 Nov. 1729; rem. 25 Sept. 1731. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. "Wetenhall (Wettenhall), Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 10 May ; matr. arm. 21 May, aged 17 ; Cartwright Sch. 28 July 1726 ; B.A. 20 Jan. 17g ; grace for M.A. 12 Oct. 1731 ; rem. 17 Feb. 1732. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Winder, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 29 Apr., aged 19 ; c. 10 May 1726 ; rem. 20 Dec. 1729 ; B.A. St. Edmund Hall 4 Dec. 1730. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Wrighte, Nathan (E. Indies). Com. Matr. gen. 30 Mar., aged 18 ; c. 9 June 1726 ; grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1728 ; rem. 17 Mar. 172f . BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. 172f] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 313 172? Belshaw, Barker (Notts.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 28 Feb. 172?, aged 19 ; rem. 18 Dec. 1728. BENEP. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Bostock, John (Lanes, or Chesh.). Batt. c. 20 Feb. ; inatr. pleb. 28 Feb. 172f, aged 16; Com. 12 May 1727; Church Sch. 28 Oct. 1728; B.A. 12 Oct. 1730; rem. 1 Jan. 173f ; rep. 29 Mar. 1737; M.A. 9 June; rem. 13 July 1738; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Compdr.) 1 July 1761; died 1786. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Clayton, John (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. gen. 24 Mar. 172?, aged 19 ; c. 10 May 1727 ; Hulme Ex. 23 June ; ? Nowell Sch. 29 Aug. 1729 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1730 ; grace for M.A. 7 Nov. 1732 ; rem. 19 Oct. 1750. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Gould, Moses (Staffs.). Com. Matr. gen. 10 Mar. 172f, aged 18; c. 10 May 1727; B.A. 13 Nov. 1730; rem. 8 May 1731. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Greenwood, John (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 24 Mar. 1724, aged 18 ; c. 10 May 1727 ; Newell Sch. 17 Aug. 1728; rem. 5 Aug. 1731.' BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Jones, Benjamin (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 16 Feb. 172?, aged 18; grace for B.A. 25 Nov. 1729 ; rem. 16 Dec. 1732. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Mawdesley, Thomas (Lanes.). Corn. c. 13 Feb. ; matr. gen. 18 Feb. 172?, aged 17; B.A. 12 Oct. 1730; grace for M.A. 7 Nov. 1732; rem. 28 May 1734. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Randolph, Benjamin (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 23 Mar. 1724, aged 17 ; ? = Randolph, Richard, 1727, q.v. Shaw, Charles (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 10 Mar. 172?, aged 17 ; c. 10 May 1727; B.A. 27 Nov. 1730; rem. 8 May 1731. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Smith, James (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. pleb. 9 Feb. 1722, aged 17 ; ? Nowell Sch. 29 Aug. 1729 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1730 ; Hulme Ex. 4 Feb. 173| ; M.A. 7 June 1733 ; rem. 11 Oct. 1734. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Stead, Samuel (Lanes.). Com. c. 24 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 28 Feb. 172?, aged 17 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1730; M.A. 5 July; rem. 14 July 1733; grace for B.D. and D.D. 2 Nov. 1744; died 1749. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. 314 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [172f-| Thyer, Robert (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 27 Jan., aged 17 ; c. 6 Feb. 172? ; Somerset Sch. 17 Aug. 1728 ; B.A. 12 Oct. 1730. BENEF. : Plate 1727. WORK : -^The Genuine Remains in Verse and Prose of Samuel Butkr, 1759 (MSS.). D.N.B. ; Quat, Mon. v. 1727 Alcoek, John (Bucks.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 18 May, aged 17; B.A. 11 Mar. 173$ ; grace for M.A. 7 Nov. 1732 ; rem. 30 Nov. 1733. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Hest, Richard (Lanes.). Batt. c. 10 May; matr. pleb. 13 May 1727, aged 17 ; grace for B.A. 25 Nov. ; rem. 20 Dec. 1729 ; readm. 23 Apr. 1730. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Johnson, Ralph (Durham). Gen. Com. c. 13 May ; matr. doct. 15 May 1727, aged 18 ; rep. 8 Dec. 1730 ; B.A. 22 May 1731 ; rem. 3 Jan. 173i. Randolph, Richard (Herefs.). Com. c. 10 May 1727 ; rem. 6 Sept. 1729; ? = Randolph died 11 Dec. 1728; ? = Randolph, Benjamin, 1725, q.v. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Venables, Peter (Staffs.). Batt. c. 18 May ; matr. pleb. 9 June 1727, aged 15 ; B.A. 29 Apr. 1731 ; rem. 14 Jan. 173J. BENEF. : Plate 1727. Quat. Mon. v. Alcock, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 23 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 1 Mar. 172, aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 28 Oct. 1728 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1731 j rem. 21 Feb. 173f ; M.A. 30 May 1740 (? 1741 Al. Ox.). BENEF. : Plate 1734. WORKS : The law not made for a righteous man, ^A sermon on tlie late earthquakes, more 1754. particularly that at Lisbon, 1756. ^Tfie nature and obligation of oaths, An apology for Esau, 1791. 1755. D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. v. DAVIE, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 8 Mar. ; matr. cler. 22 Mar. 172| r aged 16 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1731 ; Fellow (Founders) 6 Feb. 173 ; M.A. 4 July 1734; Vice-Principal 1745-6; Junior Bursar 1746-7; Senior Bursar 1748-50 ; Rector of Selham 17 Apr. 1749 ; Rector of St. Mary's, White- chapel, 21 Dec. 1749 ; res. Fell. 2 Apr. 1751 ; died 9 Aug. 1756. BENEF. : Plate 1734, and JE50 for use of college 1751. Quat. Mon. iv, v. Russell, Ratcliffe (Radclyffe) (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 8 Mar. 172i, aged 17; rem. 22 Dec. 1729; rep. 16 Mar. 17j ; rem. 10 Apr. 1731. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. T. 1721-8] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 315 Williamson, Samuel (Lanes.). Batt. c. 2 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 8 Mar. 1121. aged 17 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1731 ; Hulme Ex. 3 June 1732 : M.A. 9 June ; rem. 23 Oct. 1735. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Moii. v. Yate, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 4 Mar. ; matr. cler. 5 Mar. 172, aged 15 ; Yate Sch. 27 Nov. ; grace for B.A. 8 Dec. 1730 ; rem. 21 June 1731. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 1728 Barnett, James (Chesh.). Batt. c.and matr. cler. 10 Oct. 1728, aged 18 ; Cartwright Sch. 31 Dec. 1730; B.A. 18 June 1732; rem. 14 Feb. 173. BENEF.: Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Cocks, William (Oxon.). Com. c. and matr. bart. f. 27 May, aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. 28 July 1728 ; B.A. 14 Feb. 173 ; rem. 28 Nov. 1734. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Dickson (Dixon), Edward (Lanes.). Batt. c. 12 July ; matr. pleb. 13 July, aged 20 ; ? subst. for Nowell Sch. 21 Dec. 1728 ; grace for B.A. 27 Oct. ; rem. 22 Dec. 1732. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Dummer, Thomas Lee (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 11 Apr. 1728, aged 15 ; grace for B.A. 8 Dec. 1730 ; cr. M.A. 28 May 1731. BENEF. : Gave the brass eagle to the chapel 1731. Quat. Mon. iv. Button, Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 31 May ; matr. pleb. 3 June 1728, aged 19 ; B.A. 27 Mar. ; rem. 22 Dec. 1732. BENEF.: Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Giffard, Thomas (Wilts.). Com. Matr. cler. 3 Apr., aged 18; c. and Somerset Sch. 28 Oct. 1728 ; B.A, 29 Nov. 1731 ; ? M.A. St. Mary Hall 14 July 1753. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Gorges, Hamilton (Ireland). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 14 June, aged 16 ; c. 12 July 1728 ; cr. M.A. 19 Sept. 1732 ; rem. 13 Apr. 1733. M.P. Coleraine 1757, Swords 1761. BENEF. : Plate 1732. Quat. Mon. v. Harpur, John (Edward) (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. 12 July : matr. bart. f. 9 Aug. 1728, aged 17; rem. 21 Dec. 1733 Lane, John Bell (Ireland). Com. c. 14 Dec. : matr. arm. 16 Dec. 1728, aged 18 ; rem. 17 Nov. 1731. BENEF.: Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 316 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1728-f Marlow, Michael (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 9 Apr. 1728, aged 16; B.A. 13 Oct. 1781; rem. 20 Apr 1732; M.A. Christ's, Cam- bridge, 1740; died 1795. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Shakerley, Peter (Denbs.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 16 May 1728, aged 16; B.A. 21 Jan. 173; rem. 13 Sept. 1732. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Shaw, Brian (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 8 July 1728, aged 16; c. 17 Mar. 172f ; B.A. 26 Apr. ; grace for M.A. 7 Nov. ; rem. 15 Dec. 1732. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Shuttleworth, Digby (Dorset). Matr. cler. Exeter 10 July 1728, aged 17 ; B.A. Brasenose 1732 ; died 1789. SYMPSON, John (Lines.). Matr. pleb. Lincoln 6 June 1728, aged 18 ; B.A. 1731 ; Fellow (Darbie) 23 Nov. 1739 contrary to the ruling of the Visitor and therefore pronounced by the Principal to be inadmissible. The Visitor maintained his decision on appeal. Thomas, Theophilus (Mon.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 6 June, aged 17 ; c. 12 July 1728; B.A. 29 Feb. 173J; grace for M.A. 25 Oct. 1734; rem. 21 Feb. 173f. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Tonkes, Nehemiah (Warws.). Com. c. 13 Oct. ; Milward Sch. 23 Oct.; matr. pleb. 7 Nov. 1728, aged 18; B.A. 8 June 1732; rem. 31 May 1734 ; readm. 28 June ; M.A. 7 July 1738. Quat. Mon. v. Turner, Daniel (Staffs.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 8 Apr. 1728, aged 19 ; B.A. 20 Oct. 1731 ; grace for M.A. 14 Dec. 1733; rem. 28 Nov. 1734. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Warren, Langhornf Middlx. or Kent). Com. c. and matr. doct. 11 Apr. 1728, aged 17; rem. 17 Nov. 1731 ; readm. 25 June ; B.A. 3 July 1735. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 172f Baddeley (Baddely), John (Salop). Com. c. 1 Mar. ; matr. gen. 20 Mar. 172f , aged 16 ; B.A. 7 Mar. 173 ; rem. 15 Dec. 1733 ; grace for M.A. 25 Oct. 1734. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Bedford, Arthur (Som.) Com. c. 19 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 172f , aged 18 ; B.A. 7 Mar. 173 ; rem. 2 July 1734. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Holme, John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 24 Mar. 172&, aged 17; c. 31 May 1729; Somerset Sch. 12 July 1731 ; B.A. 11 Oct.; Hulme Ex. 25 Nov. 1732 ; M.A. 9 June 1735. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 172|-9] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 317 Mayo, Charles (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 3 Mar. 172, aged 13; B.A. 11 Oct. 1732 ; M.A. 7 July 1744 ; ? Philpottine Ex. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Mercer, William (Lanes.). Cora. Matr. cler. 24 Mar. 172$, aged 17 ; c. 6 Oct. 1729; Iver Sch. 24 May 1730; B.A. 11 Oct. 1732. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Row-bottom (Robotham), Robert (Lanes.). Batt. c. 17 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 20 Mar. 172f, aged 19 ; B.A. 26 Feb. ; rem. 12 Mar. 173?. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Scholes, James (Lanes.). Com. c. 14 Mar. ; matr. cler. 20 Mar. 172, aged 17 ; Iver Sch. 24 May 1730 ; rem. 25 June 1730. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Smith, Randle (Ranulph) (Chesh.). Com. c. 8 Mar. 172f ; matr. gen. 6 June 1729, aged 18; B.A. 14 Feb. 173*-; grace for M.A. 14 Dec. 1733 ; rem. 8 Mar. 173f . BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 1729 Bird, Samuel (Herefs.). Batt. c. 14 June ; matr. pleb. 17 June 1729, aged 19 ; rem. 19 Mar. 173^ ; B.A. Magdalen 25 June 1731. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Brodhurst, William (Salop). Batt, Matr. pleb. 28 Mar., aged 18 \ c. 29 Aug. 1729 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1732 ; grace for M.A. 25 Oct. 1734 ; rem. 8 Nov. 1735. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Duckworth, Henry (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. cler. 16 May 1729, aged 16 ; Henley and Stoddard Sch. 20 Feb. ; c. 27 Feb. 17 ; B.A. 19 Jan. 173 ; Hulme Ex. 19 Feb. 173f ; grace for M.A. 25 Oct. 1734 ; rem. 29 May 1740 ; M.A. Cambridge 1755. Father of Admiral Sir John Duckworth. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. FORSTER, Richard (Lanes.). Batt. B.A. All Souls 19 July 1729 ; c. 14 Oct. 1730 ; Fellow (Founders) 14 Feb. 173 ; M.A. 3 May 1732 ; Vice-Principal 1744-5 ; Senior Bursar 1746-8 ; Rector of West ShefFord 21 Dec. 1747; res. Fell. 15 Apr. 1749; died 4 Nov. 1766. Harcourt, Richard (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. 2 June; matr. arm. 6 June 1729, aged 15 ; grace for B.A. 7 Nov. 1732; rem. 21 Dec. 1733. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Hodges, Henry (Yorks.). Gen. Com. c. 14 June; matr. arm. 2 Sept, 1729, aged 19 ; rem. 17 Feb. 173?. 318 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER Hyde, Thomas (Middlx.). Com. Matr. gen. 28 Mar., aged 18; c. 29 Aug. 1729 ; B.A. 30 Oct. 1732 ; M.A. 9 June 1735 ; rem. 10 Dec. 1741. BEKEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Ing, Theodore William (Staffs.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 22 May, aged 18; c. 27 May 1729; rem. 20 Dec. 1735. High Sheriff, Stafford, 1738. Leech, Joseph (Yorks.). Batt. Matr. cler. 22 May, aged 18; e. 29 Aug. 1729; rem. 30 Dec. 1730; B.A. Lincoln 26 Feb. 173^. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Lutwiehe (Lutwyche), William (London). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Sept. ; c. 3 Sept. 1729 ; rem. 10 Dec. 1731. BENEF. : Plate 1731. Quat. Mon. v. Norris, Samuel (Lanes.). Batt. c. 14 Nov. ; matr. pleb. 21 Nov. 1729, aged 18 ; B.A. 21 June 1733; rem. 28 May 1734. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Skyrm (Skirm), Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. 22 May 1729, aged 16 ; Somerset Sch. 21 Feb. ; B.A. 7 Mar. 173* ; readm. 9 Feb. 1732 ; M.A. 7 July 1738. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 1720 30 Hargreaves, George (Lanes.). Batt. c. 3 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 10 Mar. 17g, aged 18; Nowell Sch. 7 June 1732; B.A. 19 Oct. 1733; rem. 22 Apr. 1735. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Hornby, James (Middlx.). Com. c. 12 Feb. ; matr. gen. 13 Feb- I 7 ltj, aged 16; Nowell Sch. 7 Mar. 173-; rem. 14 Dec. 1731. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Jones, Roger (Chesh.). Matr. cler. 21 Mar. 17J& aged 18; B.A. 2 July 1734. Patten, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 6 Feb., aged 16 ; c. 12 Feb. 173* ; rem. 25 June 1731 ; B.A. Corpus 15 Nov. 1733 ; M.A. 17 Feb. 173? ; B.D. 10 Apr. 1744; D.D. 17 July 1754; readm. 8 Feb. 1760. BENEF. : Plate 1734. WORKS : .J<:sus Christ and what is called the The Christian Apology, 1755. Beligi on of Nature, 1759. St. Peter's Christian Apology, 1756. King Darid vindicated from a late Mis- The Sufficiency of the External Evidence representation of his Character, 1762. farther supplied against the Reply A Letter to Lord North concerning Sw&- ofthe Rev. Mr. Heathcote, 1756. script ion to the XX XIX Articles, The Opposition betwen the Gospel of 1773. D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. v. 17f|-30] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 319 Salmon, Matthew (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 6 Feb. 17*, aged 16; B.A. 13 Oct. 1733 ; grace for M. A. 4 Nov. 1 735 ; rem. 29 May 1736. Author. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Sandford, Nathaniel (Radnor.). Batt. c. 21 Feb. ; matr. cler. 26 Feb. 17J#, aged 18; rem. 5 Aug. 1731 ; B.A. Christ Church 13 Mar. 173f; M.A. 20 Oct. 1736. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Smith, John (Gloucs.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 27 Feb. 17^, aged 18 ; ? Clayniond Sch. 31 July 1730 ; rem. 23 May 1734. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 1730 Allgood, Launcelot (Northum.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 20 Nov. 1730, aged 18 ; c. 17 Feb. 173 ; rem. 18 Dec. 1806. M.P. Northumberland 1749; knighted 3 Nov. 1760 ; died 1782. BENEF. : Plate 1738. Quat. Mon. v. Barlow, Francis (Middlx.). Com. c. 2 July; matr. gen. 4 July 1730, aged 18; rem. 27 June 1732; B.A. Christ Church 14 May 1734; M.A. 14 June 1737. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Crouchley, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 28 Nov. ; matr. pleb. 17 Dec. 1730, aged 17; rem. 16 Sept. 1734; rep. 19 June; B.A. 23 June; rem. 28 June 1735 ; readm. 23 Apr. 1741 ; M.A. 12 July 1742. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Foxley, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 30 Apr., aged 15 ; c. 19 May 1730 ; Iver Sch. 18 May 1731 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 173f ; M.A. 4 July 1740. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Legh (Peter ?) (Lanes.). Matr. gen. 12 May 1730, aged 16 ; B.A. All Souls 27 June 1735. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Low, John (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 14 May, aged 20 ; c. 28 Nov. 1730 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1731 ; grace for M.A. 4 Dec. 1738. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Nowell (Nowel), William (Lanes.). Com. c. 4 June ; matr. gen. 12 June 1730, aged 16 ; Nowell Sch. 12 July 1731 ; B.A. 3 May; Hulme Ex. 14 Oct. 1734; rem. 23 July 1737; M.A. Oriel 7 July 1738. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 320 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK [1730-1 ROBINSON, Matthew (Lines.). Matr. cler. Lincoln 10 Oct. 1730, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 June 1734 ; Fellow (Darbie) 5 July 1735 ; M.A. 26 Apr. 1737 ; res. Fell. 10 Oct. 1739. Master of Boston Grammar School ; died 1745. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Shrigley, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 14 Oct. ; matr. gen. 17 Dec. 1730, aged 20 ; Iver Sch. 18 May 1731 ; B.A. 2 July 1734 ; grace for M.A. 21 Dec. 1736 ; died 1776. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. CAWLEY, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 19 Mar. 173? ; matr. pleb. 26 Mar. 1731, aged 18; B.A. 12 Oct. 1734; Fellow (Founders) 16 Nov. ; rem. 17 Nov. ; M.A. 22 Nov. 1737 ; Proctor 19 Feb. 174 ; Vice-Principal 1746-8 ; Junior Bursar 1749-50; Rector of Dudcote 27 July 1750 ; res. Fell. 16 Sept. 1751 ; died 7 Apr. 1768. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Fayle (Fail), John (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 17 Mar., aged 19 ; c. 18 Mar. 173?; B.A. 22 Nov. 1734 ; rem. 21 May 1735; readm. 1 Apr. 1747. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Jones, "Richard (Gloucs.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 6 Mar. 173?, aged 16; rem. 19 Dec. 1731 ; rep. 6 July 1732 ; B.A. 22 May 1735; rem. 27 Jan. 173f . BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Maddock (Maddocks), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. c. 19 Mar. 173? ; matr. pleb. 10 Apr., aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 19 Dec. 1731 ; B.A. 24 Mar. 1734; ?M.A. Queen's, Cambridge, 1747. BENEF. : Plate 1734. WORK : Sermon, 1746. Quat. Mon. v. Prichard, Thomas (London). Matr. cler. 13 Mar. 173?, aged 16; Henley and Stoddard Sch. 2 May; B.A. 6 Nov. 1734. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Weston, Phipps (Oxon.). Matr. pleb. 17 Mar. 173?, aged 17 ; Rad- clifte and Walker Sch. 10 Mar. 1731 ; ?B.A. Christ Church 5 Dec. 1734; M.A. 21 June 1737 ; B.D. and D.D. New Inn Hall 8 Nov. 1772. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 1731 Atkins, Abraham (Surrey). Com. c. and matr. pleb. 29 Apr. 1731, aged 15 ; rem. 3 Nov. 1733. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 1731-|] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 321 Bacon, Temple (Suffolk). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 10 May 1731, aged 17 ; rem. 21 Jan. 173i. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Bedwell, John (Gloucs.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 11 Oct. 1731, aged 16 ; B.A. 6 June 1735 ; M.A. 9 June 1738 ; died 1814. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. D'Anvers (Danvers), Barker (Northants.). Gen. Com. c. 26 June ; matr. gen. 8 July 1731, aged 17 ; rem. 3 Jan. 173. DAVENPORT, Edward (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Apr., aged 17; c. 30 Apr.; Yate Sch. 19 Dec. 1731; B.A. 6 Nov. 1734; Fellow (Williamson P.) 27 Jan. ; M.A. 3 Feb. 173J ; Junior Bursar 1747-8 ; Rector of Bethnal Green 19 Feb. 174 ; res. Fell. 25 Apr. 1749 ; died Oct. 1765. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Davis, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 9 July ; matr. pleb. 10 July 1731 r aged 16; rem. 13 Mar. 173J. Moreton, Robert (Chesh. or Suffolk). Com. Matr. gen. 12 May r aged 17; c. 13 May 1731 ; Cartwright Sch. 4 May 1733 ; grace for B.A. 25 Oct. 1734; grace for LL.B. when non-graduatus 9 Dec. 1737; rem, 9 May 1741. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Moss, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 18 Nov. 173I r aged 19; Nowell Sch. 14 Jan. 173J; B.A. 22 May 1735; M.A. 9 June; rem. 17 July 1738. BENEF.: Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Price, Hugh (Merioneths.). Matr. pleb. Jesus 26 March 1731 ; adnu after permission given by Principal of Jesus31 Oct. 1732 ; B.A. 12 Dec. 1734, BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Barlow, Ralph (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 13 Mar. 173^ r aged 16 ; B.A. 13 Oct. ; Hulme Ex. 16 Oct. 1735 ; M.A. 7 July ; rem. 19 Oct. 1739 ; died 1795. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Bayley, Henry (Chesh.). Battv. c. and matr. pleb. 13 Mar. 173, aged 17 ; Yate Sch. 8 May 1733 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1735 ; rem. 6 Nov. 1736. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Falkner, Thomas (Staffs.). Com. c. and matr. 4 Feb. 173^, aged 18; rem. 6 Nov. 1735. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Y 322 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEK Hollinshead (Hollingshead), Allanson (Lanes.). Com. c. 3 Mar. ; matr. gen. 6 Mar. 173*, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 14 May 1734 ; B.A. 21 Oct. 1735 ; rem. 5 June 1740. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Howard, Henry (Lanes.). Com. c. 3 Mar. ; matr. gen. 6 Mar. 173^, aged 17 ; ? = Howard, Nowell Sch. 29 June 1733 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1735 ; rem. 17 Nov. 1739 ; readm. 14 July 1741 ; M.A. 5 July 1751. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Howard, Eadclyffe (Lanes.). Com. c. 29 Jan. ; matr. gen. 4 Feb. , aged 19 ; rem. 17 Nov. 1737 ; B.C.L. All Souls 1738; D.C.L. 1743. BENEF. : Plate 1734, 1738. Quat. Mon. v. Remington, Daniel (Gloucs.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 18 Mar. 173^, aged 19; Claymond Sch. 28 June 1734; B.A. 13 Oct. 1735; rem. 29 Oct. 1736 ; died 1788. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 1732 Baddeley, John (Staffs.) Batt. Matr. pleb. Magdalen Hall 27 Mar. 1732, aged 21 ; c. 30 June 1733 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 5 Dec. 1734 ; B.A. 12 Dec. 1735 ; rem. 16 Dec. 1736. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Birchall, William (Chesh.). Matr. cler. 27 Mar., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 4 May 1732. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Markland, Ralph (Lanes.). Com. c. 12 Nov. 1732 ; matr. cler. 26 Jan. 173, aged 18 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1736 ; rem. 22 Feb. 17f. t, BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Martin (Marten), James (Middlx. or Wo res.). Com. c. 12 Nov. ; matr. gen. 18 Nov. 1732, aged 17; B.A. 30 June 1736 ; rem. 3 Mar. 1732. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Trollope, Matthew. Butler in 1732. Old Plate List. Barry, Dnus. James (Middlx.). Nob. Matr. nob. 12 Jan., aged 16 ; c. 12 Mar. 173 ; cr. MA. 8 Mar. 173; rem. 20 Nov. 1738. Viscount Buttevant, afterwards 5th Earl of Barrymore. Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, vol. i, Dublin, 1789, p. 812. Beaumont (Beumont), Thomas (Lines.). Com. c. 12 Mar. ; matr. gen. 14 Mar. 173f, aged 20; Claymond Sch. 20 June 1734 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1736 ; rem. 8 Dec. 1739. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 173-3] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 323 Brownsword, Francis (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. 16 Feb. 173*, aged 18 ; Cartwright Sch. 4 May 1733 ; B.A. 11 July 1737 ; rem. 17 Mar. 178J. BENEF.: Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Gibbons, George (Gloucs.). Batt. c. 16 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 17 Mar. 173f, aged 25 ; B.A. 17 Dec. 1736 ; rem. 29 Mar. 1737. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Lever, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 16 Feb. ; matr. cler. 26 Feb. aged 19 ; Hulme Ex. 11 Oct. ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1736 ; rem. 7 July 1741. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Parker, William (Lanes.). Com. c. 16 Feb. ; matr. gen. 12 Mar. 173|, aged 19 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1736 ; M.A. 7 July ; rem. 12 July 1739. B'ENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Pilkington, James (Lanes.). Batt. c. 16 Feb. 173; matr. cler. 27 Oct. 1733, aged 17 ; B.A. 30 June 1736 ; rem. 29 Mar. 1737. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Southcott (Southcot), Fitzwilliam (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 12 Mar. 173f, aged 18; B.A. 3 Feb. 173f ; Hulme Ex. 27 Jan. 173 ; M.A. 2 July 1740 ; rem. 27 Feb. 174?. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Twells, Leonard (Wilts.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 14 Mar., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 15 Mar. 173f ; B.A. 4 Nov. ; rem. 5 Nov. 1736. BENEF. : Plate 1734. WORKS : ^A critical examination of the Late new \An answer to the further enquiry about text and version of the New Testament, demoniacs, 1738. 173|. The . . . Works . . . of Dr. Pocock, ^Vindication of S. Matthew, 1731-8. 1740. jvl defence of the dissertation or enquiry -^Twenty-four sermons as Boyle Lecturer ; concerning S. Matthew, 1732. Eight sermons as Moyer Lecturer, ^An enquiry into the meaning of de- 1743. moniacs icith Twell's Answer, 1737. Bawl. J. Ath. Oxon. ; Quat. Mon. v. Whitehead, Beaumount (Yorks.). Com. c. 16 Mar. ; matr. gen. 17 Mar. 173f, aged 19 ; Mordaunt Sch. 30 May 1733 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1736 ; rem. 2 Sept. 1737. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 1733 Coombs, Thomas (Oxon.). Com. Matr. pleb. Corpus 17 Dec. 1733, aged 17; Claymond Sch. 31 May; c. 1 June 1734; B.A. 11 July 1737; rem. 21 Feb. 174?. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. y 2 324 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1738-f G-reville, Fulke (Middlx.). &en. Com. c. 30 June 1733 ; matr. arm. 3 Jan. 173f , aged 16. M.P. Monmouth 1747. BENEF. : Plate (?date). Quat. Mon. iv. Leveson-Gower, Hon. William (Middlx.). Nob. Matr. 13 Apr.; c. 27 Apr. 1733 ; rem. 11 Feb. 173. Mercer, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 30 June ; matr. pleb. 2 July, aged 24 ; rem. 21 Nov. 1733. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Selby, Thomas James (London). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Dec. 1733, aged 16 ; grace for B.A. 4 Nov. 1735. Stephens, John (Herefs.). Matr. gen. 2 May 1733, aged 16 ; Reed and Ogle Sch. 24 Sept. 1734 ; B.C.L. 16 May 1743. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Sunderland, William (Yorks.). Batt. Matr. cler. 2 May, aged 20 ; c. 3 May 1733; B.A. 3 Feb. 173f ; rem. 3 July 1737. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 173f Barton, William (Chesh.). Batt. c. 8 Mar. ; Church. Sch. and matr. pleb. 22 Mar. 173f, aged 19 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1737; rem. 13 Nov. 1740. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Dansie, James (London). Gen. Com. Matr. gen. 15 Feb., aged 17 ; c. 18 Feb. 173f ; rem. 8 Dec. 1752. BENEF. : Gave 12 towards furniture for the Tower Room 1752. Quat. Mon. iv. Eccles, Samuel (Chesh.). Com. c. 12 Feb. ; matr. gen. 22 Feb., aged 17 ; Church Sch. 22 Mar. 173f ; B.A. 7 Nov. 1737 ; rem. 1 Mar. 17f$; readm. 6 Apr. ; M.A. 28 May 1744 ; readm. 23 Feb. 175J. BENEF. : Plate 1734. WORKS : National sins the cause of national The candid Determination of the Jews, judgments, 1751. in' preferring a thief and a robber The unwm-thy communicant's plea an- before Our Saviour, 1753. swer'd and the Home Baptist refuted, The Royal Martyr, 1754. 1751. f Sixteen sermons, 1 755. Quat. Mon. v. Edge, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. 5 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 22 Mar. 173f, aged 18; Iver Sch. 18 May 1734; B.A. 11 Oct. 1737; grace for M.A. 7 Dec. 1739. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Walker, James (Lanes.). Com. c. 18 Feb. ; matr. gen. 22 Feb. 173f, aged 14; rem. 5 Nov. 1736. F.R.S. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. iv. 1734] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 325 1734 Bourne, John (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 11 May, aged 18; c. 12 May 1734 ; Iver Sch. 17 Dec. 1735 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 173L BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Cooke (Cook), Thomas (Bucks.). Batt. c. 11 Dec. ; matr. pleb. 12 Dec. 1734, aged 16 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 17 Dec. 1735 ; B.A. 2 Apr. ; rem. 8 Dec. 1739 ; grace for M.A. 29 Oct. 1740. Quat. Mon. v. Cowlishaw, John (Derbs.). Com. c. 27 Nov. ; matr. gen. 2 Dec. 1734, aged 18 ; B.A. 9 June 1738 ; M.A. 4 June ; rem. 2 Oct. 1741 ; died 1771. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. MOD. v. CROWTHER (Crouther), James (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 30 Oct. 1734, aged 16; Nowell Sch. 25 May 1735; B.A. 11 Nov. 1738; Hulme Ex. 18 Oct. 1739; M.A. 10 July; Fellow (Founders) 10 July 1741 ; Rector of Catworth Magna 17 Apr. ; res. Fell. 18 Nov. 1749 ; died 7 May 1755. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Davis (Davies), Richard (Sussex). Batt. Matr. cler. 3 Apr., aged 17 ; c. 20 Sept. 1734 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1737 ; M.A. 2 July ; died 1740. BENEF. ; Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Forde (Ford), John (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. Oriel 2 Apr. 1734, aged 17; c. 17 Feb. 173^ ; B.A. 7 Feb. 178|; rem. 5 Dec. 1738. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Hadfield, John (Derbs.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 15 Oct., aged 21 ; c. 11 Dec. 1734; rem. 8 Nov. 1735. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. Jauncey (Jancey), William (Herefs.). Matr. pleb. University 30 May 1734, aged 17 ; Sorn. Th. Sch. 8 May 1735 ; B.A. 14 Feb. 173 J ; readm. 24June 1741. Percival (Percivall), John (Oxon.). Batt. Matr. cler. 19 Nov., aged 17; c. 11 Dec. 1734; rem. 8 May 1737. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Wickham, William (Oxon.). Gen. Com. c. 12 July ; matr. arm. 13 July 1734, aged 18 ; B.C.L. 1741 ; rem. 9 Mar. 174$. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. WILLIS, Francis (Lines.). Com. Matr. cler. Lincoln 30 May 1734, aged 15 ; b. 2 Mar. ; B.A. St. Alban Hall 21 Mar. ; readm. 23 Mar. 173g; c. 11 Oct. 1739; Fellow (Higden) 5 June 1740; M.A. 10 Feb. 174?; Vice-Frincipai 1748-9; Rector of St. John's, 326 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1734-5 Wapping, 21 Dec. 1748; res. Fell. 6 Jan. 174$; B.Med. and D.Med. 28 June 1759 ; rep. 14 Apr. 1763. Physician to George III. D.N.B. Winstanley, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 3 Apr., aged 18 ; c. 20 Sept. 1734 ; Radcliffe and Walker Sch. 20 Apr. 1736 ; B.A. 11 Oct. ; Hulme Ex. 12 Oct. 1737 ; rem. 19 May 1740 ; M.A. Trinity, Cambridge, 1766. Preb. of Peterborough 1781. BENEF. : Plate 1734. Quat. Mon. v. 1734, D'Oyly, Christoplier (Oxon.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 10 Jan, 173$, aged 18 ; rem. 29 Oct. 1735 ; B.A. Balliol 12 Dec. 1738. ? M.P. Wareham 1774. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Hayward, Hugh (Chesh.). Com. c. 13 Jan. ; matr. gen. 14 Jan. 1734,, aged 17 ; rem. 30 May 1739. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Read, Bagot (Montgom.). Com. c. 13 Jan. ; matr. 14 Jan. 1734, aged 18; rem. 6 Oct. 1737. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Wright, Nathaniel (Middlx.). Com. Matr. gen. 21 Mar. 1734, aged 17 : c. Mar. ; Yate Sch. 17 Dec. 1735 ; B.A. 18 Dec. 1738 ; rem. 1806. BENEF. : Plate 1737, 1742. Quat. Mon. v. 1735 Aiskew, John (London). Com. c. and matr. arm. 27 Mar. 1735, aged 17 ; B.A. 17 Oct. 1738 ; rem. 28 Dec. 1742. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Hilton, John (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 22 May 1735, aged 17 ; Iver Sch. 9 July 1736 ; B.A. 10 Mar. 173f ; grace for M.A. 9 Dec. 1741. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Hughes, Peter (Flints.). Batt. c. 5 Dec. 1735 ; matr. gen. 12 Apr. 1736, aged 19 ; B.A. 16 Oct. ; rem. 22 Dec. 1739. Jones, John (Gloucs.). Batt. c. 5 Dec. 1735 ; matr. gen. 27 Mar. 1736, aged 18; rem. 22 Oct. 1737. Lawson, Samuel (Lanes.). Batt. c. 5 Dec. 1735 ; matr. cler. 16 Mar. 173f ; Iver Sch. 15 Dec. 1737; B.A. 16 Oct. 1739; Hulme Ex. 26 Feb. 1742; M.A. 12 July 1742. 1735-6] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 327 Legh, Ashburnham (Lanes.)- Com. c. and matr. gen. 20 May 1735, aged 17; ? Somerset Sch. 173 ; B.A. 26 Jan. 173$; M.A. All Souls 30 Oct. 1742 ; died 1775. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. MATHER, Roger (Chesh.). Com. c. 21 May; matr. arm. 22 May 1735, aged 16 ; Yate Sch. 17 Sept. 1736 ; B.A. 18 Jan. 173| ; rem. 13 Jan. 174^ ; readm. 14 Apr. ; Fellow (Founders) 17 Apr. ; M.A. 22 Oct. 1741 ; Public Orator 1749-60 ; Vice-Principal 1749-50, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7 ; Senior Bursar 1750-1 ; Rector of St. Mary, Whitechapel, 6 Jan. ; B.D. 4 May ; D.D. 6 May 1757 ; res. Fell. 9 Feb. 1758 ; died 1 Sept. 1768. BENEF. : Plate 1737 ; gave 25 to the college 1752, and built a new Front and Set of Rooms with the fixtures to the Parsonage House of St. Mary, Whitechapel, for the use of his successors at a cost of 1,200. Quat. Mon. iv, v. NOEL, John (Leics.). Matr. Oriel 28 Mar. 1735, aged 15; B,A. 25 Nov. 1738 ; Fellow (Darbie) 17 Apr. 1740 ; M.A. 4 June 1741 ; Junior Bursar 1748-9 ; Vice-Principal 1750-1 ; Rector of Selham 23 Feb. 175- ; Senior Bursar 1752-3, 4-6, 7-8, 9-60 ; B.D. 12 Feb. 1757 ; Rector of Steeple Aston 21 July 1761 ; res. Fell. 28 Aug. 1762 ; died 3 Nov. 1790. Sibley, Francis (Herts.). Batt. c. 5 Dec. ; matr. pleb. 12 Dec., aged 19 ; Henley and Stoddard Sch. 17 Dec. 1735 ; grace for B.A. 4 Dec. 1738 ; rem. 23 May 1740. Spencer, Thomas (Bucks.). Com. Matr. gen. 26 Mar., aged 17 ; c. 22 Nov. 1735 ; Mordaunt Sch. 29 Mar. ; B.A. 14 Nov. 1738 ; rem. 8 Aug. 1743. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Standish, Turner (Lanes.). Com. Matr. bart. f. 29 Oct., aged 19 ; c. 22 Nov. ; Nowell Sch. 17 Dec. 1735 ; B.A. 22 June 1739 ; rem. 30 Nov. 1742. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. WILLIAMS, William (Chesh.). Com. c. 28 June; matr. gen. 13 Oct. 1735, aged 17 ; Cartwright Sch. 18 July ; Radcliffe Sch. 1 Aug. 1737 ; B.A. 5 July 1739 ; Fellow (Founders) 20 May ; M.A. 30 Apr. 1742 ; Senior Bursar 1751-2 ; Rector of Stoke Bruerne 27 Jan. 1752 ; res. Fell. 12 Mar. 1753 ; died 28 Apr. 1759. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. 1736 Brooke, Richard (Lanes.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 11 May, aged 18 ; c. 4 Nov. 1736 ; rem. 6 June 174^ Davis, Peter (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 12 Apr., aged 18 ; c. 4 Nov. 1736 ; rem. 8 Dec. 1739. Duke, Samuel (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 12 Apr. ; c. 4 Nov. 1736 ; rem. 16 Mar. 173. 328 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE [1736-7 Egerton, Dnus. Edward, Bart. Nob. c. 4 Nov.; matr. bart. f. 30 Nov. 1736, aged 17 ; rem. 6 Nov. 1751. Lloyd, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 12 Apr., aged 19 ; c. 4 Nov. 1736 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1739 ; died 11 May ; buried 13 May 1740. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. MORRIS, James (Lanes.). Batt. c. 6 Nov. ; matr. pleb. 18 Nov. 1736, aged 17 ; B.A. 10 June; Hulme Ex. 17 Oct. 1740; Fellow (Founders) 8 Feb. 174 ; M.A. 20 Apr. 1743 ; Junior Bursar 1750-1 ; Rector of Clayton 5 May ; res. Fell. 21 Dec. 1752 ; died 1793. Payne, Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. cler., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 26 Mar. 1736 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1739 ; M.A. 12 July 1742. Preb. of Wells 1766 ; died 1797. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Pigot, Francis (Middlx.). Com. Matr. doct. Queen's 17 Dec. 1736, aged 17; c. 30 May; rem. 30 Aug. 1738; B.A. New 16 June 1742; M.A. 9 Apr. 1746 ; B.Med. 15 Dec. 1749. Pots, John (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 15 Apr., aged 21 ; c. 4 Nov. 1736 ; rem. 22 Oct. 1737. Vernon, Ralph (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 10 June, aged 17 ; c. 4 Nov. 1736 ; B.A. 26 Apr. ; rem. 5 June 1740. Watson, Robert (Yorks.). Gen. Com. c. 6 Nov. 1736 ; grace for B.A. 10 June 1740 ; rem. 23 May 1745 ; ? = Watson, Robert (Yorks.) ; matr. gen. Pembroke College 5 Mar. 173f, aged 17. BENEF. : Plate 1740. Quat. Mon. v. 173f Byron, John (Derbs.). Batt. c. and inatr. cler. 1 Mar. 173f, aged 19 ; B.A. 22 Oct. 1740 ; rem. May 1741. Ottey (Ottley), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. gen. 1 Feb., aged 16 ; c. 2 Feb. 173f ; Yate Sch. 29 Oct. ; B.A. 12 Nov. 1740 ; rem. 29 June 1743. 1737 Baker, Charles Vaughan (Brecon or Radnor). Batt. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 2 Apr. 1737, aged 17 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1740 ; rem. 29 June 1743. Barber, George (Chesh.). Batt. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 26 May 1737, aged 17 ; Yate Sch. 7 Feb. 173| ; B.A. 27 Feb. 174? ; rem. 3 Mar. 174|. Boote, William (Chesh.). Com. c. 28 Mar. ; matr. gen. 29 Mar. 1737, aged 17; B.A. 22 Oct. 1740; rem. 13 Jan. 174-. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. f - Brooke, Richard (Chesh.). Nob. c. 28 Dec. 1737; matr. 15 Mar. 173J, aged 18 ; rem. 17 Mar. 174f 4th Bart. BENEF. : Plate 1741. Quat. Mon. v. 1737] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 329 Calrow (Calrowe), James (Chesh.). Batt. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. 24 May 1737, aged 19 ; B.A 27 Feb. 174? ; rem. 10 Dec. 1741. Davenport, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. arm. 26 May 1737, aged 17 ; rem. 19 Oct. 1750. BENEF. : Plate 1738. Quat. Mon. v. Drewett (Drewet), Antony (Wilts.), c. 29 Mar. 1737; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 7 Feb. 173| ; B.A. 27 May 1741. Gyde, John (Gloucs.). Com. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. gen. 2 Apr. 1737, aged 18 ; B.A. 12 Dec. 1740 ; rem. 16 Feb. 174- Haddock, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. arm. 25 May 1737, aged 18; Nowell Sch. 20 Jan. 173 ; B.A. 20 June 174?; Hulme Ex. 10 July 1742 ; rem. 23 Sept. 1743. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Hyde, John (Gloucs.). Claymond Sch. 5 Apr. 1737 ; ? = John Gyde 1737, q.v. JENKENSON", John (Lines.). Com. Matr. pleb. Merton 1 Apr. 1737, aged 19; c. 11 Oct. 1738; B.A. 12 Nov. 1740; Fellow (Clifton) 8 Feb. 174; M.A. 2 June 1743 ; Vice-Principal 1751-2 ; Vicar of Gilling- ham 21 Dec. 1752 ; res. Fell. 12 Oct. 1753 ; died 27 May 1780. Lancaster, Peter (Chesh.). Com. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. cler. 2 Apr. 1737, aged 18 ; Cartwright Sch. 6 May ; ? Frankland Sch. 12 May 1738 ; B.A. 24 Oct. ; rem. 30 Oct. 1741. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Maisterson, Henry (Chesh.). Com. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. gen. 2 Apr. 1737, aged 18 ; rem. 20 Feb. 17%$. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Roberts, William (Denbs.). Com. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. cler. 18 May 1737, aged 19 ; B.A. 27 Feb. 174? ; rem. 15 Dec. 1742. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Simpson, William (Middlx.). Com. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. doct. 7 July 1737, aged 17 ; B.A. 4 June 1741 ; rem. 3 Dec. 1742. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. STANDISH, William (Lanes.). Com. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. bart. f. 28 Apr. 1737, aged 19 ; B.A. 27 Feb. 174? ; Fellow (Founders) 7 Nov. 1741 ; M.A. 13 Dec. 1743. Died 11 July 1749 at Chorley, Lanes. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Thickness, Ralph (Chesh.). Com. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. gen. 27 Oct. 1737, aged 18; rem. 1 Mar. 17?;! ; Fellow of King's, Cambridge. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. 330 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1737-8 Wall, Nicholas (Lanes.). Com. c. 29 Mar. ; matr. gen. 18 Nov. 1737, aged 19 ; rem. 1 Mar. 17fg. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Welsh, John (Lanes.). Batt, c. 29 Mar. ; matr. cler. 25 May 1737, aged 20; Nowell Sch. 28 June 1738; B.A. 3 Feb. 174? ; Hulme Ex. 16 Feb. 174| ; M.A. 27 June 1744 ; rem. 1 Feb. 174 J. Wyche, Benjamin (Wilts.). Com. Matr. gen. Hart Hall 3 June 1737, aged 17; B.A. 11 Apr. 1740; M.A. 26 Jan. 174f ; c. 14 Mar. 1744; rem. 17 Oct. 1749. Ellinson, Francis (Lanes.). Batt. c. 27 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 1 Mar. 173J, aged 19 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1741 ; rem. 5 Mar. 17% Francis (Frances), Charles (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. gen. 1 Mar. 173|, aged 17; c. 17 July 1738; B.A. 12 Mar.; rem. 17 Mar. 174 J. Jones, Nicholas (Pembs.). Com. Matr. pleb. Jesus 14 Feb. 173|, aged 17 ; Milward Sch. 29 July ; c. 4 Aug. 1738 ; rem. 20 Feb. 17f. MADDOCK, Matthew (Chesh.). Com. c. 24 Feb. ; matr. gen. 1 Mar. 173|, aged 16 ; Church Sch. 28 June 1738 ; B.A. 26 Feb. 174| ; Fellow (Founders) 25 Oct. 1742; M.A. 28 May 1744; Junior Bursar 1751-2 ; Senior Bursar 1753-4 ; Proctor 6 Mar. 1754 ; presented to Rectory of Selham 16 May; presented to Catworth Magna 11 Oct.; induct, to same and resigned Rectory of Selham 25 Oct. 1755 ; res. Fell. 29 May 1756 ; died 22 Jan. 1788. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Penlington, William (Chesh.). Com. c. 9 Feb. ; matr. gen. 23 Feb. 173f , aged 21 ; rem. 30 May 1739. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. Robinson, William (Dorset). Com. c. 16 Mar. ; matr. cler. 17 Mar. 173|, aged 18 ; rem. 9 May 1741 ; grace for B.A. 28 Oct. 1742. BENEF. : Plate 1737. Quat. Mon. v. 1738 Barry, Nicholas (Ireland). Com. Matr. gen. 23 Nov. 1738, aged 21 ; c. 16 Mar. 173f ; rem. 15 Dec. 1742. Beet, George (Yorks.). Batt. c. 11 Oct.; matr. pleb. 12 Oct. 1738, aged 20 ; B.A. 23 July ; rem. 15 Dec. 1742. Blackstone, John (Oxon.). Matr. gen. 1 May, aged 17 ; Radcliffe and Walker Sch. 12 June 1738 ; grace for B.A. 9 Dec. 1741. Caswall (Caswell), George (Middlx.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 25 Mar., aged 15; c. 17 July 1738. CAWLEY, Ralph (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 17 May, aged 17 ; c. 30 May ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 10 June 1738 ; B.A. 26 Feb. 174^ ; Hulrne Ex. 8 Feb. 1743; Fellow (Founders) 21 Jan. 174f ; M.A. 12 Oct. 1744 ; Junior Bursar 1752-3, 4-5, 7-8 ; presented to Rectory of Selham 30 Oct. 1755 ; Senior Bursar 1756-7 ; Rector of St. Dunstan, Stepney, 1738-9] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE 331 10 Oct. 1759 ; res. Fell. 14 Nov. 1760 ; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 11 Dec. 1766 ; Principal 4 Sept. 1770 ; died 31 Aug. 1777 ; buried in ante-chapel. BENEF. : Built a new Parsonage House and other improvements at Stepney 1763; gave 42 for accommodating the new lodge and building a coachhouse 1770 ; placed a monument in Lincoln Cathedral to the memory of Bishop Smyth, and provided a painted window for the east (afterwards west) window of the Chapel 1776. Quat. Mon. iv. Chrichley (Crichley), John (Lanes, or Chesh.). Com. c. 4 Aug. ; rnatr. gen. 12 Oct., aged 18; Iver Sch. 18 Oct. 1738; B.A. 19 June 1742. Clarges, Thomas (Middlx.). Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 27 Mar. 1738, aged 16 ; cr. M.A. 22 Feb. 17f$ ; rem. 21 Dec. 1744. BENEF. : Plate 1741. Quat. Mon. v. Cooper, Benjamin (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 5 May, aged 18; c. 30 May; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 18 Oct. 1738 ; B.A. 26 Feb. 174 J. Moss, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 15 July, aged 19; c. 17 July 1738; rem. 16 June 1742. Pepper, Benjamin Huffum (Hants.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 16 Nov. 1738, aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. 6 Dec. 1739 ; B.A. 19 June 1742 ; rem. 17 Mar. 174| ; readm. 20 Apr. 1744. Sanders, Samuel (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. gen. 1 Dec., aged 18 ; c. 1 Dec. 1738; Cartwright and Frankland Sch. 10 June 1740 ; B.A. 19 June 1742; rem. 18 Dec. 1746 ; readm. 7 May ; M.A. 2 July 1747. Whitehall, John Broughton (Flints, or Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 25 May; matr. arm. 15 July 1738, aged 17 ; rem. 9 Aug. 1742. BENEF. : Plate 1743. Quat. Mon. v. Wood, John (Sussex). Com. c. 11 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 12 Oct. 1738, aged 19 ; B.A. 19 June 1742 ; rem. 29 June 1743. 173f Levett, John (Staffs.). Com. b. 16 Feb. ; c. 19 Feb. 173f ; matr. gen. 23 Feb. 173*, aged 17 ; Gen. Com. June 1740 ; rem. 19 Oct. 1750. M.P. Lichfield'1761. BENEF. : Plate 1740. Quat. Mon. v. Miller, James (Lanes.). Batt. b. 9 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 13 Feb., aged 18 ; c, 19 Feb. 173g ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1742 ; rem. 8 Dec. 1744. Milliquet, John (Lanes.). Batt. Nowell Sch. 25 Jan. ; c. 19 Feb. ; matr. gen. 1 Mar. 173f, aged 17 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1742 ; rem. 14 May 1755. 1739 Barton, Richard (Lanes.). Batt. b. 2 Apr.; matr. pleb. 4 Apr., aged 17; c. 28 May 1739; Somerset Sch. 19 Feb. 17f; B.A. 15 Oct. 1742; M.A. 13 June 1745. Clarke, Thomas (Lanes.) Batt. b. 6 July; c. and matr. pleb. 7 July 1739, aged 19 ; B.A. 28 Feb. 174 ; Hulme Ex. 1 Feb. 174i ; rem. 7 Jan. 174; died 1793. 332 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1739 Coppock, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. b. 31 Mar. ; b. and matr. pleb. 4 Apr., aged 19; c. 28 May 1739; Somerset Sch. 24 May 1740; B.A. 15 Oct. 1742. Executed 1746. Manch. Reg. i ; D.N.B. ; Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33, 954, No. 19. Cronkshaw, John (Lanes.). Com. b. 6 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 11 Apr., aged 18 ; c. 28 May 1739 ; Nowell Sch. 21 June ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1742 ; rem. 31 May 1745 ; readm. 15 May ; M.A. 28 June 1759. Drake, William (Middlx.). Gen. Com. b. and matr. arm. 2 Oct., aged 16; c. 11 Oct. 1739; cr. D.C.L. 12 Apr. ; rem. 8 Nov. 1749. M.P. Agmondesham in nine parliaments Feb. 1746-8 Aug. 1796. BENEF. : Gave a pair of gilt chandeliers for the chapel 1749. Quat. Mon. iv. Ellison (Ellinson), Stanhope (Lanes.). Batt. b. 28 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 9 Apr., aged 20 ; c. 28 May 1739 ; rem. 22 Dec. 1743 ; B.A. 14 Feb. 174f. Garnett (Garnet), Richard (Lanes.). Batt. b. 7 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 9 Apr., aged 20 ; c. 28 May 1739 ; Frankland Sch. 10 July ; Nowell Sch. 24 July 1741 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1742; Hulme Ex. 16 Oct. 1743; M.A. 22 June 1745 ; rem. 22 Dec. 1746. Hatch, John (Lanes.) Batt. c. 6 Nov. ; b. 1 Dec. ; matr. pleb. 4 Dec. 1739, aged 20 ; Reed and Ogle Sch. 29 Nov. 1740 ; B.A. 2 June ; rem. 10 June 1743. Hooley, Joseph (Lanes.). Batt. b. (as Com.) and matr. pleb. 10 Oct., aged 25; c. 11 Oct. 1739; rem. 15 Dec. 1742. Isaack, William (Devon). Com. c. 6 Nov. ; matr. gen. 7 Nov., aged 16 ; b. (as Sch.) 29 Nov. ? 1739 ; B.A. 24 Oct. 1747 ; rem. 10 Dec. 1768. MAYO, Herbert (Herefs.). Com. Matr. gen. 9 Apr., aged 18; c. 25 May 1739 ; Somerset Sch. 31 Jan. 17f$ ; Tellow (Elton) 20 May 1740 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1742 ; M.A. 13 June 1745 ; Junior Bursar 1753-4, 5-6, 9-60 ; Vice-Principal 1757-8, 63-4 ; presented to Rectory of Selham 20 Dec. 1760 ; Senior Bursar 1761-2 ; B.D. 3 Apr. 1762 ; D.D. 28 June 1763; Rector of Middleton Cheney 5 May-9 July 1764; Rector of St. George, Wapping, 3 Aug. 1764 ; res. Fell. 15 Jan. ; rep. 14 Dec. 1765 ; rem. 29 Nov. 1774; died 5 Jan. 1802. Allowed to hold Rectory of St. James, Colchester, together with Rectory of St. George's in the East, 19 Nov. 1776; J.P. for Middlesex. BENEF. : Spent 600 in enlarging the parsonage house and other improvements at Stepney 1775. D.N.B. ; Mayo Family ; Quat. Mon. iv. Parr, Edward (Lanes.). Batt. b. 7 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 9 Apr., aged 17 ; c. 28 May 1739 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1742 ; rem. 13 Oct. 1743. Ravenscroft, John (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 14 Apr., aged 19; b. 14 May ; c. 28 May 1739 ; Frankland and Cartwright Sch. 5 Nov. 1741 ; B.A. 30 Apr. ; rem. 28 Nov. 1744. Robinson, Richard (Dorset). Com. c. 6 Nov. 1739 ; b. and matr. cler. 29 Feb. 17f, aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 24 July 1741 ; B.A. 28 Feb. 174J; rem. 18 Dec. 1746; died 1794. 1739-40] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK 333 Starkey, Joseph (Lanes.). Com. B.A. St. John's, Cambridge, 1739 ; b. 29 Apr. ; incorp. 2 May ; c. 19 May 1740 ; M.A. 1 Dec. 1742 ; B.Med. 17 Dec. 1745 ; rem. 15 Oct. 1753. Stringer, Daniel (Chesh.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 14 Apr., aged 17 ; b. 13 May ; c. 28 May 1739 ; rem. 23 July 1740. Died at Cowley, Oxon., 26 June 1740. Ward, James (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. Hart Hall 14 Apr. 1739, aged 19 ; b. 7 Apr. ; c. 12 May ; Church Sch. 24 July 1741 ; rem. 16 June 1742. Watts, Robert (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 23 June; matr. gen. 5 July 1739, aged 16 ; rem. 24 Dec. 1753. Examiner in Court of Exchequer. BENEF. : Plate 1753. Quat. Mon. v. Lowe, John (Lanes.). Com. b. 20 Feb. ; matr. gen. 29 Feb. 17M; c. 14 June 1740 ; B.A. 14 Oct. 1743 ; rem. 6 June 1744. Pococke, Richard (Wilts.). Com. Matr. pleb. 28 Jan., aged 18; Somerset Sch. 21 Feb. 11^; B.A. 3 Feb. 174f. 1740 Egerton, Thomas Grey (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 20 Nov. ; matr. bart. 28 Nov. 1740, aged 19 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1744. 6th Bart. ; M.P. Newton, Lanes., 1747. BENEF. : Plate 1745. Quat. Mon. v. Francke, Evelyn Charles (Lanes.). Com. c. 14 June; b. 7 July ; matr. cler. 9 July 1740, aged 18 ; rem. 15 Dec. 1742. Gough, James (Gloucs.). Com. b. 28 Mar. ; matr. gen. 29 Mar. ; c. 19 Apr. 1740 ; rem. 27 Aug. 1743. HALES, James (Kent). Com. c. 20 Nov. ; Henley and Stoddard Sch. 29 Nov.; matr. gen. 4 Dec. 1740, aged 18; B.A. 6 June 1744; Fellow (Frankland) 18 May 1745; M.A. 2 May 1747; Vice-Principal 1753-4, 5-6 ; Senior Bursar 1758-9 ; Rector of St. Anne's, Limehouse, 10 Oct. 1759 ; res. Fell. 14 Nov. 1760; died 30 Nov. 1780. Knowles, John (Lanes.). Batt. b. 19 Mar. 17f ; matr. pleb. 26 Mar., aged 17 ; c. 19 May ; Iver Sch. 21 July 1740 ; B.A. 3 Nov. 1744. Manch. Reg. i. Norton, William (Derbs.). Com. c. 19 May; matr. gen. 22 May 1740, aged 17 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 29 Feb. 174| ; rem 31 Oct. 1747 ; M.A. Cambridge 1750; died 1793. Starkey, Samuel (Lanes.). Com. b. 29 Apr. ; matr. gen. 2 May 1740, aged 17 ; rem. 9 Dec. 1741 ; B.A. Corpus 26 Jan. 1742 5 M - A - H Feb. 174? ; B.D. 17 Dec. 1755 ; D.D. 30 Apr. ; readm. 5 Nov. 1760. Tucker, Charles (Herefs.). b. 17 May ; matr. pleb. 19 May, aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 29 Nov. 1740 ; B.A. 23 Feb. 174?. Whitcombe, William (Worcs.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 17 July 1740, aged 17 ; B.A. 13 Apr. 1744; rem. 9 Mar. 174|. 334 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1740-1 Young, Henry (Lanes.)- Com. b. 9 June ; matr. cler. 14 June 1740, aged 17 ; B.A. 10 Apr. 1744; rem. 18 May 174 J. 174$ Blaeow, Richard (Lanes.). Com. b. 16 Mar. ; matr, pleb. 17 Mar. 1740, a ged 17 ; c. 9 Feb. 174 ; Somerset Sch. 18 May 1742 ; B.A. 3 Nov. ; Hulme Ex. 10 Nov. 1744 ; M.A. 7 July 1747. F.R.S. ; Canon of Windsor; died 1760. Manch. Reg. i. Derbishire (Derbyshire, Darbishire), James (Chesh.). Com. c. 13 Jan. ; matr. cler. 14 Jan. 174, aged 17 ; Yate Sch. 9 Dec. 1741 ; B.A. 3 Nov. 1744 ; M.A. 4 Nov. ; rem. 10 Nov. 1747. Dutton, Edward. (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 23 Jan. 174y, aged 17 ; Church Sch. 30 Oct. 1742 ; B.A. 2 Mar. 1744; rem. 22 Dec. 1746. Pinch, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 11 Feb. ; b. 12 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 14 Feb. 174f, aged 22 ; B.A. 22 Feb. 1744 ; Hulme Ex. 15 Oct. 1746 ; rem. 18 Feb. 174. Manch. Reg. i. Hoole, Joseph (Lanes.). Com. b. 16 Mar. ; inatr. cler. 17 Mar. 174f, aged 17; c. 12 May; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 17 Oct. 1741; Demy Magdalen 1743; B.A. 13 Nov. 1744; M.A. 20 June 1747; Fellow 1747; B.D. 25 May 1754. Manch. Reg. i. Kaye, William (Chesh.). Com. c. 13 Jan. ; matr. gen. 14 Jan. 174?, aged 18 ; B.A. 22 Feb. 1744 ; rem. 16 Oct. 1747. Thelwall, Joseph (Lanes.). Batt. b. 3 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 7 Feb. 174?, aged 18 ; c. 12 May 1741 ; B.A. 2 Mar. ; rem. 6 Mar. 1744. 1741 Allanson, George (Lanes.). Com. b. 27 June; matr. arm. 30 June, aged 18 ; c. 31 Oct. 1741 ; rem. 10 Nov. 1744. Assheton (Asheton), Thomas (Chesh.). Gen. Com. b. 11 Oct. ; c. 12 Oct. 1741 ; matr. arm. 3 Feb. 174$, aged 16 ; rem. 11 Jan. 174|. Brooke, Peter (Chesh.). Gen. Com. b. 30 Oct. 1741 ; c. and matr. 26 Feb. 174i, aged 19 ; rem. 5 Dec. 1754. High Sheriff 1766. ECCLES, John (Chesh.). Batt. b. 4 May; matr. pleb. 9 May, aged 16 ; c. 12 May 1741 ; B.A. 26 Feb. 1744 ; Fellow (Founders) 25 June ; M.A. 15 Dec. 1747; Junior Bursar 1756-7, 8-9; Rector of Stoke Bruerne 10 Oct. 1759; res. Fell. 16 July 1760; died 21 Dec. 1789. EVERARD, Charles (Chesh.). Matr. cler. Queen's 22 Oct. 1741, aged 15; B.A. 17 Oct. 1746; Pellow (Williamson W.) 26 Oct. 1747; M.A. 26 May 1748 ; Vice-Principal 1758-60, 1-2 ; Senior Bursar 1763-4 ; Rector of Middleton Cheney 13 July 1764 ; res. Fell. 4 Nov. 1765 ; grace for B.D. and D.D. ; died 7 Mar. 1792. Mawdsley, Richard (Lanes.). Batt. b. 6 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 10 Oct. 1741, aged 21 ; rem. 13 Feb. 1744. Robinson, Thomas (Lanes.), b. 9 Apr. ; matr. gen. 2 May 1741, aged 20; ? = Robinson, Frankland Sch. 20 Apr. 1744. 1741-2] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 335 Russell (Russel), John (Middlx.). Batt. b. and matr. pleb. 26 June, aged 27; c. 31 Oct. 1741 ; rem. 17 Dec. 1742. Sandys, Myles (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 12 Sept. ; matr. gen. 24 Sept. 1741, aged 20 ; rem. 23 June 1743. 174* Barry, Arthur (Middlx.). Gen. Com. b. 31 Jan. ; matr. nobilis 3 Feb., aged 18 ; c. 26 Feb. 174J ; rem. 31 Mar. 1750. Fletcher, Stephen. Bookseller. Matr. 14 Jan. 174. Halsted, John (Bucks.). Com. c. 26 Feb. ; b. and matr. gen. 2 Mar. 174, aged 17 ; c. 7 Apr. ; Somerset Sen. 26 June 1742 ; B.A. 15 May 1746. Penlington, George (Chesh.). Batt. c. 6 Mar. ; matr. gen. 9 Mar. 174$, aged 19 ; rem. 27 Mar. 1747. WATSON, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 6 Mar. 174; b. 7 Apr.; matr. gen. 8 Apr. 1742, aged 18; Somerset Sch. 6 Sept. 1743; B.A. 11 Oct. 1745 ; Fellow (Founders) 29 June 1746 ; res. Fell. 11 July 1752. WORKS : ^Moderation, 1751. History of the Earls of Warren, 1776. 4 Pamphlets, 1751-64. ^An account of undescribed remains of \An apology of J. W. for his conduct antiquity, 1776. on Jan. 30, with a sermon, 1755. -^Druidical remains at Halifax, 1771. \-A letter to the clergy of the church of -^Memoirs of the Ancient Earls of the Moravians, 1756. Warren and Surrey, 1782. fOn the true situation of Coccium, ^That Kings should obey the laws. 1761. Six Papers on Roman and other Anti- \-The History and Antiquities of the quities to Archaeologia. parish of Halifax, 1775. MSS. Manch. Reg. i ; D.N.B. Wood, Nicholas (Kent). Batt. b. 22 Feb.; matr. pleb. 23 Feb., aged 17 ; c. 26 Feb. 174 ; rem. 5 Nov. 1743. 1742 Bayley, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 7 Apr. ; b. 19 Nov. ; matr. gen. 1 Dec. 1742, aged 19 ; B.A. 6 June 1746 ; rem. 18 Apr. 1752. Davenport, Jonathan (Chesh.). Batt. c. 7 Apr. ; b. 20 May ; matr. pleb. 21 May 1742, aged 18 ; Yate Sch. 8 Feb. 174| ; B.A. 18 Feb. 174f ; rem. 30 June 1747. Egerton, John (Chesh.). Gen. Com. b. 30 Mar. ; matr. arm. 31 Mar., aged 17 ; c. 2 Apr. 1742 ; rem. 25 June 1748. Fox, Christopher (Lanes.). Com. c. 7 Apr. ; b. 9 Apr. ; matr. gen. 7 May 1742, aged 17; Nowell Sch. 3 Oct. 1744: B.A. 18 Feb. 1744; M.A. 2 Dec. 1748; Hulme Ex. 28 Feb. 174$; rem. 4 Apr. 1750; died 1803. MAYO, William (Herefs.). Com. b. and matr. gen. 24 June, aged 16 ; Somerset Sch. 26 June 1742 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1746 ; Fellow (Porter) 19 Oct. 1747 ; M.A. 19 June 1749 ; Senior Bursar 1760-1 ; presented to Rectory of Selham 26 June 1761 ; Junior Bursar 1761-2 ; presented to Rectory of Selham, vacant by his own res., 21 Dec. 1762; res. Fell. 10 Apr. 1764; Rector of Wootton Rivers 25 Feb. 1768 ; died 16 May 1800. 336 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1742-3 Morgan, Charles (Radnor.). Com. b. 9 Apr. ; matr. gen. 10 Apr. aged 16; Somerset Sch. 10 July 1742; B.A. 11 Mar. 1744; M.A. 14 June 1748. Nixon, Jonathan (Chesh.). - Batt. (afterwards Com.) c. 7 Apr. ; b. 19 May: matr. pleb. 21 May 1742, aged 24; rem. 10 Jan. 174. Prichard, Benjamin (Oxon.). Com. c. 7 Apr. ; b. 8 Apr. ; matr. cler. 10 Apr. 1742, aged 21 ; Claymond Sch. 28 Feb. 1745 ; Demy Magdalen 1744 ; B.A. 26 Oct. 1745 ; M.A. 8 July 1749. Taylor, Edmund (Lanes.). Batt. b. and matr. pleb., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 26 June 1742 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1746. Manch. Reg. i. Winder (Windar), John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 7 Apr. ; b. and matr. pleb. 8 Apr. 1742, aged 19: Somerset Sch. 4 June 1744; B.A. 11 Dec. 1745 ; Hulme Ex. 26 Feb. 174$ ; M.A. 5 July 1748. Manch. Reg. i. 174 Acton, Robert (Lanes.). Batt. b. 24 Mar. 174f ; c. 7 Dec. 1743; B.A. 31 Mar. 1747 ; rem. 10 Feb. 174. Bouchier, Thomas (Oxon.). Com. Matr. doct. St. Alban Hall 14 Jan. 174$, aged 16 ; b. 26 Oct. ; Mordaunt Sch. 1 Nov. ; c. 10 Dec. 1744 ; B.C.L. 28 Mar. 1750; rem. 23 Nov. 1751 ; B.Med. 15 July 1762. Mainwaring, Thomas (Lines.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 9 Mar., aged 18 ; b. 19 Mar. 174 ; rem. 7 Mar. 1752. 1743 Allanson, Cuthbert (Lanes.). Com. c. 7 Nov. ; matr. arm. 12 Nov. 1743, aged 18; Reed and Ogle Sch. 12 Jan. 174|; B.A. 20 June 1747; rem. 12 Nov. 1750; rep. 21 Dec. 1774; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 17 Nov.; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 23 Nov. 1778 ; died 1780. Preb. of Ripon ; Chaplain to House of Commons. Surtees Society Mem. of Ripon, vol. ii (1884). Heathcote, Antony (Lanes.). Com. b. 25 Mar. ; matr. gen. 26 Mar. 1743, aged 18 ; c. 7 Oct. ; Nowell Sch. 4 Oct. 1743 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1746 ; rem. 9 Apr. 1747 ; readrn. 11 May 1748; M.A. 19 June 1749 ; Hulme Ex. 22 Feb. 174$; rem. 24 Oct. 1750. Author. Hoper, John (London). Com. c. and matr. gen., aged 16 ; Yate Sch. 7 Oct. 1743; B.A. 20 June 1747; M.A. 2 May; rem. 17 May 1751; died 1790. IiOXAM (Loxham), William (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 11 Oct. 1743, aged 18; Radcliffe and Walker Sch. 17 Dec. 1744; B.A. 20 June 1747; Fellow (Founders) 10 Nov. 1749; M.A. 30 Apr. 1750; Vice-Principal 1760-1, 2-3, 4-6 ; Junior Bursar 22 Mar. 1764 ; Rector of Bethnal Green 20 Dec. 1765 ; res. Fell. 17 May 1766. Tettlow, William (Lanes.). Com. c. 8 Dec. ; matr. cler. 10 Dec. 1743, aged 19 ; Milward Sch. 13 Apr. 1744 ; B.A. 26 June 1747 ; rem. 9 Mar. 174&. Manch. Reg. i. 1743-4] BRASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 837 Warneford, William (Gloucs.). Com. Claymond Sch. 18 May; matr. cler. 19 May, aged 17 ; c. 7 Oct. 1743 ; Demy Magdalen 1745; rem. 18 Dec. 1746; B.A. 20 Jan. 174f ; M.A. 8 Dec. 1749. Wilde, James (Chesh.). Com. b. 25 Mar. ; rnatr. gen. 26 Mar., aged 18 ; c. 7 Oct. 1743 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1746 ; rem. 9 Apr. 1747 ; died 1790. GOWER (Gore), Foot (Foote) (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 15 Mar., 174|, aged 18 ; Cartwright Sch. 10 June 1745 ; B.A. 15 Dec. 1747; Fellow (Williamson P.) 5 June 1749 ; M.A. 15 June 1750; B.Med. 1 July 1755 ; D.Med. and res. Fell. 16 Oct. 1757 ; died 1778. WORKS : [Ode to Melancholy, 1751. An Address to the Public relative to the A Sketch of the Materials for a new proposed History of Cheshire, 1772. History of Cheshire, 1771. D.N.B. Harwar, Samuel (Chesh.). Coin. c. 13 Feb. ; b.and matr. cler. 14 Feb. 174^, aged 18; rem. 18 Dec. 1746. Henshall, Richard (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 15 Mar. 174f, aged 18; B.A. 23 Mar. 174|; rem. 18 Apr. 1752. Jacobs (Jacob), Walter (Wilts.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 16 Mar. 174J, aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 4 June ; rem. 13 Oct. 1744. Yalden, Richard (Hants.). Com. c., matr. cler. and Claymond Sch. 26 Jan. 174f , aged 17 ; B.A. 19 Feb. 174J ; M.A. 9 July ; rem. 15 Dec. 1750; died 1785. 1744 ASSHETON (Ashton), Richard (Lanes.). Com. b.9Nov. ; c. 10 Nov. ; matr. arm. 24 Nov. 1744, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 June 1748 ; Fellow (Founders) 5 June 1749 ; M.A. 26 Apr. 1751 ; res. Fell. 31 May 1757 ; B.D. and D.D. 15 Jan. 1782. Bathurst, Richard (Kent). Batt. Matr. gen. St. Edmund Hall 6 June, aged 16; b. 7 July ; c. 10 Dec. 1744; B.A. 21 Apr. 1748 ; rem. 16 July 1752; died 1803. Chandler, Daniel (Hants.), b. 19 Oct.; c., Claymond Sch. and matr. pleb. 24 Oct. 1744, aged 17 ; B.A. 10 July 1749 ; rem. 24 Mar. 17fg. Day, William (Middlx.). Com. (or Batt. ?). b. and matr. pleb. 3 July, aged 17 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 17 Dec. 1744; c. 16 Dec. 1745 ; B.A. Magdalen 11 July 1750; rem. 5 Oct. 1751; M.A. 4 May 1753; B.D. 7 May 1760. Griffiths, Walter (Herefs.). b. and matr. pleb. 15 Dec. 1744, aged 20 ; c. 16 Dec. 1745; Nowell Sch. Aug. 1746; Somerset Sch. 3 Nov. 1747; readm. 18 Nov. ; grace for B.C.L. 20 Dec. 1754. Longford, Richard (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 14 Dec*, aged 17 ; b. 15 Dec. 1744 ; rem. 29 Feb. 1752. 338 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1744-5 Whittingham, Joseph (Middlx.). Com. b. 10 .Aug. ; matr. cler. 14 Aug. 1744, aged 17 ; c. 18 May 1745 ; Henley and Stoddard Sch. 4 June 1745 ; B.A. 14 June 1748 ; M.A. 5 July ; rem. 5 Oct. 1751 ; died 1793. 1744 BARKER, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b. 5 Feb. ; c. 13 Feb. ; matr. gen. 14 Feb. 1744,, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 18 July 1747 ; B.A. 20 Feb. 174^; Fellow (Founders) 27 Jan. 174J; M.A. 19 June 1751; Junior Bursar 1760-1; Senior Proctor 11 Feb. 1761; Senior Bursar 1762-3, 4-5, 6-7 ; Rector of Shefford 3 Feb. 1767 ; res. Fell. 3 May 1768 ; Principal 14 Sept. 1777 ; B.D. and D.D. 14 Jan. 1778 ; died 25 Aug. 1785. BENEF. : 300 towards fitting the Library with a new floor and coved ceiling upon Wyatt's plan 1781. Quat. MOD. iv. Drake, Thomas (London). Gen. Com. b. 22 Feb. ; c. and matr. arm. 23 Feb. 174f, aged 17; B.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 13 Nov. 1751; D.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 26 Jan. 1759 ; died 1775. BENEF. : Plate 1757. Quat. Mon. v. Harrison, John (Lanes.). Batt. b. 8 Feb.; c. 13 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 14 Feb. 1744,, aged 18; Iver Sch. 1746; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 11 Oct. 1748; M.A. 7 June 1751. Manch. Reg. i. Phillips, Charles (Essex). Gen. Com. c. 13 Mar. ; matr. gen. 14 Mar. 1744, aged 16 ; B.A. St. Alban Hall 20 Feb. 174|. 1745 ATKINSON, Jonas (Yorks.). Matr. gen. Balliol 17 May 1745, aged 17 ; B.A. 20 Jan. 174f ; Fellow (Higden) 23 Feb. 17M; M.A. 5 Dec. 1751 ; res. Fell. 25 June 1758. Bishop, Edmund (Gloucs.). Batt. b. 5 July ; matr. pleb. 6 July 1745, aged 16 ; Claymond Sch. 9 Mar. 174| ; rem. 1 Mar. 174$. Cotton, Walter (Worcs.). Com. c. 16"Dec. 1745 ; b. 6 Nov. 1746 ; rem. 13 Feb. 174|; B.A. Worcester 7 Apr. 1749; M.A. 18 Mar. 1752. Franklyn (Franklin), Thomas (Wilts.). Com. b. and matr. gen. 5 Apr., aged 17; c. 16 Dec. 1745; rem. 15 Jan. 1752. Mansfield, John (Derbs.). Com. c. 18 May ; b. 29 June ; matr. pleb. 8 July 1745 ; rem. 26 May 1749. WORKS : ^Interesting collection of curious anec- Brasenose College, Oxford (Buckley dota by a gen&eman formerly of assigns to J. M.), 1790. Myers (Myres), George (Lanes.). Batt. Matr. pleb. 6 Apr., aged 18 ; b. 8 Apr. ; c. 16 Dec. 1745 ; B.A. 25 Oct. ; rem. 28 Oct. 1748. Shutewell, Robert (Middlx.). b. 12 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 14 Oct., aged 18 ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 9 (or ? 10) Dec. ; c. 16 Dec. 1745. Welsh, William (Lanes.). Batt. b. and matr. cler. 4 Apr., aged 21 ; c. 18 May; Nowell Sch. 26 June 1745; B.A. 13 Dec. 1749 ; M.A. 19 June 1751 ; rem. 18 Apr. 1754. 174-1 6J BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 339 174 Pullforth, Thomas (Oxon.). Batt. B(ibliae) L(ector). b. 22 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 27 Feb., aged 15 ; Claymond Sch. 19 Mar. 174$. Jackson, William (Lanes.), b. 3 Mar.; matr. gen. 7 Mar. 174$, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 16 Apr. ; c. (before 3 July) 1746 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1749. Chaplain to Earl of Hardwicke ; forty years Master of Stockport Grammar School ; died 1791. Manch. Reg. i. KYNASTON, John (Chesh.). Com. b. and matr. 20 Mar. 174$, aged 17 ; Som.Th. Manor Sch. Aug. 1746 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1749 ; Fellow (Founders) 14 June 1751 ; M.A. 4 June 1752 ; Junior Bursar 1762-4; deprived of his office and required to remove himself from the college in perpetuity, on account of ' gravia delicta ' 22 Mar. 1764 ; leave of absence is granted to him 'ad magnum computum' 24 Oct. 1764, and subsequently resolved that in consequence of the sentence passed upon him he be deprived of all right of presentation to a benefice 27 June 1768 ; allowed to leave the kingdom ' si quidem huiusmodi venia, secundum vim et tenorem statu- torum, opus esse videatur" ; died 23 May 1783. WORKS : De impietate C. Cornelio Tacito falso f<7. Cornelius Tacitus a /also impietatis objectata oratio, 1761. crimine rindicatus, 1764, &c. Manch. Keg. i. Mayer, Peter (Chesh. }. Com. b. and matr. gen. 7 Mar. 174$, aged 17 ; c. 1746; Yate Sch. 13 June 1747; B.A. 27 Feb. 17*: rem. 7 Mar. 1752; ? died 1795. 1746 Cawley, Samuel (Lanes.). Batt. b. 12 May; matr. pleb. 15 May, aged 16; c. 3 July 1746; subst. for Nowell Sch. 22 Jan. 1745; B.A. 23 Feb. 17i#; Hulme Ex. 18 Feb. 175?; rem. 25 Apr. 1752 ; died 1759. Davies, William, junior (Herefs. ?). Com. b. 2 May; matr. gen. 10 May, aged 17; c. 3 July 1746; B.A. 14 Feb. 17ig; B.C.L. 27 Feb.; rem. 3 May 1753. Davis, John (Oxon.). Batt. b. 4 May; matr. pleb. 7 May, aged 14; c. 3 July; Somerset Sch. 20 or 22 Dec. 1746; Claymond Sch. 21 Mar. 17*$; B.A. 23 May 1751; rem. 7 July 1755. Heber, Richard (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 3 July 1746, aged 19; rem. 8 Dec. 1752. BENEF. : Gave .12 towards the furniture of the Tower Room 1752. Quat. Mon. iv. Hooley, William (Lanes.). Com. b. and matr. pleb. 15 Oct., aged 19; c. 6 Nov. 1746; rem. 13 Feb. 174*. Roberts, John (Pembs.). Batt. Matr. pleb. Jesus 1 Nov. 1746, aged 16 ; c. 23 Oct. 1747 ; b. 1 Mar. 174; B.A. 15 June 1750; rem. 16 July 1752 ; M.A. 2 May 1753. Archdeacon of Merioneth 1785. Z 2 340 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [174f-7 Curzon, Assheton (Derbs.). Gen. Com. c. and rnatr. bart. f. 6 Feb. 174*, aged 17; rem. 26 May 1749 : cr. D.C.L. 2 July 1754. M.P. Clitheroe 1754, 1792 ; cr. Viscount Curzon 27 Feb. 1802. BENEF. : Gave <50, which was laid out in hall chimney-piece and in beautifying and repairing his own room, iv. 3. 1748. Quat. Mon. iv. HEBER, Reginald (Yorks.). Com. b. 4 Mar. ; c. 5 Mar. ; matr. aim. 6 Mar. 174f aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 3 Nov. 1747 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1750; M.A. 3 July; Fellow (Clifton) 15 Nov. 1753; Senior Bursar 1765-6; res. Fell. 1 Mar. 1767. Ormerod's Cheshire ; Manch. Reg. i. HODGKIN (Hodgskyn), John (Chesh.). Batt. c. 6 Feb. ; rnatr. pleb. 11 Feb. 174f aged 21 ; Cartwright Sch. 9 Mar. 174J; B.A. 23 Feb. 175^ ; Fellow (Founders) 15 Nov. 1752 ; nominated to Mastership of Middleton School vacant by resignation of Mr. Richard Barton 25 Oct. 1749 ; M.A. 3 July 1753; Junior Bursar 1765-6, 7-8; Rector of Selham 27 June 1768 ; having completed his year of grace, and six months besides ' pro more concedendis ', and having through inadvertence neg- lected to resign his Fellowship, was removed 13 Nov. 1769; allowed to hold Rectory of Selham with Rectory of Yeldham Magna, Essex, 7 July 1777 ; died 19 Sept. 1786. Mapletoft, John (Chesh.). Com. b. and matr. cler. 7 Mar. 174y, aged 17; c. 23 Oct. ; Yate Sch. 19 Nov. 1747 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1750 ; rem. 5 Dec. 1754. Parker, John (Lanes.). Com. b. 14 Jan. ; c. 21 Jan. ; matr. arm. 11 Feb. 174, aged 18; Nowell Sch. 18 July 1747; B.A. 13 Oct. 1750; M.A. 1753; rem. 26 Feb. 1756; died 1795. 1747 Chesshyre (Cheshire, Cheshyre, Chesshire), James. Com. Somerset Sch. 2 Nov. ; b. and matr. gen. 2 Dec. 1747, aged 19 ; B.A. 13 July 1751. Clarke, William (Glamorg.) Batt. b. 23 May : c. and matr. pleb. 25 May 1747, aged 17 ; rem. 28 Jan. 174& ; B.A. Magdalen Hall 27 Feb. 1752. Davis, John (Chesh.). Com. b. 23 May ; c. and matr. gen. 25 May, aged 16; ? Church Sch. 19 Nov. 1747; rem. 9 June 1750. Greenwood, William (Yorks.). Com. b. 27 Mar. ; c. 28 Mar. ; matr. gen. 31 Mar., aged 19; rem. 18 May 1747. Law, John (Yorks.). Batt. b. 4 Apr. ; c. and matr. pleb. 11 Apr., aged 20 ; Nowell Sch. 28 May 1747 ; rem. 5 Oct. 1751. Malim, George (Yorks.). Batt. c. and matr. gen. 23 Oct. 1747, aged 18 ; B.A. 19 June 1751 ; rem. 2 Jan. 1756. Mathews, William (Lanes, or Gloucs.). Com. c. 3 June ; b. and matr. gen. 4 June, aged 19 ; Iver Sch. 18 July 1747 ; B.A. 23 May 1751. Manch. Reg. i. 1747-8] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 841 Prescot (Prescott), Richard (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 2 Apr. 1747, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 6 Mar. 17 ; Hulme Ex. 10 Oct. ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1750 ; M.A. 3 July 1753 ; rem. 22 May 1756. J.P. Lanes. ; died 1797. Salter, John (Lanes.). Batt. b. and matr. pleb. 17 June 1747, aged 15. Smith, Edward, 1747. Butler. Will proved 1779. Toovey, William (Oxon.). Com. b. and matr. cler. 30 May 1747, aged 18; B.C.L. New College 1758. Roberts, John (Pembs.). Batt. Matr. cler. 7 Mar. 174|, aged 17 ; c. and Milward Sch. 29 Apr. 1748; B.A. 11 Oct. 1751 ; rem. 5 July 1753. 1748 Baddily (Baddiley), William (Chesh.). Batt. b. 31 Mar.; matr. 1 Apr. 1748, aged 24 ; Cartwright Sch. 17 Nov. 1749 ; c. 19 Feb. 17#; B.A. 11 Oct. 1751 ; M.A. 18 June ; rem. 10 Aug. 1754 ; died 29 Apr. 1795. Bissell (Bisael), William (Lanes.). Com. b. 31 Mar. ; c. 1 Apr. matr. gen. 2 Apr. 1748, aged 18 ; Radcliffe and Walker Sch. 17 Nov. 1749 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1751 ; Hulme Ex. 9 July 1752 ; rem. 5 Dec. 1754. Clavering, Algernon (Wilts.). Com. Matr. cler. Pembroke 23 Nov. 1748, aged 19; Somerset Sch. 3 Jan.; c. 23 Jan. 175^; rem. 7 Apr. 1756. Currer, Henry (Yorks.). Gen. Com. c. 29 Apr.; b. 7 May; matr. arm. 14 May 1748. aged 19 ; rem. 8 Dec. 1752. BENEF. : Gave 12 towards the furniture of the Tower Room 1752. Quat. Mon. iv. Garton, John (Lanes.). Batt. b. 9 Dec.; matr. pleb. 17 Dec., aged 18; subst. for Nowell Sch. 21 Dec. 1748; c. 7 Feb. 174; B.A. 27 May 1752 ; Hulme Ex. 20 Feb. 1753 ; M.A. 2 May 1755 ; rem. 22 Jan. 1757. Manch. Reg. i. Houghton, John (Lanes.). Com. b. 20 May; matr. gen. 24 May, aged 17 ; c. 25 June ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 21 Dec. 1748 ; B.A. 17 Jan. 1752; Hulme Ex. 13 Dec. 1753 ; rem. 7 July 1755 ; died 1811. ? Manch. Reg. i. MARKHAM, Robert. B.A. St. John's, Cambridge, 1748 ; M.A. 1752 ; incorp. 4 May; b. 9 May 1753; Fellow (Founders) 11 May 1754; Vice- Principal 1767-8; Junior Bursar 1768-9; B.D. 13 Dec.; D.D. 17 Dec.; Rector of St. Mary, Whitechapel, 1768 ; res. Fell. 1 Mar. 1770 ; died 25 Sept. 1786. Chaplain in Ordinary to the King. BENEF. : Gave one New Testament, seven Common Prayer Books for use of Principal and Senior Fellows in the Chapel in 1777. Quat. Mon. iv. 342 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1748-9 Mountjoy, "William (Lanes, or Gloucs.). Batt. b. 31 Mar. ; matr. cler.2 Apr., aged 17 ; c.29 Apr. ; Somerset Sch. 11 May 1748; B A. 7 Feb.; rein. 7 Mar. 1752. Manch. Reg. i. Rena-ud, David (Herefs.). Com. b., Somerset Sch. and matr. cler. 7 July 1748, aged 18 ; B.A. 20 Apr. 1752 ; rem. 22 May 1756 ; M.A. St. John's, Cambridge, 1769. Springett, Nathaniel (Berks.). Batt. c. and b. 1 Apr. ; matr. cler. 2 Apr. 1748, aged 18 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1751 ; rem. 18 Mar. 1752. Stanley, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 21 Nov. ; matr. arm. 2 Dec. 1748, aged 17 ; rem. 18 Apr. 1752. Walthall, Peter (Chesh.). Com. c. 16 Dec. ; matr. arm. 17 Dec. 1748, aged 16; Church Sch. 10 Nov. 1749 ; B.A. 27 May 1752; rem. 16 Oct. 1760. BENEF. : Plate 1755. Quat. Mon. iv. WROE, Richard (Lanes.). Com. b. 31 Mar. ; c. 1 Apr. ; matr. cler. 2 Apr. 1748, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 6 Mar. 17i ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1751 ; Pellow (Founders) 22 Feb. 1753 ; M.A. 28 June 1754 ; res. Fell. 9 Oct. 1758. Rector of Radcliffe, Lanes., 1757. Berry, Peter (Lanes.). Com. c. 7 Feb.; matr. gen. 11 Feb. 174;}, aged 19 ; B.A. 25 Oct. 1752 ; rem. 6 Mar. 1753. Goddard, William (Derbs.). Matr. cler. 18 Mar. 174*, aged 17 ; died June 1749. Hallifax, Benjamin (Yorks.). Batt. b. 17 Mar.; c. and matr. pleb. 18 Mar. 1740, aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 9 Apr. 1749 ; B.A. 25 Oct. 1752 ; rem. 15 Dec. ; Fellow of Lincoln 1753 ; M.A. 28 May 1755 ; B.D. 21 Mar. 1764 ; D.D. 20 Feb. 1768 ; Gresham Professor of Theology ; died 1798. Manch. Reg. i. Hodges, Philip (Herefs.). Batt. c. 17 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 18 Mar. 1745, aged 16 ; rem. 10 Apr. 1749. Withnell, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. b. 12 Feb. ; c. 13 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 9 Mar. 174g, aged 17 ; Iver Sch. 9 Apr. 1749 ; B.A. 25 Oct. 1752 ; M.A. 28 May 1755 ; rem. 18 Oct. 1756. Manch. Reg. i. 1749 Bowen, John (Pembs.). Com. b. 16 June ; matr. cler. 21 June 1749, aged 17 ; c. 19 Feb. 17^} ; rem. 9 June ; readm. 25 Oct. 1750 ; Henley and Stoddard Sch. 12 Apr. 1751 ; B.A. 3 July 1753 ; rem. 2 June 1756. Clere, William. Hulme Ex. 11 Dec. 1749. Manch. School Hist. Hadfield, Joseph (Derbs.). Batt. b. 24 Nov. ; matr. cler. 25 Nov. 1749 ; c. 19 Feb. ; subst. for Nowell Sch. 6 Mar. 17i, aged 18 ; B.A. Queen's 3 July 1753 ; rem. 22 May 1756. Rathbone, Joseph (Chesh.). Batt. b. and matr. pleb. 13 Dec. 1749, aged 22 ; c. 19 Feb. 17ig ; Church. Sch. 21 June 1750 ; rem. 29 Aug. 1752. 1749 50 J BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 343 Tetlow, Richard John (Lanes.). Batt. b. 21 Apr. ; matr. cler. 25 Apr. 1749, aged 17. Tyndale, Richard (Gloucs.). Com. b. 5 Mav ; matr. cler. 11 May, aged 18; c. 3 June 1749 ; B.A. 10 Mar. 1753; M.A. July 1756; rem. 7 Dec. 1757. Miinch. Reg. i. 17*8 Lloyd, William (Denbs.). Com. c. 24 Mar. 17i ; matr. doct. 28 Mar. 1750, aged 18; B.A. 4 Dec. 1753; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 12 July 1756; rem. 23 June 1757. BENEF. : Plate 1758. Quat. Mon. v. 1750 Bagot, Richard (Staffs.). Com. b. 20 Oct. ; c. and matr. bart. f. 24 Oct. 1750, aged 16 ; rem. 15 Dec. 1753 ; B.C.L. All Souls 29 Oct. 1757 ; D.C.L. 28 Jan. 1764. Davenport, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 2 June 1720, aged 15 ; b. 3 Dec. ; c. 31 Dec. 1750 ; rem. 6 Mar. 1753. Gabell, Henry (Bucks.). Matr. cler. 17 May, aged' 14 : b. 18 May 1750 ; Demy Magdalen 1750 ; Fellow 1751 ; B.A. 26 Jan. 1754 : M.A. 27 Oct. 1756; B.D. 17 Dec. 1764. Johnson, George (Lines.). Com. c. 4 Apr. ; matr. cler. 7 Apr., aged 17 ; Claymond Sch. 12 Apr. 1750 ; rem. 27 July 1751 ; Demy Mag- dalen 1751 ; B.A. 1753 ; M.A. 1756 ; Fellow 1757 ; B.D. 1763. Preb. of Lincoln 1757. Kenrick, John (Denbs.). Batt. c. 30 May; matr. cler. 31 May 1750, aged 19 ; B.A. 26 Jan. 1754 ; M.A. 28 Apr. 1761. Kenyon, George (Lanca.). Com. c. 9 June ; matr. arm. 13 June 1750, aged 15 ; rem. 29 Aug. 1752. Leicester, Sir Peter, Bart. (Chesh.). Nob. b. and uiatr. bart. 30 May 1750, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 23 June ; rem. 30 June 1753. M.P. Preston, Lanes., Mar. 1767 ; assumed name of Leicester in place of Byrne by Act of Parliament 1744. BENEF. : Gave 10. which was laid out in beautifying and repairing, iv. 4. 1753 ; plate 1753. Quat. Mon. iv, v. Minshull (Mynshull), Thomas Samuel (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 9 June ; matr. arm. 13 June 1750, aged 17 ; rem. 8 Sept. 1753. BESEF. : Plate 1753. Quat. Mon. v. Stanser, Robert (Yorks.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 26 May 1750. aged 19 ; rem. 2 Jan. 1756. Walthall, Peter (Derbs.). Com. c. 9 June; matr. gen. 13 June 1750, aged 18; B.A. 3 May 1754; M.A. 9 Mar. 1757 ; rem. 12 July 1758; died 1818. 344 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [175f-l 175? Atkinson, Peter (Yorks.)- Com. c. 14 Mar. ; b. 20 Mar. ; matr. gen. 21 Mar. 175?, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 16 Apr. 1751 ; B.A. 22 Oct. 1754. Manch. Reg. i. Radenhurst, John (Chesh.). Batt. b. 23 Mar. 175?; matr. cler. 28 Mar., aged 19; Yate Sch. 12 Apr.; c. 13 Apr. 1751; B.A. 22 Oct. 1754; rem. 3 June 1758. 1751 Barroll, John (Herefs.). Com. b. 8 May ; matr. gen. 10 May, aged 18; c. 17 May; Somerset. Sch. 19 July 1751 ; B.A. 5 Feb. 1755 ; rem. 5 Feb. 1756. Bartholomew, William (Hants.). Com. b. 31 May ; matr. cler. 5 June, aged 17 ; c. 24 Oct. 1751 ; B.A. 2 May 1755 ; M.A. 7 Feb. 1758 ; rem. 18 Aug. 1759. Brooke, Peter (Lanes, or London). Gen. Com. b. 20 Apr. ; matr. arm. 26 Apr., aged 19 ; c. 17 May 1751 ; rem. 14 Apr. 1761. BENEF. : Plate 1754, 1760. Quat. Mon. v. Chetwode, Philip (Chesh.). Com. b. 16 May; c. and matr. bart. 17 May 1751, aged 17 ; B.A. 5 Feb. 1755 ; Caution Money expended in plate by order of seniority 8 Dec. 1799. QWYN, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 11 Apr., aged 15; b. 15 Apr. ; Tver Sch. 16 Apr. ; c. 17 Apr. 1751 ; Hulme Ex. 13 Oct. 1754 ; B.A. 28 Jan. 1755 ; Pellow (Founders) 4 July 1757 ; M.A. 21 Oct. 1757 ; Rector of Cottingham 9 Nov. 1768; Senior Bursar 1768-9; res. Fell. 9 Jan. 1770 ; Principal 10 May 1770; died at Brighton 17 Aug. 1770. 'He had arrived at Brighton on Friday morning, 17 Aug. 1770, and after ordering dinner by two o'clock went to take a walk, but, never returning alive, on Sunday, 19 Aug., his body was discovered by some boys lying flat on his face by the edge of a pathway west of the town close to Brighton churchyard among standing barley. There were several guineas, a pocket-book, &c., found about him. The body was taken to the New Ship and examined by the principal physician of Brighton, Dr. Awsiter, who gave it as his opinion that Mr. G. fell in a fit and was suffocated for want of timely assistance. His library was sold in 1771 by Mr. Fletcher of Oxford.' WORKS : Two Sermons, 1780. Manch. Reg. i. Holme, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b. 28 May; matr. gen. 5 June, aged 18 ; c. 8 June 1751 ; B.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 14 July 1759 ; rem. 4 July 1760. MAYER, Henry (Chesh.). Com. b. 12 Apr. ; c. 13 Apr. ; matr. gen. 17 Apr., aged 17; Yate Sch. 14 June 1751 ; B.A. 28 Jan. 1755 ; Fellow (Founders) ; the Visitor in his rescript 17 July 1758 (apparently quash- ing Egerton Leigh's election) ordered his reception as Fellow, and he was accordingly admitted Probationary Fellow as from 11 Mar. 1758, but there is no record of his being admitted actual Fellow, probably by an oversight ; Vice-Principal 1768-9 ; Proctor 15 Feb. 1769 ; Junior Bursar 1751-2] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 345 1769-70; Rector of Cottingham 24 May ; res. Fell. 24 Nov. 1770 ; died 22 Apr. 1780. NICHOLSON, Ralph (Chesh.). Com. b. 3 Apr. ; c. 13 Apr. ; matr. gen. 17 Apr., aged 17; Frankland Sch. 14 June 1751; B.A. 28 Jan. 1755 ; M.A. 21 Oct. ; Fellow (Founders) 2 Nov. 1757 ; Junior Bursar 1766-7; Senior Bursar 1767-8; Rector of Dudcot 27 June 1768; res. Fell. 11 Feb. 1769 ; died 27 Dec. 1792. Walker, Richard (Norfolk). Com. c. and matr. gen. 4 July, aged 16 ; b. 5 July ; rem. 5 Oct. ; Demy Magdalen 1751 ; B.A. 9 Apr. 1755 ; M.A. 24 Jan. 1758 ; Fellow 1759 ; D.C.L. 24 Nov. 1763. Walton, Ambrose (Lanes.). Com. b. 30 Aug. ; c. 5 Oct. ; matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1751, aged 17 ; rem. 15 Oct. 1753. 1752 Anwyl, William (Merioneths.). Batt. b. 21 Apr. ; c. 4 May; matr. pleb. 12 May 1752, aged 17; B.A. 27 Feb. ; rem. 7 Apr. 1756. Assheton (Asheton), Richard (Radnor). Com. Matr. gen. 5 Mar., aged 18; c. 6 Mar. ; Mordaunt Sch. 1 Dec. 1752; B.A. 6 Oct. 1755; rem. 20 Mar. 1760. BEST, Whittingham (Lines.). Com. Claymond Sch. ; matr. cler. 19 June, aged 17 ; b. 20 June 1752 ; c. 6 Mar. ; rem. 15 Oct. 1753 ; B.A. Magdalen 5 May 1756 ; Fellow (Higden) 3 Nov. 1758 ; M.A. 13 Feb. 1759 ; res. Fell. 6 Oct. 1761. Clerke, Charles (Northants.). Gen. Com. c. 2 Mar. ; matr. arm. 18 Mar. 1752, aged 17 ; rera. 5 Dec. 1753. Cocks, Philip (Herefs.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1752, aged 16 ; B.A. 2 June 1756 ; M.A. 9 June 1758 ; rem. 1 June 1763. Preb. of Lincoln ; died 1797. WOKK : Sermon on 1 Tim. iv. 1 6 (at the consecration of Bp. Moss). Darwall, John (Staffs.). Com. b. 6 May; c. 8 May; matr. cler. 12 May 1752, aged 20; Somerset Th. Manor. Sch. 21 Feb. 1754; B.A. 27 Feb. ; rem. 7 Apr. 1756. WORK : -\-DiscoHrse on spiritual improvement from affliction, 1790. Manch. Reg. i. Dorset, Bennet (Benedict) (Salop). Com. c. 8 May ; b. 9 May ; matr. gen. 12 May 1752, aged 17; rem. 4 July 1760; readm. 7 May; B.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 22 May 1762; rem. 14 Dec. 1776. Ellis, Henry (Som.). Batt. b. 17 Mar. ; c. 18 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 19 Mar., aged 17 ; rem. 20 Dec. 1752 ; B.A. St. John's 31 Oct. 1755. Gorges, Richard (Middlx.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 11 July 1752, aged 17; cr. M.A. 17 Feb. 1756 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1758. Assumed name of Meredyth 1775 ; cr. a Bart, of Ireland 28 Aug. 1787. BENEF. : Plate 1758. Quat. Mon. v. Gwillym, Thomas Harcourt (Herefs.). Com. b. 6 May ; c. 8 May ; matr. gen. 12 May 1752, aged 18 ; B.A. 2 Mar. ; rem. 7 Apr. 1756. 346 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1752-3 HADDON, Giles Fairclough (Lanes.). Com. b. 4 Apr. ; c. 7 Apr. ; matr. cler. 8 Apr. 1752, aged 18; Nowell Sch. 14 Apr. 1755; B.A. 14 Jan.: Hulme Ex. 27 May 1756; M.A. 13 Oct.; Fellow (Founders) 22 Nov. 1758 ; Senior Bursar 1769-70 ; B.D. 29 Nov. ; D.D. 8 Dec. 1770 ; Rector of Stepney 21 Mar. 1771 ; res. Fell. 4 Feb. 1772; died 6 Jan. 1785. Higgins, Sambrooke (Staffs.). Com. c. 18 Mar. ; matr. gen. 19 Mar. 1752, aged 18; B.A. 17 Dec. 1755 ; M.A. 8 July; rem. 12 July 1758. Kent, Richard (Middlx.). Com. b. and c. 7 Apr. ; matr. gen. 15 Apr. 1752, aged 20 ; rem. 19 Oct. 1764. Newell, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. matr. arm. 5 Mar., aged 16 ; c. 6 Mar. ; Nowell Sch. 14 Apr. 1752 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1755 ; Hulme Ex. 17 Jan. 1756 ; rem. 2 Nov. 1758. Lieutenant King's Regiment of Volunteers. Reece, Delahay (Herefs.). Com. Matr. cler. 10 Nov., aged 18 ; c. 1G Nov. 1752 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 21 Feb. 1754 ; B.A. 17 Dec. 1759 ; rem. 14 Jan. 1760. Sneyd, Edward (Staffs.). Com. c. 14 Mar. ; matr. arm. 16 Mar. 1752, aged 18 ; B.A. 14 Nov. 1755 ; rem. 5 Feb. 1757 ; died 1795. Sneyd, John (Staffs.). Com. c. 24 June ; matr. arm. 25 June 1752, aged 17 ; B.A. 30 Apr. 1756 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1758. High Sheriff co. Stafford 1770. BENEF. : Plate 1758. Quat. Mon. v. Whitaker, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 29 Feb. ; matr. gen. 5 Mar. 1752, aged 17; rem. 8 May; Sch. Corpus 1753; B.A. 24 Oct. 1755; M.A. 29 Feb. 1759; Fellow 1763; B.D. 1 July 1767. WORKS : \-The History of Manchester, 1771-5. \The Genuine History of the Britons asserted, 1772, &c. An Ode, 1777. t Sermons, 1783, &c. ^Tlte Charter of Manchester translated, 1787. Mary. Queen of Scots, vindicated, 1787, Ac. ^Origin of Arianism disclosed, 1791. f Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire reviewed, 1791. Contributed to R. Polwhele's Poems chiefly by Gentlemen of Dorsetshire and Cornwall, 1792. Manch. Reg. i. ; D.N.B. \-A Critical Examination, 1794. f The Course of Hannibal over the Alps ascertained, 1794. fT7ie Eeal Origin of Government, 1795. Introduction and Notes to Flin- dell's Bible, 1800. \-Ancient Cathedral of Cormcall his- torically sun-eyed, 1804. \The Life of St. Neot, 1809. Private Li'e of Mary Queen of Scots, MS. Articles in English Revieic. Articles in British Critic. Articles in A nti- Jacobin Review. Remarks on St. Michael's Mount in Polwhele's Cornwall. 1753 Annesley, James (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. doct. 30 May, aged 17 ; b. 31 May 1753; rem. 22 Jan. 1755. 1753J BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 347 Arderne, Richard (Lanes.). Com. b. 3 July ; c. 5 July ; matr. gen. 10 July 1753 ; B.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 10 Oct. ; rem. 18 Dec. 1760 ; rep. 6 June 1761 ; rem. 17 Feb. 1762; died 1779. Arderne, William Henry (London). Batt. b. 6 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 14 Apr., aged 18; c. 3 May 1753; B.A. 23 June; rem. 11 July 1757; rep. 30 Jan. 1761 ; M.A. 23 Mar. 1762 ; rem. 30 May 1763. Mauch. Reg. i. Baker, John (Sussex). Batt. c. 17 Jan. ; matr. pleb. 3 Mar. 1753, aged 18; B.A. 20 Oct. 1756; M.A. 30 June 1759; B.D. and D.D. St. Mary Hall 13 Oct. 1770; rem. 18 Dec. 1806. BENEF. : Plate 1759. (Juat. Mon. v. Bromley, Robert (Lanes.). Com. c. 5 Nov. ; matr. gen. 3 Dec. 1753, aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 21 Feb. 1754 ; rem. 3 Oct. 1755. Munch. Reg. i. Burroughs (Burrows), Thomas (Chesh.). Batt. b. 9 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 14 Apr., aged 17 ; c. 3 May 1753 ; B.A. 20 Oct. 1756 ; rem. 6 July 1758 ; reaclm. 26 June ; M.A. 30 June 1759. Cartwright, Thomas (Northants. or Cambs.). Gen. Com. b. 29 June; c. and matr. arm. 30 June 1753, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 26 Apr. 1757 ; rem 17 Dec. 1763. BENEP. : Gave 20 towards new paving the Hall 1763. Quat. Mon. iv. Dardis, Christopher (Ireland). Com. b. and matr. cler. 9 Mar., aged 18 ; c. 3 May 1753 ; rem. 2 Jan. 1756. Davenport, Charles (London). Com. b. 27 Feb. ; matr. arm. 3 Mar., aged 17; c. 6 Mar. 1753; B.A. 20 Oct. 1756; M.A. All Souls 12 July 1760 ; rem. 29 Jan. 1762. Davie, William (Devon). Com. Matr. bart. f. 1 June, aged 18 ; b. and c. 2 June 1753; B.A. 27 Apr. 1757; M.A. 22 May 1760; rem. 12 Dec. 1761. Dormer, James (Bucks, or Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 10 Sept. 1753, aged 18 ; rem. 27 June 1755 ; B.A. Merton 8 June 1757. Garrard, Richard (Wilts.). Com. b. and matr. cler. 23 Oct. 1753 ; c. 14 Feb. ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 21 Feb. 1754 ; B.A. 30 June 1757 ; rem. 18 Dec. 1760; rep. 26 Apr. 1761 ; rem. 17 Dec. 1764. HICKMAN, John (Chesh.). Batt. b. 13 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 14 Apr., aged 18 ; c. 3 May 1753 ; Yate Sch. 11 May 1754 ; B.A. 20 Oct. 1756 ; M.A. 17 Dec. 1759; Fellow (Williamson P.) by order of the Visitor as from 24 Nov. 1757, 16 Apr. (see under, Heyes, Richard, 1754) ; res. Fell. 17 Feb. 1764. HOGARTH, James (Lanes.). Com. b. 28 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 3 Mar., aged 16; c. and Radcliffe Sch. 6 Mar. 1753; Hulme Ex. 25 Oct.; B.A. 17 Dec. 1756 ; M.A. 17 Dec. 1759 ; Fellow (Founders) 13 Dec. 1760 ; died 2 May 1769. Holme, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b. 25 Sept. ; c. 26 Sept. : matr. cler. 17 Oct. 1753, aged 19; Nowell Sch. 21 Feb. 1754; rem. 2 June 1758. 348 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1753-4 Michel (Michell, Mitchel), Robert David (Dorset). Gen. Com. b. 25 June ; matr. arm. 27 June, aged 17 ; c. 28 June 1753 ; cr. M.A. 26 Apr. 1757 ; rem. 1 Feb. 1766. M.P. Lyme Regis 1780. BENEF. : Plate 1760. Quat. Mon. v. Wabb, Richard (Lanes.). Com. b. 12 Apr. ; matr. gen. 14 Apr., aged 18 ; c. 3 May 1753 ; Iver Sch. 21 Feb. 1754 ; rem. 7 Apr. 1756. Mauch. Reg. i. Parry, Richard Price (Flints.). Gen. Com. b. 15 June ; c. and matr. arm. 20 June 1753, aged 17 ; rem. 18 Dec. 1806. BENEF. : Plate 176- ? Quat. Mon. v. Studley, Edward (Salop). Batt. b. 15 June ; c. and matr. pleb. 20 June 1753, aged 24 ; rem. 18 Dec. 1806. BENEF. : Plate 1785. Quat. Mon. v. Wilkinson, John (Worcs. or Herefs.). Com. b. 4 June ; c. and matr. gen. 7 June 1753, aged 18 ; rem. 5 Feb. 1757. 1754 Booth, Bartholomew (Derbs.). Batt. b. (Com.) 24 June ; matr. gen. 28 June, aged 21 ; c. 10 Aug. 1754 rem. 22 May 1756. Manch. Reg. i. Falconer, James (Chesh.). Com. b. 28 Oct. ; c. and matr. arm. 31 Oct. 1754, aged 16; B.A. 9 June 1758; M.A. 10 July 1761 ; B.D. and D.D. Oriel 25 Nov. 1772 ; rem. 16 Nov. 1773. Preb. of Lichfield 1777 ; Archdeacon of Derby 1795 ; died 1809. Falconer, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. b. 11 Feb. ; c. 12 Feb. ; matr. arm. 12 Mar. 1754, aged 17. WORKS : Ode to Sleep. Devotions for the Sacrament of the Lord's ^Arrian's voyage round the Euxine. Supper, by a Layman, 1786, &c. Translated, 1805. Observations on Pliny's account of the (Left materials for an edition of Temple of Diana at Ephesus, 1791. Strabo ; this was published by ^Oironoloyical Tables, 1796. his nephew Thomas Falconer.) D.N.B. Haddon, Peter (Lanes.). Com. c. 6 Apr. ? ; b. 6 May ; matr. cler. 8 May, aged 16; Frankland and Cartwright Sch. 30 May 1754; B.A. 14 Jan. 1758 ; M.A. 10 July ; rem. 14 July 1761. Preb. of Ripon 1800 ; died 1815. Surtees Soc. 78 (Memorials of Ripon, vol. ii, 1884, 1). Hallings, Michael (Herefs.). Batt. b. 25 May ; Somerset Sch. and matr. gen. 30 May 1754, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1758 ; M.A. 8 July 1780 ; rem. 13 June 1787. Sec. S.P.C.K. ; died 7 Apr. 1786. Hann, Elias (Devon). Com. b. 22 Feb. ; c. and matr. gen. 23 Feb., aged 16; Cartwright Sch. 31 July; died 1754. Buried in College cloister. 1754-5] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEE Hervey, Frederick Augustus. M.A. Corpus, Cambridge, 1754; cr. D.D., T.C.D. 1768 ; D.D. by diploma Brasenose 6 Apr. 1770. Chaplain in Ordinary to the King 1763; Bishop of Cloyne 1767; Bishop of Derry 1768; Fourth Earl of Bristol and Baron Howard de Walden 1779. D.N.B. HEYES, Hichard (Chesh.). Com. b. 23 Apr.; c. 24 Apr.; matr. gen. 2 May, aged 16 ; Church Sch. 11 May 1754 ; Fellow (Williamson P.) 24 Nov. 1757 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1758 ; apparently his election was quashed in 1760, for by decision of the Visitor, given on 29 Mar. 1760, John Hickman (1753) was admitted to the Fellowship as from 24 Nov. 1757. Inge, William (Staffs.). Gen. Com. c.22 Oct.; b.23 Oct. ; matr. arm. 25 Oct. 1754, aged 17 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1758. J.P. and High Sheriff, Stafford. BENEF. : Plate 1756. Quat. Mon. v. Kaye, Richard (Yorks.). Com. b. 19 Mar.; c. 20 Mar. ; matr. bait, f. 27 Mar. 1754, aged 17 ; B.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 17 Jan. 1761 ; D.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 6 Mar. 1770 ; rem. 22 Oct. 1779 ; rep. 29 Nov. 1783. F.R.S., F.S.A. 1765; Chaplain to the King 1766; Preb. and Dean of Lincoln 1783 ; succeeded to the baronetcy in 1789 ; died 25 Dec. 1809, and buried in Lincoln Cathedral. BENEF. : Bequeathed Principal Yarborough's portrait to the College. Quat, Mon. vii. Leche, William (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 28 Nov. ; b. 29 Nov. ; matr. arm. 4 Dec. 1754, aged 19 ; rem. 16 Mar. 1759. High Sheriff. LONSDAIiL (Lonsdale), Miles (Lanes.). Com. c. 4 Jan. ; matr. gen. 26 Jan., aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 21 Feb. 1754 ; B.A. 21 Oct. 1757; Hulme Ex. 24 July 1758 ; Pellow (Founders) 26 Feb. ; M.A. 4 June 1760 ; res. Fell. 19 Mar. 1764; died 1785. Sidebottom, Radclyffe (Lanes.). Com. c. 5 Apr. ; matr. cler. 6 Apr. 1754, aged 17 ; rem. 26 June 1756. Taylor, George (St. Christopher). Gen. Com. b. 11 Mar.; c. 14 Mar. ; matr. arm. 27 Mar. 1754, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 6 July 1757 ; cr. D.C.L. 8 July ; rem. 5 Nov. 1773. BENEF. : Plate 1773. Quat. Mon. v. Willmill, Thomas. Hulme Ex. 24 June 1754. Manch. School Hist. 1755 Baldwyn, Charles (London or Lanes.). Com. c. 15 Feb. ; b. 15 Mar. ; matr. arm. 17 Mar. 1755, aged 19 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1759 ; M.A. 1 July ; rem. 14 July 1761. Makin, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. 15 Feb. ; b. 15 Mar. ; matr. gen. 17 Mar. 1755, aged 16 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1758 ; rem. 5 Nov. 1760. 350 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1755 NAPLETON, John (Herefs.). Com. b. and matr. cler. 22 Mar., aged 16 ; c. 14 Apr. ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 16 May 1755 ; B.A. 14 Nov. 175ft : Pellow (Frankland) 13 Dec. 1760 ; M.A. 21 May 1761 ; Vice-Principal 1769-70; Senior Bursar 1771-2, 3-4, 56; Rector of Old 28 June 1777; res. Fell. 27 Sept. 1778; B.D. and D.D. 5 Mar. 1789. Preb. of Hereford 1789; Chancellor of the diocese of Hertford and Praelector in Divinity, Hereford Cathedral, 1810; died 9 Dec. 1817; letter from Mrs. Napleton reported as to legacy of 50 left to the Principal and Fellows to be used by the Rector of Old for purchase of books, or otherwise, for the. spiritual benefit of the inhabitants of the parish 25 Apr. 1818. WORKS : fEdited Hall's Henochismus. -[Sermons for the Use of Schools and Ekmenta logicae, 1770. Families, 1800, &c. Considerations on the Public Exercises -[Advice to a Minister of the Gospel, for the First and Second Degrees in 1801. the University of Oxford, 1773, &c. Sermons for the Use of Colleges, Schools, [A Sermon at Hereford at the meeting and Families, 1806, &c. of 1he three choirs, 1 789. A set of Greek verses to the Oxford [Advice to a Student in the University, Epithalamia. 1795. t-4 Sermon on regeneratioti and con- tSermon at Lambeth, 1798. version, 1817. The Duty of Churchwardens respecting Sermons. the Church, 1799, &c. D.N.B. Owen, "William (Carnaivons.). Com. c. 17 Feb. ; b. and matr. gen. 17 Mar., aged 17; Iver Sch. 16 May 1755; B.A. 13 Oct. 1758; M.A. 4 June 1761. Manch. Reg. i. Ravenhill, John (Herefs.) Com. c. 15 Feb. ; matr. gen. 18 Feb., aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 8 Mar. 1755 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1758 ; rem. 26 June 1759; M.A. Worcester 10 July 1761 ; Fellow of Worcester. Stopford (Stapford), William (Lanes.). Batt. c. 14 Apr. ; b. 14 May ; matr. cler. 15 May, aged 20; subst. for Nowell Sch. 26 June 1755 ; B.A. 19 June 1759 ; rem. 7 Dec. 1762 ; died 1818. Manch. Reg. i. Strode, William (Herts.). Gen. Com. c. 12 June ; matr. arm. 13 June 1755, aged 16 ; cr. M.A. 26 Apr. 1759 ; rem. 10 Oct. 1763. BENEF. : Gave 20 towards new paving the Hall 1763. Quat. Mon. iv. Yate, Thomas (Northants.). Com. b. 10 Feb. ; c. and matr. cler. 11 Feb., aged 18; Yate Sch. 26 June 1755; B.A. 13 Oct. 1758; rem. 25 June 1761. 1756 Adams, Alexander (Som.). Com. Matr. gen. 18 Nov., aged 18; c. and Claymond Sch. 23 Nov. 1756; B.A. 4 June 1760; M.A. 20 Apr. ; rem. 12 Dec. 1763. 1756 7 J BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 351 Cooke, George (Yorks.). Gen. Com. ; c. and matr. arm. 21 Feb. 1756, aged 18 ; rem. 14 Apr. 1761. Assumed name and arms of Yarborough 1802. BENEF. : Plate 1760. Quat. Mon. v. Crallan, James (Lanes.). Com. c. 21 Feb. ; b. 28 Feb. ; matr. gen. 2 Mar., aged 16; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 11 Mar. 1756; B.A. 16 Oct.; Hulme Ex. 22 Nov. 1759 ; M.A. 10 June 1762 ; rem. 27 Oct. 1763. Manch. Keg. i. Davies (Davis), John (Denbs.). Gen. Com. c. 29 May ; matr. arm. 1 June 1756 ; aged 16 ; rem. 16 Dec. 1811. BENEF. : Plate 1756. Quat. Mon. v. Lane, Theophilus (Herefs.). Com. b. 9 Apr. ; Som. Th. Manor Scb., c. and matr. gen. 10 Apr. 1756, aged 15; B.A. 16 Oct. 1759; M.A. 2 July ; rem. 16 July 1763 ; died 1816. Moore, Glover (Lanes.). . Batt. c. 9 Apr. ; Nowell Sch. ; matr. pleb. 10 Apr. 1756, aged 18 ; B.A. 26 Apr. ; rem. 16 Dec. 1760 ; rep. 4 Mar. ; rem. 10 Aug. 1761. Price, Daniel (Herefs.). Batt. c. 16 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 20 Oct., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 25 Oct. 1756 ; B.A. 4 June 1760 ; M.A. 2 July ; rem. 12 July 1763. Radclyffe, Robert (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 1 July 1756, aged 19 ; rem. 16 Dec. 1811. Shorrock (Sharrack), John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 5 Nov. ; b. and matr. pleb. 6 Nov. 1756, aged 18; B.A. 12 July 1760 ; rem. 10 Feb. 1761 ; readm. 2 May 1771 ; M.A. 17 Dec. 1774 ; grace for B.D. and D.D. 1 Feb. 1782 ; died 1802. Turnock, Samuel (Staffs.). Batt. c. 11 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 13 Mar. 1756, aged 18 ; rem. 5 Mar. 1760. Whalley, William (Lanes.). Com. c. 9 Mar.; Iver Sch. 11 Mar., matr. gen. 13 Mar. 1756, aged 18; B.A. 17 Dec, 1759; Hulme Ex. 4 Mar. 1760 ; M.A. 10 June 1762 ; rem. 11 Dec. 1766. Manch. Reg. i. Wilde, James (Lanes.). Com. c. 28 Feb. ; matr. gen. 2 Mar., aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 11 Mar. 1756 ; B.A. 16 Oct. 1759 ; Hulme Ex. 16 Feb. 1760 ; rem. 17 Dec. 1762. Manch. Reg. i. WILSON", William (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 1 June 1756, aged 17; B.A. 15 Feb. 1760; Pellow (Founders) 8 Nov. 1761; M.A. 22 Oct. 1762; Senior Bursar 1770-1, 2-3; Junior Bursar 1771-2, 3-4; vice-Principal 1775-6; Rector of Gt. Shefford 22 Dec. 1777; res. Fell. 9 Jan. 1779; died 7 Feb. 1818. 1757 Cantrell, Joseph Cradock (Derbs.). Com. b. 10 June ; matr. cler. 13 June, aged 19; c. 17 June 1757; rem. 10 Oct. 1759; son of Henry Cantrell, controversialist, see D.N.B. 352 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE [1757 CLEAVER, William (Bucks.). Matr. cler. Magdalen 18 Oct. 1757, aged 15 ; B.A. 2 June 1761 ; Fellow (Barbie) 22 Oct. 1762 ; M.A. 2 May 1764 ; Vice-Principal 1770-2, 7-8, 9-80 ; Senior Bursar 1774-5, 6-7, 8-9 ; Rector of Cottinghani 29 Aug. 1780 ; res. Fell. 12 Oct. 1781 ; Principal 10 -Sept. 1785; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 26 Jan. 1786; resolved to present him with a piece of plate ' in recognition of the zeal, talent, and integrity with which he has presided over the interests of the College for 24 years, and the effects of which are testified by an unexanlpled increase in its members, its revenue, and its fame ', 1 Nov. 1809; resolved that this piece of plate be a tureen, inscribed 'in memoriam beneficiorum acceptorum ' 15 Feb. 1810 ; letter of thanks from the Bishop 31 Mar. 1810 ; died 15 May 1815. Preb. of Westminster 1784; Bishop of Chester 1788 ; Bishop of Bangor 1800 ; Bishop of St. Asaph 1806. WORKS : +De Ehythmo Graecorum, 1775. ^A list of looks recommended to the Directions to ttie Clergy of the Diocese of younger Clergy in the diocese of Chester on flie Choice of Books, 1789. Chester. Edited the Homer printed at Oxford -^Charge to Clergy of Chester, 1799. by the Grenville Family. -^Sermons, 1808. Sermons, 1789. Vindication of the late Bishop of St. ^Sermon, 1791. AsapWs edition of the Lacedaemonian Sermon 1793. decree, 1816. D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. vii. Cooper, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. and inatr. cler. 28 Mar. 1757, aged 14; b., Hulrne Ex.; B.A. 11 Dec. 1760; rem. 25 Mar. 1764; rep. 7 May; M.A. 6 July 1781 ; rem. 10 Mar. 1795. Eaton, Joseph (Chesh.). Batt. b. 20 May; c. 23 May ; matr. pleb. 26 May, aged 20 ; Yate Sch. 4 Nov. 1757 ; B.A. 17 Jan. ; rem. 12 Mar. 1761 ; M.A. Peterhouse, Cambridge, 1768 ; died 1800. ECCLES, Allan Harrison (Chesh.). Com. b. 17 Oct. ; c. 18 Oct. ; matr. cler. 21 Oct. 1757, aged 17 ; Church Sch. 9 May 1758 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1761 ; Pellow (Williamson P.) 22 Mar. ; M.A. 7 June ; Rector of Bow 13 Apr. 1771 ; res. Fell. 10 Mar. 1772 ; died 29 Sept. 1801. Hesketh, Fleetwood (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 17 June 1757, aged 18 ; rem. 16 Dec. 1811. BENEF. : Plate 1757. Quat. Mon. v. Hoclson, George (Chesh.). Com. c. 22 Jan.; matr. cler. 11 Mar., aged 18 ; b. 14 Mar. ; Iver Sch. 14 Apr. 1757 ; B.A. 13 Oct. 1760 ; M.A. 4 July ; rem. 2 Nov. 1763. The father of Principal Frodshani Hodson (1787). Manch. Keg. i. Hulton, William (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. 17 June 1757, aged 17 ; rem. 19 June 1758. NEWBY, Joshua (Yorks.). Com. c. 26 Mar. ; matr. gen. 28 Mar. ; aged 18 ; Cartwright Sch. (14 Apr. ?) 1757 ; B.A. 30 Oct. 1760 ; Fellow (Higden) 11 Nov. 1761 ; M.A. 3 June 17K3 ; Junior Bursar 1770-1, 2-3, 4-7 ; Rector of Gt. Rollright 19 Dec. 1780 ; res. Fell. 9 June 1782 ; died 12 Aug. 1811. 1757-8] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 358 Parry, Thomas (Herefs.). Batt. c. 22 Jan. ; matr. pleb. 7 Feb. 1757, aged 18 ; B.A. 13 Oct. ; rem. 15 Dec. 1760 ; rep. 29 Jan. ; rem. 1761. Walker, John (Herefs.). Com. c. 29 Mar. ; b. 30 Mar. ; matr. gen. 31 Mar., aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 1757 ; B.A. 22 May 1762 ; rein. 15 Dec. 1763. White, James (Kent). Com. b. 1 June ; matr. cler. 2 June, aged 18 ; c. 3 June 1757 ; B.A. 20 Apr. ; rem. 26 June 1761. Youde, Thomas (Denbs.). Com. c. 31 Mar. ; rnatr. gen. 2 Apr. 1757, aged 18; B.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 28 Jan. 1764; rem. 14 Dec. 1774; rep. 10 Feb. 1775 ; rem. 17 June 1779. 1758 Clere, William. Hulme Ex. 24 July 1758. Manch. School Hist. Colley, Moses (Middlx.). Com. b. 9 May ; matr. cler. 11 May, aged 18 ; c. 13 May 1758 ; Henley and Stoddard Sch. 15 June 1759 ; rem. 12 Dec. 1763. Dean, Richard (Yorks.). Batt. b. and matr. pleb. 18 Mar., aged 20 ; c. 1 May 1758; B.A. 15 Oct. 1761 ; rem. 27 Nov. 1762. WORK : \An essay on the future life of brutes, 1768. Gwillym, Robert (Lanes.). Gen. Com. b. 17 June ; c. and matr. arm. 19 June 1758, aged 16 ; rem. 1 Feb. 1766. BENEF. : Plate 1765, as Robert Atherton Gwillem. Quat. Mon. v. Hobhouse, Henry (Som.). Com. c. 27 Feb. ; matr. arm. 28 Feb. 1758, aged 15 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1761 ; M.A. 26 May 1764 ; rem. 20 Apr. 1793. Hyett, Benjamin (London or Gloucs.). Gen. Com. c. 4 Nov. ; matr. arm. 6 Nov. 1758, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. (as Nicholas) 30 June 1762 ; rem. 16 Dec. 1811. BENEF. : Plate 1758. Quat. Mon. v. LEIGH, Egerton (Chesh.). Com. B.A. St. John's, Cambridge ; b. 3 Feb. ; c. 9 Feb. ; incorp. 3 Mar. ; Fellow (Founders) 11 Mar. ; M.A. 8 July 1758. Preb. of Bangor 1758 ; Preb. of Lichfield 1770 ; Archdeacon of Salop 1770 ; Chancellor of Lichfield 1797 ; died 1798. Maddock, Hinton (Chesh.). Com. b. 28 Jan.; matr. gen. 3 Feb., aged 18; c. 9 Feb. 1758; B.A. 15 Oct. 1761 ; rem. 27 Nov. 1762; ? rep. 14 Apr. 1763 ; grace for B.D. and D.D. 19 Dec. 1772 ; rem. 5 Nov. 1781. Manch. Reg. i. Massey, Peter (Chesh.). Batt. b. 10 Apr. ; c. 20 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 11 May 1758, aged 17; rem. 12 Aug. 1762 ; readm. 18 May ; B.A. 19 May 1763. Manch. Reg. i, iii (1). Pigott (Pigot), Thomas (Salop). Com. c. and matr. arm. 13 Oct. 1758, aged 18 ; rem. 17 Dec. 1759 ; grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1762. A a 354 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1758-9 RADCLIFFE, Houstonne (Lanes.). Com. b. 28 Jan. ; matr. gen. 3 Feb., aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 4 Feb. ; c. 9 Feb. 1758 ; B.A. 15 Oct. ; Hulme Ex. 1761 ; M.A. 6 July 1764 ; Fellow (Elton) 13 Feb. 1766 ; Vice-Principal 1772-5, 6-7; Senior Bursar 1777-8, 9-80; Vicar of Gilling- ham with the Chapel of Lidsing 24 Oct. 1780 ; res. Fell. 26 Nov. 1781 ; B.D. and D.D. 5 Feb.; rem. 2 Mar. 1784. Preb. of Ely 1787; Preb. of Canterbury 1795; Sub-Dean of Bath and Wells 1812 ; died 8 Apr. 1822. WORKS : -\-Concio ad Clerum Provinciae Cantua- ^Sermon, preached at the consecration riensis in Synodo Provinciati ad Dim ofBp. Cleaver, 1788. Pauliw. Kal. Octob. 1796, 1797. Manch. Reg. i. SABTDBACH, Richard (Chesh.). Com. c. 18 Feb. ; matr. arm. 27 Feb., aged 20 ; Somerset Sch. 11 Mar. 1758 ; B.A. 19 Feb. ; rem. 17 Dec. 1762 ; readm. 14 June ; Fellow (Williamson W.) 3 Dec. 1765 ; M.A. 17 Dec. 1766; Junior Bursar 1781-2 ; Vice-Principal 1783-4; Rector of Stepney 4 Apr. 1785; res. Fell. 6 July 1786 ; died 10 Aug. 1788. Manch. Beg. i. Vyse, William (Staffs.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 30 Oct. 1758, aged 16 ; rem. 7 Jan. 1763 ; B.C.L. All Souls 1772 ; D.C.L. 1774. F.S.A. 1779 ; F.R.S. 1781 ; Archdeacon of Coventry 1793 ; Preb. of Lichfield 1772 ; Chancellor of Lichfield 1798. Wodhull, Michael (Northants.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 13 Jan. 1758, aged 17 ; rem. 12 Nov. 1761. BENEF. : Plate 1761. WORKS : t Euripides, 1782, &c. Ode to Criticism, 1761. Helped in 4th ed. of Harwood's +0de to the Muses, 1762. View of the Classics. ^A Poetical Epistle to **** ******* Helped in Dibden's Introduction to (i.e. John Cleaver), M.A., 1762. the Classics. ^Two Odes, 1763. Contributed to Gent.'s Magazine \-Equality of Mankind, 1765. under ' L. L. 1 +Poems, 1772. D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. v. 1759 Bayley, James (Lanes.). Com. c. 17 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 23 Feb. 1759, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 17 Oct. ; B.A. 3 Dec. 1762 ; M.A. 26 June ; rem. 6 July 1765. Manch. Reg. i. Cawley, John Humberston (Denbs.). Gen. Com. c. 13 June 1759; matr. as John Humberston 26 Nov. ; b. also 1 Dec. 1759 ; rem. 1762. Floyer, Ralph (Staffs.). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 12 May 1759, aged 18 ; rem. 17 Dec. 1762. High Sheriff co. Stafford 1780. Humberston, John. See Cawley, John Humberston. Hyett (Hiett), Thomas (Gloucs.). Com. b. and matr. gen. 8 May, aged 17 ; c. 9 May 1759 ; B A. 15 Feb. 1763 ; rem: 29 Nov. 1764. KENYON", Robert (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 25 May, aged 16; Mordaunt Sch. 1 June 1759; B.A. 29 Jan. 1763; Fellow (Founders) 16 May 1764 ; M.A. 30 Oct. 1765 ; res. Fell. 25 July 1771. 1759-60] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 355 Neblett (Niblett), John (Barbadoes). Gen. Com. Matr. gen. Exeter 16 Oct. 1759, aged 21 ; c. 23 Feb. ; rem. 10 Dec. 1760. Pigott (Pigot), William (Salop). Com. c. and rnatr. arm. 25 May 1759, aged 16; B.C.L. 28 Jan. 1766; rem. 24 Mar. 1770. BENEF. : Plate 1770. Quat. Mon. v. Puleston, Philip (Chesh. or Denbs.). Gen. Com. c. 13 June ; matr. arm. 26 Nov., aged 18 ; b. 1 Dec. 1759. BENEF. : Plate 1777. Quat. Mon. v. Richards, John (Dorset). Com. c. 16 Jan. ; matr. arm. 23 Jan. 1759, aged 17 ; B.C.L. 6 Nov. 1765. Rugge, "William (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 12 May, aged 18 ; Frankland Sch. 18 May ; Reed and Ogle Sch. 15 June 1759 ; B.A. 29 June ; rem. 15 Nov. 1763 ; M.A. All Souls 30 Oct. 1766. Waterhouse, Joseph (Derbs.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 13 June 1759, aged 20 ; rem. 22 Apr. 1761. Webb, William (Staffs.) Com. b., c. and rnatr. gen. 12 May 1759, aged 17 ; B.A. 29 Jan. ; rem. 12 Dec. 1763 ; rep. 20 Mar. 1764. 1760 Byrd (Bird), Edward (Staffs.). Com. c. 19 Mar.; matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1760, aged 18 ; B.A. 20 Nov. 1763 ; rem. 19 Dec. 1768. Dunne, Martin (Herefs.). Com. c. 19 Mar. ; matr. arm. 26 Mar. 1760, aged 19 ; rem. 11 Feb. ; readm. 1 July 1763 ; rem. 1 Jan. 1765 ; B.C.L. Oriel 13 Dec. 1768 ; B.Med. 14 July 1770. FOLEY, John (Herefs.). Com. c. 13 May ; b. 21 May ; matr. arm. 22 May 1760, aged 15; B.A. 19 Jan.; Fellow (Porter) 16 May 1764; M.A. 10 Oct. 1766 ; Proctor 19 Feb. 1777 ; Junior Bursar 1777-8 ; Vice- Principal 1778-9; Senior Bursar 1780-2; Rector of Christ Church, Spitalfields, 20 Nov. 1782 ; res. Fell. 27 Mar. 1784; died 29 Nov. 1803. J.P. for Gloucs., Worcs., and Herefs. ; Chairman Quarter Sessions, Gloucs. Green, Thomas (Warws.). Com. c. 25 Mar. ; b. and matr. cler. 26 Mar., aged 17; Demy Magdalen 1760; rem. 19 Oct. 1761; B.A. Magdalen 14 Oct. 1763 ; M.A. 28 May 1766 ; B.D. 3 Feb. 1776 ; D.D. 24 Oct. 1782. Henry, Ellis (Denbs.). Batt. b. 22 Mar.; matr. pleb. 27 Mar., aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 28 Mar. ; c. 16 Dec. 1760 ; B.A. 24 Nov. 1763 ; rem. 26 May 1764; died 1815. HUNTER, William (Lanes.). Batt. c. 7 May ; matr. cler. 22 May 1760, aged 18; B.A. 19 Jan. ; HulmeEx. 17 Dec. 1764; Fellow (Founders) 2 July; M.A. 11 Oct. 1766; Vice-Principal 1780-1; Rector of St. Anne, Limehouse, 4 Apr. 1781 ; res. Fell. 30 May 1782 ; died 7 June 1801. WORKS: On Friendship, 1771 ; '\Seimon, 1780. A a 2 356 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE [1760-1 Knightley, Lucy (Northants.). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 26 Jan. 1760, aged 17 ; rem. 17 Dec. 1763. M.P. Northampton 1763 ; Northamptonshire 1773. BENEF. : Gave 20 towards new paving the Hall 1763. Quat. Mon. iv. Leigh, Charles (St. Christopher). Gen. Com. c. 19 Mar. ; b. 1 May; matr. arm. 7 May 1760, aged 15 ; rem. 6 Dec. 1764. Mercer, Henry (Lanes.). Com. Nowell Sch. 14 Feb. ; c. 29 Feb. ; matr. gen. 3 Mar., aged 16 ; rem. 20 Oct. 1760. Prichard, John James (Lanes.). Com. c. 25 Mar. ; b. 21 May ; matr. cler. 22 May, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 8 Nov. 1760 ; rem. 12 Dec. 1761. Rawstorne, Lawrence (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 12 July 1760, aged 17. High Sheriff Lanes. 1776. Manch. Reg. i. Read, Bagot (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 25 Mar. ; b. 26 Mar. ; matr. arm. 27 Mar. 1760, aged 18; rem. 25 Apr. 1777. Taylor, John (Lanes.). Com. Som. Th. Manor. Sch. 14 Feb. ; b. and c. 23 Feb. ; matr. gen. 27 Feb. 1760, aged 18 ; B.A. 20 Oct. 1763 ; Hulme Ex. 19 Apr. 1764 ; M.A. 27 June 1766 ; B.Med. 5 Apr. 1769 ; D.Med. 3 Mar. 1780 ; rem. 14 Feb. 1803. Monument in Christ Church, Oxford. Manch. Reg. i. Williams, Watkin (Watkins) (Denbs.). Gen. Com. b. 24 June ; c. and matr. arm. 25 June 1760, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 9 Feb. 1767 ; rem. 12 Nov. 1798. BENEF. : Plate (? date). Quat. Mon. v. 1761 Alford, Thomas (Som.). Com. b. and matr. cler. 6 Mar., aged 17 ; c. 9 Mar. ; Claymond Sch. 12 Mar. 1761 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 1765 ; rem. 15 Mar. 1766. Beckman, William (London). Com. b. 2 June ; matr. gen. 4 June, aged 18; c. 11 July 1761; Gen. Com. 20 Aug. 1762; rem. 4 July 1765. Bingham, William (Dorset). Com. c. and matr. arm. 15 Oct. 1761, aged 17 ; B.A. 7 June 1765 ; rem. 17 Dec. 1767 ; rep. 12 Oct. 1768 ; M.A. 14 July 1769 ; rem. 18 Dec. 1770; readm. 23 Nov. ; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 14 Dec. 1790. Archdeacon of London ; Chaplain to George III ; died 1819. Court, Matthew (Middlx.). Com. b. and c. 8 Jan. ; matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1761, aged 17; rem. 19 Dec. 1766. Dunne, Thomas (Herefs.). Com. b. and matr. arm. 16 Feb., aged 17; c. 6 Mar. 1761 ; B.A. 27 Oct. 1764; rem. 1 Jan. ; rep. 9 Apr. 1765 ; rem. 11 July 1769. 1761-2] BKASE^OSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK 357 Farnaby, John (Kent). Com. c. 28 Oct. ; matr. bart. f. 30 Oct. 1761, aged 18; rem. 21 Oct. 1762. 4th Bart. Goodwyn (Goodwin), Thomas (Som.). Coin. b. and matr. cler. 6 Mar., aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. 12 Mar. 1761 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 1765 ; rem. 19 Dec. 1766; rep. 18 Mar. ; M.A. 1 July 1767 ; rem. 9 Mar. 1774. Hunt, Dodington (Som.). Com. M c. 25 Mar. ; matr. cler. 27 Mar. 1761, aged 17 ; rem. 7 Dec. 1768 ; cr. D.C.L. 9 June 1773. Ireland, Thomas (Herefs.). Batt. c. 9 Mar. ; matr. gen. 11 Mar. aged 17; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 12 Mar. 1761 ; B.A. 27 Oct. 1764; rem. 14 Dec. 1765 ; M.A. Queen's 19 June 1767 ; B.D. and D.D. 12 July 1779. Preb. of Bristol and Wells. Marchant, Thomas (Sussex). Com. c. and matr. gen. 4 Mar. 1761, aged 18; B.A. 20 Nov. 1764; rem. 17 May 1766. Savage, William (Lanes.). Com. c. 26 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 28 Mar. 1761, aged 19; rem. 24 Oct. 1764. Thomlinson (Tomlinson), Robert (Middlx.). Batt. b., c. and matr. pleb. 7 May 1761, aged 17; rem. 20 Nov. 1764; B.A. Queen's 15 Feb. 1765 ; M.A. 14 Mar. 1768. Wilbraham, John Bromhall (Chesh.). Com. c. 26 Feb. ; matr. cler. 27 Feb. 1761, aged 17; B.A. 12 Oct. 1764; rem. 4 Dec. 1766. Wormington, William (Salop). Com. b. 12 Mar. ; c. 13 Mar. ; matr. cler. 14 Mar. 1761, aged 16 ; B.A. 17 Dec. 1764 ; rem. 18 Dec. 1770 ; died 1828. 1762 Bertie, Richard (Oxon.). Com. c. 21 Aug. ; b. and matr. doct. 21 Oct. 1762, aged 17; rem. 29 Oct. 1763; B.A. Magdalen 19 July 1766. Dew (Dewe), John (Herefs.). Com. c. 1' Apr. ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 2IApr. ; matr. gen. 3 Apr. 1762, aged 18 ; B.A. 22 Oct. 1765 ; rem. 17 Dec. 1767 ; rep. 1 Nov. ; M.A. 4 Nov. ; rem. 19 Dec. 1768. Edwards, Joseph (Som.). Com. c. 20 Mar. ; matr. gen. 22 Mar. aged 19 ; Iver Sch. 2 Apr. 1762; B.A. 10 Oct. 1765 ; rem. 17 Dec. 1767 ; rep. Apr. 1768; M.A. 2 July; rem. 3 July 1770; grace for B.D. and D.D. 1 Feb. 1782. Manch. Reg. i. Emmett, John (Essex). Com. c. 21 Aug. ; b. 19 Oct. ; matr. arm, 22 Oct. 1762, aged 18 ; rem. 3 Oct. 1763. Fly, Henry (Middlx.). Com. b. and matr. gen. 15 June, aged 18 ; c. 20 Aug. ; Sch. 12 Nov. 1762 ; B.A. 9 Apr. 1766 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1769 ; readm. 7 May ; M.A. 1 July 1773 ; B.D. and D.D. 6 Apr. 1797. F.S.A. ; F.R.S. ; ' Confessor to His Majesty's household '; Minor Canon of St. Paul's, &c., &c. WORKS: Sermon, 1794; Sermon, 1798. Hargreaves, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 13 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 15 Mar., aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 2 Apr. 1762; Hulme Ex. May 1764; B.A. 10 Oct. 1765 ; M.A. 1 June 1768 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1769 ; grace for B.D. 20 Dec. 1775. 358 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1762-3 HEAP, James (Lanes.). Com. c. 13 Mar. ; matr. gen. 15 Mar., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 2 Apr. 1762 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 10 Oct. 1765 ; M.A. 1 June ; Fellow (Founders) 23 June 1768 ; Vice-Principal 1781-2 ; Senior Bursar 1783-4, 5-6 ; Rector of Cottingham 20 Dec. 1785 ; res. Fell. 12 July 1786 ; died 10 Dec. 1787. Tombstone in Cottingham Church. Manch. Reg. i. Ilonywood, Filmer (Kent). Com. b. 11 Feb. ; c. and matr. bart. f. 12 Feb. 1762, aged 17 ; rem. 6 Dec. 1764 ; rep. as Gen. Com. 18 Nov. 1766 ; rem. 13 Dec. 1771. M.P. Steyning 1774, Kent 1780, 4-96, 1802-6. BENEP. : Plate 1770. Quat. Mon. v. Knightley, Valentine (Northants.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 19 Oct. 1762, aged 18 ; Gen. Com. 17 May 1763 ; cr. M.A. 3 Apr. 1767. Sheriff Northants. 1795. Lord, William (Bucks.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 1 Dec. 1762, aged 19 ; rem. 6 Aug. ; Demy Magdalen 1764 ; B.A. 28 May 1766 ; M.A. Apr. 1769 ; Fellow 1774 ; B.D. 31 Jan. 1778 ; D.D. 5 Dec. 1782. Ottley, Adam (Salop). Com. b. 23 June ; c. 24 June ; matr. arm. 25 June 1762, aged 17 ; B.A. 9 Apr. 1766 ; rem. 8 Apr. 1767. Plumbe, William (Lanes.). Com. c. 25 May ; matr. gen. 26 May 1762, aged 18 ; B.A. 29 Jan. 1767 ; rem. 19 Dec. 1768 ; rep. 25 May 1769 ; rem. 12 Dec. 1772. Ralfe, William (Wilts.). Com. c. 1 Apr. ; matr. gen. 3 Apr. 1762,, aged 18 ; B.A. 22 Oct. 1765 ; rem. 8 Dec. 1766. St. John, Hon. Ambrose (Middlx.). Com. c. 21 Aug. ; matr. Baronis f. 15 Oct. 1762, aged 19 ; Gen. Com. 14 Feb. 1764 ; rem. 20 Dec. 1768 ; rep. 25 May 1769 ; rem. 12 Dec. 1772 ; died 1775. Tringham, Thomas (Herefs.). Coin. b. and matr. cler. 26 May, aged 17 ; c. 27 May 1762 ; B.A. 8 Feb. 1766 ; M.A. 6 July ; rem. 14 July 1770 ; grace for B.D. 20 Dec. 1775. 1763 Armett, Charles (Chesh.). Com. c. 23 Mar. ; matr. arm. 24 Mar. 1763, aged 18 ; Gen. Com. 4 Feb. 1766 ; rem. 13 Apr. 1767. Balfour, Blayney Townley (Ireland). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 16 Mar., aged 18 ; b. 14 Apr. 1763. BARTON", James (Lanes.). Com. b. 10 Jan. ; c. 15 Jan. ; matr. gen. 17 Jan., aged 16 ; Reed and Ogle Sch. 19 Nov. 1763 ; Frankland Sch. 9 June 1764 ; B.A. 11 Oct. ; Hulme Ex. 20 Nov. 1766; M.A. 24 May; Fellow (Founders) 23 June 1769 ; Junior Bursar 1778-81 ; res. Fell. 29 Oct. 1781 ; died 7 July 1814. Clack, Thomas (Berks.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 11 May 1763, aged 18 ; B.A. 26 Feb. 1767 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1769 ; rem. 9 July 1770. His father was master of the Lamb Inn, Wallingford, Berks., and he was intended for a musician, but Lord Courtenay, falling in love and marrying his sister, sent him to Brasenose and presented him to two livings. 1763] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 359 Clayton, Richard (Lanes.). Com. c. 23 Mar.; b. and matr. arm. 15 Apr. 1763, aged 18 ; rein. 11 Dec. 1766. Cr. Bart. 3 May 1774; Recorder of Wigan 1815. WORKS : the life of Alexander, by Baron de (Notes to de la Croix' Connubia St. Croix, 1793. Florum, 1791. -(-Translated Tenhove's Memoirs of (Translated A critical enquiry into the House of Medici, 1797. D.N.B. Crocker, John (Gloucs.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 18 Nov., aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. 1763 ; rem. 16 Mar. 1764 ; B.A. Wadham 17 June 1767 ; M.A. 14 July 1770. Dashwood, Henry Watkin (Oxon.). Gen. Com. c. 23 Mar. ; b. 31 Mar. ; matr. arm. (post bart.) 16 Apr. 1763, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 29 Apr. 1766 ; rem. 20 Nov. 1770 ; cr. D.C.L. 8 July 1773. 3rd Bart. ; M.P. Woodstock 1784 ; died 1828. BENEF. : Plate 1770. Quat. Mon. v. Gardner, John (Salop). Com. c. 17 May; matr. gen. 18 May 1763 T aged 17 ; rem. 26 June 1769. Green, Joseph (Lanes.). Com. c. 15 Mar. ; b. 16 Mar. ; matr. gen. 17 Mar., aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 22 Mar.; rem. 2 June 1763; B.A. Corpus 30 Oct. 1766. Manch. Reg. i. Greenwood, Thomas (Westmoreland or Yorks.). Batt. Cartwright Sch. 9 Nov. ; b. 15 Nov. ; c. 18 Nov. ; matr. cler. 22 Nov. 1763, aged 20 ; B.A. 17 June 1767 ; M.A. 20 June 1770 ; rem. 27 June 1778. Gwillym, William Atherton (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 22 Mar. 1763, aged 18 ; rem. 3 May 1764. Hall, Thomas Bayley(Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 22 Mar. 1763, aged 17; Gen. Com. 15 Feb. 1765 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 11 Oct. 1766; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 27 May 1769 ; rem. 5 May 1779. HOLMES, John (Lanes.). Com. b. 5 Mar. ; matr. cler. 7 Mar. 1763, aged 18; Somerset Sch. 10 Mar. ; c. 13 Mar. 1763; B.A. 11 Oct. 1766; Hulme Ex. 2 July 1767 ; M.A. 24 May 1769 ; Fellow (Founders) 16 Feb. 1770; Senior Bursar 1782-3, 4-5; Vice-Principal 1785-6; Rector of St. Mary, Whitechapel, 7 Dec. ; B.D. and D.D. 13 Dec. 1786 ; res. Fell. 25 Mar. 1788; died 17 Aug. 1795. BENEF. : Bequeathed 100 (to purchase books for Library) and such other books as were in his possession at death which the College think worthy of acceptance 1795 ; MSS. lists of College admissions, officers, and burials. Manch. Reg. i. Hupsman, Thomas Augustus (Middlx.). Com. b. and c. 19 Mar. ; matr. gen. 21 Mar. 1763, aged 18; rem. 7 Nov. 1768; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1790 ; M.A. (as Augustus Thomas) 1791. Knowles, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b. 13 Jan. ; matr. gen. 14 Jan.. aged 19; c. 16 Jan. ; Nowell Sch. 21 Jan. 1763 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1766; rem. 23 Mar. 1767. 360 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE [1763-4 Nicholls, George (Middlx.). Com. b. 16 May ; matr. arm. 17 May, aged 18; c. 26 Oct. 1763; rem. 28 Mar. 1774. Noel, Hon. Thomas (Leics.). Nob. Matr. nob. 4 Nov., aged 17 ; c. 8 Nov. 1763 ; cr. M.A. 29 Apr. 1766 ; cr. D.C.L. 7 July 1773. 2nd Viscount Wentworth; M.P. Leicester 1774; died 1815. BENEF. : Gave 20 for purchase of mathematical instruments for the use of the Library 1767. Quat. Mon. iv. Standish, Frank (Lanes.). Nob. c. 26,'Jan. ; b. 28 Jan. ; matr. bart. f. 31 Jan. 1763, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 3 Apr. 1767. 3rd Baronet. BENEF. : Gave 20 for purchase of mathematical instruments for the use of the Library 1767. Quat. Mon. iv. Swain, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 17 May ; b. 25 May ; matr. pleb. 1 June 1763, aged 19; B.A. 30 Apr. 1767; rem. 10 Dec. 1768. WOOD, James (Chesh.). Batt. b. 12 Mar. ; c. and inatr. pleb. 15 Mar. 1753, aged 20 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1766 ; Fellow (Clifton) 31 Oct. 1767 ; M.A. 24 May 1769. Died near Vienne ' in Gallia Transalpina ' while returning home with a pupil 16 Nov. 1775 ; will proved at Oxford 1776. Manch. Reg. i. Woodward, Michael (Beds.). Com. b., c- and inatr. cler. 30 Aug. 1763, aged 26 ; rem. 5 Feb. 1772. 1764 BOWER, George Buckley (Chesh.). Matr. gen. Queen's 30 May 1764, aged 15; B.A. 14 June 1768; Fellow (Founders) 11 Dec.; c. 13 Dec. 1769; M.A. 10 Oct. 1770; Vice-Principal 1782-3; Junior Bursar 1784-5 ; Senior Bursar 27 Oct. 1786-8 ; Rector of Gt. Billing 26 Nov. 1787 ; res. Fell. 25 Feb. 1789 ; died 26 Dec. 1800. Manch. Keg. i. Dewhurst, Richard (Bucks, or Salop). Com. c. 4 Apr. ; matr. cler. 2 May 1764, aged 18 ; rem. 17 Nov. 1768. Poley, Edward (Middlx.). Com. b. 26 Oct.; matr. arm. 27 Oct. 1764, aged 17; Gen. Com. 18 Nov. 1766; cr. M.A. 3 Feb. 1768; rem. 14 Dec. 1769. M.P. Droitwich 1768, Worcester 1774. BENEF. : Gave .12 (caution money), which, together with A. Foley's and R. Brooke's, purchased two gilt chandeliers for the Hall 1772. Quat. Mon. iv. Honywood (Honeywood), John (Kent). Com. c. 10 Apr. ; matr. bart. 11 Apr. 1764, aged 18; B.A. 10 Oct. 1767; rem. 26 Feb. 1768; M.A. All Souls 15 Nov. 1771. Brother of Filmer Honywood (1762). Hunt, Daniel (Bermudas). Com. c. 17 Oct.; matr. arm. 18 Oct. 1764, aged 17 ; rem. 11 Dec. 1766: Jolliffe, William (Middlx. or Hants.). Gen. Com. b. 16 Feb. ; c. 17 Feb. ; matr. arm. 9 Mar. 1764, aged 18. M.P. Petersfield 1768. 1764-5] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 361 MOTTERSHEAD, John (Chesh.). Com. c. 4 May; matr. pleb. 12 May, aged 19 ; Yate Sch. 9 June 1764 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1768 ; Fellow (Founders) 15 Mar. 1769 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1770. Died ' Alcestoniae in Comitatu Warwicensi ' 5 Sept. 1771. Price, John Charles (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 26 Oct. 1764, aged 17 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1769. Smith, Martin (Staffs, or Gloucs.). Com. b. 29 June ; Radcliffe and Walker Sch. 2 July ; matr. gen. 4 July, aged 17 ; c. 14 July ; rem. 20 Nov. 1764 ; B.A. Corpus 20 Apr. 1768 ; M.A. 14 June 1772 ; B.D. 27 Apr. ; rep. 10 Oct. 1781 ; rein. 24 Jan. 1784. Sugden, Richard (Lanes.). Batt. c. 10 Feb. ; b. 11 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 22 Feb. 1764, aged 18; rem. 25 June 1767; B.A. Queen's 10 Oct. 1767 ; M.A. 15 June 1770. Manch. Reg. i. Weston, John. Cook ; will proved at Oxford 1764. 1765 Barrow, Benjamin (Herefs.). Batt. Matr. pleb. (altered to gen.) Balliol 30 Mar. 1765, aged 19 ; Iver Sch. 18 Mar. ; b. 19 Mar. ; c. 4 Nov. 1767 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1768 ; M.A. 9 July 1771. BRATHWEITE (Braithwaite, Breetwhite, Breithwaite, Breeth- weite), Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. b. 28 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 30 Mar., aged 20; c. 21 June 1765; B.A. 11 Oct.; Hulme Ex.27 Dec. 1768; Fellow (Founders), in default of Cheshire candidate, 7 Dec. 1770 ; M.A. 30 May 1771; Junior Bursar 1782-3, 6-8; Vice-Principal 1784-5 ; Senior Bursar 1788-9; Rector of Stepney 17 Jan. 1789; res. Fell. 11 Feb. 1790; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Coinp.) 27 June 1792. Archdeacon of Richmond 1794, of Chester 1797 ; Chaplain to Bishop Cleaver ; died 29 Dec. 1800. Manch. Reg. i. Drake, William (Middlx.). Gen. Com. b. 18 June ; matr. arm. 20 June, aged 17 ; c. 21 June 1765 ; cr. M.A. 13 Apr. 1768 ; cr. D.C.L. 8 July 1773. M.P. Amersham 1768 ; died 1795. EVANSOW, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 21 May 1765, aged 16 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 1769 ; Hulme Ex. 23 June 1770 ; M.A. 17 Oct. 1771 ; Fellow (Founders) 28 Feb. 1772 : Vice-Principal 1786-7; Rector of Catworth Magna 16 May 1788; res. Fell. 21 July 1789 ; died 1835. Hollings, William (Herefs.). Batt. c. 21 June ; b. and matr. pleb. 19 Oct. 1765, aged 18 ; B.A. 24 May 1769 ; rem. 9 July 1770; died 1820. A miser and recluse. Educated at Hereford School. Knightley, John (Northants.). Gen. Com. b. 1 May; matr. arm. 3 May, aged 18 ; c. 4 May 1765 ; rem. 6 Nov. 1773. Cr. Bart. 2 Feb. 1798. BENEF. : Plate 1771. Ouat. Mon. v. Lawton, John (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 15 Feb. ; matr. arm. 14 Mar. 1765, aged 18 ; rem. 1 Feb. 1766. 362 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE [1765-6 Longden, Henry (Derbs.). Com. c. 21 June ; b. and matr. arm. 23 Oct. 1765, aged 18; rein. 27 June 1766; B.A. Merton 12 May 1769. Roughsedge, Robert Hankinson (Lanes.). Com. b. 26 Mar ; matr. gen. 30 Mar., aged 18 ; c. 21 June 1765 ; B.A. 4 Feb. 1769 ; M.A. 6 July 1771 ; rem. 10 Dec. 1776 ; died 1829. Smith, Edward (Orlebar) (Gloucs.). Com. b. and matr. cler. 13 Feb. 1765, aged 18 ; B.A. 1 Dec. 1768 ; M.A. 2 July 1776 ; died 1819. Strode, James (Herts.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 27 Mar., aged 18 ; b. 28 Mar. 1765 ; Gen. Com. 13 July 1767 ; rem. 12 July 1770. SUGDEN, William (Lanes.). Batt. c. 30 Jan. ; b. 31 Jan. ; matr. gen. 12 Feb. 1765, aged 17 ; Nowell, Henley, and Stoddard Sch. 31 Oct. 1767; B.A. 11 Oct. 1768; Hulme Ex. 1769; M.A. 30 May; Fellow (Founders) 7 Nov. 1771 ; Junior Bursar 1783-4, 5-6; Rector of Selham 29 Nov. 1786 ; res. Fell. 17 Mar. 1788 ; allowed to exchange Rectory of Selham with that of Cottingham, to which George Heron (1767) had been presented, 16 May 1788 ; res. Cottingham 5 Dec. 1814; died 1819. Manch. Keg. i. Williams, Richard (Flints.). Com. and Gen. Com. c. 21 June ; b. and matr. cler. 9 Dec. 1765, aged 18 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1769. 1766 ARMETRIDING (Armitriding), James (Lanes.). Com. b. 7 May ; matr. pleb. 13 May, aged 18 ; c. 30 June 1766 ; B.A. 15 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 11 Oct. 1770; Fellow (Founders) 7 Nov. 1771 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1772; Vice-Principal 1788-9: Rector of Steeple Aston 11 Nov. 1790; Senior Bursar 1790-1 ; res. Fell. 3 May 1792 ; died 1832. Collins, Thomas (Staffs.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 30 June, aged 18 ; Mordaunt Sch. 20 Nov. 1766; rem. 28 Nov. 1768; B.A. Worcester 1770; M.A. 1773; B.D. and D.D. 1792. Daubeny (Daubeney), James (Gloucs.). Com. b. 14 May; matr. gen. 15 May, aged 18; c. 30 June; rem. 12 Dec. 1766; B.A. New College 15 Jan. 1770; M.A. 19 May 1773. Hall, Roger (Hants.). Com. b. and matr. gen. 13 May, aged 19 ; c. 30 June 1766; rem. 22 Jan. 1768. Shrigley, Thomas (Essex). Com. b. 21 Mar. ; matr. cler. 22 Mar., aged 18; Radcliffe and Walker Sch. 29 Mar. ; c. 30 June 1766; B.A. 10 Oct. 1769 ; rem. 28 June 1770 ; Michel Sch. Queen's 1770 ; Fellow 1772 ; M.A. 10 July 1772 ; died 1789. Stephens, Henry (Hants.). Com. c. 30 June ; b. 12 Nov. ; matr. cler. 13 Nov., aged 18; rem. 12 Dec. 1766; B.A. Merton 14 July 1770. Wardleworth, James (Lanes.). Batt. b. 18 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 19 Mar., aged 20 ; Somerset Sch. 29 Mar. 1766 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1769 ; rem. 12 Dec. 1772. Manch. Reg. i. WRIGHT, Robert (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 19 Mar., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 29 Mar. 1766 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1769 ; Fellow (Founders) 30 Apr. 1770 ; M.A. 17 June 1772 ; Vice-Principal 1787-8 ; Junior Bursar 1766-7] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 363 1788-9 ; Rector of Old 6 Mar. 1790 ; res. Fell. 28 May 1791 ; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 13 Dec. 1804 ; Rector of Whitechapel 1805 ; died 27 Sept. 1807. Manch. Reg. i. 1767 Beaumont, Richard Henry (Yorks.). Gen. Com. b. and matr. arm. 30 Apr., aged 18; c. 2 May 1767 ; cr. M.A. 19 Jan. 1771 ; reni. 12 Dec. 1810. Benefactor 1777. Quat. Mon. iv. Bullock, Francis (Middlx.). Com. b. and matr. arm. 1 July, aged 17 ; c. 4 Nov. 1767 ; Gen. Com. 12 Oct. 1768 ; rem. 11 Dec. 1769. Drake, Mr. Thomas (Bucks.). Gen. Com. b. and matr. arm. 1 July, aged 18 ; c. 4 Nov. 1767 ; cr. M.A. 14 Feb. 1771. Assumed name of Tyrwhitt only 1776 ; M.P. Amersham 1795 ; resumed his patronymic (Drake) 1796. Ford, John (Middlx.). Com. b. and matr. arm. 2 July, aged 17 ; c. 4 Nov. 1767 ; Gen. Com. 12 Oct. 1768 ; cr. M.A. 29 Jan. ; rem. 13 Dec. 1771. HERON", George (Chesh.). Com. c. 4 Nov.; b. 20 Nov.; raatr. arm. 3 Dec. 1767, aged 19; B.A. 30 May 1771 ; Fellow (Williamson P.) 7 May 1772; M.A. 9 June 1774; allowed to retain his Fellowship, his property not exceeding the sum laid down by the statutes 4 Feb. 1781 ; a letter from him dated Daresbury, 20 Jan. 1781, states that his property, after deduction of charges to which he is legally bound, does not exceed .40 a year ; presented to Rectory of Cottingham 15 Apr. 1788 ; allowed to exchange Rectory of Cottingham with that of Selharn, to which William Sugden (1765) had been presented, 16 May 1788 ; res. Fell. 9 June 1789. Manch. Reg. i. Hughes, William (Oxon.). Com. b. 2 Apr. ; c. and matr. doct. 3 Apr., aged 17 ; Gen. Com. 4 Nov. 1767. Lloyd (Loyd), Edward (Wales). Batt. Matr. gen. Jesus 4 June, aged 19 ; b. and c. 28 Dec. 1767 ; B.A. 8 Feb. 1771 ; rem. 12 Dec. 1772 ; rep. 31 Oct. 1774; M.A. 8 July; rem. 11 Dec. 1775. Low (Lowe), Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. b. 28 Mar. ; Reed, Ogle, and Frankland Sch. 30 Mar. ; matr. gen. 3 Apr., aged 20 ; c. 4 Nov. 1767 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1770; rem. 13 Dec. 1778. Prichard (Pritehard), Henry (Oxon.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 10 Oct. 1767, aged 19; B.A. 5 Feb. 1772; M.A. 16 July 1774; rem. 18 Nov. 1780; died 1823. Mayo Family. Scawen, John (Middlx.). Com. c. 20 Mar. ; matr. arm. 21 Mar., aged 16 ; Gen. Com. 4 Nov. 1767 ; rem. 28 June 1768. An officer in the Guards ; died in India 1801. 364 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1767-8 Smith Barry, James Hugh (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 28 July ; b. 29 July ; matr. arm. 31 Dec. 1767, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 16 June ; rem. 20 Dec. 1770. BENEF. : Gave 25, which purchased the picture of King Alfred in the Hall 1769. Quat. Mon. iv, vii. Sykes, Christopher (Yorks.). Gen. Com. b. 30 Oct. ; c. 4 Nov. ; matr. doct. 5 Nov. 1767, aged 18 ; cr. M.A. 16 June 1770 ; cr. D.C.L. 9 July 1773. M.P. Beverley 1784 ; 2nd Bart. Tatton, William (Chesh.). Gen. Com. b. 5 Oct. ; matr. arm. 6 Oct., aged 18 ; c. 15 Oct. 1767 ; cr. M.A. 16 June 1770 ; vem. 8 Nov. 1799. Assumed name of Egerton 1780, M.P. Hindon 1784, Newcastle-under- Lyme 1792, Cheshire 1802. Manch. Reg. i. Taylor, John (St. Christopher). Com. post Gen. Com. ; c. 4 Nov. ; b. and matr. arm. 9 Nov. 1767, aged 17 ; rem. 12 Dec. 1772. BENEF. : Plate 1772. Quat. Mon. v. Tierney, Thomas Michael (Kent). Com. c. 4 Nov. ; b. 30 Nov. ; matr. gen. 3 Dec. 1767, aged 16 ; rem. 9 July 1770. 1768 Allgood, James (Northumb.). Gen. Com. c. 12 Oct. ; b. and matr. eq. 18 Nov. 1768, aged 18; cr. M.A. 7 June 1771 ; cr. D.C.L. 9 July 1773. Bankes, William (Lanes.). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 28 Apr. 1768, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 7 June 1771 ; rem. 13 Apr. 1776. High Sheriff Lanes. 1784. BENEF. : Plate 1787. Manch. Reg. i ; Quat. Mon. v. A'Beckett (Becket), Thomas (Wilts.). Com. Matr. gen. 21 June, aged 17 ; c. 12 Oct. 1768 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 17 Jan. 1769 ; B.A. 29 Apr. 1772 ; M.A. 30 Oct. 1778 ; grace for B.D. and D.D. 1 Feb. 1782. Bridge, Ralph (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 14 Mar., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 9 Dec. 1768 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1771 ; M.A. 9 June 1774 ; rem. 20 June 1783. Manch. Reg. i. Crewe, Offley (Chesh.). Com. b. and rnatr. doct. 7 July, aged 17 ; c. 12 Oct. 1768 ; B.A. 4 June 1772 ; M.A. 25 June ; rem. 1 Dec. 1776 ; died 1836. Drake, John (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. 12 Oct. ; matr. arm. 24 Oct., aged 18 ; b. 25 Oct. 1768 ; B.C.L. All Souls 1775 ; D.C.L. 1786. Fletcher, John (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. pleb. 24 Mar., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 26 Mar. 1768 ; rem. 11 Nov. 1772. ? Manch. Beg. i. 1768-9] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 365 Foley, Andrew (Middlx.). Gen. Com. b., c. and rnatr. arm. 11 June 1768, aged 19 ; cr. M.A. 7 Dec. 1771 ; rein. 12 Dec. 1772. M.P. for Droitwich 1774. Benefactor 1772. Quat. Mon. iv. Foxley, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 16 May ; matr. cler. 19 May, aged 17 ; Tver Sch. 20 May 1768 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1772 ; M.A. 18 Nov. 1780 ; died 1838. Was at Brasenose distinguished for a refined taste in Latin Composition. Francis, Charles (Wilts.). Com. b. and c. 22 Jan. ; matr. gen. 23 Jan., aged 16 ; Somerset Sch. 27 June 1768 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1771 ; M.A. 9 June 1774 ; died 1821. Left his Oriental MSS. and books to the Bodleian. Johnson, John (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 12 Oct. ; b. and matr. arm. 15 Nov. 1768, aged 19 ; rem. 16 Nov. 1771. Jones, Pryce (Denbs.). Batt. c. 12 Oct. ; b. and matr. gen. 13 Dec. 1768, aged 17 ; B.A. 17 June 1772 ; M.A 8 July ; rem. 11 Dec. 1775. King, Walker (Lanes.). Com. b. 19 Feb. ; c. and matr. cler. 20 Feb., aged 16 ; Somerset Sch. 25 Feb. ; rem. 15 Dec. 1768 ; B.A. Corpus 15 Nov. 1771 ; M.A 14 Jan. 1775 ; B.D. and D.D. 17 Dec. 1788. Preb. of Wells 1796 ; of Canterbury 1803 ; Bishop of Rochester 1809. Robinson, John (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 19 May 1768, aged 25; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 14 Jan. 1772; M.A. 11 Nov. 1774; rein. 11 Dec. 1778. Winstanley, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. pleb. 24 Mar., aged 18 ; Thornhill Sch. 26 Mar. 1768 ; B.A. 10 Oct. ; Hulme Ex. 10 Dec. 1771 ; M.A. 17 June 1774; rem. 22 Mar. 1776; Fellow of Hertford 1790; Camden Professor of Ancient History 1790-1823 ; Principal of St. Alban Hall 1796 ; B.D. 6 Dec. ; D.D. 11 Dec. 1798 ; Laudian Professor of Arabic 1814; died 1823. Preb. of St. Paul's 1794. WORKS : f Edited Works of Daniel Webb \-Aristotelis de Poetica Liber, 1780. under title of Miscellanies, 1802. Vide Gutch's letter to R. Gough in Gough's Camden's Britannica ; Manch. Reg. i. Woodcock, James (Gloucs.). Gen. Com. c. 12 Oct. ; b. and matr. arm. 15 Nov. 1768, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 24 Jan. ; rem. 19 Feb. 1772. 1769 Baldwin, Rigbye (Rigby) (Chesh.). Com. c. 13 Jan. ; matr. cler. 14 Jan., aged 18 ; Yate and Church Sch. 21 Apr. 1769 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1772 ; M.A. 15 June; rem. 11 Dec. 1775. Clerk (Clerke), Richard (Oxon.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 27 Oct. 1769, aged 17 ; B A. 1 July 1773 ; M.A. 5 July 1776 ; rem. 3 Mar. 1780. Durham, Hercules (Scotland). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 14 Dec. 1769, aged 25 ; rem. 13 Dec. 1771. Evanson, John (Chesh.). Com. c., Yate and Church Sch. 9 May 1769 ; appealed against election of Thomas Braithwaite (1765) as Fellow, but his appeal dismissed by the Visitor on the ground that he was not of standing to take the B.A. degree 20 Aug. 1771; B.A. 11 Nov. 1772; M.A. 11 Oct. 1775 ; rem. 21 May 1778. 366 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1769 Gennys, John (Devon). Gen. Com. c. 4 Mar. ; matr. arm. 7 Mar. 1769, aged 16; rem. 13 Dec. 1771. Hett, William (Lines. 1. Batt. c. 10 May; matr. gen. 11 May 1769, aged 17; B.A. 20 Feb. 1773 ; rem. 17 July 1777 ; B.A. and M.A. Cambridge 1777. Preb. of Lincoln 1786; died 21 Nov. 1833. WORKS : Discourses on several subjects and occa- A Letter to Mr. J. Proctor, 1793. sions, 1818. Miscellanies, 1794. Miscellanies on various subjects in prose Occasional Poems, 1794. and verse, 1823. Sermon, 1797. Sermon, 1827. Great Britain, 1809. The Death of Absalom, 1829. Hewitt (Hewett), John (Ghosh.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 18 Dec. 1769, aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 15 Mar. 1770 ; B.A. 10 June 1773 ; rem. 5 June 1778. Manch. Keg. i. Johnson, Samuel (Chesh.). Com. b. 5 May ; matr. gen. 6 May, aged 18 ; c. 9 May 1769 ; Nowell, Henley, and Stoddard Sch. 9 May 1769 ; Yate and Church Sch. 23 June 1770 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1773 ; M.A. 11 Oct. 1775. Kinnersley, Richard (Herefs.). Com. b. 20 Jan. ; c. 21 Jan. ; matr. arm. 27 Jan. 1769, aged 17 ; rem, 13 Dec. 1771. Lister, Thomas (Yorks.). Gen. Com. b. 1 May ; matr. arm. 2 May, aged 17 ; c. 9 May 1769 ; cr. M.A. 26 June 1772 ; cr. D.C.L. 8 July 1773. M.P. Clitheroe 1773-90; cr. Baron Ribblesdale 26 Oct. 1797; died 1826; Colonel of the Craven Legion of Yeomanry Cavalry. Lowndes, William (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 13 Jan. 1769, aged 18 ; cr. M.A. 26 June 1772. Assumed name and arms of STONE 1789. Meyrick, Owen Putland (Middlx.). Gen. Com. b. 29 Nov. ; c. and matr. arm. 30 Nov. 1769, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 30 Mar. 1773. Morgan, Hugh (Herefs.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 8 Mar., aged 16 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 15 Mar. 1769 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1772 ; Eng. Pr. ; rem. 12 Feb. 1774; M.A. Worcester 17 June 1775 ; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 21 Nov. 1803. Preb. of Hereford 1779; J.P. Hereford; died 1809. WORKS : Sermon, 1794; Sermon, 1795. Propert, Thomas (Pembs.). Com. Somerset Sch. 23 Oct. ; c. 31 Oct. ; matr. gen. 2 Nov. 1769, aged 19 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1773 ; rem. 25 Apr. 1776 ; died 1816. Renshaw, Samuel (Lanes.). Com. c. 27 Feb. ; matr. gen. 3 Mar. 1769, aged 16 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1772 ; Hulme Ex. 1773; M.A. 15 June 1775 ; rem. 9 Feb. 1779 ; died 1829. WORK : Sermon, 1793. Roberts, Thomas (Middlx.). Com. c. 5 Apr. ; matr. arm. 13 Apr. 1769, aged 18; B.A. 14 June 1773; M.A. 8 Mar. 1776. Sneyd, Walter (Staffs.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 18 Jan. 1769, aged 16 ; cr. M.A. 9 July 1773. M.P. Castle Rising 1784 ; High Sheriff Stafford 1814. 1769-71] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 367 STALMAN, William (Yorks.). Batt. b. 9 Mar. ; matr. gen. 18 Mar., aged 18 ; c. 12 Dec. 1769 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1772 ; M.A. 11 July 1775 ; Fellow (Clifton) 6 Feb. 1776 ; Proctor 3 Mar. 1784 ; Senior Bursar 1789-90 ; Rector of Stoke Bruernc 10 Apr. 1790 ; res. Fell. 20 June 1791 ; died 10 Feb. 1828. Stone, William (Wilts.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. cler. 12 Dec. 1769, aged 33 ; rem. 16 July 1770. Stronge, James (Lanes.). Com. b. 6 Nov. ; matr. arm. 7 Nov., aged 18 ; c. 8 Nov. 1769 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 10 June 1773 ; M.A. (Gr. Cornp.) 19 Apr. 1776 ; rem. 6 Mar. 1805. Cr. a Baronet 22 June 1803 ; died 29 Nov. 1804. Willis, John (Bucks.). Com. b. 13 Jan. ; matr. cler. 14 Jan., aged 18 ; c. 16 Jan. ; Som. Th. Manor. Sch. 17 Jan. 1769 ; B.A. 27 Oct. 1772; rem. 31 Oct. 1774. Willis, John (Lines.). Com. c. 10 May ; matr. doct. 11 May 1769, aged 17; B.A. 20 Feb. 1773; rem. 21 Jan. 1779. 1770 Croxton, James (Chesh.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Jan., aged 18 ; b. 13 Jan. ; c. 16 Jan. 1770 ; rem. 8 June 1772. Cuming, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 2 Feb. ; matr. gen. 19 Feb. 1770, aged 17. Finch, George (Herefs.). Com. b. and matr. pleb. 5 Apr., aged 18 ; c. 6 Apr.; Somerset Sch. (open) 23 June 1770; B.A. 15 Feb. 1774; M.A. 28 June ; rem. 21 Nov. 1776 ; died 1829. Jenkins, John (Som.). Com. Matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1770, aged 17 ; B.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 30 May 1777 ; rem. 20 Apr. 1793. Preb. of Wells 1779 ; died 1824. Latham, Robert (Lanes.). Com. b. 21 May; matr. pleb. 22 May, aged 23 ; c. 23 May : Nowell and Frankland Sch. 24 Oct. 1770 ; Hulme Ex. 5 Oct. 1773 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1774 ; M.A. 10 Oct. ; rem. 10 Dec. 1776. Sneyd, Ralph (Staffs.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 29 Oct. 1770, aged 17 ; B.A. Christ Church 2 June ; rem. 31 Oct. 1774 ; B.C.L. All Souls 28 May 1777. Chaplain to the Prince of Wales 1781. Tireman, Richard (Sussex). Com. c. and matr. cler. 22 Nov. 1770, aged 19 ; rem. 22 Mar. 1776. Willis, Richard (Bucks.). Com. b. 11 Dec. ; c. 12 Dec. ; matr. cler. 17 Dec., aged 18 ; Radcliffe and Walker Sch. 20 Dec. 1770 ; rem. 17 Oct. 1776. 1771 Barton, Henry (Lanes.). Batt. b. and c. 11 May ; matr. pleb. 16 May 1771, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 5 Oct. 1773 ; B.A. 25 Feb. 1775 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1777 ; rem. 21 Jan. 1779. Manch. Reg. i. 368 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1771 Brooke, Richard (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 8 Nov. ; matr. bart. f. 15 Nov. 1771, aged 18 ; cr. M.A. 29 Oct. 1774 ; rem. 27 May 1775 ; cr. D.C.L. 5 July 1810. 5th Bart. Benefactor 1774. Quat. Mon. iv. Brooke, Thomas (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 8 Nov.; matr. bart. f 15 Nov. 1771, aged 16 ; rem. 11 Dec. 1775. High Sheriff 1810. BENEF. : Plate 1777. Quat. Mon. iv. Galley, Thomas Browne (Wilts.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 22 Feb. 1771, aged 18 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 25 Feb. 1775 ; rem. 19 Apr. 1777. Dewe, John (Oxon.). Com. c. 22 Jan. ; matr. gen. 24 Jan., aged 16 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 9 Feb. 1771 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1774 ; M.A. 17 Dec. 1778 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1779. Schoolmaster. G-atley, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 17 Oct. 1771, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 20 Feb. 1772 ; B.A. 15 June 1775 ; rem. 17 Dec. 1776 ; died 1795. Manch. Reg. i. Gill, John Bigby (Lanes.). Com. c. 10 Oct. ; matr. gen. 11 Oct. 1771, aged 17 ; B.A. 27 June 1775 ; Hulme Ex. 14 Jan. 1776 ; rem. 21 Jan. 1779. Manch. Reg. i. Heber, Edward (Yorks.). Com. c. 22 Mar.; b. and matr. arm. 23 Mar. 1771, aged 18 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1774 ; M.A. and rem. 10 Oct. 1778. Lane, Thomas (Kent). Com. c. and matr. gen. 29 Oct. 1771, aged 16 ; Nowell Sch. 6 May 1772 ; rem. 26 May 1775. Markham, John (Bucks.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 16 Feb., aged 17 ; Mordaunt and Nowell Sch. 18 Feb. 1771 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1773 ; B.A. Worcester 10 Oct. 1774 ; M.A. 28 May 1777 ; Fellow of Worcester. Rogers, James (Wilts.). Com. c. 25 June ; matr. cler. 26 June 1771, aged 16 ; B.A. 1 June 1775 ; rem. 21 Oct. 1778 ; M.A. Oriel 10 May 1780 ; D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 28 May 1800. J.P. for Wilts; died 1831. Rogers, William Johnson (Wilts.). Com. c. 25 June ; matr. 26 June 1771, aged 17 ; Somerset and Mordaunt Sch. ; died at London Sept. 1775. Sellwood (Selwood), John (Berks.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 9 July 1771, aged 17 ; rem. 28 Nov. 1776. Stuart, James (Lanes.). Com. c. 27 Sept. ; matr. gen. 10 Oct. 1771, aged 18 ; B.A. 15 June ; Hulme Ex. 24 Dec. 1775 ; M.A. 3 July 1779 ; rem. 10 Apr. 1781. Syddall, James (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 18 Mar., aged 21 ; Tver Sch. 8 Dec. 1771 ; rem. 31 Oct. 1774. Manch. Reg. i. Tarleton, Thomas (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 4 Nov. 1771, aged 18 ; rem. 5 Mar. 1774. 1771-2] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 369 Thornycroft, Edward (Chesh.). Com. c. 14 May ; matr. arm. 16 May 1771, aged 18 ; rem. 31 Oct. 1774. 1772 Barton, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. 3 June ; matr. pleb. 4 June 1772, aged 18 ; rem. 14 Apr. 1773. Manch. Reg. i. CHURTON, Ralph (Chesh.). Corn. b. 18 Jan. ; matr. gen. 22 Jan., aged 17 ; Henley, Stoddard, and Yate Sch. 24 Jan. ; c. 29 Jan. 1772 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1775; M.A. 25 June; Fellow (Franklaud) 10 Nov. 1778; Bampton Lect. 1785 ; Junior Bursar 1789-91 ; Rector of Middleton Cheney 12 Mar. 1792; res. Fell. 7 Sept. 1793; the Bursars authorized to present Archdeacon Churton with the sum of 100 in consideration of his literary zeal and labour so assiduously devoted to the memory of the Founders and Benefactors 20 Dec. 1808 ; died 23 Mar. 1831. Whitehall Preacher 1788 ; Archdeacon of St. David's 1805. WORKS : Eight Sermons on the Prophecies re- ^SeiTnon, 1798. specting the Destruction of Jerusalem -\The Lives of William Smyth, Bishop (Bampton Lect.), 1785. of Lincoln, and Sir Richard Button, \A Sermon, 1789. founders of Brazen Nose College, A Sermon, 1793. Oxford, 1800. Supplement to this tA memoir of Thomas Townson, in 1803. D.D., . . . prefixed to A Dis- -^Sermon, 1802. course on the Evangelical History -\-Sermon, 1803. from the Interment to the Ascension, ^Sermon, 1805. 1793, &c. -\-The Life of Alexander Nowell, Dean M short defence of the Church of Eng- of St. Paul's, 1809. land, 1795. fZz/e ofToumson, 1810. ^A Letter to the Bishop of Worcester fA memoir of Dr. Richard Chand- occasioned by his strictures on Arch- ler, prefixed to a new edition of bishop Seeker and Bishop Lowth in his Travels in Asia Minor and his Life of Bishop Warburton, 1796. Greece, 1825. D.N.B. Clubbe, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. b. and matr. gen. 14 Jan., aged 18 ; Nowell and Frankland Sch. 17 Jan. ; c. 29 Jan. 1772; B.A. 11 Oct. 1775; rem. 11 Dec. 1776. Cotes, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 8 Apr. 1772, aged 16; B.A. 11 Oct. 1775 ; rem. 27 Nov. 1776; M.A. Balliol 4 July 1778. Hall, John (Herefs.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 11 Apr., aged 16 ; Reed and Ogle Sch. 17 Dec. 1772; B.A. 11 Oct. 1775 ; rem. 10 Apr. 1781. Heyes, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. 13 Oct. ; matr. gen. 16 Oct., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 28 Oct. 1772 ; B.A. 5 June ; Hulme Ex. 10 Oct. 1776 ; M.A. 14 Apr. 1779 ; rem. 4 Mar. 1783. Manch. Reg. i. ~N"apleton, Timothy (Worcs.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 4 Apr., aged 15 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 28 Oct. 1772 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1775 ; rem. 10 Apr. 1781 ; M.A. Trinity, Cambridge, 1785 ; died 1816. Manch. Reg. i. Ormerod, Lawrence (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 13 Mar. ; mat*, arm. 31 Mar. 1772, aged 18 ; rem. 13 Dec. 1774. Bb 370 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1772-3 Powles, Michael (Herefs.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 7 Apr. 1772, aged 16; Frankland Sch. May 1774; B.A. 11 Oct. 1775; M.A. 1 July 1778 ; grace for B.D. and D.D. 20 Dec. 1784; rem. 20 Nov. 1789. 1773 Baldwin, John (Lanes, or Chesh.). Batt. c. 24 Apr. ; Iver Sch. 18 May; matr. gen. 19 May 1773, aged 19; rem. 17 Oct. 1776. ? Manch. Reg. i. BANNER, Benjamin (Chesh.). Batt. c. 27 Mar.; matr. pleb. 29 Mar., aged 18; Iver Sch. 25 May 1773; B.A. 10 Oct. 1776 ; Fellow (Founders) 12 Feb. ; M.A. 2 June 1779 ; Vice-Principal 1789-90, 1-2 ; Senior Bursar 1792-3; Rector of Dudcote 15 Feb. 1793; res. Fell. 30 June 1794; died at Lichfield 25 Aug. 1817. Manch. Reg, i. Boardman, Joseph Haydock (Lanes.). Com. c. 3 Feb. ; matr. gen. 8 Feb. 1773, aged 18 ; rem. 15 Mar. 1775. ? Manch. Reg. i. Bollon, James (Yorks.). Batt. c. 16 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 23 Mar. 1773, aged 19 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1776 ; M.A. 8 July; rem. 20 June 1783. Dannett, Henry (Lanes.). Com. c. 22 May ; matr. arm. 27 May 1773, aged 17; Hulme Ex. and B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 3 Feb. 1777; M.A. (as Dennett) 20 Oct. 1779. Schoolmaster ; Founder of the School of the Blind at Liverpool. WOBK : Scripture and the Slave Trade. Gent's Mag. 1815 ; Manch. Reg. i. Davy, John (Devon). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 19 Apr. 1773, aged 18; rem. 16 Feb. 1780. Frank, Thomas (Salop). Com. c. 25 May; matr. gen. 27 May 1773, aged 18; B.A. 11 Feb. 1777. Gillmore, John (Wilts.). Com. c. 18 Mar. ; matr. gen. 23 Mar., aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 14 June 1773 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1776 ; M.A. 13 July 1779 ; rem. 13 Nov. 1781. Glanville, John (Wilts.). Com. c. 18 Mar. ; matr. eq. 23 Mar. 1773, aged 16 ; grace for B.A. 20 Dec. 1775. Griffith, David (Carnarvon). Com. c. and matr. gen. 5 Mar. 1773, aged 17 ; rem. 18 May 1774. Hotchkiss, Samuel (Salop). Com. c. 25 May ; matr. gen. 27 May 1773, aged 18; B.A. 13 Feb. ; rem. 20 June 1777. Legh, Cholmondeley (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 8 July 1773, aged 17; rem. 23 June 1774; B.A. Trinity 9 Apr. 1777; M.A. 11 May 1780. Legh, Thomas (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. cler. 8 Feb. 1773, aged 18; rem. 31 Oct. 1774. Colonel Lancashire Fencible Cavalry; M.P. Newton 1780. Manley, William (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 21 Jan. 1773, 18 ; rem. 8 June 1775. Serjeant-at-law 1808. 1773 4] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 371 Monk, George (Lanes.). Batt. c. 2 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 3 Apr. 1773, aged 21 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1776; rem. Mar. 1777; died 1834. O'Callaghan, Cornelius (Ireland). Com. c. and matr. arm. 18 May 1773, aged 15; rem. 17 Oct. 1776. Owen, Evan (Radnors.). Batt. c. 24 May ; matr. pleb. 27 May 1773, aged 19 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 1777 ; rem. 8 Apr. 1778. Penystone, Thomas (Francis in Al. Ox.) (Oxon.). Gen. Com. c. 25 May ; b. 29 June ; matr. arm. 1 July 1773, aged 16 ; cr. M.A. 2 July rem. 22 Oct. 1776. Powell, Thomas (Glamorg.). Com. c. 8 Mar. ; matr. arm. 12 Mar. 1773, aged 18 ; B.A. 23 Oct. 1776 ; M.A. 8 July 1780. J.P. for Brecon and Glamorgan ; D.L. for Brecon ; Senior Alderman for Swansea; died 1832. Ryves, Francis (Ireland). Com. c. and matr. arm. 1 Apr. 1773, aged 16 ; rem. 27 June 1775. Shaw, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. 30 Mar. ; matr. arm. 31 Mar. 1773, aged 18 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1776 ; Hulme Ex. 1778. Sutton, Thomas (Flints, or Denbs.) Com. c. 22 May ; matr. cler. 27 May 1773, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 11 June 1774 ; B.A. 8 Feb. 1777. Manch. Reg. i ; ? D.N.B. Thomas, Henry (Montgom.). Com. c. 25 May ; matr. arm. 27 May 1773, aged 18 ; B.A. 31 May 1777 ; rem. 21 Jan. 1779. TJnsworth, Henry (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 12 Mar., aged 18; Iver Sch. 18 May 1773; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 10 Oct. 1776; M.A. 2 June; rem. 29 Oct. 1779. BENEF. : Plate 1792. WOBK : Catechism on the Lord's Prayer, 1808. Qtiat. Mon. v. 1774 Addington, Henry (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. doct. 14 Jan. 1774, aged 16; B.A. 26 Feb. 1778 ; University Prize Essay 1779 ; Vinerian Sch. and M.A. 18 Nov. 1780; D.C.L. 16 June 1814; died 1844. Cr. Viscount Sidmouth 1805. WORKS : \-Ati essay on the affinity between the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York, painting and writing, 1779. and Mr. Addington, (1803?). Substance of die Speech of Lord Viscount Interesting correspondence between Sidmouth upon the Motion of the Mar- TJiistlewood and Sidmouth concerning quis of Stafford by a Near Observer, the property detained, in consequence 1803. of an arrest on a charge of high ^Correspondence between His Majesty^ treason, 1817. D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. vii. Antrobus, Samuel (Chesh.). Com. c. 14 Mar. ; matr. gen. 17 Mar. aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 11 June 1774 ; rem. 17 Oct. 1776. Manch. Reg. i. Bagshaw, Samuel (Ireland). Gen. Com. c. 21 Feb.; matr. arm. 1 Mar. 1774, aged 20 ; rem. 17 Oct. 1776 ; died 1803. B b 2 372 BRASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK [1774 BETHELL, Samuel (Herefs.). Com. c. 16 Mar. ; matr. cler. 17 Mar., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 21 Mar. 1774 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1777 ; M.A. 28 June 1780; Fellow (Elton) 5 Feb. 1782; Vice-Principal 1790-1; Junior Bursar 1792-3; Rector of Clayton cum Keymer 1793; res. Fell. 23 Jan. 1795 ; died 4 Apr. 1803. Original member of The Club' 1790. Bloor, Matthew (Chesh. or Kent). Batt. c. 12 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 17 Mar. 1774, aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 10 Feb. 1775 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1777 ; M.A. 31 May ; rem. 14 Dec. 1780. Manch. Reg. i. Brookes (Brooks), Joshua (Lanes.). Batt. c. 24 June ; Som. Th. Manor Sch., b. and matr. pleb. 25 June 1774, aged 20 ; B.A. 17 June 1778 ; M.A. 21 June ; rem. 6 Dec. 1781 ; died 1821. WORKS : Address to the Zoological Club of the Lectures on the Anatomy of the Ostrich Linnaean Society, 1828. (Lancet, vol. xii). Brookesian Museum, 1829. Catalogue of Zootomical Collection, 1828. Thoughts on Cholera, 1831. Manch. Keg. i, iii (1) ; D.N.B. Broome, William (Lanes.). Com. c. 25 Mar. ; matr. arm. 26 Mar. 1774, aged 18 ; rem. 17 Oct. 1776. Collet, John (Gloucs.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 8 Dec. 1774, aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. 22 May 1775 ; rem. 19 Mar. 1776. Curzon, Penn Assheton (Staff's.). Gen. Com. c. 16 May ; matr. arm. 17 May 1774, aged 17 ; rem. 17 Oct. 1776. M.P. Leominster 1784, Clitheroe 1790, co. Leicester 1792. Dickenson, William Churchill (Cornw.). Com. Matr. gen. 27 Sept. aged 16 ; c. 1 Oct. 1774 ; rem. 21 Jan. 1779. Pazakerley, John (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 5 July ; matr. arm. 7 July 1774, aged 17 ; rem. 9 Dec. 1776. Qarrard, Charles Drake (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. 16 May ; matr. 17 May 1774, aged 18. M.P. Amersham 1796 ; assumed name of Qarrard. Gildart, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b. 4 Feb. ; matr. gen. Feb. 1774, aged 18 ; rem. 17 June 1777. A Captain in Colonel Tarleton's Legion in the American War of Independence. Harries, John (Pembs.). Com. c. 7 June ; matr. arm. 8 June 1774, aged 17 ; rem. 20 June 1778. Captain 33rd Foot ; fell at the battle on the Brandywine, America, 11 Sept. 1777. Hobhouse, Benjamin (Bristol). Com. c. and matr. arm. 25 May 1774, aged 17 ; B.A. 29 Apr. 1778 ; M.A. 26 June 1781 ; rem. 5 Mar. 1798. M.P. Blechingley 1797, Grampound 1802, Hindon 1806 ; cr. Baronet 22 Dec. 1812 ; died 14 Aug. 1831. WORKS : f.4 Treatise on Heresy .... 1792. An Inquiry into what constitutes the A Reply to F. Randolph's Letter to Crime of Compassing and imagining Dr. Priestley, 1792, &c. the King's Death, 1795. Three letters addressed to Ihe ' several ^Remarks on several parts of France, Patriotic Societies in London and its Italy, &c. . . . , 1796. neighbourhood' . . . , 1792. \A collection of Tracts, 1797. D.N.B. 1774-5] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 373 Jackson, John (Essex). Com. c. and inatr. cler. 18 Mar. 1774, aged 16 ; B.A. 13 Nov. 1777 ; rem. 20 June 1783. Kent, Samuel (Chesh.). Batt. b., c. and matr. pleb. 16 Dec. 1774, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 17 Mar. 1775 ; Frankland Sch. 23 Feb. 1776 ; B.A. 17 June 1778 ; M.A. 26 June 1781 ; died 1837. Longford, John (Kent). Coin. c. 31 Jan. ; matr. gen. 1 Feb., aged 17 ; Newell and Cartwright Sch. 3 (? 30) May 1774 ; rem. 10 Dec. 1776. Meyrick, Edmund (Middlx.). Com. c. 10 May ; matr. arm. 19 May 1774, aged 18 ; rem. 16 Dec. 1780. MORRES, Robert (Leics.). Com. Matr. doct. 21 Mar., aged 16; c. 21 Nov. 1774 ; B.A. 15 Oct. 1777 ; M.A. 31 May 1780; Fellow (Darbie) 20 Nov. 1781; res. Fell. 13 Nov. 1786; Bampton Lect. 1791; rem. 31 Oct. 1798. Preb. of Salisbury 1805; died 1841. WORKS : [Faith (Bampton Lectures), 1791. -[Supplement to the Duty of Communion, Sermon, 1795. 1818. Address of a Minister of tiie Church of -[Reflections on the claims of the Protest- England to his parishioners, 1799. ant and Popish Dissenters, 1822. [Duty of Communion icith the Estab- A Brief review of pretensions of Popery, lished Church, 1817. 1839. Muckleston, William Hawkins (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 26 Jan. 1774, aged 18; B.A. 10 Oct. 1777; M.A. 28 June 1780; rem. 17 Feb. 1781 ; B.Med. Pembroke 31 Jan. 1782. Richardson, Richard (Worcs.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 25 Apr. 1774, aged 21; B.A. 6 Mar. 1778; M.A. 16 May 1782; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 28 June 1810. Chancellor of St. Paul's 1792 ; died 28 Sept. 1839 at Witton Gilbert, near Durham, aged 88. Roe (Wroe), Robert (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 18 May, aged 20 ; Iver Sch. 11 Nov. 1774; rem. 10 Apr. 1783. Manch. Reg. i. Salmon, Richard (Chesh.). Com. c. 22 Mar. ; matr. arm. 26 Mar. 1774, aged 20; B.A. 10 Oct. 1777; M.A. 15 June 1780; died 1828. Shephard (Shepherd), Thomas (Berks.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 22 June 1774, aged 16; B.A. 25 June 1778; rem. 27 June 1781. Smith, William (Devon). Batt. b. 20 Apr. ; c. and matr. pleb. 21 Apr. 1774, aged 20 ; rem. 7 Dec. 1776. Smith, William Assheton (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. gen. 27 Sept. 1774, aged 18 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1776. His father was Thomas Assheton (174-J). 1775 Arnold, James Henry (Som.). Com. c. and matr. doct. 13 July 1775, aged 16; B.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 18 Apr. 1782; D.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) Trinity 26 Jan. ; rem. 21 Feb. 1787 ; died 1836. Vicar-General ; Chancellor of Worcester. 374 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1775-6 Aasheton, "William (Lanes.). Gen. Com. c. 1 Nov. ; matr. arm. 29 Nov. 1775, aged 17 ; rem. 9 Dec. 1776 ; cr. M.A. Balliol 1779. Basnett, Birch (Salop). Gen. Com. b. and matr. arm. 30 June 1775, aged 20. Manch. Reg. i. Collinson, John (Wilts.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 8 Apr. 1775, aged 18 ; rem. 8 Apr. 1777. WORKS : The Beauties of British Antiquities, History and Antiquities of the County selected from the writings of Anti- of Somerset, collected from Authentick quaries, 1779. Records and an actual Surrey made Issued proposals for a History of the by the late Mr. Edmund Ruck, county of Somerset, 1781. 1791. D.N.B. Davenport, Davies (Chesh.). Gen. Com. c. 1 May ; matr. arm. 5 May 1775, aged 18. M.P. Cheshire 1806. Jacson (Jackson), Shallcross (Chesh.). Com. b. 13 Jan. ; matr. cler. 16 Jan., aged 17 ; c. 23 Jan. 1775 ; rem. 7 May 1776. Kent, William (Chesh.). Batt. c. 7 Mar.; matr. pleb. 14 Mar., aged 16; Yate Sch. 30 June 1775; B.A. 10 Oct. 1778; M.A. 26 June ; rem. 29 June 1781. Ker, Richard Gervas (Middlx.). Com. c. 22 Mar. ; b. 29 Mar. 1775 ; Gen. Com. 10 May 1777 ; cr. M.A. 17 June 1779; rem. 25 June 1796. Mainwaring, James (Chesh.). Com. c. 20 Mar. ; matr. arm. 28 Mar. 1775, aged 17 ; rem. 8 Apr. 1777. Pargeter, Robert (Bucks.). Com. c. 6 Apr. ; matr. cler. 8 Apr. 1775, aged 16; Demy Magdalen 1777; B.A. 15 Oct. 1778; M.A. 13 June 1781. Penny, James (Chesh.). Com. c. 24 Apr. ; matr. gen. 26 Apr., aged 18 ; Church and Yate Sch. 27 June 1775 ; B.A. 1 Feb. 1779 ; M.A. Hertford 24 May 1784 ; died 1816. Manch. Keg. i. Towers, William (Middlx.). Com. b. and matr. cler. 14 Jan., aged 17 ; c. 10 Feb. 1775 ; rem. 9 Dec. 1778. WRIGHT, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 3 Nov. 1775, aged 19 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 2 June 1779 ; Fellow (Founders) 20 Nov. 1781; M.A. 18 Apr. 1782; Senior Bursar 1791-2,3-5; Proctor 1792; Rector of St. Mary, Whitechapel, 29 Oct.; res. Fell. 22 Nov. 1796; Rector of Old 28 Feb. 1805 ; died 3 Feb. 1815. WORKS : -\-The art of floating land, 1799. ^The advantage and method of watering -[The formation and management of meadows. 1790. floated meatloics, 1808. 1776 Addington, John Hiley (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. doct. 30 Apr. 1776, aged 16; B.A. 5 Feb. 1780. A Lord of the Treasury 1800 ; died 10 June 1818. 1776J BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 375 Ash worth, Abraham (Lanes.). Batt. c. 18 Jan. ; matr. pleb. 20 Jan. 1776, aged 19; Som. Th. Manor. Sch. Dec. 1778; Hulme Ex. and B.A 14 Oct. 1779; M.A. 27 June 1782; rem. 1784 ; died 6 Feb. 1838. Manch. Reg. i. Bampfylde (Bamfylde), Richard (Devon). Com. c. 19 Oct. ; matr. bart. 24 Oct. 1776, aged 17 ; B.A. 13 June 1781 ; M.A. 9 May 1783; rem. '20 Feb. 1790; died 15 Sept. 1834, aged 75. Barton, Roger (Lanes.). Batt. e. 11 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 17 Oct. 1776, aged 18 ; B.A. 25 May 1780 ; rem. 24 Jan. 1784. Manch. Reg. i. Blackburne (Blackburn), Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 26 Oct. 1776, aged 18; rem. 5 Nov. 1779 ; rep. 30 June 1780; B.A. 20 Feb. 1781; rem. 3 Apr. 1784; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) Trinity 15 July; B.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 17 July 1794; rep. 16 Dec. 1800; D.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) Brasenose 23 Apr. ; rem. 24 June 1801. Warden of Coll. Ch., Manchester, 1789 ; died 13 Jan. 1823. Blackhurst, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. 10 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 17 Oct., aged 21 ; Somerset Sch. 30 Oct. 1776 ; B.A. 25 May 1780 ; rem. 24 Apr. 1783. Manch. Reg. i. Brooke, John (Devon). Com. b. 23 Mar. ; matr. gen. 26 Mar., aged 19 ; c. 28 Nov. 1776; B.A. 5 Feb. ; rem. 11 July 1780. Carter, William (Wilts.). Com. Somerset Sch. ; c. and matr. gen. 19 June 1776, aged 17 ; rem. 19 Mar. 1779 : B.A. Christ Church 28 Apr. 1780. Eyre, John (Notts.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 3 June 1776, aged 18 ; B.A. 11 May 1780; M.A. 23 May 1786; rem. 27 Nov. 1789; rep. 24 June 1793; rem. 20 May 1804. Preb. of Southwell 1802 ; Canon Res. of York 1810 ; Archdeacon of Nottingham 1810. Farington (Farrington), John (Lanes.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 15 Jan. 1776, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 14 Oct. 1779; M.A. 30 May 1782 ; rem. 1 Nov. 1783. Fyler, Samuel (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 11 June 1776, aged 16 ; rem. 21 Dec. 1779. Hodgkinson, Henry (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 27 Feb., aged 21 ; Somerset Sch. 8 Mar. 1776; B.A. 14 Oct. 1779; M.A. 27 June; rem. 22 Dec. 1782 ; rep. 1783 ; died 1839. Copy of two sermons preached by him presented by his widow 22 Oct. 1839. WORK : The example of Cornelius (n. d.). Manch. Reg. i. Horlock, Isaac (William) Webb (Wilts.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 28 June 1776, aged 18 ; cr. M.A. 29 Mar. 1781 ; rem. 25 June 1784 ; rep. 6 May 1799. Magistrate for Wilts., Gloucs., and Som. ; died 1829. Lyon, James (Lanes.). Com. c. 10 Apr. ; matr. arm. 19 Apr. 1776, aged 18; B.A. 14 Jan. 1780; Hulme Ex. 1781; M.A. 11 Feb.; rem. 19 Feb. 1783 ; died 1836. 376 BRASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE [1776-7 Mawdesley, Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 29 Mar. ; Nowell Sch. and matr. cler. 30 Mar. 1776,aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 14 Oct. 1779 ; M.A. 30 May 1782; rem. 10 May 1783; died 1833. Nichols (Nicholls), Daniel (Lanes.). Com. c. 25 Oct. ; matr. gen. 26 Oct., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 30 Oct. 1776 ; B.A. 25 May 1780 ; rem. 4 May 1782. Manch. Reg. i. PARSONS, John (Lines.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 17 May 1776, aged 17 ; Claymond Sch. 19 Mar. 1777 ; B.A. 5 Feb. 1780 ; M.A. 10 Oct. ; Fellow (Higden) 17 Oct. 1782; Junior Bursar 1791-2, 3-4, 5-6, 1800-1; Senior Bursar 1797-1800; B.D. 6 Nov. 1800; Rector of St. John, Wapping, 6 Nov. ; D.D. 14 Nov. 1800 ; res. Fell. 6 Feb. 1802 ; died 29 Aug. 1833. Sharpe, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 18 Mar. ; matr. 26 Mar., aged 19 ; rein. 28 Nov. 1776. ? Manch. Reg. i. Smith, Thomas Jenyns (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. gen. 14 May 1776, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1780 ; M.A. 27 Nov. ; rem. 29 Nov. 1782. Fellow of Dulwich College 1782 ; died 1830. Sugden, James (Lanes.). Batt. c. 6 Dec. ; matr. pleb. 17 Dec. 1776, aged 18; Radcliffe and Walker Sch. 17 June 1777; B.A. 25 May; Hulme Ex. June 1780; M.A. 30 Apr. 1783 ; died 1834. Summers (Somers), James (Pembs.). Com. c. 18 Nov. ; matr. gen. 19 Nov., aged 17; Cartwright Sch. 3 Dec. 1776; B.A. 20 Feb.; rem. 14 Apr. 1781. Whitehead, Christopher (Lanes.). Com. c. 18 May; matr. cler. 23 May 1776, aged 16 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. June 1780 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1782^ rem. 29 Dec. 1783 ; readm. 4 July 1810. "Woodward, Robert (Oxon.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 29 Apr. 1776, aged 18 ; rem. Nov. 1803. 1777 Allanson, George (Yorks.). Com. c. 12 May ; matr. cler. 15 May 1777, aged 18 ; B.A. 15 Jan. 1781 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 5 Feb. 1785 ; rem. 20 June 1786. Preb. of Ripon 1808 ; died 1 Dec. 1826. His sister's son was Bishop Heber, whom he succeeded in the Rectory of Hodnet. Assheton (Asheton), Richard (Hulls) (Lanes.). Com. c. 17 Oct. ; matr. cler. 20 Oct. 1777, aged 17 ; B.A. 13 June 1781 ; M.A. 6 Apr. 1785. Barnes, Francis (Gloucs.). Batt. c. 15 Feb. ; matr. gen. 21 Feb., aged 19 ; Claymond Sch. 7 June 1777 ; B.A. 26 Apr. 1781 ; rein. 13 Mar! 1782. Blundell, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. c. 21 Jan ; matr. arm. 22 Jan. 1777, aged 17; Hulme Ex. Oct. ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1780; M.A. 18 June 1783; rem. 6 Dec. 1785 ; died 1816. Cooke, John (Middlx.). Gen. Com. c. and matr. arm. 1 May 1777, aged 18 ; B.A. 23 Feb. ; rem. 21 Dec. 1781. Davies, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 13 May ; Somerset Sch. 14 May ; matr. gen. 15 May 1777, aged 17 ; B.A. 15 Jan. 1781. Manch. Reg. i. 1777] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 377 Dowries, Charles (Lanes.). Com. c. 13 May ; matr. cler. 15 May 1777, aged 17 ; B.A. 15 Jan. 1781 ; M.A. 24 Oct. ; rem. 29 Oct. 1783. Manch. Keg. i. Earle, Richard (Lanes.). Com. c. and inatr. arm. 10 Oct. 1777, aged 17 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 13 June 1781 ; M.A. 27 May 1784 ; rein. 22 Feb. 1785. Afterwards took name of Willis. FARINGTOlSr (Farrington), Robert (Lanes.). Com. ? Nowell Sell. 28 June ; c. and matr. cler. 10 Oct. 1777, aged 17 ; V Iver Sch. 27 Feb. 1779 : Hulme Ex. 10 June ; B.A. 13 June 1781 ; Fellow (Founders) 5 July 1782 ; M.A. 21 Apr. 1784 ; Vice-Principal 1792-3 ; Junior Bursar 1794-5 ; Senior Bursar 1796-7; B.D. 2 Apr.; D.D. and res. Fell. 5 July; Rector of St. George's in the East 1803 ; died 19 Sept. 1841, aged 81. Formby, Richard (Lanes.). Corn. c. and matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1777, aged 17 ; B.C.L. 9 June 1784. WORK : -\-Sermon, 1789. Hadfleld, John (Derbs.). Batt. c. 13 Mar. ; Somerset Sch. 15 Mar. ; matr. gen. 21 Mar. 1777, aged 19; B.A. 10 Oct. 1780; rem. 24 Jan. 1784. Manch. Reg. i. Herbert, Edward John (Middlx.). Com. c. 26 Apr. ; matr. arm. 1 May 1777, aged 18 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1781 ; M.A. 5 Mar. 1784 ; died 2 Mar. 1810. Lawson, William (Lines.). Com. c. 13 May ; Somerset Sch. 14 May ; matr. pleb. 15 May 1777, aged 19 ; Demy Magdalen 1779 ; B.A. 24 Jan. 1781 ; Fellow 1782; M.A. 26 Nov. 1783; died 1792. Manch. Reg. i. Mercer, John Rigby (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. pleb. 22 Mar. 1777, aged 26. Newton, James Antrobus (Chesh.). Com. c. 28 Jan. ; matr. arm. 1 Feb., aged 17; Somerset Sch. 11 Mar. 1777 ; rem. 25 Nov. 1778. Manch. Reg. i. Pedley, Robert (Gloucs.). Com. c. and Claymond Sch. 28 Apr. ; matr. arm. 29 Apr., aged 16; rem. 1777; afterwards took name of Deverell. Roe, James (Chesh.). Batt. c. and matr. cler. 10 May, aged 18; Somerset Sch. 14 May 1777; B.A. 15 Jan. 1781; M.A. 3 June 1793; rem. 22 May 1805. Manch. Reg. i. Shaw, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 21 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 22 Mar., aged 19 ; Iver Sch. 14 May 1777 ; rem. 8 Apr. 1778. Manch. Reg. i. Strutt, John (Essex). Gen. Com. c. 10 Feb. ; matr. arm. 11 Feb. 1777, aged 19 ; rem. 27 Jan. 1780. Wilbraham, James (Chesh.). Com. c. 16 June ; Iver Sch. and matr. arm. 17 June 1777, aged 19 ; rem. 19 Mar. 1779. 373 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1778 1778 Bancroft (Bankcroft), Thomas (Lanes.). Batt. c. 7 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 8 Apr. 1778, aged 22 ; B.A 10 Oct. ; Huline Ex. 11 Dec. 1781 ; M.A. 25 June 1784 ; rem. 28 Jan. 1799 ; died 5 Feb. 1811. WORKS: ^-Prolusiones Academicae, 1788; -\-A Sermon, 1793. D.N.B. ; Manch. Reg. i, iii (1). a Beckett, Thomas (Hants, Wilts., or Oporto), c. 15 Dec. : matr. arm. 16 Dec. 1778, aged 17; rem. 26 Jan. 1784; died 4 June 1838. Assumed name of Turner. Bradley, William (Oxon.). Batt. c. 3 June ; matr. pleb. 4 June 1778, aged 17 ; rem. 27 Jan. 1780. Cartwright, Clement (Middlx.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 7 Jan. 1778, aged 16 ; B.A. 26 Oct. ; rem. 15 Dec. 1781 ; M.A. All Souls 4 July 1785 ; Fellow ; Proctor 1793 ; died 6 July 1828. Clark, Edward (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. arm. 12 Nov. 1778, aged 18; B.A. 30 May 1782; M.A. 30 May 1786; rem. 15 Jan. 1793. Hargreaves, James (Lanes.). Com. c. 14 Dec. ; matr. gen. 16 Dec. 1778, aged 19; Iver Sen. 16 Apr. 1779; B.A. 30 May; Hulme Ex. 4 Dec. 1782 ; M.A. 21 June ; rem. 24 June 1785 ; died 20 June 1844. Hartley, John (Lanes.). Com. c. 5 Mar. ; matr. arm. 10 Mar. 1778, aged 18; B.A. 11 Dec. 1782; rem. 28 Feb. 1786; died 1811. Manch. Reg. i. Keysall, John (Middlx.). Com. c. 2 Nov. ; matr. gen. 4 Nov. 1778, aged 17 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 10 May 1783 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 21 Apr. 1785 ; rem. 1837. Chaplain to the King 1790; died 1837; J.P. for Worcs. and Gloucs. Latham, John (Chesh.). Com. c. and matr. cler. 2 June, aged 16 ; Somerset Sch. 30 June 1778 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 1782 ; M.A. 15 Oct. 1784 ; B.Med. 3 May 1786; D.Med. 3 Apr. 1788; died 1843. Physician to the Prince Regent ; College request Dr. Latham to allow a copy of the picture of him lately painted to be made by the same artist for the College Hall 3 June 1816 ; Dr. Latham's consent given in letter dated 8 June 1816. WORKS : Index Ornithologicus, 1790. On Lumbar Abscess, 1813. A Plan of a CliaritaUe Institution to be Cathexia Aphthosa, 1814. established on the Sea Coast, 1791. Superacetate of Lead in Phthisis, 1815. The Pharmacopoeia . . . Revised, 1793. On Athelinitics and their Effects on On Rheumatism and Gout, 1796. Epilepsy, 1815. Facts and Opinions concerning Diabetes, On the Medicinal Properties of Potatoes, 1811. 1815. A General History of Birds, 1821. On the Employment of Venesection in In Medical Transactions Fits, 1819. Cases of Tetanus, 1806. Dissertations on Asthma. Remarks on Tumours, 1806. Lectures on Medicine. Angina Notha, 1812. Lectures on Materia Medica. Manch. Reg. i ; Gent.'s Mag., June 1843 ; P.C.R. ; D N.B. ; Quat. Mon. vii. Lay, William. Cook 21 May 1778. 1778-9] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK 379 Mayo, John (Herefs.)- Com. c. and matr. gen. 1 June 1778, aged 16; B.A. 14 Jan. ; rem. 13 Nov. 1782 ; Fellow of Oriel ; M.A. 2 June 1785 ; B.Med. 31 Jan. 1787 ; D.Med. 15 July 1788. WORK : Remarks on Insanity founded on the Practice of J. Mayo, M.D., 1817 (published by his son). P.C.R. ; D.N.B. Picton, Edward (Pembs.). Com. c. 28 Apr. ; b. 28 May ; matr. arm. 4 June 1778, aged 17 ; B.A. New 28 Mar. 1783 ; rem. 22 Feb. 1790. Stone, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. c. 28 Apr. ; matr. gen. 29 Apr., aged 18 ; Yate Sch. 30 June 1778 ; rem. 25 Feb. 1779. Strutt, Joseph Holden (Essex). Com. c. and matr. arm. 30 June 1778, aged 19; B.A. 18 Apr. 1782; M.A. 3 Feb. 1785; rem. 27 June 1810. M.P. Maldon 1790, Okehampton 1826; Colonel in the Army ; Lt.-Col. Essex Militia; his wife was created Baroness Rayleigh 1821. BENEP. . Plate 1810. tyuat. Mon. v. Wilson, John (Lanes.). Batt. c. and matr. gen. 17 June 1778, aged 20; Nowell, Stoddard, and Henley Sch. 22 June 1780; B.A. 16 May 1782; rem. 11 Nov. 1784. 1779 Alderson, Joseph (Norfolk). Com. c. and matr. gen. 6 Mar. 1779, aged 17 ; B.A. 24 Oct. 1782 ; M.A. 21 June 1785 ; rem. 4 Nov. 1787. Founder of the Phoenix Common Room. P.C.R. Beckett, Oliver (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 17 Dec. 1779, aged 16 ; B.A. 18 June 1783 ; rem. 23 Feb. 1790. Chandler, John Flutter (Surrey). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 14 Dec. 1779, aged 17 ; B.A. 18 June ; rem. 19 June 1783 ; M.A. University 8 July 1786 ; died 26 Jan. 1837, aged 75. FREEMAN, John (Herefs.). Matr. gen. Wadham 8 July 1779, aged 16 ; B.A. 9 May ; c. 27 May 1783 : Fellow (Porter) 27 May 1784 ; M.A. 14 Jan. 1786 ; Vice-Principal 1794-5 ; res. Fell. 1 Jan. 1796. Goddard, Edward (Wilts.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 14 Dec. 1779, aged 18; Som. Th. Manor. Sch. 16 Feb. 1780; B.A. 18 June 1783; M.A. 10 June 1789; rem. 31 Oct. 1793 ; grace for B.D. and D.D. 30 Dec. 1799. J.P. for Wilts. ; died 22 Jan. 1839, aged 77. HARPER (Harpur), George (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 13 Jan. ; matr. gen. 14 Jan., aged 16 ; Iver Sch. 16 Apr. 1779 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1782 ; Fellow (Founders) 5 July 1783 ; M.A. 25 May 1785 ; Vice-Principal 1793-4, 7-8 ; Junior Bursar 1795-6, 9-1800; Rector of Stepney 24 Mar. 1801 ; B.D. 7 May ; D.D. 13 May ; res. Fell. 17 Dec. 1801 ; died 26 May 1815. Original member of 'The Club' 1790. Manch. Reg. i. Kidd, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 13 Apr. ; matr. gen. 14 Apr., aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 29 Apr. 1779 ; B.A. 24 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 4 Sept. 1783; M.A. 17 Dec. 1785. Lawson, West (Lines.). Com. b. and c. 18 May ; matr. gen. 19 May, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manqr Sch. 25 Nov. 1779 ; rem. 20 Nov. 1782 ; Demy Magdalen 1782; B.A. 10 Oct. 1783. Manch. Keg. i. 880 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1779-80 Mosley, Oswald (Staffs, or Lanes.). Com. c. 22 Oct.; matr. arm. 11 Nov. 1779, aged 18; Gen. Com. 27 Feb.; rem. 19 June 1782. Manch. Reg. i. Parker, Thomas (Lanes.). Gen. Corn. b. and c. 13 Mar. ; matr. arm. 27 Mar. 1779, aged 18. High Sheriff Lancashire 1793. Philips, John George (Middlx.). Com. c. 15 Dec. ; b. and matr. arm., 16 Dec. 1779, aged 18. Plomer, William (Middlx.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 19 May 1779, aged 17 ; B.A. 4 Mar. 1783 ; rem. 22 Feb. 1790. Popkin, Robert (Glamorg.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 19 May 1779, aged 18 ; rem. 9 Dec. 1782. Thomas, Thomas (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 5 Nov., aged 17 ; b. and c. 6 Nov. 1779; rem. 12 Mar. 1782. Wright, Peter (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 13 Jan. : matr. gen. 14 Jan., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 21 Jan. 1779 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1782 ; Hulme Ex. 4 Sept. 1783 ; rem. 28 Feb. 1784 ; Fellow of Balliol ; M.A. 2 June 1785 ; died 1839. Manch. Reg. i. 1780 Everard, Edward (Norfolk). Com. b. and c. 21 Oct. ; matr. gen. 27 Oct. 1780, aged 19 ; B.A. 9 June ; rem. 14 June 1784. Fenwicke, John (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 8 May ; matr. cler. 9 May, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 10 May 1780 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 17 Jan. 1784 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1786 ; rem. 16 Dec. 1790; died 11 Aug. 1792. Manch. Reg. i. Hodges, Thomas (Salop). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 7 Dec., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 12 Dec. 1780 ; B.A. 9 June 1784 ; M.A. 22 June ; rem. 16 Nov. 1790. Manch. Reg. i. Latham, Peter (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 4 May ; matr. gen. 5 May, aged 19 ; Yate Sch. 10 May 1780 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1783 ; Hulme Ex. 14 Jan. 1784. Leech, John Langton (Lanes.). Com. b. and matr. gen. 3 May, aged 19 ; Radcliffe and Walker Sch. 12 Dec. 1780 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1783 ; Hulme Ex. 17 Jan. 1784 ; rem. 26 May 1787 ; M.A. Pembroke, Cambridge. 1787 ; died 1832. Xiomas, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 3 Apr., aged 20 ; Somerset Sch. 13 Apr. 1780 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 14 Jan. 1784 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1786; rem. 22 Feb. 1790; died 1843. Manch. Reg. ii. Maddock, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 14 Jan., aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 3 Feb. 1780 ; B.A. 26 Nov. ; Hulme Ex. 29 Nov. 1783 ; M.A. 8 July 1786 ; rem. 12 Oct. 1790. Preb. of Chester 1803, died 1825. Manch. Reg. ii. Thirlwall, Thomas (Durh.). Batt. b. and c. 24 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 28 Apr. 1780, aged 16 ; B.A. 15 Mar. 1784 ; M.A. and rem. 24 Nov. 1786 : died 1827. -J.P. ; was at one time an active public character, distinguished as a 1780-1] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 381 speaker at the Middlesex elections : father of Connop Thirlwall, Bishop of St. David's 1840-74. WOKKS : the charges contained in a printed IMatessaron, 1803, &c. work eniitukd ' The Report of the Tlte Work of . . . Sir W. Hok, 1805. Committee on the State of the Police Preface to C. Thirlwall's Primitiae, of the Metropolis, 1 1817. (This book 1809. was suppressed, and the author A Vindication of the Magistrates acting compelled to ask pardon of the in and for the Tower division from House of Commons. ) Whittaker, George (Lanes.). Batt. b. and c. 8 May ; matr. pleb. 9 May 1780, aged 18 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 17 Jan. 1784 ; MA. 15 June ; rem: 26 Oct. 1787. Died 1833. Winstanley, Calvin (Lanes.). Batt. b., c. and matr. pleb. 2 Nov. 1780, aged 18 ; Iver Sch.24 Oct. 1781 ; Huluie Ex. and B.A. 9 June 1784 ; M.A. 18 Apr. 1787 ; rem. 21 Dec. 1789. WORKS : Vindication of cetlain passages in the Elementa Grammaticae Ciceroniana Common English Version of the New 1802 (Allibone.) Testament, 1805. 1781 Bramwell, John (Middlx.). Com. b. and c. 14 Nov. ; matr. gen. 15 Nov. 1781, aged 18; rem. 5 Apr. 1785. Gilbert, Thomas (Staffs.). Com. b. and c. 29 Oct. ; matr. arm. 9 Nov. 1781, aged 19; rem. 8 Feb. 1783; B.A. St. Mary Hall 10 Oct. 1794 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 18 Nov. 1802. Gower, Thomas Foote (Essex). Com. b. and matr. doct. 30 Mar., aged 18; c. 4 Apr. 1781 ; B.A. 11 Nov. 1785; rem. 16 Feb. 1792; died 1849. Hesketh, Robert (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 31 Jan. 1781, aged 16 ; B.C.L. 23 June 1789 ; rem. 4 Dec. 1790. High Sheriff. P.C.K. Hulme, George (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 26 Apr., aged 21 ; Church and Yate Sch. 16 June 1781 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1785 ; M.A. 5 Feb. ; rem. 19 Dec. 1789 ; died 1831. P.C.R. Littler (Litler), Robert (Chesh.). Com. b. 4 May; c. and matr. pleb. 5 May, aged 20 ; Church and Yate Sch. 16 June 1781 ; rem. 20 Nov. 1787. Newton, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b. 24 May ; c. and matr. gen. 28 May 1781, aged 18; rem. 9 Apr. 1783; B.A. Christ's, Cambridge, 1785; M.A. 1788. Manch. Reg. i. PEMBERTON", James (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 12 Feb. ; matr. doct, 13 Feb. 1781, aged 18; B.A. 11 Oct. 1784; Fellow (Darbie) 1 Dec. 1786; M,A. 6 June 1787; Vice-Principal 1795-6; Junior Bursar 1797-8; died 14 Dec. 1798. Original member of ' The Club ' 1790. P.C.R. 382 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1781-2 Powell, George (Herefs.). Com. b. and c. 23 May ; matr. gen. 24 May, aged 16 ; Iver Sch. 24 Oct. 1781 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1785 ; rem. 9 Dec. 1786 ; Fellow of Balliol 1786-1830 ; M.A. 12 May 1789 ; died 1830. Bequeathed the greater part of his books to Balliol. P.C.R. RADCLIFFE, John (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 31 May 1781, aged 16 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 12 Sept. 1785 ; Peilow (Williamson W.) 9 Nov. 1786 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1787 ; Junior Bursar 1796-7 ; Vice-Principal 1798-9 ; Senior Bursar 1800-1 ; Rector of Lime- house 17 June 1801 ; res. Fell. 26 July 1802 ; died 31 May 1850. WORKS : \-Bibliotheca Chethamensis, 1791. -\-Tlie collects catecheticcdly explained, 1822. \-Sermon, 1805. f7%e Athanasian creel, 1844. Manch. Reg. ii. Rowlands, Samuel (Merioneths.). Batt. b., c. and matr. pleb. 31 May 1781, aged 19 ; rem. 2 July 1787 ; B.A. St. Alban Hall 8 May 1788. Watson, John (Yorks.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 17 Feb. 1781, aged 18 ; B.A. 15 Feb. 1785 ; M.A. 29 Apr. 1788 ; rem. 7 Mar. 1789 ; died 1816. He was the son of John Watson (174^). WRIGHT, John (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 23 Apr., aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 16 June 1781 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 14 Jan. 1785 ; Peilow (Founders) 18 Nov. 1786 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1787 ; Vice-Principal 1796-7, 1800-1 ; Junior Bursar 1798-9 ; Rector of Gt. Billing 25 Apr. ; res. Fell. 20 Dec. 1801 ; B.D. and D.D. 22 June 1820 ; rem. 1834 ; died 22 Mar. 1843. J.P. North ants. 1782 Bold, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 21 Mar. ; matr. gen. 28 Mar. 1782, aged 17 ; B.A. 6 Dec. ; Hulme Ex. 8 Dec. 1785 ; M.A. 1 July 1788; rem. 3 Feb. 1790. CAWLEY, James (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 1 Apr. ; matr. gen. 10 Apr., aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 10 Apr. 1782 ; B.A. 26 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 29 Jan. 1786 ; M.A. 23 Oct. 1788 ; Peilow (Founders) 2 Apr. 1789 ; res. Fell. 11 July 1797. Died 1 Oct. 1847. Manch. Reg. i. Dakin, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 16 Apr. 1782, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 June 1786 ; Hulme Ex. 25 Jan. 1787 ; rem. 6 Dec. 1790. Eccles, John (Northants.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 15 Jan., aged 19 ; rem. 21 May 1782; B.A. Lincoln 10 Oct. 1785 ; M.A. 31 May 1788: B.D. 30 June 1798. Gatcliff, John (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 8 Feb. ; matr. gen. 9 Feb. 1782, aged 18; B.A. 11 Nov. 1785; M.A. 12 May; rem. 13 May 1789: died 1843, aged 80. Manch. Reg. i. Haworth, James (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 7 Dec. 1782, aged 20 ; B.A. 14 June 1786 ; M.A. 12 June 1789 ; Radcliffe Travelling Fellow; B.Med. University 17 Dec. 1791; D.Med. 21 June 1793; rem. 8 Dec. 1824. F.R.C.P. Manch. Reg. i, ii. 1782-3] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 383 HENSHALL, Samuel (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 10 Oct.; matr. gen. 11 Oct., aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 17 Oct. 1782; B.A. 14 June 1786; Hulme Ex. 12 Mar.; M.A. 12 May; Fellow (Founders) 17 Nov. 1789 ; Vice-Principal 1799-1800, 1-2 ; Rector of Stratford-le-Bow 1802 ; res. Fell. 20 May 1802 ; died 17 Nov. 1807. WORKS : Strictures on the late Motions of the Sermon, 1792. Duke of Leinster, 1799. t Specimens and Parts ; containing a ^Thanksgiving Sermon for Trafalgar, History of the County of Kent . . ., 1805. 1798. -\-The Gothic Gospel of Saint Matthew, \The Saxon and English Languages 1807. . . ., 1798. Contributed to Anti-Jacobin Review \-Domesday, 1 799. and Magazine. Manch. Reg. ii, iii (1) ; D.N.B. Holt, Robert (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 13 May ; matr. pleb.HMay, aged 20 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 30 May 1782 ; B.A. 26 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 29 Jan. 1786 ; M.A. 20 Dec. 1793 ; rem. 13 July 1802. Manch. Reg. i. Millward, Edmund (Bucks.). Com. b. and c. 10 Oct. ; matr. cler. 1 1 Oct. 1782, aged 17; rem. 5 Apr. ; B.A. Magdalen Hall 30 May 1788. Morris (Morres), John (Herefs.). Com. b. and c. 9 Apr. ; matr. gen. 10 Apr., aged 17 ; Frankland Sch. 25 Apr. 1782 ; Mordaunt Sch. 3 June 1783; B.A. 26 Jan. 1786; M.A. 23 Oct. 1788; rem. 12 Sept. 1790. WORKS : An Address to his parishioners, 1800. Two Essays (which gained the Bishop Sermon for the S.P.C.K., 1815. of St. David's Prizes), 1818-19. ' Townson, Arthur (Yorks.). Com. b. and c. 4 May ; matr. pleb. 10 May 1782, aged 18; B.A. 28 Feb. 1786; M.A. 23 Jan. 1789; rem. 4 Dec. 1790. 1783 Akers, Isaac Dupuy (St. Christopher). Com. b. and matr. gen. 18 July 1783, aged 17 ; B.A. 24 May 1787 ; M.A. 10 July 1790 ; grace for B.D. 20 Dec. 1799 ; rem. 5 Oct. 1802. Austen, John (Dorset). Com. c. 8 July; matr. gen. 12 July 1783, aged 17; B.A. Oriel 18 Apr. 1787; rem. 20 Apr. 1790; M.A. 18 Mar. 1803. Bagshaw, William (Derbs.). Com. b. and matr. arm. 4 June 1783, .aged 20 ; B.A. 6 Feb. 1787 ; M.A. 27 Mar. ; rem. 14 Apr. 1790 ; died 1 1 Nov. 1848, aged 85. WORK : fOn man and his motives, 1833. Manch. Reg. ii ; P.C.R. HALLIWELL, Henry (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 17 Jan. ; Iver Sch. 29 Jan.; matr. cler. 18 June 1783, aged 17 ; B.A. 18 Dec. 1786; Hulme Ex. 10 Oct. 1787 ; M.A. 10 June 1789 ; Fellow (Founders) 26 Feb. 1790 ; Senior Bnrsar 1801-2 ; Junior Bursar 1802-3 ; B.D. 2 Apr. 1803 ; Rector of Clayton 12 July 1803 ; res. Fell. 22 Nov. 1804; died 15 Jan. 1835. Known as Dr. Toe, central object of the Whippiad. WORKS : Assisted the Falconers with their edition of Strabo, 1807 ; Eng- lish translation of Strabo (MS.). Manch. Reg. ii ; D.N.B. 384 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1783 HARRISON", Hamlett (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 31 May; matr. pleb. 5 June 1783, aged 19; B.A. 16 Feb.; Hulme Ex. 17 Nov. 1787; Fellow (Founders) 31 May 1788 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1789 ; a silver waiter (value fifty guineas) presented to him as an acknowledgement of his skill and attention to the landed property of the Society 20 Dec. 1805 ; B.D. (Gr. Comp.) 28 Jan. 1808 ; Rector of Stratford-le-Bow 31 Oct. 1809 ; res. Fell. 17 Mar. 1811 ; died 1843. J.P. Salop ; Head Master of Brerewood 1792. Hathway, Robert (Herefs.). Com. b. and matr. gen. 11 Oct., aged 16 ; Iver Sch. 23 Oct. 1783 ; B.A. 7 June 1787 ; died 1846. Heaton, James (Lanes.). Batt. b., c. and matr. pleb. 10 Oct. 1783, aged 19 ; B.A. 7 June 1787 ; M.A. 14 Apr. ; rem. 21 Apr. 1790. Hickes, Fowler (Yorks.). Matr. gen. Lincoln 4 June 1783, aged 18 ; B.A. 1788 ; M.A. Brasenose (Gr. Comp.) 1815 ; rem. 1825 ; died 1838. J.P. and D.L. Yorks. BENEF. : Plate 1825. Quat. Mon. v. Hordern, Joseph (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 12 Dec. ; matr. gen. 15 Dec. 1783, aged 18; Radcliffe and Walker Sch. 3 Mar. 1784; B.A. 7 June 1787 ; M.A. 26 June 1790 ; rem. 12 Mar. 1799. Merrick, John (Herefs.). Com. b., c. and matr. pleb. 19 June 1783, aged 19 ; Iver Sch. 3 Nov. 1784; B.A. 24 May 1787 ; rem. 4 Mar. 1788. Nuttall, William (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 25 Mar. ; Nowell Sch. 2,7 Mar. ; matr. pleb. 28 Mar. 1783, aged 20 ; B.A. 23 Feb. ; M.A. 10 Oct. ; rem. 11 Nov. 1789 ; died 1833. O'Kell (Okell), George (Chesh.). Batt. b. and c. 23 Oct. ; matr. gen. 24 Oct. 1783, aged 19 ; Reed, Ogle, and Cartwright Sch. 28 June 1784; B.A. 7 June 1787; rem. 2 June 1789; rep. 1 June 1814; M.A. 28 June 1815 ; rem. 21 Dec. 1821 ; died 1833. TENCH, John (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 6 May ; matr. cler. 9 May, aged 17; Frankland Sch. 13 May; Cartwright Sch. 3 June 1783; B.A. 15 Jan. 1787 ; Fellow (Founders) 31 May 1788 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1789 ; Proctor 1800 ; Junior Bursar 1801-2, 4-5, 6-9 ; Vice-Frincipal 1803-4, 5-6; B.D. 1808; Senior Bursar 1809-10, 11-12; Rector of Gt. Rollright 28 Oct. 1811 ; died 22 Jan. 1848. Regius Concionator at Whitehall 1809. Upton, John Everard (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 25 Jan., aged 19; Somerset Sch. 29 Jan. 1783; B.A. 10 Oct. 1786; Hulme Ex. 15 Feb. 1787 ; M.A. 10 June ; rem. 21 Dec. 1789. Manch. Reg. i. Wareing, Samuel (Lanes.). Batt. b. and c. 13 Dec. ; matr. pleb. 17 Dec. 1783, aged 16 ; Iver Sch. 16 Feb. 1786 ; B.A. 7 June 1787 ; Hulme Ex. 14 Jan. 1788 ; rem. 20 Apr. 1790. Watson, John Jeffery (Norfolk). Com. b. and c. 11 Feb. ; matr. pleb. 25 Feb. 1783, aged 17 ; B.A. 20 Feb. 1787 ; M.A. and rem. 12 Nov. 1789. Williams, William (Wilts.). Com. b. and c. 2 Dec. ; matr. gen. 3 Dec. 1783, aged 18 ; B.A. 7 June 1787 ; rem. 24 July 1790 ; M.A. Oriel 23 June 1791 ; died 1820. 1784-5] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK 385 1784 Blencowe, Robert "Willis (Northants.). Com. b., c. and matr. doct. 29 Oct. 1784, aged 18 ; B.A. 1 July 1788 ; rem. 21 Dec. 1789. P.C.R. Cockin, William (Som.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 5 Feb. aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. 16 Apr. 1784 ; B.A. 29 Nov. 1787 ; M.A. 26 June ; rem. 12 Oct. 1790 ; died 1841. Elston, "William (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 4 Feb. ; matr. gen. 5 Feb., aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 5 Apr. 1784 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1787 ; rem. 25 Feb. 1790. Hindley, John Haddon (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 20 Apr. ; matr. gen. 21 Apr. 1784, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 22 Nov. 1785 ; B.A. 14 Jan.; Hulme Ex. 31 Mar. 1788; M.A. 11 Oct. 1790; rem. 26 July 1792 ; died 1827. Original member of ' The Club ' 1790. WORKS : ^Persian Lyrics, 1800. Pendeh-i-Attar, 1807, &c. Extracts, Epitomes, and Translations Besemblances Linear and Verbal, 1811. from Asiatick Authors, 1807. Manch. Reg. i ; P.C.R. ; D.N.B. Loveday, Arthur (Oxon.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 15 July, aged 17; rem. 26 July; Demy Magdalen 1784 ; B.A. 21 May 1788 ; M.A. 4 May 1791 ; B.D. 21 Nov. ; Fellow 1799 ; D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 24 Jan. 1815. Lutener, John (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 15 May, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 7 June 1784; B.A. 14 Jan. 1788; rem. 18 May 1790; died 1811. Manch. Reg. ii. RASBOTHAM, Doming (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 13 May 1784, aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 13 Apr. 1785 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 29 Jan. 1788; M.A. 11 Oct. 1790 ; Fellow (Founders) 30 June 1791 ; res. Fell. 12 Oct. 1795. Manch. Reg. i. Rodd, Francis Hearle (Cornw.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 13 July 1784, aged 17 ; rem. 14 Nov. 1787 ; B.A. All Souls 2 Apr. 1788 ; M.A. 6 June 1792. High Sheriff 1818. P.C.R. Thorne, Richard (Wilts.). Batt. b. and c. 25 May ; matr. pleb. 27 May 1784, aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 26 May 1785; B.A. 14 Jan.; rem. 19 June 1788; ?= Thorne, Wiltoniensis, who is elected Schoolmaster of Charlbury School in place of Mr. Williamson, promoted, 5 Dec. 1787. Wickes, John Wight (London). Com. b., c. and matr. doct. 8 Dec. 1784, aged 16 ; rem. 26 May 1787 ; B.A. Pembroke 21 Feb. 1789 ; M.A. 7 July 1792. 1785 Bland, Nathaniel (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 10 Oct. ; matr. gen. 20 Oct. 1785, aged 18 ; Church and Yate Sch. 11 Apr. 1786 ; B.A. 14 Apr. 1790; rem. 16 Feb. 1792. Brett, William (Lines.). Batt. b. and c. 25 May ; matr. pleb. 26 May 1785, aged 17 ; died 3 Apr. and buried on 5 Apr. in the cloisters 1787. ? Manch. Reg. ii. C C 386 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1785-6 Clarke, William (Staffs.) Batt. c. 3 Dec. ; b. 13 Dec. ; matr. pleb. 16 Dec. 1785, aged 17 ; B.A. 10 June 1789 ; M.A. 8 May 1792. Minor Canon of St. Paul's ; died 21 Mar. 1814, aged 45. Derbishire (Derbyshire), William (Northants.). Com. b. and c. 17 Mar. ; matr. gen. 18 Mar. ; Yate Sch. 13 Apr. 1785 ; B.A. 23 Feb. 1789 ; rem. 13 Sept. 1794 ; died 6 July 1796. Myddelton, Charles Panton (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 2 Apr. ; matr. gen. 6 Apr. 1785, aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 18 Mar. 1786; B.A. 17 Feb. ; Hulme Ex. 9 Mar. 1789 ; M.A. 6 Dec. 1791 ; rem. 1 Feb. 1793 ; died 1843. WOBK : -\-Sermon in defence of Sunday Schools, 1798. Manch. Reg. ii, iii (1). Philips, William (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 6 Apr. 1785, aged 18 ; rem. 23 Jan. 1789. Manch. Reg. i. Terry, George (Herefs.). Com. Matr. arm. Merton 31 May 1785 ; b. 8 Mar. ; c. 20 Mar. 1786 ; B.A. 12 May 1789 ; rem. 12 Mar. 1795. P.C.R. Turner, James (Salop). Batt. b. and c. 13 Dec. ; matr. pleb. 16 Dec. 1785, aged 17 ; B.A. 10 June 1789 ; M.A. 7 June 1792 ; rem. 28 Mar. 1794; died 1826. Wickes, Charles (London). Com. b., c. and matr. doct. 15 Dec. 1785, aged 18 ; rem. 1 July 1786. 1786 Ashcroft, James (Lanes.). Batt. b., c. and matr. cler. 1 May 1786, aged 18; Nowell Sch. 27 Mar. 1787 ; rem. 27 May 1788. Ashley, Daniel (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 14 Dec. 1786, aged 17 ; B.A. 3 June 1790; rem. 14 Jan. 1796. P.C.R. Crowther, Robert (Herefs.). Com. b. and c. 3 Feb. ; matr. gen. 13 Feb. 1786, aged 17 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1789; rem. 20 Jan. 1794. Foley, Robert (Herefs.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 18 Nov. 1786, aged 18 ; B.A. 16 July 1791 ; rem. 10 Mar. 1794. Heron, William (Henry in Al. Ox.) (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 24 Apr. ; matr. arm. 26 Apr., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 23 Nov. 1786 ; B.A. 14 Jan.; Hulme Ex. 16 Jan. 1790 ; rem. 10 Mar. 1795 ; died 1810. Manch. Reg. ii ; P.C.R. Hunt, James (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 25 Jan. ; matr. gen. 26 Jan. 1786, aged 19; rem. 27 May 1788. Mainwaring, Charles (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 27 May ; matr. arm. 1 June 1786, aged 17 ; Hulme Ex. 27 Jan. ; B.A. 14 June 1790 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1792 ; rem. 13 July 1800. Manch. Reg. ii ; P.C.R. Master, John Whalley (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 23 Oct. ; matr. doct. 24 Oct. 1786, aged 18 ; B.A. 3 June 1790 ; M.A. 17 July 1794 ; rem. 23 Feb. 1795 ; rep. 6 May ; B.D. 25 June 1803 ; died 1846. WORK : -^Appeal against the Warden and FeUoics of An Souls, 1794. PC.R. 1786-7] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK 387 MATHIAS, Daniel (Daniell) (Lanes.). Batt. b. and c. 31 Mar. ; matr. gen. 1 Apr. 1786, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 18 May 1787 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 10 Oct. 1789 ; M.A. 7 July 1792 ; Fellow (Frankland) 21 Nov. 1793 ; Vice-Principal 1802-3, 4-5, 6-7 ; Junior Bursar 1803-4, 5-6 ; Rector of St. Mary, Whitechapel, 10 Dec. 1807 ; res. Fell. 27 Mar. 1809 ; died 24, July 1837. J.P. for Middlesex ; 'noted for the elegant style of his Latin and English compositions, and for his zeal for promoting religious education among the poor.' WOEKS : An Explanation of the Cliurch Catechism ; Waterloo Subscription, 1815. Symonds, Robert (Herefs.). Com. b. and c. 6 Apr. ; matr. arm. 8 Apr. 1786, aged 18 ; BA. 14 Jan. 1790 ; rem. 29 Oct. ; Fellow of Oriel 1791 ; M.A 6 June 1792 ; died 1836. J.P. for Berks. P.C.R. WHELDALE, West (Lines.). Com. b. and c. 31 May ; matr. gen. 1 June 1786, aged 19 ; rem. 18 Dec. ; Demy Magdalen 1789 ; B.A. 11 Oct. 1790 ; Fellow (Clifton) 30 June 1791 ; M.A. 12 Oct. 1792 ; Senior Bursar 1802-3; Eector of Christ Church, Spitalfields, 7 Apr. 1804; res. FeD. 29 May 1805 ; died 25 Nov. 1828. Manch. Reg. ii. "Withers, Benjamin (Bucks.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 17 Jan., aged 17 ; Henley and Stoddard Sch. 16 Feb. 1786 ; rem. 29 Jan. 1790. "Worthington, John Cotton (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 7 Apr. ; matr. gen. 8 Apr. 1786, aged 18 ; rem. 6 July 1787. Major 13th Light Dragoons. Young, Roger (Chesh.). Batt. b. and c. 27 May ; matr. pleb. 1 June 1786, aged 19 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 15 June 1790 ; M.A. 12 Oct. 1792; rem. 14 Jan. 1794; died 1846. 1787 Annesley, Hon. George (Worcs.). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. nob. 17 Nov. 1787, aged 17 ; rem. 9 Dec. 1789. 2nd Earl of Mountnorris ; Viscount Valentia. WORK : ^-Voyages and Travels to India, 1809. P.C.R. Baseley, Thomas (Warws.). Batt. b., c. and matr. cler. 26 Oct. 1787, aged 19 ; rem. 5 July 1788 ; B.A. Merton 2 June 1790. Bennett (Benett), John Leigh (Gloucs.). Com. b. and c. 22 Jan. ; matr. cler. 23 Jan. 1787, aged 18 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 3 Dec. 1790 ; M.A. 5 Feb. 1796 ; rem. 3 Feb. 1798 ; died 27 Apr. 1835, aged 66. P.C.R. Bissell (Byssell), John (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 30 Mar. ; matr. cler. 31 Mar., aged 20 ; Somerset Sch. 18 May 1787 ; B.A. 11 Oct. ; Hulme Ex. 23 Dec. 1790 ; rem. 2 Apr. 1798 ; rep. 3 Jan. ; MA. 15 Jan. ; B.D. 4 July 1816. Died 6 Nov. 1838, aged 71 ; J.P. Herefordshire. Manch. Reg. ii. Black, William (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 14 Dec. ; matr. arm. 17 Dec. 1787, aged 21 ; Iver Sch. 15 Apr. 1788 ; B.A. 23 June ; Hulme Ex. 27 Nov. 1791 ; M.A. 30 Apr. ; rem. 20 May 1794 ; died 10 May 1846. Crowther, Samuel (Middlx.). Com. b. and c. 18 Oct.; matr. gen. 26 Oct. 1787, aged 18; rem. 14 Mar. 1788; BA. New College 10 Oct. 1791 ; M.A. 23 June 1795. C C 2 388 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1787 HODSON", Frodsham (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 21 May ; matr. cler. 23 May, aged 16; Somerset Sch. 28 June 1787; B.A. 14 Jan.; Hulme Ex. May 1791 ; Eng. Pr. 1792 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1793 ; Fellow (Founders) 28 Oct. 1794; Senior Bursar 1803-4, 5-6, 7-8; B.D. 23 Mar.; Rector of Stratford, Bow, 1808; res. Fell. 17 May; Principal 21 June; D.D. 30 Oct. 1809 ; College to bear expense of prosecuting the scandalous libel on his character in the Anti-Jacobin Review 16 May 1811 ; letter from Mr. Agutter expressing his conviction of the falsehood of the libel and his regret reported, but the College was of opinion that the Principal would not be justified in abandoning the investigation till he had traced the libel to its source 17 May 1811 ; the Rev. W. Agutter's retraction of the libel on the Principal accepted, to be published in the Anti-Jacobin Review and other papers 28 June 1811; Vice-Chancellor 6 Oct. 1818 ; res. Vice-Chancellorship, being designated Regius Professor of Divinity, 7 Oct. 1820 ; Canon (5th stall) Christ Church 1820 ; 310 men attending his lecture as Professor, lecture room at Christ Church not sufficient, use of Chapel and Ante-Chapel to be allowed him for the purpose of reading his lecture 16 May 1821 ; died 18 Jan. 1822 ; account of his illness and death in Vice-Principal's Register, interesting notice of his character, &c. ; order for the funeral ceremonies issued 24 Jan. 1822, full details given ; buried in the Ante-Chapel 25 Jan. 1822 ; a Michell to be placed over his vault 20 Mar. 1822 ; Mr. Chantry to furnish designs for a monument to his memory for the Ante-Chapel 15 May 1822 ; in consequence of Mr. Chantry's illness monument to be designed by Mr. Bacon, a sum not exceeding 150 to be appropriated for the purpose. WORKS : t Sermon, 1797. ^The eternal filiation of the Son of God, ^Sermon, 1804. 1796. fSermon, 1816 (? by him). Edited T. Falconer's Chronological \An essay on the influence of education Tables, 1796. on character, 1836. Manch. Reg. i, ii, iii (1) ; Anti- Jacobin Eeview, 16 May 1811 et seq. ; P.C.B. ; Quat. Mon. vii. Lever-sage (Liver-sage), William (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 12 Dec. ; matr. gen. 13 Dec. 1787, aged 17 ; Frankland and Cartwright Sch. 7 July 1788 ; B.A. 23 June 1791 ; Hulme Ex. 10 Oct. 1792 ; M.A. 18 June 1794; rem. 28 Dec. 1795. Oakley, Thomas (Herefs.). Batt. b. and c. 21 Apr. ; matr. pleb. 26 Apr. 1787, aged 18 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1791 ; rem. 4 July 1793 ; rep. 2 May ; M.A. 9 July ; rem. 22 Oct. 1801 ; died 1853. Master of Charlbury Grammar School. Presland, Thomas (Salop). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 26 Nov. 1787, aged 17 ; rem. 17 Nov. 1791. Hidge, Thomas (Oxon.). Batt. b., c. and matr. pleb. 18 Apr. 1787, aged 16 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1791 ; Hulme Ex. 14 Jan. 1792 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1793; rem. 15 Oct. 1796; died 1817. Rothwell, James (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 24 Mar. ; matr. cler. 31 Mar. 1787, aged 21 ; Gen. Com. 25 Jan. 1788; B.A. 3 Feb. 1791 ; rem. 22 Nov. 1800. BENEF. : Plate 1800. Manch. Reg. ii ; Quat. Mon. v. Starkey, John (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 23 May 1787, aged 20 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 10 Apr. 1788 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1791 ; Hulme Ex. 31 Mar. 1792; M.A. 10 Oct. 1793 ; rem. 15 May 1795. Manch. Reg. ii. 1788] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 389 1788 Bate, John (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 12 Mar., aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 30 Apr. 1788 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1791 ; Hulme Ex. 10 Oct. 1792 ; rem. 23 Feb. 1795 ; rep. 21 Apr. ; M.A. 24 Apr. ; rem. 12 Dec. 1817. Manch. Reg. ii ; P.C.R. Cockle, John Corby (Lines.). Com. b. 9 Oct. ; c. and matr. gen. 10 Oct. 1788, aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. 11 June ; Ogle Sch. 20 June 1789 ; rem. 21 Sept. 1792; B.A. Magdalen 31 May; Fellow 1793; M.A. 6 Apr. 1796 ; B.D. 17 Nov. 1803. P.C.R. Corry, Kobert (Salop). Com. b. and c. 10 Mar. ; matr. gen. 15 Mar., aged 17 ; Mordaunt Sch. 30 Oct. 1788 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1791 ; M.A. 15 July rein. 26 Sept. 1794 ; died 2 Feb. 1838. Gent.'s Mag. 1838. Cullis, George Watkin (Pembs.). Batt. b. and c. 30 June ; matr. pleb. 1 July, aged 18; rem. 10 Dec. 1788; B.A. Jesus 18 Apr. 1792. DARCE Y, John (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 8 May, aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 30 Oct. 1788 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Fellow (Founders) 28 June 1792 ; rem. 27 July 1793 ; M.A. 14 Oct. 1794 ; B.D. 23 Mar. 1808 ; senior Bursar 1804-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11 ; Rector of Tedstone De la Mere 21 Apr. 1812 ; res. Fell. 26 May 1813 ; died 10 June 1844. BENEF. : Plate 1817. Manch. Reg. ii ; Quat. Mon. v. Dixon, "William (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 18 Apr. ; matr. gen. 24 Apr., aged 20 ; Tver Sch. 1 June 1788 ; B.A, 14 Jan. ; Hulnie Ex. 4 Apr. 1792; rem. 26 Feb. 1793. Etty, James (Hants.). Com. b. and c. 5 May ; matr. cler. 7 May, aged 17 ; Claymond Sch. 25 June 1788 ; B.A. 27 Jan. 1792 ; M.A. 6 Dec. 1796; rem. 23 Mar. 1798; died 1804. Forrest, Robert (East Indies). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 11 Mar. 1788, aged 17 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1792 ; rem. 19 Jan. 1795. Jackson, Thomas Latham (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 25 Jan., aged 20; Iver Sch. 10 Apr. 1788; rem. 11 Mar. 1791. Jones, John Madgwick (Som.). Com. b. and c. 15 Oct. ; matr. gen. 23 Oct. 1788, aged 18 ; B.A. 7 June 1792 ; M.A. 18 June 1795 ; rem. 20 Apr. 1797. WORKS : A Contributor to The Poets' Corner and General Evening Post. Langford, Henry John (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1788, aged 18 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1791 ; rem. 16 Feb. 1792. P.C.R. Latham, Thomas (Leics.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 3 May 1788, aged 17 ; Frankland Sch. 10 Mar. 1789 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1793 ; M.A. 14 Oct. ; rem. 9 Dec. 1794; rep. 30 June 1806; rem. 27 June 1810. Mackey, Bryan (Jamaica). Com. Matr. gen. 11 Dec., aged 18; b. and c. 12 Dec. 1788 ; B.A. 27 June 1792 ; rem. 24 Nov. 1794 ; died 1847. Mytton, Charles (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 16 Oct. ; matr. cler. 23 Oct. 1788, aged 18 ; B.A. 7 June 1792 ; Hulme Ex. 23 Feb. 1793 ; M.A. 15 Apr. 1795 ; rem. 18 Nov. 1801. Assumed the name of Thornycroft in lieu of Mytton 1831. P.C.R. 390 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1788-9 Serjeant, John (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 18 Apr. ; matr. gen. 29 Apr. 1788, aged 22 ; rem. 6 Mar. 1789. Smith. (Smyth), John (Staffs.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 17 July 1788, aged 17; B.A. 18 Apr. 1792; M.A. 9 July 1795; B.Med. 15 Feb. 1798 ; rem. 21 Feb. 1811. Sykes, Mark (Yorks.). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. bart. f. 10 May 1788, aged 16; rem. 23 Feb. 1790. Assumed additional name of Master-man in 1795 ; M.P. Yorks. 1807- 20 ; died 1863 ; 3rd Bart. ; ? Sykes, original member of ' The Club ' 1790. WORKS : \-The charle and the birde, 1818. fFragment from Turf Cracks on his \The hors, the shepe, and the ghous, horse Sledmere'. 1822. f Report of Gilbert v. Sykes. P.C.R. ; D.N.B. Sykes, Tatton (Yorks.). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. bart. f. 10 May 1788, aged 15 ; rem. 23 Feb. 1790. 4th Bart. ; ? Sykes, original member of 'The Club ' 1790. D.N.B. "Walker, John (Middlx.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 14 Jan., aged 17 ; rem. 1 Dec. 1788 ; Fellow of New College ; B.C.L. 5 July 1797. WORKS : Selection of Curious Articles from Curia Oxoniensis. the Gentleman's Magazine, 1809, &c. Edited Oxford University Calendar, Oxoniana, 1809. 1810. Letters written by Eminent Persons, Joint author and original pro- 1813. prietor of Oxford Herald. D.N.B. Wynn, William (Carnarvon). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 17 Mar., aged 20; rem. 1 Dec. 1788. 1789 Darke, Richard (Worcs.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 10 Dec. 1789, aged 18; B.A. 14 Jan. 1794; M.A. 19 Apr. 1796; B.D. 16 July 1803;. died 15 Nov. 1830, aged 59. P.C.R. Evans, John (Anglesea). Com. b., c. a.nd matr. gen. 23 May, aged 21 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 12 Nov. 1789 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1793 ; M.A. 5 July 1797 ; rem. 10 May 1800. Munch. Reg. ii. Jones, "William (Som.). Com. b. and c. 12 Oct. ; matr. gen. 15 Oct. 1789, aged 20; B.A. 31 May 1793; rem. 20 Apr. 1797. Leigh, Trafford (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 17 Jan. ; matr. arm. 20 Jan. 1789, aged 18 ; rem. 28 Jan. 1792. Assumed the name of Trafford in lieu of Leigh. ? Manch. Reg. ii ; P.C.R. Lister (Lyster), John Joseph (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 15 May, aged 19; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 12 Nov. 1789; B.A. 7 Feb. 1793 - f rem. 3 June 1796; died 1837. Manch. Reg. ii, iii (1). 1789-90] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE 391 Mallory, John Holdsworth (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 17 Jan. ; matr. cler. 20 Jan. 1789, aged 17; B.A. 23 Oct. 1792; M.A. 3 July 1795; rem. 28 Feb. 1798. J.P. Cheshire ; died 1832. Ormerod's Cheshire ; P.C.R. Prosser, Thomas (Herefs.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 16 Dec. 1789, aged 19; Iver Sch. 25 Jan. 1790; B.A. 31 May 1793; rem. 21 May 1794; died 1843. J.P. for Hereford. Radcliffe (Ratcliffe), George (Chesh.). Batt. b. and c. 16 Jan. ; matr. pleb. 20 Jan. 1789, aged 18 ; Church and Yate Sch. 10 June 1790; B.A. 28 June 1793 ; rem. 26 Sept. 1794; rep. 16 May 1804 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1807 ; B.D. and D.D. 12 Nov. 1818. Preb. of Sarum 1833 ; died 1849. Stonard, John (Surrey ; Lanes, born). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 25 June 1789, aged 20; B.A. 10 Apr. 1793; M.A. 12 July 1796; rem. 17 Mar. 1804; rep. 13 Oct.; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 22 Oct. 1817; rem. 1833 ; died 1849. WORKS : \-Sermon, 1806. -^Discourses on the Evidences, 1831. [Sermon, 1814. -\-Sermon, 1831. [Commentary on Zechariah, 1824. \0n the Church and her ministry, [Dissertations on the seventy weeks of 1839. Daniel, 1825. fOn the discourse of Our Lord teaching \-Sermon, 1827. the destruction of the temple, 1840. ^Letter to the Lord Bishop of Chester, -[Exposition of the Church catechism, 1829. 1845. Thoyts, John (London). Com. b. and c. 14 Mar. ; matr. .gen. 23 Mar. 1789, aged 17; B.A. 6 Nov. 1792; rem. 5 Mar. 1796 ; rep. 7 Apr. 1821 ; M.A. 14 Apr. 1821 ; rem. 26 Dec. 1827. Lieut.-Col. Eoyal Horse Guards Blue, taken prisoner at Waterloo. Manch. Beg. ii, iii (1). 1790 Bromhead, Benjamin (Lines.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 13 Dec. 1790, aged 17 ; B.A. 28 Mar. 1795 ; rem. 4 Jan. 1796. Captain 28th Dragoons. P.C.R. Brown, Henry (Notts.). Com. Matr. gen. 14 May, aged 19 ; b. and c. 15 May 1790 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 6 Feb. 1794 ; rem. 28 Oct. 1797 ; rep. 12 Feb. 1813; rem. 7 Dec. 1815. Burnett, Thomas (Middlx.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 30 June, aged 19 ; Gen. Com. 22 Oct. 1790. CHOLMONDELEY, Hugh (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 May, aged 17 ; b. and c. 15 May 1790 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 5 Feb. 1794 ; Fellow (Williamson P.) 21 Apr.; M.A. 10 Oct. 1796; B.D. 17 Feb. 1806; res. Fell. 16 July 1807. Regius Concionator at Whitehall ; Dean of Chester ; died 25 Nov. 1815; F.S.A. BENEF. : Plate 1797. P.C.R. ; Quat. Mon. v. 392 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1790 Eaton, George (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 16 Apr. 1790, aged 19 ; rein. 15 Dec. 1792. Feilden, William (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 17 May 1790, aged 18 ; rem. 25 Jan. 1792. M.P. Blackburn 1832 ; cr. Bart. 21 July 1846. J. Garstang's Blackburn Grammar School (1897), p. 64 ; P.C.R. Harrison, William (Lanes.). Batt. b., c. and matr. gen. 17 Dec. 1790, aged 20 ; B.A. 18 June 1794 ; M.A. 14 June 1797 ; B.D. 2 July 1811 ; D.D. 23 June 1813 ; died July 1833. ? Manch. Reg. ii. Hayward, George (Gloucs.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 11 May, aged 17; rem. 2 Nov.; Sch. Pembroke 1790; B.A. 14 Jan. 1794; M.A. 17 Dec. 1796. Heber, Richard (Middlx.). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 14 Dec. 1790, aged 16; B.A. 11 Mar. 1796; M.A. 30 June 1797; cr. D.C.L. 19 June 1822. M.P. Oxford University Aug. 1821-Feb. 1826 ; Mr. Heber to be sup- ported as College candidate for representation of the University in the event of Sir William Scott being made a peer 3 Feb. 1820 ; adopted as the College candidate 3 July 1821 ; proposed by the Principal, the other candidate being Sir John Nicholl of St. John's College on Aug. 22 ; after three days' polling elected by 612 against 519 24 Oct. 1821 ; ordered that the name of every member of the College who voted for Mr. Heber in person shall be inscribed in the Vice-Principal's Register, the names of those detained by sickness or other unavoidable circum- stances, next of those who paired off in favour of Mr. Heber ; gratuities to be paid to the College servants for their extraordinary services on that occasion ; list of names given, but it does not appear whether any names are recorded of those who did not vote ; 24 Oct. 1821 Mr. Heber requested to enable Principal and Fellows to place tyis portrait in the College Hall ; interesting letter from him, dated from Brussels, stating that he is intending immediately to apply for the Chiltern Hundreds 17 Jan. 1826; died 1833. WORKS : t Edited Claudian, 1793-6. fEdited Persius, 1790. f Edited Specimens of the Early Eng- Edited Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae, lish Poets. 1790. fEdited Caltha Poetarum, 1815. Edited Silius Itcdicus, 1792. Revised C. Claudiani carmina, 1836. D.N.B. Howard, Thomas (Carnarvon). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 13 Dec. 1790, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 18 Feb. 1791 ; rem. 21 Jan. 1794. P.C.R. HTJISH, John (Herefs.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 21 Jan., aged 17; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 25 Jan. 1790; B.A. 10 Oct. 1793 ; Hulme Ex. 30 Mar. 1794 ; Fellow (Elton) 12 Feb. 1795 ; M.A. 25 May 1797 ; res. Fell. 28 Oct ; rem. 29 June 1802 ; died 1851. Mayo Family; P.C.R. Ireland, Thomas Bickards (Middlx.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 6 July 1790, aged 18 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1794 ; rem. 27 June 1795 ; died 1829. 1 790-1 J BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK 393 Jones, John (Glamorgan). Batt. b., c. and matr. cler. 7 July, aged 20 ; ? Henley and Stoddard Sch. 8 Nov. 1790 ; B.A. 3 Apr. 1794 ; rem. 12 Mar. 1796. ?WOKKS: -\-The fall of Constantinople, 1824; The Anglo -Polish Harp. Lawton, John (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 14 Dec. 1790, aged 19 ; B.A. (as Lawson) 18 June 1794 ; rem. 26 Apr. 1809. Leigh, George (Al. Ox. Edward) (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 12 Mar. 1790, aged 17 ; B.A. 4 Mar. 1794 ; rem. 6 Mar. 1797 ; died 1808. Manch. Reg. ii ; P.C.R, Marsden, William (Lanes.). Batt. b., c. and matr. pleb. 24 Mai-. 1790, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 11 Nov. ; Iver Sch. 2 Dec. 1791 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 10 Oct. 1793 ; M.A. 31 May 1796 ; rem. 25 June 1798 ; rep. 22 Feb. ; B.D. 13 June 1811 ; rem. 27 Feb. 1815. Parry, John (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 20 May 1790, aged 20; Gen. Com. 21 Jan. 1792; rem. 17 Nov. 1795. ? Manch. Reg. ii. "Roberts, James "Wrigley (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 26 Mar. 1790, aged 21 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1793. Manch. Reg. ii. Stanton, James (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 18 Oct. 1790, aged 19 ; B.A. 19 June ; Hulme Ex. 30 June 1794 ; rem. 14 Nov. 1797 ; died 1841. Turbutt, Richard (Al. Ox. Burrow) (Derbs.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 18 Oct. 1790, aged 19; B.A. 30 June 1794; rem. 15 Apr. 1796; died 1841. 1791 ASHLEY, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 16 Apr. 1791, aged 19 ; B.A. 27 Nov. 1794 ; Hulme Ex. 23 Feb. 1795 ; M.A. 14 June; Fellow (Founders) 22 Nov. 1797; Junior Bursar 1809-10, 11-12 ; B.D. 7 July 1810 ; Vice-Principal 1810-11, 18-19 ; Senior Bursar 1813-14, 15-18 ; Rector of West Shefford 23 Feb. 1818 ; res. Fell. 8 May 1819 ; died 15 Apr. 1851, aged 79. Manch. Reg. ii. BARNEBY, Thomas (Herefs.). Matr. arm. Oriel 10 May 1791, aged 17; B.A. 14 Jan. 1795 ; c. 18 Feb. ; Fellow (Porter) 18 Feb. 1796; M.A. 10 Oct. 1797 ; B.D. 7 July 1810 ; Rector of Stepney 30 Sept. 1815 ; res. Fell. 6 Feb. 1817 ; died 11 May 1842, aged 69. Bulcock, Robert (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 24 Dec. 1791, aged 23 ; rem. 17 Dec. 1793. Case, Henry (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 8 Nov. ; matr. arm. 15 Nov. 1791, aged 17 ; B.A. 5 June 1795 ; rem. 24 May 1796. Manch. Reg. ii ; P.C.R. Crockett, Robert (Staffs.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 27 Jan. 1791, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 13 Feb. ; B.A. 17 Feb. 1795 ; M.A. 14 June 1797 ; rem. 1828 ; died 20 Mar. 1852, aged 80. P.C.R 394 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1791 DEAN", John (Lanes.). Batt. b. and c. 12 Jan. ; matr. 13 Jan. 1791, aged 21 ; Somerset Sch. 1792 ; B.A. 10 Oct. ; Hulme Ex. 30 Oct. 1794 ; Fellow (Founders) 19 Nov. 1795 ; M.A. 14 June 1797 ; Senior Proctor 1807 ; Select Pr. 1807 ; Vice-Principal 1807-10, 11-12, 13-14 ; B.D. 29 Apr. 1808; Junior Bursar 1812-15; Rector of Quid 12 Apr. Principal of St. Mary Hall 21 Dec. 1815 ; D.D. 24 Jan. ; res. Fell. 23 July 1816. Died in St. Mary Hall 12 Apr., aged 63 ; buried 17 Apr. 1833 in St. Mary's Chancel ; ' was one of the few remaining speakers in Latin in Convocation.' WORK : Serpent-Worship, 1832. Manch. Reg. ii. Edwards, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 4 June, aged 17 ; Iver Sch. 30 June 1791 ; B.A. 9 Mar. ; Hulme Ex. 18 Mar. 1795 ; M.A. 2 Nov. 1797 ; rem. 4 June 1798 ; died 4 July 1842, aged 68. Flowers, Field (Lines.). Com. b. and c. 7 June ; matr. gen. 9 June 1791, aged 18 ; B.A. 5 Feb. ; rem. 18 Nov. 1795 ; died 1818, aged 45. Grenville, Richard Temple-Nugent Brydges Chandos . Temple, Earl (Middlx.). Nob. b. and c. 6 Dec. ; matr. nob. 7 Dec. 1791, aged 15 ; rem. 15 Jan. 1801 ; cr. D.C.L. 3 July 1810 ; cr. LL.D. Cambridge 5 July 1819 ; died 1839. M.P. Bucks. 1797-1813; Commissioner for Indian Affairs 1800-1; P.C. 1806 ; E.G. as of Magdalen 1820 ; cr. Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, &c., 4 Feb. 1822. BENEF. : Plate 1800. WOEKS : A letter to the gentry, clergy, and free- Tne Private Diary of Richard. Duke of holders of the Hundreds of Bucking- Buckingham and Cliandos, 1862. ham, 1829. D.N.B. ; Quat. MOD. v. HADFIELD, Alfred (Chesh.). Batt. b. and c. 6 June ; matr. cler. 9 June, aged 16 ; Church and Yate Sch. 30 June ; Cartwright Sch. 8 Nov. 1791 ; rem. 15 May 1795 ; rep. 18 Apr. ; B.A. 3 June 1801 ; M.A. 10 Oct. ; rem. 4 Dec. 1804. Manch. Reg. ii. Kent, George Davies (Lines.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 6 May 1791. aged 18 ; Claymond Sch. 12 Mar. ; Frankland Sch. 22 Mar. 1792 ; B.A. 12 Mar. 1795 ; rem. 16 June ; M.A. Lincoln 1 Dec. 1797. Preb. of Lincoln ; died 1849. Port, John (Staffs.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 11 Mar. 1791, aged 17 ; rem. 16 Dec. 1794. Pulford; William (Lanes.). Batt. b. and c. 24 June; matr. pleb. 25 June 1791, aged 18 : Hulme Ex. and B.A. 15 Apr. 1795 ; rem. 13 Oct. 1798; rep. 15 Apr.; M.A. 10 May 1806; B.D. and D.D. 4 July 1816; rem. 1835; died 1849. Roberts, James Izod (Gloucs.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 7 June 1791, aged 18 ; B.A. 24 Mar. 1795 ; rem. 26 July 1797. Wise, Henry (Middlx.). Com. b. and c. 18 Jan. ; matr. arm. 19 Jan. 1791, aged 17 ; B.A. 17 Feb. 1795 ; died 1850. P.C.R. 1792] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK 395 1792 Apperley, Thomas (Denbs.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 24 Apr. 1792, aged 18 ; B.A. 9 Feb. 1796 ; rein. 3 Feb. 1798 ; died 3 Jan. 1846. P.C.E. Bordman, James (Lanes.). Batt. b., c. and matr. pleb. 14 Jan. 1792, aged 18; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 23 June 1796; rem. 9 Dec. 1797; M.A. Oriel 6 June 1798 ; Fellow of Oriel ; ? = Mr. Bordman 'formerly a member of this House ' for whom and his family a sum of 60 14s. 6d. from the Charity School Fund was subscribed 7 Feb. 1825. Manch. Reg. ii. Fern, Joseph (Staffs.). Com. b. 4 Feb. ; matr. gen. 6 Feb. 1792, aged 18 ; B.A. (as Feron) 29 Oct. 1795 ; rem. 8 Mar. 1798. Hewitt, Richard (Staffs.). Batt. b. and matr. gen. 30 June 1792, aged 19; Frankland, Radcliffe, and Ogle Sch. 6 Nov. 1793 ; B.A. 8 Apr. 1796 ; M.A. 13 July ; rem. 15 July 1799 ; rep. 1821 ; B.D. and D.D. 6 July 1824; rem. 1832. WOKK : Edited H. Grotius de veritate religionis Christianae, 1817. HODGKINSOU", Joseph (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 14 Apr. ; matr. arm. 18 Apr., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1792; B.A. 14 Jan.; Hulme Ex. 6 Apr. 1796; Fellow (Founders) 1 Feb. 1797; M.A. 10 Oct. 1798; Vice-Principal 1812-13, 14-15 ; Junior Bursar 1815-16 ; Rector of Didcot 9 Dec. 1817 ; res. Fell. 26 Feb. 1819 ; rem. 1835 ; died 1851. WORK : f.4n Answer to the Question Whether it Apostles, that they believed the Day appears from the ivritings of the of Judgment to be at hand, 1799. Manch. Reg. ii. Isham, Vere (Middlx.). Com. b. and matr. bart. f. 13 Oct. 1792, aged 18 ; B.A. 25 May 1796 ; M.A. 9 May ; rem. 20 May 1799 ; died 1845. P.C.R. Madely, Clement (Staffs.). Com. b. and matr. gen. 16 Feb. 1792, aged 18; B.A. 29 Oct. 1795; M.A. 10 July; rem. 24 Aug. 1798; rep. 29 Nov. ; B.D. and D.D. 11 Dec. 1828; rem. 16 Dec. 1829 ; died 1845. P.C.R. Marriott, Robert (Leics.). Com. b. and matr. doct. 14 Dec. 1792, aged 18 ; B.A. 25 May 1796 ; M.A. 3 Apr. 1799 ; rem. 15 Dec. 1803. P.C.R. Mathews, Marmaduke Harvey (Warws.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 13 Apr. 1792, aged 18; Demy Magdalen 1793; B.A. 23 Jan. 1797; M.A. 17 Dec. 1801 ; Fellow 1806 ; B.D. 8 Mar. 1809. Picart (Pickart), Samuel (Carmarthen). Batt. b. and matr. cler. 22 May 1792, aged 17 ; B.A. 5 Feb. 1796 ; rem. 5 Apr. 1798 ; rep. 23 June 1801 ; M.A. 8 June ; rem. 9 June 1803 ; rep. 21 Feb. ; B.D. 26 Feb. 1810 ; rem. 17 Dec. 1814. Preb. of Hereford 1805 ; died 1835. Pimlott, James (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 15 Oct., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1792. Manch. Reg. ii. Porter, Robert (Lanes.). Corn. b. and matr. gen. 23 May, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1792; B.A. 14 Jan.; Hulme Ex. 16 Jan. 1796; M.A. 24 Oct. 1798 ; rem. 29 Jan. 1800 ; died 1838. Ordained in the Chapel of Brasenose 1799 by the Principal. Manch. Reg. ii. 396 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE [1792-3 Prosser, Theophilus (Herefs.). Com. b. and matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1792, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 31 Jan. 1793 ; Hulme Ex. 26 Feb. ; B.A. 28 Feb. 1797 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1799 ; rem. 20 Dec. 1800. Schoolmaster. Prothero, David (Carmarthen or Lanes.). Com. b. and matr. gen. 12 June 1792, aged 18 ; B.A. 25 May 1796 ; rem. 7 Apr. 1798 ; rep. 26 May ; M.A. 13 June 1811 ; died 1837. Rothwell, Richard Rainshaw (Lanes.). Com. b. and matr. cler. 22 May 1792, aged 20 ; B.A. 22 Apr. 1799 ; M.A. 30 May 1800 ; died 1863. 'Was celebrated for the manner in which he read the Liturgy.' Manch. Reg. ii. Tench, Edward (Chesh.). Com. b. 22 Mar. ; matr. cler. 23 Mar., aged 18; Iver Sch. 28 June 1792; rem. 15 Oct. 1795. Wentworth, Charles Mary (America). Com. b. and matr. arm. 16 June 1792, aged 17 ; B.A. 7 June 1796 ; M.A. 16 Apr. ; rem. 30 Nov. 1799; rep. 15 Apr.; B.C.L. 12 June; D.C.L. 13 June 1806; rem. 1848. 2nd Bart, 1820 ; died 1841. P.C.R. 1793 Cleaver, James Jarvis (Yorks.). Com. b. and c. 15 May; matr. cler. 16 May 1793, aged 17 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 14 Jan. 1797 ; M.A. 6 Nov. 1799 ; rem. 18 Feb. 1822. Canon of Southwell 1820 ; took name of Peach instead of Cleaver by Royal licence 16 June 1845 ; died 17 Feb. 1864, aged 88. P.C.R. Draper, Edward Alfred (Alured) (Oxon.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1793, aged 18 ; rem. 21 May 1794. WORK : Address to the British Public on the case of Brigadier-General Picton, 1806. D.N.B. t FARRER, Richard (Leics.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 29 June 1793, aged 17 ; B.A. 11 May ; Hulme Ex. 10 Oct. 1797 ; Peilow (Darbie) 31 Jan. 1799; M.A. 14 Jan. 1800; given the option of Rectory of Bethnal Green during his year of grace, arising from his having succeeded to a patrimony incompatible with the statutes, but without any augmentation of the living 31 Oct. 1809 ; died 16 Aug. 1852. P.C.R. Green way, Thomas (Warws.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 13 Apr. 1793, aged 16; B.A. 7 Mar. 1797; M.A. 5 Dec. 1799 ; rem. 22 Jan. 1801. Greenwood, Robert (Wilts.). Batt. b., c. and matr. cler. 14 May 1793, aged 18; Yate and Mordaunt Sch. 24 Jan. 1794 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1797; M.A. 12 June ; rem. 13 June 1800 ; died 1843. Guillibaud, Peter (Middlx.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 10 May 1793, aged 19; B.A. 14 Jan. 1797; M.A. 10 Oct. 1799; rem. 20 June 1805 ; died 1867, aged 93. A Governor of Christ's Hospital. Hothouse, Henry (Som.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 10 Apr. 1793, aged 16; B.A. 23 Feb. 1797 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 17 Dec. 1799 ; cr. D.C.L. 27 June 1827 ; died 1854. Under Sec. Home Dept. 1817 ; P.C. 1828. WORK : Edited State Papers of Henry VIII. D.N.B. 1793-4] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 397 Littlehales, Joseph Gascoyne (Middlx.). Com. b., c. and matr. doct. 25 June 1793, aged 18; B.A. 10 Oct. 1797; M.A. 23 Oct. 1800; rem. 27 Jan. 1803 ; died 1854. Poore, John (Hants.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 16 Dec. 1793, aged 15 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1797 ; M.A. 26 Apr. 1800 ; B.D. and D.D. 26 Jan. 1826 ; rem. 1868. J.P. for Kent ; forty years Chairman of the Faversham Division ; his portrait (by W. Boxall, R.A.) presented by his friends to the county. Sidebottom, Alexander HadclyfFe (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 24 Apr. 1793, aged 19; B.A. 21 Mar. 1797; M.A. 10 Oct. 1799; rem. 1 Jan. 1800 ; died 1847. P.C.R. Steel, William (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 15 May ; matr. cler. 16 May 1793, aged 18 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 14 Jan. 1797 ; rem. 23 Feb. 1801. Mauch. Eeg. ii. Whalley, Thomas (Northants.). Com. b. and c. 9 Apr. ; matr. cler. 10 Apr. 1793, aged 17; B.A. 21 Mar. 1797; M.A. 23 Oct. 1799; rem. 25 Feb. 1801 ; died 1830. Was the fifth of the family to hold the living of Ecton, Northants. P.C.E. Williams, Nathaniel Pomfret (Middlx.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 16 Dec. 1793, aged 18; rem. 27 Oct. 1796; rep. as Gen. Com. 23 Oct. 1809; B.C.L. 22 May; D.C.L. 24 May 1811; rem. 7 May 1814; died 1815. P.C.R. 1794 Davies, Daniel Williams (Chesh.). Batt. b. and matr. pleb. 24 May 1794, aged 18 ; B.A. 6 June 1798 ; rem. 28 Jan. 1799 ; rep. 30 Jan. 1806; M.A. 14 Oct. 1807 ; rem. 1833 ; died 14 Nov. 1850, aged 75. Day, William Henry (Norfolk). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 11 Nov. 1794, aged 18 ; rem. 24 Oct. 1795. ELTON", George (Gloucs.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 7 Mar. 1794, aged 16; B.A. 26 Oct. 1797; Hulme Ex. 20 Jan. 1798; Fellow (Elton) 16 Dec. 1799 ; M.A. 12 June 1800 ; res. Fell. ; died 10 Apr. 1806, aged 28. Mayo Family. Grimshaw, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 9 Apr. 1794, aged 16; B.A. 13 Mar. ; Hulme Ex. 18 Oct. 1798; M.A. 12 June 1800; rem. 14 Nov. 1810 ; died 1850. In D.N.B. he is described as Thomas Shuttleworth Grimshaw. WORKS : The Christian's Faith and Practice, Life and Works of William Cmvper, 1813. 1835, &c. A Treatise on the Holy Spirit, 1815. The suspension of the promises to David, The wrongs of the Clergy of the Diocese 1841. of Peterborough, 1822. Lectures on the future Restoration and An Earnest Appeal to British Humanity Conversion of the Jews, 1843. in behalf of Indian Widows, 1825. The joy of the faithful minister at Memoir of the Rev. Legh Richmond, Christ's coming, 1844. 1828, &c. Preface to Maturin's The Sacrament God's dealing with his people till their of the Lord's Supper, 1848. final consummation in Glory, 1834. D.N.B. 398 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK [1794 Hill, Rowland (Chesh.), Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 22 Jan. 1794, aged 17 ; B.A. 13 Mar. 1798 ; M.A. 1 July ; rem. 2 July 1802 ; died 1844. P.C.K. Nicholson, William (Berks.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 28 May 1794, aged 19 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 20 Mar. 1798 ; rem. 27 June 1801. P.C.R. Pilkington, Charles (Sussex). Com. b., c. and matr. doct. 26 May, aged 17; rem. 30 Sept. 1794; Demy Magdalen 1794; B.A. 14 Jan. 1798 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 20 June 1801. Preb. of Chichester 1803 ; Canon Res. 1815. Port, Bernard (Staffs.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 23 Jan. 1794, aged 17; B.A. 10 Oct. 1797; Hulme Ex. 10 Oct. 1798; M.A. 23 Oct. 1800 ; rem. 12 June 1802. P.C.R. Pulford, John (Lanes.). Batt. b. and c. 13 Oct. ; matr. pleb. 23 Oct. 1794, aged 16; B.A. 12 Feb.; rem. 14 Feb. 1799; rep. 30 Nov. 1808; M.A. 1 June 1811 ; B.D. 4 July 1816. Radcliffe, Edmund Stringfellow (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 30 Apr. 1794, aged 19 ; B.C.L. (Gr. Comp.). 25 June ; rem. 2 July 1808 ; died 1826. P.C.R. Robinson, William (Staffs.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 15 Dec. 1794, aged 17 ; B.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 10 July 1801 ; rem. 13 Mar. 1802. Preb. of Lichfield; died 1812. Smyth, Thomas Scott (Lanes.). Com. b. 12 Apr. ; matr. gen. 19 Apr., aged 16 ; Iver Sch. 15 May 1794 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1797 ; rem. 17 July ; Fellow of Oriel 1800 ; M.A. 3 June 1801. Preb. of Exeter 1829 ; died 1854. WORKS : The character and religious doctrines of t/Sermon, 1818. Bishop Heber, 1831. tSerwon, 1828. Sermon, 1834. STONE, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 12 Apr., aged 17; Iver Sch. 15 May 1794; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 10 Oct. 1797; M.A. 12 June 1800 ; Peilow (Founders) 23 Feb. 1802 ; B.D. 28 June 1811 ; Hector of Wootton Rivers 21 Apr. 1812; D.D. 16 Dec. 1813; res. Fell. 19 Nov. 1814; rem. 1856; died 26 Oct. 1859. WORK : \An answer to the question ichether the common historical documents then in four gospels were composed from any writing, 1803. Talbot, Robert James (Ireland). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 13 Dec. aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1794; B.A. 17 Mar. 1801 ; M.A. 4 Feb. ; rem. 11 May 1802. WORK : -\-The Faust of Goethe in English rhyme, 1835. Manch. Reg. ii. Vernon, Ralph (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 9 Apr. 1794, aged 18; B.A. 6 Feb. 1798; rem. 25 June 1799. P.C.R. Young, William Lawrence (Middlx. or Bucks.). Gen. Com. b. and c. 14 Nov. ; matr. bart. f. 15 Nov. 1794, aged 16; rem. 19 Mar. 1798. 3rd Bart. ; Lieut.-Col. Bucks. Militia. 1795] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEE 399 1795 Armett, John (Chesh.) Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 20 Nov. 1795, aged 19. ? Manch. Keg. ii. Blomeley, William (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. pleb. 15 Apr., aged 19; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 5 Nov. 1795 : Hulme Ex. 14 Jan. ; B.A. 14 June 1799 ; rem. 30 Mar. 1802. Manch. Eeg. ii. Caldwell, Ralph (London). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 25 June 1795, aged 18 ; B.A. 4 Apr. 1799 ; rem. 5 June 1804. BENEP. : Plate 1804. P.C.R. ; Quat. Mon. v. Cleaver, John (Yorks.). Com. b., c. and matr. doct. 20 May 1795, aged 18; B.A. 8 Mar. 1799; M.A. 10 Apr. 1802; B.C.L. 6 Mar. ; D.C.L. 13 Mar. 1811 ; rem. 18 Feb. 1822 ; died 27 Aug. 1834, aged 57. P.C.R. Dods (Dodds), Richard (Lines.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 18 May, aged 18; Frankland and Claymond Sch. 1795; B.A. 14 Jan. 1799; rem. 16 Jan. 1801. Folkestone, Viscount ; William Pleydell Bouverie (Wilts.). Nob. b., c. and matr. nob. 1 Dec. 1795, aged 16 ; rem. 2 June 1798. M.P. Downton 1801, Salisbury 1802; died 9 Apr. 1869; 3rd Earl of Radnor. BENEF. : Plate 1798. WORKS : Letter from the Earl of Radnor to Mr. The present attack on Subscription com- Cobbett on the Anatomy Bill, 1832. pared with the last, 1835. Quat. Mon. v. Gell, Anthony (Derbs.) Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 15 Apr., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 5 Nov. 1795 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1799 ; rem. 18 May 1801. Manch. Reg. ii. Godwin, William (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 15 May, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1795 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 10 Oct. 1799 ; M.A. 10 Oct. ; rem. 12 Dec. 1801 ; died 1842. Goring, Harry (? Henry) (London). Com. b. and c. 12 Nov. ; matr. bart. f. 13 Nov. 1795, aged 17 ; B.A. 22 May 1799 ; rem. 7 May 1807. Died 1 June 1859, aged 80, at his residence, Holywell, Oxford. Grime, Edward (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 15 Apr., aged 18; Somerset Sch. 1795; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 14 Jan. 1799; M.A. 10 Oct. 1801 ; rem. 24 Dec. 1802 ; rep. 5 Aug. 1814 ; B.D. and D.D. 22 June 1820 ; died 1821. WORK : A Pindaric Ode to the memory of Lord Nelson, 1805. Manch. Reg. ii. Hall, Anthony (Durh.). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 21 Apr. 1795, aged 17 ; rem. 11 May 1796. Holt, William (Lanes.). Batt. b., c. and matr. pleb. 15 July 1795, aged 20 ; B.A. 3 Apr. 1799 ; M.A. 14 Jan. ; rem. 27 Oct. 1802 ; died 1849. Isham, Henry Charles (Middlx.). Com. b., c. and matr. bail. f. 5 Feb. 1795, aged 17 ; B.A. 12 Feb. 1799; M.A. 24 Nov. ; rem. 27 Nov. 1801 ; died 1833. P.C.R. 400 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE [1795-6 Kenyon, Thomas (Denbs.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 17 Oct. 1795, aged 18 ; B.A. 22 May 1799; M.A. 8 May 1802; rem. 2 Dec. 1803. P.C.R. Orred, John (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 8 May 1795, aged 16; B.A. 14 Jan. 1799; M.A. 16 June 1802; B.Med. 23 Apr. 1803; rem. Nov. 1805. Manch. Reg. ii. Sill, Henry (Westmor.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm 6 Nov. 1795, aged 18 ; B.A. 22 May 1799 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 4 May ; rem. 19 May 1803. Smith, John (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 9 Mar. ; matr. gen. 13 Mar. 1795, aged 19 ; B.A. 10 Oct. 1798 ; rem. 7 Dec. 1804 ; rep. 7 Feb. 1812; M.A. 14 Mar. 1816 ; rem. 27 Feb. 1834. ? Manch. Reg. ii. Wray, Cecil Daniel (Yorks.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 5 Dec. 1795, aged 17 ; B.A. 22 May ; Hulme Ex. 10 Nov. 1799 ; M.A. 20 May 1802 ; rem. 4 July 1803 ; died 1866. Canon and Sub-dean of Manchester. Vide pedigree of Wray of Kelfield in Burke's History of the Commoners, vol. iv, p. 25. A memoir of him has been published. Yates, 'William (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 21 Nov. ; matr. gen. 23 Nov. 1795, aged 19 ; B.A. 22 May 1799 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 7 Dec. 1805 ; rem. 1839 ; died 1854. P.C.R. 1796 Beaumont, Charles Richard (London). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. I June 1796, aged 19 ; B.A. 23 Apr. 1800 ; B.C.L. 8 June ; rem. 12 Dec. 1803; rep. 29 Jan.; D.C.L. 27 Apr. 1808; rem. 20 Feb. 1810; died 18 Mar. 1814. BENEF. : Plate 1810. Quat. Mon. v. Cheetham, Robert Farren (Chesh.) Com. b.. c. and matr. gen. 6 Apr., aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 29 Oct. 1796; B.A. 14 Jan.; Hulme Ex. 19 Jan. 1800; died 13 Jan. 1801. WORKS : fOrtes and Miscellanies, 1796 ; Poems, 1798. Manch. Reg. ii. Dickin (Dicken), Joseph (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 11 May, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 29 Oct. 1796 ; B.A. 23 Apr. 1800 ; rem. 16 Nov. 1801. P.C.R. Drake, William Wickham (Bucks.). Com. b., c. and matr. doct. 24 Oct. 1796, aged 18; B.A. 12 June 1800; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 17 Apr. 1807 ; rem. 18 Dec. 1824 ; died 1845. P.C.R. Freakes, James (Surrey). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 24 June 1796, aged 17; B.A. 24 Nov. 1801 ; rem. 9 Feb. 1803. Grant, William (Northants.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 15 Apr. 1796, aged 17 ; B.A. 25 Feb. 1800 ; rem. 13 Dec. 1804 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) II Apr. 1807. A Charity Commissioner 1840. P.C.R. Graveley, Richard (Sussex). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 4 Nov. 1796, aged 20 ; rem. 20 Feb. 1800. 1796-7] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 401 Hewitt, Richard (Lanes.). Com. b., c.aml matr. pleb. 6 Apr., aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 29 Oct. 1796 ; Hulme Ex. 10 Jan. ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1800; M.A. 16 July 1803; rem. 9 Feb. 1804; Fellow of Hertford till its dissolution ; readm. 8 Dec. 1820 ; died 1832. On gravestone in Bamford near Rochdale : ' Tn memory of Rev. Richard Hewitt, D.D., Headmaster of Brazen-Nose College, Oxford, who died 29 Nov. 1832, aged 57 years.' Manch. Reg. ii, iii (1). KIM"Q, Joshua (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 6 May, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 29 Oct. 1796; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 10 Oct. 1800; M.A. 11 Oct. 1802; Fellow (Founders) 11 Nov. 1803; Rector of St. Matthew, Bethnal Green, 14 Nov. 1809 ; vote of thanks to Rev. J. King, Rector of Bethnal Green, for having presented the College with a piece of plate in testimony of his sense of the services of the College rendered in the augmentation of the living by Act of Parliament 21 Oct. 1814; died 1861. Quat. Mon. v. Lloyd, Edward (Denbs.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 10 May 1796, aged 17; B.A. 14 Jan. 1800; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 11 Apr. 1807; rem. 1860. P.C.R. Palmer, William Jocelyn (London). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 22 Feb. 1796, aged 18: B.A. 10 Oct. 1799; M.A. 9 July 1802; B.D. 31 Jan. 1811; rem. 1848. Died 1853 ; the father of Earl Selborne. P.C.R. Rawstorne, Robert Atherton (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 11 Nov., aged 17 ; b. and c. 12 Nov. 1796 ; B.A, 12 June 1800 ; Hulme Ex. 14 Jan. 1801 ; M.A. 7 May 1803 ; died 1852. Sanford, John (Som.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 14 Apr. 1796, aged 18; R.A. 21 Feb. 1800; M.A. 27 Apr. 1803; rem. 27 Mar. 1822; died 1855. Scott, George Mallet (Devon). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 14 July 1796 aged 15; rem. 30 Oct. 1799; B.A, Exeter 16 June 1802. Shaw, Joseph (Kent). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 16 Mar. 1796, aged 18; B.A. 10 Oct. 1799; rem. 12 Mar. 1804; died 1851. Small, Henry (Bucks.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 6 Feb. 1796, aged 18 ; rem. 10 Dec. 1798. Townsend, Charles (Wilts.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 28 June, aged 16; rem. 27 Oct. 1796; Fellow of Magdalen; B.A. 23 Apr. 1800; M.A. 4 Feb. 1803. 1797 Boswell, James (Edinburgh). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1797, aged 18; B.A. 28 Jan. 1801 ; M.A. 19 June 1806; Vinerian Fellow 1812 ; died 24 Feb., aged 43. Having presented a copy of his Roxburgh edition of the poems of Dd 402 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1797 Richard Barnfield (1589) the thanks of the Society returned to him for this mark of his regard 24 Oct. 1816. WORKS : -^Biographical memoir of E. Malone, While at Brasenose contributed 1814. notes signed J. B. O. to the third Edited Richard Barnfield's Poems, edition of his father's life of 1816. Johnson and afterwards care- -\"A Roxburgh Garland, 1817. fully revised and corrected the ^Essay on the phraseology and metre of text for the sixth edition. Shakespeare, 1821. D.N.B. BRISCALIi, Samuel (Chesh.) Com. b.,c. and matr. gen. 9 Nov. 1797. aged 19 ; B.A. 3 June ; Hulme Ex. 10 Oct. 1801 ; Fellow (Williamson W.) 25 Mar. 1803 ; M.A. 11 Apr. 1804 ; B.D. 14 Dec. 1814 ; res. Fell. 7 Jan. 1816. Chaplain to Duke of Wellington, Brit. Amb. at Paris, also to him in the Peninsula and at Waterloo ; died 7 Oct. 1848, aged 70. Clavering, John (Northants). Com. b. and c. 15 Nov. 1797 ; matr. arm. 16 Nov. 1797, aged 18 ; B.A. 3 June 1801 ; M.A. 19 June 1806 ; rem. 30 Aug. 1821 ; died 29 Dec. 1851. P.C.R. CLAYTON", Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 25 Apr. ; matr. gen. 26 Apr., aged 21 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 25 Oct. 1797 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 12 Feb. 1801 ; Fellow (Founders) 25 Feb. 1802 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1808 : B.D. 28 June 1811; Junior Bursar 1813-14; Vice-Principal 1815-16; Rector of Cottingbam 12 Apr. 1815 ; res. Fell. 5 June 1816 ; died 15 Jan. 1866, aged 89. Manch. Reg. ii. Crewe, Charles (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 23 Nov. 1797, aged 18 ; B.A. 3 June 1801 ; Hulme Ex. 21 Oct. 1802 ; M.A. 7 June 1804 : rem. 11 Jan. 1807. Died 26 May 1864, aged 84. Pinch, Charles Wynne (Middlx.). Com. b. and matr. arm. 5 May, aged 17; c. 10 May 1797; rem. 14 Nov. ; Fellow of All Souls 1800; B.A. 25 Feb. 1801 ; M.A. 1808. Assumed the surname and arms of Griffith- Wynne by royal licence 26 June 1804; M.P. Carnarvonshire 1830-2. P.C.R. Glover, George (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 25 Apr. ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 25 Oct. ; matr. gen. 26 Oct. 1797, aged 19 ; B.A. 24 Nov. 1801 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 25 June 1811. Archdeacon of Sudbury 1823-37 ; died 1862. WORKS : Thoughts on the character and tendency A charge delivered at the primary visita- of the property tax, 1813. tion of G. G., 1824. Observations on the present state of An historical argument on the origin Pauperism in England, 1813. and property of tithes, 1833. A reply to ... R. Fordby's letter to Dean Pettew and Archdeacon Glover, the . . . Bishop of Norwich, 1814. 1835. An Answer . . . to R. Fordby's Short A charge delivered at the several Courts Notices of Slight Cavils, 1815. of the Archdeaconry of Siidbury, An Answer to a Clergyman's Letter to 1843. T. W. Coke, 1817, &c. Historical Review of Convocations, Remarks on the Bishop of Peterborough's 1849. Comparative View, 1821. Sermon, 1859. Manch. Reg. ii. 1797-8] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEK 403 Hinde, Henry (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 24 Jan. ; matr. cler. 29 Jan. 1797, aged 17 ; rem. 3 Feb. 1800. lie Mesurier, Henry (Guernsey). Com. Matr. gen. Pembroke 6 May, aged 16 ; b. and c. 28 Oct. 1797 ; B.A. 14 Jan. 1800 ; rem. 30 Nov. 1803. Markland, John (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 24 Apr. ; matr. arm. 26 Apr. 1797, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 17 Apr. 1801 ; M.A. 19 Apr. 1804 ; rem. 18 Dec. ; died 1819. P.C.R. Mytton, Devereux (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 9 Nov. 1797, aged 18 ; B.A. 3 June ; Hulme Ex. 10 Oct. 1801 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 14 Apr. 1804 ; rem. 1 Feb. 1805. Ponton, Thomas (Surrey). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 24 May 1797, aged 16; cr. M.A. 28 Mar. 1800; rem. 1833; died 1853. F.S.A. ; a Governor of Christ's Hospital ; noted for his library. P.C.R. Scott, George John (Middlx.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 30 June 1797, aged 18 ; rem. 31 Jan. 1800. Stokes, William Henry (Hants). Com. b. and matr. gen. 16 May, aged 14; c. 19 May 1797 ; rem. 13 Nov. 1801. Walls, Joseph (Lines.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 20 Nov. 1797, aged 18 ; rem. 31 Oct. ; Demy Magdalen 1798 ; B.A. 3 June 1801 ; M.A. 26 Apr. 1804. Williams, Henry (Warws.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 30 June 1797 ; B.A. 13 May ; Hulme Ex. 15 May 1801 ; rem. 8 Aug. 1803 ; Fellow of Merton ; M.A. 20 June 1805 ; died 1834. P.C.R. Woodward, Daniel Henry (Gloucs.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 3 Apr. 1797, aged 19; B.A. 23 Oct. 1800; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 17 June ; rem. 8 Dec. 1803. 1798 Alston, Justinian (Beds.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 11 Dec. 1798, aged 18 ; B.A. 16 June 1802 ; rem. 23 Jan. 1807. Aspinall, John (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 10 Nov. 1798, aged 19 ; rem. 20 June 1801. Blencowe, John Jackson (Northants). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 7 Nov. 1798, aged 18 ; B.A. 16 June 1802 ; rem. 2 Mar. 1804. High Sheriff Northants 1827. Cruttwell, Clement Wilson (Sorn.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 21 Apr. 1798, aged 17 ; rem. 18 Mar. 1800. Davenport, -Henry William (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 22 Nov. 1798, aged 19 ; rem. 4 Nov. 1799. Lieut.-Col. in the army. Drake, John (Bucks.). Com. b. and c. 1 June ; matr. doct. 2 June 1798, aged 18 ; B.A. 29 Apr. ; rem. 10 Nov. 1802 ; B.C.L. All Souls 30 Apr. 1805 ; grace for B.D. and D.D. 30 Jan. 1826. P.C.R. Egerton, Rowland (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 31 Mar. 1798, aged 20 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 10 Oct. 1801 ; rem. 28 Oct. 1803 ; died 20 May 1846, aged 69. Assumed name and arms of Warburton by royal licence 9 Aug. 1813. P.C.R. D d 2 404 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1798-9 Fanshawe, John Charles (Devon). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 3 July 1798, aged 18; B.A. 16 June 1802; rem. 15 Apr. 1809. JODRELL, Edmund Henry (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 27 Feb. 1798, aged 17 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 10 Oct. 1801 ; Fellow (Founders) 20 May 1802 ; M.A. 9 June 1804 ; res. Fell. 22 May 1812 ; rem. 27 Mar. 1822. Colonel commanding 2nd Grenadier Guards ; served in the Peninsula at Barossa, &c. ; left army 1837 ; died 23 Feb. 1868. BENEF. : Plate 1812. P.C.E. ; Quat. Mon. v. PAGE, John (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 17 Apr. ; matr. cler. 18 Apr. 1798, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex, 10 Oct. 1802; M.A. 10 Oct. ; Fellow (Founders) 22 Nov. 1804; B.D. 1 June 1815; Vice-Principal 1816-17 ; Junior Bursar 1817-18; Senior Bursar 1818-21 ; Vicar of Gillingham 1822 ; res. Fell. 1823 ; D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 1825 ; died 31 Mar. 1867. WORK : ^Notes on difficulties in the Gospels, 1834. Penny, Benjamin (Lanes.). Com. b.,. e. and matr. gen. 23 May 1798, aged 22; B.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 3 June; D.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 7 June 1834. P.C.K. Popham, Francis (Som.). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 1 Nov. 1798, aged 18 ; cr. M.A. 18 July 1801 ; rem. 6 Apr. 1803. P.C.R. Porten, Stanier James (London). Com. b. and c. 28 June ; matr. eq. 29 June 1798, aged 18; B.A. 23 Apr. 1801; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 15 Oct. 1807; died 1854. P.C.R. Praed, Humphrey (Middlx.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 19 Feb. 1798, aged 15 ; rem. 2 Feb. 1799. High Sheriff Bucks. 1807 ; M.P. Bucks. 1835. Praed, James (Middlx.). Gen. Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 19 Feb. 1798, aged 18; rem. 1 June 1799. Praed, William (Bucks.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 19 Feb. 1798, aged 17 ; rem. 27 June 1801. M.P. St. Ives 1838-46. P.C.R. Prosser, Robert (Herefs.). Batt. b., c. and matr. cler. 19 May, aged 17 ; rem. 26 Oct. 1798 ; B.A. All Souls 14 Jan. 1804. Vawdrey, Gilbert (Chesh.). Com. b.. c. and matr. gen. 22 Jan. 1798, aged 19; Yate Sch. 16 Dec. 1799; B.A. 17 Dec. 1801 ; rem. 1823; died 1844. 1799 Bythesea, Henry Frederick (Wilts.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 2 Mar. 1799, aged 18; B.A. 11 Oct. 1802; rem. 31 Dec. 1803; died 1850. Golightly, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 6 Mav 1799, aged 17 ; B.A. 14 Jan. ; Hulme Ex. 21 May 18U3 ; M.A. 10 Oct.' 1805 ; rem. 18 Feb. 1841 ; died 1867. Hanmer, Thomas Walden (Bucks.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 5 Dec. 1799, aged 19 ; B.A. 13 June 1803 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1807 ; rem. 14 Dec. 1820. 1799-1800] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK 405 Harrison, William (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. pleb. 8 May, aged 18; Iver Sch. 24 Oct. 1799; B.A. 17 Feb.; Hulme Ex. 19 June 1803 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1805 ; rem. 23 Dec. 1814. Hill, Charles (Lines.). Com. b. and c. 7 May 1799: rem. 24 June 1802. ? Manch. Reg. ii. Johnson, Robert Henry (Warws.). Com. b. and c. 11 Oct. ; matr. cler. 12 Oct. 1799, aged 17; B.A. 24 Mar. 1804; M.A. 19 June 1806; rem. 13 Dec. 1809. P.C.R. Porter, Charles (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 13 Apr., aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 24 Oct. 1799 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 14 Jan. 1803 ; M.A. 10 Oct. 1805 ; B.D. 9 June 1815 ; D.D. (by decree of Convo- cation) 1 June 1816 ; Vice-Principal St. Alban Hall. President King's College, Nova Scotia, 1806-36 ; died 1864. Manch. Reg. ii. Scott, Richard (Middlx.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 17 Dec. 1799, aged 19 ; B.A. 13 June ; Hulme Ex. 2 Sept. 1803; M.A. 17 Apr. 1806; B:D. (Gr. Comp.) 20 Oct. 1825 ; rem. 1848. Chaplain in Ordinary to Prince of Wales 1808 ; Philanthropist and Public Benefactor to Shrewsbury ; died 1848. Shelmerdine, William Wright (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 4 Dec. 1799, aged 19; rem. 11 Julj 1800. Manch. Reg. ii. THOMPSON, John (Yorks.). Matr. gen. Queen's 22 May 1799, aged 19; B.A. 1804; Fellow (Clifton) 19 June 1805; M.A. 1806; died 8 Feb. 1814. 1800 Coote, Charles Henry (Ireland). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 30 Apr., aged 17 ; b. and c. 1 May 1800 ; rem. 10 July 1803. P.C.R. Ebrington, Hugh Fortescue, Viscount (London). Nob. b., c. and matr. nob. 7 Feb. 1800 ; B.A. 3 Feb. 1803 ; M.A. 7 July 1810 ; rem. 1834. M.P. 1804; Lord.-Lieut. Ireland 1839-41 ; Lord Steward of the House- hold ; K.G. ; P.C. ; F.R.S. ; 2nd Earl Fortescue ; died 14 Sept. 1861. WORKS : -^Selections from the writings and Memorandum of two conversations be- speeches of Lord King, 1844. tween the "Emperor Napoleon and Speech ... on asking a question re- Viscount Ebrington at Porto Ferrajo specting a monument to Field-Marshal on the 6th and 8th December, 1814. Lord Raglan, 1858. P.C.R. Egerton, Wilbraham (Chesh.). Gen. Com. b. and c. 12 June ; matr. cler. 20 June 1800, aged 18 ; cr. M.A. (as Egerton-Tatton) 15 June ; rem. 8 Dec. 1803. High Sheriff Cheshire 1808; M.P. Cheshire 1812-31. BENEP. : Plate 1803. P.C.R. ; Quat. Mon. v. Fane, Thomas (London). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 24 Jan. 1800, aged 19; B.A. 14 Dec. 1803; M.A. 11 July 1810; rem. 8 June 1811; died 21 May 1817. P.C.R. 406 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1800 FitzGerald, John Charles (Middlx.). Gen. Com. b. and matr. arm. 13 Jan., aged 18 ; c. 16 Jan. 1800 ; rem. 4 Dec. 1804. BENEF. : Plate 1804. Quat. Mon. v. Grey, Booth (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 17 Oct. ; matr. arm. 18 Oct. 1800, aged 17 ; rem. 26 June 1803. P.C.K. Hawkshead, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 23 Apr. 1800, aged 18; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 14 Jan. 1804; M.A. 10 Dec. 1806; rem. 16 Dec.1830. Heber, Reginald (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 8 Nov. 1800, aged 17 ; Fellow of All Souls; B.A. 6 Dec. ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 7 Apr. 1808 ; Bampton Lect. 1815 ; D.D. by diploma 10 Feb. 1823. Bishop of Calcutta 1823-6 ; died 3 Apr. 1826. WORKS : Charges delivered at his primary visita- Carmen Seculars, 1800. tions, 1827. The Sense of Honour, 1805. Hymns 1827. ^Palestine, 1807. t Journey through India, 1828. Journal, 1807. ^Sermons preached in England, 1829. ^Europe, 1809. *f Sermons preached in India, 1830. ^Volume of Poetry, 1812. ^A Ballad, 1830. \The Personality and Office of the Sermons on the Lessons, 1837. Christian Comforter, 1816. Poetical Works, 1841. A reply to certain observations on the Sin ami Grace, 1844. Bampton Lectures of the year 1815, The Gale of Heaven, 1844. in the British Critic for December Baptism, 1850. 1816 and January 1817, 1817. On the government of the thoughts, 1858. Sermon, 1819. Blue Beard, 1868. ^Life of Bishop Jeremy Taylor, 1822. Contributed to Quarterly Review, Sermon, 1826. Christian Observer, Casket. The Omnipresence of God, 1826. f Analysis of Aristotle'sPoeiics (MS.). P.N.B. ; O.H.S. xxii; P.C.R. Hook, William (Surrey). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 12 June 1800, aged 19 ; rem. Mar. 1805. Ensign Beds. Militia Sept. 1803. Hornby, Edward Thomas Stanley (Lanes.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 7 Apr. 1800, aged 18 ; rem. 29 Nov. 1803 ; B.A. All Souls 10 Feb. 1804 ; M.A. 26 Apr. 1809. WOBK : -{Childhood, 1821. P.C.R. Jackson, Joseph Henry (Som.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 1 May 1800, aged 17 ; rem. Feb. 1805. Kingsley, Charles (Herts.). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 12 Dec. 1800, aged 19; rem. 25 Feb. 1801 ; LL.B. Sidney Sussex, Cambridge, 1816. Kyffin, John (Denbs.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 26 May 1800, aged 19 ; B.A. 14 Feb. 1804 ; M.A. 16 Apr. 1807 ; rem. 21 Apr. 1812. NEWTON, Robert (Lanes.). Com. b. and c. 13 Jan. ; matr. gen. 14 Jan., aged 16; Iver Sch. 1800; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 10 Oct. 1803; Pellow (Elton) 22 May ; M.A. 4 June 1806 ; died 24 Feb. 1810. Oliver, George (London). Com. b., c. and matr. gen. 4 Mar. 1800, aged 17. 1800-1] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 407 Parsons, John (Worcs.). Sch. b., c. and inatr. cler. 12 Dec. 1800, aged 18 ; B.A. 14 Feb. 1805 ; M.A. 16 Apr. 1807 ; rem. 1870 (being dead). Assumed name of Hopton 1817 ; Preb. of Hereford 1832 ; J.P. for Hereford. Burke's Landed Gentry. Poole, Francis (London). Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 24 Mar. 1800, aged 18 ; rem. May 1802. Pugh, Henry John (Denbs.). Batt. b. and c. 10 Nov. ; matr. cler. 14 Nov. 1800. aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 21 Jan. 1801 ; B.A. 7 June 1804 ; rem. 24 Feb. 1809. Ravenshaw, Edward (Berks.). Com. b. and c. 10 Nov. ; matr. arm. 11 Nov. 1800, aged 18; B.A. 30 May 1804; M.A. 25 June 1808; rem. 3 Dec. 1827 ; died 1854. P.C.K. Winfield, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 21 Apr., aged 16; Nowell Sch. 1 May 1800; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 14 Jan. 1804; M.A. 16 Oct. 1806; rem. 21 May 1812. P.C.R. Woodcock, Francis (rlerefs.). Com. b., c. and matr. cler. 23 Apr., aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1800 ; B.A. 10 Feb. 1804 ; rem. 10 Feb. 1808; M.A. Worcester 15 Mar. 1809. 1801 Allen, John Taylor (Lancs.1. Com. Matr. gen. 15 Apr., aged 17 ; Tver Sch, 1801 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1805 ; M.A. and English Essay 1807 ; rem. 1843. P.C. Clitheroe, Lanes., 1826; died 1861. WORKS : i -^Duelling, 1807. ^Sermon at Clitheroe, 1827. \~Moral and religious instruction of the An Address delivered at the ceremony children of the poor, 1820. of laying the first stone of the Church t-4n Assize Sermon, preached 23 Aug. of St. Mary Magdalene in Clitheroe, 1823, 1823. 1828. t Sermon at Whalley. 1826. Baker, Richard Dod (Herefs. or Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 25 Mar. 1801, aged 17 ; rem. 1804; died 1807. Army, Calthorp, John (Lines.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 May 1801, aged 18 ; B.A. 1805 ; M.A. and rem. 1808. V. of Gosberton 1830 ; J.P. Cambs. and Lines. Crewe, Richard (Chesh.); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Apr. 1801, aged 17; rem. 1802. Nephew of John, 1st Lord Crewe. Dodsley, Christopher (Derbe.). Com. Matr. cler. 26 Oct. 1801, aged 18; rem. 1804. R. (and Patron) of Swynnerton, Staffs., 1822-51 ; died 31 July 1851. Dorrien (Dorrin), Thomas (London). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 23 Jan. 1801, aged 20 ; cr. M.A. and rem. 1803 ; died 1847. P.C.R. 408 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1801 Drake, Thomas Tyrwhitt (London). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Feb. 1801, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. and rem. 1803. Of Shardeloes, Bucks, J.P. and D.L. ; M.P. Amersham in nine Parliaments 1805-33; High Sheriff Bucks. 1836; died 23 Mar. 1852. BENEF. : Plate 1804. Burke's Landed Gentry ; P.C.E. ; Quat. Mon. v. Dudley, Charles (Warws.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Jan. 1801, aged 18 ; rem. 1803. Dunbar, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. Matr. bart. f. 2 Dec. 1801, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1805 ; M.A. 1808 ; Keeper of Ashmolean Museum 1815-22; rem. 1825 ; died s. p. about 1831. WORK : -^Brasenose Garlande, 1811. Ale 1811, 8. Hanmer, John (Flints.); Rugby. Com. Matr. bart. f. 30 Nov. 1801, aged 17 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1805 ; M.A. 1808 ; rem. 1830. V. of Hanmer, Flints., 1808 ; R. of Aswarby, Lines., 1814 ; V. of Deeping St. James, Lines., 1823 ; died 3 Oct. 1850. Hinton. John, Viscount (London). Nob. Matr. 12 June 1801, aged 17 ; rem. 1804 ; died 20 June 1864. 5th Earl Poulett. P.C.R. Knudson, St. George (India). Gen. Com. c. 11 Feb. 1801 ; rem. 1804 ; ? = George Knudson, matr. arm. Pembroke 23 Jan. 1800, aged 19. Parker, John Fleming (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1801, aged 18 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1804 ; M.A. and rem. 1807. Preb. of Llandaff 1813 ; V. of Skipwith, Yorks., 1817 ; V. of Almond- bury, Yorks.; P.C. of Waddington, Yorks., 1818; R. of Bentham, Yorks., 1825-62 ; died 26 Nov. 1862. P.C.E. Pollard, John (Middlx.). Com. Matr. gen. 14 Nov. 1801, aged 18 ; B.A. 1805 ; Hulme Ex. 1806 ; M.A. 1808 ; rem. 1848. R. of Bennington, Herts., 1813-51 ; died 23 Sept. 1851. SHEPHERD, Thomas Henry (Yorks.). (B.A. 15th Wrangler) St. John's, Cambridge, 1801 ; Fellow (Higden) 23 Feb. ; incorp. 26 Feb. 1802, aged 23; M.A. 1803; res. Fell. 1811. R. of South Wheatley, and of Clayworth, Notts., 1810-73 ; Preb. of Southwell 1830 ; died 11 Feb. 1873. Sibthorp, Charles Delact (Waldo) (Herts.). Com. Matr. arm. 23 Apr. 1801, aged 18; rem. 1804. His father assumed name of Waldo ; of Conwick Hall, Lines , and of Potterells, Herts. ; Captain Scots Greys ; served in 4th Dragoon Guards in the Peninsular War; Lieut.-Col. South Lines. Militia; M.P. Lincoln 1826-32, 1835-55 ; died 14 Dec. 1855. Burke's Landed Gentry ; D.N.B. Smith, Charles Hervey (Beds.). Com. Matr. cler. 14 July 1801, aged 17 ; rem. 1805. Of Aspley House, Berks. ; Colonel in the army ; died 23 Nov. 1871. Twemlow, Thomas (Staffs, or Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 15 Apr. 1801, aged 18 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1806 ; rem. 1807. Of Peatswood, Staffs.; High Sheriff Staffs. 1830; J.P. and D.L. Salop and Staffs. ; died 1 May 1872. 1801-2] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK 409 Williams, Henry (Ireland). Com., post Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 9 Dec. 1801, aged 18 ; rem. 1804. Student of Lincoln's Inn 1811. Wood, John (Ireland). Com. Matr. gen. 28 Mar. 1801, aged 16; rem. 1803. 1802 Astley, John William (Chesh.); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 18 Oct. 1802, aged 18 ; rem. 1805. Chetwynd, George (Staffs.) ; ? Harrow. Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f . 31 May 1802, aged 18; rem. 1803. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1813; 2nd Bart,; M.P. Stafford 1820-6; died 24 May 1850. Crosse, Andrew (Som.). Com. Matr. arm. 7 May 1802, aged 17 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp ) 1806 ; rem. 1826. Of Fynecourt House, Somerset ; a famous electrician, experimented on electro-crystallization and metallurgy ; died 6 July 1855. WOKKS : On the Perforation of Non-conducting accompanying Electric Transfer (Pa- Substances by the Mechanical action per before British Association, of the Electric fluid (Paper before 1854}. Electrical Society). ^HolweU Cavern (Somerset Arch, and On the apparent Mechanical Action Nat. H. Soc. Proc. 1851). D.N.B. Dance, Charles Webb (London). Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1802, aged 16 ; rem. 1807. Dramatist ; author of comediettas and extravaganzas ; Registrar, Taxing Officer and Chief Clerk in the Insolvent Debtors' Court. D.N.B. East, Hinton (Jamaica). Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1802, aged 18. Of Raymond Hall, St. Andrew's, Jamaica ; M.L.C. ; Captain 58th Regiment ; died 14 Jan. 1866. Egerton, Thomas William (Chesh.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb. 1802, aged 18 ; rem. 1804. Of Wythenshawe, Chesh. ; assumed surname and arms of Tatton in lieu of Egerton 1806 ; High Sheriff Chester 1809 ; died 2 Mar. 1827. BENEF. : Plate 1804. Burke's Landed Gentry ; P.C.R. ; Quat. Mon. v. Farrer, James William (London). Com. Matr. arm. 25 June 1802, aged 17 ; B.A. 1806 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1809 ; rem. 1854. Of Ingleborough, Yorks. ; J.P. and D.L. ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1811 ; a Master in Chancery 1824-63. Burke's Landed Gentry. Farrer, Oliver (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 25 June 1802, aged 15 ; B.A. 1806 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1809 ; rem. 1854. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1812 ; J.P. and D.L. Yorks. (W.R.) ; J.P. West- moreland and Lanes. ; Director Law Life Assurance Co. and several Joint Stock Banks ; died 1 Jan. 1866. Freakes, John (Surrey). Com. Matr. gen. 15 July 1802, aged 18 ; B.A. 1806; M.A. 1811. Assumed name of Parson ; C. of Headley ; R. of St. Peter, West Lynn, Norfolk, 1811 ; died 23 Nov. 1829. 410 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1802 Golding, Charles William (London) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 6 Feb. 1802, aged 18; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1805; M.A. 1808; rem. 1846. R. of Crofton, Yorks., 1814 ; P.O. of Ruscombe, Berks.. 1816 ; R. of Stratford St. Mary, Suffolk, 1817 ; died 4 Sept. 1865. Greene, George Kneller. Com. b. and c. 25 May 1802; rem. 1810. Grey, Harry (Chesh.) : Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Apr. 1802, aged 18: Hulme Ex. and B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1806 ; rem. 1808. V. of Knutsford, Chesh., 1809 ; father of 8th Earl of Stamford : died 26 Mar. 1860. HEBER, Thomas Cuthbert (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 18 Jan. 1802, aged 16 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1805 ; Fellow (Williamson P.) a Dec. 1807; M.A. 1808. R. of Marton in Craven, Yorks., 1810 ; died 1816. Hodges, Richard. (Herefs.). Com. Matr. cler. 1 July, aged 18 ; Tver Sch. 1802 ; B.A. 1806 ; Hulme Ex. 1807 ; M.A. 1810 ; rem. 1829. V. of Little Barrington, Gloucs., 1841-66 ; died 23 Mar. 1866. Knox, Thomas (Kent) ; Tonbridge. Com. Matr. doct. 26 Nov. 1802, aged 19; Ogle Sch. 1803 ; B.A. 1806 ; M.A. 1809 ; B.D. and D.D. 1824 ; rem. 1826. Head Master of Tonbridge 1812 ; R. of Ramsden Grays and Runwell, Essex, 1821-43 ; died 23 July 1843. Loveday, John (Oxon.). Com. Matr. doct. 18 May 1802, aged 17 ; Hulme Ex. 1805 ; B.A. 1806 ; M.A. 1808 ; cr. D.C.L. 15 June 1841. High Sheriff of Oxon. 1841 ; J.P. Oxon. ; died 19 Oct. 1864. Burke's Landed Gentry. Marshall, William Congreve (Salop). Com. Matr. arm. 31 May 1802, aged 18 ; B.A. 1806 ; M.A. 1809 ; rem. 1826. Metcalfe, John (Staffs.). Com. Matr. cler. 31 May 1802, aged 17 ; B.A. 1806; died 1808. Cler. Mosley, Sir Oswald, Bart. (Chesh.) ; Winchester. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 30 June 1802, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 18 June 1806 ; cr. D.C.L. 5 July 1810. 2nd Bart. ; M.P. Portarlington 1806-7; Winchelsea 1807-12; Midhurst 1817-18 ; North Staffs. 1832-7 ; died 24 May 1871. BENEF. : Plate 1806. Quat. Mon. v. Newport, Simon George (Ireland); Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 6 Nov. 1802, aged 17 ; rem. 1803. Lieut.-Col. 10th Hussars. Orrett, William Green (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 2 Feb. 1802, aged 18 ; B.A. 1805 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1815 ; rem. 1823. R. of Standish, Lanes., 1826-41 ; died 12 June 1841. Shipley, Charles (Denbs.) ; ? Winchester. Com. Matr. 28 Apr. 1802, aged 18 ; rem. 1805 ; B.A. All Souls 1806. R. of Finmere, Oxon., 1812; of Mappowder, Dorset, 1814-34; died 24 July 1834. STEPHENS, Richard (Leics.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 11 Oct. 1802, aged 17 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1806 ; M.A. 1809 ; Fellow (Darbie) 29 June 1810 ; Pro-Proctor 1815 ; B.D. (Gr. Comp.) 1816 ; Junior Bursar 1816-17 ; res. Fell. 13 Sept, 1819. 1802-3] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 411 Assistant-master Rugby 1812-15 ; V. of Belgrave, Leics., 1824 ; P.O. of Frensham, Surrey, 1838; Sub-dean of Exeter 1840; died 29 May 1871. Tarleton, John Edward (Chesh. or Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Nov. 1802, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1806 ; rem. 1807 ; Fellow of All Souls 1809-35 ; B.C.L. 1809; D.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 1814. V. of Upchurch, Kent, 1818; R. of Chelsfield with Farnborough, Kent, 1834 ; died 16 Jan. 1849. Taylor, Mascie Domville (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 28 Apr. 1802, aged 18 ; B.A. 1806 ; M.A, 1809 ; rem. 1813. Of Lymm Hall ; R. of Langton, Yorks., 1812 ; of Moreton Corbett, Salop, 1819; of Langton, Yorks., 1819; died 9 Oct. 1845. Yea, William Walter (Som.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 6 Nov. 1802, aged 18 ; rein. 1803. Of Pyrland Hall, Somerset ; 2nd Baronet ; died 20 May 1862. 1803 Acton, Edward Henley (Hants.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 3 July 1803, aged 17 ; B.A. 1807 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1818 ; rem. 1827 ; died 14 Apr. 1875. Cler. Times, 17 and 19 April 1875. BUBB.OWS, Joseph (Chesh.); Manchester. Batt. Matr. pleb. 24 May, aged 20; Somerset Sch. 1803; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1807 ; M.A. 1809; Fellow (Founders) 23 June 1809; B.D. 1817; Vice-Principal 1819-20, 2-3 ; D.D. 1822 ; Senior Bursar 1823-33 ; R, of Steeple Aston 19 Apr. 1832 ; res. Fell. 1833 ; died 22 Sept. 1862. A mural tablet to him is in Steeple Aston Church. Manch. Eeg. ii ; Ale 1833. Campion, William Henry (Sussex) ; Eton. Com. Matr. gen. 27 June 1803, aged 18 ; B.A. 1807 ; Hulme Ex. 1808 ; M.A. 1812 ; died 7 Apr. 1821. Captain of Dragoons. Cracroft, John (Devon or Lines.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Oct. 1803, aged 19; B.A. 1807 ; M.A. 1812; rem. 1840. Chaplain to the Forces; R. of Ripley, Yorks., 1821; V. of Hack- thorne, Lines., 1821 ; V. of West Keale, Lines., 1821 ; died on the Rhine 21 Sept. 1842. Cross, George Eobert (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. arm. 27 Apr. 1803, aged 18; B.A. 1807; M.A. 1810; Counsel to the University 1825. Barr. Lincoln's Inn, 1813; died 1830; known at College as 'Aristo- phanes Cross ' for his skill in construing difficult Greek authors. Dale, Peter Steele (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 8 June 1803, aged 21 ; rem. 1804. P.C. of Hollinfare, Lanes., 1829-70 ; died 1870. Deacon, James (Hants.). Com. Matr. arm. 29 June 1803, aged 18 ; B.A. 1807 ; M.A. 1812 ; rem. 1815. R. of St. Peter's, Southgate, and P.C. of St. Etheldred, Norwich, 1822 ; V. of Walsham St. Mary, Norfolk, 1832. 412 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1803 Doyne, Charles (Ireland). Com. Matr. arm. 12 July 1803, aged 16 ; rem. 1804. Dunkerley, John (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Batt. Matr. pleb. 24 May, aged 19; Somerset Sch. 1803 ; B.A. and rem. 1808. Man cli. Reg. ii. Gregory, Dixie (Beds.). Com. Matr. gen. 24 Nov. 1803, aged 19; B.A. 1807 ; rem. 1820. Gumbleton, Richard (Carnarvon). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1803, aged 17; cr. M.A. 18 June; rem. 1806. Lincoln's Inn 1806. Latham, John (Oxford) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. doct. 16 June 1803, aged 16 ; Latin Verse and Fellow of All Souls 1806 ; B.C.L. 1810 ; D.C.L. 1815 ; rem. 1843. Of Brad wall Hall ; died 30 Jan. 1853. WORKS : "[English and Latin Poems, Original Poems, 1836. and Translated, 1853. D.N.B. Lewis, Charles (London). Com. Matr. gen. 1 July 1803, aged 17 ; rem. 1805. ? D.N.B. Lloyd, Edward (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 20 Apr., aged 17 ; Iver Sch. 1803 ; B.A. 1807 ; rem. 1818 ; died 1864. Mosley, John (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 28 June 1803, aged 17 ; died 31 Aug. 1804. Ormerod, George (Lanes.) ; King's School, Chester. Com. and Gen. Com. Matr. gen. 21 Apr. 1803, aged 17; cr. M.A. and rem. 1807; cr. D.C.L. 1818. F.R.S. ; F.S.A. ; of Sedbury Park, Gloucs. ; died 9 Oct. 1873. BENEF. : Plate 1807. WORKS : A Memoir of the Connection of Arderne. [The History of the County Palatinate A Memoir on the Lancashire House of and City of Chester, 1819. Les Noreis. [The Siege of Lathom House, 1823. -[Miscellanea Palatina, 1851. Contributed to Vetusta Monumenta ^-Parentalia, 1851. some observations on the 'Swords [Venta Silurum, 1852. of the Earldom of Chester,' 1828. A Memoir on British and Roman Re- Tracts relating to Military Proceedings mains, 1852. in Lancashire during the Great Civil -[Remarks on a Line of Earthworks in War (Chetham Soc. ii. 1844). Tidentiam, known as Offa's Dyke, [Calendars of the Names of Families 1859. which entered . . . pedigrees in the [Observations on Recent discoveries of successive Heraldic Visitations of Roman Remains in Sedbury, 1860. Lancashire (Chetham Soc., Re- Observations on Discoveries of Roman mains, vol. i, 1851). Remains and the Site of a Military Six Contributions to Archaeologia. Position in Sedbury, 1860. [The Stanley Legend. -[Strigulensia, 1861. Gloucestershire N. & Q., No. 864 (21 Jan., 1884, p. 462) ; Burke's Landed Gentry ; D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. v. 1803-4] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 413 Stronge, Sir James Matthew, Bart. (Ireland). Gen. Com. Matr. bart. 28 Nov. 1803, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 1806; cr. D.C.L. 1810. 2nd Bart. ; Gentleman of the Privy Chamber ; died 2 Dec. 1864. BENEF. : Plate 18U5. Quat. Mon. v. Wood, John Mare (Chesh.). Matr. arm. St. Alban Hall 4 Oct. 1803, aged 31 ; B.A. 1807 ; M.A., b. and c. 1811 ; rem. 1829. 1804 Allen, Edward (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Feb. 1804, aged 17 ; B.A. 1808; M.A. 1810; rem. 1837. B. of Hartley, Kent, 1826 ; died 4 Jan. 1870. Bampfylde, George (Warwick) (London). Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 10 Oct. 1804, aged 18; rem. 1805. 6th Bart. ; cr. Baron Poltimore 10 Sept. 1831 ; Lord-in-Waiting to Queen Victoria ; died 1858. Barnett, William (Surrey). Com. Matr. arm. 26 Jan. 1804. aged 17 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1807; rem. 1809; rep. 1812; rem. 1823. Cler. Bernard, William (London). Gen. Com. Matr. doct. post bart. f. 3 July 1804, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. and rem. 1807. Died at Caen 21 Nov. 1820. BENEF. : Plate 1807. Quat. Mon. v. Dale, Joseph (Chesh.); Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 17 May, aged 18; Iver Sch. 1804; B.A. and Halme Ex. 1808; M.A. 1810. V. of Bolney, Sussex ; died 23 Aug. 1860, aged 74. WORK : The Watchman's Warning, 1850. Manch. Eeg. ii ; Ale 1811. Daniell, Thomas (Cornw.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 6 Nov. 1804, aged 17 ; rem. 1806. Dean, James (Lanca.) ; Manchester. Batt. Matr. pleb. 17 May, aged 19; Som. Th Manor Sch. 1804; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1808; M.A. 1810 ; rem. 1823. V. of Collingham, Yorks., 1808-32 ; died 21 Apr. 1832. WORKS : Religion an essential element of Educa- Faith working by lore, 1844. tion, 1844. Manch. Reg. ii. Glyn, Richard Plumptre (London). Matr. bart. f. Christ Church 20 Oct. 1804, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. Brasenose 3 June 1818. High Sheriff Dorset 1841 ; J.P. and D.L. Dorset ; Gentleman of the Privy Chamber ; 2nd Bart. ; a banker ; died 20 Dec. 1863. Goodman, Maurice Hill(ier) (Wilts.); Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 3 July 1804, aged 17 ; B.A. 1808 ; M.A. 1811 ; rein. 1817. P.O. of East Kennet, Wilts., 1823 ; died 1856. Grenville, Lord George (Bucks.). Gen. Com. Matr. 25 Apr. 1804. aged 15 ; cr. D.C.L. 1810 M P. Buckingham 1810-2, Aylesbury (in seven parliaments) 1812-37 and 47-8 ; succeeded to his mother's peerage (as 3rd Baron Nugent of 4U BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1804 Carlanstown, Ireland), 1813 ; Lord of the Treasury 1830-2 ; Lord High Commissioner Ionian Islands 1832-5; G.C.M.G. ; died 27 Nov. 1850. BENEF. : Plate 1810. WORKS: Memorials of John Hampden, 1832. ^Portugal, 1812. Legends of the Library at Lillies by the A plain statement in support of the Lord and Lady thereof, 1832. political claims of the Catholics, 1813. Remarks on the office of Lord High A Substance of Speeches spoken by Lord Commissioner in the Ionian Islands, Nugent in the House of Commons, 1835. 1816. On the Punishment of Death by law, A Letter to the Electors of Aylesbury, 1840. 1820. A Letter to the Chairman of the Com- \-A few remarks on a late pamphlet by mittee of Anti-Corn Law League of Dr. G. Scobell, 1827. England, 1842. \-A Letter to John Hun-ay, 1832. -\-Lands Classical and Sacred, 1845-<5. D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. v. Hulton, William (Lanes.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 6 Nov. 1804, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. and rem. 1807. Of Hulton Park; High Sheriff Lanes. 1809; J.P. and D.L. Lanes.; Constable of Lancaster Castle; died 31 Mar. 1864. He was the magis- trate who on 16 Aug. 1819 at the Manchester Reform meeting (called the. Peterloo Massacre) gave the Cheshire Yeomanry directions to act ; died 1864. Burke's Landed Gentry. Hunt, Rowland (Salop). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Feb. 1804, aged 20 ; rem. 1807. Of Boreatton ; died Feb. 1835. Johnson, Charles Thomas (Warws. or Salop) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. cler. 15 Mar. 1804, aged 17 ; Craven Sch., Hulme Ex., and B.A. 1807 ; M.A. 1810. R. of Hampstead Marshall, Berks., 1811 ; of Allington (or Adlington), Wilts., 1811 ; of West Felton, Salop, 1816 ; of Hampstead Marshall, Berks., 1816; of Enborne, Berks., 1816; died 29 June 1848. King. John (Leics.). Com. Matr. arm. 7 Nov. 1804, aged 17 ; B.A. 1808 ; M.A. 1811 ; rem. 1869. Student of Lincoln's Inn 1809. Lewin, Thomas (Madras); Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 11 July 1804, aged 16; rem. 1804; B.A. Corpus 1808; M.A. 1832. Barr. Inner Temple 1811 ; practised in India; died 16 Sept. 1854. Lingard, John (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 17 May 1804, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1808 ; M.A. 1810 ; B.D. 1820 ; died at Liverpool 14 Jan. 1833. BENEF. : Bequeathed a silver cross and .63 to provide for a preacher on Good Friday (will dated 3 May 1820). Principal directed to write to the Executors accepting the bequests 1833. Manch. Reg. ii ; Quat. Mon. iv, v. Lyon, James Radcliffe (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 19 Apr. 1804, aged 18; B.A 1808; M.A. and rem. 1811. P.C. of Ringley, Prestwich, 1817-69; R. of Pulford, Chesh., 1818-69; died 6 Dec. 1869. MATTHEWS, Arthur (Herefs.). Com. Matr. arm. 31 Oct. 1804, aged 16; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1808; Fellow (Elton) 30 Mar. 1810; Vice- Principal 1817-18 ; B.D. 1818. V, of Linton, Herefs., 1812 ; Preb. of Hereford 1818 ; Canon Res. 1831 ; 1804-5J BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 415 V. of Wolhope with Fownhope and Fawley, Herefs., 1831 ; died 23 Sept. 1840. Mayo Family. Mortimer, Edward Horlook (Wilts ). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Apr. 1804, aged 18; rem. 1828. Pedley, James Thomas (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 17 May, aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1804 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1808 ; M.A. and rem. 1810. C. of Yaxley, Hunts., and of Peakirk-cum-Glinton, Northants., 1831-50 : died 5 Dec. 1862. WORKS : On Freemasonry, 1815 ; Dialogue on Confirmation founded on the Church Catechism; Collection of Hymns. Manch. Reg. ii. Prescot, Charles Kenrick (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 11 Apr., aged 17; Yate Sch. 1804; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1808; M.A. 1810. K. of Stockport 1820-75 ; died 4 May 1875. Ross, John Pemberton (W. Indies). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 31 Mar. 1804, aged 18 ; rem. 1807. Roundell, Henry Dawson (Yorks.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. cler. 12 Apr. 1804, aged 18; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1808; rem. and Fellow of Magdalen 1809 ; M A. 1810 ; B.D. 1818. R. of Fringford, Oxon., 1815-52; died 17 Dec. 1852. Warde, Charles (Oxon.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1804, aged 17 ; rem. 1807. Of Squerryes Court, Kent; died 14 Feb. 1861. Burke's Landed Gentry. Whalley, James (Lanes.). Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 28 Jan. 1804, aged 18 ; cr. M.A. and rem. 1806. High Sheriff Hants. 1810 : assumed additional names of Stnythe- Gardiner ; 3rd Bart. ; died 22 Oct. 1851. BENEP. : Plate 1806. Quat. Mon. v. Wise, Ayshford (Devon). Com. post Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Nov. 1804, aged 18 ; rem. 1812. M.P. Totnes 1812-18 ; J.P. and D.L. Devon ; died 5 June 1847. Burke's Landed Gentry. 1805 Assheton, William (Yorks.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 5 Apr. 1805, aged 17 ; rem. 7 Dec. 1808. J.P. and D.L. Yorks. Burke's Landed Gentry. Batty, Robert Fitzherbert (Ireland). Com. Matr. arm. 6 Dec. 1805, aged 17 ; rem. 1808. Of Lincoln's Inn 1807. Bingham, John Batt (Herts.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. doct. 14 June 1805, aged 17; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1809; M.A. 1819; rem. 1834. R. of St. Martin's Ludgate 1819-68; V. of Gt. Gaddesden, Herts., 1820-72; died 10 Apr. 1872. 416 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1805 Blackburne, John (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 20 Mar. 1805, aged 17 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1808 ; M.A. 1811. K.C. ; M.P. Huddersfield 1833 ; died 1837. Gator, Charles (Kent). Com. Matr. arm. 30 Oct. 1805, aged 19 ; B.A. 1810; M.A. 1814; rem. 1861. R. of Kirksmeaton, Yorks., 1813; P.C. of Beckenham, Kent, 1829; V. of Carshalton, Surrey, 1829; R. of Stokesley, Yorks., 1835-72. WORKS : Instruction in the l Principles of the An affectionate address and caution to Doctrine of Christ, 1826. the Parishioners of Stokesley, 1837. Sermons, 1826. Coronation Sermon, 1838. A Farewell Sermon, 1829. A letter to the Archdeacon of Cleveland Address to the Throne, 1829. for the recent Acts of the Legislature Spiritual State r>f England and Ireland as they affect the Church and her Contrasted, 1829. Clergy, 1838. The Cholera Morbus, 1832. Protest against the Commutation of The claim of the Christian Minister to Tithes, 1838. attention from the people, 1832. Reply to the Circular for the Abolition fTfte writing of a maws hand, 1833. of Pluralities, 1838. The Work of an Evangelist, 1833. Our Father, 1839. ^The necessity of a National Church, A Citizen of no mean City, 1839. 1835. The Practical Benefit of Public Worship, A Farewell Sermon, 1835. 1840. fjf%e doctrine and ritual of the Church The Stewardship of the Cliristian Mys- of England, 1836. teries, 1840. The King's position as temporal head of The Church Rate question, 1856. the Church of England vindicated, Sermons, 1861. 1836. The Efficacy of Prayer, 1872. DAWSON, Ambrose (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1805, aged 17; 2 Cl. 1808; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1809; M.A. 1811; rellow (Founders) 11 June 1812 ; Junior Bursar 1818-21 ; B.D. 1819 ; Vice-Principal 1822. Inc. of Foss-side, Yorks. ; died 12 Oct 1848. WORKS : \Lent meditations in verse, 1844. -^Devotional lines, 1847. Parrer, Thomas (Lanes.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 3 May 1805, aged 17 ; 2 Cl. 2 Math. 1808 ; B.A. 1809 ; M.A. 1812. Solicitor 1814; died 23 Sept. 1833. Farrer, William Loxham (Lanes.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 3 May 1805, aged 16 ; 2 Cl. 2 Math. 1808 ; B.A. 1809 ; M.A. 1812 ; rem. 1854. Solicitor 1814 ; died 30 Nov. 1868. Ford, John (Som.). Com. Matr. gen. 4 Apr. 1805, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1808 ; M.A. 1811 ; rem. 1834. ? C. of St. Nicholas, Gloucester, and of Romsey, Hants. ; died at New York 17 Feb. 1855. GILBERT, Ashurst Turner (Bucks ) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 30 May, aged 19; Iver Sch. 1805; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1806 ; 1 Cl. 1808 ; B.A., Hulme Ex., and Fellow (Frankland) 18 May 1809 ; M.A. 1811 ; Select Pr. 1818 ; B.D. 1819 ; Vice-Principal 1820-2 ; Principal 2 Feb. and D.D. 30 May 1822; Vice-Chancellor 1836-40; res. Principal- ship 25 May 1842 ; a service of plate presented to him by the Fellows and some other members of the College 1 June 1842 ; died 21 Feb. 1870. 1805] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 417 92nd Bishop of Chichester 1842; he was born at Portsmouth; his father was at one time in the army. WORKS : God's blessing the only security against Sermon, 1815. national want, 1847. Sermon, 1838. -^Proceedings against the Warden of ^Letter to Dr. Pusey about the Professor- Sackville College, 1849. ship of Poetry, 1841. + Memorial of Churchwardens of West- A pastoral letter to the clergy of the bourne, with the Bishop's re>ly, 1851. diocese of Chichester, 1843. -\A letter to the Rev. A. D. Wagner on ^Letter to an incumbent, 1845. pictorial crucifixes, 1852. Church questions, 1845. -[Charge at his triennial visitation, ^The commandment of God of none 1853, 6, 9. effect, 1845. ^A statement of the proceedings against ^A charge at his primary visitation, the Warden of SacKville College, 1853. 1845. t SelJ -sacrifice for Christ, 1854. ^A charge at his triennial visitation, "\-Royal priesthood of Christians, 1856. 1847. Knowledge of a life under the ^Sermon, 1847. Old Testament and the New, 1859. Jacob and Israel contrasted, 1847. Sermon, 1862. O.H.S. xxii ; Manch. Reg. ii, iii (1) ; Ale 1841 ; Quat. Mon. vii. Hassall (Hassel), William (Pembs.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 30 May 1805, aged 17; 2 Cl. 1808; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1809; M.A. 1811 ; rem. 1821. P.O. of Much Birch, Herefs., 1834 ; V. of Dewchurch, Herefs., 1834-49 ; died 1849. Gent.'s Mag. 1850, i. 218. Hincks, Thomas Cowper (Chesh.) ; St. Paul's. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1805, aged 17; 2 Cl. 1808; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1809; M.A. 1812 ; rem. 1827. Of Breckenborough, Yorks., J.P. ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1819: died 2 Sept. 1865. Burke's Landed Gentry. Johnson, Charles Henry (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 27 Nov. 1805, aged 18 ; English Verse, 3 Cl. and B.A. 1809; Hulme Ex. 1810 ; M.A. 1812. Died 12 Mar. 1813 ; buried in antechapel ; memorial in St. Mary's, Oxford. Le Mesurier, John Thomas Howe (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 6 July 1805, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. 1808 ; B.A. 1809 ; M.A. 1812. Chaplain to the forces in Malta ; Archdeacon of Malta ; 5 con- tributed on his application towards the expense of providing communion plate and furniture in the New Church at Malta 1844 ; died 29 Sept. 1864. Lid dell. Henry George (Durham) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. bart. f. 16 Dec. 1805, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1809 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1812 ; rem. 1853. R. of Redmarshall, Durham, 1811-24; of Romaldkirk, Yorks., 1824-32 ; of Whickham, Durham, 1829 ; of Easington, Durham, 1832 ; was generally known in the county of Durham as 'Jupiter 1 ; the father of Dean Liddell ; died 9 Mar. 1872. Mawdesley, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 16 Dec. 1805 aged 17 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1809 ; M.A. 1812 ; rem. 1819. P.C. of Chelford, Chesh., 1816-39; died 21 Jan. 1839. e 418 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE [1805-6 Newton, George William (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1805, aged 16; 201. 1808 ; B.A. 1809; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1814 ; rem. 1850. J.P. and D.L. Chesh., Derbs., and Lanes. Nickson, William (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 10 Oct. 1805, aged 19 ; rem. 1809. C. of West Cowes (I.W.) and of Farnham Royal, Bucks. ; V. of Stoke Poges, Bucks., 1831 ; died 26 Sept. 1841. Norri3, Richard (Surrey). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1805, aged 18 ; rem. 1810. BENEF. : Plate 1810. Quat. Mon. v. Osbaldeston, George (Middlx.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 3 May 1805, aged 18. M.P. East Retford 1812-18 ; J.P. and D.L. Yorks. (E.R.) ; well known as Squire Osbaldeston, Master of the Mo nson Hounds for thirty -five years ; died 1 Aug. 1866. D.N.B. Pattison, Mark James (Devon). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Oct. 1805, aged 17 ; 2 01. 1808; B.A. 1809 ; M.A. 1812 ; rem. 1835. R. of Hawkeswell, Yorks., 1825-65 ; his son was the Rector of Lincoln; died 30 Dec. 1865. Pearson, John Noble (Norfolk). Com. Matr. cler. 16 May 1805, aged 18 ; rem. 1806. Poole, Domville Hals ted Cudworth (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 29 Apr. 1805, aged 17 ; rem. 1807 ; died 1867. ' His father's name was originally Halsted but afterwards Poole. Burke's Landed Gentry. Price, Hugh (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. cler. 20 June 1805, aged 19 ; rem. 1808. Of Castle Madoc, Brecon ; High Sheriff Banger 1815 ; died 29 Aug. 1856. Stewart (Steward), William (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 30 May, aged 20 ; Somerset Sch. 1805 ; 2 01. 1808 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1809: M.A. 1811. P.C. of Childwall, 1810-56 ; died 1 Dec. 1856. WORK : TTJS eis KavraPpiyiav 'Avafidaeus Ei/3\ia rpia. Munch. Keg. ii. Turner, Sir Gregory Osborne Page. Bart. (Middlx.) ; Harrow. Gen. Com. Matr. bart. 26 Oct. 1805, aged 20 ; cr. M.A. and rem. 1809 ; cr. D.C.L. 1818. 3rd Bart. ; died 6 Mar. 1843. BENEF. : Plate 1809. Quat. Mon. v. 1806 Austen (Austin), William (Kent); Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 15 May 1806, aged 18 : B.A. 1810 ; M.A. 1814 ; rem. 1815. R. of Horsted Keynes, Sussex, 1812 ; died 1854. Bernard, Francis (London). Com. Matr. doct. post bart. f. 14 July 1806, aged 16 ; rem. 1807. _ 5th Bart, as Sir Francis Bernard Morland. ; died s. p. 22 June 1876. 1806] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 419 CARD WELL, Edward (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 30 Jan. 1806, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. 2 Math., B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1809 ; Fellow (Founders) 16 May 1811; M.A. 1812; Examiner 1814, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21; Select Pr. 1817-23; Whitehall Pr. 1818; B.D. 1819; Senior Bursar 1821-3; Vice-Principal 1823-4 ; Junior Bursar 1824-7 ; Cl. Examiner 1825 ; Camden Professor of Ancient History 1825-61 ; R. of Stoke Bruerne 16 May 1828-36 ; res. Fell. 10 Aug. 1829 ; D.D. 1831 ; Principal of St. Alban Hall 1831-61 ; thanked for presenting books to College, 1837, 9, 42. ^ Declined Deanery of Carlisle 1844; died 23 May 1861 ; his Lectures, &c. (MS.), presented to the Bodleian 1907. WORKS : \Aristotelis Ethica, 1828. -\-Two liturgies of Edward VI compared, t-4 Sermon at Northampton, 1832. 1841. ^Lectures on coinage of Greeks and fEdited Kichard Taverner's PosMs, Romans, 1832. ' 1841. Oxford Bibles, 1833. -\-A history of conferences, &c., connected f-Edited Enchiridion theologicum anti- with the Revision of the Prayer Book, Romanum, 1836. 1841. \Josephus de Bello Judaico. 1837. ^Synodalia, 1842. \The supposed visit of St. Paul to -^Edited Reformation of the Eccle- Britain, 1837. siastical Laws, &c., 1850. \?The New Testament in Greek and Edited Gibson's Synodus Anglicana, English, 1837. 1854. \-A relation of the conference between \The landing place of Julius Caesar in Wm. Laud and Mr. Fisher the Britain (n. d.). Jesuit, 1839. Privy Council Infallibility: the ' mere ^Documentary annals of the Refoimed mistake' in the Knightsbridge Judg- Church of England, 1839. ment explained by Dr. C., 1877. D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. vii. Drake, Charles Tyrwhitt (Bucks.). Com. Matr. arm. 27 Dec. 1806, aged 17; B.A. 1810; M.A. 1813; rem. 1816. Garden, Robert Theophilus (Dublin). Com. Matr. arm. 26 Apr. 1806, aged 16 ; B.A. 1810 ; rem. 1812. Of Lincoln's Inn 1810. Gordon, Thomas (Aberdeen) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 20 Jan. 1806, aged 17 ; rem. 1807. Of Cairness, Aberdeen ; General in the Greek army; took part in the Greek Revolution ; died 1841. WORKS : Contributed to William Wilkin- Translations from Oriental Lan- son's Wallachia and Moldavia, guages. 1820. History of the Greek Revolution, 1832, No. Ill, vol. ii of Miscellaneous &c. D.N.B. Gregson, "William (Lanes.) ; Charterhouse. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 11 Nov. 1806, aged 17 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1810 ; M.A. 1813 ; rem. 1855. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1815 ; Under-Secretary for Home Dept. 1835 ; Law Writer of the 'London Gazette'; one of the founders of Marl- borough College and of Highgate Training College ; remarkable as the barrister who drafted the Reform Bills for Earl Grey's Government : died 1863. BENEF. : Plate 1856. Quat. Mon. v. 62 420 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1806 HALL, Samuel (Chest.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 16 Apr. 1806, aged 19; 1 Cl. 1809; B.A. 1810; Hulme Ex. 1811; Fellow (Founders) 22 Feb. 1811 ; M.A. 1812 ; B.D. 1820 ; Junior Bursar 1821^ ; Vice-Principal 1824-32; R. of Middleton Cheney 1831-53; res. Fell. 1832; rem. 1843; died 25 May 1853. Some time Chaplain to the Duke of Clarence. Manch. Eeg. ii ; Ale 1832. Hardy, Charles Henry (Bucks.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. gen. 3 Nov., aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 1806 ; 3 CL au4 B.A. 1810 ; M.A. 1813 ; B.Med. 1815 ; D.Med. 1816. F.R.C.P. 1819 ; Physician to Bath Hospital ; died 16 Dec. 1843. Hicks, John "Wilkinson (? William) (Bucks.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 17 May 1806, aged 17 ; reni. 1809. Student Lincoln's Inn 1809 ; died 21 Jan. 1810. Higginson, Henry (London). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Dec. 1806, aged 16 ; B.A. 1810 ; M.A. 1813 ; rem. 1828. Minister of the East India Co.'s Chapel at Poplar ; died 5 Feb. 1848. N. & Q. 7th Ser. Ix, p. 275 (April 1890). Hoper, Henry (Sussex) ; ? Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 26 Nov. , aged 18; Demy Magdalen 1806; rem. 1807; 3 CL 1809; B.A. 1810; M.A. 1813. V. of Portslade and R. of Hangleton, Sussex, 1814-58 ; died 3 Dec. 1858. Latham, Peter Mere (London); Manchester. Com. Matr. doct. 18 June 1806, aged 16; Latin Verse 1809 ; 3 CL and B.A. 1810; M.A. 1813; B.Med. 1814; D.Med. 1816. F.R.C.P. 1818 ; Physician Middlesex Hospital 1815-24, and of St. Bar- tholomew's 1824-41 ; Physician Extraordinary to Queen Victoria 1837-75 ; died 20 July 1875. WORKS : ^Lectures on Subjects connected with f.4n Account of the Disease lately pre- Clinical Medicine, 1836. valent at the Millbank Penitentiary, ^Harveian Oration, 1839. 1825. {Lectures on Clinical Medicine, corn- Essays on some Diseases of the Heart, prising Diseases of the Heart, 1845. 1828. Om, theearly symptoms of Phthisis, 1864. D.N.B. Lewis, John Henry (London) ; ? Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 29 Nov. 1806, aged 17; B.A. 1810; M.A. 1815; rem. 1822. Student Middle Temple 1805. Luders, Alexander (London). Com. Matr. arm. 27 June 1806, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1810 ; M.A. 1815 ; rem. 1819. R. of Birlingham, Worcs., 1814; of Woolstone, Gloucs., 1829-51; died 24 Mar. 1851. Lyon, George Benjamin (Devon.). Com. Matr. arm. 17 May 1806, aged 17 ; rem. 1808. Mainwaring, James (Chesh.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Dec. 1806> aged 18 ; 2 CL and B.A. 1810 : M.A. 1813 ; rem. 1816. V. of Cainham, Salop, 1818; P.C. of Welsh Hampton, Salop, 1823; P.C. of Bromborough, Chesh., 1827. WOBK : -^Lucius Nelsoniani, 1807. 1806-7] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 421 Newby, Joshua (Oxon.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 23 Apr. 1806, aged 18 ; Demy Magdalen 1808-17 ; 3 Cl. 1809 ; B.A. 1810 ; M.A. 1813. R. of Haseiey, Warws., 1824-7 ; died 28 Jan. 1827. Owen, Richard Evan (Montgom.). Com. Matr. cler. 16 May 1806, aged 17 ; Ogle, Henley, Stoddard, and Frankland Sch. ; Bible Clerk 1807 ; B.A. 18' 0; ALA. 1813; rem. 1821. P.C. of Hyssington, Montgom., 1822; R. of Snead, Montgom., 1849-70; died 1 Mar. 1870. Frescott, Kelsall (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 16 Apr. 1806, aged 17 ; Nowell and Church Sch. 1806 ; 2 Cl. 1809 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1810 : M.A. 1812. C. of Marple, Chesh. ; died 15 Dec. 1823 ; noted for his energy in establishing Sunday Schools at Stockport. Somers Cocks, Hon. James (Middlx.). Gen. Com. Matr. Baronis f. 24 Dec. 1806, aged 16; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1809 ; M.A. 1814. Of Lincoln's Inn 1809; Preb. of Hereford 1824; V. of Neen Savage, Salop, 1826 ; Preb. of Worcester 1830 ; died 5 July 1856. Taylor, Edward (Hants.). Com. Matr. doct. 10 Dec. 1806, aged 18; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1810 ; rem. 1824. "Wheatley, William (Amery) (Staff's.). Com. Matr. gen. 10 Oct. 1806, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1810; M.A. 1814. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1815 ; died Sept. 1833. 1807 Andrews, Robert M"uttall (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 21 Apr. 1807, aged 17 ; rem. 1810. ASHTON", Ellis (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. 15 Apr. 1807, aged 18; 2 Cl. 1810; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1811; Fellow (Founders) 11 Mar. 1813; M.A. 1813; rem. 1814; B.D. 1821 ; res. Fell. 1824. V. of Huyton, Lanes., 1813 ; R. of Begbroke, Oxon., 1823 ; died 1869. O.H.S. xxv ; P.C.R. Barham, Richard Harris (Kent); St. Paul's. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1807, aged 18; B.A. 1811; rem. 1823. V. of Snargate, Kent, 1817-24 ; Minor Canon of St. Paul's, 1822 ; R. of St. Mary Magdalen and of St. Gregory, London, 1824-42 ; Priest in Ordinary of the Chapels Royal ; R. of St. Faith 1824 ; died 17 June 1845. WORKS : Baldwin, 1819. My cousin Nicholas, 1834. Look at the Clock, 1830. Ingoldsby Legends, 1840. Vide his life by R. H. D. Barham ; Ale 1849 ; D.N.B. Bird, John (Lanes.). Matr. gen. Hertford 16 July 1807, aged 23 ; B.A. 1811 ; b. 20 June 1823 ; M.A. 1824; rem. 1842. Cler. Broughton, Peter (Salop). Com. Matr. cler. 21 Apr. 1807, aged 18 ; rem. 1810. Of Tunstall Hall, Salop, J.P. and D.L. ; Sheriff 1839 ; assumed name of Strey in 1827, but relinquished the same by Royal Licence in 1837. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. 422 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1807 Chetwynd, William Fawkener (Staffs.). Com. Matr. bart. f. 27 Nov. 1807, aged 19; B.A. 1811; M.A. 1814; rem. 1847. M.P. Staffs. 1832-3, 5-41 ; J.P. and D.L. Staffs. ; Major 1st Life Guards. Currie, William (Chesh.) ; ? Charterhouse. Com. Matr. doct. 19 Mar. 1807, aged 16; B.A. and Hulrne Ex. 1810; M.A. 1813; rem. 1819; died 1844. Cler. P.C.R. Eyton, Robert "Wynne (Flints.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 11 Apr. 1807, aged 18; 3 Cl. 1810 ; B.A. 1811 ; M.A. 1814; rem. 1819. V. of Llangollen, Denbs., 1816-49 ; V. of Northop, Flints., 1849-65 ; Canon of St. Asaph 1855 ; died 21 Mar. 1865. P.C.R. Farnaby, Sir Charles, Bart. (Kent) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 17 July 1807, aged 19; rem. 1809 ; B.A. St. John's, Cambridge, 1814. 5th Bart.; R. of West Wickham, Kent, 1815-48; died 29 Aug. 1859. P.C.R. Fenwick, Collingwood Forster (Northumb.) Com. Matr. arm. 6 Mar. 1807, aged 16 ; rem. 1808; LL.B. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1817. Lieutenant Grenadier Guards ; R. of Street with Walton, Som., 1820 ; of Brooke, I.W., 1836 ; V. of Blidworth and Oxton, Notts. ; died 6 Dec. 1858. Fletcher, Jacob (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 1 May, 1807, aged 16; 1 Cl. 1810; B.A. 1811 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1814 ; rem. 1829. BENEF. : Gave the balance of his Caution Money to the College Building Fund 1829. Fowler, John William (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. arm. 19 Jan. 1807, aged 18 ; B.A. 1810 ; rem. 1821. Franco, Ralph (London); Winchester. Gen. Com. Matr. 21 Apr. 1807, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. 1810 ; B.A. 1811 ; rem. 1813 ; rep. 1832 ; rem. 1836. H.P. Westbury, 1814-19, 31-47 ; assumed the surname and arms of Lopes by royal licence (having succeeded his uncle as 2nd Baronet) 1831 ; M.P. South Devon 1849-54 ; Deputy Warden of the Stannaries ; died 26 Jan. 1854. P.C.R. Heath, Robert (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 13 May 1807, aged 18; 1 Cl. 1810 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1811 ; Hulmeian Prize 1812 ; M.A. 1813 ; rem. 1816. Head Master of Clitheroe Grammar School 1814 ; P.C. of St. Mary, Clitheroe, 1814 ; died 17 Dec. 1825. Manch. Reg. ii. Hill, Benjamin (Northants.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 13 May 1807, aged 21; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1808; B.A. 1811; M.A. 1815; rem. 1851. R. of Collingtree and Plumptpn, Northants., 1820-55 ; P.C. of Wotton Underwood, Bucks., 1838 ; British Chaplain at Valparaiso ; died 22 Oct. 1855. Manch. Reg. ii. 1807] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 423 Holgate, Thomas Henry (Lanes.); Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 11 May, aged 17; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1807; 3 Cl. 1810; B.A. and Hulrne Ex. 1811 ; rem. 1813.1 Second Master Grantham Grammar School ; C. of Sproxton and Saltby, Leics., 1817; died 13 Dec. 1818. Manch. Reg. ii. Jones, Wythen (Montgom.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. cler. 3 July, 1807, aged 17; B.A. 1811 ; M.A. 1814; rem. 1837. Maddock, George Ashby (Salop) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 6 Feb. 1807, aged 18; B.A. 1811 ; M.A. 1814 ; rem. 1834. Cler. Of Naseby, Northants., and Greenfields, Shrewsbury ; died 1836. P.C.R. Mason, George Miles (London). Com. Matr. gen. 21 Oct. 1807, aged 18; B.A. 1812; M.A. 1814; rem. 1820. Gent.'s Mag. 1822, i. 474. Oliver, William Trevearnoe (Devon). Com. Matr. doct. 8 May 1807, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1811 ; rem. 1816. Phillips, Daniel (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen., 13 May, aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1807; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1811; M.A. 1813; rem. 1815. Manch. Reg. ii. Sclater, William Lutley (Middlx.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 17 Apr. 1807, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. 1810 ; B.A. 1811 ; M.A. 1814 ; rem. 1826. Ot Hoddington House, Hants., J.P.; Barr. Middle Temple 1819; died 15 Dec. 1885. Scott, John (Surrey). Com. Matr. arm. 13 May 1807, aged 22 ; B.A. 1812; M.A. 1813; B.Med. 1815; D.Med. 1817 ; rem. 1840. Physician of St. Thomas's Hospital 1817-28; F.R.C.P. 1819; died 30 July 1849 ; better known as an oriental scholar than as a physician. Spencer, John Roberts (Northumb.). Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1807, aged 19 ; rem. 1810. J.P. and D.L. Essex; assumed the additional name of Phillips. Spicer, John William (Middlx.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 9 July 1807, aged 17; B.A. 1811 ; M.A. 1814; rem. 1837. P.C.R. THIHKILL, John (Lines.). Com. Matr. arm. 29 Oct. 1807, aged 18 ; B.A. 1811 ; Pellow (Higden) 7 Nov. 1811; M.A. 1814; B.D. (Gr. Comp.) 1825 ; res. Fell. 10 Oct. 1832 ; died 10 Oct. 1857. Winstanley, George (Leics.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 9 May 1807, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1811 ; M.A. 1813 ; rem. 1826. R. of Glenfield, Leics., 1813-46 ; died 5 Dec. 1846. P.C.R. ; Burke's_ Landed Gentry. Wittenoom, John Burdett (London). Com. Matr. arm. 16 Mar. 1807, aged 18; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1810; M.A. 1813; rem. 1833. Cler. Head Master of Newark Grammar School. Worthington, William (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 7 Mar. 1807, aged 18; rem. 1808. J.P. Chesh. 424 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE [1808 1808 Ainsworth, John (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 17 Oct. 1808, aged 18 ; rem. 1809. Mancb. Reg. ii. Ashfleld, Charles Robert (Bucks.). Com. Matr. cler. 19 Oct., aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1808 ; 3 01. and B.A. 1812 ; rem. 1815. Master at Aylesbury Sch. 1817-21 ; and at Merchant Taylors ; R. of Gt. Blakenham, Suffolk, 1827; of Burgate, Norfolk, 1834-71; died 11 Aug. 1871. Buchanan, Alexander Henry (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 7 Apr. 1808, aged 17; B.A. 1811. CLer. J.P. Staffs. P.C.R. Camplin (Camplyn), George (Som.); Eton. Com. Matr. gen. 23 June, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1808 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1812 ; M.A. 1815 ; rem. 1834. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1818 ; Member of the City Council ; assumed the name of Bernard in lieu of Camplin. P.C.R. Clark, John (Chesh.). Com. b. and c. 22 June 1808 ; rem. 1819. Codrington, William (Wilts.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Apr. 1808, aged 17 ; rem. 1811. Of Wroughton, Wilts. ; died 11 Apr. 1842. P.C.R. Crewe, John Offley (Staffs.); Harrow. Com. Matr. cler. 28 Jan. 1808, aged 18 ; B.A 1812 ; MA. 1815 ; rem. 1820. Cler. Of Pen-y-bryn, Montgomery, and of Wern, Flints. ; assumed additional surname of Bead by royal licence 1836 ; died 30 Nov. 1858. P.C.R. Doyne, John (Ireland). Com. Matr. arm. 1 Nov. 1808, aged 17 ; BA. 1813 : M.A.and rem. 1818. Cler. Of Old Leighlin, co. Carlow. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Drake, John Tyrwhitt (Oxon.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 27 May 1808, aged 17 ; B.A. 1812 ; M.A. 1815 ; rem. 1844. R. of Amersham, Bucks., 1826; P.C. of Aylesby, Lines., 1831-60 ; died 26 June 1860. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Poley, John (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. cler. 1 June 1808, aged 18 ; B.A. 1812 ; rem. 1814. ? C. of Pershore, Worcs. Gaunt, Charles (Bucks.). Com. Matr. gen. 16 Nov. 1808, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. 1811 ; B.A. 1812; M.A. 1815 ; rem. 1817. R. of Isfield 1835; V. of West Wittering, Sussex, 1836-67; died 28 June 1867. Gollop, George Tilly (Dorset). Com. Matr. arm. 1 Nov. 1808, aged 17; rem. 1810. Of Strode House, Dorset ; Author. Goring, George (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Oct. 1808, aged 18; B.A. 1812 ; Hulme Ex. 1813 ; M.A. and died 1815. Hatchett, Thomas Bulkeley (Salop). Com. Matr. arm. 26 May 1808, aged 17 ; rem. 1809. 1808-9] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK 425 Hesketh, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 26 Oct. 1808, aged 17; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1812; Hulme Ex. and Hulmeian Pr. 1813; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1815; rem. 1849. Cler. Died 11 Oct. 1858. Hodson, Thomas Ellis (Sussex). Com. Matr. arm. 20 Oct. 1808, aged 20 ; rem. 1810. HORNBY, George (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 31 May 1808, aged 18; 3 Cl. 1811; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1812; M.A. 1814; Fellow (Founders) 27 Jan. 1815 ; B.D. 1826. Appointed Chaplain to the British Ambassador (Earl of Clancarty) at the Hague 1818 ; his proposal to found two annual prizes of 5 each for reading in Chapel accepted 1854 ; R. of Wootton Rivers ; died 2 Nov. 1872. BENEF. : Plate 1842, 1855, 1867; gave money towards restoration of College Tower 1862, 1864 ; the poitrait of Lady Margaret, and a copy of Spagnoletto's Entombment of Christ. Burke's Landed Gentry ; Quat. Mon. iv, v, vii. Lucas, Richard Hurd (Worcs.). Com. Matr. cler. 27 May 1808, aged 18; B.A. 1812; M.A. 1814; rem. 1815. Morrall (Morrell), Henry (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 26 Jan. 1808, aged 16 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1811 ; Hulme Ex. 1812 ; M.A. 1814; rem. 1836 ; died at Rome 3 Feb. 1868. Cler. Burke's Landed Gentry. Poole, John (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 15 June 1808, aged 17 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1813; M.A. 1814; rem. 1819. Stanley, Edward (Cumberland). Com. Matr. arm. 22 Oct. 1808, aged 18. Of Dalegarth and Ponsonby, Cumberland, J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff 1823; M.P. Cumberland 1832-52 ; died 19 Aug. 1863. Burke's Landed Gentry. Starkie, Le Qendre (Lanes., but born in Northants.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1808, aged 17 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1811 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1821 ; rem. 1822. Of Huntroyde, Lanes. ; J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff Lanes. 1815 ; died 28 Feb. 1822. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Taylor, James (Glasgow) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. doct. 14 Mar. 1808, aged 18 ; ? Iver Sch. 1809 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1811 ; Hulme Ex. 1812 ; M.A. 1814; rem. 1815. Manch. Reg. ii. Whitaker, Charles (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 29 Nov. 1808, aged 17 ; rem. 1811. Winter, Roger (Middlx.); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Jan. 1808, aged 18; rem. 1814. Barr. Middle Temple 1817. P.C.R. 1809 Batty, Espine (Westmeath) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 20 June 1809, aged 15 ; 2 Cl. 1813 ; B.A. and rem. 1814. Barr. Lincoln's Inn. 426 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1809 Batty, Fitzherbert (Westmeath). Com. Matr. arm. 8 Nov. 1809, aged 17; B.A. and rem. 1813. Lincoln's Inn 1808. Blackburne, Thomas (London or Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 12 Apr. 1809, aged 18 ; B.A. 1814 ; M.A. 1821. V. of Eccles, Lanes. ; E. of Prestwich-with-Oldham 1837 ; died 5 Aug. 1847. Burke's Landed Gentry. Borradaile, William (London). Com. Matr. arm. 16 Dec. 1809, aged 17 ; 2 Math, and B.A. 1814 ; M.A. 1816. V. of Wandsworth, Surrey, 1823 ; died 1838. Bruen, John (Dublin). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 23 Oct. 1809, aged 18 ; rem. 1811. Of Coolbawn, co. Wexford ; died 1828. Burke's Landed Gentry. Chetwode, G-eorge (Staffs.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. barf. f. 12 June 1809, aged 17 ; B.A. 1814 ; M.A. 1815. J.P. for Bucks., Chesh., and Oxon. ; R. of Ashton-under-Lyne 1816; P.C. of Chilton, Bucks., 1829 ; died 4 Aug. 1870. P.C.R. Cleoburey (Cleobury), John (Berks.). Com. Matr. cler. 4 July, aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 1809 ; B.A. 1813 ; M.A. 1816 ; rem. 1819 ; died at Oxford 1853. Cler. Cloves, Jeremiah Qladwin (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 Nov. 1809, aged 17; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1813 ; M.A. 1816 ; B.Med. 1817; D.Med. 1820 ; rem. 1841. F.R.C.P. ; died 1842. Davies, Matthew (Montgom.). Com. Matr. gen. 17 May 1809, aged 19; Walker and Frankland Sch. 1810: B.A. 1813; Hulme Ex. 1814 ; M.A. and rem. 1815. P.C. of Acton Trussell with Bednall, Staffs., 1841-67 ; died 4 Apr. 1867. Esdaile, James Wilkinson (Essex or London) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. eq. 16 Oct. 1809, aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1810; B.A. 1813; M.A. 1816 ; rem. 1821. Cler. Foley, Edward Thomas (Staffs, or Gloucs.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Apr. 1809, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 10 June 1812 ; cr. D.C.L. 1834 ; rem. 1846. Of Stoke-Edith Park, Herefs. ; High Sheriff 1815 ; M.P. Ludgershall 1826-32, Herefordshire 1832-41 ; died 29 Mar. 1846. Burke's Landed Gentry. Graham, Bobert Hay (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1809, aged 18; Nowell and Mordaunt Sch. 1810 ; rem. 1814. Hewett, Cornwallis (E. Indies) ; Charterhouse. B.A. Trinity, Cam- bridge, 1809; Fellow of Downing and M.A. 1812 ; L.Med. 1814; incorp. Brasenose 14 Oct. 1814, aged 27; B Med. 17 Oct. 1814; Professor of Medicine (Downing) 1814 ; D.Med. and rem. 1822. Physician Extraordinary to the King 1832 ; died 1841. BENEF. : Gave his caution money to College. Hughes, William (Jones) (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 23 Feb. 1809, aged 18 ; B.A. 1812 ; M.A. 1817 ; rem. 1824. V. of Cardington, Salop, 1819-65; died 19 Sept. 1865. Manch. Reg. ii. 1809] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 427 Janion, Richard (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 24 Apr. 1809, aged 18; Somerset Sch. 1810 ; 3 CL, B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1813 ; M.A. 1815 ; rem. 1818. Johnson, Croxton (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 3 May 1809, aged 19 ; rem. 1811. Luttrell, Henry Fownes (Somerset) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb. 1809, aged 18 ; B.A. 1812 ; rem. 1816. Of Dunster Castle, Somerset, J.P. ; Middle Temple 1813; M.P. Minehead 1816-22; Commissioner of the Audit Board 1822-49; died 6 Oct. 1867. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Morgan, Henry Charles (Berks.). Com. Matr. doct. 12 Oct., aged 18 ; b. and c. 12 Dec. 1809 ; B.A. 1813; M.A. 1816; rem. 1825. R. of Winstone, Gloucs., 1819; V. of Brinsop, Herefs., 1820; of Good- rich, Herefs., 1830-75 ; of Dilwyn, Herefs., 1831 ; died 29 July 1875. Partridge, Thomas (Lines.). Com. Matr. cler. 15 Dec. 1809, aged 16; Somerset Sch. 1810 ; grace for B.A. 1812. Smith, Harry (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 18 Mar. 1809, aged 17; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1812 ; Hulme Ex. 1814; M.A. 1815; rein. 1826. R. of Crundall, Kent, 1828-68; died 17 Feb. 1881. SMITH, James (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 7 July 1809, aged 20 ; Iver, Church, and Ogle Sch. 1810; Hulme Ex., 3 Cl. and B.A. 1813; M.A. 1815; Fellow (Williamson W.) 23 Oct. 1816; Proctor 1823; nominated to new chapel at Stepney 1823 ; Vice-Principal 1832-8 ; died 22 Sept. 1838 ; 100 subscribed by Bachelors and Undergraduates for a memorial in the Chapel 1839. Ale 1839. Smyth, William (Bucks.). Com. Matr. cler. 10 May, aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 1809 ; B.A. 1813 ; M.A. 1815 ; rem. 1821. Of Elkington Hall, Lines., J.P. ; P.C. Little Linford, Bucks.; Preb. of Lincoln 1868; V. of Elkington 1854-73; died 21 Jan. 1873. Burke's Landed Gentry. Townshend (Townsend), John Stanislaus (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 20 June 1809, aged 17 ; B.A. 1813; rem. 1817. Of Trevallyn, Denbs. ; High Sheriff Denbs. 1843 ; died 5 Mar. 1861. Burke's Landed Gentry. Vane, Hon. William John Frederick (Durham). Gen. Com. Matr. Earl (post Duke) 24 May 1809, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 10 June 1812 ; rem. 1814. M.P. Winchilsea 1812-15, co. Durham 1815-31, Durham (N. Div.) St. Ives 1846-52, Ludlow 1852-7 ; 3rd Duke of Cleveland ; assumed the name of Fowlett 1813, but reassumed his patronymic 1864 ; died 6 Sept. 1864. P.C.E. Walhouse, Edward John (Surrey); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 27 Jan. 1809, aged 17; cr. D.C.L. 18 June 1817; rem. 1823. Student of Lincoln's Inn 1810 ; assumed surname of Littleton in lieu of Walhouse 1812; M.P. Staffordshire 1812-35; P.C. ; Secretary for Ireland 1833-4; cr. Baron Hatherton 1835; Lord Lieut, for Staffs. ; died 4 May 1863. WORK : ^Memoir and correspondence relating to political occurrences in 1854, 1872. D.N.B. ; P.C.R. 428 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1809-10 WATSON, John (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 16 May 1809, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. 1812; Hulme Ex., B.A. and Fellow (Founders) 20 Oct. 1813; M.A. 1815; Junior Bursar 1827-32; R. of Selham 1832-42; res. Fell. 1 July 1832; died Jan. 1875; the John Watson Scholarship founded in his memory 1875. Quat. Mon. iv. Whalley, Robert (Lanes.). Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 12 Dec. 1809, aged 18; rem. 1812. 1810 Aston, Henry Hervey (Chesh.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 15 June 1810, aged 17; died 1821. P.C.R. Baldwin, Gardner (Gardner, Gardiner) (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 20 Mar., aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 1810 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1814 ; M.A. 1825 ; rem. 1826. V. of Leyland, Lanes., 1824; died 1852. Bradley, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 13 Oct. 1810, aged 17 ; Somerset and Milward Sch. 1811; Bible Clerk and Ogle Sch. 1813; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1814; Hulme Ex. 1815 ; M.A. 1817 ; rem. 1827. P.C. of Nether Whitacre, Warws., 1826 ; Schoolmaster. Bradshaw, Samuel (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 4 May 1810, aged 17 ; B.A. 1814; M.A. 1816; rem. 1822. R. of Grindon, Staffs., 1836. Cator, Thomas (Kent). Com. Matr. arm. 3 Mar. 1810, aged 20; rem. 1813. V. of Womersley, Yorks., 1817 ; of Woodbastwicke and Panxworth, Norfolk, 1821 ; R. ofElmley, Yorks., 1827; of Kirkby Smeatou 1829-64; died 24 Aug. 1864. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Chetwynd, Henry (Staffs.). Com. Matr. bart. f. 29 Mar. 1810, aged 18 ; B.A. 1813 ; M.A. 1816 ; grace for B.C.L. 1822 ; rem. 1848. Of Brocton Lodge, Staffs. ; died 9 Aug. 1870. Coulthurst, John (Nicholas) (Surrey). Com. Matr. arm. 7 June 1810, aged 18 ; rem. 1814. Lincoln's Inn 1815 ; died 15 Aug. 1862. P.C.R ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Crawley, William (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. bart. f. 9 June 1810, aged 19 ; B.A. 1814; M.A. 1816. R. of Bryngwyn, Mon., 1834; V. of Llanvihangel Crucorney, Mon., 1834; of Flaxley, Gloucs., 1839; died 17 Dec. 1858. Delawarr, Earl, George John West (London) ; Harrow. Gen. Com. Matr. nob. 15 Jan. 1810, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1812 ; M.A. 1819; LL.D. Cambridge 1828; cr. D.C L. 1834. Lord of the Bedchamber to Geo. Ill 1813-20 ; Lord of the Bed- chamber to Geo. IV 1820-8 ; Lord Chamberlain of the Household 1841-6, 58-9 ; P.C. 1841 ; assumed additional name of Sackville 1843 ; J.P. and D.L. Sussex ; 5th Earl ; died 23 Feb. 1869 ; Schoolfellow of Lord Byron, who addressed a poem to him in ' Hours of Idleness '. P.C.R. ; D.N.B. 1810] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 429 De Quineey, Henry (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 13 Apr. 1810, aged 17; rem. 1813. Brother to the ' opium eater '. Ede, George (East Indies). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 7 July 1810, aged 18 ; rem. 1813. Edwards, Philip Buckley (London). Com. Matr. arm. 21 May 1810, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1818 ; rep. 1830; rem. 1833. Falkner, Thomas Tarleton (Lanes.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1810, aged 17. Ferriar, Arthur Edward William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. doct. 8 Mar. 1810, aged 17 ; B.A. (as William) 1817 ; rem. 1821. Halliwell, James (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 11 May 1810, aged 19 ; grace for B.A. 1812. Lincoln's Inn 1817. Holt, Robert Fowler (Oxon.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 22 Feb. 1810, aged 18; Somerset, Claymond, and Iver Sch. 1811 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1813; M.A. 1816; rem. 1826. Chaplain Slough Union 1836-70 ; died 27 Jan. 1870. Xiegh, Thomas (Chesh.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 15 June 1810, aged 17 ; cr. Hon. D.C.L. 1817. Of Lyme Park, Chesh., and of Haydock Lodge and Golborne Park, Lanes. ; M.P. Newton 1814-32 ; J.P. Lanes. ; died 8 May 1857. BENEF. : Plate 1856. WORK : -^Narrative of a journey in Egypt and the country beyond the Cataracts, 1816. Quat. Mon. v. Lewis, John (Cardigan). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 12 Oct. 1810, aged 17 ; rem. 1812. Lloyd, Thomas (Montgom.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 17 May 1810, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 1815 ; rem. 1817. Burke's Landed Gentry. LOWE, James Jackson (Yorks.). Com. Matr. cler. 30 May 1810, aged 17 ; Nowell, Henley, and Stoddard Sch. 1S11 ; 1 Cl. 1813 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1814; Hulme Pr. 1815; M.A. 1816; Fellow (Porter) 6 Feb. 1817; Examiner 1821, 2; res. Fell. 20 Oct. 1825; honorarium of 100 guineas given him as a mark of esteem 1825. R. of Fletton, Hants., 1829 ; died 26 Oct. 1829. Maddock, Thomas Herbert (Chesh.); Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 3 May 1810, aged 17; rem. 1812. Entered H.E.I.C.S. 1817 ; Resident at Lucknow 1831; Special Com- missioner for Moorshedabad 1837 ; Secretary to Indian Government 1838-43 ; knighted 1844 ; Deputy-Governor of Bengal and President of the Council of India 1845-9 ; M.P. Rochester 1852-7 ; died 14 Jan. 1870. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Mainwaring, Edward (Chesh.); Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 14 June 1810, aged 16; B.A. 1814; rem. 1823. P.C. of Calverhall, Salop, 1843 69; died 6 July 1869; his father was Thomas Wetenhall, but changed his name on inheriting the Main- waring estates 1797. P.C.R. Marriott, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 16 Oct. 1810, aged 18 ; rem. 1812. 430 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1810 MILMAN", Henry Hart (Middlx.); Eton. Com. Matr. bart. f. 25 May 1810, aged 19 ; Eng. Verse 1812 ; 1 Cl. and Lat. Verse 1813 : Hulme Ex., B.A. and Hulme Pr. 1814; Fellow (Clifton) 15 Mar. 1814; Eng. Essay, Lat. Essay and M.A. 1816 ; res. Fell. 1819 ; Select Pr. 1820 ; Professor of Poetry 1821-31; Bampton Lect. 1827; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Comp ) 1849. V. of St. Mary's, Reading, 1818-35 ; R. of St. Margaret's and Canon of Westminster 1835-49; Dean of St. Paul's 1849-68; died 4 Sept.1868. WORKS: -\-Life of E. Gibbon, 1839. \-Fasio, 1815, &c. ^History of Christianity under the A Comparative Estimate of Sculpture Empire, 1840. and Painting, 1816. ^Horace, 1849. \-Sermon, 1817. ^Service and anthems for the Duke of fSamor, 1818, &c. Wellington's funeral, 1852. i-The Fall of Jerusalem, 1820. -\-The History of Latin Christianity ^The Martyr of Antioch, 1822. down to the Death of Pope Nicholas V, iBelshazsar, 1822. 1855, &c. {Anne Boleyn, 1826. God our Father, 1859. ^Friendship's offerings, two sonnets t-4 Memoir ofMacaulay, 1859. in Literary Souvenir, 1826. Address on Education, 1862. \-Bampton Lectures, 1827. -\-Agamemnon, 1865. ^History nf the Jews, 1830, &c. ^Hebrew Prophecy, 1865. Christianity the Principle of Domestic -\-Bacchae, 1865. Peace and Happiness, 1833. Edited L. Ranke's Popes of Rome, {Verses of passages from the Indian 1866. epics. 1835. -\-HistoryofSt Paul's, 1868. Address, 1837. Essays collected and published, Edited Gibbon's The History of the 1870. Decline and Fall of the Roman Contributed to Quarterly Review. Empire, 1838. Hymns. D.N.B. ; Ale 1847, 8 ; Quat. Mon. vii. Moore, Edward (Lanes, or Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 10 Oct. 1810, aged 18; B.A. 1814; Hulme Ex. 1815; M.A. 1817; rem. 1818. R. of Gisleham, Suffolk, 1817 ; P.C. of Moulton Chapel, Lines., 1835 ; V. of Weston St. Mary, Lines., 1835; P.C. of Whaplode Drove, Lines., 1837; R. of Wkitchurch, Oxon., 1840-80; died 11 Feb. 1880. Moore, Richard (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 10 Oct. 1810, aged 18; B.A. 1814; M.A. 1817; rem. 1821. P.C. of Lund, Lanes., 1820-86 ; died 1886. Guardian, 13 Aug., 1884, p. 1201 ; 21 April, 1886, p. 580. Pemberton, Edward (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 22 May 1810, aged 18; B.A. 1814; M.A. 1817 ; rem. 1846 ; died 1877. Pennell, Shelley Pilkington (Lines.). Com. Matr. arm. 15 June 1810, aged 16 ; rem. 1814. Perkins, Frederick David (Devon) ; Eton. Com. Matr. doct. 25 May 1810, aged 17; B.A. 1814; rem. 1823; rep. and M.A. 1825; rem. 1834. R. of Ham, Kent, 1816; V. of Stoke with Sowe, Warws., 1817; R. of Swayfield, Lines., 1820; of Down Hatherley, Gloucs., 1827; Chaplain to King and Queen 1830 ; Chaplain in Ordinary to Queen 1837-56 ; J.P. for Warws. and Surrey ; died 19 April 1856. Prince, John Charles (Lanes.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 15 Jan., aged 17 ; Iver and Frankland Sch. 1810 ; Hulme Ex., 3 Cl. and B.A. 1813; MA. 1821 ; rem. 1846. 1810-11] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 431 P.C. of St. Thomas, Liverpool, 1825 ; Chancellor of Emley 1833 ; died 24 Jan. 1851. Shakerley, Charles Peter (Chesh.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 14 June 1810, aged 17; rem. 1813. Of Somerford Park, Chesh. ; High Sheriff Chesh. 1827 ; cr. Baronet 30 July 1838 ; died 14 Sept. 1857. BENEP. : Plate 1816 Ormerod's Cheshire ; P.C.E. Willis, Francis (Middlx.). Com. Matr. doct. 31 May 1810, aged 18 ; B.A. 1814 ; M.A. 1816 ; B.Med. 1817 ; D.Med. 1820. F.R.C.P. 1821 ; died 29 July 1859. WORK : A Treatise on Mental Derangement, 1823, &c. Yelverton, Hon. William Henry (Ireland) ; Eton. Com. Matr. nob. 5 Nov. 1810, aged 18 ; rem. 1813. Of Whitland Abbey, Carmarthens.; M.P. Carmarthen 1832-5; died 28 Apr. 1884. P.C.R. 1811 Birkett, William (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 24 Apr. 1811, aged 17; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1812; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1814; Hulme Ex. 1815; Hulme Pr. 1816 ; M.A. 1817; rem. 1819. R. of Smethcote, Salop, 1837 ; R. of Haseley, Oxon., 1846-75 ; died 3 Sept. 1875. Manch. Reg. ii (1). Brooke, Peter Langford (Chesh.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Jan. 1811, aged 17. High Sheriff Chesh. 1824; was drowned skating in his own park 9 Jan. 1840. BENEF. : Gave his caution money to the College 1813. P.C.R. Cookson, William (Norfolk) ; Eton. Com. Matr. doct. 24 May 1811, aged 19 ; B A. 1815 ; M.A. 1818 ; rem. 1823. V. of Hungerford, Berks., 1818 ; of Broad Hinton, Wilts., 1835 ; Domestic Chaplain to the Dowager Countess of Antrim; died 1866. P.C.R. Faulkner (Faulkener), Henry Buekberry (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 25 Nov. 1811, aged 15 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1815 ; M.A. 1818 ; rem. 1823. Of Westgate House, Long Melford, Suffolk ; R. of North Piddle, Worcs., 1828 ; died 15 July 1873. Gordon, George (Lines.). Com. Matr. doct. 1 May 1811, aged 18; B.A. 1814; M.A. 1818. R. of Whittington 1816 ; of Muston, Leics., 1822-72 ; died 15 June 1872. Gregg, Francis (Middlx.) ; Tonbridge. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Dec. 1811, aged 17; B.A. 1815; M.A. 1818; rem. 1827. Barr. Inner Temple 1819 ; a Deputy Registrar of Bankruptcy Court ; died 1840. HULL, William Winstanley (Lanes.); Manchester. Cora. Matr. 432 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1811 doci 24 Apr. 1811, aged 17; 1 01. 1814; B.A. 1815; Fellow (Founders) 24 Oct. 1816 ; M.A. 1817 ; res. Fell. 13 Jan. 1821. Barr., Lincoln's Inn, 1820 ; died 28 Aug. 1873. WORKS : Prayers and hymns, 1832. \-An Inquiry concerning the Means and -^Remarks to show how far Dr. Hampden Expedience of proposing and making may have been misunderstood, 1836. any Changes in the Canons, Articles, (('With j. Hull) Observations on a and Liturgy, or in any of the Laws petition for the revision of the Liturgy, affecting the interest of the Church of 1840. England, 1828. -^The Month of January, 1845. ^A Statement of some Reasons for con- Occasional Papers on Church Matters, tinuing to Protestants the whole Legis- 1848. lature of Great Britain and Ireland, ^A Collection of Prayers for Household 1829. Use, with some hymns and other ^The Disuse of the Athanasian Creed poems, 1852. advisable in the present state of the -\The English Bible and our duty to- United Church of England and Ire- wards it, 1857. land, 1831. -\A Letter" concerning the Revision of the Thoughts on Church Reform, 1832. Book of Common Prayer, 1860. D.N.B. ; Manch. Reg. iii (1). Hutcheson, William (Som.). Com. Matr. arm. 2 Feb. 1811, aged 18 ; rem. and B.A. St. Mary Hall 1818 ; MA. 1820. V. of Ubley, Som., 1827-73; died 10 Oct. 1873. Isherwood, George (Berks.); Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 31 Jan. 1811, aged 19 ; rem. 1816. Cler. Died 30 Sept. 1858. Jackson, John (Chesh.); Macclesfield. Com. Matr. pleb. 23 Mar., aged 21 ; Yates Sch. 14 Nov. 1811 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1814 ; M.A. 1817 ; rein. 1823. V. of Over, Chesh., 1820-63 ; died 28 Jan. 1863. WORK. : Poems. Lewes, Thomas (Carmarthen); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 22 Mar. 1811, aged 17; B.A. 1815 ; M.A. 1817 ; rem. 1821. V. of Llanfihangel-ar-arth, Carm., 1818 ; R. of Taynton, Oxon. 1819 ; V. of Gt. Barrington, Oxon., 1820-73 ; died 8 Apr. 1873. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Lowndes, William (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 14 Jan. 1811, aged 19; 1 Cl, and B.A. 1814; M.A. 1817 ; rem. 1847. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1818 ; Q.C. 1842 ; Judge of Small Debts Court 1847 ; died 31 Mar. 1850. WORKS : Essay on Plato (pt. ptd.) ; Treatise on the Law of Legacies, 1824. Dr. Parr's Works, vol. viii ; Manch. Reg. ii. Mayo, Joseph (James) (Wilts.). Com. Matr. cler. 16 Jan., aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 1811 ; B.A. 1815 ; M.A. 1819; rem. 1822. R. of Ozleworth, Gloucs., 1821 ; emigrated to America 1839 ; R. of Liverpool, Ohio, U.S.A., for seven years; died 3 Sept. 1859. Porter, Henry (Demerara) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Apr. 1811, aged 19 ; B.A. 1815 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1819 ; rem. 1823. Student of Lincoln's Inn 1811 ; died 15 Oct. 1858. P.C.R. ROBINSON, Josias (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Apr. 1811, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1814 ; Hulme Ex. 1815 ; Fellow (Founders) 24 Oct. 1816; M.A. 1817 ; res. Fell. 11 May 1822. Of Netherside and Linton, Yorks. ; R. of Alresford, Essex, 1841-3 ; died 20 May, 1843 ; his sons Alexander, Ralph, and Thomas assumed .name of Nowell. Burke's Landed Gentry. 1811-12] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 433 Shum, Frederick (London). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Apr. 1811, aged 18 ; B.A. 1815; M.A. 1823; rem. 1848; died 1877. Cler. Smith Barry, John (Middlx.) ; Westminster. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 5 Apr. 1811, aged 18 ; rem. 1819. Of Fola Island, co. Cork, and of Marbury, Chesh. ; died 1837. P.C.R. Williams, Charles (Middlx.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 5 June 1811, aged 17; rem. 1813; LL.B. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1827. Died at Barrow-upon-Soar, Leics., 1835. Wingfield, Hon. Edward (Wicklow) ; Harrow. Gen. Com. Matr. Nob. 24 Apr. 1811, aged 18; B.A. 1816; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1818. Died 6 Sept. 1825. ' Mr. Wingfield was a gentleman of unaffected piety and truly Christian benevolence, the zealous advocate and promoter of Sunday Schools and Bible Societies, and one of the seven Protestant clergymen who lately challenged the Carlow priests to meet them in public disputation. 1 Gent.'s Mag. ; P.C.E. Wright, Richard (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 26 Mar. 1811, aged 17. BENEF. : Plate 1814. Quat. Mon. v. Wyvill, Edward (Yorks.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 7 Nov. 1811, aged 18 ; B.A. 1816 ; M.A. 1819 ; rem. 1827. R. of Fingall, Yorks., 1820 ; of Spennithorne, Yorks., 1829-69 ; died 15 Sept. 1869. P.C.E. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. 1812 Aldworth, Richard Oliver (Cork) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 8 Apr. 1812, aged 18; B.A. 1816 ; rem. 1821. High Sheriff Cork 1832 ; J.P. and D.L. Cork ; died March 1887. Burke's Landed Gentry. Baillie, Jasper Farmer (Jamaica). Com. Matr. arm. 9 May 1812, aged 19 ; B.A. 1815 ; M.A. 1818 ; rem. 1821. Cler. Birch, Henry William Rous (Essex and East Indies). Com. Matr. arm. 8 May 1812, aged 18 : B.A. 1815 ; M.A. and rem. 1818; died 1854. Cler. Brandt (Brant), Francis (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 4 May 1812, aged 17 ; 3 01. and B.A. 1815 ; M.A. 1818 ; rem. 1835 ; died 1853. Cler. Burke, Robert (Galway). Com. Matr. arm. 26 May 1812, aged 19 ; B.A. 1816 ; rem. 1823. P.C.R. Butler, George Stephen (London). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1812, aged 16 ; B.A. 1815 ; rem. 1822. Dawkins, Edward Henry (Oxon.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 26 June 1812, aged 18 ; rem. 1815 ; Fellow of All Souls 1815-35 ; B.C.L. 1819; D.C.L. 1824. Of Moggerhanger House, Beds. ; V. of West Markharn, Notts., 1828 ; died 18 May 1859. Pedigree of Dawkins ; Alumni West. ; P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Ff 434 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1812 Drake, George Tyrwhitt (Bucks.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Apr. 1812, aged 17; rem. 1815. R. of Malpas with St. Chad's Chapelry, Chesh., 1830 ; died 6 Mar. 1840. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Eyre, William Thomas (Bucks.). Com. Matr. cler. 27 Oct. 1812, aged 17; Iver Sch. 1813; 2 Lit. Hum., 3 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1816 ; M.A. 1819 ; rem. 1846. J.P. Bucks. ; P.C. of Hillesdon, Bucks., 1830; V. of Padbury, Bucks., 1830; died 8 July 1868. WORKS : M guide to Blockley, 1827. The Reformed Church of England, 1850. The constitutional ascendancy of tJie The Prayer of Faith shall save the Sick, . United Church of England and Ire- 1853. land maintained, 1 828. Sermons. Visitation Sermon, 1830. Pamphlets. Formby, Miles (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 10 Oct. 1812, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1813; Hulme Ex. 1815; 3 Cl., 2 Math, and B.A. 1816; M.A. 1819. J.P. Lanes. ; R. of West Monkton, Som., 1823 ; P.C. of Melling, Lanes., 1829 ; died 4 May 1849. Burke's Landed Gentry. Fox, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 29 Jan. 1812, aged 18 ; B.A. 1816 ; rem. 1833. Cler. (but never held preferment). Of Grisby House, Lines., and of Statham Lodge, Chesh., J.P. ; died 2 Feb. 1845. Gordon, William (Surrey). Com. Matr. arm. 8 Apr. 1812, aged 17 ; rem. 1816. Of Haffield, Herefs. ; High Sheriff Hereford 1829; died 5 Oct. 1836. BENEF. : Plate 1816. Quat. Mon. v, Gosling, William Ellis (Middlx.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 10 July 1812, aged 17 ; rem. 1814. A banker ; died 3 Jan. 1834. BENEF. : Plate 1814. Burke's Landed Gentry ; Quat. Mon. v. Heysham, Robert Thornton (Hants.). Com. Matr. arm. 7 Feb. 1812, aged 17; rem. 1815. Berry's Hants. Hobart, Augustus Edward (Yorks.); Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 13 May 1812, aged 18 ; B.A. 1815 ; M.A. 1818 ; rem. 1824. R. of Berrington, Lines., 1817; of Welbourn, Lines., 1818; of Walton- on-the-Wolds, Leics., 1820 ; Preb. of Wolverhampton ; assumed surname and arms of Hampden 1878 ; 6th Earl of Buckinghamshire ; died 29 Oct. 1885. Hughes, Thomas Lewis (Denbighs.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Oct. 1812, aged 16; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1816 ; M.A. 1819. P.C. of Meliden, Flints., 1820 ; Vicar-Choral of St. Asaph's Cathedral 1820; R. of Penegoes, Montgom., 1826-36; died 1836. Johnson, Cuthbert (Berks.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Dec. 1812, aged 17 ; rem. 1813. 1812] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 435 Latham, Henry (Middlx.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. dock 8 Apr. aged 17 ; Latin Verse 1812 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1815 ; M.A. 1818. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1820; V. of Selmeston with Alceston, Sussex, 1833; died 6 Sept. 1866. WORKS : ^Harmonia Paulina, 1837. ^Sertum Shakesperianum, subnexis ali- Anthologica Davidica, 1846. quot inferioris notaejloribus, 1863. Manch. Keg. i ; D.N.B. Manwaring, Roger Manwaring (Cork). Com. Matr. arm. 8 Apr. 1812, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1815 ; M.A. 1818 ; rem. 1825. Cler. He changed his name from Parker to Manwaring in 1809. Menteath (Menteith), James Stuart (Dumfries) ; Rugby. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. (post bait, f.) 11 June 1812, aged 19 ; rem. 1818. Scottish Advocate 1816; Barr. Middle Temple 1834; 2nd Bart. 1847 ; died 27 Feb. 1870. WORK : Stwwdon Range. P.C.R. Mildmay, Charles William. St. John (Hants.) ; ? Westminster. Com. Matr. bart. f. 2 May 1812, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1815 ; rem. 1816 ; Fellow of Merton 1816-30; M.A. 1821. P.C. of Holywell, Oxford, 1823 ; died 16 Jan. 1830. P.C.R. Miller, Charles (Lanes.) ; Eton. M#tr. gen. Merton 29 Jan. 1812, aged 18 ; Postmaster 1812-15 ; B.A. 1815 ; M.A. 1818 ; Mr. C. M. now private tutor to a Gentleman Commoner of Brasenose allowed to place his name on the Books 16 Oct. 1820 ; rem. 20 June 1821. R. of Thorpe, Derbs. Palmer, John (Bucks.). Com. Matr. bart. f. 6 Nov. 1812, aged 17 ; rem. 1815 ; died 1852. Herald and Genealogist, vol. v, pp. 88 and 377-8. Pope, Edward (Westminster) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 8 Apr. 1812, aged 18 ; rem. 1812 ; Ex. Queen's 1815-16 ; Sch. 1816-20; 3 Math, and B.A. 1816 ; M.A. 1819 ; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 1836. Archdeacon of Jamaica ; died Feb. 1855. ROBERTS, Thomas Griffith (Denbighs.). Com. Matr. cler. 28 Jan. 1812, aged 18; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1815; Hulme Ex. 1816 ; M.A. 1818; Penow (Clifton) 29 Apr. 1819 ; res. Fell. 1831. V. of Llanbeblick, Cams., 1817 ; R. of Llanaber, Merioneth, 1821 ; of Dolgelly, Merioneth, 1825 ; Preb. of St. Asaph 1830 ; R. of Llanrwst, Denbs., 1831-52 ; died 28 Aug. 1852. Rust, George (Hunts.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 8 Apr. 1812, aged 16; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1815; M.A. 1818; rem. 1823. Of Cromwell House, Hunts., J.P. and D.L. ; died 1876. Burke's Landed Gentry. Sparrow, William Wynne (Anglesey). Com. Matr. arm. 12 May 1812, aged 19 ; rem. 1814. Of Red Hill and Bodychan, Anglesey ; J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff Anglesey 1822 ; died 1858. Burke's Landed Gentry. F f 2 436 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1812-13 Stonehouse, William Brocklehurst (Hants, or Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Apr. 1812, aged 19; B.A. 1816; M.A. and rem. 1819 ; rep. and D.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 1845 ; rem. 1850. V. of Owston, Lines., 1821 ; Archdeacon of Stowe 1844-62; died 1862. WORKS : A few observations on the rudiments of The office of deans rural, 1841. Ecclesiastical Knowledge, 1832. The Principle of Redistribution rein- The Sin and Nature of Schism, and The dicated, 1843. Alliance between Church and State Charge, 1845. considered, 1835. f27*e liturgy of the Church of England, ^The Crusade ofFidelis, 1838. 1850. ^History and Topography of the Isle of Hie Discipline of the Primitive Church, Axholme, 1839. 1851. \-A Letter to the Committee of Cfiapters, A Letter to W. Rayner . . . Revivalism, 1839. 1853. Manch. Reg. iii (1). 1813 Blackburne, Walter (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Apr., aged 17; rem. 1813; died 28 July 1835. H.E.I.C.S. Manch. Reg. iii (1) ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Burdett, Robert (Middlx.). Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 23 June 1813, aged 17; rem. 1815. 6th Bart. ; High Sheriff Derbs. 1848 ; Capt. 78th Foot ; died 7 June 1880. BENEF. : Plate 1815. Quat. Mon. v. Case, James (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Apr. 1813, aged 17 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1817 ; M.A. 1819 ; rem. 1827. Cler. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Clarke, Thomas (Lanes.) ; ? Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Oct. 1813, aged 17 ; B.A. 1817 ; M.A. 1820 ; died 1837. Cler. Cobham, Henry (Lanes.); Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 19 May 1813, aged 18 ; Som., afterwards Th. Manor Sch. 1814 ; rem. 1815. ? Manch. Reg. iii (1). Coulthurst, Conrade Henry (Chesh.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 18 Nov. 1813, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1817 ; M.A. 1820 ; rem. 1830. Lawyer ; went to Barbadoes to manage a property and there died 15 Apr. 1832. Ellames, Pattison (Lanes.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Oct. 1813, aged 18; rem. 1816. Feilden (Fielden), Henry James (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 18 Oct. 1813, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1817 ; unsuccessfully appealed for election to a Fellowship 1819 ; M.A. 1820 ; rem. 1821. B. of Kirk Langley, Derbs., 1820-84 ; died 21 Nov. 1884. Burke's Landed Gentry. Feilden, Robert Mosley (Lanes, but born in Staffs.). Com. Matr. arm. 18 Oct. 1813, aged 19 ; rem. 1815. Of Dulas Court, Herefs.; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1818; E. of Bebington, Chesh., 1826-62 ; died 14 May 1862. Burke's Landed Gentry. Fowler, Robert. Hulme Ex. 1813. 1813J BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 437 Fuller, Robert Fitzherbert (Sussex); Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Mar. 1813, aged 18; 3 Cl. 1816; B.A. 1817; M.A. 1819; rem. 1826. P.C. of Lingfield and Crowhurst 1819 ; R. of Chalvington, Sussex, 1833 ; died 23 Aug. 1849. Guilding, Lansdown (St. Vincent). Com. Matr. cler. 11 Oct. 1813, aged 16 ; B.A. 1817 ; rem. 1823. Cler. A distinguished zoologist ; Fellow of Linnaean, Zoological, and Geo- logical Societies; died at Si Vincent 1833. Higgon, James (Pembs.). Com. Matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1813, aged 17 ; rem. 1816; ? 3 Cl. St. Mary Hall 1818. Burke's Landed Gentry. Hodgkinson, Joseph (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Apr. 1813, aged 17; Somerset Th. Manor Sch.. 1814; 2 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1816 ; R. of Dudcote, Berks., 1817 ; M.A. 1819. V. of Leigh, Lanes., 1822-6 ; died 9 July 1826. Manch. Keg. iii (1, 2). Hordern, Joseph (Lanes, or Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 28 Apr. 1813, acjed 19 ; 3 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1816 ; M.A. and rem. 1820. J.P. Yorks. (E.R.) ; V. of Rostherne, Chesh., 1821 ; R. of Burton Agnes with Harpham, Yorks., 1855; died 12 Aug. 1876. WORKS : Assize Sermon, 1824. -^Sermons, 1830. \-Plaindirectionsforreadingtothesick, The Pastor 1 s joy, 1848. 1826, &c. The Armour of Light, 1851. P.C.E. Lee, Robert Newton (Hants.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 18 Oct. 1813, aged 18; rem. 1815. Leech, William Henry (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 28 May 1813, aged 19. R. of Moresby, Cumb., 1834; of Egremont, Curnb., 1835; died 1873? Lloyd, James (Cardigan). Com. Matr. arm. 19 Oct. 1813, aged 18 ; rem. 1815. MORRALL, John (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 11 Dec. 1813, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1817 ; Hulme Ex. 1818 ; Fellow (Williamson P.) 29 Apr. 1819; M.A. 1820; res. Fell. 1 Nov. 1825; died 2 Mar. 1886. Cler. Burke's Landed Gentry. Morres (Morris), Thomas (Middlx.). Com. Matr. cler. 23 Nov., aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 1813 ; B.A. 1817 ; M.A. 1820 ; rem. 1821. P.C. of Wokingham, Berks., 1820 ; R. of Stoodleigh, Devon, 1826 ; Master of Lucas Hospital, Wokingham, 1872 ; died 2 Apr. 1877. Partridge, John Anthony (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1813, aged 18 ; B.A. 1817 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1820 ; rem. 1823. R. of Cranwick and V. of Freshfield, Norfolk, 1818 ; R. of Town Barningham 1819 ; of Wretham 1831 ; of Baconsthorpe and of Boldham 1840; died 27 Feb. 1861. P.C.E. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Pickering, Isaac Berwick (Hants.); ? Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Dec. 1813, aged 19; B.A. 1817; rem. 1825; died 1844. Cler. 438 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1813-14 Roper, Charles (Dublin). Com. Matr. arm. 3 Apr. 1813, aged 17 ; B.A. and rem. 1816. Of Rathfarnham Castle, &c. ; Student of Lincoln's Inn 1815 ; died 9 May 1861. Rumbold, George (Kent). Com. Matr. bart. f. 14 Jan. 1813, aged 18 ; rem. 1816. Died in the East Indies 1820. P.C.R. Sanford, Edward Ayshford (Cornwall); Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Apr. 1813, aged 18 ; rem. 1816. M.P. Somerset 1830-2, West Somerset 1833-41 ; High Sheriff Somerset 1848 ; J.P. and D.L. Somerset; F.R.S. ; died 1 Dec. 1871. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Simpson, Charles (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 28 Apr. 1813, aged 18 ; rem. 1815. Swanwick, Philip (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 28 Apr. 1813, aged 19 ; died 1817. Buried in Holywell, Oxford. Tooke, Alfred (Alured) (Lanes.) Com. Matr. arm. 20 Nov. 1813, aged 17 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1818 ; M.A. 1820. Young, John Lindsay (Middlx.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Apr. 1813, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1816 ; B.A. 1817 ; M.A. 1819 ; rem. 1823. V. of Cockerham, Lanes., 1821 ; died 1822. Ale 1816. 1814 Adams, John (Pembs.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 27 Apr. 1814, aged 17 ; rem. 1817. Of Holyland, Pembs., J.P. ; High Sheriff 1837 ; died 1873. Burke's Landed Gentry. Aston, Arthur Ingram (London or Chesh.); Westminster. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 2 May 1814, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 1817 ; rem. 1829. Of Aston Hall, Chesh. ; G.C.B. ; Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Spain ; employed at Vienna 1819, Rio de Janeiro 1826, Paris 1833; knighted: died 5 May 1859. P.C.R. Barton, Henry Jonas (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 25 Mar., aged 17 ; Iver and Walker Sch. 1814; Hulme Ex. 1817; 2 Math, and B.A. 1818 ; M.A. 1820 ; rem. 1826. J.P. Northampton and Bucks. ; R. of Wicken, Bucks., 1838 ; Canon of Peterborough ; died 27 Aug. 1872. WORKS : -^Letters on the subject of a County Idiot f Report of industrial farm school at School, 1865. Wicken. Drunkenness, 1867. Best, William Samuel (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Oct. 1814, aged 16 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1818 ; M.A. 1821 ; rem. 1822. 2nd Lord Wynford ; M.P. St. Michael's 1831-2 ; J.P. Dorset. Bowen, Hughes (Hugh) Aldborough (Ireland) ; Eton. Com. Matr- arm. 5 July 1814, aged 16 ; rem. 1817. Bullock, James (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. cler. 29 Mar. T aged 19; Somerset Sch. 1814 ; rem. 1816; Fellow of Worcester; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1817; M.A. 1820. 1814] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 439 Cholmondeley, Charles Cowper (Chesh.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 31 Mar. 1814, aged 18 ; B.A. 1818 ; M.A. 1822 ; rem. 1826. P.O. of Moreton Lea, Salop, 1822 ; R. of Marton in Craven, Yorks., 1822 ; of Hodnet, Salop, 1831 ; died 5 Feb. 1831. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Clerke, Francis (Lanes.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. bart. f. 17 Dec. 1814, aged 17 ; Iver Sch. 1815 ; Hulme Ex. 1817 ; B.A. and Fellow of All Souls 1818; M.A. 1822; Proctor 1832. R. of Eydon, Hants., 1826 ; died 29 Jan. 1853. Coltman, William Joseph (Surrey). Com. Matr. arm. 9 Mar. 1814, aged 20 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1816 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1820. Of Naburn Hall, Yorks. ; J.P. and D.L. Yorks. (W.R.) ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1824 ; died 1869. Crosse, Richard Townley (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 2 Apr. 1814, aged 19 ; rem. 1816 ; died 27 Feb. 1825. Burke's Landed Gentry. Daubeny, Giles (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb. 1814, aged 18 ; rem. 1819. R. of Lydiard Tregoz, Wilts., 1839 ; died 12 Dec. 1877. Dawson, Frederick A(c)kers (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 1 Feb., aged 17 ; Somerset and Mordaunt Sch. 1814 ; Hulme Ex. and Bible Clerk 1817; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1818 ; M.A. and Hulme Pr. 1820. Lincoln's Inn 1826; Chaplain E.I.C.S. 1835-54; R. of Buscot, Berks., 1854; died 28 Aug. 1884. Feilden (Fielden), Oswald (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Oct. 1814, aged 16 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1818; M.A. and rem. 1821. Of Leasingham House, Lines. ; R. of Weston-under-Lizzard, Staffs., 1833-59 ; died 27 Nov. 1872. Manch. Reg. iii (1, 2) ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Freeman, John Harris (Herefs.); Rugby. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Oct. 1814, aged 20 ; rem. 1815. Cler. R. of Garsington ; was notorious for keeping a pack of hounds at Garsington, usually known as the Vice-Chancellor's Pack. Gilbert, William John (Berks.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 20 Apr., aged 17; Nowell and Ogle Sch. 1814; Somerset Sch. 1815; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1818 ; M.A. 1820. Cler. Died at Maids Morton, Bucks., 3 Mar. 1832; brother of Principal Gilbert. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Graves, John Samuel (Som.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1814, aged 17 ; 2 Cl. 1817 ; rem. 1824. Barr. Gray's Inn 1829 ; died 4 Apr. 1861. Greswell, William (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 31 Mar., aged 17 ; Somerset and Frankland Sch. 1814 ; 1 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1817 ; B.A. and Fellow of Balliol 1818 ; M.A. 1820. R. of Kilve, Somerset, 1837 ; died 6 Nov. 1876. WORKS : ^Correspondency between Mosaic Ritual -^A commentary on the Order of the and the Christian Religion, 1834. Burial of the Dead, 1836. Manch. Reg. iii (1) ; Ale 1815. 440 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1814 Hassell, George (London). Coin. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1814, aged 16. HENDERSON, Gilbert (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Feb. 1814, aged 16; 1 CL, B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1817; Hulme Pr. 1818; Fellow (Founders) 29 Apr. 1819; re-elect. 1 Nov. 1819 (after Mr. Feilden's appeal had been dismissed by Visitor) ; M.A. 1820 ; res. Fell. 30 June 1827. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1824; Q.C. ; Recorder of Liverpool 1844; died 5 Dec. 1861. Hewett, Charles (Ireland). Com. Matr. bart. f. 15 Dec. 1814, aged 18; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1818; M.A. and rem. 1822; died 10 Nov. 1871. Higgins, Thomas (Herefs.). Hereford. Coin. Matr. cler. 10 Oct. 1814, aged 17: Somerset Th. Manor Sch. 1815; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1818; M.A. 1822 ; rem. 1823. Of Rosewood, Berks. ; J.P. Herefs.; Inc. of Stoulton, Worcs., 1830-43; died 9 Oct. 1879. Johnson, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 26 May 1814, aged 18 ; 3 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1817 ; M.A. 1820; rem. 1834. Chaplain of St. Michael's Church, Liverpool; died 30 Sept. 1834. Lewes, Pryce (Carmarthen) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 22 June 1814, aged 18 ; rem. 1816. Of Gwastoed, Carmarthens. ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn, 1826. P.C.K. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Lewis, David (Carmarthen) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Nov. 1814, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. 1817 ; B.A. 1818 ; rem. 1820. Of Stradley, Carmarthens., J.P., D.L.; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1823 ; High Sheriff 1833 ; M.P. Carmarthen 1835-7 ; died 16 Oct. 1872. Leycester, Charles (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 20 Apr. 1814, aged 18 ; B.A. 1817 ; rem. 1820. P.C.R. Noble, Robert (Meath). Com. Matr. cler. 11 June 1814, aged 17 3 Cl. 1817; B.A. 1819; rem. 1823; rep. and M.A. 1825 ; died 1870. Of Glass Drummond, co. Fermanagh ; V. and R. of Athboy, &c. Burke's Landed Gentry. Penny, Edmund Henry (Chesh.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. cler. 14 Dec. 1814, aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 1815 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1818; M.A. 1821 ; rem. 1829. Master and Librarian at the Charterhouse ; R. of Gt. Stambridge, Essex, 1839 ; died 28 May 1879. Praed, John (Bucks.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Feb. 1814, aged 18 ; rem. 1817. Cler. Died 8 July 1847. Rye, John Tonson (Ireland). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Oct. 1814, aged 17. Of Ryecourt, co. Cork. BENEF. : Gave 40 for purchase of plate for his table 1815. Burke's Landed Gentry. STALMAN, William (Northants.) ; Merchant Taylors. Matr. cler. St. John's 28 June 1814, aged 18 ; Exh. 1814 ; Demy Magdalen 1815 ; B.A. 1818; Pellow (Darbie) 20 Nov. 1819; M.A. 1820; died 25 Mar. ; buried in a vault in the Antechapel near the great north door 29 Mar. 1821. Cler. 1814-15] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 441 Sullivan, Frederick (Surrey) ; Eton. Com. Matr. bart. f. 24 Feb. 1814, aged 17; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1817; rem. and Fellow of All Souls 1818 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1822. J.P. Hants. ; V. of Kimpton and Weston, Herts.. 1827 ; died 28 July 1873. P.C.R. Summer, George William Holme (Middlx.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 12 Nov. 1814, aged 18 ; died in Paris 5 Sept. 1817. Tattersall, Francis (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. (? cler.)25 Apr. 1814, aged 18; rem. 1815; B.A. Trinity, Cambridge, 1819. V. of Ledsham, Yorks., 1820 ; died 29 July 1822. Toke, John (Wilts.). Com. Matr. cler. 4 July 1814, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1818; M.A. 1821. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1823 ; died 29 May 1828. Burke's Landed Gentry. Townsend, Edward (Cork). Com. Matr. arm. 23 June 1814, aged 17 ; rem. 1818. Of Whitehall, co. Cork; died 1857. Walker, John (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm, 17 Dec. 1814, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. 1817 ; B.A. 1818. Barr. Middle Temple 1824. Walker, William Joseph (Oxon.). Com. Matr. gen. 29 Apr., aged 18; Somerset Sch. 1814; B.A. 1817; M.A. 1822; rem. 1825. C. of Southrop, Gloucs. ; died 9 Mar. 1852. Waller, William Henry (Meath). Com. Matr. cler. 11 June 1814, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1819. Died 17 June 1837. Wason, John James (Som.). Com. Matr. arm. 20 Apr. 1814, aged 18 ; rem. 1818; rep. and B.A. 1820; M.A. 1821 ; rem. 1822 ; died 23 Apr. 1870. Cler. 1815 Atkinson, John Garnett (Lanes.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Nov. 1815, aged 17; B.A. 1820; M.A. 1822; rem. 1834. Of Lincoln's Inn 1817 ; died 1884. Barton, Charles (Lanes.) ; ? St. Paul's. Com. b., c. and matr. arm. 17 Feb. 1815, aged 18; Hulme Ex. 1818; B.A. 1819; M.A. 1821; rem. 1826. Bonham, John (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 12 Dec. 1815, aged 17 , 3 Math, and B.A. 1819 ; M.A. 1822 ; rem. 1834; died 1875. Cler. ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1817. Borradaile (Borrodaile), Frederick (London). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Oct. 1815, aged 17 ; B.A. 1819 ; M.A. 1823 ; rem. 1826. Preb. of Lincoln 1826 ; died 5 Mar. 1876. Boswell, Thomas Alexander (Middlx.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. 14 Jan. 1815, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1818 ; M.A. 1823 ; rem. 1852. WORK : Recollections of a pedestrian, 1826. 442 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1815 Chichester, Arthur (Westminster) ; Harrow. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 5 Apr. 1815, aged 18 ; rem. 1816. M.P. Milborne Port 1826-30, Wexford 1830-1 ; cr. Lord Templemore 1831; cr. D.C.L. 1834; Lieut.-Col. in Army ; Lord of the Bedchamber 1835-7 ; Lord-in- Waiting 1837 ; died 26 Sept. 1837. P.C.R. Cholmondeley, Hugh (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 15 Dec. 1815, aged 18; rem. 1818. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Elliott, John (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 5 Apr. 1815, aged 18 ; rem. 1815. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Fayle, Richard (London) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 11 Dec, 1815, aged 19 ; rem. 1818 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1820 ; M.A. 1822. Minister of Holy Trinity Chapel, Torquay, 1838 ; died 26 Mar. 1872. P.C.R. Feilden, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 1 Nov. 1815, aged 20. Died 18 Apr. 1834. Burke's Landed Gentry. Formby, James (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 13 Dec. 1815, aged 18 ; B.A. 1819 ; M.A. 1822 ; rem. 1826. V. of Friendsbury, Kent, 1826 ; J.P. ; died 14 Feb. 1881. Burke's Landed Gentry. Godsell, Samuel (Ireland). Com. Matr. arm. 23 June 1815, aged 20; rem. 1816. Greswell, Edward (Lanes.); Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 5 Apr., aged 17; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1815; Sch. Corpus 1816-23; 1 CJ. 1 Math. 1818; B.A. 1819; MA. 1822; Fellow and Tutor 1823-69; B.D. 1830. WORKS : General Tables of the Fasti Catholici, Supplementary Dissertations on the 1852. Harmonies, 1824. Supplementary Tables and Introduction [Dissertations upon the Principles and to the Tables of the Fasti CaOiolici, Arrangement of a Harmony of the 1852. Gospels, 1830. Origines Kalendariae Italicae, 1854. ^Harmonia Evangelica, 1830, &c. Origines Kalendariae Hettenicae, 1861. Joannis Miltoni Fabulae, Samson -\-The Three Witnesses and the Threefold Agonistes, et Comue Graece, 1832. Cord, 1862. \An Exposition of the Parables, and of ^The Objections to the Historical Cha- other parts of the Gospels, 1834-5. racier of the Pentateuch in Part I of \ Letter to his Grace the Duke of Wetting- Dr. Colenso's Pentateuch and Book of ton, 1837. Joshua considered and shewn to be ^Prolegomena ad Harmoniam Evan- unfounded, 1863. gelicam, 1840. The Zulus and the Men of Science, 1865. \-Fasti Temporis Catholici and Origines Translated into Greek Iambics Kalendariae, 1852. three hymns. Manch. Reg. iii (1) ; D.N.B. Hill, Thomas (Stan's.); Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Nov. 1815, aged 17 ; B.A. 1819; rem. 1823. Ironmaster at Blaenavon, Monmouth. P.C.R. 1815] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK 448 Hoskins, William. Edward (Lanes.). Tonb ridge. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Mar. 1815, aged 15 ; B.A. 1819 ; M.A. 1821 ; rem. 1835. Lincoln's Inn 1820 ; held various curacies 1823-36 ; R. of St. Alphege, Canterbury, 1836-45 ; V. of St. John's, Margate, and R.D. 1845-52 ; R. of Chiddingstone, Kent, 1852 ; died 6 Feb. 1875. WORKS : Sermons, 1841 ; Sermon, 1844. Hutton, Edward Home. b. and c. 8 June 1815 ; rem. 1834. Jones, James (London). Com. Matr. gen. 7 July 1815, aged 16 ; rem. 1818. Barr. Middle Temple 1829. WORK : Eternal Prescience, 1828. Leigh, John (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 9 May 1815, aged 17 ; B.A. 1820; M.A. 1821. R. of Egginton, Derbs., 1824 ; died 24 Oct. 1856. Lewis, William (Kent) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 25 Jan. 1815, aged 18 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1819 ; M.A. 1821. V. of Abbots Langley, Herts., 1821 ; died 19 July 1858. Maberley, William Leader (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 6 Apr. 1815, aged 16; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1821 ; rem. 1828. M.P. Westbury 1819-20; Northampton 1820-30; Shaftesbury 1831-2 ; Chatham 1832-4; Lieut.-Col. 76th Reg., Secretary of the Post Office, Clerk to Ordnance, a Commissioner for Customs 1836-54; opposed all Rowland Hill's schemes of reform; transferred to Board of Audit 1854; retired from Army 1881 ; died 6 Feb. 1885. P.C.E. ; D.N.B. Mallory, Henry (Warws.). Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1815, aged 17 ; rem. 1817. Army. P.C.R. Maurice, John Pierce (Wilts.) ; Marlborough Gr. Sch. Com. Matr. gen. 4 May 1815, aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1816 ; Nowell and Frankland Sch., Bible Clerk, and Hulme Ex. 1818; B.A. 1819; M.A. 1821; rem. 1831. R. of Michelmersh, Hants., 1840; died 17 June 1874. Parkin, James (Cumberland). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Nov. 1815, aged 17 ; rem. 1818. Student of Lincoln's Inn 1818. Parr, John Owen (London). Com. Matr. gen. 27 Feb., aged 16; Nowell Sch. 1815; 2 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1818; Hulme Pr. 1819; rem. 1823 ; rep. and M.A. 1830 ; rem. 1861. V. of Durnford, Wilts., 1824 ; of Preston, Lanes., 1840 ; Hon. Canon of Manchester 1853 ; died 12 Feb. 1877. WORK : -^ The principles of Greek Grammar, 1882. Prichard, John (Anglesey). Com. Matr. cler. 20 Feb. 1815, aged 18 ; B.A. 1819 ; M.A. and rem. 1823. P.C. Llanfihangel-Ysgeifiog and Llanffinan, Anglesey, 1832 ; died 16 Nov. 1836. Hobinson, John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 11 May 1815, aged 17; rem. 1816; migrated to Lincoln Coll. 1819; B.A. St. Alban Hall 1823. 444 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK [1815 Scudamore, John Lucy (Herefs.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 1 Nov. 1815, aged 17 ; rem. 1816. Of Kentchurch Court, Herefs. ; J.P. and D.L. Herefs. and Mon. ; High Sheriff; Lieut. -Col. in the Army; died 2 July 1875. BENEF. : Plate 1816. Burke's Landed Gentry ; Quat. Mon. v. Shaw, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 12 Oct. 1815, aged 20 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1819 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1832 ; rem. 1887. Shawe, John Wingfield (Bucks.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 22 June 1815, aged 17 ; rem. 1816. Officer in Scots Greys. SIMMONS, William (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 17 May 1815, aged 17 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1819 ; Fellow (Founders) 2 Nov. 1819; M.A. 1823 ; res. Fell. 5 July 1830. Barr. Middle Temple 1827 ; died 3 Apr. 1837. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Smith Barry, James (Ireland) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 7 July 1815, aged 17 ; rem. 1817. Of Lota Lodge, co. Cork. P.C.R. Sneyd, William Debank (Debanke) (Staffs.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1815, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. and rem. 1819. Student Lincoln's Inn 1818; J.P. and D.L. Staffs. ; died on the day of his intended marriage 31 May 1825. Burke's Landed Gentry. Taylor, William (London). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Mar. 1815 ; rem. 1817. Thomson, Robert (London). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Jan., aged 18 ; rem. 1815; Fellow of New 1815-76; B.A. 1819; M.A. 1823. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1822. Thomson, Thomas Ellman (Hants.). Com. Matr. arm. 6 Dec. 1815, aged 16; rem. 1818. Vaughan, Robert Chambre (Berks.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Feb. 1815, aged 18 ; B.A. 1818 ; rep. 1828. Of Burlton Hall and Woodgate, Salop ; died 8 Aug. 1876. Burke's Landed Gentry. Vincent, Frederick (London). Com. Matr. arm. 1 Nov. 1815, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1819 ; M.A. 1823 ; rem. 1871. llth Bart. ; V. of Hitchenden, Bucks., 1825 ; E. of Slinfold, Sussex, 1844-69 ; Preb. of Chichester 1860; died 8 Jan. 1883. WORK : On the Jurisdiction of the Crown in matters spiritual, 1851. Guardian 24 Jan. 1883, p. 127. Warde, Richard Ramsay (Kent) : Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 23 Feb. 1815, aged 17; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1818; M.A. 1822 ; rem. 1857. V. of Yalding, Kent, 1840 ; died 3 Oct. 1857. Whitley, William (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Feb. 1815, aged 19; B.A. 1818; rem. 1833. V. of Whitegate in Chester 1825. Woodyatt, Edward (Herefs.); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 12 May 1815, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1819 ; M.A. 1821 ; rem. 1825. Cler. 1816] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 445 1816 Armitstead, William (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 15 Jan. 1816, aged 18 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1820 ; M.A. and rem. 1823. Cler. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Baron, John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 23 Jan. 1816, aged 20 ; 2 Cl. 1819 ; B.A. 1820; MA. 1822 ; rem. 1824; died 1867. Cler. Beckford, Charles Douglas (London). Com. Matr. arm. 31 Jan. 1816, aged 18 ; B.A. 1819; rem. 1821 ; MA. All Souls 1823 ; died 18 July 1884, aged 86. Cler. P.C.R. Bouverie, Francis Kenelm (Northants.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1816, aged 19 ; rem. 1822 ; died 19 Sept. 1837. P.C.R. Buchanan, James (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 15 Jan. 1816, aged 17 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1819 ; rem. 1821. Of Lincoln's Inn 1819. P.C.R. Buchanan, James Grant (Ireland). Com. Matr. arm. 19 Jan. 1816, aged 17 ; rem. 1817. Buckley, Henry William. (London) ; Harrow and Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 27 Apr. 1816, aged 16 ; 2 Cl. 1819 ; B.A. and rem. 1821 ; Fellow of Merton 1821-32 ; M.A. 1822 ; Select Pr. 1830. C. of St. Peter's in the East, Oxford, 1824 ; V. of Eatington,Warws., 1831 ; R. of Hartshorne, Staffs., 1833 ; died 23 Nov. 1892. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Capron, Hasler (Sussex) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Mar. 1816, aged 18 ; B.A. 1820 ; M.A. 1823 ; rem. 1842. Barr. Middle Temple 1823, Lincoln's Inn 1826 ; J.P. and D.L. Sussex ; assumed name of Hollist in lieu of Capron 1833; Counsel in the Marshalsea Court ; Recorder of Hastings ; died 30 Jan. 1874. Burke's Landed Gentry. Codrington, Thomas Stretton (Wilts.). Com. Matr. cler. 22 June 1816, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1820 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1824 ; rem. 1826. V. of Wroughton, Wilts., 1827 ; died 1839. Day, William (London). Com. Matr. arm. 28 Feb. 1816, aged 18 ; BA. (Gr. Comp.) 1820 ; rem. 1823. Of Lincoln's Inn 1823. Gronow, Thomas (Glamorg.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Jan. 1816, aged 18 ; B.A. 1819 ; M.A. 1822 ; rem. 1834. Of Ash Hall, Glamorgan, and Gellydeg, Carmarthen ; J.P. Gla- morgan ; R. of Cadoxton, near Neath, 1821-35 ; of Kilybebyll, co. Glamorgan, 1823-70; P.C. of Llanguick, Glam., 1823; Domestic Chaplain to the Earl of Lisburne. P.C.R. Harvey, George Ludford (Middlx.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. eq. 1 June 1816, aged 18 ; rein. 1817 ; Sidney Sussex, Cambridge. R. of Yate, Gloucester. 446 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1816 Hordern, Peter (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 24 Apr. 1816, aged 19 ; 2 01. 1819 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1820 ; M.A. 1822 ; rem. 1824. Librarian of Manchester College 1821 ; P.C. of Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Staffs., 1833 ; died 1836. P.C.R. Keays, Robert Young (Surrey). Com. Matr. gen. 22 June 1816, aged 17 ; B.A. 1820 ; M.A. 1823 ; rem. 1836. Senior Chaplain of the E.I.C. 1823 ; Archdeacon and Commissary of Bombay 1850 ; died 11 Mar. 1855. Larden, George Edge (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 24 Apr. 1816, aged 17 ; 3 01., B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1820 ; M.A. 1822 ; rem. 1838. R. of Doverdale, Worcs., 1831 ; V. of Brotherton, Yorks. ; of High Ercal, Salop ; died 18 Oct. 1859. Larking, Lambert Blackwell (Kent) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Apr. 1816, aged 19 ; 2 01. and B.A. 1820 ; M.A. 1823 ; rem. 1826. V. of Ryarsh, Kent, 1830 ; of Bui-ham, Kent, 1837 ; died 2 Aug. 1868. WORKS : -^Description of the Heart Shrine in \-Memoir of the Rev. T. Streatfield, 1861. Leybourn Church, 1864. ^Proceedings in the county of Kent Edited The Hospitallers in England, circa 1640, 1862. 1869. D.N.B. Legh, William (Lanes.) ; ? Rugby. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 9 Dec. 1816, aged 20 ; rem. 1818. Maddy, Edwin (Gloucs.). B.A. Pembroke, Cambridge, 1816 ; M.A. 1819; incorp. 19 Feb. 1835; B.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) and D.C.L. (Gr. Comp.) 1835. Barr. ; Deputy Chancellor Diocese of Gloucester ; died 1867. WORK : in the Arches and Prerogative Courts Digest of cases argued and determined of Canterbury . . . , 1835. Maude, Francis (Yorks.). Com. Matr. gen. 10 Oct. 1816, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1820 ; M.A. 1823; rem. 1838. Curate of Hoyland, Yorks., 1823-50 ; died 5 July 1850. Musgrave, George Musgrave (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Feb. 1816, aged 17 ; 2 01. and B.A. 1819 ; M.A. 1822 ; rem. 1826. Of Shillingtou Manor, Beds., and of Borden Hall, Kent; R. of Bexwell, Norfolk, 1835-8; V. of Borden, Kent, 1838-54; died 26 Dec. 1883. WORKS : ^The Psalms of David in English blank ^Pilgrimage into Dauphine, 1857. verse, 1833. ^Byroads and Battlefields in Picardy, ^Summary statement of proofs of the 1861. Edinburgh Sessional School, 1838. Continental Excursions, 1863, &c. \-Nine and two, 1843. ^Ten days in a French Parsonage in ^-Vocabulary or notes on the Gospels, the summer of 1868, 1864. 1843. The Odyssey, 1865. The Crow-keeper, 1846. -\A Manual of Plain, Short, and Intel- The Farm-boys 1 Friend, 1847. ligible Family Prayers, 1865, &c. ^Parson, Pen and Pencil, 1848, &c. -^Nooks and Corners in Old France, Plain and Simple hymns for Public 1867. Worship in Agricultural Parishes, ^Ramble into Brittany, 1870. 1852. Psalter for Private Commune, 1872. ^-Ramble through Normandy, 1855. Readings for Lent, 1877. Academy, 5 Jan. 1884 ; D.N.B. 1816] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 447 NEWBOLD, Francis Stonehewer (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Apr. 1816, aged 16; 1 Cl. 1819; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1820; Fellow (Founders) 1 Mar. 1821 ; M.A. 1822 ; res. Fell. 21 Aug. 1827 ; B.D. and D.D. 1834 ; rem. 1859. P.O. of Pott, Chesh., 1827 ; R. of Stickney, Lines., 1828 Head Master of Macclesfield Gr. School 1830 ; died Jan. 1876. Nicholl, George (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Apr. 1816, aged 18 ; rem. 1818. Peel, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Apr. 1816, aged 19; 1 Cl. 1819; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1820; rem. 1823; died 1824. Cler. Perring, Philip (? Devon ); Eton. Com. Matr. bart. f. 27 Mar. 1816, aged 19 ; B.A. 1820 ; M.A. 1822. 3rd Bart. ; of Membland House, Devon ; Domestic Chaplain to the Duke of Cambridge ; R. of North Huish, Devon, 1851-66 ; died 25 Apr. 1866. Phillips, Thomas John (Devon) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 29 May 1816, aged 18 ; rem. 1817. Shaw, Frederick (Dublin). Com. Entered Trinity College, Dublin ; matr. arm (post bart. f.) 5 Apr. 1816, aged 16 ; B.A. 1819 ; rem. 1820. Student Lincoln's Inn 1817 ; Barr. King's Inn 1822 ; Recorder of Dun- dalk 1826 ; Recorder of Dublin 1828-76 ; M.P. Dublin (City) 1830-2 ; M.P. Dublin (University) 1832-48; Irish P.C. 1834; 2nd Bart.; died 30 June 1876. P.C.R. ; D.N.B. Sumner, Charles Vernon Holme (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 27 June 1816, aged 16 ; rem. 1817. R. of Farnborough, Hants., 1827 ; of Newdegate, Surrey, 1827 ; Chaplain to the King 1830-7 ; Chaplain to the Queen 1837-72 ; R. of Byfleet, Surrey, 1834; of Ringwould, Kent, 1853-66; died 4 Jan. 1876. Sumner, William Holme (Surrey). Com. Matr. arm. 27 June 1816, aged 17 ; rem. 1817. Of Hatchlands, Surrey ; died 10 Sept. 1859. Thornton, Butler Edmund (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Jan. 1816, aged 18 ; rem. 1817. Of Skerton and Whittington, Lanes. ; died 1848. Vavasour, Marmaduke (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Apr. 1816, aged 19 ; 2 C1. 5 Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1820 ; M.A. 1822 ; rem. 1828. V. of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leics., 1833-75; P.C. of Smisby, Derbs., 1840-75; Hon. Canon of Peterborough, 1851-79 ; died 6 Nov. 1879. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Ward, Charles (Wilts.). Com. Matr. arm. 22 June 1816, aged 17 ; 2 Math, and B.A. 1820 ; M.A. 1822 ; rem. 1833. Minor Canon and Precentor Bristol 1824-35 ; R. of Maulden, Beds., 1825-79; died 15 Mar. 1879. Whalley, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. bart. f. 24 Apr. 1816, aged 19; Hulme Ex. 1820; rem. 1821. Of Whalley, Lanes. ; died 10 Mar. 1860. 448 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1816-17 "White, William (London) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 26 June 1816, aged 16 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1820. Student Lincoln's Inn 1820 ; died 13 May 1823. Worsley, Henry Thomas (Middlx.). Com. Matr. cler. 9 Mar. 1816 ; aged 18 ; died 1819. Worthington, Richard Burdett (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Apr. 1816, aged 19 ; rem. and B.A. St. Mary Hall 1820. Cler. Died at Guernsey 9 Nov. 1837. Manch. Reg. iii (1). 1817 Arney, Edward Francis (Wilts.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1817, aged 18; 2 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1821; M.A. 1824; rem. 1854. V. of Shalfleet, Hants., 1835 ; V. of Monmouth 1849-75 ; died 25 Apr- 1875. Barton, John Watson (Lanes.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Oct. 1817, aged 19; cr. M.A. and rem. 1821. Of Stapleton Park, Yorks., J.P. and D.L. ; died 22 Dec. 1840. BENEF. : Plate 1832. Burke's Landed Gentry ; Quat. Mon. v. Surges, John Ynyr (Armagh). Com. Matr. arm. 13 Oct. 1817, aged 19 ; rem. 1821. Of Parkanaur, co. Tyrone, and of East Ham, Essex ; J.P. and D.L. Tyrone; High Sheriff Tyrone 1838. Burke's Landed Gentry. Byrom, Valentine (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1817, aged 17; rem. 1820. CHTJETON, Thomas Townson (Northants.). Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan., aged 18 ; Yate and Cartwright Sch. 1817 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1820 ; Hulme Ex. and Huline Pr. 1821 ; Fellow (Darbie) 26 May 1821 ; M.A. 1823 ; Assist. Master at Rugby ; Cl. Examiner 1828-9 ; Proctor 1830 ; Senior Bursar 1836-8 ; Vice-Principal 1838-41 ; Rodborough Lect. 1849 ; R. of West Shefford 1851 ; res. Fell. 15 Aug. 1852 ; died at Oxford 8 Dec. 1865 and buried at Holy well. Clerke, Henry. Hulme Ex. 1817 ; ? = Clarke, Thomas (1813). Clive, Archer (London) ; Harrow. Com. b. and c. 18 Jan. ; matr. arm. 18 Feb. 1817, aged 16 : 2 Cl. and B.A. 1820 ; M.A. 1823 ; rem. 1837. Of Whitfield, Herefs. ; R. of Solihull, Warws., 1829-47 ; Preb. of Hereford 1850; J.P. Herefs. and Warws.; died 17 Copt. 1878; a noted breeder and exhibitor of stock. WORKS : C. W. Hoskins, Esq., M.P., on the A Visitation Sermon, 1836. Tenure of Land in England and Ire- fSermon XI in Thirty sermons on land, 1869. various subjects, 1842. A few words on the Poor Law. A few Remarks . . . on a pamphlet by Sermons. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Dixon, Henry (Sussex).; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 22 Jan. 1817, aged 19 ; B.A. 1820 ; M.A. 1823. V. of Ferring, Sussex, 1832 ; .died 1874. 1817] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 449 Elliee, Russell (Som.); Harrow. Com. Matr. gen. 10 Oct. 1817, aged 18 ; B.A. 1821 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1824 ; rem. 1867. Of Lincoln's Inn 1822 ; Merchant in London and E. I. Co. Director 1832-58 ; of Brickendonbury, Herts. ; D.L. London ; died 1873. Burke's Landed Gentry. Everard, Henry (Norfolk). Com. Matr. cler. 21 Jan. 1817, aged 17 ; rem. 1822 ; died 6 Aug. 1828. Girardot, John Chancourt (Chaumont) (Notts.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Apr. 1817, aged 18 ; B.A. 1821 ; M.A. and rem. 1824. R. of Screveton, Notts., 1824; of Stanford on Soar, Notts., 1826; of Car Colston, Notts., 1838-78 ; died 23 Oct. 1878. P.C.R. Jephson, Charles Denham Orlando (Surrey). Com. Matr. arm. 5 Feb. 1817, aged 17; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1827; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1828; rem. 1889. Of Mallow Castle, co. Cork, J.P. and D.L. ; M.P. Mallow 1826-32, 33-59 ; assumed additional surname and arms of Norreys by royal licence 1838; cr. Bart. 1838. Johnes, John (Carmarthen). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Oct. 1817, aged 17; B.A. and M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1829. Of Dolau Cothy, Carm., J.P. and D.L. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1831 ; Judge in Small Debts Court 1847 ; Recorder of Carmarthen ; murdered 19 Aug. 1876. Bu rke's Landed Gentry. Lee, William (Devon). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Dec. 1817, aged 17 ; B.A. 1821 ; M.A. 1824; rem. 1827. C. of Stanton on Arrow, Herefs., 1825-42 ; V. 1842-65 ; died 5 Jan. 1865. Linton, James (Lines.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 18 Oct. 1817, aged 18 ; rem. 1820 ; Demy Magdalen 1820-5 ; B.A. 1822 ; M.A. 1825 ; Fellow 1825-33. Cler. Of Hemingford House, Hunts. ; died 16 Oct. 1872. Bloxam vii. 280. Litler, Robert (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 18 Oct. 1817, aged 16 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1818 ; Hulme Ex. 1820 ; B.A. 1821 ; M.A. 1824; rem. 1844. P.O. of Marple, and of Chadkirk, Chesh., 1826; of Poynton-in- Prestbury, Chesh., 1832 ; died 23 June 1864. Manch. Keg. iii (1). Lockhart, Sir Charles Macdonald (Bart.). Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 24 May 1817 ; rem. 1819. 2nd Bart. ; died 8 Dec. 1832. BENEF. : Plate 1817. Quat. Mon. v. Lucena, John Charles (London) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1817, aged 18; B.A. 1822; M.A. 1823; rem. 1847. V. of Anstey, Warws., 1835-68; died 15 Feb. 1868. Mildmay, Walter St. John (Hants.). Com. Matr. bart. f. 29 Nov. 1817, aged 19 ; rem. 1819. R. of Mottestone and Shorwell, I.W., 1824; of Abbotstone with Itchinstoke, Hants., 1829 ; of Dogmersfield, Hants., 1830 ; died 31 July 1835. 450 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1817 Moor, John Frewen (Dorset) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 19 Feb. 1817, aged 18; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1821; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1824; rem. 1876 ; died 9 Dec. 1879. Cler. WORKS : The Duty of Submission to Civil Au- A Guide to Hursley by J. F. M., in thori/y, 1830. Savage's Guide to the City of Win- Two Assize Sermons, 1839. Chester, 1869. Neilson, William (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1817, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1821 ; rem. 1833. Pain, Thomas Lloyd (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. arm. 23 Oct., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1817 ; 2 CL, Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1821 ; M.A. 1824; rem. 1835. P.C. of St. Thomas, Liverpool, 1834-76; died 1876. Parker, John (Yorks.) Com. Matr. arm. 6 Mar. 1817, aged 17; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1820 ; M.A. 1823; rem. 1848. Of Darrington Hall, Yorks., J.P. ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1824; M.P. Sheffield 1833-52 ; Lord of Treasury 1836-41 ; Secretary to Admiralty 1841, 49-52; Secretary to Treasury 1846-9; P.C. ; died 5 Sept. 1881. D.N.B. Perceval, Henry (Middlx.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 29 Apr. 1817, aged 17; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1820; M.A. 1823; rem. 1836. K. of Charlton, Kent, and V. of West Hoathley, Sussex, 1825 ; R. of Washington, Durham, 1826-37; of Elmley Lovett, Worcs., 1837-83; died 1 Apr. 1885. P.C.K. Prescot, William Henry (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 16 Apr. 1817, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1818; Hulme Ex., 3 Cl. and B.A, 1821 ; M.A. 1823 ; died 1842. Cler. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Bigby, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan., aged 16; Tver Sch. 1817 ; rem. 1820. Shuttleworth, Thomas Starkie (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 16 Apr. 1817, aged 17 ; rem. 1819. Of West Cliff, Preston ; died 3 Mar. 1877. Smith, Gustavus Thomas (Middlx.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 1 July 1817, aged 17 ; rem. 1819. Of Goldicote House, Warws., J.P. ; Captain 2nd Dragoon Guards ; died 6 Jan. 1875. Sneyd, John (Staffs. 1 !. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1817, aged 18 ; Gen. Com. 1818 ; B.A. 1820 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) and rem. 1824. Of Basford Hall, Staffs., J.P. ; the first Rural Dean of Leek; P.C. of Ipstones, Staffs., 1833-61 ; died 17 Feb. 1873. Burke's Landed Gentry. Starkie, Le Qendre Nicholas (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1817, aged 17 ; rem. 1826. Of Huntroyde, Lanes. ; M.P. Pontefract 1826-30 ; died 15 May 1865. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Taylor, Charles (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Mar., aged 18; rem. 6' Dec. 1817. 1817-18] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 451 Tucker, Jedediah Stephens (Cornwall) : Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 16 Apr. 1817, aged 16: B.A. 1820; M.A. 1823. Of Trematon Castle, Cornwall ; Barr. Middle Temple 1824. TJrquhart, Henry John (Lines.); Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 1 May, aged 19; rem. 1817; Fellow of New College 1817-28; English Verse 1819 ; B.A. 1821 ; M.A. 1825. Inc. of Brighton Chapelry 1831 ; V. of Fleet, Dorset, 1849-58 ; died 16 Dec. 1862. Vassall, John (Hants.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Nov. 1817, aged 17 ; rem. 1820. Whiteside, George Owen (Middlx.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Feb., aged 18 ; rem. 1817. Wright, John Marsden (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Jan. 1817, aged 17; B.A. 1820; Hulme Ex. 1821 ; M.A. 1823; rem. 1838. R. of Tatham, Lanes., 1823-73 ; died 8 July 1873. 1818 Biddulph, Robert (Surrey) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1818, aged 16 ; rem. 1820. Of Ledbury. Herefs., J.P. and D.L. ; M.P. Hereford 1832-7; High Sheriff Hereford 1857 ; F R.G.S. ; Head of the banking firm of Biddulph, Cocks & Co. ; died 28 Feb. 1864. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Bowen, John St. Vincent (Hants.). Com. Matr. arm. 1 Apr. 1818, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. 1821 ; B.A. 1822 ; M.A. 1826 ; rem. 1827. Box, Philip (Bucks.). Com. Matr. arm. 27 Oct. 1818, aged 17 ; rem. 1822. Bulteel, Henry Bellenden( Devon); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 1 Apr. 181 8, aged 18 ; B.A. 1822 ; Fellow of Exeter 1823-9 ; M.A. 1824. C. of St. Ebbe's, Oxford, 1826 ; died 28 Dec. 1866. WORKS : The doctrine of the miraculous interfer- f 1 Sermon on 1 Cor. ii. 72, 1831, &c. ence of Jesus on behalf of believers ... ' A Reply to Dr. Burton's Remarks upon asserted from Scripture, J832. a sermon preached at St. Mary's, ^Letter to all that love truth and con- 6 Feb. 1881, 1831. sistency, 1841. Two letters by H. B. B. added to -[Address at the opening of a Free Epis- E. Irving' s The Unknown Tongues, copal Church, 1844. 1832. The Oxford Argo, 1845. O.H.S. xxvii; Sherwood; D.N.B.. Cave, William Asteley (Astley) Browne (Derbs.). Com. Matr. bart. f. 14 Jan. 1818, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1821 ; M.A. and rem. 1824; rep. 1857. R. of Stretton-en-le-Field, Derbs., 1843-62 ; died 13 June 1862. Daubeny, Andrew Alfred (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan. 1818, aged 18; B.A. 1821 ; M.A. 1824 ; rem. 1825. Chaplain to Duke of Clarence (post Will. IV.) 1824 ; died 20 June 1852. Duntze, Samuel Henry ( Dorset) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 23 Jan. 1818, aged 18 ; B.A. 1822; MA. and rem. 1826. V. of Thornton with Allerthorpe, Yorks., 1825 ; of Weaverthorpe and Helperthorpe, Yorks., 1831-55 ; died 16 Oct. 1855. G g2 452 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1818 Gunning, Spenoer Greswold (Northants.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. bart. f. 1 Apr. 1818, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1823 ; rem. 1828. Cler. Of Cresswell House, Dumfries; Student Lincoln's Inn, 1822; died 29 May 1866. P.C.R. -, Hichard (Middlx.) ; Harrow. Matr. bart. f. Christ Church 5 May 1818, aged 18; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1821 ; rellow (Frankland) 16 Mar. 1822; M.A. 1824; Junior Bursar 1832-3; R. of Old 1833-42; res. Fell. 1834 ; Principal 9 June 1842 ; B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 1842 ; Select. Pr. 1848; Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1852; died 13 Dec. 1853 ; buried in Chapel; East window in his memory. WORKS : Correspondence between the Dean of \-Eemarks on the Church of St. Mary Manchester and the Principal of the Virgin, Oxford, 1851. Brasenose, 1846. P.C.R. ; Quat. Mon. vii. Hordern, James ('Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 1 Apr. 1818, aged 18; rem. 1819 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1823. V. of Doddington, Kent ; died 6 May 1872. Hutchinson, "William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 1 Apr. 1818, aged 18; B.A. 1821; M.A. 1824; rem. 1838. R. of Checkley with Hollington, Notts., 1839 ; died 10 Feb. 1878. LLOYD, John Horatio (Ghosh.). Matr. gen. Queen's 3 July 1818, aged 19; 1 CL, 1 Math, and B.A. 1822; Fellow (Founders) 16 Oct. 1823; M.A. 1824; res. Fell. 1 Sept. 1826 ; rem. 1836. Barr. Inner Temple 1826 ; M.P. Stockport 1832-5 ; Prothonotary and Clerk of the Crown ; died 18 July 1884. Lloyd, William (London) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 1 Apr. 1818, aged 18 ; B.A. 1822 ; M.A. 1825; rem. 1844. R. of Lillingstone Lovell, Bucks., 1826. Lodge, John (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Gen.Com. Matr. arm. 1 Apr. 1818, aged 17 ; B.A. 1821 ; M.A. 1828 ; rem. 1863 ; died 1873. Assumed additional surname of Ellerton. BENEF. : Presented 2 vols. of music and 1 vol. of poems composed by himself 1860. WORKS : Domenica (Opera), 1838. ^Paradise Lost (Oratorio), 1862. J- The elixir of youth, 1844. -^Neuf quatours (n. d.). iThe bridal of Salerno, 1845. 1 Twelve glees (n. d.). D.N.B. ; P.C.R. Moffat, Charles (London) ; Com. Matr. arm. 17 Jan. 1818, asred 16 ; B.A. 1822; M.A. 1824; rem. 1828; died 1888. Cler. ? = William Moffatt, Hulme Ex. 1821. Parkin, Charles (Cumberland). Com. Matr. arm. 7 Feb. 1818, aged 18: B.A. 1821; MA. 1824; rem. 1833. V. of Lenham, Kent, 1827 ; died 1884. Philipps, John Lloyd (E. Indies). Com. Matr. arm. 8 Apr. 1818, aged 16 ; Hulme Ex. 1821 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1822 ; M.A. 1824 ; rem. 1848. P.C.R. 1818] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 453 Pinfold, Charles John (Bucks.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1818, aged 17 ; rem. 1819; B.A. Christ's, Cambridge, 1825. R. of Bramshall, Staffs., 1835 ; died 21 Nov. 1856. Pole, Peter (London) ; Harrow. Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 30 May 1818, aged 17 ; cr. Hon. M.A. 1821 ; rem. 1826. 3rd Bart. 1850 ; assumed additional name of Van Notten 1853 ; High Sheriff Warws. 1856 ; J.P. and D.L. Gloucs., Worcs., and Warws. ; died 20 May 1887. Robinson, Christopher Thomas (London) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. eq. 17 Jan. 1818, aged 17; 3 Cl. 1821; B.A. 1822; M.A. 1825; rem. 1836. P.C. of Putney, Surrey, 1882; died 7 Mar. 1861. Rous, Hon. Hugh Anthony (Suffolk) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. Baronis f. 6 June 1818, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1821 ; M.A. and rem. 1824. V. of Reyden and P.C. of Southwold, Suff., 1826 ; died 29 Sept. 1828. P.C.R. Saint, John James (Kent.). Com. Matr. arm. 2 Nov. 1818, aged 18 ; B.A. 1822 ; M.A. 1825 ; rem. 1827. Of Groombridge Place, Kent; R. of Speldhurst, Kent, 1830. Sneyd, Ralph (Staffs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Jan. 1818, aged 18 ; B.A. 1821 ; M.A. and rem. 1824 ; died 26 Sept. 1829. Cler. Burke's Landed Gentry. Sneyd-Kynnersley, Clement John (Staffs.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 11 Apr. 1818, aged 18; rem. 1819. Of Loxley, Staffs. ; died 3 Mar. 1840. Burke's Landed Gentry. Stapylton, Granville William Chetwynd (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1818, aged 17 ; rem. 1822 ; died 1840. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Townley, Richard (Norfolk). Com. Matr. cler. 10 Oct. 1818, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1821 ; B.A. 1823; rem. 1833. Walton, William Henry (Middlx.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. 1 Apr. 1818, aged 18; B.A. 1822; M.A. 1824; rem. 1839. Barr. Inner Temple 1836 ; Queen's Remembrancer and Master in Pleas Office, Exchequer ; Secretary to Lord Brougham ; knighted 1875 ; died 23 Nov. 1882. Webb, John Birch (Kent) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1818, aged 18; B.A. 1822; M.A. 1825; rem. 1826. Of Garnstone Castle, Herefs., J.P. ; V. of King's Pyon and Birley, Herefs., 1825; of Weobley, Herefs., 1826; Preb. of Hereford 1844; assumed surname of Peploe in lieu of Webb 1866 ; died 26 Jan. 1869. Burke's Landed Gentry. Wetherall, John (Northants.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan. 1818, aged 18 ; B.A. 1821 ; M.A. 1824 ; rem. 1856. R. of Carlton, Northants., 1829; of Rushton, Northants., 1838; of Glendon, Northants., 1848; Hon. Canon of Peterborough; died 14 Aug. 1856. 454 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1818-19 Wingfield, Hon. William (Ireland) ; Eton. Com. Matr. nob. 24 Nov. 1818, aged 19 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1822 ; rem. 1827. V. of Abbeyleix, Queen's Co. ; died 13 Mar. 1880. Worsley, Pennyman Warton (Middlx.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. cler. 5 Feb. 1818, aged 17 ; rem. 1819 ; B.A. St. Alban Hall 1821 ; M.A. 1824. Canon of Ripon 1827-79 ; R. of Little Ponton, Lines., 1829-85 ; died 19 Mar. 1885. Burke's Landed Gentry. 1819 Alexander, John Mansel Dawkins (Middlx.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Apr. 1819, aged 17; B.A. 1823; M.A. 1825; rem. 1826. Lincoln's Inn 1821. Barneby, William (Herefs.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Apr. 1819, aged 17 ; BA. (Gr. Comp.) 1826 ; rem. 1834 ; died 5 Jan. 1857. Blackwell, George Graham (E. Indies) ; Westminster. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 22 June 1819, aged 18 ; rem. 1821. Brooke, William de Capell (Kent) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. bart. f. 14 Jan. 1819, aged 17 ; B.A. 1822; M.A. 1835. Bart. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1827 ; High Sheriff Rutland 1852. P.C.R. Broughton, Thomas Delves (Chesh.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1819, aged 17 ; rem. 1820. R. of Bletchley, Bucks., 1832 ; died 10 Aug. 1859. Cheales, John (Lines.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Apr. 1819, aged 18; B.A. 1822 ; M.A. 1825 ; rem. 1826. R. of Firsby with Gt. Steeping, Lines., 1828; V. of Wytham on the Hill, Lines., 1829 ; of Skendleby, Lines., 1840-65 ; died 19 Apr. 1865. Burke's Landed Gentry. Clinton, Henry (Middlx.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. eq. 11 Dec. 1819, aged 17 ; rem. 1828. Of Earlsbury Park, Herts. : Col. in the Army ; died 13 Mar. 1881. WOBKS : ^International Pronunciation Table, Suggestions towards the Organisation of 1870. the British Empire by realising the International Pronunciation Table, ap- Parliamentary Representation of all plied to the principal sounds of seven Home and Colonial Interests, 1856, living languages, 1875. &c. Letters, 1878. The best possible government at the least Thoughts on various subjects, 1878. possible cost impossible until commerce Common things ichich ought to be made is regulated, 1857. universally known, 1880. Coltman, Thomas (Lanes.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. doct. 14 Jan. 1819, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1822 ; rem. 1827. Of Hagnaby Priory, Lines., J.P. and D.L. ; Student Inner Temple 1822; High Sheriff Lines. 1845; Army. Curzon, Hon. Alfred (Derbs.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. Baronis f. 22 June 1819, aged 18; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1822; M.A. 1824; rem. 1837. R. of Kedleston, Derbs., 1832; of Norton by Twycross, Leics., 1829; died 12 Jan. 1850. 1819] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 455 Dering, George Charles Robert (Kent); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Nov. 1819, aged 19; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1823; rem. 1831. Of Barbara Court, Kent; J.P. ; died 5 May 1880. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Elton, Edward (Suffolk); Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Apr. 1819, aged 18 ; B.A. 1822; M.A. 1825; rem. 1884. Of Widworthy Court, Devon; J.P. and D.L. ; Barr. Middle Temple 1827 ; assumed additional surname of Mar-wood, in 1830 ; cr. Bart. 1838 ; High Sheriff Devon 1858; died 18 Apr. 1884. GARBETT, James (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. cler. 15 May, aged 17; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1819; Bible Clerk 1821; Hulme Ex., 1 Cl. and B.A. 1822 ; Michel Fellow Queen's 1824-5 ; M.A. 1825; Fellow (Porter) 19 Nov.1825; Cl. Examiner 1829-31 ; B. of Clayton 1835-79 ; res. Fell. 1836 ; Bampton Lect. 1842 ; Professor of Poetry 1842-52 ; Select Preacher 1843 7. Preb. of Chichester 1843 ; Archdeacon of Chichester 1851 ; died 26 Mar. 1879. WORKS : Popery and Infidelity in the last times, [An Essay on Warburton's Divine J847. Legation, 1828. f De re critica praelec'.iones, 1847. [Religious education a national duty, -[Christ on Earth, in Heaven, and on 1836. the Judgment Seat, 1847. [Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King, Modern philosophical infidelity, 1848. 1842. The Church and the Age, 1851. f.D0 Rei Poeticae Idea, 1843. The Church of England and the Church t-4 review of Dr. Pusey's sermon and of Rome, 1851. the doctrine of the Eucharist, 1843. Christian Churches not temples, 1852. [Parochial Sermons, 1843-4. Diocesan Synods and Convocation, 1852. ^Christ the foundation of the Church, University Reform, 1853. 1844. iWhat kind of Synod does the Church [The secret of the Cliurch's power. 1844. of England require ? 1853. The sense, the mind, the spirit, 1844. Beatitudes of the Mountains, 1854. [The Temple bet'er than the gold, 1844. In Memoriam Rev, H. V. Elliott, 1865. j-Zs unauthorised teaching always The Resurrection. 1869. schismatical? 1844. A Charge to the Clergy . . . of Chichester, [Who did sin, this man or his parents ? 1872. 1844. Introduction to Gleams of Sunshine, [The University, the Church, and the 1873. New Test, 1845. The Limits of Eucharistic Belief, 1873. 1879; IYCM; .lest, jou. -i e idrwta u/ autnunsiti; ucuej, AOI The Offices of the Holy Spirit, 1846. The Coming of Christ at hand, 1877. Ale 1820, 1, 52; Guardian, 2 and 23 Apr. 1879 ; Times, 27 and 28 Mar. 1 D.N.B. Harvey, William (Essex). Gen. Com. Matr. eq. 14 Jan. 1819, aged 17 ; B.A. 1822 ; died 1823. P.C.R. Howard, Ralph (Dublin); Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 18 Dec. 1819, aged 17; rem. 1823. Of Bushey Park ; M.P. Wicklow 1829-48 ; cr. Bart. 1839 ; Col. of Wicklow Rifles ; died 15 Apr. '1873. Hull, John (Lanes.) ; Manchester and Eton. Com. Matr. doct. 11 Oct. 1819, aged 17 ; B.A. 1823 ; M.A. 1826 ; rem. 1835. V. of Poulton-le-Fylde, Lanes., 1835-64 ; Hon. Canon of Manchester and 456 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1819 Chaplain to the Bishop 1852; R. of Eaglescliffe, Durham, 1864-86; died 8 Mar. 1887. WORKS : ^Manual for a Sunday School Teacher. The Cross of Christ, 1862. f(With W. W. H.) Observations on The Village Children and their teacher, a Petition for the revision of the 1866. Liturgy, 1840. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Huyshe (Huish), John (Devon). Com. Matr. cler. 21 Apr. 1819, aged 17; 1 Math. 1822; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1823; M.A. 1825; rem. 1829. J.P. Devon ; R. of Clyst-Hydon, Devon, 1831-80 ; died 18 Oct. 1880. WORKS : t-Key to ditto, 1829. A Treatise on Logic, 1822. -\-Art of Logic, 1833. ^Questions on Logic, 1829. Sermon, 1862. Burke's Landed Gentry. Leigh, William (Lanes.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Oct. 1819, aged 16 ; rem. 1822. Of Woodchester Park, Gloucs. ; J.P. Staffs. Maddock, Samuel (Chesh.). ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 1 Feb., aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1819 ; 3 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1822 ; M.A. 1825 ; rem. 1828. R. of Abdon, Salop; died ?1878. WOKKS : Plain sermons on important subjects, The benefit of sanctified afflictions, 1825. 1871. The Uncertainty of To-morrow, 1839. The curate's appeal and farewell. Maude, Balph (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 2 June 1819, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. 1823 ; B.A. 1824 ; Hulme Ex. and M.A. 1827 ; rem. 1871. V. of Mirfield, Yorks., 1827-70 ; died 15 Aug. 1880. Pearse, Nicholas (London) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1819, aged 18; 2 Cl. 1822; B.A. 1823; M.A. 1826. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1826; died 21 Apr. 1830. Port, George Richard (Derbs.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Apr. 1819, aged 18 ; rem. 1823; rep. and B.A. 1824 ; rem. 1825. R. of Oxenton, Gloucs., 1838-55; of Grafton-Flyford, Worcs., 1855-75 ; died Dec. 1882. Puxley, Henry Lavallin (Cork) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 11 June 1819, aged 19 ; B.A. 1823 ; rem. 1824. Student Lincoln's Inn, 1823. Burke's Landed Gentry. Rowlandson, Arthur (Surrey). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Apr. 1819, aged 17; 2 Cl. 1822; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1823; M.A. 1825 ; rem. 1832. Barr. Inner Temple 1828. Sergison, Warden (Surrey). Gen. Com. Matr. cler. 22 June 1819, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. 1822 ; B.A. 1823 ; rem. 1825 ; died 22 May 1868. Of Cuckfield, Sussex; his father's name was formerly Pritchard, but he changed it to Sergison. Burke's Landed Gentry. STONE, William (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1819, aged 18 ; 1 Cl., B.A., Hulme Pr., and Hulme Ex. 1822; Fellow (Founders) 18 June 1819-20] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 457 1822; M.A. 1825; C. of St. John's, Bethnal Green, 1828; R. of Christ Church, Spitalfields, 1829-56; res. Fell. 25 May 1830. Canon of Canterbury 1855 ; R. of St. George the Martyr and St. Mary Magdalene, Canterbury, 1858-66 ; of Wootton Rivers, Wilts. ; Chetham Librarian ; died 2 Feb. 1882. WORKS : The affectionate Character of the Pastoral Sermon, 1827. Relation, 1838. The duty of public worship, 1833. The present Interment Ad, 1853. Evidence of W. S. and others ... as Correspondence . . . on the subject of to the operation of Voluntary Charities, the Sunday Evening Lecture at 1837. Ch. Ch. Spitalfields, 1854. Thackeray, William (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Apr. 1819, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1822 ; B.A. 1823 ; M.A 1825 ; rem. 1827. Cler. Manch. Reg. iii (1, 2). Trimmer, Edward (Middlx.). Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan. 1819, aged 19 ; B.A. 1822; rem. 1836; died 2 June 1857. Cler. Tugwell, Lewis (Soin.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 23 Apr. 1819, aged 18; 3 Cl. 1822; B.A. 1823; M.A. 1825; rem. 1874. V. of Longbridge Deverill, Wilts., 1829; R. of Farmborough, Som., 1838; died 1880. Underwood, John Hanmer (Herefs.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. cler. 2 June 1819, aged 16 ; Iver Sch. 1820; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1823 ; Hulme Ex. 1824 ; M.A. 1825 ; rem. 1829. V. of Bosbury, Herefs., 1830; Preb. of Hereford 1850; died 30 Aug. 1856. "Watson, George (Middlx.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 2 June 1819, aged 19; 3 Cl. 1822; B.A. 1823; M.A. 1826; rem. 1833. V. of Caistor, Lines., 1833; R, of Rothwell, Lines., 1835-44; died 25 Feb. 1844. Williams, William Henry (Salop) ; Rugby. Com. and Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 19 June 1819, aged 18; rem. 1822. Wright, John (Chesh.); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 16 Jan. 1819, aged 18; B.A. 1822; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1825; rem. 1835; died 1866. J.P. Chesh., Derbs., and Lanes. Wyatt, William Robert (Flint) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1819, aged 17; 3 CL, Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1822; M.A. 1825; rem. 1840. P.C. of Durham St. Giles 1827 ; Choral Vicar of St. Asaph Cath. and P.C. of Dyserth, Flints., 1836-60 ; of Moreton, Salop, 1860-68 ; died 5 Dec. 1868. Yates, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 19 June 1819, aged 19 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1823 ; died 1854. Cler. 1820 Badeley, Edward Lowth (Essex). Com. Matr. doct. 14 Jan. 1820, aged 16 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1823 ; M.A. 1828 ; rem. 1855. Barr. Inner Temple 1841; a celebrated ecclesiastical lawyer; died 29 Mar. 1868. WORKS : A speech in proof of the prohibition of between G. C. Gorham, Clerk, and the marriage with deceased wife's sister, Bishop of Exeter, 1850. 1849. Altar Lights, 1851. Substance of a Speech delivered before Case of the Altar Lights at Falmouth, the Judicial Committee of the Privy 1851. Council the 17th and 18th of December, The Privilege of Religious Confessions 1849, upon an appeal in a cause ... in English Courts of Justice, 1865. D.N.B. 458 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1820 Bagnall, Samuel (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 12 Apr. 1820, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1821 ; rem. 1822 ; B.A. Downing, Cambridge, 1825; M.A. 1829. Cler. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Brooke, George (Salop). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 12 Apr. 1820, aged 18; rem. 1822. Of Houghton Hall, Salop ; J.P. ; died 14 Mar. 1847. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Carr, Thomas William (Middlx.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 12 Apr. 1820, aged 18; Hulme Ex. 1823 ; B.A. 1824; Hulme Pr. 1825; Ellerton Pr. 1826 ; rem. 1827. Treasurer United Debating Society 1824. Inc. of Southborough, Kent, 1835 ; died 1840. Collingwood, Henry John William (Devon). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 20 Mar. 1820, aged 17 ; rem. 1822. Of Lilburn Tower and Cornhill House, Berwick ; died 14 Apr. 1840. Burke's Landed Gentry. COIiQCTITT, Scrope Milner (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1820, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1823 ; B.A. 1824 ; Fellow (Founders) 18 Nov. ; R, of Begbroke 1824 ; died 1825. A silver inkstand presented by his father in memory of him 1825 ; the Colquitt Exhibitions founded in his memory, 1842. Colquitt Bible, Manchester Free Library ; Quat. Mon. iv, v. Cotterell, John Henry (Middlx.) ; Shrewsbury. Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 15 June 1820, aged 20 ; rem. 1823 ; died 3 Jan. 1834. Crowdy, Anthony (Wilts.) ; Marlborough Gr. School Com. Matr. arm. 25 Jan., aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1820 ; 3 CL, Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1823; Hulme Pr. 1824; M.A. 1826; rem. 1832. V. of Sombourne, Hants., 1829-31 ; P.C. of Aldershot, Hants., 1836 ; R. of Winnal, Hants., 1841-52; ofTitsey, Surrey, 1861-78; died 1889. WORKS : The Christian Villager's Guide-book, The Sunday School Teacher's difficulties, 1838. 1856. Church of England Village Dialogues, ^Two discourses preached at Trinity 1838. Chapel, Southampton, 1856. Ale 1824 ; Guardian, 25 Sept. 1889, p. 1429. Curzon, Hon. Francis (Denmark) ; Eton. Com. Matr. Baronis f. 12 Apr. 1820, aged 16 ; Latin Verse 1822 ; 1 Cl. and 1 Math. 1823 ; B.A. 1824 ; rem. 1833. Barr. Middle Temple 1829 ; died 24 May 1851. Cuthbert, Frederick John (London). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1820, aged 19; rem. 1821. Daubeny, James (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. cler. 24 May 1820, aged 19 ; B.A. 1824 ; M.A. and rem. 1827. R. of Publow, Som. ; died 16 Apr. 1882. Drake, Edward Tyrwhitt (Bucks.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1820, aged 16 ; rem. 1820. Buncombe, Edward (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 12 Apr. 1820, aged 17 ; B.A. 1824 ; M.A. 1828 ; rem. 1846. 1820] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE 459 C. of Aldborough, Yorks., 1825-30; R. of Newton-Kyme, Yorks., 1830-50 ; of Barthomley, Chesh., 1850-80. WORKS : Be Consistent and close the Country Post On Church Reform, 1832. Offices on the Sabbath, 1839. A guide to Church Reform, 1833. The Justice and Centralisation, 1840. A letter to the hierarchy of the Church Gilbertise the new Poor Law, 1841. of England, 1834. The Health of the Labourers, 1843. The Present a Religious Cnsis, 1835. Peace restored to Europe, 1856. Old Wine, 1836. Parish Rights v. Centralisation, 1871. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Elwes, Cary Charles (Northants.) ; Westminster. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1820, aged 19 ; rem. 1823. Of Gt. Billing, Northants., and of Roxby and Brigg, Lines. ; J.P. and D.L. Lines, and Northants. ; High Sheriff Northants. 1853 ; died 24 Jan. 1866 ; buried at Gt. Billing. Burke's Landed Gentry. Eyre, Charles Wastneys (Wasney) (Notts.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan. 1820, aged 17 ; B.A. 1823: M.A. 1826; rem. 1829. Of Rampton, Notts. ; J.P. ; R. of Carlton in Lindrick, Notts., 1826 ; of Hooton Roberts, Yorks. ; Preb. of York 1828-45 ; R. of Babworth, Notts., 1830; V. of Sturton, Notts., 1835; died 30 Oct. 1862. Farnall, Harry Burrard (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1820, aged 17 ; rem. 1824. Of Manor House, Lee, Kent ; J.P. and D.L. Dorset ; J.P. Devon ; C.B. 1865 ; Inspector of Poor Laws ; Hon. Col. 1st Kent Rifle Volunteers 1871 ; died 24 Oct. 1883. Gladstone, John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1820, aged 17 ; B.A. 1823; M.A. 1826; rem. 1854. Cler. Gleave, William (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com., post. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 26 Oct. 1820, aged 17 ; rem. 1823. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Greetham, Ed ward (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan., aged 18; rem. 1820. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Hall, Charles (Cambs.); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 24 May 1820, aged 17 ; rem. 1820. Of Six Mile Bottom, Newmarket ; 1st Life Guards. Hanson, John Acton (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Jan., aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1820; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1823; M.A. and rem. 1826. V. of Burghill, Herefs., 1835 ; died 26 Jan. 1858. Hatherell, James Williams (Surrey) ; Rugby. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Jan. 1820, aged 18 ; rem. 1822 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) St. Alban Hall 1823 ; rep. and M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1826 ; rem. 1833 ; rep., B.D. and D.D. (Gr. Comp.) 1841 ; rem. 1846. R. of Eastington, Gloucs., 1831-7 ; of Charmouth, Dorset, 1839-43 ; V. of St. James's, Southampton, 1843-76 ; died 21 Aug. 1876. WORKS : -\The repentance of David, 1847. ^Laud's Sermons, 1829. Faith, Hope and Charity, 1847. Two Sermons, 1834. Faith in God, 1847. ^Nine sermons on the catechism, 1835. The Signs of the Second Advent of our Christians not their own, 1840. Blessed Lord, 1858. ^Pilate's question answered, &c., 1845. t-<4 city given to idolatry, 1860. Maynooth, 1845. Confession, 1873. 460 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1820 Jenner, Robert Francis (Glamorg.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Jan. 1820, aged 18 ; rem. 1822. Of Wenvoe Castle, Glamorg. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Leigh, Edward Trafford(Chesh.); Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 17 May 1820, aged 18; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1824; M.A. 1826; rem. 1846. R. of Cheadle, Chesh., 1829-47 ; died 7 Jan. 1847. Sherwood. Milner, Charles (Kent); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 22 Jan. 1820, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1824. Of Preston Hall, Kent. Morris, Frederick (Surrey). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1820, aged 18 ; rem. 1821. Palmer, George Thomas (Surrey) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 31 May 1820, aged 17 ; B.A. 1824; M.A. 1827. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1827-35, and then ordained ; R. and R.D. of Newington, Surrey ; died 25 Dec. 1882. Puxley, John Lavallin (Cork); Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1820, aged 18 ; B.A. 1824 ; rem. 1825. Of Dunboy Castle, co. Cork; Student Lincoln's Inn 1824; died 1837. Sergison, William (Surrey). Gen. Com. Matr. cler. 12 Dec. 1820, aged 18 ; B.A. 1825 ; M.A. and rem. 1827. R. of Slaugham, Sussex, 1839-74; Domestic Chaplain to Duke of Richmond and to Bishop of Chichester ; Preb. of Chichester 1868 ; died 15 June 1874. Slade, Frederick William (Wilts.); Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. (post bart. f.) 12 Apr. 1820, aged 17 ; B.A. 1824; rem. 1828; rep. 1856 ; rem. 1863. 2nd Bart.; Barr. Middle Temple 1830; Q.C. 1851; Bencher 1852; Lieut.-Col. West Som. Yeomanry ; died 8 Aug. 1863. TheUusson, Hon. Arthur (Suffolk) ; Eton. Com. Matr. Baronis f. 12 Apr. 1820, aged 18 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1823 ; rem. 1827. Of Aldborough and Eaton Sq., London ; died 15 June 1858. P.C.R. Tyssen, William George Tysaen Daniel (Kent). Com. and Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1820, aged 17 ; rem. 1823. Of Didlington, of Hackney, and of Foulden Hall, Norfolk ; High Sheriff Norfolk 1848 ; assumed the name of Tyssen-Amherst in lieu of Daniel Tyssen 1852 ; died 30 Dec. 1855. Urquhart, Frederick (Lines.); ? Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 17 Jan. 1820, aged 19 ; B.A. 1824 ; M.A. 1826 ; rem. 1828. R. of West Knighton with Broadmayne, Dorset, 1829 ; died 1859. Waldegrave, Hon. Augustus (Hants.). Com. Matr. Baronis f. 12 Apr. 1820, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1823. Died in Mexico Nov. 1825 ; killed by the accidental explosion of Mr. Baring's gun. P.C.R. Wilmot, Richard Coke (Derbs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. bart f. 12 Apr. 1820, aged 17 ; rem. 1823. 1820-1] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 461 Of Neswick Hall, Yorks. ; V. of Youlgreave, Derbs., 1835 ; died 16 Nov. 1856. "Wilson, Matthew (Yorks.) ; Harrow. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1820, aged 18 ; B.A. 1824 ; rem. 1826. Of Eshton Hall, Yorks. ; M.P. Clitheroe 1841-2 and 1847-52, Yorks. W.R. (N. Div.) 1874-85, Yorks. W. R, (Skipton Div.) 1885-6; cr. Bart. 1874; died 18 Jan. 1891. 1821 Badnall, William (Staffs.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1821, aged 18 ; B.A. 1825; M.A. 1828; rem. 1859. Chaplain to H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge ; P.C. of Wavertree, Liverpool, 1827-59 ; King's Preacher Duchy of Lancaster 1830. WORK : in reference io the alarming aspect of Sermon on the cause and effect of Sin, the Times, 1831. Barwell, Augustus Leicester (Sussex) ; ? Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Jan. 1821, aged 19; rem. 1821. Brooke, John (Salop). Com. Matr. arm. 1 Feb. 1821, aged 17 ; B.A. 1825 ; M.A. 1827 ; rem. 1828. Of Haughton Hall, Shifnal ; V. of Shifnal 1831-47 ; died 27 Jan. 1881 ; son of G. Brooke Brigges Townshend, who dropped the two latter names in 1786. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Cardwell, Henry Salisbury (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 15 Jan. 1821, aged 18 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1824 ; rem. 1825 ; died 21 Apr. 1833. Cayley, Edward Stillingfleet (Yorks.) ; Rugby, Com, Matr. arm. 16 Jan. 1821, aged 18 ; rem. 1823. Of Wydale and Low Hall, Yorks., J.P. and D.L. ; M.P. Yorks. N. R. 1832-62 ; died 24 Feb. 1862. WORKS : Corn Laws, 1839. Letters to the Right Hon. Lord John Reasons for the formation of the Agri- Rtisstll, M.P., on the Corn Laws, cultural Protection Society, addressed 1846. to the industrious classes of the United The European Revolutions of 1S48, Kingdom, 1844. 1856. Burke's Landed Gentry. Chinn, Henry Barrow (Lichfield). Com. Matr. arm. 23 Jan. 1821, aged 19 ; B.A. 1825 ; rem. 1833. R. of Carsington, Derbs., 1832 ; died 1859. Claughton, William (Lanes.); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 9 May 1821, aged 18 ; rem. 1822. Crawfurd, Charles Henry, b. and c. 2 May 1821 ; rem. 1822. Duppa, Baldwin Francis (Kent); Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 2 May 1821. aged 19; 3 Cl. 1824; rem. 1834. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1833 ; died 5 Jan. 1840. Burke's Landed Gentry. Fitzgerald, Charles Cellarius (East Indies); Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 3 July 1821, aged 18 ; rem. 1822. 462 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1821 Gwillym (Gwyllim), Richard (Lanes.); Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 2 May 1821, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1824 ; B.A. 1825 ; M.A. 1827 ; rem. 1833. Dep. Chancellor of Carlisle 1832; Inc. of Ulverstone, Lanes., 1834-67; Domestic Chaplain to Lord Harrowby 1836 ; Hon. Canon Carlisle 1864 ; died 29 Nov. 1867. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Hampson, James (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1821. aged 18; rem. 1823. Higgins (Higgin), Edward (Herefs.). Com. Matr. cler. 2 May 1821, aged 17; Iver Sch. 1822; 2 Cl. 1824; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1825; res. Som. Th. Manor Sch. in 1826 ; M.A. 1827 ; rem. 1838. Of Bosbury House, Herefs. ; died 7 May 1884. Hill, John (Herefs.). Com. Matr. cler. 3 July, aged 19 ; Sch. 1821 ; 3 Cl., Hulme Ex., and B.A. 1825; M.A. 1828; rem. 1833. Hoare (Hoar), William Charles (Durham). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 28 June 1821, aged 18 ; rem. 1823. Of Sulton Hall, Yorks. ; M.P. Durham 1832-41 ; his father assumed name of Harland in lieu of Hoare, which he also did ; died 10 Mar. 1863. BENEF. : Plate 1823. Quat. Mon. v. Hurst, William (Lanes.) ; Eugby. Com. Matr. gen. 15 Jan. 1821, aged 18 ; rem. 1822. Jackson, James (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 2 May 1821, aged 17 ; B.A. 1825 ; M.A. 1827 ; rem. 1837. Chaplain E.I.C.S. ; R. of Lydford, Suffolk; V. of St. Sepulchre's, London, 1850; died July 1894. WORK : fSermon, 1836. Knightley, John Wightwick (Warws.). Gen. Com. b. and c. 13 Oct. ; matr. arm. 13 Dec. 1821, aged 18 ; rem. 1824. P.C.R. Lambert, Burges (Dorset). Com. Matr. arm. 15 Jan. 1821, aged 18 ; rem. 1822 ; B.A. St. John's, Cambridge, 1825 ; M.A. 1829. V. of Fritwell, Northants., 1833-43 ; died 28 May 1843. LATHAM, Richard (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 2 May, aged 17; Yate and Frankland Sch. 1821; 3 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1824; B.A. 1825 ; Pellow (Founders) 3 June 1825 ; M.A. 1827 ; Senior Bursar 1833-5 ; Rector of Catworth 1835-73 ; died 1873. Manch. Reg. ii. Leigh, Thomas Gerard (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 2 May 1821, aged 17; B.A. 1825; M.A. 1827. R. of Walton-on-the-Hill, Lanes., 1847 ; died 3 Nov. 1867. BENEF. : Plate 1858. Quat. Mon. v. Maehell (Machel), James (Cumberland) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 2 May 1821, aged 18; B.A. 1827; M.A. 1829; rem. 1830. P.C. of Haverthwait, Lanes., 1830; Inc. of Egton, Lanes., 1833; died 15 May 1864. Mackay, Robert William (London) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 1821] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 46S 15 Jan. 1821, aged 17 ; Latin Verse and B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1824; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1828 ; rem. 1834. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1828; died Feb. 1882. WORKS : The Progress of the Intellect, 1850. The Eternal Gospel, 1866. A Sketch of the rise and progress of Plato's Sophistes (translated), 1868. Christianity, 1853. Plato 1 s Meno (translated), 1869. Is the Bible the Word of God ? 1856. The Adversaries of St. Paul in 2 Corinth- The Tubingen School and its antecedents, ians, 1875. 1863. D.N.B. Mainwaring, Charles Kinaston (Chesh.). Gen. Com. Matr. cler. 2 May 1821, aged 17 ; rem. 1823. Of Oatley Park, Salop, and Bromborough Hall, Chesh. ; J.P. andD.L. ; High Sheriff Chesh. 1829, Salop 1832 ; died 30 June 1861. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Meade, Thomas Percy (Monmouth) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 29 June 1821, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1825 ; Fellow of All Souls 1825-31 ; M.A. 1829 ; died 4 June 1831. P.C.R. Meredith, William George (London) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 22 Jan. 1821, aged 17; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1824; M.A. 1829; rem. 1831. Student Lincoln's Inn 1823. Moffatt, William. Hulme Ex. 1821 ; ? = Charles Moffat (1818). North, James (Lanes.); Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 1 Nov. 1821, aged 19; Hulme Ex. 1824; B.A. 1825; M.A. and Hulme Pr. 1828; rem. 1849. P.C. of St. Catherine, Liverpool, 1834-73 ; died 1889. Manch. Reg. iii (1) ; Guardian 4 Sept. 1889, p. 1324. Pitt, Charles Whitworth (Russia) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. doct. 17 Jan. 1821, aged 18 ; B.A. 1824 ; M.A. 1829 ; rem. 1861. R. of Darlingworth, Gloucs., 1837; of Stapleford Abbotts, Essex, 1841-67 ; died 23 Jan. 1867. St. Clair, Hon. James (Scotland) ; Winchester. Gen. Com. Matr. Baronis f. 13 June 1821, aged 17 ; rem. 1821. 13th Baron Sinclair ; Representative Peer 1874-80 ; Captain Grenadier Guards ; died 24 Oct. 1880. Salmon, Thomas Stokes (Berks.). Com. Matr. doct. 16 Jan. 1821, aged 18: Eng. Verse 1823; B.A. 1824; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1829; rem. 1830. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1830. Burke's Landed Gently. Taylor, John (Dorset). Com. Matr. cler. 8 May 1821, aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 1822 ; B.A. 1825 ; M.A. 1828 ; rem. 1830. ? R. of Falstone, North., 1834 ; Master of Hereford Cath. Sch. ; died 1867. Willes, Edward (Gloucs.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. cler. 15 Jan. 1821, aged 17 ; B A. 1825 : M.A. 1827 ; rem. 1830. V. of Ampney Crucis, Gloucs., 1827 ; R. of Stratton, Gloucs., 1829 ; of Hamstall Ridware and ofYoxall, Staffs., 1833-48 ; died 13 Oct. 1848. P.C.R. 464 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1822 1822 Barker, John (Dorset). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1822, aged 18; rem. 1825. Blundell, William Dickson (Dickenson) (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 10 Oct. 1822, aged 18 ; B.A. 1826 ; M.A. 1829; rem. 1830. Bordman, "William James (Berks.) ; Warrington Gr. School. Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan., aged 19 ; Iver, Mordaunt, and Ogle Sch. 1822 ; rem. 1826. Boyle, Edward Fitzmaurice (Ireland). B.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1822 ; M.A. 1826 ; incorp. 17 Dec. 1847, aged 47 ; rem. 1855 ; died 28 Apr. 1866. V. of Hammersmith, London, 1856. Butcher, Mark Grigson (Gregson) (Suffolk). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1822, aged 19 ; B.A. 1826 ; rem. 1834 ; died 1835. Cler. Clive, George (France) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 30 May 1822, aged 16 ; B.A. 1826 ; M.A. 1829 ; rem. 1832 ; rep. 1864. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1830 ; M.P. Hereford 1857-69, 76-8 ; Assist. Poor Law Commissioner 1836 ; a London Police Magistrate 1839 ; Judge of the Southwark County Court 1847 ; Under-Secretary of State for Home Dept. 1859-62 ; D.L. Hereford ; died 15 June 1880. Burke's Landed Gentry. Congreve, William Walter (Salop) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 6 May 1822, aged 18; B.A. 1824; rem. 1825; died 15 Nov. 1864. Of Burton Hall, Chesh. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Crockett, Robert Henry (Salop) ; ? Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 12 Feb. 1822, aged 17 ; rem. 1828 ; died 1829. Crossfield, Edward Mason (Lanes.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1822, aged 18; rem. 1826; 4 Cl. and B.A. Magdalen Hall 1833; M.A. 1835. Dawson, Baker (Ireland) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Apr. 1822, aged 18 ; rem. 1824. Duff, James (Sussex) ; ? Winchester. Com. Matr. eq. 10 Oct. 1822, aged 18 ; rem. 1824. Puller, Owen John Augustus (London) ; Harrow. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 18 Oct. 1822, aged 18; rem. 1826. Of Bodorgan, Anglesey; J.P. and D.L. Anglesey and Sussex ; assumed by royal licence the additional surname and arms of Meyrick 1825 ; died 12 Feb. 1876. P.C.R Godfrey, John (Ireland). Com. Matr. bart. f. 14 Jan. 1822, aged 19 ; B.A. 1826 ; rem. 1830. Cler. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1826 ; died 12 Oct. 1851. GBJESWELL, Francis Hague (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 1 June 1822, aged 18 ; Iver and Somerset Sch. 1823 ; Hulme Ex., Frankland and Radcliffe Sch. 1825; 2 Cl., Hulme Pr. and B.A. 1826; Fellow (Founders) 5 Nov. 1827 ; M.A. 1829 ; died 1830. Hall, Peter (London) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Jan. 1822, aged 18; B.A. 1825; M.A. and rem. 1830. R. of Milston, Wilts., 1834; Minister of Tavistock Chapel, Drury Lane, 1836; of Long Acre Chapel; of St. Martin's and St. Thomas's Chapel, Walcot, Bath, 1843 ; died 10 Sept. 1849. 1822] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 465 WORKS : tTe/f^pta fiitrpiKa, 1824. Edited Vers-iones Biblicae, 1836. Edited TJie Crypt (Aug. 1827-Dcc. The Work of the Holy Spirit in tin 1828). Salvation of Sinners, 1836. Edited Reverendi L. Andrewes Prects Sermon, 1837. privatae quotidianae, 1830. Tlie ivoman taken in adultery, 1837. \-The picturesque memorials of Win- ^Memoir of Rev. T. Robinson, 1837. cfiester, 1830. Edited Joseph Hall's Satires and Ductor Vindogladiensis, 1830. other poems, 1838. A few topographical remarks relative to f Edited J. Smith's Summary vie ti- the parishes of Ringwood, Ellingham, of the prophets, 1839. 1831. Faith, hope, and charity, 1839. [A candid and respectful letter to W. fEdited jeicel on the Tiiessalonianx, Tiptofts, 1832. 1841. ^Rudiments of Latin Grammar, 1832. -[The harmony of Protestant Confession*. The Cliurch and the World, 1833. 1842. Edited J. H. Browne's De animi Reasons for declining an invitation from immortalitate, 1833. the Central Anti-Maynooth Committee, Edited Lowth's Remains, 1834. to attend a ... Conference of Pro- Present and complete Salvation in the test ants . . . to be held at Liverpool Son of God, 1834. ... in a fetter to Sir C. E. Smith, TJie Picturesque memorials of Salisbury, 1845. 1834. t-4 wonderful and horrible thing, 1846. Revised J. Smith's Summary ricu- ^The charity ball, 1847. . . . of the icritings of the Prophets, Christianity, 1847. 1835. ^Reliquiae Liturgicae, 1847. Congregational Reform, 18o5. ^Fragmenta Liturgica, 1848. D.N.B. Hargreaves, John (Lanes.) ; Manchester and Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 10 May 1822, aged 18 ; died 1826. Manch. Reg. iii (1) ; P.C.R. Morrall, Cyrus (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1822, aged 18; B.A. 1825; Hulme Ex. 1826; M.A. 1828 ; rem. 1862. Of Plas Yolyn and Plas Warren, Salop ; J.P. ; P.C. of Liverpool, St. Michael, 1835 ; died 1882. Burke' s Landed Gentry. Mosley, Oswald (Staffs.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 18 June 1822, aged 17 ; rem. 1824 ; died 25 Sept. 1856. Oldershaw, Henry (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. doct. 30 May 1822, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1825 ; B.A. 1826 ; M.A. and rem. 1829. Priest-Vicar in Preb. of Alrewas and Weeford in Lichfield Cathedral 1836; died 1881. PARRY, John (Lanes.): Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 14 Jan., aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sell, and Craven Sch. 1822 ; Dean's Pr. 1824 ; 3 Cl., B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1825; Fellow (Founders) 1 Nov. 1826: Hulme Pr. 1827 ; M.A. 1828 ; C. of St. John's, Bethnal Green ; B. of Wapping 1833-52 ; res. Fell. 1835 ; died 13 Aug. 1852. WOBK : are added two sermons preached before Discourses on various subjects to ?c//iV/, the University of Oxford, 1839. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Peel, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 28 Mar. 1822, aged 18 ; rem. 1823. Of Taliaris Park, Carmarthen ; High Sheriff Carmarthens. 1843 ; died 16 Mar. 1883. Burke's Landed Gentry. Hh 466 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1822 Price, Richard John (Merioneth). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1822, aged 18 ; B.A. 1825 ; rem. 1826. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Robinson, John (London) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. eq. 17 Apr. 1822, aged 18; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1826; M.A. and died 1834 Cler. Seagram, Charles (Wilts.) ; Marlborough Gr. School and Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 24 May, aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1822; B.A. and rem. 1826. Sidebottom, Charles RadclyfFe (London). Matr. arm. Christ Church, aged 17, and adm. 14 Jan. 1822 ; B.A. 1826. Barr. Middle Temple 1830; drowned in 1835. Sidebottom, Samuel (London). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Apr. 1822, aged 16. ' Died 7 Dec. 1824 ; huried in Chancel of St. Mary's Church. Sneyd, Henry (Staffs.). Com. Matr. arm. 11 June 1822, aged IS; 13 A. 1826 ; rem. 1829. P.C. of Wetley Rocks, Staffs. ; died 24 Mar. 1859. WORKS : dangers, 1849. A Selection of Psalms and Hymns, 1849. f Earnest appeals in a series of letters, The age we live in, and our peculiar 1853. Burke's Landed Gentry. Sullivan, "William (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. bart. f. 17 Apr. 1822, aged 17; rem. 1824. C.B. ; Major-General; Col. 58th Regiment; Assistant Adjutant- General to the Light Division in the Crimea; died 6 Jan. 1870. Taylor, Charles (Salop). Com. Matr. doct. 10 Oct. 1822, aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1823; B.A. 1826; M.A. 1831; rem. 1832; rep. und B.D. 1840. Master of Hereford Cath. School 1834 ; Preb. of Hereford 1836 ; V. of Lydney, Gloucs., 1838-59 ; R. of Gt, Cressingham, Norfolk, 1859-81 ; died 12 Dec. 1881. Vaughan, Robert William(es) (Chesh.). Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 17 Apr. 1822, aged 18 ; rem. 1825. 3rd Bart. ; died 29 Apr. 1859. Walker, John (Yorks.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1822, aged 17; rem. 1825. Waller, Harry Edmund (Gloucs.); Eton. Gen. Com. post Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1822, aged 17; rem. 1832. Of Farmington Lodge, Gloucs. ; J.P. and D.L. ; a lineal descendant of the Poet. Burke's Landed Gentry. Waller, Thomas Wathen (London); Harrow. Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 23 Oct. 1822, aged 17 ; rem. 1824. In diplomatic service 1826 -58 ; 2nd Bart. 1853; died 29 Jan. 1892. Warde, George Ambrose (Kent). Com. Matr. cler. 10 Oct. 1822, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1826 ; rem. 1837. R. of Yalding, Kent, 1857-9; died 1859. WORKS : Kentish Legends, 1845. Contributed to: Flower of Yarrow, 1846. Student. Castle and Abbey, 1846. Skarpe'e Jttfftuini 1822 3 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 467 Wellesley, Hon. Henry Richard Charles (London) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. K.B. post Baronis f. 14 Jan. 1822, aged 17; rein. 1833. Ambassador at Paris 1852-67; G.C.B. 1853; cr. Earl Cowley 1857: K.G. 1866; cr. D.C.L. 1870; died 15 July 1884. D.N.B. Whitcombe, Philip (Warws.). Coin. Matr. arm. 17 Apr. 1822, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1826. V. of Abbey Church, Shrewsbury, 1857-81 ; died 81 Aug. 1881. Wrangham, Digby Cayley (Yorks.). Com. Matr. cler. 17 Apr. 1822, aged 16 ; 1 Cl. 1 Math, and B.A. 1826 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1829 : rem. 1863. President of Committee United Debating Society 1824; President of the Union 1826. Priv. Sec. to Sec. for Foreign Affairs 1829 ; Barr. Gray's Inn 1831, Inner Temple 1836; Q.C. ; M.P. Sudbury 1831-2; Serjeant-at-law 1843: Queen's Serjeant 1847 ; died 10 Mar. 1863. WORK : Speech (before the House of Commons') on the Metropolis Water BUI, 1851. Wrangham, George Walter (Yorks.). Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan. 1822, aged 17 ; rem. 1824 ; B.A. Magdalene, Cambridge, 1828 ; M.A. 1831. R. of Thorpe Bassett, Yorks., 1828; V. of Ampleforth, Yorks, 1829-55 ; died 24 Oct. 1855. Ale 1848. 1823 Ashworth, Richard Whitfleld (Lanes.) ; Manchester and Rugby. om. Matr. arm. 5 Feb. 1823, aged 19 ; Holme Ex. and rem. 1826. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Bannerman, William (Perth). Com. Matr. cler. 21 Oct. 1823, aged 17 ; B.A. 1827 ; M.A. and rem. 1830. V. of West Hoathley, Sussex, 1837 ; died 1851. Birch, Thomas Jacob (Leics.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Juni' 1X23, aged 16; B.A. 1828; M.A. 1831; rem. 1832. Barr. Inner Temple 1831; Recorder of Thetford 1837-66 ; J.P.Norfolk ;ind Mayo ; Judge of the Norfolk County Court ; died Apr. 1868. Brooks, Francis Henry (London). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1823. ;igecl 18 ; rem. 1824. Caldecott, Robert Marriott (Warws.); Rugby. Com. Matr. ami. 7 Feb. 1823, aged 18; Dean's Pr. 1824; B.A. 1826; rem. 1829. Cler. WORK : The Life of Baber, Emperor of Hindostan, 1 844. Burke' s Landed Gentry. Cave, Edward Sacheverel Cave-Browne (Derbs.). Com. Matr. hart. f. 9 Apr. 1823, aged 18 ; B.A. 1827; M.A. and rem. 1830. P.C. of Stowe and Gayton, Staffs., 1837 ; died July 1842. Chaloner, William (Yorks.); Harrow. Gen. Coin. Matr. arm. Apr. 1823, aged 17 ; rem. 1826. Gazetted to 52nd Regiment; drowned on his passage to Canada to join his regiment. P.C.R. Clarke, John Cholmeley (London) ; Harrow, Com. Matr. ;mn. 16 May 1823, aged 18; died 13 July 1825. P.C.R. H h 2 468 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1823 Cox, Richard (Ireland). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Nov. 1823, aged 18 ; rem. 1825. 8th Bart. ; died 7 May 1846. P.C.K. Dashwood, Samuel Vere (Notts.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan. 1823, aged 18; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1826; rem. 1828. R. of Stanford-on-Soar, Leics., 1829-76 ; died 10 Nov. 1876. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Davies, Henry Cartier (Thomas) (Warws.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1823, aged 18 ; rem. 1826. Denman, Thomas (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. post Baronis f. 17 May 1823, aged 17 ; rem. 1825. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1833 ; 2nd Baron Denman 1854 ; died 1899, aged 94. P.C.R. ; D.N.B. Dixon, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 May 1823, aged 19 ,-. B.A. 1827 ; rem. 1833. V. of Appledore, Kent, 1829 ; P.C. of Ellell, Lanes., 1832 ; R. of Tong, Yorks., 1835-54 ; died 27 Feb. 1854. Garrard, Charles Bennett Drake (London); Westminster. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1823, aged 16; rem. 1826. Of Lamer, Herts. ; J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriif Herts. 1839 ; died 1884, P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Grant, William (Northants.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 21 May 1823, aged 17 ; B.A. (Gr. Cornp.) 1827 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1830. Of Lichbo rough, Northants. ; J.P. ; Ban-. Inner Temple 1831 ; died 18 July 1868. Hamond, Anthony (Som.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1823, aged 18 ; rem. 1825. Of Westacre, Norfolk; J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff Norfolk 1836; died 1869. Burke's Landed Gentry. Heron, George (Chesh.); Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Feb. 1823. aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1826 ; M.A. 1829 ; rem. 1846. Of Moore Hall, Chesh. ; P.C. of Whitworth, Lanes., 1829 ; of Carring- ton, Chesh.. 1831-77 ; R.D. of East Frodsham 1870 : Hon. Canon of Chester 1880 ; died 1894. Manch. Reg. iii (1) ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Hone, Richard Brindley (Berks.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1823, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1824 ; Hulme Ex. 1826 ; B.A. 1827 ; M.A. 1831 ; rein. 1833. R. of Halesowen, Salop, 1836-81 ; Hon. Canon of Worcester 1845 Archdeacon of Worcester 1849 ; died 5 May 1881. WORKS: Lives of eminent Christians, 1838.} parish Cliurch of Dudley, Worcester- District Visiting Societies, 1834. shire, 1871. A Pita for Peace, 1850. Tlie rights and duties of the laity, 1872. A few hints to Churchicardens, 1850. Introduction to Hinderer's Seven- Church Synods, 1853. teen Years in Vie Yoruba Country, The Burying Place, 1857. 1872. The Future Life of Blessedness, 1865. A short Catechism . . . on Conftrma- The Words of Institution, 1868. lion, 1878. Disestablishment, 1870. Twenty Archidiaconal Charges. Ordination Sermons preached in the Thirty-nine Neio Year's Addresses. Ale 1826. 1823] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK 46i> Hughes, John (Herefs.). Com. Matr. doct, 10 Oct. 1823, aged 18 ; B.A. 1827 ; rem. 1830 ; rep. 1835 ; M.A. 1836 ; rem. 1844. R. of Coddington, Herefs., 1831 ; V. of Wombourne with Trysail Staffs., 1836-48; died 18 Nov. 1848. Ince, Townsend (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1823, aged 17; rem. 1827. P.C.R. Isham, Robert (Warws.j; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 29 Apr. 1823, aged 18 ; B.A. 1827 ; M.A. and rem. 1830. R. of Shangton, Leics., 1833 ; R. of Lamport, Northants., 1845. WORKS : ^The journal of R. Isham translated, Sermon, 1852. 1875. Jackson, John Edward (Yorks.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 9 Apr. 1823, aged 17 ; Dean's Pr. 1826 ; B.A. 1827 ; M.A. and rem. 1838. R. of Leigh Delamere, Wilts . 1845; Hon. Canon of Bristol 1855; F.S.A.; died 1891. WORKS : -(-Edited Wiltshire Topographical Col- \~The History of Grittleton, 1843. lections of John Aulrey, 1862. A Guid-e to Farleigh-Hungerford, 1845, -^Malmesbunj, 1863. &c. Devises, 1864. \~The nation's guide to Scripture, 1846. Ancient Statutes of Heytesbury Alms- ^History of the ruined Church of St. house, 1869. Mary Magdalene, Doncaster, 1853. Historical associations of 'Farleigh Castle, ^Sermon, 1854. 1869. {Maud Heath's Causey, 1854. The Sheriffs' 1 Turn, Wilts., A.D. 1439, \Munlur of H, Long, Esq. , 1594, 1854. 1 872. Kingston House, Bradford, 1854. Edited Leland's Journey throughWilts., History and Description of St. George's 1875. Church, Doncaster, 1855. Widfhatt and the Seymours, 1875. ^On the Hungerford Chapels in Salisbury Amye Robsart, 1877. Cathedral, 1855. Edited Olastonbury Inquisition of f.4 List of Wiltshire Sheriffs, 1856. A.D. 1189, 1882. ^History of Longleat, 1857. Contributed to Wilts. Archaeological j-TVze History of Kington St. Michael, Magazine : 1857. Charles, Lord Stourton. \The History of the Priory of Monkton Murder of the Hartgills, 1864. Farley, 1857. Ambresbury Monastery, 1866. Sermon, 1858. Ancient Chapels in Wilts., 1867. ^Sicindon and its neighbourhood, 1861. Rowley alias Wittenham, 1872. J. J. Daniell's Hist, of Chippenham, 1894, p. 238 ; D.N.B. James, Josiah (Radnor). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Oct. 1823, aged 18; rem. 1825 ; B.A. St. John's, Cambridge, 1829 ; M.A. 1832. P.C. of Eyton, Herefs., 1830; R. of Abbey Dore, Herefs.. 1839-68; died 25 Mar. 1868, aged 63. Jones, Thomas Browne (Montgom.); Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 7 May 1823, aged 17 ; rem. 1828. Assumed name of Browne in lieu of Jones 1823 ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1827; H.M.I.S. 1847-74; J.P. and D.L. Montgorn. ; died March 1874. King, John George (Berks.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 May 1823, aged 17 ; B.A. 1827 ; rem. 1834. Lawrence, Charles Washington (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 9 Apr. 1823, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. 1826; B.A. 1827; M.A. 1830. Inc. of St. Luke's, Liverpool ; died 20 Nov. 1861. 470 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1823- Leach, John Frederick (Pembs.) : Charterhouse. Com. Matr. gen. (5 Feb. 1823, aged 18; B.A. 1827: M.A. and rem. 1831. Barr. Inner Temple 1831. LEE, Philip Henry (Flints.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Mutr. arm. 10 Oct. 1823, aged 19 ; Dean's Pr. 1826 : 3 Cl. and B.A. 1827 ; Fellow (Founders) 17 Nov. 1827; M.A. 1830; Senior Bursar 1835-6: R. of Stoke Bruerne, Northants., 1836-76; died 13 July 1876. ^^ 7 OBK : -\Ttie value and excellence of the Book of Common Prayer, 1844. Maclver, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1823, aged 17 ^ 3 Cl. and B.A. 1827 ; M.A. 1830 ; rein. 1859. Student Lincoln's Inn 1825 ; R. of Lymm. Chesh. ; died 18 June 1863. MADDOCK, Henry William (Chesh.); Merchant Taylors. Matr. cler. St. John's 30 June 1823, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1827 ; Fellow (Williamson P.) 16 June 1827 ; M.A. 1830 ; res. Fell. 10 May 1836. P.C. of St. John's Chapel, Bethnal Green, 1829 ; of Stepney New Chapel 1832; V. of Kington, Herefs., 1835-50: P.C. of All Saints. St. John's Wood, 1850-70 ; died 18 Feb. 1870. Mason, George (Yorks.) ; Manchester. Coin. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1823, aged 18 ; B.A. 1827 ; M.A. 1829 ; rem. 1842. Of Copt Hewick Hall, Yorks. ; R. of Whitwell, Derbs., 1831 ; of Scruton, Yorks., 1834-57 ; died in Bohemia June 1867. Manch. Eeg. iii (1. 2); Sherwood; Burke's Landed Gentry. Platt, William (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 10 May 1823 r aged 19 ; Dean's Pr. 1824; Hulme Ex. 1826 ; B.A. 1827; M.A. 1830. Barr. Inner Temple 1830 ; Capt, 1st Royal Surrey Militia. WORK : -^Tlie Century of the Lodge of Friendship, No. 6, 1867. Ray, Edward Barker (London) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1823, aged 18 ; B.A. 1826 ; M.A. 1829. Secondary of Common Pleas ; died 1874. Smith, William George (Dorset). Com. Matr. arm. 20 Mar. 1823, aged 18 ; rem. 1823. Tolming, Thomas (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 27 Feb. 1823, aged 18 ; B.A. 1827 ; M.A. and rem. 1833. V. of Coniston, Lanes., 1840-69; of Egton, Lanes., 1869. Turbutt, Richard (Derbs.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan. 1823, aged 18 ; B.A. 1827 ; died 1828. Cler. Manch. Reg. iii, 155 ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Verner, James Edward (Antrim) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 21 May 1821, aged 18; rem. 1825. Lieut.-Col. Bengal Army for 30 years ; Major 28th Middlx. Rifle Vol. ; died 25 Mar. 1865. P.C.R. Weir, John George (London) ; ? Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 11 Nov. 1823, aged 17 ; B.A. 1827 ; rem. 1829. Capt. in 29th and 59th Regts. ; died 1 Nov. 1887. Standard, 5 Nov. 1887. Withington, Thomas Ellames (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1823, aged 19 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1828 ; rem. 1830. Of Culcheth Hall, Lanes., J.P. Burke's Landed Gentry. 1823-4] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 471 Wray, Cecil (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 9 Apr. 1823, aged 18; Hulme Ex. 1S26; B.A. 1827; M.A. 1829; rein. 1833. Inc. of St. Martin's, Liverpool, 1836-75 ; died 12 Nov. 1878. WORKS : Tlii" suppression of ami />oi'/i .Ian. 1824, aged 18: B.A. 1828; M.A. 1832; rem. 1840. Of Addlington Hall, Lanes.. J.P. ; J.P. and D.L. Wexford ; of Lincoln's Inn 1828 : assumed additional surname of Clayton 182-* ; .lied 1886. 472 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1824 CHAMPNEYS, William Weldon (Middlx.)- Com. Matr. cler. 3 July 1824, aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 1825 ; Dean's Pr. 1827 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1828; Hulme Pr. 1829; M.A. 1831 ; Fellow (Clifton) 20 Mar. 1832; Junior Bursar 1837 ; R. of Whitechapel, 1837-60. C. of St. Ebbe's, Oxford, 1831; Canon of St. Paul's 1851-68; R. of St. Pancras and R.D. 1860; R. of Tatenhill, Staffs., 1868; Dean of Lich- field 1868-75; died 4 Feb. 1875; Originator of C.E.Y.M.S. WOEKS : Sermon, 1834. tr/ze Theatre, 1836. f : Plain Sermons on the Liturgy of the Church of ^ngland, 1845. The Path of a Sunbeam, 1845. The Church Catechism madeplain, 1847. A Child a Hundred Years Old, 1848. Present Sufferings and Future Glory, 1848. ^Floating Lights, 1849. A Quiet One in the Land, 1849. Social duties, 1850. Popery a novelty, 1851. Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister, 1851. Preface to a Retrospect, 1851. Protestantism, 1852. Alfred the Great, 1852. Drops from the Well, 1852. The Golden Chord, 1852. She hath done ichat she could, 1853. An Example of Suffering, Affliction, and Patience, 1853. Images. Confirmation, 1856. Preface to P. O'Brien, 1856. The Sunday School Teacher, 1857, &c. How are the dead raised up ? 1857. An examination of a portion of the evidences of Christianity, 1858. D.N.B. The Convictions of Pilate, 1858. Sin and Salvation, 1858. A Story of the Great Plague, 1858. Preface to GurnulTs Extracts, 1858. The Turning-point, 1859. TJie Conversion of Saul of Tarsus, 1859. The righteousness of God, 1859. The Facts of Easter Day, 1860. The Wotk of the Holy Ghost, 1860. Preface to Many crorms, 1860. Introduction to The Golden Oppor- tunity, 1861. fr&e Spirit in the World, 1862. Early Rains, 1863. Facts and Fragments, 1864. Parish Work, 1865. London 1 s Perils, 1866. Work, for God works in you, 1868. Things New and Old, 1869. Ruth, 1870. The Power of the Resurrection, 1871 . A Tale ofPelsall Colliery, 1873. Introduction to C. Hill's The Bible on the Sabbath question, 1876. A Simple Catechism for Protestant Children, 1877. Introduction to Heavenward thoughts. Contributed to : Home Words. Our Otcn Fireside. Congreve, Richard (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 12 June 1824, aged 17; rem. 1827. Sherwood. Coote, Eyre (Jamaica). Gen. Com. Matr. eq. 15 Dec. 1824, aged I)* 1 ; rem. 1826. Of West Park, Hants. ; M.P. Clonmel 1830-2 ; died 30 May 1834. Burke's Landed Gentry. Cotes, George (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 3 Nov. 1824, aged 17 : Sch. Trinity 1825; cr. M.A. 1828. Dearden, Henry (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 22 Jan. 1824, aged 18 : rem. 1826. Burke's Landed Gentry. Ellis, William Thomas (Flints.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1824, aged 19; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1828- rem. 1830. Cricket 1827. 1824] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 47:J Fawkes, Ayscough (Yorks.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 June 1S'24. aged 18; B.A. (Gr. Corap.) 1828 ; rem. 1833. P.C. of Farnley, and V. of Otley, Yorks.. 1834 ; R. of Leathley, Yorks., 1837-71 ; died 1871. Burke's Landed Gentry. Fisher, James (London) ; ? Winchester. Com. b. and c. 14 Jan. ; inatr. 22 Jan. 1824, aged 17 ; rem. 1827 ; Fellow of Exeter 1827-37 ; 2 Cl. 1828; B.A. 1831; M.A. 1834. Of Inner Temple 1827. O.H.S. xxvii. Fitz-Clarence, Lord Augustus (Middlx.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. (post W. IV) 28 June 1824, aged 19; rem. 1826; LL.B. Trinity Hall. Cambridge, 1828; LL.D. 1835. R. of Maple Durham. Oxon., 1829; Chaplain to the Queen; died 14 June 1854. Forester (Forrester), George Townshend (Salop); Westminster. Com. Matr. doct, 20 May 1824, aged 18 ; B.A. 1828; rem. 1833. Of High Erccall, Salop. P.C.E. Goddard, Horatio Nelson (Wilts.). Com. Matr. cler. 23 Jan. 1824. aged 17 ; B.A. 1828 ; M.A. 1831. Of Clytfe Pypard, Wilts.; J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff Wilts. 1860: J.P. Oxon. ; Major Wilts. Militia ; died Dec. 1900. Burke's Landed Gentry. Gosling, Thomas Morten (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 25 Oct. 1824, aged 19 ; Nowell and Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1825 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1828; M.A. 1831 : rem. 1836. Cler. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Greenall, Richard (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 9 June 1824, aged 18 : Dean's Pr. 1826, 7 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1828 ; M.A. 1831. Inc. of Stretton, Chesh., 1831; P.C. of Wilton, Chesh., 1833: Archdeacon of Chester 1866; died 27 Nov. 1867. WORKS : The Servant of Christ, 1841. A Conscience raid of Offence. The Shepherd's Signal, 1850. Sermons. Haigh, John (Yorks.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 10 May 1824, aged 18 : rem. 1826. P.C. of Crooks, Yorks., 1840; of St. Paul's, Huddersfield, 1844-62: V. of Shirley, Hants., 1862-84. Hamilton, James ('? John) (Hants.). Com. Matr. arm. 11 Oct. 1824. aged 17; B.A. 1828; M.A. and rem. 1832. V. ofLynsted, Kent, 1839. Higgon, John (Pembs.); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Oct. 1^24. aged 19 ; B.A. 1828 ; rem. 1836. J.P. Pembroke ; died Dec. 1876. Holdsworth, Henry (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 23 Jan. 1824, aged 17; B.A. 1828; M.A. 1832; rem. 1836. R. of Fishtoft, Lines., 1834-59; died 10 Nov. 1859. Burke's Landed Gentry. 474 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1824 Jellicorse, William John (Salop). Com. Matr. arm. 4 May 1824, aged 18 ; rem. 1826. Kaye, John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 28 Apr. 1824, aged 17 ; B.A. 1828; M.A. 1830; rem. 1835. C. of Harvington, Worcs. Leigh, George (Chesh. >. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Apr. 1824, aged 17 ; B.A. 1828; M.A. 1830: rem. 1850. Assumed the name of Mallory in lieu of Leigh : R. of Mobberlev,. Chesh., 1832 ; died 1885. Guardian, 5 Aug. 1885, pp. 1J48 and 1149 ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Lister-Kaye, Arthur Lister (Yorks.). Com. Matr. bart. f. 14 May 1824, aged 19 ; B.A. 1828 ; M.A. and rem. 1831. R, of Thornton in Craven. Yorks., 1831-4; died 20 Feb. 1834. P.C.R. Mackenzie, William Forbes (Devon). Com. Matr. arm. 19 Oct. 1824, aged 17 ; rem. 1827. Of Portmore, Peebles; Ban-. 1827; M.P. Peebles 1837-52; Lord of the Treasury 1845-6 ; M.P. Liverpool 1852-3 ; died 23 Sept. 1862 ; noted for his promoting the Act for the better regulation of public houses (Scotland) 1852. Burke's Landed Gentry ; D.N.B. Maude, Frederick (Lanes.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan.. 1824, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1827: B.A. 1828; M.A. 1830: rem. 1832. Student Inner Temple 1825. Middleton, Thomas Sholto (?Stretton) (Sussex). Com. Matr. der. 23 Jan. 1824, aged 18 : rem. 1825. Osborne, Hon. Sidney Godolphin (Cambs.); Rugby. Com. Matr, nob. 16 Dec. 1824, aged 16 ; B.A. 1830 ; rem. 1835. Afterwards Lord S. G. Osborne ; R. of Stoke Poges, Bucks., 1832-41 :. II. of Durweston and Bryanston, Dorset, 1841-75 ; visited the Nightingale Hospitals at Scutari during Crimean War ; died 1889. WORKS : Lady Eva, 1851. TJie Savings Bank, 1835. f27te beer shop evil, a paper in l Meliora\ A Word or tico about the new Poor lew. 1852. 1835, &c. Immortal Sewerage, 1853. Hints to the Charitable, 1838. -^Scutari and its hospitals, 1855. ^ Hints for the amelioration of the moral TJie respective duties of Landlord s r condition, 1839. Tenants, and Labourers, 1861. A Hand Bill for the Cottage wall, 1839. Letters mi the Education of Young The nature of an oath, 1840. Children, 1866. ^Letter to Lord Ashley, on the agri- Letter to the Marquis of Salisbury, 1883. cultural labourer, 1844. Contributed to Times as ' S. G. O.' ^Gleanings in the West of Ireland, 1850. Letters of S. 0. 0., 1890. Guardian, 15 May 1889, p. 752 ; D.N.B. ; P.C.R. Price, William Arthur (Merioneth). Com. Matr. arm. 6 May 18'24, aged 18; B.A. and rem. 1828. Sherwood. Roots, George (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 27 May 1824,. aged 17; B.A. 1828; rem. 1835. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1832 ; on Home Circuit. 1824-5] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 475 Rose, William Somerset (Northants.) ; Bedford Gr. School. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1824, aged 18 : rem. 1827. Of Cransley Hall, NorthantfJ. ; J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff Northants. 1867; died 1884. Scott, Charles (Roxburgh). Com. Matr. bart. f. 26 Jan. 1824, aged 18; B.A. 1827; M.A. 1834; rem. 1842. In Foreign Office ; died Attache at Teheran 1841 ; son of Sir Walter Scott, Lockhart, Life of Sir W. Scott, i. 374 ; v. 367 ; vii. 91. 278. Taylor, Montague James (East Indies). Com. Matr. arm. 28 Apr. 1824, aged 17; B.A. 1828; rem. 1836. V. of Harrold, Beds., 1831-45 ; R.D. ; his portrait is in the Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall Mall, S.W. P.C.R. Trye, Charles Brandon (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 June 1824, aged 18 ; B.A. 1829 : M.A. 1832 ; rem. 1833. Of Leckhampton Court, Gloucs.; J.P. ; R. of Leckhampton, 1830-84; Hon. Canon of Gloucester 1877 ; died 22 Feb. 1884. Guardian, 27 Feb. 1884, p. 314; Burke's Landed Gentry. Warburton, James Francis Egerton (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. {> June 1824, aged 17 ; B.A. 1828 ; M.A. and rem. 1831. R, of Warburton and of Lymme, Chesh., 1832 49 ; died 12 Sept. 1849. Whalley, John Christophe(r) (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler, Js Apr. 1824, aged 17 ; B.A. 1828 ; rem. 1838. R. of Ecton, Northants., 1830-49. P.C.R. Wrightson, Thomas Barnardiston (Yorks.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Jan. 1824, aged 17 ; B.A. 1827 ; rem. 1841. Student Lincoln's Inn 1827 ; died 27 Dec. 1850. 1825 Abernethy, James (St. Andrews); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1825, aged 17 ; B.A. 1830 ; died 1841. Barneby, Richard (Worcs.). Com. Matr. arm. 13 Apr. 1825, aged 18; B.A. 1829; rem. 1833; died 1864. Cler. Burke's Landed Gentry. Clark, Charles (Berks.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1825, aged 18 ; rem. 1826. Buncombe, William George (Herefs.). Com. Matr. cler. 1 July 1825, aged 19 ; B.A. 1829 ; rem. 1832. Y. of Kenchester, Herefs., 1833 ; died 22 Nov. 1835. Eaton, George (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 18 Oct. 1825, aged 18; Hulme Ex. 1828 ; B.A. 1829 ; M.A. 1832 ; rem. 1835. Cler. Died 21 Feb. 1877. Edwards, George Robertson (Chesh.); Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 21 Apr. 1825, aged 17: Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1826; B.A. 1830; rem. 1833. V. of Shawbury, Salop, 1854-86 ; died 6 Nov. 1886. Guardian, 17 Nov. 1880, p. 1720; Maneli. Reg. iii (1). 476 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1825 Elliott, Adam Slack (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1825, aged 18; rem. 1826; matr. arm. St. -Mary Hall 8 Apr. 1826, aged 19. Manch. Keg. iii (1). Ellis, William "Webb (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. gen. 23 Mar. 1825, aged 18; ?Iver Sch. 1825; ? Ogle Sch. 1826; Hulme Ex. 1828; B.A. 1829; M.A. 1831; rem. 1840. Said to have been the originator of ' Rugby ' football. Min. of St. George's, Albemarle Street, London : R. of Laver Magdalen. Essex, 1855-72 ; died 24 Jan. 1872. WORKS : The reign of the young King'n//. A concise view of that class of prophecy 1838. lohich relates to the Messiah, 1832. ^ Sermons, 1838. ADiscourse upon the Resurrection, 1833. Sermon, 1841. Ale 1828. Entwisle, Kichard (Lanes.); Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1825, aged 18 ; B.A. 1830 ; died 1831 from accidental discharge of his gun. Manch. Reg. ii ; Sherwood. Fowler, Henry (Lanes.) Com. Matr. gen. 16 Nov. 1825, aged 18; Hulme. Ex. 1828 ; B.A. 1830; rem. 1834. Grundy, George Docker (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 13 Apr. 1825, aged 17; 3 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1828; B.A. 1829; M.A. 1832 ; rem. 1847. C. of Loudwater, Bucks., 1830; Inc. Colton, Lanes., 1833: C. of Harewood, Yorks., 1834-6; P.C. of Netherthong 1836; V.ofSt. John the Baptist, Lees (or Hey), Lanes., 1838 ; died 9 Nov. 1901. WORKS : -\-The man of sin, 1851. An Appeal on behalf of the Church of The doctrine of the Church of England. England, 1835. 1862. The Church in danger, 1835. -\An explanation of the Church Cate- The it-hole Scripture raorthy of general chism, 1874. circulation, 1836. -[Justification by faith alone (n. d.). Hymns, 1838. The TJiirty-nine Articles (n. d.). Manch. Reg. iii (1). Hill, John Wilbraham (Chesh.). Matr. arm. 14 Apr. 1825, aged 1 s : B.A. 1829 ; M.A. 1834 ; rem. 1835. R. of Waverton, Chesh., 1844. WORK : Parochial notes respecting Waverton, near Chester, 1855. Humphreys, Salusbury (Bucks.). Com. Matr. arm. (post C.B. and K.C.H.) 25 May 1825, aged 18; 2 Cl. 1829; B.A. 1830; rem. 1833. Of Lincoln's Inn 1831 ; R. of Fleet Marston, Suffolk ; died 13 Apr. 1855. Johnson, William Wilbraham (Salop) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan. 1825, aged 17; Hulme Ex. 1828 ; 1 Math, and B.A. 1829 ; M.A. 1831 ; rem. 1848. P.C: of Marple, Chesh., 1832; Minor Canon of Manchester: died 9 Feb. 1864. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Kemmis, Thomas (Dublin). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Jan. 1825, aged 17; B.A. 1829; rem. 1832. Of Killeen, Coolbanagher, Queen's County ; of Lincoln's Inn 1829 ; Crown and Treasury Solicitor Ireland; died 18 Dec. 1868. Burke's Landed Gentry. 1825] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 477 Mainwaring, Townshend (Salop) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. aim. 8 Nov. 1825, aged 18; rem. 1828. Of Gaeltfaenan, Denbs. ; J.P. ; High Sheriff Denbigh 1840; M.P. Denbigh Burghs 1841-7 and 1857-68 ; died 25 Dec. 1883. P.C.R. NEWBOLD, Clement Madeley (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 13 Apr. 1825, aged 16 ; 2 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1828 ; B.A. 1829 ; Fellow (Founders) 10 Nov. 1829 ; died 16 Aug. 1831. Ormerod, Oliver (Lanes.) ; St. Paul's. Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1825, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1828; B.A. 1829 ; M.A. 1832 ; rem. 1867. Student Inner Temple 1825 ; P.C. of Birch, Manchester, 1839-41 ; R. of Presteign 1841-80 ; J.P. and D.L. Radnor ; J.P. Herefs. Partridge, Henry Champion (Norfolk). Com. Matr. arm. 18 Oct. 1825, aged 18 ; B.A. 1829 ; M.A. and rem. 1833. Barr. Inner Temple 1833 ; died 20 Oct. 1850. Sherwood. Proctor (Procter), John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 13 Apr. 1825, aged 18 ; B.A. 1829 ; rem. 1833. C. of Weston, Notts. ; died 6 Dec. 1854. P.C.R. Radcliffe, Houstonne John (Middlx.). Com. Matr. cler. 13 Apr. 1825, aged 17 ; died 1829. St. Leger, Antony Francis Butler (Middlx.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1825, aged 18 ; Dean's Pr. 1828 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1829 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1833 ; rem. 1854. Of Park Hill, Yorks., and Berkeley Square; died 31 Oct. 1862. Sargeaunt, Charles (Warws.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Jan. 1825, aged 18 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1829; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1831 ; rem. 1865. Student Lincoln's Inn 1830. Swainson, John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1825, aged 17 ; Hulme Ex. 1828 ; B.A. 1829 ; M.A. and rem. 1832. C. of Ecton, Northants. ; died 11 Nov. 1853. Sherwood. Townshend, Bennett Vere (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Apr. 1825, aged 18; B.A. 1829; M.A. 1832; rem. 1833. Cler. Died July 1836. Waller, Ernest Adolphus (London) ; Harrow. Gen. Com. Matr. bart. f. 4 June 1825, aged 17 ; B.A. 1829 ; M.A. 1832; rem. 1840. R. of Tachbrook. Warws. ; died 20 Apr. 1845. P.C.R. Wanklyn, Edward (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 26 Jan. 1825, aged 18 ; B.A. 1829 ; rem. 1833. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1834 ; J.P. Bucks. ; a G.W.R. Director. Munch. Reg. iii (1). West, James Fletcher (Oxford). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan., aged 17 ; Yate Sch. 1825 ; B.A. 1829 ; M.A. 1831 ; rem. 1834. Cler. Died 11 May 1853 at Washington, U.S.A. White, Algernon Holt (Middlx.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 1 Feb. 1825, aged 17; B.A. 1830; rem. 1833. J.P. Essex ; Student Inner Temple 1827 ; died 18 Aug. 1880. 478 BRA8EN08E COLLEGE REGISTER I 1826 1826 BAZELY, Thomas Tyssen (Lines.) ; King's School, Canterbury. Matr. arm. Queen's 8 Feb. 1826, aged 17; 101. 1829; B.A. 1830: Fellow (Founders) 2 Feb. 1831 ; M.A. 1832 ; Junior Bursar 1835-6 ; Cl. Examiner 1837 ; Junior Proctor 1838 ; R. of Poplar 1839-60 ; Select Pr. 1840; ree. Fell. 1 Aug. 1840. Of Inner Temple 1830 ; died 14 Nov. 1894. WORKS: The. 'retreat'' of Mi: OlwMone. 1S09 ; ^Lirlnna on Plan's Republic, MS. Blackburne, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 17 May 1826. aged 17; Hulme Ex. 1829; B.A. 1830; M.A. 1833. R, of Bygrave, Herts., 1832-58; of Clothall, Herts., 1858-79; died 13 June 1879. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Bowyer, William Henry Wentworth (North America). Com. Matr. arm. 8 Apr. 1826, aged 19 ; rem. 1835 ; rep., B.C.L. and M.A. 1859. R, of Clapham, Surrey, 1847-72; died 25 Feb. 1872. Brock, Octavius (Devon). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1826, aged 18; B.A. 1830 ; M.A. 1834 ; rem. 1850 ; died 1866. Cler. Brooke, Townshend (Salop.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 Mar. 1826, aged 19 ; B.A. 1829 ; M.A. and rem. 1833. V. of Shifnal, Salop ; died 20 July 1852. Brown, William Robert (London). Com. Matr. arm. 8 Mar. 1826, aged 19 ; B.A. 1830; M.A. 1*34; rem. 1835. Chatteris, William ( ). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Mar. 1826, aged 17 : rem. 1829. BENEF. : Plate 1829. Quat. Mon. v. Dautaeny, Arthur Frederick (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. arm. 23 June 1862, aged 18; B.A. 1830; M.A. 1833; rem. 1862. R, of Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucs., 1834. Dawson, Hugh Pudsey (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1826; aged 17 ; B.A. 1830. Died at Madeira 30 June 1831. Dunnage, James Arthur (Essex): Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 29 Apr. aged 18 ; 3 L. H. and B.A. 1830 ; M.A. 1833 ; rem. 1841. C. of Sydenham, Kent; died 23 Nov. 1863. Ethelstone, Hart (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 30 June 1826, aged 18 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1830; M.A. 1839; rem. 1840. R. of St. Mark's, Cheetham, Lanes.. 1881-72 ; died 22 May 1872. Manch. Reg. iii (1, 2). Freeman, Thomas (Essex) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Apr. 1826, a^ed 18; Dean's Pr. 1828; 3 Cl. 1829; B.A. 1830; M.A. 1834; rem. 1839. Cler. Of the Rookery, Dorking ; died at Madeira 30 Dec. lx-V>. Halton, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 5 Apr. 1826, aged 1 ( J : Somerset Sch. 1827; Hulme Ex. 1829; Dean's Pr., Hulme Pr., 3 Cl. iind B.A. 1830; M.A. 1832; rem. 1834. C. of St. Peter, Liverpool ; died 9 Doe. 1*53. Alo 1827. 1826) BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 479 Headlam, James Garnett (Som.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1826, .aged 18 ; Walker Sch. and subst. for Nowell Sch. 1827 ; res. Sch. 182* ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1830; Hulme Ex. 1831 ; M.A. 1833; rem. 1838. Cler. Hillyard, Temple (Northants.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1826, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1829 ; Hulme Ex. 1830 ; M.A. 1832 ; rem. 1837. V. of Wormleighton, Warws., 1837 ; B. of Sontham, Warws., 1841-71 ; of Okeford, Devon, 1871. Leigh, Richard (Lanes.). Com, Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1826, aged 18 ; B.A. 1831 ; M.A. 1835 ; rem. 1840. R. of Halsall, Lanes., 1843-63; of Walton-on-the-Hill, Lanes., 1868-84 ; died 9 Apr. 1884. Martelli, Horatio Francis Kingsford (London); Eton. Com. Matr. iirm. 11 May 1826, aged 18; rem. 1828. Of Marchwood Lodge, Southants. ; J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff Hants. 1841 ; assumed name of Holloway in lieu of Martelli. Massy, Edward Taylor (Chesh.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 18 May 1826, aged 18; B.A. 1830 ; rem. 1832. Of Cottesmore, Pembs. ; J.P. and D.L. ; died 27 July 1882. Metcalfe, John (Staffs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 10 Oct. 1826, aigedlS; rem. and 3 Cl. Magdalen Hall 1830; B.A. 1831 ; rep. and M.A. 1870 ; rem. 1878. Cler. Meynell, John (Derbs.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1826, uged 18; B.A. (Gr. Coinp.) 1829; rem. 1833. J.P. Derbs.; killed in a railway collision at Clay Cross 19 May 1851. Hurke's Landed Gentry. ORMEROD, Thomas Johnson (Bucks.) ; Manchester. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 18 May 1826, aged 16; 1 Cl. 1829; B.A. 1830; Fellow (Founders) 2 Feb. 1831 ; M.A. 1833 ; Junior Bursar 1833-4. 6-7 ; Librarian 1834-5, 7-8; res. Fell. 1838; Select Pr. 1844. Student Inner Temple 1830; Archdeacon of Suffolk 1846; R. of Redenhall, Norfolk, 1847-74 ; thanked for presentation of books to Library in 1870; died 1874. WORKS : Ckurchmanship a Reality, 1846. [Sermon at Nonvich, 1837. -\-A Charge at his fifth visitation, 1850. Outlines of the History of Theology, Some thoughts for the Times, 1867. 1844. Translated Tischendorf s Are our t Forms essential to the well-being of the (fospels genuine or not? 1869. Church, 1845. On Miracles, 1871. Manch. Reg. iii (1) ; P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Shafto, John Buncombe (Durham). Com. Matr. arm. 15 Feb. 1826, aged 18; B.A. 1830; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1832; rem. 1834. R. of Brancepeth, Durham, 1840 54; Hon. Canon of Durham 1849: died 6 Aug. 1863. P.C.R. Vanderstegen, William Henry (Oxon.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 7 June 1826, aged 18 ; B.A. 1830; M.A. 1833 ; rem. 1863. Of Cane End, Oxon. : J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff Oxon. 1843 ; descended from a Dutch family who settled in England temp. Win. II [ : died 9 Sept. 1892. Burke's Landed Gentry. . 480 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1826-7 VAWDREY, Daniel (Chesh.); Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. :> Apr. 1826, aged 19 ; Dean's Pr. 1827 ; 3 Cl. 1829 ; B.A. 1830 ; Fellow (Founders) 12 June 1830 ; M.A. 1833 ; Senior Bursar 1838-9 ; R. of Stepney 1842-7 ; res. Fell. 10 July 1843 ; rem. 1886. Author. Eight. Of Plas Gwynant, Carnarvon ; R. of North and South Darley, Derbs. r 1847-81 ; R. of Areley Kings, Worcs. ; died 8 Nov. 1896. Burke's Landed Gentry. Wilson, John Cracroft (E. Indies). Coin. Matr. arm. 24 Jan. 1826, aged 17 ; rem. 1828. Bengal C. S. 1827-59 ; a Special Commissioner for trial of rebels and mutineers 1857-8 ; on retiring in 1859 settled in New Zealand, and was a member of the House of Representatives in three parliaments ; C.B. : K.C.S.I. ; died 1881. Wood, William. Hewson (Howson) (Lanes.) ; Shrewsbury. Com, Matr. cler. 5 Apr. 1826,aged 18 ; rem. 1829. Worsley, William (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan.. aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1826 ; rem. 1828 ; B.A. Magdalen Hall 1830, P.C. of Norbury, Chesh., 1832-75 ; died 13 May 1887. Manch. Reg. iii (1). 1827 Arney, George Alfred (Wilts.). Com. Matr. arm. 28 June 1827 r aged 17 ; Dean's Pr. 1830 ; 3 Cl. 1831 ; B.A. 1832 ; rem. 1836. Of Lincoln's Inn 1829 ; Chief Justice of New Zealand 1858-75 ; knighted 1862 ; died 7 Apr. 1883 ; buried in the Cloisters of Salisbury Cathedral. Auldjo, Henry (London) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Feb. 1*27, aged 18 ; B.A. 1831 ; M.A. and rem. 1834. Bethell, William Frogatt (Bucks.) : Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 1 1 Oct, 1827, aged 17 ; B.A. 1831 ; rem. 1834. Of Rise and Walton Abbey, Yorks. ; J.P. andD.L.; High Sheriff, Yorks, I E.R.), 1875 ; Chancery Barr. ; died 7 Mar. 1879. Burke's Landed Gentry. CASSON, George (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 20 June 1827, aged 17; Dean's Pr. 1828; Hulme Ex. 1830; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1831 ; Fellow (Founders) 24 Nov. 1831 ; M.A. 1834; P.C. of St. John's, Bethnal Green, 1834-7 ; Junior Bursar 1837-42 ; R. of Old, Northants., 1842-70 : res, Fell. 23 Aug. 1843 ; died Jan. 1893. BENEF. : Gave a messuage at Old to the College 1859. Quat. Mon. iv. Champneys, Thomas Phipps Amian (Kent). Com. Matr. cler. 17 Mar., aged 18 ; rem. 1827 ; B.A. Merton 1830. V. of Owston, Yorks., 1850-9; R. of Badsworth, Yorks., 1859-79: died 16 Jan. 1879. Coope, William John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1827, aged 18 ; rem. 1829 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1831 ; M.A. 1834 ; rep. 1835; rem. 1869. R. of Falmouth, Cornwall, 1838-70; died 1 Jan. 1870. WORKS : Two Sermons, 1850. Submission to the temporal powers, Catholic Consent, 1868. 1841. Falmouth Tracts, 1-6. Hie Church of Christ the salt of the Established the Falmo-th earth, 1842. Pamphlets. Primitive Truth, 1847. Sermons. 1827] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 481 Crockett, Charles Edward (Staffs.). Com. Matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1827, aged 19 ; rem. 1829. Daubeny, Frederick (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. cler. 17 Jan. 1827, aged 19 ; B.A. 1830 ; rem. 1832 ; rep. and M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1839. Dickyn, Haliday (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 15 Jan. 1827, aged 17 ; Dean's Pr.," 3 Cl. and B.A. 1830 ; Hulme Pr. and rem. 1831. Author. Manch. Reg. iii (2) ; Ale 1830. Fisher, John (Bucks.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 28 June 1827, aged 17; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1831; rem. 1832; rep. and M.A. 1835; Fellow of Magdalen 1836 ; B.D. 1844 ; D.D. 1851 ; died May 1896. Goddard, George Ashe (Wilts.). Com. Matr. cler. St. John's, b. and c. 25 June 1827, aged 17 ; B.A. 1831 ; M.A. 1834. J.P. Wilts. ; V. of Clyffe Pypard, Wilts., 1839-63 ; died 26 Nov. 1873. Burke's Landed Gentry. Grazebrook, Thomas "Worrall Smith (Staffs.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 18 June 1827, aged 17 ; B.A. 1831 ; M.A. 1836. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1838 ; died 1 Aug. 1846. Burke's Landed Gentry. Grimshaw, Samuel (Lanes.); Manchester. Com. and Gen. Com. Matr. gen. 15 Jan. 18 27, aged 18 ; B.A. 1830 ; M.A. 1833 ; rem. 1834. Manch. Reg. iii (2). GROVE, Edward Hartopp (Staffs.) ; Shrewsbury. Matr. arm. Balliol 29 Nov. 1827, aged 17; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1831 ; Fellow (Founders) 7 Feb. 1833 ; M.A. 1834 ; R. of St. Philip, Stepney, 1835 ; Senior Bursar 1839-43; Vice-Principal 1843-4; R. of Tedstone Delamere 1844-54; res. Fell. 3 July 1845 ; elected Principal 27 Dec. 1853 ; B.D. and D.D. 1854; Select Pr. 1857; his portrait painted by F. Holl 1880; died 27 Jan. 1886 ; memorial window and tablet in the Chapel. Canon of Worcester 1848-54; assumed name of Cradock in lieu of drove 1849. Ale 1854, 86 ; Quat. Mon. vii. Hopton, John (Herefs.) ; Rugby. Gen. Com. Matr. cler. 3 May 1827, aged 17 ; B.A. 1831 ; M.A. 1834. Of Canon Frome Court, Herefs. ; J.P. and D.L. ; and of Kemerton Court, Gloucs. ; J.P. ; Capt. 3rd Dragoon Guards. Burke's Landed Gentry. James, Edward (Lanes.). Matr. gen. Magdalen Hall 3 Nov. 1827, aged 20; Tver Sch. 1829; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1831 ; M.A. 1834. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1835 ; Assessor Liverpool Passage Court 1852 ; Q.C. 1853; Attorney- General of Duchy of Lancaster 1863; M.P. Man- chester 1865-7 ; died in Paris 3 Nov. 1867. WORK : Has Dr. Wiseman violated ike Law? 1851, &c. D.N.B. I i 482 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE [1827 Jesse, John Heneage (Staffs.); Eton. Corn. Matr. arm. 31 Oct. 1827, aged 18; rem. 1828. Clerk in the Admiralty. WOKKS : Tales of the Dead, 1830. -{London, 1847. Mary Queen of Scots, 1831. -{Literary and Historical Memorials of Memoirs of the Court of England during London. 1st ser. 1847; 2nd ser. the Reign of the Stuarts, 1840. 1850. George Seluryn and his contemporaries, Memoirs of Richard the TJiird and some 1843-4. of his Contemporaries, 1862. Memoirs of the Court of England from -{Memoirs of the Life and Reign of the Revolution to Death of George the George the Third, 1867. Second, 1843. -{Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians, {Memoirs of the Pretenders [and their 1875. adherents, 1845. D.N.B. Knox, Arthur Edward (Ireland). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1827, aged 18; B.A. 1831 ; M.A. 1834; rem. 1851. Of Trotten, Sussex, and Castlerea, co. Mayo ; 2nd Life Guards. BENEF. : Plate 1854. WORKS : {Ornitfiological rambles in Sussex, -{Game birds and wildfowl, 1850. 1849. -{Autumns on the Spey, 1872. Burke's Landed Gentry ; Quat. Mon. v. Lane, George (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 11 Oct. 1827, aged 18 ; rem. 1831. Lees, John Frederick (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 22 June 1827, aged 18 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1831 ; rem. 1834. Of Werneth, Lanes. ; J.P. ; J.P. Yorks. (W. R.) ; M.P. Oldham 1835-7 ; died 8 Sept. 1867. Mytton, John (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. June 1827, aged 18 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1831 ; M.A. 1834. Cler. Of Thorny croft Hall, Chesh. ; changed his name to Thornycroft, 1831 ; died 18 Apr. 1884. Burke's Landed Gentry. Partridge, William Edwards (Edward) (Som.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 26 Apr. 1827, aged 18 ; B.A. 1831 ; rem. 1834. V. of Ilmer, Bucks., 1833; R. of Horsenden, Herts., 1844-86; died 18 May 1886. Price, John (Cornwall) ; ? Charterhouse. Com. Matr. bart. f. 21 May 1827, aged 19; rem. 1829. Inspector-General Penal Department ; murdered by convicts in Victoria 27 Mar. 1857. Surtees, Henry George (Wilts.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. cler. 28 June 1827, aged 18 ; B.A. 1831 ; rem. 1832. Of Winsdale, Durham, J.P. ; High Sheriff Durham 1862 ; Banker at Newcastle ; died 25 July 1870. Swainson, James Hopkins (Lanes.); Merchant Taylors. Com. Matr. arm. 7 June 1827, aged 19 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1831 ; M.A. and rem. 1834. R. of Alresford, Colchester, 1843-76 ; died 4 Apr. 1880. WORKS : The Churchman's Book of Family Prayer, 1848 ; Visitation Sermon, 1862. 1827-8] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 483 Townsend, Richard (Wilts.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 May 1827, aged 17 ; B.A. 1831 ; M.A. 1836. R. of Ickford, Bucks., 1846-61 ; died 3 Mar. 1861. Tyrwhitt, Richard Edmund (Salop). Com. Matr. arm. 19 Jan. 1827, aged 19 ; Dean's Pr. 1830 ; Hulme Ex., 2 01. and B.A. 1831 ; Hulme Pr. 1832 ; M.A. 1833 ; rem. 1839. Chaplain in India 1842-57. WORKS : ^Baptism instituted by our Lord him,' ^Sermons, 1847. self, 1838. -\-Esther or Ahasuerus ? 1868. Windham, Robert Courtenay (Norfolk) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Apr. 1827, aged 18 ; B.A. 1830 ; rem. 1842. Student Lincoln's Inn 1831 ; R. of Chilton, Suffolk, 1837; ofFelbrigge, Norfolk, 1838-60 ; of Ailmerton with Runton, Norfolk, 1838. P.C.R. 1828 Allen, John Henry Thomas (Worcs.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1828, aged 18 ; 3 01. 1831 ; B.A. 1832 ; M.A. 1835 ; rem. 1847. R. of Mappowder, Dorset, 1835-69 ; died 15 May 1869. Bailey, Joseph (Glamorgan) ; Harrow. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. (post bart. f.) 16 Apr. 1828, aged 16 ; B.A. 1832 ; M.A. 1835. M.P. Sudbury 1837 ; M.P. Herefs. 1841-50 ; died 31 Aug. 1850. BENEF.: Plate 1842. P.C.R. ; Quat. Mon. v. Bankart, Samuel Stephens (Leics.). Com. Matr. arm. 2 July 1828, aged 18 ; B.A. 1833 ; rem. 1837. P.C.R. Barker, Thomas Francis (Chesh.). Schol. Matr. arm. Christ Church 1 Dec. 1828, aged 18 ; Iver Sch., b. and c. 5 Nov. 1829 ; Hulme Ex. 1831 ; B.A. 1832 ; M.A. 1835. R. of Thornton-le-Moors 1849-78 ; died 25 Apr. 1878. CHURTOK", Henry Burgess Whitaker (Northants.) ; Charter- house. Matr. cler. Balliol 2 Mar. 1828, aged 17 ; 1 01. and B.A. 1831 ; Fellow (Founders) 14 Mar. 1833; M.A. 1834; Pusey and Ellerton Sch. 1835; Rector of St. George's in the East 1842; res. Fell. 17 Mar. 1843; Select. Pr. 1858. Preb. of Chichester 1842 ; V. of Icklesham, Sussex, 1844 ; died 1891. WORKS: f Will a man rob God ? 1868. (Essay in Charterhouse Prize Essays, -\-Sermon on the death of Dr. Gilbert, 1832. 1870. (Translated Gerhard's Meditations, -^Prayers before and after service. 1840. Introductory Notice to Morning -[The land of the morning, 1851. Liturgies for four iceeks, 1872. ^Buy the truth and sell it not, 1868. Eliezer, 1877. Dymock, Edward Humphrey (Flints.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Jan. 1828, aged 18 ; B.A. 1831 ; M.A. 1835 ; rem. 1836. Of Penley Hall, Flints. ; J.P. ; P.C. of Hadnall, Salop, 1835. I i 2 484 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1828 Edwards, William Horatio (Antigua) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1828, aged 17 ; B.A. 1832 ; rein. 1834. Ensor, Edmund Smith (Wilts.). Com. Matr. arm. 28 June 1828, aged 19 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1832 ; rem. 1837. C. of Hopton, Suffolk, 1836 ; R. of Rollesby, Norfolk, 1841-60 ; died 28 Jan. 1860. Burke' s Landed Gentry. Qarbett, George (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. cler. 4 Nov., aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1828 ; Hulme Ex. 1831 ; Reed Sch. and B.A. 1832 ; M.A. and rem. 1835. Inc. of St. James, Accrington ; died 9 Sept. 1865. Ale 1831. Golding, Edward (Hants.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 31 May 1828, aged 17 ; B.A. 1832 ; rem. 1842. V. of Brimpton, Berks., 1850 ; died 18 Nov. 1857. P.C.R. Greenfield, James (Carnarvon) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 5 June 1828, aged 18 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1832 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1835 ; rem. 1842. Of Brynderwen, Mon. ; J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff of Anglesey ; died 16 May 1867. P.C.R. Littledale, Henry Anthony (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Nov. 1828, aged 18; rem. 1833; rep. and B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1840; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1842 ; rem. 1852. Of Bolton Hall, Lanes. ; J.P. and D.L. ; Barr. Inner Temple, 1842 ; died 6 July 1859. WORKS : ^King Henry's Well and Pudsey's The Song of Solomon in the dialect of Leap, 1856. Craven, 1859. Lloyd, Robert (Wexford). B.A. Trinity College, Dublin, 1828 ; incorp. 10 May, aged 43 ; M.A. 1832 ; rem. 1854. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1836. Merriman, Nathaniel James (Wilts.); Winchester. Com. Matv. arm. 7 Feb. 1828, aged 18 ; Dean's Pr. 1830 ; 2 CL. Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1831 ; M.A. 1834; rem. 1844. Archdeacon of Grahamstown 1847-68 ; Dean of Grahamstown 1868-71 ; 3rd Bishop of Grahamstown 1871 ; cr. D.D. 1877; died 17 Aug. 1882 ; one of Bishop Colenso's accusers. WORKS: Sermon, 1848. T)ie Bishop's Ride through Indepen- Lectures on Shakespeare, 1857-8. dent Kaffraria to Natal and back, The Kaffir, the Hottentot, and the 1872. Frontier Farmer, 1854. Ale 1832 ; D.N.B. Pigott, WeUesley Pole (Ireland) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. bart. f. 14 June 1828, aged 18 ; rem. 1832 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 1835; M.A. 1836. R. of Fuggleston St. Peter with Bemerton, Wilts., 1836; of Fovant, Wilts., 1836. P.C.R. Radcliffe, Alston William (Wilts.). Com. Matr. cler. 2 Dec. 1828, aged 18; B.A. 1832; M.A. 1837; rem. 1839. R. of North Newnton, Wilts., 1843-94. 1828-9] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 485 Rothwell, Richard Rainshaw (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 19 June 1828, aged 19; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1833; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1835. Barr. Inner Temple 1847 ; Marquis and Count de Rothwell in kingdom of Italy 1860. Taylor, Charles Warmingham (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 29 May 1828, aged 18 ; rein. 1830. Thistlethwaite, George (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan., aged 18 ; Iver and Somerset Sch. 1828 ; Hulme Ex. 1831 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1832 ; rem. 1834 ; rep. 1836 ; M.A. 1837 ; rem. 1839. Cler. Died at Lytham 21 Jan. 1847. Ale 1829. Turner, Cecil (Lines.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 14 June 1828, aged 17 ; rem. 1832. P.C.K. Vaughan, Hugh (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1828, aged 18 ; rem. 1831. Waller, Robert (Gloucs.) Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1828, aged 18; B.A. 1832 ; M.A. 1835 ; rem. 1861. R. of Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucs., 1836-71 ; died 25 Nov. 1871. 1829 Barrington, William Cannom (Essex). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Nov. 1829, aged 23; rem. 1837. Beadey, John Charles (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. gen. 2 June 1829, aged 17; rem. 1830. Berry, James William Middleton (Westmeath). Com. Matr. arm. 8 Apr. 1829, aged 17; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1832; M.A. 1836; rem. 1858. Barr. Inner Temple 1838 ; 36 years Librarian in Ordinary to H.M. Queen Victoria ; died 1875. Bradshaw, Samuel (Derbs.). Com. Matr. cler. 16 Oct. 1829, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1832; B.A. 1833; M.A. 1836; rem. 1841. R. of Grindon, Staffs., 1836 ; died 1867. Coltman, George (Lanes.). Com. Matr. doct. 2 May 1829, aged 17 ; B.A. 1833 ; rem. 1835 ; rep. and M.A. 1876. J.P. Lines.; P.C. of Hagnaby and R. of Stickney, Lines., 1835; Preb. of Lincoln 1875 ; died 19 July 1883. WORK : Joint author with A. M. Adam of Floivers from Fatherland, 1870. Guardian, 25 July 1883, p. 1100. Drake, John (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 24 Jan. 1829, aged 17 : Hulme Ex. 1832; B.A. 1833; died 1837. P.C.R. Drake, John Dean (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1829, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1829 ; B.A. and rem. 1833. Manch. Eeg. iii (2). Exton, Richard (Bucks.) ; St. Paul's. Com. Matr. cler. 12 May 1829, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1831 ; rem. 1832. C. of Great and Little Glemham, Suffolk; R. of Hemley, Suffolk; died 1867. 486 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1829 FLETCHER, William (Staffs.). Matr. arm. Trinity 9 July 1829, aged 19; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1833; Fellow (Founders) 11 Dec. 1833; M.A. and res. Fell. 1836 ; B.D. 1845 ; D.D. 1847 ; rem. 1859. Head Master of Wimborne 1859-72; R. of Minterne Magna, &c. 1872-6; V. of Ulceby, Lines., 1876; died July 1900. WORKS : Editor and Translator of BengeVs Gnomon, 1858 ; The Works oj Lactantius, 1871. Freeman, John Crooke (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 5 June 1829, aged 18 ; rem. 1831. Grove, "William Robert (Glamorgs.) Coin. Matr. arm. 6 Feb. 1829, aged 17; B.A. 1832; M.A. 1835; rem. 1839; cr. D.C.L. 1875 ; cr. LL.D. Cambridge 1879. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1835 ; Q.C. 1853; Judge of Common Pleas 1871 ; knighted 1872 ; Judge of High Court of Justice 1875 ; Judge of Queen's Bench 1879; P.C. 1887; Member of Royal Institution 1835 and Vice-President 1844; invented Grove Gas Voltaic Battery 1839; F.R.S. 1840 ; Royal Medallist 1847 ; Prof, of Experimental Philosophy, London Institution, 1847; President of British Association 1866; died Aug. 1896. WORKS : j-On the Progress of Science since the into its Constituent Gas by Heat (Phil. Foundation of the London Institution, Trans. 19 Nov. 1846). 1842. -\:The Correlation of Physical Forces, On the Gas Voltaic Battery (Phil. Trans. 1846, &c. 19 June 1845). An Antagonism, 1888. On Certain Phenomena of Voltaic Igni- Papers to British Association and tion and the Decomposition of Water Royal Institution. D.N.B. Harrison, William (Surrey). Com. Matr. doct. 14 Jan., aged 18; Frankland, Ogle, Stoddard and Henley Sch. 1829; 3 Cl., B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1832 ; M.A. 1835 ; Select Pr. 1856. Domestic Chaplain to Duchess of Cambridge ; R. of Birch, Essex, 1848 ; Hon. Canon of St. Albans 1877; Hon. Chaplain to Queen 1879; died 1 July 1882. WORKS : 1851. Reasons for preaching against Popery, Light of the Forge, 1852. 1838. -\-The Millennial Kingdom, 1852. A Greek Grammar, 1840. The Vastness of Christ's Kingdom, 1852. Sermons on the Commandments, 1841. The Power of the Word of God, 1853. The Tongue of Time, 1 842. The Salvation and Announcement of the Consecrated thoughts, 1842. Advent, 1855. The Religious Life, 1844. The Warning of Prophecy against mur- The Shepherd and his Sheep, 1845. murings and sensual rices of the last Sermon, 1848. days, 1856. The Proper Nature of Moral Remedies, The Morning Star, 1857. 1850. The Blessings of the Reformation, Divine Justice in the punishment of 1858. Israel, 1850. The Reality and Eternity of the Future The Devices of Satan in False Teachers, Punishment of the Wicked, 1 865. with their termination at the second Lent, 1875. Advent, 1851. Confession and Absolution, 1875. The Path of a Christian Statesman, Confirmation (n. d.). Ale 1833. Hill, Charles (Northants.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 29 June 1829, aged 18; rem. 1833. WORK : \Afew thoughts in verse on religious subjects, 1851. P.C.R. 1829] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 487 Hornby, Edward Owen (London). Com. Matr. arm. 14 May 1829, aged 18; rem. 1830. Jones, Edward (Herefs.). Sch. Matr. cler. St. Edmund Hall 9 Apr. 1829, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. and B.A. 1832 ; rem. 1839. Cler. J.P. Hereford ; died 1840. Monck, John Bligh (Berks.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 27 June 1829, aged 17 ; rem. 1832 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 1833. Of Coley Park, Berks. ; J.P. ; Student Inner Temple 1834 ; High Sheriff Berks. 1845. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Nesbitt, Albert John (Devon). Com. Matr. arm. 26 June 1829, aged 18; rem. 1830. Ormerod, George Wareing (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 31 Jan. 1829, aged 18 ; B.A. 1833 ; M.A. 1836. Of Chagford, Devon ; Solicitor ; F.G.S. WORKS : [Manual of Local Acts affecting Man- ^Annals of the Teigribridge cricket Chester, 1838. ground, 1888. ^Outline of principal geological features Contributed to Quarterly Journal of of Saltfield, 1848. the Geological Society; Transactions ^On Pseudomorphous crystals of So- of the Devonshire Association. dium, 1868. Index to the Transactions, Proceedings, ^Miscellanea Geological Society, 1868. and Quarterly Journal of the Geo- { Archaeology of Eastern Dartmoor, logical Society. 1876. D.N.B. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Rooke, Willoughby John Edward (London). Com. Matr. arm. 11 June 1829, aged 19 ; Hulme Ex. 1832 ; B.A. 1833 ; M.A. 1836 ; rem. 1837. V. of Tunstall, Lanes., 1847; Dom. Chaplain to H.R.H. the late Duke of Cambridge; V. of Little Wymondley, Herts., 1870-81. Sandford, Benjamin George (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 26 June 1829, aged 18; Hulme Ex. 1832; B.A. 1833; M.A. 1836. C. of Eccles, Lanes. ; of Prestwich, Lanes. ; P.C. of Church Minshull, Chesh., 1842-52 ; died 10 Dec. 1852. WORKS : ^Vindication of the Church of England, Sermon, 1840. 1847. \A letter to the Hon. and Rev. G. A Manual of Devotion, 1848. Spencer, 1840. -^An account of the parish of Church Questions and Answers on the Church Minshull, 1850. Catechism, 1841. An attempt to illustrate the chronology [The doctrine of regeneration con- of the Old Testament In/ a reference to sidered, 1843. the Tear of Jubilee, 1852. Manch. Reg. iii. Steele, John Maxwell (Dublin). Com. Matr. bart. f. 22 June 1829, aged 18 ; B.A. 1833 ; rem. 1839. Student Lincoln's Inn 1831 ; 4th Bart. 1850; assumed additional final name of Graves 1862 ; J.P. and D.L. Gloucs. ; High Sheriff Gloucs. 1866 ; died 25 Sept. 1872. P.C.R. Toler, Hon. Hector (John) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. 16 Oct. 1829, aged 19 ; rem. 1832 ; died 1873. Of Carrigmore, co. Cork ; Viscount Glandine ; Earl of Norbury 1839. P.C.R. 488 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1829-30 WALKER, Joseph (Yorks.) ; ? Leeds. Sch. Trinity, Cambridge, 1829 ; B.A. 1830 ; Fellow (Higden) 22 Nov. 1832 ; incorp. 14 Jan. 1833, aged 25 ; M.A. 1833 ; Math. Exam. 1838, 9 ; Vice-Principal 1841-3 ; R, of Gt. Billing 1843 ; died Jan. 1899. 1830 Archdale (Archdall), Mervyn Edward (Dublin). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 10 June 1830, aged 18; rem. 1832. Of Castle Archdale, co. Fermanagh, J.P. and D.L. ; M.P. Fermanagh 1834-74 ; High Sheriff Fermanagh 1879 ; J.P. Donegal and Tyrone ; late Capt. 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons. P.C.K. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Auchmuty, Samuel Forbes (Ireland) ; Tonbridge. Com. Matr. cler. 8 Mar. 1830, aged 18 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1834 ; M.A. 1836 ; rem. 1842. R. of Broad Blunsdon, Wilts., 1864-71 ; died 15 Apr. 1871. Bishton, Henry (Salop). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1830, aged 18 ; B.A. 1835 ; rem. 1839. BLACKBURN", Robert (Isle of Madeira). Matr. gen. Queen's 26 June 1830, aged 17 ; 1 Cl. Balliol and B.A. 1834; Fellow (Frankland) 21 Nov. 1834; M.A. 1837; Junior Bursar 1842-3; R. of Selham 1842; res. Fell. 7 June 1844 ; died Jan. 1899. WORK : Sermon, 1854. Blane, Henry (Berks.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Jan. 1830, aged 18; 3 Cl. and B.A 1833; M.A. 1836; 'ad eundem ' Durham University 1839 ; rem. 1843; rep. 1846; rem. 1860. R. of Folkton, Yorks., 1856. Bowyer, Henry Atkins (Nova Scotia). B.A. Trinity, Cambridge, 1830 ; M.A. 1847 ; incorp. 27 Nov. 1857, aged 51. Of Steeple Aston, Oxon., and of Clapham, Surrey ; died 29 July 1871. Charrington, Edward (Middlx.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 2 June 1830, aged 18 ; rem. 1832. Of Bury's Court, Surrey ; D.L. Tower Hamlets. Cooke, William Henry (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan., aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1830; B.A. 1834; rem. 1837; rep. and M.A. 1847 ; rem. 1894, then dead. Of Sufton Court, Herefs.; J.P. and D.L. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1837; Q.C. and Bencher 1863 ; Recorder of Oxford 1866 ; County Court Judge 1874. WORKS : -\-Stndents admitted to the Inner Temple. Tlie Eleciian Statutes, 1859. 1571-1625, 1868 ; 1547-1660, 1877. Cox, Henry Prittie Michael (Ireland). Com. Matr. arm. 29 Apr. 1830, aged 19 ; rem. 1833. P.C.R. Davis, Henry Hall (Yorks.). Sch. Matr. arm. Magdalen Hall 10 July 1830, aged 23; Somerset and Frankland Sch. 1832; rem. 1835; rep. 1838; rem. 1847. Cler. Day, John David (Kent). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Oct. 1830, aged 17; B.A. 1834; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1839. V. of Ellesmere 1846-64 ; died 2 July 1864. Dickson, Samuel Frederick (Ireland). Matr. cler. 17 June 1830, aged 19 ; B.A. 1834; M.A. 1839; rem. 1855. Of Creevy, co. Limerick; J.P. and D.L. ; Student Lincoln's Inn 1836; High Sheriff co. Limerick 1849. 1830] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 489 Drummond, James Walker (Scotland). Com. Matr. bart. f. 10 July 1830, aged 17 ; rem. 1832. Assumed name of Williams in lieu of Walker 1862 ; 3rd Bart. ; died 10 May 1866. Edwards, John (Wilkinson) (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 17 June 1830, aged 18; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1834; rem. 1836. R. of Baddiley, Chesh., 1839; P.C. of Woodhay, Chesh., 1843. EGERTON, William Henry (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. and bart. f. 28 Jan. 1830, aged 18; B.A. 1834; M.A. 1836 ; Fellow (Williamson P.) 9 June 1836 ; res. Fell. 1841. C. of Stoke-on-Tern 1835-7 ; R. of Malpas, Chesh., 1840-5 ; V. of Ellesmere 1845-6; R. of Whitchurch with Marbury, Salop, 1846; R.D. of Whitchurch 1847-87 ; Preb. of Lichfield 1896. WORKS : \-The Pew System, 1862. St. Alkmund's, Whitchurch, Shrop- Talbofs Tomb, in the parish church of shire, 1885. Haughton, Henry Philip (Middlx.) ; Manchester and Middleton. Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan. aged 17 ; Nowell Sch. 1830 ; B.A. 1834 ; rem. 1839 ; rep. and M.A. 1847. Inc. of St. James-the-Less, Bethnal Green, 1845 ; died 13 Apr. 1859. WOKKS : \The classical student's translation of The middle system of teaching classics, Horace, 1844. 1844. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Haughton, William (Middlx.) ; Manchester and Middleton. Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan., aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 1830 ; rem. 1833. V. of Potterspury, Northants., 1841-2; R. of South Wootton, Norfolk, 1842-69 ; V. of Barton Turf, Norfolk, 1869-83 ; died 3 May 1883. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Hopton, Richard (Herefs.) ; ? Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 16 Dec. 1830, aged 18; 3 Cl. 1833; B.A. 1834; rem. 1835. Burke's Landed Gentry. Knowles, Henry (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 1 July 1830, aged 19 ; B.A. 1834 ; rem. 1840. P.C. of Whittle-le-Woods, Lanes., 1839. Lee Warner, George Brydges (Gloucs.) ; Harrow. Matr. cler. Balliol 27 May 1830, aged 17; B.A. New Inn Hall 1834; b. and c. 26 Nov. and M.A. 1861. Barr. Middle Temple 1838 ; V. of St. Mary's, Canterbury, 1851-80 ; died 7 Jan. 1880. Legh, Henry Cornwall (Chesh.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 6 May 1830, aged 18; B.A. 1834; M.A. 1836. Inc. of Welsh-Hampton, Salop, 1840-7; died 24 Nov. 1847. Burke's Landed Gentry. Macdougall (Macdougal), James (Herts.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 2 July 1830, aged 17 ; B.A. 1834 ; M.A. 1841 ; rem. 1843. V. of West and East Hanney, Berks., 1849. WORKS : Poems and songs, 18~>(>. Present Day Materialism, 1875. Sermons, 1871. The Ascension of Christ, 1884. 490 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1830 Marsland, George (Chesh.) ; Macclesfield Gr. School. Com. Matr. gen. 25 Feb. 1830, aged 19 ; B.A. 1834 ; M.A. 1837 ; rem. 1843. R. of Beckingham, Notts., 1837-74; died 15 Nov. 1874. Mathias, John Daniell (London) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. cler. 1 July, aged 19; Yate Sch. 1830; Hulme Ex. 1833; 4 L.H. and B.A. 1834; rem. 1837. C. of Gt. Mongeham, Essex, 1848-9, and of Norton Malreward, Somerset ; died 19 June 1866. WORKS : Work on Greek Synonyms, 1843. Tracts, 1839. Two Sermons. Munyard, Joseph Daniel (Middlx.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1830, aged 18 ; died 1831. North, Thomas (Lanes.). Sch. Matr. arm. 17 June, aged 18 ; Tver Sch. 1830 ; Dean's Pr. 1831 ; rem. 1834. Priestley, Joseph William (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 24 June 1830, aged 20 ; rem. 1833. Prothero, Thomas (Monmouth) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb. 1830, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1833 ; M.A. 1837 ; rem. 1838. Of Malpas Court, Mon., J.P. andD.L. ; Chaplain to the Prince Consort 1848 ; Chaplain in Ordinaiy to the Queen 1853 ; died 11 June 1870. WORK : The Irish Famine. Burke's Landed Gentry. Radclyflfe, Charles Edward (Staffs.). Com. Matr. arm. 19 Nov. 1830, aged 29; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1834; M.A. and rem. 1837. Of Little Park, Hants. ; R. of South Sydenham, Devon, 1836 ; died 15 Apr. 1862. Richardson, Richard (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 June 1830, aged 19 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1834 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1845. Student InnerTemple 1830; P.C. of Capenhurst, Chesh., 1859-65; died 13 Aug. 1885. Shafto, Thomas Buncombe (Durham). Com. Matr. arm. 16 Dec. 1830, aged 19 ; rem. 1833. Of Beamish Park, Durham ; assumed the name of Eden in lieu of his patronymic 1885. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Sidney (Sydney), John (London). Com. Matr. gen. 1 July 1830, aged 20 ; Hulme Ex. 1833 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1834 ; rem. 1837. Thompson, Richard (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 4 Mar. aged 19 ; Iver and Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1830 ; Dean's Pr. 1832 ; Hulme Ex. 1833 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1834; M.A. 1840. Second Master Manchester Gr. School 1836-62 ; died 28 Jan. 1862. Manch. Reg. iii (1). Tillard, Philip (Hunts.). Com. Matr. cler. 11 Feb. 1830, aged 18; B.A. 1834 ; rem. 1841. Cler. Of Island Hall, Godmanchester, Hunts. ; J.P. and D.L. ; Student Inner Temple 1832. Burke's Landed Gentry. 1830-1] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 491 Tupper, Daniel (London) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 29 Apr. 1830, aged 18; B.A. 1834; M.A. 1837 ; rem. 1839. Of the Lord Chamberlain's Office ; died 1869. "White, Thomas William (E. Indies) ; St. Paul's. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Jan. 1830, aged 18; rem. 1831. 1831 Ball, Edward (Lanes.); Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 17 Mar., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1831 ; Hulnie Ex. 1834; 3 01., B.A. and Hulme Pr. 1835 ; M.A. 1837. Manch. Reg. iii (2). BROOKS, Joseph Heathcote (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 29 June 1831, aged 19; Hulme Ex., 3 01. and B.A. 1835; M.A. 1838; Fellow (Founders) 9 Mar. 1838; R. of St. Philip's, Stepney, 1839; Senior Bursar 1843-8 ; R. of Gt. Rollright 1848 ; res. Fell. 22 July 1849 ; died 1855. WORKS : ^Anthems and hymns as used in St. Persecution the ordained lot of the state Philip's, Stepney, 1844. of Christ's Church militant here in The Christian united to Christ in the earth maintained with reference to Church (in Watson's Sermons Jor the several questions now of dispute Sundays), 1845. in the Church, 1845. P.C.R. Case, Charles Hesketh (Staffs.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 26 May 1831, aged 18 ; rem, 1833. Went to India ; died Jan. 1876. CHAFFERS, Thomas (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 17 Mar., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1831 ; Dean's Pr. 1833 ; Hulme Ex. 1834; 1 01. and B.A. 1835; Fellow (Founders) 28 Apr. 1836; M.A. 1837 ; R. of St. Philip, Stepney, 1837-9 ; Junior Bursar 1843-4 ; Vice- Frincipal 1844-58 ; Proctor 1846 ; 01. Examiner 1854-5 ; died 6 June 1860. BENEF. : Plate 1853. Manch. Reg. iii (2) ; Quat. Mon. v. Cockin, William (Hants.) ; Marlborough Gr. School and Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1831, aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and Dean's Pr. 1832; Hulme Ex. 1834; 2 01. and B.A. 1835; rem. 1840; rep. and M.A. 1841 ; rem. 1863. Head Master of Kidderminster 1843 ; R. of Bishopwearmouth 1864- 83; Hon. Canon of Durham 1867; died 1889. Guardian, 3 Apr. 1889, p. 524. Gumming, Arthur Henry (Kent.) Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Mar. 1831, aged 18 ; rem. 1832. Barr. Middle Temple 1841. ENTWISLE (Entwistle), Arthur (Lanes.); Rugby. Matr. arm. Oriel 28 Apr. 1831, aged 18 ; 1 Math, and Phys. and B.A. 1835 ; Fellow (Founders) 26 Oct. 1836 ; M.A. 1837 ; died 31 May 1839. Gardiner, James Whalley-Smythe- (Hants.). Com. Matr. bart. f. 20 Jan. 1831, aged 18 ; rem. 1834 ; died 11 Oct. 1837. Grieves, Allan (Edinburgh). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Feb. 1831, aged 19; rem. 1832. 492 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1831 Hanmer, Thomas (Salop) ; Charterhouse. Coin. Matr. arm. 17 Mar. 1831, aged 18; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1834; rein. 1836. Barr. Middle Temple 1839 ; died 8 Feb. 1869. P.C.R. Hulton, Campbell Bassett Arthur Grey (I. of Man) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 17 Mar., aged 17 ; Tver Sch. 1831 ; Somerset Sch. 1833; Ogle Sch. and Hulme Ex. 1834; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1835; Denyer and Ellerton Pr. 1837 ; M.A. 1838 ; rem. 1839. R. of St. Paul's, Manchester, 1845 ; of Emberton, Bucks., 1860-78 ; died 30 Apr. 1878. WORK : t-4 catechetical Help to Bp. Butler's Analogy, 1854, &c. Manch. Reg. iii (1) ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Hutchison, Alexander (Canada). Com. Matr. arm. 31 May 1831, aged 19 ; rem. 1832. James, Thomas George (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 16 June, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1831 ; B.A. 1835 ; M.A. and rem. 1838. V. of Bridgewater 1848-57 ; Preb. of Wells ; Inc. of Hanover Church, Regent Street, 1857-64; died 26 Feb. 1864. KING, Bryan (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan. 1831, aged 19 ; Dean's Pr. 1833 ; 3 CL, B.A., and Hulme Ex. 1834 ; Peilow (Founders) 21 May 1835 ; M.A. 1837 ; P.C. of St. John, Bethnal Green, 1838 ; R. of St. George's in the East 1842-62 ; res. Fell. 27 Sept. 1843. V. of Avebury, Wilts., 1863; died Jan. 1895. WORKS : ^The recovery of the lost sheep, 1856. 1876. ^A warning against the sin of Sacrilege, ^The St. George's Mission, 1877. 1859. -if Avebury. The Beckhampion Avenue, Sermon, 1860. 1879. ^Sacrilege and its encouragement, 1860, Disestablishment the present hope of tJie &c. Church, 1882. [The unscrupulous conduct of the of- -^Historical description of St. James, ficials of the Education Department, Avebury, 1886, &c. Littledale, "William Dawson (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 26 May 1831, aged 19 ; B.Mus. 1833; rem. 1834 ; died 1884. Perceval (Percival), Robert (Ireland). Com. Matr. cler. 25 *May 1831, aged 17; B.A. 1836; rem. 1839. Of Groomsport and Finnebrogue, co. Down ; took additional surname of Maxwell 1839 ; Student Lincoln's Inn 1834 ; High Sheriff co. Down 1841 ; High Sheriff Waterford 1864 ; J.P. ; Army. Reynolds, Charles William (London). Com. Matr. arm. 19 May 1831, aged 18 ; rem. 1832. Of Ramslade, Berks.; Capt. 16th Lancers. Taylor, Robert Fetzer (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Jan., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1831 ; B.A. 1835 ; M.A. 1837 ; rem. 1840. V. of Checkheaton, Yorks., 1837-86 ; died 1888. Thompson, James (Som.). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Mar. 1831, aged 17; rem. 1832. Tooze, Henry John (Devon). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Nov. 1831, aged 19; B.A. 1835; rem. 1841. V. of Peyhembury, Devon ; died at Mount Radford, Devon. 1 Dec. 1856. 1831-2] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE 493 Waller, Stephen Richard (Gloucs.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 12 Mar. 1831, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1834 ; M.A. 1837 ; rem. 1842. P.O. of Ettingshall, Staff's., 1838 ; of Mitton 1849 ; R. of St. Cuthbert, Bedford, 1868-75 ; died 2 Mar. 1875. 1832 Allen, John (Som.); Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1832, aged 18 ; B.A. 1836; rem. 1837 ; rep. 1851 ; M.A. 1852 ; rein. 1854. C. of St. Peter's, Coggeshall, Essex, 1864. ASHWORTH, John Ashworth (Yorks.). Matr. pleb. Christ Church 13 Oct. 1832, aged 18 ; 4 Cl., 1 Math., B.A. and Chaplain 1836 ; Fellow (Clifton) 21 Feb. ; M.A. 1839 ; Math. Examiner 1840-1, 3, 4, 6, 52 ; Proctor 1846; M.A. Durham 1846 ; R. of Didcot 1851-90; res. Fell. 1852 ; Math. Moderator 1860-1 ; died 1890. Blachford, Pitzroy (I.W.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 10 May 1832, aged 17; 3 Cl. 1835; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1836; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1839; died 1840. Caswall, Edward (Hants.) ; Marlborough Gr. School and Chigwell. Com. Matr. cler. 15 Mar., aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1832 ; Dean's Pr. 1833, 4; Hulme Ex. 1835 ; B.A. 1836 ; M.A. and rem. 1838. P.C. of Stratford, Wilts., 1840 ; became a Roman Catholic 1846 ; and died at the Oratory, Birmingham, 2 Jan. 1878. WORKS : Hail, sacred Force! hail, Energy sub- munion, 1849. lime! ^The Masque of Mary, 1851. \-Pluck Examination Papers, 1836. -\-Verba Verbi, 1855. f A New Act, teaching how to be plucked, Edited Roullet de la Bouillerie's 1837. Hours at the Altar, 1860. ^Sketches of Young Ladies. Abbe Petit's Love for Holy Church, ^Morals from the Churchyard, 1838. from the French. 1862. The Child's Manual, 1846. \A May Pageant, 1865. \rSermons on the seen and unseen, 1846. {'Hymns and Poems, 1873, &c. \-Lyra Catholica, 1849, &c. ^-Lyrics of light and life, 1875. Devotions for Confession and Com- -^The Catholics' Latin instructor, 1876. D.N.B. Claughton, Piers Calveley (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 1 Feb.. aged 18 ; Somerset and Iver Sch. 1832 ; Dean's Pr. 1833, 4 ; 1 Cl. ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1835 ; rem. 1836 ; Fellow of University 1836-46 ; M.A. 1838; Cl. Examiner 1842, 3, 4; Select Pr. 1843-50; cr. D.D. 1859. R. of Elton, Hunts., 1843-59 ; Bishop of St. Helena 1859-62 ; Bishop of Colombo 1862-70; Canon of St. Paul's; Archdeacon of London 1870; Chaplain General to the Forces 1875 ; died 11 Aug. 1884. WOKKS : \-The brief comparison of the XXXIX his way, 1845. Articles, 1843. -\-The principles of the doctrine of Clirist, ^Whernvithal shall a young man cleanse (n. d.). D.N.B. Cobbe (Cobb), Thomas (Dublin) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1832, aged 18; rem. 1836. Ban-. Inner Temple 1841 ; died 13 May 1882. Burke's Landed Gentry. 494 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1832 Conolly, John Balfour (London) ; Com. Matr. arm. 15 Mar. 1832, aged 17 ; rein. 1833. Lieut. Bengal Infantry ; died at Cabul 1842. P.C.R.; D.N.B. Crockett, Robert Priescip (Princep) (Staffs.) Com. Matr. arm. 12 Apr. 1832, aged 20 ; BJL 1835 ; rem. 1836. V. of Christ Church, Eccleston, Lanes., 1838-86 ; died 4 June 1886. Crockford, "William. John (Cambs.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 28 June 1832, aged 18 ; 4 Cl. 1835 ; B.A. 1836 ; rem. 1847. R. of Meneage, Cornwall, 1848-50 ; Proprietor of Crockford's ; died 8 Oct. 1850. Darcey (Darcy), John (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 26 Jan., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1832 ; B.A. 1836 ; M.A. 1838. C. of Swettenham, Chesh. ; died 1864. Davenport, Joseph Tongue (Salop). Com. Matr. cler. 21 June 1832, aged 18; rem. 1834. Died 23 May 1848. Gardiner, Robert (Som.) ; ? Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 29 June 1832, aged 19 ; B.A. 1836; rem. 1840. Cler. Hemsworth, Henry "William (Norwich). Gen. Corn. Matr. arm. 30 June 1832, aged 17 ; rem. 1834- Of Shropham Hall, Norfolk ; Barr. Inner Temple 1839-51 ; died 9 Nov. 1892. Burke's Landed Gentry. Jefferes ( Jefferys), Matthew (Worcs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1832, aged 18 ; B.A. 1836 ; rem. 1838. R. of South Thoresby, Lines., 1853-64; died 13 Sept. 1864. Jones, William (Bucks.). Com. Matr. cler. 10 May 1832. aged 18; rem. 1833. Lawrence, William Edwards (Gloucs.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 5 Apr. 1832, aged 18; rem. 1833. Little, John Brace (Worcs.). Gen. Com. Matr. gen. 8 Mar., aged 20; rem. 1832. Maberley (Maberly), Joseph James (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 11 June 1832, aged 16; B.A. 1836; M.A. 1845 ; rem. 1893 (then dead). Of Hawkley Hurst, Hants. ; Solicitor to Christ's Hospital. Manby, John Ralph William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 27 June 1832, aged 18 ; B.A. 1836 ; M.A. and rem. 1840. Mathias, Lewis (Som.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 29 Mar. 1832, aged 19 ; rem. 1834. Of Llanphey Court and of Llangwarren, Pembs. ; J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff Pembs. 1856; died 1882. Melville, David (London) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 28 June, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1832 ; Hulme Ex. 1835 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1836 ; Hulme Pr. 1837 ; M.A. 1839 ; Hon. D.D. Durham 1882. Tutor of Durham University 1842-51 ; First Principal of Hatfield Hall 1846-51 ; R. of Shelsey Beauchamp, Worcs., 1847-57 ; Hon. Canon of 1832] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK 495 Worcester 1851-81 ; R. of Gt. Witley, Worcs., 1857-86 ; R.D. of Worcs. (W. Div.) 1865-92 ; Canon res. of Worcester 1881 ; Sub-dean 1886 ; Exam. Chap, to Bishop (Philpott) of Worcester 1886-90; died March 1904. WORKS : The Conscience Clause, 1865. \A practical question about Oxford, Religious Instruction in School Board 1850. Schools, 1871. fSaW within and peace without, 1852. Religious Education, 1877. Facts without Prejudice, 1861. ^Sermon on Church Schools, 1891. Times, 8 March 1904. Mules, Philip (Devon) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1832, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1836 ; rem. 1837 ; Fellow of Exeter 1837-55 : M.A. 1839 ; B.C. 1851. Dom. Chap, to the Duke of Rutland 1848 ; died Aug. 1892. Nugee, Andrew (London). Com. Matr. gen. 16 Feb. 1832, aged 18 ; B.A. 1836 ; M.A. 1839 ; rem. 1859. V. of Wymering and R. of Widley, Hants., 1851 ; died 25 Dec. 1858. ORMEROD, John Arderne (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 8 Feb. 1832, aged 18; B.A. 1835; M.A. 1838; Fellow (Williamson W.) 22 Nov. 1838 ; Senior Bursar 1848-63 ; died 12 Dec. 1864. Cler. BENEF. : Plate 1853, and bequeathed 150 volumes of books to Library and 50 to purchase a piece of plate. Burke's Landed Gentry ; Quat. Mon. v. Poynder, Thomas Henry Allen (London) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1832, aged 18 ; B.A. 1836 ; M.A. 1839. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1839 ; J.P. and D.L. Middlx. and Wilts. ; High Sheriff Wilts. 1839 ; died 1873. BENEF. : Plate 1860. Quat. Mon. v. Preston, William Thomas (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 May 1832, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1836. Of Flasby Hall, Yorks. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1840 ; died 17 Nov. 1877. Burke's Landed Gentry. Puckle, John (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Apr. 1832, aged 19 ; Radcliffe and Somerset Sch. 1833 ; 2 Math, and B.A. 1835 ; M.A. 1839. V. of St. Mary-the- Virgin, Dover, 1842 ; R.D. Dover 1846 ; Hon. Canon of Canterbury 1869 ; Proc. in Conv. Canterbury 1869-74, 80-86 ; died Feb. 1894. WORKS : f The true position of the Church of Heathen Sin Oirough Christian Fault, England, 1840. 1857. \-Sermons, 1847-55. ^The church and fortress of Dover Castle, ^Ecclesiastical Sketches, 1849. 1864. Our Lord's Plea for Unity, 1852. The Shepherd of Shepherds, 1871. The Work and Offering of Peace, 1856. Why a note to the Athanasian Creed ? The Advancement of the Signs of the 1872. Times, 1857. f.HYs Last Sermon, 1894. Guardian, 19 Nov. 1879. PULLING, William (Herefs.). Matr. arm. Oriel 9 June 1832, aged 18; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1836; Fellow (Porter) 26 Oct. 1836; M.A. 1838; Junior Bursar 1844-50 ; res. Fell. 7 Dec. 1851. Dom. Chap, to Earl Somers; V. of Ticlenham, Gloucs , 1839-42; R. of 496 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1832-3 Eastnor, Herefs., 1849 ; of Pixley, Herefs., 1850 ; Preb. of Hereford 1868 : died Dec. 1893. WORKS : -^Speech at Church Congress, 1 879. \-The sacramental system, 1853. \A plan for forming a parochial mis- ^Speech, 25 Feb. 1874 (n. d ). sionaryfund (n. d.). Rainier, George (Middlx.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 27 Jan. 1832, aged 18; B.A. 1835; rem. 1843. V. of Ninfield, Sussex, 1854-72; died 23 Oct. 1872. Smyth (Smith), William Norton (Cornwall); Tonbridge. Com. Matr. cler. 13 June 1832, aged 17; Iver Sch. and Latin Verse 1833; Hulme Ex. 1835; Hulrne Pr. 1836; died suddenly of apoplexy at his lodgings in the High Street 23 Apr. 1836. Ale 1834. Stead, Samuel (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 June 1832, aged 19 ; B.A. 1836 ; M.A. 1839. V. of Burton-upon-Trent, Staffs., 1839-60 ; died 5 Apr. 1860. Tipping, "Vernon (Chesh.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1832, aged 17 ; B.A. 1836; rem. 1838. R. of Lawton, Chesh., 1839 ; died 1892. Burke's Landed Gentry. Trafford, Edward Leigh (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 17 May 1832, aged 19 ; died in College 3 Mar. 1834, aged 21. Buried in St. Mary's ; a memorial to him there. Whitbread, Gordon (Cornwall); Exeter and Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 14 June 1832, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1836 ; M.A. 1839 ; rem. 1882. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1840 ; County Court Judge Clerkenwell 1870 ; Governor of Charterhouse ; died 29 Jan. 1883. WORK : fEssay in Charterhouse Prize Essays, 1832. 1833 Allen, John Collins (Kent). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1833. aged 19 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) and rem. 1836; rep. and M.A. 1867 ; rem. 1895 ; died 1897. V. of Hawkley, Hants., 1878-86. Atty, George (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Apr. 1833, aged 18 ; rem. 1836 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. Lincoln 1837. Buddicom, Robert Joseph (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 21 Mar. 1833, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1834 ; Dean's Pr. and Hulme Ex. 1836 ; B.A. 1837 ; rem. 1840 ; rep. and M.A. 1860. V. of Morton, Lines., 1862-81. WORKS : Sunday morning as well as Sunday A few words in behalf of the Society for afternoon? 1841. promoting Christian Knowledge . . . , Two Assize Sermons, 1864. 1840. fS<. Chad's Day in Lincoln, A.D. 1643. Why do you not come to church on and other poems, 1874. Ale 1835. Clarke, John Altham Graham (Herefs.). Com. Matr. arm. 28 Feb. 1833, aged 20; rem. 1836. Of Kinnersley Castle, Gloucs., J.P. ; High Sheriff 1865 ; died Feb. 1862. Burke's Landed Gentry. Corry (Corrie), William Martin Gell (London) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. cler. 13 June 1833, aged 18 ; rem. 1847. 1833J BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 497 Cumming, Brownlow "Wynne (Denbighs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Oct. 1833, aged 18 ; rem. 1835. Assumed the name of Wynne in lieu of Gumming 1843. Quat. Mon. vii. Darcey, Alexander (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 24 Jan., aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1833 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1836 ; M.A. 1839 ; rem. 1841 ; died 1865. Barr. Middle Temple 1840. Day, George (Kent). Com. Matr. gen. 8 June 1833, aged 19 ; rem. 1836. P.C.K. Dixon, James Dickson (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1833, aged 17; B.A. 1837; M.A. 1840; rem. 1860. P.C. of Thornes, Yorks., 1841 ; Inc. of Bramley, Yorks. ; died 5 June 1863. WORKS : Love the fulfilling of the Law, 1845. Sermons preached at St. Luke's Church, The worship of the risen Jesus, 1848. Leeds, 1851. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Formby, Richard (Lanes.). Matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1833, aged 17 ; B.A. 1836 ; rem. 1844. Barr. Inner Temple 1852. French, Mark Dyer (West Indies). Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1833, aged 18; B.A. 1837; M.A. 1840; rem. 1842. R. of West Allington 1867-72 ; Chap, of Bromley College 1868-74 ; V. of Appledore, Kent, 1874-89. Goddard, Francis (Wilts.) ; Marlborough Gr. School and Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 21 Mar., aged 19; Somerset Sch. 1833; B.A. 1836; M.A. 1839 ; rem. 1844. V. of Alderton, Wilts., 1848-58 ; of Hilmarton, Wilts., 1858 ; Preb. and Canon of Salisbury 1882 ; J.P. Wilts; died 1892. Burke's Landed Gentry. Gray, Charles Edward (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 7 Nov. 1833, aged 20 ; B.A. 1837 ; M.A. and rem. 1840. P.C. of Princes Risborough, Bucks., 1845-63 ; V. of Skipwith, Yorks., 1863-93. Haddan (Hadden), Thomas Henry (London K Com. Matr. arm. 2 July 1833, aged 18 ; Dean's Pr. 1835, 6 ; 1 01., 1 Math., B.A. and rein. 1837 ; Fellow of Exeter 1837-43 ; English Essay 1838 ; Eldon Law Sch. and M.A. 1840 ; B.C.L. 1844 ; Vinerian Fellow 1847. Barr. Inner Temple 1841 ; died 5 Sept. 1873. WORKS : reference to Legal Studies in the Uni- The Test of National Prosperity con- versity of Oxford, 1848. aidered, 1838. The Limited Liability Act, 1855. Pounded the Guardian, 1846. Outlines of Administrative Jurisdiction ^ Remarks on Legal Education with of the Court of Chancery, 1862. O.H.S. xxviii ; D.N.B. Harding-, Egerton William (Lanes.) ; Sherborne. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1833, aged 18 : rem. 1836. Of Old Springs, Staffs., J.P. ; J.P. Salop ; died 14 Nov. 1884. Burke's Landed Gentry. Kk 498 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [183B Holme, Meyrick (Gloucs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 21 Mar., aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 1833 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1836 ; M.A. 1839 : rem. 1842. Eight 1838. V. of Marston Meysey, Gloucs., 1840-72; died 12 Dec. 1872. Hoyle, Henry (Lanes.) ; Middleton. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 1833 ; B.A. 1838 ; rem. 1840. WORK: ? Author of TJie Drink Bill. Hull, Robert Pennyman (Yorks.). Com. Matr. doct. 31 Jan. 1833, aged 18 ; Ogle Sch. 1834 ; 4 Math., B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1836 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1848 ; rem. 1850. V.- of Youlgreave, Derbs., 1840 ; P.C. of Buxton, Derbs., 1842-57 : assumed additional name of Brown 1848. Ale 1836. Hussey, Thomas (Dorset). Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1833, aged 18 ; 2 Math. 1836 ; B.A. 1837 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1840. Of Bredy, Dorset ; J.P. and D.L. ; Student Lincoln's Inn 1837; M.P. Lyme Regis 1842-7 ; Col. 1st Somerset Militia. Kent, Roger (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 9 May 1838, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1834 ; B.A. 1837 ; rem. 1850 ; rep. and M.A. 1855. Inc. of Distley, Chesh., 1839-45 ; P.C. of Burley Dam, Chesh., 1858-65 : died 27 Sept. 1865. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Lawes, John Bennet (Herts.) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. gen. 14 Mar. 1833, aged 18; rem. 1835; LL.D. Edin. 1877; Hon. D.C.L. 1893; D.Sc. Camb. 1894. Of Rothamsted, Herts. ; J.P. ; F.R.S. 1854; cr. Bait. 1882 ; died Aug. 1900 ; agriculturist WORKS : Many papers on agricultural subjects. Lloyd, Thomas Henry (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1833, aged 18 ; B.A. 1837 ; rem. 1838 ; Fellow of All Souls 1838-50 ; M.A. 1840. R. of Hamerton, Hunts., 1843-50; died 26 July 1850. P.C.K. Martelli, Thomas Chessher (London). Com. Matr. arm. 6 July 1833, aged 20 ; rem. 1835 ; rep. 1837 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1841 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1844. Inc. of St. John, Marchwood, Southampton, 1843-59 ; died 7 Oct. 1859. WORKS : ? Author of Christmas Tyde, 1849; Passion Week, 1849. MENZIES, Frederick (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 5 Dec. 1833, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1834 ; 3 CL, B.A., Hulme Ex., and Fellow (Founders) 12 Nov. 1837; Pusey and Ellerton Sch. 1838: M.A. 1840; Junior Bursar 1850-8; Vice-Principal 1858-66; R. of Great Shefford 1866-87 ; res. Fell. 8 June 1867. C. of Hambledon, Bucks., 1840-50 ; Hon. Canon Christ Church 1880 ; died March 1901 ; Memorial placed in Great Shefford Church. BEKEF. : Plate 1853. WORK : Some Village Sermons, with a Memoir by the Rev. I. Gregory Smith, 1903. Quat. Mon. v. 1833] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 49f> Milman, William (Som.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. bart. f. 81 Jan. 1833, aged 19 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1837 ; rem. 1847 ; died 17 June 1885- 3rd Bart. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1841. Moor, Frederick (Kent). Com. Matr. arm. 16 Oct. 1833, aged 16 ; rem. 1835. Nesbitt, Cosby Thomas (London). Com. Matr. arm. 16 Oct. 1833, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1837; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1840. Of Lismore House, co. Cavan ; Barr. Inner Temple 1843 ; died 1856. WORK : -{Essays and letters, 1864. Newbold, Arthur George (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1833, aged 17 ; rem. 1835 ; B.A. Magdalen Hall 1839. Author. V. of Thornton, Lines., 1851-72 ; died 13 Jan. 1872. Rigby, Arthur (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1833, aged 18 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1837. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Robin, Philip Rawlin (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1833 r aged 18 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1837 ; M.A. 1840 ; rem. 1842 ; rep. 1852. P.C. of Christ Church, Portswood, Hants., 1847-52; R. of Wood- church, Chesh., 1861-97 ; Hon. Canon of Chester 1885 ; died Aug. 1897. Sleap, Edward (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 31 May 1833, aged 17 ; Dean's Pr. 1834, 5 ; Hulme Ex., 1 Cl. and B.A. 1837 ; M.A. 1840 ; rem. 1842. Cler. Smith, Jeremiah Finch (Lanes.); Manchester. Com. Matr. doct. 24 Apr., aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1833 ; Hulme Ex. 1836 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1837 ; M.A. 1839. B. of Aldridge, Staffs., 1849-86 ; R.D. of Walsall 1862 ; Preb. of Lichfield 1885 ; F.S.A. ; died Sept. 1895. WORKS : Admission Register of the Manchester Sermons. School for (he Chetham Society, A Plain Statement of the Doctrine of the 1866-74. Church of England on holy baptism, {Notes on the Pariah of Aldridge, Siaf- 1850. " fordshire, 1884-9. Manch. Reg. iii (2; ; D.N.B. Smith-Barry, James (Ireland) ; Eton. Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 12 Dec. 1833, aged 17 ; rem. 1836. Of Fota Island, co. Cork, and Marbury, Chesh. ; died 1857. BENEF. : Plate 1838. Stanley, Richard (Wilts.) ; Marlborough Gr. School. Com. Matr. arm. 30 May, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1833 ; 3 Math., B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1837 ; M.A. 1840 ; rem. 1847. V. of Stainfield and of Apley, Lines., 1846 ; of Barlings, Lines., 1851-93. Whitaker, Charles (Lanes.) ; Com. post Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Apr. 1833, aged 17; 4 Cl. 1837; B.A. 1840; rem. 1858. Of Symonstone Hall, Lanes. WORKS : Free Trade Cheapness not a National Religious Equality and Church Estab- Blessing, 3850. lishments, 1872. Letters on Free Trade addressed to the Two Pamphlets (under pseudonym Public, 1851. < Agricola ') Remarks on Lord Derby's Reform BUI, 1867. K k 2 500 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1833-4 Whitter, Thomas Arbuthnot (London). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Jan. 1833. aged 18 ; B.A (Gr. Conip.) 1836 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1839 ; rein. 1864. Willington, John (Warws.) ; Birmingham. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1833, aged 18; Milward Sch. 1834 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 1845. C. of St. Thomas, Stockport, 1846-51 ; V. of St. Matthew, Stockport, 1851 ; died 1892. 1834 Baxter, Robert Houghton (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 13 Mar. 1834, aged 18 ; B.A. 1838 ; M.A and rem. 1840. Cler. Bowker, Henry Hill (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 3 June 1834, aged 19 ; died 1838. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Brown, Alexander (Lanes.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. (post bart. f.) 24 May 1834, aged 17 ; cr. M.A. 1837 ; rem. 1848 ; died 8 Oct. 1849. Of Lincoln's Inn 1839. P.C.R. Champneys, Maximilian Hugh Stanley (Kent). Com. Matr. cler. 15 Dec. 1834. aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1837 ; B.A 1838 ; M.A. 1841. Torpid 1839 ; Eight 1841. B. of Epperstone, Notts., 1853; died 1891. Sherwood. Dickinson, Willoughby Willey (Chesh.). Matr. gen. Lincoln 5 Dec. 1834, aged 19; Iver Sch. 1836; Hulme Ex., 4 Cl. and B.A. 1838 ; M.A and rem. 1841. R. of Martlesham, Suffolk, 1859-61 ; of Wolferton, Norfolk, 1862-83 ; died 15 Feb. 1887. Form by, Henry (Lanes.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 6 Feb.. aged 17: Somerset Sch. 1834; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1837 ; M.A. 1841; rem. 1846. Cler. Became a Roman Catholic 1846. WORKS : Translated Gregory's The life . . . +A Visit to Hie East, 1840. of the Holy Father Benedict, 1858. The Catholic Christian's guide to the ^A collection of rounds and catches, 1859. right use of Christian Psalmody and ^-The Stations of the Cross, 1859. of tlie Psalms, 1847. -^Pictorial Bible and Church History The Plain Cftant tlie image and symbol stories from the earliest down to the of the' humanity of the Divine Re- present times, 1862. deemer and the blessed Mary, 1848. The Life of St. Patrick, 1862. jThe Roman Ritual and its Canto Edited The Inquiry of a retired citizen Fermo, 1849. into the Roman Catholic Religion, The March of Intellect, 1852. 1863. The Young Singer's Book of Songs, Tlie cause of Catholic Emigrants placed 1852. before the Catholic Congress ofMalines, School Songs, 1852. 1867. \-The village carol singers, 1852. The Pictorial Bible Abridged, 1871. State Rationalism in Education, 1854. fDe annis Christi Tractatus, pars II. \-The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Quaestio theologica praecipue dt Church, 1856. Vaticiniis et interpretatione S. Scrip- OurLady of Salette, 1857. turae, 1872. Introduction to The Fifteen Systems of f7%e Book of the Holy Rosary, 1872. tlie Rosary, 1857. ^Catechism of the Holy Rosary, 1873. 1834] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 501 ) Sacrum Septenarium, 1874. ~\- Monotheism, 1877. \-The little book of the Martyrs of the city of Rome, 1877. \The philosophy of Ancient History, 1878. ^Ancient Rome and its connection with the Christian religion, 1880. The growing unbelief of the educated, classes, 1880. The oath of religion in public life. ^The company of the holy women, 1881. Safeguards of Divine faith in the pre- sence of sceptics, freethinkers, and Ale 1837. atheists, 1882. fRevised Fleury's Short Historical Catechism, 1883. ^Familiar introduction to the study of the Sacred Scriptures, 1884. \The presentation of the Virgin Mary (n. d.). ^Pictorial life of Jesus Christ (n. d.). \The seven dolours (n. d.). \The school keepsake (n. d.). \-Theparables of Jesus Christ (n. d.). ^The twelve mysteries of the Holy Child- hood (n. d.j. Garbett, Charles (Herefs.) ; Hereford Cath. School. Com. Matr. cler. 7 June, aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1834 ; Dean's Pr. 1836 ; Hulme Ex., 3 Cl. and B.A. 1838 ; vem. 1839 ; rep. 1861 ; M.A. and rem. 1864. Chap. H.E.I.C.8. ; V. of Tongham, Kent, 1869-95 ; died 1895. Ale 1838. Garrow, Edward William (Surrey); Charterhouse. Com. Matr. gen- 21 May 1834, aged 18 ; B.A. 1839 ; M.A. 1842. P.C. of Compton Abdale, Gloucs., 1847-67 ; R. of Bilsthorpe, Notts., 1867-96; died 1896. Gregson, John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 30 May 1834, aged 17 ; Hulme Ex. 1837 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1838 ; M.A. 1841 ; died 24 June 1859. Cler. Of Castle Priory, Berks., J.P. ; J.P. Bucks. BENEF. : Plate 1860. WOKES : -^The labourer is worthy of Ms hire, \-The night school, 1847. 1847. Quat. Mon. v. Qrenside, Charles Knowlys (London). Com. Matr. arm. 29 Jan. 1834, aged 21 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1837. Barr. Inner Temple 1840. Haddan, Arthur West (Essex). Com. Matr. arm. 31 Mar. 1834, aged 17; rem. 1835; Sch. Trinity 1835-40; 1 Cl., 2 Math, and B.A. 1837 ; Johnson Theol. Sch. 1839 ; M.A. 1840 ; Fellow 1840-58 ; Cl. Exam. 1844-6 ; B.C. 1847 ; Select Pr. 1862 ; Bampton Lect. 1865. R. of Barton-on-the-Heath, Warws., 1857-73; Canon of Worcester 1870 ; died 8 Feb. 1873. Edited Sir H. Spelman's Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents, 1869. Apostolical Succession in the Church of England, 1869. English Divines of 16th and l?th Cen- turies, 1870 (Essay No. 6 in the Church and the Age). Translated St. Augustine's De Trinitate, 1871. Registration and Baptism. Contributed to Guardian. WORKS : Contributed to Library of Anglo- Catholic Theology an edition of the works of John Bramhall, Arch- bishop of Armagh, 1842-5 ; also Herbert Thornhill's Works. Sermon, 1850. The Church patient in her mode of deal- ing with controversies, 1851. \rRalionalism, 1862 (Essay No. 6 in Replies to Essays and Reviews). The Training of Samuel, and the train- ing of King Jehoash, 1862. D.N.B. Contributed to Christian Remem- brancer. 502 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1834-5 Hale, Bobert (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 13 Mar. 1834, aged 19 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1838 ; M.A. 1840. Stroke B.C. 1837 ; Eight 1838. R. of Thorpe Bassett, Yorks., 1856-69; died 17 June 1869. Hulton, Arthur Hyde (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 28 May 1834, aged 17 ; Hulme Ex. 1837 ; rem. 1839 ; B.A. Durham 1840. C. of Newcastle 1841 ; P.C. of Ashton-under-Lyne 1842 ; V. of Wal- mersley, Lanes., 1846 ; Inc. of Christ Church, Ashton-under-Lyne, 1854 : died 1 Jan. 1858. Kyffin, Edward Owen (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 16 June 1834, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1835 ; M.A. 1838. Mathias, William (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. gen. 21 May 1834, aged 18; B.A. 1839; M.A. and rem. 1841. Inc. of Burtle, Som., 1844-64 ; died 21 June 1864. Milne, Henry (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Coin. Matr. arm. 6 Mar. 1834, aged 18 : Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1835 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1838 ; M.A. 1840; rem. 1843. R. of Holme Hale, Norfolk, 1844 ; died 1889. Manch. Reg. iii (2) ; Guardian, 10 Apr. 1889, p. 569. Pickford, Edward Matthew (Chesh.) ; Merchant Taylors. Com. Matr. arm. 23 Jan. 1834, aged 19 ; Hulme Ex. 1837 ; B.A. 1838 ; M.A. 1844. R.'of Tilston, Chesh., 1850-69 ; died 18 Aug. 1869. Powell, Thomas Crump (Salop) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 28 May 1834, aged 18 ; B.A. 1839 ; rem. 1840. R. of Munslow, Salop, 1846; died 1901. P.C.R. Purnell, Thomas (Dorset). Com. Matr. arm. 18 Mar. 1834, aged 19 ; rem. 1836 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 1838. V. of Staverton, Gloucs., 1841 ; died 1892. Smyth, Thomas Ryle (Gloucs.). Sch. Matr. cler. Queen's 17 June 1834, aged 16 ; Stoddard Sch. 1836 ; B.A. 1838 ; M.A. 1841 ; rem. 1845. Eight 1838. Town, Robert (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 6 Mar. 1834, aged 19 ; B.A. 1837; rem. 1840. Wall, Arthur Henry (Herefs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 25 June 1834, aged 18; rem. 1837. 1835 Alsop, James Richard (Staffs.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 18 June, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1835 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1837 ; 4 CL, B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1839 ; rem. 1843. P.C. of West Houghton, Lanes., 1842-67; V. of Acton Trussell with Bednall, Staffs., 1867-80 ; died 6 Aug. 1880. WORKS : ^Correspondence between the Lord Bishop -^Sermons mi faith and practice, 1858. of Manchester, Rev. J. B. Alsop, and ^The prayer of Ajax, a)id other poems, others, 1849. 1880. Manch. Reg. iii (2). 1835] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 503 Baylis, Thomas Henry (London); Harrow. Coin. Matr. arm. 12 Mar., aged 17; Somerset Sch. 1835; B.A. 1838; M.A. 1841. Barr. Inner Temple 1856 ; Q.C. 1875 ; V.D. ; Judge of the Passage Court, Liverpool 1876-1903; Bencher of the Inner Temple 1877; Treasurer 1899 ; Lt.-Col. Middlesex R.V. ; V.P. Royal United Service Institution, Royal Archaeological Institute, and Egyptian Exploration Fund ; died Oct. 1908. WORKS : The rights, duties, and relations of f27e Temple Church and Chapel of domestic servants, 1857. St. Ann, 1893. An explanation of the life assurance ^-Introductory address on the office of classes originated by T. H. B. and reader or lector, and lecture on Trea- G. Scott, 1858. sure Trove, 1898. t-FVre Hints, 1884. -\-The true account of Nelson's famous ^Treasure Trove, 1886. signal. Liverpool Review, 22 Jan. 1888 ; Times, 6 Oct. 1908. Borrer, John Hamlin (Hamilton) (Sussex). Com. Matr. arm. 19 Feb. 1835, aged 18 ; B.A. 1838 ; rein. 1839. Capt. Sussex Militia; D.L. Sussex; died 1850. P.C.K. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. BUCKLEY, William Edward (Lanes.) ; Blundell's. Com. Matr. arm. 10 June 1835, aged 17 ; Iver Sch. 1836 ; Dean's Pr. 1837 ; Hulme Ex., Hulme Pr., 1 Cl. and B.A. 1839 ; Fellow (Founders) 9 Nov. 1840 ; M.A. 1842 ; Rawlinsonian Professor of Anglo-Saxon 1844-9 ; Cl. Exam. 1846-7 ; Rector of Middleton Cheney 1853 ; College purchased his collec- tion of books by Brasenose authors 1892. Eight 1838, 9 ; Stroke B.C. 1838. Secretary of the Union 1838 ; Treasurer 1838; President 1839. Vice-President of Roxburghe Club 1884 ; died Mar. 1892. WORKS : fEdited R. Burton's Poemata, 1862. Preface to TJie King's Prophecie, 1882. Edited Partonope, Count ofBlois, 1862. -^Robert de Holcot, 1886. fArticle on Proverbs, N. & Q., pp. Edited G. Herberti . . . Croftus, 1887. 488, 489, 537, Dec. 1867. (With F. Madan) The Brasenose \-A fragment of Partonope of Blois, Calendar, 1888. 1873. Edited Memoirs of Thomas, Earl of Edited Cephalus and Proem, 1882. Ailesbury, 1890. Sherwood. Byron, John (Lines.). Com. Matr. arm. 5 Feb. 1835, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1839 ; M.A. and rem. 1841. V. of Killingholme, Lines., 1842-86; R.D. 1859-81 ; died 1888. Clarke, Leonard Edmund Graham (Herefs.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 June 1835, aged 17 ; B.A. 1839 ; rem. 1847; rep. 1853 ; rem. 1856. Assumed name of Graham 1862 ; R. of Kinnersley, Herefs.. 1844-61 : died Dec. 1883. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Conway, John James (Lanes.); Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 18 June, aged 19 ; Soin. Th. Manor Sch. 1835; 3 Cl. 1839; rem. 1847. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1844. Manch. Reg. iii 504 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1835 DRIFFIEIiD, George Townshend (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 10 June 1835, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1836 ; 3 CL, Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1839 ; Fellow (Founders) 24 Oct. 1839 ; M.A. 1842 ; nominated to St. Philip. Stepney, 1843; R. of Stratford-le-Bow 1844-80; B. of Old 1879-96; died 22 Apr. 1901. C. of St. Clement's, 1841. WORKS : ^CJiristmas Carol, 1886. ^Popery productive of infidelity, 1852. Anacreonticum, 1898. Ale 1839, 40. Eddie, Richard (Lines.). Com. Matr. arm. 18 June 1835, aged 18 : 3 CL and B.A. 1839 ; M.A. 1842 ; rem. 1847. B. of Broughton Sulney, Lines., 1853-84; B.D. 1873; died 30 Dec. 1884. Garnett, "William Bishton (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 10 June 1835, aged 18; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1840; rem. 1846; rep. 1849; M.A. 1853. Eight 1838, 9, 40 ; Oxford Eight (cox) 1840. Of Decker Hill, Salop, and of Haughton Hall, Chesh. ; assumed addi- tional name of Botfield 1863 ; J.P. Salop and Montgom. ; died 1903. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry ; Times, 13 Jan. 1903. Hall, John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 22 Oct. 1835, aged 17; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1839 ; M.A. 1842 ; rem. 1868. Harding, George Skipton (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 18 June 1835, aged 19 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1839; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1842. V. of Tong, Salop, 1843-56 ; C. of Cheswardine, Salop, 1854-67 ; V, 1867-74 ; died 18 Jan. 1874. Morris, James (Dublin). B.A. Trinity College, Dublin, 1835 ; M.A. 1840 ; incorp. 20 May 1842, aged 37 ; B.D. and D.D. 1845 ; rem. 1851 : died 27 Mar. 1859. Price, Thomas Charles (Yorks.) Com. Matr. arm. 29 Oct. 1835, aged 19 ; Postmaster Merton 1836-9 ; 2 CL and B.A. 1839 ; M.A. 1842. B. of Holtby, Yorks., 1845-51 ; V. of St. Augustine, Bristol, 1851-85 : died 8 Nov. 1885. WORKS : A few words in defence of tfte Plenary The Burial Service, 1864. Inspiration of Holy Scripture, 1852. The life, voyages, and adventures of Christ the only sacrificing priest under B. M. Carew, 1866. the Gospel, 1854. What is Lent? 1873. The Aims and principles of the so-called Bmoing in the name of Jesus, 1875. Liberation of Religion Society, exposed The Introduction of Christianity into in 3 letters, 1859. Britain, 1876. Rawnsley, Edward (Lines.); Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 5 Feb. 1835, aged 18 ; 3 CL and B.A. 1838 ; M.A. 1842. Of Baithby Hall, Lines. ; J.P. ; V. of Hundleby, Lines., 1849-60 ; died 4 Oct. 1905. Times, 6 Oct. 1905. Rothwell, Ralph (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 19 Nov. 1835, aged 19 : rem. 1840. Sandbach, Gilbert (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 2 July 1835. aged 18 ; B.A. 1839 ; M.A. 1842. Eight 1838, 9 ; Stroke B.C. 1839. B. of Upper Sapey, Herefs., 1846-82 ; J.P. Herefs. ; died 10 Mar. 1882. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. 1835-6] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 505 Tetlow, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 10 June 1835, aged 18 : rem. 1843. Walker, Isaac John (Norfolk) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 10 June 1835, aged 18; rem. 1838. Barr, Middle Temple 1847. Watts, Grafton (Herefs.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. cler. 10 June 1835 r aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1841. 1836 Antrobus, George (Chesh.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1836, aged 18; B.A. 1840; M.A. 1844; rem. 1855. Torpid 1839. V. of Beighton, Yorks., 1865-72 ; died 15 Nov. 1872. Champneys, Samuel Montague (London). Matr. cler. Magdalen Hall 20 Oct. 1836, aged 18 ; Radcliffe Sch. 1837 ; b. 15 Jan. ; died 1838. Clifton, Edward Arthur (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. cler. 26 Mar., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1836. Coote, Algernon (Ireland). Com. Matr. bart. f. 25 May 1836, aged 18; Dean's Pr. 1839 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1840; M.A. 1844. Cricket 1838 (Capt.), 9, 40. llth Bart.; R. of Marsh Gibbon, Bucks., 1844-56; V. of Nonington, Kent, 1856-71 ; died 1899. WORK : Sermons. Cother, Dunbar John (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. arm. 18 Jan. 1836, aged 17 ; B.A. 1840 ; M.A. 1842 ; rem. 1856. Barr. Inner Temple 1845. Ellerton, George Mouat Keith (E. Indies). Matr. arm. St. John's 13 May 1836, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1837 ; 4 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1840 ; M.A. and rem. 1843. R. of Smythcott, Salop, 1870-95. Empson, John William (Leics.) ; Eton. Coin. Matr. cler. 25 May 1836, aged 19; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1840; rem. 1843. Eight 1839. Of Yokefleet Hall, Yorks. ; J.P. Yorks. (E. R. and W. R.) and Warws. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Fletcher, Robert (Lanes.). Sch. Matr. arm. 30 May 1836, aged 18; B.A. 1840 ; M.A. 1846. V. of St. Thomas, Radcliffe, Lanes., 1844 ; died 1890. Guardian, 25 June, 1890, p. 1820. Gordon, John (London). Com. Matr. cler. 17 Mar. 1836, aged 19; 1 Math, and B.A. 1839 ; Math. Sch. 1840 ; Vinerian Sch. ; M.A. 1843 : rem. 1859. Torpid 1839. Special Pleader, Middle Temple, 1843 ; Barr. 1846 ; Oxford Circuit ; Jan. Counsel to Customs ; Counsel to Board of Woods and Forests ; Master of Court of Common Pleas 1853-79 ; Master of Supreme Court 1879-89 ; died Sept. 17, 1900. WOBK : A treafiftf on the operation nfthe Genrril Tame. 1847. 506 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1836 Hill, James Smith (Lanes.) Com. Matr. arm. 18 May 1836, aged 18; rem. 1840. Holt, Eardley Chauncey (Herts.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Jan. 1836, aged 17 ; B.A. 1839 ; M.A. and rem. 1843 ; died 1890. Cler. JONES, Edward Rhys (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan. 1836, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. and Dean's Pr. 1837 ; 1 CL, Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1839; rem. 1841; Michel Fellow Queen's 1841-3 , Fellow (Founders) 17 May 1843 ; R. of Limehouse 1850-69 ; res. Fell. 1 Dec. 1851. C. of E. Claydon, Bucks., 1841-2 ; P.C. of St. John, Bethnal Green, 1842-5 ; of St. John, Derby, 1847-50 ; R.D. of Stepney 1860-70 ; R. of Limpsfield, Surrey, 1870 ; R.D. of Godstone 1881-7 ; Hon. Canon of Rochester; died 1899. WORKS : -^Christ's testimony to Moses, 1862. Two Sermons, 1847. A few words about Confirmation, 1866. The Sabbath made for man, 1852. Farewell words at Limehouse, 1870. Joy in the House of God, 1857. -^Elijah at Soreb, 1891. Kershaw, Thomas Ather(s)ton (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 6 July 1836, aged 19; B.A. 1840; M.A. 1843. R. of Milton, Northants., 1844-72 ; died 5 Feb. 1872. Latham, Mortimer Thomas (Lines.). Com. Matr. cler. 1 June 1836, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1840. Vicar of Tattersall, Lines., 1846 ; died 1891. Lowry, John Fetherstone (Tyrone) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1836, aged 17 ; B.A. 1840 ; rem. 1847. Of Pomeroy, co. Tyrone; J.P. Westmeath and Tyrone; Student Lincoln's Inn 1840 ; Barr. King's Inns, Dublin, 1843 ; died 5 Feb. 1883. Burke's Landed Gentry. Lowry, Robert William (Tyrone) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Mar. 1836, aged 19 ; B.A. 1840 ; rem. 1847. Eight 1838, 9. Of Pomeroy House, co. Tyrone; J.P. and D.L. ; Student Lincoln's Inn 1840 ; High Sheriff Tyrone 1849 ; Barr. King's Inns, Dublin. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Morgan, Nathaniel (Leics.). Com. Matr. cler. 1 June 1836, aged 19 ; Hulme Ex. 1839 ; B.A. 1840 ; M.A. 1843 ; rem. 1856. Cler. Newton, William Robert (Derbs.). Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1836, aged 19 ; rem. 1838. Of Birmington Hall, Derbs. ; died 7 Nov. 1854. Burke's Landed Gentry. Nicholson, John (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 25 May. aged 19; Somerset Sch. 1836; B.A. 1840; rem. 1852. Manch. Keg. iii (2). Ogle, Robert (Northumb.) ; Mavlborough Gr. School and Charter- house. Com. Matr. arm. 17 May, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1836 ; B.A. 1844; rem. 1846. Of Eglington Hall. Northumberland ; J.P. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1846 : died 15 Mar. 1879. 1836J BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 507 Pedder, Wilson (Lanes.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. cler. 11 Feb. 1836, aged 17; B.A. 1840 ; M.A. 1842 ; rem. 1863. V. of Compton Dando, Som., 1847 ; P.C. of Horrington, Som. ; V. of Garstang, Lanes., 1859 ; R.D. 1870-88 ; died 14 June 1891. WORKS : The position of our Church as to Rome, The Work of the Church. 1850. 1850. Peel, Edmund (Lanes.). Coin. Matr. gen. 28 Jan. 1836, aged 18 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1839 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1845. V. of West Pennard, Som., 1849-50; of Wargrave-on-Thames 1850-5 ; of Toot Baldon, Oxon., 1861-71 ; died 10 Nov. 1877. Poole, Richard (Herefs.); Rugby. Com. Matr. gen. 11 Feb. 1836, iiged 19. Rawnsley, Drummond (Burrell) (Lines.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. eler. 4 Feb. 1836, aged 18 ; Demy Magdalen 1839-40 ; B.A. and Fellow 1840-2; M.A. 1843. Torpid 1839. V. of Shiplake, Oxon., 1849-61 ; R. of Halton Holgate, Lines., 1861-82 ; Preb. of Lincoln 1877 ; died 31 Aug. 1882. WORKS : \-Vittage Sennons, 1848, 1885. The Cattle Plague, I860. Sermons chiefly catechetical, 1851. Reverence, 1869. ^Preaching, 1855. Life and Death, 1870. Club Fellowship, 1856. The Feast refused, 1873. A Course of Sermons, 1861. The Unmerciful Servant, 1873. Comfort to Mourners, 1865. Harvest Sermons, 1885. KENDALL, Henry (Berks.). Matr. arm. Trinity 30 May 1836, aged 18 ; Sch. 1836-40 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1840 ; Fellow (Elton) 19 Nov. 1840 ; M.A. 1843 ; P.C. of Holy Trinity, Stepney, 1847-55 ; R. of Gt. Rollright 1855-93 ; res. Fell. 4 July 1856 ; died Oct. 1897. Sale, Charles Hanson (Warws.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 30 May, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1836 ; Hulme Ex. 1839 ; B.A. 1840 ; M.A. 1843; rem. 1846. C. of Newton Regis, Warws., 1842-59; V. of Kirby-on-the-Moor, Yorks., 1859 ; Hon. Canon of Ripon ; died 20 Aug. 1893. Scholfield (Scholefield), Henry Daniel (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 25 May, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1836 ; B.A. 1840 ; B.Med. 1843; D.Med. 1847; rem. 1877. M.R.C.S. 1842 ; practised at Birkenhead. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Sconce, Robert Knox (Kent). Coin. Matr. arm. 15 Oct. 1836, aged 18; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1840; rem. 1841. R. of St. Andrew, Sydney. N.S.W. ; a grandson of Vicesimus Knox. D.D. ; died 1852. WORKS : Reasons for submitting to tJie Catholic The Testimony of Antiquity to the Church, 1848. Supremacy of the Holy See, 1848. 508 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1836-7 Scratchley, Charles James (Ceylon); Charterhouse. Corn. Sch. Queens', Cambridge; matr. arm. 6 Feb. 1836, aged 21 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1838 ; rem. 1847. C. of Lydeard St. Lawrence, Som., 1865-72 ; R. 1872; died 1883. WORKS : fEssay in Charterhouse Prize Essays, 1833; M. T. Ciwonis Laelius, 1848. Siddon, Samuel (Notts.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 10 Mar. 1836 ; aged 17. Taylor, John Oakes (Herefs.) ; Hereford Cath. School. Sch. Matr. doct. 25 May, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1836 ; Dean's Pr. 1838 ; Hulme Ex., 2 Cl. and B.A. 1840. Torpid 1839 ; Eight 1843. Torkington, Charles (Hunts.). Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1836, aged 18 ; B.A. 1840 ; rem. 1844. P.C. of Tarrant Crawford, Dorset, 1868-71; R. of Aimer, Dorset, 1871-87 ; died 13 Aug. 1887. "Wright, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 23 Mar. 1836, aged 20 ; Dean's Pr. 1837 ; B.A. 1840 ; rem. 1847. 1837 Allen, Edward Kentish (Som.). Com. Matr. cler. 8 Mar. 1837, aged 19 ; rem. 1839. Bentley, Peter George (Salop). Com. Matr. arm. 25 Nov. 1837, aged 18 ; B.A. 1841 ; Hulme Ex. 1842 ; rem. 1844. Chaplain at Windsor 1844-6 ; died 1878. Berford, George Montagu Balmbrough (Hants.). Com. Matr. arm. 30 May, aged 18 ; rem. 1837. Bostock, James Bethune (London). Com. Matr. 26 Jan. 1837, aged 20; B.A. 1840; M.A. and rem. 1843. Cartwright, William (London) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Feb. 1837, aged 19; B.A. 1840; M.A. 1843; rem. 1858. Chevallier, Barrington (Suffolk) ; Charterhouse. Sch. Matr. cler. 10 Mar., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1837 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1840 ; M.A. 1843 ; B.Med. 1846; D.Med. 1852; rem. 1868. Several years Mayor of Ipswich. Chretien, Charles Peter (Middlx.). Com. Matr. gen. 25 Nov. 1837, aged 17 ; Frankland Sch. 1838 ; Dean's Pr. 1839 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1841 ; Hulme Ex. 1842 ; rem. 1843 ; Fellow of Oriel 1843-64 ; M.A. 1844 : Select Pr. 1859 ; Cl. Exam. 1864-6. R. of Cholderton, Wilts., 1860-75. WORKS : \-Essays on logical method, 1848. -^Tracts for priests and people, 1861. ^Lectures on the study of theology, 1851. \The letter and the spirit, 1861. A letter to F. D. Maurice, on some points Evidences Jor those who think and feet suggested by his recent criticism on more than they can read, 1861. Hansel's Hampton Lectures, 1859. The Needful Knowledge, 1862. Claremont, Edward Stopford (Wexford). Com. Matr. eq. aur. 10 May 1837, aged 18. Claughton, Hugh Calveley (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 3 May 1837, aged 18 ; B.A. 1841 ; rem. 1845 ; died 1883. 1887J BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 509 Coke, Edward Francis (Jamaica); St. Paul's. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Feb. 1837, aged 20 ; Huline Ex. 1839 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1840 ; M.A. 1845; rem. 1847; ? migrated from Cambridge. P.C. of Plymstock, Devon, 1843-52 ; V. of St. James, Bethnal Green, 1852-97. WORK : The witt of the Poor, 1863. Cooper, William Henry (Surrey). Com. Matr. eq. 9 Dec. 1837, uged 18 ; rem. 1839. In the 8th Hussars. P.C.R. Garbett, Edward (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. cler. 19 May 1837, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1837 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and Dean's Pr. 1838; Reed Sch., 2 Cl. and B.A. 1841; M.A. 1847; rem. 1848; migrated to Pembroke College. Torpid 1839. P.C. of St. Bartholomew, Gray's Inn Road, 1850-63 ; V. of Christ Church, Surbiton, 1863-77 ; R. of Barcombe, Sussex, 1877 ; Hon. Canon of Winchester; died 1887. WORKS : Protestant Truth, 1850. An Aggressive Protestantism the best safeguard against Bomish encroach- ment, 1851. \-The Soul's Life, 1852. The past and present condition of the Moravian Missions, 1853. Pastoral Letter to the Congregation of the Episcopal Chapel, Gray's Inn Road, 1853. Sermons for children, 1854. Edited the Record, 1854-67. The history of the Sabbath, 1856. Prayers for families for four iceeks, 1856. The inward witness, 1860. Edited Morning, Noon, and Night, 1860. \-The Bible and its Critics, 1860. Edited the Christian Advocate and Review, 1861, &c. fTVie Pentateuch, 1862. \:The Divine Plan of Revelation, 1863. The Kingdom and the People, 1863. i-The Family of God, 1863. Calvin, 1863. The Soul's Life, 1863. The Sacraments ordained by Christ, 1864. Preface to J. C. Garbett's Morning Dew, 1864. fGod's Word, written 1864. Religion in Daily Life, 1865. TJie Faith once delivered to the Saints, 1865. Ale 1841 ; D.N.B. Extreme Ritualism, 1866. \-Dogmatic Faith, 1867. \What are our duties in the present circumstances of the Ctiurch ? 1867. The Immortality of the Soul, 1868. Diocesan Synods, 1868. The Publican's Prayer, 1868. There is a departure from the spirit of the Gospel, 1868. The Doctrine of the Lord's Supper, the keynote of the Reformation, 1869. Sacerdotalism, 1869. The right handling of Scripture in its bearing upon the scientific questions of the day, 1870. Union among Evangelical Churchmen, 1871. The Future of the Church of England, 1872. \-The Christian Home, 1873. Obligations of Truth, 1874. Preface to Under the Cross, 1875. Evangelical Principles, 1875. The Rule of Faith, 1875. Sermon, 1876. Experiences of tlie Inner Life, 1876. The Nature of Sin, 1876. Introduction to J. A. Wylie's The rise, progress, and insidious icork- ings of Jesuitism, 1877. The PreacJier's Gift, 1879. Ilosea xi. 1 considered with special reference to its bearing on the general interpretation of scripture, 1879. 510 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1837 Qarside, Charles Brierl(e)y (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 18 May, aged 19; Somerset Sch. 1837; Dean's Pr. 1889 ; Hulme Ex. 1840; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1841 ; M.A. and rem. 1844. C. of Margaret Street Chapel, Marylebone; took orders in the Church of Rome 1854 ; Chaplain to Earl of Shrewsbury 1855 ; Assistant Priest in Chelsea and Oxford ; died at Posilippo, Italy, 1876. WOKKS : Tlte Prophet of Carmel, 1873. \The Impiety of Bartering Faith for The Helpers of the Holy Souls, 1874. Opinion, 1850. Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoqve. 1874. Brief Discourse on Sacred, Music, 1869. The Sacrifice of the Eucharist, and other Discourses on some Parables of the Nero Doctrines of the Catholic Church ex- Testament, 1869. plained and vindicated, 1875. Manch. Reg. iii (2) ; D.N.B. Goodhart, Charles Emanuel (Middlx.) ; Chigwell and Harrow, Com. Matr. arm. 3 May 1837. aged 18 : rem. 1843. Of Langley Park. Kent ; J.P. and D.L. Sherwood. Greene, Thomas (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 15 June 1837, aged 18 : Iver Sch. 1838 ; 2 Cl. 1840 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1841 ; M.A. and rem. 1844. C. of Bardesley 1844-9; V. of Friezland, Lanes., 1849-58 and 1870; Principal C.M.S. College. Islington, 1858-70 ; Hon. Canon of Manchester 1881 ; died Aug. 1896. Hannah, John (Lines.) ; St. Saviour's, Southwark. Com. Matr. gen. 10 Mar., aged 18 ; rem. 1837 ; Sch. Corpus Christi 1837-iO ; B.A. and 1 Cl. 1840 ; Fellow of Lincoln 1840-4 ; M.A. 1843 ; Bampton Lect. 1863 ; Select Pr. Cambridge 1877 ; Select Pr. Oxford 1880. R. of Edinburgh Academy 1847-54 ; Warden of Trinity College. Glenalmond, 1854-70; V. of Brighton 1870; Preb. of Chichester 1874; Archdeacon of Lewes 1876 ; died 1888. Author. D.N.B. Hatchard, Thomas Goodwin (London) ; King's College, London. Com. Matr. arm. 11 Apr. 1837, aged 19 ; B.A. 1841 ; M.A. 1845 ; rem. 1846 ; cr. D.D. 1869. R. of Havant. Hants., 1846-56 ; R. of St. Nicholas. Guildford, 1856-69 ; Bishop of Mauritius 1869 ; died 1870. WORKS : Food for my Flock, 1854. Harvest Blessings, 1847. Tlimiksgiving, 1854. Sermons, 1847-62. ^The Flouxret Gathered, 1858. The German Tree, 1851. The Workmen, they are of men, 1802. D.N.B. Hayter, George Goodenough (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 1 Dec. 1837, aged 17 ; rem. 1838 ; 2 Cl. Oriel and B.A. 1841 ; M.A. 1845. R. of Burnham Sutton and V. of Burnham Overy, Norfolk. 1854-82 ; died 24 Dec. 1882. Howell, William Charles (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 Mar. 1837. aged 18 ; 1 Math, and B.A. 1840 ; M.A. 1843. Of Prinknash Park, Gloucs. ; Chaplain at Havre ; C. of Uxb ridge. Middlx., 1842-4; of Trowell. Notts., 1844-7; of Tysoe, Warws.. 1847-50; of Tottenham 1851-61; V. of Holy Trinity, Tottenham. 1861-1904 ; for 33 years a Life Governor of Tottenham Gr. School. WORK : Translated (in conjunction with Prof. Silvanus Thompson ami others) De Magnete by William Gilbert. 1900. 1837J BRASENO8E COLLEGE REGISTER 511 Jackson, Thomas (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 23 Jan. 1837 r uged20; 4 Cl. 1840 ; Hulme Ex. 1841 ; M.A. 1843; rem. 1846; died 1878. Torpid 1839. V, of Waclworth, Yorks. Legh, Richard Cornwall(is) (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 13 May 1837, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1840 ; B.A. 1841 ; rem. 1843. Auditor-General and Member of the Council of Malta ; died 10 Jan. 1876. P.C.E. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. McGill, George Henry (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 18 May, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1837 : B.A. 1841 ; M.A. 1844 ; P.C. of St. George's-in-the-East 1854-67 ; rem. 1869. V. of Stoke Ferry, Norfolk, 1846-54 ; R. of Bangor Monachorum, Wrexhani, Flints., 1867-95. Contributed to The Times under the signature 'An East-end Incumbent'. Manch. Keg. iii (2). Moore, Edward (Middlx.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 7 July 1837, aged 18 ; B.A. 1841 ; M.A. 1844. R. of Boughton Malherbe, Kent, 1843 ; died 14 Feb. 1893. Parkin, George (Westmoreland) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 18 May, aged 18; Somerset Sch. 1837; rem. 1839. Manch. Keg. iii (2). Paxton, James Claudius (Northants.). Com. Matr. gen. 28 June 1837, aged 19; B.A. 1842; M.A. 1846: B.Med., Radcliffe Travelling Fellow, and rem. 1847; died 1848. Eight 1838, 9, 40. Sherwood. Penrice, John (Essex) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 18 May 1837, aged 18 ; 4 Cl. 1840 ; B.A. 1841. Of Bramerton, Norfolk ; J.P. and D.L. ; Major in the Norfolk Artillery. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Pigot (Pigott), Edward (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 17 May 1837, a^ed 18; Iver Sch. 1838; B.A. 1841 ; M.A. 1844; rem. 1852. V. of St. Thomas. Ashton-in-Makerfield, 1848-57 ; R, of Whittington, Lanes., 1857 ; died 1905. Poynder, Edmund Samuel (London) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1837, aged 19; rem. 1844; died 1877. Robertson, Frederick William (London) ; Edinburgh University. Com. Matr. arm. 4 May 1837, aged 21 ; Dean's Pr. 1838 ; Treasurer of the Union 1839 ; 4 Cl. 1840 ; B.A. 1841 ; M.A. 1844; rem. 1846. Minister of Trinity Chapel, Brighton : died 14 Aug. 1853 ; Life and Letters published by Rev. Stopford A. Brooke 1865. WORKS : Analysis of Mr. Tennyson's ' In Memo- ^An Address, 1848, &c. r/om,' 1862. ^A second address, 1850. Literary Remains, 1876. fSermons, 1855. 7, 9, 90. -{The Influence of Poetry, &c. ^Lectures, 1858. ^Lectures and addresses, 1876. Translated Lessing's The Education -^Analysis of Tennyson, 1877. of the Human Race, 1858. ^Notes on Genesis, 1877. ^Expository Lectures on St. Paul's -\-Lessing, 1877. Epistle to the Corinthians, 1859. A few Extracts from the Early Poetical &c. Writings tf F. W. R. D.N.B. ; Quat. Mon. vii. 512 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK [1837-8 Stuart, Abraham Burnett (Chesh.). Corn. Matr. cler. 2 Feb. 1837. aged 18 ; 4 CL, 2 Math, and B.A. 1840 : rem. 1848. Student Inner Temple 1841 ; died 1 Dec. 1844. Button, Robert Shuttleworth (Cornw.) ; Blundell's. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Apr. 1837, aged 18 ; rem. 1840 ; Fellow of Exeter 1840-54 ; 4 Cl. 1841 ; B.A. 1843 ; M.A. 1845. R. of Rype, Sussex. 1853-88 ; E.D. of Pevensey, Sussex, 1860-90 ; Preb. of Chichester 1876 ; Archdeacon of Lewes 1888. O.H.S. xxvii. "Walker, John (London). Com. Matr. arm. 5 Dec. 1837, aged 20 ; Dean's Pr. 1840 ; 2 CL, B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1841 ; Hulme Pr. 1842 ; M.A. 1844 ; rem. 1845. C. of Benefield, Northants., Priest and Canon of the Church of Rome 1845. Walls, Richard George (Lines.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 10 May 1837, aged 19 ; B.A. 1841 ; M.A. 1843 ; rem. 1851. Eight 1838, 9, 40, 1 ; Oxford Eight 1839, 40. Of Boothby Hall, Lines. ; R. (and patron) of Firsby, Lines. ; V. of Gt. Steeping, Lines., 1844. Sherwood. Wildbore, Robert (Leics.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 Oct. 1837, aged 18 ; rem. 1842 ; rep. 1843 ; B.A. 1844 ; rem. 1846 ; died 2 May 1852. Cler. Woodhouse, John (Lanes.). Gen. Com. Matr. arm. 3 June 1837. aged 18; died 1840. P.C.R. 1838 Beale, Theodore (Salop) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1838, aged 17 ; B.A. 1842 ; rem. 1844. R. of Hopton Castle, Herefs., 1856 ; died 1887. Bradley, William Gardner (Warwg.). Com. Matr. cler. 11 Deo. 1838, aged 18 ; B.A. 1842 ; rem. 1847 ; died 1851. Cler. Eight 1842. Brodrick, George (Chesh.) Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1838, aged 18 ; rem. 1838. Butler, Robert Jackson (Oxon.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Feb., aged 17 ; Cartwright Sch. 1838 ; Dean's Pr. 1840 ; Walker Sch. and Hulme Ex. 1841 ; B.A. 1842 ; M.A. 1844 ; rem. 1849. Caparn, James Hare (Lines.). Com. Matr. geu. 15 Feb. 1838, aged 18 ; died 1839. Fletcher, John Waltham (Warws.). Com. Matr. arm. 7 July 1838, aged 21 ; B.A. 1842 ; M.A. 1845 ; rem. 1846. C. of Holy Trinity, Coventry, 1842-4 ; of St. James's Chapel, Hands- worth, 1844-51 ; Chap, of County Gaol, Coventry, 1851-4 ; Leicester, 1854-77; C. of Narborough, Lics., 1878-9; died Nov. 1896. Greaves, Joseph William (Lanes.). Coin. Matr. arm. 20 June 1838, aged 19; rem. 1842. 1838] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 513 Grey, William (Gloucs.). Matr. cler. Magdalen Hall 6 June 1838, aged 18 ; B.A. 1842 ; M.A. 1845 ; migrated 17 Feb. 1854. Principal of Queen's College, St. John's, Newfoundland ; P.O. of Milford, Surrey, 1860-5 ; died 1 Sept. 1872. Haliburton, Walter (Lanes.). Cora. Matr. arm. 22 Feb. 1838, aged 18; B.A. 1841; M.A. 1844; rem. 1847. R. of Coreby, Salop, 1846-54; died 17 Dec. 1854. Holmes, Henry Ogle (London). Com. Matr. arm. 14 Feb. 1838, aged 19 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1842 ; rem. 1848. Torpid 1839. Hope, Hon. Thomas (Linlithgow). Com. Matr. nob. 24 Jan. 1838, aged 19 ; died 6 Nov. 1838. Hughes, John (Denbighs.). Com. Matr. arm. 14 June 1838, aged 18 ; rem. 1840. P.C.R. Hunton, Timothy Raper (Yorks.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 6 June 1838, aged 19 ; rem. same day before caution had been received or residence had been commenced. His father's name was formerly Raper. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Lea, William (Warws.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1838, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. 1841 ; B.A. 1842 ; rem. 1845; rep. and M.A. 1859. Eight 1839, 40, 1 ; Oxford Eight 1841. V. of St. Peter's, Droitwich, 1849 ; Hon. Canon of Worcester 1859 ; Archdeacon of Worcs. 1881 ; died 1889. WOUKS : \Catechisings on the life of Our Lord, Sermon, 1865. 1870. \Catechiswgs on the Prayer Book, Small Farms, 1872. 1865, &e. Church Plate in the Archdeaconry of Sermons on the Prayer Book, 1866. Worcester, 1884. Sherwood; Guardian, 25 Sept. 1889, p. 1426. Meynell, Godfrey (Derbs.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1838, aged 19; B.A. 1842; M.A. 1845; rem. 1859. Eight 1839, 40, 1, 4 ; Oxford Eight 1840, 1. Barr. Middle Temple 1845. Sherwood ; Ale 1838 ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Milne, Henry (Midcllx.). Matr. arm. Exeter 6 Dec. 1838, aged 19 ; b. and c. 22 May 1839 ; B.A. 1842 ; M A. 1845 ; rem. 1846. V. of Harlington, Beds., 1854-8; R. of Letchworth, Herts., 1859-85 ; died 20 Apr. 1885. Fodder, Edward (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 6 June, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1838 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1839 ; Dean's Pr. and Hulme Ex. 1841 ; 3 CL, 1 Math, and B.A. 1842 ; M.A. 1845 ; died 21 Mar. 1881. V. of St. John, Lancaster, 1862-80; Hon. Canon of Manchester 1870. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Piccope, George John (Lanes.); Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 6 June, aged 20 ; Somerset Sch. 1838 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1842 ; M.A. 1845 ; rem. 1848. L 1 514 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1838 C. of Brindle, Lanes., 1849-64; C. in Charge of Yarwell, Northants., 1864-72 ; died 22 Feb. 1872. WORKS : Edited Lancashire and Cheshire Wills now preserved in the Court of Probate and Inventories for Chetham So- at Chester, 1869. ciety, 1857-61. MSS. (presented to Chethaii So- An Index of the Wills and Inventories ciety). Manch. Keg. iii (2). Pigot, Hugh (Salop). Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1838, aged 18; Hulme Ex. 1840 ; B.A. 1842 ; M.A. 1845 ; rem. 1850. V. of Wisbech, St. Mary, Cambs., 1863-9 ; R. of Stretham, Cambs., 1869-84 ; died 22 Sept. 1884. WORKS : ^History ofHadleigh, 1860. The Blessed Life, 1855. \Guide to Hadleigh, 1866. Sermon, 1857. The Choral Movement, 1867. Prothero(e), George (Monmouth). Com. Matr. arm. 8 Feb. 1838, aged 19; B.A. 1843 ; rem. 1851 ; rep. and M.A. 1866 ; rem. 1876. V. of Clifton-on-Teme, Worcs., 1847-53; C. of Whippingham, I.W., 1853-7; R. 1857-93; Chaplain in Ordinary to Queen 1866; Canon of Westminster 1869 ; J.P. Worcs. ; died Nov. 1894. WORKS : Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, 1881. -^-Thanksgiving sermon at Whipping- \-The armour of light, 1888. ham (n. d.). Burke's Landed Gentry. KYLE. Frederick William (Chesh.); Eton. Matr. arm. Christ Church 17 Oct. 1838, aged 18 ; B.A. 1842 ; Fellow (Williamson P.) 21 June 1843 ; M.A. 1845 ; died 1 May 1846. Inc. of Elson, near Gosport, Hants. Salway (Salwey), Alfred (Herefs.). Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1838, aged 21 ; rem. 1839. A Commissary General in the Army. SCOTT, William Henry (Staffs.) ; Rugby. Matr. cler. Oriel 8 Mar. 1838, aged 18; Sch. Trinity 1838-43; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1843; Fellow (Founders) 15 Nov. 1844; M.A. 1845; res. Fell. 24 Oct. 1850; rem. 1856 ; died 17 Sept. 1859. Cler. WORKS : ^Interpretation of the Apocalypse, 1853. Quaestio chronologica de documentis De Annis Christi tractatus. Pars. 1. historiae, 1872. Shaw, Morton (Yorks.). Com. Matr. gen. 4 July 1838, aged 21 ; B.A. 1842 ; M.A. 1846 ; rem. 1861. R. of Rougham, Norfolk, 1854-1900. WORKS : ^The Position of the Celebrant at the Voluntary Schools and Public Taxes, Holy Communion, 1874, &c. 1883. The Position of the Holy Table, 1877. Some Thoughts on the Gospel Scheme of The Burial Question, 1879. Redemption, 1895. Stanton, Richard (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 27 Nov. 1838, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 18il ; 3 Math, and B.A. 1842; rem. 1845. Became a Roman Catholic ; Superior of the Brompton Oratory for some years; died 1901. 1838-9] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 515 Wilson, Theodore Percival (London); Merchant Taylors. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Apr., aged 18; Radcliffe, Henley and Stoddard Sch. 1838; 3 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1841; B.A. and rem. 1845; rep., M.A. and rem. 1847. Schoolmaster; Temperance Advocate ; C. of Holy Trinity, Bardsley, Lanes., 1854-62; R. of Smethcote, Salop, 1862-70; V. of Haslingden, Lanes., 1870-4; of Pavenham, Beds., 1874-81 ; died 8 Aug. 1881. WORKS : Amos Huntingdon, 1870. True to his Colours, 1879. Frank Oldfield, or Lost and Found, Working in the Shade, 1880. 1870. Great heights gained by steady efforts, Una Clevedon, 1877. 1882. Ale 1842. Woodward, Thomas Mason (Sussex). Com. Matr. arm. 6 Apr. 1838, aged 19 ; rem. 1839. Worthington, William (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 22 Mar. 1838, aged 18 ; rem. 1842. PC.R. 1839 Allen, Charles (Worcs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 16 Dec. 1839, aged 19 ; B.A. 1843 ; M.A. 1847 ; rem. 1858 ; died 1880. Inc. of Bushley, Worcs., 1846. WORK : -[Quaint words and sayings in South Worcestershire, 1875. Bache, William Charles (Staffs.). Com. Matr. arm. 18 June 1839, aged 18; Dean's Pr. 1841 ; 3 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1843; M.A. 1846; rem. 1847. V. of Longridge, Lanes., 1847-76 ; R. of Alresford, Hants., 1876; died May 1907. Booth, John Edmund (Lanes.); Manchester. Sch. Matr. cler. 13 Nov., aged 20 ; Somerset Sch. 1839 ; B.A. 1843 ; rem. 1850 ; rep. and M.A. 1851 ; rem. 1852. C. of St. George, Hulme, Manchester, 1844 ; R. of St. Stephen, Salford, 1845-59 ; R. of Chorlton, Lanes., 1859-93 ; died Dec. 1893. WORK : Sermons. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Brooks, Henry (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 8 June 1839, aged 18 ; B.A. 1844; rem. 1847. Caparn, William Barton (Lines.). Com. Matr. gen. 14 Nov. 1839, aged 22; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1843; M.A. 1846; rem. 1868; rep. 1876; rem. 1892. V. of Draycot, Som., 1861-75. WORKS : Translated Avisenet's Divine Coun- [More bishops How shall we choose sels, 1865. them ? 1857. The Government Conscience Clause. Two [Meditations to be used in Church, letters, being part of a correspondence 1862. between the Committee of Council on [Counsels and warnings before and Education and W. B. C., 1866. after Confirmation, 1863. Tlie Athanasian Creed, 1873. Cazenove, John Gibson (London) ; Maryborough Gr. School. Sch. Matr. arm. 13 Nov.. aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1839; Dean's Pr. 1841 ; 2 Cl. 1843 ; M.A. 1846 ; rem. 1868; B.D. and D.D. 1874. Eight 1842, 3, 4, 5 ; Secretary of the Union 1842 ; President 1845. Ll2 516 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK [1839 Sub-Dean and Chancellor of Edinburgh Cathedral 1878 ; Select Pr. 1881 ; died Sept. 1896. WORKS : Jfahometanism, 1855. -^Modern Theism, 1872. ^Versatility, 1859. \An account of the Collegiate Church of (On certain characteristics of Holy Cumbrae, 1872. Scripture, 1861. ^Cumbrae College Calendar for 1873. ^Universal ism and Eternal Punish- -\-The historic evidence for the destruction ment, 1863. of Pompeii and Herculaneum, 1882. ^Possibilities of Union, 1865. Historic Aspects of the a priori argu- f Inconsistency real and apparent, 1866. ment concerning the being and attri- iSome aspects of Reformation, 1869. lutes of God, 1886. Ale 1843 ; Sherwood. Clowes, Samuel "William (Derbs.); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1839, aged 18 ; B.A. 1843 ; rem. 1844. Eight 1843. Of Broughton Old Hall, Lanes., and of Norbury, Leics., J.P. ; Student Lincoln's Inn 1843 ; Lieut.-Col. 3rd Dragoons ; M.P. North Leicestershire 1868-80 ; High Sheriff, Derbs., 1888 ; late Capt. South Notts. Yeomanry ; died 31 Dec. 1898. Burke' s Landed Gentry. Cradock, Sheldon Firmadge (Leics.) ; Eugby. Com. Matr. arm. 26 June 1839, aged 18 ; B.A. 1843 ; rein. 1846. Middle Temple 1841. Sherwood. Dixon, Joshua (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 26 June 1839, aged 18 ; rem. 1843. Driffield, Vero Gurdon (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 14 Jan., aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1839 ; Dean's Pr. and Ogle Sch. 1841 ; 2 Cl., B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1842 ; M.A. 1845 ; died 14 Dec. 1845. Cler. Dumbleton, Henry (Hants.), Marlborough Gr. Sch. Sch. Matr. arm. 13 Nov., aged 18; Somerset Sch. 1839; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1840; B.A. 1843 ; rem. 1844. Eight and Stroke B.C. 1842. Harrison, William Henry (Yorks.); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 30 May 1839, aged 18 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1843 ; rem. 1846. Eight 1841. Of Welton, Yorks. ; J.P. and D.L. ; assumed additional name of Broadley 1864; High Sheriff Yorks. (E. R.) 1867; M.P. Yorks. (E. R.) 1868 ; Hon. Col. Yorkshire Hussars. Sherwood. Hodson, Qrenville Heber Frodsham Elton (Oxford) ; Charterhouse. Matr. D.D. f. 13 Dec. 1839, aged 18 ; rem. 1842. Rector of Michaelchurch, Som. ; Principal Hodson's only son. Holford, John James (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 23 Oct. 1839, aged 18 ; 4 Math, and B.A. 1843 ; M.A. 1846 ; rem. 1850. Barr. Middle Temple 1845. 1839] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 517 Horwood, Edward Russell (Bucks.). Com. Matr. arm. 20 June 1839. aged 18; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1843; M.A. and rem. 1846; died 1900. J.P. Essex ; C. of Tring 1844 ; of Holy Trinity, Grays Inn Road, 1845 ; of Christ Church, Marylebone, 1848 ; V. of Maldon, Essex, 1850-1900 ; R.D. Maldon 1879-98. WORKS : The war victims, 1870 ; National Education, 1870. Jaokson, Charles Bird (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 22 May 1839, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1840 ; Church Sch. 1841 ; Hulme Ex. 1842 ; B A. 1843 ; M.A. and rem. 1846. Eight 1842. V. of Northwood, Staffs., 1848-75; R. of Wold Newton, Lines., 1875-95 ; died 10 Aug. 1895. WORK : Lent Sermons on Last Words from the Cross, 1881. Johnson, Charles Augustus (Berks.). Com. Matr. cler. 5 Mar., aged 18 ; Craven Sch. 1839 ; B.A. 1843 ; M.A. 1846 ; rem. 1857. R. ofEnborne, Berks., 1850 ; died Feb. 1892. Jones, William Henry (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 14 Mar., aged 19 ; rem. 1839 ; B.A. Queen's 1843 ; M.A. 1845. V. of Mottram-in-Longdendale, Chesh., 1853-78 ; R. of Godington, Oxon., 1878-1903. WORK : Blanche de Bourbon, 1853. Kenyon, Arthur Richard (Salop) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1839, aged 20 ; rem. 1843. P.C.R. LUCAS, William Henry (Northants.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Nov. aged 18 ; rem. 1839 ; Postmaster Merton 1840-3 ; 2 CL, 1 Math, and B.A. 1843 ; Fellow (Founders) 7 Dec. 1844 ; M.A. 1846 ; res. Fell. 2 Oct. 1852. C. of Walthamstow 1848-52 ; Lect. of Rodborough, Gloucs., 1851-96 ; P.C. of Milford, Surrey, 1852-6 ; C. of Lyndhurst, Hants., 1856-66 ; V. of Sopley, Hants., 1866; R.D. of Christchurch 1868-93; Hon. Canon Winchester 1882. MacGregor, Robert Henry (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 17 June 1839, aged 19; rem. 1842. Marshall, Frederick Earnshaw (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 22 May, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1839 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1843 ; M.A. 1848. Of Penwortham Hall, Lanes. ; J.P. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1847 ; died Aug. 1874. Randolph, John (Middlx.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. cler. 13 June 1839, aged 18 ; B.A. 1843 ; M.A. and rem. 1847. Chaplain of Tattenhoe, Bucks., 1850-66 ; R. of Sanderstead, Surrey, 1866-81 ; died 11 July 1881. Sherwood. Royds, Edward (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 5 Feb. 1839, aged 18 ; B.A. 1842 ; M.A. 1845. Oxford Eight 1840, 1, 3 ; Eight 1840, 1, 2, 3, 4. R, of Brereton, Chesh., 1845-95 ; died July 1895. Sherwood. 518 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1839-40 Somers-Cocks, John James Thomas (Herefs.) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 5 June 1839, aged 18 ; B.A. 1843; rem. 1847. Oxford Eight 1840 (stroke), 41 (stroke) ; Stroke B.C. 1840, 1 ; Captain O.U.B.C. 1840, 1 ; Eight 1840, 1, 3. R. of Sheviocke, Cornwall ; became a Roman Catholic 1856 ; died Sept. 1906. BENEF. : Plate 1857. Sherwood ; P.C.E. ; Ale 1846 ; Quat. Mon. v. Taswell (Taswall), George (Kent) ; Tonbridge. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Nov. 1839, aged 17; B.A. 1843; M.A. 1846; rem. 1858. C. of Margate, Kent ; V. of Bekesborne, Kent, 1859-68. Taylor, Samuel (Lanes.) ; Rugbv. Com. Matr. arm. 18 June 1839, aged 18 ; 4 Math. 1842 ; B.A. 1843 f M.A. 1846 ; rem. 1847. Barr. Inner Temple, 1846 ; Deputy Recorder of Manchester. Tindal, Henry (Bucks.); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 20 Apr. 1839, aged 19 ; Hulme Ex. 1842 ; B.A. 1843 ; M.A. 1845 ; rem. 1850. Torpid 1839: Eight 1840, 1. Of Harbury Hall, Warws. ; C. of Springfield. Essex, 1845; of Hampton, Worcs., 1850 ; R. of Bulphan, Essex, 1856-62 ; of Frankton, Warws., 1867-84. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Tipping, Francis Gartside ( Chesh. 1 ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 22 May 1839, aged 18 ; B.A. 1843 ; M.A. and rem. 1846. Cler. Of Lynn Onn Hall, Denbs. ; J.P. Burke's Landed Gentry. White, Bobert (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 24 June 1839, aged 19; B.A. 1843; rem. 1846. C. of Deane, Lanes., 1843-7 ; of Little Budworth, Chesh., 1847-53 ; V. 1853. "Wilson, Thomas (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Jan. 1839, aged 18 ; B.A. 1843 ; M.A. and rem. 1845. ? Joined Federal Army (U.S.A.). 184O Bagshaw, John Charles (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 7 Apr. 1840, aged 21 ; Church and Somerset Sch. 1841 ; Hulme Ex. 1843 ; B.A. 1844; M.A. 1846; rem. 1847. V. of Osbournby, Lines., 1876-98. Manch. Keg. iii (2). Barton, Richard (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 25 June 1840, aged 18 ; rem. 1842. P.C.E. BOWEK", George Ferguson (Ireland); Charterhouse. Matr. cler. Trinity 16 June 1840, aged 18; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1844; Fellow (Frankland) 7 Dec. 1844; M.A. 1847; Tutor 1852; res. Fell. 4 July 1854; cr. D.C.L. 1875 ; LL.D. Cambridge 1886. President of the Union 1843, 4. Student Lincoln's Inn 1844; Principal of the College at Corfu 1848; Secretary to the Commission of the Ionian Islands 1854 ; C.M.G. 1855 ; K.C.M.G. 1856 ; the first Governor of Queensland 1859-68 ; G.C.M.G. 1840] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 519 1860; Governor of New Zealand 1868-73; Governor of Victoria 1873-9; Governor of Mauritius 1879-83; Governor of Hong Kong 1883-7; P.C. 1886; died 1899. BENEF.: Plate 1853. WORKS : A Handbook for Travellers in Greece, Althaea, 1850, &c. 1872. \The Ionian Islands under British The Federation of the British Empire, Protection, 1851. 1886, &c. \-Mount Athos, Thessaly, and Epirus, -^Thirty years of Colonial government, 1852. 1889. Ale 1855 ; D.N.B. ; Quafc. Mon. v, vii. Cook, John Earl(e)y (Herts.). Com. Matr. arm. 27 June 1840, aged 17; 1 Math. 1843; Senior Math. Sch. and B.A. 1844; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1847; rem. 1884. Of Knowle Hill, Surrey ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1851. Crossfield, Robert (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 7 July 1840, aged 20. Cummings (Gumming), Charles James (London). Com. Matr. arm. 19 June 1840, aged 19 ; B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1847. R. of Cheadle, Chesh., 1847-73 ; died 10 Oct. 1873. Ale 1842. Drake, John Tyrwhitt (Bucks.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 10 June 1840, aged 18 ; rem. 1843 ; LL.B. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1851. R. of Malpas, Chesh., 1845-62; of Croxton, Lines., 1862-5; of Cottesbroke, Northants., 1865-88; died 1888. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Eddy, Charles Walter (Northants.). Com. Matr. cler. 3 Mar. 1840, aged 18; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1843; M.A. 1848; Fellow of University and B.Med. 1849. WORKS : Tables of British Commerce, 1869. London, 1871. Assisted Colonisation, 1870. t Various pamphlets (together with The Defence of our Shores and of a Memoir of him), 1874. Edwards, John Copner Wynne (Montgom.). Com. Matr. cler. 1 Apr. 1840, aged 18; B.A. 1843; M.A. 1846; rem. 1887. Eight 1842. Barr. Inner Temple 1847. Egerton, George Henry (Chesh.). Com. Matr. bart. f. 9 Dec. 1840, aged 18 ; 4 Math, and B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1847. C. of Ross 1845 ; R. of Middle, Salop, 1847 ; Preb. of Lichfield 1862 ; died July 1905. Evans, Arthur (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. D.D. 22 Oct. 1840, aged 18; B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1847 ; rem. 1848 ; died 21 Apr. 1850. C. of Carlton, Leics. Fletcher, Henry (Warws.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 June 1840, aged 19; B.A. 1844; M.A. 1847. V. of Holy Trinity, Shrewsbury, 1862-82; of Thornton, Lines., 1882-5; died 14 June 1885. Forbes, Alexander Penrose (Edinburgh) ; Haileybury and Glasgow University. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1840, aged 22 ; Boden Sch. 1841 ; 4 Cl. 1843 ; B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1846 ; cr. D.C.L. 1848. Bishop of Brechin 1847-75 ; Pastor of Stonehaven Church, Kincardine ; 520 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1840 V. of St. Saviour's, Leeds ; died 8 Oct. 1875 ; an intimate friend of Pusey and Dollinger. BENEF. : Gave a Sanskrit MS. to Library 1844. WORKS : The work of the spirit, 1845. The end of man, 1845. [The Ecclesiastic, 1846. \A commentary on the seven penitential Psalms, 1847. [The seal of the Lord, 1848. [Jesus our worship, 1848. [Questions for self-examination, 1848. [A plea for sisterhoods, 1 848. The Christian's converse, 1849. The Christian's foundation, 1849. [A commentary on the Te Deum, 1850. Edited Pinart's The Nourishment of the Christian Soul, 1852. [Explanation of the Nicene Creed, 1852. [A commentary on the canticles, 1853. [The holiness of the human body, 1853. [The duties of society, 1853. Translated (partly) and edited Avisenet's Memoriale Vitae sacer- dotalis, 1853, &c. [A method of assisting the sick, 1855. [A commentary on the Litany, 1855. [Are you being converted? 1856. Sermons on Amendment of Life, 1857. [A primary charge to the clergy of his diocese, 1858. [Opinion of the Bishop of Brechin in the case of Rev. P. Cheyne, 1858. |- The mirror of young Christians, 1 859. D.N.B. [The waning of opportunities, 1860. A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Brechin, 1862. [ Sermons on the Grace of God, 1832. The Society of Christian Art, 1862. (Preface to Shutte's edition of Drexelius, 1863. Edited with a memoir C. T. Erskine's Sermons, 1864. [The Scotch Communion Office done into Greek, 1865. Edited Vera's Meditations on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ,18&&. Explanation of the Thirty-nine Articles, 1867. Our Lord, 1867. Notes of eight Meditations given at a Retreat for Clergy held in Dundee, 1869, 1870. Lives ofS.Ninian and S. Kentigern, 1871. Superintended translation of Ada- man's Life of St. Columba, 1871. The Church of England and the doctrine of Papal Infallibility, 1871. [Kalendars of Scotch saints, 1872. The Claims of the Laity to vote as con- stituent members of Synod practically considered, 1873. Introduction to Kinloch's History of Scotland, 1874. [Remains of A. W. Haddan, 1876. Com. Matr. arm. 25 June 1840, Harrop, John (Jonah) (Lanes.), aged 18 ; rem. 1842. Hole, Samuel Reynolds (Lanes.); Newark. Com. Matr. arm. 26 Mar. 1840, aged 20 ; B.A. 1844 ; rem. 1850 ; rep. and M.A. 1878 ; Select Pr. 1885 ; D.D. Lambeth 1887. Of Caunton Manor, Notts. ; V. of Caunton 1850 ; Preb. of Lincoln 1875 ; Dean of Rochester 1887 ; Almoner of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem 1895 ; died Aug. 1904 ; a noted rose grower. WORKS : The Newark Bee, 1838-9. [Hints to Freshmen, 1843, &c. [Macbeth Travestied, 1847. \A Little Tour in Ireland, 1858. ^Sermon, 1858. f The Gardener's Annual, 1863. \A Book about Roses, 1869, &c. [The Six of Spades, 1872. The Cry of the Labourer against Land- lord, Farmer, and Priest, 1873. [Home Reunion Society: Church v. Dissent, 1878. Hints to Preachers, 1880. Nice and her neighbours, 1881. For their works' sake, 1883. What is a Mission ? 1884. Our Duty in danger, 1885. Introduction to H. C. Lay's The Church in the Nation, 1886. A Book about the Garden, 1892, &c. The Memories of Dean Hole, 1892, &c. The Dean and the Drink, 1892. More Memories, 1894. Addresses to Working Men, 1894. A Little Tour in America, 1895. Faith which worketh by Love, 1897. Introduction to Greene's Flowers from Palestine, 1899. Our Gardens, 1899. [Then and now, 1902. Wild O.H.S. xxii ; Book Lover, Nov. 1901 ; P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. 1840] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 521 Hopkins, Richard (Cambs.). Com. Matr. arm. 26 Nov. 1840, aged 19 ; B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1851 ; retn. 1852 ; died 13 Apr. 1859. Cler. Irby, Hon. Llewellyn Charles Robert (Anglesey). Com. Matr. baronis f. 9 Dec. 1840, aged 18 ; B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1847. K. of Whiston, Northants., 1851-1901. Isham, Charles Edmund (Northants.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. barfc. f. 15 Jan. 1840, aged 20 ; rem. 1842. High Sheriff Northants. 1851 ; J.P. and D.L. ; 10th Bart. ; died 1903. WORK : fTTte Barby apparition, 1867. Jodrell, Charles Philip Paul (Norfolk). Com. Matr. cler. Mag- dalen Hall 6 June 1840, aged 19; b. and c. 17 Jan. 1842; B.A. 1845; M.A. and rem. 1848. R. of Bayfield, Norfolk, 1855-61 ; of Wramplingham, Norfolk, 1861-75; died 1875. KNOTT, John "William (Warws.). Matr. gen. Wadham 21 May 1840, aged 18 ; Lusby Sch. Magdalen Hall 1842 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1844 ; Fellow (Founders) 15 Nov. 1844; M.A. 1846 ; Proctor 1853; V. of East Ham 1866-70 ; res. Fell. 1867. Went as Missionary to India ; V. of St. Saviour's, Leeds, 1851-9 ; of Christ Church, Roxeth, Middlx., 1864-6 ; died 8 June 1870. BENEF. : Plate 1853. WORKS : A letter to the Parishioners of St. Sa- The Gift of God, and the preparations mours, Leeds, 1851. of the heart, 1856. Justification and Conversion, 1854. -\-The Supper of the Lord, 1858. Quat. Mon. v. Latham, John Henry (London); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 18 Nov. 1840, aged 17 ; Craven Sch. 1841 ; died 4 July 1843. A memorial window to him in Bradwall Church. Ley, Richard (Devon) ; Hereford and Harrow. Sch. Matr. cler. 11 June, aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1840; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1847. C. of Cumnor, Berks. ; of Kingsand, Devonport ; died 11 Dec. 1886. Lord, John Pickup (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 10 June 1840, aged 19 ; rem. 1842. Officer in 5th Lancashire Fusiliers. Mason, Abraham (Dublin). B.A. Trinity College, Dublin, 1840 ; M.A. 1844 ; incorp. 6 July 1844, aged 31 ; rem. 1856. V. of Broxted, Essex, 1846 ; died 1869. Munro, Alexander George (Kent). Com. Matr. arm. 9 Apr. 1840, aged 19 ; B.A. 1844; rem. 1848 ; died 1882. Cler. Palmer, Felix (London). Com. Matr. gen. Wadham 19 Nov. 1840, aged 19; b. and c. 27 Apr. 1841; B.A. 1844; M.A. 1847. C. of Loughton, Essex ; died 24 Jan. 1865. Ale 1844. Perceval, Edward France (Lanes.); Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 10 June 1840, aged 18; Somerset Sch. 1841; Hulme Ex. 1843; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1844; M.A. and rem. 1847 ; died 12 Sept. 1849. Barr. Inner Temple 1847. WORK : -[The foundation statutes of Merlon College, 1847. 522 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1840 Pickering, Edward (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 25 June 1840, aged 18; Iver Sch. 1840; Hulme Ex. 1843; B.A. 1844; M.A. 1847; rem. 1848. Colonial Chaplain Grahamstown ; died 9 Jan. 1885. Pigot, John Tayleur (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 10 June, aged 19; Somerset Sch. 1840; Ogle Sch. 1841; B.A. 1844; M.A. 1847; rem. 1889. Minor Canon of Rochester 1847-55 ; V. of Firmington, Devon, 1855; Preb. of Exeter 1882. WOKKS : Knowledge of the Time, 1854 ; Our Present Help, 1854. Plant, Samuel (Chesh.); Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 11 June, aged 19; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1840; B.A. 1844; M.A. 1847; rem. 1855. C. of Hanley, Staffs., 1845-9 ; V. of Weston-on-Trent 1849-1900 ; R.D. of Stafford 1877-94 ; Preb. of Lichfield 1878. WORKS : Some remarks on mining accidents, 1851 ; -{Sermons, 1857. Manch. Reg. iii (2). PLUMPTBJE, Edward Hayes (London). Matr. arm. University College 21 May 1840, aged 18 ; Sch. 1841-4 ; 1 Cl., 1 Math, and B.A. 1844 ; Fellow (Higden) 7 Dec. 1844 ; M.A. 1846 ; res. Fell. 4 July 1848 ; Select Pr. 1851-3, 1864-6, 1872-3 ; Boyle Lect. 1866-7 ; Grinfield Lect. 1872-4 ; Theol. Exam. 1872, 3. Dean of Queen's College, London, 1855-75 ; Preb. of St. Paul's 1863-81 ; R. of Pluckley, Kent, 1869-73 ; V. of Bickley, Kent, 1873-81 ; Principal of Queen's College, London, 1875-7 ; Dean of Wells 1881 ; died Feb. 1891. WORKS : Infidelity refuted by its own Concessions, \The calling of a medical student, 1876. 1849. Respice, Aspice, Prospice, 1876. tOwr life in heaten, 1856. St. Paul in Asia, 1877. King's College Sermons, 1859. Popular Exposition of the Epistles to the ^Dangers Past and Present, 1861. Seren Churches, 1877. \-The education of the Clergy, 1862. Perversions to Rome, 1877. \The Book of Proverbs in its bearing William Chillingu-orth, 1877. upon Theology and Life, 1864. Who is sufficient? 1878. Lazarus, 1864. Peace or War, 1878. Sophocles, 1865. Movements in Religious Thought, 1879. t Master and Scholar, 1866. The Ideal of Cathedral Life, 1881. Christ and Christendom, 1867. Preface to Vaticanism as seen from Calmness in times of trouble, 1868. the Tiber, 1884. Aesihylus, 1868. Theology and Life, 1884. Biblical Studies, 1870. The Spirits in Prison, 1884. Sloth, 1872. Things New and Old, 1884. Delays and Difficulties in the Church's -\-The Divina Commedia and Canzoniere Work, 1872. of Dante Alighieri, 1886, 7. Confession and Absolution, 1873. f Life of Bishop Ken, 1888. Edited the Bible Educator, 1874. Wells Cathedral and its Deans, 1888. Edited J. C. Hare's The Victory of Hymns. Faith, 1874. Contributed to Cambridge Bible, Edited J. C. Hare's The Mission of Speaker's Commentary, Bible Edu- the Comforter, 1876. cator. D.N.B. Hobarts, Alfred (Bucks.); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 26 Nov. 1840, aged 20 ; B.A. 1844 ; rem. 1849. P.C. of Wootton Underwood 1852-6 ; died 1 Apr. 1856. 1840-1] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 523 Eoyds, James (Chesh.); Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Mar. 1840, aged 18 ; B.A. 1844 ; M.A. and rem. 1846. Of Woodlands, Hartford, Chesh. ; J.P. ; P.C. of Hartford 1846-63 ; died 14 May 1886. Sherwood. Smyth, Charles Dawes (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 8 Apr. 1840, aged 19 ; Hulme Ex. 1843 ; B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1846 ; rem. 1874 ; died 1877. Cler. TURNER, Edward Tindal (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 28 Nov. 1840, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1841 ; Sch. Trinity 1841-5 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1844 ; Fellow (Founders) 2 May 1845 ; M.A. 1847 ; Tutor 1850-70 ; Senior Proctor 1859; Member of Hebdomadal Council 1860-96; Senior Bursar 1866-70 ; Registrar of the University 1870-97 ; Vice-Principal 1870-81. BENEF. : Plate 1853, 1907. Quat. Mon. v. Wood, Robert Faulkner (Salop). Com. Matr. arm. 2 July 1840, aged 18 ; B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1847 ; rem. 1867. R. of Moreton Corbet, Salop, 1849-83 ; died 9 Jan. 1883. "Woodward, Frederick (Sussex). Com. Matr. arm. 10 June 1840. aged 18; B.A. 1844; rem. 1847; rep. and M.A. 1853; rem. 1857; died 1 Nov. 1860. C. of St. Philip, Clerkenwell. "Worley, George (Northants.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Jan. 1840, aged 19; rem. 1842. P.C.R. 1841 Alexander, Legard Desney (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 19 ; rem. 1845 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1847 ; M.A. 1850. V. of Ganton, Yorks., 1852-68 ; died 25 Nov. 1868. ALEXANDER, William (Ireland) ; Tonbridge. Matr. cler. Exeter 19 Nov. 1841, aged 17; 4 cl. 1847; Denyer Pr. 1850; migrated to Brasenose from New Inn Hall ; B.A. 1854 ; M.A. 1856 ; Sacred Poem 1860 ; D.D. by diploma 1867 ; Select Pr. 1870, 82 ; Bampton Lect. and Hon. D.C.L. 1876 ; Hon. LL.D. Dublin 1892 ; Hon. D.Litt. and Hon. Fellow 1907. Bishop of Derry and Raphoe 1867 ; Archbishop of Armagh 1896. WORKS : [The Divinity of Our Lord, 1850, &c. -^ Leading Ideas of the Gospels, 1872. j-Ode to Earl of Derby, 1853. The Creation of Man, 1872. Edited Sermons by R. Higinbotham, Sensationalism, 1873. 1859. The Conquest of the Earth, 1873. \-The Waters of Babylon, 1860. fTwo poems in Lyrics of Life and Popular lectures and general reading, Light, 1875. 1862. Sermon at the Consecration of the Cathe- Specimen of a translationof Virgil, 1863. dral at Inverness, 1875. Victor Hugo as a Poet, 1863. Praise is comely, 1875. Matthew Arnold's Poetry, 1863. St. Augustine's Confessions, 1877 (St. The Apocryphal Gospels, 1865. James's Lectures). ^Specimens Poetical and Critical, 1867. Sanderson the Judicious Preacher, 1877 Tria Mirabilia, 1867. (St. James's Lectures). A charge delivered to the Clergy of the The Connection rf the Church's Creed, diocese of Derry and Raphoe, 1869. Worship and Work, 1877. Elisha, 1870. Witness of the Psalms to Christ and ^Four discourses at Norwich, 1871. Christianity, 1877. The Divine Death, 1871. Sainthood, 1882. 524 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1841 The Great Question and other Sermons, Primary Convictions, 1893, &c. 1886, &c. Sermon, 1894. The Divinity of Our Lord, 1886. Tenebrae, 1896. St. Augustine's Holiday and other At the Communion time : ' A Manual Poems, 1886. for Holy Communion.' Preface Royalty and Loyalty, 1886. by W. A. \-Epistles of St. John, 1888, &c. Commentary on Cor. i and ft; Thes. ; Verbum Crucis, 1891 . Philemon ; i, ii, and Hi of St. John The Leading Ideas of the Gospels, 1892, (Speaker's Commentary, vols. ix &c. and x). Balston, Thomas (Kent) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Jan. 1841, aged 18 ; 3 Cl., 2 Math, and B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1847 ; rem. 1863. Barr. Inner Temple 1848. Eight 1843, 4, 5. Sherwood. Banner, Thomas Bowden (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Mar. 1841, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1842 ; B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1847 ; rem. 1866. P.C. of Holy Innocents, Liverpool, 1854 ; died 1892. Quat. Mon. vii. BARLOW, Joseph Wagstaff (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 9 June, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1841 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and Dean's Prize 1843; Hulme Ex. 1844; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1845; Fellow (Williamson P.) 19 Nov. 1846 ; M.A. 1848 ; died 5 Aug. 1859 ; memorial window in College Chapel. Barwell, Edward Henry (Surrey). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 18 ; rem. 1844. BROOKES, John Henry (Salop) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1842; Dean's Prize 1843; Hulme Ex. 1844 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1845 : Fellow (Founders) 4 Nov. 1845 ; M.A. 1848 ; E. of Steeple Aston 1862-96 ; res. Fell. 23 Mar. 1864. C. of Stoke Bruerne, Northants., 1888; V. of Preston Deanery, Northants., 1860-3; R.D. of Woodstock 1866-79 ; died 24 May 1896. Manch. Eeg. iii (2). Burton, Charles Willam Cuff (Middlx.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 18 ; rem. 1842. Of Pollacton, co. Carlow ; J.P. ; High Sheriff Carlow 1851 ; 5th Bart. ; Lieut. 1st Dragoons ; died 2 Oct. 1902. Case, George (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 17 ; 1 Math, and B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1845 ; M.A. 1848 ; rem. 1851. Cler. WORKS : The Vatican Council, and a duty of Failing in Faith, 1850. Catholics in regard to it, 1870. Dry, William (Oxford) ; Aynhoe. Com. Matr. gen. 9 June 1841, aged 18 ; Cartwright Sch. 1843 ; B.A. 1845 ; M.A. 1848 ; rem. 1868. R. of Whitchurch, Herefs., 1862-80 ; died 8 Jan. 1886. Ducker, John (Lanes.); Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 11 Mar. 1841, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1841 ; 4 Math, and B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1847 ; rem. 1854. V. of Wardle, Lanes., 1858-92. Manch. Reg. iii (2). 1841] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 525 Glegg, William Baskervyl(l)e (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Cora. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 18; rem. 1843. P.C.K. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Gordon, George (Leics.). Com. Matr. cler. 21 Jan. 1841, aged 18 ; B.A. 1845 ; rem. 1850. P.C.R. Green, Henry Armel (Som.). Com. Matr. cler. 21 Jan. 1841, aged 18 ; rem. 1843. Hall, William Twambrooke (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Jan. 1841, aged 18. Harris, James Parker (Berks.) Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 18; B.A. 1845; rem. 1848; cr. M.A. 1860; died 24 Mar. 1864; memorial window to him in College Chapel. Served throughout the siege of Lucknow ; was for the greater part of the siege the only Church of England clergyman there, as his colleague had died ; his unremitting care to the sick and wounded, and the personal courage displayed in the discharge of his sacred duties were eulogized in General Outram's and the Governor-General's dispatches. Eight 1844, 5. Gent.'s Mag. 1864, ii. 118; Mission Life, Nov. 1874; Sherwood; Mrs. Harris, Diary of the Siege of Lucknow ; Ale 1861. Hoole, William Spooner (London). Com. Matr. arm. 11 Mar. 1841, aged 18 ; B.A. 1845 ; Hulme Ex. 1846 ; M.A. 1847 ; rem. 1848. V. of Briercliffe, Lanes., 1851-78 ; R. of Thornton-le-Moors, Chesh., 1878-95. Hullah, Thomas (London) ; Merchant Taylors. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 17; 4 Math. 1844; B.A. 1845; M.A. 1848; rem. 1852, J.P. Cornwall ; P.C. Tideford, Cornwall, 1857-64 ; R. of Jacobstow, Cornwall, 1864-5 ; R. of Calstock, Cornwall, 1865 ; Hon. Canon of Truro Eight 1842, 3, 4. Joseph, Alexander (Jamaica). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 19 ; 4 Math. 1844 ; B.A. 1845 ; M.A. 1848. R. of St. John's, Chatham, 1861-77 ; Hon. Canon of Rochester 1877 ; died 1890. Ale 1847. Lawson, William John (Northumb.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 19; rem. 1845. Of Longhirst, Northumberland ; J.P. and D.L. ; Student Inner Temple 1843 ; died 6 Nov. 1859. Burke's Landed Gentry. Lomas, Holland (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Jan. 1841, aged 19 ; rem. 1843 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) St. Mary Hall 1848 ; M.A. 1860. P.C. of St. Luke, Leeds, 1851-4 ; P.C. of Walton Break, Lanes., 1855-80 ; R. of Zeal Monachorum, Devon, 1885-6 ; died 7 July 1886. WORKS : An Exhortation to Stability, 1854. loss of the ' Boyal Charter,' 1859. A Christmas gift to the young, 1857. The Unfruitful Vineyard (n. d.). Macdougall, Henry (Herts.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Jan. 1841, aged 21 ; B.A. 1845 ; M.A. and rem. 1847. Chaplain to the Forces 1847-61 ; R. of St. Michael, Stamford, 1874-1900. 526 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1841 Marshall, John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 19 ; rem. 1844. Student Inner Temple 1843. Master, George Streynsham (Leics.); Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 9 June 1841, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1844 ; B.A. 1845 ; M.A. 1848. P.C. of Welsh-Hampton, Salop, 1847-59; V. of Twickenham 1859-65 ; R. of West Dean with East Grimstead, Wilts., 1865-86 ; died 1900. WORK : \A plea for the celebration of the occasional services, 1853. P.C.R. Pakenham, Hon. Henry Robert (Ireland); Winchester. Com. Matr. earl f. 9 June 1841, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1845 ; M.A. 1853 ; died 7 Apr. 1856. Cler. P.C.R. Philips, Gilbert Henderson (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 18 ; B.A. 1845 ; M.A. 1848. P.C. of Dringhouse, Yorks., 1848-67; V. of Brodsworth, Yorks., 1867-83 ; Canon of York 1878 ; R. of Bolton Percy, Yorks., 1883-5 ; died 3 Aug. 1885. Pownall, Assheton (Lanes.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 18 ; B.A. 1845 ; M.A. and rem. 1848. R. of South Kilworth, Leics., 1847-86 ; Hon. Canon of Peterborough 1875-85 ; Archdeacon of Leicester 1884 ; died 24 Nov. 1886. WORKS : ^Defaced coins of Stephen. 1881. fSowze records of South Kilworth, 1881. \-Have we no Irish coins of Edward VI? -\Panal medals of the fifteenth century, 1881. 1884. Puleston, Theophilus Henry Gresley (Salop). Com. Matr. bart. f. 9 June 1841, aged 19; B.A. (Or. Comp.) 1845; rem. 1848. J.P. Flints. ; R. of Worthenbury, Flints., 1848-96 ; died May 1896. P.C.R. Sitwell, Robert Sacheverel Wilmot (Derbs.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 17 ; B.A. 1845 ; rem. 1846. Of Stainsby House, Derbs. ; J.P. ; Barr. Middle Temple 1849. Burke's Landed Gentry. Smith, Henry Robert (Lanes.); Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 11 Mar., aged 18; Somerset Sch. 1841; B.A. 1844; M.A. 1848. C. of Northwich 1842-7 ; P.C. of St. Mary, Preston, 1849-56 ; of Grange-over-Sands, 1858; Hon. Canon of Carlisle 1880 ; died Nov. 1896. Stewart, Samuel Bradshaw (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 9 June, aged 20 ; Somerset Sch. 1841 ; Hulme Ex. 1844 ; B.A. 1845 ; M.A. 1849 ; rem. 1852. Cler. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Swanwiok, Philip Slater (Chesh.). Com. Matr. gen. 21 Jan., aged 18; Iver Sch. 1841; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1844; M.A. and rem. 1848; died 1884. Cler. 1841-2] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 527 Swetenham, Edmund (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1841, aged 18 ; 4 Math. 1844 ; B.A. 1845 ; M.A. and rem. 1848. Of Cam-yr-Alyn, Denbigh ; J.P. ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1848 ; Q.C. 1880 ; Bencher 1882 ; M.P. Carnarvon Burghs 1886. Burke's Landed Gentry. Sykes, John Henry (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Jan. 1841, aged 19: rem. 1844. R. of Foxholes 1848-50 ; died 22 July 1850. Thirkill, Thomas Pulvertoft (Lines.). Com. Matr. arm. 11 Feb. 1841, aged 20; B.A. 1844; rem. 1851; rep. and M.A. 1871 ; died 1877. Cler. Tomlin, James (Kent). Matr. gen. Magdalen Hall 17 Dec. 1841, aged 22 ; B.A. 1845 ; migrated to Brasenose 30 June ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1848 ; died 25 Apr. 1851. Barr. Inner Temple 1848 ; there is a monument to him on the clerestory of the Temple Church in London. 1842 Banner, George John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Feb. 1842, aged 17 ; B.A. 1845; Hulme Ex. 1846 ; M.A. 1848. V. of Roby, Lanes., 1853-85 ; Chaplain at Fresbury 1887-91 ; died 1901. Batty, Robert Eaton (Chesh.) Com. Matr. cler. 28 Apr. 1842, aged 18 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1846 ; M.A. 1848 ; died 12 Sept. 1876. Inc. of Wragby, Yorks., 1851-9. WORKS : Historic Sketch of Pontefract Castle, 1852. History of Baptismal Fonts, 1842. Sermon on the Life and Character of Sermon on Fasting, 1849. Wellington, 1853. Benson, William Tate (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Mar. 1842, aged 18 ; rem. 1847 ; S.C.L. New Inn Hall 1853 ; B.A. 1855. Cromwell, John Gabriel (Chesh.) Com. Matr. gen. 1 Dec. 1842, aged 19; Somerset Sch. 1843; 3 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1846; M.A. 1849; M.A. Durham 1850 ; rem. 1851. Vice-Principal Training College, Durham, 1849-52 ; Principal 1852-65 ; Hon. Canon of Durham 1856 ; R. of St. Mary, South Bailey, Durham, 1859-65 ; of Stisted, Essex. 1886-94 ; Principal of St. Mark's College, Chelsea, 1865-87 ; R.D. of Chelsea 1871-85 ; of Braintree 1890-1 ; died Feb. 1908. WORKS : Popular Education in America, 1868. The Durham Half Time Register, 1883. Edited Philip's Series of Beading Revised Waylen's The House of Books for Public Elementary Schools, Cromwell, 1897. 1874. Edwards, Robert Wynne (Carnarvon). Com. Matr. cler. 18 May 1842, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1846 ; rem. 1850 ; rep. and M.A. 1861 ; Canon of St. Asaph 1867. P.C.of Gwersvlt, Denbs., 1852-8; R. of Llanfihangel-yn-Gwynfa 1858-60 ; V. of M^ifod, Montgomery. 1860-77 ; Preb. of St. Asaph 1865 ; Chaplain to the Bishop 1870; V. of Llanrhaiadr-yn-Kinmerch 1877-85; died 1885. Guardian, 10 June 1885, p. 856. 528 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1842 Edwards, William Edward (Herefs.). Com. Matr. gen. 26 May 1842, aged 18 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1846 ; M.A. 1849 ; rem. 1884. C. of Wallsend, Northumberland, 1847-9; of Silkstone, Yorks., 1849-50 ; of Blunham, Beds., 1850-1 ; of Gt. Horkesley, Essex, 1851-3 ; V. of Orleton, Herefs., 1853-1901 ; R.D. of Leominster 1886 ; Preb. of Hereford 1901 ; died 1904. Formby, Richard Edward (Lanes.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. cler. 18 May 1842, aged 19 ; B.A. 1846 ; rem. 1847 ; rep. and rem. 1850. P.C. of Hythe, Kent, 1854-9 ; R. of Latchington, Essex, 1859-93. Greenall, Thomas (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 3 Mar. 1842, aged 18 ; B.A. 1845 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1848 ; rem. 1856. R. of Grappenhall, Chesh.,1848; Hon. Canon of Chester 1880; died 1892. Harrison, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Mar. 1842, aged 18; B.A. 1846; M.A. 1849; rem. 1860. C. of Christ Church, Macclesfield, 1846-7 ; R. of Pontesbury, Salop, 1847-1900. Harvey, William (Kent). Com. Matr. eq. 10 Mar. 1842, aged 18 ; B.A. 1845 ; M.A. 1848 ; died 18 Mar. 1865. Cler. Eight 1844, 5, 6. WOKK: New Navy List of Flag Officers, Captains, etc., 1861. Sherwood. Hughes, John (Carnarvon). Com. Matr. cler. 9 July 1842, aged 18 ; HulmeEx. 1845; B.A. 1846; rem. 1849. Cler. Jackson, Thomas Molineux (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 21 Apr. 1842, aged 20 ; Hulme Ex. 1845 ; B.A. 1846 ; M.A. 1848 ; rem. 1849. Inc. of Little Marsden, Lanes., 1852 ; V. of Osbournby, Lines., 1863-70. Jones, Bulkeley Owen (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 9 June 1842. aged 18 ; B.A. 1846 ; rem. 1850 ; rep. and M.A. 1851 ; rem. 1858. J.P. Denbighs., 1871 ; C. of Beaumaris, Anglesey, 1847 ; Warden and V. of Ruthin, 1851 ; R.D. of Dyffryn Clwyd, 1870 ; Preb. of St. Asaph 1897. Ale 1845. Jones, Theophilus (Devon). Com. Matr. gen. 10 Mar. 1842, aged 18 ; the first Colquitt Exhibitioner 1843-5 ; 4 Cl. 1845 ; B.A. 1846 ; M.A. 1848 ; rem. 1851. V. of Brinham, Devon, 1866-83 ; R. of Bradstone 1883-6 ; died 9 Nov. 1886. WORKS : \-The Accession Service, 1852. The Society for the Propagation of the ^Letter on the Royal Supremacy, Gospel, the Queen's Letter, and Church 1852-3. Societies, 1854. Merriman, Henry Gordon (Wilts.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 18 May 1842, aged 18 ; rem. 1843 ; Fellow of New 1843-52 ; B.A. 1846 ; M.A. 1850 ; B.D. and D.D. 1861. Assist, Master Winchester 1847-9; Head Master Bridgnorth 1850-9; Head Master Guildford Gr. School 1859-74 ; R. of Michelmarsh, Hants., 1874-84 ; R. of East Woodhay, Hants., 1884-7 ; died 10 Aug. 1887. Merriman, William Henry Robert (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1842, aged 19 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1846 ; M.A. 1850. Eight 1846. P.C. of Ditton Marsh, Wilts., 1851-8; of Greinton, Som., 1859 61 ; died 1886. BENEF. : Plate 1875. Sherwood. 1842] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 529 Mordacque, Louis Henry (France) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 18 May, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1842 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1844 ; 3 CL, Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1846 ; M.A. and rem. 1849 ; died 30 Jan. 1870. P.C. of Haslingden, Lanes., 1849-70. WORKS : fTransl. of Salverte's Hist, of the New Testament Biography, 1852. names of men, 1862. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Ogle, James Ambrose (Oxford) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. D.Med. f. 18 May 1842, aged 17 ; 4 Math, and B.A. 1846 ; M.A. 1849 ; rem. 1901. Eight 1846. C. of Icomb, Gloucs., 1848; V. of Sedgeford, Norfolk, 1858-74; R.D. of Heacham, Norfolk, 1860-89 ; R. of Southmere with Sedgford, Norfolk, 1874. Sherwood. Perkins, George (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 18 May, aged 17; Somerset Sch. 1842; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and Dean's Pr. 1844; Hulme Ex. 1845; 2 CL and B.A. 1846; M.A. 1849; rem. 1850; rep. 1867 ; died 9 Dec. 1887. Cler. and Schoolmaster. WORK : Early difficulties in writing Latin, 1869. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Perryn, Gerrard Alexander (Chesh.); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 2 June 1842, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1843 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1846 ; M.A. 1849 ; B.D. and D.D. 1871. Of Trafford Hall, Chesh. ; P.C. of Guilden Sutton, Chesh., 1851-68 ; died 19 Jan. 1878. Plummer, John Taylor (Surrey); Merchant Taylors. Com. Matr. arm. 18 May 1842, aged 18 ; B.A. 1846 ; M.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1849 ; died 12 May 1869. R. of Hartley Mauditt, Hants., 1847-69. WORKS : The Resurrection of the Just and their The Dignity of little children, 1866. condition in a Future State, 1866. Prince, John Charles (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 18 May, aged 17 ; rem. 1842 ; Sch. Corpus Christi 1842-8 ; B.A. 1847 ; died 1848. Rawstorne, Robert Atherton (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 18 May 1842, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1846 ; M.A. and rem. 1849. P.C. of Penwortham, Lanes., 1852-8 ; V. of Balderstone, Lanes., 1859 ; Archdeacon of Blackburn 1885-99. BENEF. : Plate 1854. Quat. Mon. v. Robinson, Alexander Dawson (Yorks.). Com. Matr. cler. 18 May 1842, aged 19 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1846 ; M.A. 1849. Of Netherside and Linton, Yorks. ; R. of Linton-in-Craven ; assumed name of Newell in lieu of Robinson 1843 ; died 7 Jan. 1866. Burke's Landed Gentry. ROBINSON, Thomas Whitaker (Yorks.). Com. Matr. cler. 1* May 1842, aged 17; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1846 ; Pellow (Higden) 16 Nov. 1848 ; M.A. 1849 ; R. of Wapping 1854 ; of Poplar 1861-91 ; res. Fell. 1862 ; died Dec. 1902. Eight 1844, 5, 6, 7. M m 530 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1842-3 Of Nethercide, Yorks. ; assumed name of Nowell in lieu of Robinson, 1843. WORKS : M letter to his parishioners on Con- ^Sacrifice or no sacrifice, 1876. firmation, 1865. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. 1843 Bushby, John Stubbs (Lanes.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 6 July 1843, aged 18; B.A. 1847; M.A. 1850; died 1852. He was appointed the first incumbent of the new church at Fairfield, near Liverpool, but died before its completion. Ale 1846 ; Sherwood. ClifFe, Anthony John (Dublin). Com. b. and c. 14 June 1843 ; rem. 1845. Burke's Landed Gentry. Cooke, Samuel (Chesh.). Com. Matr. 23 Nov. 1843, aged 18 ; rem. and B.A. St. Mary Hall 1848; M.A. 1851. P.C. of Langton St. Andrew, Lines., 1850-69 ; died 25 Sept. 1869. Corrie, Johnson Byrom (Lanes. ); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 9 Mar. 1843, aged 18 ; rem. 1845. Daroey, William (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 15 June 1843, aged 19; rem. 1846. Fisher, Robert (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 25 Feb., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1843 ; B.A. 1847 ; M.A. 1849 ; rem. 1859. C. of Shaw and Littleborough, Lanes., 1853-65 ; of Christ Church, Accrington, 1865-8; of Blackley, Lanes., 1868-70; of St. Matthew, Chadderton, Lanes., 1870-2; of Hollinwood, Lanes., 1872-77; V. of Biscot, Beds., 1877-94; died 1896. Ooode, Charles William (Warws.). Cora. Matr. arm. 7 Apr. 1843, aged 20 ; 4 Math, and B.A. 1846 ; rem. 1851. Sherwood. Hull, John Winstanley (Lanes.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 15 June 1843, aged 18 ; 3 Cl., 4 Math, and B.A. 1847 ; M.A. 1850. C. of St. Michael-on-Wyre, Lanes., 1848-50 ; P.C. of Grimsargh, Lanes., 1850-3 ; V. of North Muskham, Notts., 1853; died 1902. WORK : Translated Giealer's Ecclesiastical History, vols. iii, iv, v, 1853-4. Jackson, William Henry (Staffs.). Com. Matr. arm. 15 June 1843, aged 18; Iver Sch. 1846 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1847 ; M.A. 1851 ; rem. 1858. R. of Thorpe-Arch, Yorks., 1875. Jervois, Sampson Thomas Henry (Ireland) ; Marlborough Or. School. Com. Matr. arm. 30 Mar.. 1843, aged 20 ; Somerset Sch. 1844 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1846 ; rem. 1849 ; rep. and M.A. 1852 ; rem. 1855. P.C. of Downham, Lance., 1853-83 ; died 1886. Kewley, John Wood (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 15 June 1843, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1847 ; Hulme Ex. 1848 ; rem. 1850 ; rep., M.A. and rem. 1858 ; died 7 Nov. 1861. Cler. Iiittledale, George Henry (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 15 June 1843, aged 18 ; rem. 1845. Army. P.C.R. 1843] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 531 Lowndes, Charles Clayton (Lanes.); Birmingham and Liverpool. Com. Matr. arm. 25 Feb., aged 18; Somerset Sch. 1843; rem. 1846; 3 Cl. St. Mary Hall 1847 ; B.A. 1850 ; M.A. 1853 ; rep. 1856 ; rem. 1862. V. of Applethwaite, Cumberland, 1855-73 ; died 28 Mar. 1873. WORKS : The scholar's hymn book, 1853. spondence between H. Shepheard and Uneiangelised Heathen . . . A corre- C. C. L., 1866. Middleton, Henry Abdy (Wilts.); Marlborough Gr. School. Com. Matr. cler. 24 June 1843, aged 18 ; Somerset and Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1844 ; B.A. 1847 ; rem. 1848 ; rep. 1855 ; M.A. 1856. R.N. Chaplain ; died at Malta 11 Dec. 1867. Oldham, Joshua (Worcs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 15 June 1843, aged 18 ; B.A. 1847 ; rem. 1855; died 11 Apr. 1898. Eight 1846, 7 ; Oxford Eight 1847. Sherwood. Parker, John "Webster (Lanes.); Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 25 Feb., aged 18 ; Tver Sch. 1843 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and B.A. 1846 ; M.A. 1849 ; rem. 1860. V. of St. Alban, Rochdale, 1856-74 ; died 13 Aug. 1874. WORK : "^Sermons on the Church's seasons, 1876. Royds, Francis Coulman (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 15 June 1843, aged 17; B.A. 1847; Hulme Ex. 1848; M.A. 1850; rem. 1855. Eight 1845, 6, 7 ; Captain B.C. 1846; Captain O.U.B.C. 1846. C. of Sandbach, Chesh., 1850-1 ; of Neston, Chesh., 1851-5 ; R. of Coddington. Chesh., 1855-1904 ; Hon. Canon of Chester 1894. Sherwood. Spencer, John (Wilts.). B.A. Trinity Cambridge 1843 ; M.A. 1846 ; incorp. 25 May 1854, aged 36 ; rem. 1863. Thackwell, "William Henry (Worcs.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. cler. 15 June, aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1843; B.A. 1847; M.A. 1850. R. of Birts Morton, Worcs., 1856-70 ; C. of Kinwarton, Warws., 1863-8 ; V. of Coughton, Worcs., 1876-90. Tuke, Francis Edward (Surrey) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 30 Mar. 1843, aged 17 ; B.A. 1846 ; rem. 1851 ; rep. and M.A. 1863; rem. 1866. Stroke B.C. 1843; Oxford Eight 1844 (stroke), 5 (stroke); Eight, Captain B.C., Captain O.U.B.C. 1844, 5. C. of St. Martin, Canterbury, 1848-51 ; of Bishopsbourne, Kent, 1851-2; of Upper Deal 1852-3; of Willesborough, Kent, 1854-7; P.C. of Wye, Kent, 1858-66; C. of Borden, Kent, 1866-8 ; V. 1868-96. Sherwood ; Ale 1846. Vincent, Richard (London) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 14 June 1843, aged 20 ; B.A. 1847; M.A. 1850 ; died 23 Nov. 1864; rem. 1865. Inspector of Schools ; Inc. of Woodlands, Sevenoaks, 1850; of Trinity Church, Crockham, Kent. WORKS : Reality in Religion, and Religion in Private Prayers for Children in National Practice (a sermon on education), Schools (on card). 1858. H m 2 532 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1843-4 Whitlock, George Stewart (Lanes.); Collegiate School, Sheffield. Com. Matr. cler. 15 June 1843, aged 19 ; Walker, Henley, and Stoddard Sch. 1846 ; 3 Cl., B.A., and Hulme Ex. 1847 ; M.A. 1850. C. of St. George, Bloomsbury 1849-54 ; E. of Milton Bryant, Beds., 1854-65 ; V. of Christ Church, Chelsea, 1865-86 ; died Sept. 1903. WORKS : Guide to the Holy Communion, 1879. The Secret of apostolic and ministerial Burning Answers on Burning Questions, success, 1860. 1889. "Willis, William Macbean (Som.) ; Tonbridge. Com. Matr. arm. 23 Nov. 1843, aged 17 ; 4 Cl., 3 Math, and B.A. 1847 ; Hulme Ex. 1848 ; M.A. 1850 ; rem. 1852. C. of Hythe, Kent ; of Horsmonden, Kent ; died 21 Aug. 1854, the result of a railway accident at Croydon. Wodehouse, James Hay (Norfolk). Com. Matr. cler. 17 Mar. 1843, aged 18 ; B.A. 1846 ; rem. 1848. Eight 1845, 7. Commissioner and Consul-General Sandwich Islands 1866. Sherwood. 1844 Backhouse, John Harris (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 14 June, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1844 ; Colquitt Ex. 1846 ; 2 Cl., 1 Math., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1848 ; M.A. 1851 ; rem. 1855. Cler. Master of Felsted Grammar School 1851. WORKS : Edited a new edition of Riddle's History, 1868. Manual and Outlines of Scripture -(-Edited Ussher's Barnabas, 1883. Guardian, 10 Jan. 1883, p. 47, col. 2 ; Manch. Eeg. iii (2). Bedford, William Kirkpatrick Hiland (Warws.) ; Sutton Cold- field and Westminster. Com. Matr. cler. 5 June 1844, aged 17 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1848 ; M.A. 1852. Secretary of the Union 1847. Genealogist of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England ; C. of Southwell, Notts., 1849 ; R. of Sutton Coldfield, Warws., 1850; died 1904. WORKS : ^The Blazon of Episcopacy, 1858, &c. -\-History of Sutton Coldfield, 1891. ^Hospital of the Knights of St. John, \Malta and the Knights Hospitallers, Valetla, 1882. 1894. f Records of the Woodmen of Arden, Contributed to Archery (Badminton 1885. Library), 1894. fSermon on the Jubilee, 1887. -\-The Annals of the Free Foresters, 1895. \-Charles K. Sharpe's correspondence, fJTie Warden, Nos. 1-4, 1898, 9. ed. by Allardyce. Memoir of Outcomes of Old Oxford, 1899. C. K. Sharpe, by W. K. R. B., -\-The Real Vesey. 1888. f7%e Luttrells of Four Oaks. \-Three hundred years of a family living, \The Order of the Hospital of St. John 1889. of Jerusalem, 1902. \Rowing at Westminster, 1890. fT/te Manor of Sutton, 1902. O.H.S. xxii ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Bullock, Thomas (Chesh.) ; Macclesfield. Com. Matr. gen. 7 June 1844, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1848 ; died 1850. 1844] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 533 Crawfurd, Charles Walter Payne (Sussex). Com. Matr. arm 6 June 1844, aged 18 ; B.A. 1848; M.A. 1851. Of Ardmillan, E. Grinstead, J.P. ; Chairman of District Council Inner Temple 1847 ; C. of Snettisham. Norfolk, 1850-2 ; of Chieveley, Berks., 1852-3 ; of Gt. Chart, Kent, 1853-5 ; of Westbuiy-on-Severn, GIoucs., 1855-8 ; of Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucs.. 1858-63 ; died 10 Mar. 1909. WORKS : -\-A plea for the abolition of East Grin- \-Funeral Reform, 1878. stead Fair, 1879. P.C.R. Dimsdale, Thomas Robert Charles (Herts.); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1844, aged 17 ; rem. 1845. Army ; died 17 June 1858. P.C.R. Fox, John Wilson (Yorks.). Com. Matr. cler. 21 Mar. 1844, aged 18 ; rem. 1846. Of Slatham Lodge, Chesh., and Grisby Hall, Lines. ; J.P. ; High Sheriff Lines. 1868 ; Officer in 12th Lancers ; Captain Cheshire Yeomanry. Hall, George Lowthian (Lanes.) ; Rugby and King's Coll., London. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1844, aged 18 ; rem. 1845. Artist in water colours ; formerly Secretary to the Dudley Gallery. P.C.R. Harrison, William Waters (Chesh.) ; King's School, Canterbury. Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1844, aged 17 ; Iver Sch. 1845 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1848 ; M.A. 1851 ; rem. 1891 ; the last of the Esquire Bedells ; had held the office of ' Gold Poker' thirty years ; died Mar. 1891. Oxford Times, 14 Mar. 1891. Hillyar, William Josias Mends (Cornwall) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1844, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1845 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1848 ; rem. 1850. Sometime a tutor in Sydney, N.S.W. ; C. of All Saints', Bathurst, N.S.W., 1862-4 ; died 1905. Hodgson, William (Staffs.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 June 1844, aged 18 ; rem. 1846. JAMES, John Henry (Lanes.); Rugby. Matr. arm. University 20 Mar. 1844, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1847 ; Fellow (Founders) 16 Nov. 1848; M.A. 1850; res. Fell. 20 July 1853 ; died 1904. Solicitor. Jones, David (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. cler. 6 June 1844, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1848 ; rem. 1852 ; assumed name of Veel in lieu of Jones, 1848. Eight 1847, 8. Sherwood. Kendall, Walter William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1844, aged 17 ; B.A. 1848 ; M.A. and rem. 1851. Vicar of Birch in Hopwood, Lanes., 1857-80 ; died 4 Apr. 1881. Knight, Robert Hervey (Northants.) ; Christ's Hospital. Com. Matr. cler. 21 Mar. 1844, aged 18 ; 4 Math, and B.A. 1847 ; Hulme Ex. 1848 ; M.A. 1850 ; rem. 1851 ; died 7 Sept. 1856. Cler. Eight 1847, 8, 9, 50. Sherwood. 534 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1844 Lingard, Roger Rowson (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1844, aged 18 ; B.A. 1847 ; M.A. 1850 ; died Nov. 1908. Assumed additional surname of Quthrie, 1871 ; Chaplain to Bishop of Brechin 1878-1904. Maddison, George Edward (Lines.). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1844, aged 18; rem. 1845. Markham, Thomas Hugh (Northants.) ; Bromsgrove. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1844, aged 18; B.A. 1847; rem. 1851 ; rep. and M.A. 1852; rem. 1867. Barr. Inner Temple 1851 ; died 19 Sept. 1868. WORKS : \The Shareholders' Legal Guide, 1858. Tlie Common Law Procedure Acts of The Commercial and Traders' Legal 1852 and 1854, 1856. Guide, 1859. Mather, Edward Ijushington (Lanes.) ; Birmingham. Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1844, aged 18 ; Nowell Sch. 1846 ; Hulme Ex. 1847 ; 4 Math, and B.A. 1848 ; M.A. 1851 ; rem. 1905. V. of Christ Church, Bootle, 1866-79; of Over Tabley, Chesh., 1881-99 ; died 1906. Mills, Richard (Kent) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1844, aged 18 ; B.A. 1848 ; M.A. 1851. Solicitor; Student Lincoln's Inn 1848; died 11 Aug. 1901. Packe, Henry "Vere (Northants.). Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1844, aged 18; 4 Cl. 1847 ; B.A. 1848 ; rem. 1851. R. of Shangton, Leics., 1858. Sherwood; P.C.R. Philipps, Frederick Lewis Lloyd (Cardigan.). Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1844, aged 20 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1848 ; M.A. 1859. Of Penty Park, Pembs., J.P. ; died 1902. Severne, John Edmund (Salop). Com. Matr. arm. 6 June 1844, aged 18 ; B.A. 1848 ; M.A. 1854 ; rem. 1881. Eight 1845, 6. Of Thenford, Northants., J.P. and D.L.; High Sheriff Northants. 1861 ; M.P. Ludlow 1865-8, South Salop 1876-85; some time Captain in 16th Lancers; served in 10th Hussars; J.P. and D.L. Salop; died May 1899. O.H.S. xxii ; Sherwood ; P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Stephens, Richard (Leics.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 21 Mar., aged 19; rem. 1844; Postmaster Merton 1844-8. Of Eastington House, Bournemouth ; J.P. and D.L. Leics. Stillingfleet, Henry James William (Herefs.). Com. Matr. cler. 6 June 1844, aged 17 ; Hulme Ex., 2 Cl. and B.A. 1848 ; M.A. 1851 ; rem. 1857. V. of Hampton Bishop, Herefs., 1868-87 ; died 16 May 1887. Willis, Charles Francis (Kent) ; Tonbridge. Com. Matr. arm. 5 Dec. 1844, aged 17 ; rem. 1845 ; Sch. Corpus Christi 1845-53 ; 2 Cl. 1848 ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1851 ; Fellow 1853-7. Cricket 1847, 8, 9. C. of Aldbourne, Wilts., 1853-7 ; of Letcombe-Bassett, Berks., 1856-76; R. of Church Brainpton, Northants., 1876-9; of Bassingham, Lines., 1879 ; R.D. of Grassoe 1889 ; died Dec. 1895. 1845] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 535 1845 Allgood, James (Northumberland) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 9 Dec. 1845, aged 19 ; B.A. 1850 ; M.A. 1852 ; rem. 1890. Of Nunwick Hall. Northumberland; R. of Ingram. Northumberland, 1852-87. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Ashton, John (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr, arm, 22 May 1845, aged 18 ; rein. 1850. Bayley, John Arden (Warws.). Com. Matr. cler. 22 May, aged 18 ; rem. 1845; matr. cler. Oriel 21 Mar. 1846, aged 19; B.A. 1850; M,A. 1880. Chaplain in Army ; Served in Waikato and Wanganui (N,Z. Medal) 1863-6 ; died 16 Oct. 1887. Blackburne, Henry Ireland (Chesh.) ; Merchant Taylors. Com. Matr. cler. 22 May, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1845 ; Hulme Ex. 1848; B.A. 1849; M.A. 1852. C. of St. Mary, Chester, 1851-5; V. of Rotherne, Chesh., 1855-8 ; R. of Warmingham, Chesh., 1858-93 ; R.D. of Middlewich 1877-80 ; Hon. Canon of Chester 1880; R.D. of Congleton, Chesh., 1880-93; V. of Crewe Green, Chesh., 1893 ; died Jan. 1903. Booth, Samuel (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. cler. 27 Feb., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1845 ; Hulme Ex, and B.A. 1848 ; rem. 1854 ; rep. and M.A. 1865 ; rem. 1871. Cooper, Samuel Lovick Astley (Herts.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. bart. f. 9 Dec. 1845, aged 18 ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1852 ; rem. 1853. V. of Croxton and Eltisley, Hunts., 1870 ; R.D, 1885 ; died 1895. Croome, James (Northants.) ; Aynhoe and Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 9 Dec. 1845, aged 17 ; Cartwright Sch. 1846 ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1852. Barr. Inner Temple 1857 ; died 23 June 1882. Earle, Percy (Lanes.) ; Repton. Com. Matr. arm. 22 May 1845, aged 18 ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1852 ; rem. 1891. Eight 1847, 9 ; Captain B.C. 1848. Solicitor. Sherwood. Faulkner, George Edward (Suffolk); Bury St. Edmunds. Com. Matr. cler. 20 May 1845, aged 17 ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. and rem. 1853. Godwin, Richard Batkin (Derbs.). Com. Matr. arm. 22 May 1845, aged 17 ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1852; rem. 1855. C. of Nuthall, Notts. Hanbury, Hon. Charles Spencer Bateman (Northants.); Eton. Com. Matr. bart. post Baronis f. 5 July 1845, aged 17 ; B.A. and rem. 1848 ; Fellow of All Souls 1848-62 ; M.A. 1853. Of Lennox Castle, Stirling ; J.P. and D.L. for Hereford and Stirling ; M.P. Herefs. 1852-7; M.P. Leominster 1858-65; A.D.C. to Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland 1858-9 ; assumed additional surnames of Kincaid Lennox in 1862 ; sometime Captain in 2nd Life Guards. O.H.S. xxii. 536 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE [1845 HORNBY, John James (Lanes.) ; Eton. Matr. arm. Balliol 14 Mar. 1845, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1849 ; Peilow (Founders) 24 Nov. 1849 ; M.A. 1851; M.A. Durham 1853 ; Junior Bursar 1863-6; Proctor 1866; 2nd Master Winchester 1867 ; D.D. (by decree of Convocation) 1869 ; res. Fell. 5 Aug. 1869 ; Hon. D.C.L. Durham 1882 ; Hon. Peilow 1908. Oxford Eight 1849 (bow), 51 ; Eight 1850, 1, 2 ; Torpid 1852. Prin. Cos. Hall, Durham, 1854-64; Head Master of Eton 1868-84; Provost of Eton 1884 ; Hon. Chap, to King 1901. Sherwood ; Ale 1868. Hutchinson, Charles Ring (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 Dec. 1845, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1849 ; rem. 1852 ; rep. and M.A. 1863 ; rem. 1878 ; died 23 Jan. 1884. V. of Pitstone, Berks., 1855-80 ; V. of Edlesborough 1880-4. Latham, George "William. (London). Com. Matr. arm. 22 May 1845, aged 18 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1852. Eight 1849 ; Secretary of the Union 1849. Barr. Inner Temple 1852; M.P. Cheshire (Crewe Div.) 1885-6; died 4 Oct. 1886. WOBK : The History of Stydd Chapel and Preceptory near Ribchester, Lanes., 1853. Ale 1848 ; O.H.S. xxii. Lawrance (Lawrence), James (Lanes.) ; Kugby. Com. Matr. arm. 22 May 1845, aged 17 ; 4 Math. 1848; B.A. 1849; M.A. 1852; rem. 1854. P.C. of Ellel, Lanes., 1856-64; died 4 Apr. 1885. Leary, Thomas Humphry's Lindsay (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com* Matr. gen. 6 Dec., aged 18 ; Iver Sch. .1845 ; Hulme Ex. 1848 ; rem. 1850 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1853 ; M.A. 1859 ; rep. and D.C.L. 1864; rem. 1865. Head Master Derby Grammar School 1859-65 ; C. of Epsom 1872-4 ; of St. George, Camberwell, 1874-81 ; V. of St. Philip, Camberwell, 1883 ; died Aug. 1906. WORKS : ^Prospectus of the Newry Collegiate Cicero, 1878. School, 1854. Virgil, 1878. \-Homer, 1860. ^An examination of Bishop Lightfoot ^Herodotus, 1861. on the last petition in the Lord's Easy Latin exercises for beginners, Prayer, 1882. 1861. The Literature, Laws, and Customs of Valpy's Latin Delectus, 1867. Ancient Rome, 1884. Revised and corrected L. P. Mere- ^The Christian's Jewels, 1884. dith's Every-day Errors of Speech, The Christian Soldier's Armour, 1886. 1877. Every Christian's every -day book, 1886. Manch. Eeg. iii (2). Macaulay, John Jermy (Jerney) (Limerick) ; Cheltenham. Com. Matr. arm. 27 Feb. 1845, aged 18 ; rem. 1848 ; 3 Math. New Inn Hall and B.A. 1849; M.A. 1851. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1852 ; died 9 Dec. 1859. Midgley, "William Holt (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 22 May 1845, aged 18 ; rem. 1846. Eight 1846. Sherwood; P.C.R. Molesworth, Rennell Francis Wynne (Hants.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. cler. 27 Feb., aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1845 ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1851. C. of Preston-next-Wingham, Kent, 1850-2; ofRamsgate, Kent, 1852-5; 1845] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 537 of Betteshanger, Kent, 1857-63 ; of Button, Kent, 1864-5 ; of St. Peter with St. Cross, Canterbury, 1866-7 ; Evening Lect. at St. Mary, Bideford, Devon, 1867-8 ; V. of Todmorden 1868-75 ; R. of Washington. Durham, 1875-97 ; died 1906. WORK : Unify, 1857. Ale 1845. Nixon, Frederick (Lines.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 Dec. 1845. aged 20 ; rem. 1849. Tforthmore, John (Lines.); Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 9 Dec. 1845, aged 19; rem. 1846. Of Cleve House, Exeter, J.P. ; Ceylon Civil Service 1846-54 ; 1st Devon Yeomanry Cavalry. Burke's Landed Gentry. Parkinson, Charles Luke (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 27 Feb., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1845 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1846 ; 4 Cl. 1848 ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1851 ; died 24 Dec. 1855. Cler. Pearse, Brice Hugh (Essex) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 19 May 1845, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1849 ; rem. 1851. Merchant in London. Perring, John William Cowell (Devon). Com. Matr. bart. et cler. f. 22 May 1845, aged 18 ; rem. 1847. Madras Native Cavalry ; was at the taking of Rangoon ; died in India 13 July 1852. P.C.R. Pigot, Henry Septimus (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 27 Feb. 1845, aged 18 ; B.A. 1848 ; M.A. and rem. 1851. C. of Lopham, Norfolk ; V. of Horwich, Lanes., 1853. Rawlins, James Murray Richard (London) ; St. Paul's. Com. Matr. cler. 22 May 1845, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1852 ; rem. 1854 ; B.D. Lincoln 1863. Assumed name of Workman in lieu of Rawlins ; died 9 Aug. 1880. WORK : The Church and School Gazette. Times, 12 Aug. 1880, p. 1, col. 2. Rumsey, Lacy Henry (London); Hereford. Sch. Matr. arm. 27 Feb., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1845 ; rem. 1849 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 1850 ; M.A. 1853. Tutor Trinity Coll. Glenalrnond 1851-3 ; Inc. of St. Mark, Craigton, and V.-Pr. Bishop's Coll., Jamaica, 1853-5 ; C. of Netheravon, Wilts., 1855 ; of Sunderland-on-Wear 1855-6 ; of Hurworth, Durham, 1856 ; Inc. of Newcastle, N.S.W., 1857-8; of Ipswich, Queensland, 1858-67; C. of Brent Pelham, Herts., 1867-72; of St. Saviour, Highbury, 1872-3; V. of Llanstadwell, Pembs., 1873. WORKS : TJie Office of ' Tenebrae ' in English The True Date of the Crucifixion and icith Music, 1871, &c. Resurrection, 1882. SHAND, Thomas Henry Rodie (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 27 Feb. 1845, aged 17; 3 Cl., 1 Math., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1848; Johnson Math. Sch. 1849 ; M.A. 1851 ; Fellow (Founders) 13 Feb. 1852 ; Math. Moderator 1854, 5, 67, 8; Junior Bursar 1858-63; Math. Exam. 1859-60, 4; Senior Bursar 1863-6; Vice-Principal 1866-70; V. of East Ham 1870 ; R. of Old 1871-9 ; res. Fell. 1871 ; R. of Clayton 1879. R.D. of Lewes 1897 ; Preb. of Chichester 1903. 538 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1845 SMITH, Isaac Gregory (Lanes.) ; Manchester and Kugby. Matr. D.D. f. BalliolS Mar. 1845, aged 18 ; Sch. Trinity 1845-50 ; Hertford Sch. 1846; Ireland Sch. 1847; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1848; Fellow (Founders) 29 Nov. 1850 ; M.A. 1851 ; R. of Tedstone Delamere 1854-72 ; res. Fell. 29 June 1855 ; Bampton Lect. 1873 ; R. of Shefford 1896-1904 ; Hon. LL.D. Edin. Eight 1848. Preb. of Hereford 1870 ; V. of Gt. Malvern 1872-96 ; Hon. Canon of Worcester 1887-97 ; R.D. of Powick 1881-96 ; Exam. Chap, to Bishop of St. David's 1881-97. BENEF. : Plate 1866. WORKS : On Modern Scepticism, 1864. The Ethics of Aristotle, 1886. \-Epitome of the life of our blessed Aristotelianism and Modern Tliought, Saviour, 1864, &c. 1887. Sermon, 1865. + 'Chief ancient philosophies, 1889. Positivism, 1866. f Why do I believe ? 1890. ^ Faith and Philosophy, 1867. Faith and Philosophy; Essays, Fra Edited Nailer's The Drunkard and Angelica and other Short Poems, his three companions, 1871. 1889, &c. The Nonconformists and the Education ^Christian Monasticism, 1891. Act, 1872. Tlie New Bishopric, 1891. \-The Characteristics of Christian Mo- Agnosticism, 1896. rality, 1873, &c. * Boniface, 1896. Anarchy, 1877. ils the money veil spent ? 1898. \-The Silver Sells, 1880. What is the Bible ? 1898. ^-Thoughts on Education, 1880. Courses of Sermons, 1899. Preface to Onslow's Plain Words for -\-The holy daijs, 1900. Plain People about the Holy Com- \The Athanasian Creed, 1902. munion, 1881. f.Dr. Clifford on education, 1903. [Prayers far every hour, 1882. ^The study of Greek, 1904. f(pt.) History of the Diocese of Wor- \Whatis Truth? 1905. cesler, 1882. Manch. Reg. iii (2) ; Ale 1870 ; Quat. Mon. v. Smith, Rowland (Herts.). Com. Matr. arm. 22 May 1845, aged 18 ; rem. 1849. Of Duffield Hall, Derbs. ; M.P. South Derbs. 1868-74. P.C.R. Smith, William Hart (Devon) ; Exeter. Com. Matr. arm. 27 Feb. 1845, aged 18 ; B.A. 1848 ; M.A. and rem. 1851. C. of Launceston, Cornwall, 1849-51 ; V. of St. Minver, Cornwall, 1851-71 ; R. of St. Peter, Bedford, 1871 ; R.D. of Bedford 1871-99. Sherwood. Squibb, George Meyler (London); Marlborough Gr. School. Com. Matr. arm. 22 May 1845, aged 18 ; promoted to Som. Th. Manor Sch. from Somerset Sch. 1846; B.A. 1849 ; Hulme Ex. 1850 ; M.A. 1851 ; rem. 1853. C. of Bakewell, Derbs., 1851-2 ; Precentor Cape Town Cath. 1853-7; Chaplain in South Africa 1853-63 ; C.-in-charge of Totteridge, Herts., 1867-90 ; R. of Clothall, Herts., 1890 ; died 1905. WORK : The Negro Sidesman, 1867. Traherne, George Montgomery (Glamorg.) ; Cheltenham. Com. Matr. cler. 22 May 1845, aged 18; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1852 ; rem. 1890. Of Coedriglan and St. Hilary, Glams. Burke's Landed Gentry. 1845-6] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 539 Willis, Robert Bruce (Middlx.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 22 May 1845, aged 18 ; B.A. 1849 ; rem. 1852; died 5 Jan. 1897. Eight 1848, 9. Winter, George Robert (E. Indies); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 27 Feb. 1845, aged 18; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1848; M.A. 1851 ; rem. 1887. Eight 1846, 7, 8; Oxford Eight 1847; Captain B.C. 1847; Captain O.U.B.C. 1848. R. of East Bradenham, Norfolk, 1851-72; V. of Swaffham, Norfolk, 1872 ; Hon. Canon of Norwich 1886 ; died Sept. 1895. WORKS : Tlie Oxford Draghunt. The Queen's Jubilee : Parochial Recollections of Eton and Oxford (a set Celebration, 1887. of plates). Madan's List of Oxford Books ; O.H.S. xxii ; Sherwood. 1846 Ambery, John (Lanes.). Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 9 June, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1846 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1849 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1850 ; Hulme Ex. 1852 ; M.A. 1853 ; rem. 1855. Cler. Class. Prof. Trin. Coll. Toronto ; died 19 Nov. 1878. Manch. Keg. iii (2). Amery, Edmund Verdon (Warws.) ; Bromsgrove. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1846, aged 18; rem. 1850; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1851; M.A. 1853. C. of Eyam, Derbs. ; V. of Bamford, Derbs., 1860-4 ; of Munsley, Herefs., 1864-77. Ashpitel, Francis (Middlx.) ; King's Coll., London. Com. Matr. arm. 12 Mar. 1846, aged 18 ; 1 Math, and B.A. 1849 ; Senior Math. Sch. 1850; M.A. 1852; Math. Exam. 1855-6; Math. Moderator 1864-5. K, of Gt. Hampden 1860; V. of Flitwick 1880; died 1886. WORKS : Signs of the Judgment, natural and -^Increase of the Israelites in Egypt, continuous, 1853. with an examination of Bishop Co- Correspondence between F. A. and B. lenso's calculations, 1863. Price on the subject of the late second ^Sketch of the rise of Papacy, 1877. Public Examination in the Mathe- matical Schools (Oxford), 1856. Bell, William (Gloucs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. doct. 12 Mar. 1846, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1854 ; rem. 1866. Head Master of Carlisle High School ; C. of Wimbledon. Ale 1851. Brindle, Joseph. Furnivall (Lanes.) ; Warrington Gr. School. Com. Matr. cler. 12 Mar., aged 17; Somerset Sch. 1846; Hulme Ex. 1849; 3 Math, and B.A. 1850; M.A. 1853; rem. 1854. V. of Bacup 1858-77 ; Author ; died 1889. Coward, Ralph John (Som.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 12 Mar. 1846, aged 18; B.A. 1849; M.A. 1853; rem. 1857. C. of Bardsley, Lanes., 1853-4 ; Chap. Midhurst Union 1854-5 ; C. of Lower Seeding, Sussex, 1855-9 ; of Ruskington, Lines., 1860-2 ; V. of Megavissey, Cornwall 1862-7 ; V. of St. Paul, Worcester, 1867-75. 540 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1846 Oust, Arthur Perceval Purey (Middlx.) ; Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1846, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1850 ; Fellow of All Souls 1850-4 ; M.A. 1854 ; B.D. and D.D. 1880. Eight 1848. C. of Berkhamstead, Bucks., 1851-3 ; R. of Cheddington, Bucks., 1853-62 ; V. of St. Mary, Beading, 1862-75 ; Hon. Canon Christ Church 1874 ; V. of Aylesbury 1875-6 ; Archdeacon of Buckingham 1875-80 ; Dean of York 1880 ; Precentor of York 1908. WORKS : The true Motive of the Minister of&irist, Parochial Organization, 1877. 1858. Rating of the Tithe Rent charge, 1878. A Letter addressed to the AutJior of -^A Cliarge delivered at his 3rd visita- 1 Facts and documents shewing the tion, 1879. alarming state of the Diocese of Ox- Harmony in spite of Differences, 1879. ford,' 1859. 27e use and disuse of Commemorations, Introduction to A. Ameuney's Notes 1 883. from the Life of a Syrian, 1860. A fete words to the chapter of York, The true object of the Minister of Christ, 1883. 1868. Samuel Wilberforce, 1883. Our Common Frailty, 1870. The Aim and Spirit of Freemasonry, {Unity with division, 1874. 1884. The Fading of Life, 1875. The Heraldry of York Minster, 1890. f.4 Charge delivered at his 2nd visita- Picturesque Old York, 1896. tion, 1877. York Minster, 1897. Aspirations for the rising generation, Articles in Magazines, &c. 1877. O.H.S. xxii. Dawkins, James Annesley (London) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. 'arm. 12 Mar. 1846, aged 17 ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. Christ Church 1853. R. of Farmington, Gloucs., 1858-72 ; of Daylesford, Worcs., 1872-82. P.C.R. Edwards, Thomas Wynne (Denbs.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. cler. 12 Mar. 1846, aged 18 ; rem. 1847. Germon, Nicholas Medland (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 9 June, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1846 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1850 ; M.A. 1853 ; rem. 1856. Master of Lower School, Manchester ; P.C. of Newchurch-in-Pendle, Lanes., 1865-70 ; died 17 July 1870. WORK : Exposition of the Nicene Creed, 1864. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Golightly, Thomas Qildart (Oxon.). Com. Matr. cler. 9 June 1846, aged 18; B.A. 1850; M.A. 1853; rem. 1857. R. of Shipton Moyne, Gloucs., 1856 ; Hon. Canon of Gloucester 1878. Hacking, Edward (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 12 Mar. 1846, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1851. Barr. Inner Temple 1852. Hackman, Adolphus (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 12 Mar., aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 1846; 4 Math, and B.A. 1849; Hulme Ex. 1850 ; M.A. 1852 ; rem. 1853. C. of Thornford, Dorset, 1873-7 ; R. of Llyswen, Brecon, 1877-1908. Hodson, Edward Hawker (Warws.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 9 June 1846, aged 18; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1850; M.A. 1853; died 1858. 1846] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 541 Holdsworth, Thomas Holy (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 12 Mar. 1846, aged 19 ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1852 ; rem. 1862. Of Sandal Hall, Yorks. ; J.P. ; Capt. 2nd West York Militia. Latham, Henry (London) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 12 Mar. 1846, aged 17; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1849; rem. 1852; rep. and M.A. 1863; died 7 Jan. 1871. Barr. Inner Temple 1856. WORKS : ^Black and White : a three months' tour -^Oxford Bibles and Printing, 1868. in the United States, 1867. Law, Edmund Christian (Staffs.). Com. Matr. cler. '9 June 1846, aged 18 ; B.A. 1850 ; rem. 1855 ; rep. and M.A. 1856; rem. 1860. Barr. Inner Temple 1856 ; Principal Surrogate Lichfield. Lukin, James (Dorset) ; Marlborough Gr. School. Com. Matr. arm. 26 Mar. 1846, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1846 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1848 ; B.A. 1849; rem. 1853. R. of Hewelsfield, Gloucs., 1856-62 ; E. of Bradfield Combust, Suffolk, 1862-5 ; R. of Pwllcrochan, Peinbs., 1865-9 ; V. of Stetchworth, Cambs., 1869-81; R. of Wickford, Essex, 1881-7; of Hinton M artel, Dorset, 1887-99 ; Chap, to Romsey Union Workhouse 1900-1. WORKS : The Lathe and its Uses, 1868. Tiie Young Mechanic, 1871. The Amateur Mechanic's Workshop, The Boy Engineers, 1878. 1870. Picture-frame making for Amateurs, Edited The Quarterly Journal of the 1882. Amateur Mechanical Society, 1871, Toys and toymaking, 1882. &c. Turning Lathes, 1888. Master, Oswald (Lanes.) ; Repton. Com. Matr. cler. 12 Mar. 1846, aged 17 ; Frankland and Mordaunt Sch. 1847 ; Iver Sch. and B.A. 1849 ; Hulme Ex. 1850 ; M.A. 1852 ; died 1900. C. of Huyton 1851-61 ; of Cold Norton 1861-3 ; of Croston, Lanes., 1863-7 ; R. of Croston, Lanes., 1867-94. Meynell, Henry (Derbs.) ; Repton. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1846, aged 18 ; B.A. 1850; M.A. 1853. Vice-Provost and Fellow of College of St. John and St. Mary, Lichfield ; C. of Kidlington, Oxon., 1851-7; P.C. ofFauls, Salop, 1857-66; C.-in-Ch. ofDenstone, Staffs., 1866-81; Hon. Canon of Cumbrae 1874; V. of Den- stone, Staffs., 1881-5 ; R.D. of Cheadle, Staffs., 1888-91 ; Preb. of Lichfield 1890; Provost of College of St. John and St. Mary 1891-6; died 1904. Milne, John Haworth (Lanes.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1846, aged 18; B.A. 1850; M.A. and rem. 1854. V. ofThatcham, Berks., 1855-62; R. of Itchingfield, Sussex, 1862-73; Assist.-Chap. at Dinan 1873-6; Assist.-Chap. at Avranches 1876-88; V. of Tytherley, Hants., 1888-93. P.C.K. Owen, John Maurice Dorsett (Salop) ; Oswestry and Cheltenham. Com. Matr. arm. 18 June 1846, aged 18 ; Dean's Pr. 1849 ; B.A. 1850; M.A. 1853 ; died 1903. C. ofMartham, Norfolk; V. of Hindringham, Norfolk, 1860-77; of Habergharn Eaves, Lanes., 1877-98. 542 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1846 Padwick, Henry (Sussex). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1846, aged 17 ; B.A. 1850; M.A. 1853. Of Manor House, Horsham, and of The Hermitage, East Grinstead, Sussex ; J.P. and D.L. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1854 ; Captn. of Volunteers 1860 ; on County Council 1888-1900. Ale 1849 ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Palmer, Francis (Northants.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. bart. f. 12 Mar., aged 17 ; rem. 1846 ; Postmaster Merton 1846-50 ; B.A. 1850 ; M.A. 1853. C. of Kidderminster 1855-7 ; C. of St. Mary, Dover 1859-62 ; of St. John, Paddington, 1862-4; P.C. of St. George's Chapel, Albemarle Street, London, 1866-88; died 5 Aug. 1904. Pearse, Robert Wilson (London) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 12 Mar. 1846, aged 18 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1852. R. of Gay wood, Norfolk, 1854 ; deprived by the Arches Court. Times, 5 June, 1868, p. 11. Hooper, Plumer Pott (London) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1846, aged 18 ; B.A. (Gr. Comp.) 1850 ; rem. 1853 ; died 18 May 1881. J.P. Hunts; R. of Abbots Ripton, Hunts., 1853-81. Burke's Landed Gentry. Stanhope, Hon. William Pitt Scudamore (Herefs.). Com. Matr. bart. f. 28 Mar. 1846, aged 18 ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1852 ; rein. 1854. Eight 1849. V. of Holme Lacey, Herefs., 1856. Sherwood. Temple, Henry (Staffs.) ; Uppingham. Cora. Matr. cler. 12 Mar. 1846, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex. 1848 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1852 ; B.C. and D.D. 1899. Eight 1848. C. of Bucklebury, Berks., 1850-2 ; Head Master Worcester Gr. School 1852-7; Head Master Coventry School 1857-67; Dioc. Insp. Wore. 1866-7; C. of Stivichall, Warws., 1866-7; Lect. at St. Peter. Coventry, 1866-7 ; V. of St. John's, Leeds, 1867-83 ; Proc. for Arch- deaconry of Craven 1874-80 ; Hon. Canon of Ripon 1878-94 ; R. of Oswaldkirk, Yorks., 1883 ; Proc. of Archdeaconry of Cleveland 1892 ; Preb. of York 1894-8 ; Canon and Chancellor of York 1898 ; died June 1906. WORKS : Injustice in the working of the Educa- Church Restoration, 1854. t ion Act of 1870, 1883. The Athanasian Creed, 1872. Wrote a paper in No. 1, Oxford Re- The Catholic Faith, 1873. riew, 21 Jan. 1885. Ad Clerum, 1880. Trinity in Unity, 1904. Ale 1847, 9 ; Surtees Soc. 78 ; Mem. Ripon, vol. 2. Walker, Joseph (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1846, aged 18 ; B.A. 1850 ; M.A. 1853. R. of Averham, Notts., 1856 ; died 1907. Waller, Edmund (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1846, aged 18; B.A. 1850; M.A. 1855 ; rem. 1889. Of Kirby Fleetham Hall, Yorks. ; J.P. and D.L. ; and of Farmingfton Lodge, Gloucs. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1853 ; High Sheriff Gloucs. 1876. Woodgate, John Aoton (Surrey). Com. Matr. arm. 12 Mar., aged 18; rem. 1846. 1847] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEG1STER 543 1847 Alexander, David Mitchell (Yorks.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 4 Feb., aged 20 ; Somerset Sch. 1847 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1848 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1851 ; Hulme Ex. 1852 ; rem. 1855 ; rep., M.A. and reni. 1860. J.P. Yorks. (W. R.) ; C. of St. Peter, Manchester 1855-7 ; of Pendleton, Manchester 1857-60 ; of St. George's, Hanover Square, 1860-1 ; Inc. of Oldhaui, Lanes., 1861-4 ; of Hanover Chapel, Regent Street, 1864-70 ; V. of St. John, Bilton, Harrogate, 1900. Manch. Reg. iii (2). Barton, Henry (Lanes.) ; King's School, Canterbury. Com. Matr cler. 4 Feb. 1847, aged 18 ; B.A. 1850 ; rem. 1853. Sherwood. Bradshaw, Henry Holden (Derbs.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb. 1847, aged 17 ; B.A. 1851 ; rem. 1854 ; died 7 Sept. 1883. C. of Sudbury, Derbs. ; V. of Lockington, Derbs., 1864-72 ; of Breedon, Leics., 1872-6 ; of Morley, Derbs., 1876-83. P.C.R. Buckston, Rowland German (Derbs.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 4 Feb. 1847, aged 18 ; B.A. 1850 ; M.A. 1853 ; rem. 1860. C. of Eccleshall, Staffs., 1853-5 ; of Bradbourne, Derbs., 1855-61 ; V. of Sutton, Derbs., 1885. Cobb, John Wolstenholme (Yorks.) ; Collegiate School, York. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb. 1847, aged 17 ; B.A. 1850 ; M.A. 1853 ; died 7 June 1883. V. of Kidmore End. Oxon., 1863-71 ; R. of Gt. Berkhamstead, Herts., 1871-83. WORK : -^History and Antiquities of BerkJiampsted, 1855. Coldwell, Francis Henry (Staffs.) ; Bridgnorth. Com. Matr. cler. 4 Feb. 1847, aged 17; Frankland and Mordaunt Sch. 1849; B.A. 1850; Hulme Ex. 1851 ; rem. 1853; rep. 1855 ; M.A. 1856; D.D.'1879. V. of Deane, Lanes., 1855-68; assumed surname and arms of Thick- nesse by royal licence 1859 ; Hon. Canon of Manchester 1863-75 ; Chaplain to Bishop of Peterborough and V. of Brackley, Northants.. 1868-78 ; Archdeacon of Northampton and Canon of Peterborough 1875^ Bishop of Leicester 1888-1902 ; R. of Oxenden, Market Harborough, 1892. WORKS : ^Selfhelp the help of all, 1877. Prayers for Schools, 1864. ^Union in the parish, Vie diocese, tlx ^Farewell address to parishioners of church, 1879. Deane, 1868. ^A charge at his 4th visitation, 1880. ^Easter address to the parishioners of -\On the weekly offertory, 1880. Brackley, 1870. ^Ministerial tone and character, 1880. \-Sermon at Peterborough, 1870. ^-Duties of churchwardens, &c., 1884. ^Happy homes, 1871. ^-Reports of Ecclesiastical courts com<- ^Easter address, 1873. missioners, 1884. \-A charge at tJte Easter visitation, ^Church courts and church discipline 1876. (n. d.). M charge to the churchwardens, 1877. Tlie Trust of Government, 1887. Burke's Landed Gentry. 544 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE [1847 Curzon, Nathaniel Charles (Derbs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb. 1847, aged 17 ; B.A. 1850 ; rem. 1853. Of Lockington Hall, Derbs., J.P. ; and of Breedon, Leics., J.P. ; Ban:. Inner Temple 1855 ; High Sheriff Derbs. 1876 ; died 31 Dec. 1897. P.C.B. Dawson, Bichard (Chesh.) ; Repton. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb. 1847, aged 17 ; 4 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1850 ; M.A. 1853 ; rem. 1859. Torpid 1850. C. of Midhurst, Sussex, 1854 ; of Stockport, Chesh., 1856 ; P.C. of Marple, Chesh., 1858-62 ; V. of Sutton Benger, Wilts., 1862. Sherwood. Errington, John Lancelot (Essex) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 10 June 1847, aged 18 : B.A. 1851 ; M.A. 1857. Eight 1848, 9, 50, 1 ; Captain B.C. 1849, 50. C. of Ashbourne, Derbs., 1853-60 ; of Berechurch, Essex, 1861-2 ; V. of Midgham, Berks., 1867 ; assumed name of Turbutt in lieu of Errington 1895 ; died 1905. Sherwood; P.C.R. Etches, William Haigh (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 4 Feb., aged 20 ; Yate and Somerset Sch. 1847 ; B.A. 1850 ; M.A. 1853. C. of St. Michael, Coventry, 1851-8; R, of Hamstall Ridware, Staffs., 1858-61 ; C. of St. Stephen, Bath, 1861-4 ; Min. of St. Saviour, ToUington Park, 1864^7 ; V. of Longborough, Gloucs., 1867-87 ; P.C. of Kensington Chapel, Bath, 1887. Gunning, George William (Northants.). Com. Matr. cler. post bart. f. 10 June 1847, aged 18 ; B.A. 1851 ; M.A. 1854. 5th Bart ; J.P. Lanes, and Northants. ; Alderman of Northants C.C. ; Major of Northants Militia 1881-3 ; died 21 Oct. 1903. P.C.R. Houghton, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb. 1847, aged 18 ; B.A. 1850 ; M.A. 1853 ; rem. 1855. Eight 1849, 50, 1, 2 ; Oxford Eight 1849, 51, 2. C. of St. Leonard, Bridgnorth, 1852-3; of Sambrook, Salop, 1853-4: of Child's Ercall, Salop, 1854-6 : of Solihull, Warws., 1856-8 ; Head Master of Solihull Grammar School, 1858-6D ; R. of Preston, Salop, 1860-95. WORKS : Some of Bishop Colenso's objections to The microscope and some of Die wonders the Pentateuch and Book of Joshua it reveals, 1872. examined, 1863. Wonders near home, 1873. An essay on the canticles, 1865. British Fresh-uater Fishes, 1879. Country Walks of a Naturalist with his f Gleanings from the natural history of children, 1869. the ancients, 1879. Seaside Walks of a Naturalist with his f Sketches of British insects, 1888. children, 1870. Sherwood. Jackson, Edward Downes (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 10 June, aged 18 ; Reed, Ogle and Church Sch. 1847 ; B.A. 1851 ; M.A. 1854 ; rem. 1858 ; died 1875. Author. Inc. of Carlecotes, Yorks. ; V. of Marple, Chesh, 1847] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 545 Kewley, Robert Bigby (Montgom.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb. 1847, aged 18 ; B.A. 1851 ; rem. 1856 ; rep. and M.A. 1863 ; rein. 1888. Eight 1848, 9. C. of Much Hadham, Herts., 1863-70 ; of St. Michael, Sydenham, 1870-5; of St. Bartholomew, Sydenham, 1875-7; V. of Wingham, Kent, 1877-90 ; of Bucklebury, Berks., 1890-7. Sherwood.' LEA, Frederick Simcox (Middlx.). Matr. arm. Wadham 10 July 1847, aged 23 ; 3 Math, and B.A. 1851 ; Fellow (Clifton) 4 Mar. 1853 ; M.A. 1854 ; Inc. of Stepney 1855-72 ; res. Fell. 12 Dec. 1856 ; R. of Tedstone Delamere 1872. Of Astley Hall, Worcs. ; V. of Compton Dando, Som., 1872-3 ; Fellow of Sion College ; Preb. of Hereford 1885 ; died 30 Sept. 1893. WORKS : -\-Saint Katharine's Hospital, 1878. {The building which shall abide, 1857. -[The Collegiate Chapter of Saint Katha- t-4 Sermon at Middleton Cheney, 1865. rine (unpub.). LEACH, John Henry (Staffs.). Com. Matr. arm. 10 June 1847, aged 17 ; 2 Cl., B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1851 ; Fellow (Founders) Nov. 1852; M.A. 1854; res. Fell. 1 May 1862; V. of Gillingham 1867-71; died 24 Dec. 1871. Schoolmaster. WOBK : -{Memoir of the Parish and Church of GiUingham, Kent, 1868. Ale 1850. Loveday, George (London) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb. 1847, aged 17 ; B.A. 1850 ; M.A. 1853 ; rem. 1905. Sometime of Doctor's Commons ; died 1907. Parker, Charles Stuart (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 10 June 1847, aged 18; Sch. University 1848-54; 1 Cl., 2 Math, and B.A. 1852; Fellow 1854-69; M.A. 1855; Cl. Exam. 1859, 60, 3, 8; Hon, D.C.L. 1908. M.P. Perthshire 1868-74; M.P. Perth 1878; P.C. Author. Prescot, Oldfield Kelsall (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 4 Feb. 1847, aged 18 ; B.A. 1851 ; rem. 1855 ; rep. and M.A. 1865 ; rem, 1877. Torpid 1850, 1, 2 ; Eight 1851, 2. C. of Southwell, Notts., 1853-6; P.C. of Dukinfield, Chesh., 1856-60 ; C.-in-charge of North Wraxhall, Wilts., 1860-7; V. of Aldevton, Wilts., 1867-75 ; Chap, to National Sanatorium for Consumption 1876-1907. Sherwood. Smith, Edward Braithwaite (Herefs.) ; Hereford and Rossall. Com. Matr. gen. 10 June, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1847 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1849; Dean's Pr. 1850; B.A. 1851 ; M.A. and rem. 1855. V. of Gresford, Denbs., 1858-72 ; of Gwersyllt, Denbs., 1872-8 ; R: of Llandrinio, Montgomery, 1878-81 ; died 1891. ,,..... N n 546 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1847-8 WATSON, Albert (Worcs.) ; Rugby. Matr. gen. Wadham 21 Apr. 1847, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1851 ; Fellow (Porter) 12 Mar. 1852 ; M.A. 1853; Tutor 1854-67; Cl. Exam. 1864, 5; Lecturer 1867-71; Senior Bursar 1870-81 ; Principal 26 Feb. 1886 ; res. 9 July 1889 ; re-elect. Fell. 6 Oct. 1890 ; died 21 Nov. 1904 ; monument in Chapel. Cler. Librarian of the Union 1852, 3. BENEF. : Plate 1874; 3,000 for benefit of Library 1899, and be- queathed, among other things, 4,000 to the Building Fund. WORK : ^Select letters of Cicero, 1870, &c. Ale 1886 ; P.C.R. ; Quat. Jton. iv, v, vii. Waudby, George (Kent) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. gen. 4 Feb., aged 18 ; Somerset and Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1847 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1851; M.A. 1853; rem. 1854. Wilkinson, Robert Lowther (Lanes.) ; Christ's Hospital and Middle- ton. Com. Matr. cler. 4 Feb., aged 18; Yate Sch. 1847; Iver Sch. 1849; 3 CL, B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1850; M.A. 1853. C. of Middletou, Lanes. ; died 1858. Wilkinson, Thomas Henry (London) ; Middleton. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb. 1847, aged 18 ; 4 Cl., 4 Math, and B.A. 1850 ; M.A. 1853 ; rem. 1903. P.C. of Grosmont, Yorks., 1853-63 ; V. of Leusden, Devon, 1863-71 ; P.C. of Holy Trinity, Barnes, 1871-5; V. of Moulsham, Essex, 1877-9; of St. Paul's, Middlesborough, 1884 ; of Ratley on Edgehill 1889-92 ; of Stainton in Cleveland 1892-1902 ; died 13 Oct. 1905. WORK : The Discipline of the Churching Service, with Authorities, 1867. Williams, William John (Glamorg.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb., aged 18; Reed, Ogle, Church and Iver Sch. 1847; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1850 ; M.A. 1853 ; rem. 1859. Torpid 1850, 1, 2. R. of Saltfleetby, Lines., 1861-7 ; V. of Saxilby with Ingleby, Lines., 1867-71; of Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts., 1870-4; of Gainsborough, Lines., and Preb. of Lincoln 1874. Wood, William (Lanes.) ; Royal Institute School, Liverpool. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Feb., aged 17; Sch. Trinity 1847-51; Fellow 1851-67; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1851 ; M.A. 1853 ; B.D. and D.D. 1868. Sub-Warden of Radley 1853-63; P.C. of Prestwood. Bucks., 1864-6; Warden of Radley 1866-70; V. of Radley 1868-70; of Cropredy 1870-98 ; Hon. Canon Christ Church 1892 ; R. of Monks Risborough, Bucks., 1898-1901 ; R. of Rotherfield Grays, Oxon., 1901. 1848 Balguy, Francis St. John (Notts.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 22 June 1848, aged 18; B.A. 1852; rem. 1855. Torpid 1850 ; Eight 1851, 2. Merchant in the City ; died 13 July 1863. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Bedford, Richard Bisse Riland (Warws.); Charterhouse. Com. Matr. cler. 22 June 1848, aged 18 ; rem. 1850. Formerly in 79th Highlanders. Burke's Landed Gentry. 1848] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 547 Botham, John Cartledge (Derbs.); Sedbergh. Com. Matr. arm. 22 June 1848, aged 19 ; rem. 1850. Entered medical profession, studying at Edinburgh and Aberdeen ; practised at Hartlepool ; died Sept. 1875. Bramley, Richard (Yorks.) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 22 June 1848, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. 1850 ; B.A. 1852 ; rem. 1856. C. of St. Nicholas, Gt. Yarmouth, 1852-4; of Tetbury, Gloucs., 1854-5 ; of Shadwell, E., 1855-7 ; of Natal, South Africa, 1859-61 ; of Snareston, Leics., 1861-4 ; of Worsthorne, Lanes., 1864-5 ; of Car- rington, Chesh., 1865-76 ; V. of Kirkdale, Yorks., 1878-92 ; died 1905. Carr, Thomas Arnold (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 3 Feb. 1848, aged 18 ; B.A. 1852 : M.A. and rem. 1854. C. of Folkestone, Kent, 1852-5 ; of Maidstone, Kent, 1855-8 ; V. of Cranbrook, Kent, 1858-82; of Marden, Kent, 1882-1906. Corser, George James (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 22 June 1848, aged 18; B.A. 1852; M.A. 1858; rem. 1861. Head Master of Daventry Gr. School ; V. of Burrington, Salop, 1866 ; died 1884. Cosens, Charles Sidney (Som.); Mortimer House, Clifton. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Feb., aged 19; rem. 1848. Currey, John Blades (Kent) ; Merchant Taylors. Com. Matr. arm. 22 June 1848, aged 19 ; rem. 1850. Served in Kaffir War 1850, in Montagu's Horse ; Acting Clerk House of Assembly at the Cape 1864 : Auditor to Government of Griqualand West 1873 ; Member of Executive and Legislative Council 1878. P.C.R. Dixon, William Wetherille (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 22 June, aged 20; Somerset Sch. 1848; Hulme Ex. 1851; B.A. 1852 ; M.A. 1855; rem. 1867 (then dead). Cler. Egerton, John Coker (Chesh.); Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. cler. 3 Feb. 1848, aged 18; 3 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1852 ; M.A. 1854 ; rem. 1882. Torpid 1851, 2, 3 ; Eight 1850, 3, 4. R. and V. of Burwash, Sussex, 1867-88 ; died 19 Mar. 1888. WORK : "[Sussex Folk and their ways, 1884, &c. Ale 1853, 6 ; Sherwood. Ewbank, Henry (Kent) ; Tonbridge. Com. Matr. arm. St. John's 15 Nov. 1848, aged 20 ; b. and c. 31 May 1849 ; 4 Cl. 1851 ; B.A. 1852 ; M.A. and rem. 1855. P.C. of St. John's, Ryde, 1867 ; V. 1867-98. FlintofF, Thomas (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 22 June, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1848 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and B.A. 1852 ; rem. 1854. Fuller, Trayton (London); Maryborough Gr. School. Com. Matr. cler. 3 Feb. 1848, aged 18; B A. 1851; M.A. 1854; rem. 1870. R. of Chalvington, Sussex, 1854-75 ; died 6 Oct. 1875. N n 2 548 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEB [1848 Qreenall, Richard (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 22 June 1848, aged 18 ; B.A. 1852 ; M.A. 1855 ; rem. 1856. Torpid 1850; Eight, Captain B.C. and Oxford Eight 1851, 2 ; Captain O.U.B.C. 1852. Of Hilldown Manor, Devon; C. of Grappenhall, Chesh., 1853-6; of Bradford, Yorks., 1856-8; P.C. of Eccleston, Lanes., 1858-61; V. of Hawkshead, Lanes., 1866-75 ; of Stockton Heath, Chesh., 1875-81 ; E. of Stockleigh English, Devon, 1889-92 ; of Grappenhall, Warrington, 1893 ; died 1905. Sherwood. Irlam, George (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 10 July 1848, aged 17 ; rem. 1850. Eight 1850. Jackson, Nathan (Chesh.). Com, Matr. cler. 3 Feb. 1848, aged 17 ; B.A. 1851 ; M.A. 1855 ; rem. 1858. C. of Delamere Forest, Chesh., 1853-63 ; V. of Over, Chesh., 1863-77 ; of Easingwold, Yorks., 1877 ; R.D. of Easingwold 1901. Johnson, John George (Devon); Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 3 Feb. 1848, aged 18 ; B.A. and M.A. 1865 ; rem. 1890. Of Winkleigh, Devon; J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff Devon 1872 ; M.P. Exeter 1874-80. P.C.E. Jones, Christopher Jay (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. cler. 22 June, aged. 19; Somerset Sch. 1848; B.A. 1852; M.A. and rem. 1855. Keene, William (Gloucs.) ; Queen Elizabeth College, Guernsey. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Feb. 1848. aged 19 ; 3 Math, and B.A. 1851 ; rem. 1853 ; rep. 1865 ; M.A. and rem. 1866. C.M.S. Chaplain in India 1858-82 ; C. of Little Munden, Herts., 1883-4 ; V. of Gayton, Staffs., 1884. Lukin, William Hugo (Dorset) ; Maryborough Gr. School. Com. Matr. arm 3 Feb., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1848 ; rem. 1849. R. of Wickford, Gloucs., 1867-81 ; of Downham, Essex, 1881-9 ; died 26 Oct. 1889. Newbolt, George Digby (London); Somerton. Com. Matr. cler. 30 June 1848, aged 19; B.A. 1852; rem. 1856; rep. 1891 ; M.A. 1892. C. of Hitchin 1853-6 ; R. of Knotting with Souldrop, Beds., 1856-95 ; Chaplain Ch. Ch. Carabacel, Nice, 1898-1907 ; died 8 Jan. 1907. Newell, William Atkinson. Com. Matr. cler. 3 Feb. 1848, aged 18 ; B.A. 1851 ; M.A. 1854 ; rem. 1882. Torpid 1851. Assumed name of Newell in lieu of Robinson 1843; died 1889. Burke's Landed Gentry. Payne, Salusbury Gillies (East Indies) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. soi-disant bart. 22 June 1848, aged 19 ; B.A. 1852 ; rem. 1857. Eight 1851. Of Blemham House, Beds. ; J.P. ; Barr. Middle Temple 1857 ; succeeded to the baronetcy 1870. Prescot, Kenrick (Chesh.) ; Macclesfield. Com. Matr. cler. 22 June, aged 17 ; Iver Sch. 1848 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1852 ; rem. 1853 ; Fellow of Merton 1853 64; M.A. 1855. 1848-9] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 549 Torpid 1850; Eight 1850, 1, 2, 3; Oxford Eight 1852; Captain B.C. 1853. C. of Stockport 1861-4 ; V. of Ponteland, Northumberland, 1864-78 ; of Lapworth, Warws., 1878-96 ; R. of Denton, Norfolk, 1896-1904. Sherwood. Puxley, John (Simon) Lavallin (Somerset); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 22 June 1848, aged 16; rem. 1850. Of Dunboy Castle, co. Cork; Captain 6th Dragoons ; died 1860. Stowell, Hugh Ashworth (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 22 June, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1848 ; Hulme Ex., 4 Cl. and B.A. 1852 ; M.A. and rein. 1855. C. of Selling, Kent ; P.C. of Maughold, Isle of Man, 1858-63 ; of Warslow and Elkstone, Staffs., 1863-5 ; R. of Breadsall, Derbs., 1865-86 ; died 16 Mar. 1886. WORKS : Several papers on British Moths and Butterflies. Guardian, 24 Mar. 1886, p. 432. Townsend, "William Wood (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 3 Feb. 1843, aged 18 ; migrated to St. Mary Hall 1850 ; B.A. 1853. Eight 1849, 50. Sherwood. 1849 BARING, Thomas Charles (Oxon.). Matr. cler. Wadham 31 Jan. 1849, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1852 ; Fellow (Barbie) 4 Dec. 1852 ; M.A. 1855 ; res. Fell. 14 Nov. 1859. Re-founder of Hertford College 1874 ; M.P. South Essex 1874-85 ; City of London 1887-91 ; died 2 Apr. 1891. BENEF. : Gave balance of his Fellowship 21 Dec. 1859 ; plate 1867. WORKS : -\-Pindar in English Rhyme, 1875. The Lyrics of Horace done into English ^The Scheme of Epicurus (Lucretius Rhyme, 1870. in English verse), 1884. Burke's Landed Gentry ; Quat. Mon. iv, v. Barton, John Yarker (Lanes.) ; King's School, Canterbury. Com. Matr. cler. 2 Feb. 1849, aged 18 ; B.A. 1852 ; M.A. and rem. 1857. Torpid 1850 ; Eight 1851. C. of Chilham, Kent, 1853-7; of Gt. Marlow, Bucks., 1861-2; Army Chaplain 1862-90. Bradford, Charles William (Wilts.); Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1849, aged 18 ; B.A. 1852 ; M.A. 1857. C. of Beechingstoke, Wilts. ; of Broughton, Oxon. ; V. of Clyffe Pypard, Wilts., 1863-83; died 11 Oct. 1883. Bryans, Richard (Lanes.) ; Uppingham. Com. Matr. arm. 7 June 1849, aged 18 ; B.A. 1853; M.A. and rem. 1856 ; died 24 Apr. 1881. Cler. Clay, Benjamin Sherard (Lanes.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Feb. 1849, aged 17 ; B.A. 1852 ; rem. 1855. Of Lincoln's Inn 1853. Dawson, John (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 2 Feb. 1849, aged 18; B.A. 1852 ; M.A. 1857. 550 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1849 Gilbert, William Henry Long (Bucks.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 2 Feb. 1849, aged 19 ; B.A. 1852 ; rem. 1854 ; rep. 1863 ; M.A. and rem. 1864. Chaplain H.M. Prison, Wandsworth, 1867-85 ; died 16 Feb. 1885. Qott, John (Yorks.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 7 June 1849, aged 18; B.A. 1853 ; M.A. 1856; B.C. and D.D. 1874. C. of St. Nicholas, Gt. Yarmouth, 1857-61 ; Minister of St. Andrew's, Gt. Yarmouth, 1861-3 ; P.C. of Bramley, Leeds, 1863-73 ; V. of Leeds 1873-86; R.D. of Leeds 1874-86 ; Dean of Worcester 1886-91 ; Bishop of Truro 1891 ; died July 1906. WORKS: Woman, why weepest thou? 1886. Preparing for life, 1874. The Parish Priest of the Town, 1887. The Leeds Mission, 1875. Ideals of a Parish, 1897. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Qrundy, George Frederick (Bucks.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 7 June, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1849 ; Colquitt Ex. 1850 ; 4 Cl. and 4 Math. 1852 ; S.C.L. 1853 ; rem. 1854 ; rep. and B.A. 1857 ; rem. 1858 ; .rep. 1862 ; M.A. 1867 ; rem. 1890. Head Master of Liscard, Rigby and Lichfield Schools 1859-74 ; C. of Stretton, Leics., 1875 ; of Southill, Cornwall, 1875-6 ; of Stratford-on- Avon 1876-9; V. of Bishopton, Warws., 1880-4; C. of St. Bridget, Wavertree, Lanes., 1884-6; V. of Aspull, Wigan, 1886. Inchbald, Thomas Charles (Lanes.) ; Bury. Com. Matr. cler. 2 Feb. 1849, aged 19 ; rem. 1853 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1854. Jelly (Jellie), Harry Kichardson (Som.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 7 June 1849, aged 18 ; B.A. 1854 ; rem. 1858. C. of Alderbury, Wilts., 1869-71 ; of Haddenham, Cambs., 1871-75 ; of St. Matthew's, Baling, 1875-7 ; of St. Peter's, Regent Sq., London, 1876-7 ; Chap. Fulham and Hampstead Hospital 1883. Leeming, Edward (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 21 Mar. 1849, aged 17; Somerset Sch. 1849; B.A. 1852; M.A. 1855; rem. 1856; rep. 1879 ; rem. 1889. C. of Clifton, Notts., 1858-60 ; of Wilston, Mon., 1878-83. Macrorie, "William Kenneth (Lanes.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Feb. 1849, aged 17 ; Hulme Ex. (?) ; B.A. 1852 ; M.A. 1855 ; R. of Wapping 1861-5 ; D.C.L. University of the South, M.A. University of the Cape, and cr. D.D. (Ox.) 1876. Torpid 1851, 2, 4 ; Eight 1854. Fellow of Radley 1855-8 ; C. of Deane 1858-60 ; P.C. of Wingates, Lanes., 1860-1 ; of Accrington, Lanes., 1865-9 ; first Bishop of Maritzburg 1869-92 ; Canon res. of Ely 1892 ; died 13 Oct. 1905. WORKS : A Charge Delivered at the Second Session Addresses to the Synod of Clergy and of the Diocese of Maritzburg, 1870. Diocesan Synod of Maritzburg, 1877. ^An address delivered in S. Saviour's Address to Diocesan Synod, 1889. Church, Maritzburg, 1874. Sermon, 1891. Sherwood . Miller, Edward Mansell (Sussex). Com. Matr. cler. 2 Feb.. aged 21 ; Yate Sch. 1849; rem. 1851 ; Demy Magdalen 1851-62 ; B.A. 1855 ; M.A. 1856 ; Fellow 1862. Private Tutor ; then Clerk in Ordnance Office ; R.H.S. testimonial for saving life 1885. 1849] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 551 Minor, Augustus Henry (Salop). Com. Matr. arm. 7 June 1849, aged 18 ; B.A. 1853 ; rem. 1858. P.C.R. Moore, Peter Halhed (Berks.); Marlborough Gr. School. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Mar., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1849 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1852; M.A. 1856. Eight 1850, 2, 3 ; Torpid 1851, 2 ; Oxford Eight 1853. C. of St. James, Devizes, Wilts., 1854-6 ; of Easton, Som., 1857-8 ; P.C. of Lovington, 1858-63 ; of Pill, Som., 1863-7 ; of Chadkirk, Chesh., 1867 ; Hon. Canon of Chester 1894. Sherwood. Newbold, Francis George (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. D.D. f. 7 June 1849, aged 18 ; B.A. 1853 ; rem. 1854. Torpid 1851. Nowell, Ealph Assheton (Yorks.). Com. Matr. cler. 2 Feb. 1849, aged 18 ; rem. 1850. Lieut.-Col. Bengal Staff Corps ; J.P. Yorks. (W. R.) ; assumed name of Nowell in lieu of Robinton 1843. Onslow, Andrew George (Gloucs.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 7 June 1849, aged 18 ; rem. 1851. Of Stardene, Gloucs. ; Lieut. 97th Regiment ; Captain 13th Regiment. Pain, Thomas Holland (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 7 June 1849, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1850 ; 4 Cl., B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1853 ; M.A. 1856. Torpid and Eight 1854. C. of St. Thomas, Liverpool, 1856-9 ; of Stone, Worcs., 1859-71 ; V. of Warton, Lanes., 1871 ; died 1903. Sherwood. Pollock, Henry Alsager (Chesh.) ; King Edward's School, Birming- ham. Com. Matr. arm. 7 June 1849, aged 17 ; rem. 1850. Richards, Charles Henry (Som.). Com. Matr. cler. 21 Mar. 1849, aged 18 ; rem. 1856. Cler. Smith, Robert Murray (Lanes.) ; Repton. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Feb., aged 17 ; Sch. Oriel 1849 ; cr. M.A. 1884. Agent-General in London for Colony of Victoria ; C.M.G. Teale, Thomas Pridgin (Yorks.); Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Feb. 1849, aged 17 ; 4 Math, and B.A. 1852 ; M.A. 1855 ; B.Med. 1856 ; Hon. D.Sc. Leeds. Lect. on Anatomy and Surgery, Leeds School of Medicine 1856-76 ; Consulting Surgeon, Gen. Infirmary, Leeds ; Crown Nominee on the Gen. Med. Council 1876-1901 ; F.R.S. WORKS : Healthy Houses, 1884. Dangers to health, 1879, &c. A Discourse on the principles of domestic A Pictorial Guide to Domestic Sanitary fireplace construction, 1886. Defects, 1879. The Bane of Modern Education. \Hurry, worry, and money, 1883. Dust and Fresh Air. Economy of coal in house fires, 1883. Publications on surgical subjects. West, Henry Torin Turner (Norfolk) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Feb. 1849, aged 19 ; 2 Math, and B.A. 1852 ; M.A. 1855 ; died 12 Apr. 1859. ? Cler. 552 ^BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEE [1849-50 "WILSON, Robert Spedding (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 2 Feb. 1849, aged 18; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1852; Hulme Ex. 1854; M.A. 1855; Fellow (Founders) 22 Nov. 1855 (the last to be elected under the original Statutes) ; Junior Bursar 1871-5 ; res. Fell. 1876 ; E. of Mottistone, I.W., 1875-6 ; of Stoke Bruerne 1876-85. . Fellow of St. Peter's, Radley, 1856-66 ; R. of Girton, Cambs., 1886-94 ; died Aug. 1903. WORK : f Sermon on funeral of Sir E. P. Gordon, 1876. WOOD, Charles James (Lanes.) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. arm. 7 June 1849, aged 17; Iver Sch. 1850 ; Hulme Ex. and 1 Cl. Mods. 1852; 1 Cl., 2 L. & H. and B.A. 1853 ; Fellow (Founders) 2 Feb. 1855 ; res. Fell. 13 Dec. 1862. Torpid 1850, 1, Principal of Victoria College, Jersey, 1861 ; died 27 Nov. 1887. Standard, 5 Dec. 1887. YATBS, William (Staffs.) ; Giggleswick and Uppingham. Matr. gen. Oriel 8 Feb. 1849, aged 18 ; Sch. Lincoln 1850-3 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1852 ; Fellow (Founders) 30 Nov. 1853 ; M.A. 1855 ; Senior Proctor and R. of Cottingham 1866 ; res. Fell. 1867. R.D. 1875 ; Hon. Canon Peterborough 1889 ; died 16 July 1900. 185O Burnham, Charles Havey (Northants.). Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1850, aged 17 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1854 ; M.A. 1857 ; rem. 1901. C. of Bozeat, Northants., 1855-9; of Sandy, Beds., 1859-64; R. of Cogenhoe, Northants., 1864. Byrth, Henry Stewart (Lanes.) ; Royal Institute School, Liverpool. Com. Matr. 5 Feb. 1850, aged 18 ; Dean's Pr. 1851 ; Hulme Ex. 1853 ; 2 Math, and B.A. 1854; Ellerton Pr. and M.A. 1856. , C. of Bow, Middlx., 1856-8; of Newton-le-Willows, Lanes., 1859-62; V. of Bardsley, Lanes., 1862 ; Surr. Dioc. Manchester 1876 ; R.D. of Ashton-under-Lyne 1892. WORKS : f John the Baptist, 1856. None like unto Ahab, 1877. . \The young children, 1862. Paul before Agrippa, 1877. Ale 1852. Calvert, John Jackson (Lanes.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. 5 Feb. 1850, aged 19 ; rem. 1851. Emigrated to New South Wales and became Clerk in Colonial Secretary's Dept. 1853; Clerk of Select Committees, Legislative Council, N.S.W. 1856 ; Clerk of the Parliaments 1871 ; President of the New South Wales Rugby Union 1876; I.S.O. 1904. Pidler, Daniel Robertson (Williams) (Jamaica). Com. Matr. cler. 5 Feb. 1850, aged 17; rem. 1853; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1858 ; M.A. 1859. Torpid 1853. C. of Rothwell, Yorks., 1859-61 ; of St. Paul, Jamaica, 1861-7 ; of Waddesdon, Bucks., 1868-70 ; of Napton on the Hill, Warws., 1870-1 ; of St. John, Broughton, Lanes., 1871-5 ; of Tretower, Brecon, 1875-7 ; of Lynstead, Kent, 1878-80 ; of Rickmansworth, Herts., 1881-3 ; of Coleshill, Bucks., 1884-9 ; of Warborough, Oxon., 1889-91 ; R. of Mayland, Kent, 1891-1904. Sherwood. BEASE^TOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 553 Foster, William Henry (Lanes.) ; Cheltenham. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1850, aged 18 ; rem. 1851. Commissioner of Crown Lands ; Warden of the Goldfields, &c. ; J.P. Colony of Victoria. Hicks, Thomas KTash (Herefs.) ; Marlborough Gr. School. Com. Matr. arm. 5 Feb., aged 18; Somerset Sch. 1850; B.A. 1853; M.A. and rem. 1856. C. of Upton, Devon, 1857-79; V. of Ilsham, Devon, 1879. Higgon, William Henry (Pembs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 5 Feb. 1850, aged 19 ; rem. 1853. R. of West Robeston, Pembs., 1859-76; died 18 Mar. 1876. Hole, Richard Aram (Devon) ; Winchester and Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 5 Feb. 1850, aged 17 ; rem. 1853. P.C.R. Izon, William York Seymour (Staffs.). Com. Matr. arm. 5 Feb. 1850, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mod. 1852; 4 Math, and B.A. 1853; rem. 1854; rep. and rem. 1856 ; died 8 Feb. 1874. Cler. Lathbury, Daniel Connor (Northants.). Com. Matr. cler. 21 June 1850, aged 19 ; Hulme Ex. 1853; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1854 ; rem. 1859 ; rep. and M.A. 1861. Treasurer and President of the Union 1855. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1858 ; Journalist ; for some time on staff of Daily News, Pall Mall Gazette, Saturday Review ; Joint Editor Economist 1878- 81 ; Editor Guardian 1883-99 ; Editor The Pilot 1900-4. Lee, Matthew Henry (Salop) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1850, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1854 ; M.A. 1857 ; died 1891. V. of Hanmer, Flints., 1867 ; Hon. Canon of St. Asaph. Leigh, James Mosley (Chesh.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 5 Feb. 1850, aged 17; rem. 1853. Student Lincoln's Inn 1854 ; died 14 Jan. 1858. Burke's Landed Gentry. Mills, Thomas Wilgress (Kent) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 5 Feb. 1850, aged 18 ; B.A. 1853; M.A. 1856. Torpid 1853, 4. Junior Clerk at War Office 1856 ; Assist. Priv. Sec. to Sec. of State 1874 ; Clerk- Assistant to Chaplain-General and Chief Clerk 1875 ; Assist. Priv. Sec. to Sec. of State 1878 ; Principal Clerk 1878-96. Sherwood. Nicholl, Edward Powell (Glamorgs.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. D.C.L. f. 6 June 1850, aged 18; B.A. 1855; M.A. 1857; rem. 1890. Torpid 1851, 2. C. of St. George -super-Ely, Glamorgs., 1856-7 ; R. of Llandough with St. Mary Church, Glamorgs., 1858-64; V. of Lacock, Wilts., 1864-71: C. of Falmouth 1871-2 ; Chap, of Chesh. Co. Asylum, Macclesfield, 1872-6 ; of Kent Co. Asylum, Banning Heath, 1876-81; C. of Linsdale, Bucks., 1881-2 ; V. of Ascott-under-Wychwood,Oxon., 1883-5 ; Miss, at Pembria Crossing, Manitoba, 1886-8. P.C.R. 554 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1850 Owen, Edmund John (Salop) ; Maryborough Gr. School. Com. Matr. arm. 5 Feb., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1850 ; rein. 1854 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1855. C. of Tenbury, Herefs., 1858-60 ; of Tretire, Herefs., 1861-9 ; R. 1869 ; died Nov. 1905. REYNOLDS, Samuel Harvey (Middlx.) ; Radley. Matr. D.Med. Exeter 17 Apr. 1850, aged 18 ; Sch. 1850-4 ; 1 Cl. Mod. 1852 ; English Verse 1853 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1854 ; Fellow (Frankland) 2 Feb. 1855 ; M.A. 1857 ; Junior Bursar 1866-71 ; V. of East Ham 1871-93; res. Fell. 1872. Eight 1855, 7 ; Torpid 1857. Student Lincoln's Inn 1858 ; died Feb. 1897. WORKS : f The Reciprocal Action of the Physical Classicorum. and Moral Condition of Countries upon Contributed to Times, 1873-96 each other, 1856. (about 2,000 articles). {Rise of the Modern European System, -{Studies upon many subjects, 1898. 1865. -{Bacon's Essays, 1890. fEdited Iliad of Homer in Catena -{Table-talk of John Selden, 1892. D.N.B. Stephens, John Otter (Leics.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 28 May 1850, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1853 ; B.A. 1854 ; M.A. and rem. 1857. C. of Steeple Aston, Oxon. ; of Adderbury, Oxon. ; of Belgrave, Leics. ; V. of Savernake, Wilts., 1861-79; R. of Blankney, Lines., 1879-1902; Chap, at Beaulieu, France, 1902; V. of All Saints, Tooting, S.W., 1903. Author. Taylor, James Wilson (Lanes.); Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 14 Mar. 1850, aged 18; Somerset Sch. 1850; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and 2 Cl. Mods. 1852 ; Hulme Ex. 1853 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1854 ; M.A. 1856 ; rem. 1857. Inc. of Little Marsden, Lanes. ; died 1882. Topping, George Lomax (Lanes.) ; Warrington Gr. School. Com. Matr. cler. 5 Feb. 1850, aged 17 ; Yate Sch. 1851 ; Hulme Ex. 1853 ; 3 Math, and B.A. 1854; M.A. 1856. 2nd Master King Edward's School, Bath, to 1889. Webb, Godfrey John (Surrey) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1850, aged 17 ; B.A. 1854; rem. 1858. Ale 1853, 4. Wetherell, Thomas Frederick (Norfolk). Com. Matr. arm. 5 Feb. 1850, aged 19; rem. 1853. Secretary of the Union 1851 ; Treasurer 1852. Clerk at War Office ; Priv. Sec. to Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs ; Joint Editor of the Rambler, 1859, and the Home and Foreign Review, 1862 ; Editor of the Chronicle, 1867, and the North British Review, 1869. Abbot Gasquet's Lord Acton and his circle. Worthington, John (Staffs.) ; Repton. Coin. Matr. arm. 5 Feb. 1850, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1853 ; B.A. 1854 ; rem. 1855 ; rep. and M.A. 1884 ; rem. 1893. Torpid 1851, 2 ; Eight 1852. C. of Ashbourne, Derbs., 1855 ; V. of Little Bedwyn, Wilts., 1862-6; of Shuckburgh, Warws., 1866-78; of Farnworth, Lanes., 1878-85; R. of North Lew, Devon, 1885 ; R.D. 1894-1907. Sherwood. 1851] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 555 1851 Atwood, Arthur Thomas (Warws.). Com. Matr. cler. 17 June 1851, aged 19 ; promoted to Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1852 ; B.A. 1855 ; rem. 1856. Torpid 1852. C. of Burgate, Suffolk, 1859-70 ; R. of Bromeswell, Suffolk, 1870; died 1905. Sherwood. Bates, Emery (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 17 June, aged 19; Somerset Sch. 1851 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1853; B.A. 1856; M.A. and rem. 1858. V. of Holy Trinity, Midclleton, Lanes., 1862-72 ; R. of Wilmslow, Chesh., 1872. Birds, David Gilbert (Salop). Com. Matr. cler. 17 June 1851, aged 20 ; B.A. 1855 ; rem. 1859 ; died 1869. Cler. Curzon, Richard (Derbs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 30 Oct. 1851, aged 17 ; B.A. 1857 ; M.A. and rem. 1858; died 20 Apr. 1863. Cler. Ale 1854 ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Day, Hermitage Charles (Kent); Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 17 June 1851, aged 18 ; B.A. 1855 ; M.A. 1858. C. of Battlefield, Salop, 1856-9; of Bishopstone, Wilts., 1860-1; of Uffington, Salop, 1861-4 ; V. of Bredhurst, Kent, 1864-78. Dickinson, Frederick Binley (Chesh.) ; Kennington. Com. Matr. arm. 17 June 1851, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1853; 4 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1855 ; M.A. and rem. 1858. Torpid 1854. C. of Dawlish, Devon, 1857-8 ; of Tavistock, Devon, 1858-61 ; of St. Martin-in-the- Fields 1861-5; Morn. Reader at Westminster Abbey 1864-5; C. of Lillington, Warws., 1865-9; Aft. Lect. at Leamington 1867-8 ; C. of Holme Walfield, Chesh., 1869-71 ; V. of Ashford, Middlx., 1872-87 ; died 1905. Duncombe, William Duncombe (W. Indies); Blackheath. Com. Matr. arm. 6 Feb. 1851, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1853; 3 CL 1855; 2 Nat. Sci. and B.A. 1856 ; M.A. 1857. C. of Bishopstone 1858-9 ; of Kentchurch 1859-62 ; of Allensmore 1866; Assist. Vicar Choral Hereford Cath. 1866-9; Chap. Hereford Infirmary 1871-93; V. of Diddlebury in Hereford Cath. 1872-3; Minor Can. de Lyra ii. in Hereford Cath. 1873-1900 ; Custos 1877 ; Minor Can. de Cormeille I 1900 ; took the additional name of Van der Horst in 1901. WORKS : Musical composer ; wrote two series of Christmas Carol?, Madrigals, &c. Elliot, Gilbert Stanley (Essex); Radley. Com. Matr. Mus. Doc. 6 Feb. 1851, aged 18 ; rem. 1854. Torpid 1853 ; Eight 1853, 4. Killed in Australia by fall from horse. Ale 1854 ; Sherwood. Fielding, Edmund (Lanes.) ; Merchant Taylors. Com. Matr. cler. 6 Feb. 1851, aged 18 ; rem. 1852. 556 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEB [1851 Green, Edward (Kent) (London) ; Abingdon. Com. Matr. arm. 6 Feb. 1851, aged 18 ; B.A. 1855 ; M.A. and rem. 1858. Torpid 1854. C. of West Denby, Lanes., 1860-78 ; of Marton, Chesh., 1878-85 ; R. of Claughton, Lanes., 1885-98. Langford, Augustus William Henry (Oxon.). Com. Matr. cler. 6 Feb. 1851, aged 18 ; B.A. 1855 ; rem. 1858. Torpid 1852, 3 ; Eight 1853, 4. C. of Churchstoke, Salop, 1856-9 ; of Beeston Regis, Norfolk, 1865-7 ; of Bale, Norfolk, 1867-71 ; of Euston, Norfolk, 1871-6 ; of Knapton, Norfolk, 1876-80 ; of Harden, Wilts., 1880-1 ; R. of Thorn-Falcon, Som., 1881-98 ; died 6 Dec. 1906. Sherwood. Mallory, George (Chesh.) ; Eton. Com. Matr cler. 17 June 1851, aged 18 ; rem. 1853 ; B.A. St. Mary Hall 1857 ; M.A. 1858 ; died 8 Mar. 1864. Cler. Eight 1853. Sherwood; P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Pain, John Lloyd (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 6 Feb. 1851, aged 18 ; Sch. 1851-5 (Al. Ox.) ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1853 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1854 ; M.A. 1857. V. of Holme, Westmoreland, 1876-7 ; of Silverdale, Lanes., 1877 ; died 27 March 1893. Peile, James Braithwaite (Lanes.); Repton. Com. Matr. D.D. 17 June, aged 18; Sch. Oriel 1851-5; 1 Cl. Mods. 1853; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1855; M.A. 1868. Entered Bombay C.S. 1856; C.S.I. 1879; Member of Council of Governor of Bombay 1882-7 ; K.C.S.I. 1888. Pott, Francis (Surrey). Com. Matr. arm. 6 Feb. 1851, aged 18 ; 4 Math, and B.A. 1854 ; M.A. 1857. Torpid 1853. C. of Bishopsworth, Som., 1856-8 ; of Ardingley, Sussex, 1858-61 ; of Ticehurst, Sussex, 1861-6; R. of Northill, Beds., 1866-91. WORKS : \- Observations upon Te cleum laudamus, practice of Chanting in free rhythm 1884. and true antiphony, 1896. ^Marriage with deceased wife's sister by Edited The Music of the Prayer Book, rhiladelphus, 1888. 1896-1908. An Introduction to the principles and f Edited The free rhythm psalter, 1898. Puxley, Henry Lavallin (Ireland) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 17 June 1851, aged 17 ; B.A. 1855 ; rem. 1857 ; rep. 1861 ; M.A. 1865 ; rem. 1897. High Sheriff Carmarthen 1866, J.P. ; High Sheriff Cork 1867, J.P. ; died Feb. 1909. Ramsden, Henry (Surrey). Com. Matr. cler. 17 June 1851, aged 18 ; rem. 1852. Reeve, Joshua Robert (Herts.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 17 June 1851, aged 17 ; rem. 1853. Rowe, Henry Dickson (Devon) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. arm. 17 June 1851, aged 19 ; B.A. 1855 ; rem. 1856. 1851-2] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 557 Scruton, Walter (Durham); Rugby. Com. Matr. gen. Wadham 19 Mar. 1851, aged 18; b. and c. 22 Oct. 1852 ; rem. 1853. Stiles, Robert Canning (Wilts.). Com. Matr. gen. 17 June 1851, aged 19 ; B.A. 1855 ; M.A. 1858 ; rem. 1862. C. of Woodchester, Gloucs., 1857-8 ; of Mere, Wilts., 1859 ; of Wapley, Gloucs., 1859-61 ; of Frampton Cotterell, Gloucs., 1861-4 ; of Sheare, Surrey, 1864 ; Head Master Shepton Mallet Gr. School 1872-80 ; C. of Froxfield, Wilts., 1879-80. Walford, Charles (Essex).. Sch. Matr. cler. Exeter 24 Oct. 1851, aged 19 ; adm. Sch. 30 Oct. 1851 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1853 ; 2 CL, put on S.C.L. gown, and B.A. 1855 ; M.A. and rem. 1858. Master of Bishop's School, Mussoorie, India, 1858-62 ; C. of Cuddesdon, Oxon., 1863-4 ; Junior Chap. Bombay 1864-74 ; Senior Chap. Bombay 1874 ; R. of Padworth, Reading, 1888-9 ; V. of Cherrington, Wilts., 1889-92 ; of West Hampnett, Chichester, 1892-1903 ; R. of Donnington, Herefs., 1903-4. WORK : The Queen's Funeral and the nation's mourning, 1901. Webster, Edward Mercer (Chesh.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 6 Feb. 1851, aged 18 ; B.A. 1854 ; M.A. and rem. 1857. Torpid 1853, 4 ; Eight 1854. C. of Eaton, Salop, 1856-8 ; of Solihull, Warws., 1859 ; of Beckley, Sussex, 1860-1 ; of Loughton, Essex, 1862-72; R. of Chingford, Essex, 1872-8. Sherwood. Wilkinson, George Howard (Durham). Com. Matr. arm. 27 Mar., aged 17; rem. 1851 ; Sch. Oriel 1853-5; 2 Cl. Mods. 1853; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1854 ; M.A. 1859 ; Select. Pr. 1879-81 ; D.D. (by diploma) 1883. C. of Kensington 1857-9 ; P.C. of Seaham Harbour 1859-63 ; of Auckland, Durham, 1863-7; of St. Peter's, Gt. Windmill Street, 1867-70; V. of St. Peter's, Pimlico, 1870-3; Hon. Canon of Truro 1878-83 ; Bishop of Truro 1883-91 ; Bishop of St. Andrews 1893 ; Primus of Episcopal Church of Scotland 1904 ; died 1907. Author of many devotional works. Williams, Wynham Lewis (Glamorg.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 30 Oct., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1851 ; B.A. 1855 ; M.A. 1858 ; rem. 1863. Eight 1852, 3 ; Torpid 1854, 7. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1859. 1852 Bentley, Horace (London) ; King's College. Com. Matr. arm. 11 June 1852, aged 18 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1856 ; M.A. and rem. 1859. V. of Little Marsden, Lanes., 1876 ; died 1891. Calvert, Reginald (Lanes.). Com. Matr. B.D. 11 June 1852, aged 19 ; rem. 1855. In Cambs. Militia ; then for ten years in the llth Hussars, left as Captain ; Adjutant of the Bucks. Yeomanry; Chief Constable of Cambs. P.C.R. Chamberlayne, Edward Tomes (Warws.); Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Jan. 1852, aged 18 ; B.A. 1855 ; M.A. 1858 ; rem. 1876. R. of Witherley, Warws., 1871 ; died 1887. 558 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1852 Codrington, John Edward (Wilts.) ; Marlborough Gr. School. Com. Matr. cler. 4 Mar., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1852; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1854 ; Hulme Ex. 1855 ; B.A. 1856 : M.A. 1858. Torpid 1853, 7 ; Eight 1853, 4, 5, 6 ; Captain B.C. 1853, 4, 5 ; Oxford Eight 1855. C. at Islington and Long Sutton. Sherwood. Purnival, James (Chesh.) ; Cheltenham. Com. Matr. cler. 11 June 1852, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1854 ; Hulme Ex. 1855 ; 4 L. & H. and B.A. 1856 ; rem. 1859 ; rep. and M.A. 1863 ; rem. 1900. C. of Wimborne Minster, Dorset, 1857-9 ; Chap, at Heidelberg 1860-3 ; R. of Hamworthy 1863-70 ; of Tockenham Wick, Wilts., 1870-3 ; of Muston, Notts., 1874-1903. Halcomb, Thomas Robert (Wilts.) ; Marlborough Gr. School and Coll. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Jan. 1852, aged 18 ; Dean's Pr. and Colquitt Ex. 1853; 2 Cl. Mods, and 1 Math. Mods. 1854; Hulme Ex. 1855; 1 CL, 4 Math, and B.A. 1856 ; Arnold Pr. 1857 ; M.A. 1858 ; Fellow of Lincoln 1860-80. Librarian of the Union 1857 ; President 1858. C. of Addlestone, Surrey, 1858 ; died 22 July 1880. Author. Harington, Robert Edward Stuart (Edinburgh) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 11 June 1852, aged 17 ; rem. 1853. Jeston, Henry William Eyre (Bucks.) ; Marlborough Gr. School. Com. Matr. cler. 28 Jan., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. and rem. 1852. Knipe, Christopher (Berks.) ; Marlborough Gr. School. Com. Matr. cler. 4 Mar., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1852 ; B.A. 1855 ; M.A. 1859 ; rem. 1860. Torpid 1853, 4. C. of Cropredy, Oxon., 1857-9; V. of Terrington St. Clement, Norfolk, 1868-72; B. of Swayfield, Lines., 1872-8; V. of Erlestoke, Wilts., 1878-89; died 1 Aug. 1896. Lance, Henry Porcher (Som.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 1 July 1852, aged 19 ; B.A. 1856 ; rem. 1859. Settled near Christ Church, New Zealand ; died there in 1887. P.C.R. Maclure, Edward Craig (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 28 Jan. 1852, aged 18; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1856; M.A. 1858; B.D. and D.D. 1890; Hon. LL.D. Victoria University 1902. Torpid and Eight 1855. C. of St. John, Ladywood, Birmingham, 1857-60 ; of St. Pancras 1860-3 ; V. of Habergham Eaves 1863-77 ; of Rochdale, Lanes., 1877 ; Hon. Canon of Manchester 1878-90 ; R.D. of Rochdale 1881-90 ; Dean of Manchester and Archd.-Desig. of Manchester 1890; died 7 May 1906. Oakley, John (Kent) ; Rochester. Com. Matr. gen. 11 June, aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 1852 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1853 ; B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1859 ; rem. 1882. President of the Union 1856. V. of St. Saviour's, Hoxton, 1867-82; Dean of Carlisle 1881 ; Dean of Manchester 1883-90 ; died 1890. 1852] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 559 WORKS : ^The Christian Aspect and Application Sermon, 1878. of the Decalogue, 1865. The Hackney Election, 1880. The Conscience Clause, 1866. The Many One, 1882. The Religious Difficulty in Education, Address, 1885. 1866. The Moral Policy of St. Paul, 1885. Diocesan Organisation of Lay Help, Contributed to Manchester Guardian 1868. as ' Vicesiraus.' D.N.B. Pritchard, Thomas Sirrell (Herefs.) ; King's College School. Com. Matr. arm. 20 Jan. 1852, aged 17 ; B.A. 1855; M.A. 1858. Barr. Inner Temple 1858 ; Recorder of Wenlock ; died 8 Aug. 1879. Puxley, Edward Lavallin (Gloucs.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 11 June 1852, aged 17; rem. 1854. Went as an officer in the 4th Light Dragoons to the Crimea ; after- wards C.M.S. Missionary 1859-66 ; B.D. by Abp. of Canterbury 1875 ; Chap, at Versailles 1875-6 ; R. of Great Catworth 1876 ; R. of Kessing- land, Suffolk, 1890 ; V. of Steep, Hants., 1894-1904. Ralph, Solomon Kelly Ferrier (Kent) ; King's College School. Com. Matr. arm. 11 June 1852, aged 21 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1855 ; B.A. 1856 ; M.A. 1859 ; rem. 1860. C. of Christ Church, Preston, Lanes., 1856-8 ; of Holy I., Durham, 1858-62; of St. Aidan, Walton-on-the -Hill, Liverpool, 1866-70; of Darton, Yorks., 1870-5; R. of Kildawkey, co. Meath, 1875-92. Rogers, John (Lanes.) ; Collegiate School, Liverpool, and Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 11 June 1852, aged 18; Tver Sch. 1853; 2 Cl. Mods. 1855; Hulme Ex., 4 Cl. and B.A. 1856 ; M.A. 1859 ; M.A. Durham 1859. Torpid 1855 ; Eight 1855, 6, 7, 8 ; Captain B.C. 1856, 7. C. of Bishop Auckland, Durham, 1858-62 ; R. of Habberley, Salop, 1862-9 ; V. of St. James, Accrington, 1869-1905 ; Proc. in Conv. 1889- 1905 ; Hon. Canon of Manchester 1892 ; R.D. of Whalley 1892-7. Sewell, Capel John (Norfolk) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. cler. 11 June 1852, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1854 ; Reading Pr. and Hulme Ex. 1855 ; B.A. 1856 ; M.A. and rem. 1859. Inspector of Schools ; C. of Astbury, Chesh. ; of St. Michael, Pad- dington ; died Apr. 1896. Stringer, Thomas (Chesh.) ; Macclesfield. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Jan. 1852, aged 18 ; B.A. 1855 ; M.A. 1858. 0. of Coleford, Sum., 1857-9 ; of Shepton Mallet 1859-60 ; of Queen Camel 1860-1 ; of Compton Bishop 1861 ; C.M.S. Missionary at Hong Kong 1861-5 ; Acting Consular Chap.. Canton, 1865-6; C. of Tittleshall, Norfolk, 1866-8 ; of Horton-with-Woodlands, Dorset, 1868-71 ; V. 1871-81 ; of Christ Church, Portsdown, Hants., 1881. Swainson, Oswald Lister (Lanes.) ; Cheltenham. Com. Matr. arm. 11 June 1852, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1855; 3 L. & H. and B.A. 1856; M.A. 1859; rem. 1868. Ale 1854. Traherne, Llewellyn Edmund (Glamorg.). Com. Matr. cler. 11 June 1852, aged 19; rem. 1854. 60th Rifles. 560 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1852-3 Tufhell, Arthur Jolliffe (Essex) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 11 June 1852, aged 19 ; rem. 1855. Lt.-Col. 34th Foot; died in India June 1883. Vignoles, Olinthus John (Isle of Man). B.A. Trinity College, Dublin, 1852 ; M.A. 1860 ; incorp. 8 July 1871, aged 42. C. of Portarlington, Queen's Co., 1853-4 ; of Molyneux Asyl., Dublin, 1854-5; of Percy Chapel, Fitzroy Sq., 1856-7; Chap, of N. Surrey District Schools 1857-72; C. of St. Clement's, Oxford, 1873-5; of Banover Ch., Regent St., 1875-7 ; of St. Botolph, Aldersgate, 1877-9 ; Minister of St. John's, Littlehampton, 1879-86 ; C. of St. Peter, Mary- lebone, 1889-1901 ; died Nov. 1907. WORKS : Life of C. B. Vignoles, Soldier and Civil The Total Eclipse of the Sun in Spain, Engineer, 1889. 1860. Geological Reminiscences, 1891. A Summer Tour in Northern Europe, Memoir of Sir Robert Stewart, Professor 1 866. of Music in the University of Dublin, A Ride through Bosnia, 1875. 1898. "Warburton, "William Daulby (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. arm. 11 June, aged 19 ; Iver Sch. 1852 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1855 ; B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1867; rem. 1868. "Wood, Francis (Essex); Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 11 June 1852, aged 18 ; rem. 1853. Lieut. 17th Reg. of Foot 1855 ; retired 1863 ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1867 ; 3rd Bart. ; died 21 Apr. 1868. 1853 Battye, Richard (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1853, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1856 ; 3 L. & H. 1857 ; B.A. 1858 ; M.A. 1861. Of Crossland Hill and Skelton Hall, Yorks. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1860 ; died 23 Apr. 1873. P.C.R. Bazely, John (Essex) ; Blackheath. Com. Matr. cler. 25 May 1853, aged 18 ; B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1860 ; rem. 1879. V. of North Stoke 1870-80 ; died 27 Feb. 1880. Bell, Robert John (Yorks.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 25 May 1853, aged 19 ; rem. 1854. Late 37th Reg. ; died 12 May 1856. Bingley, John George (London) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1853, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1855 ; B.A. 1857 : M.A. 1860. Assistant to Queen's Assay Master, Royal Mint, 1849-52 ; C. of Mar- garetting, Essex, 1858 ; of S'pringfield, Essex, 1858-64 ; R. of St. Leonard, Colchester, 1864-74 ; of Snodland, Kent, 1874-95 ; V. of Titherington, Gloucs., 1895-1901. Brook, William Preston (Yorks.). Com, Matr. arm. 3 Feb. 1853, aged 19 ; died 1858. Cler. Clark, Thomas Henry (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 3 Feb. 1853, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1855 ; Reading Pr. 1856 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1860. C. of Brockham, Surrey, 1857-9 ; of Bucklebury, Berks., 1859-61 ; Inc. of St. Philip, Stepney, 1861-2; C. of Davenham, Chesh., 1862-3; of Christ Church, Derby, 1863-5 ; of Clifton, Bristol, 1865-81 ; Chap, of Royal West of England Sanatorium 1890-3 ; died 1907. . 1853] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 561 Clouerh, John (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Nov. 1853, aged 17 ; B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1862 ; rem. 1863. Torpid 1855, 7. C. of Burton Agnes, Yorks., 1859-62; of Ulgham, Morpeth, 1862-3; Chap, at Rangoon 1863-5 ; at Tounghoo 1865-73 ; R. of Clifton, Notts., 1873-91 ; of Wilford, Notts., 1891. Cullen, Robert William (Middlx.). Matr. gen. Worcester 25 Oct., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1853 ; Colquitt Ex. and Dean's Pr. 1855 ; Reading Pr. 1856 ; Hulme Ex. 1857 ; B.A. 1859 ; M.A. 1863. Torpid 1858. Army; H.M.I, of Factories ; died 1888. Guardian, 8 Aug. 1888. Davey, William Horton (Cornwall) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. aim. 25 May 1853, aged 17 ; B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1860. J.P. Cornwall ; died 13 Apr. 1871. BENEF. : Plate 1866. Burke's Landed Gentry ; Quat. Mon. v. Fellows, Edward Thomas (Kent). Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1853, aged 19 ; B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1861. C. of Hadleigh, Suffolk. 1858-9; of Hartfield, Sussex, 1860-4; Inc. of Felbridge, Surrey, 1869-73; C. of Gatcombe, I.W., 1874-7; of St. Catherine, Pokesdown, Hants., 1877-81 ; died 1905. Gardner, David Mason (London) ; Merchant Taylors. Sch. Matr. arm. 9 May, aged 18 ; Pusey and Ellerton Sch. 1853 ; Nowell Sch., 1 Cl. Mods, and Reading Pr. 1855 ; Hulme Ex. 1856 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1857 ; rem. 1859 ; rep. 1869 ; B.C.L. and M.A. 1870 ; D.C.L. 1891 ; R. of Gt. Rollright 1893. Of Middle Temple 1870; Joint Magistrate at Azamgarh 1881; Magistrate at Benares 1882 ; C. of St. Mary's, Reading, 1887 ; died 16 Mar. 1898. Garton, William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1853, aged 19 ; rem. 1859. Garven, Edward Dakin (Lanes.) ; Leamington. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Nov. 1853, aged 19 ; B.A. 1858 ; M.A. 1861 ; rem. 1883. C. of Runcorn, Chesh., 1859-60 ; Chap, to the Earl of Ellesmere's Floating Chapel at Runcorn 1860-8 ; C. of Bollington, Chesh., 1868-9 ; P.C. 1869-95. Goalen, Alexander (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1853, aged 18 ; rem. 1854 ; 2 Nat, Sci. New Inn Hall and BA. 1857 ; M.A. 1863. Cler. ; Lecturer in Nat. Sci., &c. ; died 11 Jan. 1872. WORK : Four Sermons on the ' Comfortable Words ', 1860. Hall, Henry John (Scotland) ; Eton. Com. Matr. bart. f. 25 May 1853, aged 17 ; rem. 1855. Entered Coldstream Guards 1854 ; served in Crimea ; Capt. and Lt.-Col. 1866 ; Major and Col. 1877 ; Major-General 1887 ; was A.A.G. and Q.M.G. at Horse Guards 1884-7. o o 562 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1853 Hayter, Arthur Divett (London) ; Eton. Sch. Matr. arm. Balliol 9 Dec. 1853, aged 18 ; adm. Sch. 1854 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1855 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1860. Of South Hill Park, Bracknell, &c. ; Student Lincoln's Inn 1857 ; Captain in Grenadier Guards (retired 1866) ; M.P. Wells 1865-8 ; M.P. Bath 1873-85; 2nd Bart, 1878; Lord of the Treasury 1880-2; Financial Secretary of the War Office 1882-5: M.P. Walsall 1893-5, 1900-5 ; Lt.- Col. London Rifle Brigade, D.L. Berks, and P.O. 1894 ; Chairman of Public Accounts Committee H. of C. 1900-5 ; cr. Baron Haversham 1906. WORKS : Essays on production, 1864. -{Veiled rebellion, 1881. {Speeches at Bath, 1879, 1879. Articles in Eeviews. Horrox, James Holt (Lanes.) ; Middleton. Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1853, aged 18 ; appointed to the emoluments of the Reed, Ogle, and Church Sch. and to be considered as an exhibitioner (not having had an opportunity of competing for the Nowell Sch. to which he had a claim as having been partly educated at Middleton) 1854 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1856 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1857 ; rem. 1859 ; Gen. Com. New Inn Hall 1864 ; M.A. 1868 ; migrated to Balliol 1887. C. of Lamphey, Pembs., 1862-3 ; of Raglan-cum-Llandenny, Mon., 1863-7 ; of Christ Church, Blackburn, 1867-70 ; V. of Newchurch-in- Pendle, Burnley, 1870 ; died 1905. Hosking, Henry John (Notts.). Com. Matr. cler. 25 May 1853, aged 18 ; B.A. 1857 ; M.A. and rem. 1860. Kidd, Thomas William (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1853, aged 18 ; rem. 1857. Torpid 1856. Litler, Joseph Bellott (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. cler. 3 Feb. 1853, aged 18 ; ? Sch. 1853 (Al. Ox. and Crockford); B.A. 1856 ; M.A. 1859 ; rem. 1860. C. of Stanton-on-Arrow, Herefs., 1857-9; ofLockington.Yorks., 1859-62; of Kilnwick, Yorks., 1863 ; of Holy Trinity, Stockton-on-Tees, 1864 ; V. of Brassington, Yorks., 1865-70 ; of Llantrissent, Mon., 1870-5 ; of Hayton, Yorks., 1875. Mather, Edward (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1853, aged 18 ; B.A. 1858 ; rem. 1850 ; rep. and M.A. 1863 ; rem. 1872 ; died 1889. Cler. Torpid 1855 ; Eight 1855, 6, 7. Sherwood. Maund, John (Momnouth) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1853, aged 18 ; rem. 1855. High Sheriff Brecon 1859; J.P. and D.L. Moore, Herbert Daniel (Oxon.) ; Aynho. Com. Matr. arm. 25 May, aged 17 ; Cartwright Sch. 1853 ; 4 Math, and B.A. 1857 ; rem. 1861 ; rep., M.A. and rem. 1873. Torpid and Eight 1856. Warden of Bishop's College, Pietermaritzburg, 1873 ; died 1886. Morshead, Walter (Devon) ; Marlborough. Sch. Matr. cler. Trinity 23 May 1853, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. (open) 1854 ; Hulme Ex. and 1 Cl. Mods. 1856 ; 2 Cl. 1857 ; B.A. 1858 ; B.C.L. and M.A. 1860. 1853] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 563 Eight 1855. Of Treniffle, Cornwall; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1862, and of Middle Temple (ad eundem) 1866 ; Examiner High Court of Justice 1884. Pike, Luke Owen (London) ; King's College School. Sch. Matr. arm. 9 Dec., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1853 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1855 ; B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1861. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1864 ; Public Record Office 1862, afterwards Legal Inspecting Officer and Assistant Keeper of the Records till 1899. WORKS : Physical Education, 1863. -^A constitutional history of the House \The English and their origin, 1866. of Lords, 1894. \-A history of crimes in England, 1873. -\-The Public Kecords and the Constitu- Ed. Year-books of the Reign of King tion, 1907. Edward the Third, 1885-1908 (R ills Crime in Encyc. Brit. Series). Rathbone, David (Lanes.) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. cler. 25 May 1853, aged 19; B.A. St. John's 1859 ; M.A. 1860 ; rem. 1861. Ryves, George Thomas (London) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Feb. 1853, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1855 ; Hulme Ex. 1856 ; B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1860 ; rem. 1861. C. of Sutterton, Lines., 1870-1 ; V. of Build was, Salop, 1871-4 ; of Upper Tean, Staffs., 1874. Saunders, Arthur William (Kent) ; Charterhouse. Sch. Matr. arm. 9 May, aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 1853 ; died 1854. Scott, George Philip William (Kent). Com. Matr. cler. 25 May 1853, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods, and 3 Math. Mods. 1855 ; Hulme Ex. 1856 ; B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1860 ; died 5 Aug. 1876. Cler. WORK : t<4 reverie on Tenby bay, 1855. Sergison, Charles Warden (Sussex) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 25 May 1853, aged 18 ; rem. 1855. Torpid and Eight 1854. Lieut. 93rd Highlanders ; killed at relief of Lucknow, Mar. 1858. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Shearman, James Edward (London). Com. Matr. arm. 3 Feb. 1853 ; aged 16; B.A. and rem. 1856 ; rep. 1875 ; M.A. 1878. Solicitor 1864. Smith, King (Sussex) ; Rossall. Sch. Matr. arm. 9 May, aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. 1853; Dean's Pr. 1854; 2 Cl. Mods. 1855; 4 L. & H. and B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1860. C. of St. Ethelburga, London ; died 20 Nov. 1863. Ale 1853, 5, 6. Sullivan, Henry Eden (London) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. cler. 15 Dec. 1853, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1856; B.A. 1858; rem. 1861. Student Lincoln's Inn 1857; Solicitor. Taylor, William Henry (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen . 25 May, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1853 ; 2 Cl. Mods, and 3 Math. Mods. 1855 ; 3 Cl. 1857 ; B.A. 1858 ; Hulme Ex. 1859 ; M.A. and rem. 1860 ; rep. 1862. C. of St. Thomas, Coventry, 1860-2 ; of Sutton Coldfield, Warws., 1863 ; Hoad Master of Lower Sch., Rossall, 1863-6 ; V. of Farnworth-with- Kearsley, Lanes., 1866-78 ; R, of Warmington, Warws., 1878 ; died July 1906. 002 564 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1853-4 Tollemache, Clement Reginald (Northants.). Com. Matr. cler. 17 Nov. 1853, aged 18 ; B.A. 1857 ; rem. 1858 ; rep. 1863 ; M.A. and rem. 1866. Torpid 1856. C. of St. Matthias, Stoke Newington ; Chaplain in India 1869-78, 79-88 ; C. of Sunbury-on-Thames 1878-9. Wemyss, Francis Charteris (Yorks.). Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1853, aged 19 ; rem. 1855. Col. commanding 3rd and 4th Battalion of Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regt. till 1894; one of H.M. Hon. Corps of Gentlemen at Arms 1860-1903; died 25 Dec. 1905. Burke' s Landed Gentry. Wimbush, Samuel (Middlx.). Com. Matr. gen. St. Edmund Hall 10 Mar. 1853, aged 19 ; b. and c. 14 Dec. 1854; B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1860. Torpid 1855 ; Eight 1855, 6. C. of Hackness, Yorks.. 1857-61 ; of W. Haslerton, Yorks., 1861-5 ; R. of Terrington, Yorks., 1865 ; died 1908. Sherwood. Wood, Joseph (Gloucs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 25 May 1853, aged 18 ; B.A. 1857 ; M.A. 1860 ; rem. 1863. C. of St. Mary, Warwick. 1850-60 ; R.of Cherington, Gloucs., 1862-95 ; of Warmwell-with-Poxwell, Dorset, 1895. 1854 Astbury, Charles John (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 30 Mar. 1854, aged 19 ; B.A. 1858 ; M.A. 1862. V. of Longton, Lanes., 1869-73 ; died 1873. WOKKS : Political Reform, a plea for conservatism, 1860 ; A Continental Tour, 1861. Austen, Joseph Mason (Ireland) ; Marlborough. Sch. Matr. arm. 12 Dec., 1854, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1856 ; 2 Cl., 2 L. & H., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1858; M.A. 1861. C. of Sonning, Berks., 1861-3 ; of St. Edmund, Salisbury, 1863-9 ; Chap, of Salisbury Infirmary 1868-9 ; V. of Worsthorne, Lanes., 1869-74 ; of Christ Church, Colne, Lanes., 1874-94. Binney, John Erskine (Cornwall) ; Tonbridge. Com. Matr. arm. 18 Oct. 1854, aged 18; 2 Math. Mods. 1857; 4 Math, and B.A. 1858; M.A. 1860. C. of Chislehurst, Kent, 1859-62 ; of Bovey Tracy, Devon, 1862-3 ; Dom. Chap, to D. of Buccleugh 1863-79 ; C. of Hungerford, Berks., 1870-4 ; V. of Summertown, Oxford, 1874-83 ; C. of All Saints, Margaret St., W., 1882-7 ; of All Saints, Ennismore Gardens, S.W., 1887-9 ; V. of Morebath, Devon, 1889-95 ; R.D. of Tiverton West, Devon, 1891-5 ; C. of Honiton, Devon, 1895-9 ; R. of St. Stephen and St. Martin, Exeter, 1900-2 ; of St. Lawrence, Exeter, 1902. Bryans, Francis Richard (Chesh.) ; Cheltenham. Com. Matr. cler. 13 June 1854, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1857 ; B.A. 1858 ; rem. 1859. Author. Torpid 1855 ; Eight 1855, 6, 7, 8 ; Captain B.C. 1858. C. of Duddon, Tarvin, Chesh., 1859-63 ; of Rode, Chesh., 1863-7 ; V. of Elworth, Chesh., 1867-72; of Over Peover, Chesh., 1884-92; R. of Greatham St. John, Liss, Hants., 1892-1902. Sherwood. 1854] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 565 Butler, Henry Edward (London). Com. Matr. arm. 31 Jan 1854, aged 19 ; rem. 1856. Torpid 1855, 6 ; Eight 1856. Sherwood. Edmondson, Thomas Grassyard (Lanes.); Cheltenham. Com. Matr. arm. 30 Nov. 1854, aged 18 ; B.A. 1858 ; M.A. 1861. Torpid 1855 ; Cricket 1857. Of Gresgarth Hall, Lanes., J.P. P.C.R. Emerson, George (London). Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1854, aged 18 : B.A. 1858 ; M.A. 1861. Barr. Inner Temple 1862 ; died 1870. Lambert, Brooke (Surrey) ; King's College, London. Com. Matr- arm. 8 June 1854, aged 19 ; Reading Pr. and B.A. 1858 ; M.A. 1861 ; B.C.L. 1863. Torpid 1856, 7. C. of Christ Church, Preston, 1858-60 ; of St. John, Worcester, 1860-3 ; of Hillingdon, Middlx., 1863-4; of St. Mark, Whitechapel, 1864-5; V. 1865-71; of Tamworth, Staffs., 1872-8; of Greenwich, 1880; died 1901. WORKS : Chanty, 1874. East London Pauperism, 1868. The Broad Church Movement, 1875. Sermons on Pauperism, 1871. Sermons on the Lord's Prayer, 1883. Sherwood. Mollett, John William (London). Com. Matr. arm. 18 May 1854, aged 19 ; rem. 1860 ; rep. and B.A. 1865 ; rem. 1866. WOHKS : Modern Etchings of celebrated Paintings, \-A Layman 1 !! sermons and occasional 1883. poems, 1872. An Illustrated Dictionary of words used Sir David Wilkie, 1879. in Art and Archaeology, 1883. The Painters ofBarbiean, 1879. Etched Examples of Paintings old and \-Rembrandt, 1879. new, 1885. Meissonier, 1882. Carmen Macaronicum, 1889. Ale 1857. Monro, David Binning (Edinburgh) ; University of Glasgow. Sch. Matr. arm. 16 June, aged 17; Sch. of Balliol 1854; 1 Cl. Mods, and 1 Math. Mods. 1856; Ireland Sch., 1 CL, 2 Math, and B.A. 1858; Latin Essay and Fellow of Oriel 1859 ; M.A. 1862 ; Tutor 1863 ; Cl. Moderator 1866, 76 ; Cl. Exam. 1869, 71 ; Vice-Provost 1874 ; Provost 1882 ; Hon. LL.D. Glasgow 1883 ; Hon. D.Litt. Dublin, 1892 ; Delegate of the Press and of the Museum ; Pro- Vice-Chancellor 1899 ; Vice-Chancellor 1901-4 ; Hon. D.C.L. 1904. Student of Lincoln's Inn 1859 ; died 22 Aug. 1905 ; for his works see ' David Binning Monro,' a short memoir by J. Cook Wilson, Oxford, 1907 ; F.B.A. Price, Cormell (Warws.) ; King Edward's Sch., Birmingham. Com. Matr. gen. 5 July, aged 18; Open Sch. 1854; 2 Cl. Mods, and 2 Math. Mods. 1856; 2 Math. 1858; B.A. 1859; rem. 1860; rep. and M.A. 1865; B.C.L. 1867. Modern Side Master Haileybury 1863-74 ; Head Master of Westward Ho 1874-94. 566 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1854 Puxley, Herbert (Boyne) Lavallin (Som.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 30 Nov. 1854, aged 18 ; B.A. 1858 ; M.A. 1861 ; R. of Catworth Magna, Hunts., 1873-5. C. of Cockermouth, Cumb., 1859-65; V. 1865-73; R.D. 1870-2; V. of Kimbolton, Hunts., 1875-9 ; R.D. of Pocklington, Yorks., 1887- 1901 ; R. of Catton with Stamford Bridge, Yorks., 1879-1905 ; died Jan, 1908. P.C.R. Rawdon, James Hamer (Lanes.) ; Liverpool Collegiate. Com. Matr, arm. 8 June 1854, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1856 ; Reading Pr. 1857 ; Hulme Ex., 2 Cl., 4 Math, and B.A. 1858; M.A. 1861. Fellow of Radley Coll. 1860-2; C. of Halton, Lanes., 1863-4; of Astbury, Chesh., 1865-70; of Gt. Yarmouth 1871-3; V. of Shaw, Nr. Oldham, 1875-7 ; of Preston, Lanes., 1877-1900 ; R.D. 1884-1900 ; Hon. Canon of Manchester 1890; R. of Yelverton, Norwich, 1900-7; Inspector of Ch. Schs., Norwich Rural Deanery, 1904-6. WORK : Expository addresses on the Athanasian Creed, 1885. Richards, George (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 12 Dec. 1854, aged 18. Smith, Edward Thomas (Surrey) ; Tonbridge. Com. Matr. gen. 2 Nov. 1854, aged 18 ; B.A. 1858 ; rem. 1863. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1862 ; practised at the Kent Sessions ; Magistrate of the Falkland Isles, then of British Guiana ; a Judge in Jamaica ; died 26 Sept. 1882. Stowe, Edwin (Bucks.) ; Rugby. Sch. Matr. arm. 16 June, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. (open) 1854; 2 Cl. Mods, and Reading Pr. 1857 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1858 ; rem. 1897. In New Zealand. Swainston, Robert Russell (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 31 Jan. 1854, aged 18 ; B.A. 1858 ; M.A. 1860 ; rem. 1866. Barr. Inner Temple 1873. Waddington, William Wilks (Yorks.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 31 Jan., aged 18; Iver Sch. 1854; 2 L. & H. and BJL 1858; rem. 1861. Master at Hartley Coll., Southampton ; died 1887. Whitlock, John Aston (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. cler. 31 Jan., aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1854 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1856; Hulme Ex. 1857 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1858 ; M.A. 1860 ; rem. 1865. C. of Plaxtole, Kent, 1859-62 ; of St. Giles-in the Fields 1862-86 ; of Portman Chapel 1866-8 ; of Leigh, Surrey, 1868-71 ; V. 1871-4 ; of Holy Rood, Southampton, and Chap, of God's Ho., Southampton, 1874-95. Willett, Albert Lewis (Oxon.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. cler. 17 Feb. 1854, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1858. Torpid 1856, 7 ; Eight 1856, 7, 8. C. of Dewsall with Callow, Herefs., 1859-61 ; of Great with Little Packington, Warws., 1861-3; V. of Malpas, Mon., 1867-73; C.-in-Ch. of Henllys, Mon., 1869-73 ; V. of Meriden, Warws., 1873-1902 ; died 1908. Sherwood. York, Samuel (Cornwall) ; Marlborough. Sch. Matr. gen. Exeter 24 Feb., aged 18 ; Sch. 18 May 1854 : B.A. 1858 ; M.A. 1860 ; rem. 1866. Torpid 1855, 6 ; Eight 1856. C. of Preston, Lanes.. 1858-61 ; C.-in-Ch. of Christ Ch., Luton, Beds., 1854-5] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 5G7 1861-2 ; V. of Fritwell, Oxon., 1862-76 ; of Ascott, Oxon., 1876-83 ; Hon. Dioc. Sec. A.C.S. 1874 ; Dioc. Insp. Sch. Chipping Norton Rural Deanery 1878 ; R. of Fifield with Idbury, Oxon., 1883 ; died Nov. 1906. 1855 Andrew, George Frederick (Chesh.). Com. Matr. arm. 12 June, aged 19 ; rem. 1855. Bell, George Meredith (Van Dieman's Land). Com. Matr. arm. 7 June 1855, aged 18 ; rem. 1858. Torpid 1856 ; Eight 1856, 7. Sherwood. Clayton, William Barrie (Lanes.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. arm. 8 June 1855, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1858 ; 3 L. & H. 1859 ; B.A. and rera. 1860. Clerk in Ecclesiastical Commission 1860-2 ; in War Office 1862-93. Clutterbuck, James Caspar (London). Com. Matr. arm. 6 Dec. 1855, aged 18 ; rem. 1857. Collins, Thomas Farmer (War ws.) ; King Edward's School, Birming- ham. Com. Matr. gen. 13 Oct. 1855, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1857 ; 4 Cl., 4 Math, and B.A. 1859 ; Hulme Ex. 1860 ; M.A. and rem. 1862. C. of Geddington, Northants., 1861-2 ; of Tring, Herts., 1862-3 ; of Bilton, Warws., 1863-7 ; V. of New Bilton, Rugby, and Chap, of Rugby Union 1868-79 ; R. of Church Kirk, Lanes., 1879-91 ; of Epperstone, Notts., 1891. Ferguson, Thomas Benyon (Ireland). Coin. Matr. arm. 12 June 1855, aged 18 ; rem. 1861. Barr. Inner Temple 1863 ; died at sea 1874. P.C.R. Grey, Henry (London) ; Merchant Taylors. Sch. Matr. arm. 8 June, aged 18 ; Walker, Henley and Stoddart Sch. 1855 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1857 ; B.A. 1860 ; rem. 1862. Lighterman and Wharfinger, London. Heigham, Henry (Suffolk) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Mar. 1855, aged 17; rem. 1856. Torpid 1856. Burke's Landed Gentry. Leach, Robert Burton (Som.) ; Marlborough. Sch. Matr. cler. 6 Dec. 1855, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1857; 4 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1859 ; M.A. 1862 ; rem. 1870. Eight 1858, 9 ; Torpid 1858, 61, 2. Fell, of Radley Coll. 1862-4 ; R. of Sutton-Montis, Som., 1864-71 ; Chap, at Oporto 1871-8; C. of Weston-Bampfylde, Som., 1878-91 ; R. of South Cadbury, Bath, 1891. Sherwood. Lillington, Frederick (Worcs.) ; Marlborough Gr. School. Com. Matr. arm. 6 Dec. 1855, aged 18; Somerset Sch. 1856; B.A. 1860; M.A. 1862 ; rem. 1868. C. of Trull, Som., 1861-4; Gen. Lie. Dioc. Chichester 1881-93. 568 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1855-6 Little, Edgar HutcMnson (London) ; King's College School. Sch. Matr. arm. 8 June 1855, aged 17 ; 1 Cl. Mods.. 1857 ; 2 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1859 ; rem. 1861 ; rep. and M.A. 1869. I.C.S. 1855 ; Barr. Middle Temple 1871 ; died 1874. Mullins, George Henry (Wilts.) ; Marlbovough. Sch. Matr. cler. 8 June 1855, aged 18 ; Dean's Pr. 1856 ; Reading Pr., 1 Cl. Mods, and Hulme Ex. 1858 ; 4 Cl., 4 Math, and B.A. 1859 ; M.A. 1862 ; R. of Great Billing 1899. Assistant Master Magd. Coll. Sch. 1861-4 ; C. of SS. Philip and James, Oxford, 1862-4; Assistant Master Uppingham 1864-99 ; R.D. of Haddon, Northants., 1907. Reilly, Anthony Myles William. Adams (Ireland) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Mar. 1855, aged 19; rem. 1861. Of Belmont, co. Westmeath ; F.R.G.S. ; a distinguished Alpine climber ; mapped the Mont Blanc Chain 1865 ; Student of Gray's Inn and Inner Temple ; died 1874. Shaw-Hellier, Thomas Bradney (Staff's.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 12 June 1855, aged 18 ; rem. 1859. Torpid 1857 ; Eight 1857, 8 ; won Varsity Pairs 1858. Of Womburne, Wodehouse, Staffs. ; J.P. for Middlx., Staffs., and Worcs. ; Ensign 2nd Staffs. Militia 1858 ; Lieut. ; Cornet 4th Dragoon Guards 1861 ; Adjutant 1862 ; Lieut. 1864 ; Capt. 1867 ; Major 1876 ; Lieut.-Col. Commanding 1882 ; Col. 1885 ; served in Egyptian War 1882 (Medal and Bronze Star); Capt. and Hon. Major Staffs. Yeomanry 1870-6 ; Commandant Royal Military Sch. of Music 1888-93. Sherwood ; P.C.B. Squire, Graham Harvey (Singapore) ; Marlborough Gr. School. Sch. Matr. cler. 6 Dec., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1855 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1856 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1858 ; B.A. 1859 ; Hulme Ex. 1860 ; rem. 1862 ; rep. 1864 ; rem. 1897. C. of St. James, Man., 1862-3 ; of Sydenham, Kent, 1863-4 ; Chap, at San Remo 1864-5 ; R. of Sunningwell, Berks., 1866 ; City Lect. St. Martin, Oxford, 1888-95. Stone, Charles John (London). Com. Matr. arm. 12 June 1855, aged 18 ; rem. 1862. Barr. Inner Temple 1864 ; practised for a time in Bombay ; sometime in Army ; ' Litterateur ' ; F.R.S.A. ; F.R.Hist.S. WORKS : ^Cradle Land of arts and creeds, 1880 ; Christianity before Christ, 1885. 1856 Allgood, "William Isaac (Northumb.). Com. Matr. arm. 27 Nov. 1856, aged 20; B.A. 1861 ; M.A. 1863; died 20 Apr. 1868. Cler. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Baldwin, Octavius De Leyland (Lanes.) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. cler. 27 May 1856, aged 19 ; 3 L. & H., B.A. and rem. 1860. Torpid 1858, 9. C. of Flamborough, Yorks., 1860-2; of St. Stephen, Manchester, 1862-4; of Gt. Budworth, Chesh., 1868-70 ; of Walmer, Kent, 1870-1 ; of Tarvin, Chesh., 1871-4 ; V. of Heapey, Lanes., 1874-91 ; Chap, of Chorley Union 1880-91 ; V. of Leyland, Preston, 1891. 1856] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 569 Berkley, William (Middlx.) ; Islington. Sch. Matr. arm. 24 May, aged 18; Yate Sch. 1856 ; Colquitt Ex. 1857; 1 Cl. Mods. 1858; Hulme Ex. 1859 ; 1 Cl., 4 Math, and B.A. 1860 ; Fellow of Trinity 1862 ; M.A. 1863. Torpid 1857, 8, 60. C. of Bishopsgate 1863-6 ; V. of Navestock, Essex, 1868 ; died July 1896. Sherwood. Coldwell, Charles Simeon (Staffs.) ; Kossall. Com. Matr. cler. 24 May 1856, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1858 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1860 ; rem. 1862. Torpid 1858, 9; Eight 1859, 60; O.U.R.V.C. Assist. Master Rossall 1861-2 ; Fell, and Tutor of Bp's. Coll., Cape of Good Hope, 1862-4 ; C. of St. John, Drury Lane, W.C., 1865-9 ; Class. Lect. King's Coll., London, 1867-8 ; C. of Christ Church, Mayfair, W., 1869-70 ; of St. Matthew, City Road, 1870-3 ; Fellow of Sion Coll. 1873 ; C. of Burghfield, Berks., 1873 ; V. of Christ Church, Poplar, 1873-1902. WORKS : ^A Translation of the Prayers ofEras- ^College Rhymes, 1860. mus, 1872. Ale 1859. Dawn, William James MacGregor (Som.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 27 May 1856, aged 19 ; rem. 1857. Downes, George Richmond (Warws.) ; King Edward's School, Birmingham. Com. Matr. arm. 11 Oct. 1856. aged 18; B.A. 1859; M.A. and rem. 1863; R. of Begbroke, Oxon., 1877. C. of Heywood, Manchester, 1863-5 ; of Walkden Moor, Lanes., 1865-7 ; of St. John, Broughton, Manchester, 1867-70 ; of Timperley, Chesh., 1870-4 ; Dom. Chap, to D. of Marlborough 1875-7 ; died 1908. o.n.s. xxv. Elsdale, Daniel Thomas William (Lanes.) ; Hereford. Sch. Matr. doct. 21 Feb., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1856 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1858 ; B.A. 1860 ; M.A. 1862. C. of Gt. Grimsby, Lines., 1862-4 ; Chap, of Cuddesdon, 1864-6 ; C. of St. John, Kennington, 1867-72 ; V. 1872-81 ; R. of Moulsoe, Newport Pagnell, Bucks., 1884-99 ; of Little Gransden, Cambs., 1899. Freeman, Henry Peere Williams (Oxon.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. arm. 24 May 1856, aged 18; 3 Cl. Mods. 1858 ; B.A. 1860; M.A. 1863. Torpid 1858, 60. R. of Turnerspuddle with Affpuddle, Dorset, 1869. Burke's Landed Gentry. Gem, Charles Henry (Warws.) ; King Edward's School, Birmingham. Com. Matr. arm. 11 Oct. 1856, aged 18 ; rem. 1860 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 1862. Shooting (Chancellors' Plate) 1862. C. of Thatcham, Berks., 1862 ; Chap. Queen's Hosp. and Prof, of Cl. in Queen's Coll., Birm., 1862-4 ; C. of Dudley 1864-5 ; of Tachbroke, and Holy Trinity, Bordesley, 1865-8 ; of Penrith, Cumberland, 1868-74 ; V. of Torpenhow, Carlisle, 1874; died Oct. 1906. 570 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1856 Grundy, Thomas Richard (Lanes.) ; Winderiuere. Com. Matr. arm. 22 May 1856, aged 18 ; Taylorian Sch. and B.A. 1860 ; M.A. and rein. 1863. C. of Wardley with Belton. Rutland, 1861-3; of Ightham, Kent, 1863-5 ; of Styal Chapel, Wilmslow, Chesh., 1865-7 ; of Marldon, Devon, 1867-72 ; of Wolborough, S. Devon, 1872-80 ; Chap, at Bagneres de Bigorre, France, 1882-4; R. of Teigngrace, Devon, 1884-92. Haigh, George Henry Gordon (Northumb.). Com. Matr. arm. 27 Nov. 1856, aged 19 ; rem. 1866. P.C.R. Hughes, John George Parry (Cardigan) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 27 May 1856, aged 18 ; rem. 1862. Torpid 1857 ; Eight 1857, 8. Of Allt-Llwyd, Cardigan ; J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff Cardigan 1864 ; Capt. Royal Carmarthen Artillery Militia 1867. P.C.R. ; Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Jacques, Kinton (Leics.). Com. Matr. arm. 27 May 1856, aged 18 ; B.A. 1860 ; M.A. and rem. 1863. C. of Leyland, Lanes., 1861-9 ; V. of Westhoughton, Lanes., and Chap, of Westhoughton Cemetery 1869-89 ; Surr. 1877 ; R. of Brindle, Lanes., 1889-1909; R.D. of Leyland, Lanes., 1901-9; Hon. Canon of Manchester 1902. Latham, Francis Law (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Sch. Matr. arm. 24 May, 1856, aged 18 ; Eng. Verse and 1 Cl. Mods. 1858 ; 1 Cl., 4 Math, and B.A. 1860; rem. 1863; rep. and M.A. 1873. Ban-. Inner Temple 1864; Advocate-General Bombay 1884-93. WORKS : ^Easier Even, 1855. Edited Shelford's Law of Joint Stock fr/je islands of the blest, 1860. Companies, 1870. A Treatise on the Law of Window -^Verses composed for B. N. C. Gaudy, Lights, 1867. 9 Oct. 1906 (MS.). Ale 1858. Openshaw, Thomas Williams (Lanes.) ; Bury. Com. Matr. arm. 24 May 1856, aged 18; Somerset Sch. 1857; 1 Math. Mods. 1858; Hulme Ex. 1859 ; 2 Math, and B.A. 1860 ; M.A. 1863 ; R. of Middleton Cheney 1892. C. of Octagon Chapel. Bath, 1862-4 ; Assist. Master Bristol Gr. School 1864-92. Richards, George John (Lanes.) ; Cheltenham. Sch. Matr. cler. 24 May 1856, aged 18 ; Dean's Pr. 1857 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1858 ; Reading Pr. 1859 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1860 ; rem. 1861. I.C.S. 1859 ; died at Calcutta Aug. 1862. Salmon, Charles (Berks.). Sch. Matr. arm. 24 May 1856, aged 18 ; rem. 1857. Ensign 43rd Light Infantry ; died 20 Mar. 1861 at Fort St. George, Madras, from injuries occasioned by a fall. Times, 23 Apr. 1861. Thomas, Daniel George (Peinbs.) ; Haverfordwest. Com. Matr. cler. 11 Oct. 1856, aged 18 ; B.A. 1860; M.A. and rem. 1863. C. of Godmanchester, Hunts., 1861-3 ; of St. Luke, Heywood, Lanes., 1864-6 ; Dom. Chap, to Lord de Tabley 1867-72 ; R. of Hamerton, Hunts., 1872. 1856-7J BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 571 Wace, Henry (Middlx.) ; King's Coll., London. Sell. Matr. cler. Trinity 19 May, aged 19 ; Sch. 24 May 1856 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1858 ; 2 01., 2 Math, and B.A. 1860; M.A. 1873; Boyle Lect. 1874-5; Prof, of Ecclesiastical History King's Coll., London, 1875-83 ; Select Pr. Camb. 1878,90, 1901; Bampton Lect. 1879; Select Pr. 1880-2; B.D. 1882; D.D. Edinburgh 1882; D.D. 1883; Principal King's Coll., London, 1883-96. Secretary of the Union, Torpid and Eight 1857. C. of St. Luke, Berwick St., W. ( 1861-3 ; of St. James, Piccadilly, W., 1863-9 ; Lect. Grosvenor Chapel. S.W., 1870-2 ; Chap, of Lincoln's Inn 1872-80 ; Preb. of St. Paul's 1881-1903 ; Chap, to Archbishop of Canter- bury 1883 ; Hon. Chap, to the Queen 1884-9 ; Chap.-in-Ordinary to the Queen 1889-1901 ; Commis. to Archbishop of Sydney 1891 ; E. of St. Michael's, Cornhill. 1896-1903; R.D. of East City 1900-3; Hon. Chap, to King 1901-3 ; Dean of Canterbury 1903. WORKS : -\The Gospel and its witnesses, 1883. \-The calculation of Logarithms, 1873. Preface to Proctor's Classified Gems ^Christianity and Morality, 1874-5. of Thought, 1886. fSome writings for the faith, 1877. Agnosticism, 1888. \-The ethits of belief, 1877. Some central points of Our Lord's Edited The Speaker's Commentary on Ministry, 1890. the Apocn/pha, 1877. (With Schaff) A Select Library of Barrow, 1877. Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers of God seen and known in the character of the Christian Church, 1890. Christ, 1877. The church, 1891. Edited A Dictionanj of Christian Bio- Edited J. C. Egerton's Sussex Folk graphy, Literature, Sects, and Doc- and Sussex Ways, 1892. trines, from the time of the Apostles Religion and Politics, 1894. to the Age of Charlemagne, 1877-87. f Christianity and Agnosticism, 1895. God as seen in Jesus Christ, 1878. Data of Ethics (n. d.). ^The Foundations of Faith, 1879. Edited The primary Works of Luther, Edited Brewer's English Studies, 1896. 1881. The Sacrifice of Christ, 1898. j-First principles of the reformation. The Bible and Modern Inresfigations, 1883. 1903. Sherwood. Warburton, Peter (Chesh.) ; Warrington. Com. Matr. arm. 27 Nov. 1856, aged 20; 3 Math. Mods. 1859 ; B.A, 1860 ; rem. 1861. C. of Haleswood, Lanes., 1861-3 ; of Leverbridge, Lanes., 1863-5 ; of Padiham, Lanes., 1865-8 ; of Bolsterstone, Yorks.. 1868-71 ; of Rainford, Lanes., 1871-4; of Thoipe Salvin, Yorks., 1877-9. 1857 Austen, Samuel Cooper (Ireland) ; Leeds. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1857, aged 18 ; 2 01. Mods. 1859 ; 3 01., 2 L. & H. and B.A. 1861 ; M.A. 1864. C. of Hambleden, Bucks.. 1862-5 ; of All Saints, Boyne Hill. Maiden- head, 1865-73; V. of . Stokenchurch, Oxon., 1873-6; Chap, of Sarum Infirmary 1876-83; C. of Aldridge, Staffs.. 1883-4; V. of Kniveton, Derbs., 1884-90 ; died 1905. Barnston, Francis (Chesh.); Rossall. Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1857, aged 18 ; rem. 1859. Lieut.-Col. 55th Regiment ; served on the Bhoptan Expedition, in- cluding the capture of Dewangini in 1865 (medal with clasp). Burke's Landed Gentrv. 572 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1857 Baxter, Henry Fleming (Salop); Hereford. Com. Matr. arm. 19 June 1857, aged 19; B.A. 1860; M.A. 1864; rem. 1870. Torpid 1858 ; Eight 1858,9, 60 ; Captain Oxford Eight (bow) 1859, 60 ; B.C. 1859, 60. C. of St. Thomas, Scarborough, 1861-3; of St. Philip, Kensington, 1863-5 ; of Bromfield, Salop, 1865-6 ; of Bushbury, Staffs., 1866-9 ; V. 1869-72 ; of Sibdon. Salop, 1872-85 ; of Sibdon-Carwood with Halford, Salop, 1885-1900; R.D. of Clun, Salop, 1899-1900; Chap, of Las Palmas, Canary Islands, 1906. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Best, Frederick Arthur (Staffs.); Hereford. Sch. Matr. arm. 27 Mar. 1857, aged 18 ; rem. 1858. Blackburne, Foster Grey (Lanes.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 26 Nov. 1857, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1860 ; B.A. 1861 ; M.A. 1864. Torpid 1859, 61 ; Eight 1859. C. of Bebington, Chesh., 1863-7 ; of St. Oswald, Chester. 1867-72 ; Deacon of Chester Cath. 1868-72 ; Hon. Minor Canon of Chester Cath. 1872 ; R. of Nantwich, Chesh., and Chap, of Nantwich Union 1872-94; R. of Bury, Lanes., 1894; R.D. 1894-1907; Hon. Canon of Manchester 1898-1906 ; Archdeacon of Manchester 1905 ; died Jan. 1909. Sherwood ; Times, 1 Feb. 1909. Bradstock, William Edgar (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Jan. 1857, aged 21 ; B.A. 1861 ; M.A. and rem. 1863. C. of Holy Trinity, St. Giles-in-the-Fields, W.C., 1861-6 ; of Farncombe, Surrey, 1866-7 ; C.-in-Ch. of Holmbury, Surrey, 1867-71 ; C. of St. George, Birmingham, 1871-2 ; V. of Ironville, Derbs., 1872-87 ; of Ripley, Derbs., 1887-1903 ; R.D. of Alfreton 1891-7. Carpenter, Henry James (Lanes.) ; Royal Institution. Liverpool. Com. Matr. cler. 17 Oct. 1857, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1860; 4 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1861 ; rem. 1865. P.C. of Emmanuel Church, Everton, 1867-74; died 1888. Cunningham, Edward (E. Indies) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. arm. 19 June 1857, aged 19 ; 4 L. & H. and B.A. 1861 ; M.A. 1864. C. of Arthingworth, Northants.. 1863-8 ; of Buslingthorpe and R. of Snelland, Lines., 1869-72 ; V. of Marnham, Newark, 1872 ; Dioc. Insp. of Sch., Southwell, 1884-1900; R.D. of Norwell 1897. Davies, Thomas Gateward (W. Indies) ; Haverfordwest. Com. Matr. cler. 16 June 1857, aged 18; 3 Cl. Mods. 1859; Hulme Ex. 1860; 3 L. & H. and B.A. 1861 ; rem. 1864; rep. and M.A. 1874; rem. 1890. C. of Kettering, Northants.. 1865-8 ; of Prestwich, Lanes., 1869-74 ; V. of Batley, Yorks., 1874-1905; Hon. Canon of Wakefield 1900; died 1905. Hayward, Evan Arthur (London) ; Marlborough. Sch. Matr. arm. 27 Mar. 1857, aged 18 ; rem. 1860. Torpid 1858, 9 ; Eight 1859. Times, 5 July 1878. Hillyard, Frederick Temple (Notts.); Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 13 June 1857, aged 18; Hulme Er. 1860; B.A. 1861; rem. 1865. died 9 Nov. 1877. 1857J BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEK 573 Jacques, Joseph Barratt (Leics.). Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1857 aged 17; rem. 1862. Barr. Inner Temple 1864; Midland Circuit; Reporter for the Times; Revising Barrister City and County of Lincoln; died 1901. Kelke, William Henry Hastings (Leics.). Com. Matr. cler. 26 Nov. 1857, aged 18 ; B.A. 1861 ; M.A. 1864, rem. 1866. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1879. MARSHALL, James McCall (Warws.) ; Manchester. Matr. gen. Trinity 8 June 1857, aged 19; Sch. 1857-62; 1 Cl. Mods. 1859; 1 Cl. 1861; B.A. 1862; Fellow (Founders) 6 Feb. 1863; M.A. 1864; res. Fell. 22 Dec. 1866 ; M.A. Durham 1884 ; the first Fellow to be elected under the new ordinances made by the Commissioners. Assistant Master of Clifton 1865-9 ; Dulwich 1869-84 ; Head Master of Durham 1884-94 ; R. of Croft, Yorks., 1894. WORKS : Table of Irregular Greek Verbs, 1866 ; Horace, 1874. Morley, John Wilby (Lines.); Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 16 June 1857, aged 18 ; rem. 1862. Cricket 1859, 60. Died in Australia 14 Apr. 1864. P.C.K. Myres, William Miles (Lanes.) ; Preston. Com. Matr. arm. 3 June 1857, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex. and 2 Cl. Mods. 1860 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1861 ; Hulme Ex. 1862; M.A. 1864. C. of St. Mary, Hunslet, Leeds, 1863 ; of Gt. Shefford, Berks., 1866 ; P.C. of St. Paul's, Preston, 1867-79 ; V. of Swanbourne, Bucks., 1879 ; R.D. Mursley 1883; died 21 Feb. 1901. WORKS : Book of Common Prayer, compared itith ^Memorials of the Rev. R. Brickel, the First Prayer Book of Edward VI. 1884. 1887. Times, Feb. 1901. Norwood, Curteis Henry (Kent). Com. Matr. arm. 26 Nov. 1857, aged 18; B.A. 1862; M.A. and rem. 1864. Torpid 1860. R. of Chaffcombe, Som., 1879 ; died 1888. Parkin, Charles Inglewood (Kent). Com. Matr. oler. 26 Nov. 1857, aged 19 ; B.A. 1861 ; M.A. and rem. 1865. Torpid 1859 ; Eight 1859, 60. 1, 2. Died 1886. Sherwood. Poole, Robert Blake (Som.). Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1857, aged 17 ; B.A. 1860 ; M.A. and rem. 1864. C. of Ilchester 1862-4 ; of Banwell, Som., 1865 ; of Dauntsey, N. Wilts., 1866-9 ; of Durston, Som., 1869-75 ; of Weston Bampfylde, Som.. 1875-8 ; of Stoke Trister, Som., 1878; of Chard and V. of Ilton, Som., 1879. Prescot, Charles Warre (Chesh.); Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 11 June 1857, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1859 ; Hulme Ex., 3 Cl. and B.A. 1861 ; rem. 1862 ; rep. 1872 ; M.A. 1876. Torpid and Eight 1858, 60. Student Inner Temple 1885 ; a Solicitor in High Court, Bombay. Sherwood. 574 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1857 Raines, William Easterby (Yorks.) ; York Cath. School. Com. Matr. cler. 27 June 1857, aged 17 ; migrated to New Inn Hall 1860. Shepherd, Augustus Burke (Kent) ; Tonbridge. Com. Matr. cler. 13 June 1857, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1859 ; 1 Nat. Sci., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1861 ; M.A. 1864; B.Med. 1865; D.Med. 1877. Vincent's. F.R.C.P. 1875 ; noted for his treatment of lung disease ; died 26 July 1885. BENEF. : Presented oil painting of Assumption of St. Paul, believed to be by or after Nicholas Poussin 21 Dec. 1864. WORKS : Report on Practical Medicine, 1867. -^Pulmonary consumption, 1877. Ale, 1860, 1, 4 ; Times, July 1885 ; Quat. Mon. vii. Snowdon, Richard Kemplay (Yorks.) ; Leeds. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1857, aged 18; rem. 1858; Sch. of Lincoln ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1859; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1861 ; M.A. 1864. Assistant Master Lancing 1863-70 ; C. of Chapel Allerton 1870-3 ; of St. John Evangelist, Leeds, 1874-81 ; V. of Clifford, Yorks., 1881-90 ; of Ledsham, Yorks., 1890. Stonhouse, William Liscombe (Wilts.) ; King's Coll. School. Sch. Matr. cler. 13 June 1857, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods, and Hulme Ex. 1860 ; 4 Cl., B.A. and Latin Verse 1861 ; rem. 1867. Assist. Master at Winchester. Swinden, George (Warws.) ; Birmingham. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June and Milward Ex. 1857 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1860; B.A. 1861 ; M.A. and rem. 1864. C. of Pershore, Worcs., 1861-5 ; V. of Defford with Besford, Worcs., 1865. Syers, Henry Sam (Lanes.) ; King's Coll. School. Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1857, aged 18; 3 L. & H. and B.A. 1861 ; B.C.L. and M.A. 1864; rem. 1873. Student Inner Temple 1860-4; C. of Banbury, Oxon., 1864-5; of Summertown, Oxford, 1865-9 ; V. of Syston, Leics., 1869-75 ; Org. Sec. S.P.G. for Archd. of Leicester 1872-5 ; V. of St. John the Baptist, Peter- borough, 1875-90 ; Org. Sec. S.P.G. for Archd. of Oakham 1880-3 ; Hon. Canon of Peterborough 1885 ; R.D. of Peterborough, 1st portion, 1889-90 ; 2nd portion, 1892-9 ; R. of Barnack, Stamford, 1891-9 ; Org. Sec. S.P.G. for Diocese of Peterborough 1897-9; V. of St. Saviour, Paddington, 1900. WORKS : Notes on the Local Government Act, The Building of Barnack Church, J894, as affecting Church Interests, 1895. 1894. Sermons. Tibbs, Perceval William (Gloucs.) ; Cheltenham. Sch. Matr. arm. 13 June 1857, aged 18 ; Dean's Pr. 1858 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1859; B.A. 1860; rem. 1861 I.C.S. 1860. Townley, Edmund James (Westmorland) ; Rossall. Sch. Matr. cler. 13 June 1857, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1859; 3 Cl., 4 Math, and B.A. 1861 ; rem. 1863. Torpid 1859, 60 ; Eight 1860. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1866. 1857-8] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 575 Vavasour, John Francis Stukeley (Leics.) : Rossall. Com. Matr. cler. 27 Mar. 1857, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1859 ; Hulme Ex. 1860; B.A.. 1861; M.A. 1864; rem. 1865. Torpid 1859, 61 ; Eight 1860, 1. C. of Scalby, Yorks., 1863-7; of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leics., 1867-72; R. of Farmington, Gloucs., 1872-3 ; of Snelland, Lines., 1873-95 ; died Jan. 1900. Sherwood. Woodward, Frederick (Sussex) ; Worcester Cath. School. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1857, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1860 ; B.A. 1861 ; Hulme Ex. 1862 ; M.A. 1864 ; rem. 1885. C. of St. James, Mathon, W. Malvern, 1864-6 ; of St. Matthias, Malvern Link, 1866-75 ; C.-in-Ch. of Pirton with Croome, Worcs., 1876-8 ; V. of Oaydon with Chadshunt, Warws., 1879. 1858 Alston, James Holte (London) ; Leamington. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Dec. 1858, aged 19; rem. 1861. Arden, Percy (London) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1858, aged 17 ; rem. 1861. Barr. Inner Temple 1863 ; J.P. Pembs., High Sheriff 1903. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Armitstead, Thomas Bell (Lanes.); Rossall. Sch. Matr. cler. 5 June, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. (Open) 1858 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1860 ; rem. 1862 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 1863. C. of Silverdale, Newcastle, Staffs., 1864-6 ; of Wolstanton, Staffs., 1866-7 ; of St. Thomas, Garstang, Lanes., 1872-6 ; V. of St. Luke, Win- marleigh, Lanes., 1876 ; Surr. Dioc. of Manchester 1886 ; R.D. of Garstang 1888; Assist. Insp. of Sch. Dioc. Manchester 1889. Baddeley, Eichard Whieldon (Staffs.) ; Birmingham. Com. Matr. arm. 16 Oct. 1858, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1860 ; B.A. 1862 ; rem. 1875 (then dead). Barlow, George Hilaro Philip (London); Marlborough. Com. Matr. arm. 18 June 1858, aged 18 ; Reading Pr. and 3 Cl. Mods. 1861 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1862; M.A. 1865. V. of Lyme Regis 1883 ; died 1887. Black, John Whitmore (Isle of Wight); Edinburgh Academy. Sch. Matr. arm. Trinity 31 May, aged 18 ; om. Th. Manor Sch. (Open) 1858; 1 Cl. Mods. 1860 ; 2 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1862 ; B.A. 1863 ; M.A. 1865 ; rem. 1868. C. of Oxbridge, Middlx, 1865-7; 2nd Master Norwich Sch. 1867-8; Assist. Master Abingdon 1868-70 ; C. of Sutton Courtney with Appleford, Berks., 1870 ; of Weaste. Lanes., 1871 ; of St. Paul, Pendleton, Lanes, 1871-3 ; V. of Launcells, Stratton, Cornwall, 1873. Brandt, Francis (Lanes.) ; Cheltenham. Sch. Matr. arm. 5 June 1858, aged 18; 1 Cl. Mods. 1860; rem. 1861 ; rep., B.A. and rem. 1870 ; rep. 1892; M.A. 1894; rem. 1907. Crick.4 1859, 60, 1 (Capt.). I.C.S. 1862 ; Puisne Judge of the High Court, Madras. 1883-4; Judge of the High Court of Judicature, Madras, 1884-8; retired 1888; Teacher of Indian languages, Cambridge, 1891-5 ; Lect. on Hindu and Moham- medan Law 1893-5; J.P. Gloucs. 576 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1858 Brown, John (Berks.). Com. Matr. arm. 2 Dec. 1858, aged 19 ; B.A. 1862 ; M.A. 1865 ; R. of Didcot, Berks., 1890. Torpid 1860; Eight 1860, 1. C. of Stoke Bruerne, Northants., 1862-72 ; R. of Milton, Northants., 1872-90 ; R.D. of Preston, Northants., 1890 ; J.P. for Berks. Champneys, Weldon (London) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. cler. 6 May 1858, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1860 ; 4 Math, and B.A. 1861 ; Hulme Ex. 1862 ; M.A. 1864. Torpid 1859; Eight 1859,60, 1, 2; Captain B.C. 1860, 1,2; Oxford Eight (bow) 1861. C. of Wendover, Bucks., 1862 ; of St. Matthew's, Brixton. 1868 ; of St. Pancras 1869-74 ; V. of Haslingden, Lanes., 1874 ; R.D. of Whalley 1878 ; Hon. Canon of Manchester 1886 ; died May 1892. Sherwood. Churton, John Arderne (Lanes.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 5 June 1858, aged 19. Believed to have been drowned in the wreck of the ' Royal Charles ', 26 Oct. 1859. DAVENPORT, John Davies (Oxford) : Rugby. Matr. arm. Balliol 22 Oct. 1858, aged 18 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1860 ; 1 Math, and B.A. 1862 ; Senior Math. Sch. and Johnson Math. Sch. 1863 ; Fellow (Higden) 5 Feb. 1864 ; M.A. 1865 ; Math. Exam. 1866-7 ; res. Fell. Dec. 1876. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1866. Farquhar, Francis Glennie (Kent) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 22 Oct. 1858, aged 19 ; B.A. 1862 ; rem. 1866. Royal Scots Greys 1864-88 ; retired as Lieut.-Col. 2nd Dragoons. P.C.R. Gough, Llewellyn Tyndale (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Sch. Matr. arm. 25 Nov., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1858 ; rem. 1861. Gumbleton, William Edward (Ireland). Com. Matr. cler. 8 June 1858, aged 18 ; rem. 1867. Of Belgrove, co. Cork ; J.P. P.C.R. Henry, Arthur (Cumberland) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 18 Mar. 1858, aged 19; rem. 1861. Emigrated to Queensland 1861 ; Private Sec. to Lord Belmore, Governor of N.S.W. in 1868 ; Registrar of Supreme Court, Sydney, N.S.W., 1870-1907. P.C.R. Horwood, Charles (London) ; Highgate. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Dec. 1858, aged 18; rem. 1865. Torpid 1860. Lee, Philip Henry (Lanes.); Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 23 Jan. 1858, aged 18 ; B.A. 1863 ; rem. 1867. Cler. P.C.R. Martin, Walter Willasey (Jersey) ; Bedford. Com. Matr. arm. 5 June 1858, aged 18 ; 4 Math, and B.A. 1861 ; M.A. 1865. C. of Holy Trinity, Bridgwater, 1863-5 ; of St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton, 1865-8; of All Saints, Cheltenham, 1868-70 ; R.of Shepperton, Middlx., 1877-90. 1858-9] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 577 Orme, James Bond (Surrey) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 18 Mar. 1858, aged 18 ; 4 Cl. 1861 ; B.A. 1862 ; M.A. 1864 ; rem. 1867. Eight 1859, 60. Student Inner Temple 1861-2 ; C. of Hurstpierpoint, Sussex, 1863-5 ; of Sutton, Sussex, 1865-6 ; R. of East and West Angmering, Sussex, 1866. P.C.R. PATER, Walter Horatio (Middlx.) ; King's School, Canterbury. Matr. arm. Queen's 11 June 1858, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1862; Fellow (Founders) 5 Feb. 1864 ; M.A. 1865 ; Tutor 1867-83 ; Curator of the University Galleries 1885 ; died 30 July 1894 ; memorial in College Chapel. * WORKS : Coleridge : Westminster Review, The Child in tJie House, 1894. 1866. Miscellaneous Studies, 1895. Winckelmann, 1867. -\-Greek Studies, 1895. Aesthetic Poetry, 1868. Emerald Uthwart (New Review, 1892). Notes on Leonardo da Vinci, 1869. Apollo in Picardy (Harper's Mag., Fragment on Sandra Botticelli, 1870. 1893). Michelangelo, 1871. Some churches in France(19thCentury, \-Studies in the Histories of the Renais- 1894). sance. 1873. PascaZ(ContemporaryReview,1895j. \-Marius the Epicurean, 1885. \'Gastonde1aTour(Ma.cmi}ls\n'sM.i\g., ^Imaginary Portraits, 1887. June to Oct. 1888% 1896. t Appreciations, with an Essay on Style, Essays in the Guardian 1896. 1889. Collected Works (Edition de Luxe, \-Plato and Platrmism, 1893. 1900-1). Ale 1885 ; Times, 31 July 1894 ; Contemporary Review, Dec. 1894 ; Oxford Mag. 17 Oct 1894; D.N.B. ; Walter Pater, by F. Greenslet, 1904 ; by A. C. Benson 1906 ; by Thomas Wright, 1907 ; Quat. Mon. vii. WEIGALL, Albert Bythesea (France) ; Macclesfield. Sch. Matr. cler. 26 Mar. 1858, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1859 ; Reading Pr. 1860 ; Hulme Ex. 1861 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1862 ; rem. 1864 ; rep. and rem. 1894. Cler. Head Master Grammar School, Sydney, Australia, 1886. White, John Baker (Kent) ; Canterbury. Com. Matr. cler. 8 June 1858, aged 18; B.A. 1862; rem. 1878. P.C.R. 1859 Allen, John (Essex) ; New College School, Oxford. Com. Matr. cler. 17 Nov. 1859, aged 18 ; B.A. 1863 ; died 1867. Cler. Barker, Frederick (Chesh.); King's Coll. School. Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1859, aged 18 ; B.A. 1862 ; M.A. 1866 ; rem. 1873. C. of Thornton-le-Moora, Chesh., 1863-4; of Holy Trinity, Chester, 1866-9 ; Min. Can. of Chester 1867-74 : C. of St. Michael, Chester, 1869-74; R. of Middleham, Yorks.. 1874-81; of Cottenham, Cambs., 1881-6; V. of St. Mary, Grassundale, Liverpool, 1886-93; R. ofWim- borne St. Giles, Salisbury, 1893-1907; R.D. of Wimborne 1902-5. Behr, Bernhard Martin (London) ; Liverpool. Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1859, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1863; rep. 1868; M.A. 1870. Chaplain H.M.E.I.S. ; died 4 Jan. 1881. Boyle, Frederick (Staffs.); Cheltenham. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Nov. 1859, aged 18 ; rem. 1861. Barr. Inner Temple 1866. pp 578 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1659 Bradshaw, William (Derbs.) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 24 June 1859, aged 18 ; B.A. 1863 ; M.A. 1866 ; rem. 1884. Of Barton Park, Derbs. ; V. of Duddleston, Salop, 1870-6 ; ofSmalley, Derbs., 1877 ; died 1890. Burgea, Ward Travers (Som.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. arm. 28 June, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1859 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1861 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1863 ; M.A. 1866 ; rem. 1888. Torpid 1861 ; Eight 1861, 2, 3. C. of Ellesmere, Salop, 1864-8 ; of St. Mary's, Shrewsbury, 1868-70 ; C.-in-Ch. of St. Michael's, Shrewsbury, 1870-4 ; V. of St. Michael's, Shrewsbuiy, 1874-85 ; of Farnwbrtham, Kearsley, 1885-6 ; R. of New- port, Salop, 1886-1902 ; Chap, of Norfolk Union 1886-1902 ; R.D. of Edgmond 1888-1902; Preb. of Lichfield 1896; C. of Wolstaston, Salop, 1903-4 ; R. 1904. Sherwood. Camm, John Brooke Maher (Yorks.); Sedbergh. Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1859, aged 19; rem. 1861; B.A, Magdalen Hall 1865; M.A. 1868. Student Inner Temple 1865 ; obtained a Commission in the 12th Lancers ; C. of Horsham. Sussex ; R. of Monkton Wild, Dorset, 1869-91 ; admitted to the Roman Catholic Church 1891. Cave Browne Cave, Fitzherbert Astley (Lanes.) ; Appleby and Macclesfield. Com. Matr. cler. 16 June 1859, aged 19; Hulme Ex. 1862 ; B.A. 1863 ; M.A. 1866 ; rem. 1894. Vincent's. V. of Longridge, Lanes., 1877-94. Chancellor, Francis (Middlx.) ; Oundle. Sch. Matr. arm. 24 June, aged 19; Som. Th. Manor Sch. (open) 1859; Junior Math. Sch. 1860; 1 Math. Mods. 1861 ; 1 Math., B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1862 ; M.A. 1868 ; Math. Moderator 1869; rem. 1871 (then dead). Crosthwaite, Robert Joseph (Dublin) ; Merchant Taylors. Sch. Matr. cler. 24 June, 1859 ; aged 18 ; Dean's Pr., Pusey and Ellerton Sch. 1860 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1861 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1862 ; rem. 1865. I.C.S. 1863; Barr. Middle Temple 1868; District Judge N.W. Provinces of India till 1878 ; Judicial Commr. in Burma till 1881 ; Sec. to Govt. of India Legislative Dept. 1881-2 ; Judicial Commr. Central Provinces 1882-90 ; C.S.I. 1890 ; on Council of Govr. Gen. in Central India, &c., &c., 1891 ; K.C.S.I. 1897; retired fiom service 1898. Dean, Frank (Francis) (America). Com. Matr. arm. 17 Nov. 1859, aged 19 ; B.A. 1864. Lincoln's Inn 1865. Dunn, James (Hants.); Radley. Com. Matr. cler. 24 June 1859, aged 18 ; rem. 1861 ; rep. and B.A. 1864 ; rem. 1871 ; rep. and M.A. 1882. Univ. Rifle Corps ; Vincent's. C. of Milverton, Som., 1865-8 ; of All Saints, Clifton, 1868-79 ; V. of St. John, Bathwick, Bath, 1879. P.C.R. Edwards, Charles Joseph (Herefs.); Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 24 June 1859, aged 19 ; rem. 1861. 1859] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 579 Erskine, Walter Henry (India) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 31 Mar, 1859, aged 19 ; B.A. 1862; M.A. 1866. Cricket 1861. Of Alloa House, Clackmannan, and of Kellie Castle, Fife ; llth Earl of Mar and 13th of Kellie ; died 1888. P.C.R. Forman, James Charles (Edinburgh) ; Edinburgh. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Nov. 1859, aged 18 ; rem. 1862 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 1867. Grissell, Hartwell de la Garde (Surrey) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 31 Mar. 1859, aged 19 ; S.C.L. and B.A. 1865 ; M.A. 1866. Vincent's. Chamberlain to Pope 1869; Knight Commander of the Order of Pius IX 1906 ; died 10 June 1907 ; bequeathed collection of Papal coins to Ashmolean Museum. BENEF. : Plate 1865. WORKS : -\-Sede Vacante, 1903. ^Ritual Inaccuracies, 1865. Articles in Magazines. Quat. Mon. v. Gamble ton, John Henry (Ireland) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 31 Mar. 1859, aged 18; rem. 1862. Lieut, in 60th Rifles ; died on S.S. Palestine off Malta 29 Nov. 1866. P.C.R. ; Times, 18 Dec. 1866. Hogarth, Edward Lucas (Yorks.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. cler. 24 June, aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1859 : 3 01. Mods. 1861 ; B.A. 1862 ; rem. 1865 ; rep. and M.A. 1868 ; rem. 1885. How, George Augustus Mayo (Hants.) ; St. Paul's. Sch. Matr. cler. 24 June, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. (open) 1859 ; 3 01. Mods, and Reading Pr. 1861 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1862 ; M.A. 1866. Secretary of the Union 1861. V. of St. Gabriel, Bromley, Kent, 1867-72"; of St. Leonard, Bromley, 1872 ; died 1893. Times, Feb. 1893. Lach Szynna, Wladyslaw Somerville (Devon). Com. Matr. arm. 31 Mar. 1859, aged 17 ; B.A. 1862 ; 2 L. & H. 1863 ; M.A. 1865. C. of St. Ive, Cornwall, 1865-8; of Lydford, Devon, 1868-9 ; of St. Paul, Truro, 1869-70; V. of Carnmenellis, Cornwall, 1870-2; Libr. of St. Augustine's Coll., Canterbury, 1872-3 ; C. of St. Faith, Stoke Newington. 1873-4 ; V. of St. Peter, Newlyn, Cornwall, 1874-90 ; of Holy Trinity, Barkingside, Essex, 1890; held Chaplaincies at Spa, Marienbad, ani Aix-la-Chapelle ; Sec. Lit. Soc. of Friends of Poland; Co-founder of Polish Emigration Society ; Co-founder of Bible Students' Union. WOKKS : -^Thoughts on clerical life, 1881. ^Heroes of the day, 1860. -f II. Sebillot's system as applied to ^Relation of the Slavonians to the Indo- Cornish folklore, 1881-2. European nations, 1864. -\-Notcs on the Borough Records of The Bishopric of Cornwall, 1869. Marazion, Penzance, and St. Ives, \-Relics of the Cornish Language (n. d.). 1882. Short Prayers for the hour, 1869. -^Cornish Prorerbs, 1882-3. The Bible and the Prayer Book, 1873. ^Notes on the Churchyard of St. Hilary, Pleas for the Faith, 1873. Cornwall, 1883. ^A Short History of Penzance and the fO>t the voyage of Sir Francis Drake, Land's End District, 1878. 1883. ^Slavonic folklore, 1881. -\-Aleriel, 1884. P p 2 580 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1859 [The folklore of the sea, 1884. ^Woman's Work (Church Review), ^Newlyn and its pier, 1884-5. 1894. Helston Furry Day, 1885. ^Nationalism v. Provincialism, 1895. ^Church History of Cornwall and of the -[The oldest university of Britain (Stoke Diocese ofTruro, 1887. Newington Parish Magazine), [Manx and Cornish, 1888. 1898. [Two hundred and twenty-two Anti- -[The ancient University of '.Britain, 1901. quities near Penzance, 1888. -[The site of London beyond the border [Wales and West Wales, 1888. of a thousand years ago, 1901. [Archaeological revivals, 1890. "[Armoury of arguments, 1901. Blinder other conditions, 1892. &c. -[Chaucer, as illustrating English [Church Building (Church Review), mediaeval light, 1901. 1894. -[The mining tribes of ancient Britain, List of Antiquities and Places worth 1903. seeing in Pemance and neighbour- [Arguments in defence of Christianity, hood, 1894. 1904. [The Pre-Aryan people of Ancient Corn- -[Is the method of the Higher Criticism wall, 1894. trustworthy? 1906. [Daily Service (Church Review), -[Does the Higher Criticism open the 1894. Gate to dangerous errors ? 1907. Lipscomb, Arthur Morton (Jamaica) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. 15 Oct. 1859, aged 18 ; Ex. 1860 ; Hulme Ex. 1862 ; B.A. and rem. 1868. Torpid 1862. Sherwood. Lister, John Moore (Yorks.) ; Rossall. Sch. Matr. arm. 24 June 1859, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1861 ; B.A. 1862 ; M.A. and rem. 1866 ; M.A. Durham 1896; rep., B.D., D.D. and rem. 1899. I.C.S. 1862-7 ; C. of St. Martin, Scarborough, 1867-78 ; R. of Barton- le-Street, Yorks., 1878-86 ; V. of St. Andrew, Newcastle, 1886 ; Chap, to Troops at Newcastle 1886; Hon. Canon of Newcastle 1896-1906; Chap, to Bishop of Newcastle 1903-4 ; Exam. Chap. 1904-7 ; Canon of Newcastle 1906. Ale 1862. Maber, William Henry (Glamorgs.) ; Marlborough Gr. School. Sch. Matr. arm. 11 Nov., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1859 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1861 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1862 ; rem. 1863. I.C.S. 1862 ; died at Tanna, India, 9 Sept. 1865. Times, 31 Oct. 1865. Phillips, Sidney (London); Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1859, aged 18 ; B.A. 1863 ; M.A. 1866. Torpid 1860 ; Vincent's. C. of Newland, Worcs., 1864-7; V. of Castle Herdingham, Essex, 1868-75; of Monmouth 1875-9; R, of Nuneham Courtenay, Oxon., 1879-87 : V. of Kidderminster 1887-1908 ; Chap, of Kidderminster Union from 1887; Hon. Canon of Worcester Cath. and R.D. 1907. P.C.R. Eeiohel, Oswald Joseph (Derbs.). Com. Matr. arm 24 June, aged 19 ; Sch. Queen's 1859-64 ; 1 Cl. Mods, and 2 Math. Mods. 1861 ; Taylorian Sch. 1862: 2 Cl., 3 L. & H. and B.A. 1863; Denyer and Johnson Sch. 1865 : M.A. and Ellerton Pr. 1866 ; B.C.L. 1867. Author. F.S.A. ; C. of North Hincksey, nr. Oxford, 1865; Vice-Principal of Cuddesdon 1865-9 ; V. of Sparsholt with Kingston Lisle, Berks., 1870-87. Burke' s Landed Gentry. 1859-60] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEB 681 Shepherd, Robert (Kent); Tonbridge. Com. Matr. cler. 31 Mar. 1859, aged 19; B.A. 1864; M.A. 1865; rem. 1890. Torpid 1861 ; Eight 1861, 2, 3, 4 ; Oxford Eight (bow) 1863 ; Vincent's. C. of Billesden, Leics. ; went to America. Sherwood. Taylor, Henry (America). Com. Matr. arm. 12 Feb. 1859, aged 18 ; migrated to New Inn Hall 1860. Willis, Herbert Macbean (Kent) ; King's School, Canterbury. Com. Matr. arm. 16 June 1859, aged 18 ; rem. 1863. "Wilson, Matthew Herbert (Lanes.) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. cler. 24 June 1859, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1863 ; M.A. 1867. Vincent's. Assist Master at Haileybury 1870-3 ; V. of Lyminster, Sussex, 1873-9 ; died 26 Dec. 1879. Woodgate, Walter Bradford (Worcs.) ; Radley. Sch. Matr. cler. 29 Jan., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. (open) 1859 ; B.A. 1863 ; M.A. 1866. Torpid 1859 ; Eight 1859, 60, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 ; Oxford Eight (bow) 1862 ; Captain B.C. 1862, 3 ; Vincent's (1st Pres.). Barr. Inner Temple 1872. WORKS : A Modern Layman's Faith, 1893. {Oars and Sculls, 1875. Tandem, 1895. Boating, 1885. -^Reminiscences of an Old Sportstnan, Rowing and Sculling, 1889. 1909. Sherwood. I860 Auldjo, John Hose (London) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 22 Nov. 1860, aged 18 ; rem. 1862. Chaytor, William. (Ireland) ; Durham. Com. Matr. arm. 22 Nov. 1860, aged 18; B.A. 1865; rem. 1867. C. of Padihani, Lanes., 1871-9; R. of All Saints, Bolton-le-Moors, Lanes., 1880. Coxe, Seymour Richard (Northumb.) ; Durham. Com. Matr. cler. 13 Oct. 1860, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1862 ; Hulme Ex. 1863 ; B.A. 1864 ; M.A. 1867 ; M.A. Durham 1868 ; R. of Stoke Bruerne 1895. Torpid 1861, 3; Eight 1861, 3, 4, 5 ; Captain B.C. 1864; Treasurer O.U.B.C. ; O.U.R.V.C, Ensign No. 3 (B.N.C.) Co. ; Vincent's. C. of Woodhorn, Northumb., 1866-7 ; of Hurworth, Durham, 1867-72 ; V. of Hawthorne, Durham, 1872-3 ; of Brompton, Yorks., 1873-81 ; R, of Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, 1881-5 ; V. of Stamfordham, Northumb., 1885-95 ; Exam. Chap, to Bishop of Newcastle, 1890-5 ; R.D. of Corbridge 1892-5 ; Hon. Canon of Newcastle-on-Tyne 1894 ; Conim. to Bishop of Zanzibar 1895-1900. Ale 1863 ; Sherwood. Etty, Andrew Hooper (Hants.); Marlborough Gr. School. Sch. Matr. cler. 7 June, aged 18 , Somerset Sch. and rem. 1860 ; B.A. Oriel 1864 ; M.A. 1871. C. of Sedgfield, Durham, 1866-8 ; of St. Thomas, Winchester, 1869-72 ; Chap. Bengal Estab. 1872-94; C.-in-Ch. of St. Peter's, Cheese-hill, Winchester, 1895-6; R. 1897. 582 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1860 Gardiner, George Edward (Som.); Brighton. Com. Matr cler. 28 May 1860, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods, and Reading Pr. 1862 ; Hulme Ex. 1863; B.A. 1864; M.A. and rem. 1867. Torpid 1862, 3, 4, 6 ; Eight 1864. C. of Farnham, Surrey, 1866-8 ; of Batheaston, Som., 1868-70 ; of Cole Orton, Leics., 1870-3; of Buxton, Norf., 1873-4; V. of Box, Wilts., 1874. Sherwood. Gough, Robert Louis Henri (France); Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 7 June, aged 20 ; Somerset Sch. 1860 ; rem. 1861 ; rep. 1862 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1864 ; M.A. 1867. Selected Candidate I.C.S. 1860; C. of St. Mary, Oldham, Lanes., 1865-7 ; of Houghton le-Spring, Durham, 1867-72 ; V. of Chilton Moor, Durham, 1872. Harding, John (Essex) ; Blackheath. Sch. Matr. cler. Wadham 6 June 1860, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. (open) 1861 ; Reading Pr. and 1 Math. Mods. 1862 ; 2 Math., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1864 ; M.A. 1867 ; R. of Weeley, Essex, 1875-83. C. of Hook Norton, Oxon., 1866-70; of St. Michael's, Chester Sq., 1870-2 ; Sen. C. of St. Matthew's, Brixton, 1872-5 : V. of Christ Church, Beckenham, 1883-97; of Coldharbour, Surrey, 1897. Harris, William Chambers (Yorks.) ; Bradfield. Sch. Matr. gen. Exeter 29 May, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. (open) 1860 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1862 ; B.A. 1864; M.A. and rem. 1867. Torpid 1861 ; Eight 1861, 2, 3, 4 ; Captain B.C. 1863 ; Vincent's. Head Master and Chap, of Christ Coll. Gr. School and Fellow of Christ Coll., Canterbury, N.Z., 1865-74 ; Head Master of Wiinborne Minster Gr. School 1874-7 ; V. of Marchwood, Hants., 1877-9 ; Archdeacon of Akarva, Christ Church, N.Z., 1882 ; died 2 June 1885. Sherwood. Hignett, George Edward (Chesh.); Edinburgh Academy. Com. Matr. arm. 22 Nov. 1860, aged 18; B.A. 1863; M.A. and rem. 1867; rep. 1888; rem. 1890. V. of Whitegate, Chesh., 1873-7 ; of St. Peter, Blackburn, 1877. WORK : The Church and her seasons, 1872. Hodges, George Brushfield (Leics.). Com. Matr. arm. 24 Jan. 1860, aged 18; rem. 1861. Huyshe, Francis John (E. Indies) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 31 May 1860, aged 19; 2 Cl. Mods. 1862; Hulme Ex. 1863; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1864; M.A. 1867; rem. 1872. Torpid 1861, 3, 4, 5, 6 ; Eight 1863. C. of Chippenbam, Wilts., 1866-9 ; of St. Edmund, Salisbury, 1870-80 ; of Wilton, Wilts., 1880-1 ; V. of Wimborne Minster 1881 ; R.D. of Pimperne, Wimborne. 1886-1902 ; Surr. Dioc: Sarum 1891 ; Preb. of Ilfracombe in Sarum Cath., 1898; died Oct. 1905. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Idle, Joseph Henry (Yorks.) ; Leeds. Com. Matr. arm. 13 Oct. 1860, aged 18 ; rem. 1861 ; Sch. Lincoln 1861-4; 2 Math. Mods. 1862 ; 3 Cl., 1864 ; B A. 1865. Barr. Inner Temple 1867. 1860] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 583 Knight, Henry (Middlx.) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 13 Oct. I860, aged 19; rem. 1864. Torpid 1863. Stockbroker. Landale, David Louis (France); Cheltenham. Com. Matr. arm. 22 Nov. 1860, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1862 ; 4 L. & H., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1864 ; rem. 1867. Torpid and Eight 1862. Barr. Middle Temple 1866 ; practised in Melbourne, Australia ; was lost in the bush near Mount Bischoff, Tasmania, and never afterwards heard of, 1873. Sherwood. Matthews, William Stabb (Devon); Tiverton. Sch. Matr. gen. 8 June, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. (open) 1860 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1862 ; Hulme Ex. 1863; 3 Cl., 4 Math, and B.A. 1864. C. of St. Michael, Winchester, 1865-6 ; Head Master of Leicester Gr. School 1871-8; of Kirkham Gr. School 1878-94; V. of St. James, Briercliffe, Burnley, 1894; died 1908. Melville, George Fisher (Edinburgh) ; Edinburgh Academy. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Apr. 1860, aged 18; B.A. and rem. 1863. Morgan, Richard Turnill (Staffs.)- Com. Matr. arm. 13 Oct. I860, aged 18 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. and rem. 1871. R. of Wootton, Kent, 1891. Murray, William Frederick (Salop); Birmingham. Com. Matr. cler. 5 Nov. 1860, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex. 1861 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1862 ; Hulme Ex. 1863 ; B.A. 1864. I.C.S. 1863; died 2 July 1865. Nicoll, Charles Alfred Samuel (Essex) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. cler. 31 May 1860, aged 18 ; B.A. 1863 ; M.A. and rem. 1867. C. of Sherborne, Dorset, 1865-6; of E. Grimstead, Salisbury, 1866-70; of W. Tytherley, Hants., 1870-5; R. of Bepton, Sussex, 1875-86. Okell, Robert (Lanes.) ; Warrington. Com. Matr. gen. 7 June 1860, aged 17; rem. 1863; B.A. New Inn Hall 1868. Oldham, Charles Edward Philip (Devon). Com. Matr. arm. 13 Oct. 1860, aged 19 ; rem. 1862. Playne, Arthur Twisden (Gloucs.). Com. Matr. arm. 22 Nov. 1860, aged 18; B.A. 1864; rem. 1871. Of Longfords, Gloucs. ; J.P. and C.C. ; late Lieut. Royal Gloucester Hussars. Burke's Landed Gentry. Pocklington, Duncan (Notts.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 7 June 1860, aged 18 ; B.A. 1863 ; rem. 1867; died 1 June 1870; memorial window in College Chapel. Cler. Torpid 1861, 2, 3, 6 ; Eight 1863, 4, 6 ; Vincent's. Sherwood ; Ale 1865. Powys, Henry Leycester (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 31 May 1860, aged 18 ; B.A. 1864. Of Stoughton Grange, Leics. ; J.P. and D.L. ; assumed additional name of Keck in 1861 ; High Sheriff Leics. 1871. BENEF. : Plate 1865. Burke's Landed Gentry ; Quat. Mon. v. 584 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK [1860-1 Skeffington, Sydney William. (Middlx.) ; Kensington. Sch. Matr. gen. 8 June, aged 18 : 2 Cl. Mods, and Dean's Pr. 1862 ; Hulme Ex. 1863 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1864 ; M.A. 1867 ; Fellow of University 1869. Ale 1865. Smith, Edgar (Chesh.). Com. Matr. cler. 31 May 1860, aged 18; B.A. 1864 ; rem. 1867. Torpid 1862, 3. Chap, to Earl of Verulam 1865-95 ; C. of St. Edmund, Salisbury, 1868-70 ; of St. Michael, Highgate, 1870-4 ; V. of All Saints, Highgate, 1874 ; Warden House of Mercy, Highgate, 1901. Sherwood. Stapleton, Edward John (Devon). Com. Matr. arm. 21 Jan., aged 20 ; rem. 1860. Waddilow (Waddelow), John Robinson (Suffolk). Com. Matr. gen. 22 Nov. 1860, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1864. Vincent's. Walker, Russell Donnithorne (Middlx.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 22 Nov. 1860, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1862 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. 1867. Racquets 1861, 2, 3, 4: Cricket 1861, 2, 3, 4, 5. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1871. Watson, Barclay Fielder (Middlx.). Com. Matr. arm. 13 Oct. 1860, aged 18 ; rem. 1864 ; B.A. and M.A. New Inn Hall 1869. Whittington, Richard Thomas (Lanes.) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. cler. 8 June 1860, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1862 ; Hulme Ex. 1863 ; B.A. 1864; M.A. 1870. Torpid 1861, 2, 4 ; Eight 1862 ; Vincent's. Asst. Chap, at Clumber 1865-6 ; C. of Bothamsall, Notts., 1865-7 ; of Thornhill Lees, Dewsbury, 1867-70; Asst. Lect. Dedharn, Essex, 1870-2; V. of St. John's, Colchester, 1872-7 ; Dioc. Insp. of Schools in Essex 1873-6, 9-80; Org. Missioner A.C.S. 1876 ; R. of Orsett, Romford, Essex, and Chap, of Union 1877-97; R.D. of Orsett 1879 ; Hon. Canon of St. Albans, 1886 ; Chap, to Bp. of St. Albans 1883-92 ; to Training School, Exmouth, 1887-92 ; R. of Northenden, Chesh., 1897-1901 ; died Dec. 1906. Wyatt, Claude Wilmot (Sussex) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 22 Nov. 1860, aged 18; rem. 1863. Travelled in Asia, Africa, N. and S. America ; his collection of bird- skins presented to University Museum, Oxford, and known as ' Wyatt Collection '. WORKS : Monograph of the Hirundinidae (jointly with B. Sharpe), 2 vols. ; British Birds, 2 vols. 1861 Allen, Henry Tournay (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 7 Mar. 1861, aged 19; B.A. 1865; M.A. 1868. Inner Temple 1863 ; died 24 Aug. 1871. Bazely, Henry Casson Barnes (Middlx.) ; Radley. Sch. Matr. cler. 1 June, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. (open) 1861 ; 1 Cl. Mods, and Reading Pr. 1863 ; Hulme Ex. 1864 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1865 ; Denyer and Johnson Sch. and B.C.L. 1868 ; died 1 Mar. 1883. Christian, 20 May 1886. 1861 J BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 585 Daubuz, John Claude (Cornwall) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. cler. 7 Mar. 1861, aged 19 ; B.A. 1864 : M.A. 1900. Of Killiow, Cornwall; J.P. and D.L; Banker; High Sheriff Cornwall 189-1. BENEF.: Plate 1864. Quat. Mon. v. Dunn, William Hew (Berks.); Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Nov. 1861, aged 18; rem. 1864. Vincent's. Of Inglewood and Templeton, Berks. ; J.P., D.L. and C.C. ; for some years Master of the Craven Hounds ; Capt. Berks. Yeomanry ; High 'Sheriff Berks. 1874. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Empson, John Henry (London); Eton. Corn. Matr. arm. 23 May 1861, aged 17; B.A. 1865; M.A. 1872. Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1866 ; J.P. Yorks. (E. R.) ; died 29 Aug. 1881. Burke's Landed Gentry. Garnett, Herbert (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1861, aged 18 ; rem. 1862. Torpid 1862. P.C.R. ; Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Greene, Dawson John (Ireland) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 31 May 1861, aged 18 ; B.A. 1864; M.A. 1868 ; died 2 July 1875. Cler. Gregory, Thomas Henry (Yorks.) ; York Cath. School. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1861, aged 19; 2 Math. Mods. 1863; B.A. 1865; M.A. and rem. 1870; rep. 1887. C. of Brodsworth, Yorks., 1867-9 ; of St. Philip and St. James, Leck- hampton, Gloucs., 1871-5; V. of Padbury, Bucks., 1876; of Whalley, Dioc. of Manchester 1895 ; died 1904. Harris, Charles Edward (Yorks.) ; Blackheath. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Nov. 1861, aged 18 ; Gen. Com. 1908. Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1867 ; J.P. ; Lord of the Manor of Rotherwick ; F.R.Met.S. ; Commr. of Taxes for Basingstoke Div. ; assumed additional name of St. John 1907. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Heap, William Edmund (Chesh.) ; Sandbach. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Mar. 1861, aged 17 ; 2 Nat. Sci. and B.A. 1865 ; died 25 May 1866. I mile 1864 ; Vincent's. P.C.R. Hughes, Thomas Henry Cecil (Worcs.) ; King's Coll. School. Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1861, aged 18 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. and rem. 1874. C. of Powick, Worcs., 1866-8; V. 1868. Illingworth, Stonehewer Edward (South America) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Nov. 1861, aged 19 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. and rern. 1868. Torpid 1862 ; Eight 1863, 4, 5 ; Vincent's. Of Borough Court, Hants., J.P. ; Middle Temple 1867. Sherwood; P.C.R. 586 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1861 Johnson, Peverel(l) (Berks.) ; Christ's Hospital and Lancing. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1861, aged 18 ; B.A. 1865; M.A. 1871 ; rem. 1875. C. of Owston, Lines., 1867-9 ; of Leasingham, Lines., 1870-86 ; R. of South Somercotes, Lines., 1886. Knollys, Erskine William (Gloucs.); Radley. Com. Matr. cler. 23 May 1861, aged 18 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. and rem. 1868. Vincent's. C. of St. James, Clapton, 1866-7 ; of Holy Trinity, Twickenham, 1867-9 ; of St. James, Westminster, 1869-71 ; Insp. Sch. Dioc. Cant. 1871-3 ; V. of Addington. Surrey, 1873-84 ; R. of Gt. Chart, Kent, 1884-8 ; V. of St. Mark, S. Norwood, 1888-98 ; Chap, at Carabacel, Nice, 1897-8 ; V. of Folkestone, Kent, 1898 ; Hon. Canon of Canterbury, 1905. Langston, Earle Augustus (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 16 Oct., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1861 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. and rem. 1870 ; R. of Cottingham, Northants., 1901. C. of St. Luke, Berwick St., Soho, 1866-73; of All Souls, Langham PI., W., 1873-4; C.-in-Ch. of Ashley Green, Bucks., 1875; of Hetton, Durham, 1876 ; C. of Newbottle, Durham, 1877-8 ; of Shildon, Durham, 1878-82; V. of Hebburn, Durham, 1882-1901. Latham, Philip Arderne (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Nov. 1861, aged 19 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. 1869. Torpid 1863, 4, 5 ; Eight 1865 ; Vincent's. Sec. of Hammond's Electric Lighting Co. ; died at Baling 23 Nov. 1897. P.C.R. ; Sherwood. Mearea, John (Pembs.) ; Haverfordwest. Com. Matr. cler. 4 June 1861, aged 18; Milward Ex. 1862 ; B.A. 1868 ; rem. 1869. C. of Qzmaston, Pembs., 1868 ; V. of Haverfordwest 1869-78 ; Chap, of Northampton Prison, 1878-80 ; R. of Haroldston West, 1880. Morgan-Payler, Frederick Payler (Bucks.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 7 Mar. 1861, aged 19 ; B.A. 1866 ; M.A. and rem. 1869. C. of St. Michael's, Coventry; of Marton 1875-6; died Feb. 1897. Nelson, James Henry (London) ; Uppingham and Bath. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1861, aged 18 ; migrated to Magdalen Hall 1863. O'Hanlon, Hugh Francis (London) ; Shrewsbury and Tonbridge. Sch. Matr. arm. 11 Oct., aged 18; Somerset Sch. (open) 1861; 1 Cl. Mods. 1863 ; Hulme Ex. 1864 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1865 ; Fellow of Lincoln 1867. Secretary of the Union 1862. Inner Temple 1867 ; died 8 Nov. 1867. Parr, Edward George Codrington (Kent); Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 29 Jan. 1861, aged 19 ; Reading Pr. 1863 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. and rem. 1874 ; rep. 1885. C. of St. James, Doncaster, 1866-9 ; Inc. of St. Peter, Middlesborough, 1869-74 ; V. of Bishop Burton, Yorks., 1874-6 ; Assist. Chap, at Wake- field Prison 1876-83 ; Chap, of Northampton Prison 1883-9 ; Chap, of Church Army Rescue Work. Sherwood. Pigot, William Melville (Derbs.) ; Islington. Com. Matr. arm. 31 May 1861, aged 19; B.A. 1865; M.A. and rem. 1868. C.of Hardington, Norfolk, 1865-74; Chap, of Norfolk Hospital 1875-81; 1861] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 587 Insp. Sch. Dioc. Norwich, 1875-90; V. of Eaton, Norwich, 1875-1904; R.D. of Humbleyard, 1897-1904; Hon. Canon of Norwich 1901 ; V. of St. Mary, Ipswich, 1904. WORK : Service for Children. Powell, George Ernest John (Gloucs.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1861, aged 19 ; rem. 1862. Rice-Wiggin, Edward Hugo (Gloucs.). Sch. Matr. cler. Pembroke 11 Oct. 1861, aged 18 ; Open. Sch. 9 May 1862 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1863; 2 L. & H. 1865 ; rem. 1866. Barr. Inner Temple 1867 ; Insp. of Sch. 1873-9 ; died 30 Aug. 1879. Sawbridge, John Sikes (Suffolk). Com. Matr. cler. 20 Apr. 1861, aged 19 ; B.A. 1864 ; M.A. and rem. 1868. Of Coney Weston Hall, Suffolk; C. of Brill, Bucks., 1865-6 ; of Ayles- bury, Bucks., 1866-70; of Rickinghall, Suffolk, 1870-1; R. of Thelnetharn, Suffolk, 1871 ; R.D. of Blackburne, Suffolk, 1904. Burke's Landed Gentry. Tabor, William Clifton (London). Com. Matr. arm. 29 Jan. 1861, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1863. Died May 1867. WORDSWORTH, John (Middlx.) ; Ipswich and Winchester. Matr. D.D. New 12 Oct. 1861, aged 18 ; Sch. 1861-6 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1863 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1865; Latin Essay 1866; Fellow (Founders) 1 Feb.; Craven Sch. 1867 ; Tutor 1867-83 ; M A. 1868; Cl. Moderator 1870-2; res. Fell. 1871 ; Proctor 1874 ; Grinfield Lect. 1876 ; Select Pr. 1876-88 ; Bampton Lect. 1882 ; Theol. Exam. 1882, 3 ; re-elect. Fellow 7 June 1882 ; Fellow of Oriel 1883-5 ; Oriel Professor of the Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures 1883-5; res. Fell. 1885; D.D. by diploma 1885 ; Hon. LL.D. T.C.D. 1890; Honorary Fellow 23 Jan. 1891 ; Hon. D.D. Berne 1892. Assistant Master Wellington Coll. 1866; Preb. of Lincoln 1870; White- hall Pr. 1879 ; Canon of Rochester 1883-5 ; Bishop of Salisbury 1885 ; Sub-prelate of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and F.B.A. 1904. BENEP. : 105 subscribed as a testimonial to him on his elevation to the Bishopric of Salisbury. This was with his concurrence invested to found a Divinity Prize 1887. WORKS : the tower of St. Mary le Wigford Fragments and Specimens of early Church, 1880. Latin, 1866. The Church and the Universities, 1880. \-Erasmus, 1866. -\The One Religion, Truth, Holiness, Keble College and Hie present University and Peace described by the Nations Crisis, 1869. and revealed by Jesus Christ, 1881, Lectures introductory to a History of &c. Latin Literature, 1870. fOZd Latin Biblical Texts, No. I (g, c), fit's* of selected books to illustrate the 1883. Alexandrian dialect, 1877. f Love and discipline, 1885. fSowe elements of Gospel Harmony, Studia Biblica, 1885. 1877. f Pastoral Letters to the Clergy and Laity f Answers to questions of the University of the Diocese, 1885, 6, 7. of Oxford Commission, 1878. Old Latin Biblical Texts, No II (k, n, f University Sermons on Gospel Subjects, o, p, a 2 , 5) (with Dr. Sunday and 1878. J. H. White\ 1886. f Roman milestone of . . . Victorinus, ^England helped, 1886. 1879. f On Poverty and Wealth, 1886. ^Anglo-Saxon dedicatory inscription on f Self '-discipline in charity, 1886. 588 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1861 f Bristol bishoprick endowment fund, 1886. [On the Seals of the Bishops of Salis- bury, 1887. Union of human free will and dirine grace, 1887. Four Addresses to the Clergy and Church Wardens at the Primary Visitation of the Diocese, 1888, and on Welsh Disestablishment and Educational Functions of the Church, 1894. [On the Roman Conquest of Southern Britain, 1889. [The Bishop's Palace at Salisbury, 1889. [Novum Testamentum . . . Latine (with H. J. White), 1889-1905. [Commemoration of the founders and benefactors at Salisbury, 1889. Prayers for use in College, 1890, &c. [Sermon, 1890. [Sermon, 1890. Preface to Swayne'e Inquiry into the Nature of Our Lord's Knowledge as Man, 1891. [The Holy Communion, 1891, &c. j- De Successions Episcoporum in Ecclesid Anglicana, 1892. [The glory of Wessex, 1892. f Memorandum on the possible reunion of Malmesbury, Chippenham, and Cricklade with the diocese of Salisbury, 1892. [Liturgia della santa eucaristia secundo Vuso della chiesa cattolica nazionale d'ltalia, 1892. Memoir to Mozley's Essays from Blackicood, 1892. [Technical education in Salisbury, 1892. [On Christlike discipline of the will, 1893. Preface to Newman's Meditations on the Seven Last Words, 1893. [The Oiurch and the country, 1893. Ale 1881, 5 ; Quat. Mon. iv, vii. Yearsley, James Fletcher (London) ; Eton. 5 Dec. 1861, aged 18 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 1866. J.P. Devon ; Barr. Middle Temple 1868. Young, Henry Savill (Essex). Com. Matr. cler. 21 Nov. 1861, aged 18 ; B.A. 1864 ; M.A. 1870 ; rem. 1895. Vincent's. Barr. Middle Temple 1867 ; C. of St. Giles, Reading, 1870-2 ; V. of West Wycombe, Bucks. ; 1872-6 ; C. of Hurst, Berks., 1876-8 ; V. of Aston-Rowant, Oxon., 1878-86 ; R.D. 1884-6 ; R. of Slough, Bucks., 1886-96 ; of Englefield, Berks., 1896-1904 ; V. of South Leigh, Oxon., 1904-6 ; died Apr. 1906. De Validitate Ordinum Anglicanorum Responsa ad Bataws, 1894. Introduction to Wordsworth's H. W. Burrows, 1894. t Trois Leitres sur la Position de I'Eglise Anglicane, 1894. A Gift of God, 1896. Introduction to Swinstead's Parish on Wheels, 1897. Considerations on Public Worship and on the Ministry of Penitence, 1898. Salisbury Diocesan Guild Manual, 1898. The Church of England and the Eastern Patriarchate, 1898. [Letters from Rew Zealand in Salisbury Diocesan Gazette. [Considerations on public worship, 1898. [The episcopate of Charles Wordsworth, 1899. On the Rite of Consecration of Churches, 1899. [Bishop Sarapim's Prayer Book, 1899. [The perfection of the Saints, 1900. The Reform of the Ecclesiastical Courts, Diocesan and Provincial, 1900. Further Considerations on Public Wor- ship, 1901. [The ministry of grace, 1901, &c. Egypt and the Coptic Church, 1903. [Family prayers, 1903. [The Te Deum, 1903. The Baptismal Confession and the Creed, 1904. The Power of the Bishops to License Lay- men to Preach and Read Prayers, 1905. Education Rates and Religious Instruc- tion, 1905. The Eastern Question, 1906. The Law of the Church and Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister, 1908. The Invocation of Saints and the 22nd Article, 1908. Preface to Wigram's Doctrine of the Assyrian Church, 1908. Com. Matr. arm. 1862] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 689 1862 Alcook, George (Ireland) ; Charterhouse. Sch. Open Sch. 9 May ; matr. arm. 12 June 1862, aged 18; 1 Cl. Mods. 1864; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1866 ; M.A. 1869. Of Ballynoe, co. Carlow ; Sub-Warden of St. Columba's College 1872 ; died 1903. BARRATT, Alfred (Lanes.). Matr. arm. Balliol 20 Oct., aged 18 ; Sch. 1862 ; 1 Cl. Mods., and 1 Math. Mods. 1864 ; 1 Cl. 1865 ; 1 Math., 1 L. & H. and B.A. 1866 ; Fellow (Founders) 7 Feb. 1868 ; M.A. 1873 : Eldon Law Sch. ; res. Fell. 26 May 1877. Celebrated for taking five firsts ; Secretary Oxford University Commis- sion 1880 ; died 1881. WORKS : -^Physical Ethics, 1869 ; -^Physical Metempiric, 1883. D.N.B. Bashford, William (Middlx.); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 12 June 1862, aged 18; B.A. 1865: rem. 1870. 17th Lancers ; Lt.-Col. Hampshire Regt. Buxton, Harry John Wilmot (Kent) ; King's College, London. Com. Matr. arm. 12 June 1862, aged 18; Dean's Pr. 1864; 2 L. & H. and B.A. 1866 ; M.A. and rem. 1869. C. of Alderney, 1866-8 ; of Dalton-in-Furness, Lanes., 1868-9 ; Chap, of St. Andrew's Waterside Mission, Gravesend, and C. of Holy Trinity, Milton-next-Gravesend, 1869-76 ; R, of Ifield, Kent, 1873-8 ; V. of St. Giles-in-the-Wood, Torrington, Devon, 1878-1907. WORKS : Poems, 1865. Short Notes on English Mediaeval His- tory, 1871. Mission Sermons for a Year, 1874, &c. Waterside Mission Sermons, 1874, &c. A Changed Earth, 1874. Sermons, 1875. The best place for God's People, 1875. (With E. J. Poynter) German, Flemish, and Dutch Painting, 1881. The Life Worth Living, 1882, &c. The Children's Bread, 1883. Sunday Sermonettes for a year, 1883. Sermons for children, 1884. The Life of Duty, 1885, &c. Led by a Little Child, 1886, &c. The Pilgrim Band, 1886. The Sweet o' the year, 1887. The Acceptable Year, 1887. The Lighthouse on the Rock, 1887. New and Contrite Hearts, 1888. Pictures from the Gospels, 1888. Soldiers of Christ, 1888. The Goodness of the Lord, 1889. The Battle of Life, 1889. Sermons, 1889-91. God's Heroes, 1890. Ale 1866. In watchings often, 1891. The Master's message, 1891. Pictures from the Acts of the Holy Apostles, 1891. By Word and Deed, 1892. Advent Readings, 1892. Sermons on the Miracles and Parables, 1893. Holy-tide teaching, 1893. Scenes and Stories from the Old Testa- ment, 1893. Scenes and Stories from the New Testa- ment, 1893. Sermons on the Collects, 1894. Prayer and Practice, 1894. A School of Christ, 1895. Sunday Lessons, 1895. Sunday Lessons for Daily Life, 1896. Sermons, 1897. Bought with a price, 1897. The Tree of Life, 1898. Towards the Close of a Great Century, 1899. Words by the Way, 1899. In Many Keys, 1901. Common Life Religion, 1902. Bible Object Lessons, 1903. Day by Day Duty, 1905. 590 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE [1862 Cropper, Hugh Taylor (Lanes.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 12 June 1862, aged 19 ; rem. 1866 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 1867 ; M.A. 1869. C. of Newland, Gloucs., 1868-70 ; of Whitwell, Rutland, 1870-8 ; of Sapperton with Frampton Mansell, Gloucs., 1878-84; R. of Sapperton 1883. Deedes, Cecil (Herts.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 19 June 1862, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex. 1863 ; Reading Pr. and 2 01. Mods. 1864 ; 2 L. & H. and B.A. 1866 ; Chap, of Christ Church 1868-72 ; M.A. Christ Church 1869. Org. Sec. Univ. Mission 1866-7 ; C. of SS. Philip and James, Oxford, 1867-72 ; V. of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, 1872-6 ; of St. Saviour and Canon of Maritzburg 1877-80; C. of Horspath, Oxon., 1881-2; R. of Wickham St. Paul, Essex, 1882-9; C. of Brighton 1889-92; Preb. of Chichester 1892 ; R. of Racton, Sussex, 1906. Drake, Arthur Frederick Tyrwhitt (Bucks.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 12 June 1862, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1866. Vincent's. Burke's Lauded Gentry. Ellershaw, John (Yorks.) ; Leeds. Com. Matr. arm. 12 June 1862, aged 19 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. 1869 ; rem. 1877. Vincent's. C. of St. Stephen, Westminster, 1866-7 ; of Ashbourne, Derbs., 1867-8 ; of Barneston, Yorks., 1868-9 ; R. of Chew Stoke, Soin., 1869-93 ; R.D. of Chew, 1884-93. Garnett, Lionel (Chesh.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 20 Nov. 1862. aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1864 ; B.A. 1865 ; rem. 1884 ; rep. and M.A. 1906, Torpid 1864, 6 ; Vincent's. C. of St. Mary, Sheffield, 1867-9 ; R. of Christleton, Chesh., 1869 ; Hon. Canon of Chester 1907. P.C.R. ; Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Grant, Arthur William (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 13 Mar. 1862, aged 19 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. 1868. Vincent's. Barr. Middle Temple 1867. P.C.R. Hicks, Edward Lee (Oxford) ; Magdalen Coll. School, Oxford. Sch. Matr. gen. 27 Jan. 1862, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1863 ; Reading Pr. 1864 ; 1 CL, B.A. 1866 ; Fellow of Corpus Christi 1866-74 ; Craven Sch. 1867 ; M.A. and Latin Essay 1868 ; Cl. Moderator 1871-3 ; Select Pr. 1880, 97 ; Theological Ex. 1888-90; Hon. Fellow Corpus Christi 1894. R. of Fenny Compton, Worcs., 1873-86 ; Hon. Canon of Worcester 1884 ; First Principal of Hulme Hall, Manchester, 1886-92 ; Canon of Manchester, Exam. Chap, to Bishop of Manchester, and R. of St. Philip, Salford, 1892 ; R.D. of Salford 1903 ; Hon. Sec. U.K. Alliance ; Pres. Lanes, and Chesh. Band of Hope Union. WORKS : Greek Inscriptions in the British Mu- The Christian Priest a icitness for public seum : morality, 1881. Pt. i. Attika, 1874. -\-A Manual of Greek Historical Inscrip- iii, sect. 1. Priene, lasos, tions, 1882, &c. Ephesus, 1886-90. 1862] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 591 The Christian Pastor called to le an Biblica, vol. 4, p. 1). Evangelist, 1883. Legislation for the control of Habitual \-Henry Basely, 1886. Drunkards, 1892. The Inscriptions of Cos, 1891. Addresses on the Temptation, 1903. fS. Paul and Hellenium (Studia Llewellin, John (Pembs.) ; Haver ford west. Com. Matr. gen. 18 Oct., aged 18 ; Milward Ex. 1862 ; B.A. and rem. 1867. Vincent's. C. of St. Michael, York, 1870-1 ; V. of Acaster, Selby, Yorks., 1871-3; Chap. R.N. 1873-9 ; C. of Christ Church, S. Hackney, 1874-83 ; of Epping, Herts., 1883-5 ; C.-in-Ch. of Sotterley with Willingford, Suffolk, 1885-8 ; R. of Sotterley 1888. Miller, Francis Wykeham (Warws.). Corn. Matr. cler. 12 June 1862, aged 17 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. 1869 ; rem. 1871. Cler. Torpid 1867, 8. Millington, William (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Matr. arm. Balliol 9 May 1862, aged 18 ; Somerset and Nowell Sch. 1863 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1864 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1866; rem. 1867; rep. 1874 ; M.A. 1875; R. of Cottingham, Northants., 1900. C. of Kidlington, Oxon., 1866-7 ; of St. Barnabas, King Sq., 1867-9 ; of St. John, Penge, 1869-71 ; Assist. Chap, at Wandsworth Gaol 1871-3 ; V. of St. Paul, Southport, 1873; Surr. Dioc. Liverpool 1883; R.D. of N. Meols, Lanes., 1887 ; died May 1901. Osborne, William Alexander (Chesh. 1 ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. cler. 13 May 1862, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1864; 4 Cl.and B.A. 1866 ; rem. 1867. C. of Silverdale, Staffs., 1867-8 ; of St. Cross, Chesh., 1868-72 ; Sen. Class. Master Plymouth Gr. School 1872-7 ; C. of Lanreath, Cornwall, 1877-83 ; C.-in-Ch. of St. Germoe, Cornwall, 1883-9 ; C. of Southery, Norfolk, 1889-90. Ale 1865. Plowden, Alfred Chichele (East Indies) ; Westminster. Com. Matr. arm. 12 June 1862, aged 17 ; B.A. 1866 ; rem. 1870. Vincent's. Priv. Sec. to Sir J. P. Grant, K.C.B., Govr. of Jamaica, 1866-8 ; Barr. Middle Temple 1870, Oxford Circuit ; Recorder of Much Wenlock 1878-88 ; Revising Barrister for Oxon. 1882 ; Magistrate of Gt. Marl- borough Street Police Court 1888. WORK: -{Grain or Chaff, 1903. Pomeroy, William Knox (Ireland) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 12 June 1862, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1865. Pound, Robert William (Yorks.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler 18 Oct. 1862, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1863; 3 Cl. Mods. 1864; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. 1869 ; rem. 1877. Torpid 1864 ; Vincent's. C. of Holy Trinity, Ventnor (I.W.) 1867-70. Sherwood. 592 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1862 Pughe, Kenneth Mackenzie (Berks.); Liverpool. Sch. Matr. cler. 19 June, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. (open) 1862 ; 2 Math. Mods. 1864 ; B.A. 1865 ; 2 Math. 1866 ; M.A. and rem. 1869. Torpid 1865, 6 ; Eight 1866. Selected Candidate I.C.S. 1863; 2nd Master Market Bosworth Gr. School 1867-79 ; C. of Drigg, Cumberland, 1879-82 ; V. of Irton, Cam- forth, 1882-98 ; Org. Sec. S.P.G. for Archd. of Furness 1885-92 ; V. of St. Peter, Drigg, 1898 ; R.D. of Gosforth, Cumb., 1907. Sherwood. Richards, Arthur James (Hants.); Radley. Com. Matr. cler. 12 June 1862, aged 18; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. and rem. 1869. Torpid 1863 ; Eight 1863, 4, 5 ; Captain B.C. 1865 ; Vincent's. C.C. Hants. ; C. of Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks., 1867-71 ; E. of Plum- stead with Matlask, Norf., 1871-82 ; of Farlington, Hants., 1887. Sherwood. Rumsey, Robert Frederic (Gloucs.) ; Cheltenham. Sch. Matr. arm. 26 June, aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. (open) 1862 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1864 ; 4 Cl. 1865 ; 1 Math, and B.A. 1866 ; M.A. 1869 ; rem. 1871. Torpid 1863, 4, 5 ; Eight 1865, 6, 7, 8 ; Captain B.C. 1866. Inner Temple 1864; Assist. Master and Chap., Radley, 1870-3; Assist. Master at Eton 1873-7 ; V. of Burnham with Boveney, Bucks., 1878- 1900; R. of Calverton, Stony Stratford, 1901. Sherwood. Shepherd, Arthur (Kent); Tonbridge. Com. Matr. cler. 12 June 1862, aged 19 ; B A. 1867 ; rem. 1869. Torpid 1864; Eight 1864. 5, 6, 7, 8. C. of Stock, Essex, 1882 ; of Bradshaw, Bolton-le-Moors, 1883 ; of Sulhamstead, Reading, 1884 ; died 1884. Sherwood ; Ale 1868. Simpson, Robert Guest (Isle of Man) ; Warrington. Com. Matr. cler. 13 Mar. 1862, aged 18 ; rem. 1863. Stephens, Henry Joseph (Carmarthen); Haver ford west. Com. Matr. gen. 18 Oct., aged 19 ; Milward Ex. and 3 Cl. Mods. 1862 ; 2 L. & H. and B.A. 1866 ; rem. 1890. C. of Holy Trinity, Tottenham, 1867-8 ; of Horwich, Lanes.. 1868-70 ; of St. George, Hulme, Lanes., 1870-1 ; of Prestwich. Lanes., 1871-4 ; V. of Worsthorne, Lanes., 1874-81 ; Chap, to Bishop of Bedford 1881-3 ; C. of Chapel Allerton, Yorks., 1883-90 ; V. of Little Marsden, Lanes., 1891, and July 1898. Stewart, Francis (W. Indies) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 20 Nov. 1862, aged 20 ; B.A. 1866 ; M.A. and rem. 1869. C. of Willeslpy, Leics., 1867-9 ; of Bradden, Northants., 1869-73 ; Chap, at Versailles 1876-9 ; R. of Doddinghurst, Brentwood, 1879-96 ; R.D. of Ingatestone 1886-95 ; Hon. Chap, at Monaco 1898-1900. Tarbet, Edward Godfrey (Lanes.) ; Liverpool. Com. Matr. arm. 13 Mar. 1862, aged 18; B.A. 1865; M.A. 1873; rem. 1874. Trenchard, John Ashfordby (Wilts.) Com. Matr. cler. 29 Nov. 1862, aged 19 ; rem. 1864. Of Stanton House, Wilts. 1862-3] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 593 Waddington, Samuel (Yorks.) ; St. Peter's, York, and Huntingdon. Com. Matr. arm. 12 June 1862, aged 17 ; B.A. 1865 ; rem. 1867. Vincent's. Board of Trade, retired 1906 ; Poet and Litterateur. WORKS : Sonnets of Europe, 1886. English Sonnets by Living Writers, Sacred Song, 1888. 1881. A Century of Sonnets, 1889. English Sonnets by Poets of the Past, Poems, 1896. 1882. Collected Poems, 1902. Arthur Hugh dough, 1883. Chapters of my Life, 1909. Sonnets and other Verse, 1884. Contributor to Magazines, &c. Whitaker, Walter Eugene (Wilts.); King's Coll. School. Sch. Matr. arm. 19 June, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. (open) 1862 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1864 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1866 ; rem. 1869 ; rep. and M.A. 1890. C. of St. Stephen, Westminster, 1868-70 ; of Chislehurst, Kent, 1870-4 ; R. of Holcombe, Bath, 1874-91 ; of Babington, Bath, 1886-91 ; of Whatley, Som., 1891-1903. 1863 Birchall, Oswald (Lanes.); Rossall. Com. Matr. cler. 28 May 1863, aged 20 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1865 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1867 ; M.A 1870 ; rem. 1902. C. of Heaton Mersey, Lanes., 1868-9; of Church Kirk, Lanes., 1870-3 ; of Hitcbin, Herts., 1874-7; of Buscot, Berks., 1878-83; R. 1884-1900. Blackburn, Edward Brooking (Brooklyn, America) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Mar. 1863, aged 18 ; 4 Cl. 1867 ; B.A. 1868 ; rep. and M.A. 1899 ; died 1900. Shooting (Chanc. Plate) 1865, 6, 7. Burke's Landed Gentry. Blake, George Leigh (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1863, aged 18 ; B.A. 1868. C. of Buriton with Petersfield, Hants., 1868-72 ; V. of Ellel, Lanes., 1872-7 ; Chap. R.N. 1877-96 ; Egyptian and Khedive's Medal 1882 ; Chap, of Naval Prison, Lewes, 1896-1904. CASE, Thomas (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Matr. arm. Balliol 19 Oct. 1863, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1865 ; 1 Cl. 1867 ; Fellow 7 Feb. ; B.A. 1868 ; res. Fell. Dec. 1869; M.A. 1871; Cl. Exam. 1877, 8, 9, 83, 4; Fellow of Corpus Christi 1882 ; Waynflete Professor of Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy and Fellow of Magdalen 1889 ; Member of the Hebdomadal Council 1890-2 ; President of Corpus 1904. Cricket 1864, 5, 7. WORKS : \-MateriateforthehistoryoftheAthenian f St. Mary's Clusters, 1893. democracy from Solonto Pericles, 1874. Articles on Logic and Metaphysics Realism in Morals, 1877. in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, . A Brief History of the proposal to admit 1902. women to degrees at Cambridge, Contributor to Lectures on the Method 1887-8. of Science, 1906. ^Physical Realism, 1888. Preface to Bacon's Advancement of Proposed Scheme of Literae Humaniorea, Learning, 1907. 1891. 594 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE [1863 Clifford, "William (Gloucs.) ; Birmingham. Com. Mat r. gen. 24 Jan. 1863, aged 19 ; B.A. 1866 ; M.A. 1869 ; rem. 1870. C. of Evesham, Worcs., 1867-9 ; of St. Nicholas, Worcester, 1870 ; of St. Mary, Leicester, 1871 ; Head Master of Evesham Gr. School and C.-in-Ch. of Charlton, Worcs., 1871-3 ; Org. Sec. A.C.S., S.W. District, 1873-6; E. of Colne, Lanes., 1876; E.D. of Burnley, 1899-1907. Colmore, Thomas Milnes (Warws.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1863, aged 18 ; B.A. 1867 ; rem. 1870. 100 yards 1866, 7 ; Vincent's. Of The Warren, Knowle, Warws. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1869, Midland Circuit; Recorder of Warwick 1882; Stipendiary Magistrate, Birmingham, 1888-1905; Dep. Chairman Warws. Quarter Sessions 1907. P.C.R. ; Ale 1867. Everett, Edward Yates (Wilts.); Bradfield. Corn. Matr. cler. 3 Dec. 1863, aged 19 ; B.A. 1866 ; rem. 1867. Vincent's. Fisher, Charles Timbrell (Surrey) ; Reptdn. Com. Matr. gen. 18 June 1863, aged 17 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1865 ; 2 Cl. 1867 ; B.A. 1868 ; rem. 1890. Head Master's Assist, at Rossall 1869-73 ; C. of Fleetwood, Lanes., 1871-3 ; R. of Yarmouth, I.W., 1873-8 ; V. of Over Kellet, Carnforth, 1888-1907. Fisher, George Carnac (E. Indies) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Nov. 1863, aged 19; B.A. 1867; M.A. and rem. 1870; Hon. D.D. 1896. Vincent's. C. of St. James, Doncaster, 1869-70 ; of Dartford, Kent, 1871-4 ; V. of Forest Row, Sussex, 1874-9; of St. George, Barrow-in-Furness, 1879-81 ; of St. Mary, Beverley, 1881-9; V. and R.D. of Croydon 1889-94; Bishop Suff. of Southampton 1894-8 ; R. of Billockby, Dio. Nor., 1898 ; of Burgh St. Margaret, Norfolk, 1898 ; Bishop Suff. of Ipswich 1899-1905. P.C.R. Qorrinffe, Peter Rollins (Sussex). Com. Matr. arm. 19 Nov. 1863, aged 21 ; B.A. 1867 ; M.A. and rem. 1870. Octagon (Orig. Member). C. of Southwick, Sussex, 1868-9 ; of Orsell, Essex, 1869-72 ; R. of Manston, Dorset, 1872 ; Dioc. Insp. Sch. 1901. Hood, Henry John (Middlx.) ; King's Coll. School. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1863, aged 18 ; Reading Pr. 1865 ; B.A. 1868 ; M.A. and rem. 1870. Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1870; Chancery Bar till 1894; Bankruptcy Registrar of Supreme Court 1894. Hull, Robert Bevan (Lanes.) ; Rugby ; Com. Matr. cler. 28 May 1863, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods, and Colquitt Ex. 1865 ; B.A. 1866 ; M.A. and rem. 1871. C. of Deane, Lanes., 1867-8 ; of Thornhill 1868-73 ; of Eaglescliffe, Highley, Salop, 1873-5 ; V. of Abram, Lanes., 1875-6 ; of Highley, Salop, 1876-7 ; of All Saints, Northants., 1876 ; R.D. 1878 ; Hon. Canon of Peterborough 1889 ; V. of Abington, Northants., 1899. 1863] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 595 Jennings, Richard Edward (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1863, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1865 ; 2 L. & H. and B.A. 1867 ; M.A. and rem. 1870. Of Gellideg, co. Carmarthen, J.P. ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1870; High Sheriff 1903. Burke's Landed Gentry. Johnson, Henry Fielder (Middlx.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1863, aged 18 ; rem. 1884. Torpid 1865. Kennedy, George Randolph (Cambs.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. cler. 20 Mar. 1863, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1865 ; B.A. 1868 ; rem. 1884. Barr. Middle Temple 1870. Law, John Pilling (Lanes.) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Nov. 1863, aged 19 ; rem. 1870 ; rep., B.A. and M.A. 1875; rem. 1884. Torpid 1865, 7 ; Eight 1865, 7, 8 ; Vincent's. Inner Temple 1868 ; J.P. Yorks. (W. E.). P.C.B. ; Sherwood. Loring, Arthur Mapletoft (Malta) ; King's Coll. School. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1863, aged 20 ; 2 Math. Mods. 1865 ; B.A. 1866 ; M.A. 1870. V. of Barnstaple, Devon, 1872-4 ; died 6 Sept. 1874. Milne, John Bowker (Lanes.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. cler. 28 May 1863, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1865 ; B.A. 1867 ; rem. 1870 (then dead). Percival, Francis William (Northampton) ; Cheltenham. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Mar. 1863, aged 19; 1 Cl. Mods. 1865 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1867 ; M.A. 1871. Octagon (Orig. Member). F.S.A. and F.R.G.S. ; H.M. Insp. Sch. 1871 ; Education Dept. 1871 ; Barr. Inner Temple 1878. Pickford, John (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. 17 Oct., aged 21 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1863 ; 2 Cl. Mods, and Boden Sch. 1865 ; B.A. 1867 ; M.A. 1870. Head Master of Alnwick Gr. School ; appointed Professor of Sanscrit, Presidency College, Madras, 1868 ; Inc. of St. John, Baillieston, Glasgow, 1876-80 ; V. of Tuddenham St. Martin, Suffolk, 1880-92 ; died 1892. Powell, Arthur Crofts (Sussex) ; Bradfield. Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1863, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1865 ; B.A. 1866 ; M.A. 1870. J.P. Surrey ; Chairman of Dorking Petty Sessional Div. Reinold, Arnold William (Yorks.); York Cath. School. Sch. Matr. arm. 17 Oct., aged 20 ; Somerset Sch. (open) 1863 ; 1 Math. Mods, and Junior Math. Sch. 1865 ; 1 Math, and B.A. 1866 ; Fellow of Merton 1866-70 ; rem. and 1 Nat. Sc. 1867 ; Demonstrator of Exp. Philosophy ; Senior Math. Sch. and Student of Christ Church ; Lee's Reader in Physics 1869; M.A. 1870. Professor of Physics, Royal Naval College, Greenwich, 1873. WORKS : Papers on the Properties of Thin Films in Phil. Trans. Thompson, Clement (Berks.) ; Bradfield. Sch. Matr. cler. 4 June, acred 18 ; Open and Nowell Sch. 1863 ; Reading Pr. and 1 Cl. Mods. 1865 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1867 ; M.A. 1870 ; died 12 June 1871. Cler. Torpid 1864; Eight 1864,5. Sherwood. 596 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1863-4 Vawdrey, Llewellyn Brookes (Chesh.) ; Whitchurch. Com Matr. arm. 19 Nov. 1863, aged 18 ; B.A. 1867 ; M.A. 1871. Octagon. Of Tushingham Hall, Salop ; C. of Barley Dale, Derbs., 1868-75 ; V. of Maer, Staffs., 1876-92 ; of St. Chad's, Tushingham, Chesh., 1892. Burke's Landed Gentry. Yeld, George (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Sch. Matr. arm. 17 Oct., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1863 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1865 ; English Verse 1866 ; 3 L. & H. and B.A. 1867 ; M.A. 1870; rem 1905. Assist. Master St. Peter's School, York, 1868 ; Hon. Member of Italian Alpine Club ; Vice-President of Yorkshire Philosophical Society ; made expedition to Eastern Caucasus in 1890. WORKS : Editor Kingsley's Perseus and Editor of Alpine Journal. Andromeda, with notes. (With Coolidge) The Mountains of Contributed ' Alpine Flowers ' to Cogne, 1893. Coolidge's The Alps in Nature and Scrambles in the Eastern Graians. History, 1908. Ale 1867. Yonge, Benjamin Rodenhurst (Chesh.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. cler. 24 Jan., aged 19 ; rem. 1863 ; B.A. St. Alban Hall 1877. 1864 Austin, Edward Cecil Winchcombe (Dorset) ; Marlborough Gr. School. Sch'. Matr. cler. 9 Apr., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1864 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1866 ; B.A. 1868 ; B.C.L. and M.A. 1871. Of The Old House, Ashleworth, Gloucs. ; J.P. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1872 ; Chancery Bar 1872-97 ; assumed the additional name of Hicks (before Austin) 1892. Barry. George John (Northants.); Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 19 May, 1864, aged 18 ; rein. 1865. Vincent's. Bates, Charles (Northants.). Com. b. 22 Jan. ; matr. arm. 18 Feb. 1864, aged 19 ; rem. 1869. Bencke, Albert Henry (Lanes.). Com. Matr. arm. 19 May 1864, aged 17 ; 4 Cl. 1868 ; B.A. 1869 ; M.A. 1871 ; rem. 1890. Barr. Middle Temple 1873. Burnard, Arthur Chichester (Som.) ; Bath. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Nov. 1864, aged 18; B.A. 1868; rein. 1871. C. of Coombe-Keynes, Dorset, 1869-73 ; of Osmington, Dorset, 1873-7 ; R. of Beer Hackett, Dorset, 1877-83 ; C. of Strensham, Worcs., 1893-8 ; E. of Badlesmere with Leaveland, Kent, 1898 ; assumed surname of Chichester in lieu of Burnard 1898. Croft, Thomas Denman (Essex) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 9 Apr. 1864, aged 19 ; BJL and M.A. 1870 ; rem. 1872. Vincent's. C. of Baldock, Herts., 1871-4; V. of Kimpton, Herts., 1874-83. BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 597 Crofts, William Carr (Middlx.) ; Bedford. Matr. arm. Merton 15 Oct. 1864, aged 18; Somerset Sch. (Open) 1865 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1866; Reading Pr. 1867 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1868 ; rem. 1870 ; rep. 1871 ; M.A. and rem. 1873. Torpid 1866 ; Eight 1866, 7, 8, 9 ; Captain B.C. 1868; Vincent's. Sometime Assist. Master at Westward Ho. Sherwood ; Ale 1868. Crowder, Frederick (London) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 19 May 1864, aged 17 ; rem. 1868. Torpid 1865 ; Eight 1866, 7 ; Captain B.C. 1866 ; Oxford Eight 1866, 7 ; Vincent's. Of Aswardby Hall, Spilsby, Lines. ; M.F.H. P.C.R. ; Sherwood. Egerton, Brooke de Malpas (Chesh.) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. cler. 19 May 1864, aged 18; B.A. 1868; M.A. 1871. Octagon (Orig. Member). C. of Brackley, Northants., 1870-3; R. of Uplyme, Devon, 1873-9; V. of Brackley, 'Northants., 1879-94; R.D. 1892-4; Chap, of Brackley Union 1893-4 ; V. of St. Mark, Peterborough, 1894-1901 ; R.D. of Hodnet and R. of Stoke-on-Terne, Salop, 1901. Fellowes, Edward Lyon (Norfolk) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 15 Oct. 1864, aged 19 ; B.A. 1868 ; rem. 1871 ; rep. and M.A. 1872; rem. 1886. Cricket 1865, 6, 8 (Captain) ; Vincent's (Pres.). C. of Ormesby and Mautby, Norfolk, 1869-74 ; V. of Cumnor. Berks., 1874-6 ; R. of Wimpole, Cambs., 1876 ; of Arrington, Cambs., 1877 ; died 23 July 1896. P.C.R, ; Ale 1867, 1868 ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Finzel, Conrad William Curling (Gloucs.) ; Harrow. Matr. cler. 19 May, aged 19 ; rem. 1864 ; B.A. Non.-Coll. 1883 ; M.A. 1886. Royal Scots Greys 1865-8; North Somerset Yeomanry; C. of All Cannings, Wilts., 1883-5; V. of Woolfardisworthy, Devon, 1885-8; of Stokenham, Devon, 1888. Francklin, John Liell (Notts.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 26 May 1864, aged 19 ; rem. 1866. Vincent's. Of Gonalston, Notts. ; J.P. ; and of Gt. Barford, Beds. Burke's Landed Gentry. Freeman, Ernest Peere Williams (Oxon.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 18 Feb. 1864. aged 18 ; B.A. 1867 ; M.A. 1872 ; rem. 1873. C. of Mere, Wilts.. 1869-70 ; V. of South Baddesley, Hants., 1870-6 ; R. of Clapton, Northants., 1876 ; died 19 Aug. 1905. Burke's Landed Gentry. Qarnett, Edmund Peel (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 19 May 1864, aged 18; B.A. 1868; rem. 1871. Torpid 1865, 6 ; Eight 1866, 7, 8 ; Captain B.C. 1867 ; Vincent's. A Roman Catholic priest ; died 1896. Sherwood ; P.C.R.; Burke's Landed Gentry. 598 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1864 James, Alfred George Henry (Devon); Bradfield. Com. Matr. cler. 24 Nov. 1864, aged 19 ; B.A. 1868 ; died 1872. Octagon (Orig. Member). C. ot St. Andrew's, Derby, 1869-72. Macmillan, Alexander (Scotland) ; Aldenham. Sch. Matr. gen. 15 Oct. 1864, aged 19; 1 Cl. Mods. 1866; B.A. 1868; M.A. and rem. 1873. Secretary of the Union 1866. I.C.S. 1866; Joint Magistrate and Dep. Collector Allahabad; Barr. Inner Temple 1883 ; Consul at Nice. Mapleton, James Henry Edward (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. cler. 19 May 1864, aged 19 ; Beading Pr. 1866 ; rem. 1890. Inner Temple 1868. Milne, Richard Henry (Norfolk) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 19 May 1864, aged 19 ; B.A. 1868 ; rem. 1870 ; died 1889. Octagon (Orig. Member). V. of Goathland, Yorks., 1883-9. Nash, Alexander (E. Indies) ; Victoria Coll. Jersey. Com. Matr. arm. 19 May 1864, aged 18 ; B.A. 1867 ; M.A. and rem. 1871. Torpid 1866, 7 ; Octagon Club (Orig. Member). C. in-Ch. of Standish with Hardwicke, Gloucs., 1868-76 ; R. of Quedgley, Gloucs., 1876-89 ; V. of Standish with Hardwicke, Gloucs., 1889 ; Hon. Canon of Gloucester 1902. O'Neill, Hon. Robert Torrens (Armagh) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. cler. post Baronis f. 21 Jan. 1864, aged 19 ; B.A. and M.A. 1870. Vincent's. Of Derrynogd, Draperstown, co. Londonderry, J.P. and D.L. ; and Tullymore Lodge, Ballymena, co. Antrim, J.P. ; High Sheriff Antrim 1871 ; M.P. Mid Antrim since 1885 ; late Major 4th (Militia) Batt. Innis- killing Fusiliers. P.C.B. Prichard, Charles Collwyn (Worcs.) ; Hereford. Sch. Matr. gen. 15 Oct., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1864 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1866 ; 3 Cl. 1868 ; B.A. 1869 ; M.A. 1871. Torpid 1868, 9. C. of Rugby 1870-2 ; Chap, to Bishop and Warden of Bishop's College, Maritzburg, 1872-4 ; V. of Much Birch, Herefs., 1874-6 ; C. of Aylesford, Kent, 1876-7 ; Assist. Master of Bromsgrove School 1877 ; C. of Prest- wich, Lanes., 1877-81 ; V. of Whalley, Lanes., 1881-95 ; R. of Thornton- le-Moors, Chesh., 1895-1907 ; of Alresford, Essex, 1907. Rogerson, Alexander (Dumfries); Edinburgh. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Nov. 1864, aged 19 ; B.A. 1867; rem. 1873. Of St. Michael's, Lockerbie, Dumfries. Shepherd, Frederick (Kent) ; Tonbridge. Com. Matr. cler. 22 Oct. 1864, aged 18 ; B.A. 1868 ; rem. 1874. Acted as Organist at the Church of one of his brothers ; died 1881. Smith, Henry Urling (Lanes.) ; Leeds. Sch. Matr. gen. St. Mary Hall 25 Oct. 1864, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 5 May 1865 ; 2 Cl. Mods, and Reading Pr. 1866 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1868 ; M.A. 1871 ; rem. 1873. C. of Holy Trinity, Oxford, 1868 ; of Summertown, Oxford, 1868-71 ; 1864-5] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 599 of Haigh, Lanes., 1871-2 ; of Teddington, Middlx., 1872-4 ; of St. Thomas, Stamford Hill, N., 1874-80 ; of St. John's, Richmond, 1880-6 ; of St. Luke's, Kentish Town, 1886-8 ; of Chislehurst 1889-91 ; V. of Prestbury, Gloucs., 1891. Taverner, Harvey Edmund (Middlx.) ; St. Paul's. Com. Matr. arm. 18 Oct. 1864, aged 19 ; B.A. 1867 ; M.A. 1874. Octagon Club (Orig. Member). .Minor Canon and Sacristan Worcester Cath. 1870-6 ; R. of Martin Hussingtree, Kent, 1876; Acting Colonial Chaplain at Hong Kong; died July 1897. WORK : f A short address in the cathedral church of Hong Kong, 1891. Threlfall, Thomas (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 15 Oct., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. (open) 1864 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1866 ; 1 Math., 2 Nat. Sci. and B.A. 1868 ; M.A. and rem. 1871. "WARD, Thomas Humphry (Yorks.) ; Merchant Taylors. Sch. Matr. cler. 1 June 1864, aged 18 ; Dean's Pr. 1865 ; 2 1. Mods. 1866 ; 1 Cl. 1868; B.A. 1869; Fellow (Founders) 5 Feb. 1869; Tutor 1870; M.A. 1871 ; res. Fell. 1872. Lincoln's Inn and Selected Candidate I.C.S. 1866; on the staff of The Times. WORKS : \iThe Orfurd Spectator, 1878. English Art in the Public Galleries of fEdited Brasenose Ale Verses, 1878. London, 1886-8. \-The English Poets, 1880. f Edited Reign of Queen Victoria, 1887. Editor of Men of the Reign, 1885 ; f(With W. Roberts) Romney, 1904. Men of the Time. Humphrey Sandwith, a Memoir. Ale 1867, 8, 9. Wilmot, Darwin (Notts.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 19 May, aged 18 ; rem. 1864 ; Demy Magdalen 1864-9 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1866 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1868 ; M.A. 1871. C. of Brownsover Chapelry, Warws., 1869-71 ; Assist. Master of Rossall 1871-4 ; Assist. Master of Marlborough 1874-6 ; Head Master of Maccles- field Gr. School 1876 ; Chap. 5th Vol. Bat. C.R. ; V.D. 1865 Barker, Peter (Durham) ; Bristol. Sch. Matr. arm. 8 June 1865, aged 18 ; Dean's Pr. 1866 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1867 ; Reading Pr. 1868 ; 2 CJ. and B.A. 1869 ; M.A. 1872 ; Hon. Canon of Rochester 1907. Rifle Corps. C. of South Hinksey, Oxford, 1870-2; Sec. of Christian Evidence Society 1872-80 ; C. of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Liverpool 1876-7 ; of Bromley, Kent, 1877-80 ; of St. John's Chapel of Ease, Bromley, 1877-80 ; V. of S. John Evang., Bromley, 1881 ; Org. Sec. of S.P.C.K., Dioc. Cant., 1891-1905. Bromley, Massey (Staffs.) ; Leamington. Com. Matr. cler. 8 June 1865, aged 17 ; B.A. 1869 ; M.A. 1872. Budgett, John Arthur (Som.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Dec. 1865, aged 19 ; rem. 1873. Torpid 1867 ; Eight 1867, 8 ; Vincent's; died 31 July 1895. Sherwood. 600 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1865 Chute, Edward Russell (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 8 June 1865, aged 18 ; B.A. 1869 ; rem. 1873 ; rep., M.A. and rem. 1887. Vincent's. R. of Gt. Moulton, Norfolk, 1872 ; died 1889. Deedes, Philip (Som.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 8 June, aged 18 ; rem. 1865 ; 2 Cl. Mods. Lincoln 1867 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1869 ; M.A. 1873. C. of Bengeo, Herts., 1869-76; R. of Nether Broughton, Leics., 1876-81 : C. of St. Albans Abbey Ch. 1881-1904 ; Sec. of Haileybury Coll. 1887-1904 ; R. of Little Parndon, Essex, 1904. Donne, William (Salop) ; Oswestry. Com. Matr. cler. 14 Oct. 1865, aged 19 ; 3 Math. Mods. 1867 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1868 ; M.A. 1872. Vincent's. C. of Summertown, Oxford, 1872-4 ; of Rotherhithe, S.E., 1874-6 ; of St. Michael, Bromley, E., 1876-81 ; Min. of All Hallows, E.I. Docks, 1876-81 ; R. of St. Anne, Limehouse, 1881-6 ; V. of Gt. Yarmouth, 1886-92 ; R.D. of Flegg 1888-92 ; Surr. Dioc. Wakefield ; V. of Wake- field ; Hon. Can. of St. Aelred in Wakefield Cath. and Archd. of Huddersfield 1892 ; Hon. Chap, to Bishop of Wakefield 1896 ; Hon. Chap, to Queen Victoria 1896-8 ; Chap, in Ord. 1898-1901 ; Hon. Chap, to the King 1901 ; Canon of Wakefield 1909. WORK : Getting ready for the Mission, 1882. Everard, Charles Walter (Norfolk) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 8 June 1865, aged 19 ; rem. 1867. Octagon (Orig. Member) ; Vincent's. Student Interpreter, China, 1867 ; Assist. Chinese Sec., Vice-Consul, and Acting Consul in Asia, 1878-90 ; Consul at Kiungchow 1890, at Ichang 1891; retired 1894. Evetts, William (Oxon.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 23 Nov. 1865, aged 18 ; B.A. 1870 ; rem. 1871 ; rep. 1875 ; M.A. 1877 ; rem. 1897. Cricket 1868-9 ; Bullingdon (Pres.) ; Vincent's. Of Tackley Park, Oxon. ; Managing Director of a Lighterage Company. Fanning, William Atmar (Australia) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 9 Mar. 1865, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1868 ; died 1896. Torpid and Eight 1866 ; Vincent's. Sherwood. Hall, Herbert (Som.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 8 June 1865, aged 19 ; B.A. 1869 ; M.A. and rem. 1872. Vincent's. C. of St. James, Bury St. Edmunds, 1869-76 ; V. of Linton, Cambs., 1876-87 ; Chap, of Linton Union 1879-87 ; R. of Glemsford, Suffolk, 1887 ; R.D. of Sudbury 1904. WOBK : Aids to the devotional study of the Bible, 1900. Jenkins, Thomas (Pembs.) ; Haverfordwest. Com. Matr. gen. 7 Dec. 1865, aged 19 ; rem. 1868. Lea, Reginald Stephen (Worcs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 8 June 1865, aged 19 ; Reading Pr. and 2 Math. Mods. 1867 ; 3 Math, and B.A. 1869 ; M.A. and rem. 1872. Eight 1866, 7, 8. Assist. Master, afterwards Head Master, Oakfield, Rugby ; Head Master of Lindley Lodge Prep. Sch., Higham-on-Hill, Nuneaton. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. 1865] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE 601 Lister, John (London) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Oct. 1865, aged 18 ; B.A. 1868 ; M.A. 1872. Octagon. Of Shibden Hall, Yorks. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1877. WORK: vol. Ill of the Yorks. Archaeol. Edited West Riding Sessions Rolls, Record Series. Burke 's Landed Gentry. Matthews, Stephen (Gloucs.) ; Bradfield. Com. Matr. arm. 8 June 1865, aged 18 ; B.A. 1868; M.A. and rem. 1872. Torpid 1867 ; Octagon and Vincent's. Banker at Newbury 1872-95 ; J.P. Berks., 1874. Midwinter, Edward Adair (Hants.) ; Com. Matr. cler. 14 Oct. 1865, aged 19 ; B.A. 1868 ; M.A. 1872 ; rem. 1886. C. of Odiham, Hants., 1870-3 ; of Christ Church, Harrow Road, W., 1873-80 ; V. of St. Paul, Lisson Grove, Marylebone, 1880. North, Walter Meyrick (Cardigan). Com. Matr. cler. 22 Apr. 1865, aged 19 ; 4 Cl. 1869 ; B.A. and rem. 1870. Torpid 1867 ; Vincent's. Barr. Middle Temple 1874. PELHAM, Henry Francis (Norfolk) ; Harrow. Matr. Trinity 22 Apr. 1865, aged 18 ; Sch. 1865-9 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1866 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1869 ; English Essay 1870 ; Fellow of Exeter 1869-73, 82-9 ; Lecturer 1869, 73-82 ; Tutor 1882-9 ; M.A. 1872 ; Cl. Exam. 1878, 80, 4 ; Senior Proctor 1879 ; Reader in Ancient History 1887 ; Camden Professor and Fellow of Brasenose 1889 ; President of Trinity and Honorary Fellow of Exeter 1897 ; Member of the Hebdomadal Council 1881-7, 89-1905 ; Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1905; President of Somerville College 1894-1907; Governor of Harrow Sch. 1882-1907; Hon. LL.D. Glasgow and Aberdeen ; F.B.A. ; F.S.A. ; died 12 Feb. 1907. WORKS : fL. von Ranke's History of England, ^Outlines of Roman History, 1893, translated by H. F. P. and &c. others, 1875. -("Miscellaneous papers on subjects f The imperial domains and the colonaie, of Roman History. 1890. Pope, John Billing: (Devon) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 8 June 1865, aged 18 ; rem. 1869. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1872 ; died 8 Dec. 1881. Rickaby, John (Yorks.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Feb. 1865, aged 19 ; rem. 1870. Torpid 1865, 7 ; Eight 1865 ; Univ. Sculls 1865. J.P. Yorks. (E. R.) ; 3rd Mil. Batt. W. Yorks. Regt. ; retired as Lieut.- Col. 1895. Sherwood. Robins, Percy (London) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 23 Nov. 1865, aged 19; B A. 1869; rem. 1890. Torpid 1867, 8 ; Octagon ; Vincent's. Lincoln's Inn 1869. Rodgers, Robert Heywood (Leics.) ; Repton. Sch. Matr. arm. 8 June 1865, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1867 ; 2 Cl. 1869 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1870 ; Denyer and Johnson Sch. and M.A. 1872 ; died 22 Sept. 1879. Cler. 602 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1865-6 Sayce, Archibald Henry (Gloucs.) ; Bath. Com. Matr. cler. 9 Mar., aged 19 ; elected to Queen's before residing and did not write his name in the College Book ; Sch. Queen's 1865-9 ; 1 Cl. Mods, and 1 Cl. 1868 ; B.A. and Fellow 1869 ; M.A. 1871 ; Deputy Professor of Comparative Philology 1876 ; Theol. Exam. 1877-8 ; LL.D. Dublin 1881 ; Hibbert Lecturer 1887 ; Hon. D.D. Edinburgh 1889 ; Professor of Assyriology 1891 ; Gifford Lecturer 1900-2 ; Hon. D.D. Aberdeen 1906. Author. Member of Old Testament Revision Company. Strange, James Stuart (Hants.) ; Winchester, Com. Matr. arm. 8 June 1865, aged 18 ; rem. 1866. Lieut. Royal East Middlx. Militia 1876 ; Captain 1881 ; Lord of the Manor of Epsom. Wallroth, Frederick Anthony (Kent) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 8 June 1865, aged 18 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1867 ; 1 Math. 1869 ; B.A. 1870 ; M.A. 1872. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1872 ; J.P. Middlesex. Watson, John Lock (Australia) ; Blundell's. Sch. Matr. cler. 8 June, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. (open) 1865 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1867 ; 1 Math, and B.A. 1869 ; M.A. 1872 ; rem. 1890. Wheeler, Arthur Francis (Berks.) ; Lancing. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Oct. 1865, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods., 3 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1869 ; M.A. 1873 ; rem. 1874. 1866 Baker, Edward Christopher (Suffolk) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 22 Nov. 1866, aged 20 ; rem.,1868. Died 4 Dec. 1871 at Sealkote in the Punjaub, the result of an accident at polo. Sherwood. Banting, William Bickham (Middlx.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Jan. 1866, aged 18 ; B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1874. C. of Newbury, Berks., 1872-82 ; of Burnham, Bucks., 1882-5 ; of St. Lawrence, Reading, 1885-6 ; V. of Little Brickhill, Bucks., 1886 ; died 29 Oct. 1906. Brown, Willoughby (Berks.) ; Bradfield. Com. Matr. cler. 29 Nov. 1866, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex. and 2 Cl. Mods. 1868 ; 2 L. & H., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1870 ; M.A. 1873 ; rem. 1886. Torpid 1870. C. of St. Ebbe's, Oxford, 1871-3 ; R. of East Shefford, Berks., 1873-81; Sec. of Navvy Mission 1881-3 ; R. of Amberley, Gloucs., 1884-92 ; on staff of Ch. Paroch. Miss. Soc. 1892 ; assumed additional surname of Bryan. Chamberlen, Lawrence John (Wilts.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 24 May 1866, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods, and Reading Pr. 1868 ; Hulme Ex. 1869 ; 3 L. & H. and B.A. 1870; M.A. 1873. Capt. O.U.R.V.C. C. of Summertown, Oxford, 1871-5 ; of Alverstoke, Hants., 1875-8 ; of Chatburn, Clitheroe, Lanes., 1879-83; R. of Hedley, Surrey, 1883-98; C. of Gt. Malvern, Worcs., 1900-4; R. of Duntisbourne Abbots, Gloucs., 1907. 1866] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 608 Champneys, Francis Henry (London) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 22 Nov. 1866, aged 18 ; 1 Nat. Sci. and B.A. 1870; Radcliffe Travel- ling Fell. 1872; B.Med. and M.A. 1875 ; D.Med. 1888. Torpid 1868 ; Eight 1868, 9, 70 ; Captain B.C. 1869 ; Octagon Club. Studied at Vienna, Leipzig, and Dresden ; St. Bart. Hosp. 1870 ; Phys. of St. George's Hosp., 1881 ; Phys. and Lect. of St. Bart. Hosp. 1881 ; Head of General Lying-in Hospital ; Chairman of Central Midwives Board. WORKS : Contributor to Stainer's Musical Various writings on obstetric medicine. Dictionary. Sherwood. Cross, Thomas (Lanes.) ; Repton. Com. Matr. arm. 22 Nov. 1866, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1870 ; B.A. 1871 ; M.A. and rem. 1873. Downer, Arthur Cleveland (Middlx.); Kensington. Com. Matr. arm. 7 June 1866, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1868 ; 3 Cl. 1870 ; B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1873 ; B.D. and D.D. 1908. C. of St. Peter, Greenwich, 1870-2 ; of St. Clement, Oxford, 1872 ; of St. Andrew's Mission, Greenwich, 1872-3 ; Inc. of St. Silas, Hunslet, Leeds, 1873-8 ; V. of Ilkley, Yorks., 1878-86 ; R. of St. Cuthbert, Bedford, 1886-97 ; V. of Limber Magna, Lines., 1897-1903 ; Chap, of Lock Hosp. and Inc. of Christ Church, Harrow Rd., W., 1903 ; Chapter Clerk of Paddington. WORKS : "\The Diaconate (n. d.). fEditor The Odes of Keats, with Notes, ^Mountaineering ballads (n. d.). Memoir, &c., 1897. Thomas Scott the Commentator, 1909. Dundas, Charles Leslie (Yorks.) ; King's School, Canterbury. Sch. Matr. cler. 24 May, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. (open) 1866 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1868 ; B.A. 1869 ; 1 Theol. 1870 ; Denyer and Johnson Sch. 1871 ; Senior Greek Test. Pr. 1873 ; Fellow of Jesus 1873-5 ; M.A. 1874. C. of Cookham Dean, Berks., 1871 ; of St. Peter, Bournemouth, 1872 ; V. of Charlton Kings, Gloucs., 1875-83 ; C. of St. Mary, Boltons, Bromp- ton, S.W., 1884; Dean of St. David's Cath., Hobart, Tasmania, 1885-95 ; V. of Charminster, Dorset, 1895 ; Preb. of Salisbury 1900 ; Archdeacon of Dorset 1902. WORKS : Self-Government in the Non-Established Churches of the Anglican Communion. Ewings, William Ford (London) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 1 Feb. 1866, aged 18 ; rem. 1867. Member of the London Stock Exchange ; died 20 Dec. 1890. Francklin, Harry (Notts.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. arm. 20 Jan. 1866, aged 19; rem. 1869. Vincent's. Of Monte Vista, Rio Grande, Colorado, U.S.A. ; Cattle fanning. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Freeman, John Tilliard (Surrey) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Apr. 1866, aged 19; 2 Cl. Mods. 1868 ; 3 L. & H. and B.A. 1870 ; M.A. 1873. Solicitor 1873 ; practised in London ; now retired. Gibbon, John Houghton (Lanes.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 16 Oct. 1866, aged 19 ; B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1873 ; rem. 1874. Cricket 1869. R. of Willersley, Gloucs., 1877-83 ; died 29 Apr. 1883. 604 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1866 Goodier, Joseph Hulme (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Matr. gen. 20 June, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch., Gaisford Pr. (Verse) and Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1866 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1867 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1869 ; M.A. 1872 ; rem. 1874. C. of St. Peter-le-Bailey, Oxford, 1870-2 ; V. of St. Jude's, Hunslet, Leeds, 1872-7 ; of Holy Trinity, Ripon, 1877-1905 ; Hon. Canon of Ripon ly04 ; V. of Dacre, Yorks., 1905. Greswell, William Henry Parr (Som.) ; Bath. Sch. Matr. cler. 24 May 1866, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1868 ; Hulme Ex. 1869 ; 3 Cl. 1870 ; B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1873. F.R.G.S., P.R.C.I. ; Lect in Cape Colony 1876-84 ; C. of Asholt, Som., 1884-9; R. of Dodington, Som., 1889. WORKS : Our South African Empire, 1885. The British Colonies and their industries, Imperial Federation, 1887. 1893. ^History of the Dominion of Canada, Outlines of British Colonisation, 1893. 1890. 77te Growth and Administration of the {Geography of the Dominion of Canada British Colonies (1837-1897), 1898. and Newfoundland, 1891. The Land ofQuantock, 1903. f Geography of Africa, South of the The Forests and Deoyarks of Somerset, Zambesi, 1892. 1905. Tennyson and our imperial heritage, 1892. Hartley, John Fleming (Yorks.) ; Uppingham. Com. Matr. cler. 24 May 1866, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1868 ; 2 Nat. Sci. and B.A. 1870; M.A. 1875 ; B.Med. 1876 ; rem. 1884. Torpid 1868, 70 ; Tennis 1870. M.R.C.S. Henderson, Henry Philipse (Yorks.) ; Marlborough. Sch. Matr. cler. 24 May, aged 19 ; rem. 1866 ; Sch. New College 1866-71 ; B.A. and M.A. 1876. H.M.I.S. 1877. Herford, Percy Mitchenor (Lanes.) ; Merchant Taylors. Com. Matr. arm. 24 May 1866, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1869 ; rem. 1873. C. of Prestbury, Chesh., 1875-6 ; of St. Andrew, Southport, 1876-8 ; of St. Thomas, Stockport, 1879-82 ; V. of St. James, Gatley, Stockport, 1882-8 ; Org. Sec. S.P G. Archdnry. of Macclesfield 1885-7 ; R. of Christ Church, Trinity, Edinburgh, 1888. Hopwood, Charles Augustus (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 16 Oct. 1866, aged 18 ; 4 L. & H. 1870 ; B.A. 1871 ; rem. 1872. Vincent's. Entered Foreign Office 1872 ; Assistant Clerk 1894 ; C.B. 1897 ; Senior Clerk 1899 ; retired 1906. P.C.R. Hull, Herbert Edward (Derbs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 14 Apr. 1866, aged 18 ; 2 Math. Mods. 1868 ; 3 Math., B.A. and rem. 1870 ; rep. 1873 ; rem. 1876. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1872. McCrea, Henry Herbert (Yorks.) ; Repton. Com. Matr. arm. 22 Nov. 1866, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1870 ; rep. 1876 ; M.A. 1878 ; rem. 1884. V. of Paiuswick, Gloucs., 1876-86. 1866] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 605 Mathews, Ernest (Middlx.); Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 24 May 1866, aged 19 ; B.A. 1869 ; rem. 1874 ; rep. 1879 ; M.A. 1906. Cricket 1868, 9 ; Vincent's. J.P. Middlx. ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1871. P.C.K. Mayne, Charles Cunningham(e) (Som.) ; Clifton. Com. Matr. cler. 7 June 1866, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1870 ; rem. 1873. Octagon ; Vincent's. Moore, Thomas (Warws.) ; Warwick. Com. Matr. arm. 24 May 1866, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex. 1867 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1868 ; died in College 31 Jan. 1869. Muir- Mackenzie, Montague Johnstone (Perth) ; Charterhouse. Sch. Matr. bart. f. 24 May, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. (open) 1866 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1868 ; 1 Math, and B.A. 1870 ; rem. 1874 ; Fellow of Hertford 1874-88. Barr. 1873 ; Secretary to Lord Chief Justice Coleridge 1873-7 ; Recorder of Deal 1892 ; Recorder of Sandwich 1894-1905 ; Bencher of Middle Temple 1894-1905 ; Official Referee 1905 ; Standing Counsel to the Board of Trade and other public bodies. WORKS : Mackenzie and Lushington on the Laws Mackenzie on Bills of Lading. of Registration. Chalmers and Mackenzie on the Judica- Mackenzie and Hough on the Bank- ture Acts. ruptcy Acts. Potter, John Hasloch (Staffs.) ; Leamington. Com. Matr. gen. 11 Apr. 1866, aged 19 ; B.A. 1869 ; M.A. 1873. Assist. Master of St. Andrew's, Chardstock, 1869-70 ; C. of South Banbury 1870-1 ; of Sunbury (in charge of St. Saviour's Mission) 1871-4 ; of Streatham 1874-82 ; Clerical and Editorial Sec. C.E.T.S. 1878-81 ; V. of Upper Tooting 1882-1905 ; R.D. of Streatham 1892-1903 ; Hon. Canon of Rochester 1903-5 ; V. of St. Mark with St. Andrew, Surbiton, 1905 ; Hon. Canon of Southwark 1906. WORKS : (With A. E. W. Sheard) Catechizings Granny's new doll, 1881. for Church and Sunday Schools, A Present Christ, 1881. four series, 1903-5. Sermons, Drifted Home, 1894. Hymns, Carols, Tracts. Prower, Mervyn (Wilts.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 24 May 1866, aged 19 ; died in College 28 Nov. 1867 ; monument in College chapel. Octagon ; Vincent's. Rendle, Harry Richards (Devon) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. D.Med. 30 Nov. 1866, aged 19 ; 3 L. & H., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1870 : M.A. 1873. C. of St. Barnabas, Oxford, 1871-4 ; died 30 Mar. 1874. Sandbach, Gilbert Robertson (Herefs.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler, 7 June 1866, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1868 ; B.A. 1870 ; M.A. 1874. Torpid 1867, 8. Banker, merchant, and shipowner ; Chairman of the Liverpool Exchange Co. ; Director of the North and South Wales Bank ; Deputy-Chairman of the Liverpool and West India Association ; some time on the Council of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce ; died Nov. 1907. 606 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1867 1867 Bathe, Anthony (Sarrey) ; Bath. Com. Matr. arm. 1 May 1867, aged 19 ; 3 01. Mods. 1868 ; Reading Pr. 1869 ; 3 01. and BA. 1870 ; MA. and rem. 1874. Assist. Master of St. Andrew's College, Chardstock, Dorset, 1871 ; C. of St. Michael, Southampton, 1872-5 ; of All Saints, Margaret St., 1876-9 ; of St. Thomas, Regent St., 1879-86 ; of St. Raphael, Torquay, 1887-9 ; V. of Paull, Yorks., 1889-94 ; of Fridaythorpe, Yorks., 1894-7 ; P.-in-Ch. of Buluwayo 1898-9 ; died 1907. WORKS : Edited The Loving Communicant, Michael Fenways, 1873. 1888. Not Drotoned, 1885. Edited Jackson's The Missioner's Edited A Lent with Jesus, 1885. Book of Sermon Notes, 1890. What I should believe, 1885, &c. An Advent with Jesus, 1892. Brown, Frederick John (Chesh.) ; Macclesfield. Com. Matr. gen. 22 Oct. 1867, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex. 1868 ; 2 01. Mods. 1869 ; 4 01. and Hulme Ex. 1871 ; B.A. 1872 ; MA. 1874 ; R. of Steeple Aston 1896. C. of SS. Philip and James, Oxford, 1872-96 ; Cler. Sec. of Oxford Dioc. Conference 1892 ; R.D. of Woodstock 1900 ; Surrogate 1904. Buddicom, "Walter Hownam (France) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Nov. 1867, aged 18 ; B.A. 1872 ; rem. 1890. Octagon ; Vincent's. Of Penbedw Hall, Flints. ; J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff ; Barr. Inner Temple 1877 ; died 1893. Burke's Landed Gentry. Campbell, Alexander William. Deunistoun (East Indies) ; Tonbridge. Sch. Matr. arm. 19 Oct. 1867, aged 19 ; rem. 1868. Sub.-Lieut. 16th Lancers 1871 ; exchanged to 15th Hussars 1878 ; served in 15th Hussars and 17th Bengal Cavalry in Afghan War 1878-80 (medal) ; Magistrate N.W. Provinces and Oudh 1882-1900. Clements, Edward Mansfield (Gloucs.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 13 June 1867, aged 19; B.A. 1871 ; rem. 1872. Octagon. C. of Bere Regis, Dorset, 1873-5; V. of Syston, Lines., 1875; C. of Barkston-le-Willows, Lines., 1882-6; R. 1886. Cross, Joseph John (Som.) ; Uppingham. Com. Matr. cler. 13 June 1867, aged 18; B.A. 1871; rem. 1872; rep. 1878; MA. and rem. 1882. Assist. Master Newton College, South Devon, 1876-1904; Gresham's School, Holt, Norfolk, 1904-7. EDMUNDSON, George (Gloucs.) ; St. Peters, York. Matr. cler. Magdalen 19 Oct., aged 19 ; Demy 1867 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1869 ; 1 Math, and B.A. 1870 ; Fellow 3 Feb. 1871 ; Senior Math. Sch. 1872 ; Gr. Test. Pr. 1873 ; MA. 1874 ; Math. Lect. 1874-80 ; Tutor 1875 ; Junior Bnrsar 1875-80; Math. Exam. 1875-6; V. of Northolt, Middlx., 1880-1906; res. Fell. 1881 ; appointed Ford Lecturer 1910. F.R.Hist.S., Member of Literary Societies of Leyden and Utrecht, 1867J BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK 607 employed by Foreign Office in British Guiana Boundary Arbitrations, &c., 1896-1904 ; V. of St. Saviour's, Chelsea, 1906. WORKS : ^Milton and Vondel, a Curiosity of Contributor to Cambridge History of Literature, 1885. Modern Times, 1904. {Expectans expecta, 1894. -\-The revolt of the Netherlands, 1904. f/n hoc signo vinces, 1897. ^Archbishop Laud and his work, 1905. Ale 1881. Entwisle, Cecil (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Mar. 1867, aged 19 ; B.A. 1871 ; rem. 1872; died 28 Aug. 1885. Torpid and Eight 1868 ; Vincent's. P. O.K. FitzPatriek, Hon. Bernard Edward Barnaby (London); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. post Baronis f. 27 Apr. 1867, aged 18 ; 2 L. & H., S.C.L., B.A. and rem. 1870. Vincent's. Of Granston Manor, Abbeyleix, Queen's Co. ; M.P. Portarlington 1880-3 ; 1st Life Guards, served in Egypt 1882 with Household Cavalry (medal and clasp) ; served in South Africa as A.A.G. (medal and four clasps) ; 2nd Baron Castletown 1883 ; C.M.G. 1902 ; Chancellor of Royal University of Ireland 1906 ; K.P. 1907. Francis, Charles Henry (Northants.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 13 June 1867, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1869 ; rem. 1871. Last Assistant Master Sydney Grammar School ; died in Australia 1887. Gray, Robert Daniel Horace (Lanes ). Com. Matr. cler. 13 June 1867, aged 17; Colquitt Ex. and 2 Cl. Mods. 1869; 2 Theol., B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1871 ; Senior Gr. Test. Pr. 1872 ; Denyer and Johnson Sch. 1873; M.A. 1874; V. of Selham, Sussex, 1908. C. of St. Giles, Oxford, 1872-3 ; of Kirkby, Lanes., 1874-5 ; Lect. Greek Test., Chichester Theological Coll., 1876-7 ; C. of Wolsingham, Durham. 1877-8 ; V. of Briercliffe, Lanes., 1878-87 ; of Chatburn, Lanes., 1887-1908; Chairman Chatburn P.C. 1894-1908; R.D. Whalley, Lanes., 1907-8. Gresson, John Beatty (Dublin) ; Bromsgrove. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Mar. 1867, aged 18; rem. 1869. James, Richard (Northumb.) ; Durham. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Dec. 1867, aged 19; rem. 1870; B.A. Charsley Hall 1872; rep. 1873; M.A. 1874 ; rem. 1875. Torpid 1869 ; Eight 1869, 70. LEADAM, Isaac Saunders (London) ; Cheltenham and Merchant Taylors. Matr. arm. University 19 Oct. 1867, aged 18 ; Sch. 1867-72 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1869 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1871 ; Fellow 2 Feb. 1872 ; S.C.L. 1872; Assistant Tutor 1873 ; M.A 1874 ; res. Fell. 1876. Inspector of Schools 1874-6; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1876; Recorder of Grimsby 1906 ; sometime Assistant Tutor Magdalen ; Member of the Council of the Royal Historical Society and of the Committees of the 608 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1867 Cobden and Eighty Clubs ; Member of the Boards of History and Economics in the University of London. WORKS : ^Farmer's grievances and how to ^Factory hands and politicians (n. d.). remedy them, 1880. -\Goschenism (n. d.). \-What Protection does for the farmer, -^Railway servants and political parties 1881, &c. (n. d.). \-Fair Trade, 1884. -^The ten points of the farmer's charter f-Jfr. Gladstone's Government and (n. d.). Agriculture, 1885. -^Against the grain (n. d.X \-The extension of the franchise, 1885. "^Agriculture and the Land Laws Tenant right, 1886. (n. d.). \-The Irish question, 1887. -\-Coercive measures in Ireland. 1830-80 \-Parnellism and ConserraHsm, 1887. (n. d.). The Paddy-tax in Ceylon, 1890. fT%e agricultural revolution in the ^Social problems and icorking men, aixteenth century, pts. i-iii (n. d.). 1890. -\-The Domesday of Inclosures, 1897. + Allotments and small holdings, 1890. -^Select cases in the Court of Bequests, f Legislation under Compulsion, 1892. 1497-1569, 1898. ^ Import speech, July 27, 1885 (n. d.). -\Trade and Commerce, a Companion Edited Watson's Tenancy and Owner- to English His /or y, 1902. ship, 1891. -^Select cases in the Star Chamber, H77- ^Eelation of cheapness to wages (n. d.X 1509, 1903. \-Address at Altrincham tlection, 1892 The Political H story of England, vol. ix (n. d.). (1702-60), 1909. \-The miners and political parties Contributed to The Dictionary oj (n. d.). National Biography. MacCartie, Charles Palkiner (Germany) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. cler. 19 Oct., aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1867 ; rem. 1869. I.C.S. 1868; served in Bombay 1870-2; in Madras 1872-96; Post- master-Gen, of Madras 1883 ; Act. Sec. to Board of Revenue 1885-6 ; Collector and Magistrate 1889 ; Priv. Sec. to Gov. of Madras 1891 ; retired 1896 ; C.I.E. ; Volunteer in Burmese War ; killed in action Driefontein, being at the time a member of Kitchener's Horse 1900. Marriott, Charles (Leics.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 4 July 1867, aged 18 ; B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1874. Cricket 1871 ; Vincent's. Of Cotesbach Hall, Leics., J.P. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1875 ; High Sheriff Leics. 1878 ; Lieut. Leicester Yeomanry 1873 ; Capt. 1880 ; retired 1883. Burke's Landed Gentry. M"eeld, Audley Dallas (Som.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. bart. f. 13 June 1867, aged 18 ; B.A. 1870 ; rem. 1890. Vincent's. J.P. Wilts, and Berks. ; Inner Temple 1869 ; Lieut. 2nd Life Guards 1871 ; Capt. 1881 ; Major 1889 ; Lieut.-Col. 1899 ; Commanded Household Cavalry Regiment in South Africa 1899-1900 (dispatches) ; 3rd Bart. 1900 ; C.B. and M.V.O. 1901 ; High Sheriff Wilts. 1905. Pauncefote Bernard (E. Indies) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 21 June 1867, aged 18 ; B.A. 1870 ; died 24 Sept. 1882. Cricket 1868-71 ; Vincent's. Inner Temple 1870. 1867] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 609 Percival, Lovibond John Exley (Som.) ; Birmingham. Sch. Matr gen. 19 Oct. 1867, aged 18; 1 Cl. Mods. 1869 ; 2 Cl. 1871 ; B.A. and rem 1874. Principal of Queen's Coll., British Guiana, 1876-93 ; died 5 Mar. 1893. Potts, Charles Henry (Chesh.) ; Uppingham. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Nov. 1867, aged 19 ; rem. and B.A. St. Alban Hall 1873 ; M.A. 1874. Prosser, Walter Byron (Kent) ; King's School, Canterbury. Sch. Matr. cler. 13 June, aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. (open) 1867 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1869 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1871 ; rem. 1872. Barr. Inner Temple 1875 ; S.E. Circuit 1875-91 ; Clerk of the Peace for Kent 1891. Rickards, Arthur George (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. post K.C.B. 4 July 1867, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1869 ; 3 Cl. 1871 ; B.A. 1872 ; M.A. 1874. Torpid 1869 ; Eight 1869, 70, 2 ; Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1875 ; Q.C. 1899 ; K.C. 1901 ; Parly. Bar. ; twenty-three years a Volunteer ; Major 1896 ; V.D. WORKS : Joint Editor Reports of Cases before Joint Editor Rickards and Pember's Court of Referees on Private Bills in Metropolis Water Act, 1902. Parliament, 1875-84. Rider, Thomas John (Salop) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. gen. 4 July 1867, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1869 ; 2 Theol. and B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1874 ; rem. 1884. Octagon. C. of St. Matthew's, Nottingham 1874-6 ; V. of Carrington, Notts., 1876-83 ; of Baschurch, Shrewsbury, 1883 ; Surrogate ; R.D. Ellesmere 1905. "RUCKER, Arthur William (Surrey) ; Clapham. Sch. Matr. arm. 19 Oct. 1867, aged 18 ; 1 Math. Mods, and Junior Math. Sch. 1869 ; 1 Math. 1870 ; 1 Nat. Sci. and B.A. 1871 ; Fellow 3 Feb. 1871 ; M.A. 1874 ; res. Fell. 1876 ; Nat. Sc. Exam. 1876, 7, 82, 3 ; Fellow of Univer- sity of London 1890 ; Honorary Fellow 1891 ; Principal of University of London 1901-8 ; Hon. D.Sc. (Ox.) and (Camb.) 1901 ; also Leeds and Victoria ; LL.D. Glasgow and Edinburgh. Prof, of Mathematics, Yorkshire Coll., Leeds, 1875 ; Prof, of Physics, Royal School of Mines, 1877 ; contested Leeds (N.) 1885 and Pudsey 1886 ; Prof, of Physics, Royal College of Science, London, 1886-1901 ; F.R.S. 1884, medal 1891 ; Treasurer British Association 1891-8, President 1901 ; President Physical Society 1893-5 ; Sec. Royal Society 1896-1901 ; knighted 1902 ; a Governor of Rugby School ; on Board of Visitors of Royal Observatory, Greenwich. WORKS : General Physics. Sound. On the Critical mean Curvature of On the Objective Reality of Combination Liquid Surfaces of Revolution, Phil. Tones (Riicker and Edser), PhiL Mag., Jan. 1887. Mag., 1895. On the Range of Molecular Forces, Trans, of the Chemical Society, Heat. 1888, Vol. 53. On the Adiabatics and Isothermals of On the Suppressed Dimensions of Water, Proc. of the Royal Society, Physical Quantities, Phil. Mag., 1874. Feb. 1889. On the Expansion of Sea Water by B r 610 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1867 Heat (Thorpe and RuckerX Phil. Trans., Vol. 166, 1876. Eeport of the Committee of the British Association on the Methods Employed in the Calibration of Mercurial Thermometers, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1882. On a Relation between the Critical Tem- peratures of Bodies and their TJiermal Eocpansions as Liquids (Thorpe and Rucker), Trans, of the Chemical Society, 1884, Vol. 45. Properties of Liquid Films (published in conjunction with Professor Reinold). On the Thickness of Soap-Films, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1877. On the Electrical Eesistance of TJiin Liquid Films with a Revision of Newton's Table of Colours, Phil. Trans., 1881. On the Limiting Thukness of Liquid Films, Phil. Trans., 1883. On ihe Relation between the Thickness and Surface Tension of Liquid Films, Phil. Trans., 1886, Part II. On the TJtiikness and Electrical Resist- ance of Thin Liquid Films, Phil. Trans., 1893. Electricity and Magnetism. On the influence of an Electric Current on the Rate of Thinning of a Liquid Film (Reinold and Rucker), Rep. Brit. Ass., 1884. On the Self-Regulation of the Compound Dynamo, Phil. Mag., June 1885. On the Magnetic Shielding of Concentric Spherical Shells, Phil. Mag., Jan. 1894. On the Magnetic Field produced by Electric Tramways, Phil. Mai:.. April 1901. Terrestrial Magnetism. Note on the Irregularities in Magneti c Inclination on the West Coast of Scot- land (Thorpe and Riicker\ Proc. of the Royal Society, 1883. On the Relation between the Magnetic Permeability of Rocks and Regional Magnetic Disturbances, Proc. Roy. Soc., June 1890. A Magnetic Surrey of the British Isles for the Epoch Jan. 1, 1886 ( Rucker and ThorpeX Bakerian Lecture, Phil. Trans/, 1890, Vol. 181. A Magnetic Survey of the British Isles for the EpocJi Jan. 1, 1891 (Rucker and Thorpe), Phil. Trans., 1896, Vol. 188 (separate volume). On the Existence of Vertical Earth-Air Electric Currents in the United King- dom, Phil. Mag., 1896. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Mar., aged Shand, Francis (Lanes.) ; Harrow. 18 ; rem. 1867. In railway employment in London. Shephard, Charles Sinclair (Surrev) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 13 June 1867, aged 19. Torpid 1868 ; Eight 1869 ; Vincent's. Entered 4th Regt. 1872 ; Capt. 1880 ; Major Royal Fusiliers 1890 : retired 1891 ; South African War 1879 (medal) ; A.D.C. to Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. Bombay 1882-5 ; Burmah Exped. 1886-7 (dispatches, medal) ; Brig.-Maj. Burmah 1886-7 ; and Assist. Mil. Sec. and A.D.C. to Gov. of Gibraltar 1887-90 : D.S.O. 1887 ; Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col. 4th Batt. Som. L.I. ; Brig.-Major W. Counties Vol. I.E. Spencer, Abraham (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 19 Oct., aged 22; Somerset Sch. 1867; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1868: 1 Math. Mods. 1869 ; Hulme Ex. 1870 ; 2 Math, and B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1875. C. of Steeple Aston, Oxon., 1872-88 ; V. of Goodshaw. Lanes., 1888-92 : of Haslingden, Lanes., 1892-1905; R.D. of Whalley 1905-7; V. of St. James, Accrington 1905. WORK : ^Hymns, 1903. Stone, Frederick William (Canada) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. gen. 4 July 1867, aged 18 ; Nowell, Walker and Radcliffe Sch. 1868 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1869 ; Hulme Ex. 1870; 3 Cl. 1871 ; B.A. 1872; B.C.L. and M.A. 1874. Octagon. 1867-8] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 611 Of Holme Hill, Herts. ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1875 ; Chairman D.C. Kiclge, Herts. ; St. Alban's Diocesan Conference. Weatherly, Frederick Edward (Som.) ; Hereford. Sch. Matr. arm. 19 Oct., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1867 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1868 : 3 Cl. Mods. 1869 ; 4 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1874. Torpid 1868. Author; Song writer ; formerly engaged in tuition at Oxford ; Barr. Inner Temple 1887, Western Circuit ; practising at Bristol. WORKS : Wilton School, 1872. Oxford Days, 1879. The Rudiments of Logic, 187'.'. Questions in Logic, 1883. Ale 1872. Wetherall, Henry Ernest (Staffs.). Corn. Matr. cler. 7 Mar. 1867, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1869 ; 4 Cl., B.A. and rem. 1871 ; rep. 1874 ; rem. 1876. C. of St. Mary, Lichfield, 1876-8; Chap, at Kadi Keni 1882-3; at Valparaiso, Chili, 1883-1903: died 1905. Sherwood. 1868 Adam, Thomas William (Yorks.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1868, aged 19: B.A. 1871 ; M.A. and rem. 1875. C. of Standon, Herts., 1872-4; of Kettering, Northants., 1874-5 ; R. of Hollington, Kent, 1875 ; died 1905. Atkinson, John Todd (Cumberland) ; Aldenham. Com. Matr. cler. 4 June 1868, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1870 ; 4 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1872 ; B.A. 1873; M.A. 1875; rem. 1888 ; R. of Weeley, Essex, 1902-7. C. of Church of the Ascension, Lower Broughton, Lanes., 1877-81 ; of Chorley, Lanes., 1881-2 ; V. of Worsthorne, Lanes., 1882-93 ; R. of Thornbury, Gloucs., 1893-1902 ; V. of Asheldham, Essex, 1907. Browne, Henry Louis (Devon) ; Rugby. Sch. Matr. arm. 17 Oct., aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. (open) 1868 ; rem. 1871. Bengal Civil Service 1870 ; Deputy Commr. Barsein, British Burmah ; assumed additional name of St. Barbe. Ale 1870. Burgess, Henry Edward (London); Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1868, aged 18 ; B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1875. Torpid 1869 ; Eight 1869. 70, 1 ; Captain B.C. 1870, 1 ; Vincent's. Solicitor; died July 1901. Sherwood. Cooper, Vincent King (Lanes.); Bradfield. Sch. Matr. cler. 4 June, uged 19; Som. Th. Manor Sch. (open) 1868; 2 Cl. Mods. 1870 ; Hulme Ex. 1871 ; 3 Cl. 1872 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. and rem. 1875. Torpid 1869, 70 ; Eight 1870, 1. Assist. Master Bradfield 1873-5 ; Head Master St. Michael's College. Tenbury, 1875-6; Minor Canon of Durham 1876; C. of St. Oswald's. Durham, 1876-87 ; Hon. Fellow St. Michael's College, Tenbury, 1877 ; Sacrist, of Durham Cath. 1885-7 ; Precentor of Durham Cath. 1887-1905 ; Assist. Dioc. Insp. of Sch. for Durham 1887-1907 ; Org. Sec. S.P.C.K. for Dioc. Durham 1890-1901. WOKKS : Tales from Ewipicles, 1880 ; TJic Gist of Butler, 1883. i? r 2 612 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1868 Coxhead, Frederick Charles (London) ; Merchant Taylors. Com. Matr. arm. 25 Jan. 1868, aged 19 ; rem. 1871 ; rep. and B.A. 1872 ; rem. 1879. Torpid 1869 ; Eight 1869, 70 ; Weight 1871. Barr. Inner Temple 1876. Furneaux, "Walter Copleston (Warws.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 3 Dec. 1868, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1870 ; Reading Pr. 1871 ; 4 L. & H. and B.A. 1872 ; M.A. and rem. 1875. Torpid 1870, 1, 2. C. of Berkley, Frome, Sorn., 1874-5; R. 1875-7; C. of Leeds 1877-80; Chap, in Bengal 1880-4 ; Chap, of Warneford Hospital, Leamington, 1884-96 ; Comm. to Bishop of Lahore, 1887-98 ; R.D. of Barnes 1896-1903 ; V. of Mortlake, Surrey, 1896. Goodwyn, Frederic Wildman (E. Indies): Clifton. Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1868, aged 18; 3 L. & H. and BA. 1872; M.A. and rem 1875. Torpid 1869 ; Eight 1869, 70, 1. C. of St. Mary, Exeter, 1873-6 ; of Doncaster, Yorks., 1876-8 ; of St. Mary Abbots, Kensington, 1879 ; V. of St. Andrew, Sharrow, Sheffield, 1879-89 ; Chap, of Eccleshall Bierlow Union 1880-9 ; Bishop Designate of Bathurst, New South Wales, 1886 ; Chap, to Archbp. of York 1887-90 ; Hon. Canon and Preb. of York 1888 ; R. of Rotherfield, Tunbridge Wells, 1889-98 ; V. of Eastbourne, Sussex, 1898 ; R.D. of Pevensey 1905. Sherwood. Gough, Hon. Hugh (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. (post vice-corn, f.) 12 Mar. 1868, aged 18 ; B.A. 1872 ; M.A. 1879. Vincent's. Entered Diplomatic Service 1873 ; Secretary to Legation at Rio de Janeiro 1887-8 ; Stockholm 1888-94 ; Secretary of Embassy, Washington, 1894-6 ; Berlin 1896-1901 ; 3rd Viscount Gough 1895 ; Min. Res. for Saxony and Saxe-Coburg 1901-7 ; K.C.V.O. 1904. Gregory, Benjamin Alfred (Kent) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 25 Jan., aged 17 ; Somerset Sch. (open) 1868 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1869 ; Dean's Pr. 1870 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1872; M.A. 1875. Hadow, "Walter Henry (London) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1868, aged 19 ; B.A. 1873 ; rem. 1874. Torpid 1869 ; Cricket 1870, 1, 2 ; Racquets 1871, 2 ; Vincent's. Of the Inner Temple 1873 ; Sec. to Primrose League in Scotland ; Scottish Prisons Commr. 1896 ; died 15 Sept. 1898. P.C.R. HEBERDEK", Charles Buller (Devon) : Harrow. Matr. cler. Balliol 27 Jan. 1868, aged 18 ; Ex. 1868-72 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1869 ; 1 Cl. 1871 ; Peilow 2 Feb. and B.A. 1872 ; Lecturer 1872-81 ; Tutor 1881-9 ; M.A. 1874 ; Proctor 1881 ; Vice-Principal 1883-9 ; Cl. Moderator 1884-6, 91, 6, 7 ; Principal 1 Oct. 1889 ; Member of the Hebdomadal Council 1896-1902, 6 ; Pro- Vice-Chancellor 1903 ; President of Somerville College and Governor of Harrow School 1907. BENEF. : Plate 1889; Chapel organ and decoration 1892, 1902. WORKS : -^Euripides: Medea, 1886. \An address . . . f n memory of the -^Euripides: Hecuba, 1901. Rev. Albert Watson, 1904. fEdited the Brasenose Ale Verses, fEdited the Brasenose Register, 1909. re-issue, 1901. Ale 1884 ; Quat. Mon. iv, v. 1868] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 613 Hornby, Hugh Phipps (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 4 June 1868, aged 19; B.A. 1878 ; M.A. and rem. 1882. Octagon, Vincent's. Of St. Michael's-upon-Wyre, Lanes., J.P. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1877. P.C.R. Hotham, Arthur (London) ; York. Sch. Matr. arm. 17 Oct., aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. (open) 1868; 1 Math. Mods, and Reading Pr. 1870; 2 Math, and Hulme Ex. 1872; B.A. and rem. 1873. Vincent's. Kenrick, Charles William Herbert (Kent) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1868, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1870 ; 2 Theol. 1872 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1875 ; rem. 1894. C. of St. John, Newbury, 1873-6 ; V. of Poulton, Fairford, Gloucs., 1876-81 ; C. of St. Mark, New Swindon, 1881-2 ; V. of St. George, Tile- hurst, Reading, 1882-5; of Holy Trinity, Reading, 1885-93; of Caver- sham, Reading, 1893-8 ; Hon. Dioc. Insp. Sch., Winchester, 1900-1 ; V. of Holy Trinity, Barnstaple, 1901. WORKS : Oswald, a Tale of the Early Church, 1875 ; The Work of the Ministry, 1893. Kinch, Arthur Edoe (Oxon.) ; Cheltenham. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1868, aged 19 ; 2 L. & H. and B.A. 1872 ; M.A. 1876. C. of Brington, Northants., 1872-8 ; of St. Lawrence, Northampton, 1878-80; V. of Bozeat with Strixton, Northants., 1880-2; R. of Farn- borough, Hants., 1882; R.D. of Aldershot, Hants., 1892. Longridge, James (Northumb.) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1868, aged 18; 3 Cl. Mods. 1870; 2 Theol. 1872; B.A. 1873; M.A. and rem. 1876. Eight 1869, 70, 1, 2; Torpid 1870. C. of High Wycombe, Bucks., 1873-7 ; of St. John, Hammersmith, 1877-85 ; V. of St. Clement, City Rd., B.C., 1885-1906 ; C. of Thornton with Bagworth, Leics., 1906. Sherwood. Magor, Edward Auriol (Cornwall) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1868, aged 19; B.A. 1872 ; M.A. 1875. Of Lamellen, Cornwall, J.P. ; died 17 July 1886. Manson, Edward "William Donoghue (London) ; St. Paul's. Sch Matr. D.Med. 4 June, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. (open) 1868 ; 2 Cl. Mods 1870 ; 2 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1872 ; B.A. 1873 ; rem. 1875. Barr. Middle Temple 1878 ; practising in Chancery Division ; Lecturer on Commercial Law at London School of Economics. WORKS : (With Sir J. Macdonell) Journal of Builders of our Law. Comparative Legislation, Contributor to Encyclopaedia Britan- Law of Trading Companies. nica. Law of Debentures. Contributor to Encyclopaedia of thu Practical Guide to Company Law. Laws of England. MASTERMAN". John Story (Berks.) ; Rugby. Matr. cler. Corpus Christ! 20 Oct. 1868, aged 19 ; Sch. 1868-73 ; 1 Cl. Mod. 1870 ; 1 Cl. 1872 ; Fellow 7 Feb. and B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1875 ; res. Fell. 1877 ; rem. 1889. C. of Tavistock 1874 ; Assist. Master Univ. Coll. Sch., London, 1882. * 614 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1868 Monck, George Gustavua (Berks.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1868, aged 18 ; Reading Pr. 1870 : 1 Theol. and B.A. 1872 ; M.A. 1875 ; rem. 1877. Torpid 1870, 1 ; Eight 1871, 2, 3. C. of Broad Clyst with Westwood, Devon, 1873-6 ; V. of Welshampton, Salop, 1876-85 ; C. of St. Saviour, Everton, Liverpool, 1885-7 ; of St. George, Everton, Liverpool, 1887-91 ; V. of St. Matthias, Liverpool, 1891-7 ; of St. Matthew, Liverpool, 1897-1901 ; R. of Closworth, Dorset, 1901. Montagu, Ernest Edgar (London) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1868, aged 18 ; B.A. 1872 ; rem. 1873. Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1874 ; died 11 Aug. 1875. Nicolson, Arthur (London) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. bart. f. 12 Mar. 1868, aged 18 ; rem. 1870. Vincent's. Foreign Office 1870 ; Assist. Priv. Sec. to Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs 1872-4 ; Diplomatic Service Berlin 1874, Pekin 1876, Berlin 1878, Constantinople 1879, Athens 1884, Teheran 1885, Constantinople 1893, Tangier 1895 ; Ambassador at Madrid 1905 ; Algeciras Conference 1906 ; Ambassador at St. Petersburg 1906 ; C.M.G. 1886 ; K.C.I.E. 1888 ; llth Bart. 1899; K.C.V.O. 1903 ; P.C. 1905 : G.C.V.O. 1905 ; G.C.M.G. 1906 ; G.C.B. 1907 ; Grand Cross of Order of Charles III of Spain. WORK : History of the German Constitution, 1873. P.C.R. Norbury, Willoughby (Chesh.) ; Macclesfield. Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1868, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1870 ; B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1875 ; rem. 1881. Philpot, John Gould (London) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 25 Jan. 1868, aged 19 ; rem. 1873. Barr. Middle Temple 1877 ; died 24 Nov. 1895. Post, Frederick Alfred (America) ; Paris. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1868, aged 18 ; rem. 1870. Drowned in trying to save a life. Sapte, Alwyn Francis (Surrey) ; Bradfield. Com. Matr. cler. 3 Dec. 1868, aged 18 ; rem. 1871 ; died 1908. Vincent's. Shiers, Joseph (Lanes.); Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 17 Oct., aged 21 ; Somerset Sch. 1868 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1870 ; 4 Theol. and B.A. 1872 ; rem. 1875 (then dead). Smith, Henry Chaloner (London) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1868, aged 18 ; B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1875. Of Russley Park, Wilts. ; formerly Grenadier Guards ; Barr. Inner- Temple 1877. Stronge, James Henry (Dublin) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. post bart. f. 3 Dec. 1868, aged 18 ; 2 L. & H. and B.A. 1872 ; M.A. 1875. Of Tynan Abbey, co. Armagh, C.C. ; 5th Bart. ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1874 ; High Sheriff Tyrone 1880, Armagh 1885 ; served fifteen years in 4th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers ; retired as Hon. Major 1885 ; Secretary 1868J BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEK 615 to Ulster Defence Union 1894 ; Chairman of Armagh District Council 1899-1900 ; Member of Armagh County Council. WORK : Politics in reply to Sir C. G. Article in National Review on Irish Duffy, 1885. Thornycroft, Charles Edward (Chesh.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. cler. 4 June 1868, aged 19 ; B.A. and M.A. 1875 ; rem. 1879. Octagon, Vincent's. Of Thornycroft Hall, Chesh. ; J.P. Chesh. and Flints. ; late Lieutenant Chesh. Yeomanry ; C.C. Chesh. and Chairman of Education Committee ; Student Inner Temple 1874. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Townshend, William (E. Indies) ; Eossall. Com. Matr. arm. 4 June 1868. aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1870 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1872 ; M.A. 1879 ; rem. 1903. Cricket 1870, 1, 2 ; Octagon, Vincent's. C. of Marton, Chesh., 1874-8 ; of Mansel Lacy with Yazor, Herefs., 1878-80; E. of Thurlaston, Leics., 1880-1908; R.D. of Guthlaxton, Leics., 1899-1908 ; R. of Kirkby Mallory, Leics., 1908. Venables, Edmund Ernest (Sussex) ; Charterhouse. Com. Matr. cler. 3 Dec. 1868, aged 19 ; rem. 1878. Vincent's. Student of Lincoln's Inn 1873 ; London Stock Exchange. P.C.R. Wannop, Arthur Edward (Lanes.) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. cler. 17 Oct. 1868, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1870 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1872; 3 B.C.L. 1874; B.C.L. and M.A. 1875; rem. 1898. Barr. Inner Temple 1876. Western, Edmund Culpeper (Yorks.) ; Bolton. Com. Matr. cler. 19 Oct. 1868, aged 18 ; B.A. Charsley Hall 1876 ; rem. 1878. WHITTUCK, Charles Augustus (Bath) ; Eton. Matr. arm. Oriel 23 Oct., aged 19 : Ex. 1868 ; 2 Cl. Mod. 1870 ; 2 Cl. 1872 ; B.A, 1873 ; Tellow 7 Feb. 1873 ; Lecturer 1873 ; M.A. 1875 ; Tutor 1880-3 ; Vice- Principal 1881-3 ; R. of W. Shefford, Cambs., 1887-96 ; res. Fell. 1889. R. of Bearwood, Berks., 1896-1905; V. of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, 1905. WORKS : Learning and Working, 1899. \-Tlie Church of England and recent -\Tlie good man of the XVIII century, Religious Thought, 1893. 1901. Ale 1883, 4 ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Wilson, Edward (Surrey) ; Uppingham. Com. Matr. arm. 25 Mar. 1868, aged 20 ; B.A. 1872 ; M.A. 1875 ; rem. 1876. Vincent's. P.C.R. Yonge, Weston Edward Vernon (Staffs.) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. cler. 17 Oct. 1868, aged 19 ; rem. 1871. Of Charnes Hall, Stan's. ; C. of Woolstanton, Staffs., 1877-86 ; of Alvechurch, Worcs., 1886-7 ; of Stoke Damerel, Devonport, 1887-9 ; of Wirksworth, Derbs., 1889-92 ; R. of Wislaston, Chesh., 1892-6 ; Gen. Lie. Dioc. Lichfield 1908. 616 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE [1869 1869 Atherley- Jones, Llewellyn Archer (London) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 10 Apr., aged 21 ; Iver and Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1869 ; B.A. 1874 ; rem. 1876. Barr. Inner Temple 1875 ; M.P. Durham (N.W. Div.) since 1885 ; Kecorder of Newcastle 1905. WORKS : Miner's Manual, 1882. The Fall of Lord Paddockslea, and The Miner's Handbook to the Coal Mines other Novels publishedj anony- Regulation Act, 1887. mously. ommerce in War, 1907. A Treatise on International Law. Boddington, Edward Henry (Salop) ; Marlborough and Malvern. Com. Matr. cler. 20 May 1869, aged 19 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1876. C. of Newbold-on-Stour 1875-87 ; V. of Honington, Warws., 1889. BROWN, Gerard Baldwin (London) ; Uppingham. Matr. cler. Oriel 25 Oct., aged 19 ; Sch. 1869 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1871 ; 1 01. 1873 ; Fellow 6 Feb. 1874 ; Chancellor's Essay and B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1876 ; res. Fell. 1877 ; Watson-Gordon Professor of Fine Art, University of Edinburgh, 1880. WORKS : -^The Arts in Early England, 1903. Fine Art as a branch of University William Hogarth, 1905. Study, 1881. The Care of Ancient Monuments, 1905. ^From schola to cathedral, 1886. Rembrandt, 1907. ^The Old things of Greece and Rome, (Joint Author) Vasani on Technique, 1894. 1907. BUTLER, Alfred Joshua (Leics.); Christ's Hospital. Matr. cler. Sch. Trinity 18 Oct. 1869, aged 19 ; 2 01. Mods. 1871 ; Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1872 ; Gaisford Prize (Verse) and 1 01. 1873 ; B.A. 1874 ; Fellow 2 Feb. 1877 ; M.A. 1878 ; Senior Bursar and Lecturer 1881 ; Official Fellow 17 Nov. 1882 ; Bursar (i.e. Senior and Junior combined) 1884; Curator of the University Galleries and Member of the Oxford Local Board 1887, and of the City Council 1891-1904 ; Proctor 1892 ; Visitor of the Ashmolean Museum and University Galleries 1897 ; Member of the Hebdomadal Council 1899 ; D.Litt. 1901 ; Fellow of Eton College 1909. Master at Winchester College 1874 ; Tutor to the sons of the Khedive 1880. BENEF. : Plate 1908. WORKS : -j-On the identity of l Al Mukaukis ' of ^Amaranth and Asphodel, 1881. Egypt, 1901. f Ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt, -^The Arab Conquest of Egypt, 1902. 1884. fArticles on Abyssinian Church \-Court Life in Egypt, 1887. and Coptic Church in Encyclo- ^Notes to Abu Salih's Churches and paedia Britannica. Monasteries of Egypt, ed. by B. J. A. ^Quater centenary Monographs, iv, v, Evetts, 1895. vi, vii, 1909. Ale 1880, 3, 5 ; Quat. Mon. v. Butler, Hercules Scott (Chesh.) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. cler. 2 Dec. 1869, aged 19 ; Colquitt Ex. 1870; 2 01. Mods. 1871 ; Reading Pr. 1872 ; 3 Theol., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1873 ; M.A. and rem. 1877. C. of Leeds 1875-83 ; V. of St. Barnabas, Holbeck, Leeds, 1883-94 ; of Farnworth with Kearsley, Lanes., 1894-1900 ; R.D. and V. of Preston, Lanes., 1900. 1869] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 617 Butler, Samuel Evan (Ceylon); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1869, aged 19 ; rem. 1870 ; B.A. St. Alban Hall and rep. 1875 ; M.A. 1876 ; died 1903. Torpid 1870 ; Cricket 1870, 1, 2, 3 ; Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1876 ; Hon. Major Somerset Yeomanry. Carter, Frank (Francis) Henry (London) ; Christ's Hospital. Sch. Matr. arm. 16 Oct. 1869, aged 18 ; rem. 1871. Torpid 1870. Chappell, Frederick Patey (London) ; Marlborough Gr. School. Sch. Matr. arm. 20 May, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1869 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and 2 Cl. Mods. 1871 ; 2 Cl. 1873 ; 2 Law and B.A. 1874 ; rem. 1890. Hurdles 1871 ; Vincent's. Assumed the name of Brunning-Maddison in lieu of Chappell 1873 ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1876, but disbarred at his own request in order to become a solicitor 1884. Sherwood. Curling, Edward (Middlx.) ; City of London School. Sch. Matr. arm. 20 May 1869, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1871 ; 3 Theol. and Hulme Ex. 1873 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1876 ; rem. 1877. C. of Padiham, Lanes., 1876-7 ; of Northfield, Worcs., 1877-81 ; Chap, in Ceylon 1881-2 ; C. of St. Martin's, Scarborough, 1882-5 ; of St. John's, Sidcup, Kent, 1886-93 ; V. of St. Leonard's, Downham, Clitheroe, 1893-9 ; of St. Martin's, Hereford, 1899-1901. WORKS : ^-Creation and evolution, 1891. sow's poetry (from Church Times, ^The moral and religious side of Tenny- 1892). Darlington, Joseph (Lanes.); Rossall. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Dec. 1869, aged 19 ; 2 Theol. 1873 ; B.A. 1874; M.A. and rem. 1876 ; died 1882. Cler. Daugars, John William Qustavus Leo (London) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. cler. 3 June 1869, aged 19 ; rem. 1872 ; 2 Law St. Alban Hall and B.A. 1873. Barr. Middle Temple 1875 ; died 20 Feb. 1885. Dunn, Frederick Williams (Berks.) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1869, aged 18 ; B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1878. Torpid 1870, 1 ; Vincent's. Burke's Landed Gentry. Dyball, Thomas Stocking (Berks.) ; Norwich. Com. Matr. arm. 16 Oct. 1869, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1871 ; Hulme Ex. and 2 Theol. 1873 ; B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1876 ; rem. 1895. Edwards, Alfred Clerke (Clarke) (France) ; Haileybury. Com. Matr. cler. 20 May, aged 18 ; Sch. Lincoln 1869 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1877. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1876 ; Bengal Education Department 1878 ; Principal of Presidency College, Calcutta ; Fellow and Registrar of Calcutta University. Everard, Robert Bagot Chester (Norfolk) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 4 Mar. 1869, aged 19 ; 3 Theol. 1872 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1875. Assist. Master Summer-fields, Oxford, 1872 ; Principal of Remenham School, Hindhead ; C. of St. Mary's, Reading, 1876-81. 618 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1869 Francis, Charles King (Essex): Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 21 Dee. 1869, aged 18 ; B.A. 1873 ; rem. 1876. Cricket 1870-3 ; Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1876 ; Metropolitan Police Magistrate 1896 ; J.P P.C.R. Gardner, James William (Staffs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. gen. 10 Apr. 1869, aged 18 ; 3 L. & H. and B.A. 1872 : rem. 1887. Octagon ; Vincent's. Lieut.-Col. 8th Hussars ; served in Afghan War 1879-80 (medal). Garnett-Botfield, Alfred Stanton (Sussex) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 30 May 1869, aged 18 ; B.A. 1873 : M.A. 1884 ; rem. 1885. Torpid 1871, 2, 3 ; Eight 1873 ; Vincent's. Solicitor at Manchester ; died 15 Jan. 1891. Burke's Landed Gentry. Glyn, Charles Clayton (Dorset) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 20 May, aged 19 ; rem. 1869 (before being assigned to a Tutor). Clerk in Exchequer and Audit Department, Somerset House. Gwyer, Samuel Keate (Russia) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1869, aged 18 ; rem. 1870. Hatchard, Thomas Alexander Conyngham (Hants.) ; Marlborough and Wellington. Com. Matr. 16 Oct. 1869, aged 19 ; rem. 1872. Cape Government Service 1874-82 ; Managing Partner in Hatchard & Co., Piccadilly, 1885-90 ; Priv. Sec. to Duke of Westminster 1892-9. Hillyard, Henry (Warws.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 2 Dec. 1869, aged 19 ; rem. 1871. Vincent's. Formerly engaged in land agency in England, afterwards for four years ranching in Iowa, U.S.A. Holbech, William Arthur (Warws.): Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 20 May 1869, aged 18 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1876 ; Hon. D.D. 1908. Octagon ; Vincent's. C. of St. Mark, Lakenham, Norwich, 1874-6 ; R. of Dutoitspan, Cape Colony, 1876-80 ; C. of St. Mary, Reading, 1880-1 ; R. of Harrismith, O.F.S., 1881-7 ; CanonofBloemfontein 1883-1902; Chancellor of Bloem- fontein 1887-95 ; R, and Archdeacon of Kirnberley 1895-1902 ; Dean of Bloemfontein 1902-5 ; Bishop of St. Helena 1905. Burke's Landed Gentry. Jackson, William (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Dec. 1869, aged 19 ; rem. 1874. Littlewood, Henry Charles (Worcs.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1869, aged 18 : B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1876. C. of Areley Kings, Worcs., 1876-80; Lie. Pr. Dioc. Oxford 1880-5; V. of Goring-on-Thames 1885-95 ; R. of Burston, Norfolk, 1895-1907. Burke's Landed Gentry. Ottaway, Cuthbert John (Kent) : Eton. Sch. Matr. arm. 20 May, aged 18 ; Iver and Somerset Sch. (open) 1869 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1871 ; 3 Cl. 1873 ; B.A. 1874 ; rem. 1876. Tennis 1870, 1, 2 ; Cricket 1870, 1, 2, 3 (capt.) ; Racquets 1870, 1,2,3; 100 Yards 1873 ; Football 1874. Barr. Inner Temple 1876 ; died 2 Apr. 1878. Ale 1871, 9. 1869] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 619 Quekett, Arthur Edwin (London) ; St. Paul's. Com. Matr. arm. 3 June 1869, aged 18; 3 Cl. Mods. 1871 ; Hulme Ex. 1872; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1873; MA. 1876. Student Inner Temple 1876. Simes, Frederick Augustus (Oxon.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 16 Oct. 1869, aged 18 ; rein. 1872. In business, in Coleman Street, London. Smith-Masters, William Allan (Herefs.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 4 Mar. 1869, aged 18 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1875. Torpid 1872. Of Camer, Meopham, Kent, J.P. Burke's Landed Gentry. STOCKER, William Nelson (Yorks.) ; Stony Stratford. Matr. cler. Non-Coil. 22 Oct. 1869, aged 18 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1871 ; Ex. Christ Church and 1 Math. 1873 ; 1 Nat. Sci. and B.A. 1874 ; Demonstrator at the Clarendon Laboratory 1874-83, 1904 ; Fellow 2 Feb. ; M.A. 1877 ; Nat. Sci. Exam. 1879-81, 92, 3, 1908, 9. Professor of Physics at the Royal Engineering College, Cooper's Hill, 1883-1901. BENEF. : Plate 1898. Quat. Mon. v. Taylor, Cecil (London) ; Haileybury. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1869, aged 18 ; rem. 1870. R.I.E.C. Cooper's Hill 1871, since in India. Way, John Pearce (Somerset) ; Bath. Sch. Matr. cler. 20 May 1869, Hged 18 ; Reading Pr. and 1 Cl. Mods. 1871 ; Hulme Ex. 1872 ; 2 Cl. 1873 ; B.A. 1874; M.A. 1878; rem. 1879 ; rep. 1887 ; B.D. and D.D. 1896. Torpid 1871, 2 ; Eight 1872. 3, 4, 5 ; Oxford Eight 1874 (stroke), 75 (stroke) ; Captain B.C. 1875 ; Vincent's. Assist. Master at Marlborough 1875 ; House Master 1877 ; Head Master of Warwick School 1885 ; Head Master of Rossall 1896-1908. Ale 1875 ; Sherwood. Wilkinson, Henry James (Yorks.). Com. Matr. cler. 4 Mar. 1869, aged 19 ; 4 L. & H. and Hulme Ex. 1872 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1875 ; rem. 1876. V. of Kirkstall, Yorks., 1879-89 ; died. Williams, Charles Eccles Edmond (Lanes.) ; Marlborough Gr. School. Sch. Matr. cler. 16 Oct., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1869 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1871 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1872 ; 2 Theol., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1873; M.A. 1876; B.D. 1882; D.D. 1886. Torpid 1871, 2 ; Ex.-Pres. O.U. Skating Club. Assist. Master of Summer Fields, Oxford, 1874-84 ; C. of Summertown, Oxford, 1875-9 ; Joint Head Master of Summer Fields, Oxford, 1884-96 ; Head Master 1896. BENEF. : Plate 1904. WORKS : \The teaching of Latin and Greek in Horning and Evening Devotions for the preparatory schools, 1901. use of Pi-eparatory Schools. Quat. Mon. v. 620 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK [1870 1870 Alexander, Evelyn Ferguson (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. L. 1870, aged 19 ; 3 Theol. and B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1877 ; rem. 1882. C. of Cheriton 1874-6 ; of St. Pancras 1876-80 ; Chap, to Bishop of Rochester 1877-80 ; V. of St. Paul's, Newington, Surrey, 1880-7 ; died 24 Feb. 1887. P.C.K. ; Times, 1 Mar. 1887. Alexander, Robert Jocelyn (Ireland) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. 1 Dec. 1870, aged 18 ; English Verse, 3 Hist, and B.A. 1874 ; English Essay 1877 ; Sacred Poem 1878. Cricket. Inspector of Schools 1880. Ale 1875. Anderson, Henry Archibald (E. Indies) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1870, aged 17 ; rem. 1899. Torpid 1871 ; Eight 1871, 2 ; Octagon ; Vincent's. 7th Royal Fusiliers 1873-84 ; retired as Capt. 1884. P.C.R. Bartrum, Benjamin Thomas (Som.) ; Tiverton. Sch. Matr. arm. 15 Oct. 1870, aged 18; 1 Math. Mods. 1872 ; Hulme Ex. 1873; 2 Math, and B.A. 1874; 3 B.C.L. 1876 ; B.C.L., M.A. and rem. 1877. Partner in Ellis, Munday & Bartrum, Solicitors, practised in London ; died 1889. Bruce, Alexander Carmichael (Durham) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. cler. 23 Apr. 1870, aged 19 ; B.A. 1873 ; rem. 1876. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1875 ; Assistant Commissioner Metropolitan Police 1884; knighted 1903. Bunbury, John William McClintock (Dublin) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 24 Oct. 1870, aged 19 ; rem. 1871. Eight and Oxford Eight 1871 ; Vincent's. In Scots Greys ; died 1893. Sherwood. Cooper. James Padgett (London) ; Hereford. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Oct., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1870 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1871 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1872 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1874 ; rem. 1875. Sherwood. Denison, Joseph Glasson (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 15 Oct., aged 19 ; Iver and Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1870 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1872 ; 4 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1874 ; B.A. 1875 ; M.A. and rem. 1877. C. of St. Stephen, Nottingham, 1876-8 ; of St. Thomas, Heaton Norris. Lanes., 1878-80 ; of Withington, Lanes., 1880-5 ; of Heath Reddish, Lanes., 1885-8 ; Inc. of All Saints, Heaton Norris, 1888-91 ; R. of Church- kirk, Lanes., 1891-1903. Dugdale, John Marshall (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1870, aged 18 ; B.A. 1873 ; rem. 1879. Played in 1st Intern. Rugby Match against Scotland 1871. Of Llwyn, Llanfyllin, Mont. ; J.P. and D.L. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1875 ; Northern Circuit ; Major Montgomery Yeomanry 1889-92 ; Mayor of Llanfyllin 1893-9 ; High Sheriff 1896 ; on Board of Bangor Univ. Coll. 1870] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 621 and of Aberystwith Coll. ; President of many agricultural and other societies ; author of several pamphlets and articles on matters of agricultural interest. Eagles, Charles Frederick (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Matr. Wadham 14 Oct. 1870, aged 19 ; adm. 21 Jan. 1871 ; B.A. and rem. 1874 ; rep., M.A. and rem. 1890. C. of Powick, Worcs., 1875-9 ; of Redditch, Worcs.. 1879-89 ; V. of Coughton, Warws., 1889. Elkington, Herbert Frederick (Warws.) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1870, aged 18 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1877. Manufacturer ; a Governor of King Edward VI School, Birmingham. EVAN'S, Arthur John (Herts.). Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1870, aged 18 ; 1 Hist, and B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1882 ; Honorary Fellow 23 Jan. 1891 ; Fellow 12 June 1901-8 ; D.Litt. 1903 ; Hon. LL.D. Edin. ; Hon. D.Litt. Dublin ; F.R.S. and F.S.A. Travelled in Finland and Russian Lapland 1873, 4 ; in the Balkan countries 1875 and later ; in 1882 imprisoned by Austrian Government on charge of complicity in insurrection in S. Dalmatia ; excavated Palace of Knossos in Crete 1893 and onwards ; Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum 1884 ; Resigned Keepership ; Honorary Keeper and Perpetual Visitor of the Ashmolean Museum 1908. BENEF. : Plate 1908. WORKS : on TJie Vases from Gela to Gard- j-On a hoard of coins found at Oxford, ner's Catalogue of the Greek Vases 1871. in the Ashmolean Museum, 1893. ^Through Bosnia and Herzegovina on -^Contributions to Sicilian numismatics, foot, 1877. 1894. \-Illyrian Letters, 1878. ^Cretan pictographs, and Prae-Phoeni- The Slavs and European Civilisation, dan Script, 1895. 1878. -\-Tiie Rollright stones and their folk-lore, \0n some recent discoveries of Ittyrian 1895. corns, 1880. ^On two futealae of Celtic fabric from ^Christmas and ancestor worship in the JEsica, 1896. Black Mountain, 1881. -\-A Roman villa at Frilford, 1897. ^Antiquarian researches in Ulyricum, fOn a votive deposit of gold objects found 1883. on the N.W. coast of Ireland, 1897. -\The Ashmolean Museum as a home of -^Letters from Crete, 1898. Archaeology in Oxford, 1884. -\-The Athenian Portrait- head, 1898. \-Recent discoveries of Tarentine terra- -\-The Palace of Knossos, 1900 and cottas, 1886. later. -j-On a coin of a second Carausius, -\-The Mycenaean tree-and-pillar cult 1887. and its Mediterranean relations, The Horsemen of Tarentum, 1889. 1901. Notes to Freeman's History of Sicily, -\-The prehistoric tombs of Knossos, 1891. 1906. ^Syracusan medallions and their en- -\-Essai de classification des epoques de gravers, 1892. Za civilisation Minoenne, 1906. Contributed an introductory note -^Scripta Minoa, 1909. Ale 1873 ; Quat. Mon. v, xii. Farrer, Matthew George (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 17 Mar. 1870, aged 18 ; rem. 1875. Eight 1870, 1, 2, 3, 4; Captain B.C. 1872, 3, 4 ; Oxford Eight 1873 ; Vincent's (Pres.). Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1878 ; sometime farming in New Zealand. Sherwood ; Burke' s Landed Gentry. 622 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1870 Forster, Francis Samuel (Kent) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 9 June 1870, aged 18 ; 3 Theol. and B.A. 1874 ; M.A. and rem. 1877. C. of Dartford, Kent, 1875-9 ; of Wyke Regis, Dorset, 1879-82 ; V. of Chipping Campden, Gloucs.. 1882-96; of St. Mark, Walworth, S.E., 1896-1905 ; of Frindsbury, Rochester, Kent, 1905. Haworth, John Parkinson (Lanes.) ; Malvem. Com. Matr. cler. 9 June 1870, aged 20; 3 Cl. Mods. 1872; 4 Theol. and B.A. 1874; rem. 1882. Hooper, George Francis (Worca.) ; Clifton. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1870, aged 19 ; 3 Theol. and B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1877. Octagon. C. of Hanbury, Worcs., 1875-8; of St. Paul, Worcester, 1878-86; Warden St. Andrew's Soc., Salisbury, 1886-94 : Chap. St. x Oswald's Hospital, Worcester, 1894. BENEF. : Plate 1908. Quat. Mon. v. Hornby, Wilfred Bird (Middlx.) ; Maiibo rough. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1870, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1872 ; 4 Cl. 1874 ; B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1878 ; Hon. D.D. 1892. Torpid 1872, 3, 4 ; Eight 1874 ; Vincent's ; Octagon. C. of St. Margaret, Walton-on-the-Hill, Liverpool, 1876-80; Miss. O.U.M. to Calcutta 1880-4; C. of St. Bartholomew's, Dover, 1884-5; Inc. of St. Columba, Southwick, Durham, 1885-92 ; Bishop of Nyassaland 1892-4 ; R. of St. Clement with St. Edmund, Norwich, 1895-7 ; R.D. of Bellingham 1899-1904: V. of Chollerton, Northumb., 1897-1904; Bishop of Nassau 1904. Sherwood. Hunter, Robert Lewin (London); Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1870, aged 18 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1877. Octagon. Solicitor. BENEF. : Plate 1908. Quat. Mon. v. Isherwood, Francis William (Berks.); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1870, aged 18 ; rem. 1872. Cricket 1872 ; Vincent's. Boring for Petroleum in the Carpathians. Law, William (Lanes.); Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1870, aged 19 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. and rem. 1877. Cricket 1871-4 (Capt.) ; Vincent's. C. of St. Mary Beverley 1875-6 ; of Doncaster 1876-8 ; of Kensington 1878-83 ; C.-in-Ch. of Harrow Mission, Latimer Road, W., 1883 ; V. of Holy Trinity, Hammersmith, 1885 ; of Rotherham, 1889 ; died 20 Dec. 1892. Legard, Digby Charles (Yorks.) ; Bradfield. Com. Matr. cler. 17 Mar., aged 18; B.A. 1874; rem. 1875. Vincent's. MADAM", Falconer (Gloucs.) ; Marlborough. Sch. Matr. cler. 15 Oct. 1870, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods, and Reading Pr. 1872; 2 Cl., B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1874; Lecturer 1875-9; Fellow 20 Dec. 1876; M.A. 1877 ; res. Fell. 1881 ; re-elect. Fellow 7 Oct. 1889. Sub-Librarian of the Bodleian 1880; University Lecturer in Mediaeval 1870J BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 623 Palaeography 1889 ; Sandars Reader in Bibliography, Cambridge, 1909, F.S.A. Chess 1873, 4. WORKS : ^Bibliography of the Fight at Dame Early Oxford Press, 1895 (Oxf. Hist. Europa's School, 1882. Soc.). ^Bibliography of Sachcverell, 1884. A Summary Catalogue of Western MSS. Why we believe the Gospels to con/a >n in the Bodleian Library, Vols. iii-vi, genuine history, 1889 (Oxf. House 1895-1906. Papers). ^BfNiographieal list of printed works oj ^Oxford. A subject and alphabetical Dr. Pusey, 1897. index (not publ.), 1887. The Gresleys of Drakeloice, 1899. List of the Oxford City Record*, 1887. -\A chart of Oxford printing, 1468-1900, \Rough list of manuscript material* 1904. relating to the History of Oxford. fObituary : Albert Watson, 1904 1887. (Oxf. Magazine). fEdited A Century of the Phoenix Com- -\~The original Bodleian copy of the first mon Room, Brasenose College, 178K- folio of Shakespere (with S. Gibson 1886, 1888. and G. M. R. Turbutt, 3 issues), ^Bodleian lending, 1888. 1905. f(With W. E. Buckley) The Erase- The Oxford University Press, a briej nose Calendar, 1888. account, 1908. \-The Brazen Nose (see Moriogr. viii). Parts of the Oxford Historical Edited Stuart Papers (2 vols. : Rox- Society's Publications. burghe Club), 1889. -\-Quatercentenary Monographs, i, ii, \-Books in Manuscript, 1893. viii, 1909. Ale 1870, 9, 81 ; P.C.R. Meredith, Samuel Redhead (Yorks.) ; Leeds. Coin. Matr. cler. 15 Oct. 1870, aged 20 ; Colquitt Ex. 1872 ; 2 Cl. Mods., 3 Cl., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1896. Chess 1873, 4, 5, 6. Solicitor in Leeds (Messrs. Snowdon, Meredith, and Hubbersty). Norris, William Burrell (Oxon.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. D.D. f. 9 June 1870, aged 18 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. and rem. 1877. C. of Warblington, Hants., 1875-8; R. 1878. Parrott, James Alfred (Chesh.) ; Macclesfield. Com. Matr. arm. 15 Oct. 1870, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1872 ; 3 Law, S.C.L. and B.A. 1873 ; lied 1879. Pedder, John Wilson (Som.) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. cler. 9 June 1870, aged 17 ; 4 Theol., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1874 ; M.A. and rem. 1877. C. of Stoke-upon-Trent 1876-8 ; of Garstang, Lanes., 1878-91 ; V. 1891. Price, Henry Malnie (Oxon.) : Ch. Ch. Cath. School. Com. Matr. gen. 31 Jan. 1870, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex. and 3 Cl. Mods. 1872 ; Hulme Ex. 1873 ; B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1876 ; died 1878. Cler. Rawnsley, Edward Preston (Lines.); Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 9 June 1870, aged 18; B.A. 1873; M.A. 1906. Vincent's. Of Harrington Hall, Spilsby, Lines., J.P. ; Master Southwold Hounds. P.C.R. Roberts, Arthur Phillips (Flints.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1870, aged 18 ; B.A. 1873 ; rem. 1890. Of Coeddu, Flint, J.P. and D.L. ; Earr. Inner Temple 1877; late Capt. Royal Flints. Militia. Burke's Landed Gentry. 624 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK [1870 Stock, Thomas (Warws.) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 1 Dec. 1870, aged 18 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1878. Torpid 1871 ; Eight 1871, 2, 3 ; Vincent's. Lieut. Essex Regt. 1875 ; Captain 1882 ; Major 1885 ; Lieut. -Col. 1899-1901 ; Col. commanding 44th Reg. District 1902 ; served in South Africa 1901-2 in command of the 2nd Batt. Essex Reg. (dispatches, medal with 5 clasps) ; died 1908. Sherwood. Thomas, Cecil Henry (Sussex); Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 1 Dec. 1870, aged 19; rem. 1873. At Lloyds. P.C.E. Tuke, Edward Henry (Kent) ; Marlborough and Lancing. Com. Matr. cler. 1 Dec. 1870, aged 18 ; rem. 1873. C. of Pickering, Yorks., 1876-9 ; V. of Weston LullingBeld, Salop, 1879. Urmston, Henry Brabazon (E. Indies) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. 9 June 1870, aged 18 ; rem. 1871. Sub-lieutenant 14th Regt. 1872; Bengal Staff Corps 1875; Wing Officer and Adjutant 6th Punjaub Infantry 1876 ; served in Jowaki Expedition 1877-8 ; Afghan War 1879-80 (dispatches, medal) ; Captain 1884 ; massacred by the Akodais tribe, near Oghee, Hazarah Frontier, Punjaub, in the act of trying to save a wounded comrade 18 June 1888. Guardian, 27 June 1888. Wallroth, Conrad Adolphus (Kent) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1870, aged 19 ; B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1879. Torpid 1871, 3 ; Cricket 1872, 3, 4; Vincent's. Wilde, James Dearden (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 15 Oct., aged 19 ; Iver and Open Sch. 1870; 2 Cl. Mods. 1872; 3 Law, Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1874 ; 3 Cl. 1875; M.A. 1877 ; rem. 1888. Assist. Master Reading School, Tavistock Grammar School, Cranbrook School ; Head Master Balshaw's School, Leyland ; Principal Highbury House School, St. Leonards, 1903. Willink, Henry George (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 9 June 1870, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1872 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1874; M.A. 1877. Octagon. Of Hillfields, Burghfield, Berks., J.P. and C.C. ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1877 ; Chancery Bar 1877-86 ; on Staff of Weekly Reporter and Laic Times ; Capt. Inns of Court R.V. BENEF. : Plate 1908. WORKS : \-The Dutch home labour colonies, 1889. Illustrated Mountaineering in Bad- Edited 2nd ed. Sir G. Nicholl's minton Series. History of English Poor Law. Quat. Mon. v. Young, James Foster (Suffolk) ; Bradfield. Com. Matr. cler. 1 Dec. 1870, aged 17; 3 Law and B.A. 1874; M.A. and rem. 1877; died 8 Apr. 1881. Student Lincoln's Inn 1873; C. of St. Peter's, Eaton Square, 1878-81. WORK : -\-Ftie weeks in Greece, 1876. 1871] BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 625 1871 Alsop, Arthur Richard (Lanes.); Com. Matr. cler. 30 Nov. 1871, agpd 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1875 ; B.A. 1876; M.A. 1878. C. of Acton Trussell with Bednall, Staffs., 1877-80 ; V. 1880. Ale 1874. Boyd, Hugh Fenwiok (Durham) ; Marlborough. Sch. Matr. arm. 1 June 1871, aged 18 ; Open Sch. 1871 ; rem. 1872. Barr. Inner Temple 1880 ; Q.C. 1896 ; N.E. Circuit ; practised in Admiralty Court and Commercial Court ; Rad. Cand. for Durham City, but taken ill on day of polling ; died 5 July 1898. WORKS : Third edition of Benjamin's Treatise Edited Lord Macaulay's Essay on on the Law of Sale of Personal Pro- Hallam's Constitutional History, perty, 1883. 1874. Fourth edition, do., 1888. Clayton, Horace Evelyn (Hants.) ; Marlborough Gr. School. Sch. Matr. cler. 1 June, aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1871 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and 3 01. Mods. 1873 ; 2 Theol., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1875 ; Senior Gr. Test. Pr. 1877 ; Denyer and Johnson Sch. and M.A. 1878 ; Chaplain New and Magdalen Colleges 1879 ; Fellows' Chaplain Magdalen College 1888. C. of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, 1876-80 ; V. 1884 ; R.D. 1896 ; Surr. 1902 ; Hon. Canon of Christ Church 1903. WORKS : -\The morality of the marriage law, 1895. "^The advancement of our Lord 1 s human- ^-Sermon on St. Mark i. 4, 6. ity, 1891. \The spiritual needs of Oxford, 1898. \The master and the servant, 1892. ^The Jews in Oxford, 1900. Crick, Thomas (Kent) ; Cranbrook. Sch. Matr. cler. 1 June, aged 18; Iver Sch. (open) 1871; 2 01. Mods. 1873; Hulme Ex. 1874; B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1878 ; rem. 1881 ; rep. 1891. C. of Hurstpierpoint, Sussex, 1878-80 ; of Rickling, Essex, 1880-4 ; V. of Chatburn, Lanes., 1884-6 ; of Farnworth, Lanes., 1886 ; died 23 June 1894. Crockett, Robert (Lanes.) ; Liverpool. Com. Matr. cler. 1 June 1871, aged 19 ; rem. 1875 ; B.A. New Inn Hall 1877 ; M.A. 1878. Cunningham, Herbert Noel (Hants.) ; Hail ey bury. Com. Matr. cler. 18 Oct. 1871, aged 20 ; 3 01. Mods. 1873 ; Colquitt Ex. 1874 ; 3 01. 1875 ; B.A. 1876 ; M.A. and rem. 1878. Torpid 1872, 3, 4 ; Eight 1874, 5. Assist. Master O.M.C. Cowley ; C. of Portsea, Hants., 1878 ; V. of St. George's, Tilehurst, Berks. ; R. of Grace Church, Le Mars, Iowa, 1881 ; of Christ Church, Watertown, Conn. U.S.A., 1884. Sherwood. Danby, Clement Edward (Yorks.) ; Radley. Com. Matr. cler. 1 June 1871, aged 18 ; B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1878. C. of Belgrave with Birstall, Leics., 1877-9 ; C.-in-Ch. of Lyddington, Rutland, 1879-81 ; V. of Wythain, Lines., 1881-5 ; of Weston with Sutton Bassett, Northants., 1885 ; of Welham, Leics., 1887. Dodgson, Charles Heathfield (Essex) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 1 June 1871, aged 18; BA. 1875 ; rem. 1878. Of the Inner Temple 1873 ; Managing Proprietor of Dharmsala Tea Plantation, Kangra, Punjab. S s 626 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1871 Dunn, Egbert Harold (Kent) ; Blackheath. Com. Matr. gen. 14 Oct. 1871. a^ed 19; Colquitt Ex. and 2 Cl. Mods. 1873; Hulme Ex. 1874 ; B.A. 1876 ; died 1877. Empson, Arthur Reginald (Worcs.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 30 Nov. 1871, aged 18 ; B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1879. J.P. Worcs. ; of Yokefleet Hall, Yorks., J.P. and C.C. Freeman, Edward Vere (Hants.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 30 Nov. 1871, aged 18 ; 2 Nat. Sc. and B.A. 1875; M.A. and rem. 1878. C. of Southwell, Notts., 1876-9 ; of Exmouth, Devon, 1879-85 ; V. of W. Anstey, Devon, 1885-93; R.D. of South Molton, 1892-3; R. of St. James, Exeter, 1893-7 ; V. of Littleham with Exmouth 1897-1908 ; R.D. of Aylesbeare 1902-6 ; Inc. of Nuwara, Eliya, Ceylon, 1909. Sherwood. Freeman, Reginald Charles (Sussex) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 1 June 1871, aged 19 ; rem. 1874. Torpid 1872 ; Eight 1872, 3. Joined 3rd Hussars 1874 ; retired as Capt. ; late Maj. 1st V.B. Yorks. Reg. Gordon, Lord Esm6 Stuart (Scotland) ; Eton. Com. Matr. nob. 1 June 1871, aged 18 ; rem. 1874. County Alderman for Hunts. ; contested North Hunts. 1885 ; died 1900. Gordon, William Edward (London) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 1 June 1871. aged 18 : 4 Law and B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1878 ; rem. 1884. Barr. Middle Temple 1876, S. E. Circuit ; Law Reporter on the Staff of the Law Reports. Graham, John Malcolm Alexander (Kent) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. cler. 14 Oct. 1871. aged 20 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1873 : 4 Theol. and B.A. 1875 ; M.A. and rem. 1878. High Jump 1872, 3, 4. C. of St. George's, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs., 1878-82 ; V. of St. Paul's, Burslem, 1882-1901; of Shrewton with Maddington, Wilts., 1901-8 ; of Trentham, Stoke, 1908 ; Archdeacon of Stoke-on-Trent 1908. Gray, Andrew Edward Phillimore (Lanes.). Com. Matr. cler. 30 Nov. 1871, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex. and 2 Cl. Mods. 1873 ; B.A. 1874 ; Junior Gr. Test. Pr. 1875 ; M.A. and rem. 1878. V. of Poynton, Chesh., 1882-5; R. of Wallasey, Chesh., 1885; Lect. at St. Aidan's Theol. Coll. 1891-4 ; died 1895. Hunt, Francis Durrant (Warws.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 1 June 1871, aged 18 ; B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1884. Torpid 1872 ; Eight 1872-4 ; Octagon, Vincent's. J.P. Oxon. P.C.R. ; Sherwood. Knollys, Archibald Augustus (Gloucs.) ; Haileybury. Sch. Matr. cler. 1 June 1871. aged 19; 2 Math. Mods. 1873; Hulme Ex. 1874; 3 Math, and B.A. 1875 ; M.A. and rem. 1878. Torpid 1874, 5 ; Eight 1876, 7 ; Vincent's. C. of Saltwood, Kent, 1876-9 ; of Wrotham, Kent. 1879-85 ; V. of Oakwood, Surrey, 1885-96 ; Chap, of Holy Trinity, Florence, 1896. Sherwood. 1871] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 627 Lancashire, Philip (Lanes.) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. arm. 1 June 1871, aged 18 ; B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1878. C. of All Saints, Bradford, 1876-80 ; of Prestwich, Lanes., 1880-3 ; V. of St. Peter's, Oldham, 1883 ; Surr. 1888 ; R.D. 1903-8. Leigh, Neville Egerton (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 1 June 1871, aged 18 ; B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1878. Vincent's. C. of Leeds 1878-89 ; P.C. of Kirkstall, Leeds, 1889-1907 ; Hon. Canon of Ripon 1905; Hon. Chap. Richmond Union 1907 ; Surr., R. and R.D of Richmond, Yorks, 1907 ; P.C. of Holy Trinity, Richmond, 1907. Milne, Robert Oswald (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 1 June 1871, aged 18 ; 3 Law 1875 ; B.A. and rem. 1876. Tennis 1872, 4. 5 ; Racquets 1873, 4, 5 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Merchant in Manchester. Phillips, Charles James (London) ; Harrow. Corn. Matr. arm. 1 June 1871. aged 18; B.A. 1874; M.A. 1879. Octagon, Vincent's. Managing Director of Watney, Combe, Reid & Co., Brewers ; J.P. and D.L. Leics., High Sheriff 1899. Porteous, David Scott (Scotland) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 1 June 1871, aged 18; rem. 1874. Of Lauriston, Kincardineshire, J.P. and D.L. ; joined 2nd Dragoons 1874; ret. 1877; late Lieut. Gloucs. Yeomanry 1881-8. Burke's Landed Gently. Salmonson, Alfred Ashton (Lanes.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 1 June 1871, aged 18 ; rem. 1890. Student Inner Temple 1873 ; assumed additional name of Critchley. Sandford, George William (Chesh.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. cler. 9 Mar. 1871, aged 19 ; Hulme Ex. 1874 ; B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1877 ; R. of Tedstone Delamere 1894-7. C. of Gt, Malvern, Worcs., 1877-80 ; of Stratfield Mortimer, Berks., 1881-2 ; R. of Stubton, Lines., 1886-90 ; of Rowberrow, Som., 1890-4 : Inc. of St. Mary, Langford, Som., 1900-4. Sharp, Benjamin (Lanes.) ; Ipswich. Sch. Matr. gen. 14 Oct. 1871, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1843 ; 3 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1875 ; B.A. 1876 : M.A. 1878 ; rem. 1882. Assist. Master at Loretto, Bradfield, and Lancing 1878-85 ; Head Master of Hawarden Gr. School and Lord Williams's School, Thame, 1885-99. O.H.S. xix. Sleigh, Charles Ogle (Salop) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. arm. 9 Mar. 1871, aged 20 ; died 1 Apr. 1873 ; monument in College Chapel. Spurling, Frank (Surrey) ; Radley. Com. Matr. arm. 30 Nov. 1871, aged 18 ; 2 Hist. 1875 ; B.A. 1876 ; rem. 1882. Assist. Master of C.E. Gr. School, Melbourne, Australia, 1878-80 ; London Stock Exchange. Stevens, Arthur Blundell (Surrey) ; Blackheath. Com. Matr. gen. 14 Oct. 1871, aged 20 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1873 ; B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1885 ; B.Med. 1889. Member of Canterbury House of Laymen and of Representative Church Council. s s 2 628 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1871-2 Still, Ernest Robert (Surrey) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 1 June 1871, aged 18 ; 2 Law and B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1880. Rugby 1873; Octagon, Vincent's. Solicitor. Warren, Henry Hatchell (Ireland). Com. Matr. arm. 9 Mar. 1871, aged 19 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1874 ; rem. 1876. Barr. Inner Temple 1877; died 29 June 1879. Wilson, Edward Brook (Yorks.) ; Repton. Com. Matr. arm. 1 June 1871, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1873 ; B.A. and rem. 1874 ; died 1877. Wright, Charles Francis (Edinburgh) ; Loretto. Com. Matr. arm. 14 Oct. 1871, aged 19; 2 Law 1875 ; 3 B.C. L. and B.A. 1876; B.C.L. 1879 ; rem. 1881. Torpid 1875, 6. Barr. Inner Temple 1877, Northern Circuit. Sherwood. 1872 Amphlett, Edward Qreenhill (Argyll) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1872, aged 18 ; 2 Law and B.A. 1876 ; M.A. 1879. Octagon, Vincent's. J.P. Sussex ; 3rd Staffs. Militia 1876-80 ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1879, Oxford Circuit ; F.Ch.S. ; M.R.I. Burke's Landed Gentry. Bovill, Archibald George (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. eq. 27 Jan. 1872, aged 18 ; rem. 1874. Barr. Middle Temple 1876 ; Clerk of Arraigns Western Circuit 1883 ; died 1897. Bowman, Arthur Gerald (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Nov., 1872, aged 18 ; B.A. 1877 ; M.A. 1884. C. of Holy Trinity, Hoxton, 1877 ; of St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1879-84; V. of St. Andrew's, Westminster, 1884; of St. Mark's, Kennington, 1889-97 ; Reader of the Chapel Royal, Savoy, 1901 ; Assist. Chap. 1902 ; died Sept. 1904. Brown, Henry Vaughan (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Sch. Matr. gen. 12 Oct., aged 19; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1872 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1874; Hulme Ex. 1875 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1876 ; M.A. and rem. 1879. C. of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, 1877-9 ; of High Wycombe 1879-91 ; died 1891, just after being presented to the living of Stewkley, Bucks. Coote, Charles Lewis (Germany) ; Radley. Sch. Matr. M.D. 11 June 1872, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1873 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1876. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1881 ; Member of Conveyancers' Institute 1902. Coxe, Philip Henry (London) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1872, aged 17 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1876 ; M.A. 1879. Torpid 1873, 4; Eight 1874. 5, 6 ; Swimming 1874, 5, 6 ; Vincent's. Solicitor ; Steward of the Manor of Folkestone and Downton. Sherwood; P.C.B. Dawnay, Hon. Francis Herbert (Eton). Com. Matr. nob. f. 28 Nov. 1872, aged 18 ; B.A. 1875 ; rem. 1876 ; rep. 1878 ; rem. 1880. Barr. Inner Temple 1879 ; Captain Yorkshire Hussars. 1872] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 629 Edwards, Arthur Janion (Lanes.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Mar. 1872, aged 18 ; 4 Hist, and B.A. 1876 ; rem. 1880. Vincent's. Of Beech Hill Park, Essex ; J.P., D.L. and C.C. ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1879, Oxford Circuit ; High Sheriff 1893. P.C.R. Foord, James (Yorks.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 23 May 1872, aged 18; 2 Theol. and B.A. 1875; Denyer and Johnson Sch. 1877; M.A. 1879. Octagon, Vincent's. C. of Beddington, Croydon, 1877-8 ; V. of Kirk Ella, Hull, 1878 ; R.D. ofHowden 1894. Gale, William Henry (Derbs.) ; Clifton. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1872, aged 18; died 1875. Sherwood. Heslop, "Walter (Lanes.); Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 12 Oct., aged 19 ; Open and Somerset Sch. 1872 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1874; 2 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1876 ; B.A. 1877 ; M.A. 1879 ; rem. 1880 ; rep. 1883 ; rem. 1895. Assist. Master Elstree School ; Head Master St. Leonard's School ; 2nd Master Dewsbury Gr. School; Head Master Lymm (Chesh.) Gr. School ; engaged in tuition. Ale 1877. Hill, George Cecil (Herts.) ; Haileybury. Com. Matr. cler. 23 May 1872, aged 19 ; 4 Hist., B.A. and rem. 1876. A short time in Guinness's Brewery, Dublin ; then coffee planting in Ceylon, and a master in the Royal Coll., Colombo; health finally gave way, and he died at Brighton 21 Oct. 1886. Humbert, Francis Albert (Surrey) ; Bradfield. Com. Matr. cler. 23 May 1872, aged 18 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1875 ; died 1876. Jones, Alexander Fletcher (Dumfries) ; Oswestry. Sch. Matr. gen 12 Oct. 1872, aged 18 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1874 ; 1 Math, and B.A. 1875 ; 1 Nat. Sc. 1876 ; accidentally shot 1878. Lament, John Henry (Edinburgh) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Mar. 1872, aged 18; B.A. and rem. 1875. Octagon, Vincent's. Of Lament, co. Argyll ; J.P. and D.L. ; Commr. of Supply for co. Argyll ; Lieut. 9th Lancers 1877, Capt. 1885, Maj. 1890 ; Afghan War 1878-80 ; accompanied Sir F. Roberts in the march to Kandahar, and was present at the battle of Kandahar (medal with two clasps and bronze decoration). Burke's Landed Gentry. Laye, Arthur Henry Webb (Yorks.); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Nov. 1872, aged 18 ; rem. 1877. Octagon, Vincent's. Manager of the Grand Hotel, Scarborough. Littlewood, Benjamin Campbell (Worcs.); Cheltenham. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1872, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex. 1874 ; 4 Theol. and B.A. 1876; M.A. 1879. C. of Codsall, Staffs., 1877-9; of Keele, Staffs., 1879-80; Lie. Pr. Dioc. Gloucester and Bristol 1884-8; V. of Warfield, Bracknell, Berks., 1888. Burke's Landed Gentry. 630 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1872 McGwire, William Walter (Dublin) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1872, aged 19; rem. 1873. Macmillan, Michael (Scotland); Marlborough. Sch. Matr. arm. 12 Oct. 1872, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1873 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1876 ; rem. 1889 ; rep. and M.A. 1905 ; D.Litt. Birmingham 1908. Prof, of Logic and Moral Philosophy at Elphinstone Coll., Bombay, 1878 ; Prof, of English Literature 1891-1907 ; Principal of Elphinstone 1901-7 ; English Lect., Birmingham University, 1905. Rugby 1876. WOBKS : Years Ago and other Indian Simple Essays. Studies. Essays for the Young. Tales of Indian Ctiivalry. Questions and Answers on Elementary Princess of Balkh. Logic. In Wild Mahratta Battle. Annotated editions of Marmion, The Last of the Peshwas. Rokeby, Paradise Lost (i-iv), Vicar (With D. B. Hakim) Handbook of of Wakefleld, Southey's Nelson, English Grammar and Composition. Pope's Homer's Iliad, Pride and (With A. Barrett) English Idioms, Prejudice, Othello, Julius Caesar. Indian English Corrected, and Notes School History of India. on the Siege of Corinth. Promotion of General Happiness. B.N.C. Ale poem in Songs of the Globe Trotter in India 2Vo Hundred Vine. Ale 1876. Marriott, John Marmaduke (Leics.); Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 2 Nov. 1872, aged 19 ; rem. 1873. Burke's Landed Gentry. Parkyns, Thomas Mansfield Forbes (Notts.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. bart. f. 23 May 1872, aged 19 ; 3 Law 1876; rem. 1885. Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1879 ; 6th Bart. 1895. Parry, Edward Henry (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Sch. Matr. gen. 12 Oct., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1872 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and 3 Cl. Mods. 1874 ; 2 Theol. and B.A. 1876 ; Syriac Version Pr. 1879 ; rem. 1885. C. of St. George, Manchester, 1877-9; of St. Peter, Fleetwood, Lanes., 1879-80; of St. Leonard, Balderstone, Lanes., 1880-1 ; of Upton Bishop, Herefs., 1882-3 ; V. of Dulas, Herefs., 1883. Pollock, Arthur Williamson Alsager (Pau) ; Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1872, aged 18 ; rem. 1874. Torpid 1873, 4. 13th Prince Albert's Light Infantry 1875 ; Transvaal 1878 (medal with clasp) ; Zulu War 1879 ; Army Service Corps 1883 ; Suakim Expedition 1885 (medal with two clasps and bronze star) ; rejoined reg. 1889 ; Maj. Com. Dep6t 1896; retired 1898; Editor United Semice Magazine; Special Correspondent of Times in S. Africa 1899 ; 2nd in command of Provisional Batt., Aldershot, 1901-2 ; Instructor in Tactics R.M.C., Sandhurst, 1902; conducted the training of the Spectator Experimental Company March-September 1906. WORKS : With Seven Generals in the Boer War. Contemporary Review, Monthly Simple Lectures for Company Field- Review, Fortnightly Review, Training. Journal of the R. U.S.I., Mac- Contributed to NineteenthCentury, millan's, Temple Bar, &c. Sherwood. 1872] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 631 Simpson, Charles Edward (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. cler. 12 Oct., aged 19; Iver Sch. 1872 ; 2 Math. Mods. 1874; 3 Math, and B.A. 1875 ; 3 Nat. Sc. 1876 ; M.A. and rem. 1881. Stanhope, Edwyn Francis Scudamore (Eton). Com. Matr. 23 May 1872, aged 18; B.A. 1877 ; rem. 1878. Octagon, Vincent's (Pres.). Barr. Inner Temple 1880; 10th Earl of Chesterfield 1887; P.C. ; J.P., D.L. ; Capt. 4th Batt. Salop Light Infantry (retired 1887) ; Treasurer Queen's Household 1892-4 ; Capt. Corps of Gentlemen-at-arms 1894-5. Swindells, Henry Martin (Chesh.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. gen. 23 May 1872, aged 19 ; died through gun accident 8 May 1876 ; monument in College Chapel. Student Inner Temple 1874. Taylor, Charles George Harrington (Sussex) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 7 Mar. 1872, aged 18 ; rem. 1874. Tennant, William Edward (Lanes.); Epsom. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1872, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods, and Hulme Ex. 1874 ; 3 Theol. and B.A. 1876 ; M.A. 1879 ; rem. 1883 ; died. Thomas, Frederick Louis Charles (Dorset) ; Malvern. Com. Matr. bart. f. 27 Jan. 1872, aged 18 ; rem. 1874. 2nd Batt. East Surrey Regt. Thring, John Huntley (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1872, aged 18 ; rem. 1875. Octagon, Vincent's. Of Alford House, Somerset, J.P. ; coffee planter in Ceylon ; retired 1890 ; held various public positions in Ceylon ; sometime Alderman of County Council and Vice-Chairman of Board of Guardians. Burke's Landed Gentry. Utermarck, Charles (Devon). Com. Matr. cler. 23 May 1872, aged 17 ; died 1876. Torpid and Eight 1873. Sherwood. Vane, Henry de Vere (London); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. post eq. 23 May 1872, aged 18 ; 4 Hist, and B.A. 1876 ; rem. 1885 ; Hon. D.C.L. Durham. Torpid and Eight 1873, 5 ; Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1879 ; 9th Lord Barnard 1891 ; J.P. and D.L. for Durham ; Provincial Gr. Master Durham Freemasons 1900 ; Chairman of Agric. Com. Armstrong Coll., Newcastle ; of Governing Body of Shrews- bury Sch. ; of Tees Fishery Board ; Hon. Col. 3rd Batt. Durham L.I. White, William Lumsden (Glasgow) ; Loretto. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1872, aged 18 ; B.A. 1877 ; died 30 Dec. 1879. Torpid 1873, 4 ; Eight 1874, 5, 6, 7 ; Vincent's. Pall Mall Gazette, 6 Jan. 1880 ; Sherwood. Whitmore, William Walter (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 23 May 1872, aged 19 ; B.A. 1876 ; rem. 1877. Vincent's (Pres.). Formerly a Solicitor ; Priv. Sec. to Duke of Buccleugh. P.C.R. 632 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1873 1873 Benson, Henry Weightman (Middlx.); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 12 June 1873, aged 17 ; rem. 1876. Torpid, Eight, Captain B.C. and Oxford Eight 1874 ; Vincent's, Eton. Of Fairy Hill, Reynoldston, Glam., J.P. ; F.R.G.S. ; Lieut. East Surrey Reg. 1876, Capt. 1884, Maj. 1895 ; served in South Africa 1899-1902 (dis- patches twice, medal with three clasps, King's medal with two) ; D.S.O. 1900. Sherwood. Brooks, Marshall Jones (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 5 June 1873, aged 18 ; B.A. 1876 ; M.A. 1886. Rugby 1873 ; High Jump 1874, 5, 6 ; Long Jump 1876 ; Octagon, Vincent's. P.C.R. ; Strand, Mar. 1902. Browne, George Bickards (Yorks.) ; Hereford. Sch. Matr. cler. 13 Oct., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1873 ; Reed Sch. 1874 ; 1 Cl. Mods, and Hulme Ex. 1875 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1876 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1877 ; Chap, of Christ Church 1879-89 ; of New Coll. 1880-90. C. of East Acklam, Yorks., 1878-80 ; R. of Iron Acton, Gloucs., 1889. Cator, Francis Tetrode (Surrey) ; Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 20 Mar. 1873, aged 19 ; rem. 1874. Farmed in Surrey ; died in Paris 31 Mar. 1884. Vincent's. Chadwick, Charles Bobert (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 Jan., aged 18 ; rem. 1873. Died June 1877. Christian, Richard (Kent) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 5 June 1873, aged 18 ; 4 Law, B.A. and rem. 1877. Octagon, Vincent's. BaiT. Inner Temple 1882 ; died 15 Oct. 1895. Clementson, Constantino (London) ; Tonbridge. Com. Matr. cler., 27 Nov. 1873, aged 18 ; 3 Math. Mods. 1875 ; Colquitt Ex. 1876 ; 3 Nat, Sc.. Hulnie Ex. and B.A. 1877 ; M.A. and rem. 1880. C. of Sheffield 1877 ; V. of St. Thomas, Crookes, Sheffield, 1882 ; died 1901. WORK : These Holy Mysteries, 1899. Panning, Frederick Charles (William) (Australia) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 13 Oct. 1873, aged 18 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1877 ; rem. 1878. Vincent's. Of Dunster Manor ; in business, Messrs. Fanning, London, 1877-87 ; Director of the Australian Agricultural Company and Peel River Land and Mineral Company. Fuller, Fitzherbert Augustus (E. Indies) ; Wellington. Com. Matr. arm. 13 Oct. 1873, aged 21 ; died 7 June 1874. Vincent's. Goddard, Edward Hungerford (Wilts.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 20 Mar. 1873, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1874 ; Hulme Ex. 1875 ; 4 Hist, 1876 ; B.A. 1877 ; M.A. 1879 ; rem. 1898. C. of South Hincksey, Nr. Oxford, 1878-9 ; of St. Mary Magdalen, 1873] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 633 Oxford, 1879-80 ; of Hilmarton, Wilts., 1880-3 ; V. of Clyffe Pypard, Wilts., 1883 ; Org. Sec. S.P.G., Archdeaconry of Wilts., 1886-1903. WORKS : Editor of The Wiltshire Archaeological -\-Stonehenge, 1894. and Natural History Society's Maga- -\-Jfotes on objects from a Saxon inter- sine, 1890. ment at Basset Sown, 1895. Papers on Church and Corporation -^Notes on Wiltshire Books, &c., 1895. Plate in do., 1892. fjfofea on a Roman cross-bow found at \A Glossary of Wiltshire Words, Burbage, 1895. 1893-4. -\-Notes on Roman remains at Box ^Notes on the opening of a tumulus on (n. d.). Cold Kitchin Hill, 1894. -^Notes on the Church Plate of N. Wilts. t/n memoriam James Waykn, 1894. (n. d.). ^Wiltshire books, pamphlets and ar- -\-Notes on the CJiurch Plate of Wilts, tides, 1894. (n. d.). ^The Corporation plate and insignia of Wilts., 1894. Burke's Landed Gentry. Green-Price, Herbert Chase (Radnor) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. post bart. f. 5 June 1873, aged 18 ; rem. 1874 ; rep. and B.A. 1878 ; M.A. and rem. 1881. Vincent's. C. of St. Michael, Coventry, 1879-83 ; C.-in-Ch. of Norton, Radnors. 1883-6 ; V. 1886-95 ; Chap, of Knighton Union, Radnors., 1891 ; R. of Brampton Bryan, Herefs., 1895. Quest- Williams, William Seller (Chesh.) ; Ruthin. Com. Matr. gen. 27 Nov. 1873, aged 20 ; B.A. 1878 ; Chap, of Magdalen 1879-82 ; M.A. and rem. 1880 ; R. of Gt. Rollright 1897. C. of Chester-le-Street, Durham, 1878-80 ; C.-in-Ch. of New Hincksey, Oxford, 1880-1 ; C. of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, 1881-2 ; V. of Birtley, Durham, 1882-8 ; R. of Redmarshall, Durham, 1888-9 ; V. of Painswick, Stroud, 1889-97 ; died Aug. 1907. Holme, Hugh Sal vin (Cumberland); Manchester. Sch. Matr. cler. 13 Oct. 1873, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1873 ; Abbott Sch. and 3 Math. Mods. 1874; Hulme Ex., 2 Math, and B.A. 1877 ; M.A. and rem. 1880. Hammer 1876, 7. F.G.S. ; Assist. Master and acting Head" Master, Carlisle Gr. School, 1879-83 ; Head Master Carmarthen Gr. School, 183-90 ; Principal New Coll., Leytonstone, 1890-3 ; Senior Science Lecturer to Essex C.C. ; Instructor to Kent and Oxon. C.C. 1893-1900 ; called in O.H.M.S. for Boer War, Royal Laboratory, 1900-7 ; Master at New Coll., Herne Bay. Hutchinson, Charles Edward (Sussex) ; Woking. Com. Matr. cler. 27 Nov. 1873, aged 19 ; B.A., M.A. and rem. 1880. C. of Ch. Ch., Swindon, Wilts., 1890-2 ; of Painswick, Gloucs., 1892-5 ; of St. Andrew, Montpelier, Bristol, 1895-9 ; V. of Alderton, Cbippen- ham, Wilts., 1899. WORK : -^Songs and sonnets, 1880. Inkersley, Arthur (Warws.) ; Birmingham. Sch. Matr. gen. 13 Oct. 1873, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. Mods, and Hulme Ex. 1875; 3 Theol. 1877 ; Junior LXX Pr., 3 Cl. and B.A. 1878 ; rem. 1890. Torpid 1874, 6 ; Eight 1874. A Schoolmaster in Australia ; afterwards a Journalist in San Francisco ; Contributor to Strand Magazine, &c. Sherwood. 634 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1873 Kayll, Andrew James (Durham); Reading. Com. Matr. gen. 5 June 1873, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1879. Torpid 1875 ; Eight 1875, 6, 7. Sherwood. Ker, Thomas Bipley (Scotland) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 5 June 1873, aged 18 ; rem. 1876. Bullingdon, Octagon, Vincent's. Of Dougalston, Milngavie, N.B. ; J.P. and D.L. for Stirling and Dumbarton. P.C.R. Leigh, Arthur Egerton. (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 5 June 1873 ; aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1877. Octagon, Vincent's. Of the Manor House, Sherborne, Dorset, J.P. ; Manufacturer at Crew- kerne, in the firm of Hanbury, Digby, and Leigh. Burke's Landed Gentry. Leupolt, Albert Francis (E. Indies) ; King's Coll. School. Sch. Matr. cler. 14 Oct. 1873, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. M*ods. 1875 ; 2 Cl. and died 1877. Torpid 1875, 6, 7. Sherwood. Idttledale, Godfrey Armytage (Yorks.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 5 June 1873, aged 18 ; B.A. 1877 ; M.A. 1880. Shooting, Chancellors' Plate 1875, 6, 7 ; Capt. O.U. Volunteers ; Vincent's. C. of St. Paul's, Chichester, 1879 ; of St. Mark, New Swindon, 1879-86 ; V. of Chipping Norton, Oxon., 1886 ; Surr. 1886 ; R.D. 1903-5. Lloyd, Arthur Brooke (Dublin) ; Lucton. Com. Matr. arm. 5 June 1873, aged 17 ; Hulme Ex. 1875 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1877 ; B.C.L. 1880 ; rem. 1881. Barr. Inner Temple 1882 ; practised at Leeds and Newcastle ; Dep. County Court Judge for North, and Durham ; Dep. Recorder for New- castle, Sunderland, and Berwick-upon-Tweed. McNish, Alexander Copland (Lanes.). Com. Matr. gen. 5 June 1873, aged 18 ; B.A. 1877 ; M.A. and rem. 1880. Torpid 1877. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1879. Marriott, Henry Peter (Leics.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 13 Oct. 1873, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1879. Torpid 1874 ; Eight 1874, 5, 6, 7, 8 ; Oxford Eight 1875, 6, 7 (stroke), 8 (stroke), 9 (stroke) ; Vincent's. Went to Ceylon 1879 ; and then to Australia and New Zealand ; returned 1884 ; Agent for Sir C. Strickland. Sherwood ; Ale 1875. Morrall, Cyrus (Lanes.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. cler. 5 June 1873, aged 19 ; B.A. 1877 ; rem. 1881. Of Plas Yolyn and Plas Warren, Salop, J.P. ; Lord of the Manor of Trayan. Philpott, Octavius (Worcs.) ; Stafford. Sch. Matr. cler. 13 Oct. 1873, aged 18 ; Sch. Jesus Coll. Cambridge 1874 ; Senior Optime and B.A. 1878. 1873-4] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 635 Ralli, Constantine (London) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 5 June 1873, aged 18; rem. 1874. Vincent's. Vice-Pres. Penn. Cordage Co., Beverley, U.S.A. Bobbins, George William Francis (Northants.) ; Marlbo rough. Com. Matr. cler. 12 June 1873, aged 19 ; B.A. 1878 ; rem. 1879. Hoberts, Harry Bertie (Berks.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 12 June 1873, aged 18 ; 3 Theol. and B.A. 1876; rem. 1881 ; rep. and M.A. 1895. Torpid 1875, 6. C. of All Souls, Leeds, 1878-84; R. of West Wickham, Kent, 1884. Sherwood. Rogers, Charles Coltman (Herefs.); Eton. Com. Matr. cler. 20 Mar. 1873, aged 18; B.A. 1879; rem. 1902. Octagon, Vincent's, Bullingdon. Of Stanage Park, Herefs., J.P. ; J.P. and D.L. Radnor ; J.P. Salop ; Chairman Radnor County Council ; Member of Welsh Central Education Board ; Chairman Radnor Territorial Army Association ; on Council of Koyal Agricultural Society ; High Sheriff Radnor 1882 ; M.P. Radnor Boroughs 1884-5. WORKS : Intermediate Education and Rural Exodus ; History of Welsh Cobs and Ponies. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Royle, Vernon Peter Fanshawe Archer (Chesh.) ; Rossall. Com. Matr. D.Med. 28 Jan. 1873, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1878 ; rep. and M.A. 1884. Cricket 1875, 6 ; Octagon, Vampire, and Vincent's. Assist. Master Elstree School 1879 ; C. of Aldenham, Herts., 1881 ; Head Master of Elstree 1899-1900; of Stanmore 1900. P.C.R. Taylor, Walter Bosher (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 13 Oct. 1873, aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. (close) 1873 ; Somerset Sch. (open) 1874; 1 Cl. Mods. 1875; Hulme Ex. 1876; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1877; Senior LXX Pr. 1879 ; M.A. 1881 ; rem. 1882. 1874 Baily, Herbert Mainwaring (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1874, aged 18 ; 4 Hist, and B.A. 1877 ; rem. 1878. Torpid 1875, 6 ; Eight 1875, 6, 7 ; Vincent's. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1880. Sherwood. Belgrave, William (Som.); Uppingham. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1874, aged 19 ; B.A. 1878 ; rem. 1902. Octagon, Vincent's. J.P. Rutland. Chambres, Reginald Gordon (Chesh.) Com. Matr, arm. 30 Jan. 1874, aged 19; rem. 1890. Of Pentre, Kempsford, Fairford ; late Hon. Maj. 3rd Batt. Loyal North Lanes. Regt. Burke's Landed Gentry. 636 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1874 Childe, Edward Leonard (Worcs.) ; Malvern. Com. Matr. cler. 28 May 1874, aged 19 ; Colquitt Ex. 1876 ; B.A. 1879 ; rem. 1883 ; rep., M.A. and rem. 1885. Assumed the additional name of Freeman 1879 ; C. of Bolton Abbey, Yorks., 1880-2 ; R. of Edvin Ralph with Collington, Worcs., 1882. Burke's Landed Gentry. Christy, Edwin (Surrey) ; Radley. Com. Matr. gen. 19 Mar. 1874, aged 18 ; rem. 1876. Octagon, Vincent's. 2nd Lieut 8th Hussars ; died in India 1880. Churchill, Stuart (Dorset); Sherborne. Com. Matr. cler. 28 May 1874, aged 18 : 3 Theol. and B.A. 1878 ; M.A. and rem. 1881. F.R.G.S. ; C. of Holy Trinity. Islington, 1879-82 ; of Great and Little Driffield, Yorks., 1884-5; of Walcot, Bath, 1885-7; of St. Matthew, Bayswater, 1887-90; V. of Birling, Kent, 1890-2; of Holy Trinity, Kilburn, 1892-1901 ; R. of St. Werburgh, Bristol, 1901 ; Chap. Hook's Mills Orphan Asylum, Bristol, 1901. WORKS : The true Church and where to find it ; Who IPOS St. Werburgh ? Cook, Henry Lucas (Yorks.) ; Ely. Com. Matr. arm. 30 Jan. 1874, aged 19 ; B.A. 1877 ; M.A. and rem. 1880. C. of All Saints, Bradford, 1877-81 ; V. of St. Mark's, Low Moor, Bradford, 1881-90 ; R. of Skipton-in-Craven (and Surr.) 1890 ; R.D. of West Craven 1904 ; of East Craven 1905 ; Hon. Canon of Ripon. Coote, Orlando Robert (Sussex) ; Malvern. Com. Matr. cler. 28 May 1874, aged 19 ; rem. 1877. Daunt, Hugh Dalrymple (Chesh.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1874, aged 19 ; rem. 1890. Torpid 1875, 6, 8 (1) ; Eight 1876, 8 ; Capt. B.C. 1877 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Lately in business in London. Sherwood; P.C.R. Edwards-Moss, Tom Cottingham (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. bart. f. 28 May 1874, aged 19 ; B.A. 1878 ; M.A. 1881 ; rem. 1883 ; memorial window in chapel. Fours 1874-7 ; Eight 1875, 6, 7, 8 ; Captain B.C. 1875, 6, 7 ; Oxford Eight 1875, 6 (stroke), 7, 8 ; O.U.B.C. Pairs 1875, 6, and 8 ; Captain O.U.B.C. 1876 ; O.U.B.C. Sculls 1877 ; Diamond Sculls 1877, 8 ; Octagon, Vincent's (Pres.). Of Roby Hall, Lanes. ; M.P. (Widnes Div.) S.W. Lanes. 1885-6 ; Priv. Sec. to Home Sec. 1885 ; died 16 Dec. 1893. P.C.R. ; Sherwood ; Ale 1875. Ellioott, Henry William (America). Com. Matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1874, aged 18 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1878 ; rem. 1890. Port, Richard (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1874, aged 18 ; rem. 1876. Of King's Standing, Burton-on-Trent ; J.P. and D.L. Lanes. ; J.P. Staffs.; in llth Hussars 1878-81; M.P. Clitheroe 1880-5; M.F.H. Meynell Hounds 1898-1903. Burke's Landed Gentry. 1874] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 637 Germaine, Robert Arthur (London) ; Univ. Coll. School. Sch. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1874, aged 20 ; 3 Math. Mods, and Hulme Ex. 1876 ; 4 Law and B.A. 1878 ; M.A. 1882. Secretary of the Union 1876 ; Treasurer 1877-8 ; President 1878 ; Chess 1878, 9, 80. Barr. Inner Temple 1882 ; Recorder of Lichfield 1901 ; K.C. 1902 ; contested Hoxton 1885, 6 ; Northampton 1891 ; sat for Fulham in the first London County Council ; a Founder of the United Club ; died June 1905. Golding, "William Charles (Berks.); Bradfield. Com. Matr. cler. 12 June 1874, aged 17. Harke, Frederick Ormerod (Lanes.) ; Islington. Com. Matr. cler. 28 May 1874, aged 18 ; rem. 1876. Torpid 1876. Harrison, Thomas Martin (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 17 Oct. 1874, aged 20 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch., 2 Cl. Mods, and Hulme Ex. 1876 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1878 ; M.A. and rem. 1882. C. of Shelton, Staffs., 1879-82 ; of Adlington, Lanes., 1882-5 ; of Habergham Eaves, Lanes., 1885-7; V. of Bnercliffe, Lanes., 1887-94; of Longridge, Preston, 1894 ; Surr. 1896. Hotham, George (Yorks.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1874, aged 18 ; rem. 1878. Jacob, Edward (Wilts.) ; Uppingham. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1874, aged 18; B.A. 1879; rem. 1886. Torpid 1879 (1) ; Octagon, Vincent's. Electrical Engineer ; died at Gothenburg, Sweden, Oct. 1891. Lister, Edward Longworth (Chesh.) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1874. aged 18 ; B.A. 1879 ; M.A. 1881. Octagon, Vincent's. Of Cefn Ila and Twyn Bell, Monmouth, .T.P. ; Agent to the Duke of Beaufort ; Maj. Monmouth Militia Engineers ; died 28 July 1896. LODGE, Richard (Staffs.) ; Christ's Hospital. Matr. arm. Balliol 20 Oct. 1874, aged 19 ; Ex. 1874-5 ; Sch. 1875-8 ; Stanhope Pr. 1875 ; Lothian Pr. 1876 ; 1 Hist. 1877 ; Pellow 8 Feb., B.A. and Lecturer 1878 ; Tutor 1883 ; Junior Bursar 1880^t ; M.A. 1881 ; Official Fellow 1882 ; Hist. Exam. 1883, 4, 5, 6, 7, 96, 7, 8, 1906, 7, 8 ; Tutor 1883 ; Vice- Principal 1891 ; First Prof, of History, Glasgow, 1894-9 ; Prof, of History, Edinburgh, 1899 ; Hon. LL.D. Glasgow 1905. Vincent's. WORKS : -^Why has England become a great Translated Books V and VI of, manufacturing country ? Bluntschli, The Theory of the State ^Some problems of Scottish history, 1885. 1898. \-A history of Modern Europe, 1885. -\-The close of the middle-ages, 1273- Revised and corrected Smith's 1444, 1901. Smaller History of England, 1890. -\-How should history be studied? 1901. ^The study of history in a Scottish Uni- English Political History, 1660-1702, versify, 1894. 1909. ^Richelieu, 1896. ^Quater centenary Monograph 1 1 ,1909. Ale 1883, 4. 638 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1874 Mangin, William Nangreave (Gloucs.) ; Durham. Com. Matr. cler. 3 Dec. 1874, aged 18 ; rem. 1876. May, Henry (Staffs.); Wai tham stow. Sch. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1874, aged 20 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1876 ; 3 Cl. 1878 ; rem. 1881. Assist. Master Newcastle High School, Staffs., and Alley ne's Gr. School ; Master Christ's Coll., Brecon, and Beaumaris Gr. School ; died May 1907. Miles, Audley Charles (Wilts.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1874, aged 18 ; B.A. 1879 ; M.A. 1883 ; rem. 1895. Octagon ; Vincent's (Pres.). P.C.R. Nicholson, William (Sunderland) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1874, aged 18 ; died. Oakeley, John (Herefs.) ; Lucton. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1874, aged 17 ; rem. 1875. Of Oakeley, Salop. Page, Arthur Charles (Norfolk); Norwich. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1874, aged 19 ; B.A. 1878 ; M.A. 1881 ; died 14 Feb. 1883. Cler. Pryor, Roderick (Surrey) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 30 Jan. 1874, aged 18 ; B.A. 1877 ; M.A. 1883 ; rem. 1884. Octagon ; Vincent's. Merchant in the City. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Reid, William Cawley (Chesh.); Shrewsbury. Com. Matr. cler. 3 Dec. 1874, aged 19 ; Hulme Ex. 1876 ; 3 Theol. 1878 ; M.A. and rem. 1881. C. of Coppenhall, Chesh., 1878-80 ; R. and Surr. 1880 ; a descendant of Principal Cawley (173?). Rucker, Frederick George (Kent) ; Uppingham. Sch. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1874, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1876 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1878 ; M.A. 1881. Barr. Middle Temple 1879, Midland Circuit. Rucker, Reginald Wynn (Surrey) ; Clifton. Sch. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1874, aged 19 ; rem., 2 Hist., New Inn Hall, rep., B.A. and rem. 1878. Rugby 1874. 6 ; Octagon ; Vincent's. Partner in Henry Rogers Sons & Co., Metal Merchants. Sandeman, Edward Fraser (Scotland) ; Wellington. Com. Matr. arm. 28 May 1874, aged 18 ; rem. 1880. Octagon ; Vincent's. Student Inner Temple 1875 ; died 3 Sept. 1894. WORK : -^Eight months in an ox waggon, 1880. P.C.R. Scholfield, Henry Walter Bourchier (Rugby) ; Chesh. Com. Matr. D.Med. f. 28 May 1874, aged 18 ; 4 Law and B.A. 1878 ; rem. 1881 ; rep. and M.A. 1882. Shand, Henry Walcott (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1874, aged 18 ; B.A. 1879 ; rem. 1883. 1874] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK 639 Smith, George Henry Ellis (Hants.) ; Bradfield. Com. Matr. cler. Non-Coil. 13 Nov. 1874, aged 20 ; b. and c. 10 Apr. 1875 ; B.A. 1879 ; rem. 1880. Torpid 1877 ; Eight 1879 ; Vincent's. Stanley, Edmund Phipps (Bucks.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. 3 Dec. 1874, aged 19 ; B.A. 1878 ; M.A. 1881 ; rem. 1883. C. of Crosthwaite, Keswick, 1879-82 ; of Prestbury, Chesh., 1883-4 ; R. of Wootton Courtenay, Som., 1884. Stuckey, John (N.S.W.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. gen. 19 Mar. 1874, aged 21 ; B.A. and rem. 1877. Monument in College Chapel. Shipwrecked off Melbourne 1 June 1878. Symonds. Arthur (Chesh.); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 17 Oct. 1874, aged 18 ; 4 Hist. 1877 ; B.A. 1878 ; rem. 1879 ; rep. 1881 ; M.A. 1883. Torpid 1875, 6 ; Eight 1876, 7. C. of Eton, Bucks., 1880-2 ; of Horfield, Gloucs., 1883-4 ; V. of Poulton, Gloucs., 1884-6 ; R. of St. Thomas, Stockport, Chesh., 1886-1900 ; V. and Surr. of Over Tabley, Chesh., 1900; Proc. in Conv. 1902. Sherwood. Tancred, Seymour Mitford (Northumb.); Radley. Com. Matr. bart. f. 17 Oct. 1874, aged 18. Sherwood. Tuke, Thomas Seymour (Middlx.) ; St. Paul's. Com. Matr. D.Med. f. 17 Oct. 1874, aged 18; B.A. 1878; B.Med. and M.A. 1890; rem. 1900. Vincent's. Lect. and Clin. Inst. on Insanity, St. George's Hospital ; contributed to Clinical Journal, and British Medical Journal. Walls, Richard Arthur (Lines.) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. cler. 28 May 1874, aged 19; B.A. 1878; rem. 1887. Of Booth by Hall, Burgh, Lines. ; C. of Gainsborough, Lines., 1879-81 ; of Candlesby, Lines., 1882-3; of Steventon, Hants., 1884-6; R. of Letchworth, Herts., 1886-1906. Watson, Hugh (Edinburgh) ; Loretto. Com. Matr. gen. 19 Mar. 1874, aged 19 ; rem. 1875. Weatherley, Edward Christopher (Som.) ; Hereford. Sch. Matr. cler. 22 Oct., aged 19 ; Somerset Sch. 1874; rem. 1877. Mining Engineer at Ouray, Colorado, U.S.A. Wollocombe, John Henry Bidlake (Devon) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 28 May 1874, aged 19; B.A. 1877; M.A. 1883. Torpid 1879 (2). C. of Munsley, Herefs., 1877-80; of Uffculme, Devon, 1880-4; of Petersfield, Hants., 1885-6 ; of Hornchurch, Essex, 1886-8 ; of St. Stephen, Portsea, 1888-9 ; V. of Lamerton, Devon, 1889-1907. Woodcock, Parry John (E. Indies) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 3 Dec. 1874, aged 18 ; B.A. 1879 ; M.A. and rem. 1884. Vincent's. C. of Longton, Staffs., 1880-4 and 1885-6; of Henley-on-Thames 1884-5 ; of St. Matthew, Upper Clapton, 1886-7 ; V. of St. Paul, Chester, 1887-96; of Nether Stowey, Devon, 1896-7; C. of Mirfield, Yorks., 1900 ; Dom. Chap, to Bp. of Truro 1900-2 ; C. of Camborne, Cornwall, 1902-4; of Westbury, Wilts., 1904-5 ; of St. Saviour, Maritzburg, Natal, 1905-6 ; V. 1906 ; R. of Longparish, Hants., 1906. 640 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1875 1875 Barnes, Walter Mew (Isle of Wight) ; Sherborne. Sch. Matr. gen. 19 Oct. 1875, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1877 ; 3 Law 1879 ; B.A. 1880 ; M.A. and rem. 1882. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1881 ; Western Circuit. Bedson, Alfred (Lanes.); Manchester. Sch. Matr. gen. 19 Oct., aged 20 ; Somerset Sch. 1875 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1877 ; Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1879 ; M.A. 1882. C. of Christ Church, Eccleston, Lanes., 1882-5 ; of Burgh with Win- thorpe, Lines., 1885-6 ; of Braunston, Northants., 1886-90 ; of Heydour with Kelby, Lines., 1890-2; V. of Goodshaw, Lanes., 1892-9; of Osbournby, Lines., 1899-1906 ; R. of Scott Willoughby, Folkingham, Lines., 1906. Birkbeck, Vincent Mackesy (Yorks.) ; Uppingham. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 17 ; rem. 1877. Entered Royal Scots 1878 ; Lieut. 1880 ; Capt. 1887 ; Maj. 1890. Brooke, John Kendall (Suffolk) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 19 ; B.A. 1878 ; M A. 1882. Torpid 1876 ; Eight 1877: Vincent's. Of Sibton Park, Suffolk, J.P. ; Barr. Inner Temple 1880. Burke' s Landed Gentry. Bruce, John Qalbraith (Edinburgh) ; Fettes. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 17 ; B.A. 1879 ; rem. 1882. Torpid 1878 (1) ; Eight 1878, 9 ; Vincent's. Colt, George Brace (London) ; Highgate and Malvern. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 18 ; rem. 1876. Vincent's. Solicitor, practising in London. Eckersley, Nathaniel ffarington (Lanes.) ; Winchester. Com. Matr. arm. 2 Dec. 1875, aged 18 ; B.A. 1879 ; M.A. and rem. 1892. Torpid 1877, 8 (2) ; Octagon, Vincent's. Of The Trench, Wem, Salop, J.P. ; J.P. Lanes. ; Mayor of Wigan 1893 ; Maj. and Hon. Lt.-Col. 3rd South Lanes. Regt. ; Director of Eckersleys, Ld., Wigan, and of Parr's Bank. Fox, Frederick William (Chesh.) ; Sherborne. Com. Matr. cler. 20 May 1875. aged 19 ; Colquitt and Hulme Ex. 1876 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1877 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1879 ; M.A. 1882. Ingoldsby. Assist. Master Cordwalles, Maidenhead, 1880-2 ; Assist. Master Ports- mouth Gr. School 1887-1901 ; 2nd Master Lincoln Gr. School 1901-8; Assist. Class. Master Ipswich School 1908. Gee, Raymond (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Sch. Matr. arm. 19 Oct., aged 18 ; Somerset Sch. 1875 ; Hulme Ex. 1876 ; 1 Cl. Mods, and Reed Sch. 1877 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1878 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1879 ; M.A. 1887 ; rem. 1890. Class. Master R.N. Coll., New Cross, 1881-9; Head Master Perth Gr. School, W.A.. 1889-93 ; Mining Registrar Collie Coal Field, W.A., 1893-1908 ; Mining Registrar Geraldton, W.A., 1908. Hall, William Downes (Salop); Bradfield. Com. Matr. arm 20 May 1875, aged 19; BA. 1879; M.A. 1882; rem. 1884. 1875] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 641 Heath, Arthur Howard (Staff's.); Clifton. Coin. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 18; B.A. 1880 ; M.A. 1888. Rugby, England r. Scotland 1875; Rugby 1875, 7, 9, 80; Cricket 1876, 7. 8, 9 ; Torpid 1879 (2) ; Vincent's. Of Newbold Revel, Rugby, J.P. ; Lt.-Col. Stafford Yeomanry ; M.P. Hanley 1900-6 ; Ironmaster. Burke's Landed Gentry. Heaton, William Haslam (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Matr. arm. 19 Oct., aged 19 ; Tver Sch. (open) 1875 ; Hulme Ex. and 1 Math. Mods. 1876; 1 Math. 1878; B.A. 1879; 1 Nat. Sc. 1880; M.A. 1882 ; Nat. Sci. Exam. 1884, 5, 6, 96, 7 ; rem. 1896. Chess 1882. Prof, of Math, and Phy. Univ. Coll., Nottingham, 1884 ; Vice-Principal 1900. Ale 1881. Ingleby, Herbert (Warws.) ; Malvern. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 19 ; B.A. 1879; rem. 1884; died 5 Jan. 1900. Torpid 1878 (2) ; Octagon, Vincent's. Burke's Landed Gentry. Kerr, Robert Malcolm. Napier (London); Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 18; B.A. 1879; M.A. 1883. Barr. Inner Temple 1876. Knollys, Henry Francis (Devon) ; Harrow. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 17 ; B.A. and rem. 1878. Solicitor ; died 13 Oct. 1890. Longridge, George (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1876 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1879 ; rem. 1882. Torpid 1879 (1) : Eight 1879, 80, 1 ; Ingoldsby. C. of Wantage, Berks., 1881-6; C.-in-Ch. of Grove, Berks., 1886-8 ; V, 1888-91 ; Oxford Mission to Calcutta 1892-4 ; joined the Community of the Resurrection 1892; Provincial of the Community in S. Africa 1908. WORK : -\A History of the Oxford Mission to Calcutta, 1900. Macdonald, Thomas Mosse (Notts.) ; King's School, Canterbury. Sch. Matr. cler. 19 Oct., aged 19; Iver Sch. (open) 1875; Hulme Ex. 1876; 3 Cl. Mods. 1877; Eng. Verse, 3 Hist, and B.A. 1879; Prox. Ace. Ellerton Theol. Essay 1881 ; rem. 1890 ; rep. and M.A. 1896. Chap, and Class. Tutor St. Aidan's Theol. Coll. 1893-5 ; C. of St. Alban, Bordesley, Birmingham, 1895-7 ; of St. Mary, Kidderminster, 1897-8 ; of Halesowen, Worcs., 1898-9 ; of Solihull, Warws., 1899-1900 ; of Red- ditch, Worcs., 1901-3 ; V. of West Malvern, Worcs., 1903. WORK : -\-lona and other Poems, 1894. Ale 1879, 80. Marriott, George Strickland (Leics.); Winchester. Com. Matr. cler. 20 Jan. 1875, aged 19; B.A. 1879; rem. 1883. Cricket 1878 ; Torpid 1878 (2); Vincent's. C. of Kirkstall, Leeds, 1881-3; of Farnham, Surrey, 1884-5 and Appleton-le-Street, Yorks., 1885-6 ; R. of Cotesbach, Lutterworth, 1886-97 ; Hon. Chap. Lutterworth Union 1887-94 ; R. of Beighton and V. of Moulton, Norfolk, 1897-9 ; R. of Sigglesthorne, Hull, 1899 ; died 1905. Tt 642 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1875 Merriman, Harry Moubray (Bridgnorth) ; Sherborne. Com. Matr. D.D. 19 Oct. 1875, aged 18 ; B.A. 1879 ; M.A. and rein. 1883. After qualifying for a solicitor went ranching in New Mexico and then in the Argentine Republic ; returned to England and entered a stock- broker's office ; became a member of the Stock Exchange 1902. Moore, Melbourne Campbell (Australia) ; Scottish Coll., Melbourne. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Oct. 1875, aged 20 ; rem. 1880. Oswald, John (Gloucs.); Eton. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Oct. 1875, aged 19 ; rem. 1877. Chess 1876 ; Tennis 1876, 7 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Of Dunniker, Fife, J.P. and D.L. ; in Diplomatic Service at Lisbon and Vienna ; Clerk in Foreign Office 1884 ; retired 1890. Burke's Landed Gentry. Pattenson, Arthur Henry Tylden (Kent) ; Cranbrook. Com. Matr. arm. 4 Mar. 1875, aged 18 ; rem. 1878. Of Tetham Place, Battle ; J.P. and D.L. ; W. Kent Militia and E. Kent Regt. 1878 ; Zulu War 1878-9 (medal and clasp) ; retired 1898 ; rejoined 1900 ; Major ; S. African War (medal with three clasps) ; D.S.O. 1900-1. Burke's Landed Gentry. Pike, Marmaduke Christian (Dorset) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 20 ; B.A. 1878 ; rem. 1890." Torpid 1878 (1) ; Eight 1878 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Resident in Canada. Sherwood; P.C.R. Prower, Nelson (London) ; Rugby. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 18 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1878 ; MA. 1882 ; rem. 1884. Ingoldsby. Bidley, Walter Colborne (Berks.); Radley. Com. Matr. cler. 4 Mar. 1875, aged 19; rem. 1876. Vincent's. Saurin, Ernest Button (Warws.). Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 19 ; 4 Law and B.A. 1879 ; M.A. and rem. 1882. Torpid 1878 (2). Barr. Middle Temple 1883 ; Capt. and Hon. Maj. Pembroke V.C. Burke's Landed Gentry. Scott, Alfred Lovell (Natal) ; Malvern. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Oct. 1875, aged 22 ; 4 Theol., Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1879 ; M.A. and rem. 1882. 100 Yards 1877 ; Vincent's. C. of St. Peter, Lincoln, 1879-82 ; of Mansfield, Notts., 1882-3 ; of Worksop, Notts., 1883-6 ; Missioner of St. Andrew, Dioc. of Salisbury, 1886-9 ; V. of Derry Hill, Wilts., 1889. Scrimgeour, Ronald Cameron (Middlx.) ; Malvern. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 18 ; B.A. 1879 ; M.A. and rem. 1882. C. of Gt. Malvern 1880-3 ; of Easthampstead, Berks., 1884-94; V. of Exton, Rutlands., 1894-8 ; of Sibton, Sussex, 1898. 1875-6] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 643 Seddon, William. Herbert (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Sch. Matr. cler. 20 Jan., aged 19; Somerset Sch. 1875 ; 3 Cl. Mods, and Hulme Ex. 1876 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1877 ; B.A. 1879 ; M.A. 1886. C. of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, 1880-1 ; of Little Aston, Staffs., 1881-6; of Painswick, Stroud, 1886-90; P.O. of St. Mary, Hatfield, Herts., 1891-3 ; Chap. Church Army 1893-6 ; Chap. St. Saviour's Homes, Hendon, 1896-7 ; V. of Painswick, Gloucs., 1898. Speed, Henry Fiennes (Isle of Thanet); King's Coll. School. Com. Matr. arm. 13 Mar. 1875, aged 18 ; rem. 1876. Barr. 1880 ; C. of Spernall, Warws., 1886-8 ; of St. Mark, Pennington, Hants., 1888-92 ; of Hythe, Hants., 1892-4 ; of St. James, Poole, Dorset 1894-5; R. of Yarmouth, I.W., 1895. Story, Julian Russell (Surrey); Eton. Com, Matr. arm. 2 Dec. 1875, aged 19 ; B.A. 1879; rem. 1890. Octagon, Vincent's. Painter. P.C.R. Thistle, William George (Yorks.); Durham. Sch. Matr. arm. Corpus Christi 19 Oct., aged 18; Open Sch. (Bras.) 19 Nov. 1875; 3 Cl. Mods. 1876; 3 Nat. Sci. 1879 ; rem. 1880 ; died. Ale 1878. Ward, Henry Herbert (Warws.) ; Marlborough. Com. Matr. arm. 20 May 1875, aged 18 ; rem. 1882. Of Bearnett House, Stafford, J.P. ; late Maj. and Hon. Lieut.-Col. 3rd Batt. North Staffs. Regt. Burke's Landed Gentry. Willock, Robert Peel (Chesh.) : Cheltenham. Com. Matr. arm. 19 Oct. 1875, aged 18 ; B.A. 1879 ; M.A. 1882. Torpid 1877, 8 (2), 9 (1), 80 (1). C. of St. Margaret's, Lee, Kent, 1880-2 ; of St. Mary's, Hulme, Man- chester, 1882-4 ; R. of St. Matthew, Ardwick, Manchester, 1884-91 ; V. of St. James, Hope, Manchester, 1891-1906; Chap, to High Sheriff of Lanes. 1892 and 1902; to Manchester Artillery (V.) 1896-1906 ; to Lord Mayor of Manchester 1899 ; R. of Warmington, Warws., 1906. 1876 Adair, Henry William Sheffield (London) ; Eton. Com. Matr. L. 1876, aged 19 ; rem. 1877. 3rd Batt. Sussex Militia. Allen, Hubert Bancroft (Devon); Winchester. Com. Matr. L. 1876, aged 19 ; Sch. 4 Mar. 1876 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1877 ; 3 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1879 ; B.A. 1880 ; M.A. and rem. 1882 ; rep. 1896. C. of Mortlake, Surrey, 1881-3 ; C.-in-Ch. of Tunstall, Sittingbourne, 1884-7. Atkins, Herbert (Essex) ; Highgate. The first John Watson Sch. M 1876, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1877 ; 1 CL, Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1880. Ingoldsby. Clerk in Foreign Office 1888-93. Ale 1881. T t 2 644 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1876 Elaine, Herbert Francis (Cape Colony); Harrow. Com. E. 1876. aged 19; B.A. 1879; rem. 1889. Assn. Football 1879 ; Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1881 ; K.C. ; practising at Cape of Good Hope ; Attorney-General to the Orange River Colony. P.C.R. Bond, Frank (Staffs.); Birmingham. Cora. M. 1876, aged 19; 3 Law and B.A. 1880 ; M.A. and rem. 1883. Ingoldsby. Assist. Master Col wall Prep. School, Worcs., 1880-2 ; Assist. Master Worcester Cath. School 1882-5 ; Principal of Prep. School at Worthing 1885; Principal of Prep. School at Bexhill-on-Sea 1893. Boyce, William. Frederick Reynolds (Gloucs.) ; Cheltenham. Com. M. 1876, aged 18 ; B.A. 1880 ; rem. 1884 ; rep., M.A. and rem. 1890. Of Inner Temple 1883 ; sometime Principal of West London Coll. Buckley, Geoffrey Joseph Bulkeley (Wilts.) ; Marlborough. Com. L. 1876, aged 18 ; B.A. 1878 ; rem. 1879. Octagon, Vincent's. Late Solicitor 1882. Campbell, Archibald McTTeile (Lanes.); Repton. Sch. M. 1876, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1878 ; 3 Cl. and Hulme Ex. 1880 ; B.A. 1881 ; M.A. and rem. 1885. Torpid 1878 (1), 9 (1), 80 (2) ; Eight 1880, 1, 2 ; Vincent's. Sherwood. Comins, William Innes (Berks.) ; Abingdon. Com. E. 1876, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1877 ; B.A. 1879 ; rem. 1890. Solicitor, practising in London. Dugdale, Frank (Lanes.); Harrow. Com. M. 1876, aged 19; rem. 1877 ; went to Downing, Cambridge. Vincent's. J.P. Warws. ; Equerry in Waiting to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales 1901 ; Maj. and Hon. Lieut.-Col. Warws. Yeomanry ; M.V.O.; Order of the Reittrkreuz of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and of the Redeemer of Greece. Burke's Landed Gentry. Qolland, Charles Edward (Lanes.) ; Manchester and Magd. Coll. School. Com. M. 1876, aged 18 ; Sch. Trinity and 2 Cl. Mods. 1877 ; 2 Cl. 1880 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1881 ; M.A. 1886. C. of St. James, Grimsby, 1884-8; P.C. of Christ Church, Glasson, Lanes., 1889. Harrison, Heath (Chesh.) ; Malvern. Com. 8 June 1876, aged 18 ; rem. 1878; Gen. Com. 1908. Of Le Court, Liss, Hants., J.P. and C.C. ; Shipowner. BENBF. : Gave 5,000 to found two Exhibitions 1908. Quat. Mon. iv. Harter, Arthur Rede Hatfield (Beds.) ; Eton. Com. 8 June 1876, aged 17 ; rem. 1879. Octagon, Vincent's. London Stock Exchange. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. 1876] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 645 Hornby, Francis Villiers (Surrey) ; Radley. Com. M. 1876, aged 19 ; rem. 1878. Torpid 1877, 8 (2) ; Vincent's. Bankruptcy Dept. of Board of Trade 1884-8; Barr. Middle Temple 1885; Official Assignee in Straits Settlements 1888-90; Sec. Royal Commission on Labour 1891-4; Home Office 1894-5; Insp. of Reformatory and Industrial Schools 1895 : Sec. Union of London and Smith's Bank, Ltd., 1896-1905 ; now at the Bar. Homer, Charles Edward (Gloucs.) ; Cheltenham. Com. M. 1876, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1880. Surrey Cricket XI 1881-6 ; played for Gentlemen v. Players 1885, Gentlemen of England r. Australians 1886 ; Octagon and Vincent's. Admitted a Solicitor in 1885, but subsequently went into business. Hughes, Walter John Mansfield (France) ; Rugby. Com. 30 Nov 1876, aged 18 ; rem. 1879. Octagon, Vincent's. Horse breeding and ranching in U.S.A. 1880-8 ; farming in England 1888-97 ; Sec. of Royal Eastbourne G.C. 1898 ; of Royal Wimbledon G.C. 1903 ; of the Conservative Club 1906. P.C.R. Inglis, Alfred Markham (E. Indies) ; Rugby. Com. 9 Mar. 1876, aged 19; rem. 1878. Vincent's. Clerk in Child's Bank, Temple Bar. Kinder, Edward Herring (Lanes.) ; Norwich. Com. M. 1876, aged 20; B.A. 1880 ; M.A. and rem. 1883 ; rep. 1889. Chess 1878, 9, 80, 1,2; Lawn Tennis. Assist. Master Trent Coll. 1881; Chap. Trent Coll. 1883; Head Master of St. Ives School 1886-96 ; R. of Kirby, Bedon, Norwich, 1896 ; Dioc. Insp. Sch. ; Hon. Exam. Norwich Dioc. Assn. of Schools. Burke's Landed Gentry. King, Augustus Carter (Gloucs.) ; Cheltenham. Com. M. 1876, aged 18; rem. 1877. Torpid 1877 ; Eight 1877. Royal Welsh Fusiliers 1880 ; Burmese War (dispatches) ; Major 5th Lancers 1889 ; South African War (Elandslaagte, Ladysmith, dispatches) ; retired 1901. Lea, Thomas Simcox (Middlx.) ; Haileybury. Com. E. 1876, aged 19 ; Sch. Hertford 1876; 2 Cl. Mods. 1878 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1880 ; 4 Hist. 1881 ; M.A. 1883 ; B.D. 1905. C. of St. Peter, South Kensington, 1881-5; Assist. Chap, to Bp. of Adelaide 1885-6 ; Royal Soc. Exp. to Fernando de Noronha 1887 ; C. of Tedstone Delamere, Herefs., 1887-93 ; of Holy Trinity, Wavertree, Liver- pool, 1893-8; V. of St. Ambrose, Widnes, Lanes., 1898-1904 ; of Leek, Lanes., 1904-7; R. of St. Michael, Probus, Cornwall, 1907. WORK : Essays in Logos and Gnosis, 1905. Burke's Landed Gentry. Longfleld, Mountifort John Courtenay (Ireland) ; Eton. Com. M. 1876, aged 19 ; rem. 1877. Of Castle Mary, co. Cork; Lieut. Life Guards 1879; Capt, 1887; Maj. 1895 ; Lieut.-Col. 1902 ; Nile Expedition 1884-5 (medal with clasp and Khedive's star). 646 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1876 Mynors, Harry Walter Baskerville (Herefs.) ; Repton. Com. 8 June 1876, aged 18 ; B.A. 1879 ; Hulme Ex. 1880 ; rem. 1883. C. of Llanwarne, Ross, 1883-96 ; Chap, of Harewood, Herefs., 1891 ; R. of Llanwarne, Herefs., 1896. Burke's Landed Gentry. Newman, "William (Yorks.). Com. 8 June 1876, aged 18 ; B.A. 1880; M.A. 1884; rem. 1890. Cler. Bidgway, Francis Joseph (London); Harrow. Com. 8 June 1876, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1880. Octagon ; Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1883. P.C.R. Rogers, Percy John Mackarness (Som.) ; Bradfield. Com. Non- Coll. L. aged 19; adm. M. 1876 ; B.A. 1881 j rent. 1890. Assn. Football 1878-9 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Sub- agent to Sir H. Meux ; Agent to Lord James of Hereford, and to Lord Dunsany ; Assist. Sec. and Bursar at London Hospital ; Governor of Poplar Hospital 1905. P.C.E. Sandeman, Walter Albert (London); Eton. Com. 8 June 1876, aged 17; B.A, 1880; rem. 1884, Bullingdon, Octagon, Vincent's. Of Morden House, Cambs. ; Managing Director of George G. Sandeman, Sons, & Co. P.C.R. Smith, Hugh Arthur Mind (Siam) ; Eton. Com. 30 Nov. 1876, aged 19; B.A. 1879; rem. 1883. Torpid 1878 (2) ; Octagon, Vincent's. Went to China in 1880 ; joined the service of the Bank of England 1886 ; Agent for Bank of England in Birmingham since 1894. P.C.R. Spearman, Sir Joseph Layton Elmes, Bart. (Herefs.) ; Eton. Com. E. 1876, aged 18 ; rem. 1878. 2nd Bart. 1874; Capt. Welsh Div. Royal Artillery; J.P. and D.L. Glamorgan, High Sheriff 1882 ; J.P. Salop. Tatham, Edward Henry Ralph (Sussex) ; Highgate. Schf M. 1876, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1877; Hulme Ex. 1879; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1880; Lothian Pr. 1881 ; Assist. Chap. 1882 ; M.A. 1883. Ingoldsby (1st Pres.). C. of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, 1881-3 ; Tutor Can. School Lincoln 1884-7 ; R. of Well and Claxby, Lines., 1887. WORKS : ^Archaeological Papers, 1889, 1891. Lincolnshire in Roman Times, 1902. Thicknesse, Francis Norman (Lanes.) ; Winchester. Com. 30 Nov. 1876, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1880 ; rep. 1887 ; R. of Limehouse 1887-94 ; M.A. 1890 ; rem. 1894. Torpid 1878 (2), 9 (1); Eight 1879, 80. C. of St. Peter, Jarrow, 1882-5; Lect. Bolton Parish Church 1885-7; R. of Abington, Gloucs., 1894 ; V. of All Saints, Northampton, 1899 ; R. and R.D. of Hornsey 1904. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. 1876] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 647 Trepplin, Ernest Charles (Cumberland) ; Leamington. Coin. E. 1876, aged 19 ; rem. 1885 ; rep., B.A., M.A. and rem. 1886. 100 yards 1877, 8, 9, 80; Vincent's. J.P. Wilts, and Somerset ; Wilts. C.C. ; Agent to Viscount Portman. Tristram, Lancelot Shute Barrington (India) ; Eton. Com. 8 June 1876, aged 18; rem. 1879. Torpid 1877 ; Vincent's. 41st Regt. 1879; Lieut. 1881; Capt. Welsh Reg. 1888 (retired); 1st Boer War. P.C.R. Tunnicliffe, Ralph Chadwick (Lanes.); Rossall. Com. L. 1876, aged 18; rem. 1890. Student Inner Temple 1878 ; died 1905. Turton, Edmund Rushborough (Yorks.) ; Eton. Com. 30 Nov. 1876, aged 19 ; rem. 1879. Torpid 1878 (1) ; Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1882 ; late London C.C. Warner, Thomas Courtenay Theydon (London) ; Eton. Com. 8 June 1876, aged 18 ; rem. 1880. Torpid 1877, 9 (2) ; Eight 1877, 8, 9 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Of Highams, Woodford, Essex, J.P. ; J.P. Som. and Suffolk ; Col. Oxford Militia ; High Sheriff Essex 1891 ; M.P. North Som. 1892 ; Lichfield 1896 ; Chairman Warner Estate Co. ; Chairman Tottenham and Forest Gate Railway Co. ; Director Law Land Co. Sherwood. Weatherly, Alfred William Moore (Som.) ; Hereford. Somerset Sch. M. 1876, aged 18 ; Ex., Scm. Th. Manor Sch. and 2 Cl. Mods., 1878; Hulme Ex. 1879; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1880; M.A. 1883. Torpid 1878 (1) ; Eight 1878, 9 ; Ingoldsby (PreB.). C. of Portishead, Som., 1882-9 ; of All Souls, Leeds, 1889-91 ; of Oswestry, Salop, 1891-5; V. of Bardsley, Lanes., 1895-8; R.D. of Burnley, Lanes., 1907 ; V. of Holy Trinity, Habergham Eaves, Lanes., 1898. Weguelin, Arthur Gerald (Herts.) ; Harrow. Com. L. 1876, aged 20; rem. 1877. Octagon, Vincent's. Of the firm of Thomson and Bonar. P.C.K. Were, Walter (Devon) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1876, aged 19 ; rem. 1878. Lieut, 2nd West India Regt. 1882; Lieut. 81st Regt. 1886; Captain Reserve of Officers. Wollocombe, Francis (Devon); Winchester. Com. 30 Nov. 1876, aged 19; rem. 1882. 2nd Lieut. Royal North Devon Yeomanry 1879 ; farmed in Devon ; died 13 Apr. 1890. 648 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1877 1877 Bailey, Charles Richard (Yorks.) ; Uppingham. Com. E. 1877, aged 19 ; Colquitt Ex. 1878 ; B.A. 1881 ; M.A. and rem. 1884. Vincent's. C. of Wotton-under-Edge 1881-4 ; of St. Mark, Surbiton, 1884-9 ; Org. Sec. Dioc. Rochester 1891 ; V. of Christ Church, Forest Hill, 1901. Barton, Bertram Hugh (Surrey) ; Eton. Com. M. 1877, aged 19 ; B.A. 1880 ; M.A 1885. Torpid 1878 (2), 9 (2) ; Eight 1880 (one night) ; Octagon, Vincent's. Wine Merchant ; D.L. and J.P. co. Kildare. P.C.R. Bassett, George Forbes (Hants.) ; Marlborough. Com. M. 1877, aged 18; B.A. and rem. 1881 ; rep. 1901 ; M.A. 103. Torpid 1879 (1), 80 (1) ; Eight 1880. Solicitor 1884 ; Clerk to Southampton Justices 1897. Bently, Henry Rothwell (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Iver Sch. M. 1877, aged 20 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1879 ; B.A. and Hulme Ex. 1880 ; M.A. 1884; R. of Selham, Sussex, 1900-8. C. of St. Michael, Oxford, 1881-6 ; of Upper Slaughter, Gloucs., 1886-7 ; of Lower Slaughter, Gloucs., 1887-1900. Bond, Henry Charles (Wilts.) ; Marlborough Coll. and Gr. School. Sch. Somerset Sch. M. 1877, aged 19 ; 2 Math. Mods. 1879 ; Hulme Ex. 1880 ; 2 Nat. Sci., B.A. and Assist. Demonst. at Univ. Lab. 1881 ; rem. 1882 ; rep. 1887 ; M.A. and rem. 1888. President of University Lawn Tennis Club 1881 ; 1st President of Junior Scientific Society 1882 ; Ingoldsby. Assist. Master Quernmore School 1883 ; Holmby House School 1888 ; King's School, Grantham, 1902 ; Chap, and Second Master Brighton Coll. 1906. Bridge, Robert Moore (Dorset) ; Sherborne. Com. M. 1877, aged 18; rem. 1880. J.P. Dorset 1901. Bull, Henry Power (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Somerset Sch. M. 1877, aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1878 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1879 ; Reed Sch. 1880 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1881 ; M.A. and rem. 1884. C. of St. Sepulchre, Northampton, 1882-8; V. of Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk, 1888-92 ; C. of Downham, Cambs., and Assist. Missr. Dio. Ely 1892-7; Miss. P.S.S.J.E. Cowley St. John, Oxon., 1897; P.-in-Ch. of St. Philip's, Capetown. Cardew, William Berry (Hants.) ; Cheltenham Gr. School. Com. E. 1877, aged 18 ; B.A. 1880 ; M.A. and rem. 1884. C. of St. Jude, Birmingham, 1881-4 ; of Holy Trinity, Bordesley, 1884-6 ; of All Saints, Bromsgrove, Worcs., 1886-9 ; Chap, to Earl Manvers 1889 ; Lie. Pr. Dioc. Southwell 1890. Claughton, Charles Elton Felix (St. Helena) ; St. Paul's. Com. M. 1877, aged 18 ; B.A. 1882 ; rem. 1889. 1877] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 649 Edmondson, Robert Henry (Lanes.) ; Bury. Com. M. 1877, aged 19 ; rem. 1880 ; B.A. (T.C.D.) 1886. Priv. Sec. to Pere Hyacinthe 1882 ; C. of W. Clandon, Surrey, 1887-90 ; Master at Glenalmond 1890-1 ; C. of Old Swinford, Worcs., 1891-2 ; V. of Cradley, Worcs., 1892. Fiddes, George Vandeleur (Norfolk); Dulwich. Sch. M. 1877, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1879 ; B.A. 1884. Torpid 1879 (2), 80 (2). Secretary to High Commr. for South Africa 1897-1900 ; Polit. Sec. to the Commander-in-Chief, South Africa, 1900 ; Sec. to the Transvaal Administration 1900-2; C.B. 1901 ; C.M.G. 1905 ; Principal Clerk Colonial Office. POX, Herbert Francis (Som.) ; Clifton. Ex. University M. 1877, aged 18; B.A. 1881 ; M.A. 1884 : Official Fellow 4 Dec. 1889 ; Lecturer 1890 ; Tutor 1891 ; Classical Moderator 1901, 2. Vincent's. Formerly Assist. Master Bath College. WORKS: ^Thueydides : bk. iii, 1901. (With T. M. Bromley) Models and fEdited Renderings into Greek and Exercises in Unseen Translation, Latin Verse from the Westminster 1890. Gasetfe, 1906. Gardiner, Thory Gage (Middlx.) ; Cheltenham. Com. M. 1877, aged 20 ; B.A. 1881 ; M.A. 1887. Torpid 1878 (1) ; Eight 1879, 80 ; Trial Eight 1879, 80 ; Vincent's. C. of St. Jude's, Whitechapel, 1881-90 ; B. of All Saints, Colchester, 1890-2; of St. George the Martyr, Southwark, 1892-7; of Somerleyton with Ashby, Suffolk, 1897-1903 ; of Farnham, Surrey, 1897 ; Chap, to the Archbishop of Canterbury 1903 ; Member of the Royal Commission on the Poor Law 1905. Sherwood ; P.C.R. Goddard, Cecil Vincent (Wilts.); Winchester. Com. L. 1877, aged 18; Colquitt Ex. 1877; B.A. 1879; M.A. 1884; rein. 1889. Ingoldsby. C. of St. Oswald's, Chester, 1881-7 ; Chaplain at Teneriife 1887-9 ; at Meran 1889-90 ; V. of Chideock, Dorset, 1890-5 ; of Shrewton, Wilts., 1895-1901 ; R. of Baverstoke, Wilts., 1901 ; Member of Salisbury Dioc. Synod 1904. Burke's Landed Gentry. Hall, Henry Owen (Berks.) ; Marlborough. Com. E. 1877, aged 18 ; Hulme Ex. 1880 ; B.A. 1881 ; rem. 1884. C. of St. Paul, Burton-on-Trent, 1885-90; of St. Nicholas Cath., Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1890-1; V. of Karsdon, Northumb., 1891-4; of Benwell, Northumb., 1894-1901 ; P.C. of Budehaven, Cornwall 1901 ; died 25 Aug. 1903. Hayter, William Thomas Baring (London) ; Charterhouse. Com. E. 1877, aged 18; B.A. 1881 ; M.A. 1884. Torpid 1880 (2), Vincent's. C.of Icklesham, Sussex, 1883-6; of Kensington 1886-8; V. of Hints, Staffs., 1888-1900 ; of Honley with Brockholes, Yorks., 1900-4 ; of West- bury, Wilts., 1904. WORK : Editor Lichjitld Diocesan Calendar, 1894-1900. 650 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1877 Holgate, Clifford Wyndham (Middlx.) ; Winchester. Com. E. 1877, aged 18 ; 4 Jur. 1880 ; B.A. 1881 ; M. 1889. Ingoldsby. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1886; Leg. Sec. 1886 and afterwards (1902) Chancellor of Bishop of Salisbury ; Registrar Dioc. Salisbury 1897 ; died 21 Apr. 1903; memorial in Salisbury Cath. WORKS : ^Account of the chief libraries of New -\The Ordinal, 1894. Zealand, 1886. -\-Winchester Long Rolls (1653-1721), ^Account of the chief libraries of Aus- 1899. tralia and Tasmania, 1886. -^Winchester Long Rolls (1723-1812}, ^-Register of Winchester Commoners 1904. (1836-90), 1891. -^A proposal for printing an address ^Register of Winchester Commoners book of Old Wykehamists, 1900. (1800-35), 1893. t^* roll of names and addresses of Old ^-Proposed bibliography of Wiltshire, Wykehamists, 1900. 1892. +A memorial of H. W. Simpson, 1901. See a Memoir by the Bishop in the Salisbury Diocesau Gazette, May 1903. Hulse, Edward Henry (Hants.) ; Eton. Com. E. 1877, aged 17 ; rein. 1884. Octagon, Vincent's. 6th Bart. ; Capt. Roy. Wilts. Yeo. Cav. ; M.P. Salisbury 1886-97 ; J.P. Hants, and J.P. and D.L. Wilts.; served in South Africa 1900-2; died 1903. P.C.R. Jardine, Edmund (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. M. 1877, aged 19 ; rein. 1879. Farming in New Zealand. Kearsley, Harry (Yorks.) ; Rugby. Com. M. 1877, aged 18 ; rem. 1878. Kershaw, Arthur Herbert (Chesh.) ; Clifton. Com. M. 1877, aged 19 ; died 1879. Lang, John Henry Graham (Scotland) ; Harrow. Com. E. 1877, aged 18 ; B.A. 1880 ; rem. 1884 ; rep. and M.A. 1886. Octagon. Vincent's. Barr. 1884 ; Wine Merchant ; Director of the firm of Messrs. Hatch, Mansfield & Co. Marshall, Edward Shearburn (London) ; Marlborough. Som. Th. Manor Sch. (open) M. 1877, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1879 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1881 ; M.A. and rem. 1884. Torpid 1879 (2) ; Injroldsby. C. of St. Mary's (Marlborough Coll. Miss.), Tottenham, 1883-5; of Witley, Surrey, 1885-7 ; Chap, of Hambledon Union 1887-90 : V. of Milford, Surrey, 1890-1900 ; of Graff ham with Lavington, Sussex, 1900-2 ; of Keevil, Wilts., 1902-4 ; R. of W. Monkton, Som., 1904. WOBK : -{Flora of Kent, 1899 (Joint Author). Page, John Charles (Essex) ; Harrow. Com. 24 May 1877, aged 18; rem. 1879. Octagon, Vincent's. P.C.R. ; Ale 1879. 1877] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 651 Parr, Arthur Dudley (Leics.) ; Rugby. Com. M. 1877, aged 18 ; rem. 1890. Assumed additional name of Dudley 1880 ; Barr. Poole, Robert Henry John (Yorks.); Dnrham. Somerset Sch. (open). M. 1877, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1879 ; Hulme Ex. 1880 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1881 ; M.A. 1884 ; rem. 1899. Torpid 1878 (1) ; Eight 1878, 9, 80, 1 ; Captain B.C. 1878, 9, 80 ; Oxford Eight (bow) 1880, 1 ; Vincent's. Assist. Master Durham School 1881 ; Second Master 1909 ; C. of Christ Church, Gateshead-on-Tyne, Durham, 1908. Sherwood. Pym, Frederick William (Sussex) ; Radley. Com. M. 1877, aged 18 ; rem. 1878. Torpid 1878 (2). Late Capt. 3rd Batt. Beds. Regt. ; J.P. Beds. Burke's Landed Gentry. Rohrweger, Prank (Surrey) ; Radley. Com. E. 1877, aged 18 ; rem. 1879. Torpid 1878 (1). Barr. 1885 ; District Commr. 1894 ; First Police Magistrate, Lagos, 1896; has acted as Queen's Advocate, Colonial Secretary, Chief Justice and Governor ; Political Officer attached to forces in the Lagos Protecto- rate 1898, afterwards British Resident in Abeoknta, W. Africa ; C.M.G. 1899. WORK : (Joint Author) Parochial Assessment Rules. Rooper, Arthur Henry (Kent) ; Winchester. Com. E. 1877, aged 18 ; rem. 1878. Coffee planting, Ootsey Estate, Munjerabad, Mysore, 1881. Roper, John Charles (Sussex) ; Tonbridge. Keble M. 1877, aged 18 ; 3 Theol. and B.A. 1881 ; Denyer and Johnson Sch. 1882 ; Assist. Chap. Brasenose and M.A. 1884 ; rem. 1894. Prof, of Theology, Toronto, 1886 ; afterwards C.-in-Ch. of St. Thomas, Toronto ; now Prof, of Dogmatic Theology at the Theological Seminary, New York ; D.D. Sharpe, Henry Edmund (London) ; Mercer's School. Com. E. 1877, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1881 ; rep. 1882 ; M.A. 1884. Torpid 1879 (2). C. of Wrecclesham, Surrey, 1882-4 ; of Whitchurch, Hants., 1884-6 ; V. 1886-95 ; Chap, of Whitchurch Union 1884 ; V. of Newport, I.W., 1895. Simpson, Alexander Prout (London) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1877, aged 18 ; 4 Law and B.A. 1880 ; rem. 1903. Octagon, Vincent's. Solicitor; of the firm of Messrs. Moore & Simpson, London. Wilkinson, John (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Somerset Sch. M. 1877, aged 20 : Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1878 ; Iver Sch. and 3 Cl. Mods. 1879 ; Hulme Ex., 4 Hist, and B.A. 1881 ; M.A. 1884. C. of Benwell, Northumb., 1881-91 ; V. of St. Peter's, Newcastle-on- Tyne 1891. 652 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1878 1878 Bell, William Christopher (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Somerset Sch. M. 1878, aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1879 ; 2 01. Mods. 1880 ; Iver Sch. 1881 ; 4 01. and B.A. 1882 ; M.A. and rem. 1887. C. of Litherland, Lanes., 1883-5 ; Second Master of Gr. School and Pr. at Guild Chapel, Stratford-on-Avon, 1885-6 ; C. of Chapel Royal, Brighton, 1886-7 ; of St. Stephens, Hounslow, 1887-8 ; of Holy Trinity, Halifax, 1888-93 ; of St. Mary's, Hull, 1893-1900 ; of Sowerby, Yorks., 1900-4 ; of Eston with St. Matthew, Grangetown, Yorks., 1904-6 ; V. of Norland, Yorks., 1906. Ale 1881. Brown, "William Bridgman (Cape Colony) ; Christ's Coll., Finchley. Com. M. 1878, aged 18 ; B.A. 1882 ; M.A. and rem. 1886. Torpid 1880 (1), 1. Sherwood. Cazalet, William George (Sussex) ; Hereford. Somerset Sch. M. 1878, aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1879 ; B.A. 1882 ; M.A. and rem. 1885 ; rep. 1891. C. of Claines, Worcs., 1883-5 ; of Fetcham, Surrey, 1885-7 ; R. of Bentworth, Hants., from 1887; Chap, at Seville 1891; at Pallanza, Italy, 1902. CHANDLEH, Arthur (Surrey) ; Marlborough. Sch. University. M. 1878, aged 19 ; 1 01. Mods. 1880 ; 1 01. and B.A. 1882 ; Peilow 17 Nov. 1883 ; Assistant Tutor 1884 ; M.A. 1885 ; Tutor 1886 ; Vice- Principal 1889-91 ; R. of Poplar 1891 ; "Select Pr. 1892 ; Hon. D.D. 1901. Chap, to Bishop of Salisbury 1888 ; Bishop of Bloemfontein 1900. WORKS : The Greater Catechism at work in a Christ and Morality, 1886. large toicn parish, 1899. The spirit of man, 1891. Tom Andrews, 1901. Ara Coeli, 1908. Ale 1884. Collis, Gilbert Bobert Henry (Kent) ; Boston. Com. E. 1878, aged 18 ; B.A. 1883 ; M.A. 1885 ; rem. 1905. 3rd Batt, Gloucs. Regt. (Militia) 1882; Barr. Midland Circuit 1884; Hon. Maj. in the Army for services rendered during Boer war (not in S. Africa) ; retired as Hon. Lieut.-Col. 1904. Cuninghame, Arthur (Wellesley) Robertson (Scotland) ; Eton. Com. M. 1878, aged 19 ; rem. 1881. Octagon, Vincent's. Died 13 Apr. 1882. P.C.R. Drury, Francis Saxham Elwes (Wilts.) ; Winchester. Com. E. 1878, aged 19 ; 3 Hist. 1881 ; B.A. 1882 ; rem. 1884. Du Buisson, Arthur Edmund (Herefs.) ; Malvern. Com. M. 1878, aged 18 ; 2 01. Mods. 1880 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1882 ; M.A. 1886 ; rem. 1901. Torpid 1880 (2), 1, 2 ; Eight 1882. Barr. Oxford Circuit 1885 ; of Glynhir, Carinarthens., J.P. ; High Sheriff 1906. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. 1878] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 653 Du Croz, Percy Francis (Surrey) ; Harrow. Com. E. 1878. aged 18 ; B.A. 1882 ; rem. 1884. Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. ; died 1903. Farnham, George Francis (Sussex) ; Eton. Com. 19 June 1878, aged 18 ; B.A. 1883 ; M.A. 1885 ; rem. 1886. Octagon, Vincent's. Of Quorn Ho., Leics. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Fletcher, George Charles (Wilts.)"; Highgate. Somerset Sch. (open) M. 1878, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1880; 3 Cl., Senior Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1882; M.A. 1886; rem. 1904. Ingoldsby (Pres.). C. of St. Anthony's, Stepney, 1883-6 ; of All Hallows, Barking, 1886- 92 ; V. of All Saints, Lower Clapton, 1892-1908 ; of Newcliurch in Pendle, Lanes., 1908. Gaze, Worsley John Robert (Isle of Wight) ; Marlborough. Com. E. 1878, aged 18 ; 4 Law 1881 ; B.A. 1882 ; rem. 1896. Solicitor 1885, practising in London. Gordon, Edward George (Gloucs.) ; Harrow. Com. M. 1878, aged 19 ; rem. 1879 ; B.A. Merton 1884 ; M.A. St. Alban Hall 1885. C. of Grantham, Lines., 1884-7; of St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1887-91 ; V. of St. Mark's, Battersea, 1891-1902 ; of St. JohnEvang. with All Saints, Lambeth, 1902. Grey, Raleigh (Som.); Durham. Com. M. 1878, aged 18; rem. 1880. Torpid 1879 (1), 80 (1) ; Octagon, Vincent's. Entered Army 1881 ; Capt. 1885 ; served in Zulu War 1888 ; Lieut. - Col. ; Bechuanaland Border Police 1889-95 ; C.M.G.1896 ; accompanied Dr. Jameson into Transvaal 1896; served in South Africa 1899-1900 (Queen's medal, 4 clasps); retired 1904; on Legislative Council of Rhodesia. Haslam, Herbert Kingdon (Lanes.); Manchester. Somerset Sch. M. 1878, aged 20 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1879 ; 3 Law 1881 ; B.A. 1882 ; rem. 1883 ; R. of Old 1896 ; rep. and died 1908. C. of Ambleside, Westmorl., 1881-2 ; of Shildon, Durham, 1882-3 ; of Knighton, Leics., 1885-8; R. of Wakerley, Northants., 1888-92; of St. Margaret's next Rochester, 1892-6. Haslewood, Walter (Lanes ) ; Rossall. Com. 19 June 1878, aged 17 ; rem. 1880 ; B.A. Charsley's Hall 1887 ; rep., M.A. and rem. 1889. C. of St. Peter's, Rochdale, 1887-91 ; of St. Paul's, York Place, Edin- burgh, 1891-8 ; R. of Ellon, Dioc. Aberdeen, 1898. Hayes, Frederick William (Chesh.) ; Haileybury. Com. M. 1878, aged 19 ; rem. 1880. Torpid 1880 (1) ; Octagon, Vincent's. Colliery proprietor ; died 1909. P.C.R. Hough, Kighley John (Cumb.) ; Repton. Com. L. 1878, aged 18 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1881. Torpid 1880 (2). Barr. 1883 ; Solicitor (Carlisle) 1890 ; Official Receiver in Bankruptcy for County Court of Cumberland 1896. 654 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1878 King, Henry Thomas Firmstone (Worcs.) ; Winchester. Com. 19 June 1878, aged 18 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1881 ; B.C.L. and rem. 1886. Solicitor (Stourbridge) 1885; Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes; Solicitor to the Worcester Diocesan Trustees. Latham, John Patrick Alexander (Scotland) ; Edinburgh Coll. School. Com. M. 1878, aged 20 ; B.A. 1882 ; M.A. 1887. Formerly in firm of shipowners ; joined the Royal Company of Archers (King's Body Guard for Scotland) 1884. Leche, John Hurleston (Chesh.) ; Eton. Com. E. 1878, aged 19 ; rem. 1880, Octagon, Vincent's. J.P. ; died 4 Mar. 1894. Burke's Landed Gentry. Lucas, Charles Burrard (Hants.) ; Winchester. Sch. M. 1878, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1880 ; 2 Cl. and Senior Hulme Ex.1882; B.A. 1883; M.A. 1889. Secretary of the Union 1880 ; Ingoldsby. C. of St. Stephen'?, Lewisham, 1885-92 ; Org. Secretary A.C.S. for Dioc. Rochester and St. Albans 1892-6 ; for S. Centr. Distr. 1896-1905 ; Lie. Pr. Dioc. Southwark 1905-7 ; C. of St. Peter's, Streatham, 1907. Ale 1880. Mackenzie, Alastair Oswald Morrison (Scotland) ; Loretto. Sch. M. 1878, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1880 ; 2 Cl. and Senior Hulme Ex. 1882 ; B.A. 1884 ; rem. 1886. Torpid 1879 (1), 81 ; Eight 1881, 2 ; Rugby and Golf 1880, 1 ; Vin- cent's, Ingoldsby. Called to Scottish Bar 1885 ; Advocate Depute 1900 ; Sheriff-Substitute Lanarkshire 1902. Sherwood. Martin, Hugh Alexander (Surrey); Radley. Com. M. 1878, aged 19 ; rem. 1880. Torpid 1880 (2). Solicitor. Newton, Philip Arthur (Middlx.) ; Blackheath. Com. 19 June 1878 aged 18 ; rem. 1880. Torpid 1879 (1) ; Eight 1879, 80 ; Rugby 1880 ; Vincent's. Sherwood. Norman, Alfred George (Essex); Uppingham. Com. L. 1878, aged 19 ; Nowell Sch. and Colquitt Ex. 1878 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1879 ; 3 Hist. 1881 ; B.A. 1882 ; rem. 1885. C. of St. Ebbe's, Oxford, 1882-9 ; Principal of Church Mission Schools, Amritsar, Punjab, 1884 ; Principal of American Presbyterian Boys' Boarding School, Ludiana, Punjab, 1889-92 ; Independent Missionary in the Punjab and United Provinces of India 1892-8 ; Assist. Master Channel View School, Clevedon, 1898-9 ; Tutor Guelph College, Cleve- don, 1899-1900 ; Mission Work in India and Egypt 1900-7 ; Assist. Master Clarence School, Weston-super-Mare, 1908. Parry, Kobert (Carnarvon) ; Manchester. Sch. Iver Sch. M. 1878, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1880 ; 3 Cl., B.A. and rem, 1882. 1878] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 655 Hea, John Marcus Beauniount (Northumb.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. M. 1878, aged 18 ; rem. 1879. Torpid 1879 (2). Land Agent and Surveyor ; practising at Preston ; F.S.I. Ruflfer, Marc Armand (France) ; Lycee, Lyons, and Gymnasium, Gotha. Com. L. 1878, aged 18 ; 4 Nat. Sci. 1881 ; B.A. 1882 ; B.Med. and M.A. 1887 ; D.Med. 1889. Formerly House Physician and Obstetric Assistant Univ. Coll. Hospital, London ; Director of the Brit. Inst. of Preventive Medicine ; Prof, of Bacteriology at Cairo Medical School ; President of the Sanitary Council of Egypt ; Member of Indian Plague Commission ; Egyptian Delegate International Sanitary Conference, Paris 1903, and Rome 1907 ; C.M.G. 1905, F.L.S. ; Grand Officer Medjidie and Osmanieh ; Commander Order of Saviour of Greece and St. Anne of Eussia ; Commander Crown of Italy ; Egyptian Member of International Bureau of Public Hygiene, Paris, 1908. WORKS : Various papers on Pathology and Bacteriology. SAMPSON, Charles Henry (Som.) ; Bristol Gr. School. Sch. Balliol M. 1878, aged 19 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1879 ; Junior Math. Sch. and 1 Cl. Mods. 1880 ; 1 Math. 1881 ; B.A. 1882 ; Official Pellow 15 Dec. 1882 ; Lecturer 1883; Assistant Tutor 1884; Tutor 1886 ; Math. Moderator 1890, 1, 1901, 2, 3 ; Math. Ex. 1894, 5, 6, 1907, 8 ; Member of Council of University College, Bristol, 1904. Ale 1883, 4. Smith, Alexander Kenneth Digby (Lanes.) ; Norwich. Com. Non- Coll. M. 1878, aged 20 ; adm. M. 1880 ; 2 Theol. and B.A. 1882 ; M.A. and rem. 1885. C. of Banbury 1882-4 ; of St. Saviour's, Leeds, 1884-7 ; of Ipplepen, Newton Abbot, 1887 ; died 1891. Sneyd-Kynnersley, Clement (Staffs.) ; Eton. Com. M. 1878, aged 19 ; rem. 1880. Vincent's. Of Loxley Park and the Dearndales, Staffs. ; J.P., D.L., and C.C. ; Lord of the Manors of Loxley and Little Bramshall ; late Capt. 4th Batt. Prince of Wales Regt. ; Sugar and Coffee planter in Hawaiian la. 1882- 1902. Burke's Landed Gentry. Spence, Albert Carter (Yorks.) ; Rugby. Com. E. 1878, aged 18 ; B.A. 1882 ; M.A. and rem. 1885. J.P. Yorks. (E. R.). Stirling, William (Cumb.) ; Harrow. Com. L. 1878, aged 18 ; rem. 1880. Octagon, Vincent's. Late Hon. Major 3rd Batt. Seaforth Highlanders ; J.P. and D.L. Rosshire ; J.P. Cumberland. P.C.R ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Twopeny, Edward Maxwell (Kent) ; Winchester. Com. E. 1878, aged 18 ; rem. 1880 ; B.A. Merton 1883. Whitehouse, James Norman (U.S.A.). Com. 19 June 1878, aged 19 ; rem. 1879. Octagon, Vincent's. 656 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1879 1879 Arkle, Alfred William (Lanes.); Maryborough Gr. School. Som.Th. Manor Sch. M. 1879, aged 18 ; 1 01. Mods. 1881 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1882 ; 3 Cl. and died 28 Dec. 1883 ; monument in College Chapel. Torpid 1880(1) ; Eight 1880, 1, 2, 3 ; Captain B.C. 1883 ; Vincent's. Guardian, 2 Jan. 1884 ; Sherwood ; Alo 1882, 4. Baillie, Robert Alexander (Scotland) ; Scotch Coll., Melbourne. Com. L. 1879. aged 19 ; 3 Law and rem. 1882. Torpid 1879(2); Eight 1879, 80, 1, 2 ; Captain B.C. 1880. 1, 2; Vincent's. Maj. King's Colonials ; 4th Bart. 1896 ; died 16 Oct. 1907. Times, 17 Oct. 1907. Blencowe, John Ingham (Sussex) ; Bradfield. Com. E. 1879, aged 18 ; 4 Law 1883 ; B.A. and rem. 1884. Torpid 1880 (1); Octagon, Vincent's. J.P. Sussex 1903 ; Land Agent. P.C.R. Briscoe, William Arthur (Warws.); Harrow. Com. L. 1879. aged 18 ; 3 Hist. 1882 ; B.A. 1883 ; M.A. 1885 ; rem. 1888. Torpid 1880 (2) ; Octagon. J.P. Cainbs. ; Chairman of Briscoe & Co., Australian merchants. Brooke, Lionel (Scotland) ; Wellington. Com. M. 1879, aged 19 ; B.A. 1882 ; rem. 1901. Ranching in Canada ; served in S. African War in Duke of Cambridge's Yeomanry (medal). Brydges, Edward Egerton Hanson (Gloucs.) ; Cheltenham. Somerset Sch. (open) M. 1879, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1881 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1882 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1883 ; M.A. and rem. 1887. Barr. 1885 ; practised at the Bar of the Straits Settlements, Singapore, 1891-8 ; now practising at the Chancery Bar. Byass, Robert William (Surrey) ; Eton. Com. M. 1879, aged 19 : rem. 1880. Torpid 1880 (1) ; Octagon, Bullingdon, Vincent's. In firm of Gonzalez, Byass & Co. P.C.B. Chattock, Ernest Austin (Warws.) ; Hereford. Sch. Somerset Sch. M. 1879, aged 19 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1883 ; rem. 1885 ; rep. and M.A. 1887. Ingoldsby. C. of Sculcoates, Yorks., 1885 ; of St. Peter's. Accrington, 1890 ; of St. Paul's, Middlesborough, 1893 ; of Parkgate, Yorks., 1895 ; V. of St. George's, Darlaston, Staffs., 1896-1908. Campbell, Donald (Leics.) ; Charterhouse. Com. E. 1879, aged 19 ; rem. 1881. D'Eyncourt, Ashton Lovett Tennyson (Middlx.) ; Charterhouse. Com. L. 1879, aged 17 ; rem. 1880. Vincent's. Drummond, Mortimer Percy George Douglas (Bonn) ; Leamington Coll. Com. 19 Mar. 1879, aged 18 ; rem. 1881. 1879] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 657 Dugdale, Sydney (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. L. 1879, aged 18 ; 2 Theol. and B.A. 1882 ; M.A. 1885. Torpid 1880 (1), 1 ; Eight 1881. C. of Limehouse 1884 ; of St. Thomas's, Sarum, 1886-9 ; of St. Martin, Sarum, 1889-91 ; of Motcombe, Wilts., 1891-2 ; V. of Motcombe with Enmore Green 1892-8 ; of Westbury with Dilton, Wilts., 1898-1904 ; Chap, of Westbury Union 1898 ; V. of Lower Deeding, Sussex, 1904. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Everett, Edwin Audrey (Wilts.) ; Bradfield. Com. M. 1879, aged 19 ; migrated to New Inn Hall 1881 ; rep., B.A. and rem. 1885. Octagon. Gascoyne, William Walter (Kent) ; Haileybury. Com. M. 1879, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1883. Torpid 1880 (2). One of the Original Members of the Authentics Cricket Club ; Estate Manager in Kent 1882-9 ; Schoolmaster in San Francisco 1889-94 ; Head Master of Boys' School, Mussoorie, India, N.W.P. 1900-1 ; at Melbourne Gr. School 1902-8 ; now taking pupils in England. Qundry, Harold (Dorset) ; Eton. Com. 6 June 1879, aged 18 ; B.A. 1882; M.A. 1886; rem. 1896. Barr. Inner Temple 1886. Hartley, Rathbone (Lanes.) ; Uppingham. Com. 6 June 1879, aged 19 ; 2 Theol. and B.A. 1883 ; M.A. 1886 ; rem. 1890. C. of St. James, Heywood, Lanes., 1883-4 ; of Todmorden, Lanes., 1884-90 ; of Rochdale 1890-2 ; of Castleton, Lanes., 1892-6 ; V. of All Saints, Castleton, 1896. HAVERFIELD, Francis John (Oxon.) ; Winchester. Matr. cler. New College 16 Oct. 1879, aged 18 ; Sch. 1879-84 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1880 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1883 ; M.A. 1886 ; Conington Pr. 1891 ; Student of Christ Church 1892-1907 ; Censor 1901 ; Librarian 1905 ; Ford Lecturer and Visitor of the Ashmolean 1906; Camden Prof, of Ancient History and Fellow of Brasenose 1907 ; Hon. LL.D. Aberdeen ; Member of the German Imperial Archaeological Institute ; Member of the Heb- domadal Council 1908; F.B.A; F.S.A. WORKS : Committee, Cumberland and West- Relief model of Syracuse, with J. B. moreland Archaeol. Soc. Transac- Jordan, 1888. tions, vols. xiii foil., 1894-1904. fEdited Lectures and Essays by H. Early British Christianity, English Nettleship, 1895. Hist. Eeview, 1896. Edited Conington's Vergil, vol. i, The Duration of Roman rule in Scot- ed. 5, 1898. land, one of the articles in The Edited Historical Papers by H. F. Antonine Watt Report, 1898. Pelham, 1909. Catalogue of the Sculptured Stones in the Articles in other works some Cathedral Library, Durham, with republished separately : Dr. Greenwell, 1898. Romano-British Inscriptions, 1888-93, The Roman World, ch. iv in Authority Archaeological Journal, vols. 47-50. and Archaeology, edited by D. G. \-Romano-BritishInscriptions, 1879-92, Hogarth, 1899. Ephemeris Epigraphica, vol. vii, -[Catalogue of the Roman Inscribed and 1892. Sculptured Stones in Tullie House, The Mother Goddesses ; Archaeologia Carlisle, 1899. Aeliena, xv, 1892. -^Catalogue of the Roman Inscribed and ^-Reports of the Cumberland Excavation Sculptured Stones in the Museum at u u 658 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1879 Chester, 1900. Being vol. vii of of Dickson's translation of the Journal of the Chester Archaeo- Mommsen's Roman Provinces, logical Society. 1909. Roman Britain, Army and Art, in -\-Roman Somerset, Worcestershire, Social England, vol. i, 1901. Hampshire, Warwickshire, Norfolk, Cornish Tin in Melanges Boissier, 1903. Northants, Shropshire, Derbyshire, in The Last Days of Silchester, English the Victoria County Histories. Hist. Review, 1904. Extracts from the Gentleman's Magazine TheodorMommsen, English Historical relating to Oxford, 1731-1800, Oxford Review, 1904. Historical Society's Miscellanies. Romanieation of Roman Britain, 1906, And about 130 other signed essays and in the Proc. of the British and articles in English and Academy, vol. ii, afterwards. foreign archaeological journals, Guide to the Pictures in Christ Church the Journal of Philology, the En- Hall, third ed., 1907. cyclopaedia Britannica, Edinburgh Roman Britain, Appendix to reprint Review, Hermes, &c. Hoyle, Alan Fretwell (Yorks.) ; Hereford. Sch. Somerset Sch. M. 1879, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1881 ; Reed Ex. 1882 ; rem. 1883 ; died 2 June 1899. Hudson, Thomas "William (Norfolk) ; Norfolk County Sch. Com. M. 1879, aged 18 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1883 ; M.A. and rem. 1887 ; rep. 1899 ; E. of Gt. Shefford 1904. Domestic Chap, to Bishop of Sodor and Man 1884-6 ; C. of Combe-in- Teignhead, Devon, 1886-92 ; R. of Teigngrace, Devon, 1892-3 ; Head Master of Cranbrook Gr. School 1893-6 ; Warden of St. Edward's School, Oxford, 1896-1904. Hughes, Reginald George Hulton (Herts.) ; Rugby. Com. 6 June 1879, aged 18 ; rem. 1881. Octagon. Oxfordshire Light Infantry, Lieut. 1882 ; Capt. 1892 ; Maj. 1900 ; Lt.-Col. 1904; retired 1907; Medal Burma 1887-9. Menzies, John Graham (Scotland) ; Rugby. Com. L. 1879, aged 18 ; rem. 1880. Octagon, Vincent's. P.C.R. Milne, Henry Ernest (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. 4 Mar. 1879, aged 18 ; 3 Law 1881 ; B.A. 1882 ; M.A. 1885. Vampires. Barr. Inner Temple 1884. Moke, George Edward (New York) ; Haileybury. Com. M. 1879, aged 21 ; B.A. 1882. Ingoldsby. Barr. Inner Temple 1885 ; served in South African War ; Hon. Maj. late West Riding Militia (Hon. Capt. in Army) ; Queen's Medal with clasp ; King's Medal with two clasps ; J.P. for Dumbartonshire and Cape Colony ; assumed additional name of Tforrie 1893. Pendlebury, John Roger (Lanes.) ; King's Coll. School. Com. 6 June 1879, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex. 1881 ; 2 Theol. and B.A. 1883 ; M.A 1886. C. of Burford, Oxon., 1884-6 ; of Cuddesdon, Oxon., 1886-8 ; of Prestwich, Lanes., 1888-95 ; Chap, of Clewer Home of Mercy 1895-1900 ; R. of Newington, Oxon., 1900. 1879] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 659 Phillips, Herbert Edward (Surrey) ; Harrow. Com. M. 1879, aged 18 ; B.A. 1882 ; M.A. 1886 ; died 1905. Vincent's. P.C.R. Pruen, John Ashmead (Gloucs.) ; Cheltenham. Com. E. 1879, aged 19; 3 Cl. Mods. 1880 ; 4 Hist. 1882 ; B.A. 1883; M.A. and rem. 1887 ; elected to a Beaufort Ex. at Oriel but did not take it 1879. Assist. Master Grove House, Guildford, 1883-1904; F.R.G.S. ; F.G.S. Badley, Charles Ernest (Chesh.) ; Rugby. Com. M. 1879, aged 19 ; rem. 1880. Robertson, George Manship (Gloucs.) ; Tiverton. Sch. M. 1879, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1881 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1883 ; 1 Hist, and rem. 1894 ; rep., M.A. and rem. 1899. Ingoldsby. Formerly Tutor at St. Columba's College, Rathfarnham ; Assist. Master Bloxham School 1904. WOKK : ^Rhyming annals, 1892. Robertson- Aikman, Thomas Stokes George Hugh (Leics.) ; Eton. Com. 6 June 1879, aged 19 ; rem. 1881. Octagon, Vincent's. A Commr. of Supply, D.L. and J.P. for co. Lanark ; Lt.-Col. com- manding and Hon. Col. 4th Batt. (special res.) Highland Light Infantry 1900 ; Hon. Lt.-Col. in the Army 1900. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Rothwell, Richard Rainshaw (France) ; Harrow. Coin. 6 June 1879, aged 18; rem. 1881. Torpid 1880 (2) ; Octagon, Vincent's. J.P. Lanes. 1890 ; Capt. 3rd and 4th Batts. (Mil.) R. Lancaster Regt. 1896-9. Sillem, Steuart Augustus (Kent) ; Eton. Com. 6 June 1879, aged 18 ; 2 Law 1882 ; B.A. 1883 ; rem. 1889. Barr. Inner Temple 1884. Smith, John George (Siam) ; Eton. GOJI. L. 1879, aged 19 ; B.A. 1881 ; rem. 1884. Vincent's. Barr. 1884 ; went to Southern India and practised before the Madras High Court Bench ; Prof, at the Law Coll. in Madras 1891 ; Law Reporter 1896 ; Crown Prosecutor 1898 ; Chief Judge of the Small Causes Court, Madras, 1903 ; died in the Red Sea 11 Oct. 1907. Stevenson, "William Henry (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Iver Sch. M. 1879, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1881 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1883 ; M.A. 1886. C. of Sacred Trinity, Salford, 1884-6 ; of St. Simon, Salford, 1886-8 ; of St. Clement, Spotland, Rochdale, 1888-91 ; of Wroughton, Wilts., 1891-1901 ; of Fordconibe, Kent, 1901 ; of Ackworth, Yorks., 1901-4 ; of Marley Hill, Durham, 1904. Taylor, Walter Theodore (Lanes.) ; Harrow. Com. 6 June 1879, aged 18, rem. 1884. Cotton Spinner. U U 2 660 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1879-80 Wethey, Eugene Roberts (Hants.) ; Durham. Com. M. 1879, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1881 ; 1 Hist, and B.A. 1883 ; M.A. and rein. 1886. Assist. Master at Bradford Gr. School 1883 ; Head of the Junior Department 1900 ; Exam, to the Coll. of Preceptors 1895 ; Lect. and Exam, to the West Riding C. C. 1898 ; Vice-President of the Leeds and Yorkshire Geographical Society ; F.B.G.S. WORKS : New Manual of Geography. Paper on Commercial Geography Cassell's Geographical Reader. before British Association, 1900. Ale 1884. Yardley, George Watkins (Worcs.) ; Repton. Com. L. 1879, aged 18 ; 4 Law 1882 ; B.A. and rein. 1883. Vincent's and Octagon. Barr. Inner Temple 1885 ; Midland Circuit ; Stockbroker 1889 ; Senior Partner in Woodall & Yardley. 1880 Armstrong, Thomas Percy (Lanes.) ; King's School, Canterbury. Com. Matr. M. 1880, aged 19 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1883 ; rem. 1889. Ingoldsby (Pres.). Askwith, George Ranken (Essex) ; Marlborough. Sch. M. 1880, aged 19; 3 Cl. Mods. 1881; Bridgman Pr. 1882,4; Senior Hulme Ex. 1883 ; 1 Hist, and B.A. 1884 ; M.A. 1887. Torpid 1881, 2, 3 ; Eight 1883, 4 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. Inner and Middle Temple 1886 ; Counsel on the Venezuelan Arbitration, to H.M.'s Commissioners of Works, and for the Crown in Peerage claims ; Steward of H.M.'s Manor of the Savoy ; Arbitrator in many trade disputes ; Assistant Secretary to Board of Trade, Railways Dept., 1907 ; K.C. and British Delegate to the Copyright Conference, Berlin, 1908 ; Comptroller-General of the Commercial, Labour, and Statistical Department, Board of Trade, 1909. Sherwood. Barry, Douglas Heron (Kent) ; Harrow. Com. E. 1880, aged 18 ; rem. 1882. Octagon, Vincent's. Director of Mason & Barry, Copper Merchants. P.C.B. Barton, Harry Scott (Surrey) ; Eton. Com. E. 1880, aged 18 ; B.A. 1885 ; M.A. 1888. Torpid 1881 (stroke) ; Eight 1881, 2, 3 ; Vampires, Vincent's, and Octagon. Formerly a member of Messrs. Barton and Guestier, Claret Shippers, Bordeaux. WORK : What I did in ' The Long', 1881. P.C.R. ; Sherwood. Bates, Henry James (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Sch. Somerset Sch. M. 1880, aged 18 ; rem. and B.A. Magdalen 1885. C. of St. Paul, Burton-on-Trent, 1889-92 ; of Llanfair-Kilgeddin, Mon., 1892-1904; V. of Llantilio-Pertholey, Mon., 1904. 1880] BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER 661 Bellewes, George Oliver (Kent) ; King's Coll. School. Sch. M. 1880, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1882 ; Nowell Sch. 1883 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1884; M.A. 1887; rem. 1901. Founder of the Stratford Club 1881 ; Secretary of Union 1883 ; Librarian 1884; President 1885 ; Ingoldsby. Barr. Middle Temple 1886 ; held Scholarships at Middle Temple ; a member of the Parliamentary Bar. WORKS : (With W. H. Devenish) The History tral Church Committee formed of Constitutional Progress during the by Archbishop Benson in 1894. reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-87, Author of many articles in anti- 1887. quarian and genealogical periodi- Edited the publications of the Cen- cals. Breeds, James (Sussex) ; Dulwich. Com. M. 1880, aged 18 ; rem. 1881. Brooke, Frederick William (Suffolk) ; Eton. Com. E. 1880, aged 19; rem. 1881. Torpid 1881. Has practised Painting and Architecture. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Devenish, William Hammon (Som.); Winchester. Sch. Balliol. M. 1880, aged 19; John Watson Sch. 1881; 3 Cl. Mods. 1882; 2 Cl. 1884 ; rem. 1885. Secretary of Union 1882 ; Librarian 1882 ; Ingoldsby. Barr. Middle Temple 1886 ; Solicitor 1893. WORK : (With G. 0. Bellewes) The History reign of Quein Victoria, 7837-87, of Constitutional Progress during the 1S87. Ale 1883. Ducker, John Anthony (Lanes.) ; Uppingham. Com. E. 1880, aged 18 ; 4 Law and B.A. 1884 ; rem. 1885. Solicitor ; died in Egypt Mar. 1900. Espinasse, Richard Talbot (Essex) ; Charterhouse. Com. Non- Coll. M. 1880, aged 18; adm. L. 1881 ; Colquitt Ex. 1881 ; B.A. 1884 ; M.A. and rem. 1888. Assist. Master Ardingly Coll. 1884 ; C. of W. Tarring, Sussex, 1890-2 ; P.C. of Burmington, Warws., 1892-3 ; Chap, of Shipston-on-Stour Union 1893-6 ; C. of Horsham, Sussex, 1896-8 ; E. of Oldcastle, Mon., and V. of Walterstone, Herefs., 1898-1900 : R. of Adwell with S. Weston, Oxon., 1900. Gee, Claude Valentine (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Sch. Somerset Sch. M. 1880, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1882 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1884 ; rem. 1885 ; rep. 1890 ; M.A. 1891 ; rem. 1895. C. of St. Columba, Sunderland, 1886-91 ; V. of Castletown, Durham, 1891. Haig, Douglas (Scotland) ; Clifton. Com. M. 1880, aged 19 ; rem. 1889; rep. Gen. Com. 1908. Polo 1882, 3 ; Phoenix, Octagon, Vincent's, Bullingdon. 7th Hussars, Lieut. 1885 ; Capt. 1891 ; Brev. Maj. 1898 ; Brev. Lt.-Col. 1900; Lt.-Col. commanding 17th Lancers 1901; Extra A.D.C. to H.M. 1902; Maj.-Gen. 1904; present at Battles of Atbara and Khartoum 662 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1880 (British Medal, Egyptian Medal with two clasps) ; S. Africa 1899-1902 on the Staff ; present at Battle of Elandslaagte ; operations around Coles- berg ; relief of Kimberley ; Battles of Paardeberg and Belfast (Brev. Lt.-Col. C.B.) ; Inspector General of Cavalry in India 1903 ; C.V.O. 1903 ; Director of Military Training 1906 ; of Staff Duties 1907. WORK : Cavalry Studies, Strategical and Tactical, 1907. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Hitchcock, Thomas (New York). Com. E. 1880, aged 19; B.A. 1884 ; rem. 1886. Torpid 1882 ; Polo 1883 ; Octagon, Vincent's. P.C.R. Horwood, Faulkner Russell (Essex) ; Lancing. Com. M. 1880, aged 18 ; B.A. 1884 ; M.A. and rem. 1887. C. of Hanbury, Worcs., 1885-8 ; of Monk Sherborne with Pamber, Hants., 1888 ; V. of Aldermaston, Berks., 1888. Jenkins, William Turberville Llewellin (Mon.) ; Clergy Orphan School, Canterbury, and Reading. Com. E. 1880, aged 21 ; rem. 1881. C. of Hartpury, Gloucs., 1887-9 ; of Bideford, Devon, 1889-97 ; V. of Chittlehamholt, Devon, 1897-1901 ; R. of Instow, Devon, 1901. Lomax, John Acton (Norfolk) ; Manchester. Sch. Somerset Sch. M. 1880, aged 19 ; rem. 1882. Low, William Mackay (America) ; Winchester. Com. L. 1880, aged 19 ; rem. 1881 ; died 1905. Octagon, Vincent's. P.C.R. Merry, Theodore Arthur (Cambs.). Com. L. 1880, aged 19; rem. 1884. Middleton, Frederick Sholto (Devon) ; Rossall. Com. E. 1880 ; rem. 1881 ; migrated to Sidney Sussex, Camb. Miller, Qeorge Russell (Surrey) ; Harrow. Com. E. 1880, aged 20 ; rem. 1881 ; never resided. Pedder, Thomas (Lanes.); Rossall. Com. Non-Coil. M. 1880, aged 19 ; adm. L. 1881 ; rem. 1882. Phillips, Thomas Falkner (Lanes.) ; Uppingham. Com. L. 1880, aged 19 ; B.A. 1884 ; M.A. 1888 ; rem. 1893. Solicitor. Phillips, George Waller (Lanes.) ; Uppingham. Cora. L. 1880, aged 18; rem. 1883. Pike, Warburton Mayer (Dorset) ; Rugby. Com. M. 1880, aged 19 ; rem. 1905. Octagon, Vincent's. WORKS : -^Barren ground of Northern Canada, 1892 ; ^Through the sub -arctic forest, 1896. P.C.R. Puxley, Edward Lavallin (Ireland) ; Eton. Com. M. 1880, aged 19; rem. 1884; died. Torpid 1881 ; Eight 1881, 2, 3, 4 ; Oxford Eight 1883 ; Vincent's. Sherwood. 1880] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 663 Puxley, John Lavallin (Ireland) ; Eton. Com. E. 1880, aged 20 ; rem. 1882 ; died. Octagon, Vincent's. Read, Herbert James (Devon) ; Honiton. Sch. Elected in 1880, but allowed to defer residence. M. 1881, aged 18 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1882 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1883 ; 1 Math, and B.A. 1884 ; M.A. 1889. Clerk in War Office 1887 ; in Colonial Office 1889 ; British Delegate African Liquor Conference, Brussels, 1895, British Delegate at African Liquor Conference 1899, and Plenipotentiary 1906 ; Assist. Priv. Sec. to Mr. Chamberlain 1896 ; Principal Clerk (1905) Colonial Office ; Delegate on Commission on Anglo-German Frontier in East Africa 1906 ; one of the British Plenipotentiaries at Sleeping Sickness Conference, London, 1907, and at African Armed Traffic Conference, Brussels, 1908; C.M.G. 1907. Reade, Joseph (Oxon.) ; Magdalen Coll. School. Com. M. 1880, aged 17; B.A. 1884; M.A. 1888; rem. 1905. Torpid 1882, 3 ; Eight 1883, 4. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1887 ; J.P. Oxon. 1896. Sherwood. Rhodes, Frederick John Madgwick (Surrey) ; Dulwich. Com. E. 1880, aged 17 ; rem. 1883. Octagon. Of Durango, Mexico. Rhodes, Robert Heaton (New Zealand) ; Hereford. Com. M. 1880, aged 19 ; B.A. 1886 ; M.A. 1887. Torpid 1882, 3 ; Eight 1884, 5 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1887 ; commanded one of the Australian con- tingents in South Africa. Shrubb, John Peyto Charles (Hants.) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1880, aged 18 ; rem. 1882. Torpid 1881. Mayor of Torquay 1893; Alderman 1894; C.C. for Hants, 1901; Mayor of Lymington 1903-4, and Alderman ; J.P. Hants. Sherwood ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Sitwell, Edward Sacheverel (Derbs.) ; Eton. Com. E. 1880, aged 17 ; rem. 1883. Octagon. Of Widworthy Court, Houiton ; J.P. Burke's Landed Gentry. Steele, Frederick Augustus Shafto (Dorset) ; Cheltenham. Com. E. 1880, aged 18 ; migrated to New Inn Hall 1881 ; rep., B.A. and rem. 1885. Barr. Inner Temple 1886. Storr, George Goldthorpe (Yorks.) ; Bradford Gr. School. Somerset Sch. L. 1880, aged 20 ; 3 Math. Mods. 1881 ; 3 Math. 1883 ; B.A. 1884 ; M.A. and rem. 1887. Tatham, William Meaburn (Norfolk) ; Marlborough. Com. M. 1880, aged 18 ; B.A. 1884 ; M.A. and rem. 1887. Rugby 1881, 2, 3; Vincent's. C. of St. Saviour. Folkestone, 1885-90; of St. Agnes, Kennington Park, 1890-2; V. of Cantley, Yorks., 1892. 664 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1880-1 Wallace, Robert Hugh (Ireland) ; Harrow. Com. Non-Coil. L. 1880, aged 19 ; adm. E. 1880 but did not reside till Michaelmas ; B.A. 1884 ; M.A. 1887. Octagon. Barr. Inner Temple 1886 ; Land Agent and Owner ; Solicitor Ireland 1890 ; Colonel of 5th Royal Irish Rifles (Royal South Down Militia) 1898 ; commanded batt. in S. Africa 1901-2 (Queen's Medal, 5 clasps) ; C.B. 1902; High Sheriff co. Down 1908; D.L. 1881 Allen, Herbert Reginald (Worcs.) ; Clifton. Com. Matr. E. 1881, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1884 ; rep. 1890 ; M.A. and rem. 1893. Ingoldsby. C. of St. Andrew's, Taunton, 1885-7 ; of St. John the Evangelist, Taunton, 1887-95 ; of Swanmore, I.W., 1895-1901 ; P.-in-C. of St. Kes- sog's, Auchterarder, 1901 ; C.of St. Margaret's and Chap, of St. Margaret's Sisterhood, Aberdeen, 1904. Asher, Augustus Gordon Grant (East Indies) ; Loretto. Com. E. 1881, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1885. Rugby 1881, 2, 3, 4 (Captain) ; Cricket 1883 ; Long Jump 1885 ; Octagon, Vampires, Vincent's (Pres.), Bullingdon. Writer to the Signet 1889; Clerk and Treasurer to Midlothian C. C. 1896 ; Secretary and Treasurer of the Association of County Councils in Scotland, 1899. P.C.R. ; Ale 1884. Barry, Lionel Edward (London); Eton. Com. E. 1881, aged 18; rem. 1882. 1st Life Guards, Lieut. 1883; Capt. 1890; Maj. 1902; served in S. African War 1899-1900 (medal with four clasps). BEBB, Llewellyn John Montfort (Cape Town). Sch. New College M. 1881, aged 19 ; 3 Math. Mods. 1882 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1883 ; Junr. Gr. Test. Prize 1884; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1885 ; Chaplain Fellow 15 Dec. 1885 ; Lecturer 1886 ; Denyer and Johnson Sch. and Ellerton Essay 1887 ; M.A. and Senior Gr. Test. Pr. 1888 ; Tutor 1889 ; Vice-Principal 1891-6 ; Curator of the Botanic Gardens 1896 ; Grinfield Lect. 1897 ; res. Fell, and Principal of St. David's College, Lampeter, 1898 ; Select Pr. Cainb. 1904; B.D. and D.D. 1905. Examining Chaplain to Bp. of Salisbury 1896 ; to Bp. of St. Asaph, 1898. WORKS : \The evidence of the early versions and ^Editor of Seitnons preached before patristic quotations on the text of the the University of Oxfurd, 1901. books of the New Testament (Studia Editor of Graduated Lessons from the Biblica. vol. ii, No. 5, p. 195), Old Testament, 1902. 1890. Articles in Hastings' Dictionary of Our debt to the past ; our responsibility the Bible, to the future, 1899. Ale 1886. Bevan, Richard Hunter (Sussex). Com. E. 1881, aged 19; B.A. 1885,' rem. 1894. 1881] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 665 Blake, Arthur Roddam Frederic (Northumb.) ; Cheltenham. Com. E. 1881, aged 20 ; migrated to New Inn Hall 1883 ; rep. and B.A. 1885. Octagon, Vincent's. Bodington, Eric James (Staffs.); Hereford. Som. Th. Manor Sch. M. 1881, aged 18; Coll. Ex. 1884; 2 01. and B.A. 1885; M.A. 1889. Ingoldsby (Pres.). C. of W. Fordington, Dorset, 1886-90 ; Dom. Chap, to Bp. of Salisbury 1890 ; R. of Christ Ch. Burgherdorp with St. Cuthbert's, Molteno, Cape Colony, 1890-2 ; Priest Vicar of Grahamstown Oath. 1892 ; Warden of St. Peter's Home, Grahamstown, 1892 ; V. of Osmington, Dorset, 1894-9 ; ofPotterne, Wilts., 1899-1907; of Calne, Wilts., 1907. WORK : Apostles' Creed and of I- VIII of the A Short History and Exposition of the XXXIX Articles, 1898. Bromfield, John Briscoe (Salop) ; Shrewsbury. Com. E. 1881, aged 18 ; B.A. 1884 ; M.A. and rem. 1891. C. of St. Clement's, Salford, 1886-9; of Brill, Bucks., 1889-91; of Eccleston, Lanes., 1891-3; of Houghton, Hunts., 1893-4; E. 1894-1902; C. of Stoke Edith, Heref., 1902-5; E. of Catthorpe, Warws., 1905-6. BTJSSELL, Frederick William (Bucks.) ; Charterhouse. Demy Magdalen M. 1881, aged 19 ; 1 01. Mods, 1882 ; 1 01., B.A. and Craven Sch. 1885 ; 1 Theol. 1886 ; Official Tellow 13 Nov. 1886 ; Lecturer 1887 ; B.Mus. and B.D. 1892 ; Tutor 1894; Select Pr. and Vice-Principal 1896 ; D.D. 1897 ; Bampton Lect. 1905. WORKS : t The School of Plato, 1896. \-De exilio SMO, 1886. Subordinate Dualism, 1896. \-Laus Papae Leonis XIII, 1888. -^The future of ethics, 1902. ^Prolegomena et protreptice in Mysticam Marcus Aurelius and the later Stoicism, philosophiam, lib. i-iv, 1889-1900. 1903 (not yet published). \-Doctrine of the Office of Christ in the Augustine's City of God, 1903. first three centuries, 1892. fConczo Latina, 1905. t/n memoriam W. H. Pater, 1894. -\-Tlie Christian Theology and Social Incidental Music for Merchant of Progress, 1907. Venice, 1895, and for Knights of -\-The Roman Empire, 1907 (not yet Aristophanes, 1897. published). Ale 1888. Casson, Arthur Carroll Bazely (Northants.) ; Wellington. Com. E. 1881, aged 19 ; 3 01. Mods. 1883 ; 3 01., B.A. and rem. 1885 ; rep. 1888 ; M.A. and rem. 1892. Cousins, Walter James (Surrey) ; Tonbridge. Com. L. 1881, aged 18 ; B.A. 1883 ; rem. 1884. Formerly Assist. Master St. Andrew's, Eastbourne ; now a Private Tutor. Grossman, Robert (Cornwall) ; Uppingham. Com. E. 1881, aged 19; rem. 1882. Torpid 1882. J.P. Heref. 1892. Dunne, Thomas Russell (Herefs.) ; Eton. Com. M. 1881, aged 20 ; rem. 1882. J.P. and D.L. Herefs. ; Captain Shropshire L.I. ; died 5 Jan. 1894. Burke's Landed Gentry. 666 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1881 Fisher, Charles Browning (Leics.) ; Winchester. Com. 10 June 1881, aged 18; rem. 1882. Land Agent ; acts for the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in Minerals in the Midland Counties ; has been Exam, in Practical Agriculture at Univ. of Cambridge. Gambler, Michael Seymour Gore (Beds.) ; Wellington. Com. L. 1881, aged 19; rem. 1886. Gaudet, George Herbert (London) ; Harrow. Com. M. 1881, aged 18 ; rem. 1882. Lieut. 4th (Queen's Own) Hussars 1884-6 ; Musical Composer ; assumed name of Banning in lieu of Gaudet 1888 ; Musical Director Lyric Theatre 1892-3 and Prince of Wales Theatre 1895-6. WORKS : Shepherd's Call, 1893. Eobin Hood, 1906. Village Suite, 1896. Other vocal and instrumental La Princesse Osra, Opera, 1902. music. Qowlland, Peter Yeames (London); Merchant Taylors. Com. 10 June 1881, aged 17 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1885 ; B.C.L. and M.A. 1890 ; rem. 1891 ; monument in College Chapel. Torpid 1882; Eight 1882, 3, 4; Captain B.C. 1883, 4; Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. ; died 2 Jan. 1892. Sherwood ; P.C.R. Grant, Edmund Lennard Deacon (London) ; Eton. Com. E. 1881 r aged 20 ; B.A. 1885 ; M.A. 1889 ; rem. 1895. Barr. Inner Temple 1886. Humphreys, Francis Joseph (Surrey) ; Eton. Com. M. 1881, aged 19 ; B.A. 1885 ; rem. 1888. Torpid 1882 ; Eight 1882, 3, 4, 5 ; Oxford Eight (cox) 1884, 5 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Solicitor ; died. Sherwood. Ingram, Henry Hugh (London) ; Westminster. Com. L. 1881, aged 19; rem. 1886 ; rep. 1888; B.A. 1890 ; M.A. 1892 ; rem. 1903. C. of Hebden Bridge, Yorks., 1890-3 ; of Lowick, Northants., 1893-7 ; of St. Matthew's, Northampton, 1897-1900 ; of Linslade, Bucks., 1900-2 ; of N. Ockendon, Essex, 1902-6 ; of St. Mark's, Peterborough, 1906-7 ; of St. Matthew's, Northampton, 1907. Johnatone, Robert Souley (Scotland) ; Wolverhampton. Sch. M. 1881, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods, and Walker Ex. 1883 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1884 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1885 ; died 12 Nov. 1886. Ingoldsby. Ale 1884. Kirkpatrick, Henry Pownall (Lanes.) ; Uppingham. Com. 10 June 1881, aged 19; rem. 1882. Octagon, Vincent's. 16th Lancers ; Lieut. 1883 ; Capt, 1890 ; Maj. 1899 ; served in S.African War 1900-2 (Queen's medal, King's medal, D.S.O.) ; retired as Maj. and 2nd in command 1903. Latham, Alexander Mere (Chesh.) ; Wellington. Com. E. 1881, aged 18 ; B.A. 1885 ; rem. 1894. Barr. Inner Temple 1890. 1881] BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 667 Law, Robert Hartley (Lanes.); Rossall. Sch. M. 1881, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1883 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1885 ; rem. 1886 ; rep. 1896 ; M.A. 1901. C. of St. George's, Barnsley, Yorks., 1886-9 ; of Rainhill, Lanes., 1889- 91 ; of St. John's, Windermere, 1891-3 ; of Burneside, Westmor., 1893-7 ; of Heversham, Westmor., 1897-1904; V. of Arnside, Westmor., 1904. Ale 1884. Melville, Beresford Valentine (Worcs.) ; Marlborough. Com. L. 1881, aged 23 ; Colquitt Ex. and 3 Cl. Mods. 1882 ; B.A. and rem. 1885. Torpid 1883 : Vincent's. M.P. Stockport 1895-1906 ; J.P. Kent, Surrey, and co. London. Milliken, Ernest (Derbs.) ; Charterhouse. Com. E. 1881, aged 18 ; B.A. 1885 ; M.A. 1888 ; rem. 1895 ; died. Torpid 1883 ; Eight 1884. Ormsby-Gore, Hon. Seymour Fitzroy (Salop) ; Eton. Com. E. 1881, aged 18 ; B.A. and M.A. 1889 ; rem. 1905. Octagon, Vincent's. M.P. Gainsborough 1900-6 ; Stockbroker. Contributor to magazines on Irish political subjects. Parkes, Harry Rutherford (London) ; Haileybury. Com. L. 1881, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1884. Solicitor 1888 ; practised in H.B.M.'s Supreme Court, Shanghai, 1891-1901. Popham, Francis William Leytaorne (London); Harrow. Com. 10 June 1881, aged 19 ; rem. 1882. J.P. Wilts, and Berks. ; died 1907. P.C.K. ; Burke's Landed Gentry ; Quat. Mon. xii. Rawson, Richard Hamilton (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. 10 June 1881, aged 18 ; rem. 1882. Vincent's. Formerly in 1st Life Guards ; retired with rank of Capt. ; now Col. commanding the Sussex Yeomanry ; J.P. and D.L. Sussex ; High Sheriff 1899. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Rawstorne, William (Lanes.) ; Winchester. Com. 10 June 1881, aged 18 ; rem. 1886. Scott, William (Lanes.) ; Harrow. Com. M. 1881, aged 19 ; rem. 1886. Torpid 1882, 3 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Died 29 Jan. 1887. P.C.R. Stanton, Wilfred James (Chesh.) ; Eton. Com. L. 1881, aged 19 ; B.A. 1884 ; M.A. 1887. Ingoldsby. C. of Poynton, Chesh., 1885 : of Wallasey, Chesh., 1885-92 ; Assist. Chap, at All Saints, Rome, and Lie. Pr. Dioc. Ches. 1892. Stewart, Charles Edward (Paris) ; Eton. Com. E. 1881, aged 19 ; migrated to New Inn Hall 1882 ; rep. and B.A. 1885 ; M.A. and rem. 1888. Barr. Inner Temple 1886. 668 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1881-2 Tomlinson, Bernard Dixon (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. Iver. Sch. M. 1881, aged 19; 1 Cl. Mods. 1883; Senior Hulme Ex. 1884; 2 Cl. 1885 ; B.A. 1886 ; rem. 1901. Private Tutor 1887 ; Assist. Master Plymouth Gr. School 1888 ; Army Tutor at Eastbourne 1889 and at Barnstaple 1896 ; Second Master Preston Gr. School 1900. Ale 1884. Tracey, John (Devon) ; Winchester. Sch. M. 1881, aged 19; 1 Cl. Mods. 1883 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1884 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1885 ; Tutor Keble 1887 ; M.A. 1888 ; Sub-warden 1897 ; Senior Proctor 1901 ; Sub-warden again and Chairman of Oxford Appointments Committee 1906. Vincent's. Ale 1884. Tristram, Percy Preston (Lanes.); Clifton. Com. 10 June 1881, aged 19 ; B.A. 1884 ; M.A. 1888 ; rem. 1895. "Whit worth, Joe Pentycross (Yorks.) ; King's School, Chester. Com. Non-Coil. M. 1881, aged 19 ; adm. L. 1882 ; B.A. 1884 ; M.A. and rem. 1888. C. of Barwell, Leics., 1885-92 ; of Hinckley, Leics., 1892-7 ; V. of Thorner, Yorks., 1897. Wilson, David Lorraine (Som.); Haileybury. Com. 17 Mar. 1881, aged 18 ; rem. 1882. Black Watch, Lieut. 1884, Capt. 1891, Maj. 1902 ; Nile Expedition 1884-5 (medal with two clasps and Khedive's Star) ; S. Africa 1899- 1900, 1902 (D.S.O., Queen's medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; assumed additional name of Farquharson 1893. Burke's Landed Gentry. Wynne, George (Guernsey); Lancing. Com. 10 June 1881, aged 19; B.A. 1884; M.A. and rem. 1888. C. of St. Andrew, Wolverhampton ; V. of Swindon, Staffs., 1893-1903 ; of Alvediston, Wilts., 1903. 1882 Barry, William James (Kent) ; Harrow. Com. M. 1882, aged 18 ; B.A. 1886 ; rem. 1901. Octagon, Phoenix, Vincent's, Bullingdon. Of Witchingham Hall, Norwich. P.C.R. Child, Coles (London) ; Eton. Com. M. 1882, aged 20 ; rem. 1885 ; rep. Gen. Com. 1908. Torpid and Eight 1885 ; Vampires, Vincent's. D.L., J.P. and Alderman, Kent ; Lord of the Manor of Bromley, East Farleigh, East Peckham. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Dobinson, Henry Hughes (Cumberland) ; Repton. Com. E. 1882, aged 18 ; B.A. 1886 ; M.A. and rem. 1889. Octagon, Vincent's. C. of St. James, Hartlepool, Durham, 1887-90 ; C.M.S. at Onitsha, Niger, W.A., 1890 ; Sec. of the Niger Miss. 1893 ; Exam. Chap, to Bishop of W. Africa 1895 ; Archdeacon of the Niger 1896; died May 1897. P.C.R. 1882] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 669 Dun, John Arthur (Scotland) ; Loretto. Com. M. 1882, aged 19 ; B.A. 1887 ; M.A. 1889. Golf 1884, 6 ; Torpid 1886 ; Eight 1886, 7 ; Vincent's. Ale 1886. Fenwick, Cecil Owen Meynell (Staffs.) ; Cheltenham. Com. 2 June 1882, aged 18 ; B.A. 1885 ; M.A. 1889. C. of Buckland Newton, Dorset, 1886-7 ; died 28 Mar. 1909. Burke's Landed Gentry. Good, Edward Henry (Scotland) ; Durham. Com. M. 1882, aged 19 ; Colquitt Ex., 3 Theol. and B.A. 1885 ; M.A. 1889 ; rem. 1893. Torpid 1883 ; Eight 1883, 4, 5. C. of Stamfordham, Northumb., 1885-9 ; of Hackney 1889-91 ; of St. Stephen, Westbourne Park, 1891 ; afterwards Chaplain R.N. Sherwood. Gordon- Watson, Henry (Isle of Wight); Eton. Com. E. 1882, aged 19 ; B.A. 1887 ; M.A. 1890 ; rem. 1898. Torpid and Eight 1885. Instructor of Artillery, Hants, and I.W. ; died 5 Mar. 1909. Grove Henry (Surrey) ; Harrow. Com. L. 1882, aged 19 ; rem. 1884 ; died 7 Feb. 1896. Tennis Doubles 1882, 3, 4, 5 ; Tennis Singles 1884, 5. Gwynn, Stephen Imcius (Ireland) ; St. Columba's College, Rath- farnham. Sch. M. 1882, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1884 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1885 ; 1 Cl. 1886 ; B.A. and rem. 1887. Ingoldsby (Pres.). Engaged in Tuition in Switzerland ; Assist. Master Rossall, Bradfield, Firth Coll. Sheffield 1887-96 ; Sub-warden of St. Columba's Coll., Clifton, 1895 ; M.P. Galway City since 1906 ; Journalist and Author. WORKS : To-day and To-morrow in Ireland, 1902. [Horace, 1898. A Lay of Ossian and Patrick, 1903. James Northcote, 1898. John Maxwell's Marriage, 1903. The Repentance of a Private Secretary, Fishing Holidays, 1903. 1899. -[The Masters of English Literature, [Tennyson, 1899. 1904. [Highways and byways in Donegal and Thomas Moore, 1905. Antrim, 1899. -\-ThefairhillsofIreland, 1906. The Decay of Sensibility, 1900. The Glade in the Forest, 1907. The Old Knowledge, 1901. -[A lay of Ossian and Patrick, 1908. The Queen's Chronicler, 1901. A Holiday in Connemara, 1909. Homfray, Francis Richards (Glamorgan); Eton. Com. L. 1882, aged 18 ; rem. 1883 ; died 10 Apr. 1888. Burke's Landed Gentry. Jacques, William Baldwin (Lanes.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. 2 June 1882, aged 18 ; B.A. 1885 ; M.A. 1889 ; rem. 1895 ; rep. 1896. Assist. Master Derby School 1885 ; C. of St. Margaret, Hulme, Lanes., 1887-90 ; V. of Whittle-le-Woods, Lanes., 1890-5 ; R. of Burton Latiraer, Northants., 1895. Johnson, Ronald Frederick Godolphin (Devon) ; Eton. Com. L. 1882, aged 18 ; rem. 1884. Octagon. Of Winkleigh Court, N. Devon, J.P. ; died 1908. Burke's Landed Gentry. 670 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1882 Lane, Sidney Ernald Balph (London); Eton. Com. E. 1882, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1886. Torpid 1883 ; Golf 1884 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1887. P.C.E. Lethbridge, "William (Lanes.) ; Rossall. Com. M. 1882, aged 18 ; rem. 1886 ; rep. and B.A. 1888 ; M.A. 1889. J.P. Devon 1902. Lowndes, Charles Arthur (Westmorland) ; King's School, Canterbury. Ex. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1882, aged 18 ; 3 Hist., B.A. and rem. 1886. Ingoldsby. On the staff of the Times and of New York Herald ; died 1893. Times, 18 Sept. 1893. Maurice, James Meredith (Sussex); Marlborough. Com E. 1882, aged 17 ; rem. 1884. King's Own Royal Lancaster Regt. (Militia) ; Capt. in 1893. Methuen, James (Scotland) ; Fettes. Com. E. 1882, aged 20 ; B.A. and rem. 1886. Torpid 1885 ; Eight 1885, 6 ; Vincent's. Writer to the Signet 1890. P.C.E. Nelson- Ward, Hugh Herbert Edward (Som.) ; Bruton. Com. M. 1882, aged 19 ; 4 Theol. and B.A. 1886 ; M.A. and rem. 1895. C. of Ashbourne, Derbs., 1890-4 ; of Newton St. Loe, Som., 1894-5 ; of Weyhill, Hants., 1895-8 ; R. of Mpnkton Farley, Wilts., 1898 ; of Newdigate, Surrey, 1899-1906 ; of Chilton Candover with Brown Can- dover, Hants., 1906-9 ; V. of Wicken, Northante., 1909. Phipps, John Capel Barre (Monmouth) ; Clifton. Com. 2 June 1882, aged 19; rem. 1886. Pope, Reginald Henry (Devon) ; Rugby. Com. M. 1882, aged 19 ; B.A. 1886 ; M.A. 1889. C. of Ingatestone, Essex, 1888-90 ; of Northchurch, Herts., 1890-6 and 1900 ; V. of Mountnessing, Essex, 1896-1900 ; Governor of Berkharnsted Gr. School. Popham, Hugh Francis Arthur Leyborne (London) ; Charterhouse. Com. M. 1882, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1887 ; rep. 1888 ; M.A. and rem. 1889. Burke's Landed Gentry ; Quat. Mon. xii. Powys, Hon. John (Northants.) ; Harrow. Com. Non-Coil. L. 1882, aged 19 ; adm. E. 1882 ; B.A. 1886. Octagon. J.P. Northants.; 5th Baron Lilford 1896; Hon. Major 3rd Batt. Northants. Regt. (Mil.). Price, George Herbert (Middlx.) ; Berkhamsted. Ex. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1882, aged 19; 2 Cl. Mods. 1884 ; 3 Cl. 1886 ; B.A. and rem. 1887. Formerly Schoolmaster. 1882-3] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 671 Rutherford, Arthur (Lanes.); Merchant Taylors, Crosby. Scb. Worcester M. 1882, aged 16; Sch. M. 1883; 1 Math. Mods. 1884; Senior Hulme Ex. 1885 ; 1 Math, and B.A. 1886 ; rem. 1894. Chess 1886 ; Ingoldsby (Pres.). Barr. Middle Temple 1890. Selbie, William Boothby (Derbs.). Iver Sch. M. 1882, aged 19; 2 Cl. Mods, and Coll. Ex. 1884 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1886 ; Senior LXX Pr. 1888 ; M.A. 1889 ; rem. 1894 ; incorp. M.A. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1904 ; Principal of Mansfield College and rep. 1909. Ingoldsby (Pres.). Minister of Highgate Congregational Church 1890-1902 ; of Emmanuel Church, Cambridge, 1902-9. WORKS : The life and teaching of Jesus Christ Editor of the British Congregation- (in the Century Bible Hand- alist. books), 1908. Shackleton, George Rickarda (Yorks.) ; Clifton. Com. M. 1882, aged 17 ; B.A. 1885 ; rem. 1889 ; rep. 1899 ; M.A. and rem. 1900. Formerly Head Master of Barrow High School ; C. of Holy Trinity, Ipswich, 1904-6; of Stradbroke, Suffolk, 1906. Skyrme, Frank Elcho (Glamorgan) ; Shrewsbury. Coin. M. 1882, aged 19 ; Colquitt Ex. 1883 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1884 ; 3 Hist. 1886 ; M.A. and rem. 1889. C. of Southbroom, Wilts., 1887-91 ; Chap, of Devizes Union 1891-7 ; V. of Winterbourne Earls, Wilts., 1897. Small, Edward Henry Thomas Fewson (Som.) ; King's Coll. School. Com. M. 1882, aged 19 ; B.A. 1886 ; M.A. 1890 ; rem. 1898. Octagon, Vincent's. Taylor, Arthur Mould Chapman (Oxon.). Com. M. 1882, aged 18 ; B.A. 1886. Univ. Mission to Central Africa ; died at Marseilles 1889. WORK : -[Poems, 1891. "Ware, John Hubert (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Som. Th. Manor Sch. and M. 1882, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1884 ; 4 Hist, and B.A. 1886 ; M.A. 1890 ; V. of East Ham 1893. Torpid 1883 ; Eight 1883, 4, 5 ; Captain B.C. 1885, 6 ; Weight 1883, 4, 5, 6 ; Hammer 1883, 4, 5, 6 ; Vincent's, Ingoldsby. C. of Great Yarmouth 1887-92 ; of All Saints, Poplar, 1892 ; R.D. of Barking 1900 ; died 29 Nov. 1907. Sherwood. Webb, Alfred Ernest (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Ex. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1882, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1884; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1886 ; M.A. and rem. 1889. C. of Stockport 1889-94 ; Missr. of St. Andrew, Tokyo, 1894. 1883 Arnall, Harry Thompson (Leics.); Rugby. Com. Matr. L. 1883, aged 18 ; rem. 1891. Assumed additional name of Thompson after Arnall 1885. Cricket 1886 ; Octagon, Vincent's. P.C.R. 672 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1883 Baker, Henry Charleton (Hants.) ; Cheltenham. Com. M. 1883, aged 19 ; 3 Hist. 1887 ; B.A. 1888; rem. 1894. C. of Penistone, Yorks., 1888-91 ; of St. Paul, Hornsey, 1891-4; Assist. Chap, at St. Petersburg 1894-6 ; R. of Thruxton, Hants., 1896-8 ; V. of St. Chad, Everton, Liverpool, 1898. Bassett, Alexander Willis (Hants.). Com. E. 1883, aged 17 ; B.A. 1887 ; M.A. and rem. 1890. Barr. 1890 ; died 3 Dec. 1908. Berry, Charles "Walter (Scotland) ; Loretto. Com. Non-Coil. M. 1883, aged 20 ; adm. 21 Jan. 1884 ; rem. 1885. Football 1883, 4 ; Vincent's. Merchant at Leith. P.C.R. Blair, Alexander Stevenson (Scotland); Loretto. Com. E. 1883, aged 17 ; B.A. and rem. 1886. 1 mile 1884, 5 ; 100 yds. 1885, 6 ; Rugby 1884-6 ; Vampires, Vincent's. Secretary of Scottish Football Union 1887-90 ; Vice-President 1908 ; President of Scottish Amateur Athletic Association and Writer to the Signet 1889 ; Governor of Loretto Sch. 1903 ; Maj. 9th Batt. (High- landers) Royal Scots 1908. P.C.B. Bulpit, Frederick William (Warws.) ; Manchester. Com. M. 1883, aged 19 ; Colquitt Ex. and died 1885. Coaks, Herbert (Thorpe Hamlet) ; Eton. Com. L. 1883, aged 20 ; B.A. 1887; rem. 1891. Solicitor. Culley, John Henry (Northumb.) ; Harrow. Com. M. 1883, aged 19 ; rem. 1885. Octagon. Engaged in farming in New Mexico ; President of the Culley and Martin Company. . , Burke's Landed Gentry. Curwen, Edward Darcy (London) ; Charterhouse. Com. E. 1883, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1880. Octagon. D.L. ; died 4 Apr. 1892. Burke's Landed Gentry. Dewar, Charles Gilbert (Oxon.) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1883, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1887. Barr. Inner Temple 1889. Dewe, Thomas (Berks.) ; Reading. Sch. M. 1883, aged 18 ; 2 Math. Mods. 1885 ; Coll. Ex. 1886 ; 2 Math, and B.A. 1887 ; M.A. and rem. 1892 ; rep. 1908. Master at Daventry Gr. School 1888 ; at St. Martin's, Windsor, 1890 ; at Haileybury 1892 ; ordained 1894 ; House Master 1907. Douglas, Daniel Qreenhill (Cumberland) ; St. Bees. Com. E. 1883, aged 20 ; 3 Theol. and B.A. 1886 ; M.A. 1890 ; rem. 1896. C. of Distington, Cumberland, 1890-3 ; of Westward, Cumberland, 1893-5 ; Lie. Pr. Dioc. Carlisle 1898. 1883] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 673 Duncombe, Albert William. Van der Horst (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Com. E. 1883, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1886. Solicitor ; died 16 Mar. 1899. Floyd, Ernest (Essex); Bradfield. Com. M. 1883, aged 19 ; rem. 1885. Engaged in Electrical Engineering in Australia (Melbourne). Prampton, Richard Ernest Edward (Gloucs.) ; Malvern. Sch. M. 1883, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1885 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1887 ; M.A. and rem. 1890. Tutor at Brighton 1888; Assist. Master at Harrison Coll., Barbados, 1892 ; Tutor at Milford-on-Sea, 1897 ; C. of Winshill, Burton-on-Trent, 1903. Ale 1886. Gordon, Robert Whittaker (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1883, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1885 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1887 ; M.A. and rem. 1890. C. of St. Mary, Stockport, 1887-95 ; V. of Christ Church, Colne, Lanes., 1895-1900 ; of Farnworth with Kearsley, Lanes., 1900. Hobart-Hampden, Ernest Miles (Wilts.) ; Cheltenham. Sch. M. 1883, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1885 ; B.A. and rem. 1888. Student-Interpreter in Japan ; in Consulate at Yokohama 1902. Holmes, Harry (Essex) ; Harrow. Com. L. 1883, aged 18 ; rem. 1884. Hugonin, Edgar (Sussex). Com. E. 1883, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1887. Jardine, John Inglis Feake (London) ; Eton. Com. L. 1883, aged 19 ; rem. 1884 ; died about 1887. Jeffrey, Alexander Niven (Scotland); Fettes. Com. 8 Dec. 1883, aged 20 ; rem. 1885. Keeling, John Henry (Middlx.). Com. M. 1883, aged 21 ; rem. 1886 ; migrated to New Inn Hall ; B.A. and M.A. Balliol 1890. Barr. Middle Temple 1887. Kershaw, John Bowers (Lanes.) ; Merchant Taylora, Crosby. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1883, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1885 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1886 ; 2 Cl. 1887 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1888 ; M.A. 1890 ; rem. 1893. Ingoldsby. Master at Bedford Gr. School 1894. Loraine, Wilfrid Howard (Lanes.) ; London International Coll. Charsley's Hall E. 1883, aged 18 ; adm. E. 1884; B.A. and rem. 1889. Torpid and Eight 1886. Held Studentship at Temple ; Barr. Middle Temple, 1889. Sherwood. Macfadyen, William Allison (Lanes.); Manchester. Iver Sch. M. 1883, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1885 ; 2 Cl. 1887 ; 2 Hist., B.A. and rem. 1888 ; rep. 1891 ; M.A. and rem. 1899 ; LL.D. Cape Univ. Ingoldsby (Pres.). Formerly Barrister at Grahamstown ; Assist. Master at Graaf Reinel College, Cape Colony, 1889 ; Professor at Boer Gymnasium, Pretoria, till 1899 ; President and Prof, of Law of Rhodes University College, Grahamstown, S. Africa. X X 674 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1883 Macpherson, Ewan Francis (Australia) ; Winchester. Sch. M. 1883, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods, and Senior Hulme Ex. 1885 ; 2 Cl. 1887 ; 2 Law and B.A. 1888 ; reni. 1896. Torpid 1885, 6 ; Eight 1886, 7 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Advocate Edinburgh 1890 ; Legal Secretary to Lord Advocate for Scotland 1901 ; Legal Member of Local Govt. Board for Scotland 1904. Sherwood ; P.C.B. ; Ale 1885. Pulling, Charles William (Lanes.). Com. L. 1883, aged 21 ; B.A. and rem. 1888. Rhys, Daniel Lewellin (G!amorg.) ; Hereford. Somerset Sch. M. 1883, aged 19 ; 2 Math. Mods. 1885 ; 3 Math, and B.A. 1887 ; M.A. 1892 ; R. of Limehouse 1906. Torpid 1886, 7. Math. Master Sutton Valence Gr. School 1888-94 ; C. of Ramsgate 1894-1900 ; of All Hallows, Barking, 1900 ; Tait Missioner Dioc. Cant, and Six Preacher, Cant. Cath. 1901-6. Sherwood. Ruble, Alfred Edward (Hants.) ; Bradfield. Ex. Balliol L. 1883, aged 19 ; Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1883 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1884 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1886 ; M.A. 1889 ; M.A. Durham 1895 ; B.D. and D.D. Oxon. 1904. Ingoldsby. Assist. Master Bradfield Coll. 1888-90 ; Head Master Richmond Gr. School and P.C. of Holy Trinity, Richmond, Yorks., 1890-6 ; Head Master R.N. School, Eltham, 1896. WORKS : f Editor of The Gospel according to -\-The Acts of the Apostks, 1903. St. Mark, 1902. 1 Kings. Samson, "Walter (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Com. E. 1883, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1886 ; died. Octagon. Smith, Thomas Henry Reginald (London) ; Rossall. Com. L. 1883, aged 18 ; rem. 1884. Stone, Henry Jessop (Surrey) ; Malvern. Com. L. 1883, aged 19 ; rem. 1884. Octagon, Vincent's ; Founder of Authentics. J.P. Salop 1892; Essex 1897; late Captain 4th Batt. (Mil.) Middlx. Regt. ; Hon. Maj. 4th Batt. (Mil.) Highland L.I. from 1900. Burke'a Landed Gentry. Strickland, Henry Eustace (London) ; Charterhouse and King's Coll. School. Ex. Merton M. 1883, aged 18 ; Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1884 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1885 ; migrated to Charsley's Hall 1887 ; B.A. 1891. Wade, Harry Skipton (Shrewsbury) ; Shrewsbury. Com. M. 1883, aged 18 ; rem. 1887. Solicitor in Shrewsbury. Wootten, Herbert Edward Wootten (Oxon.) ; Rugby. Com. E. 1883, aged 19 ; rem. 1885 ; afterwards at New Inn Hall and Balliol. 1884] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 675 1884 Alderson, Edward Hall (New Zealand). Com. Charsley's Hall L. 1884, aged 19 ; adm. M. 1884 ; B.A. 1888 ; rem. 1892. Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1890, South-Eastern Circuit ; Priv. Sec. to the Lord Chancellor and Sec. of Commissions 1895 ; Reading Clerk to the House of Lords and Clerk of Outdoor Committees 1901. Appach, Arthur Richard (London) ; Eton. Com. E. 1884, aged 20 ; B.A. 1888 ; M.A. 1891. Torpid 1885, 6 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1892. Sherwood. Barchard, Herbert Pulnaan (Lanes.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. L. 1884, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1887. C. of E. Retford, Notts., 1894-1901; of Christ Ch., Tunstall, Notts., 1901-7 ; Chap, of Bussage House of Mercy, Stroud, 1907. Bedford, Albert Edward Riland (Scotland) ; Westminster. Com. L. 1884, aged 19; B.A. 1886; M.A. and rem. 1890. Octagon, Vincent's. C. of Kimberworth, Yorks., 1888-9; of St. Mark, Milverton, Warwa., 1889-90; of St. Nicholas, Warwick, 1890-4; of Sutton Coldfield, Warws., 1894 ; V. of Boldmere, Warws., 1894-1907 ; R. of West Hallam, Derbs., 1907. Burke's Landed Gentry. Bill. Arnold Francis (Lanes.) ; Rugby. Sch. M. 1884, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1886 ; 3 Nat. Sci. (Physiol.) and Com. 1888 ; B.Med. 1893 ; D.Med. 1899 ; rem. 1902. Blyth, Percy Harold (Scotland) ; Loretto. Com. E. 1884, aged 18 ; rem. 1887. Rugby 1885, 6 ; Vincent's. Bradford. Charles Cyril (Wilts.); Clifton. Com. M. 1884, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1886 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1888 ; rem. 1896. Cricket (Capt.) 1887, 8 ; Rugby (Capt.) 1887 ; Oxfordshire Cricket Club (Capt.) 1896-1901 ; Vincent's. Assist. Master at Private School, Clifton, 1889-90 and 1891-1901 ; at Harrow 1890-1 ; Solicitor at Swindon 1905. Castens, Herbert Hayton (Cape Colony) ; Rugby. Com. L. 1884, aged 19; B.A. and rem. 1889 ; rep. 1901 ; rem. 1908. Rugby 1886, 7 ; Octagon, Vincent's (Pres.). Barr. Inner Temple 1889; sometime Chief Secretary to Governor of Rhodesia. P.C.R. Custance, Arthur Frederick Musprave (Herefs.) ; Lancing. Ex. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1884, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1886 ; rem. 1888. Czarnikow, Horace (Surrey) ; Harrow. Com. E. 1884, aged 19 ; rem. 1886. Torpid 1885 ; Octagon. X X 2 676 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1884 Da vies, John (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. E. 1884, aged 18 ; 3 Theol. and B.A. 1888 ; M.A. 1891 ; rem. 1893. C. of St. Leonard, Bridgnorth, Salop, 1889-96; of Leominster, Herefs., 1896-1900; ofEyton, Herefs., 1900-8; R. of Stoke Prior with Docklow, Herefs., 1908 ; Hon. Dioc. Insp. Ellis, Francis Henry Babington (Berks.) ; Winchester. Ex. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1884, aged 19; 2 Cl. Mods. 1886; 3 CL and B.A. 1888 ; M.A. 1891 ; rem. 1900. Torpid 1887 (2\ 8 (2). Engaged in Tuition 1888-92 ; travelling and shooting in N. America, Ceylon, India, &c., 1892, 3 ; Assist. Master Abbotsholme School 1895-1900 ; Assist. Master Clayesmore School 1903-8. WORK : Assistant Editor of Land and Wafer, 1902, 3. Fenwick, Bertram Emilius (London) ; Eton. Com. L. 1884, aged 18 ; rem. 1884. Octagon. Greenway, George Cattell (Warws.) ; Winchester. Com. L. 1884, aged 18; rem. 1885. Greerson, Francis Sitwell Knight (Northumb.) ; Durham. Com. M. 1884, aged 19 ; Colquitt Ex. 1885 ; B.A. 1887 ; M.A. 1891 ; rem. 1905. Torpid 1885, 6, 7. C. of Christ Church, Gateshead, 1888-95 ; V. of All Hallows, Leeds, 1895-1903; of St. Tnomas, Durban, Natal, 1903; Archdeacon of Durban 1908. Sherwood. Hainea, Percy Noel (Gloucs.) ; Cheltenham. Com. 7 June 1884, aged 20 ; Colquitt Ex. 1886 ; B.A. 1888 ; M.A. and rem. 1891. C. of Pewsey, Wilts., 1889-93; of St. Bartholomew, Reading, 1893; died 27 Apr. 1906. Burke's Landed Gentry. Hammond. George Amed6e (London) ; Eton. Com. M. 1884, aged 19 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1888 ; rem. 1905. Tennis Doubles 1888. Formerly an Underwriter at Lloyds : District Councillor at Burgess Hill ; Licensed Lay Reader of Dioc. Chichester. Harvey, Ralph Key (Surrey); Winchester. Com. 17 Dec. 1884, aged 19; rem. 1888. Octagon, Vincent's. Partner in firm of Wholesale Druggists since 1891 ; Liveryman of the City of London, Grocers' Company ; Volunteer since 1889 ; in command of 5th Batt. East Surrey Reg. Hill, Reginald Duke (London) ; Harrow. Com. 7 June 1884, aged 18 ; rem. 1885. Underwriter at Lloyds ; Hon. Sec. of East Essex Foxhounds ; M.F.H. 1909. Burke's Landed Gentry. 1884] BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEK 677 Jackson, Arthur Mason Tippetts (London) ; Westminster. Sch. M. 1884, aged 17 ; 1 Or. Stud., Boden Sch. and B.A. 1888; M.A. 1893. Ingoldsby (Pres.). Barr. Middle Temple 1888; entered I.C.S. 1888, Assist. Collr. and Mag. in Bombay; Assist. Collr. and Insp. of Factories, Bombay, 1892; 2nd Assist. July 1895 ; Under Sec. to Govt. Eev. and Finl. Depts. 1897, 1st Assist. 1898 ; Priv. Sec. to Governor of Bombay 1898-1900; Junr. Collr. 1902, Senr. 1907 ; Supt. of Stamps and Stationery ; Regr. of Bombay and Commr. of Income Tax 1907. Joyce, Gilbert Cunningham (Middlx.) ; Harrow. Sch. M. 1884, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1886 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1887 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1888; M.A. 1892; rem. 1898; rep. and B.D. 1904; D.D. 1909. Sub-warden of St. Michael's Theol. Coll., Aberdare, 1892 ; Warden of St. Deiniol's Library 1897 ; Examining Chap, to Bp. of St. Asaph 1899. Knowles, John George (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Iver Sch. M. 1884, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1886 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1888 ; M.A. 1893. C. of Cross Stone, Yorks., 1889-92 ; of Prestwich, Lanes., 1892-9 ; V. of Unsworth. Lanes., 1899. Lynch, John Finnis (India); Harrow. Com. M. 1884, aged 18; rem. 1887. Barr. Inner Temple 1888. MoCance, John Stouppe Finlay (Ireland) ; Academical Institution, Belfast. Com. E. 1884, aged 19 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1887 ; rem. 1899. Marshall, Ernest Theodore (Chesh.) ; Winchester. Com. Charsley's Hall M. 1884, aged 18 ; adm. E. 1885 ; B.A. and rem. 1887 ; rep. 1901 ; rem. 1903. East Yorks. Regt. ; Lieut. 1889; Capt. 1897 ; served in South African War 1900-1 ; retired. Mellen, Chase Hugo (America). Com. L. 1884, aged 20 ; B.A. and rem. 1887. Eight 1887. Sherwood. Mellen, Clark Victor (America). Com. E. 1884, aged 18 ; rem. 1887. Torpid 1887. Norgate, Gerald lie Grys (Norfolk); Felsted. Ex. Non-Coil. M. 1884, aged 18 ; Junior Hulme Ex. L. 1886 ; Bridginan Pr. 1887 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1888 ; rem. 1891. WORKS : Contributed over 500 articles to part of the abridgement. the Dictionary of National Bio- Reviews for Athenaeum and other graphy, and compiled the greater papers. Ormond, Arthur William (Australia) ; Toorak College, near Mel- bourne. Com. M. 1884, aged 20 ; B.A. 1887 ; rem. 1888. Torpid 1887 ; Eight 1887 ; Octagon. Solicitor, practising in Australia. Sherwood. 678 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1884-5 Pearson, Alexander (Scotland) ; Loretto. Com. 7 June 1884, aged 19; rem. 1885. Burke's Landed Gentry. Rhodes, George Edward (New Zealand); Christ Coll., Christchurch, N.Z. Com. M. 1884, aged 18 ; rem. 1889. Torpid 1885 ; Eight 1885, 6, 7, 8, 9 ; Captain B.C. 1887, 8; Vincent's. Sherwood; P.C.R. Robinson, Sydney Maddock (E. Indies); Hereford. Non-Coil. M. 1884, aged 18 ; adm. L. 1886; B.A. and rem. 1888. Barr. Middle Temple 1888. Hudd, George Edward (Yorks.) : Manchester. Somerset Sch. M. 1884, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1886; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1888; M.A. and rem. 1891; rep. 1898. Sometime Capt. of Leics. County Cricket XI. Assist. Master Stonygate School, Leicester, five years ; Wyggeston School, Leicester, four years ; Head Master since 1898. Button, Walter (Sussex) ; Marlborough. Com. Non^Coll. E. 1884, aged 20 ; adm. M. 1884 ; rem. 1888. Octagon. Disappeared in Mashonaland 1894. Vernon, Bowater George Hamilton (Worca.) ; Eton. Com. 7 June 1884, aged 18 ; rem. 1885. Served with Rimington'a Guides in South African War 1900-1 ; Lieut. Worcs. I.Y. from 1900 ; J.P. Worcs. 1904. Walmsley, John (Herefs.); Hereford. Somerset Sch. M. 1884, aged 17 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1886 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1888 ; 2 Theol. 1889 ; Sen. Gr. Test. Pr. 1890 ; M.A, 1891. C. of Stokenham, Devon, 1890-3; Vice-Principal of Wycliffe Hall 1893-8; V. Normanton-by-Derby 1898-1904 ; of St. Ann, Nottingham, 1904 ; Hon. Canon of Southwell 1906. WYLIE, Francis James (Kent) ; St. Edward's, Oxford, and Glasgow Univ. Ex. Balliol M. 1884, aged 18 ; I Cl. Mods. 1886 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1888 ; Lecturer Brasenose 1891 ; Official Fellow 1 Apr. 1892 ; M.A. 1892 ; Tutor 1898; res. Fell., Junior Proctor, and Secretary to Rhodes Trustees 1903. BENEP. : Plate 1903. Quat. Mon. v. 1885 Ashby, Paul Ogilvie (Surrey); Aldenham. Com. Matr. M. 1885, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex, 1887 ; B.A. 1888 ; M.A. and rem. 1893. Octagon. C. of St. Jude, Gray's Inn Road, 1891-3 ; of Hampton, Middlx., 1893-5 ; of Revesby, Lines., 1895-6 ; Inc. of Revesby and R. of Wilksby and Claxby-Pluckacre 1896. Harbour, John Milne (Ireland) ; Leamington Coll. Com. M. 1885, aged 17 ; B.A. 1888; M.A. 1892. ' Torpid 1888 (1) ; Eight 1888, 9 ; Octagon, Vampires. Linen Manufacturer ; Chairman and Managing Director of the Linen Thread Co., and Chairman of the Ulster Marine Insurance Co. ; High Sheriff co. Antrim 1905 ; co. Down 1907. Sherwood. 1885] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 679 Boswell, John Douglas (Scotland) ; Loretto. Com. M. 1885, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1888 ; LL.B. Glasgow. Torpid 1888 (2); Eugby 1885, 6, 7 ; Hammer 1888 ; Vincent's. Served in Imperial Yeomanry in South African War 1900-1 (Hon. Capt. in Army and Maj. Ayrshire Yeomanry). P.C.R. Burnett, Harry Cleather (London); Highgate. Sch. M. 1885. aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1887 ; 2 Cl. and B,A. 1889 ; M.A. 1895. Ingoldsby. 2nd Class Honours Solicitors' Final Examination 1893. Crowdy, "William Morse (Devon) ; Charterhouse. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1885, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1887 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1888 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1889 ; rem. 1893. Phoenix, Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. Middle Temple 1893. WORK : f Goodeve's modern law of personal property, 1899. Currie, Charles Sibbald (Australia); Melbourne Gr. School and Univ. Corpus Christi M. 1885, aged 19 ; John Watson Sch. L. 1886 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1887 ; 3 Cl. 1889 ; B.A. and rem. 1890. Torpid 1887, 8 (1), 9 (2); Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1892. Sherwood; P.C.R. Fisher, Stanley (London) ; Westminster. Com. M. 1885, aged 18 ; B.A. 1888 ; M.A. 1892. Torpid 1888 (1). Barr. Inner Temple 1890, Midland Circuit ; subsequently practised exclusively at Chancery Bar ; President of the District Court of Kyrenia, Cyprus, 1902 ; acted as King's Advocate 1902, 5, 7 ; Ag. Puisne Judge 1906-7 ; Joint Commissioner for preparing a revised edition of the Statute Laws of Cyprus 1905. WORK : Statute Laics of Cyprus (1878-1906\ (With Sir J. T. Hutchinson) The 1907. Force, Charles Frank Bernard (London) ; Lancing. Com. M. 1885, aged 18 ; B.A. 1890 ; M.A. and rem. 1892 ; rep. 1894 ; rem. 1904. Frere, Laurie (London) ; Eton. Com. M. 1885, aged 19 ; B.A. 1888; rem. 1905. Torpid 1886 ; Eight 1886, 7, 8 ; Oxford Eight (str.) 1888 ; Vincent's. Solicitor 1892, but ceased to practise 1893, and took up painting. Sherwood ; Ale 1889. Garden, Huntley Charles (E. Indies) ; Shrewsbury. Com. M. 1885, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1887 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1888; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1889 ; rem. 1892. Barr., practised at Kanachi, India ; died from a riding accident, 28 Sept. 1900. Grubb, Louis Henry (Ireland) ; Rugby. Com. L. 1885, aged 19 ; B.A. 1888 ; M.A. and rem. 1892. Torpid 1888 (1). Sherwood. 680 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1885 Harry, Leslie Warlow (London) ; University Coll. School. Ex. Lincoln M. 1885, aged 19 ; Junior Hulme Ex. L. 1886 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1887 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1889 ; M.A. and rem. 1892. Solicitor in Calcutta. Hayne, Robert (Dorset); Winchester. Com. M. 1885, aged 18; B.A. 1888; M.A. 1892; rem. 1905. J.P. Dorset 1901. Heath, John Everard (Staffs.) ; Rugby. Com. M. 1885, aged 18 ; rem. 1886. Died 30 March 1894. Burke's Landed Gentry. Holyoak, Amandus William (Lanes.). Somerset Sch. M. 1885, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1887 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1889 ; M.A. and rem. 1895. Torpid 1888 (1), 9 (1). Five years Assist. Master Linton House School, Holland Park ; four years Merchant Taylors School, Crosby ; afterwards at Victoria College, Jersey; died 1907. Sherwood. Jones, Edward "William (Surrey) ; Hereford. Somerset Sch. M. 1885, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and 2 Cl. Mods. 1887 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1889 ; M.A. 1894; rem. 1901. Ingoldsby. C. of St. Peter Port, Guernsey, 1892 ; Chap. Oxford Military Coll. 1894-7 ; C. of St. Saviour's, Croydon, 1897-8 ; of St. Botolph, Bishops- gate, and Chap, to Bp. of Marlborough 1898 ; died Dec. 1901. Jowers, Bertram Stretton (Sussex) ; Winchester and King's Coll. School. Com. L. 1885, aged 18 ; rem. 1887. Member of the Stock Exchange 1889. Martin, Henry Basil (Kent) ; Lancing. Com. M. 1885, aged 19 ; rem. 1887. Torpid and Eight 1887. Formerly in an Engineering Firm in London; afterwards went to California; C. of Paignton, Devon, 1901; of St. Simon, Plymouth, 1906 ; V. of Norton, Radnors., 1908. Sherwood. Nixon, Harry Vidal (Surrey); Eton. Com. M. 1885, aged 20; rem. 1887. Torpid 1886 ; Eight 1886 ; Octagon. Sherwood. Parker, Henry Royston (Northumb.) ; Eton. Com. L. 1885, aged 19 : B.A. and rem. 1888. Torpid 1885 ; Eight 1885, 6, 7, 8 ; Oxford Eight 1887, 8, 9 ; Captain O.U.B.C. 1888 ; Vincent's (Pres.). Sherwood ; P.C.E. ; Ale 1889. Parker, Thomas (Durham) ; Durham. Com. M. 1885, aged 18 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1889 ; M.A. 1892. Rugby 1888 ; Octagon, Vincent's. 1885] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 681 Pearson, Andrew (Scotland) ; Loretto. Com. M. 1885, aged 19 ' B.A. and rem. 1889. Golf 1886 ; Vincent's. Writer to the Signet ; Factor to Sir William Gordon Gumming, Bart., 1901-6 ; Chamberlain to the Duke of Buccleuch 1906. P.C.R. ; Burke's Landed Gentry. Rashleigh, William (Kent) ; Tonbridge. Com. M. 1885, aged 18 5 3 Cl. Mods. 1887 ; 3 Cl., B.A. and rem. 1889 ; rep. 1893 ; M.A. and rem- 1897. Cricket 1886, 7, 8 (Capt.), 9; Rugby 1887, 8; Phoenix, Vampires, Vincent's, Ingoldsby. Assist. Master Uppingham 1889; Tonbridgo 1891 ; ordained 1892; Min. Canon of Gloucester and C. of St. Catherine, Gloucs., 1900 ; Min. Canon of Canterbury 1903; C. of St. Mildred, Canterbury, 1904. Rawlinson, John Baldwin (Cumberland) ; Malvern. Com. M. 1885, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1888. Octagon, Vincent's. Rimmer, Sydney Richard (E. Indies); St. Bees. Com. M. 1885, aged 18 ; B.A. 1888 ; M.A. 1892 ; rem. 1900. C. of Pudsey, Yorks., 1890-1 ; of H. Trin., Paddington, 1891-3 ; of Christ Ch., Toxteth Park, Liverpool, 1893-7 ; K. of Eastington, Gloucs., 1897-8 ; Chap, of Wheatenhurst Union 1898-1904 ; Lie. Pr. Dioc. Oxon. and Pet. 1904-6 ; E. of Morcott, Rutland, 1906. Robinson, Raphael (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Somerset Sch. M. 1885, aged 19 ; Iver Sch. and 2 Cl. Mods. 1887 ; 4 Cl. 1889 ; B.A. 1890 ; M.A. and rem. 1893. Assist. Master Market Bosworth Gr. School 1896-9 ; Ampleforth Coll. 1900-8 ; Horsham Gr. School 1908. WORK : -^ Preliminary Greek, 1903. Routledge, Frederick (Middlx.) ; Harrow. Com. L. 1885, aged 18 ; rem. 1888 ; B.A. Marcon's Hall 1892. Octagon, Vincent's. Literary Agent ; late Capt. 2nd V.B. Royal Fusiliers. P.C.R. Russell, Arthur Eustace (Essex) ; Lancing. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1885, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1887 ; 1 Hist. 1889 ; B.A. 1890 ; M.A. and rem. 1892 ; rep. 1899. Tutor in London 1890 ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1894. WORK : edition (1905) of Wolstenholme's One of the Editors of the 9th Conveyancing and Settled Land Acts. Simpson, Cyril Edward (London) ; Haileybury. Com. M. 1885, aged 18 ; B.A. 1888 ; M.A. 1892 ; rem. 1900. Octagon. Formerly a Schoolmaster. Tabberer, Hugh Benjamin (Kent). Com. M. 1885, aged 19; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1888 ; M.A. 1892 ; rem. 1899. Formerly a Schoolmaster. 682 BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1885-6 Tilney, Bobert Henry (Lanes.); Eton. Com. M. 1885, aged 19; rem. 1892. Torpid 1889 (1) ; Octagon, Vincent's. Stockbroker in Liverpool. Sherwood; P.C.R. Titchener, Edward Bradford (Sussex) ; Malvern. Sch. M. 1885, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1887 ; Senior Hulrae Ex. and Bridgman Pr. 1888 ; 1 Cl. 1889 ; B.A. 1890 ; M.A. and rem. 1894 ; rep. 1905 ; D.Sc. Oxon. and rem. 1906. Ingoldsby (Pres.). Assist. Prof, of Psychology at Cornell Univ., U.S.A., 1892 ; Prof. 1895 ; Non-resident Lect., Columbia Univ., 1908 ; Non-resident Lect., Univ. of Illinois 1909 ; Ph.D. Leipsic 1892 ; LL.D. Wisconsin 1903 ; F.Z.S. London. WORKS : \-Dr. Munslerburg and Experimental Experimental Psychology, 1901-5. psychology (Mind, xvi). Elementary Psychology of Feeling and \-The Leipzig school of experimental Attention, 1908. philosophy (Mind, n. s., vol. 7). Several volumes of translations \-Ueber binoculare Wirkungen mono- (philosophical and psycholo- cularer Reize, 1892. gical) from the German. ^Zur Chronometriae des Erkennungs- Articles in various periodicals. acts. American editorial representative An Outline of Psychology, 1896. of Mind and associate editor of Primer of Psychology, 1898. the American Journal of Psychology. Williams, William Llewellyn (Carmarthens.) ; Llandovery. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1885, aged 18 ; Bridgman Pr. (pt.) 1888 ; 2 Hist, and rem. 1889 ; rep., B.A. and rem. 1891 ; rep. 1898 ; B.C.L. and rem. 1901. Barr. Lincoln's Inn, 1897 ; M.P. Carmarthen 1906 ; formerly Editor of the South Wales Daily Post (Swansea,), Assistant Editor of the South Wales Daily News (Cardiff), and Chief Sub-editor of the Star (London) ; Pro- secuting Counsel to Post Office, South Wales Circuit. Wood, Alfred Herbert (Hants.) ; Portsmouth Gr. School. Sch. M. 1885, aged 19; 2 Math. Mods. 1887 ; 3 Math, and B.A. 1889 ; M.A. and rem. 1892. Assist. Master Portsmouth Gr. School 1889. Young, James Allen (London) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1885, aged 18 ; rem. 1888. Brewer. 1886 Barker, Frederick George (Hants.) ; Eton. Com. E. 1886, aged 19 ; B.A. 1891 ; M.A. 1894. Torpid 1890 (2); Cricket (Capt.) 1890; Vampires (Pres.), Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1894, Western Circuit ; Maj. 3rd Royal Berks. Regt. P.C.E. Bedford, Bernard Francis Riland (London) ; Leamington College. Com. M. 1886, aged 18 ; rem. 1889. Octagon. Manager of a ranch at Buenos Ayres. Burke's Landed Qentry. 1886] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 683 Brown, Alfred (Lanes.) ; Heversham. Com. L. 1886, aged 21 ; B.A. 1890 ; M.A. 1892 ; rem. 1894. Died July 1904. Browne, Charles Hotham (Yorks.) ; Hereford. Com. M, 1886, aged 19 ; B.A. 1889 ; M.A. and rem. 1891. C. of St. Saviour, Eastbourne, 1891-7 ; Lie. Pr. Dioc. Chichester 1902 ; Assist. Master St. Andrew's School, Eastbourne. Chic-heater, Charles (Devon) ; Royal Academy, Gosport. Com. M. 1886, aged 18 ; B.A. 1889 ; M.A. and rem. 1893. Torpid 1888 (2), 9 (1). C. of Holy Trinity, Weymouth, 1891-4 ; R. of Shirwell, Hants., 1894. Sherwood. Cunningham, George (Scotland) ; Shrewsbury. Com. L. 1886, aged 19 ; rem. 1887 ; rep. 1888 ; B.A. 1890 ; rem. 1896. Torpid 1887, 9 (2) ; Octagon. Admitted to Scottish Bar 1892 ; Assist. Priv. Sec. to First Lord of the Admiralty 1906-8 ; Assist. Priv. Sec. to Sec. of State for the Colonies 1908. Sherwood. Dale, Alfred Stanley (Kent). Non-Coil. L. 1886, aged 17 ; adm. L. 1887 ; B.Mus. and rem. 1889 ; rep. 1894 ; B.A. and D.Mus. 1895 ; rem. 1902. Organist at Birkenhead ; F.R.C.O. Davis, Ernest de Graves (Australia) ; Wellington. Com. M. 1886, aged 19 ; rein. 1887. Faulkner, Thomas (Oxon.) ; Christ's Coll., Finchley. Com. M. 1886, aged 18 ; rem. 1888. Finn, Frank (Kent) ; Maidstone. Sch. M. 1886, aged 17 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1888 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1890 ; rem. 1891. Ingoldsby (Pres.). Went to East Africa for zoological research ; First Assist, to Superin- tendent of Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1894 ; Dep. Superintendent 1895- 1902 ; F.Z.S. WORKS : \-An evolutionist in East Africa, 1892. -^Notes on the Indian Goosander, \Somefactsoftelegony, 1894. 1897-8. \-The significance of the bird's foot, -J-On certain imperfectly knoum points 1894. in the habits and economy of birds, ^Contributions to the theory of warning 1898. colours and mimicry, 1895-7. -\-The birds of Calcutta, 1901. |-0n some noteworthy Indian birds, ^Birds of the Countryside, 1907. 1897. Pets and How to Keep Them, 1908. \-Notes on various species of Grebes, The World's Birds, 1908. 1897-8. And other scientific papers. ^Notes on the occurrence in India of the Dwarf Fox, 1897-8. Country Queries and Notes, February, 1 909. Greenway, Kelynge (Warws.) ; Harrow. Com. L. 1886, aged 18 ; rem. 1886. Formerly Capt. 6th (Militia) Batt. Irish Rifles ; afterwards Sergt.-Maj. British South African Police. 684 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1886 Harrison, Herbert William Broadley (Herefs.) ; Charterhouse. Com. L. 1886. aged 19 ; B.A. 1889 ; M.A. 1893. Torpid 1888 (2). Vice-Consul at Havana 1892-4; Acting Consul-General at Havana 1894 ; appointed Consul at New York 1896 ; Vice-Consul at Bluefields, Nicaragua 1895-7 ; Commercial Attache at Madrid and to Legation at Lisbon 1897 ; served as British Commissioner for the settlement of the claims against Venezuela 1903; C.M.Gr. 1904; Charge d' Affaires at Guatemala, Central America ; died 28 Sept. 1905. Hay, Reginald Nevill Ellis (Sussex); Eton. Com. M. 1886, aged 19; rem. 1888. Octagon. Holland, William Francis Claude (London) ; Eton. Com. L. 1886, aged 20 ; B.A. and rem. 1890. Torpid 1886; Eight 1886, 7, 8, 9; Captain B.C. 1891 ; Oxford Eight (bow) 1887, 8, 90, (str.) 1889; Captain O.U.B.C. 1888; Vincent's. Wine Merchant. Sherwood ; P.C.R. ; Ale 1889. Kent, William Charles (Surrey); Private School at Blackheath. Com. M. 1886, aged 20 ; B.A. 1890 ; M.A. and rem. 1894. Torpid 1887, 8 (1) ; Eight 1888, 9, 90 ; Captain B.C. 1889, 90 ; Oxford Eight (str.) 1891 ; Phoenix, Vincent's. Formerly on Stock Exchange ; now a Solicitor ; Capt. of Molesey Boat Club since '1889. Sherwood. Knight, Francis Henry Qreville (Devon) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1886, aged 21 ; rem. 1887 ; rep. 1894 ; B.A. 1895 ; M.A. 1899. C. of Odiham, Hants., 1895-7 ; of Ottery St. Mary, Devon, 1897-1900; R. of Dogmersfield, Hants., 1900-7 ; of Leadenham, Lines., 1907. Macrorie, Basil Francis UTewall (Lanes.) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1886, aged 18 ; rem. 1888. Maudson, Arthur Henry (Yorks.); Bath Coll. Sch. M. 1886, aged 19; 1 Math. Mods. 1888; 3 Math, and B.A. 1890; M.A. 1892; rem. 1893. C. of Kimberworth, Yorks., 1892-3; of St. Jude, Kensal Green, 1893-6 ; of St. Thomas, York, 1896. Moore, Harold Broadbent (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Somerset Sell- M. 1886, aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and Junior Hulme Ex. 1887 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1888 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1889 ; 2 Cl., B.A. and at Berlin Univ. 1890 ; at the tfcole des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1891 ; at the British Museum 1892 ; M.A. and rem. 1893 ; rep. 1896. C. of Hooton, Chesh., 1896-8 ; of Dovercourt, Essex, 1898-9 ; V. of Downham, Lanes., 1899-1908; R. of Thornton-le-Moors, Chesh., 1908. Newell, Walter Salmon (E. Indies) ; St. George's Coll., Harrogate. Com. M. 1886, aged 19 ; B.A. 1889 ; M.A. 1893. L.D.S. 1895; L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. 1897; Assist. Dental Surgeon Middlesex Hospital 1900; Dental Surgeon 1908. WOBK : F.R.S.) of Tomes' s Dental Surgery, Joint author (with C. S. Tomes, 5th ed., 1906. Burke's Landed Gentry. 1886] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 685 Parker, Arthur Percy (Durham). Matr. Magdalen M. 1886, aged 19 ; B.A 1890; M.A.. M.B. and B.Ch. 1896; Assist. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Oxford, 1899-1908 ; adm. 1906 ; Lecturer in Applied Anatomy 1908. House Physician and House Surgeon at Middlesex Hospital 1896 ; Assist, to the Pathologist at Middlesex Hospital 1898 : served in South Africa in Yeomanry Hospital from Feb. 1900 to March 1901 ; Assist. Surgeon Radcliffe Infirmary 1901 ; Surgeon 1904 ; in practice in Oxford ; assumed additional name of Dodds 1908. Peareth, John Lennox (Scotland) ; Wellington. Com. M. 1886, aged 19 ; B.A. 1890 ; rem. 1896 ; rep. 1897. Octagon. Burke's Landed Gentry. Porter, Robert Waltham (Surrey); Dulwich. Sch. M. 1886, aged 18; 1 01. Mods. 1888; Bridgman Pr. and Senior Hulme Ex. 1889 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1890; M.A. 1894; V. of East Ham 1908. C. of All Saints, Poplar, 1891-1901 ; of King's Cross, Halifax, 1901-4 ; V. of St. Saviour, Ravensthorpe, Yorks., 1904-8. Puxley, Prank Lavallin Lavallin (Ireland). Com. M. 1886, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1889 ; rep. 1890 ; rem. 1895. Torpid 1888 (1) ; Eight 1888. 9. Barr. ; served in South African War ; Capt. in 4th Yorks. Regt. ; now living in France. Sherwood. Bedhead, Arthur Cecil Milne (Lanes.) ; Wellington. Com. L. 1886. aged 20 ; B.A. 1891 ; M.A. 1892 ; rem. 1895. J.P. Yorks. (W. R.) 1896. Robbs, Lewis (Leics.) ; Merchant Taylors. Ex. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1886, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1888 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1890 ; M.A. 1893. C. of Church of Ascension, Balham Hill, 1890-5 ; of St. John Evang., Cheetham, Lanes., 1895-8; V. of Bardsley, Lanes., 1898-1906; of Haslingden, Lanes., 1906. Sinclair, William Hugh Montgomery (Ireland) ; Marlborough. Com. M. 1886, aged 17 ; B.A. 1889 ; rem. 1894. Torpid 1888 (2), 9 (1) ; Octagon. Royal Humane Society's silver medal 1892. Sherwood. Spottiswoode, Cyril Andrew (London) ; Eton. Com. Non-Coil. M. 1886, aged 19 ; adm. E. 1887 ; rem. 1892. Phoenix, Octagon, Vincent's. Printer. Burke's Landed Gentry. Venning, Alfred John Meybohm (Devon). Com. M. 1886, aged 21 ; B.A. 1889 ; M.A. and rem. 1893. Octagon. Land Agent for the Earl of Wharncliffe's estate in North Cornwall ; studied at Royal Agricultural Coll., Cirencester ; passed professional Associateship examination of the Surveyors' Institute 1892. WACE, Henry Charles (London) ; Charterhouse. New M. 1886, aged 19 : 2 Cl. Mods. 1888 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1890 ; 1 Theol. 1891 ; Chaplain Fellow 7 Dec. 1898 ; M.A. and Lecturer 1899 ; Tutor 1906. C. of Ramsgate 1891-3 ; Assist. Master at Cheltenham Coll. 1893-8. 686 BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1886-7 Watkina, Philip Morgan (Devon) ; Winchester. Somerset Sch. (open) M. 1886, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1888; 2 01. 1890; B.A. 1891 ; M.A. 1894. Torpid 1887, 8 (2), 9 (2), 90 (2). Engaged in private tuition 1890-2 ; C. of Tideswell, Derbs., 1893-5 ; Assist. Master Radley College 1895 ; Private Schoolmaster, Caterham, 1897. WORKS : Rules for Latin Prose ; Writes on Angling for The Field. Sherwood ; Ale 1889. Wearing, James Williamson (Lanes.). Com. M. 1886, aged 22 ; 2 Law and B.A. 1889 ; M.A. 1893. Barr. Middle Temple 1888 ; Northern Circuit ; J.P. Lanes. 1893. 1887 Birks, Arthur Hatfleld (Yorks.) ; Sheffield. Com. M. 1887, aged 19 : 4 Theol. and B.A. 1890; M.A. and rem. 1894. C. of St. Philip, Southport, 1891-8 ; of St. Mary, Peterborough, 1898- 1901; C.-in-Ch. of Christ Church, Northampton 1901-7; V. 1907. Bridson, Francis Charles (Lanes.) ; St. Edward's, Oxford. Com. M. 1887, aged 19 ; rem. 1888. Octagon. Browning, Bertie Percy (Surrey) ; Tonbridge Com. M. 1887, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1889; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1891; M.A. 1900. Torpid 1888 (2), 90(1), 1 (1). Head Master Rose Hill Preparatory School, Banstead. Sherwood. Canning, Hubert (London). Com. L. 1887, aged 19 ; rem. 1888. Corner, Horace Glasgow (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Com. M. 1887, aged 18 ; B.A. 1890 ; M.A. 1894 ; B.D. 1901 ; D.D. 1905. C. of Beeford, Yorks., 1892-6 ; of Middleton on the Wolds, Yorks., 1896-7 ; R. of Crostwight, Norfolk, 1897-1903 ; V. of Runham, Norfolk, 1903-5 ; R. of Llangattock-juxta-Usk, Mon., and Dom. Chap, to Marquess of Abergavenny, E.G., 1905. Cornish, Basil Sidney (Middlx.) ; Manchester. Somerset Sch. M. 1887, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1888 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1889 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1891 ; M.A. 1894. Ingoldsby. H.M. Inspector of Schools 1898. Cripps, Reginald (India> ; Winchester. Sch. M. 1887, aged 18; 1 Cl. Mods. 1889 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1890 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1891. Ingoldsby (Pres.). Assist. Master at Llandovery Coll. 1893 ; Priv. Tutor 1894-7 ; Dist. Sec. C.O.S. London 1898-1901 ; Sec. to the People's Refreshment House Association 1901. Denbigh, John HaUidav (Yorks.) ; Bath Coll. Sch. M. 1887. aged 19 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1889 ; 2 Math, and B.A. 1891 ; M.A. and rem. 1895. Assist. Master Rossall to 1895, and then teaching in America. 1887] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 687 Farnsworth, Walter (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Som. Th. Manor Sch. M. 1887, aged 19 ; Iver Sch. 1888 ; 2 Theol. and B.A. 1891 ; M.A. 1894 ; rem. 1906. C. of All Saints, Northampton, 1891-5 ; of St. John Evang., Bromley. 1895-7 ; Chap, at Lima, Peru, 1897-1900 ; C. of St. Mary, Kelvedon, Essex, 1900 ; R. of St. Andrew, Brisbane, 1900-5 ; V. of Fotherby with Brackenborough, Lines., 1905. Fisher, John Cecil (Lanes.) ; Warrington. Com. M. 1887, aged 19 ; 2 Nat. Sci. (Physiol.) and B.A. 1891 ; B.Med. and M.A. 1897 ; rem. 1905. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ; Medical Officer of Health Lytham U.D.C. ; Certif. Fact. Surg. ; Hon. Sec. and Vis. Surg. Lytham Cottage Hosp. ; Surg. P.O.; late Assist. Surg. Royal Infirm., Halifax, and Ho. Surg. Radcliffe Infirm., Oxford. Glover, Alfred Charles (Genoa) ; Eton. Com. M. 1887, aged 19 ; 4 Law, B.A. and rem. 1891. Barr. Middle Temple 1892. Hodgson, Charles Henry (Salop) ; Hereford. Somerset Sch. M. 1887, aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1888 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1889 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1891 ; M.A. 1898. Torpid 1888 (2), 90 (1) ; Eight 1890, 1 ; Ingoldsby. Formerly Master of Waterloo High School, Blundell Sands ; C. of Blundell Sands 1907-8 ; Assist. Chap, at Valparaiso 1908. Holmes, Charles John (Lanes.) ; Eton. Sch. M. 1887, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods, and rem. 1889 ; rep. and Slade Professor of Fine Art 1904 ; Hon. M.A. 1905; M.A. 1908. Ingoldsby. Assist, in Rivingtons 1889; at Ballantyne Press 1890; Manager with J. C. Nimmo, Publisher, 1892 ; Manager Vale Press 1896 ; Editor of the Burlington Magazine 1904. WOBKS : The Poems of John Keats, 1898. Religio Medici, Urn Burial, &c. Hoki4sai, 1899. (Vale Press), 1902. \-Constabk, 1901. ^-Pictures and picture collecting, 1903. Editor of Apuleius, De Cupidinis et -\-Notes on the Science of Picture making, Psyches Amoribus (Vale Press), 1909. 1901, and of Sir Thomas Browne, Articles in many Journals. Keilor, John Danby Downing (London) ; King's Coll. School. Com. M. 1887, aged 20 ; Colquitt Ex. 1888 ; 3 Theol. and B.A. 1890 ; M.A. 1894 ; rem. 1901. C. of St. Mary, Wallingford, 1890-2 ; of Putney 1892-1900 ; R. of East Chinnock, Som., 1900. Leigh, Richard Edward (Glamorg.) ; Llandovery. Ex. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1887, aged 20 : 2 Cl. Mods. 1889 ; 4 Cl. 1891 ; B.A. 1892 ; M.A. 1894. Phoenix, Vincent's. C. of Andover. Hants., 1894-1900 ; V. of Crofton with Lee-on-the-Solent, Hants., 1901 ; Hon. Missr. of Dioc. of Winchester. McLean, Alexander (Java) ; Blackheath and King's Coll. School. Com. M. 1887, aged 18; rem. 1888. Octagon. 688 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1887-8 Feele, Bichardson (Durham) ; Durham. Sch. M. 1887, aged 18 ; B.A. 1893 ; rem. 1894 ; died 5 Jan. 1894. Tawney, John Archer (Oxon.) ; Winchester. Com. L. 1887, aged 18; B.A. 1890; M.A. 1896. Bank Clerk. Tristram, Charles Edward (London) ; Hereford. Somerset Sch. M. 1887, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1889 ; rem. 1893. Torpid 1888 (1), 91 (1) ; Eight 1889. Lieut. 2nd Dorset Regt. 1891; Indian Army 1892; Capt. 1901 ; Staff appointments : Assist. Insp. Army Signalling 1895 ; Officiating Brigade Maj., Aden Brigade, 1907 ; Officiating Dep. Assist. Adjt.-Gen., Burma Div., 1908; Dep. Assist. Adjt.-Gen., Southern Army, Dec. 1908. Sherwood. Twentyman, Arthur Edward (London) ; Shrewsbury and King's Coll. School. Junior Hulme. Ex. M. 1887, aged 20; 3 Cl. Mods. 1889 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1890 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1891. Librarian at Department of Special Enquiries and Reports, Board of Education. WAKELING, George Henry (London). Trinity M. 1887, aged 28 ; 1 Hist, and B-A. 1890; History Lecturer Wadham 1890-4; M.A. and History Lecturer Magdalen 1894; Lecturer Brasenose 1894 ; Official Pellow 3 May 1895 ; Hist. Exam. 1900, 1, 2 ; Tutor 1903. WORKS: -\-King and parliament, 1894; -\Quater centenary Monograph xi, 1909. Watkinson, Prank (Yorks.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. M. 1887, aged 19 ; B.A. 1892, M.A. and rem. 1897. Assist. Master, Mostyn House School, Parkgate, Chesh., 1891-7 ; Philberds Preparatory School, Berks., 1898. Wiggett, Henry Edward Allen (Berks.) ; Winchester. Com. L. 1887, aged 18 ; B.A. 1889 ; rem. 1890. Williams, Llewellyn Stanley (Chesh.) ; Manchester. Somerset Sch. M. 1887, aged 17 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1888 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1889 ; B.A. and M.A. 1895. Torpid 1888 (2) ; Eight 1888, 9, 90, 1. Head Master The Ryleys Preparatory School, Alderley Edge, 1903. Sherwood. 1888 Abdul Majid Khan (India). Com. Non-Coil. L. 1888; adrn. M. 1889 ; rem. 1890. Ban-. Lincoln's Inn 1892. Bancroft, George Pleydell (London) ; Eton. Com. M. 1888, aged 19 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1892 ; M.A. 1897. Sec. of P.C.R. 1891 ; Phoenix, Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1893 ; on the stage 1896 ; Administrator of the Academy of Dramatic Art 1906. WORKS : Author of Plays: The Birthday, World say? 1899; The Little Countess, 1894 ; Teresa, 1898 ; What will the 1903 ; Lady Ben, 1906. Barker, Gerald Edgar (London); Eton. Com. E. 1888, aged 20; rem. 1890. Phoenix, Octagon, Vincent's. 1888] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 689 Barnes, Reginald Garrould (Norfolk) ; Ipswich. Sch. M. 1888, aged 19 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1890; 2 Math, and B.A. 1892. Ingoldsby. Solicitor. Barsdorf, Ralph Bismarck (S. Africa); Clifton. Com. M. 1888, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1891. Merchant. Bayly, John (Devon) ; Haileybury. Com. M. 1888, aged 19 ; B.A. 1891 ; M.A. 1896. Torpid 1890 (2). 1 (1) ; Octagon. Solicitor ; Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes ; Lieut. Royal North Devon Hussars 1893; Maj. 1902; Pres. of Plymouth Conservative Club. Sherwood. Bradford, Basil Wyatt (Wilts.) ; Clifton. Com. M. 1888, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex. 1889; B.A. 1892 ; M. 1896; rem. 1904. Torpid 1889 (2), 90 (1) ; Cricket (Capt.) 1891 ; Vampires, Vincent's. C. of Beaminster, Dorset, 1893-6 ; Assist. Master Elstree School 1896-1900 ; C. of Broughton with N. Newington, Oxon., 1900-6 ; R. 1906. Sherwood. Browne, Lionel Ravald (Yorks.) ; Hereford. Somerset Sch. M. 1888, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods, and Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1890 ; Junior Gr. Test. Pr. 1891 ; 2 Theol. and B.A. 1892 ; M.A. 1895. C. of St. John, Meads, Eastbourne, 1893-6 ; Lie. Pr. Dioc. Chichester 1901 ; Assist. Master St. Andrew's School, Eastbourne. WORK : A First Latin Unseen Book. Burns-Lindow, Samuel Lindow (Curnb.) ; Harrow. Balliol M. 1888, aged 19; adm. E. 1889; B.A. 1891 ; M.A. and rem. 1895. Octagon. J.P. Cumberland 1901 ; High Sheriff 1906. Burke's Landed Gentry. Child, Harold Hannyngton (Gloucs.) ; Winchester. Sch. M. aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1890 ; Bridgman Pr. (pt.) 1891 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1892; rem. 1894; rep. 1906. Torpid 1889 (2), 90 (1) ; Ingoldsby. Articled to Solicitor 1892 ; on the Stage 1894-7 ; received into the Roman Catholic Church 1895 ; Sec. of Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers 1902-5 ; Journalist ; Assist. Editor of the Academy 1905 ; of the Burlington Magazine 1907. WORKS : Phil of the Heath, 1899. to Times. Memoirs of Colonel Hutchinson, 1904. Contributor to the Cambridge Modern Translation of Max Roose's Rubens, History, the Cambridge History of 1904. English Literature, and the Public Contributor(literaryand dramatic) Schools from Within, 1906. Sherwood. Coventry, Richard George Temple (Worcs.) ; Hereford. Somerset Sch. M. 1888, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1890 ; 3 Hist. 1892 ; B.A. and rem. 1893. Rugby 1891 ; Phoenix, Vincent's. Formerly Schoolmaster. WORKS: fPoms, 1907; -\-Poems, 1908. Y y 690 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1888 Cowlishaw, Francis Ion (New Zealand) ; Rugby. Com. M. 1888, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1893. Torpid 1890 (2) ; Rugby 1891 ; Octagon. Barr. Inner Temple 1893. Dalziel, Frederick Young (London); Highgate. Com. M. 1888, aged 19 ; rem. 1890. Torpid 1889 (2). Falcon, Charles Henry (Cumb.); Repton. Com. M. 1888, aged 18 ; rem. 1890. Torpid 1889 (2). Barr. Inner Temple 1894. Ford, James Arthur (London) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1888, aged IS ; rem. 1895. Torpid 1889 (1) ; Eight 1889, 90, 1, 2, 3 ; Captain B.C. 1891 ; Oxford Eight 1892 ; Vincent's. Served with Yeomanry in S. Africa ; Capt. in Cornwall Fortress Engineers. Sherwood. O-rundy, George Beardoe (Chesh.). Com. E. 1888, aged 27 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1890 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1891 ; Univ. Geographical Scholarship 1892 ; M.A. 1894 ; Lecturer Brasenose 1898 ; Proxime Accessit Arnold Historical Essay 1899 ; Conington Pr. 1900 ; D.Litt. 1902 ; Fellow and Assist. Tutor Corpus Christi 1903 ; Tutor 1907 ; Vice-President 1908. Head Master of the Oxford Military College 1893-6. Golf 1890, 1. BENEF. : Plate 1892,1903. Papers in Journal of Hellenic Studies : WORKS : fTTie Trebbia and Lake Trasimere, f The topography of the battle of Plataea , 1 895-7. 1894. -^An investigation of the topography of ^Map of Gallia, Britannia, Hispania, Pylos and Sphakteria, 1896-8. Italia, Sicilia, Graecia, The Roman Artemisian, 1897. Empire, Gtrmania, Palestine, and A suggested characteristic in Thucy- The Eastern Empires. dides, 1898. ^The great Persian war and its pre- So/arm's, 1907. liminaries, 1901. T)ie population and policy of Sparta in ^The transliteration and pronunciation the Fifth Century, 1908. of the Latin v (Phil. Soc. Trans.), Article on Herodotus in Quarterly 1907. Review, Jan. 1909. Quat. Mon. v. Hall, Edward Gage (Surrey) ; St. Edward's, Oxford. Com. M. 1888, aged 19 ; Colquitt Ex. 1890; 3 Theol. and B.A. 1891 ; M.A. 1895 ; rem. 1901. C. of St. John, Fulham, 1892-1902 ; V. of Friern-Barnet, Herts., 1902. Hammond, William Remington (London) ; Eton. Com. M. 1888, aged 19 ; rem. 1891. Octagon. Horwood, Charles Harry Russell (Sussex) ; Highgate. Com. M, 1888, aged 20 ; B.A. and rem. 1893. Torpid 1889 (2), 90 (1) ; Eight 1890, 1 ; Phoenix, Octagon, Vincent's. Brewer at Queenstown, Cape Colony. Sherwood. 1888] BEASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEE 691 Johnson, Ernest (Lanes.); Winchester. Com. M. 1888, aged 18; 4 Law and B.A. 1891 ; M.A. 1896. Phoenix, Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1893, but did not practise ; in business in Man- chester; Maj. in Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry. Langworthy, Richard (London); Marlborough. Com. M. 1888, aged 20 ; B.A. 1892 ; M.A. 1895 ; rem. 1897. Solicitor 1895, practising in London. LEAGE, Richard William (London) ; Merchant Taylors. Exeter L. 1888, aged 18 ; 1 Law and B.A. ; Vinerian Sch. 1892 ; 1 B.C.L. and B.C.L. 1893 ; M.A. 1894 ; Official Fellow 29 Oct. 1898 ; Lecturer 1899 ; Law Exam. 1905, 6, 7 ; Tutor 1906. Barr. Inner Temple 1894. WORK : f .Roman Private Law, 1906. Leith, "Walter Alexander (London): Harrow. Com. E. 1888, aged 18 ; rem. 1890. Torpid 1889 (1), 90 (1); Eight 1890; Phoenix, Vincent's. Iron and Steel Merchant, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Sherwood. Lys, William (Dorset) ; Bath Coll. Somerset Sch. M. 1888, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1890 ; B.A. 1891 ; rem. 1893. I.C.S. 1892 ; Assist. Collr. and Mag. Madras ; Head Assist. 1901. Moore, William Maxwell Scott (Ireland) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1888, aged 18 ; B.A. 1891 ; rem. 1902. Torpid 1890 (1), 1 (1) ; Octagon, Vincent's. Formerly Coffee Planter in Central America ; now Resident Magistrate for co. Monaghan and J.P. co. Londonderry. Sherwood. Morris, Arthur John (London) ; Merchant Taylors. Sch. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1888. aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1890 ; Bridgman Pr. 1891 : 3 Hist, and B.A. 1892 ; Prox. Ace. Arnold Essay 1894; M.A. 1895; E. of Selham 1899-1900. Torpid 1889 (1), 90 (2), 1 (1), 2 (1) ; Eight 1892. Theological Student at Bonn University 1893 ; Assist. Master Merchant Taylors Sch., Crosby, and C. of Walton-on-the-Hill, Lanes., 1894; V. of Christ Ch., Colne, Lanes., 1900-3; R. of Churchkirk, Lancs.,1903. Sherwood. Owen, Fearnley Wells (London); Marlborough. Com. M. 1888, aged 18 ; 2 Law and B.A. 1891 ; 3 B.C.L. 1892 ; M A. and B.C.L. 1895. Torpid 1889 (2), 90 (2), 1 (1) ; Eight 1891. Barr. 1892-8 ; Solicitor 1898. Sherwood. Ross-Barker, Edmund John Perrott (Micldlx.) ; Aldenham. Ex. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1888, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1890 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1892 ; rem. 1893 ; rep. 1905 ; M.A. 1907. Ingoldsbv (Pres.). Assist. Master Harrison Coll., Barbadoes, 1893 ; Tonbridge, Exeter, and City of London Schools 1898, 9 ; Abingdon School 1899 ; Reading School 1907. Y y 2 692 BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER j 1888-9 Shuckburgh, Charles James (Middlx.) : Leamington Coll. Com. E. 1888, aged 21 ; 4 Law and B.A. 1891 ; rem. 1892. Engaged in Private Tuition ; died. Burke's Landed Gentry. Spurrier, Walter Horatio (Lines.) ; Repton. Com. L. 1888. aged 19 ; B.A. 1892 ; M.A. 1895. Torpid 1889 (1) ; Vampires, Vincent's. C. of Bibury, Gloucs., 1892-8; V. of Irton, Curnb., 1898. Sherwood. Taylor, Herbert (Lanes.) ; Bury. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1888, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1890 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1892 ; M.A. 1898. C. of St. Mary Major, Exeter, 1893-6 ; of St. Clement, Greenheys, Manchester, 1896-8 ; V. of St. Paul, Little Marsden, Lanes., 1898. Taylor, William Eagle (London) ; Dulwicb. Com. M. 1888, aged 18 : rem. 1889. Tonge, Arthur William (Warws.) ; Repton. Sch. M. 1888, aged 19; 1 Cl. Mods. 1890 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1891 ; 2 Cl. 1892 ; B.A. 1893 ; rem. 1895; rep., M.A. and rein. 1898. Torpid 1892 (2) ; Ingoldsby. Assist. Master at Eastbourne Coll. 1895-8 ; Chap. 1896-8 ; at King's School, Parramatta, N.S.W., 1899-1906; Master and Chap. Melbourne Gr. School 1906. WORK : Short Lessons on the Old Testament, 1908. Sherwood. Viokers, Ronald (Yorks.) ; Marlborough. Sch. M. 1888, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1890 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1892 ; M.A. and rem. 1895. Assist. Master at Stoke Poges 1895; Head Master, Preparatory School, Englefield Green. Waters, William Arthur Pernow (Norfolk) ; Clifton. Com. L. 1888, aged 19; 3 Cl. Mods. 1889; 2 Nat. Sci. (Physiol.) and B.A. 1891 ; B.Med. and M.A. 1898 ; D.Med. 1904. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 1897; Hon. Assist. Phys. Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford ; Demonst. Pathol. Univ. Mus. Oxford ; late Ho. Phys. Middlx. Hosp., and Ho. Phys. and Ho. Surg. Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford. Westmacott, Charles Rendel (Northumb.) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1888, aged 18; 3 Law and B.A. 1892; rem. 1905. Octagon. Wilkinson, Frederick (Australia) ; Melbourne Univ. Com. L. 1888, aged 22 : B.A. 1893. Torpid 1888 (1) ; Eight 1888, 9, 90, 1, 2 ; Oxford Eight 1891 ; Vincent's. C. of St. Margaret, Anfield, Walton-on-the-Hill, Lanes., 1894-6 ; of St. Mary Magdalen, Chiswick, 1896-8 ; of St. Patrick, Bordesley, Bir- mingham, 1898-1905 ; V. of St. Paul, Worcester, 1905. Sherwood. 1889 Anderson, James Pinlay (Australia); Harrow. Com. Matr. M. 1889, aged 19; B.A. 1893; M.A. 1896. Phoenix, Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1898; 3rd (Militia) Highland L.I., Maj. 190C : 1889 1 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 693 served in South African War 1900-1 (attached to 2nd Gordon Highlanders) as Railway Staff Officer. Arlosh, Godfrey William Liddell (Hants.) ; Eton. Com. Matr. M. 1889; died in Coll. 1 July 1890. Brown, Harold Pearce (Northants.) ; Marlborough. Com. M. 1889, aged 18 ; Colquitt Ex. 1890 ; B.A. 1892 ; M.A. 1896. Torpid 1890 (2), 1 (2), 2 (2). C. of Uppinghani 1896-9; of Kingsthorpe, Northants., 1899-1902; of St. Edmund, Northampton, 1902-5 ; V. of St. James. Northampton, 1905-7; ofSyston, Leics., 1907. Chamberlain, George Arthur (India) ; Clifton. Com. M. 1889, aged 19; B.A. 1892; M.A. 1896. Cockcroft, Edward Francis (Yorks.) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1889, aged 19 ; rent. 1894. Phoenix, Octagon, Bullingdon, Vincent's. J.P. Herefs. 1905 ; Brecknocks. 1906 ; C.C. Brecknocks. 1906. Currey, Cyril Curzon (South Africa) ; B.A. (Hons.) of Univ. of Cape of Good Hope. Com. M. 1889, aged 20 ; 2 Law, B.A. and rem. 1892. Barr. Inner Temple 1893 ; practising at Grahamstown, Cape Colony ; went through Siege of Kimberley in Town Guard ; served under Intel- ligence Dept. (Queen's Medal and 2 clasps) ; Assist. Legal Adviser 0. R. Colony 1906-7. Daller, Arthur George Henry (London) ; Eastbourne Coll. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1889, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods, and rem. 1891. Ingoldsby. Magistrate at Parys in Orange River Colony. Davies, Isaac Redwood (Glamorgs.) ; Shrewsbury. Com. M. 1889, aged 19: B.A. and rem. 1893. Torpid 1890 (2), 2 (1). Barr. Inner Temple 1898. Sherwood. Davies, John William St. Aubrey (Cambs.) ; St. Edward's, Oxford. Com. M. 1889, aged 21 ; rem. 1890 ; Univ. of Durham Licentiate in Theology 1900; 2nd Class Prelim. Theol. Exam. 1902. C. of Lynesack, Durham, 1902-6 ; of Chester-le-Street, Durham, 1906. Dun, Robert Hay (Chesh.) ; Loretto. Somerset Sch. (open) M. 1889, nged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1891 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1893. Golf 1890, 3. Barr. Inner Temple 1896 ; Advocate-General to Sudan Government 1905 ; Chief Judge at Khartoum. Dunn, William Stephens (London) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1889, aged 19; rem. 1892. Wine Merchant in Durham. Burke's Landed Gentry. Duval, Stephen Peachey (India) ; Highgate. Somerset Sch. (open) M. 1889, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1891; Senior Hulme Ex. 1892; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1893 ; 2 Theol. 1894 ; M.A. 1896. C. of Netherbury, Dorset, 1896-1901 ; of Bitton, Gloucs., 1901-4 ; of Christ Church, Harrogate, 1904 ; of St. Peter, Marlborough, 1904-5 ; V. of Newchurch-in-Pendle, Lanes., 1905-8 ; R. of Colne, Lanes., 1908. 694 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1889 Edwards, Evan (Herts.) ; Haileybury^ Com. L. 1889, aged 20 ; B.A. 1893 ; M.A. 1896. Torpid 1890 (2), 1 (1), 2 (1) ; Eight 1892 ; Phoenix, Vincent's, Octagon. Stock Exchange. Sherwood. Evans, Francis Duntze (Pembs.) ; Christ Coll., Brecon. Sch. M. 1889, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1891 ; 2 Cl. 1393 ; B.A. 1894 ; rem. 1907. Torpid 1892 (2) ; Ingoldsby (Pres.). Master Assist. Cargilfield Preparatory School, Edinburgh, 1894 : Merchiston Castle 1896. Graham, Robert Arthur (India) ; Winchester. Hon. Sch. M. 1889, aged 18 ; rem. 1891. I.C.S. 1889 ; Assist. Collr. and Mag. Madras ; Head Assist. 1898 ; Dep. Commr. Salt, Abkari, and Customs Dept. 1900 ; Sec. to Commr. of Salt., &c., 1903 ; Sub. Collr. and Joint Mag. 1906. Gritten, William George Howard (London) ; Manchester. Somerset Sch. M. 1889, aged 19 ; Iver Sch. 1890 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1891 ; Bridgman Pr. 1892 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1893 ; M.A. 1896 ; rem. 1899. Barr. Inner Temple 1899. Hallward, John (Kent); Winchester. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1889, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1891 ; 3 Cl. 1893 ; B.A. 1894 ; M.A. 1900. Torpid 1890 (1) ; Eight 1890, 1, 2 ; Vincent's. C. of St. Dunstan, Stepney, 1895-1900 ; Chap, of Rhodesia Railway : P.-in-Ch. of Victoria, Rhodesia, 1902-4; of St. John, Bulawayo, 1904. Sherwood. HIRTZEL, Frederick Arthur (Surrey); Dulwich. Sch. Trinity M. 1889 ; 1 Cl. Mods, and Craven Sch. 1891 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1893 ; Fellow 9 Oct. 1895-1902 ; M.A. 1896. Entered India Office 1894 ; Principal Priv. Sec. to the Sec. of State for India since 1903 ; C.B. 1907. BENEF. : Plate 1902. WORK : Editor of Virgil in the Oxford Classical Texts. Quat. Mon. v. Irish, Harold John Henry (Devon) ; Sherborne. Com. M. 1889, aged 19 ; 4 Hist., B.A. and rem. 1893. Torpid 1891 (2), 2 (1) ; Eight 1892, 3 ; Octagon, Vincent's. Barr. Inner Temple 1898 ; now a Wine Merchant. Sherwood. Jefferies, Arthur Charles (Ireland) ; Harrow. Com. E. 1889, aged 20 ; B.A. 1892 ; M.A. 1896. C. of Little Ilford, Essex, 1896-1903 ; of Weston, York, 1903-4 ; of Stevenage, Herts., 1904. Locke, Albert Walter (France); Dover. Com. L. 1889, aged 20; rem. 1889. Lyons, Gerald (Norfolk) ; Beaumont. Com. L. 1889, aged 19 ; rem. 1892 ; died. McMaster, Kenneth Hovil (London) ; Dulwich. Junior Hulme Ex. 1889, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1891 ; 3 Cl. 1893 ; B.A. 1894 ; rem. 1896 : rep. 1906 ; M.A. 1908. Ingoldsby. 1889] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 695 Assist. Master at Isleworth 1895 ; C. of St. Matthias, Sneinton, Notts., 1898-1900; of St. Augustine, Kilburn, 1900-4; of All Saints, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead, 1904-7 ; of St. Peter, Bournemouth, 1907. Newman, Richard (Derbs.) ; Hereford. Somerset Sch. M. 1889, aged 18 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and 2 Cl. Mods. 1891 ; Senior Hulme Ex. 1892 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1893 ; M.A. 1896. C. of St. Mary, Nottingham, 1895-9 ; of New Mills, Chesh., 1899-1900 ; V. of Goodshaw, Lanes., 1900 ; of Whalley, Lanes., 1904. Nutter, Alfred Barratt (Beds.) ; Bedford. Sch. M. 1889, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1891 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1893 ; 3 Jur. 1894 ; M.A. 1896. Torpid 1890 (1), 1 (1), 3 (1); Eight 1891, 3, 4; Captain B.C. 1893; Rowed for Visitors' Cup at Henley 1891 ; Trial Eights 1891, 3 ; Reserve for Univ. Eight and Second in Univ. Pairs (Silver Medal) 1892 ; Phoenix, Vampires (Pres. 1894), Vincent's; Treasurer O.U.D.S. 1893; Stage Manager 1894. Chancery Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1896 ; Member of the Council of the Incorporated Inns of Court Mission and Working-men's Institute. Sherwood. Parkin, William Hugh (Northumb.) ; Sedbergh. Com. L. 1889, aged 19; rem. 1890. Rugby 1891 ; Phoenix, Vincent's, Vampires. Agent for Lord Lonsdale ; served in S. African War in command of Westmoreland and Cumberland I.Y. 1899-1900 (dispatches) ; Hon. Capt. in Army ; Lieut.-Col. W. and C. I.Y. ; D.L., J.P. and C.C. Westmoreland. Persse, Henry Seymour (Ireland) ; Cheltenham. Com. M. 1889, aged 20 ; rem. 1891. Phoenix, Vincent's. Puxley, Herbert Horace Edward Lavallin (Herts.) ; Eton. Com. Non-Coil. M. 1889 ; adm. L. 1890 ; 2 Cl. 1893 ; B.A. 1894; rem. 1897. Torpid 1890 (2) ; Eight 1890, 1, 2, 3. At first engaged in tuition ; afterwards in Central Africa and St. Lucia ; died Nov. 1904. Sherwood. Rickards, Edward (Notts.) : Wellington. Com. M. 1889, aged 19 ; rem. 1891. Army. Steedman, Henry Percy Gormanston (India) ; Clifton. Com. M. 1889, aged 19; rem. 1891. Octagon. Civil Engineer. Stenhouse, Vivian Denman (London) ; Bloxham. Com. L. 1889, aged 18; rem. 1890. CirencesterAgric. Coll. (Dipl. with Hons.) 1901 ; J.P. Som. 1908 ; Capt. in West Som. Yeomanry. Turner, Montagu Cecil Scott (Lanes.); Rugby. Com. M. 1889, aged 18 ; B.A. 1892 ; M.A. 1898. Solicitor. Upton, Balph Daubeny (London) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1889, aged 18 ; B.A. 1892 : rem. 1896. Octagon. Solicitor. 696 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGMSTER [1889-90 Willett, Cecil George Wilmer (Surrey); Malvern. Com. M. 1889, aged 19 ; B.A. 1894 ; rem. 1896. Formerly Schoolmaster. Williams, Walter George (Som.) ; Bristol Gr. School. Sch. M. 1889, aged 18 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1891 ; 2 Math, and B.A. 1893 ; rem. 1894 ; rep. 1903 ; M.A. 1904. Assist. Master Crewkerne School 1893 ; Gt. Yarmouth Gr. School 1896 ; Head Master 1903. 189O Allan, William. Lewis Campbell (India) ; Wellington. Com. Matr. M. 1890, aged 19 ; rem. 1892. Octagon, Phoenix, Ingoldsby. Ashworth, John Thomas (Lanes.) ; Univ. of London. Non-Coil. L. 1890, aged 27; adm. M. 1890; 3 Theol. and B.A. 1892; M.A. 1896; B.C.L. and rem. 1897. C. of Idle, Yorks., 1892-4; of All Saints, Blackburn, 1894-7; of Windermere 1897-1902; of Egremont, Cambs., 1902. Brock, Hugh Bulkeley Price (Scotland) ; Loretto. Com. M. 1890, aged 19 ; B.A. 1894 ; rem. 1895. Octagon, Vincent's. Carr, Douglas Waid (Kent) ; Sutton Valence. Non-Coil. M. 1890 aged 18 ; adm. L. 1891 ; B.A. 1893 ; rem. 1895. Assist. Master Stanmore Park Preparatory School. Cave-Browne-Cave, Cecil Beekwith. (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. M. 1890, aged 18 ; B.A. 1895 ; rem. 1897. Octagon. Dewhurst, William Arthur (Lanes.) ; Marlborough. Com. M. 1890, aged 18 ; rem. 1894. Octagon, Phoenix, Vincent's. J.P. Cheshire 1897. Dobbs, Henry Robert Conway (London) ; Winchester. Hon. Sch. M. 1890, aged 19 ; rem. 1892. Torpid 1891 (2), 2 (1) ; Ingoldsby. I.C.S. 1890 ; Assist. Mag. and Collr. and Assist. Coniuir. in the N.W. Prov. and Oudh ; Assist. Supt. Dehra Dun 1895 ; Priv. Sec. to Lieut.-Govr. 1896 ; Joint Mag. 1897 ; Assist, to Rest. Mysore 1899 ; Assist. Pol. Agent Zhob 1901 ; Consul for Seistan and Kain 1903 ; British Cornmr., Russo-Afghan Boundary, 1903-5; C.I.E. 1905; F.R.G.S.; 1st Assist, to Agent in Rajputana 1905 ; on special duty in connexion with visit of Amir of Afghanistan to India 1906 ; Dep. Sec. to Govt. of India Foreign Dept, 1906. WORKS : A Monograph on the Pottery and Provinces and Oudh, 1895. Glass Industries of the North -Western -\-Korah, a Drama, 1903. Sherwood. Freeman, James Edward (Yorks.) ; Huddersfield Coll. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1890, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1892 : 3 Cl. and B.A. 1894 ; 3 Law 1895 ; rem. 1897 ; rep. 1908. Journalist : Editor of the Darlington and Stockton Times since 1903. 1890J BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 697 Garrett, Abraham (Suffolk) ; Bath Coll. Junior Huline Ex. M. 1890, aged 18 ; 2 01. Mods. 1892 ; 3 Cl. 1894 ; rem. 1895. [.C.S. 1894 ; served in Bengal as Assist. Mag. and Collr. ; Joint Mag. and Dep. Collr. 1903. Gough, Arthur Valentine (Durham) ; Durham. Sch. M. 1S90, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1892 ; rem. 1896. P]ngaged in Tuition. Grotrian, Harold Hunter (Yorks.) ; Charterhouse. Com. M. 1*90, aged 19 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1893 ; M.A. 1897 ; rem. 1899. Halcomb, Guy Worthington (Australia) ; St. Peter's Coll., Adelaide, and Officers' Coll., Hobart. Com. E. 1890, aged 19 ; 3 Law 1893 ; B.A. and rein. 1894. Torpid 1891 (2), 2 (1) ; Eight 1892. Barr. Inner Temple 1895 ; Solicitor, Petersburg, S. Australia. Sherwood. Haldane, Henry Chicheley (Scotland) ; Charterhouse. Com. M. 1890, aged 18 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1893 ; rem. 1895. Torpid 1891 (2), 2 (1), 3 (1) ; Octagon, Vincent's. Solicitor. Sherwood. Harnmick, Stephen Frederick (Surrey) ; Marlborough. Com. L. 1890, aged 18 ; rem. 1892. Oxfordshire Light Infantry: Lieut. 1894; Capt. 1900; served in South African War 1900-2; wounded at Paardeburg (Queen's Medal three clasps, King's Medal two clasps). Hampson, Henry Christian (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Somerset Sch. M. 1890, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1892 ; 2 Law and rem. 1894. Hay-Chapman, Macnagh ten (Norfolk) ; Repton. Com. M. 1890, aged 18 ; rem. 1892. Heriot, Everard Alexander (Kent) ; Harrow. Com. M. 1890, aged 18; rem. 1891. London Stock Exchange ; Lieut. 2nd V.B. W. Surrey Regt. ; served in South African War 1900-1. Jones, Alfred Clement (Gloues.); Cheltenham Gr. School. M. 1890, e?/-Got>ernmen< in Canada, the story Social and Econ, Hist, of Durham, of Lord Durham's Report, 1903. Viet. County Hist. Contributed Economic leaders and Social and Econ. Hist, of Northumber- reviews to Saturday Review. land, Viet. County Hist. Brocklehurst, Henry Cleeve (Lanes.). Com. M. 1896, aged 18 ; B.A. 1899 ; M.A. 1903. Torpid 1897 (1), 8 (1) ; Eight 1898, 9, 1900 ; Phoenix, Octagon. C. of St. Mark, Swindon, 1901 ; P.-in-Ch. St. Saviour's Mission Ch., Swindon, 1904. Davis, William Edward (Salop) ; Bromsgrove. Com. Colquitt Ex. M. 1896, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1898 ; B.A. 1900 ; M.A. 1903. Assumed additional name of Winstone 1898 ; C. of Wombourne, Wolverhampton, 1901-3; of Halesowen, Worcs., 1903. 716 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1896 du Vallon, Hubert Caliste de Jacob! (Warws.) ; Malvern. Com. M. 1896, aged 19 ; B.A. 1900 ; rem. 1901. Torpid 1897 (1), 1900 (1) ; Eight 1898, 1900, 1 ; Captain B.C. 1898, 1900 ; Oxford Eight 1901 ; Vincent's, Ingoldsby. Formerly in Consular Service. Frost, Kingdon Tregosse (Som.); Bath. Ex. M. 1896 Lincoln, aged 19 ; Junior Hulme Ex. L. 1897 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1898 ; 3 Cl., B.A. and rem. 1900 ; rep. 1903 ; M.A. 1905 ; Litt.B. 1907. Torpid 1899 (1) ; Eight 1899. Travelling Studentship at British School, Athens, 1900-1 ; Tutor and Lect. Isleworth Training College 1902-4 ; with Prof. Petrie in Egypt and Sinai 1904-5 ; F.R.G.S. 1905 ; Ministry of Education, Egypt, 1905-8 ; Bodleian Library 1908-9. WORKS : Times, 1904. The Statues from Cerigotto, in Journal Boats on the Euphrates and Tigris, of Hellenic Studies, 1903. Annual of Brit. School at Greek Boxing, in Journal of Hellenic Athens, 1905-6. Studies, 1906. Strategy of the Exodus and the Siege of The Navy of Tarshish, in Expository Jericho, in Expository Times, 1907. Graham, Gerald Edward Ruttledge (Suffolk) ; Ipswich. Ex. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1896, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1898 ; 3 Cl., I.C.S. Sch. and B.A. 1900 ; rem. 1901. I.C.S. 1901 ; Assist. Commr. Central Prov. Gardiner, John William (Lanes.) ; Preston. Com. M. 1896, aged 19 ; 4 Hist, and B.A. 1899 ; M.A. 1905 ; rem. 1908. C. of St. Matthew, Fulham, 1900-4 ; of St. Mary, Baling, 1904-8. Hole, William Stapleton Kercheval (Surrey) ; Thornton Heath and Bournemouth. Com. L. 1896, aged 19 ; rem. 1898. Hope, Arthur Herbert (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Somerset Sch. M. 1896, aged 19 ; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1897 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1898 ; Iver Sch. 1899 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1900 ; M.A. 1903. Assist. Master Malvern 1905, Bristol Gr. School 1906, Radley 1907-8. WORKS : quiries Dept. of Board of Educa- Report on 'The Teaching of the tion, 1906. Mother-Tongue in French Se- Joint author of The Higher Education condary Schools', for Special En- of Boys in England, 1909. Jackson, John Bertram (Harrow). Com. M. 1896, aged 18 ; rem. 1898. Lieut. 3rd (Militia) Batt. Sherwood Foresters. JENKLBTSON, Alfred James (Northumb.) ; Fettes. Sch. Hertford M. 1896 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1898 ; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1900 ; John Locke Sch. 1901 ; Aubrey Moore Student 1902 ; Official rellow 16 Nov. 1903 ; Ellerton Essay 1903 ; Lect. in Philosophy at Victoria Univ., Manchester, 1903-4 ; M.A. 1904. Keyden, Theodore Edgar (Scotland) ; Glenaluiond. Com. M. 1896, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1898 ; rem. 1900. Lake, George Douglas (London) ; Wellington. Com. M. 1896, aged 18 ; rem. 1898. Octagon. 1896] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 717 Lamond, Claude Henry Pitt (Scotland) ; St. Croix, Upper East Sheen. Com. E. 1896, a?ed 17 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1899 ; rem. 1904 Torpid 1898 (2), 9 (1) ; Eight 1899, 1900. Barr. Inner Temple 1903 ; District Commr. Gold Coast Colony 1909. Lancashire, John Kenneth (Leics.) ; Currie School, Folkestone and Seafield. Sch. M. 1896, aged 19 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1897 ; 1 Math., Senior Hulme Ex. and B.A. 1899 ; 2 Hist. 1900. Torpid 1898 (1), 9 (1); Eight 1899, 1900, 1. I.C.S. 1901 ; Asst. Collr. and Mag. Madras. Lea, Henry Crane (Northants.) ; Rugby. Com. M. 1896, aged 19 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1899: M.A. 1906. Torpid 1898 (2); Eight 1898, 9. Assist. Master Hartford Ho. School, Winchfield ; Lindley Lodge Prep. School, Higham-on-the-Hill, Nuneaton, 1904. Burke's Landed Gentry. Lee, Ernest Dare (Glamorg.) ; Hereford. Som. Th. Manor Sch. M. 1896, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1898 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1900 ; rem. 1903. Assist. Master St. Salvator's School, St. Andrew's, 1901 ; Lurgan Coll. 1903 ; Dent de Lion School, Westgate-on-Sea, 1904. Lucena, James Lancaster (New Zealand) ; Marlborough. Com. M. 1896, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1899. Served in South Africa with Imperial Yeomanry 1899 ; appointed 2nd Lieut. 4th Hussars ; retired 1902. Lyall, William Hooker (London) ; Cheltenham. Com. L. 1896, aged 20 ; B.A. 1900; M.A. 1903. Octagon. WORK : -(-Translated Dirr's Egyptian Arabic Grammar, 1905. Mackintosh, David Evan (Scotland) ; Fettes. Com. L. 1896, aged 18 ; rem. 1897. Octagon. Marsden, Richard Steward (Kent) ; Eastbourne. Somerset Sch. M. 1896, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1898 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1900 ; M.A. 1905. Torpid 1899 (2). C. of St. Peter, Fulham, 1901-2 ; V. of St. John, North Vancouver, B.C., 1902-7; Head Master St. John's School, North Vancouver, B.C., 1905-8 ; Head Master Stroud Green Gr. School and C. of Holy Trinity, Stroud Green, 1908. Miller, Douglas (Scotland) ; Fettes. Com. M. 1896, aged 20; rem. 1897. Octagon, Vincent's. Mowbray, Robert (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. M. 1896, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1898; Bridgman and Wordsworth Pr. 1899; 1 Cl. 1900 ; B.A. 1901 ; M.A. 1903; Green Pr. 1905. C.S. ; India Office. Belli, Alan (Lanes.) ; Harrow. Com. M. 1896, aged 18 ; B.A. 1901 ; M.A. 1903. Phoenix, Octagon. 718 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1896-7 Plant, George Frederick (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Som. Th. Manor Sch. M. 1896, aged 18 ; Iver Sch. 1897 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1898 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1900; rem. 1909. Ceylon C.S. ; Cadet 1901 ; Assist. 1902-4 ; Police Magistrate 1905 ; Dist. Judge Ratnapura 1906, Matara 1907. Biley, Launcelot John Cockcroft (Hereford) ; Eadley. Com. L. 1896, aged 20 ; B.A. 1900 ; M.A. and rem. 1903. Torpid 1896 (2), 7 (1), 9 (1). Engaged in Fruit Farming, &c. Burke's Landed Gentry. Roberts, William James (Pembs.) ; Haverfordwest. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1896, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1898 ; 1 Cl. and Senior Hulme Ex. 1900 ; B.A. 1901 ; M.A. 1905. Assist. Lect. in Philosophy and History at Univ. Coll., Cardiff. Thompson, Tom Roe (Glamorgs.) ; Hereford. Com. M. 1896, aged 19 ; B.A. 1899 ; M.A. 1905. Torpid 1897 (2), 8 (1), 9 (2) ; Phoenix, Octagon. Solicitor and Public Notary, practising at Cardiff. Torrens, James Robert (Ireland) ; Cheltenham. Com. M. 1896, aged 19 ; rem. 1900. Phoenix. Tracey, Robert Douglas Wingate (London) ; Isle of Wight Coll.. Eyde. Com. M. 1896, aged 21 ; B.A. 1899 ; died 1908. Ward, Arthur Edward Martyr (Norfolk); Haileybury. Com. Organist M. 1896, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1899. Norfolk Regt. : 2nd Lieut. 1900, Lieut. 1901, Capt. 1906. Wareham, John Edward (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. M. 1896, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1902. C. of Todmorden, Lanes., 1902. Williams, Francis Geoffrey (Brecon); Christ Coll., Brecon, and Llandovery. Sch. M. 1896, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1898 ; 1 Cl. and rem. 1900; rep., B.A. and rem. 1902. Ingoldsby. I.C.S. ; died 1905. 1897 Batchelor, Gerald Joseph Leeman (Surrey) ; Wellington. Com. M. 1897, aged 19 ; B.A. 1901 ; M.A. 1905. Phoenix, Octagon. Priv. Tutor at W. Tarring, Sussex. Beach, Frederick Frank (Herefs.) ; Manchester. Sch. M. 1897, aged 19; 1 Math. Mods. 1898; 1 Math, and B.A. 1900; 3 Nat. Sci. (Chem.) 1902 ; M.A. and rem. 1904. Assist. Master St. Asaph Co. School 1905, Bristol Gr. School 1906. Blossom, Charles William (Scotland) ; Merchiston Castle School. Com. M. 1897, aged 19 ; rem. 1902. Octagon. 1897] BRASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER 719 Brakspear, Frederick George (Oxon.) ; Charterhouse. Com. M. 1897, aged 19 ; rem. 1899. Bromley, Leonard Courtney (Som.); Bath. Sch. M. 1897, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1899 ; 2 Cl. and Senior Hulme Sch. 1901 ; B.A. and M. A. 1907. Torpid 1900 (1) ; Eight 1900. C.S. Treasury. WORK. : Poems, 1908. Brooke, Richard Hadden (Middlx.); Haileybury. Com. L. 1897, aged 18 ; rem. 1899. Bucknall, Basil Estoourt (Surrey) ; Maryborough. Com. M. 1897, aged 18 ; rem. 1900. Phoenix, Octagon. Ranching, General Soler, Cordoba, Argentina. Davidson, Duncan (Warws.) ; Malvern. Com. M. 1897, aged 19 ; 2 Nat. Sci. (Physiol.) and B.A. 1902; B.Med. 1906. M.R.C.S. ; L.R.C.P. ; formerly Ophthalmic House Surgeon, &c., London Hospital, and Clin. Assist. Med. Ant. Pats. Gt. Ormond St. Childr. Hosp. ; now practising at Coventry ; served in South Africa. Dore, Harold (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1897, aged 19; 3 Cl. Mods. 1899; rem. 1901. Journalist ; on Editorial Staff of Manchester Guardian. Pair hurst, Robert George (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Colquitt Ex. M. 1897, aged 21 ; 3 Theol., B.A. and rem. 1900. C. of St. Mary, Stockport, 1900-3 ; of St. Peter, Bethnal Green, 1903-5 ; Missionary for S.P.G. at Toungoo, Burma, 1905. Fortescue, Faithful Edward Knottesford (London) ; Bedford. Com. M. 1897, aged 19; 3 Law, B.A. and rem. 1902. Served in South Africa with Imperial Yeomanry 1900-1 (medal and 4 clasps) ; Commr. in Transvaal 1903-5 ; Assist. Commr. in S. Nigeria 1905 ; Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1909. Grice, Richard Sumner (Australia) ; Haileybury Coll., Melbourne. Com. L. 1897, aged 19 ; B.A. 1899 ; rem. 1900. Gullick, Francis "William (Surrey) ; Dulwich. Com. M. 1897, aged 19 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1900 ; M.A. 1908. Solicitor, practising in London. Ironside, Robert Adrian (London) ; Tollington Park Coll. Com. M. 1897. aged 18 ; 4 Hist., B.A. and rem. 1900. Torpid 1900 (1) ; Octagon. Royal Fusiliers 1900 ; Remount Dept. 1901 ; living in Johannesburg. James, Rolfe Arnold Scott (Warws.); Mill Hill. Somerset Sch. (open) M. 1897, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1899 ; 3 Cl. 1901 ; rem. 1905 ; rep., B.A. and rem. 1907. Torpid 1900 (2). Journalist. WORK : Modernism and Romance, 1908. Joyce, Ralph (Notts.); Bedford. Com. M. 1897, aged 19; 4 Law, B.A. and rem. 1900 ; died 1908. Ingoldsby. 720 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1897 Long, Basil Kellett (Doncaster) ; Norwich. Junior Hulme Ex. "M. 1897, aged 19; 2 Cl. Mods. 1899; Bridgman Pr. 1900; 1 Hist., Senior Hulme Sch. and B.A. 1901 ; rem. 1905. Ingoldsby. Master at Rondebosch ; Barr. in Cape Colony ; M.L.A. ; Legal Adviser to S.A. Convention. WORK : The Framework of Union. McCausland, Dominick Eckley (Herefs.) ; Hereford. Com. M. 1897, aged 18; Somerset Sch. 1898 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1899; Som. Th. Manor Sch. and B.A. 1901 ; M.A. and rem. 1904. Advocate Cape Bar ; practising at Grahamstown. Martin, Lionel Walker Birch (Cornwall); Eton. Com. L. 1897, aged 18 ; rem. 1900 ; B.A. Marcon's Hall 1903. Bicycling 1898-9 ; Octagon. Marton, Lancelot Edward (Westmorland) ; Wimbledon. Com. M. 1897, aged 19 ; rem. 1899. C. of St. Matthew, Wolverhampton, 1905-7 ; of Christ Church, Bootle, Lanes., 1907. Mutch, Stanley Robert (Leics.) ; Epsom. Com. M. 1897, aged 19; B.A. 1902; M.A. 1904. Torpid 1899 (2). Norris, Geoffrey Richard Gordon (London) ; Eastbourne. Com. M. 1897, aged 18 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1901 ; M.A. 1904. C. ofYeovil, Som., 1902. Orr, Prank William (London); Tonbridge. Com. M. 1897, aged 18 ; 4 Law and B.A. 1900 ; M.A. and rem. 1904. Solicitor 1904, practising in London. Pritchard, Philip Allan Raymond (India); George Watson Coll., Edinburgh. Com. M. 1897, aged 19 ; 2 Hist, B.A. and rem. 1900. Phoenix, Octagon. Lieut. Cheshire Regt. ; now attached to 46th Punjabs. Rawlence, Claud Vivian (Wilts.) ; St. Edward's, Oxford. Com. M. 1897, aged 18 ; 1 Hist, and B.A. 1901. Torpid 1898 (2), 9 (1), 1900 (1), 1 (1); Ingoldsby. Barr. Lincoln's Inn and Inner Temple 1903, practising at Chancery Bar. Rowley, William Lawrence Pemberton (Som.) ; Marlborougb. Com. M. 1897, aged 19 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1901. Contested W. Nottingham 1906 ; died 7 Apr. 1906. Spencer, Frederick Augustus Morland (Oxon.) ; Bradfield. Sch. M. 1897, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1899; Bridgman Pr. 1900; 1 Cl. and B.A. 1901 ; John Locke Sch. 1902 ; Aubrey Moore Student 1903 ; M.A. 1904. C. of Bishop Monkton, Leeds, 1905-6 ; of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, 1906. Thomas, George Wrentmore (Som.); Bath. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1897, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1899 ; 4 Cl. 1901 ; rem. 1905. Schoolmaster in S. America. 1897-8] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 721 Townshend, William Marton (Chesh.) ; Wellington. Com. M. 1897, aged 19; rem. 1899. Served in South Africa. Tupper, Geoffrey William Henry (India) ; Harrow. Com. M. 1897, aged 18 ; 4 Law and B.A. 1901 ; rem. 1902. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1903 ; in Land Registry Office 1902. Tyrer, Alfred Kenney (Lanes.) ; Radley. Com. L. 1897, aged 18 ; rem. 1899. Torpid 1897 (2), 8 (1) ; Eight 1898. Articled to Solicitor. Vinen, Reginald Frederick (London); Castle Hill School, Ealing. Com. M. 1897, aged 18; rem. 1898. Whitehead, William (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Somerset Sch. M. 1897, aged 18; Som. Th. Manor Sch. 1898; 2 Cl. Mods. 1899; Iver Sch., 2 Theol. and B.A. 1901 ; M.A. 1904. C. of St. John, Cheetham Lanes., 1902-7 ; C.-in-Ch. of parish in Alberta, Dom. of Canada, 1907. Widdows, Archibald Edwards (Kent) ; Dulwich. Sch. M. 1897, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1899 ; 2 Cl. 1901 ; B.A. and rem. 1902. Clerk in War Office ; Priv. Sec. to Sec. of State for War. 1898 Birkett, James (Lanes.) ; Cheltenham. Com. M. 1898, aged 19 ; B.A. 1901 ; M.A. and rem. 1906. Torpid 1899 (2) ; Octagon. Chartered Accountant. Bowly, William Arthur Travell (Gloucs.) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1898, aged 18 ; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1908. Phoenix, Octagon. 2nd Lieut. Warws. Regt. 1902 ; Lieut. 1906. Boyle, Tilford (Kentucky, U.S.A.) ; Leamington. Com. E. 1898, aged 20 ; rem. 1900 ; died Cree, Lionel Edward (Surrey) ; St. Paul's. Com. M. 1898, aged 18 ; rem. 1900 ; Marcon's Hall 1904 ; rep. and B.A. 1907. Torpids (2) 1899 ; O.U. Volunteers. Assist. Master St. Edward's School, Nuwara Eliza, Ceylon, 1902-4 ; C. of St. George, Beckenham, Kent, 1908. Dixon, Granville Fitzmaurice (Surrey) ; Holbroke School, Wands- worth. Com. M. 1898, aged 21 ; B.A. 1903 ; M.A. 1905. Fortescue, Francis Herbert (Hants.) ; Dulwich. Sch. M. 1898, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods, and Wordsworth Pr. 1900 ; Bridgman Pr. 1901 ; 1 Cl., Senior Hulme Sch. and B.A. 1902 ; rem. 1905. Clerk in Estate Duty Office of I.R. Dept. Heath, James Glover (New Zealand) ; Jersey. Com. L. 1898, aged 26 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1900 ; M.A. and rem. 1904. Phoenix, Octagon, Ingoldsby. Resident Magistrate at Winberg, O.R.C., and at Bloemfontein. 3 A 722 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1898 Heddon, John Donald (Middlx.) ; Christ's Hospital. Sch. M. 1898, aged 19 ; 2 Math. Mods. 1899 ; 2 Math., B.A. and rem. 1902. Torpid 1899 (2), 1902 (2). In Customs, Port Elizabeth, S. Africa. Ingram, Charles James (Sussex) ; Harrow. Com. E. 1898, aged 18 ; 3 Law 1901 ; B.A. and rem. 1902. Advocate Cape Bar 1905 ; Sec. to Chief Justice of Cape Colony 1906 ; practising as Barr. in Cape Colony. Jones, Charles Evan William (Monm.) ; Llandovery. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1898, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1900 ; 1 Hist. 1902 ; B.A. and rem. 1903 ; rep. 1906 ; M.A. and rem. 1908. Ingoldsby, Vampires. Assist. Master Khedivieh School, Cairo, 1902-6 ; Principal of Morris Coll., Nagpur, 1906. Ker, Ronald Scott (Scotland) ; Rugby. Com. M. 1898, aged 19 ; rem. 1902. Torpid 1899 (2), 1901 (1); Eight 1901 ; Phoenix. Sheep farming at Glenreasdell, Argyllshire. Layton, Ryland Churchill (Bucks.) ; Felsted. Com. M. 1898, aged 19; rein. 1902. Late Lieut. 3rd Regt. Imperial Yeomanry ; served in South Africa 1901-2 (medal and 4 clasps) ; Assist. Dist. Commr., Southern Nigeria 1903. Leschallas, Percy Pig6 (Middlx.) ; Eton. Com. M. 1898, aged 19 ; B.A. 1902 ; rem. 1908. Phoenix, Octagon. Marriott, Herbert Norman (London) ; Charterhouse. Com. M. 1898, aged 19 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1902 ; M.A. 1906. Late Schoolmaster ; Sub-editor of Malay Mail at Euala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Marshall, James Bernard (Lines.) ; Stonyhurst. Com. M. 1898, aged 19 ; 3 Law 1902 ; B.A. 1903. Barr. Inner Temple 1903, Midland Circuit. Murphy, Frank Power (Australia) ; Melbourne. Com. M. 1898, aged 19; rem. 1899; rep. 1900; rem. 1902. Torpid 1899 (2); Phoenix, Octagon. Ramsbotham, Henry Robert (Yorks.) ; Charterhouse. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1898, aged 19 ; 3 Nat. Sci. (Physiol.) and B.A. 1902 ; B.Med. and M.A. 1907. Surgeon S.S. Qlencarn ; House Physician Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford. Raw, Rupert George (Natal) ; Clifton. Com. M. 1898, aged 18 ; rem. 1900. Formerly in Army ; D.S.O. 1902. Richards, Arthur James (Glamorg.) ; Llandovery. John Watson Sch. M. 1898, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1900; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1902 ; M.A. and rem. 1905. Assist. Master Bristol Gr. School 1903 ; Malvern Coll. 1904. 1898-9] BEASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 723 Seamer, Charles Ernest (London) ; Roan School, Greenwich. Com. Colquitt Ex. M. 1898, aged 18 ; B.A. 1903. Priv. Tutor 1902-3 ; Lect. at Grey Univ. Coll., Bloemfontein, O.B.C., and Member of Univ. Senate 1903-7 ; Prin. St. Andrew's Hostel, Bloem- fontein, 1903-7; C. of St. Nicholas, Sevenoaks, 1908. Shaw, Norman Rymer Mackintosh (Japan) ; St. Paul's. Com. M. 1898, aged 20; B.A. and rem. 1901. Torpid 1901 (2). In Chinese Customs 1901. Shepherd, Francis Ernest Arnold (Soin.) ; Magdalen Coll. School, Oxford. Com. Colquitt Ex. 1898, aged 17 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1901 ; M.A. 1907. Priv. Tutor 1902-3 ; Assist. Master Bath Coll. 1903-7 ; C. of St. Mary, Bathwick, Bath, 1906-7 ; Assist. Master King's School, Chester, 1907 ; C. of St. John, Chester, 1907 ; of Christ Church, Chester, 1908. Stodart, James Carlyle (Ireland) ; Campbell Coll., Belfast. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1898, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1900 ; 2 Cl., Senior Hulme Sch. and B.A. 1902 ; rem. 1905. I.C.S. 1904 ; Assist. Mag. and Collr. Madras. Trappes-Lomax, Edmund Neville (Lanes.) ; Stonyhurst. M. 1898, aged 21 ; B.A. 1902 ; M.A. 1905. Torpid 1899 (2), 1900 (2), 1 (2) ; Phoenix, Octagon. Ingoldsby. Solicitor. Wallis, Gilbert Alfred Farr (Lines.) ; Bath. Junior Hulme Ex. M 1898, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1900 ; Bridgman Pr. 1901 ; 2 CL, B.A. and rem. 1902. Assist. Master at Bath Coll. 1902-3. Walton, Edmund Charles (Lanes.) ; Stonyhurst. Com. M. 1898. aged 20 ; rem. 1899. Ward-Jones, William Arthur (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Iver Sch. M. 1898, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1900 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1902 ; M.A. 1905. Torpid 1901 (2), 2 (2). Solicitor, practising in London. Watts, Humphrey (Chesh.) Com. M. 1898, aged 18 ; B.A. 1902. Merchant. 1899 Back, Horace Aubrey (London) ; Marlborough. Somerset Sch. M. 1899, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1901 ; 4 Cl. and B.A. 1903 ; M.A. and rem. 1906. Torpid 1900 (2), 1 (1), 2 (1), 3 (1) ; Octagon, Ingoldsby. In Egypt ; Solicitor. Bowen, Lewis Charles Clement (Cardiff) ; Clifton. Com. M. 1899, aged 18 ; rem. 1904. Bramley, Charles William Wilberforce (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. Day Training College Ex. M. 1899, aged 20 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1902; M.A. 1906. C. of Fleetwood, Lanes., 1902-4; of Rochdale, Lanes., 1904. 8 A 2 724 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTEE [1899 Canton, William Bashall Hick (Isle of Man) ; Manchester. Com. M. 1899, aged 19 ; 4 Hist, and B.A. 1902 ; M.A. 1906. C. of St. John, Broughton, Manchester, 1903-9 ; V. of St. Mark's, Glod- wick, Oldham, 1909. Collins, Arthur Henry (Cornwall) ; Hereford. Som. Th. Manor Sch. M. 1899, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1901 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1903 ; M.A. 1906. Ingoldsby. C. of Ashford, Kent, 1904. Collins, Bernard Abdy (Suffolk) ; Malvern. Sch. M. 1899, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1901 ; 2 Cl. and rem. 1903. Ingoldsby. I.C.S. 1904 ; Assist. Mag. and Collr. Bengal. Evetts, Edgar Fullerton (Oxon.) ; Kelly Coll. Com. M. 1899, aged 17 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1903 ; rem. 1905. Torpid 1900 (2), 1 (1), 3 (1) ; Eight 1901. Secretary to a Lighterage business in London. Fiddian, William Alfred (Monm.) ; Monmouth. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1899, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1901 ; 3 Cl. 1903 ; rem. 1904. Torpid 1900 (1) ; Eight 1900 ; Captain B.C. 1901 ; Ingoldsby (Pres.). N.E. Railway. Gray, Willam Edward Thomas Seccombe (London) ; St. Edward's, Oxford. Com. L. 1899, aged 19 ; B.A. 1904 ; M.A. 1905. Torpid 1900(1), 2(2). C. of Kettering, Northants., 1905-9 ; V. of Hungerford, Berks., 1909. Greenhill, Christopher Benjamin (Warws.) ; Eton. Com. M. 1899, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1904. Phoenix. Captain W. Somerset I.Y. ; has been sugar planting in Australia. Burke's Landed Gentry. Grischotti, William (Scotland) ; Eugby. Com. M. 1899, aged 18 ; rem. 1901. Rugby 1899 ; Octagon. 2nd Lieut. Shropshire L.I. 1905 ; Lieut. 1907. Hedley, Joseph Walton (Lanes.) ; Merchant Taylors, Crosby. Com. M. 1899, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1903. Torpid 1900 (2). Assist. Master Sandringham School, Southport, 1902. Henderson, Henry Alwyne (Durham) ; Durham. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1899, aged 19; 1 Cl. Mods. 1901; 2 Hist. 1903; B.A. 1904; M.A. and rem. 1906. Assist. Master Bedford Gr. School 1904. Henderson, John Frederick (Lanes.) ; Liverpool Coll. Sch. M. 1899, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1901 ; 1 Cl. 1903 ; B.A. 1904 ; rem. 1906. Clerk in Home Office. Hicks, Charles Maurice Evelyn (Norfolk) ; Kirkham. Com. M. 1899, aged 19; Colquitt Ex. and 3 Cl. Mods. 1901 ; B.A. 1902 ; M.A. and rem. 1906. C. of Holy Trinity, Brompton, 1903. 1899J BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTEK 725 Hopwood, Herbert Hyde (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Som. Th. Manor Sch. M. 1899, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1901 ; Iver Sch. 1902 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1903; M.A. andrem. 1906. Assist. Master Rydal Mount, Colwyn Bay, 1904-5 ; Class. Master Stockport Gr. School 1906. Kennaway, Ernest Lawrence (Devon) ; Exeter. Matr. New M. 1899, aged 18 ; 1 Nat. Sci. (Physiol.) and B.A. 1903 ; M.B., B.Ch. 1907 ; Research Sch. of British Medical Association 1908 ; adm. and received grant for research from Hulme Fund 1909 ; M.A. New 1909. Long, William Forteseue (Rutland). Com. M. 1899, aged 19 ; B.A. 1902 ; M.A. 1907. Torpid 1901 (2) ; Eight 1901. C. of Benwell, Northumb., 1903-6 ; of Leeds Parish Ch. 1906. Manners, Richard Henry Hedges (India) ; Stony hurst. Com. M. 1899, aged 19 ; rem. 1901. 2nd Batt. Royal Scots 1901 ; 117th Mahrattas 1903 ; 106th Hazaras 1904 (Adjt.). Mortimer, Charles Gordon (Surrey); Dulwich. Sch. M. 1899 aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1901 ; Bridgman Pr. 1902 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1903 ; 4 Theol. 1904. C. of Gt. Stanmore, Middlx., 1904-7 ; of St. Mary, Brookfield, 1907. Morton, John Adam (Scotland) ; Dulwich. Com. M. 1899, aged 18 ; B.A. and rem. 1903. Torpid 1900 (2), 1 (1), 2 (1) ; Eight 1902, 3. Neale, Frederick Theodore (Surrey) ; St. Edward's, Oxford. Com. M. 1899, aged 20 ; B.A. 1903 ; rem. 1905. Octagon. In the Attorney-General's Department, Cape Colony. Parker-Jervis, Edward Mainwaring (Staffs.) ; Charterhouse. Com. M. 1899, aged 19 ; rem. 1901. Partridge, Francis William (Essex) ; Christ's Hospital. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1899, aged 19 ; 2 Math. Mods. 1900 ; 2 Math, and B.A. 1903 ; rem. 1904. Torpid 1900 (1), 3 (2) ; Eight 1900, 1, 2. Assist. Master Scaitcliff'e Prep. School, Englefield Green, 1903. Salter, James Arthur (Oxon.) ; Oxford High School. Somerset Sch. M. 1899, aged 18 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1901 ; 1 CL and Senior Hulme Sch. 1903 ; B.A. 1904 ; M.A. 1907. Torpid 1900 (2). Clerk in Admiralty. Spencer, Henry Beresford (Worcs.) ; Charterhouse. Com. M. 1899, aged 18 ; rem. 1902 ; rep. and rem. 1903 ; rep., B.A. and rem. 1906. Torpid 1900 (2), 1 (2), 2 (1), 3 (1) ; Eight 1903, 6 ; Phoenix. 2nd V.B. Gloucs. Regt. ; commanded detachment in S. Africa (medal) ; on Sir W. Pearson's Staff on Oilfields in Mexico. Spooner, Arthur Hardwicke (Lanes.) ; Hailevbury. Com. M. 1899, aged 20 ; rem. 1899. 2nd Lieut. Lanes. Fusiliers 1900 ; Lieut. 1901. 726 BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER [1899-1900 Stephen, Robert Hume (India) ; St. Paul's. Junior Hulme Ex. M. 1899. aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1901 ; Bridgman Pr. 1902 ; 2 Cl. and Wordsworth Pr. 1903 ; B.A. 1904. C. of St. Matthew, E. Birmingham, 1904 : V. of Briercliffe, Burnley, 1908. Stocker, William Dimsdale (London). Com. M. 1899, aged 19 ; rem. 1900. Trollope, Clifford Cecil (Surrey) ; Radley. Com. L. 1899, aged 20 ; rem. 1900. Builder. Tuke, Ray Melville (Kent) ; King's School, Canterbury. Com. Organist M. 1899, aged 19 ; B.A. 1903 ; M.A. 1906. Torpid 1901 (1) ; Eight 1901, 2, 3 ; Captain B.C. 1902. Assist. Master St. Edward's, Oxford, 1904-8; C. of Summertown, Oxford, 1905-8 ; Head Master Manchester Cath. Choir School and Lie. Pr. Dioc. Manchester 1908. Wright, Thomas Strethill (Chesh.) ; Monmouth. Com. M. 1899, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1901 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1903 ; M.A. 1906. Torpid 1900 (1), 1 (1) ; Eight 1901, 2, 3, 4, 5. Medical Student. 1900 Arnhold, Charles Herbert (London) ; Univ. Coll. School. Com. Matr. M. 1900, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1904. Torpid 1901 (2), 2 (1) ; Eight 1902, 3, 4 ; Captain B.C. 1903 ; Phoenix, Octagon, Ingoldsby, Vincent's. In business in China. Barrow, Arthur Edmund John Burton (Chesterfield) ; Eton. Com. L. 1900, aged 23 ; B.A. 1903 ; M.A. 1906. Torpid 1901 (2), 2 (2). C. of Ch. Ch., W. Bromwich, 1903-6 ; of St. Paul, Bedford, 1906. Bazely, George Henry Boothby (Oxon.) ; Rugby. Com. M. 1900, aged 19 ; 3 Hist. 1903 ; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1907. Journalist. Brierly, James Leslie (Yorks.) ; Charterhouse. Somerset Sch. (open) M. 1900, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1902 ; Bridgman Pr., 2 Cl., B.A. and Senior Hulme Sch. 1904 ; 1 Law 1905 ; Fellow of All Souls 1906 ; B.C.L. and M.A. 1907. Ingoldsby. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1907. Buchan, William Henderson (Scotland); Glasgow Univ. Sch. Junior Hulme Sch. M. 1900, aged 20 ; 2 Cl. and l.C.S. Sch. 1902 ; 2 Hist, and rem. 1903. Ingoldsby. l.C.S. 1903; Assist. Mag. and Collr. Bengal; Registrar of Co-op. Soc. in N.W. Prov. 1908. Cleave, John Raymond (Devon) ; Marlborough. Com. M. 1900, aged 19 ; rem. 1902. i Mile 1901 ; Phoenix, Octagon. Served in South Africa with 4th Durham L.I. (Militia). 1900J BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER - 727 Connop, Geoffrey Bichard (Norfolk) ; Hereford. Com. M. 1900 aged 19 ; B.A. 1904 ; rem. 1905. Octagon. Dixon, Clement William (Lanes.); Manchester and Oxford High School. Com. M. 1900, aged 17 ; B.A. 1903; M.A. and rem. 1907. C. of Marsden, Huddersfield, 1904-5 ; of St. Michael, Bishopston, Bristol, 1905. Duigan, Charles Crofton (Lines.) ; Durham. Junior Hulme Sch. 1900, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1902 ; I.C.S. Sch. 1903 ; 3 Cl., B.A. and rem. 1904 ; Memorial in College Chapel. Torpid 1901 (2); Eight 1901. I.C.S. ; died 19 Mar. 1905. Dyott, Bichard Archibald (New York) ; Harrow. Com. M. 1900, aged 18 ; 3 Law 1903 ; B.A. 1904. Torpid 1901 (1), 2 (1), 3 (1) ; Octagon. Burke's Landed Gentry. Earnshaw, William Counsell (Lanes.) ; Preston. Com. M. 1900, aged 19 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1903; M.A. and rem. 1907. Oxford Teachers' Diploma (Distinction) and Assist. Master Hulme Gr. School, Oldham, 1904. Eveleigh, Ernest Charles (London). Com. M. 1900, aged 18 ; rem. 1903. Torpid 1902 (2). Ferguson, William Aldworth (Ireland) ; Birkenhead. Sch. Junior Hulme Sch. M. 1900, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1902 ; 2 Cl. 1904 ; B.A. 1905 ; rem. 1907. Assist. Chap. Mersey Miss, to Seamen 1906-8 ; Vice-Principal of Bishop's Hostel, Liverpool, and lie. to officiate Dioc. Chester 1908. Gilliat, Henry Martyn Earle (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. M. 1900, aged 19 ; Colquitt Ex. and B.A. 1903 ; M.A. 1907. C. of All Souls, Leeds, 1904; P.-in-Ch. Ch. of Holy Name, Leeds, 1908. Griffith, William Henry Jenison (Surrey) ; Wellington. Com. M. 1900, aged 19 ; B.A. 1906 ; M.A. and rem. 1908. Halse, Beginald Charles (Beds.); St. Paul's. Com. M. 1900, aged 19 ; Wordsworth Pr. 1904; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1907. C. of St. Saviour, Poplar, 1906. Hoghton, Charles Kennedy (London) ; Beaumont. Com. M. 1900, aged 19 ; 3 Hist. 1904 ; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1907. Torpid 1903 (2) ; Octagon. Traveller ; F.R.G.S. ; London Stock Exchange ; arrested as a spy by Russians at Port Arthur 1902. Hopkyns, Thomas Gray (Sussex) ; Merchant Taylors. Sch. Exeter M. 1900, aged 18 ; adm. L. 1901 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1902 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1904 ; M.A. 1907. C. of St. John. Leamington, 1905. Humphreys, John Lisseter (Worcs.) ; Bromsgrove. Sch. M. 1900, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1902 ; 3 Cl., B.A. and rem. 1904. Golf 1903, 4; Rugby (Capt.) 1903-4; Phoenix, Ingoldsby (Pres.), Vincent's, Vampires. Cadet, Straits Settlements 1905 ; Dep. Collector of Land Revenue, Singapore, 1906 ; Dist. Officer Alor Gajah, Malacca, 1906-8. 728 BKASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1900 Lord, John Edmund (Lanes.) ; Marlborough. Com. E. 1900, aged 19 : rem. 1903. Torpid 1902 (2), 3 (1) ; Phoenix. Lowe, Rouxville Mark (London) ; Univ. Coll. School. Com. M. 1900, aged 18 ; 1 Law and B.A. 1904. Octagon. Barr. Lincoln's Inn 1906. Macdonald, Reginald Lindsay (Australia) : Loretto. Com. E. 1900, aged 20 ; B.A. and rem. 1904. Torpid 1902 (2) ; Phoenix, Octagon. Maude, Charles Raymond (Surrey) ; St. Edward's, Oxford. Somerset Sch. (open) M. 1900, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1902 ; B.A. and rem. 1904. Torpid 1901 (1), 2 (1); Eight 1902, 3; Phoenix, Vincent's. On the stage. Murphy, Herbert Dyce (Australia). Com. 11 May 1900, aged 20 ; rem. 1901. Newton, Richard Palmer (Lanes.); Manchester. Iver Sch, M. 1900, aged 19; 2 Cl. Mods. 1902; Bridgman Pr. 1903; rem. 1906; rep. 1907 ; B.A., M.A. and rem. 1908. Partridge, William Adolphus (Herts.); Eton. Com. M. 1900, aged 21 ; B.A. 1903. C. of Mendlesham, Stowmarket, Suffolk, 1906. Pember, Clifford Panshawe (Surrey) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1900, aged 18 ; rem. 1904. Octagon. Architect at Toronto, Canada. Rigby, William (Lanes.); Manchester. Sch. M. 1900, aged 19; 1 Math. Mods. 1901 ; Senior Hulme Sch., 1 Math, and B.A. 1903 ; 4 Hist. 1904 ; M.A. and rem. 1908. Schoolmaster. Sanderson, Gerald Barry (Lanes.) ; Malvern. Sch. M. 1900, aged 19 ; 1 Cl. Mods. 1902 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1904 ; M.A. and rem. 1907. Golf 1904 ; Vincent's. Assist. Master Malvern Coll. 1904. Simpson, Charles Francis (Lanes.) ; Eton. Com. M. 1900, aged 19 ; rem. 1902. Torpid 1901 (1), 2 (1) ; Eight 1902 ; Octagon. Stone, Bertram Alfred Wood (Som.) ; Bath. Com. L. 1900, aged 19 ; 3 Nat. Sci. (Physiol.) and B.A. 1903. Torpid 1900 (2). Street, James Howard Algernon (Lanes.); Rossall. Junior Hulme Sch. M. 1900, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1902; 2 CL, B.A. and I.C.S. Sch. 1904 ; rem. 1907. I.C.S. 1905 ; Assist. Mag. and Collr. E. Bengal and Assam. 1901] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 729 1901 Besant, John Howard Eldridge (Salop) ; Christ's Hospital and Salisbury. Com. M. 1901, aged 19 ; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1908. Torpid 1904 (2). Assist. Master Summerfields, Oxford, 1905. Bromilow, Henry Arthur (Lanes.) ; Eastbourne. Com. M. 1901, aged 19 ; 3 Hist., B.A. and rem. 1904. Octagon. In business. Bussell, John Garrett (Notts.); St. Edward's, Oxford. Com. M. 1901, aged 19 ; 3 Hist. 1904 ; B.A. 1905. Torpid 1902(1); Eight 1902,3,4; Rugby 1904, 5; Ingoldsby, Vincent's. C. of St. James, Norlands, Holland Park, W., 1905-6 ; of St. Mary, Truro, 1906; P. -Vic. Truro Cath. 1906-7; Assist. Master and Chap. St. Edward's School, Oxford, 1908. Canton, John Talbot (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. M. 1901, aged 19 ; B.A. 1904 ; M.A. 1908. Torpid 1903 (2), 4 (1) ; Eight 1904. C. of Christ Ch., Bradford, Manchester, 1905-7 ; of Whalley Range, Manchester, 1907. Crundall, Eric Randolph (Kent) ; Eastbourne. Com. M. 1901, aged 18 ; B.A. 1904 ; B.C.L. and M.A. 1908. Bai-r. Inner Temple 1907. Dearie, Norman Burrell (London) ; Bradfield. Junior Hulme Sch. M. 1901, aged 18; 1 Hist., Bridgman Pr., Senior Hulme Sch. and B.A. 1904 ; Diploma in Economics (Dist.) 1905 ; Shaw Research Student, School of Economics 1907; M.A. 1908; Fellow of All Souls 1909. Fudger, Richard Barry (Canada) ; Upper Canada Coll. and University of Toronto. Com. M. 1901, aged 21 ; rem. 1903. Torpid 1902 (2). Good, Cecil Henry Brent (Hants.) ; Abingdon. Com. M. 1901, aged 21 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1904. Grey, William Archibald Swinton (Burma) ; Winchester. Com. M. 1901, aged 18; rem. 1903. 2nd Lieut. Royal Fusiliers 1904; Lieut. 1906; now 33rd Punjabs. Henderson, Percival Collingwood (Northumb.) ; Durham. Junior Hulme Sch. M. 1901, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1903 ; 3 Hist., B.A. and rem. 1904; rep. 1909. Assist. Master Summerfields, Oxford. Henry, James Griffiths (U.S.A.) ; Charterhouse and Westminster. Com. M. 1901, aged 19 ; rem. 1902 ; migrated to Cambridge. Hield, Herbert Adamson (Yorks.) ; Leeds. Hulme Ex. M. 1901, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1903 ; 2 Cl. and B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1908. Formerly in Town Clerk's Office, Leeds; now with Parliamentary Agents, London. Hill, Alfred Roland (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Com. M. 1901, aged 19 ; B.A. 1904 ; rem. 1905. 730 BKASENOSE COLLEGE EEGISTER [1901 Hughes, Arthur (Lanes.) ; Oswestry. Com. M. 1901, aged 19 ; rem. 1905. Torpid 1904 (1), 5 (2). In service of Bombay and Burrnah Trading Corporation, Mandalay. Leach, Thomas Archibald (London) ; Winchester. Junior Hulrne Sch. M. 1901, aged 19; 2 Cl. Mods. 1903; 2 Cl., Senior Hulme Sch. and B.A. 1905. Torpid 1902 (1) ; Eight 1902, 4, 6 ; Long Jump 1903, 4, 5 ; President of O.U.A.C. 1903 ; Ingoldsby (Pres.), Vincent's. Sudan C.S., Deputy Inspector. Lord, John Charles (Scotland) ; Maryborough. Com. M. 1901, aged 18 ; rem. 1904. Torpid 1903 (2), 4 (1). London Stock Exchange. Mannering, Ernest (Surrey) ; Dulwich. Somerset Sch. (open) M. 1901, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1903 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1908. Torpid 1903 (2), 4 (1) ; Eight 1904, 5, 6. C. of Holy Trinity, Marylebone, 1906. Master, Alfred (Norfolk) ; Epsom. Sch. Somerset Sch. (open) M. 1901, aged 18; 2 Cl. Mods. 1903; 2 CL, B.A. and I.C.S. Sch. 1905; rem. 1906. Torpid 1903 (2), 4 (2). I.C.S. 1906. Merewether, John Alworth (Australia) ; Beaumont. Com. E. 1901, aged 20 ; 4 Law. B.A. and rem. 1904. Torpid 1902, 3 (2). Mitchell, Robert John Howorth (Lanes.) ; Uppingham. Com. E. 1901, aged 20; rem. 1901. Moseley, Francis Arnold (Australia); Perth High School, W. Australia. Com. M. 1901, aged 18; 4 Law, B.A. and rem. 1904. Quirk, John Douglas (Isle of Man); Shrewsbury. Sch. M. 1901, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1903 ; Bridgman Pr. 1904 ; 1 Cl., Senior Hulme Sch. and B.A. 1905. Torpid 1903 (1), 4 (1), 5 (1) ; Ingoldsby. Engaged in Literary and Journalistic work. Hobertson, Irving Earle (Canada) ; Upper Canada Coll. and Univ. of Toronto. Com. M. 1901, aged 18; 3 Hist. 1904 ; B.A. (in absence) 1906; rem. 1908. Octagon. Rundell, William "Westcott Oram (Scotland); Rugby. Com. M. 1901, aged 20 ; B.A. and rem. 1906. Octagon. Sleigh, Charles Hope (India); Blair Lodge. Com. M. 1901, aged 18 ; 3 Law, B.A. and rem. 1905. Octagon. Barr. Middle Temple 1908. Smith, Evelyn (Gloucs.) ; Trent. Com. M. 1901, aged 31 ; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1908. C. of Southbroom, Devizes, 1906. 1901-2] BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER 731 Smith, James Holt (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. M. 1901, aged 19 ; 1 Math. Mods. 1902 ; 2 Math, and B.A. 1905. Torpid 1903(2), 4(1), 5(1). Math. Master Hulme Gr. School, Manchester; C. of St. Chrysostom, Manchester, 1906. Spooner, George (Beds.) ; Kingswood School, Bath. Hulme Ex. M. 1901, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1903 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1905; M.A. and rem. 1908. Baptist Missionary in India. Stewart, Yorke Darrell (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Somerset Sch. M. 1901, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1903 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1905 ; M.A. and rem. 1908. C. of St. Bride, Liverpool, 1906. Towle, Ernest (Notts.); Nottingham High School. Com. M. 1901, aged 19 ; 3 Hist, and B.A. 1905. Torpid 1903 (1) ; Eight 1904. Assist. Master Gr. Sch., Blackburn. Whitmore, Frederick James Stigant (London) ; Hulme Gr. School, Oldham. Com. M. 1901, aged 18 ; B.A. 1906 ; M.A. and rem. 1908. Oxford Teachers' Training Course ; Assist. Master Sir W. St. John's School, Battersea, 1906; Denstone Coll., Staffs. Williams, Herbert Henry (Carmarthen) ; Llandovery. Com. M. 1901, aged 20; B.A. 1904; M.A. and rem. 1908. Assist. Master Glyngarth Prep. School, Cheltenham. 1902 Batley, Randal George Lewis (Yorks.) ; Rossall. Sch. M. 1902, aged 19 ; rem. 1904. Bruce, Thomas Dundas Hope (Durham) ; Cheltenham. Com. M. 1902, aged 17 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1906 ; rem. 1909. Articled to Solicitor. Carter, Charles Sydney (Essex) ; Bury St. Edmunds. Com. L. 1902, aged 25 ; 2 Hist, and B.A. 1904. C. of St. John, Woking, 1905-7. Chopra, Hup Chand (India) ; Lahore. Com. M. 1902, aged 20. Dacres, Leonard Seymour Lambert (Surrey) ; Uppingham. Hulme Ex. M. 1902, aged 18 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1904 : 4 Cl. 1906 ; B.A. and I.C.S. Sch. 1907 ; rem. 1908. I.C.S. Dickey, John Smyth Porter (Ireland); Campbell Coll., Belfast. Sch. M. 1902, aged 19 ; 2 Math. Mods. 1904 ; 3 Math., B.A. and rem. 1906. Torpid 1904 (2), 5 (2), 6 (1). Medical Student in Edinburgh. Dunston, Thomas Frederick Gwatkin Warburton (Oxon.) ; Marl- borough. Com. M. 1902, aged 19 ; 3 Law and B.A. 1905. 732 BKASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTER Eiffe, Lucius George Patrick (Ireland) ; Malvern. Com. M. 1902, aged 18 ; 4 Law, B.A. and rem. 1906. Phoenix. Ban-. Inner Temple 1908. Fletcher, Henry Field (Salop) ; Rugby. Com. M. 1902, aged 18 ; rem. 1904. Fothergill, Edward George Neville (Kent) ; Clifton. Com. M. 1902, aged 20; rem. 1903. Grant, Neil Forbes (Scotland) ; Fochabers and Edinburgh Univ. Junior Hulme Sch. M. 1902, aged 20 ; 2 Hist. 1905 ; B.A. and rem. 1906. Ingoldsby. Journalist. Green, Arthur (Lanes.) ; Bromsgrove. Com. M. 1902, aged 18 ; 3 Law, B.A. and rem. 1905. Grundy, George Edward (Warws.) ; Malvern. Junior Hulme Sch. M. 1902, aged 19 ; 2 CL Mods. 1904; 4 Cl. 1906 ; B.A. 1907. Golf 1904, 5, 6 ; Ingoldsby, Vincent's. Assist. Master first at Pocklington, now at Haileybury. Hall, John Reginald (Lanes.) ; Manchester. Sch. M. 1902, aged 19 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1904 ; 4 Cl. 1906 ; B.A., M.A. and rem. 1909. Harris, Montgomery Reader (London) : Weymouth. Com. M. 1902, aged 17 ; 2 Law and B.A. 1905 ; rem. 1908. Mackenzie, Duncan George (Gloucs.) ; Winchester. Somerset Sch. (open) M. 1902, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods, and rem. 1904 ; rep. 1906 ; B.A. 1907. Torpid 1903 (1) ; Octagon, Ingoldsby, Vincent's. I.C.S. May, Eric Maurice (London) ; Harrow. Com. M. 1902, aged 19 ; rem. 1904. Octagon. In business. Milligan, James Aitchison (Scotland) ; Glenalmond and Glasgow Univ. Com. I.C.S. Probationer M. 1902, aged 23 ; rem. 1903. I.C.S. 1903 ; Assist. Mag. and Collr. Bengal, now E. Bengal and Assam. Nicholls, Ernest Puleston (London) ; Malvern. Com. M. 1902, aged 19 ; rem. 1904. Phillips, Eric Charles Malcolm (Herts.) ; Eton. Com. M. 1902, aged 19 ; rem. 1909. Torpid 1903 (2) ; Eight 1903, 4, 5, 6 ; Captain B.C. 1905 ; Phoenix, Vincent's. Powell, Henry Jonathan (Gloucs.) ; Cheltenham. Com. M. 1902, aged 18 ; 4 Hist., B.A. and rem. 1906. Reid, Robert Niel (Kent); Malvern. John Watson Sch. M. 1902, aged 18 ; 2 Cl. Mods. 1904 ; Bridgman Pr. 1905 ; 3 Cl. and B.A. 1906. Phoenix, Octagon, Ingoldsby (Pres.), Vincent's. I.C.S. 1902-3J BEASENOSE COLLEGE KEGISTEE 733 Schlesinger, Carl David (London); Univ. Coll. School. Hulme Ex. M. 1902, aged 19 ; Junior Hulme Sch. 1903 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1904 ; B.A. and rem. 1906. Smith, Angelo John (Sunderland) ; Bede Higher Grade School, Sunderland. Day Training Ex. 1902, aged 20 ; 3 Math. Mods. 1904 ; 2 Nat. Sci. (Physiol.) and B.A. 1906 ; Inter. Sci. (London) 1907. Assist. Master Loughborough Gr. School 1906. Steel, John Dale (London) ; Dulwich. Junior Hulme Sch. M. 1902, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1904 ; rem. 1906. Thompson, Francis Charles (South Africa) ; Malvern. Com. L. 1902, aged 19 ; rem. 1905. Phoenix. Barr. Middle Temple 1906. Thorne, Alan Prangley (Lanes.) ; Liverpool. Com. Colquitt Ex. M. 1902, aged 18 ; 3 Theol. and B.A. 1905. Torpid 1905 (2). C. of St. Mary, St. Helens, Lanes., 1906. Tuke, Francis Edward (Salop) ; Repton. Com. M. 1902, aged 20 ; B.A. 1905. Torpid 1904 (2). C. of Heptonstall, Halifax, Yorks., 1906. Underbill, Percy Cyril (Notts.); St. Edward's, Oxford. Com. M. 1902, aged 19 ; B.A. and rem. 1906. Torpid 1903 (1) ; Eight 1903, 4, 5 ; Captain B.C. 1904; Oxford Eight 1904; Phoenix, Vincent's. Assist. Master Stone Ho., Broadstairs, 1906, and Heatherdown, Ascot. 1903 Aubertin, Thomas (Worcs.) ; Malvern. Com. M. 1903, aged 19 ; 4 Chem. and B.A. 1907. Torpid 1905 (1), 6 (1) ; Eight 1906 ; Phoenix, Ingoldsby. Engineering. Barnard, Howard Clive (London) ; Univ. Coll. School. Hulme Ex. M. 1903, aged 19 ; 3 Cl. Mods. 1905 ; Bridgman Pr. 1906; 3 Cl., Senior Hulme Sch. and B.A. 1907. Calder, William Moir ; Matr. M. Christ Church 1903, aged ; Ex. and afterwards Sch. ; Gaisford Pr. (Verse) 1904 ; 1 Cl. Mods, and Craven Sch. 1905 ; 1 Cl., B.A. and Craven Fellow 1907 ; adm. Hulme Research Student 1909. Elliott, Wallace Harold (Sussex) ; Horsham. Colquitt Ex. M. 1903, aged 19 ; 2 Theol. and B.A. 1906. C. of Guisborough, Yorks. (N. R.) 1907. EVAN'S, Sir John (Bucks.) ; Market Bosworth. Honorary Fellow 9 Dec. 1903 ; D.C.L., LL.D., Sc.D. Of Britwell, Herts., J.P. and D.L. ; High Sheriff 1881 ; Chairman of Quarter Sessions ; late Chairman of County Council, Herts. ; President of the British Association 1897-8 ; Past President of the Society of Antiquaries ; late Treasurer and Vice-President of the Royal Society ; President of the Royal Numismatic Society ; Past President of the 734 BRASENOSE COLLEGE REGISTER [1903 Geological Society, the Anthropological Institute, and the Society of Chemical Industry ; Correspondant de 1'Institut de France ; K.C.B. 1892 ; F.R.S. ; F.S.A. ; F.G.S. ; died May 1908. WORKS : Petit Album de I' Age du Bronze de la An account of an unique noble of the Grande Bretagne, 1876. first coinage of Edward IV, 1853. The ancient bronse implements, weapons, An Account of a hoard of ancient and ornaments of Great Britain and British Coins discovered in the neigh- Ireland, 1881. bourhood of Frame, 1861. Note on an Anglo-Saxon knife fuund Flint Implements in the Drift, 1862. in Kent, 1831. \-Ttie Coins of the Ancient Britons, L'Age du Bronze, 1882. 1864. Reception by President London Societrj British Association for the Advance- of Antiquaries, 1886. ment of Science, 1870. Introduction to Browne's Hydrio- ^Tiie ancient stone implements, weapons , taphia, 1893.