BIOLOGY LIBRARY G THE : ::::. B N A fjjuilli ',*,'.,' ARRANGED AS AN OUTLINE OF REGIONAL AND SYSTEMATIC ANATOMY BY VICTOR E. EMMEL Additional copies of this work may be obtained at $1.50 eachnby addressing University of California Press, Berkeley, * California. BI01C G COPYRIGHT APPLIED FOR. 191 9 By VICTOR E. EUEffiL. The B A ARRANGED AS AN OUTLINE OF REGIONAL AND SYSTEMATIC ANATOMY by VICTORS. EMMBL, M.S., PH.D. Associate Professor of Anatomy UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PREFACE. The Basle Anatomical Nomenclature (the B N A) has been preeminently successful in the simplification of anatomical terminology. Out of a total of 50,000 anatomical terms about 45,000 have been eliminated as unoesesary synonyms. As a consequence, anatomical terminology as represented by the B N A now consists of a list cf some 5, OSS simple, unambiguous terms for the rtaneroscopic structures of the hunan body. This list of terms, intended for common use in the medical schools, is arranged on the basis of systematic anatomy. Doubtless, such an arrangement was best adapted for the purpose of bringing about this revision of terminology. On the other hand, it appears obvious that froQ the standpoint of practical anatomy, a regional arrangement of these terms in conjunction with their systematic tabulation would greatly extend the usefulness of the B N A. In dissecting laboratories and surgical clinics, the structures represented by the SNA terms are encountered in the various regions of the body, not as anatomical systems, but as segments of these systems grouped together in certain definite regional relationships. In attempting to correlate systematic text and cadaver, the one proves almost as difficult to dissect as the other. It appears important, therefore, that the present systematic B N A should be expanded to include a correlated regional arrangement of anatomical terms; - an arrangement based upon the sequence in which the structures indicated by these terms may be exposed and demonstrated to the naked eye in actual dissec- tion. The present work represents such an attempt and is the outgrowth of several years of laboratory experience in which a regional arrangement of B N A terms in miiaeograph copies has been given a thorough trial and its useful- ness clearly demonstrated. The present work is presented in two parts dealing with the B N A terras 45202S II. as arranged, first, on the basis of regional anatomy, and, second, on the basis of systematic anatomy, with numeral indices facilitating cross references from the one to the other. The regional arrangement is given precedence since it is in their regional relations that anatomical structures are first encountered in practical study. The work also includes a complete series of figures for the surface anatomy, surface projection of the skeleton and lines of skin incision for the various regions of the body (omitted in the present copy). Part I constitutes a regional resume" of anatomical structures, A tabula- tion for any given region necessarily involves only those structures or segments of structures which are embraced within the confines of that region. Structures such as the larger nerves or vessels extending through two or more regions would be relisted for each region in which they occur. In general the terms have been arranged with a view tc greatest utility for student and clinical 9 - reference in practical work. In presenting the subject of human anatomy it is frequently difficult to steer a course between the Scylla of too great detail and the Charybdis of a paucity of subject matter, but in any event the present tabulation may serve as a basis from which deviation may be made in either direction as the requirements of the special case nay dictate. In a few instances, in the interest of the student but subject to possible criticism on pedagogical grounds, the terms for structures such as some of the smaller rani of blood vessels or nerve plexuses which nay be relatively of secondary importance or especially difficult to demonstrate, are printed in smaller type (indicated by affixed double asterisks in the present mimeograph copy) . With the exception of such osteological elements as are encountered in surface anatomy, terns relative to skeletal structures have been largely omitted in Part I. In this connection, the figures showing the surface projection of the skeleton should prove of value for purposes of general reference and orienta- tion (omitted in the "present copv). ' ' ' ''" III. Concise statements are given for the more important incisions and dissec- tions involved in the demonstration of the structureo as listed for each region The order in which these regions and their component structures are dealt with is based primarily upon the sequence of dissection developed in Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy, which nay be regarded as representing a method of procedure prevalent in the majority of American and English anatomical laboratories. From the standpoint of systematic anatomy, it may not be a matter of euch great importance as to what sequence nay be followed in dissec- tion so long as the structures in question are really exposed and observed. From the standpoint of regional anatomy, however, the subject presents quite a different aspect. In the latter case, the structures should be exposed in a sequence most favorable for the observation of those structural relationships which are of greatest practical significance. Toward this end, therefore, 'the methods of dissection in general should represent the culmination of the best available anatomical and surgical experience and this finds perhaps its best expression at the present time in the work of the British and more especially of the Edinburgh school of anatomists. Barkers' Laboratory Manual of Human Anatomy, 1904, which in method is in close agreement with that of the Edinburgh School, has also been a source of valuable suggestions, especially in the case of the brain and sense organs. Part II constitutes a systematic resume* of anatomical structures and, with the exception of certain minor changes, is based upon the systeiratic arrangement of the B N A terms as originally published by His, 1895. This arrangement, as emphasized by Dr. F. T. Lewis, Stohr's Textbook of Histology, 6th edition,, is such as to furnish "an excellent means by which students may review anatomy". In Part I uome of the terms are in Latin, while others are anglicized. In a few instances it has been necessary to employ a term not listed in the B N_ / Ay as for example in the case of the surgical triangles of the neck. Such ' - . . ' IV. terms can, however, always be recognized through the absence of cross reference numerals. In Part II all of the SNA terms have been retained in their original Latin form. In the case of Part I, that form of the term has been used which appears most prevalent in the majority of the standard English and American anatomical texts and in the conversational language of the laboratory and clinic. Where this is not clear, the Latin term is given. In the event of differences in different texts, regarding the terms which are anglicized, the cross references to Part II facilitate a ready reference to the equivalent Latin form, as for example in the case of stomach and ventriculus, or spleen and lien. In this connection it must be recognized that as yet there is no authoritative list of English equivalents for the B N A and no unanimity of agreement as to the usage of Latin or anglicized forms, - a problem toward the solution of which an authoritative decision by proper representatives from English speaking countries would render an important contribution in the interests of medical science. A thorough understanding and adequate command ci anatomical terms cons stitute an important objective in anatomical study. The same is eqailly true of dexterity in dissection, independence of observation and the verification of textbook statements. In the last analysis, however, perhaps the matter of greatest importance is the student's own efforts toward the interpretation and organization of the facts and observations thus acquired. Instructors, cadavers, textbooks, atlases and laboratory manuals are only means to an end. If the student is lacking in this ability or fails to develop it, all of these accessories will be of little avail. A mere memory of anatomical terms and all the minutiae of structure do not in themselves constitute a working know- ledge. It is only as these data become organized in such a way that when confronted with the living body we can visualize the form, position, relations and functions of its various structures as component parts of a living working : ' V. machine and at the same time have a ready command of the terms by which these structures are designated, that we can regard ourselves as having made any great degree of progress toward a irastery of human anatomy. Toward the realization of this end the present work is necessarily only one of many factors. It has been undertaken with a keen appreciation of the almost dis- couraging character of some of the perplexing problems it involves and that at best it must represent a beginning which only the cumulative data acquired with more extended experience and criticism can bring to its greatest perfection. Its immediate purpc.^- will, however, be attained if it proves to be of real utility in the establishment of a basis for a more direct correlation of anatomical terminology and structure in the practical study of the cadaver and in the presentation of a resume of regional and systema'ft* anatomy materially facilitating the attainment of such a v/orkirg knowledge -cl the human mechanism. Criticisms, suggestions or memoranda of errors, a certain number of which have not always been successfully eliminated from the mimeograph stencils will be greatly welcomed. It has also been suggested that should the proposition involved in the present work recommend itself sufficiently, possibly the cumulative experience and criticism from various laboratories might eventually find expression through some representative anatomical committee or commission leading to a more authoritative presentation of the subject. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Berkeley, California, Sept. 27, 1919, - '. .. : ' .. -.,-.-. .-- '. . . ' -j ;: . . . ..-.;. ' . -.- ; - : - . - ': '* ' " C ONTENT5 Part One Regional Anatomy THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY Page Structures of the baclc: with reference primarily to structures in relation to the superior extremity. ----- - ... 1 Surface anatomy 1 Regions of the back .... . ................ ...__...-._... 2 Fascia, cutaneous nerves and vessels - - 2 Muscles, nerve and vessels - - 2 Muscles: lajsdr ... 2 Structures in relation to superior margin of scapul 2 Muscles: second layer 3 Nerves and vessels 3 Anterior thoracic region and axillary fossa. _...-. 3 Surface anatomy 3 Pectoral regions .............. ....... . 3 Anterior thoracic wall: superficial structures 4 Superficial fascia, cutaneous nerves and blood vessels 4 Mamma. 4 Anterior throacic wall: deep fascia and pectoralis major muscle .............. ... _ -.... 4 Axillary fossa and structures subjacent to the pectoralis major muscle ...... . ......... . 4 Structures in relation to base of axillary fossa- - 4 Structures exposed by reflection of clavicular part of pectoralis major muscle - 5 Structures exposed by reflection of Eternocostal part of pectoralis major muscle 5 Contents of superior part of axillary fossa .... 5 Contents of inferior part of axillary fossa ..... 5 Structures in relation to medial wall of axillary fossa 5 Structures in relation to posterior wall of axillary fossa - . - ... ...... 5 Axillary vessels ......... ...... 6 Subclavius muscle 6 Erachial plexus 6 Serratus anterior muscle-- _....... Superior extremity: general characteristics 7 Subdivisions -...... .. ... .... 7 Regions of the Superior Extremity - 7 Region of shoulder .-.. ...... 7 Fascia, cutaneous nerves and cephalic vein .... 7 Muscles, nerves, vessels and ligaments of the shoulder 8 Arm and superficial structures of forearm and dorsum of hand- Q Surface anatomy of arm and forearm - - Arm (anterior aspect) and forearm: superficial structures - 9 Cutaneous nerves 9 Veins and lymphatics-- ..... ......__.......-........ 9 Arm (anterior aspect) : deep structures ... .... ... 9 Deep fascia -.-. - i* Arteries ........ _ ... n Veins ; > 10 . ' . ' " ' .. ^ ....... ^ . . ._ . ,. . . _.. -, .: '. ' ' ' ' ' .'.''..' ' _ ; . ...:;......... ! -v-r'- '' ' : " " ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' v ..--: /-... . , ' '.:' . ' ' .; ' .. ^. :,.-./ " : : . : t .;.,.;..-. . rJ .:,. " ;"; ; :. . . . : .. : - . ' " ' ' . 7,.; .... -. ,. ..-.. .... .;-.;_.., . . , : .. ' ' :'.* i ': * ..... . , . ,- . . . .*..,.,..--. .- . . , - - . , ,, ' .;",., ::.'.. ' ... ,.-... ' . ' - ..'- .-'. - ' - . - ..,...._.. . . ... - . . CONTENTS VI1 Pa feg. Nerves ' -. . * _ .- - 10 Muscles . _ .......... 10 Cubital fossa 10 Arm ^posterior aspect) - ________________ 10 Dorsum of hand: superficial structures 11 Forearm: volar aspect and ulnar margin _ 11 Deep fascia and cutaneous nerves piercing it -* .... Radial artery and nerve 11 Superficial muscles --- .... 11 Ulnar vessels and median nerve 12 Deep structures on volar aspect of forearm -- 12 \Vrist and hand: volar aspect .. 12 Surface anatomy 12 Fascia and cutaneous nerves ----- 12 Muscles, nerves, vessels and ligaments 13 Nerves and vessels superficial to the nuscles and flexor tendons of the palm 13 Ligaments and mucous sheaths of flexor tendons - - 13 Muscles _ 13 Nerves and vessels internal to the flexor tendons end-rrusr: s -s 13 of the palm . 14 Forearm: dorsal aspect and radial margin 14 Fascia, muscles, nerves and vessels '- 14 Deep fascia - .... -- - 14 Superficial muscles 14 Nerves and vessels 14 Deep muscles 14 "Jrist and hand: dorsal aspect ... ..... 15 Muscles, nerves and vessels 15 Vessels 15 Muscles, nerves and ligaments 15 Articulations of superior extremity 15 Shoulder joint ............ ........ _____________ .... 15 Elbow joint ......... ____________________________ 15 Joint of the hand . - 15 Radiocarpal articulation 15 Intercarpal articulation 16 Pisiform articulation ..... .......... . .. ....... 16 Radioulnar articulation . ... . is Carpometacarpa.1 articulations -. ... ... .......... 16 Internets' carpal articulations 16 Metacarpophalangeal articulations 16 Articulations of the digits 16 THORAX AND DEEP STRUCTURES OF THE BACK General characteristics ., . . 17 Subdivisions of thorax and back ~ 17 Surface anatomy _ .. ._ 17 General osteological characteristics of the thorax _ 17 Regions of thorax and back .- i? Thoracic wall: anterior and lateral parts - 17 Intercostal muscles, ligaments and nerves 17 Blood-vessels -__ . IQ Thoracic cavity and viscera . 13 Pleura and pleural cavities . 18 Lungs . 19 ' ' ' '.-. ' .. , . , , ' . ': " " ......,.. . . -. ... - . -' . i -- .... . . ". . i : . ',.' : "' CONTENTS VIII. Fage Surface anatomy -- - 19 Internal structure of lung - 19 Root of lung and related structures 2')' Strudtures in relation to the right and left roots 20 Structures within the pulmonary roots -- 20 Phrenic nerve and nerves to 6he superficial part of the cardiac plexus -- - 20 Thynms 20 Pericardium -__-_-_-. ______________ 20 Great veins of the thorax and their tributaries ------------- 21 Heart and aorta 21 Surface anatomy ----- _. 21 Nerve and vascular supply 21 Cavities of the heart. Pulmonary vessels 22 Aorta and its branches --------- --- ------ 23 Myocardium and fibrous rings of the heart -------------- 23 Cardiac plexus 23 Trachea and bronchi - . 24 Posterior mediastinal cavity and structures within it - 24 Thoreaio wall: posterior part ____- _-- _ 24 Thoracic part of the sympathetic system 24 Structures in relation to internal surface of posterior thoracic wall 24 Deep structures of back 25 Posterior serrati muscles and lumbodorsal fascia 25 Intrinsic muscles of back ---------------- __ 25 Nerves and blood-vessels -- 26 Vertebral canal: blood-vessels and meninges -- 26 Spinal cord: nerves, blood-vessels and surface anatomy - 27 Spinal nerves -_ _-- 27 Blood-vessels - 27 Surface anatomy -- ... 27 Spinal cord: internal structure .- 27 Gray matter ----- - .... 28 V/hite matter 28 Articulations of the thorax 28 Sternocostal articulations 28 Costovertebral articulations - 28 Capitular articulations - - - 28 Costotransverse articulations 28 Articulations of the vertebral column 29 HEAD AND NECK Structures in relation to scalp and temporal region. 30 General characteristics of the cranium . 30 Subdivisions of the cranium 30 Regions of the head 30 Scalp and temporal regions: superficial blood-vessels and nerves .-.- -_- ... 30 Frontal region ....... . . 30 Temporal region ............. ...... ..._.... 30 Mastoid and occipital regions 30 Scalp: deeper structures 31 Muscles - 31 Lymphatics . . 31 Auricle or external ear -.._: _ _ 31 .- , .-* r . - . .... CONTENTS IX. Paee Intracranial structures in relation to brain and cranial wall --- Structures exposed by reaoval of calvaria ..._ Structures exposed by removal of brain --- 32 Roots of cerebral nerves 32 General structural characteristics of exposed base of cranium and related dura mater --- - Sinuses of the dura rater - ~ - Arteries 33 Hypophysis - 34 Structures in the lateral and anterior regions of neck -- 34 Surface anatomy --- ---- - . - ..... 34 Regions of the neck ..... ........ .......... 34 Superficial fascia, platysma, veins and cutaneous nerves ~ -- 34 Deep cervical fascia and sternucleidona&toid muscle - - 35 Posterior triangle - . -- 35 Occipital triangle ---- -.-- 35 Supraclavicular triangle ---- 36 Supraclavicular part of brachial plexus ._..---. 36 Muscles in floor of posterior triangle ---- 36 Anterior triangle ...-. ...*. 35 Submaxillary or digastric triangle .-- 36 Carotid triangle - - 37 Muscular triangle -- 37 Structures in relation to anterior median line of neck .... . 38 Suprahyoid region -.- -. 38 Infrahyoid region -- 38 Muscles of neck: second and third layers -. ----- 38 Sternoclavicular articulation .. 38 Root of neck -- 38 Muscles ..-- 38 Blood-veesels and lymphatics --- --- 38 Nerves i.. -- 39 Remaining structures at root of neck - _.--..- 39 Cervical plexus and viscera of neck- - ..-. ~- 39 Back of head and neck ---- 40 Regions of back of head and neck .._..... 40 Fascia, superficial nerves and muscles 40 Muscles in relation to back of neck .... . 40 Deeper blood-vessels and nerves of back of neck 41 Face and frontal region of head - - 42 Surface anatomy ..-.-_ _._..._-. ..-.-. 42 Regions of face ------ ... ........ . .... - .-....-. 42 Kascia and parotid gland .... ----- ...... ---. 43 Superficial nerves of face 43 Superficial blood-vessels of face - ... ....... 44 Muscles of face and front of head 44 Structures in relation to temporal and infratemporal fossae . 44 Fascia, muscles and vessels ..- ..-.- 44 Mandibular articulation . ....... ......... 46 Nerves ------. ..... ......... 46 Mandibular canal ...----- 46 Suboaxillary canal .... -- 41 Superficial structures in submaxillary region 47 Deeper structures in submaxillary region ..- 47 Structures in relation to deeper regions of neck and base of cranium-- 47 Otic ganglion, tensor veli palatini, stylopharyngeus muscles-- - 47 Blood-vessels 48 , COKIENTS X. Page.. Nerves .-.-_.-..., _.______. _ - 49 Sympathetic trunk - . ._-.--. 49 Structures in relation to cervical part of vertebral column, and posterior part of base of skull -..-.__.-____-.--. 50 Muscles, nerves and blood-vessels - . . __________ 50 Articulations of cervical vertebrae III-VII - 50 Articulations of epistropheus, atlas and occipital bone 50 Cervical part of vertebral _anal and spinal cord -- 51 Remaining structures in anterior part of head and neck -. 51 Pharynx .._._ ......-..--... ......... ...... 52 MusciLes and fascia of pharynx . - ... - -- -..-- 52 Cavity of pharynx i. .-.-*-.------. 52 Mouth and fauces ......-.; -...--- ~.-~-* 53 General characteristics of cavity of mouth - ....... 53 Mucous membrane of mouth 54 Glands of mouth .... . - 54 Teeth - 54 Tongue .......... . ... ... 54 Fasces 54 Soft palate and related structures ----------- ----.-- 54 Muscles -----.--_-------_-------.------_.---.--..--.----__--------- 54 Arteries - ....-.-....-....- 55 Nerves -------.--_-_----_---__-_-_-_----_-_-_-_-.---___-------- 55 Auditory tube --------------------- _____________________________ 55 Nasal cavity ..... . .. 55 Nasal septum ____-_------ 55 Cavity and lateral walls of nose ----- .... 55 Paranasal sinuses -- -- 56 Nerves and vessels in lateral wall of nasal cavity 56 Nasal cartilages .... ... ... ...... ...... 55 Larynx . _ _ _ . 55 Cavity of larynx . . ~ 56 Laryngeal muscles, hyothyreoid and elastic membrane 57 Laryngeal nerves and vessels -. ...... 57 Laryngeal cartilages and ligaments 58 Tongue ..... . . . -- 59 General characteristics and surface anatomy 59 Muscles of tongue ........ . 39 Nerves and vessels of the tongue ~ 60 Structures in middle cranial fos_a -..,_. . . -_ - ..... 60 3yelids and lacriinal apparatus ....... ....... .._.. 61 Eyelids . 61 Lacriraal apparatus; ..... ..... .-,_ ........ . 61 Structures in relation to orbit - .... 61 Structures in superior part of orbit and fascia of eyeball 61 Optic nerve , nasociliary nerve and ciliary ganglion 62 Blood-vessels of orbit .......... . 62 Remaining structures of orbit : 62 Structures in carotid and infraorbital canals and pterygopalatine fossa 63 Carotid canal . ... . . . . 63 Maxillary nerve and infraorbital canal 63 Sphenopalatine ganglion . .... ... i. ..... 64 Internal maxillary artery . .. 64 Auditory apparatus: external and middle ear 64 Walls of tympanic cavity 64 Auditory ossicles, articulations, ligaments and muscles 65 External acoustic meatus .---_.- . .... .... 66 Intraosseous course of facial, intermediate and acoustic nerves 66 CONTENTS XI. Page Brain: General characteristics, meninges, blbod vessels and cerebral nerves - - _________________ 67 Larger subdivisions of brain 67 Meninges and blood vessels of brain -- 67 Meninges ------ - 67 Blood vessels - - -. ............ 68 Base of brain and cerebral nerves 68 Base p. brain - .... .............. 60 Cerebral nerves ......... ..... 69 Brain: Surface anatomy of rhombencephalon and mesencephalon .---.- 69 Rhorabencephalon .-_ 69 Medulla oblongata .... ............. ......... 70 Pens 70 Isthmus of rhombencephalon - ...-- ........ Cerebellum 70 Fourth ventricl.t - .... . ..... ............. Floor of fourth ventricle ...... ......... Roof of fourth ventricle Mesencephalon -.-. - 71 Brain: Surface anatomy of prosencephalon - General subdivisions of prosencephalon Telenctphalon - ... - .... __....-.. Pallium: general characteristics - .... Lobes of cerebrum Medial surface of hemisphere - Rhine nee phalon -- "-- - 74 Hypothalamus -. ........ .-. - Corpus callosum 74 Ventriculus lateralis -- Septum pellucidum, fornix and tela chorioidea 75 Thalamencephalon . .-..-..-.. ... 76 Thelamus 76 Metathalamus --- 76 Epithalamue -. .-...-. Ventriculus tertius .. ... _. Brain: Sections through brain Structures in sections of medulla oblongata - Structures in sections of pins Structures in sections of cerebellum ... 77 Structures in sections of rhombenciphalic isthmus and meeencephalon - Sections of isthmus rhombencephali .- Sections of pedunculus cerebri - - .- In sections of corpora quadrigenina .... -- Structures in sections through prosencephalon - Sections of hypothalamus -- Sections of thalamencephalon - Sections of telencephalon . -... Organ of Vision 78 Cptic nerve .... ... ....... . - ..--. .. 73 Bulbus oculi . -. 78 Tunica fibrosa oculi * Sciera 79 Cornea 79 Tunica vasculosa oculi - Chorioidea 79 Corpus ciliare 80 .. . - . . ' i ., .- m t . - - * # r . . - r . . - . ->.. \ . -. . *.-... . . . c . - CONTENTS XII . Page Iris _ 80 Ciliary r.erves and vessels ..... 80 Pigment layer .. 80 Retina .. . 80 Vitreous body .... 81 Zonula ciliaris .... 81 Crystalline lens -_ .. ._......_... 81 Chambers of eyeball .... . ... 81 ABDOMEN AND PELVIS General characteristics . ..... . .. . ... 82 Subdivisions of abdomen and pelvis .-.,-_.. 82 Surface anatomy . ..... .._.....*_... 82 Regions - . 82 Perineal region ..... ......... ... 83 Surface anatony ..... . .. . . 83 Perineal region in general ... 63 Pudendal region in the male -- .... __. 83 Pudendal region in the female ....... 83 Urogenital region: structures external to urogenital diaphragm- 83 In the male . . . __ . _ _ .. 83 In the female -- - ....... _ ... _ ....... ___ 84 Urogenital diaphragm .*..... - 84 Inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm 84 Structures in the urogenital diaphragm in the male -- 85 Structures in the urogenital diaphragm in the female 85 Anal region . ... *.*. *.. 85 Anterior abdominal wall .... . .. 86 Fascia, cutaneous nerves and vessels -- .... .- 86 Deeper structures of anterior abdominal wall . ~ 86 Muscles and related structures .. 86 Internal surface of anterior abdominal wall 87 Inguinal canal, scrotum spermatic cord and testis ......... 88 Inguinal canal . . 88 Scrotum and spermatic cord - - . .._.__ ..... .. 88 Testis . ._ .. 88 Abdominal cavity, peritoneum and viscera . 89 Abdominal cavity and peritoneum --- . 89 General characteristics of abdominal cavity, viscera and peritoneum -- - -.-.-. ... ....... .......... 89 Peritoneal folds and fodSa in relation to small and large intestine - . -. ... .... ... 89 Peritoneal ligaments in relation to liver stomach and spleen 89 Omental bursa .- 90 Relations of pelvic peritoneum ----- - _ ----- .......... 90 Peritoneal relations in general - .... ......... 90 Mesenteric blood-vessels, nerves and lymphatics ----- ........ 90 Mesenterial small intestine and the large intestine -. 91 i'esenterial small intestine ------ ... ......._. ... 91 Large intestine ...... . . . ... 91 Structures in relation to the wall of the omental bursa 92 Biliary ducts and vessels in the lesser omentum 92 Remaining vessels in relation to walls of omental bursa 92 - ' ' .... . .- ... " ' - ' .".... . .' . .--.- . - ' -. . . .'-:..,. -., - ..... . ' '.. . .' : . ..' CONTENTS XIII. Page, Duodenum and pancreas ------ 93 Duodenum -_,.-_. _ _ ... 93 Pancreas 93 Stomach and spleen .___- ___ __._..._. 93 Stomach ............. 93 Spleen __._ 93 Sympathetic plexuses in relation to coeliac ganglion and ceoliac plexus - 94 Liver -- - _-_-- 94 Suprarenal gland, kidney and ureter ---- 95 Suprarenal gland, -^to>^> ->0A. - .............. _.-__, 95 Vascular supply of tne Kidney and Suprarenal gland- 96 Kidney _______ ______ ______________________________ 95 Ureter . 96 Diaphragm ... -- .... 96 Structures in relation to the posterior abdominal wall 96 Blood-vessels and lymphatics 96 Arteries ___________ ______ . ___ ___ __ 97 Veins and lymphatics 97 Fascia and muscles of posterior abdominal wall - 97 Nerves of the posterior abdominal v/all ................ 98 Pelvis - . - _ . __, _ _.. _ gg Osteology . __ . _______ _ __ ___. . . 93 Peritoneum and fascia in relation to the pelvis'- - A....... 99 Peritoneal foils ii nilcVpelvIb---*. . 99 I eritciiojin o'-.eEftle pelvis --_____ .... 99 Fascia ..-.. _.._-- ... . 99 Pelvic viscera --- ___________ . _____________ 100 In the male pelvis - . 100 In the female pelvis - - ...... 101 Pelvic blood vessels (male and female) 102 Arteries -.. _. - ._ 102 Veias -.-. - ._-__... . ...... . i-_3 Pelvic muscles and nerves 103 Pelvic articulations ....__. _. 103 . THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY General characteristics of inferior extremity - - ----- - ----- - ------- <- 105 Subdivisions --------------- - ------- . --- . ------------- *. ---------- . 105 Regions -- .- ._......_.i....... ......._. __ __ __ __ 105 Gluteal region -------------------------------------- ._> ______________ _ 105 Surface anatomy - --- ---- . ___ . __ _ 105 Fascia and cutaneous ijerves ------- -~ ; ----- - . ------ - ---- - . ---- 106 Glutaeus maximus muscle -------------- - --- - ... ________ _____ . 106 Structures exposed by reflection of glutaeus maximus muscle ------ 106 SStructures distal to the piriformis muscle - -------------- - 106 Structures proximal and lateral to the pirif oraie muscle ---- - 107 Structures exposed by reflection of glueaeus minimus muscle ---- -- 107 Popliteal space - . ---- ... -------- __ ____ ._.._._..._.. __ ..... 107 Surface anatomy ...- --._..._._.._.. ___ ____. -..^.t, IQ? Fascia, superficial nerves and vessels --------- - - - ____ 10? Popliteal space: large nerves and vessels --- ---------------- .. 108 Popliteal space: medial and lateral boundaries ------------------- 108 Contents of popliteal space ----- . __ - ___ . ___ .._. _____ .__ ________ ~~~ Nerves -------------------------------- ... ----------- 1Q8 Blood-vessels and lymphatics . . , .r -* . . ..- I . . - . . t " ^ - . . ...-.,. /.;TS XTV. .;. :-->'> _Paj?e_ Floor of popliteal space -- - 103 Posterior part of thigh 109 Fascia and cutaneous nerves 109 Eteecles - - 109 Nerves and blood-vessels . 109 Anterior part of thigh 109 Surface anatomy ----- 10< Regions in relation to anterior aspect of thigh ---- - - ---- liO Fascia, superficial vessels, lymphatics and cutane'ous nerves ---- 110 Superficial fascia, blood-vessels and lymphatics - 110 Fossa oval'is - -__- .-- 110 Cutaneous nerves, superficial praepatellar bursae 110 D&ep fascia and related ligaments ._... m Femoral sheath 111 Femoral trigone and its contents 111 Adductor canal and its contents - - 112 Muscles of the front of thigh 112 Medial side of thigh 113 Muscles, nerves and vessels . - 114 Hip joint 114 Structures in relation to hip joint 114 Leg and foot . 114 General characteristics .. . ..... _ _ ........ 114 Subdivisions -. 114 Surface anatomy --.- 115 Regions --------- 115 Anterior region of leg and dorsum of foot < 115 Superficial fascia, cutaneous nerves and vessels 115 Deep fascia . 116 Muscles in anterior ragion of leg --- 116 Arteries 116 Nerves - ____- 116 Muscles of dorsuin of foot . .... 117 Lateral or percnsal region of leg - 117 Deep fascia and muscles - ........ 117 Nerves - _---- 117 Medial region of leg - -- .... - --- 117 Posterior region of leg and heel ... ... 117 Fascia, superficial vessels and cutaneous nerves --- 117 Muscles: superficial group .-... --.- 118 Muscles: deep group 118 Arteries - ------------- .......... ...-.-..---------.--- 118 Nerves ___-_ ........... ___.__ ___-- ------ 119 Laciniate ligament .... ..... - 119 rPlantar region of foot ...... - - 119 Fascia and superficial veins - 119 Muscles: superficial layer .... . 119 Plantar arteries US Plantar nerves - 120 Muscles: second layer of muscles and tendons ---- - ---.- 120 Muscles: third layer ..- - .-- - 120 Plantar arch and doep division of plantar nerve -- ISO Interosseous muscles ~nd de^p tendons 120 COKOT-iIS XV. Pag;e Articulations of leg and foot 120 Knee joint 121 Ankle joint - 121 Tibiofibular joints . 121 Intertarsal articulations _ 121 Tarsoraetatarsal articulations - - 122 Interraetatarsal articulations .... -_ 122 Metatarsbphalangeal articulations - . - - 122 Articulations of toes ...... .. ........ 122 Part Two Systematic Anatony ..GENERAL AITATOJICAL TERMS . Terms Indicating the Position and Direction of Parts of the Body ----- 1 Terms Relating to the Body in General 1 a'Spms Relating to the Extremities 1 General Anatomical Terms 2 PARTS OF THE HULSAK BODY. Head - - .- 4 Cranium ~ . 4 Face .... .... 4 Eye , . . 4 N'dse 4 Mouth 4 KecS . . 4 Trunk 4 Thorax . .. .. 4 Back ........ _ . ... 4 Abdomen -----_----__________ __________ ____________________ 4 Pelvis . _ . 5 Superior Extremities ...... . ... ..... 5 Inferior Extremities ................... ., . . ... .... 5 OSTEOLOGY Vertebral Column, or Spine ------ .............. . ... . .. . 6 Atlas .... 6 Epistropheus - .___.__ .. .. .. .. .-_. 7 Sacrum.---- ------- _______________ ____ __ ______ 7 Coccyx --_----- ________________________________ _ _.._ 7 Thorax 7 Ribs . 7 Sternum--- -- .... ...-._.._... ........ .... 7 Thorax (general characteristics) ----- i .. 7 Bones of the Cranium ______ -_ -._.___- __ _. 7 Basilar Bone 7 Occipital Eone 7 Sphenoid Bone 8 Temporal Bone 8 XVI . __ Parietal Bone ----- ,- ------ -... - ------ - ------ ...... 9 FrpffiTrt^L Bone ----- - - ---- - ---------------------------- . 1.0 Ethnoi'd Bone - ------------------------ - ------- - -------------- 10 Inferior nasal concha ----- ---- _ ----- _ ---- .. _ 10 Lacriajal Bone --------------- - ----- - ---- .. --- - .... 10 Nasal Bone ----------------------------------------------- - 10 Vomer ------------- ..-. ------ ..-._._...._.. ---- ._ ________ 10 Bones of the Face - ------ - --- _________ _____________________ 10 Maxilla ----------------- . ---------------------------------- . 10 Palate Bone ----- ..... ------ . ------ . ---------------------- .. n Zygonatic Bone ---- --.___-______ --- ____ --- ... _________ n Mandible ----------------------------------------------- 11 Hyoid Bon? - --------------------- - ----------- ... ---- -- --- .. 12 Cranium -__~. .. ._._.. .._.__. ___ ....... __ .......... 12 Sutures o? the Ci-Rniu-n ------------------------------------ 12 Synohondrosdt of the Cranium - ------------- - -------- .._,.. 13 Bones of the superior Extremity ------ ----- .... ......... --- - 13 Shoulder girdle - ------------ . ------------------------------ - 13 Scapula ----------------------- - ---------------------- 13 Clavicle -------------------------------------------- }3 Skeleton of free upper Extremity .-- 13 Humerus -------------- - --- ------ ------ - - --- - -- 13 Radius - - - ------ --.. ---- . .... ---------- -- ---- 14 Ulna ------------------------- . ------------- - --------- - 14 Carpus -->-.--.- --- - --- ......................... 14 Metacarpus ------ - -------------------------- - --------- 14 Phalanges ----- - ----------- - --------------- - --------- 14 Bones of the inferior Extremity ------- - --------------------------- 15 Pelvic girdle --------------------------------------------- 15 Hip Bone - - --------- - - - --- .. ----- - ----------- 15 Ilium - - ---------- - ------------- - ------ ... ---- . - 15 Ischium --- -------- - --- - --- . ------------- - 15 Pubis ------------------------------------------------- 15 Pelvis ---------------------------------------------- . 15 Skeleton of free lower Extremity ------------------------- - 15 Femur --- --- ------- . ----- ....... ----- . ---- . --- . . ._ 15 Fibula -------------------------------------------- .. 16 Patella ----- - --------- - ------------------------------- 16 Tarsus - ~- --- - --- _...-.. ---------- ._ --- . __._.._ ig Tklus --- - ----------------- - ---------------------- - 16 Calcaneus -------- -._._._ --- _ ---- _ ........ --- - 17 Navicular Bone - --- ....... ._ ------ ...... ..... 17 Cuneiform Bones ----------------------- - ---------- 17 Cuboid Bone ------- - --- - - --------------------- - 17 Metatarsus - .. ---- - ------- - ---- . -------- . -------- .. 17 Phalanges -~-~~. ..,._-.__..___ ___._.._.__.,..____ IQ Ligaments of the Vertebral Column and Cranium ------------------- 18 Atlantooccipital articulation - ----- ------- ------- --- ...... 19 Atlantcepistrophic articulation ---------------------------- . 19 Costovertebral artic-.ilations < - ----------------- - -------------- 19 Capitular articulations ---- . ---------- - ------- . ---- ... ------ .- 19 Costotransverse articu3.ations -------- - -------- ...... ---- ... ^9 Sternocostal articulations ------ --- --- - ---- ---- - --- - - 19 CONTENTS XVII , Page Mandibular articulation .-...*----- 19 Ligaments of the shoulder girdle -.-.-.-....-... 19 Acromioclavicular articulation --*i~- -*--.-.-... 19 Sternoclavicular articulation ---*. ...*..-.......-.....^. - 19 Shoulder- joint -*.-.-- ..... 19 Elbow- joint ..-...- ... -- -. - -.._. i. .. ... 19 Distal radioulnar articulation ..-..- 20 Articulation of the hand ----... .............. .... 20 Articulation of the pisiform bone ... .... ..... 20 Carpometacarpal articulations ........... ........._...* 20 Carpometacarpal articulation of the thumb ...... 20 Intermetacarpal articulations .- ..---... 20 Metacarpophalangeal articulations .-..-- .. 20 Articulations of the fingers -- 20 Ligaments of the pelvic Girdle .... ... ..-* 20 Sacro-Iliac articulation --.-.-. 20 Syinphysis of Pubic Bones **>- 20 Hip- joint . 2G Knoft- joint - .. .... - 21 Tibiofibular articulation ..... . ...... . 21 Tibiofibular Syndesmosis -- 21 Articulations of the Foot 21 Talocrural articulation (Ankle joint) -...- 21 Intertarsal articulations -.. - 21 lalocalcaneonavicular articulation . 21 Talocalcanean articulation -.. . 21 Chopart's Transverse Articulation of the Tarsus ----- 21 Talonavicular articulation 21 Calcaneocuboid articulation .- 21 Cuneonavicular articulation .....--.- 21 Interosseous Ligaments of Tarsus ...*.... 21 Dorsal Ligaments of Tarsus --. * -..-..--- . 21 Plantar Ligaments of Tarsus ....... 21 Tarsometatarsal articulations ---.---- 22 Intermetatarsal articulations 22 Metatarsophalangeal articulations .-. -- 22 Articulations of the Toes ..-. ..... 22 MYOLOGY OR MUSCULATURE Muscles of Back ... 23 Muscles of the Head 24 Muscles of the Hyoid Bone 24 Muscles of the Neck 24 Muscles of the Thorax 24 Muscles of the Abdomen -. _.^..._. ....... ............ 25 Coccygeal Muscles ... ... ... ........ 25 Muscles of the superior Extremity --- .......... g-5 Muscles of the Inferior Extremity -..-.-. .... ........... 26 . * " " - -...-.. -, . . ' ' ' ' .' " .'....'.- /!... - j'; , - ' " ..... ~ " ' '." . . ----- . . . .... , .- . , , . . . .--.. ,'.:; ...... - ..... ....... ... | :..... : ~ ' ........... .......... ...... _ . _ . _ . ...... , .... .. " -"... ..... . ...' ...... - ...... tu --- , . ...,. ___ . r-.7- ..-.-.. . -. ---------- . ------- . . ~ " -- .... . _. . . . ... .^_ ~ ...... ........ ..... . . *-. ....... . . ..... % .- --;; ....... - .*- ... ,. .... **. - . ~ \ **,.*.-* * > .;..... . ........ ... . . . . .... ~ ' ' ' - .- .;.- : .... . . ...... " ~ ' ' " ' ' ' . ... _ - . ..... .' : ' -:-- ; . . . . .. . ... !,, , . -. . ' '..--..'' . - . . .. ....'.. . : . . . , ... .1 . .... .. _ ^ "'""' - - . ' ' ' . ' .-........ . -'.". '.'". ' '' .... '- . '. x.*.^..- .-.. ...,-.- . ' - - "',,.. i ' '-' : ............... . .-... , . : . : - " ' '- ' ....... ","." ":..... ..:..-,-. ' ;':.. . :.' :- -; i ----- .::. _- . ;. . ; . *.-.. ' ; - . -':.. . - "'''- - + , " .''"*' "-*?. . ' ' --..-- ; ^.+> f ._ ; -.'., *.'...''.*.*:'. ..... - --...-. - - , :\ ,' .~ --. .-.-.. -...' ------ : . " - . ...- ' ,'-,; : . ..... .-..--., ............... .-; ..... : : , .. . -,.. *. - - ..... - - ...... ........ .',",' ............. .. , : . . ../.-""-. .............. . . ; - ' : - .." - - *".''"'. .... .- .."..'-.- . ' . ' - ' ' . - - ....... . ~ >. - ... -- . .......... - _ . ---... ..... - - . . . .-. ,-.--.. ' ' ;- .... - "...... ;...."'''- " - - -_.._,_ ' w ..... ,. ..:'" ._'::,.. . . - _ -'-- ........ ->.-... .r - .. .... ^ ... . - ..... .....,." ....... ., .i." ".,""", '7 .*::'- 'i v .r -r.x --?-::,>.: " . . ; t- - -* .. -r ........ . - . - ..*^~- ~- > " - - - -.-.-._-, ..... . .... .; . -- ..... .... - " Ml .-....,-. - . . ... -. , ; . ...... ^ ------- ' * - - ^-1:" --- ' - . CONTENTS SVIII, Page BURSAE AND MUCOUS SHEATHS SPIAKCHMOLOGY Digestive System Oral cavity 30 Oral nucous membrane ______ _ . ... 30 Orrl gla-nds 31 Teeth 31 Tongue -.4........... ..... 31 Fauces --- .... .-- . ..... . .. .- 32 Muscles of the palate and fauces - ....... _ .... 33 Pharynx - - ........ ............. . ...... _.....* 33 Digestive tube ..... ....... _...._......_... 33 Oesophagus .... .... ....... __________ ..__._.._. 33 Stomach - .... ...... ... ..... ... 32 Snail intestine .... - ... 33 Large intestine .... . .... .... - 33 Rectum ---------__----_---_-- ____________-____------------ 33 Pancreas ........ .____ ... . .......... .......... 34 Liver ------.-......_-.------- 34 Spleen ... ... 35 Respiratory System Nasal Cavity -. 35 External Nose ..... ..... ___________________--_---__- 35 Larynx ..... .. __.__, . .... -__.- 36 Laryngeal Muscles ------------- 36 Laryngeal Cavity ------ . ... . '. .---.- 37 Trachea and Bronchi --..-- 37 Lung 1 ... . 37 Thoracic Cavity - : - 38 Thyreoid Gland 38 Glomus caroticuQ -....-. . . ________________ ...... ... 38 Tbymus --- . . . ... . . .... .... 38 Urogenital System Uropoietic Organs . ..._.. ... . .... - 38 Kidney ________________________ .... _ .... ....... 33 Renal Arteries _________ _________ ....... ... 39 Renal Veins . . 39 Ureter ...... ........... ........ .. _____________ . 39 Srdnary Bladder -------- ........ ...... .. . ...... 39 Suprarenal Gland ....... .... , .. 39 Genital or reproductive Organs - ...... ..... _-..._._. 39 Male- Genital Organs . 39 Testis ^ 39 Seminal Vesicle ........... .............. -.........-...-. 40 Spermatic Cord and tunics of the Te'stis and spermatic Cord --- 40 Prostrate i 40 Bulbo-urethral Gland 40 External Genital Structures -- 40 Penis ...... 40 - .. -..-. - '. CONTENTS XIX. Page, Male Urethra 41 Scrotum 41 Fenale Genital Organs - 41 Ovary __---- . 41 Uterine Tube 41 Uterus 41 Vagina _______. 42 Epoophoron -------- 42 Paroophoron - 42 External Genital Parts 42 Greater Vestibular Gland (of Bartholin) 42 Clitoris 42 Female Urethra 42 Perineum ...< . 43 Peritoneum - - ......... 43 AMGIQLOGY Heart ........ ....... ...... ... 44 Right Atrium 46 Right Ventricule 4 Left Atrium ..... .. 46 Left Ventricle - 46 Arteries 46 Pulmonary Artery ---...- ... .... *....... 46 Aorta --- ..._* ......... 46 Innominate artery 46 Common Carotid Artery --- 46 External Carotid Artery . . ..... .... 46 Superior Thyreoid Artery - 46 Ascending Pharyngeal Artery- ... - - 47 Lingual Artery * * 47 External Maxillary Artery - -- 47 Sternocleidomastoid Artery - - 47 Occipital Artery *- 47 Posterior Auricular Artery .... . .... - - - 47 Superficial Temporal Artery - 47 Internal Maxillary Artery ~ 47 Internal Carotid Artery - ---- 47 Ophthalmic Artery --- ---- 47 Cerebral Arteries ........ -. 48 Subclavian Artery -. i - - 48 Vertebral Artery - -- 48 Basilar Artery .... ........ .... 48 Internal Mammary Artery --- -- 48 Thyreocervical Trunk . ..... 48 Inferior Thyreoid Artery - -. .- 48 Ascending Cervical Artery ........ 48 Transverse Scapular Artery 48 Costocervical Trunk . 48 Transverse Cervical Artery . , 48 Axillary Artery .... 48 Highest Thoracid Artery - 49 Thoraco ^crooinal Artery 49 Lateral Thoracic Artery * 49 Subscapular Artery ................ . _ 49 ' * '* * '' "*"" ...... ........ - , - ... --'" ~ - _,.,.... . : . .. - ...... , _ . . ._..,.. - > .- - - "-- . ........ ..- -. . .- **" ' " - ' ' ' - : - ' ' -* .........,..,, ,.. . . ...... , - - . -, - . .. .., . .. .... .. . .-. - -'----- . . , ., ... ._ .. . , ... ... _ ... . ' - - - ........... ... . ... ,. V . ..--... .. _........ . . - ' - " - ' ' . . T . 1 - ' . . - . . . "- " .*.... .. .. . .... .. .. -.. ... ' ' ' - - .... t .. /- " LI. I'* ' - - .,..-......-. .... . . : - -... . - . . .. - .,..-*.', rf ,. . , , ..;,-... ........... . ^ . , _,....- . - . . . . . .. ...... . ._ . .... ". ' " - ' ' ~ - ' ....... . .. , ... .. -. .- ..,.!.. ' '; . . - -..--. . ^ ...... '. . ; . ; ... ..... . , . . .......-- ..,,.. ,..,..... ..,,.. . - . - - - ., . . . ---- _......-.,. . . . ...--.. .;:. -.-'.- . . .- ...,..,....., , . .. " . ..:.--.. -. - ,& . ..,: ,r-'- - -,''. .,.,... . .. . - * ; ..,- . . . ; " ' ' .'-..- i ' ....... . . , ., . . . f ._ - ... ..... ._ . .< - - .-...- ,. . . . ....- . - - - >X_t - - - - .'!::.-: ' ; " - - : . -.-. .... - ... ;.' '>'-, " ." " '. ,.-.--. .' . ^ : - .I .'. . -' J - ' ' ' . ' - ' - ._......, .., ; : .- litut -,.,.,.-....,. > ... - . - ~ --.. . - - - - - - - CONTENTS XX. Pa fee Anterior Circumflex humeral Artery .--- ...-.-** 49 Posterior Circumflex humeral Artery _i..-. 49 Brachial Artery ... - 49 Profunda Brachii Artery 49 Superior Ulnar Collateral Artery - 49 Inferior Ulnar Collateral Artery :- - 49 Radial Artery 49 Ulnar Artery -.....-...------.- 49 Thoracic Aorta - ............. ....... 49 Intercostal Arteries ----- .... --. 49 Abdominal Aorta ........ ....... ......... -_... 50 Inferior Phrenic Artery .... ............. 50 Lumbar Arteries -..--- ......... ... 50 Middle Sacral Artery - ~ ....... ...... 50 Coeliac Artery --... -....-..-....--.-- 50 Superior Mesenteric Artery - ---- ----- 50 Inferior Mesenteric Artery --- .... . .._-_. 50 Middle Suprarenal Artery ..- .----_. 50 Renal Artery .-.-. ...... .-.....---. ..--. 50 Internal Spermatic Artery .--.- ... . _--- 50 Testicular Artery ...... .......... 50 Ovarian Arte&y - -- .............. ............ 50 Common Iliac Artery --.- - ..... .... -- . 50 Hypogastric Artery -------- ........ -. ....... 50 Iliolumbar Artery ------.--- 50 Lateral Sacral Artery --- ..-. 50 Obturator Artery --- -.....-. ........ ...... 50 Superior Gluteal Artery .-..-----. 51 Inferior Gluteal Artery - ......... 51 Umbilical Artery .. -.. 51 Inferior Vesical Artery ....... ............. Si Deferential Artery ......... ........ .- 51 Uterine Artery ........................ -- 51 Middle Hemorrhoidal Artery ..----.*--.- 51 Internal Pudendal Artery .- ...-..-- 51 External Iliac Artery - 51 Inferior Epigastric Artery .... 51 Deep Circumfles ......--.. _--- 51 Femoral Artery ... .. .................................. 51 Popliteal Artery -- - 51 Anterior Tibial Artery 52 Posterior Tibial Artery 52 Veins ....... .............................. -. ................ 52 Pulmonary Veins ......... ......... ............-.. 52 Cardiac Veins - 52 Superior Vena Cava 52 Right and Left Innominate Veins - 52 Internal Jugular Vein - 52 Sinuses of the Dura Mater ---- ...... 53 Cerebral Veins - ----.. .. 53 Superior Opbthalmic Vein ........ ... 53 Common Facial Vein --- ---.---.- .......... 53 Anterior Facial Vein ..... ......... ................ 53 Posterior Facial Vein ........ 54 External Jugular Vein ... .... ................ 54 Subclavian Vein -. ...--.-.-.. 54 . . CONTENTS XXI , Page Axillary Vein ... . .- 54 Azygos Vein ... ................. 54 Inferior Vena Cava .... -. ...... 55 Portal Vein 55 Common Iliac Vein --------- .................................. 55 Hypogastric Vein . . .-. ...... ................ 55 External Iliac Veins -. ....... 55 Lymphatic System ..... _ ........ ............. 55 Lymphatic Vessels .... . . ...... .... ............. 55 Thoracic Du .......... gl Sections of quadrigeminal bodies - -.-. 62 Prosencephalon (fore-brain) ...... ..... ....... 62 Dience^halon (inter-brain) 62 Hypothalaraus - 62 Sections of hypothalaraus --....-- 62 Thalamencephalon 62 Thalamus ... . .- ...... ....... 62 Metatnalamus ...... ....._..* 62 Epithalarnus ... ... - ..... 62 Sections of tnalamencephalon - ..*.. 62 Telemcephalon (end-brain) - g3 Hemisphere -> - - . - . g3 Pallium - . * g3 Medial surface of hemisphere - * g3 Corpus callosum .- -- .... ..... g4 Fornix ........ . _-.-.--......._.. g4 Septum pellucidum -- -.-_..___ g4 Lateral ventricle -.-.--.* g4 Rhinencephalon ...... -_-....-.._._.__. 54 Sections of telencephalon --.--._.-._. g4 Meninges --......_. ..... .-_..>.... gs i . CONTENT'S XXII . . ,Page__ Peripheral nervous system.. Cerebral nerves ... . 66 Olfactory nerves .-__._._ ...- ......_......_.__ - 55 Optic Nerve- - . > ... - 66 Oculomotor Nerve-- ________ .... _ ________ 55 Trochlear Nerve ...... . .- *. gg Trigeminal Nefve 66 Ophthalmic Nerve ------- . - . ___________ 66 Maxillary Nerve - --- - -- - - .---.- - 66 Iviandibular Nerve -- 67 Abducent Nerve ---- - - -_ . _________ 57 Facial Nerve ________________ 57 Acoustic Nerve - 67 Glossopharyngeal Nerve - ...... . 68 Vague Nerve -_--_-_____ ....... __________________ . 53 Accessory Nerve - ..... . ......... ............. 68 Hypoglossal Nerve _. . ..... 68 Spinal Nerves ........ _____________ . ............ 68 Cervical Nerves ... . 69 Brachial Plexus ..... . ..... 69 Median Nerve ---------_--_---------_-~---_-__----~-------- 69 Dinar Nerve __________________ . . ___________ 69 Radial Nerve ^ . 69 Thoracic Nerves . .- .. . . .... 69 Lumbar, Sacral, and Coccygeal Nerves ---. .--..-...... 70 Lumbosacral Plexus --_-_--__ .... .... ___________________ 70 Lumbar Plexus ..... ____________ ... __..__._. ... 70 Ijliohypogastric Nerve - ..-- .- ...... 70 Ilioinguinal Nerve .... .... ............. . ___. 70 Genitofemoral ----_---_--_-__--_____-_______________-_____ 70 Lateral femoral cutaneous Nerve - .-._-._ .......... 70 Obturator Nerve ......................................... ^ 70 Femoral Nerve . . .... - 70 Sacral plexus ..... .. ......... . 70 Sciatic Nerve ........ ..................._.....-..._.... 70 Pudendal plexus . . ..... ..... 71 Coccygeal Nerve . . . 71 Sympathetic Nervous System. Cephalic and cervical parts of the sympathetic system 71 Thoracic part of the sympathetic system - ... .- -- . 72 Abdominal and pelvic parts of the sympathetic system 72 SENSE ORGANS AND COMMON INTEGUMENT. Organ of Vision . ... ... .. . 73 Eye . .... _ . ..... 73 Optic Nervo -.-. ....... ........__..........._._ 73 Eyeball .. . , . . _. 73 Fibrous Tunic of Eye . .. ._ 73 Sclera _ . 73 Cornea ..... _. ..... ........ _ _. 73 Vascular Coat of Eye - .... . 73 - . ; -'- '. ' ' ."',''. . U.v'_". . ' -..-.- .. :"- :. - - - ea i - ' . -" ' ' n . - . - - - -- -' ' : ' ~ '-" '" ' " ~ *"'- * ' ' ,.-..-. - - m. . . - * . fc ' - '- :*.*< -.... ,- ' ">--- .--.- I . ..-. -. - ' " ' -.- ' '- .,..-. *.-,..-. - - ... ., - , ' ' ' - " ' ' ' ' ' ' - ---------- CONTENTS XXIII, Pag;e Chorioid . 73 Ciliary -i.e . 78 Iris . _ 73 Pigment layer . -- 74 Retina '-- --. _-._- 74 Anterior Chamber of the Eye ---. .,-- 74 Posterior Chamber of the Eye -_...-_- 74 Vitreous Body - _ ........... ___._. 74 Crystalline -- - . ....... 74 Ciliary Zonule - --- ................. 74 Accessory Organs of the Eye - --.. ....... 74 Eye Muscles, orbital Fasciae - ---_.-.._._._.... 74 Eyebrow ..... ... ________________ 75 Eyelids . .......... 75 Conjunctiva .... . ............ ______________________ 75 Apparatus ............. ................ 75 Organ of Hearing _. .. . . ..... . 75 Internal Ear - --- .... . ... _________________ 75 Membraneous Labyrinth ............... . ... ... . 75 Osseous Labyrinth .... . ............ 75 Vestibule *- . . 76 Cochlea ------_--_---_-_______ _.....__..._.._. _. 75 internal Acoustic Meatus ........ _____________________ 75 Tympanic Cavity . 76 Tympanic Membrane . - 77 Auditory Ossicles * ....... ... 77 Joints of the Auditory Ossicles- 78 Ligaments of the Auditory Ossicles 78 Muscles of the Auditory Ossicles ----. ...... ...... 73 Tympanic Mucous Coat ... . 78 Auditory or Sustachian Tube 78 External Acoustic Meatue . . - 78 External 3ar . 78 Organ of Smell . . . . . 79 Organ of Taste - .... __ 79 Common Integument ---------___--__--___---_-________--____________-_ 79 Skin . . . . . 79 Epidermis . ._,...._.. . . .. .. . 79 Cerium . . . .... 79 Subcutaneous Tissue (tela subcutanea) 79 Terminal Corpuscles of Nerves ..... -. 79 Hair . . . . . 79 Nails -- -....__._....._......._.._.._._............_. 79 31ands of the Skin ... _ 79 Glomiform Glands . ........ 79 Sebaceous Glands .. . .... ... 80 Breast . ..... 80 . . > - ,,.,.* - - -'' ._., ^* ,.*.-- , . . * < V .. -, ,_ . + -r -- . .= ..,,.. . ... .- . .- , , . . * - - -. , . *-. *.. . . *. . . ..,- ^:- - ..^^ ........ ...... -... ...... ... ,-. t . ,.., fc , .,...*--,.-.- .-.-.. ,,.. . .. . " . ' - . - ...... .--... . ., - ...*... - . . .,... . , - . - . . . t - . - - . : - - - ' -....... - * - ' ' ' - ... . . ' ' - * "I * - . -. V, .. . * _.-..-. . - - . W, ...'- -*... ^. 'rf, ... . * ' * -...,,...,. ....*.. . .. . -.' -'. -.-. . .' . .. '.. CONTENTS XXIV , Page REGIONS OF THE HUMAN BODY. Regions of the Head ......... . 82- " " " Face 82 " " Neck 82 " " " Breast - 83 " " " Abdomen 83 " " Back 83 " " " Superior Extremity --.. ... - 83 w " " Inferior Extremity -. ..-. ._..._ 84 COLORED PLATES. OF REGIONS. (Omitted in present copy) Plates showing Surface Anatomy and skeletal projections. (Omitted in present copy) -" ..... % . <* . . *. 1 ' . . ' ' ' Part One REGIONAL ANATOMY SUPERIOR S X.-JT R E M I T Y Pari One Regional Anatomy 1 SUPERIOR EXTREMITY I . Structures i[ii of > the i Back ^ with reference | primarily ^to Structures in Relation, to the Superior Extremity. 1. Surface anatomy Structures which may be identified by inspection and palpation, SPINOUS PROCESSS-6:37 VERTEBRA PROMINENS-6:38 MEDIAL ANGLE OF THE SCAPULA-13 :52 INFERIOR ANGLE OF THE SCAPULA-13 : 50 SPINE OF THE SCAPULA-13 :42 ACRdOQN-13:45 ILIAC CREST-15:18 ^In conformity with the Basle Anatomical Nomenclature (B N A) all brackets relating to anatomical terms are used in the following sense: I. Oval brackets () indicate variations (varietates anatomicae). II. Angular brackets 3 contain explanatory additions, among which are included double names and personal names. . III. One affixed asterisk x is used to indicate ontogenetic expressions, (e.g, MEMBRANAE, DECIDUA X -43:5, V-SNA UMBILICALIS x -55:34, etc.). IV. Two affixed asterisks xx are used in a few instances to indicate structures which may be either especially difficult to demonstrate by ordinary methods of dissection or appear relatively of secondary importance. The numerals affixed to each term in the regional anatomy (Part I) cite the page and number of the same term in its systematic position in the outline of systematic anatomy (Part II). In connection with these cross references, it will be observed that the terms in Part I are anglicized in some instances and given in their Latin form in other instances, whereas in Part II the terms appear exclusively in Latin. In the latter case, the term corresponds with the original B N A; in the former case the term has been used in the form which appears to coincide with the usage common to the najority of standard American and English anatomical texts, but it is to be recognized that as yet there is no authoritative English list based on the B N A and that for the present decisions upon this point are necessarily largely dependent upon the individual preferences of author and student. (See also discussion in the Preface) . In general the subject matter is arranged with a view to practical utility. To this end the terms in Part I are grouped primarily in the sequence in which the corresponding structures nay be exposed and observed in actual dissection. The text in small type gives concise statements of the more important incisions and dissections necessarily involved in an adequate demonstration of these structures as they are encountered in any given region. The page arrangement of the terms in general is such as to leave a certain amount of space available for marginal notes or references. :*.>; :!'.'."* ' . r ;?/.. ::..:.*. ' .- : .. . . . . - .'., . = ; . '.. ' . ' " ' :' ' ' S UPERI OR EXTREMITY . 2 2. Regions of the back MEDIAN REGION OF THE BACK-83:24 INTERSCAPULAR REGION-83:25 SCAPULAR REGION-83:26 SUPRASCAPULAR REGION-83:27 INFRASCAPULAR REGION-83:28 LUMBAR REGION-83:29 REGION OF THE HIP-83:3Q SfiCRAL REGION-83:31 GLUIEAL REGION-83:32 fERINEAL REGION-83:33 3, Fascia, cutaneous nerves and vessels Skin incisions: a) in the midline from the vertebra prominens to the tip of the coccyx; b) from the tip of the coccyx to the posterior superior iliac spine, thence along the iliac crest to within about 25 cm. of the anterior superior iliac spind; fc) from the vertebra prominens to the medial margin of the acromion; d) from the spinous process of the first lumbar vertebra to the lateral margin of the acromion. SUPERFICIAL FASCIA-23:36 MEDIAL CUTANEOUS RAM! OF POSTERIOR RAMI OF THORACIC NERVES-69:77 LATERAL CUTANEOUS RAMI OF POSTERIOR RAMI OF THORACIC NERVES*69:76 POSTERIOR RAMI OF LATERAL CUTANEOUS 'RAMI OF INTERCOSTAL NERVES- 70:4 MEDIAL RAMI OF POSTERIOR RAMI OF LUMBAR, SACRAL AND COCCYGEAL NERVES-70:13, 19 LATERAL RAMI OF POSTERIOR RAMI OF LUMBAR NERVES-70:14 MEDIAL CUTANEOUS RAMI OF POSTERIOR RAMI OF INTERCOSTAL ARTERIES- 49:63 DORSAL RAMI OF LUMBAR ARTERIES-50:10 POSTERIOR RAMI OF LATERAL CUTANEOUS RAMI OF ANTERIOR RAMI OF INTERCOSTAL ARTERIES-49:68 4, . Muscles, nerves and vessels a. Muscles: t first layer Exposed by removing both superficial and deep layers of fascia. TRAPEZIUS MUSCLE-23:15 LATISSIMUS DORSI MUSCLE-23:17 Not including its insertion. TRIGONUM LUMBALE-25:48 b. Structures in relation to the superior margin of the scapula Demonstrated by detaching the thoracic part of the trapezius muscle at its origin, separating it from the cervical part of the muscle by a transverse incision at the level of the vertebra prominens, and reflecting the thoracic portion toward its insertion, exposing at the same time the external ramus of the accessory nerve-68;59, and the muscular rami from the third and fourth cervical nerves supplying it. INFERIOR BELLY OF THE OMOHYOID MUSCLE-24:59 SUPRASCAPULAR NERVE- 69; 31 TRANSVERSE SCAPULAR ARTEf(Y-48:60 SUPERIOR TRANSVERSE SCAPULAR LIGAMENT-19:43 ''-"" ::' ' ' #* '- ' ' " -..-. ._ . ; -.; v- 1 ' " ; ' ' ' 'I''' ''"' ' ' '"' ' ' ; ' : ; ' " : ' - : . . ; .:. .:-.' , . .-. ' ; ' ' ' : ' '' ' : ' ' :: . ' ' ' ' "'" ''' .. : . - 1 -,i ..... ...... .-.i - - . . . . . , . ' v '. ' : . ' . . - ' ' " . '.'"' :.:.- . . . ' :... : .-. - ' , - ' t ?< . ..,' :. I : SUPERIOR EXTREMITY 3* c. Muscles; second layer RHOMBOIDEUS MAJOR MUECLE-23:18 RHOMBOIDEUS MINOR MUSCLE-23 :1<2 LEVATOR SCAPULAE MU5CLE-23:30 Insertion only.. The descending ramus of the transverse cervical artery-48:69 nay be observed in the interval bet\veen the rhonboideus minor and the levator scapulae muscles* d. Nerves and vessels the following nerves and artery nay be exposed by detaching the levator scapulae muscle at its insertion and the rhomboid muscles at their origins, and reflecting the latter muscles toward their insertions. DORSAL SCAPULAR NERVE- 69:27 DESCENDING RAMUS OF THE TRANSVERSE CERVICAL ARTERY-48:69 The following structures may be demonstrated by detaching the latissimus dorsi muscle at its origin and reflecting the nuscle toward its insertion. THORACODORSAL NERVE-69:33 Termination only. THORACODORSAL ARTERY-49:10 Termination only. II. Anterior Thoracic reeion and axillary fossa. l._ Surfacd anatomy Structures which may be identified by inspection and palpation, CLAVICLE-13:59 STERNAL EXTREMITY-IS : 60 ACROMIAL EXTREMITY-13 : 63 STERNUM-7:46 MANUBRIUM-7:47 JUGULAR NOTCH-7:54 BODY OF STERNUM-7.50 ANGLE OF STERNUM-7:48 XIJ3HQ1B PROCESS-7:53 RIBS I-XII-7:28 COSTAL CARTILAGES-7:32 CORACOID PROCESS OF THE SCAPULA-13 : 58 MAMMA-4:50, 80:5 PAPILLA MA.MviAE-80:6 CORPUS MAI\Cj!AE-80:7 AREOLA MAIIMAE-80:14 ACCESSORY MAiffliA3-80:18 AXILLA- 5:10 ANTERIOR AXILLARY FOLD- 5111 POSTERIOR AEILLARY FOLD- 5: 12 HIMSRUS-J3:67 . 2. Pectoral regions -83: 2 ANTERIOR PECTORAL REGION- 33: 3 STERNAL REGION-83:4 CLAVICULAR REGION-83:5 INFRACLAVICULAH HEGION-83:6 DELTCIDEOPECTORAL TRIANGLE-83 :7 JJAWJARY REGION-83:8 INFRAMAiffl-tARY RSGION-83:9 ..,.. . " ' ' " - - ' K ' " ' :: . ;- . -- v ." ..'-. .-.-: SUPERIOR EXTREMITY 4. LATERAL PECTORAL REGION-83 :10 AXILLARY REGION-83 :12 AXILLARY FOSSA- 83: 12 LATERAL COSTAL REGION-83 :13 3. Anterior thoracic wall; superficial structures a. Superficial fascia, cutaneous nerves and blood vessels Skin incisions: a) longitudinally from the xiphoid process trans- versely around to the back; to) from the jugular notch laterally, along the clavicle, to the tip of the acromion; c) from the xiphoid process obliquely upward and laterally along the anterior axillary fold to the arm, encircling the areola namase and leaving it in situ. SUPERFICIAL FASCIA-23:36 PLATYSMA MUSCLE-24:54 SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVES-69:17 ANTERIOR SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVES-69:18 MIDDLE SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVES-69:19 POSTERIOR SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVES-69:20 ANTERIOR CUTANEOUS RAMI OF INTERCOSTAL NERVES-70:8 MEDIAL MAMMARY RAMI-70:9 ANTERIOR RAMI OF LATERAL CUTANEOUS RAMI OF INTERCOSTAL NERVES IV to VI-70:5 POSTERIOR RAMI OF LATERAL CUTANEOUS RAMI OF INTERCOSTAL NERVES IV to VI-70:4 LATERAL MAMMARY RAMI OF LATERAL CUTANEOUS RAMI OF INTERCOSTAL NERVES-70:6 PERFORATING RAMI OF INTERNAL MAMMARY ARTERY-48: 4.0-43 LATERAL CUTANEOUS RAMI OF ANTERIOR RAMI OF INTERCOSTAL ARTERIES IV to VI-49:67 TRIBUTARIES OF INTERNAL MAMMARY VEIN b ... Mamroa-80: 5f 18 4, Anterior thoracic wall: deep fascia and pectoralis major znuscleg PECTORAL FASCIA-25:22 (STERNALIS MUSCLE) -2 4: 73 PECTORALIS MAJOR MUSCLE-24: 74-77 Not including its insertion. Exposed by removing the pectoral fascia but leaving intact the axillary fascia. 5> Axillary fossa,, and structures sub jacent to the pectoralis major muscle a. Structures in relation to the base of the axillary fossa AXILLARY FASCIA-26:40 INTERCOSTOBRACHIAL NERVES-70:7 THORACODORSAL NERVE- 69:33 THORACODORSAL ARTSRY-49:10 LATERAL THORACIC ARTERY-49:7 LONG THORACIC NERVE- 69:2 8 AXILLARY LYMPH GLANDS-56:45 ' " ~.. :! .. ; ' -; ' . " .v r ;'; _ .,.'. .;.'. : ':. :> ''' iC 1 : - -:v; ' ' '" " ^ ' -i. . : '''' ' ' .'"- ,,- ' , :: ; :'* ' ', : . . . ' : ' ; . red ' ''"-.. - : '-; .: - .-.-' : - ' ' ' ' ' ' : : '' -. ' ' - &?. . : . '. ' . ' ' - .' ; .:.; - "-' ' . '.--" SUPERIOR EXTREMITY 5- b. Structures exposed by the reflection of the clavicular part of the pectoralis rcajor muscle Demonstrated by detaching the clavicular part of the pectoralis major rauscle at its origin and reflecting it toward its insertion. CORACOCLAVICULAR FASCIA-25:23 THORACOACROMIAL AETERY-49:2 ACROMIAL RAMUS-49:3 ACROMIAL NETWORK-49:4 DELTOID RAMUS-49:5 PECTORAL RAMI-49:6 THORACOACROMIAL VEIN-54:27 CEPHALIC VEIN-54:37 ANTERIOR THORACIC NERVES-69:29 c. Structures exposed by the reflection of the sternocostal part of .the pectorali3_major muscle Demonstrated by dividing the sternocostal part of the pectoralis major muscle midway between its origin and insertion and reflect- ing the two parts medially and laterally respectively. CORACOCLAVICULAR FASCIA-25:23 PECTORALIS MINOR MUSCLE-24:78 d.. Contents of the superior part of the axillary fossa Exposed by removing the portion of the coracoclavicular fascia extending between the clavicle and the superior margin .of the pectoralis minor muscle. AXILLARY ARTERY-48:70 Its first part. AXILLARY V2INS-54:29 BRACHIAL PLEXSS- 69:24 H5DIAL 66RB-69:39 LATERAL CORD- 69:3 8 POSTERIOR CORD- 69: 40 LYLIPH GLANDS e. Contents of the inferior part of the axillary fossa Exposed by removing the fascia and fat inferior to the pectoralis minor muscle. AXILLARY ARTERY-48: 70 Its third part. MEDIAN NERVE-69:48 MUSCULOCUTANEOUS NERVE-69:41 MEDIftL ANTIBRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERV3-69:45 AXILLARY VEIN- 54:2 9 MEDIAL BRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NSRW-69:44 ULNAR NERVE-69:55 f Structures in relation to the medial wall of a the axillary fossa INTERCOSTOBRiiCHIAL MER T /ES-70:7 LONG THORACIC NERVE-69:28 LATERAL THORACIC ARTERY-49:? PECTORAL LYMPH GLANDS- 56: 47 _. Structures in relation to the posterior rail of the axillary fossa THORACODORSAL NERVE- 69: 33 SUBSCAPULAR ARTERY-49:9 THORACODORSAL ARTERY-49:10 CIRCUMFLEX SCAPULAR ARTERY-49:!! Origin only. , . i. .".: :,"" . .,.-. V : . / . . ' ' " ' ' " . . : ..-. w, ' ' : I ' ," . : ' '. -Ji-:' ' . ; .:.' ; -.--.- . : ' . ' ...". ' -".: "/ : .' : . SUPERIOR EXTREMITY 6. SUBSCAPULAR MERVES-69:32 SUB5CAPULAR LVMPH GLANDS- 56: 4-6 h. Axillary vessels^ The exposure of the entire extent of these vessels may be completed by the reflection of the pectoralis minor muscle. AXILLARY ARTERY-48;70 HIGHEST THORACIC ARTERY-49:! THORACOACROMIAL ARTERY-49 :2 LATERAL, THORACIC ARTERY-49: 7 EXTERNAL MAMMARY RAMI-49:8 SUBSCAPULAR ARTERY-49: 9 THORACODORSAL ARTERY-49 : 1 CIRCUMFLEX SCAPULAR ARTERY-49 :11 ANTERIOR CIRCUMFLEX HUMERAL ARTERY-49: 12 POSTERIOR CIRCUMFLEX HUMERAL ARTERY-49: 13 AXILLARY VEIN-54:29 LATERAL THORACIC VEIN- 54:30 THORACOEPIGASTRIC VEINS-54:32 COSTOAXILLARY VEINS- 54: 31 CEPHALIC VEIN- 54:3 7 i. Subclavjus rauscle-24:79 j . Bracnial plexus Its exposure may be completed - i.e. so far as it is related to the axillary fossa - by detaching the subclavius muscle at its insertion, removing the middle third of the clavicle, and divid- ing the axillary artery and vein at the level of the clavicle and reflecting them distally. LATERAL CORD-6Q:38 ANTERIOR THORACIC NERVE-69:29 MUSCULOCUTANEOUS NERVE-69:41 MEDIAN NERVE-69-.48 Lateral head. MEDIAL CORD- 69: 39 ANTERIOR THORACID NERV3-69:29 MEDIAN NERVE- 69: 48 Medial head. ULNAR NERVE-69:55 MEDIAL ANTIBRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-69:45 MEDIAL BRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE- 69:44 POSTERIOR CORD-69:40 SUBSCAPULAR NERVES-69:32 SHORACODORSAL NERVE- 69:33 AXILLARY NERVE- 69: 34 RADIAL NERVE-69:65 SUECLAVIAN NERVE- 69:30 LONG THORACIC I-iERVE-69:28 k. Serratus anterior auscle>.25:l SUPERIOR EXTREMITY 7, III. Superior Extremity: r.eneral characteristics. 1. Subdivisions AXILLA-5:10 Cf. Superior Extremity, 11:1. ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR AXILLARY FOLDS- 5: 11, 12 ACROMION-5:13 ARM- 5: 14 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR SURFACES-5:15, 16 LATERAL AND MEDIAL SURFACES-S:!' 7 , 18 LATERAL AND MEDIAL BICIPITAL SULCI-5:19. 20 ELBOW- 5:21 FOREARM- 5:22 DORSAL AND VOLAR SURFACES-5:23, 24 RADIAL AND ULNAR MARGINS-5:25. 26 HAND- 5:27 CARPUS OR WRIST-5:20 METACARPUS-5:29 DORSUM OF HAND-5:30 PALM OR VOLAR ASPECT OF HAND-5:31 THSNAR-5;32 HYPOTHENAR-5:33 DIGITS OF HAND- 5: 34 THUMB OR POLLEX-5:35 INDEX-5:36 MIDDLE DIGIT-5:37 RING DIGIT-5:38 SMALLEST DIGIT-5:39 DORSAL AND VOLAR SURFACES- 5: 40, 41 RADIAL AND ULNAR MARGINS- 5: 42, 43 2, Regions of the superior extregity-83:37 ACROMIAL REGION-83:38 DELTOID REGION-83:39 LATERAL AND MBDIAL REGIONS OF ARM-83:40, 41 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR REGIONS OF ARM-83:42, 43 ANTERIOR REGION OF ELBOW- 83: 44 CUBITAL FOSSA-83:45 POSTERIOR REGION OF ELBOW-84:! OLECRANON REGION-84:2 LATERAL AND MEDIAL REGIONS OF ELBOW-84 :3, 4 VOLAR AMD DORSAL REGIONS OF FOREARM- 64: 5, 6 RADIAL AND ULNAR MARGINS OF FOREARM-84:7, 8 DORSAL AND VOLAR REGIONS OF HAND-84:9, 10 DIGITAL REGIONS OF HAND-84:11 DORSAL, UNGUICULAR AND VOLAR REGIONS OF DIGITS-84:12-14 IV. RvLqion of the Shoulder. 1, Fascia, cutaneous nerves and cephalic vein. SUPERFICIAL FASCIA-23:36 Exposed by reflecting the skin of the shoulder distally as far as the insertion of the deltoid muscle. POSTERIOR SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVES-69:20 LATERAL BRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-69:36 CEPHALIC VEIN-54:37 DEEP FASCIA ..... ..... ' . - .-;.;.. . . . ;; r}; :A ' SUPERIOR EXTREMITY 8. SUBSCAPULAR FASCIA-26:41 SUPRASPINOUS FASCIA-26:42 INFRASPINCU5 FASCIA-26:43 2. Muscles, nerves, vessels and ligaments of the shoulder DELTOID MUSCLE-35:63 SUBCUTANEOUS ACROMIAL BURSA-28:22 The subsequent structures are exposed by detaching the deltoid muscle at its origin and reflecting the muscle toward its insertion. SUBDELTOID BURSA-28:24 SUBACROMIAL BURSA-28:23 ANTERIOR HUMERAL CIRCUMFLEX ARTERY-49:12 POSTERIOR HUMERAL CIRCUMFLEX ARTERY-49:13 AXILLARY NERVE-69:34 MUSCULAR RAMI-e9:35 LATERAL CUTANEOUS NERVE OF THE ARM-69:36 TERES MAJOR MUSCLE-25:67 BURSA OF THE TERES MAJOR MUSCLE-28:28 PECTORALIS MAJOR MUSCLE-24: 74 Insertion only. LATISSIMUS DORSI MUSCLE-23 :17 Insertion only. BURSA OF THE LATISSIMUS DORSI MUSCLE-28:29 CORACOACROMIAL LIGAMENT-19:42 ACROMIOCLAVICULAR ARTICULATION-19 :45 ARTICULAR CAPSULS-19:46 ACROMIOCLAVICULAR LIGAMENT-19:47 ARTICULAR DISC-19:43 CORACOCLAVICULAR LIGAMENT-19:49 ^TRAPSSOID LIGAMENT-19:50 CONOID LIGAMENT-19:51 The following muscles are exposed by sawing through the acromion at its junction with the spine of the scapula, dividing the fascia covering the teros minor muscle and reflecting it medially, but guarding at the same time the circumflex artery of the scapula. SUPRASPINOUS MUSCLE-25:64 TERES MINOR MUSCLE-25:66 INFRASPINATOUS MUSCLE-25:65 SUBSCAPULARIS MUSCLE-25:68 BURSA OF THE SUBSCAPULARIS MUSCLE-28:27 In demonstrating the following structures the infraspinatous and supraspinatous muscles are divided near thsir insertions, and both muscles reflected toward their origins. BURSA OF THE INFRASPINATOUS MUSCLE-28:26 TRANSVERSE SCAPULAR ARTERY-48:60 ACROMIAL RAMUS-48:61 TRANSVERSE SCAPULAR VEIN- 54:2 5 5UPRASCAPULAR NERVE-S9:31 CIRCUMFLEX SCAPULAR ARTBRY-49:11 SUPERIOR TRANSVERSE SCAPULAR LIGAL3NT-19:43 INFERIOR TRANSVERSE SCAPULAR LIGAMENT-19:44 ' ... . . - SUPERIOR EXTREMITY 9, V. Arm and Superficial Structures of the Forearm and Dors urn of tne Hand. 1. tKirace anatomy of arm and forearm: LATERAL BICIPITAL SULCUS-5:19 MEDIAL BICIPITAL SULCUS-5:20 MEDIAL MARGIN OF THE HUMERUS-14:4 MEDIAL EPICONDYLE-14:11 GROOVE FOR THE ULNAR NERVE-14:8 LATERAL MARGIN OF THE HUMEROS-14:5 LATERAL EPICONDYLE-14:12 OLECRANON-14:19 STYLOID PROCESS OF THE RADIUS-14:30 DORSAL MARGIN CF THE ULNA-14:44 STYLOID PROCESS OF THE ULNA-14:49 2. Arm (anterior aspect) and forearm', superficial structures a... Cutaneous nerves Skin incisions: a) along the middle line of the anterior surface of the arm and the volar surface of the forearm to the level of the radiocarpal articulation; b) transversely around the fore- arm just proximal to the radiocarpal articulation. INTERCOSTOBRACHIAL NERVES-70:? MEDIAL ANTIBRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-69:45 ULNAR RAMUS-69:47 VOLAR RAMUS-69:46 MEDIAL BRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-69:44 POSTERIOR BRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-69:66 DORSAL ANTIBRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE- 69: 68 LATERAL ANTIBRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-69:43 b. Veins and lymphatics BASILIC VEIN-54:38 CEPHALIC VEIN- 54:37 MEDIAN VEIN OF THE ELBOW- 54: 40 In cases where the preceding vein is absent, the following veins may take its place: MEDIAN VEIN OF THE FOREARM- 54: 41 MEDIAN BASILIC VEIN- 54: 42 MEDIAN CEPHALIC VEIN- 54: 43 SUPERFICIAL LYMPH GLANDS OF THE ELBOW-56:49 3 . Arm (anterior aspect) : deep structures a. Deep fascia- BRACHIAL FA3CIA-26:44 LACERTUS FIBROSUS-25:73 The following fascial septa are demonstrated by dividing the brachial fascia by a longitudinal incision along the median line of the front of the arm and reflecting the medial and lateral flaps of deep fascia, leaving intact, however, the lacertus f ibrosus. MEDIAL INTERMUSCULAR SEPTUM-26:45 LATERAL INTERMUSCULAR SEPTUM-26:46 SUPERIOR EXTREMITY 10. b. Arteries BRACHIAL ARTERY-49:14 DEEP BRACHIAL AR1ERY.49:15 SUPERIOR ULNAR COLLATERAL ARTERY-49:20 INFERIOR ULNAR COLLATERAL ARTERY-49:21 c. Veins BRACHIAL VEINS- 54: 34 BASILIC VEIN- 54 ;3 9 CEPHALIC VEIN-54:37 d. Nerves MEDIAL BRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-69:44 MEDIAL ANTIBRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-69:45 MEDIAN NERVE-69:48 ULNAR NERVE-69:55 MUSCULOCUTANEOUS NERVE-69:41 MUSCULAR RAlH-69:42 LATERAL ANTIBRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-69:43 e.. Muse leg BICEPS BRACHII MUSCLS-25:69 LONG HEAD-25:70 Not including its origin. SHORT HAD-25:72 CORACOBRACHIALIS MUSCLE-2 5 : 74 4. Cubital fossa*83:45 The following structures are dealt with here only in so far as they are related to the cubital fossa. BRACHIAL ARTERY-49:14 RADIAL ARTERY-49:22 ULNAR ARTERY-49:36 TENDON OF BICEPS BRACHII MUSCLE MEDIAN NERVE-69:48 BRACHIALIS MUSCLE-25:75 SUPINATOR MUSCLE-2 6:24 The follo?/ing structures are exposed by dividing the lacertus fibfrosus and widening the space between the pronator teres and brachioradialis muscles. RADIAL NERVE- 69: 65 DEEP RAMUS-69:69 SUPERFICIAL RAMUS-60:71 RADIAL RECURRENT ARTERY-49:23 INFERIOR ULNAR COLLATERAL ARTERY-49:21 ULNAT RECURRENT ARTERY-49:47 Volar. 5. Arm: posterior aspect TRICEPS BRACHII MUSCLED 5: 76 LONG HSAD-25:77 LATERAL HEAD-25:78 MEDIAL HEAD-25:79 RADIAL NERVE-69:65 Exposed by dividing the lateral head of the triceps nuscle along the course of the mdial nerve. POSTERIOR CUTANEOUS NERVE OF THE ARM-69:66 MUSCULAR RAMI-69:67 POSTERIOR CUTANEOUS NERVE OF THE FOREARM-69:68 .-... - SUPERIOR EXTREMITY 11. DEEP BRACHIAL ARTERJ-49:15 DELTOID RAMUS-49:17 MIDDLE COLLATERAL ARTERY-49:18 RADIAL COLLATERAL ART3RY-49:19 NUTRIENT ARTERIES OF THE HUMSRUS-49:16 ULNAR NERVE- 59: 55 SUPERIOR ULNAR COLLATERAL ARTERY-49:20 INFERIOR ULNAR COLLATERAL ARTERY-49:21 SUBTENDINOUS BURSA OF THE OLECRANON-28:32 6. Dorsum of the hand : superficial structures Skin incisions: a) along the radial and ulnar margins of the hand; b) along the middle line of the dorsal aspect of each digit, SUPERFICIAL RAMUS OF THE RADIAL NERVE- 69: 71 ULNAR ANASTOMOTIC RAMUS- 69: 72 DORSAL DIGITAL NERVES-69:73 DORSAL RAMUS OF THE HAND FROM THE ULNAR NERVE-69:57 DORSAL DIGITAL NERVES -69: 53 VENOUS NETWORK OF THE BACK OF THE HAND-54:44 DORSAL METACARPAL VSINS-54:49 DIGITAL VENOUS ARCH- 54: 52 DORSAL FASCIA OF THE HAND-26:50 DORSAL CARPAL LIGAMENT-26:51 1. Forearm: volar aspect and ulnar margin 1 ' / a. Deep fascia and r cutaneous nerves piercing it For the superficial fascia and certain cutaneous nerves of the forearm, see Superior Extremity, V:2. BASCIA OF THIS FORSARM-26:49 PALMAR CUTANEOUS RAMUS OF THE ULNAR NERVE- 69: 56 PALMAR RAMUS OF THE MEDIAN NERVE-69:51 SUPERFICIAL RAMUS OF THE RADIAL NERVE-69:71 VOLAR CARPAL LIGAMENT-26:55 _, b. Radial artery, and nerve Exposed by turning aside the volar ramus of the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm, the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm, the superficial veins, and removing the deep fascia of the fore- arm except where? it gives origin to underlying muscles. RADIAL ARTERY-49:22 RADIAL RECURRENT ARTERY-49:23 SUPERFICIAL VOLAR RAMUS-49:26 MUSCULAR RAMI-49:24 VOLARCCARPAL RAMUS-49:25 RADIAL NERVE- 69: 65 DEEP RAMUS- 59: 69 Origin only SUPERFICIAL RAMUS- 69: 71 c . Superficial muscles BRACHIORDIALIS MUSCLE-26:17 PALMARIS LONGUS MUSCLE-26:7 PRONATOR TERES MUSCLE-26:3 HUMERAL HEAD-26:4 ULNAR HEAD-26:5 FLEXOR CARPI RADIALIS MUSCLE-26:6 FLEXOR CARPI ULNARIS MUSCLE-26:8 . . .-;!-. - J : ; ;v:S osr-ei-WaWtt 'jAT:i3?AVj?3 sw . . ;j .hrr.'.'-j:..- :?c -rfj- ' 7 A esysv^a Oc ; ^ S<3ifl?; SiT W ;-. IDiiAH ' i 12 e iT r iT'-TJ-/.-X; J' u r ; ~RA', ; JA 5-: SUPERIOR EX1ERMITY 12 . HUMERAL HEAD-26:9 ULNAR HEAD-26:10 FLEXOR DIGITORUM SUBLIMIS-26:!! HUMERAL HEAD-26-.12 ULNAR HEAD-26:13 d. Ulnar vessels and median nerve ULNAR ARTERY-49 :3 6 RECURRENT ULNAR ARTERIES-49:37 CGUUQN . INTEROSSEOUS ARTERY-49 : 3 9 VOLAR INTEROSSEOUS ARTERY-49 :42 Origin only. DORSAL INTEROSSEOUS ARTERY-49 :40 Origin only. VOLAR CARPAL RAMUS-49-.46' DORSAL CARPAL RAMUS-49:45 MUSCULAR RAMI-49:44 ULNAR VSINS-54:36 ULNAR NERVE- 69: 55 PALMAR CUTANEOUS RAMI-69:55 DORSAL RAMUS OF THE KAND-69:57 VOLAR RAMUS OF THE HAND-69:59 Origin only. MUSCULAR RAiviI-60:64 MEDIAN NERVE-69:48 Exposed by reflecting the humeral head of the pronator teres muscle and the radial head of the flexor digitorum sublimis muscle. MUSCULAR RAL3-69:49 VOLAR INTEROSSEOUS NERVE OF THE FOREARM-69:50 Origin only. PALMAR RAMUS OF THE MEDIAN NERVS-69:51 Origin only. e . Dqep structures on the volar . aspect, of the forearm FLEXOR DIGITORUM PROFUMDUS MUSCLE-26:14 FEEXOR POLLICIS LONGUS MUSCLE-26:15 PRONftTOR QUADRATUS MUSCLE-26:16 VOLAR II-JTEROSSEOUS ARTERY-49 :43 MEDIAN ARTERY-49 :43 MUSCULAR RAMI-49:44 VOLAR INTEaOSSEOUS NERVE-69:50 VI. Wrist and jjand: Volar Aspect 1. Surface anatomy THENAR EMINEi'lCE-5:32 HYPOTHENAR Eifl!ENCE-5:33 TUBERCLE OF THE NAVICULAR BONE-14:54 TUBERCLE OF THE GREATER MULTANGULAR BONE-14:59 PISIFORM BCNE-14:57 IviETACARPAL BOISE -14: 68 PHALANGES -14: 74 2 Fascia and cutaneous nerves S'kin incioions: a) longitudinally along the middle line of the palm; b) transversely at the level of the proximal ends of the inter'iigital clefts from the radial to the ulna* margin of the hand; c) longitudinally along the middle line of each digit. SUPERFICIAL FASCIA-23:36 PALMARIS BRZVIS &USCLE-26:29 PALMAR BRANCH OF THE MEDIAN NERVE-69;51 ' - ' ... ' ..-.'. / .. . .. ;... . 'j . . . # SUPERIOR EXTREMITY 13. PALMAR CUTANEOUS BRANCH OF THE ULNAR NERVE-69:56 SUPERFICIAL BRANCH OF THE RADIAL NERVE-69:71 PALMAR APONEUROSIS-26:52 TRANSVERSE FASICULI-26:53 VOLAR CARPAL LIGAMEl!T-26:55 3. Muscles, nerves, vessels and ligaments a. Nerves and vessels superficial to the muscles and ftexor tendons of the palm. Exposed by dividing the proxinal part of the palmar aponeuroeis transversely, reflecting it distally and then removing the entire aponeurosis together with the palmaris brevis muscle and the volar carpal ligament. SUPERFICIAL VOLAR ARCH-49:48 SUPERFICIAL VOLAR RAMUS OF THE RADIAL ARTERY-49:26 COMMON VOLAR DIGITAL ARTERIES-49:49 P^CPSJl VCLAR iDIGITALl AR7^?>I7S^9: 50 MEDIAN NERV-69:43 MUSCULAR RAMI-69:49 COMMON VOLAR DIGITAL NERVS-69:53 PROPER VOLAR DIGITAL NERVES- 69: 54 VOLAR RAMUS OF THE ULNAR NERVE IN THE HAND-69:59 DEEP RAMUS- 69: 63 Origin only. SUPERFICIAL RAMU5-69:eo COMMON VOLAR DIGITAL NERVES-69:61 PROPER VOLAR DIGITAL NERVES-69:62 b. Ligaments and mucous sheaths of the flexor tendons TRANSVERSE CARPAL LIGAMENT-26:54 VAGINA TENDINUM MM. FLEXORUM COMMUNIUM-28:48 VAGINA TENDINIS M. FLEXORIS POLLICIS LONGI-28:49 VA6INAL LIGAMENTS OF THE DIGITS-26:59 ANNULAR LIGAMENTS OF THE DIGITS-26:60 CRUCIATE LIGAMENTS OF THE DIGITS-26:61 VINCULUM TENDINUM-26:57 CARPAL CANAL-20:24 CHIASMA TBiTOINUM-26:56 c. Muscles LUMBRICALES MUSCLBS-26:37 Exposed by dividing the superficial volar arch just distal tto the deep ramus of the ulnar artery and also at its junction with the superficial volar ramus of the radial artery and reflecting the arch distally, dividing the median nerve stthe level of the wrist and reflecting it distally, and dividing the flexor digitorum sublimis muscle at the middle of the forearm and reflecting the distal part toward its insertion. The demonstration of the following structures may be completed by dividing the flexor digitorum profundus in the forearm and reflect-* ting it and the lumbricales muscles toward their insertions, noting at the same time the musculdr rami from the deep branch of the ulnar nerve to the two (ulnar) lumbrical muscles. ABDUCTOR POLLICBS BREVIS MUSCLE-26:30 OPPONENS POLLICIS MUSCLE-26:32 ADDUCTOR POLLIS MUSCLE . . . . . - ' ' , ' : ; :. .-.- -. . '. ::--:. ' : ' ..'.:. /..... : -...;.- .:.... '.... . : - '' ' ."*' . \f" : -j ..." ; -'-.- - ,,. :, ' ' ' SUPERIOR EXTREMITY 14. ADDUCTOR POLLICIS I.:UBGLS-26:33 ABDUCTOR DIGITI QUINTI ;.iUCL3-26:3<- FLSXCR DIGIT! ^UINTI BRSVIS I.IjSCLE-26:35 OPPONBIJ5 DIGITI QUIKTI HUSCLE-26:36 d. Nerves and vessels, internal to the flexor tendons and muscles of tne pain. D3.EF RAi:US OF THE ULNAR HERVE-69:63 MUSCULAR RAMI- 69 : 64 DEEP VOLAR ARCH-49:33 VOLAR ;.GTACARPAL ARTERIES -49: 34 PERFORATING RAMI-49:35 PRINCEPS POLLICIS ARTSRY-49:31 Demonstrated by detaching the adductor pollicis muscle at its origin and reflecting it toward its insertion. VOLAR RADIAL ARTERY C? THE INDEX DJGIT-49:32 VII,. L Tojrearia; Dorsal Aspect and Radial Margin 1. Fascia, muscles, nerves and vessels a. Deep fascia of forearm Fr the superficial fascia, cutaneouo nerves and superficial vessels, see Superior Extremity, V:2 FASCIA OR FOREARLi-26:49 DORSAL CARPAL LIGAMENT-2S:51 b. Superficial muscles Exposed by removing the deep fascia fron the dorsum of the fore- aria, except where it gives origin to subjacent muscles as in the region of tne elbow (retaining intact, ho',7ever, the dorsal carpal ligament) . BRACHIORADIALIS MUSCLE-2.6:17 EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS LONGU5 MUSCLE-26:18 EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS BREVIS MUSCLE-26:19 BURSA OF THE EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS BREVIS MUSCLE-28:43 EXCENS OR DIGITORUI.! COffiUNIS MUSCLE-26:20 EXTENSOR DIGITI QUINTI PROPRIUS MUSCLE-26:22 ANCONAEUS MU5CLE-26:! EXTENSOR CARPI ULKARIS KUSCLE-26:23 c._ Nerves and vessels Exposed by dividing the extensor digitorun communis and extensor digiti quinti muscles at the middle of the forearm, and reflecting the proxiaal and distal segments of tho divided muscles toward their origin and insertion, respectively. DORSAL IliTEROSSEOUS ARTERY-49:40 RECURRENT INTEROSSEOUS ARTERY-49:41 ARTERIAL NETWORK OF THE ELBO?. r -49:38 VOLAR IMTERCSSEOUS ARTERY-49:42 DEEP RAMUS OF THE RADIAL MERVE-69:69 DORSAL INTZROSSEOU5 NER\E-69:7C d. Deep muscles ABDUCTOR POLLICIS LOMGUS !,IUSCLE-26:25 - SUPERIOR EXTREIvHTY 15. EXTENSOR POLLICIS BREVIS MUECLE-26:26 EXTENSOR POLLICIS LONGU5 MUSCLB-26:27 EXTENSOR INDICIS PROPRIUS MUSCLE -2 5:28 S UPINATOR MUSCLE-2 6:24 VIII. Wrist and Hand: DorsaJ.. Aspect l_ v _ Muscles, nerves and vessels a. Vessels For the cutaneous nerves and superficial vessels see Superior Extremity, V:6. RADIAL ART3RY-49:22 DORSAL CARPAL RAMUS-49:27 DORSAL CARPAL RETE-i9:28 DORSAL METACARPAL ARTERI2S-49:29 DORSAL DIGITAL ART3RIES-49:30 PERFORATING RAliI-49:35 b. Muscles, nerves and licgimenta DORSAL CARPAL LIGAMSNT-26:51 JUNCTURAB TENDINUM-26:21 DORSAL IMTEROSSEOUS i^ERVE-69:70 TRANSTORSE LIGAM3NTS OF THE HEADS OF THE METACARPAL BONES-20:41 VOLAR INTEROSSEOUS MUSCLES-26:39 DORSAL INTEROSSEOUS MUSCLES-26:38 FLEXOR POLLICIS BREVIS MUSCLE-26:31 Deep head. Demonstrated by reflecting the radial head of the first dorsal interosseous muscle. FLEXOR CARPI RADIALIS MUSCLE-26:6 IX . Artie ulationg of the Superior Extremity 1. Shoulder 1oint-19;58 ARTICUAR CAPSULE-19:59 CORACOHIMERAL LIGAI^ENT-1 9 : 61 GLENOID LIP-19:60 LONG HEAD OF THE BICEPS MUSCLE-25:70 SYNOVIAL MEMBRANE-IS :32 INTERTUBERCULAR MUCOUS SHEATH-25:71 BURSA SUBSCAPULARIS-28:28 2. Elbow .ioint~19:62 ARTICULAR CAPSULE-19:66 ULNAR COLLATERAL LIGAMENT-19:67 RADIAL COLLATERAL LIGAMENT-19:68 SYNOVIAL mffiRANE-18:32 HUfffiROULNAR ARTICULATION-1 9 : 63 HUMERORADIAL ARTICULATION-19:64 3. Joint of the hand-2Q:8 a. Radiocarpal articulation-2Q:9 ARTICULAR CAPS ULE-2 0:11 DORSAL RADIOCARPAL LIGAMSNT-20-.12 . , . . SUPERIOR EXTREMITY 16. VOLAR RADIOCARPAL LIGAMSNT-20:13 ULNAR COLLATERAL CARPAL LIGAlEi;T-20:15 RADIAL COLLATERAL CARPAL LIGAL3HT-20:16 b. Intercarpal articulation-2Q:10 ARTICULAR CAPSULE-20:11 RADIATE CARPAL LIGAMENT-? * : 14 DORSAL INTERCARPAL LIGAMENTS-20:17 VOLAR INTERCARPAL LIGAMENTS-20;18 INTEROSSEOUS INTERCARPAL LIGAMENTS-20:19 4. Pisiform ar tic ulation-2 0:20 ARTICULAR CAPS ULE-2 0:21 PISOHAMATE LIGAMENT-20:22 PISOMETACARPAL LIGAMENT-20:33 CARPAL CANAL-20:24 5. Radioulnar articulations PROXIMAL RADIOULNAR ARTICULATION-19:65 ANNULAR LIGAMENT OF THE RADIUS-19:69 RECESSUS SACCIFCRMIS-20:! DISTAL RADIOULNAR ARTICULATION-20:4 ARTICULAR DISC-20:6 ARTICULAR CAPSULE -2 0:5 RECESSUS SACCIFORMIS-20:7 INTEROSSEOUS MEMBRANE OF FOREARM-20:2 OBLIQUE CORD-20:3 6. Carpometacarpal articulation8-20:25 ARTICULAR CAPS ULES-2 0:32 DORSAL CARPOMETACARPAL LIGAMENTS -20:2 7 VOLAR CARPOMETACARPAL LIGAMENTS-20:28 CARPOMETACARPAL ARTICULATION OF THE THUMB-20:29 ARTICULAR CAPSULE-20:30 7. Intermetacarpal articulations-20:31 ARTICULAR CAPSULES-20:32 DORSAL BASAL LIGAMENTS-20:33 VOLAR BASAL LIGAMENTS-20:34 INTEROSSEOUS BASAL LIGAMENTS-20:35 8. Metacarpophalangeal articulations-20:37 ARTICULAR CAPS ULES-2 0:3 8 COLLATERAL ]LIGAMENTS-20:39 VOLAR ACCESSORY LIGAMENTS-20:40 TRANSVERSE LIGAMENTS OF THE HEADS OF THE METACARPAL BONES-20:41 9. Articulations of the diffit8-20;42 ARTICULAR CAPSULSS-20:43 COLLATERAL LIGAMENTS -2 0:44 '. . " - . . ' . . . ' I-:.. -..,; ' " . ' . - ' . I ' - . ; . . THORAX AND DEEP STRUCTURES OF THE BACK THORAX AND DEEP STRUCTURES OF THE BACK IV.. I . General Characteristics^ 1. Subdivisions of thorax and back THORAX-4:47 THORACIC CAVITY-4:48 BRAST-4:49 MAMMA-4:50 MAMMARY PAPILLA-4:51 BACK-4:52 VERTEBRAL COLUMN-4:53 SPINAL CANAL-4:54 2. Surf ace anatomy . ' For the surface anatomy of the thorax and back see Superior Extremity, 1:1 and 11:1. 3. General osteological characteristics of thorax THORACIC CAVITY-S:58 SUPERIOR APERTURE OF THE THORAX-7:59 INFERBOR APERTURE OF THE THORAX-7 : 60 COSTAL ARCHES-7:61 INTERCOSTAL SPACES-7:62 INFRASTERNAL ANGLE-7:63 4. Regions of thorax* and back For regions of the thorax and back refer to Superior Extremity, 1:2, and 11:2. II. Thoracic Wall: Anterior and Lateral, Parts 1. Intercostal muscles, ligaments and nerves For structures of the thoracic wall external to the costal arches and intercostal muscles see Superior Extremity, 11:3, 4, EXTERNAL INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES-25:5 EXTERNAL INTERCOSTAL LIGAMENTS-19:32 INTERNAL INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES-25:6 Exposed ly dividing the external intercostal muscles and external intercostal ligaments along the inferior margins of the intercostal spaces and reflecting the muscles and ligaments upward. INTERNAL INTERCOSTAL LIGAMENTS-19:33 ANTERIOR RAMI (INTERCOSTAL NERVES) OF THORACIC NERVES-70:! MUSCULAR RAMI-70:2 LATERAL CUTANEOUS RAM1-70:3 POSTERIOR AND ANTERIOR RAMI-70:4, 5 LATERAL MAMMARY RAMl70:6 INTERCOSTOBRACHIAL NERVES-70: 7 ANTERIOR CUTANEOUS RAMI-70:8 iEDIAL MAMMARY RAMI-70:9 , . : ... . . ; ' ' - --' ..-....-. -:'''"'' ' ' THORAX Blood Vessels HIGHEST INTERCOSTAL ARTRY-43:63 INTERCOSTAL ARTERIES-43:59 ANTERIOR RAMI-49:65 MUSCULAR RAMI-49:66 LATERAL CUTANEOUS RAMI-49:67 POSTERIOR RAMI-49:68 ANTERIOR RAMI-50:l LATERAL MAMMARY RAMI-50:2 ANTERIOR CUTANEOUS RAMI-50:3 MEDIAL MAM4&RY RAMI-50:4 POSTERIOR RAMI-49:60 See also Superior Extremity, 1:3. INTERCOSTAL VEINS-54:56 INTEPJHffl, M&MMARY ARTERY-48:34 Exposed by removing the intercostal muscles and ligaments from the anterior ends of the intercostal spaces, guarding against injury to the pleura. STERNAL RAMI-48:39 PERFORATING RAMI-48:40 MAMMARY RAM! -48: 41 MUSCULAR RAMI-48-.42 CUTANEOUS RAKI-48:43 INTERCOSTAL RAMI-44:45 MUSCULOPHRENIC ARTERY-44:46 Exposed by cutting away the medial end of the sixth costal cartilage . SUPERIOR EPIGASTRIC ARTERY-44:47 Its origin only. INTERNAL MAMMARY VEIN-52:65 TRANSVERSE THORACIC MUSCLE-25:8 III. . Thoracic Cavity and Viscera 1. Pleura and pleural cavities The pleura is exposed by removing the intercostal muscles, separating the pleura from the internal surfaces of the sternum and ribs, and with a saw and bone-forceps, removing the sternum and costal arches by the following incisions, but retaining the pleura intact? a) transversely through the sternum at the level of the lower margin of the first costosternal junction; b) trans- versely through the sternum at the level of the upper margin of the sixth costosternal junction; c) dividing the second, third, fourth, and fifth ribs at the junction of the middle and ^posterior thirds of each. ENDOTHORACIC FASCIA-38:2 The pericardium may be identified by inserting the finger between the lines of sternal reflection of the right and left pleurae and passing it through the areolar tissue of the anterior mediastinal cavity. Incisions through the pleura exposing the pleural cavity: a) longitudinally through the costal pleura midway between the sternum and vertebral column extending from the first to the sixth rib; b) transversely along the inferior margin of the first rib and along the superior margin of the sixth rib, extending . THORAX 19. medially to within about 2 cm. of the line of sternal reflection the pleura and laterally to the line of the cut ends of the second to fifth ribs. PULMONARY LIGAMENT-38:16 CUPULA OF PLEURA-38:5 PULMONARY PLEURA-38:6 PARIETAL PLEURA-38:7 COSTAL PLEURA-38:H> MEDIASTINAL PLEURA-38:8 MEDIASTINAL LAYERS-38:9 PERICARDIAL PLEURA-38:1G DIAPHRAGMATIC PLEURA-38:12 PLEURAL SINUSES-38:13 PHRENICOCOSTAL SINUS-38:14 ' COSTOMEDIASTINAL SINUS-38:15 ADIPOSE FOLDS-38:17 PLEURAL VILLI-38:18 MEDIASTINAL SEPTUM-38:19 ANTERIOR MEDIASTINAL CAVITY-38:20 POSTERIOR MEDIASTINAL CAVITY-38:21 2 . Luns . y dividi 6 it8 ro t cloee to the a. Surface anatomy of lunge BASE OF LUNG-37:57 APEX OF LUNG-37:58 COSTAL SURFACE-37:60 MEDIASTINAL SURFACE-37:61 DIAPHRAGMATIC SURFACE-37:62 ANTERIOR MARGIN-37:63 INFERIOR MARGIN-37:64 HILUS OF LUNG-37:65 ROOT OF LUNG-37:66 SUBCLAVIAN GROOVE-37:59 INTERLOBAR INCISURE-37:71 SUPERIOR LOBE-37:68 MIDDLE LOBE-37:69 INFERIOR LOBE-37:70 8ARDIAC NOTCH-37:67 ^ Internal structure of lunga BRONCHI-37:41 Demonstrated by tearing and removing parts of the pulmonary sue and following the bronchi and blood vessels and their eubdivieions as far as possible into the substance of the lung. BRONCHIOLES -3 7 : 74 RESPIRATORY BRONCHIOLES-37:75 ALVEOLAR DUCTULES-37:76 PULMONARY ALVEOLI-37:77 BRONCHIAL LYMPH GLANDS-37:78 BRONCHIAL LYMPHATIC NODULES-37'79 PULMONARY L'dMPH GLANDS-37:80 . . ' THORAX 20. 3 . Root of lung and related structures a. Structures in relation to the right and left roots Anterior: ANTERIOR PULMONARY PLEXUS OF THE VAGUS NERVE-68:45 PHRENIC NERVE-69:21 PERICARDIACOPHRENIC ARTERY-48 : 3 8 Posterior: VAGUS NERVE-68:22 POSTERIOR PULMONARY PLEXUS OF THE VAGUS NERVE-68:46 Inferior: PULMONARY LIGAMENT-SSae, In relation to the right root only: AZYGOS VEIN- 54: 53 SUPERIOR VENA CAVA-52:50 In relation to the left root only: AORTIC ARCH-46:49 DESCENDING AORTA-46:51 b. Structures within the root of each lung BRONCHIAL ARTERIES-49:53 PULMONARY ARTERY-46:40 RIGHT AND LEFT RAMI-46:41, 42 PULMONARY VEINS-52:37 BRIGHT AND LEFT PULMONARY VEINS-52:38, 39 BRONCHUS, RIGHT AND LEFT-37:47 BRONCHIAL RAMI-37:48 EPARTERIAL BRONCHIAL RAMUS-37:49 HYPARTERIAL BRONCHIAL RAMI-37:50 BRONCHIAL LYMPH GLANDS-56:52 4. Phrenic nerve and nerves to the superficial part of the cardiac plexus PHRENIC NERVE-69:21 PERICARDIAC RAMUS-69:22 PHRENICOABDOMINAL RAMI-69:23 Nerves in relation to te superficial part of the cardiac plexus: SUPERIOR CARDIAC NERVE-7}:59 From the cervical sympathetic. INFERIOR CARDIAC RAMUS-68:37 From the left vagus nerve. CARDIAC GANGLION-72 :ll 5. Thymus-38:3l Usually in a condition of atrophy in the adult, but showing the following structures in the child: RIGHT AND LEFT LOBES-38:32 CENTRAL TRACT-38:33 LOBULES OF THE THYMUS-38:34 6. _.. Peridardiuia STERNOPERICARDIAL LIGAMENTS-45:43 Incisions exposing the pericardial cavity: a) longitudinally through the pericardium from the aorta to the diaphragm; b) transversely from the middle of the right to the qiiddle of the left root of the lung. : ." THORAX 21. PERICARDIUM-45&41 EPICARDIUM-45:45 PERICARDIAL FLUID-45;42 TRANSVERSE SINUS OF THE PERICARDIUM-45:44 ~ Great veins of the thorax and their tributaries SUPERIOR VENA CAVA-52:50 RIGHT AND LEFT INNOMINATE VEINS- 52: 51 INFERIOR THYRSOID VEINS-52:52 Termination only THYRSOIDEA IMA VEIN- 52: 53 The first five of the following tributaries are snail and usually difficult to demonstrate: THYMIC VEINS -52: 56 PERICARDIAC VEINS-52:57 SUPERIOR PHRENIC VEINS-52:58 ANTERIOR MEDIASTINAL VEINS-52:59 ANTERIOR BRONCHIAL VEINS -52: 60 VERTEBRAL WIN- 52: 63 Termination only. INTERNAL LiAlvL'ARY VSIN-52:65 HIGHEST INTERCOSTAL VEIN- 52: 68 AZYGOS VEIN- 54 :53 INFERIOR VENA CAVA-55:3 8. Heart and aorta a. Surface anatomy APEX OF HEART-45:36 STERNOCOSTAL SURFACE-45:34 DIAPHRAGMATIC SURFACE-45:35 RIGHT ATRIUM-46:! RIGHT AURICLE-46:7 LEFT ATPJUM-46:26 LEFT AURICLS-46:27 RIGHT VENTRICLE-46:13 LEFT VENTRICLE-46.-29 CORONARY SULCUS -4 5 : 40 ANTERIOR LONGITUDINAL SULCUS-45:38 POSTERIOR LONGITUDINAL SULCUS-45'39 NOTCH AT APEX OF HEART-45:37 b. Nerve and vascular supply RIGHT CORONARY ARTERY OF THE HEART-46'52 POSTERIOR DESCENDING RAMUS-46:53 LEFT CORONARY ARTERY OF THE HSART-46:54 CIRCUMFLEX RAMUB-46:55 GREAT CARDIAC VEIN- 52:42 POSTERIOR VEIN OF LEFT VENTRICLE- 52 -43 5BLIQUS VEIN OF LEFT ATRIUM- 52:44 MIDDLE CARDIAC VEIN- 52:46 SMALL CARDIAC VBIN-52:47 AH3BRIOR VEINS OF THE HEART-52:48 SMALLEST VEINS OF THE HEART- 52149 ANTERIOR CORONARY PLEXUS-72'10 POSTERIOR CORONARY PLEXUS-72:12 .:: ':'>' - -''' ':' THORAX 22. Cavities of the heart. Pulmonary vessels RIGHT ATRIUM-46:!' Incisions exposing the cavity of the right atrium: a) longitudinally frozn a point just anterior to the superior vena cava, dov/nward and backward to the inferior rena cava; b) from the middle point of the preceding incision obliquely upward to the tip of the right auricle. EPICARDIUM-45:45 MYOCARDIUM-45:46 ENDOCARDIUM-45:47 SULCUS TERMINALIS OF RIGHT ATRIUK-46:3 CRISTA TERMINALIS-46:4 SINUS VENARUM CARVARUM -46:5 PECTINATE MUSCLES-46:2 INTERVENOUS TUBERCLE-46:8 SEPTUM OF THE ATRIA-45:54 MEMBRANOUS PART-45:55 FOSSA OVALIS-46:10 LIMBUS FOSSAE OVALIS-46:6 VALVE OF THE INFERIOR VENA CAVA-46:9 VALVE OF THE CORONARY SINUE-46:!! VENOUS ORIFICE-45:56 FORAMINA OF THE SMALLEST CARDIAC VEINS-46:12 RIGHT VENTRICLE -4 6: 13 Incisions exposing the cavity of the right ventricle: a) from the diaphragmatic surface of the heart upward cm. to the right of and parallel with the anterior longitudinal sulcus to the origin of the pulmonary artery; b) from the upper end of the preceding incision transversely to the right, parallel with and 1 cm. inferior to the coronary aulcus. CONUS ARTERIOSUS-46:19 SUPRA VENTRICULAR CREST-46:18 VENOUS ORIFICE-45:56 TRICUSPID VALVE-46:14 ANTERIOR CUSP-46:I5 POSTERIOR CUSP-46:16 MEDIAL CUSP-46:17 PAPILLARY MUSCLES-45:60 CHORDAE T3NDINAE-45:61 TRABECULAE CARNEAE-45:58 PULMONARY ARTERY-46:40 RIGHT AND LEFT RAMUS-46:41, 42 LIGAMENTUM ARTERIOSUM-46:44 DU6TUS ARTERIOSUS x -46:43 ARTERIAL ORIFICE(pF RIGHT VENTRICLEJi-45:57 SEMILUNAR VALVES OF PULMONARY ARTERY-46--20 ANTERIOR, RIGHT, AND LEFT SEMILUNAR VALVES-46:21,23 NODULES OF THE SELilLUNAR VALVES-46:24 LUNULAE OF THE SEMILUNAR VALVES-46:25 LEFT ATRIUI^-46:26 The cavity and vascular communications of the left atrium are exposed by dividing the inferior vena cavaj. turning the heart upward and making an incision through the left atrial wall extending from the middle of its posterior margin forward to the tip of the left auricle. . - , ; . . , ' ' ' ' ' - - THORAX 23 . VALVE OF THE FORAMEN OVALIS-46:28 LEFT VENTRICLE-46:29 Inciscions exposing the cavity of the left ventricle: a) beginning near tne coronary sulcus anteriorly and extend- ing parallel and 1 cm. to the left of the anterior longituni&l sulcus to the apex of the heart; b) beginning posteriorly near the coronary sulcus and extending parallel and 1 cm. to the left of the posterior longitudinal sulcus and joining the end of the first incision at the apex of the heart TRABECULAE CARNEA-45:58 PAPILLARY MUSCLES-45:60 CHORDAE TENDINEAE-45:61 VENOUS ORIFICE-45:56 ARTERIAL ORIFI CE-45 : 57 BICUSPID VALVE-46:30 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR CUSPS-46:31, 32 VENTRICUIAR SEPTUM-45:49 MUSCULAR SEPTUM OF VENTRICLE-45:50 MEMBRANOUS SEPTUM OF VENTRICLE-45:51 d. Aorta and its branches ASCENDING AORTA-46:46 BULB OF AORTA-46:47 SINUS OF AORTA-46:48 RIGHT AND LEFT CORONARY ARTERIES-46:52 , 54 AORTIC ARCH-46:49 ISTHMUS OF AORTA-46:50 INNOLxINATE ARTERY-4 6 : 57 (THYREOIDEA IMA ARTERY] -46: 58 COMMON CAROTID ARTERY LLEFTJ -46: 59 S UBCLA VIAN ARTERY $ LEFT) -48:20 DESCENDING AORTA {THORACIC PORTI 01^-46:51 Origin only. SSMILUNAR VALVES OF AORTA-46:33 RIGHT, LEFT AND POSTERIOR SEMILUNAR VALVES-46:34-36 NODULES AND LUNULAE OF THE SEMILUNAR VALVES-46:37. 38 e. Myocardium and fibrous riBgs of the heart The subsequent structures are exposed to better advantage after the great blood vessels have been divided near their juncture with the heart and the heart removed. ATRIOVENTRICULAR BUNDLE OF HIS Demonstrated more favorably in the sheep's heart. FIPROUS RINGS-45:63 Exposed by removing the atria of -the heart. FIBROUS TRIGONES-45:62 f . Cardiac plexus For the superficial part of the cardiac plexus, see 111:4. The following nerves entering into the formation of the deep part of the cardiac plexus are exposed by dividing the aortic arch at its junction with the descending aorta and turning aside the aortic arch. MIDDLE CARDIAC NSRVE OF SYMPATHETIC SYSTEIi-71:61 IltfFERIOR CARDIAC NERVE OF SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM- 71: 64 SUPERIOR CARDIAC NERVES OF VAGU5-68:34 (DEPRESSOR; NSRvs)-s8:35 INFERIOR CARDIAC RAMI OF THE RECURRENT NERVE-68:37 THORAX 24. 9. Trachea and bronchi BRONCHIAL LYMPH GLANDS-56:52 TRACHEA-37:41 BIFURCATION OF THE TRACHEA-37:46 RIGHT AND LEFT BRONCHI-37:47 BRONCHOESOPHAGEAL MUSCLED : 72 10. Posterior mediastinal cavity and structures within it POSTERIOR MEDIASTINAL CAVITY-38:21 The following structures are exposed, so far as they are in relation to the posterior mediastinal cavity, by making a longitudinal incision through the posterior wall of the pericardial cavity and reflecting the pericardium. VAGUS NERVE- 68: 32 RECURRENT NERVE- 68:3 6 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR BRONCHIAL RAMI-68:43, 44 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR PULMONARY PLEXUSES-68:45. 46 Cf. Thorax, 111:3. OESOPHAG-EAL RAMI-68;47 . ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR OESOPHAGEAL PLEXUSES- 68:48, 49 THORACIC PART OF OESOPHAGUS-32 : 68 THORACIC AORTA- 59: 51 VISCERAL RAMI-49:52 BRONCHIAL ARTERIES -4 9: 53 OESOPHAGEAL ARTERIES -4 9: 54 PERICARDIAC RAM -49: 55 PARIETAL RAMI-49:56 MEDIASTINAL RAMI-49:57 SUPERIOR PHRENIC ARTERIES-49: 58 INTERCOSTAL ARTERIES-49: 59 THORACIC DUCT-56:25 POSTERIOR MEDIASTINAL LYMPH GLANDS-56:54 IV Thoracic Wall: Posterior Part 1. Thoracic part of the sympathetic nervous system Exposed by removing the parietal pleura from the posterior part of the thoracic wall, SYMPATHETIC TRUNK-71:30 THORACIC CANGLIA-72:2 RAMI COMMUNICANTES-68:72 GREAT SPLANCHNIC NERVE-72:3 SPLANCHNIC GANGLION- 72: 4 SMALL SPLANCHNIC NERVS-72:5 (LOWEST SPLANCHNIC NERVE) -72: 7 2. Structures in relation to the internal surface of the posterior fhoracic v;all SUBCOSTAL MUSCLES-25:7 Not c-onstant in degree of development. INTERNAL INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES-25:6 INTERCOSTAL ARTERIES-49: 59 HIGHEST INTERCOSTAL ARTERY-48:63 INTERCOSTAL NERVES-70:! : i - ' ., - .' ;/ \ . . . THORAX 25. INTERCOSTAL VEINS-54:56 AZYGOS VEIN- 54: 53 HEMIAZYGOS VEIN- 54: 54 The following veins are variable in their relationship and degree of development: ACCESSORY HEMIAZYGOS VEIN- 54: 55 OESCPHAGEAL VEINS-54:59 POSTERIOR BRONCHIAL VEINS-54:60 V. Deep Structures of the Back 1. Posterior serrati muscles and the lurabodorsal fascia For the muscles and related structures external to the posterior serrati muscles, see Superior Extremity, 1-3, 4. For the structures of the back of the neck see Head and Neck, IV:2-4. SERRATUS POSTERIOR SUPERIOR MUSCLE-23:22 SERRATUS POSTERIOR INFERIOR MUSCLE-23:21 LUMBODORSAL FASCIA-24:5 A longitudinal incision through its posterior layer and a medial displacement of the subjacent sacrospinalis muscle exposes i ts ( a #^ r ,fPfpf a y e - r ' A longitudinal incision through this anterior/ layer close to its attachment to the tips of the transverse processes and a medial displacement of the lateral margin of the subjacent quadratus lumborum muscle exposes the transversalis fascia. 2. Intrinsic muscles of the back.^- For the corresponding muscles of the neck see Head and Neck, IV:3. SACROSPINALIS MUSCLE-23 :25 ILIOCOSTALIS MUSCLE-23:26 Demonstrated by successive lateral eversions of its inferior, middle and superior subdivisions, guarding the nerves and vessels emerging between the iliocostalis and the longissimus dorsi muscles. ILIOCOSTALIS LUMBORUM MUSCLE-23:27 ILIOCOSTALIS DORSI MUSCLE-23;28 ILIOCOSTALIS CERVICIS MUSCLE-23 :29 Origin only. LONGISSIMUS MUSCLE-23 :30 LONGISSIMUS DORSI MUSCLE-23 :31 LONGISSIMUS CERVICIS MUSCLE-23 :32 Origin only. LONGISSIMUS CAPITIS MUSCLE-23 :44 Thoracic origin only. SPINALIS MUSCLE-23 :45 SPIRUIS DORSI MUSCLE-23 :46 SEMISPINALIS MUSCLE-23 :49 Exposed by removing the spinalis dorsi muscle and reflecting the longissimus dorsi muscle laterally. SEM3&3IHALIS DORSI MUSCLE-23: 50 SEMISPINALIS CERVICIS MUSCLE-23: 51 Thoracic portion only. MULTIFIDUS MUSCLE-23: 53 Demonstrated by detaching the semispinalis muscle at its insertion and reflecting it laterally. * Many of" the structures indicated in sections 2 to 6 may also be demonstrated as exposed in a cross section of the posterior thoracic wall made at about the level of the fourth thoracic '''. ' '-' '. . . . . ..''.' . .. . THORAX 26. ROTATORES MUSCLE-23 :54 Exposed by removing the multifidus nuscle, guarding against injury to thoracic and lunbar nerves and vessels. ROTATGRES LONGI IJUSCLE-23 :55 ROTATORES BREVES LiUSCLBS-23 :56 The following muscles are not as well developed in the back as in the neck: INTERSPIUALIS IJUSCLES-23 :57 INTERTRANSVERII MUSCLES-23 : 58 INTERTRANSVERSARII MEDIALES MUSCLES-23 :60 INTERTRANSVERSARII LATERALES MUSCLES-23 : 59 3. Nerves and blood vessels POSTERIOR RAMI OF THORACIC NERVES-69:75 LATERAL CUTANEOUS RAMI-69:76 MEDIAL CUTANEOUS RAMI-69:77 POSTERIOR RAMI OF LUMBAR NERVES-70:12 MEDIAL RAMUS-70:13 LATERAL RAMUG-70:14 POSTERIOR RAMI OF SACRAL A1ID COCCYGSAL NERVES-70:18 POSTERIOR KAMI OF INTERCOSTAL ARTERIES-49:60 MUSCULAR RAMI -49: 62 MEDIAL CUTANEOUS RA13-49:63 LATERAL CUTANEOUS RAMI -4 9: 64 DORSAL RAM OF THE HIGHEST INTERCOSTAL ARTERY-48:64 DORSAL RAMUS OF LUMBAR ARTERIES -50: 10 DORSAL RAMUS OF INTERCOSTAL VEINS- 54: 57 The lumbar veins also have dorsal tributaries from the back comparable to the dorsal rani of the lunbar arteries. 4. Vertebral canal: blood-vessels and menin^es The contents of the vertebral canal are exposed by cutting through the laminae of the vertebral arches close to the articular processes, dividing the ligamentua flava and removing the posterior wall of the vertebral canal. LIGAJffiNTA FLAVA-18:40 SUPRASPINOUS LIGAi3NT-18:44 INTERSPINOUS LIGAMENTS-18:43 Arteries supplying the vertebral column: SPINAL RAMUS OF POSTERIOR RAMI OF INTERCOSTAL ARTERIES-49:61 SPINAL RAMUS OF LUMBAR ARTSRIES-50:11 CAVUI.I EPIDURALE-65:42 DURA MATER SPINALI3-65:40 EILUIvI DURAE MATRIS SPINALIS-65:41 The following structures are exposed by making a median incision through the dura, guarding against injury to the subjacent arachnoidea . CAVUM SUBDDRALE-65:43 PIA HATER SPINALIS-65:54 ARACHNOIDEA SPIMALIS-65:44 CAVUM 3UBARACKj:OIDEALE-65:46 UGAJSENTUSi D3NTICULATUM-65 : 55 THORAX 27. 5. Spinal cord: nerves, blood vessels and surface anatomy For the cervical part of the spinal cord see Head and Neck, IX:4, a> Spinal nerves THORACIC lffiRVES-69:74 LUMBAH K33VS3-70:lO SACRAL NERVES-70:17 COCCYGEAL NSRVES-70:17 CAUDA EQUINA-68:74 ANTERIOR ROOT- 68: 67 POSTERIOR ROOT- 68: 68 FILIA RADICULARIA-68:66 SPINAL GANGLION-68:69 ANTERIOR RAMUS-68-.70 POSTERIOR RAMVS - 68 : 71 RAMUS kEKXNGKUB-68:73 Difficult to demonstrate'. In demonstrating the remaining structures of the spinal cord, the spinal nerve trunks are cut, the cord divided transversely at about the level of the first thoracic vertebra, and the cord, and its membranes removed from the vertebral canal. b. Blood vessels of the spinal cord. Usually difficult to demonstrate. SPINAL RAMI OF POSTERIOR RAMI OF INTERCOSTAL ARTERIES -49: 61 SPINAL RAMI OF LUMBAR ARTERIES-50:11 SPINAL RAliUS OF ILIOLUMBAR ARTERY- 50: 60 SPINAL RAMI OF LATERAL SACRAL ARTERY- 50: 63 INTERNAL SPINAL VEINS-55:2 POSTERIOR EXTERNAL SPINAL ?EINS-55:1 ANTERIOR EXTERNAL SPIJIAL VEINS-54:70 INTERVERTEBRAL VEINS-54:69 c. Surface anatomy of the spinal cord THORACIC PART-58:23 LUMBAR PART- 58:24 LUMBAR ENLARGEMENT-58:25 MEDULLARY CONE- 58*2 6 VENTRICULUS TERMINALIS-58:28 FILUM TERMINALE-5Bi27 ANTERIOR MEDIAN FISSURE- 58:2 9 POSTERIOR MEDIAN SULCUS-58:30 ANTERIOR LATERAL SULCUS-58:31 POSTERIOR LATERAL SULCUS-58:32 POSTERIOR INTERldEDIATE SULCUS- 58:33 (ANTERIOR INTERMEDIATE suLCus)-58:34 FUNICULI OF THE SPINAL CORD-58:45 ANTERIOR FUNICULUS-58:36 LATERAL FUNICULUS-58:37 POSTERIOR FUNICULUS-58:38 6. Spinal cord: internal structure.^ Demonstrated by making transverse sections through the spinal cord at various levels,, and in some instances requiring ths aid of a hand Ions. THORAX 28, a. Gray matter CENTRAL CANAL- 58:40 CENTRAL GRAY MATTER- 58: 41 ANTERIOR GRAY COMMISSURE- 58: 43 POSTERIOR COMMISSUR3-58:44 GRAY COLUMNS-58:45 ANTERIOR COLUMN-48:46 LATERAL COLUMN- 58: 47 RETICULAR FORMATION- 58: 53 POSTERIOR COLUMN-58:48 NECK OF POSTERIOR COLUMN- 58:49 APEX OF POSTERIOR COLUMN-58:50 GELATINOUS SUBSTANCE-58:51 b. White matter ANTERIOR WHITE COMMISSURE-58~..42 ANTERIOR FUNICULUS-58:54 ANTERIOR CEKEBROSPINAL OR PYRAMIDAL FASICULUS-58:55 LATERAL FUNICULUS-59:2 LATERAL CEREBROSPINAL OR PYRAMIDAL FAICULUS-59:3 CEREBELLOSPINAL FASICULUS-59:4 POSTERIOR FUNICULUS-59:7 FASICULUS GRACILIS-59:8 FASICULUS CUNEATUS-59:9 VI. Articulations of the thorax 1. Sternocostal articulatjLons-19:25 ARTICULAR CAPSULE-19:26 INTERARTICULAR STERNOCOSTAL LIGAMSNT-19:27 RADIATE STERNOCOSTAL LIGAMENTS-19:28 MEMBRANE OF STERN(M-19:29 COSTOXIPHOID LIGAMENTS-19:30 INTERCHONDRAL ARTICULATIONS-19:34 2. Synchondrosis sternalis-7:49 3. Costovertebral articulations-19:12 a. Capitular articulations-19:l3 AP.TIGULAR CAPSULES-19:14 RADIATE LIGAMENT OF HEAD OF RIB-19:15 INTERARTICULAR LIGAMENT OF HEAD OF RIB-19:16 b. Coc to transverse articulation8-19;17 ARTICULAR CAPSULES-19:18 LIGAMENT OF TUBERCLE OF RIB-19:19 LIGAMENT OF NECK OF RIB-19:20 ANTERIOR COSTOTRANSVERSS LIGAMSNT-19:21 POSTERIOR COSTOTRANSVERSE LIGAfiENT-19:22 LUfffiOCOSTAL LIGAI-ffiNT-1 9:23 COSTOTRANSVERSE FORAMEN-19:24 THORAX 29. 4. Articulations of the vertebral column For the ligaments in relation to the vertebral arches,, see Thorax, V:4. ANTERIOR LONGITUDINAL L!GAIiENT-13:4S POSTERIOR LONGITUDINAL LIGAM5;JT-18:47 INTERVERTEBRAL FIBROCARTILAGES-1S:37 The following structures nay be demonstrated by dividing the thorax at about the level of the fourth thoracic intervertebral disc, and making incisions through the disc: ANNULUS FIBROSUS-18:38 NUCLEUS PUPi:USUS-18:39 HEAD AND NECK 30 * I. Structures in Relation to the Scalp and Temporal Region 1. General, characteristics of cranium a. Subdivisions of cranium CRANIUM-4:7 VERTEX-4:8 SIXI?UT-4:9 FOR3HEAD-4:10 OCCIPUr-4:ll TSI<.'iPLES-4:12 EAR-4:13 AURICLSS-4M4 b. Regions of head-82:l FRONTAL RSGIOrI-82:2 SUPRAORBITAL REGION-C2:3 PARIETAL REGION-82:4 OCCIPITAL REGION-82:5 TEMPORAL R3GION-82:6 AURICULAR REGION-82:? TiASTOID REGION-82:8 2. Scalp and temporal regions: Superficial blood vessels and nerves a. Frontal region Inciscions for skin reflection: a) median longitudinal from the glabella to the external occipital protuberance; to) frontal over the vertex from the right to the left mastoid processes; ( c) from a point on the latter incision just above the ear, down- ward and slightly anteriorly to. the root of the zygona. SUPRATROCHLEAR NSRVE- 66:22 SUPRAORBITAL KERVE-66:20 FRONTAL ARTERY-48:12 SUPRAORBITAL ARTSRY-48:5 ANGULAR VEIN- 53: 71 b. Temporal region TE^'iPORAL BRANCHES OF FACIAL NERVE- 67: 58 AURICULOTSlviPORAL i^RVS-67 :16 ZYGOMATICOTEIiPORAL BR,UJCH OF ZYGO.MATIC NERVE- 66:41 SUPERFICIAL TEMPORAL ARTBRY-47:36 FRONTAL RAMUS-47 :42 PARIETAL RAL1]3-47:43 SUPERFICIAL TE;iviPORAL VEINS- 54: 7 c. Mastoid and occipital regions POSTERIOR AUFJCULAR NSRVE-67:52 OCCIPITAL RAMUS^-eTiSS POSTERIOR RAMUS OF GRSAT AURICULAR NERVE XX -69:12 LESSER OCCIPITAL HERVE-69:10 GREAT OCCIPITAL NSRVE- 69: 6 POSTERIOR AURICULAR ARTERY-47:29 OCCIPITAL ARTERY-47:22 HEAD AliD JSCK 31. POSTERIOR AURICULAR VEIN-54-J-21 OCCIPITAL VEIN- 54:20 3. Scalp: Peeper structures a. Muscles EPICRANIUS MUCLE-24:8 FRONTAL MUSCLE-24:9 PROCE RUS MUS CLE -2 4 : 11 OCCIPITALIS MUSCLE-24:10 AURICULARIS ANTERIOR MUSCLE-24:20 AURICULARIS SUPERIOR MUSCLE-24:21 AURICULARIS POSTERIOR MUSCLE-2&:22 GALEA APONEUROTICA -24: 42 PERICRANIUM-12:16 Exposed by dividing the galea aponeurotica by two incisions, about 4 cm. in length, intersecting each other at right angles at the vertex and reflecting tne flaps, identifying at the same time the loose areolar connective tissue external to it. b. Lymphatics OCCIPITAL LUMPH GLANDS-56:35 POSTERIOR AURICULAR GLANDS-56:36 ANTERIOR AURICULAR GLANDS-56:37 4. .Auricle or external ear LOBULE OF THE AURICLE-78:33 TRAGUS-78:46 INCISURA INTERTRAGICA-78:49 INCISURA ANTERIOR-78:4 CONCKA OF AURICLE-78:43 CYMBA OF CONCHA-78:44 CAFITY OF CONCHA-78:45 HELIX-78:35 / CRUS HELICIS*X-78:36 SPINA HELICISXX-78:37 CAUDA HELICI5XX-78:38 ANTHELIX-78:39 FOSSA TRIANGULARIS>'- x -78 : 40 (Tuberculum auriculae) xx -78:50 FOSSA ANTHELIXXX-78:59 EMINENTIA CONCHAEXX_78: 60 EMINEIWIA SCAPHAEXX-78:61 EMINENTIA FOSSAE TRIAMGULARISXX_78:62 The muscles and ligaments of the external ear-78:67-74- are exposed by removing the skin from the auricle. II. Intracranial structures in relation to the brain and cranial wall 1. Structures, exposed by the removal of the calvaria The calvaria may be removed by: a) mking a median longitudinal incision through the galea aponeurotica and pericranium, extending from the glabella to the external occipital protuberance, and reflec* ting the two flaps laterally to the level of the temporal lines; . HSAD AND NECK 32. b) detacning the temporal muscle and temporal fascia from the bone and completing the reflection of the galea aponeurotica, pericranium, temporal fascia and muscle downward to the level of the ears; d) with K. sav/ making a cut along the largest hori- zontal circumference of the cranium passing just superior to the glabella anteriorly and a little above the external occipital protuberance posteriorly, oawing through the outer table of the skull only; e) with a mallet and chisel splitting the inner table of the bone along the line of the preceding cut, inserting a hock into the cut in front and forcibly wrenching off the skull cap. DURA MATER OF THE BRAIrt-65:33 MIDDLE IvENINGEAL ARTERY-47 : 50 ARACHNOIDSAL GRANULATIONS- 6 5 : 53 The following structures are exposed: a) by making two sagittal incisions through the dura cater, one on each side of the super- ior sagittal sinus, along its entire length anteriorly and pposteriorly; b) from the middle of each of the preceding inci- sions, cutting lateralv.te.rd through the dura cater down to the cut mrgins of the skull and reflecting the four flaps of the dura mater. SUBDFR/'lCAVE-65:43 ARACHNOID OF THE BRAIN- 65:45 PIA KATER OF THE BRAIN- 65: 67 VENAE CER5ERI-53:41 SUPERIOR SAGITTAL SINUS- 53: 19 Its interior nay be exposed by an incision extending throughout its entire length. FLLX CEKEBRI-65:34 2. ^Structures exposed by the removal tsTf the brain a. Roots of cerebral nerves As preliminary to the removal of the brain the roots of the cerebral nerves r.ay be exposed by: a) detaching the falx cere'gri from the crista galli and pulling it backward; - b) raising the frontal lobes of the brain from the floor of the cranium (facilitated by letting the head hang back-.vard over a head block) and detaching the olfactory bulbs from the lamina cribrosa of the ethmoid bone and thus at the same time severing the olfactory nerves^ c) dividing (preferably with a scissors) the optic nerves, internal carotid arteries, infundibuluroy oculomotor nerves and the trochlear nerves (the latter being found in relation to the free margin of the tentorium cerebelli) ; d) exposing the tentor- ium from the middle cranial fossae, dividing the tentorium along ita attachment to the superior angle of the temporal bone on each side; and e) identifying and dividing in succession the following cerebral nerves: TRIGEMINAL NERVE- 56 : 11 ABDUCENT NERVE- 67:46 FACIAL NE8VE-67:47 ACOUSTIC NERVS-67:65 GLOSS OPHARYNGBAL HERVE-68:8 VAGUS NERV2-68:22 ACCESSORY NERVE -68: 57 HY50GLOSGAL NERVE- 68: 60 - . , HEAD AND; NECK 33. f) The detachment of the brain may then be completed by dividing the vertebral arteries and spinal cord just below the level of the f oramenimagnura and removing the organ. Note: A second method for the removal of the brain which may be adopted at stage (d) in the above procedure is to displace the temporal lobes of the cerebrum, dividing the midbrain, remov- ing the cerebrum and studying the structures tnus exposed within the base of the cranium. Next dividing the tentorium along its attached border, studying the exposed surface of the cerebellum and then proceeding as in stages (e) and (f). The former method is the one usually adopted in an autopsy; the latter method is perhaps more instructive although it does not leave the brain intact. b. General structural characteristics of the exposed base of the cranium and related dura mater. The following structures may be identified by inspection: ANTERIOR, MIDDLE AND POSTERIOR CRANIAL FOSSAE-12 :29-31 CRISTA GALLI-10:38 SMALL 'JTING OF THE SPHENOID BONE- 8: 41 ANTERIOR CLINOID PROCSSS-8:44 OPTHALMIC ARTSRY-47:70 POSTERIOR CLIIIOID PROCSSS-8:31 DIAPHRAGM SELLAE-65:37 CISTERNA INTERPEDUNCULARIS-65:51 FALX CEREBELLUM-65:36 GREAT CEREBRAL VEINS-53:48 BASILIAR VEIN- 53: 51 The foramina transmitting the cerebral nerves may be demonstrated in a skeletal preparation of the skull. c. Sinuses of the dura mater-53:l3 In opening and demonstrating the following sinuses, the dura should be left in situ in the floor of the cranium. TRANSVERSE SINUS-53:14 CONFLUENCE OF THE SINUSES-53 :15 OCCIPITAL SINUS- 53: 17 SUPERIOR SAGITTAL SINUS-53:19 INFERIOR SAGITTAL SINUS-53:20 STRAIGHT SINUS-53:21 INFERIOR PETROSAL SINUS-53:22 SUPERIOR PETROSAL SINUS-53:23 CAVERNOSUS SINUS-53:24 Its walls and contents should be left intact. ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR INTERCAVERNOSUS SINUSES-53 : 2 5-2 6 CIRCULAR SINUS-53:28 SPHSNOPARIETAL SINUS-53:28 BASILAR PLEXUS- 53: 18 DIPLOIC VEINS-53:34-37 EMISSARY VEINS-53 :34-37 d . Arteries Tne cut ends of the following arteries may be identified by inspection of the floor of the cranium and the base of the brain, and their osseous relations in the cranium demonstrated in a skeletal preparation of the skull. HEAD AND NECK 34. INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY-47:68 VERTEBRAL ARTERY-48:21 MIDDLE MENIiJGEAL ARTSRY-47:50 e. Hypofrhysis-62 :30 Isolated for study by detaching the diaphragraa sellae and removing the hypophysis from the sella turcica. ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR L03E3-62:31, 32 The relations of its lobes may be further examined by divid- ing the hypophysis in the sagittal plane. To retain the structure in the floor of the cranium for later study the cranial cavity nay be filled with tow or gauze soaked with preservative fluid, the calvarium replaced and the scalp flaps stitched in position over it. III. Structures in the lateral and anterior regions of the neck 1. Surface anatomy HYOID BONE-12:10 GREATER CORNUA-12 :13 LARYNGEAL PROMINENCE-3 6:19 THYREOID CARTILAGE-36:21 CRICOID CARTILAGE-36:35 TRACHEA-37:41 CAROTID TUBERCLE OF THE 6th CERVICAL VERTEBRA-6:42 JUGULAR NOTCH-7:54 CLAVICLE-13 : 59 MANDI3LS-ll:60 Its inferior margin. MASTOID PROCESS-8:78 STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID MUSCLE-24:55 2. Regions of the neck ANTERIOR REGIONS OF THE NECK-82:24 SUBMENTAL RSGION-82:25 HYOID REGION-82:26 SUBHYOID REGION-82:27 LARYNGEAL REGI 011-82 :2 8 THYREOID REGION-82:29 SUPRASTERNAL REGI ON- 82: 30 JUGULAR FOSSA-82:31 SUBMAXILLARY REGI ON- 82 :32 CAROTID. FOSSA-82 :33 STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID REGION-82:34 EESSER SUPRACLAVICULAR DOSSA-82:35 LATERAL REGIONS OF THE NECK-82:36 LARGER SUPR&SLAVICULAR FOSSA-32:37 OMOCLAVICULAR TRIANGLE- 82 :3 8 POSTERIOR REGIONS OF THE NECK-82:39 NUCHAL REGION-82:40 3. Superficial fascia, platysma. veins and cutaneous nerves Incisions for skin reflection: a) in the middle line from the chin to the nanubrium; b) from the middle of the superior margin of the manubriujT; obliquely upward and backward along the ..: - , ' ,. -- .. . . . '.. '. HDAD AND NECK 35. mastoid muscle to the mastoid process; c) from the middle of the superior margin of the manubrium laterally along the clavicle to the acr onion. SUPERFICIAL FASCIA-23:36 PLATYSMA MUSCLE-24 : 54 The following structures are exposed by reflecting the platysna upward : EXTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN- 54:19 POSTERIOR AURICULAR VEIN-54:21 ANTERIOR JUGULAR VEIN- 54:22 SUPERFICIAL CERVICAL LYIviPH GLANDS-56:41 LESSER OCCIPITAL NERVE-69:10 GREAT AURICULAR NERVE-69:!! CUTANEOUS IERVE OF THE NECK-69J.14 SUPERIOR RAMI-69:15 INFERIOR RAMI-69:16 SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVES-69:17 ANTERIOR SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVES-69:18 MIDDLE SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVES-69:19 POSTERIOR SUPRACLAVICULAR i'ERVES- 69:20 CERVICAL BRANCH OF THE FACIAL NERVE-67:62 4. Cervical fascia and sternocleidomastoid muscle CERVICAL FASCIA-24:70 The various subdivisions and certain deeper relations of the fascia can as yet not be completely exposed. In the region of the sternum the superficial or investing layer of the cervical fascia divides into two layers and encloses a suprasternal space (sometimes called the space of Burns) which may be exposed by making a transverse incision through the fascia immediately above the sternum and a second incision about 2 cm. in length along the anterior border of each sternocleidomastoid muscle, reflecting the fascial flap up- wards and demonstrating the areolar tissue, content of the space and the lo^er parts of the anterior jugular veins and their anastomoses. STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID I.1USCLE-24: 55 5. Posterior triangle of the neck. The following contents of the posterior triangle of the neck are exposed by carefully removing the cervical fascia, noting its relations to the omohyoid muscle and the chain of deep cervical lymph glands along the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and confining the dissection to the triangle and its too subdivisions. a. Occipital triangle OCCIPITAL ARTERY-47-.22 TRANSVERSE CERVICAL ARTERY-48:67 OCCIPITAL VSIN- 54:20 TRANSVERSE CERVICAL VEINS-54:28 SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVES-69: 17-20 ACCESSORY NSRVE-68:57 MUSCULAR RAKE OF THE CERVICAL NERVES TO THE TRAPEZIUS AND LEVATOR SCAPULAE MUSCLES. vpp rtrRvmT T VMDI.* HEAD AND NECK 36. b. Supraclavicular triangle This triangle has also been designated the subfclavius triangle. Cf. omoclavicular trie;one-82'-38. IHFERIOR BELLY OF THE OMOHYOID MUSCLE-34:59 PREVERTEBRAL FASCIA-24:71 The following structures are exposed by removing the prevertebral fascia. TRANSVERSE CERVICAL ARTERY-48:67 TRANSVERSE SCAPULAR ARTERY-48:60 Slightly inferior to the level of the triangle, strictly speaking. SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY-48:20 Its third part. EXTERNAL JUGULAR VEII;-54:19 ANTERIOR JUGULAR VEIN- 54: 22 TRANSVERSE CERVICAL VEINS-54:28 TRANSVERSE SCAPULAR VEIN- 54:2 5 SUBCLAVIAN VEIN- 54:2 6 Slightly inferior to the level of the triangle, strictly speaking. INFERIOR DEEP CERVICAL LYMPH GLANDS- 5 6:43 c. Supraclavicular part of the brachial plexus-69:25 POSTERIOR THORACIC NERVES -69:2 6 DORSAL SCAPULAR NERVE-69:27 LONG THORACIC NERVE-69:28 ANTERIOR THORACIC NERVES-69:29 SUBCLAVIAN N3RVE-69:30 SUPRASCAPULAR NERVE-69:31 THORACODORSAL NERVE-69:33 AXILLARY NRVE-69:34 d Muscles in floor of posterior triangle SPLENDIUS CAPITIS MUSCLS-23:24 LEVATOR SCAPULAE ItfUSCLE-23 :20 SCALENUS MEDIUS >:USCLE-24:67 SCALENUS POSTERIOR lviUSCLE-24:68 6. Anterior triangle The following structures should be dissected with reference to both their continuity throughout the anterior triangle as a whole as well as their relations to its three subdivisions (the submaxillary, carotid and muscular triangles), removing at the same time the cervical fascia but guarding against injury to nerves . a. Submaxillarv or digastric triangle The following structures may be identified with very little if any dissection: SUBMAXILLARY LYEPH GLANDS-56:38 SUBMAXILLARY GLAND-3l:ll EXTERNAL MAXILLARY ARTERY-47:13 S UBMENTAL ARTERY xx -47 : 1 6 MYLOHYOID RAMUS OF THE INTERNAL MAXILLARY ARTERY xx -47:48 ANTERIOR FACIAL VEIN-53:70 LINGUAL VEIN'- 53: 6 HYPOGLOSSAL NERVS-68:60 MYLOHYOID MUS CLE -2 4 : 51 HYOGLOSSUS MUSCLE-32 :3 HEAD AND NECK 37. By making a short vertical slit in the Jpyoglossus muscle between the hypoglossal nerve and the tendon of the digastric muscle the lingual artery may be exposed at a point where it is frequently ligated. b. Carotid triangle COMMON CAROTID ARTERY-46: 59 In determining the relations of the carotid artery to the carotid sheath of the cervical fascia it will be observed that throughout the greater part of their course the structures within the carotid sheath together with cervical part of the sympathetic nerve trunk are strictly speaking internal to the sternocleidomastoid muscle rather than within the carotid triangle, and that their exposure consequently involves a lateral retraction of this muscle. EXTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY-46 : 60 SUPERIOR THYREOID ARTERY-46: 61 HYOID RAMUS -46: 62 STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID RAMUS-46-:63 SUPERIOR LARYNGEAL ARTERY-46: 64 LINGUAL ARTERY-47:8 EXTERNAL MAXILLARY ARTERY-47:13 STBRNOCLEIDOMASTCID ARTERY-47:21 OCCIPITAL ARTERY-47:22 ASCENDING PHARYNGEAL ARTERY-47:4 INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY-47:68 INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN- 52: 69 LINGUAL VEIN- 53: 6 (SUPERIOR THYREOID VEINS )-53: 10 COMMON FACIAL VEIN-53:69 ANTERIOR FACIAL VEIN- 53:70 ' POSTERIOR FACIAL VEIN-54:6 HYPOGLOSSAL NERVE- 68: 60 DESCENDING RAMUS- 68 : 61 ANSA HYPOGLOSSI-68:62 THYREOHYOID RAMUS-68:63 ACCESSORY NERVE-68:57 Its external ramus-68:59 VAGUS NERVE-68:22 SUPERIOR LARYNGEAL NERVE-68:30 EXTERNAL RAMUS-68:31 INTERNAL RAMUS-68:32 CERVICAL PART OF THE SYMPATHETIC TRUNK- 71:34 SUPERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION-71:35 EXTERNAL CAROTID NERVES-71:45 EXTERNAL CAROTID PLEXUS-7J:46 SUPERIOR DEEP CERVICAL LEMPH GLANDS- 56: 42 LARYNX-36:18 Identified without dissection. PHARYNX-32:29 Identified without dissection. GLOMUS CAROTICUM-38:30 c. Muscular triangle STERNOHYOI D MUS CLE -2 4 : 5 6 STERNOTHREOID MUSCLE-24:60 . NERVES TO THE STERNOTHYREOID AND STERNOHYOID MUSCLES EXTERNAL RAMUS OF THE SUPERIOR LARYNGEAL NERVE-68:31 RECURRENT NERVE -65; 3 6 The following structures are identified without dissection: LARYKX-36:18 TRACHEA-37:41 THYREOID GLAHD-38:22 OESOPHAGUS-32:66 7. Structures in relation to the anterior median line of the neck Note the relations of the following structures to the muscular triangle with very little, if any, dissection: a. Suprahyoid region PLATYSMA MUSCLE -2 4: 54 Already exposed, 111:3. SUPERFICIAL FSCIA-23:36 ANTERIOR AIJD POSTERIOR BELLES OF THE DIGASTRIC MUSCLES-24:48, 49, The subraental triangle and its contents are situated between them. MYLOHYOID MUSCL3S-24:51 Separated by a raphe. b, Infrahvoid region HYOTHYKEOID HEMBEAtffl-36:34 THYREOID CARTILAG2-36:2l CRICOTHYRSGID LIGAoENT-35:45 CRICOID CARTILAGE-36-.35 C3UCOTHYREOID IvIUSCLES-36:78 TRACHEA-37:41 ISTHMUS OF THYREOID GLAND-38:23 (PYRAMIDAL LOBE OF THYREOID- GLAND)-38-.24 INFERIOR THYREOID VEINS- 52: 52 8. Muscles of the neck: second and thrid layers aijZGASTRIC MUSCLE-24:47 STYLOHYOID MUSCLE-24:50 OMOHYOID MUSCLE-24:57 STERNOHYOID IJUSCLE-24:56 STERNOTHYREOID MUSCLS-24:60 THYREOHYOID MUSCLE-24:61 9; Sternoclavicular articulation-19:52 Exposed by dividing the sternal and clavicular heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and reflecting the muscle toward its insertion. STERNOCLAVICULAR LIGA&ENT-19:55 INTERCLA VICULAR LIGAMENT-1 9 : 57 COSTOCLAVICULAR LIGALffiNT-19:56 ARTICULAR GAPSULS-19:53 ARTICULAR DISC-19:54 10. Root of the neck a. Muscles ANTERIOR SCALENE MUSCLE-24:66 MIDDLE SCALENE MUSCLE-24:67 POSTERIOR SCALENE MUSCLE-24:68 b. Blood vessels and lymphatics Many of the following structures have already been partly exposed in preceding dissections and are here relisted with more especial HEA3 AND NECK 39. reference to their relations to the root of the neck. SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY-48:20 VERTEBRAL ARTERY-48:21 INTERNAL MALMARY ARTERY-48:34 THYREOCERVICAL TRUNK-48:48 INFERIOR THYREOID ARTERY-49:49 ASCENDING CERVICAL ARTERY-48:55 SUPERFICIAL CERVLSIiL ARTERY-48:59 TRANSVERSE SCAPULAR ARTERY-48:60 COSTOCERVICAL TRUMK-48 : 62 HIGHEST INTERCOSTAL ARTERY-48:63 DEEP CERVICAL ARTSRY-48:66 TRANSVERSE CERVICAL ARTERY-48:67 RIGHT AND LEFT INNOMINATE VEINS- 52: 51 IHFERIOR THYREOID VEINS-52:52 INFERIOR LARYNGEAL VEIN-52:55 LOWEST THYREOID VEIN- 52: 53 UNPAIRED THYREOID PLEXUS-52:54 VERTEBRAL VEIN- 52: 63 DEEP CERVICAL VEIN 301 -52: 64 INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN- 52: 69 INFERIOR BULB OF THE JUGULAR VEIN-52:70 SUBCLAVIAN VEIN-54:26 THORACOACROMIAL VEIN-54:27 TRANSVERSE CERVICAL VEINS-54:28 THORACIC DUCT-56C25 RIGHT LYMPHATIC DUCT-56:24 c , Nerves PHRENIC NERVE-69:21 VAGUS NERVE-68:22 CERVICAL SYMPATHETIC TRUHK-7l:34 Its lower part. MIDDLE CERVICAL GANGLION- 71: 60 INFERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION-71 : 62 SUPERIOR CARDIAC NERVE-71:59 MIDDLE CARDIAC NERVE-71:61 INFERIOR CARDIAC NERVE-71:64 ANSA SUBCLAVIA-71:63 d. Remaining structures at the root of neck Structures identified without dissection. SUMMIT OF PLEURA-38:5 TRACHEA-37:41 OESCPHAGUS-32:66 11. Cervical plexus and viscera of the .peak CERVICAL PLEXUS-69:9 The following organs should be left in situ for later reference: THYROID GLAND-38:22 ISTHMUS-38:23 (PYRAMIDAL LOBE)-38:24 RIGHT AND LEFT LOBES-38:25 ' (ACCESSORY THYRSOID GLANDS)-38:28 . Also designated parathyreoid glands. TRACHEA-37:41 -.- . i : ... .. . . HEAD AND NECK 40. TRACHEAL CARTILAGES -3 7: 42 MEMBRANOUS WALL-37:44 CERVICAL PART OF OESOPHAGUS-32 : 67 IV. Ba ck of the head and neck 1. Regions of the back of the head and neck PARIETAL REGION-82:4 OCCIPITAL REGION-82:5 POSTERIOR REGION OF THE NECK-82:39 NUCHAL REGION-82:40 FOVEA NUCHAE-83:! 2- Fascia, superficial nerves and vessels Incisions for skin reflection: a) from the external occipital protuberance to the spine of the vertebra prominens; b) from the spine of the vertebra prominens laterally on each side to the medial border of the acrornion; c) from the external occipital protuberance laterally on each side for about B era. SUPERFICIAL FASCIA-23 :3 6 GREAT OCCIPITAL NERYE-69:6 SMALL OCCIPITAL N3RVE-69:10 OCCIPITAL VEIN- 54:20 (THIRD OCCIPITAL NERVE) -69: 7 POSTERIOR KAMI OF CERVICAL NERVES IV-VIII-69:2 POSTERIOR RALOJS OF GREAT AURICULAR NERVE-69:12 The following structures nay be exposed in the suboccipital triangle : FIR35T2CERVICAL NERVE-69 :1 VERTEBRAL ARTERY-48:21 Its third part. 3. Muscles in relation to the back of the neck TRAPEZIUS MUSCLE-23:15 Its cervical part only. LEVATOR SCAPULAE irfUSCLE-23 :20 Exposed by dividing the trapezius muscle at its origin from the superior nuchal line and external occipital protuberance, and cutting through the muscle about 1 cm, from the cervical vertebral spines and reflecting the cervical part of the muscle laterally, guarding against injury to underlying structures . The following structures are either internal to the levator scapulae muscle or in relation to the superior imrgin of the scapula. DESCENDING RAMU5 OF THE TRANSVERSE CERVICAL ARTERY-48:69 DORSAL SCAPULAR NERVE-69 :27 INFERIOR BELLY OF OMOHYOID MUSCLE-24:59 TRANS-VERSE SCAPULAR ARTSRY-48:60 SUPRASCAPULAR NERVE- 69: 31 RHOMBOIDEUS MffiNOR MUSCLE-23 :19 Its origin only. In demonstrating the following structures the rhomboideus minor muscle should be detached at its origin and reflected laterally. FASCIA NUCHSS-24:6 LIGAMENTUBI NUCHAE-18:45 SERRATUS POSTERIOR SUPERIOR MUSCLE-23:22 - . - , . - . . HEAD A1ID 1ECK 41. In demonstrating the follov/ing tv;o nuscles the serratus posterior superior ;.:uscle snouli be detached at its origin and reflected laterally. 6PLENIUS CAPITIS I..USCLS-23 :24 SFLEHIUS CSRVICIS i.lUSCLE-23:23 The muscles are exposed by dividing the attachments of the splenius capitis and splenius cervicis muec2ss close to the spines of the vertebrae and reflecting the muscles. ILIOCOSTALIS CERVICIS MUSCLE-23:29 LONGISSIMUS CAPITIS MU5CLE-23:44 SPINALIS CERVICIS MUSCLE-23>:47 SPINALIS CAPITIS MUSCLE-23:48 In demonstrating the following tv/o muscles the longissimus capitis should be detached at its origin and reflected toward its insertion. SEMISPINALIS CERVICIS MUSCLE-23:51 SEMISPINALIS CAPITIS MUSCLE-23:52 MULTIFIDUS MUSCLE-23:53 Exposed by detaching the semispinalis capitis muscle from the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae and reflecting the muscle toward its insertion. Guard the vessels and nerves internal to the muscle . ROTATERSS MUSCLES-23:54 Exposed by removing the multifidus muscle. ROTATERES LONGI MUCLES-23 :56 ROTATERSS BREVES MUSCLES-23 :57 INTERSPINALES MUSCLBS-23:58 RECTOS CAPITIS POSTERIOR MAJOR MUSCLE-23:64 RECTUS CAPITIS POSTERIOR MINOR MUSCLE-24:! OBLIQUUS CAPITIS SUPERIOR MUSCLE-24 :3 OBLIQUUS CAPITIS INFERIOR MUSCLE-24 :4 The follo\?ing structures are in relation to the suboccipital space or triangle formed by rectus capitis posterior major and the oblique capitis superior and inferior muscles. SUBOCCIPITAL NERVE-69:5. Its posterior ramus . VERTEBRAL ARTERY-48:21 Its third part only. POSTERIOR ARCH OF ATLAS- 6: 69 4. Deeper blood vessels and nerves of the back of the neck For the more superficial vessels and nerves see I:2c. OCCIPITAL ARTERY-47:22 MU6CULAR RAKI X ^-47:S5 RAMS D3SCENDEK^ xx -47:26 MASTOID RAMUS xx -47: 23 AURICULAR RAMUS xx -47:24 OCCIPITAL RAMI xx -47:28 ASCENDING CERVICAL ARTERY-48:55 DEEP CERVICAL ARTERY-48:66 OCCIPITAL V3IN-54:20 1.3ASTOID EMISSARY VEIN-53:35 DEEP CERVICAL VEIN- 52: 64 POSTERIOR RAlil OF CERVICAL NERVSS-69:2 MEDIAL RAM- 69: 3 LATERAL RAM- 69: 4 HE5D AND NECK 42, V. Face and frontal region of the head 1 Surface anatomy GLAB3LLA-10:21 SUPRAORBITAL MARGIN OF FRONTAL BONE-10:9 INFRORBITAL MARGIN OF AXILLARY BOiE-10:74 ZYGOMATIC ARCH-12 :40 TEMPORAL FOSSA-12:39 RAMU3 OF THE iviANDIBLE-ll:72 BODY OF THE IOANDIBLE-11 : 61 FOSSA RETRCMANDIBULARIS-82:22 NOSE-4:23 DORSUM-4:24 APEX-4:25 ALA-4:26 SEPTUM-35:39 NARSS-35:37 MOUTH-4:27 SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR LIPS-4:30, 31 RIMA ORIS-4:32 AI1GLE OF THE MOUTH-30:38 NASOLABIAL SULCUS-4:28 CHESK-4:36 CHIN-4:38 HENTOLABIAL SULCUS-4:37 EYE-4:16 SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR EYELIDS-4: 17, 18, 75:12, 13 RIMA PALPEBRARUM-4:19, 75:16 MEDIAL AND LATERAL PALPEBRAL COMMISSURES-75:17, 18 ANGULUS OCULI J.ffiDIALIS AND LATERALIS-75:19, 20 BULBUS OCULI -4:20 INFRAPALPEBRAL SULCUS-4:22 SUPERCILIUIvI-4:21 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR PALPEBRAL SURFACES-75:15, 15 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR PALPEBRAL MARGINS-75:21, 22 TARSAL GLANDS-75:27 Their openings only. SEBUM PALPEBRALE-75:28 TUNICA CONJUNCTIVE PALPEBRARUM-75:35 TUNICA CONJUNCTIVE OCULI-75:34 FORMIX CONJUNCTIVE SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR-75:36, 37 LACUS LACRI!'iALIS-75:47 CARUNCULA LACRIMALIS-7 5:33 PLICA SEIvIILUNARES CONJUNCTIVAE-75:32 PAPILLA LACRIMALIS-7 5: 50 PUNCTA LACRIMLIA-75:48 DUCTUS LACRIMALES-75:49 2. Regions of the face-82:9-St NASAL REGION-82 :10 ORAL REGION-82 :11 SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR LABIAL REGIONS - 82 : 16. 17 MENTAL REGION-82 :14 ORBITAL REGION-82 :15 SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR PALPEBRAL REGIONS-82 :16, 17. INFRAORBITAL REGION-82 :18 HEAD AIJD NECK 43. INFRAORBITAL REGION-82:20 BUCCAL REGION-82:19 ZYGOMATIC REGION-82 :20 PATROTIDSOLIASSETERIC REGION-S2 :21 RETROMANDIBULAR FOSSA-82:22 3 . Fascia and parotid Inciscions for skin reflection: a) median longitudinal from the forehead to the tip of the chin; b) from the anterior median line transversely at the level of the rima palpebrarum, encirc- ling the P^S, and extending posteriorly to the ear; c) trans- versely from the angle of the mouth to the posterior border of the rainus of the mandible. PAROTID GLAND-31:13 Exposed by removing the parotideomasseteric fascia. RETROMANDIBULAR PROCESS -3 1 : 14 ACCESSORY PAROTID GLAKD-31:15 PAROTI3 DUCT-31:16 4. Superficial, nerves of the face ANTERIOR RAWS OF THE GREAT AURICULAR NERVE** -69: 13 Branches of the facial nerve: Exposed by carefully removing the parotid gland, a part at a time. The exit of the facial nerve from the s^ylomastoid foramen is exposed by cutting away (with saw and chisel) the free projecting part of ihe mastoid process, guarding against injury to the posterior auricular nerve. . PAROTID PLEXUS-67:57 TEMPORAL RAMI-67:58 ZYGOMATIC RAMI-67:59 BUCCAL RAMI-67:60 MARGINAL MANDIBULAR RAMUS-67:61 DIGASTRIC RAMUS-67:54 STYLOHYOID RAMUS-67:55 Branches of the opthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve: SUPRAORBITAL NERVE-66:20 FRONTAL RAMUS-66:21 Of the frontal nerve SUPRATROCHLEAR NERVE-66:22 AliiBRieR NASAL KAMI OF THE NASOCILIARY NERVE* x -66:28 SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR PALPEBRAL RAMI OF THE INFRATROCHLEAR NERVE x *-66:34, 35 Branches of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve: ZYGOMATICOTEMPORAL RAMUS OF THE ZYGOMATIC NERVE-66:41 ZYGOMATICOFACIAL RAMUS OF THE ZYGOMATIC NERVE-66:42 INFERIOR PALPEBRAL RAMI OF THE INFRA ORBITAL NERVE- 66: 52 EXTERNAL NASAL RAMI OF THE INFRAORBITAL NERVE-66:53 SUPERIOR LABIAL RAMI OF THE INFRAORBITAL NERVE- 66: 55 Branches of the mandibular division of the trigeninal nerve: BUCCINATOR NERVE-67U3 May be identified at this stae of the dissection through its anastomoses with the facial nerve. AURICULOTEMPORAL NERVE-67'W? MENTAL NERVE-67:33 HSAD AND 1ECK 44. 5. Superficial blood vessels of the face Branches of the external carotid artery: SUPERFICIAL TEMPORAL ARTERY-47 : 3 6 PAROTID RAMI-47:37 TRANSVERSE ARTERY OF FACE-47:38 ANTERIOR AURICULAR EAMI-^:39 ZYGOMATICOORBITAL ARTERY-47 :40 MIDDLE TEMPORAL ARTERY-47: 41 INTERNAL MAXILLARY ARTERY-47: 44 Its origin only. EXTERNAL MAXILLARY ARTERY-47: 13 INFERIOR LABIAL ARTERY-47: 18 SUPERIOR LABIAL ARTERY-47: 19 ANGULAR ARTERY-47 :20 POSTERIOR FACIAL VEIN AND ITS TRIBUTARIES-54:6-9, 13, 14 ANTERIOR FACIAL VEIN AND ITS TRIBUTARIES-53:70-77, 54:1-5 6. Muscles of the face and front of head PLATYSMA MUSCLE-24:54 FRONTALIS MUSCLE-24:9 PROCERUS MUSCLE-24:ll ORBICULARIS OCULI MUSCLE-24:16 PARS PALPEBRALIS-24:17 PARS ORIBTALIS-24:18 PARS LACRIMALIS-24:19 NASALIS MUSCLE-24.:12 PARS TRANSVERSA-24:13 PARS ALARIS-24:14 DEPRESSOR SEPTI NASI MUSCLE-24:15 ORBICULARIS ORIS MUSCLE-24:23 QUADRATUS LABII SUPERIORIS MUSCLE-24:28 CAPUT ZYGOMATICUM-24:29 CAPUT INFRA ORBITALE-24: 30 CAPUT ANGULARE-24:31 ZYGOMATIC MUSCLE-24:27 RISORIUS MUSCLE-24:26 TRIANGULARIS MUSCLE-24:24 QUADRATUS LABII INFERIORIS MUSCLE-24:32 CANINUS MUSCLE-24:33 BUCCINATOR MUSCLE-24:34 BUCCOPHARYNGEAL FASCIA-24:43 INCISIVI LABII SUPERIORIS AND INFERIORIS MUSCLES-24:35, 36 VI. Structures in relation to the temporal and infratemporal fossag 1. Fascia, muscles and vessels TEMPORAL FASCIA-24:45 ZYGOMATIC AND TEMPORAL RAM! OF THE FACIAL NERVE-67:59. 58 2YGOMATICOFACIAL AND ZYGOMATICOTEMPORAL RAMI OF THE ZYGOMATIC NERVE- 66: 42, 41 MIDDLE TEMPORAL ARTERY-47: 41 MASSETER MUSCLE-24:38 The following nerve and artery may be exposed as they pass through the mandibular notch by detaching the temporal fascia from the ' ' '' ':''" - ' , . i - . . \ v i - . ' HEAD AND NECK 45. zygomatic arch, with a saw and bone forceps dividing the zygonatic arch immediately anterior and posterior to the origin of the masseter muscle (the anterior saw-cut being made obliquely downward and anteriorly connecting the anterior ends of the superior and inferior margins of the arch), and carefully reflecting the detached segment of the zygomatic arch and masseter muscle (the dissection may be complicated by a union of the masseter and temporal muscles). MASSETER NERVE- 67: 9 HASSETERIC ARTERY-47:54 TEMPORAL MUSCLE-24:39 Exposed by dividing the masseteric nerve and artery and completing the reflection of the masseter muscle toward its insertion. The deeper structures of the temporal fossa are demonstrated by removing the coronoid process of the mandible by a cut extending from the middle of the incisur^ mandibulae downward and anterior- ly to the junction of the ramus; with the body of the mandib?a (making the incision partially with a saw and completing the division with a bone forceps) , reflecting the coroniid process and the attached temporal muscle upward (guarding at the same time against cutting the buccinator nerve), and with the handle of a scalpel detaching the deeper portion of the temporal muscle at its origin, ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR DEEP TEMPORAL NERVES-67:11, 12 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR DEEP TEMPORAL ARTERIES xx -47: 56, 55 MEDIAN TEMPORAL ARTERY-47:41 ZYBOMATICOTEMPORAL BRANCH OF THE ZYGOMATIC NERVE XX -66:41 The following structures ih the infratemporal fossa are more fully exposed by removing a segment of the ramus of the mandible. To this end two incisions nay be made, one through the neck of the condyloid process of the mandible and a second transversely through the ramus of the mandible immediately superior to the level of the mandibular foramen (locating the level of the foramen by inserting the hand of a scalpel between the ramus and the subjacent structures and carrying it downwards until its progress is arrested by the vessels and nerves entering the foramen) . In the case of both incisions the cut should be made through the lateral table of the bone with a saw and the incision completed with a bone forceps; the isolated segment of the mandibular ramus is removed and the subjacent nerves, vessels and muscles exposed. EXTERNAL PTERYGOID MUSCLE-24:40 INTERNAL PTERYGOID MUSCLE-24:41 BUCCINATOR MUSCLE-24:34 BUCCOPHARYNGEAL FASCIA-24:43 PTERYGOMANDIBULAR RAPHE-32 : 52 INTERNAL MAXILLARY ARTRY-47:44 XX Its first and second parts DEEP AURICULAR ARTERY*x-47:45 Its origin only. ANTERIOR TYMPANIC ARTERY*x-47:46 Its origin only INFERIOR ALVEOLAR ARTSRY-47:47 MYLOHYOID RAMUS -47: 48 MIDDLE MENINGEAL ARTERY-47:50 (ACCESSORY MENIGEAL RAMUS )-47: 51 MASSETERIC ARTERY-47:54 POSTERIOR AND ANTERIOR DHEP TEMPORAL ARTERY -47:55, 56 . HEAD AMD NECK 46, PTERYGOID BUCCINATOR ARTERY xx ~i7: 58 POSTERIOR SUPERIOR ALVEOLAR ARTERY-47:59 The following tributaries of the posterior facial vein are seldom well enough preserved to be satisfactorily demonstrated by dissection: ARTICULAR MANDIBULAR VEINSX X -54:10 STYLOMASTOID VEINX**54:12 PTERY30ID PLEXUS 54: 13 TRANSVERSE FACIAL VEIN* X -54:13 2. Kandibular articulation-19:35 ARTICULAR CAPSULE-19:36 TEMPORAMANDIBULAR LIGAMENT-19:38 SPHENOMANDIBULAR LIGAMENT-19:39 STYLOMANDIEULAR LIGAMENT-19:40 ARTICULAR DISC-19:37 Exposed by removing the temper omandibular ligament. 3 . Nerves The demonstration of the following nerves is completed by disarticulating the condyloid process and reflecting it together with the external pterygoid muscle anteriorly, guarding at the same time against cutting the auriculotemporal nerve. MANDIBULAR NERVE -67: 6 SPINOSUS N2RVE-67:7 MASTICATOR NERVE- 67: 8 MASSETERIC NERVE-67:8 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR DEEP TEMPORAL NERVES-67:11, 12 BUCCINATOR NERVE- 67: 13 EXTERNAL PTERYGOID NERVE- 67: 14 INTERNAL PTERYGOID NERVE-67:15 AURICULOTEMPORAL NERVE-67:16 NERVE OF THE EXTERNAL AUDITORY MEATUS**^?:!? RAMIE TO THE TYMPANIC fcEMBRANE xx -67:28 LINGUAL NERVE-67:23 INFERIOR ALVEOLAR NERVE-67:32 MYLOHYOID NERVE-67:32 CHORDA TYMPANI-67:64 4. Mandibular canal y?.2 :3 Exposed by removing (by means of a saw, chisel and bone forceps) the outer compact layer cf the mandible. INFERIOR ALVEOLAR ARTERY-47:47 MYLOHYOID RAMU3-47:48 MEHTAL ARTERY-47:49 INFERIOR ALVEOLAR NERVE-67:28 INFERIOR CENTAL PLEXUS-67:29 INFERIOR DENTAL RA!II-67:29 INFERIOR GINGIVAL RAMI-67:31 MYLOHYOID NERVE- 67: 32 MENTAL NERVE- 67: 33 MENTAL RAMI-67-.33 MENTAL RAMI-67:34 INFERIOR LABIAL RAMI-67:35 HEAD AND NECK 47. VII. Submaxillary region 1. Superficial structures in the subnaxillary region With the exception of the following structures the more super- ficial structures in this region have already been listed in connection with the submaxillary or digastric triangle, III:6a. DISASTRIC MUSCLE -2 4 : 47-4 9 STYLOHYOID MUSCLE -2 4: 50 SUBMAXILLARY GLAND-31 :11 Its superficial part only. 2. Deeper structures in the subrraxillary region MYLOHYOID MUSCLE-24:51 Exposed by dividing the anterior belly of the digastric muscle near its attachment to the mandible, sawing through the mandible slightly lateral to the median plane on each side (so as to leave intact the attachments of the genia- hyoid and genioglossus muscles), and everting the inferior border of the lateral part of the mandible. LINGUAL NERVK-67:23 Exposed by dividing the inylohyoid muscle slightly below its origin from the fcylohyoid line of the mandible and along the median raphe, and reflecting the muscle downward over the hyoid bone, guarding at the same time against cutting the mucous membrane of the mouth. SUBLINGUAL N3RVE-xx_67:26 LINGUAL RAMI*X-67:27 HYPOGLCSSAL NERVE- 68: 60 LINGUAL RAMI- -68: 64 S UBMAXILLARY GANGLI ON- 67 : 43 COMMUNICATING RAMI WITH THE LINGUAL NERVE-67:44 SUBMAXILLARY KAMI- 67 :45 GL^'SSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE-68:8 SUBMAXILLARY GLAND-31:!! Its deep part. SUBMAXILLARY DUCT-31:12 SUBLINGUAL GLAND-31: 8 MAJOR AND MINOR SUBLINGUAL DUCTS-3H9, 10 HYOGLOSSUS MUSCLE-32:3 STYLOGLOSSUS MUSCLE-32:5 CHONDROGLOSSUS MU5CLE 3 -32 :4 GENIOGLOSSUE MUSCLE-32:2 GENIOHYOID MUSCLE-24 : 52 LINGUAL ARTERY-47:8 Exposed by detaching the hyoglossus muscle from the hyoid bone and reflecting it upward DORSAL RAMI OF THE TONGUE xx -<17: 11 SUBLINGUAL ARTERYX*-47:10 DEEP ARTERY OF THE TONGUE **-47: 12 LINGUAL VEIN- 53: 6 STYLOHYOID LIGAMENT-18:54 Villa Structures in relation to the deeper regions of the neck and base of tne cranium is Ptic ganglion, tensor veli palatini. stylopharyngeus muscles OPTIC GANGLI ON- 67: 3 6 Exposed by dividing the lingual and inferior alveolar nerves HEAD AND NECK 48. immediately inferior to their origins and carefully dis- placing the mandibular nerve. . Roots: A SHORT ROOT FROM THE MANDIBULAR NERVE 3 A LONG ROOT, THE LESSER SUPERFICIAL FETROSAL NERVE**- 67:37 A SYMPATHETIC ROOT FROM THE PLEXUS OF THE MIDDLE MENINGEAL ARTERY ** Branches of distribution: TENSOR VELI PALATINI ^RVE>-67:38 TENSOR TYL3PANI NERVE- 67:39 Communicating rarai: ANASTOMOTIC RAMUS WITH THE SPINOUS NERVE xx>67: 40 ANASTOMOTIC RAMUS WITH THE AURICULOTEMPORAL NERVE xx. 67:41 ANASTOKOTIC RAMUS WITH THE CHORDA TYMPANI xx -67:42 TENSOR VELI PALATINI MUSCLE-32:25 Exposed by detaching the internal pterygoid muscle from the posterior border of the lateral lamina of the pterygoid process-8:61 STYLOPHARYNGEUS MUSCL3-32:32 Exposed by dividing the posterior belly of the digastric muscle near its origin and reflecting it toward its attach- ment to the hybid bone, cutting through the external carotid artery just inferior to its termination, dividing the posterior auricular and occipital arteries at their origins and displacing the extern^ carotid artery anteriorly (guarding against injury toMihe glossopharyngeal ner^e). 2. Blood vessels INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY-47:68 In completing its exposure the base of the styloid process may be divided (with a bone forceps) and the styloid pro- cess together with the attached muscles reflected downward and anteriorly. The correlation of the structures at the base of the cranium with the structures previously exposed in the floor of the cranium may be facilitated by removing the calvarium (guarding, however, against drying of the cranial floor). In demonstrating the superior portion of the cervical part of the internal carotid artery, the pharyngeal rami of the vagus nerve should first be secured and the follov/ing four nerves identified in the interval between the internal jugular vein, -namely, the glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory and hyphglossal nerves. ASCENDING PHARYNGEAL ARTERY* x -47 :4 ASCENDING PALATINE ARTERY** -47 : 14 TONSILLAR RAMUS OF THE EXTERNAL MAXILLARY ARTERY*x-47:15 INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN- 52: 69 SUPERIOR BULB OF THE JUGULAR VEIN-52:70 LINGUAL VEIN- 53; 6 (SUPERIOR THYREOID VEINS) -53:10 COMMON FACIAL VEIN- 53: 69 By slitting open the inferior part of the internal jugular vein the valve situated near the termina- tion of the vein nay be demonstrated. HEAD AND NECK 49. 3 . Nerves GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE-68:8 LINGUAL RAMS? 1 -68:83 Their origin only. TONSILLAR RAl/J**- 68:20 S TYLOPHARYNGE AL RAIviUS xx - 68 : 1 9 EHARYNGEA L KAMI x *i 68 : 1 8 S UPERI OR GAIIGLI ON- 68:9 PETROUS GANGLION-68:10 TYMPANIC NERVB-68:ll The following nerve in the middle cranial fossa is in relationship with the tympanic nerve: LESSER SUPERFICIAL PETROSAL NERVE-67:37 VAGUS NERVE- 68:22 GANGLION JUGULARE-68:23 GANGLION NODOSUM-68:24 The following raini cannot be satisfactorily demonstrated in an ordinary dissection. MENINGEAL RAMUS xx -68:25 AURICULAR RAMUS xx -68:26 ANASTOMOTIC RAMUS WITH THE GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE xx -68:27 Review the following rami: PHARYNGEAL RAMI- 68:2 8 SUPERIOR LARYNGEAL NERVE AND ITS RAMI-68:30-33 SUPERIOR CARDIAC RAMI- 68:34 (DEPRESSOR KERVE)-68:35 RECURRENT NERVE- 68:3 6 . ACCESSORY NERVS-68:57 INTERNAL RAMUS xx -68:58 EXTERNAL RAMUS-68:59 HYPOGLOSSAL NERVE-68:60 The demonstration of its exit from the hypoglossal" canal is facilitated by dividing the internal jugular vein 5 cm. below the base of the skull and reflecting it upward. The following rani have already been exposed in preceding dissections: RAMUS DESCENDS K5 -68: 61 ANSA HYPOGLOSSI-68:62 THYREOHYOID RAMUS- 68: 63 LINGUAL RALE- 68: 64 4. Sympathetic trunk CERVICAL PART OF THE SYMPATHETIC TRUNK- 71: 34 SUPERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION-71:35 JUGULAR NERVE XX -71:36 INTERNAL CAROTID NERVE *X-7I:37 INTERNAL CAROTID PLEXUS^ -71:38 EXTERNAL CAROTID NERVES -71:45 EXTERNAL CAROTID PLEXUS** -71 :46 LA.RYNGOPHARYNGEAL RAICF' -71 : 57 SUPERIOR CARDIAC NERVE-71:59 . LJIDDLE CERVICAL GANGLION- 71: 60 INFERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION-71 : 62 The remaining rarni and plexuses of the cervical part of the sympathetic system, are indicated in -71:47-54, 56, 58, 65-68. RSCTUS CAPITIS 1ATERALIS MUSCLlF 1 -24:2 HEAD _VID NECK 50. IX> Structures in relation to the cervical part of the vertebral column and the posterior ^art of the base of th? skull The head and neck may be divided into anterior and posterior parts by: a) cutting the nerves and vessels of the neck at the level of the first rib and forcibly displacing these structures together with the oesophagus and trachea anteriorly, a^ay from the cervical vertebrae and exposing the periosteum investing the base of the skull between the pharynx and prevertebral muscles ; b) making a transverse incision through this thick periosteum and exposing the pars basilaris of tne occipital bone; c) resting the floor of the cranium upon the end of a wooden block and with a chisel and Ballet dividing the pars basilaris along the line of the preceding incision (direct- ting the chisel as nearly as possible at right angles to the plane of the bone) ; d) making two saw-cuts through the skull, one on each side, beginning at a point 2 cm. posterior to the mastoid process and extending obliquely anteromedially to a point immediately post- erior to the jugular foramen; e) with a chisel completing the divi- sion of the base of the skull by an incision on each side uniting the end of the preceding chisel-cut (c) ?;ith the adjacent end of the saw-cut (the incision in each case passing medial and posterior to the jugular foramen) ; f ) dividing any remaining intervening soft pf.rts and completing the separation of the anterior and posterior parts of the head and neck. The hypoglossal nerve would be divided close to the base of the irkull and superior to the ganglion nodosum of the vagus nerve, but all ether cerebral nerves should remain intact and be carried iway with the anterior part of the skull. 1. Muscles, nerves and blood vessels RECTUS CAPITIS LATERALIS MUSCLE** -24:2 Previously listed in Section X:4. RECTUS CAPITIS ANTERIOR MUSCLE xx -24-:65 LONGUS CAPITIS MUSCLE xx -24:64 LONGUS COLL! liUSCLE xx -24:63 ANTERIOR, MIDDLE AND POSTERIOR SCALENE MUSCLES-24: 66-68 Their attachments only. ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR INTERTRANSVERSE tOJSZ2S8 zx *33:B t 63 CERVICAL HSRVES, I-VIII-69:! Exposed by removing the prevertebral and scalene muscles, ANTERIOR RAMI-69:8 POSTERIOR RAMI-69:2 VERTEBRAL ARTERY-48:21 Exposed by removing the intertransverse muscles, the rectus capitis lateralis, the obliquus capitis superior and the obliquus capitis inferior muscles, and with a bone forceps cut- ting avray the anterior tubercles and costal portions of the transverse processes of the third to sixth cervical vettebral. SERIAL RAMI** -48:22 VERTEBRAL VEIN-52:63 2. Articulations of the cervical vertebrae III-VII INTERVERTEBRAL FIBROCARTILAGES-18:37 FIBROUS RING-18:38 NUCLEUS PULPOSUS-18:38 LIGAMENTA FLAVA-18:40 ARTICULAR CAPSULSS-18:41 . ; '' '- ! ' : ' ' HEAD AND NECK 51. INTERTRANSVKRSE LIGAMENTS** -18:42 Not well developed in thenaeck. INTERSPINOUS LIGAMENTS-18:43 LIGAMENTUM NUCKAE-18:45 ANTERIOR LONGITUDINAL LIGAlvIENT-18:46 POSTERIOR LONGITUDINAL LIGAMSNT-18:47 3 ^Articulations of the epistropheus. atlas and occipital bone ATLANTOOCIPPITAL ARTICULATION-19 :1 ARTICULAR CAPSULE-19:2 ANTERIOR ATLANTOOCIPPITAL MEMBRANE -19:3 POSTERIOR ATLANTOOCIPPITAL MEMBRANE-19:4 ATLANTOEPISTROPHSAL ARTICUIATION-19: 5 ARTICULAR CAPSULE-.19:6 TECTORIAL MEMBRANE-19:!! Demonstrated by renoving (with a bone forceps) the posterior arches of the atlas and epistropheus, making a saw-cut on each side of the occipital bcne extending from just posterior to the jugular process and occipital condyle to the foramen magnum, detaching the squanous portion of the occipital bone and removing the exposed portion of the dura mater. CRUCIATE LIGAMENT OF ATLAS-19:10 Exposed by detaching the tectorial membrane from the epistropheua and reflecting it upward. TRANSVERSE LIGAMENT OF THE ATLS-19:9 ALAR LIGAMENTS-19:? Demonstrated by detaching the vertical part of the cruciate, ligament at its superior attachment to the occipital bone and reflecting it downward. APICAL LIGAMENT OF THE DENS-19:8 4. Cervical portion of the vertebral canal and spinal cord The contents of the cervical portion of the vertebral canal may be Exposed by cutting away all the muscles still remaining attached to the spinous processes and arches of the cervical vertebrae and removing the laminae of the vertebral arches. For the meninges and related structures, see Thorax, V:4. CERVICAL NERVES-69:! ANTERIOR ROOTS -68: 67 POSTERIOR ROOTS-68:68 SPINAL GANGLIA- 68: 69 ANTERIOR RAMI -68:70 POSTERIOR RAMI-68:71 SPINAL RAMI OF THE VERTEBRAL ARTERY-43:22 POSTERIOR SPINAL ARTERY-48:23 ANTERIOR SPINAL ARTERY-48:24 CERVICAL PART OF SPINA.L CORD-58:21 CERVICAL ENLARGEI',5ENT-58:22 For surface anatomy and internal structure of the Spinal cord eee Thorax, V:5. X. Remaining structures in the anterior part of the head and neck See Section IX for division of the head and neck into anterior and posterior parts. HEAD AND NECK 52. 1. Pharyr.x-32:29. 4:43 a. Muscles and fascia of the pharynx BUCCOPHARYNGEAL FASCIA-24:43 PTERYGOMANDIBULAR RAPHE-32:52 TUNICA MUSCULARIS OF THE FHARYNX-32 : 50 CONSTRICTOR PHARYNGEUS INFERIOR MUSCLE -3 2: 62 -64 CONSTRICTOR BHARYNGEUS MEDIUS MUSCLE-32 : 59-61 CONSTRICTOR PHARYNGEUS SUPERIOR-32 : 53-57 Exposed by dividing the pterygoideus internus muscle transversely at its middle and reflecting the two ends toward their origin and insertion, guarding against cut- ting the tensor veli palatini muscle. FASCIA PHARYNGOBASILARIS-32 :44 b... Cavity of the pharvnx-32 :30 Exposed by making the following incisions: a) longitudinally in the middle line throughout the entire extent of the posterior wall of the pharynx; b) from the superior extremity of the preceding incision, transversely through the fascia pharyngobasilaris, close to the base of the cranium and extending laterally as far as the cartilage of the Eustacnian tube. The following structures may be identified by inspection: PARS NASALIS-32 :22 F.ORNIX PHARYNGIS-32 :31 PHARYHGEAL OPENING OF THE EUSTACHIAN TUBE-32:35 ANTERIOR LIP-32:36 POSTERIOR LIP-32:37 TORUS TUBARIUS-32:38 SALPINGOPHARYNGEAL FOLD-32:39 PHARYNGEAL RECESS-32:40 PHARYNGEAL TONSIL-32 :47 TONSILLAR CRYPTS-32:48 (Pharyngeal bursa)-32:41 SOFT PALATE-30:41 UVULA~32:13 PARS ORALIS-32:33 GLOSSOPALATINE ARCH-32:15 PHARYNOPALATINE ARCH-32 :1* LATERAL GLOSSOEPIGLOTTIC FOLD-37:27 MEDIAN GLOSSOEPIGLOTTIC FOLD-37:26 EPIGLOTTIC VALLECULA-37:12 PARS LARYWGIS-32:34 ARYEPIGLOTTIC FOLD-37:28 OPENING INTO THE LARYNX-37:13 PERIFORM RECESS-32 :42 FOLD OF THE LARYNGEAL NERVE-37:29 Looking anteriorly from the nasal part of the pharynx the following are visible in relation to the -oosterior part of the nasal cavity: NASAL SEPTUM-35:39 NASOPHARYNGEAL MEATUS-35:59 INFERIOR NASAL MEATUS-35:57 MIDDLE NASAL MEATUS-35:55 INFERIOR NASAL CONCHA-35:*8 MIDDLE NASAL CONCHA-35:47 . HEAD AND NECK 53. 2. Mouth and fauces To facilitate the demonstration cf the following structures the anterior part of the head and neck rray be divided into two lateral halves by making the following incisions: a) with a knife dividing the uvula and soft palate in the median sagittal plane; b) in a similar manner dividing the cartilaginous part of the nose as far as the nasal bone as nearly as possible in the mid-sagittal plane, (before making this incision it should be ascertained whether the nasal septum deviates to either the right or left of the mid-plane, and if so, making the cut through the cartilage close to concave side of the septum and thus guarding against cutting the septum itself) ; c) with a saw cutting through the floor of the anterior part of the skull, beginning posteriorly and sawing forward making the cut pass through the hard palate and root of the nose just lateral to the nasal septum and, in line with preceding incision, through the cartilaginous part of the nose; d) with a knife dividing the tongue and soft structure in the floor of the mouth, the pharynx, larynx, trachea and any other remaining soft structure in the median sagittal plane; e) completing the division of sawing through the anterior part of the mandible in the same plane. a. General characteristic., "_ the oral cavity CHEEK-30:29 FAT BODY OF THE CHEEK*X-30:30 VESTIBULE OF THE MOUTH-30:31 MOUTH CAVITY PROPER-30:32 ORAL FISSURE-30:33 LIPS-30:34-36 LABIAL COMMISSURE-30:37 ANGLES OF THE MOUTH-30:38 PALATE-30:39 HARD PALATE-30:40 SOFT PALATE-30:41 RAPHE OF THE PALATE-30:42 b. Mucous membrane of the mouth-30:43 FRENULUM OF THE UPPER AND LO\VSR LIPS-30:44, 45 GUM-30-.46 SUBLINGUAL CARUNCLE-30:47 SUBLINGUAL FOLD-30:48 TRANSVERSE PALATINE FOLDS-30:49 INCISOR PAPILLA-30:50 c. Glands of the iaouth-3l:l Only the openings of the ducts of the following glands can be demonstrated at this stage of the dissection. SUBLINGUAL GLAND-31:8 MAJOR AND MINOR DUCTS-31:9 f 10 SUBMAXILLARY GLAHD-31:11 SUBMAXILLARY DUCT-3l:l2 PAROTID GLAND-31M3-15 PAROTID DUCT-31.-16 The following structures are usually difficult to demonstrate in an ordinary dissection: LABIAL GLANDS -3 1:2 BUCCAL GLANDS-31:3 MOLAR GLA!IDS-31:4 HEAD AND NECK 54. PALATINE GIANDS-31:5 LINGUAL GLANDS-31:6 ANTERIOR LINGUAL GLAND-31:? d. Teeth-31:lS SUPERIOR AMD INFERIOR DENTAL ARCHES-31 :45, 46 INCISOR TEETH-31:47 CANINE TEETH-31:48 PREMOLAR TEETH-31:49 MOLAR TEETH-31:50 DENS SEROTINUS-31:51 PERMANENT AND DECIDUOUS TEETH-3l:52, 53 e. Tone;ue-31:54 DORSUM OF THE TOKGUE-3l:55 ROOT OF THE TONGIE-31:56 BODY OF THE TONGUE -3 1:57 INFERIOR SURFACE-31:58, 59 LATERAL MARGIN-31:60 APEX-31 : 61 MUCOUS MEMBRANE-31:62 For the muscles and papillae of the tongue see X:7. f . Fauce-s-32:10 Isthmus of the fauces-32:ll Velum palatinum-32:12 Uvula-32:13 Palatine arches-32 :12 GLOSSOPALATINE ARCHES-32 :15 PHARYNGOPALATINE ARCHES-32 :16 5ALPIMGOPALAT1NB FOLD** -32:17 PALATINE TGHSIL-32:18 TONSILLAR CRYPTS-32:19 TONSILLAR SINUS-32:20 PLICA TRIANGULARIS-32 :2lJ SUPRATONSILLAR FOSSA-32:22 3. Soft palate and related structures A satisfactory dissection of the soft palate is made with difficulty in the ordinary Jadave material; in demonstrating its structures the soft palate should be tense by means of a hook and the mucous membrane removed from its oral and pharyngeal surfaces and from the surface of the gloss opala tine and pharyngopalatine arches. a. Muscles GLOSSOPALATINE HUSCL^ :xx -32 :27 PHARYNGOPALATINE MUSCLE xx -32 :28 SALPINGGPHARYNGEUS MUSCLE 3 " -32 : 58 UVULAE MUSCLE xx_32:2 6 IBVATOR VELI PALATINE MUSCLEXX_32 :24 Exposed by removing the wall of the pharynx between the auditory tube superiorly and the upper margin of the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle inferiorly. TENSOR VELI PALATINI MUSCLE-32:25 HEAD AND NECK 5. b. Arteries ASCENDING PALATINE ARTERY xx -47: 14 PHARYNGEAL RAM OF THE ASCSNDIHG PHARYNGEAL ARTERY xx -47:6 DESCENDING PALATINE FROM THE INTERNAL MAXILLARY ARTERY xx -47 : 62 c. Nerves PHARYNGEAL RAMI OF THE VAGUS NERVE xx -68:28 Component fibres of these rarai are derivatives of the accessory nerve. NERVE OF THE TENSOR VELI PALATINI xx -67:38 POSTERIOR PALATINE NERVE^-eViS MIDDLE PALATINE NERVE xx -67:4 4. Auditory tube-78:ll OSSEOUS PART OF THE AUDITORY TUBE-78:13 CARTILAGINOUS PART OF THE AUTORY TUBE- 78: 16 CARTILAGE OF THE AUDITORY TUBE-78:17 MEDIAL CARTILAGINOUS LAMINA-78:18 LATERAL CARTILAGINOUS LAMINA-70:19 IJEMBRANOUS LAMIHA-78:20 TUNICA MUCOSA-78 :21-23 . PHARYNGSAL OPENING OF THE AUDITORY TUBE-78:24 5. Nasal cavity a. Nasal septum-35:39 CARTILAGINOUS 3EPTUM-35:40 Exposed by removing the mucous membrane from the septum. MEMBRANOUS SEPTUM-35;41 The following structures may be demonstrated by carefully removing the cartilage and thin bony part of the septum (a small piece at a time), but retaining intact the mucous membrane of the opposite side. OLFACTORY NERVES-66:3 MEDIAL SUPERIOR POSTERIOR NASAL RAMI-66:62 NASOPALATINE NERVE-66:63 MEDIAL NASAL RAMI OF THE INTERNAL BRANCH OF THE ANTERIOR ETHMOIDAL NERVE-66:31 POSTERIOR NASAL ARTERIES OF THE SEPTUM-47:67 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR ETHMOIDAL ARTERIES -40: 6, $ Difficult to demonstrate in ordinary material. b. Cavity and lateral walls of the nose NARES-35:37 CHOANAE-35:38 VESTIBULE OF THE NOSE-35:42 VIBRISSAE-79:34 LIMEN NASI-35:43 OLFACTORY SULCUS-35:44 SUPERIOR NASAL CONCHA-35:46 MIDDLE NASAL CONCHA -3 5: 47 INFERIOR NASAL CONCHA-35:48 (CONCHA SUPREMA)-35:45 MUCOUS MSMBRANE-35:49 CAVERNOUS PLEXUS OF THE CONCHA-35:50 AGGER NASI-35:51 SPHENOETHMOIDAL RECESS-35:52 MSATUSES OF THE NOSE-35:53 ' HEAD AMD NNECK 56- SUPERIOR MEATUS-35:54 MIDDLE MEATUS-35:55 ATRIUM OF THE MIDDLE MEATUS-35:56 INFERIOR MEATUS-3S:57 COMMON MEATUS-35:5G NASOPHARYNGEAL MEATUS-35:59 RESPIRATORY REGICN-3 5 : 60 OLFACTORY REffilOM-35:61 OLFACTORY GLANDS -3 5: 62 NASAL GLANDS-a5:71 ETHMOIDAL INFUNDIB ULUIvl-3 5:60 Exposed by forcing the middle concha upwards, HIATUS SEMILUNARIS-3 5:70 BULLA ETHMOIDALIS-35:50 NASOLARCRIMAL, DUCT~75:54 Its inferior opening only. ETHMOIDAL CELLS-35:67 Only their openings are exposed. c. Paranasal simj3es-3J^;_6_3_ MAXILLARY S I NIK -3 5 : 64 ~ Its cavity is exposed by sawing upwards through the base of the zygooatic process of the maxilla and removing its lateral wall. SPHENOIDAL SINUS-35:65 FRONTAL SINUS-35:66 d. Nerves and vessels in the lateral wall of the nasal cavity OLFACTORY NERVES-6553 LATERAL NASAL RAMI OF THE INTERNAL BRANCH OF THE ANTERIOR ETHMOIDAL NERVE-66:30 Branches from the sphenopalatine ganglion: LATERAL SUPERIOR POSTERIOR NASAL RAMI-66:61 Difficult to demonstrate in an ordinary dissection. [LATERAL) INFERIOR POSTERIOR NASAL RAMi-67:i SPHENOPALATINE ARTERY-47:66 The descending palatine branch of the internal maxillary artery-47: 62, and the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries-40:6. 7, also contribute small twigs to the nasal muco-periosteum. e. Nasal cartilages-36:6 LATERAL NASAL CARTILAGE-36:9 CARTILAGE OF THE NASAL SEPTUM-36:7 See also X:5a. GREATER ALAR CARTILAGES-36:10 LATERAL CRUS-36:12 MEDIAL CRUS-3l:12 LESSER ALAR CARTILAGES-36:13 6. Larvnx-36:lC a. Cavity of the larynx-37:ll The laryngeal cartilages constituting the ground plan of the larynx are listed under subhead 6d. APERTURE OF THE LARYNX-37:13 ARYEPIGLOTTIC FOLD-37:20 CUI'ffilKORIu TUBERCLE-36:74 ' CORNICULATE TUBERCLE-36:75 INTERARYTENOID NOTCH-37:35 MEDIAN GLOSSOEPIGLOTTIC FOLD-37:26 LATERAL GLOSSOEPIGLOTTIC FOLD-37:27 HEAD AND NECK 57. EPIGLOTTIS VALLECULA-37:i2 VESTIBULE OF THE LARYNX-37:14 RIMA VESTIBULI-37:15 VENTRICULAR FOLDS-37:30 SUPERIOR APERTURE OF THE GLOTTIS-37:34 LARYNGEAL VENTRICIE:37:21 APPENDIX OF THE LARYNGEAL VENTRICLE-37:22 VODAL FOLD-37:31 MACULA FLAVA-37:32 The vocal and ventricular folds subdivide the laryngeal cavity into three subdivisions; a superior, or the vestibule , a middle subdivision corresponding to the ventricles, and an inferior subdivision inferior to the level of the vocal cords, VOCAL LIP-37:16 GLOTTIS-37;17 RIMA. GLCTTIDIS-37:10 INTERM5MBRANOUS PART-3 7:19 INTERCRTIJAGINOUS PART-37:20 INFERIOR APERTURE OF THE GLOTTIS-37:33 LARYNGEAL MUCOUS M3MBRANS-37:23 LARYNGSAL GLANDS-37:36-39 LYMPHATIC NODULES OF T LARYNX-37:40 b. Laryngeal muscles, hyothreoid and elastic membranes Having examined the relations of the thryreoid gland, ithe following structures are exposed by removing this organ together with the omohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyrecid, thyreohyoid and inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles, guarding against injury to the internal and external rani of the superior laryngeal nerve, the inferior laryngeal nerve, and the superior and inferior laryngeal arteries. HYOTHYREOID MEMBRANE-36:34 MIDDLE HYOTHYREOID LIGAMENT-36:33 LATERAL HYOTHYREOID LICAMENT-36:31 TRITICEOUS CARTILAGE-36:32 CRICOTHYREOID MUSCLE-36:70 STRAIGHT PART-3 6: 79 OBLIQUE PART-37:! POSTERIOR CRICOARYTAENOID MUSCLE-37:2 Exposed by removing the tunica mucosa from the posterior aspect of the cricoid and arytaenoid cartilages, retaining intact, however, the superior and laryngeal artery and nerve. OBLIQUE ARYTAENCID MUSCLE-37:9 ARYEPI GLOTTIC MUSCLE-3 6 : 77 TRANSVERSE ARYTAENOID MUSCLE-37:10 It is preferable to demonstrate the following muscles and the elastic membrane in only one half of the larynx, reserving the other half for the demonstration of nerves and vessels. LATERAL CRICOARYTAENOID MUSCLE-37:4 Exposed by removing the cricothyreoid muscle, naking an incision through the lamina if the thyreoid cartilage parallel to and a little to the right of the anterior ;-iedian line, dividing the right lateral hyothyreoid ligament, disarticulating the right inferior cornu of the thyroeid cartilage and completing the removal of the lamina.. THYREOARYTAENOID MUSCLS-37:C VOCAL MUSCLE-37:6 HEAD AND NECK 50. Exposed by carefully removing the lateral cricoarytaenoid muscle, THYREOEPICLOTTIC MU2 CLS-3 7 : 7 VENTRICUTAR MUSCLE-37:5 Difficult to demonstrate in an ordinary dissection. ELASTIC MEMBRANE OF THE LARYNX-37:24 Exposed by removing the vocal muscle. ELASTIC COKE-37:25 VOCAL LI GAM3NT-3 5 : 63 (3.ESAMOID CARTILAGE ) -3 6 : 64 VENTRICULAR LIGAMENT-36:62 c . L&SVngeal nerves a.nd vessels The folloTdng structures may be demonstrated in the remaining half of the larynz : INTERNAL RAMUS OF THE SUPERIOR LARYNGEAL NERVE-60:32 Its position in the piriform sinus may be determined by produc- ing a traction on the nerve external to the hyothyreoid membrane and demonstrating the fold of the laryngeal nerve-37:29 ANASTOMOTIC RAMUS WITH THE INFERIOR LARYNGEAL NERVE-68:33 INFERIOR LARYNGEAL NERVE- 68: 40 ANTERIOR RAMUS- 68: 41 POSTERIOR RAMUS- 6 '42 SUPERIOR LARYNGEAL ARTEh-46:64 INFERIOR LARYNGEAL ARTERY-48 : 50 d, iiarvngeal ca r t i lages and ligaments EPIGLOTTIS-3~6:~67 PETIOLU5 EPIGLOTTIDIS-36:68 EPI GLOTTI C TUEERCLE-3 6:69 EPI GLOTTIC CARTILAGE-36:70 THYREOEPIGLOTTIC LIGAMENT-36:71 HYOEPIGLOTTIC LIGAMENT-3 6 : 72 THYREOID CARTILAGE -3 6: 21 RIGHT AND LEFT IAMINA-36:22 PROMINENTIA LARYNGEA-3 6:16 SUPERIOR THYREOID INCISURE-36:23 INFERIOR THYREOID INCISURE-36:24 SUPERIOR THYREOID TUBERCLE-36:25 INFERIOR THYREOID TUBERCLE-36:26 \OBLIQUE LINE)-36:27 SUPERIOR CORNU-36:28 INFERIOR CORMU-36:29 (THYREOID FORAMEN) -3 6:30 CRICOTHYRESID ARTICULATION-36:40 ARTICULAR CAPSULE-36:41 CERATOCRICOID LAGAMBNTS xx -36:42^44 CRICOID CARTILAGE-36:35 The exposure of the cricoid cartilage is completed by dividing the ligaments connecting the thyreoid and cricoid cartilages and removing the thyroeid cartilage. ARCH -3 6:3 6 LAMINA-36t37 ARYTAENOID ARTICULAR SURFACE-36:38 THYRSOID ARTICULAR SURFACE-36:39 CRICOTRACIEAL LIGAMENT-36:46 CORNICULATE CARTILAGE-3 6 : 57 ARYCORNICULATE SYKCHOMDROSIS-3 6 : 58 HEAD AND NECK 59, CORNI CULOPHARYNGEAL LI GA:.ENT xx -3 6 : 61 CRI CCPHA.RYNC3AL LI GAM3NT XX -3 6 : 60 ARYTAENOID CARTI T .AGE-36:47 AP5X-36-.54 BASE-36:49 ARTICULA R SURFACE-3 6 :48 CRISTA ARC UATA xx -3 ?. : 50 COLLICULUS x "-36:5l FOVEA OBLONGA XX -S 6 : 52 FOVEA TRIANGULARIS xx -3 6 : 53 VOCAL PROCE3S-36:55 MUSCULAR PROCESS-36:56 CUNEIFORM CARTILAGE-36:73 CRICOARYTAENOID ARTICULATION-3 6:59 ARTICULAR CAPSULE-36:65 POSTERIOR CRICOARYTAENOID LIGAMENT**^ 6: 66 7. Tongue -31: 54 a. General chara c teris tics and surface anatomy DORUM OF TONCfUE-31:55 ROOT OF TONGUE -31: 56 BODY OF TONGUE-31:57 INFERIOR SURFACE-31:58 FIMBRIATED FOLD-31:59 . LATERAL MRGIN-31:60 APEX OF TONGUE-31:61 MUCOUS AEMBRAKE OR TONC-UE-31 :62 FRENULUM OF TONGUE-31:63 LINGUAL PAPILLAE-31:64 FILIFORM PAPILLAE -3 1:65 . CONICAL PAPILLAE-31:66 FUNGIFORM PAPILLAE-31:67 LENTICULAR ?AFILLAE-31:68 VALLATE PAPILLAE-31:69 FOLIATE PAPILLAE-3l:70 MEDIAL SULCU3-3l:71 TERfflNAL SULCUS-31:72 FORAMEN CAECUM-3i:73 (LINGUAL DUCT) -31: 74 THYREOGLOSSAL DUCT-31 : 75 LINGUAL TONSIL-31:76 LINGUAL FOLLICLES-3l:77 b. Muscles of the tonRv.e-32:l Preferably demonstrated in one half of the tongue only retaining the other half for ^he demonstration of nerves and vessels. GENIOGLOSSUS MUSCLE^33 :2 HYOGLOSSUS MUSCLE-32:3 CHONDROGLOSSUS MUSCLE-32 :4 STYLOGLOSSUS MUSCLE-32 : 5 The four preceding muscles may be characterized ae extrinsic and the following three muscles as intrinsic muscles of the tongue: LONGITUDINALIS SUPERIOR MUSCLE xx -32 : 6 LONGITUDINALIS INFERIOR MUSCLE xx -32 :7 TRANS VERSES LINGUAE MUSCLE xx -32 :'. ; VARTICALIS LING'UAE MUSCLE xx -32 : 9 HEAD AND NECK 60. SEPTUM OF TONGUE-31:78 p. Nerves and vessels of the tonpue LINGUAL RA'JI OF THE GLOSS OPKARYNGEAL NERVE-68:21 LINGUAL NERVE- 67:2 3 SDBLINGUAL NERVE-67:26 LINGUAL KAMI- 67:2 7 HYPOGLOSSAL NERVF.-eS^O LINGUAL KAMI- 68:64 LINGUAL ARTERY-47:8 DORSAL RAMI OF TONGUE-47:11 DEEP ARTERY OF TONGUE-47:12 8.._.._ Structures in the middle cranial fossa Incisions for removal of the dura mater; a) having secured the cut ends of the oculomotor, trochlear and trigeminal nerves as they pierce the dura an incision is made through the dura just lateral to these nerves from the anterior clinoid process to the apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone (the cut should be rcade no deeper than the thickness of the dura) , and then extended from the apex of the petrous bone backward and laterally along the superior petrosal sinus to the ^'gnoid sulcus; b) a second incision is rrade through the dura frfcm tr hv ft rnrnnnl Rnn+.-inn HEAD AND 'NECK 79. ANTERIOR POLE-73:8 POSTERIOR POLE-73:9 EQU&TOR-73:10 MERIDIANS-73:ll EXTERNAL AXIS OF EYEBALL-73 :12 INTERNAL AXIS OF EYEBALL- 73 : 13 ePTIC AXIS-73:14 (tlNE OF VISIONJ -73: 15 Ophthalmic vesicle* -73 :16 Ophthalmic cuj-73:!7 3. Tunica fibrosa oculi-73 :18 a . Sclera-73 :19 Exposed by cutting through the solera at the equator \vith a sharp knife and with a scissors carrying the incision completely around the eyeball along the line of the equator (carefully guarding against injury to the black chorioid coat) ; separating both parts of the sclera from the subjacent structures and reflecting the anterior part forwards, breaking the attachment of the ciliary muscle to its deep surface, and the separating of the posterior part by dividing the fibers of the optic nerve in a plane corresponding to the inner surface of the sclera. SULCUS SCLERAE-73:20 RIMA CORNEALIS-73 :21 SINUS VENOSUS SCLERAE-73 :22 LAMINA FUSCA-73:23 LAMINA CRIBROSA SCLERAE-73 :24 (RAPHE SCLERAE)-73:25 (FUNICULUS SCLERAE)-73:26 b. Cornea-73:27 ANNULUS CONJUNCTIVAE-73 :28 VERTEX CORNEAE-73:39 LBffiUS CORNEAE-73:30 FACIES ANTERIOR-73 :31 FACIES POSTERIOR-T?3:32 The following structures can only be adequately demonstrated in thin sections by means of a hand lens and microscope. EPITHELIUM CORNEAE-73 :? > LAMINA ELASTICA ANTERIOR-73 :34 SUBSTANTIA PROPRIA-73 :35 LAMINA ELASTICA POSTERIOR- 73 :36 ENDOTHELIUM CAMERAS ANTERIORIS-73:37 4. Tunica vasculosa oculi-73 :38 a. Chorioidea-73:3^ LAMINA SUPRACHORIOIDEA-73 :40 SPATIUM PERICHORIOIDEALE-73:41 LAMINA VASCULOSA-73:42 The vorticose vei .he-53:60, are exposed by brushing a\vay the pigmeatwith a camel's hair brush. LAMINA CHORIOCAPILLARIS-73 :43 LAMINA BASALIS-73:44 (RAPHS CHORIOIDEAE)-73:45 HEAD AND NECK 80. b. Corpus ciliare-73 ;46 CORONA CILIARIS-73 : 47 Demonstrated by making a coronal section through an eyeball slightly anterior to the equator and carefully removing the vitreous humor from the anterior segment of the eyeball. PROCESSUS CILIARES-73 :48 PLICAE CILIARES-73 :49 ORBICULARIS CILIARIS-73: 50 CILIARY MUSCLE-73:51 The following fibers require a microscope for their adequate demonstration: FIBRAE MEEIDIONALES-73:52 FIBRAE CIRCULARES-73:53 PLEXUS GANGLIOSUS CILIARIS-73 : 54 .i -Iris -73^5 5.. Exposed by cutting around the sclerocorneal junction and removing the cornea, making several meridional incisions through the anterior part of the sclera; the strips of sclera may then be separated from the ciliary muscle, bent aside and pinned to the bottom of a cork- lined tray filled with water, the iris examined and then removed for a more complete demonstration of its structure. MARGO PUPILLARIS-73:56 MARGO CILIARIS-73: 57 FACIES ANTERIOR- 73: 58 FACIES POSTERIOR- 74:1 ANNULUS IRIDIS MAJOR-74:2 ANNULUS IRIDIS MINOR- 74:3 PITCaB i?II6-74:4 PUPILLA-74:5 SPHINCTER MUSCLE OF PUPIL-74:6 STROMA IRIDIS-74:7 DILATOR MUSCLE OF PUPIL- 74: 8 PECTINATE LIGAMENT OF IRIS-74:9 SPATIA ANGULI IRIDIS-74:10 GREATER ARTERIAL CIRCLE-74:11 LESSER ARTERIAL CIRCLE-74:12 (MEMBRANA PUPILLARIS) X -74:13 d. 8iliary nerves and vessels SHORT CILIARY NERVES- 66:3 7 LONG CILIARY NERVES-66:25 SHORT POSTERIOR CILIARY ARTERIES -47: 75 LONG POSTERIOR CILIARY ARTERIES-47:76 ANTERIOR CILIARY ARTERIES-48:! VENAE VORTICOSAE-53:60 5. Pigment layer-74:14 Exposed by removing the chorioidea under water. STRATUM PIGMENTI RETINAE-74:15 STRATUM PIGMENTI CORPORIS CILIARIS-74:16 STRATUM PGIMENTI IRIDIS-74:17 6. Retina-74:18 Exposed by removing the chorioidea from eyegall from whiib the HEAD AND NECK 81. sclera and cornea have already been taken away. PARS OPTICA RETINAE-74--19 ORA SERRATA-74 :20 PARS CILIAHIS RETINAE-74:21 PAPILLA N. OPTICI-74--22 EXCA VATIC PAPILLAE N. OPTICI-74:23 MACULA LUTEA- 74:24 FOVEA CENTRALIS-74-.25 VASA SANGUINSA RETINAE-74:26-34 May be examined in the living eye with the ophthalmoscope. 7. Vitreous body-y74:38 Obtained from an eyeball which has been kept for several days without preservatives, by dividing the coats of the eye at the equator, care- fully turning back the cut edges and allowing the "eye-kernel" (vitreous body and crystalline lens) to slip out into a vessel of water; the demonstration of the hyaloid membrane, capsule of the lens, and the zonula ciliaris may also be facilitated by staining for a few minutes in strong picrocannin solution and washing in water. HYALOID ARTERY x -74:39 CANALIS HYALOIDEA-74:40 FOSSA HYALOIDEA-74:41 MEMBRANA HYALOIDEA-74:42 STROMA VITREUM- 74:43 HUMOR VTTREUS-74:44 8. Zonula ciliaris-74:59 FIBRAE ZONULARES-74:60 SPATIA ZONULARIA-74:61 Their structural characteristics may be demonstrated by in- serting the point of a fine blow-pipe into the spaces and inflating them with air. 9. Crystalline lens-74:45 Isolated for observation by cutting through the zonular libers of the zonula ciliaris and removing the lens. CAPSULA LENTIS-74:51 POLUS ANTERIOR LENTIS.-Z4:52 POLL'S POSTERIOR LENTIS-74:53 FACIES ANTERIOR LENTIS-74:54 FACIES POSTERIOR LENTIS-74:55 AXIS LENTIS-74:56 AEQUATOR LENTIS-74:5* RADII LENTIS-75:58 SUBSTANTIA LENTIS-74:46 Exposed by cutting through the anterior wall of the capsule and pressing the lens out through the opening, SUBSTANTIA CORTICALIS-74:47 NUCLEUS LENTIS-74:48 With the aid of a microscope the following structures may be dem- onstrated in a lens which has been hardened in alcohol and teased apart. FIBRAE LENTIS-74:49 EPITHELIUM LENTIS-74:50 10 > Chambers of the eyeball CAMERA OCULI ANTERIOR- 74:3 5 ANGULUS IRIDIS-74:36 CAMERA OCULI POSTERIOR-74:37 ABDOMEN AND PELVIS 82, ABDOMEN AND PELVIS I .General Characteristics 1. Subdivisions of abdomen and pelvis ABDOMEN-4:55 ABDOMINAL CAVITY-4:56 SCROBICULUS CORDIS-4:57 UMBILICUS -4: 58 FLANK-4:59 LOIN-4:60 GROIN-4:61 PELVIS-5:! PELVIC CAVITY-5:2 MONS PUBIS-5:3 HIP-5:4 BUTTOCK-5:5 ANUS-5:6 ANAL CLEFT-5:? FERINE UM-5: 8 2. Surface anatomy XIPHOID PROCESS-7:52 RIES-7:28 Anterior ends of 7th to 12th ribs. ILIAC CREST-15:18 POSTERIOR SUPERIOR ILIAC SPINE-15:24 CRISTA SACRALIS MEDIA-7:18 ANTERIOR SUPERIOR ILIAC SPINE-15:22 INGUINAL LIGAMENT-25:41 SUPERIOR RAMUS OF THE PUBIC BONE-15:50 SYMPHYSIS PUBIS-15:53 PUBIC TUBERCLE-15:44 LINEA ALBA-25:34 LINEA SEMILUNARIS.25:49 SUBCUTANEOUS INGUINAL RING-25:44 SPERMATIC CORD-40:37 ROUND LIGAMENT OF THE UTERUS-42:23 In the female, TUBER ISCHIADICUM-15:36 INFERIOR RAMUS OF THE ISCHIUM-15:35 3. Regions EPIGASTRIC REGION-83:15 HYPOCHONDRIAC REGION-83:16 MESOGASTRIC REGION-83:17 UMBILICAL REGION-83:18 LATERAL ABDOMINAL REGION-83:19 HYPOGASTRIC REGION-83 :20 PUBIC REGION-83:21 INGUINAL REGION-83:22 Regions of the back in relation to the pelvis: PERINEAL REGION-83:33 ANAL REGION-83:34 UROGENITAL REGION-83:35 PUDENDAL REGION-83:36 - ; -.- ' - . . ; - 1 : ...... - ' ' - ... ' ...." ?:' " . ' ' " .. ', .,,..; '. " ' - ' ' : ;i ABDOwEN AND PELVIS 83 II. Perireal repion 1. Surface anatomy a. Perineal region jr. general SYiviPHYSIS PUB1S-15:53 ARCUATE LIGAMENT-20:61 COCCYX-7:25 INFERIOR RAMUS OF THE PUBIS-15:49 INFERIOR RAMUS OF THE ISCHIUM-15:35 SACROTUBERCUS LIGAMENT-2 0: 49 PERINEAL RAPHE-43:18 b. Pudenda! region in the male CORPUS PE KIS -40:63- DORSUM OF PENIS-40:70 URETHRAL SURFACE-40:71 GUNS PENIS-40:72 CORONA GLANDIS -40:73 SEPTUM GLANDIS -40:74 COLLUM GLAKDIS -40:75 PREPUCE-41 :1 FRENULUk OF PREPUCE-41: 2 EXTERNAL URETHRAL ORIFICE-4l:23 SCROTUk-4l:31 RAPHE OF SCROTUi*-4l:32 c^ Puderdal region in the female kONS PUBIS-5:s FEMALE PUDENDUM-42:45 LABIUJU taAJUS PUDENDAE-42546 ANTERIOR LABIAL COMMISSURE-42 :47 POSTERIOR LABIAL COMMISSURE-42: 48 FREMJLUM OF PUDENDAL LABIA-42:49 RIMA PUDBNDI-42 : 50 FOSSA KAVICULARIS-42:51 LABIUM MINUS PUDENDI-42 : 52 VESTIBULUM VAGINAE-42 : 53 ORIFICIUM VAGINAE-42 : 57 CLITORIS-42C59 CORPUS CLITORIS-42:6l GLANS CLITORIS-42:62 FRENULUM OF CLITORIS-42 : 63 PREPUCE OF CLITORIS-42 : 64 EXTERNAL ORIFICE OF URSTHRA-42:71 HYMEN-42:29 HYlviEN CARUNCLES-42:30 2. Urogenital region: Structures external to the urogenital diaphrappi a. In the male Skin incisions (The body being in the lighotomy position): a) trans- versely between the anterior extremities of the ischial tuberosities ; bj median along the median raphe from the sacrum to the tip of the coccyx, encircling the anus. SUPERFICIAL PERINEAL FASCIA-43:45 The following structures in the compartment between the superficial nnH thp uroerpnital diaohraem are exposed by makine ABDOMEN AND PELVIS an Incision through the deeper layer of the superficial perineal fascia, beginning in the median line at the base of the scrotum and expending to the ischial tuberosity on each side, and reflecting the fascial flaps. SUPERFICIAL TRANSVERSE PERINEAL MUSCLE-43:42 ISCHIOCAVERNOSUS MUSCLE-43:43 BULBOCAVERNOSUS MUSCLE-43:44 PERINEAL ARTERY-51:19 POSTERIOR SCROTAL ARTERIES-51:20 PERINEAL NERVE-7H21 POSTERIOR SCROTAL NERVES-71:22 PERINEAL RAMI OF THE POSTERIOR FEMORAL CUTANEOUS NERVE~70:53 LYMPHATIC VESSELS ROOT OF PENIS-40:67 CRURA OF PENIS-40:69 CORPORA CAVERNOSA PENIS-41:4 The following structures are exposed by dividing the bulbocavernosus muscle in the midline and reflecting the muscle. CORPUS CAVERNOSUM URETHRAE-41 : 5 BULBUS URETHRAE-41: 6 HEMISPHERES OF BULB OF URETHRA-41;7 SEPTUM OF BULB OF URETHRA-41 : 8 b. In the female Skin incisions (The body being in the lithotomy position) : a) trans- versely between the ischial tuberosities; b) along the median line extending from the mons pubis to the tip of the coccyx, encircling the labia majora and the anal orifice, SUPERFICIAL PERINEAL FASCIA-43:45 PERINEAL ARTERY-51:19 POSTERIOR LABIAL ARTERIES- 51:21 PERINEAL NERVE-71:21 POSTERIOR LABIAL NERVES-71:23 PERINEAL RAMI OF THE POSTERIOR FEMORAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-70:53 LYMPHATIC VESSELS SUPERFICIAL TRANSVERSE PERINEAL MUSCLE-43:42 Not contant in degree of development. ISCHIOCAVERNOSUS MUSCLE-43:43 BULBOCAVERNOSUS MUSCLE-43:44 The following structures are exposed by reflecting tbs bulbo- cavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscles. BULBUS VESTIBULI-42 : 54 - ; 3LANDULA VESTIBULARIS MAJOR-42:58 CRURA CLITORIDIB-42:60 CORPUS CLITORIDIS-42:61 CORPORA CAVERNOSA CLITORIDIS-42 :66 SEPTUM CORPORUM CAVERNOSORUM-42 :67 FASCIA CLITORIDIS-42: 68 GLANS CLITCRIDIS-42:62 3. Urogenital diaphragm a. Inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm-43:37 Exposed by detaching the ischiocavernosus muscle and the crus penis (the crus clitoridis in the case of the female) from the pubic arch on each side; guarding against injury to the inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm, branches of the ' ' - I ABDOMEN AND PELVIS 85.. internal pudendal artery and the dorsal nerve of the penis (or the clitoris in the female). The inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm is removed in expos- ing the following structures situated in the compartment between the inferior and the superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm, b. Structurss in the Uro genital diaphragm in the male TRANSVERSE PERINEI PROFUNDUS MUSCLE-43:34 SPHINCTER URETHRAE MEMBRANACEAE MUSCLE-43 :3 5 ARTERY OF THE PENIS- 51: 22 ARTERY OF THE BULB OF URETHRA- 51:24 URETHRAL ARTERY-51:23 DEEP ARTERY OF PENIS- 51:2 6 DORSAL ARTERY OF PENIS- 51:27 DORSAL VEIN OF THE PENIS-55:49 DORSAL NERVE OF THE PENIS-71:24 BULBOURETHRAL GLANDS-40:62 BODY OF GLAND-40:63 EXCRETORY DUCT-40:64 MEMBRANOUS PART OR URETHRA-41:24 SUPERIOR FASCIA OF UROGENITAL DIAPHRAGM-43 :3 6 The following structures are in relationship to this fascia: ARCUATE LIGAMENT OF THE PUBIS-20:61 TRANS VERSE LIGAMENT OF THE PELVIS-43:38 S.. Structures in the Urogenital diaphragm. Ac the female TRANSVERSE PERINEI PROFUNDUS MUSCLE-43 :34 SPHINCTER URETHRAE MEMBRANACEAE MUSCLE-43 :3 5 ARTERY OF CLITORIS-51:28 ARTERY OF BULB OF VESTIBULE- 51:2 5 URETHRAL ARTERY- 51:23 DEEP ARTERY OF CLITORIS-51:29 DORSAL ARTERY OF CLITORIS-51:30 DORSAL VEINS OF THE CLITORIS-55:51 DORSAL NERVE OF THE CLITORIS-71:25 GLANDULA VESTIBULARIS MAJOR-42:58 URETHRA-42:70 SUPERIOR FASCIA OF THE UROGENITAL DIAPHRAGM-43 :3 6 The following structures are in relationship to this fascia: ARCUATE LIGAMENT OF THE PUBIS-20:61 TRANSVERSE LIGAMENT OF THE PELVIS-43:38 4. Anal region SUPEREICIAL PERINEAL FASCI/U43 :45 SPHINCTER AND EXTERNUS MUSCLE-43 :34 ANOCOCCYGEAL LIGAMENT-43:25 ISCHIORECTAL FOSSA-43:41 The fat in the ischiorectal fossa is removed in the demonstra- tion of its contents. INFERIOR HAEMORRHOIDAL NERVE-71^20 INFERIOR HAEMORRHOIDAL ARTERY- 51: 18 The following structures are in relationship to the walls of the fossa: INFERIOR FASCIA OF PELVIC DIAPHRAGM-43 :32 LEAVTOR ANI MUSCLE-43 :21 OBTURATOR FASCIA-43 :40 ' . ABDOMEN AND PELVIS 86 - The following nerve and artery are in relation to the obturator fascia: PUDENDAL NERVE-71:19 INTERNAL PUDENDAL ARTERY- 51: 17 TENDINOUS ARCH OF THE LEAVCOR ANI MUSCLE-43:22 Situated at the angle of junction of the obturator fascia and the inferior fascia of the pelvic diaphragm. OBTURATOR INTERNUS MUSCLE-26:72 UROGENITAL DIAPHRAGM-43:33 Its posterior margin only. GLUTAEUS MAXIMUS MUSCLE-26:67 Its posterior or distal margin only. SACROTUBEROUS LIGAMENT-20:49 III. Anterior Abdominal Wall 1. Fascia, cutaneous nerves and blood vessels For the surface anatomy of the abdomen, see 1:2. Skin incisions: a) longitudinally along the anterior median line from the xiphoid process to the mons pubis (encircle the umbilicus; b) from the xiphoid process transversely around the thorax as far back as possible; c) from the mons pubis laterally along the line of the inguinal ligament to the anterior superior iliac spine and then posteriorly along the iliac crest as far back as nossible. SUPERFICIAL FASCIA-23:36 Dividend into two layers toward the inferior part of the abdomen. ANTERIOR CUTANEOUS RAMI OF INTERCOSTAL NERVES-70:8 ANTERIOR CUTANEOUS RAMUS OF ILIOPHXPOGASTRIC NERVE-70:28 ILIOINGUINAL NERVE-70:29 LATERAL CUTANEOUS RAMI OF INTERCOSTAL NERVES-70:3 LATERAL CUTANEOUS RAMUS OF THE ILIOHYPOGASTRIC NERVE-70:27 SUPERFICIAL EPIGASTRIC ARTERY-51:39 SUPERFICIAL CIRCIMFLEX ILIAC ARTERY-51:40 EXTERNAL PUDENDAL ARTERIES-51:41 PARUMBILICAL VEINS-55:36 THORACOEPIGASTRIC VEINS- 54:32 SUPERFICIAL EPIGASTRIC VEIN-55:65 2. Deeper structures of the anterior abdominal wall a. Muscles and related structures OBLIQUUS EXT2RNUS A3DOMINIS MUSCLE-25:28 Exposed by the removal of the deep fascia, guarding at the same time against injury to its aponeurosis and the structures in relation to the subcutaneous inguinal ring. The following structures are in relationship with the External oblique muscle: TRIGONUM LUMBALE-25148 INGUINAL LI 65MENT-2 5 : 41 LS.CUNAR LIGAMENT-25:42 SUBCUTANEOUS INGUINAL RING-25:44 SUPERIOR CRUS-25:45 INFERIOR CRUS-25:46 ABDOMEH AND PELVIS 87': OBLIQUUS INTERNUS ABDOMINIS MU5CLE-25:29 Exposed by detaching the external oblique muscle at its origin, dividing the muscJ.e at its insertion into the iliac cest, froa the superior iliac spine carrying an incision meadialward through the apor.eurosis of the external oblique muscle to the lateral margin of 'the rectus abdominis muscle, and reflecting the external cblique muscle medialward, CREMASTERIC MUSCLF.-25:30 TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS MUSCLE-25:31 Exposed by detaching the internal oblique muscle at its origin and reflecting the muscle toward its insertion, at the same time guarding the subjacent nerves and vessels, and leaving intact the inguinal canal and its contents. LINSA SEMILUNARIS-25:49 The following nerves and vessels are in relationship throughout part of their course with the internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles. ANTERIOR RAMI OF THORACIC NERVSS-70:! ILIOHYPOGASTRIC NERVE-70:25 ILIOINGUINAL NERVE-70:29 INTERCOSTAL ARTERIES-49:59 LUMBAR ARTERIES- 50: 9 RECTUS ABDOMINIS MUSCLE-25:25 Exposed by making a longitudinal incision through the aponeurotic sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle at s. distance of about 3 cm. from the linea alba, the inferior end of each incision curving toward the symphysis pubis. TENDINOUS INSCRIPTIONS-23:37 SHEATH OF THE RECTUS ABDOMINIS MUSCLE-25:38 LINEA SIMICIRCULARIS-25:40 The following arteries are in relationship to the rectus sheath: INFERIOR EPIGASTRIC ARTERY- 51:32 SUPERIOR EPIGASTRIC ARTERY-48:47 PYRAMIDALIS MUSCLE-25-'27 LINEA AL3A-25:34 FASCIA TRAMSYERSAL!S-25:50 DEEP CIRCUMFLEX ILIAC ARTERY- 51:3 7 PERIT01EUM-43 :46 Exposed by the removal of a small portion of the fascia transversalis . b. Internal surface of the anterior abdominal wall Exposed by beginning at a point jfust above the umbilicus making three incisions through abdominal wall, two of them extending to the anterior superior iliac spine on each side, and the third passing to the right of the umbilicus and 2 cm. to the right of the linea =tlba and terminating at the superior rainus of the pubic bone. URACHUS-39:34 PLICA UMBILICALISMMSDIA-44:22 PLICA UMBILICALIS LATERALIS-44:23 PLICA EPIGASTRICA-44:24 FOVEA SUPRAVESICALIS-25:57 FOVEA INGUIMLIS M3DIA25:56 FOVEA INGUINALIS LATERALIS-25:55 ABDOMINAL INGUINAL RING-25:52 - . ABDOMEN AND F2J..VIS 38, 3. Inguinal canal, scrotum, spermtic cord and testis, a. Inguinal canal -2 5: 51 A demonstration of i'ls boundaries involves the removal of 'ohe peritoneum from the antorior abdominal wall in the region of the inguinal canal. FALX INGUINALIS-25:26 REFLEX INGUINAL LlGA?ffiNT-25:43 T b. Scrotum and sperroatic cord SCROTIM-41:31 The scrotal sac is opened and its contents exposed by making a longitudinal incision through the anterior wall of the scrotun on each side of the mid-line. RAPES OF THE SCROTUM-41 :32 SEPTUM OF THE SCROTUM-41:33 TUNICA DARTOS-41:34 SPERMATIC CORD~40:37 CREMASTERJC FASCIA-40:47 CREMASTERIC MUSCLE-40:46 (VAGINAL PERITONEAL PROCESS) -40:3 8 TUNICA VAGINALIS COMMUNIS-40:45 DUCTUS DEFERENS~40:21 INTERNAL SPERMATIC ARTERY- 50: 52 EXTERNAL SPERMATIC ARTERY-51:35 DEFERENTIAL ARTERY- 51:11 PAMPINIFORM PLEXUS OF VEINS-5:14 SPERMATIC VEIN-55:!! EXTERNAL SPERMATIC NERVE-70:35 DEFERENTIAL PLEXUS-72 :42 LYMPHATICS c. Testis-39:66 TUNICA VAGINALIS PROPRIA TESTIS-40:39 LAMINA PARIETALIS-40:40 LAMINA VISCERALIS-40:41 SINUS EPIDIDYMIDIS-40:44 In exposing the testis an incision is made through the anterior part of the lamina parietalis of the tunica vaginalis propria. SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR EXTREMITIES OF THE TESTIS-39:67, 68 LATERAL AND MEDIAL SURFACES-39:69, 70 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR MARGINS-39:71, 72 EPIDIDYI[S-40:9 SBAD, BODY AND TAIL OF SPIDIDYMIS-40:10-12 APPENDIX TESTIS-40:18 The following structures may be identified in crjss section ef the testis: TENICA ALBUGINEA-39:73 MEDIASTINUM TESTIS-89:74 SEPTULA TESTIS-39:75 LOBULES-40:! PARENCHYL f iA-40:2 For the structures of the penis see 11:1*, 2a and VJ:3a. . . -.-..- '' ' . ,: : . ABDOMEN AND PELVIS Abdominal Cavity. 1. Abdominal cavity and the peritoneum a. General characteristi cs of the abdominal cavity, viscera and per it one van In completing the opening of the abdominal cavity and demonstrating the abdominal and peritoneal relations of the following structures, the incision already made through the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall (lll:2b) is extended upward from the umbilicus to the xiphoid process, passing just to the left of the mid^-sagittal plane. LIVER-34:43 GALL BLADDER-35-.6 STOMACH-32:78 GREATER OMENTUM-43 : 70 SMALL INTESTINE-33 :2 9 LARGE INTESTINE-33 : 61 LESSER OMENTUM-43 : 64 PERrTONEUM-43:46 PARIETAL PERITONE UM-43 : 4 9 VIS CERAL PERI TONE UM-43 : 50 PERITONEAL CAVITY-43:51 b. Peritoneal folds and fossa in relation to the small and larpe intestine MESENTERY-43 : 53 ROOT OF MESENTERY-43: 54 DUODENOJEJUNAL RECESS-44:9 DUODENOJEJUNAL FOLD-44:10 GREATER OMENTUM-43: 70 MESOCOLON-43:56 TRANSVERSE MESOCOLON-43 : 57 ASCENDING MESOCOLON-43 :58 ' DESCENDING MESOCOLON-43 : 59 SIGMOID MESOCOLON-43 : 60 MESORECTUM-43 : 61 MESENTERY OF THE VERMIFORM PROCESS-43 : 62 ILEOCAECAL FOLD-44:15 SUPERIOR ILEOCAECAL RECESS-44:13 INFERIOR ILEOCAECAL RECESS-44:14 CAECAL FOLD-44:18 CAECAL FOSSA-44:16 RETROCAECAL RECESS-44:17 PARACOLIC RECESS-44:19 PHRENICOCOLIC LIGAMENT-44:! c. Peritoneal ligaments in relation to the liver, stomach and spleen FALICIFORM LIGAMENT OF LIVER-44:3 LIGAMENTUM TERES OF THE LIVER-34:56 CORONARY LIGAMENT OF THE LIVER-44:4 RIGHT AND LEFT TRIANGULAR LIGAMENTS -44: 5, 6 LESSER OMENTUM-43 : 64 HEPATOGASTRIC LIGAMENT-43 : 65 HEPATODUOPENAL LIGAMENT-43 : 66 GASTROSPLENIC LIGAMENT-43 : 68 F*ffENICOSPLENIC LIGAMENT-44 :2 ABDOMEN AND PELVIS 90. d. Omental bursa-43:71 FORAMEN EPIPLOICUM-43:77 The extend and following subdivisions of the omental bursa may be exposed by inserting the finger through the foramen epiploicum: VESTIBULE OF BUESA-43:72 SUPERIOR OMENTAL RECESS-43:73 INFERIOR OKSNTAL RECESS-43:74 SPLENIC RECESS-43:75 i e. Relations of the pelvic peritoneum RECTOVSSICAL EXCAVATION OR POUCH-44:38 PUBOVESICAL FOLD-44:25 TRANSVERSE VESICAL FOLD-44:26 The following structures relate to the female pelvis only: BROAD LIGAMENT OF THE UTERUS-44:29 RECTOUTERINE EXEAVATION OR POUCH-44:36 VESICOUTERINE EXCAVATION OR POUCH-44:37 f. Peritoneal relations in general The relations of the peritoneum in general may be traced in cross and sagittal sections of the abdomen, Some of the peritoneal rela- tions of such retroperitoneal organs as the kidney, duodenum and pancreas may be determined by palpation. 2. Mesenteric blood vessels, nerves and lynphatics SUPERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERY-50:36 Not including its origin. Exposed by removing the right layer of peritoneum of the mesentery, the inferior layer of the transverse mseocolon, and the peritoneum of the posterior abdominal wall between the root of the mesentery and the ascending colon, INTESTINAL ARTERIES-50:37 JEJUNAL ARTERIES-50:39 ILEAL ARTERIES- 50: 40 INFERIOR PANCREATICDDUODENAL ARTERY-50:38 ILEOCOLIC ARTERY- 50:41 APPENDICULAR ARTERY-50:42 RIGHT COLIC ARTERY-50:43 MIDDLE COLIC ARTERY-50:44 SUPERIOR MESENTERIC VEIN-55H7 The tributaries of the superior mesenteric vein-55:l8-25, consist of vessels corresponding to the branches of the superior mesenteric artery, together with veins from the stomach and pancreas. SUPERIOR MESENTERIC SYMPATHETIC PLEXUS- 72S-32 MESENTERIC LYMPH GLANDS-56:64 MESOCOLIC LYMPH GLANDS-56:65 INFERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERY-50:45 Demonstrated by removing the peritoneum from the posterior abdominal wall betv/een the root of the mesentery and the descending and iliac colon. LEFT COLIC ARTERY- 50:46 SIGMOID ARTERIES- 50:47 SUPERIOR HAEMORRHOIDAL ARTERY-50:48 Exclusive of its termination. . ' ' ..'. >ti 3 i- 55: 54 In the female only. MIDDLE SACRAL VEIN xx -55:38 5 . Pelvic rcuscj.ej! ^ Exposed by displacing the viscera from the lateral pelvic walls and removing any remains of the superior fascia of the pelvic diaphragm- 43:28, guarding at the same time against injury to the fifth sacral and coccygeal nerves. PELVIC DIAPKRA&M-43:20 LEVATOR ANI MUSCLE-43:21 TENDINOUS ARCH OF THE LEVATOR ANI MUSCLE-r43 :22 COCCYGSUS MUSCLE-43:23, 25:59 SACRAL PLEXUS-?0:47 LUUBCSACRAL TRUNK-70:48 SUPERIOR GLUTEAL NERVE- 70: 49 INFERIOR GLUTEAI, NERVE-70:50 POSTERIOR FEMORAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-70:51 SCIATIC NERVE-70:54 PUDENDAL PLEXUS-71:15 MIDDIS HEMORRKOIDAL NERVES xx - 71: 16 INFERIOR VESICAL NERVES xx -71:17 VAGII'iAL N3RVES XX ~71:18 In the female. PUDENDAL NERTE-71 :1 9 COCCYGSAL IER\ r E xx -71:26 PELVIC PART OF THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM- 72:15 SACRAL GA?;GLIA-72 :17 OBTURATOR FASCIA-43 :40 OBTURATOR INTERKUS k*USCLE-26:72 PISIFORMIS MUSCLB-26:71 6. Pelvic articulations LIGAMENTS OF THE PELVIC GIRDLE-20:45 OBTURATOR MEMBRANE-20:46 OBTURATOR CANAL-?. 0:47 ILIOLUMBAR LIGA!.ENT-20:48 SACROTUBEROUS LIGAi.ENT-20:49 . FALCIFORM PRQCESS-20:50 SACROSPINOUS LIGAMENT-20:5l GREATER SCIATIC FORA1^!EN-20:52 LESSER SCIATIC FORAKEN-2 : 53 ABDOMINAL AMD PELVIS 104. SACRO-II.IAC ARTICULATION-20:54 ANTERIOR SACRG-JJ'JAe LXGAMENTS-20:55 INTERCSSEOUS SACRO- ILIAC L1GAMENTS-20:56 LONG AND SHORT POSTERIOR SACRO-ILIAC LIGAMENTS-20:57, 58. SYNOVIAL CAVITY SYMPHYSIS PU3IS-20:59 SUPERIOR PUBIC IJGAMENTS-20:60 ARCUATE LIGAM3MT OF PUBIS-20:61 INTERP UBIC riBRO-GAaCrU.GS-2 : 62 Demonstrated by removing a slice of bone from the front cf the symphysis pubie. SACRO-COCCVGEAL SYMPHySIS-18:48 SUPERFI-IIAL POSTERIOR SACRO-COCCYGEAL LIGAMRNT-18:49 DEEP POSTERIOR SACRO-COCCYGEAL LIGAMENT-18:50 ANTERIOR SACRO-COCCYGEAL LIGilvENT-18:51 LATERAL SACRO-COCCYGEAL LIGAMENT-18 : 53 INFERIOR EXTREMITY INFERIOR EXTRKIITY " L ' : I. General characteristics of the inferior extremity 1. Subdivisions TEIGH-5:45 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR SURFACE-5:46,47 LATERAL AND IIEDIAL SORFACE-5:48,4r9 GLUTEAL FURRO^-BrSO KNEE-5:51 POSTERIOR SURFACE OF KNEE-5:52 PATELLA-5.-53 LEG-5:54 FOOT-5:60 For the remaining subdivisions of the leg and foot see VII: la. 2 Regions REGIONS OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY-84:15 ANTERIOR FEIORAL REGION-84:1S SUBIIRGi;ia;j,FCSA-S4r: 17 LATERAL FEJIOHAL SEflION-84:18 TROCHAKTERIC REGI01T-84:19 P08TEHIOR FEIORAL REGION-84-:20' IEEDIAL FEIORAL RBGION-84:21 ANTERIOR REGION OF THE KNEE-84:22 PATELLAR HEGION-84:23 POSTERIOR REGION OF THE SNEE*84:24 POPLITEAL FOSSA-84:25 For the remaining regions of the inferior extremity, see, Vllrlc. REGIONS OF THE BACK-83:23 Only those regions of the back are listed here \vhich ore in direct relation to the regions of the inferior extremity. REGION OF THE HIP-83:30 CSAC2AL REGIOH-flStSl GLUTEJi RGION-83:32 PERINEAL REGION-83:33 II. G lute o.l region 1. Surface Anatomy "NATES-5:5 ANAL CLEFT-5:? COCCYX-7:25 . INFERIOR EXTREMITY 106 ' CREST OF THE ILIULI-15 : 18 CANTERIOR SUPERIOR ILIAC S?INS-15:22 POSTERIOR SUPERIOR ILIAC SPIWE-15:24 GLUTEAL SULCUS~5:50 TUBEROSITY OF ISCHIU1I-15:36 GREATER TROCHAKTER-iG: 2 2: Fascia and cutaneous nerves Skin incisions: a) from the posterior superior iliac spine along the iliac crest a.s far forward as possible; b) from the post- erior extremity of (a) obliquely' distally and medially to the middle line of the sacral region, thence distally to the tip of the coccyx; c) from the tip of the coccyx distally and laterally, crossing the middle point of the gluteal sxxlcus, to the junction of the niddle and proximal thirds of the thigh, SUPERFICIAL FASCIA-23:36 SUPERIOR CLUNIAL KEKVES-70:15 1IIDDLE CLUNIAL 1TERVES-70:21 LATERAL CUT.WSOUS RAL3JS OF THE ILIOHYPOGASTRIC NERVE-70:27 LATERAL CUTANEOUS RAI.IUS OF THE T.7ELFTH THORACIC NERVE-69:76 I1TFERIOR CLUNIAL 1IERVES-70:52 PERINEAL RA!:I OF THE POSTERIOR FENORAL CUTANEOUS NERVE- 201 70:53 DEEP FASCIA-43:32 3. Glutaeus rnaxiiois muscle GLUTAEUS ILAXr.IUS 1.IUSCLI3-26: 67 TROCHMTERIC BURSA OF THE GLUTAEUS 1I/JCIIIUS !IUSCLE-28:53 GLUTAEOFE.IORAL BURS.^-29 : 5 SCIATIC BURSA OF THE GLUTAEUS 1IAXI1BJS :!USCLE- XX 29:6 4. Structures exposed by the reflection of the glutaeus maximus muscle Demonstrated by separating the glutaeus maximus muscle from the underlying structures, detaching it at its origin and re- flecting it toward its insertion; at the same time exposing and cutting its nerve and vascular supply, but leaving intact the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, sacrotuberous ligament and perineal region. a. Structures distal to the piriformis muscle INFERIOR GLUTSAL TJERVE-70 : 50 INFERIOR GLUTEAL ARTERY-SI:^ POSTERIOR FEIIORAL CUTANEOUS V -N^RVE-70: 51 SCIATIC NERVE-70:54 INTERNAL PUDEKDAL ARTERY-51:17 PUDEEDAL NERVE-71:19 NERVE TO THE OBTURATOR INTERNUS ilUSCLE PIRIFOR1IIS I3JSCLE~26:71 OBTURATOR INTERNUS :JJSCLE-26:72 SUPERIOR .MID INFERIOR GEtSLLI lIUSCLES-26:73,7.-16 : 54 COIIHON PEHOI\[EAL NEHVE-70:56 Fascia, superficial nerves and vessels Skin incisions: :.) ?.cr-- v i j -,u''.inp.?.lv for about 20 cm. along the middle line of the posterior region of the knee, extending about 10 cm. distal and to the line of the articulr. \\?TH of the knse; b) transversely at eKoh end of the pre- ceding incision, '; EXTREMITY 108 - SUPSKFICIAL ?:.?:: j>-23:3C POSTERIOR FEIORAL CUTANEOUS NERVE- 70. -51 Terminal branches only . SHALL S/JHEBODS VEIF-56:! FEH8ROFOPLITEAL VEIN- 56: 2 DEEP FASCIA-27:70 3. Popliteal space; large nerves and vessels Exposed by making a longitudinal incision through the deep fascia in the middle line of the popliteal space, reflecting the fascia and demonstrating the structures irith a minivavm of dissection. TIBIAL HEriVE-70:68 CCO: ION PERONEAL HEHVE-70:56 POSTERIOR F~.iOR.-J, CUTANEOUS NEEVE-70:51 POPLITEAL ARTERY51:S3 Popliteal space medial jndle.terr.lboxrndr.ries BICEPS ;iC SE ;iTEIJDI:-IOSU? I iUSCLE-27 : 16 SEii;:E:iERAi!OS T JS IIUSCLE-27: 15 LATERAL HEAD OF GASTHOCFATiTU;?. IiUSCLIJ-27: 24 1ILDIAL HEAD OF GASTEOCHE.IIUS iIUSCLI>27:25 PLANT ARIS r iUSCLE-27 : 29 5. Contents of the popliteal spr-ce aHerTCE POSTERIOR FF.IORAL CUT IICOTJ^ Ui:irJT:-70:51 TIBIAL I-T53VE-70:68 MDSCfDLSa RA;I-70:69 iiEDIAL SURAL CUT PITEOUS N3RVE-71:2 Il'TjilOSSEOUS CPJJR/i IT2EVE-71:! A?A 1 7.C T JL.:!2 RA'I TO TJFZE JOIJIT COI'EiOF PSRONE/i HERVE-70:56 LAT^R/i SURAI- CTJT.JT30US FERVZ-70:58 PEI!01 T EAL AII.'STOIICTIC RAIUS-70:59 ARTICULAR R/>HI TO 1J5EE JOI1TT A genicxrlar ramu^ of the obtruator nerve may be present. b Blood vsssels r.ncl lymph r.t leg POPLITE.'i ."RTERY-51:6 3 SUPERIOR LATERIAL GEHICULAS AT.T"?. Y- 51:56 MIDDLE G13KICULAR ARTERY-51:6S INFERIOR LITERAL GEI^ICULAS ARTERY-51:S8 SURAL ARTERISS-51:S7 POPLITE.'L VEIFS-5S:d- POFLITEAL LYIPE GLAJIDS-57:5 S. Floor of the popliteal spr.ce POPLITEAL SURFACE OP FEMUR-16:15 OBLIQUE POPLITEAL LIGAIEHT-21:15 Associated fith it is the fascia of popliteus iauscT.' II-TPT-LIOL. B3J .: : T_Y 109. IV. Posterior Part of the Thigh 1. Fascia and cutaneous nerves Skin incision: longitudinally through the slcin remaining on the back of the thigh. SUPERFICIAL FASCIA-23:36 POSTERIOR FE IDEAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-70:51 Teminc.l rani. ANTERIOR FEI'IORAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-70.-42 Medial terminal romi only. CUTANEOUS RAMUS OF THE' OBTURATOR NERVE-70:39 DEEP FASCIA-27:49 2. Muscles ""BICEPS FE.10RIS :iUSCLE-27:ll LONG HEAD-27:12 SHORT HEAD-27:13 SEIIIIEHBRAHOSUS 1IUS CLE-27 : 15 BURSA OF S2 r riEl!BR.^OSUS IIUSCLE-29 : 26 3. Nerves and blood vessels POSTEROIR FEMORAL CUTAHEOUS ER7E-70:51 ISCHL'UDIC !!EHVE-70:54 !IDSCULAB RAi.n-70:55 FIRST PERFORATING ARTEHY-51:55 SECOFD PERFORATING ARTERY-51:55 THIRD PERFORATING ARTERY-51:56 PERFOMTINCr VEINS-55:73 FSIOROPOPLITEAL VEIN-56:8 _ V. Anterior Part of the Thigh 1. Surface anatomy AlITERIOR SUPERIOR ILIAC SPIWE-15:22 SYilPEYSIS PUBIS-20:59 INGUINAL LIG,VIEI>JT-25:41- PUBLIC TUBERCLE-15:44 PUBLIC ARCH-15:54 INFERIOR Ri'JJUS OF THE PUBIS-15:49 IHFEEIOR RA'EJS OF THE ISCHIUiI-15:35 TUB3ROSITY OP THE ISCH!UM-15:36 GREATER TROCHAKTER OF THE FEMUR-16:2 PATELLA-16:59 IIEDIAL CONDYLE OF THE FE.IUR-16:16 LATERAL COBDYLE OF THE FEHJR-16:17 no - 2 . Regions in relation te the anteriot aspect of tho thigh ANTERIOR 7F.:02?:58 FE IORAL ARTERY-51 : 3C SUPEEFICL\L EPIGASTRIC ARTERY-51: 39 SUPERFICIAL CIRCUMFLEX ILIAC ARTERY-51: 40 EXTERNAL PUDERDAL /iRTSRIES-51:41 INGUINAL HAin *51:44 ' DEEP FU IORAL ARTSRY-51t45 1IEDIAL CIRCUTiPLEX FEIORAL ARTERY-51:46 LATERAL CIRCTOIFLEX FHIORAL ARTERY-51: 50 PEEJORAL VEIN-55:61 SUPERFICIAL EPIGASTRIC VBIN-56:65 SUPERFICIAL CIRCDIJPLEX ILIAC VEIH-55:68 EXTERNAL PUDENDAL 7EIWS-55t64 GREAT SAPHENOUS VEIN-55:66 ACCESSOPY SAPEEKCUS VEIN-55:67 112 DEEP FE IDEAL VEINS-55:72 I.3DIAL CIRCU!IFLEX FEiIORAL VEINS-55:69 LATERAL CIRCUMFLEX FEIORA1 VEINS-55:70 LU!!BOINGUIWAL NERVE-70 : 34 LATERAL FEICHAL CUTANEOUS 1IERVE-70:36 FS.IORAL !.JE!!VI>70 :<:<;! The following muscles are in relation to the floor and medial and lateral boundaries, of the trigone: ADDUCTOR LONGUS IIUSCLE-27:5 PECTINEUS }IUSCLE-27:4 ILIOPSOAS tIUSCLE-26:63 SARTORIUS I IUS ULE-2 6 : 76 - FOSSA ILIOPECTIUEA-27:60 6 Adductor canal and its contents ADDUCTOR CAWAL-27:53 Exposed by.malcing a longitiadinal incision through the fascia lata remaining on the distal tvo-thirds of . the. anterior aspect of the thigh and reflecting the fascial flaps laterally and medially, but leaving intact the iliotibial tract; contents demonstrated by a longitu- dinal inci&ion through the fibrous anterior wall of the canal. FErlORAL ARTEBY-51 : 38 ART3RIA GEEU EUPRRIA-51:59 S APHENOTJS PAIFJS-5 1 : 61 HUSCUL.VR R.'I!I-51 : 60 ARTICULAR ffiiHI-51:62 FHIOPulL VEBT-35:611 SAPHWOUS NERVE-70:44 TENDINOUS ADDUCTOR][ OPEJTIKG-27:E4 7, Lfuscles of the front of the thigh SARTORIUS liUSCLB-26:76 TENSOR FASCIAE LATAE !lUSCLE-26:70 ILIOTIBI-'i TR,1CT-27:50 LATERAL IlTTEEiKJSCULu'Ji SEPTUII OF THE THIGH-27:51 MEDIAL IKTERFroSCOLAE SEPTTOI OF THE THIGH-27:52 v QUADRICEPS FEIORIS I!USCLE-26:77 RECTUS FEIORI5 ;.rUSCLE-26:78 ' . . BURS A OF RECTUS FfllORIS liaSCLE^-29:7 VASTDS LATERALIS MUSCLE-26:79 VASTUS IJEDL'ilS lID3CLE-27:2 V/JSTUS INTEEIEDIUS MUSCLE-27:1 , Exposed by making a transverse incision through the middle of the rectus femoris nusclo and reflecting the distal end. XTRSi.ITY 113 ' ARTICULARIS GENU MUSCLE- 27:3 Exposed by making a longitudinal incision through the vastuc s intermedius muscle. COMMON TEUDOII C? TITE QUADRICEPS-SFEMORIS MUSCLE-26:77 HE-DIAL PATELL-'.R RETINACUIDli21:19 LATERAL PATELLA?. RET II-iACULUi 1-21:20 VI. Medial Side of the Thigh 1. Uuuolc.2, nerves and vessels ADDUCTOR LONGUS :!USCLE-27:5 DEE? F2. r O?.:.L T,TSRY-51:45 EOTosed.lfy 'da'ia.ohirig the psetincus nusclo. at its or- igin =d reflectpng it tor.rr.rd its insertion, guc.rding, c.t the same tine, the anterior ramus of the obturator nerve. FIRST PERFORATING ARTERY-51:53 SUPERIOR I1UTRIE1IT ?SIOR;i ARTERY-51:54 3EC01T) PISFOH/iTING ARTERY-51:55 THIRD PERI-'OR,1TIUG ;JITSRY-51:5S II-TFEP.IOR NUTRIENT Fn-iOPJi .'JJTERY-51:57 PECTIHEUS IIUSCLE-27:4: PECTI1TEAL FASCL>27:61 IURSA OF PECTINEUS KUECLE :CX -2S : 1C UEDI/iL CinCUIIFLEX FEMORAL /ARTERY-SI :46 Exposed by detaching the pectineus muscle at its or- igin and reflecting it toward its insertion* SUPERFICIAL RAMUS-51:47 DEEP RAMUS-51:48 ACETABULAR RA;.rUS-51:49 ADDUCTOR BREVIS MUSCLE-27:? OBTURATOR NERVE-70:37 POSTERIOR RA!JS-70:40 E>rposed by detaching the adductor brevis muscle t its origin and reflecting it toward its insertion- ANTERIOR RAMUS-70:58 CUTANEOUS RA!.IUS-70:39 GRACILIS ;iUSCLE-27:6 PF.OPKR EUR3A OF SARTORIUS IIUSCLE-29:19 BURSA A1TSERINA-29:20 ADDUCTOR MINIMUS T.JSCLE-27:9 ADDUCTOR 1IA.GNUS LiUSClE-27_:8 TENDINOUS [ADDUCTORJ OPEN iNG-2 7:54 The following structures are demonstrated by detaching the adductor minimus and magnus muscles at their origins and reflecting the*n toward their insertions. OBTURATOR EXTERNUS I!USCL-27:10 PSOAS 1-lAJOL TiJSCLE-26:65 ILIAC !IUSOLE-26:64 INFERIOR EXTREMITY OBTURATOR ARTEP.Y--50 ; 64 Demonstrated by the removal of the obturator externus musu]e bit by bit. ANTERIOR RAMU3-50:6S P GSTSR jiGR TJ, MUS - 50 : 67 ART3RY CF TFg ACSTABDLDM-50:G6' VH. Hip Joint . 1. Structures in relation to the hip joint remonstrated by severing the femoral artery, vein and nerve, detaching the iliopsoas muscle at its insertion, dividing the sartorius muscle near its origin and re-fleeting these structures together with the tensor fasciae latae musc3.e and exposing the capsule of the hip joint. ILIOPECTINEaL fiijR3A-29:8 BURSA OF KECTUS FEMORIS MUSCLEXX>29 :7 SUBTEITDINOUS ILIAC BDRSA-29:9 AETICULA? CAPSULL-20:64 ILIOFEMCRAL LIGAMENT-20 : 69 ISCHIOCAPSULAR LIGAMENT -2 1 : 1 '.: PUBOCAPSULAR LIGA!ffiWT-21:2 ZONA CBBICOIAEIS-20:8 GLEITOID LIP-20:65 TRANSVERSE LIGAI-EKT OF ACSTABULDM-20:66 LIGAMENTUM TERES FfflORIS-20167 SYNOV IAL MEMBRANE -18:32 VIII. Leg and Foot 1. General Characteristics a. Subdivisions of lep an^ font LEG-5:54 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR SDRFACES-5:55,56 CALF5:57 MEDIAL AND LATERAL MALLEOLI-5 :58,59 FOOT- 5: 60 TARSUS -5: SI METATARSUS-5:82 DORSmi AND SOLE OF FOOT-5:63,64 MEDIAL AND LATERAL MARGINS -5 :65,66 HEEL-5.-67 DIGITS OF FOOT-5:68 HALLUX-5 : 69 DIGITS II-IV-5.-70 SI.1ALLE3T DIGIT-5:71 DORSAL AND PLANTAR SDRFACES-5:72,73 IffiDIAL AND LATERAL MARGINS -5: 74, 75 INFEP.TOP E7TRFMITY H5- b. Surf ace anatomy TOBEROSITY OF THE TIBIA-16:32 ANTERIOR CREST OF THE TI3IA-16:37 MEDIAL MARGIN 0? THE TIBIA-16:36 MEDIAL SURFACE OF :!!% !TIBIA-16:33 LATERAL MALLEOLU? -16:57 MEDIAL MALLEOLUS-16:40 TUBEROSITY OF T*3E NAVICDLAR-17:23 TDBEROSITY OF THE FIFTH I.IETATARSAL BONE-17:36 c. Regions ANTERIOR CRURAL REGION-84 r26 POSTERIOR CRURAL EEGION-84:27 SUEAL R2GION-84.-28 LATERAL AND MEDIAL CRURAL REGIONS-84:29,30 LATERAL MAI.LEOLAR REGION-84:31 MEDIAL MALLEOLAR REGION-84:32 LATERAL AND MEDIAL FETROMALLEOLAR REGIONS-84:33,34 CALCANEAL REGION-84:35 DORSAL AND PLANT/.R REGIONS OF FOOT-84:36,37 DIGITAL REGIONS OF FOOT-84:38 DORSAL DIGITAL REGION8-84:39 UNGUICULAR R2C-IONS-84:40 PLANTAR DIGITAL REGIONS OF FOOT -84: 41 2. Anterior region of leg and dor sum of foot a. Superficial fascia, cutaneous nerves and veins Skin incisions; a) longitudinally -"along the median line of the leg and dorsuzn of the foot to the base of the middle toe; b) transversely across the ankle; c) transversely across the dor sum of the foot at the bases of the toes; d) a medial longitudinal incision along the dorsal surface of each digit. SUPERFICIAL FASCIA-23:36 DORSAL DIGITAL VEINS OF FOOT-56:15 INTERCAPITULAR VEINS-56:!! COMMON DIGITAL VEINS OF FOOT-56:9 DORSAL VENOUS ARCH OF FOOT-56.-8 DORSAL CUTANEOUS VENOUS NETWORK OF FOOT -56: 7 SMALL SAPBENOUS VEIN-56:! Origin only. GREAT SAPHENOUS VEIN-55:66 Origin only. SAPHENOUS NERVE-70:44 MEDIAL CUTANEOUS RAMI OF LEG-70":46 LATERAL SURAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-70:58 Terminal rami only, SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL NERVE-70:60 DEEP PEROIffiAL NEP^7E-70:65 Terminal rami only. DORSAL DIGITAL HERVES-?0:64 LATERAL DORSAL CUTANEOUS KERVE-71:5 INFERIOR EXTREMITY 116, b-Deep .fascia DEEP FASOlT OF THE LEC-27:70 TRANSVERSE CRURAL LIGA!GNT-27:73 DORSAL FASCIA 0? FCOT-CS:! CRUCIATE LIC-A1-I3NT OF' TR3 LEG-27':75 SUPERIOR PERCNEAL RETlNACULUM-27:76 INFERIOR PEROHEAL REHNACULUM-27:77 ANTERIOR FIBULAR SEPTUM-27:7I POSTERIOR FIBULAR SEPTUM-27:72 c. Muscles in the anterior region of leg Exposed oy making a longitudinal incision through the deep fascia en the front of the leg, extending from the knee to ths transverse crural ligament and reflecting the deep fascia, but retaining intact the transverse and cruciate crur a 1 ligaments . TIBIALI3 ANTERIOR MUSCLE-27:16 EXTENSOR DIGITORUM LONGUS MUSCLE-27:177 EXTENSOR HALLUCIS LONGUS MUSCLE-27:19 PERONEUS TERTIU3 MUSCLE-27:18 .VAGINA TENDINIS MUPCULI TIBIALIS ANTERIORIS-29:29 VAGINA TENDINIS MU3CULI EXTENSORIS HALLUCIS LONGUS-29:30 VAGINA TENDINIS MUSCULI EXTENSORIS DIGITORUM PEDIS LONGI- 29:31 d.Arteries ANTERIOR TIBIAL ARTERY-52:! Exposed by separating the extensor digitorum longus from the tibialis anterior muscle. ANTERIOR TIBIAL RECURRENT ARTERY-52 :3 Origin only.' LATERAL ANTERIOR MALLEOLAR ARTERY-52 :4 MEDIAL ANTERIOR MALLEOLAR ARTERY-52 :5 MEDIAL MALLEOLAR NETWORK-52:6 LATERAL MALLEOLAR NET170RK-52:? PERFORATING RAMUS OF THE PERONEAL ARTERY-52: 20 Termination only. DORSAL ARTERY OF FOOT-52 : 8 LATERAL TARSAL ARTERY-52: 9 MEDIAL TARSAL ARTERIES -52 -.10 ARCUATE ARTERY-52: 11 DORSAL NETWORK OF FOOT -52: 12 DORSAL METATARSAL ARTERIES-52 :13 DORSAL DIGITAL ARTERIES -52: 14 DEEP PLANTAR RAMUS-52:15 e. Nerves DEEP PERONEAL NERVE-70:65 MUSCULAR RAMI-70:66 DORSAL DIGITAL NERVES TO LATERAL SURFACE OF HALLUX AND TO MEDIAL SURFACE OF DIGIT 11-70:67 SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL NERVE-70-.60 MUSCULAR RAMI-70:61 EEDIAL DORSAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-70:62 INTERMEDIATE DORSAL CUTANEOUS NERVE-70:63 DORSAL DIGITAL NERVES OF THE FOOT-70:64 INFERIOR ^xr^iiTY 117< f. Muscles of the dor sum of the foot EXTENSOR HALLUCIS BHZVIS MUSCLE-27 : 34 EXTENSOR DIGITORUM EREVIS MUSCLE-27: 35 Exposed by dividing the tendons of the muscles on the front of the leg at the level of the transverse cru- ciate ligament and reflecting the tendons toward their insertion. DORSAL INTEROSSEOUS MUSCLES-27:47 Demonstrated by dividing the tendons of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle and reflecting the muscle toward its origin; completing, at the same time, the exposure of the lateral tarsal artery, arcuate artery, and terminal rami of the dagip peroneal artery. > ! 3. Lateral or peroneal region of leg a. Deep fascia and muscles '^ANTERIOR FIBULAE UTERi-iUSCULAE SEPTUM-27:71 Demonstrated by making a longitudinal incision through the deep fascia of this region and reflecting the fascia, retaining intact, however, the peroneal retin- acula. POSTERIOR FIBULAE IHTEEMOSCULAR SEPTUM-27:72 PERONEDS LONGUS MUSCLE-2?:20 PERONEUS BREVIS MUSCLE-27: 21 SUPERIOR RETINACULUM OF THE PERONEAL MUSCLES-27:76 INFERIOR RETMACULUM OF THE PERONEAL MUSCLES-27.-77 COMMON SHEATH OF TENDONS OF THE PERONEAL MUSCLES-29.-35 SUBCUTANEOUS BURSA OF THE LATERAL MALLEOLUS-29:27 b. Nerve s COMMON PERONEAL SERVE-70-.56 SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL MEEVE-70.-SO MUSCULAR RA!.!I-70:61 DEEP PERONEAL KERVE-70:65 4 Medial region of leg GREAT SAPHENOUS VEIN-55:66 SAPHENOUS NERVE -70:44 INFRAPATELLAR RAMUS-70:45 MEDIAL CUTANEOUS RAMI OF LEG-71:46 TENDONS OF INSERTION OF THE SARTOR IUS,GRACILIS AND SEMI- TEND INOSUS MUSCLES. TIBIAL COLLATERAL LIGAMENT OF KNEE JOINT-21-.14 MEDIAL INFERIOR GENICULAR /.RTERY-51i;69 5 Posterior region of leg and heel a. Fascia, superficial veins and cutaneous nerves Skin incisions: a) longitudinally in the middle line of the leg from the popliteal space to the heel; b) transversely at the distal end of (a) and extending 5 cm. along the medial and lateral margins of the foot. SHALL SAPHENOUS VSIN-56:! GREAT SAPEEiroUS VSIK-55:66 SURAL NEHVE-71:3 MEDIAL SURAL CUTANEOUS NEEVE-71:2 PERONEAL ANAST01-TCTIC 3A!.EJS-70:59 LATERAL SUPAL CUTANZCUS IIE3VE-70: 58 POSTEHIOPu FF:'IO?,VL C'J^/HEOUS ITERVS-70 : 51 MEDIAL CRURAL CUTANEOUS RA1II OF THE SAPHENOUS NERVE-70:46 ANTERIOR FEKORAL CUTANEOUS NERVES -70: 42 Medial terminal rami orly. DEEP FA3CIA-27:74 LACINIATE LIGAliENT-27 : 74 b. Muscles; superficial group Exposed" by~ dividing" tHe^cteep fascir. in the median line from the popliteal fossa to the hoel and reflecting the fascia, but retaining intact the lacinate ligament. TRICEPS JRJSCLE OF THE CALF-27:22 GASTROCNErllUG MOSCLE-27 : 22 LaiSlAL HEAD-27:24 MEDIAL HE,'vD--27:25 LATERAL BURSA OF GASTROCNE IIUS !iUSCLE-29 : 24 iiEDIAL SURSA OF GASTROCNEUIUS IIUSCLE-29:25 SOLEUS l?JSCLE-27:26 Expoqocl by detaching the gastrocnemius ?.t its c.ttrLch- ment to the calcaneal tendon and reflecting it proxinally. TENDINOUS .'JJCH 0? THE SOLEUS lTOSCLE-27:27 PLAKTARIS 1TUSCLE-27 : 29 CALCANE/iL TE1TDON (OF ACHILLES)-27:28 SUBCUTAIJjSCUS CALCANE.IL BURSA-28:2S BURSA OF CALCAHEAL TENDOH-2&:40 Demonstrated by dividing the calcaneal tendon a few centimeters from its insertion and reflecting tho tendon. c. Muscles: deep group Structures exposed by detaching the soleus muscle ct its or- igin from the tibia, separating it fron the tendinous r.rch, reflecting the muscle laterally, :&& making a longitudinal incision through the deep transverse fascia or septun be- tween the superficial and deep group of muscles of the back of the leg. POPLITEUS HOSCLE-27:SO BURSA OF POPLITEUS IJUSCLE-29:22 FLEXOR DIGITORIUH LONGUS MUSCLS-27:32 SHEATH OF TENDONS OF FLEXOR DIGITORUH LOKGUS l!USCLE-29:32 TIBL"-LIS POSTERIOR IIUSCLE-27: 31 SHEATH OF TENDON OF TIBL'ilS POSTERIOR HDS CLE-29 : 33 FLEXOR HALLUCIS LOHGUS ;IUSCLE-27:3S SHRITH OF TENDON OF FLEXOR HALLUCIS LONGUS M08CLE-29:34 d./irteries POPLITlL'i ARTERY-51:63 Termination only. ANTERIOR TIBIAL /^TERY-52:1 Origin only. POSTERIOR TIBIAL RECURRENT ARTISY-52:2 INK21IGR 3XTREMITY 119. ANTERIOR TIBIAL LYMPH GLAND-57:6 POSTERIOH TIBIAL AHTERY-52:16 FI3ULAR RAMUS-52:17 PERONSAL ARTERY-52:18 mTRIEiI? AP.TERY OF THE FIBUIA-52:19 PIJPfCEATINO RAMU3-52:20 CCTlUjTlCATZ'G RAMUS-62 :21 LATERAL POSTERIOR MALLEOLAR ARTERY-52-.22 LaT3RAL CALCANEAL RAMI-52:23 NUTRIENT ARTERY OF THE TIBIA -52: 24 MEDIAL POSTERIOR MALLEOLAR ARTERY-52:25 MEDIAL CALCA1TEAL RAMI-52:26 NETWORK OF HEEL-52:27 e. Nerves "TIBIAL KERV2-70:G8 M03CULAR RA.MI-70:69 INTF.ROSSEOUS NERVE OF LEG-71:! Mp:DIAL SURAL CUTANEOUS NEP.VE-71:2 SDRAL NERVE-71:3 f.Laciniate ligament -2 7; 74 6. Plantar rpgion of the foot a. Fascia and superficial veins ~STih incisions: a) "longitudinally along the middle line of the sole; "b) transversely across the sole at the clefts of the toes; c) longitudinally along the middle line of each toe. SUPERFICIAL FASCIA -23: 36 DIGITAL PLANTAR VEINS-56:16 PLANTAR VENOUS ARCH-56:13 INTERCAPITULAR VEINS-56:!! PLANTAR VENOUS NETWORK-56 : 12 MEDIAL CALCANEAL RAMI OF THE TIBIAL NERVE-71:6 PLANTAR APONEUROSI 5-28:2 TRANSVERSE FAS ICULI-28 : 3 btuaoleay auperficlal. layer ABDUCTOR HALLUCIS MUSCLE-27:36 FLEXOR DIGITORUM BREVIS MUSCLE-27:44 VAGINAL LIGAMENT-28:6 ANNULAR LIGAMSUT-28:5 CRUCIATE LIGAMEST-28.-7 DIGITAL SHEATHS OF TENDONS OF FOOT-29:44 ABDUCTOR DIG IT I QUINTI MUSCLE-27:41 c. Plantar arteries Exposed by detaching the preceding muscles at their origins and reflecting them toward their insertions (noting at the same time their nerve supply). MEDIAL PLANTAR ARTERY-52:28 SUPERFICIAL RAMUS-52:30 DEEP RAMUS-52:29 LATERAL PLANTAR ARTERY-52:31 INFERIOR EX r ?E?-IITY 12 - d. Plantar Nerves MEDIAL PLANTAR NEHVE-71:? COMMON DIGITAL PLANTAR NERVES -71: 8 PROPER DIGITAL PL/.NTAR NERVES-71:9 LATERAL PLANTAR NERVE-71:10 SUPERF 1C IAL, EAIvIUS -71:11 COMMON DIGITAL PLANTAR NERVES-71:12 PROPER DIGITAL PLANTAR NERVES-71:13 e. Muscles; second layer of muscles and tendons TENDONS OF THE FLElcOH DIGITORUM LONGUS MUSCLE-27:32 QUADRAT US PLANTAE MUSCLE-27:45 LUMBR ICALES HUS C LES -2 7 : 46 BURSAE OF LUMEH ICALES MUSCLES-29:43 TENDON OF THE FLEXOR K2.LLUCIS LONGUS MUSCLE-27:33 f. Muscles; third layer Exposed by" dividing the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus muscles, the heads of the quadratus plantae muscle, and the plantar vessels and nerves near the os calcaneum and reflecting these structures distally (noting at the same time the nerve supply to the lumbricales muscles) . FLEXOR HALLUCIS BREVIS MUSCLE-27:37 ADDUCTOR HALLUCIS MU3CL3-27:38 OBLIQUE HEAD--27:39 TRANSVERSE HE/;D-27:40 FLEXOR DIGITI QUINTI BREVIS MUSCLE-27.-42 OPPOKSNS DIGITI QUINTI !.!USCLE-27:4S g. Plantar arch and deep division of the lateral plantar nerve Demonstrated \>y deta'ching the flexor hallucis brevis muscle and the oblique head of the adductor hallucis muscle at their origins and reflecting them distally (identifying at the same time the nerve supply of the latter muscle). PLANTAR ARCH- 52: 32 PLANTAR METATARSAL ARTERIES-52 : 33 PERFORATING RAMI-52:34 DIGITAL PLANTAR ARTERIES-52 : 35 DEEP BRANCH OF LATERAL PLANTAR NERVE-71:14 hInterosseous muse les and deep tendons "'TRANSVERSE LIGAI-ffiN'JT OF THE HEADS OF THE METATARSAL BONES- 22:21 PLANTAR INTEROSSEOUS MUSCLES -2 7-. 4 8 DORSAL INTEROSSEOUS MUSCLES-27:47 TENDON OF TIBIALIS POSTERIOR MUSCLE-27:31 TENDON OF PERONEUS LONGUS MUSCLE-27-:-20 PLANTAR SHEATH OF TENDON OF PERONEUS LONGUS MUSCLE- 29:41 7. Articulations of the leg and foot a. KNEE JOINI-21.-3 ARTICULAR CAPSULE-21:4 FIBULAR COLL/.TERAL LIGAIffiNT-21: 13 INFERIOR EXTREMITY . 121. TIBIAL COLLATERAL LIGAM3NT-21: 14 OBLIQUE POPLITEAL LIGAMENT -21:16 ARCUATE POPLITEAL LIGAMENT -2 1:16 LIGAMENT OF THE PATELLA-21: 18 MEDIAL PATELLAR RET IWJULDM-2 1:19 LATERAL PATELLAR Fl,TniACULUM-21:20 The following structures may be exposed by making a longitu- dinal incision or. either side of the patella and patellar ligament, dividing the quadriceps extensor muscle about 8 cm. above the patella, and reflecting the patella and common extensor tendon die-tally. PATELLAR SYNOVIAL FOLD-21:!! DEEP INFRAPATELLAR BURSA-29:17 \ LATERAL MENISCU3-21:5 MEDIAL MENISCUS~21:6 TRANSVERSE LIGAMENT OF THE KNEE-21: 7 CRUCIATE LIGAMEUTS OF THE KNEE-21: 8 ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT-21:9 POSTEROIP. CRUCIATE LIO/JB5HT-21 : 10 SYNOVIAL MEMBRA3IE-18:32 b .Ankle jcir.t -2 1_; 29 "ARTICULAR CAFSuHT-2 1 : so DELTOID LIGAI.ffiNT2i:31 TIBIONAVICULAR '.LIGAMENT -21 :32 CALCAKEGTIElil, .&eG*E3W?-21 : S3 ANTERIOR TALOTIBIAL LIGAMENT -2 1:34 POSTERIOR TALCTIBIAL LIGAMENT -2 1:35 ANTERIOR TALQFIBULAR LIGAMENT -2 1 : 36 POSTERIOR TALOFIBULAR LIGAMENT -2 1:37 CALCANEOFIBULAR LIG/J[ENT-21:38 SYNOVIAL HEMBRAB-18:52 c.Tibiof ibular joints TIBIOF1BULAR ARTICDL/iTION-2 1:21 . ARTICUUR CAPSULE-21:22 LIGAJEHTS OF THE HEAD OF THE FIBULA -2 1:23 INTER OSSEOUS MEMBRANE-2 1 : 24 TIBIOFIEULAR SYNDESMOSIS-21 : 25 ANTERIOR LIGAMENT OF THE LATERAL MALLEOLUS-21 : 26 POSTERIOR LIGAMENT OF THE LATERAL MALLEOLUS-21: 27 d. Inter tar sal Artie ul.ations-21 :39 ARTICULAT ART ICULAR CAPSUIE-2 1 : 42 LATER^XL TALOCALCANE/vL I,IG/lffilIT-21:43 MEDIAL TALOCALCANEAL LIGAIvIENT-21 :44 ANTERIOR TALOCALCANEAL LIGA?.ffil1T-21 :45 POSTERIOR TALOCALC^NE/.L LIGAJ-1ENT-21:46 TALOCALCAHEOHAV ICUL^R ART ICULAT I ON-2 1 : 40 DORSAL TALONAVICULAR LIGAMENT-21:58 ARTICULAR CAPSULE OF THE TALONAVICULAR PART OF THE JOINT-21:49 The exanination of the articulation may be completed by severing the ligaments holding the talus in place and removing the talus. INTEROSSEOUS TALOCALCANEAL LIGAMENT -2 1:54 INFERIOR EXTREKITY 122 PLANTAR CALCANEONAVICUL/'-R LIGAMENT-2 1 : 70 CALCANSONAVICULAR PART OF THE BIFURCATE LIGAMENT-2 1:62 DORSAL CALOANEO:iAVICULAR LIGAMENT -2 1:64 CHOPART'S TRANSVERSE ARTICULATION OF THE TARSUS-21;47 TALONAVICULAR ARTICULATION-21 :48 Note that tnis is a part of the talocalcaneonavicu- lar articulation; attention has already been direct- ed to its articular capsule in connection -with the talocalcaneonavicular articulation* CALCANECCUEOID ARTICULATION-21 : 50 ART ICULAR CAPSULE-2 1:51 PLANTAR CALCANEOCUBOID LIGAMENT-2 1:69 LONG PLANTAR LIGAMENT -2 1:67 Not confined entirely to this articulation. CUNEONAVICULAR ARTICULATION-21: 52 DORSAL NAVICULAR CUNEIFORM LIGAMENTS -2 1 : 65 PLANTAR NAVICULAR CUNEIFORM LIGAMENTS-22 :2 LIGAMENTS CONNECTING THE CUBOID, NAVICULAR AND CUNEIFORM BONES; DORSAL CUBOIDEONAVICULAR LIGAMENT -2 1:60 DORSAL CUNEOCUBOID LIGAMENT -2 1:59 PLANTAR CUBOIDEONAVICULAR LIGAMENT-22:3 PLANTAR CUNEOCUBOID LIGAMENT -22: 5 PLANTAR INTERCUNEIFORM LIGAJjENTS-22:4 IKTEROSSEOUS CUNEOCUBOID LICJAMEBT-21:55 INTEROSSEOUS INTERCUNEIFORM LIGA'ffiNTS-21:56 e.Tarsometatarsal articulations-22:6 ARTICULAR CAPSULES-22 :7 DORSAL TARSAMETATARSAL LIGAMEWTS-22 :8 PLANTAR TARSOMETATARSAL LIGATffiNTS-22:9 INTER OSSEOUS CDNBOfffiTAIARSAL LIG/JENTS-22: 10 f .Intermotatarsal articulations-22 :11 ~ ARTICUL,\R CAPSULES-22 : 12 DORSAL LIGAlfflSNTS OF THE BASES OF THE METATARSAL BONES- 22:14 PLANTAR LIGAMENTS OF THE BASES OF THE METATARSAL B9NES-22:15 INTEROSSEOUS LIGAMENTS OF THE BASES OF THE METATARSAL BONES-22:13 INTEROSSEOUS SPACES OF METATARSUS-22 : 16 g.Me ta tar sophalangeal articulations-22: 17 ARTICULAR' CAPSULES-22 : is COLLATERAL LIGAMENTS-22 : 19 PLASTAR ACCESSORY LIGATffiNTS-22:20 TRANSVERSE LIGAMENTS OF THE HEADS OF THE METATARSAL BONES- 22:21 h.Articulations of the toes-22:22 ARTICULAR CAPSULES -22: 23 COLLATERAL LIGA!ffiNTS-22 : 24 Part Two SYSTEMATIC ANATOMY Part Tv?o Systematic 1 N M I N A ANATOMICA 2 TERMINI. SI TUM ET DIRECTIONEM PARTIUL! CORPORIS INDICANTES 4 Verticalis 5 Horiaontalis 6 Medianus 7 Sagittalis 8 Frontalis 9 Transversalis 10 Medialis .11 Internedius 12 Lateralis 3 Termini p.enerales 13 Anterior 14 Me di us 15 Posterior 16 Ventralis 17 Dorsalis 18 Internus 19 Externus 20 Dexter 21 Sinister 22 Longitudinal is 23 Trans versus 24 Cranialie 25 Rostralis x 26 Caudalis 27 Superior 28 Inferior 29 Superficialis fsublimisj 30 Profundus 31 Termini ad extreraitates suectantes 32 Proxiicalis 33 Distalis 34 Radialis 35 Ulnaris 36 Tibialis 37 Fibularis * The following arrangement of terns is based on that of the B N A system as published by His in the Archiv fttr Anatoznie und Entwicklungsgeschichte, Supplemental Band, 1895. All of the terms have been left in their original Latin fern. Certain obvious errors in the original lists (cf. also Sycleshyner's Anatomical Names, p. 2, 1917} have been corrected as follows: p. 20, Nos. 34, 35 corrected to read Ligg. instead of Lig. p. 23, Nos, 55, 56, 57 corrected to read MM. instead of M. p. 25, No. 49 p. 29, No. 4 p. 34, No. 65 p. 53, No. 74, 75, 76 p. 55, No. 71 p. 68, No. 65, n n -" I Spe n ft n "obt it IT t fib n t rt Vv. n n n V. n n n Nn. {S pi gel obturatoris " " obturatorii " fibrosus " V. Vv N. !1 n n For the significance of brackets and asterisks see footnote, Part 1, page 1. The prefixed numerals in Part II merely indicate the serial position of each term for cross reference purposes. " ANATOMICAL TERMS 1 TERI.IINI GENERALES 2 Accessorius 3 Acinus 4 Aditus 5 Ala 6 Alveolus 7 Ampulla 8 Anguluc 9 Ansa 10 Antrum 11 Apertura 12 Apex 13 Appendix 14 Arc us 15 Area 16 Basis 17 Brae hi urn 18 Canaliculus 19 Canalis 20 Capsula 21 Caput 22 Capitulura 23 Cartilage 24 Caruncula 2 5 Cauda 26 Caverna 27 Cavum 28 Cellula 29 Circulus 30 Cisterna 31 Collum 32 Colunna 33 Commissura 34 Cornu 35 Corona 36 Corpus 37 Corpusculum 38 Crista 39 Crus 40 Decussatio 41 Dorsum 42 Ductulus 43 Ductus 44 Eminentia 45 Endothelium 46 Epithelium 47 Extremitas 48 Facies 49 Fascia 50 Fasciculus 51 Fibra 52 Fibrocartilago 53 Filum 54 Fissura 55 Flexura 56 Folium 57 Folliculus 58 Foramen 59 Fornatio 60 Fornix 61 F^ssa 62 Fossula 63 Fovea 64 Foveola 65 Frenulum 66 Fund us 67 Funiculus 68 Geniculum 69 Genu 70 Gland ula 71 Glomerulue 72 Glomus 73 Mil us 74 Humor 75 Junctura 76 Impressio 77 Incisura 78 Infundibulum 79 Intestintim 80 Isthmus 81 Labium 82 Lacuna 83 Lamina 84 Latus 85 Ligament urn 86 Limbus 87 Limen 88 Linea 89 Liquor 90 Lobulus 91 Lobus 92 fee ula 93 Mar go 94 Kassa 95 Meatus 96 Medulla 97 Membrana 98 Merabrum 99 Mucus 100 Musculus GENERAL ANATOMICAL TERMS 1 Nervfis 2 Nodulus 3 Nucleus 4 Organon 5 Orificium 6 Os Torie 1 7 Os *ossisj 8 Ostiura 9 Papilla 10 Parenchyma 11 Paries 12 Perichondrium 13 Periosteum 14 Plexus 15 Plica 16 Polus 17 Processue 18 Prorainentia 19 Punctum 20 Radix 21 Ramulus 22 Ramus 23 Raphe 24 Recessus \ 25 Regie 26 Rete 27 Riaa 28 Rundimentum 29 Septulum 30 Septum 31 Sinus 32 Spatium 33 Spina 34 Stratum 35 Stria 36 Stronia 37 Substantia 38 Succus 39 Sulcus 40 Taenia 41 Tegicon 42 Tela 43 Tela conjunctiva 44 Tela elastica 45 Torus 46 Trabecula 47 Tractus 43 Trigonum 49 Trochlea 50 Truncus 51 Tuber 52 Tuberculum 53 Tubulue 54 Tunica 55 Tunica propria 56 Umbo 57 Uvula 58 Vagina 59 Vallecula 60 Vallum 61 Valvula 62'. Vas 63 % Velum 64 Vertex 65 Vesica 66 Vesicula 67 Vestibulum 68 Villus 69 Viscus viscera^ 70 Vortex 71 Zona . ' 1 PARTSS COBPORIS HUMANI 4. 2 Caput 3 Collum 8 Vetex 9 Sinciput 10 Frons 11 Occiput 16 v, u 1 u 8 17 Paplebra superior 18 Palpebra inferior 19 Rica palpebrarum 20 Bulbus oculi 21 Supercilium 22 Sulcus infrapalpebralis 23 N a s u s 24- Dorsum nasi 25 Apex nasi 26 Ala nasi 6 CAPUT 7 Cranium 15 Facies 39 COLLUM 40 Cervix 41 Larynx 42 Prominentia laryngea 47 Thorax 48 Cavum thoracis 49 Pectus 50 Mamma 51 Papilla mammae 56 Cavuia abdoininis 57 Scrobiculus cordis 58 Umbilicus 46 TRUNCUS 55 Abdomen 4 Truncus 5 Extremitatea 12 Tempora 13 Auris 14 Auricula 27 s 28 Sulcus nasolabialis 29 Philtrum 30 Labiuin superius 31 Labium inferius 32 Rima oris 33 Cavum oris 34 Lingua 35 Fauces 36 Bucca I3ala 37 Sulcus mentolabialis 38 1'entum 43 Pharynx 44 Trachea 45 Oesophagus 52 Dorsum 53 Columna vertebralis 54 Canalis spinalis 59 Latus 60 Lumbus 61 Inguen Parts of the Hunan Body 5. 2 3 4 5 10 13 14 19 20 21 22 50 51 1 Pelvis Cavum pelvis Mons pubis Coxa Nates {Clunes _ 9 EXTREMITAS Axilla 11 Plica axillaris anterior 12 Plica axillaris posterior Acromion Brachium 15 Facies anterior 16 Facies posterior 17 Facies lateralis 18 Facies medialis Sulcus bicipitalis lateralis Sulcus bicipitalis medialis Cubitus Antibrachium 23 Facies dorsalis 24 Facies volaris 25 Margo radialis 26 Margo ulnaris 8 Anus 7 Crena ani Perineum SUPERIOR 27 Manus 28 Carpus 29 Metacarpus 30 31 32 33 34 Femur 46 Facies anterior 4? Facies posterior 48 Facies lateralis 49 Facies medialis Sulcus glutaeus Genu Poples Patella 44 EXTREMITAS INFERIOR 52 53 Crus 55 56 57 58 59 Pee Facies anterior Facies posterior Sura Malleolus lateralis Malleolus roedialis Dor sura manus Vola manus Palm Thenar Hypothenar Digit! manus VAgJkVJb WHfcHW _ 35 Pollex fDigitue I J 36 Index f " III 37 Digitus medius tj)igitu8 III'; 38 Digitus annularieC 39 Digitus minimus L ? 40 Facies dorsales. 41 Facies volares 42 Margines radiales 43 Kargines ulnares 61 Tarsus 62 Metatarsus 63 Dorsum pedis 64 Planta 65 Margo pedis lateralis 66 Margo pedis medialis 67 Calx 68 Digiti pedis 69 Hallux fDigitus Ij 70 Digiti II-IV ^ 71 Digitus minimus {[Digitus Vj 72 Facies dorsales 73 Facies plantares 74 Margines laterales 75 Margines mediales '. ' ' : ' ' = ' ' -. - - ' :. - ' - ? - . ' - . ' ; . . . - - ' . - '. JOT* 1 OSTSOLOGIA 2 3 4 5 6 7 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Os Ion gun Os breve Og planutn Os pneumaticum Epiphysis Diaphysis 8 Synchondrosis epiphyseos* 14 Cavum medullare 9 Apophysis 15 10 Faciee articularis 16 11 Substantia compacta 17 12 Substantia corticalis 18 13 Sybstantia spongiosa 19 Medulla ossiun Medulla ossium flava Medulla ossiuo rubra Foramen nutriciua Canalis nutricius 21 COLUMNA. Vertebrae cervicales Vertebrae thoracales Vertebrae lumbales Vertebrae sacrales Vertebrae coccygeae Corpus vertebrae Fovea costalis superior Fovea costalis inferior Canalis vertebralis Foramen vertebrale Arcus vertebrae Radix arcus vertebrae Incisura vertebralis superior Incisura vertebralis inferior Foramen .intervertebrale Sulcus n. spinalis Processus spinosus Vertebra promineng Processus transversus Fovea costalis transversalis Tuberculum anterius j^vertebrarum cervicaliumj VSRTBBRALIS f 42 Tuberculum caro tic urn ^vertebrae cervicalis Vl$ 43 Foramen transversarium 44 Tuberculum posterius vertebrarum cervicaliumj 45 Processus articulares superiores 46 Facies articulares superiores 47 Processus articulares inferiores 48 Facies articulares inferiores 49 Processus costarius 50 Procescus accessorius ^vertebrarum lumbaliucf} 51 Processus rtanmillaris 52 Atlas 53 Massa lateralis 54 Arcus anterior 55 Tuberculun anterius 56 Foveae articulares superiores 57 Facies articulares inferiores 58 Favea dent is 59 Fovea posterior 60 Sulcus arteriae vertebralis 61 Tuberculum posterius . ....: ' . : . . Osteology 7. 1 Epistcopheus 2 Dens 3 Fades articularis anterior 4 Facies articularis posterior 5 Os sacrum Facies dorsalis Facies pelvina Basis oss. sacri Processus articularis superior Promontorium Pars lateralis Facies auricularis Tuberositas sacralis Foramina intervertebralia Foramina sacralia anteriora Lineae transversae Foramina sacralia posteriora Crista sacralis media Cristae sacrales laterales Cristae sacrales articulares Cornua sacralia Canal is sacralis Hiatus sacralis Apex oss. sacri 25 Os coccygig Cornua coccygea 27 THORAX 28 Cc.dtft^ Costae verae Costae spuriae Os costalo Cartilage costalis Capituluni costae Facies articularis capituli costae Crista capituli Corpus costae Tuber culum costae Facies articularis tuberculi costae 39 Coll urn costae 40 Crista colli costae 41 Angulus costae _. -* 42 Tuberculun scaleni IJLdBfrancij 43 Sulcus subclaviae 44 Tuberositas costae II 45 Sulcus costae 46 Sternum 47 Manubrium sterni 48 Angulus sterni 49 Synchondrosis sternalis 50 Corpus sterni 51 Planum sternale 52 Processus xiphoideus 53 Incisura clavicularis 54 Incisura jugularis 55 Incisurae costales 56 (Ossa suprasternalis) 57 Thorax 58 Cavura thoracis 59 Apertura thoracis superior 60 Apertura thoracis inferior 61 Arc us costarum 62 Spatia intercostalia 63 Angulus infrasternalis 64 Sulcus pulmonalis 65 OSSA CRANII 66 Os Basilare 67 Os occipitale 68 J Foramen occipitale magnum 69 Pars basilaris 70 Sulcus petrosus inferior 71 Pars lateralis 72 Squama occipitalis 73 Margo nastoideus 74 Margo lambdoideus 75 (Os interparietale) - , . . . . .: .- . : : ' . . Osteology "'1 Clivus 2 Tuberculum pharyngeum 3 Condylus occipitalis 4 Caralis condyloideus 5 Canalis hypoglossi 6 Tuberculum jugulare 7 Incisura jugularie 8 Processus jugularis 9 Fossa condyloidea 10 -processus intra jugularis 11 Planura occipitale 12 Planum nuehaio 13 Protuberantia occipitalia externa 14 (Torus occipitalis) 15 Crista occipitalis externa 16 Linea nuchae suprema 17 Linea nuchae superior 18 Linea nuchae inferior 19 2ainentia cruciata 20 Protuberantia occipitalis interna 21 Sulcus sagittalis 22 Sulcus transvercus 23 (Processus paramastoideus) 24 Os sphenoidale 25 C orr pus 26 Sella turcica 27 Fossa hypophyseos 28 Dorsum sellae 29 Tuberculum sellae 30 Processus clinoideus aedius 31 Processus clinoideus posterior 32 Sulcus caroticus 33 Lingula sphencidalia 34 Crista sphenoidalis 35 Rostrum sphenoidale 36 Sinus sphenoidalis 37 Septum sinuum sphenoidalium 38 Apertura sinus sphenoidalis 39 Conchae sphenoidales 40 Clivus 41 Ala parva 42 Sulcus cniasmatis 43 Foramen opticum 44 Processus clinoideus anterior 45 Fissura orbitalis superior 46 Ala magna 47 Facies cerebralis 48 Facies tetnporalis 49 Facies sphenomaxillaris 50 Facies orbitalis 51 fergo zygomaticus 52 Margo frontalis 53 Angulus 'parietalis 54 Margo squamosus 55 Crista infrateniporalis 56 Foramen rotundum 57 Foramen ovale 58 Foramen spinosum 59 Spina angularis 60 Processus pterygoideus 61 Lamina lateralis processus pterygoidei 62 Lamina medialis processus pterygoidei 63 Fissura pterygoidea 64 Fossa scaphoidea 65 Processus vaginalis 66 Hamulus pterygoideus 67 Sulcus' hamuli pterygoidei 68 Fossa pterygoidea 69 Canalis pterygoideus 70 Canalis pharyngeus 71 Canalis basipharyngeus 72 Sulcus tubae audit ivae 73 Sulcus jvteryg;Tal"ticus 74 (Processus pterygospinosus fCivininil ) 75 Os Temporals 76 Pars mastoidea 77 Fargo occipitalis 78 Processus mastoideus 79 Incisura mastoidea 80 Sulcus sigmoideus 1 Csteology Sulcus a. occipitalis Foramen mastoideum Pars petrosa Faciee anterior pyranidis Facies posterior pyramidis Facies inferior pyramidis Apex pyramidis Angulus superior pyramidis Angulus anterior pyramidis Angulus posterior pyraraidis Sulcus petrosus superior Tegmen tympani Eminentia arcuata Canalis facialis Falloppii Hiatus canalis facialis Geniculum canalis facialio Sulcus n. petrosi superficialis raajoris Sulcus n. petrosi superficialis minoris Impressio trigemini Porus acusticus internus Meatus acusticus internus Fossa subarcuata Aquaeductus vestibuli Apertura externa aquaeductus vestibuli Sulcus petrosus inferior Incisura jugularis Process us intra jugularis Fossa jugularis Canaliculus nastoideus Sulcus canaliculi mastoidei Processus styl6adeus Vagina processus styloidei Foramen styloraastoideum Fossula petrosa Canaliculus tympanic us Sulcus tympanicus Apertura inferior canaliculi tympanic! Apertura superior canaliculi tympanic! Canaliculun cochleae Apertura externa canaliculi cochleae 41 Canalie caroticus 42 Canaliculi caroticotympanici 43 Canalis musculotubarius 44 Semicanalis m. tensoris tympani 45 Semicanalis tubae auditivae 46 Septum canalis musculotabarii 47 Cavum tympani (v. Organon auditus) 48 Canaliculus chordae tympani 49 Fissura petrotympanica (Glaseri 50 Fissura petrosquamosa 51 Pars tympanica 52 Annul us tympanic us x 53 Meatus acusticus externus 54 (Spina supra meatum) 55 Fissura tympanonastoidea 56 Spina tympanica major 57 Spina tympanica minor 58 Porus acusticus externus 59 Squama temporal!? 60 Ivlargo parietalis 61 Incisura parietalis 62 Margo sphenoidalis 63 Facies temporalis 64 Processus zygomaticus 65 Fossa nandibularis 66 Facies articularis 67 Tuberculum articulare 68 Facies cerebralis 69 Sulcus a. temporalis mediae 70 Os parietale 71 Facies cerebralis 72 Facies parietalis 73 Margo occipitalis 74 Margo squamosus 75 Margo frontalis 76 Margo sagittalis 77 Angulus frontalis 78 Angulus occipitalis 79 Angulus sphenoidalis 80 AAngulus mastoideus 81 Foramen parietale OSTEOLOGY 10. 1 Tuber parietale 2 Linea temporalis inferior 3 Linea temporalis superior 4 Sulcus sagittalis 5 Sulcus transversus 6 Os frontale 7 Squanra. frontalis 8 Facies frontalis 9 Ms.rgo supraorbitalis 10 Pars orbitalis 11 Incisura etsmoidalis 12 P^rs nasalis 13 b- T ina frontalis 14 Margo nasalis 15 Margo parietalis 16 Processus zygomaticus 17 Facies teraporalis 18 Linea temporal is 19 Tuber frontale 20 Arcus superciliaris 21 Glabella 22 Foramen sive Incisura supraorbitalis 23 Incisura sive Foramen frontale 24 Facies orbitalis 25 (Spina trochlesris) 26 Fovea trochlearis 27 Foramen ethmoidale anterius 28 Fpramen'-ethmoidale posterius 29 Fossa glandulae lacrimalis 30 Facies cerebralis 31 Crista frontalis 32 Sulcus sagittalis 33 Foramen caecum 34 Sinus frontalis 35 Septum sinuuai frontalium 36 Os ethmoidale 37 Lamina cribrosa 38 Crista galli 39 Processus alaris 40 Lamina perpendicular is 41 Labyrinthus ethmoidalis 42 Cellulae ethmoidales 43 Infundibulum ethmoidale 44 Hiatus semilunaris 45 Bulla ethmoidalis 46 Lamina papyracea 47 Foramina ethmoidalia 48 (Concha nasalis suprema) 49 Concha rasalir; superior 50 Concha rasalir, media 51 Procesfms uncinatus 52 CoKcha nasa] is inferior 53 Processes lajn/mlis 54 Prccessus maxillaris 55 Processus ethmoidalis 56 s JLacjrircale, 57 Crista lacriiialis posterior 58 Sulcus lacrinalis 59 Hamulus lacriraalis 60 Fossa sacci lacrimalis 61 Os Nasale 62 Foramina nasalia 63 Sulcus ethmoidalis 64 Vomer 65 Ala Vomeris 66 OSSA FACIEI 67 Maxilla. 68 Corpus maxillae 69 Facies anterior 70 Facies nasalis 71 Facies orbitalis 72 Facies infratemporalis 73 Sinus aaxillaris 74 Margo infraorbitalis 75 Canalis infraorbitalis 76 Sulcus infraorbitalis 77 Foramen infraorbitale 78 Sutura infraorbitalis 79 Fossa canina OSTEOL03Y 11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 (Fossa praenasalis) Incisura nasalis Tuber maxillare Foramrna alveolaria Canales alveolares Planum orbitale Margo lacrimalis Sulcus lacrimalis Canalis nasolacrimalis Crista conchalis Processus frontalis Crista lacrimalis anterior Incisura lacrimalis Crista ethmoidalis Processus zygocaticus Processus palatinus Crista nasalis Spina nasalis anterior Qs incisivum x Canalis incisivus Sutura incisiva Spinae palatinae Sulci paljatini Processus alveolaris Limbus alveolaris Alveoli dentales Septa interalveolaria Juga alveolaria Hiatus inaxillaris Foramen incisivum 31 Os palatinum Pars perpendi Facies nasalis Facies maxillaris Incisura sphenopalatina Sulcus pterygopalatinus Processus pyramidalis Foramen palatinum ma jus Foramina palatina minora Canales palatini Crista conchalis Crista ethmoidalis c u 1 a r i s 43 Processus orbitalie 44 Processus sphenoidalis 45 Pars horizontal! 46 Facies nasalis 47 Facies palatina 48 Spina nasalis posterior 49 Crista nasalis 50 Os zypomaticum 53 Facies naAaris 52 Facies temporalis 53 Facies orbitalis 54 Processus temporalis 55 Processus frontosphenoidalis 56 (Prooessus marginalis) 57 Foramen zygomaticoorbitale 58 Foramen zygomaticofaciale 59 Foramen zygomaticotemporale 60 Mardibula 61 Corpus nandibulae 62 Basis mandibulae 63 Protuberantia mentalis 64 .Tuberculum mentale 65 Spina mentalis 66 Foramen mentals 67 Linea obliqua 68 Fossa digastrica 69 Linea mylohyoidea 70 Sulcus nylohyoideus 71 Juga alveolaria 72 Ramus mandibulae 73 Angulus mandibulae 74 (Tuberositas masseterica) 75 (Tuberositas pterygoidea) 76 (Crista buccinatoria) 77 Incisura mandibulae 78 Processus condyloideus 79 Capitulum proc. condyl. mandibulae 80 Collum proc. condyloidei mandibulae 81 Fovea pterygoidea proc. condyloidei 82 Processus coronoideus OSTEOLOGY 12. 1 Foramen mandibulare 2 Lingula mandibulae 3 Canalis mgfndibulae 4 Fovea sublingualis 5 (Fovea subiraxillaris) 6 Pars alveolaris 7 Lirabus alveolaris 8 Alveoli dentales 9 Septa interalveolaria 10 Os hyoideum 111 Corpus ODS. hyoidei 12 Cornu minus 13 Cornu najus 14 CRANIUM 15 Calvaria 15 Pericranium 17 Lamina externa 18 DiploB - -- 19 Canales diploici |_BreschetiJ 20 Lamina interna 21 Facies ossea) 22 Cranium cerebrals 23 Cranium viscerale 24 Vertex 25 Frons 26 Occiput 27 Basis cranii interna 28 Basis cranii externa 29 Fossa cranii anterior 30 Fossa cranii media 31 Fossa cranii posterior 32 Juga ceirebralia 33 Impressiones digitatae 34 Sulci venosi 35 Sulci artos'ioei 36 (Foveolae granulares [Pacchlonij) 37 (Oe-ja suturarmr.) 38 Planum teraporale 39 Fossa temporalis 40 Arcus zygomaticus 41 Fossa infratemporalis 42 Fossa pterygopalatina 43 Canalis pterygopalatinus 44 Foramen sphenopalatinum 45 Apertura piriformis 46 Cavun nasi 47 Septum nasi osseum 48 Mea.tus nasi coiamunis 49 Meatus nasi superior 50 Meatus nasi reoaiuc 51 Meatus nasi inferior 52 Meatus nasopharyngeus 53 Choanae 54 Recfustts sphenoethmoidalis 55 Foramen jugiilare 56 Fissura sphenopetrosa 57 Fissura petrooccipitalis 58 Fissura sphe no occipital is 59 Foramen laceruin 60 Fibrocartilago basalis 61 Palatun; durua 62 (Torus palatinus) 63 Orbita 64 Aditus orbitae 65 Margo supraorbitalis 66 Margo infraorbitalis 67 Paries superior 68 Paries inferior 69 Paries lateralis 70 Paries medialis 71 Fissura orbitalis superior 72 Fissura orbitalis inferior 73 Sutyrae cranii 74 Sutura corona.lis 75 Sutura sagittalis 76 Sutura lambdoidea 77 Sutura bccipitomastoidea 78 Sutura sphenofrontalis 79 Sutura sphenoorbitalis 80 Sutura sphenoethmoidalis 81 Sutura sphenosquamosa 82 Sutura sphenoparietalis 05TEOLC5Y 13. Sutura squamosa (Sutura frontalis) Sutura parietomastoidea (Sutura squamosorcastoidea) Sutura nasofrontalis Sutura frontoethmoidalis Sutura f rontorcaxillaris Sutura frontolacrimalis Sutura zygomaticofrontalis Sutura zygomaticomaxillaris Sutura ethmoideomaxillaris Sutura sphenozygoreatica (Sutura sphenor-axillaris) Sutura zygomaticotemporalie Sutura internasalis Sutura nasomaxillaris Sutura lacrinoraxillaris Sutura lacrimoconchalis Sutura internaxillaris Sutura palatomaxillaris Sutura palatoethmoidalis Sutura palatina nediana Sutura palatina transversa 24 Syhchondroses cranii Synchondrosis sphenooccipitalie Synchondrosis sphenopetrosa Synchondrosis sphenopetrosa Synchondrosis intraoccipitalis posterior* Synchondrosis intraoccipitalis anterior* Synchondrosis intc>rfphenoidalis x Fonticulus frontalis irajor x Fonticulus occipitalis minor x Fonticulus mastoideus* s sphenoidalio x a t i s 35 OSSA SXTKEMITATIS SUPERIORIS Cingulum extremit superior is 37 Scapula Facies costalis Lineae musculares 40 Fossa subscapularis 41 Facies dorsalis 42 Spina scapulae 43 Fossa supraspinata 44 Fossa infraspinata 45 Acromion 46 Facies articularis acromii 47 Margo vertebralis 48 Ifergo axillaris 49 Margo superior 50 Angulus inferior 51 Angulus lateralis 52 Angulus medialis 53 Cavitas glenoidalis 54 Collum scapulae 55 Tuberositas infraglenoidalis 56 Tuberositas supraglenoidalis 57 Incisura scapulae 58 Processus coracoideus 59 Clavicula 60 Extremitas sternalis 61 Facies articularis sternalis 62 Tuberositas costalie 63 Extrenatas acromialis 64 Facies articularis acromialis 65 Tuberositas coracoidea 66 Skeleton 3Xtreni tatis perioris 1 i b e r a e 68 Caput humeri 69 Collum anatomicum 70 Collum chirurgicina 71 Tuberculuin ma jus 72 Tube rcul urn minus 73 Sulcus intertubercularis 74 Crista tuberculi majoris 75 Crieta tuberculi minoris 76 Corpus huaeri OSTEOLOGY 14. 1 Facies anterior medialis 2 Facies anterior lateralis 3 Facies posterior 4 Liar go medialis 5 Mar go lateralis 6 Tuberositas deltoidea 7 Sulcus n. radialis 8 .Sulcus n. ulnaris 9 Capitulum humeri 10 Trochlea humeri 11 Spicondylus medialis 12 Epicondylus lateralis 13 Fossa olecrani 14 Fossa coronoidea 15 Fossa radialis 16 (Processus supracondyloideus) 47 Radius 18 Corpus radii 19 Capitulum radii 20 Fovea capituli radii 21 Collum radii 22 Circumferentia articularis 23 Tuberositas radii 24 Crista interossea 25 Facies dorsalis 26 Facies volaris 27 Facies lateralis 28 Iv&rgo dorsalis 29 Margo volaris 30 Pro-ressus styloideus 31 Incisura ulnaris . 32 Facies articularis carpea 33 Ulna 34 Corpus ulnea 35 Olecranon 36 Processus coronoideus 37 Tuberositas ulnae 38 Incisura semilunaris 39 Incisura radialis 40 Crista interossea 41 Facies dorsalis 42 Facies volaris 43 Faciee medialis 44 liar go dorsal r^s 45 Margo volaris 46 Crista m. supinatoris 47 Capitulua ulnae 48 Circuraferentia articularis 49 Processus styloideus 50 Cajrgu?. 51 Ocsa carpi 52 (Os centrale) 53 Os naviculare rcanus 54 54 Tuberculum oss. navicularis 55 Oc lunatum 56 Os triquetrum 57 Os pisiforme 58 Os nultanguluijjnajus 59 Tuberculum ose. multang. majoris 6C Os multangulum ffiinua 61 Os capitatun 62 Os hamatum 63 Hanulus oss. hairati 64 Eminentia carpi radialis 65 Eninentia carpi ulnaris 66 Sulcus carpi 67 Metacarpus 68 Ossa metacarpalia I V 69 Basis 70 Corpus 71 Capitulura 72 Os metacarpale III 73 Processus Styloideus 74 Phalanges digitorum manus 75 Phalanx prina 76 Phalanx secunda 77 Phalanx tertia 78 Basis phalangis OSTEOLOGY 15. 1 Corpus phalangis 2 Trochlea phalangis 3 Tuberositas unguicularis 4 Ossa sesamoidea 5 OSSA EXTREMITATIS INFERIORIS 6.Cingulum extremitati infjrioris 7 Qg coxae 8 Foramen obturatuin 9 Acetabulun 10 Fossa acetabuli 11 Incisura acetabuli 12 Facies lunata 13 Sulci paraglenoidales 15 15 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 14 Os^ ilium Corpus oss. ilium AlT. oss . ilium Linea arcuata Crista iliaca 19 Labium extrenum 20 Linea intermedia 21 Labium internum Spina iliaca anterior superior Spina iliac anterior inferior Spina iliaca posterior superior Spina i? iaca posterior inferior Linea glutaea anterior Linea glutaea posterior Linea glutaea inferior Facids auricularis Tuberositas iliaca Fossa iliaca 32 Os ischii Corpus oss.. ischii Raraus superior oss, Ramus inferior oss, Tuber ischiadicum Spina ischiadica ischii ischii 38 39 41 42 e 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 58 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Incisura ischiadica major Incisurs. ischiadica minor 40 ps ptibis_ Corpus oss, pubis Pec ten CBS* pv.bis Eninentia ila ope c tinea Tuberculum pubicum Crista obturatoria Sulcus obturato'-'itis Tuberci'vlura obturatorium anterius (Tuberoulum obturatorium posterius) Ranus inferior oss. pubis Ramus superior oss . pubis Facies syaphyseos 52 Pelvis Symphysis ossiuin pubis Arc us pubis Angulus pubis Pelvis major Pelvis minor Linea terminalis 59 Pars sacralis 60 Pars iliaca 61 Pars pubica Apertura pelvis rainoris3 superior Apertura pelvis (minorisj inferior Axis pelvis Conjugata Diameter transversa Diameter obliqua Inclinatio pelvis Skeleton extremi- tatis inferioris 1 i b e r a e 70 Femur 71 Caput femoris 72 Fovea capitis femoris 73 Collum femoris ; OSTEOLOGY 16. 1 Corpus femoris 2 Trochanter major 3 Fossa trochanterica 4 Trochanter minor 5 (Trochanter tertius) 6 Linea intertrochanterica 7 Crista intertrochanterica 8 Linea aspera 9 L&bium laterals 10 Labium zaediale 11 Linea pectinea 12 Tuberositas glutaea 13 Fossa intercondyloidea 14 Linea intercondyloidea 15 Planuin popliteum 16 Condylus me dial is 17 Condylus lateralis 18 Facies patellaris 19 Epicondylus lateralis 20 Epicondylus medialis 21 Tibia 22 Facies articularis superior 23 Corpus tibiae 24 Condylus medialis 25 Condylus lateralis 26 Fossa intercondyloidea anterior 27 Fossa intercondyloidea posterior 28 Eminentia intercondyloidea 29 Tuberculum intercondyloideum aediale 30 Tuberculum intercondyloideum laterale 31 Margo infraglenoidalis 32 Tuberositas tibiae 33 Facies iredialis 34 Facies posterior 35 Facies lateralis 36 Margo medialis 37 Crista anterior 38 Crista interossea 39 Linea poplitea 40 Malleolue medialis 41 Incisura fibularis 42 Sulcus malle olaris 43 Facies articularis inferior 44 Facies articularis malleolaris 45 Fibula 46 Corpus fibulae 47 Crista interossea 48 Crista antarior 49 Crista lateralis 50 Crista medialis 51 Facies medialis 52 Facies lateralis 53 Facies posterior 54 Capitulum fibulae 55 Facies articularis cepituli 56 Apex capituli fibulae 57 Lfelleolus lateralis 53 Facies articularis malleoli 59 Patella 60 Basis patellae 61 Apex patellae 62 Facies articularis 64 66 67 68 69 73 74 75 63 s s a Tarsus tarsi 65 Talus Caput tali Corpus tali Collum tali Trochlea tali 70 Facies superior 71 Facies malleolaris medialis 72 Facies nalleolaris lateralis Sulcus tali Processus lateralis tali Facies articularis calcanea posterior Octngum 59 SYMPHY3IS OSSIUM PUBIS 60 Lig. pubicum superius 61 Lig. arc ua turn pubis 62 Lamina fibrocartilaginea inter- pubica 63 ARTICULATIO COXAE 64 Capsula articularis 65 Labrum glenoidale 66 Lig. transversum acetabuli 67 Lig. teres femoris 68 Zona orbicularis 69 Lig. ilioferraorale 21. 1 Lig. ischiocapsulare 2 Lig. pubooapsulare 3 ARTICULATIO GENU 4 Capsula articularis 5 Meniscus lateralis 6 Meniscus nediulis 7 Lig. transversum genu 8 Ligg. cruciata genu 9 Lijg, c rue ia turn antorius 10 Lig. cruciatun posterius 11 Plica synovialis patellaris 12 Plicae alares 13 Lig. collaterals fibuiare 14 Lig. collaterale tibiale 15 Lig. popliteum obliquum 16 Lig. popliteum arcuatum 17 Retiraculum lig. arcuati 18 Lig. patellae 19 Retinae ul urn patellae mediale 20 Retinaculum patellae laterals 21 ARTICULATIO TIBIOFIEULARIS 22 Capsula articularis 23 Ligg. capituli fibulae 24 Membrana interossea cruris 25 SYNDESMOSIS TIBIOFIBULARIS 26 Lig. iralleoli lateralis anterius 27 Lig. nalleoli lateralis posterius 28 ARTICULATIONES PEDIS 29 ARTICULATIO TALOCRURALIS 30 Capsula articularis 31 Lig. deltoideum 3Z Lig. tibionaviculare 33 Lig. calcaneotibiale 34 Lig. talotibiale anterius 35 Lig. talotibiale posterius 36 Lig. talofibulare anterius 37 Lig. talofibulare posterius 38 Lig. calcaneof ibulara 39 ARTICULATIONES INTERTARSEAE 40 ARTICULATIO TALOCALCANEONAVICULARIS 41 42 43 44 45 46 41 ARTICULATIO TALCCALCANEA Capeula articularis Lig. talocaleaneum laterale Lig. talocalcanoum mediale Lig. talocalcaneum anterius Lig. talocalcaneum posterius 47 ARTICULATIO TARSI TRANSVERSA CHOPARTI 48 ARTICULATIO TALONAVICULARIS 49 Capsula articularis 50 ARTICULATIC CALCANEOCUBCIDEA 51 Capeula articularis 52 ARTICULATIO CUNEOMVICULARIS 53 LIGG. TARSI IKTSROSSEA 54 Lig. talocalcaneum interosseum 55 Lig. cuneocuboideun interosseuo 56 Ligg. intercuneif ormia interossea 57 LIGG. TARSI DORSALIA 58 Lig. talonaviculare dorsale 59 Lig. cuneocuboideua dorsale 60 Lig. cuboideonaviculare dorsale 61 Lig. bifurcatum 62 Pars calcaneonavicularis 63 Pars calcaneocuboidea 64 Lig. calcaneonaviculare dorsale 65 Ligg. navicularicuneiformia dorsalia 66 LIGG. TARSI PLANTARJA 67 Lig. plantare longum 68 Ligg. tarsi profunda 69 Lig. calcaneocuboideum plantare 70 Lig. calcaneonaviculare plantare SYNPESFOLOGY 22. 4 5 1 Fibrocartilago navicularis 2 Ligg. ravicularicuneif ormia plan- taria 3 Lig. cuboideonaviculare plantare Ligg. intercuneif ormia plantaria Lig. cuneocuboideum plantare 6 ARTICULATIONES TARSOMETATARSEAE 7 Capsulae articulares 8 Ligg. tars ometa tar sea dorsalis 9 Ligg. tarsometatarsea plantaria 10 Ligg. cuneometatarsea interossea 11 11 ARTICULATIONS INTERMETATARSEAE 12 Capsulae articulares 13 Ligg. baaium [^ose. metatars.} interossea 14 Ligg. basium foss. metatars.J dorsa3.ia 15 Ligg. basium i^es. metatars.j plantaria 16 Spatia interossea metatarsi 17 ARTICULATIONES METATARSOPHALAN- GEAE 18 Capsulae articulares 19 Ligg. collateralia 20 Ligg. atcccoria clantaria 21 Ligg. capituiorvc Toss, metatars^ trans versa 22 ARTICULATIONES DIGITORUM PEDIS 23 Capsulae articulares 24 Ligg. collateralia MYOtiOGY 23, 1 MYOLOGIA 5 6 7 8 9 10- 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 Musculus 3 Caput 4 Venter Musculus fusiformis Musculus unipennatue l/.usculus bipennatus Kusculus sphincter Musculus orbicular is Musculus articularie Musculus ske3eti Musculus cutaneus Tendo 14 MUSCULI DORSI US. trapezius (M. transversus nuchae) M. latissimus doi 3i M. rhomboideus major M. rhomboideus minor M. levator scapulae M. serratus posterior inferior M. serratus posterior superior M. splenius cervicis M. splenius capitis M. sacrospinalis M. iliocostalis 27 M. iliocostalis lumborum 28 M. iliocostalis dorsi 29 M. iliocostalis cervicis M, longissimus 31 M. longissimus dorsi 32 M. longissimus cervicis 33 Aponeurosis 34 Perimysiua 35 Fascia 36 Fascia superficialis 37 Inscriptio tendinea 38 Arc us tendineus 39 Ligamentum vaginale 40 Vagina fibrosa tendinis 41 Vagina mucosa tendinis 42 Trochlea rauscularis 43 Bursa mucosa 44 M. longissimus capitie 45 M. spinalis 46 M. spinalis dorsi 47 M. spinalis cervicis 48 M. epinalis capitis 49 M. semispinalis 50 M, eernispinalis dorsi 51 M. semispinalis cervicis 52 M. semispinalis capitie 53 M. multifi'dus 54 Mm. rotatores 55 Mm, rotatores longi 56 MEL rotatores breves 57 Mm. interspinales 58 Mm. intertransvarsarii 59 Mm. intertransversarii laterales 60 Mm. intertransversarii mediales 61 Mm. intertransversarii anteriores 62 Mia. intertransversarii posteriores 63 M. rectus capitis posterior major iHOLOGY 24. 1 M. rectus capitis posterior minor 2 M. rectus capitis lateralis 3 M. obliquus capitis superior 4 M. obliquus capitis inferior 5 Fascia lumbodorealis 6 Fascia nuchae 7 MUSCULI CAPITIS 8 M. epicranius 9 9 M, frontalis 10 M. occipitalis 11 M. procerus 12 M. Nasalis 13 Pars transversa 14 Pars alaris 15 M. depressor septi '16 M. Orbicularis oculi 17 Pars palpebralis 18 Pars orbitalis _ 19 Pars lacrima. is ^Hornerir 20 M. auricularis anterior 21 M. auricularis superior 22 M. auricularis posterior 23 M. orbicularis oris 24 M. triangularis 25 (M. transversus menti) 26 M. risorius 27 M. zygomaticua 28 M. quadratus labii superioris 29 Caput zygomaticum 30 Caput infrao^bitale 31 Caput angulare 32 M. quadratus labii inferioris 33 M. caninuc 34 M. buccinator 35 Mm. incisivi labii superioris 36 Mm. incisivi labii inferioris 37 M. mentalis 38 M. nasseter 39 M. temporalis 40 M. pterygoideus externus 41 M, pterygoideus internus 42 Galea aponeurotica 43 Fascia buccopharyngea 44 Fascia parot-ideoreassaterica 45 Fascia temporalis 46 MUSCULI OSS. HYOIDEI 47 M. digastric us 48 Venter anterror 49 Venter posterior 50 M. stylohyoideus 51 M. mylobyc'itleua 52 M. geneihyoidaus 53 MUSCULI COLLI 54 Platysma 55 M. sternocleidomastoideus 56 M. sternobyoideus 57 M. omohycidex;s 58 Venter superior 59 Venter inferior 60 M. sternothyrepideus 61 M. thyreohyoideus 62 (M. levator gland ulae thyreoideae) 63 M. longus colli 64 M. lor.gus capitia 65 M. rectus capitis anterior 66 M. scalenus anterior 67 M. scalenus medius 68 M. scalenus posterior 69 (M. scalenus ainicus) 70 Fascia colli 71 Fascia praarvertebralis 72 MUSCULI THORACIS 73 (M. sternalis) 74 M. pectoralis raajor 75 Pars clavicularis 76 Pars sternocostalis 77 Pars abdorainalis 78 M. pectoralis minor 79 M. subclaviue liYOLQGY 25 1 M. serratus anterior 2 Mm. levatores costarum '3 Mm. levatores eostarura longi ^4- Mm. 1'' ?vtores costarum breves 5 Mm. intercostales extern! 6 Mm. intercostales intern! 7 Mm. subcostales 8 M. transversus thoracis 9 Diaphragrca 10 Para lumbalis 11 Crus madiale 12 Crus in^ermedium 13 Crus lateral 14 Pars costalis 15 Pars sternalis 1: Katus aortic us 17 Hiatus oesophageus 18 Centrum tendineum 19 Foramen venae ca\a.e 20 Arcus lumbocostalis medialis [Halleri] 21 Arcus lumbocostalis lateralis Hallerij 22 Fascia pectoralis 23 Fascia coracoclavicularis 24- MUSCULI ABDOMINIS 25 M. rectus abdominis 26 Falx aponeurotica inguinalis 27 M. pyramidal is 28 M. obliquus externus abdominis 29 M. obliquus internus abdominis 30 M. crenaster 31 M. transversus abdominis 32 M. quadratus lumborum 33 Annulus umbilicalis* 34 Linea alba 35 Adminiculum lineae albae 36 Inscriptiones tendineae 37 Lig. suspensorium penis s. clitoridis 38 Lig. fundiforme penis 39 Vagina m. recti abdominis 40 Linea semicircularis PDouglasij 41 Lig. inguira.le_[Pcupartii, 42 Lig. lacunaro I GimbernatiJ . 43 Lig. inguinale ref.lexum CollesiJ 44 Annulus inguinalis subcutaneus 45 Crus 46 Crus inferiup 47 Fibrae intercrurales - 48 Trigonum lu-nbale Q;etitiJ 49 Linea ssrailuraris inpigel 50 Fascia trexcTorseilis 51 Canalip ir.guinalia 52 Annuluc inguinalis abdominalis _ 53 Lig. interfoveolare QlesselbachiJ 54 Plica epigsstrica 55 Fovea inguinalis lateralis 56 Fovea inguinalis medialis 57 Fovea suprave&icalis 58 MUSCUTJ COCCYGEI 59 M. coccygeus 60 Li. sacrococcygeus anterior 61 M. sacrococcygeus posterior 62 MUSCULI EXTREMITATIS SUPERIORIS 63 M. deltoideus 64 M. supraspinatus 65 M. infraspinatus 66 M. teres minor 67 M. teres major 68 M, subscapularis 69 M. biceps -a "~ chii 70 Caput longum 71 Vagina muoosa intertubercularis 72 Caput brsve 73 Lacertus fjbrosus 74 M. coracobrachialis 775 M. brachialis 76 M. triceps brachii 77 Caput longum 78 Caput laterale 79 Caput mediale . 26. 1 M. anconaeus 2 if" .' epitrochleo'anconaeus) 3 M, pronator teres 4 Caput hunerale 5 Caput ulnare 6 M. flexor earpi radialis 7 M. palmar is I'ongus 8 M. flexor 'sarpi ulnarie 9 Caput humerale 10 Caput ulnars 11 M. flexor digitorum sublimis 12 Caput humor ale 13 .Caput radiale 14 M. flexor digitorum profundus 15 M. fl'exer pollicis longus 16 M. pronator quadratus 17 M. branchioradialis 18 M. extensor carpi radialis longus 19 M. extensor carpi radialis brevis 20 M. extensor digitoruta communis 21 Juncturae tendinum extensor digit! quinti proprius extensor carpi ulnaris supinator abductor pollicis longus extensor pollicis brevis extensor pollicis longus extensor indicis proprius palmaris brevis abductor pollicis brevis flexor pollicis brevis opponens pollicis adductor pollicis abductor digit! quinti flexor digiti quinti brevis opponens digiti quinti lumbricales . interossei dorsales Mm. interossei volares Fascia axillaris Fascia sub scapular is 22 M. 23 M. 24 M. 25 M. 26 M. 27 M. 28 M. 29 M. 30 M. 31 M. 32 M. 33 M. 34 M. 35 M. 36 M, 37 Mm 38 Mm, 39 Mm 40 Fas 41 Fat 42 Fascia supraspj na~ 43 Fascia irifraspinata 44 Fascia brachii .5 Septum intermusculare mediale 46 Septum interrauceulare laterale 47 Sulcus bicipitalis medialis 48 Sulcus bicipitalis lateralis 49 Fascia antibrachii 50 Fascia dor sells manus 51 Lig. carpi dorsale 52 .lipCfceurcv.v'. palmar is 53 Fasciculi transversi 54 Lig. carpi transversum 55 Lig. carpi velar 3 56 Chiasma tendinum 57 tendinum 58 Vaginae musosae 59 Ligg. vaginalia digitorum manus 60 Ligg. annularia digitorum manus 61 Ligg. cruciata digitorum manus 62 MUSCULI EXTREMITATIS INFERIORIS 63 1^, iliopcss 64 M. iliacus 65 M. psoas major 66 M. psoas minor 67 M. giutaeus maximus 68 M. giutaeus medius 69 M. giutaeus minimus 70 M. tensor fasciae latae 71 M. pirifornis 72 M. obturator internus 73 M. gemellus superior 74 M. gemellus inferior 75 M. quadratus . femoris 76 M. eartorius 77 M. quadriceps femoris 78 M. rectus femoris 79 M. vastus lateralis MYOLOGY 27. 1 M. vastus intermedius 2 M. vastus medialis 3 M , articularis gtnu 4 M. pectineus 5 M. adductor longus 6 M. gracilis 7 M. adductor brevis 8 M. adductor rcagnus 9 M. adductor minimus 10 M. obturator externus 11 M. biceps femoris 12 Caput longum 13 Caput breva 14 M. seraite ndinosus 15 M. seciimembranosus 16 M. tibialis anterior 17 M. extensor digitorum longus 18 M. peronaeus tert.'.us 19 M. extensor hallucis longus 20 M. peronaeus longus 21 M. peronaeus brevis 22 M. triceps surae 23 M, gastrocnemius 24 Caput laterals 25 Caput mediale 26 M. soleus 27 Arcus teniineus m solei ^ 28 Tendo calcaneus fAchillisj 29 M. plantaris 30 M. popliteus 31 M. tibialis posterior 32 M. flexor digitorum longus 33 M. flexor hallucis longus 34 M. extensor hallucis brevis 35 M. extensor cigitorura brevis 36 M. abductor hallucis 37 M. flexor hallucis brevis 38 M. adductor hallucis 39 Caput obliquum 40 Caput transversum 41 M. abductor digiti quinti 42 M. flexor digiti quinti brevis 43 M. opponens digiti quinti 44 M. flexor digitorum brevis 45 li. quadrat us plantae 46 Mm. lumbricales f." Mm. interossei dorsales 48 Mm. interossei plantares 49 Fascia lata 50 Tractus iliotibialis llfeis 51 Septum interrnusculare ^femorisf laterals ^ 52 Septum intermusculare yemoris] mediale ,- - " 53 Canalis adductorius fHunterij 54 Hiatus tendineua fadductoriusj 55 Fascia iliaca 56 Fascia iliopectinea 57 Lacuna musculorum 58 Lacuna vasorum _ 59 Trigonum femorale ^Fossa Bcarpae majorj 60 Fossa iliopsctinea 61 Fascia pectinea 62 Canalis femoralis 63 Annul us femoralis - 64 Septum femorale |*CloquetiJ 65 Fossa ovalis 66 Margo falciformis 67 Cornu superius 68 Cornu inferius 69 Fascia cribrosa 70 Fascia cruris 71 Septum intermusculare anterius fibulare 72 Septum intermusculare posterius fibulare 73 Lig. transversum cruris 74 Lig. laciniatum 75 Lig. cruciatum cruris 76 Retinaculum mm. peronaeorum sup. 77 Retinaculum mm. peronaeorum inferius L5YOLOGY 28. Fascia dorsalis pedis 2 Aponeurosis plantaris 3 Fasciculi transversi aponeurosis plantaris 4 Vaginae nucosae 5 Ligg. annularia 6 Ligg, vaginalia 7 Ligg. cruciata 8 BURSAE ET VAGINAE MUCOSAE 9 Bursa mucosa subcutanea 10 Bursa mucosa subnuscularis 11 Bursa mucosa subfacialis 12 Bursa mueosa subterdinea 13 Vagina mucosa tendinis 14 B. musculi trochlearis 37 15 B. m. tensoris veli palatini 16 B. subcutanea pr&ementalis 38 17 B. subcutanea prorrdnentiae laryngeae 39 13 B. m. sternohyoidei 19 BR.m. thyreohyoidei 40 20 B. subcutanea sacralis 21 B. coccygea 41 22 B. subcutanea acromialis 23 B. subacromialis 42 24 B. subdeltoidea 25 3. m. ftorac'-'brachialis 43 26 B. in. infraspinati 44 27 B. n. subscapularis 28 B. m. teretis majoris 45 29 B. n. latissimi dorsi 46 30 B. subcutanea olecrani 47 31 B. intratendinea olecrani 48 32 B. subtendinea olecrani -. _ 33 B. subcutanea epicondylif liumerij 49 lateralis ^ .. 50 34 B. subcutanea epicondyli ihumeri| 51 medialis 52 35 B. bicpitoradialis 53 36 B. cubitalis interossea 54 Vagina tendinum mm. abductoris long! et extent oris brevis pollicis Vagina tendinum mm. extensorum carpi radialiui Vagina tendinis m. extensoris pollicis longi Vagina tendinum mm. extensorie digi- torum comraunis et extensoris indicia Vagina tendinis m. extensoris digit! minimu Vagina tendinis m. extensori carpi ulnaris B. m. extensoris carpi radialis brevis Bursae subcutaneae metacarpophalangeae dorsales Bursae subcutaneae digitorum dorsales B. m. flexoris carpi ulnaris B. a. flexoris carpi radialis Vagina tendinum mm. flexorum com- munium Vag. tendinis m. flexoris pollicis long! Bursae intermetacarpophalangeae Vaginae tendinum digitales B. trochanterica subcutanea Bl trochanterica m. glutaei maxirai B. troch. m. gluetei medii anterior L70LOGY 29. 1 B. troch. m. glutaei medii posterior 2 B. troch. m. glutaei minimi 3 B. m. piriformis 4 B. m. obturatoris interni 5 Bu. sae glutaeofemorales 6 B. ischiadica m. glutaei maximi 7 B. n. recti feraoris 8 B. iliopectinea 9 B. iliaca subtendinea 10 B. m. pectinei 11 B. m. bicipitis fsmoris superior 12 B, praepatellaris oubcutanea 13 B. praepatellaris subfascialis 14 B. praepatellaris subtendinea 15* B. supra patellaris 16 B. infrapatellaris subcutanea 17 B. infrapatellaris profunda 18 B. .subcutanea tuberositatis tibiae 19 B. m. sartorii propria 20 B. anserina 21 B. m. bicipitis femoris inferior 22 B. m. poplitei 23 B. bicipitogastrocenemialis 24 B. m. gastrocnemii lateralis 25 B. m. gastrocnemii medialis 26 B. m. semimembranosi 27 B. subcutanea malleoli lateralis 28 B. subcutanea malleoli medialis 29 Vag. tendinis m. tibialis anterioris "0 Vag. tendinis ml extensoris hallucis longi 31 Vaginae tendinum m. extensoris digi- torum pedis longi 32 Vaginae tendinum m. flexoris digi- torum pedis longi 33 Vag. tendinis m. tibialis pbsterioris 34 Vag. tendinis m. flexoris hallucis longi 35 Vag. tandinum mm. peronaeorum communis 36 Bursa sinus tarsi 37 B. subtendinea m. tibialis anteriorie 38 B. subtondinea m, tibialis posterioris 39 B. eubcutanea calcanea 40 B. tendinis calcanei 41 Vag. tendinis m. peronaei longi plantaris 42 Burase intermetatarsophalangeae 43 Bursae mm. lumbricalium pedis 44 Vaginae tendinum digitales pedis . . . SPLAHCHNOLOGY 30, 1 SP1ANCHNOLOGIA 2 3 4 5 11 12 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 38 39 Tunica albuginea unica fibrosa Tunica adventitia Tunica mucosa 6 Lamina propria raucosae Lamina nuscularis mucosae Tela subnucosa Plica mucosa Mucus Tunica muscularis Tunica eerosa 13 Tela sutserosa 14 Plica serosa ntuo sm rosum 7 8 9 10 15 I 3.6 Serum 3 " Epithelium 18 Endothelium 19 Organcn parenchyrcatoouzn 20 Parenchyrca 21 Stroma 22 Glandula 23 Lob us 24 Lobulus 25 Glandula mucosa 26 Musculus viscerum 27 APPARATUS DIGESTORIUS 28 CAVUM ORIS Bucca Corpus adiposum buccae Vestibulum oris Cavum oris proprium Rirca oris Labia oris 35 Labium euperius 36 Labium inferius Commissura labiorum Angulus oris Palatum 40 Pala-tum durum 41 Palat'om molle 42 Raphe palati 43 Tunica mucosa oris 44 Frenulum labii euperioris 45 Frenulun labii inferioris 46 Gingiva 47 Caruncula sublingualis 48 Plica sublingualis 49 Plicae palatinae transversae 50 Papilla incisiva SPL/.NC:;NOLOGY 31 G3 G: 1 Glandulae or is Gl. labiales Gl. buccales Gl. molares palatinae linguales _ Gl. lingualis anterior ^Blandini Nuhrr Gl. sublingualis Ductus sublingualis irajor Ductus sublinguales rninores Gl. submaxillaris _ Ductus eubmaxillaris ^Whartonij Gl. parotiB 14 Processus retronandibularis Gl. parotis accessor! 18 Dentes 19 Corona dentis 20 Tubercula ccronaej dentis 21 Collum dentis 22 Radix Radices dentis 23 Apex radicis dentis 24 Facies masticatoria 25 Facies labialis buccalis 26 Facies lingualis 27 Facies contactus 28 Facies medialis 1 dentium incisivo- 29 Facies lateralis} rum et caninorum 30 Facies anterior \ dentium praemola- 31 Facies posterior) riura et molarium 32 Cavum dentis 33 Pulpa dentis 34 Papilla dentis x 35 Canalis radicis dentis 36 Foramen apicis dentis 37 Substantia eburnea 38 Substantia adamant ina 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 TO 71 72 73 74 75 76 78 Substantia oesea Caualiculi dentales Spatia interglobularia Prisirata adamantina Cuticula dentis Periosteum alveolare Arcus dentalis superior Arcus dentalis inferior Dentes in^isivi Dentes canini Dentes prs enolares Rentes molares 51 Dens serotinus Dentes pernanentes Dentes decidui 54 Lingua Drosum linguae Radix linguae Corpus linguae ,_ Facies inferior linguaej 59 Mar go lateralis Apex linguae Tunica mucosa linguae Frenulum linguae Papillae linguales Papillae filiformes Papillae conicae Papillae fungiformes Papillae lenticulares Papillae vallatae Papillae foliatae Sulcus medianus linguae Sulcus terminalis Foramen caecum linguae (Morgagnii) (Ductus lingualis) Ductus thyreoglossus x Tonsilla lingualie 77 Folliculi linguales Septum linguae Plica fimbriata f. . -^ SPl-ANCHNOLOGY 32. 1 Musculi linguae 2 M. eenioglossus 3 U, hyuglossus 4 M. chondroglossus 5 M. styloglossus 6 M. longitudinalis superior 7 M. longitudinalis inferior 8 M. transversus lingua 3 M. verticalis linguae 10 Fauces 11 Isthmus faucium 12 Velum palatinum 13 Uvula palatina 14 Arcus palatini 15 Arcus gloss opalatinus 16 Arcus pharyngopalatinus 17 Plica salpingopalatina 18 Tonsilla palatina 19 Fossulae ton '.illares 20 Sinus tonsil laris 21 Plica triangularie 22 Fossa supratonsillaris '23 Musculi palati et faucium 24 M, levator veli palatini M. tensor veli palatini M. uvulae M. gloss opalatinus 25 26 27 28 M. pharyngopalatinus 29 PHARYNX 30 Cavum pharyngis 31 Fornix pharyngis 32 Pars nasal is 33 Pars oralis 34 Pars laryngea 35 Ostium pharyngeuin tubae 36 Labium anterius 37 Labiura posterius 38 Torus tubarius 39 Plica salpingopharyngea - 40 Recessus pharyngeus jjRosenmuelleriJ 41 (Bursa pharyngea) 42 Reoes-jue piriiormis 43 M. Gtylcpl-^irTOgfjua 44 Frscia pharyngobasilaris 45 Tunica mucosa 46 Gl, pharyngeae 47 Tonsilla phcryngea 48 Fossulae tonsillares 49 Tela subaucosa 50 Tunica" muscularis pharyngis 51 Raphe pharyngis 52 Raphe pterygcirandibularis 53 M, constrictor pharyngis superior 54 M. pterygopharyngeus 55 M. buccopharyngeus 56 M. mylopharyngeus 57 M. g].os30pharyngeu8 58 M. ealpingcpharyngeus 59 M. ccnd'bclc'Ur pharvngis medius 60 M. chonaropharyngeus 61 M, ceratopharyngeus 52 M. constrictor pharyngis inferior 63 M. thyreopharyngeus 64 M. cricopharyngeus 65 TUBUS DIGSSTORIUS 66 Oesophagus 67 Pars cervical is 68 Pars thoracalis 69 Pars abdominalis 70 Tunica adventitia 71 Tunica muBcularis 72 M, bronchooesophageus 73 M. pleurooesophageus 74 Tela submucosa 75 Tunica mucosa 76 Lain, muscularis mucosae 77 Gl* pesophageae 78 Ventriculus """[paste rj 79 Paries anterior 80 Paries posterior I . . . SPLANCHNOLOGY 33. 1 Curvatura ventriculi major 2 Curvatura ventriculi minor 3 C; rdia 4 Fundus ventriculi 5 Corpus ventriculi 6 Pylorus 7 Pars cardiaca 8 Pars pylorica 9 (Antrum cardiacun) 10 Antrura pyloricum 11 Tunica serosa 12 Tunica muscularis 13 Stratum longitudinals 14 Ligg. pylori 15 Stratum circulare 16 M. sphincter pylori 17 Fibrae obliquae 18 Valvula pylori 19 Tela sybmucosa 20 Tunica muscosa 21 Lam. muscularis mucosae 22 Areae gastricae 23 Plicae villosae 24 Foveolae gastricae _ -, 25 Gland ulae gastricae Ipropriaej 26 Gland uiae pyloricae 27 Moduli lymphatici gaetrici 28 Succus gastricus 29 Intestinum tunue 30 Tunica serosa 31 Tunica muscularis 32 Stratum longi budinale 33 Stratum circulare 34 Tela submucosa 35 Tunica mucosa 36 Lam. muscularis mucosae 37 Plicae circulares Qcerkringijl 38 Villi intestinales .. 39 Gl. intestinales ^Lieberkuehnij 40 Noduli lymphatici solitarii _ ^ 41 Noduli lymphatici aggregati fPeyeriJ 42 Chymus 42 Chylua 44 Succus enter icus ^5 Duodenum 46 Pars uperior 47 Pars descendens 48 Pars inferior - 49 Pars horizontalis [inferior J 50 Pars ascsr.clens 51 Flexura duodeni superior 52 Flexura duodeni inferior 53 Flexura duodenojejunalis 54 M. suspensoriua duodeni 55 Plica longitudinal! s duodeni 56 Papilla duodeni jjTsantcrini| 58 Intestinum tenue mesenteriale. 59 Intestinv-m jejunum 60 Intestinun ileura 61 Intestinum crassum 62 Inteeti nuu m caecum 63 Valvula coli 64 Labium superius 65 Labium inferius 66 Frenula valvulae coli 67 Processus vermi- form i s 68 (Valvula proceesus vermiformis) 69 Noduli aggregati processus vermifor* mis 70 Colon 71 Colon ascendens 72 Flexura coli dextra 73 Colon transversum 74 Flexura coli sinistra 75 Colon descendens 76 Colon sigmoideum 77 Plicae semilunares coli 78 Haustra coli 79 Tunica serosa 80 Appendices epiploicae 81 Tunica mus6ularis 82 Taeniae coli SPLANCHNOLOGY 34. 1 Taenia mesocolica 2 Taenia omentalis 3 Taenia libera 4 r 2.1& submucosa 5 Tunica mucosa 6 Lam. muscularis mucosae 7 Gl. intestinales pLieberkuehnxj 8 Noduli 3,-ymphavtici ~solitarii 9 Intestinum. rectum 10 Flexura sacralis 11 Flexura perinealis 12 Ampulla recti 13 Tunica muscularis 14 M. sphincter ani internus 15 M. rectococcygeus 16 Tela submucosa 17 Tunica mucosa 18 Lam. m. muccsae _ 19 Gl. intestinales ILieberkuehniJ 20 Noduli lynphatici 21 Plicae transversales recti 22 Pare anal is recti 23 Columnae rectales fMorgagnifl 26 Sinus rectales 25 Annul us haeraorrhoidalis 26 PANCREAS 27 Caput pancreatis - . 28 Processus uncinatus tPancreas \ jTWinslowi} 29 Incisura pancreatis 30 Corpus pancreatis 31 Facies anterior 32 Facies- posterior 33 Facies inferior 34 Margo superior 35 Margo anterior 36 Margo posterior 37 Tuber omentale 38 Cauda pancreatis . _ 39 Ductus pancreaticus fWirsungi* 40 Ductus pancreaticus accessorius 41 (Pancreas accossorium) 42 Sucous pancreaticus 43 HEPAR 44 Facies 45 Facies posterior 46 Facies inferior 47 IJargo anterior 48 Incisura umbilicalis 49 Fossae sagittales dextrae 50 Fossa vesicae felleae 51 Fossa venae cavae 52 Fossa sagittalis sinistra 53 Fossa venae umbilicalis 54 Fossa ductus venosi 55 Tunica cerosa 56 Lig. teres hepatis 57 Lig. venosura gArantin 58 Porta hepatis 59 Lobus hepatis dexter 60 Lobus quadratus 61 Lobus caudatus 62 Processus papillaris 63 Processus caudatus 64 Lobus hepatis sinister 65 (Appendix fibrosa hepatis) 66 Irnpressio cardiaca 67 Tuber omentale 68 Impressio oesophagea 69 Impressio gastrica "70 Impressio duodenalis 71 Impressio colica 72 Impressio renal is 73 Impressio suprarenalis 74 Lobuli hepatis 75 Capsula fibrosa 76 Kami arteriosi interlo^ujares 77 Venae interlobulares 78 Venae centrales . SPLAIJCHHCLOCY 35. 1 Ductus biliferi 2 Ductus interlobulares 3 Ductus ftepaticus 4 Vasa aberrantia hepatis 5 Fel Bills 6 Vesica fellea 7 Fund us vesicas fellaea a Corpus vesicae felleae 9 Collum vesicae felleae 10 Ductus cysticus 11 Tunica serosa vesicae felleae 12 Tunica muscularis vesicae felleae 13 Tunica raucosa vesicae felleae 14 Plicae tun. mucosae v. felleae 30 15 Valvula spiralis Heisteri") 31 16 Ductue choledochus 17 Gl. mucosae biliosae 33 34 19 20 21 22 23 ?* 25 26 27 28 29 29 18 LIEN Facies diaphragmatica Facies rsnalis Facies gastrica Sxtrenitas superior Extrenitas inferior Margo posterior Mar go anterior Hilus lienis Tunica eerosa .; Tunica albuginea Trabeculae lienis Trabeculae lienis Pulpa lienis Rami lienales {Tarteriae lienalisj 32 Penicilli" - .- Noduli lumphatici lienales [_Malpighii.| (Lien eccessorius) 3S APPARATUS RESPIR^ATORIUS 37 38 39 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 36 CAVUM NASI Hares Choejnae Septum nasi 40 Septum cartilagineum 41 Septum oerabraraceuin Vestibulum nasi Limen nasi Sulcus olfactorius (Concha nasalis suprena Concha nasalis superior Concha nasalis media Concha nasalis inferior Membrana mucosa nasi Plexus cavernosi concharum Agger nasi Recessus sphenoethmoidalis Meatus nasi 54 Meatus nasi superior 55 Meatus nasi medius 55 Atrium meatus medii 57 Meatus nasi inferior 58 Meatuc nasi communis 59 Meatus n&sopharyngeus 60 Regie respiratcria 61 Regio olfactoria 62 Gl. olfactoriae 63 Sinus paranasales 64 Sinus raaxillaris 65 Sinus sphenoidalis 66 Sinus frontalis _67 Cellulae ethmoidales 68 Bulla ethnoidalis 69 Infundibvlum ethmoidale 70 Hiatus semilunaris 71 Gl. nasalea 72 NASUS EXTERNUS 73 Basis nasi 74 Radix naei SPIANCHNOLOOY 36. 1 Dorsum nasi 2 Margo nasi 3 Apex nasi 4 Ala nasi 5 Septum mobile nasi 6 S^rtilagines nasi 7 Cartilage septi nasi 8 Processus sphenoidalis septi cartilaginsi 9 Cartilago nasi lateralis 10 Cartilago alaris major 11 Crus mediale 12 Crus late rale Cartilagines alares minores Cartilagines sesanoideae nasi 1 a r y n g i 13 15 Organon vomeronasale jacobsonij 16 Cartilago vomeronasalis jjacobsonij 17 (Ductus incisivus) 18 LARYNX 19 Prominent ia Iaryng3a 20 Cartilagines 21 Cartilago thyreoidea 22 Lamina d extra et sinistraj 23 Incisura thyreoidea superior 24 Incisura thyreoidea inferior 25 Tuberculum thyreoideura euperius 26 Tuberculum thyreoideum inferius 27 (Linea obliqua) 28 Cornu superius 29 Cornu inferius 30 (Foramen thyreoideura) 31 Lig. hyothyreoideum laterale 32 Cartilago triticea 33 Lig. hyothyreoideum medium 34 Meribrana hyothyreoidea 35 Cartilago cricoidea 36 Arcus |*cartilaginis cricoideaej 37 Lamina ("cartilaginis cricoideael 38 Facies articularis arytaenoidea 39 Facies articularis tnyreoidea 40 Articulatio cricothyreoidea 41 Capsula articularis cricothyreoidea 42 Ligg. ceratocricoidea lateralia 43 Lig. ceratocricoideum anterius 44 Ligg. csratocricoidea posteriora 45 Lig. cricothyreoideum fmediunfj 46 Lig. cricotracheale 47 Cartilago arytaenoidea 48 Facies jrticularis 49 Basis ^cartilaginis arytaenoideae} 50 Crista arcuata 51 Collie ul us 52 Fovea oblonga 53 Fovea triangvlaris 54 Apex j^cartilaginisj arytaenoideae 55 Processus vocalis 56 Processus muscularis ^ 57 Cartilago corniculata ^Santorinij 58 Synchondrosis arycorniculata s 59 Articulatio cricoarytaenoidea 60 Lig. cricopharyngeum 61 Lig. corniculopharyngeum 62 Lig. ventriculare 63 Lig. vocale 64 (Cartilago sesamoidea) 65 Capsula articularis cricoarytaenoidea 66 Lig. cricoarytaenoideuni posterius 67 Epiglottis 68 Petiolus epiglottidis 69 Tuberculum epiglotticum 70 Cartilago epiglottica 71 Lig. thyreoepiglotticum 72 Lig. hyoepiglotticum 73 Cartilago cuneif ormis {jffrisbergij. 74 Tuberculum cuneiformis (Wrisbergii 75 Tuberculum corniculatum * ^SantoriniJ 76 Musculi laryngis 77 M. aryepiglotticue 78 M. cricothyreoideus 79 Pars recta SPIANCHNQL001 37. 1 Pars obliqua 2 M. cricoarytaenoideus posterior 3 (M. ceratocriccideus) 4 M. cricoarytaenoideus lateralis 5 Iv , ventricularis 6 M. vocalis 7 M. thyreoepiglotticus __ 8 M. thyreoarytaonoideus |_externusj 9 M. arytaenoideus obliquus 10 M, arytaenoideus transversus 11 Cayuin_ larynejs 12 Vallecula epiglottica 13 Aditus laryngis 14 Veetibulum laryngis 15 Riraa vestibuli 16 Labium vocale 17 Glottis 18 Rima glottidis 159 Pars intermrmbranacea 20 Pars inter cartilaginea 21 Ventriculus laryngis MorgagniiJ 22 Appendix ventriculi laryngis 23 Tunica mucosa laryngis 24 Membrana elastica laryngis 25 Conus elasticus 26 Plica glossoepiglottica raediana 27 Plica glossoepiglottica lateralis 28 Plica aryepiglottica 29 Plica nervi laryngei 30 Plica ventricularis 31 Plica vocalis 32 Macula flava 33 Aditus glottidis inferior 34 Aditus glottidis superior 35 Incisura interarytaenoidea 36 Gl. laryngeae 37 01. laryngeae anteriores 38 Gl. laryngeae mediae 39 Gl. laryngeae posteriores 40 Noduli lymphatici laryngei 41 TRACHEA ET BRONCHI 42 Cartilagines tracheales ._ 43 Ligg. annularia ftrachealiaj 44 Paries membranacea 45 Gl. tracheales ** Bifurcatio tracheae 47 Bronchus ([dexter et sinisterj 48 Rand bronchialee 49 Ramus bronchialis eparterialis 50 Rami bronchiales hyparteriales 51 Tunica muscularis 52 Tela submucosa 53 Tunica mucosa 54 Gl. tracheales 55 Gl. bronchiales 56 PULMO 57 Basis pulmonis 58 Apex pulrt'onis 59 Sulcus subclavius 60 Facies costalis 61 Facies raediastinalis 62 Facies diaphragmatica 63 Margo anterior 64 Margo inferior 63 Hilus pulmonis 66 Radix pulmonis 67 Incisura cardiaca 68 Lobus superior 69 Lobus medius 70 Lobus inferior 71 Incisura interlobaris 72 Lobuli pulmonum 73 Rami bronchiales 74 Bronchioli 75 Bronchioli respiratorii 76 Ductuli alveolares 77 Alveoli pulrnonura 78 Lymphoglandulae bronchiales 79 Noduli lyraphatici bronchiales 80 Lymphoglandulae pulmonales . - 3PLANCHNCLOGY 38. 1 CAVUK TKORACIS 2 Fascia endothoracica 3 Cavua pleurae 4 F Leura 5 Cupula pleurae 6 Pleura pulmcnalis 7 Pleura parie tails 3 Pleura mediastinalis 9 Laminae mediastinales 10 Pleura pericardiaca 11 Pleura costalis 12 Pleura diaphragnatica 13 Sinus pleurae 14 Sinus phrenicocostalis 15 Sinus ccstonediastinalis 15 Lig. pulmonale 17 Plicae adiposae 18 Villi pleurales 19 Septum mediastinale 20 Cavum mediastinale anterius 21 Cs.vum mediastinale posterius 22 GL. THYREOIDEA 23 Isthmus gl, thyrebideae i * (Lob us pyramidalis ) 25 Lobus dexter 3t sinisterj 26 Lobuli gl. thyreoideae 27 Stroma gl. thyreoideae 28 (Gl. thyreoideae accessoriae) 29 (Gl. thyreoidea access oria supra- hyoidca) 30 GLOMUS CAROTICUM ^ 31 THYIJUS 32 Lobus j[dexter et einisterj 33 Tractus centralis 34 Lobuli thyaii 35 APPARATUS 36 ORGANA UROPOETICA dV Ren 38 fergo lateralis 39 Margo medialis 40 Hilus renal is 41 Sinus renalis 42 Facies anterior 43 Facies posterior 44 Extreiaitas superior 45 Extremitas inferior 46 (Irapressio muscularis) 47 (linpressio hepatica) 48 (Irapressio gastrica) 49 Capsula adiposa 50 Tunica fibrosa 51- Tunica muscularis 52 Tubuli renales 53 Tubuli renales contort! UROGENITALIS 54 Tubuli renales recti 55 Substantia cor-oicalis 56 Substantia medullaris 57 Lobi renalss 58 Pyr3G3.-des renales 5S Basis pyramidis 60 Papillae reiiales 61 Area cribrosa 62 Foramina papillaria 63 Colunu^ae renales 64 Lobuli corticales -^ 65 Pars radiata jProcessus Ferreinij 66 Pars convoluta 67 Corpuscula renis TMalpighiil 68 Glocorula.- 69 otipusla glorneruli 70 Pelvis renalis 71 Calyces renales SPLANOHNOLOGY 39, 1 Calyces renales majores .3 Calyces renales minores 3 Gl. pelvis renalis 4 Arteriae renis 5 Aa. interlobarec ronis 5 Arteriae arciformes 7 Arteriae interlobulares 8 Vas afferens 9 Vas efferens It Rarai capsulares 11 Arteriolae rectee 12 Aa. nutriciae pelvis renalis 13 Venae renis 14 Vv. interlobares 15 Venae arciformes 16 Venae interlobulares 17 Venae interlobulares 18 Venae stellatae 19 URETER 20 Pars abdominalis 21 Pars pelvina 22 Tunica adventitia 23 Tunica muscularis 24 Stratum externurn 25 Stratum medium 26 Stratum inter nura 27 Tunica mucosa 28 Gl. mucosae ureter is 29 VESICA URINARIA 30 Vertex vesicae 31 Corpus vesicae 32 Fund us vesicae 33 Lig. umbilicale medium 34 Urachus x 35 Tunica serosa 36 Tunica muscularis 37 Stratum externura 38 Stratum medium 39 Stratum internum 40 11. pubovesicalis 41 M. rectovesicalis 42 Tela submucosa to Tunica mucosa 44 Gl. VRsicales 45 Noduli lymphp.tici^vesicales 46 Trigonua vesicae (.LieutaudiJ 47 Uvuala vesicae 48 Plica ureterica 49 Orificium ureteris 50 Orificiura urethrae internum 51 Annulus urethralis 52 GLANDULA SUPR&RENALIS 53 Substantia corticalis 54 Substantia nedullarifi 55 Hilus gl. suprarenalis 56 Facies anterior 57 Facies posterior 58 Basis gl . suprarenalis - 59 Apex suprarenalis Tgl. dextrae^ 60 hfargo superior 61 Margo medialis 62 Vena centralis 63 (Cl. suprarenales accessoriae) 64 ORGANA CENITALIA 65 ORGANA GENITALIA VIRILIA 66 Testis 67 Extremitas superior 68 Extremitas inferior 69 Facies lateralis 70 Facies medialis 71 Margo anterior 72 Margo posterior 73 Tunica albuginea _ ^ 74 Mediastinum testi J.Corpus HighmoriJ 75 Septula testis i : SPLANCLNOLOGY 40 1 Lobuli testis 2 Parenchyma testis 3 Tubuli seminiferi cohtorti 4 Tubuli seminiferi recti 5 Tunica prcpria 5 Rate testis ^Haltler 7 Ductuli_ef ferentes testis 8 Sperca |~ Semen) 9 E p i d i 1 y~m :. s 10 Caput epididymidis 11 Corpus epxdidyrrj.tfis 12 Cauda epididycidis 13 Lobuli epididymidis 14 Ductus e'j.ididymidio 15 Ductuli aberrantes 15 (Ductulus aberrans superior) 17 Appendices testis 18 Appendix testis JU/IorgagniiJ 19 (Appendix epirtidymisj 20 Paradidym'is 21... D-uctus deferens 22 Ampulla ductus deferent is 3 Div6r.-io.ulr.' 1 .ampullae 24 Tunica adventitia 25 Tunica nuscularis 26 Stratum externum 27 Stratum medium 28 Stratun internum 29 Tunica mucosa 30 Ductus e jaculatprius 31 Vesicula seminalis 32 Corpus vesiculae seminalis 33 Tunica adventitia 34 Tunica muscularis 35 Tunica mucosa 36 Ductus excretorius 37 Funiculus sperraaticus et tunicae testis et funiculi sprenatici 38 (Rudimentum processus vaginalis) 39 Tunica vaginalis propria testie 40 LaniirK. parietalia 4-1 Lamina visceral is 42 Lig. epididymidis superius 43 Lig. epididymidis inferius 44 Sinus epididymidis 45 Tunica vaginalis communes et funiculi spermaticil 46 M. crenaster 47 Fascia cremasterica 48 Descensus testis* . 49 Gubernaculum testis feunterajx 50 Proatata 51 Basis prostatae 52 Apex prcstatae 53 Facies anterior 54 Faciea posterior _ 55 Lobus |_"ciert9r et sinisterj 56 Isthmue' prostatae 57 (Lobus rcedius) 58 Corpus glandulare 60 Succus p-rostaticus 61 M. prostTttisus 62 Glandule, bulbourethralis 63 Corpus gl bulbourethralis 64 Ductus excretorius 65 PARIES OENITALES EXTERNAE 66 PENIS 67 Radix psnis 68 Corpus penis 69 Crus penis 70 Dorsum penis 71 Facies urethralis 72 Glans psnis 73 Corona glandis 74 Septuia glandis 75 Collum glandis - . SPLANCflNGLOGY 41. 1 2 3 A. 5 c. 10 11 12 13 -4 15. 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Praeputium Frenulum praeputii Raphe penis Corpus cavernosum penis Corpus cavernosura urethras Bulb us urethrae 7 Hemisphaeria bulbi urethrae 3 Septum bulbi urethrae Tunica albuginea corporum caverno- dorurn Septum penis Trabeculae corporum cavernosorum Cr,-ernae corporum cavernosorun Arteriae helicinae Venae cavernosae Lig. suspensorium penis Fascia penis Gl. praeputiales Smegma praeputii 19 URETHRA VIRILIS P 3 r s prostatica Crista urethralis Colliculus seminalis Utriculus prostaticua Pars membranacea P^a rs cavernosa it" K .. Rossa navicularis urethrae Morgagni:Q 27 (Valvula fossae navicularie) 28 Orificium urethrae externum 29 Lacunae urethra^les j^Morgagniil 30 Gl. urethrales fLittreiJ 31 SCROTUM 32 Raphe scroti 33 Septum scroti 34 Tunica dartos 35 ORGANA GENTTALIA MULIEBRIA 36 Qvarium 37 Hilus ovarii 38 Facies medialie 41 Iviargo raesovaricus 42 Extremitas tubaria 43 Extremitas uterina 44 Stroma ovarii 45 Folliculi oophori priraarii ^ < 46 Folliculi cophori vesiculosi jGraafij 47 Theca folliculi 48 Tunica externa 49 Tunica interna 50 Liquor folliculi 51 Stratum granulosum 52 Cumulus oophorus 53 Ovulum 54 Corpus luteun 55 Corpus albicans 56 Lig. ovarii proprium 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 71 72 73 57 Tuba uterina Ostium abdominale tubae uterinae Infundibulum tubae uterinae Fimbriae tubae 61 Fimbria ovarica Ampulla tubae uterinae Isthmus tubae utSrinae Pars uterina Ostium uterinum tubae Tunica serosa Tunica adventitia Tunica .mucculuris 69 Stratum longitudinale 70 Stratum circulars Tela eubmucosa Tunica muscosa Plicae tubariae 74 Plicae ampullares 75 Plicae isthmicae 76 UEerus 77 Corpus uteri SPLANCIiNOLOGY 42. 1 Fundus uteri 2 Mar go late rails 3 Fades vesicalis 4 Facies intestinalis 5 Cavuro uteri 5 Orificium internum uteri 7 Cervix uteri ^ 8 Portio supre^vaginalis l^cervicisj 9 Portio vaginalis cervicisj 10 Orificium externum uteri 11 Labium anterius 12 Labiun posterius 13 Canalis cervicis uteri 14 Plicae palioatae _ 15 Gl. cervicales j~uterij 15 PJStv.t-'vrium ^ 17 Tunica serosa {^Perimetriuia \ 18 Tunica muscularis 19 Tunica muscularis cervicis 20 Tunica mucosa 21 Gl. uterinaS 22 M. rectouterinus 23 Lig. teres uteri 24 (Processus vaginalis peritonaei) 25 Vagina 26 Fornix vaginae 27 Paries anterior 28 Paries posterior 29 Hymen femininus 30 Carunculae hymenales 31 Tunica muscularis 32 Tunica mucosa 33 Noduli lypphatici vaginales 34 Rugae vagina les 35 Oolumnae rugarum 36 Colucma rugarum posterior 37 Columna rugarum anterior 38 Carina urethralis Pvaginaej 39 Epoophoron 40 Ductus epoophori longitudinalis FGartneri'1 41 Ductuli transversx, -i 42 Appendices vesiculosi ^MorgagniiJ 43 Pe.ronphoron 44 PARTES GSNITAL3S EXTERNAE 45 Pudendum muliebre 46 Labiuni naijus pudendi 47 Commissura labsorum anterior 48 Commissura labiorum posterior 49 Frenulum labiorum pudendi 50 Rima pudendi -i 51 Fossa navicularis \^vestibuli vaginae j. 52 Labiuni minus pudendi 53 Vestibulum vaginae 54 Bulbus vestibuli 55 Gl. sebaceae 56 Gl, vestibulares minores 57 Orificiuc vaginae 58 Gl . vestjbularia major LBartholini] 59 CLITORIS 60 Crus clitoridis 61 Corpus clitoridis 62 Gltnoialitoridio:'; s 63 Fronulura clitoridia 64 Praeputium clitoridis 65 Smegma clitoridis 66 Corpus cavernosum clitoridis 67 Septum corporuza cavernosorum 68 Fascia clitoridia 69 Lig. suspensorium vlitoridis 70 URETHRA ivIULIEBRIS 71 Orificium urethras externum 72 Corpus spongiosum urethrae 73 Tunica muscularis 74 Stratum circulars 75 Stratum longitudinals 76 Tunica submucosa 77 Tunica mucoea SPLANCHNCLOGY 43.. 1 Gl. urethrales 2 Crista urethralis 3 (Ductus paraurethrale??) 4 Termini ontogenetic-i 5 Morabranae deciduae x 6 Decidua vera x 7 Decidua car/sularis x 8 Decidua t:s.eajLia x 9 Placenta x 10 Placenta uterina x 11 Placenta foetalis x 12 Funiculus umbilicalis* 13 Corpus ~.7olffi x 14 Ductus Wolffi x 15 Ductus Muelleri x 16 Sinus urogenitalis x 17 PERINEUM 18 Raphe perinei 19 Musculi perinei 20 Diaphragma pelvis 21 M. levator ani 22 Arc us tendineus K. levatoris ani 23 M. coccygeus Jjride p. 25J 24 M. sphincter ani externus 25 Lig. anococcygeuffi 26 Fascia pelvis 27 Fascia endopelvina 28 Fascia diaphragmatis pelvis superior 29 Arcus tendineus fasciae pelvis 30 Lig. puboprostaticum Ppubovesicale j medium 31 ^ig. puboprostaticum |pubovesicale3 laterale 32 Fascia diaphragnatis polvis inverior 33 Diaphragma urogenitale 34 M. transversus perinei profundus 35 M. sphincter urethrae membranaceae 36 Fascia diaphragmatis urogenitalis superior 37 Fascia diaphragmatis urogonitalis inferior 38 Lig. transversum pelvis 39 Fascia prostatae 40 Fascia obturatoria 41 Fossa ischiorectalis 42 U. transversus perinei superficialis 43 M. iscbiocavernosus 44 M. bulbocaverncsus 45 Fascia superficialis perinei 46 PERITONAEUM 47 Tunica serosa 48 Tela subserosa 49 Peritonaeum parietale 50 Peritonaeum viscerale 51 Cavum peritonaei 52 Mesenterium conmune x 53 Meeenterium 54 Radix mesenterii 56 Mesocolon 57 Mesocolon transversum 58 Mesocolon ascendens 59 Mesocolon descendens 60 Mesocolon sigmoideum 61 Mes ore c turn 62 Jfesenteriolum processus vermif onnis 63 Mesogastrium x 64 Oinentum minus 65 Lig. hepatogastricum 66 Lig. hepatoduodenale 67 (Lig. hepatocolicum) 68 Lig. gastrolienale 69 Lig. gastrocolicuin 70 Gmentum aajus 71 Bursa omentalis 72 Vestibulum bursae omentalis 73 Resessus superior omentalis 74 Recessus inferior omentalis 75 Recessus lienalis 76 Plica ^istropancreatica ^ 77 Foramen ipiploicum ^Wirislowi] GPLANCHNOLOGY 44. 1 Lig. phrenicocolicum 2 Lig. phrenicolienale 3 Lig. falciforme hepatis 4 Lig. coronariurn hepatia 5 Lig. triangulare dextrum 6 Lig. triangulare sini strum 7 Lig. he.patorer.al9 8 (Lig. ducdenorsnale) 9 RecesGus duodeno je junalis 10 Plica duodeno jejuna! is 11 (Plica duodenornesocolica) 12 Recessus inters igmcide us 13 Recessus iliocaecalis superior 14 Recessus iliocaecallis inferior 15 Plica iliocaecalis 16 Fossa caecalis 1 7 Recessus retrocaecalis 18 Plica caecalis 19 Recessus paracolici 20 (Fossa iliacosubfascialie) 21 (Recessus phrenicohepatici) 22 P3.i-:a umbilical is media 23 Plica unbilicalis lateralis 24 Plica epigastrica 25 Plica pubovesicalis 26 Plica vesicalis transversa 27 Mesorchium x 28 Erccessus vaginalis peritonaei x 29 Lig. lattua uteri 30 Me s one "tri urn 31 Meoosalpinx 32 Mesovariurs 33 Bursa ovarica 34 Lig. susper.sorium ovarii 35 Plica rectoutorina (bouglasij 36 Excavatio rectouterina 37 Excavatio vesicouterina 33 Excavatio rectovesicalis 39 Spatium rstroperitonaeale .- ! ALirnOJ.OGY 45. 1 ANGIOLOGIA 2 Vas collaterals 3 Vas anastomoticurn 4 Ramus communicans 5 Plexus vasculosus 6 Rete vasculosun 7 Rete oirabile 8 Arteria 9 Arteriola 10 Vena 11 Vena cutanea 12 Vena comitans 13 Venula 14 Plexus venosus 15 Rete venosun 16 Sinus {Venosust 17 Enicsariua 18 Corpus cavernosum 19 Ves capillara 20 Vas lyinphaticum 21 Plexus isytnplnticus 22 Lyrpho glanc 23 Noduius lymphaticus 24 Cisterns. n 25 Tunica externa j*adventitia| 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 COR 33 Basis cordis 49 34 Facies sternocostalis 35 Facies diaphran^riatica 36 Apex cordis 37 Incisura apicis~] cordis 52 38 Sulcus longitudinal is anterior 53 39 Sulcus longitudinalis posterior 54 40 Sulcus coronarius 41 Pericardium 56 42 Liquor pericardii 57 43 Ligg. sternopericardiaca 58 44 Sinus transversus pericardii 59 45ri Epicardium 60 46 Myocardium 61 47 Endocardium 62 48 Ventriculus cordis 63 Tunica media Tunica intimi Vasa va&orum Vagina vatsorum Sanguis Lympha Septum ventriculorum 50 Septum musculare ventriculorum 51 Septum membranaceum ventricu- lorum Atrium cordis Auricula cordis Septum atriorum 55 Pars membranacea septi atriorum Ostium venosum Ostium arteriosum Trabeculae carneae Vortex cordia Mm. papillares Chordae tendineae Trigona fibrosa Annuli fibrosi AETIOLOGY 46. 22 3 4 10 1 ATRIUM DEXTRUM Mm. pectinati Sulcus terminalis atrii dexti Crista -berrainalis 5 Sinus venarum j^cavarum, 6 Limbus fossae ovalis 7 Auricula dextra 8 Tuberculum intervenosun QjoweriJ 9 Valvula verae cavae f inferioris, EustachiiJ Fossa ovalis 14 18 19 r 11 Valvula sinus coronarii j^Thebesii] 12 Foramina verarum miniirarum 13 VEMTRICULUS DEXTER Valvula trieuspidalis 15 Cuspis anterior 16 Cuspis posterior 17 Cuspis medial is Crista superaventricularis Conus arteriosus 20 Valvulae semilunares a. pulmonalis 21 Valvula serailunaris anterior 22 Valvula semilunaris dextra 23 Vaivuia semilunaris sinistra 24 Moduli valvularum semilunariuin 25 Lunu?.ae valvularum semilunarium 26 ATRIUM SINISTRUM 27 Auricula sinistra 28 Valvula forascinis ovalis 29 VENTRICULUS SINISTER 30 Valvula bicvspidalis Ijnitralisj 31 Cuspis anterior 32 Cuspis posterior 33 Valvulae semilunares aortae 3S Valvula semilunaris posterior 35 Valvula semilunaris dextra 36 Valvula semilunaris sinistra 37 Noduli semilunarium 38 Lunulae valvularum semilunarium 39 ARTERIAE 40 A. PULMONALIS 41 Ramus dexter 42 Ramus sinister ^ ^ 43 Ductus arteriosus ^Botalli| x 44 Ligamentum arteriosum 45 A6RTA 46 Aorta ascendens 47 Bulbus aortae- .. 48 Sinus aortae jjfalsalvaej 49 Arcus aortae 50 Isthmus aortae 51 Aorta descendens 52 A. coronaria fcordis] dextra 53 Ramus descendens posterior 54 A. coronaria ^cordisj sinistra 55 Ramus circumflexus 56 Ramus descendens anterior 57 A. AHONYMA 58 (A. thyreoidea ima) 59 A. CAROTIS COIMJNIS 60 A. CAROTIS EXTERNA 61 A. thyreoidea superior 62 Ramus hyoideus 63 Ramus sternocleidonastoideus 64 A. laryngea superior 65 Ramue circothyreoideus AIIGTOL05Y 47. _ Ramus anterior Raraus posterior 3 Rarni glandulares 4- A. pharynzea aseendens 5 A. meningea posterior 6 Rand, pharyngei 7 A. tympanica inferior 8 A, lingual is 9 Raraus hyoideus 10 A. sublingualis 11 Kami dorsales linguae 12 A. profunda linguae 13 A. rraxillaris externa 14 A. palatina aseendens 15 Ramus tonsillaris 16 A. submentalis 17 Rani glandulares 18 A. labialis inferior 19 A. labialis superior 20 A. angularis 21 A. sternocleidogastoidea 22 A. occipi tails 23 Ramus mastoideus 24- Raraus auricularis 25 Rami musculares 26 Ramus descendens 27 (Ramus meningeus) ?.r Rani occipitales 29 A> auricularis posterior 30 A. stylomastoidea 31 A. tympanica posterior 32 Kami castoidei 33 Ramus stapedius 34 Ramus auricularis 35 Ramus occipitalis 36 _A. temporalis superficialis 37 Rami parotidei 38 A. transversa faciei 39 Rarai auricular es anteriores 40 A. zygonxi-fcicoorbitalis 41 A. tawpjraiis media 42 Rarnua frontal is 43 Ranus parietalis 44 A. rosxillaris interna 45 A. auricularis profunda 46 A. tjropanioa anterior 47 A. alveolaris inferior 48 R. mylohyoideus 49 A. inentalie 50 A. merdngea media 51 (Ramus rneningous accessoriue) 52 Ratnns petrosus superficialis 53 A. tympanica superior 54 A. n&Gseterica 55 A. temporalis profunda posterior 56 A. tempoi'alis profunda anterior 57 Rami pterygoidei 58 A, buccinatoria 59 A. alveolaris superior posterior 60 A. infraorbitalis 61 Aa, alveol. superiores anteriores 62 A. palatina descendens 63 A. canalis pterygoidei 64 A. palatina major 65 Aa. palatinae ininores 66 A. sphenopalatina 67 Aa. nasales posteriores laterales et septi 68 A. CAROTIS INTERNA 69 Ramus caroticotympanicus 70 A_._.ojg)ithe.lmica 71 A. centralis retinae 72 A. lacrimalis 73 Aa. palpebrales laterales 74 Rami musculares 75 Aa. ciliares posteriores breves 76 Aa. ciliares posterioree longae . ANGIOLCGY 48, 1 Aa. ciliares anteriores 2 Aa . conjunctivales anteriores 3 Aa. conjunctivales posteriores 4 Aa. episclerales 5 A. supraorbitalis 5 A. ethnoidalis posterior 7 A. ethraoidalis anterior 8 A. meningea anterior 9 Aa. palpebrales mediales 10 Arcus tareus superior 11 Arcus tarseus inferior 12 A. Irontalis 13 A. dorsalis nasi 14 Aa. cerebri 15 A. communicans posterior 16' A. chorioidea 17 A. cerebri anterior 18 A. communicans anterior 19 A. cerebri media 20 A. SUBCLAVIA 21 A. vertebralis 22 Rami spinales 23 A. spinal is posterior 24 A. spinalis anterior 25 Ramus meningeus 26 A. cerebelli inferior posterior 27 A. basilaris A. cerebelli inferior anterior A. auditiva interna Rami ad pontem A. cerebelli superior A. cerebri posterior Circulus artcriosus 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A. mammaria interna 35 Aa. mediastinales anteriores 36 Aa. thymicae 37 Rarai bronchiales 38 A. pericardiacophrenica 39 Rami sternales 40 Rani perforantes 41 Rami inanimarii 42 Rami musculares 43 Rarai cutanei 44 (Ramus costalis lateralis) 45 Rami intercostales 46 A. inusculoplirenica 47 A. epigastrica superior 48 Truncus thyreQcervicalis 49 A._ thyreoidea inferior 50 A. laryngea inferior 51 Rami pharyngei 52 Rami oesophagei 53 Rami trachealee 54 Rami glandulares 55 A. cervicalis ascendens 56 Rami spinales 57 Rami musculares 58 Ramus profundus 59 A. cervicalis superficialis 60 A. trans versa scapulae 61 Ranus acromialis 62 Truncus costocervicalis 63 A. intercostalis suprena 64 Rami dorsales 65 Rami spinales 66 A. cervicalis profunda 67 A. transversa colli 68 Ramus ascendens 69 Ramus descendens 70 A. AXILLARIS 71 Rami subscapulares AKGIOLOGY 49. 1 A. thoracalis supreca 2 A. thoracoacromialie 3 Ramus acromialis 4 Rete acromiale 5 Ramus dcltiodeus 6 Rami pectorales 7 A . thorsvcalis lateralis 8 Rami Eanmar.ii extern! 9 A subscapularis 10 A. thcracodorsalis 11 A. circumflexa scapulae 12 A. circimflexa humeri anterior 13 A. circumflexa hurneri posterior 14 BRACHIALIS 15 A profunda brachii 16 Aa. nutritiae humeri 17 R. deltoideus 18 A. collateralis media 19 A. collateralis radialia 20 A. collateralis ulnaris superior 21 A. collateralis ulnaris inferior 22 A. RADIALIS 23 A. recurrens radialit. 24 Rami muscularea 25 Ramus carpeus volaris 26 Ramus volaris superficialie 27 Ramus carpeus dorsalis 28 Rete carpi dorsale 29 Aa. metacarpeae dor sales 30 Aa. digitales dorsales 31 A, princeps pollicis 32 A. volaris indicis radialis 33 Arcus volaris profundus 34 Aa. metacarpeae volares 35 Rami perforantes 36 A. ULNARIS 37 Aa. recurrentes ulnares 38 Rete arfciculare cubiti 39 A. intsrossea communis 40 A. interossea dorsalis 41 A. interossea recurrens 42 A. ir.terosfciea volaris 43 A. mediana 44 Rami musculares 45 Ramus carpeus dorsalis 46 Raraus carpeus volaris 47 Ramus volaris profundus 48 Arcus volaris superiicialis 49 Aa. digitales volares communes 50 Aa. digitales volaree propriae 51 AORTA THORACALIS 52 Rani viscerales 53 Aa. bronchiales 54 Aa. oegophageae 55 Rami pericaraiaci 56 Rami parietales 57 Rami inediastinalee 58 Aa. phrenicae superiores 59 Aa . intercostales 60 Rami posteriores 61 Ramus spinalis 62 Rard musculares 63 Ramus cutaneus medialis 64 Ranus cutaneus lateralis 65 Rami anteriores 66' Rami musculares 67 Raini cutanei late rales pectorales et abdominales 68 Ramus posterior AWGIOLOGY 50. 1 Ramue anterior 2 Kami rramrnarii laterales 3 Kami cutanei anteriores fpecto- rales et abdominaletj 4 Rami mamarii mediales 5 AORTA AHDOMINALIS 6 Rami parietales 7 A. phrenica inferior 8 Rami suprarenaies superiores 9 Aa . lumbales 1U Rasun dor sal is 11 Ramus spinalis 12 A . sac ra 1 i s __ me d ia 13 A. lumbalis iira 14-. Glomus coccygeum 15 Rami viscerales 16 _ A. coeliaaa 17 A. gastrica sinistra 18 Rami oeaophagei 19 A, hepatica 20 A. gastrica dextra 21 A. hepatica propria 22 Ramus dexter 23 A. cystica 24 Ramus sinister 25 A. gastroduodenalis 26 A. pancreaticoduoden. superior 27 Racii pane res tic i 28 Rami duodenales 29 A. gastroepiploica dextra 30 Rami epiploici 31 A. lienalis 32 Rami pancreatici A, gaslSrtoepiploica sinistra 34 a. gastricae >reves . 35 Rami lianales 36 A. mesenterica superior 37 Aa. intest males 38 A. pane rea tic oduodenalis inferior 39 Aa. jejunales 40 Aa. ileae 41 A. ileocolica 42 A anpendicularis 43 A. colica dextra 44 A. colica media ' 45 A. mesenterica inferior 46 A. colica sinistra 47 Aa. sigmoideae 48 A. haemorrhoidalis superior 49 A. spprarenalis media 50 A. renal is 51 A. suprarenalis inferior 52 A , spernatica interna 53 A. testicularis 54 A. ovarica 55 A. ILIACA COMMUNIS 56 A. HYPOGASTRICA 57 Rami parietales 58 A. iliolumbalis 59 Ran>us lumbalis 6C Ramus spinalis 61 Ramus iliacus 62 A. sacralis lateralis 63 Rami spinales 64 A. obturator ia 65 Ramus pubicus 66 Ramus anterior 67 Ramus posterior 68 A. acetabuli . ANGIOLOGY 51. I A... (tlutaea superior 2 Ramus superior 3 Ranus inferior 4 A . Flutae-a inferior 5 A. comitans n. ischiadici 6 Rami viscerales 7 _ A . umbilical ig_ 8 Aa. vesicales superiores 9 J^Li Amentum uabilicale laterals] 10 A. ve-sicalis inferior II A. deferentialis 12 _ A. uterina 13 A. vaginalis 14 Ranus ovarii 15 Ranus tubarius 16 A . haenorrhoidalis media 17 A. pudenda interns. 18 A. haemorrhoidalis inferior 19 A. perinei 20 Aa. scrotales posteriores 21 Aa. lahiales posteriores 22 A. penis 23 A. urethralis 24 A. bulbi urethras 25 A. bulbi vestibuli jTvaginaej 26 A. profunda penis 27 A. dorsalis penis 28 A. clitoridis 29 A. profunda clitoridis 30 A. dorsalis clitoridis 31 A. ILIACA EX1ERKA 32 A. epigastrica inferior 33 Ramus pubic us 34 Ranus obturatorius 35 A. epermatica externa 36 A. lig tsretis uteri 37 A. circumflexa ilium profunda 38 A. FEMORALIS 39 A. epigastrica superficialie 40 A. circumflexa ilium superficialis 41 Aa. pudendae externae 42 Aa. scrotales anteriores 43 Aa. labiales anteriores 44 Ranii ing'jinales 45 A. profunda femoris 46 A. circumflexa femoris sfcdialis 47 Ramus superficialis 48 Ramus profundus 49 Ramus acetabuli 50 A. circunflexa femoris lateralis 51 Ramus ascendens 52 Ramue descendens 53 A. perfcr&ns prima 54 A. nutritia feaoris superior 55 A. perforans secunda 56 A. perforans tertia 57 A. nutritia femoris inferior 58 Rami musculares 59 A. genu suprema 60 Rami musculares 61 Ranus saphenus 62 Rami articulares 63 A. POPLITEA 64 A. genu superior lateralis 65 A. genu superior medialis 66 A. genu media 67 Aa. surales 68 A. genu inferior lateralis 69 A. genu inferior medialis 70 Rete articulare genu 71 Rete patellae , ANGICLOEY 52. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 1 A. tibialis anterior .(A. recurrens tibialis posterior) A. recurrens tibialis anterior A. malle olaris anterior lateralis A. iralleolaris anterior medialie Rete nalleolare mediale Rate nalleolars laterals A. dorsalis pedis A. tarsea laxeralis Aa . tarseae mediales A. arcuata Aa. metatarseeie dorsales Aa. digi tales dorsales Ramus plantar is prof undue 16 A. tibialis posterior Ramus fibularis 18 A. peronaea 19 A. r.utrici.a fibulae 20 Ramus perfcrans 21 Ramus coomvnicans 22 A. nalie olaris posterior lateralis 23 Raini calcanei laterales 24 A. nufcritia tibiae 25 A. calleolaris posterior medialie 26 Rami calcanei raediales 27 Rete calcaneum 28 A. 'plantaris rcedialis 29r ??" . iKtpvcf undue 30 Ramu? superf icialis 31 A. plantaris lateraiis 32 Arc us plantaris 33 Aa. ir 5 Fasciculus anterqlateralis superficialis [howersl] c 6 Fasjsiculus lateralis proprius {_F.lechpigiJ 7 Funicutus posterior 8 Fasciculus gracilis 9 'Faccie'jjM" 1 cunoatus 10 ENCEPHALON -11 RH01TBENCEPHALOH 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 12 ' HYELENCEPHALON 13 M e d u 1 1 a oblongata Fissura mediana posterior Fissura mediana anterior Foramen caecum Pyraniis nedullae oblongatae Decussatio pyraaidum S ; ulcus lateralis anterior Sulcus lateralis posterior Oliva Corpus restifonae Funiculus lateralis Funiculus cuneatus Tuberculura ciRareum .Funiculus grr.cJLlis 27 Clava Fibrae arcuatae externae 29 Sectiones laedullae "oblongatr.e " Raphe Stratum nuclear e ' NuoleuSv.n.' hypoglossi 59 Nucleus ambiguus 60 Nucleus alae cinereae Tractus solitarius Ruclens^tractus solitarii 62 Tractus spinalis n. trigemini Nucleus tractus spinalis n. trigemini trigemini Nucleus funiculi gracilis 64 65 40 Nucleus funiculi cunes.ti 41 Nuclei la.terales 42 Nucleus olivaris inferior 43 'Hiluj'' nuclei olivaris 44 Nuc-lsus olivaris accessorius mGj'.s.lis 45 Nucleus olivaris accessorius dor- sal is 46 Nuclei arcuati 47 Fibrae arcuatae internae 48 Substantia reticularis grisea 49 Substantia reticularis alba 50 Fasciculus longitudinal is medialis 51 Stratum interolivare lemnisci 53 Corpus restiforae 54 Fasciculi corporis restiformis 55 Fibrae cerebellooliv?.res 56 Fasciculi pyrrnidales 57 Fibr?.e arcuatae externae 58 Ventriculus q u a r t u s Fossa rhomboidea inferior fossae rhomboid* eae 61 [calamus scriptorius} Pars intermedia T fossa rhom- boideae) 63 Recessus lateralis fossae rhomboideae Pars superior fo%sae rhomboidea* . Sulcus limitans I fossae rhoznboideapj 66 Fovea inferior - . ' H . NECROLOGY 60 1 Fovea superior Trigonum n. hypoglossi 3 Striae medullares 4 Eminent is. medial is 5 Colliculus facialis 6 Ala cinerea 7 Area acustica 8 Locus caeruleus 9 Tegmen ventrict'.li quarti 10 Velum meduilare posterius 11 Taenia ventriculi quarti 12 Obex 13 Lamina chorioidea epithelialis 14 (Apertura taedialiB' ventriculi quarti) . 15 I Foramen MagendiiJ ) 16 (Apertura lateral is ventriculi quarti) 17 Fastigium 18 METENCEPHALON - 19 Pons |[v a r o 1 i ij 20 Sulcus basilaris 21 Fasciculus obliquus Tpontisj 22 (Fila lateralia pontis) 23 Brachium pontis 24 Sectiones pontis 25 Pars dorsalis pontis 26 Raphe . 27 Nucleus n. abducentis 28 Nuclei motorii n. trigemini 29 Radix descendens jjnesencephalicaj n. trigemini 30 Tractus spinalis n. trigemini 31 Nucleus tractus spinalis n. trigemini 32 Nucleus n. facialis 33 Radix n. facialis 34 Pars prima 35 Genu internum 36 Pars secunda 37 Nuclei n. acustici 38 Nuclei n. cochlearis -\ 39 Nuclei n. vestibularis 40 Nucleus olivaris superior 41 Nucleus lemnisci lateralis 42 Fasciculus longitudinal! s asdialis 43 Format io reticularis 44 Corpus trapezoideum 45 Lemniscus 46 46 Lemniscus media lie jsensitivusj 47 Lenniscus lateralis acusticusj| 48 Pars basilaris pontis 49 Fibrae pontis profundae 50 Fasciculi loneitudinales fpyramidalesj 51 Nuclei pontis 52 Fibrae pontis superficiales 53 Cerebellum 54 Gyri cerebelli 55 Sulci cerebelli 56 Vallecula cerebelli 57 Incisura cerebelli anterior 58 Incisura cerebelli posterior 59 Sulcus horizontalis cerebelli 60 Fissura transversa cerebelli 61 Vermis 62 Lingula cerebelli 63 Vincula lingulae cerebelli 64 Lobulus centra lis 65 Monticulus 66 Culmen 67 Dec live 68 Folium vermis 69 Tuber verjzds 70 Pyramis_ (jrermisj 71 Uvula jjermisj 72 Nodulus 73 Hemisphaerium cerebelli 74 Facie s superior 75 Ala lobuli centralis 76 Lobulus quadrangular is 77 Pars anterior 78 Pars posterior I .. .61 1 Lobulus semilunaris superior Facies inferior 3 Lobulus semilunaris inferior Lobulus graci'jic Lobulus biventer Tonsilla cerebelli Flocculus (Flocculi secondarii) Pedunculus flocculi cerebelli 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Nidus 10 _ S ectiones 11 Corpus meduYIare 12 Laminae medullares 13 Arbor vitae 14 Subatantia corticalis 15 LLamina basalisj i 16 ^Stratum cinereumj ^ 17 fstratum gangliosumj 18 [Stratum granulosumj 19 Nucleus dentatus 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 31 32 Hilus nuclei dentati Nucleus fastigii Nucleus globosus Nucleus emboliformis C'jpsula nuclei dentati Isthmus rhombencephali Brachiura confunc t ivum i'V* lateraliB 29 Lemniscus medialis 30 Triftonum lemnisci Velum medullare anterius Frenulura veil medullaris anterior is 33 Sect iones isthmi ^ "Tvi33'"Fedunculus cerebrij 34 Ganglion interpedunculare 35 Nucleus n. trochlearis 36 CEREBRUM $7 Facies convexa cerebti 38 Facies medialis cerebri 39 Basis csrebri 40 PffiSENCEPHALON 41 f E4* c .,i ' B : \n- feriorj - 42 Fossa interpeduncularis {jTariniJ 43 Recesbus anterior 44 Rocessus posterior Substantia perforata posterior 46 Pedunculus e r e b r i 45 47 Aquaeductus cerebri 48 Sulcus lateralis 49 Sulcus n. oculomotorii 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 62 63 64 65 50 Sectiones pedunduli Tegmentum Stratum griseum centra le Formatio reticularis Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis Radix descendens n. trigercini Nucleus radicis descendentis n. trigemini Nucleus n. oculomotorii Nuclei tcgrmenti 59 Nucleus ruber Decussationes tegmentorum 61 Decussatio bvachii conjunctive Lemniscus lateralis Lemniscus medialis Substantia nigra Basis 1 peduncu li 62 Corpora quadrigemina Lanina quadrigemina S..- Colliculus superior 4 Colliculus inferior 5 Brachiun quadrigeminum superius 6 Brachium qvadrigeminum infer ius 7 Sect iones corporum quadr igeminorum ' B Stratun z'olia 15 9 Stratum grfseum colliculi superior is 10 Nucleus colliculi inferioris 11 Stratum album profundum 12 PRCSENOWPHALON 15 ' 14 Ventriculus tertius 15 Aditus ad aquaeductum cerebri 16 Commissura posterior Pcerebri] _ 17 Foramen interventriculare fMonroij 18 Sulcus hypothalamicus fMonroil 19 Massa intermedia 20 Recessus opticus 21 Recessus infundibuli 22 Commissura anterior [cerebri] 25 Recessus triangularis 24 Hypothalamus 25 Pars mamillaris hypothalami 26 Corpus manillare 27 Pars optica hypothalami 28 Tuber cinereum 29 Infundibulum 5O Hypophysis 31 LobuB anterior 32 Lobvie posterior 33 Tractus opticus 34 Radix media lis 35 Radix lateralis 36 Chiasma opticum 37 Lamina terminalis 53 So ctiones nypothalaroi 39 Nucleus [ Corpi 40 P?.rs grit-ea hj'pothalami . 41 Ccirra:.33ura superior OfeynertiJ 42 Comiixs^ura inferior ^Guddenij 43 Nuclei corpcris mamillaris 44 Fasciculus thalamcmaraillaris iVicq' d'AzyriJ 45 Fascicuii pedunculomamillares 46 Pars tegmentalis 47 Pars barsilaris 48 Ansa peduncularis 49 Ai:c9. lenticularis 50 Pedunculus thalami inferior 51 Thalamencephalon 52 Thalamus 53 54 Tvbercu'ium anterius thalami 55 Taenia thalami 55 Stria inodullaris 57 Lamira chcrioidea epithelialis 58 Metathalamus 59 Corpus geniculatum media le 60 Corpus geniculatum laterale 61 Epithalamus 62 Corpus pineale 63 Receesus p5.nealis 64 Reoessus suprapinealis 65 Habonula 66 Commissura habenularum 67 Trigonum habenulae 68 Sec-i,iones thalamencephali 69 Stratum"?, ona ie 70 Nucleus anterior thalani 71 Nucleus medialis thalami 72 Nucleus lateralis thalami 73 Laminae medullares thalami NEUROLOGY 63 3 4 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Nucleus corporis geniculati medialis Nucljjus corporis geniculati lateralis Nucleus habenulae Fasciculus retroflexus 6 _ haerium 7 Pal ITu m Fissura longitudinalis cerebri Fissura transversa cerebri Cyri cerebri 11 Cyri profundi 12 Gyri transitivi Sulci cerebri Impressio petrosa Fossa cerebri lateralis (Sylvii) Fissura cerebri lateralis (Sylvii) 17 Ramus posterior 18 Ramus anterior ascendens 19 Rarnus anterior horizontalis Lobi cerebri I n s u 1 a Gyri insulae Gyrus longus insulae Gyri breves insulae Sulcus circularis (Reili) Operculum 27 Pars frontalis 28 Pare parie talis 29 Pars teraporalis Sulcus centralis (Rolandi) Gyrus centralis anterior Gyrus centralis posterior Lob us frontalis Polus frontalis Sulcus praecentralis Gyrus frontalis superior Sulcus frontalis superior Gyrus frontalis medius 39 Pars superior 40 Pars inferior 41 SuJcus frontalis inferior 42 <2yrus frontalis inferior 43 Pars opercularis 44 Pare triargularis 45 Pars orbitalis 46 Gyrus rectua 47 Sulcus olfactorius 48 Gyri orbitales 49 Sulci orbitales 50 Lobustemporalis 51 Polus tenporalis 52 Sulci temporales transversi 53 Gyri temporales transversi 54 Gyrus teraporalis superior 55 Sulcus tempo ralis superior 56 Gyrus teraporalis medius 57 Sulcus temporalis medius 58 Gyrus tenporalis inferior 59 Lulous temporalis inferior 60 Fissara collateralis 51 Gyrus fusiformis 62 Gyrus lingualis 63 I. o b Q a occipitalis 64 Polus occipitalis 65 Sulcus occipitalis transversus 66 Gyri occipitales superiores 67 Sulci occipitales superiores 68 Gyri occipitales lateraleo 69 Sulci occipitales laterales 70 Lobusparietalis 71 Lobulus parietalis superior 72 Sulcus interparietalis 73 Lobulus parietalis inferior 74 Gyrus supramarginalis 75 Hyrus angularis 76 Facies medialis heuds- phaerii 77 Sulcus corporis callosi 78 Sulcus cinguli 79 Pars subfrontalis 64 5 6 7 8 1 Pars marginalis 2 Sulcus subparietalis 3 Fissura hippocampi 4 Gyrus fornicatus Gyrus cinguli Isthmus gycJL fornicati Gyrus hippocampi Uncus fgyri hippocampij 9 Suhjgtanti..^ reiicularis alba {Arnolciij 10. Lobulus paracentralis 11 Praecuneu'? 12 Fissura parietooccipitalis 13 Fissura calcarina. 14 Cuneus 15 Corpus callosum 16 Splcnium corpcris callosi 17 Truncus corporis callosi 18 Genu corpcris callosi 19 Rostrum corporis callosi 20 Lamina rostralis 21 Striae transversao 22 Stria longitudinnlis medialis 23 Stria longitudinalis lateralis 24 Fasciola cinerea 25 F o r n i x 26 Crus fornicis 27 Corpus fornicis 28 Taenia fornicis 29 Columna fornicis 30 Pars liber a columnae fornicis 31 Pars tecta columnae fornicis 32 Septum pellucidum 33 Lamina septi pellucidi 34 Cctvum septi pellucidi 35 Ventriculus lateralis 36 Pars centralis 37 Cornu anterius 38 Cornu posterius 39 Cornu infer ius 40 Corpus striatum 41 Nucleus caudatus 42 Caput nuclei caudati 4.3 Cauda nuclei caudati 44 Stria termnalis 45 Lamina af'fira 46 Taenxa chorioidea 47 Laniira chorioidea epithelialis 48 Calcar avis 49 (Bulbus cornu posteriofcis 50 Eminentia collateralis 51 Irigonum collaterale 52 Hippocampus 53 Fimbria hippocampi 54 Taenia fimbriae 55 Digitationes hippocampi 56 Fascia dentata hippocampi 57 Commissura hippocampi " 58 R- h-J. n e n"-c 0>p-h.o. I o n : 59 Sulcus rarolfactorius, Anterior -s Qrhinencephalil 60 Pars anterrot 61 Lobus olfactorius 62 Bulbus olfactorius 63 Tractus olfactorius 64 Trigonum olfactorium 65 Stria medialis 66 Stria intermedia .. 67 Area parolfactoria ^Brocae] 68 Sulcus parolf actor ius posterior 69 Parf posterior fr rrintnc e pha 1 ij 70 Gyrus suboallosus "jlPedunculus corporis callosij 71 Substantia perforate anterior 72 Stria olfactoria lateralis 73 Limen insulae 74 Sectiones telencephali 75 Substantia corticalis 76 Centrum semiovale 77 Decursus fibrarum cerebraliun NEUROI OOY 65 1 Fibrae arcuatae cercbri 2 Cingulum 3 Fasciculus longitudinalis superior 4 Fasciculus longitudinalis inferior 5 Fasciculus uncinatus 6 Radiatio corporis callosi 7 Pars frontalis 8 Pars parietalis . 9 Pars temporalis 10 Pars occipitalis 11 Tapetum 12 Nucleus lentifornis 13 Putamen 14 Globus pallidus 15 Claustrum 16 Capsula externa 17 Capsula interna 18 Genu capsulae internae 19 Pars frontalis capsulac internae 20 Pars occipitalis capsulae internae 21 Nucleus amygdalae 22 Corona radiata 23 Pars frontalia 24 Pars parietalis 25 Pars temporalis 26 Pars occipitalis Radiatio corporis striati Radiatio occipitothalamica [Gratioletrj 29 Commissura anterior [cerebrij 30 Pars anterior 31 Pars posterior 32 MEWINGES 27 28 34 Falx cerebri 35 Tentorium cercbelli 36 Falx cerebelli 37 Diaphragm sellae _ _ 38 Forwen diaphragmatis IsellaeJ 39 Irclsui'a tentorii 40 Dura mater spinalis 41 Filun durae matris spinalis 42 Cavura epidurale 43 Cavum subduraie 44 Arachnoidea spinalis 45 Arachnoidea encephali 46 Cavum subarachnoideale 47 Cisternae subarachnoidales 48 Cisterna cerebellomedullaris 49 Cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri jQSylviij 50 Cisterna chiasmatis 51 Cisterna interpeduncularis 52 Cisterna venae magnae cerobri 53 Granulationes arachnoideales ^PacchioniT 54 Pia mater spinalia 55 Lig. denticulatun 56 Septum cervicale intermedium 57 Pia mater encephali 58 Tela choriodea ventriculi quarti 59 Plexus chorioideus ventriculi quarti 60 Tela chorioidea ventriculi tertii 61 Plexus chorioideus ventriculi tertii 62 Plexus chorioideus ventriculi lateralis 63 Glonus chorioideum 64 Acervulus 33 Dura mater encephali 66 1 SYSTEM A N E R V R UM P3RIPKERICUM 2 NERVI CEREBRALES 33 3 NN. OLFACTORII 4 N. OPTICUS 5 N. OCULOMOTORIUS 6 Ramus superior 7 RamuR inferior 8 ' Radix brevis ganglii ciliaris 9 N. TROCHLEARIS 10 Decussatio nervorum trochlearium 11 N. TRIGEMIKUS 12 Portio major 13 Ganglion semilunare [fiasseri i 14 Portio minor 15 N. ophthalmicus 16 N. tentorii 17 N. lacrimalis 18 Pjirius anastomoticus cum n. zygomatico 19 N. frontalis 20 N. supraorbitalis 21 Ramus frontalis 22 N. supratrochlearis 23 N. nasociliaris 24 Radix longa ganglii oiliaris 25 Nn. ciliares long' 26 N. ethmoidalis postffer 27 N. ethmoidalia anterior 28 Rami nasales anteriores 29 Rami nasales intern! 30 Rami nasales laterales 31 Rami nasales mediales 32 Ramus nasalis exter- nus N. infratrcchlearis ?> Ramus palpebralis superior inferior - r e 3R Cr. e i 37 Nn. ciliares breves 38 maxillaris 39 40 43 44 46 57 58 61 62 N. meninseus jjnediusj N. xygomaticus 41 Ramus zygomaticotemporalis 42 Ramus zygomaticofacialis Niv. sphenopalatini Nn. alveolares superiorea 45 Rami alveolares superiores posteriores . N. infrp.orbitalis 47 R. alveolaris superior raauius 48 Rami alveolares superiores anteriores 49 Plexus dentalis superior 50 Rami dentales superiores 51 Rami gingivales sup- eriores 52 Rami palpebrales inferiores 53 Rani nasales externi 54 Rami nasales interni 55 Rarai labiales superiores 56 Ganglion sphen- o p a .1 a t i n u m Rami orbitales . .. N. canalis pterygoidei [VidiiJ 59 N petrosus superf icialis major 60 N. petrosus profundus Rami nasales posteriores superiores laterales Rami nasales posteriores superiores mediales 63 N. nasopalatinus jscarpaej i 1 ... .. NLTOOLOttY 67 7 8 16 N 23 N Rami nasales posteriores inferiores flateralesl Nn. palatini N.palatinus anterior 4 N.palatinus medius 5 N.palatinus posterior 6 N. mandibularis "N* epinorms N. ...astic;rt,orius 9 .'N.nassetericus 10 Nn. temporales profundi 11 N. temporalis profundus posterior 12 N. temporalis profundus anterior buccinator ius pterygoideus externus pterygoideus internus auriculotemporalis 17 N. me-vtus auditorii externi 18 R. menbranae tympani Rrmi po.rotidei Rami rjiastomotici cum n. facial! Nn. r.uriculr.res anteriores Romi temporales superficir.les lingual is 24 Rami isthmi fcvucium 25 Rami anastomotici cum n hypoglosso N. sublingurxlis Rami lingurxles 13 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 N. N, N, 28 ,N. alveolaris inferior 29 32 33 Plexus dentnlis inferior 30 Rnmi dentr.les inferiores 31 Rnmi gingivales infer- iores N. mylohyoideus N. mentcilis 34 35 mentales Rnmi labiales infer- 37 iores 36 Ganglion o t i c u EI N, potrosus superficialis minor 66 67 68 38 N. tensor is veli palatini 39 N. tensoris tympani 40 Ramus anastomoticus cum n. spinoso 41 R. anastomoticus cum n. aux-iculotenporali 42 Ramus ana.s'tcm.wfcicuB cum chorda tympani 43 Ganglion submaxillar 44 Rami communicantes cum n. linguali 45 Rami submaxillc-.res 46 N. ABDUCENS 47 N. FACI.U.IS 48 Geniculun n. facial is 49 Ganglion geniculi 50 N re^-apedins 51 Ramu,ii .c.:;aotoiaotictis cum plaxu 52 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 N. auriculnris posterior 53 R~.mus occipit?.lis Ramus digastricus 55 Rrjnus stylohyoideus Remus anastonoticus cum n >* glossopharyngeo plexus parotideus Rami temporr.les Rami zygom^tici Rrmi bucoalcs Ramus mnrginalis mo-ndibulae Rnmus colli N.i'.n t. o r n';e d i u s 64 Chorda tympani 65 N. ACUSTICUS Radix vestibularis Radix cochlearis Fila r.n?.stomotica N.vestibuli 70 -Osaxgilon /oetibulare - ' NEUROL07I 68 1 N. utricularis 2 N. ampullaris superior - 3 N. ampullaris lateralis 4 N. , anpullaris inferior 5 N. cochleae 6 Ganglion spirale 7 N. saccularis 8 N. GLOSSOPHARYNGEUS 9 Ganglion superi;is 10 Ganglion petrooura 11 N. tympanicus 12 Intunescentia tympanica 13 Plexus tympanicus QjacobsoniJ 14 N. ciroticotympanicus superior 15 N. caroticotympanicus inferior 16 Ramus tubae 17 R. anastomoticua cum ramo auricular! n. vagi 18 Rami pharyngei 19 Ramus stylopharyngeus 20 Rami tonsillares 21 Rarai lingua les 22 N. VAGUS 23 Ganglion jugulare 24 Ganglion nodosum 25 Ramus meningeus 26 Ranus auricularis 27 R. anastomoticus cum n. glossopha- ryngeo 28 Rami pharyngei 29 Plexus pharynejeus 30 N. laryngeus superior 31 Ramus externus 32 Ramus irrternus 33 Ramus anastomoticus cum n. larjmgeo inferiore 34 Rami cardiac i superiores 35 (N. depressor) 36 N. recurrens 37 Rami cardiac! infer iores 38 Rami tracheales 39 Rami oesophagei 40 N. laryngeus inferior 41 Ramus anterior 42 Ramus posterior 43 Rami bronchiales anteriores 44 Rami bronchiales posteriores 45 Plexus pulmonalis anterior 46 Plexus pulmonalis posterior 47 Raiai oesophagei 48 Plexus oesophageus anterior 49 Plexus oesophageus posterior 50 Rami gastrici 51 plexus gastricus anterior 52 Plexus gastricus posterior 53 Rami hepatic i 54 Rami coeiiaci 55 Rami lienales 56 Rami renales 57 N. ACCESSORIUS 58 Ramus internus 59 Ramus externus 60 N. HYPOGLOSSUS 61 Ramus descendc s ns 62 Ansa hypoglossi 63 Ranus thyreohyoideus 64 Rami linguales 65 N. S P 66 Fila radicularia 67 Radix anterior 68 Radi* posterior 69 Ganglion spinale 70 Ramus anterior 71 Ramus posterior 72 Rumus communicans 73 Ramus meningeus 74 Cauda equina 75 Ansae I N A L E S 69 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Nn. cervicalej! Rami postfcri~ores~~ 3 Ramus medial is 4 Ramus 5aceralis N. suboccipitaiis N. cccipitaiis najor (N. occipitalLs tertius) Rarji. antsrioies P.'l -jx u s c e r v i c a 1 i s N. occipitalis minor N. auricularis rnagnus 12 Ramus posterior 13 Ramus anterior 14 N. cutaneus cclii 15 Rami superiores 16 Rami inferiores 17 Nn. supraclavicu lares 18 Nn. supraclaviculares anter- iorce 19 Nn. supraolaviculares inedii 20 Nn. supraclaviculares posteriores 21 N. phrenicus 22 Ramus pericardiacus 23 Rami phrenicoabdominales 2.4 PLEXUS BRACHIALIS 25 Pars, supraclavicu 1- a r i s 26 Nn. thoracales posteriores 27 N. dorsalis scapulae 28 N. thoracalis longus 29 Nn. thoracalss anteriores 30 N. subclavius 31 N. suprascapularis 32 Nn. subscapulares 33 N. thoracodorsalis 34 N. axillaris 35 Rami musculares 36 N. cutanaus brachii lateralis 37 Pars infraclavicu- 1 a r i s 38 Fasciculus lateralis 39 Fasciculus medialis 40 Fasciculus posterior 41 N. musculocutaneus 42 Rami cusculares lateralis 43 N. cutaneus antibrachii 44 N- cutaneu 1 ? brachii medialis 45 W. cutaneus antibrachii medialis 45 Ramus volaris 47 Ramus ulnaris 4.8 N. medianus Rarai mu < 3liu". ; .ars ^ N. intercsseus (antibrachii] volaris Ramus palmaris n. median! Racus anastomoticus cum n. ulnari Na. digitales volares communes Nn. digitales volares proprii 55 N. ulnaris Ramus cutaneus" palmaris Ramus dorsalis manus 58 Nn. digitales dorsales Raaius volaris manus bO Rarcus superf icialis 61 Nn. digitales volares communes 62 Nn. digitales volares proprii Ramus profundus 64 Rami musculares 65 N. radialis N. cutaneus brachii posterior Rami muscu lares N. cutaneus antibrachii dorsalis Ramus profundus 70 N. interosseus antibfachii dorsalis Ramus superf icialis Ramus anastomoticus ulnaris Nn. digitales dorsais sin. -tnorecaies 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 59 63 66 67 68 69 71 72 73 75 Rami posteriores 76 Ramus cutaneus lateralis "77 Ramus cutaneus medialis ' - 70 1 Rarai anteriores |_Nn. intercostalesj 36 N. cutaneus femoris lateralis 2 Rami musculares 3 Ramus cutaneus lateralis fpectoralis et abdominalis"} 4 Ramus posterior 5 Ramus anterior 6 Rami maiamarii lat- erales 7 Nn. intarcostobrachiales 8 Ramus cutaneus anterior I pect- oral IE et nbdominalisf 9 Rand mamraarii mediales 10 Nn. lurnbalesj sacrales, coccygeus 11 Nn. lumbales~~ 12 Rami posteriores 13 Ramus medialis 14 Ramus lateralis 15 Nn. clunium superiores 16 Rami anteriores 17 Nn. sacrales et coccygeus: 18 Rami poeteriores 19 R?mu medialis 20 Ramus lateralis 21 Nn. clunium medii 22 PLEXUS L U M B S- A C R A L I S 23 PLEXUS LUMBALIS 24 Rarai musculares 25 N. iliohypogas- tricus 26 Rami musculares 27 Ramus cutaneus lateralis 28 Ramus cutaneus anterior 29 N. ilioinguinalis 30 Rami musculares 31 Nn. scrotales anteriores 32 Nn. labiales anteriores 33 N. genitofemoralis 34 N. lumboinguinalis"" 35 N. spermaticus externus 37 N. obturator ius 38 Raaius aTnlerior" 39 RamuG cutaneus 40 Raraus posterior 41 N. femoral is 42 Rami cutanei anteriores 43 Rami musculares 44 N. saphenus 45 Ramus infrapatellaris 46 Rani cutanei cruris mediales 47 PLEXUS SACRALIS 48 Truncus lumbosacralis 49 N. glutaeus superior 50 N. glutaeus inferior 51 N. cutaneus femoris posterior 52 Nn, clunium inferiores 53 Rami perineales 54 N. ischiadicus 55 Rami muscular e"s 56 B, peronaeus communis 57 Rami musculares 58 N. cutaneus surae lateralis 59 Ramus anastomoticus peron- aeus 60 N. peronaeus superficialis 61 Rami musculares 62 N. cutaneus dorsalis med- ialis 63 N. cutaneus dorsalis intermedius 64 Nn. digitales dorsales pedis 65 N. peronaeus profundus 66 Rani musculares 67 Wn. digitales dorsales hallucis lateralis et digiti secundi medialis 68 N. tibialis 69 Rami musculares NEUOi D^Y 71 1 N. interosseus cruris 2 N. cutaneus surae medialis 3 N. suralis 4 Rami calcanei laterales 5 N. cutaneus dorsalis laterales 6 Rami calcanei mediales 7 N. ^lantaris mec'ialis .8 Nn. digitales plantares c or.riurie 3 9 Nn- digitales plantares proprii 10 N. plantar is latorali.s 11 P.amus superficialis 12 Nn. digitales plant- ares communes 13 Nn. digitales plantares proprii 14 Rocus-profundus 15 PLEXUS PUDENDUS 16 N. haemorrhoidales medii 17 Nn. vesicaXes infer iores 18 Nn. vagxnalcs 19 N. pudenduG 20 Nn. haemorrhoidales inferiores 21 N. perinei 22 Nn, scrotales posteriores 23 Nn. labiales posteriores 24 N. dorsalis penis 25 N. dorsalis clitoridis 26 N. COCCYGEUS 27 Plexus coccygeus 28 Nn. anococcygei 29 S' Y 8 T. E M A NERVORUM ? Y li P A T H I C U M 30 Truncus sympathiout) 31 Ganglia trunci sympathici 32 Plexus sympathici 33 Ganglia plexuum syiapathicorum 34 PARS CEPHALICA ET CERVICALIS S. SYMPATHICI 35 Ganglion cervicale superius 36 N. jugularis 37 N. caroticus internus 38 Plexus caroticus inbernus 39 Plexus cavernosus 40 Plexus arteriaa cerebri anterioris 41 Plexus arteriae cerebri mediae 42 Plexus arteriae chorioideae 43 Plexus ophthalmicus 44 Radices sympathicae ganglii ciliaris 45 Nn. carotici extern! 46 Plexus caroticus externus 47 48 49 50 Plexus thyreoideus superior Plexus lingualis Plexus maxillaris externus Radix sympathica ganglii submay.illa.ris Plexus occipitalis Plexus aurioularis posterior Plexus temporalis superficialis Plexus rnaxillaris internus Plexus meningeus Plexus caroticus comraunis Rami laryngopharyngei Plexus pharyngeus ascendens N. carcUacus superior Ganglion cervicale medium N. cardiacus medius Ganglion cervicale inferius 63 Ansa subclavia vieussenii7 64 N. cardiacus inferior 65 Plexus subclavius 66 Pl^cus mammarius interus 67 Plexus thyreoideus inferior 68 Plexus vertebralis 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 IJBUSOLOGY 72 1 PARS THORACALIS S. SYMPATHICI 2 Ganglia thoracalia 3 N. splanchnicus major 4 Ganglion spl&.nchnicum 5 N. splanchnicus minor 6 Raraus renalis 7 (N. splanchnicus imus) 8 Plexus aorticus thoracalis 9 Plexus eardiacus 10 Plexus coronarius cordis anterior 11 Ganglion cr.rdio.cua -(.VTrisbergrQ 12 Plexus coronarius posterior 13 Rani pulmonalos 14 Plexus pulraonalis 15 PARS ABDOJIIWALIS ET PELVINA S. EYHPATHICI 16 Ganglia lunbalia 17 Ganglia sacrelia 18 Floras icrticus abdoainalis 19 Plexus coeliacus 20 Ganglia coeliaca 21 Ganglion nesentericum superius 22 Ploxus phrenicus 23 Ganglia phrenicr. 24 Plexus phrenicus 25 Plexus lienalis 26 Plexus gastricus superior 27 Plexus gastricus inferior 28 Plexus suprarenalis 29 Plexus renalis 30 Plexus spermaticus 31 Plexue arteriae ovaricae 32 Plexus mesentericus superior 33 Plexus myentericus 34 Plexus subrnucosus 35 Plexus nesentericus inferior 36 Nn. haemorrhoidales superiores 37 Plexus iliacus 38 Plexus iliacus 39 Plexus hypogastricus 40 Plexus haenorrhoidalis medius 41 Plexus prostaticus 42 Plexus deferentialis 43 Ploxus uterovp.ginalis 44 Plexus vesicalis 45 Nn. vesioales superiores 46 Nn. vesicales inferiores 47 Plexus cavernosus penis 48 N. cavernosus penis ma.jor 49 Nn. cavernosi penis minores 50 Plexus cavcrnosus clitoridis 51 N cavernosus clitoridis major 52 Nn. cavernosi clitoridis minores 53 Plexus femoralis 54 Ploxus popliteus Sense Organs ard Common Integument 73. 1 ORGANA SENSUUH ET INTEGtFEFTUH COMJiUNE 2 ORGANON V I S U S 3 OCULDS 4 OPTICUS 5 Vaginae n. opt:'.ci 6 Spatia intervaglnr.lia 7 BULBUS OCULI 8 Polus anterior 9 Polus^ posterior 10 Aequator 11 Lleridiani 12 Axis oculi extern?. 13 Axis oculi interna 14 Axis op tic a 15 f Linea visusj 16 Hfesicula ophthalraica* 17 Caliculus ophthalnicus* TUNICA FIBROSA OCULI 19 Sclere. 20 Sulcus sclerr.e 21 Rime, cornerJis 22 Sinus venosus sclerae fbanalis Schlemni, LaxithiT 23 Lamina fusca 24 Lamina cribrosa sclerae 25 (Raphe sclerae) 26 (Funiculus sclerae 27 Cornea . 28 Annulus conjuncTbiva'e 29 Vertex corneas 30 Limbus cornae 31 Facies anterior 32 Facios posterior 33 Epithelium corneac 34 Lamina el'as_tica anterior 35 36 37 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 50 Sv.'bnto.n-i-ir. propria Lanina elastic?, posterior { Deno^rsi, DescemetiJ Endothelium camerae anterioris 38 TUNICA VASCULOSA OCULI 39 Chorioidea Lamina sup r ach!or i o i de a Spatium perichorioideale Lamina vasoulosa Lamina ciioriocapillaris Lamina basalis (Raphe chorioideae) 46 Corpus ciliare Corona ciTiarTs"" 48 Processus ciliares 49 Plicae cilicres Orbiculus ciliaris 51 U. ciliaris 52 Fibrae meridioniles JjBrueckeiJ 53 Fibrae circulares jlluelleril 54 Plexus gangliosus ciliaris 55 Iris 56 Mar go pupillaris 57 Hargo ciliaris 58 Facies anterior Systen-.ti-! /.:ie.tomy 74 I Facies posterior Annulus iridis major 3 Annulus iridis minor 4 Plicae iridis 5 Pupilla 6 "I. sphincter pupillr.e "7 ; Stroma iridis 8 ?I. dilatator pupillae 9 . 1 ig .' p oct ina^ca ' i r i di 10 Spatia anguli Bridie Font~jnae]| II Circulus arteriocrus major 12 Circulus rrteriorms ninor 13 Membrana pupillaria x 14 STRATH}! PIGHENTI 15 Stratum pigment! retinae 16 Stratum pigtaenti corporis ciliaris 17 Stratum pigment! iridis 18 RETINA 19 Pars optica retinae 20 Ora serrata 21 Pars ciliaris retinae 22 Papilla n. optici 23 Ejccavatio papillae n. optici 24 ""acula lute a 25 Fovea centralis 26 V a s a ~s a n g u i n e a retinae 27 Circulus vasculosus n. optici _ 28 Arteriola rYenulal tem.poro.lis retinae snparior 29 Arteriolc. ^enula^ taaporalis retinae ^inferior 30 Arteriola jVenula^ ret- inae superior 31 ..-rteriola fremlst'l nasalis ret- inae inferior * 32 Arteriola (VenulaJ macularis su- perior , 33 Arteriola LVenul^.J nacularis in- ferior 34 Arteriola venulaj retinae media- lis 35 CJfflffiRA OCDLI .INTERIOR 36 ./ingulus iridis 37 C/:iERA OCULI POSTERIOR 38 CORPUS VITHi'JUri 39 A, hyaloidea x 40 Cr.nalis hyaloider. 41 Fossr. hyaloidea 42 hyaloidea 43 Stroia?. vitreuni 44. Hunor vitreus-..- 1-5 LENS CEYSTALLIMA 46 Substantia lentis 47 Substantia corticalis 48 !!uclous lentis 49 Fibrae lent is 50 Zpithelium Isntis 51 Cppsula lentis 52 Pclus anterior lentis 53 Polus posterior lentis 54 Facios anterior lentis 55 Facies posterior lentis 56 Axis lentis 57 Aequator lentis 58 Rr.dii lentis 59 ZOFULA CILI/.SIS 60 Fibrae zonulares 61 Spatia zonulario. 62 ORGAFA OCULI ACCSSSORI '-. 63 lIURCuli oculi, Fasciae orbitr.les 64 H. o'rbT?Dni~ 65 H. rectus supfi"ior 66 !I rectus in 'Aor 67 "1. rectus medi?lis 68 11. rectus later alis 69 Lrcertus musculi recti lateral is 70 Annulus tendineus communis 71 :;.' obliquus superior Seree Organs and 1 Trochlea 2 M. obliquus inferior 3 M. levator palpebrae superioris 4 Periobita 5 Septum orbitale 6 Fasciae musculares 7 Fascia bulbi (Tenoni) 8 Spatium inte^fasciale (Tenoni) 9 Corpus adipo&um orbitae Sv--? ere ilium 11 12 Palpebra superior 13 Palpebra superior 14 Facies anterior palpebrarum 15 Facies posterior palpebrarum 16 Rima palpebrerum 17 Commie sura palpebrarum lateralis 18 Commissura palpebrarum medialis 19 Angulus lateralia 20 Angulus oculi medialis 21 Limbi palpebrales anteriores 22 Limbi palpebrales posteriores 23 Tarsus superior 24 Tarsus inferior 25 Lig, palpebrale mediale Raphe palpebralie lateralie 26 27 Glandulae tar sales Meibonii 28 Sebum palpebrale 29 M. tarsalis superior 30 M. tarsalis inferior 31 CONJUNCTIVA 32 Plica semilunaris conjunctivae 33 Caruncula lacrimalis 34 Tunica conjunctiva bulbi 35 .Tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum 36 Fornix conjuctivae superior 37 Fornix conjuctivae palpebrarum 38 Gl. mucosae (Krausei) 39 Moduli lymphs tici conjunctivales 40 (Pinguecula) Integument 75 41 APPARATUS LACRIkALIS 42 Glandula lacrimals superior 43 Glandula lacriraalis inferior 44 (Gl, lacrimales accessoriae) 45 Ductuli excretorii gl. lacrimalis 46 Kivue lacrimalis 47 Lacus lacrimalis 48 Puncta lacrimalia 49 DUctus lacrinales 50 Papillae iacrimales 51 Ampulla ductus lacrimalis 52 Saccus lacrimalie 53 Fornix cacci lacrimalis 54 Ductus nasolacrimalis 55 Plica 2acrimalis (Hasneri) 56 Lacrimae 57 ORGANQK AUDITUS: 58 Auris interna 59 LABURINTHUS MEMBRANACEUS 60 Luctus endolymphaticus 61 Saccus endolymphaticus 62 Ductus utriculosaccularis 63 Utriculus 64 Ductus semicirculares 65 Ductus eemicircularis superior 66 Ductus semicircularis la.teralis 68 Ampullae membranaceae 69 Sulcus ampullaris 78 Crista ampullaris itr 71 Ampulla membranacea super: 72 Ampulla membranacea post- erior 73 Ampulla membranacea later- alis 74 Sacculus 75 Ductus reuniens (Hanseni) 76 Maculae acustica utriculi 78 Macula acustica sacculi Sense Organ" ' 1M c Common Integument 76 1 Otoconia 2 Endolympha 3 Perilympha' 4 Spatium perilyraphaticum 46 5 Ductus perilynphatici 6 Ductus cochlearis 7 Caecum cupulare 8 Caecum vestibulare 50 9 Lamina basilaris 51 10 Membrana vestibularis 52 fjReissneri} 11 Lig. spirale co';h3eae 12 Pr eminent ia spiral is 13 Stria vascular: s 54 14 Sulcus spiralis 55 15 Labium tympanicum 56 16 Foramina vvsrvosa 57 17 Labium vertibu?.are 58 18 Ganglion spirale _cochleae 59 19 Organon spirale Iccrtiij 60 20Vasaauris 61 internae 62 21 A. auditiva interna 63 22 Rami vestibulares 64 23 Ramus cochleae 65 24 Glomeruii arteriosi 66 cochleae 67 25 W. audit ivae internae 26 V spiralis mcdioli 27 Vas promi'nens 28 Vv vestibulare/s 29 V. aquaeductus vestibuli 30 V canaliculi cochleae 31 LABim.INTHUS OSSEUS 32 Vestibulum 33 Recessus sphaericus 34 Recessus ellipticus 35 Crista vestibuli .,36 Pyramis vestibuli 37 Recessus cochlearis 38 Maculae cribrosae 39 Macula cribrosa sup- erior 40 Macula cribrosa media 41 Macula cribrosa inferior 42 Canales sernicirculares ossei 69 70 43 Canalis semicircularis superior 44 Canalis semicircuiaris posterior 45 Canalis semicircularis lateralis Ampullae osseae 47 Affl.pu'i]a ossea superior 48 Ampulla oss&a posterior 49 Ampulla ossea lateralis Crura anpullaria Crus comrrane Crus 53 Cochlsa Cupula Basis ccch'.<5xe Canalis spire lis cochleae Modiolus Basis moclioXi Lamina modioli Lamina spiralis ossea Hamulus laminae spiralis Scala lve^ilju?-i Scala tyn.j ani Lamina spiralis secundapia Canalis spiralis modioli Canales longitudinales modioli 68 Meatus acusticus internus Porus acu s tTcus~ut e'rnuts~ Fundus meatus acustici intern! 71 Crista transversa 72 Area n. facial is 73 Area cochleae 74 Tractus spiralis foraminosus 75 Area vestibulari,*? superior 76 Area vestibuiari^ inferior 77 Foramen ^"is 79 Paries 78 OAVUU TYMPANI t e g m e>\n tali Sense Organs ar.d Common Integument 77 i c a I Recessus epityrapanicus 2 Pars cupularis Paries jugularis 4 Pr eminent ia styloidea Paries labyrinth 6 Fenestra vestibuli 7 Fossula fenestrae vestibuli Promontorium Sulcus prcmontorii ID Subiculum promontorii II Sinus tympani. 12 Fenestra cochleae 13 Fossula fnnestrae cochleae 14 Crista fenestrae cochleae 15 Processus cochleariformis Paries mastoidea 17 Antrum tympanicum 8 9 16 39 -10 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 18 Prominent ia canal is semicircular is 55 Irxteralis 19 Prcminentia canalis facialis 20 Eminent ia pyramidal is 21 Fossa incudis 22 Sinus posterior 23 Apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae 24 Cellulae mastoideae 25 Cellulae tympanicae 26 F a r i e s carotica 27 P a r i e s|m embranacea 28 Membrana tympani 29 Pars fla^cTaeT" 30 P ars tensa 31 Limbus membranae tympani 32 Plica malleolaris anterior 33 Plica malleolaris posterior 34 Prominentia malleolaris 35 Stria malleolaris "' Umbo nembranae tympani vi Stratum cutaneum 38 Annulus fibrocartilagineus 56 57 58 60 61 62 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 74 Stratum radiatum Stratum circulare Stratum mucosum 42 OSSICULA AUDITUS Stapes Capitulum stapedis Cr\*s anterius Crus posterius Basis stapedis Incus Corpus incudis Crus longura 51 P rocessus lenticu- laris Crus breve Malleus HanubJ-ium mallei Capitulum Mallei Collum mallei Processus lateralis Processus anterior 59 Articul at iones essiculorum "auditus Articulatio incudomalleo- laris Articulatio incu dostaped- ia Syndesmosis tympanostaped- ia 63 Ligg. ossiculorum auditus Lig. Lig. Lig. mallei anterius Lig. mallei superius mallei laterale incudis superius Lig. incudis posterius Membrana obturatoria (stapedis) Lig. annulare baseos stapled is Ai. fixator baseos stap- edisj 72 Kusculi ossiculorum audTt'u s M. tensor tympani H. stapedius Sense Organ f ard Common Integument 78 1- Tunica mucosa tympanica 2 (Gl. tympanicact 3 Plica malleolaris posterior 4 Plica malleolaris anterior 5 Recessus membranae tympani anterior 6 Recessus tympani membranae superior 7 Recessus membranae tympani posterior 8 Plica incudis 9 Plica stapedxs 10 Membrana tympani secundaria 11 TUBA AUDITIVA ^EDSTACHIl) 12 Ostium tympanicxim tubae auditivae 13 Pars ossea tubao auditivae 14 Isthmus tubae auditivae 15 Cellulae pneumaticae tubariae 16 Pars cartilaginae tubae auditivae 17 Cartilage tubae auditivae 18 Lamina |_cartilaginisj medialis 19 Lamina ca? tilaginisj lateralis 20 Lamin" membranacea 21 Tunic oucosa 22 Gl. mucosae 23 Noduli lymphatici tubarii 24 Ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae 25 MEATUS ACUSTICUS EXTERNUS 26 Porus acusticus externus 27 Incisura tympanica ^Rivir 28 Meatus acusticus externus cartilagi- neus 29 Cartilage meatus acustici 30 Incisurae cartilaginis meatus _ acustici externi _Santoriad J 31 Lamina tragi 32 AURICULAE J33 Lobulus auriculae 34 Cartilage auriculae 35 Helix 36 CruK hel:cis 37 Spina helicis 38 Cauda helicis 39 Anthelix / -> 40 Fossa triangularis [auriculae! 41 Crura anthelicis 42 Scapha 43 Concha auriculae 44 Cymba conchae 45 Cavura <*<^nchae 46 Antj^Togus 47 Tragus 48 Incisura anterior 49 Incisura intertragica 50 (Tuberculum auriculae 51 (Apex auriculae Darwini ) 52 Sulsus auriculae posterior 53 (Tubercu?i.ura supratragicum) 54 Isthaus cartilaginis auris 55 Incisura terminalis auris 56 Fissura antitragohelicina 57 Sulcus anthelicis transversus 58 Sulcus cruris helicis 59 Fossa anthelicis 60 Eminent ia conchae 61 Eminent ia scaphae 62 Eninentia fossae triangularis 63 Ligg. auricularia valsalvae~) 64 Lig. auriculare anterius 65 Lig. auriculare superius 66 Lig. auriculare posterius 67 H. helicis major 68 M. helicis minor 69 M. tragicus 70 (M. pyranidalis auriculae [jungi]) 71 M. antitragicus 72 M. transversus auriculae 73. M. obliquus auriculae . 74 (M. incisurae helicis fsantorinij ) SENSE ORGANS A'.ID INTEGUMENT 79, 1 ORGANON OLFACTUS 2 ORGANON GUSTUS 3 Calyculi gustatorii 4 Integumentum z o m r.i u n e 5 CUTIS 6 Sulci cutis 7 Cristae cutis 8 Retinacula cutds 9 Toruli tactiles 10 Foveola coccygea 11 Lig. caudale 12 Epidermiij 13 Stratum corneuc ^ -i 14 Stratum germinativum jjdalpighiij 15 16 17 18 Tunica propria Corpus papillare Papillae 19 Tela Subcutanea 20 Panfaiculus adiposus 21 Corpuscula nervorurn te.rir.inalia 22 Corpuscula bulboidea FKrausiiJ 24 25 Corpuscula nervorura genitalia 26 Corpuscula nervorum articularia Corpuscula bulboidea fKrausiiJ Corpuscula lamellosa (^Vateri, Pacinil Corpuscula tactus u Meissneri/ 28 29 30 31 27 Lanugo Capilli Super cilia Cilia PILI 32 Barba 33 Tragi 34 Vibris sae 35 Hirci 36 Pubes 37 Folliculus pili 38 Fundus folliculi pili 39 Ccllum folliculi pili 40 Papilla pili 41 Scapus pili 42 Radix pili 43 Bulbus pili 44 Mm. arrsctores pilorum 45 Flumina pilorum 46 Vortices pilorum 47 (Vortex coccygeus) 48 UNGUES 49 Matri unguis 50 Cristae matricis unguis 51 fulcus natricis unguis 52 Vallura unguis 53 Corpus unguis 54 Radix unguis 55 Lunula 56 Margo occultus 57 Margo liber 58 hoar go lateralis 59 Stratum corneun unguis 60 Stratum germinativum unguis 61 GLANDULAE CUTIS 62 Gl.. glpmi formes 63 Gl. sudorif'erae 64 Corpus gl. sudoriferae 65 Ductus sudoriferus 66 Porus sudoriferus 67 Sudor 68 Gl. ciliares fMollij 69 Gl. circumanales . SENSE ORGAN AIJD COL.J^N INTEGUMENT 80. 1 Gl . ceruminosae 2 Cerumen 3 Glandulae sebaceae 4 Sebum cutaneum 5 Mangng_ 6 Papilla aamnae 7 Corpus raamraae 8 Lobi namrnae 9 Lobuli manacae 10 Ductus lactiferi 11 Sinus lactiferi 12 Lac femininum 13 Colostrum 14 Areola raaiamae 15 Gl. sebaceae . 16 Gl. areolares ^Montgomeriijj 17 Mamma virilis 18 (Mammae accessoriae {^uliebres et virilesj ) REGIONS OF THE HUMAN BODY 81 1 _gEGIOHES CORPORIS HUMANI Auctoribus MSrkel, Rfcdingsr, Tcldt. 2 Linea mediana anterior 6 Linea na.nillaris 3 Linea mediana posterior 7 Linea axillaris 4 Linea sternalis 8 Linea scapularis 5 Linea parasterna3.i3 REGION OF 7h? HU1A.N BODY 82, c a p i t i 1 Regiones 2 Regie frontalis 3 Regio supracrbitalis 4 Regio parietalis 5 Regio occipita?_is 6 Regio tempera] is 7 Regio auriculdi-ia 8 Regio mastoide?. 9 Regiones faciei 10 Regio nasal is 31 Regio parotideomasseterica 22 Fossa retromandibularis 23 Regiones colli 24 Regio co'Qi anteriofi 25 Regio submentalis 26 Regio hyoidea 27 Regio aubhyoic'ea 28 Regio laryrigea 29 Regio thj r reoidea 30 Regio suprasternalis 11 Regio oralis 12 Regio labialis superior 13 Regio labialis inferior 14 Regio mentalis 15 Regio orbitalis 16 Regio palpebralie superior 17 Regio palpebralie inferior 18 Regio infraorbitalis 19 Regio buccalis 20 Regio zygomatica 31 Fossa jugularis 32 Regio submaxillaris 33 Fossa carotica 34 Regio sternocleidomastoidea 35 Fossa supraclavicularis minor 36 Regio colli lateralis 37 Fossa supraclavicularis mjor 38 Trigonum omoclaviculare 39 Regio colli posterior 40 Regio nuchae REGIONS (F T'E HiFAN BODY 83. 2 3 10 1 Fovea nuchae Regiones pect o r i a Regio pectoris anterior 4 Regio sternal is 5 Regio clavicular io 6 Regio iufraclavicularis 7 Tr-L^om 1 !!! deltoideopectorale 8 Regio maur.raiis 9 Regio ini'r. ^.mammal is Regio pectoris lateralis 11 Regio axiliaris 12 Fossa axiliaris 24 Regio mediana dorsi 25 Regr. o interacapularis 26 Regi o scapularis 27 Ragio auprascapularis 28 Ragio infrascapularis 29 Regio luabalis 30 Regio co;cs.e 31 Regio sacralis 32 Regio glutaea 33 Regio perinealis 34 Regio analis 35 Regio urogenitalis 13 Regio costalis lateralis 36 14 Regiones abdominis 37 15 Regio epigastrica 16 Regio hypochondriaca 38 17 Regio mesogastrica 39 18 Regio umbilicalis 40 19 Regio abdominalis lateralis 41 20 Regio hypogastrica 42 21 Regio publca 43 22 Regio inguinalis 44 23 Regiones dorsi Regio pudendalis Regionee e tatis sup Regio acromialis Regio deltoidea Regio brachii lateralis Regio brachii medialis Regio brachii anterior Regio brachii posterior Regio cubiti anterior 45 Fossa cubitalis x t r e m i- e r i o r i s 1 a REGIONS OF THE HUMAN BODY 84. 1 Regio bubiti posterior 2 Regio olecrani 3 Regio cubiti lateral is 4 Regio cubiti nedj.alis 5 Regio antibrachii volaris 6 Regio antibrachii dcrsalis 7 Regio antibrachii radialis 8 Regio antibrachii ulnaris 9 Regio dorsalis imnus 10 Regio volaris nanus 11 Regiones digi tales manusj 12 Regiones dorsales digitorum 13 Regiones unguicularee 14 Regiones volares digitorum 15 Regions of the in- ferior extremity 16 Regio femoris anterior 17 Fossa subinguinalis 18 Regio femoris lateralis 19 Regio trochanterica 20 Regio femoris posterior 21 Regio fernoris medialis 22 Regio genu anterior 23 Regio patellaris 24 Regio genu posterior 25 Fossa poplitea 26 Regio cruris anterior 27 Regio cruris posterior 28 Regio suxalis 29 Regio cruris lateralis 30 Regio cruris medialis 31 Regio nalleolaris lateralis 32 Regio nalleolaris medialis 33 Regio retromalleolaris lateralie 34 Regio retromalleolaris medialis 35 Regio calcanea 36 Regio dorsalis pedie 37 Regio plantaris pedis 38 Regiones digitales pedie 39 Regionos dorsales digitorum pedis 40 Regionss unguiculares 41 Regiones plantares digitorum pedis . . : . , , - ' : " - ... ;.. . . .. . . . ; - ' I THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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