UC-NRLF TREATISE ON MINER A L O G Y BY CHARLES UPIIAM SHEPARD No. II. THIRD EDITION, WITH 2S7 ILLUSTRATIONS AND 725 IN THE COilPLETE WORK. NEW HAVEN: PRINTED BY E. HAYES, 1857. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Ord. X. Ore.) CUPRITE. 241 ORDER X. ORE. Section A. Colors various. Lustre generally resinous. Sp. 1. CUPRITE, Haidinger ; Red Oxide of Copper, Phillips. Tile Ore. Zigueline. [H.=3'5 . . . 4'0 G. 5'89 . . . 6'15. Xls. modified cubes and octa- hedrons. Massive, granular and earthy. Color from cochi- neal-red to lead-grey.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 489. Fig. 490. Fig. 491. Cleavage parallel with octahedral faces, Fig. 492. smooth, but interrupted. Frac. conchoidal to uneven. Surface smooth and splendent. Semi- transparent, to translucent on the edges. Lus- tre adamantine, inclining to metallic. Color, as above. Streak brownish-red, shining. Brittle. B. B. on charcoal, in the inner flame, is re- duced. In the forceps, colors the flame green ; moistened with hydrochloric acid, colors the flame blue. Soluble in nitric acid with effer- vescence ; in hydrochloric acid, without effer- vescence : also soluble in ammonia. Copper 88'79, oxygen 11 21. The earthy variety has been called Tile ore and Zigueline. It is of a reddish brown color, in consequence of the presence of peroxide of iron. Occurs in beds and veins in granite and crystalline slate rocks, attended by redruthite, copper, chalcopyrite, azurite, malachite, galena and blende. In gneiss at Moldawa in the Bannat, in beds in sandstone at Katheri- nenburg in Siberia, and at Chessy near Lyons in France. In veins of tin and copper ore in Cornwall, South Australia, Peru and Chili. In the copper mines of New Jersey and of Lake Superior. Sp. 2. CHALCOTRICHITE, Gloclcer; Kupferbluthe, Hausmann; Capillary Red Oxide of Copper. [In fine capillary xls. much interlaced. Cpj&iaeal fdUcrimson red.] In prisms of 140- 150, having the anzle^^m^fttytibk &&es fr&ucated (Kenngott). Cleavage rhombohedral, i |fe5^& ^ u.=5'8. Composition identical with cuprite^ Rheinbreitenbach, Moldawa, and 31 242 ZINCITE. THORITE. [Class II. Sp. 3. ZINCTTE, Haidinger; Sparta] ite, Brooke and Miller; Red Oxide of Zinc, Phillips, [H.=4'0...4'5. Gr. =5-43... 5-53. Massive: foliated. Color deep red. Streak orange-yellow.] Primary form rhomboid. Secondary form, ' double six-sided pyramid with truncated apices (quartzoid), and broad six-sided tables. Cleavage distinct, parallel with truncating faces of the quartzoid. Massive, often in broad folia?. Fracture conchoidal to granular. Trans- lucent on the edges. Lustre adamantine. When pure, colorless ; but almost universally red. Brittle. B. B. on charcoal is infusible, phosphorescing strongly. With soda, gives a sublimate of zinc. With borax and salt of phosphorus, yields the reaction of manganese. Soluble without effervescence in nitric acid. After weathering, becomes slightly coated with a white crust of carbonate of zinc. It is composed of zinc 8Q'26 and oxygen I9'74. Some varie- ties have a decided trace of oxide of manganese; and all those which are red, contain also traces of peroxide of iron, to which foreign sub- stances the color appears to be due. Found with franklinite and calcite at Stirling Hill and Franklin, Sus- sex Co., New Jersey. Sp. 4. THORITE, Beudant. [H.=4'5. G.=4'63. Massive, Fracture conchoidal. Black. Lustre vitreous.] Streak dark brown. Brittle. B. B. infusible. Easily soluble in bo- rax, forming a glass colored by iron ; on the addition of nitre, yields the reaction of manganese. Before ignition, easily decomposed by hydro- chloric acid ; but after heating, is but slightly acted upon by it. Analysis by Berzelius. Silica, ----- 18-98 Thorina, ... - 5691 Lime, - - - - 2*58 Red ox. iron, - - 3'40 Ox. mang., - - 2'39 Magnesia, - - 0*36 Ox. uranium, - l'6l Ox. lead, ----- 0'80 Ox. tin, - O'Ol Potash, - - 014 Soda, - - O'lO Alumina, ----- 0'06 Water, - - 9'50 Insoluble matter, - - 170 Found with brown mesotype (bergmannite), on the island of Lovo, near Brevig, Norway. Ord. X. Ore.] WARWICKITE. PEROFSKITE. 243 *ORANGITE, Bergemann. [H.=4'5 ; G. =5'34... 5 397. Massive, but cleavable in one di- rection. Orange to brown.] Fracture conchoidal to splintery. Transparent to translucent. Streak yellowish-white. In the matrass, yields water and becomes dark brown ; but on cooling, regains the orange color. B. B. infusible. By fusion with soda, the silica is dissolved, leaving insoluble yellow fragments in the bead. With borax, forms a glass, which is yellow while hot, but colorless when cold. With salt of phosphorus, in the outer flame, yields a reddish glass; in the inner one, a yellowish glass. The glass in either case, is colorless when cold. With hydrochloric acid, forms a perfectly clear, deep yellow jelly. After exposure to a strong red heat, it is not acted upon by acids. Anal- ysis by C. Bergemann : Silica, - 17'70 Ox. donarium, probably of thorinum, 71'25 Garb, acid, - - 4'04 Red ox. iron, ... 0'31 Magnesia and ox. mang., - - 0'21 Potash and soda, - - - 0'30 Water, - - - 6'90 Found imbedded in feldspar in Langesundfiord, near Brevig in Norway. Sp. 5. WARWICKITE, (S.) Enceladite, T. S. Hunt. [H. 3*0 . . . 4'0. G.=3'18 . . . 3'29. Xls. slender prismatic. Hair- brown to iron-grey. Metallic, copper-red lustre on face of perfect cleavage. Opaque.] Prim, form, rhombic prism, apparently oblique. Secondary form, obtuse edges of prism truncated, and the acute, bevelled. Cleavage in direction of longer diagonal very perfect. Fracture uneven. Lustre vitreous to pearly. Brittle. In the tube, yields water and traces of hydrofluoric acid. B. B. infu- sible. With salt of phosphorus, gives a bead which is orange, while hot, and purplish-gray and opaque when cold. Reaction of boric acid. Ti- tanic acid 28'20, silica 1850, alumina 13'84, protox. iron 10'59, magne- sia 22'20, lime 1 30, water 735 (T. S Hunt}. Smith and Brush find it to contain over 20 p. c. boric acid. The large iron-grey crystals were found by the author, rich in fluorine, manganese and iron. Found dis- seminated through the spinel limestone at Edenville, Orange Co., N. Y. First found at Warwick, N. J. Sp. 6. PEROFSKITE, Rose ; Perowskite, Dufrenoy. [H. =5 5. Gr.=3 9 . . . 401 . Xls. small, and usually cubes. Mas- sive. Color dark reddish-brown to greyish-black.] Primary form, cube. Secondary, cube with edges and angles truncated. Cleavage parallel with primary faces, tolerably distinct. Translucent jn edges, to opaque. Lustre adamantine, inclining, in xls. to metallic. Color as above. Streak greyish-white. 244 TRITOMITE. CER1TE. [Class II. B. B. infusible. Soluble in borax. With a very minute quantity of the pulverized mineral, the bead is light yellowish-green while hot, and colorless when cold ; with a larger quantity, the bead is brown when cold. In powder, it is but slightly acted upon by hydrochloric acid. It is composed of titanic acid 58'9, lime 41*1. Analyses by Jacobson and Brooks. Titanic acid, - 58'96 - - - 59'00 Lime, - - - 39'20 - 3676 Magnesia, - - trace - - O'll Protoxide of iron, - 2 06 - - - 479 Found in a micaceous limestone at Vosburg on the Kaiserstuhl, and in chlorite slate at Achmatovsk, near Slatoust, in the Ural. Sp. 7. TRITOMITE, Weibye. [H.=5'5. G.=4'16...4'66. Xls. tetrahedra. Dark brown. Opaque.] Prim, form cube. Secondary form, tetrahedron. Cleavage not ob- servable. Fracture conchoidal. Translucent on the edges . . . opaque. Lustre vitreous, inclining to metallic on the surface of fracture. Streak yellowish-brown. Very brittle. In the matrass, yields water and traces of fluorine. B. B. becomes white and cracks. With borax, in the outer flame, forms a reddish yel- low glass, which becomes colorless on cooling. . Decomposed by hydro- chloric acid, leaving a jelly of silica. Approximate analysis of a small quantity, by Berlin : Silica, - - - 2013 Ox. cerium, - 40'36 Ox. lanthanium, ... 15'11 Lime, ..... 5'15 Alumina, - - 2'24 Yttria, - ... 0'46 Magnesia, .... 0'22 Soda, - - - 1 46 Protox. iron, - - - - 1'83 Mang., cop., tin and tungsten, - - 4 '62 Loss by ignition, ... 7'86 Near Brevig, Norway, in syenite, with leucophane. Sp. 8. CERITE ; Ochroite, Hermann ; Cererite, Hausmann. [H.=5'5. G. 4'9 . . . 5'0. Massive. Reddish-grey to clove- brown. Fracture uneven.] Rarely in xls., having the form of short six-sided prs. Cleavage in traces. Opaque. Lustre resinous. Streak greyish-white. Brittle. In the matrass, yields water. B. B. turns yellow, but is infusible. With borax, in the outer flame, slowly dissolves into a dark yellow glass, which grows paler on cooling; in the inner flame, shows a feeble reac- tion of iron. With soda, melts into a dark yellow slag. Dissolves in hydrochloric acid, leaving a jelly of silica. Analysis a by Hisinger, b by Hermann. Ord. X. Ore.] SPHENE. 245 a. Silica, 18-00 Protox. cerium, 68-59 - Ox. lanthanium, Alumina, . Perox. iron, 2-00 Lime, 1 25 - Ox. mang. - Water, - 9-60 - b. 16-06 - 26-55 3338 - 1-68 353 - 3-56 0-27 - 9-10 The variety b is supposed to have contained carb. lime, as a mechani- cal mixture. Bastnas, near Riddarhyttan in Westmannland, Sweden, forming a bed in gneiss. Ochroite is supposed to be a quartzy variety of cerite. Sp. 9. SPHENE. Lederite, (S.) Greenovite, Dufrenoy ; Pictite, Ligurite. [H.=5'0...5-5. G.=3'3...3'7. Xls. very oblique, short rh. prs. generally much modified. Massive, in very perfectly cleavable masses. Yellow, brown, rarely green.] Prim, form, oblique rh. prism. M on M=133 30', P on M=121 50'. Secondary forms. Fig. 493. Fig. 494. Fig. 495. Arendal Lake George. Fig. 497. St. Gothard. 246 SPHENE. [Class II. P on a c & 63 60 M on a b c ei 63 65 I 159 44' 140 52 158 18 154 20 120 2 139 30 124 35 86 20 119 35 116 42 138 42 151 20 > Phillips. < on e on b on c one?i on e2 on e\ di ondi' cfe on di' di on e4 di on ea ei on ci' e2 on ca' 64 on e4 ; 120 2' 167 139 30 146 44 145 18 154 52 113 24 135 60 152 30 152 45 175 42 136 40 113 50 Fig. 498. Diana, N. Y. M(rfi)on M(rfi) 113 28' P (a) onM (di) 114 21 * (e2) 141 36 b (c) 119 33 M (di)on o 135 10 o on o 110 54 o on P' 109 37 M(rfi)on x (c 2 ) 151 30 Twin xls., faces of composition par- allel; axis of revolution perpendicular to P, fig. 499. Sometimes the individuals are continued beyond the face of composition. Cleavage often distinct in the direction of M, fig. 499, traces parallel with M. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal, uneven. Surface b and M al- most always faintly streaked, parallel to the edges of combination with d. The remaining faces are mostly smooth, and often possess high degrees of lustre. Lustre adamantine, sometimes inclining to resinous. Color brown, yellow, grey, green, and red (greenovite). Streak white. Trans- lucent . . . translucent on the edges. Exhibits pleochroism. Streak white, light red in the red variety. Pyroelectric. B. B. melts on the edges with intumescence, into a dark glass. The portion not fused, often turns yellow when cold. With borax, yields a transparent yellow glass. With salt of phosphorus and tin, in the inner flame, gives a violet glass. It is partially decomposed by hydrochloric acid, and perfectly so by sulphuric acid, or by fusion with six parts bisul- phate of potash. 30a, 2Si, 8Ti, silica 30'45, titanic acid 41 33, lime 28'22. Analyses, a from the Zillerthal by H. Rose, 6 of a red variety from Passau (green- ovite) by Brooks, c from St. Marcel by Delesse. Silica, Titanic acid, Lime, Protox. iron, Protox. mang. a 3229 4158 2661 096 b 30-63 42'56 2500 363 29-8 43-0 23-6 2'9 Sphene occurs in imbedded and attached xls. and massive in broad foliae, in granite, syenite, gneiss, crystalline slate rocks, limestone, basalt, and lava. Dauphine, St. Gotthardt, Dissentis in the Orisons, Val Mag- Ord. X. Ore.] WOHLERITE. 247 gia and St. Marcel (greenovite) in Piedmont, Pfitschthal in the Tyrol, near Slatoust in the Ural, Arendal, and near Laurvig in Sweden, Vesu- vius, Grenville, Canada, Monroe, Diana and Gouverneur, N. Y., (variety lederite, fig. 499, in which figure a new prism is assumed as the primary form, but which still exhibits the old lettering along with the new,) Rog- ers Rock on Lake George, Bolton, Mass., and numerous other localities in the U. States. Lignrite, from a talcose rock in the Appenines, is referred to sphene, by Dufrenoy. Sp. 10. WOHLERITE, Scheerer ; Eukolite, Scheerer. [H. 5'5. Gr.=3'0 . . . 3'4. Xls. tabular, massive, granular, reni- form. Col. yellow-brown to grey.] Primary form, right rectangular prism. Secondary form. Primary, with the edges and angles much replaced. Cleavage distinct in one direction. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resin- ous. Color light yellow, wine-, honey-, resin-yellow, brownish, greyish. Streak yellowish white. Transparent, subtranslucent. Fracture more or less conchoidal to splintery. B. B. in a strong heat, melts quietly into a yellowish or yellowish-green glass. With borax and salt of phosphorus, gives the colors of iron and manganese. Decomposed by strong hot, hydrochloric acid, leaving a residue of silicic and pelopic acids. Analysis by Scheerer, of the yellow crystallized variety. Silica, 30-62 Pelopic acid, - - 14'47 Zirconia, 1517 Perox. iron, - - - 2' 12 Protox. manganese, - 1'55 Magnesia, ... 0'40 Lime, - .... 26*19 Soda, - - - - - 778 Water, - - 0'24 Analysis by the same chemist, of the brown, reniform variety, called by him, Eukolite. Silica, Metallic acids and some zirconia, - Perox. iron, Lime, Protox. cerium, Soda, Protox. mang., ... Magnesia, .... Water, 10037 Brevig, Norway, in syenite. 248 PYROCHLORE. MICROLITE. [Class II. Sp. 11. PYROCHLORE. Hydrochlore and Fluochlore, Hermann. [H.=5-0 . . . 5-5. G.=4'19 . . . 4-8. In small 8-dral xls. Dark reddish brown. L. resinous.] Prim, form cube. Secondary form, octahedron. Fi S- 4 " Cleavage octahedral, and traces parallel with the cube. Fracture conchoidal. Translucent on the edges, to opaque. Rather brittle. Lustre dull, resinous, inclining to vitreous. B. B. turns yellow, and melts with great diffi- culty into a blackish brown slag. With borax, gives a glass which is reddish yellow in the outer flame, and dark red in the inner. Some of the varieties yield the reaction of uranium. The powder is decomposed by concentrated sulphuric acid, and by fusion with bisulphate of potash. Aanalyses, a from Miask by Wohler, b from Brevig by Wohler, c from Miask by Hermann, d from Fredericksvarn by Hayes. Tantalic acid, Titanic acid, Oxide cerium, ) Thorina, j Lime, Magnesia, Protox. iron, Peroxide iron, Protox. mang. Yttria, Sodium, Fluorine, Water, 67-38 1315 10-98 1-29 b 67-62 1-33 1-69 60-83 490 1523 9-80 1-46 223 d* 53-10 20-20 19-45 2'35 4-60 0-94 269 221 0-15 081 3 93 ox. > 4 . ( 3-23 uran.) 4 1-16 7-06 Found in syenite near Friedricksvarn, and on the island of Lovo near Brevig in Norway ; in granite in the Ilman Mts. near Miask ; and in the Ural. Sp. 12. MICROLITE, (S.) [H.=5'5. G.=5-0 5-64. Xls. 8-dral. Minute. Straw-yellow to yellowish brown.] Primary form cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 500. Fig. 501. * With oxides of IT, Mn, Pb, and Sn. Ord. X. Ore.] LIEVRITE. TSCHEPPKINITE. 249 Cleavage octahedral, imperfect. Lustre resinous. Transparent to translucent, on the edges. Streak white, except where the color of the mineral is brownish : it then resembles the color. B. B. remains unaltered. It dissolves slowly in borax, rendering it yellow while hot. On cooling, it becomes paler; but remains transparent, unless when subjected to flaming. It then becomes nebulous, and pre- sents a pale yellow enamel. The purest crystals consist of columbate of lime, with mere traces of yttria, oxide of uranium and iron, together with a little hygrometric moisture. The analysis of the author gave co- lumbic acid 7570, lime 14*84 ; that of Hayes, columbic acid 79'6, lime 10-87. Found at Chesterfield, Mass., imbedded in albite and tourmaline. Sp. 13. LIEVRITE, Werner; Ilvaite, Hausmann ; Yenite. [H.=5'5 . . . 6U G.=3'9 . . . 4'0. Xls. right rhombic prs. of 112, with 4 and 6-sided summits. Col. iron-black.] Primary form, right rhombic prism. M on M= 112 37'. Secondary form. oono = - ''*.*''''' - 139 37' oonooverM - ; ^, - 77 16 Also with obtuse lateral edges bevelled. Lateral faces striated^ vertically. Cleavage par- allel to P and the diagonals of the prism, indistinct. Elba. Massive, columnar; rarely compact. Lustre sub-metallic, inclining to resinous. Streak black, inclining to green. Brittle. Fracture uneven. Opaque. Feebly magnetic, and conducts electricity. B. B. on charcoal, melts readily into a black magnetic globule. With borax and salt of phosphorus, gives a glass, with the color of iron. Solu- ble in warm hydrochloric acid, forming when cold, a yellowish transparent jelly. Analysis by Rammelsberg. Silica, .... 27-83 Peroxide of iron, - - - 24 '58 Protoxide of iron, - - 3073 Lime, - - - 12'44 Protox. manganese, - - 1*51 9?09 Found in attached xls., also in granular and fibrous masses at Rio la Marina and Cape Calamita in Elba, at Fossum in Norway, in Siberia, Greenland, the Hartz, and in the Tyrol. Sp. 14. TSCHEFFKINITE, Hausmann. [H.=5'3. G.=4'50 . . . 4'54. Massive, velvet-black, opaque, vitre- ous ; fracture flat conchoidal.] In thin splinters, by transmitted light, brown. B. B. on the first appli- cation of heat, glows, intumesces, turns brown ; and at last, melts into a 32 250 A LL ANITE . [Class II. black globule. Tn powder with borax, fuses rendily into a clear glass, slightly colored by iron. Before ignition, uehtiuizes in hydrochloric acid Meaij of six analyses by H. Rose: Silica, 21-04 Titanic acid, - - 21)17 Lime, ..... 850 Magnesia, - - - ()"22 Protox. m;mg., - . 0'83 Protox. iron, - - - - I 1'2I Oxides cerium, lanihanium, and didymiutn, 47"29 Potash and soda, - - 12 The excess of 4 38 p c. arises from the peroxidation of the cerium during the analysis. The silica, when boiled with carb. soda, left behind a remainder, of from 2"09, to 4 29 p. c. The titanic acid appears to con- tain glneina, alumina and yttria. Found with feldspar in the Ilmen Mts., near Miask. Sp. 15. ALLANITE, Phillips; Orthite, Pyrorthite, Ural-Orthite, Muromon- tite and Bodenite, Kerndt ; Cerine; Bagrationite, Kokscharov; Xah- thorthite, Hermann. [H.=6'0. G. =3*1 ...4'2. Xls. right oblique angled prs., identi- cal in form with those of epidote. Massive, foliated and gran- ular. Black, passing into brown and green. Lustre vitreous to resinous.] Primary form, as above. Secondary form. M on r 116, T on r 129, s on r=135 30', y on r 109. 1, s on x 156 45', t on x 164 30', y on x 151, y on t=\6Q 30' Cleavage parallel to r and M, distinct. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal. Lustre imperfectly metal- lic to resinous. Streak greenish-grey. Opaque, or faintly translucent and brown, in thin splinters. Brittle. B. B. melts with intumescence into a brown or black magnetic glass. Generally decomposed by hydrochloric acid, forming a jelly. The allanite from Snarum is but very imperfectly attacked by hydro- chloric acid ; that from Bastnas, not at all. Analysis of a from Snarum by Scheerer, b variety ortbite from Wer- choturie by Hermann, c from Finbo by Berzelius, d var. cerine from Bastnas by Hisinger. , a b Silica, 3575 32'46 Alumina, 15'49 18'09 Protox. iron, 15'19 (with perox.) 13 84 Protox. cerium, ) and > 19-96 Ox. lanthanium, j Lime, 11-25 13'18 Magnesia, 0'77 T02 Yttria, 1'50 Protox. mang., Water, 3'40 Fig. 503. 6-77 976 36-25 14' 11-42 17-39 ) 4-87 3-80 1-36 d 30-17 11-31 2072 28-19 912 Ord.X. Ore.] ALLANITE. 251 The pyrorthite from Kararfvet near Fahlun, is supposed to contain a mechanical mixture of carbon. When ignited at one point, it burns on, without flame or smoke ; after which it becomes white, very porous, and may be melted with difficulty, into a black globule. With borax, in the inner flame, forms a blood-red glass, which becomes yellow on cooling. Analysis by Berzelius: Silica, 10-43 Alumina, - - j - 3'59 Lime, - - - - 1*81 Protox. cerium, - % ( - 13'92 Protox. iron, - 6'08 Yttria, - ; '."^ 4'87 Protox. mang., - - I '39 Water, - - - 26'50 Carbon and loss, - - 31'4l The muromontite is found in small grains with bodenite, in oligoclase, at Boden, near Marienberg in Saxony. H.=7'0. G.=4'265. B. B. glows, and is slightly fusible on the edges. It is decomposed by acids, leaving a jelly of silica. Analysis by Kerndt. Silica, '- - - l - 31 '09 Alumina, - , *-/. - . -> 22 * Glucina, - - ' : - 5 '52 Yttria, ,.; , - - - ,- 37'14 Protox. iron, - 11 '23 Protox. mang. - , - * 0'91 Protox. cerium, - - .p \ ,- 5'54 Ox. lanthanium, - .-'.- - 3'54 Magnesia, - - \ 0'42 Lime, - , -. . v- - - 0'7l Soda, r - ." -. :'' - \.\ 0'65 Potash, - - - *l 0-17 Water and loss, - . - 0'85 The bodenite is found at the same place. It occurs in long xls., and has in other respects, the properties of muromontite. It contains, ac- cording to Kerndt : Silica, 26'12 Alumina, ... - 10'34 Protox. iron, .... 12'05 Yttria, ...... 17'43 Ox. lanthanium, - - 7'57 Lime, ... 6'32 Magnesia, - - - - 234 Protox. mang., .... T62 Potash, - - - - l'2l Soda, 0-84 Water, .... 382 Allanite is found at Iglorsoit in Greenland, at Hitteroe in Norway, at Finbo and Stockholm, at Werchoturie, and Minsk in the Ural : the va- riety called cerine at Riddarhytta in Sweden. At Sillbohle, near Helsing- 252 GADOLINITE. [Class II. fors, xls. of epidote frequently occur, the interior of which consists of orthite. According to Breithaupt, the xls. are pseudomorphous. Allanite is found in albite, associated with black muscovite, in granite veins at Haddam, Conn. ; in distinct xls. in granite, at Royalston, Mass. ; at Bethlehem, Pa., near West Point, and at Moriah and Monroe, N. Y. Uralorthite (G.=3 4 3*64) from the Ilmen mts., has bitumen. Ac- cording to Hermann, silica 35 '49, alumina 18'21, protox. iron 13*03, protox. cerium 10*85, lime 9'25, magnesia 2'06, sesquiox. manganese 2*37, protox. lanthanium 2*37, water 2. Xanthorthite. Color yellowish. G.=2 78 2*9. Consists of silica 27*59, alumina 16*14, protox. iron 16*01, protox. cerium 1T75, Iirne2'28, magnesia 4*94, ytlria 2*12, protox. mang. 1*55, water 11*46, carb. acid 6*71 ; Bahr. Sp. 16. GADOLINITE. [H. 6*5. G. 4*2 . . . 4*4. Xls. small, rough, prismatic, amd mas- sive; in rounded imbedded grains, often covered with a yellow crust. Black. Vitreous, inclining to resinous.] Prim, form, oblique rhombic prism. M on M=115. Secondary forms. Fig. 504. Fig. 505. (Fig. 506,) MonM=115, P on A=98, M on e^lOO , M on b= 153, b on &'=120, e on e'^120 , V on e'=130, common goniometer. (Fig. 505, measurements by Haiiy,) M on J=143 12', M on r=125 16', M on z/=:160 32', I on /=142 8', / on r=108 50', Ion s=161 11', r on s=90, r on M=144 44'. Cleavage in traces. Fracture conchoidal. Color dark greenish black. Streak, greenish grey. Translucent on the edges . . . opaque. Some- times magnetic. B. B. exhibits an instantaneous glow. In the strongest heat, the mass swells up, turns greyish-green, and is traversed by numerous fissures. In very thin fragments, it melts with difficulty into a greyish glass. Some varieties only intumesce. Soluble readily in borax, forming a glass col- ored by iron. Before ignition, completely decomposed by hydrochloric acid, leaving a jelly of silica. Analyses, a from Hitteroe by Scheerer, b from Ytterby by Berlin. Ord. X. Ore.] PYROMELANE, ANATASE. 253 Silica, Yttria, Ox. cerium, Ox. lanthanium, Protox. iron, Glucina, Lime, Perox. iron, Protox. mang., 2578 45-67 1-81 ) 4-75 S n-68 9-57 034 128 2485 51-46 524 1301 480 050 1-11 Found in granite, gneiss, and syenite at Ytterby, Finbo, Broddbo and Korarfvet, Brevig and Hitteroe ; in Ceylon, and in trap near Galway, Ireland. It occurs in the U. States, at Becket in Mass. Sp. 17. PYROMELANE, (S.) [H.=6'5. G.=3'87. In loose, rather large, somewhat oblique angular shaped grains, whose surfaces are much pitted, like the grains of chondrodite. Reddish to yellowish brown and black.] Primary form, unknown. Generally, in what appear to be fragments of crystals. Lustre resinous, to resino-vitreous. Translucent on the edges. Fracture, sub-conchoidal. Streak, somewhat paler than the color. Different shades of color, sometimes mingled in the same individual. B. B. infusible, but turns black and becomes opaque ; and hence its name, in distinction from pyrochlore, which by heating becomes greenish- yellow. It is soluble in the fluxes, with the reaction of titanic acid and iron. It is undecomposable with sulphuric acid, except in a slight de- gree, but yields to fusion with bisulphate of potash. It is essentially a titanate of alumina and iron, with traces of lime and glucina? It may contain zirconia also. It occurs with zircon, in the gold washings of McDowall county, North Carolina ; where it is also attended by rutile, samarskite, monazite, brookite, xenotirne, &c. Sp. 15. ANATASE : Octahedrite, Jameson ; Oisanite. [H.=5'5. . . 6'0. Xls., octahedrons, with square base, rarely, with summits deeply truncated. Inclination of upper to lower pyr- amid, 136 22'.] Primary form, right square prism. Secondary forms. Fig. 506. Fig. 507. 254 B R O O K I T E . [Class II. P on 0=111 17', r on 0=152 27', r on s=166 30', P on s=132 5'. Cleavage parallel with P and o perfect. Surfaces generally smooth and bright. Lustre metallic to adamantine. Col., various shades of brown, blue, red and yellow. Streak, white. Brittle. Fracture, conchoidal B. B. phosphoresces when suddenly heated, but is infusible. By long continued heating, the gravity rises to that of rutile. With borax, melts into a glass, which becomes yellow, and at last violet-blue, in the inner flame. Soluble with difficulty in salt of phosphorus, and produces the same color. It is not decomposed by the acids. It consists of titanic acid, or titanium 60*13, oxygen 39'87, with up- wards of 1 p. c. of peroxide of iron and traces of tin. Found with feldspar, quartz, axinite, and epidote, in granite veins near Bourg d'Oisans in Dauphine, in mica slate in the valley of Maggia in the Canton of Tessin, in the Grisons, in Salzburg, at Lichtenberg, and near Hof in the Fichtelgebirge, and in Cornwall, Spain, the Ural; with diamonds also, in the sand of a brook, near Itabira de Matto Dentro in Minas Geraes, in Brazil. Sp. 16. BROOKITE, Phillips ; Arkansite, (8.) [H.=6. G.=3'85...4'17. Xls. small, short prs., often flat and much striated. Yellowish or reddish-brown to black. Lustre adamantine to metallic; shining.] Prim, form, right rhombic prism. M on M=100. Secondary forms. Fig. 508. Fig. 509. M on d=139 55', a on a=123, c on c=134 22'. Cleavage, unknown. Fracture, uneven. Translucent to opaque. Streak, yellowish-white to brown. Brittle. B. B. infusible; soluble in salt of phosphorus, to which it imparts a brownish yellow color. Soluble in bisulphate of potash, and in hot con- centrated "sulphuric acid. After ignition, its G.=4'19. It consists of titanic acid, with from 1 to 4 p. c. of oxide of iron. Found in attached xls. with anatase, albite, quartz, and ilmenite, at Dauphine, and near Chaumoni in Savoy ; also with quartz in argillite, at Tremadoc in Caernarvonshire. The largest and most perfect xls. (ar- kansite, fig. 508) occur at Magnet Cove, Hot Springs county, Arkansas, disseminated through a crystallized brown quartz. It also occurs in grains. It is likewise found in small, loose xls. in the gold stream-works of Rutherford county, North Carolina, and in those of Altan, between Miask and Slatoust in the Urals. Ord. X. Ore.] RU TILE . 255 Sp. 17. RUTILE. rjj _6-Q . t (5-5. G. =4-22 . . . 4'30. Xls. right square prs., often in twins, the axes of the individuals making with each other an- gles of 114 25' and 65 35'. Red to black. Lustre adaman- tine to metallic.] rig. DlU. Prim, form, right square prism. Secondary forms. M on ^^135 5', M on 61=161 40', M on c= 122 45', a on a=:123 15', a on c=!5l 42', a on d 123 15', e on d=153 33', a on a over summit, =90, c on c over summit, =109 47' (Phillips). Fig. 511. Fig. 512. Crowdpr's Mt., N. C. Twin xls. very frequent, axis of revolution perpendicular, face of com- position parallel to face a. The composition produces geniculated groups, and is often repeated in several geniculations, as in fig. 513. Thin and long individuals, produce after this law, a reticulated com- position. Cleavage parallel with M perfect, with d interrupted. Fracture con- choidal, uneven. Surface, a and c either smooth or rough, but both of the same quality; d, e and M vertically streaked. Lustre metallic, ada- mantine. Color, reddish brown, passing into red, sometimes yellowish. Streak, very pale brown. Translucent . . . opaque, sometimes in a strong light, transparent. B. B. infusible. With borax, yields a greenish glass in the outer flame, and a dull violet one, in the inner flame; with salt of phosphorus, in the inner flame, yields a columbine-red glass, which on the addition of tin, becomes blue or violet. Soluble in bisulphate of potash. In powder, with soda, melts with intumescence. Soluble with difficulty, if in very fine powder, in hot concentrated sulphuric acid. Analysis by H. Rose: titanic acid 98'5, per ox. iron 1'5. Ekeberg found chromium in rutile, from Karing-Bricka in Sweden. This species is found very widely disseminated, in imbedded and at- tached xls. and massive in veins, in the older rocks, with quartz, feldspar, tourmaline and chlorite. It occurs in acicular xls. enclosed in quartz and in net-like aggregations, in Switzerland, Savoy, Brazil, and Ver- 256 POLYMIGNITE. [Class II. mont: in implanted xls. in the Saualp, in Karinthia, Stiria, Tyrol; in veins of quartz in chlorite-slate, at Windor, Mass , and in Chester and Lancaster counties, Penn. ; at Crowder's mountains, N. C., and many places throughout New England ; in pebbles and xls. in alluvium in Transylvania, Ceylon, St. Yrieux in France ; at Horcajuelo in the province of Burgos in Spain, and in the gold-washings of Georgia and N. Carolina. Sp. 18. POLYMIGNITE, Berzelius. [H.=6"5. G.=4"77 . . . 4'85. Xls. long, slender, right rectangular prs. with edges and angles replaced. Col. black. Lustre bright.] Fig. 514. Primary form, right rectangular prism. Second- ray form. Crystals slender and striated lengthwise. Cleav- age parallel with P imperfect. Lustre brilliant. Streak dark brown. Opaque. Fracture con- choid al. B. B. infusible. With borax, yields a glass, stained by iron. With addition of tin, the bead becomes reddish, inclining to yellow. With soda, does not fuse, but yields the reaction of man- ganese. Its powder is decomposed by concen- trated hot sulphuric acid. Analysis by Berzelius. Titanic acid, - Zircon ia, - Peroxide of iron, Lime, Sesquioxide of manganese, Sesquioxide of cerium, Yttria, 46-30 1414 1220 4-20 270 5 11-50 96-04 with traces of potash, magnesia, silica, and oxide of tin. Found in zir- con-syenite at Fried richs warn in Norway, and with green feldspar, at Beverly, Mass. Sp. 19. EUXENITE, Dufrenoy. [H.=6"5. G. 4'6. Massive. Brownish-black, by transmitted light, reddish brown.] Lustre resinous, inclining to metallic. Streak reddish-brown. B. B. infusible. In the outer flame, imparts a brownish yellow color to borax. Not acted upon by acids. Analyses a of a small quantity from Jolster, b of a very similar mine- ral from near Tvedestrand, both by Scheerer : a I Tantalic acid, with titanic acid, 49'66 ) _ Q ~ . Titanic acid, - - 7'94 f Yttria, - - - 25-09 28'97 Protox. uranium, - - 6'34 7'58 Ord. X. Ore.] SCHORLOMJI-E.^-MENGITE, 257 Protox. cerium, 3'18 2*91 Ox. lanthanium, - 096 Protox. iron, - - - - 2'60 Lime, - - ? ^ 2 47 Magnesia, ... 0'29 Water, - y - 3'97 4'04 Jolster in Bergenhuus and Tvedestrand in Norway; also at Arendal, containing niobic, but no tantalic acid* Appendix to Section JS. Sp k 23. SCHORLOMITK, (S.) [H. 7'0 . . . 75. G.=3 78 . . . 3 80. Incomplete xls. and massive j black, vitreous, opaque.] Primary form, cube. Secondary form. B. B. melts on the edges with difficulty, into a black mass. With borax, in the outer flame, forms a yellow bead, which becomes colorless on cooling: in the inner flame, with the addition of tin, yields a green boad. With salt of phosphorus, on char- coal, in the inner flame with tin, forms a violet bead. Partially decomposed by hydrochloric acid, forming a yellow solution, which on the addition of ammonia, yields a yellow precipitate. Analyses; a by Whitney, b by Rammelsberg, and c by Crosby. a b c Silica, 27-89 26'09 28'36 Titanic acid, 2043 1736 21'56 Red ox. iron, 21 '90 22'00 Protox. iron, 22 83 Lime, 30'05 31 '12 3072 Magnesia, 155 1'25 In analyses a and c, the silica contained some titanic acid ; and in a, the ox. iron contained a little manganese. Found in masses of several ounces weight, along with elaeolite, at Magnet Cove, Hot Springs county, Arkansas. Section B. Black and heavy. Streak colored. Sp. 24. MENGITE, G. Rose; Ilmenite, Brooke. [H.=5'0 . . . 5'5. G. 5'48. Xls. short prisms, (2 of 3 lines in length,) having the form of a right rectangular prism, termin- ated by 4-sided pyramids; black; submetallic and splendent.] Primary form, right rectangular prism, Secondary form, as above. 33 258 YTTRO-TANTAL1TE. jESCHYNITE. [ClaSS II. Cleavage not discernible. Lustre of fracture, subvitreous. Fracture uneven. B. B. infusible, but becomes magnetic. With salt of phosphorus in outer flame, gives a greenish, clear glass: in the inner, a yellowish red, which is deepened by the addition of tin. With soda, affords the test of manganese. According to G. Rose, contains titanic acid, perox. iron and zir- con i a. Found in albite, in granite veins, in the Tlmen mountains. Sp. 25. YTTRO-TANTALITE, Berzelius. [H.=5 ... 5 5. Gr.=5'30 . . . 5 '88. Crystalline plates and frag- ments of 4 to 6-sided prs., but irregular. Black, yellow and brown. Opaque.] Primary form unknown. Cleavage in one direction, more or less distinct. Fracture conchoidal to uneven and granular. Lustre imperfect metallic, inclining to resinous. Streak greyish white. B. B. becomes brown or yellow, but is infusible. With borax, forms a clear yellow glass. It is not attacked by acids, but is wholly decomposed by fusion with bisulphate of potash. Analyses by Berzelius. Tantalic acid, r; ^ J ' i*' ' 60'12 Tungstic acid, 5 ^ n! <'^ j vfj),- . 1-Q4 Yttria, - ; } .^ H "-*'- ".'<* 2978 Lime, * *'*' : ^' - ' *' ! - 050 Oxide of uranium, -V< - ^ 6'62 Perox. iron, , ' - - - 1'16 Water, - - - 4'85 Found in feldspar with gadolinite, at Ytterby Sweden, in the granite veins of Finbo and Kararfsberg near Fahlun ; and in the Ilmen Mts. near Miask in the Ural. Sp. 26. AESCHYNITE, Berzelius. [H.=5'0 . . . 6'0. G.^4'9 . . . 5'14. Xls. striated prs. rather im- perfectly terminated at one extremity. Col. nearly black. Lus- tre dull, submetallic.] Primary form, right rectangular prism. Secondary form. Cleavage, only traces. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal to un- even. Faintly translucent on the edges to opaque. Surfaces of fracture, resinous, bright. Streak yellowish-brown. Brittle. In the matrass, yields a little water and traces of hydrofluoric acid. B. B intumesces and becomes yellow, or brown ; but is nearly infusible. With borax, melts into a bead, which is yellow while hot, and colorless when cold. With tin, in the inner flame, becomes red. With salt of phosphorus, soluble with more difficulty into a clear bead, which with tin, in the inner flame, becomes purple. It is partially decomposed by sulphuric acid. Ord. X. Ore.] SAMARSKITE. 259 Analysis by Hartwell. Niobic acid, '"' - - ' -V 33'39 Titanic acid, - *,- r - 1194 Zirconia, ,;.?.* 17*52 Protox. iron, - * - 17'65 Yttria, | *,' - - 9-35 Ox. Ian thanium, - - .^ - 4'75 Protox. cerium, ... 2*48 Oxide tin, - , ^ 2'40 Water, with traces of fluorine, - 1*56 Found in a coarse grained rock, consisting of feldspar, albite and mica, near Miask, in the Ural. Sp. 27. SAMARSKITE, H. Rose; Uranotantal, G. Rose; Yttro-ilmenite, Hermann. [H. =5'5... 6. G. =5'45... 5'69. Xls. tabular. Black. Imper- fect metallic.] Primary form, right rectangular prism. Crystals imperfect, passing into merely flattened grains. Cleavage indistinct. Fracture granular to subconchoidal. Lustre on surface of fresh fracture, rather bright. Streak dark and reddish brown. Color velvet black. Opaque. By ignition, Gr. is reduced from 57 to 5'3. Slightly heated in the ma- trass, decrepitates, yields a little moisture, glows like gadolinite, and as- sumes a blackish brown color. B. B. melts on the edges into a black glass. With borax, in powder, fuses easily; and forms in the inner flame, a yellowish glass ; in the outer, one which is yellowish green. With salt of phosphorus, it gives a clear emerald-green glass. Soluble with difficulty in hydrochloric acid, forming a green solution. Analyses ; 1, by Peretz, under G. Rose ; 2, by Hermann , both from the Ilmen mountains; 3, by T. S. Hunt, from North Carolina. 1. 2. 3. Metallic acids, 56'38 5781 54'81 Yttria, 915 18'30 1111 Protox. iron, 1543 1361 14'07 Protox. mangan. > n 0'31 Lime, I 0'50 traces Ox, uranium, 14'16 1'87 1703 Magnesia, 0'80 Titanic acid, 5 90 Oxides cerium and lanthanium, 2'27 3 95 The acid is chiefly the columbic, with some tungstic and titanic. Hermann's name for the species, refers to the supposed presence of a new metal, called by him ilmenium. Found in feldspar with aeschynite, near Miask in the Ural mountains; and in loose crystals and grains, in the gold washings of Rutherford Co., North Carolina. 260 RUTHERFORDITE. FERGUSONITE. [ClaSS II. Sp. 28. RUTHERFORDITE, (S.) [H.^6'0...6-5. G.=5'58...5'69. Xls. irregular prisms, slightly rhombic; massive in large grains (fragments of crystals). Yel- lowish brown. Resinous. Fracture conchoidal.] Primary form, oblique rhombic prism. M on M about 93. Secondary form, the primary, terminated by irregular 4-sided pyramids, with faces inclining to lateral planes. Surfaces of xls. dull and rather uneven. Cleavage not visible. Lus- tre of fracture, shining and resinous. Color often chocolate-brown. Opaque. When heated in a tube, flies to pieces, glows as if on fire, emits much moisture, and turns yellow. By itself, it is infusible; but with borax, dissolves slowly into a clear yellow glass. Decomposed with difficulty, by long boiling, in hydrochloric acid. It is easily attacked by sulphuric acid; the solution at first formed, subsequently jetting fall an abundant white precipitate. The solution, after filtration and boiling, immediately becomes milky. Ammonia throws down no precipitate from the sulphu- ric solution. Hydrochloric acid was boiled upon the precipitate (pro- duced by the ebullition of the sulphuric solution) and the liquid on being heated with a concentrated solution of sulphate of potash, afforded a co- pious granular, white precipitate, which yielded oxide of cerium mingled with oxide of uranium? Besides titanic acid, and the oxides of cerium and uranium?, lime and yttria are supposed to enter into the composition of this mineral. Mr. T. S. Hunt gives the titanic acid as high as 58 5 p. c., the lime at 10 p. c. Found in very small quantity, in the washings of gold mines, in Rutherford county, North Carolina, where it is accompanied by rutile, brook ite, samarskite, monazite, zircon, &c. Rutherfordite has many properties in common, with both samarskite and fergusonite; but in composition, approaches yttro-tantalite, except in having titanic, in place of columbic acid. Sp. 29. FERGUSONITE, Haidinger. [H.=5'5 ... 6. G.=5'S3. Xls. acute, double four-sided pyramids, with edges of the oblique base slightly truncated : obtuse angles of pyramidal faces inclining under 91 59'. Brownish black,] Primary form, oblique rhombic prism? Secondary form. Surfaces rather uneven. Cleavage only in traces. Fracture conchoidal. Opaque. In thin splinters, transluscent. Lustre imperfectly metallic, inclining to resinous. Streak pale brown. Brittle. B. B. infusible, but loses color. With borax, fuses with diffi- culty into a glass, which is yellow while hot. With soda, de- composed without solution, leaving a reddish slag, which affords globules of tin. Analysis by Hartwall. Tantalic acid, - - - 4775 Yttria, ... - 41-91 Protox. cerium, *.'__>..'"- Zirconia, - - !P - 3'02 Ord. X. Ore.] POLYCRASE. COLUMBITE 261 Oxide of tin, Oxide of uranium, Protox. iron, - 100 0-95 034 9^65 Found by Gisecke, near Cape Farewell in Greenland, disseminated in quartz; and named in honor of Robert Ferguson, of Caith. The resemblance between the crystals of this species and those of rutherfordite, is very striking. Sp. 30. POLYCRASE, Dufrenoy. [H.=6'0. G. 510. Xls. short six-sided prs. Black. Lustre metallic. Fracture conchoidal.] No cleavage observable. In thin fragments, transluscent. By trans- mitted light, yellowish brown. Streak greyish-brown. In the matrass, decrepitates. Ignited, quickly glows, like gadolinite, and assumes a light brown color, but without any change of specific gravity. B. B. infusible. Soluble in borax, imparting a yellow color in the outer flame, and a yellowish brown color in the inner flame. Imper- fectly decomposed by hydrochloric acid, and completely, by hot sulphuric acid. According to Scheerer, contains titanic and tantalic acid, zirconia, yttria, red ox. iron, oxide of uranium and cerium, a small quantity of alumina, magnesia, and perhaps some alkali. Found in xls. in granite veins, at Hitteroe in Norway. Sp. 31. COLUMBITE; Niobite, Haidinger ; Baierine, Damour ; Torrelite, Thomson. Fig. 518. [H.=6. G.=5'4 . . . 6'3. In rt. rectang. prs. Rarely massive. Greyish black. Often iridescent. Opaque.] Primary form, right rectangular prism. Secondary form. T on v Ton a Ton i - - 112 10? v on a - - - 150 10 on t - - 162 30? Mona - Y*M;:i 140 40 M on v P one - M on c c on o - :svti>ro!&.} a on o * M on o - e on e ' * a on e - P on e P on o - Cleavage parallel with rather distinct, especially that of M ; the cleavage parallel with P, less obvious. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal, uneven. Middletown, Conn. 262 TANTALITE. [Class II. Surface, M and T vertically streaked. Lustre imperfectly metallic. Color, greyish and brownish black. Streak, dark brownish black, on the file, a little shining. Opaque. Brittle. B. B. on charcoal, infusible. With borax, affords a blackisli green glass. Composition, essentially, protoxide of iron and manganese with columbic acid. Analyses : a from Bodenmais by H. Rose ; b from Limo- ges by Damour ; c from Middletown by Hermann ; d from Middletown by Rose. Columbic acid, Protox. iron, Protox. mang., Stannic acid, Oxide of copper, Lime, Tungstic acid, Manganese, a 81-07 1430 8-85 0-45 013 trace b 78-44 14-96 6-52 c 78-22 1406 5-63 040 0-26 0-49 d 7962 1666 4-44 047 0-06 trace Found in granite, generally associated with beryl, on the Raben- stein, near Twiesel and Bodenmais, in the Ilmen mountains, at Limoges in France ; but most abundantly at Middleiown and Haddam in Connec- ticut. At both the last mentioned localities, crystals weighing one pound and upwards, have occurred. Other American localities are Goshen and Chesterfield in Massachusetts, and Acworth, New Hampshire. Fig. 5 19. Sp. 32. TANTALITE; Ferro-tantalite ; Cassitero-tantalite, Hausmann; Sidero-tantalite ; Tammela-tantalite ; Ki mi to-tan talite. [H.=6 . . . 6*5. G.=7"0 . . . 8"0. In rt. rectangular prs. and angular imbedded particles. Iron-black. Lustre imperfect metallic. Streak, brown.] Primary form, right rectangular prism. Secondary form. T on a=U8 33', e on c=126, o on o (over sum- mit) 167 38', c on c (do.) 113 48'. Cleavage parallel with P M and T, all very imperfect. Fracture conchoidal to uneven. Opaque. Lustre me- tallic to resinous. B. B. unchanged. In fine powder, slowly soluble in borax, yielding a glass colored by iron. With soda, yields the reaction of manganese, and traces of tin in the inner flame. It is not attacked by the acids. Analyses, a from Tammela, G.=7'264, by Nordenskiold, b from Ki- mito, G!=7'03. . . 7'3, by Berzelius, e from Tammela, G.=7197, by Ja- cobson, d from Chanteloupe, G.=7"65, by Damour. Tantalic acid. Oxide of tin, Protox. iron, Protox. mangan., Lime, Ox. copper, a 83-49 b 83-2 0-6 7-2 7-4 c 84-15 032 14-68 0-90 0-07 181 d 82-98 121 1462 trace 0-42 Ord. X. Ore.] CASSITERITE. 263 A variety from Broddbo has a black streak, H.=5'0 . . . 70. G.= 6'2 . . .6'f, and has a part of the tantalic acid replaced by tungstic acid, hav- ing 6 p. c. of tungstic acid and 8 of oxide of tin. Found imbedded in granite, containing albite or oligoclase, seldom feldspar, in Finland, at Tammela and Kimito. Also at Finbo, near Fahlun ; and at Chanteloupe near Poitiers in France. Sp. 33. CASSITERITE, Beudant ; Tin-ore, Tin-stone, Wood-tin, Stream-tin. [H. 6'0.. .7*0. G.=63...7'l. Xls. square prs. with low four- sided summits ; often in twins. Massive; reniform, columnar, granular and compact. Brown to black.] Primary form, right square prism. Secondary forms. Fig. 521. Fig. 520. Cornwall. Fig. 522. Goshen, Mass P on P over the prism, 67 50' P (contiguous) 133 50 5 on s 121 35 over M, 87 17 z on z 159 6', and 118 16 over r, 135 17 r on r 157 23 Fig. 523. Cleavage s and M not very distinct, traces of P. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal, uneven. Surface M often uneven, s sometimes irregularly striated parallel to the edges of combination with P, and the latter pyramid parallel to those with s. The prisms are sometimes vertically streaked. Lustre, adamantine. Color, various shades of white, grey, yellow, red, browr, black. Streak, pale grey ; in some varieties, it is pale brown. Semi-transparent, sometimes almost transparent, to nearly opaque. Brittle. Gr. of a crystal, 6'51, of a columnar variety, 7*1. Compound Varieties. Twin xls. ; axis of revolution perpendicular, face of composition parallel to one of the faces of P. Small reniform, rarely botryoidal shapes; composition very thin, columnar, divergent from 264 CASSITERITE. WOLFRAM. [ClaSS II. common centre, strongly connected, and often Fig. 524. forming a second curved lamellar composition. Massive : composition granular, sometimes al- most impalpable, strongly connected, fracture uneven. The wood-tin of the Cornish miners is only a variety of cassiterite ; in the same manner, as the fibrous red hematite, is of crys- tallized hematite. B. B. in a platina forceps, it is unalterable. Upon charcoal, in a strong heat, it is reduced to the metallic state. The reduction is pro- moted by the addition of carbonate of soda. It is not attacked by acids. Fused with caustic potash, it yields a mass, which is mostly soluble in water. Hydrochloric acid, added to the solu- tion, occasions a white precipitate, which is again dissolved. Hydriodic acid produces a yellow precipitate. Composition, tin 78'38, oxygen 21'62. Berzelius found in a speci- men from Finbo, tin 93*6, columbic acid 2'4, perox. iron 1'4, sesquiox, mang. 0'8=98-2. Found disseminated in various primary rocks, particularly in granite. It is frequently accompanied by wolfram, molybdenite, blende, topaz, fluor, and apatite. Stream-tin is the alluvial debris of stanniferous rocks; and is separated from the clay and gravel by washing. Its principal lo- calities are in Saxony, Cornwall and Bohemia. It is found in consider- able abundance, both on the Bohemian and Saxon sides of the Erzge- birge, disseminated in granite, and in beds alternating with it; particular mines in this region, are at Schlaggenwald, Altenberg, Gezer, Ehren- friedersdorf, and Marienberg. Twin xls. abound at Schlaggenwald. In Cornwall, it exists in veins, traversing granite and schist; and is accom- panied by chlorite, fluor, quartz, topaz, tourmaline, mispickel, wolfram and blende. At St. Michael's mount, it is disseminated through granite. The ore is chiefly in the state of single crystals. Stream works exist both in Cornwall and Saxony. It is found in Galicia, Spain, in mica- slate; in the granite hill of Puy des Vignes, Haut Vienne, at Vaulry near Limoges, France ; in the mountain chains of Fichtel and Reisengebirge in Germany ; in Russia, and at Broddbo in Sweden. Other reposi- tories of this species are, on the east coast of Sumatra, Siam and Pegu; also at the island of Banca and Malacca, and in Australia; in Mexico and Chili, in alluvium. In the U. S. it was first noticed in a few minute xls. at Chesterfield, Mass., in albite and tourmalime. It was sub- sequently found by Dr. Hitchcock under similar circumstances, in the neighboring town (on the east) of Goshen ; and more recently, in Nor- wich (next town on the south of Chesterfield), in granite with spodu- mene, triplite and beryl. Also at J-ackson, New Hampshire, where it was discovered by Dr. C. T. Jackson, in a slate-rock, in such quantity, as to justify the opinion of its ultimately giving rise to a profitable mine. Sp. 34. WOLFRAM. [H.=5'0 . . . 5'5. G. 7'0 . . . 7'5. Xls. prismatic, resembling those ofcolumbite. Also lamellar, columnar and granular. Brown- ish black. Opaque.] Ord. X. Ore.) PECHURAN. 265 Primary fo M =101 5'. form, oblique rhombic prism. M on Fig. 525. M Secondary form. M on a=140 32'. P on a=l\7 20. u on u over P 99 12'. Cleavage parallel with a perfect. Fracture uneven. Surface, M and a streaked vertically. P sometimes curved. Lustre metallic adaman- tine, or imperfectly metallic. Streak dark red- dish brown. Not very brittle. Twin xls. : 1. Face of composition parallel, axis of revolution perpendicular to a. 2. Face of composition parallel, axis of revolution perpendicular to a face of u. In columnar massive varieties, the individuals are large, straight or divergent; and often strongly coherent. Pseudomorphoses, in the shape of tungsten. B. B. on charcoal, in a strong heat melts into a magnetic globule, the surface of which is covered with crystals. With borax, yields the reac- tion of iron. With salt of phosphorus, forms a bead which in the inner flame, is dark red, and with the addition of tin becomes green. It im- parts a green color to soda. Soluble in bisulphate of potash. The pow- der, is decomposed by hydrochloric acid, leaving a yellow residuum. Composition, tungstate of protoxide iron and manganese. Analyses of a from Ehrenfriedersdorf, G.=7'5, b from Chanteloupe, G.=7'48, c from Monroe, Conn., G.=7'41, dfrom Trumbull, Conn., G.=723, all by Kerndt. Tungstic acid, 75*85 75'83 75'47 Protox. iron, 19'26 19 33 9'53 mang., 4'87 4'84 1426 d 7576 974 1450 Found with cassiterite in Bohemia at Schlackenwald and Zinnwald ; in Saxony at Schneeberg, Freiberg and Altenberg; in France at Limo- ges; in the Hartz, in veins with galena; in Cornwall England, Nert- schinsk in Siberia, and at Monroe and Trumbull in Conn. ; at the latter place, often in pseudomorphous crystals. Sp. 35. PECHURAN, Hausmann ; Pitch-blende, Phillips ; Uranine, Hai- dinger; Pecherz, Werner; Nasturan, Kobel; Gummierz, Pittinerz, Breithaupt; Coracite, Leconte ; Eliasite, Haidinger ; Uranpecherz. [H.=5'5. G.=6'4...6'71. Rarely in 8-dral xls., generally massive. Frac- ture conchoidal. Black, opaque.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Lustre imperfectly metallic. Color greyish black, to iron-black ; also greenish black and brownish black. Streak black, a little shin- jng. Brittle. Sometimes, reniform; composi- ion, curved lamellar, and columnar. 34 Fig. 526. Middletown, Conn. 266 PECHURAN. [Class II. B. B. infusible. With borax and salt of phosphorus, yields a yellow globule in the outer flame, and a green one in the inner flame. Forms a yellow solution in hot nitric acid. Composition, oxide of uranium, with from 20 to 24 p. c. of the oxides of lead, bismuth, iron, arsenic and hydrated intermixtures of silica, lime and magnesia. Analysis from Joachimsthal by Ebelmen, Oxide of uranium, .... 75'94 Lead, - < 6*63 Protox. iron, $** - - - 1'09 Lime, - - - 3'09 Magnesia, - - 7"-" : 220 Ox. lead, .... 4'62 Silica, - !&<4J tettorsj; , &?.i 513 Carbonic acid, .<*; ;K* t" - 2'52 Phosphoric acid, ... - 0*84 Water, - 10'68 Arsenic, - - - - traces Found in the Elias mine at Joachimstahl. Pechuran is chiefly found in silver veins, attended by various ores of silver and lead. Its chief localities arc Johanngeorgenstadt, Marienberg, Annaberg and Schneeberg in Saxony, and Joachimsthal and Fribus in Bo- hemia. It occurs in the tin-mines of Tincroft and Tolcarn in Cornwall, and at the China-stone quarry in Middletown, Conn., along with colum- bite. At the latter place, it has been found not only massive, but in crys- tals, and in a condition resembling the pittinerz. Pechuran affords rich orange and black colors in porcelain painting. Ord. X. Ore.] CHROMITE. 1LMENITE. 267 Section C. Semi-heavy, black when in crystals, a few species, brown and red-brown, if massive. Sp. 36. CHROMITE, Haidinger. Chrome-Iron, Chromate of Iron. Xls. 8-draI. Iron black. Opaque.] Fig. 527. [H.=5'5. G.=4'32...456. Primary form, cube. Secondary form. Cleavage octahedral, imperfect. Fracture conchoi- dal to uneven Lustre imperfectly metallic. Color between iron-black and brownish black. Streak brown. Brittle. Massive : composition granular. B. B. alone, infusible ; but acts upon the magnetic needle, after having been exposed to the reducing flame. It is soluble with difficulty in borax, to which, it imparts a beautiful green color. Bare Hills & Hoboken. Composition, one atom of protox. iron to one of sesquiox. chromium, with a partial substitution of magnesia for the former, and of alumina for the latter. Analyses; a from Baltimore by Abich, b from the same lo- cality by Rivot. c from Siberia by Laugiers, d from Chester Co., Pa., by Seybert. a 20-13 7-45 60-04 1185 b 30-04 c 24-00 d 35-14 Protox. iron, Magnesia Sesquiox. chromium, 60'04 63'37 5300 51 '56 Alumina, 11'85 1'95 ll'OO 972 Silica, 1-00 2-90 Protox, mang., 1" Found mostly in serpentine, embraced in irregular veins and beds. It was first noticed in the department of du Var, in France. It occurs in Stiria, in the Gulsen mountains near Kraubat. Other localities are Portsoy in Banffshire, and in Buchannan in Stirlingshire, in Scotland ; at Unst and Fetlar in the Shetland isles, in Silesia, Bohemia, in Asia Minor, and in the Ural mountains. It is still more abundant in the U. S., existing at Bare Hills, near Baltimore, Md. (where it is mined to the ex- tent of above 1000 tons annually); in Montgomery Co., six miles north of the Potomac ; at Cooptown, Harford Co., and in the north part of Cecil Co., Md. ; in West Goshen, Pa., Nottingham, Mineral Hill, and elsewhere ; and very abundantly at Texas, Lancaster Co. ; very frequent in the western counties of North Carolina; at Milford and West Haven, Conn. ; in Chester and Blanford, Mass. ; in New Fane, Jay, Troy, and Westfield, Vt. ; and in the gold sands of California. Used for extracting the oxide of chromium, which is employed either alone, or in various combinations, both for painting on porcelain, and for painting in oil. Sp. 37. ILMENITE, Kupffer; Crichtonite, Bournon; Titanate of Iron, Menaccanite, Kibdelophan, Basanomelan, Kobel; Hystitite, Mohsite, Levy; Washingtonite, (S.) [H. =5-0... 6U G.=45...5'0. Xls. mostly tabular, the hex- agonal form preponderating. Cleavage, terminal. Massive, in thin plates, and granular, in loose grains. Iron-black.] ILMI2NITE [Class II. Primary form, rhomboid of 86. Secondary forms. Fig. 528. Fig. 529. Westerly, R. I., and Guildford, Vt. Fig. 530. Litchfield, Conn. Fig. 531. 122 23' 128 1 a on a = 120 00' Cleavage imperfect parallel to P, and rarely in traces, with a. Frac- ture, chonchoidal. No cleavage parallel to o except from interlamina- tion of quartz, or composition. Surfaces rarely smooth ; P and o, the most so. Lustre, imperfectly metallic. Color, dark iron-black. Opaque. Brittle. Twin xls. : axis of revolution perpendicular, face of composition par- allel to o; angle of revolution =60. These compositions are not quite regularly formed. It also occurs massive, columnar, and granular, the latter giving rise to loose grains and sand. B. B. infusible ; but changes to a greyish black color. Unmagnetic before, and after ignition. With borax, it fuses, with effervescence, into a clear, green glass, having a shade of yellow. With salt of phosphorus, it dissolves, forming an opaque, orange-yellow glass, which on cooling, passes to an opaque pearl-white. Its powder is decomposed by long boil- ing in hydrochloric acid ; an abundance of titanic acid separates from the solution, and the clear fluid, after neutralization by ammonia and pre- cipitation by succinate of ammonia, yields with carbonate of potash, a slight precipitate of carbonate of manganese. Composition, perox. titanium and perox. iron, in somewhat variable proportions. The following table by Dana, exhibits these proportions as the result of 20 analyses by different chemists. Tl Anal. 1, 5 4 (G. ^4-66) =53-6 perox. Ti to 46'4 perox. Fe. " 2, 1 1 ( 4-727)^48-1 " " 51-9 " " " 3-5,4 5 ( 477)=425 " tt 5? . 5 tt " 6-9,2 3 ( 4-74)^38-2 " tt 61 .g tt " 11, 1 3 ( 4-93)^23-6 " tt ?6 . 4 tt " 14, 1 4 ( " 4-96)^18-8 " tt 81 . 2 tt " 15, 1 6 ( " 4,78) 13'4 " tt 86 . 6 tt " 17, 1 8 -=10-4 " " 896 " " 20, 1 10 ( " 5-127)= 8'5 " " 91'5 " " Ord. X. Ore.] IRITE . IS ER1NE. H. Rose supposes that the titanic acid and protoxide of iron found in the analyses of ilmenite, arise from an oxidation of the titanic oxide, at the expense of the perox. iron, during the process. The ilmenite of Egersund gave H. Rose the following result : titanic acid 43'73, perox. iron 42 70, protox. iron 13'57. Found with dolomite in talc, at Gastein in Salzburg, Lappach in the Tyrol, in miascite on Lake Ilmen near Miask, in Norway at Tvedes- trand, Friedrichswarn in zircon-syenite, Arendal in beds of magnetite, Bourg d'Oisans in Dauphine in drusy cavities with albite, quartz, anatase and brook ite, in isolated grains in alluvium at Iserwiese in the Kiesenge- birge, in the gold stream-works at Ohlapian in Transylvania, and in the U. States, at Washington and Litchfield, Conn, in quartzy mica-slate, at Westerly, R. Island in granite, at Guildford, Vermont, at Canton, Cher- okee Co., Georgia, at several places in Orange Co., N. Y., and in New Jersey in connection with spinel and serpentine, in limestone. Sp. 38. IRITE, Hermann. Fig. 532. [Gr. 6'506. Xls. 8-drons. Black, shining.] Primary form, cube. Secondary form. Structure thin foliated. Magnetic. Analysis by Hermann. Perox. iridium, 62 86 Protox. osmium, - ** " 10'30 Protox. iron, - - ^*w ' 12"50 Perox. chromium with traces of manganese, 1370 99-36 Found in the Ural with platinum, ilmenite, iridosmine and zircon. Sp. 39. ISERINE. [H.=6'0 . . . 6'5. Gr.=4'85 . . . 51. In cubic xls., also in grains. Iron-black, metallic.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 533. Fig. 534. Fig. 535. Streak black. Brittle. Magnetic. Analyses ; a, by Rammelsberg ; 6, by Rhodius ; c, by Walterhausen. a b c Sesquiox. titanium, Sesquiox. iron, Protox. iron, 11-51 48-07 39-16 8-69 6127 31-80 10176 1114 58-86 30-00 100-06 270 MAGNETITE. [Class II. Variety a, from Unkel, Rhine, has been called slag-like magnetite. It is found in basalt, in Bohemia, Saxony, Calabria, and near Puy-de-dome in France. Sp. 40. MAGNETITE, Haidinger; Oxydulated Iron, Magnetic Iron-ore. [H.=55...6'5. G.=4'9 . . . 5'2. Xls. 8-dral, rarely 12-draI. Mas- sive, granular. Iron black, magnetic.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 537. Fig. 538. Fig. 536. Fig. 539. Fig. 540. Fig. 541. Frnnconia, N. H. Fig. 542. Amherst, N. H. Zillertbal. Haddam, Conn. The faces usually striated parallel to their intersections with a. Faces of the galenoid (fig. 540) curved, though smooth. Cleav- Fig. 543. age octahedral. Fracture conchoidal to uneven Also, in irregular forms arid grains. Lustre metallic ; in some varieties imperfect. Color iron-black. Streak black. Opaque. Brittle. Compound varieties. Twin crystals : axis of revolution perpendicular, face of composition, parallel to a face of the octahedron. B. B. infusible; but assumes a brown color. After intense heating, loses its magnetic properties. In the oxydizing flarne, with borax, fuses to a dull red glass, which becomes clear on cooling, and afterwards as- sumes a yellow tint. In the reducing flame, it becomes bottle-green. It is soluble in hot hydrochloric acid. It may be obtained crystallized by fusing it ; and crystals are likewise often produced in the process of roast- ing the ore which contains this mineral ; also in pyritous rocks, during spontaneous fermentation, as at Green River, Henderson Co., N. C. Composition, Fee, or iron 72'4, oxygen 27'6. The talkeisenstein of Breithaupt, said to be from Sparta, New Jersey, contains magnesia. Its Gr.=4 41 . . . 4'42. Occurs in beds in primary rocks, as gneiss, greenstone, talcose and chloritic slate, rarely also in limestone. Immense masses of magnetite exist in Norway, near Arendal, at the Taberg in Smaland in Sweden, at Dannemora in Upland, the island of Uto, near Norberg in Westmanland, Ord. X. Ore.] DIMAGNETITE. HEMATITE. 271 Philipotan and Normark (in dodecahedral crystals) in Wermeland, in Lapland, in the Ural in Wissokaja Gora, near Nischne-Tagilsk ; in the Hartz, Saxony, Bohemia, Stiria, Moravia, Silesia and Corsica. Magnetite abounds in the northeastern counties of New York, where it exists in beds in granitic gneiss and syenitic granite, as at Crown Point in Essex county; also in Orange (at Monroe in cubes, and other forms), Putnam and Herkimer counties, also in the mountainous districts of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, at Franconia, New Hampshire, likewise in the north- ern portions of Union, Spartanburg and York districts of South Carolina, and in the contiguous counties of North Carolina. Native magnets of great strength have been found at Suckasunny mine in New Jersey, and near Magnet Cove in Arkansas. The most celebrated native magnets are from Siberia and the Hartz. Large beds of this species abound in Canada West at South Crosby, Marmora and Madre. This is one of the most valuable of all the ores of iron, for giving (with charcoal) a tough bar-iron, and particularly, one suited to the fabri- cation of steel. Sp. 41. DIMAGNETITE, (S.) [H.=5'5 . . . 6'5. G.=5 0. In slender rhombic prs. of 110 to 115, one to two inches in length. Black ; magnetic.] Primary form right rhombic prism, as above. Secondary form, the pri- mary, with its obtuse lateral edges bevelled. Fracture subchoncoidal, to even. Lustre feebly shining. Brittle. B. B. same as magnetite : and composition the same, it being dimor- phous with that species. Found singly and in fascicular groups, on crystals of magnetite, at Monroe, Orange Co. N. Y. Sp. 42. HEMATITE; Specular Iron, Iron-glance, Oligiste Iron, Red Iron-ore, Red Hematite, Micaceous Iron-ore, Red Clay Ironstone, Red Ochre, Iron-Foam. [H.=5.5 . . . 6'5. G.=4'5 . . . 5'3. When in crystals, generally in rhomboids, much modified, often tabular ; but mostly massive, granular, micaceous or columnar; when the latter, the color is red, otherwise black. Streak red.] Primary form, rhomboid. P on P=85 58' to 86 10 7 . Secondary forms. Fig. 544. Fig. 546. Fig. 545. Vesuvius. Framont. 272 HEMATITE. [Class II. Fig. 547. Fig. 548. Elba. Fig. 549. Fig. 550. Framont. Elba. Fig. 544. Primary, with summits truncated. P on 0=122 40'. Fig, 545. Primary, with the summits replaced by three planes, which if ex- tended, would lead to an obtuse rhomboid, s on s =142 56.' Fig. 546, the same with 545, but having the upper edges of the rhomboid, bevelled by planes n. nonw=128. Fig. 547, n on o =119 34'. Fig. 548. P on b =113 22', o on z =90. Fig. 549, P on # = 166 25'. Cleavage parallel with P and o. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Sur- face s is horizontally streaked, sometimes so deeply that it appears rounded ; P is sometimes streaked parallel to the edges of combination with n ; y is uneven and often curved. Lustre metallic. Color dark steel-gray, iron black. Streak cherry- red, reddish-brown. Surface frequently tarnished ; generally with the exception of 0, which may be useful in finding the position of the crystals when they become complicated. Opaque ; very thin laminae are faintly translucent, and then of a deep blood-red color. Brittle. Sometimes feeble action upon the magnetic needle. Compound varieties. Twin-crystals. 1. Axis of revolution perpen- dicular; face of composition parallel to o; the individuals are continued beyond the face of composition. (Altenberg Saxony.) 2. Axis of revo- lution perpendicular, face of composition parallel to a face of P. Globular, reniform, botryoidal, and stalactitic shapes: surface gen- erally smooth, composition more or less thin columnar, sometimes even, impalpable ; in this case the lustre becomes imperfectly metallic, and the color red; fracture of impalpable compound varieties, even, flat con- choidal, or uneven. Compound varieties often join in a second and third composition, which are curved lamellar and granular ; the junction of Ord. X. Ore.] HEMATITE. 273 granular masses produces frequently very smooth faces, while the reni- form surface of the curved lamellar compositions is rough, and obtained with more difficulty by separating the particles, than the first. Massive: columnar, granular, and often impalpable, when their lustre decreases, their color becomes red and the fracture even, uneven, or flat conchoidal. When the structure is lamellar, and the cohesion amonjj the particles is diminished, it becomes scaly and glimmering; when it is granular, it becomes earthy and dull. Pseudomorphoses in the shape of calcite, fluor and pyrites. Owing to a want of attention to the simple and compound state of the contents of the present species, arose its subdivision formerly into two species, specular iron-ore and red iron-ore. Specular iron contained all the simple varieties, and those of the compound ones which had not lost their metallic appearance by the too small size of their component individuals. Those in thin, lamellar compositions were called micaceous specular iron, while the rest formed the common specular iron. Those varieties which had lost their metallic appearance, were included within tl.e red iron-ore , divided into fibrous red iron or rtd hematite, which oc- curs in reniform and other imitative shapes, and consists of columnar particles of composition ; into compact and ochrey red iron, which are massive, and consist of impalpable, granular individuals, more or less firmly connected ; and into scaly red iron, or red iron-foam,, consisting of very small scaly particles, which in most cases are but slightly cohe- rent. This variety is in immediate connexion with the micaceous specu- lar iron, between which and the crystallized specular iron, there exists an uninterrupted transition. Among the varieties of clay iron-ore, the fol- lowing may be considered as an appendix to the present species, all of which are of a red color, but more or less impure, and mixed with earthy substances. Reddle possesses an earthy, coarse slaty fracture; it soils and writes, and may be used as a drawing material. Jaspery clay iron- ore has an even or large flat conchoidal fracture, and a hardness which is considerable, if compared with other minerals of a simiUr formation. Columnar and lenticular clay iron ore are, distinguished, the first by the columnar form, the latter by the flattish granular form of its particles of composition. Infusible before the blow-pipe, but melts with borax, and forms a green or yellow glass, like pure oxide of iron. It is likewise soluble in heated hydrochloric acid. Analyses. Analysts. Varieties and localities. Ox. of 1 Ox. ( iron. mang. Silica. Lime. Alu- mina Water. Total. BUCHOLZ. Micaceous iron ore. IOUOO 0-0 o-oo o-o 0'0(> o-o 100-00 D'AUBISSOX. Red hematite. Framont. 90-00 tr. 2-00 1-0 o-oo 30 96-00 It t< 94 00; tr. 2-00 tr. 000 2-0 98-00 BUCHOLZ. Compact red iron. 10000 O'O o-oo o-o 000 o-o 100-00 LAMPAUIUS. < 65-40 27 2070? o-o 9-3 o-o 98-10 BUCHOLZ. Red iron-foam. 10000 0-0 000 00 o-o 00 10000 HENRY. U it ( 94-50 00 4-25? 00 1-25 o-o 10000 The clay iron-ores, being more or less mixed with earthy substances, vary in their contents ; and several of their properties are dependent upon the nature of these admixtures. Thus lenticular clay iron-ore is very rich, while the columnar variety contains but little iron, and is produced from nodules of common clay, which have been converted by the influ- 35 274 HEMATITE. [Class II. ence of heat from burning coal seams, the one into columnar clay iron- ore, the other into porcelain-jasper. It occurs most commonly in beds and veins in ancient rocks, as gneiss, granite and porphyry. Clay iron-ore forms either by itself beds in secondary mountains, or it is included in beds of clay in the shape of nodules or irregular masses. Specular iron-ore occurs in crystals among the rocks ejected by Vesuvius, and lining the cavities and fissures of lava, where it seems to be a product of sublimation. In beds, it is gen- erally accompanied by other ores of iron, several species of earthy mine- rals, as epidote, hornblende and pyroxene, calcite and quartz. It occurs moreover as one of the original constituents of mica-slate, or of gneiss rock, taking the place of mica or of feldspar or even of both ; when it sometimes forms more than half the bulk of the formation, and in rare instances, as at the Pilot Knob Mt. in Missouri, it excludes even the quartz, and becomes, over extensive areas, a stratified and regularly jointed hematite*rock. The most beautiful crystals of the species are fonnd at Elba, along with quartz and pyrites, at St. Gothard, Caravatti in the Grisons, and some other places in the Alps. Other localities are Framont in the Vosges, the vicinity of Vesuvius, the island of Strornboli, Capao in the Brazils, Altenberg in Saxony, Thurnberg in Salzburg, Cumberhead in Lanark- shire. Micaceous iron-ore is very common in beds of chalybite in Stiria arid Carinthia; also in the Fichtelgebirge in Hungary, Reichenau in Bohemia, Golnitz in Hungary, in mica-:?late in Brazil, and in Siberia. Red iron ore abounds in Saxony, the Hariz and in Lancashire, England; jaspery clay iron-ore occurs in Lower Austria, the columnar variety in the north of Bohemia, and the lenticular clay iron-ore forms a bed in the transition district of Central Bohemia, in the counties of Pilsen, Be- ratin, &c. The iron mountain region of Missouri, situated about fifty miles to the west of the Mississippi River and ninety to the southwest of St. Louis, presents the most remarkable development of the present species, any where known. It here spreads with some interruption, over a space of 10 or 15 miles in extent, situated in a red porphyry formation, through which it rises in nlmost mountain masses, as in the Pilot Knob, the Iron and the Shepherd Mountain. The former of these elevations is about 600 feet high, while the latter are between 2 and 300 feet. The ore is almost ab- solutely pure, massive, and iron-black in color A somewhat similar variety occurs in powerful beds in several mountainous counties, upon the borders of North and South Carolina, and in particular near the Chero- kee ford, in York and Union districts of the latter state. The micaceous variety is found at Hawley in Mass., at Plymouth, Vt., and Piermont, N. H. Red hematite abounds in the counties of St. Lawrence and Jefferson, N. Y. ; while the lenticular argillaceous ore exists extensively in the upper Silurian rocks, in Oneida, Herkimer, Madison and Wayne counties of of the same state, in Michigan near Green Bay, and in Canada West. On the whole, it may be said to be a species of the highest com- mercial importance, since it yields a considerable proportion of the iron annually made in different quarters of the globe. The variety with a black color and metallic lustre, requires a greater degree of heat to smelt, than those which are red and dull ; but the iron obtained is of good qual- ity. The compact red iron-ore when in powder, is used as a polisher of Ord. X. Ore.) MARTITE. FRANKLINITI. 275 metals ; and a soft variety, much intermixed, with clay, (reddle) is cm- ployed as a writing material. Sp. 43. MARTITE, Breithaupt. [H.=6. G.=4'65...5'33. Xls. modified 8-dra. Iron black.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 551. Fig. 552. Fig. 553. Facrs a striated, parallel to their edges. Cleavage parallel with octa- hedral faces, indistinct. Color black, sometimes with a bronzed tarnish. Streak purplish brown Fracture uneven to conchoidal. Not magnetic. Opaque. Composition and behavior before blow pipe, same as hematite Found in Peru, Brazil, Auversne, and in the U. S. at Monroe, N. Y., with dark green hornblende, red feldspar arid quartz, and at Plymouth, Vt, (imbedded in micaceous hematite). Sp. 44. FRANKLINITE, Berlhier. [H.=5'5 . . . 6'5. G. 5'09. Xls. octahedral, and in irregular forms. Iron-black, metallic. Brittle.] Primary form, cube. Secondary form. Fig. 554. Cleavage parallel with octahedral faces, but imper- fect. Fracture conchoidal. Surface of all its faces smooth. Streak dark brown. Opaque. Acts slightly upon the magnetic needle. B. B. on charcoal, it presents the appearance of magnetite. With soda, it emits the white smoke of zinc, and becomes green when heated with the same reagent, upon platinum foil, in the oxidation-heat of the instrument. With borax, it gives the reaction of manganese. Analyses: 1. by Berthier ; 2. by Thomson ; 3. by Abich. 1. " 2. 3. 66' 66-10 6688 16' 14-79 1817 17- 1743 1081 It is said to occur in a nearly compact state, at Altenberg, near Aix la Chapelle; but its great repository is at Hamburg in New Jersey; at which place it is closely associated with zincite, in a granular limestone formation. Garnet, willemite (troostite,) fowlerite and pyroxene (jeffer- Peroxide of iron, Sesquioxide manganese, Protoxide zinc, 276 TURGITE. LIMONITE. [ClaSS IL Mr . sonite) also occur sparingly intermingled with the franklinite and zincite, particularly at Stirling Hill, which is in the same neighborhood. It has been used as an ore of iron. Section D. Color red brown. Sp. 45. TURGITE, Hermann. [H.=5 . . . G.=3'5 . . . 3'6. Massive ; brownish-red ; fracture con- choidal, streak blood-red.] Opaque, dull. In the matrass yields water B. B. becomes darker, but undergoes no father change. The reactions with fluxes are the same, as those of pure peroxide of iron. Analysis by Hermann, Peroxide of iron, - - - 85'34 Water, - - - 531 Oxides copper and lead, - - - 1'85 Silica and insoluble matter, 7'50 Occurs in the Turginsk copper mines in the Ural, and in those of Sof- otuschenskoi in the district of Kolywan in the Altai. Sp. 46. LIMONITE, Beudant ; Limnit, Glocker ; Brown hematite, Brown iron-ore, Bog iron-ore. [H. 5'0 . . . 5'5. G. 34 . . . 3'95. Massive, generally in globu- lar and sialactitic shapes which are fibrous within. Color vari- ous shades of brown.] Streak yellowish brown. Brittle. Conducts electricity. Composition columnar ; individuals very delicate, to impalpable. Some- times the particles are so slightly coherent, that the mass is earthy or dull. Occasionally in pseudnmorphoses after calcile, quartz, fluor, blende, py- rites and marcasite. Various names have been applied to the varieties of limonite. Thus, we havej?6row.s, or brown hematite, embracing the reni- form and stalactitic shapes; compact brown iron- ore when the compositioa is no longer observable ; ochrcy brown iron-ore, or bog-ore when the structure is friable, or earthy ; and granular and pisiform clay iron-ores, when the structure is granular or pea-shaped, owing to the admixture of other minerals with the species. In the matrass yields water. B. B. becomes black and magnetic. With borax, in the inner flame, melts into a green glass. It is soluble in warm hydrochloric acid, frequently leaving a residue of gelatinous silica. It consists of peroxide of iron 85*56, water 14'44, usually with a slight admixture of silica and phosphoric acid. Limonite occurs in beds and veins. When in beds, it is generally accompanied by spathic iron, sometimes also by baryte, calcite, ara- gonite and quartz. These beds are included both in ancient and in secondary rocks, the latter of which, though very thick, do not extend to a very great distance. When in veins, this species is frequently attended with some of the ores of manganese. Those varieties of clay iron- none which belong to the present species, either form beds by themselves in secondary rocks, or they are imbedded in strata of clay, in the shape of Ord. X. Ore.j LIMONITE. GOTHITE. 277 larger or smaller globular concretions, some of them belonging to the coal formation, others to various kinds of sandstone. Limonite is very plentiful in some countries. It occurs in beds in gneiss, along with granular limestone, at Friesach, at Huttenberg, and in the valley of Lavant in Carinthia, at Turrach and Eisenerz in Stiria. Other localities, under similar circumstances, in Europe, are, Torotsko, in Transjlvania ; Dobschau, Szirk, &,c., in Hungary; Schneeberg in Saxony ; Kamsdorst and Saalfield, in Thuringia : though at some of these places it is said to occur in newer rocks. It is found in veins in various parts of Saxony, Nassau, the Hartz, &,c. Rich varieties of the clay iron- ore occur in Bohemia, in Silesia, at Wehrau in Lusatia, and in West- phalia. The kidney shaped variety is met with, nearTeplitz in Bohemia, Tarnowitz in Silesia, in Poland, in several districts of Lower Stiria, &c. The pisiform cluy iron-ore is found in Swabia, Franconia, Hessia, and in the district of Ayrshire in Scotland. Limonite is one of the most widely diffused mineralogical species of the United States. Powerful beds of the fibrous brown hematite, accom- panied by the ochery iron-ore, exist at Salisbury and Kent, in Connecti- cut, contained in mica-slate. In the neighboring towns of Beekman and Amenia, (N. Y.,) similar deposits are met with. Farther north, under the same circumstances, at Richmond and Lenox, (Mass.) the like varie- ties of the present species occur. The mica-slate, which embraces the foregoing varieties, contains also beds of dolomite. At Hinsdale, the fibrous variety occurs as a cement to a fragmentary quartz rock. The nodular variety occurs at Gill, in the slate of the coal formation ; it is also abundant on Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. Limonite is abundant at Bennington, Monkton, Pittsford, Putney and Ripton, in Vermont; at all of which places, it is more or less associated with ores of manganese. The argillaceous varieties are common in Pennsylvania, near Easton, and throughout the Lehigh range, in Fayetfe county, at Armstrong, Upper Dublin, and in Washington county. Nodular argillaceous iron, in hollow balls from one inch to one foot in diameter, occur at Bladensburg, (Mary- land). Argillaceous iron-ore exists on mount Alto, in the Blue Ridge, at Hugh's mine, in Shenandoah co. (Va.) ; and in Chatham and Nash coun- ties in North Carolina. Nodular fragments which are perfectly compact and hard, occur disseminated through gravel-hills, near Marietta, in Ohio. Limonite, when pure, yields an excellent quality of metal ; and on the whole, affords a considerable portion of the iron annually produced in the different parts of the globe. The pig-iron, obtained from melting its purer varieties with charcoal, may be easily converted into steel. The hard and compact nodular variety is much esteemed as a burnisher, in the polishing of metallic buttons. Sp. 47. GOTHITE, Beudant; Pyrrhosiderite, Hausmann ; Onegite, Lepi- dokrokite, Samrnetblende, Stilpnosiderite, Rubinglimmer, Eisenrutil, Chileite. [H.=5 f . . . 5'5. G.=4'0 . . . 4*4. In slender prisms, and fibrous. Color yellowish, reddish, in scales, and blackish brown; blood-red, by transmitted light.] Primary form, right rhombic prism. M onM= 130 40'. Secondary form. 278 GOTHITE. STILPNOSIDERITE. [Class II. M' on Moverel3040'- c on M' 120 42' o on o2' - 135 5 o on b 1 - 121 45 o on M' - 117 50 a'\ on al - 125 30 o2 on #2' - 149 24 6 on b 1 - 117 30 J c on 6 or b' b on a2 or ) &' on <&' } al on M 02 on M a2 or a2' on c 135 20 131 25 129 30 153 25 147 00 PHILLIPS. The crystals are compressed, parallel with the Fl S- 555 - shorter diagonal of the prism, so as to give an undue extension to the planes o o of the above figure. Hence the xls. are often in thin plates. Cleavage, distinct parallel to o. Surface deeply striated length- wise of the prism. Lustre, adamantine. Color yellow- ish ; hair and clove-brown. Streak yellowish brown. Semi-transparent, with a blood-red tint. Massive, reniform and in scales. In the matrass, yields water and turns red. B. B. in the outer flame, becomes brownish-red ; in the in- ner, black and magnetic. Fusible, with great diffi- culty. With borax and salt of phosphorus, affords the reaction of iron. It is easily soluble in hydrochloric acid, with a residue of silica. Composition, peroxide of iron S9'89, water lO'll. The variety called lepidokrokite from Oberkirchen is in minute radia- ting crystals, in thin scales, or feathery groups, upon fibrous hematite with quartz. The rubinglimmcr of Eiserfeld occurs in the county of Nassau, A capillary variety, sammetblende (or Przibramite,) is found at Przi- bram and elsewhere. That called onegite occurs at Lake Onega in Si- beria, and the chileite is from Chili. The most perfectly crystallized specimens are from Lostwithiel and Botallack in Cornwall. Other local- ities are near Bristol in England, at Spring Mills in Montgomery Co., Pa., and Greenfield, near Turner's Falls, Mass. At this latter place, it is found in powdery scales, and along with the chalcopyrite in a thin vein, at the junction of the sandstone and trap. Sp. 48. STILPNOSTDERITE, Ulmann ; Pitchy iron-ore, Eisenpecherz, Compact brown iron-stone, Iron-stone glance. [H.=4'5 ... 5. G. 3'6 . . . 3'8. Compact, in coatings and drops, blackish-brown, pitchy.] Fracture uneven to splintery; rarely, it possesses an opal-like lustre and fracture. Streak yellowish-brown. B. B. yields water, and in other respects behaves like peroxide of iron. Composition ; the variety from Amberg, according to Kobell, contains 86-24 Peroxide of iron, Water, - Silica, Phosphoric acid, Found at Salisbury, Conn. 1068 2 1'08 ioo-oo Ord. X. Ore.] PYROLUSITE. 279 Section E. Semi-hard and heavy; streak black. Sp. 49. PYROLUSITE. Gray manganese, Weichmangan, Weichbraun- stein. [H.=2'0 . . . 2'5. G. -=4'8 . . . 4 97. Xls. short rhombic prisms ; columnar and granular. Black. Streak black.] Primary form, right rhombic prism, M on M 93 40'. Secondary form. Cleavage parallel to M and b. Lustre metallic. Fig. 556 Color iron-black ; in very delicate columnar com- positions, the color becomes bluish, and the lustre imperfectly metallic. Streak black. Opaque. Rather sectile. Compound varieties. Reniform coats. Both columnar and granular composition is often met with, particularly the former; the individuals often radiating from common centres. If the individu- als are very delicate, the masses will soil the fingers, and write on paper. B. B. it gives the customary reaction of manganese-ores. Analysis by Turner. M Red oxide of manganese, Oxygen, - Water, Silica, Baryta, Lime, 85-617 1 1 599 1566 0553 0665 trace. Pyrolusite is very often the product of decomposition from chaly- bite, the carbonate of iron being converted by natural agents, into the hydrate of the peroxide, while the lime, which it occasionally contains, is deposited in the shape of calcite, or aragonite ; and the pyrolusite is often found covering the surface of decomposed rhomboids of the original species, in the shape of minute crystals. In this manner, it occurs in the mines of decomposed chalybite, in beds in gneiss, at Huttenberg in Carinthia, at Schwalkalden in Hessia, and other places. It is likewise found in this manner in the counties of Sayn, Siegen, Salm, and Hamm in Prussia, in the veins of chalybite tra- versing clay slate, which are decomposed in the upper levels, and then contain much lirnoniie. One of the varieties from Horhausen is partic- ularly remarkable for the delicacy of the fibres, which are disposed in srnfill tufts, within the geodes of limonite, and which greatly resemble the fibrous varieties of antimonite. Weyer, in the county of Wied- Runkel, Hirschberg near Ahrensberg, and Beodorf on the Lower Rhine, are likewise quoted as localities of superb specimens of pyrolusite. The finest crystals of pyrolusite, occur at Schimmel and OsWfreude near Jo- hanngeorgenstadt, and at Hirschberg in Westphalia. These are chiefly short thick prisms, terminated on their extremities in numerous fibres. Large, flattish crystals, of great beauty, terminating in sharp, elongated pyramids, with curved faces, occur at Maeskamezi, near Maggar Lapos, 280 ROLUSITE. MANGANITE. [Class II south of Kapnik in Transylvania, in geodes of limonite, and associated with crystals of quartz. Cleavable individuals, of considerable size, are found near Goslar in the Hartz, in a mountain called Girigelsberg imbedded in small veins of quartz and calcite, in clay slate. Dis- tinct, though small crystals, are met with in many of the mines in the west of Germany. A variety occurs at the mine of Antonio Pereira near Villa Ricca in Brazil along with limonite and psilornelane. Small gran- ular pyrolusite occurs in Dalecarlia, Sweden. But the individuals are often much smaller, and appear in the form of a black sooty substance. Such are frequently found in the iron mines of Raschau, and other places in Saxony. The pyrolusite is rarely found without psilomelane ; and is also very generally associated with limonite. In some varieties from Berge, in the county of Salm, thin stalactites of limonite are uniformly covered with a stratum of pyrolusite. Pyrolusite occurs at numerous places in England. It is very abundant in the United States. It occurs at Bennington, Monkton, Chittenden, and various other places in Vermont, crystallized arid granular, and associated with psilomelane ; in Massachusetts, at Con- way, in a vein of quartz; at Winchester, (N. H.); in Connecticut, at Salisbury and Kent, in thin velvety coatings, upon limonite. Sp. 50. MANGANITE, Gray manganese (in part), Acerdese, Beudant ; Newkirkite, Thomson. [H.= 4'0. G. 4'2 . . . 4'4. Xls. elongated, deeply striated (lengt h wise) prisms. Lustre metallic ; blackish steel-gray.] Primary form. Secondary forms. Fig. 557. Fig . 558. M g on g - c on c - n on n - - 172 36 - 115 - 95 2 36' \ ( 5 17 > HAIDINGER. < 5 4 j ( m on m /on I r on r - 112 35' 51 18 - 134 14 Cleavacje parallel with /, highly perfect, and easily obtained ; with M, also perfect, but less easily obtained ; traces of r. Fracture uneven, sur- face of the vertical planes streaked parallel to their common edges of in- tersection. In general, the faces are smooth, and possess pretty high de- grees of lustre. Ord. X. Ore.] MANGANITE. 281 Lustre imperfectly metallic. Color, dark, brownish black, inclining to iron-black. Streak, reddish brown.* Opuque in large masses; when broken or cleaved in the direction of / and exposed to the light of the sun, minute splinters are often observed, which by transmuted light, ap- pear of a bright, brown color. Brittle. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals. 1. Face of composition paral- lel to /, axis of revolution perpendicular to it. Fig. 560. Fig. 561. A repetition of this law produces thick prisms, terminated perpendicularly upon their axis by a rough face, which consists of the apices of numer- ous individuals, or rather of numerous particles of two individuals, alter- nating with each other. 2. Axis of revolution perpendicular, face of com- position parallel to a plane of the pyramid. Massive : composition granular, or columnar, the latter more fre- quently. It is infusible B. B., and colors glass of borax, violet-blue. It is insoluble in nitric acid. In heated sulphuric acid, it disengages chlo- rine. Also, B. B., or alone, in a strong heat, it gives out oxygen. Analysis by Turner. Protoxide of manganese, Oxygen, Water, 80-92 8-98 1010 Manganite occurs in abundance, and great beauty, at Ihlefeld in the Hartz, and at Oehrenstock, near Ilmenau in Thuringia. * In the description given above, the streak of the crystals is stated to be reddish brown. It is very often the case however, that crystals are met with, and still more frequently compound varieties, consisting of columnar individuals, which actually af- ford a black streak. The hardness of these varieties is much inferior to that of the crystals which present a brown streak, being generally between 2 -5 and 3-0 ; and sometimes in fibrous varieties, it is so inconsiderable as to soil the lingers and write upon paper. On the contrary, their specific gravity is higher, and often approaches to 4'7. It is important to observe, that the exterior strata of large crystals some- times afford a black streak, and show low degrees of hardness, while the interior parts still offer the characters indicated in the preceding description. It would seem, therefore, that the difference in several of these properties, is owing to a change or decomposition of the substance itself, which does not affect the regular form. 36 282 CREDNERITE. HAUSMANN1TE. [Class Sp. 51. CREDNERITE, Rammelsberg ; Mangankupferoxyd, Hausmann; Mangankupfererz, Crtdn.tr. [H.=4'5. G. 4'9 ...51. Foliated, Lustre metallic, iron-black. Streak, brownish-black.] Crystalline. Cleavage very perfect in one direction, and less distinct in two others. Opaque. In the matrass, exfoliates and loses its lustre. B. B. on charcoal, yields a malleable bead of copper. With borax in the outer flame, forms a vio- let glass ; in the inner, a green one, which at last becomes red and opaque. In nitric acid, the oxide of copper is dissolved, leaving a black residue. It is readily soluble in hydrochloric acid with extrication of chlorine, forming a green solution. Analysis by Creduer, gave oxide of copper, 43 85, and oxide of manganese 55*73. Occurs with pyrolusite and hausmannite at Friedrichsrode in Thuringia. It is prone to decomposition, whereby the cleavages become more dis- tinct, the color changes to a blackish blue, and the hardness falls to 25 and gravity to 4'71. Sp. 52. HAUSMANNITE, Haidinger ; Black manganese, Red oxide manganese. [H.^5'0 . . . 5'5. G.=47 . . . 4'8. Xls. acute octahedra with square bases ; inclination of upper to lower pyramid =117 30'. Color brown-black ; streak, brown.] Primary form, right square prism. Secondary form. Fig. 562. Fig. 563. a on a = 139 Cleavage parallel to the base of the primary, perfect ; interrupted parallel with P of the figure. Fracture uneven. Lustre imperfectly metallic. Opaque. Twin-crystals. Common octahedral hernitrope; also repeated a second time. Pseudomorphoses, after manganite and cal- cite. Massive, granular, and firmly connected. Conducts electricity feebly. B. B. infusible. Imparts the characteristic color of manganese, to bo- rax. Soluble in warm hydrochloric acid, with extrication of chlorine. Concentrated sulphuric acid, to which it has been added in powder, as- sumes a bright red color. It consists of protoxide manganese 30'89, Ord. X. Ore.] PSILOMELANE. BRAUNITE, 283 sesquioxide of manganese 69'02, and oxygen 6*98. Traces of baryta silica and water are also present. Occurs in porphyry, associated with manganite at Oehrenstock, near Ilrnenau in Thuringia, and at Ihlefeld in the Hartz. Said to have been found at Lebanon, Pa. Sp. 53. PSILOMELANE, Holding pr ; compact manganese, Black hema- tite, Schwarzmanganerz, Hartmanganerz. [H. 5*0 . . . 6'0. G.=3*7 . . . 4*3. Botryoidal, compact, black.] Massive ; fracture even, to sub-conchoid al, with occasional traces of a fibrous structure, as in calcedony. Lustre imperfectly metallic. Color bluish black, greyish black to dark steel-grey. Streak, brownish black, shining. Opaque. Brittle. B. B. yields water, gives a violet tint to borax, and affords chlorine with hydrochloric acid. Composition rather various, some varieties being nearly anhydrous, while others have 6 p. c. of water, some being desti- tute of baryta, while others include 16 p. c. of that earth. Analysis a from Ilrnenau, by Clausbruch, b from Gy, by Ebelmen, and c from near Heidelberg, by Rammelsberg. a b c Protox. manganese, Oxyaen, - - 77*23 70*60 70*17 Potash, - 1582 14*18 15*16 Lime, - 529 4*05 262 Magnesia, - 105 0*21 Baryta, - - 0*12 6*55 8*08 Ox. copper, 0*40 0*30 Protoxide iron, 0'77 Ox. cobalt, 0*54 Silica, - 0*52 060 0*00 Water, ^^ 1*67 1*43 Occurs in beds with limonite, pyrolusite and manganite, and in veins with chalybite ; likewise in new red sandstone. It is a common ore of manganese, abounding in Devonshire, Cornwall, the northern islands of Scotland, in the Hartz, in Thuririgia and Saxony, Silesia and Bohemia. It is abundant throughout the gold region of the southern United States, and exists very commonly with pyrolusite at Bennington, and farther to the north in Vermont, in that part of the Green Mountain range which contains pyrolusite, as at Chittenden and Brandon. The name is derived from y^og, smooth, and petes, black, Sp. 54. BRACNITE, Haldlngtr ; Marceline, Hartbraunstein, Hausmann* [H.=6'0 . . . 6*5. G.=4*ftl. Xls. very acute 8-dra, and granu- lar ; tough. Color dark brownish black.] Primary form, right square prism. Secondary forms. 284 Fig. 564. BRAUNITE. POLIAN1TE. Fig 565 [Class IL Fig. 566. Cleavage distinct parallel with P with angles. Fracture uneven. Sur- face o, less lustre than P, and faintly streaked parallel to the edges of com- bination with P. Faces P often a little rounded ; faces s uneven, rough and horizontally streaked ; faces x smooth and even. Lustre imper- fectly metallic. Streak like color. Individuals strongly coherent in the granular variety. B. B. alone, infusible. With concentrated hydrochloric acid evolves chlorine, and the variety from St. Marcel, gelatinizes. Composition, manganese 69'68 oxygen, 38"32. It consists of one atom protoxide and one of hinoxide of manganese, with traces of lime, magnesia, baryta, peroxide of iron and silica. The marceline, according to Dainour, has Binoxide of manganese, Protoxide Lime, Peroxide iron, Silica, Gangue, 67-37 1917 122 145 771 272 Found in small attached and imbedded crystals, and in granular masses in porphyry, with other ores of manganese and baryte at Oehrenstock, Eglershurg and Friedrichrode in Thuringia, at Schmalkalde and Leim- bach in Mannsfdd, and Streitberg, near JNeuenkirchen in Westphalia, and at Mt. Marcel in Piedmont. Sp. 55. POLIANITE, Breithaupt. [H.=r6-5 ... 7. G.=4'83 . . . 4'88. Xls. like pyrolusite. Color light steel-grey.] Primary and secondary forms same as pyrolusite. According to Hai- dinger, it is pseudomorphous braunite, in the form of that species. Chemical characters, the same as those of pyrolusite. Analysis, from Maria Theresa mine, near Platten, by Planner, Red oxide manganese, Oxygen, Red oxide of iron and alumina, Water, ... Silica, 87-27 1211 017 032 0-13 Ord. X. Ore.] APPENDIX TO ORDER ORE. 286 Besides the locality in Bohemia, above cited, it occurs in the Adam Heher mine at Schneeberg, Tannenbaum Stolln, near Johanngeorgen- stadt, Spitzleute, near Schneeberg, Hirsch, near Geyer in Saxony, the Eiserne Hartz in Siegen. APPENDIX TO ORDER ORE. Azorite, Teschemacher. Pale, yellowish green octahedral xls. (1^ lines in diam- eter) with the vertical axis somewhat shorter than in the regular octahedron : angle of pyramid (by reflective goneometer) =123 15'. Basal edges of truncated and prismatic planes inclining to the pyramidal under 133 40', (which is near to zircon). Cleavage none. H.=4'0 . .. 4'5. Translucent to opaque. Lustre vitreous. B. B. infusible. Smaller xls. become opaque white ; the larger ones reddish, if heated in the outer flame, but light yellow if in the interior flame. With borax, on platinum wire, dissolved with extreme slowness to a transparent globule, sometimes faintly greenish ; with more borax, opaque on flaming. With salt of phosphorus dissolves slowly, producing a faint green color. According to A. A. Hayes, it is a columbate of lime ; and in composition therefore, approaches microlite. From the Azores ; in an albite rock, along with black tourmaline and pyrolusite. Bodenite, Kerndt. In long prismatic xls. apparently rhombic (of 110 to 112). H.=6'0 . . . 6'5. Brown, reddish brown to black. Lustre somewhat greasy. B. B. glows like gadolinite. In platinum forceps, fuses only on the edges, after long heat- ing, and gives to the flame, the yellow color of soda in the outer flame. Analysis by Kerndt. Silica, - - 26-12 Alumina, - 10-34. Protox. iron, - 12-05 Yttria, 17-43 Oxide cerium, - - 10-46 Oxide lanthanum, - 7*57 Lime, - 6-32 Magnesia, - 2*34 Protox. Mang., - - 162 Potash, 1-21 Soda, - - 0-84 Water, 382 100.00 Occurs with oligoclase, at Boden, near Marienberg, in the Saxon Erzeberge. Eumanite, (S.). In very small, thin blackish brown xls., (with color and lustre of cassiterite). Translucent. Color by transmitted light, deep garnet-red. Primary form, right rhombic prism of 123 (or a right rectangular prism). Secondary form. The crystal figured, weighed less than one grain. Surface of M rather imperfect and possessed of a high lustre. The other faces very brilliant. M on M = 123 Fig. 567. a 118 to 118 30' c 136 c c 151 30 159 30 127 30 127 40 144 20 128 20 156 30 H. = above 6. Only two or three specimens were found ; attached to albite at the tourmaline locality in Chesterfield, Mass. It appears to approach mengite more nearly than any other known species. Named from o and jiav<}$ rare, from its supposed scarcity. 286 APPENDIX TO ORDER ORE, [Class II, KaUpMte, Ivanoff. Supposed to he a mixture of limonite, pyrolusite and cala- mine with lime. From Hungary. Keilhauite, Erdmann ; Yttrotitanite, Scheerer. In xla. whose form and angles are almost identical with those of ephene (fig. 488) and in twins. Also massive and highly crystalline, with perfect cleavages in two directions, leading to a prism of about 122 30' ; and traces of a third, oblique to the other two. Lustre on the most perfect cleavage, vitreous. Fracture uneven to small conchoidal, and exhibiting a re- sinous lustre. Color brownish black ; by transmitted light, brownish-red. Streak light greyish brown. H. =6-5. G. =3 - 69. B. B. melts easily with ebullition, into a bright black slag. Soluble in borax, to which it imparts the color of iron. In the inner flame, the bead becomes blood-red. With soda, shows the presence of manganese. In fine powder, it is wholly decom- posed by hydrochloric acid. Analyses by Erdmann : Silica, 30-00 24-45 Tiramcacid, - - . . 2901 2814 Alumina, - .... 6-09 590 Peroxide iron. .... 6 35 6 48 Oxide mntiaanese, - 67 86 Oxide cerium, - - 32 63 Yttria, 962 974 Lime . ... 18-92 18-68 Occurs at Buon, not far from Arendal, Norway, Malacone, Scheerer. Supposed to be altered zircon xls. The faces of the pyra- mid incline under angles of from 124 40' to 124 67'. H. =66. Gr. =3 9 ... 4 04. Brown, lustre vitreous to sub-resinous. Powder red-brown, to uncolored. B. B. like zircon, except it affords moisture. Analyses : a from Hitteroe, by Scheerer 6 from Chanteloube, Haute Vienne by Damour ; c from Umen Mts. by Hermann. a b e Silica, - - - 31-31 30-87 31-87 Zirconia, - - 6340 61-17 59-82 Peroxide iron, 041 367Protox. 3'11 Yttria, - 0'34 Lime, - - - 0-39 0-08 Magnesia, - - 0-11 Mn 1-20 Water, - - 3-03 309 4- Mosandrite, Erdmann. In large flattened prisms, often much elongated ; their edges sometimes replaced, but the xls. rather indistinct from partial decomposition. Cleavage in one direction distinct ; traces in several others. In thin fragments, trans- lucent. Lustre resinous, on the plane of distinct cleavage, inclining to vitreous. Color dark red-brown; by transmitted light, bright red. Streak, greyish-brown. H.=4. Gr.=293. B. B. melts easily with ebullition into a brownish green, dull bead. Easily solu- ble in borax, forming a violet bead, which becomes yellow, or nearly colorless, in the inner flame. With soda, yields the reaction of manganese. It is completely decom- posed by hydrochloric acid. Analysis by Berlin : Silica, - - - t-J - - - 29-93 Titanic acid, - - -A 990 Oxides of cerium, lanthanum ) or-=,fi and clidymium, $ Peroxide iron, - - 1-83 Lime, . v . 1907 Magnesia, - - - - 0-75 Soda, .... . 287 Potash, 052 Water, - - 8-90 10033 Occurs in syenite on the island of Lamansskaret, near Brevig, Norway. Muromontite, Kerndt. In pea-sized grains, without apparent crystallization. H. =7. Gr. =4*26. Color black, or slightly greenish by reflection. Lustre vitre- Ord. X. Ore.] APPENDIX TO ORDER ORE. 287 ous or slightly resinous. Semi-translucent. Streak grey. B. B. it glows, and ia slightly fusible on the edges. It is decomposed by acids, leaving a jelly of silica. Analysis by Kerndt: Silica, Alumina, .- . Glurina. . Yttria, Protox. iron, - Protox. mang., Protox. cerium, CKide lanthanum, - Magnesia, Lime, Soda, .. Potash, .. Water, . 31-09 2-sJ4 5-.V2 37-14 11-23 5 54 3-54 0-42 071 0-65 0-17 0-85 Found with bodenite in oligoclase at Boden, near Marienberg in Saxony. Ocrytedite, Forchammer. Like calyptolite and malacone, supposed to be altered zircon. It is found at Arendal, Norway. Form of xls., same as zircon. Translu- cent. Lustre adamantine, inclining to vitreous. Color yellowish brown. H. = 5 5. G. =23-62. In the matrass, yields water. Infusible. With borax, melts with diffi- culty to a colorless glass. Analysis by Forchammer : Silica. Zireonia and titanic acid, Magnesia, Lime, Protox. iron, Water, 1971 68-96 205 261 1-14 5-53 Tachyaphaltite is supposed by Dana to be an altered zircon. ' Parathorite, (). In minute pitchy black xls., having the form of a right square prism, with lateral edges truncated, and a flat four-sided summit. - 135 Fig. 568. M on c M a a on a on a on e 130 98 160 All the faces with the exception of e, bright and shining. Cleavage imperfect. Fracture uneven to conchoidal. Lustre resinous. Opaque. H.= 5'0 . . . 6 - 0. Heated B. B in an open tube, it decrepit- ates slightly, emits abundance of moisture, posses- sing an acid reaction. Heated in a platinum for- ceps, it turns brownish red, does not suffer fusion, but presents at the point where most heated, a semi-fused aspect. With borax, it easily fuses to a glass colored by iron. Occurs at Danbury, Conn., in oligoclase, along with danburite. Named in allu- sion to its supposed resemblance to thorite. Paracolumbite, (8.). Massive ; diffused in grains, and short, irregular seams. Color, iron-black, sometimes with a faint tinge of purple. Lustre imperfectly metallic. Fracture sub-conchoidal, opaque, streak black. Hardness about 50. In an open tube, decrepitates slightly, and evolves a little moisture, which pos- sesses a feebly acid reaction ; but the heated mineral does not change color. Heated in platinum forceps, or on charcoal, it fuses readily into a black glass, which is not magnetic. With borax, it dissolves rapidly, and yields a glass, which is yellowish- brown while hot, but becomes paler on cooling. When decomposed by sulphuric acid in a glass tube, the glass is corroded by hydrofluoric acid. The mineral is ea- sily attacked by sulphuric acid ; and a heavy white precipitate (unmixed with silica) is easily obtained. A portion of its filtered solution was not rendered milky by boiling ; nor did the white precipitate evince a tendency to traverse the filter on the affusion of hot water. A portion of the filtered solution was decomposed by am- 288 APPENDIX TO ORDER ORE. monta, and the precipitate of mixed oxides of iron and uranium was treated with carbonate of ammonia, which dissolved the latter, and showed its proportion to be small, when compared with the former. From these experiments the mineral seems to be composed of the oxides of iron and uranium, in combination with a metallic acid, which is not the titanic. Occurs about one mile, in a south-westerly direction from the village of Taunton in Massachusetts ; disseminated in exceedingly minute quantities through a very large boulder of granite, lying in a field contiguous to the highway. The granite is almost wholly made up of a peculiar greenish-white feldspar. Is named from its resemblance to columbite. Pyrrhite, G. Rose. In octahedral xls. not exceeding three lines in diameter. Cleavage not observable. Color, orange-yellow. Lustre vitreous. Sub-translucent. B. B. infusible. Small splinters blacken, and color the flame deep yellow. In powder, it dissolves easily in borax or salt of phosphorus ; adding largely of the fluxes, it forms a clear glass, which, with still more of the flux, becomes yellowish green, but with less, the glass remains colorless. Occurs in drusy cavities of feldspar, containing also tables of lithia mica, crystals of albite and white topaz at Alabaschka, near Mursinsk. The name is from n-ujfor, yellow. A similar mineral, found with albite at the Azores, and described by Teschema- cher, was discovered by Hayes to consist of .columbate of zirconia, colored appa- rently by oxides of iron, uranium and manganese. ? Calyptolite, (&). Very minute dark brown xls., having the form of zircon, (fig. 450); but with a rather dull, adamantine lustre. H. =fi-5, and Gr. =4 3. Heated in an open tube, they turn pale yellow, yield moisture, exhibit an acid reaction, and with sulphuric acid, slightly corrode the surface of the tube. B. B. it turns nearly white, but does not fuse. With borax, dissolves slowly into a glass which is yellow while hot, but colorless on cooling. It occurs diffused through an aggregate of beryl, chrysoberyl, grey feldspar, quartz, automolite and garnet, at Haddam, Conn. ; and probably is an altered zircon, somewhat like malacone and oerstedite. Tenorite, Semmola. In small hexagonal ? tables ^ to -fa inches in diameter, and scales. Lustre, metallic. Color, dark steel-grey. Streak, black Thin folia translucent and brown. Composition, copper 79 85, oxygen 19'85. Found on lava, associated with salt, at Vesuvius. It may belong to the species melaeonite; in which case, that species should be removed from ochre to the present order. Xantho&iderite, Schmid. In fine radiating fibres, or in concentric coats, with a silky lustre and a golden-brown color. H.=2'5. Analysis by Schmid. Yellow variety. Brown. Perox. iron, .... 74-96 75-00 Alumina, - 132 1-51 Oxide mang., .... 1 82 1-33 Silica, .... 1-51 502 Water, - - 15-67 14-10 96^28 96-96 With traces of carbonate lime and manganese, alkalies, antimony and lead or bis- muth. Occurs with ores of manganese at Ilmenau, Order XT. Metal] MERCURY. LE AD 289 ORDER XI. METAL. Sp. 1. MERCURY. [H. 0. G.=13'5. Amorphous. Liquid. Lustre metallic. Color, tin-white.] B. B. entirely volatile, wholly taking the form of vapor at 662 : be- comes solid at -39, and crystallizes in 8-dron. Dissolves readily in nitric acid. It is sometimes alloyed with a trace of silver. Occurs with cinnabar in small drops, at the well known localities of Idria in Carniola, and Alrnaden in Spain: more rarely also at Woltstein and Morsfeld in the Palatinate, and at some places in Carinthia, Hungary, and at Peyrat le Chateau, department of Haute Vienne. It has likewise been observed in California. Sp. 2. LEAD. [H.=1'5. G.=11'45. In thin plates and globules.] Primary form, cube. Massive. Fracture hackly. Color lead-grey. Lustre metallic. Odor disagreeable by friction. B. B. melts easily, and is gradually dissipated in fumes, leaving a yel- low powder upon the charcoal. Soluble in nitric acid, in which sulphuric acid occasions a white precipitate. Found in thin sheets with minium, near a basaltic dyke in Ireland, in lava at Madeira, in the mines of Carthagena, Spain, at Zomelahuacan in Vera Cruz, in the Altai, in carboniferous limestone near Bristol, Eng- land, and at Anglaise river in Michigan in galena, through the joints of which, it is diffused in thin leaves. Sp. 3. SYLVANITE, Haidinger ; Graphic Tellurium, Graphic Gold, Schrifterz, Schrift-tellur, Aurotellurite, Mullerite, Weisstellur. [H.=r5. G.=5'72 . . . 8'2. Mostly in twin-xls, the slender prisms intersecting at 60 and 120. Lustre metallic ; color steel-grey.] Primary form. Right rhombic prism. Secondary form. 141 30' 129 12 151 136 132 126 pure M on M = 107 44'. Pon a I Pon o2 Pon dor el' P on c2orc2' P on c3 or c3' Mon h /on h PHILLIPS. 90 Fie 569. J!L Cleavage parallel with M highly perfect ; with P perfect, though not so easily obtained. Fracture uneven. Secondary surfaces of the prism ver- tically streaked ; M fused-like ; the remaining faces smooth. 37 290 SYLVANITE. NAGYAGITE. [Class II. Very sectile. Hardiiess=1'5 . . . 2'0. Sp. gr. 5723. Compound varieties. Regular composition of acicular crystals, nearly at angles of 00 and 120, in one plane: frequently repeated, and im- jnrimg to the whole the appearance of certain characters for writing. Massive; cotn|>osition imperfectly columnar or granular, small, but not impalpable. The present species presents many varieties of crystalline forms, which being generally very much engaged among themselves, and moreover modified by regular composition, have not yet been satisfactorily developed. B. B. it melts easily into a dark grey, metallic globule, and covers the charco >l with a white oxide, which changes into a green, or bluish green, when the reduction flame is directed upon it. After having con- tinued the blast for some time, a ductile metallic metal, of a light yellow- color, remains. Composition. Analyses, a by Klaproth from Offenbanya, 6 by Petz, in xls., color, white, G. 8'2, c do. yellow color, G.= 8"3. a b c Tellurium, - - - 601)0 5539 51 52 Gold, - - - 30-00 24-89 27 10 Silver, - - lO'OO 14'68 7'47 Antimony, - - 2"50 5"75 Lead, - - - 2'54 8 16 It yet remains to be explained how an amalgam of the above composi- tion should possess a sp. gr. of only 5*723, when the artificial preparation would mount as high as 10. Graphic gold occurs at Offenbanya in Transylvania, in very narrow, but quite regular veins, which traverse porphyry, several of them at a short distance from each other, and parallel. It is accompanied by gold and quartz; and is occasionally found with nagyagite. at Nagyag in Transylvania. It has been detected, according to Genth, at Gold Hill, Rowan Co., N. Car. It is a valuable ore, on account of its richness in gold and silver. Sp. 4. NAGYAGITE, Haidingcr ; Elasmose, Beudnnt; Black Tellurium, Foliated Tellurium, Tellurium Glance, Blattererz. [H.= 1'0... I'S. G.=7'08. In highly flexible, thin, black lam- inae, also granularly massive.] Primary form, right square prism. Secondary form. zonz - - - - 90 00' Fig. 570. son x 1 - - - - 135 00 Pona - - - - 118 37 Pone - - . - 111 4 Cleavage parallel with P, perfect. Fracture not observable. Surface P smooth. Lustre metallic. Color, blackish lead-grey. Streak unchanged. Compound varieties. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals, sometimes longish. B. B. upon charcoal, it melts easily, emits white fumes, which are de- posited upon the charcoal, and give a metallic globule. With borax, it Ord, XI. Metal,] TETRADYMITE. BISMUTH. 291 gives a bead of gold, containing a little silver. It is easily soluble in nitric acid. Analysis by Klaproth : Tellurium, - - 32'20 Lead, - - /- 54'00 Gold, - "> '; 9-00 Silver, - " * 0'50 Copper, - - " : 1-30 Sulphur, ,'. 300 It has been found only in veins with gold, galena, blende and diallogite. Its chief locality is Nagyag in Transylvania, from whence it obtained its old name of Nagiakw-Erz. It is found also with sylvanite, at Oifen- banya in the same country. '" ,' . ; '' : v. < ' . - A ; ^, .7 t *fo Sp. 5. TETRAUYMITE, Telluric Bismuth, Tellurwismut, Bornite. [H =1-5 ... 2'0. G. 7'2 . . . 8*4. In small twin-xls. consisting of four individuals in a group, in thin leaves and in granular masses. Lead-grey to reddish steel-grey. Lustre metallic.] Primary form, rhomboid of 66 40', to 68 10'. Xls. often tabular, with perfect basnl cleavage. Not very sectile. Laminae elastic. Soils paper. Streak unaltered. In the open tube melts, emits white fumes and deposits a fusible subli- mate of tellurous acid, and ri^ar to the assay, a red sublimate of seleni- um, recognisable by the smell. B. B. on charcoal, melts easily into a bright metallic globule, with smell of sulphur and selenium, arid impart- ing a blue color to the flame. Soluble in nitric acid, with the exception of the sulphur. Analyses; a from Schubkau by Berzelius, b from Fluvanna Co. Va., by Fisher, c from Whitehall, Va., by Jackson, d from Davidson Co., N. Car., by Genth, e from Brazil, by Damour,/from Deutsch-Pilsen, Hun- gary, by Wehrle. a b c d e f Tellurium, 36'05 3577 35-05 3384 1592 2974 Bismuth, 58-30 51 '65 58'80 6135 7915 6I'15 Sulphur, 432(Fel25) 3'65 527 315 233 Selenium, 6'8l 1 '48 (silica) 2'07 The sulphur, selenium and traces of silver, are supposed to be acci- dental; while the isomorphism of bismuth and tellurium make it proba- ble that they are capable of crystallization together, in many proportions. Occurs at several gold mines in North Carolina and Virginia, at Tel- lemark in Norway, and Bastnaes in Sweden, Cumberland England, and numerous other localities. Sp. 6. BISMUTH. [H.=2'0 . . . 2 f 5. G. 972. Massive, foliated, dendritic and granular. Color, silver-white, feebly reddish.] Primary form, rhomboid, 87 40'. Cleavage basal, perfect. Lustre metallic. Streak like color. Subject to tarnish. Opaque. Fracture not observable. Sectjle, 292 SCHAPBACHITE. PETZITE. [ClaSS II. When heated, it quickly begins to lose its brittleness, and to become slightly malleable. Melts at 264, frequently with the smell of arsenic. Crystallizes readily from fusion, in forms, scarcely distinguishable from cubes, though they are rhomboids, often with slight truncations of their angles. B. B. on charcoal, deposits a sublimate of oxide, which is yel- low while hot. Soluble in nitric acid, the solution letting fall a white pre- cipitate on dilution with water. Occurs in veins in gneiss and clay-slate, accompanied by various ores of silver, cobalt, tin. Its chief localities are several of the Saxon and Bo- hemian silver and cobalt mines at Armaberg, Marienberg, Johanngeorgen- stadt, Joachimstahl, &,c., Modum in Norway, Fahlun, Sweden, the Pyre- nees, Witiiohen in Baden, Cornwall, Harz, Monroe Conn., Brewer's mine in Chesterfield, S. Car. Sp. 7. SCHAPBACHITE, Kerwgott ; Bismuthic Silver, Silberwismuth- glanz, Wismuthsilbererz, [Soft. Acicular xls. and massive, amorphous. Tin-white to grey.] Lustre metallic. Subject to tarnish. Fracture uneven ; sectile. B. B. fuses readily to a silver-button, covering the charcoal with the ox- ides of Jead and bismuth, and giving fumes of sulphur. Analyses, a by Doweyko, b by Klaproth. a b Silver, - - 60-1 15- Bismuth, - - - 10-1 27' Copper, - - 7-8 09 Arsenic, - - 2-8 (sulphur 16-3 Gangue, - - - 19*2 Lead, - - 3-3 Iron, } .^ ,' - 4-3 Occurs at Schapbach, Baden, Mansfeld, Thuringia, and near Copiapo, Chili. Sp. 8. PETZITE, Haidinffcr ; Hessite, Frobel; Tellurgoldsilber, Haus- mann; Tilluric Silver, Tellursilber. [H.r=2 . . . 3'5. G.=8'3 . . . 8'9. Massive, granular. Lustre me- tHllic. Color, lead to steel-grey.] Slightly malleable. Opaque. B B. on charcoal, fuses to a black globule which on cooling, after the action of the reducing flame, presents points of silver on its surface. Uhen heated in a glass tube, it melts and gives a yellow color with glass; with soda, a globule of pure silver is obtained. Composition, tellurium 37 2, silver 62'8. The variety from Nagyag, G.=8'7 . . . 8'83, yielded to Petz, Tellurium, - - 34 98 Silver, - - - 46-76 Gold, - 18'16 with traces of iron, lead and sulphur. Occurs in the mine of Savodinski in Siberia, in a talcose rock with pyrites, chalcopyrite and blende. Specimens in the Museum of Barnaul on the Ob, measure a cubic foot in dimensions. Ord. XL Metal.] COPPER. 293 Sp. 9. COPPER. [H. 25 . . . 3'0 G.=89. In xls. cubo-8-dral and massive com- pact and dendritic, hackly. Copper-red.] Primnry form, cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 571. Fig. 572. Fig. 573. Cornwall. Nelsoe. Nelsoe. Cleavage, none. Fracture hackly. Surface generally not very smooth, but nearly of the same quality in all the forms, excepting the dodecahe- dron, which is sometimes streaked parallel to its edges of combination with the cube. It is subject to tarnish. Lustre metallic. Color, copper- red. Streak unchanged, shining. Ductile. Compound varieties. Twin-crystals very frequent, composed parallel to a face of the octahedron. If the form of the individuals is the icosite- trahedron, and the compound crystal flattened in the direction of the axis of revolution, isosceles six-sided pyramids are formed, which at first sight appear incapable of derivation from the cube. Small crystals aggregated in rows; arborescent and filiform shapes. Massive: composition not recognizable. Plates often consisting of distinct crystals. Superficial B. B. it melts pretty easily, but on cooling is covered with an oxidized coat. It is easily soluble in nitric acid, and yields under the influence of light and air, a blue solution in ammonia. It crystallizes from fusion. Dentiform and capillary crystals are often produced in the vesicular cav- ities of copper slags. Composition, copper, with traces of silver, which sometimes amounts to 7 or 8 p. c., particularly at the Lake Superior mines and in Chili. It is found in beds and veins, and is associated with various other ores of copper, and sometimes with ores of iron ; also loose in the soil, and in water-worn fragments. 294 SILVER [Class II. Copper has been more frequently met with, than any of the other metals in their pure state. It occurs in beds at Herrengrund, Schmol- nitz and Gollrietz also at Moldawa, Saska and Orawitza, in the Bnnnat of Temeswar ; probably in the same manner in Siberia, from whence the largest and most distinct crystals of the general shape of the cube have been brought, engaged in granular limestone. It occurs likewise in beds, in bituminous marl-slate, at Kamsdorf in Thuringia, and in the county of Mansfield, and in Chessy near Lyons. In veins, it is met with in consid- erable quantities, in many of the mines near Redruth in Cornwall. Copper, crystallized in beautiful icositetrahedrons, occurs in amygda- loid, accompanied by chabasite in Nelsoe, one of the Faroe Islands. Copper has often been found in detached masses, throughout North America, particularly in Illinois, Michigan and the North Western Ter- ritory. About thirty miles south of Lake Superior, on the west bank of the river Ontonawgaw, near Keweenaw Point, it exists in a trap and sand- stone formation, where are found imbedded masses of great size, amounting to hundreds of tons, giving rise to the most profitable mines of copper in the United States. It has particularly abounded through- out the greenstone trap and red sandstone formation of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey ; having been found at Schuyler's mine, (N. Jersey,) at Cheshire, near New Haven, (Conn.) and at Deerfield, (Mass). What has been called copper of cementation, is the metal precipitated from its solution in sulphuric acid, by metallic iron. It is produced at Herrengrund and Schmolnitz in Hungary, and in Cornwall and Wales. Copper, in its uses, is too well known to require an enumeration of them. Sp. 10. SILTER. [H. =2'5... 3'0. G.^10'47. In cubo-8-dral xls., and massive. Hackly ; silver white.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. , Fig. 578. Fig. 577. Fig. 579. Kongsberg. Mexico. Cleavage, none. Fracture, hackly. Surface, the octahedron striated in a triangular direction, parallel to its edges of combination with the cube. The remaining faces often rough, but even. Lustre metallic. Color, silver-white, more or less subject to tarnish. Streak shining. Ord. X. Metal.] SILVER. AMALGAM. 295 Compound varieties. Twin-crystals; compound, parallel to one of the faces of the octahedron. Dentiform, filiform and capillary shapes, also reticulated, arborescent, and in plates. Often the individuals are still discernible, but frequently also their extent can no longer be ascer- tained. In the latter case, the surface of the dentiform and filiform shapes is longitudinally streaked. Massive : composition rarely observa- ble, fracture hackly. Plates formed in fissures, also superficial coatings. Fordyce found 28 p. c. gold in one variety ; Jahn detected antimony, copper and arsenic in that from Johanngeorgenstadt. The Copiapo silver had 16 p. c. bismuth, and the Kongsberg contains traces of mer- cury. Silver has been divided into common and auriferous native sil- ver. It is at present impossible to decide, whether the latter ought to be united as a variety with the former, or whether it forms a spe- cies of its own, as we are not yet sufficiently acquainted with all its physical properties, by which alone this question can be decided. Spe- cific gravity, and the yellowish color form the distinctive marks between them ; but as these may arise from the mere juxtaposition of the two met- als, they are not alone sufficient for the purpose. Silver is soluble in cold nitric acid, but in the sulphuric acid, only with the assistance of heat. It crystallizes from fusion before the blowpipe, if the globule is not too large, forming while crystallizing, a single individual, in which the faces of the octahedron, the cube and the dodecahedron, are distinctly seen. Silver occurs principally in veins, traversing gneiss, clay-slate, and other primitive and transition rocks. It is accompanied by numer- ous species of pyrites, glance and blende, as well as by quartz, calcite, &c. The auriferous native silver, though it is found in the same reposito- ries, is far more scarce. The formation of black silver, a black friable substance, which, is very rich in silver, seems to depend chiefly upon the presence of native silver. Silver is found in the mining districts of Saxony and Bohemia, also in Norway and Siberia, but particularly iu Mexico and Peru ; also in Cornwall and in Siberia. One specimen from Kongsberg Norway, now in the Royal Museum at Copenhagen weighs upwards of 5 cwt., one from Balopilas, Mexico weighs 400 Ibs., and another from Huantaya in Southern 1'eru, exceeded 8 cwt. During the first 18 years of this century, more than 8,180,000, marks of silver were afforded by the mines of Guanaxuato (Mexico) alone. Found in the U. States at the copper mines of Lake Superior, and at Kings mines, Davidson co. N. Car., where it presents itself in thin leaves and in filiform masses. The employment of silver in coinage, and in the manufacture of plate and articles of luxury, is well known. Sp. 11. AMALGAM. [H.^3'0 . . . 3'5. G. 1375. XI s. from the cube, also massive. Lustre metallic ; color, silver-white.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. 296 AMALGAM. GOLD. [Class II. Fig. 580. Fig. 581. Fig. 582. Fig. 583. P on a - - 135 00' PHILLIPS. P on k - Ponfe - - 154 00 a on 6 - P on i - - 150 00 " ionk - 160 40' PHILLIPS. - 161 2 - 169 5 Cleavage, very indistinct traces parallel to the dodecahedron. Frac- ture conehoidal, uneven. Surface smooth and shining. Lustre metallic. Color, silver-white. Streak unchanged. Brittle ; it emits a grating noise when cut with a knife. Compound varieties. Massive ; individuals scarcely discernible, frac- ture conehoidal, uneven. Two kinds of amalgam have been distinguished, in reference to the solid or fluid statR in which it is found. The fluid varieties must be considered as solutions of the solid ones in fluid mercury. B. B. the mercury is driven off, and a globule of pure silver is ob- tained. Analysis by Silver, Mercury, - KLAPROTH. 348 65'2 - By CORDTER. 27-50 72-50 It is found accompanied by other ores of silver and mercury, and by pyrites, at Moschellandsberg in the Palatinate, and at Rosen a u in Hungary. It is said also to have been met with in France, Spain and Sweden. Sp. 12. GOLD. [H.=2'5 . . . 30. G.=14837. Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Color, gold-yellow.] GOLD. 297 Kg. 586. Fig. 587. Siebenbergen Siberia. California. Matto Grosso, Brazil. Cleavage, none. Fracture hackly ; the cube often hollow ; the octa- hedrons either rough or smooth, in combinations, generally the latter ; the icosi tetrahedrons streaked parallel to the edges of combination with the cube and the octahedron. These differences in most cases are not distinctly marked. Edges of crystals often salient. Lustre metallic. Color, various shades of gold-yellow. Streak shining. Compound varieties. Twin-crystals ; face of composition parallel, axis of revolution perpendicular, to a face of the octahedron ; pretty fre- quent, particularly in the icositetrahedrons, as represented in fig. 588. Fig. 588. Fig. 589. If this variety (fig. 588) be compressed in the direction of the axis of revolution, fig. 589 is formed. Filiform, capillary, reticulated and arbo- rescent shapes; also leaves and membranes. Sometimes the individuals are still discernible. Surface drusy, striated or smooth. Massive : com- position not observable, fracture hackly. Plates, superficial coatings, rolled masses. Analyses of gold : 1, by Rose ; 2, by Boussingault ; 3, by Awdejew ; 4, by Boussingault ; 5, by Rose ; 6, by Rose ; 7, by Hunt; 8, by Rose; 9, by Rivot ; 10, by Rose ; 11 by Darcet ; 12, by Kerl. Gold. Silver. 1. Altai, - , - 60-08 39'38 2. Columbia, (G=12'6) 73 45 26'48 3. Katherinenb'g (G=16') 79'69 19 47 4. Trinidad, - 82 40 17'60 5. Nischne Tagilisk, 83'85 16'15 6. Near Miask, - - 87'40 12'07 7. Chaudiere, Canada, 8673 13 27 8. Near Miask, 89'35 10'65 38 Copper. 033 Iron. Co, Fe and loss 0*8 298 G OLD. ANTIMONY. [Class II. 9. California, (G. 14'6) 10. Beresof, 11. Brazil, - 12. Australia, Gold. 907 918 94' 95-48 Silver. 8-80 8-03 5'85 359 Copper. 002 Iron. 038 The California gold averages T 8 ' '; ' - > '* '0*" ' 'ji. ' [H.= 3...3'5. G.= 6'6 . . . 7*0. Massive, granular, individuals easily separated. ] Primary form, rhomboid of 117 15'. Secondary form. Order XI. Metal.] ANTIMONY. ALLEMOATITE. 299 Cleavage parallel with o highly perfect, and Fig. 590. possessing a strong lustre ; parallel with P dis- tinct, and easily obtained, but showing a less degree of lustre ; parallel with x, obtained with difficulty, and interrupted; faint traces parallel with u. The surface of o is triangu- larly streaked, of P in a horizontal direction, and parallel with its edges. Fracture not ob- servable. Lustre metallic. Color, tin-white. Streak unchanged. Compound varieties. Reniform : surface ren- iform or uneven ; composition of flat grains, collected into curved or lamellar. Massive ; composition granular, of various sizes of individu- als, easily separated ; faces of composition striated agreeably to the faces of cleavage. B. B. it melts quickly into a globule, and continues to burn when heated to redness, even if the blast is suspended. It emits copious white fumes, which are deposited round the globule ; first yellowish-white octahedrons, probably of antirnonious acid, are formed, and then snow- white prismatic crystals of oxide of antimony, with which at last the whole globule is covered. Some of the varieties leave a globule of silver when the contents of antimony have been entirely volatilized. It crystal- lizes readily from fusion. 'Analysis by Klaproth. Antimony, .... 9S'00 Silver, - , - - - I'OO Iron, - - ... 0-25 Antimony is found in veins traversing ancient rocks, and is principally accompanied by other species that contain antimony. The valentinite, which occurs with it, seems to be the product of decomposition. The present species was first discovered at Suhlberg, near Sahla in Sweden, and afterwards at Allernont in Dauphiny, (where it occurs in curved lamellar, compound varieties, which consist of granular ones,) and at Andreasberg in the Hartz. It is likewise found in primitive moun- tains, attended by antimonite and galena; at San Han Huetamo, and Cuencame in Mexico. Sp. 14. ALLEMONITE, Arsenical Antimony, Arsenikantimon, Antimon- arsen, Naumann. [H. 3'5. G.=6'l . . . 6'2. Massive, granular. Color tin-white to red -grey.] In reniform masses. Structure curved lamellar. Lustre metallic, or occasionally splendent, sometimes dull. Often tarnished brownish-black. B. B. emits fumes of arsenic and antimony, and fuses to a metallic globule, which takes fire and burns away, leaving oxide of antimony on the charcoal. Analysis by Rammelsberg, arsenic 62'15, antimony 537'8o. Occurs at Allemonf in Dauphiny, also at Przibrarn in Bohemia, where it is associated with blende, antimony and chilybile : likewise at Schl id- ming in Styria and Andreasberg in the Hariz. 306 ARSENIC. ALTAITE. DISCRASITE. [Class II. Sp. 15. ARSENIC. [H.=3'5. G.=5'7 . . . 5*8. Rarely in xls. : massive in reniforrn masses. Color, tarnished dark grey.] Primary form, rhomboid of 114 26'. Cleavage imperfect. Lustre metallic. Color tin-white, a little inclin- ing to lead-grey, very soon tarnished dark-grey on being exposed to the air. Streak unchanged, rather shining. Compound varieties. Reticulated, reniform and stalactitic shapes ; composition granular, small and often impalpable ; it is sometimes columnar, forming a second curved lamellar composition j the in- dividuals being generally impalpable, and the faces of the second com- position reniform or uneven. In columnar particles of composition, a cleavage in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the individuals, is observed. Upon ignited charcoal, or before the blowpipe, it emits a strong smell of garlic, and copious white fumes: and at last disappears altogether. It is the volatilized metal, and not the white fumes of arsenious acid, which possess the odor of garlic. Analysis by Jahn. Arsenic,*- - 96'00 - ;* - 97*00 Antimony, - - 3'00 2*00 Oxide of iron and water, I'OO - - I'OO It is not uncommon in several of the mines of Annaberg, Schneeberg, Marienberg and Freiberg in Saxony : also t Joachimsthal in Bohemia, at Andreasberg in the Hartz, in the Black Forest, in Alsace, at Allernont in Dauphiny, in Kongsberg in Norway, at Kapnik in Transylvania, and in beds at Orawitza in the Bannat of Temeswar. It is variously employed in metallurgical processes : it enters into the composition of certain kinds of glass, and of many colors ; and has been introduced even among the pharmaceutical preparations. It is a violent poison. Sp. 16. ALTAITE, Haidinger; Tellurblei. [H.=3'0 . . . 3'5. G.=8'15. Rarely in cubes : usually massive. Color like antimony, with a yellow tarnish.] Primary form, cube. Cleavage cubic. Lustre metallic. Color, tin- white. Sectile. B. B. volatilizes in the reducing flame, excepting a mi- nute bead of silver. Colors the flame blue. Soluble in nitric acid. Com- position Pb Te. Analysis by Rose; tellurium 38'37, lead 60*35, silver 1-28. Occurs with petzite at Savodinsky, in the Altai. Sp. 17. DISCRASITE, Frobel ; Antimonial silver, Silber-Spiesglanz. [H.=3'5. G.=9'4 . . . 9'8. Mostly granular*; silver-white.] Primary form, right rhombic prism of 120. Secondary form. Order XI. Metal.] DISCRASITE. IRON. 301 Cleavage parallel to o and P distinct; Fig. 591. cleavage parallel to M imperfect. Fracture uneven. Surface in general, smooth. Lus- tre metallic. Color silver-white, inclining to tin-white. Streak unchanged. Compound varieties. Twin-crystals like those of anigonite and cerussite. Massive : composition granular, individuals of various sizes, and easily separated. Pseudomorphic six-sided prisms. B. B. it yields a globule of silver, while the antimony is driven off. Silver, - - 76'5 Antimony, - - - - 235 It is found accompanied by silver, arsenic, galena and various other species. Its localities are Altwolfach in Furstenberg, and Andreasberg in the Hartz. The arsenical silver is considered as a more or less intimate mechan- ical mixture of arsenic, or of mispickel, with discrasite. It possesses the color of silver, but is commonly tarnished externally, of a blackish color. It occurs in small, curved lamellar compositions, consisting of very thin crystalline coats. It is harder than discrasite B. B. the arsenic and antimony are for the most part, volatilized, leaving a globule of impure silver, surrounded by a slag. A specimen from Andreasberg afforded Klaproth, Arsenic, - - 35'00 Antimony, - 4 '00 Silver, - ., - - - 12'75 Iron, - - '-KA <;* A 44 '25 Its localities are the same as those mentioned for discrasite, and in addition, it comes from Guadalcanal in Estrernadura in Spain. It is valuable for the extraction of silver. Sp. 18. IRON (exclusive of meteoric iron). [H=4'5. G. 7'3 , . . 7'8. Massive, granular, usually fine-granular. Color steel-grey to iron-black. Magnetic.] Fracture hackly. It is almost pure iron, or only contains a small admix- ture of other metals, but always without nickel. Sometimes carbon is present, in which case it confers upon the iron a steel-like property of brittleness. It has been found in a thin vein at Oulle near Allemont in Dauphine, at Vesuvius and Graveneire in Auvergne, in thin flexible leaves. In the iron-stone conglomerate near Itabira do Matto Dentro in the Bra- zils. A mass described by Klaproth, was found with magnetite at Gross Kamsdorf near Saalfeld in Thuringia, in which he found iron 93'5, lead 6'0, copper, 1'5: and according to Dr. Andrews of Belfast, it is a com- mon constituent of many igneous and of some metamorphic rocks, being diffused through them, in exceedingly minute quantity. To detect its presence, the rock is moistened with a solution of acid sulphate of cop- per, when a film of metallic copper is deposited. He found the largest indications of iron in a glassy basalt, which forms the entire mass of Slieve 302 PLATINUM. [Class II. Mish in Antrim. It occurs however, in other basaltic rocks in the north of Ireland, and in the indurated lias of Port Rush, also in a specimen of trachyte from Auvergne. Sp. 19. PLATINUM, Platin, Haidinger ; Polyxen, Hausmann. [H.^4'0... 4'5. G.= 16'0 ... 19'0. In grains and irregular lumps.] Primary form, cube. Mostly in irregular forms and grains. Cleavage none. Fracture hackly. Lustre metallic. Color, perfect steel-grey. Streak unchanged, shining. It is very refractory, and soluble only in nitro-muriatic acid. Analysis by Berzelius. Fr. Nischne-Tagilsk. Fr. Goroblagodat. Fr. the Ural. Plntinum, - - 7894 73'58 86'50 8430 Iridium, - - 477 235 000 146 Rhodium, - - 086 1*15 1 15 346 Palladium, - 028 0'30 T10 106 Iron, - 1104 1293 832 531 Copper, - - 0'70 5'20 045 074 Osmium and iridium, T96 ) o ~ ft ( 1'40 TOSosmium. Earthy substances, O'OO ] \ O'OO 072 The original repositories of platinum are not known, it having hitherto been found only in pebbles and grains, generally small, but sometimes upwards of a pound and a half in weight. It is accompanied by zircon and some other gems; also by magnetite, gold, iridium and palladium. It has been chiefly brought from the provinces of Choco and Barbacoas in South America, also from IVhtto-Grosso in Brazil. It has likewise been found in St. Domingo, and in Siberia. In the mine of Nischne- Tagilsk, (which is also rich in gold, iridosmine, rutile, and even con- tains diamonds,) several large masses of platinum have been found, weigh- ing from seven to fifteen pounds. M. Schwetzaw describes two varieties in the Russian platina from Nignotaguilsk in the government of Perme. 1. Common platinum. Color platinum-grey. Grains angular and bristled, seldom blunt-edged ; also in cubical crystals and grouped. Hardness = hornblende. Malleable. Sp. gr. 17. . . 17'6. 2. Ferruginous platinum. Color darker than the preceding. Surface tarnished, sometimes like me- teoric iron. Grains and crystals have the same form as common plati- num. Hardness = feldspar, and rather higher. Less malleable than the first. Sp. gr. 14'6 . . . 157. It is magnetic, and in some grains not only attracts, but repels. It contains a large proportion of iron. Russia affords an annual produce of about half a ton of platinum, which is ten times the amount obtained from all other localities. It is found also in Borneo, the sands of the Rhine, the county of Wicklow, Ireland, in the gold region of North Carolina and California, and at St. Francois Beauce in Canada East. The refractory powers of this metal when heated, and the circum- stance that it is not acted upon by the greater part of the chemical re- agents, render it extremely valuable in the construction of philosophical Order XI . Metal.] PALLADIUM. IRIDOSMINE. 303 and chemical apparatus. It is used also for covering other metals, for painting on porcelain, for coin; and like gold and silver, for various other purposes. Sp. 20. PALLADIUM. [H.=4;5 . . . 5'0. G.^11'8 . . . 12 44. In minute 8-drons and in grains, sometimes made up of diverging fibres.] Primary form, cube. Secondary form, minute octahedrons. Lustre metallic. Color steel- grey to silver-white. Opaque. Alone B. B. infusible ; but melts easily, when sulphur is added. By continuing the heat, the sulphur is driven off, and a globule of palladium obtained. Composition, palladium alloyed with a little platinum and iridium. Occurs with platinum in Brazil. It has been employed, when purified, in the manufacture of balances, mathematical and surgical instruments. Sp. 21. IRIDOSMINE, Native Iridium, Osmium, Iridium, Neujanskite, Haidinger; Sisserskite, Haidinger. [H.=6'0... 7-0. G.=193... 2M2. In irregular, flattened grains, rarely in 6-sided prisms.] Lustre metallic. Color tin-white to light steel-grey. Opaque. Mal- leable with difficulty. Analysis a from Katharinenburg by Berzelius, b from Nischne-Ta- gilsk by Rose. a b Iridium, 4677 1986 Osmium, - 4935 8024 Iron, - - - 074 Rhodium, - - 315 a had a H.=7. G.=19'38 and a tin-white color. It is the Neujans- kite of Haidinger. b had a H.=7 and a G. 2T11, and is the sissers- kite of the same author. At a high temperature, the latter gives out osmium, undergoing no further change. The neujanskite does not emit the odor of osmium, unless heated with nitre; when a mass soluble in water is obtained, from which nitric acid throws down a green precipitate. It is frequent in the gold formation of California, and has been detected in the gold-washings of the rivers du Loup and des Plantes in Canada. Sp. 22. SVANBERGITE (S.) t Platiniridium, Svanberg ; Native Iridium. [H.=6'0 . . . 7'0. G.=22 6 . . . 23'1. In small grains and rarely in what appear to be cubes, with truncated angles. Color, white.] Analysis by Svanberg. Irid. Pint. Pallad. Rhod. Fe Cu 1. N. Tagilsk, - 76-80 1964 089 178 2. Brazil, - - 2779 55 44 0'49 6'86 4'14 3 30 It is brought of late, in considerable quantity, from California, mixed with the fine gold. 304 APPENDIX TO ORDER METAL APPENDIX TO ORDER METAL. Arquerite, Berthier, is an amalgam of silver from the mines of Arqueros near Coquimbo. Crystallized, and according to Domeyko, has the composition, of silver 86'49, mercury 13'51. Bismuthaurite, or Bismuthic Gold (). In grains, the largest not weighing above jSrtlis of a grain. Structure hackly, or sub-fibrous. H.=2 5 . . 3'0. G 12 44 . . 12'9. Color that of palladium. Malleable, but when thinned out under the hammer, it be- comes brittle. Scarcely acted upon by nitric acid, or by hydrochloric silone ; but in the two, slowly dissolves save traces of a heavy white precipitate. Rented B. B on char- coal, it melts as soon as touched by the flame, into a globule which gives off a white smoke, at the same time coloring the support of a bright yellow, while the charcoal remains hot, but turning white, when cold. If allowed to coo], the globule crystal- lizes beautifully, with a coarsely indented surface, and has its color changed from greyish white, to a distinct golden yellow tinge. By continuing the heat, the globule gradually wastes away to less than half its original bulk, crystallizes less distinctly, grows less fusible, and finally puts on the appearance of pure gold. Elektrum, the name sometimes given to gold, when it contains above 20 p. c. of silver. Gold Amalgam, Schneider. In small white grains, as large as a pea. Fragile. Composition, mercury 57'40, gold 38'39, silver 6*0. Occurs in the platinum region of Columbia, along with platinum. It is said also to exist near Mariposa in California. Iron-Platinum, Eisenplatin of Svanberg. The platinum from Nischne-Tagilsk, having a H.=6 and a G.= 14'6 to 15'8, and which contains 12 p. c. iron, has received this name. Porpezite, Palladium gold. From Porpez in Brazil It afforded Berzelius, gold 85-98, palladium and silver, 417. Rhodium-gold has G. 15'5 . . . 16'8. Brittle, and contains, according to Del Rio, 34 to 43 p. c. of rhodium. Mexico. Tin, reported as found in small, greyish white, metallic grains, along with gold from Siberia. Composition, according to Hermann, tin with some lead. Ord XII. Pyrites.] BORNITE 306 ORDER XII. PYRITES. Sp. 1. BORNITE, Haidinger; Purple Copper, Phillips; Variegated Cop- per-ore; Buntkupfererz, Hausmann; Purple Copper ; Erubescite, Dana. [H.=3. G.=4'4...5U Crystallizations imperfect. Color pinch- beck-brown to copper-red ; highly prone to assume a purplish tarnish.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 592. Fig. 593. Fig. 594. a on a 70 32' P on a 54 44 Bristol, Conn. Bristol, Conn. Cleavage, traces, parallel with P. Fracture small conchoidal, uneven. Surface, generally rough, particularly P, nnd often curved. Much sub- ject to tarnish. Lustre metallic. Streak pale grayish black, a little shining. Rather sectile. Often in twins. Massive, composition fine granular, strongly connected. Fracture conchoidal and uneven. Brittle. Acquires, when exposed to a moist atmosphere, an iridescent tarnish, in which purple tints prevail. Heated in the open tube, yields sulphurous acid, but no sublimate. B. B. on charcoal, turns black, and afier cooling, red. After long expo- sure to the flame, fuses into a steel-gray, brittle, magnetic globule. With borax and soda, yields a globule of copper. After roasting, shows with fluxes, the reactions of oxides of copper and iron. Partially soluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid, leaving the greater part of the sulphur. Composition, (Fe u) S, or sulphur 237, copper 62'5, iron 13*8. Analyses: Cu 61-63 5676 57-89 62-73 S 1. Siberia, 21 '65 2. Cornwall (xls.) 28'24 3. Redruth (xls.) 26'84 4. Bristol, Conn., 2570 The massive varieties often contain Fe 1275 quartz 3'5 Brandes. 14-84 Planner. 14-94 Chodnew. 11-64 Boderaann. a mechanical mixture of chalco- pyrite. Occurs in beds and veins in granite, gneiss, and in new red sandstone. The chief localities are Orawitza in the Banat, Arendal Norway, in bi- tuminous marl-slate at Saalfeld and Kamsdorf in Thuringia, in veins in 39 306 CHALCOPYRITE. [Class II. iron-stone in Sipgen, in gneiss at Annaberg and Freiberg in Saxony, in veins in granite near Redruth and St. Day in Cornwall, where it is some- times called "horse-flesh-ore" by the miners; but the finest specimens, both massive and crystallized, have been afforded by the Bristol, Conn, mine. It also occurs (cubic xls.) in the Connecticut river sandstone, at Cheshire', Conn., associated with malachite, redruthite, and baryte It is a valuable ore of copper. Sp. 2. CHALCOPYRITE, Beudant; Copper Pyrites, Yellow Copper Pyrites, Kupferkies, Towanite, Brooke and Miller. [H.=3'5 . . . 4'0. G.=4'l . . . 4'3. Generally massive. Color brass- yellow. Streak greenish black.] Primary form, right square prism. Secondary form. Fig. 595. Fig. 596. PonZ I on I I' on I'" P on P" 141 15' Phillips. 110 00 71 10 125 30 Fracture conchoidal, more or less perfect. Surface, P streaked, par- allel with the base; the alternating faces enlarged, faces of /are irregu- larly streaked. The remaining faces are almost all smooth, and often possess a high lustre. Lustre metallic. Color brass-yellow. Streak greenish-black, a little shining. Rather sectile. Compound varieties. Twin-crystals: face of composition perpendicu- lar to a face of P, similar to the common hemitrope in the regular octa- hedron. Globular, reniform, hotryoidal, stalactitic, and other imitative shapes: surface generally rough, sometimes also smooth, composition impalpable, fracture flat conchoidal. Massive: composition granular, of various sizes of individuals, often impalpable, and strongly coherent, fracture uneven or flat conchoidal. Upon charcoal, B. B. it becomes black, but turns red on cooling. It melts into a globule, which becomes magnetic if kept in the blast for some time. With borax, it yields a glohule of copper. It is partly soluble in dilute nitric acid ; the solution is green, and the undissolved part consists of sulphur. Composition, <3uS-j- Fe 2 SB, or sulphur 34'9, copper 34 '6, iron 30'5; but these proportions are liable to vary from admixture of pyrites. Analysis by Rose, sulphur 35'37, iron 29'82, copper 34 '81. Orel. XII. Pyrites.] MILLERITE. NICOPYRITE. 307 Found in veins and beds, and is attended by other ores of copper, blende, galena and chalybite. It is the principal ore of the Cornish mines, which yield it annually to the amount of 160,000 tons. It exists abundantly in Wales at Anglesea, in Ireland at the Wicklow mines, at Fahlun in Sweden, in the Hartz, at Freiberg, in Thuringia, Hungary, in Tuscany, and in South Australia. The hest mines of chalcopyrite in the United States are those of Bristol, Conn., the Hiawassee mines of Tennessee, and the Maculloch mines near Greensboro', N. Carolina. It exists also in promising quantity in the Canton mine in Cherokee Co.,Ga. in the extensive system of mineral veins near N. Hampton, Mass., where the primitive meets the secondary rocks of the Connecticut valley, as at Greenfield (Turner's falls), Leverett, and Southampton, and again at Middletown and Bristol, Conn.; other deposits exist at Pheriixville, Pa., at Stafford and Schrewsbury in Vermont, in numerous gold mines in Ca- barras and Rowan counties in North Carolina, and particularly at Gold Hill. The probability is strong that many of the pyritic veins at present yielding gold, will, when worked in depth, turn into valuable deposits of the present species. It is a very valuable ore for the production of metallic copper ; and is said to afford from 10 to 12,000 tons of this metal annually. Much of the ore of the Cornish mines is so largely intermixed with pyrites that it yields only 5 to 7 p. c. of metallic copper. The copper-ores of all kinds smelted in Great Britain during J855, yielded copper, worth 2,867,207. I Sp. 3. MILLERITE, Haidinger; Native Nickel, Phillips; Haarkies, Mohs; Nickelkies, Hausmann. [H. =3'5. G.=5'2 . . . 5*3. In delicate brass-yellow acicular xls.] Primary form, rhomboid, 144 8'. Cleavage rhombohedral, perfect. Lustre metallic. Color brass-yel- low, inclining to bronze-yellow, with a gray iridescent tarnish. Streak bright. Brittle. In the open tube, yields sulphurous acid. B. B. melts readily to a black magnetic globule. With borax, gives the characteristic reaction of nickel. With aqua regia, yields a green colored solution. Analyses, a by Rammelsberg, b by Arfvedson. a b Sulphur, - - - 34-26 ,,-\ 35'79 Nickel, - - - 64-35 - 61-34 Copper, - - 1'14 Iron, - A - H& - 1'73 Occurs in cavities among crystals of other species at Joachimstahl in Bohemia, Johanngeorgenstadt, Przibram, Riechelsdorf, Andreasberg, Cornwall in Wales, Stirling iron-mine Antwerp, N. Y., and in the chaly- bite of the coal slate at Scranton, Lackawana valley, Pa. Sp. 4. NICOPYRITE, (S.) Eisennickelkies, Scheerer. [H.=3'5 ... 4-0 G.=4'6. Massive. Pinckbeck-brown.] Primary form, cube. Cleavage apparently 8-dral. Fracture uneven. Lustre metallic. Brittle. Streak rather darker than color. Brittle. Opaque. Not magnetic. 308 DOMEYKITE. STANNITE. [ClaSS II, B. B. like pyrites, except that when fused with borax in the inner flame, after being well roasted, the bead becomes black and opaque, ir> consequence of the reduction of the nickel. Composition, 2Fe S-|-Ni S=iron 41 '04, nickel 22'11, sulphur 35 95. Analysis by Scheerer : Iron, - - ,.'/ v - ,', - - - 40 21 Nickel, - ; jf , iT - 21-07 Copper, - - *.... t . - - 178 Sulphur, - - 36-64 Occurs in greenish black hornblende with chalcopyrite, near Lilleham- . mer in Norway, and at Argyleshire in Scotland, where it exists along r with pyrrhotine. Sp. 5. DOMEYRITE, Haidinger; Condurrite, Faraday; Arsenious cop- j per, Cuivre arsenical, Dufrenoy ; Weisskupfer, Hausmann. [H.=3'5. G. 47...5"0. Massive, reniform and botryoidal. Color yellowish tin-white, also soft, blackish, and without metallic lustre.] Lustre metallic, sometimes with a yellowish iridescent tarnish. Frac- ture uneven, to flat conchoidal. Also black and soft ; when impure, soiling the fingers. (In the latter case, it is mixed with cuprite and arsenite.) Melts easily B. B. evolving a strong arsenical odor. Analyses; a from Chili by Domeyko, b from Cornwall by Rammels- berg, c do. by Faraday. Arsenic, 28'36 1870 29'88 Copper, 71-64 70'5l 70'11 Occurs near Coquimbo and at Copiapo in Chili, at the Condurrow mine near Helstone, at Huel Druid mine at Corn Brae near Redruth, Cornwall, Sp. 6. STANNINE, Beudant; Tin Pyrites, Zinnkies. [H.=4'0. G.=4'47...4'51. Massive, granular, cobr steel-gray inclining to yellow.] Primary form, right square prism. ? Fracture uneven, imperfectly conchoidal. Lustre metallic, sometimes a bluish tarnish. Brittle. Streak black. Opaque. Heated in an open tube, gives the smell of sulphurous acid. B. B. on charcoal, melts, depositing a non volatile white powder and leaving a brit- tle metallic globule, which on being moistened with hydrochloric acid and exposed to the flame of a lamp, tinges it a beautiful blue. The mineral being treated with fluxes, gives the reactions of copper and iron. Composition, <3uS(Sn 2 S 3 Fe 2 S s ) = sulphur 30, tin 27, copper 297, iron 13'1, which almost exactly coincides with analyses made by Klaproth, Rammelsberg, Johnston, and Mallet. Occurs with pyrites and blende at Huel Rock, parish of St. Agnes, Cornwall, also in granite at St. Michael's Mount, and at Zinnwald in the the Erzgebirge with blende and galena. Ord. XII. Pyrites.] PYRRHOTINE. GRUNAUITE. 309 Bournon. Sp. 7. PYRRHOTINE, B reitli aupt ; Magnelic Iron Pyrites, Magnetkies. [H. =3 5... 4*5. G.=4'4...4*7. Mostly massive. Color bronze- yellow to copper-red. Streak grayish black ; tarnishes speedily.] Primary form, rhomboid. Secondary form. MonM' - - 120 00 Yl 597 ' M on d - - - 150 00 P on a - - 135 00 P on c - - 102 13 Cleavage parallel with P, perfect; less so with M. Fracture small and imperfectly conchoidal in xls., otherwise, structure foliated or fine granular. Lustre metallic. Slightly attracted by the magnet. Brittle. Opaque. Heated in the open tube, it yields sulphurous acid. B. B. on charcoal, in the exterior flnrne, it is converted into peroxide of iron ; in the interior flame, it melts into a globule which continues to glow a few moments after it is withdrawn from the fire, when it becomes an uneven black mass. When broken, the fracture is crystalline, the color yellowish grey, and the lustre metallic. Composition, Fe S=sulphur 36*4, iron 63"6. Analyses by Rose and by Schaffgotsch. . Sulphur, - - - 38-78 39'4l Iron, - - - 60-52 60'59 A nickeliferous variety (1) from Kleva by Berzelius, and one (2) from Lancaster Co., Pa., by Boye, gave, S Fe Ni Co Mn Cu Gangue (1.) 38-08 57-64 304 0'09 0'22 0'44 046 (2.) 24-84 41-34 4'55 Pb027 - 130 27'16 Occurs in beds with other ores of iron, as well as with blende, chalco- pyrite, and sometimes with iolite. It forms an accidental ingredient of several rocks, and sometimes crystallizes in their fissures. It is also common in meteorites. Small crystals are found at Andreasberg in the Hartz, in connection with the massive variety. It is abundant at Boden- mais in Bavaria, where it is sometimes broadly foliated and attended by iolite. A similar variety is found at Trumbull, Conn., in conjunction with topaz and fluor. The nncleavable variety is common at Bernards- town in Mass., at Stafford, Cornish, and Schrewsbury, Vt., as well as at numerous other places in the U. S. It is employed in the manufacture of copperas and sulphuric acid. Sp. 8. GRUNAUITE, Nicol; Saynite, Wismutnickelkies, Kobett; Nickel- wismutglanz; Bismuth Nickel. [H.=4'5. G.=5'13. Tn small 8-dral xls. and massive granular, Color steel-gray, liable to a yellowish gray tarnish.] Primary form, cube. Secondary form. Cleavage parallel with a. Opaque. Lustre metallic. Streak dark grey. Brittle, 310 MISPICKEL, [Class II. Fig. 598. B. B. melts into a gray brittle, magnetic bead, depositing a greenish yellow sublimate on the charcoal. Dissolves in nitric acid, leaving a residue of sulphur. The solution is green; when neutral, it yields a precipitate on the addition of water. Analyses; a by v. Kobell, b and e by Schnabel. b c 22-03 2278 555 6-06 11-24 11-73 1049 1041 1159 1156 7-11 4-36 3199 3310 Found at Grunau in Sayn Ahenkirchen, with quartz and chalcopyrite. Sp. 9. MISPICKEL; Arsenical Iron, Danaite, Hayes; Plinian, Breit- Jiaupt; Arsenopyrite, Glocker. [H.=5-5...6'0. G. =6'0... 63. In short rhombic prisms (111 53') striated vertically, and massive, fine granular to compact. Color silver white to steel-grey.] Primary form, right rhombic prism, M on M':=lll 53'. Secondary forms. , Fig. 599. Fig, 600. Fig. 601. Nickel, a 40-65 Iron, 348 Cobalt, 0-28 Bismuth, 14 11 Copper, 1-68 Lead, 1-58 Sulphur, 38-64 Ord. XII. Pyrites.] CHATHAMITE. r on r - - - - 145 26' / on / - - - - 80 8 z on z - - - - 118 32 / on z - - - - 160 49 a on a (fig. 308) - - 121 52 Mona - - - - 136 20 gong - - 118 32 gonl - - - 131 48 gona - - - 149 16 Cleavage, parallel with M and M' very perfect ; traces, parallel with P. Surface, r deeply streaked parallel to its own edges; g sometimes rough, or striated in the direction of its edges of combination with /: the re- maining faces are smooth. Lustre metallic. Color silver-white, inclin- ing to steel-grey. Streak dark greyish-black. Brittle. Compound varieties. Twin-crystals : face of composition parallel, axis of revolution pendicular to a face of M ; the composition often tak- ing place parallel to both faces, or being repeated in parallel layers. Mas- sive : composition columnar, individuals of various sizes, generally straight and divergent, or irregular. The faces of composition are irregularly streaked. Individuals joined in a granular composition are often very small, or even impalpable and strongly connected ; the fracture is uneven. B. B. on charcoal, it emits copious arsenical fumes, and melts into a globule, which is nearly pure sulphuret of iron. It is soluble in nitric acid, with the exception of a whitish residue. Composition, Fe S 2 +Fe As=iron 34 '37, sulphur 19'64, arsenic 45'99. In one variety, the danaite, part of the iron is replaced by cobalt; others contain traces of silver or gold. Analyses, a by Stromeyer, b by Platt- ner (the plinian), c by Scheerer (the danaite from Skutterud), d by Hayes (the danaite from Franconia, N. H.). Iron, 30-04 34-46 26-54 33-28 Sulphur, 21-08 20-07 17-57 18-02 Arsenic, 42-80 45-46 47-55 41-86 Cobalt, 8-31 6-52 Found in imbedded and attached xls. ; also in beds and veins, accom- panied by ores of lead, cobalt, nickel, silver, tin and zinc. It is common in the mining districts of Snxony, in the tin veins of Bohemia, in the Hartz, in Cornwall, and at Tunaberg in Sweden. It exists in distinct veins at Chatham and Derby, Conn., in a bed at Worcester, Mass., in thin seams in gneiss at Franconia, N. H., at the lead and copper mine of Canton, Ga., and at many other places in the United States. Found at Harzgerode in the Hartz, at Schladming in Stiria, Kams- dorf, Lobensteiu in Thurinoria, near Loos in Sweden, Prakendorf in Hun- gary, in Spain and in the Brazils. Sp. 10. CHATHAMITE (&). [H.=3'5 . . . 6*0. G. not determined with accuracy, but supposed to be near that of mispickel. Massive; fine granular. Lustre metallic. Color, white, but quickly tarnishing to a dull steel- grey.] 312 GERSDORFFITE. Class II. Primary form, right rhombic prism. Secondary form near to fig. 602. The xls. attached, minute, and of rare occurrence. B. B. affords copious arsenical fumes : and after roasting the semi- fused residue, it ultimately affords with borax, the reaction of cobalt. Analyses a and b by Genth, c by the author. Arsenic, Sulphur, Iron, - Nickel, - Cobalt, a 70-11 4-78 1T85 944 382 b 67-46 5 62 * 12 92 ) 10-17 385 7000 1770 1216 1-35 Fig. 606. Occurs disseminated in thin seams in an interlamenated vein, three feet wide, between layers of micaceous gneiss at Chatham, Conn. It is generally associated with black hornblende, garnet and quartz, and more rarely with breithauptite, pyrrhotine and sphene. Sp. 11. GERSDORFFITE, Haidinger ; Nickel-Glance, Nickelarsenkies, Nickelarsenikglanz, Amoibite, Kobdl; Tombazite. Disomose, Beu- dant. [H.=5'5. G=5'6 . . . 6'9. In cubo 8-dral xls, and massive ; lamel- lar or granular. Color light lead-grey, with a greyish black tarnish.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Cleavage cubic, tolerably perfect. Fracture un- even. Lustre metallic. Opaque. Streak greyish black. Decrepitates in the matrass. In the open tube, yields a yellowish brown sublimate of sulphide of arsenic. The reactions of the residue are the same as those of nickelin. B. B. on charcoal, deposits a white sublimate, and fuses into a black, brittle globule, which imparts a green color to borax. Partially soluble in nitric acid, with a residue of sulphur and arsenious acid. Composition NiS 2 -|-Ni As 2 . Analyses ; a from Loos bv Berzelius, b from Haueisen near Lobenstein by Rammelsberg, c from Harzerode by Ramrnelsberg, d in xls. from Schladmirig, the mean of three analyses by Lowe, e from Prakendorf by Lowe, f from Musen hy Schnabel, g va- riety amoibite (G. 6'08) from Lichtenberg near Steben in Fichtelge- birge by Kobell. Nickel, Iron, Cobalt, Arsenic, Sulphur, An arsenical nickel from near Tanne in the Hartz gave Hoffmann, nickel 3002, cobalt 0'56, iron 329, arsenic 5300, sulphur 11'05. a 3021 4-15 0-92 4578 19-51 b 3182 (antimony 48-02 2016 c 30-30 6-01 0-86) 4401 1883 d 2614 955 4983 14'13 28-75 890 4610 16-25 3266 2-38 46-02 18-94 8 3734 250 trace 4534 14- Ord. XII. Pyrites.] RAMMELSBERGITE. PLACODINE. 313 Fig. 607. Sp. 12. CHLOANTHITE, Breithaupt ; Rammelsbergite, Haidinger ; Weissnickelerz, (in part) Hausmann. [H.=5'5. G.=6'4 ... 6 7. Xls. cubic ; massive, granular. Lus- tre metallic, tin-white.] Primary form, cube. Secondary form. Traces of cleavage. Fracture uneven. Opaque. Acquires first a greyish, and afterwards a blackish tarnish, by exposure to the atmosphere. Emits a smell of arsenic when broken. In the mat- rass, yields a smell of arsenic, leaving a copper-red residuum. In the open tube, affords arsenic and arsen- ious acid. Melts readily B. B., emits fumes and continues to glow after removal from the flame, depositing xls. of ar- senious acid, and at last, leaves a brittle, metallic globule. Soluble in nitric acid and in aqua regia, forming a green solution, which on cooling, deposits xls. of arsenious acid. Composition, Ni As = nickel 28*27, arsenic 71"73. Analyses; a from Reichelsdorf by Booth, b and c from Kamsdorf and d from Allemont, by Rammelsberg. Nickel, Iron, Cobalt, Arsenic, a 20-74 3*25 337 72-64 b 2840 traces. 7034 c 29-50 traces. sulphur. 7093 d 1871 6-82 2-29 71-11 Found at Schneeberg in Saxony, and the other places above mentioned. Sp. 13. RAMMELSBERGITE, Dana; Chloanthite, Haidinger; Weiss- nickelkies (in part.) [H.=5*25 . . . 575. G.=7'0 . . . 7'18. Xls. prismatic, otherwise like chloanthite.] Twin-xls. somewhat analogous to those of harmotome. Color, tin- white, inclining to red on surfaces of recent fracture. B. B. and composition, the same as chloanthite. Analysis from Schnee- berg, by Hoffmann. Nickel, - ... w-yil - * 28-14 Bismuth, - - 2*19 Copper, - 5.00 Arsenic, ...... 71*30 Sulphur, - - 0'14 Found at Schneeberg and Reichelsdorf, and first separated from chlo- anthite by Breithaupt. Sp. 14. PLACODINE, Breithaupt. [H.=5'0...5-5. G. =7-9... 8'06. In attached tabular xls. Color between bronze-yellow and copper-red. Lustre metallic. Streak black.] Primary form, right rhombic prism. M on M=115 28'. <|j Secondary form. 40 314 ULLMANNITE. [ClaSS II, ^ *4 * * MonM 115 28' r on a 133 18' Fig. 608. c on c 93 4 t; on a 115 4 M on c 122 16 Cleavages M, a and v t in traces. Brittle. Opaque. In open tube, yields a sublimate of arsenious acid, and some sulphurous acid. Fuses readily B. B., imparting a blue color to borax in the inner flame, and the red-brown color of nickel, in the outer flame. Soluble in nitric acid. Analysis by Plattner. Nickel. - - . . . 57-04 Cobalt, - . 0-91 Copper, . 0-86 Iron, trace. Arsenic, - 39-71 Sulphur, - 0-62 Occurs with chalybite and gersdorffite at Miisen in Siegen. Sp. 15. ULLMANNITE, Frobel; Nickel Stibine, Nickeliferous Grey Anti- mony, Nickelspiesglanzerz, Antimonnickelglanz, Nickelantimon- glanz. [H.=:5-0 . . . 5'5. G. = 6'2 . . . 651. In cubo-8-dral xls., and mas- sive, granular. Steel-grey. Lustre metallic.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. (Fig. 607.) (Fig. 609.) (Fig. 610.) Cleavage parallel with P, perfect. Color sometimes inclining to silver- white ; acquires a greyish black or variegated tarnish, by exposure. Streak greyish-black. Brittle. In an open tube, yields sulphurous acid, and a sublimate of oxide of antimony. B. B. on charcoal, fumes strongly, and emits a faint smell of arsenic, melting at the same time into a brittle metallic globule, which often tinges borax, blue. Decomposed by strong nitric acid, leaving a residue of sulphur, oxide of antimony and arsenious acid. With aqua regia, affords a green solution. Composition Ni Sb-f NiS 2 = nickel 2684, antimony 58'62, sulphur 14*54, a portion of the antimony being sometimes replaced by arsenic. Analyses; a from Eisern by Ullmann, b from Freusberg by Klap- roth, c from Landskrone by Rose, d from Harzgerode by Rammelsberg. abed Nickel, - 26-10 25-25 28-04 29-43 Iron, . 1-83 Antimony, - 47-56 47-75 54-47 50-84 Arsenic, 9'94 11-75 265 Sulphur, - 16-40 15-25 15-55 17-38 Found in iron-stone veins containing ores of copper and lead ; with pyrites, chalcopyrite, galena, smaltine, cuprite, malachite and chalybite, near Eisern, Brandenberg, Landskroue near Willesdorf, at Freusberg, (Duchy of Nassau,) and near Harsgerode. .ttfcjttM Ord. XII. Pyrites.] L i N N JE i TE. c OB ALTIN E . 315 i 1 * ^ / Sp. 16. LINN^EITE, Haidinger; Cobalt pyrites, Kobaltkies.Kobaldine, Beudant ; Carrollite, Faber ; Siegenite, Kobalt-Nickelkies, Rammels- berg. [H. 5'5. G. 4*8 . . . 5'0. In cubo-8-dral xls., and massive. Color silver-white, inclining to steel-grey, with a yellowish or copper- red tarnish ; streak blackish-grey. J Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. (Fig. 609.) (Fig. 610.) (Fig. 611.) Cleavage, P, imperfect. Fracture conchoidal to uneven. Surface smooth. Opaque. Lustre metallic. Brittle. B. B. yields sulphurous acid, and melts in the inner flame to a grey magnetic globule, the interior of which is bronze-yellow. Colors borax blue ; and is partially soluble in warm nitric acid, with a residue of sul- phur. Composition, CoS+Co 2 S 3 sulphur 42'0, cobalt 58'0. Cobalt is sometimes replaced by copper or nickel. Analyses : a from Riddarhyt- tan by Hisinger, b from Miisen by Wernekink, c from Carroll co., Aid., by Smith and Brush, d from Siegen by Schnabel. Sulphur, Cobalt, - Copper, Iron, Nickel, Found in gneiss with chalcopyrite at Bastnaes, near Riddarhyttan, Sweden; at Miisen near Siegen in Prussia, with barytes and chaly bite; at Mine La Motte, Mo., with galena; and at Finksburg, Carroll co., Md., with chalcopyrite. Sp. 17. COBALTINE, Beudant; Cobalt glance, Kobalt-glanz, Werner; Cobalt-gris, Hauy ; Silver-white Cobalt, Bright-white Cobalt, Stahl- kobalt, Ferrocobaltine. [H. = 5'5. G.=6'0 . . . 6'3. In cubo-8-dral xls., and massive, granular. Color silver-white, inclining to red. Streak greyish- black.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. a b c d 28-50 41-0 41-93 41-98 4320 43-86 37-25 22-09 14-40 4-10 17-48 353 5-31 1-26 2-29 1-54 33-64 Fig. 609. Fig. 610. Fig. 611. 316 Fig. 612. COBA LT 1NE . Fig. 613. [Class II. Fig. 614. Fig. 615. Fig. 615 differs from fig. 612 by the re- duction of the irregularly six-sided planes k, to small triangles. P on P or P" a on a' or a 1 ' P' or P" on a P on &1, P on &!', or P' on Jc2" P on 2, P on 2', or P" on 2" a or a' on Jc2 - - > a on f , , - - 90 00' 00" 00"' 109 28 16 00 15 52 00 30 00 00 26 5 30 46 17 00 27 00 00 52 11 00 125 166 153 140 163 126 H. P. P. P. H. P. P. H. The above crystals, all from Tunaberg, Sweden. Cleavage parallel with P, perfect. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal, uneven. Surface, the faces of the cube streaked in three directions per- pendicular to each other. The remaining faces smooth. Lustre metallic. B. B. on charcoal, gives a large quantity of arsenical fumes, and melts only, after having been roasted. It imparts a blue color to borax and other fluxes. It affords a pink solution with nitric acid, leaving a white residue of arsenious acid, which is itself dissolved on farther digestion, Composition, CoS 2 -}-Co As 2 ^=sulphur 19'3, arsenic 452, cobalt 35'5. Analyses a by Stromeyer, b massive, from Siegen by Schnabel, c plu- mose, (Stahlkobalt or Ferrocobaltine), from Siegen by the same. Sulphur, Arsenic, - Cobalt, Iron, Antimony, - a 20-08 4346 33-10 323 b 1935 4531 3371 1-62 19-98 4253 8-67 25-98 2-84 Ord. XII. Pyrites.] SMALTINE 317 Occurs in beds and veins, in primitive rocks, accompanied by pyrites, mispickel and chalcopyrite ; also associated with magnetite, pyroxene, and hornblende ; rarely in veins, with calcite and barytes. The xls. found in beds are terminated on all sides. Found at Modnm in Norway, Tunaberg in Siidermanland in Sweden, at Querbach, in Siberia, Siegen in Westphalia, and at Orawitza in the Banat. It is a valuable ore of cobalt. Sp. 18. SMALTINE, Beudant ; Grey Cobalt, Tesseralkies, Breithaupt; Tin-white Cobalt, Jameson; Weisser-Speiskobold, Werner; Speiss- kobalt, Hausmann. [H.=5'5 . . . 6*0. G.=6'4 . . . 6'8. In cubic and dodecahedral xls. mostly ; also massive, reticulated and granular. Color, tin- white to steel-grey. Streak greyish-black.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 617. Fig. 618. Fig. 619. Fig. 620. Cleavage, traces parallel with the faces of the cube, the octahedron and the dodecahedron ; the first a little the most distinct. Fracture uneven. Surface generally pretty smooth ; those of the primary, often curved. Subject to tarnish. Brittle. Botryoidal, stalactitic and amorphous. Heated in an open tube, it emits a good deal of arsenious acid. B. B. on charcoal, gives a strong odor of arsenic, and melts into a greyish- black magnetic pearl. With borax and salt of phosphorus, produces a sapphire-blue glass. In powder, with concentrated nitric acid, it imme- diately develops red fumes, attended with effervescence and the extrica- tion of heat. 318 SAFFLORITE. [ClassII. Composition, Co As cobalt 28'23, arsenic 71'77. It often contains equal parts of nickel and iron, and then is supposed to have the formula (Co, Fe, Ni) As 2 . Rose thinks it is never without nickel. Analyses, a from Riechelsdorf (in cubes) by Rammelsberg, b from Tunaberg by Varrentrapp. a b Arsenic, - - 60*42 69'46 Cobalt, - - - 10'80 23-44 Iron, 0-80 4'95 Copper, Nickel, - - - 25-87 Sulphur, 211 0-90 Occurs for the most part, in veins, traversing rocks of various ages ; more rarely in beds; and is attended by ores of silver, copper and nickel. It is found in veins in primitive rocks at Schneeberg and Annaberg in Sax- ony; also at Freiberg and Marienberg; at Joachimstahl in Bohemia: and in veins in killas at Wheal Sparnon in Cornwall. The veins of the counties of Sayn and Siegn which contain it, are included in grey- wacke; and those of Thuringia and Mansfeld, and of Riechlesdorf in Hessia, are in cupriferous slate. Other localities are Schladming, Ora- witza Banat and Dobschau, Hungary. It is a valuable ore for giving origin to the blue enamel colors, and particularly for smalt. *SAFFLORITE, Haidinger ; Eisenkobaltkies, Kobell; Eisenkotalterz, Hausmann. [H.=5'5. G.=6"9 . . . 3'7. In small cubic xls. and massive, reni- form, columnar and compact. Tin-white, with a dark grey or iridescent tarnish.] Primary form, cube. Secondary form. Fracture flat conchoid al to uneven. Chemical properties, the same as those of the pre- ceding species, except that the solution in nitric acid yields a copious precipitate of oxide of iron, on the addition of carbonate of lime. Analyses, a from Schneeberg by Hoffmann, b by Kobell. a Cobalt, *??*[ - 13-95 Iron, .... 11-71 Nickel, >" 179 Copper, Jpf " 1'39 trace. Bismuth, - - - O'Ol TOO Arsenic, -..- 70'37 7108 Sulphur, - - 0*66 trace. Found at Schneeberg in Saxony. Ord. XII. Pyrites.] LBUCOPYRITE. BREITHAUPTITE 319 Fig. 622. M M Sp. 19. LEUCOPYRITE, (S.) ; Lolingite, Haidinger ; Mohsine, Chap- man; Arseneisen Arsenikeisen, Arsenikalkies, Glanzarsenikkies. [H.=5'0 . . . 55. G.=7'22 . . . 7'33. Right rh. prs. of 122 26', and massive, columnar and granular. Color, silver-white to steel-grey.] Primary form, as above. Secondary form. Cleavage perfect, parallel to the longer diago- nal, less distinct parallel with two faces on the acute lateral edges, inclining under 86 10' ; traces parallel with M. Fracture uneven. Surface faintly streaked, parallel to the common edges of combination, frequently smooth. Lustre metallic. Acquires a dark tarnish by exposure. Streak greyish-black. Faces of composition in the mas- sive varieties, irregularly streaked. Opaque. In the matrass, yields a sublimate of metallic arsenic. B. B. on charcoal, in the inner flame, emits arsenical fumes and melts into a black mag- netic globule. Partially soluble in nitric acid, leaving a residue of ar- senious acid. Composition, Fe 4 As 3 =iron 3326, arsenic 6674. Analy- ses, a from Reichenstein by Karsten, b by Hoffmann, c by Meyer, d from Schladrning by Scheerer, e from Satersberg near Fossum in Norway (G.=7-09) by Scheerer. a b - 3235 2870 65-88 67-49 1-77 1-98 o on o M on o 146 c 3136 65-51 1-69 d 13-49 60-14 5-20 13-37 5-10 27-39 70-22 128 Iron, Arsenic, Sulphur, - Nickel, Cobalt, - The sulphur is probably derived from a mixture of pyrrhotine and mis- pickel. Found in xls., and disseminated in granular and columnar masses in veins in clay-slate, with arsenic, pyrargyrite and discrasite, at Andreas- berg ; in beds of chalybite at Loling, near Hiittenberg in Carinthia, and Schladming in Stiria, and in serpentine at Reichenstein in Silesia. Sp. 20. BREITHAUPTITE, Haidinger; Antimonnickel. [H.=5'0. G.=7'2 . . . 7'54. In thin, tabular 6-sided xls., massive, dendritic. Color, light copper-red, acquires a violet tarnish. Streak reddish-brown.] Primary, rhomboid. Fig. 623. Secondary form. a on o a on a' i on o 90 120 15338 i on i' 154 20' w on o 123 55 w on w 1 130 56 Fracture uneven to conchoidal. Opaque. Lustre metallic. Brittle. 320 SKDTTERUDITE. NICKELIN. [Class II. When heated in the open tube, a little antimony sublimes. B. B. on charcoal, deposits a copious sublimate of oxide of antimony, leaving a residue of nickel, fusible with great difficulty. Easily dissolved in aqua regia. Composition Ni 2 Sb,=nickel 31'43, antimony 68 57. Analyses by Stromeyer. Nickel, - - - 28-95 2705 Iron, J - -87 084 Antimony, - - - 6373 5971 Sulphuret lead, - 644 12'36 Found at Andreasberg with smaltine, galena, blende, pyrargyrite and arsenic ; and lately discovered by Dr. Francfort at Chatham, Conn., as- sociated with chathamite. Sp. 21. SKUTTERUDITE, Haidinger; Tesseralkies, Breithaupt ; Mo- dumite, Nicol; Hartkobaltkies, Hartkobalterz, Arsenikkobaltkies. [H.=6. G.=674 . . . 6'84. In cubo-8-dral xls. and granular. Tin-white to lead-grey, sometimes with a blue tarnish.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 624. Fig. 625. Fig. 626. (Fig. 618.) Cleavage parallel with P distinct ; with 6, in traces. Fracture flat conchoidal. Opaque. Lustre metallic. In the matrass, yields a sublimate of arsenic ; in the open tube, a co- pious one of arsenious acid, leaving a rose-red powder. B. B. same as smaltine. Composition, Co 2 As 3 =cobalt 2077, arsenic 79'24. Analyses: a by Scheerer, b by Wohler. a b Cobalt, r ,-*! : - <..*;. 20-01 195 Iron, - v. *- - 1-51 1-4 Arsenic, - 77-84 79- Sulphur, - - 0-69 Found in xls. and granular masses, sometimes attached to xls. of co- baltine, in mica slate, at Skutterud, in the parish of Modum in Norway. Sp. 22. NICKELIN, Haidinger; Copper Nickel, Phillips; Kupfer- nickel. [H. 5'5. G.=7'2 . . . 7'8 Massive, nearly compact, copper-red, with a greyish tarnish.] Primary form, rhomboid. Secondary form. Order XII. Pyrites.] MARCASITE 321 a on o a on a' x on o x on a x on x' x on x" 90 120 136 35 133 15 138 48 107 Fig. 627. Lustre metallic. Opaque. Streak brownish-black. Brittle. In the matrass, yields no sublimate. B. B. on charcoal, melts with evolution of arsenical vapor, into a brittle, white metallic globule. In an open tube, yields arsenious acid and changes gradually into a green, earthy mass, which fuses with soda and a little borax, into a white mag- netic, metallic globule. With aqua regia, affords a green solution. Composition, Ni 2 As = nickel 44'02, arsenic 55 '98. Analysis by Stromeyer. Nickel, Arsenic, Iron, Lead, Sulphur, 4421 5473 0'34 032 0-40 Occurs chiefly in veins, in various classes of rocks, associated with smaltine, various ores of silver and lead, bismuth, barytes, calcite, &c. Found at Schneeberg, Annaberg, Marienberg, Freiberg, Gersdorf and other places in Saxony ; at Joachimsthal in Bohemia, at Saalfield in Thu- ringia; at Riegelsdorf in Hessia; in the Hartz, at Allemont in Dau- phiny, Schladming in Stiria, Orawitza Banat, in Cornwall, Leadhills, and in small quantity with chathamite and breithauptite, at Chatham, Conn. Sp. 23. MARCASITE, Haidingtr ; White Iron Pyrites, Phillips ; Spear- pyrites, Speerkies, Sparkies, Strahlkies, Karamkies, Hepatic Pyrites, Leberkies, Zellkies. [H.=6'0 . . . 6'5. G.=4'67 . . . 4'84. In short prismatic xls. and massive, globular, reniform, with a radiating, columnar struc- ture. Color, light brass-yellow, inclining to green and grey.] Primary form, right rhombic prism, M on M=106 2'. Secondary forms. Fig. 628. Fig. 629. Cornwall. Warwick, N. J. 41 322 MARCASITE. [Class II. Pone 160 48' Pona - ;< - 130 00 a on c - 141 30 Cleavage, parallel with M rather perfect. Fracture uneven. Surface c and a deeply streaked, parallel to their edges of combination with P. Lustre metallic. Color, pale bronze yellow, sometimes inclining to green or grey. Streak greyish-black, or brownish-black. Compound varieties. Twin-crystals : 1. Face of composition paral- lel, axis of revolution perpendicular to a face of M. This composition is generally repeated, as in the annexed figure, where a group of five indi- viduals is formed, having much the ap- F - 630 pearance of a five-sided pyramid with truncated apices, each of the five solid angles at the base, presenting a re-enter- ing angle. 2. Face of composition parallel, axis of revolution perpendicu- lar to a and c. This composition takes place in varieties, already compounded by the first law. They assume a grooved appearance. The re-entering angle formed by the faces M=114 16'. Globular, reniform, stalactiiic and other imitative shapes : surface drusy ; composition columnar, individuals straight, and generally small, or even impalpable. There is sometimes a second curved lamellar, or granular composition, the faces of composition being uneven or rough. Massive: composition, as in the imitative shapes ; fracture even, flat conchoidal, uneven. Pseudomorphoses in low, nearly regular, six-sided prisms. Cel- lular. B. B. on charcoal, it becomes red, burning with a blue flame, attended by a sulphurous odor; and melts in the inner flame into a blackish mag- netic globule, which imparts a bottle-green color to borax. It is partly soluble in nitric acid, leaving a residue of sulphur. Composition Fe S 2 iron 46'7, sulphur 53'33 Analysis by Berzelius, Iron, - K - - %* 1 ' '*'-'* 45*07 Sulphur, 53-35 Manganese, ... 0'70 Silica, 0-80 It is dimorphous with pyrites. It is less abundant than pyrites, and occurs most frequently in beds of coal and in metalliferous veins with ores of silver, lead and copper. The variety called spear-pyrites, consisting of macled xls., is abundant in the plastic clay of the brown coal-formation near Carlsbad, Bohemia, and is extensively mined for its sulphur and the manufacture of copperas ; the coca's comb pyrites or kammkies, consisting of crest-like aggregations, oc- curs in Derbyshire and Cornwall ; the hepatic pyrites , or leberkies, which is much decomposed and chiefly in the condition of limonite, and often copying the cubic form of pyrites, exists at Johanngeorgenstadt, and in the gold-formation of the southeastern United States. The cellular pyrites, formed from the disappearance of cubic xls. of galena which had been originally coated by this species, abounds in various parts of Saxony. Marcasite is of frequent occurrence in the great coal regions of the Uni- ted States. Ord. XII. Pyrites.] PYRIT E S - 323 Sp. 24. PYRITES, Haidinger; Iron Pyrites, Phillips; Schwefelkies, Hausmann. [H.=6'0 . . . 6'5. G.=4 9 . . . 51. In cubo-8-dral xls. and mas- sive. Color, bronze-yellow. Streak dark-grey.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 631. Fig. 632. Fig. 633. Fig. 634. Fig. 635. Fig. 636. Fig. 637. 324 P YRI TE S [Class II- Fig. 638. Fig. 639. Schneeberg, Saxony. e on e 126 52' / on f 141 47 done 14046 donf 15747 Pone 153 26 Pone? 152 15 P on o (fig. 638) 144 44 / on e 162 58 o on o 131 48' Cleavage, parallel with the cube and octahe- dron, in various degrees of perfection ; sometimes highly perfect ; often one of them more distinct, or both lost in conchoid al fracture. Fracture con- choidal, uneven. Surface of the cube streaked, Elba. Fig. 642. Valley of Planen, near Dresden. Fig. 643. parallel to the obtuse edges of combination with the pentagonal dode- cahedron : the faces of this dodecahedron are streaked either parallel to the same edges, or parallel to edges which are perpendicular to the former. Lustre metallic. Color, very few shades of a characteristic bronze-yellow. Streak brown- ish-black. Compound varieties. Twin-crystals : face of composition parallel, axis of revolution per- pendicular to a face of the dodecahedron. The individuals continued beyond the face of Scbharie, N. Y. Ord. XII. Pyrites.] PYRITES. 325 composition, by which the compound group takes a cruciform appear- ance. The composition frequently repeated. Imbedded and implanted globules ; surface drusy ; composition indis- tinctly columnar. Massive ; composition granular, sometimes even im- palpable, strongly coherent ; fracture uneven, or on a large scale, flat conchoidal. Cellular. B. B. in the oxidating flame, pyrites becomes red upon charcoal, the sulphur is expelled, and oxide of iron remains. At a high tem- perature, in the interior flame, it melts into a globule, which contin- ues red-hot for a short time, when removed from the blast ; and possesses, after cooling, a crystalline fracture and metallic appearance. In heated nitric acid, it is partly soluble, and leaves a whitish residue. Some vari- eties are subject to decomposition, when exposed to the action of the atmosphere. Composition FeS 2 =iron 46*67, sulphur 53 33. Analysis by Hatchett. Iron, - - - 47-30 47'85 Sulphur, 5270 52'15 Pyrites is one of the most common and widely diffused species among the ores ; and occurs in very various repositories. It is engaged in imbedded crystals, and in massive nodules ; the former particularly in clay-slate and greywacke-slate, the latter in greenstone, granular lime- stone, &c. It even forms beds by itself, included in primitive slate ; and is often an important ingredient of those beds which contain ores of lead, iron, &c. It frequently occurs mixed with coal seams, and the beds of clay which form a part of the coal measures. The auriferous pyrites contains a small portion of native gold, mechanically mixed with it, which appears to operate by a galvanic effect, in producing the decomposition, to which this variety is so generally subject. It is also found with ores of silver. It is contained in many organic remains, both of vegetable and animal origin. Some of the crystals, along with their localities, have been mentioned above. The Island of Elba is the most conspicuous for large and well defined crystals: very fine crystals are found in Piedmont, at Freiberg, Johanngeorgenstadt, &c. in Saxony, in Bohemia, in Hungary, in the Hartz, at Kongsberg in Norway, at Fahlun in Sweden, in Derbyshire and Cornwall. Some of the most perfect and interesting xls. of pyrites have been found in the lead mine of Rossie, N. Y., at Scoharie, N. Y., at Shoreham and Hartford, Vt, at the Canton mine in Ga., at the Middletown, (Ct.) lead mine, where besides presenting the modification in fig. 631, they present an elongated prismatic figure, and are curiously arranged into twins like staurolide ; at Haddam, Ct. in very large cubes : also abundant throughout the gold and coal formations of the United States, besides forming extensive beds in the primary rocks in Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Pyrites affords to commerce, large quantities of sulphur, copperas and sulphuric acid. APPENDIX TO ORDER PYRITES. [Class II. APPENDIX TO ORDER PYRITES. Barnhardtite, Genth. Massive. Color pale bronze-yellow, tarnishing readily, to pinchbeck and pavonine tints. Cleavage not observable. Streak black, slightly shining. B. B. gives sulphur fumes, and fuses to an iron-black, magnetic globule. With the fluxes, gives reactions of iron, copper and sulphur. Composition 2<3u S+ Fe 2 S 3 . Analysis by Taylor, sulphur 29*4, copper 47'61, iron 22-23, silver, a trace. From Cabarras and Mecklenburg counties, North Carolina. Cuban, Breithaupt. In cubes and massive. Color bronze- to brass-yellow. Streak dark reddish black. H.=4. G.=.4'02 . .. 4'16. B. B. fuses easily, giving off fumes of sulphur, but no arsenic. Analysis by Booth, sulphur 39'01, copper 19'80, iron 38-01, silica 2-3, which gave the formula CuS-fFe 2 S*. From Barracanao, Cuba. Glaucodote, Breithaupt. In short, right rhombic prisms, M on M=112 36', hav- ing the lateral angles (each) deeply replaced by three planes, so as to convert the figure, if placed on end, into a 12-sided prism with di-hedral summits; a form much like that of mispickel. Cleavage parallel with P perfect, with M less dis- tinct. It is also found massive. Color greyish tin-white. Lustre metallic. . Streak black. H.=5-0. G.=5'9 . . . 6'0. Composition, R S* + R AB, where R is Co and Fe. Analysis by Plattner, Cobalt, with a trace of nickel, - ,-., ; - 24-77 Iron, - 11-90 Arsenic, - - 43-20 Sulphur, - 20-21 Found in veins in chloritic slate with cobaltine, chalcopyrite, axinite, and quartz, near Huasko in Chili. Kyrosite, arsenid of copper, weissJcupfererz of "Werner, is from the mine Briccius near Annaberg ; also from Chili and from Siberia. H.=5'6. G.=:4'7 . . . 5.0. Color whitish brass-yellow. The variety from Chili, according to Plattner, has 12-9 p. c. of copper, besides iron and sulphur, but no arsenic. Lonchidite, Breithaupt, Kausimkies. Has very nearly the angles of marcasite, M on M being 104 24'. H.=6'5. G.=4'9 ... 5. Color tin-white, sometimes green- ish, or greyish. Streak black. Analysis by Plattner, sulphur 49*61, arsenic 4-40, iron 44'23, cobalt 0'35, copper 0'75, lead 0'20. Occurs at Freiberg and Cornwall. Syepoorite, Nicol. Graucobalterz. Massive, in grains and seams. G.=5-4B. Color steel-grey, inclining to yellow. Composition, Co S= sulphur 35-2, cobalt 64'8. Analyses by Middleton, sulphur 35'36, cobalt 64'64. Occurs in primitive slate-rock with pyrrohotine at Syepoor, near Rajpootanah in India. It is employed by the native jewelers, to give a rose-color to gold. Wasserkies, Hydrous pyrites. H.=3'0 . . . 4'0. G.=8 ! 3...3-5. According to Glocker, contains water in chemical combination. From Moravia, and Upper Silesia. Ord. XIII. Glance.] STERNBE RGITE. MOLYBDENITE. 327 Fig. 644. ORDER XIII. GLANCE. Sp. 1. STERNBERGITE, Haidinger ; Flexible Silver, Bournon. [H. 1-0 . . . t'5. G. 4'2. In thin, nearly hexagonal tables; glob- ular and rose-like aggregates and massive, with a granular struc- ture. Pinchbeck-brown. Thin laminae flexible.] Primary form, right rhombic prism. M on M 119 30'. Secondary form. Cleavage, highly perfect, parallel to P : the laminae may be torn asunder like thin sheet-lead. Lustre metallic. Streak black. Tarnish, often violet-blue. Very sectile : leaves traces on paper, like plumbago. B. B., on charcoal, burns with a blue flame, and smells of burning sulphur, finally melting into a magnetic globule, covered with silver. With borax, yields a globule of silver, and a glass, colored by iron. It is decomposed by aqua regia, leaving sulphur and chloride of silver. Com- position AgS+2Fe 2 S 3 = sulphur 33'7, silver 32 5, iron 337. Analysis by Zippe, sulphur 30, silver 33'2, iron 36. Occurs in attached xls., in fan-shaped and globular aggregations and columnar masses, in veins, with pyrargyrite and argentite at Joachimsthal in Bohemia, and at Schneeberg and Johanngeorgenstadt in Saxony. 8p. 2. MOLYBDENITE, (S.) Molybdene, Hauy ; Molybdanit, Haidin- ger; Molybdanglanz, Hausmann. [H.=l-0 . . . 1'5. G. 4-59. Mostly massive, foliated or granular. Color, pure lead-grey. Thin laminae highly flexible. Very sectile.] Primary form, rhomboid. Secondary forms. Fig. 645. Fig. 646. Haddara, Ct. Shutesbury, Mass. Cleavage, parallel with P, highly perfect. Fracture not observable. Surface P smooth ; the remaining planes horizontally streaked. Lustre metallic. Streak unchanged. Gives a grey trace on paper, and a green- ish one, on porcelain. B. B. infusible, but emits sulphurous fumes. In the forceps, it tinges the flame green. It gives a dull brown pearl with borax, if nitre be added. Dissolves in nitric acid, excepting a greyish-white residue. 328 COVELLINE. ANTIMONITE. [Class II. Composition, MoS 2 = sulphur 41 '0, molybdenum 59. Analysis by Brandes. Molybdenum 59'6, sulphur 40'4. Found imbedded in gneiss and granite ; sometimes attended by cassi- terite and wolfram. Occurs at Altenberg in Saxony, and at Schlaggen- wald and Zinnwald in Bohemia; also in Cornwall, Norway, Sweden and Scotland. The chief localities in the United States are Haddam, Conn., Shutesbury, Mass., and Westmoreland, New Hampshire. Sp. 3. COVELLINE, Beudant ; Indigo Copper, Blue Copper, Kupfer- indig, Hausmann. [H.=l-5...2'0. G.=38 ... 3'82. In hexagonal plates, double 6-sided pyramids and spheroidal masses with crystalline surfaces; massive reniform and in coats. Indigo-blue.] Primary form, rhomboid. Secondary form, six-sided plates and double pyramids. Cleavage ba- sal, perfect. Lustre sub-metallic, somewhat greasy, slightly pearly on cleavage faces. Streak black. Opaque. Sectile. In thin leaves, flexible. B. B. burns with a blue flame, melting with ebullition into a globule, which with soda, yields a bead of copper. Soluble in nitric acid. Com- position, CoS 2 = sulphur 33'5, copper 65'5. Analysis, a from Badenwei- ler by Walchner, 6 from Vesuvius by Covelli, c from Leogang. Sulphur, Copper, Iron, Lead, - a - 32-64 6477 - 0-46 104 b 320 66' 3430 6456 114 Occurs with other copper ores in Salzberg, Poland, Thuringia, and at Vesuvius. M on M=90 45'. Sp. 4. ANTIMONITE, Haidinger ; Grey Antimony ; Antimonglanz. [H.=2'0. G.=:4'51 . . . 4'6. In rhombic prs. of 90 45' and mas- sive, in long, thin columnar individuals, rarely granular. Color, lead-grey. Lustre metallic.] Primary form, right rhombic prism. Secondary form. 88 40' "1 145 30 134 20 171 40 173 00 108 30 Fig. 647. M' on M M' on e'2, or M on e2 M' or M on h M' on i' or M on M' on# e'2 on e2 h on e'2 or e2 - h on i' or i *V* ;? 125 30 161 30 PHILLIPS. M Cleavage, highly perfect in the direction of h, or the shorter diagonal of the prism ; much less distinct, parallel with M. Fracture small conchoidal, rather imperfect. Surface, the vertical planes deeply striated, parallel to their own intersections, and rough. The remaining faces generally smooth. Subject to tarnish. Ord. XIII. Glance.] EUCAIRITE. 329 Lustre metallic. Color, lead-grey, inclining to steel-grey. Streak unchanged. Sectile. Thin laminae are a little flexible. Crystals some- times bent. Compound varieties Massive; composition columnar, of various sizes of individuals, sometimes very thin, but not impalpable. They are long and straight, either parallel or divergent from several common centres, and aggregated in a second angulo-granular composition. The faces of composition are irregularly streaked in a longitudinal direction. Some- times the composition is granular, and then the individuals often become impalpable, but are generally very strongly connected ; the fracture be- comes even or uneven. Capillary crystals often form a tissue resembling wool, or felt. Very fusible B. B., and is absorbed by the charcoal. By a continued blast, it may be volatilized, without leaving any considerable residue. When pure, soluble in hydrochloric acid. Composition, Sb 2 S 3 = sul- phur 27'12, antimony 72'88. Analysis, a by Proust, b by Thomson. a b Antimony, - - - 75'00 7377 Sulphur, - 25-00 26'23 Occurs in veins and beds ; in the latter case, with chalybite. It is frequently associated with barytes, blende and quartz. Its decomposition produces the valentinite, with which it is often invested. Veins, consisting almost entirely of the present species, have been discov- ered at Posing near Presburg in Hungary, and at Wolfsthal in the county of Stollberg in the Hartz ; also such as contain it in considerable quan- tities, associated with other minerals, at Felsobanya in Upper Hungary, at Cremnitz, Schemnitz, and other places in Lower Hungary, and in France. Other localities are Braunsdorf near Freiberg in Saxony, Neu- dorf in Anhalt, Cornwall and Scotland. The fibrous variety occurs at Loben in the valley of the Levant in Carinthia, and the compact at Ma- gurka in Hungary. It is abundant in Borneo. It has been found at Carmel, Penobscot Co., Me., at Cornish and Lyme, N. H., and at Soldier's Delight, Md. It is used for extracting the crude antimony of commerce, which is so largely employed in the manufacture of several alloys (particularly of type-metal), and in medicines. Sp. 5. EUCAIRITE, Berztlius ; Selenkupfersilber. [H. soft. In cleavable grains. Lustre metallic. Color, lead-grey. Streak shining. Opaque.] In black metallic films, staining the calcite in which it is contained. In the matrass, yields a sublimate of selenium and selenic acid. B. B. emits the odor of selenium, and melts easily into a grey, metallic globule. With borax and salt of phosphorus, yields the reaction of copper, leaving a grey, brittle globule of seleniuret of silver. Soluble in hot nitric acid. Composition, Cu 2 Se-(-AgSe=silver 43'08, copper 25'29, selenium 31'63. Analysis by Berzelius : 42 330 BERZELINE. NAUMANNITE. RIOLITE. [Class II. Silver, ..... 3893 Copper, - - - 23-05 Selenium, ... . 26'00 Earthy matter, - - 8 '90 Found in an abandoned copper-mine at Strickerum in the parish of Tryserum in Smaland, Sweden. Sp. 6. BERZELINE, Beudant ; Selenkupfer, v. Leonhard; Selenid of copper. Crystalline. Lustre metallic. Silver-white. Streak shining. Soft and malleable. When isolated and rubbed, acquires resinous electricity. In an open tube, selenium and selenic acid sublime, leaving a residue of copper. B. B. gives the odor of selenium and fuses to a grey bead. After long continued roasting with soda, yields a globule of copper. Composition, Cu 2 Se=copper 61'52, selenium 38'48. Analysis by Berze- Hus ; copper 64, selenium 40. Found in a thin dendritic coating on calcite, in the copper-mine of Skrickerum in Smaland, Sweden. Sp. 7. NAUMANNITE, Haidinger ; Selensilber, Rose. [H. 2"5. G.=8'0. In cubic xls., in thin plates and granular ; lustre splendent, metallic.] Primary form, cube. Streak, iron-black. B. B. on charcoal, it melts easily in the outer flame. With soda and borax, it yields a bead of silver Occurs at Tilkerode in the Hartz. *RIOLITE, Frobel. In hexagonal tables with rounded edges and angles : malleable : color lead-grey. Composition, Ag Se 2 . Analysis by Del Rio, silver 57'66, selenium 42*34. Occurs at Tasco in Mexico. *ONOFRITE, Haidinger ; Merkurglanz, Breithaupt; Selenid of Mer- cury, Selenquecksilber. [H.=2'5 G.=7"37. Massive, granular ; steel- to blackish lead- grey. Lustre metallic ; streak shining.] Sectile. B. B. emits the smell of sulphurous acid : with soda, yields metallic mercury. Composition, H 2 Se, HgS, a mixture of selenide and sulphide of mer- cury. Analysis by Rose. Mercury, ..... 81'33 Sulphur, .... - 10'30 Selenium, - - f \ - 6'49 Said'to occur in veins with mercury, quartz, calcite and bary tes, at San Onofre in Mexico. Ord. XIII. Glance.] ARGENTITE. AKANTHITE. 331 Sp. 8. ARGENTITE, Haidinger ; Vitreous Silver, Silberglanz, Glaserz, Hausmann; Argyrose, Beudant. [H.=:2-0 . . . 2'5. G.=7'19 . . . 7 36. In cubo-8-dral xls., reticula- ted, filiform and capillary shapes, and massive in plates, coatings and compact. Color, blackish lead-grey.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 648. Fig. 649. Fig. 650. Pon6 b on b b on 6 Pond (fig. 649.) (fig. 650.) (fig. 650.) 135 120 146 27 144 44 Cleavage, sometimes traces, parallel to b, (fig. 649). Fracture im- perfect and small conchoidal, uneven. Surface, nearly of the same de- scription in all its forms, often uneven, and possessing low degrees of lustre. Subject to tarnish. Streak shining. B. B. on charcoal, intumesces, melts with odor of sulphurous acid, and at last yields a globule of silver. Soluble in nitric acid, leaving some of the sulphur behind. Composition, AgS= silver 87'05, sulphur 12*95. Analysis by Klaproth ; silver 86'50, sulphur 13'50. Found almost exclusively in veins with ores of lead, silver and anti- mony, and attended by blende, quartz and calcite. The rock adjoining the veins is often impregnated with it, and covered with the same, in a state of partial decomposition, forming a black powder. It occurs at Freiberg, Marienberg, Annaberg, Schneeberg and Johanngeorgenstadt in Saxony ; in Bohemia, Hungary, Siberia, Mexico, Peru, in the Hartz and at Cornwall. It is a valuable ore for the extraction of silver. Sp. 9. AKANTHITE, Kenngott. [H.=2'5. G.=7 31 . . . 7'36. In slender, acute, double 6-sided pyramids.] Primary form, right rhombic prism. Secondary form, as above. Cleavage indistinct. Fracture uneven ; lustre shining. Other prop- erties like argentite, with which species it is dimorphic. 332 POLYBASI IE. CLAUST HALITE. [Class II. Occurs at Joachimsthal, with granular pyrites, argentite and calcite. It is named from a^af6a t a thorn, in allusion to the sharp pointed forms of its crystals. Sp. 10. POLYBASITE, Rose ; Eugenglanz. [H.:=2-0 . . . 3U G.=6'21. In thin hexahedral xls. and massive. Color and streak iron-black.] Primary form, rhomboid. Fig- Secondary form. Terminal planes (0) striated triangularly, parallel to the alternate terminal edges. Cleavage, parallel with o. Fracture uneven. Color of thin tabular xls. by transmitted light, cherry-red ; otherwise, . opaque. Lustre metallic. Decrepitates, when heated. In the open tube, yields a white sublimate and a smell of sulphurous acid. B. B. on charcoal, melts very easily, and depos- its a sublimate of oxide of antimony upon the support. With borax, yields a bead of silver, containing copper, and imparts ish-green color to borax. Composition, (Ag, u) S-}-^ (Sb, As) 2 S 3 = silver alone, sulphur 14'9, antimony 9"9, silver 75'2. Analysis, a from Guarisamey, b from Schemnitz, c from Freiberg by Rose. a 64'29 9-93 0-06 x ono x on x 1 121 30' 129 32 a blu- with Silver, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Arsenic, Antimony, Sulphur, - b 7243 3'04 0'33 0-59 623 025 16-83 c 69-99 411 029 117 8-39 1635 Found in veins in primitive slate, in transition rocks, and in tra- chyte, with stephanite, pyrargyrite, blende, chalcodite, pyrites, quartz and calcite, in Saxony, Bohemia, Hungary and Mexico. Named from nolvg^ many, and 6aaiz f base, in allusion to the large amount of the base, sulphide of silver, as compared with those of arsenic and antimony. Sp. 11. CLAUSTHALITE, Haidinger ; Tilkerodite, Haidinger; Raphan- osmite, Kobell; Zorgite, Brooke and Miller; Selenblei, Selenkup- ferblei. . 8'8. Massive, fine granular. Re- metallic. Color, bluish or yellowish Streak greyish black. [H.=2'5 . . . 3'0. G. 7 . sembles galena. Lustre lead-grey.] Primary form, cube. Cleavage, cubic. Acquires a bluish tarnish. Rather sectile. B. B. on charcoal, gives the odor of horse-radish, and deposits a reddish- brown coating. Heated in an open tube, the selenium sublimes, forming a red ring : and on heating the tube to redness, the ore fuses and the red ring partially disappears, giving place to a white crystalline deposit. Some of the varieties give a copper reaction. Ord. XIII. Glance.] LEHRBACHITE. JAMESONITE. 333 Composition, PbSe= selenium 27'6, lead 72-4, with part of the lead often replaced by silver. Analyses, a from Tilkerode by Rose, b from Clausthal by Stromeyer, c from Tilkerode by Rammelsberg, d from Clausthal (sehnkobaltblei) by Rose, e from Tilkerode (selenbleikupfer) by Rose, /"from Tilkerode (selenkupftrblei) by Rose. a b c d e f Selenium, - 27'59 2811 2652 31'42 34'26 29'96 Lead, - 71'81 70'98 60'15 6392 47'43 59'67 Cobalt, 0-83 314 Copper, 15'15 7'86 Silver, - 11-67 V29 Iron, 0-45 2'08 033 d is the tilkerodite of Haidinger, e and f are the raphanosmite of Kobell, and the zorgite of Brooke and Miller. Found in a vein of hematite in the Hartz, and at Reinsberg and Frei- berg in Saxony. ' / , *LEHRBACHITE, Brooke and Miller; Selenquecksilberblei. Soft. G.=7'3. Granular with a cubic cleavage. Lead-grey to steel-grey and iron-black. Lustre metallic. Streak black. Sectile. Opaque. Decrepitates when heated. In the matrass, yields a grey sublimate of selenide of mercury ; with soda, a sublimate of mercury. In the open tube, gives a liquid sublimate of selenate of mercury. Composition, a mixture of Pb Se and Hg Se in variable proportions. Analysis from Til- kerode by Rose. Lead, .... 55-34 2733 Mercury, - - - 1694 4469 Selenium, - - - 24'97 27'98 Found at Lehrbach and Tilkerode in the Hartz. Sp. 12. JAMESONITE, Haidinger; Bleischimmer. [H.=2'0 . . . 2'5. G.=5 56 . . . 5'61. In acicular xls. and fibrous, (parallel or diverging) masses. Color and streak, steel-grey.] Primary form, right rhombic prism. M on M 101 20. Secondary form. Fig. 653. Cleavage, parallel with P very perfect, M and a, less so. Lustre metallic. Sectile. In the open tube, affords dense white fumes of the oxide of antimony. B. B. on charcoal, decrepitates when heated, melts easily, deposits a sublimate of ox- ide of lead and antimony ; and after the lead and anti- mony are driven off, leaves a slag, which usually affords the reactions of copper and iron. With soda, yields a P on M 90 globule of lead. M on a 129 20 Composition, PbS+f Sb 2 S 2 = sulphur 20'2, antimony M on M 101 20 36'2, lead 43'6. Analyses, a from Cornwall by Rose, 6 from Estremadura by Schaffgotsch, c from Tuscany by Becchi. 334 PLAG10N1TE. FRIESLEBENITE. [Class II. Sulphur, Antimony, Lead, Iron, Copper, Bismuth, Zinc, a 2215 3440 4075 2-30 0'13 b 2178 32-62 30-97 3-63 0-94 1-06 0-42 2053 3216 4338 094 125 1-74 Occurs principally in Cornwall, associated with quartz and small xls. of bournonite; also found in Siberia, Spain, Hungary and Brazil. Sp. 13. PLAGIONITE, Rose. [H.=2'5. G.m5'4. In short, oblique rhombic prisms of 120 49' in geodes and druses ; also granular. Color and streak, black- ish lead-grey. Lustre metallic.] Primary form, oblique rhombic prism. M on M=120 49', P on M= 138 52'. Secondary form. Fig. 654. P on d - 154 20' e - 149 b d on d 107 22 142 3 Xls. somewhat tabular ; the plane P shining and smooth ; others striated. Cleavage, perfect paral- lel with M, but seldom affording smooth surfaces. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal. Opaque. Brittle. Decrepitates violently when heated. In the open tube, emits fumes of antimony and sulphur- ous acid. B. B. on charcoal, melts very easily, sinks into the support, and finally yields a globule of lead. Composition PbS+fSb 2 S 3 = sulphur 26'6, anti- mony 38"3, lead 41*1. Analysis by Rose. Sulphur, .^/ Antimony, - > 14 Lead, - v Discovered at Wolfsberg by Zinken, and named from lique, in allusion to its unusually oblique axis. Occurs at Wolfsberg. 21-53 37-34 40-52 ob- Sp. 14. FRIESLEBENITE, Haidinger ; Schilfglaserz, Freisleben. [H.=2'0 . . . 2'5. G.=6'0 . . . 6'4. In short, oblique rhombic prs. ; striated lengthwise, and massive. Color and streak steel-grey. Lustre metallic Brittle.] Primary form, oblique rhombic prism. M on Mr=119 12'. Ord. XIII. Glance.] ZINKENI T E 335 Secondary form. e on e Fig. 655. 132 48 Cleavage, parallel with M, also with e. Fracture conchoidal to uneven. Opaque. Brittle. Often in twins. B. B. on charcoal, deposits a sublimate of oxides of lead and antimony, and yields a globule of silver, which sometimes imparts the color of copper to bo- rax. Composition, (Pb, Ag) S-HSb 2 S 2 . Analysis by Wohler. Silver, .... Lead, - - Iron, .... Copper, Antimony, Sulphur, Found in veins in gneiss with galena, antimonite, pyrargyrite, pyrites, chalybite, calcite and quartz, in the Himmelsfurst and some other mines near Freiberg in Saxony. It is said to have been found at Kapnik in Transylvania, and (a variety containing bismuth) at Ratieborzitz in Bo- hemia. It is a very scarce mineral. Sp. 15. ZINKENITE, Rose. [H. =3'0 . . . 3'5. G =5 3 . . . 5'35. In twin xls. which are hexag- onal prisms vertically striated, with low hexagonal pyramids at summit ; in radiating groups and columnar masses. Color and streak dark steel-grey, to lead-grey, sometimes iridescent.] Primary form, right rhombic prism, M on M 120 39'. Fracture uneven. Opaque. Lustre metallic. Slightly brittle. In the open tube, yields a white sublimate of oxide of antimony and antimonite of lead. B. B. on charcoal, decrepitates, melts and de- posits a yellow sublimate of oxide of lead, surrounded by a ring of ox- ide of antimony, leaving a very small bead containing copper. With soda, yields a globule of lead. Decomposed by warm hydrochloric acid, forming chloride of lead. Composition, PbS-{-Sb 2 S 3 = sulphur 21*6, an- timony 43'5, lead 34'9. Analysis by Rose. Lead, Copper, Antimony, Sulphur, 31-84 0-42 44-39 22-58 Found with antimonite and quartz, at Wolfsberg in the Hartz, and near Trudpert in the Black Forest. Named in honor of M. Zinken, director of the Anhalt mines. STEPHANITE. KOBELLITE [Class II. Sp. 16. STEPHANITE, Haidinger; Sprodglaserz, Hausmann ; Melan glanz, Breithaupt; Brittle Sulphuret Silver, Phillips. [H.=:2'5. G.=6'2 ...6'3, In tabular xls. (often twins) and massive, granular and compact. Color and streak, iron-black Lustre metallic.] Primary form, right rhombic prism, M on M=115 39'. Secondary forms. Fig. 657. Fig. 656. & on 6 Mon s - a on s M on b - 130 16' - 122 10 143 54 - 142 9 Cleavage, parallel with a and s, imperfect. Faces M and s striated parallel to their intersections with each other. Its other faces, smooth. Xls. often in twins ; M, the face of composition ; forms like aragonite, common. Fracture conchoidal to uneven. Sectile. In the open tube, yields a sublimate of oxide of antimony : many varie- ties yield arsenious acid. B. B. on charcoal, melts into a dark grey bead, which with soda or borax, in the inner flame, yields a globule of silver. Soluble in dilute, heated nitric acid, sulphur and oxide of anti- mony being deposited. Composition, AgS-t-Sb 2 S 3 sulphur 15'6, antimony 14, silver 70'4. Analysis by Rose, from Schemnitz. Sulphur, 16-42 Antimony, - - - 14-68 Silver, ' - 68-54 Copper, - ... 0'64 Occurs in veins with other silver ores in slate, transition, and trachytic rocks, in the mining districts of Saxony, Bohemia, Hungary, Hartz and Mexico. Sp. 17. KOBELLITE, Satterberg. [Soft. G.=6'29 . . . 6'32. Resembles antimonite, radiating, co- lumnar and fibrous. Lustre metallic. Color, dark lead-grey. Streak black.] In the open tube, yields sulphurous acid and oxide of antimony. B. B. melts with ebullition, depositing upon the charcoal, a white and yellow sublimate, and leaving a white metallic bead. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, with extrication of sulphuretted hydrogen. Analysis by Satterberg. Lead, - - 40-12 Bismuth, - 27-05 Iron, -2-96 Copper, -0-80 Ord. XIII. Glance.] BISMUTHINE. AIKIMITE. 337 Antimony, Sulphur, Earthy matter, 9-25 17-86 1-45 Found in the cobalt mine of Hvena, in the province of Nerike in Swe- den, accompanied by cobaltine, mispickel and chalcopyrite. Sp. 18. BISMUTHINE, Beudant ; Wismuthglanz, [H=2'0 . . . 2'5. G.^6'4 . . . 6'5. In prismatic xls. and massive, with a granular, foliated structure. Color and streak, lead-grey, with a yellowish tarnish.] Primary form, right rhombic prism, M on M = Secondary form. The lines parallel to the plane f, represent the striae, constantly observed on the xls., but which in reality are a series of planes. Cleavage, parallel to P andf; most perfect, parallel with the latter, and at right angles to /, affording the measurement of 90 by the reflective goniometer. Fracture scarcely ob- servable. Opaque. In the open tube, boils, yields a sublimate of sul- phur, with extrication of sulphurous acid. Melts in the flame of a candle. B. B. on charcoal, in the inner flame, melts read- ily, yielding a yellow sublimate, and a globule of bismuth. Partially sol- uble in nitric acid, leaving a residue of sulphur ; the clear solution gives a white precipitate, on dilution with water. Composition, Bi 2 S 3 sul- phur 18'4, bismuth 81 6. Analysis by Rose, sulphur 1872, bismuth 80-98. Found with bismuth in veins and beds. Its localities are Altenberg, Schneeberg, Joachimsthal, Cornwall, Riddarhyttan Sweden, Beresof Siberia, Drammen Norway, Caldbeckfell Cumberland and Haddam, Conn. Sp. 19. AIKINITE, Chapman; Aciculite, Nicol; Needle ore, Jame- son; Nadelerz, Hausmann; Belonite, Glocker ; Patrinite, Hcd- dinger. [H. 2'0 . . . 2'5. G.=6'75. In long slender, 4 and 6-sided prisms, striated lengthwise. Color and streak, dark lead-grey. Acquires a brown tarnish.] Primary form, right rhombic prism. M on M = nearly 1 10. Cleavage in one direction, parallel with the prismatic axis. Fracture uneven. Massive, rarely impalpable. In the open tube, yields sulphurous acid, and a white vapor, part of which condenses in transparent drops. B. B. on charcoal, melts very ea- sily, emits fumes, and deposits a white and yellow sublimate, leaving a bead, which with soda, yields a globule of copper. Partially soluble in nitric acid, leaving sulphate of lead and sulphur. Composition, (Co, Pb) B+iBi 2 S 3 =16'7, bismuth 36'2, lead 36'1, copper 11. Supposed to be isomorphous, with bournonite. Analysis, from Beresof, by Frick : 43 338 BERTHIERITE GEOCRONITE. [Class II. Sulphur, .... 16-05 Bismuth, .... 34-62 Lead, .... 35-69 Copper, . - 11-79 Found imbedded in white quartz, with gold, malachite and galena, at Beresof, near Ckatherinenberg in Siberia. Sp. 21. BERTHIERITE, Haidinger. [H.=2'0 . . . 3'0. G=4'0 . . . 4'3. In slender xls. and massive, co- lumnar, plumose, rarely granular. Dark steel-grey to pinchbeck- brown.] Cleavage indistinct. Fracture uneven. Lustre metallic ; liable to tarnish. Opaque. B. B. on charcoal, melts readily, yields fumes of antimony, and leaves a black, magnetic slag. Dissolves readily in hydrochloric acid, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen Composition, Fe S-hSb 2 S 3 = sul- phur 28*9, antimony 58'4, iron 12'7. Analysis, a from Braunsdorf by Rammelsberg, b from Arany Idka, Hungary, by Pettko, c near Freiberg, by v. Hauer. Sulphur, - - 30-575 29-27 30-53 Iron, - - - 11-96 12-85 10-16 Antimony, - - 54-33 57-88 59'30 Manganese, 0-45 Found in gneiss near Chazelles in Auvergne, Anglar in the depart- ment of la Creuse, at Braunsdorf near Freiberg, and in Hungary. Sp. 21. GEOCRONITE, Svanberg ; Kilbrickenite, Apjohn ; Schulzite. [H. =2'5 . . . 3;0. G.=5'80 . . . 6'54. In right rhombic prisms ; mostly massive, granular and earthy. Color and streak, light lead-grey.] Primary form, right rhombic prism. M on M=119 44'. Secondary form. Fig. 659. P on M - 90 1 M on a - 120 8 Cleavage, parallel with M. Fracture conchoidal to even. Lustre metallic. Opaque. Brittle. B. B. on charcoal, fuses easily, emitting fumes of an- timony and sulphur, and staining the support yellow. Composition, PbS+HSb As) 2 S 3 ^ sulphur 16'2, antimony 167, lead 66*8. Analysis, a from Sahla by Svanberg, b from Merido by Sauvage, c from Ireland (the kilbrickenite) by Apjohn. a b c Sulphur, - - 12-26 16-90 16-36 Antimony, - 9-58 16. 14-39 Lead, - - 66-45 64-89 68-87 Ord. XTII. Glance.] PLUMOS]ITE. BOULANGERITE. 339 Arsenic, - 4'69 Copper, 1-51 1-60 0-38 Iron, - - 0-42 Zinc, - - 0-11 Found at Merido, in Spain, at Val di Castello in Tuscany, at Sahla Sweden, and at Kilbricken, county of Clare, Ireland. Sp. 22. PLUMOSITE, Haidinger ; Heteromorphite, Rammelsberg ; Fed- ererz, Feather-ore. [H.=1'0 . . . 3'0. G.^5'6 . . . 5'9. In flexible, capillary xls., also massive. Color, dark steel-grey, sometimes iridescent. Lustre dull metallic.] B. B. on charcoal, melts easily, is volatilized, except a small slag-like residue, the oxides of lead and antimony, being deposited upon the sup- port. With soda, yields a globule of lead. Composition, PbS + ^Sb 2 S 3 = sulphur 19'2, antimony 31'0, lead 49 8. Analysis, a plumose from Wolfsberg by Rose, b massive from Wolfsberg by Poselger, c acicular xls. from Tuscany by Becchi. a b c Sulphur, 19-72 20*32 18-39 Antimony, - - 31-04 3298 30-19 Lead, - - 46-87 48-48 47-68 Iron, - - - 1-30 0-16 Zinc, - - 0-08 1-08 Copper, - I'll Occurs in the Hartz, at Freiberg and Schemnitz, in the Anhalt at Pfaffenburg and Meiseberg, and near Bottino in Tuscany. Sp. 23. BOULANGERITE, Thaulow; Plumbostite, Breithaupt ; Embrith- ite, Breithaupt ; Schwefelantimonblei. [H.=2'5 ...3'0. G.=5'75 . . . 6'0. Plumose, granular and com- pact. Bluish lead-grey, with yellow rust-spots.] Lustre somewhat silky. Streak darker than color. Slightly brittle. B. B. melts easily, emits fumes of sulphur and antimony, depositing ox- ide of lead upon the support. Soluble in warm hydrochloric acid, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. Composition, PbS-hSb 2 S 3 = sul- phur 17'9, antimony 24'1, lead 58'0. Analysis, a from Nasafjeld by Thaulow, 6 from Molieres by Boulanger, c from Wolfsberg by Rammels- berg, d from Tuscany by Becchi. abed Sulphur, - - 18-86 18-5 18-91 17-99 Antimony, - 24-60 25-5 25-94 26-08 Lead, - - 55-57 53-89 55-15 53-15 Iron, - 1-2 1-24 Copper, - - 0-9 0-35 Zinc, - - 1-41 Abundant at Molieres, department of Gard, in France ; also at Nasaf- jeld in Lapland, at Nertschinsh, at Wolfsberg, and near Bottino in Tus- cany. 340 DUFRENOYSITE. GALENA. [Class Fig. 660. Sp. 24. DUFRENOYSITE, Damour ; Gotthardite, Rammelsberg. [H.=5'5. G. 5'54. In dodecahedral xls. and massive. Lustre metallic. Color, steel-grey. Streak red-brown.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Cleavage indistinct. Brittle. Heated in a matrass, affords a red sublimate of sulphide of arsenic. B. B. fuses easily, giving off fumes of sulphur and arsenic ; and leaving behind a globule of lead. Dissolved by hot nitric acid. Composition, Pb+^As 2 S 3 = sulphur 22'1, arsenic 20'7, lead 57'2. Analysis by Damour. Sulphur, $[*" "V^ - - 22-49 Arsenic, - - - 20-69 Lead, - - - ^ -55-40 Silver, -^ - - 0-21 - Copper, .... 0-31 Iron, .... 0-44 Occurs disseminated in narrow seams and nests in dolomite, with re- algar, orpiment, blende and pyrites, at St. Gothard. Sp. 25. GALENA, Bleiglanz. [H.=2.5. G.=7 4 . . i 7'6. Cubo-8-dral xls. and massive. Color and streak, lead-grey. Lustre metallic. Cubical cleavage per- fect] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 661. Fig. 662 Fig. 663. Ord. XIII, Glance.] Fig. 667. GALE N A. 341 Fig. 669 Feistrix, Stiria. Cleavage parallel with the cube, perfect. Fracture rarely discernible. Surface, the cube and the galenoid (fig. 669) streaked parallel to the edges of combination with the octahedron. Sometimes subject to tar- nish. Rather sectile. Compound varieties. Twin-crystals; face of composition parallel, axis of revolution perpendicular to a face of the octahedron. Reticulated, tabular, and some .other imitative shapes, the individuals of which are often still observable. Massive ; composition granular, of various sizes of individuals, sometimes impalpable. In this case the color becomes pale, or whitish lead-grey, the fracture even, or flat conchoidal, and the streak shining. The granular particles of composition some- times become elongated, or compressed in one direction, and then ap- proach to lamellar or columnar ones. Pseudomorphoses of pyromor- phite. Plates, &c. B. B. on charcoal, at first decrepitates, but if heated with caution, soon fuses with strong fumes of sulphur ; and at last gives a globule of lead. Composition, PbS= sulphur 13'4, lead 86'6. It sometimes contains traces of zinc, antimony and copper ; and is rarely destitute of silver. This latter metal is sometimes present in a proportion as high as 0'5 p. c. and very rarely as I'O, though it usually varies between O'Ol to 0'03. If it be in a proportion as high as 70 oz. to the ton, it is called a rich argentif- erous galena. It does not generally pay for separating if it falls below 10 or 15 oz. Galena is frequently found in veins, but also in great quantity in beds, particularly in limestone. Thus it occurs in Carinthia, at Deutsch-Blei- berg, Windisch-Bleiberg, Windisch Kappel, Ebriach, and other places, in England in the counties of Derbyshire, Durham, Northumberland and Cumberland,* and in the United States, in the States of Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Michigan. The mines of Missouri are chiefly in the counties of Washington, Jefferson and Madison ; those of the other States are distributed over 80 townships, a region 87 miles from east to west by 54 in breadth, comprising 62 towns in Wisconsin, 8 in Iowa, and 10 in Illinois. Throughout this entire region, it is said, that galena may be found upon every square mile of surface. From a single spot, not ex- ceeding 50 yards square, 3,000,000 Ibs of lead have been obtained. The mines of the lead district above indicated, afforded in 1847, 77,000 pigs * Mr. Beaumont, a single proprietor of lands and mines in these three, last coun- ties, annually raises y^jth of the lead, produced in the world. 342 HESSITE. BEDRUTHITE. [Classll. of lead, (weighing 70 Ibs. each,) and in 1850, 570,000 pigs; those of Missouri, 150,000 pigs. The lead-produce of England in 1855 was valued at ,1.692,055. The lead mines situated in limestone, are rarely silver producing ; whereas those found in other formations, while they are less prolific in lead, are usually argentiferous. It is thus found in slate in most of the counties of Wales, in granite in Aberdeenshire, at Beer- Alston in Dev- onshire (often containing from 80 to 120 oz. silver to the ton of lead,) in Cornwall (from 40 to 70 oz.,) in Cardiganshire (80 oz.,) in altered mica- slate at Middletown Conn. (56 oz.,) at the Washington mine, Davidson Co. N. Car. (50 to 60 oz.,) at Wheatley's mine at Phomixville, Pa., (25 oz.,) and from the Morgan mine, Spartanburg, S. Car., (23 to 30 oz.). Other valuable lead regions in the primary rocks within the U. States, exist at Rossie, N. Y., at Lubec, Me., at Southampton, Amherst and Leverett, Mass., at Eaton, N. Hamp., Thetford, Vt. in the counties of Wythe and Louisa, Va., &,c.*&c. Sp. 26. HESSITE, Frobel; Petzite, Haidinger ; Tellursilber, Rose ; Telluric Silver. [H.=2'0 . . . 3'5. G.=8'3 . . . 8'9. Massive, granular. Lead-grey. Slightly malleable.] Primary form, right rhombic prism ? Fracture even. Streak, same as color. In the open tube, melts and yields a slight sublimate of tellurous acid. B. B. on charcoal, at a white heat, is volatilized, leaving a brittle globule of silver. In the matrass, with soda and powdered charcoal, at a red heat, yields telluride of sodium, which with water forms a yellow solution. Composition, Ag Te = tellurium 37'2, silver 62'8. Analyses, a from Savodinsky Altai by Rose, 6 from Nagyag by Petz, c from Retzbanya by Retz. a 1) Tellurium, 36-96 37-76 Silver, 62-42 61-55 Iron, 0-24 Gold, 0-69 Iron, lead and sulphur, traces Foreign substances, 15-25 Found in Siberia and Transylvania. Sp. 27. REDRUTHITE, Nicol; Vitreous Copper, Phillips ; Copper-glance ; Kupferglanz ; Chalkosine, Beudant. [H.=2'5 . . . 3'0. G. 5'5 . . . 5*8. In low hexagonal pyramids and prisms, mostly twins ; and massive, compact. Color and streak blackish lead-grey.] Primary form, right rhombic prism, M on M 119 35'. Secondary forms. Ord. XIII. Glance.] Fig. 670. REDRUTHITE. o on o d on d o on o over d Fig. 671. 343 126 52' 63 00 80 6 Fig. 673. Cleavage, traces of M, very imperfect. Fracture conchoidal. Sur- face, most of the faces smooth, only the faces at right angles to the axis, and particularly c, are streaked horizontally. Lustre metallic. Color blackish lead-grey. Streak unchanged, sometimes shining. Compound varieties. Twin-crystals : I. Axis of revolution perpendicular to one or both faces of M : face of composition parallel to it, as in figure 673, only that the re-entering angles are filled up. 2. Axis of revolution perpen- dicular, face of composition parallel to a face of a ; the individuals being continued beyond the face of composition. The inclination of P to P' is equal to that of the acute terminal edge of a on a' on one side, and of 91 51 ' on the other ; the respective incli- nations of a on a' are =153 37', and =157 19'. Massive; composi- tion granular, of various sizes of individuals, generally small, and often impalpable ; in the last case, the fracture becomes uneven, even or flat conchoidal. Plates. B. B. in the oxidating flame, it melts and emits glowing globules, at- tended with some noise. In the reducing flame, it becomes covered with a coat, and does not melt. When the sulphur is driven off, a glob- ule of copper remains. If the mineral be treated with nitric acid, the copper is dissolved, forming a green solution ; but the sulphur remains undissolved. 344 HARRISITE. [Class II. Composition, Cu 2 S= sulphur 20'2, copper 79'8. Analyses, a from Siegen by Ullmann, b from Tellemark, Norway, by Scheerer. a b Sulphur, .... 19.0 20-43 Copper, .... 79-50 78-76 Silver, - - 1-00 Iron, - -75 0-91 Occurs in single xls. in druses and implanted, often covering broad surfaces of the massive variety, or the containing rock, in splendid crys- tallizations ; the most remarkable of which have been obtained at the Bristol copper mine in Conn., where all the forms above given, and many other modifications, abundantly occurred, a few years since ; but of late this locality has wholly ceased to afford them. The principal locality at present, of the crystallized variety, is Redruth in Cornwall. In the massive state, it is common in the bituminous copper-slate in Hessia, in the Hartz mountains in Sweden, Norway, Siberia, the Banat of Teme- swar, Peru and Mexico. It is always a most valuable ore of copper. Sp. 28. HARRISITE, (S.) [H.=2'5 . . . 3'0. G.=:4'5. Massive in large individuals, perfectly cleavable, with a cubic cleavage. Color and streak dark lead grey to iron-black.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. (See figs. 648 and 661.) Surface sometimes tarnished of a deep blue color. The large cleav age individuals much cracked and partially coated by a blue or black powder. The color of the species is analogous to that of psilomelane and its cleavages are more easily affected than those of galena, which a first view it strikingly resembles, except in color. The lamina? besides being cracked, are often a little curved. B. B. on charcoal, smells feebly of sulphurous acid, fuses easily, boils and throws off melted globules ; a crust forms on the globule, which finally gives place to a button of pure copper. Composition, Cu 2 S= sulphur 22'2, copper 79'8. It is dimorphous with redruthite ; and much resembles the artificially prepared compound, from fusing together a mixture of copper and sulphur in the above proportions, or by melting the redruthite. Occurs in short interrupted seams in a vein by itself, associated with quartz and staurotide, in the Canton (Georgia) copper and lead mine. It is named after the Messrs. Harris, brothers, to whose skill and enter- prize, the discovery, and opening of the mine are due. Sp. 29. BOURNONITE, Phillips ; Endellionite, Bournon ; Wheel-Ore ; Radelerz. [H. =2-5... 3'0. G. 576. In low prismatic (mostly twin) xls.; massive and granular. Color and streak, blackish-grey.] Primary form, right rectangular prism. Ord. XIII. Glance.] STROM EYERITE. 345 Secondary form. p on o = P ond T on d M on o 138 15' - 136 26 133 34 - 131 45 Fig. 674. M Cleavage distinct, parallel with M and T, and with both diagonals of the prism. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Surface nearly equal, often highly smooth and splendent: longitudinal striae sometimes visible on the secondary planes, which replace the lateral edges of the prism. Lustre metallic. Brittle. In the twin-xls., the axis of revolution is perpendicular, and face of composition parallel to M, or the broader face of the primary form. The individuals are generally continued beyond the face of composition. The axes of the individuals cross each other at angles of 93 40' and 6ti 20'. When granular, the individuals are closely connected. Decrepitates when heated. In the open tube, evolves sulphurous acid, deposits oxide antimony in the upper part of the tube, and on the lower, a non-volatile coating of antimonite of lead. B. B. on charcoal, melts, with fumes of sulphurous acid and oxide of antimony, depositing a yel- low coating of oxide of lead ; and after the lead has been expelled and coda added, leaves a globule of copper. Partially soluble in nitric acid, forming a blue solution, and leaving a residue of oxide of antimony and sulphur. Composition, (eu, Pb)S-HSb 2 S 3 = sulphur 19 4, antimony 26'0, lead 41'8, copper 12'8. Analyses, a from Pfaffenberg by Rose, b from Mexico by Dufrenoy, c from Wolfsberg by Rammelsberg, a b c Sulphur, - - 20'3l 19-4 1976 Antimony, - - 26'28 28'3 2434 Lead, - - 40'84 402 42'88 Copper, 12-65 133 13'06 Occurs in xls. an inch or more in diameter, at Neudorf in the Hartz ; at Kapnik, Transylvania ; at Servoz in Piedmont : and in Saxony, Corn- wall, Devonshire and Chili. Sp. 30. STROMEYERITE, Haidinger ; Stromeyerine, Beudaut ; Silber- kupferglanz. [H.=2'5 . . . 3'0. G.=6'25. In xls., isomorphous with redruthite, and massive, compact. Color and streak, blackish lead-grey. Perfectly sectile.] Primary form, right rhombic prism. M on M=119 35'. Secondary form. Fig- 675 - Pond - 154 7' P on o 154 26 d on d 128 14 Fracture conchoidal. Lustre metallic. Opaque. B. B. fuses readily into a grey metallic globule, which with fluxes affords the reaction of copper, and by cupella- 44 . 346 WOLCHITE. WOLFSBERGITE. [Classll. tion, a globule of silver. Partially soluble in nitric acid, the solution yielding copper on an immersed iron plate, and silver upon one of copper. Composition, (Cu, Ag) S= sulphur 15*8, silver 53'1, copper 31'1. Analyses, a from Schlangenberg Siberia by Stromeyer, b from Rudel- stadt Silesia, c from Chili by Domeyko. a b c Sulphur, - - - 15782 1592 1783 Silver, - - 52-272 5271 28'79 Copper, - - - 30-478 3095 53'28 Iron, - - 0-333 014 Found with chalcopyrite in Siberia, Silesia, Peru and Chili. Sp. 31. WOLCHITE, Haidinger ; Antimonkupferglanz, Breithaupt ; Antimonial Copper-Glance. [H.=3"0. G.=5"7 . . . 5'8. In short rhombic prisms and massive. Color and streak, blackish lead-grey.] Cleavage parallel with the shorter diagonal, imperfect. Fracture con- choidal to uneven. B. B on charcoal, fuses with ebullition, depositing first a white then a yellow sublimate, and yielding a lead-grey metallic globule, which after long roasting, yields with soda, a globule of copper. Analysis by Schrotter. Lead, ..... 29'90 Copper, .... 17'35 Zinc, ... - 2-40 Antimony, .... 16'65 Arsenic, .... 6'04 Sulphur, 28-60 Found in a bed of chalybite with pyrites, antimonite and galena, at St. Gertrand in the Lavantthal, Carinthia. Sp. 32. WOLFSBERGITE, Nicol; Antimonial Copper, Kupferantimon- glanz, Zinken; Chalcostibites, Gutcker. [H.^3'0 . . . 4U G.=4'748. In nests or geodes of small tabular prs. Color, lead to iron-grey. Streak black, Lustre metallic.] Primary form, right rhombic prism. M on M =101. Secondary form. Fi - 676 - c one - 135 12' ><% Monc 112 24 Mona - 129 30 The faces a large and striated, parallel with their intersec- a tion with c. Cleavage a very perfect. P less so. Fracture corichoidal to uneven. Opaque. Faces sometimes exhibit an iridescent tarnish. Decrepitates when heated. B. B. melts easily, and depos- its a white sublimate, leaving a hard, metallic globule, which with soda, yields a bead of copper. Ord. XIII. Glance.] TETRAHEDRITE. 347 Composition, CoS + Sb 2 S 3 = sulphur 25'0, antimony 50'2, copper 24'8, Analysis, by Rose. 24-46 Copper, Iron, Lead, Antimony. Sulphur, Found with chalcopyrite, zinkenite, antimonite and quartz, at Wolfs- berg in the Hartz. 1-39 0-56 46-81 26-34 Sp. 33. TETRAHEDRITE, Haidinger ; Grey Copper, Phillips; Fahlerz, Schwarzerz, Kupferfahlerz, Weisigiltigerz, Schwarzgiltigerz, Grau- giltigerz, Panabase, Beudant ; Polytelite, Glocker ; Aphthonite, Svan* berg; Aftonite, Q,uecksilberfahlerz, or Spaniolite, Kobell; Freiberg- ite, or Argentiferous Tetrahedrite. [H. 3'0... 4*0. G.=4'5 ...52.. In tetrahedral xls., (often twins); massive, compact. Color, blackish lead-grey to iron- black. Streak, dark reddish-grey.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Tig. 679. Fig. 677. Fig. 678. y 11 ^fc 4J* m ^A/ 1 Fig. 680. Fig. 681. Fig. 682. 1 on a 160 32' P on a 115 16 Cleavage, not visible, except traces of the octahedron. Fracture con- choidal, of different degrees of perfection. Surface, the tetrahedron and the trigonal dodecahedron generally streaked irregularly, parallel to their common edges of combination, not rough ; the dodecahedron sometimes a little rough. Some varieties are subject to tarnish. Compound varieties. Twin-crystals : face of composition parallel to a face of the octahedron ; the individuals continued beyond the face of composition. 348 TEN fl^WTE [Class 1L Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals, strongly connected, and often impalpable ; fracture uneven. In the open tube, yields fumes of antimony, sulphur and arsenic. B. B., on charcoal, decrepitates, emits the smell of sulphur, deposits a coat- ing on the support, and melts easily with slight ebullition into a steel- grey slag, which is usually magnetic ; but which on the addition of borax, melts into a grey metallic bead, and on the farther addition of soda, affords a globule of copper. The powder is decomposed by nitric acid, with sep- aration of oxide of antimony, arsenious acid and sulphur. The powder is also partially decomposed by caustic potash, which dissolves out the sulphides of antimony and arsenic ; the alkaline solution yielding an or- ange-red, or lemon-yellow precipitate, on the addition of an acid. Com- position, (Co, Ag, Fe, Zn) S+(SbAS) 2 S 3 . Analysis, a from Kapnik by Rose, b from Clausthal by Rose, c from Wolfach by Rose, d from Wermland (var. aphthonite) by Svanberg, e from Schwatz Tyrol (var. spaniolite) by Weidenbusch, f from Freiberg (var. Weissgiltigerz) G.= 5'4 by Rammelsberg. a b Sulphur, - 2577 2473 Antimony, - 2374 28'24 Arsenic, - 2'88 Copper, - 37'98 34'48 Iron, - 0'86 2'27 Zinc, 7-29 5'55 Silver, 0'02 4'97 Mercury, A variety from Guadalcanal in Spain, contains, according to Vauque- lin, from 1 to 10 p. c. of platinum. Occurs in beds with chalcopyrite, chalybite and quartz ; also in veins with galena, blende and barytes. Found in the Hartz, the Tyrol, Tran- sylvania, Hungary, Baden, Bohemia, Saxony, Siberia, Cornwall, Scot- land, Mexico, Chili and Peru. c d 2352 30-05 26-63 2477 22-96 2131 2253 22-39 2523 3291 372 1-31 3-10 6-40 1771 3'09 lead '04 cobalt '49 34.51 224 1-34 0-19 3'72 315 592 36.51 1527 Sp. 34. TENNANTITE, Phillips ; Graukupfererz, Kupferblende, Brei- thaupt. [H.=3'5 . . . 4-0. G.=4 37 . . . 4'49. In tetrahedral and dodeca- hedral xls. Color, blackish lead-grey. Streak, dark reddish- grey.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. (See Figs. 680 and 682.) f 683. Cleavage dodecahedral, imperfect. Fracture uneven, b striated parallel to intersections with a. Twins. Twin-face a. Opaque. Brittle. B. B., decrepitates, emits arsenical fumes, and melts into a black, magnetic globule. Composition, a from Trevisane, Cornwall, by Phrllips, b from Skut- terud, Norway, by Fearnley, c from Freiberg (kup- fcrblende), by Plattner. aond - 160 32 b on c - 14444. Ord. XITI. Glance.] APPENDIX TO ORDER BLENDE. 349 a b c Sulphur, - - 30-25 29-18 28-11. Arsenic, . - 12-46 19-01 18-87 Copper, - - 47-70 42-60 41-07 Iron, - 9-75 9-21 2-21 Zinc, . - 8-89 Lead, - 0-34 Silver and antimony, traces. Found in small attached xls., rarely massive, on other ores of copper, near Redruth, and St. Day in Cornwall ; also in Norway and Algeria. APPENDIX TO ORDER GLANCE. Binnite, Heusser. In striated prs. Color dark steel-gray, streak dark red. Very brittle. Fracture conchoidal. Found with dufre'noysite at St. Gothard. Bismuth Silver, Wismuthsilbererz, Wismuthbleierz, Hausmann, Silberwismuth- In acicular xls. and amorphous. Soft. Lustre metallic. Color tin-white or grey- ish, liable to tarnish. Fracture uneven. Sectile. Opaque. B. B. fuses readily to a silver button, giving sulphur fumes, and covering the char- coal with the oxides of lead and bismuth. Soluble in nitric acid. Analysis by Klaproth bismuth 27, lead 33, silver 15, iron 4*3, copper 0;9, sul- phur 16'3. A specimen analyzed by Domeyko, from the mine San Antonio near Copiapo, Chili, afforded, silver 60'1, bismuth 10-1, copper 7'8, arsenic 2-8 gangue 19'2. Found at Schapbach in Baden, and in the cupreous shale of Mansfeld, Thuringia. Brongniardite, Damour. H. above 3. G.=5'95. Massive. Cleavage not observ- able. Lustre like that of bournonite. Streak greyish-black. B. B. on charcoal, de- crepitates, fuses easily, giving off an odor of sulphur and white vapors. After roast- ing, yields a globule of silver, surrounded with an areola of lead. In a closed tube affords a feeble orange sublimate with a white one above. In an open tube, it fusea> and yields an odor of sulphur and a ring of oxide of antimony. Analysis, by Da- mour. Sulphur, 1938 Antimony, - 29'95 Silver, ' - , 25'03 Lead, - " - 24.74 Copper, 0'54 Iron, - - 0-30 Zinc, - - 0-40 From Mexico. Chiviatite, Rammelsberg. Massive : Cleavable in three directions, one making ao angle with the second of 153, and with the third of 133 (Miller). G.=6'92. Lus- tre metallic. Color lead-grey. B. B. like aikinite. Analysis by Rammelsberg. Sulphur, - 18-00 Bismuth, - - 60'95 Lead, - 16-73 Copper, - v.* 2-42 Iron, - .-*,- 1'09 Silver, - trace. From Chiviato in Peru, with pyrites and baryteg. Cuprolumbite, Breithaupt; Kupferbleiglanz. Massive; granular. Cleavage^ cu- bic. H.=2-5. G.=6-40 . ..6-42. Lustre metallic. Color, blackish lead-grey. Streak black. Rather sectile and brittle. t 350 APPENDIX TO ORDER BLENDE. [ClaSS IL In an open tube, fuses and gives off fumes of sulphur. B. B. on charcoal, sur- rounds the assay with an areola of oxide of lead and sulphate of lead. With soda, affords a metallic globule. Composition, CuS-}-2Pbs= sulphur 15*2, lead 65 - 0, cop- per 19-9. Analyses by Plattner. Sulphur, (loss,) ... 15-1 Lead, - 649 Copper, 19'5 Silver, - 0'5 Occurs in Chili. Digenite, Breithaupt. A mineral allied to redruthite. G.=4'56... 4'68. Ac- cording to a blowpipe analysis by Plattner, consists of copper 70 - 2, silver 0'24, and sul- phur 29'66. From Chili and from Sangerhausen, Thuringia. Enargite, Breithaupt. In right rhombic prs. of 97 53' and massive, granular or columnar. Cleavage perfect, parallel with M. H.=3. G.=4'43 4'45. Lustre me- tallic. Color and streak, iron-black. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Heated in an open tube, decrepitates and affords a sublimate of sulphur, and with more heat, a reddish-yellow one of sulphide of arsenic. B. B. on charcoal, gives off fumes of arsenic, antimony and zinc ; and in the reduction-flame, with borax, yields a globule of copper. Analysis, by Plattner, Sulphur, - 32-22 Arsenic, - 17 -5 9 Antimony, - - 1*61 Copper, - - 47-20 Iron, - 0-56 Zinc, - . - - 0-22 Silver, O'Ol From Morococha, Cordilleras of Peru, at a height of 15,000 feet; found in large masses, occasionally with small druses of xls. along with tennantite, imbedded in crystalline limestone. Pater aite, Haidinger. A new sulphide of molybdenum. Composition, MsS 8 . Silberphyllinglanz. H.=1'0 . . . 2*0. G.=5'0 . . . 5 -9. Foliated, with one perfect cleavage. According to Plattner, it is a mixture of uaumannite, molybdenum and gold. From Deutsch Pilsen in Hungary. Steinmannite, Zippe. Found in octahedrons with a cubic cleavage : also massive. H.=2-5. G.=6 - 83. Color lead-grey. B. B. on charcoal, gives fumes of sulphur and antimony, and finally affords a globule of lead containing silver. Occurs at Przi- bram. Tinder Ore, Zundererz. Soft, like tinder, of a dull, dark reddish color. Compo- sition, according to Borntrager, Arsenic, 1260 Antimony, - - - - 16'88 Lead, - 43-06 Silver, .... 2'56 Iron, 4-52 Occurs at Andreasberg and Clausthal in the Hartz. Wittichite, Kobell. Kupferwismuthglanz, Kupferwismutherz : Cupreous Bismuth. H.=3'0 . . . 3-5. G. 5'0. In long prismatic x!s., cleavable very perfectly, in one di- rection, parallel to the prismatic axis. Fracture uneven. Lustre metallic. Tin- white to steel-grey. Streak black. Sectile. Opaque. Analysis, by Klaproth. Copper, 34-55 Bismuth, - - 47'24 Sulphur, - 12-28 Found at Gallenbach and 1ST eugliick near Wittichen in Baden, Ord. XIV. Blende.] ORPIMENT. REALGAR. 351 Fig. 684. ORDER XIV. BLENDE. Sp. 1. ORPIMENT, Dimorphine, Scacchi ; Rauschgelb, Hausmann. [H.=1'5 .. .2'0. G.=3'48. In foliated masses. Color, lemon- yellow. Thin laminae, flexible.] Primary form, ri^ht rhombic prism. M on M =100 40'. Secondary form. Mon c 120 00? \ (M'on* 162 38. M on / 140 00 > PHILLIPS. < c on c' 83 30 M on g 111 54 ) I c on b 145 50 Cleavage, parallel with M not very perfect, or only in traces; but parallel with /, highly perfect. The faces of cleavage are streaked parallel to the edges of inter- section with M. Fracture scarcely observable. Surface /rough, but even ; all the other faces are streaked, par- allel to their edges of combination with M, and gener- ally uneven. Lustre pearly metallic upon the perfect faces of cleavage, the rest res- inous. Color, several shades of lemon-yellow. Streak lemon-yellow, generally, a little paler than the color. Semi-transparent . . . translucent on the edges. Compound varieties. Reniform, botryoidal, and other imitative shapes. Composition, curved, lamellar ; faces of composition commonly rough. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals ; faces of composition uneven, often irregularly streaked. B. B., upon charcoal, it burns with a blue flame, and emits fumes of sulphur and arsenic. It is soluble in the nitric, hydrochloric and sul- phuric acids. Soluble in aqua regia, or in ammonia. Composition, As 2 S 3 = sulphur 39, arsenic 61. The dimorphine is found at a fumarole of the Solfatara in xls. not over half a millimeter in length. They appear to present two types of crystallization ; i. e. rhombic prisms of 98 6' and of 100 32. Found in imbedded nodules, rarely in crystals, in blue clay, accompa- nied by sulphur. It occurs at Tajoua, near Neusohl in Lower Hun- gary, in the vicinity of Vienna, and in Wallachia and Servia. At Kapnik in Transylvania and Felsobanya in Upper Hungary, it occurs in metal- liferous veins with galena, blende, arsenic and realgar. It is found at Halle, in gypsum, at St. Gothard in dolomite, at the Solfatara near Na- ples, as the result of volcanic sublimation, in brown coal at Fohnsdorf, Styria and near Julamerk in Koordistan, constituting an extensive Turk- ish mine. It is likewise found in China and Mexico. It is used as a pigment. Sp. 2. REALGAR ; Red Orpiment ; Rothes Rauschgelb. [H.=1'5 . . . 2'0. G.=3 56. In oblique, highly modified prs. and massive, granular. Color aurora-red". Streak orange-yellow, to aurora-red.] 352 RE ALGA R . [Class II. Primary form, oblique rhombic prism. M on M 74 14'. Secondary forms. Fig. 686. Fig. 685. M on M / on / MonM - P onM - P on b P on c2 - P on el P on e2 - P. on e3 - P on A; - M on b M on cl - M on c2 - M' on dl - M' on d'2 - M' on el - 74 30' P on I 113 20 n on n over P 113 16' 131 58 74 15' 104 6 149 12 80 00 156 30 138 22 126 50 ' 90 00 f 133 2 99 30 115 52 119 30 131 34 122 50 PHILLIPS. C M' on e'2 M' on e'3 M' on il M' on i2 M' onfc M' on I cl on c2 cl on dl cl on d2 c on dl cl on k C 2 on d4 i2 on i*2' L 135 2' 14120 172 6 16042 14242 16335 15038 155 10 13720 125 61 9000 16120 11255 Cleavage, parallel to P and the shorter diagonal of the prism, rather perfect ; parallel to n and M less distinct Fracture conchoidal. Sur- face, the prisms streaked in the direction of the principal axis, parallel to that line : the rest of the faces commonly rough. Lustre resinous. Color, aurora-red, several shades, little differing from each other. Streak orange-yellow to aurora-red. Compound varieties. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals, strongly connected. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. B. B. on charcoal, it burns with a blue flame, and emits fumes of sul- phur and arsenic. It is soluble in nitric, hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. Composition, AsS sulphur 29'9I, arsenic 79*09. Occurs along with orpirnent; also found in small nodules with dufre- noysite and pyrites in dolomite at St. Gothard. More generally, it is met with in metalliferous veins, with ores of silver, lead and arsenic, and with several species of pyrites and of barytes. The chief localities are Kap- nik and Nagyag in Transylvania, Felsobanya in Upper Hungary, Joa- chimsthal in Bohemia, Schneeberg in Saxony, Andreasberg in the Hartz, and in Koordistan, in Spain and Algeria. Ord. XIV, Blende.] FIREBLENDE. KERMESITE. 353 The arsenolite of Volger is a variety produced by the escape of a por- tion of the arsenic. A black crust sometimes forms also on realgar, which is supposed by Volger to be a sulphide, containing less sulphur than realgar. Sp. 3. FIREBLENDE; Feuerblende, Breithaupt. [H.=2. G. 4'2... 4'3. In delicate xls. grouped like stilbite. Form, oblique rhombic pr. Color, hyacinth red.] t on b = - - - - 143 0' ri &- 687 - u on b - - . - 123 34 monb .... 110 29 a on b ... 90 r on b - - - - 148 42 r on m - i21 36 r on t - 149 6 The faces 6 are striated, parallel to their intersections with t. Twins. Translucent. Sectile, and somewhat flexible. B. B. same as pyrargyrite. It contains 62'3 p. c. of silver, with anti- mony and sulphur. Found at the Kurprinz mine, near Freiberg, and at Andreasberg, Hartz. Sp. 4. KERMESITE ; Red Antimony ; Pyrostilbite, Glocker ; Kermesome, Chapman; Rothspiesglaserz ; Antimonblende ; Pyrantimonite, Breit- haupt. [H.=rO . . . 1*5. G.=4'5 . . . 4'6. In very fine diverging, or inter- laced, acicular xls.; and amorphous. Color cherry-red; streak brownish-red.] Primary form, not well ascertained. Sectile. In thin, flexible fibres. Melts B. B. depositing a sublimate of oxide of antimony. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, with extrication of sulphuretted hydrogen. In a solu- tion of caustic potash, its powder becomes yellow and is wholly dissolved. Composition, SbO 3 +2SbS 3 oxide of antimony 30'2, sulphide of anti- mony 69*8. Analysis by Rose. Antimony, - - - _-. -;' 74 '45 Oxygen, ... . 5-39 Sulphur, - 20'49 It is formed from an alteration in antimonite, and occurs in veins of quartz at Malaczka near Posing in Hungary, at Braunsdorf, near Frie- berg in Saxony, and at Allemont in Dauphiny. Sp. 5. PYRARGYRITE, Hausmann and Haidinger; Red Silver (in part); Dark Red Silver; Aerosite; Rothgiltigerz ; Argyrgthrose, Beudant; Silberblende, Naumann ; Antimonsilberblende. [H. =2'0... 2'5. G.=5-7...5-9. In hexahedral prisms, with modi- fications like those of calcite. Color, carmine-red to blackish- grey. Sectile.] , v -^. Primary form, rhomboid, P on P=108 42'. 45 354 P YRAROYRITE. [Class II. Secondary form. P on z (c. g.) = 172 00' Fig ' 688 ' Pouh 141 50 PonJ 158 22 dond(c. g.) 125 h on h 134 40 w on n 120 The planes z, by their ex- tension, tend to produce an obtuse rhomboid ; the planes g, to acute rhomboids : the planes d and the four planes without letters, situated di- rectly above them, to obtuse scalene dodecahedrons; the planes h and the three sets around , /and the three elon- gated planes between h and d, all tend to acute, scalene do- decahedrons ; f and w, lead to regular six-sided prisms. Cleavage parallel with P, pretty distinct in some varieties. Fracture conchoidal. Surface, f and n striated vertically ; P, z, and g t and most of the adjoining faces, streaked parallel to their common edges of combination. Lustre metallic-adamantine. Color, iron-black, lead-grey, sometimes approaching cochineal-red. Streak, cochineal-red, in shades corresponding to the color. Translucent to opaque. Compound varieties. Twin crystals. Face of composition perpendicular, axis of revolution paral- lel to an edge of z. This kind of regular composi- tion is frequently repeated, contiguous to all the ter- minal edges of z, as in fig. 702. Fig. 689. Fig. 690. Fig. 691. Face of composition parallel, axis of revolution perpendicular to g. Face of composition parallel to n, axis of revolution perpendicular to it. The individuals are sometimes continued beyond the face of com- Ord. XIV. Blende.] PROUSTITE . 355 position. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individu- als, strongly connected. If the composition becomes impalpable, frac- ture is uneven, even, or flat conchoidal. Plates, superficial coatings. B. B. when heated, it first decrepitates, then melts, burning with a bluish flame, and emitting sulphurous acid, together with the white smoke of antimony. By continuing the heat, a globule of silver is obtained. Its powder heated in nitric acid, turns black, emits red fumes, and dis- solves, leaving behind some sulphur and oxide of antimony. The solu- tion yields with water a white precipitate, on the separation of which, muriatic acid occasions the deposition of chloride of silver. Composition; AgS+^Sb 2 S 3 = sulphur 17'5, antimony 23'5, silver 59'0. Analysis, from Andreasberg, by Bonsdorf. Sulphur, Antimony, Silver, Gangue, 16-61 22-85 58-95 0-30 Occurs in attached xls., massive and disseminated, in veins with cal- cite, galena, and other ores of silver and lead. It is found with calcite, arsenic, and galena at Andreasberg, at Freiberg Saxony, Joachimsthal, Altwoschitz, and Ratiborzitz in Bohemia, Wolfach in Baden, Schem- nitz and Kremnitz in Hungary, Callington in Cornwall, and at Guanax- uato and Zacatecas in Mexico. Sp. 6. PROUSTITE, Beudant; Light Red Silver; Rubinblende, Haus- mann ; Lichter Rothgiltigerz ; Arseniksilberblende. [H.=2'0 . . . 2'5. G.=5 5 . . . 5'6. Forms like those of preceding species. Color and streak, light shades of cochineal-red.] Primary form, rhomboid, P on P=107 48'. Secondary forms. Fig. 693. Fig: 692. Fig. 694. Other combinations occur in this species, resembling those of pyrargy- rite. Cleavage parallel with P, rarely distinct. Fracture conchoidal to 356 XANTHOCONE. MIARGYRITE. [ClaSS IT/ uneven. Surfaced streaked parallel to its upper edges; a vertically. Lustre adamantine. Semi-transparent to translucent on the edges. Twin- crystals, and massive ; composition granular, of various sizes of individ- uals, and also botryoidal. B. B. on charcoal, at first decrepitates, melts easily, yielding fumes of sulphur and arsenic, and leaving a brittle globule, reducable with diffi- culty to pure silver. Partially soluble in nitric acid, leaving a residue of sulphur and arsenious acid. Caustic potash dissolves out sulphide of ar- senic. Composition, AgS-j--^As 2 S 3 = sulphur 19*4, arsenic 15'2, silver 65'4. Analysis, from Joachimsthal, by Rose : Sulphur, 19-51 Arsenic, - - 15-09 Silver, 64-67 Antimony, 0-67 Found in veins with arsenic and ores of silver, at Schneeberg, Johann- Georgenstadt, Annaberg, Freiberg, Marienberg in Saxony : in Bohemia, Baden, Alsace, Dauphiny, in Spain, Mexico and Peru. Sp. 7 XANTHOCONE, Breithaupt. [H.=2'0 . . . 3'0. G. =515... 519. In very thin hexagonal plates and massive. Color and streak, orange-yellow to brown, Transparent to translucent.] Primary form, rhomboid, P on P =71 34'. Secondary form. P on o = - - - 110 30' o on c - 100 35 P on c 121 39 c on c - 63 18 Cleavage P and o. Fracture conchoidal to uneven. Lustre adamantine. Melts below redness, becomes lead-grey, and yields in the matrass, a sublimate of sul- phide of arsenic. In the open tube, evolves sulphurous and arsenious acids. B. B. gives fumes of sulphur and arsenic. The remainder fused with soda, yields a globule of silver. Composition, (3AgS+As 2 S 5 )+ 2 (3AgS+As 2 S 3 ) = sulphur 18'5, arsenic 15'3, silver 66'2. Analysis by Plattner. Sulphur, - - 21-70 Arsenic, . - ? i"-~ . 15-32 Silver, - - -> . 63-88 Named from $ctvdo$, yellow, and xovig^ powder. Occurs with stephanite at the Himmelsfiirst mine, near Freiberg, Saxony. Sp 8. MIARGYRITE, Rose. [H. 2'0 . . . 2'5. G.=5'3 . . . 5'4. In small, thick tabular or pyr- amidal prs. Color, iron-black. In thin flakes, deep blood-red. Streak dark cherry-red. Very sectile.J Primary form, oblique rhombic prism of 39 38'. Ord. XIV. Blende.] CINNABAR 357 Secondary form. Pon6 Pon d b on b b on o Fig. 696. 98 24' 109 16 135 129 50 Faces b, c, d striated, parallel to their mutual intersections. Cleavage P, d imperfect. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal. Opaque, except in thin splinters. Lustre adamantine. Melts easily ; and in the open tube affords sulphurous acid and oxide of antimony. B. B., on charcoal, with soda, yields a globule of silver. Caustic potash dissolves out sulphide of antimony. Composition, AgS-)~ Sb 2 S 3 = sulphur 21-2, antimony 42'9, silver 35 9. Analysis, by Rose, sulphur 21'95, antimony 39*14, silver 36'40, copper 1'06. Observed only at Braiinsdorf, near Freiberg in Saxony, associated with mispickel ; and named from PBUOV, less, and <%v?off, silver ; because it contains less silver than other argentiferous ores. Sp. 9. CINNABAR. Massive. Cochineal-red. Streak [H.=2'0 . 25. G. =8.99. IV scarlet.] Primary form, rhombic. P on P 71 Secondary form. PonF . 71 48 7 ~ Pon62 . 157 20 Pon63 . 152 8 Pone * 159 18 a on 61 127 5 a on 62 . 133 25 6 on 63 . 138 34 a on 64 - 146 31 a on 61 :,' '/-'- 142 55 c on 63 ". "' .''' 131 26 J 48' Fig. 697. HAUY. Cleavage parallel to the primary form, highly perfect. Fracture con- choidal. Surface of the crystals horizontally streaked, sometimes very deeply. Lustre adamantine, inclining to metallic in dark colored varieties. Color, several shades of cochineal-red, the darker varieties inclining to lead-grey. Streak scarlet-red. Semi-transparent . . . translucent on the edges. Compound varieties. Rarely, in some indistinct imitative shapes. Mas- sive : composition, granular, of various sizes of individuals, generally small and often impalpable. In the last case, fracture becomes uneven, even, or flat conchoidol. Plates,s uperficial coatings. There is sometimes a tendency to thin columnar composition, the mass being friable, and the color scarlet-red. The hepatic cinnabar is a compound variety of cinnabar, which is impure, and having on that account a streak, inclining to brown. The dark red cinnabar includes the crystals, and those compound varieties in 358 GR.EENOCKITE. [ClaSS II. which the individuals are still discernible ; it is generally cochineal-red. The bright red cinnabar is friable, and of a scarlet-red color. The com- pact hepatic cinnabar contains reniform, massive varieties of a granular composition, consisting of impalpable individuals. The slaty hepatic cinnabar (corallinerz) is the same thing, only interrupted by irregularly streaked smooth faces, which possess a slaty appearance. These how- ever are accidental, not having any relation to the composition itself. The bituminous cinnabar consists of cinnabar, intermixed with coarse coal or bituminous shale. B. B. sublimes : with soda, yields mercury, sulphurous acid escaping. Composition, HgS= sulphur 13'8j mercury 86'2. Analysis, a from West- phalia, by Schnabel, b from California, by Bealey. a b Sulphur, !.* 13-67 11-38 Mercury, . 86-79 69-36 Iron, - 1-23 Lime, - 1-40 Alumina, - 0-61 Magnesia, . - 0-49 Silica, .nv, .,.#, 14-30 Cinnabar occurs chiefly in beds ; and is sometimes accompanied by mercury amalgam at others, only by quartz and calcite. It is sometimes found in veins, along with iron ores. It occurs in beds in gneiss, at Richenaw in Upper Carinthia, and at Hartenstein in Saxony ; also at Dumbrawa in Transylvania, in grey- wacke. It is found included in irregular veins, situated in beds of lime- stone, at Harmagor, Windisch-Kappel, and at other places in Carinthia, but particularly at Neumarktel in Carniola in the Palatinate, and at Alma- den in Spain. At Idria, it occurs in beds of bituminous shale, with bitumen and dark grey sandstone, associated with limestone. Other localities are Schemnitz, Cremnitz, and Rosenau in Hungary, at Horzowitz in Bohe- mia, in the Erzberg, near Eisenerz in Stiria. The hepatic cinnabar has been found only at Idria ; the bright-red cinnabar at Wolfstein in the Pa- latinate. Cinnabar likewise abounds in Mexico and Peru, in China and Japan. It is found abundantly at New Almaden, in a mountain to the south of San Jose, between the bay of Francisco and Monterey. The produce of New Mexico for the first six months of the present year has been 836,100 Ibs. of mercury, the principal portion of which is sent to Mexico and China. This ore is the source of the mercury of commerce. Sp. 10. GREENOCKITE, Brooke and Connel. [H.=3 . . . 3'5. G.=4'9 . . . 4'99. In short hexagonal prisms and pyramids. Color and streak honey-yellow.] Primary form, rhomboid Secondary form. Cleavage o and a semi-transparent to translucent. Lustre adamantine to resinous. Strong double refraction. Orel. XIV. Blende.] MANGANBLENDE. HAUERITE 359 o on a - 90 v on v 135 28 Fig. 698. a on o - 120 x on x 139 38 o on v - 154 32 % on e 127 27 o on x 136 23 In the matrass, decrepitates and turns red, while hot. B. B., on charcoal, with soda, deposits a red- brown sublimate. Soluble in warm hydrochloric acid, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. Composition, CdS= cadmium 777, sulphur 23'30. Analysis by Connel and Thomson. Cadmium, Sulphur, 77-30 22-56 77-6 22-4 Occurs in attached xls. on a porphyritic amygdaloid, at Bishopton in Renfrewshire, Scotland. Named after Lord Greenock, its discoverer. Sp. 11. MANGANBLENDE, Breithaupt; Alabandine, Beudant ; Mangan- glanz, Leonhard; Schwarzerz, Hausmann. [H.=3 5 4. G.^3'95 . . . 4'01. In cubo-8-drons and massive, granular. Color, iron-black. Streak dark green.] Primary form cube. Secondary form. Fig. 699. Cleavage octahedral ; traces also of dodecahe- dral. Twin-xls. Face of composition parallel with a. Fracture uneven, imperfectly conchoidal. Opaque. Lustre imperfectly metallic. Acquires a brownish- black tarnish. Slightly brittle. Does not conduct electricity. In the matrass, is unaltered. In the open tube, emits fumes of sulphur, and becomes greyish-green. p 19^ B. B., on charcoal, melts with difficulty into a brown J slag. With borax gives a reaction of manganese. Soluble in hydro- chloric acid, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. Composition, MnS= sulphur 367, manganese 63'3. Analysis, by Arf- vedson from Transylvania. Manganese, Sulphur, 62-10 37- Found in veins, with nagyagite, blende and pyrites, at Nagyag in Tran- sylvania ; and in a vein of quartz at Rocinha da Gama in the province of Minas Geraes, Brazil ; also in Mexico. Sp. 12. HAUERITE, Hausmann. [H.=4'0. G.=3'46. In cubo-8-dral xls. and massive, in spheroi- dal groups. Color and streak, dark red-brown. Lustre ada- mantine, inclining to metallic ; liable to a dull tarnish.] Primary form, cube. Secondary form. 360 BLENDE Class II. Cleavage P, perfect. In very thin plates, trans- Fi s- 70 - lucent, and brownish-red, by transmitted light. In the matrass, yields sulphur, and leaves a green residue, which B. B., becomes brown on the surface. When all the sulphur is roasted off, it imparts a violet color to salt of phospho- rus in the outer flame. With soda, on platinum foil, affords the reaction of manganese. Composi- tion, MnS 2 sulphur 53*7, manganese 46'0. Anaysis by Patera. Sulphur, . . 53-64 Manganese, - 42-97 Iron, . - - - 1-30 Silica, - 1-20 Found in clay with gypsum and sulphur at Kalinka near Vegles and Altsohl in Hungary. Sp. 13: BLENDE, Zinkblende, Sphalerite, GlocJcer ; Cleiophane, Nuttall; Marasmolite, (S.). Przibramite, Huot. [H.=3'5 . . . 4'0. G.=3 9 . . . 4'2. In tetrahedral, 8-dral and do- decahedral xls. and massive. Colors, various ; red-brown, the prevalent shade. Lustre adamantine.] Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 701. Fig. 702. Fig. 703. Fig. 704. P on e - 144 44' 08" g on g - 129 31 18 } HAUY. a on e c on c - 125 - 109 15 52 > HAUY. 18 16 ) O rd. XIV. Blende.] APPENDIX TO ORDER BLENDE. 361 In fig. 705, four of the obtuse solid angles, are replaced by tangent planes, while the remaining four are unaltered, except that they are formed from six, instead of three plane angles, as may be seen in the angle at o. Cleavage dodecahedral (P) very perfect. Fracture conchoidal. Trans- parent to opaque. Color, green, yellow, red, brown and black. Streak white to reddish-brown. Twin-crystals. Fig. 707. Fig. 708. Octahedral hemitrope, and repeated as in fig. 708, and sometimes for a num- ber of times. Reniform and other imitative shapes. Surface rough; composi- tion columnar, often almost impalpable; straight, divergent, and frequently pro- ducing a second curved lamellar, or granu- lar composition. Massive ; composition, columnar, or granular, sometimes impal- pable. Decrepitates violently, when heated. B. B., on charcoal, fuses with difficulty. When strongly heated in the outer flame, deposits an areola of oxide of zinc. With soda, when powdered, it is reduced. Soluble in strong nitric acid, with the exception of the sulphur. Composition, ZnS = sulphur 33, zinc 67. Analyses, a fibrous from Przibram by Lowe, b white (cleiophanc) from New Jersey by Henry, c from Tuscany (marmntite) by Becchi, d from Marmato (marmatite) by Boussingault, e from Middle- town, Conn., (marasmolite) G.=37, by the author. a b c d e Sulphur, 33-15 32'22 3365 C 7 - ft 38-65 Zinc, - - 61-40 67-46 48-11 \ yt) 49-19 Iron, - 2-29 16'23FeS232 12-16 Cadmium, - 1'50 trace trace One of the most widely distributed and abundant species of the order. It occurs in beds and veins, and accompanied by galena, chalcopyrite, ba- rytes, calcite, fluor and quartz. It also occurs in silver veins, with silver and other ores of this metal. The localities are too numerous to be mentioned. Finely crystallized varieties are found in the lead region of Cumberland in England, at Schemnitz in Lower Hungary, and at Kapnik in Transylvania. It is abun- dant in the region of Southampton, Mass, in the lead veins, and at Mid- dletown, Conn. ; in the great lead district of the Western States, and at the localities of galena generally, throughout the United States. APPENDIX TO ORDER BLENDE. Rittirtqerite, Zippe. In small xls. Primary form, oblique rhombic prism. M on M=126 18'. H.=l 5 ...3-0. Lustre submetallic, adamantine. Color, blackish- brown to iron-black. Translucent and dull honey-yellow to hyacinth-red, in the di- rection of the axis. Streak orange-yellow. Brittle. B. B., fuses very easily, yield- ing an arsenical odor, and finally a globule of pure silver. Probably a compound of sulphide of silver and sulphide of antimony. From Joachimsthal. Breithaupt con- siders it to be identical with xanthocone. 46 SULPHUR. [Class III. CLASS III. ORDER I. SULPHUR. Sp. 1. SULPHUR. [H.=1'5 ... 2'0. G.=2'0 ...21. Xls. and massive. Color, yellow, to red-brown and grey. Sectile, or slightly brittle.] Primary form, right rhombic prism. M on M=101 46. Secondary forms. Fig. 710. Fig. 709. Fig. 711. Fig. 712. PonP P on P over n s on s nonn monm P on P over m 5 on r 106 38' 84 58 127 1 124 24 101 59 143 26 179 45 Cleavage, parallel with P and m imperfect, obtained with difficulty, and interrupted. Fracture conchoidal, sometimes highly perfect. Surface n commonly rough, the rest of the faces generally smooth and shining, possessing nearlv the same physical quality. Lustre resinous. Color, several shades of sulphur-yellow, inclining sometimes to red or green. Streak sulphur-yellow, passing into white. Transparent . . . translucent on the edges. Ord. I. Sulphur.] SELENIUM. Compound varieties. Twin-crystals: axis of revolution perpendicular, face of composition parallel to a face of r. Imbedded globules : surface uneven ; composition impalpable, often impure. Massive : composition, granular, often impalpable, strongly coherent; fracture uneven, even, flat conchoidal. Sometimes pulverulent. Sulphur as it occurs in nature is pure, or is only mixed with bitumen or clay. It acquires resinous electricity by friction, is easily inflammable, and burns with a blue or white flame, and a pungent smell of sulphurous acid. It is insoluble in water, but when heated, unites readily with potash or soda. It may be obtained crystallized by sublimation, or still more easily from solutions in liquids. The forms of sulphur, crystallized from fusion, are incompatible with those of the present species. They are generally oblique rhombic prisms of 90 32', the terminal face of which is inclined to the obtuse edge of the prism, which is itself commonly replaced at an angle of 95 46'. It occurs almost always in regular compositions. The crystals are at first transparent, but they soon become opaque. Sulphur is generally met with in beds of gypsum, or in the accompa- nying strata of clay. It is associated with calcite and with celestine. It occurs in veins with chalcopyrite, galena and orpiment. It is deposited from several springs, and in large quantities from volcanos ; sometimes it occurs in beds of bituminous coal. Sulphur is found in splendid crystals and pure massive varieties ; also, in globular concretions, (which however, are seldom without earthy or bituminous admixtures) in Sicily, and several provinces of Italy. It oc- curs in imbedded spheroidal masses of a brown color, which is owing to bitumen at Radoboy, near Crapina in Croatia. Near Cracovia in Poland, it is likewise met with, more or less in pure massive varieties and small crystals. The finest crystals, excepting those from Sicily, come from Ca- diz in Spain. Small crystals have been observed investing the brown coal from Artern in Thuringia. It occurs in veins in Swabia, in Spain and in Transylvania. The earthy sulphur is found in Poland, in Mora- via, and other countries ; the volcanic sulphur in Iceland, near Vesuvius, in Milo and several islands of the Grecian Archipelago ; in great pro- fusion near the volcanos of Java and the Sandwich Islands. Sulphur also occurs in Savoy, in Piedmont, in Switzerland, at Lauenstein in Hanover, in South America, and many other countries. Sulphur is said to occur in California. In very minute xls. it presents itself, in cavities of decomposing pyrites at many places in the gold regions of the Southern States ; also at Green River, Henderson Co., N. Car., where an extensive vein or stratum of this ore exists, immediately contig- uous to the decomposing granite in which the zircon is so largely found. Sp. 2. SELENIUM, Del Rio. [H. =2'0. G.^4'3. In incrustations of a submetallic lustre, and a greyish or brownish-black color. Translucent and red, in thin splinters. Brittle. Powder deep-red.] Found at Culebras in Mexico. *SULPHOSELENITE, (8,) Sclensulphur. Massive. Color, orange-red. B. B., on charcoal, burns readily, with fumes of selenium and sulphur. Occurs at Vulcano, one of the Lipari Islands, and at Kilauea, Hawaii. 364 BITUMEN. SCHEERER1TE, [ClaSS III, ORDER II. RESIN. Sp. 1. BITUMEN, Naphtha, Naphte, Mineral Oil, Seneca Oil, Erdolj Steinol, Brewsterline, Cryptoline, Dana. [G. 0'7 . . . 0*8. Liquid; yellowish-brown; translucent; unctuous to the touch. Odor aromatic, bituminous.] Boils below 212 and burns with a bright flame. Composition, (when pure) C G H 5 . Analysis, by Dumas, carbon 86 40, hydrogen 12'70. Oozes either alone, or with water from the soil, or from clefts in certain rocks. Frequent at Kenhawa, Va., Scotsville, Ky., Oil Creek in Venango Co., Pa., Duck Creek, in Monroe Co., and at Liverpool, Ohio. It was for- merly collected by the Seneca Indians, and is hence called Seneca or Genesee Oil. At Inniskillen, Canada West, the inspissated naphtha has been found, in places, to be two feet in depth. It has been used both for fuel and light: in Persia and Burmah also, as a lotion in cutaneous diseases, and an embrocation in bruises and rheu- matism. It is made use of in the manufacture of varnishes, and as a substitute for linseed oil in the formation of paints. The Egyptians em- ployed it in embalming. Brewsterline and cryptoline of Dana, are two transparent fluids, found by Sir D. Brewster in the cavities of crystals, of topaz, chrysoberyl and quartz ; and appear to be modifications of the pres- ent species. The former expands th its size, by an increase above 50, of 30 F. in temperature : it was sometimes indurated in the cavity, like resin; but on exposure leaves a residue of minute particles, which from the moisture of the hand alone, suddenly become fluid, extend and con- tract, the residue being volatile by heat and dissolving in acids, without ef- fervescence. The cryptoline though in the same cavity, does not mix with the brewsterline. On exposure, it quickly hardens into a yellowish, non-volatile resin, insoluble in water or alcohol, but rapidly soluble with effervescence in acid. Sp. 2. SCHEERERITE, Stromeyer ; Branchite, Savi. In minute acicular xls. and crystalline grains, filling crevices in brown coal. Soft: unctuous. G=l'0...1'2. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre resinous. White, to grey, yellow and green. Transparent to translu- cent. Tasteless. When heated, emits a faint aromatic odor. At 111F. melts ; the drops staining paper, but the spots disappearing on heating the paper. It boils at l!)7. On cooling, the mineral crystallizes in slender four-sided prisms. It takes fire easily, and is completely con- sumed, evolving much smoke and a feeble aromatic odor. Composition, according to Prinsep, carbon 73, and hydrogen 24. Found at Uznach near St. Gallen, Switzerland. The branchite is col- orless and translucent, fuses at 167, but does not crystallize on cooling. G.= ro. Dissolves in alcohol. Found in the brown coal of Mt. Vaso in Tuscany. Tekoretin and Phylloretin of Forchammer, are resinous bodies, found in fossil-wood in Denmark. The former is crystallized, and fuses at 45 C. Ord. II. Resin.] ELATERITE. HATCHETTINE. 365 It dissolves in ether, slightly in alcohol, and consists of C 10 H 9 :=C87'19 and H 12'81. Phylloretin fuses at 8687 C, dissolves easily in alcohol ; and appears to have the composition of C 8 H 5 . Fichtelite, Bromeis. In crystalline folia and grains ; fuses readily at 46 C, and becomes crystalline on cooling ; slightly soluble in alcohol, ea- sily so, in ether. Composition, (Bromeis) C 4 H 3 =C. 839; HIM. Found in the Fichtelgebirge. Konlite, Schrotter. In crystalline scales. Soft. G. 0'8S. Fuses at 107 114C. Slightly soluble in alcohol; more so, in ether. Accord- ing to Schrotter, is composed of C 2 H=C 92*429, H 7'571 . From near Redwitz, Bavaria in the Fichtelgebirge. Konkinite, Kenngott. In thin plates, soluble in ether and alcohol. Soluble in sulphuric acid, but little so, in nitric, and not at all, in hydro- chloric acid. Partly soluble in ammonia and in oil of turpentine. From the brown coal of Fossa in the Eger valley. Sp. 3. ELATERITE, Hausmann ; Mineral Cauotchouc, Elastic Bitumen. In soft, flexible, slightly elastic masses. G.=0'9 ... 1 '23. Lustre fee- bly resinous. Color, blackish-brown, of various shades. Sub-translu- cent. Analysis, from Derbyshire, by Johnston ; Carbon, - - 85'47 84'39 88'67 85'96 86'18 Hydrogen, - - 1328 12'58 1254 1234 12'42 Found at the Odin mine at Castleton in Derbyshire, at Neuchatel, on the Island of Zante, at Montrelais near Nantes France, and at Wood- bury, Conn. Sp. 4. HATCHETTINE, Conybeare ; Mineral Tallow. H. 1-0. G. 0'60 (after fusion G.=0'98.) In masses resembling wax or train-oil. Translucent. Lustre slightly pearly. Yellowish-white, with a tinge of green. The specimens from Loch-Fyne, melt at 47C ; those from Methyr-Tydvil, at 76*6 C. Emits a bituminous odor, when heated. Partially soluble in ether, having a viscous, inodorous residue. Analysis, by Johnston ; Carbon, 85-91 Hydrogen, 14-62 Besides the locality in Wales, it occurs at Inverary in Scotland. Sp. 5. HARTITE, Haidinger. H.=l. G.=1'04. In crystalline masses, resembling wax, but having the form of oblique rhombic prs. of about 100. Cleavage, only in traces. Lustre somewhat greasy. Color, white. Translucent. Brittle. Sectile. At 74 C melts into a clear liquid. When heated, emits the odor of amber. Burns with much smoke. Readily soluble in ether ; less so, in alcohol. Analysis by Schrotter ; Carbon, .... 87-47 87-50 Hydrogen, - - - 1205 12-10 366 i D R i A L i T E . [Class III. Found in clefts in brown coal and fossil wood, at Oberhart near Glogg- nitz in Austria. Hartine, Schrotter ; Psathyrin, Glocker. Resembles the above ; but crystallizes from a solution in naphtha, in needles. Color, white ; with- out taste or odor. Fuses at 210 C, and distils at 260 C. Composition, according to Schrotter, C 20 H 7 O 2 =C 76'26, H 10'92, O 10'82. From the brown coal of Oberhart, Austria. Buti/rite, Glocker, Bogbutter of Williamson, from an Irish peat swamp, fuses at 51 C, dissolves in alcohol and contains C 75'05, H 12 56, O12 39. Irolite, Haidinger. H.r=l. G.= 1'008. Amorphous. Lustre greasy. Color, hyacinth-red. Pulverizes in the fingers. Thin fragments, sub- translucent. Fracture imperfect conchoidal. Softens at 76 C. (169 F.) but is still tenacious at 212 F ; and hence its name, from 6s and fow, to dissolve. From Oberhart. Ozocerite, ErdwacJis, Rammelsberg. G.=0'94 . . . 0'97. Like a res- inous wax, structure sometimes foliated. Color brownish-yellow by trans- mitted light, leek-green by reflected light,. Odor, pleasant. Fuses at 62 C.-84 C. ; boils at 210 C.-300 C. Distils, without decomposition. No change in strong acid, and very little in hot alcohol. It is supposed to contain several distinct chemical compounds. Analysis, a from Molda- via by Magnus, 6 from Moldavia by Schrotter, c from Urpeth, Newcas- tle, by Johnston. a b c Hydrogen, - - 15-15 13-78 1406 Carbon, . 85-75 86-20 8680 Occurs in a sandstone of the salt formation in Moldavia, at Gresten near Gaming in Austria, and at Truskawiez in Galicia. Chrismatine, Germar, is yellowish or oil-green, shining, translucent ; unchanged at 68 to 78 F, but softens at 55 to 60 R. Burns with flame, without smell. Found at Wettin near Halle, Prussia, in a red argillace- ous sandstone of the coal formation. Sp. 6. IDRIALITE, Schrotter ; Idrialine, Dufrenoy. Unctuous. H.=1'0. . . V5. G.=1'4 . . . 1'6. Fracture uneven. Color greyish-black, brownish-black to reddish-brown. Opaque. Streak brown, shining. Sectile. Melts between 250 to 300 C. In the matrass, sublimes, and is de- posited in bright, iridescent scales. Inflammable. Soluble in hot oil of turpentine, olive-oil, ether, acetic acid, and in kreosote. The solutions on cooling, deposit it, in greenish, yellow, pearly, crystalline scales. Analy- ses, a by Dumas, 6, c by Schrotter, d by Bodeker : Carbon, - -^ Hydrogen, Oxygen, - t *, Found intermixed with cinnabar, in thin layers in slate, in the mercury mines of Idria. Ord. II. Resin.] GUYAQUILLITE. WALCHOWITE. 367 Sp. 7. GOYAQUILLITE, Johnston ; Berengalite, Johnston. Soft. G. 1-092. Amorphous. Opaque. Bright yellow. At 69'5 C. melts, and at 100 C. is perfectly liquid. After cooling, is viscous, translucent, and has a resinous lustre. Soluble in alcohol, form- ing a yellow, intensely bitter solution. Analysis by Johnston. Carbon, - - - " 76*67 77*35 Hydrogen, - 8-17 8-20 Oxygen, 15-16 14*45 Found at Guyaquil in S. America. The berengelite has a conchoidal fracture, a resinous lustre, a dark brown color, inclining to green. Streak yellow. Taste bitter. Melts below 100 C., and remains soft. Unc- tuous. Soluble in alcohol and in ether, forming bitter solutions. Analy- sis, by Johnston ; Carbon, - - - 72*47 72*34 Hydrogen. - - - 9*20 9*36 Oxygen, - 18*33 18-30 Found in large masses, in the province of St. Juan*de Berengela of S. America. * WALCHOWITE, Schr otter. H.=1'5 . . . 2'0. G.=1'03 . . . 1'06. Amorphous. Fracture conchoi- dal. Translucent. Lustre fatty, yellow to brown. Streak yellowish white. Brittle at 140 C. becomes elastic, at 250 C. melts into a yellow oil. Burns with a smoky flame and an aromatic odor. Soluble in 67 of alcohol and in 13 of ether. Analyses by Schrotter : Carbon, .! .' - - 80*30 80*19 80*70 Hydrogen, - . 10*68 10-74 10*62 Oxygen, - - - 9*02 9*08 8-68 Nitrogen, 0*18 0*18 0*18 Found in brown coal, at Walchow in Moravia. Sp. 8. RETINITE, Leonhard; Retinasphaltum, Hatchett. H.=l-0...2'0. G.=l-Q5...r20. Amorphous. Fracture conchoi- dal. Semi-transparent to opaque. Yellow, brown and grey. Streak yellowish brown. Brittle. Acquires resinous electricity by friction. Burns with a flame, attended by an aromatic smell. Analysis, a from Bovey by Hatchett, b from Halle by Bucholz, c from Cape Sable by Troost, d from Bovey by Johnston ; a b c d Resin, soluble in alcohol, 55 91 55-5 59'32 Matter, insoluble in do., 41 9 42-5 27*45 Earthy matter, 3 15 13-23 It is found in brown coal, common coal, and also in peat. 368 ASPHALTUM. COPAL1NE. [Class III. Sp. 9. ASPHALTUM, Mineral Pitch. H=2. G.=1'0. . .1*2. Amorphous. Fracture conchoidal. Black to brownish black. Streak brown. Opaque. Acquires resinous elec- tricity by friction. Odor bituminous. Fuses at 212 F. and burns with a bright flame, leaving a small quantity of ashes. Analyses, a from Au- vergne by Ebelman, b from Peru by Boussingault ; a b Carbon, -~ - 76*13 88-63 Hydrogen, - 9-41 9'69 Oxygen, - - 10.34 ), fift Nitrogen, - - 2-32 J L Ash, - - ;;, 1-80 Found at Limmer in Hanover, and near Munster, at Soult, Lobsann, Bechelbrunn, on the Rhone, in Val Travers in Neuchatel, the Dead Sea, in Cornwall, Haughmond hill in Shropshire ; but most abundantly at Trinidad ; where, according to Manross, it covers a lake one and a half miles in circuit, the bitumen being cold and solid near the shores, but gradually increases in temperature and softness, towards the centre, where it is boiling. Tke ascent to the lake from the sea, a distance of three quarters of a mile, is covered with bitumen, upon which trees and vegf ta- bles flourish, and about Point La Braye, the masses of bitumen look like black rocks, as seen through the foliage. The lake is underlaid by a bed of mineral coal. An earthy variety of bitumen found abundantly at Torbane, near Ed- inburcr, Scotland, and in other countries, is possessed of very great value for giving origin to illuminating gas. It has been called the Torbane min- eral. It is the melanasphalt of Wetherell, or the Albert coal of Nova Scotia. It is less fusible than pure asphaltum, and is partially soluble in the menstrua which dissolve asphaltum. It contains from 58 to 61 p. c. of volatile matter. Dr. Wetherill found that 4 parts were solu ble in ether, arid 30 in oil of turpentine. Sp. 10. COPALINE ; Fossil Copal. H. 2'5. G.=r04. Resembles the resin copal, in color, lustre, transparency and difficult solubility in alcohol. When heated, emits an aromatic odor ; and at a higher temperature volatilizes and burns with a yellow flame and much smoke, leaving little or no residue. Analyses, a and b from Highgate by Johnston, c from the East Indies by Duflos. a b c Carbon, - - 8541 85'68 8573 Hydrogen, - - 1170 11 48 11 50 Oxygen, - - 2'67 2'89 277 Ash, - - 0'03 Found in the blue clay near London, and near Mount Lebanon in Syria, where it is collected for the purposes of illumination, and goes by the name of candle-stone. Sp. 11. AMBER, Succinite, Breithaupt; Bernstein, Succin. H.=2'0 . . . 2'5. G.=r08. In irregular grains and spheroidal masses. Cleavage, none. Fracture conchoidal. Surface uneven and rough. Ord. II. Resin.] M E L L i T E . 369 Lustre, resinous. Color, yellow, passing into red, brown and white. Streak, white, transparent to translucent. Not very brittle. Resinous electricity evolved by friction. Burns readily with a yellow flame emitting an aromatic smell, and leav- ing a black, shining, coaly residue. Fuses at 289 C. Soluble in alco- hol. Composition, C 10 H 8 O= carbon 78'96, hydrogen 10'51, oxygen 10'52. Analysis, a by Drapier, b by Schrotter; a Carbon, . 80-99 Hydrogen, - - 7 31 Oxygen, 6'73 Lime, - - - 1-54 Alumina, - - 1*10 Silica, . - 0-63 The vegetable origin of amber is now fully established. According to Prof. Goeppert, it is derived from at least eight species of plants, besides the Pinites succinifer. He detects the remains of 163 species of plants imbedded in the substance of amber ; the fragments of a large number of insects are also present. It occurs in beds of bituminous and brown coal, as well as in various parts of the green sand, of the tertiary formation. The principal supply is from the Prussian borders of the Baltic sea, where it is collected for the government, immediately after storms, which loosen it from its bed and throw it on shore. It is likewise found on the coast of Denmark, Spain, Sicily, Greenland, China, and other countries. Besides, it exists in clay near Paris, France; and with coal, in the departments of 1'Aisne, du Gard, and du Bas Rhin. In England near London, and on the coast of Norfolk, Essex and Suffolk ; it is found near Catania in Sicily, where it sometimes exhibits a peculiar blue tinge of color. In the Royal Museum at Berlin, there is a mass weighing 14 Ibs. ; and another still larger is known in Ava, India, which is traversed by veins of calcite. It is valued for ornamental purposes, and in the fabrication of varnish, as well as for the production of succinic acid and the oil of amber. Sp. 10. MELLITE, Hauy ; Honey-Stone, Honigstein. [H.=2'0 . . . 2'5. G.=l-55 . . . 1-65. In flat 8-dral xls. ; inclin- ation of upper to lower pyramid 93 6'.] Primary form, right square prism. Secondary forms. Fig. 662. Fig. 661 . 143 16' 126 44 129 58 118 14 rona - 120 58' V" |, 1 " / r on r" - 8654 ronr - 11804 Cleavage parallel with r very difficult. Fracture conchoidal. Surface P and e rough and curved : the others smooth and shining. 47 370 APPENDIX TO ORDER RESIN. [Class III. Lustre resinous, inclining to vitreous. Color, honey-yellow, inclining to red or brown. Streak white. Transparent to translucent. Sectile. It also occurs in small massive nodules and angular grains. In the matrass, yields water, and carbonizes, without emitting any per- ceptible smell. B. B. on charcoal, burns white, leaving nothing but alu- mina. Soluble in nitric and in hydrochloric acid, and in caustic potash. Composition, HC 4 HO 3 +18HO = mellitic acid 4031, alumina 14*35, and water 45*34. Analysis, by Wohler : Mellitic acid, - - 41 4 Alumina, . 14'5 Water, 441 Found in imbedded xls. in beds of brown coal at Artern in Thurin- gia, Lauschitz near Bilin in Bohemia, and at Walchow in Moravia. APPENDIX TO ORDER RESIN. Dinite, Meneghini. A crystalline aggregate, resembling ice, with a yellowish tinge. Without odor, or taste. Fragile. Insoluble in water ; very soluble in ether, and in bisulphide of carbon ; little soluble in alcohol. The etherial solution on standing, deposits large crystals of the dinite. Melts with the warmth of the hand ; heated in a close vessel, distils over, without suffering decomposition. When melted, resembles a yellowish oil ; on cooling, crystallizes in large transparent crystals. Found by Prof. Dini in lignite, at Lunigiana, Tuscany. Dopplerite. G. = 1'089. In thin plates. Color brownish black. Streak dull brown. Lustre resinous to vitreous. When in thin plates, reddish brown, by trans- mitted light. Becomes elastic, on exposure to the light. Heated to 100 C., loses 78 - 5 p. c. of water. Composition C8H&05. According to Schrotter, a homogene- ous peaty substance, from whose cellulose, two parts of water are removed. It resembles a black pitch. On treating the fresh mineral with potash, ammonia is given off. Named after M. Doppler. Occurs near Aussee, in Styria. Piauzite, Haidinger. An earthy, laminated resin. Color brownish black. Streak yellowish brown. H. =1-5. G. =1'22. Fuses at 315 C. (600 F.), and burns with an aromatic odor and much smoke, leaving 5'96 p. c. of ash. Soluble in ether and caustic potash, also in absolute alcohol. Heated in a glass tube, a yellowish oily fluid volatilizes, having an acid reaction. Occurs in brown coal at Piauze, near Neu- stadt in Carniola. Pyropissite, Kenngott. Massive. Forms a seam from six to eight inches thick, in brown coal. Fracture earthy ; color dull yellowish brown. Opaque. Streak shin- ing and greasy. Unctuous. Burns readily, with a brownish yellow flame, and a weak aromatic odor. Heated, fuses to a pitchy, porous mass, soluble in oil of tur- pentine, and slightly so in alcohol. Burns like bitumen. Soluble in sulphuric acid ; slightly so, in hydrochloric, or nitric acid. According to Marchand, affords on distil- lation, 62 p. c. of paraffine, one pound of the mass giving three cubic feet of illumin- ating gas. Occurs at Weissenfels. Pyroretin, Reuss. In plates, an inch thick, and in nodules. Brittle, brownish black. Lustre resinous. Unctuous. H. = 2. Streak dull wood-brown. When heated, it blackens and melts at 21 2 F. ; but on cooling forms a pitchy mass. Burns with a reddish yellow flame, with a smell like amber, and leaving a coaly residue. Dissolves in hot alcohol, and is deposited again on cooling. Analysis by Stanek, carbon 80-02, hydrogen 9*42, oxygen 10'56. Found in the brown coal of Aussig, Bohemia. JH Ord. II. Resin.] APPENDIX TO ORDER RESIN. 371 Scleretinite, Mallet. In small oval masses, from the size of a pea to that of a hazel-nut. H. = 3. G. = 1'136. Color black, but red-brown by transmitted light. Streak cinnamon-brown. Lustre vitreous to resinous, rather brilliant. Translucent in thin splinters. Brittle ; fracture conchoidal. Heated in platinum foil, swells up, burns like pitch, with a disagreeable, empyreumatic smell, and a smoky flame, leaving a coal, rather difficult to burn, and finally, a little gray ash. In a glass tube, yields a yellowish brown, oily product of a nauseous, empyreumatic odor. Insolu- ble in water, alcohol, ether, caustic and carbonated alkalies, or dilute acids ; and even strong nitric acid acts slowly. Composition C 10 H70 = carbon 77'05, hydro- gen 8*97, oxygen 10'28. Analysis, by Mallet : Carbon, - 76-74 77*15 Hydrogen, - 8*86 9*05 Oxygen, - I(r72 10*12 Ash, - 3*68 3-68 Occurs in the coal formation of Wigan England, and appears to be identical with pyroretin. 1 372 COAL, [Class III, ORDER III. COAL. Sp. 1. COAL, Anthracite, Glance-coal, Mineral Carbon, Bituminous Coal, Brown Coal, Jet. H.=l*5 . . . 25. G.=1'2 . . . 1'42. No regular form or structure : sometimes dividing easily by cleavages into cubical or prismatic frag- ments. Fracture conchoidal. Color, mostly black, sometimes inclining to greyish or brown. Some varieties exhibit tarnished colors. Opaque. Sectile in different degrees. Not very brittle. G. of common New- castle and Pittsburg coal = 1 27, of bituminous wood = T28, of Can- nel coal =1'43, of Pennsylvania anthracite 1'8, of Rhode Island = t "26, of Welch = 1-36. There are three leading varieties of coal, which are generally known under the names of anthracite, (a dry, non-bituminous coal,) common or bituminous coal and brown coal. This last is of a brown color, and exhib- its the structure of wood more distinctly than the others. It occurs more- over in the tertiary formations, and in alluvion. The following table illustrates some of the most important facts connected with the chemical composition of the three kinds . Fixed carbon. Volatile com- Water. Ash. bustible matter. Penn. anthracite, 87-45 3-84 1-34 7'37 90-45 4-88 4-67 Maryland bituminous coal, 73-01 15-80 1-25 9-84 Virginia " 50-99 36'63 1'64 10-74 Indiana " 58-44 33-99 2-20 4-97 Pittsburg, Pa., " 64-72 32 95 2-31 Newcastle, carbon, 87*95 Hyd., 5-24 O & Ni 5-41 1-40 Lancashire, " 83-75 " 5-66 " " 8-04 2-55 Elbogen brown coal, " 73'79 " 7-46 " " 13-79 4-96 For additional information respecting the chemical history of coal, and for a general survey of its most important localities, reference may be had to the subjoined notes, taken from Schoedler and Medlock's Book of Na- ture and from Dana's Mineralogy.* "The formation of brown coal (a species of coal which occurs in many parts of Germany) is ascribed to a period anterior to the history of the human race. More or less large masses of wood have been suddenly buried, or gradually concealed anc? changed in appearance, by the constant accumulation of earthy deposits. Brown- coal pesents the remarkable transition-process between ordinary coal and mere wood ; and this, of course, differs according to the circumstances under which the coal has been formed. In brown-coal are found stems, with the woody annular rings quite apparent; also seeds, leaves and bark. Some specimens of this formation, on the contrary, are earthy, or black and solid, affording no indications of a ligneous or veg- etable origin. The brown coal, the name of which is derived from its color, has con- siderable density, acquired by the pressure of the mass of earth under which it has been formed. We can form an idea of this enormous pressure from the fact, that trunks of trees originally cylindrical, have been flattened and pressed into an ellipti- ^ Ord. III. Coal.] GRAPHITE. COAL. 373 Sp. 2. GRAPHITE, Plumbago, Black-lead. [H.=rO . . . 2'0. G.=2'08. Rarely in hexagonal tables; usually in scales, massive and granular. Color, iron-black. Streak, black, shining. Opaque.] Primary form, rhomboid. Secondary form. Cleavage, parallel with o, which face is striated tri- angularly, parallel to the alternate terminal edges: Lus- tre metallic ; the highest degrees on plane o and the perfect faces of cleavage. Sectile. Thin laminae are highly flexible. When the composition is fine granu- lar, or compact, the fracture becomes conchoidal. B. B., infusible, but burns very slowly, leaving a slight residue of oxide of iron. Composition, carbon, mixed with a variable quantity of iron, amounting in some instances, to 10 p. c. In some less cal shape. This kind of coal is an excellent fuel, though sometimes associated with sulphide of iron, which gives to it a disagreeable odor when burned. " The origin of our common coal must be ascribed to a still earlier period. This, as well as brown-coal, is undoubtedly of vegetable origin, being formed from stems of trees and other ligneous matter. But these, in a long series of years, and by constant pressure, have been so much altered, that, for a long time, the vegetable or- igin of coal was doubted. This doubt, however, has been removed, on the one hand, by the fact, that turf and brown-coal form a transition-series between the vegetable matter and common coal ; and on the other hand, by the circumstance that different remains of stems of well-known forms of vegetables have been discovered. The mi- croscope also plainly reveals the cellular structure, even in the most solid coal. " The difficulty of accounting for such astonishing masses of coal, sometimes found in layers of 40 feet thick, is still unresolved. It is certain that the carbonization of such enormous masses of wood must have been a process of many thousands of years' duration. " Coal is compact, black and shining, Its specific gravity is 1'3, and if compared with the density of wood and of charcoal, it becomes evident, that the same bulk of coal contains a far larger quantity of combustible matter. On this account it 19 an excellent fuel, but being denser, it is more difficult to kindle ; and requires a greater supply of air to keep it in combustion, than either wood or charcoal. " We are not, however, entitled to consider coal as pure carbon. It always con- tains oxygen, hydrogen, and a small quantity, viz., from 1 to 2 per cent, of nitrogen. Moreover we meet with certain mineral constituents, particularly sulphur in combin- ation with iron. It is evident that the dense superincumbent mass of earthy mat- ter in the carbonaceous strata has prevented their complete carbonization. The car- bonization, however, can be accomplished by a process analogous to that used in the carbonizing of wood. In this process the sulphur, which is so prejudicial to the use of coal, is in the mean time separated from it : the product obtained is called coke. As this material, with the exception of its mineral constituents, consists en- tirely of carbon, and possesses a great density, it forms the most valuable of all fu- els, when a high degree of heat is required in a small space. Hence it is almost ex- clusively employed in generating steam in locomotives. Coke has a grey, shining, almost metallic, sometimes a slaggy, appearance, and is so dense that it sounds, when struck with a hard body. Coal is found under a great variety of aspects, and of very unequal composition and quality, as the subjoined tabular view shows very conspicuously. It is evident that it is of less value, the more mineral, and conse- quently incombustible, material it contains. The different kinds of coal, when pul- verized and heated, comport themselves in three ways. They either swell up and finally cake together, and are therefore distinguished as coking-coal, this kind being particularly adapted for forges and for gas-lighting : or the particles of pulverized coal, sinter together, and this coal is therefore called sinter-coal ; whilst the so-called ,* 374 GRAPHITE. COAL [Class III. pure varieties, small proportions of silica, alumina, lime and oxides of tita- nium and copper are present. Found in beds in gneissoid, slaty and ancient hornblendic rocks. It sometimes replaces mica and talc in certain rocks, particularly in rather sand-coal remains powdery. The latter is much less valuable than the other varie- ties. One of the best kinds of coal occurring in England is the cannel, or candle- coal, which burns with a beautifully clear flame, hence its name. This property and the applicability of coal for gas-lighting depend chiefly on the amount of hydro- gen it contains. " Now that we have become acquainted with wood, turf, brown-coal and coal, we will subjoin some general considerations in reference to the value of these various combustibles, as materials for fuel. All our modes of obtaining artificial heat, de- pend on the combination of carbon and hydrogen with oxygen, which produces the phenomena of combustion. " Hence it may be stated as a rule, that those bodies which contain in an equal weight, the largest quantity of unoxidized carbon and hydrogen are the most valua- ble fuels. In 100 Ibs. of green wood we have only 20 Ibs. of carbon, while 100 Ibs. of dry wood contain 40 Ibs. " The heat which fuel yields is entirely dependent on the manner of its combus- tion, since equal weights of coal under similar circumstances, when perfectly con- sumed, yield an equal supply of heat. A perfect combustion, however, is such, wherein no particle of carbon escapes without being converted into the highest oxy- gen compound, namely, carbonic acid. " An evident loss of heat is experienced in every furnace from which unconsumed gas and vapor, in the form of smoke, or inflammable gas (carbonic oxide, which burns with a blue flame), escapes into the atmosphere. " In the use of fuel the following points are of importance, viz., the quantity of carbon, hydrogen, water, and mineral substances which they contain ; then the dens- ity ; and finally, the most perfect combustion by a sufficient draught of air. Dried at 100 C. (212 F.) Density. 100 parts, by weight, contain Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Mineral Constituents. Charcoal, - 0-187 99-07 0-03 Coke, .... 1-08 95 to 5- Caking-coal, Cannel-coal, ... 1-28 1-31 87 67 5 5 5 8 1-3 2-5 Brown-coal (best quality), - Turf (best quality), - 1-37 66 58 4-8 5-9 18 31 2-7 4-6 Brown-coal (ligneous), 1-27 51 5 30 1-29 Beech-wood, - - - 0-728 49 6 44 Ditto (dried in the air), 40 " The above table clearly shows that the proportion of oxygen decreases in the same ratio as we proceed towards older carbonaceous formations ; whilst in wood we find 44 per cent, of oxygen ; the quantity in many kinds of coal decreases to about 5 per cent." The Book of Nature, p. 310. " The beds of coal occur interstratified with clay slate, and sandstone, or grit rock, forming distinct layers, varying from a fraction of an inch to 30 feet or more in thick- ness. In the United States, the anthracites occur east of the Alleghany range, in rocks that have undergone great contortions and fracturings, while the bituminous are found farther west in rocks that have been less disturbed ; and this fact and other observations have led some geologists to the view, that the anthracites have lost their bitumen by the action of heat. " Extensive beds of mineral coal occur in Great Britain, covering about one-tenth the whole area, or 11,859 square miles ; in France ; in Spain ; in Belgium, covering one-twenty-second the whole area, or 518 square miles; in Netherlands, Prussia, Bavaria, Austria, Northern Italy, Silesia, Spain, Russia on the south near the Azof. Ord. III. Coal.] GRAPHITE. COAL. 375 old beds of granular limestone It likewise occurs in rocks as new as the coal formation. A very remarkable deposit of graphite is found in green- stone trap, at Borrowdale in Cumberland, and another at Craigman in Ayrshire, in the coal formation. It abounds in Ceylon, in Greenland, in Germany, France and Spain. The most productive region for its occur- rence in the U. States, is northern New York, in the counties bordering It is found in Asia, abundantly in China, in Persia in the Cabul territory, and in the Khorassan or Northern Persia, in Hindoostan, north of the Gulf of Outch, in the province of Bengal (the Purdwan coal field) and Upper Assam, in Borneo, Labuan, Sumatra, several of the Philippines, Formosa, Japan, New South Wales and other parts of New Holland, New Zealand, Kerguelen's Land ; in America, besides the United States, in Chili, at the Straits of Magellan, Northwest America on Vancou- ver's Island near the harbor of Camosack, at Bellingham Bay in Puget's Sound, at Melville Island in the Arctic seas, and in the British Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. " In the United States there are four extensive coal areas. One of these areas, the Apalachian coal field, commences on the north, in Pennsylvania and southeastern Ohio, and sweeping south over western Virginia and eastern Kentucky and Tennes- see, to the west of the Apalachians, or partly involved in their ridges, it continues to Alabama near Tuscaloosa, where a bed of coal has been opened. It has been estimated to cover 65,000 square miles. It embraces several isolated patches in the eastern half of Pennsylvania. The whole surface in Pennsylvania has been estima- ted at 15,437 square miles, or one-third the whole area of the State. A second coal area (the Illinois) lies adjoining the Mississippi, and covers the larger part of Illinois, the western part of Indiana, and a small northwest part of Kentucky ; it is but little smaller than the preceding. A third occupies a portion of Missouri and Iowa west of the Mississippi. The second and third are separated by only a narrow belt of Silurian rock, and properly belong together as one ; and the united area is half larger than that of the Apalachian coal field. A fourth covers the central portion of Mich- igan. Besides these, there is a smaller coal region a (fifth) in Rhode Island, which crops out across the north end of the island of Rhode Island, and appears to the northward as far as Mansfield, Massachusetts. Out of the borders of the United States, on the northeast, commences a sixth coal area, that of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, which covers, in connection with that of Newfoundland, 18,000 square miles, or two-ninths the whole area of these Provinces. " The mines of western Pennsylvania, commencing with those of the Blossburg basin, Tioga Co., those of the States west, and those of Cumberland or Frostburg, Maryland ; Richmond or Chesterfield, Va., and other mines south, are bituminous. Those of eastern Pennsylvania, constituting several detached areas, one the Schuyl- kill coal field, on the south, worked principally at Mauch Chunk on the Lehigh, and at Pottsville on the Schuylkill ; another, the Wyoming coal field, worked at Carbon- dale, in the Lackawanna region, and near Wyoming, besides others intermediate, those of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and some patches in Virginia, are anthra- cites- Cannel coal is found near Greensburg, Beaver Co., Pa., in Kenawha Co., Va., at Peytona, etc. ; also in Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, and Indiana. " In England, the principal coal fields are the Manchester of Lancashire and Chesh- ire ; the Great Central of South Yorkshire, Nottingham and Derby ; that of South Wales, Glamorganshire, 27. Garnet (almandine) 3FeO. SiO 3 +Al 2 O 3 . SiO 3 . Essonite 3CaO. SiO 3 +AFO 3 . SiO 3 . Spessartine 3MnO. SiO 3 +Al 2 O 3 . SiO 3 . Pyrope 3Mg, Fe, CrO. SiO 3 +Al 2 O 3 . SiO 3 . Allochroite and Aplome 3CaO. SiO 3 +Fe 2 O 3 . SiO 3 . 28. Uwarowite - 3CaO. SiO 3 +Cr 2 O 3 . SiO 3 . 29. Idocrase - 3Ca, FeO. SiO 3 Al 2 Fe 2 O 3 . SiO 3 . 30. Sarcolite - 3CaO. SiO 3 +Al 2 O 3 . SiO 3 ?. 31. Scapolite - 3Ca, NaO. 2SiO 3 +2(Al 2 Fe 2 O 3 . SiO 3 ), 32. Epidote - 3Ca, FeO. SiO 3 +2(Al 2 Fe 2 O 3 . SiO 3 ). Zoisite 3CaO. SiO 3 +2(Al 2 O 3 .SiO 3 . 33. Allanite - 3(3RO. SiO 3 )+2(R a O 3 . SiO 3 ), or 3RO. SiO 3 +R 2 O 3 SiO 3 ; where RO=Fe, Ce, La, Y, Mg, MnO, and R 2 O 3 =Al 2 Fe 2 O 3 . 34. Cerite - CeO. 3HO+2CeO. SiO 3 . 35. Sodalite - 3NaO. SiO 3 +3(Al 2 O 3 )+NaCl. 36. Hauyne - 3NaO. SiO 3 + 3(A1 2 O 3 . SiO 3 ) + 2(CaO. SO 3 ). 37. Ultramarine Na, CaO; Al 2 O 3 ;Si0 3 ; SO 3 . 38. Nepheline - 2Na, KO. SiO 3 +2(Al 2 O 3 . SiO 3 ). 39. Leucite - 3KO. 2SiO 3 +3(Al 2 O 3 . 2SiO 3 ). 40. Barsowite - 3CaO. 2SiO 3 +3(Al 2 O 3 . SO 3 ). 41. Boltonite - Mg, Fe, CaO; A1 2 O 3 ; SiO 3 . 42. lolite - 3Mg, FeO. 2SiO'+3(Al 2 O 3 . SiO 3 ). 43. Axinite - 3CaO. 2SiBO 3 +2 (Al 2 , Fe 2 . Mn 2 O 3 Si. BOM. CHEMICAL ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. 389 44. Isopyre 45. Feldspar 46. Albite 47. Oligoclase - 48. Ryacolite - 49. Labrador! te - 50. Anorthite - 51. Mica 52. Lepidolite - 53. Phlogopite - 54. Biotite 55. Margarite - 56. Lepidomelane 57. Tourmaline 58. Petal ite CaO. SiO 3 +Al 2 Fe'O 3 . SiO 3 . KO. SiO 3 +Al 2 O 3 . 3SiO 3 . NaO. SiO 3 +Al 2 O 3 . 3SiO 3 . Na, CaO. SiO'-fAl'O 3 . 2SiO 3 . Na, CaO. SiO 3 +Al 2 O 3 . SiO 3 . Ca, NaO. SiO 3 +3Al 2 O 3 . SiO 3 . 3Ca, MgO. SiO 3 +3(Al 2 O 3 . SiO 3 ). KO. Si0 3 +4Al 2 O 3 . 4SiO 3 . Li, KO. F. SiO 3 -fAl 2 O 3 F 3 . SiO 3 . 2(3Mg, KO. F. SiO 3 )-f-Al 2 3 SiO 3 . 3Mg, K, FeO, F. SiO 3 -f Ai'Fe 2 O 3 . SiO 3 . 2(0a, NaO. HO) + 4A1 2 O 3 . 3SiO 3 . 3Fe, KO. SiO 3 +3(Fe 2 Al 2 O 3 . SiO 3 ). Si, BO' ; Al 2 Fe'Mn 2 O 3 ; Ca, Mg, Li, Fe, MnO, &c. The oxygen ratios for the pro- toxides, the peroxides and boric acid, vary much. - 3Li, NaO. 4SiO 3 +4(Al 2 O 3 . 4SiO 3 ). Section d, of hydrous protoxides. 59. Apophyllite 60. Okenite 61. Pectolite - 62. Talc 63. Steatite 64. Nephrite 65. Serpentine - 66. Antigorite - 67. Picrosmine - 68. Kerolite 69. Meerschaum 70. Hemimorphite 71. Dioptase 72. Chrysocolla - 73. Cerite 74. Thorite 2Ca, KO. F. SiO 2 +HO. SiO'. 3CaO. 2Si0 3 +2(3HO. SiO 3 ). Ca, NaO. HO.+3(Ca, NaO. SiO 3 ). MgO. 2HO+5(Mg, FeO. SiO 3 ). MgO. 2HO-h5(Mg, FeO. SiO 3 ). 3Mg, CaO. 2SiO 3 . 3(MgO. 2HO)4-2(3Mg, FeO. 2SiO 3 MgO. HO. +3Mg, FeO. 2SiO 3 . 2(3MgO. SiO 3 ) + 3HO. 2SiO 3 . 3(MgO HO)+HO. 2SiO 3 . MgO. HO+HO. SiO 3 3(ZnO. HO)+3ZnO. 2Si0 3 . 3CuO. SiO 3 +3HO. SiO 3 . 3(CuO. HO)+3HO. 2SiO 3 . CeO. 3HO+2CeO. SiO 3 . ThO. 3HO+2ThO; SiO 3 . Section e, of hydrous proto-sesquioxides. 75. Comptonite - 76. Prehnite 77. Gismondin - 78. Ittnerite 79. Analcime 80. Laumonite - 81. Eudnophite - 82. Chabasie 3(Ca, NaO. A1 2 O 3 )+2(3HO. 2SiO 3 ). 2CaO. A1 2 O 3 +HO. 2SiO 3 . 2(Ca, KO. A1 3 O 3 )+3(2HO, SiO 3 .) Ca, Na, KO ; A1 2 O 3 ; HO ; SiO : 3(NaO. A1 2 O 3 )+2(3HO. 4SiO 3 ). 3(CaO. Al 2 O 3 )-f4(3HO. 2SiO 3 ). 3(NaO. A1 2 O 3 )+2(3HO. 4SiO 3 ). CaO. A1 2 O 3 +3(2HO. Si 2 O 3 ). SO 3 . 390 CHEMICAL ARRANGEMENT OP SPECIES. Na, CaO. A1 2 O 3 +3(2HO. SiO 3 ). NaO. A1 2 O 3 +2(HO. SiO 3 ). CaO. A1 2 O*4-3HO. 2SiO 3 . CaO. A1 2 O^+2(2HO. SiO 3 ). 3(BaO. A1 2 O 3 )+5(3HO. SiO 3 ). Ca, NaO. A1 2 O 3 +3(3HO. SiO 3 ). 3[CaO. A1 2 O 3 +2(3HO. 2SiO 3 ] + [A1 2 O 3 . SiO 3 +3HO. 2SiO 3 )]. CaO. A1 2 3 +4(HO. SiO 3 ). Sr. BaO. A1 2 O 3 +4(HO. SiO 3 ). CaO; HO; A1 2 O 3 ; SiO 3 . 3(3HO. Al 2 , Fe 2 O 3 ) + 2(5Mg, FeO. 2Si O 3 ). 4HO. Al 2 Fe 2 O 3 +5Mg, Fe O. 2SiO 3 . HO; Al 2 ,Fe 2 O 3 ; Mg, FeO; SiO 3 . Leuchtenbergite 3HO. Al 2 O 3 +5MgO. 2SiO 3 . 94. Stilpnomelane 3HO. Al 2 , Fe 2 O 3 +3(Fe, MgO. SiO 3 ) ? 95. Cronstedite - 5(FeO. HO)+3Fe, MgO. 2SiO 3 ). 3Na, CaO. 2Zr 2 O 3 +6(HO. SiO 3 ). Fe 2 O 3 . 2SiO 3 +HO. SiO 3 . 3HO. Al 2 Mn 3 Fe 2 O 3 +Al 2 Mn 2 Fe 2 O 3 . [3(MgO. 2HO)+2(3MgO. 2SiO 3 )] + 83. Gmelinite - 84. Natrolite 85. Scolezite 86. Levyn 87. Harmotome - 88. Faujasite 89. Stilbite 90. Epistilbite - 91. Brewsterite - 92. Edirigtonite 93. Chlorite. Ripidolite Pennin 96. Catapleiite - 97. Anthosiderite 98. Carpholite - 99. Saponite 100. Agalmatolite [MgO. A1 2 O 3 +3HO. SiO 3 ]. K, CaO. 2HO+2(A1 2 O 3 . 2SiO 3 ). I. Appendix to section e. Sphragide NaO. Al 2 Fe 2 O 3 ; SiO3. Damourite KO. 2HO+3A1 2 O 3 . 4SiO 3 . Groppite 2(MgO. HO)+A1 2 O 3 . 2SiO 3 . Spadaite MgO. 4HO+4(MgO. SiO 3 ). Stolpenite [CaO. HO+3HO. 2SiO 3 ] +3[3HO. A 2 O 3 +3HO. 2SiO 3 . Gilbertite 2(CaO. HO)+5A1 2 O 3 . 6SiO 3 . Chlorophaeite Fe, MgO. 3HO+3HO. SiO 3 . Quincite 3(Fe, MgO) 3HO. (2SiO 3 ). 3HO. Fe 2 O 3 + (HO. SiO 3 ). Pinguite [FeO. HO+2(3HO. SiO 3 )]-f2[HO. Fe 2 O 3 +3HO. SiO 3 ]. Pimelite [3(NiO. HO)+2(HO. SiO 3 )]-f[3HO. 2A1 2 O 3 +HO. SiO 3 . Pipestone 3(Ca, NaO. HO)+2(AFO 3 . 3SiO 3 .) Catlinite SiO 3 ; AJ 2 O 3 ; HO; MgO. Kaolin (3A1 2 O 3 . 2SiO 3 )+3Ho" SiO 3 ). * CHEMICAL ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. 391 Malthacite 3HO, Al 2 , Fe 2 O 3 +4(3HO. SiO 2 ), Lithomarge 3HO. 2A1 2 O 3 +3(HO SiO 3 ). Pholerite (HO. A1'O 3 +HO. SiO 3 ). Nontronite 3HO. Fe 2 O 3 +2(HO. SiO 3 .) Halloysite 3HO. A1 2 O 3 +3HO. SiO 3 . Dillnite 3HO. 2A1 2 O 3 +HO. SiO 3 . Montmorillonite 3HO. A1 2 O 3 +3HO. 2SiO 3 - Allophane 2(3HO. A1 2 O 3 )+2(3HO. SiO 3 ). Lenzinite 3HO. A1 2 O 3 +HO. SiO 3 . Wad MnO. HO+2(HO. MnO 2 ). Scarbroite 9(6HO. A1 2 O 3 )+2(3HO. SiO 3 ). Asbolan Co, CuO. 2HO+2(HO. MnO 2 ). Kollyrite 3(3HO. A1 2 O")+6HO. SiO 3 . Pelokonite CuO. Mn 2 O 3 . Fe 2 O 3 . SiO 3 . Meloschin 3(HO. Al 2 , Cr 2 O 3 )+2(3HO. SiO a .) Section /. Silicates with aluminates. 101. Clintonite - HO. 2A1 2 O 3 + 2Ca, MgO. SiO 3 , or RO. SiO 3 +RO 2 . Al 2 O 3 +HO(RO=Mg, Ca FeO). 102. Chloritoid - Pe 3 MgO. Al 2 O 3 +Pe 2 O 3 . SiO 3 . HO. 103. Ottrelite - Fe, MnO. Fe 2 O 3 ?+Al 2 O 3 . SiO 3 . HO. Section g, Silicates with chlorides, fluorides and sulphides, 104 Eudyalyte - 2(3Na, Ca, FeO. Cl. 2SiO 3 )+Zr 2 O 3 2SiO 3 . 105. Leucophane 4(3Ca, NaO, F. 2SiO 3 )+3Be 2 O 3 . 2SiO 3 . 106. Pyrosmalite 3HO. Fe 2 O 3 Cl 3 +2(3Fe, MnO. 2SiO 3 .) 107. Kelvin - SMn.FeO. S. SiO 3 + Be 2 , Mn 2 O 3 . SiO 3 ?. Section h. Silicate with carbonate. 108. Davyne - 2NaO. SiO 3 +2(Al 2 O 3 SiO 3 (+Ca, NaO. CO 2 . ORDER VIII. CHROMATES. 1. Lehmannite - PbO. CrO 3 . 2. Melanochroite 3PbO. 2CrO 3 . 3. Vauquelinite 3Pb. CuO. 2CrO 3 . ORDER IX. MOLYBDATES. 1. Wulfsnite - PbO. MoO. 3 . 392 CHEMICAL ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. ORDER X. TUNGSTATES. 1. Scheelite - CaO. WO 3 . 2. Wolfram - Fe, Mn O, WO 3 . 3. Stolzite - PbO. WO 3 . ORDER XL TITANATES. Section a. 1. Perofskite - CaO. TiO 2 . 2. Polymignite TiO 2 ; Zr 2 O 3 ; Fe 2 O 3 ; Mn 2 3 YO. CaO CeO. 3. Pyromelane (Al 2 , Fe 2 , Be 2 ?, O 3 , TiO 2 .) ? 4. Rutherfordite (TiO 2 , (Ce 2 O 3 ; YO. U 2 O 3 .) 5. Mengite - TiO 2 ; Fe 2 , Mn 2 O 3 ; Z2 2 O 3 . Section b. Titanates and silicates. 6. Sphene - 2(CaO. SiO)+CaO. 3TiO 2 . 7. Keilhauite 4Ca, YO. 3TiO 2 +Al 2 , Fe 2 O 3 . 8. Schorlomite 2(2Ca, FeO. TiO 2 )Fe 2 O 3 . 2SiO 3 . 9. Tschewkinite Ce, La, Di, CaO, SiO 3 TiO 2 , &e. 10. Oerstedite - TiO 2 ; SiO 3 ; Zr 2 O 3 , Ca, Mg, FeO; HO. 11. Mosandrite - Ti. O 2 ; SiO 3 ; Ce La, Mn, Ca, Mg, KO HO. Section c. Silico-titanates, with boric acid. 12. Warwickite - 3 Mg, FeO. TiO 2 +B0 3 . ? ORDER XII. COLUMBATES, (sometimes with titanates, tungstates, niobates, pelopates and silicates.) 1. Pyrochlore - Ca, Ce NaO, F. Nb. Pe WO 3 ; TiO 2 . 2. Microlite - CaO; Ta, WO 3 . 3. Fergusonite 6YO. TaO 3 ? and Ce, Sn, U, FeO. Zr 3 O 3 . 4. Yttrotantalite Ta O 3 ; YO ; and Ca, U, Fe, Cu, Ce, La, Mg, Zr TiO 2 , HO. 6. Columbite - Fe, MnO ; Nb, Pe O 3 . 6. Tantalite - Fe, MnO. TaO 3 . 7. Euxenite - TaO* ; YO, CeO, CaO, UO ; TiO 2 ; HO. 8. Polycrase - TiO 2 ; TaO 3 , ZrO 32 ; Fe 2 O 3 YO. UO, CeO, &c. 9. Samarsldte Fe, U, YO ; Nb, Pe, WO 3 . 10. Aeschynite 2(Ce, La, FeO. Nb, ZiO 2 ) + Ca 2 3 3Nb, TiO 2 . ORDER XIII. NITRATES. 1. Nitre - KO+NO 5 . 2. Nitratin - NaO+NO 5 . CHEMICAL ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. 393 a l . Hydrous. 3. Nitrocalcite CaO; HO; NO 5 . 4. Nitromagnesite MgO ; HO; NO 5 . ORGANIC DIVISION. CLASS I. HYDRO-, OXY-HYDRO, AND NITRO-OXY-HYDRO- CARBONS. ORDER I. HYDRO-CARBONS. 1. Carbhydrogen - C H. 2. Konleinite - C 2 H. 3. Phylloretin - C 8 H 5 . 4. Tekoretin - C 6 H*. 5. Fichtelite - C 4 H 3 . 6. Branchite - CH. 7. Hatchettine - CH. 8. Ozokerite - C H. 9. Naphtha - C H. 10. Chrismatine - CH? 11. Elaterite - CH? 12. Idrialite - CH. 13. Piauzite C H. 14. Ixolyte - CH. 15. Hartite - C 4 H 5 . 16. Scheererite - CH 2 . ORDER II. OXYHYDRO-CARBONS. 1. Pyropissite - CHO. 2. Retinite - CHO. 3. Naphthadil - CHO. 4. Succinite - C 10 H 8 O. 5. Guyaquillite - C 20 H 13 O 3 . 6. Berengelite - C 40 H 31 O 8 . 7. Middletonite - C 12 H 8 O. S. Copaline - C 40 H 32 O. 9. Psathyrite - C 20 H 17 O 2 . 10. Butyrite - C 33 H 33 O 3 . ORDER III. NITRO-OXYHYDRO CARBONS. 1. Coal - - C H O N. 2. Dopplerite - CHON. 50 394 CHEMICAL A RRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. CLASS II. HYDKOUS CARBO-OXYGEN, AND HYDRO-CARBO- SALTS. ORDER I. OXALATES. 1. Oxacalcite - CaO+C 2 O 3 +HO. 2. Thierschite - CaO+C 2 O 3 +HO? 3. Oxalite - 2FeO+2C 2 O 3 +3HO. ORDER II. MELLATES. 1. Mellite - A1 2 O 3 +3C 4 O 3 +18HO. ORDER HI. PIGOTATES ? 1. Pigotite - 4A1 2 3 +C"H 5 0+27HO. NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT or THE SPECIES, ADOPTED IN THIS TREATISE; WITH ANNOTATIONS AND REFERENCES. [Following the species will generally be found its author's name : if in capitals, it denotes that he, both described and named the mineral; if abbreviated and in italics, it is intended to show that the author has merely changed the name, in order to avoid the compound or chemical designation under which it had been previously kntnon. The numbers occasionally met with in parentheses, refer to notes at the bottom of the page, introduced to supply information not in the body of the work. The page on which the general description occurs, is also designated.] CLASS I. ORDER I. GAS. Sp. 1. Hydrogen, p. 64. 2. Ammonia, p. 64. 3. Carbhydrogen, Shep., p. 64. 4. Nitrogen, p. 64. 5. Air, p. 64. 6. Sulp hydrogen, Shep., p. 64. 7. M u r i a t a c i d, Shep., p. 64. 8. C a r b a c i d, Shep., p. 64. 9. S u 1 p h a c i d, Shep., p. 64. ORDER II. LIQUID. Sp. 1. W a t e r, p. 65. 2, Vitriolacid, Shep., p, 65. 396 NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OP SPECIES, ORDER III. SOLUBLE. f S e c t i o n A. Sp. 1. N i t r o c a 1 c i t e, SHEPARD, p. 65. 2. Nitromagnesite, SHEPARD, p. 65. 3. Nitre, p. 65. 4. N i t r a t i n, Haid., p. 65. 5. Hydrophilite (i), HAUSMANN. 6. Eisenchlore, HAUSMANN, (2), Chloride of Iron. 7. Salmiak, Haus., p. 65. 8. Salt, Chloride of sodium, p. 65. 9. S y 1 v i n e, Beud., p. 66. 10. M a s c a g n i n e, Reuss, p. 66. 11. Pissophane, BREITHAUPT, (s). 12. Carnal lite, ROSE, (4). Section B. 13. Carbammonite, Shep., p. 66. 14. Natron, p. 66. 15. Thermonatrite, Haid., p. 66. 16. T r o n a, KLAPROTH, p. 66. 17. Borax, p. 67. 18. P h o s p h a m m o n i t e, Shep., p. 67. 19. M i r a b i 1 i t e, Haid., p. 67. 20. E p s o m i t e, Beud, (s) p. 67. 21. M e 1 a n t e r i t e, Haid., p. 67. (1) Hydrophyllite. Known only in very dilute solution. Composition, chloride of calcium. (2) Eisenchlore. Known only in solution, and in a state of mixture with the sesquichloride of iron. Composition, chloride of iron. (3) Pissophane. Amorphous, or stalactitic. H.=1'5. G.=l'93...1'98. Lustre vitreous. Color pistachio-, asparagus-, or olive-green. Transparent. Fragile. Frac- ture conchoidal. B.B., becomes black. Heated in a glass tube, gives alkaline water. Soluble in hydrochloric acid ; nearly insoluble in water. Analysis by Erdmann : Green. Yellow. Alumina, 34-155 6*799 Peroxide iron, - - - - 9'738 40'060 Sulphuric acid, .... 12*700 11-899 Water, 41'69 40'141 Found at Garnsdorf ( Garnsdorfite) near Saalfield, and at Reichenbach, Saxony, on alum-slate. (4) Carnallite. Occurs mixed with salt at Stassfurt. Granular ; lustre shining, somewhat greasy. Structure undetermined. Dissolves easily in water. Composi- tion, according to Oesten, chloride of magnesium 31'36, chloride of potassium 24-27, chloride of sodium 5'10, chloride of calcium 2'62, water 85'57. Part of this water is united to the chloride of calcium, so that the water of the pure mineral is reduced to about 33 p. c. The composition then becomes KCl-f-Mg C1-J-12HO. The name is in honor of von Carnall, of the Prussian mines. (5.) Epsortute. Masses, a foot in diameter, are found at the Alum Cave in Sevier Co., Tenn. NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OP SPECIES. 397 22. Coquimbite, BREITHAUPT, (i). 23. Manganvitriol, GLOCKER, (a). 24. Goslarite, Haid., p. 68. 25. C h a 1 k a n t h i t e, Kenn., p. 68 ; Blue Vitriol. 26. P y r o m e 1 i n e, Kob., p. 68 ; Nickel-vitriol. 27. A 1 u m, p. 68. S o 1 f a t a r i t e, Shep., (3). Tschermigite, Daw., (4). Apjohnite, GLOCKER, (s). Pickeringite, HAYES, (e). (1) Coquimbite. In hexagonal prisms, with terminal edges _. 717 deeply replaced. * Ig ' 71/ * x on o 151 0' a; on x r 128 8 Cleavage a and a 4 , imperfect. Fracture conchoidal, to une- ven. Transparent ; white, passing into blue and green. H.= 2-0 . . . 2-5. G.=2-0 ... 2-1. Taste vitriolic. In the matrass, yields water and sulphurous acid. Soluble in cold water. On heating the solution, peroxide of iron is thrown down. Analy- sis by Rose : Sulphuric acid, .... 43-55 43'55 Peroxide iron, .... 24-11 62'21 Alumina, 0'92 0'78 Lime, 0'73 0-14 Magnesia, 0-32 0-21 Silica, 0-31 0-37 Water, 30-10 29'98 Found in xls., and massive, in a thick bed, in green feldspar, in the district of Co- piapo in Coquimbo. The Blakeite of Dana, is referred by him to this species, not- withstanding it assumes the 8-dral form on re-crystallization. (2) Manganvitriol. Sulphate of manganese. Imperfectly distinguished. (3) Solfatarite. In white, or yellowish fibrous crusts. Analysis, by Thomson, sulphate of soda, 15-5, sulphate of alumina 37'4, water 47 ! 1. Found at the island of Milo, at the Solfatara near Naples, and at Mendoza, on the eastern Andes. (4) Tschermigite, Ammonia-alum. Fibrous and in 8-dra. That from. Tschermig, Bohemia, according to Pfaff, contains ; Alumina, - - - - - - 12-14 Ammonia, 6'58 Sulphuric acid, 36*00 Water, - 45-00 (5) Apjohnite, Manganese-alum. In silky fibres, resembling^ asbestus. Apjohn obtained, Alumina, 10'65 Sesquiox. mang., 7'33 Sulphuric acid, 39*79 Water, 48-16 SuL magnesia, 1-08 Occurs at Lagoa Bay, S. Africa, and at Alum Point, Great Salt Lake, Rocky Mountains. (6) Pickeringite. Magnesia-alum. In white, silky, fibrous masses, becoming opaque on exposure. Composition, from Iquique, according to Hayes, Sulphate of magnesia, 13 -4 F Sulphate of alumina, 38-3 Water, 483 Found covering the floor of a cave (to the depth of six inches) near the Bosjes- man river, S. Africa. 398 NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OP SPECIES 28. V o 1 1 a i t e, SCACCHI, (i), p. 71. 29. R e u s s i n, KARSTEN, p. 68. 30. T h e n a r d i t e, CASASECA, p. 69. 31. Gaylusite, BOUSSINGALT, p. 69. Section 0. 32. S a s s o 1 i n, KARSTEN, p. 69. 33. C o p i a p i t e, HAIDINGER, p. 69. M i s y, p. 69. 34. A 1 u n o g e n e, Beud. Keramohalite, JURASKY, (2). 35. B o t r y o g e n e, HAIDINGER, p. 70. 36. Stypticite, HAUSMANN, (z). 37. Johannite, HAIDINGER, p. 70. 38. B i e b e r i t e, HAIDINGER, p. 70. 39. A r c a n i t e, Haid., p. 70. 40. M i s e n i t e, SCACCHI, p. 71. 41. P o 1 y h a I i t e, STROMEYER, p. 70. 42. Loweite, HAIDINGER, p. 71. 43. Astrakanite, ROSE, p. 71. (1) Voltaite. In 8-dra cubes and dodecahedrons. Lustre resinous. Oil-green, greenish-black, brown to black. Streak greyish-green. Opaque. Soluble in water with difficulty, and at the same time suffering decomposition. Composition, according to Scacchi, Sulphate protox. iron, 15*4 " perox. iron, 40*6 Water, 44- First found at the Solfatara near Naples, by Breislak (1792), and since by Ulrich, at the Rammelsberg mine, near Goslar. At the latter place, it contains traces of protox. manganese, also. (2) Keramohalite. In crystalline crusts and six-sided tables, with two angles of 92, and four of 134. Primary form, an oblique rhombic prism. G.=1'6 ... 1*7. Composition, according to Jurasky, Alumina, 14-80 Protox. iron, 2-15 Sulphuric acid, - - - - - 36 76 Water, 44-60 Insoluble, 2'01 Occurs in druses with melanterite, near Konigsberg, Hungary. (3) Stypticite. Fibrous; silky; yellowish-green, greenish-grey. Brittle. Single fibres slightly flexible. H.=2'5. G.=2-5. Taste sour and astringent. Analysis, a from Copiapo, by Rose, b from Chili (variety fibroferrite) by Prideaux. a. b. Sulphuric acid, - 31'73 28'9 Perox. iron, 28'11 34'4 Lime, - , 1 91 Magnesia, 059 Water, - 36'56 36-7 Found with coquimbite in the province of Coquimbo. -^^ NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. 399 CLASS II. ORDER!. HALOID. Section A. Sp. 1. Pelsobanyite, HAIDINGER (i). 2. Apatelite, MEILLET, p. 71. 3. A 1 u m i n i t e, Jam., p. 72. 4. Struvite, Ulex., p. 72. 5. V i v i a n i t e, p. 72. 6. E r y t h r i n e, Beud, p. 73. 7. R o s e 1 i t e, LEVY, (2). 8. K 6 1 1 i g i t e, Dan. (3). Zinkarseniat, OTTO KOTTIG. 9. Pharmacolite, HAUSMANN, p. 73. 10. H a i d i n g e r i t e, TURNER, p. 74. 11. Gypsum, p. 74. 12. Hydroboracite, Hess, p. 75. 13. H a y e s i n e, Dan. Borate of lime, HAYES, p. 75. U 1 e x i t e, Dan., Tiza, p. 76. 14. Hydrozincite, Kenn. Zinc-bloom, SMITHSON, p. 76. 15. Hydromagnesite, KOBELL, p. 76. (1) Felsobanyite. In six-sided folia with two angles of 112. Cleavage face pearly. Usually in concretions. H.=l f 5. G.=2'33. Color snow-white, surface often yellowish. Analysis, by von Hauer, sulphuric acid 16'47, alumina 45'53, water 37.27. Occurs at Felsobanya in Hungary. (2) Roselite. Right rhombic prisms of 185. Secondary form. M on M - 135 0' Fig. 718. Mono - 157 30 a'onc - 140 42 H. 3-0. Cleavage parallel with shorter diagonal, per- fect. Fracture conchoidal. Translucent. Lustre vitreous. Color deep rose-red. Streak white. In the matrass, yields water, and becomes black. B. B., in the outer flame, imparts a deep blue color to borax. Soluble in hydrochloric acid. Contains arsenic acid, lime, magnesia, oxide of cobalt and water. Occurs in small attached xls. at Schneeberg. (3) Kottigite. In fibrous crusts and massive (supposed to be isomorphous with erythrine and vivianite). H.=2-5 . . . 3-0. G.=3-l. Cleavage, perfect in one direction. Translucent. Lustre of fracture silky. Color light carmine-red to peach-blossom red. Streak reddish-white. In the matrass, yields water and assumes a pale smalt-blue color. B. B., on charcoal in the outer flame, fuses, emits fumes of arsenic, leaving a slag of oxide of zinc. Gives the re- action of cobalt and nickel Soluble In acids. Composition, ZnO AS 2 3 +8HO. Analysis, by Kotting, Arsenic acid (loss), - - 37'17 Oxide of zinc, 20'62 Oxide of cobalt, - 6 '91 Oxide of nickel, - 2-00 Lime, - - trace Water, - 23'40 Found with smaltine in the Daniel mine, near Schneeberg. 400 NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. 16. Hy d rodol omite, Dan., (i). Dolomite-sinter, KOBELL. 17. W i s e r i t e, HAIDINGER, (2). 18. Oxalite, Haus., Humboldtine, RIVERO, p. 76. 19. M e d j i d i t e, SMITH, p. 76. 20. H o u g h i t e, SHEPARD, p. 77. 21. Volknerite, HERMANN, p. 77. 22. Arseniosiderite, DUFRENOY, p. 77. 23. O x a c a I c i t e, Shep., p. 78. Whewellite, BROOKE and MILLER. 24. H o p e i t e, BREWSTER, p. 78. 25. D i a d o c h i te, BREITHAUPT, p. 90. 26. Pitticite, HAUSMANN, p. 78. 27. Delvauxine, DUMONT, p. 89. 28. Lanthanite, Haid. (3). Garb, cerium, BERZELIUS. 29. Anhydrite, p. 78. 30. Cryolite, ABILDGAARD, (4), p. 79. 31. Ohio lite, Haid., p. 79. 32. Calcite, Haid., p. 79. 33. Hydrocalcitc, Dan.j (s). Hydrous earb. lime, SCHEERER. 34. F I u e 1 1 i t e, WOLLASTON, p. 88. 35. A 1 1 o p h a n e, STROMEYER, p. 88. (1) Hydrodolomite. In sinter-like, globular or stalactitic masses of a yellowish- white color and a dull earthy fracture. Found in isolated masses at Somma. Analysis, by Kobell, Lime, - 25-92 Magnesia, 24*28 Carbonic acid, - - 33'10 Water, - - 17'40 (2) Wiserite. A hydrated carbonate of manganese, found at Gonzen, near Sarganz in Switzerland. (3) Lanthanite. In thin rectangular plates, aggregated by their broader faces, and with their edges variously replaced. Primary form a right rectangular prism. Also botryoidal and massive : coarsely granular ; particles slightly coherent. Color pale rose-red, pink, or pale yellowish white. Lustre pearly to vitreous, resembling stilbite. Transparent to translucent. It is not found at Norwich, Conn., but with the zinc ores of the Saucon valley, Lehigh Co., Pa., and with blende and marcasite in the Canton copper and lead mine, in Cherokee Co., Georgia. Exceedingly rare. (4) Cryolite. Occurs at Evigtok, 12 miles from Arksut, on the Arksut Fiord, in granitic gneiss. It forms an interstratified mass 80 feet thick and 300 long, bounded by chalybite, quartz, fluor and galena; and is intersected by a vein of quartz-rock con- taining coarsely crystallized feldspar, cryolite, cassiterite, columbite and ores of iron, lead and zinc. The galena contains 45 oz. of silver to the ton ; and is worked. The cryolite is black upon the under side of the bed. Mr. J. "W. Taylor, who describes it, infers that the white color of its superior surface, is owing to the former contiguity of trap, which is now seen only at the extremities of the deposit. (5) Hydrocalcite. This is the hydrous carbonate of lime of SCHEERER, and the hydrokonite of Hausmann. It occurs in small rhomboids, forming an incrustation on wood, under water. Composition, carbonate of lime 52'4, water 47 '6. Exposed to the air, the water passes off. The xls. contain 1 p. c. of organic matter. By the action of absolute alcohol, it loses two equivalents of water and becomes CaO, C0 2 -f- 3HO. A blue limestone from Vesuvius, analyzed by Klaproth, had 11 p. c. of water. NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. 401 36. Schrotteri t e, GLOCKER, (i). 37. Pyrargiliite, NORDENSKIOLD, p. 88. 38. D i 1 1 n i t e, HAIDINGER, (2). 39. H i tc h c o c k i t e, SHEPARD, (s). 40. G i b b s i t e, TORREY, p. 89. 41. Dufrenite, BRONGNIART, p. 89. 42. C a r p h o s i d e r i t e, BREITHAUPT, p. 89. 43. C aco x en e, STEINMANN, p. 90. 44. W a v e 1 1 i t e, PHILLIPS, p. 90. 45. Pen n i t e, Herm. Hydro-nickel magnesite, SHEPARD, p. 91. r 46. A r a g o n i t e, p. 90. 47. Dolomite, p. 92 i. 97. . , . . 48. Diallogite, Bead., p. 96. 49. M a n g a n o c a 1 c i t e, BREITHAUPT, p (1) Schr'otterite. Called also, Opat-allopk ane. H. 3'0 .. . 3'5. G.=1'95 ... 2'05. Color greenish, yellowish, and spotted with brown. Analysis, by Schrotter. Soluble in acids. B. B., like allophane. Silica, - 11-95 11 -93 Alumina, 4330 46'28 Perox. iron, 2'95 2 68 Lime, - 1-30 1-03 Protox. copper, - 25 25 Water, - 35-50 3550 In nests, between clay slate and limestone. From Freienstein, Styria, (2) Dillnite. Fracture flat conchoidal, even, earthy. Opaque. Dull white. H.= 3-5. G.=1'8 .. . 20. Analysis, by Hutzelmanu aud Karafiat, compact, 6 earthy, a. b. Silica, - 22-40 33'53 Alumina 5-90 53'00 Lime, - trace 0'88 Magnesia, 0-44 1-76 Water, - 21-13 20'05 It is the gangue of the diaspore of Schemnirz. (3) Hitchcockite. Massive. In coatings and botryoidal. 'Sometimes concentric like allophane. H.=2-75 ... 3. Gr.=2'909. Color, white, greyish, bluish and rarely with a tinge of green. Lustre vitreous to adamantine. Transparent to translucent. Heated in a glass tube, it emits much moisture. B. B., phosphoresces brightly, turning of a pale yellow color, while hot. Infusible. Moistened with nitrate of co- balt and ignited, it assumes a very rich blue color. In the state of powder, when moistened with sulphuric acid and heated, it tinges the flame of the candle green. With borax, it readily melts, attended by effervescence, into a transparent glass, which on cooling, has a faint tinge of blue. With soda, it quickly changes to a deep yellow color, attended by the reduction of oxide of zinc, and by a deposit of its oxide upon the charcoal, which has a yellow color while it is hot. Soluble without effervescence, in warm nitric or hydrochloric acid. By full ignition, in the state of powder, it loses 29'45 p. c. ; and is inferred to be a hydrated phosphate of alumina, with oxide of zinc. Occurs in thin crusts, like hyalite, upon the joints of ?uartzy mica-slate, at the Canton copper-, and lead-mine, in Cherokee county, Ga, t is associated with marcasite, pyrites, galena, chalcopyiite, automalite and staturo- tide. Named after Dr. Hitchcock,* of Amherst College, 51 402 NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIF. S 50. Mag n e si te, (i). 51. A u k e r i t e, HAIDINGER, p. 94. 52. M e s i t i n e, BREITHAUPT, p. 94. E m m o n s i t e, THOMSON, (2). 53. P 1 u m bo ca Ic i t e, JOHNSTON, (3). N e o t y p e, BREITHAUPT, (4). 54. F 1 u o r, p. 95. Section B. 55. G la u ba pa t i te, SHEPARD, (s). 56. D r e e I i t e, DUFRENOY, p. 97. 57. C e 1 e s t i n e, p. 97. 58. B a r y t e s, p. 98. Heavy Spar. (1) Magnesitc. Not known to exist in acicular xls., as stated on p. 90, but is sim- ply massive ; usually amorphous : very rarely cleavable. Chiefly from Gulsen and Steinmarck ; also from Hrubschitz, Moravia. Analysis of cleavable varieties, a from Snarum, by Scheerer, b from Saltzburg by Dufrenoy, e from Arendal by Miinster. a. 6. c. Garb, acid, - - 51'45 60'6 52'57 Magnesia, . 47'30 43'1 46'22 Protox. iron, - 0'79 5'2 0'37 Water, 0-47 Analysis of compact, c/from Baumgarten, e from Salem, both by Stromeyer,yfrom Hrubschitz by Lampadius, g from Salem by Henry, h from Greece by Brunner, i from Madras by Pfeiffer. d c f g h i Carb.acid, - - 50'22 51'83 51'0 51'0 49"47 50'64 Magnesia, 47'36 47'89 47'0 46'0 51'03 46-12 Lime, 0'28 0'35 Ox. mang., - 0'21 silica 1-5 Water, - - 1'39 1-6 0'5 0'16 The specimen from Madras contained in addition, soda, O40, potash 0*67, alumina 0'26, silica 0'23, phosphoric acid and chlorine, in traces. (2) Ernmonsite. Snow-white, massive, granular to compact. Composition, ac- cording to Thomson, carbonate of strontian, with 12'5 p. c. of carbonate of lime. Found at Schoharie, N. Y. The strontianocalcile of Genth is probably related to this mineral. (3) Plumbocalcite. In rhomboids of 104 53', having a peculiar greyish-white color, with a somewhat oily lustre. Also massive. H. rather below 3. According to Johnston, contains carbonate of lime 92'2, carbonate of lead 7'8. Found at Wau- lockhead, in the Lead Hills, Scotland (4) Neotype. Contains beside carbonate of lime, a little carbonate of barytes. G.=2'82 ... 2-83. (5) Glaubnpatite. Crystals small tabular ; in druses, forming botryoidal and sta- lactitic masses : columnar, fibres somewhat flattened and radiating from the centre of little, oval masses and stalactites. Color, pale yellowish, or greenish brown. Translucent. H. 3'5. G.=2'6. Also massive, with a conchoidal fracture, and of a dark chocolate brown oolot', to nearly black. Brittle. When heated in a glass tube, gives water ; at the same time turning brown and evolving a slight organic odor. B. B., it does not decrepitate, but turns brown on the first impression of the heat, aiid quickly fuses with ebullition, coloring the flame yel- low, with a very distinct tihge of green, around the heated mass. It finally yields a semi-transparent glass. With borax, melts into a colorless glass. When pow- dered, the mineral dissolves without effervescence, in hydrochloric and in nitric acid, NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT DF SPECIES. 403 59. Witherite, WERNER, p. 101. 60. B a r y t o c a 1 c i t e, BROOKE, p. 102. 61. Alstonite, BREITHAUPT, p. 102. 62. S t r o n t i a n i t e, SULZER, p. 103. 63. C h a 1 y b i t e, GLOCK, p. 105. 64. Pyroclasite, SHEPARD, (i). 65. P a r i s i t e, SPADA, p. 105. 66. Y 1 1 r o c e r i t e, BERZELIUS, p. 105. 67. F 1 u o c e r i t e, Haid., p. 105. Fluocerine, Haus., p. 106. 68. X e n o t i m e, BEUDANT, p. 106. affording solutions of a porter-brown color, from which, ammonia throws down the same precipitate as in pyroclasite. Analysis gave the following result : Phosphate of lime, - 74*00 Sulphate of soda, - - - 15-10 Water, with traces of organic matter ; sulphate of lime and chloride of sodium, 10-30 99-4.0 It occurs abundantly in irregular corroded, drusy shaped passes, (but very rarely crystalline) often coated on one side with pyroclasite ; and sometimes, the two spe- cies are intimately blended together. It is named out of regard to its relationship to apatite, and to glauber's salt. From Mong's Island on the Musquito coast of the Caribbean Sea ; where it is found along with pyroclasite, closely associated with, and apparently altered by^trap. (1) Pyrodaxite. Massive; in large tuberose and reniform masses, much resem- bling the menilite-opal, from Menil Montant near Paris ; except, that they are flatter, more irregular, and rarely oval on both sides. In this respect, they more resemble the large druses of calcedony from Faroe or the hemimorphite from Cumberland. Structure indistinctly concentric ; and when broken across (through masses of an inch thick) it presents a banded surface, like agates or ribbon-jasper. Color, cream- white ; but on the botryoidal surfaces which have been exposed to the weather, milk-white : and presenting when viewed with a single lens, a very remarkable cor- roded appearance, much resembling the vermicular surface of marble, as employed in architecture. Lustre dull, feebly resinous on a fresh fracture. Opaque. Brittle. Fracture even, to sub-conchoid aL H.=4 0. G.=2'36 . . . 2'4. Heated in a glass tube, it flies to pieces with a brisk decrepitation ; much of the mineral being at the same time projected from the tube. At the same time, it turns of a dark color, emits moisture and a feeble animal odor, .not more perceptible how- ever than in many secondary limestones when heated. It is impossible to hold a piece of the unheated mineral 'before the flame of tiie blowpipe, long enough to acquire redness ; but occasionally, a fragment large enough for this purpose, coming from the heated glass tube, will bear ignition in the platina forceps, without flying to pieces. It then instantly becomes white, phosphoresces strongly, tinging the flame yel- low, slightly tipped with green. At length, it fuses on the edges into a white glassy enamel ; and the fragment being placed upon a piece of moistened tumeric paper, oc- casions a feebly alkaline reaction. The heated mass on being moistened with sul- phuric acid, tinges the flame of the blowpipe momentarily, of a still deeper green. The powdered mineral, mixed into a paste with sulphuric acid, and heated i,n a glass tube, produced an etched ring just above the charge in the tube, indicating the pres- ence of fluorine. Fused with borax, the mineral dissolves into a clear glass, unless there is an excess of the powder. The powdered mineral is almost wholly taken up, by hydrochloric and by nitric acid, without sensible effervescence ; forming a porter-colored solution, from which ammonia precipitates the characteristic bulky white precipitate of hydrated triphos- phate of lime. It consists of about 80 p. c. phosphate of lime (mingled with some magnesia), and 10 p. c. of water ; the remaining 10 p. c. consisting of a mixture of carbonate of lime, sulphate of lime, sulphate of soda, insoluble matter, and traces 404 NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. Castelnaudite, DAMOUR, (i.) 6& Childrenite, LEVY, p. 106. 70i A 1 u n i t e, BEUDANT, p. 106. Jarosite, BREITHAUPT, (2). 71. Herder Me, HAIDINGER, p. 107. 72. Monacite, BREITHAUPT, p. 109. 73. C r y p t o H t e r WOHI.ER, p. 1 10. 74. Z w i e s e 1 it e, BREITHAUPT, p. 112, j(s). 75. Phosphocerite, WATTS, p. 110; 76. W a g n e r i t e, FUCHS, p. 1 10. 77. S m i t h s o n it e, Beud., p. 110. Calamine. 78. H e m i m o r p h i t e, Kenn., p. 111. Electric Gala- mine. 79. W i 1 1 a m i. t e, LEVY, p. 1 12. T r o o s t i t e, SIIEPARD, (4).. 80. Tr ipl-ite, p. 112. 81. Ber&elite, KUHN, p. 118. 82. F i e in i t e, BERNHARDI, (s). - 62 5 Potash, - 6-7 Alumina, - 1'7 Water, - 9-2 (S) ZwtesdUe. Prismatic. Cleavage in one direction, perfect ; indistinct in ser- ral others. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal to uneven. Translucent on the edges. Lustre resinous. Color clove-brown. Streak greyish-white. H. =(). G. = 3t>7. Secrepitates, when* heated. B. B., melts easily into a blackish-blue, magnetic globule. With fluxes, gives the reaction of iron and manganese. Soluble in warm hydro- ohloric acid. When* moistened in: powder, by strong sulphuric acid, affords hydro- fluoric acidi. Analysis, a by Fuchs, b and c by Rammelsberg. a b<- e Phospiioric acid, - - 35 60 not determ'd. 30'33 Protoxide of iron; 35-44 40-90 41-42 Protox. of mang., - - 20'34 24-33 35 25 Fluorine, - 8-18 not determ'd. 6'00 Iron, - 4-76 Silica, - 0'68 Found at Zwiesel near the Bodenmais, Bavaria. (4) Troostite. Its identity with willemite has not yet been fully established. (5) Ficinite. Oblique rhombic prs. Cleavage perfect in one direction, also in a second, inclined 129 to the former. Color, black ; within, greenish brown. Lustre weak, waxy to pearly. H.=5D . . . 5:5. G=3'4 . .. 3'53. Subtranslucent. In a NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF SPECfES. 405 ORDER II. MALACHITE. Sp. 1. Aurichalchite, BOTTGER, p. 76. 2. B u r a t i t e, DELESSE, p. 76. 3. A u n a b e r gi t e, B. and Af., p. 117. Nickel' greerr. 4. K u p a p h r i t e, Shep., p. 1 17. Kupferschaitn, WERNERV 5. Chrysocolla, Jam., p. 1 17. 6. T a m a r i t e, B. and A/., p. 118. Copper-mica, Janv, 7. L i r o c o n i t e, Bend., p. 1 18. 8. Sym pie site, BREITHAUPT, p. 118. 9. Pharmacosiderite, Haus., p. 119. 10. Texasite, Kenn., p. 119. Emerald-Nickel. SILLIMANV It. Upanite, Jam., p. 119. 12. T o r b e r i t e, B. and M., (i). p. 120. 13. Liebigite, SMITH, 120. 14 A p h a n e s i t e, Beud., p. 121. 15. Atacamite, BLUMENBACH, p. 120. 16*. Marcylite, SHEPARD, (2). 17. Yolborthite, ROSE, p. 121. 18. C h H e i t e, Kenn. (3). Vanadiate lead and copper. DOMEYKO. glass tube yields water, without much change. B. B., fuses to a semi-metallic slag, which is magnetic ; with boras and salt of phosphorus to a clear bead, colored by iron, which on cooling, becomes opaque. Analysis by Ficinus. Phosphoric acid, - ] 2 82' Sulphuric acid, 4'07 Protox. iron, - 58'85 Protox. mang., - 6 - 82 Lime, 0'17 SHica, - 0-17 Water, 16-87 From Bodenmais, Bavaria. (1) Torberite. This is the copper-uranite. H.=2'0 . . . 2-5. G.=^5 . .. 3-6 : and ? is now regarded as a distinct species from uranite. (2) Marcylite.. In flattened reniform masses, an inch or more in diameter. Color black. Fracture even ; dull, H.=3. G.=4-0 .. . 4*1. In< small fragments, fuses in the flame of a candle, tinging it of a rich greenish-blue color. B. B. chloride of copper is volatilized and spreads over the support, pure copper being finally ob- tained. In powder, it is chiefly dissolved in aqua ammoniae. Analysis, by the au* thor. Copper, 54-30 Oxygen and chlorine, - 36*20 Water, 9'50 Fmmd in a red gypseous clay ; and loose, in the soil of the Wachita Mts., in the- Red River country ; and named from Capt. Marcy, its discoverer. (3) Chileite. Color dark brown, or brownish-black ; earthy, resembling a ferru- ginous clay. Found in cavities, in an arseniated pyromorpKite, along with amorphous- cerussite and malachite: B. B., fuses easily into a blebby, black pearl. With salt of phosphorus, or borax, gives a clear green pearl and a mixed globule of lead, anti- mony and copper. Soluble in nitric acid. Analysis, by Domeyko. Vanadic acid, 13*5 13-33 Arsenic, " - 4-6 4'68 Phosphoric " 0'6 O68 Protox. copper, - - 14'6 16-97 lead, - 54-9 51--97 Found at the silver-mine, called- Jdina Grande, in Chili, 406 NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. 19. O 1 i v e n i t e, Jam. p. 122. 20. S c o r o d i t e, BREITHAUPT, p. 122. 21. E u c h r o i t e, BREITHAUPT, p. 123. 22. B r o c h a n i t e, LEVY, p. 123. 23. C y a n o t r i c h i t e, Glock., p. 124. Lettsomite. 24. Azurite, Beud., p. 180. 25. Malachite, WERNER, p. 125. 26. Thrombolite, BREITHAUPT, p. 128. 27. L i b e t h e n i t e, BREITHAUPT, p. 126. 28. Lu n u i t e, BERNHARDI, p. 126. 29. Conichalcite, BREITHAUPT. (i). 30. Corn wall i te, ZIPPE, (2). 31. Erinite, HAIDINGER, p. 128. 32. Dioptase, HENRY, p. 127. ORDER III. BARYTE. t. Percy lite, BROOKE, p. 129. 2. S el bite, Haid., p. 129 3. Kerate, Haid., p. 129. 4. lodite, Haid., p. 130. 5. Bromite, Haid., p. 130. 6. E m b o I i t e, BREITHAUPT, p. 130. 7. Coc.cinite, Haid., p. 130. 8. Calomel, p. 130. 9. Vale n t in i t e. p. 131. 10. S e n a r m o n t i t e, Dan, Octahedral oxide antimony, M. H. DE SENARMONT. 11. Va u q u e I i n i t e, STEFFENS, p. 131. 12. L e h m a n n i te, B. and M., p. 132. Beresofite, Shep. 13. Melanochroite, HERMANN, p. 132. 14. W u 1 f e n i t e, Haid., p. 132. (1) Conichalcite. Reniform and massive. H.=4'5. G.=4.12. Color, pistachio- green, inclining to emerald-green. Subtranslucent. Brittle. Fracture splintery. Analysis, by Fritzsche, Arsenic acid, - 30'6S Phosphoric acid, 8*81 Vanadic acid, - - 1'78 Protox. copper, 31'76 Lime, - - - 21 '36 "Water, 5'61 From Andalusia, Spain. (2) Cornwallite. H.=4'5. G.=4-166. Amorphous. Color, blackish, or verdigris- green. Analysis, by Lerch, Arsenic acid, - - 30'21 Phosphoric acid, - - 2'16 Protox. copper, - - 54-61 Water, - - > / * 13'02 Found with olivenite at Cornwall. NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. 407 15. L e ad h i 1 1 i t e, Beud., p. 133. Sulphatotri-carb. lead, BROOKE. 16. C a 1 e d o ii i t e, Beud., p. 134. Cupreous sulphate- carb. lead, BROOKE. 17. L i n a r i t e, BROOKE, p. 134. 18. L a n a r k i t e, Beud., p. 134. Sulphato-carb. lead, BROOKE. 19. A n g 1 e s i t e, Beud., p. 135. 20. M e n d i p i t e, Breit., p. 136. 21. C o t u n n i t e, Kob., p. 136. 22. Phosgenite, Breit., p. 136. 23. M a 1 1 o c k i t e, GREGG, p. 136. 24. Ce russi te, Haid., p. 137. 25. S*t o 1 z i t e, Haid., p. 138. 26. Pyromorphite, Haus., p. 139. 27. M i m e t i t e, Haid., p. 140. 28. Hedyphane, BREITHAUPT, p. 140. 29. Cherokine, SHEPARD, (i). 30. Vanadinite, Haid., p. 140. 31. B I e i n e r i t e, Nic., p. 140. 32. D e c h e n i t e, BERGEMANN, p. 14L 33. Descloizite, DAMOUR, (2). 34. Plombgomme, p.i 141. 35. B i s m u t i t e, Breit., p, l4l 36. S c h e e 1 i t e, Leonh., p. 142. (1) Cherokine. In slightly acuminated hexagonal prisms, somewhat drusy ; bo- tryoidal and massive. Color, white, with a tinge of pink, interiorly ; the outside be- ing often greenish or bluish- white. Lustre adamantine. Several indistinct cleav- ages parallel to the prismatic axis. Fracture uneven. Translucent. fl.=8'75 ... 4. G.=4-81. Heated in a tube, affords a little moisture, becomes milk-white and opaque. B. B., becomes yellow, while hot, phosphoresces slightly, swells up and melts with effervescence into a yellow globule (a slight yellow areola, surrounding the mass) ; on cooling does not crystallize, but is perfectly glassy, colorless and semi- transparent. In powder, moistened with sulphuric acid, does not tinge the flame of the candle green. With soda, effervesces violently, is brick-red while hot, yellow when cold, affording an abundance of lead globules and a large ring, yellow while hot but white on cooling. Heated with nitrate of cobalt, it affords the deep blue, characteristic of alumina. Soluble in nitric acid without effervescence. It is chiefly phosphate of lead ; but also contains hydrate or phosphate of alumina (or both) and oxide of zinc. It differs from plombgomme by containing much less water, and pos- sessing an inferior specific gravity. Found in seams and cavities with pyrites, chal- copyrite, quartz and staurotide at the Canton mine in Cherokee Co., Ga. ; and named from the county in which it occurs. (2) Descloizite. In right rhombic prisms of 122 6', having the acute angles deeply replaced, to form dihedral summits of 116 25'. H.=3 - 5. G.=5'83. Lustre bright. Color olive-green to black. Lustre bronze. By transmitted light, the color approaches red. B. B., fuses, and is partially reduced to a globule of metallic lead, enveloped in black scoria. Gives in the reducing flame with borax, a green glass ; and with nitre in the oxydating flame, a violet-color, due to manganese. With salt of phosphorus, in the reduction flame, gives a chrome-green color. Dissolves in cold dilute nitric acid. Analysis, by Damour : vanadic acid 22 - 46, ox. lead 54-70, ox< zinc 2'04, oxides of mang. 11'32, sand 3'44. In very minute xls., with pyromorphite, from South America. 408 NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OP SPECIES. 37. E u 1 y t i n e, Breit., (i). 38. R o m e i n, DUFRENOY, p. 114. ORDER IV. OCHRE. 1. Xanthitane, SHEPARD, (2). 2. Tellurite, NIC., 143. 3. M o I y b d i n e, L. and Gregg, p. 143. 4. Arsenite, Haid., p. 143. 5. B i s m u c o n e, Shep., p. 143. Bismuth-ochre. 6. Wolframirie, L. and Gregg, p. 144. 7. Cervantite, />'0. G.=5'96. B. B., on charcoal, melts with effervescence into a brown bead, coating the support of a yellowish-brown color. With soda, yields bismuth. In salt of phosphorus, leaves a skele- ton of silica. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, forming a jelly. Analysis, by Karsten : Silica, - 22-23 Oxide of bismuth, - 6 9 "3 8 Perox. iron, - 2'40 Ox. mang., 0-80 Phosphoric acid, 3 - 3l Water, fluorine and loss, 2*38 Found in very small, attached crystals and druses, in the cobalt veins of Schnee- \>erg, and at Braunsdorf, Saxony. (2) Xantkitant. In hollow crystals with the form of sphene, and pulverulent. Color, pale yellowish white, resembling some varieties of sulphur or of decomposing wulfenite. Lustre generally feeble, but in some instances bright and resinous. Brittle. H.=3'5. G.=2'7 to 3-0. Cleavage indistinct. Heated in a glass tube, emits mois- ture ; and B. B., has all the reactions of titanic acid. It contains 1 2'5 p. c. of water, and consists of titanic acid with traces of zirconia. It is found in a decomposing feldspar, associated with zircon, at Green River, Henderson Co., N. C. ; and probably proceeds from the decomposition of spheae. (3) Cumenyite. A white powder or crust, occurring with cervantite in the prov- ince of Constaotine, Algeria, It afforded Cumeoge, Antimony, 62 Oxygen, - - 17 Water, - 15 Perox. iron, - - 1 Gangue, - 3 (4) Plattnerite. In hexagonal prisms with replaced basal edges ; pseudomorphous after pyromorphite. Cleavage indistinct. G.=9'39 . .. 9'45. Lustre metallic ada- mantine. Color iron-black. Streak brown. Opaque. Composition, PbO 2 2 Lead- bills, Scotland, at Vera Cruz, and many other places. 41 NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OP SPECIES. 409 *r SUB-ORDER, ARGIL. Me 1 an o lite, WURTZ, p. 162. P i m e 1 i t e, KARSTE, N p. 145. Wad, KARSTEN, p. 145. Asbolane, B. and M. t (i). M i 1 o s c h i n, HERDER, p. 144. Wolchonskoite, KAMMERER, p. 145. Pel okonite, RICHTER, (a). Copper-black. Bole, WERNER, p. 115. Pinguite, BREITHAUPT, p. 116. Q, u i n c i t e, BERTHIER, p. 147. Nontronite, BERTHIER, p. 115. Montmorillonite, SALVETAT, (s). G r o p p i t e, SVANBERG, p. 149. Lithomarge, p. 115. Meerschaum, WERNER, p. 162. S p a d a i t e, KOBELL, p. 152. Pipestone, THOMSON. Sap on ite, p. 151. G i 1 b e r t i t e, THOMSON, (4). P holer ite, p. 114. D a m o u r i t e, DELESSE, p. 161. H a 11 o y s i t e, BERTHIER, p. 114. Kaolin, pp. 114,187. L e n z i n i t e, JOHN, p. 114. K o 1 1 y r i t e, FRIESLEBAN, p. 1 14. Scarbroite, VERNON, p. 115. ORDER V. PICROSMINE. jP* Sp. 1. Agalmatholite, Leonh., p. 146. 2. Dysyntribite, SHEPARD, p. 146. (1) Asbolane. To the account on p. 145 of earthy cobalt, the following analysis of asbolane from Kamsdorf, by Rammelsberg, is added : Protox. mang., - 40"05 Oxygen, - '.* - ,& - 9*47 Oxide cobalt, . ^*j* - 19'45 Oxide copper, - 4"86 Perox. iron, - - - 4'56 Barytes, - - 0-50 Potash, - -. . ,. ^ - - 0-37 Water, 21-23 (2) Pelokonite. Supposed to be a variety of asbolane. Color liver-brown. H. S. G.=2-567. (3) Montmorillonite Rose-red, fragile. From Montmorillon, Confolens in Cha- rente, France. (4) Gilbertite. An altered mica, which has lost the alkalies, wholly, or in part. H.=2-75. G.=2-648. From Stonagwyn, St. Just.,. Cornwall. The vari- ety from Saxony is supposed by Zschau, to be derived from topaz. 52 410 NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES 3. K e r o 1 i t e, BREITHAUPT, p. 146. 4. M a r m o 1 i t e, NUTTALL, p. 147. 5. Hi singe rite, BERZELIUS, p. 115. 6. Dermartine, BREITHAUPT, p. 147. 7. Serpentine, p. 147. 8. Picrosmine, HAIDINGER, p. 148. 9. A n t i g o r i t e, SCHWEISSER, p. 155. 10. P i c r o 1 i t e, HAUSMANN, p. 148. Chrysotile, KOBELL, p. 149. 11. Bastite, HAIDINGER, (i), p. 199. 12. W i 1 1 i a m s i t e, SHEPARD, p. 149. ORDER VI. MICA. i Section A. Sp. 1. Talc, p. 150. 2. Chlorite, p. 150. Pennine. 3. Chalcodite, SHEPARD, 152. 4. Graphite, p. 373. 5. C o r u n d o p h i 1 i t e, SHEPARD, p. 153. 6. Epichlorite, RAMMELSBERG, p. 154. 7. Brucite, Bead., p. 154. N e m a 1 i t e, NUTTALL, p. 154. 8. T h u r i n g i t e, BREITHAUPT, (2). (1) Bastite. In addition to the properties of this mineral given on p. 199, the following may be supplied. In the matrass, yields water. B. B., becomes brown and magnetic, melting only on the edges of the thinnest splinters. With borax, forms a glass, which while hot, shows the color of iron ; and when cold, that of chrome. Completely decomposed by sulphuric acid ; imperfectly by hydrochloric. Analyses ; a and b, of crystallized bastite from the Harz by Kohler, c of compact. a b c Silica, 43-90 43-07 42-36 Magnesia, - 25'85 26-16 28'90 Lime, - 2-64 2'75 0'63 Protox.iron, - - 1302 10-91 18-27 mang., 0-53 0-57 0'85 Ox. chrome, - - 2*37 Alumina, - - 1-28 1'73 2'18 * Water, - - 12-43 1243 1207 (2) Thuringite. Massive. Cleavage distinct in one direction. Lustre pearly. Olive-green. Streak siskin-green. H.=2-0 ... 2-2. G.=3'151 ... 3-157. Analysis by Rammelsberg, Silica, ....-<:. .... ^-.,- 22-41 Perox. iron, - - - 21 '94 Protox. iron, - 42-60 Magnesia, " &.,- 1'16 Water, '. &>f? / * -^ " "/ i l7 ' 40 It occurs at Saalfeld t * NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. 411 9. J e n k i n s i t e, SHEPARD, p. 155. 10. Cronstedite, STEINMANN, p. 155. Section B. 11. L e p i d o 1 i t e, WERNER, p. 156. 12. Mica, p. 156. 13. B i o t i t e, HAUSMANN, p. 158. 14. P h 1 o g o p i t e, BREITHAUHT, p. 158. 15. M a r g a r i t e, FUCHS, p. 159. i Section C. 16. Lepidomelane, SOLTMANN, p. 159. 17. S ti Ipno mel an e, GLOCKER, p. 159. 18. Pyrosmalite, HAUSMANN, p. 160. 19. C 1 1 i n t o n i t e, FITCH and MATHER, p. 160, 20. Chi o r i t o i d, BREITHAUPT, p. 160. 21. Ottrelite, HAUI, p. 161. ORDER YII. ZEOLITE. 1. S t i 1 b i t e, HAUY, p. 163. 2. H e u 1 a n d i t e, BROOKE, p. 163. 3. E p i s t i 1 b i t e, ROSE, p. 164. 4. Chabasite, WERNER, p. 164. 5. Gismondine, MARIGNAC, p. 165. 6- Edingtonite, HAIDINGER, p. 166. 7. Harmotome, HAUY, p. 166. 8. P h i 1 1 i p s i t e, LEVY, p. 167. 9. A p o p h y 1 1 i t e, HAUY, p. 167. 10. Comptonite, BREWSTER, p. 168. 11. Scolecite, FUCHS, (i), p. 168. (1) Scolecite. The lime-mesotype (p. 169) properly constitutes the species now called scolecite. Primary form an oblique rhombic prism. M on M.=91 36'. Secondary form. M on/=131 12'. Cleavage parallel to M perfect. H.=5'0 ... 55. G.=2'2 . . . 2'3. It is completely decomposed by hydrochloric acid, leaving a residue of oxalate of lime. B. B., curls up, and melts into a blebby glass. Fig. 720. AT * 412 NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OP SPECIES. 12. Natrolite, KLAPROTH, (i), p. 168. 13. Pectolite, KOBELL, (2). 14. Okenite, KOBELL, p. 170. 15. Laumonite, HAUY, p. 170. 16. Brewsterite, BROOKE, p. 171. 17. Datholite, WERNER, p. 171. 18. A n a 1 c i m e, HAUY, p. 172. 19. Eudnophite, WEIBYE, p. 176. 20. F a u j a s i t e, DAMOUR, p. 173. 21. Davyne, B. and M., p. 174. Cancrinite, ROSE. 22. Ittnerite, GMELIN, (s). 23. H a ii y ri e, NEERGARD, p. 173. 24. Ultramarine, p. 173. 25. S o d a I i t e, THOMSON, p. 144. 26. N e p h e 1 i n e, HAUY, p. 174. (1) Natrolite. This is the soda-mesotype, p. 169. Primary form, right rhombic prism. M on M=9l. Secondary form, Fig. 721. M on e f> 136 20 136 8 M on z' 138 20 138 11-fc M Z T Z M on n - 148 42 148 47 T on x 142 30 142 39 M on a; - 86 35 85 24 Cleavage parallel to M and T nearly equally perfect. The fore- \ ^^o S going angles have been obtained by Greg and Dauber from xls., coming from the Paisberg iron-mine in Phillipstadt, Sweden, and which were named paisbergite by Igelstrom. It now appears that they are iden- tical with the rhodonite of Przibram, Bohemia, the silicate of manganese, of Cumber- land, R. I., (see Am. Journ. of Science, vol. xvii, p. 142) and the fowlerite of Franklin N. Jersey. This last mineral was thus designated, thirty years ago, by Nuttall and others, in honor of the late Dr. Fowler, of Franklin. It is not certain that it is distinct from rhodonite. NATURAL HISTORY A R R A N G E M N T O F SPECIES. 415 15. A x i n i t e, HAUY, p. 239. 16. Tourmaline, WERNER, p. 219. 17. Staurotide, HAUY, p. 22. 18. A n d a 1 u s i t e, LAMETHERIE, p. 223. 19. Kyanite, p. 224. 20. F i b r o 1 i te, BOURNON, p. 225. 21. Zircon, WERNER, p. 226. 22. P h e n a c i t e, NORDENSKIOLD, p. 228. 23. D i a s p o r e, HAUY, p. 228. 24. E u c 1 a s e, HAUY, p. 223. 25. Beryl, WERNER, p. 229. 26. C h r y s o b e r y 1, WERNER, p. 231. 27. Topaz, WERNER, p. 232. 28. Spinel, WERNER, p. 239. 29. A u t o m a 1 i t e, ECKEBERG, (i). (1) Automalite. Primary form, cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 723. Fig. 724. Fig. 725. Surface b, striated parallel to their intersections with a, Cleavage, cubic, (distinct), and octahedral. Color dark leek-green, to greyish- black. H,=7-5...80. G.=4-23 . . . 4-9. B.B., infusible. In powder, with soda, on charcoal, in the inner flame, deposits a sublimate of zinc. In powder, fuses with bisulphate of potash, into a mass which is completely soluble in water. Analysis, a from Fahlun, 6 from the U. States by Abich, c from Bodenmais by Kobell : a b Alumina, - 55-14 Perox. iron, - 5'85 Oxide zinc, - 30'02 Protox. iron, Magnesia, - 5'25 Protox. mang., - - traces. Silica (from the mortar), 3-84 The dysluite has G.=4-65, and contains, 57-00 - 34'80 5'55 2'22 traces. 1-22 c 49'62 9-60 26"67 7'99 3'40 1'44 Alumina, Perox. iron, Protox. " - Oxide zinc, Protox. mang.. - 30-49 27-97 - 12-55 16-80 7-60 Very perfect xls. of automalite occur in the Canton-mine in Cherokee Co., Ga., associated with chalcopyrite, galena, hitchcockite and staurotide : also at Haddam, Conn., along with chrysoberyl, beryl, zircon and bismuthine. 416 NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF'sPKCIES. 30. Corundum, WERNER, p. 235. 31. Diamond, p. 237. ORDER X. ORE. Section A. 1. Cuprite, Haid., p. 241. 2. Chalcotrichite, GLOCKER, p. 241. 3. Z i n c i t e, Haid., p. 242. 4. Thorite, Beud., p. 242. O r a n g i t e, KRANTZ, p. 243. 5. Warwickite, SHEPARD, p. 243. 6. P e r o f s k i t e, ROSE, p. 243, (i). 7. T r i t o m i t e, WEIBYE, p. 244. 8. C e r i t e, BERZELIUS, p. 244. 9. S p h e n e, p. 245. 10. Keilhauite, ERDMANN, p. 286. 11. W o h 1 e r i t e, SCHEERER, p. 247. 12. Pyrochlore, WOHLER, p. 248. 13. M i c r o 1 i t e, SHEPARD, p. 248. 14. L i e v r i t e, WERNER, p. 249. 15. T s c h e ff k i n i t e, ROSE, p. 249. 16. Al Unite, THOMSON, p. 250. 17. G a d o 1 i n i t e, EKEBERG, p. 252. 18. P y r o m e 1 a n e, SHEPARD, p. 253. 19. A n a t a s e, HAUY, p. 253. 20. B r o o k i t e, LEVY, p. 254. 21. R u t i 1 e, WERNER, p. 255. 22. P ol y m i g n i t e, BERZELIUS, p. 256. 23. E u x e n i t e, SCHEERER, p. 256. Section B. 24. Mengite, ROSE, p. 257. 25. Y 1 1 r o t a n t a I i t e, EKEBERG, p. 258. 26. ^Eschynite, BERZELIUS, p. 258. 27. Samarskite, ROSE, p. 259. 28. Rutherfordi te, SHEPARD, p. 260. 29. Polycrase, SCHEERER, p. 261. 30. Columbite, p. 261. 31. Tantalite, p. 262. 32. C a s s i t e r i t e, Beud., p. 263. 33. Wolfram, p. 264. 34. P e c h u r a n, p. 265. (1) Perofskite. This rare mineral is also found in the valley of Zermatt, Switzer- land. Color pale yellow to brown. G. = 4'03. H. = 5'5. NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. 417 Section C. 35. C h r o m i t e, Plaid., p. 267. 36. 1 1 m e n i t e. Kup., p. 267. 37. I r i t c, HERMANN, p. 269. 38. I s e r i n e, WERNER, p. 269. 39. Magnetite, Haid., p. 270. 40. D i m ag ne t i t e, SHEPARD, p. 271. 41. Hematite, p. 271. 42. M a r t i t e, BREITHAUPT, p. 275. 43. F r a n k 1 i n i t e, BERTHIER, p. 275. S e c t i o n D. 44. Turgite, HERMANN, p. 276. 45. G 6 t h i t e, Bcud., p. 277. Pyrrhosiderite, ULLMANN. 46. Stilpnosiderite, ULLMANN, p. 278. Section E. 47. P y r o 1 u s i t e, Haid., p. 279. 48. M a n g a n i t e, Haid., p. 280. 49. C red ne rite, Ram., p. 282. 50. H a u s m a n n i t e, Haid., p. 282: 51. P s i 1 o m e 1 a n e, Haid., p. 283. 52. B r a u n i t e, Haid., p. 283. 53. P o 1 i a n i t e, BREITHAUPT, p. 284. ORDER XL METAL. 1. Mercury, p. 289. 2. Lead, p. 287. 3. S y 1 v a n i t e, p. 289. 4. N a g y a g i t e, p. 290. 5. Tetradymite, p. 291. 6. Tellurium, (i). 7. Bismuth, p. 291. 8. Schapbachite, Kenn., p. 292. 9. Petzite, Haid., p. 292. 10. Copper, p. 293. 11. Silver, p. 299. 12. Amalgam, p. 295. 13. Gold, p. 246. 14. Antimony, p. 298. (1) Tellurium. Primary form, rhomboid. Secondary, double pix-sided pyramids with summits truncated, and inclined to pyramidal planes under 122 24'. Cleavage parallel with edges of the base of the pyramid, distinct, but with the terminal planes, indistinct. Opaque. Lustre metallic. Tin -white. E.=20...25. G.=61...6'3. B. B., melts, and is dissipated in a dense smoke with a greenish flame. Solution in sulphuric acid is red. Analysis, by Petz, tellurium 97'21, gold 2 - 79. In sandstone with gold and pyrites at Facebay in Transylvania. 53 418 NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES. >5. A 1 1 e m o n t i t e, Haid., p. 299. 16. Arsenic, p. 300. 17. Altai te, Haid., p. 300. 18. D i s c r a s i t e, Frob., p. 300. 19. Iron, p. 301. 20. P 1 a t i n u m, p. 302. 21. Palladium, p. 303. 22. I r i d o s m i n e, p. 303. 23. S v a n b e r g i t e, Shep. (Platiniridium, HAUSMANN, p. 213). ORDER XII. PYRITES. 1. B o r n i t e, Haid., p. 305. 2. C h a 1 c o p y r i t e. Bend., p. 306. 3. Millerite, Haid., p. 307. 4. N i c o p y r i t e, Shep, , p. 307. 5. D o m e y k i t e, Haid., p. 308. 6. S t a n n i t e, Beud., p. 308. 7. P y r r h o t i n e, Breit., p. 309. 8. Griinauite, NIC., p. 309. 9. Mi spickel, p. 310. 10. Chat ha mite, SHEPARD, p. 311. 11. Gersdorff i t e, Haid., p. 312. 12. Ch loanthite, Breit., p. 313. 13. Rarnmelsbergite, Dan., p. 313. 14. Placodine, BREITHAUPT, p. 313. 15. U 1 1 m a n n i t e, FROBKL, p. 314. 16. L i n ti ae i t e, Haid., p. 3 15. 17. C o b a 1 1 i n e, Btud., p. 315. 18. Smaltine, Beud., p. 317. 19. Safflorite, Haid., p. 318. 20. Leucopyrite, Shep., p. 319. 21. Breithauptite, Haid., p. 319. 22. S k u 1 1 e r u d i t e, Haid., p. 320. 23. N i c k e 1 i n, Haid., p. 320. 24. Marcasite, Haid., p. 321. 25. Pyrites, Haid., p. 323. ORDER XIII. GLANCE. 1. Sternbergite, Haid., p. 327. 2. Molybdenite, Shep., 327. 3. Cove Mine, Beud., p. 328. 4. A n t i m o n i t e, Haid., p. 328. 5. E u c a i r i t e, BERZELIUS, p. 329. 6. Berzeline, Beud., p. 330. NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OP SPECIES. 419 7. Naumannite, Haid., p. 330. R i o 1 i t e, FROBEL, p. 330. O n o f r i t e, Haid^ p. 330. S. A r g e n t i t e, Haid., p. 331. 9. A k a n t h i t e, KENNGOTT, 331. 10. P o 1 y b a s i t e, ROSE, p. 332. 11. Clausthalite, Haid., p. 332. Lehrbachite, B. and Mil., p. 333. 12. Jamesonite, HAIDINGER, p. 333. 13. P 1 a g i o n i t e, ROSE, p. 334. 14. F r i e s I e b e n i t e, HAIDINGER, p. 334. 15. Z i n k e n i t e, ROSE, p. 335. 16. S t e p h a n i t e, Haid., p. 336. 17. Kobellite, SATTERBERG, p. 336. 18. B i s m u t h i n e, Bend., p. 337. 19. Aikinite, Chap., p. 337. 20. B e r t h i e r i t e. HAIDINGER, p. 338. 21. Geocrinite, SVANBERG, p. 338. 22. P 1 u m o s i t e, Haid., p. 334. 23. B o u i a n g e r i t e, THAULOW, p. 339. 24. D u f r e n o y s i t e, D AMOUR, p. 340. 25. Galena, p. 341. 26. H e s s i t e, FROBEL, p. 342. 27. R e d r u t h i t e, NICOL, p. 342. 28. Harrisite, SHEPARD, p. 344. 29. B o u r n o n i t e, PHILLIPS, p. 344. 30. S t r o m e y e r i t e, Haid., p. 345. 31. Wolchite, Haid., 346. 32. Wolfsbergite, Nic., p. 346. 33. Tetrahedrite, Haid., p. 347. 34. T e n n a u t i t e, PHILLIPS, p. 348. ORDER XIV. BLENDE. 1. O r p i m e n t, p. 351. 2. Realgar, p. 351. 3. F i r e b I e n d e, BRKITHAUPT, p. 353. 4. K e r m e s i t e, p. 353. 5. Pyrargyrite, GLOCKER, p. 353. 6. P r o u s t i t e, Beud., p. 355. 7. X a n t h o c o n e, BREITHAUPT, p. 356. 8. Miargyrite, ROSE, p. 356. 9. O i n n a b a r, p. 357. 10. G r e e n o c k i t e, BROOKE and CONNELL, p. 358. 11. M a n g a n b I e n d e, Breit., p. 359. 12. H a u e r i t e, HAUSMANN, p. 359. 13. Blende, p. 360. 420 NATURAL HISTORY ARRANGEMENT OF SPECIES CLASS III. ORDER I. SULPHUR. 1. Sulphur, p. 362. 2. Selenium, DEL Rio, 363. 3. Sulphoselenite, Shep., p. 363. ORDER II. RESIN. 1. Bitumen, p. 364. 2. Scheererite, STROMEYER, p. 364. 3. Elaterite, HAUSMANN, p. 365. 4. Hatchettine, CONYBEARE, p. 369. 5. H a r t i t e, HAIDINGER, p. 365. 6. I d r i a 1 i t-e, SCHROTTER, p. 366. 7. Guyaquillite, JOHNSTON, p. 367. 8. R e t i n i t e, LEONHARD, p. 367. 9. A s p h a 1 1 u m, p. 368. 10. C opaline, p. 368. 11. Amber, p. 369. 12. M e 1 1 i t e, HAUY, p. 369. ORDER III. COAL. 1. C o a 1, p. 372. (i). (1) Coal. The coal raised from the mines of Great Britain in 1855, amounted to 64,453,070 tons, which was 207,331 less than during the previous year. The value, estimated at ten shillings per ton (at pit's mouth) was 32,222,000. The coal raised the present year from the mines of Illinois, though but recently opened, is estimated to reach 362,000 tons. APPENDIX. ALLOPHANE. Found at Morgantown, Berks Co., Pa. ALMAGERITE. Anhydrous Sulphate of Zinc, Brett. Found in xls. isomor- phous with anglesite and barytes, at the mine of Baranco Jaroso in the Sierra Almagrera, Spain. G.=4-33. ALVITE. Forbes and Dahll. Xls. like zircon. H. 5-5. G. 3-60. Color red-brown ; by weathering ; changes to grey. Lustre greasy. Translucent on the edges, to opaque. Fracture splintery. B. B., infusible, but losing the reddish color. With borax, affords a glass, which is greenish-yellow while hot, and colorless when cold : with salt of phosphorus, a yellow glass, to green, and finally colorless on cooling. An analysis, on a very small quantity and somewhat altered, gave : Silica, 20-33 Alumina and glucina, - 14 v ll Zirconia, - 3-92 Perox. iron, - 9-66 Oxide cerium, 0-27 Yttria, 22-01 Thorina? - 15-13 Lime, 0-40 Copper and tin, - traces. Water, 9-32 97-24 Found at Helle and Naresto in Norway. AMMTOLITE Dana. Antimonite of Mercury, Domeyko. A red powder, found in the quicksilver mines of Chili ; also proceeding from the decomposition of tetrahedrite, at Silberg, Westphalia : named from appiov vermilion. Ac- cording to Domeyko, consists of Antimonious acid, 12-5 Protox. mercury, - 14-0 Perox. iron, 22-3 Silica, - 26-5 Water and loss, - 24-7 100- ANTHOSIDERITE. Hausmann. In yellow fibrous or feathery tufts upon magnetite, from the Minas Geraes, Brazil. H.=6-5. G.=3-6. Opaque, or slightly translucent. Gives sparks with the steel. Tough. B. B., becomes red-brown, then black, and finally fuses to a black magnetic slag. Dissolves in hydrochloric acid. Analysis, by Schnedermann : Silica, - 60-40 Perox. iron, 34-99 Water, 3-59 98-66 . In thin inequiangular 6-sided prs. Contains oxide of antimony. Locality unknown. 422 APPENDIX. APHROSIDERITE. See Chlorite. ARJEOXENE. Kobell. Imperfectly crystalline, with an indistinct fibrous structure. H.=3. Deep red to brownish. Streak pale yellowish. B. B., fuses with intumescence, yielding an arsenical odor, and a globule of lead. With borax, gives in the reduction flame, a bright green glass ; in the oxida- tion flame, a light olive-green, becoming clear yellow, and pale green, when cold. Easily decomposed by hydrochloric acid ; the liquid first yellow, then brown, and after giving out chlorine, emerald-green. On adding alcohol, heat- ing and pouring off the solution from the chloride of lead, it is still green ; but after concentration by a vapor-bath, and dilution, it takes a fine sky-blue color: in which respect, it is like other vanadium compounds. According to Kobell, it contains 487 oxide of lead and 16*32 of zinc, with vanadic acid. From Dahn in the Palatinate. ARSENOMELAN. Waltershausen. Longitudinally striated prs. ; tin-white, lead-grey and iron-black. Found with dufrenoysite. Composition, same as zinkenite, with the substitution of arsenic for antimony. ARSENPHYLLITE. Breithaupt. Has the composition of arsenite, but oc- curs under the form of a right rhombic prism. It is therefore to be regarded as a distinct species. ASTROPHYLLITE. Schecrer. A mineral closely related to mica, found in large and very distinct 6-sided prisms, from an oblique rhombic prism, of about 120. The xls. generally elongated in the direction of the clinodiagonal. Color gold-yellow, bronze to black. Lamina; only slightly elastic. It con- tains the usual constituents of mica, with about 3 p. c. of water. Found at Brevig, Norway. ATELESITE. Breithaupt. Xls. oblique rhombic prisms. Color, sulphur- yellow. Lustre adamantine. It contains bismuth ; and occurs with eulytine at Schneeberg in Saxony. BALLESTEROSITE. Pyrites in cubes, containing traces of zinc and tin. Found in Galicia. BAMLITE. Erdmann. Resembles kyanite. Columnar, somewhat plu- mose. Cleavage only in one direction. H.=5*0 ... 7. G.=2-98. Greenish- white, or bluish. Analysis by Erdmann ; silica 56'9, alumina 4073, perox. iron 1*04, lime 1'04. Found at Bamle, Norway. BAROLITE. Massive; cellular. H.= 4. Greenish-black. Opaque. Lus- tre glimmering. Streak greyish green. B. B., infusible. Soluble in hydro- chloric acid. In a tube yields water, and becomes brownish. Contains the usual ingredients of argillite, which it seems to be. Found at Barolon, Cote du Nord, France. BERAUNITE. Breithaupt. Found in limonite near Beraun, Bohemia, and near Kertsh, Crimea. Supposed to be an altered vivianite. BERGMANJVITE. Decomposed, or altered nepheline. BINNITE. Heusser. In prismatic xls. striated lengthwise. Primary, right rhombic prism. Color steel-grey to black. Streak a darker red than that of dufrenoysite, with which it occurs, in the dolomite of Binnen. Brittle. Frac- ture conchoidal. NicKEL-BouRNONiTE. Rammelsberg. G.= 552 ... 5-59. It contains about 5 p. c. of nickel and cobalt, and rather less lead and copper than belong to bournonite. Rammelsberg considers the nickel-bournonite a compound of ullmannite and bournonite. BRAGFTE. Forbes and Ddhll. In indistinct xls. contained in feldspar, from near Helle, Naresto, Alve land Askro, in Norway. Fracture uneven. H.= 6-0 ... 6-5. G.=5-13 5-36. Color brown. Streak yellowish-brown. Lus- tre semi-metallic. Translucent in thin splinters. Decrepitates strongly, and loses water. B. B., infusible ; but becomes yellow. With borax, affords a glass which is brownish-yellow while hot, but green, or greenish-yellow when cold. In salt of phosphorus, it yields a skeleton of silica. APPENDIX. 423 CARMTNITE, Carminspath, Sandberger. Globular, with a columnar struc- ture, and in tufts of fine xls. Cleavage parallel to the faces of a rhombic prism. H.=2-5. Lustre vitreous : on the cleavage pearly. Powder reddish- yellow. Translucent. Brittle. B. B., fuses to a steel-grey globule, giving arsenical vapors. With soda, it yields a globule of lead ; and with borax, the reaction of iron. Soluble in nitric acid. Supposed to be, an arsenate of lead and iron. From Horhausen in Saxony, where it is found with beudantite. CAROLATHINE. Sonnenschein. Massive, or in rounded balls. Honey-, to wine-yellow. Subtranslucent. H.=2-5. G.=l-51. Fracture conchoidal. CARPHOSTILBITE. Massive, columnar, straw-yellow. H.=1'0 . . . 2-5. G.= 2*36. An altered comptonite. From Bernfiord, Iceland. CHAMOISITE. Berthier. Supposed to be a mixture of magnetite, argillite and limestone. Found in small deposits, or beds, in a limestone abounding with ammonites at Chamoisin in the Valais. CHLOROPAL. Bernhardi. Compact, earthy. H. 2-0... 3-0. G.=l-72 ... 1-87 (the earthy), 2-10 (a conchoidal variety). Color yellowish-green. Opaque to sub-translucent. Fragile. Fracture sub-conchoidal. A hydrous silicate of perox. iron. Composition, Compact. Earthy. Silica, - - 46-00 45-00 Protox. iron, - 33-00 32-00 Alumina, - - 1-00 075 Magnesia, - - 2-00 2-00 Water, - - 18-00 20-00 From Hungary. CHLOROPHANERITE. Jenzsch. Resembles chlorophseite, or chlorite. Color blackish-green. Streak dirty apple-green. Soft. G.=2-68. B. B., melts to a magnetic glass. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, with separa- tion of silica. Partial analysis by Jenzsch, gave, silica 59'4, protox. iron 12-3, water 5-7 ; the alumina, magnesia, lime and potash being undetermined. Found in the amygdaloid of Weissig. CONNELLITE. Connel. In hexagonal prisms, with truncated edges. Lus- tre vitreous. Color blue. Translucent. Composition, believed to be a compound of sulphate and chloride of copper. Found with other copper- ores at Cornwall, England. CYCLOPITE. Walter sJuiusen. Small xls. (found in dolerite near Catania), like anorthite. H.=6-0. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Transparent Analy- sis, by Waltershausen. Silica, - t -.-:... - >'*to v\> t* 41-45 Alumina, - 29-83 Protox. iron, 2-20 Lime, - - 20-83 Magnesia, - - 0-66 Soda, 2-32 Potash, - 1-72 Water, - 1-91 100-92 CYANOCHROME. Scacchi. Clear blue xls. obtained by dissolving (and evaporating the solution obtained from) the crust of lava from Vesuvius (erup- tion of 1855). Xls. oblique rhombic prs. Composition, a sulphate of potash and copper. DELANOVITE. Kenngott. Reddish and amorphous. H.=l-0 . . . 1-5. Fracture splintery to earthy. Adheres to the tongue. Streak reddish, a little shining. B. B., infusible. Analysis, by Hauer; Silica 50-55, Alumina 19-15, Lime 0-63, Protox. mang. 4-40, Water 24-05=98-78. /From the department of Dordogne, France. Related to montromorillonite. 424 APPENDIX. DELESSITE. JVatwwmn. Eisenchlorit Massive : scaly, or fibrous. H.=2-5. G.=2-89. Olive to blackish-green. B. B., fuses with difficulty on the edges. Easily soluble in acids, depositing silica. Heated in a glass tube, affords wa- ter, and turns brown. Analysis, by Dele Silica, - 29-45 Alumina, 18-25 Perox. iron, 8-17 Protox. iron, - 15-12 Magnesia, 15-32 Lime, - 0-45 Water, 12-57 99-33 Related to the grengesite, p. 157. DIALLAGE. Cleavage in two directions, making right angles with each other ; the one perfect, the other less so ; whence the name from 6taxxoy^, differ- ence. Color various shades of green, to grey and brown. Streak white. H.=4-0. G.=3-2 . . . 3-3. Fracture uneven to splintery. Opaque : in very thin scales, translucent. B. B., melts readily into a grey and green enamel. It is not at- tacked by acids. Analysis; a from the Baste, b from Salzburg, c from Prato in Tuscany, all by Kbhler ; d from Traunstein, e from Piedmont, both by Reg- nault: Silica, - - 52-89 51-34 5320 51-25 50-05 Alumina, - 2-70 4-39 2-47 3-98 2-58 Magnesia, - 17-68 35-69 14-91 22-88 17-24 Lime, 17-40 18-28 14-09 11-18 15-63 Protox. iron, ? Q ,, QOQ 8-67 6-75 11-98 Perox. iron, \ 8 0-38 Water, - 1-06 2-11 1-77 3-32 2-13 A variety of diallage found in the Harzburg Forest and in the gneiss of the Guadarrama mts. in Spain, has a brass-yellowish color, a greenish-grey streak and a H.=3-5 . . . 4-0, with a G.=3-05. It has received the name of diaclasite. According to Kohler, it consists of silica 53*74, magnesia 25-09, alumina 1-34, lime 4-73, protox. iron, 1 1-51, protox. mang. 0-23, water 3-76. EMPLEKTITE, Kenngolt. See Tannerite. DYSODILE, (Dusodile). Cordier. Houille papyracee, Lucas. In laminated masses of a yellowish grey color. Very fragile ; gives out an argillaceous odor when breathed upon. G.=l-146. Macerated in water, it becomes trans- lucent, and its laminse acquire flexibility. It burns with much flame and smoke, and an almost insupportably fetid odor, leaving a residue of almost half its weight, unaltered in form. Found at Meliti, near Syracuse in Sicily, in a bed of secondary limestone. EHRENBERGITE. Noggenrath. Amorphous. Pale rose-red. Contains, ac- cording to Bischof ; Silica, .... 64-54 56-77 Alumina, 6-04 15-77 Perox. iron, 4-56 1-65 Protox. mang., 4-61 0-80 Lime, 3-96 2-76 Magnesia, - 0-41 1-30 Potash and soda, - 8-11 3-78 Water, 7-77 17-11 Found in trachyte, at Steinbruch. APPENDIX. 425 . Iron-ndtrolite. In prismatic xls., and in crystalline plates. Color dull green. Opaque. H.=5-0. G.=2-35. Supposed to be natrolite, in which ^th of the alumina is replaced by peroxide of iron. Analy- sis by Bergemann: silica 46-54, alumina 18-94, perox. iron 7-49, soda 14-04, protox. iron 2-40, water 14-04. Found at Brevig, Norway. ENSTATITE. Kenngott. In prisms, resembling pyroxene or scapolite : an- gle 87. Cleavage parallel to M, with a pearly lustre. H.=5-5. G.=3-10. Greyish or yellowish. B. B., infusible, from which property, it is named. Analysis, by Hauer: silica 56-91, alumina 2-50, protox. iron 2*76, magnesia 35-44, water 1-92. EPHESITE. Smith. Lamellar. Cleavage difficult. H. above 5-5. G.= 3-15 . . . 3-2. Color pearly white. Analysis, by Smitli : silica 31-54, alumina 57-89, lime 1-89, protox. iron, 1-34, soda and potash 4-41, water 3-12. Found on magnetite, at the Emery locality of Gurnuch-dagh, near Ephesus. Related to margarite. EPIGLAUBITE. Shepard. In small, interlaced groups of minute xls. Col- orless, and semi-transparent. Lustre vitreous. H. -2-5. Yields abundance of water, when heated in a closed tube. Insoluble in water, until after addi- tion of hydrochloric acid ; when it disappears without effervescence. Melts easily into a semi-transparent, colorless glass, tinging the flame green. It is chiefly a hydrated phosphate of lime. Found in cavities of glaiib apatite, at Mong's Island in the Caribbean Sea. ERDMANNITE. Berlin. In imbedded uncrystalline grains, and folia. G.=3-l. Lustre vitreous. Color dark-brown. In thin splinters, translucent. 'Analysis, by Blomstrand : silica 31-85, oxides cerium and lanthanum 34*89, alumina 11-71, lime 646, protox. iron 8-52, protox. mang. 0-86, yttria 1-43, wa- ter, and loss 4-28. From the island Stoko, near Brevig. EOKAMPTITE. Kenngott. G.=2-73. H. about 2-5. Hyacinth-red to red- dish-yellow. Streak greyish-green. Resembles chlorite. In the flame of an alcoholic lamp, becomes pinchbeck-brown to white, semi-metallic and opaque. In a tube, exfoliates, and yields water. B. B., blackens. Thin leaves fuse on the edge, to a magnetic globule. With borax, fuses easily. With soda, swells up, and shows a manganese reaction. Analysis, by Hauer: silica 38-13, alu- mina 21-60, protox. iron 19-92, protox. mang. 2-61, magnesia 13-76, water 3-98. Found at Pressburg, Hungary. FUCHSITE. A green mica from Schwarzenstein, in the Zillerthal. Analy- sis, by Schafhault ; silica 47-95, alumina 34-45, perox. iron 3-85, magnesia 72, lime 9-37, potash 10-75, fluorine 0-35, calcium 0-42. GALACTITE. Kenngott. In needles, resembling natrolite. Cleavage par- allel to a rhombic prism of 91. Red-white. H.=4-5 5-0. G.=2-21. Vit- reous. Heated in a tube, yields water and turns white and opaque. B. B., in- tumesces, and fuses easily to a clear, colorless glass. Gelatinizes in hydro- chloric acid. Analysis, by Hauer: silica 46-99, alumina 26-84, lime 4-36, pot- ash 0-45, soda 968, water 10-56. Kilpatrick, Scotland. GEDRITE. A mineral from Gedre in the Pyrenees, which resembles tintho- phyllite. GVROLITE. Anderson. In spherical concretions, with a lamellar, radiated structure. White. Lustre pearly. H.=30 . . . 4-0. Resembles apophyllite, B. B., and with acids. Analysis, by Anderson : silica 40-70, alumina 1-48, lime 33-24, magnesia 0*08, water 18-18. Found at Skye. According to SaBmann, it is pectolite which has lost its alkali ; and okenite is the same spe- cies, deprived of lime. HETEROCLIN. Breithaupt. An oblique rhombic prism of 128 IG', having the acute, lateral edges truncated, two of the terminil edges replaced, together with the front, solid angle. Cleavage in one direction, and indistinct. H.=5-0. Gt=4-95. Lustre submetallic. Color iron-black to steel-grey. Streak brown- 54 426 A P P E N D I jj, T ish-black. Fracture uneven, to small conchoidal. J3. B., resembles pyrolusite. Analysis, by Evreinoff ; silica 10-30, sesquiox. mang. 85-86, perox. iron 372, lime 0-52, potash 0-44. Found at St. Marcel, Piedmont. HUDSONITE. According to Kenngott, has a cleavage like hornblende: but Dana finds it nearer to pyroxene. HURONITE. Thomson. Massive, compact, yellowish-grey. Translucent on the edges. IL=:3-25. G.=2'86. Infusible. Analy.-is, by Thomson : sil- ica 45-89, alumina 33*1)2, protox. iron 4-32, lime 8-04, magnesia 1-72, water 4-16. Found in blocks, near Lake Huron. HYDROBCCHOLZITF. Thomson. Analysis, by Thomson ; MHca 41-35, alu- mina 49-55, water 4-85, gypsum 3' 12. Probably from Sardinia. HYDROHULITE, Mitscherlich. Hydrous salt. NaCl-f 4HO. HYDROSILICITE. Waller shav sen. Amorphous, or in crusts, associated with herschelite, phillipsite and calcite. Supposed to h.e a hydrous pyroxene. Found at Patagonia and Aci Castello, in Sicily. HYPOCHLORITE. Schiller. Griine Eisenerde. Minute crystalline grains. H.= 6. G.=2-9 . . . 3-0. Lustre vitreous, color green. Brittle. Fracture even, to flat conchoidal. B. B., grows dark, without fusing, and deposits a yel- low coating on the charcoal. Insoluble in acids. Analysis, by Schiiler; silica 50-24, alumina 14-65, perox. bismuth 13-03, protox. iron 10-54, phosphoric acid 9-62. Found in minute xls. and prisms. Massive and earthy, at Schneeberg, Johanngeorgenstadt, and Braunsdorf, in Saxony. IBERITE. Svanbery. In 6-sided prs., with basal cleavage. H.=2-5. G.= 2-89. Vitreous to pearly. B. B., fuses to a pearl. Analysis, by Norlin ; silica 40-90, alumina 30-74, protox. mang. 1-33, lime 0-40, magnesia 0-81, potash 4'57, soda 0-04, water 5-56=99-82.. From Montalvan, near Toledo, Spain. JAULINGITE. Zepharovich. A new resin, from lignite. Found at Jauling. KANEITE. Haidinger. Arsenical manganese. Massive, botryoidal and amorphous. Foliated and granular. H. above 5. G.=5-55. Color grey- ish-white, with a black tarnish. Lustre metallic. Opaque. Fracture uneven. Brittle. B. B., burns with a blue flame, and falls to a powder ; at a higher temperature, the arsenic is volatilized, coating the charcoal white. Dissolves in aqua regia, without residue. Analysis, by Kane ; manganese 45-5, arsenic 51-8, and a trace of iron. Found associated with galena, and supposed to be from Saxony. KNEBILITE. Dobereiner. Massive. H. above 5? G.=3-71. Color grey, spotted, dirty white, red, brown and green. Opaque. Lustre glistening. Fracture conchoidal. Brittle. B. B., infusible : with borax, fuses to a dark olive-green pearl. Analysis, by Dobereiner; silica 32-5, protox. iron 32-, pro- tox. mang. 35-0. Locality unknown. KUPFERPECHERZ. Tile-Ore. A mechanical mixture of chrysocolla and limonite, with some chalcanthite and malachite : rarely also, with pyrites and chalcopyrite. Found accompanying most copper-ores, especially near the out- crops of veins. LAGONITE. Earthy incrustation. Color ochre-yellow. Analysis, by Bechi ; minute oblique angled tables. Color white. Soluble, but without taste. Analysis, by Bechi ; boric acid 68-55, ammonia 12-73, water 18-32. Found in the lagoons of Tuscany. LAVENDULAN. Breithaupt. Amorphous. Lustre vitreo-resinous. H.=2-5 ...3-0. G.=3-01. Color lavender-blue. Streak paler. Translucent. Frac- ture conchoidal. B. B., gives arsenical odor, and fuses ; coloring the flame deep blue, and yielding a crystalline globule, on cooling. With fluxes, gives the reaction of cobalt. Contains oxide of cobalt, nickel and copper, with water. Found at Annaberg, Saxony. LEBER-BLENUE. Breithaupt. Hepatic blende. Supposed to be blende with a mineral resin, or some other carbonaceous compound. LEEDSITE. Thomson. According to Thomson, contains sulphate of lime 71-9, sulphate baryta 28-1. From Leeds, Yorkshire. APPENDIX. 427 LTNDACKERTTE. Vogl. In oblong-, rhombohedral tables and reniform. H.=20...2-5. G. =20... 2 5. Verdigris,- to apple-green. Streak pale green, to white. Vitreous. B. B., on charcoal, emits odor of garlic, and fuses to a black mass. With borax and salt of phosphorus, gives a copper reaction. Analysis, by Lindacker; arsenous acid 28-58, sulphuric acid 6-44, protox. cop- per, 36-34, protox. nickel 16 15, protox. iron 2-9, water 9-32. MANCFNITE. Massive, with two unequal cleavages, meeting at 92. Color brown: lustre shining. According to Jacquot, is a silicate of zinc. From Mancino, near Leghorn. MANGANVITRIOL. Glocker. Announced, but not described. MARTINSITE Karsten. Contains, beside chloride of sodium, 9-02 p, c. of sulphate magnesia. Fpund at Stassfurth. MELINOPHANE. Scheerer. Massive, foliated. H.=5-0. G.=3'0. Color sulphur-, citron-, or honey-yellow. Lustre vitreous. Brittle. Analysis, by Richter; silica 44-8, glucina 2-2, alumina 124, protox. mang. 15, perox. iron 1-1, lime 31-5, magnesia O2, soda 2-0, fluorine 2-3. From the zircon-syenite of Frederic ksvarn, Norway. MELANCHYME. Haidinger. An earthy bitumen. Found at Zweufelsreuth in Eger, Bohemia. MENCYHFNITE. Bechi. Massive; compactly fibrous. Shining. H.=2-5. Analysis, by Bechi; sulphur 1752, antimony 19-28, lead 59-21, copper 3-54, iron 0-34. Found with boulangerite and jamesonite at Bottino, Tuscany. MERCURY. Found by Hnutefeuille, in an alloy of copper and silver, from the Lake Superior mines. Copper 138-56, silver 10-90, mercury 0-G3, gangue 50-00. METACHLORITE. List. Resembles chlorite. H.=2-5. B. B., fuses on the edges, to a dark enamel. Gelatinizes in the cold, with hydrochloric acid. Analysis, by List ; silica 23*77, alumina 16-43, protox. iron 40-36, magnesia 3-10, lime : 74, potash 1-37, soda 0-08, water 13-75. MFDDLETONFTE. Johnston. In rounded masses of the size of a pea. H.=l-6. Brittle. Lustre resinous. Color red-brown by reflected, but deep red, by transmitted light. In small fragments, transparent. Blackens on ex- posure. Without taste or smell. Not altered at 400 F. Burns like resin. Analysis by Johnston ; C 2 Hi-(-HO. Found about the middle of the main coal at Haigh Moor seam, in the Middleton mine, near Leeds, and at New- castle. MOLYBDATE IRON? In yellow tufts, and pulverulent. B. B., fuses easily. Analysis, by Owen: molybdic acid 40-0, perox. iron 35-0, magnesia 2-0, alkali 8-0, water 15. Found near Nevada City, California. MOLYBDINE and MOLYBDENITE. Found at Westmoreland, N. Hampshire. MORENOSITE. Casnres. In needles, or slender prisms. Soluble in water : solution green. Supposed to be a sulphate of nickel. Occurs in Spain. NAPHTHADrL. A black, copper-brown substance, derived from naphtha. Melts at the, same temperature with wax, and burns with a clear flame. NATROCALCITE. Pseudomorphs of calcite, after gaylussite ; found at Sang- erhausen. NFCKEI/-BOURNONITE. Rammdsberg. It gives about 54 p. c. of nickel and cobalt ; and has only 35-52 p. c. of lead, in place of 42% the usual propor- tion, present in bournonite. NICKEL-GYMNITF. Genth. Amorphous, reniform or stalactitic. H=3-0 ...4-0. G.;=240. Lustre resinous. Color pale apple-green, or yellowish. Opaque to translucent. Heated in a tube, yields water and blackens. Solu- ble in hydrochloric acid, with separation of silica. Analysis, by Genth : silica 35-38, oxide of nickel 30 64, protox iron 0'24, magnesia 14-60, lime O26, water 19-09. /In other analyses, the proportion of oxide of nickel was much higher. From Texas, Lancaster Co., Pa. NOTITE WaUershausen. Analysis ; silica 36-96, alumina 6-36, perox. iron 21-66, lime 326, magnesia 11-64, soda 0-97, potash 0-99, water 18-16. 428 APPENDIX. ONKOSIN. Kobdl. In rounded masses. Color apple-green, sometimes greyish, or brownish. Lustre feebly resinous. Translucent. H.=2-0. G = 2'8. Fracture fine splintery. B. B , fusees, with intumescences, to a white blebby glass. Analysis, by Kobell: silica 52-52, alumina 30-88, magnesia 3-82, pro- tox. iron 0-80, potash 6-38, water 4-60. Occurs at Salzburg. OSTEOLITE. Bromeis. Compact, earthy, with a slaty fracture. Color white. Dull: adheres to the tongue. G.=289. Supposed to be apatite, which has lost its fluorine and chlorine. From near Hanau, and from Amberg, in the Erzgebirge. It occurs in dolomite. PAROPHITE. Hunt. Massive ; slaty. H.=2-5...3-0. G.=2-7..,2 78. Color greenish, greyish or reddish. It is said to resemble both, talc and agalmatolite. Analysis, by Hunt: silica 48-5, alumina 27-6, protox. iron 5-67, lime 1-30, mag- nesia 2-24, potash 5 : 30, water 7-00, soda 1-71. Found in Canada. PARTSCHIN. Haidinger. In small, oblique rhombic prisms and grains. Re- sembles monazite. H.=6'0...6-5. G.=40..4-1. Color red-brown. Lustre greasy. Fracture splintery.- Found in sand with rutile, ilmenite, zircon and kyanite. From Olahpian, in Hungary. Named for Prof. Partsch. PERIDOT, p. 208. Found in basalt, with a greyish black, feldspathic species, at Thetford, Vermont PICROPHARMACOLITE. Stromeyer. A pbarmacolite ? from Reichelsdorf which contains, lime 24-64, arsenic acid 46-97, magnesia 3*22, oxide of cobalt 0-99, water 23-97,- PICROTHOMSOJSITE. Meneghim and Bechi. Massive, radiated, with the cleavages of comptonite. H.=5'0. G.=2'27. Lustre pearly. White. Trans- parent in small fragments. Very fragile. B. B., fuses, with intumescence, to a white enamel. Dissolves in cold acid, and gelatinizes. Contains silica 40 36, alumina 31-25, lime 10-99, magnesia 6-26, alkalies 29, water 10-79. Found atCoporciano, Tuscany ; and named, owing to the magnesia it contains, from 7tixpo$, bitter. PICROMERID. Scacchi. Obtained by solution, from the cyanochrome of Vesuvius. Crystalline form, the same as that of cyanochrome. Color white. Composition, sulphate of magnesia and copper. PICROSMINE. Abundant in the marble of Roxbury, Vermont. PITKARANDITE. Schecrer. A leek-green, hornblendic pyroxene, from Pitkar- anda in Finland. POLYCHROILITE. Weibye. In 6-sided prs. of about 120: also massive and reniform. H. =3-0.. .3-5. Blue, green, brown, red and rarely white. Lustre greasy. Fracture splintery. Subconchoidal to even. Analysis by Dahl : silica 52-, alumina 37-, magnesia 7-, protox. iron 3- ; according to Scheerer, it contains less alumina, and 6 p. c. of water. Found in gneiss at Krageroe, Norway. PORTITE. Meneghini and Bechi. Massive, radiated; cleavage distinct parallel to a rhombic prism of 120. H.=5-0. G.=2-4. Vitreous. White. Opaque. B. B., intumesces, and melts, to a milk-white enamel. Dissolves in acids, followed by gelatinization. Analysis, by Bechi ; silica 58-12, alumina 27-50, lime 1-76, magnesia 4-87, soda 0-16, potash 0-10, water 7-92. Found in the gabbro rosso of Tuscany; and named after M. Porte of Tuscany. PRASOCHROME. Landerer. A green incrustation on chromite, supposed to be merely calcite, stained by oxide of chromium. Found at Scyro, in the Grecian Archipelago. PROSOPITE. Scheerer. Pseudomorphs of fluor, (with some aluminum and water,) after datholite ? Found in kaolin, in the tin-mines of Altenberg, Sax- ony. PSEUDOPHITK. Kenngott. Resembles serpentine. Greyish to pistachio- green. H.=2-5. G.= 2-75-2-77. Fracture conchoidal. Feels somewhat greasy. B. B., infusible. Soluble in hydrochloric acid. Analysis: silica 33-51, alumina 15-42, protox. iron2'58, magnesia 34-41, water 1321. APPENDIX. 429 PREHNITOID. Blomstrand. Massive ; columnar. Pale green. Vitrqous. H.=7-0. G.=2-50. B. B., fuses easily to a white enamel, like prehnite. Analysis : silica 56-00, alumina 22-45, lime 7-71), soda 10-07, potash 0'46, mag- nesia - 36, protox. iron 1-01, protox. mang. 0-18, water 1-04. REMINGTONITE. Booth. In rose-colored incrustations. Soft and earthy. Opaque. With borax, gives the reaction of cobalt. Dissolves with efferves- cence in hydrochloric acid. Supposed to be a hydrous carbonate of cobalt. From the copper-mine, near Finksburg, Carroll Co., Maryland. SAMOITE. Dana. Stalactitic, lamellar. Color whitish. Lustre somewhat pearly. H.=4-0...4-5. G.=l-7...1-9. Analysis, by Silliman : silica 31-25, alu- mina 37-21, magnesia 4-06, carb. lime 0-01, soda'0-06, water 30-45. Found in a cavern in lava, in the island of Upolu of the Navigator group. SANADIN. Tabular xls. of glassy feldspar, from Vesuvius. SAVITE. Meneghini. In radiating acicular xls. H.=3. G.=2-45. Vitre- ous. Colorless and transparent. B. B., fuses with difficulty. Soluble in the acids. Analysis, by Bechi: silica 49-J7, alumina 19-66, magnesia 13'50, soda 10-52, potash 1-23, water 6-57. Found with picranalcime in the gabbro rosso of Tuscany. SCHNEIDERITE. Meneghini, Radiated, lamellar. White. Opaque. H.=3-0. B. B., fuses with intumescence, to a blue enamel. In a closed tube, yields water. Dissolves in the acids ; and gelatinizes. Analysis, by Bechi: silica 47-79, alumina 19-38, lime 16-77, magnesia 11-03, potash and soda 1*62, water 3-41. Found with sloanite, in the gabbro rosso of Tuscany ; and named after M. Schneider. SCOULERITE. Thomson. A zeolitic mineral, allied to scolecite, found at Port Rush in Ireland. SELEXBLErspATH.-T&mrfen. Botryoidal. Cleavage in one direction. H.=3'0. ...4-0.' Lustre greasy to vitreous. Sulphur-yellow. Brittle. B. B., on char- coal, fuses readily, giving off the odor of selenium, and is finally reduced to a metallic globule. According to Rose, it contains selenic acid and oxide of lead, with traces of copper. Found at the Friederichsgliick mine, near Hil- burghausen. SERICITE. List. In undulated plates, with cleavage in one direction. Greenish or yellowish-white. Lustre silky. H.=l-0. G.=2-89. B. B., ex- foliates strongly, and fuses on the edges with a bright light, to a greyish enamel. Decomposed slowly by hydrochloric acid. Related to Damourite. Found in a slate-rock with quartz, in the Taunus range in Western Germany. SISMONDINE. Delesse. Massive, foliated. Dark greyish, or blackish-green. G.=3 56. B. B., nearly infusible : with borax, affords the reaction of iron. Found in chlorite-slate at St. Marcel. Supposed to be near to chloritoid. SKOLOPSITE. Kobell. Massive, granular. H. 5-0. G.=2'53. Greyish- white to pale red-grey. Fracture splintery. Rather brittle. B. B., fuses, with intumescence, to a shining, blebby, greenish glass. Gelatinizes in hydrochloric acid. Analysis, by Kobell : silica 41-13, alumina 15-42, oxides of iron 2-49 protox. mang. 0-86, lime 1548, magnesia 2-23, potash 1-30, soda 10-16, sulphur 4-09, with 7-78 of sodalite. Found at Kaiserstahl in Brisgau, with calcite and magnetite. SLOANITE. Meneghini and Becki. In radiated masses, presenting a frac- ture, transverse to the radiation. H.=4-5. G.=2-44. White. Opaque. Lus- tre pearly. B. B., fuses without intumescence, to a white enamel. Dissolves in the acids, with the formation of a jelly. Analysis, by Bechi : silica 42-19, alumina 35-00, lime 8-12, magnesia 2-67, soda 0-25, potash 0-30, water 12-50. From the gabbro rosso of Tuscany. SORDAWALITE Nordenskiold. Massive. H.=2'5. G.=2*53...2'58. Lustre vitreo-resinous. Greyish or bluish-black. Opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Brittle. B. B., fuses with difficulty, to a blackish globule. With borax, it forms a green glass. Analysis, by Nordenskiold : silica 49-4, alumina 13-8, 430 APPENDIX. protox. iron 18-17, magnesia 10-67, phosphoric acid 2-68, water 4-38. Forma thin layers on trap, near Sordawala in Finland ; and associated with pyrrhotine, at Bodenmais in Bavaria. STANNITE. Breithaupt. Amorphous. Color pale yellow. Lustre faint. H.=(v5. G.=3'54. Fracture conchoidal. B. B., infusible. According to Plattner, contains, silica, alumina and 36-5 p. c. of oxide of tin. It is believed to be a mixture of cassiterite and schist. From Cornwall. STASSFURTITE. Rose. The massive boracite of Stassfurt It is more easily melted than the crystallized boracite, and more readily dissolved by acids. STIBICONISE. Btudant. Massive, yellowish in color. H.=5-5. G.=5-28. Analysis, by Blum and Delffs : oxygen 19-54, antimony 75-83, water 4-63, ar- senic, in traces. From Goldkronach in Bavaria. STRAKONITZITE. Zepharovich* Pseudomorphs, consisting of a green, ste- atitic mineral. G.=l-91. Soft, greasy. Associated with fluor, quartz, sphene and pyrites. The powder is pale yellow, and changes to dull brown, on heat- ing. Analysis, by Zepharovich : silica 53-42, alumina 7-00, protox. iron 15-41, limel-37, magnesia 2-94, water 19-86. Found at Mutenitz in Bohemia. STRATOPEITE. Igdstrom. Amorphous, massive. H. below 4. G.=2-64. Pitch-black : brownish-red, in thin splinters. Fracture flat conchoidal. B. B., fuses to a black, translucent globule. With hydrochloric acid, evolves chlo- rine. Analysis, by Igelstrorn : silica 35-43, protox. iron 10-27, perox. mang. 32-41, magnesia 8-04, water 1375. Found at the Pajsberg mine, in Philipstadt STRONTIANOCALCITE.- Genth. Structure like calcite. H.=3-5. Affords some strontia. SVANVERGITE. Igtlstrom. (This name was given to platinindium, p 303,) without a knowledge of its previous bestowal on the following mineral. Massive. Cleavage, parallel with oblique rhombic prism. Pale-red. H.=5 - 0. G.=3-3. B. B., fuses on the thinnest edges. With soda, yields a red he- patic mass, in the reduction flame. It becomes green in water ; and with di- lute acid, develops sulphuretted hydrogen. In borax, affords an iron-stained glass. With cobalt solution, gives a fine blue. Analysis: sulphuric acid 17-32, phosphoric acid 17-80, alumina 37-84, lime 6-00, protox. iron 1-40, soda 12-84, water 6*80, chlorine, a trace. Found in Wermland, with kyanite, rnica, quartz and hematite. SUSANNITE. Haidinger. In rhomboids of 94, with summits truncated ; cleavage parallel with truncating planes. H.=2-5. G.=6"35. Color white, green, yellow and brownish-black. Lustre resinous. Streak uncolored. Com- position, same as leadhillite ; sulphate lead 27-5, carb. lead 72-5. Found at Leadhills, Scotland ; and at Moldawa, Bannat. TABERGITE. Rose. The blue talc of Werner, from Taberg in Wermland. TACHYDHITE. Rrtmmelsberg. Found in the salt of Stassfurth. Composi- tion (Ca Cl+2MgCl)-H2HO. TALC-APATITE. Hermann. In six-sided xls., grouped and single. G.=27. ...2'75. Contains lime 37-50,' magnesia 7-74, phosphoric acid 39-02, sulphuric acid 2-10, chlorine 0'9I, fluorine and loss 2-13, oxide iron 1-00, insoluble 9-50. From the chlorite slate in the Schischimskian Mts., near Slatoust. TANNENITE. Kupferwismuthglanz, Schneider. In thin striated prs. Lustre metallic. Greyish to tin-white. In an open tube, yields sulphur. B. B., fuses easily, with intumescence ; and gives with soda, a globule of copper. Gives, with nitric acid, a deep blue solution. Analysis by Schneider : sulphur 18'83, bismuth 62-16, copper 1872. From Tannenbaum, in Johanngeorgenstadt. TAURISCITE. Volger. In slender, white, glassy prisms, from Windgalle, St. Gothard. Form of crystal, near to that of epsomite. It proceeds from the decomposition of pyrites ; and is supposed to be related to melanterite. TECTFZITE. Breithaupt. In pyramidal xls., acicular and massive. H.=l-5 ...2-0. Clove-brown. Attracts moisture. Supposed to be a hydrous sulphate of perox. iron. From near Schwarzenberg in Saxony ; and at Braunsdorf, in the Erzgebirge. APPB NDIX. 431 TEPHROITE. Breithaupt. Supposed to be a decomposing fowlerite. THIERSCHITE. Leidy. A greyish, warty incrustation on the marble of the Parthenon at Athens, originating in the action of lichens upon the marble. Composition, oxalate of lime. TRINACRITE. VTaltersIiausen. Massive, cleavable, or micaceous. Dull brown. Contains silica 31-82, alumina 5-25, perox. iron 33-95, lime 2-57, magnesia 4*57, soda 4-19, potash 2-42, water 14-22. TURNERITE. Levy. Oblique rhombic prisms of 86 KX. P on M 99 4(X. Cleavage, parallel with both diagonals of the prisms ; one more perfect than the other. H. above 4-0. Color yellow to brown. Lustre adamantine. Transparent to translucent. According to Children, it contains alumina, lime, magnesia, and a little iron. Found with albite, ilmenite and anatase, at Mount Sorel, Dauphiny. TYRITE. Forbes. Crystalline, but without distinct cleavage. H.=6%5. G.=5-30. Color and lustre, like euxenite. Heated in a glass tube, decrepi- tates strongly, evolves water and turns yellow. B. B., with borax, forms a glass of a reddish-yellow color when warm, but colorless when cool. With salt of phosphorus, it is soluble with difficulty ; the glass is greenish-yellow while hot, but green, when cold. Analysis, by Forbes: columbic acid 44*90, alu- mina 5-66, lime 0-81, yttria 29-72, oxide of cerium 5'35, oxide of uranium 3-03, protox. iron 6-20, water 4-52. Found with euxenite, at Hampemyr, Norway. It has some resemblance, both to rutherfordite and to fergusonite. URANGREEN. Hartmann. (Uranchalzit). A basic sulphate of copper end uranium, from Joachimstahl. URDITE. Forbes and Dahtt. Has the crystalline form of monacite, and is believed by Zochau, to belong to that species. G.=5-l. 5*2. Found in granite, near Notero in Norway. VARVACITE. Phillips. An altered manganite, consisting largely of pyro- lusite. VIOLAN. Breithaupt. Massive, with cleavage of a rhombic prism. H=6. G.=3-23. Color dark violet-blue. Lustre waxy. B. B., fuses to a clear glass. With borax, in the outer flame, gives a brownish-yellow glass, violet-red, when cold ; and in the inner flame, a yellow glass, which is colorless, when cold. Found with manganesian epidote, at St. Marcel in Piedmont. VOGLITE. Haidinger. In crystalline scales, somewhat like gypsum, with angles of 100 and 80. Emerald-, to grass-green. Possessed of dichroism. Lustre pearly. B. B., in a tube, yields water : on charcoal, does not fuse. Tinges the flame green, after being wet with hydrochloric acid. Dissolves in hydrochloric acid. Analysis, by Lindacker: carbonic acid 26*43 , protox. ura- nium 37-00, lime 14-09, protox. copper 8-40, water 13-99. From the Elias mine, near Joachimstahl. VOIGTITE. Schmid. In long, thin plates. H.=2-0. G.=2-19. Brown. Opaque : lustre somewhat oily. B. B., melts to a black glass, and affords the reaction of iron. Analysis, by Schmid : Silica 33-83, alumina 13-40, perox. iron 8-42, protox. iron 23-01, magnesia 7-54, lime 2-04, soda 1-96, water 9-87= 99-07. Found near Ilmenau, in granite; and is generally weathered. When fresh, is leek-green, and translucent. VOLGERITE. A white antimony from Algeria, found with cervantite, and resulting from its decompositon ; it consists, according to Volger, of oxy- gen 18-8, antimony 60-3, and water 21-0. VOLTZITE, Fournet. In spherical globules. Structure, curved lamellar. H.=4-5. G.=3-66. Yellowish and brown: lustre vitreo-resinous. Subtrans- lucent. B. B., like blende. Analysis, by Fournet. Sulphuret of zinc 82-92, oxide of zinc 15-14, perox. iron 1-84, resinous matter, a trace. Found at Ro- sieres in Puy de Dome ; and at Elias mine, near Joachimstahl. WAVELL-ITE. Found at West Chester, Pa. 432 APPENDIX. , WEHRLITE. Kolell. Massive, granular. H.=6*0. 6-5. G.=3-PO. B. B., fuses with difficulty on the edges. Analysis, by Wehrle , silica 34-64, per- ox. iron 42-38, perox. mang. 0-28, alumina 0-12, protox. iron 15-78, lime 5-84, water 1. From Szurrasko, Hungary. ' WEISSIGITE. Jenzsch. Xls. minute, oblique rhombic prisms. Cleavage unequal in two directions, parallel to the vertical axis, and meeting under 118. Sometimes macled : also massive. H.=6-5. G.=2'5. White to pale rose- red. B. B., fuses easily on the edges, to a white enamel, tinging the outer flame a pale red and yellow, at its extremity. With borax, affords a colorless glass; and with salt of phosphorus, a silica-skeleton. Composition, near to that of petalite. Found in a porpyritic amygdaloid, near Weissig. WILSONITE. Hunt. Massive. H. 3-5. G.=2-76. Color reddish-white. Subtranslucent. Lustre vitreous. Fracture uneven. B. B., evolves moisture, whitens and fuses with intumescence, to a white enamel. Analysis, by Hunt: silica 4355, alumina 27-24, lime 6'50, magnesia 2-81, potash 8-37, soda 1-45, water 8'61. It resembles an altered scapolite. Found at Bathurst, Canada West. WISSERITE. Haidinger. A hydrated diallogite, from Gonzen, Switzerland. XENOLITE. This variety of fibrolite is abundant, at Mt. Monadnock, N. H. XYLOCHLORE. Walttrshnusen. Form of xls., like apophyllite. Angle of pyramid about 96 J . Cleavage basal, perfect. H.=60. G.=2'29. Olive-green. Analysis, by Waltershausen ; silica 52-07, alumina 1*54, lime 20*57, magnesia 0'33, protox. iron 3 - 40, soda 0*55, potash 3 g 77, water and carbonic acid 17'14. From Iceland. ZAMTITE. 1852 - 66. Girgenti, Sicily. - - Fell Feb. 10, 1853. 67. Boemerford, Hanover. Fell July, 1855. 436 CATALOGUE OF METEORIC COLLECTION. II. METEOKIC IRONS. 1. Senegal, Africa. - - Found 1717. 2. Krasnoyarsk, Government of Jeniseisk, Siberia. - Found 1749. 3. Saxony (Steinbach, near Eibenstock). - - Found 1751. 4. Agram, Croatia. - - Fell May 26, 1751. 5. Tecuman, Otumpa, Argentine Rep., S. America. Found 1783. 6. Bahia (Bemdego), Brazil. - - Found 1784. 7. Xiquipilco, Toluca, Mexico. - Found 1784. 8. Zacatecas, Mexico. - - Found 1792. 9. Cape of Good Hope. - - Found 1793. 10. Bitberg, in the Eifel, Rhenish Prussia. - - Found 1805. 11. Texas (Red River), U. S. A. - Found 1808. 12. Rasgata, New Grenada, South America. - Found 1810, 13. Elbogen, Bohemia. ... - Found 181L 14. Durango, Mexico. - - Found 1811. 15. Lenarto, Saroscher Comitat, Hungary. - Found 1814. 16. Lockport, New York, U. S. A. - - Found 1818. 17. Burlington, Otsego county, New York, U. S. A. - Found 1819. 18. Guildford, North Carolina, U. S. A. - Found 1820. 19. Atacama, Bolivia. - Found 1827. 20. Caille, Dep. du Var, France. - Found 1828. 21. Bohumilitz, Prachiner Circle, Bohemia. - Found 1829. 22. Ciaiborne county, Alabama, U. S. A. - - Found 1834. 23. Dickson county, Tennessee, U. S. A. - - Fell July 30, 1835. 24. Black Mountain, Buncombe Co., N. Carolina, U. S. A. Found 1835. 25. Asherville, Buncombe county, North Carolina. - Found 1839. 26. Putnam county, Georgia, U. S. A. - Found 1839. 27. Cocke county (and Sevier county), Tennessee. - Found 1840. 28. Newberry (Ruffs Mountain), South Carolina, U. S. A. Found 1841. 29. Green county (Babb's Mills), Tennessee, U. S. A. 30. St. Augustine's Bay, Madagascar. - 31. Arva, (Szlanicza) Arvaer Comitat, Hungary. 32. Otsego county, New York, U. S. A. 33. De Kalb county, Tennessee, U. S. A. - 34. Carthage, Tennessee, U. S. A. - 35. Chester county, South Carolina, U. S. A. 36. Braunau, Koniggratzer Circle, Bohemia. 37. Seelasgen, Neumark, Brandenberg. 38. Found 1842. - Found 1843. . Found 1843. Found 1845.. - Found 1845. Found 1846. - Found 1847. Fell July 14, 1847. - Found 1847. Schwetz, Prussia. Found 1850. CATALOGUE OP METEORIC COLLECTION. 437 39. Salt River, Kentucky, U. S. A. - - Found 1850. 40. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. - - Found 1850. 41. Seneca Falls, Cayuga county, U. S. A. - - Found since 1850. 42. Lion River, Namaqua Land, South Africa. - " 43. Union county, Georgia, U. S. A. - 44. Tazewell, Claiborne county, Tennessee, U. S. A. " " " 45. Santa Rosa, New Mexico. - 46. Tuczon, Sonora. - " " " 47. Chili. 48. Haywood county, North Carolina, U. S. A. 49. Orange River, South Africa. 50. Madoc, Canada West. Found 1854. APPENDIX TO METEORIC COLLECTION. I. DOUBTFUL METEORIC STONES (several of which, however, are known to have fallen from the atmosphere). Alais, Dep. du Gard, France, March 15, 1806. Waterville, Maine, U. S. A., Sept. 1826. Waterloo, New York, U. S. A., 1826 or 1827. Concord, New Hampshire, U. S. A., 1840. I wan, Hungary, Aug. 1841. Las Canas, St. Andrews, Cuba, Oct. 2, 1844. Elizabethtown, Essex county, New York, U. S. A., winter of 1844 and 1845. Moreton Bay, Australia, July, 1845. Richland, South Carolina, U. S. A., summer of 1846 or 1847, Near Columbia, South Carolina. U. S. A., (containing globules of me- tallic lead,) 1852. 438 CATALOGUE OP METEORIC COLLECTION. II. DOUBTFDL METEORIC IRONS, (several of which are destitute of nickel, chromium and cobalt, and do not afford the true Widmann- staattian figures ; or if containing the usual meteoric metals, the masses have been altered and disguised by a strong artificial heat). Randolph county, North Carolina, U. S. A., 1822. Sterlitamal, Orenberg, Russia, 1825. Bedford county, Pennsylvania, U. S. A., 1828. Scriba, New York, U. S. A., 1830. St. Matthews, South Carolina, U. S. A. Walker county, Alabama, U. S. A., 1839. * Homony Creek, Buncombe county, North Carolina, U. S. A., 1845, Montgomery, Vermont, U. S. A. Achen, (Aix-La-Chapelle), France. Collina, de Brianza, Brazil. Long Creek, Jefferson county, Tennessee, U. S. A., 1853, Poictiers, France. INDEX. A. i Alunogen, 70. lAntimonocher, 144. Alviie, 421. Antimonophyllite, 421. Abichite, 121. Amalgam, 295. [Antimonoxyd, v. Valentinite. Abrazite, 165. Amausite, see Feldspar. Antimonsilber, 300. Acadiolite, 164. Amazon-stone, 185. Antimonsilberblende, 353. Acerdese, 280. Amber, 368. Antimony blende, t>. Kerme- Achmite, 196. Arablygonite, 181. site. Aciculite, 337. Amethyst, 213. Antimony bloom, v. Valenti- Acmite, 196. Amiant, 193. nite. Aehmatite, 183. Amianthoide, 193. Antimony glance, 328. Achroiie, 219. Amianthus, 193. Antrimolite, 170. Actinolite, 193. Ammiolite, 421. Apatelite, 71. Actinote, 193. Ammonia-alum, 68. Apatite, 107. Adamantine spar, 235. Amoibite, 312 Aphanesite, 121. Adularia, 187. Amphibole, 193. Aphrite, 219. Aedelforsite, 177. Amphibolite, 193. Aphrizite,219. Aegirin, 193. Amphigene, 175. Aphrodite, 162. Aeschynite, 258. Amphodelite, 190. Aphrosiderite, v. Chlorite. Aftonite. 347. Anagenite, v. Chrome-ochre. Aphthalose, 70. Agalmatolite, 146. Analcime, 172. iAphthitalite, 70. Agapite, 181. Aname^ite, v. Labradorite. [Aphthonite, 347. Agaric mineral, 86. Anatase, 253. Apjohnite, 397. Agate, 213. Anauxite, 161. Aplome, 206. Agnesite, 141. . Andalnsite, 223. Apophyllite, 167. Aikinite, 337. Andesine, 189. Aquamarine, 229. Akanthite, 331. Andreasbergolite, v. Harmo- Araeoxerie, 422. Akmite, li-6. tome. Aragonite, 91. Alabandine, 359. Andreolite, 166. Arcariite, 70. Alabaster, 75. Anglarile, 73. Arendalite, 183. Alalite, 196. Anglesite, 135. Arfvedsonite, ]94. Alaun, 68. Anhydrite, 78. Argentiferous Tetrahedrite, Alaunsteun, 106. Ankerite, 94. 347. Albin, 168. Anabergite, v. Nickel-green, Argentine, 86. Albiie, 188. 117. Argentite, 331. Alexandrite, 231. Anorthite, 190. Argyrose, 331. Algerite, 178. Anthophyllite, 193. Arkansite, 254. Ahzite, see Pimelite. Anthosiderite, 421. Arpidelite, v Sphene. AHagite, 192. Anthracite, 372. Arquerite, 304. Allanite, 250. Anthraconite, 86. Arragonite, 91. AHemontite, 299. Antiedrite, v. Edingtonite. Arseneisen, 319. AHochroite, 206. Antigorite, 155. Arsenic, 300. Allogoriite, 107. Antimon-arsen, 299. Arsenical antimony, 299. AMomorphite, 101. Antimonblende, 353. Arsenicite, v. Pharmacolite. Allophane, 88. Antimonbliithe,v Valentinite. Arsenikalkies, 319. Alluaudite, 112. Antimon-glariz, 328. Arsenikantimon, 299. Almagrerite, 421. Antimonial copper, 346. Arsenikbleispath, v. Mime- Almandine, 206. Antimonial copper-glance, tine. Alstonite, 102. 346, Arsenikbismuth, v. Enlytine. Altaite, 300. Antimonial nickel, 319. Arsenikbliithe, v. Arsenite. Alum, 68. Antimonial silver, 300. Arsenikeisen, 319. Aluminite, 72. Antimonite, 328. Arsenikkobahkies, 320. Alumocalcite, 201. Antimonkupferglanz, 346. Arsenikmangan, v. Kaneite. Alumstone, 106. Antimonnickelglanz, v. Ull- Arsenikkupfer, v. Domeykite. Alunite, 106. mannite. Arseniknickel, 307. 440 INDEX. Anseniksilber, 301. Arseniksilberblcnde, 355. Arsenik-sinter, v. Scorodite. Arseniosiderite, 319. Arseniie, 143. Arsenocrocite, v. Arseniosid' erite. Arsenolite, v. Arsenite. Arsenomelan, 422. Arsenopyrite, 310. Arsenous acid, v. Arsenite. Arsenphyllite, 422. Asbestos, 193, 196. Asbolan, 409. Asparagus stone, 107. Aspasiolite, v. lolite. Asphaltum, 368. Astrakanite, 71. Astrophyllite, 422. Atacamite, 121. Atelesite, 422. Atlaserz, v. Malachite. Atheriastite, v. Scapolite. Atramenstein, v. Misy. Augite, 196. Augustite, v. Apatite. Auina, v. Hauyne. Auriclmlcite, 76. Auriferous pyrites, 325. Auripigmentum, v. Orpiment Aurotellnrite, 289. Automalite, 234, 416. Autunite, v. I'ranite Aventurine quartz, 213. Axiuitc, 219. Azorite, 285. Azure spar, v. Lnzulite. Azure stone, v. Lazulite. Azurite, 180. Babingtonite, 183. Bagrationite, 250. Baierine, 261. Baikalite, 196. Balas ruby, v. Spinel. Ballester ;site, 422. Baltimorite, 148. Bamliie, 422. Baralite, 422. Barnhardtite, 326. Barolite, v. Witherite. Baroselenite, v. Barytes. Barsowite, 190. Barystrontianite, 103. Barytes, 98. Barytine, v. Barytes. Baryiocalcite, 102. Baryto-celestine, 98. Baryiophyllite, 160. Baxanite, 213. Basanomelari, v. Ilmenite. Basicerine, v. Fluoceriile. Bastite, 410. Batrachite, 20S. Baudisserite, v. Magnesite. Bauliie, 192. Beaumontite, 127, 164. Beilstein, . Nephrite. Bell-metal ore, v. Stannine. Belonite, v. Aikinite. Beraunite, 422. Berengelite, 367. Beresofite, 132. Bergholz, v. Xylotile. Bergmannite, 422. Bernerde, v. Retinite. Bernstein, v. Amber. I Beryl, 229. (Berihierite, 338. Berzelianite, v. Berzeline. Berzeliite, v. Kuhnite. Berzeline, 173. Beudantite, 119, 174. Bieberite, 70. Bildstein, 146. Binnite, 422. Biotine, v. Anorthite. Biotite, 158. Birousa, v. Turquoise. Bismuth, 291. Bismuthaurite, 304. Bismuth-glance, v. Bismu thine. Bismuth blende, v. Eulytine. Bismuthic gold, 304. Bismuth nickel, 309. Bismuth ochre, 143. Bismuthic silver, 292, 309. Bismuthine, 337. Bismutite, 141. Bitierkalk, 92. Bittersalz, 108. Bitter spar, 92. Bitumen, 364. Biiuminous coal, 372. Black copper, 145. Black hematite, v. lane. Blackjack, 351. Black lead, 373. Black manganese, 283. Black silver, 336. Blakeite, 397. Blattererz, 290. Blatterkies, v. Marcasite. Blattertellur, 290. Blatterzeolith, v. Heulandite. Blaubleierz, v. Galena. Blaueisenstein, v. Crocidolite. Blauspath, 180. Blei, 289. Bleierde, 137. Bleifahlerz. v. Bournonite. Bleigelb, v. Wulfenite. Bleiglanz, 340. Bleiglas, v. Anglesite. Bleiglatte, v. Lithargite. Bleigummi, 141. Bleilasur, v. Linarite. Bleihornerz, v. Phosgenite. jBleimolybdat, v. Wulfenite. .Bleiniere, 140. iBleioxyd, v. Lithargite. JBleischeelat, 138. JBIeischimmer v. Jamesonite. Bleisulphotricarbonat, v. Lead hil lite. Bleischweif, v. Galena. Bleivitriol, v. Anglesite. Blende, 351. Blodite, 70. Bloodstone, 213. Blue asbestus, v. Crocidolite. Blue John, 95. Blue malachite, 124. Blue spar, 180. Blue vitriol, 68. Bliitstein, 213. Bodenite, 285. Bohnerz, v. Limonite. Bog butter, 366. Bog iron ore, v. Limonite. Bole, 115,408. Bolognian spar, 98. Boltonite, 182. Bonsdorffite, 216. Boracic acid, 69. Boracile, 218. Borax, 67. Bornite, 305. Borocalcite, v. Hayesine. Botryogen, 70. Botryolite, 171. Boulangerite, 339. Bournonite. 344. Bournonite-nickelglanz, 422. Bowenite, 192. Branchite, v. Scheererite. Kranderz, v. Jdrialine. Bratidisite, v. Clmtonite. Braunbleierz, v. Pyromorph- ite. Brauneisenstein, v. Limonite. Braunite, 283. Braunspath, v. Dolomite. Braunstein, v. Hausmannite. Breislakite, 196. , 319. Breunnerite, 94. Brevicite, 170. Brewsterite, 171. Brewstoline, 364. Bright white cobalt. 315. Brittle silver ore, 336. sulphuret silver, 336. Brochantite, 123. Brogniardite, 349. Brogniartin, v. Glauberite. Bromic silver, 130. Bromite, 130. Bromlite, v. Alstonite. Bromsilber, 130. Bronzite, 196. Brookite, 254. Bmssite, v. Dolomite. Brown coal, 372. hematite, 276. iron ore, 276. spar, v. Dolomite, Brucite, 204. Bucholzite, 225. Bucklamlite, 183. Buritbleierz, v. Pyromorphite. Bunlkupfererz, 305. Buratite, 76, 126. Bustamite, 192. Butlermilcherz, 130. But y rite, 366. Byssolite, 193. Bytownite, 190. Psilome- Breithauptite, INDEX. 441 c. Cacholong, 201 Cacoxene, 90. Cairngorm stone, 213. Calaite, 181. Calamine, 110. Calamite, 193. Calcareous heavy spar, 100. spar, 86. tufa, v. Calcite. Calcedony, 213. Calcite, 79. Calc-spar, 86. Caledonite, 134. Callais, v. Turquois. Calomel, 130. Calstronbaryte, 101. Calyptolite, 28S. Canaanite, v. Pyroxene. Cancrinite, 174. Candite, 234. Cantalite, v. Quartz. Capasiolite, 216. Capillary pyrites, v. Millerite red oxide copper, 241. Capnite, v. Smithsonite. Caporcianite, 170. Carhacid, 64. Carbammonite, 66. Carbhydrogen, 64. Carbocerine, 73. Carbocerine, v. Lanthanite. Carbonic acid, 64. Carbuncle, 208. Carinthite, 132. Carminite, 423. Carminspath, 423. Carnallite, 396. Carnat, 115. Carnelian, 213. ' Carolathine, 423. Carpholite, 182. Carphosiderite, 89. Carphostilbite, 423. Carrollite, 315. Cassiterite, 263. Cassiterotantalite, 262. Castelnaudite, 404. Castor, 193. Catapleiite, 200, Catlinite, 115, v. Pipestone. Catseye, 213 Cavolinite, 174. Cawk 100. Celestine, 97. Cerasine, 136. Cerasite, 136. Cerine, 250. Cerinstein, 244. Ceririte, 244. Cerite, 244. Cerolite, 146. Cerusite, 137. Cervantite, v. Antiraonial- ochre. Chabasie, 164. Chabazite, 164. Chalcanthite, v. Blue vitriol 68. Chalcedony, 213. Chalcodite, 153. Chalcolite, v. Torberite. Chalcophyllite, v. Tamarite. Chalcopyrite, 306. Chalcostibite, 346. Chalcolrichite, 241. halilite, 170. Chalk, 86. Chalkosin, 342. Chalybite, 103. Chamoisite, 423. Chatharaite, 310. Chenocoprolite, 78. herokine, 407. Chert, 201. Chesterlite, 187. Chessylite, v. Azurite. Chiastolite, 223, 414. Childrenite, 106. Chileke, 277, 405. Chiltonite, v. Prehnite. Chimborazite, v. Aragonite. Chiolite, 79. Chiviatite, 349. Chloanthite, 313. Chloroastrolite, 170. Chlorite, 150. Chloritoid, 160. hloritspath, 160. hloromelan, v. Cronstedite. hloropal 423. hlorophaeite, 151. ( hlorophane, 96. Chlorophanerite, 423. Chlorophyllite, 216. Chlorospmel, v. Spinel. Chlorquecksilber, v. Calomel. Chodrieffite, 79. hondrodite, 204. Chomkrite, 153. hrismatine, 366. hristianite, 90. hromate iron, 267. hromeisenstein, 267. Chrome ochre, 144. Chromic iron, 267. Chromite, 267. Cryolite, 79. Chrysoberyl, 231. Chrysocolla, 117. Chrysolite, 208. Cnrysophane, v. Clintonite. Chrysoprase, 213. Chrysotile, 148. Chusite, v. Crysolite. Cimolite, l!5. Cinnabar, 357. Cinnamon stone, 206. lausthalite, 332. lay, 114. lay iron-stone, 105. Cleavelandiie, 188. Cleiopharie, 360. Clingmanite, 159. Clinochse, v Aphanesite. Clinochlore, 151. Clintoniie, 160. Cluthalite, 172. Coal, 372. Cobalt bloom, 172. 56 Cobalt-gris, 315. Cobaltirie, 315. Cobalt-mica, v. Erythrine. pyrites, 315. vitriol, 70. Coccinite, 130. Coccolite, 196. Collyrite, 114. Colophonite, 206. Columbite, 261. Common salt, v. Salt. Compact brown iron-stone,278 manganese, 283. Comptonite, 168. Condrodite, 204. Condtirrite, 308. Conichalcite, 127, 406. Conite, 92. Connellite, 423. Copal, 368. Copalme, 368. Copiapite, 69. Copper, 293. Copperas, 67. Copper froth, 117, v. Tyrolite. glance, 342. green, v. Malachite, mica, v. Tamarite. nickel, 320. pyrites, 306. Coquimbite. 397. Coracite, 265. Coral linerz, v. Cinnabar. Cordierite, 216. Corindon, v. Corundum. Corneous lead, v. Phosgenite. manganese, 192. Cornwallite, 406. Corundellite, 159. Corundophilite, 153. Corundum, 235. Gotham Marble, 88. ("otunnite, 136. Couzeranite, 191. Corelline, 328. Crednerite, 286. Creitionite, v Spinel. Crichstonite, 267. Crisolith, v. Chrysolite. Crispite, v. Rutile. Crocidoliie, 196. Crocoisite, 132. Cronstedlite, 155. Cross Stone, Crucite v. Chi- astolite. Cryolite, 79, 400. Cryptolite 109. Cryptoline, 364. Cuban, 326. ube-Ore,v. Pharmacosiderite ube-Spar, v. Anhydrite. Cubizite, v. Analcime. Cuboite, 172. Cuivre Arsenical, 308. uivre gris, v. Tetrahedrite. umengite, 408. ummingtonite, 193. Cupreous Anglesite, v. Lina- rite. Cupreous Sulphato-carb. lead, 134. 442 INDEX. Cuprite, 241. Cuprolumbite, 349. Cyanite, 224. Cyanochrome, 423. Cynnosiie, Cyanoze, v. Cal- chanthile. Cyanotrichite, 124. Cyclopite, 423. Cymophnne, 231. Cyprine, 205. D. Dalarnite, v. Mispickel. Damourite, 161. Dannite, 310. Danburite, 218. Dark Red Silver, 353. Daiholite, 171. Datolith, 171. Dnonrite, v. Rubellite. Davidsonite, 229. Davyne, 174. Davyt, v. Alnnogen. Dechenite, 141. Delanovite, 423. Delessite, 424. Delphiuite, 183. Pelvauxene, 89. Demant v. Diamond. Demantspath. v. Corundum. Dermartin, 147. Descloizite, 407. Desmin v. Stilbite. Devonite, . Wavellite. Deweylite, 146. Diaclasite, 199. Diadochite, 90. Diagonite, v. Brewsterite. Diallnsjf , 424. Diallogiie, 96. Diamimd, 237. DiaphoritP, v. Allagite. Diaspore, 283. Diastaiite, 193. Dichroite, 216. Digenito, 350. Dihydrite, 126. Dillnite, 401. Dimngnetite, 271. Dimorphine, 350. Diniie, 370. Diopside, 196. Dioptase, 127. Dioxylite, 134. Diphanite. 159. Diploite, 190. Dipyre, 179. Disclasite, v. Diallage. Discrasile, 300. Disomose, 312. Disterrite, 160. Disthene, 224. Dolomite, 92. Domeykite, ?0g. Dopple Spath, v. Calcite. Dnp|)lerite, 370. Dreliie, 97. Ddifrenite, 89. Dufrenoysite, 340. Dyoxylite, 134. )ysclasite, 170. )y*koliie, v. Saussurite. )yhluite, 234,415. )yssnile, 192. )ysyntribite, 146. E. Earthy Cobalt, 145. Sarihy Manganese, v. Wad. Cdelforsite, 177. i^delith, v. Prehnite. Sdingionite, 166. Edwardsiie, 108. Egeran, 205. hliie, 127. Ehrenbergite, 424. isen, 301. iiseivapatite, v Zwieselite. nalaun, v Halotrichite. Cisenblau, v. Vivianite. iisenhliithe, v. Aragonite. nchrom, v. Chromite. Eisenchlore, 396. isenchlorite, v. Chromite. Sisenepidote, 180. Sisenerz. 318. Sisenglnnz, v. Hematite. Sisenglimmer, v. Hematite. KisenLyminiie,v. Hydrophite Sisenkies, v. Pyrites. Eisenkiesel, 213. 3isenkobaherz, v. Safflorite. Kisennatrolith, 425. Eisennickelkies, 307. Eisenopal, 201. Eisenoxyd, v. Hematite. Eisenoxydliydrat, v. Limonite Eisenpeoherz, '. Scapolite. G. Gabronite, v. Scapolite. Gadolinite, 252. Gahnite, 239. Galactite, 425. Galapekiite, c. Halloysite. Galena, 340. Gallicinite, v Kutile. Galmey, v. Hemimorphite. Gansekothig-erz, 78. Garbenstilbit, v. Stilbite. Garnet, 206. Garnsdorffite, u. Pissophaue. Gay-Lussite, 69. God rite, 425. Gehlenite, 179. Gekrosetein, v Tripe-stone. Gelbleierz, v. Wulfenite. Gelbeisenerz, v. Jarosite. Gelberde, v. Limonite. Gelberz, v. Sylvanite. Geocrinite, 338. Gersdorffite, 312. Geyserite, 201. Gibbsite, 89. Gieseckite, 216. Gigantolite, 216. Gilbertite, 409. Gillingite, 115. Giobertite, 94. Girasol, 201. Gismoridine, 165. Glance coal, 372. Glance-copper, v. Redruthite. Glanzarsenikkies, 319. Glanzkobalt, v. Cobaltine. Glanzkohle, 372. Glaserite, v. Aphthitalite. Glaserz, 331. Glaskopf, -o. Limonite. Glatte, t;. Lithargite. Glauber Salt, v. Mirabilite. Gymnite, 153. Glaubapatite, 402. Gypsum, 74. Glanberite, 71. Gyrolite, 425. Glauber Salt, 67. Glaucodot, 326. laucolite, 191. Glaucophane, 179, 203. Glaukosiderite, v. Vivianite. Slimmer, v. Mica. Slinkite, 208. Slottalite, 172. Smplinite, 164. "iokumire, 205. Sold, 296. Sold amalgam, 304. Soshenite, 229. jJoslarite, 68. Gothite, 277. jiotthardite, 340. 5rammatite, 193. Trammite, v. Wollastonite. ?ranat, v. Garnet. Graphic Goid, 259. Graphic Tellurium, 289. Graphite, 373. iraubraunsteinerz, v. Pyrolu- sile. Graukobalterz, v. Syepoorite, H; Sraugiltigerz, 347. Graukuplererz, 348. Sraulite, v. Tectizite. Sransilber, v. Selbite. Grauspiessglaserz, . Antimo- nite. ray Antimony, 328. ray Copper, v. Redruthite. reen Calamine, 67. reen Diallage, 196,424. Green Earth, 151. ireen Iron Ore, 69. Jreen Malachite, 125. ireen Tourmaline, 221. Jreen Vitriol, 67. Treenlandite, 206. Greenockite, 353. Ureenovite, v. Sphene. irenat, 206. irenatite, 219. Jrengesite, 151. trey Cohalt, 315. ;!rey Copper, 347. Grey Manganese, 279. ^roppite, 149. Troruilite, v. Wad. Jrossular, 206. Griinauite, 309. ^Iriinbleierz, v. Pyromorphite Griineisenerde, v. Hypochlo- Hi rite. jrriineisenstein, v. Dufrenite. jJriinerde, 151. jlriinerite, v. Pyroxene. Suanite, v. Struvite. Iilummierz, 265. jlummispath, v. Plomb- gomme. Gurhofian, 92. Gurhufire, 92. Surolite, 176. Guyaquillite, 367. Haarkies, 307. Haarsalz, v. Alunogen. Haematite, 271. Hafnefjordite, v, Oligoclase. Haidingerite, 74. Hair-salt, v. Alunogen. Halbazurblei, v Caledonite. Halliie, v. Aluminite. Hallotrichine, 70. Halloysite, 114. Halotrichite, 70. Hampshirile, 151. Harmotome, 166. Harringtonite, 170. Harrisite. 344. Hartbraunstein, 283% Hartine, 366. Hartite, 365. Hartkobalierz, 320. Hartkobalikies, 320. Hartmanganerz, 283. Hatchetine 365. Hauerite, 359. Hausmannite, 282. Hauyne, 173. Hayder.ile, 164. Hayesine, 75. Haytorite, 212. Heavy Spar, 98. Hebetine, v. Willemite. Hederibergite, 199. Hedyphane, 140. Heliotrope, 213. Helleflinta, 187. Helvin, 204. Hematite, 271. Hepatic Pyrites, 321. Hepaiinerz, v. Tile-ore. Hepatite, 101. Herciniie, 234. Herderite, 107. Hermarmitc, v. 3Iangan-Am- phibole. Herschelite, 167. Hessite, 342. Heiepozite. 112. Heteroclin, 425. Heteromerite, 205. Heteromorphite, 339. Heierositf, 112. Heulandiie, 163. Highgate Resin, v. Copaline. Hi^ingerite, 115. Hitchcockite, 201. Hohbpath, 223. Holmesite, 160. Holzkupererz. v. Olivenite. Holzopal, v Opal. Honey-Stone, 369. Honightein, 369. Hopeite, 78. Hornblei, v. Phosgenite. Hornblende, 193. Hornerz, v. Kerate. liurninungan, v. Rhodonite. 444 INDEX. Hornquicksilver, 130. Horn Silver, 129. lodic Mercury, 130. lodic Silver, 130. Hornstone. 213. lodic Quicksilver, 130. Horse-flesh Ore, v. Bornite. lodite, 130. Hnughite, 77. lodquecksilver, 130. Houille, 372. lodyrite, v. lodite. Hudsonite, 196 and 426. lolite, 216. Humholdtine, 76. Iridium, 303. Humboldtillite, 179. Iridosmine, 303. Humboldtite, 171. Irite, 269. Humite, 204. Iron, 301. Hureaulite, 112. Iron Alum, v. Halotrichite. Huronite,426. Iron Foam, 271. Hyacinth, 226. Iron Glance, 271. Hyalite, 201. Iron Pyrites, 323. Hyalomelan, 203. Iron Stone glance, 278. Hyaloplian, v. Adularia. Iron Sinter, 78. Hyalosiderite, 208. Iserine, 269. Hyblite, v. Pyroxene. Isophane, v. Franklinite. Hydrargillite, 89. Hydroborocalcite, v.Hayesine Hydrobucholzile, 426. Isopyre, 203. Itaberite, v. Hematite. Itacolumite, Elastic Sand- Hydroboracite, 75. stone. Hydrocalcite, 400. Ittnerite, 413. Hydrochlore, 248. Ixolyte, 366. Hydrodolomite, 400. Hydrohalite, 426. J. Hydrogen, 64. Hydrolite, v. Gmelinite. Hydromagnesite, 91. Hydromagnocalcite, v. Hydro- dolomite. Jade, 192. Jameson ite, 333. Jargionite, v. Galena. Jargoon, 226. Hydro-nickel magnesite, 91. Hydrophane, 210. Hydrophite, 149, 192. Hvdrosilicite, 426. Hydrophilite, 396. Hydrous Anthophyllite, 193. Hydrosteatite, 152. Hydrotalcite, 77. Jarosite, 404. Jasper, v. Quartz. Jaspery Iron-ore, v. Hematite. Jaulingite, 426. Jeffersonite, t>. Pyroxene. Jellitite, v. Garnet. Jefreinoffite, v. Idocrase. Jenkinsite, 196. Hydrotalk, 156. Hydrous lolite, 216. Pyrites, 326. Hydrozincite, 75. Hypargyrite, v. Myargyrite. Jet, 372. Johannite, 70. Johnite, v. Turquoise. Johnstonite. Junkerite, 104. Hypersthene, 196. Hypochlorite, 426. K. Hyposclerite, 191. Hypostilbite, 163. Hystitite, 267. Kakochlor, v. Wad. Kakoxene, 90. Kalait v. Turquoise. I Kalamit, 183. Knliphite, 286. Iberite, 426. Kalk-Malachite, 126. Ice Spar, v. Feldspar. Iceland Spar, v. Calcite. Kalkspath, v. Calcite. Kallochrom, v. Lehmanite. Irhthyophlhalmite, 167. Kaolin, 114, 187. Idocrase, 205. larnmererit, 152. Idrialine, 366. iammkies, 321. Idrialite, 366. ampylite, 140. Iglesiasite, v. Cerusite. ianeite, 426. Igloite, v. Aragonite. lldefonsite, v Columbite. kaolin, 114, 187. iapnite, 111. Illuderite, v. Zoisite. Jarpholite, 182. llmenite, 257, 267. {arphosiderite, 89. llvaite, v. Lievrite. Indianite, 190. iarstenite, v. Anhydrite. Castor v. Petalite. Indicolite, v. Tourmaline. iataplete, 200. Indigo Copper, 328. Indite, v. Calcite. ieilhauite, 286. Keramohalite, 70, 398. Kerargyrite, v. Kerate, Kerasite, v. Phosgenite. Keraphyllite, v. Carinthine, Kerate, 129. Kermes, 353. Kermesite, 353. Kermito-Tantalite, 262. Kerolite, 146. Kibdelophan, 267. Kieselgalmey, v. Hemimor- phite. Kieselkupper, v. Chrysocolla, Kiaselmalachit,t>.Chrysocolla. Kieselmangan, v. Rhodonite. Kieselopath, 188. Kieseluismut, v. Eulytine. Kieselzinkerz, v. Willemite. Kilbrickenite, 338. Killnite, v. Spodumene. Kirwariite, 175. Klaprothite, 180. Klinoclas, 121. Knebilite, 426. Kobaldine, 315. Kobalbliithe, v. Erythrine. Kobalt-glanz, 315. Kobaltkiee, 315. Kobalt-nickelkies, 315. Kobaltvitriol, t. Bieberite, 70. Kobellite, 336. Kochsalz, v. Salt. Kohle, 372. Kokkolite, v. Pyroxene. Kollyrit, 114. Kolophonit, v. Garnet. Konichalcit, 127. Konigine, 123. Konlemite, 365. Konlite, 365. Korite, Hydrous Labradorite, Kottigite, 399. Korund, v. Corundum. Koupholite, 175. Krablite, 202. Kraurite, 88. Kremersite, v. Sylvine. Kreuzstein, v. Harmotome. Krisoberil, v. Chrysoberyl. Krisurigite, 71, 123. Krokidolite, v. Crocidolite. Krokoit, v. Lehmannite. Kryolite t v. Cryolite. Kiihnite. Kupaphrite, 117. Kupferantimonglanz, 346. Kupferblau, 117. Kupferbleiglanz, v. Redruth- ite. Kupferbleispath, v. Linarite. Kupferblende, 348. Kupferbliithe, v. Chalcotri- chite. Kupferdiaspore. 126. Kupferfahlerz, v.Tetrahedrite. Kupferglanz, v. Redruthite, [Cnpferglas, v. Redruthite. Kupferglimmer, v. Tamarite. Knpfergriin, v. Malachite. Kupferindig, 328. Kupferkies, 306. INDEX. 445 Kupferlasur, v. Azurite. Kupfermanganerz, v. Wad. Levyne, 164. Lherzolite, v. Pyroxene. Kupfernickel, 320. Kupferpecherz, 426. Lichter-Rothgiltigerz, 355. Libethenite, 126. Kupferphyllit, v. Tamarite. Liebnerite, 216. Kupferschaum. 117. Liebigite, 120. Kupferschwarze, v. Tenorite. Kupfersmaragd, v. Dioptase. Kupfervitriol, v. Chalcan- Lievrite, 249. Light Red Silver, 355. Lignite, 372. thite. Ligurite, v. Sphene. Kupferwismutherz, v. Witti- Limbelite, v. Chrysolite chiie. Lime baryte, 100. Kupferwismutglanz, v. Tan- Lime-malachite, 126. nerite. Limestone, 86. Kyanite, 224. Lime uranite, 119. Kymatine, 193. Limonite, 276. Kypholite, v. Serpentine. Limnite, 276. Kyrosite, 326. Linarite, 134. Lincolnite, 164. Lindackerite, 427. L. Lindsayite, 191. Linnaeite, 315. Labrador Feldspar, 191. Linseite, 191. Labrudorite, 191. Lagointe, 426. Linsenerz, Linsenkupfer. v. Liroconite. Lampadite, v. Wad. Liparite, v. Fluor. 'Lanarkite, 134. Liroconite, 118, Lancasterite, 77. Litheospore, v. Barytes. Lanthanite, 78, 400. Lithionglimmer, v. Mica. Lapis-Lazuh, 173. Lithomarge, 115. Lapis-ollaris, v. Chlorite and Loboit, 205. Saponite. Logariite, 152. Lardite, 152. Lolingite, 319. Lasionite, v. Wavellite. Lomonite, v. Laumonite, Lasurite, v. Azurite. Lonchidite, 326. Lasurstein, v. Ultramarine. Latrobite, 190. Lophoite, v. Repidolite. Lotalite, 193. Lauraonite, 170. k Loweite, Loveite, 71. Laumontite, v. Laumonite. Loxoclase, 185. Lavendolan, 426. Lucullite, 88. Lazulite, 180. Lunnite, 126. Lead, 289. Lead-glance, v. Galena. Lydian stone, 213. Lead-ochre, v. Lithargite. M p Leadhillite, 133. . Leberblende, 426. Made, 223. Leberkies, 321. Maclurite, 204. Ledererite, v. Gmelinite. Magnesia Alum, 92. Lederite, 245. Magnesia apatite, 108. Leedsite, 426. Magnesian limestone, 92. Leelite, 187. Magnesian pharmacolite, 113. Lehmanite, v. Beresofite, 132. Magnesite, 90, 402. Lehrbuchite, 313. Magneteisenstein, v. Magne- Lehuntite, 170. tite. Lemnian Earth, 114. Magnetic Iron Ore, 270. Lenzinite, 114. Magnetic Pyrites, 309. Leonhardite, 170. Magnetite, 270. Leopard stone, 187. Magnetkies, 309. Lepidokrokite, 277. Malachite, 125. Lepidolite, 156. Malacolite, 196. Lepidomelane, 159. Malacone, 286. Lepolite, 190. Malakone, 286. Lettsomite, 124. Maltha, v. Bitumen. Leuchtenbergite, 150. Malthacite, 115. Leucite, 175. Mancinite, 427. Leucolite, v. Pycnite. Mangan-amphibole, 192. Leucocyclite, v. Apophyllite. Manganblende, 359. Leucophane, 91. Manganesian Epidote, 183. Leucopyrite, 319. Manganese spar, 192. Leuzit, v. Leucite. iManganglanz, 359. Manganite, 280. Mangankiesel, v. Rhodonite. Mangankupfererz, 282. Mangankupferoxyd, 282. Mangatiocalcite, 97. Manganppal, 201. Manganischaum, t>. Wad. iWanganspath, v. Rhodonite. Manganvitriol, 397,427. Marasmolile, 360. Marble, 87. Marcasite, 321. Marceline, 192, 283. Marcylite, 404. Marckanite, v. Pitchstone. Margarite, 159. Margarodite, 156. Marialite, v. Haviyne. Marl, 86. Marmatite, 361. Marrnolite, 147. Marlinme, 427. Martite, 275. JVlascagnine, 60. Mason i te, 161. Matlockite, 136. Mauiliie, v. Labradorite. Medjidite, 76. Meerschaum, 90, 162. Meionite, v. Scapolite. Melaconite, 145, v. Tenorite. Melanasphalt, 368. Melanchlor, 89. Melanchyme 427. Melanglanz, 336. Melanite, 206. Melanochroite, 132. Melanolite, 162. Melanterite, 67. Melinopharie, 427. Millilite, 179. Mel lite, 369. Melopsite, 115. Menaccanite, 267. Menakerz, v. Sphene. Mendipite, 116. Meneghinite, 427. Mengite, 109, 257. Menihte, 201. Mennige, 144. Mercurblende, w. Cinnabar. Mercury, 289. Merkurglanz, 330. Meroxene, v. Biotite. Mesitine spar, 94. Mesitinspath, v. Mesitino. Mesole, 170. Mesolin, v. Levyne. Mesolite, 165, 168. Mesotype, 168. Metachlorite, 427. Metalloidal diallage, 196. Metaxite, 148. Margyrite, 356. Mica, v. Muscovite. Micaceous iron ore, 271. Michaelite, 201. Microcosmic salt, 71. Microlite, 248. Middletonite, 427. 446 INDEX. Miemite, 92. N. Ochroite, 244. Miesite, 139. TVT Octahedral oxide of anti- Mikroklin, 15. Milky quartz, 213. Millerite, 307. Miloschin, 144. Mimetene, 140. Mimetite, 140. Mineral caoutchouc, 365. Mineral coal, 372. Mineral oil, 364. Nnd^leisenerz, v. Gothite. Nadelerz, 337. Nagyngenerz. v. Nagyagite. iVngyager-erz, 291. Nngyagite, 290. Naphtha, 364. Naphthadil, 427. Napoleonite, v. Orthoclase. mony, 131. Octahednte, 253. Odontolite, (Bone Turquoise). Derstedite, v. Zircon. Dgcoite, v. Chlorite. Oisanite, v. Anatase. Okerute, 170. Oligiste iron, 271. Oligoclase, 189. Mineral pitch, 368. Mineral tallow, 365. Minium. 144. Natro calcite, 427. Natrolite, 168, 412. Oligon-spar, 115. 31ivenchalcite, v. Libethenite. Olivenerz, 122. Mirabilite, v. Glauber salt. Misenne, 71. Mispickel, 311. Misy, 69. Mizzonite, t?. Meionite. Natron, 66. Natron-Spodumene, 189. Naumannite, 330. Necronite, 187. Needle-ore, 337. Olivenite, 122. Dlivine, v. Chrysolite. Dmphazit, 196. Onegite, 277. Onkosiri, 427. Mocha stone, 213. spar, v. Aragonite. Onofrite, 330. Wodumite, 320. Mohsine, 319. stone, 168. Nefelina, v. Nepheline. Onyx, 203. Oosite, 216. Mohsite, 267. Moldawite, 202. Neoctese, v. Scorodite. Opal, 201. Opal allophane, t>. Schrotter- Molybdanglanz, 327. Molybdan ochre, 143. Molybdansiiber, v. Tetrady mite. Molybdate of iron, 427. of lead, v. Wulfenite. Molyhdic ochre, 143. Molybdine, v. Molybdic ochre. Monazite, 109. Monazatoid, 109. Mondstein, v. Moonstone. Monheimite, v. Kapnite. Monophan, v. Epistilbite. Monradite, 148. Monrolite, 225. Monticellite, 208. Montmorillonite, 409. Moonstone, v. Feldspar. Morasterz, v. Limonite. Morenosite, 427. Moroxite, 109. Morvenite, 166. Neoplase, v. Botryogene. Neotokile, v. Rhodonite. Neotype, 402. Nepheline, 174. Nephrite, 192. Newjarskite, 303. Newkirkite, 280. Newportue, 161. Nickel-glance, 312. Nickel-green, 117. Nickelkies, 307. Nickel-ochre, 117. -stibine, v. Ullmannite. -vitriol, 68. Nickelantimonglanz, 314. Mickelarsenikglanz, 312. Nickelarsenikkies, 312. Nickel-bliithe, v. Annabergite -bournoniie, 427. -glanz, v. Cobaltine. -gymnite, 427. Nickeliferous grey antimony, O 1 A ite. Ophite, 147. Opsimose, 192. Orangeite, 243. Orawitzite, v. Halloysite. Oriental chrysolite, 208. Dropion, v. Bole. Orpiment, 351. Onhile, 250. Orthoclase, 185. On hose, t>. Feldspar. Osanite, 253. Osmelite, 170. Osteolite, 428. Ostranite, v. Zircon. Ostreocolla, v. Calcite. Osmiridium, 303. Osmium, 3U3. Ottrelite, 161. Ouvarovite, 206. Owenite, v. Thuringite. Oxacalcite, 78. Oxalite, 76. Mo.andrite, 200, 286. Mountain cork, 195. Moss-agate, 213. Mountain green, v. Malachite. o!4. Nickelkies, v. Nickelin. Nickelin, 320. Nickelspiessglanzerz, 314. Nickelstibme, 314. Oxhaverite, 168. Oxydulated iron, 270. Ozarkite, 209. Ozocerite, Ozokerit, 366. leather, 195. Nickel wismutglanz, 309. meal, 21 4. . Nicopyrite, 307. wood, 195. Miiller's glass, v. Opal. Mullerite, 289. Mullicite, 72. Mundic, v. Pyrites. Murchisonite, 185. Muriacite, v. Anhydrite, Muriatacid, 64. Muriatic acid, 64. Muromontite, 250, 286. Muscovite, v. Mica. Mussenite, v. Siegenite. Mussite, 196. Nigrine, v. Rutile. Niobite,26l. Nitratine, 65. Nitre, 65. Nitrogen, 64. Nitrocalcite, 65. Nitromagnesite, 65. Nontronite, 115. Nosean, Nosin, 173. Notite, 427. Nussierite, 139. Nuttallite, 177. Pagodite, 146. Paisbergite, v. Fowlerite. Pel agon ite, 200. Palladium, 303. Palladium-gold, 304. Palladium ochre, 144. Pan abase, 347. Paracolumbite, 287. Paraluminite, v. Aluminite. Paranthine, 178. Parastilbite, v. Heulandite. ' Paralhorite, 287. Mussonite, v. Pyroxene. O. Pargasite, 194. Myelin, 115. Parisite, 106. Mysorin, 126. Obsidian, 202. Parophite, 428. Ochran, 115. Partschin, 428. NDEX . 447 Pateraite, 350. Patrinite, v. Aikenite. Paulite, 196. Pearl-mica, v. Margarite. P#nrl-sinter, 201. Pearl-spar, 92. Pearlstone, 202. Peastone, 86. Pecheisenerz, v. Gothite. Pecherz, 265. Pechkohle, 372. Pechopal, v. Opal. Pechsiein, v. Feldspar. Pechuran, 265. Pectolite, 412. Peganite, 181. Pegmatolite, 187. Pektolite, 412. Peliom, 216. Pelokonite, v. Wad, 409. Pennine, 156. Pennite, 91. Pentaklasite, 196. Percy lite, 129. Periclase, Periklas, 181. Peridot, 203. Periklin, 188. Peristerite, 187. Perlglimmer, v. Margarite. Perlsteiii, v. Peurlstone. Penhite, v. Feldspar. Perofskite, 243, 416. Perowskine, 112. Perowskite, 112. Penhite, Ib7. Petalite, 193. Petroleum, v. Bitumen. PetroKilex, v. Hellefliuta. Petuntze, v. Kaolin. Petzite, 292. Pfeiienstein, v. Pipestone. Phacolite, 164. Phuestin, 193. Pharmacolite, 74, 122. Pharmakochalcite, t>. Oliven- ite. Pharmakosiderit, 119. Phenacite, Phenakit, 227. Phengite, v. Mica. Phillipsiie, 167. Phlogopite, 158. Phosiiiciie, v. Melanochroite. Phoenikuchroite, 152. Pholerite, 114. Phosgenite, 136. Phosphammonite, 67. Phosphocerile, 1 10. Phosphochalcite, 126. Phosphorblei, v. Pyromorph- ite. Phosphorit, 108. Photizit, 192. Phyliite, 161. Phylloretin, 364. Physalite, 132. Piauzite, 370. Pickeringite, 68, 397. Picranalcime, v. Analcime. Picrolite, 148. Picromerid, 428. Picropharmacolite, 428. Picrophyll, Pikrophyll, 148. "'icrosmine, Pikrosmin, 148. Vrothomsonite, 428. 'ictite, 245. Piedmontite, v. Manganesian epidote. 3 ililite, v. Chlorite, 'imelite, 145. ^inguite, 116. ^inite, 216. J ipestone, 115. nait, v. Garnet i'isiform clay iron ore, 276. Pisoliie, 86. ssophane, 396. staciie, 86. Istomesite, 94. 3 itch, v. Bitumen. itchblende, 265. itchstone, 202. 3 itchy iron-ore, 278. "'iticite, Pittizit, 78. 'itkarandite, 428. 'ittinerz, 265. Magionite, 334. Plasma, 213. lata Verde, 130. Platin, 302. 'latinum, 302. 'latiniridium, 303. lattnerite, 408. D leonaste, 234. PJeuroclase, v. Wagnerite. Plinian, 310. 'linthite, 115. J lombgomme, 141. ^lumbago, 373. 3 lumbic-ochre, 144. lumbocalcite, 402. lumbore^inite, 141. lumbostib, v. Boulangerite. lumose ore, Plumosit, 339. Polianite, 284. Pollux, 200. Polyadelphite, v. Garnet. Polyargite, 155. Polybtisite, 332. Polycrase. 261. Polychroilite, 428. Poly halite, 70. Polyhydrite, . Hisingerite. Polykras, v. Polycrase. Polylite, 196, 203. Polymignite, 256. Polysphaerite, 139. Polytelite, 347. Polyxen, 302. Ponce, 202. Poonahlite, 170. Porcelain clay, 114, 187. spar, 178. Porpezite, 304. Portiie, 428. Potash alum, v. Alum. Potstone, 150. Prase, 213. Pruseolite, 216. Prasochrome, 429. Predazzite, 94. Prehnite, 175. Prehnitoid, 429. Prosopite, 429. Prothente, 205. Proustite, 355. Przibramite, 360. Psathyrin, 366. Pseudo-apatite, 109. -malachit, 126. -nepheline, Pseudo-som- mite, v. Nephelin. Pseudophite, 429. Pseudotriplite, v. Triplite. Pnlomelane, 283. Pumice, 202. Purple copper, 305. "iipchkinite, 183. Pycnite, v. Topaz. Pyrallolite, 152. Pyrantimonite, v. Kermesite. Pyraphrolite, 202. Pyrargillite, f8. Pyrargyrite, 353. Pyrenaite, 206. Pyrgom, 196. Pyrites, 323. Pyroohlore, 248. Pyroclasite, 403. Pyrolnshe, 279. Pyromelane, 253. Pyromeline, v. Nickel- Vitriol. Pyromorphite, 139. Pyrope, 206. Pyropissite, 370. Pyrophyllite, 150. Pyrophysalite, 232. Pyroretin, 370. Pyrorthite, 250. Pyrosclerite, 153. Pyrosidente, v. Gothite. Pyrosrnalite, 160. Pyrostibite, v. Kermesite. Pyroxene, 196. Pyrrhite, 288. Pyrrhosiderite, 277. Pyrrhotine, 309. Quartz, 209. Quecksilberfahlerz, v. Tetra- hedrite. Queckbilberbranderz, v. Idria- liie. Quecksilberhornerz, v. Calo- mel. Quecksilber-lebererz, v. Cin- nabar. Quicksilver, 289. Quincite, 147. R. Rabenglimmer, v. Lepidorae- lane. Radelerz, v. Bournonite. Radiated pyrites, v. Marca- s ite. Radiolite, v. Nntrolite. Rammel.'bergite, 313. Rendanite, v. Opal. Raphanosmite, 332. iiuphilite, 196. 448 INDEX. Raseneisenstein, v. Limonite Ratoff kit, v. Fluor. Rauhkalk, v. Dolomite. Rauechgelb, 351. Razoumoffskin, 115. Realgar, 351. Red antimony, 353. clay iron-stone, 271. copper ore, 241. hematite, 271. iron ore, 271. lead-ore, v. Lehmannite. manganese, 96. ochre, 271. orpiment, 351. oxide copper, 241. mang., 282. titanium, 255. zinc, 242. silver-ore, 353. vitriol, 70. zinc-ore, 242. Reddle, 273. Redruthite, 342. Remingtonite, 429. Remolinile, v. Atacamite. Rensselaerite, 152. Retinasphalt, 367. Retinalite, 147. Retinile, 202. Retzite, v. Aedelforsite. Reu*siri,63. Rhsetizit, 224. Rhodalose, v. Bieberite. Rhodium gold, 304. Rhodizit, 218. Rhodochrome, 152. Rhodochrosite, v. Diallage. Rl.odolose, 70. Rhodonite, 192. Rhodophyllite, v. Kammer crite. Rhomb-spar, v. Breunnerite. Rhyacolite, v. Ryacolite. Riemannite, v. Allophane. Riolite, 330. Ripidolite, 150. Ritiingerite, 361. Rock crystal, 202. soap, 114. wood, 195. Rocklandite, v. Serpentine. Romanzovit, 206. Romeine, 114. Roselite, 399. Rosellan, 115. Rose quartz, 213. Rosite, 155. Rothbleierz, v. Lehmannite. Rotheisenerz, v. Hematite. Rothgiltigerz. 353. Rothkupi'ererz, v. Cuprite. Rothnickelkies, v. Nickelin. Rothoffit, 206. Rolhes rauschgelb, 351. Rolhspiesglanzerz, Rothspies- glaserz, v. Kermesite. Rotlizinkerz, v. Ziricite. Rubellan, 160. Rubellite, 221. Rubecille, v. Spinel. I Rubin, v. Corundum. Rubinglimmer, 277. Ruhy-silver, v Pyrargyrite. Ruin marble, 88. Rutherfordite, 260. Rmile, 255. Ryacolite, 189. S. Saccharite, 189. Safflorite, 318. Sagenite, v. Rutile. Sahlite, 196. Sal-ammoniac, 65. Salamstein, v. Corundum. Salmiak, 65. Salt, 65. Saltpetre, 65. Salzkupfererz, v. Atacamite. Samarskite, 259. Sammetblende, 277. Samoite, 429. Sanidin, 429. Saponite, 151. Sappar, 224. Sapphire, 235. Sapphire d'eau, 216. Sapphirine, 235. Sarcolite, 172, 414. Sard, 213. Sardonyx, 213. Sassolin, 69. Satin spar, 92. Satersbergite, v. Leucopyrite Saualpit, v. Zoisite. Savite, 429. Saussurite, 192. Saynite, 309. Scarbroite, 115. Scapolite, 177. Schaalstein, v. Wollastonite. Schabasit, v. Chabasic. Schapbachite, 292. Schaumkalk, v. Gypsum. Scheelbleispath, v. Scheele tine. Scheeletine, 138. Scheelite, v. Tungsten. Scheelsaure, v. Wolframine. Scheererite, 364. Schilf-glaserz, 334. Schiller spar, v. Diallage. Schmelzstein, v. Scapolite. Schneiderite, 429. Schorl, 219. Schorlite, 232. Schorlomite, 257. Sehrifterz, 289. Sehrift-tellur, 289. Schrotterite, 401. Schulzit, 338. Schiitzit, v. Celestine. Schwarzerz, 347,359. Schwarzgiltigerz^ 347. Schwarzmanganerz, 283. Schwarzspiesglaserz, v. Bour nonite. Schwartzerz, 359. Schwartzite, v. Tetrahe- drite. Schwefel, v. Sulphur. Schwefelantimonblei, 339. Schwefelkies, 323. Schwefelkobalt, v. Linnaeite. Schwefelnickel, v. Millerite*. Schwerbleierz, v. Galena. Schwerspath, v. Barytes. Schwerstein, v. Scheelite. Scleretinite, 371. Scolecite, 168, 411. Scolexerose, 191. Scorodite, 122. Scorza, 183. Scoulerite, 429. Sea water, 65. Seladonite, v. Green earth. Selbite, 129. Selenblei, 332. Selenbleikupfer, 333. Selenbleispath, 429. Selenid copper, 330. mercury, 330. Selenite, 75. Selenium, 363. Selenkobaltblei, 333. Selenkupfer, 330. Selenkupferblei, 332. Selenkupfersilber, 320. Selenmolybdene, v. Nau- mannite. Selenpalladite, v. Palladium. Selenquecksilber, 330. Selenquecksilberblei, 333. Selenschwetelquecksiiber, 333. Selensilber, 330. Selensulphur, 363. Semelin, v. Sphene. Serai Opal, 201. Senarmontite, 131. Seneca Oil, 364. Sepiolite, v. Meerschaum. Serbian, 144. Sericite, 429. Serikolite, v. Satin Spar. Serpentine, 147. Severite, v. Halloysite. Seybertite, v. Clintonite. Siberite, v. Rubellite. Siderite, 103. Sideromelane, v. Labradorite. Sideroschisolite, 116, 156. Siderose, v. Chalybite. Siderochalcit, v. Aphanesite. Siderotantal, 262. Siegenite, v. Linnaeite. Silberblende, 353. Silberfahlerz, v. Tetrahedrite. Silberglanz, 331. Silberhornerz v. Kerate. Silber-kupferglanz, 345. Silberphyllinglanz, 350. Silber Spiessglanz, 300. Silberwismuthglanz, 292. Silber-und-antimon, v. Freis- lebenite. Siliceous Malachite, 117. Siliceous Sinter, 201. Silicite, 191. Sillimanite, 225. Silvanite, 336. INDEX. 449 Silver, 294. Stannine, 303. Tafelspnth, 177. Silver-glance, v. Argentite. Stannite, 430. Tagilite, 127. Silver-white Cobalt, 315. Stanzaite, 223. Talc, 150. Siriopite, 115. Stasslurtite, 430. Talc apatite, 431. Sismondine, 429, Stauroliie, 222. Talceisensiein, 270. Sisserskite, 303. Staurotide, 222. Talkfpath, v. Mngnesite. Skapolith, v. Scapolite. Steatite, 150. Talkhydrat, v. Brucite. Skolecite, v. Scoleziie. Sleel-Ore, 103. Talkhieinniark, v. Myelin. Skolopsite, 429. Steinheiliie, 216. Tamarite, v. Copper-mica, 1 18. Skorodite, v. Scorodite. Steinmannite, 350. Tamnla-tantalite, 262. Skuu erudite, 320. Steinol, v. Naphtha. Tankite, v. Chiastolite. Slate Spar, 86. Steinsalz, v. Salt. Tannentite, 431. Sloanite, 430. Stellite, 170. Tantalite, 262. Sraaltine, 317. citephanite, 336. Tarnowitzite, t>. Aragonite. Smaragd, v. Beryl. Siercorite, 71. Tauriscile, 431. Smaragdite, 193. Smaragdo-chalcite. Sternbergite, 327. Stibiconise, 430. Tautolite, v. Hyalosiderite. Tectizite 431. Smectite, 114. Stibine, v. Antimonite. Tekoretin, 364. Smelite, 1 15. Stibium, v. Tin. Tellurblei, 300. Smithsonite v. Calamine. Soapstone, 151. Stilbite, 163. Stibnite, Stiblite, 144. Tellurgoldsilber, 292. Telluric Bismuth, 291. Soda-Alum, v. Solfatarite. Stilbite, 163. Telluric Ochre, v. Tellurite. Soda-Nitre. 65. Stillolite, v. Opal. Telluric Silver, 292. Soda Spodumene, v. Oligo- Stilpnomelane, 159. Tellurite 143. clase. Stilpnosiderite, 277. Tellurium, 417. Sodalite, 144. Stol penile, v. Bole. Tellurium Glance, 290. Solfatarite, 397. Stolzit, v. Scheeletine. Tellurium Ochre, v. Tellurite. Somervillite, 179. Somniite, v. Nepheline. Strahlenknpfer, Strahlerz, v Aphanesite. Tellursilber, 342. Tellursilberblei, t>. Sylvanite. Sordawalite, 430. Stahlkies, 321. Tellurwismut, 291. Soufre, v. Sulphur. Strahstein, v. Hornblende. Tennantite, 348. Spadaite, 152. Strahlzeolith, v. Stilbite. Tenorite, 288. Spaniolite, 347. Strakoniizite, 430. Tephroite, 431. Spargelstein, t>. Apatite. Stratopeite, 430. Teratolite, 115. Sparkies, 321. Sparry Iron Ore, 103. Straganowite, 174. Stream-Tin, 263. Terenite, v. Scapolite. Ternarbleierz, v. Leadhilhte Spathic, Iron, 103. Stromeyerite, 345. Tesselite, 168. Spartalite, 242. Strommite, v. Barystrontian- Terseralkies, 317. Spear Pyriles, 321. ite. Tetartine, 188. Speckstein, v. Talc. Strontianite, 102. Terradymite, 29. Specular Jron, 271. Strontianocalcite, 430. Tetrahedrite, 347. Speerkies, 321. Struvite, 72. Tetraklasit, 177. Spessartine, v. Garnet. Stylobite, 180. Tetraphyline, 112. Speiskobalt, 317. Stypticite, 398. Teza, 76. Sphaerosiderite, 104. Succin, 368. Texasite, v. Emerald-nickel. Sphaerostilbite, v. Stilbite Succinite, 207. Thalite, v. Saponite. Sphsernlite, 202. Sulphacic, 64. Thallite, 133. Sphalerite, 360. Sulphato carb. Barytes, 101. Tharandite, 92. Sphene, 245. " Lead, 134. Thenardite, 69. Sphragide, v. Clay, 114. Spiesglanz, 298. tri carb. Lead, 133. Sulphur, 362. Thermonatrite, 66. fhierschite, 431. Spiessglanzocher, v. Stiblite. Spiessglanzweiss, v. Valen- tinite. Sulphuric acid, 65. Sulphurous acid, 64. Sulphydrogen, 64. Thiosaurite, 190. Thomaile, 104. Phomsonite, 168. Spiessglanzbleierz, v. Bourn- onite. Sumplerz, v. Limonite. Sunstone, 187. Thoneisenstein, 105. Thon, 114. Spiesglas, v. Antimony. Susannite, 430. Thorite, 242. Spiesglas-Silber, v. Discra- site. Svanbergite, 303, 430. Syepooriie, 326. Phraulite, 115. Phrombolite, 128. Spinel, 234. Spinel-Ruby, 234. Sylvanite, 289. Sylvine, 66. Thulite, 183. Thumite, Thuringite, v. Arin- Spinellane, 173. Spinthere, v. Sphene. Spodumene, 182. 3ymplesite, 118. Swimming Quartz, 213. Swinestone, 86. ite. Tile Ore, 241. Tilkerodite, 332. Sprodglanzerz, v. Stephanite. Sprodglaserz, 336. T. Tin, 304. Tin-Ore. 263. Sprudelstein, v. Aragonite. Tin Pyrites. 308. Stahlkobalt, 315. Stahlstein, v. Chalybite. Tabergite, 430. Tabular Spar, 177. Tinca'l. v. Borax. Tinder-Ore. 350. Stalactite, Stalagmite, v. Cal- cite. Tachylite, 203. rachyaphaltite, 287. Tin-stone, 263. Tin-white Cobalt, 217. 57 450 INDEX. Tirolite, v. Kupaphrite. V. W Titarieisen, 267. Titanite iron, 267. Tombaziie, 312. Valencianite, 188. Valentinite, 131. \\ Vanadic Bronzite, 199. Topaz 232. Topazolite, 206. Torbane Mineral, 363. Vanadinbleierz, v. Vanadinite. Vanadinite, 140. Torberite, v. Copper Uranite, Variegated Copper, 305. 405. Variolite 187. Ton-elite, 261. Touchstone, 213. Tourmaline, 219. Towanite, 3)6. Traubenblei, v. Mimetene. Tremenheerite (Impure graph- Variscite, 181. Varvacite, 431. Vauquelinite, 131. Velvet Copper-ore, 124. Vermiculite, i50. Vermontite, v. Mispickel. ite.) Tremolite, 103. Trikiasite, v. Fahlunite. Vesuvian, 205. Villarsite, 147. Vision 4^11 Trinacrite, 431. vitroou/Copper. 342. Tr.pe.tone, 79. Silver, 331. Triphane, v. Spodumene. | VUriol oc , v Pitticite. Tnphyl.net>. Tnphte. IVitriolbleierz, v. Anglesite. Inpl.te, 112. Viviinitp 72 Triploklas . Thomsonite. $$"*' Tntornue,244. jVotgite,432. lrona,W> ;Volborthite, 121. SkinM: ^ !^; 32 Selensulphur - Tschennigjte, 397. $gt3j. Tues.te, 114. ,Voltaite, 71, 398. Tufa, v Ca cite. IVoltzine, Voltzite, 432. Tungsten, 142. Vnnntifp ISO Tungstic Ochre, v. Wolfram- ^"^^p ine. Turgite, 276. Vulpinite, v. Anhydrite. Tiirkis, v. Turquoise. W w. Turmalin, v. Tourmaline. Turnerite, 431. 'Wad, 145. Turquois, i81. Tyrite, 431. Tyrolite, 117. iWagnerite, 110. ;Walchowite, 367. Walmstedite, v Breunnerite. W.,^,I-;^.!-,IQ O4Q U. Ulexite, 176. Ullmannife, 314. Ultramarine, v. Lapis-lazuli, Wavellite, 90 173. !Websterite,72. Unghwarite, v. Chloropal. 'Wehrlite, 432. Unionite, v. Oligoclase. |Weicl)bruunstein, 279. Uraconise, v. Uran-Ochre, ;Weicheiseukies, v. Wasse 148. Uralite, 195. TJralorthiie, v. Allanite. Uranbliiihe, v. Uran-ochre. Uranghmmpr, 119. Urangreen, 43. Urariin v. Pechuran. Uranite, 119 Uran-mira, 195. Uran-ochre 143. Uranotautal, 259. Urano ;yd, Uranpecherz, v. Pechuran. Uranphyllit, v. Uranite. Uran vitriol, v. Joharinite. Urao, v. Trona. Urdite, 431. Uwarowite, 207. jWashingtonite, 267. jWasserblei, v. Molybdenite. jWasseralimmer, v. Mica. iWasserk.es, 326. Water, 65. White iron pyrites, 321. lead ore, 137. Vitriol, 63. Wichtine, Wirhtisite, 200. /^ilhelmite v. Willemite. 'illemite, 112. 7 illiamsite, 119. ^ilsonite, 432. ^iluite, v. Garnet, ^isserite, 432. Bismuth, 291. W.smuthhleierz, v. Bismuth silver, 34 ( J. i^itmiuthglanz, 337. /ismnlhriU'kelkies, 309. Wismuthochre, 143. .thsilver, 292. thspath, v. Bismutite. Withamite, 183. Vitherite, 101. Vittichite, 350. Vodankies, v. Gersdorffite. Voathite, 225. Vohlerite 247. Volchite, 346. Volchonite, 367. Volchonskoite, 145. Wolfram, 264. Volframine, u.Tungsfic ochre. Wolframbleierz, . Scheele- tine. Volframochre, v.Wolframine. Volfsbergite, 346. Wollastonite, 177. Wood opal, 202. stone, 213. tin, 262. Wiirfeleiz, v. Pharmacosid- erite. Wulfenite, 132. Wundererde, v. Teratolite. kies IWeichmanaan, 279. !Weits,bleierz, v. Cerussite. iWeissgiiltigerz, 347. IWeisscan, v. JScolecite. |Weissigian, 432. jWeissian, 216. ' Weiskupfererz, v Domeykit Weissnickelkies, 309. Weissen-speisskobalt, 317. Weisspiessglanzerz, v. Valen tinite. Wei-siellin, 289. Wernerile, 177. Wheel ore, v. Bonrnonite. Whewellile, v. Oxacalcite. White antimony, 131. arsenic, 143. copperas, v. Coquimbite Xanthitane, 408". Xanthite. 205. Xanthocone, 356. Xanthophyllite, 160. Xanthorlhite, 250. Xanthosiderite, 288. Xenolite, 225. Xenotime. 106. Xylite. Xylotile, 149. Xylochlore, 432. Xylokryptit, v. Scheererite. Y. Yanolite, v. Axinite. copper pyrites, 306. earth, 115. lead ore, v. Wulfenite. tellurium, v. Sylvanite, Yenite, 249. Ytterbite, v. Gadolinite. Ytterspaih, v. Xenotime. Yttrocerite, 105. Ytirocolumhite, 259. Yttro-ilmeuite, 259. Yyttro tantalite, 258. -titanite, 256, INDEX. 451 z. Zala, v. Borax. Zamtite, 432. Zeagonite, 165. Zeasite, v. Opal. Zeilanite, 234. Zellkies, '321. Zeolite, v. Scolezite and trolite. Zeuxite, v. Tourmaline. Zianite, v. Kyanite. Ziegelerz, v. Cuprite. Zigueline, 241. Zinc-blende, 360. Zinc-bloom. 76. Na- Zinc-fahlerz, 432. Zinc- vitriol, v. Goslarite. Zincite, 242. Zinconise, Zinkarseniat, Zink- bliithe, v. Hydrozincite. Zinkenite, 335. Zinnkies, 308. Zinkglas, Zinkkieselerz, v Hemimorpliite. Zinkoxyd, v. Zincite. Zinkphyllit, v. Hopeite. Zinkspath, v. Blende. Zinkvitriol, v. Goslarite. Zinn, v. Tin. Zinnerz, v. Cassiterite. Zinnkies, v. Stannine. Zmnober, v. Cinnabar. Zinnstein, v. Cassiterite. Zinnwaldite, t>. Lepidolite. Zippeite, 432. Zircon, 226. Zirconise, 76. Zirconite, v. Zircon. Zoisite, 183. Zolestein, x. Celestine. Zorgite, 332. Zandererz, 350. Zurlite, 179. Zwieselite, 112. Zygadite, 200. ERRATA. Page 12, 11 lines from bottom, for 40, read 60. " 43, 15 " " top, omit iron-pyrites. 161, 29 " " " line beginning " 3. Phyllite,"