QB 8 1 KG UC-NRLF THE FIGURE EARTH. SECTION I HISTORICAL SECTION II, THE OBLATE SPHEROIDAL HYPOTHESIS. FRANK C. ROBERTS, C.E. REPRINTED, WITH ADDITIONS, FROM TAN NOSTRAND'S ENGINEERING MAGAZINE. NEW YOEK: ;i). VAN NOSTRAND, PUBLISHER, 23 MURRAY AND 27 WARREN STREETS. 1885. COIPTEIGHT D. VAN NOSTRAND, 1886. PREFACE. IN presenting the following pages to the public our object has been twofold. In the first place, we have endeavored to place before our readers such historical data, in connection with the Figure of the Earth, as may prove of an interesting and instructive character. Secondly, we have sought to arrange, in a compact form, the important mathe- matical principles for the deduction of the Figure of the Earth upon the spheroidal hypothesis. Hitherto these principles were to be found only among a mass of purely mathematical discussions of the Earth in the fluid state, the theory of attractions, etc. ; and in omitting these latter in the present treatise we hope to have simplified the study of the sub- ject, and thereby to have supplied a want long felt by students of Geodesy. 770^ IV In the preparation of this essay, we have had access to works of standard au- thors, and we cordially acknowledge our indebtedness to many, but more espe- cially to the essays of Airy, Pratt, and Clarke. PRINCETON, N. J., March 12, 1885. SECTION I. THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH, HISTORICAL. THE FIGURE OFTHE EARTH SECTION I.-HISTORICAL. CHAPTEK I. EARLY SUPPOSITIONS. THE progress of the science of astron- omy is the continued triumph of the powers of the intellect over the first er- roneous conceptions of the senses ; and its history is so allied to that of the hu- man mind that we cannot help feeling a strong inclination to know at what time, and by what people, the hypotheses upon which the science is based were first ad- vanced. The value of an hypothesis is estimated by the number of difficult phenomena it explains. From this standpoint few sup- positions can be found to have been more important than that which assigned to the earth its approximate figure and mag- nitude. Little is known of the early history of this hypothesis, for it is enveloped in those dark ages of antiquity when the revolutions of empires were imperfectly recorded, not to speak of the calm specu- lations of quiet and thoughtful men. To its first inhabitants the earth must have appeared as an extended fixed plane, the extremities of which apparently sup- ported the vast dome of the heavens. Among the ancients the prevailing opin- ion was that the surface of the earth was flat, that the visible horizon was the boundary of the earth, and the ocean the boundary of the horizon ; that the earth and heavens were the whole visible uni- verse, and that all beneath the earth was Hades. The Chaldees had quite an opinion of their own regarding the shape of the earth. They believed it to have the form of a boat turned upside down. This theory was thoroughly believed in by the Chaldean astronomers, and they 9 endeavored to support it by scientific argument. We should express the same idea, at present, by comparing the earth to an orange, the top of which had been cut off, leaving the orange upright upon the flat surface thus produced.* Evidently ignorant of many important physical laws, the early suppositions of the ancients regarding the Figure of the Earth are in a great measure ludicrous. Being but imperfectly acquainted with the sci- ence of astronomy, and their observa- tions being rude and inaccurate, they were led to base their theories upon false assumptions. It might be well to except from this sweeping statement the theories of the early Eastern astronomers. The earliest astronomical records that can. be conceived of as authentic are found in China, and go back as far as 800 B. C., when we find eclipses observed and reg- istered. This would naturally lead us to conclude that the observers were ac- quainted with the fact that the sun and heavenly bodies were visible to people * Lenormant's Chaldean Magic. Page 150. 10 towards the east sooner than people to- wards the west. As this could not occur unless the earth were curved, we may as- sume with almost a certainty that the globular figure of the earth was known in China at least 800 years B. C. Again, astronomy was evidently culti- vated as a science, and whatever may have been their suppositions as to the Figure of the Earth, we may suppose that at the first they were led to conclude that the heavens were spherical by observing that those stars sufficiently elevated to- wards the north pole, performed their en- tire revolution around the pole without interruption ; from which it might by an easy inference be concluded that the other stars, though concealed from view, pursued their course in the same man- ner. When once the theory of a revolv- ing heaven was accepted, it would be comparatively an easy matter to conclude that the earth was globular. The most authentic records of early re- searches in connection with the Figure of the Earth come to us from Greece. The 11 discovery that the earth is not a plane is ascribed to Thales, of Miletus> B. C., 640. Anaximander, B.C. 570, Anaxagoras, B.C. 460, claimed a cylindrical shape for the earth, estimating the height as three times the diameter, the land and water being on the upper base. Plato, B. C. 400, called the earth a cube. Aristotle is commonly supposed to have first advanced the theory that the earth was spherical. This supposition we consider unwarranted. Egypt in the days of early Greece, is known to have taken the lead in all philosophical pursuits. Thales, the first Grecian mathematician, studied in Egypt, but long before his time, geometry, astronomy, and other sciences, had been held in high repute. Plato ascribed the invention of geometry to Thoth ; lamblicus says it was known in Egypt during the reign of the gods, and Manetho attributes a knowledge of science and literature to the earliest kings. These reputed scientific atttain- ments are fully verified by the testimony of the ancient monuments of Egypt. If 12 we are to credit Eustathius, the Egypti- ans marked their lines of march and con- quest on maps. This would, of course, necessitate a knowledge of mensuration and surveying, and we can now explain how it' was that the Isrealites were enabled to divide the land of Canaan when commanded to do so by Joshua.* It was this known progress made in the branches of scientific research, that in- duced the Greeks to study in Egypt, and later, actuated Pythagoras, Eudoxus, Plato and Aristotle, to pay extended visits to this fountain head of knowl- edge.f It can hardly be supposed that Pythag- oras suggested without previous experi- ence the Copernican theory, the sun being the center of our system ; or the obliquity of the ecliptic, or the moon's " borrowed light ; " or the explanation of the milky way being a collection of stars. These theories, according to * Joshua XVIII. Kitto's Daily Bible Illustrations. Page 286. t Kawlinson's Herodotus. 13 Aristotle,* were taught by Democritus, and by Anaxagoras, the former of whom studied astronomy for five years in Egypt. The same may be said of the principles by which the heavenly bodies were at- tracted to a center and impelled in their order, the theory of the eclipses, and the proof of the Earth being spherical.^ These and many other ideas were doubt- less borrowed from the Egyptians and Babylonians, from whose early discover- ies so much has been derived concerning the heavenly bodies. $ From these state- ments it seems highly probable, that the spherical hypothesis was held before the time of Aristotle, and that the basis for his conclusions in regard to the Figure of the Earth, was derived from his knowl- edge of the science of astronomy as taught by the Egyptians. Moreover, Cicero, on the authority of Theophrastus, mentions Hycetas, of Syracuse, a Pythag- * Arist. Met. 1.8. t Aristotle de Coel, 11, 14. $ Aristotle de Coel, 11, 12. 14 orean, who claimed that the earth re- volved in a circle around its own axis. Aristotle himself also observes, that though most philosophers say the earth is the center of the system,* "the Pythagoreans, who live in Italy, claim that fire is the center, and the earth being one of the planets rotates about the center and makes night and day.'' It appears also, that the celebrated ancient Hindo astronomer, Aryabhatta, maintained the doctrine of the earth's diurnal revolution around its axis.f The " sphere of the stars," he affirms, " is stationary," and the " earth making a revolution produces the daily rising and setting of the stars and planets." Now it is evident that these theories could not be held without the assump- tion of a spherical earth, and we there- fore conclude that the spherical hypothe- sis was advanced long before the time of Aristotle. The progress of knowledge concern- * Aristotle de Coel, 11, 13. t Researches Bengal Asiatic Society. Vol. 12. 15 ing the Figure of the Earth has from the earliest times been closely connected with the study of astronomy. As in this latter science, first impressions are abandoned, and all conclusions are in striking contra- diction to those of superficial observa- tion ; so, as man progressed, the earth became divested of its flattened shape and character of fixidity, and was shown to be a globular body turning swiftly upon its own axis, and moving through space with great rapidity. The idea of the earth being a globe is- now so familiar to us that arguments in proof of it are almost unnecessary. Yet familiar as this fact now is, many ages must have elapsed before it was univers- ally received. So difficult was it to con- ceive how the inhabitants of the opposite hemisphere could exist with their heads- down wards, that we find St. Augustine in the 5th century vehemently contend- ing against the possibility of the exist- ence of an antipodes. 16 CHAPTER II. THE SPHERICAL HYPOTHESIS. It may be well to understand at this point that when we speak of the Figure of the Earth, we mean the figure which would be assumed by the earth were it covered entirely with water, and more specifically water at mean sea level.* As for the inequalities on the surface of the arth owing to mountains and valleys, they are of no moment in the estimation of the general figure, being of much less account with respect to relative propor- tion than the asperities on the surface of an orange with regard to the orange it- self. Upon an artificial globe of 6f feet in diameter, Mount Chimborazof would be represented by a grain of sand less than 1-20 of an inch in thickness. The active curiosity of man did not rest contented with having assumed that * Scientifically speaking the figure of the earth is interpreted as meaning the mean surface of the sea imagined to percolate the continents by canals. t|21,424 feet above mean tide. 17 the earth was a sphere, but proceeded to ascertain the exact dimensions of the planet. In the course of his discussion Aristotle states, as does Archimedes (B. C. 250), that mathematicians estimated the circumference of the earth at 300,000 stadia. The first approximation to the magni- tude of the earth, however inaccurate, must have been at that time a most im- portant addition to the stock of natu- ral knowledge. Indeed, except with a view to some very refined scientific in- vestigation, the general idea which the ancients had of the magnitude of the earth differs but little from that of the moderns ; for we are so incapable of the appreciation of number or magnitude when either exceeds a certain limit, that the difference between their results and ours, makes little or no difference in the general idea which we hold as to the size of the earth. Eratosthenes, B. C. 230, was apparent- ly the first to conceive a method for the deduction of the length of the circumfer- 18 ence of the earth. Although his results are probably sadly inaccurate, the method which he adopted is in essence identical with that followed at the present time. As it is impossible for us to occupy *a position from which the earth may be viewed as a whole and compared with some standard of measure, we are com- pelled to resort to geometrical principles in the determination of its figure and magnitude. The problem is rendered more difficult by the fact of there being no fixed landmarks or standard lines upon the surface of the earth, indicating aliquot parts of the earth's circumfer- ence. It therefore becomes necessary to refer our situation on the earth to objects external to our own planet. Such marks are afforded by the heavenly bodies. By observations of the meridian alti- tudes of stars, and from their known polar distances, we determine the altitude of the pole-star, which is also the lati- tude of the place at which the observa- tions are made. 19 Let us suppose then, that we wish to determine the length, on the surface, of one degree of the earth's circumference. Let us suppose also that we know the distance between two places on the same meridian. Then having determined the latitudes of the two places, their differ- ence may be taken as representing the angle at the center of the earth corre- sponding to the measured distance on the surface. Dividing the distance by the angle, we find the length of a merid- ian arc equivalent to one degree of lati- tude, and this multiplied by 360 gives us the length of the earth's circumfer- ence. Where local difficulties compel the ob- servers to deviate, in the measurement of the distance, from the line of the merid- ian, the amount of the deviation must be noted. A very simple calculation will enable us to reduce the measured dis- tance to the corresponding length on the meridian. It seems hardly necessary to add that this measurement must be made with the greatest care and accuracy,. 20 for an error in the measured length of one degree is multiplied 360 times in the circumference, and nearly 58 times in the deduced radius of the earth. Such in its simplest form is the geodetic operation called the measurement of an arc of a meridian, and is in essence the method employee! by Eratosthenes. He knew that at Syene, in S. Egypt, on the day of the summer solstice at mid-day, objects cast no shadows, whence he concluded that the sun was in the zenith. In Alex- andria, at the same periocf, he observed that the sun made an angle with the ver- tical of 7 12', or -g* th of a circumference. Assuming Alexandria to be directly north of Syene,* he concluded the length of the circumference to be 50 times the dis- tance between these two places, or 250,000 stadia. Of course this determination was very imperfect, for with the instruments of his time he was compelled to neglect the diameter of the sun in the determin- ation of declination. This occasioned * The error of this assumption was about three de- grees. 21 an error of J in the length of the celes- tial arc at Syene. The measurement of the distance between Syene and Alex- andria was probably also very ina,ccu- rate. The next attempt to solve the problem was made by Posidonius, B. C. 90. In- stead of using the sun for the determin- ation of the difference of latitude, he found the celestial arc by means of the star Ganopus. At Rhodes this star when on the meridian is just visible above the horizon, while at Alexandria its meridian altitude is 7 30'. The distance between the two places being known, he deduced 240,000 stadia as the circumference of the earth. Ptolemy, an astronomer, A. D. 160, in his treatise on Geography, gives 500 stadia as the length of a degree. This value would give for total length of the circumference 180,000 stadia a result widely different from any previously de- duced. Unfortunately the degree of approxi- mation attained in these results cannot be known, as we have no value for the length of the stadium. It probably had different values dependent upon time and place. In the year 819 the Caliph Almamoun caused the astronomers of Bagdad to measure an arc of the meridian on the plains of Mesopotamia by means of wooden rods. Authorities differ as to the resulting deduction of the length of a degree ; some claiming that, failing in their own observations owing to insur- mountable obstacles, the Arabians adopt- ed the result of the Grecian astronomer Ptolemy. Others hold that they found for the length of a degree 56f Arabian miles, or approximately 71 English miles. From this time until the revival of let- ters, interest in this subject seems to have disappeared. Speculation was at a stand- still for 700 years. Former theories and suppositions were forgotten and lost amid the social storms of the middle ages. Man was again ignorant of the form and dimen- sions of the planet which had been as- 23 signed to him in the immensity of space. Early in the 15th century the question of the form of the earth began a second time to attract the attention of thought- ful men. The prevalent idea was that the earth was a plane. This time it was not the philosophers but the navigators who looked with doubt upon this sup- position. Columbus fearlessly asserted the earth to be globular, and after the voyage of Magellan around the earth, the globular hypothesis was once more ac- cepfced. Immediately endeavors were made to determine the size of the earth. In 1525 Fernel made a determination of the length of a degree by deducing the difference of latitude between Paris and Amiens, and measuring the distance by observing the number of revolutions made by his coach wheel in traveling from one place to the other. From these observations he deduced the length of one degree to be 57,050 toises or 364,960 English feet. (The toise an old French measure is practically equal to 1.949 meters, or 6.3946 English feet.) 24 In 1617 Willebrord Snell conceived the idea of the deduction of the length of distances by means of a series of tri- angles measured from a known base. This was the first instance of the application of the invaluable principle of trigono- metrical surveying which, since that time, has become general in all extensive sur- veys. Snell measured his base line upon the frozen surface of the meadows between Leyden and Soeterwood. The angles he measured by means of a quadrant of 5J feet radius . His result for the length of a degree was 55,020 toises, or approxi- mately 66.63 miles. In 1633 Norwood, in England, adopt- ing a method similar to that of Fernel r s deduced 57,424 toises for the length of a degree. We are now brought down to the time of Picard, whose invaluable adaptation of the telescope to circular instruments for measuring angles, marks an era in the progress of geodetic science. Hitherto the measurement of angles was roughly 25 made by the use of sights similar, only much more unreliable, to those used on rifles. Picard first introduced spider lines in the focus of the telescope, whereby a far higher degree of precision in de- termination of the position of a distant point may be obtained, by covering the point in question with the intersection of spider lines, which is so placed as to be exactly in the center line of the telescope. In his determination of the length of a de- gree he used the trigonometrical method, measuring twice a base line of nearly seven miles in length. His measurement is the first executed with anything like scientific precision. He even calculated the error produced by his instrument be- ing out of the center of his station, and determined his difference of latitude by means of the zenith distance of a star in Cassiopeia measured with a sector. At this time the effect of aberration, refrac- tion and nutation were unknown, never- theless his result of 57,060 toises, or nearly 69.76 miles is marvelously near that of later determinations. 26 The measurement of an arc of the meridian, although the most reliable, is not the only method by which the Figure of the Earth upon the spherical hypoth- esis may be deduced. One simple ex- pedient consists in determining the dip or angle of depression of the horizon. Take, for instance, the case of a mountain near the sea coast.. Knowing the height of the mountain above the sea, and the angle of depression from its top to the horizon, we can, by an easy mathematical formula, deduce the following equation in which r is the radius of the earth, h the height of the mountain, and d the distance from the mountain to the hori- izon: This principle was applied more than 200 years ago at Mount Edgecombe, and since that time at Ben Nevis. Or, again, we may by the application of the following proposition form a pro- portion from which the diameter of the earth may be found the earth's diameter bears the same proportion to the dis- 27 tance of the visible horizon from the eye as that distance does to the height of the eye above the sea level. Both these methods, of course, only furnish means of determining the size of the earth with a rough approximation. Refraction bends the visual lines out of the truly rectilinear direction, and, there- fore, introduces a serious error in the result. 28 CHAPTER HI. SPHEROIDAL AND ELLIPSOIDAL HYPOTHESES. Up to 1690 astronomers supposed the form of the earth to be nearly that of a perfect sphere, and consequently the length of degrees in all latitudes pre- cisely equal. In 1690-1718, J. and D. Cassini pub- lished results showing, that although the measures of meridional arcs made in va- rious parts of the globe agreed suffi- ciently to prove that the supposition of a spherical figure is not very remote from the truth, yet exhibited discordances far greater than could be attributable to er- rors of observation, and which rendered it evident that the spherical hypothesis was untenable. Immediately upon this discovery, new interest was awakened in the subject. The works of previous sci- entists upon this subject were carefully examined, and, as a result, it became known that Picard, as early as 1671, in his work on the Figure of the Earth, 29 mentions a conjecture proposed to the French Academy that, supposing the di- urnal motion of the earth, heavy bodies should descend with less force at the equator than at the poles ; and that, for the same reason, there should be a varia- tion in the length of the pendulum vi- brating seconds in different latitudes, for the time of oscillation of a pendulum of constant length depends upon the intens- ity of the force of gravity. In the same year Richer was sent to Cayenne, in equatorial S. A., and was especially charged by the Academy to ob- serve the length of the pendulum vi- brating seconds. On his return he stated that the difference between the seconds pendulum at Paris and Cayenne was one line and a quarter, that at Cayenne be- ing the shorter. Moreover, the clock which Richer took to Cayenne, having been adjusted to beat seconds at Paris, retarded two minutes a day at Cay- enne, so that no doubt remained of the diminution of the force of gravity at the 30 equator.* This, as it was the first direct proof of the diurnal motion of the earth, was also what led Huygens to suspect that there was a protuberance of the equatorial parts of the earth, and a corresponding depression of the poles. Cassini had already observed this phe- nomenon in the figure of Jupiter, which analogy strongly favored the supposition of a similar peculiarity in the shape of the earth, f Since, then, it was evident that the meridian section of the earth was not a circle, what was the next simplest supposition that could be made respect- ing the nature of the meridian. In the flattening of a round figure at two oppo- site points, and its protuberance at points rectangularly situated to the former, we recognize the distinguishing feature of * See Newton's Principia, Book III. t The difference of the diameters of Jupiter amounts almost to l-10th, and when we compare the exact measure of this depression, the dimensions of Jupiter and the time of his rotation, with like phenomena con- nected with the earth, we find for this latter planet a proportional depression of l-388th, which is very near- ly identical with the value deduced from the great French measurement. 31 the elliptic form. Thus mathematicians, after discarding the spherical hypothesis assumed the meridian to be an ellipse. The geometrical properties of that curve enabled them to assign the proportion be- tween the lengths of the axes which would correspond to any proposed rate of variation in its curvature, as well as to fix upon the absolute lengths corre- sponding to any assigned length of a de- gree in a given latitude. Spheroids are generated by the revolu- tion of ellipses about one or another of their axes. Every ellipse has two axes, one passing through the foci is called the major axis, while the other perpendicu- lar to the major axis at its middle point is called the minor axis. When the el- lipse revolves about its minor axis it gen- erates what is called an oblate spheroid, and when it revolves about its major axis the figure generated is named a pro- late spheroid. The ellipticity is the amount of variation of the form of the spheroid from a sphere of like content, or the amount of flattening at the poles* 32 This is expressed by dividing the differ- ence of the semi-major and minor axes by semi-major axis. The eccentricity of an ellipse is equal to the distance from the center to one of its foci divided by the semi-major axis. Huygens was the first person who at- tempted to determine the Figure of the Earth by direct calculation, but in his in- vestigation he assumes that the whole of the attractive force resides in the center of the earth, and that its power varies as the square of the distance. This hypoth- esis, since the discovery of the law of universal gravitation, has been found in- admissible, and therefore his results were largely in error. In the course of the discussion of Cas- sini's observation of the variation in length of the seconds' pendulum in differ- ent latitudes, and consequent diminution of the force of gravity at the equator, it was claimed that this diminution might be due to the counteracting effect of the centrifugal force occasioned by the rota- 33 tion of the earth. Newton* showed that even after making allowances for this ef- fect, the difference between the force of gravity at Paris and Cayenne was too great for the spherical hypothesis, and further, upon the assumption that the earth is a homogeneous fluid, and sup- posing its density to be the same through- out the whole mass, and assuming that the constituent molecules attract one another in proportion to the inverse square of the distance, he demonstrated that, in consequence of rotation, the earth would assume the form of an oblate spheroid, whose ellipticity would amount to ^th. Clairaut was the first to advance a gen- eral solution of this problem adapted to, the hypothesis of a variable density. He proved that, if the density of the strata of which the earth is composed increases towards the center, the ellipticity will be less than in the hypothesis of Newton, and greater than in that of Huygens ; and, again, that the sum of the fraction * Pi-incipia, Book III. 34 representing the ellipticity and the frac- tion expressing the augmentation of grav- ity at the poles will always make \ r con- stant quantity, which is equal to | of the fraction which expresses the proportion which exists between the centrifugal force and gravity at the equator. It is by means of this theorem we are enabled to ascertain the Figure of the Earth by pendulum experiments. These theoretical determinations of Huygens, Newton, and Clairaut were, up- on the completion of surveys made by Cassini in France, found to be at variance with his results. He found the length of one degree of a meridian south of Paris to be 57.092 toises, while north of the city it was only 56.960 toises. This led to the conclusion that the earth is a pro- late spheroid. Here, of course was ma- terial for a controversy ; in view of this fact the French Academy sent out two ex- peditions to make measurements that would definitely settle the matter. These expeditions set out in 1735 ; Bouguer, Godin and La Condamine proceeded to 35 Peru, and after ten years' work they measured an arc of above 3 between the parcels 2' 31" N., and 3 4' 32" S. latitude. Maupertius, Clairaut, Camas a nd Le Monnier, arriving in Lapland, measured an arc of 57 minutes, and re- turned within 16 months. The results deduced from these observations con- curred in proving that the degrees of the meridian increase very sensibly in length from the equator to the high latitudes, and from this time dates the undisputed conclusion that the a earth is an oblate spheroid, rather than a sphere or prolate spheroid. The deviation from the spherical form is evidently very slight, the difference be- tween the equatorial and polar diameter being only 27 miles. As an illustration, on a globe 24 inches in equatorial diam_ eter, and on which the thickness of a sheet of writing paper would represent the elevation of the lands above the waters, the polar axis would be 23.928 inches, or in other words, the difference be- tween the polar and equatorial axes would 36 be but one-fourteenth of an inch. For this reason the spherical hypothesis is sufficiently accurate for many purposes. When this hypothesis is used in geodeti- cal operations, the radius of the earth as a sphere is taken as the average of all the radii of the spheroid. This radius is equal to 6.370 kilometers, or 3.958 miles. In the ^determination of the mean length of an arc of 1 , -g^- of the length of an el- liptical quadrant of the spheroid is taken. Yarious values for this quadrant have been computed by different mathemati- cians. The one deduced by Bessel has been in long use for geodetical computa- tions, and is very nearly the mean of the values found by other investigators. The mean length of one degree is, ac- cording to Bessel, 111.121 meters, or 69.043 miles. It is thus seen that when the spherical hypothesis is applied the assumed sphere is one having an equal volume with that of the oblate spheroid. There is, however, in these values, a serious inconsistency, for the quadrant of 37 a circle corresponding to the above mean radius is nearly 6 kilometers greater than Bessel's value used in the above deter- mination of the length of 1. For this reason the value sometimes used for the radius is that of a circle whose circum- ference is equal to the circumference of a meridian ellipse, or 3.956 miles 6.367 kilometers. This value is 3 kilometers too small, but the error is unavoid- able. That the science of the mathematicians had described in a general way the fig- ure of our globe, was sufficient to satisfy the curiosity of the ordinary individual, but not the zeal of scientists for exact knowledge ; they further endeavored i^o obtain the precise amount of the depres- sion at the poles, whose existence had been proven by so many experiments. Material was accumulated, new arcs were measured, but the difficulty of an exact determination only increased. The dif- ferent measures of degree lengths gave varying values for this depression upon the oblate- spheroidal hypothesis. An 38 Italian mathematician, named Frisi, showed the variation of the calculated de- pression very clearly by a comparison of the measures then known. The follow- ing is a list of the arcs used by him in his computations, and also of the astrono- mers to whom we are indebted for their determination : 39 ill o> . T3T3 2 2 ii i i i i f I o . .0 . 40 Frisi, in his calculations, sought to de- termine, according to Newton's theory, the data for a regular curve from which could be derived the above values. In this he was unsuccessful. The curves were either too large or too small. The values for the ellipticity of the earth's meridian deduced from the sur- veys instituted by the French Academy are as follows : Lapland and French arcs, Lapland and Peruvian arcs, -3^0 th ; French and Peruvian arcs, There was evidently a serious discrep- ancy either in the assumption as to the form of the earth, or in the accuracy of the determinations, for if the earth were a spheroid of revolution these results should be identical. Following this dis- covery numerous measurements of arcs of meridian were made in different parts of the world. The most important of these, however, were executed under the direction of the French Government in the determination of the length of the 41 meter taken as one ten-millionth part of the quadrant of the earth's meridian. These latter observations when combined with the corresponding values in the Peruvian arc gave for the ellipticity, -g-g^th. The nearest approximation of the calculated curve to an ellipse whose minor axis would be to its major in the ratio of 230 to 231 involved an error of more than 100 toises to the degree. Frisi then determined the mean value for the various depressions resulting from the above data and found, for the mean term, a depression almost identical with that furnished by the observations of the pendulum and the measurements for the determination of the French measures. The evident impossibility of finding a regular curve to correspond to the dif- ferent degrees measured, gave rise to doubts as to the possibility of measuring a degree of the meridian with accuracy. The instruments then employed in the determinations were liable to errors of three or four seconds for the celestial 42 arc, or 60 toises for a terrestrial de- gree.* The attraction of mountains upon the plumb line, causing a deviation of the vertical, was another source of er- ror. Thus, if the direction of the plumb line at the extremities of the arc meas- ured deviated from the normal by 15 sec., it would cause an error of 500 toises or 533 fathoms in the final result, a quantity greater than the presumed difference of the two extreme degrees under the equa^ tor and the pole.f Towards the end of the last century various attempts were made to reconcile the accumu- lating data with the spheroidal hypoth- esis. Among the most prominent investi- gations are those of Boscovich in 1760 r and Laplace in 1793 and 1799. Laplace took, as the basis of his combinations, nine of the measurements used by FrisL The curve which he calculated gave for the length of a degree a value too small by 137.7 toises (= nearly 268 meters), or approximately nine seconds of latitude. * Bouguer, Fig. de la Terre, sect. 1, 4. t Malt-Brun. p. 25. 43 These errors, sajs Laplace, are too great to be admitted, and it must be concluded that the earth deviates materially from the elliptical figure.* When compared with the great size of the earth, this deviation of the figure of the earth from the oblate spheroidal form is very slight. As previously stated, for many practical problems it is suffi- ciently accurate to consider the earth as a sphere, but where, for the purposes of science, it is necessary to apply the spher- oidal hypothesis, mathematicians have deemed it expedient to determine the ele- ments of an ellipse agreeing as nearly as possible with the actual meridian section of the earth, and to base their calcula- tions upon the resulting spheroid. . In 1805 Legendre announced the meth- od of least squares for the adjustment of observations, and during the present cen- tury numerous applications of this prin- ciple in the determination of the mean el- lipse of the earth's meridian have been made, the principal of which are given in the table on page 44. f * Hist. Acad. Paris, 1789. t Jordan. ^S?5?Qpioioo6ci' 'GJQOlOiaoOCiOCo" 1 V* WJ CS O^ OO OO QO Gti 'G^C^CiCQOiOJC^XTi 45 Of these, the values of Bessel and Clarke are considered the most reliable, and the spheroids deduced from the ele- ments calculated by these investigators are called respectively the Bessel and Clarke spheroids. The dimensions of the terrestrial spheroid deduced by Bes- sel are as follows : Greater or equatorial diameter, 7925.604 miles. Lesser, or polar diameter, 7899. 114 miles. Difference of diameters, or polar com- pression, 26.491 miles. Proportion of diameters as 299.15 to 298.15. Probably the value for the ellipticity deduced from pendulum experiments* is nearer the truth than any deduced from geodetic data. The latter values have been continually approaching those of the former, and we have every reason to be- lieve that when perfection of geodetic op- erations is more nearly approached, the results will be practically identical. We give below the elements of the earth's 46 figure deduced from pendulum observa- tions : Ellipticity = -S55-T-. Eccentricity ^^th. ^OO.O L& Quadrant of E's Meridian section =10001 kilometers, or 6214.62 statute miles. In 1859 Gen. de Schubert, in attempt- ing to find a continuous curve for the meridian which would satisfy all meas- ured geodetic arcs, suggested the hy- pothesis of an elliptic equator and an el- lipsoidal figure. The ellipsoid is not a figure of revolution. The meridian sec- tions, as in the spheroid, are ellipses, but the equator, instead of being a circle, is an ellipse. The curves of latitude, how- ever, except the equator, are not plane curves, and consequently not true paral- lels. Thus, we see that the ellipsoid has three unequal axes at right angles to each other. Gen. de Schubert embodied his idea in his "Essai d'une Determination de la veritable Figure de la Terre," and de- 47 duced from eight meridian arcs an ellips- oid of the following elements :* tf, =6,378,566 metres ^ 2 =6,377,837 " b =6,356,719 " ^ 1= 2927l f* = lm' ^8881 where a } 2 are the semi-equat. axes. b = semi- polar axis, /, /'.,=the ellipticities of the greatest and least meridian ellipses, F = the ellipticity of the equator. In 1860 and 3,866 similar calculations were made by Capt. A. E. Clarke. Sub- sequent investigations led Clarke in 1878 to publish the results of a third discus- sion, giving as the elements of the ellips- oid the following : a t = 20,926,629 feet. a, = 20,925,105 " =20,854,477 " 111 ^ = oH7v /' = 296 73' F = Wm The present opinion in regard to the *Mem. d TAcad. Imp. des Sciences de St. Peters bourg, VII. Serie, Tome 1, No. 6. 48 ellipsoidal hypothesis is that until data of a more general and accurate kind have been accumulated, the elements of a sat- isfactory ellipsoid cannot be computed. Arcs of longitude are needed, for the el- lipticities of the meridians differ by such small quantities, that measurements in their directions alone, are insufficient to determine with much precision the form of the equator and parallels. Aside from this, the physical improba- bilities of an ellipsoidal figure are so great that it seems more reasonable to at- tribute any apparent departure from the spheroidal figure to effects of local at- traction. Again, there are physical rea- sons for supposing a spheroidal earth, but the existence of a fluid ellipsoid can only be explained by supposing the exist- ence of an ellipsoidal nucleus, which all speculators in cosmogony agree in re- garding as highly improbable. Arch. Pratt remarks, concerning the ellipsoidal figure, that " if a very large number of arcs in all parts of the world were meas- ured, and local attraction being taken in- 49 to account, the result gave an ellipsoid with its two equatorial axes differing by a quantity, important when compared with the residual errors of observation, there might be some argument for an ellipsoid- al figure." During the present century the ex- tensive trigonometrical surveys under- taken by many countries have been the means of furnishing a number of long and accurately measured arcs. Of these the most important are the Anglo- Gallic, the Russian, the Indian, and the U. IS. Coast Survey. The first three have been used in most of the later determinations of the mean ellipse mentioned in the table on page 44. Now, it is highly satisfactory to find that the oblate spheroidal figure, thus practically proved to exist, is what theo- retically ought to result from the rotation of the earth on its axis. The form of the earth is owing to the reciprocal at- tractions of its component particles. When a weight is whirled around, it ac- quires a tendency to recede from the cen- 50 ter of its motion, as a stone whirled around in a sling. This tendency is called centrifugal force. Supposing the rotation of the earth, a centrifugal force is generated whose general tendency will be to cause objects to fly off the sur- face. This force diminishes the gravity of particles, and hence they recede from the axis of the earth until, by their number and attraction, they counter- balance the centrifugal force. This is con- firmed by experience. There is an actual difference in the force of gravity or down- ward tendency of the same body when conveyed successively to points in differ- ent latitudes. Delicate experiments, con- ducted with the greatest care, have .fully demonstrated the fact of a regular and progressive increase in the weight of bodies, corresponding to the increase of latitude. Now, let us suppose a globe of the size of the earth to be uniformly covered with water. So long as the body re- mained fixed, the surface of the water would outline a perfect sphere. Imme- 51 diately attending the introduction of ro- tation on its axis, a centrifugal force would be developed which would act upon every particle in such a way as to tend to cause it to recede from the axis of rota- tion. But now every particle would be subject to the action of two forces the one just mentioned, and that of gravity. The direction of the former would be perpendicular to the axis of rotation, and that of the latter perpendicular to the surface of the water. Since at no position but the line of the equator are these forces directly opposite, they combine to form a third force which urges every particle not situated in the equator towards it with a force de- pendent upon the velocity of rotation. This latter force and the figure of the re- sulting surface of the water are so con- nected that an increase of centrifugal force is always counterbalanced by a pro- portionate change in the direction of gra- vity. Therefore the water would recede from the poles and heap itself on the equator. This would leave the polar re- 52 gions, in the case of the earth, protuber- ant masses of land. Now, the sea is con- stantly washing and grinding away the land, and carrying and depositing pebbles and fragments over its bed. Thus, in the case considered, the water beating the polar continents would gradually wear them down, and, as with the mole- cules of water, so, in turn, the worn-off particles and fragments of the polar land would would be forced towards the equa- tor, till the earth would assume by de- grees the form we have shown it to ap- proximate the oblate spheroid. SECTION II. THE OBLATE SPHEROIDAL HYPOTHESIS. SECTION II. It is not our purpose to enter into the mathematical discussion of the fluid the- ory of the Figure of the Earth, but simply to place before our readers such princi- ples of the spheroidal hypothesis as will lead to practical results. For a complete investigation of the form assumed by a revolving fluid on the principle of gravi- tation, we would refer our readers to sec- tion 2 of Mr. Airy's essay upon the Figure of the Earth contained in the " Encyclo- pedia Metropolitans" We have stated that if the earth be considered a fluid mass, the form of the surface will be an oblate spheroid of small ellipticity. Further, its axis will coincide with the axis of revolution, and the surface will everywhere be perpendic- ular to the direction of gravity. It fol- lows also upon the assumption that the 56 density of the strata varies according to a certain probable law, that the ellipticity is jfa. Let us assume, then, that the mean Figure of the Earth is an oblate spheroid, and endeavor to show by what methods an ellipse can be found cutting the plumb line at right angles and with its minor axis coinciding with the axis of the earth. This end may be reached by four methods, and first we will consider how the Figure of the Earth may be determined from geodetic operations.* * We do not purpose to deal with the theory of the deduction of the Figure of the Earth from measure- ments of the Arcs of Longitude, or the determinations of Azimuths. The underlying principles of these methods have had a very limited application ; and, aside from the Indian Arc, little material is available. The method of Azimuths depends entirely upon angles, and, therefore, can only assist in determining the ellipticity. 57 CHAPTEK I. THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH DETERMINED BY GEODETIC OPERATIONS. The first step in this method is to measure as accurately as possible a base line of any convenient length, not less than 5 or 6 miles, and as near as possible to the meridian upon which we are to base our calculations. For this purpose wooden or metal rods, steel chains, or compensation bars are used. The latter consist of a series of compound bars, self-correcting for temperature.* Two bars, one of brass, the other of iron, are laid side by side firmly united at their centers, while their ends are free to expand or contract. These bars, at the standard temperature, are of the same length. The following is the principle of their construction: Let AB be one bar, A'B' the other. Draw lines through similar extremities * Encyc. Brit. 58 AA/ BB' to P and Q. Make A'P=B'Q, AA'=BB'. Now if A'P is to AP as the rate of expansion of the bar A'B' is to that of the bar AB, then the distance PQ will be nearly invariable. In the com- pleted instrument P and Q are dots 10 feet apart. In the measurement, the bars when aligned do not come in contact. A space of six inches or thereabouts, is left be- tween each bar and its neighbor, and the interval is measured by an ingenious micrometrical device, constructed upon the same principle as the bars them- selves. The United States Coast Survey in their measurements, generally use an apparatus consisting of four bars, pro- tected by a wooden covering. The bars are placed so as to leave between them a small interval, which is measured by wires brought into contact and adjusted by means of micrometer microscopes. The bars are also provided with ther- mometers. In performing the operation of measur- ing the base it is very important that 59 at least two of the rods or bars should be in position before a third is applied. The base being thus measured, and the reduction for inclination applied together with the correction for tem- perature, if necessary, there re- mains but to reduce the length to sea level. Let r Dearth's radius, or the radius of the surface or the sea, and h the elevation ; the measured lengths must be multiplied by the fraction - - or 1 , in order to obtain the length at the level of the sea. Having now completed the operation known as the measurement of the base, we next proceed to measure the angles between the base line, and visual lines joining the extremities of the base to distant points, taken as near .the meridian as convenient. The instruments which have been used for measuring these angles are quadrants, theodolites and re- peating circles. With the quadrant and repeating circle, the angle actually sub- 60 tended by the points or signals is ob- served, while with theodolites the hori- zontal angle is measured. Knowing the length of one side, and two of the angles of a triangle, we can, by trigono- metrical formulae deduce the lengths of the other sides. Repeating the operation with the sides already calculated, and selecting new points to suit the emergen- cies of the case, we establish a connec- tion between the original base line and a second base at the termination of the chain of triangles, and obtain the length of this second base by calculation. It is then measured, and by a comparison of the calculated and measured results the correctness of the operations is tested. The next step is to determine the direc- tion of one of fche sides of the chain of triangles with regard to the meridian. This is called the determination of the azimuth, and in principle is as follows a temporary mark is fixed as near as possible to the meridian ; a transit in- strument is adjusted upon it, and the transits of stars at different polar dis- 61 tances are observed. The deviation of the transit instrument, or the azimuth of the mark, is thus found with great accu- racy. By means of a theodolite or re- peating circle, the angle between the mark and one of the signals can be ob- served, and there results the azimuth of the station. This having been satisfactorily per- formed, we are now able to calculate the length of meridian arc contained between the two parallels passing through the ex treme stations of the chain of triangles. The simplest means "for performing this operation is known as the method of parallels and perpendiculars, and consists mainly in finding the projections upon the meridian of the various sides of the system of triangles. Only one precaution is ne- cessary, and that is. that the perpen- diculars to the meridian must not be of such length as to make the difference be- tween the spherical length of the sides and their length when projected on a tangent plane a sensible quantity. 62 63 Let the accompanying figure represent a chain of triangles, in which A and G are the extreme stations. Let AC be the base line, its length together with the azimuth CAc are known, and therefore the remaining sides and their projections upon the meridian AB maybe calculated. The sum A# of the projections might be supposed to represent the distance on the meridian separating A and G; but this is not the case, since there is a difference between the perpendicular and the arc of a small circle passing through G. The true distance is A,/, found by producing A# to B, the pole of the earth, and with a radius BG describing a small circle Gg'. The difference gg' of the two distances must be subtracted from the ascertained length A<7, in order to obtain the true distance Kg'. The quantity gg' may be found as follows : ,_ (Gg.)* tan, lat. G. . gg ~ earth's diain. Another method considers BG^ a right- angled spherical triangle, and using an 64 approximate value for the arc of a great circle, corresponding to the length Gg, determines the side B gravity, / and g the co-ordinates of the 88 point, in the directions of CD and CE re- spectively, b= polar axis, =ellipticity and *?. ?-^= gravity at the equator. 3 o For the force at the pole we must make f=o, go, and the expression therefore For the force at the equator, we must 2 + ^=a a =:5 2 , nearly and there- fore equatorial gravity. The excess of the former above this is and the ratio of this excess to equatorial gravity is s m f. Let this = w, then Jj n-f- f=-m, or we have deduced Clairaut's theorem. IFlg. 3. Let EF represent the earth's surface, and let PQ be the normal at P. Then P Q N is the latitude of P and QN=PQ, cos. I. Now as we shall have to substitute only in the small terms of the equation, PQ=& nearly, and QN=CN nearly, nearly. Substituting this in equation (8), we have for the force of gravity . e4 . + 90 Gravity, therefore, may be generally ex- pressed by the formula , ... (9) where E = equatorial gravity and 5m n + e=-. Now let p and p' be the lengths of the seconds pendulum in latitudes I and V, P that at the equator, then from equation (9) we have p=P(l + n8m*l) . . (10) p'=P(l + nsm.'l') where ,.n= " * 2 Tt sin.Y sin.V P , 5m and e= n In applying the preceding equations to a series of pendulum observations for the determination of the Figure of the Earth, the principle of Least Squares is applied as in the last chapter to a number of ob- 91 servation equations of the form (10), there- by obtaining the most probable values for P and 71. 92 CHAPTER III. 1. THE ELLIPTICITY OF THE EARTH DEDUCED FROM OBSERVED INEQUALITIES OF THE MOON'S MOTION. In the expression for the tangent of th moon's latitude there is this term* / m\ 4.(60) s . s I -~n I \ -sm. parallax. \ 2 / n 3 TT // sin. obliquity, cos. obliquity, sin. 6 Earth's Mass 70 .Now = - - - =r-= - =rr, nearly, fA Earth + Moon 71 27.25 The mean horizontal parallax =57', obliquity = 23 28' nearly, .-. term=-/f-^) .4891" sin. 8 Now this inequality has been found to exist and its magnitude has been inferred from observation. It has the effect of fncreasing the apparent inclination of the * Airy's Math. Tracts. 93 moon's orbit in one position of her nodes and diminishing it as much in the oppo- site position. It is found by observation that the co- efficient = -8" ^=4frl= 001635 and = .001730 2 2. THE EARTH'S ELLIPTICITY DEDUCED FROM THE PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES. The formula expressing the annual Pre- cession is the following : in which 1= the obliquity of the eclip- tic = 23 28' 18", i = inclination of moon's orbit to ecliptic =5 8' 50", n and n' are the mean motions of the earth around its axis and around the sun and their ratio =365.26, n" the mean motion of the moon around the earth = 27.32 days, v= ratio of the masses of earth and moon =75. Substituting these quantities C A Annual Precession = 16225''.6 ^ where A and C are the principal moments of inertia of the mass, the latter about the axis of revolution. Now ^^=1.98177 (*-iro)'* .-. Annual Precession =32155" (e %m) But the Precession by observation = 50". 1 .-. e J m = 50.1-=-32155 = 0.0015581 /. =0.0015581 + 00017271=^ In estimating the reliance to be placed on these results it must be observed that unless the observations extend over a period greater than 20 years they are in- sufficient. This renders the resulting de- terminations less reliable than they other- wise would be, as in all probability the observations which are compared have been made by different persons and in different manners. The small lunar in- * See Pratt's Fig. of the Earth. Page 151. 95 equalities, besides, are involved among a mass of terms greater than themselves. Airy remarks concerning this fact that an error in their determination has less in- fluence on the value of than an equal error in the determination of nutation. These facts show clearly that the deduc- tion of the two preceding divisions cannot be compared with those of geodetic meas- ures and pendulum observations. How- ever, the close agreement of the results with those deduced from geodetic meas- ures and pendulum experiments is sig- nificant. It shows that in the main the spheroidal hypothesis is correct. ** Any book in this Catalogue sent free by mail on receipt of price. VALUABLE SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY D. 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