FIELD MANUAL FOR PLANE SURVEYING AND RAILWAY CURVES BY YEOMAN and TUCKER VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING FIELD MANUAL FOR PLANE SURVEYING AND RAILROAD CURVES By R. C. YEOMAN, C. E. Dean of Engineering Professor of Civil Engineering Valparaiso University Associate Member W. S. E. Member American Society Testing Materials City Engineer, Valparaiso, Ind. and E. A. TUCKER Instructor in Surveying Assistant in Civil Eqgineering Valparaiso Uriiver-isitj \ M. E. BOGARTE BOOK COMPANY Publishers Valparaiso, Indiana 1914 COPYRIGHTED BY R.C. YEOMAN 1914 PREFACE This book is intended to be used supplementary to Class Room lectures, Assigned Reading in a Standard Text and Field Instructions. It contains sample field notes to fundamental problems or exercises, so arranged as to give correct form of notes, and concise information for the solu- tion of the problems. Blank pages immediately fol- low each problem for the record of the solution of a similar problem by the student. This manual is a product of the teaching staff of the Department of Engineering. R. C. YEOMAN. E. A. TUCKER. 390927 INTRODUCTION The theory of Plane Surveying is surprisingly simple to the well prepared, but the successful appli- cation of this knowledge comes only from long and continued experience and the development of good judgment. In a college course it is impracticable to spend this necessary time, therefore, the aim is to familiarize the student with the use, care, and adjust- ment of instruments, the solution of the problems involving their use, and the methods of recording the acquired data in a clear and concise manner. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS It is an observed fact that students are usually very careless in the care of instruments and ap- paratus. An instrument should be treated kindly, for their parts are of soft metal, and it is very easy to strain the instrument by forcing the adjusting screws. The heads of the thumb screws on the in- struments give a leverage out of proportion to the strength of the screw thread, thus they are quite easy to strip. All movable parts are made to a snug fit, and should work easily. If the adjustments are either tight or loose, the instrument needs attention, and the instructor in charge should be notified. Further cautions are given in the texts and class-room. At Valparaiso University the instruments are kept in numbered lockers. A list of the contents of each locker is found on a card on the inside of the 4 door. To obtain the use of any apparatus the appli- cant must sign a requisition slip for the key to the locker. The applicant then becomes responsible for all apparatus in the locker until the key is returned and locker checked. After use, every piece of ap- paratus must be returned in good condition to it's place. A penalty is attached to any neglect in this particular. As related in the preface, the instruction in this book is given in form of actual field notes. It is not intended that the student should follow them literally. They are given only as a guide to good practice. In the higher branches of surveying the forms are not given, they must be made up by the student. He will by that time be familiar with correct forms, and can easily plan his notes to suit the particular prob- lem in hand. Field notes should be made in their final form in the field. The practice of putting them on small bits of paper and transferring them in the office or room leads to many errors and lost data. The student whose note book shows lack of skill in the beginning need not be discouraged as this is only natural. It is the improvement which counts, and the notes should show it. Accuracy should be the chief aim of all survey- ors. When the results do not come within the per- missible error, many beginners are tempted to fudge their notes. Fudging is an indication of laziness and dishonesty, and is easily detected. It is better to re- peat the survey several times and fail, than to sacrifice honesty, the greatest virtue of the Engi- neer. CONTENTS Group I PACING PROBLEMS PROB. A 1. Determination of Length of Pace 1 A 2. Staking out a Field 2 A 3. Survey of Field by Pacing 3 A 4. Prolonging a Line with Flag Poles 4 Group II CHAINING PROBLEMS B 1. Measuring a Distance with Steel Tape 5 B 2. Measuring on a Slope with Tape 6A&B B 3. Measuring Angles with Tape 7 B 4. Survey for Area of Field with Steel Tape 8 B 5. Prolongation of a Line Through an Obstacle with Tape 9 B 6. Measurement of an Obstructed Distance with Tape. . .10 Group III LEVELING PROBLEMS 1. Differential Leveling with Hand Level 11 C 2. Differential Leveling with Engineers' Level 12 C 3. Survey for a Drain or Sewer 13 C 4. Profile Notes for Drain or Sewer 14 C 5. Cross Section Leveling for Slope Stakes 15 C 6. To Stake Out a Borrow Pit 16 C 7. Survey and Levels for Grading a Street 17 C 8. Adjustment of Wye Level 19 C 9. Adjustment of Dumpy Level 20 Group IV COMPASS AND SEXTANT D 1. Angles of a Triangle with a Compass .21 D 2. Angles of a Triangle with a Sextant 22 Group V TRANSIT PROBLEMS E 1. Angles of a Triangle with Transit 23 E 2. Prolongation of a Line with Transit 24 E 3. Balancing in a Transit 25 E 4. Center of a Triangle with Transit 26 E 5. Triangulation with a Transit 27 E 6. Passing an Obstacle with Transit 28 E 7. Closed Traverse with Transit 29 E 8. Height of Tower with Transit 30 E 9. To Stake Out a Building 31 E 10. Angles of Triangle by Repetition 32 E 11. Traverse of Field with Transit and Stadia 33 E 12. Survey of a City Lot 34 E 13. Contours of Field 35 E 14. Adjustment of a Transit 36 Group VI ASTRONOMICAL SURVEYING F 1. Determination of a Meridian by Solar Attachment. . .37 F 2. Determination of a Meridian by Direct Observations. 38 F 3. Determination of a Meridian by Observation on Polaris 39 F 4. Determination of Latitude with Solar Attachment 40 Group VII RAILROAD CURVES G 1. To Locate a Simple Curve with Chain 41 G 2. To Locate a Simple Curve with Transit 'and Chain. . .42 G 3. To Locate a Simple Curve when the P. C. is Inac- cessible 43 G 4. To Locate a Simple Curve when the P. T. is Inac- cessible 44 G 5. To Locate a Compound Curve 45 G 6. To Locate a Transition Curve with Chain 46 G 7. To Locate a Transition Curve with Transit and Chain. 47 DLTLRMlJWlOn Of KirtD Hn 3 166.6 155.0 151.0 8 V54.0 9 155.5 /o 165.6 2A& 2&5. 2 5 33 /o 2. M^R. 1011 (Hl?5) Clear flnd Warm. T. BROWN SURVEYOR LENGTH Or P^CL EFFECT OF SPLELDOU UJISTH OF Ppct. are P) -00 FT . 5 FT SEC r &.**! 5/M/ 766.57 120 lid 3 - F nn-r 3 3/6 54 74 0/23 6 7 STOKING- OUT a- a-r- IL rn O T en - 67S It -f seventh jti o/ R\ ;* /in/. PC in p n-f O / / ' rtnr-t-h n ftlldt nrtr ^E-pH P/PCt5 Len p-T. AB / /4^) 2^5 2 /J4 27 2.4.6 e^,? ac / &L 2,85' fi^2 2 ^2d2 6n.n /72,4- Cp / /5:5 z. (^Lf //r.r 44: I* D / 48.5 Z 48.X 4fi.^ 136. 2 EL j 60.O z 60. n 60. n / 72,4 'BE. / 57.3 2 57.6 Si. 7 /64,-T ftp / 52.Z 2 2 S2.3 i+4.n / l. A 2 a If.o 42,8 SH / 55.0 7 \\ SSf) 156.8 /Sa / 1,0 z u. ?Q,C -BY-PflCING ff/g/es M AW** /J Srtalufjnm fl-R-C'D'F JtiA {ficien-f \ \ PROLONGIMG-fl-LiML- /v A \/ y \/, { 7 A BROWH. BY"l1CflN5-Or-FLfleROLL5. /4r/? flnmd ft npprnrf- pp/f LA/&X - 1 / oirrl- 1} in /i /ft) a id (ft) ~r / pole was nlat sd. . ~ /a a*t J-2-. r-/- ^ \A/f7^ -f O. / i hen LLL and hack /CO 'c/ ^ o un d -/ /-r h & n^ 2 3QC\ 'a/if>Jancp>. -S -fane f> 5 /^y-0 > was / 'flu MWSUR i NG-fl- DISTANCE.- LIME: DiFF. DF Tntir lOTlU C EJ: r-r FT "Ti PE i On. no i oo. no P-B rt. B-fl .22 izn L-23. C- .045 5. WjTH-IOO-Fl-5TLLL-n7rpE. (5 /Q(2 /GO ' sse> n f^ r* a Jsimq 22. n/^.5v & ho ~T~h >*STC> r EIT CHAINING- ON-SLOPL-BY- DIRLCT- r-r 100.00 S2.0 1 G.Q 16.0 /7.0 1 G.O 240 96.0 99 62 63051 -HORIZONTAL J.JONES, i g A "TT BROWN. C?flRCH(im IQI? (2rf(fd m Cl *aran CHfliNiNG-On-5LOPE.- BY- Mms- Nrv c a a 1 b / 47.10 4.7 22. / <46 9 & 2 4,3.7 4:5 20.3 ^.-35 J ,55.6 2.2 4(5 ffltii 4- 542 4.5 2&3 & . ii 26 7 5j2 2 7 Q.I 6 37.4- v3.7 /3 7 37.2 6 7 26.3 4.5 70.3 2,5^7 6 17.6' 4.<5 2/. 2 Ls*a 9 1X6 4.7 ? 2./ /j; 10 14-1 46 23/3 i ^.^ n /57 4(9 2,9.2 y.5/0 12 /4.5 4.6 2,?. 2 ^ia l 17.7 4.8 23.2 / 7.05 14- /9.6 46 Z/.2 ]Q.i IS / S.2. 4.6 2A / 16.65 /6 v30. / 4. 7 227 292 I 7 6&7 / 8 "3.2 68 6 TH& /Z5? ke tin r> /7 men Pro s,a/ed a^&at ' fG/s ha /s^ Or Sj s T me/i&ure. J h e "/A ~/ri(=> rmr/ ZQtt C-neas. on ^~ Di-f~ in P/e\s b Pec/uced hor d-2c MLflSURIMG- H&fln 5ini L .8955 127/D 2165 A 700 .2305 D 5 27^5' &O QO WlTH-fl-STLLLlflPL. V2 (2 Hex) C AfJ /Oti ''nsanot ' 27 -The rifi-fh J and -j-ho -the 5 1 r IL sA -/ .rac/L / o hal-f //7/ 's cho rjd.: '- ha/-f -fhe 01 .0- n/a s s, tiu *b 30 / / er ot* tin/ HflEB . 357/D 20 55' l^H - . 6QOO 4/4l' 4/43 QLL 5\ni BE.C .2.Q64 /7 d yjT' ai'ati -r^ri " . 6850 342S' 34'2/ CED 5mir.CD 4320 2^^(5' STJLZl - ~TflH : 1. 2460 5//5' 5/V.? LlrtE OR5LDV/FD L rt OB5tP^/Fn LtttSTH FT. LFKSTMFT fl-R 1 3.10 E>rl 4-Q.QO ri-r: 62 ^.5 dd 5135 C-D 18.82 R- b 61.60 o-r 69.59 r- h 9 03 E>p 16.40 L- h QA 7.f E.-B IOQ.20 fl-rt 50 Q5 F-n $&& B-n 524ft LjC IOO-SO D-H 54 IO ' WlTH-STLLLlflPL 8. r^nrc h 24 '12 (3Ho?() 26 a-f- E u K &al m&m t~)r rrt Pfln QT A ~T~he. 7 /-hi~budp s PROLOttGflTlOh-OFfl-LlHlTHRU /On' a/es /oo '1> n Dt. -OB5TflCLL-WlTH-lflPL 9. o T- MtflSURMLMT-Or-flfl-OB- nd-A LJtfkr QWSJ sst /on n h L wr Cf D 22 BK< *Q/ t 21 STRUCTlD-DlSTflWCEWlTH-TfiPEl March 26 '/2 fcHra a \ \ \ v- \ \ x C A X \ ^ \ DirrtRCNTIflL-LLVCLIMG ?3TV3 FVfv M.I. ELS ElLCx/ 5i"awr^ an 776.606 7T(0 L64 7SO. 2^ ^.33 33 (\) 3.99 77S.02 Z 7T12) 779.90 3.84- 5J 0(1) ifl 776.0& 2 7T(3) 777.63 6.7^) 5/ 03 4-03 770.43 7T(4) 774:96 7JO 3^> o(4J Z./3 7^786 4.T 7T(W 769. 99 J-34 s>fc) 6.04 76^.^5" 35 *(*) 77*69 2-04- {*; 5.89 772.6.T 70 X(7J 77&S4 4:73 13 (9) 6./G 77>T*S TTO^ 7 81.66 *Z.QO 3.? B M. +4 1L3 776.76 '4347 778 ^y + t & Chet AT ^ ^./5- J. 3r-v\TH- Uewf T 6*owrt-Roo WlTH-HflND-lfVLL r, 1 7 72 ihrs of n- Si'a/e.\A//h L rfjx-t and -/or> cox- 0- Hal/ S. c. "'%.' ^ \ MYO. N. h DiFftPIMTlflL LEVELING W I r 5 inni Q 2/0 z 714- 141 1 7J.SH 04. J. ft/ A 1 tQ. 04 t / 747 '3.037 f J n ' j. OortE.3, WlTH-ENGINtLRS-LD/tL '-LL o i/g/T r OX" 2 H . hnJ-/- b"M <=>J .. r. H. 55 h MounO 5-rtCT couLtet 5URVLY- STATION n f^CRiPTIOri 8+00 / Rr'tr.J* 7-f-OO 1 4' II ~* 17 +50 14.7 nal H. IV cc. s+oo x 5/r 3++*** & +if> oS ftT^ f? ft* 1+ 30 * SO 2 e ei ? -re +$0 373' H.F -/u/7 n*^ rfide. h, //- /? .. hi u b Qn -hop of ff . 3 fttjf /?*? h srr 3rt y- o-f & ' J^ LJ n,,, p.'^h r+t *5//e. of f? R -/-rat trs ,f.3 G&.njGrfr' OG.~T\/\/Pert i daob/e + racks J- ce rj -j-e r o / B* iLsSi CR05S - 5ECT10M- LLVCLING- STTIC rt LTLFT O+QO IQ&Q 1 +00 l+.t, 2-+00 3+00 161. 3 4+00 17. 7 1*10 -&* i-9-3 16.3 5+oo 1,9.0 6+00 D IQ.S 7*00 -J.%. 13.1 +7--I m. t+ -* JQj-QQ IIO-Q Ik Ji + oo . 3 ///fl ^7? T. Src.TH, . OOrte.5., FOB- SLOPE- SWL5 flnr/7 6. 'II 7i I/I/ / Onal /f J-h f? C. . z/a t?, T STOKING- OUT fl- BORROW- H.T r s E-LEVATlrl T 1 11 335" //. 335" 1 OO.O . 00 ini.41 I 4-4- 3.47 1 Of. 4- 3 10 /7 Z 7 f) 4- 7 1.37 / f.76 1 3 04 7.H /Of: 7.35 //fl. n i.n ) Ot.SI tot. n 1 hh. t> 3 . A 3 i 7.^3 *. 74- T" Bf?owrl .L cvcu i A PlTfOR-LSTIMflTE-Or-OUflhTlTO. ft r',1 3 '11 fZh/*<>) v*J SiY F?r> o S+-/e / Tt%p0 artd nfae / m W i 7 ^ * i J / fl J*Cf*.(j C) (J / ^7/7 $f&/2 "2- ft ft -t>e?.T ^qtJ/?y& \A/Jyj.Ji \A/ /7 & (jl\//(jt2(j J Wr~n U VI i T~ Off* A 5 *mryigi/ pJo^+^^nS ' AM/^^/ nQirt-J- a 5 JOO -fror*? rtbjch J-Jie eJev&^L&as^ { a/ / finr-rtf>rs Q-t Lrr7/~/-&rea'5 vVefe. -fnu^cJ in fe S Z)(S^ / ^ (3 /? ]Z&A&J?/2^A ~/~. C U /.T 7^^7/7 V T O t/ *r. f ' tit ^ut^scnp-}-< inrJ if-sy/'e -t'hpmuv 7 T ihip. r o~r i/t^MS tf ce^i^^&l^ h & i & fy J~ /s u 5 -nT \/= 4,?FJ' 7ou,t f J - - v SURVEY- Ann- LLVLLS-RJR H f r. B n 7 .fAf 7.6? 771 S4 ( 0- if if 7 4 6. 44 f ,7.72- 1-f-fiQ IQl. 6. ff il. 57/5" ZIO. 77 1 6+SO 7-26' $6 3. S3 toz.73 GRADING -A- 5TQtn~ 17. a^,/ // C4H?s L. S \A/L* 77 7.6? 7 f /.f f 7. P .i/r 77.U ?2i& P?. > 3 7.37- _ S.37 7m/ LL + If 7.3k C..SI 712S 1.3fi 2.7* 79171- 3.7 3 7 4 1.6 f in. +5 ?-. oo 7f+. 17 7f4-.t 1.7 I 7 If 07- S.33 11+3 7/c +.03 4-.07 4.7? '7 7f 717*4- f.iL F.03 7 ft. 71 791.9 f Voi 31 t- >f 01 3. fj * +. g *. 35- l.o? n4j> 30 6. 3 4-.4-O 1-.37 . ?0<> 1 "T77 tot Jf & OS. 3 3 S.46 3.43 IS oi if" f.ff tot 9 J, 7.01- 7-04 7 36, 79 91 foo of J 6>t W k ^Miors hmr i/i// V- e. r fa) .fl A n l/rte. n-r* /J n t^yj e, l/ /t n / / J^ ni. Trt PTi T O fr BvJEtT >-f 19, WYE- LLVELL iL /7lf'S & / -to line, n-f TFB- n/oes y/7 Ge, TTPm/ / rroi^ w/ -/-fa /ar0( V5flT k ADJUSTMENT- Or A ^ / 4 (i) or ' ' A D.msTr rrf T ss H/QJPS for T- . To mn // A / '5 O/, X hnhhA arat/eJ Tta n A t a T n. E* rt T - Or fii ^ir>ApnR - r.T:- n/lr&J/e f r-- UfL anc/ r ce & and DUMPY- LEVEL 2.0. TE.ST:- LJO c*v Q. r r*i i c/ n (C) artd again he him ti.(tf land observe +iv V .0 n* ore (a/, J //" d*. > A f S^L i i* . s / r\ An), l^&ve ed Lav^sj^e^L /o r> i \/ n 4- /" n fl he/jr'n$s N I j j n o e r?, O r-\ n C" R C 1 L 1 u WITH- fl- 22 C/ aj-a ^ on /IT *9- L teL M - 7 ANGLES- Or- A- TRIANGLE- K lXO'o'36 ~f fi jfi^(< 23 WITH- finr/l 14- 72- /7 V/?57 Coo/ and PaJ^h fhirt/7P> PnJffA. ~r &&/ cj a ne y a//2yyin /i nd f t j/jh/'t> d no/^7~^ M r (} T /Vf/Jti fj PROLONGATION- Or-A-UrtL Lo 7J-/MG (A T* 7*'S~s7/7 ( 5/'/ && u/y / XL A -K_ 7/13/ 3/7^ /u *> (c'J f~tf~\S> n & Cl -/&.& s A ^y mf C Tha- G/ /t r . / fi ft \A . o/ /y W/TH- LNGIMLLB5- 24. ' Ib '12. ir ana/ \A/sirm. / I I gUL. *J ur/su Jran< /_ H oS .05 1 53 o ^ z / > /- BALANCING- IN -A- M It! J J_ > I I I \l TTB/^OWrt, Tr*Art&i vJ.JOrtfS, FtA<. TRANSIT f) ^ C 0. /7 (Ah 7 / "J- // ST& o 7 7/ '-#- **& n/s? '/ j L, AKC.LF A' I S' S4 17 27 iQoo' -STATinri A o - -Z /e. E -mr /. fi WITH- A- TRANSIT ft 'II r rtrtsi/ Warm , 3-1-2 &L nr-,//nt> XT/Q^/- &- 12, Co) /> S'/'tf. ft) z n o/ checked - \ \ \ \ n TS1ANGULAT10M- A rH 7 AT FIRST b.f- 4-.S3S a- 0.3-76 d. 33Q h 6.00 Aft "":A^ Bnown, WITH - TRANSIT C f. / 2-0 'II W.L */3 Found ' inx&i &&. an sL 4- o/kel /' stmn/. -/ri fl n d7 f> ac. PASSING- AN- OBSTACLE Art D i ST FT Qk.l_ I I A /oo.o / OO.Q' A-B /on. V . 06 Z. Orrs 1 OO.O A ELF / oo o PAE TR o / n t '- 1 OAF K _n_ A-N ' / 2. jf ^ 2*tr./6 J. WITH -TRANSIT CL05LD-TPAVLR5L-BY 5 TAT i Q rt FT S 32 5 (9 1C 10 rt Wtt'tf r/rff i 71. H 21 f. 1 7 f.1 3 31 y/ DEFLECTION- ANGLLS. 29. ->/'// 11 VI run a, and e> arh IP. jhir.h Jha d&-f/f>c-f-/o was checked. i. The *> ale. E OS rtjafes were c&Jcc/ la-Jed A/? h / X : ' HEI6HT OF AUDITORIUM STATION VFRTIC/IL Ron ANGLE RET/IDINfi ,^^~ = A ^^ h o B ATION TOR HE IfiHT , =/ () n* = // =r H>-i H, = ,~ Us /> 5 'a) /n //) /7/7 ^uh-fror. : L fi ) r>h fs) i<-h*)coi~M Co+M- co+N -4.75) CO Co? 1-7 4/'-cof3/ = 7/^2 // A. Brown, Transit. H.Smi-j-h , Chain. VENTILATOR Rod 30. Ann'/ n n r/ C*Jnuc/u. bu buhh/f> -found ind&x f nr /si -f-nr* /> d -fn r on h /? nnd r&n a one -fnund angl ~7naA- rod r&nd/n* on samc* r>ain+ as ohovp. STAKING OUT A BUILDING jildinq ~*-Q hf* t i -f+. />4 and 3- enze fa corner Q~t~ ncai'&.d nnd n 2 -fu/lrj r un ho n in a In- ca t-&d C C. he. and -hihe < s njn/n/A J2&-& All JF. -Smithy Tron-sit. F. Jones , Chai'n. WITH- TRANSIT HC ' ork ' Ch 3L }prit, i/r, Wnrm anfj n// x-ft -frm Cnrne>rs on line. ~*r t t X\fN6LES OF TRIANGLE enrri&.r on on nnr*r?'n/ ancf ^ c. a i/&f~r?/.rs STATION BUB- BLE. DIREC- TION 4/ETRN. VERN. B MFAIN DOWN LETT o n oo oo I80 0t>' 00 oo oa oo Oo no 70 I2L OO P RIGHT 1x0*00 oo oo oo oo 230 O3 00 nn ^0*03 00 OO UP RIGHT o no' no 0*0000 c no 69* a 00' DOWN oo oo DD/)OO ' of) OO OD o oo' oo 12.4*34 Al> DOWN 04*35 'fid ABC BY REPETITION 32 Ant/ /9 / Q / ? /2 Mrs* and M. Smi'+h (L AMfiLE MEAN AN6LE REMARKS no SO mo/0 nfaarM+mn 03 e lions 02.' / 2. 6 9 03' 0^ *-) AZIMUTH- TRAVERSE.- WITH STATlQfl DrSTArtrr ELRTICA FlLEVATJO IN ST. OBvl. AHCSLF 4- 20 " 0*44' /- 2; 7/0. LLLL& 217' P> D 70 7. 7 74 A I Q 01 434- 77.7 (0.3 "[RAM51T- AMD -STADIA. 33. SURVEY OF A -, L Cnrnff one/ (Srt/ MM o m T"/'^ no ^ u r* :if 777^ /) -i Z. /J C /^ / ond /Jn ID 2S^ &JL JLO. pro^ fa it 0n ltfl^ -^k r> i n ^ a n F. J"onens, Trans it M. CITY LOT c cr; }- 34-. /r>, A -7 ,^ y j y^C r ^ C /snt~ And <7i/^5 r z: ^ 1 * / Cor. of c ^.^ u J- ID CK/ FITS* -J t .L ^^ < j AW^> o/ House <~//fW^ ' r x-i 3 ^f v ^^Vx4' 4.Q* 4.'/& 35 ? U/?//r ILOCI J5T 5T 1 w I r LLVCL5TOQ- GOHTOUD5 - 5TflTiCm Kr ici.e r 5; TLT\/ A 4-. 7 22^ a-i JW 43.7 A-i fi w.^ 13- ? >A/ 467 A-7- SL2 2Lf Si3 JLd 4U A-3 ti.O ^e ib-io 4.y &t A-4 UL2 ^ Siii 4- ( 37 A-S- no 2M Vri .S ft,? A-fc U ZJ2 $-13 Lt n-i A-ltj td 7 r-z- 7-f f*f A- \\ (t.O fi C-3 11 f/.^ *.~ll (, 8 2j2 C-4 /d,7 f/7 A.-I3 l.S 1*3 C-5" J,7 //./ W\a LI 43.1 C-fc ;/,f fA* ^-\$- jL 11 * l7 9,1 til -i SL1 173 cj 12 Wo T3-r n 1*0 6-f SJ* U* 0-3 q*5 31*3 c-/o 3.f 113 0-4 /o.o 111 C-/ 1 3.1 if.*- 13-5 /JJ tt.o 1-11 J.z ltd r3-fc // + 10* fl-i3 s.t, UJ: 11 &t C-lt Or- FIELD. oo ADJUSTMENT OF ENGINEER? PLATE E A RURRLE UBBLEEfTffOf B BURRLF VERTICAL HORIZONTAL TELESCOPE f rt S7 s>f?d .2- &S7 /> W ~z *> l> LS f /17 a /?A ^2ZU /9/7 LL a on ^5 '-fat- C. c lark j No-f es TRANSIT reh. /7 / no S&2 C ~~ n n c. n 2Zk a n d j? / Q h rat /^ ? / n - - and r7oif-/r *3 'yfyf rr/i/ u over Hist* n- n// r& f/co I 2) of \ fe) <5jp.f f) f-f Seff/no n on K. /*// C.Q/ circle a nd /prelect solar ** off circle. ~ an. at. ar/i>^ on affazhmenf nn n-n^nr /n rei/o/verf /g <:cope An ifo *^/* 1-ice/aJtis / (QL BEARING OF LINE AB BY PQSITIQE TELESCOPE: JT.IM& HOR OB5ER/EO CORRECTED /JLTITUng. Tnv&rted Me on l/a/ises 14- 33 u4l -ffefa t MSe-f- / V- &*- /3 wjfh ti) sun *y- te) /feorf tind mo or? at at on 7/^ d u & tfr>d / on (2t ^r"r&d ~J-&i OJl. / fin 6 /& -&?> > * J~as. Warnan } Transit- j Note_s DIRECT SOLAR OBSERVATION 38. CJ&at* anc C^oaL or OF 5UJN AND LINE /R. //sW f~n/>-mJa rtt^Z^IT; _5-//7 ) f as Qnnle Ar -ff/u >?//. and if m/nu^ nf n -f -ormun AS- - or* nd m/fws L&? f37 c Q4 . M.N. = A >yy Corr. for Z.'/X KM- = 7.L 2 // .4 "73 6~0 /oj O.&J 742 - 9.7/3F4* / > O #*-/<<>' >y/7^/x> ned BEARING OF LINE AB BY QBS TELES1 CPPE TIME: HORIZONTAL] READING CORR. FO \. FOR .~~*(J3Cj L CORRECTED HOR./MG. flZ.nFPQL/lRl< FROM N. 60 05 6/J7//9 7/7 K flan 1*31. Ink 60 06.0 si~ o i ,', X K hear. /rnON Of TIME O - WE/ST. de. af nz r. -for ft daus = f, m La onj> M.C.PoJar c. retime W.E. P*/n> is Fe.^2. 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