UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA agricultural Experiment Station COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE E - J ' Wickson. d. rector BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CIRCULAR No. 79 (July, 1912) LIST OF INSECTICIDE DEALERS BY C. W. WOODWORTH The following firms have been licensed to sell Insecticides and Fungicides in California for the year ending June 30, 1913. No others can legally sell or offer such materials for sale except as agents for these licentees. CALIFORNIA Alameda C 755 A. G. Bussenius C 500 Flatow & Son, 1211 Lincoln Ave., C 753 Kiley's Drug Store C 762 Schaefer's Pharmacy, Webster Station C 51 Sterling Pharmacy, Chestnut Station C 418 Sutherland's Pharmacy, Encinal & Sherman Alhambra C 124 F. B. Elwood Drug Co., Garfield & Main Sts. C 929 F. B. Elwood, Raymond & Main Sts. C 288 M. F. Lucas Anaheim C 352 Heying Bros., C 350 O. A. Mullinix Antioch C 928 Logie 's Drug Store Areata C 364 Wm. O. E. Keller C 621 Skinner-Duprey Drug Co. Arroyo Grande 130 W, A. Conrad, Jr. Artesia C 250 Auburn G 466 C 773 Avalon C 230 Azusa C 312 C 218 Artesia Pharmacy J. C. McLaughlin F. S. Stevens Island Pharmacy Dolley Drug Company Thomas Drug Company Bairdstown C 902 Boulevard Pharmacy Bakersfield Bakersfield Drug Company Eastern Drug Company Linn T. Ellis Drug Store Kimball-Stone Drug Company Frank A. Hoffman California Rex Spray Company J. (). White The Berkeley Pharmacy, 2134 Shattuck Ave., Caldecott's Pharmacy, 2998 Adeline St., Farley's Pharmacy, Telegraph Ave. &. Bancroft Way "Growsit" Mineral Hair Food Co. John H. McHafhe, Shattuck & Vine Mueller's Pharmacy, University near Shattuck A. B. Otto, Adeline & Alcatraz Ave., A. S. Watson, 2630 Channing Way Bishop Drug Company Fulton, Godwin & Co. Burbank Pharmacy Campbell Drug Store C 227 C 137 C 156 C 144 Benecia C 919 C 2 Barstow C 318 Berkeley C 605 C 747 C 828 C 400 C 913 C 710 C 781 C 5 Bishop C 609 Brawley C 370 Burbank C 170 Campbell C 910 Centerville C 272 Lernhart Pharmacy Chico C 917 C 933 C 580 C 886 C 852 C 934 Bartlett Drug Co.. 330 Broadway Ben Hastings Junction Drug Company The Lee Pharmacy Oakdale Drug Co., Park Ave. & 4th St. J. H. Rooney Chula Vista C 322 Jas. W. Wigginton Chino C 464 J. C. Reher Claremont C 503 Claremont Pharmacy C 410 O. H. Duvall Cloverdale C 868 D. L. Dineen C 648 Chas. May Colt on C 432 Dabney Pharmacy C 129 Mission Drug Store Colusa C 624 Oscar Robinson Compton C 195 Delmar Pharmacy Concord C 363 C. W. Klein Corcoran C 644 Corcoran Drag Company Corning C 512 A. T. Blatchley Corona C 331 R. F. Billings Est. C 228 Murry's Drug Store Coronado C 634 Hotel del Coronado Pharmacy & Central Drug Store Covina C 483 C. L. Clapp C 463 W. W. Nash Crockett C 566 Crockett Drug Company Cucamonga C 740 (ieorge T. Morris Delano C 491 E. H. Ramsey Downey C 337 Hull's Pharmacy Eagle Bock C 259 Eagle Rock Drug Company East Auburn C 587 J. T. Gibson East Oakland C 888 F. B. Rosencrans, 1439 38th Ave. East San Jose C 583 R, G. Hamilton El Cajon C 673 El Cajon Pharmacy El Centro C 497 John E. Davis C 424 S. W. Dunnaway C 844 E. F. Surface Elmhurst C 893 McCollough 's Pharmacy El Segundo C 492 R. A. Johnson Drug Company Elsinore C 897 Wright Drug Company Emeryville C 774 Frank Clough Escondido C 48 Baldridge Drug Company C 414 Escondido Rochdale Company C 131 Beecher Fream Etiwanda C 611 Frost Bros. Etna Mills C 529 W. J. Balfrey Exeter C 141 Fairfield C 903 Folsom C 799 Ft. Bragg C 359 Pacific Drug Company Ft. Jones C 488 Reichman Mercantile Company Fresno C 603 Buhn & Colson Drug Company, 2006 Mariposa St., C 209 Golden Rule Drug Store C 314 Kutner-Goldstein Company C 836 The Modern Pharmacy C 398 Patterson Block Pharmacy C 630 Phone Drug Company, 1034 J St., C 542 Stockmen 's Supply Company C 178 Fruitvale C 60 Fullerton C 544 G. W. Finch C 444 F. W. Vermeulon 's Pharmacy Gardena C 193 Gardena Pharmacy F. W. Mixter Lewis H. Thompson, Fairfield J. H. & F. P. Bumham Webster Bros., K & Mariposa Sts. Philip & Philip Garden Grove C 347 J. T. McElree Gilroy C 887 George A. Wentz Glendora C 192 Glendora Drug Company Grass Valley C 891 Loutzenheiser Pharmacy Guadalupe C 649 S. Campodonico Hanford C 252 Cousins & Howland Hemet C 534 Hemet Drug Company C 316 F. G. Wedemeyer Hollister C 456 Wapple Drug Store Hollywood C 273 Colegrove Pharmacy Huntington Beach C 200 Halsell Drug Company Huntington Park C 328 Bacheller 's Pharmacy Independence C 859 Passino & Polk Inglewood C 840 Inglewood Pharmacy Irvington C 643 C. A. Lutz Jamestown C 851 Jamestown Drug Store Kennett G 830 Kennet Drug Store Kingsburg C 882 Reliable Pharmacy La Jolla C 379 G. P. Peck Lakeport C 616 George H. Voss Lankershim C 199 Jones & Company La Mesa C 339 La Mesa Drug Store Lindsay C 146 Warson's Pharmacv Livermore C 924 The Beck Drug Co. C 686 McKown & Mess Lodi C 394 M. M. Welton Lompoc C 401 F. J. Frehrehsen C 147 Graham Drug Company Long Beach C 345 Green Crown Drug Company C 85 I. & F. Pharmacy C 559 Jackson Drug Company C 197 Long Beach Drug Company C 440 Park Pharmacy C 202 Parker Drug Company C 510 Thorp's Pharmacy C 181 Wolff & Adams Drug Co. Los Angeles C 538 Abbott Drug Company, Western Ave. & West 48th St. C 777 Aggeler & Musser Seed Company, 113-115 North Main St. C 121 Henry Albers Company, 409-411 East Third St. C 119 American Agr. Chemical Company, Bullard BIdg., C 177 American Drug Company, 608 So. Main St. C 108 Amundsen Drug Co., 6th & Moneta Sts., C 232 Angel's Flight Pharmacy, 3rd & Grand Ave.. 373 Angelus Pharmacy, 453 S. Spring C 64 H. K. Anson, 4100 Moneta St., C 930 Aquila Drug Co., 700 Broadway C 57 Atlas Pharmacal Laboratory, C 152 L. F. Baas, 1589 W. Washington St., C 303 M. J. Bellan, 2828 No. Broadway, C 207 John U. Bodenmann's Pharmacy C 224 C. F. G. Bostleman, 630 W. 1st St., C 47 Boswell & Noyes Drug Company, 300 So. Broadway, C 4 The Braun Corporation, 369-371 New High St. C 258 Brown Drug Company, Jefferson & Wesley Sts., 237 Brunswig Drug Company, 501 So. Main St. C 600 Cahill Pharmacy, 739 E. 3rd St., C 240 J. W. Calder, 7th & San Pedro C 302 Calder & Eeed, 2300 So. San Pedro St., 334 California Drug & Chemical Co., 843-845 Stephenson Ave.. C 325 The Calkins Company, 348 No. Main St., C 198 F. W. Carl, 1857 No. Main St., C 216 F. W. Carlisle, 5540 Central Ave., C 94 Castle's Pharmacy, 1028 W. 9th St., C 266 Carter's Pharmacy, 2524 W. Pico St., C 116 Christensen's Pharmacy, 4727 Normandie St., 88 Common Sense Mfg. Company, 1936 Bonsallo St., C 201 K. L. Craig & Company, 3rd & Santa Fe Sts., E. J. Craker, 1031 San Pablo Ave., Hugh S. A. Cuming, 1407 E. 9th St., The Dayton Ave. Pharmacy, 2601 Dayton Ave., Dutton Drug Company, Santa Barbara & Woodlawn, Eagle Drug Company, 3219 Central Ave., Eagle Drug Company, 525 E. 1st St., Euclid Pharmacy, 2942 Stephenson St., J. J. Freeman Company, 1000 S. Grand Ave., Gardner-Porter Drug Company, 1900 So. Main St., Garvanza Pharmacy, 6401. Pasadena Ave., Germo Mfg. Company, Grattan Pharmacy, 10th & Grattan Sts., J. B. Guest, 1709 E. 38th St., F. J. Guise, 103 No. Main St., G. & B. Drug Company, 3127 So. Vermont St., Haas, Baruch & Co., 320 No. Los Angeles St., G. Powrie Hall, 3rd & Flower Sts., A. Hamburger & Sons, Wm. H. Harmon, 194 No. Daly St., S. A. Harper, 2314 So. Union St., O. A. Hartmann, 400 W. Jefferson St., J. A. Hasemeier, 5327 So. Vermont St., Highland Park Drug Co., 5637 Pasadena St., Blair Hill's Pharmacy, 1490 W. Jefferson St., J. B. Hine, Spring & 5th Sts., Hollenbeck Pharmacy, 2201 E. 4th St., Hooper Ave., Pharmacy, 21st & Hooper Sts., Hopkins Drug Store, 39th & Normandie Howard & Smith, Inc., Box 484, Italian Pharmacy, 288 Bellevue, J. & J. Drug Company, 488 So. Main St., Hector Kalliwoda, 1069 Temple St., Kellogg 's Ant Paste Company, 1000 E. 9th St., E. C. Kerntopf, 828 E. 5th St., Kino Bros. & Somers, 221 East 1st St., G. A. Knoblauch, 900 S. Figueroa, Knox Pharmacy, 3600 Westley Ave., Arthur Kruell, 16th & Grand Ave., Augustus Lang, 1200 Maple St., Lang & Deville, 336 So. Main St., C 376 George H. Lee Company, C 399 J. F. Leonard, 1st & Broadway, C 210 E. W. Lewis, 7th & Central Sts., C 96 Thos. A. Ley, 128 E. 10th St., C 165 The Lion Drug Company, 3623 Maple St., C 134 The Logan Drug Company, 2000 E. 1st St., C 360 Los Angeles Chemical Co., 636 Bixel St., C 74 J. B. Lugo, 250 East 23rd St., c 76 c 185 c 377 c 820 c 69 c 894 c 292 c 213 c 872 c 380 c 356 c 519 c 525 c 61 c 117 c 277 c 310 c 809 c 175 c 68 c 313 c 65 c 238 c 430 c 916 c 639 c 83 c 264 c 389 c 254 c 478 c 280 205 c 157 c 155 c 908 c 173 c 493 c 237 c 291 c 361 c 190 c 935 c 535 c 340 c 810 c 150 c 127 c 355 c 332 c 499 c 357 c 342 c 343 c 278 c 205 c 89 c 158 329 c 112 c 114 c 166 c 87 c 36 c 358 c 18 c 50 c 72 C 842 c 371 c 297 c 253 c 243 c 128 c 276 c 145 c 222 c 174 c 378 c 354 c 251 c 428 c 541 c 77 c 217 c 293 c 763 c 409 c 618 McKay & Monkman, 861 Spring St., McStay Supply Company, 439 East 3rd St., W. O. Makepiece, 1153 W. Wash. St., C. H. Mansheffer, Maple Pharmacy. Pico & Maple Sts., Marlborough Pharmacy, 936 W. 33rd St., N. N. Miller, 2131 No. Broadway, Moneta Pharmacy, 4517 Moneta Ave., Montgomery's Pharmacy, 5429 Monte Vista Ave., Moore's Pharmacy, 2980 W. Pico St., Morris & Snow Seed Company, 425 So. Main St., Mt. Pleasant Pharmacy, 1828 E. 1st St., H. Nakamura, 109 N. San Pedro St., National Pharmacy, 16th & Grand, The Nippon Pharmacy. 315 E. 1st St., Off & Vaughn Drug Company, 352 So. Spring St., Orr Drug Store, 1400 W. 16th St., H. F. Messer, 2153 W. Wash St., Pacific Chemical & Stock Food Co.. Pacific Drug Company, 7th & Grand Ave., Park View, 1044 Park View Ave., V. T. Parrett, 106 West 1st St., Public Drug Company, S. W. Cor. Hill & 9th Sts., Purolene Disinfecting Company, 124 Winston St., Red Cross Drug Company, 3129 So. Main St., Semola Mfg. Co., 510 E. 15th St., M. Spazier & Company, 463 E. 3rd St., The Sun Drug Company, 300 No. Los Angeles St., Sanitary Chemical Company, 221 No. Wilton Place, H. L. Scherb, 846 E. 5th St., The Seaside Drug Company, 6th & Palos Verdes F. H. Seery, 1831 San Pablo Ave., Sentous Pharmacy, 1111 Sentous St., H. L. Setchel, 4721 So. Vernon St., Shimmin Drug Company. 2529 Central Ave., Shulman's Pharmacy, 1341 E. 1st St., P. H. Smith Drug Company, 3760 S. Vermoral St., S. G. Srmggs, 1005 Vermont St., South Hollywood Pharmacy, 2000 Santa Monta Boulevard, South Park Pharmacy, 159 E. 53rd St., Mel Stewart, 873 E. 39th St., M. S. Tague, 3951 Stephenson Ave., Talbot Exterminating Co., 738 So. Union St., A. E. Teague, 400 So. Hill St., Temple Pharmacy, 800 W. Temple St., Tenth St. Pharmacy, 2955 10th St., James Thomas, 1746 W. Adams St., Thurston 's Prescription Pharmacy, 853 Central Ave., Thompkins & Company, 111-115 Winston St., C 306 C 395 C 373 C 203 C 319 C 335 C 247 C 263 C 223 C 98 151 C 244 C 208 C 460 C 172 G 530 C 282 Los Banos C 604 Los Gatos C 912 Tunnel Pharmacy, 834 W. Third St., Vance 's Drug Store, 8th & Spring St., Elba Van Dyke, 453 So. Spring St., F. N. Van Horn, Viole-Lopizich Drug Company, 201 No. Spring St., H. G. Voeckell, 801 Central Ave., Waggoner's Pharmacy, Adams and Main Sts., A. J. Waters, 5th & Walls Sts., Western Ave. Pharmacy, 3rd & Western Ave., Western Chemical & Supply Co., 518 So. Los Angeles St. Western Wholesale Drug Co., 237 So. Los Angeles St., Westlake Pharmacy, 2100 W. 7th St., Westmoreland Pharmacy, 2200 W. Pico St., J. F. Williams, 1323 E. 1st St., Wilshire Pharmacy, 7th & Hoover St., Wilson's Pharmacy, 833 W. 6th St., The Zaferia Drug Store, 3401 Anaheim St., C. F. Bertholf, F. F. Watkins, Los Molinos I. G. Rodda, C 883 Manteca C 854 Maricopa C 189 Martinez C 638 Marysville C 885 C 594 C 889 C 911 C 572 C 892 Mecca C 520 E. L. Hill, Menlo Park C 387 Mary E. Selzer, Merced C 597 Modesto C 899 Monrovia C 219 C 402 C 296 F. E. Brow, Maricopa Drug Company, Martinez Pharmacy, W. T. Ellis & Company, William Englund, J. R. Garrett Co., Hauck's Pharmacy, C. C. Rubel, Stuck 's Pharmacy, N. L. A. Cody Husband & Turner W. H. Baker, H. G. Brownfield, Thos. Neville. 10 Morgan Hill C 468 R, Schneider, Mountain View, C 793 J. J. Dale, C 785 E. L. Johnson, National City C 221 C. F. Keller, Jr., Needles C 752 Needles Point Pharmacy, Newman C 455 Armi stead & Parker, Niles C 506 Sneden 's Pharmacy. Nipomo C 876 Bunker Bros., Oakdale C 852 Oakland Oakdale Pharmacy C 589 Allendale Pharmacy, 3120 Liese St., C 17 Bowman Drug Company, C 767 Chester F. Darling & Co., MacDonough Bldg, C 829 Claremont Drug Co., Claremont & 62nd St., C 269 Collins Bros., Washington & 14th Sts., C 906 Cyphers Incubator Company, C 383 Dibert Drug Company, 1149 E. 14th St., C 937 M. R. Dickson, 850 E. 16th St., C 792 Eckhardt's Elmhurst Pharmacy, C 780 A. Forneris & Co., 879 Washington St., C 816 Idora Park Pharmacy, C 106 Jackson Bros., Key Route Inn, C 797 A. D. Leber, 932 7th St., C 823 Leise Ave. Pharmacy, 3800 E. 14th St., C 778 James Maclise, San Pablo & 17th Sts., 536 Manhattan Food Company, C 20 R. E. McCracken. 1324 14th St., C 37 Osgood's Dept. Drug Store, 852 Broadway, C 803 J. M. Parry, 737 Telegraph Ave., C 102 Red Cross Drug Company, 460 7th St., C 577 Standard Chemical Company, Franklin St., C 52 Wishart's Drug Store, 1001 Washington St., Oak Park C 734 Junction Pharmacy, 330 Sacramento St., Ocean Park C 151 Halsell Drug Company, C 731 Moody's Drug Store, C 275 The Seaside Pharmacy, 11 Oceanside C 136 Ontario C 423 C 351 Orange, C 384 C 787 Orland C 853 Oroville C 270 C 622 C 122 Oxnard C 320 Pasadena 169 91 104 Exton & Nichols, H. F. Gilliland, 113 No. Euclid Ave., Jacob Jesson, Dittmer's Mission Pharmacy, K. E. Watson, Birch & Company, Crystal Drug Store, J. E. Sangster, E. C. Whiting, Ben S. Virden, Braddock 's Pharmacy, 237 East Colo. St., Chas. E. Dickenson, E. Colo. St., La Pristoresca Pharmacy, 1267 No. Fairoaks, Fred F. Marshall, 877 E. Colo. St., The Modern Pharmacy, 44 E. Colo. St., Palace Drug Store, Colo. & Euclid Sts., E. S. Kosenberger, Taber's Pharmacy, 194 E. Colo. St., J. M. Wright Co., E. F. D. No. 2., 51 I 24 366 C 268 C 115 C 326 Petaluma C 856 C 133 C 869 320 C 324 Perris C 375 Pittsburg C 341 Placentia C 484 Placerville C 900 W. F. Fairchild & Son, Pleasanton C 936 E Pomona C 86 C 281 C 333 Porterville, C 113 Claubes Prescription Pharmacy, Clark Drug Store, Coulson 's Poultry & Stock Food Co., George P. McNear, Petaluma Incubator Co., Young-Harold Drug Company, Perris Pharmacy, Modern Pharmacy, A. J. Eobinson, C. Leach, Armour 's Pharmacy, W. S. Hufford, J. A. Ludden, 12 Red Bluff C 676 H. C. Brooks, C 595 Elmore Pharmacy, C 675 Lyon & Garrett, C 938 Red Bluff Drug Store, 629 Main, Redlands C 290 Chestnut Drug Company, Orange & Citrus, C 678 T. J. Medland, C 516 W. L. Spoor. Orange & State Sts., Redondo Beach C 19 C. P. Brady, C 248 D. & D. Drug Company, Redwood City C 736 Ryan 's Drug Store, C 421 A. D. Walsh & Company, Reedley C 447 C. H. Green, C 436 Reedley Drug Company, Rialto C 95 W. E. Elliott, Rio Vista C 838 Thomas A. Spivey, Riverside C 367 F. A. Gardner & Company, 9th & Main Sts. C 435 McCarthy Drug Company, 902 Main St., C 233 Neblet 's Pharmacy, Opera House Blk., C 476 Regal Drug Store, 8th & Orange Sts., C 441 Salt Lake Drug Store, Roseville C 769 F. A. Lewis Sacramento C 760 O. B. Baker, 2817 35th St., C 716 Boulevard Pharmacy, H & 21st St., C 843 Chas. R. Boyd, Box 978, C 602 Camellia City Pharmacy, 2300 O St., C 756 B. F. Catlett, 808 K St., C 849 Chanler's Pharmacy, 2804 J St., C 723 R. E. Gogings, 904 J St., C 585 Frank S. Grey, 401 K St., 49 Kirk, Geary & Company, C 721 George E. Knox, 807 K St., C 757 Fred Kolliker, 512 J St., C 568 Royce & Youngman, 1416 J St., 346 Sacramento Chemical Company, C 615 Willis & Martin, 212 J St., C 547 F. F. Smith & Co., 1006 J St.. C 835 South Side Pharmacy, C 743 George Z. Wait, 531 J St., 13 Salinas C 920 Salinas Drug Company, St. Helena C 801 Morris & Arighi, • San Anselmo C 863 George P. Hund, San Bernardino C 265 Central Drug Company, C 235 Clute & Carson, 384 E. St., C 110 Fern Drug Store, C 95 The Eialto Pharmacy, C 336 Santa Fe Pharmacy, 1033 3rd St., C 391 Whitlock Drug Company, 1024 3rd St., San Diego C 800 W. M. Arnold, 1672 3rd St., C 143 The Arthur Drug Company, 6th & D Sts., C 55 Bangs- Wray Drug Company, C 555 Burston Drug Company, 1100 National Ave., C 517 R. G. Clayton, University Ave., nr. 5th St., C 634 Hotel Del Coronado Pharmacy, C 153 Chas. Dunnigan, 1st & B Sts., C 348 Foote's Pharmacy, 8th & D Sts., C 372 Hazelrigg & Eobinson, 5th & F Sts., C 97 Hoedemaker & Quinn, C 304 George B. Irwin, 3500 M St., C 285 Kallam Drug Company, C 305 R. H. Kazonjon, 5th & Upas Sts., C 557 Leith Drug Store, 16th & K Sts., C 802 Mission Hill Drug Store, Rigdon Bldg., C 212 Johnson, Casel Drug Co., 958 5th St., C 817 The Pacific and Oriental Drug Co., Lawyer's Bldg. C 191 E. Schneider & Company, 1102 5th St., C 132 Harry Shumway, 601 Logan Ave., C 323 Strahlman-Meyer Drug Company, 4th & D Sts.. C 527 Thomas Drug Store, C 523 Edw. O. Tinsley, 5th & I Sts., C 482 A. T. Wingfield, San Fernando C 125 E. C. Laux, San Francisco C 798 Allen's Pharmacy, 1429 Kentucky St., 443 American Druggists Syndicate, 587 Mission St., C 586 Anchor Drug Company, 519 Montgomery St., C 498 Argenti's Pharmacy, 1698 Haight St., C 901 Armour & Company, 1950 Battery St., C 590 Arrow Pharmacy, Mission & Courtland Sts., C 701 H L. Atkinson, 816 1st St., C 610 The Atlas Pharmacy, 1199 Valencia St.. c 726 c 692 c 477 c 890 c 669 c 811 c 349 c 54 c 256 c 608 c 495 c 558 c 915 c 385 97 c 465 c 744 193 c 63 c 549 c 932 c 578 c 656 c 413 c 746 c 674 c 486 c 704 c 592 c 651 c 814 c 27 81 c 576 c 666 c 471 c 515 c 652 c 649 c 791 c 101 c 41 c 452 c 824 c 78 c 46 c 691 c 711 14 Baker St. Pharmacy, 1799 McAllister St., Edw. L. Baldwin Co., 20 Market St., Baltic Drug Company, 15th & Market Sts., Boulevard Pharmacy, 1498 Fulton St., Bowerman 's Pharmacy, 239 Stockton St., Boyken's "Busy Bee" Drug Co., Inc., 2574 Mission St., Boyson's Pharmacy, 998 Valencia St., Braun-Knecht-Heimann Company, 576 Mission St., A. E. Briggs, 301 Clement St., Boulevard Pharmacy, 1498 Fulton St., A. McBoyle, 504 Washington St., Boericke & Bunyon, 140 Powell St., Justinian Caire, 573 Market St., California Seed Co., Inc., 151 Market St., Carbolineum Wood Preserving Co., 311 California St., Catton, Bell & Company, 454 California St., Central Drag Store, 4513 Mission St., Coffin, Refington Company, 42 Second St., Cooper, Prosser Company, 1737 Post St., George H. Croley Company, 631-637 Brannan St., Crystal Pharmacy, Ellis & Jones Sts., The Davis Pharmacy, 354 Clement St., W. S. DeTurk, 439 Duboce Ave., Leon Di Nola & Co., 598 Haight St., A. Di Nola-McKannay Company, 900 McAllister St., Dolores Pharmacy, 29th & Dolores Sts., The Eagle Pharmacy, 3315 Mission St., C. O. Fauda's Pharmacy, 303 Montgomery St., R, Feig, 1698 Post St., G. G. Frisbee, 2398 Bryant St., C. F. Fuller, 2300 Fillmore St., W. P. Fuller & Company, 301 Mission St., Joseph Fusch, 82 Shipley St., Glasgow Pharmacy, 660 2nd St., Gleason-Courneen Drug Company, 1282 Market St., The Gloria Pharmacy, 1701 Powell St., Gorman & Thomas, 2 Valencia St., F. T. Green, 500 Devisadero St., Hayes Valley Pharmacy, 603 Laguna St., Clarence Holcomb, 1299 Pacific Ave., Holmes Lime Company, Monadnock Bldg., The Insecticide Company, Phelan Bldg., International Pharmacy, 3976 Mission St., F. W. Jackson & Company, 42 Market St., Joy's, Bush & Kearney Sts., F. Kendall, P. O. Box 46, A. A. Kesseler, 700 Haight St., K & K Drug Company, 1248 9th Ave., 15 61 Langley & Michaels Company, 50-60 1st St., C 696 La Stella Prescription Pharmacy, 440 Broadway, C 168 Lengfeld's Pharmacy, 1804 Fillmore St., C 667 Jos. R. Lewis, 2200 Union St., C 103 S. A. McDonnell & Son, Powell & Geary Sts., C 553 The McPike Drug Company, 117 East St., C 771 F. L. Matschek, 20th & Folsom Sts., C 419 Merten & Co., 30 Beale St., C 562 Michieli's Pharmacy, 3230 Mission St., C 546 Monarch Oil Refining Co., 60 California St., C 274 Moore Drug Company, Kearney & Sacramento Sts., C 53 The Mountain Copper Company, 150 Pine St., C 405 Glen M. Nelson, 541 Hayes St., C 634 Oceanic Pharmacy, 148 East St., 324 Owl Drug Company, 611 Mission St., C 742 Pacific Drug Company, 296 Third St., C 114 Park View Pharmacy, 1044 Park View St., C 921 Phoenix Drug Co., 2667 Mission, C 682 The Pill Box Drug Company, 656 Kearney St., C 507 Potrero Pharmacy, 20th & Kentucky Sts., C 490 The Purity Drug Company, 2200 Polk St., C 653 Raymond Drug Company, Mission & Theresa Sts., C 626 George J. Redmond, Eddy & Franklin Sts., C 625 The Reliance Drug Company, 899 McAllister St., C 713 Robison Bros., 1260 Market St., C 627 Robinson Chemical Works, 349 8th St., C 330 R. R. Rogers Chemical Company, 527 Commercial St. C 126 Rossi Drug Company, 1900 Union St., C 540 San Francisco Sulphur Company, 624 California St., C 623 A. E. Scamell, 1800 Devisdero St., C 514 Schmerker's Pharmacy, 5th Ave. & B Sts., C 28 Val Schmidt's, Inc., 1845 Polk St., 347 Scott & Gilbert Company, 45 Ecker St., C 8 Selby Smelting & Lead Company, 57 Sherwin Williams Company, 452 2nd St., C 663 Seymour Drug Company, 24th & Castro Sts., C 707 Haydn M. Simmons, 1200 Webster St., C 75 Shumate's Pharmacy, Sutter & Devisadero Sts., C 821 Carl F. Stange, 1400 18th St., C 501 Sun Drug Company, 498 Haight St., C 735 Tacoma & Roche Harbor Lime Co., 115 Berry St., C 664 Theo Drug Company, 708 Golden Gate Ave., C 16 Tomanovich & Company, 462 Battery St., C 56 Wakelee's Pharmacy, Powell & Ellis Sts., C 665 Weiss & Donahue, 1101 Pierce St., C 513 R, E. White & Company, 416 Hayes St., C 496 W. F. Worthington, 1250, Sanchez St., C 49 D. H. Wulzen, 500 Castro St., C 727 H. E. Yardley Company, 931 K St., Sanger C 171 C 397 San Jose C 107 c 33 c 66 c 599 c 425 c 426 c 750 c 164 c 369 c 884 c 687 c 712 c 922 c 874 c 472 c 829 16 O. H. Brehler, Sanger Drug Company, Bean Spray Pump Company, Theo V. Brown, L. Callisch Drug Company, Anthony C. Coit, 18 So. Market St., Franklin Pharmacy, 601 So. 1st St., Johnston 's Pharmacy, Laughlin 's Pharmacy, Morehead-Fleming Drug Company, Munson 's Pharmacy, Pacific Hatchery. Patterson 's Pharmacy, San Jose Soap Works, Thomas ' Pharmacy, Victory Pharmacy, Wagoner 's Pharmacy, Wolff Drug Company, San Leandro C 406 O. J. Lynch, San Luis Obispo C 584 T. A. Greenleaf, C 295 F. W. Howey, 794 Higuera St., C 509 B. G. Latimer, San Marcos C 749 J. M. Babson, San Mateo C 453 Baskette Drug Company, 156 B St., San Pedro C 841 Harbor Pharmacy, C 241 Pickerell & Clark, C 220 Puritan Drug Company, San Rafael C 38 Inman Drug Company, C 826 Kronberger's Pharmacy, Santa Ana C 536 Hatzfeld & Parsons, C 790 Wheeler & Mateer, C 211 White Cross Drug Company, C 100 Wingood's Pharmacy, 310 E. 4th St., Santa Barbara C 163 City Pharmacy, C 309 Gutierrez Drug Store, C 226 A. M. Euiz Drug Store, 17 C 518 Red Cross Drug Company, 828 State St., C 485 The Star Drug Company, 746 State St., C 438 Sterling Drug Company, 609 State St., Santa Clara C 532 C. W. Dore, C 489 Oberdeener Pharmacy, Santa Cruz C 878 Amsden & Henderson, C 687 Big Tree Drug Company, C 504 Farrington & Gillen, C 271 J. H. Horsnyder, C 873 Lamb Hdwe Company, C 831 Model Pharmacy, C 617 J. G. Tanner, Santa Maria C 139 Gartner-Wheaton Company, Santa Monica C 262 S. L. Berkley, 1430 3rd St., C 84 The Pacific Pharmacy, Santa Paula C 196 C. R. Cauch, W. Main St., C 71 Edwin Virden, Santa Rosa C 582 Hahman Drug Company, C 637 Wm. McKenzie Stewart, Saratoga C 879 W. J. Fret well, Sawtelle C 298 National Drug Company, Selma C 613 Wright Bros. Sierra Madre C 176 F. H. Hartman So. San Francisco C 812 Acto Chemical Company, So. Pasadena C 225 B. M. Weaver, Stockton C 606 C. A. Black Company, 337 E. Main St., 217 Buhach Prod. & Mfg. Co., Buhach Bldg., C 694 Hammond & Yardley, 233 E. Weber St., C 267 Holden Drug Company, C 695 Lion Drug Company, 503 Main St., C 480 Hugh McComas, 533 E. Main St., C 632 The Public Drug Company, 336 E. Market St. Suisun C 926 Whitby & Rutherford, C 931 Mason & Mason, 18 Sunnyvale C 537 Susan ville C 837 Taft C 300 Tehachapi C 142 Teralta C 786 W. A. Patterson, John B. Spalding, Taft Pharmacy, Yerian Bros., F. B. Ferris Terra Bella C 283 Terra Bella Drug Co., Tracy C 923 C 927 Tulare C 645 C 186 Tuolumne C 850 Turlock C 381 C 448 Ukiah C 411 C 214 C 620 Upland C 287 C 429 Vallejo C 563 C 601 Van Nuys C 461 Venice C 346 Ventura C 183 C 167 C 159 Visalia C 437 C 140 C 388 The Fabian Grunauer Co., L. U. Westlake, Peter Lowson, E. J. Ryan, Tuolumne Drug Store, Keller & Bennett, Turlock Drug Company, E. B. Gibson, J. E. Matthews, P. E. Squire, Collins Pharmacy, Smith-Johnson Drug Co., A. A. Knott & Son, Vallejo Drug Company, Van Nuys Pharmacy, Venice Drug Company, Jones & Son, La Brier & Newby Drug Co., I. M. Poggi, The Charette Drug Company, 205 E. Main St. Huntoon & Douglas, F. L. Smith, 109 E. Main St., 19 Watsonville C 45 California Spray-Chemical Company, C 469 The City Drug Store, C 591 Chas. Ford Company, C 647 F. B. Krough, C 564 Moorehead 's Pharmacy, Watts C 445 Weed's Drug Store, West Berkeley C 818 Bay Pharmacy, 2000 San Pablo Ave., Westgate C 321 Westgate Pharmacy, Westminster C 81 Carl M. Hagen, Whittier C 249 Bobbins & Pelton, C 833 Chas. F. Story, C 161 Whittier Pharmacy, Williams C 148 The Williams Drug Store, Willits C 646 Lacey's Drug Store, Willow C 633 Orr Drug Company, C 614 The Willow Pharmacy, Winters C 918 E. B. Kemper & Co., Woodland C 539 W. H. Lawson, C 408 Hume & Lawhead, C 433 J. E, Shelton, Workman C 909 Workman Specialty Co., Yuba City C 895 Yuba City Drug Store. CONNECTICUT Hartford C 795 F. C. Sturtevant Company. Westport C 862 C. B. Dolge Company, 20 ILLINOIS Chicago 465 Dr. George W. Clayton, 1810 Wabash Ave., C 822 Hood Chemical Company, Madison Ave. & Canal St., C 474 James S. Kirk & Company, 30 Stearns Roach & Rat Paste Co., People's Gas Co. Bklg. IOWA Dubuque 360 Midland Chemical Company. KENTUCKY Louisville C 179 The Kentucky Tobacco Product Company. MASSACHUSETTS Boston C 898 Carpenter-Norton Company, 77 Sudbury St., C 569 Gilbert & Rolfe, 82 Merrimac Chemical Company, 33 Broad St., C 257 Sulpho-Napthol Company, C 551 United Drug Company. MARYLAND Baltimore 66 Gilpin, Langdon & Company, MICHIGAN Detroit C 22 Parke, Davis Company, 471 Peninsular Chemical Company, C 390 Frederick Stearns & Company, 65 F. A. Thompson & Company, 41 Zenner Disinfectant Company. MINNESOTA Minneapolis 343 Security Remedy Company. St. Paul 231 H. E. Seibert, 477 Broadway. MISSOURI St. Louis C 422 Meyer Bros. Drug Company, 46 Nicotine Manufacturing Company, 38 Searle & Hereth Company, 500 Commercial St., 21 NEW JERSEY Long Island City 443 American Druggists Syndicate, Madison C 386 Alpine Mfg. Company, New Brunswick C 470 Johnson & Johnson. NEW YORK Brooklyn 213 Harold Somers, 150 DeKalb Ave., 204 Thompson 's Carbolic Soap Co., 46 Eagle St., Buffalo C 556 Larkin Company, Fishkill-on-Hudson C 93 Benj. Hammond, New York City 452 Adler Color & Chemical Company, 100 William St., The Baker Castor Oil Company, 100 William St., Jas. A. Blanchard Company, 30 Church St., Hemingway London Purple Company, 64 Water St., Fred L. Lavanburg, 100 William St., Leggett & Brother, 301 Pearl St., Lehn & Fink, 120 William St., Peek & Velsor, 4-6 Gold St., Perth Amboy Chemical Company, 100 William St., Roessler & Haaslacher Chemical Co., 100 William St. Schering & Glatz, 150 Maiden Lane, C 552 West Disinfecting Company, 2 E. 42nd St. OHIO Cleveland C 459 G. E. Conkey Company, 17 The Grasselli Chemical Company, 784 The Arcade, Springfield C 845 The Rat Biscuit Company. OREGON Portland C 782 Oregon Wood Distilling Company, 922 Electric Bldg. PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia C 120 H. K. Mul ford & Company, 3 Pfeiffer Chemical Company, 1320 Wallace St., C 393 Pratt Food Company. c 548 c 138 50 c 88 418 2 c 629 c 31 c 416 c 368 22 VERMONT St. Albans 171 Fred'k Dutcker Drug Company. WISCONSIN Waukesha C 521 Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Company. 2:; SYNOPSIS OF THE INSECTICIDE LAW 1st. All manufacturers, importers or dealers in insecticides and fungicides must secure a license annually on or before the first of July, from the Secretary of the Board of Regents of the University of California. 2nd. The License Fee is One Dollar. 3rd. A. sworn statement of the composition of all insecticides and fungicides to be offered for sale must be filed with the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California. 4th. The labels on each package of insecticide or fungicide offered for sale in California must show the name, brand or trademark, if there be any, the name and address of manufacturer, importer or dealer, the place of manufacture, the composition, the word "Regis- tered" and the number of registry. For a copy of the Law, the U. S. Regulations applying to the administration and suggestions relative to labelling insecticides see Circular 65. HOW TO SECURE A LICENSE To secure a license first send the One Dollar registration fee to the Regents of the University of California. You will then receive an application blank and be assigned a registration number. Second. Have labels printed, giving composition of the insecticide or fungicide you propose to sell, the word "Registered" and the Registration number. Third. Attach copies of these labels to the application blank, acknowledge the latter before a Notary and file at this office. When this is done the license will be issued. Address INSECTICIDE LABORATORIES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA THIS BOOK IS DUB ON THE BAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. AG iO'56 UCD LIBRARY DUE JUN i> OCT 26 i/6 REC'O UCD LIBRARY WAR 3 1 nr "'~ UCD LIBRARY due JUN 3 1983 MAY 061983'REC'fl LIBRARY, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, DAVIS UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA Book Slip-10m-9,'46(A302s4)458