THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES \ RECORDS OF THE New Hampshire Medical Society From Its Organization in 1791 to the Year 1854 Published by Authority of the Society CONCORD, N. H. RUMFORD PRINTING CO. 1911 \ 1911 EXPLANATORY NOTE. For many years the New Hampshire Medical Society has had a standing committee on the History of Medicine in New Hampshire, and it was for a long time the purpose of that committee to get together material relating to the medical profession in the state from the earliest Colonial period, and to that end much matter has been collected; but, owing to the magnitude of the work and the inability of any member of the committee to give sufficient time to the undertaking, it was, later, concluded to publish simply a history of the New Hampshire Medical Society itself. The committee consisted of: Irving A. Watson, M. D. WiUiam Child, M. D. John W. Parsons, M. D. *Winiam T. Smith, M. D. Granville P. Conn, M. D. In 1908, the society authorized the committee to pub- lish a history of the New Hampshire Medical Society for the first fifty years of its existence; but at its meeting in 1909, it was voted to amend the previous vote and to authorize the committee to extend the history to the year 1854, the date at which the publication of the annual transactions of the society began. A conference of the committee was held, and it was agreed that the written transactions of the society and of the council for the period named would constitute the only accurate and complete history of the society itself, and that it would be advisable, for historical genealogical purposes, to print these transactions in the original phrase- *Died September 17, 1909. iv Records New Hampshire Medical Society ology, punctuation, spelling, paragraphing, etc., of the manuscript records. The work has required more time than was anticipated, since the labor of copying, which required not only the most careful following of capitalization, spelling, etc., but also the deciphering of almost illegible words, con- sumed a great deal of time, aside from the slow and careful process of proof-reading, and a copy more than ordinarily difficult for the printer to follow. The original records of transactions constitute two large volumes, in a good state of preservation, and one smaller volume of transactions of the council, all of which is embraced in this work down to the year 1854. As the greater value of the work centers in the men who composed the New Hampshire Medical Society during the period mentioned, it was believed that an index, giving page-to-page references of every name mentioned in the volumes, would best serve historical and genealogical purposes. Chairman of Committee. Concord, N. H., March 27, 1911. NEW HAMPSHIRE MEDICAL SOCIETY RECORDS Vol. I NEW HAMPSHIRE MEDICAL SOCIETY RECORDS __ STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE ( ^ "" i 4^2, j^g^ ^Q incorporate certain Physicians by the name of the New Hampshire Medical Society. As health is essentially necessary to th® happiness of So- ciety, and as its preservation or recovery is closely con- ected with the knowledge of the animal economy and of the properties and effect of medicine, and as the benefit of medical institutions formed on liberal principles and en- couraged by the patronage of the law is universally acknowledged — Be it therefore enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court Convened, that Josiah Bartlett, Joshua Brackett, Ammi Ruhami Cutter, Hall Jackson, Nathaniel Peabody, William Page, Moses Carr, James Brackett, John Rogers, John Jackson, Ezra Green, Ebenez Rockwood, William Coggswell, Kendall Osgood, George Sparhawke, William Parker, Samuel Tenney, Benjamin Page and Isaac Thom be, and they hereby are formed into, constituted and made a body politic and cor- porate by the name of the New Hampshire Medical Society, and that they and their successors, and such other per- sons as shall be elected in the manner herein after men- tioned, shall be and continue a Body Politic and Cor- porate by the same name forever. And he it further enacted that the Fellows of said Society may form time to time elect a President, Vice President & Secretary with such other officers as they shall judge necessary and convenient. And the Fellows of said Society shall have full power and authority from time to time to determine and establish the names, number- and 4 Records New Hampshire Medical Society duty of their several officers, and the tenure and estate they have in their officer respectively : and also to authorize and impower their President or some other officers to ad- minister such Oaths to such officers as they, the Fel- lows of said Society, shall appoint and determine for the well ordering and good government of said Society, pro- vided the same be not repugnant to the Laws of this State. And he it further enacted that the FelloAvs of said Society shall have one common Seal, and power to break, change and renew the same at their pleasure. And be it further enacted that the Fellows of said So- ciety may sue and be sued in all actions real, personal and mixed, and prosecute and defend the same unto final judg- ment and execution by the name of the New Hampshire IMedical Society. And be it further enacted that the Fellows of said Society may from time to time elect such persons to be fel- lows thereof as they may judge proper, and that they, the fellows of said Society, shall have power to suspend, ex- pel or disfranchise any fellows of said Society. And he it further enacted that the Fellows of said Society shall have full power and authority to make and enact such rules and bye laws for the better Government of said Society, as are not repugnant to the laws of this State, and to annex reasonable fines and penalties to the breach of them, not exceeding the sum of twenty Pounds to be sued for and recovered by said Society and to their own use in any Court of Record in this State proper to trv^ the same : and also to establish the time and manner of convening the members of said Society, and also to de- termine the number of fellows that shall be present to con- stitute a meeting of said Society, and also that the number of said Society, who are Inhabitants of this State, shall not any time be more than seventy nor less than fifteen, and that their meeting shall be held in Concord or such other place within this State as a majority of the members Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 5 present, in a legal meeting, shall judge most fit and con- venient. And whereas it is clearly of importance that a just dis- crimination should be made between such as are duly edu- cated and properly qualified for the duties of their profes- sion, and those who may ignorantly and wickedly admin- ister medicine whereby the health & lives of many valuable individuals may be endangered, or perhaps lost to the Com- munity. Be it therefore further enacted that the President and fellows of said Society, or such of their Officers or Fel- lows as they may appoint, shall have full power and authority to examine all Candidates for the practice of Physic and Surgery who shall offer themselves for exami- nation respecting their skill in their profession, and if upon such examination the said Candidate shall be found skilled in their profession and fitted for the practice of it, they shall receive the approbation of the Society in letters Testi- monial of such examination under the Seal of said Society, signed by the President or such other person or persons as shall be appointed for that purpose. And be it further enacted, that if the said President and such other person or persons so elected and appointed for the purpose of examining Candidates as aforesaid, shall obstinately and unreasonably refuse to examine any Candi- date so offering himself for examination as aforesaid, such and every such person so elected and appointed as afore- said, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, nor less than twenty pounds, to be recovered by the said Candidate, and to his own use in any Court within this State proper to try the same. And he it further enacted, that it shall be the duty of the said Medical Society, from time to time, to describe and point out such a medical instruction or education as they shall judge requisite for Candidates for the practice of Physic and surgery previous to their examination be- fore them, or their officers appointed for that purpose 6 Records New Hampshire Medical Society respecting their skill in their profession, and shall cause the same to be published in two of the Newspapers printed in different Counties in this State. And every Candidate examined and approved by the President and Fellows of said Society, or such of their Officers or Fellows as they shall appoint, shall be held to pay such reasonable fees of Office as shall be established by said Society for the exami- nation of Candidates and letters Testimonial in favour of such as shall be approbated. And the Treasurer of said Society for the time being shall have full power and authority to sue for and re- cover the same in any Court proper to try the same. A7id be it further enacted, that the Fellows of said Society may and shall forever be deemed capable in law of holding and taking in fee simple, or any less estate, by gift, grant, devise or otherwise, any lands, tenements or other estate real or personal, provided that the annual income of the whole real Estate that may be given granted or devised to, or purchased by the said Society, shall not exceed the sum of two hundred pounds, and the annual income or Interest of said personal estate shall not exceed the sum of One thousand pounds and the annual income or interest of the said real and personal estate together with the fines and penalties paid to said Society or recovered by them shall be appropriated to such purposes as are con- sistent with the end and design of the institution of said Society and as the fellows thereof shall determine. And he it further enacted that his Excellency Josiah Bartlett Esquire be, and he hereby is authorized and di- rected to fix the time and place for holding the first meet- ing of said Medical Society, and to notify the Fellows thereof accordingly. State of New Hampshire In the House of Representatives Feb'' 11'*" 1791. The foregoing Bill having been read a third time, passed to be enacted. Records New Hampshire jMedical Society 7 Sent up for concurrence Moses Dow Speaker In Senate Feb^ 16*^ 1791 This bill having been read a third time, voted that the same be enacted. ^ Josiah Bartlett Pres* A true Copy Attest. Joseph Pearson Sec^ State of Newhampshire At a meeting of the Fellows of the New Hamp- shire Medical Society held at Lamson's Hall in Exeter in said State on Wednesday the fourth Day of May 1791 Present, his Excellency Josiah Bartlett, Esq., Joshua Brackett, Hall Jackson, Nath' Peabody, John Eogers, Ebenezer Rockwood, William Cogswell, W™ Parker J'", Benjamin Page and Isaac Thom, Members. Voted & Elected Hall Jackson Chairman, who took the Chair accordingly. Proceeded to the Choice of a President, and the Ballots being taken & counted, it appeared his Excellency Josiah Bartlett Eq'" was unanimously elected President. Proceeded to the Choice of a recording Secretary, and the Ballots being taken & counted it appeared that Wil- liam Parker J'" was unanimously Chosen to that Office. Attest Joshua Brackett Hall Jackson Nath' Peabody Eben'' Rockwood John Rogers Benj° Page Isaac Thom William Cogswell Rockingham ss at Exeter May the 4*'' 1791 the above named W™ Parker J'' was duly sworn to Execute the duties of his office as recording Secretary Coram Nath' Peabody, Jus. Pacis. 8 Records New Hampshire jNIedical Society Proceeded to the Choice of a Vice President, the Ballots taken & counted, it appeared the Hon' Joshua Brackett, Esq. was unanimously Elected Vice President Proceeded to the Choice of additional members of this Society Voted that Levi Bartlett, be Elected a Fellow John Preston, be Elected a Fellow Thomas Stow Ranney, be Elected a Fellow Amos Gale, be Elected a Fellow Thomas Sargeant, be Elected a Fellow Thomas Russel, be Elected a Fellow Nathaniel Kidder, be Elected a Fellow Joseph Tilton, be Elected a Fellow Peter Green, be Elected a Fellow Phillip Carrigain, be Elected a Fellow Jonathan Gove, be Elected a Fellow Moses Nichols, be Elected a Fellow James Howe, be Elected a Fellow Voted that the Secretary be directed to inform the mem- bers Elected of their appointments Voted that thirteen members be a Quorum at the next meeting to transact Business Voted that a Committee be appointed to form a System of Laws & Regulations for the Society to be laid before them at their next Meeting. Voted, that Joshua Brackett, Anuni R. Cutter, Hall Jackson and John Jackson be the Committee, and that the aforesaid Committee be requested to Report a device of a Seal for the Society Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first Thirs- day in June next, to meet at Honeyfords in Concord Concord Thursday June 2^ 1791 The New Hampshire Medical Society meet according to adjournment Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 9 Present his Excellency Josiah Bartlett Esq"", William Page, Ebenezer Rockwoocl, Phillip Carrigain, Kendal Osgood, Thomas Stow Ranney, Joseph Tilton, Amos Gale, Isaac Thom, James Howe, Benjamin Page, Peter Green, Thomas Sargeant, Levi Bartlett. John Rogers, Jonathan Gove, Moses Nichols & W"' Parker J'', Members Voted that William Page be appointed Chairman to gov- ern this meeting in absence of the President Voted that this meeting be adjourned to meet at this Place at five o 'Clock P. M. Thursday 5 o Clock P. M. meet according to adjourn- ment. Present as before noon except the President Voted that this meeting be adjourned to meet at this Place tomorrow at 7 oClock A M Friday June 3<^ the Society meet according to adjourn- ment Proceeded to the Choice of additional members to this Society Voted that Nathan Smith of Cornish Calvin Frink Thomas Stearns, be Elected Fellows of this Society Voted that Nath' Peabody & Levi Bartlett be added to the Conunittee for forming Laws and Regulations for this Society. Voted that meeting be adjourned to the third Wednesday in September next, to meet at Lamson's tavern in Exeter at 10 o'clock A. M. Exeter Wednesday 21^' Sepf 1791 The Newhampshire Medical Society meet according to adjournment. There not being a quorum to transact busi- nes Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to the last Tues- 10 Eecords New Hampshire Medical Society day in November next to meet at Greenleafs Tavern in Portsmouth 10 oCloek A M Portsmouth Tuesday Nov^ 29**^ 1791 The Society meet according to adjournment and ad- journed to the 30'*" Ins^ to meet at this place 10 oCloek A M November the 30**^ meet according to adjournment — Proceeded to examine the Laws and Eegulations for the Society exhibited by the Committee — and ha\dng agreed to sundry amendments Voted to pospone the further consideration of the Laws &c to the next annual meeting and that Sam' Tenney & W"* Parker be a Committee to prepare them as altered by this Meeting to be laid before the Society at the annual meeting Voted that the Secretary give publick Notice in two of the Newhampshire Newspapers of the Time & Place of holding the annual meeting, which by the adoption of a certain article in the Laws and Eegulations of the Society to be hereafter inserted is to be on the Wednesday following the Greneral Election of the State at the place of holding said Election. Dover 13*^ June, 1792. At the Annual Meeting of the New Hampshire ^Medical Society, twelve members present, the committee appointed, at the last meeting, to prepare the Laws and Eegulations of the Society as then altered and amended, presented the system to the President, which being farther altered, in several sections, was unanimously adopted, and is as fol- lows — Records New Hampshire Medical Society 11 LAWS & REGULATIONS of the New Hampshire Medical Society Chapter 1. Of Officers & their manner of Election. Section 1. There shall be a President — a Vice-Presi- dent — five Councellors - — a Secretary- — a Treasurer — Six Censors and a Librarian, who shall be annually chosen by Ballot on the Wednesday following the General Election of the State, at the place of holding said Election, & by two thirds of the votes of the Fellows present, whose num- ber shall be at hast Eleven. Sect. 2. In order to this election the President shall take the chair at 3 o 'Clock P. M. & after the choice of three Scrutineers by nomination, the Ballot shall commence and continue open till 4 o 'Clock— The scrutineers shall then sort & count the votes & report the same to the chair ; after which the presiding Fellow shall declare the choice, if any there be. But should it appear that a choice in any in- stance is not made, the balloting shall be renewed till the election be completed. Sect. 3. If either of the Censors in either district, the Secretary, Treasurer or Librarian should die, resign or be removed during the year, the vacant office or offices may be filled up, by written votes, for the remaining part of the year, at an extraordinary meeting of the Society, provided the president & council shall judge it necessary to summon one for the purpose ; and the Society reserve to themselves a power of removing, at such meeting, any of their officers for neglect of their trust or disobedience of orders. 12 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Chapter 2'\ Of the President, Vice President & senior Counsellor. Sect. 1. The President shall preside in all meetings of the Medical Society & Council — shall regulate the debates — state & put questions according to motions regularly made — shall call for reports from committees & others — shall preserve decorum — summon all meetings of the council, and extraordinary meetings of the society on ur- gent occasions — He shall cause the common seal to be affixed to all diplomas, letters testimonial & to all other writings, to which the laws of the Society may require it to be affixed; & shall execute, or see to the execution of its laws and regulations, and shall have power to administer all necessary oaths. Sect. 2. The President is impowered to draw on the Treasurer for such sums of money as the Medical Society shall direct. Sect. 3. The powers & business of the President shall, in case of his absence, devolve upon & belong unto the Vice- President, &. in case of his absence also, on the senior Counsellor present. Chapter 3" Of the Council Sect. 1. The council shall from time to time originate such laws, orders & regulations as they shall judge con- ducive to the well being & good government of the So- ciety; all which shall by them be laid before the Society at their next meeting, for the approbation of the Fellows : and shall also devise such measures, and prepare such other matters as they may judge proper to be pursued by the Society, in order to promote, in the best manner, the ends Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 13 of its institution — Nevertheless, any member may lay before the Society, or propose such laws, as he may think conducive to its benefit. Sect. 2. During the recesses of the Society the Council shall direct the Secretary in such correspondence as they shall find expedient, all which shall be laid before the Society at its next meeting; & the Council shall judge of, & determine upon, the propriety of printing any letters or other literary- productions ; & may re\ase &, if necessary, correct such communications, & shall also order such papers & letters to be recorded as they shall judge necessar5\ Sect. 3. Every deed or writing (except letters testi- monial) to which the common seal is to be affixed, shall be passed and sealed in council, signed by the President and attested bv the Secretarv. Chapter 4^^^ Of the Secretary. Sect. 1. The Secretary shall have charge of the Charter, Statute-book & seal of the Society, and of all letters which shall be kept on file. He shall (if possible) attend all meetings of the Society & council, where, the presiding member having taken the chair, he shall read the orders and entries of the last preceeding meeting, and shall take notes of the orders & transactions of the present meeting to be by him entered in the books to which they respectively belong — and shall give notice of any candidates, who may stand propounded for admission into the Society. The Secretary shall also have charge of the letter-books & shall read all letters communicated to the Society previously translated into English if written in any other language. He shall, under the direction of the Society or Council, prepare answers & draw up letters, to be read & approved 14 Records New Hampshire Medical Societv of in some meeting of either respectively. He shall enter all letters that shall be directed by the Society or Council, & file the originals. He shall also affix the common seal to Diplomas, Letters testimonial, &c, persuant to the laws of the Society; all which afterwards he shall attest. Sect. 2. The Secretary shall deliver to any Fellow of the Society an attested copy of any paper or transaction of the Society, the President or Council signifying their con- sent in writing ; or to any other person, the presiding mem- ber & Council consenting thereto ; for which such fees may be taken as the Society may establish. Sect. S""** Provided the Secretary be not present, the meeting may appoint a Secretary pro Tempore, to be duly qualified, who shall discharge the various parts of his duty at such meeting, & deliver the minutes of the proceedings to the Secretarv of the Society to be bv him recorded. Chapter 5"' Of the Treasurer. Sect. 1. The Treasurer shall give sufficient Security for the trust reposed in him. Sect. 2. The Treasurer shall officially receive all moneys due or payable, and all bequests or donations, that may be made to the Society : &, with the advice of the President & Council, shall have power to make conclusive bargains for real or personal estate for the benefit of the Society, & to rent the same : & to give orders concerning the im- provement of the estate, goods & lands of the Society pur- suant to its orders. The Treasurer shall pay such sums of money out of the treasury as he shall have orders for, pursuant to the directions of the Society : & shall make no disbursements otherwise : and shall keep a particular account of such orders, receipts & payments. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 15 Sect. 3. The Treasurer's accounts shall be annually audited by a committee & laid before the society, in which committee not more than one member of Council shall be included. The accounts when adjusted shall be lodged with the Secretary. Sect. 4. In case of the death, resignation or removal of the Treasurer, the Librarian is impowered to receive all books, papers and effects that were in the custody of the Treasurer, and which belong to the society : and to give receipts and discharges for the same, in the name of the Society — a duplicate of which signed by the Libra- rian shall be lodged with the Secretary. The same process shall be observed upon the choice of the new Treasurer and his acceptance of the office. Chapter 6"^ Of the Censors Sect. 1. To remedy the inconvenience that may arise from the great extent of the State, and to encourage a general application of candidates for the practice of physic and surgery for examination and approbation, the State shall be divided into two districts : the counties of Eock- ingham & Strafford shall constitute one, to be denominated the Eastern District, & the other three counties shall con- stitute another, to be denominated the Western District, of the New Hampshire Medical Society. Sect. 2"*^. The Society shall have six of their members for Censors, three for the Eastern & three for the Western District, whose business it shall be to examine such candi- dates for the practice of physic & surgery as may apply for the purpose. Sect. 3"'^. Any two of the Censors in a district present at a meeting shall be a quorum to do business. 16 Records New Hampshire ^Medical Society Sect. 4"^. The Censors shall examine the candidates in physiolog>% in pathology & in therapeutics. Sect. 5"'. The Censors shall, previously to their examin- ing a candidate, agree among themselves (unanimously if they can) upon the mode of examination & upon the ques- tions that shall be asked therein — and shall commit the questions to writing: the answers shall also be committed to writing, either by the Censors or Candidate. Sect. 6'^. Whenever the Censors refuse to approbate a candidate whom they have examined, they shall forthwith deposit a copy of the questions put to said candidate & of the answers given to them. Sect. 1^^. Said copies shall not be inspected by any per- son, without leave in writing from the President, or Vice- president and Council. Sect. 8'^. When any candidate shall have passed the examination of the Censors & shall have been approved, a certificate thereof shall be given by the examining Censors to the Secretary- in order to its being inserted in the record of the Society. Sect. 9'^. Letters testimonial of the approbation of the Censors given to any candidate, in consequence of their approbation, shall be signed by at least two of the Censors ; & the President shall subscribe his name, & cause the seal of the Society to be affixed. Sect. 10'''. The following certificate of approbation (mutatis mutandis) shall be given to any approved candi- date, at his request, he paying the fee appointed, viz. State of ] ^ These may certify that we the Sub- Xew Hampshire! scribers, Censors of the district of the New Hampshire jMedical Society, have exam- ined A. B. of said State, a candidate for the practice of physic & surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge there- in ; &, having found him duly qualified therefor, do, In Records New Hampshire Medical Society 17 testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names, at this day of Anno Domini 17. . C. D.l Censors of the E. F. iNew Hampshire G. H.J Medical Society By virtue of the powers in me vested I have caused the seal of the New Hampshire Medical Society to be hereunto ^^^^^- J. K., President N. H. M. S. f 1 Attest. L. M., Sect>-. Sect, ll*^ When any member of the Society duly elected a Censor shall refuse to accept the office without an excuse sufficient in the opinion of a majority of the members present, he shall forfeit & pay, for the use of the Society, the sum of three Pounds. Sect. 12*^^. If any Censor shall refuse or neglect to at- tend a meeting of the Censors, without an excuse sufficient in the opinion of the Censors attending said meeting, he shall forfeit & pay the sum of twenty shillings for the use of the Society. Chapter 7*'^ Of the Meetings of the Society, Council & Censors. Sect. I'^K There shall be one annual meeting of the So- ciety, as such others as the president, on extraordinary occasions, may see fit by the advice of Council to summon ; & one of the Council, some time previous to the annual meeting of the Society, to be determined, together with the place of meeting, by the President. The Censors in each 2 18 Records New Hampshire Medical Society district shall meet twice a year: viz. in the Eastern Dis- trict on the third Thursday in July and the First Thurs- day in February — in the Western District, on the first thursday in October & ]\Iarch. Sect. 2°'^. Eleven Fellows Present shall be necessary to constitute a meeting of the Society for the purpose of elect- ing officers & fellows — three of the Council with the pre- siding member shall constitute a meeting of the council — & two Censors shall be necessary to constitute a meeting of the Censors. Sect. S"""^. Besides the annual meeting of the Society there shall be three meetings in each district of the mem- bers residing in it, and such other members of the Society as may choose to attend : viz. in the Eastern district, on the third Wednesday in July & the first Wednesday in Septem- ber & February — in the Western district, on the third Wednesday in August and the first Wednesday in October & March, annually. At these meetings there shall be a free conference upon any topic included within the design of the medical institution; & more especially upon any epi- demical diseases that may prevail from time to time, & the most successful method of treating them — also at these meetings difficult & uncommon cases may be stated, and advice given if requested by any member; and any matters discussed at said meetings, may (-if thought advisable by the members present) be laid before the Society at its next stated meeting. Sect. 4**^. At all meetings of the Society and Council, the presiding member shall have a vote in common with the rest of the members. Sect. 5'^^. No person, who is not a member of the So- ciety, shall attend any meeting but by a vote of the Fellows present. Sect. 6. All meetings of the Society & Censors shall be advertised in some one Newspaper in each district fourteen days previous to such meeting by the Secretary, under the Records New Hampshire Medical Society 19 'direction of the President — and the meetings of the Council by a circular billet, from the same authority. Chapter 8'^ Of the Election of Fellows. Sect. 1. The election of a Fellow shall be by ballot at any general meeting of the Society. And every candidate shall first be proposed & recommended by one or more of the Fellows to the Council; his name, place of abode & ad- dition shall be deliver 'd in, signed by the proposer; &, the Council consenting thereto, it shall be read by the Secre- tary; a fair copy thereof, with the date when delivered in shall be hung up in the room where the Society shall hold their next general meeting, at which or some succeeding meeting the candidate may be balloted for; & if two thirds of them ballot in his favor, the choice shall be valid. Sect. 2°*^. Each of the present Fellows shall pay two Spanish-mill 'd dollars towards defraying the expenses of the Society; and every fellow within this State hereafter elected, shall, on admission, pay the like sum; & both shall be subject to the annual payment of two Spanish milled dollars, to be appropriated to the use of the Society. Chapter 9'^ Of proceedings on literary performances. The Society will never give their judgment or opinion upon any literary performance presented to them; but 20 Records New Hampshire Medical Society allow it to rest on its own merits and the Credit of the author. Nevertheless, observations & enquiries may be made by any Fellow tending to elucidate the subject treated of in such performance. Chapter 10t^ Of Oaths. The President, Vice-president, Counsellors, Secretary, Treasurer, Censors & Librarian shall each take the follow- ing oath, mutatis mutandis, viz. I A. B. elected to the office of in the New Hamp- shire Medical Society, do swear that I will, according to my best judgment & discretion, faithfully discharge the duties of the trust reposed in me. So help me God. Chapter 11. Qualifications of Candidates. The following qualifications shall be indispensably neces- sary for every candidate who shall offer himself for exam- ination, viz Sect. 1^'. He shall have a competent knowledge of the English & Latin languages. Sect. 2°<^. He shall have a general acquaintance with the principles of Geometry & Natural Philosophy. Sect. 3'"''. He shall have studied three full years under the direction, and attended the practice of some reputable physician or physicians — or two years if he shall have received a degree at any university or college : during which Records New Hampshire Medical Society 21 time he shall have read the most approved authors in Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Surgery, & the theory & practice of Physic. Of all which qualifica- tions a satisfactory certificate from the physician or phy- sicians, with whom he hath studied, shall be produced to the Censors, previously to his being admitted to examina- tion. The Society earnestly recommend a university education to all designed for the medical profession; and to all Stu- dents in physic an attendance on medical lectures in the various branches as taught in universities. For the benefit of Medical Students, the Society recom- mend the following authors in the various branches of the Profession : viz. Winslow 's Anatomy, Cheselden 's & Keil 's ditto, Douglass on the Muscles, Monro on the Nerves, Monro's Osteology, M. Sabatier's Anatomy with Albinus's or other good ana- tomical Tables, Boerhaave's Academical Lectures, Haller's Physiology, CuUen's Ditto, Hewson on the Blood and Lymphatics, Flemings Lectures on physiology, Sheldon's History of the Absorbent System, Watson's Chemical Es- says, Fourcroy's Chemistry, IMacquers Ditto, Cullen's Treatise on the Materia Medica, Lewis's Materia Medica, by Aikin, London & Edinburgh Dispensatories, last edi- tions, Heister's General System of Surgery, Pott's Chirurgical Works, Bell's System of Surgery, Smellie's Midwifery, Hamilton's Ditto, VanSwietens Commentaries on Beerhaaves Aphorisms, Cullen's first Lines of the Prac- tice of Physic, Duncan's Ditto, ]\IcBrides Practice of Physic & Experimental Essays, White on pregnant Women & Puerperal Fever, Whytt's Works, Sydenham's Ditto, Cullen's Synopsis Nosologiae Methoduse. 22 Records New Hampshire Medical Society RULES AND ORDERS to be observed in the meetings of the NEW HAJMPSHIRE MEDICAL SOCIETY 1. The President shall not leave the chair except upon some urgent occasion, nor speak to any question without first obtaining leave. 2. No member shall speak in any debate without rising from his seat and addressing himself to the President. 3. No member having spoken once in any debate, shall speak again to the prevention of another, who has not spoken and manifests his desire to speak. 4. Each member, as soon as he has done speaking, shall sit down. 5. No member shall internipt another while speaking, unless it be to call to order or to correct a mistake. 6. No member shall speak to any matter after the ques- tion is put. 7. No motion shall be considered unless seconded. 8. No member shall nominate more than one person for one & the same committee, provided the person by him first nominated be chosen. 9. No member shall be obliged to be on more than two committees at the same time; nor chairman of more than one. 10. No vote shall be reconsidered by a less number than were present when it passed. 11. That the Fellows of this Society observe a profound secrecy (out of the Society) respecting all future nomina- tions. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 23 Proceedings of the Meeting at Dover continued. After the adoption of the foregoing System of Laws, Regulations &c. the Society proceeded to the choice of the officers therein specified, & the ballot being closed, and the votes sorted & counted, it appeared that the following Fellows were elected officers for the current year, viz. His Excellency Josiah Bartlett, President- — Joshua Brackett, Vice President — Ammi R. Cutter Xath' Peabody Hall Jackson I Counsellors Sam' Tenney & William Page J Sam' Tenney, Secretary William Parker, Jr., Treasurer Joshua Brackett, Librarian Ammi R. Cutterl ^ ,. ., -r , -r n „ Censors tor the John Jackson & > ^^ , t-^- . • . „ „ ^ , Lastern District Hall Jackson I William Page 1 ^ n j.-, Censors for the _, -w^-, -, I Western District Ebenezer Rockwood J Such of the above named Fellows as were present, viz. His Excellency J. Bartlett, Messieurs Brackett, Cutter, Peabody, H. Jackson, Tenney, Page & Parker, were sworn to the faithful performance of the duties of the offices to which they were respectively appointed — & Mess""^. Stow Ranney & Tenney became responsible for the Fidelity of W. Parker, Jr. as Treasurer. Resolved. That each district society be authorized to establish such regulations & to appoint such officers as they may think necessary for their own good government: & that it be recommended to them to elect into their respec- 24 Records New Hampshire Medical Society tive societies, from time to time by ballot, such respectable practitioners of physic & surgery within their district as they may judge proper — to be denominated Associates of the Medical Society, who shall in their respective meet- ings hold and exercise all the powers & privileges of the Fellows with whom they are associated. Provided nevertheless, That the associates shall never bear a greater proportion to the Fellows than as two of the former to three of the latter. Resolved That the Secretaries of the District Societies shall annually transmit to the Secretary of the General Society full and correct copies of their proceedings at their several meetings, to be laid before the Society at their annual meeting. Voted That Col William Page be authorized to call the first meeting in the Western District. At this meeting D"" Joshua Brackett made a donation to the Society of his Medical Library; consisting of one hun- dred and twenty volumes, reserving to himself the right of retaining them in his hands during his life — The Cata- logue is as follows — Anatomy system of — 2 vol. Armstrong on Health — Balfour on Fevers — Bayfield de Anatomia — Bartholin! de Anatomia Rariorum — Bissett 's ( ? ) Medical Institutions — Cadogan on the Gout — Ditto on Nursing — Cornaro on Long Life — Chamberlin on Midwivery — Chapman on Ditto — Compend of the Practice of Physic — Culpepper 's Medical Dictionary — Considerations on Pestilences — Cheyne on Health — Ditto 's Natural IMethod of Cure — Ditto's English Malady — Ditto's Philosophical Principles — Letters to Dr. Cheyne — Currie 's Account of Climates and Deseases of the United States — Duncan 's Medical Commentaries. 5 volumes of the 2""* Decade — Ditto 's Medical Cases — Ditto on Mercury- — Dale 's Commen- taries on Fevers. — Fothergill's Works, 2 vol. — Fordyce's Elements — Ditto on Venerial Diseases — Fourcrov's Records New HxVMPshire Medical Society 25 Chemistry, 2 vol. Fuller's Body of Medicine — Ditto Pharmacopeea Extemporaniea — Faucharde de Dentiste — Goulard on Lead — Galeni Opera in Hippocratem — Gib- son 's Anatomy — Glauber's Works — Home 's Principia MedieinjB — Ditto's Medical Facts — Heister's Surgery — Huaham (?) on Fevers — Ditto's Medical Cases — Ham- ilton on Midwivery — Harle's State Physick — Ham's de Morbis A (?) — James 's Dispensatory — Johnston 's Mid- wivia Practica — Kirkland's Medical Surgery, 2 vol. — Keil's Anatomy — London Medical Observations, 6 vol. — Lake's Lecture on Midwivery — LeClerk's Anatomy — Linaeri Opera Galeni de Sanitate — Medical Transactions, 3 vol. McKenzie on Health — Maclurge on human Bile — McBride 's Essays — Mynor 's History of Trepanning — Morgan 's Introductory Discourse — Percival 's Essays — Paxton on Diseases — Pott on Hydrocele — Pitcairn 's Art of Physick — Palsin 's Anatomy — Parey 's Works — Rob- inson on Consumptions — Radcliff's Practical Dispensa- tory — Rush's Medical Enquiries — Quincys Dispensatory — Ditto's Medical Dictionary — Tipot on Health — Theory of Fevers — The Temperate Man — Salmon 's Dispensatory — Sydenham 's Works — Sharp 's Surgery — Shebbear 's Practice of Physick, 2 vol. — Vansweeten 's Commentaries, 4 vol. — Wiseman's Surgery, 2 vol. — Wainwright's Non- naturals Weekly Memorials — Wethering of Fox Glove • — Whytt on the Nerves — Ditto on Lime Water — Brook 's Introduction — Marriott's Practice of Physick — Cullen's Institutions of Medicine — Bell on Ulcers — Ditto's Sur- gery, 4 vol. Voted — That the thanks of the Society be presented to D"" Joshua Brackett for his generous donation of Books for their use. Voted — That any Fellow of the Society may take out of the Library such books as he shall choose, complying with such rules as may be established. 26 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Voted — That the Librarian be requested and impow- ered to frame a set of rules to be observed by the Fellows of the Society who may take books from the Library. Voted — That the Secretary make out a correct transcript of the Laws, Eegulations & Rules of the Society, and of such of their proceedings as ought to be publickly known, & procure an impression of one hundred copies of them; for the use, and at the expence of the Society. Voted — That the Secretary procure an elegant engrav- ing of the Devise of a Seal for the Society reported to this meeting by the committee appointed for the purpose; which Devise is as follows — [Not given in record.] Concord 13^^^ June 1793 At the Annual Meeting of the Newhampshire Medical Society not being a Quorum to enter upon Business ad- journed to meet at this place at 10 °Clock tomorrow. Concord June 14'»> 1793 Met according to adjournment Present President Bartlett, Messieurs Peabody Gale, Stow Ran- ney, Thom, Gove, Green, How., Carrigain & L. Bartlett. not being a Quorum Adjourned to meet at this place Wednes- day the 19'*^ of June 1793 at 10 °Clock A M Concord 19'*^ June 1793 ]Met according to adjournment twelve Members present. The Secretary being absent Levi Bartlett was appointed Secretary P. T. Voted to proceed to the Election of Officers for the cur- rent year agreeable to the Laws of the Society upon the Ballot being closed & the Votes sorted it appeared that the following Fellows were elected viz Kecords New Hampshire ]\1edical Society 27 Hon^'^ Joshua Braekett President Nath^ Peabody Vice President Ammi R. Cutter 1 William Page I Isaac Thom I Couucellors Sam> Tenney & I Amos Gale J Levi Bartlett Recording Secretary Sam^ Tenney Corresponding Secretary Tho^ Stow Ranney Treasurer Joshua Braekett Librarian Hall Jackson ^ ^, x- ^i t^ . .^^.„ ^ „ n Censors lor the Eastern Will-" Cogswell & I T^• ^ • ^ ^ . -^ r District Levi Bartlett J „ ^ ,, ^ Censors for the Western Kendall Osgood & y -rx- j. • x -r T -r^ I District John Rogers J Such of the above named Fellows as were present viz Messieurs Peabody, Page, Thom, Gale, L. Bartlett, Stow Ranney, Gove & Osgood were sworn to the faithfull dis- charge of the duties of the Office to which they were respec- tively elected. The Society proceeded to ballot for the ad- mission of Fellows who were nominated agreable to their Rules, when John Bond of Hampstead & Jacob Kittredge of Dover were elected, and Tho^ Kittredge of Andover in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was appointed an honorary- Member of the Society. Voted That when a Fellow or an honorary Member is elected the Secretary shall notify him or them of their ap- pointment & enclose the Laws of the Society. Voted that the following Resolve be presented to his Excellency Governor Bartlett viz At a meeting of the Newhampshire Medical Society held by adjournment at Concord on the 19th of June 1793 His Excellency Governor Bartlett having signified to this So- 28 Records New Hampshire Medical Society ciety that the discharge of the Arduous & important duties of his Office as first Magistrate of the State with various other Concerns must necessarily engross his whole atten- tion ; & that notwithstanding he should ever aim to promote the true intrest of the Society, yet it would be inconvenient for him any longer to hold the office of President Wherefore Eesolved unanimously that the united Thanks of the Fellows be given to his Excellency Governor Bartlett for his ver>^ polite & friendly attention & Patron- age in forming & supporting the JMedical Society — that they very much regret his declining to accept the Office of President — and request his advice patronage & attendance at the Meetings whenever he can make it convenient. Signed Xath' Peabody Vice President of the Medical Society Attest Levi Bartlett Recording Sec-' Voted that D'' Page D"" Osgood & D"" Carrigain be a Com- mittee to present the above Resolve to his Excellency Gov- ernor Bartlett To which his Excellency returned the following Answer Gentlemen of the Newhampshire Medical Society The unexpected Resolve of thanks presented me by your Committee, for the small service I have been able to afford the Medical Society, I consider as an instance of the polite attention and regard they mean to pay to such persons as may in any manner endeavor to promote the Public hap- piness. I have long wished that the practice of ]\Iedicine in this State (upon which the lives and healths of our fellow Citi- zens depends) might be put under better regulations than it has been in times past and have reason to hope that the incorporation of the Newhampshire ^Medical Sociaty (if properly attended to by the Fellows) will produce effects greatly beneficial to the Community by encouraging Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 29 Genius & learning in the Medical Science and discouraging Ignorant & bold pretenders from practizing an art of which they have no knowledge. That the j\Iembers of the Society niaj^ be useful to them- selves & the Public and enjoy the exalted pleasure & satis- faction that arise from a consciousness that they have con- tributed to the health & happiness, not only of their re- spective Patients, but by communicating to others the Ivnowledge & cure of diseases to the general happiness of the human race, is the ardent wish of Gentlemen your very humble Servant Signed Josiah Bartlett Concord June IT^ 1793 Voted That that Clause in Chapter first section first of the Laws of the Society respecting the holding the Annual meeting of the Society be so far suspended as that the next annual meeting be held at the house of Benj"" Lamson inn- holder in Exeter on the third Wednesday of May next at 10 "Clock A M. Voted That each & every Candidate for the practice of Physic, who shall be examined by the Censors of this So- ciety, shall, upon receiving letters Testimonial, pay five Spanish Mill'd Dollars to the Censors, to be accounted for by them to the Treasurer. Voted That a majority of the Counsel be a Committee to Audit & settle the Treasurer's Accounts up to the year 1793 Voted that the expences of this meeting at Hannifords be defrayed by the Treasurer out of the Treasury Voted That the Secretary shall publish the doings of this Meeting in the Newhampshire Gazzette Extract from the Minutes Attest L. Bartlett Sec" The following Certificate was given by the Censors Agreeably to Chap 6*" Sect 8'*^ of the Laws Viz 30 Records New Hampshire Medic.vl Society State of New-) Hampshire C This may Certify that we the subscrib- ers CENSORS of the Eastern District of the Newhampshire Medical Society have examined M"" JOSHUA GEE SY]\Ii\rES of Newbury in the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & knowledge therein & having found him duly qualified therefor do in Testimony of our appro- bation hereunto subscribe our names Portsmouth the 18''^ Feb^ 1794 Signed Hall Jackson ) Censors of the Eastern district Levi BartlettCof the Newhampshire Med. Society The following Certificate was given by the Censors agreably to Sect 6^^ Chap 8"" of the Laws of the Society. —Viz State of New- ) These may certify that we the Subscribers Hampshire J CENSORS of the Western District of the Newhampshire ]\Iedical Society have examined Richard Hazeltine of said State, a Candidate for the practise of Physic & Surgery respecting his Skill & Knowledge therein & having found him duly qualified therefor do in testi- mony of our Approbation hereunto subscribe our Names at Hopkinton this sixth day of March A D 1794 Signed Jonathan Gove 1 Censors of the N. H Kendall Osgood t Medical Society Exeter May 21^' 1794 At the Annual Meeting of the Newhampshire Medical Society. Eleven Fellows present. Voted That Sam' Ten- nej^ be allowed twelve shillings for his trouble in Transcrib- ing & procuring the Laws of the Society to be printed As the Fee to be given by Candidates for their letters Testimonial appears to be inadequate to the Expences thereof Voted That each & every Candidate shall pay to the Records New Hampshire Medical Society 31 Censors six in lieu of five Dollars for such letters Testi- monial And that there shall be but Three in lieu of six Censors for the present year any Law or usage to the contrary not- withstanding Voted That Messieurs Gale, Tilton & Tenney be a Committee to Audit & settle the old Treasurers accounts Voted To proceed to the Election of Officers for the current year. Mess""^ Osgood, Stow & Kittredge were chosen Scrutineers. Upon the Ballot being closed & the Votes sorted & counted it appeared that the following Fellows were Elected viz jjQj^bie Joshua Brackett President Nath' Peabody Vice President John Jackson 1 Hall Jackson I Isaac Thorn ^Counsellors Amos Gale & I Sam' Tenney J Levi Bartlett Recording Secretary Samuel Tenney Corresponding Secretary Tho^ Stow Ranney Treasurer Joshua Brackett Librarian Hall Jackson ] Ammi R. Cutter iCensors John Jackson I Such of the abovenamed Fellows as were present Viz Mess""® Brackett. John Jackson, Gale, Bartlett & Stow were sworn to the faithfull discharge of the duties incumbent on the Offices to which they were respectively elected — & Mess" Parker & Bartlett became responsable for the Fidel- ity of Tho^ Stow Ranney as Treasurer The Society pro- ceeded to Ballot for the admission of Fellows who were on Nomination agreable to their Laws, when Joseph Bartlett of Salisbury & Benj^ Jones of Lyndesboro were Elected 32 Kecobds New Hampshire ^Iedical Society and Oliver Prescot of Groton in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was appointed an Honorary Member of the Society' At the request of the Fellows of Hillsborough Coimty to be annexed to the Eastern District of the Medical Society Resolved That the County of Hillsborough be and hereby are annexed to the Eastern District of the Newhampshire Medical Society ; any Law, custom or usage to the contrary notwithstanding. Resolved That the Corresponding Secretary shall get the Seal for this Society engraved on silver of three ounces weight, it is can be done in Boston for six pounds L M, but if it cannot be engraved in Boston for that price, to procure it in Europe on Silver of that weight. Voted That no Person for the future shall be capable of being Elected a Fellow of this Society who has not been an Associate of one of the District Societies. Voted In Chap 6'^^ Sect 6"' to erase the words "and Censors"; and in the form of the certificate Chap 6*^ Sect 10''' to erase the words "said State" Voted That all meetings of the Censors shall be adver- tised by the Censors in some one of the most public News- paper in each district four weeks previous to such meeting Voted That the Secretary be directed to write to each Fellow who has not attended any meeting of the Society or District & request of them to signify their acceptance or resignation of their Fellowship At this meeting President Brackett made a further dona- tion to the Society of the following IMedical Books Viz Medical Facts for 1791 & 92 2 vol— Edinburgh Medical Commentaries for 1791 — New Dispensatory Woodwill's Medical Botany 2 Vol 4'° — Brown's Elements 2 Vol. Vaughan's Anatomy, 2 Vol. Ferrier's Medical Essay Leakie on the Viscera Haynan on the Scurvy Voted That the Thanks of this Society be presented to President Brackett for his liberal donation of Books Records New Hampshire JMedical Society 33 Voted That the Secretary be directed to notify the Fel- lows of their Election : and to publish the doings of this meeting in the Newhampshire Gazzette Voted That the Treasurer pay the expenses of this meeting out of the Treasury Voted That the next Annual Meeting of this Society be held at this House on the 2°"^ Wednesday of May next at 10 °Clock A M Exeter May IS''^ 1795 The Society met agreable to the Laws but there not being a Quorum to transact Business, the Meeting was adjourned by the President to the 18'*^ day of May at 10 "Clock A M at the House of Benj^ Lamson in Exeter Exeter May 18'^ 1796 The Newhampshire Medical Society met agreable to the adjournment; there not being a Quorimi, it was adjourned by the President, to meet the house of Benj^ Lamson in Exeter on Wednesday the 10'*' day of May next at 10 "Clock in the forenoon Exeter May the lO'*^ 1797 This day the Newhampshire Medical Society assembled at the time & place appointed IX not making a Quorum b}^ Law: was adjourned by President Brackett to meet at the house of Benj^ Lamson in Exeter on Wednesday the 16"^ day of May next at 10 °Clk A M Exeter May 16'*^ 1798 The Medical Society met agreable to the appointment, not being a Quorum; the President adjourned it; to meet on the first Wednesday of September next, 10 °Clk A M at the House of John S. Dearborn in Chester Chester Sept 5'"' 1798 The Society met according to adjournment viz Present Mess""^ Stow Ranney, Thom, Green, Sargent, Carragain & L. Bartlett 34 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Voted That the Senior Councillor Preside at this meet- ing ; the President and Vice Presid being absent accordingly Doct Thorn took the Chair Resolved That the Secretary shall Officially inform the President of the proceedings of this meeting & request him to notify the next meeting as usual and that the Secretary write circular Letters to all the Fellows to inform them of the time & place of the next meeting Voted That the next Annual Meeting be held at the House of John S Dearborn in Chester the third Wednes- day of May 1799 at 10 °Clk A M Extract from the Minutes Attest L Bartlett Sec^ The following Certificates was given by the Censors agreable to Chapter 6'^ Sect 8'^ of the Laws of the Society Viz State of Newhamp-^ shire C These may Certify that we the Sub- scribers, Censors of the Eastern District of the Newhamp- shire Medical Society have examined Jedediah Ingalls of said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Sur- gery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Portsmouth this fifth day of May Anno Domini 1797 Signed Hall Jackson^ Censors of the A R Cutter [. N H Medical Jn° Jackson J Society State of New- J Hampshire ^ These may Certify that we the Subscribers CENSORS of the Newhampshire MEDICAL SOCIETY have examined Jonathan Sibley of said State, a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill Records New Hampshire Medical Society 35 & knowledge therein and having found him duly qualified therefor DO in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our Names at Portsmouth this ninth day of Jan- uary Anno Domini 1799 Signed A R Cutter ) Censors of the Jn° Jackson f N H Medical Society State of New-) hampshire ( These may certify that we the Subscribers, Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society, have ex- amined JABEZ DOW of said State, a candidate for the Practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his Skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Portsmouth this 15th day of January 1799 Signed A. R. Cutter 1 Censors of the |. N H Medical Jn° Jackson J Society State of Newhamp- ) shire C These may certify that we the Sub- scribers, Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society, have examined JOSHUA BRACKETT Jun^ of said State, a Candidate for the Practice of Physic & Surgery, respect- ing his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therfor, do in testimony of our approba- tion hereunto subscribe our names at Kingston this 25th day of December A D 1800 L. Bartlett ] Censors of the [ N H Medical Josiah Bartlett J Society State of Newhamp-] shire C These may certify that we the Sub- scribers, Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society, have examined Samuel Morril of said State, a Candidate for the Practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill 36 Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society & knowledge therein & having found him duly qualified therefor do in Testimony of our approbation hereunto sub- scribe our Names at Portsmouth this 15"" ^'^^ "' July A D 1801 Signed Jon" Jackson | Censors of the N H Josiah Bartlett (Medical Society Chester loth of May 1799 This day the SOCIETY met agreable to the adjourn- ment — the President & Vice President being absent Doctor Isaac Thom (the first Councillor on the list Present) took the Chair when Voted That the Society proceed to Ballot for the ad- mission of Candidates who were on Nomination agreeable to the Rules ; when Doctor Josiah Bartlett Esq. of Stratham was unanimously Elected Voted to Proceed to the Election of Officers for the Cur- rent Year. Mess" Sargent, Gale & L Bartlett were chosen Scrutineers Upon the Ballots being closed the Votes counted & sorted & returned to the Chair by the Scruti- neers the following Fellows were unanimously Elected Viz The Hon*"^ Ammi R. Cutter President Isaac Thom Vice President Doctors Samuel Tenney 1 John Jackson Amos Gale I Councillors Tho^ S. Ranney | Tho^ Sargent J Doctor Levi Bartlett Secretary Doctor Tho^ Stow Ranney Treasurer Hon Joshua Brackett Librarian Doctors Tho^ S. Ranney ] Levi Bartlett |>Censors Josiah Bartlett I Records New Hampshire JMedical Society 37 Docf^ Thorn S Raimey Gale Sargent & L. Bartlett were sworn to their Respective Offices and Mess^ Bartlett & Gale became Sureties for the Treasurer Doctors Carragain Green & Sargent are chosen a Com- mittee to Audit the Treasurer's Accounts Read a Letter from Doctor Eben"" Rockwood signifying his desire of Resigning his Fellowship in the Society Voted That the Resignation of Docf Eben'" Rockwood be accepted upon his paying the Assesments to the time of Resignation Read a Letter from Doctor Kendal Osgood wishing to withdraw his Fellowship from the Society Voted That the Resignation of Doct Kendal Osgood be accepted upon his paying the Assesments to the time of his Resignation Read a Letter from the Hon. Joshua Brackett presenting the Society with an addition of the following books viz Dickenson's Inquiry on the Cause & Nature of Fevers Currie on the Yellow Fever Medical Facts to 1797 5 Volumes Duncan's Medical Comentaries 4 Volumes Voted That the Secretary shall notify the Fellows Elected into the Society and also the Officers chosen for the present year of their Election Voted That a majority of the Fellows present at the next meeting shall be a quorum to transact Business Voted That the next Annual Meeting shall be held on the fourth instead of the third Wednesday of May next & at the House of Benj^ Lamson in Exeter at 10 °Clk A M Several proposals from the Councill relative to the Laws of the Society were read Ordered That they lay over 'till the next Meeting Several communications were received, and Ordered, to lay over to be read at the next Meeting. A Letter from Doctor Brackett President of the Society was read, acknowledging the honor done in conferring the 38 Kecords New Hampshire jMedicvl Society Presidency on him for Five years past, stating as his Health is much declining he is unable to attend the duties of the Office for the future; therefore declines being considered as a Candidate for the Presidency. Resolved Unanimously that the United THANKS of the Fellows of this Society be presented to the Hon^'^ Joshua Brackett for his diligent attention & Friendly services afforded to the Society ; for his liberal Donations from time to time in forming & increasing a Medical Library: that the Society sincerely regret that his declining health is such that it should prevent his superintending the Business of the Society, but still request the favor of his attendance & assistance at the Meetings whenever his health wiU admit Signed IVice President Attest L Bartlett Sec^ of the Isaac Thorn i Newhampshire Medical Society Voted That the Secretary do present the above Resolve to the Hon^'^ Joshua Brackett Voted That this meeting adjourn to meet at the House of Benj^ Lamson in Exeter on the 4"* Wednesday of ]May A D 1800 at 10 °Clk A I\r Adjourned Extract from the Minutes Attest L Bartlett Sec^ Exeter May 23t'> 1800 The Society met this day agreable to Law the President took the Chair, when the Society Proceed to the choice of Members on Nomination on counting the Ballots it ap- peared that Doctor Ezra Bartlett of Warren Doct" Ebenezer Learned of Hopkinton Thomas Adams of Pembroke Wil- liam Cutter of Portsmouth Amos Gale Jun"" of Kingston Records New Hampshire jNIedical Society 39 Samuel Foster of Candia & John Fogg of Northampton were unanimously Elected Fellows Voted That as two of the Auditors are absent D"" A. R. Cutter be added to that Committee to Audit the Accounts 3 °Clk P M the President took the Chair and proceed to the election of Officers for the present year. Doctors Sar- gent, Stow & L Bartlett being elected Scrutineers they on sorting & counting the Ballots find the following Gentle- men to be Elected unanimously viz The Hon''''' Ammi R. Cutter President Isaac Thorn Vice President Doctors Sam* Tenney ^ John Jackson Tho^ S Ranney I Councillors Tho^ Sargent & | Josiah Bartlett J Doctor Levi Bartlett Secretary Doctor Tho^ Stow Ranney Treasurer Honble Joshua Brackett Librarian Doctors Tho. Stow Ranney^ Levi Bartlett & ^ Censors Josiah Bartlett J Doctors Samuel Tenny Joseph Tilton & Samuel Foster Auditors to Audit the Treasurer's Accounts the present year D" Bartlett & Sargent became sureties for the Treasurer The President & Fellows present viz Ranney Sargent L Bartlett J Bartlett & Foster were duly sworn into their respective Offices Voted That at all times hereafter a majority of the Fel- lows present shall be a Quorum to transact business Voted That Sixty Dollars drawn from the Treasury be appropriated ior the purchase of Books and that the Librarian & Censors be a Committee to lay out the money in the purchase. 40 Records New Hampshire ^Medical Society Voted That the President draw an Order for the Commit- tee on the Treasurer for the above purchase Voted That the next Annual Meeting be held at the House of Ezra Hutehins Inholder in Exeter on the last Wednesday of May next at 10 °Clk A IVI Recommended to the Treasurer to write to the non-at- tending Fellows that a more general attendance is required & to desire them to manifest their continuance in the So- ciety by discharging their assesments or Resignation of their Fellowship Adjourned Extract from the Minutes Attest L Bartlett Sec^ Exeter May 27^^ 1801 This day agreable to a Vote of the Medical Society they met & proceeding to Business upon Balloting for Fellows on nomination it appeared that Doctor Benjamin Rowe was duly elected a Fellow of this Society 3 °Clk P M The President took the chair & proceed to the choice of Officers for the current year the Sec^ & D"" Tenney sorted & counted the Ballots when it appeared that the following Gentlemen were unanimously Elected & were declared accordingly viz The Hon*"'^ Ammi R Cutter President Hon Samuel Tenney Vice President Mess""^ Jolin Jackson ^ Nath' Kidder | Tho^ S Ranney ^ Councillors Tho^ Sargent & Josiah Bartlett Doct Levi Bartlett Secretary Doct Tho^ S. Ranney Treasurer Hon*''^ Joshua Brackett Librarian Records New Hampshire ^Medical Society 41 Doctors John Jackson 1 Josiah Bartlett & J- Censors William Cutter J Doctor Thomas Sargent was chosen Treasurer P T ]\Iess" L Bartlett & Sargent became sureties for the Treasurer The Committee appointed to purchase Books for the use of the Society have Reported the following Catalogue & have deposited with the Librarian Ten Dollars being the overplus of the Order drawn for the Committee last year — which Report is accepted - — the following is the Cata- logue of Books reported viz ^Medical Museum 2 Vol 8° Willichs (?) Lectures 2 A^ol Williehs (?) Lectures 2 Vol Chaptals Chemistry 3 D° Beddoes on Airs &c 1 D° Medical Review 5 D° Annals of Medicine 1 D° Medical Repository 3 D° Hunter on the Blood 2 D° Cavallo on Factitious Airs 1 D° Peart on Matter & Electricity 3 Vol in one Read on Electricity Science of Life Saunders on the Liver 1 Vol 12° Voted That Thirty Dollars be added to the Ten remain- ing in the Librarian's hands be appropriated for the pur- chase of Medical Books for the use of this Society for the present year Voted that the Censors & Librarian be a Committee to lay out the money & Report at the next meeting Voted that the next Annual ^Meeting be held at this House on the last Wednesday of May next at 10 °Clk A. M Adjourned sine Die Extract from the INlinutes Attest L Bartlett Sec' 42 Records New Hampshire Medical Society The following Certificates were given by the Censors agreable to Chap 6^^ Sect 8^^ of the Laws of the Society & their Diploma's given them State of New Hampshire : These may certify that we the Subscribers Censors of the Newhampshire ]\Iedical Society have examined WILLIAIM FERSON a Candidate for the Practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & knowl- edge therein & having found him duly qualified therefor do in Testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our Names at Portsmouth this 26^'' Day of Aug 1801 Signed William Cutter ) Censors of the Josiah Bartlett J N H M S State of Newhampshire : These may Certify that we the Subscribers Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society have examined SILAS BROWN a Candidate for the prac- tice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & knowledge therein & having found him duly qualified therefor do in Testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our Names at Portsmouth this 26^'' day of Aug 1801 Signed William Cutter ) Censors of the Josiah Bartlett \ N H :\I S State of Newhapshire : We the subscribers Censors of the Eastern District Newhampshire IMedical Society having examined Josiah Lane a Candidate for the Practice of Physic & Surgery find him duly qualified therefor in Testimony whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names Signed J Bartlett ) Censors of William Cutter JN H M S Portsmouth March 2°<^ 1802 Extract from the Original Certificate Attest L Bartlett Sec^ N H M S State of New Hampshire : These may certify that we the Subscribers Censors of the Eastern District of the New Records New Hampshire ]\Iedical Society 43 Hampshire Medical Society have examined JACOB MAIN a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respect- ing his skill & knowledge therein and having found him duly qualified do in Testimony of our approbation here- unto subscribe our Names at Greenland this 19"" day of Dec-- A Domini 1803 Signed Josiah Bartlett ) Censors of the Newhampshire William Cutter C Medical Society State of New Hampshire These may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the Eastern district of the Newhampshire MEDICAL SO- CIETY, have examined WILLIAM GORDON of the State of Massachusetts, a candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Ports- mouth this fourteenth day of December Anno Domini 1804 Signed William Cutter ) Censors of the N. H. Lyman Spaulding ( Medical Society A true Copy from the original L Bartlett Sec'' N H M S Exeter, May 26'^^ 1802 The Newhampshire JNIedical Society met at the House of Ezra Hutchins in this Town agreable to Law The Treasurers accounts were Audited & Rec"^ up to this time excepting what was in the hands of Doct Sargent the Treasurer P T whose papers were not here Voted that the following Catalog-ue of Books presented by the Committee appointed last year for the purchase of books be received viz Data's Surgery 3 Vol $7- Saumares's ( ?) Physiologj^ . . .2 Vol. . . . -4—50 Spalanzani on the Blood 2-75 Duncan 's Medical cases 2-25 44 Records New Hampshire jMedical Society Burseniiis's (?) Practice 3 Vol $6-75 LeDran's Consultations 1 Vol. . . 1.50 24.75 Also that the Medical Extracts. . .5 Vol.@] 18.50 be purchased of Doet Josiah Bartlett|^ for the use of the Society I 43.25 Voted That Twenty Dollars be appropriated to pay the overplus of the Books this day received viz $3.25 and for the Binding of those Books which are wanting to be bound. That an Order be drawn upon the Treasurer for the same. Voted To proceed to the Election of Officers for the cur- rent 3'ear Doctors Tho"^ S. Ranney Tilton & L Bartlett were chosen Scrutineers, who presented to the Chair the following Gen- tlemen as being unanimously Elected to their respective Offices & were declared accordingly chosen viz The Hon*"^ Ammi R Cutter President Sam' Tenney Vice President Doctors Tho^ S Ranney Joseph Tilton Tho^ Sargent [- Councillors William Cutter & | Samuel Forster I Doctor Levi Bartlett Secretary Doctor Tho^ S Ranney Treasurer Hon'^'^ Joshua Brackett Librarian Doctors Josiah Bartlett ] William Cutter & J> Censors John Fogg J Doctors L & J Bartlett became sureties for the Treasurer the current year Doctors Tilton Sargent & Forster are chosen Auditors to audit the Treasurers Accounts up to the year 1803 Voted That in future those Candidates who shall receive Records New Hampshire Medical Society 45 letters testimonial of approbation from the Censors, shall have their answers produced at the subsequent meeting of the Society to be read if called for and that the Secre- tary produce at the next meeting those on File Voted That the Treasurer be requested to write imme- diately to all the delinquent Fellows that unless the}^ pay up their arrearages, or manifest their wishes of belonging to the Society on or before the last Wednesday of May 1804 they will not after that any longer be considered as Fel- lows Voted That in future every Fellow who neglects pay- ing his assessments or his attendance for the space of three years shall be deemed as resigning his Fellowship Voted That the next Annual ]\Ieeting be held at the House on the last Wednesday of May next at 10 °Clk A M at which time and place the meeting stands Adjourned Attest L Bartlett Sec^ Exeter May 25*^ 1803 At a meeting of the Xewhampshire Medical Society held this day at the House of Ezra Hutehins Innholder in Exeter Balloted for Candidates on Nomination when it appeared that Doctor Edmund Chadwick of Deerfield & Doctor Lyman Spaulding of Portsmouth were unanimously Elected Fellows Voted That the Librarian procure a Catalogue of those Books that have been presented to the Society and of those Books the Society' have purchased to be printed for the use of the Fellows & Associates Proceed to the Election for the Current year Voted That Doctors Tenney Tilton & L Bartlett be scrutineers The Scrutineers after sorting & counting the Votes, re- 46 Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society ported to the Chair the following Persons, being unani- mously Elected to their respective Offices viz The Hon*"^ Ammi R. Cutter President Samuel Tenney Vice President Doctors Thomas S Eanney ' Joseph Tilton Thomas Sargent [■ Councillors William Cutter & | Samuel Forster J Doctor Levi Bartlett Secretary Doctor Tho^ S. Ranney Treasurer Doctor Josiah Bartlett Librarian Doctors Josiah Bartlett ] William Cutter & I Censors John Fogg J Doctors Tilton Sargent & Forster are chosen Auditors for the year ensuing- Doctors L Bartlett & Tilton became sureties for the Treas- urer the ensuing Year Voted That Doctors Tenney L Bartlett & the librarian be a Committee to prepare & lay before the Society some Rules concerning the Library Voted That the Librarian procure the Medical Reposi- tory annually and that he procure in the course of the present year such other Books as the Censors & Librarian may judge proper to the amount of Fifteen Dollars The Committee appointed to prepare some Rules con- cerning the Library Report the following viz The Librarian shall keep a regular account of all Books issued from the Library, in which he shall minute the time of their delivery and return Each Fellow & Associate shall be entitled to receive out of the Library one FOLIO, one Quarty, two Octavos or two Duodecimos at a time A Folio may be retained six Months Records New Hampshire ]\Iedical Society 47 a Quarto & two Octavos Twelve weeks, two Duodecimos, six weeks Any Fellow or Associate who shall retain a Book beyond the time allowed by the preceeding article shall be subject to a fine of Twenty five cents per week for a Folio, twenty cents for a Quarto fifteen cents for an Octavo & Twelve & a half cents for a Duodecimo, to be demanded & received by the Librarian The Committee also recommend the adoption of the fol- lowing vote That the Librarian frame such other rules to be ob- served relative to the Library as he may judge proper; which with the foregoing shall be laid before the President & Councill & if approved by them shall be printed with the Catalogue Voted that the above Report of the Committee be ac- cepted Voted That each Associate at his Admission to the Library shall pay two Dollars to the Librarian, to be dis- posed of for the purchase of Books, said Associates being subject to the Laws & Rules of the Library Voted to adjourn this Meeting to this place the last Wed- nesday of I\Iay 1804 at 10 °Clk A M A true Copy from the minutes L Bartlett See^ Exeter, 29^^^ May 1804 At a meeting of the Newhampshire Medical Society held at the house of Ezra Hutchins in Exeter this day at 3 "Clock the President took the Chair and proceeding to the choice of Officers Doctors Stow Ranney Spalding & Tenney were nominated & chosen Scrutineers The ballots being taken counted & sorted the following Gentlemen were found duly elected to their respective of- fices viz The Hon^i^ Ammi R. Cutter President 48 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Samuel Tenney Vice President :\Iess'^ Tho^ S Ranney ] Joseph Tilton I William Cutter I Councillors Lyman Spalding John Fogg I Doctor L Bartlett Secretary Doctor Tho® S Ranney Treasurer D^^ William Cutter ] Lyman Spalding I Censors & John Fogg J Doctor Josiah Bartlett Librarian Mess""^ L & J Bartlett was accepted as sureties for the Treasurer for the year ensuing The following Rules concerning the Library being pre- sented by the Librarian were adopted viz Article 1^' The duty of the Librarian is to note in a book kept for that purpose, any & what kind of injury a Book may receive while out (natural wear excepted) and lay it be- fore the Committee appointed for the purpose of inspect- ing the Books & adjudging fines according to the laws of the Society. If any Book be lost, torn or defaced, so as to render it difficult to be read, the member in whose custody the Book was at the time of the loss or injury, shall pay for the Book or purchase another; if it belongs to a sett he shall pay for or replace all the Volumes in the sett he taking the dam- aged one — other and lesser injury to be paid for by a fine not exceeding three fourths of the original price of the Book or Books; which fine shall be adjudged and as- sessed by said Committee and paid to the Librarian for purchasing Books. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 49 It is the duty of the Members to have all the books in the library for inspection at nine of the Clock in the morning on the day of the annual Meeting every year; and if any Member neglect to bring in the book or books he may have, he shall be fined One Dollar for each and every volume so kept back; said money to be appropriated to increase the Library. All applications for books shall be in writing signed by the Member applying which the librarian shall keep as his voucher; and the librarian shall be guided in his distribu- tion of the books by Seniority of application in notation according to date, providing that all applications for books by a member who has not had it or them shall superced that made by one who has, although of an anterior date. 5th The librarian shall keep a regular account of all books issued from the library in which he shall minute the time of their delivery and return. gth Each Fellow and Associate be entituled to receive out of the library Four Volumes at a time, and keep the same three calendar months, and in case of neglect to return them at the time, he shall forfeit and pay Twelve & half cents a week for each volume so kept, to be demanded and received by the librarian. yth Any member thinking himself injured by the judgment of the inspecting committee may appeal to the Society at their next succeeding meeting (but not afterwards) he notifying the librarian of his intention three weeks before said meeting. 60 Records New Hampshire jMedical. Society No member may take out a book from the library who is more than two years in arrears in his legal assessments, or who has legally incurred a fine which he has not paid. gth Each Associate member at his admission to the use of the libraiy shall pay Two Dollars to the librarian to be dis- posed of for the purchase of books, said associate being subject to the laws & rules of the library. Toted That all the Laws heretofore made concerning the Library, militant with the above, be and hereby are repealed. Toted That a Committee consisting of two Fellows be appointed to inspect the Books That Doctor William Cutter & Doctor Spalding be the Committee Toted That Doctors Tenney & Tilton be chosen Auditors for the year ensuing- Toted That Twenty five dollars be appropriated for the purchase of Books by the Librarian the present year Toted That this meeting be adjourned to the last "Wednes- day of May next, to meet at this place at 10 "Clock in the forenoon L Bartlett Sec^ Extract from the Minutes State of Newhampshire These may certify that Ave the subscribers Censors of the Newhampshire jMedical Society have examined M"" Israel Gale a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Sur- gery respecting his skill & knowledge therein do in Testi- mony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our Xauies at Records New Hampshire IMedical Society 51 Greenland this Twenty ninth day of June Anno Domini 1803 Signed Josiah Bartlett ] Censors of the William Cutter [> N H Medical John Fogg J Society State of Newhampshire These may certify that we the Subscribers Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society, have examined JONATHAN GREELEY a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting liis knowledge & skill therein and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testi- mony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our Names at Portsmouth, this 14'^ day of August Anno Domini 1805 Signed William Cutter ) Censors of the Newhamp- L Spalding f shire Medical Society A true Copy of Record Attest L BartlejT Sec^ State of New Hampshire These may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the Newhampshire IMedical Society have examined JONA- THAN FRENCH a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & Knowledge therein and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Green- land this 7"^ day of Oct ADomini 1802 Signed Josiah Bartlett 1 ^ „.„. „ , , Censors of the William Cutter >- ^t xt nv/r i o. • . r , ^ [ N H Med. Society John Fogg J State of Newhampshire These may certify that we the Subscribers Censors of the Newhampshire ]\Iedical Society eastern district have examined JOSIAH DWIGHT of said State, a candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly quali- 52 Records New Hampshire Medical Society fied therefor Do in Testimony of our approbation here- unto subscribe our names at Portsmouth this 15'^ day of October ADomini 1805 Signed William Cutter Jphn Fogg L Spalding J A true Copy attest L Bartlett Sec^ Exeter May 29'>^ 1805 The New Hampshire Medical Society met agreable to Law, at the House of Ezra Hutchins in this Town this day Present The Hon^^^ A R Cutter, President, Samuel Tenney Ed- mund Chadwick L Bartlett J Bartlett Joseph Tilton Sam^ Forster Tho^ S Ranney Lyman Spalding & Nath^ Peabody Voted That Mess^^ L Bartlett & Chadwick be added to the Committee to Audit the Treasurer's accounts & that Doct Tenny one of said Committee be ex- cused at his request Voted That the Committee appointed to audit the Treasurer's accounts be a Committee to examine the Librarian's accounts The above Committee reported that the Treasurer's & Librarian's accounts were well vouched & regiilarly kept as stated in their respective Books Voted That the above report be accepted At 3 "Clock the President took the Chair called for the choice of three Scrutineers when Doctors Forster L Bart- lett & Spalding were ejected — who at the close of the Poll reported to the President the following Officers being duly chosen for the current year viz The Hon"'^ A R Cutter President Samuel Tenny Vice President Records New Hampshire Medical Society 53 Mess""^ Thomas S Ranney ] Joseph Tilton I William Cutter ^ Councillors Lyman Spalding Edmund Chadwick J Doct L Bartlett Secretary Doct Tho^ S Ranney Treasurer Doct Josiah Bartlett Librarian Doctors William Cutter ] Lyman Spalding ^ Censors John Fogg J Voted That Doct William Cutter & Lyman Spalding be appointed a Committee to inspect the Books the ensuing year The following Books were generously given to the Society by the former Censors [List not given] Voted That the thanks of this Society will be presented to the Censors who have made the above Donation Voted That Doct Spalding be appointed to draw up the Characters of our late President Doctor Joshua Bracket & his Wife noticing their donations to the Newhampshire ^ledical Society expressive of the Societys grateful acknowledgement for the same and report at the next Meeting Voted That Twenty Dollars be appropriated to the pur- chase of Books by the Librarian the ensuing year Voted That this meeting be adjourned to the last Wednesday o'f May next at 10 °Clk A M then to meet at this place A true Copy from the minutes attest L Bartlett Secretary 54 Records New Hampshire Medical Society At a meeting of the Councill of the Xewhampshire Medi- cal Society holden at Portsmouth the 23'''^ day of Oct AD 1805 Present Doct A R Cutter President Doctors Tho^ S Ranney] Joseph Tilton [ W" Cutter f Lyman SpaldingJ Councillors Choose D"" L Spalding Secretary' P T Choose D""® Joseph Tilton & Lyman Spalding a Committee to Avait on Col Joseph Whipple & inform him that the Councill are now in session & are ready to receive any com- munication he has to make relative to the donation of the late Hon"^ Joshua Braekett M D. The Committee waited on him accordingly and Col Whip- ple returned for answer, that he had already taken ample and sufficient bonds of the legatee, so as to make the donation secure to the Newhampshire Medical Society L Spalding Sec^ P T Extracts from the Minutes Attest L Bartlett Secretary At the annual meeting of the Fellows of the Newhamp- shire Medical Society holden in Exeter, at the house of Ezra Hutchins, on the last Wednesday of May, being the 28'^ day of that month AD 1806 Present The Hon^'^ Tenny Esq Vice Preses D" Thomas S Ranney Joseph Tilton Josiah Bartlett Edmond Chadwick Kecords New Hampshire INIedical Society 55 Ebenezer Lerned Nath' Peabody Lyman Spalding Meeting opened. Choose L Spalding Secretary p. t. Voted to choose a committee of three to audite the Treas- urer's and Librarian's accounts. Chose D" Joseph Tilton Edmond Chadwiek & Ebenezer Lerned. — The committee on the Librarian's account beg leave to report that they have examined the accounts of D"" Josiah Bartlett, Librarian of the Newhampshire Medical Society for the year 1805 and find due to him twenty dollars & ten cts. The committee on the Treasurer's accounts beg leave to report that they have examined the accounts of Dr Thomas S. Ranney, Treasurer of the Newhampshire jMedical So- ciety, for the year 1805, and find his accounts well vouched and right cast, excepting the Treasurer pro. temp, account for 1801, Said account not having been exhibited, and find due said Ranney from the Society four dollars and forty eight cents. Voted to accept the above reports. At three Oclock the Vice President took the chair and the Society proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year. Chose D""^ Joseph Tilton, Josiah Bartlett and Ebenezer Lerned Scrutineers. At four oclock, the poll having been closed, the Scrutineers reported that the society had made choice of D^ A R Cutter President Thomas S Ranney Joseph Tilton William Cutter I Councellors Ebenezer Lerned Lyman Spalding J 66 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Hon'''^ Samuel Tenney, Vice President D'" Lj^man Spalding, Secretary " Thomas S. Ranney Treasurer " Josiah Bartlett ] " William Cutter i Censors " Lyman Spalding J " Josiah Bartlett, Librarian Voted that a committee of three be chosen for advising and directing the Librarian in the purchase of books, and that they inquire whether the prin- ciple of the donation of the late D'" Brackett may be expended, or the interest thereof only, and govern themselves accordingly. Chose D""^ Samuel Tenney, William Cutter and L. Spalding the above committee. Voted to appropriate one hundred dollars for the pur- chase of books. Voted that two deputy librarians be appointed, and that each deputy have thirty volumes out of the library, for the accommodation of the Fellows & associates in his vicinity. The books to be returned to the library at the annual meeting of the Society. The deputies to be governed by the laws and regulations of the Library. Chose D"" Ebenezer Lerned, deputy Librarian. Voted that the Librarian appoint a second deputy librarian, if occasion should require. Voted that the Council inquire into the expediency of dividing the state into three or more districts, medical, and if they judge proper, to make the necessary arrangements and report to the Society at their next meeting Voted that the next meeting of this Society be holden at the house of Ezra Hutchins in Exeter, on the last Wednesday of may AD 1807 Records New Hampshire Medical Society o7 Voted to dissolve this meeting True copy att. L. Spalding Secty. The proposal of Doc"' Joshua Brackett, by D"" J Bartlett and of D"" Samuel Morrill by E. Chadwick, as fellows of the N. H. Medical Society were read by the secretary and placed up in the room during the meeting. att. L. Spalding Secty. State of I Newhampshire C These may certify that we the subscrib- ers Censors of the Eastern District of the Newhampshire Medical Society, have examined Alexander Augustus Dame of said State, a candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, DO, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Portsmouth this tenth day of January Anno Domini 1806 Signed W. Cutter 1 Censors of the L Spalding J N. H. Medical Society A true copy att. L. Spalding, Secty. At a meeting of the President and Council of the New- hampshire ^ledical Society, holden at Davenport's hall in Portsmouth the 4th day of February AD 1807 Present Ammi R. Cutter M. D. President Dr Thomas S. Ranney ] Joseph Tilton | " William Cutter I Counsellors " Ebenezer Lerned I " Lyman Spalding J The meeting being opened by the President I. Resolved, in the opinion of the President and Coun- 58 Records New Hampshire jMedical Society cil of the New Hampshire Medical Society convened, that it is expedient and conductive to the good government of said Society, that a new district be formed to be called the "Center District of the Newhampshire Medical Society" to contain the County of Hillsborough, the towns in Rock- ingham Count3^ west of the ]\Iennmac River and such other towns in the adjacent Counties, as the physicians therein practising may choose to associate in said District. II. Resolved, in the opinion of the President and Coun- cil of the Newhampshire Medical Society convened, that an Associate of the Eastern or Western District shall be an associate of the Center District, on his paying all dues to said Eastern or Western District, making known to said district Society his determination to withdraw therefrom and informing the Center district of his resolution to be- come an associate thereof. III. Resolved, in the opinion of the President and Council of the Newhampshire Medical Society convened, that it is expedient that D'' Jonathan Gove and D'' Ebenezer Lerned, or either of them be authorized to call the first meeting of said Center District, to be holden at Hopkinton on the first Wednesday of June next at such hour and place as they or either of them may direct. lY. Resolved, In the opinion of the President and Coun- cil of the Newhampshire Medical Society convened, that it is expedient, to permit the Center District to admit twenty associates, who are duly qualified. V. Resolved, in the opinion of the President and Coun- cil of the Newhampshire Medical Society convened, that it is expedient that D"" E. Lerned keep the 30 vols, which he now has till the first of January 1808 and that he have 30 other volumes. VI. Resolved, in the opinion of the President and Coun- cil of the Newhampshire Medical Society convened, that it is expedient, that all deputy Librarians return their books to the general Library at least once a year. VII. Resolved, in the opinion of the President and Records New Hampshire Medical Society 59 Council of the Newhampshire Medical Society convened, that it is expedient, to petition the State Legislature for an act to disqualify any person, who shall commence the practice of Physic or Surgery within this State, after a certain period, who has not received a medical degree at some university or been examined and approbated by some incorporated jMedical Society, from collecting any debt or debts incurred by such practice in any Court of this State. VIII. Resolved, in the opinion of the President and Council of the Newhampshire Medical Society convened, that it is expedient, that the fees for examination by the Censors of the Society shall be ten dollars. Meeting dissolved L Spalding, Secty. At the annual meeting of the Fellows of the Newhamp- shire Medical Society, holden at Exeter, at the house of Thomas Folsom, on the last Wednesday of may, being the 27th day of said month AD 1807 Present Ammi R. Cutter, M. D., President HonbP Samuel Tenney, vice President Thomas S. Ranney Josiah Tilton William Cutter Ebenezer Lerned Lyman Spalding Josiah Bartlett Nath' Peabody Hon^'® John Wingate, by invitation Meeting opened, and the proceedings of the last meeting and of the Council were read Voted to choose a Committee of three to audite the Treasurer and Librarians accts. Chose D'"^ Josiah Bartlett, Ebenezer Lerned and Joseph Tilton the above Committee. 60 Records New Hampshire jMedical Society The Committee on the Treasurer's account beg leave to report that they have examined the account of the Treas- urer D"" Thomas S. Ranney, and approbated it up to the present time, except the Treasurer pro tern's account for the year 1801 and find due the Society from said Treasurer forty dollars and seventy three cents. The Committee also report that they have examined the Librarians accounts for the last year, and find them right cast and well vouched and that his accounts are balanced. Voted to accept the above reports. At three clock the President took the Chair and the Society proceed to the Choice of officers for the ensuing year. Chose William Cutter, Josiah Bartlett and Joseph Til- ton Scrutineers. Voted, That in future there shall be six Censors chosen annually. At four clock the poll having been closed, the Scru- tineers reported that the Society had made choice of Ammi R. Cutter, President Hon^'^ Samuel Tenney, vice President D" Thomas S. Ranney^ Joseph Tilton William Cutter I Counsellors Lyman Spalding I Josiah Bartlett J Lyman Spalding, M. D. Secretary D'" Thomas S. Ranney, Treasurer D^^ William Cutter L^-man Spalding John Fogg Ebenezer Lerued Peter Green Moses Nichols J D"" Josiah Bartlett, Librarian D'^ Ebenezer Lerned Deputy Librarian Censors Records New Hampshire Medical Society 61 The following Report of the Censors was read, and Voted to accept it. "The Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society for the Eastern district, for the years 1804, 5 & 6 beg leave to report, that during the time of their appointments they have examined and approbated the following candidates, viz. William Gordon, Jonathan G-reeley, J. H. Pierrepont, Josiah Dwight and Augustua Dame, of whom they have received the sum of $30.00 and have purchased and delivered to the Librarian the fol- lowing books on account thereof. 1 Miss Scanard's life of D-" Darwin $1.75 1 Desault's Surgery 2.50 1 set Rush's enquiries 5 vols at 9/ 7.50 1 Currie on waters 14/6 2.42 1 Rush's lectures 8/ 1.33 2 vols- l«t & 2nd Phila-^ Med. (?) 5.50 1 Whatley on wounds 2.25 1 sett Spallanzani 's dissertations 2 vols 5.00 Parts 1st Vol. II & first supplement of Bartons Joum 1.75 $30.00 Portsmouth May 1807 L. Spalding for the Censors. In conformity with a vote of the Society passed May 1805 D"" Spalding submitted the following report, which was read and accepted; and ordered to be entered on the records of the Society. "Whereas the Honble. Joshua Brackett Esq"" late of Portsmouth, deceased and his honoured lady deceased, have from time to time made generous and liberal donations to this Society. Resolved therefore, that the following biographic notice 62 Kecords New Hampshire IMedical Society of these two liberal and distinguished Characters be en- tered upon the records of the Society intoken of the es- teem and veneration this Society will ever Shew departed merit. The Hon**'^ Joshua Brackett M. D. was born in Green- land, Newhampshire, May 1733, and graduated at Harvard University in 1752. He studied Divinity and preached a short 'time, but from ill health quitted that profession for medicine, which he read with Doctor Clement Jackson of Portsmouth. He was in early life married to Lliss Hannah Whipple of Kittery. The name of Brackett is among the founders of this Society and he was our first Vice President. In 1793 he was elected President of the Newhampshire Medical Society, which office he sustained till the year 1799, much to his honour and the satisfaction of the Society. To this man, the Society is indebted for the first founda- tion of a Library and its whole increase and support for more than nine years; neither is this all which the Society is indebted to his benevolence ; it is probable that he left it in charge with his wife, that she should make a further donation to the Society, after she had done with his es- tate, and we therefore find in her will the following legacy. "Item 5. And the other moity of said sum (ie of one thousand dollars) to the Newhampshire Medical Society to be applied by the members thereof to the purposes best calculated to promote the general benefits contemplated in the establishment of said society." His benevolence Avas not confined to this Society we wit- ness others enjoying his heavenly blessings. Doctor Brack- ett was a well founded scholar a lover of the liberal arts and sciences: he took much care to store his mind with useful information, which it was a pleasure to him to com- municate. He was much attached to his Profession and his amiable, genteel and agreeable deportment rendered him peculiarly Records New Hampshire Medical Society 63 agreeable to his patients. With the rugged art of Surgery- he was not so much delighted as with the tranquil field of physic ; but midwifery was his fort ; here he shown in all his splendour and was peculiarly successful. In medicine, his motto was imitate nature, look at the beasts of the fields and imitate them, theirs is nature pure and undefiled by fashion, prejudice or habit. He never published anything in medicine, altho' he oc- casionally kept notes of extraordinary cases, from which we are to attribute much of success in practice. He died on the 17'*^ of July 1802, aged 70 years. His health, for some time, had been much impaired by a disease in the region of the heart, as to the nature of which he was never fully satisfied. Mrs. Brackett was a most amiable, accomplished and dignified woman ; her mental endowments were inferior to none ; her education and acquirements far surpassed any lady 's in the vicinity — with such possessions she was modest and unassuming — her favorite studies were natural philosophy and more especially Botany. She had an excellent garden well stored with choice and rare shrubs, plants and fruits. In benevolence she was not surpassed by her husband, for it was by her will that the Society realized the legacy of 500 dollars. She died on the 18th of May 1805 aged 70 years." To perpetuate in the Newhampshire Medical Society Library the name of its founder Resolved, That the name of Brackett shall be marked in golden letters on the covers of all the books that were pre- sented by him, or purchased by Mrs. Brackett 's legacy in manner and form as underwritten BRACKETT to the N. H. MED. SOC. 64 Records New Hampshire IMedical Society Voted, That the Librarian be requested to have the books in the Library marked agreeably to the foregoing re- solve. Chose D" Samuel Tenney, William Cutter and Lyman Spalding a committee for purchasing books the ensuing year, and Dr Tenney is hereby requested to inspect the books in the Library previous to the next annual meeting of the Society. Voted, To appropriate one hundred dollars for the pur- chase of books the ensuing year Voted, To accept D"" Ezra Green 's resignation of his fel- lowship. Voted to accept the Resolves of the President and Coun- cil of the 4th of February AD 1807 as recorded in pages 85, 6 & 7 of this volume [See page 57] and that the same do hereby be a part of the laws of the Society, excepting the following words in the V Resolve "and that he have 30 other volumes." Chose Drs Levi Bartlett, Ebenezer Lemed and Amos Gale a committee to carry into effect the VII. of the before named Resolves of the President and Council. The ballots for candidates on nomination were taken, when it appeared that Doc' Joshua Brackett of Portsmouth and Doc*^"" Samuel Morrill of Epsom were both unanimously elected Fellows of the Newhampshire Medical Society. Voted, That the next meeting of the Society be holden in Exeter on the last Wednesday of May AD 1808 at such house as the Secretary shall direct. Voted to dissolve this meeting. L Spalding Secty State of ) Newhampshire f These may certify that we the subscrib- ers. Censors of the Center District of the Newhampshire Medical Society have examined Nathaniel Rowell of said State, a candidate for the practice of physic & Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having Records New Hampshire Medical Society 65 found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names, at Hopkinton, this fourth day of June Anno Domini 1807 Signed Peter Green 1 _, _ , „, ^ -r , Censors oi the iiben"^ Lerned y^^ ^^ ,^ ^ _, TVT AT- 1, 1 1 N. H. Med. Soe Moses Nichols J State of Newhampshire These may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the Center District of the Newhampshire Medical Society have examined Moses Clement of said State, a candidate for the practice of physic and Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names, at Hopkinton, this fourth day of June AD 1807 Signed Peter Green ^, ^ , , Censors of the Eben'" Lerned > ^t tt ^.t- ^ o, ^^. , , I N. H. Med. Soe Moses Nichols True Copies A" L. Spalding S«<='^ At the annual meeting of the Fellows of the Newhamp- shire Medical Society, holden at Exeter, at the house of Thomas Folsom, on the last Wednesday of May, being the 25th day of said month AD 1808 Present. Hon*"'® Samuel Tenney, vice President D""^ Thomas S. Ranney Nathan Smith Josiah Bartlett Ebenezer Lerned Joseph Tilton Lyman Spalding & Joshua Bracket. Meeting opened by the vice President, the proceedings ■of the last meeting having been read. 66 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Voted to choose a committee to audite the Treasurer's accounts. Chose Lyman Spalding the above Com'^ The committee on the Treasurer's account reported in words as follows "I the subscriber have examined the above account and find it right cast and well vouched; and that there is 593 dollars arrears due the Society, and 64 dollars & sixty five cents in the Treasurer's hands." Signed. Whereupon voted to accept the report. At three oclock the Vice President took the chair and the Society proceeded to the choice of officers for the current year. Chose Josiah Bartlett, Ebenezer Lemed and Joshua Bracket Scrutineers At four oclock, the poll having been closed, the scruti- neers reported that the Society had made choice of Ammi R. Cutter M. D. President Nathan Smith M. D. vice President Drs. Levi Bartlett ] Thomas S. Ranney Ebenezer Lerned \- Counsellors Joseph Tilton & | Lyman Spalding I Lyman Spalding, M. D. Secretary D"" Thomas S. Ranney Treasurer. D^^ Nathan Smith ] William Cutter | Lyman Spalding I Censors Ebenezer Lerned John Fogg & I Ezra Bartlett J Hon'''® Samuel Tenney, Librarian D"" Ebenezer Lerned, Deputy Librarian D*" Thomas S. Ranney, Committee on the Library, Eecords New Hampshire Medical Society 67 to inspect the same previous to the next annual meeting of the Society. D"" William Cutter proposed James H. Pierrepont of Portsmouth to become a Fellow D"" Ebenezer Lerned pro- posed Matthias Spalding of Amherst and Dan Hough of Henniker to become Fellows, which were read by the Sec- retary with the approbation of the Counsellors and placed in the hall during the meeting. The following gentlemen were appointed honourary Fel- lows of the Xewhampshire Medical Society James Sims, M. D. Preses Lond. Med. Soc. Greatbritain Edward Jenner, M. D., Cheltenham Great Britain David Ramsay, ^M. D. Charleston, South Carolina Benjamin Rush, M. D. Philadelphia, Penn. John Warren, M. D. Boston, Mss. Benjamin Waterhouse, M. D. Cambridge Mss. Samuel L. Mitchell, M. D. New York Joshua Fisher M. D. Beverly Mss. Edward A. Holyoke M. D. Salem, Mss. Henry Wells, ^1. D. Montague, Mss. D"" Josiah Bartlett ex Librarian read an elaborate report on the Library, and on the propriety of establishing a manufactory of mineral waters &c. whereupon Voted to refer the same to the President and Council. Voted to appropriate sixty dollars for the purchase of books and the mineral water & establishment as contem- plated by the above report. The committee for purchasing books for 1806 & 7 re- ported as follows, \iz "that during the above term they had purchased the following books for the Library. 1806 Nos. 3 & 4 Vol III Hexade 2nd j Nos. 1 & 2 Vol IV Hexade 2nd j Medical Repos 2.50 1st Vol. Barton's Medical & Physical Journal 2.25 Bree on disordered respiration 1 vol 8vo 2.25 68 Records New Hampshire Medical Society London Med & Phys. Journal vols. 14, 15 & 16 $15.75 Assilini on the plague 1 vol 8vo 1.00 Senae on fevers 1 vol 8vo 2.00 Fox on teething 1st vol 4to 7.00 Nos. 1, 2 & 3 col. Ill Medical Museum 1.87- 1807 Alibert on Intermittents 8vo 2.50 No. 4 vol III & No. 1 Vol IV Medical Museum 1.25 London Medical & Physical Journal 17'** vol. 5.25 Woodvill's Medical botany 4 vols. 4to 24.00 Medical Review for 1807. 1 vol. 8vo 3.50 Abemethy's Surgical observations 3.75 Chrichton on mental derangement 2 vols 8vo 5.50 Heberden's Commentaries 3.25 Haygarth's Clinical histy^ of diseases 1.75 Home on strictures in the urethra 2 vols 5.12^ Keighton on family medicine 2.00 Nos. 3 & 4 vol. IV Hex II & 1 & 2 Vol. V do. Repository 2.50 Willan on Cutaneous diseases 1st, 2 & 3 orders 18.00 "Witherings Botany 4 vol. 8vo 14.00 Cruickshanks anat. absorbent system 6.00 The Secretary read a letter from the Committee of the Massachusetts Medical Society, which was accompanied by a copy of the Massachusetts Pharmacopoeia as a present to the Newhampshire Medical Society; whereupon Voted, that the thanks of the Newhampshire ]\Iedical Society be presented to the Massachusetts Medical Society for the present of their Pharmacopoeia; and ordered, that the President and Council of the Newhampshire ]\Iedical Society examine the Massachusetts Pharmacopoeia and re- port if in their opinion it ought to be adopted by this Society. A vote of the Eastern District of the Newhampshire Medical Society was read and the further consideration of it postponed. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 69 Drs. Smith and Lerned were chosen a committee to at- tend to the Society's matters before the Legislature. Voted that the next meeting of the Society shall be holden in Exeter on the last Wednesday of May AD 1809 Voted that the Librarian have ten dollars for his ser- vices for the ensuing year Voted to dissolve this meeting. L. Spalding, Secty. Honorary Fellow's Certificate. L. S. The President and Fellows of the Newhampshire Medical Society. By these presents testify, that Mr. M. D. by reason of his great knowledge in the science of medicine, has been appointed an honorary Fellow of their Society; in full confidence that his communications will do them much honour. In testimony whereof the seal of the Society has been hereunto affixed, and the signature of the Secretary added, at Portsmouth, May — AD 180 L. S. Secty. Letter. Dear Sir. I have the honour to inform you that you have been appointed an honorary Fellow of the New- hampshire Medical Society; and I do myself the pleasure to inclose your certificate of membership. I am directed by the Society to say, that communica- tions from you on medical subjects and the auxiliary branches of that science will be peculiarly pleasing to them. I have the honour to be your most obt. serv'. L. S. M. S. S. 70 Records New Hampshire Medical Society State of ) Newhampshire C These may certify that we the subscrib- ers, Censors of the Newhampshire INIedical Society, have examined Joseph Eastman a candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein and having fonnd him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Concord this Second day of June AD 1808. Signed Nathan Smith ) Censors of the Ebenezer Lerned C N. H. Med. Soc. State of ^ Newhampshire i These may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the Eastern district of the Newhampshire Medi- cal Society, have examined William Gordon of the State of Masachustts, a candidate for the practice of physick and Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testiminy of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names, at Ports- mouth this 14th day of dec-" 1804 W™ Cutter ^ Censors of the L. Spalding J N. H. Med. Soc. At the annual meeting of the Newhampshire Medical Society held at Exeter at the house of Benjamin Leavitt, on the last Wednesday of May 1809, being the 31st day of said month Present Ammi R. Cutter, M. D., President Nathan Smith, M. D. vice President At the annual meeting of the Newhampshire Medical Society held at Exeter at the house of Benjamin Leavitt on the last Wednesday of may 1809, being the 31^' day of said month. Records New Hampshire Medicjvl Society 71 Present Ammi R. Cutter, M. D. President Nathan Smith, M. D. Vice President Samuel Tenney. Joseph Tilton. Josiah Bartlett. John Fogg. Lyman Spalding. Thomas S. Ranney Joshua Brackett. Edmond Chadwiek. Thomas Sargent. Samuel Morrill. Jabez Dow and Jonathan Greeley, as petitioners. Meeting opened by the President The Secretary read the proceedings of the last meeting of the Society. Voted to accept Eleven dollars of the heirs of Doct. Philip Carrigan as full payment for all arrears due from him to the Society, and that the Treasurer give the heirs a receipt in full — At three Oclock the President took the chair and the Society proceeded to the choice of Officers for the current year Chose Josiah Bartlett, Samuel Tenney and Thomas Sar- gent, Scrutineers. At four Oclock, the poll having been closed the Scruti- neers reported that the Society had made choice of Ammi R. Cutter, M. D. President Nathan Smith, M. D. Vice President Drs. Levi Bartlett Thomas S. Ranney Ebenezer Lerned Joseph Tilton & William Cutter > Counsellors r Censors 72 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Lyman Spalding, ]\I. D. Secretary. Dr. Thomas S. Ranney, Treasurer. Drs. Nathan Smith William Cutter Lyman Spalding Ebenezer Lerned John Fogg and Ezra Bartlett Honble. Samuel Tenney, Librarian Dr. Ebenezer Lerned, Deputy Librarian Choose Dr. T. S. Ranney, committee on the Library Dr. Samuel Tenney, committee to settle the treasurer's accounts for the ensuing year. The Committee on the Treasurer's accounts reports that" "The subscriber has examined the above account and finds it right cast and well vouched and that there is 626 32-100 dollars arrears due the Society and two dollars and fifty cents due the Treasurer. Signed L. Spalding, Com^^^" Voted to accept the above report. Voted that the Treasurer have leave to charge the So- ciety with thirteen dollars he having taken that sum (for moneys due the Society) in bills which appear to be coun- terfeited bills. The ballots for candidates on nomination were taken when it appeared that Drs. James H. Pierrepont, of Ports- mouth, Matthias Spalding, of Amherst & Dan Hough of Keene were unanimously elected Fellows of the Newhampshire Medical Society. Doc^ Nathan Smith proposes Edmond Carlton of Haver- hill, Asa Crosby of Sandwich, Samuel Gerrish of Sanborn- ton to become Fellows of the Newhampshire Medical So- ciety. Doc* Josiah Bartlett proposes Seth Fogg, of Deer- field to become a Fellow of the Newhampshire Medical Society. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 73 Doc^ Samuel Tenney proposes Robert Berkley & George Farrar, both of Londonderry to become Fellows of the New- hampshire Medical Society. Samuel Morril proposes Ben- jamin Kelley of Gilmanton to become a Fellow of the New- hampshire Medical Society. All of which were read by the Secretary, with their annexed approbation of the Coun- sellors and placed in the hall during the meeting. In conformity with a vote of the Society the President and Council of the Newhampshire Medical Society Report "That they have carefully and attentively examined the Pharmacopoeia of the Massachusetts Medical Society, which was by the said Society presented to the Newhampshire Midical Society, and are of the opinion that it is the best and most correct Pharmacopoeia now extant, and that the Fellow^s of this Society ought to adopt the use thereof in preference to any other, and to reccommend the use of it to all the Physicians and apothecaries in the State, that there may be but one mode of pharmaceutical prepara- tions. ' ' Whereupon Voted to accept the above report of the Presi- dent and Council. Voted, That every Thesis written by a candidate at his examination before the Censors of this Society; every dis- sertation delivered before the Society, and every communi- cation made to the same, shall be written on Quarto post paper of the following dimensions, viz, ten inches in length and eight inches in breadth, leaving one inch inner margin on the heel of the paper to admit of binding. Voted, That the Secretary cause all Theses, Disserta- tions and communications made to the Society on paper of the above dimensions to be bound in volumes of about 300 pages each ; to be paged and indexed in .the order they were filed in this office. Voted, That the Secretary communicate the foregoing votes to each and every Censor immediately on his appoint- ment, to the Notaries of the District Societies, and to every Fellow of this Society for their government. 74 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Voted, That the Secretary receive of each candidate two dollars for signing, sealing and recording his letters tes- timonial. Voted, That all books &c which have been or may here- after be purchased by any District Society, shall be con- find in their circulation to the associates of that district. Voted, That the Librarian be requested to keep the books belonging to the Society bound and lettered. Voted, That Nathan Smith be authorized to call a meet- ing of the Fellows and associates in the Western District Society. Voted, That the Western District Society be authorized to admit twelve associates. Voted, That no person shall be elected an associate of any district Society in this State who is not of a good moral character, and who has not been two years a practitioner for himself, and who entering into the practise after the year 1794 shall not have received a medical degree from some University or the regular letters testimonial of the Xewhampshire or some other Medical Society, after an ex- amination, and who is not twenty three years of age ; but younger deserving characters shall be encouraged and as- sisted in every thing consistent with propriety. Voted, That no associate, shall be admitted a Fellow, who entered the practise after the year 1794 unless he has a medical degree or the regular letters testimonial of the Xewhampshire or some other medical Society. Chose Drs. Smith, Tenney and Spalding a Committee on mineral waters Chose Drs. Spalding and Pierrepont a Committee to purchase books The Committee for purchasing books for the last year reported that they had purchased the following books for the Library John and Charles Bell's anatomy 4 vols. 8 vo $20.00 Charles Bell's engravings of the arteries 8vo 7.00 Kecords New Hampshire IMedicvl Society 75 Charles Bell's engraviugs of the brain 4to $12.00 Charles Bell's engravings of the nerves 4to 6.00 Charles Bell's operative Surgery 1st vol. 8vo 6.00 Harty on dysentary 1vol. 8vo 3.00 JMedical Kepository 3rd & 4th nos. vol. 5 Hexade II) 1st & 2nd nos. vol. 6th Hexade II \ 2.25 Russell on necrosis 1 vol. 12mo 1.25 Shattucks Boylston prize Questions 1 vol 8vo 1.25 Burn's anatomy of the Gravid Uterus 8vo 1.50 Burns on abortion 1 vol. 12mo 0.75 New York Med. & Philos. Journal 1st No. 8 vo 0.75 They also report that it appears the following books have been heretofore purchased and not reported to the Society. Burserius medical Institutes 4th & 5tli vols. 8vo 5.00 Hey's Surgery 8vo 3.50 Boyer on diseases of the bones 8vo 4.00 Jolm Bell's principles of Surgery 2vols 4to 60.00 Pharmacopoeia of the Mss. Med. Soc. presented 1.00 Voted that the next meeting of the Society shall be held in Exeter on the last Wednesday of May 1810 Meeting dissolved L. Spalding Secty. At the annual meeting of the Xewhampshire Medical So- ciety held at Exeter at the house of Benjamin Leavitt, on the last "Wednesday of May, being the 30th day of said month, AD 1810. Present. A. R. Cutter, M. D., President Samuel Tenney Joseph Tilton Josiah Bartlett Thomas S. Ranney Samuel Foster James H. Pierrepont Matthias Spalding 76 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Lyman Spalding John Fogg Josiah Lane, a petitioner Meeting opened by the President The Secretary read the proceedings of the last meeting of the Society. Voted, That the Secretary write to each Fellow of this Society, who for years has neither attended the meetings of the Society, nor paid his dues, requesting him to trans- mit to the Treasurer whatever sum may be due from him, and inform the Society whether he wish to be considered a Fellow or not. The Committee on the Treasurer's account reports as fol- lows, viz. "Exeter, May 30, 1810. The subscriber has examined the above account and finds it right cast and well vouched and that there are $654.32^ arrears, due the Society, and five dollars and 45 cents due the Treasurer." Signed Sam' Tenney, Com*. Voted to accept the above report of the Committee. Voted, That at each annual meeting of the Society there shall be chosen by ballot a Fellow to deliver an oration at 12 Oelock on the day of the next annual meeting, and in ease of non acceptance, the President is hereby authorized to make a new appointment. At three Oelock the President took the chair and the So- ciety proceeded to the choice of officers for the current year. Chose Joseph Tilton, Josiah Bartlett and Matthias Spald- ing, Scrutineers. At four oelock the poll having been closed, the Scrutineers reported that the Society had made choice of Ammi R. Cutter, M. D., President Nathan Smith, M. D., Vice President Records New Hampshire Medical Society >■ Counsellors • Censors Drs. Joseph Tilton Josiah Bartlett, Ebenezer Lerned, William Cutter, James H. Pierrepont Lyman Spalding, M. D., Secretary Honb^^ Samuel Tenney, Treasurer Dr. William Cutter Ezra Bartlett Lyman Spalding Ebenezer Lerned John Fogg Matthias Spalding Honble. Samuel Tenney, Librarian D"" Ebenezer Lerned, Deputy Librarian Nathan Smith, M. D., Orator for 1811. At the first report of the Scrutineers, it appeared that D"" Thomas S. Ranney had been unanimously elected Treas- urer, but he declining, the Honble. Samuel Tenney was chosen in his stead. Voted, That the thanks of the Newharapshire Medical Society be presented to D"" T. S. Ranney for his faithful and prudential services as Treasurer for sixteen years. Chose D"" Josiah Bartlett, Committee on the Treasurer's accounts. Chose D"" Joseph Tilton, Committee on the Library Chose D""^ Smith, Tenney and Spalding a committee on mineral waters. The ballots for candidates on nomination were taken, when it appeared that Edmund Carlton, M. D., of Haverhill Asa Crosby of Sandwich, Seth Fogg of Deerfield, Robert Berkley, of Londonderry, and George Farrar, of Londonderry, were unanimously elected Fellows of this Societv. 78 Records New Hampshire ]\Iedical Society Voted, To postpone balloting for Benjamin Kelley of Gil- manton. Caspar Wistar, M. D., Philadelphia, Benjamin S. Barton, M. D., do. Philip _S. Physick, M. D. do. John R. Cone, M. D. do. John S. Dorsey, M. D. die. Wright Post, M. D., of New York, and Edward Miller, M. D. do. were all unanimously elected were elected honorary Fel- lows of the Newhampshire Medical Society, having been nominated by D"" Lyman Spalding. C". Smith proposes Josiah Lane, and Jonathan Greeley of Dover, to become Fellows of the Newhampshire Medical Society. D". Smith & E. Bartlett propose Erastus Torry of Cornish, Daniel Adams of Keene & Amos Twitchell of Marlboro, to become Fellows of the Society. All of which were read by the Secretary, with their annexed approbation by the Counsellors, and placed in the hall during the meeting. D"" Lane presented a petition from sundry physicians in Strafford County, praying that they may be made a Dis- trict Medical Society. Whereupon, Voted, That the petitioners from Strafford Medical Association have leave to withdraw their petition; It being a law of the Society, which they are not disposed to dispense with, that no person entering into the prac- tice of medicine since the year 1794 shall be eligible as a Fellow or associate, who has not a medical degree or has not passed an examination before the Newhampshire or some other medical Society. Voted, That the next meeting of the Society shall be held at Exeter on the last Wednesday of INIay, 1811. Voted to accept the report of the Committee on the pur- chase of books, which report is in words as follows, viz. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 79 The Committee on the purchase of books beg leave to re- port that during the last year they have purchased the fol- lowing Wilson on febrile diseases 2 vols 8vo $7.50 Principles of Surgery, J. Bell's, Vol. 3d 4to 17.00 New York Medical & Philosophical Journal and Review N°. 2. Vol. I. & No. 1 Vol. II 1.50 Barton 's Medical & Physical Journal 1 Part II. Vol. II, Part I. Vol. Ill )- 2.00 and second supplement J Medical Repository N" 4 of Vol. 6 Hexade II) Nos. 1, 2, & 3 of Vol. I. Hexade III. \ 2.00 Medical Communications of the 1 Massachusetts Medical Society I 1.75 Vol. 1, and part I of Vol. 2, & 3 of Vol. II J Jackson's remarks on Brown's System . 0.3714 Scoffield on Cowpox small 8vo 1.00 Richrand's Physiology 1 vol. 8vo 2.50 Philadelphia Medical Museum 1 Nos. 2, 3 & 4 Vol. 4th and Vols. 5th & 6th \ 5.50 Percivals medical Ethics 12mo 1.00 Blumenbach's comparative anat. 1 vol. 8vo 3.75 Cooper's Surgery 1 vol. 8vo 3.00 Burns' Midwifery 1 vol. 8vo Chapman's 3.00 Bischat's physiological researches 1 vol. 8vo 2.00 Henry's Chemistry 1 vol. 8vo 3.50 They also report that the following books have been here- tofore purchased but not reported to the Society. Bell John on wounds 1 vol. 8vo 6.00 Barton's Botany 1 vol. 8vo 6.00 Cleghorn 's diseases of minorea 1 vol. 8vo Beddoes' domestic treatise on Consumption & foxglove 1 vol 8vo Meeting dissolved Attest L. Spalding 80 Records New Hampshire IMedical Society State of Newhampshire. These may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society, have examined Mr. John French a candidate for the practice of Physick and Sur- gery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation thereunto Subscribe our names, at Ports- mouth this 29th day of May Anno Domini 1810. Signed W"" Cutter ^ Censors of the L. Spalding J N. H. Med. Soc. State of Newhampshire. These may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society, have examined Mr. Thomas Whipple, a candidate for the practice of Physick and Sur- gery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and hav- ing found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names, at Ports- mouth this 21st day of July Anno Domini 1810. Signed W™ Cutter | Censors of the L. Spalding \ N. H. Med. Soc. True copy L. Spalding, Secty. State of Newhampshire This may certify that we the subscribers. Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society, have examined Peter Bart- lett a candidate for the Practice of Phj'sic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Concord this 6th day of June 1810. Signed Matthias Spalding | Censors of the Ebenezer Lerned ( N. H. Med. Soc. True copy L. Spalding, Secty. State of Newhampshire These may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society have examined Moses Records New Hampshire Medical, Society 81 Long j"". a candidate for the practice of Physic and Sur- gery and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names a.t Concord this 6th day of June 1810 Signed Ebenezer Lerned ) Censors of the Matthias Spalding ( N. H. Med. Soc. True copy L. Spalding, Secty. Diploma "Newhampshire Medical Society Greeting. We have elected :an ingenious and learned man, who has seduclously applied himself to the cultivation of Medical Science and general literature, a Fellow (or an honorary Fellow) of our So- ciety, and invested him with all the rights and privileges thereunto belonging. In testimony whereof the seal of our Society has been hereunto affixed, and the signature of the Secretary added at Portsmouth, this first day of June AD 181 Secretary. ' ' Copy of letter — ' ' Portsmouth &c Sir, I have the honour to inform you, that at a meeting held the last Wednesday of may, you were unanimously elected an honorary Fellow of the Newhampshire Medical Society. As an individual, permit me Sir, to express the great sat- isfaction I feel, in conveying to you the sentiments of the .Society. I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient humble servant L. S." 6 82 Records New Hampshire Medical Society "Portsmouth &c Sir, I have the honour to inform you, that at a meeting held the last Wednesday of may, you were unanimously elected a Fellow of the Newhampshire Medical Society. The duty, which I execute with great pleasure, has de- volved on me to forward your Diploma and a copy of our laws; and at the same time to ask you, to make known to the Society your acceptance or non acceptance of the Fel- lowship. As an individual permit me Sir, to express the satisfac- tion I feel, in conveying to you the sentiments of the So- ciety. I have the honor to be Sir, your most obedient humble servant, L. S." At the annual meeting of the Newhampshire Medical So- ciety held at Exeter at the house of Benjamin Leavitt, on the last Wednesday of may, being the 29th day of said month, AD 1811. Present. A. R. Cutter, M. D., President. Nathan Smith, M. D., Vice President Joseph Tilton Josiah Bartlett J. H. Pierrepont Lyman Spalding Samuel Tenney Edmond Chadwick • Asa Crosby Robert Berkley Joshua Brackett Seth Fogg George Farrar Samuel Morrill Records New Hampshire Medical Society 83 Thomas Sargent Tho^ S. Ranney Meeting opened by the President The Seeretarj^ read the proceedings of the last meeting of the Society Voted to proceed to the election of candidates on nomi- nation. Benjamin Kelley of Gilmanton, Josiah Lane of Mere- dith, & Jonathan Greeley of Dover were unanimously elected Fellows of the Society. Voted to postpone balloting for the other candidates on nomination. The Orator of the day, D"". Smith, read several communi- cations, viz. on the pathology & physiology of arteries, on the spontaneous stopping of hemorrhage in wounded ar- teries, on spontaneous hemorrhage and on an artificial joint in the thigh bone cured by an operation. Doctors Benjamin Jones, Benjamin Rowe and Nathan^ Kidder having informed the Society that they declined ac- cepting the Fellowship which this Society has been pleased to honour them with Voted that the Treasurer have leave to charge the So- ciety with the sum of eighty eight dollars, the amount of arrears apparently due from the beforenamed Fellows, and that their Fellowship cease. Voted that the Treasurer have leave to charge the So- ciety with thirty eight dollars, the arrears due from D' John Preston, who has been dead a number of years. Doc\ Benjamin Page having requested a dismission from the Society Voted to grant his request. At three O'clock the President took the chair and the Society proceeded to the choice of officers for the current year. Chose D". J. H. Pierrepont, Seth Fogg, and Josiah Lane, Scrutineers. Censors 84 Records New Hampshire Medical Society At four Oclock, the poll having been closed, the Scruti- neers reported that the Society had made choice of Ammi R. Cutter, M. D., President Nathan Smith, M. D., Vice President D". Joseph Tilton ] Josiah Bartlett T. S. Ranney I Counsellors Thomas Sargent & John Fogg J Lyman Spalding, M. D., Secretary Hon''''' Samuel Tenney, Treasurer D^^ William Cutter Ebenezer Lerned J. H. Pierrepont Matthias Spalding Samuel Morrill & Asa Crosby D^ Joshua Brackett, Librarian Dr. Peter Green, Deputy Librarian Honble Josiah Bartlett, Orator for 1812. Voted, that the law respecting elections be so far dis- pensed with, as to proceed to the election of the remain- ing candidates on nomination Doct. Erastus Torry of Cornish Daniel Adams of Keene and Amos Twitchell of Keene were unanimously elected Fellows of the Society. Doc^ Smith proposed George C. Shattuck, M. D. Boston D"". Spalding proposed J. C. Warren, M. D. Boston D"". Bartlett proposed W". Ingalls, M. D. Boston D"". Pierrepont proposed John Goreham, ]\I. D. Boston D"". Brackett proposed James Jackson, M. D. Boston to become honorary Fellows of the Newhampshire Medical Society, all of whom were unanimously elected. Voted, that it is expedient and conducive to the good Records New Hampshire Medical, Society 85 government of this Society that a District Society be formed in the County of Strafford. Voted, That the fellows and associates now resident within of said County be and hereby are formed into a District Society to be known by the name of the ''Strafford District of the Newhampshire Medical Society" to be amen- able to all the laws and regulations of the Newhampshire Medical Society. Voted, That D''. Asa Crosby be and hereby is authorized to call the first meeting of said Strafford District Society. Voted, That no persons shall be eligible as an associate in any District of the Newhampshire Medical Society, who is not twenty three years of age, of a good moral char- acter, and has not been a practitioner for himself at least three years — and not even then unless he shall have had a medical degree from some University, the regular letters testimonial of the Newhampshire or some other Incor- porated Medical Society, granted after and in consequence of an examination, or have commenced business for himself as a practitioner, at least ten years previous to the forma- tion of the District Society into which he is proposed to be elected. Voted, That as it regards the above law, the present shall be considered as the formation of the Western District Society. The following books have been purchased for the Society since the last meeting, viz. Medical Repository N" 4 of Vol I. Hex. Ill Nos. 1, 2 & 3 of Vol. II. Hex. III. 8vo. $2.00 Philadelphia Medical Museum New Series Vol. 1st. 8vO 2.00 London Medical & Physical Journal Vols. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 & 23 8 vo. at 6 dolls 36.00 Ring on Cowpox part I 1 vol. 8vo 2.66l^ New York Medical and Philosophical Journal and Review No. 2 of Vol. II 8vo 0.75 86 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Hamilton on purgatives 12mo 1.25 Bell's letters on diseases of Urethra 1 vol. 12nio 1.50 Medical and Philosophical Register (New York) Nos. 1, 2 & 3 of Vol. I 8vo 1.50 Chose D'' L. Spalding committee on the Treasurer's ac- counts. Chose D"" J. H. Pierrepont committee on the Library. Doc^ L. Spalding proposed D^ L. Howe of Concord, D''. Smith proposed D'". Cyrus Perkins of Hanover and D^ Bartlett Proposed D"". Jedediah Ingalls of Durham to be- come Fellows of the New Hampshire Medical Society. All of which were read by the Secretary, with their annexed approbation of the Counsellors, and placed in the hall dur- ing the meeting. The committee on the Treasurer's accounts reported that "The subscriber has examined the above account and finds it right cast and well vouched and that there is 542 j3g2j dollars arrears due the Society ; and 105 ^^ J,' dollars in the Treasurer's hands. Signed. Voted to appropriate a sum not exceeding fifty dollars for the purchase of books. Chose D""^. Pierrepont, Spalding & Brackett a committee to purchase books. Voted, That next meeting of the Society shall be held at Exeter the last Wednesday of may 1812. Dissolved Att. L. Spalding. Secty. State of Newhampshire. These may certify that we the subscribers. Censors of the Newhampshire IMedical Society, have examined John Carr a candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respect- ing his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation Records New Hampshire Medical Society 87 hereunto subscribe our names at Salisbury this 2nd day of October A. D. 1811. Signed Eben"" Lerned ^ Censors of the Sam' Morril j N. H. Med. Soc. True Copy att. L. Spalding, Seet3^ State of Newhampshire. These may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society, have examined Elijah Row- ell, a candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names, at Kopkinton this 30th day of January AD 1812 Signed Eben'' Lerned ^ Censors of the Sam' Morril ( N. H. Med. Soc. True Copy att. L. Spalding, Secty. State of Newhampshire. These may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society, have examined Henry Sar- gent, a candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Hopkinton this 30th day of January AD 1812. Signed Eben'" Lerned ^ Censors of the Sam' Spalding (N. H. Med. Soc. True Copy att. L. Spalding, Secty. State of Newhampshire These may certify that we the subscribers. Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society, have examined Doctor Wil- liam Graves a candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and 88 Records New Hampshire Medical. Society having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names, at Ports- mouth this 2(>th day of feby AD 1812 Signed J. H. Pierrepont ^ Censors of the W-" Cutter f N. H. Med. Soc. True copy att. L. Spalding, Seety. State of New Hampshire. These may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of Newhampshire Medical Society, have examined James Odell Jr., a candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, re- specting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our appro- bation hereunto subscribe our names at Portsmouth this ninth day of may AD 1812 Signed W"" Cutter | Censors of the J. H. Pierrepont J N. H. Med. Soc. True copy of original L. Spalding, Seety. At the annual meeting of the N. H. Med. Society held at Exeter at the house of Benj*. Lfeavitt on the last Wednesday in May A. D. 1812 Present J. Tilton Sam' Tenney S. ]\Iorrill J. Brackett Thos. S. Ranney Eben"" Lerned Mathias Spalding Sam' Foster Lyman Spalding A. R. Cutter James H. Pierrepont Records New Hampshire Medical Society 89 Meeting opened by President The Secretary read the proceedings of the last meeting of the Society. Committee on Treasurers' Acc^ reported in words as fol- lows: Exeter April 26th 1812 The Subscriber has ex- amined the above ace'. & finds it right & that there are $600.32 due from the Fellows in arrears & eight dolP. from D'". Thos. S. Ranney on settlement & 156.97 in the Treas- urer's hands. Lyman Spalding Report of the Library read Voted, — to accept the report of the Committee on the Library Report of the Committee for the purchase of books was read & accepted Report of Censors for 1812 read & accepted Voted to repeal the 2*^. The ballots were taken for President & found unanimous for Amrai R. Cutter who politely declined to serve, offering as an excuse his advanced age &c D"" Pierrepont was made a Committee to return the thanks of the Society to the late Preside for his able & indefatig- able services The ballots were taken for President & found unanimous for D"" Nathan Smith Lyman Spalding was chosen Vice Pres^ D--^ Jos. Tilton ] Josiah Bartlett I Thos. S. Ranney J-Counsellors J. Gove I Mathias Spalding J D"" James H. Pierrepont, Sec*^ Hon'. Sam' Tenney, Treasurer 90 Records New Hampshire Medical. Society Eben'" Lerned ] Sam' Morrill | Mathias Spalding iCensors Joshua Brackett Asa Crosbj'" J Joshua Brackett Librarian Voted, — That the Center District be entitled to a division of Books not exceeding one hundred vols, to be re- turned at the end of one year. Voted That D"" Zadock Howe be admitted a Fellow of the N. H. Med. Society. Voted That D'' Jedediah Ingalls be admitted a Fellow of the N. H. Med. Society Voted That the admission of D"" Perkins as a fellow be postponed, from there being no evidence that he is an associate, which the laws of the Society require Voted That D'' Zadock How^e be Deputy Librarian Voted That a committee consisting of one be appointed to confer with D"" Brackett respecting an exchange or purchase of such vols if in any case it should ap- pear that the District Society own one part of a sett of books & the N. H. Med. Society the other & report there on Voted — That a committee of three be appointed to revise the laws of the N. H. Med. Society who shall re- port thereon, which report shall be submitted to the President & Council for approbation. Voted — That this Committee consist of three D""^ E. Lerned W. Cutter L. Spalding Voted that D'" Tilton be a committee to examine the Treas- urer's Acc'^. Voted That a sum not exceeding fifty DolP be expended to purchase books Voted That D""^ J. H. Pierrepont & Jos. Brackett be a Committee to purchase Books Records New Hampshire Medical Society 91 Voted That the next meeting be held at Leavitt' Tavern Voted That this meeting be dissolved State of N. Hampshire [- These may certify that we the Subscribers Censors in the N Hampshire medical Society have examined M"" Thomas Shannon of said State, a candi- date for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill & knowledge therein, & having found him duly quali- fied therefor, do in testimony of our approbation here- unto subscribe our names at Guilford this 29th day of Oc- tober A. D. 1812 Asa Crosby ) „ Sam'Morril ^^^^"^^ Attest James H. Pierrepont State of N. Hampshire \- These may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the N. H. med. Society have exam- ined M"" James Norris of s^ State a candidate for the prac- tice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & knowledge therein, & found him duly qualified therefor, do in testi- mony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Guilford this 29th day of Oct^ AD. 1812 Asa Crosby Sam' Morril Attest J. H. Pierrepont Censors State of N. Hampshire These may certify that we the subscribers. Censors of the N. H. Med. Society having examined M"" Silas Merrill of s"^ State, a candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery re- specting his skill & knowledge therein & found him duly qualified therefor do in testimony of our approbation here- 9'2 Records New Hampshire IVIedical Society unto subscribe our names at Guilford this 29th day of Oct^ AD. 1812 Asa Crosby ) ^ ^ , _^ '^.,, I Censors Sam' Morrill ( Attest J. H. Pierrepont Sec'' State of N Hampshire J^ These may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the N. H. med. Society have this day examined Jos. M. Harper of s"^ State a Candidate for the Practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & knowledge therein & having found him duly qualified there- for do in testimony of our approbation subscribe our names at Goffstown this 17th day of Jan" AD. 1813 Eben. Lerned ] Mathias Spalding )■ Censors Sam' Morrill | Attest J. H. Pierrepont At a legal annual jMeeting of the New Hampshire Medi- cal Society held at Exeter on the 26'*' Day of IMay AD. 1813 Docf Joseph Tilton eldest Counsellor present in the Chair Voted Docf Thomas Sargent Secretary Pro Tem Voted to choose a Committee to consult on the propriety of dividing the Library for the accommodation of the Mem- bers Voted Docf" Edmund Chadwick, Thomas Sargeant, Ebenezer Lerned and Jonathan Greeley the above Com- mittee Proceeded to the choice of Officers for the year ensu- ing Voted Nathan Smitu M. D. President. Voted Hon. Josiah Bartlett, Vice President Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 93 Voted Doctors Joseph Tilton, John Fogg, Ebenezer Lerned, Thomas S. Ranney, Matthias Spalding, Counsel- lors Voted Doef James H. Pierrepont, Secretary Voted Doc* Thomas Sargeant, Treasurer Voted D" Ebenezer Lerned, Matthias Spalding, Sam' Morrill, James H. Pierrepont Asa Crosby and Seth Fogg Censors Voted Docf Joshua Brackett Librarian Docf Samuel Tenney requested the Society to dismiss him from his connextion with the Society Voted Unanimously to grant his request. Voted that, the thanks of thus Society be presented to the Honorable Samuel Tenney for his friendly aid to the Society in the various Stations he has so faithfully and ably sustained for many years. Voted that Deputy Librarian be chosen in the follow- ing towns, viz D"" Seth Fogg Deerfield 40 Vols. D'' Thomas Sargeant Chester 40 Vols, D"" Matthias Spalding Amherst 40 Vols, D"" Zadoc Howe Concord 60 Vols, for one year Voted to lay our one Hundred Dollars in purchasing Books. Voted to Choose a Committee to lay out the Money Voted Doctors Josiah Bartlett, John Fogg, Thomas Sargeant, Ebenezer Lerned, Samuel Morril, and ]\Iatthias Spalding the above Committee Voted to accept Drs Samuel Tenney and George Far- rar as Bondmen for the Treasurer the ensuing year Voted that the next annual Meeting shall be holden at Concord N. H. on the Tuesday preceeding the general Elec- tion of the State at 10 oClock A. M. Thomas Sargeant Secretary Pro. Tom. Attest. Sam' Morril, Secretary. At the annual Meeting of the New Hampshire Medical Society holden at Concord on Tuesday the 31^' of May 1814 94 Records New Hampshire JMedical Society ]\Iembers Present Doctors Josiah Bartlett, Edmund Chadwiek, Thomas Sargeant, Asa Crosby, Peter Green. Seth Fogg, George Farrar and Samuel ]\Iorril Docf Josiah Bartlett, Vice President in the Chair. Voted Sam' Morril Secretary Pro Tem. Voted D""^ Asa Crosby, George Farrar, and Seth Fogg a Committee to Audit the Treasurers Accounts Voted to receive the following report of the Committee on the Treasurer's Accounts — "We the Subscribers a Committee to audit the Treas- urer 's Accounts for the last year have examined them, and find no receipts for the Books bought of Tappan & Foster of $41.75 and Charles Tappan of $13, as p"" Bills — including these bills we find in the Treasurers hands the sum of $196.75 and find due in arrears $626.32 At 3 oClock P. M. the President took the Chair in order to proceed in the Elections for the ensuing year Voted Docf^ Farrar, Chadwiek, and Crosby Scrutineers. Voted Hon. Josiah Bartlett President Voted Docf Matthias Spalding Vice President Voted Doctors Ebenezer Lerned Peter Green Edmund Chadwiek George Farrar and Asa Crosby Counsellors for the ensuing year Voted Samuel Morril Secretary Voted Docf Thomas Sargeant Treasurer Voted Ebenezer Lerned, Peter Green, Samuel Morril, George Farrar, Asa Crosby and Seth Fogg — Censors — Voted Docf Joshua Brackett Librarian Voted that the Secretary be directed to write to the Libra- rian and request him to procure all the Books belonging to the N. H. Medical Society to be returned to the Medical Library on or before the 1^' Day of September next — Records New Hampshire Medical, Society 95 Voted that Docf^ Josiah Bartlett and Seth Fogg be a Committee to examine into the State of the Medical Li- brary on the 6"* Day of September next and make report at the succeeding Meeting of the N. H. Medical Society — Voted that the Librarian be directed to distribute the Library to the district Librarians in the several Districts according to the proportion of Fellows in each District. The District Librarians are to be four in number. Voted D""^ Peter Green, Asa Crosby, Seth Fogg and Ezra Bartlett Deputy Librarians Voted that the Letter and enclosures from D"" James H. Pierrepont lie on the Table until the next Meeting Voted that D'" Ebenezer Lerned be requested to deliver an Oration on some Medical subject before the Medical Society at the next Meeting. Voted that Job Wilson M. B. of Salisbury be a Fellow of the N. Hampshire Medical Society — Voted that D"" Caleb Morse of Moultonboro be a Fellow of the N. H. Medical Society Voted D'"s Farrar and Fogg as the Treasurer's Bondsmen Voted that the Secretary be authorized to unite with a Committee supposed formerly appointed to revise the Laws of the N. H. Med. Society — if there is not any such Com- mittee D"" Chadwick with the Secretary are a Committee to revise said Laws and report said revision to the Society at the next Meeting with such alterations and amendments they shall think proper. Voted that the arrears due from the Estate of D"" Amos Gale be remitted if it has not been done heretofore by the Med. Society — Voted that D""^ Sargeant and Morrill be a Committee to receive Books from D"" Peter Green towards his arrears provided he has some not now in the Library and he and they can agree upon the price — Voted to hold the next Meeting of the N. H. Med. Society in Concord on the Tuesday preceding Ihe first Wednesday of June 1815 at Barker's Tavern — The Meeting to be pub- 96 Records New Hampshire Medical Society lished in one Newspaper in Portsmouth and one in Con- cord — Meeting adjourned Sam' Morril, Secretary. State of New Hampshire) These may certify that we the subscribers Censors of Eastern District N. H. Medical Society, have examined M"" Andrew P. Wiggin of said State a candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respect- ing his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Greenland this IQ*^*^ day of April AD. 1813 Joshua Brackett 1 Censors of the John Fogg C N. H. Med. Society Attest Sam' Morril Sec'y State of New) Hampshire f This may certify that we the Subscribers Censors of the N. H. Medical Society, have examined M' Jolm Morrison a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Epsom this 29"' Day of April Anno Domini 1814 Seth Fogg ] Sam' Morril \ censors Attest, Sam' Morril Sec'y This certifies that we the subscribers Censors of the N. H. Medical Society have this day examined Jonathan H. Shaw a candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respect- ing his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him Records New Hampshire INIedical Society 97 duly qualified therefor do in testimony of our approbation subscribe our names at Concord this 2""^ Day of June A D. 1813 Eben"" Lerned ] Matthias Spalding I Censors Sam' Morril J Attest, S Morril Sec'y State of New Hampshire ) These may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the N. H. Medical Society have examined M"" Ebenezer Dearborn of said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation, hereunto sub- scribe our names at Epsom this 3'^'' Day of January Anno Domini 1815 Seth Fogg ) Censors Sam' Morril J X. H. "SL S. Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the N. H. Medical Society have examined M'" Nathaniel Hench- man of s'' State a Candidate for the Practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & knowledge therein and hav- ing found him duly qualified, do in testimony of our appro- bation subscribe our Names at Concord this 8"^ Day of June 1815 Eben"" Lerned ) ^ _, , ,^ ., ' Censors Sam' Morril I Attest S. Morril, Sec'y. 98 Records New Hampshire Medical Society State of New Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the N. H. Medical Society have examined M"" Alexander Boyd of said State a Candidate for the Practice of Physic & Sur- gery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Concord this 7*'' Day of June 1815 Eben"" Lerned ) ^ , T,x -1 r Censors Sam' Morril j Attest, Sam' Morril Sec'y State of New Hampshire) This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society have examined M"" Jonathan Woodberry of said State, a Candidate for the Practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & Knowledge therein and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation sub- scribe our names at Deerfield this 20''' Day of October Anno Domini 1815 Seth Fogg ) Censors of the Sam' Morril J N. H. Med. Society Attest Sam' Morril Sec'y At the annual Meeting of the New Hampshire Medical Society holden at Concord June 6, 1815 Were present the following Members Doctors Josiah Bartlett Matthias Spalding Ebenezer Lerned Thomas Sargeant Joshua Brackett Seth Fogg Records New Hampshire Medical Society 99 Job Wilson Peter Green Robert Bartley and Sam^ Morril ]\Ieetmg- Opened Docf Josiah Bartlett, President in the Chair Minutes of the last Meeting read. Docf Ebenezer Lerned delivered an Oration on the rise and progress of the science of Medicine. Voted that the thanks of the Society be presented to D' Ebenezer Lerned for his ingenious Oration pronounced be- fore them this Day and that he be requested to furnish a Copy to be deposited in the Secretary's office. Voted that D""^ Brackett, Fogg and Wilson be a Commit- tee to settle the Treasurer's Accounts for the year past. Voted that the Librarian be directed to procure those Books Missing in Pamphlet form and get them bound. Voted that a Committee heretofore appointed to revise the Laws of the Society be discharged from that duty. Voted that D" Lerned, Spalding and S. Morril be a Com- mittee to revise the Laws of the N. H. Medical Society and report at the next Meeting of the Society. Voted to adjourn to 3 Clock P. M. Met agreeably to adjournment Voted D'- David S. Morril of Goffstown a Fellow of the N. H. Medical Society. Proceeded to the Elections for the ensuing year. Voted Drs. Lerned, Bartley and Brackett Scrutineers. Voted Hon. Josiah Bartlett, President Voted Docf Matthias Spalding Vice President Voted Doctors Ebenezer Lerned Peter Green Robert Bartley Joshua Brackett Seth Fogg Counsellors 100 Records New Hampshire ^Medical Society Voted Samuel Morril Secretary. Voted D"" Thomas Sargeant Treasurer. Voted D'' Joshua Brackett Librarian Voted Doctors Ebenezer Lerned Sam' Morril George Farrar Asa Crosby Seth Fogg Jedediah Ingalls Daniel Adams Amos Twitchell, Censors Voted D'"^ Matthias Spalding, Seth Fogg, Peter Green and Asa Crosby Deputy Librarians. Voted that the Secretary be requested to notify the ab- sent officers of their appointment to office. Voted that the enclosures in D"" Pierrepont's Letter be paid so far as relates to this Society. Voted that the request of D' Pierrepont not to be a Can- didate for office in the Society be so far granted that he be not nominated to office so long as he may deem it improper ; still receiving him as a worthy Fellow of said Society and requesting his attendance as often as his convenience will permit and the Secretary notify him accordingly. Voted that D'' John Fogg (although with much re- luctance) be discharged from his Fellowship in the Society provided he pays up his arrears and the Sec'y notify him accordingly. Voted that D'' Thomas S. Ranney's Letter lie over for consideration. Voted, that D"" Moses Nichols Taxes due in arrears be re- mitted and his name be stricken off the List. Voted that D'' Seth Fogg's account be paid out of the Treasury. Voted to accept the following report of the Committee on the Treasurer's accounts. "We the subscribers auditors of the Treasurer's accounts Records New Hampshire Medical Society 101 having examined them for the last year, find them correctly footed. Now are remaining in the Treasurer's hands one hundred and eighty four Dollars and forty six cents and a half. In arrears 696 Dollars." One Bill of Tappans not allowed of $13. J. Brackett ] Seth Fogg I Auditors Job Wilson J Voted that D"" Dan Hough be Deputy Librarian of the western District provided said District should become or- ganized. Voted that the Librarian be authorized to get a Catalogue of the Books added to the Library (since the Catalogue was printed) to be printed and added to the present Catalogue and distribute the same to the Fellows and associates. Voted to postpone the Petition of D"" Spalding and others to three oClock P. M. tomorrow. Voted to adjourn to 9 OClock A. M. tomorrow. Met agreeabl}^ to adjournment June 7th, 9 oClock A. M. Docf David L. Morril a Fellow of the N. H. Medical Society appeared and took his seat. Voted to elect tM-o additional Censors for the Western Dis- trict should said District become organized. Voted that it is expedient for the good government and improvement of the N. H. Medical Society that a new Dis- trict be organized to be called the western District to con- tain the Counties of Cheshire Grafton and Coos, and such other Towns in any adjacent county as the Physicians there- in practising may choose to associate in said District. Voted that D""^ Daniel Adams, Dan Hough, and Amos Twitchell or either of them be authorized to call the first meeting of said western District. Voted that said Western District be permitted to admit twenty associate Members in addition to the Fellows of the N. H. Medical Society already residing in said District, 102 Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society they conforming themselves to the laws of the General So- ciety. Voted that the Secretary be directed to communicate to D'' Daniel Adams of Keene all votes passed in the Society relative to the organizing of the western District; likewise two Copies of the Laws of the General Society, also the bye Laws of the eastern and Centre Districts. Voted Drs Matthias Spalding and Joshua Brackett Ora- tors for 1816 Voted that the arrears due from the late D"" John Rogers be remitted. Voted that D"" Calvin Frink be not hereafter assessed the annual Tax and his arrears be not brot forward in the Treasurers Accounts. Resolved that the assessment of two dollars on each asso- ciate Member agreeably to the Library Laws be suspended and that each District Society be at the expense of convey- ing the Books to and from the General Library and ac- countable for all damages that may arise from said con- veyance. Voted that the account of D"" Peter Green be paid out of the Treasury Voted that D"" S. Morril be discharged from attending to receiving Books from D"" Peter Green, and D"" Joshua Bracb- ett is appointed a substitute. The Committee appointed to receive Books from D'' Peter Green towards his arrears report the reception of the following, Viz. : Spengalls Hypocrates I Vol. Manning Diseases of Women London Treatise of Physic Boerhaaves Aphorisms Morgan's Philosophical) Principles of Medicine J Meads Medical Precepts DC 2.00 1 Vol 1.00 1 D^ 1.50 1 D° . 1.50 1 D° 1.25 1 D° 1.50 Records New Hampshire Medical Society 103 Thatcher's Dispensatory 1 D° $4. Thomas Practice 1 D" 4. $ 16.75 Joshua Brackett ) ^ f Committee Ihomas Sargent \ Voted that the report of the above Committee be accepted Voted that the Treasurer be requested to write to all de- linquents and desire them to pay up their arrears as soon as possible, and signify their intention of continuing their Fellowship in the Society. Voted to adjourn to 14 of an hour before 3 P. M. Med agreeably to adjournment. Voted that the petitioners D"" Spalding and others have leave to withdraw their Petition. Voted to appropriate 50 Dollars for the purchase of Books the ensuing year Voted that the Committee be requested to purchase the periodical publications of the middle and eastern States an- nually. Voted that D^ Brackett be the Committee to purchase Books agreeably to the above Vote. Voted that the Laws respecting the appoint of a Com- mittee to inspect the Library be suspended for the en- suing year. The Committee D""^ Bartlett and Fogg appointed to in- spect the Library the past year made an elaborate report which was accepted and is placed on File. Voted that the next annual Meeting of the Society be holden at Concord on the Tuesday preceding the first Wed- nesday of June 1816 Voted that this meeting stand adjourned to the first Wed- nesday of September next then to meet at Portsmouth Meeting adjourned Sam' Morril, Sec'y 104 Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society June 6, 1815 D"" Eben"" Lerned proposed D"" Moses Long of Concord Doef M. Spalding proposed D"" John T. Bachelder of Charlestown D"" E. Lerned proposed D'' Luther Farley of Franeis- town D"" M. Spalding proposed D"" James Stark of Hopkinton D"" E. Lerned proposed D"" James Crombie of Temple D"" S. Morril proposed D'" Thomas Shannon of Pitts- field D"" E. Lerned proposed D'' Alex"" T. Clarke of North- field D'' M. Spalding proposed D*" John Starr of Northwood D"" J. Brackett proposed D"" Woodbury Sen"" of Har- rington D" Matthias Spalding proposed D"" Adonijah Howe Jr of Jaffrey To become Fellows of the N. H. Medical Society, all of which were approved by the Counsel. Concord June 7th 1815 Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society have examined M"" Asa Perkins of said State, a Candidate for the practise of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Deer- field this 20th Day of October ADom. 1815 Attest Seth Fogg J Censors of the Sami Morril j N. H. Medical Sam' Morril, Sec'v Records New Hampshire Medical Society 105 State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society, have examined M"". Wil- liam Sweatt of Salisbury in said State, a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and, having found him duly quali- fied therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Epsom this 27"* Day of February Anno Domini 1816. g^^j^ ^^^^ ^ Censors of the ^ll(.^^ Sam' Morrilj N. H. Med. Soc. Sam' Morril, Sec'y- These may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined M"" Charles Herbert Jr of said State a Candidate for the prac- tice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowl- edge therein, and, having found him duly qualified there- for, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Concord this 29"' Day of November ADomini 1^1^ Eben Lerned ) ^ oi 1 Tn^ -1 V Censors Sam' Morril J Attest Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the N. H. Medical Society have examined M"" David T. Libbey of Newdurham in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and, having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our Names at Concord this sixth Day of June AD 1816 Eben Lerned ) Censors Sam' Morril j N. H. M. Society 106 Records New Hampshire Medical Society This may certify to whom it may concern that we the sub- scribers Censors of the N. H. Medical Society have this Day examined Isaac Wallace a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation subscribe our names at Goffstown this 27'^ Day of January AD 1813 Eben'" Lerned 1 Censors Matthias Spalding I of the N. H. Sam' Morril J Med. Soc. Attest Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire) These may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the southern District New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Josiah Kittredge of said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Amherst this twenty fourth Day of July Anno Domini 1816 Matthias Spalding ) Censors of y® James Crombie C Southern Dist N. H. M. Soc. Attest Sam' Morril Sec'y. State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined M"" Levi Merrill of Northwood in said State, a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto sub- Records New Hampshire Medical, Society 107 scribe our names at Concord this 29'^ Day of January Anno Domini 1817 Eben"" Lerned ) Censors of the Sam' Morril J N. H. Medical Society Attest Sam' Morril, Sec'y At the annual Meeting of the N. H. Medical Society holden at Concord on Tuesday the 4'^ of June 1816 The following Fellows were present Viz : Doctors Josiah Bartlett, Edmund Chadwick, Matthias Spalding, Robert Bartley, David L. Morril, Caleb Morse, Ebenezer Lerned, Asa Crosby, Seth Fogg, Thomas Sar- geant, Peter Green, Robert Woodbury, and Sam' Morril Meeting opened Docf Josiah Bartlett President in the Chair Minutes of the annual Meeting in June 1815 were read Voted D'' Robert Woodberry of Barrington, D"" John Starr of Northwood, D'' Thomas Shannon of Pittsfield, D"" Alexander T. Clarke of Northfield, D"" James Stark of Hopkinton, D"" James Crombie, D"" Moses Long of Concord, D'" John P. Bacheder of Charleston, and D"" Luther Farley of Francistown, Fellows of the N. H. Medical Society. D^ Robert Woodberry of Barrington a Fellow of the N. H. ]\Iedical Society appeared and took his seat The following Gentlemen were proposed by D"" Asa Crosby, and approved by the Council in the year 1814; but by some misfortune the proposition was lost Voted to proceed to their Election Voted D"" Samuel Pray of Rochester, D'' Jabez Dow of Dover, D"" Joseph Boyden of Tamworth, D"" Thomas Lind- sey of Wakefield, and D'' Jedediah Chapman of Wolfboro, Fellows of the N. H. Medical Society. Voted that Aaron Dexter M. D. of Boston, Professor of 108 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Chemistry in Harv^ard University, be an Honorary ^Member of the X. H. Medical Society. Voted that D"" John P. Bachelder be added to the Com- mittee appointed in June 1815 to call the first meeting of the western District for the purpose of organizing the same, and that they or either of them, be authorized to call the first meeting of said District. Voted that the Treasurer write to D"" William Cogswell explaining the vote passed in the year 1802, that he is con- sidered a Fellow until 1804, and that if he pays up his arrearages until that time, he will then be dismissed from his Fellowship in the Society at his request. Voted that D' Edmund Carlton's request of Haverhill be so far granted, that he be considered an Honorary Mem- ber of the Society. Voted Docf David L. Morril, D^ Lerned, D^ Morse, D"" Crosby, and D"" Woodberry be a Committee to audit the Treasurer's Accounts. Voted that D"" Thomas S. Ranney's request be so far granted (that on his paying up his arrears to 1815) he be considered an honorary Member of this Society. Proceeded to the Elections for the year ensuing. Voted D"" Lerned, D"" David L. Morril, and D""' Crosby Scrutineers. Voted Hon. Josiah Bartlett, President. Voted D"" Matthias Spalding, Vice-President. Voted Doctors Ebenezer Lerned, Peter Green, Robert Bart- ley, David L. Morril and Seth Fogg Counsellors. Voted Samuel Morril, Secretary. Voted D"" Thomas Sargent, Treasurer. Voted D"" James H. Pierrepont, Librarian Voted D" Ebenezer Lerned, Samuel Morril, Matthias Spalding, James Crombie, James H. Pierrepont, Jedediah IngalLs. Asa Crosby and Samuel Pray, Censors. Voted D-"^ Matthias Spalding, Seth Fogg, Peter Green, and Asa Crosby Deputy Librarians Voted that the thanks of the Society be presented to D*" Records New Hampshire Medical Society 109 Spalding for his ingeaious Dissertation on the use and properties of Arsenic, read before them this Day, and that he be requested to lodge a Copy with the Secretary. Voted that D"" David L. Morrill, D"" Ebenezer Lerned and D'" Robert Woodberry be a Committee to examine the Charter of the N. H. Medical Society, and if they think proper to petition the Legislature for an alteration. Voted that the Report of the Committee appointed to revise the By-Laws be accepted. Voted that a resolve passed in June 1815 in the words following be repealed "resolved that the assessment of two Dollars on each associate Member agreeably to the Library Laws be suspended, and that each District Society be at the expense of conveying the Books to and from the Gen- eral Library, and accountable for all damages that may arise from said conveyance." Voted to accept the Report of the Auditors on the Treas- urer's Accounts as follows, "We the Subscribers Auditors of the Treasurer's Ac- counts for the last year, having examined the same, find them properly vouched and correctly cast; and now re- maining in his hands $124"18/2; In arrears $693"75. June 4'!^ 1816 David L. Morril 1 Robert Woodberry I Auditors Caleb Morse J Voted that D"- Josiah Bartlett, D"" William Cutter and D'' Seth Fogg be a Committee on the Library Voted that a Committee be appointed to procure 300 printed Copies of the Charter and By-Laws of the N. H. Medical Society for the use of the Society Voted that the Secretary be the above Committee. Voted that D"" Reuben D. Mussey of Hanover be a Fel- low of the N. H. Medical Society Voted that the account of the Committee appointed to revise the By-Laws be paid out of the Treasury 110 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Voted to adjourn at 9 OClock A. M. tomorrow to meet at this place Met agreeably to adjournment Voted that the expenses of the Society be paid out of the Treasury and that Money be appropriated therefor Docf Reuben D. Mussey a Fellow of the N. H. Medical Society appeared and took his seat. Voted that the Tax due from D*" Nathaniel Peabody be suspended and that the Treasurer be directed not to assess a Tax on him until further orders from the Society Docf Alexander T. Clark a Fellow of the N. H. Medical Society appeared and took his seat Voted that the money appropriated in 1815 for the pur- chase of Books if unexpended, be expended for the purpose of purchasing periodical publications of the middle and eastern States in conformity to a vote passed in 1815. Voted that D"" Reuben D. Mussey and D'" James H. Pierre- pont be Orators for 1817 Voted that if necessary D"" J. H. Pierrepont is authorized to call a Meeting the Eastern District N. H. ]\Iedical So- ciety in Sept next. Voted to adjourn to Concord to meet on the Tuesday preceding the first Wednesday of June 1817 at 10 OClock A. M. Sam' Morril, Secretary At a Meeting of the President and Council of the N. H. Medical Society holden at Concord on the 5*^ Day of June 1816 The Hon. Josiah Bartlett President in the Chair Counsellors present, Doctors Lerned, Green, Bartley, and Fogg A Petition was presented by Doct" Spalding, Bartley and Crombie Fellows of the N. H. Medical Society as fol- lows : "To the President and Council of the New-Hampshire Medical Society. Gentlemen. The undersigned Fellows of the New-Hampshire Medical Records New Hampshire Medical Society 111 Society beg leave to represent, that they now are members of the Centre District N. H. Medical Society and that they conceive that it would promote medical information as well [as] conduce to the convenience of the members residing in the southern part of said District that a new Society be organized to be called the Southern District N. H. Medi- cal Society comprising the Towns in the southern part of the County of Hillsborough & such adjacent Towns in the County of Rockingham and County of Cheshire as would most convene the Members of said Counties & that the meetings be held in Amherst. As in duty bound will pray Matthias Spalding James Crombie Robert Bartley Concord June 5'" 1816 State of New-Hampshire By the President and Council of the N. H. Medical Society To Matthias Spalding, James Combie & Robert Bartley, Fel- lows of said Society Greeting — Your application made in due form requesting that a Dis- trict Medical Society might be instituted to consist of the Fellows of the N. H. Medical Society residing in the south- ern part of the Centre District and comprising the Towns in the southern part of the County of Hillsborough and such adjacent parts of the Counties of Rockingham and Cheshire as would most convene the Members of said Coun- ties — was duly considered by the President & Council on the 5*^** Day of June Anno Domini 1816 — And it was there- upon resolved that your request should be granted. Be it therefore known that pursuant to the Charter of the N. H. Medical Society and in conformity to the ByLaws of the same a District Society by the name of the Southern Dis- L. S. 112 Records New Hampshire Medical Society trict N. H. Medical Society is hereby established to con- sist of the Fellows of the N. H. ]\Iedical Society now resi- dent and of those who shall hereafter reside in the limits above described ; and Matthias Spalding of Amherst is here- by authorized to call a Meeting of the Fellows and asso- ciates of the N. H. Medical Society now resident within the District aforesaid for the purpose of electing Officers and transacting such other business as they shall deem expedient. In testimony whereof the President pursuant to the aforesaid resolve has hereunto subscribed his name and affixed the Seal of the Society at Concord this 5'^'' Day of June Anno Domini 1816 Josiah Bartlett, President Sam' Morril, Secretary. June 4''^ and d'"" 1816 D"" Thomas Sargeant proposed D"" Josiah Dwight of Ports- mouth D"" Matthias Spalding proposed D"" Daniel Adams of Mont Vernon D"" Seth Fogg proposed D^ Abel Blanchard of Pembroke D"" Sam' Morril proposed D'' Silas Merrill of Andover D*" Josiah Bartlett proposed D"" James Odell of Stratham D'' Matthias Spalding proposed D'" Abel Goodrich of Merri- mack D"" Sam' ]\Iorrill proposed D^ Amasa Kelly of Chichester and D"" John Carr of Sanbornton D"" Matthias Spalding proposed D"" William Graves of Deer- field and D"" Moses Kidder of Dublin To become Fellows of the New-Hampshire Medical So- ciety — all of which were approved by the Council Sam' Morril, Secretary State of New Hampshire This certifies that we the Subscribers Censors of the New- Hampshire Medical Society, have examined John B. El- Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 113 Hot of said State, a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in tes- timony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Dover this IS"" day of February Anno Domini 1817 Asa. Crosby ) Censors of the N. H. Sam' Pray ( Medical Society Attest, Sam' ^lorril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire These may certify that we the Subscribers, Censors of the Southern District New-Hampshire Medical Society, Have examined Doctor John Wallace of said State a Can- didate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Amherst this first day of October AD 1816 Matthias Spalding ) Censors of the S. D. James Crombie ( N. H. Med. S. Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the Subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Joseph Hammonds of Farmington in said State, a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto sub- scribe our names at New Durham this 13"" Day of November Anno Domini 1816 Asa Crosby ) Censors of the Sam' Pray J N. H. Med. Soc. Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y 114 Records New Hampshire Medical Society State of New-Hampshire These may certify that we the Subscribers, Censors of the Strafford District of the New Hampshire Medical So- siety have examined Hczekiah J. Crockett of Middleton in said State, a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting- his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Gil- manton this second Day of June Anno Domini 1817 Asa Crosby ) Censors of the N. H. Sam' Pray C Med. Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This certifies that we the Subscribers Censors of the New- Hampshire Medical Society, have examined Docf John M'^Crillis of Wakefield in said State, a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill & knowl- edge therein, and having found him duly qualified there- for, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto sub- scribe our names at New-Durham this thirteenth day of November Anno Domini 1816 Asa Crosby ) Censors of the N. H. Sam' Pray ^ Med. Society Attest, Sam' Morril, SecV At the annual Meeting of the New-Hampshire Medical Society holden at Concord on Tuesday the 3'"'' Day of June 1817 : were present the following Fellows Viz : Doctors Josiah Bartlett, Ebenezer Lerned, Matthias Spalding, Peter Green, David L. ]Morril, Job Wilson, Reuben D. Mussey, Moses Long, Alexander T. Clark, Asa Crosby, Samuel Pray, Records New Hampshire Medical Society 115 Jedediah Chapman, Thomas Sargeant, James Stark and Sam> Morril Meeting opened. Docf Josiah Bartlett President in the Chair Minutes of the annual Meeting in June 1816 were read The following Gentlemen who w^ere proposed to the Fellowship in 1816 were balloted for, and duly elected Viz : Docf Abel Blanchard of Pembroke, D"" Silas Merrill of Andover, D"" James Odell of Stratham, D"" Daniel Adams of Mont Vernon, D"" Josiah Dwight of Portsmouth, D'' Amasa Kelly of Chichester, D'' John Carr of Sanbornton, and D^ Moses Kidder of Dublin Docf Abel Blanchard, D"" Silas Merril and D"" James Odell Fellows of the N. H. Medical Society appeared and took their seats. Proceeded to the Elections for the year ensuing. Voted Hon. Josiah Bartlett President. Voted Docf Matthias Spalding Vice-President. Voted Doctors James H. Pierrepont, Daniel Adams, Peter Green, Asa Crosby and Reuben D. Mussey Counsellors. The President and Secretary of the Eastern, Centre, West- em, Strafford, and Southern Districts are also Counsellors Ex Officio. Voted Samuel Morril Secretary Voted Docf Moses Long Treasurer Voted Dr. Peter Green Librarian Voted Doctors James H. Pierrepont, Jedediah Ingalls, Ebenezer Lerned, Samuel Morril, Daniel Adams of Mont Vernon, Matthias Spalding, Asa Crosby, Samuel Pray, Reu- ben D. Mussey and John P. Bachelder Censors. Voted Doctors Lerned, Wilson, Spalding and Merrill a Committee to audit the Treasurer's Accounts Voted Doctors Josiah Bartlett, Samuel Morril and Moses Long a Committee to examine the Library and hand over the same to the new Librarian, and settle all arrears rela- tive to the Library. 116 Records New Hampshire ^Medic.u. Society Voted D"" James H. Pierrepont, D"" Matthias Spalding, D"" Crosby, and D"" Adams of Keene Deputy Librarians. Voted Docf James H. Pierrepont and Doef David L. Mor- ril Orators for 1818 Voted that the 2"^ Section, Chapter first of the Laws of the Society be so amended as to read as folloM's "At this meeting there shall be elected a President a Vice President the latter of whom shall be a Counsellor ex officio and one Counsellor from each District; the presiding officer and Secretary of each District Society being Fellows shall be Counsellors ex officio, likewise a Secretary, Treasurer, Li- brarian, and ten Censors, so situated as best to accommo- date the several Districts, all of whom shall be chosen by ballot." Voted that the third Section Chapter second be amended and the following be inserted after the w^ords annual Meet- ing of the Society "Three of whom shall constitute a quo- rum." Voted that Sec. 5^'^ Chapter 2°'^ be amended and the words ' ' a Copy of ' ' precede the words the Accounts. Voted that the Oaths of office be suspended for the present. Voted that the thanks of the Society be presented to Docf Mussey for his very ingenious and instructive Dissertation delivered before the Society this Daj", and that he be re- quested to furnish Copy for the use of the Society. Patients admitted for examination. One with an atfection of the knee and thigh Bone recom- mended Muriate Lime Phos. ferri &c. Another with an af- fection of the Foot & Ancle and loss of speech, recom- mended a Drain bathing with cold salt Water Bark & Steel &c. Another with a Curvature of the Spine recommended Caustic ^Muriate of Lime, cold bathing «S:e. Another with a Tumefaction of the Neck recommended Solution of Arse- nic, Mountain Ash &c. Another an inflammation of the Eye occasioned by the explosion of Gunpowder. Concord June 3'^ 1817. The subscribers Auditors of the Treasurer's accounts for Records New Hampshire Medical Society 117 the last year, report that there is now due from said Treasurer and in his hands eighty six Dollars and sixtj^ six cents & a half; likewise arrears from sundry Members amounting to seven hundred and one Dollars and seventy five cents. Ehen Lerned ] Matthias Spalding J> Committee Silas Merrill J Voted that the account of Samuel Morril amounting to $3.42 be accepted and paid by the Treasurer. Voted that the Treasurer loan what money he has on hand, and can collect for the use of the Society. Voted that Sam' Morril, D"". Blanchard and D'" Wilson be a Committee to inspect the Library and audit the Treas- urer's Accounts on the Monday preceding the annual Meeting. Voted that those ]\Iembers who are in arrears, and are not much benefited by the institution on paying up their arrears, shall be considered as honorary Members of the Society, and shall not hereafter be assessed, signifying a wish to that effect. Voted that the next Meeting of the Society be holden at this place. Meeting adjourned Sam' Morril, Secretary. Concord June 3'"^ and 4**^ 1817 Docf E. Lerned proposed Docf Cyrus Perkins of Hanover, Docf David Carter of Peterborough, Docf Peter Bartlett of Salisbury, Docf John Proctor of Salisbury, Docf Joseph M. Harper of Canterbury. Docf James Crombie proposed Docf John Preston of New Ipswich. Docf Lerned proposed Josiah Crosby M. D. of Gilford Docf Pray proposed Docf William Preseott of Gilmanton Docf Sam' Morril proposed Docf Thomas Chadbourne of Concord 118 Records New Hampshire Medical Society To become Fellows of the New-Hampshire Medical Society, all of which were approved by the Council. Sam' Morril, Secretary State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Docf Thomas H. Merril of Gilmanton in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto sub- scribe our names at New Durham this thirteenth Day of November Anno Domini 1816 Asa Crosby ) Censors of the Sam' Pray \ N. H. Medical Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire These may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the Southern District New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Peter P. Woodbury of said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto sub- scribe our names at Amherst this first Day of October ADomini 1816 Matthias Spalding J Censors of the Southern James Crombie C District N. H. Med. Society Attest Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society, have examined William Trafton of South Berwick in the District of Maine, a can- didate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting Records New Hampshire Medical Society 119 his skill and knowledge therein, & having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation here- unto subscribe our names at Hanover this 23'''^ Day of De- cember Anno Domini 1817 Eeuben D. Mussey ) Censors of the N. H. J. P. Bachelder f Medical Society Attest, S. Morril, Sec'y State of New Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society have examined Aaron Pierce of Barnard in the State of Vermont, a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Hanover this 23'"'^ Day of December Anno Domini 1817 Reuben D. Mussey ) Censors of the N. H. J. P. Bachelder ( Medical Society Attest, S. Morril Sec'y State of New Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers. Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society, have examined David A. Grosvenor of Manchester in the State of Massachusetts, a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Hanover this 23'"'^ Day of December Anno Domini 1817 Reuben D. Mussey ) Censors of the N. H. J. P. Bachelder J Medical Society Attest, S. Morril, Sec'y 120 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Portsmouth April 10^»> 1818 We the Subscribers certify that Messrs G. Odell and Fi- field have been examined as to their qualifications for the practice of Medicine and do approve thereof. James H. Pierrepont ) Censors of the Jedediah Ingalls J N. H. M. Soc. Attest, Sam^ Morril, Sec'y State of New Hampshire These may certify that we the Subscribers Censors of the Southern District of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined j\P John Campbell now resident in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respect- ing his skill & knowledge therein and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimonj' of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Amherst this 22°'^ day of April A. D. 1817 Matthias Spalding | Censors of the James Crombie J N. H. Med. Society Attest, S. Morril, Sec'y State of New Hampshire This may certify that we the Subscribers, Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society, have examined Joseph Boynton of Holies, in said State, a candidate for the Prac- tice of f*hysic and Surgery, respecting his skill and knowl- edge therein, and having found him duly qualified there- for, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names, at Amherst this thirtieth day of May, Anno Domini 1818. ]\Iatthias Spalding ] Censors of the Daniel Adams ^ N. H. Med. Society Attest, S. Morril, Sec'y Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 121 State of New Hampshire This may certify that we the Subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined M"" Abner Johnson of Springfield in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & knowl- edge therein, and having found him duly qualified there- for, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Concord this 4''' Day of June Anno Domini 1818. Eben'" Lerned ) ^ } Censors Sam' Mornl i Attest, S. Morril, Sec'y This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined M"" Samuel Sawyer of Hopkinton in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and Knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto sub- scribe our names at Concord this 4'^^ Day of June Anno Domini 1818. Eben'" Lerned ) „ ^, , ,r -1 r Censors Sam' Mornl I Attest, S. Morril. Sec'y ^NP William A. Staples has been examined respecting his knowledge of the practice of Medicine and Surgery & its auxiliary branches, & is approved, in testimony thereof we the undersigned do subscribe our names Jede*" Ingalls ) Censors of the E. D. James H. Pierrepont J N. H. M. S. Portsmouth Oct. 20, 1818 Attest, S. Morril, Sec'y. 122 Records New Hampshire Medical Society State of New Hampshire This may certify that we the Subscribers Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society have examined D"" James Farrington of Conway in said State of New Hampshire, a Candidate for the practice of physic & Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, liereunto subscribe our names at Farmington this 21st day of July Anno Domini 1818 Asa Crosby ) Censors of the Samuel Pray J N. H. M. S. Attest, S. Morril, Sec'y State of New Hampshire. This may certify that Ave the subscribers Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society have examined M'' Walter I. Wardrobe a Candidate for the practice of physic & Sur- gery respecting his skill & Knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Concord this 5*"^ day of June Anno Domini 1817 Eben'' Lerued ) ^ Sam- Morril \ ^''''°'' Attest, S. Morril, Sec 'y At the annual Meeting of the New Hampshire Medical So- ciety holden at Concord June 2"*^ 1818 were present the fol- lowing Fellows Viz : Doctors Josiah Bartlett, Matthias Spalding, Peter Green, Robert Hartley, Asa Crosby, Samuel Foster, Seth Fogg, Caleb Morse, Joseph Boyden, Silas Merril, Ebenezer Ler- ned, John Carr, David L. Morril, Thomas Shannon, James Clark, Thomas Chadbourne, Josiah Crosby and Sam- uel Morril. Meeting Opened. Hon. Josiah Bartlett President in the Chair. Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 123 Minutes of the annual ^Meeting in June 1817 were read. The following gentlemen who were proposed to the Fel- lowship in 1817 were balloted for and duly elected Viz: D"" William Prescott of Gilmanton, D"" Josiah Crosby of Deerfield, D'" Thomas Chadbourne of Concord, D'" John Preston of New Ipswich, D'" Cyrus Perkins of Hanover, D"" Peter Bartlett of Salisbury, D'' John Procter of Salis- bury, D"" Joseph M. Harper of Canterbury. Docf Josiah Crosby and Docf Thomas Chadbourne Fel- lows of the N. H. Medical Society appeared and took their seats. Proceeded to the Elections for the year ensuing. Voted the Hon. Josiah Bartlett President. Voted Docf Matthias Spalding Vice-President Voted Doct" James H. Pierrepont, Daniel Adams of Mont Vernon, Peter Green, Asa Crosby and Reuben D. Mussey Counsellors. The President and Secretary of the Eastern, Centre, West- ern Strafford and Southern Districts are also Counsellows Ex Officio. Voted Samuel Morril Secretary Voted Docf Moses Long Treasurer Voted Docf Thomas Chadbourne Librarian Voted Doctors James H. Pierrepont, Jedediah Ingals, Ebenezer Lerned, Samuel Morril, Daniel Adams Mont Ver- non, Matthias Spalding, Asa Crosby, Samuel Pray, Reuben D. Mussey, and John T. Bachelder Censors. Voted D""^ Foster, Chadbourne, Spalding, David L. Morril & Morse a Committee to Audit the Treasurer's Accounts. Voted Doctors James H. Pierrepont, Matthias Spalding, Samuel Pray and John T. Bachelder Deputy Librarians. Voted Doctors James H. Pierrepont, David L. Morril, Asa Crosby and Samuel Morril Orators for 1819 Voted to adjourn to 3 OClock P. M. Med agreeably to adjournment. Voted to accept the following report of the Committee on the Library 124 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Portsmouth September 4"^ 1817. Your Comittee on examining the Library found the follow- ing Books missing, and which could not be accounted for Viz: Alibert on Intermittents 1 Vol. John and Charles Bells Anatomy 2 ' ' Burns on Abortion 1 " Cheyne on Croup 1 " Duncan's Medical Cases for 1784 1 " Fothergill's Works 2 " Ford on the Hip Joint — 1 " Eush's Sj^denham 1 " Home's Medical Facts 1 " Edinburg Anatomy 1 " Rush's Essays 1 " Rush on the Mind 1 " Medical Museum Philadelphia 1 " Medical & physical Journal 3 Vols. Miner 's History of Trepanning 1 ' ' found Pemberton's Treatise 1 " New England Journal of Med. & Surgery 3 Vols. Russell on Necrosis 1 " found Saunders on the Liver 1 " Willieh's Lectures 1 " Trotter on Drunkenness 1 " Your Committee also apportined the Books remaining in the Library to the several Districts (making the Fellows in each District a ratio) agreeably to a vote of the Society, as follows— To the Eastern District 96 Vols, to the Centre 100 vols, to the Western 56 vols, to the Southern, 42 vols, to the Strafford 26 vols. Josiah Bartlett 1 Moses Long y Committee Sam'l Morril J Voted to accept the first proposition of the President and Council as follows The Council believing it would conduce Records New Hampshire Medical Society 125 to the harmony and usefulness of the Practitioners of Medi- cine that police Rules relating to the intercourse of the Members with each other in their professional duties be drawn up & adopted by the Society, do therefore recom- mend that a Commitee be appointed for that purpose. Voted that D""^ Spalding, Adams of Mont vernon, & N. Far- ley be the Committee to take into consideration the above, proposition and report thereon. Doctors Asa Crosby, Matthias Spalding and David L. Morril were appointed a Committee to nominate a commit- tee to attend the first proposition of the President & Council. Voted to accept the second proposition of the President & Council as follows — It is recommended by the Council that, to prevent ex- travagant Fees for professional duties, or the disgraceful resort to the pitiful expedient of acquiring practice by in- adequate fees, that the Society advise the Members of each district, to draw up a Fee Bill, to be laid before the Society at its next Meeting. Voted that the third proposition of the President & Coun- cil be accepted which is as follows — It is proposed as an indispensable Rule, that every acting Fellow shall be at- tached to some District, and that, on his ceasing to be an acting Fellow is to be considered in all respects as an hon- orary Member only, unless degraded, & in the latter case, he is to be considered an alien from every branch of the Society. Voted to accept the fourth proposition of the President & Council which is as follows — The prosperity and utility of a literary and scientific in- stitution depending greatly on its Funds for acquiring Books &e, and as the utility of the INIedical Society would be greatly increased by a permanent Fund, the annual in- come of which, should be directed to the procurement of Books & such other means as the Society deem proper to diffuse knowledge & usefulness among our Citizens; there- fore it is advised that a Committee be appointed to draw 126 Records New Hampshire Medical Society lip a petition to the Legislature requesting aid to effect the object ; as enlightened Governments of some, if not all of our sister States have already done, to promote medical science. Voted that Doctors Josiah Bartlett, David L. jMorril, Asa Crosby, Dan Hough & Thomas Chadbourne be the Com- mittee to attend to the above proposition. Voted that a Committee consisting of three Members be appointed to correspond with the New York Delegates & the Medical Committees of the neighboring States agree- ably to the propositions from the New York Society, and report their doings to the President of this Society. Voted that D""^ Spalding, David L. Morril and Daniel Adams be the above Committee. Patients admitted for examination — One with a Spasmodic affection of the Esophagus. Medi- cines recommended, Stimulating Tonics, Pills of Civeta & Soda, also a Pill composed of Quassia Sulph. Zinc & Opium. Voted to continue the Rule heretofore adopted respecting the annual Tax. Voted to remit D^ Samuel Fosters Taxes in arrears up t'o this day. Voted to adjourn to June the S'"'^ 1818 then to meet at 8 oClock A. M. Met agreeably to adjournment June S""*^ 1818. Docf William Preseott of Gilmanton a Fellow of the So- ciety appeared and took his seat. Concord, June 3^<^ 1818. The Subscribers, Auditors of the Treasurer's accounts for the last year report, that there is now due from him and in his hands $115.40 and in arrears $672.71 amounting to $788.11 Samuel Foster 1 Matthias Spalding J. Committee Caleb Morse J Accepted Records New Hampshire Medical Society 127 The Committee subjoin the following P. S. to their re- port. In the above sum of cash is included a 5 Dollar Bill believed to be bad for the Society to act upon. Voted that the above Bill be destroj'ed, and that the Treasurer be al- lowed therefor. The Committee also recommend the remission of the arrears due from the following Fellows Viz From D'' Ed- mund Chadwick 6 Dollars- — from D'" Cogswell 52 Dollars — D'" Frink 50 Dollars, from D"" Gove 47 Dollars, from D'" Peabody 32 Dollars. Accepted. Also the arrears due from D"" Russell 52 Dollars and from D"" Sterne 50 Dollars and there names be striken from the List. Voted that the same be accepted. Voted that the account of Samuel Morril amounting to $7.17 be paid out of the Treasury. Voted that the Secretary be requested to write to D'" Parker Secretary of the Western District, and request him to communicate the doings of said Society ; and also that he present him with 6 copied of the Laws. Docf Peter Bartlett a Fellow of the Society appeared and took his seat. Voted that D"" David L. Morril be excused for not deliv- ering an Oration the last year, and the Society hope he will be able to deliver one in June 1819. Voted that the Treasurer be directed to write to each delinquent once in three years who has been so for three years or more, and he continue to write until further or- ders from the Society. Voted that each person appointed as Orator in the So- ciety, having been informed of his appointment and not declining, be fined five Dollars for delinquency, unless the delinquency be occasioned by sickness or death in his own family. Voted to accept D""^ Lerned and Chadbourne as the Treas- urer's Bondsmen. Voted that the next meeting of the Society be holden at 128 Records New Hampshire Medical Society this place and that this meeting stands adjourned to the Tuesday Preceding the first Wednesday of June 1819. Sam' Morril Secretary Concord June 2""^ & 3'^ 1818 Doef Josiah Bartlett proposed Docf Nathan Bachelder of Epping and. Docf Matthias Spalding proposed D"" Isaac Wallace of Londonderry to become Fellows of the N. H. Medical So- ciety which were approved by the Council Sam' Morril. Sec'y State of New Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society have examined D'' Stephen Drew of Milton in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Farmington, this 21^' day of July Anno Domini 1818 Asa Crosby ) Censors of the Samuel Pray J N. H. Med. Society Attest Sam' Morril, Sec'y Concord May 5^'' 1819. Docf Lerned proposed Docf Benj^ Parker of Concord, Docf Long proposed D"" Henry Bond of Concord, and Docf Spalding proposed D"" Noah Hardy of Hollis to become Fel- lows of the N. H. Med. Society which were approved by the Council. Sam' Morril, Sec'y At a special Meeting of the New Hampshire Medical So- ciety holden at Concord May the S^** 1819 were present the Records New Hampshire Medical Society 129 following Fellows Viz. Doctors Matthias Spalding, Eben"" Lerned, Peter Green, David L. Morril, Moses Long, Thomas Chadbourne, Joseph M. Harper, John Carr & Sam' Morril Meeting opened Doctor M. Spalding Vice President in the Chair Conmiunications relative to the formation of an American Pharmacopeia were read. The Committee appointed to correspond with the New York Delegates and the Medical Committee of the neighbor- ing States agreeably to the propositions from the New York Society and report their doings to the President of this So- ciety, make the following report that they have attended to the duty assigned them, and present the correspondence relating to the contemplated object as containing all the information they possess on the subject, and recommend that delegates be chosen to represent this Society in the northern Convention, to be holden at Boston on the first day of June next. Matthias Spalding ) ^ -r^ .TT T.»- -n )■ L/Ommittee David L. Morrill ( Voted, that the foregoing report be accepted. Voted, that D""^ Lerned, Long and S. Morril be a Com- mittee to nominate suitable Persons as delegates to repre- .sent this Society in the District Convention of the northern States. The following Gentlemen were nominated and elected. Voted that D"" Reuben D. Mussey, D"" Eben-- Lerned, D'' Matthias Spalding, and D'' John P. Bachelder be the Dele- gates to represent this Society in the District Convention of the northern States, which Convention is to be holden in Boston on the first day of June 1819 for the purpose of forming a Pharmacopoeia. Voted that this meeting should adjourn sine die Sam' Morril, Sec'y. 9 130 Records New Hampshire Medical Society State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society, have examined Peter Manning of Hollis in said State a Candidate for the prac- tice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his skill & Knowledge in Anatomy & Surgery, and having found him duly quali- fied therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Amherst this lO*^'' Day of February Anno Domini 1818 Matthias Spalding ) Censors of the N. H. Daniel Adams C Medical Society Attest, Samuel Morril, Secretary. State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers. Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society, have examined M^ Sam- uel Huston of Londonderry in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto sub- scribe our names at Concord this second day of June Anno Domini 1819 Sam' Morril ) Censors of the Henry Bond \ N. H. Med. Soc. Attest S. Morril, Sec 'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers. Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society, have examined Doctor John Chandler of Hebron, in said State, a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & KECORLts New Hampshire Medical Society 131 knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto sub- scribe our names at Concord, this third Day of June Anno Domini 1819 Sam' Morril ) Censors of the Henry Bond j N. H. M. S. Attest, Samuel Morril, Sec'y State of Xew-Hampshire) These may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the Eastern District of the New Hampshire Medical Society have examined Joseph Greeley of said State, a candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his skill & knowledge therein, and hav- ing found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names this 20'*' Day of July ADomini 1812 John Fogg ) Censors of the Eastern Joshua Brackett J Djstrict N. H. M. S. Recorded July, 1819 Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y At the annual Meeting of the New-Hampshire Medical Society holden at Concord June 1^' 1819 were present the following Fellows Viz. Doctors Josiah Bartlett, Peter Green, Robert Bartley, Amos Twitchell, Daniel Adams, George Farrar, Moses Long, Thomas Chadbourne, Moses Kidder, James Odell, William Prescott, Joseph M. Harper, Josiah Crosby, and Samuel ]\Iorril. Meeting Opened Hon. Josiah Bartlett, President, in the Chair. Minutes of the annual Meeting in June 1818 and the Spe- cial Meeting in May 1819 were read. The following gentlemen who were proposed to the Fellow- ship in June 1818 and May 1819 were balloted for and duly elected. 132 Records New Hampshire Medical Society D"" Nathan Bachelder of Epping-, D"" Isaac Wallace of Lon- donderry, D"" Benjamin Parker of Concord, D'' Noah Hardy of Hollis, and D"" Henry Bond of Concord. Doctor Henry Bond a Fellow of the Society appeared and took his seat. Alexander Ramsay j\I. D. of Fryeburgh was unanimously elected an Honorary Member of this Society. The Committee appointed to draught a Petition to the Legislature for pecuniary aid presented the following which was accepted. "To the Honorable [Remainder of petition not recorded] Docf Benjamin Parker a Fellow of the Society appeared and took his seat. Alexander Ramsey M. D. an honorary JMember of the So- ciety was introduced by a Committe and took his seat. Voted that D''^ Chadbourne, Bond and Josiali Crosby be a Committee to audit the Treasurer's Accounts. Voted to adjourn to 3 oClock P. M. Met agreeably to adjournment. Voted to allow to D"" Thom 8 dollars which he says he paid the late Treasurer D'' Thomas Sargeant, which is not cred- ited on his Books. The Committee appointed to audit the Treasurer's Ac- counts made the following report which was accepted. "Concord June P' 1819. The subscribers Auditors of the Treasurer's accounts for the year 1818-19 report that they have examined the Treas- urer's acc'ts & find that there are in his hands arrearages to the amount of $433.75 and that there are taxes levied for the ensuing year for $48 and that there is money in his hands to the amount of $65.07 Thos. Chadbourne^ Henry Bond [- Auditors Josiah Crosby Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 183 Proceeded to the Elections for the year ensuing. Voted Hon. Josiah Bartlett, President. Voted Docf Matthias Spalding, Vice-President. Voted D" James H. Pierrepont, Daniel Adams (of Mount vernon), Peter Green, Asa Crosby and Reuben D. ^Mussey Counsellors. The President and Secretary of the Eastern, Center, West- ern, Strafford and Southern Districts are also Counsellors Ex Officio. Voted Samuel ]\Iorril, Secretary. Voted D^ !Moses Long, Treasurer. Voted D"" Thomas Chadbourne, Librarian. Voted D""^ James H. Pierrepont, Jedediah Ingalls, Samuel ^lorril, Henry Bond, Daniel Adams (]\Iount Vernon), Mat- thias Spalding, Asa Crosby, Samuel Pray, Reuben D. Mus- sey and John P. Bachelor, Censors. Voted D'^^ Josiah Dwight, ]\Iatthias Spalding. William Prescott and John P. Bachelder Deputy Librarians. Voted Doctors Henry Bond and Josiah Crosby Orators for 1820. Voted to adopt the following Police Rules reported by a Committee of the Society. Medical Police of the New Ham- pshire Medical Society. Consultations should be encouraged in difficult & protracted cases, as they give rise to confidence energy and more en- larged views in practice. On such occasions no rivalship or jealousy should be indulged; candour, justice, and all due respect should be exercised towards the Physician who first attended ; and as he may be presumed to be best ac- quainted with the patient, and his family, he shall deliver all the medical directions & perform such operations as are agreed on, unless he request other\nse. It should be the province of the senior consulting physician to propose the necessary questions to the sick. The consulting physician is never to visit without the attending one, unless by the desire of the latter, or when, as in sudden emergency, he is 134 Records New Hampshire Medical Society not to be found. No discussion of the case should take place before the patient or his friends ; and no prognostica- tions shall be delivered, which were not the result of previ- ous deliberation & concurrence. Theoretical debates should be avoided in consultations as occasioning perplexity, and loss of time, for there may be much diversity of opinion on speculative points, with perfect agreement on the mode of practice. Physicians in consultations should divest them- selves of all partialities, and think of nothing, but will most effectually contribute to the relief of those under their care. If a physicians mind is not open to conviction, from what- ever quarter it may come, he should in honor decline the consultation. In consultations all discu.ssions & debates are to be confidential and the utmost punctuality should be observed in consultation visits. Medicine is a liberal pro- fession, the practitioners ought to be men of education & their expectation of business should be founded on their qualifications, not on artifice and insinuation. A certain undefinable species of assiduities and attentions to families usually employing another, is to be considered as beneath the dignity of a regular practitioner, & as making a dere trade of a learned profession, and all officious interferences in cases of sickness of such families, evince a meanness of disposition unbecoming the character of a Physician or gen- tleman. No meddling inquiries should be made concerning them, nor hints given, relative to their nature and treat- ment nor any selfish conduct pursued that may directly or indirectly tend to weaken confidence in the physician or surgeon, who has the care of them. When a physician or surgeon is called to a patient, who has been under the care of another gentleman of the faculty, before any examina- tion of the case, he shall ascertain whether that gentleman still continues his visits, & whether the patient considers himself under his care, in which case he is not to assume the charge of the patient, nor give advice (excepting in in- stances of sudden attack) without a regular consultation: and if such previously attending gentleman has discontin- Records New Hampshire Medical Society 135 ued his visits, and the patient does not consider himself under his care, his practice should be treated with candour, and justified so far as probity and truth will admit for the want of success in the primary treatment of the disorder is no impeachment of professional skill and knowledge. It frequently happens that a physician in incidental com- munication with the patients of others, or with their friends, may have their cases stated to them in so direct a manner as not to admit of his declining to pay attention to them. Under such circumstances his observations should be delivered with the most delicate propriety and reserve. He should not interfere in the curative plans pursued ; and should even recommend a steady adherence to them if they appear to merit approbation. The differences of physicians when they end in appeals to the public, generally hurt the contending parties ; but [what] is of more consequence they discredit the profession and expose the faculty to contempt and ridicule. Whenever such differences occur as may aft'ect the honor and dignity of the profession, and cannot immediately be terminated, they should be referred to the District Committee, and if one of that number is interested, to the President and other mem- bers of the Committee, or to the President, Secretary & re- maining member, when two of the same District Committee are interested ; but neither the subject matter of such refer- ences nor the adjudication, should be communicated to the public, as they may be injurious to the individuals con- cerned & can hardly fail to hurt the credit of the faculty. The use of Quack Medicines should be discouraged, as dis- graceful to the profession, injurious to health & often de- structive to life. No physician or surgeon therefore shall dispense a secret nostrum whether it be his invention, or exclusive property ; for if it is of real efficacy, the conceal- ment of it is inconsistent with beneficence & professional liberality, and if mystery alone give it value and import- ance, such craft implies either disgraceful ignorance or fraudulent avarice. A physician should cautiously guard against whatever may 136 Kecords New Hampshire MediC/U. Society injure the general respeetebility of the profession, & sliould avoid all contumelious representations of the faculty at large, all general charges against their selfishness, or im- probity, or the indulgence of an affected or jocular skepti- cism concerning the efficacy and utility of the healing art. In case any member of this Society become acquainted Avith the conduct of another member which he considers as a breach of the rules & regulations of the Society, it shall be his duty to make the same known to three Counsellors resid- ing in the District who shall enquire into the case, and de- cide upon the same as they may think proper, provided, that the Counsellors & member accused shall be at liberty to refer the question to the Society. Voted that D'" Adams, D'' Bond and D"" J. Crosby be a Com- mittee to inspect the Library; and receive Books from D"" Green towards his arrears to the Society, and also to take into consideration a Bill against the Society for Books & report on all the above subjects. The above Committee made the following Report w^hicli was accepted. Your Committee appointed to examine into the state of the Library beg leave to report, That at an early hour after the adjournment of the Society last evening they waited on the Librarian, who conducted them to the Library, which they found disposed on the shelves in a secure situation ; but as it respects the loss of any Books from the Library or injuries sustained in a Book, it is impossible for your Committee to report without longer time and more docu- ments than have been laid before them; wherefore they pray that they may be discharged from any further duty in relation to this subject. They also waited upon D'' Green and accepted of him the following Books in liquidation of the account due from to the Society — Viz DC Darwin's Zoonomia in 2 Vols valued at 6.25 Bells' Surgery 4 do " 7.00 DC do (I 2.50 do i I 2.25 do i i 2.00 Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 137 Haller's Physiology 1 Townsend's guide to Health 1 Scomber's Van Swieten Ab"^ 2 Amounting to 20.00 all which is respectfully by yours Daniel Adams "| Josiali Crosby ^ Committee ■ Henry Bond J Your Committee beg leave further to report in relation to the Library that in their opinion some additional rules and regulations are absolutely necessary to its preservati n; they would therefore recommend that the Secretary be re- quired to keep a correct Catalogue of all the Books be be- longing to the Library and also of all such as may from time to time be purchased or received by donation ; that the Librarian be required to receipt to the Secretary for all the Books committed to his care : also that he be required to exhibit annually an account current in writing of all his proceedings in relation to the Library which account and Catalogue it shall be the duty of the Secretary and Librarian to lay before a Committee appointed annually for the purpose of inspecting the books and inquiring into the state of preservation. They also recommend that the consideration of a certain bill against the Society which was committed to them be referred to a new Committee ^dth more opportunities for an investigation into its justness. Submitted by Daniel Adams ] Henry Bond |- Committee Josiah Crosby j Voted that the Books received from D"" Peter Green be in full for his arrears due to the Society and that he here- after be considered an Honorary Member of the Society and be not taxed. Voted that in future it shall be the duty of the Council individually to select and propose suitable Candidates for Fellowship in the Society. 138 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Voted that Sec. ll^*" of Chapter 1^' in the following words be suspended for the present ' ' Nominations of Candidates for admission as Fellows or Honorary Members of the So- ciety shall be made to the Council by one or more of the Fellows." Voted that the President or Vice President with two of the Council shall be a quorum to transact business. Voted that Sec. 3^^ Chap. 6 of the By-Laws be suspended for the present. Voted that the Librarian be requested strictly to enforce the Laws relative to the Library excepting the 3'"'^ and 9^^ Sections Chap. 6, which are suspended. Voted that D""" Twitchel, Farrar and S. Morril be a Com- mittee to report a uniform mode of admitting associates into the different District Societies. The Committee made the following report which was accepted. "We the under- signed a Committee appointed to lay before the Sodety a uniform mode of admitting* associate Members in the re- spective District Societies, do report the following: That the N. H. Medical Society recommend to the different Dis- trict Societies that they admit as associate Members any or all those Physicians living within the limits of said district who has been in reputable practice more than ten years or are of good moral character without examination after be- ing recommended by the Censors of said District ; and that all Physicians who have commenced practice within the last ten years who are of good standing in the profession and of reputable character in Society shall be invited to offer them- selves for examination as soon as convenient. Geo Farrar S. ^lorril. Voted that the Secretary be requested to procure 300 printed Copies of the Police Laws for the use of the Society. The following Resolutions proposed by the President and Council were adopted. Resolved that the Secretary be requested to publish in one Newspaper in each County of the State the names of every Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 139 Physician who is a Fellow, an associate or licentiate of this Society their place of residence and degree of standing with the Society; adopting the 8 Sec. of the By Laws as a pre- amble. Resolved that whenever a member of the Society shall pre- sent a Patient or Patients to the Society for advice, it shall be his encumbent duty to keep a minute of the subsequent treatment, and communicate the result to the Society at their next meeting. Resolved that the Anatomy of the Heart Cranium and Brain with the accompanying Plates by Alexander Ramsay M. D., be added to the Catalogiie of Books after Boyer on the Bones. A Patient admitted for examination. Disease debility Recommended Tonics, Chalybeates Stimulants &c. Resolved that the Secretary of this Society be directed to present to Alexander Ramsay M. D. their thanks for his very handsome and valuable present to their Library of his Anatomy of the Heart Cranium and Brain with the ac- companying Plates. Voted to adjourn until tomorrow June 2°'^ then to meet at this place at 8 OClock A.M. Met agreeably to adjournment June 2"*^ 1819. Voted that the communications from D'" Ramsay be com- mitted to D""^ Chadbourne, Parker, Bond, Long and Bartley and that they report thereon. The following report was submitted by the Committee & accepted. The Committee appointed to consider the communication of D"" Ramsay re- port, that the thanks of the Society be presented to the Doctor for his very liberal proposals and that they enter into his views so far as they have been made known to the Society: & that the Society appoint a Committee to pro- cure a suitable Room where a Committee of the Society may attend the communications that the Doctor shall make, and that the same Committee be directed to invite in the name 140 Eecords Xew HAiiPSHiRE Medical Society of the ^ledical Society the Members of the Legislature to attend at the time & place. Voted that D""^ Chadbourne, Wilson and Crosby be a Com- mittee to nominate a Committee to communicate with D"" Kamsay. Voted that D" Green, Parker, Bond, Long and Chadbourne be a Committee to communicate with D"" Ramsay and the Legislature agreeably to the resolves of the Society. Voted that the Committee be further instructed to aid D"^ Ramsay in any application he may make to the Legislature to forward his views, if the Committee think expedient without expense to the Society. Voted that Sec. 1, Chap: 1, be so amended or altered that 5 shall constitute a quorum, instead of 9. Voted that D'" David Carter of Peterboro be a Fellow of the N. H. ^ledical Society. Voted to accept D""^ Green and Bond as the Treasurer's Bondsmen. Voted that D""^ Bond, Long and S. ]\Iorril be a Committee to examine into the state of the Library ; and a Bill against the Society; and report at the next annual meeting. Voted that D""^ Bartlett. Odell and Ingalls be a Committee to examine into the state of the Med. Library at Portsmouth 6 deliver the same over to the new Librarian. Voted that D""^ Bond. Wilson and Farrar be a Committee to take into consideration the Taxes due from Members in ar- rears, and also whether Gentlemen who have been trans- ferred to this Society from other Societies shall pay an initiating fee. The Committee appointed to take into consideration the case of certain persons who stand charged as in arrears in their accounts with the Society; beg leave to report, that, their arrearages be not remitted except so much of D'' Dan Hough's as has become due since he relinquished the prac- tice of Medicine. The Committee further report that an ini- ating fee be not exacted from those gentlemen who trans- fer their membership from other Societies to this. Your Committee likewise beg leave to recommend that the name Records New Hampshire Medical Society 141 of D'" Calvin Frink of Swanzey be erased from the Cata- logue of this Society, he having been convicted of criminal conduct. jjenry Bond] Job Wilson ^ Committee Geo. Farrar | Voted to accept the above report. Voted that the Deputy Librarians be directed to return to the General Library the Books in their possession an- nually at least two weeks before the annual meeting of the Society. Voted that the Committee on the Library be empowered to draw on the Treasurer for a sum sufficient to pay any bills in arrears that shall* be found due for the purchase of Books not exceeding 60 Dollars. Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the Tuesday pre- ceding the first Wednesday of June, 1820 then to meet at this place g^^^i ^orril, Secretary. The following Gentlemen were proposed to the Fellowship in June 1819 and approved by the Council, Viz. D'" Moses Kidder proposed D^ Ebenezer Morse of Walpole ; D'' Long proposed D"" Thomas P. Hill of Sanbornton ; D'' Josiali Crosby proposed D"" Isaac Doten of Newhampton; D"" Adams proposed D"" John Stevens of Goffstown ; D"" Farrar proposed D'" Benj^ Kittredge of Chester; D"" Wm. Fresco tt proposed D^ Richard Russell of Concord ; D"" James Odell proposed D"" Andrew P. Wiggin of Greenland ; D"" Bartlett proposed D"" John French of Landaff; D"" Josiah Crosby proposed D"" [John] Ramsay of Greenfield; D"" Josiah Bart- lett proposed D"" William Perry of Exeter; and D"" S. i\Ior- ril proposed D"" Alexander Boyd of Newport. Sam' Morril, Secretary. State of New-Hampshire. This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire ^Medical Society, have examined M"" Jona- than S. ]\Iillett of Norway, Maine, a Candidate for the 142 Eecords New Hampshire Medical Society practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill & knowl- edge therein, and having found him duly qualified there- for, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto sub- scribe our names at Concord this sixteenth day of Septem- ber Anno Domini 1819 Sam' Morril ^ Censors of the Henry Bond ( N. H. i\Ied. Soc. Attest, Samuel Morril, Sec 'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire jMedical Society have examined M"" Amos Osgood of Conway in said State, a Candidate for the prac- tice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Concord this 16th day of September Anno Domini 1819. Sam' jMorril ^ Censors of the Henry Bond ^ N. H. Medical Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New- Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire ]\Iedical Society have examined jM"" Ira Towle of Newfield j\Iaine, a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge there- in, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Concord this 16"^ Day of September Anno Domini 1819 Sam' Morril ^ Censors of the Henry Bond \ N. H. Med. Soc. Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec 'y Eecords New Hampshire Medical Society 143 State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire ^Medical Society have examined LP Isaac Stearns of Lovell in the District of Maine a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto sub- scribe our names at Concord this 16^^ Day of September Anno Domini 1819. Sam' ]\Iorril | Censors of the Henry Bond^ N. H. Medical Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined M"" Jere- miah Chandler of Fryeburg in the District of Maine, a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation here- unto subscribe our names at Concord this IG^'' Day of Sep- tember Anno Domini 1819 Sam' Morril | Censors of the Henry Bondj^ N. H. Medical Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Mr. Wil- liam Sweat of Parsonsfield Massachusetts a candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified 144 Records Xew Hampshire jNIedical Society therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto sub- scribe our names at Concord this sixth day of October AD 1819 Sam' ]\Iorril J Censors of the Henry Bond^ N. H. Medical Society Attest Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of Xew-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined ^NP John L. Sargent of Concord in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & knowl- edge therein and having found him duly qualified therefor. do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Concord this second day of May Anno Domini 1820 Asa Crosby ] Censors of the Sam' Morril { N. H. :\Ied. Society Attest Sam' Morril. Sec'y State of Xew-Hampshire This may certify that we the subcribers Censors of the Xew-Hampshire Medical Society have examined ^M"" Xa- thaniel Weeks of Loudon in said State, a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, respecting his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Concord this second day of ]\Iay Anno Domini 1820 Asa Crosby ^ Censors of the Sam' :\Iorril \ X. H. Medical Society Attest, Sam' ]\Iorril, Sec'y Kecords New Hampshire ]\Iedical Society 145 State of New-Hampshire These may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the Southern District of the New-Hampshire Medical Society, Jiave examined Peter Tuttle of s*^ State a candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill and knowl- edge therein, & having found him duly qualified there- for, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto sub- scribe our names at Amherst this eleventh Day of February A. D. 1817 Matthias Spalding ^ Censors of the James Crombie ( N. H. ]\ledical Society Attest Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined M"" Jonas Hutchinson in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & knowledge therein, .and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testi- mony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Amherst this eighth day of February Anno Domini 1819 Matthias Spalding] Censors of the Daniel Adams ^ N. H. Med. Soc. Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec 'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we tlie subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire ^Medical Society have examined M"" Jabez B. Priest in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill & knowledge therein, .and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testi- 10 146 Records New Hampshire Medical Society mony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Amherst this eighth day of February Anno Dom. 1819 Matthias Spalding] Censors of the Daniel Adams ( N. H. Med. Soc. Attest Sam^ Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined M"" James Varnum of Thornton in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill & knowl- edge therein, and having found him duly qualified there- for, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Concord this 8'^ day of June AD 1820 Ebenezer Lerned) ~ , T,^ ., I Censors Sam' Morril \ Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y This certifies that Abner Bliss having been duly examined by us Censors of the N. H. I\Iedical Society for the western District is found qualified for the practice of Physic and Surgery. R. D. Mussey J. P. Bachelder Cornish, N. H. May IS''^ 1820 This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the Western District of the New Hampshire Medical Society have examined D'" Eben Carpenter the bearer touching his qualifications for the practice of physic and Surgery and Records New Hampshire Medical Society 147 finding him duly qualified do hereto affix our names in testi- mony of our approbation. R. D. Mussey, J. P. Bachelder Cornish, N. H., May 18'^^ 1820' This certifies that D'' Isaac Baker, having been duly ex- amined by us Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical So- ciety for the Western District is found qualified for the practice of Physic. R. D. Mussey J. P. Bachelder Cornish, N. H., May IS''^ 1820 Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y- State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire jMedical Society have examined John B. McGregory of Newport in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill & knowl- edge therein & having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Newport this 4'*' day of June Anno Domini 1820 R. D. IMussey ^ Censors of the J. P. Bachelder \ N. H. Medical Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire ]\Iedical Society have examined Joseph 148 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Dalton in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testi- mony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Portsmouth this second day of November Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred & twenty Jedi** Ingalls ^ Censors of the N. H. Josiah Dwight^ Med. Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y At the annual meeting of the New-Hampshire Medical So- ciety holden at Concord June 6"^ 1820 were present the following Fellows Viz : Doctors Josiah Bartlett, Ebenezer Lerned, Robert Bartley, Matthias Spalding, Reuben D. ]\Iussey, Benjamin Kelley, Thomas Chadbourne, Moses Long, Peter Bartlett, John P. Bachelder, Joseph ]\I. Harper, James Odell, Joseph Boyden, "John Carr, Silas Merrill, Peter Green (Honorary Mem- ber) Asa Crosby, John Procter, William Prescott, David L. Morril, and Samuel Morril. Meeting opened. Hon. Josiah Bartlett, President in the Chair. Minutes of the annual meeting in June, 1819 were read. The following gentlemen who w^ere proposed to the Fellow- ship in June 1819 were balloted for and duly elected Viz: D"" Andrew P. Wiggin of Greenland, D"" Ebenezer Morse of Walpole, D'' Isaac Doten of New-Hampton. D^ Benjamin Kittredge of Chester, D"" John French of Landaff, D"" Alex- ander Boyd of Newport, and D"" John R-amsay of Green- field. The following Gentlemen who proposed to the Fellowship by the Council June 5*^^ 1820 were balloted for and duly elected Viz: D"" Israel Gale of Newtown, Asa Perkins of Dover, Josiah Kittredge of Pembroke, John Wallace of Mil- Records New Hampshire Medical Society 149 ford, Peter P. Woodbury of Bedford, Abner Johnson of Springfield, James Farrington of Rochester, Levi Merrill of Tuftonboro, William Tenney of Loudon, Thomas H. Merrill of Raymond, Jacob Kittredge of Dover, William Graves of Deerfield, William Barber of Mason, Charles G. Adams of Keene, James A. Gregg of Unity, Benjamin C. Parker of Acworth, Truman Abell of Lempster, Oliver Hastings of Charleston and Thomas P. Hill of Sanbornton. The following resolutions which passed in Council June 5'*^ 1820 were recommended to the Society and adopted. Resolved, That it be recommended to every Member of this Society to require a bond from the Parent Guardian or Pupil who may commence the study of Medicine under his tuition, that the said Pupil shall not practice Physic or Surgery until he shall have passed an examination and been regularly licensed according to Law. Resolved that the funds arising from the examination of Candidates for the practice of Physic and Surgery (neces- sary expenses excepted) shall be appropriated for the bene- fit of the District Societies ' Libraries in which the examina- tions take place. Resolved that the following words in the 8*^ section of the By Laws be erased, Viz. "who shall hereafter- commence the practise of ]\ledicine or Surgery within this State," and also to subjoin to the closing part of the sentence the following clause : ' ' and who shall not have complied with the requisites or availed themselves of the facilities of be- coming members as hereafter subjoined. The Section thus amended and enlarged will read thus : Sec. 8. "To promote the laudable design of the Legis- lature in forming and incorporating this Society, to prevent as far as may be all unqualified persons from practising Medicine or Surgery, and in order to discourage empiricism and quackery, it shall be deemed disreputable and shall be unlawful for any Fellow of this Society, in the capacity of Physician or Surgeon, to advise or consult with any per- son, who, having been a Fellow of the Society, shall be ex- 150 Records New Hampshire Medical Society pelled therefrom, or with any person whatever, until he shall have been duly examined and approbated by the Censors of the Society, or shall have received a degree of Bachelor Doctor of ^Medicine at some University; or, in case he shall have been educated in, or come from, some other State or foreign country, shall have produced to the Censors of the Sbciety such evidence or testimonials of his qualifications for the practice of Medicine or Surgery as they shall deem and certify to be sufficient to entitle him to the privileges of a Physician or Surgeon regularly introduced — and who shall not have complied with the requisites, or availed themselves of the facilities of becom- ing members as hereafter subjoined ; and the different Dis- trict Societies are authorized to admit as associate mem- bers, any or all those Physicians living within the limits of said Districts, who have been in reputable practice more than ten years and are of good moral character without examination after being recommended by the Censors of the District in which they reside; and that all Physicians who have commenced practice wdthin the last ten years who are of good standing in the profession and of reputable character in society shall be invited to offer themselves for examination as soon as convenient. And any Fellow of the Society who shall abet or assist any person not so quali- fied, by offording him advice or by consulting with him in the capacity of Physician or Surgeon, shall for such offense be disqualified for giving his vote at any meeting of the Society, or of the District Society whereof he is a member for one year ; shall be liable to the censure and reprimand of the Counsellors, and, in aggravated cases, to expulsion. Voted to publish the 8^^ Section of the By-Laws with the amendments, together with a List of the Fellows, Associ- ates, and Licentiates of the Society in each County in the State, if it can be published without expense to the Society. Resolved that the Secretary be directed and requested to write to Medical Societies of the adjacent States enclosing a copy of our Laws and request copies of theirs in return. Voted that the Secretary be requested to get printed the Eecords New Hampshire Medical Society 151 8"" Section of the By-Laws as amended and add the same to the By-Laws. Voted that D""^ Odell, Chadbourne, Spalding, Prescott, Bachelder and Mussey be a Committee to draught and carry to each District the 8"^ Section of the By-Laws as amended. Voted that D""^ Peter Bartlett, Chadbourne and Bachelder be a Committee to audit the Treasurer's Accounts. Voted that D"" Lerned be added to the committee on the Library appointed in June 1819. The Committee on the Library appointed in June 1819 were D'"^ Bond, Long and S. Morril. Voted to adjourn to 3 oClock P. M. Met agreeably to adjournment. Voted to proceed to the elections for the ensuing year. Voted Hon. Josiah Bartlett, President Voted D"" Matthias Spalding, vice-President. Voted D""^ Reuben D. Mussey, Asa Crosby, Ebenezer Lerned, Daniel Adams (of Mont Vernon) James Odell, and John F. Bachelder Counsellors. The President and Secre- tary of the Eastern, Centre, Strafford, Southern, Western and Grafton District are also Counsellors Ex Officio. Voted Samuel Morril, Secretary. Voted D"" Moses Long, Treasurer. Voted D"" Thomas Chadbourne, Librarian. Voted that there be chosen 12 Censors instead of ten. Voted D""^ Josiah D wight, Jedediah Ingalls, Asa Crosby, William Prescott, Ebenezer Lerned, Samuel Morril, Daniel Adams (of Mont Vernon,) Matthias Spalding, John P. Bachelder, Charles 0. Adams, Ezra Bartlett, and Reuben D. Mussey, Censors. Voted D""^ Josiah Dwiglit, Thomas Chadbourne, ^Matthias Spalding, William Prescott, John P. Bachelder, & Ezra Bartlett, Deputy Librarians. Voted that D'" Josiah Crosby. D"" Sam' Morril and D"" Moses Long be Orators for 1821. D^ John P. Bachelder, D"" Joseph Boyden, and D"" Joseph Procter were also appointed Orators for 1821, but were ex- 152 Records New Hampshire Medical Society cused by a vote of the Society, at their special request. The Committee appointed to audit the Treasurer's account made the following report which was accepted. June 6'^ 1820. The Subscribers auditors of the Treas- urer's accounts for the past year report that they find that 91D : 07C have been paid into the Treasury ; 89D : 67C paid out, one dollar and forty cents now in the Treasury — And $425 :25 due to the Society, also a five Dollar Bill of the Hallowell & Augusta Bank. Peter Bartlett ] Tho. Chadbourne J^ Auditors. J. P. Bachelder J Voted to accept D""^ Lerned and S. Morril as the Treas- urer's bondsmen. Voted that it shall be the duty of the President and Vice- President of the Society to deliver an essay connected with the profession of INIedicine at each annual meeting of the Society. On motion, voted, that the foregoing vote be reconsidered. Docf John French a Fellow of the Society appeared and took his seat. Voted that the Committee on the Library Viz D""^ Long, S. Morril and Lerned. be directed to separate the Books be- longing to the District Libraries which may be found in the General Library and that the Librarian be directed to return the same. Voted that D"" Chadbourne be requested to procure the re- turn of the Books from the District Societies which belong to the General Library. Voted that the Secretary notify D"" James H. Pierrepont that M'' Ewers demand against the Society has been paid, — and if he should still wish to withdraw his Fellowship from the Society, that certain arrears are due before he can be honorably discharged. Voted that D""^ Procter, Prescott and Crosby be a committee to take consideration several letters addressed to the Treas- urer and Librarian and report thereon. Eecords New Hampshire INIedical Society 153 The above named committee made the following report in part which was accepted. ''The committee appointed to examine sundry let- ters and report thereon, do report as follows, that twelve Dollars be allowed to Felia Pascatis M.D. of New York City for four volumes of ]\Iedical Re- pository, and that twelve Dollars be allowed to Wells & Lilly of Boston for six volumes of the N. E. Journal of Medicine & Surgery, and that the Librarian be directed to draw the above sums from the Treasury and forward them to the re- spective publishers. James Procter, Chairman. A patient with an affection of the knee joint was presented. Recommended Blisters Cold Salt Water &c. The Delegates appointed by the Society May 5*'' 1819 to represent this Society in the District Convention of the Northern States, made the following report which was ac- cepted : ' ' The committee appointed to meet in convention at Boston for the purpose of forming a National Pharma- copoea, beg leave to report that they have attended to the duties assigned them, that there was a representation from the northern section of the Union for the purpose aforesaid, and after mature deliberation a Pharmacopoea was agreed on and a subcommittee appointed to report the same at the General Convention to be holden at the City of Washing- ton in January 1820 Concord June 6^^ 1820 Submitted by E. Lerned ] Matthias Spalding I R. D. Mussey j- committee J. P. Bachelder J Voted that, the expenses of the Committee for attending the northern Convention, for the purpose of forming a national 154 Records Xew Hampshire Medical Society Pharmacopoea amounting to $-48 be paid out of the Treas- ury. Voted that the Treasurer be directed to collect the Fines of those who are appointed Orators and who are delinquent. Voted that the Hon. Levi Bartlett in future be considered an Honorary Member of the N. H. Medical Society and that he be requested to pay his arrears due at this time and that the Secretary notify him accordingly. Voted that the IS'*" Section of the ByLaws be amended, and the words "with the advice of the Council may" be erased and add the President shall ''appoint others in their stead." Voted that an Agent be appointed for the purpose of pro- curing a repeal of the Militia Law so far as it respects reg- ular practising Physicians doing Military duty. Voted that Samuel Morril be the Agent to attend to the aforementioned duty. Voted that it shall be the duty of every member of this So- ciety to communicate to the agent just appointed by the Society all the instances of abuse of the militia law now in force Avhich have come within his knowledge and also to use his influence with the members of the Legislature. Voted that D'"^ Lerned, Spalding and Crosby be a Com- mittee to receive communications from Docf Ramsay and report thereon. Voted that the committee appointed to take into considera- tion letters addressed to the Treasurer be excused from reporting thereon. Voted that the payment of one half of the sum due the Committee for their expenses for attending the northern convention for forming a national Pharmacopoea be sus- pended not exceeding one Year. Voted that D"" Erastus Torreys name be stricken from the list of Fellows (he having removed from the State) and that the arrears due from him be credited to the Treasurer. Voted that the arrears due from D'' Thos. S. Ranney be remitted and that his name be stricken from the list of Fellows (he having removed from the State) . Records New Hampshire Medical Society 155 The Committee appointed to present a Petition to the Legislature June 1818 for pecuniary aid beg leave to report, that, they have attended to the duty ; that the Petition w,as presented by the member from "Wentworth ; it was read and committed to a select committee of the Legislature which have never reported. Tho. Chadbourne. for the Committee Voted that the above report be accepted. The undersigned as a Committee of the New Hampshire Medical Society examined the Books in the ]\Iedieal Li- brary at Portsmouth & received from D'" Pierrepont the late Deputy Librarian, and delivered over to D'" Dwight the present Deputy Librarian the following Books Viz. Vol. Saunders on the Liver 1 Cook on Tinea Cap- itis 1 Fothergills works 2 Willan on Cutaneous Diseases No 3 Bostock on respira- tion — 1 Harty on Dysentery 1 Bells Surgery 3 Ford on the Hip- joint 1 Burns Anatomy 1 Chapmans ^lidwif- ery 1 Read on Electricity 1 Rush works 5 Currie 1 Prize questions 1 Rush Lectures 1 Annals Chemistry 1 McBrides Essay 1 Richerands P h y s e- ology 1 Bell on Wounds 1 Cheyne 1 Bell on Ulcers 1 Abernetheys Observa- tions 1 Desaults Chi. Journal Thomas's Practice 1 1^' at C 1 Denmans Aphorisms 1 Moss on Dysentery 1 Bells Operative Surg- ery 2 Homes Observations 2 Priestly on Air 3 Rigby on Uterine Hem. 1 AVitherings Botany 3 of :\redical Extracts 3 1^'C 1&2 at C Desaults Surgery 2 Le D r a n s consulta- tions 1 Smellies Tables 1 Heberdons comment 1 Balfour on fevers 1 Wiseman 's Chiurg- ery 2"^C Crills Chem. Journal 1 156 Records New Hampshire ]\Iedical Society ^Medical Ethics 1 Duncan's Comment 10 Pembertons Treatise 1 Beddoes on Consump- Pott on Hydrocele — 1 tion 1 W a t s ons Chemical McClurg on the Bile 1 Essay ]\Iedical and Physical 2n'5 2 ate Journal— 6 Fordyce on Diges- Boyer on the Bones 1 tion 1 Wardrop on soft Russell on kneejoint 1 Cancer 1 80 volumes The foregoing being all the Books remaining in the cus- tody of D"" Pierrepont Respectfully submitted Josiah Bartlett , James Odell Jr. Voted that the above report be accepted. Voted to adjourn until tomorrow morning, then to meet at this place at 1/2 past 5 oClock A.M. ^let Agreeable to adjournment 1/2 past 5 oClock A.M. June 7. The Committee appointed to receive communications from D"" Ramsay and report thereon, made the following report which was accepted. The Committee appointed to wait on Docf Ramsay beg leave to report ; that they have attended on the Doctor at his Museum, that he exhibited to them a very beautiful dis- play of Anatomical preparations and a great variety of Comparative Anatomy ; he also showed them the Head Thorax and superior extremities of the human machine in Diagrams very beautifully colored all which appeared to your Committee to be natural ingenious and instructive. But owing to the lateness of the hour and the shortness of the time allo^yed by the Doctor to enter into an investi- gation of his projects and plans; your committee beg leave to submit a further consideration of the same to the So- Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 157 ciety themselves, the JNIembers of which having had the same opportunity to investigate as your committee, respectfully submitted E. Lerned ] Matthias Spalding [> Committee Asa Crosby J Resolved that, it is inexpedient for the New Hampshire Medical Society to attend farther to the applications and projects of Doctor Ramsay. It having been suggested by D"" Mussey that the interests of Medicine in this State might be promoted by having two Delegates appointed by this Society, whose duty it should be, to attend the examinations of Candidates at Dartmouth College for Medical Degrees and also to sign ^Medical Diplomas, Therefore, resolved, that this Society at each annual meet- ing appoint by ballot two Delegates for the above purpose/, provided that the Corporation of the College should at their next annual meeting authorize their Medical School in such a connexion with the Society. In pursuance of the above resolution D"" Josiah Bartlett and D"" Ebenezer Lerned were elected as Delegates from the Society for the ensuing year. Voted that the consideration of the communication from the Centre District N. H. Medical Society relative to D"" Ramsay be indefinitely postponed. Voted that D""^ David L. Morril, Ebenezer Lerned, Sam' Morril, ]\Ioses Long and Dan Hough be a committee to at- tend to the Petition now before the Legislature from this Society for pecuniary aid. Resolved that a Committee be appointed to make applica- tion to the Legislature of the State of New-Hampshire for the enactment of a law for the suppression of quackery. Voted that the Committee on the Petition now before the Legislature be the Committee to attend to the above men- tioned duty. Voted that the Secretary and Treasurer be, and are di- 158 Records New Hampshire Medical Society rected to designate the place in the Town of Concord where the Society shall meet in June 1821. Voted to adjourn to the Tuesday preceding the first "Wednesday of June 1821 then to meet in Concord at 10 oClock A.M. Samuel Morril. Sec'y State of New Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New Hampshire ^Medical Society have examined ^NP Amasa Kellogg a candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Surry this 14"^ day of October Anno Domini 1820 John P. Bachelder ] Censors of the C. G. Adams ( N. H. Med. Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y. State of New Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire ]\Iedical Societ.y have examined James W. Perkins of Mount Vernon in said State a Candidate for the Practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Amherst this ninth day of Oc- tober A.D. 1820. ]\Iatthias Spalding ] Censors of the Daniel Adams \ N. H. Med. Soc. Attest, Sam' Morril. Sec'y Records New Hampshire Medical Society 159 State of New-Hampshire. This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined George Wilkins of Mont- Vernon in said State, a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery, respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto sub- scribe our names at Amherst this ninth day of October Anno Domini 1820 i\Iatthias Spalding ^ Censors of the Daniel Adams ^ N. H. Med. Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society have examined John D. Fogg in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testi- mony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Portsmouth this second day of November Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and twenty. Jedi'' Ingalls ] Censors of the Josiah DwightC New-Hampshire Medical Society Attest, Sam' ]\lorril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined John T. Sanborn of New-Chester in said State a Candidate for the Practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and 160 Records New Hampshire ]\Iedical Society knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto sub- scribe our names at Gilmanton this seventeenth day of April Anno Domini 1821 Asa Crosby ^ Censors of the Wm. Prescott \ N. H. M. S. Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y- To the President and Council of the Medical Society of the State of New-Hampshire. In behalf of the Fellows of said Society residing in the Counties of Grafton and Coos the subscribers under the impression that the interests of j\Iedicine might be essen- tially promoted by a new District Medical Society in the western part of the State respectfully request that a Char- ter may be granted him authorizing the organization of a Society to be denominated the Grafton District Medical So- ciety, the meetings to be holden in Hanover Orford and Haverhill said Society to include the Counties of Grafton and Coos. R. D. ]Mussey Concord June G^*' 1820 ( • *^- I State of Xew-Hampshire By the President and Council of the New Hampshire ]Medi- cal Society to Reuben D. Mussey, M. D., and Ezra Bartlett, M. D., Fellows of the Society Greeting Your application made in due form requesting that a Dis- trict JNIedical Society might be instituted, to consist of the Fellows of the New-Hampshire Medical Society residing in the Counties of Grafton & Coos was duly considered by the President and Council on the sixth day of June Anno Domini 1820 and it was thereupon resolved that your re- quest should be granted. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 161 Be it therefore known that, pursuant to the Charter of the N. H. Medical Society and in conformity to the By laws of the same, a District Society, by the name of the Grafton District Medical Society is hereby established, to consist of the Fellows of the N. H. Medical Society now resident and of those who shall hereafter reside in the Counties of Graf- ton & Coos, and Reuben D. Mussey is hereby authorized to call a meeting of the Fellows of the N. H. Medical Society now resident within the District aforesaid for the purpose of electing Officers and transacting such other business as they shall deem expedient. In testimony whereof the President pursuant to aforesaid resolve has hereunto subscribed his name and affixed the Seal of the Society at Concord this 6th day of June Anno X)om. 1820 Josiah Bartlett, President Sam' Morril, Sec'y New-Hampshire Medical Society Concord June 5'"^ 1821. The day of the annual meeting of the N. H. Medical So- ciety having arrived the following Fellows attended, A^iz : Doctors Josiah Bartlett, Matthias Spalding, Reuben D. Mussey, John P. Bachelder, Moses Long, Thomas Chad- Tjourne, Joseph ]\I. Harper, Peter Bartlett, Josiah Crosby, John Carr, Asa Crosby, David L. Morril, William Pres- •cott, Abner Johnson, Job Wilson, Ebenezer Lerned, Jo- .siah Kittredge, Truman Abell, James A. Gregg, John Proc- ter, Thomas H. Merrill, Peter P. Woodberry, William Ten- ney, Thomas P. Hill, James Stark, Thomas Shannon, John Prench and Samuel IMorril Meeting Opened. Hon. Josiah Bartlett, President in the Chair. Minutes of the annual meeting in June 1820 were read. The following gentlemen who were proposed to the Fellow- ship by the Council June 5^*^ 1821 were balloted for and 162 Records New Hampshire Medical Society duly elected, Viz : Daniel Oliver, j\I. D., Hanover, James F. Dana, M. D., Hanover, John Dewey, M. D., Lancaster, D"" Aaron P. Grosvener, Pelhara, D"" Abel Goodrich, Merri- mack, Isaac Colby, M. D., New London. Robert Lane. M. D., Sutton, Jacob Straw, M. D., Henniker, D"" Nathan Jones, Temple, D"" Daniel Wardwell, Lyndeboro. D'' Nathaniel Howard, Weare. D"" James M. Fuller, Milford, D'" Ebenezer Dearborn, Dunstable, Samuel Smith, M. D., Bristol, D"" David T. Libbey, Wolfboro, D"" John Morrison, Alton. D"" Jacob Hammons, Farmington, John Kimball, M. D., Camp- ton, D"" Stephen Drew, Milton, Charles Wliite, M. D., Sand- wich, D'' Luke Howe, Jaffrey, D"" Thomas Jewett, Rindge, D"" Peter Tuttle, Hancock, D"" Jonas Hutchinson, Hancock, D"" Oliver Scripture, Hollis, D*" William Smith, Northwood, D"" John McCrillis, Wakefield. D"" Thomas Wliipple, Went- worth. and D'' Josiali Richards, Claremont. The following gentlemen elected Fellows of the Society June 5^*^ 1821, were notified of their election, "assented thereto" appeared and took their seats, viz: James F. Dana, M. D., D"" Aaron P. Grosvener, D"" John McCrillis and Isaac Colby, I\r. D. Patients admitted for examination. A child with a Curvature of the Spine, and mental im- becility. Recommended Caustics applied to both sides of the Spine at the Curvature, Calomel & Rhei. Chalybeates, Alkaline lo- tions. Carbonate of Lime & Soda as an alterative twice a day. Moderate exercise in a Carriage. A man with an Hydrocele. Recommended, the operation for a radical Cure. A Lady with an affection of the Tibia producing an en- largement. Remedies Local bleeding by Leeches or cup- ping Electricity, afterward the shower Bath, and a per- petual drain. A Man with an affection of the knee joint, recommended, topical bleeding, drains, if the remedies above mentioned Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 163 are unsuccessful an operation is recommended which is a free incision into the knee joint. Another with an affection of the Lumbar Region, remedies, Issues or a Seton, preceded by topical bleeding. Voted to adjourn to 1/2 past 2 oClock P.M. Met agreeably to adjournment at 1/2 past 2 oClock P.M. Voted that D''^ David L. Morril, Ebenezer Lerned, Samuel Morril, Moses Long, and Dan Hough be a committee cloathed with discretionary powers to make application to the Legislature for the enactment of a law for the suppres- sion of quackery and also for pecuniary aid. Voted to proceed to the elections for the ensuing year. Voted Matthias Spalding M.D. President Voted Reuben D. Mussey M.D. Vice-President Voted D""^ James Odell, David L. Morril, Daniel Adams (mont Vernon) Josiah Crosby, Truman Abell, and James F. Dana, Counsellors. The President and Secretary of the Eastern, Centre, Stratford, Southern, Western, and Graf- ton Districts are also Counsellors Ex Officio. Voted Samuel ^Morril, Secretary. Voted D'" Moses Long, Treasurer Voted D'" Thomas Chadbourne, Librarian. Voted D""^ Jedediah Ingalls, Josiah Dwight, Samuel Pray, Jacob Kittredge, Job Wilson, Thomas Chadbourne, Dan- iel Adams (]\Iont-Vernon) Luther Farley, John P. Bach- elder and Charles G. Adams, Reuben D. Mussey and James F. Dana, Censors. Voted D""^ Josiah Dwight, Matthias Spalding, Samuel Pray, John P. Bachelder and Reuben D. Mussey, Deputy Libra- rians. Voted that the Delegates to the Dartmouth medical Insti- tution who are appointed at this meeting continue in Office till the first of September 1822, and that those who shall be appointed hereafter continue in Office a year from the first of September next after their election. Voted D'" Matthias Spalding and D'" Asa Crosby Delegates to the Medical Institution at Dartmouth College. 164 Records New Hampshire jMedical Society Voted that the Delegates to the Dartmouth ^Medical In- stitution be instructed to report to this Society, the manner in which the Medical examinations are conducted at Dart- mouth College, and also to report the State and situation of the Medical School at Hanover. Voted that D" Gregg, Hill, and Prescott be a committee to audit the Treasurer's Accounts. Voted to accept D""^ Chadbourne and S. Morril as the Treas- urer's Bondsmen. Voted that D""^ Bachelder. Shannon and J. Crosby be a com- mittee to inspect the Library and report thereon at 8 oClock tomorrow morning. The committee appointed to audit the Treasurer's Ac- counts made the following report which was accepted. "June 5"^ 1821. The Auditors of the Treasurer's Ac- counts for the past year report that they find that Fifty nine Dollars and fifteen cents have been paid into the Treasurer. Fifty six Dollars and eighty nine cents paid out. Two Dollars twenty six cents now in the Treasury, and Four hundred and sixty four Dollars due to the So- James A. Gregg ] Thomas P. Hill j. Auditors W" Prescott J Voted that D"" Chadbourne be directed to ascertain the number of Fellows in each District and apportion the Li- brary to the several Districts according thereto. Voted that the thanks of the New-Hampshire ^Medical So- ciety be presented to the Hon. Josiah Bartlett for his faith- ful and impartial discharge of the laborious duties of Presi- dent of the Society during the Six years past. To the New-Hampshire Medical Society Gentlemen. The unexpected vote of thanks politely handed me by a respectable Committee from your body has added another excitement to the cordial wishes for the prosperity & util- ity of your institution which has long existed in my breast. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 165 The repeated honor the Medical Society has conferred in calling me to preside in its meetings, and the urbanity and liberality with which the members thereof have treated their presiding officer while performing the duties of that office, will be remembered with gratitude by Josiah Bartlett. Resolved, that a committee be appointed to ascertain whether any, and if any, what number of Physicans Fel- lows of this Society have violated its Laws by consulting and thereby aiding and assisting irregular & unlicensed Practitioners the year past, and that the committee report tomorrow morning at 9 oClock. Voted that D''^ Wilson, A. Crosby and Peter P. Woodberry be the above committee. Voted to adjourn to 6 oClock A.M. June 6*^ to meet at this place. Met agreeably to adjournment June 6'*^ 6 oClock A.M. Voted that the thanks of the Society be presented to D""^ J. Crosby and Long for their tasty and elaborate Deserta- tions delivered before the Society this day. Voted that D"" Andrew P. Wiggin be disconnected from the Society for the present at his request, and that he be con- sidered an honorary Member during his indisposition. The committee appointed yesterday to ascertain whether any, and if any, what number of Physicians Fellows of this Society have violated the 8^*^ Section of the ByLaws Report that D"" James A. Gregg informs that D"" 0. Hast- ings has transgressed the 8'^ Section of the ByLaws of the New-Hampshire INIedical Society, also D"" Peter P. Wood- bury informs that D""^ David L. Morril and Walker have committed the same otfense. Likewise D'' S. IMorril informs that D'' John Proctor has transgressed the above article, and we are fully satisfied from what several persons have suggested to us that the same offense very generally pre- vails throughout the Society. Job Wilson ] Asa Crosby ^ Peter P. Woodbury] 166 Records New Hampshire JMedical Society Voted that the reasons assigned by D"" David L. ^Nlorril for his deviation from the S^*" Sec. of the ByLaws are satis- factory. In order to carry into effect the ByLaws of this Society relative to irregular practice Voted that it is the sense of this Society that each mem- ber thereof consider himself under peculiar obligation to do all in his power to enforce our bylaws, and to report the state of impiricism within his sphere of business to the Society at every annual meeting. The committee appointed to enquire into the State of the Library beg leave to report that from the representation of the Librarian the state of the Library is such that it would require much more time to go into the examination of it than is allowed by the circumstances in which the committee find themselves placed, they however beg leave to suggest that a committee be appointed to go into a more thorough investigation of the state of the Library, to pro- cure a case for containing the Books to cause a new Cata- logue to be published to which the library rules and regula- tions shall be prefixed and to take suitable measures for collecting the Books now in the hands of deputy Librarians. J. P. Bachelder Thos. Shannon Josiah Crosby Which report was accepted, and D''^ Sam' ]\Iorril and Moses Long were appointed a Committee in conformity to the re- port. Voted that D""^ A. Crosby Dana, Chadbourne, S. IMorril and J. Wilson be a Committee to examine and revise the By- Law^s of the Society and report what alterations or addi- tions may be necessary, and report the same at the next an- nual meeting. Voted that D"" Dana be appointed to go to Boston and in- vestigate the causes of the mortality among the Cattle in that Town in a way which he may judge necessary by chemical analysis or otherwise. Eecords New Hampshire Medical Society 167 Voted that the Letter from the Secretary of the Strafford District N. H. Medical Society be referred to the Centre District. Voted that a Catalogue be printed of the Fellows Associ- ates and Licentiates with the 8**" Section of the By-Laws and the Medical Police prefixed thereto, and that the Sec- retary be requested to procure 500 printed copies of the same, and distribute a copy to each Member of the Society. Voted that D""^ S. Morril, Dana and Prescott be Orators for 1822. Voted that this meeting stand adjourned to the Tuesday preceding the first Wednesday of June 1822 then to meet at this place Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire ]\Iedical Society have examined j\P Nathan Sanborn of Heneker in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill & knowl- edge therein and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Salisbury this 31^' Day of January Anno Domini 1821 Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y Ebenezer Lerned ] _. o , nr ■^ r CcUSOrS Sam' Morril { State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the Subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Joseph Foord, of Thornton in said State a Candidate for the prac- tice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge 168 Records New Hampshire Medical Society therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Wentoorth this twelfth day of July Anno Domini 1821 R. D. Mussey, M. D. J Censors of the James Freeman Dana M. D. ^ New-Hampshire Med. Society Attest, Sam' Morril, See'y This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Ezra Nich- ols of Seabrook in said State a candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names. September 6'^ 1821 Josiah Dwight ] Censors of the N. H. Jedi'' Ingalls ^ Med. Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Abraham S. Bradley in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill & knowledge there- in, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names August 4'»> 1821. Josiah Dwight J Censors of the N. H. Jedi'' Ingalls ^ Medical Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Secretary. Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 169 State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire ^Medical Society have examined Mr. Ste- phen Cole of Cornish in said State a Candidate for the practice of Physic respecting his skill & knowledge therein & having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testi- mony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Charlestown this 20"^ day of August 1821. J. P. Bachelder ] M. D. C. G. Adams \ M. D. Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y- This may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined William Eustis Langdon of Portsmouth a candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names. December 18'^ 1821 Josiah Dwight ] Censors of the N. H. Jedidiah Ingalls ^ Medical Society Attest, Sam' ]\Iorril, Secretary. State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society, have examined Antonio Knight a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our appro- 170 Records New Hampshire Medical Society bation hereunto subscribe our names at Portsmouth January 22""^ 1822 Josiah D wight ^ Censors of the Jedi'^ Ingalls ( N. H. Medical Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Secretary. New-Hampshire Medical Society Concord June 4''' 1822 The day of the annual meeting of the New-Hampshire Medical Society having arrived the following Fellows at- tended, Viz : Doctors Matthias Spalding, Asa Crosby, James F. Dana, ]\Ioses Long, Job Wilson, Eeuben D. Mussey, Jo- siah Crosby, Peter Bartlett, Ebenezer Lerned, Josiah Ejt- tredge, John Kamball, Isaac Doten, Alexander Boyd, Abner Johnson, Joseph M. Harper, Jabez Dow, James Farring- ton, Thomas Chadbourne, William Smith, John Procter, William Graves, David L. Morril, William Prescott. Na- thaniel Howard, Silas Merrill, Thomas P. Hill, James Stark, Isaac Colby, John French, Jacob Straw, Luke Howe, and Samuel Morril. Meeting opened. Matthias Spalding M.D. President in the Chair. Minutes of the annual meeting in June 1821 were read. Voted that the order of business be so far dispensed with that the election of Officers be deferred until the report of the committee appointed to revise the By-Laws be read. The following gentlemen who were proposed to the Fel- lowship by the Council June 4'^^ 1822 were balloted for and duly elected Viz : John Rogers M.D. of Boscawen, Timothy Parkhurst of Wilton, Matthias Spalding of Milford, John Durkee of Meredith, John Dalton of New Boston, Nathan Sanborn of Henniker, John B. McGregory of Newport, John Sanborn of ]\leredith, June 5'" Records New Hampshire Medical Society 171 Richard Russell M.D. was balloted for, and elected a Fel- low. The following resolutions submitted by the President and Council were read and adopted, Resolved, That the Southern District Society have ex- ceeded their powers in appointing officers to dis- charge their duties which belong exclusively to Councillors of the general Society; and that the acts of the officers so appointed are totally and utterly null & void. Whereas complaint has been made to the Council by Dr Luther Farley against Dr James Crombie, Fellow of this Society and whereas, the facts contained in said complaint are established and substantiated according to the acknowledgement of Dr. Crombie himself, therefore Resolved, that the Society view with extreem regret and disapprobation the conduct of Dr. Crombie in his professional intercourse ^^ith Dr. Farley, and recommend to Dr Crombie a careful perusal and steady adherence to the police rules of the Society of which he is a Fellow. Resolved That the Secretary be requested to transmit copies of the above resolves to the Southern Dis- trict Society and to Drs. Farley and Crombie. Whereas, Taxes of considerable amount are due from vari- ous Fellows to the Society Therefore Resolved, that the Treasurer call on all Fellows in arrears for payment, and if they refuse so to do, to sue for the same if it can be recovered, and that all Fellows who refuse to pay or require to be sued be expelled from the Society. Voted that Drs Job Wilson, Thomas P. Hill, William Prescott, Reuben D. Mussey and John Procter, be a Com- mittee to enquire whether any Fellows of this Society have 172 Records New Hampshire Medical Society violated the Laws or Police rules of the Society and report thereon at the present session. Docf John Rogers a Fellow of the Society appeared and took his seat. Docf James T. Dana read a Report on the examination of the waters in Boston &c which was accepted. And Drs Chadbourne and ]\Iorril were appointed a Committee to procure its publication. Voted to adjourn to 1/2 past oClock P.M. Met agreeably to adjournment 1/2 past 2 OClock P.M. Voted that Drs Asa Crosby. Isaac Colby and Thomas P. Hill be a Committee to audit the Treasurer's Accounts. The committee made the following report which was ac- cepted : [Report not recorded] Voted to proceed to the elections for the ensuing year. Voted ^Matthias Spalding ]\I.D. President Voted Reuben D. ^lussey M.D. Vice-President Voted Doctors Josiah Bartlett, Jedidiah Ingalls, Samuel Pray, Jabez Dow, Ebenezer Lerned. Asa Crosby, Luther Farley, Peter Tuttle, Amos Twitchel, Daniel Adams (Keene) Daniel Oliver and Ezra Bartlett, Counsellors. Voted Drs Josiah D wight, Josiah Bartlett, James Far- rington, Joseph Hammons, Isaac Colby, Thomas Chad- bourne, Daniel Adams of Mount- Vernon, John Ramsay, Charles G. Adams Amos Tmtchel, Reuben D. ]\Iussey, and Daniel Oliver Censors. Voted Samuel Morril Secretary Voted Docf Moses Long. Treasurer Voted Dr Thomas Chadbourne. Librarian Voted Drs David L. ]\Iorril and Job Wilson be Delegates to attend the medical examinations at Hanover. Report of one of the Delegates appointed to attend the examinations the year 1821-2 Agreeably to the appointment of this Society, I attended as Delegate the examinations of Medical Students at Han- over with the Medical Professors of that Institution, both Eecords New Hampshire Medical Society 173 at Commencement and in December last, and beg leave to report that in my opinion, the examinations were conducted in a judicious manly and critical manner. I have attended examinations at other Medical Schools and as far as I can judge, those at Hanover were such as would do honor to any Medical Institution. I am therefore of an opinion that the connexion formed between the two in- stitutions is calculated to inspire the Students with more ambition for improvement, and upon the whole add to the stock of medical science. Matthias Spalding) one of the Delegates. Voted to adjourn to tomorrow morning at 6 'Clock. Met according to adjournment. Voted Dr Thomas Chadbourne Secretary Pro Tem Voted that the Code of ByLaws and system of Police as reported by the Council and amended by the Society be ac- cepted. Voted that Drs Chadbourne, Morril and Long be a com- mittee to procure the publication of the ByLaws and Po- lice of the Society as adopted at the present meeting that the Act of Incorporation and list of the Fellows be at- tached to it. Dissertations read by Drs Dana & Prescott. Voted that Dr S. jMorril be excused from reading his dis- sertation till next meeting. Voted that the following members be erased from the cata- logue of Fellows and their taxes remitted Viz. Joseph Til- ton, Joshua Brackett, John Fogg, Josiah Lane, John Rog- ers and Jonathan Greeley. Voted that Drs Daniel Oliver and Thomas P. Hill rea^ dissertations at the next annual meeting. Voted to adjourn to 2 oClock P.M. Met according to adjournment. Voted that the report of the committee respecting the breaches of the ByLaws and Police of the Society be re- committed with directions to specify the particular charges. 174 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Voted that Drs Long, Rogers and Kittredge be the Library- Committee the ensuing year. Voted that the report of the committee relative to the charges brought against Dr. Graves for alleged breaches of the By-Laws and Police of the Society be deferred to the next meeting. Voted to adjourn to meet at Concord on the Tuesday Pre- ceding the first Wednesday in June 1823. Sam' ]\Iorril, Secretary. State of New-Hampshire Be it remembered that we the subscribers, Censors of the New-Hampsliire ]\Iedical Society have examined Isaiah Lane of Candia in said State a candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Hanover this 1^^ Day of December A. D. 1822 R. D. Mussey J Censors of the Dan' Oliver J N. H. ]\Ied. Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Secretary. State of New Hampshire This ma}' certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined M'' Thomas Lindsay Jr. of Wakefield in s'' State, a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, & having found him duly qualified there- for, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto sub- scribe our names at Rochester this 15"^ day of February A. D. 1823 James Farrington ) Censors of Joseph Hammons ^ the N. H. M. S. Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y Records New Hampshire ^Medical Society 175 State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society have examined Isaac Hatch of Gilsum in said state, a Candidate for the Prac- tice of Physick and Surgery respecting his skill and knowl- edge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Keene this 3^^ day of June Anno Domini 1822. J. P. Batchelder ) Censors of C. G. Adams J N. H. Med. Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Secretarv\ State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Lyman Brooks of Marlow in said State a Candidate for the prac- tice of Physick and Surgery respecting his skill and knowl- edge therein, and having found him duly qualified there- for, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe names at Keene this S'"^ day of June Anno Domini 1822. J. P. Bachelder ) Censors of the C. G. Adams J N. H. Med. Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Ephraim Adams of Hanover in said State a candidate for the prac- tice of Physick and Surgery respecting his skill and knowl- edge therein, & having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto subscribe our 176 Records New Hampshire Medic^ul. Society names at Hanover this 19'*^ day of December Anno Domini 1822 R. D. Mussey J Censors of the Dan' Oliver J N. H. Medical Attest, Society Sam' Mbrril, Secretary. State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Samuel Richardson of Peterboro, in said State a Candidate for the practise of Physick & Surgery, respecting his skill & knowl- edge therein, and having found him duly qualified there- for, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Amherst this 9^^ day of Ocf A. D. 1820 Matthias Spalding 1 Censors of Daniel Adams C the Med. Attest, Society, Sam' Morril, Sec'y. State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Jeremiah Stickney of Antrim in said State, a Candidate for the practice of Physick and Surgery respecting his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto sub- scribe our names at Amherst this 3'"'^ day of October Anno Domini 1820. ]\Iattliias Spalding ^ Censors of Daniel Adams i^ the Med. Society. Attest, Sam' Morril, Secretary. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 177 State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers, Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Israel Burnham of Antrim in said State, a Candidate for the prac- tice of Physick & Surgery respecting his skill & knowl- edge therein, and having found him duly qualified there- for, do, in testimony of our approbation, hereunto subscribe our names at Amherst this 2"'^ day of October Anno Domini 1820 Matthias Spalding J Censors of the Daniel Adams ^ N. H. Med. Society Attest, Sam' Mori'il, Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the Subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined M'" Ira Weston of Mont-Vemon in said State, a Candidate for the Practice of Physick and Surgery, respecting his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimony of our approbation hereunto sub- scribe our names at ]\Iont-Vernon this IS''* day of January A. D. 1823 Daniel Adams ) Censors of the John Eamsay C N. H. Med. Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Sec'y. New-Hampshire Medical Society June 3 1823 The day of the meeting of the New-Hampshire Medical So- ciety having arrived the following Fellows attended Viz. Doctors Matthias Spalding, Asa Crosby, Ebenezer Lerned, Jabez Dow, Peter Tuttle, Daniel Oliver, Job Wilson, Luther Farley, George Farrar, Thomas Chadbourne, Nathan San- 12 178 Records New Hampshire Medical Society born, John McCrillis, Peter Bartlett, William Graves, Thomas P. Hill, John Durkee, John Carr, John Dewey, David L. Morril, Josiah Kittredge, Josiah Crosby, Silas Merril, Joseph Hammons, Nathaniel Howard. Joseph M. Harper, Moses Long, James F. Dana, Matthias Spalding (Milford) William Smith, James Stark, Isaac Colby, Jacob Straw, William Tenney, Reuben D. Miissey, Richard Rus- sell, and Samuel Morril, June 4'^^ Drs Rogers and Proctor. Meeting opened. Matthias Spalding M. D. President in the Chair. Minutes of the annual meeting in June 1822 were read. Voted that the charges brought against Dr. William Graves be taken up by the society and acted upon, which were the following viz 1st Of making a false statement respecting the case of John Whitehouse of Pembroke. 2°^, For visiting patients Mrs Foster and Miss Knox, the first without the knowledge of the attending Physician (Dr Kittredge) in the latter case, he visited in consultation, went to the place appointed four hours before the time agreed on, and encouraged the patient to expect something better than had been done, and so far ingraciated himself as to procure the dismission of D"" Kit- tredge, and took the case of the patient himself. S*"** And also, for having consulted with an unlicensed and ignorant practitioner viz Samuel Sargent of Chichester, in the case of M'" Seavey of that Town after having been made acquainted with the circumstances that Dr. J. Crosby had refused to consult with said Sargent in the case. The foregoing charges were reported to the society by a committee of whom Dr Job Wilson was chairman. The Society having made progress in the investigation of the charges against Docf Graves but not having time to complete the same — Voted to adjourn to 1/2 past 2 oClock P. M. Met according to adjournment and resumed the investiga- tion of the charges against Dr Graves, at the close of which, Records New Hampshire Medical Society 179 the sense of the society was taken on the question whether the charges were supported or not. The decision of the society on the first charge was in the affirmative Yeas 15 Nays 5. The second was also decided in the affirmative Yeas 9 Nays 6: and the third likewise Yeas 13 Nays 3; Whereupon, voted that President and Council be a committee to decide on the case of Dr Graves and report tomorrow morning at 6 oClock. Voted that Drs Hill, Colby and A. Crosby be a committee to audit the Treasurer's accounts. Voted to remit to Dr Daniel Adams of Keen 12 dollars, to the estate of Dr William Cutter late of Portsmouth dec'd 8 Dollars, to Dr Nathan Smith 11 Dollars, and that a coun- terfeit 3 Dollar bill be credited to the Treasurer. Voted that Drs Mussey, McCrillis and Wilson be a commit- tee to report a method of treatment of the patients who may come before the society for advice. Voted to proceed to the election of officers for the ensuing year. Voted Hon. David L. Morril M. D. President Voted Reuben D. Mussey M. D. Vice-President Voted Doctors Josiali Bartlett, Samuel Pray. Jabez Dow, Ebenezer Lerned, Asa Crosby, Matthias Spalding, Peter Tuttle, Amos Twitchell, Daniel Adams Keene, Daniel Oli- ver, Thomas Whipple Jr and Thomas P. Hill Counsellors. Voted Doctors Jacob Kittredge, James Farrington, John Durkee, William Prescott, Matthias Spalding, Daniel Adams Mont-Vernon, Amos Twitchell, Charles G. Adams, Reuben D. Mussey, and Daniel Oliver Censors. Voted Samuel Morril, Secretary. Voted Dr Moses Long, Treasurer. Voted Dr Thomas Chadbourne, Librarian. Voted Doctors Amos Twitchell and Jabez Dow delegates to attend the medical examination at Dartmouth College. Voted that Drs S. jNIorril. Moses Long and Josiali Kittredge be the Library Committee. 180 Records New Hampshire ]\Iedic.\x, Society Voted that Drs Jacob Kittredge, Josiah Bartlett, E. Lerned, Daniel Adams of Mont-Yernon, Charles G. Adams and Thomas Whipple Jr be the committee of correspondence. Voted that the dessertations be read tomorrow morning at 9 oClock. Voted that the following report of the committee appointed to audit the Treasurer's accounts be accepted. June S'"^ 1823. The auditors of the Treasurer's acc't for the year past re- port that the balance in the hands of the Treasurer on the last settlement was $20 :53 cents ; that there has paid into the Treasury since that time 127 Dollars. That there has been paid out of the Treasury $109:52 Leaving a balance in the Treasury of $38 :1 cent, we likewise find due to the Treasurer from individual members $254. The committee find the accounts correctly cast and properly vouched. Thomas P. HiU Isaac Colby Asa Crosby. Voted to allow Dr Chadbourne's account amounting to $5.58 cents. Voted that a committee of three Viz : Drs D. L. ]\Iorril, Thomas P. Hill and R. D. Mussey be added to the President and Council to take into consideration the present business before that body. Voted that dessertations in future be read on Wednesday succeeding the daj^ of the annual meeting at 9 oClock A. M. The following gentlemen who were proposed to the Fel- lowship June S"'^ & -4"' 1823 were balloted for and elected Viz : Doctors Joseph Dalton of Brentwood, James Barr of New Ipswich, Jabez B. Priest Peterborough, Adonijah Howe Jaffrey, Benjamin Skelton Pelham, Samuel Huston Hook- sett, Rufus Kittredge Chester, William Burns Littleton, Daniel Mowe New Durham, John P. Elkins Middleton, Caleb Buswell Warner, Robert Lane Sutton, John Thurs- tain Portsmouth, William Perry Exeter, and Austin George of Boscawen. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 181 Voted that this meeting be adjourned to 6 oClock tomorrow morning. Met according to adjournment June 4"^ 1823 at 6 oClock A. M. The committee to whom was referred the case of Dr William Graves reported the following Resolution, Resolved, that Dr William Graves having been convicted of violating certain Laws of the N. H. Medical Society he be reprimanded before the Society by the President — which duty was attended to according to the above Resolution. Resolved that, in any breach of the By-laws of this so- ciet}^ by any individual member or members, it shall be the duty of the complainant in all cases to prefer the charges mthin one year from the annual meeting next after the of- fense is committed. Voted that the papers prefering charges against Drs. J. Crosby and J. Ivittredge by Dr William Graves be with- drawn, because, in the opinion of the society that have not original jurisdiction in the cases. Dissertations read by Drs Oliver, S. Morril and Colby. Voted that Dr Colby be requested to leave a copy of his dissertation with the Secretary. Voted that the Treasurer be directed to pay in future all the bills of the Society (with the exception of bills for pro- vinder and spirits) until after the adjournment. The fol- lowing report of one of the delegates appointed to attend the medical examinations at Dartmouth College was read. Visited the Medical Institution at Hanover Dec'" 4''' and tar- ried there till the IG**^ in which time I had a sufficient op- portunity to observe the mode of instruction, the regulation of the school &c. The whole number of medical students was 85, in general they had the appearance of being close students, I saw none who spent their time idly, a consid- erable number are properly pious, and with the exception of a few, they all conducted with propriety, and in general were as respectable well behaved young men as I ever recol- lect to have been acquainted with. The mode of instruc- 182 Records New Hampshire ^Medical Society tion in my opinion is excellent. The anatomical prepara- tions belonging to the institution are well prepared, ex- hibiting all the important parts which it is required for the surgeon to know : viz. The bones ligaments tendons & some of the muscles, the heart & larger arteries, the larger veins & nerves & several preparations of important viscera like- wise several imjjortant drawings, wax figures & likewise sev- eral instructive models of the eye; these are only some of the more important parts of the anatomical museiun. The chemical Laboratory & apparatus are good its collections of minerals & natural productions are considerable, it like- wise contains samples of most of the metals and ores. There are four lectures in a day; Viz: One on Anatomy, one on Surgery, one on the Theory & practice of Physic & one on Chemistry ; at each lecture the students are examined as follows. In chemistry they are required to name the com- ponent parts of the various salts, minerals, stones, earths, fluids, oils, &c likewise to describe their analysis and synthe- sis as far as has been ascertained. In physic to describe the sj-mptoms, nature & treatment of diseases. In Surgery how to determine the disease or injury, the mode of operating, the parts which may be divided and those which should be avoided, and likewise to give their reasons for each step, and to demonstrate the same by anatomy. Gentlemen will read- ily perceive that this is the proper way to rivet those ideas in the mind of the pupil, which it is so immensely important for him to know; especially when he is called to perform important operations in surgery, on the well performance of which the life of his patient & his reputation may de- pend. As respect physic we would further observe that every days experience confirms us more & more in the be- lief, that any rational system of the practise of physic must be founded on inductions, derived from anatomical & physiological researches. The examination of a large pro- portion of the medical students was very satisfactory : their examination collectively considered amounted to a minute recital of all the most important parts of the profession. Records New Hampshire ^Medical Society 183 President Tyler apparently from surprise at the length & minuteness of the examination observed that it must be a great tax on the memory. Salisbury May 29*'^ 1823. Job Wilson Resolved that the eastern District Medical Society of the State of X. H. having neglected their regular meetings for a long time have forfeited their charter. Voted that Drs Thomas P. Hill and Jabez Dow be appointed to read dissertations before the society at the annual meet- ing in June 182-1. Docf Joseph Dalton of Brentwood a Fellow of the Society appeared and took his seat. Voted that the Members of the Society who live more than 50 miles from the Library shall have liberty to retain the books one year. Voted that the society will attend to medical communica- tions at 14 past 2 oClock P. M. Voted to adjourn for half an hour to dine. Met according to adjournment Docf Silas Walker of Goffstown who was proposed to the Fellow.ship by the Council was balloted for and elected. Dr Walker a Fellow of the society appeared and took his seat. Voted to adjourn to the Tuesday preceeding the first Wed- nesday of June 1824 then to meet in Concord. Sam' Morril, Sec'y The President and Council of the X. H. Medical met on Monday the 2^"^ June 1823 and proceeded to business Voted that Dr Thomas Lindsey of Wakefield may resign his Fellowship on paying up his arrears to this time, and that he be considered a retired member. Dr Matthias Spalding paid before the Council for their consideration certain letters being a correspondence be- tween said Spalding and Dr John Wallace of Milford both Fellows of said society which correspondence iriginated in consequence of two letters containing allegations against 184 Records New Hampshire Medical Society said Wallace for a breach of the by-laws, and were ad- dressed to said Spalding in his official capacity. Therefore resolved, that the Secretary give notice to Dr John Wallace that the Council will tomorrow at 10 oClock A. ]\I. or at some hour subsequent on said day attend to the charges ex- hibited against him, and that he serve him with a copy of their proceedings, passed in Council. In Council June S''^ 1823. it was resolved that the Council have not in the present form of the business jurisdiction of the case of Dr John Wallace, but that it ought to have orig- inated before the district Society. In Council June 3'"'' 1823 Voted that a committee be ap- pointed from the Council to specify such authors as they shall judge most proper to be studied by medical students and Drs Daniel Oliver, Jabez Dow and Matthias Spalding were appointed. Sam' Morril, Sec'y- State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire ]\Iedical Society have examined Abraham Hazeltine of Wardsborough Vermont a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Surgery respecting his skill and knowl- edge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do, in testimon}^ of our approbation hereunto subscribe our names at Hanover this 18'^ day of December A. D. 1822 R. D. Mussey ) Censors of the N. H. Daniel Oliver ( Med. Society Attest, Sam' Morril, Secretary State of New-Hampshire We, the Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society, duly appointed and authorized, have examined Philip Records New Hampshire Medical Sogiett 185 Tovvle of Hampton in the County of Eockingham, a Can- didate for the practice of Physic and Surgery, and having found him duly qualified, do approve and license him a practitioner in Medicine and Surgery, agreeably to Law in that case made and provided. Dated at Somersworth this eighteenth day of July A. D. 1823 Jacob Kittredge ) ^ -r ^ . ^ 1- Censors James li arrmgton Attest, Sam' Morril Sec'y. State of New-Hampshire We, the Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society, duly appointed and authorized, have examined Augustus Willard of Cooperstown in the County of Otsego & State of New York, a Candidate for the practice of Physic & Sur- gery, and having found him duly qualified, do approve and license him a practitioner in jMedicine and Surgery, agree- ably to law in that case made and provided. Hanover N. H. November 1=' 1823 R. D. Mussey ) ^ . 1 ^T V Censors Daniel Oliver \ Attest, Sam' Morril. Sec'y State of New-Hampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the New-Hampshire Medical Society have examined Samuel Johnson 3'"'^ of Andover in the State of Massachusetts, a Candidate for the practice of Physic and Surgery respect- ing his skill & knowledge therein, and having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation, 186 Records New Hampshire ]\Iedical Society hereunto subscribe our names at Hanover this 27'** day of November Anno Domini 1823 R. D. Mussey ^ Censors of the N. H. Daniel Oliver C Medical Society Attest^ Sam' Morril, Sec'y. State of New Hampshire The Council of the N. H. Medical Society met on Monday the 31^' day of May 1824 Present D" E. Lemed, A. Crosby & Tuttle D^ Muzzey in the chair, proceeded to the following. An appeal of D"" William Graves from the decision of the Center District Society in relation to a Charge bro 't by Dr Graves against D"" Josiah Kittredge was taken up by the Council. D"" William Graves prefers a charge against D'' J. Kittredge for making fals statements respecting his visiting a Miss Knox of Pembroke W. Graves Voted that the Council will not admit any person who is not a Fellow of the Society to advocate any cause that may be referred to them for their decision. * Voted that the Council proceed to the trials in the case of D-"^ Graves & Kittredge. Voted to adjourn to six oclock tomorrow morning. Met agreeable to adjournment on Tuesday June 1®' 1824 and resumed the consideration of the cases between D'' Graves & Kittredge Voted that the charge exhibited by D"" Graves against D"" Kittredge in the case of Miss Knox is not supported. Voted that Doctors Thomas Wliipple Jr and Thomas Chad- bourn be Orators for 1825 Records New Hampshire Medical Society 187 Voted that Doet Josiali Bartlett be allowed to resign his fellowship. Voted to adjourn sine die. Peter Bartlett Secy. New Hampshire Medical Society. Concord June l"*' 1824. The day of the annual meeting having arrived the Follow Fellows attended Viz Doctors Muzzy, A. Crosby, Lerned, Oliver, Tuttle, Hill, Dow, J. Bartlett, Chadbourn, P. Bartlett, Graves, Ham- mons, Russell, J. Wallace, J. Crosby, Huston, M. Spalding Jr., N. Sanborn, Tenney, W. Prescott, Long, McCrillis, S. Merrill, Harper, J. Straw, J. Kittridge, Buswell, J. Dalton, Proctor, I. Gale, J. Morrison, Farrington, L. How, I. Colby, J. Stark, Rogers & S. Morrill. Meeting opened. R. D. Muzzy Vice President in the chair. The minutes of the annual meeting in 1823 were read. Voted to attend to the operation of extracting polopi. Voted that D'"^ Oliver, Dow and Lerned be a committee to specify such authors as they shall judge most proper to be studied by medical students. The following gentlemen who were proposed to the Fellow- ship were voted for & elected. Viz Drs Simeon I. Bard of Wear, Cyrus Hamilton of Lime, Cyrus B. Hamilton of Lime, Alanson Stark of Orford, Eliphalet Kimball of Or- ford, Harvey Studley of Bradford, Enos Hoit of Nortlifield, 0. E. Durgen, Sanbornton, Joseph Foord of Piermont, Jeremiah Stickney of Antrim, Jesse Merrill of Salisbury, Isaac Stearns of Dunbarton, Elias Frost of Plainfield, Mar- tin of Plainfield, Daniel Hovey of Canaan, Charles Plas- tredge of Canaan, Robert Burns of Hebron, Rogers of Plymouth, Ichabod Shaw of Moltonborough, Samuel Web- ber of Charleston, Asahel L. Shurtleff of Rindge, James Batchelder of Marlboro, Jared Perkins of Fitzwilliam, Chase Prescott of Gilford, Nathaniel Low of South- Ber- wick, Me., Moses Colby of Ossipee, Gallup of Lebanon, and Israel Ilerrick of Lyndboro'. Voted to adjourn to i/.> past 2 Oclock P.M. 188 Records New Hampshire Medical, Society Met according to adjournment. Voted that D''^ Asa Crosby, Tuttle and Wallace be a Com- mittee to report a method of treatment for the patients who may come before the Society for advice. Patients present for advice, one with an affection of the Eye. The following treatment was recommended. First to extract the Polipi from the nose. Give Bark & Iron freely, and the following By Mur Mercury 2gr Muri acid 60 gt, Wine one oz, in doses of 12 or 15 drops twice a day apply the Citron oint- ment, a perpetual Blister behind the Ear. Voted that Doct Dow, McCrillis and Chadbourn be a Com- mittee to report a method of Treatment for the following patients. Richard Glidden, complaint of the stomach. Stimulating and active cathartics twice weekly. Laxative daily, if eostiveness requires it. AVarm bath occasionally Tonics, Aromatic Bitters. Cold Bath Long continued. Young Woman, complaint of the Arm. Bleeding one or more, active cathartic, topical application of steam with muriate ointment. Tonics, Cold Bath. John Nute with an indolent ulcer. Cold Bath daily appli- cation of escarotics often varied Bandages, adhesive straps. D""^ Enos Hoit and Chase Prescot appeared and took their seats. Voted that D''^ Asa Crosby T. P. Hill and Isaac Colby be a Committee to audit the Treasurers Accounts. Voted that the Accounts presented by D'" Chadbourn be allowed & the Treasurer be instructed to pay the same. Voted that a committee of three be chosen to take into con- sideration the propriety of distributing the Library among the several districts according to the number of members in each District. Voted that Chadbourn, Dow and Rogers be the above Com- mittee. Voted to proceed to the election of officers for the ensuing year. Voted Reuben D. Muzzv M D President Records New Hampshire Medical Society 189 Yoted Asa Crosby M D. Viee President Voted D'-^ E. Lerned David L. Morril, Job Wilson, Peter Tuttle, Daniel Adams. ]\Iont Vernon, Jabez Dow, Richard Russell, Daniel Oliver, Thomas Whipple Jr., Amos Twitch- ell Luke How Counsellors Toted D''^ Josiali Crosby, Thomas Chadbourn, M. Spaulding, John Ramsay, James Farrington, Jacob Kettridge, Daniel Oliver, Thomas Whipple, Jr., Amos Twitchel and Charles G. Adams, Censors. Voted D'" Peter Bartlett Secretary. Voted D'" Moses Long Treasurer Voted D'" Thomas Chadbourn Librarian Voted that D""^ Job Wilson, Jabez Dow, Daniel Oliver, John Wallace, John B. McGregory be a Committee of correspon- dence Voted that Daniel Adams M Vernon and Samuel Morrill be Delegates to Hanover Voted to accept the report of the committee for the Dis- tribution of the Librarj^ Wliereas many members of the Society being in a great measure deprived of the benefits of the Library by reason of its local situation and believing that the intentions of the Liberal Donor would be better fulfilled by an equal dis- tribution of the Books to the several Districs Societies, therefore Resolved that the Distric Societies Librarians be required to meet at the Library the first Tuesday of January next and make an equitable division of all the Books belonging to the New Hampshire Medical Society Library Each Librarian shall receive a number of volumes proportioned to the num- ber of associates composing his respective Distric Resolved that the manner of making the division shall be determined by the several Librarians when they meet. Resolved that in case any Distric Librarian shall be unable to attend said meeting he may appoint a substitute. Resolved that in case any Distric be not represented, the Librarians present may appoint a person to fill the vacancy 190 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Resolved that the Treasurer be required to stop all periodi- cal publicatious now taking for the library & pay up all arrearages. Resolved that the aforesaid Books be under the order & con- troul of this Society and to be receipted for as such & to be returned when ordered by vote of said Society Voted that the Secretary be authorized to write to inform the several District Librarians at what time they shall meet to make the distribution of the Books Voted to accept the report of the Committee recommending Books to be read by Medical Students Voted that a Committee be chosen every anual meeting to make a selection of Books for Medical Students Voted to adjourn to 8 Oclock tomorrow morning Wednesday June 3*^ Met according to adjournment Voted to adopt the method reconTmended by the Council for the publication of medical facts Voted that Doct. Oliver make a report. Voted to chose a Committee of three to petition the Legis- lature for an act to regulate the practice of Physic in this State. Voted to accept the report of the Com' viz Chadbourn, Oliver & Hill. Whereas since the organization of the New Hampshire Medical Society the influence of irregular and unlicensed Practitioners has never been greater than at the present period and the Society having in vain repeatedly petitioned the Legislature for the enactment of a law for the regulation of the Practice of Physic & Surgery in this State and being convinced by many years experience that the wisest regula- tions and most rigid police is incompetent to remedy the evil, while destitute of some legal restraint, therefore Resolved that it is expedient again to lay the subject before the Legislature and respectfully petition for some salutary law for the regulation of the practice of Physic & Surgery in this State. Resolved that we review with regret and alarm the rapid Records New Hampshire Medical Society 191 increase of quackery of late within the limits of our Society and since we have no Legislative patronage to remedy the evil, we will both in our corporate and individual capacity endeavor to pursue such measures as will have a tendency to discourage its further increase. Resolved that we view with regret the increasing circulation of nostrums and Quack medicines among the people, and we will therefore at all times discourage their use by our patients when in our power. Resolved that the practice of depository medicines at Stores, taverns & grog shops with directions to the common people for their use is not only pernicious to the health & morals of Society but derogatory to the character & reputation of a Physician. Resolved that we disapprove the encouragement held out to the public through the medium of pompous advertise- ments, that the daily use of Bitters is conducive to health, and we consider the facility with which "Sloughtons Elix" Spu (?) Bitters &c may be procured at country stores, one of the most direct means of inducing habits of intemperance (the bane of Society) of any within our knowledge. Resolved that our obligations to society and to each other require of us a more strict observance of our police and By laws, which if rigidly adhered to would in some measure prevent the further extension of the evils above enumerated. Thomas Chadbourn ] Daniel Oliver l Thom^ P. Hill J Voted to accept the report of Doctor Oliver Voted that it be the duty of the members of this Society to make a record of all interesting and important cases which occur in their practice and to lodge a copy of them with the Secretary of the Society and that it be also recom- mended to the members of the Society to preserve a history of all epidemics which occur under their observation, sub- ject to the disposal of the Society the the purpose hereafter to be mentioned. 192 Records New Hampshire Medical Society That copies of all communications which are made to the Society at its annual Meetings,, and discourses read before it relating to epidemics, and eases in medical and Surgical practice be deposited with the Secretary' of the Society. That it be recommended to the several District Societies to use similar means to obtain written communications from their associates and to transmit them annually to the Secre- tary of the General Society. That a committee of Publication be appointed annually by the Society whose duty it shall be to make an accurate examination of the communications deposited with the Secretary and to make a selection of such as they consider most important to be published at the expense of the Society. \ That as soon as the Publishing Committee have obtained sufficient materials, they be authorized to cause to be pub- lished in the name of the Society and on the best terms they can obtain, as many copies of them as they may deem proper, to be sold or otherwise disposed of, for the benefit of the Society. That if necessary an annual assessment be made on the members of the Society to defray the expenses of publica- tion. Voted that the Secretary be directed to procure 300 copies of Doct Olivers report to be printed and sent to the Fel- lows and Associates at his discretion. Voted to grant a Charter for a District Medical Society to be called the Rockingham District Medical Society. Voted that the Charter be granted to all the Fellows in Rockingham District IMedical Society and that Doct Israel Gale be authorized to call the first meeting. Voted that it be the duty of the President of the Society to deliver a dissertation or an essay annually at 12 Oclock before the Society. Voted that each District shall be entitled to the examining fees for the increase of the distric Library or as they may otherwise dispose Records New Hampshire Medical Society 193 Voted that each District shall be entitled to the money that have on hand for their disposal Voted to hear the report of the Delegates sent to Hanover. Voted to accept the report of the Committee on the Treas- urers Account. June 2"^ 1824 The Auditors of the Treasurers Account for the past year report that the balance in the hands of the Treasurer on the last settlement was thirty eight dollars & one cent, that there has been paid into the treasury since that time eighty nine dollars & tifty eight cents that there has been paid out of the Treasury one hundred & nineteen dollars & fifty five cents, leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer eight dollars & four cents We likewise find due to the Society from individual members the sum of two hundred & sixty four dollars and twenty five cents. The committee find the accounts correctly cast and properly vouched. Asa Crosby Thom^ P. Hill Isaac Colby Voted that Doctor Chatmans taxes be remitted Voted that Doctor Hasting taxes be remitted Voted that Doctors Muzz, Oliver and Chadbourn be a Pub- lishing Committee Voted that Doctors Chadbourn Morrill & P Bartlett be a Committee to appoint the place for the next meeting of this Society Voted to adjourn 'till 2 Oclock P M Met according to adjournment Voted that the Treasurer notify all delinquent members that are in arrears for their Taxes for more than three years, that if they are not paid on or before the next annual meeting a prosecution will be commenced against them. Voted if there has been any resolve passed by this Society, to expell any member for delinquency in paying their Taxes, it is now revoked. 13 194 Records New Hampshire ]\Iedical Society Voted that Doctors John Wallace E Lerned & R Russell be a Committee to petition the Legislature for an act to regu- late the practice of Medicine in this State. Voted that the thanks of this Society be presented to D"" Samuel Morrill for his faithful & impartial discharge of the laborious duties of Secretary of this Society during the past ten years. Peter Bartlett, Secretary State of New Hampshire The Council of the New Hampshire Medical Society. To Israel Gale & Joseph Dalton Fellows of s*^ Society Greeting Your application made in due form requesting that a Dis- trict Medical Society might be instituted to consist of the Fellows and Associates residing in the Towns of the County of Rockingham was duly considered and approved by the Society on the second day of June Anno Domini 1824 Be it therefore known that a District Society by the name of the Rockingham District Society is hereby established to consist of the Fellows of the New Hampshire Medical Society and the Associates now resident in the towns above mentioned and of such others as they may hereafter elect, and Israel Gale is hereby authorized to call the first meet- ing of the same for the purpose of electing officers and transacting any other business necessary for organizing said Society In testimony whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this second day of June Anno Domini 1824 Daniel Oliver ^ Peter Tuttle [.Council Ebenezer Lerned I By virtue of the power in me vested, I have caused the Seal of the New Hampshire Medical Society to be hereunto affixed R. D. Muzzy Pres Peter Bartlett Sect Records New Hampshiee Medical Society 195 Voted to adjourn to meet in Concord 1825 Peter Bartlett Secretary State of New Hampshire We the Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society duly appointed and authorized have examined Joseph B. Eastman of Salisbury in the county of Merrimac a candi- date for the practice of Physic & Surgery, and having found him duly qualified, do approbate and license him a practi- tioner in Medicine and Surgery agreeable to Law in that case made and provided Dated at Concord this fifth day of January A D 1825 Thomas Chadbourn ) „ , • 1 /-I 1 r Censors Josiah Crosby \ Attest Peter Bartlett Secretary State of New Hampshire At a stated meeting of the Council of New Hampshire Medical Society holden at Concord May 25"^ 1825 Present Doctors E Lerned, Job Wilson, Luke How, Peter Tuttle. The President being absent Doct. E. Lerned took the Chair Voted that Doctors E. Lerned & James A Greg read disser- tations at the next annual meeting Peter Bartlett Secretary, New Hampshire Medical Society Concord May 31^* 1825 The day of the annual meeting having arrived, the following Fellows were present (viz). (Viz) Doctors Muzzy, Oliver Tuttle, How, Kittredge, Long, Crosb}^ sr, Crosby Jr, Colby, Chadbourn, Hill, Proctor, Morrill, ]\IcCrillis, Prescott, ]\Iow, Elkins, Wilson, Har- per, Carr, Hoit, Ramsey, Studley Meeting opened by the President The transactions of the last meeting were read. Voted to hear the report of the Committee that were chosen 196 Records New Hampshire Medical Society to petition the Legislature for an act to regulate the prac- tice of Physic & Surgery in this State Voted to accept the report Voted to hear the report of the Library Committee Voted to accept the report The Committee appointed to make a distribution of the Books to the several District Societies have attended that duty. On the first "Wednesday of January the day desig- nated By the Society as the time for the Committee to meet. Three Societies only were represented Viz The Southern, Eastern, & Centre. Notwithstanding those pres- ent were authorized to appoint for those Librarians not present, yet as they were bound to assign to each Society a number of Books proportionate to the numbers of associates comprising each District, as the delinquent Societies had furnished them with no means by which they could ascer- tain the number, nothing , could be done. They therefore adjourned to the first Tuesday in March & letters were sent to each District urging the necessity of, at least so far complying, with the resolve of the State Society as to furnish the numbers of their members if they did not consider the object of sufficient importance to send an agent. March 1^' meet according to adjournment agents were present from Grafton, Strafford, Western & Centre Dis- tricts Voted that Doct Chandler be agent for the Eastern & Mr Farmer for the Southern Districts The Eastern & Southern Districts did not make known the number of their members. From information of a Physi- cian who formerly resided in the Eastern District we ascer- tained there were about twenty Practitioners residing out of the limits of Portsmouth who might join the Society in that district if they chose. There were different opinions with the committee relative to the course to be adopted in regard to the distribution. Some were of the opinion that the Books missing from the Library in 1814 and 1817 which Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 197 now probably are in the possession of individuals in that district (having never been accounted for) a catalogue was furnished the Committee, should be considered a part of their proportion, others supposed as there were so few associates in this District that were willing to be considered as members, that they did not deem the proposal of the State Society an object worthy of attention & had therefore waived any right they might have to the Library. The majority of the Committee however were inclined to do bet- ter by them in this instance than they had done by them- selves. Without regard to their actual numbers they as- signed them a proportion, but one third less than the other Societies except the Centre, after ascertaining from the best means in their power the number of Associates within the limits of each Society. The next object was to apprize the library or rather to set a nominal value on each Book. The committee proceeded to divide the Library into six parts selecting a certain in succession for each Society in proportion to its number of members. Your committee believe there were less objections to this method than to any /other they could adopt. Each Society has given a receipt for the Books delivered to them which will be deposited with the Secretary. In the discharge of the duty assigned to them, the Committee believe they have done justice to all. That some societies might have chosen other books than those allotted to them if they had been present is very probable. The only reply the Committee would make is that they should have been present. That it is with So- cieties as with individuals, if they will not attend to their own affairs but will leave their business to be transacted by others, their interest will sometimes suffer Thomas Chadbourn) For the Com Voted to confirm the proceedings of Council respecting Doct Samuel Huston of Bedford Voted to confirm the appointment of Doctors E. Lernard 198 Records New Hampshire Medic^\j. Society and James A. Greg to read Dissertations at the next an- nual meeting The following were voted for and elected Fellows of this Society. Asa Heald of Dublin, Pond of Fitzwilliam, Tilton of Canaan, Samuel Richardson of Peter- borough, Sandborn of New" Chester, John Clark of Sutton, Isaac Tewksbury of Hampstead, George W. Gale of New Market, Isaiah Lane of Candia, J. W. Pearsons of Rye, Prescot Lawrence of Epping, Dearborn of Seabrook, Bailey of East Kingston, Charles A. Cheaver of Portsmouth. Voted to adjourn to half past two OClock P. M. Met Agreeably to adjournment. Proceeded to the choice of Officers Chose R. D. Muzzy President Asa Crosby V President Peter Bartlett Secretary Josiah Crosby Treasurer Thomas Chadbourn Librarian Thomas P. Hill | ^'l^^'''' Luke How { ^^ J Hanover Samuel Morrill, William Prescot, John "Wallace, Peter Tuttle, Luke How, John McGregor}', Samuel Pray, Caleb Morse, Isaac Tewksbury-, John Thurston, Daniel Oliver, Thomas Whipple ) Counsellors. Thomas Chadbourn, John Rogers, Daniel Adams, M. Y., J. Ramsey, Trumen Abel, E. Morse, Jabez Dow, Samuel Pray, Perry, Dalton, D. Oliver, James F. Dana ) Censors. Voted that the request of Doct Moses Kidder for a dismis- sion from this society be granted. Patients admitted. Moses Rowel, Necrosis. Girl with a Tumor on the face. Young Lady a Tumor of the Lip. Voted that T. Chadbourn, J. Wilson & Prescot be a Com- mittee to recommend a mode of treatment for these Patients. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 199 Voted that Asa Crosby, Josiah Crosby and T. P. Hill be auditors of the Treasurers account. Voted To hear the dissertation of Thorn. Chadbourn & T. P. Hill Voted that the President read his Dissertation at 11 OCloek A. M. on the day of the annual meeting & the other Dis- sertations immediately after. Voted that Doct Benj^ Kelley be dismissed by paying up to this time. Voted to accept of the report of the auditors account. May 31^' 1825 the Auditors of the Treasurers Accounts for the year past report that the balance in the hands of the Treasurer on the last settlement was eight dollars and four cents, there has been paid into the Treasury since that time fifty seven dollars & seventy five cents. That there has been paid out of the treasury sixty two dollars & seventy five cents, leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of two dollars & twenty nine cents. The Committee find the accounts correctly cast & well vouched Asa Crosby ] Josiah Kitridge ICom. Josiah Crosby J Voted to accept the report of the Committee on the first & third Patients. For the patient with an enlargement of the Lip Cure the Committee are of opinion that healthy integu- ments sufficient may be secured to warrant an attempt to extirpate the tumor if on further & more particular ex- amination this should be the fact, they recommend, without hesitation the operation similar to that for hair lip. should this method be deemed inexpedient they would suggest the propriety of having recourse to the double ligature. The case of Mr. Rowel, the committee are of opinion that the dead portion of bone should be removed, altho they think if left without an operation, a cure may finally take place, but not without a long & tedious suppuration. Voted to accept the report of Doct Oliver. 200 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Resolved that it is expedient to rescind the vote of the society passed at its annual meeting in June A D 1824 appointing a Committee of Publication with authority to collect & cause to be published at the expense of the Society, papers & communications which might be made to them on medical subjects as soon as sufficient materials should be collected to form a moderate sized volume & that the same vote is hereby rescinded. Resolved that R. D. Muzzy be authorized to make a con- tract with a suitable person for the establishment of a Journal of Medicine, in which papers which may be col- lected from members of this Society shall be published & all recent medical improvement & discoveries shall be noticed in as condensed form without any risque or expense to the Society. Resolved that the same Committee of publication be reap- pointed with power to examine all papers and communica- tions on Medical subjects which may be loged with them, and to select for Publication such as they may think most worthy of the public Eye and to transmit them to the editor of the contemplated journal printed. Voted to accept the report of the committee for to petition the Legislature for some salutary law to prevent Quackery Voted to chose a Committee to petition the Legislature again for some salutary law for the suppression of Quackery Voted that Doct D Oliver & Job Wilson be this Committee Voted to adjourn Peter Bartlett Secretary State of New Hampshire Be it remembered that at a meeting of the New Hampshire Medi- cal Society holden at Concord this [Remainder of page blank] State of New Hampshire We the Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society, duly appointed and authorized have examined George W Eecords New Hampshire Medical Society 201 Gale a Candidate for the Practice of Physick & Surgery and having found him qualified do approve and license him a Practitioner in Medicine and Surgery, agreeably to law in that case made & provided. Dated at Concord the 29"> day of May 1825 Josiah Crosby ) p Thorn. Chadbourn t By the virtue of the power in me vested I have hereunto caused the Seal of the New Hampshire Society to be affixed. E. D. Mussey President Attest Peter Bartlett Sect. State of New Hampshire At a stated meeting of the Council of the New Hampshire Medical Society holden at Concord June 5^^ 1826 present R. D. Mussey Peter Tuttle John McGregory Isaac Tewks- bury William Prescot & Samuel Morrill. Meeting was opened by R D Mussey Voted that there is no charge before the Council against D"" Samuel Huston of Hookset Voted that a Committee of three be chosen to report on the Circular received from the Vermont Medical Society Voted that D""^ Tuttle How & Wallace be this Committee Voted that the President & Secretary be added to this com- mittee Doct I Tewksbury proposes Thomas Basset of Kingston Josiah Bartlett Jr of Stratham & David W Goram of Exeter for Fellowship Doct Mussey proposes Dr Stephen Cole of Cornish Doct S Morrill proposes D'" Tilton Elkins of Andover Doct Oliver proposes D"" Caleb Plastrige of Lebanon Doct Prescot proposes D'' Hubert of Lebanon Doct Tewksbury proposes D"" James W. Perkins of Wind- ham 202 Records New Hampshire ^Medical Society Doctors Luke How & William Prescot are nominated for Orators for 1827 "Voted to adjourn to 9 Oclock tomorrow morning Met agreeabh' to adjournment Voted to accept the report of the Committee on the Circular from Vermont Medical Society Circular The Council of the New Hampshire Medical Society, having taken into consideration the Circular from the Medical Society of Vermont, respecting the "scanty acquirements of literary and professional acquisitions for licenses, and also for degrees at the Medical Institutions &c" Resolved, That the New Hampshire Medical Society highly approve of the general features of the several articles con- tained in said Circular, and think that reflects high & last- ing honor on the Society from which they originated; and therefore resolved that the New Hampshire Medical Society will cooperate with the ^Medical Society of the State of Vermont in carr^'ing into effect the several articles therein contained with the following proposed amendments That the first section and second line be amended by sub- stituting 1829 for 1827 in order to give sufficient time for the several Medical Institutions and Societies to take into consideration and act on the several important subjects therein contained. That the third section & first line be amended by substituting two courses of publick Medical Lectures for one. Resolved. That the Secretary be directed to address Circu- lars, containing the proposed amendments of the Circular from the Medical Society of the State of Vermont. New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, and the Medical Institution at Hanover N. H. Doct W Prescot proposes for Fellowship D"" Dixy Crosby of Gilmanton, D"" Lemuel M Barker of Chester, Cilly of Ware, D"" Ezra Carter of Loudon. Voted that the Council recommend to the Societv to chose Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 203 a committee to revise the By Laws, particularly Sect seventh Chapt fourth &. report this or next meeting- Voted to adjourn Peter Bartlett Secretary' New Hampshire Medical Society Concord June 6" 1826. The time for the meeting having arrived. The following Fellows were present Harvey Stud- ley T Tewksbury, P Tuttle J Harper Thom^ Chadbourn, Carr, Hugh J. Crosby, A Crosby, Hoit, McGregory, E Lerned, Prescot, D Oliver, J Wilson, S Smith, S Merrill, S Morrill, Wallace, R. D. Mussey, Sanborn The meeting was opened by the President The proceedings of the last meeting were read Voted to confirm the proceedings of the Council respecting Doct Huston of Hooksett. Voted to confirm the proceedings of the Council respecting the Circular from Vermont Medical Society The following Gentlemen were voted for & elected Fellows, Thomas Basset of Kingston, Josiah Bartlett Jr of Stratham, Tilton Elkins of Andover James W Perkins of Wind- ham, Cilley of Ware, Ezra Carter of Loudon, Elijah Colby of Concord, Thomas Peach Boscawen Lemuel M Barker of Chester A dissertation was read by the President A dissertation was read by Doct Greg Voted to adjourn to half past 2 Oclock P.M. Met agreeably to adjournment Voted to chose a Committee to examine the patients who may come before the Society. Voted that Doctors Crosby P Tuttle & E. Lernard be this Committee Voted to chose officers Chose R D Mussey President Chose Asa Crosby V President Peter Bartlett Secretary Josiah Crosby Treasurer 204 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Josiali Crosby ) Delegates to Peter Tuttle \ D College Chose Doctors Harper, S Merrill and N. Sanborn a Com- mittee to audit the Treasurers account. Voted to hear the report of the delegates to D College The delegates appointed by this Society at their last meet- ing to attend the Medical examinations at D College beg leave to report. That they had the pleasure of being present during the examinations which commenced on Monday even- ing of the ll*"^ of December and closed on Thursday evening following. The whole number of Students who attended the course of Lectures were 103. The number examined were 28. Medi- cal degrees were conferred upon eight of this number. The examinations with very few exceptions were highl}^ satis- factory. It was thought more attention had been paid to preparatory Studies in this Class than in many Classes which had gone before them. A large proportion of them appeared to be gentlemen of education & refinement & bid fair to do honor to the Institution and the profession at large Your Delegates were happy to notice the improvements which have been made in the several departments within a few j^ears. Great & important additions have been made to the anatomical meseum. Ten years ago there was not a single preparation of the nerves in the Museum. There is now a number exclusively for that purpose on which the nerves are beautifully displayed and the Professor of Anat- omy has extended his ingenious improvement of painting the origin and insertion of the muscles with different col- ours to the different nerves Models of the Eye & internal ear have been obtained which greatly facilitate the study of those intricate parts. The furniture in the Chemical Laboratory is much in- creased, and it was understood still further additions would be made the ensuing season. Your delegates think proper Records New Hampshire Medical, Society 205 to mention that an agreement has lately been made by the board of Trustees authorizing the President & Medical pro- fessors to confer Medical degrees at the close of the Lectures This is a great convenience to the Medical Student. They can now, provided they have complyed with the requisitions of the medical police, receive their degrees at the close of the lectures, and save the trouble & expense of attending commencement. Thomas P. Hill Luke How Voted to accept the report of the Delegates Voted to chose a committee to revise the By laws Chose Doctors Oliver, How, and Tuttle for this committee Chose Thomas Chadbourn, Enos Hoit, Daniel Adams of M Vernon, John Ramsey, Joseph Dalton, Isaac Tewksbury, J. F. Dana, D. Oliver, Ebenezer Morse, Jabez Dow & James Farrington, Censors. Samuel Morrill, Job Wilson Peter Tuttle, Aaron P. Grovenser, Isaac Tewksbury, Israel Gale, W™ Burns, D. Oliver, Luke How, J. B. McGregory, Thomas Lindsley, & Joseph Boyden Councillors Voted to accept the report of the committee on the Treas- urers account The auditors of the Treasurers account for the year past report that the balance in the hands of the late Treasurer D"" Moses Long was two dollars & twenty nine cents which sum was paid to the present Treasurer, which with eighty dollars received the last year from members make the whole sum paid into the Treasury eighty two dollars & twenty nine cents. That there has been paid out fifty one dollars forty one cents, leaving a balance in the hands of the Treas- urer of thirty dollars & seventy eight cents. The committee find the accounts correctly cast & properly vouched. S M Harper Silas Merrill Nathan Sanborn 206 Kecords New Hampshire Medic.vl Society Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to collect all Taxes that are collectable Voted that the' account against the estate of Doct W™ Tenny of Loudon be presented to the administrator for payment Voted that the collection of Doct Shannons Taxes be de- ferred for 2 or 3 years Voted that the circulars to be sent to the different States & Medical Schools be printed Chose Doctors T. Chadbourn, Moses Colby, George Farrar, Matthias Spaulding, James A Greg, R. D. Mussey be a Committee of correspondence Voted to chose a committee to prepare a Circular to be sent to each Fellow also to be handed to each representative to the Legislature setting forth the necessity for some statutory law for the suppression of Quackery. Chose Doctors How, Wilber & Oliver for the Committee Voted that this committee get printed 400 copies of the circular at the expense of the Society Voted to adjourn Peter Bartlett Secretary State of New Hampshire "We the Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society duly appointed and authorized, have examined M"" Sam^ "W" Dow of Dover in the County of Strafford a Candidate for the practice of Physick and Surgerj^ and having found him duly qualified, do approve and license him a practitioner in Medicine and Surgery agreeably to law in that case made and provided Dated at Dover this 19'»> day of Jan 1827 James Farrington 1 ... T -u T-w r Censors Jabez Dow \ At a meeting of the Council at Concord June 4"^ 1827. Councellors Present Doctors Mussey Tukesbury, McGreg- ory, Oliver, Tuttle, & S. Morril. The following communication from Drs. Chadbourne and Jos. Crosby was read by the President : viz. Kecords New Hampshire Medical Societt 207 To the President and Council of the New- Hampshire Medi- cal Society Gentlemen, It is with feelings of extreme regret that we come forward at this time to dissolve our connection with the New Hamp- shire Medical Society. Availing ourselves of the provision in the fifth sect, of the first Chapt. of our Constitution, we tender to you, & through you to the society our resignation of membership. That this is not a hasty & unpremeditated step : that reasons for it weighty & abundant exist; that we are compelled to adopt this measure by circumstances not of our own creat- ing & entirely beyond our control, we presume cannot be questioned. At no period since we have been honored with seats in the Society, are we sensible of declining the performance of any duties devolving upon us by this connection, or of dishonouring the Society by a non compliance with any by-laws or regulation imposed upon us as members ; on the contrary we have ever considered ourselves under an impe- rious duty, a most solemn moral obligation, equally binding upon every Fellow, to comply with the requisitions of the Society in their most rigid construction. Could we say the same of others, of those who consider themselves, and are justly esteemed our superiors & are in reality in almost every respect our seniors, we should not now be reduced to the painful necessity of abandoning a Society whose honour & prosperity we have ever had & have now very near at heart. The great object of the founders of the N. H. Medical So- ciety was probably the suppression of Quackery. With this object in view, wise regulations and salutary ordinances have from time to time been adopted, which if faithfully adhered to would have most effectually prevented the intru- sion of unworthy members into the Profession & have op- posed an insurmountable barrier to the success of ignorant pretenders without. But what has been the course pursued 208 Records New Hampshire Medical Society by the Society? Have not those, who by their vicinity to irregular & unlicensed practitioners, have had a peculiar claim on their brethren for a faithful adherence to our regu- lations, been generally disappointed in receiving the sup- port which such an adherence would have afforded them? On the contrary, has not Quackery & Empiricism in every shape received all the encouragement from the members of the Society that free consultations & friendly intercourse would give to them ? All in open violation of existing laws & voluntary engagements. Located as we are in the centre of the State, at the fountain head of Quackery, w^e feel pre- pared to answer the above questions in the affirmative; for the treatment we have received, we are compelled to say, from our brethren, furnish us with facts to support us in the allegation. Until within a short period there has resided in the town of Concord two unlicensed practitioners, one in Hopkinton, one in Dunbarton, one in Chichester, one in Deerfield, & two in Pembroke. With none of these could a member of the Society lawfully consult, & without occasional consulta- tions with the regular members of the Profession it is morally certain they could not long retain the confidence of the people. But what are the facts ? While ive have rigidly complied with the regulations of the Society in regard to consultations, we believe there has never been a time when they needed the support of a consultation but they have found that support, & not unfrequently in the person of an Ex President, Councillor, or other honourable members exercising all the influence that University Diplomas would confer upon them; or they have had it from that distin- guished class of Practitioners, of whom (keeping themselves aloof from our meetings) they would have us suppose the society was not worthy. Although having long since despaired of seeing our regula- tions complied with & fully convinced that the Society as it now exists is much worse than no Society at all, still we were unwilling to withdraw so long as a disposition could Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society 209 be discovered favoring a union of effort to save it. A medi- cal association was formed with the express purpose of aid- ing the Society in effecting a medical reform, & what has been the result? Let the three members who composed the last meeting of that association answer. If we are asked what advantage we promise ourselves by withdrawing from the Society? we say "much every way." We shall enjoy that liberty without breaking our obligations that others are enjoying by breaking theirs. They are consulting with those with whom they have pledged themselves not to con- sult. We will now consult with whom we please, being under no pledge. We repeat it, for we wish it to be distinctly understood, that it is with the most reluctant feelings we retire from the Society, we are urged to it by an imperious sense of duty, we believe there is no alternative left, not only our interest, but we might almost say our existence as Practitioners require it. We have continued faithful to the Society long after the Society has ceased to be faithful to us. We do not include every member in this charge, there are many honourable exceptions. But it is useless for a, part to continue their endeavors to accomplish what the united efforts of the whole only can effect. It is this want of union; this unfaithfulness to each other & to the laws of our own making that has created & will perpetuate the violent prejudice that so extensively exists among the people against the Society. Altho in future we cannot be greeted as members of the Medical Society, we hope by our conduct not to disgrace the Medical Profession. It will be our endeavour, as it ever has been, by our honourable & upright course, to merit your friendship & esteem, & encourage an interchange of kind offices with all those who strive to uphold the usefulness & respectability of the profession, for even if the Society treat us as expelled members, & publish us as such, we shall not join ourselves to its enemies. Wishing the members all that honour & respectability, both in their corporate & private capacity that a faithful adhe- 210 Records New Hampshire Medical Society rence to their regulations & integrity of character alone can confer, with due respect we take our leave. (Signed) Tho. Chadbourne Josiah Crosby Concord Oct. 9'^ 1826 Voted that the communication of Drs. Chadbourne & Crosby be referred to a Committee of three to report thereon. Chose Drs. Tukesbury, Tuttle & Oliver for the Committee Appointed Drs. Peter Tuttle & McGregory Orators for 1828 Voted to adjourn till 8 o clock tomorrow morning June 5"^. Met according to adjournment The committee to whom was referred the communication of Drs. Chadbourne & Crosby, made following report, viz. : The Committee of the Council to whom was referred the communication from Drs. Chadbourne & Crosby, containing a tender of their resignation as members of the N Hamp- shire Medical Society, respectfully report, That in their opinion said communication contains many serious but unsupported charges against the Medical So- ciety that it implicates in general terms, the conduct of many individuals, members of the society, without specify- ing any particular acts of misconduct or breach of the reg- ulations of the Society of which these individuals have been guilty ; that while it complains in stronger language of the conduct of those members in consulting with unlicensed practitioners, it expresses the determination of Drs. Chad- bourne & Crosby hereafter to do the same thing without restraint; that while in said communication, they profess the greatest respect and attachment to the Medical Society, they are taking the most effectual means to injure & destroy it, & even openly declare in the very same breath, that they consider it worse than no society at all; that they declare that even if the Society shall consider them as expelled members & publish them as such, they will not join them- selves to its enemies, while by the very act & circum- stances of their withdrawing from the Society, they are Records New Hampshire Medical Society 211 most effectually aiding & promoting the views of its enemies. It further appears to the Committee that since 1 Chapt. Sect. 5 of the bye-laws provides that a fellow may resign his membership after giving satisfactory reasons to the Council, the resignations of Drs. Chadbourne & Crosby require the assent of the Council to make it valid; that the reasons which they have alleged are unsatisfactory; that their resignation is nugatory & that they are still amenable to the Society for their conduct as members since their res- ignation w^as sent in. On a view of the whole subject the committee are of opinion that the resignation of Drs. Chadbourne & Crosby cannot be accepted ; that they are still to be considered as members of the Society; & the Committee recommends that the President be directed to communicate to them this opinion; & to make known to them that they cannot be honorably dismissed (agreeably to the bye-laws which they profess to have followed) with- out making a regular application to the council & sub- stantiating the charges which they have made against the society. (Signed) Daniel Oliver for the Committee Voted to accept the report of the Committee on the com- munication of Drs. Chadbourne & Crosby. Voted to accept the report of a committee on the revision of the bye-laws, Viz. : Chap. 1, Sect. 7. In cases in which the Council of the General Society have original jurisdic- tion, a complaint shall be lodged with a councillor of the district to which the accused party belongs and if the said Councillor is convinced that the charge is not a frivolous or vexatious one he shall annex an order to the complaint, directed to the accused party requiring him to appear before the council; which the complainant shall serve on the accused by leaving an attested copy of the complaint & order with him at least 15 days before the meeting of the 212 Records New Hampshire IMEDic^y:^ Society council & make a return of his doings thereon to the Secre- tary on or before the meeting of the council. No deposition shall be received from either party unless, in case of the consent between the two parties before the Council, the adverse party has been, served with a regular notice agreeably to the statute regulating the taking of depositions out of court. Sect. 7 1 Chap. The Council of the general Society shall have original jurisdiction in al cases of controversy between two parties belonging to differ- ent districts, & also cases of complaints preferred against a member which if prove correct render him liable to ex- pulsion from the Society. And in all cases &c. So much of Chap 1 Sect. 7 & Chap 4 Sect. 7 as are incon- sistent with these amendments are hereby repealed. (Signed) D. Oliver for the Committee Voted to Choose a Committee to prepare a circular to be sent to every member of the Society urging the necessity of union & cooperation amongst them & of a rigid observ- ance of the bye-laws as peculiarly important to the well being of this society & the interest of the profession at this time. Chose Drs. Mussey, Oliver & Tuttle for the Committee. Dr. Willis Johnson of Mason proposed by Dr. Grosvener for Fellowship. Dr. Stephen Cole of Cornish by Drs. Mussey & McCregory. Dr. Augustus Pierce of Dunstable by Dr. Mussey Dr. Reuben Hatch by Dr. McGregory Voted to adjourn. New-Hampshire Medical Society June 5**" 1827 Fellows present Doctors Mussey, Oliver, Twichel, Tukes- bury, Lemed, S. Morril, Studley, Merrill J. Colby E. Colby Tuttle A. Crosby J. Crosby, Dow, Hoit, McGregory, Bartlett, Howard, Spalding, Hill, Howe, Kittredge, Peach, Elkins, Harper, Wallace, Gregg, Ferrington, Long, and Records New Hampshire Medical Society 213 about twenty others whose names were not recorded, they not being in in season. The meeting was called to order by the President Read the proceedings of the preceding meeting and the doings of the Council. The alterations in the bye-laws recommended by the council were read. Voted to adopt the bye-laws as altered by the Council & recorded in their doings. Voted to get a sufficient number of the alterations of the bye-laws printed to supply the members each with a copy. Elected Dr. Willis Johnson a Fellow of this society of ]\rason Also Dr. Stephen Cole of Cornish, also Dr. Reuben Hatch of Hillsborough. Also Dr. George F. Dunbar of West- moreland. Also Dr. Dixi Crosby of Gilmanton. 12 oclock an Essay was read by the President, R. D. Mus- sey, M. D., Voted to adjourn till half past 2 oclock P.M. Met Agreeable to adjournment & went into the election of Officers for the ensuing year. Chose Drs. Amos Twichel of Keene President " Samuel Morril Vice President " Moses Long Secretary " Isaac Colby Treasurer " Samuel Morril Librarian " Peter Bartlett & l^elegates to attend the ,, „^.„. -r^ ,, )>medical examinations \\ ilham Prescott , ^^ I at Hanover " Thomas P. Hill ] Auditors of the Treas- " John Proctor I urers accounts the en- " Josiah Kettredge I suing year 214 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Ebenezer Lerned Asa Crosby Matthias Spalding Peter Tuttle John B. McGregory Tnieman Abell James Farrington Jabez Dow Isaac Tukesbuiy Israel Gale Reuben D. Mussey Daniel Oliver Peter Bartlett ] Job Wilson ^ M. Spalding ) Censors of the Southern Daniel Adams C Samuel Webber | James A. Gregg ( John P. Elkins ] Jabez Dow ^ Prescott Lawrence | Isaac Tukesbury ( Daniel Oliver ) Cyrus Hamilton C Josiah Kittredge Centre District Southern do. Western do. COUNCELLORS Strafford do. Rockingham do. Grafton do. Censors Centre District District Western do. Strafford do. Rockingham do. Grafton do. Daniel Adams Charles G. Adams Jabez Dow William Perry Daniel Oliver Corresponding Committee Centre District Southern do. Western do. Strafford do. Rockingham do. Grafton do. Voted that the thanks of this Society be presented to Dr. R. D. Mussey for the able & impartial manner in which he presided over the Society Voted that Drs. Twichel, Mussey & Tuttle be a Committee to propound questions to patients & make prescriptions Records New Hampshire Medical Society 215 Votes to allow Isaac Hill's account for advertising from May 17"^ 1824 to May 17'^ 1826 $4.50 Voted to allow George Hough's account for advertising from May 13'^^ 1822 to March 26'^ 1825 $4.33 A dissertation on fractures of the thigh & leg by Dr. Luke Howe was read nearly through when the society were noti- fied by the Landlord that they must find accommodations at some other place consequently adjourned to the Court room in the Town-House The auditors of the Treasurers accounts made the follow- ing report : viz. The auditors appointed June 1826 have attended to their duty and find in the Treasurers hands fourty Dollars and ninety Cents — his accounts are correctly cast and properly vouched (Signed) J. M. Harper } Silas Merrill \ ^^^^litors Concord June 4*^ 1827 Voted that Drs. Spalding, McGregory & Hill be a Com- mittee to wait on Dr. Mussey and request of him a copy of his essay read before the society this day, for publication or so much of it as would be suitable to meet the public eye, at the expense of the Society. The communication of Drs. Chadbourne & Crosby to the council tendering their resignation and the doings of the council were called for by Dr. Crosby & read. Voted that they be laid on the table. Voted to choose a Committee of five to take into considera- tion the alteration of the bye-laws respecting consultation visits and report thereon tomorrow morning at half past seven o clock. Chose Drs. Prescott, Spalding, Dow, Mussey & Greg. Voted to adjourn to meet at this place tomorrow morning at half past 7 o'clock. June 5'*^ Met according to adjournment. Prescriptions for the benefit of the patients admitted yes- terday were read. 216 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Report of the Committee on the alteration of the bye-laws. The Committee appointed to take into consideration the expediency of altering the bye-laws relating to consulta- tions ask leave to report. That after the most mature deliberation consequent upon a careful and critical examination of the subject and view- ing it in all its several bearings your committee are de- cidedly of the opinion that there can be no essential altera- tion in the existing By-Laws upon that subject so as to meet the exigencies of all and every case that may occur to the fellows of this society in their intercourse with the sick; consequently they would respectfully recommend to this society to retain the By-Laws relating to the subject of consultations as they now exist. (Signed) "William Prescott For the Committee Voted to recommit the report of the Committee on the alteration of the bye-laws for amendment and to report thereon at the next annual meeting. Voted to choose a delegate to attend the medical convention at Northampton on the 20'^ of June 1827 Voted that Dr. Matthias Spalding be the delegate as above. Report of one of the delegates to Hanover. The undersigned delegate from the N. H. Medical Society to attend the Medical examination at Dartmouth CoUege, attended to the duty assigned them, and asks leave to sub- mit the following report. He arrived at Hanover Tuesday evening Dec. 6"^ and found the Medical School in a very flourishing condition. There were rising one hundred Medical Students that attended the lectures. The anatomical museum contains a valuable collection of wet and dried preparations, which are equal if not superior to that of any other medical institution in the New England States. The examination commenced the same evening by Prof. Mussey on the part of the College (Prof. Oliver being unable to attend the examination by reason of indisposi- Kecords New Hampshiee Medical Society 217 tion) and was conducted with fidelity and fairness solely with a view to ascertain the knowledge and merit of the student. Thirty five young gentlemen were examined for the degree of ]\ID and the degree of M.D. was conferred on twelve. The appearance of those examined for degrees, was such as was highly creditable to themselves and evinced that there had been uncommon attention paid them by the Medical professors. Too much cannot be said in commendation of the mode of teaching anatomy and of the fidelity and ability of the professor of that department. Such was the appearance of the school and so highly do the Medical Professors stand in the estimation of the undersigned that he does unhesitatingly recommend to the Fellows of the N. H. Medical Society to encourage their students to attend lectures at this institution in preference to any other. (Signed) Peter Tuttle Concord June 5'^ 1827 RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY 1 That, in the opinion of this Society, the use of distilled spirit is never necessary & generally hurtful to persons in health ; and that it affords no protection against contagious diseases, but on the contrary promotes a disposition to be affected by such diseases, especially when taken habitually or somewhat freely. 2 That we consider that distilled spirit is not essentially necessary in the treatment of a single disease, & that it might be safely removed from the shelves of the physician and apothecary 3 That it is the duty of each member of this society entirely to abstain from distilled spirit and to discourage its use among those with whom we may have influence. 218 Records New Hampshire Medical Society 4. That this subject be earnestly recommended to the serious consideration of all Medical Societies. Voted that this meeting be dissolved. Attest Moses Long Secretary State of New Hampshire We the Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society duly appointed and authorized have examined John Clough of Enfield in the county of Grafton a candidate for the practice of physic and surgery and having found him quali- fied do approve and license him a Practitioner in Medicine and Surgery agreeably to Law in that case made and pro- vided Dated at Concord this fifth day of June A. D. 1827 Daniel Oliver 1 ^ Isaac Tewksbury f By virtue of the power in me vested, I have hereunto caused the Seal of the New-Hampshire Medical Society to be affixed Amos Twichel President Attest Moses Long Secretary. At a Meeting of the Council of the New Hampshire Medical Society holden at the Washington Hotel Concord June 2°*^ 1828 There not being a quorum present to transact business adjourned to half past five o.elock tomorrow morn- ing June 3'"'^. The Council met according to adjournment. Councillors present Drs. Mussey, Lemed, and Farrington. The meeting was opened by the President and the pro- ceedings of the preceding meeting read. Voted that Drs. Jacob Williams of Gilmanton Samuel Dow of Dover, Asahel Dearborn of Effingham, and Thomas Lindsay of Wakefield be proposed for Fellowship in the N. H. M. Society. Voted to choose a Committee of three to specify a list of Records New Hampshire Medical Society 2L9 authors to be recommended to be read by Medical Students. Chose Drs. Mussey, Oliver and McGregory for the Com- mittee. Read the proceedings of the Northampton Convention. Voted to refer the Subject to a Committee to report thereon as soon as may be Chose Drs. Lemed, Oliver & Farrington for the Committee. Voted in reference to the petition of Drs. Chadbourne & Crosby that inasmuch as one of the gentlemen has with- drawn from the profession and the other removed from the State, the Council deem it unnecessary to act upon said petition. Voted that Drs Oliver & Lerned be a Committee to take into consideration the communication of Dr. Mitchell re- specting the National Pharmacopceia, who voted in favour of choosing delegates to the Convention to be holden at the City of Washington on the 1^' of Jan. 1830, which report was accepted. Voted that Drs. Samuel Webber & Daniel Adams of Mont Vernon be the Orators for the next annual meeting. Voted that the Secretary collect all the alterations in the By-Laws since 1822 and cause the same to be printed in pamphlet form and be distributed among the members. Voted to adjourn to meet immediately after dinner. Met according to adjournment. The Committee to whom was referred the doings of the Northampton Convention made the following report: viz. The Committee of the Council of the New-Hampshire Medical Society to whom was referred the proceedings of the Medical Convention holden at North Hampton : Report that in their opinion the regulations recommended by said convention for the better education of Students of medi- cine are worthy of adoption by the N. H. M. Society, with the following amendment to the 4''' article, it being under- stood that this regulation shall not preclude any student of medicine from employing a tenn of time not exceeding sixteen weeks in any one year in some other occupation than 220 Records New Hampshire ]\Iedical Society the study of medicine, provided the whole amount of time so employed shall not exceed one eighth part of the pre- scribed term of his professional studies. Voted that the report be accepted The Committee appointed to make a selection of books to be recommended to be read by students of medicine sub- mitted the following list which was accepted: viz. On Anatomy Wistar, Bell, Cloquet. Surgery Samuel Cooper's first lines Do. Surgical Dictionary last edition Astley Cooper on luxations Abernethy 's Surgical Works Bells' Principles of Surgery last edition, by Charles Bell Travers' on the Eye Hunter on the Blood Thompson on Inflammation Travers' on Irritation Bostock's Physiology Philip on the vital functions Practice Gregory's Elements on the Theory and Practice of Medicine Good's Study of Medicine Fordyce's Dissertation on Fever Armstrong on Typhus Fever Do. on Scarlet do. Hastings on Inflammation of the mucous mem- branes. Laennec on mediate Auscultation Cooke on Apoplexy, Palsy & Epilepsy. Prichard on Nervous Diseases Philip on Indigestion Blackall on Dropsy Ay re on do. Hamilton on Purgatives Blane's Medical Logic New York Records New Hampshire Medical Society 221 Eberle's Materia Medica Chapman 's Therapeutics Beck's Medical Jurisprudence Brande's Manual of Chemistry Henry's Chemistry Midwifery Denman, Merriman, Dewees, & Ramsbotham. " Clark on the Diseases of Females. The Council recommend the following gentlemen to become Honorary Members of the New-Hampshire Medical Society : viz. Jacob Bigelow, M. D., of Boston. Eli Ives, M.D., New Haven, Conn. David Hosack, M.D. Valentine Mott, M. D. John Augustin Smith, M. D. Joseph Smith, M. D. Dr. Delafield John B. Beck, M. D. J. Eomeyn Beck, M. D., Albany Adjourned sine die Attest Moses Long Secretary. AT a meeting of the New-Hampshire Medical Society holden at the AVashington Hotel on Tuesday June 3^^ 1828. Fellows present Drs. Twitchell, Lerned, Mussey, Oliver, Harper, Carr, Smith (of Northwood,) Bartlett (Salis- bury,) McGregory, Studley, J. Colby, N. Sanborn, P. Elkins, Hoit, Shannon, Ferrington, Hatch, Drew, S. Mor- ril, Williams, Lane, 0. Elkins, Kittredge, J. Straw, Morse & three others. The meeting being opened by the President the proceed- ings of the preceding meeting were read. Elected the following gentlemen Fellows of the N. H. Med. Society : viz. Drs. Jacob Williams, of Gilmanton, Samuel Dow of Dover, Asahel Dearborn of Effingham and Thomas Lindsay of Wakefield. Voted to proceed to the choice of Officers 222 Eecords New Hampshire Medical Society Chose Dr. Amos Twitchell President Dr. Samuel Morril Vice President Drs. E. Lemed & ) Counsellors for the Asa Crosby \ Centre District M. Spalding ) _, ,, -D + -D w ji r Southern Peter P. Woodbury j J. B. McGregory } ^^^^^^,^ Truman Abel ( James Farrington 1 ci^ ^e -, ^ , ^ I Strafford Jabez Dow ^ Isaac Tukesburj^ ] -r, i • i ' Rockingham Israel Gale R. D. Mussey D. Oliver \ Grafton District Censors Centre District Southern ) Western Strafford Drs. P. Bartlett J. Wilson " M. Spalding D. Adams " S. Webber J. A. Gregg " J. P. Elkins J. Dow " P. Lawrence I. Twksbury " D. Oliver R. D. Mussey Chose Moses Long Secretary " Dr. Isaac Colby Treasurer " Dr. Samuel Morril Librarian " Drs. J. Kittredge (for the Centre District), D. Adams (for the Southern) Rockingham Grafton Charles G. Adams (Western] Jabez Dow (Strafford) W. Perry (Rockingham) D. Oliver (Grafton) Com- mittee of correspondence. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 223 Chose Drs. D. Adams of Mont Vernon and J. B. McGreg- ory Delegates to attend the medical examinations at Han- over. Chose Drs. Adams of Mont Vernon & Webber Orators for the next annual meeting. Chose Drs. Mussey, Spalding and McGregory to examine patients & report a method of practice to be pursued with patients introduced here who are to be reported by the several physicians introducing them. A dissertation on Quackery was read by the President. Adjourned one hour to dine. Met according to adjournment. Dr. Asahel Dearborn paid his initiating fee & took a seat with the society. The following Report of the Auditors of the Treasurer's accounts was read and accepted: viz. The Auditors of the Treasurer's Account for the year past, report, that the balance in the hands of the Treasurer on the last settlement was eighteen dollars and fourteen cents, that there has been paid into the hands of the Treas- urer since that time seventy dollars including six dollars 'allowed to Dr. ]Matthias Spalding on his Tax for past ser- vices rendered the Society, that there has been paid out of the treasury eighty dollars and forty four cents, leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of seven dollars and seventy cents. The Committee find the accounts correctly cast and prop- erly vouched. John Proctor Josiah Kittredge June S'^ 1828. Voted to adopt the amendment of the 4'^ article of the reg-ulations of the North-Hampton Convention as proposed by the Council & that the Society approve of said regula- tions so amended. Voted that our proportion of the expenses of the North- 224 Records New Hampshire ]\Iedical Society Hampton Convention (ten dollars) be paid out of the Treasury, Voted that the Society approve of the list of Books as recommended by the Council to be read by Students of Medicine. Patients examined by a Committee of the New Hamp- shire Medical Society June S^^ 1828: viz. R. D. Mussey, Matthias Spalding & J. B. McGregory. Joseph Leavitt AET. 30 His disease of two years standing: disease of the hip. M. M. Blue Pill till the fur is removed from his tongue. Tincture of flies till a slight strangury is produced, suspend & repeat it. In the interim Sulphate of Quinine. Try also in the failure of the above Tine. Iodine with blue pill every other night. A Patient of Dr. Carr's Unsuccessful as reported June 2°^ 1829. Warren Prescott AET. 25. Exostosis of the Tibia at the upper and back part with a loose pedicle of 2 years standing M.M. Remove the tumor. A patient of Dr. Carr's Not operated upon as was recommended. Clarrissa Foster AET. 32 a Shaker. A small pulsating tumor on the left side of the neet just above the clavicle over the Carotid Artery. It has existed a little over a year. It is probably ted in a pymphatic gland. M.M. Leaching the part daily for some weeks. Tine. Iodine 3 times a day, in as large doses as the stomach will bear. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 225 Or Sulphate Quinine 1 to 4 grs. with small doses, say 1/10 gr. twice a day of Corrosive Sublimate. Dr. Harper. Unsuccessful. Phebe Courser AET 12 yrs. Epilepsy of one year 's standing : fits irregular, 2 to 8 weeks interval. M.M. Heracleum Lanatum (Cow parsnip) (or muster wort) the powder of the root 10 to 30 grs. 3 times a day. Or Prussiate of Iron 4 to 8 grs. 3 times a day. at the same time alterative doses of Cal. or blue pill once in three to six days. Food nourishing but unstimulating. Coffee & Tea to be omitted. Dr. Calvin Bachelder's patient. Unsuccessful. Jacob Wheeler AET 2 1/2 yrs. Epilepsy of 3 months standing, fits irregular 3 to 17 days interval. M.M. Twice a week a cathertic of equal parts of castor oil & Spts. turpentine to produce 3 or 4 evacuations. Four to ten drops of Spts. turpentine every four hours on the inter- mediate days. If this does not answer give the Cow Pars- nip or the Prussick Acid. The child be made to eat but moderately, as a very full stomach will be liable to produce or perpetuate the fits. Patient of Dr. Abbot's Loudon Unsuccessful. William French AET 4 yrs. Ulcer of the Cornea of two months standing. M.M. Saturated solution of the Nitrate of Silver in distilled or rain water applied with a camels hair pencil to the ulcer once in 2 to 5 days the bowels to be kept regular. Dr. Isaiah Lane 226 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Levi Powers AET 46 Indolent Pustular Eruption on the neet of 10 yrs. standing. Originated (he says) in a blow upon the under jaw. Has been bled repeatedly and obtained temporary benefit from it. Never took medicine for it. He applied to a 7th son 2 yrs ago and has worn a four pence about his neck ever since. M.M. Quit the drinking spirit & cider. Take twice a day half a table spoonful of the hard soot from the chimney. Iodine internally may be of use. Rub the part twice a day with an ointment composed of Hydriodate of Potash 3i to 3ii in §1 of Lard. Under the care of Dr. Isaiah Lane. Atkinson Glidden AET 8 yrs. Chronick tumor from low inflammation in the soft parts of the thigh. Leeches to be daily applied. Keep the part moist with a solution of the muriate of Ammonia. Give Iodine at the same time keep the bowels loose with blue pill. Or solution of Sublimate 1/16 to 1/14 of a gr. twice a day or enough to keep the bowels open. It may be given Avith 1/2 gr. to 2 grs. of the sulphate of Quinine. The indication is to excite the action of the vessels so as to produce either suppuration or absorption. Under the care of Dr. Enos Hoit. Unsuccessful. Voted that the several cases examined & reported by the Committee with the method of treatment, be reported upon to this society at the next meeting by the several physicians in attendance, with the success attendant on pursuing the treatment prescribed. Voted to ballot for three Delegates to meet in convention at the City of "Washington on the 1st of June 1830 on the subject of the revision of the National Pharmacopoeia. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 227 Unanimously elected Daniel Oliver, M. D., Jacob Bigelow, M. D., of Boston and Eli Ives M. D. of New Haven. Voted that the Medical Institution at Dartmouth College be recommended to adopt the same measure relative to the convention to be holden at Washington. Voted that the Secretary & Treasurer be a Committee to ascertain the persons who have been ballotted for Fellows of this Society, and have not signified their acceptance & paid their iniating fee and that they cause such persons names to be stricken from the Catalogue, and have the same omitted in the annual Register. Voted that Dr. Abner Johnson be excused from paying taxes hereafter on condition that he will pay up his ar- rearages. Voted that the next annual meeting of this society be holden at the Eagle Coffee House in Concord. Voted that this be adjourned till tomorrow morning at 6 'clock. June 4"^. The President being absent. Dr. Lerned took the chair and declared the meeting opened for business. Voted that the alterations of the By-Laws since 1822 be embodied & Printed on the same sheet with the printed alterations already in the hands of the Secretary. Voted that the thanks of this society be presented to the President for his ingenious dissertation read before the Society and request a copy for the press. Voted that the recommendations of the Council relative to the petitions of Drs. Chadbourne & Crosby be adopted. Voted that the Secretary be Treasurer pro. tern. Voted that this meeting be dissolved. Attest, Moses Long Secretary June 4'^ Received as Treasurer Pro. Tem. $1.00 of Dr. Carr it being the annual tax for next year "1.00 of Dr. McGregory do "1.00 of Dr. Hoit do "1.00 of Dr. Twichell do.. . 228 Records New Hampshire Medical Society "1.00 of Dr. Kimball of Campton for this years tax "5.00 of Dr. James Baehelder for arrearages & tax up to this time $10.00 Paid out as Treasurer Pro. Tem. $10.00 to Nathan Walker & took his receipt for the same. Attest Moses Long Treasurer pro. tem. June 1^' 1829 Dr. Jeremiah Stickney paid .... $8.00 Received pay of Moses Long, Isaac Colby, Treas. The Council of the New Hampshire Medical Society met at the Eagle Coifee-House at Concord June 1^' 1829 agreeably previous public notice. Members present Doctors Mussey, McGregory, & Long. Adjourned to 8 o. clock tomorrow morning. June 2"'^ Met according to adjournment. Dr. Twitchell, the President, appeared and took his seat. Voted that the Council recommend an attention to the case laid before them two years ago by Drs. Chadbourne & Crosby. Resolved that the Council of the N. H. Med. Society view with deep regret and concern the disregard of the regula- tions and interests of the society as evinced by the course adopted by the above named gentlemen in claiming the unlimitted right to consult with irregular and unlicensed practitioners, though fully aware as has often been ex- pressed by those individuals of its tendency to subvert the respectability & general interests of the profession, and that they recommend to the consideration and adoption of the Society the resolution relative to this subject made by the Council at the annual meeting of 1829 as applicable to one of the gentlemen above named, he being at this time a practitioner in this state. Appointed Drs. McCrillis & Hoit Orators for 1830 Records New Hampshire Medical Society 229 Voted that Joseph Reynolds M. D. be recommended to be- come a Fellow of this Society. Voted to adjourn sine die. Attest Moses Long Secretary. At a Meeting of the New-Hampshire Medical Society holden at the Eagle Coffee-House Concord June 2° Southern do. Israel Herrick \ Isaac Colby ] ^^^^^^^ Centre District Elijah Colby \ J. B. McGregory ] ^^^^^^^ ^^ Luke Howe ^ 236 Records New Hampshire Medical Society " Matthias Spalding ) „ , T 1 TT • 1 r Southern do. Israel Herrick \ " Jacob Kittredge ) ^. ^ . -, T 1 HT r>, -IT r Straiiord do. John McCrilhs ( " Isaac Tukesburv ) t^ , . , Israel Gale ^ \ Rockingham do. " Reuben D. Mussey ) ^ ^, ., -r. . , ^T > Grafton do. Daniel Oliver V " Samuel Morril Librarian " Enos H'oit and Samuel Webber delegates to attend the medical examinations at Hanover. The auditors of the Treasurer's accounts for the year past: Report that the balance in the hands of the Treasurer on the last settlement was seventeen dollars and forty cents : that there has been paid into the hands of the Treasurer since forty three dollars making in all sixty dollars and forty cents. And that there has been paid out of the Treasury forty dollars and fifty seven cents, leaving in the hands of the Treasurer nineteen dollars and eighty three cents. Signed James Farrington '] John P. Elkins ^-Committee Nathan Sanborn I Voted to accept a verbal report of one of the delegates who attended the ^Medical examinations last year, which was in commendation of that Medical Institution. The Committee to whom was referred the settlement of Mr. Hills' account have attended to the dutj^ assigned them and ask leave to Report that of the $3.75 charged we paid one dollar and took a receipt in full Moses Long for the Committee. Resolved that it be the duty of the President to call on all members present at every meeting to report such epi- demic and prevailing diseases as have occurred at any time within the circle of their practice and the method of treat- Records New Hampshire Medical Society 237 ment which has been successfully pursued in their cure ; and all other facts and information relative to the practice of Medicine which may be thought worthy of notice ; That those cases when convenient shall be communicated in writ- ing and that it shall be the duty of the secretary to record a condensed account of the same in the case-book of the Society. Voted to adjourn to meet at this place tomorrow morning at 8 0. clock. Met according to adjournment. Voted that it be the duty of the Secretary of this Society to inform the Secretaries of the several district Societies to which they severally belong, that the better to promote the interests of the Society and make a judicious selection of officers, the attendance at the next annual meeting of two or more Fellows from all the districts is requested. Voted that the Secretary engage suitable accommodations for the Society at next annual meeting Voted that this meeting be dissolved Attest Moses Long Secretary. Council of the New-Hampshire Medical Society, at a Meeting holden at the Phoenix Hotel May 30 1831 Concord Members present Doctors D. Adams, Joseph M. Harper, Josiah Kittredge and Moses Long. Voted to adjourn to meet at this place tomorrow morning at 8 o.clock. May 31 The hour of adjournment having arrived the president declared the meeting open for business. Dr. R. D. Mussey took his seat in the Council Resolved that the Council deem it expedient that the New- Hampshire Medical Society shall take some efficient meas- ures to inform the community relative to the necessity of dissetions in order to prepare the way for legislative aid on that subject. 238 Records New Hampshire Medical Society The Council propose James S. Fernald M. D. of Barring- ton for Fellowship in this Society. Dr. James Farrington & Thomas P. Hill M. D. are appointed orators for 1832. Voted to adjourn Sine Die Attest Moses Long Secretary. At a Meeting of the New-Hampshire Medical Society holden at the Phoenix Hotel Concord May 31, 1831 agree- ably to public notice. Members present Doctors Daniel Adams, Mussey, Josiah Kittredge, Jacob Kittredge, Harper, Hatch, Hill, I. Colby, E. Colby, T. Elkins, J. P. Elkins, E. Hoit, Straw, Prescott, Sanbourne, Mowe, Wil- liam Smith, Carr, Chadbourne, Proctor, Morrison, Fernald, and Long, and Bartlett. The meeting was opened by the president. The proceedings of the preceding meeting were read. Dr. George Farrar made a communication to the Society tendering his resignation. Voted that Dr. Farrar 's resignation will be accepted pro- vided he pays up his arrearages. A communication was received from Dr. John French re- questing a partial remittance of his arrearages. Voted that the Treasurer be instructed to inform Dr. French that the object of his communication was rather indefinite, that if he wished to withdraw from the Society his request would probably be granted by his paying up his arrearages. The resolution proposed by the Council was read and acted upon. Voted that a Committee of three be appointed by the President to take into consideration the above resolution and report thereon to the Society as soon as practicable. Chose Drs. Mussey, Harper and Chadbourne for that pur- pose. Chose Drs. Josiah Kittredge, Elijah Colby, and Hoit to audit the Treasurer's accounts and report thereon. The President appointed agreeably to a vote of the Society Records New HAaiPSHiRE Medical Society 239 Drs. Mussey, I. Colby, and Hill to examine patients and make prescriptions. Voted to excuse the president in not preparing an address according to a resolve of the Society, in consequence of his not having a knowledge of such resolve. At 12 o.clock M. a dissertation was read before the Society by Dr. Jacob Kittredge on the use of 01. Succini in Scalds & Burns & remarks made on that subject by several members. Voted that Dr. Mussey be requested to give a lecture before the Society and the public this afternoon. Voted that Dr. Chadbourne be a Committee to make ar- rangements with Dr. Mussey as to time and place for that purpose. Voted to adjourne one hour to dine. Met according to adjournement and attended to the exam- ination of patients. Proceeded to the choice of officers for the ensuing year. Chose Dr. Daniel Adams, M. D., President " Thos. P. Hill M. D. Vice President " Moses Long Secretary " Thomas Chadbourne ) Councillors within the limits Isaac Colby J of the Centre D. N. H. M. S. " John B. McGregory ) „, -r , ^ > \> estern do. James A. Gregg ^ " Jacob Kittredge 1 ^^ ^ _, , ^ . \ } Strafford do. James J^arrington \ " Isaac Tukesbury } ^ , . , -r , ^ T > Rockingham do. Israel Gale ^ " R. D. Mussey ) n £. i T-. ■ ^ f^v c Grafton do. Daniel Oliver \ " Matthias Spalding ] (Has never |.Southern do. Israel Herrick paid his in- J iation fee or annual taxes) 240 Records New Hampshire jMedical Society " Enos Hoit J Censors within the limits of John Can* j^ the Centre District " Amos Twitchell ) _ . , J -r> -, r Western do. Alexander Boyd \ " xXoah Hardy ^ ) ^ ,, , T , -r^ > bouthern do. John Kamsay I " John McCrillis ) n^ ^ -■ -, T u T> T711 • r Stratford do. John P. Elkms j " Israel Gale ) -r. . ■ , T mil r Rockingham do. Isaac Tukesbury { " Daniel Oliver ) ^ ^, ■r. T^ ^^ r Grarton do. R. D. Mussey j " Nathan Sanborn Treasurer " Elijah Colby Librarian " Josiah Kittredge J Delegates to attend the Medical Dixi Crosby C examinations at Hanover. The Committee to whom was referred the subject of the resolve recommended by the Council reported that it be referred to a select Committee appointed by the President to make such arrangements relative to that business as may think proper. Drs. R. D. Mussey, J. M. Harper and M. Long were ap- pointed for that purpose. The auditors of the Treasurer's accounts for the past year report the balance in the hands of the Treasurer on the last settlement was nineteen dollars and eighty cents. That there has been paid into the treasury since forty five dollars making an aggregate of sixty four dollars and eighty three cents. That the Treasurer has paid in sundry bills for which vouchers have been exhibited twenty seven dollars and thirty nine cents leaving in the hands of the Treasurer thirty six dollars and eighty four cents Concord May 31, 1831 Josiah Kittredge ^ Elijah Colby ^Auditors. Enos Hoit J Records New Hampshire Medical, Society 241 Voted that the report of the auditors on the Treasurer's account be accepted. Voted to accept the report of the Committee on the altera- tion of the Bye-Laws as follows : viz. The Committee appointed to make & report alterations on the eighth section of the fourth article in the By-Laws report the following : Chap 14. Sec. 8 District Societies The Secretaries of the district Societies shall annually transmit to the Secre- tary of the general society on or before the first Monday preceding the annual meeting of the State Society an abstract of the proceedings of their respective societies; also a list of all the associates and in case of neglet, shall forfeit and pay to the treasurer of the general society the sum of ten dollars. Enos Hoit 1 Daniel Mo we ICommittee Wm. Smith J An interesting account of the state of medical science in some of the medical institutions in France and England was given by Proffessor Mussey and the practice of physic and surgery that came under his observation while visiting those institutions last year; also an exhibition of Civiale's ingenious instruments for grinding and removing the stone from the bladder. The undersigTied elected delegates by the New-Hampshire Medical Society to attend the Medical examinations at Dartmouth College in the autumn of 1830 submit the fol- lowing report (the other delegate not present at the examinations). The evening of Monday Nov. 22 the examinations com- menced, and closed on Thursday evening the 25. The examinations continued to very late hours each day. The whole number of the Medical Class was ninety eight; of these thirty were examined and twenty six approved as eligible for a Medical Diploma. Fourteen received the 242 Records New Hampshire Medical Society degrees. The examinations were conducted in a thorough manner very much to the satisfaction of your delegate affording proofs that the instruction at this institution is assiduously and appropriately imparted. The examinations in most instances were very satisfactory affording evidence that instruction had been diligently received. Thirteen weeks were occupied by the lectures. The facilities for imparting and receiving instruction at this institution have very much increased ^vithin ten years. In the Chemical department it is only necessary to say that the Laboratory is well furnished with apparatus in all the departments of the science. The Professor on the theory and practice of physic has a very good assortment of specimens in the department of materia medica neatly put up in glass vessels for exhibition to the class. A short catalogue of the preparations and specimens of the anatomical department will serve in a measure to show the indefatigable exertations of the professor in this de- partment to render this institution beneficial to the pro- fession : viz. 10 Skeletons natural and artificial of various sizes from an early Foetal State to that of an adult. 13 Skeletons with the muscular attachments painted in vivid colours, an original improvement to instruct myology by the Professor in this department. 8 Heads of various ages the bones separate. More than 100 Specimens illustrative of bony structure & of the different stages of ossifications. 70 Blood Vessel preparations including numerous speci- mens illustrating minute vascularity and the Foetal circu- lation. 12 Preparations of the ner\^es. 6 Models and Preparations of the brain and spinal marrow dissected. 24 Preparations of the muscles. 12 Preparations of the Ligaments. 20 of the stomach and intestines. 5 of the mouth and nostrils. 8 of the Larynx and Pharynx. 14 of Records New Hampshire Medical Society 243 the Heart and Lungs. 20 of the eye including five models in wax. 23 Preparations of the ear including dissections and re- markably fine wax models. 44 Models connected with the department of Obstetricks. 190 Specimens of bones illustrating the effects of Scrofula, Syphilis, Cancer, Rickets, Rheumatisms, Hydrocephalus, Molites Osium, Spina Bifida, Curved Spine, Diseases of the joints, Fractures, Dislocations, and injuries of the head. A few wet preparations and Specimens showing the effects of disease upon the thoracic and abdominal viscera. 75 Plaster casts and Models of the heads and Brains of Persons distinguished for talent for crime and for defici- ency of intellect; of other parts peculiarly marked by con- genital deformity and by disease. 150 Specimens in com- parative Anatomy. Besides the above enumerated speci- mens which amount to more than eight hundred in number ; The Anatomical 31 use urn contains a great number of small specimens of less value. Connected with the same depart- ment, the institution possesses a great variety of apparatus for the treatment of fracture and dislocations very com- plete sets of Surgical instruments including Civiale's & Heurteloupe's apparatus for destroying the stone in the bladder. A large number of richly coloured engravings illustrative of difficult surgical diseases and diseases of the skin a very extensive collection of Obstetrical engravings and highly finished and coloured engravings of the blood- vessels. By the late visit to Europe of the Professor in this depart- ment the Anatomical Museum has been enriched particu- larly by a large and excellent collection of diseased bone and fine models in wax and casts. These additions with the numerous and excellent preparations before contained in the Museum, make it as good a collection it is believed for the purposes of instruction as any in this country. The medical Library connected with the institution con- tains over seven hundred volumes text books and elemen- 244 Records New Hampshire Medical Society tary works. There is a very good cabinet of minerals containing about 1400 Specimens among them are some interesting ones from Vesuvius and a few beautiful speci- mens of Fluor Spar from England also specimen of the largest know Berryll in the world from Acworth in this State. In fact almost every day adds something to the specimens of the Medical department of this institution and at no period it is believed has this institution been more deserv- ing of the confidence of the N. H. Med. Society's patronage of the public and Friends of the healing art. May 31. 1831 Submitted Enos Hoit. Voted that the above report be accepted. Adjourned one hour to tea. Met according to adjourn- ment. Dr. ^lussey gave a very interesting lecture on tight lacing illustrating the principles of respiration by the bones of a natural thorax. Voted to adjourn to meet tomorrow morning at 6 o.clock. June 1. Met according to adjournment. Unanimously elected James S. Fernald M. D. of Barring- ton a Fellow of this Society. Dr. F. being present took his seat in the Society Resolved that when a Fellow of this society resigns his membership in the district society to which he belongs, his membership will at the same time cease in this Society. Resolved that it be the duty of each member of this Society to use liis influence and discourage in every Avay in his power any young gentleman from entering the study of physic without an education that would entitle him to admission as a member at Dartmouth College. Voted that the Secretary procure three hundred printed copies of the By-Laws with the alterations at the expense of the society, and that he furnish each member with a copy Voted to adjourn. Attest Moses Long Secretary. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 245 The Council of the N. H. Medical Society met at the Phoenix Hotel June 5'^ 1832 agreeably to publick notice. Members present, Drs. Mussey, Gregg, Chadbourne and Long. Half past eight O'clock afternoon adjourned to meet at this place tomorrow morning at eight O'clock. June 6"^. Met according to adjournment. Resolved that the Degree of Doctor in Medicine conferred by an Institution out of the State in which the individual bearing such degree, received his Medical education, be regarded hereafter by this Society as an inadequate license for practice; and that a person of this description, before he can be recognized in this State as a regular practitioner, must comply with the requirements prescribed for candi- dates for licenses, in the By-laws of this Society. Voted that James B. Abbott, M. D., of Loudon John C. Page M. D. of Gilmanton and Dr. Joseph B. Eastman of Concord and Dr. David M'Questen of Washington be recommended for Fellowship in this society. Drs. Nathan Sanborn and Amos Twitchell were appointed orators for 1833. Attest Enoch Hoyt Secretary. At a Meeting of the New Hampshire Medical Society holden at the Phoenix Hotel, Concord June 6"^ 1832. Members present Doctors Mussey, Twitchell, Prescott, Long, Chadbourne, Gregg, D. Crosby, N. Sanborn, Samuel Smith, J. P. Elkins, McCrillis, Peach, T. Elkins, Bartlett, Eastman, Kittredge, Carr, Colby, Wm. Smith, Abbott, Hill, Straw, J. T. Sanborn, Doctor Burns and Hoyt. The President and Vice President being absent. Dr. Mussey was chosen President Pro. Tem. The Secretary read the proceedings of the preceding meet- ing and the doings of the Council. Voted that Drs. Mussey, Twitchell, Prescott, Chadbourne, and Hoyt be a Committee to examine patients and make Prescriptions. Elected the following Candidates: Felloivs of this Society 246 Records New Hampshire Medical Society viz. James B. Abbott M. D. of Loudon and Dr. Joseph B. Eastman of Concord. Voted to allow an account to Dr. Long amounting to $19.12 Voted that Drs. Kittredge, Colby and Hoyt be a Committee to Audit the Treasurers accounts. Voted to adjourn one hour. Met according to adjournment. Elected John C. Page 31. D. of Gilmanton a Fellow of this Society. Voted Drs. Carr, McCrillis and S. Smith be a Committee to nominate Councillors and Censors for the ensuing year. Voted that the duties of the Delegates chosen to attend the examination of candidates for Medical Degrees at Dart- mouth College shall commence the December succeeding the annual meeting and continue in office one year and it was. Resolved that it shall be the duty of the Delegates to trans- mit a written report of their doings to the Secretary of the Society at the close of their Term of Office to be by him laid before the Society at the ensuing annual meeting. The Auditors of the Treasurers account for the year past Report the Balance in the Treasury last year was $36.84. That there has been paid into the Treasury since $38.00, making an aggregate of $84.84. That the Treasurer has paid out in sundry bills for which Vouchers were exhibited $50.19, leaving in his hands the sum of $24.65 Josiah Kittredge Elijah Colby Enos Hoyt Which report was accepted. Proceeded to the choice of Officers Chose Daniel Oliver M. D. President Thomas P. Hill M. D. Vice President Chose Enos Hoyt M. D. Secretary " Elijah Colby ] Councellors within the limits of Job Wilson ' ( ^^^ Centre District N. H. Medical ' Society Records New Hampshire Medical Society 247 John McGregory ] ^^^^^^^ jy^ Truman Abel f John S. Fernald | ^^ fp ^q "n Richard Russell C Isaac Tewksbury ) ^ , . . ^ Israel Gale [ Eockmgham Do. Matthias Spalding ) „ ^, -r^ .^ .1*1 > Southern Do. Daniel Adams \ Peter Bartlett ) Censors within the limits of the Dixi Crosby C Centre District Amos Twitchell ) ttt j. -rw ^ ^ ^ ), Western Do. Luke Howe j John McCrillis ] g^rafford Do. Stephen Drew \ Israel Gale ) -d i • r, -r» ( Rockingham Do. Isaac Tewksbury C Noah Hardy 1 a ^i -r^ -, , ^ I Southern Do. John Ramsey \ (Chose) R. D. Mussey ) --, „^ -r. rs ■ ^ r,i- c Grafton Do. Daniel Oliver \ Chose Dr. Nathan Sanborn Treasurer " Thos. Chadbourne M. D. Librarian Voted that the proportion of books in the hands of the Librarian belonging to the Rockingham District Medical Society be kept separate from those belonging to other districts. Chose Moses Long M. D. and Thomas Chadbourne M. D. Delegates to attend the medical examinations of Medical Students at Dartmouth College. Voted to dispense choosing a committee of Correspondence and Library Committee Wie's Dilator to make it practicable to Extract Calculi from the Female bladder; also the speculum to dilate the 248 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Vagina to have an occular view of the Os Tincae were ex- hibited by Professor Mussey. Voted to adjourn to meet tomorrow at eight O'clock A.M. Met according to adjournment. A dissertation was read by Dr. Long upon the Science of Medicine. An interesting account of Epidemicks that had occurred the past year within the State was given by the Fellows. The Scarlatina anginosa had prevailed in several places as reported by Drs. Carr, Sanborn, Long, Smith, Chadbourne, Twitchell and McCrillis also a malignant epidemick Fever as reported by Dr. Prescott. Resolved there be a Committee of enquirj^ and correspon- dance to consist of five Fellows whose duty shall be to collect information respecting the cause, contagiousness, or infection prevention and treatment of the cJiolera and that it shall be the duty of every Fellow of this society to fur- nish the committee with any interesting facts they have or may have in their possession and that in case the disease should prevail among us prior to the next annual meeting, the committee or any two of them shall be empowered to request the President to call special meetings of the Society, and it shall be the duty of the committee to make a report at the next annual meeting. The resolution was unani- mously accepted and Drs. IMussey, Chadbourne, Hoyt, Wm. Prescott and Long were chosen the Committee. The following Resolution was adopted by vote of the Society viz that it is the duty of the members of this Society at all proper times to explain the deleterious effects of habits and customs which are injurious to health, Par- ticularly of intemperance in drink in diet and on improper dress. Voted to dissolve this meeting. Attest Enoch Hoyt Secretary. State of New Hampshire We the Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society duly appointed and authorized have examined Mr. Thomas Records New Hampshire Medical Society 249 W. Wilson of Salisbury in the County of Merrimack a candidate for the Practice of Physick and Surgery and having found him duly qualified at date July 4, 1831 do approve and license him a practitioner in medicine and Surgery agreeably to law in that case made and provided. Enos Hoyt 1 ^ „ > Censors John Carr \ The New Hampshire Medical Society unanimously adopted the following Resolution at the annual meeting June 6, 1832 Viz. That the degree of Doctor in Medicine con- ferred by an Institution out of the State in which the indi- vidual bearing such degree received his Medical education be regarded hereafter by this Society as an inadequate license for practice; and that a person of this description before he can be recognized in this State as a regular practitioner must comply with the requirements prescribed for candidates for licenses, in the by-laws of this Society. Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. The Council of the Newhampshire Medical Society met at the Phoenix Hotel, Concord, on Monday June S'"^ Anno Domini 1833 agreeably to notice previously given. Members present were Drs. Oliver Mussey Tilton McGreg- ory and Hoyt and the following business was transacted, viz. 1^'. Resolved that the Degree of Doctor of Medicine con- ferred by any institution which does not require the full term of three years study with an approved practitioner or practitioners of medicine of the candidates for such Degree shall not be admitted by this society as a sufficient qualification for practice. 2°^ Voted that Moses Hill M. D. of Northwood Anson Baracket M. D. of Haverhill Elias Frost M. D. of Plain- field Dr. John Clough of Enfield and Dr. Samuel Rogers of Plymouth are recommended as candidates suitable for fellowship in this society. 3'''^. Voted that the meeting of be requested to adjourn 250 Records New Hampshire Medical Society to meet at the Court room over the Town Hall at eleven o'clock A. M. to hear the annual address of the President and immediate after hearing the address to return to the business of the Society. 4"". Voted that the Council recommend the following books, viz. Richerand's, Dunglison's, Bostock's Majendie's Physiology. Bchats Physiological researches, Philips Enquiry into the Laws of Vital Function, Turner's Henry's Thompson's Chemistry and Brands Manual of Chemistry Hunter on the Blood Thompson's Lectures on inflammations. Southwood Smith and Tweed on Fever. Gregory's Theory and Practice, Good's study of Medicine. Williams on diseases of the Lungs Laennec on Auscultation Taele on Neuralgia Tate on Hysteria Brousais on Chronick inflammation Hastings on Diseases of the mucous membrane Ayre on Dropsy Blackwell on Do. Cook on nervous diseases Prichard Do. Do. Wistars Anatomy Paxton's Do. (kas) Meckel Do. Cioquet Do. Coopers First lines of Surgery Coopers Surgical Dictionary Cooper Sir Astley's Lectures by Tyrel Do. on Dislocations Do. on Diseases of the Female Breast Eberle and Chapman on Materia jMedica Becks medical Jurisprudence. Christison on Poisons. On Midwifery Merriman, Dewes, Denman, Ryan & Rams- botham Clarke on Diseases of Females 5"^ Voted that the Secretary write the delinquent officers or members of the several District societies to ascertain the Records New Hampshire Medical Society 251 state and condition of the same and report next annual meeting. 6"^ Voted to adjourn to meet at this place at half past nine o'clock tomorrow morning. June 4'*' Met according to adjournment, and the following business was transacted, viz. VK Voted that William P. Dewees M.D. of Philadelphia Pa Richard Harlan M. D. Do. Do. Daniel Drake M. D. Cincinnati Ohio are recommended for Honorary membership to this society 2°'^. Voted that Doct. John Proctor's arrearages of taxes are recommend to be remitted S"-"^ Voted that Doct. Thomas I. Tibbetts of Wolfborough is recommended for membership to this society 4'^ Voted to adjourn to meet immediately after Dr. Mussey's address this evening. Met according to adjournment and appointed Drs. J. C. Page and N. Sanborn Orators for 1834 Voted to dissolve the meeting of the Council Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. At the Annual Meeting of the New Hampshire Medical Society holden at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord June 4"^ 1833, agreeably to publick notice Members present Drs. A. Crosby, Mussey, Oliver, Bartlett, Long, J. Wilson, Chadbourne, Tilton, D. Crosby, McGregory, Straw, N, Sanborn, Peach, Hill, J. Kittredge, Carr, E. Colby, Abbott, J. C. Page, T. Elkins, Drew, Libbey, Gregg, and Hoyt. The meeting was opened by the President. Proceedings of the preceding meeting were read by the Secretary and also communications from the Secretaries of the Centre, Grafton and Western district Societies. Dr. Libbey 's arrearages of taxes were remitted by a vote of the Society. The proceedings of the Council were read. Proceeded to the election of Fellows and Moses Hill M. D. 252 Kecords New Hampshire Medical Society of Northwood, Anson Brackett M. D. of Haverhill, Elias Frost M. D. of Plainfield, and Dr. John Clough of Enfield Dr. Samuel Rogers of Plymouth and Dr. Thomas J. Tib- betts of Wolfsborough were elected Then elected Wm. P. Dewes M. D. of Philadelphia, Pa. Richard Harlan M. D. Do. Do. Daniel Drake M. D. Cincinnati Ohio honorary members of this Society. The Resolution from the Council passed Viz. That the meet- ing adjourn to the Court room over the Town Hall at eleven 'elk this A.M. to hear the annual address of the President and Doct. Chadbourne was appointed to wait on the Presi- dent and accompany him to the court house. Voted to adjourn to the Court House to meet at this place immediately after the address. Met according to adjournment. Drs. A. Crosby, Mussey, and McGregory were chosen a com- mittee to* examine Patients. Voted to accept the report of the delegates for the present year so far as reported By Drs. Long and Chadbourne Viz. "The undersigned being chosen by the N. H. Med. Society to attend the examinations for Medical Students at Dartmouth College would respectfully Report that agree- ably to notice from Prof. Mussey we went to Hanover at the close of the last term of lectures. It was noticed that of the ninety four names of Medical Students on the last catalogue, about thirty remained till the termination of the course and of those, nine offered themselves as candi- dates for admission to practice. The examinations were in private and conducted principally by the Professors of the several branches to which they have more particularly devoted their attention, and in a manner as to fairness and fidelity, highly satisfactory to your delegation. The ex- aminations were commenced on the 5'^^ of Dec. at 1 O'clock P.M. and closed on the evening of the 6*"^ and the degree of doctor of medicine conferred on all who were examined. We are happy to state that the candidates evinced more Records New Hampshire Medical Society 253 than ordinary readiness in answering interrogatories throughout the examinations, and will, no doubt, do honour to our profession. We are not fully prepared to draw com- parisons between the advantages of this and Similar insti- tutions in our country, but we are persuaded there is no one where the Study of Anatomy is pursued more thor- oughly and rigoursly than at this. Valuable additions appear to be made annually to the already numerous and elegant preparations in the anatom- ical museum. The assiduity and zeal manifested by the gentleman at the head of this branch, is deserving of high commendation from the Medical Profession throughout the State. We would not omit to notice the polite attentions from those with whom we have had the honour to associate while at Hanover ; that if we may be allowed to infer from what we witnessed, there are not wanting opportunities for strangers to enjoy social intercourses as well as intellectual entertainments. In conclusion we would call the attention of the Society to the efforts now making to procure for the Institution the extensive Cabinet of Minerals belonging to the Rev. Amos J. Cook late Preceptor of Fryeburg Academy. This Cabinet consists of between two and three thousand speci- mens of rare and expensive minerals foreign and domestick. The plan of transferring the whole to the Medical Institu- tion at Hanover originated with the Hon Daniel Webster who saw it about a year since while on a visit in Maine. The subscription he drew up which at first met with very flattering success, has at length come to a stand and requires a new impulse from the friends of the Institution or the object will not be obtained. Now as the reputation of our Society and of the only Medical School in the State is so very intimately connected, that the prosperity and success of the one can hardly be promoted or retarded without effecting the other, the objects of both being the same, viz. the advancement of Medical Science and the improvement of the Profession, the idea is suggested whither as a society 254 Records New Hampshire Medical Society in our corporate capacity we should not be known in this thing and contribute our mite in the accomplishment of so desirable an object. M. Long Tho. Chadbourne Drs. Chadbourne, D. Crosby and Long were appointed a Committee to enquire into the expediency of assisting in purchasing a cabinet of Minerals at Fryburg whose report was accepted, To wit. That the Treasurer of this Society be authorized to subscribe for half a box of the first quality of the above named minerals and to pay the sum to the agent appointed to negotiate the sale of them. — for the use of the Medical Institution at Dartmouth College. Voted to adjourn one hour to dine. Met according to adjournment The following resolution was passed by the Society viz. That the Degree of Doctor of Medicine conferred by any Institution which does not require the full term of three years study with an approved practitioner or practitioners of medicine in the candidates for such degree shall not be admitted by this Society as a sufficient qualification for practice. Patients were admitted and examined by the Society. The Committee to Audit the Treasurer's account made the following accepted report viz. That the balance in the Treasury last year was $24.65 That the Treasurer has since received in annual Taxes $50.00 IMaking an aggregate of $74.65. That the Treasurer has paid out in Sundry bills for which he has sufficient vouch- ers, $35.36, leaving in his hands the sum of 39.29. Auditors Peter Bartlett Timothy Tilton James Gregg. The following Medical Books are recommended Viz. on Physiology Richerand, Dunglison, Bostock, Majendie, Bichat's physi- Records New HAMPsnraE Medical Society 255 ological researches, Philips Enquiry into the laws of vital functions. On Chemistry Turner's, Henry's, Thompson's, and Brands manuel. Hunter on the blood, Thompson 's lectures on inflamma- tions, Southwood Smith on Fever, Tweed Do., Gregory's Practice, Good's Study of Medicine, William's on Diseases of the lungs, Laennec on ausculation, Teale on Neuralgia, Tate on Hysteria, Brousais on chronick inflammations, Hastings on diseases of the mucous membrane, Ayre and Blackall on dropsy. Cook and Prichard on nervous diseases, Wistar's Paxton's, Meckel and Cloquet's Anatomy, Coop- era first lines of Surgery, Cooper Surgical Dictionary, Cooper Sir Astley's lectures by Tyrel, Do. on Dislocations, Do. on diseases of the female breast, Beck's Medical Juris- prudence, Christison on poisons, Merriman, Dewes, Den- man, Ryan, Ramsbotham on Midwifery, Clark on diseases of Females. Voted Drs. Long, Bartlett, and Gregg be a committee to wait on the President and present him the thanks of the Society for his eloquent, able and ingenious address this day delivered before this Society and request a copy for the press for publication at the expense of the Society. The request was complied with. Dec. 1832 The Delegates appointed to attend the annual examination of candidates for Degrees at the New Hamp- shire Medical Institution Report, That fifteen sustained the examination at the close of the lecture term and were recommended for Degrees. The whole number examined before commencement was 25. Your Delegates were pleased with the promptness with which most of the candidates answered the questions proposed, giving convincing proofs of the thorough course of instruction at that Institution, all of which is submitted by Josiah Kittredge Dixi Crosby which was accepted by Vote of the Society. 256 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Proceeded to the choice of officers and elected by ballot Daniel Oliver, M. D. President Moses Long, M. D. Vice-President. Voted that a Committee of three be appointed from the chair to nominate Counsellors and Censors, the Committee consisted of Drs. Wilson, Abbott and Gregg Voted to proceed to the choice of Secretary and* chose Enos Hoyt elected Dr. N. Sanborn Treasurer Thos. Chadbourne M. D. Librarian Voted to dispense with choosing Library Committee Voted a Committee of three be appointed from the chair to nominate Delegates to Hanover and Drs. Long, D. Crosby & Colby composed the Committee who reported Drs. Gregg and N. Sanborn and they were elected Voted to omit choosing officers in Rockingham District The Committee to nominate officers whose report was accepted and proceeded to ballot for Councellors and elected Drs. John Carr Thos. P. Hill J. B. McGregory T. Abell S. Drew and Livey Danl. Adams J. Ramsey R. D. Mussey T. Tilton Peter Bartlett Dixi Crosby Amos Twitchell Luke Howe R. Russell S. Drew Centre District Western ' ' Stratford Southern ' ' Grafton Censors elected Centre District Western ' ' Strafford Records New Hampshire Medical Society 257 Southern ' ' Grafton M. Spalding N. Harding D. Oliver E, D. Mussey Voted to adjourn for half an hour Met according to adjournment Voted that the Secretary write the delinquent officers or members of the district Societies to ascertain the state and condition of the same and report at the next meeting. Voted that Doct, N. Sanborn be excused from reading a dissertation at his request at this meeting. Voted to adjourn to meet at this place at six O'clock tomor- row morning June 5*^ the Society met at 6 O'clock A.M., adjourned for one hour. Met agreeable to adjournment. Dr. Asa Crosby was discharged from being an acting mem- ber of this Society and was elected an honourary member. Voted that the next annual meeting of the Society be holden at the Phoenix Hotel, provided that it shall be at that time a "Temperance House," if not, that the Secretary appoint the meeting at a Temperance House in this village, if suitable accommodations at such an house or establishment can be had. Voted that Dr. John Proctor's arrearages of Taxes be remitted during his sickness. The Committee chosen to report on Cholera stated that it may be prevented, perhaps not cured, and after the drunkards die off it will not be more formidable than Scarlitena. Professor Mussey gave a publick address to a large audience showing that man was not originally designed to feed on flesh but on fruits the address was very ingenious and inter- esting and must have been the result of much study Voted to dissolve this meeting after dining Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. 17 258 Records New Hampshire Medical Society State of Newhampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society have examined Mr. Otis French of Gilmanton a candidate for the practice of medi- cine respecting his skill and knowledge and having found him duly qualified therein, do in testimony of our appro- bation hereunto subscribe our names at Concord this 4*** day of June 1833 (Peter Bartlett Censors <^-r^• • /-« u yDixi Crosby Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary State of Newhampshire We the Censors of the Centre District Newhampshire Medi- cal Society have this day examined Mr. Otis Hoyt of North- field in this State in the different branches of Medicine, Surgery, Obstetricks &c and reconmiend him as qualified to practice in those branches Sanbornton Jan. 15"^ 1834 Peter Bartlett ^. . „ , r Censors Dixi Crosby Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. At a Meeting of the Council of the Newhampshire Medical Society, Notified and holden at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord June 2^ 1834 Members present Drs. Carr, McGregory% Drew and Hoyt. The president being absent Dr. John Carr was chosen president pro. Tern. The Council propose Moses R. Warren M. D. of Middleton, Jeremiah Blake M. D. of Pittsfield for Fellowship to the Society. Recoeds New Hampshire Medical Society 259 Voted to adjourn to meet at this place at half past eight O'clock tomorrow morning. Met according to adjournment June 3*^. Resolved That we deem it expedient that the general So- ciety adopt some measures to excite more interest in the district Societies to bring more young practitioners into the districts and State Society; also to secure more prompt attendance of meetings; likewise to encourage and sustain the Medical Institution in our State. The Council propose Richard Williams M.D. of Milford, Nathaniel Leavitt M.D. of Croydon George W. Kittredge M.D. Samuel W. Dow M.D. Joseph H. Smith M.D. of Dover Oliver W. Austin M.D. of Somersworth Thomas W. Wilson of Salisbury, David Wells M.D. of Deerfield for Fellowship. Voted to adjourn to meet at the discretion of the President and Secretary during the meeting of the Society. The Council met agreeably to adjournment and propose Dr. Eber Carpenter of Alstead Harvey Carpenter M.D. of Chesterfield and Calvin Hubbard M.D. of Nelson for Fellowship also John S. Elliott M.D. of Pittsfield. adjourned June 4^^ Met and Voted that Dr. Wm. Prescott be honour- ably discharged from the Newhampshire ]\Iedieal Society agreeably to his request having removed out of the State Drs. Dousman or Batchelder and Livy are appointed Orators at the next annual meeting in June 1835. The Council propose Drs. Samuel Long of Plymouth, Alonzo Whipple and Simeon D. Colbourne for Fellowship to this Society Attest a True Copy Enos Hoyt Secretary. At the Annual Meeting of the Newhampshire Medical Society holden at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord June 8^ 1834 260 Records New Hampshire ]\Iedical Society Members Present Drs. ]\Iussey, Long, Chadbourne, Carr, Gregg, Colby, McGregory, D. Crosby, Batelielder, Dousman, N. Sanborn, J. Hutchinson, M. Hill, Livey, Drew, Abbott, S. Merrill, Abell, Straw, Proctor, Lane, T. Elkins, and Hoyt. The President being absent the meeting was opened by the Secretary and Prof. Mussey was chosen President Pro. Tem. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary. The Vice President appeared and took his seat. The doings of the Council were read. Voted to proceed to the election of Fellows and Moses R. Warren M.D. of Middleton, Jeremiah Blake M. D. of Pittsfield, Richard Williams M. D. of Milford on condition he is an associate, Nathaniel Leavitt M.D. of Croydon, George W. Kittridge M. D., Samuel W. Dow M.D. Joseph H. Smith M.D. of Dover, Oliver W. Austin M.D. of Som- ersworth, Thomas W. Wilson of Salisbury, David Wells M.D. of Deerfield, Eber Carpenter of Alstead Harvey Carpenter M.D. Chesterfield and Calvin Hubbard of Nelson were elected. Drs. McGregory & Crosby were appointed a Committee to wait on members elect and introduce them to the Society and Drs. M. Hill and Blake took their seat with us and received Certificates of membership. The minutes from the District Societies were read and accepted, with a provision. Voted Dr. Mussey be requested to make such remarks to the Society instead of the President who is necessarily absent as he shall judge proper on any professional subject. Voted to invite any professional gentleman if they chose to be present. Dr. N. Sanborn read a very good dissertation upon the improvement of our profession. Prof. Mussey then addressed the Society upon the subject of Phrenology presenting arguments rendering the doctrine Records New Hampshire Medical Society 261 of Staal and Spurzheim doubtful which was listened to very attentively by all present. Voted to choose a Committee to examine patients and Drs. Mussey, Chadbourne and McGregory were chosen. Voted Dr. Elliott be invited to dine with the Society. Adjourned for one hour Met according to adjournment. The Council propose John S. EUiott M.D. of Pittsfield and he was elected and introduced by Dr. Abbott and he received his certificate of membership. A machine to make pills was brought before the Society and Drs. Chadbourne, Carr & Abbott were appointed a Committee to examine the machine and report their opinion as to the utility of its use. The Committee appointed to examine the machine for mak- ing Pills report that in their opinion the machine presented to the society is a great improvement, is decidedly superior to anything of the kind they have seen and combining all the necessary properties for which it is intended to be used. Tho. Chadbourne for the Committee Voted the subject be discharged. The Society adopted the resolution of the Council to pro- mote the interest of the Profession in our State Proceeded to the choice of ofiicers and R. D. Mussey M.D. was elected President J. B. McGregory M.D. Vice-President Drs. Straw, Drew, Dousman, Hutchinson & Mussey were chosen a Committee to nominate Counsellors and Censors Enos Hoyt M.D. was elected Secretary Nathan Sanborn M.D. Treasurer. Thos. Chadbourne M.D. Librarian Voted to dispense with Library Committee Voted to dispense choosing Committee of Correspondence Chose Drs. Crosby, Carr and N. Sanborn to nominate dele- gates to attend the Medical examinations at D. CoUege 262 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Chose Drs. Colby, Abell and Livey to audit the Treasurers account. Report. The Auditors of the Treasury for the year past report that the balance in the Treasury on the last settle- ment was $39.29. Received since in annual Taxes $50.00 making an aggregate credit of $89.29. That the Treasurer has paid out in sundry bills from which he has vouchers to the amount of $48.25, and that there now remains in his hands $41.04 E. Colby David T. Livy Truman Abell Attest True Copy E. Hoyt Secretary The Committee to nominate Counsellors and Censors pro- pose for the Council Drs. Chadbourne & N. Sanborn Centre District Drs. Abell and Webber Western District Drs. J. McCrillis and S. W. Dow Strafford District Drs. M. Spaulding and Danl. Adams Southern District Drs. Oliver and T. Tilton Grafton District. Censors. Drs. Long and Gregg Centre District " Twitehell & Howe Western " D. T. Livey and T. J. Tebbetts Strafford " " N. Hardy & A. P. Grovsner Southern " R. D. Mussey and T. Tilton Grafton The report was accepted and they were elected. The Committee to nominate deligates to the Medical exam- inations at Hanover made the following report Viz. Your Committee report the following as delegates D. T, Livey M.D. Jacob Straw M.D. D. Crosby for the Committee Which was accepted and they were elected. In the abstract of the proceedings of the Strafford Dis- Records New Hampshire Medical Society 263 trict at their annual meeting in Feb. 1834 The following was not accepted by the general Society Viz. It was voted the following members be discharged from this Society Caleb Morse, Saml. Pray, Robert Wood- bury, Asa Crosby, Nathl. Low, Joseph Hammons, Charles White, Ichabod Shaw, Reuben Buck, Moses Colby, Thomas Lindsay Jr., Asahall Dearborn, Richard Russell, Daniel Mowe, Jonath. Woodbury & John B. Elliott, discharged for non attendance & non payment of assessments. The above minutes were deferred until next meeting to give Strafford district an opportunity to reconsider their vote. "Voted to adjourn for one hour Met according to adjournment Voted to accept the minutes of the abstracts of the dis- trict Societies with the exception in Strafford district. Voted to adjourn to meet at this place at half past seven O'clock Tomorrow morning. JuneS" Met according to adjournment. Voted that Dr. Dixi Crosby be an agent to confer with medical gentlemen residing within the limits of the eastern district, mth discretionary power to associate them for the purpose of reorganizing said district Society provided the charter and records can be found. Dr. Chadbourne who was appointed to procure a copy for each Fellow presented 28 copies Dr. N. Sanborn was appointed a Committee to ascertain relative to the address which was accepted. Dr. J. C. Page was excused from his duty as orator ap- pointed last year, on account of ill health. The Committee reported that the Treasurer had paid $25. Towards the purchase of Minerals for Dartmouth Col- lege which was accepted. Voted that Dr. Farringdon give an address at the next annual meeting upon the case that occurred in his prac- tice of a diseased heart & lungs. Prof. Mussey addressed the Society upon the subject of fruit eating 264 Records New Hampshire IMedical Society Samuel Long M.D. of Plymouth was elected a Fellow of this Society Dr. Otis Hoyt was in\4ted to dine vnth. the Society. Voted to adjourn for half an hour Met according to adjournment The society adopted the following resolution Viz Resolved that in the opinion of this Society that fermented drinks are injurious to people in health and that their use ought to be discountenanced Alonzo Wliipple M.D. and Simeon D. Coulbourne M.D. were elected fellows of this Society. Voted to dissolve this meeting. Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. State of Newhampshire We the Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society have this day examined Mr. Elijah Blaisdell of Boscawen in this State in the different branches of Medicine Surgery & Obstetricks and do recommend him as qualified to prac- tice in those branches Concord, June 3^"^ 1834 Dixi Crosby ] David T. Livy ^ Censors Stephen Drew Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. Richard Williams J\I. D. of Milford Dr. Eber Carpenter of Alstead Harvey Carpenter M.D. of Chesterfield and Na- thaniel Leavitt M.D, of Croydon have accepted of their election, have paid their initiation fee and have received Certificates of membership. Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary At a meeting of the Council of the Newhampshire Records New Hampshire Medical Society 265 Medical Society holden at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord June 1" 1835 agreeably to notice Met and adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at 8 O'clock. June 2** Met agreeably to adjournment The Council propose Luther V Bell M.D. of Derry Asa Hield M.D. of Dublin Silas Cummings M.D. of Fitzwil- liam, Timothy 0. Lane M.D. of Sullivan Charles Chase M. D. of Chichester and Charles Whitney M. D. of Troy for Fellowship to the N. H. Medical Society Members present Drs. Mussey Chadbourne Tilton Abell M'Crillis Drew & Hoyt The Council propose that professor Mussey President of the Society be requested to give a public address this evening at the Town Hall instead of the usual address from the President at 12 O'clock m. The Council recommend that Dr. M. Long's request for dismissal from membership from the State Medical So- ciety be complied with Voted to adjourn to meet at the call of the President & Secretary June S^ met and appointed Drs. Dousman of Keene & James Batchelder of Marlborough orators for 1836 Voted to dissolve Attest En OS Hoyt Secretary. At the Annual Meeting of the Newhampshire Medical So- ciety holden at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord June 2" 1835 duly notified Members Present Drs. Mussey, McCrillis, Howe, Tilton, Dousman, Drew, Abell, Chadbourne, N. Sanborn, S. Dow, Gregg, Proctor, Carr, Abbott, Blake, Bartlett, T. P. Hill, Tewksbury, Lane of Candia, Kittridge, J. P. Elkins, Morrison, T, Elkins, T. Wilson, Colby and Hoyt Meeting opened by the President. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secre- tary. 266 Eecords New Hampshire Medical Society Voted the President be requested to give a public ad- dress this evening Proceeded to the election of Fellows & Luther V Bell M.D. of Derry, Asa Hield M.D. of Dublin, Silas Cum- mings, M.D. of Fitzwilliam Timothy 0. Lane M.D. of Sullivan, Charles Chase M. D. of Chichester, Jolin L. Fi- field M.D. of Sutton, & Charles Whitney M. D. of Troy were elected. Drs. Bell, Fifield, Wells, Kittridge & S. Dow appeared and took a seat Aoth the Society. Voted to choose two Committees consisting of three to each, whose duty it shall be to report the disease of all patients who may come before the Society & the remedies prescribed, who are also instructed to give no prescription to patients other than Sealed up and directed to a regular physician and choose Drs Howe Bartlett Dousman, and Drs S. Dow, Abell & Gregg and Professor IMussey was added as council of reference. Voted to excuse Dr. Dousman from giving his address Dr. Dixi Crosby was chosen to give the character of Dr. Livey of Wolfsbro, late a Fellow of this Society deceased To be read at the next annual meeting Keports from the Strafford, Centre, Southern and West- ern Districts were read & accepted Drs. Thos. P. Hill Carr and Blake were appointed auditors who reported the Treasurer's accounts are correctly kept reference may be had in his Book. Voted to adjourn for one hour. ]\Iet agreeably to adjournment. The subject upon the abstract from the minutes from the Strafford District society taken up so far as related to erasing the associates from membership. Voted Dr. McCrillis be a Committee to investigate the Sub- ject and report at our next meeting. Drs. D. Crosby & I. Tewksbury chosen & clothed with power to reorganize the Rockingham district but in case of a failure to recal the records Chart & Library & re- port at next meeting Records New Hampshire Medical Society 267 The following report from the Delegates for medical ex- aminations at Hanover was accepted Viz. In discharge of the duties devolving on me as a dele- gate of the N. H. Medical Society to the Medical Insti- tution at Dartmouth College, I spent three weeks of the lecture Term at that Institution, eighteen years had elapsed since I attended lectures there and my expecta- tions formed from report were much more than real- ized in the increase of facilities afforded for obtaining a finished medical education. They had a very respect- able medical class of one hundred students. I was pres- ent at the examination of fourteen candidates. They gen- erally acquitted themselves in a manner honourable to themselves and the Institution, everything evinces an ad- vancement worthy the Spirit of the age, few kindred insti- tutions it is believed, all circumstances considered, afford better encouragement to the Student, who wishes actually to be what he would be thought to be. From the faithful manner in which the duties of the Several Professors are performed, I am persuaded it would be difficult for a Student to pass the usual course of instruction here with- out profiting by it or receive the honours of the Institu- tion without deserving them. Nathan Sanborn Henniker June 2' 1835 The Subscriber associate delegate with Dr. Sanborn at- tended one day on examination of Candidates for degrees at Dartmouth College and made such other examinations as time and opportunity permitted and cheerfully accords with the within June 2' 1835 James A. Gregg delegate Proceeded to the choice officers R. D. Mussey was chosen President J, B. McGregory Vice President Enos Hoyt Secretary Nathan Sanborn Treasurer Drs. Bartlett Sanborn & Tewksbury were chosen a Com- 268 Records New Hampshire Medical Society mittee to nominate Counsellors and Censors whose report was accepted and the following were elected Viz for the Council Centre District Thos. Chadbourne N. Sanborn Western District Amos Twitchell Luke Howe Strafford District John McCrillis S. Dow Southern District N. Hardy A. P. Grovsner Grafton District D. Oliver T. Tilton Censors. J. A. Gregg & P. Bartlett Centre District J. B, Dousman & Dr. Batch Ider Western J. P. Elkins & T. J. Tebbetts, Strafford M. Spaulding & J. Wallace Southern D. Oliver & R. D. Mussey Grafton Enos Hoyt chosen Committee of correspondence. Voted to chose Substitutes to delegates at the medical ex- aminations at Hanover Drs Gregg Sanborn & Dousman were chosen a Committee to nominate Delegates & Substitutes Report John B. Dousman & J. Abbott Delegates T. Abell & E. Colby Substitutes & they were chosen. Voted to adjourn for half an hour Met agreeable to adjournment Voted that Dr. Moses Long be honourably dismissed from this Society agreeably to his request for a dismissal he hav- ing retired from the practice of medicine. Voted to adjourn to meet tomorrow morning at 7 O'clock June 3*^ met agreeable to adjournment Records New Hampshike Medical Societv 269 Report of Patients accepted An interesting discussion upon fermentation closed the present interesting meeting of the Society Voted to dissolve the meeting Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. State of Newhampshire We the Censors of the N. H. Medical Society have ex- amined Ephraim S. Frost of Swansey in the County of Cheshire a Candidate for the practice of Physick & Surgery & having found him qualified do approve & license him a practitioner of medicine & Surgery agreeably to law in that case made & provided Dated at Keene this 7" day of May A. D. 1823 Amos Twitchell ] ~ Charles G. Adams ^ Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. State of New Hampshire We the Censors of the N. H. Medical Society have ex- amined James F. Sargent of HopMnton in the County of Merrimack a Candidate for the practice of medicine and Surgery & having found him duly qualified do approve and license him a Practitioner of medicine & Surgery agreeably to law in that case made & provided Given under our hands & dated this 26'*' day of Feby A.D. 1836 James A. Gregg| p. Peter Bartlett \ ^''''''''^ Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. Auditors Report 1835 The auditors of the Treasurers accounts for the past ~ year have attended to their duty and report that the bal- ance in the Treasury last year was $41.04 That the Treasurer has since received in annual Taxes $56.00 mak- ing an aggregate credit of $97.04 That the Treasurer 270 Records New Hampshire ]Medical Society lias paid out in Sundry Bills for which he exhibits vouch- ers $78.39 leaving a balance in his hands of $18.65 Thos. P. Hill Jolin Carr Jeremiah Blake Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary At a meeting of the Council of the Newhampshire Medical Society holden at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord on the thirtieth day of May A.D. 1836 agreeably to previous No- tice. The President Professor Mussey presiding. Members present Drs Mussey Tilton Chadbourne and Hoyt The Council do recommend that the Society request the President to give his annual address at the Unitarian Meet- inghouse Tomorrow at 4 O'clock in the afternoon The Council propose for election to fellowship of this So- ciety Drs Otis Hoyt of Mason and David Flanders of Lon- donderry Adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at nine 'clock Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary May 31^' Met agreeable to adjournment Present The President Drs Tilton Chadbourne N. Sand- born S. Dow and Hoyt The Council propose for Membership Drs. Wm. Brown of Chester James Peterson of Weare Micah Eldridge of Dun- stable Hezekiah Eldridge of Pembroke. Voted to appoint a Committee to investigate the Subject of reports of immoralities which are in circulation against Dr James A. Gregg of Hopkinton a fellow of this Society. Voted the nomination come from the chair and Drs Chad- bourne Sanborn and Dow were nominated and chosen. Voted to adjourn to meet at the call of the President. Met and propose Drs Eichard P. J. Tenney of Loudon and Elijah Blaisdell of Boscawen for an election to Fellowship. Adjourned. Attest Enos Hoyt, Secretary Records New Hampshire MEDiCiVL Society 271 June 1^' J\Iet and recommended Dr. Noah Martin of Dover for Fellowship The Council appointed Drs Moses Hill of North- wood and James Batchelder of Marlborough orators for 1837 Voted to dissolve the meeting- Attest a True Copy Enos Hoyt Secretary. At the Annual Meeting of the Fellows of the Newhampshire Medical Society legally notified and holden at the Phoenix Hotel at Concord on the Thirty first day of May A.D. 1836 The meeting was opened in due form by the President Members present Drs Mussey Tilton D Crosby J. B. Abbott Carr Chadbourne J. Batchelder E. Colby N Sanborn, Straw, J. C. Page, Wells, J. B. M 'Gregory, J. P. Elkins, L. V. Bell S. Dow, M. Hill and Hoyt Voted that Professor Mussey President of the Society be requested to give the annual address this afternoon at four O'clock in the Unitarian Meetinghouse Voted that notice of the address be given at the expense of the Society by handbills and Choose Dr. Chadbourne for the same. The Society proceeded to the election of Fellows and Dr. Otis Hoyt of Mason, David Flanders M.D. of Londonderry James Peterson M.D. of Weare, Dr Micali Eldridge of Dunstable Hezekiah Eldridge M.D. of Pembroke Dr. Jacob Williams without the usual initiation fee in consequence of his having formerly been a Fellow Dr. Wm. Brown of Chester Richard P.J. Tenney M.D. of Loudon Dr. Elijah Blaisdell of Boscawen and Noah Martin M.D. of Dover were elected Fellows of the Society. Drs. 0. Hoyt M. Eldridge, Flanders H. Eldridge Peterson, Blaisdell, Tenney & Martin appeared and took a seat with the Society. 272 Records New Hampshire LIedical Society Voted to accept the reports from the Centre, Strafford, Grafton and Western destrict Societies as furnished by their Secretaries. The Committee appointed to reorganize the Rockingham District Medical Society Report that the same is reorgan- ized under favorable auspices which report was accepted and the Committee discharged. Voted that Dr Sawyer of Gilford be admitted to an ex- amination for a license to practice medicine by a suspension of the usual course. Drs Batchelder and Dousman were excused from giving their dissertations having given satisfactory reasons for not fulfilling their appointments. Drs Batchelder, N. Sanborn Bell M 'Gregory Crosby and Colby were appointed a Committee nominated from the chair to examine patients and Dr, Mussey was appointed a Committee of Reference on the subject of Patients. Voted to adjourn for one hour. Met agreeable to adjournment. Choose Drs Chadbourne Bell and Colby a Committee to audit the Treasurer's account, who reported the following Viz The Auditors of the Treasurer's Accounts for the past year have attended to that duty and report that the balance in the treasury last year was $18.65. That the Treasurer has since received in annual Taxes $65.00 amounting to $85.65. They also find the Treasurer has paid out in sun- dry Bills $47.15, leaving a balance in his hands of $38.50. We find the accounts correctly cast and properly vouched. I'Thos. Chadbourne Committee ^ Luther V. Bell [Elijah Colby Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary Drs D Crosby N Sanborn and J B Abbott were appointed a Committee to nominate officers for the year ensuing and the nomination was made by the chair. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 273 Voted Dr J C Page be a Committee to collect and read minutes to be recorded of the professional character of Dr Asa Crosby late a Fellow- of this Society. Voted to adjourn until tomorrow at 7 O'clock A.M. at this place June 1^' 1836 Met Agreeable to adjournment. The Committe chosen to nominate officers of the Society for the ensuing year made the following report which was accepted Viz. R. D. Mussey M.D. President J. B. M 'Gregory M.D. Vice President Enos Hoyt M.D. Secretary Nathan Sanborn M.D. Treasurer Dixi Crosby M.D.) Councellors for the Jacob Straw M.D.C Centre District A. Twitchell M.D. J Councellors for the Luke Howe M.D. C Western District John P. Elkins M.D.^ Councellors for the S. W. Dow M.D. \ Strafford District. Luther V. Bell M.D.J Councellors for the J. "Webster M.D. j^ Rockingham District Noah Hardy M.D. ) Councellors for the Micah Eldridge M.D.j^ Southern District Daniel Oliver M.D. ) Councellors for the Timothy Tilton M.D.{ Grafton District James B. Abbott M.D. i Censors for the John C. Page M.D. \ Centre District S Dousman M.D. ) Censors for the J. Batchelder M.D. ^ Western District S. Drew M.D. 1 Censors for the Richard Russell M.D. J Strafford District M. Spalding M.D.) ^ ^, t^- , • + ^ „r T, 71 TT^ r Southern District J Wallace M.D. \ R. D. Mussey M.D. ) ^ .^ t^- . • ^ ,, ^ > Grafton District D. Oliver M.D. ( Timothy Tilton M.D.] Delegates to the Medical Elijah Colby M.D. C examinations at Hanover 274 Records New Hampshire Medical Society John Carr M.D. ) ^ ^ .-. . T 1 ^ T-^ T»TT^ r bubstitutes. John C. Page M.D.J Received a communieation from the Rockingham District upon the Degree of Medicine and Choose Drs. Bell Hoyt Batchelder and Mussey a Committee to report whether a district or state society could confer the Degree of M.D. on a licentiate for Practice of Medicine & report at next meeting The following report of the Delegates appointed to the medical examination at Hanover To wit In reporting to this Society as a delegate at the examina- tions at Hanover I would observe that I consider the insti- tution in high standing and meriting the confidence of this Society and of the profession throughout the State. I had the privilege of attending the examinations last autumn in company with my colleague Dr Dousman and was gen- erally gratified with the appearance of the candidates. Eight only presented themselves for examination & all received a degree. They generally evinced the fact that the various branches of their studies had received a good degree of attention : and some of them bid fair for useful- ness and eminence. With regard to the character of the instruction given at this Institution the thorough qualifications and elevated standing of the Professors in the several departments it would be useless for me to Speak. Their m.erits are too well known to receive any addition from anything which I can say. I would observe, however, that their duties are ex- tremely arduous in consequence of the number of Profes- sorships being so limited. By what I can ascertain the amount of instruction is as great as at any medical school in New England and all performed by only three Professors, whereas in institutions generally there are from four to six professorships, but the instruction given frequently far less than at this. One great source of instruction & of facility in improvement especially in anatomy, surgery and physiology is the extensive and splendid anatomical Records New Hampshire Medical Society 275 museum connected with the Institution. The additions to it within a few years have been numerous and important and yearly additions are continually making. The inde- fatigable professor of anatomy appears to spare no labour nor expense to make this museum worthy of the institution, and worthy of any institution in our country; and in fact I am informed there are few in the United States which are superior, and in some respects none which equal it. Besides the numerous preparations & specimens in human, there are many in comparative anatomy which are highly interesting. I understand this branch of anatomy is to receive increasing attention. Among the specimens in morbid anatomy I was much interested in some which related to the fracture of the Femur. These specimens prove- to a demonstration that bony reunion does take place in fracture within the Capsular ligament of the hip joint. James B. Abbott True Copy Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. The following Resolution was adopted by the Society Viz Resolved that this society earnestly recommend the pledge of total abstinence from all intoxicating drinks to the good people of Newhampshire, as most decidedly conducive to health Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. June 1^' 1836 Drs Bell Mussey and Crosby were chosen a Committee to recommend Suitable authors for Medical Students to read, and report at next meeting Attest Enos Hoyt Secretar}\ Drs Mussey, Hoyt, Chadbourne Crosby and M 'Gregory were chosen a Committee to take into consideration the evils to the health of females connected with manufactur- ing establishments in its broad basis and to meet the day before the next annual meeting of the Society to make out 276 Records New Hampshire Medical Society a condensed report of facts they may have collected during the year. Voted that the Committee print and circulate circulars setting forth the evils arising from manufacturing estab- lishments to the health of Females Voted to postpone the acceptance of the doings of the Strafford district Society relative to the erasing of their associates names from their records or dismissing them from membership and have a report from their district Commit- tee at the next meeting- Professor ]\Iussey gave as president of the Society his annual address in a publick manner upon the use and abuse of Tobacco which was listened to with interest and fixed attention and several on the spot threw away their quid and Pigtail. An interesting conversation was carried on for some time upon the evils in our manufacturing establishments by a free discussion of all the Fellows and resulted in the opinion that the management of such establishments in- duced a suppression of the Catamenia induces ^lithisis and other diseases. The merits of the several Periodicals as medical works were discussed and an inquiry of the amount of periodicals perused by the Society. Dr. Mussey made some interesting remarks upon the Medi- cal School at Hanover and Touched upon Dr. Olivers recent work upon Physiology and of Dr Delamater's appointment as lecturer upon Theory and Practice of medicine. Then the Society Resolved That the confidence of this Society is not in the least diminished in the ability of the Medical Faculty at Hanover and that we will Sustain the institution Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary Drs Chadbourne N Sanborn and Straw were appointed to investigate the case of Dr Gregg and report to the Council at their next annual meeting Records New Hampshire Medical Society 277 Resolved that in our opinion that humanity calls for the establishment of an Insane hospital in some central place in this State and that the Secretary of this Society furnish the Speaker of the house of representatives with a copy of this resolution which was adopted Voted to dissolve this meeting- Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary State of Newhampshire This may certify that we the subscribers Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society have examined Dr Jeremiah F. Hall of Northfield in Said State a Candidate for the Practice of Physick and surgery respecting his skill and knowledge therein, and, having found him duly qualified therefor, do in testimony of our approbation hereunto sub- scribe our names at Northfield this 21^*^ day of October Anno Domini 1836 James B. Abbott ) Censors of the John C Page \ N. H. Med. Society Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary At a meeting of the Council of the Newhampshire Medical Society duly notified and holden at the Phoenix Hotel at Concord June 5'^ 1837. The President being absent Dr D Crosby was called to the chair The Council propose to the Society for election to fellow- ship Timothy Haynes M.D. of Concord, Dr Thomas Wallace of Derry. The President appeared and presided. The Council recommend the attention of the Society for their action in the ease of Dr J B M 'Gregory who has put his name as recommendatory of I Newtons great purifier of the blood a patent or quack medicine also Truman Abell the Same case as the above also Dr T. Chadbourne Selling quack medicines also Drs Jesse Merrill Thos. P. Hill and 278 Records New Hampshire Medical Society J B Abbott who have consulted with N Y Sadd a quack Indian doctor. Voted to adjourn to meet tomorrow morning at nine clock Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. 1837 June 6'^ Met agreeable to adjournment Thomas Brown M.D. and John G Leach M.D. of Con- cord are recommended for an election to fellowship in this Society, also Dr James F Sargent of Hopkinton is pro- posed for fellowship Adjourned to meet at the call of the President. June 6' 1837 at 11 O'clock A M The Council met and voted to accept the following report, of the Committee of the Council in Dr Gregg's case and referred the same to the Society Viz See Report on file 1837 June 7"' The Council met and appointed Drs Joseph H Smith of Dover & David Wells of Deerfield orators for 1838 Voted to dissolve this meeting Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary Pro. Tempore Hopkinton July 26, 1837 The Council of the N. H. Medical Society convened at Perkins' Tavern, agreeably to a call of the President: also by request of the Council of the Centre Dist. Medical So- ciety. Present Drs Colby, Straw and the Sedretary from the State Society, and Chadbourne and Carter from the Dist. Society. The President and Vice President being absent, on motion Dr Straw the oldest Counsellor present took the chair. Voted to adjourn to the house of Capt. S. Cavis in this Village. Doct. Colby read the following complaint order of no- tice &c., Viz. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 279 "To Doct. James A. Gregg of Hopkinton. Whereas at a meeting of the Council of the N, H. Medical Society June 1836, a committee was appointed to investi- gate certain reports in circulation criminating the character of James A. Gregg, a fellow of said Society, said reports also implicating the moral and professional character of the members of the Society generally ; and whereas, the appointment of said Committee having been san<3tioned and confirmed by the Society ; it was made the duty of said committee to attend to the subject during the recess of the Society and report the result of their investigation to the Council, at their next meeting — and whereas said com- mittee having reported to the Council the facts in the case, the report with the opinion of the committee thereon was laid before the Society at their meeting in June 1837. Whereupon it was voted that the whole subject be sub- mitted and referred to the Council with an invitation to the Council of the Ceutre Dist. to meet with them and assist in the investigation, and that they proceed against Doct Gregg agreeably to the By-laws, and usages of the Society in such cases and that he be notified and cited to appear before them to answer to the following charges. To Elijah Colby of Concord in the county of Merrimack and State of Newhampshire, Physician, one of the Coun- sellors of the N. H. Medical Society, residing within the limits of the Centre District thereof : Doct. Enos Hoyt of Northfield complains of Doct. James A. Gregg of Hopkinton a fellow of said Society, that from facts in his possession he has reason to believe said Gregg guilty of a high misdemeanor, not only criminating him- self, but implicating the members of the society generally, viz. That the said Gregg during the summer of 1834, made repeated attempts to seduce one of his female patients, and reported that the members of .the society were guilty of similar practices in their intercourse with their patients, the said Hoyt therefore in behalf of said Society and in conformity with the Constitution and By-laws, request 280 Records New Hampshire Medical Society that said Gregg be duly notified of this complaint, that he may be dealt with according to the usages and by-laws of the Society, and that he have an opportunity to appear before the Council and show his innocence if he have power so to do. July 5, 1837 Enos Hoyt A true copy Elijah Colby To James A. Gregg of Hopkinton in the County of IMerri- mack and State of Newhampshire Greeting The foregoing complaint having been made to me Elijah Colby one of the Counsellors of the Newhampshire Medical Society, residing within the limits of the Centre Dist. thereof : By virtue of authority to me given by the By-laws of the said Society, duly made and adopted according to the Charter of the same. I the said Colby being convinced that the charge is not frivolous or vexatious, do hereby annex this order to the said complaint, requiring you to appear before the Council of the same Society, a meeting of which is to be holden at Hopkinton aforesaid, on the twenty sixth day of July Inst, at 10 o'clock A.M. at Perkins' Tavern in said Hopkinton, to answer to said charge. And the said Complainant is ordered to serve the said complaint on said Gregg by leaving an attested copy thereof and this order thereon with said Gregg at least fifteen daj's before said meeting of the Council. Given under my hand this 5th day of July AD 1837. Elijah Colby. I hereby certify the above statement of facts together with the complaint and order of notice were served on Doct. Gregg by leaving a copy of the same at his house in Hopkinton on the 7th day of July A.D. 1837 it being more than fifteen days previous to said day of meeting of the Council. Elijah Colby by order of Enos Hoj^t Records New Hampshire Medical Society 281 After having gone into an investigation of the case, as full as the nature of the evidence would admit, the Council unanimously agree to make the following Report Hopkinton July 26, 1837 The Council of the N. H. Medical Society, having investi- gated the case of Doct. James A. Gregg, report, that it appears from the evidence in the case, he has been guilty of improper conduct with one of his female patients, justly deserving the censure of the Society — but from the con- tradictory nature of the testimony the Council recommend that no further proceedings be had in the case beyond that of censure Jacob Straw ) _. „ -^,.. , ^ „ \ Counsellors Elijah Colby \ James B. Abbott Secretary A true Copy Attest James B. Abbott Secretary At the forty sixth annual meeting of the Newhampshire Medical Society holden at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord being duly notified and called on the sixth day of June A. D. 1837. The President being present opened the meeting in due form. Members Present Drs. Mussey D. Crosby Straw Abbott, Dousman, Chad- bourne, Flanders Sanborn, Colby, Lane J. P. Tenney M 'Gregory J. A. Gregg, M. Eldridge R. Williams, H. Eldridge, Wells, Fifield, T. P. Hill, J. Wilson, Carr, H. Smith Maitin Bassett and Hoyt. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary Proceeded to the election of Fellows And Timothy Haynes M.D. of Concord Thomas Brown M.D. of Concord Dr Thomas Wallace of Derry John T. G. Leach M.D. of Con- cord and Dr James F Sargent of Hopkinton were elected 282 Records New Hampshire Medical Society aud Drs Brown Wallace Haynes Leach and Sargent ap- peared and took a seat with the Society. Minutes from the Centre, Strafford Southern Western and Grafton districts were received from their several Secre- taries; read and accepted by the Society Rockingham dis- trict not reported. The President's annual address to the Society was read in the form of a report as chairman of a Committee appointed last year to investigate the evils to health arising from bad management in manufacturing establishments in our Country. The Society voted that the Committee have longer time to investigate the Subject and publish their report. Choose Drs D. Crosby T. P. Hill Dousman and Mussey a Committee to examine Patients. Choose Drs Carr Bassett and Straw to audit the Treasurer's account, whose report was accepted, To wit, The auditors of the Treasurer's accounts have attended to their duty and find that the balance in the Treasury last year was $38.50. That annual Taxes since received amount to $51.00, making an aggregate of $89.50. They also find that the Treasurer has paid out in Sundry bills for which Satisfactory Vouchers are shown $62.38, leaving in his hands $27.12. Concord June 6' 1837 J. Carr Thos. Bassett Jacob Straw Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. Voted to adjourn for one hour. Med agreeable to adjournment. Dr M. Hill address to the Society, upon quack medicines he showed the ingenous way in which quackery has gained access into community. Voted to appoint a Committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year and that the nomination come from the chair and Drs Abbott Colby and Hill were appointed Records New Hampshire Medical Society 283 Voted to accept the minutes from the Strafford district To wit that as Drs Caleb Morse Samuel Pray Robert Woodbury Nathl. Low, Charles White Reuben Buck Moses Colby Thomas Lindsey Asahel Dearborn Richard Russell Daniel Mowe Jonathan Woodbury and John B. Elliott have forfeited their membership in the Strafford district by not fulfilling the requiremeats according to the bylaws in their district Society they thereby cease from being Fellows of the Newhampshire Medical Society. Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary The society took up the subject of Dr James Batchelder in case he can render a satisfactory excuse for not giving a dissertation otherwise the bylaws to be in force. The delegates at Hanover reported which was accepted, To wit. "The undersigned delegates from the N. H. Medical So- ciety to attend the examinations of Medical Students at Dartmouth College, Report They went to Hanover previous to the close of the lecture term: They found that the whole number of students that had attended was eighty six, fifteen of whom presented themselves for an examination for degrees. The examinations were conducted chiefly by the Professors. The candidates generally appeared very well Several answered very promptly and did honour to themselves. The whole class of candidates were recom- mended for degrees, all who were examined gave evidence not only of having been correctly taught but of having studied anatomy and surgery in the dissecting room and from operations on the living subject. Your delegates would remark that they were highly gratified to find so great additions and improvements have been made in the anatomical department within the last 10 or 12 years. A large number of very valuable dried preparations have been received within that time among this number were some fine preparations of the nerves also of the heart and blood vessels and one of the Lymphatic vessels. Much praise is due to the professor who stands at the head of this depart- ment for his indefatigable exertions to render complete the 284 Records New Hampshire Medical Society anatomical museum a continuance of the same exertions for a few years will render the school second to none in New England. It was with unfeigned Satisfaction, we learnt from the Faculty that they would not recommend a Student for a degree who was known to be intemperate we were gratified to learn that 25 operations had been performed on the living Subject before the class during the Term, which is respectfully submitted by Elijah Colby John Carr delegates June 7' 1837 A True Copy Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. 1837 The Committee chosen upon the memorial from June 6*^. the Rockingham district that we should confer the degree of M. D. are of opinion that this society are not authorized to confer the degree of doctor in medicine which report was accepted Dr Bassett was chosen a committee to take the Books due the Rockingham district and hand them over to the Rockingham district Society and Dr Colby was chosen an agent to deliver the books to Dr Bassett Voted that the Secretary of this Society write the Secretary of the Rockingham district Society Dr E B Moore of Epping and inform him that a satis- factory excuse will be necessary for his neglect to send in an abstract of the minutes of the district society for the last year otherwise he must be fined agreeable to the bylaws of the Society. Voted to adjourn half an hour. Met agreeable to adjournment. The Committee in Dr. Gregg's case presented the Society with the facts that had come before them and after considerable discussion the report of the Committee was laid on the table for the present. 1837 June 6" Voted to adjourn to meet at this place tomorrow morning at 8 O'clock. 1837 June 7*^ Met agreeable to adjournment Records New Hampshire Medical Society 285 The Society Voted Wm. Cogswell D. D. of Boston, Mass. be permitted to come before the society he came and stated that the American Education So- ciety pubhshed a quarterly magazine and in nine volumes they should pubhsh the history of all the principal literary institutions of this Country and of Europe he also wished a Complete history of the Newhampshire Medical Society the facts to be compiled soon and sent him in Boston and Thomas P. Hill and the Secretary of the Society were chosen the Committee Drs M'Gregory Carr and Martin nominated the above Committee. It was motioned by Dr Sargent and Seconded that the Subject of Drs M'Gregory, Abell, T. P. Hill Merrill Abott and Chadbourne of their having violated the bylaws in regard to quacks and quack medicines be indefinitely postponed, as coming from the Council Voted Dr Page have one year to collect facts rela- tive to the professional character of Dr Asa Crosby late a fellow of this Society The Society adopted the following Resolutions Viz, Resolved that this Society hereafter give advice and perform operations gratis to and upon indigent patients the attending physician to say whether the patient is unable to pay a fee but .such as can will be hereafter required to pay a fee the fee to be paid to the chairman of the Committee to examine patients and by him handed over to the Treasurer of the Society. Fee for advice shall in no case exceed two dollars and that Clergymen be exempt from fees Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. The Committee appointed to recommend medical authors reported whose report was accepted,. To wat,, Anatomy, Bell, Wistar, Cloquet, Boyle, Velpeau. 286 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Surgery Coopers First lines and Dictionary, Velpeau's operative Surgery, Castle's Manuel, Gibson's Do. On the Eye Lawrence and M'Kenzie Physiology Oliver's, Dunglison, Brousais. Chemistry Green's, Turner, Webster's Midwifery Velpeau, Dewes' Megrier, Barns, London Practice Gooch and on Females Diseases of Women & Children Dewes. Tate on Hysteria and Teal on Neuraliga Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary. Proceeded to the choice of officers agreeable to the report of the nominating Committee and Choose " R. D. Mussey M. D. President " Enos Hoty M. D. Vice President " James B. Abbott M. D. Secretary " Nathan Sanborn M. D. Treasurer " Elijah Colby I\I. D. ) Counsellors Center " Jacob Straw M. D. \ District " John P. Elkins M. D. TVT 1 Tx^ ,• -i/r T-x < L)o. Strafford Do. Noah Martm M. D. M. Spalding M. D. ) ^ ^ ,, T»/r- ! T^i 1 • 1 HT T^ ( Do. Southern Micah Eldndge M. D. \ J. Batchelder M. D. / „ „, ^ -^^ Saml. Webber M. D. \ ^"- ^^^^^^^^ ^"■ R. D. Mussey M. D. ) ^ „ ,^ ^ Danl. Oliver M. D. \ ^°- ^^^"^^"^^ ^"- James B. Abbott M. D. ) Censors Centre John C. Page M. D. District Records New Hampshire Medical Society 287 Amos Twitchell M. D. J. B. Dousman M. D. S. Drew M. D. Jos. H. Smith M. D. Daniel Adams M. D. Noah Hardy M. D. R. D. Mussey M. D. Danl. OHver M. D. Thomas Bassett M. D. Thomas Chadbourne M. Thomas P. Hill M. D. Do. Western Do. Do. Strafford Do. Do Southern Do. Do. Grafton Do. Do Rockingham Do. D. } Delegates to Hanover Substitutes. Moses Hill M. D. Richard P. J. Tenney M. D. Attest A True Copy Enos Hoyt Secretary. The Committee to nominate officers reported Dr Dixi Crosby Secretary who was chosen but he declined serving and he nominated Dr James B. Abbott who was chosen but he being absent Dr Enos Hoyt was chosen Secretary Pro Tempore until Dr Abbott shall appear and accept the office Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary pro Tem. Voted to adjourn for one hour 1837 June 7' P. M. Met agreeable to adjournment Voted that this Society do disapprove of consultations with N. G. Ladd of Sanbornton as a violation of our bylaws. Voted that the case of Dr Gregg be put over into the hands of the Council with the charges of the former Council and the case be legally investigated according to the bylaws of the Society and report at next meeting of the Society Voted to dissolve this meeting Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary Pro. Tempore. 288 Records New Hampshire Medical Society State of Newhampshire We the Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society duly appointed and authorized have examined EUphalet K. Webster of Hill a candidate for the practice of Physick and Surgery and having found him qualified do approbate and license him a practitioner in medicine and surgery agreeable to law in that case made and provided Given under our hands this twenty first day of June A. D. 1837 James B. Abbott ) Censors John C. Page M. D. \ Med. Society Attest Enos Hoyt Secretary Pro Tempore State of Newhampshire We the Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society duly appointed and authorized, have examined Levi G. Hill, in the various branches of Medical Science, and having found him qualified, do approbate and license him a practitioner in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics, agreeably to the law and regulations of the Newhampshire Medical Society Given under our hands this seventh day of July A. D. 1837 James B. Abbott M. D. / „ „ ht j T 1 ^ T^ TVT T^ > N. H. Med. John C. Page, M. D. V „ , Attest James B. Abbott Secretary. State of Newhampshire We the Censors of the Newhampshire Medical Society, duly appointed and authorized, have examined Jacob C. Hanson, in the various branches of Medical Science, and have found him qualified, do approbate and license him, a Practitioner in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetricks, agree- Records New Hampshire Medical Society 289 ably to the laws and regulations of the Newhampshire Med. Society. Given under our hand this thirteenth day of September AD. 1837 James B. Abbott M. D. i Censors N. H. John C. Page, M. D. \ Med. Society Attest James B. Abbott Secretary, [End of Vol. 1] NEW HAMPSHIRE MEDICAL SOCIETY RECORDS Vol. II NEW HAMPSHIRE MEDICAL SOCIETY RECORDS State of New Hampshire We the Censors of the New Hampshire Medical Society, duly appointed and authorized have examined Edward Buxton in the various branches of Medical Science and having found him qualified, do approbate & License him a Practitioner in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics, agreeably to the laws and regulations of the New Hampshire Medical Society. Given under our hand this fifth day of June 1838 James B. Abbott M. D. John C. Page M. D. ' ^'^^^^^ Attest James B. Abbott Secretary The Council of the N. H. Medical Society met at the PhcEnix Hotel in Concord agreeably to previous notice June 4„ 1838 Present Drs. Hoyt, Bachelder, & the Secretary. The President being absent Doct. Hoj't, the Vice President took the Chair. Voted to recommend the following gentlemen as candi- dates for membership in the Society viz. Jos^. F. Hall M. D. of Wolf borough, Josiah Bartlett M. D. of Stratham, Silas Cummings M. D. of Fitzwilliam, Dr. Charles W. Whitney of Troy, Dr. Eliphalet K. Webster of Hill, Francis P. Fitch M. D. of New Boston & Heber Chase M. D. of Philadelphia. Voted to recommend that the Society take measures to accomplish a mutual interchange of intercourse, and Delega- tion, with the Medical Societies of the eastern states. Professor Mussey arrived and took the Chair. Voted to recommend that the Society take measures to procure a National Convention, to consist of Delegates from 294 Records New Hampshire Medical Society the various Medical Schools and State Societies in the Union to assemble annually at some central place. Voted to recommend that Doct. Ezra Green, of Dover, the only remaining survivor of the nineteen original members of the Society, be elected an honorary member of it. Voted that Benjamin Waterhouse of Cambridge, Ms., now an honorary member of this Society, by having pub- lickly abetted Thompsonian Quackery, has forfeited the confidence of the faculty and that the Council recommend that his name be stricken from the list of Honorary mem- bers. Voted to adjourn to meet tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. Met agreeably to adjournment. • Voted to recommend that the Society take some action on the ingenous apparatus for retaining fractured and dislocated limbs presented by Dr. Howe. Adjourned Attest James B. Abbott Secretary. The Newhampshire Medical Society met at the Phoenix Hotel, in Concord, June 5"*, 1838 Members present. Drs. E. Hoyt, D. Crosby, R. P. J. Tenney, J. P. Elkins, T. Chadbourne, S. Drew, H. Eldridge, M. Eldridge, J. C. Page, M. Hill, James B. Abbott, L. Howe, J. Bachelder, R. D. Mussey, J. A. Gregg, J. F. Sargent, T. W. Wilson, D. Flanders, J. Carr, J. Straw, N. Sanborn, Morrison; & Carter The proceedings of the Society at its last meeting and of the Council were read bj^ the Secretary. Voted that Dr. Gregg's case, as reported by the Council, be acted upon. Considerable discussion upon the subject took place. The hour having arrived when the address from the President should be read, Records New Hampshire Medical Society 295 Voted that the standing rule, in such cases, be so far dispensed with, that the address be heard at 4 P. M. Voted that the report of the Council in Dr. Gregg's case be accepted. Voted that the above report be laid upon the table. Voted that as the Treasurer is absent, one be chosen pro tempore, and Dr. D. Crosby was chosen. Chose Drs. Carr, Crosb}', and Page a committee to nominate officers. Subsequently voted to add to this Committee Drs. Bachelder & M. Hill. Chose Drs. Howe, Crosby, Bachelder, Carr and Flanders a committee to examine Patients. Proceeded to the election of Members and elected Dr. Jeremiah F. Hall of Wolfborough, Josiah Bartlett M. D. of Stratham, Silas Cummings M. D. of Fitzwilliam, Dr. Charles W. Whitney of Troy, Ehphalet K. Webster of Hill, and Francis P. Fitch M. D. of N. Boston. Chose Doct. M. Hill a committee to inform the members elect of their election, and introduce them to the Society. Drs. Hall, Bartlett and Webster appeared and took their seats with the Society. Adjourned one hour to dine: Met according to adjournment. Voted to reconsider the vote respecting the President's address. Voted that it be at the South Church at half past 4 P. M. Voted that Doc. Ezra Green of Dover be elected an honor- ary Member of this Society. The case of Dr. Waterhouse of Cambridge was called up agreeably to a recommendation of the Council. Voted that the Secretary write Dr. W. Channing of Boston upon the subject and report at the next meeting. The Committee appointed to prepare a History of the N. H. Medical Society reported that they had attended to the duty assigned them and that the Historical account was already published in the American Quarterly Register. Report accepted 296 Records New Hampshire Medical Society The Secretary exhibited 6 volumes of the Register presented by the Rev. Doct. Cogswell to the six Dist. Societies. Voted that Doct. Cogswell receive the thanks of the Society for his donation. Accounts of the proceedings of the Centre, Southern, Strafford and Western Districts read by the Secretary. Voted that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to take into consideration the recommendation of the Council that " the Society take measures to accomplish a mutual interchange of intercourse & delegation with the Medical Societies of the Eastern states, and also the recom- mendation for a National Convention : Drs. Howe, Crosby and Abbott appointed on this committee. Chose Drs. Page, Haynes and Webster a committee to audit the treasurer's account. Voted that Drs. T. P. Hill and Abbott receive $1.25 from the funds of the Society, being money expended in prepar- ing the Historical account. Chose Drs. T. P. Hill, Crosby and Haynes a committee on Dr. Howe's fracture apparatus. Doct. Page read a Memoir of the late Dr. Asa Crosby. Dr. Fitch a member elect appeared and took his seat with the Society. Voted to adjourn to tomorrow morning to meet at half past 7 o'clock. June 5 The Society met according to adjournment. Voted that Doct. Josiah Bartlett write a Memoir of Dr. Josiah Bartlett of Stratham, deceased, and also enquire respecting the donation made by him and report to the Society. Chose Drs. Straw, Sargent and Hoyt, a committee to request a Copy of the Memoir of Doct. Crosby for the press; and if granted to publish it at the expense of the Society. Voted that Dr. Webster write a Memoir of Doct. Tilton late of Canaan. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 297 Appointed Drs. Sargent, Chadbourne, Abbott, T. P. Hill & J. Bartlett a Committee to take into consideration the expediency of revising the By-laws and report at the next meeting. Drs. Chadbourne and T. P. Hill, Delegates to Hanover reported verbally: The Medical Institution in that place represented as prosperous, and increasing in interest. Report accepted. Voted that Dr. Wells be informed of his delinquency in not reading a Dissertation. Elected Heber Chase M. D. of Philadelphia an Honourary member of this Society. Voted to choose a committee to examine into the merits of the different Trusses, professing to effect the radical cure of Hernia, and that the committee report to the Society at their next annual meeting, and also that dealers and manufacturers of the Instruments be notified of the appointment of the Committee, and be afforded an op- portunity to appear before them. Chose Drs. Straw and Page to nominate the above committee, and they nominated Drs. Dixi Crosby, Luke Howe, Timothy Haj'nes, Enos Hoyt, and Joseph H. Smith, who were chosen. The Auditors of the Treasurers accounts made the following Report : — " The Auditors of the Treasurer's accounts have attended to that duty, and find the balance in the Treasury last year to have been $27.12. That annual taxes since received amount to $48.00, making an aggregate of $75.12. They further find that the Treasurer has paid out bills, for which he has sufficient vouchers to the amount of $73.90, leaving in his hands $1.22. They also find an unpaid balance due Mr. Huchins of $5.49." John C. Page Timothy Haynes E. K. Webster Accepted. 298 Records New Hampshire Medical Society The Committee to nominate Officers of the Society reported, and the following gentlemen were chosen Officers for the ensuing year, viz. Enos Hojt, M. D. President Luke Howe, M. D. Vice President James B. Abbott, M. D. Secretary Dixi Crosb}^ M. D. Treasurer John Carr Jacob Shaw Counsellors Centre Dist. Stephen Drew M. D. <-,, p, , -r-v i. -^ ^ , - _ ^. , , T-. Strafford Dist. Noah Martm M. D. \ Francis P. Fitch M. D. Micah Eldridge ISI. D. R. D. Mussey M. D. / ^ ,^ ^. ^ ■^ . , ^,. ^r ^ I Grafton Dist Daniel Ohver iVI. D. J Thomas Bassett J\I. D Josiah Bartlett M. D. James Bachelder M. D Samuel Webber M. D. Southern Dist Rockingham Dist. Western Dist. Moses Hill M. D. R. P. J. Tenney, M. D. John P. Elkins M. D. Joseph H. Smith M. D. Thomas Bassett M. D. Josiah Bartlett M. D. Amos Twitchell M. D. Luke Howe M. D. Matthias Spalding M. D. ) r, .■, -r^. . ^. , ,„-,,• Tir T-. ^ Southern Dist. Richard Wilhams M. D. ) Reuben D. Mussey M. D. / ^ ^, ^-^ •.. _^ . , ^,. ,, T^ (jratton Dist. Daniel Ohver M. D. \ John C. Page ISL D. ) ^ , , , „ Moses Hill M. D. ^'^'^^''' '^ ^^'''''^'' Censors I Centre Dist. ! Strafford Dist. Rockingham Dist. Western Dist. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 299 James Bachelder M. D. Stephen Drew M. D. Timothy Haynes M. D. James F. Sargent Hezekiah Eldridge M. D. Jos*^ F. Hall M. D. Substitutes Orators for 1839 Substitutes. The Committee to whom was referred the subject of interchange of Delegation &c. made the following report. The Committee to which was referred the recommenda- tion of the Council, respecting an interchange of Delegation with the medical Societies of the eastern States, and also the recommendation respecting a National Convention, having taken the subject into consideration, make the following report. With regard to the first, that the Secretary write the secretaries of the several State Medical Societies in the eastern States requesting a Delegation to be sent to the annual meeting of our Society. With regard to the second, that this Society recommend an annual National Convention, to consist of Delegates from the various medical Schools and Societies in the Union, that the first Convention be proposed to be holden A. D. 1840 and that the Sec'y send a notice of this recommenda- tion to be published in the Boston Med. & Surg. Journal and the American Journal of Medical Sciences. Luke Howe Dixi Crosby James B. Abbott Accepted The Committee on patients reported. Accepted. Voted that Doct Howe have an opportunity to exhibit his splints, and explain their nature and application. Adjourned half an hour. Met agreeably to adjournment. The Committee on Doct. Howe's Sphnts made the following report. 300 Records New Hampshire Medical Society The committee appointed to examine Dr. Howe's im- proved apparatus for fracture of the femur and leg, so far as they have been able, from a partial examination, to ascertain its merits, consider it worthy of trial, and recom- mend it to the attention of the Society and to practitioners in general. Thomas P. Hill Timothy Haynes Accepted Adjourned Attest, James B. Abbott, Secretary. June 3d, 1839 The Council of the New Hampshire Medical Society assembled at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord agreeably to previous notice. Members present, Drs. Hoyt, Howe, Drew, Straw and the Secretary. The following gentlemen were proposed as suitable candidates for membership in the Society viz. Levi G. Hill M. D. SaHsbury, J. G. Graves M. D. Nashua, Nahum Wight M. D. Gilmanton, and Charles E. Parker M. D. of Alstead. Voted to recommend that the article in the By-laws respecting consultations, be strictly adhered to, by the members of the Society. Adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 o'clock. June 4 Met agreeably to adjournment Voted to recommend the following gentlemen as candi- dates for election viz. Jacob C. Hanson M. D. Andover, Levi S. Bartlett M. D. & Ezra B. Gale M. D. Kingston, John A. Dana M. D. New Hampton, Moody C. Sawyer M. D. Bristol, Charles A. Savory M. D. Hopkinton, Ed- ward B. Moore M. D. Epping, Moses R. Warren M. D. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 301 Middleton, Jacob S. Eaton M. D. Bristol and L. M. Knight M. D. Thornton. Voted that D^^ Albert Bartlett M. D. of Claremont, and M. R. Fletcher M. D. of Boston be invited by the President to take seats with the Society and dine with us. Voted that D'' Albert Bartlett of Claremont be recom- mended for membership, when he shall have become an associate. Proceeded to the election of Orators for 1840 and ap- pointed D'■^ Howe of Jaffrey and Bassett of Kingston. Appointed the President to read the public Dissertation. Adjourned Attest James B. Abbott Secretary June 4th, 1839 The Newhampshire Medical Society assembled agree- ably to previous notice, at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord. Members present. Drs. Hoyt, Crosby, Abbott, J. Bartlett, Bassett, Sargent, Gregg, N. Sanborn, J. Sanborn, Chadbourne, M. Crillis, Dousman, Webster, Bachelder, Haynes, H. Eldridge, M. Eldridge, J. Wilson, Carter, J. P. Elkins, Hall, Page, Straw, Howe, M. Hill, Blaisdell, Tenney, Elliot, Williams, and Wallace. The proceedings of the Society and Council at their last meeting were read by the Secretary. Proceeded to the election of Members . . . and the following gentlemen were unanimously elected viz. Levi G. Hill M. D. Salisbury, J. G. Graves M. D. Nashua, Nahum Wight M. D. Gilmanton, Charles E. Parker M. D. Alstead, Jacob C. Hanson M. D. Andover, Levi S. Bartlett, M. D. Kingston, Ezra B. Gale M. D. Kingston, Charles A. Savory M. D. Hopkinton, John A. Dana M. D. Newhamp- ton. Moody C. Sawyer M. D. Bristol, Edward B. Moore,. M. D. Epping, L. M. Knight M. D. Thornton, and Moses R. Wallace [Warren] M. D. Middleton. Drs. J. Wilson and E. K. Webster were chosen a Com- mittee to inform the members elect of their election and introduce them to the Society — and subsequently the 302 Records New Hampshire Medical Society following Gentlemen were introduced and took their seats with the Society, viz. Drs. L. G. Hill, N. Wight, J. C. Hanson, C. A. Savory, J. A. Dana, E. B. Moore and L. M. Knight . The following Gentlemen were appointed a Committee to examine patients, Drs. D. Crosby, J. Wilson, Chadbourne and Dousman. A Dissertation on Rheumatism read b}^ the President. Dissertation on Procidentia Uteri, by Dr. Haynes. Memoir of Doct. Bartlett, by Dr. J. Bartlett. Memoir of Doct. Tilton, by Dr. Webster. Drs. Elkins, Carr, and Webster, chosen a committee to audit the Treasurers account. Voted to pospone the case of Dr. Waterhouse one year, and that the Secretary endeavor to obtain information during that time. Adjourned one hour. Met agreeably to adjournment. Chose Dr. Bartlett a Committee to obtain a copy of the last will of his Uncle (Dr. Bartlett,) respecting the Dona- tion to the Society. Chose Drs. Sargent, L. G. Hill and Wight a Committee to request a copy of the Memoir of Dr. Bartlett for the press, and to publish the same. The Committee on the By-laws made the following Report — " The Committee appointed to take into consideration the subject of revising the By-laws of the Society have attended to the duty assigned them and would recommend that a committee be appointed to make a revision of said B^'-laws, and report the same at the next annual meeting of the Society James F. Sargent- — for the Committee. The report was accepted, and Drs. Sargent, Chadbourne and Haynes were chosen a committee for the above purpose. Voted that Dr. Josiah Crosby, who has resided out of the State, and been dismissed from the Society agreeably to his request, be restored to his membership in this Society. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 303 The Secretary read reports from the Southern & Rocking- ham Districts — Drs. Hill, and Dousman, Secretaries of the Centre and Western Districts, were excused. Voted that the Secretary write the delinquent Dist. Secretaries and inform them of the penalty for neglect. The Secretary read the last year's report of Cases, and the results of treatment were given so far as ascertained. The Delegates to Hanover made the following Report. " The Delegates chosen by the N. H. Med. Society at their last Annual Meeting to attend the examination of Medical Students for a degree of M. D. at the Med. Institu- tion at Hanover, submit the following report — Having been notified of the time of examination by Prof. Mussey we attended agreeably to notice. Fifteen Students pre- sented themselves for examination. Most of them sustained a good examination, and gave promise of future usefulness. One of them especially a young man of Colour, from Liberia, South Africa deserves high commendation, both for native talent, and literary and medical acquirements. The promptness with which every question was answered, his ease and grace of manners impressed the belief that he will take an elevated stand in the Profession. In regard to the state of the Medical Institution, it is difficult to speak — Seeing so little, as delegates must, being present but a few days, and their attention being mostly occupied in the examination of the students. The number examined was small, but this much we can say, that so far as the appearance and qualifications of the students, bespeak the merits of the Institution, it was to its praise. Your Delegates were cordially received, and all the opportunities given to examine, to their entire satisfaction, all the students presented for a degree. The Professors seemed desirous that a thorough investigation of the qualifications of each student should be gone into. It is probably well know to all present that the close of the Lectures last fall, closed the connection of Professors 304 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Mussey and Oliver with our medical Institution — and it is due, to say, that they sustained to the last that dignity and high sense of duty that have ever characterized them. The indefatigable efforts which they have made to sustain the interest and prosperity of the Medical Institution & medical Science generally, should call forth our gratitude and high commendation, and should hereafter be the sub- ject of extended remark. The ^ledical Institution, so far as the Professors are concerned has undergone almost an entire revolution. But from the well kno\ni talents and perseverance of the present Professors, and the speedy filling up of the Anatomical Museum, we are encouraged to hope much: and trust that our most sanguine expecta- tions will not be disappointed. From what we have seen and learned, we are of the belief that the Museum, sofar as the preparations for demonstration are concerned, will equal, if not surpass what it ever has been. This Institution deserves the fostering care of all the members of this -Society; and its future prosperity will, in many important respects depend upon the interest manifested. John C. Page Moses Hill ' ^^^^^^^^^ On motion. Voted that D^ Howe exhibit his Fracture Apparatus, and an opportunity be given him to explain their manner of application. Adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. Wednesday Morning June 5. The Societ}' met accord- ing to adjournment. The Committee to audit the Treasurer's account re- ported; by which it appears that there is now in the Trea- surer's hands S4.42. The article in the By-laws respecting Consultations was discussed, which resulted in the adoption of the following Resolution — That it is disreputable for any fellow of this Society to leave with any patient, his written prescription or opinion, in any case where he has satisfactory evidence Records New Hampshire Medical Society 305 that such prescription will go into the hands, and be ad- ministered by an empyrick, or any pretender, not in fellowship with the faculty of Medicine. The Committee on the nomination of Officers reported: the report was adopted, and the following gentlemen elected officers of the Society for the ensuing year. Enos Hoyt M. D. President Luke Howe M. D. Vice President James B. Abbott M. D. Secretary Dixi Crosby M. D. Treasurer Counsellors. John Carr M. D. / p . John S. Elliot M. D. \ ^""^ "^ Stephen Drew M. D. ) ^, a- ^ J. S. Fernald M. D. \ ^''^^""'^ Francis P. Fitch M. D. ) ^, ,, Richard Williams M. D. \ ^^^*^'^^ Joseph Dalton M. D. } ^ , . , Edward B.Moore M.D.I Rockingham John B. Dousman M. D. i .^ James Bachelder M. D. ) Censors. Moses Hill M. D. | n + R. P. J. Tenney M. D. \ ^^^^''^^ John P. Elkins M. D. ) ^, ^ , Joseph H. Smith M.D.l ^^'^^^'^ Josiah Bartlett M. D. ) „ , . , Thomas Bassett M.D.l Rockingham Matthias Spalding M. D. ) ^i xi. Micah Eldridge Mr D. \ ^°^*^"'^ Amos Twitchell M. D. ) ,„ , Luke Howe M. D. \ ^^^'^^'^ R. P. J. Tenney M. D. ) ^ , , , ^^ James Bachelder M.D. i legates to Hanover. The Committee on Trusses made the following Report — That there were presented for their consideration four different kinds viz. Chase's by Dr. Chadbourne 306 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Shakers' by Dr. Corbett, Dr. Fletcher's by the inventor & Phelps' by the inventor. — The Committee take pleasure in saying that the mechanical execution of all was very good, and several were of beautiful workmanship, and speaks well for the taste and good judgment of the inventors. So much attention has been given to the subject of Hernia, and so many improvements have been made in trusses, since the report of a former committee of this Society; and believing from the evidence submitted to your committee that they all possess a good degree of efficiency, and are well adapted to accomplish a retention, and in many instances a radical cure in the great variety of cases of Hernia, Therefore, — your Committee cannot from the evidence exhibited at this time give a decided preference to any one instrument as perfectly adapted to all the varieties of Hernia. Dixi Crosby Report accepted. Luke Howe Timothy Haynes On motion— The following gentlemen were appointed a committee to prepare a resolution relative to the new organization at Dartmouth College — Drs. Howe, Sargent & Haynes. Voted that any gentlemen present, inventors or manu- facturers of Trusses, be permitted to make remarks before the Society. The following Resolution was submitted and adopted, viz. Resolved that one of the Annual Dissertations appointed to be read before the Society, at its annual meetings, be delivered in public, and the appointment made accordingly, unless the person so appointed give notice to the contrary. The Committee to examine and prescribe for patients reported. Report accepted. The members were called upon to report important cases which may have come under their observation, and several were reported of deep interest. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 307 Voted that Dr. J. Crosby be requested to take means to test the virtues of the vaccine virus, which has been recently taken from a Cow in Gilford. Voted that 500 Copies of the memoir of Dr. Bartlett be printed, to be deposited with the Secretary; and that each member be furnished with, at least, one copy. Voted that the case of Dr. Gregg be indefinitely posponed. The following Resolution as reported by the Committee was unanimously adopted, viz. Whereas, the N. H. Medical Institution at Dart. College having undergone an entire reorganization since the resigna- tion of the late Professors Mussey and Oliver — Resolved — that we have full confidence in the ability of the new Faculty, and will continue our efforts to promote the usefulness of the Institution. Voted that Prof. Crosby be a committee to exert his influence to reorganize the Grafton Dist. Medical Society. Voted that a Committee of correspondence consisting of one from each Dist. be appointed to collect information respecting the treatment of Scarlatina, and communicate it to the Secretary of this Society in season for him to re- port at the next annual meeting. . . . The following gentlemen were appointed said Committee viz. For the Centre Dist. Dr. Gregg; Strafford Dist. Dr. Drew; South- ern Dist. Dr. D. Adams; Rockingham Dist. Dr. Moore; Western Dist. Dr. Bachelder; Grafton Dist. Dr. Crosby; White Mountain Dist. Dr. Knight. On motion adjourned sine die. Attest James B. Abbott Secretary. State of New Hampshire We the Censors of the N. H. Medical Society, duly appointed and authorized have examined William H. Smart, in the various branches of Medical Science, and having found him qualified, do approbate and license him a 308 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Practitioner in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics, agree- ably to the laws and regulations of the N. H. Medical Society. Given under our hands this 17th day of April A. D. 1839 Moses Hill ) ^, R. P. J. Tenney j ^^"^^^^ Attest James B. Abbott Secretary. State of New Hampshire We the Censors of the N. H. Medical Society duly appointed and authorized, have examined Charles G. Saf- ford in the various branches of medical Science, and having found him qualified, do approbate and license him, a practitioner in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetricks, agree- ably to the laws and regulations of the N. H. Med. Society. Given under our hands this 4th day of June, 1839. Moses Hill R. P. J. Tenney ' ^^^^"^^ Attest James B. Abbott Secretary State of New Hampshire We the Censors of the N. H. Medical Society, duly appointed and authorized, have examined James A. Tilton in the various branches of Medical Science; and having found him qualified, do approbate and license him a Practitioner in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetricks, agree- ably to the laws and regulations of the N. H. Medical Society Given under our hands this 23d day of June A. D. 1839 R. P. J. Tenney ) ^ T»x TT-1, i Censors Moses Hill S Attest James B. Abbott Secretary. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 309 September 25th 1839 The N. H. Medical Society held a special Meeting, agreeably to previous notice, at Smith's Tavern in Salis- bury, Members present — Drs. Carr, Hoyt, Blaisdell, L. G. Hill, Hanson, Webster, Straw, H. Eldridge, Chadbourne, Merrill, Sargent and J. Wilson. The Secretary being absent, chose Dr. Chadbourne Secretary Pro tern. The following gentlemen were recommended by the Council and elected Fellows of this Society viz Moses T. Willard M. D. Concord, Hanover Dickey M. D. Epsom, Charles P. Gage M. D. Concord, Wm. W. Proctor M. D. Hill, and Joseph Gould M. D. Gilmanton. Voted that Dr. Wight be Treasurer pro tem. Dr. Haynes of Concord was appointed a committee to inform the members elect of their election, and introduce them to the Society — Drs. Willard, Dickey, Gage, & Proctor appeared and took their seats with the Society. The Secretary of the Society arrived and read the follow- ing Circular from the N. York Medical Society — " Medical Society of the State of N. York. " At a Meeting of the Medical Society of the State of New York, held Feb. 7, 1839 the following resolution was adopted: " Whereas a National Medical Convention would advance in the apprehension of this Society, the cause of the Medical Profession throughout our land, in thus affording an inter- change of views and sentiments on the most interesting of all subjects, that involving man's health, and the means of securing or recovering the same: Therefore resolved, that in our opinion such convention is deemed advisable and important; and we would hence recommend that it be held in the year 1840, on the 1st Tuesday in May of that year, in the City of Philadelphia and that it consist of three Delegates from each State Medical Society, and one from each regularly constituted Medical School in the United States; and that the President and Secretary of this Society 310 Records New Hampshire Medical Society be, and they are hereby instructed and required to transmio as soon as may be, a circular to that effect, to each State Medical Society and medical School in the United States." By order, Lawrens Hull M.D. President P. Xsin Olinda Secretary. Agreeably to the request of this Circular the Society Voted to choose three Delegates to attend said Conven- tion and made choice of the following gentlemen viz Luke Howe M. D. Thomas P. Hill M. D. and Thomas Chadbourne M. D. The following were chosen their Substitutes viz. Jacob Straw M. D. Ezra Carter M. D. and Noah Mar- tin M. D. Voted to choose three Delegates to the Convention to be holden at Washington on the first Monday of Jan. next, for the purpose of revising the U. S. Pharmacopoeia agree- ably to the call of Lewis Condict M. D. President of the Convention of 1830. The following gentlemen were chosen on the above Delegation viz. Dixi Crosby M. D. Daniel Adams M. D. & Amos Twitchell M. D. Substitutes — John B. Dousman M. D. Josiah Bartlett M. D. and Robert Burns M. D. Voted that the Society pay no expenses of the above Delegations. Voted that this Society pay half of the expenses incurred this day by this Society and the C. D. Med. Society. Voted that this meeting be dissolved. Attest James B. Abbott Secretary. Concord June 1, 1840 The Council of the New Hampshire Medical Society assembled at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord agreeably to previous notice. Members present — D'\ Hoyt, Howe, Fitch, Bacheller, Dousman, Williams & Abbott. Recokds New Hampshire Medical Society 311 A petition from D". Flanders of N. Londonderry, and Walker of Bedford, for a new Dist. Society was received and read. Voted that the subject be referred to the Society. The following gentlemen were proposed as suitable candidates for fellowship in the Society viz. Edward Spaul- ding M. D. of Nashua, James Danforth M. D. of N. Boston, Alonzo F. Carr M. D. of Goffstown, Thomas H. Marshall M. D. Mason Village, Samuel D. King M. D. of Swansey & Benj. E. Sawyer M. D. of Boscawen. Voted to recommend that all arrearages of all members be collected by the Treasurer of the Society. Voted to adjourn till tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Tuesday, June 2, 1840. The Council assembled agreeably to adjournment. On motion voted to recommend that Prof. R. D. Mussey M. D. be dismissed from this Society agreeably to his request; and that he be proposed for honourary member- ship in the Society. On motion voted to recommend that Prof. 0. P. Hubbard M. D. medical Instructer at Dartmouth College, be elected an honourary member of this Society. Voted to propose as suitable candidates for membership in the Society Dr. James A. Tilton Chichester, David Harris M. D. of Brooklyne, Horace Gage M. D. Hopkinton, Amos G. Gale M. D. Hooksett, Warren E. Chase M. D. Boscawen, Jacob S. Eaton M. D. Bristol, WiUiam Brown M. D. Chester, Josiah C. Eastmen M. D. Hampstead, H. M. Hook M. D. Hudson, and Doct. Israel Burnham Antrim. Appointed D''^ Josiah Crosby and Francis P. Fitch Orators for 1841 Attest James B. Abbott Secretary June 2, 1840 The Newhampshire Medical Society assembled agree- ably to previous notice, at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord. Members present — Drs. Hoyt, D. Crosby, Willard, Carter, Abbott, Howe, Bacheller, Carr, McGregory, 312 Records New Hampshire ^Medical Society N. Sanborn, I. Colby, J. Crosby, Chadbourne, Gage^. Proctor, Savory, Sargent, Bartlett, Dousman, 'M. Hill, H. Eldridge, Gregg, Hanson, Elliot, Haynes, Fitch, Dickey, M. Eldridge, Page, Tenney, T. P. Hill, Willard, R. Williams, Knight, Straw & T. Elkins. The Secretary read the proceedings of the last Meeting of the Society and of the Council. Proceeded to the election of Members, and elected Edward Spalding ]\I. D. of Nashua, James Danforth, M. D. of New Boston, Alonzo F. Carr M. D. Goffstown, Thomas H. Marshall M. D. Mason Village, Samuel D. King M. D. Swansey, D''. James A. Tilton Chichester, David Harris M. D. Brooklyne, Horace Gage M. D. Hopkinton, Amos G. Gale M. D. Hooksett, Warren E. Chase iM. D. Boscawen, WilHam Brown M. D. Chester, Benjamin E. Sawyer M. D. Boscawen, Josiah C. Eastmen M. D. Hampstead, H. M. Hook M. D. Hudson, Dr. Israel Burnham Antrim, & John [Jacob] S. Eaton M. D. Bristol. Voted that Prof. R. D. Mussey be dismissed from this Society agreeably to his request, and be elected an Honour- ary member of the Society. Voted that Dr. Isaac Colby, (having been al)sent from the State a number of years,) be reinstated a Memljer of this Society. Elected Prof. 0. P. Hubbard of Hanover, an Honourary Member of this Society. The following gentlemen, members elect, were introduced, and took their seats with the Society viz. Drs. Gale of Kingston, Sawyer of Bristol, Chase & Sawyer of Boscawen, Tilton of Chichester, Carr of Goffstown, Gage of Hopkinton, Eaton of Bristol, Gale of Hooksett, Brown of Chester, and Eastman of Hampstead. Dr. Howe read a Dissertation upon Midwifery. Dr. Bachelder read a Dissertation upon Scarlatina. The following Gentlemen were appointed a Committee to nominate Officers viz. D'■^ Bachelder, Fitch, Abbott, D. Crosby, Bartlett & M. Hill. Adjourned to dine — to meet in one hour Records New Hampshire Medical Society 313 Met agreeably to adjournment. D". Sargent, Chase, & Dickey were appointed a com- mittee to nominate a Committee to examine Patients. D'■^ Carr, M. Eldridge and Haynes were chosen a Com- mittee to audit the Treasurer's account. Agreeably to the report of the Committee, the following gentlemen were appointed to examine and prescribe for Patients viz. J. Crosby, H. Eldridge, J. A. Gregg & H. Dickey. The following Petition relative to the formation of a new Dist. Society was received and read. " To the Council of the New Hampshire Medical Society. We the undersigned petitioners, respectfully represent that we live so far from Amherst, that it is very difficult, and often wholly impracticable for us to attend the meet- ings of the Southern District Society. That it would be for the interest and convenience of many Physicians in this and adjacent towns were a new Dist. Society formed; the object of which should be the promotion of the Science of Medicine, the cultivation of a friendly intercourse between the members of the Profession, a rigid opposition to every species of quackery, and the elevation of the professional character generally. That Manchester is a central situation, is a place of much business, has a large and increasing population, is the residence of several physicians, and consequently would be a proper place to hold its meetings. — We there- fore pray that we may be set ofT into a new Society to be called the Manchester Medical Association, to hold our meetings at Manchester, and to be governed by a similar Constitution and Bj^-laws to those of other Societies " . . . Signed Silas Walker Manchester May 18, 1840 David Flanders Voted that the subject of the above petition be posponed to the next meeting of the Society, and that the Secretary inform the Petitioners, and the Secretaries of the Southern and Rockingham Districts of this vote; and that if no valid 314 Records New Hampshire Medical Society objection be made, the Society will act upon the subject at the next meeting. Doct. J. Bartlett reported the following extract from the Will of the late Hon. Josiah Bartlett, relative to a donation to this Society. " Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved Brother Ezra Bartlett of Haverhill, in the country of Grafton and State, of New Hampshire Esqr. and to his heirs and assigns forever all the property I shall possess in the town of Warren in the said County of Grafton, he pajdng within eight years from possession the following legacies (viz.) to Josiah Calef, son of my late beloved Sister Miriam Calef, or his son Josiah Bartlett Calef, one hundred dollars — to Miriam Eastman daughter of said Miriam Calef, fifty dollars — to Josiah B. Greeley, son of my late beloved Sister Mary Greely, one hundred dollars — to. Josiah B. True, Son of my late beloved Sister Rhoda True, one hundred and fifty dollars, provided the said True shall have paid up my demands against him; if it shall not have been paid, this legacy is not to be paid him — and to the New Hampshire Medical Society two hundred dollars, on condition that it be kept on interest ten years, the product of which with the original sum to be a permanent fund, the annual income to be expended for the benefit of medical science as may be directed by a vote or votes of said Society." The foregoing is a true extract from the last Will and Testiment of Josiah Bartlett Esqr. late of Stratham, in the County of Rockingham dec'd testate. Attest John Kelley Proved May 1838 Reg'r of Probate for said County Drs. Moses Hill, J. B. McGregory & Richard WiUiams were chosen a Committee to confer with a Committee from the C. D. Med. Society on publishing Dissertations &c. The Committee to revise the By-laws reported. Voted that Dr. Hoyt be added to the Committee. The revision of the By-laws as reported was adopted, and the Society directed, that in their republication the Charter Records New Hampshire Medical Society 315 be omitted, and that all standing rules of the Society, adopted since the last revision of the By-laws, be incor- porated with the present revision. Adjourned half an hour. Met agreeably to adjournment. The Committee on Patients reported: Accepted. The Committee to nominate Officers reported, and the following were ballotted for, and elected Officers of the Society for the ensuing year. Luke Howe Jaffrey President Dixi Crosby Hanover Vice President James B. Abbott Boscawen Secretary Eliphalet K. Webster Hill Treasurer Counsellors John S. Elliot Pittsfield Ezra Carter Concord J. S. Fernald Barrington Richard Russell Somersworth Richard Williams Milford { Micah Eldridge Nashua ) Edward B. Moore Epping Josiah Bartlett Stratham James Bachelder Marlborough John B. Dousman Keene Centre Dist Centre Strafford Southern Rockingham [ Western Censors Timothy Haynes Concord Hezekiah Eldridge Pembroke Joseph H. Smith Dover John P. Elkins New Durham Ezra B. Gale Kingston Wilham Brown Chester Francis P. Fitch Amherst Noah Hardy HoUis Amos Twitchell Keene Asahil D. Shurtleff Ridge Josiah Bartlett Stratham Micah Eldridge Nashua Centre Strafford Rockingham Southern Western Delegates to Hanover 316 Records New Hampshire Medical Society On motion, voted that Dr. John B. McGregory be- dismissed from this Society agreeably to his request. Adjourned till tomorrow morning 5 o'clock. Wednesday June 3, 1840 The Society met according to adjournment. The Auditors of the Treasurer's account, Reported " That the Treasurer has received the sum of SlSS-iVo" and that he has paid out for which he has good vouchers the sum of $101.47/100, leaving a balance in his hands of $36.95/100. John Carr Micah Eldridge As the Committee to publish the Memoir of Dr. Bartlett are not present and have not reported — therefore Voted that Dr. J. Bartlett be added to this Committee. Dr. J. Crosby was called upon to report respecting the vaccine virus taken from a cow in Gilford. Dr. Crosby stated that some of the matter was sent to Dr. Smith of Boston, who tried it, without effect. Dr. C. succeeded in procuring a good vaccine pustule in a case in which he made trial of it. The Delegates to Hanover made the follo^^'ing Report. "As Delegates from this Society to attend the examina- tions at Hanover, we would say, that we visited the Medical Institution, at the close of the last lecture term; and at- tended the examinations of the graduating class; which we are happy to say evinced the fact, that the various branches of their studies, had received a good degree of attention; and some of the young gentlemen examined bid fair for usefulness in the world, and eminence in their profession. Twelve students presented themselves for examination which thej' sustained with much credit to themselves and honour to their Instructors. Your Delegates would just say, that the Medical Class so far as we could learn were perfectly satisfied with the instructions they received from the several Professors; and Records New Hampshire Medical Society 317 we confidently believe that the present board of Professors will fully sustain the high reputation which the school had previously attained. The Museum, or Antomical Cabinet has already been so far replenished as to contain every preparation necessary for instruction in anatomy and Surgery; and permit us further to say, that we believe the N. H. Medical Institution under its present organization abundantly worthy the con- fidence and patronage of the Medical public. Richard P. J. Tenney James Bacheller Accepted The Committee on Scarlatina were called upon to report: Drs. Batcheller, Knight, Moore & Crosby made reports. The Secretary read communications from the secretaries of the Centre, Strafford, Rockingham, Southern and Western Districts. Accepted. Voted that the former members of this Society, who have been restored to their membership in the Strafford Dist, be also restored to their membership in this. The Committee on publications reported the following. " Your Committee recommend the publication of Dis- sertations read before the N. H. Med. Society, and nominate D'■^ Abbott, Willard & Carter, a pubhshing Committee; and that said Committee be authorized to publish any dissertation read before this Society, and such parts of its proceeding, which in their opinion shall be thought useful to the profession. Also that this Committee be authorized to publish any document, at their discretion in some public Journal." Josiah Crosby ' Enos Hoyt Richard Williams John B. McGregory Adopted. 318 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Doct. D. Crosby, to whom was referred the subject of the reorganization of the Grafton Dist. Med. Soe'y, at the last meeting, reported, that it is doubtful respecting its reorganization. But little interest upon the subject, in that region. With reference to this, the Societj^ voted, that the Secretary inform the Secretary of the Grafton Dist. that unless this Society can be resuscitated, and the General Society receive an authentic account of its constitutional proceedings, as a district Society, at, or before the next annual meeting, their share of the Libary will be called for by the general Society. The result of treatment in the cases prescribed for last year, was communicated. The following gentlemen were chosen a Committee of correspondence viz. Charles P. Gage Centre D'^*., John P. Elkins Strafford D*., Francis P. Fitch Southern D*. Josiah Bartlett Rockingham D*., James Bacheller Western D*. and Dixi Crosby Grafton D*. Attest James B. Abbott Secretary Concord May 31, 1841. The Council of the New Hampshire Medical Society convened at the Phoenix Hotel agreeably to previous notice. Voted to adjourn, to meet tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Concord June 1, 1841. The Council met agreeably to adjournment. The following gentlemen were proposed as suitable candidates for membership in the Society viz. Andrew McFarland, M.D. Sandwich, John L. Sweatt M.D. Newport James H. Crombie M.D.Francestown, Jacob A. Wood M.D. Hancock, James W. Cowan M.D. Dover Joseph Eastman M.D. Candia, and Albert Smith M.D. Peterborough. Afternoon Session. Agreeably to a Vote of the Societj^, the Council proceeded Records New Hampshire Medical Society 319 to Charter a new District Society at Manchester in the form following. L. S. \ State of New Hampshire. The Council of the New Hampshire ^Medical Society, to Silas Walker and David Flanders, Fellows of said Society — ■ Greeting — Your application, made in due form, requesting that a District Medical Society might be instituted to consist of the Fellows and Associates residing in the Town of Man- chester, and vicinity, was duly considered and approved by the Society, on the first day of June, Anno Domini 1841 Be it therefore known, that a District Society by the name of Manchester District, is hereby established, to consist of the Fellows of the New Hampshire Medical Society, and the Associates now resident in the towns above mentioned, and of such others as they may hereafter elect; and Silas Walker is hereby authorized to call a meeting of the same, for the purpose of electing Officers, and transact- ing any other business necessary for organizing said Society. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, this first day of June A. D. 1841 Josiah Bartlett \ James Batcheller > Council Josiah C. Eastman ) By virtue of the power in me vested, I have caused the Seal of the New Hampshire Medical Society to be hereunto affixed. Luke Howe President Attest James B. Abbott Secretary. The Council proceeded to the election of Orators for 1842, and appointed Micah Eldridge of Nashua, and Charles A. Savary of Hopkinton. Adjourned Attest James B. Abbott Secretary 320 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Concord June 1, 1841 The Newhampshire Medical Society assembled agree- ably to previous notice at the Phoenix Hotel. Members present — Drs. Howe, Webster, Gage, M. Hill, Batcheller, Abbott, Carr, Haynes, T. Wilson, Sargent, Chase, Hanson, Dickey, Willard, Proctor, Tenney, D. Crosby, J. Crosby, Hoj't, Bell, Hall, Carter, Sanborn, 'T. P. Hill, Straw, Savary, Fitch, Gregg, Walker, Gale, Adams, Bartlett, B. E. Sawyer, J. C. Eastman, Smith, Gould, Peterson, and T. Elkins. The proceedings of the last meeting were read Ixy the Secretary. Proceeded to the election of members, and the following gentlemen were unanimously elected, viz. John L. Sweatt M.D. Newport, Andrew McFarland M.D. Sandwich, James H. Crombie M.D. Francestown, Jacob A. Wood ]\I.D Hancock, James W. Cowan ]\I.D. Dover, Joseph Eastman, M.D. Candia, and Albert Smith M.D. Peterborough. A Committee was chosen to introduce members elect. The following gentlemen were introduced and took their Seats with the Society, viz. Docts. Israel Burnham Antrim, A. McFarland Sandwich, J. H. Crombie Francestown, J. L. Sweatt, Newport, & J. Eastman Candia. Voted that Docts. Dow of Goshen, Fry of Deering, and Corbett of Canterbury be invited to sit with the Society. Drs. Abbott, Batcheller and Haynes were appointed to nominate a Committee to examine and prescribe for patients; who reported Drs. D. Crosby, Wight, M. Hill, J. Carr, and Hanson, and that Dr. McFarland act as Secretary of the Committee — report adopted. The Subject of new Dist. Society was taken up. The President read a petition to the present meeting for a new Society to be chartered to embrace the town of Manchester and the adjacent towns. The Secretary reported that he had written to the Dist. Societies contiguous to the contemplated new society, as directed by the Society at its last meeting, and no objection was made by any concerned, to its formation. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 321 Chose Drs. Straw, Bachelder, and Gregg, a committee to take the above subject into consideration, and report to the Society. Chose Drs. Dickey and Chase a committee to audit the Treasurer's account. The Secretary read the record of the cases which came before the Society at the last meeting, and the result of treatment was reported so far as could be ascertained. Voted that the Committee of Correspondence chosen at the last meeting be reappointed. The President read an interesting Dissertation upon Chronic Bronchitis, or " Minister's Ail;" and Dr. Josiah Crosby one upon The mutual influence of Mind and Body. The Committee upon the petition for a new Society made the following report — " The Committee to whom was referred the subject of the formation of a new District Society, report that the prayer of the petitioners be granted — and recommend that Drs. Walker of Bedford, Flanders of Londonderry and Gale of Hooksett, with such others as they may associate with them, be empowered to organize a District Society at Manchester, under the same restrictions of other associate Societies in this State, and report to the Society at the next annual meeting." Jacob Straw James A. Gregg James Batcheller The Society adopted the above report. The following gentlemen were chosen a Committee to nominate Officers, viz. Drs. Hoyt, Adams, Hall, Bartlett & Batcheller. An opportunity was given members to relate cases of interest, occurring in their practice. The Committee of nomination reported. Voted that the President, V. President, Secretary, and Treasurer be elected by seperate Ballots, the Counsellors by one Ballot and the Censors the same, also the Delegates separately. 322 Records New Hampshire Medical Society The following gentlemen were elected officers of the Society for the ensuing year, viz. Luke Howe Jaffrey President. Dixi Crosby, Hanover Vice President. James B. Abbott, Boscawen, Secretary. Eliphalet K. Webster, Hill, Treasurer. Josiah Crosby, Meredith Ezra Carter Concord John P. Elkins, New Durham Joseph H. Smith Dover Micah Eldridge Nashua Counsellors Centre Dist. Strafford Dist. , „, „ , » j^ • ( Southern Dist. Israel W. Burnham Antrim Josiah Bartlett Stratham Joseph C. Eastman Hampstead James Batcheller Marlborough Isaac Colby Keene Rockingham Dist. Western Dist. Censors Timothy Haynes Concord ) Centre Jeremiah F. Hall Wolfborough ) Dist. John Morrison Alton c Strafford Dist. Stephen Drew Milton William Brown Chester I "r v Vi D" + Joseph Dalton Brentwood ) Francis P. Fitch Amherst ) c^ \.i t-w j. Richard Williams Milford \ ^°^*^'^^ ^''^- Isaac Colby Keene ) Western James Batcheller Marlborough ) Dist. Hanover Dickey Epsom | Delegates to Nahum Wight Gilmanton S Hanover. The following Report was made by the Committee to audit the Treasurer's account : " The Committee appointed to audit the Treasurer's account have attended to their duty, and report, that the Treasurer has received the sum of $58.95. He has paid out. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 323 for which he has good and sufficient vouchers the sum of $55.05, leaving a balance in his hands of $3.90, which has been charged to balance the accounts. They also find outstanding debts from the society of $33.97 to Mr. Hut- chins, and $7.55 due to A. Prescott." Adopted Hanover Dickey Warren E. Chase The Delegates to Hanover made the following Report. " The undersigned, one of the Delegates appointed by the N. H. Medical Society, to attend the examination of the candidates for the degree of M.D. at the close of the last lecture term at Hanover, begs leave to report, that the duty assigned has been performed, and with a good degree of satisfaction, with the flourishing condition in which the Institution was found. The class consisted of seventy two students, twelve of whom passed a creditable examination. The facilities for acquiring a thorough knowledge of the different branches of the profession, are great. The Clinical and Surgical apparatus is complete, and the Museum has been enriched within the past year by the addition of more than one hundred rare specimens in Pathological Anatomy. Money unexpended, to be appropriated in making still further additions, remains in the hands of the faculty. The Institution, under its present organization, deserves the confidence and patronage of the medical Profession and the Public, and the large number of Students, which attended the lectures during the last course; larger, in fact, than at any similar Institution in New England, evinces the fact that its advantages are duly appreciated." Respectfully submitted by (Accepted.) Josiah Bartlett Voted to adjourn to meet tomorrow morning, immedi- ately after breakfast. Concord, June 2, 1841. The Society met agreeably to adjournment. The Committee to examine and prescribe for patients reported — report accepted. 324 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Voted to remit the assessments of D"". Truman Abell. Voted D^ R. Lane be stricken from the list of members in the revised edition of the By-laws. Voted that an article be inserted in the new edition of the By-laws exempting members over 60 years of age from taxation. Voted that D''. D. Crosby be authorized to take posses- sion of the library of the Grafton Dist. for this Society, unless said District be reorganized within 6 months. Voted that the Secretary of this Society inform the Dist. Secretaries of their duty respecting making reports. Adjourned. Attest James B. Abbott Secretary. Concord May 30, 1842. The Council of the New Hampshire Medical Society convene at the Phoenix Hotel agreeably to previous notice. Members present — Drs. D. Crosby, Batcheller, Bartlett and Eastman. Vice President (Dr. Crosby) in the chair. The Secretary being absent, proceeded to the choice of a Secretary Pro tem, and chose Josiah Bartlett. Resolved to recommend that the Society pass a resolution expressive of the feelings of its fellows in relation to the death of their late President D''. Luke Howe of Jaffrey. The following gentlemen were proposed as suitable candidates for membership in the Society, viz. WilUam D. Buck M.D. Concord, Charles Olcott M.D. Edmund R. Peaslee M.D. Hanover, Thomas R. Crosby M.D. Meriden, Samuel Little M.D. Lebanon, A. O. Dickey M.D. Lyme, Julius H. Morse M.D. Manchester & Zaccheus Colburn M.D. Manchester Voted to adjourn till 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Tuesday Morning May 31, 1842 Met agreeably to adjournment. Present same as last evening, and the Secretary Adjourned to meet at the call of the President. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 325 Met agreeably to adjournment. Voted to recommend the following gentlemen as suitable candidates for admission into the Society, viz. Zaccheus Colburn M.D. Manchester and Harrison Eaton M.D. of Merrimac. Appointed Joseph H. Smith M.D. Dover and L. M. Knight M.D. Thornton Orators for 1843, and Harrison Eaton M.D. Merrimac and T. R. Crosby Meriden their Substitutes. Adjourned Attest James B. Abbott Secretary Concord May 31, 1842 The New Hampshire Medical Society convened at the Phoenix Hotel agreeably to previous notice. Members present — D''^. Batcheller, J. Bartlett, D. Crosby, J. Crosby, J. C. Eastman, Haynes, Abbott, Sweatt, Hoyt, Chase, Burnham, W. Brown, Hanson, Webster, Wight, M. Hill, Tilton, Peterson, Willard, Crombie, Wood, McFarland, D. Adams, Straw, Dickey, Farrington, Sanborn, H. Eaton, J. S. French, Proctor, T. Brown, Sargent, Savory, Gregg Gage, Chadbourne, Fitch, Knight, Smith, Walker, Colby, and Tenney. The President having been removed by death, the Vice President (D, Crosby) took the chair. On motion, voted that medical gentlemen present not members, be invited, to sit with the society. The proceedings of the Society, and of the Council at their last meeting were read by the Secretary. Voted to choose a committee to examine, and prescribe for patients. The following gentlemen were chosen, viz. J. Crosby, T. Chadbourne, Wm. Brown, J. Bartlett & J. A. Gregg. Drs. Sweatt and McFarland were chosen a committee on the Treasurers account. Voted that the rules of the society be so far suspended as to proceed immediately to the election of members. The following gentlemen were unanimously elected mem- 326 Records New Hampshire ]Medical Society bers of the society, viz. William D. Buck M.D. Concord, Charles Olcott M.D. and Edmund D. Peaslee M.D.Hanover, Thomas R. Crosby M.D. Meriden, Samuel Little M.D. Lebanon, A. O. Dickey M. D. Lyme, Julius H. Morse M. D. Manchester, Harrison Eaton M.D. Merrimack & Zaccheus Colburn M.D. of Manchester. Dr. McFarland chosen a committee for that purpose, introduced the following elected members, who took their seats with the Society, viz. Drs. Wood of Hancock, Eaton of Merrimack, Crosby of Meriden, Morse of Man- chester and Buck of Concord. The Secretary read the proceedings of the several Dis- trict Societies. The committee to revise the laws, appointed at a former meeting, reported the revised edition with a bill for printing of S16.9L A Constitution and By-laws of Manchester District was presented by the Secretary and referred to a committee consisting of Bartlett and Chase. Voted to defer the reading of Dissertation until two o'clock. On motion, voted that the committee to nominate officers of the Society be appointed by the chair. The following gentlemen were appointed — Western Dist. J. Colby, Southern D'^'. F. P. Fitch, Rockingham J. C. Eastman, Strafford J. H. Sweatt, Centre Moses Hill, Grafton, T. R. Crosby, Manchester Silas Walker. On motion, voted, that as the President is removed by death, the Vice President be requested to give the annual address in his stead. Voted that this address be delivered at 3 P. ]\I. As the Vice President requested absence from the chair for a time, D"". N. Sanborn was appointed President Pro tem. D^ Hoyt submitted the following resolution, which was adopted, viz. Resolved — That the members of this Society deeply lament the removal by death of their late esteemed Presi- dent D^ Luke Ho-sve of Jaffrey (being the first time the Records New Hampshire Medical Society 327 chair has been vacated by death since the organizations of the Society) not only with reference to their being deprived of a valuable member, and able counsellor, but with regard to the loss which the profession generally, and the public have sustained: and they would express, their unfeigned sympathy with his afflicted family, who have thus lost a valuable friend, counsellor, & guide. Resolved — That the Society recommend that its members wear the usual badge of mourning thirty days, as expression of their respect to the memory of their late President. Resolved — That Drs. Isaac Colby of Keene & James Batcheller of Marlborough be appointed to prepare a Memoir of Dr. Howe, to be read at the next annual meeting of the Society. Voted that the Secretary furnish the afflicted family of Dr. Howe with the doings of the Society, upon the subject of his death. Voted that as Dr. Thomas Brown has returned to the state after an absence of some years his annual assessment during his absence be remitted. The following resolution presented by D'". Savory was adopted. Resolved — That it is the opinion of this Society that the use of Alcohol as a beverage is injurious to the healthy functions of the body; and that under no circumstances can its use be beneficial in a state of health. The Delegates to the examinations at Hanover made the following report. " The Delegates appointed to attend the medical ex- aminations at Hanover, make the following report — " That agreeably to notice from the Secretary of the Faculty at Hanover we arrived there at the close of the lecture term in season for the examination. Twelve students were examined for the degree of M.D. No candidate was unsuccessful. Every thing in connexion or relating to the examination was highly satisfactory to your Delegates. We believe the affairs of the Institution to be in good 328 Records New Hampshire Medical Society hands, and the course of instruction pursued thorough and systematic. We beheve the former character of the Institu- tion to be fully sustained, and now, as much as ever, to deserve the confidence of the Society." Nahum Wight Hanover Dickey Jr. The Committee on Manchester District By-laws reported that they find nothing in them repugnant to the By-laws of the State Society. Voted to adjourn to meet at two o'clock P. M. Met agreeably to adjournment. D^ Savory read a Dissertation upon the present condition of medicine as a science and a profession. Dr. D. Crosby gave a lecture upon the surgical anatomy and treatment of Hernia. The Committee to nominate Officers reported, and the following gentlemen were ballotted for, and elected. Dixi Crosby M.D. Hanover President James Batcheller M.D. Marlborough Vice President James B. Abbott M.D. Boscawen Secretary Richard P. J. Tenney M.D. Loudon Treasurer Counsellors. Nahum Wight M.D. Gilmanton ) Centre Charles A. Savory M.D. Hopkinton ) Dist. James Farrington M.D. Rochester ) Strafford Joseph H. Smith M.D. Dover \ Dist. Israel Burnham M.D. Antrim ) ^i xi t-w j. • j. T uATTrjT\/r-r»-n. ( Southern District Jacob A. Wood M.D. Dover ) Amos Twitchell M. D. Keene ) ^ -p-iat Isaac Colby M.D. Keene ) Dixi Crosby M.D. Hanover ) Grafton Thomas R. Crosby M.D. Meriden ) Dist. Silas Walker M.D. Bedford ) Manchester David Flanders M.D. Londonderry ) Dist. Josiah C. Eastman M.D. Hampstead } Rocking- Wilham Brown M.D. Chester t ham Dist. Western Dist. Grafton Dist. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 329 Censors Moses T. Willard M.D. Concord ) . Andrew McFarland M.D. Sandwich ) J. S. Fernald M.D. Barrington ) Strafford Noah Martin M.D. Dover ] Dist. Daniel Adams M.D. Mont Vernon ) Southern Micah Eldridge M.D. Nashua \ Dist. Isaac Colby M.D. Keene Amos Twitchell M. D. Keene Thomas R. Crosby M.D. Meriden Dixi Crosby M.D. Hanover Silas Walker M.D. Bedford ) Manchester David Flanders M.D, Londonderry ) Dist. Josiah Bartlett M.D. Stratham ) Rockingham J. Eastman M.D. Candia ) Dist. Committee of Correspondence Josiah Bartlett M.D. Stratham, L. M. Knight M.D. Thornton, J. H. Morse M. D. Manchester, F. P. Fitch M. D. Amherst, James Batcheller M. D. Marlborough, Stephen Drew M. D. Milton, Dixi Crosby M.D. Hanover. Delegates to Hanover Francis P. Fitch M.D. Amherst, James Farrington M.D. Rochester. Voted that at the next annual meeting of the Society the Landlord furnish dinner tickets to the members who dine. The Committee on patients reported — accepted. On motion the following resolution was adopted. Resolved that the Fellows of this Society highly approve of the course pursued by Mr. Dole of the Phoenix and would commend him to the public for the noble stand he has taken in favor of temperance, in banishing all kind of intoxicating drinks from his house. Voted to adjourn sine die. Attest James B. Abbott Secretary. 330 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Concord June 5th 1843 The Council of the New-Hampshire Medical Society assembled at the Phoenix Hotel agreeably to previous notice & proceeded to business. Present — Drs. Batcheller, Walker, Flanders, W. Brown, J. C, Eastman, & the Secretary The President being absent, the Vice Prest. Dr. Batchel- ler took the chair. The following gentlemen were proposed as suitable candidates to be recommended for membership in the Society, viz. Charles Wells M.D. Manchester, Aaron B. Smith M.D. Amoskeag, Thomas H. Cochran M.D. New Ipswich, John H[e]ard M.D. Milford. Voted — To recommend that the Society obtain such information from its members as shall be practicable respecting the disease called erysipelas which has so extensively prevailed in Vermont & the wester- ly part of this State. Voted to recommend that Dr. Peter P. Woodbury of Bed- ford, who withdrew from the Society some years since, & wishes now to return, be admitted by his paying the com- mon initiatory fee. Voted — To adjourn to half past 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. June 6th. Met according to adjournment and proceeded to business. Chose Dr. Silas Walker President Pro Tem. Voted that Drs Clark & Freeman be invited to sit with us & partake of the hospitalities of the occasion. Voted — To propose the following gentlemen as suitable candidates for admission into the Society, viz. Oliver Scripture M.D. HoUis, Charles T. Berry M.D. Pittsfield, and Otis French M.D. Gilmanton. Dr. Hoyt of Northfield appeared and proposed the following question, to wit, Is it proper for the profession to consult with Dr. Ladd of Sanbornton Bridge: or are they Censurable for so doing. Voted — To refer the subject to the action of the Society. Recoeds New Hampshire Medical Society 331 Dr. J. C. Eastman presented the following complaint against Dr. Isaac Tewksbury of Hampstead, viz. To the Council of the N. H. Med. Society. Whereas Isaac Tewksbury of Hampstead in the County of Rockingham, a Fellow of the N. H. Med. Society, has not only given countenance to quackery by condemning several medicines made use of by the Society & practice of members of the same in violation of the requisitions of the laws of the State Society; but has evinced a meanness of disposition towards fellows unbecoming the character of a practitioner or a gentleman. We therefore pray your Hon. body to take in considera- tion the above named accusations. Josiah C. Eastman WiUiam Brown. Voted — That the Sec'y notify Dr. Tewksbury & serve him with a copy of the above, and to direct him to appear before the Council at their next annual meeting. Adjourned to meet at the call of the President. Met according to adjournment and Voted That Professor Willard Parker of New York City be proposed as a candidate for honorary membership in the Society Adjourned Charles P. Gage Sec'y The Annual Meeting of the New-Hampshire Medical Society was held at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord at 10 o'clock A. M. June 6th, 1843. James Batcheller, Vice President in the Chair. Members present. — James Batcheller, M. Hill, J. C. Eastman, Burnham, C. P. Gage, W. Brown, T. Brown, Fitch, H. Dickey, Chadbourn, Tenney, Abbott, Graves, Cummings, Webster, Walker, Willard, Buck, Merrill, Flanders, Tilton, Hoit, J. Eastman, Haynes, J. Bartlett, Proctor, Straw, Morse, Sargent, Carter, Gregg, A. O. 332 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Dickey, H. Eaton, Wight, Crombie, A. F. Carr, J. Carr, Sanborn, & T. R. Crosby. The records of the last meeting of the Society and of the proceedings of the Counsellors, were read. The Chair appointed Drs. Hoyt, Straw, Fitch, T. Brown & Walker, a Committee to examine patients. Voted — That any member of the Society have the privilege to invite any practising Physician to sit with & partake of the hospitahties of the Society. Voted — To suspend the rules of the Society for the purpose of electing members. Dr. Peter P. Woodbury was restored to membership, & Charles Wells M.D. of Manchester, Thomas H. Cochran M.D. of New Ipswich, John Heard M.D. of Milford, Oliver Scripture M.D. of Holhs, Charles T. Berry M.D. of Pittsfield, Z .Colburn of Manchester and Otis French of (!iilmanton were elected members of the Society, & Willard Parker M.D. N. York an Hon. member. Drs. Graves, Morse & W. Brown, were appointed a Com- mittee to wait on the gentlemen & inform them of their election. Chose Drs. Gregg, M. Hill & H. Eaton a Committee to examine the Treasurer's accounts. Agreeably to recommendation of the Council, members were requested to communicate their experience in epidemic erysipelas. Dr. A. 0. Dickey of Lyme observed that in nearly all the cases that came under his notice, the disease was highly inflammatory, connected with much biliary derangement; requiring active antiphlogistic treatment, in most cases. Nit. Silver was found to answer best as an external application. In Lyme the disease was not more mahgnant than ordinary Erysipelas, Dr. Dickey considers it not a new disease, but common Erysipelas in an epi- demic form, & noncontagious. Voted — To adjourn one hour. Met according to adjournment. Voted. — That one member from each District be chosen by nomination, to nominate candidates for oflficers of the Society for the ensuing year. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 333 Chose Drs. Wight, H. Eaton, Cummings, A. O. Dickey, Walker & J. Eastman. Dr. Fitch, Delegate to Hanover, made the following report, which was accepted. The undersigned, one of the delegates appointed at the last Annual Meeting of the Society, " To attend the examination of candidates for Medical Degrees at Dart- mouth College," offers the following brief statement: As it is from the N. H. Medical School principally that this State is supplied with physicians the profession here generally, and this Society especially — whose duty it is to watch over & advance the healing art among us — have a deep interest in that Institution. Fully participating in this interest, your delegate, while attending to the objects more immediately committed to his charge, endeavored to make himself acquainted with the present condition of the School, and the advantages it possesses for imparting a thorough medical education to those who may resort to it for instruction. During the last few years the Lecture Halls of the Insti- tution, the Laboratory & the Museum, have been much improved in arrangement & convenience. The Museum is ample, stately & inriched by many elaborate & expensive preparations; it contains abundant materials for illustrating both the healthy & diseased conditions of the human system, besides a great variety of rare & curious specimens pertaining to the different branches of Natural History. The departments of Chemistry & Materia Medica are well supplied with apparatus & means for illustrating the several subjects therewith connected; and the study of Medical Botany particularly, has been made much easier & more attractive by an extensive & complete assortment of specimens and drawings. In a word, so far as judicious arrangements & regulations, and materials for the use of the School are concerned, it is evident that its present managers have been sparing neither in effort nor expendi- ture requisite to elevate it to a standing fully eaqual to kindred Institutions. 334 Records New Hampshire Medical Society With the character and abiUties of the present distin- guished teachers at the Hanover School, this Society is already acquainted. The examination of those who offer themselves for the honors of the Institutions affords an excel- lent opportunity for judging both of the quahty of the in- struction, and the acquirements of the graduates. The mere length of time devoted to Medical Studies, or the number of Lectures attended, can never satisfactorily establish the sufficiency of attainments; and your delegate is of opinion that if this final security, the graduating examination, were rigidly made in all the Schools, the profession would be reheved from much not altogether unmerited obHquy & the people from no small share of imposition and suffering. The class of the last Lecture term at Hanover comprised about the usual number of students, and was highly respected for the talents & the literary & professional acquirements of its members — as well as in their orderly & gentlemanly deportment. At the examination twelve offered themselves as candidates for medical Degrees all of whom passed successfully. Four, it was understood were examined & approbated during the progress of the Lecture term, making the number of Medical Graduates at Dartmouth during the last year, sixteen. The examination, so far as observed, was conducted with perfect fairness, and, with an exception or two, furnished the most gratifying proof of the ample quahfications of those who claimed ' received the honors of the Institution. The graduating Theses of the several candidates, which in themselves afford an admirable test scholarship, your delegate of course had not time to read; but a glance at the subjects selected, the accurate arrangement & correct literary execution, indicate a new era of general as well as medical scholarship at the Hanover School. And here it may not be improper to add, for the information of those whom it may concern, that the Faculty have decided as a standing rule — and very properly — that a slovenly, mis- spelled and ill-constructed Thesis shall hereafter be conclu- Records New- Hampshire Medical Society 335 sive evidence of unfitness in any candidate for the Degree of Medicine. In conclusion your delegate has only to add as the result of his recent observations at Hanover, That the New Hampshire Medical Institution affords ample and desireable opportunities to all students who wish at a moderate expense to acquire a thorough knowledge of the Medical Sciences; for such as sigh after luxurious indolence and desire only, at the end of a pre- scribed period, to obtain the questionable distinction con- ferred by a degree without possessing the knowledge it implies, it is not the place. But to the class first named it is confidently believed that few schools in our country furnish more real advantages for a part or the whole of their course of study — and it needs only the counsel, the encouragement & the influence of this Society & the profession throughout the State, to ensure to our own Medical Institution a wide field for success and usefulness. Which is respectfully submitted Amherst, June 2^ 1843. F. P. Fitch Drs. Z. Colburn, C. T. Berry & E. R. Peaslee were introduced & took their seats with the Society. Dr. Bacheller read a grief memoir of the late Luke Howe, former President of the Society. Resolved. That the memoir of Dr. Howe just read by Dr. Batcheller be preserved in the Archives of the Society & that he be requested to furnish a copy for publication in the Boston Medical & Surgical Journal. Dr. Hoyt's request respecting consulting with Dr. Ladd was called up, & after considerable discussion it was Resolved. That the Society condemn most pointedly the use of secret remedies in the practice of medicine and no Fellow of this Association shall hold consultation with persons who notoriously make use of such remedies. Voted That a letter of acknowledgement of the receipt of ten copies of the revised edition of the United States 336 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Pharmacopoeia, from the Publishers be written to Dr. Wood by the Secretary. Voted That one copy of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia be presented to Each of the District Societies & the remain- ing two copies deposited with the Secretary. The Committee appointed to examine the Treasurer's accounts made the following report which was accepted. The undersigned have examined & audited the accounts of the Treasurer and find them correctly kept and properly vouched for, and find that the Treasurer has received during the past year the sum of one Hundred & Thirteen Dollars six cents, and has paid out Fifty-seven Dollars two cents, leaving a balance in his hands of Fifty six Dollars and four cents. Concord June 6th, 1843 James A. Gregg \ Moses Hill ? Committee. Harrison Eaton ) The Committee of nomination made a report which was accepted and the following gentlemen were elected Officers for the ensuing year, viz. James Batcheller, President. Josiah Bartlett, Vice President. Charles P. Gage, Secretary. R. P. J. Tenney Treasurer. Counsellors. Hanover Dickey ) District Ezra Carter ) Joseph A. Smith James Farrington Silas Cummings ) -nr,- . -n.- i. • x ^ „ i Western District Isaac Colby ] Edmond R. Peaslee ) r^ e^ ta- i. • i. , _ _. , } Grafton District A. 0. Dickey ) Silas Walker } , -■ , , -p.. , „ , ^ -, } Manchester Dist. Zacheus Colburn Records New Hampshire Medical Society 337 J. C. Eastman J W. Brown ) P. P. Woodbury „, „ , Rockingham Dist. W. Brown \ ^,. d • ^ f Southern Dist Oliver Scripture Moses T. Willard ) ^ , , \ Delegates J. C. Eastman ) ^ Committee of Correspondence Josiah Bartlett, Stratham L. M. Knight, Thornton J. H, Morse, Manchester F. P. Fitch, Amherst James Batcheller, Marlborough Stephen Drew, Milton Dixi Crosby, Hanover Orators for 1844 Harrison Eaton, Merrimack D. Flanders, Londonderry Substitutes Edmund R. Peaslee, Hanover Alonzo F. Carr, Goffstown Voted To adjourn to 8 o'clock to-morrow morning. Met according to adjournment. Resolved That the Treasurer be directed to purchase a trunk for the use of the Secretary. Dr. Fitch, after some remarks on the subject of granting Licenses to practice Medicine & Surgery, moved to abolish the office of Censor. Dr Willard then introduc- ed the following preamble & resolution which passed, to wit: Whareas: It is customary for this Society annually to appoint Censors, whose duty it is to examine applicants, and grant licenses to prac- tice Medicine and Surgery, which custom in days gone by was a matter of expediency & necessity, but is now 22 338 Records New Hampshire Medical Society superceeded by the greatly increased facilities offered Medical Students to obtain Diplomas: Therefore Resolved, That the office of Censor is hereby abolished. Dr. Fitch then intriduced the following resolution which passed, to wit: Resolved, that the President, Vice President & Secre- tary of this Society shall be authorized & required to examine candidates for the profession of Medicine & Surgery, requiring in all cases qualifications equal to those of graduates at the New Hampshire Medical Institution. Voted to adjourn Charles P. Gage, Sec'y. June 3^^ 1844. Council met at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord. There were present Drs. Batcheller, Woodbury, Carter, Eastman & Gage. Dr. Eastman proposed Moses Clark M.D. of Derry for membership. Dr. Batcheller proposed for membership Fred Boyden M.D. of Hinsdale. Dr. Gage proposed Geo. Chandler of Concord for membership. Voted. — To adjourn to 8 o'clock to-morrow morning., June 4th. Met according to adjournment. Members present, Batcheller, Woodbury, Cummings, Eastman & Gage. Voted. That The article published in the Congregational Journal of June last, Headed " The N. H. Medical Society " containing false charges against the Society & untrue statements with regard to the Fellows & the proceedings of the meetings, is calculated to injure the reputation of members & the Society in public esti- mation & that the subject be brought before the Society for investigation. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 339 Dr. Buck appeared and stated that W™ Tripure of Loudon had obtained a License to practice Medicine without possessing the requisite quahfications. Voted That the Society appoint a committee to investigate the case of W. Tripure. Dr. Gage proposed for membership L. D. Lyman M.D. of Concord. Dr. Willard proposed B. H. Tripp of Concord for membership. Dr. Batcheller proposed Geo. B. Twitchel M.D. of Keene for membership. Dr. Woodbury proposed E. Colburn M.D. of Nashua & Little of Goffstown for membership. Dr. Cowan proposed for membership Dr. Stackpole of Dover. Adjourned to 8 o'clock P. M. Met according to adjournment. Present. Smith, Carter, Peaslee, Dickey, Woodbury, Cummings, Bach- eller, Eastman & Gage. After a long and careful hearing of Dr. Tewksbury, it was voted to make the following Report. The Council having had under con- sideration the charges brot against Dr. I. Tewksbury by Drs. Eastman & Brown report That in their unani- mous opinion the charge of dishonorable conduct toward Fellows & neighboring Physicians unbecoming a practitioner or a gentleman is fully sustained by the evidence Dr. Smith proposed Chas. F. Elliott of Somers- worth for membership. Dr. L. M. Knight presented the following petition to wit. To the Council of the N. H. Medical Society. We the undersigned being located at a great distance from the places of meeting of any District Society & thereby deprived of the advantages of such meetings, Would respectfully request you to incorporate us into 340 Records New Hampshire Medical Society District Society to be known as the Pemigewasset N. H. District Society. Respectfully L. M. Knight June 4th, 1844 J. A. Dana Voted To grant the prayer of the petitioners. June 5th. Appointed Drs. Peaslee & A. F. Carr orators for 1845 For substitutes, Albert Smith & J. G. Graves. Adjourned Sine die C. P. Gage, Sec'y June 4th, 1844. The Fellows of the New Hampshire Medical Society held their Annual Meeting at the Pheniz Hotel in Concord on the Fourth day of June A. D. 1844 at 10 Oclock A. M. There were present, D'■^ J Batchelder, Bartlett, Twitchel, Gregg, Cummings, A. F, Carr, Sanborn, Straw, Abbott, Woodbury, Tilton, Savory, Sargent, A. Smith, Proctor, P. Hill, Chase, Tewksbury of Hampstead, Hoit, Dickey, Graves, Willard, H. Eaton, T. Brown, Buck, J. Crosby, Carter, Burnham, Colburn, J. Carr, Wallace, Haj^nes, Crombie, French, J, S. Smith, James W. Cowen, Knight, Jesse Merrill, Chadbourn, Flanders, Webster, Morrison, Tenney, Peaslee and C. P. Page. The President after having declaired the meeting open for the transaction of business, called for the reading of the proceedings of the last meeting, which were read by the Secretary. The Chair appointed D". Twitchel, Woodbury, Gregg, Chadbourn and Straw a committee to examine and prescribe for patients. Also D". Sargent, Cummings and Webster a committee to audit the Treasurer's accounts. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 341 On motion the rules of the Society were suspended for the purpose of electing members. Proceeded to ballot, and the following Gentlemen were elected fellows of the Society: viz. George Chandler, Fred Boyden, George B. Twitchell, Moses Clark, L. D. Lyman, E. Colburn, P. A. Stack- pole, Charles F. Elliott and Daniel P. Batcheler. On motion the Fellows of the several Districts reported the following members from their number to act as committee of nomination, viz. T. Brown, J. Bartlett, J. Tilton, S. Cummings, A. F. Carr, J. H. Smith, L. M. Knight. Adjourned for one hour. Met according to adjournment. The President read an address of the State of the Med- ical Profession and the deplorable prevalence of Quackery and nostrum vending. Dr. Flanders next read a paper on the comparative State of the Science of Medicine in the dark ages and in the nineteenth century. Dr. H. Eaton followed with an interesting Thesis on Neuralgia. Drs. Savory, H. Dickey, and J. B. Abbott were appointed a committee to express the thanks of the Society to the President for his able and interesting address, and to request a copy for publication. Moved That the subject of an article published in the Congregational Journal of June 1843 entitled " The N. H. Medical Society " be taken up and considered, and it was Resolved. That a committee of five be appointed to wait on the editor of the Congregational Journal, and to demand the real name of the writer of an article published in the aforesaid paper in June last, entitle " The New Hamp. Medical Society " and in case the name be withheld by the editor, that they be directed 342 Records New Hampshire Medical Society to commence forthwith an action for libel in the name of the Society. Drs. H. Dickey, M. T. Willard, J. G. Graves, J. S. Smith and Sanborn were appointed that committee. The complaint of J. C. Eastman and Wilham Brown against Dr. Isaac Tewksbury was called up, and on motion it was Voted — to recomit the subject to the council and that they proceed forthwith to investigate the charges against him. The committee appointed to wait on the editor of the Congregational Journal reported Dr. Wm. D. Buck of Concord as the author of the article in question. Voted That Dr. J. A. Gregg, J. Sargent and J. S. Smith wait on Dr. Buck and request him to appear before the Society and answer to the charge of writing said article And to disclose the names of his accomplices, if any he had in writing said article. The committee appointed to wait on Dr. Buck reported that Dr. Buck acknowledged himself the author of said article, but denied having had an accomphce. Which report was accepted and ordered to lie upon the table. The committee of nomination made a report which was excepted. Voted to proceed to the choice of officers Chose J. Batchelder, President J. Bartlett, Vice President C. P. Gage Secretary R. P. J. Tenney, Treasurer J. B. Abbott W. E. Chase J. W. Cowen J. H. Smith Counsellors Cent. Dist. Strafford Dist. A. Twitchel I tTTT , T-v- J. ^ ^ . > Western Dist. b. Cummmgs ) E. R. Peaslee ' ^''^^^'''' ^''^- Records New Hampshire Medical Society 343 D. Crosby E. R. Peas T. Brown J. Crosb}^ W. Brown J. C. East A. Smith J. Burnhs P. P. Woodbury / ^ , ' , „ ,' Delegates to Hanover E. K. Webster \ T ^ 1 ( Manchester Dist. J. Crosb}^ T r^ -r^ , i Rockingham Dist. J. C Eastman ^ T T, 1 I Southern Dist. J. Burnham Censors T. Haynes , „ ^ t^- ^ T -r. o J. f Cent. Dist. J. F. Sargent J. S. Fernald } ^ j -rv ^ T -r, . ^ ( Strafford Dist. J. i^anngton ) F. P. Fitch I ^ ,. J.. , T r-i r^ 1 Southern Dist. J. C Craves ) G. B. Twitchell Silas Cummings T. R. Crosby A. 0. Dickey Daniel Flanders Z. Colburn West. Dist. Grafton Dist. ■ Manchester Dist. E. B. Gale } ^ ,• . ^. , T T-. i. ( Rockingham Dist. J. Eastman ) Corresponding Secretaries. Josiah Bartlett, Stratham. L. M. Knight, Thornton. Thomas Wallace, Derry. Harrison Eaton, Merrimac. James Batchelder, Marlborough. Stephen Drew, Milton. Dixi Crosby, Hanover. Resolved That the office of censors be restored in the Society as heretofore with the addition that the 344 Records New Hampshire Medical Society candidate for examination by them for licence shall possess the qualifications necessary to admit them to examination for a degree M. D. at our Medical Insti- tution. Resolved, That every person hereafter proposed for membership shall present a certificate of fellowship with some one of the District Medical Societies, signed by its Secretary before the Society shall proceed to his election. The Council having had under consideration the char- ges brought against Dr. Tewksbury by Drs. Eastman and Brown beg leave to report. That in the unanimous opinion the charge of dishonerable conduct towards Fellows and neighboring physicians unbecoming a practitioner or a gentleman, is fully sustained by the evidence. Voted unanimously to expell Isaac Tewksbury from the Society. It was moved to take up the subject of the communica- tion in the Congregational Journal. Dr. Sargent wa^ appointed to wait on Dr. Buck and bring him before the Society. Chose J. G. Graves Treas. Pro Tem. Dr. Buck appeared and said he wrote the article in the Congregational Journal, but did not think any statements therein made untrue. Voted to adjourn to 8 o'clock A. M. Tomorrow. June 5th. Met according to adjournment. Voted to grant request of L. M. Knight and J. A. Dana. The Delegates to Hanover made a verbal report. Appointed R. Peaslee & A. F. Carr Orators for 1845 & Albert Smith & J. G. Graves Substitutes. Resolved — That a certain communication written by Dr. Wm. D. Buck headed " The N. H. Medical Society " signed " C" & published in the Congregational Journal of June 23d 1843 is false & libelous. Resolved — That a certain communication written by Records New Hampshire Medical Society 345 William D. Buck of Concord and published in the Congregational Journal of June 23^^ 1843 headed " The New Hampshire Medical Society " and signed " C " contains charges which are false and libelous, and in case the author of said article does not acknowledge the same in as public a manner as the charges were made, the Scretary is hereby directed to publish this Resolution in the above named Congregational Journal. Voted to adjourn to June 12th 1845 at 10 o'clock A. M. C. P. Gage, Secretary. The Council of The N. H. Med. Society met at the Phcenix Hotel in Concord on the 11th of June 1845 at 7 oclock P. M. Present. The President, Silas Cummings, Thos. Brown, A. Smith, Ed. R. Peaslee, J. C. Eastman & Charles P. Gage. The President having declaired the Council open for the transaction of business, The record of the last meeting was read. Silas Cummings proposed for honorary membership the following gentlemen, Viz. Edward E. Phelps, Oliver W. Hubbard & Joseph Roby, Professors in the Medical Department of Dartmouth College. Charles P. Gage proposed for honorary membership Samuel D, Gross Professor in the Louisville Medical Institute. Voted To recommend to the Society as suitable candidates for membership, Willard Adams, M. D. of Swansey, E, B. Hammond, M. D. of Nashua, S. Sargent, M. D. of Pittsfield, Jeremiah Gates, M. D. of Concord, W. J. Campbell, M.D. of Francestown, Daniel J. Hoit, M.D. of Manchester, & H. E. Weymouth M. D. of Andover. Voted To leave the application of B. H. Tripp for the consideration of the Society. Elected J. G. Graves & Albert Smith Orators for 1846 P. P. Woodbury & Silas Cummings Substitutes. Voted to adjourn to 8 o'clock to-morrow morning. 346 Records New Hampshire Medical Society June 12th 1845. Met according to adjournment Members present, Batcheller, Cummings, A. Smith, Peas- lee, J. C. Eastman, J. B. Abbott, T. Brown & Gage. Voted To recommend Tho^ H. Currier M. D. of Boscawen as a suitable candidate for membership in the Society. The following communication was received & read, viz. To the Council of the New Hampshire Medical Society. As I have it in contemplation to leave the State in a few months, I Avish to withdraw my name from the N. H. M. Society. Yours respectfully June 12th, 1845. J. H. Morse. Voted To report to the Society the following resolution, viz. Resolved, That J. H. Morse have leave to withdraw from the Society. Adjourned Sine Die. C. P. Gage, Secretary. At the Mfty-fifth Annual meeting of the New-Hamp- shire Medical Society held at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord on the twelfth day of June 1845 there were present the followdng named Fellow^s, viz. — Batchellor, Abbot, Willard, Carter, Dickey, Gregg, Sargent, Savory, Geo. B. Twitchell, Chad- bourn, J. Crosby, Morse, J. C. Eastman, Joseph Eastman, Bassett, Haynes, J. Carr, French, Wallace, Flanders, A. F. Carr, Graves, Smith, Cummings, T. Brown, Bartlett, Peas- lee, A. Smith, Colburn, Woodbury, Tilton, Wight, Proctor, Danforth, Berry & C. P. Gage, Fitch. The President having taken the Chair, declared the meeting open for the transac- tion of business. The journal of the last meeting was read and approved. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 347 The chair appointed James B. Abbott, J. Carr, H. Dickey, C. A. Savory & J. G. Graves a Committee to examine patients & A. Smith, S. Cummings & J. F. Sar- gent Auditors. Voted, That medical Strangers be invited to sit in the meeting. ■ Voted To adopt the following preamble & resolution, to wit: The Rev. Dr. Cogswell of Gilmanton having represented to this body that it is proposed to publish in the N. Hamp. Repository a work about to be issued, Statistics & brief biographical notices respecting all the Physi- cians who have ever lived in the State & as the object, in our view, is very important, therefore Resolved. That we highly approve of it, & will endeavor to afford Dr. Cogswell all the assistance we find it convenient to render him in the arduous undertaking. Voted To suspend the rules for the purpose of electing members. The following named gentlemen were recommended by the Council & unanimously elected Fellows of this Society, viz. — Edward E. Phelps M.D., Oliver P. Hubbard M.D., Joseph Roby, M.D., Samuel D. Gross, M.D. (Honorary) & WilHams Adams M.D. E. B. Hammond, M. D. S. Sargent, M.D. Jeremiah Gates, M.D. W. J. Campbell, M.D. Daniel J. Hoit, M.D. H. E. Weymouth, M.D. & Thomas H. Currie M.D. Fellows. Dr. Savory offered the following Resolution which was adopted, viz. Resolved, That that part of the vote of last year in relation to the qualifications of candidates for membership, which requires the exhibition of a certificate of mem- bership be suspended provided the candidate can furnish other equivolent testimony of membership with some district Society. On motion Drs. James A. Gregg, J. G. Graves & Thomas Brown were appointed a Committee to con- 348 Records New Hampshire Medical Society sider the vote of the South. D. N. H. Med. Society with regard to dehnquent members. Voted, That the Society now attend to the reading of Dessertations. Dr. Peaslee read an Essay on Inflammation — its nature & its characteristics as a process distinct from the Reparative process. Dr. A. F. Carr read an " Account of & observations upon Scarlatina which appeared as an Epidemic in the Western part of Bedford & Goffstown in the winter of 1844 & '45. The Delegates to Hanover made a report which was accepted & ordered to be put on file. Adjourned for one hour. Met according to adjournment. Voted That the members from each Dist. appoint one of their number to act as a nominating Committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year. Drs. Chadbourn, J. H. Smith, Morse, Hammond, Geo. B. Twitchell & Peaslee were reported as members of that Committee. Voted That the application of B. H. Tripp be now taken up & disposed of. After some Discussion, proceeded to ballot & he was elected. Dr. Bassett presented the memorial of Dr. Tewks- bury of Hampstead, requesting a reconsideration of the vote by which he was expelled from the Society. Voted That the memorial be indefinitely postponed. Dr. Gregg of the Committee to consider the vote of the South. Dist. Med. Society made the following re- port, which was accepted, viz. Your Committee to take into consideration the Circular of the Southern Dist. Society have had the same under consideration & report " That the vote of said Southern Dist. Med. Society is arbitrary against the true spirit Records New Hampshire Medical Society 349 & intent of the laws of the State Society, & not con- genial with the best interests of the Dist. Societies Respectfully James A. Gregg J. G. Graves. Voted That the whole subject be indefinitely postponed. Voted That when any member of this Society ceases to be a member of a Dist. Society his fellowship shall cease in this Society. The Committee of nominations made a report which was accepted. Proceeded to ballot & the following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year, viz. Dixi Crosby, President. Peter P. Woodbury, Vice President. Charles P. Gage, Secretary. R. P. J. Tenney, Treasurer. Counsellors. N. Wight, E. K. Webster, J. W. Cowan, J. H. Smith, Geo. B. Twichell, S. Cummings, A. O. Dickey, E. R. Peaslee, J. Crosby, Thos. Brown, J. Bartlett, E. B. Gale, F. P. Fitch, H. Eaton. Censors. H. Dickey, C. T. Berry, C. F. ElHott, P. A. Stackpole, E. B. Hammond, A. Smith, A. Twichell, J. Batcheller, D. Crosby, M. C. Sawyer, D. Flanders, Z. Colburn, T. Bassett, T. Brown. Corresponding Secretaries. J. C. Eastman, T. Wallace, J. Batchelder, E. R. Peaslee, J. Crosby J. B. Abbott, E. Spaulding. Delegates to Hanover. J. G. Graves of Nashua, Thomas Chadbourn of Concord. Orators for 1846. J. C. Graves, A. Smith. Substitutes. P. P. Woodbury, S. Cummings. It was Resolved. That the Bartlett Donation remain in the hands of Josiah Bartlett of Stratham at six per cent, per annum. 350 Eecords New Hampshire Medical Society The President read his Annual Address on [blank] Voted That Dr. W. D. Buck's membership -^ath this Society shall cease until he makes satisfactory ex- planations for his conduct. Adjourned until to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock A. M. June 13th. 8 o'clock A. M. Met according to adjournment. Present. Proctor, Bassett, Abbott, Savory, J. H. Smith, Gates, Carr, Dickey, Batcheller, Tripp, Stackpole, Willard, J. C. Eastman, Campbell, Chadbourn, Fitch, Wood, Peaslee, J. Eastman, A. Smith, Webster & Gage. Voted That the petition of Dr. Morse for leave to with- draw from the Society, be granted. The Committee to audit the Treasurer's accounts made a report which was read & accepted. Report of the Delegates to Dartmouth Medical Institution. The undersigned, delegates ap- pointed by the New Hampshire Medical Society at their last annual meeting to attend the examination of the candidates for the degree of M.D. at the Medi- cal Institution of Dartmouth College, beg leave respectfully to report. That having been notified by the Dean of the Medical Facultj^ of the time and place of the examination, they repaired to Hanover on the twenty first of October last, and attended said examination. Your delegates deem it proper to state in this stage of their report, that at the time of their appointment they were almost entirely unacquainted with the Faculty and existing conditions of the Institution they were called to visit; and that this was their first visit to the Institution in the character of delegates, and for more than twenty years in any capacity. For these and other reasons they felt desirous of dis- charging the delicate and important duties of their trust which had been confided to them with thoroughness and impartiality. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 351 The examination commenced on the twenty second day of October last in the Medical Building attached to Dart- mouth College, and was conducted by the Medical Faculty of the Institution, all of whom were present except Professor Roby, and by the undersigned, occupying the greater part of two days. Thirteen young gentlemen presented them- selves as candidates for the honours of the Institution. The whole number of examiners including Faculty and Delegates was six. It was arranged that each examiner should have ten minutes for the examination of each candi- date, and should take up each a distinct branch of Medical Science. The delegates took the liberty of examining in any department of Medicial Science they saw j&t. The arrange- ment, it will be observed gave one hour for the examination of each candidate. Each candidate was also examined separately from each other. In this way your delegates believe the examination might claim the merit of being both thorough and impartial. The examination was satisfactory to your delegates. The candidates having generally sustained themselves well. It is not too much to say that the examination gave evidence that they were qualified to commence the arduous duties of the profession. After the examination your delegates inspected the various departments of the Medical Professors. In the Anatomical Museum were found many fine speci- mens of the human subject with injected veins and arteries, with demonstration of nerves and muscles in a high state of preservation; rare specimens of distorted and diseased bones, and of Morbid Anatomy in a great variety, and something of a collection of Comparative Anatomy. The Professors are to be commended for their great and successful exertion in their department. A department which lies at the foundation of the Medical Profession; and an accurate knowledge of which is absolutely indispensable to high professional success. The Cabinet of Materia Medica and Medical Botany is elegant and well arranged; and is continually increasing in number and variety. The specimens are in a good state of 352 Records New Hampshire Medical Society preservation, and connected with it are many valuable paintings, and drawings illustrating this branch of the profession, which in our opinion are well and beautifully represented. This is a branch of the Medical Science which has been much neglected, but is now rapidly taking its place with the other departments of the profession. The department of Chemistry and Pharmacy appeared to be demonstrated with science and skill; the Laboratory to be well supplied with all that is necessary to a thorough prosecution of this delightful branch of the medical depart- ment. The Professors are all in the prime of life, and to all appearances are zealously exerting themselves to elevate the standard of Medical Science, and to put the Institution on a firm and elevated basis. It is understood that, should any of the professors retire from the Institution, he would not be at liberty to remove any of the preparations which may have been deposited in the several Museums, a regula- tion well calculated to give permanency to them, the Insti- tution having recently felt the effect of a contrary policy. A few years ago on the removal of one of the Professors a large number of the specimens in the Museum were removed with him. The Professor of Surgery has filled the chair for the last five years, and we have the pleasure to be able to state, that he has not during that time lost a single patient in consequence of an operation. During the last lecture term the Professor performed thirty seven operations, many of great magnitude. This we learn is about the average number performed in a term. It is our opinion that the students in this Institution witness as much medical practice as any other in New England. Your delegates need not express to an association like our own the necessity of an elevated standard of Medical Science. We all know the character of our profession, its value to the human family, and its comparative rank with the other learned professions. It is in this view that our Medical Institutions become of great importance. They Re^cords New Hampshire Medical Society 353 are the great foundation of Medical knowledge and improve- ment. They give tone and character to the Medical Pro- fession. The Dartmouth Medical Institution has high claim upon our patronage. It is to many of us our Alma Mater. It is an institution of our own state. It is one of the oldest in the Union. It has grown up with the state, and is identijSed with all our feelings of State pride. It has been the starting point of many of our youth, whose subsequent career has shed honour upon our State, and our profession. It is well officered, well located, and we believe affords all necessary facilities for the attainment of a thorough Medical education Peter P. Woodbury Bedford Jan. 22, 1845. E. K. Webster The following Preamble and Resolution submitted by J. G. Graves were read and adopted. Whereas the fellows of the New Hampshire Medical Society convene annually at Concord for the purpose of mutual improvement in the healing art, and establishing a friendly intercourse and acquaintance among Medical Men; And whereas it would be highly condusive to the interest of Medical Science, and all connected with this Society to have each member contribute a little medical experience by a brief report of Medical and Surgical cases that have occurred or may occur in their practice, There- fore Resolved, that each member be requested to come prepared at our next meeting with a brief report of the his- tory and treatment &c of interesting cases in Medicine and Surgery that has or may occur in their practice and that such cases shall be open for mutual discussion. The Committee to examine patients made a report, which was accepted. Voted to adjourn Sine die. C. P. Gage, Secretary. At the Annual Meeting of the Council of the New Hampshire Medical Society holden at Concord on the 23 354 Records New Hampshire Medical Society First of June 1846, there were present, Dixi Crosby, E. R. Peaslee, J. Bartlett, E. K. Webster & C. P. Gage. The President having declared the meeting open for the transaction of business, the Secretary read the record of the previous meeting. It was Voted to report to the Society the following resolutions, to wit: Resolved, That the Treasurer be authorized to receive into the Treasury the ''Bartlett Donation" on the condi- tions specified in the will of the Donor. Resolved That a Committee of three, of which the Treasurer shall constitute one, be appointed by the Society to invest said donation in such manner as they shall think proper. Adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. to-morrow. June 2'^ 1846. Met according to adjournment. • Present Drs. Woodbury, Peaslee, Bartlett, Webster, Geo. B. Twitchell, Fitch, Cummings & Gage. Resolved, To recommend the appointment of a Com- mittee to revise the Bye-Laws & Police Regulations of the Society, & that they be directed to report at the next annual meeting such alterations and amendments as in their opinion have become necessary. Voted to proceed to elect Orators for the year 1847 & the following gentlemen were declared elected Peter P. Woodbury 1 /-w + ~,., ^~u . f vJrators Silas Cummings J And Charles F. EHiott ) o v. ^-^ x „, „ , ,. f feubstitutes Ed. Spauldmg ) Dr. Peaslee proposed for Hon. Membership John Hub- bard, M. D. of Hollowell Maine Dr. Abbott proposed for membership Charles C. Thib- betts of Sanbornton, Dr. F. P. Fitch proposed for membership Thomas H. Marshall, M. D. of Mason Records New Hampshire Medical Society 355 Voted, To recommend for membership John Hubbard, Charles C. Thibbetts, & Thomas Marshall Adjourned Sine die C. P. Gage, Sec'y June 2*^ 1846. At the Fifty-sixth Anniversary Meeting of the New-Hampshire Medical Society, the following named Fellows were present, to wit: — Ezra Carter, Moses T. Willard, Charles P. Gage, Richard P. J. Tenney, E. K. Webster, J. B. Abbott, Enos Hoit, N. Wight, C. French, B. H. Tripp, John Carr, A. F. Carr, Josiah Bartlett, Peter P. Woodbury, Charles A. Savory, Harrison Eaton, Silas Cummings, E. B. Hammond, C. F. Elliott, J. Stackpole, D. Flanders, J. G. Graves, Joseph Eastman, J. C. Eastman, B. Gale, Thos. Chadbourn, Geo. B. Twitchell A. Smith, A. H. Smith, J. W. Cowan, James Batchelder, Edmund R. Peaslee, Dixi Crosby, Josiah Crosby, Thomas R. Crosby, C. B. Hamilton, J. A. Wood, Thomas Brown, Moor Thomas Bassett, James A. Gregg, W. J. Campbell, F. P. Fitch, James A. Tilton, James F. Sargent, Seneca Sargent, — Elkins, L. M. Knight, H. E. Weymouth, Jacob Straw, Nathan Sanborn, W. W. Proctor, F. H. Currie, James Babb, & T. Haynes. The President having taken the Chair & delcared the meeting open for the transaction of business, the Secretary read the reccord of the previous meeting, which was ap- proved. The President appointed Peter P. Woodbury, Josiah Bartlett, J. B. Abbott, Edmond R. Peaslee & A. Smith a Committee to examine patients & for Auditors, James F. Sargent Joseph Eastman & Moses T. Willard The Report of the Delegates to attend the examination of Candidates for the degrees at Dartmouth Medical Insti- tution was read by Dr. Chadbourn. Communications from District Societies were then read. Voted. To appoint a Committee of two to act with the 356 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Treasurer on the Bartlett Fund. Josiah Bartlett & James A. Gregg were appointed said Committee. Voted. To raise a Committee of three to revise the Bye Laws of the Society & report at the next Annual Meeting. Chose Thomas Chadbourn, James A. Gregg & J. G. Graves said Committee. Voted To suspend the rules of the Society for the purpose of electing members. John Hubbard, M. D. of Hallo well Maine was elected an Hon. member, & Charles C. Thibbatts M. D. a Fellow of this Society. J. G. Graves read a Dessertation on " The Factory System & its influence on the health of Operatives." Dr. A. Smith read "An Account of the Physicians of Peterborough." On motion of Dr. Chadbourn it was Resolved, That the subject of Factory Labor in connection with Dr. Graves address be referred to a Committee. Drs. Chadbourn, Flanders & J. C. Eastman were appointed said Committee. Voted To adjourn one hour. Met according to adjournment. The Committee to audit the Treasurer's account made a report, which was accepted. The Committee to examine Patients made a report, which was accepted. Drs. Woodbury, J. Carr, Peaslee, Bartlett, Graves & others made some remarks on the propriety of exacting a fee of patients, not in indigent circumstances, & it was Voted, That each patient examined by the Society be charged not less than one nor more than two dollars, according to the discretion of the attending Physician. The President then read an Address on " Tumors in and about the Pelvis." The Committee chosen to nominate candidates to fill the offices for the ensuing year made a report which was accepted. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 357 Voted, To proceed to the choice of officers. Chose Josiah Bartlett, President Peter P. Woodbury, Vice President Charles P. Gage, Secretary. Silas Cummings, Treasurer. Counsellors. R. P. J. Tenney } ^ ^ t^- . ■ , „ -^ ^ (- Centre District C. P. Gage > E. B. Hammond } a ^-u t^.l . -_ ^ y Southern JUist. A. F. Carr ) E. F. Elliott ) ^., ^ . -n- + -n, . n. 1 1 h btranord Dist. P. A. Stackpole ) T r^ r^ f Manchester Dist. J. G. Graves ) Joseph Eastman ) t^ , . , -r^. ^ p, -pT p , r Rockingham Dist. Geo. B. Twitchell ) „, ^ -r^. ^ T -r. X 1 11 ( Western Dist. James Batcheller > E. R. Peaslee ) r^ n^ ts- ^ ^ Ti TT -ix r Graiton Dist. C. B. Hamilton ) Censors Naham Wight ) Utis i^ rench ) J. A. Wood U , 1 ^. . \ iu i o -J.!, I Southern Dist. Albert Smith ) Thos.Bassett [ Rockingham Dist. E. B. Moore Thos. Basset A. 0. Dickey J. Hosford Thomas Brown W. I. Campbell Amos Twitchell James Batch Levi G. Hill ) ^^ £c j T „r ^ r Stranord J. W. Cowan ) J TT f ^ ( Grafton Dist. „^ T- ^ 1 ,, f Manchester Dist. W. I. Campbell ) T -n X 1 11 1 Western Dist. James Batcheller 358 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Corrisponding Secretaries. Silas Cummings, J. C. Eastman, E. R. Peaslee, J. Crosby, J. B. Abbott, F. P. Fitch, J. H. Smith. Delegates to attend Medical Examinations at Dartmouth College. Albert Smith David Flanders. Orators for 1847. P. P. Woodbury S. Cummings Substitutes. C. F. Elhott E. Spaulding. Elected Thos. H. Marshall of Mason a Fellow of this Society. Voted to adjourn to meet again to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock. June 3"^. Met according to adjournment. Voted. That the Chairman of the Delegates to attend the medical examination of Candidates for the degree of M.D. at Dartmouth College, shall dehver a public Address at the Medical Commencement, & that his colleague shall act as his substitute. Voted. That the Council appoint Delegates to attend the National Medical Convention to meet on the first Wednesday in May next at the City of Phil'a Pa. Voted. That the Committee on the "Bartlett Fund" be advised to deposit it in some Savings Bank. Voted to adjourn Sine die C. P. Gage, Secretary. At a special meeting of the Council by order of the President, held at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord on the 8th day of April A. D. 1847 the following Counsellors were present, to Mat. Josiah Bartlett, President, E. B. Hammond, Jos. Eastman, R. P. J. Tenney, David Flanders, & Charles Pinckney Gage. The President declaired the meeting open for the transaction of business. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 359 The records of the preceeding meeting were read & accepted. On motion it was voted to proceed to the Election of Delegates to the National Medical Convention to be held at Phil"" Pa. on the First Wednesday in May next. The Council then proceeded to balot & the following gentlemen were declaired by the Chair duly elected Delegates to said Convention, to wit: Amos Twitchel, of Keene. Josiah Bartlett, of Stratham. Charles P. Gage " Concord. Richard P. J. Tenney " Loudon. F. P. Fitch " Amherst. E. B. Hammond " Nashua. Josiah Crosby " Manchester. Amos G. Gale " Manchester. James Batcheller " Marlborough. Joseph Eastman " Hampstead. C. F. Elliott '' Great Falls. Jos. H. Smith " Dover. Chas. A. Savory " Warner. A. 0. Dickey " Lyme. M. T. Willard '' Concord. James A. Tilton " Pembroke. Adjourned C. P. Gage, Sec'y. At the annual meeting of the Council of the New Hampshire Medical Society held at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord on the 31st of May A. D. 1847, the following named members were present, to wit : — Josiah Bartlett Edmond R. Peaslee. David Flanders. Charles F. Elhott. Geo. B. Twitchell. Albert Smith Charles P. Gage 360 Records New Hampshire Medical Society The President having announced the meeting open for the transaction of business, the proceedings of the previous session was called for, read & approved. On motion it was voted to propose to the Society for membership Darius A. Dow, M. D., of Chester & Ezra Bartlett, M. D. of South Berwick Maine. Voted — To recommend that William Prescott, M. D. of Concord be re-admitted to Fellowship. Voted — To recommend that a Committee of three be appointed to inquire into the state of the Treasury, the cause of its indebtedness, the best means to prevent its future increase & that the said Committee be di- rected to report at this session. Adjourned to meet June 1, at 93^ o'clock. Met according to adjournment. Present : J. Bartlett. R. P. J. Tenney Ed. R. Peaslee Geo. B. Twitchell. D. Flanders. C. P. Gage. Voted To propose W. H. H. Mason for membership. Appointed Charles F. Elliott ^ Edward Spaulding for 1848 & Ezra Carter o i x-j^ ^ n -D T^ •+ u 11 Substitutes. Geo. B. Twitchell Adjourned Sine die C. P. Gage, Sec'y. The Fellows of the New Hampshire Medical Society held their Fifty-seventh Anniversary meeting, at the Phenix Hotel, in Concord, on the First day of June, A. D. 1847. Members present — Josiah Bartlett, J. B. Abbott, F. Boyden, Thos. Bassett, James Batcheller, J. G. Batchel- ler, James Babb, T. Brown, T. Chadbourn, E. Carter, Records New Hampshire Medical Society 361 S. Cummings, W. J. Campbell, J. Carr, A. F. Carr, J. Crosby, Thos. R. Crosby, T. Currie, J. Danforth, E. Hoit, C. F. Elliott, H. Eaton, J. C. Eastman, J. P. Elkins, F. P. Fitch. 0. French, D. Flanders, H. Gage, J. G. Graves, J. A. Gregg, J. Gould, E. B. Hammond, C. B. Hamilton, T. Haynes, L. G. Hill, L. M. Knight, E. G. Moore, J. Fellows, E. W. Moore, Thos. H. Marsh- all, E. R. Peaslee, W. Prescott, C. A. Savory, J. F. Sargent, S. Sargent, A. Smith, J. H. Smith, J. P. Stack- pole, Geo. B. Twitchell, R. P. J. Tenney, J. A. Tilton, B. H. Tripp, E. K. Webster, P. P. Woodbury, M. T. Willard, E. H. Weymouth. The President took the Chair & announced the meet- ing open for the transaction of business. On motion of Dr. Willard, the records of the last meeting were read & approved. The President appointed J. B. Abbott, J. Crosby, R. P. J. Tenney, C. F. ElHott, J. C. Eastman & Geo. B. Twitchell a Committee to examine patients. The chair appointed A. Smith, F. Boyden & Charles A. Savory, Auditors. A report from the Council, recommending Candidates for membership, was read and accepted. On motion of Dr. Eaton, it was voted to suspend the order of business, for the purpose of electing members. The following named candidates were then balloted for & declaired duly elected, to wit: — Darius A. Dow, M. D. of Chester Ezra Bartlett, M. D. South Berwick, Me. Wm. Prescott, M. D. Concord (readmitted) Wm. H. H. Mason, M. D. Moultonboro' John 0. French M. D. Chesterfield John Fellows M. D. Loudon Jacob P. Whitemore M. D. Gilmanton. Levi G. Hill, M. D. Somersworth Mark R. Woodbury, M. D. Northfield. The Chair reported that he had, on the 10th of July 1846, deposited in the Savings Bank in Portsmouth, the 362 Records New Hampshire Medical Society sum of Two Hundred one Dollars & 50/00, that being the amount of the Bartlett Donation. On motion of Dr. Gregg, it was voted that the com- munication of Job Wilson be returned to the Cent. Dist. N. H. Medical Society for reconsideration. The Secretary then read reports of the meetings of the Southern, Western & Centre District N.H. Med. Societies. On motion of Dr. Peaslee, it was voted that a Commit- tee of five be appointed by the Chair, to nominate officers for the Society for the ensuing year. The Chair appointed for said Committee, A. Smith, N. Mason, J. C. Eastman, E. K. Webster, & M. T. Willard. Adjourned one hour. Met according to adjournment. President in the Chair. The Committee appointed to report oflficers for the Society, announced their readiness to report. The report was read & accepted. On motion of Dr. Savory, it was voted to proceed to the choice of officers. Proceeded to ballot for offi- cers & the follo\\dng named were declaired duly elected, to wit: Josiah Bartlett, President. P. P. Woodbury, Vice President. Charles P. Gage, Secretary. Silas Cummings, Treasurer. Counsellors. — E. K. Webster R. P. J. Tenney E. B. Hammond A. F. Carr E. Bartlett ) L. G. Hill j D. Flanders J. C. Eastman E. B. Gale E. B. Moore Cent. District Southern Dist. Strafford Dist. Manchester Dist. Rockingham Dist. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 363 G. B. Twitchell F. Boyden E. R. Peaslee C. B. Hamilton Censors. — Otis French J. A. Tilton T. H. Marshall J. A. Wood Jos. Eastman) D. A. Dow J A. 0. Dickey J. Hosford T. Wallace | W.J. Campbell] A. Twitchell James Batcheller J. W. Cowan J. H. Smith Western Dist. Grafton Dist. Cent. Dist. Southern Dist. Rockingham Dist. Grafton Dist. Manchester Dist. r Western Dist. Strafford Dist. Corresponding Secretaries S. Cummings, J. C. Eastman, E. R. Peaslee, J. Crosby, J. B. Abbott, F. P. Fitch, J. H. Smith. Delegates to Hanover. — Charles F. ElHott - Charles A. Savor3^ A. Smith, chairman of the Delegates to Dartmouth Medical Institution, made a Report, which was accepted. On motion of Dr. Carr, voted to indefinitely postpone the subject of expelling members from the Cent. Dist. Med. Society. Dr. P. P. Woodbury then read a Dessertation on the "Hour-glass contraction of the Uterus, accompanied with some interesting cases. Dr. S. Cummings read an interest- ing paper on Hypochondriasis. The President delivered an address on the "History of Medicine." 364 Recokds New Hampshire Medical Society Voted. To discharge the Committee to Revise the By- Laws & Police Regulations. The Committee to Examine patients made a report, which was accepted. Voted That the Chair appoint a Committee to revise the By-Laws & Police Regulations of the Society. The Chair appointed E. Carter, C. P. Gage & C. A. Savory. Resolved. That a Committee of three be appointed by the Chair to take into consideration the communication from the Cent. Dist. Society in regard to medical Publications, & such other means as may best promote the interests of the Society & report on the same at the next meeting of the Society. The Chair appointed Drs. Peaslee, Carter & Webster said Committee. Resolved. That the Committee to Revise the By-Laws & Pol. Regulations, & the Committee to consider the Communication from the Cent. Dist. Society act in concert. Adjourned till to-morrow at 8 o'clock A. M. June 2"^. Met according to adjournment. The President in the chair. The Secretary being absent, J. B. Abbott was appointed Secretary Pro tem. Resolved. That the Committee of Correspondence will be expected to perform their defined duty, & that the Secretary be directed to notify them of this resolve. Resolved. That the Treasurer be directed to notify delin- quent members of the deficit in the Treasury, the amount of their arrearages & respectfully request them to attend to the payment of the same. Adjourned Sine die A true copy Charles P. Gage, Secretary. At a special meeting of the Council of the N. H. Med. Society held by order of the President at Phenix Hotel Records New Hampshire Medical Society 365 in Concord, March 8, 1848, there were present Josiah Bartlett, David Flanders, E, K. Webster & Charles P. Gage. The President took the chair & declaired the meeting open for the transaction of business. The record of the proceedings of the previous meeting were read & approved. On motion of Dr. Webster it was voted to proceed to the choice of Delegates to represent this Society in the National Medical Association to meet in Baltimore Md. on the first Tuesday in May next. The following named Drs. were balloted for & declaired elected by the President, to wit: — Peter P. Woodbury Thomas Chadbourn E. K. Webster A. McFarland Charles P. Gage J. G. Graves Geo. B. Twitchell David Flanders James A. Gregg Ezra Bartlett A. Smith M. T. Willard J. B. Abbott R. P. J. Tenney J. C. Eastman N. Wight. Voted, That the Secretary be authorized to procure the printing of blanks certificates for the use of the Society. Voted, That C. P. Gage, E. K. Webster & M. T. Willard be a Committee of arrangements to procure suitable rooms & entertainments for the Society at its next meeting. Voted That President & Secretary be directed to sign & present to the Honourable Senate & House of Rep- 366 Records New Hampshire Medical Society resentatives in Congress, a memorial, asking for the enactment of a law adapted to prevent the introduc- tion & sale of suprious & sophisticated drugs & chemi- cals in the United States. Charles P. Gage, Sec. At a meeting of the Council held at the Rooms of the Concord Society of Natural History, on the 5th of June 1848 there [were] present Josiah Bartlett, E. K. Webster, Levi G. Hill, Ezra Bartlett & C. P. Gage. The President took the Chair & announced the meeting open for the transaction of business. On motion the records of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of Dr. Webster, it was voted to recom- mend to the Society Geo. H. Hubbard M. D. of Brad- ford & E. F. Wilson M. D. of Concord as candidates for membership. On motion of Dr. Gage it was voted to recommend George Chandler M. D. of Worcester, Mass. for Honorary membership. On motion of Dr. Hill it was voted to recommend to the Society for consideration, the expediency of holding the next annual meeting in some town other than Con- cord. Ezra Carter, M. D. of Concord Geo. B. Twitchell, M. D. " Keene were appointed orators for 1849 & as substitutes Ezra Bartlett S. Berwick, Me. Harrison Eaton Merrimac. Adjourned to to-morrow at 93^ o'clock A. M. Tuesday, June 6th, 1848. Council met according to adjournment. President in the Chair. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 367 Present, J. Bartlett, E. Bartlett, E. K. Webster, P. P. Woodbury, L. G. Hill, J. C. Eastman, Geo. B. Twitchell & C. P. Gage. Dr. Crosby proposed for membership Adoniram Smalley M. D. of Lyme. Dr. Spaulding proposed J. H. Graves M. D. of Nashua & Dr. Carter proposed Dr. Moses Carter of Concord for Hon. membership. On motion it was voted to recommend Drs. Smalley, Graves & Carter for membership. At an adjourned meeting held June 7 the following members of the Council were present, to wit: — Josiah Bartlett, J. C. Eastman, Ezra Carter & C. P. Gage. Voted. To proceed to elect Delegates to the next Annual Meeting of the American Medical Association. The following named gentlemen were ballotted for & declaired elected Delegates, to wit: Drs. Ezra Carter, Concord " Thomas Brown, Manchester " A. Smalley, Lyme '' L. G. Hill, Dover " S. Cummings Fitzwilliam " Wm. H. H. Mason, Sandwich " Harrison Eaton, Merrimack " Ed. Spaulding, Nashua " J. H. Marshall " Fred Boyden, Hinsdale " John Carr, Sanbornton " J. P. Stackpole " J. C. Eastman, Hampstead " J. H. Smith, Dover " E. B. Hammond, Nashua " A. F. Carr, Goffstown " Horace Gage, Hooksett " Enos Hoit, Framingham, Ms. Adjourned Sine die C. P. Gage, Sec'y 368 Records New Hampshire Medical Society The Fellows of the New Hampshire Medical Society held their Fifty eight Annual meeting at the Rooms of the Con- cord Society of Natural History on the 5th day of June A. D. 1848. Members present: James B. Abbott, Josiah Bartlett, Thos. Brown, Thos. Chadbourn, Ezra Carter, S. Cummings, John Carr, Dixi Crosby, Thomas Currie, Enos Hoit, C. F. Eliot, H. Eaton, J. C. Eastman, F. P. Fitch, C. P. Gage, E. B. Hammond, L. G. Hill, L. M. Knight, A. McFarland, E. G. Moore, J. Fellows, Thos. H. Marshall, W. W. Proctor, E. Spaulding, J. F. Sargent, N. Sanborn, Ezra Bartlett, A. Smith, A. Smalley, Geo. H. Hubbard, J. H. Smith, J. H. Graves, J. P. Stackpole, H. Eldridge, M. R. Woodbury, Geo. B. Twitchell, W. H. H. Mason, R. P. J. Tenney, P. P. Woodbury, B. H. Tripp, N. Wight, M. T. Willard & E. K. Webster. The President assumed his station & declared the meeting open for the transaction of business, when on motion the minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. The Chair appointed Drs. Dixi Crosby, J. H. Smith, A. McFarland, F. P. Fitch & Thos. Brown a Committee to examine Patients. & For Auditors, E. J. Webster. A report from the Council was then read, & on motion of Dr. Fitch it was Voted to suspend the order of business for the purpose of electing members, whereupon George Chand- ler of Worcester Ms. & Moses Carter of Concord N. H. were elected Honorary Members, & George H. Hubbard of Bradford, E. F. Wilson of Concord, Adoniram Smalley, of Lyme, E. G. Moore of Concord, J. H. Graves of Nashua, J. B. Pearsons of Bennington & W"^. Grover of Barnstead Fellows of this Society. Drs. Spaulding, Crosby, & Carter were appointed a Committee to introduce the Members Elect to the Society. Voted, That Dr. H. Eldridge be readmitted to member- ship in this Society & that his annual taxes while absent from the State be remitted. Dr. W"". H. Mason presented a Petition of the Physicians of Carroll County, praying for a Charter for a District Society. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 369 On motion it was voted that the prayer of the petitioners be granted & that Dr. Mason be authorized to call the first meeting. The Committee on the revision of the Constitution & By-Laws report themselves unprepared to make a full re- port at this time, & ask leave to offer the following Resolutions 1. Resolved, That the District Societies be requested to procure the registration of the names of all the regular prac- titioners of medicine in their respective limits & transmit a list of the same to the Secretary of the State Society before the next annual meeting, & that a special Committee be ap- pointed to obtain the names of all such as reside in towns not included within the limits of any District Society now existing. 2"^ That this Society approve of the standard of pre- liminary medical education recommended by the American Medical Association & urges upon the District Societies its uniform adoption. 3"^ That hereafter the same person shall be ineligible to the office of President or Vice President of this Society two years in succession. On motion of Dr. Abbott the report was accepted, the Resolution adopted, & further time granted the Com- mittee to complete their report. The Society chose J. B. Abbot Sec'y Pro. Tem. Adjourned for one hour. Met according to adjournment the President in the Chair. Chose the following gentlemen a Committee to nominate officers of this Society for the ensuing year, viz : — E. Car- ter, E. Spaulding, S. Cummings, A. Smalley, J. C. Eastman, & E. Bartlett. The Committee on Patients refered the case of Miss Lydia Story to the Society, whereupon J. F. Sargent was chosen a Committee to confer with the Examining Com- mittee in said case. Voted, That the recommendation of the Council "to hold 24 370 Records New Hampshire Medical Society the annual meeting of the Society at some place other than Concord" be indefinitely postponed. Voted, To attend to the reading of Dissertations, the time for that purpose having arrived. Dr. Chas. F. EUoitt then read a paper on [blank] and Ed. Spaulding another on [blank] The Delegates of Dartmouth Medical College asked leave to report, which was granted. Dr. C. F. Elhott made a report, which, after some remarks by Dr. Crosby & others, was accepted & ordered to be placed on file. On motion of C. P. Gage it was Resolved: I. That a Committee of three be appointed by the Chair to memo- rialize the State Government for the adoption of suitable measures for procuring a Registration of the Births, Mar- riages & Deaths occurring in this State. 2. That each member of this Society & of the profession throughout the State be requested to wait on the Represent- atives & Senators of their respective towns & Districts, & to urge upon them the importance of enacting a law to carry out the object embraced in the first resolution. Drs. Gage, Chadbourn & Webster were appointed said Committee. The Committee on nominations made a re- port which was accepted. It was moved & voted, the Society now go into the choice of officers for the ensuing year. The following officers were balloted for & declared duly elected, viz: — For President Peter P. Woodbury " V. President Joseph H. Smith " Secretary Charles P. Gage " Treasurer Silas Cummings Counsellors, Ezra Carter E. K. Webster Cent. Dist Ed. Spaulding Thomas H. Marshall, Southern Dist. E. Bartlett L. G. Hill, Strafford Dist. J. C. Eastman Records New Hampshire Medical Society 371 J. H. Graves, Manchester Dist. Josiah Bartlett Joseph Eastman, Rockingham Dist. Geo. B. Twitchell F. Boyden, Western Dist. A. Smalley W. Hosford, Grafton Dist. Censors. R. P. J. Tenney Horace Gage, Cent. Dist. A. F. Carr E. B. Hammond, South. Dist. E. B. Gale J. C. Eastman, Rockingham Dist. E. R. Peaslee A. Smalley, Grafton Dist. D. Flanders Thos. Wallace, Manchester Dist. A. Twitchell J. Batcheller, Western Dist. P. A. Stackpole N. Martin, Strafford Dist. Corresponding Secretaries, S. Cummings, J. C. East- man, E. R. Peaslee, J. Crosby, J. B. Abott, F. P. Fitch, J. H. Smith. Delegates to Hanover, J. H. Smith H. Eaton. Adjourned to 7 o'clock P. M. Met- according to adjournment. President in the chair. The Committee to examine patients asked leave to report which was granted. On motion of Dr. Woodbury, the report was accepted. The President then read an Address on the Hystory of Medicine. Adjourned to 8 o'clock A. M. to-morrow. Wednesday, June 6, 1848. Met according to adjournment, the President in the Chair. 372 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Dr. Thos. Brown laid before the Society a petition to the Hon. House of Representatives for the passage of a law to prohibit the sale of alcoholic drinks, which was laid on the table. On motion of Dr. Dixi Crosby, it was Resolved, That this Society regards the evils which re- sult from the use of alcoholic drinks as an occasional or habitual beverage as a sufficient cause for the passage of laws that shall operate as a prohibition to their sale except for medicinal, mechanical & chemical purposes. A true copy Attest Charles Pinckney Gage, Sec'y- Minutes of the Fifty-ninth Annual Session of the Council of the N. H. Medical Society Held in Concord June 4th A. D. 1849. The Council met at 6 o'clock P. M. the President Dr. P. P, Woodbury in the chair. The proceedings of the last meeting were read and ap- proved. Present Drs. P. P. Woodbury, Carter, Webster, J. C. Eastman, & Gage. On motion of Dr. Gage it was voted to recommend to the Society as suitable candidates for membership Ed. H. Parker M. D. of Concord & M. D. Senter M. D. of Suncook village. Appointed for Orators for 1850 Ezra Bartlett Geo. B. Twdtchell Substitutes J. C. Eastman C. P. Gage. Adjourned to 93^ o'clock to-morrow A. M. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 373 Tuesday June 5, 1849. Morning Session. The President in the chair. Present Drs. Webster, Smalley, E. Bartlett, J. Bartlett, & J. C. Eastman. In the absence of the Secretary chose Josiah Bartlett Sec'y pro tern. On motion of J. Bartlett voted to propose the names of Usher Parsons M. D. of Providence R. I. as an honorary member of this Society. Voted to propose the names of Geo.W. Garland M. D. of Meredith, S. K. Kelley M. D. of Sanbornton Bridge, L. F. Lock M. D. of Nashua & Wm. P. Stone of Danbury, as suitable persons to become members of this Society. Adjourned C. P. Gage, Secretary. * Minutes of the Fifty ninth Annual Meeting of the New Hampshire Medical Society Held in Concord 5*^^ June 1849. The Society met at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Phenix Hotel the President in the chair: On motion of Dr. Ezra Bartlett adjourned to the Rooms of the Concord Society of Natural History. The following named members were present to wit. Dr. James Abbot Josiah Bartlett J. G. Batchelder Ezra Bartlett Thomas Chadbourn Ezra Carter Silas Cummings John Carr Josiah Crosby Dixi Crosby J. C. Eastman 374 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Dr. F. P. Fitch " C. P. Gage " C. B. Hamilton " A. McFarland " Thos. H. Marshall " E. R. Peaslee " J. F. Sargent " N. Sanborn " J. Straw " J. H. Smith " J. L. Sweat " R. P. J. Tenney " C. C. Thibbetts " E. K. Webster " A. Smalley " Geo. H. Hubbard " M. R. Woodbury ' " P. Mason " P. P. Woodbury " M. T. Willard " J. H. Crombie " N. Martyn A report from the Council was then read & accepted. The President then appointed the following Standing Committees to wit : Committee to Examine Patients Dr. J. Bartlett " A. Smalley " N. Martyn " " Grover " M. R. Woodbuey " John Carr " R. P. J. Tenney Committee to Audit accounts Dr. J. B. Abbott E. F. Wilson Records New Hampshire Medical Society 375 On motion of Dr. Crosby voted to suspend the rules of order for the purpose of election of members Whereupon E. H. Parker, M. D. of Concord M. D. Sentre, M. D. of Suncook Vill. Geo. W. Garland M. D. of Meredith Bridge C. K. Kelley M. D. " Sanbornton Bridge L. F. Locke M. D. Nashua W. P. Stone M. D. Danbury were elected members & Usher Pearsons M. D. of Provi- dence R. I. was elected an Honorary Member. Ezra Bartlett was elected assistant Secretary. On motion of F. P. Fitch voted to restore to membership Dr. Josiah Kittredge. On motion of Dr. Chadbourn voted to membership Dr. W™ Prescott of Concord. On motion it was voted that the Special Committee to revise the By-Laws now report. Dr. Peaslee read the Report which on motion was ac- cepted. On motion of Dr. Carter, voted to consider each article separately. Each article was then read, considered & adopted from the 1st to the 12th, inclusive. On motion of Dr. Martyn it was voted to refer the whole subject back to the same Committee for publication. On motion of Dr. Woodbury voted that the By-Laws & Regulations as now amended be incorporated into a new edition of the same & be carried into effect after the present annual Meeting. Voted to choose a Committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year. Whereupon Dr. D. Crosby " Stackpole " Webster " Kittredge " Cummings 376 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Dr. J. C. Eastman " J. Bartlett were chosen that Committee. Adjourned to 3 o'clock P. M. Afternoon session The President in the Chair. Dr. Ezra Carter read a paper on Obsteterics. The Committee on nominations made a report which was accepted. Proceeded to ballot for officers for the ensuing year, and the following named gentlemen were declared duly elected, to wit: Joseph H. Smith, President Josiah Crosby, Vice President Charles P. Gage, Secretary Silas Cummings, Treasurer Counsellors. For Cent. District. Ezra Carter G. H. Hubbard " Southern Dist. Ed. Spaulding Thomas H. Marshall " Strafford )> Noah Martyn P. A. Stackpole Manchester J. C. Eastman District Thomas Brown Rockingham Josiah Bartlett Dist. E. B. Gale Western Geo. B. Twitchell Dist. John L. Swett Grafton A. Smalley Dist. W. Hosford Records New Hampshire Medical Society 377 Censors Cent. Dist. R. P. J. Tenney E. K. Webster South. Dist. A. F. Carr E. B. Flanders Rockingham Josiah Bartlett Dist. J. C. Eastman Grafton E. R. Peaslee Dist. A. Smalley Manchester D. Flanders Dist. W. J. Campbell Western A. Twitchell Dist James Batchelder Strafford John S. Fernald Dist. Ezra Bartlett Corresponding Secretaries S. Cummings J. C. Eastman E. R. Peaslee J. Crosby J. B. Abbott F. P. Fitch J. H. Smith Delegates to Dartmouth Medical Institution Noah Martyn Charles P. Gage Dr. McFarland offered the following resolutions, which were adopted. Resolved, That the thanks of this Society be extended to Dr. Thomas 0. Edwards late Representative in Congress from Ohio, for his persevering & successful efforts in matur- ing & carrying through Congress a Bill to prevent the im- portation of adulterated drugs. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Society be in- structed to forward to Dr. Edwards a copy of this resolution. On motion, Dr. J. H. Smith was conducted to the Presi- dents chair. 378 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Dr. P. P. Woodbury then read an interesting paper on the subject of Procreation. The Delegates to Dartmouth Institution made a report which was accepted. The Committee to examine patients made a report which was accepted. Dr. Peaslee proposed an amendment to the By-Laws which was adopted. Adjourned to 8 o'clock P. M. Evening Session. The Society met at 8 o'clock P. M. The President in the Chair. Voted to proceed to election of Delegates to the Ameri- can Medical Association to meet in Cincinnati, O. in May 1850 The following named gentlemen were elected, to wit: Dr. J. S. Fernald Noah Martyn C. B. Hamilton G. W. Garland Mark R. Woodbury E. H. Parker J. F. Hall W. P. Stone Dixi Crosby E. R. Peaslee N. Wight J. Bartlett Thos. Chadbourn Amos Twitchell P. P. Woodbury Elected Dixi Crosby, Delegate to the Phil'a Convention for revising the U. S. Pharmacopoea & Dr. Albert Smith as his substitute. On motion of Dr. Martyn it was voted to instruct the Delegate to use his influence to procure the registration in Records New Hampshire Medical Society 379 the Pharmacopcea of the use of the several compounds & the medium dose for an adult & in the English language. Dr. Fernald offered the following resolution which was adopted. Resolved. That the Society highly approve of the Regis- tration of Births Marriages & Deaths and will take such measures as will seem best calculated to induce the Legis- lature to pass a law to effect this object. Voted to refer the subject to the same committee ap- pointed for that purpose last year. On motion of Dr. Stackpole it was voted to reconsider the amended By-Laws. Dr. Stackpole offered the following amendment, which was adopted. The annual tax of this Society shall be two Dollars, & those who do not belong to a District Society the annual tax shall be three Dollars. Adjourned to 83^ o'clock A, M. to-morrow. June 6th. Morning Session. The President in the chair. On motion of Dr. Fitch voted to print separately from the By-Laws 500 copies of the Code of Medical Ethics adopted by this Society, for general distribution to Physi- cians within the State. Dr. D. Crosby offered the following resolution, which was adopted. Resolved, That the chairman of the Committee for the examination of patients shall introduce the patients to the Society at the time of making the report whenever practi- cable. Vot^d that the President appoint a Committee of three to arrange the details & carry said resolution into effect. Drs. Fitch, Carter & Hall were appointed said Com- mittee. On motion of Dr. Martyn voted to request the Ex Pres- ident to repeat his annual address. Dr. Woodbury then repeated his address, which was com- 380 Records New Hampshire Medical Society mented upon by many members present, after which the Society Voted to adjourn Charles Pinckney Gage, Sec'y. [No Council record for 1850] Minutes of the Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the New Hampshire Medical Society Held in Concord on the 5th of June 1850 The Society met at the Natural History Rooms at 10 o'clock A. M. The President Joseph H. Smith, on taking the Chair de- clared the meeting open for the transaction of business. On motion the minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. On motion of Dr. Sanborn the Rules of order were sus- pended for the purpose of electing members, whereupon, Charles H. Shackford, M. D. of Somersworth David S. Prescott, M. D. of Temple John Clough M. D. " Enfield Betton W. Sargent, M. D. " Barnstead Leland H. Angel, M. D. " Epping John E. Tyler, M. D. " Rollinsford & Leonard W. Peabody " Epsom were declared duly elected. On motion of Dr. E. Carter, adopted the following form of subscription, to wit: — The subscribers agree to complj^ with By-Laws & Reg- ulations of the New Hampshire Medical Society. On motion of Dr. Fitch it was Resolved: — That the vote passed at the last meeting al- lowing dehnquent Fellows to retain their membership by paying five Dollars before the first of Jan^ last be so modi- fied as to extend the time of such payment to this meeting. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 381 On motion of Dr. Dixi Crosby the following named were appointed a Committee, to report a suitable way to notice the death of the late Amos Twitchell, M. D. of Keene, to wit: — Dixi Crosby Albert Smith James Batcheller Josiah Bartlett Josiah C. Eastman Ezra Carter On motion of Dr. J. C. Eastman the Committee were instructed to take into consideration the death of Dr. Thomas Brown of Manchester. The President appointed Drs. Webster, Stackpole & Sargent a Committee to audit accounts. The Committee appointed last year to take into consideration the best method of examination of patients made a verbal report which concluded with the following suggestions, viz: — 1. That the examining Committee examine such patients as may present themselves during the recess of this body. 2<^ That the Committee introduce before the Society such of the more interesting cases as they may judge expedient. On motion of Dr. Webster, a Committee was appointed by the Chair, consisting of one from each District Society, for the purpose of nominating officers for the ensuing year. The Chair announced the following as said Committee, to wit: — L. M. Knight P. P. Woodbury L. G. Hill J. C. Eastman J. Bartlett S. Cummings E. P. Peaslee 382 Records New Hampshire Medical Society On motion of Dr. Martin voted to recognize the Carroll District N. H. Medical Society. In answer to some inquiries by Dr. Martin with regard to the Manchester Med. Society, Dr. Jos. Crosby reported it to be in a dying condition. The chair appointed the following named a Committee to examine patients, to wit: E. R. Peaslee, J. Bartlett, J. C. Eastman, J. Batcheller S. Cummings E. Bartlett J. S. Fernald Dixi Crosby, G. W. Garland, E. H. Parker, F. P. Fitch A. Smith W. H. H. Mason J. Hall J. Crosby On motion of Dr. Webster it was Resolved — That it is expedient to establish at this time in the town of Concord a Medical Journal. Adjourned until 3 o'clock P. M. Afternoon Session. On motion the chair ap- pointed the following named a Committee to revise the list of members, to wit: E. Carter, J. B. Abbott, A. F. Carr, Lock, Smalley, Clough, Martin, Stackpole & J. Crosby. Dr. Knight presented the report of the Committee of nomination which was accepted. On motion proceeded to the choice of Officers for the ensuing year, & the following named were declared duly elected, to wit, Josiah Crosby, E. R. Peaslee, Councillors. C. P. Gage, S. Cummings L. M. Knight M. R. Woodbury H. Eaton President Vice Pres. Secretary Treasurer. J. Bacheller J. L. Sweat D. Crosby Records New Hampshire Medical Society 383 A. , F. Carr A. 0. Dickey L. G, , Hill Jere. F. Hall J. S. Fernald W. H. H. Mason J. Bartlett J. C. Eastman Censors. J. Carr, G. W. Garland F. P. Fitch A. Smith J. Dalton E. B. Gale, C. B. Hamilton A. Smalley Geo. W. Twitchell F. Boyden N. Martin C. F. Elliott, W. H, H. Mason J. F. Hall Corresponding Secretaries. S. Cummings, J. C. East- man, E. R. Peaslee, J. Crosby, J. B. Abbot, F. P. Fitch, J. H. Smith. Delegates to Dartmouth Medical Institution Ed Spaulding A. Smalley. Orators. C. P. Gage J. C. Eastman. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Secre- tary to furnish a condensed copy of the proceedings of this Society to the Bos- ton Medical & Surgical Journal, & a list of officers to the Newspapers of Concord & the N. H. Annual Register. Dr. Sanborn made a verbal report of the doings of the American Medical Association. Voted, To distribute the Code of Medical Ethics as adopted by the American Medical Association, to the regu- lar physicians in the State. Dr. E. Bartlett read a dessertation upon the scientific & moral qualifications of Physicians. The President read an Address upon the duties of the Physician. Adjourned to Wednesday morning. 384 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Wednesday June 6th Morning Session. Dr. Peaslee in the Chair. The Council reported R. D. Mussey and L. V. Bell as suitable candidates for Honorary membership in this Society, & they were duly elected. The report of the Delegates to Dartmouth Medical Institution was read & accepted. The Committee on patients made a report which was read & accepted. Dr. A. Smith from the Committee to whom was referred the subject of Dr. Twitchell's death, made a report which was read & accepted, & the Resolutions accompanying adopted. See next page. On motion the report & resolu- tions were ordered to be pubhshed in the Boston Medical & Surgical Journal. Resolved, That the Committee on patients be instructed to limit their services to patients under the care of Fellows of the Society. Resolved, That we will exert our individual influence in support of a Medical Journal, should one be established in our State, so long as in our opinion it deserves the patronage of the medical profession. Dr. Fitch of the Committee of Correspondence read a paper on the Medical Topography of the Southern Medical Dist. On motion of Dr. A. Smith a Com. of three was appointed to address a circular to the regular members of the medical profession in the State setting forth inducements & also inviting them to become members of this Society. A. Smith, N. Martin & J. S. Fernald were appointed said. On motion proceeded to elect Delegates to the next meeting of the American Medical Association. Elected James Bacheller, W" H. H. Mason, E. H. Parker, C. H. Shackford, Thomas H. Marshall, Charles P. Gage, Noah Records New Hampshire Medical Society 385 Martin, Albert Smith, P. A. Stackpole, J. S. Fernald & Adoniram Smalley. Voted to dissolve. Charles Pinckney Gage, Sec'y* Report of the Com. to whom was referred the subject of &c. The Com. to whom was referred the subject of the death of Amos Twitchell M. D. of Keene, late Fellows of this Society beg leave to offer the following resolutions Resolved. That we have heard of the death of Dr. Amos Twitchell with profound regret. Resolved. That we hold his memory in the highest estimation, as one who lived no less an honor to our profes- sion, than a noble specimen of our race. Resolved. That in all our regrets at his decease, though he died at nearly the Hmited period of human life, we feel happy in knowing, agreeably to his own ardent wish that the full exercise of his extraordinary powers were never in the least dimmed, nor that the slightest cloud ever passed over his mind. Resolved. That while we deplore his sudden removal we would extend to his friends & to the wide circle of his practice, our heartfelt sympathy for a loss, that the suffering & afflicted will only know how fully to appreciate. Resolved, That Dr. Geo. B. Twitchell his nephew & associate be requested to deliver before this Society at the next annual meeting, such a discourse commemorative of his virtues as a man & Physician as he shall deem proper. Resolved. That Dr. Albert Smith be a substitute for this duty. Testimony of Respect to Dr. Thos. Brown. Whereas it has pleased God since the last meeting of this Society to remove suddenly by death Thomas Brown, M. D. of Manchester for many years an active & effecient member of our Fraternity; Therefore, Resolved, That considering his moral worth & respectable standing in the 25 386 Records New Hampshire Medical Society profession, we deeply deplore the dispensation of Providence by which he was cut down in the strength of his manhood, & in the midst of his usefulness. Resolved, That in consequence of his unweaned exertions in the cause of Temperance & other benevolent operations of the day, the interests of philanthropy & humanity, as well as our profession have suffered loss by his removal. Resolved, That in view of this afflictive dispensation the N. H. Medical Society tender to the bereaved widow & surviving relations, their sincere sympathy & condolence, & that the Sec'y be requested to forward to her a copy of the above resolutions. D. Crosby A. Smith J. Batcheller N. Martin J. Bartlett E. Carter ^ Committee June 2^ 1851. Council met at Phenix Hotel Present — Drs. Bacheller, Fernald, Bartlett. Dr. Bacheller — Pres. pro. tem. The following persons were proposed for membership, and recommended. G. A. Phelps, M. D. of Jaffrey by Dr. A. Smith Ed. P. Cummings M. D. Francestown — Dr. A. Smith Thos. Sanborn M. D. Newport A. H. Robinson M. D. Sahsbury W". Waterhouse M. D. Barrington by Dr. Fernald John Fellows Loudon by Dr. Gage Sam G. Dearborn Mt. Vernon by Dr. Fitch Moses C. Hoit M. D. Bristol by Dr. Knight Adjourned to 93^ o'clk. tomorrow morn. June 3 — Met agreeably to adjournment. On motion of Dr. Fernald — Voted to attend the reading of the memoir of the late Dr. Twitchel immediately after dinner. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 387 Drs. Sanborn of Henniker & Bacheller of Marlboro re- tired by consent of Council. Voted — That the Treasurer be directed to write to delinquent members and urge immediate payment. Voted — That funds remaining in the hands of the Treasurer be appropriated to hquidate debts due from the Society The following appointments made for 1852 E. H. Parker J „ ^ C. P. Gage / q . +-w } Orators t, * o^ i i i Substitutes. J. E. Tyler j P. A. Stackpole ] E. K. Webster, Secretary. New Hampshire Medical Society. The sixty-first annual meeting of this Society was holden at the Phoenix Hotel in Concord June third and fourth 1851. June S'^. At half past ten o'clock the meeting was called to order by the President, Dr. Josiah Crosby of Manchester. The records of the last meeting were read and accepted. The usual standing committees for the examination of patients; on auditing accounts; and on nominations were appointed. The following gentlemen were appointed a committee for examining patients, Dixi Crosby Noah Martin P. A. Stackpole W. H. H. Mason W. W. Brown Ed. Spaulding J. Bartlett L. M. Knight E. H. Parker G. B. Twitchell Committee to audit accounts J. B. Abbot E. K. Webster Committee on nominations, J. Bartlett E. K. Webster P. H. Stackpole H. Eaton J. Batcheller A. Smalley W. H. H. Mason 388 Records New Hampshire Medical Society The following gentlemen were elected members of the Society G. A. Phelps, M. D. East Jaffrey Edward P. Cummings M. D. Francestown Abraham H. Robinson Sahsbury William Waterhouse M. D. Barrington John Fellows Loudon Sam^ G. Dearborn M. D. Mont Vernon Albert G. Weeks M. D. North Barnstead Thomas B. Kittredge M. D. Keene Solomon M. Whipple M. D. New London Otis Ayer M. D. New Hampton Luther C. Bean M. D. So. Weare Jeremiah Blake M. D. Tamworth Stephen Brown M. D. Deerfield Moses C. Hoyt M. D. Bristol On motion of Dr. Fitch— Resolved — That the Secretaries of the several District Societies be instructed to return to the Secretary of this Society, annually, at least one week before the annual meeting, a list of the associates in those districts; and that said list be furnished to the Treasurer as his guide in determining the amount of the annual assessment of Fellows of this body, and that the Secretary of this Society notify the several districts of the passage of this resolution. The report of the delegates to attend the examinations at Dart. Coll. was received, read and accepted. The report from the So. District Society was received, read and accepted. A report of Dr. Fitch one of the Corresponding Secre- taries, of an interesting case, was read, and on motion of Dr. Gage, was accepted, and the thanks of the Society returned to Dr. Fitch for his interesting report. The report of the Auditing Committee was read and accepted. On motion of Dr. Fernald adjourned to half past two o'clock. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 389 After the reassembling of the Society, listened to a Eulogy on the character of Dr. Amos Twitchell by Dr. Albert Smith. On motion of Dr. Martin the thanks of the Society were presented to Dr. Smith for his able, interesting and beauti- ful eulogy upon the life and character of the late Dr. Twitchell, and that a copy of the same be requested for publication in the N. H. Journal of Medicine. The Committee on Nominations, by leave, reported the following list of officers for the ensuing year, who, on ballot, were declared elected, and at once entered upon their duties. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, E. R. Peaslee, Ezra Carter, E. K. Webster, Silas Cummings, Hanover Concord Boscawen Fitzwilliam For Councillors. Nathan Sanborn Albert Smith Noah Martin G. B. Twitchell A. Smalley Wm. H. H. Mason J. C. Eastman L. M. Knight P. A. Stackpole J. Bartlett J. L. Sweatt J. F. Hall E. B. Hammond J. Clough For Censors, John Carr T. H. Marshall J. P. Whittemore J. Batchelder E. Bartlett J. Blake C. B. Hamilton M. R. Woodbury J. C. Eastman Dixi Crosby F. Boyden J. F. Hall E. Spaulding J. E. Tyler 390 Records New Hampshire Medical Society For Corresponding Secretaries F. P. Fitch A. Smalley J. Blake E. H. Parker N. Martin J. Bartlett J. Batchelder W. W. Brown Delegates to N. H. Medical School J. S. Fernald Thomas H. Marshall 2. On motion of Dr. Fernald, Resolved — That members of other State Medical Societies and of the District Societies of this State, may be elected to this Society, and become members by paying two dollars on admission, and the annual tax thereafter. 1. On motion of Dr. Gage — Resolved — That each member shall pay a fee of three dollars on admission into the Society, and an annual tax of two dollars thereafter. Delegates to the American Medical Association 1852. Centre District E. K. Webster C. P. Gage Southern Strafford Rockingham Western Grafton Carroll Ed. Spaulding P. P. Woodbury Noah Martin Levi G. Hill Josiah Bartlett J. P. Whittemore Geo. B. Twitchell Silas Cummings A. Smalley C. B. Hamilton J. F. Hall Jere^ Blake On motion of Dr. Martin, Resolved — That the delegates have power to appoint substitutes and that their credentials be so worded. June 4. Met according to adjournment. On motion of Dr. Martin, Resolved That hereafter every member, on presenting a patient to this Society for examination and prescription, shall present a written statement of the rise, progress and treatment of Records New Hampshire Medical Society 391 the case in as summary, clear and distinct a manner as the nature of the case will admit; and that the patient shall remain during the pleasure of the Society. Voted. That the chairmen of three committees to examine patients for the ensuing year be now appointed. Dr. F. P. Fitch of Amherst; Dr. Dixi Crosby of Hanover; and Dr. J. E. Tyler of Rollinsford, were accordingly elected chairmen of the committees, to be filled at the next meeting. On motion of Dr. Parker. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Society be authorized to obtain copies of the volumes for 1850-51 of the proceedings of the American Medical Association, for such members of the Society as shall pay the subscription price to him. On motion of Dr. Fernald. Resolved, That it is inconsistent with the spirit of our code of ethics for Fellows of this Society to give certificates of approbation of medical compounds, whether the formula is known or not; and that such practice is detrimental to the interests of the faculty, and tends to foster empiricism. The Council reported the following as orators for the next annual meeting. Edward H. Parker C. P. Gage, Substitute John E. Tyler P. A. Stackpole Sub. The Committee on examining patients made a report, which was accepted. E. K. Webster, Sec^ May 31, 1852. Council met at the Phoenix Hotel agreeably to notice. Present — Drs. Smith, Bartlett, Twitchell, Smalley, Webster. Chose — Dr. Bartlett Pres. Pro tem. The following persons were proposed for membership and recommended. S. F. Melcher M. D. Groton ) . ^ „ „ Willard Hosford M. D. Orford j ^^ ^'- ^"^^""^ 392 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Appointed C. P. Gage & Geo. B. Twitchell, Orators and J. S. Fernald & Andrew McFarland Substitutes for 1853. Adjourned to tomorrow 9 o'clk A. M. June 1. Met according to adjournment. On motion by Dr. Smith — Voted That Ex. Pres. J. Crosby be requested to give the address promised last year, to-day at 3 o'clk. P. M. The following persons were proposed for membership and recommended. Jesse A. Sanborn M. D. Campton by Dr. N. Sanborn. E. L. Griffin M. D. Derry by Dr. Hammond. C. G. Adams M. D. Keene by Dr. D. Crosby. Elisha Hatch M. D. Hillsboro by Dr. Hubbard. S. D. Colburn, M. D. Bath by Dr. Smalley. On motion of Dr. Twitchell Voted That 12 o'clk. M. be the time for the President's address and 4 P. M. for the dissertation by Dr. Parker. Adjourned E. K. Webster Secy. New Hampshire Medical Society The sixty-second annual meeting of this Society was holden at the Court House in Concord June first and second 1852. At the appointed hour the chair was taken by the President, Prof. Peaslee. The records of the last meeting were read and accepted. A communication was received from the Council, making nominations to fellowships in the Society, and stating the order of business. The following gentlemen were elected and joined the Society: Jeses A. Sanborn M. D. of Campton, and Ezra L. Griffin M. D. of Derry. The following gentlemen were appointed a committee to examine patients. 1^*. Drs. Fitch, Garland, Clough, Gage, Tenney. 2^. Drs. Dixi Crosby, Woodbury, Eastman, Sanborn. 3''. Drs. Tyler, Bartlett, J. Crosby, Hammond, Abbott. Committee to audit Treasurer's accounts — Drs. W. H. H. Mason and Geo. B. Twitchell. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 393 Committee to nominate officers — Drs. J. C. Eastman P. A. Stackpole N. Sanborn A. Smalley J. Bacheller E. B. Hammond. The time appointed for the annual address by the President, the Society Hstened with much interest to Prof. Peaslee — Subject — The duties of medical men to themselves and their profession. On motion of Dr. J. C. Eastman Resolved, That the thanks of the Society be presented to Professor Peaslee, for the able and interesting address with which he has favored us this day, and that he be requested to furnish a copy of the same for publication in the New Hampshire Journal of Medicine. Reports of Corresponding Secretaries were received from Drs. Smalley, Blake and Parker. The death of Dr. Job Wilson of Franklin was announced by the Secretary, and Drs. Carr, Abbott & P. P. Woodbury were appointed to draft resolutions. The death of Dr. Warren E. Chase of Portland Me. was announced by the Secretary, and Drs. Webster, Carter and Gage were appointed to draft resolutions. Communications from District Societies were read by the Secretary. Adjourned for one hour. On motion of Dr. Blake, Dr. W. H. H. Mason gave a verbal report of a successful operation performed by him for supplying an artificial lip. The report of the delegates to the medical department of Dartmouth College was read by Dr. Marshall, of Mason, and accepted. • On motion of Dr. Parker, Resolved, That we have heard with pleasure the report of the delegates of this Society to the New Hampshire Medical Institution, and that we cordially approve of the course of instruction at this school, especially in the early education of students. Resolved, That our Delegates to the American Medical 394 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Association be instructed to exert themselves to uphold the interests of this and similar institutions. A dissertation was read by Dr. Parker of Concord on the Code of Ethics. The Report of delegates to the American Medical Asso- ciation was made by Dr. Blake of Tamworth the only one who attended the meeting at Richmond, Va. which was accepted. Dr. Bartlett of Stratham introduced Rev. Mr. Cummings of Hillsboro' Bridge, who upon leave being granted spoke concerning the relations of the professions of medicine and theology to each other. A protracted discussion followed. On motion of Dr. Parker — Resolved — That it is the profound conviction of this Society that kind and intimate relations should exist between clergymen and physicians; but that while we will not interfere with the spiritual direction of the patient, unless his hfe is there- by endangered, we claim the same non interference on the part of the clergy towards physicians, so far as their peculiar duties are concerned. Resolved — That Rev. Mr. Cummings be requested to present the above resolution to the Pastoral Convention of New-Hamp- shire, and to state the accompanying circumstances. The committee on Nominations made their report, which was accepted, and upon ballot the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year — President — Ezra Carter — Concord, Vice President — Albert Smith — Peterboro, Secretary — E. K. Webster — Boscawen Treasurer — Silas Cummings — FitzwiHiam, Councillors Nathan Sanborn E. B. Hammond L. K. Knight Harrison Eaton Levi G. Hill Josiah Crosby J. S. Fernald P. P. Woodbury Josiah Bartlett Geo. B. Twitchell J. C. Eastman Frederick Boyden Records New Hampshire Medical Society 395 A. Smalley John Clough M. R. Woodbury J. B. Abbott J. 0. French J. Bacheller C. B. Hamilton Dixi Crosby G. H. Shackford J. H. Smith Censors. W. H. H. Mason J. F. Hall A. F. Carr T. H. Marshall Joseph Eastman E. L. Griffin Josiah Crosby J. C. Eastman J. Blake J. F. Hall Corresponding Secretaries. J. Blake L. G. Hill J. Batcheller A. Smalley E. H. Parker J. Bartlett W. W. Brown E. Spaulding Delegates to the N. H. Medical Institution WiUiam Prescott — Mark B. Woodbury. Delegates to American Medical Association E. K. Webster E. H. Parker E. B. Hammond F. P. Fitch P. A. Stackpole Noah Martin J. C. Eastman Josiah Bartlett J. Bacheller Silas Cummings A. Smalley John Clough W. H. H. Mason J. F. Hall On motion of Dr. Stackpole — Resolved That delegates be authorized to fill vacancies by transferring their certificate. The committee on the death of Dr. Wilson reported the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted. Resolved — That in the death of Dr. Job Wilson this Society has lost 396 Records New Hampshire Medical Society a worthy and highly esteemed member, and the Profession a firm and unwavering friend to the cause of Medical Science. Resolved — That Dr. Wilson's patient and persevering efforts in the investigation of the causes, symptoms and best mode of treatment of disease are worthy the imitation of his brethren in the profession; and his stern and strict in- tegrity, his high moral worth and his unassuming but sincere piety have entitled him to the confidence of the public. Resolved — That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the friends of the deceased. John Carr ) J. B. Abbott } Committee P. P. Woodbury ) The committee on the death of Dr. Chase reported the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted. Resolved — That in the death of Warren E. Chase M. D, late of Portland Me. we feel that medical science, truth and human- ity have lost an ardent friend and the community a valued Physician. Resolved — That we wish to bear testimony to the high respect which we entertain for the character of the de- parted, as an inteUigent, skilful and humane physician and that we lament the loss which we sustain, in common with our fellow citizens, and as members of the same profession. Resolved — That we tender to the family and friends of our deceased brother and fellow laborer our sincere condolence and sympathy. Resolved — That the Secretary transmit to the family a copy of the foregoing resolutions. E. K. Webster ) E. Carter ) Committee C. P. Gage ) Records New Hampshire Medical Society 397 Prof. Peaslee introduced the newly elected President, Dr. Carter, to the chair, and at six o'clock the Society adjourned to eight o'clock, Wednesday morning. June 2. Met agreeably to adjournment, at 8 o'clk. Dr. Crosby from the Committee on Surgery, made a report which was accepted. Dr. Bartlett from committee on Theory and Practice reported. Accepted. Reports from Patients of last year were had. Miscel- laneous conversation upon cases and the use of Chloroform and Ether followed. Dr. Moore of Concord, by leave, introduced Rev. Mr. Durgin of Meredith Bridge, whose skin has been deeply stained by the use of nitrate of silver applied to the air passages. Mr. D. related the particulars of his case. Miscellaneous conversation followed. On motion of Dr. Garland — Resolved — That the New Hampshire Medical Society regarding the New Hampshire Journal of Medicine as a valuable acquisi- tion to the means of diffusing scientific and practical medical knowledge. Resolve, That its editor and publisher deserve encouragement from the entire medical profession of New Hampshire, and the thanks of this Society, for their individual enterprise and independence in establishing and conducting the same. On motion of Dr. Stackpole — Resolved — That the Secretary of this Society be hereafter required to notify the members, of the annual meeting, individually by circular, instead of the usual manner. The Council announced the following appointments for the ensuing year. C. P. Gage ) „ , G. B. Twitchell ) a u ^-^ ^ T o -ri 1 1 \ Orators . t.^ t-, i i i Substitutes. J. S. Fernald ) A. McFarland \ Drs. E. B. Hammond, L. G. Hill & A. Smalley were ap- pointed chairmen of committees to examine patients. At a late hour a communication was received from the Pastoral Convention of Congregational and Presbyterian 398 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Ministers, through Rev. Dr. Bouton, Clerk of the Conven- tion, which on motion was referred to the next annual meeting. Adjourned E. K. Webster, Sec^. June 2, 1852. May 30"^ 1853. The Council of the N. H. Medical Society met at the Phenix Hotel at 7 o'clk P. M. agreeably to previous notice. Adjourned to 9 o'clk A. M. May 31— 31. Met according to adjournment. The following persons were proposed and recommended, viz. Stillman G. Wood M. D. No. Enfield j ^j t^ p, John H. W. Baker M. D. Plainfield i ^^ <-lough Sam'. B. French M. D. Richmond O. P. Bradley M. D. East Jaffrey Nathan Shannon M. D. Loudon John Wheeler M. D. Barnstead Oliver Goss M. D. Lake Village Sol". M. Whipple M. D. New London B. H. Philhps M. D. Pembroke B. W. Sargent M. D. Barnstead B. W. Reynolds M. D. Great Falls S. G. Dearborn M. D. Mt. Vernon Dr. Wight Dr. A. Smith Dr. Parker Dr. Chadbourne Dr. Mason Dr. Sweatt Dr. Parker Dr. Knight Dr. L. G. Hill Dr. Fitch Voted — That the dissertation by Dr. Twitchell be had at 12 o'clk. M. this day " That the dissertation by Dr. Fernald be had at 12 3^ o'clk P. M. this day. Andrew McFarland M. D. & W. H. H. Mason were ap- pointed Orators — and A. H. Robinson M. D. & Wm. P. Stone M. D. Substitutes for 1854. Adjourned E. K. Webster, Sec^. New-Hampshire Medical Society. The sixty third annual meeting of this Society was holden at the Court House in Concord May 31"* & June 1"' 1853. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 399 The meeting was called to order by the President, Dr. Ezra Carter, of Concord. The records of the last meeting were read and accepted, A communication was received from the Council recom- mending candidates for fellowship, and the following gentlemen were elected fellows, Viz. John W. H. Baker, M. D. Plainfield, Stillman G. Wood, M. D. No. Enfield, Samuel P. French, M. D. Richmond, Oscar H. Bradley, M. D. Jaffrey, Nathaniel Shannon, M. D. Loudon, John Wheeler, M. D. Barnstead, Ohver Goss, M. D. Lake Village, Solomon M. Whipple, M. D. New London, Butler H. PhilUps, M. D. Pembroke, Betton W. Sargent, M. D. No. Barnstead, William B. Reynolds, M. D. Great Falls. Committees to examine Patients. 1^*. Drs. Hill, Mason, Sweatt, Knight, T. Wilson, Peabody. 2°'^. Drs. Hammond, Twitchell, Marshall, Stackpole, Sar- gent, Brown. 3'''^. Drs. Smalley, Hubbard, Whittemore, Kelley, Stone. Committee to Audit Treasurer's Account. Drs. J. B. Abbott & C. P. Gage. The delegates to the American Medical Association presented the following Report — which was accepted. The undersigned, appointed at the last meeting of this Society, delegates to the American Medical Association holden in New York on Tuesday the 3^^ day of May 1853, have attended to their duties and beg leave to report. The session of the Association commenced on the morning of May 3*^ and continued three days. The business was carried forward rapidly and successfully and the whole proceedings were characterized by courtesy and general 400 Records New Hampshire Medical Society good feeling. This was in a large measure to be attributed to the exertions of Dr. Jonathan Knight of Conn, who was elected President of the Association. This was a deviation from the ordinary rule of selecting the president of the Association from the place in which the meeting is held. It was due, in part, to the acknowledged merits of Dr. Knight, and in part to the fact that two candidates, Drs. Francis and Mott, were presented by the faculty of New York City, and the nominating committee did not care to take the responsibihty of deciding between them. Re- ports were received from some of the various standing committees. But most of them were continued another year. Among them we may mention that of Dr. C. D. Meigs of Philadelphia upon diseases of the cervix uteri. It was not read, even by synopsis, in accordance with the wishes of the author who did not consider it to be adapted to a mixed audience. It was pronounced by Dr. D. Francis Candie, a very superior production, and in for an increase of the annual fee to five dollars he stated that the illustra- tions of this report would cost $1000. The report of Dr. G. Emerson of Pennsylvania on the influence of upward radiation as a cause of disease was interesting and valuable, presenting in this respect a marked contrast to the report on Typhoid Fever by Dr. H. F. Campbell of Georgia. As Dr. Campbell commenced his synopsis by saying that he had but little experience in the treatment of this disease and but little acquaintance with its phenomena, we may be allowed to add that he showed himself equally unac- quainted with its patholog by ascribing all its appearances to an influence upon the ganglionic system of nerves, and running into the wildest vagaries of the nervous pathology. Able reports were presented on Medical Literature and Medical Education, the former by Dr. N. S. Davis of lUinois, the latter by Dr. Pitcher of Michigan. But it is entirely impossible for us to give here a synopsis of either. For the prizes offered for essays, there were quite a number of competitors, but they were awarded, the first to Dr. Waldo J. Burnett of Boston, the subject of whose essay was Records New Hampshire Medical Society 401 " The Cell, its physiology, pathology and phylosophy." The second to Dr. W. L. Atler whose subject was " The surgical treatment of certain fibrous tumors of the uterus, heretofore considered beyond the reach of art." Others of the papers presented were declared to be worthy of honorable mention. There were a large number of resolutions presented and agreed to. One or two of them require some notice from this Society. The first presented by Dr. Palmer of Chicago as follows — " Resolved, That this association earnestly recommend to the local societies in different portions of our country to appoint committees whose duty it shall be to record the prevalence of epidemics or other diseases, and the general state of health in their respective localities, and to transmit said reports to the committees of the Society on Epidemics, through the State Societies where they exist." This resolve was passed in consequence of the deficiency of information which ought to and must be furnished by individuals of the profession, or else is not to be obtained in any way. Other Societies devote a good degree of attention to collecting this information, and your delegates respectfully submit, whether or not it is not the duty of this venerable Society to take care that it is not outstripped by its younger rivals in benefiting the profes- sion and the country. Another subject of a good deal of interest was introduced by the offering of the following resolution by Dr. Peaslee of this State. " Resolved, That it is the duty of the Faculties to refuse to admit to examina- tion for the degree of Doctor in Medicine alLpersons who intend to engage in any other than the regular practice, and to give notice of this in their annual course of lectures." An amendment was proposed to this and the whole matter was laid upon the table, till the next day when it was called up in another form and ended in the expression of the opin- ion by the Association that Medical Colleges and other boards authorized to graduate candidates should require them to sign the Code of Ethics of the Association, and 26 402 Records New Hampshire Medical Society make the administration of a pledge that they will abide by it, a portion of the public exercises of Commencement. This subject created more feeling and called out more earnest discussion than any other topic, which came before the meeting. Your delegates could not but be struck with the fact that most of the opposition to the resolution came from city schools and from some of those which graduate the largest number of students, while the smaller and the country schools very generally supported them. Your delegates were not forgetful of the resolution passed last year by this Society, instructing them to guard the interests of our State School, but the objectionable action which was anticipated was not attempted, and there was, of course, no occasion for opposition. New Hampshire was represented in the Association by thirteen delegates from the various Societies and institutions; a good number but not so large as we had hoped to see, and as was expected from the ease of access to New York and the fact that next year it is to be held at so great a distance, in St. Louis. The hospitality of the Association by the profession of New York was more than liberal, and your delegates desire here to acknowledge it. It was extended to them both publicly and privately, and added very much to the pleasure of the occasion. Of the delegates appointed by this Society four were present, the undersigned and Dr. Josiah Bartlett of Strat- ham. Dr. Bartlett hastened to return to his duties and perished by the way. From the fact that he was so long a member, and that a prominent one of this Society it seems fitting that we should here adopt appropriate resolutions expressive of our feelings, and your delegates take the liberty to move that a committee of five be appointed by the chair to draft and present appropriate resolutions. All which is respectfully submitted, E. K. Webster \ A. Smalley, > Delegates. E. H. Parker. ) May 31«* 1853. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 403 On motion of Dr. Dixi Crobsy — Resolved, that a committee of three be appointed to present resolutions to this Society in relation to the recent sudden death of Dr. Josiah Bartlett and that, that committee appoint some person to present sketches of his life. Committee appointed were — Drs. Fernald, Stackpole and Eastman. On motion of Dr. Brown — Resolved, That a com- mittee of three be appointed to write a biography of Dr. Joseph Eastman of Hampstead. Committee — Drs. Brown, J. Crosby & Griffin. At 12 o'clock. An interesting dissertation was read, upon the use of Chloroform, by Dr. Geo. B. Twitchell. 123^ o'clk. A dissertation, by Dr. Garland substitute for Dr. Fernald, upon Recto Vaginal Fistula with instruments. On motion of Dr. D. Crosby — Resolved- — That the thanks of this Society be presented to Dr. Garland for his very sensible remarks and the exhibition of his very ingenious instruments. On motion of Dr. D. Crosby — Resolved — That Dr. N. Plummer be invited to dine with the Society. On motion of Dr. Webster — The Chair appointed Drs. Stackpole, Smalley, Twitchell, Fitch, Eastman, Parker were appointed a committee to nominate officers. At 1 o'clk. P. M. President's Address. Adjourned to 3}4 o'clk. P. M. 33^ P. M. Met. On motion of Dr. Garland — Resolved — That the members of this Society, in view of the Provi- dential escape of Dr. Nathan Sanborn of Henniker from the awful death met by so many distinguished men at Norwalk Conn, congratulate, wth thankful hearts, his immediate friends and each other, that he is still Avith us. On motion of Dr. Chadbourne — Resolved — That the thanks of the Society be presented to the President, Dr. Ezra Carter, for his interesting and instruc- 404 Records New Hampshire Medical Society tive address, and that a copy be requested for publication in the New Hampshire Journal of Medicine. On motion of Dr. Parker — Resolved — Whereas during the two years past several suits have been commenced and carried through against physicians for alleged mal-practice, and whereas verdicts have been repeatedly obtained against the decided testimony of the most able physicians — therefore Resolved — That a committee of three be appointed to prepare resolu- tions expressive of the position to be taken by this Society as to such prosecutions. Committee appointed — Drs. Clough, Robinson, Stack- pole, who submitted the following — Report — Whereas in view of the fact that the general practitioner is frequently call to the treatment of fractures and disloca- tions and expected to make speedy and perfect recoveries, and whereas it is oftentimes impossible, from the nature of the injury, constitution, habits or temperament of the patient to obtain so desirable a result, and whereas failures are frequently followed by unjust and vexatious lawsuits — therefore Resolved — That hereafter we, the members of the N. H. Medical Society, agree and hereby proclaim that we will not set, dress or treat any fracture or dislocation, or perform any operation in surgery until the person or persons so requiring such surgical assistance by himself, parent or guardian, shall make pubUc declaration or give a good and sufficient bond that they will accept such service at their own risk — and shall in any event or termination of the case be satisfied with the result. Accepted. J. Clough Signed A. H. Robinson P. A. Stackpole On motion of Dr. McFarland — Resolved — That the foregoing Resolution and Report thereon be referred to a committee of three — Drs. McFarland, Parker & Fernald — with instructions to report at the next annual Records New Hampshire Medical Society 405 meeting of the Society, and liberty to publish so much of their doings as, in their judgment shall be advisable. Also that the necessary expenses incurred by the committee in their investigations be paid by the Society. The Committee on Nominations, by leave, reported the following list of officers for the ensuing year, who, on ballot, were declared elected, and, at once, entered upon their duties — President, Albert Smith Peterboro Vice President, J. S. Fernald Barrington Secretary, E. K. Webster Boscawen Treasurer, Silas Cummings Fitzwilliam For Councillors W. W. Brown Charles P. Gage P. A. Stackpole Chas. F. Elhott F. P. Fitch A. F. Carr J. C. Eastman E. L. Griffin A. Smalley J. Clough Geo. B. Twitchell J. 0. French W. H. H. Mason J. F. Hall For Censors G. W. Garland Nathan Sanborn L. G. Hill J. H. Smith Ed. Spaulding James Danforth J. H. Crombie J. P. Whittemore L. C. Bean J. W. H. Baker Fred. Boyden J. Bacheller W. H. H. Mason J. F. Hall For Corresponding Secretaries. W. W. Brown— C. H. Shackford— H. Eaton J. C. Eastman— A. Smalley— G. B. Twitchell W. H. H. Mason— For Delegates to Dartmouth College- John E. Tyler — Alonzo F. Carr. 406 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Delegates to American Medical Association. T. H. Marshall Silas Cummings E. B. Hammond John Clough W. H. H. Mason J. F. Hall E. L. Griffin C. H. Shackford F. P. Fitch J. 0. French Dr. Wm. Prescott delegate to Hanover made a report which was accepted. Dr. Smalley reported a case of supposed intususception which terminated favorably. Dr. Crosby reported a case of impacted faeces terminating favorably. Dr. Fernald & Sweatt also reported cases. On motion of Dr. Parker — Resolved — That it is the decided opinion of the New Hampshire Medical Society that no delegate should be admitted to membership in the American Medical Association who represents a Medical Society which numbers among its members any person or persons who adopt as their system of practice, any form of empiricism. Resolved — That the Secretary of this Society be instructed to trans- mit a copy of this resolution to the Secretary of the Ameri- can Medical Association previous to the next annual meeting, and to the Secretary to each of the State Medical Societies. On motion of Dr. Peaslee — Resolved — That a committee be appointed consisting of one member from each Medical District in this State, whose duty it shall be to obtain the names of all the medical practitioners within their respective districts, and ascertain at what medical schools all the irregular as well as the regular practitioners obtained their Diplomas. The facts thus obtained to be published at such time and in such manner as the Committee may decide upon. For Committee on the above Resolution Drs. Smalley — Parker — Fitch — Griffin — Twitchell — Stackpole — Mason — J. Crosby — Records New Hampshire Medical Society 407 June 1. The Committee appointed to prepare resolutions relating to the late sudden death of Dr. Josiah Bartlett made the following Report — Whereas, when the King of Terrors approaches in the ordinary manner, and seizes on our friends, it excites in us fear commingled with our grief — but if stricken by a sudden casualty, our griefs are more deep and reflection more profound. It forcibly impresses upon our minds, " What shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue, therefore Resolved — That in the sudden demise of our respected brother, Dr. Josiah Bartlett, we are forcibly reminded of the un- certainty of life, and the necessity of our absolute prepera- tion for death — Resolved — That in the death of Dr. Bartlett the community has lost a valuable mefnber. Religion an able advocate, and the Profession an energetic coadjutor. Resolved — That we most sincerely and heartily condole with the family and circle of private friends of the deceased, and assure them that we will cherish the memory of our brother with affection and respect. Resolved — That Dr. E. H. Parker be appointed to give a biographical sketch of the late Dr. Josiah Bartlett. Resolved — That the Secretary be directed to transmit a copy of the above to the family of Dr. Bartlett. J. S. Fernald, For the Committee. June 1, 1853. On motion of Dr. Stone — Resolved — That the Secretary of this Society furnish annually to the Compiler of the N. H. Register a complete list of its Fel- lows, with their places of residence, and request him to insert it in a seperate form from all other practitioners. The following resolutions were offered by Dr. Parker and after discussion laid upon the Table. Resolved — That hereafter the expenses of no member shall be paid 408 Records New Hampshire Medical Society from the general fund of the Society, except the annual dinner. Resolved — That the Society will publish the transactions of its next annual meeting for the use of its members and for gratuitous distribution. The following communication from the Pastoral Conven- tion of Congregational & Presbyterian Ministers received at a late hour last year and referred to the present meeting, was read, and On motion of Dr. Abbott — Accepted. " To the Medical Society of New Hampshire. " The Pastoral Convention of Congregational and Presbyterian Ministers convened this day in Concord, cordially respond to the communication received from your body. " The relations we hold to community are most important and the two professions should be mutual helpers of each other. " The physician feels a deep anxiety for the life and health of the patient, and so should the minister; and no interference on the part of the latter should be allowed to encroach upon the professional duties of the former. "Yet as ministers of the Gospel of Christ, we feel that we have tender and solemn relations to the sick of fami- lies under our pastoral care, which involve interests higher and more important than any which relate to this life only — therefore — Resolved "That we cordially reciprocate the kind feelings ex- pressed in the communication received from the Medical Society, and while we would cordially respect the rights of physicians, we earnestly desire their cooperation with us in our arduous and often difficult duties." A true copy N. Bouton Clerk of Convention — Concord June 2^ 1852. Records New Hampshire Medical Society 409 Reports from Corresponding Secretaries received from Dr. L. G. Hill, on Diseases & Treatment in Strafford Dis- trict. From Dr. W. W. Brown on quinine in typhoid fever. On motion of Dr. Parker Resolved •That a committee of five be appointed by the chair to petition the Legislature to enact a law providing for farther facilities in obtaining material for pursuing practical anatomy, similar to that which is now on the Statute book of Massachusettts. Committee appointed — Drs. Parker, Hubbard, Straw, Eastman, Bacheller. The following were appointed chairmen of Committees to examine patients 1. Dr. Hammond— 2. Dr. Knight— 3. Dr. C. F. Elliott. Adjourned E. K. Webster, Secretary APPENDIX A LIST of all the associates of the Western District of the Newhampshire Medical Society, with the time of their admission and their qualifications of admission. Date Name Residence Qualification William Page Charlestown Fellows of the John Rogers Plymouth N.H.Med Soc George Sparkaws Walpole resident with Thomas Russell in the limits Moses Nichols Amherst of the Western Nathan Smith Cornish District, when Calvin Frink Swansey that District Thomas Sterne Claremont Society was formed A LIST of all the associates who have been admitted to the Center District of the Newhampshire Medical Society, with the time of their admission and qualifications of admissions. Date Name Residence Qualifications 1807 Matthias Spalding Amherst Joseph Bartlett Salisbury Thomas Eaton Weare Jacob B. Moore New Andover Adonijah Howe Francistown Zadoc Howe Concord Roger Smith Mount Vernon Luke Lincoln New Boston Timothy Tilton Bridgewater Dan Hough Eeene Jonathan Kittredge Canterbury John Preston, Jr. New Ipswich Amasa Kelhs Chichester Samuel Gerrish Sanbornton Benoni Cutler Hollis Alex' T. Clark Northfield Asa Crosby Sandwich James Crombie Temple 1808 Samuel Curtis Amherst Wilson Shaw Unity James Stark Hopkinton Abel Goodrich Merrimac Abel Blanchard Pembroke 1809 Benjamin Jones Lyndesborough Job Wilson Salisbury 1810 Robert Barclay Londonderry George Farrar Londonderry M. B. 412 Records New Hampshire Medical Society A LIST of all the Associates of the Eastern District of the New hampshire Medical Society, with the time of their admission and their qualifications of admission. Date 1792 1793 1794 1795 1797 1800 1801 1803 1804 Name Joshua Brackett A. R. Cutter Hall Jackson Nath' Peabody Mosea Carr James Brackett John Jackson Ezra Green Ebenezer Rockwood William Cogswell Kendall Osgood William Parker Samuel Tenney Benjamin Page Isaac Thom Levi Bartlett John Preston Thomas S. Ranney Amos Gale Thomas Sargent Nath' Kidder Joseph Tilton Peter Green Philip Carrigain Jonathan Gove James Howe John Bond Jacob Kittredge Joseph Bartlett Benjamin Jones Josiah Bartlett, Jr. John Fogg Benjamin Rowe Joseph Shepherd Ezra Bartlett Amos Gale, Jr. Wilham Cutter Nathan Bachelor Samuel Foster Thomas Adams Ebenezer Lerned Edmond Chadwick Daniel Call Seth Fogg Jedediah Ingalls Lyman Spalding Samuel Morril Joshua Brackett Benjamin Kelley Jonathan Kittredge Residence Qualifications Portsmouth Fellows of the N.H. do. Medical Society do. regident within Exeter the limits Somersworth of the Eastern Lee District Portsmouth when that Dover District Wilton Society Atkinson was formed Peterborough Exeter do. do. Londonderry Kingston New Ipswich Brentwood Kingston Chester New Market Exeter Concord do. Goffstown Rochester Hampstead Dover Salisbury Lyndesborough Stratham Commenced Northampton business for Kensington himself prior to AD 1794 Warren do. Kingston do. Portsmouth do. Epping do. Candia do. Pembroke • do. Hopkinton do. Deerfield do. Meredith Deerfield Durham Exd by N.H.Med.Soc. Portsmouth M.B. Epsom Exd by N.H. Med. Soc. Portsmouth do. Gilmanton Canterbury Records New Hampshire Medical Society 413 Date Name Residence Qualifications 1804 William Guy Thomas Webster Lee Warren 1806 Jacob Main Dover Ex'i by N. H. Med. See. James H. Pierrepont Portsmouth do. 1807 Joseph Goodhue Fort Constitution M. B. " Josiah Dwight Portsmouth E.xd by N. H. Med. Soc. 1808 George Farrar Londonderry M. B. 1809 Jonathan Greely Dover ExJ by N. H. Med Soc. " Josiah Lane Dover do. " Asa Crosby Sandwich Before 1794 " Israel Gale ' Kingston E.x' 9, 1799 Jabez Dow Jan" 15,1799 Josh" Brackett Dec- 25, 1800 Sam' Morril July 15,1801 W"". Person Augt 26, 1801 Silas Brown Aug' 26, 1801 Josiah Lane March 2, 1802 Mr. Frost Jacob Main Dec 19, 1803 Jon" French Oct. 7, 1802 Israel Gale June 29, 1803 William Gordon Dec 14, 1804 Jonathan Greeley Augt. 14, 1805 Josiah Dwight Oct. 15, 1805 James H. Pierrepont Oct. 15, 1805 A. A. Dame Jany 10, 1806 Nathaniel Rowell June 4, 1807 Moses Clement June 4,1807 Joseph Eastman June 2, 1808 John French May 29,1810 Thomas Whipple July 21 1810 Peter Bartlett June 6, 1810 Moses Long, Jr. June 6, 1810 John Carr Octo-- 2,1811 Ehjah Rowell Jany 30, 1812 Henry Sargent Jany 30,1812 William Graves Feby 20, 1812 James Odell, Jr. May 9,1812 A LIST Physick and Surgery, who have been examined by the Censors and received regular letters testimonial. Censor'' Theses Certificate filed and ^ . , . , recorded letters Censors by whom examined H. Jactson, L. Bartlett J. Gove, K. Osgood H. Jackson, A.R. Cutter, J . Jackson A. R. Cutter, J. Jackson X. R. Cutter, J. Jackson L. Bartlett, J. Bartlett J. JacL^on, J. Bartlett W. Cutter, J. Bartlett W. Cutter, J. Bartlett J. Bartlett, W. Cutter J. Bartlett, W. Cutter J. Bartlett, W. Cutter, J. Fogg J. Bartlett, W. Cutter, J. Fogg W. Cutter, L. Spalding W. Cutter, L. Spalding Cutter, Spalding, Fogg Cutter, Spalding, Fogg W. Cutter, L. Spalding Green, Lerned, Nichols Green, Lerned, Nichols Smith & Lerned Cutter & L. Spalding Cutter & L. Spalding M. Spalding & Lerned Lerned & M. Spalding Lerned & Morril Lerned & Morril Lerned & Morril Peirrepont & Cutter Cutter & Peirrepont in testi- vol.1. page monial issued 47 Feby, 1794 48 55 May 17, 1797 55 Jany, 1799 56 56 Jany, 1801 56 July, 1801 64 Aug', 1801 64 Aug', 1801 64 March 1802 1802 65 Jany, 1804 76 1805 75 1804 103 1804 1805 84 1806 96 1807 96 1807 103 117 1810 118 1810 118 1810 119 1810 127 1812 127 1812 128 128 129 1812 414 Records New Hampshire Medical Society Censors Theses Certificate filed and Name Eiamined Censors by ir/iom examined recorded in letters testi- vol. 1 , page monial issued Thomas Shannon Octr 29, 1812 A. Crosby & S. MorrU 132 1812 James Noiris Oct' 29, 1812 A. Crosby & S. MorrU 133 1812 Silas Merrill Oct' 29, 1812 A. Crosby & S. Morril 133 1812 Joseph M. Harper Jan. 17,1813 Lerned, Spalding & Morril 134 Andrew T. Wiggin Apl 19, 1813 Brackett & Fogg 141 John Morrison Apl 29, 1814 S. Fogg & S. Morril 142 Jon^ H.Shaw June 2, 1813 Lerned. Spalding & Morril 142 Eben' Dearborn Jan. 3, 1815 S. Fogg & S. Morril 143 Nath' Henchman June 8, 1815 Lerned & Morril 143 Alex' Boyd June 7,1815 Lerned & Morril 144 Jonathan Woodbury Oef 20, 1815 S. Fogg & S. Morril 144 Asa Perkins Oct' 20,1815 S. Fogg &S. Morril J55 William Sweatt Feb. 27,1816 S. Fogg & L.Morrill 156 Charles Herbert, Jr. Nov. 29, 1815 Lerned & S. Morrill 156 Da%'id T. Libbey June 6, 1816 Lerned & S. MorriU 157 Isaac Wallace Jan. 27,1813 Lerned, Spalding & Morril 157 Josiah Kittredge July 24,1816 Spalding & Crombie 158 Levi Merrill Jan. 29, 1817 Lerned & S. Morril 158 John B: Elliot Feb. 13,1817 A. Crosby & Pray 169 John Wallace Oct. 1,1816 M. Spalding & Crombie 170 Joseph Hammonds Nov. 13, 1816 Crosby & Pray 170 Hezekiah J. Crocket June 2,1817 Crosby & Pray 171 John McCrillis Nov. 13,1816 Crosby & Pray 171 Peter P. Woodbm-y Oct. 1,1816 Spalding & Crombie 179 WilMam Trafton Dec. 23,1817 Mussey & Bachelder 179 Aaron Pierce Dec. 23, 1817 Mussey & Bachelder 180 David A. Grosvenor Dec. 23, 1817 Mussey & Bachelder 180 George Odell Apl. 10, 1818 Pierrepont & Ingalls 181 Joseph Fifield .Apl. 10, 1818 Pierrepont & Ingalls 181 John Campbell Apl. 22,1817 Spalding & Crombie 181 Joseph Boynton May 30, 1818 Spalding & Adams 182 Abner Johnson June 4, 1818 Lerned & S. Morrill 182 Sam' Sawyer June 4,1818 Lerned & S. Morrill 183 W" A. Staples Oct. 20, 1818 Pierrepont d, 1820 Jed. Ingalls & Dwight 227 Amasa Kellogg Oct. Htb, 1820 Bachelder & Adams 243 James W. Perkins Oct. 9«i>, 1820 Spalding & Adams 244 George Wilkins Oct. 9'h, 1820 Spalding & Adams 244 John D. Fogg Nov. 2'"i, 1820 Ingalls & Dwight 245 John T. Sanborn April 17"=. 1821 Crosby & Prescott 245 Nathan Sanborn Jan. 31=*-, 1821 Lerned & Morril 258 Joseph Foord July 12">, 1821 Mussey & Dana 259 Ezra Nichols Sept. 6"', 1821 Dwight & Ingalls 259 Abraham S. Bradley Aug. 4, 1821 Dwight & Ingalls 260 Stephen Cole Aug. 20, 1821 Bachelder & Adams 260 William E. Langdon Dec. 18, 1822 Dwight & Ingalls 261 Antonio Knight Jan. 22, 1822 Dwight & Ingalls 261 Isaiah Lane Dec. 7, 1822 Mussey & Oliver 270 Thomas Lindsay, Jr . Feb. 15, 1823 Farrington & Hammons Isaac Hatch June 3,1822 Bachelder & Adanas 271 Lyman Brooks " Bachelder & Adams " Ephraim Adams Dec. 19"', 1822 Mussey & Oliver 272 Sam> Richardson Oct. 9, 1820 Spalding & Adams " Jeremiah Stickney " 3, 1820 Spalding & .4.dams 273 Israel Burnham " 2, " Spalding & .^dama " Ira Weston Jan. 13, 1823 Adams & Ramsay 274 Joseph B. Eastman Jan. S'h, 1825 Chadbourn & Crosby 309 George W. Gale Jun. 29, 1826 Chadbourn & Crosby 321 Sam' W. Dow Jan. 19, 1827 Dow & Farrington 331 John Hopkins Dec. 3"i, 1827 Mussey & Oliver John Clough June S, 1827 Oliver & Tewksbury 348 Charles W. Whitney May 8, 1828 Gregg & Webber 367 Thomas W. Wilson July 4,1831 Enos Hoyt & J. Carr 391 Otis French June 4, 1833 P. Bartlett & D. Crosby 401 Otis Hoyt Jan. 15, 1834 P. Bartlett & D. Crosby 402 Elijah Blaisdell June 3, 1834 Crosby, Livy & Drew 409 Ephraim S. Frost May 7, 1823 Twitchel & Adams 415 James F.Sargent Feb. 26, 1836 Gregg & Bartlett " Jeremiah F. Hall Oct. 21, 1836 Abbott & Page 428 Ehphalet K.Webster June 21,1837 Abbott & Page 441 Levi G. Hill July 7, 1837 .Abbott & Page 442 Jacob C. Hanson Sept. 13,1837 Abbott & Page 442 Vol.2 Edward Buxton June, 1838 Abbott & Page 1 WiUiamH. Smart April, 1839 M.Hill and Tenney 15 Charles G.Safford June, 1839 M.Hill and Tenney 16 James A. Tilton June, 1839 M. Hill and Tenney " JohnM.Fitz June, 1864 A. B. Crosby & C. B. Willis INDEX. Abbott, Dr. James B., 225, 235, 245, 246, 251, 256, 260, 261, 265, 271, 272, 273, 275, 277, 278, 281, 282, 285, 286, 288, 289, 283, 294, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 305, 310, 311, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 322, 324, 325, 328, 329, 331, 340, 341, 342, 346, 347, 349, 350, 355, 360, 363, 364, 365, 368, 373, 374, 377, 382, 383, 387, 392, 393, 395, 396, 399, 408. Abell, Dr. Truman, 149, 161, 163, 198, 214, 222, 247, 256, 260, 262, 265, 266, 268, 277, 285, 324. Adams, Dr., 320, 321. Adams, Dr. Charles G., 149, 151, 158, 163, 169, 172, 175, 179, 180, 189, 214, 222, 269, 392. Adams, Dr. Daniel, 78, 84, 100, 101, 102, 112, 115, 116, 120, 123, 125, 126, 130, 131, 13.3, 136, 1.37, 141, 145, 146, 151, 158, 159, 163, 172, 176, 177, 179, 180, 189, 198, 205, 214, 219, 222, 223, 229, 231, 232, 237, 238, 239, 256, 262, 287, 307, 310, 325, 329. Adams, Dr. Ephraim, 175. Adams, Dr. Thomas, 38. Adams, Dr. Wilham (Willard?), 345, 347. Alcoholics, resolution, 217, 275. American Medical Association, report of delegates, 399. Angel, Dr. Leland H., 380. Atler, Dr. W. L., 401. Austin, Dr. Oliver W., 259, 260. Ayer, Dr. Otis, 388. Bachelder, Dr. Calvin, 225. Bachelder, Dr. John P., 107, 108, 115, 119, 129, 133, 146, 147, 148, 151, 152, 153, 158, 161, 163, 166, 169, 175. Bachelder, Dr. John T., 104, 123. Bachelder, Dr. Nathan, 128, 132. Bachelder (See Batchelder). Babb, Dr. James, 355, 360. Bailey, Dr., 198. Baker, Dr. Isaac, 147. Baker, Dr. John W. H., 398, 399, 405. Barber, Dr. William, 149. Bard, Dr. Simeon I., 187. Barker, Dr. Lemuel M., 202, 203. 418 Index Barr, Dr. James, 180. Barron, Dr. Putnam, 234. Bartlett, Dr., 84, 86, 103, 140, 212, 221, 238, 245, 251, 255, 266, 267, 302, 312, 326, 346, 356, 391; 392. Bartlett, Dr. Albert, 301. Bartlett, Dr. Ezra, 38, 66, 72, 77, 78, 95, 151, 160, 172, 360, 361, 362, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 372, 373, 375, 377, 382, 383, 389. Bartlett, Dr. Josiah, 3, 7, 9, 23, 26, 27, 28, 31, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 65, 66, 67, 71, 72, 75, 76, 77, 82, 84, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 114, 115, 122, 123, 124, 126, 128, 131, 133, 141, 148, 151, 156, 157, 161, 164, 165, 172, 179, 180, 187. bequest of, 314. obituarj', 407. Bartlett, Dr. Josiah, 201, 203, 293, 295, 296, 297, 298, 302, 305, 310, 315, 316, 318, 319, 322, 323, 325, 329, 331, 336, 337, 341, 342, 343, 349, 354, 355, 357, 358, 359, 360, 362, 365, 367, 368, 371, 373, 374, 376, 377, 378, 381, 382, 383, 386, 387, 389, 390, 394, 395, 402, 403. Bartlett, Dr. Levi, 8, 9, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 64, 66, 154. Bartlett, Dr. Levi S., 300, 301. Bartlett, Dr. Peter, 80, 117, 123, 127, 148, 151, 152, 161, 170, 178, 187, 189, 193, 194, 195, 198, 200, 201, 203, 206, 213, 214, 222, 234, 254, 256, 258, 268, 269. Bartley, Dr. Robert, 99, 107, 108, 110, 111, 122, 131, 139, 148. Bassett, Dr. Thomas, 201, 203, 281, 282, 284, 287, 298, 301, 305, 346, 348, 349, 350, 355, 357, 360. Barton, Dr. Benjamin S., 78. Batchelder, Dr. Daniel P., 341. Batchelder (Bachelder), Dr., 151, 164, 259, 260, 268, 272, 274, 293, 295, 301, 307, 310, 311, 312, 320, 321, 324, 325, 330, 335, 338, 339, 340, 346, 350, 409. Batchelder, Dr. James, 151, 187, 228, 265, 271, 273, 283, 286, 294, 298, 299, 304, 305, 315, 317, 318, 319, 322, 327, 329, 331, 336, 337, 342, 343, 349, 355, 357, 359, 360, 363, 371, 377, 381, 382, 384, 386, 387, 389, 390, 393, 395, 405. Batchelder, Dr. J. G., 360, 373. Bean, Dr. Luther C, 388, 405. Beck, J. B., 234. Bell, Dr. Luther V., 265, 266, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 320, 384. Berkley, Dr. Robert, 73, 77, 82. Index 419 Berr>', Dr. Charles T., 330, 332, 335, 346, 349. Bigelow, Dr. Jacob, 227. Blaisdell, Dr. Elijah, 264, 270, 271, 301, 309, 390. Blake, Dr. Jeremiah, 258, 260, 265, 266, 270, 388, 389, 390, 393, 394, 395. Blanchard, Dr. Abel, 115. Bliss, Dr. Abner, 146. Bond, Dr. John, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 151. Bond, Dr. Henry, 27. Bouton, Rev. Dr. N., 398, 408. Boyd, Dr. .\lexander, 98, 141, 148, 170, 231, 240. Boyden, Dr. Frederick, 338, 341, 360, 363, 367, 371, 383, 389, 394, 405. Boyden, Dr., 107, 120, 122, 148, 151. Boyden, Dr. Joseph, 205. Brackett, Dr. Anson, 249, 252. Brackett, Dr. James, 3. Brackett, Dr. Joshua, 3, 7, 23, 24, 25, 27, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 44, 53, 54, 56, 57. biographical notice, 61. Brackett, Dr. Joshua, 64, 65, 66, 71, 83, 84, 86, 88, 90, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 131, 173. Brackett, Mrs. (Miss Hannah Whipple), 62, 63. Bradley, Dr. Abraham S., 168. Bradley, Dr. Oscar H., 398, 399. Brooks, Dr. Lyman, 175. Bro\\m, Dr., 282, 339, 344, 399, 403. Brown, Dr. Silas, 42. Brown, Dr. Stephen, 388. Brown, Dr. Thomas, 278, 281, 325, 327, 331, 332, 340, 341, 343, 345, 346, 347, 349, 355, 357, 360, 367, 368, 372, 376. obituary, 385. Brown, Dr. William W., 270, 271, 311, 312, 315, 322, 325, 328, 330, 331, 332, 337, 343, 387, 390, 395, 405, 409. Buck, Dr. Reuben, 263, 283. Buck, Dr. WilUam D., 324, 326, 331, 339, 340, 342, 344, 345, 350. Burnett, Dr. Waldo J., 400. Bumham, Dr. Israel (W.), 177, 311, 312, 320, 322, 325, 328, 331, 340, 343. Bums, Dr. 229, 245. Burns, Dr. Robert, 187, 310. Burns, Dr. William, 180, 205. Buswell, Dr. Caleb, 180, 187. Buxton, Dr. Edward, 293. Campbell, Dr. H. F., 400. Campbell, Dr. John, 120. 420 Index Campbell, Dr. W. J., 345, 347, 350, 355, 357, 361, 363, 377. Candie, Dr. D. Francis, 400. Carlton, Dr. Edmund, 72, 77, 108. Carpenter, Dr. Eber, 146, 259, 260, 264. Carpenter, Dr. Harvey, 259, 260, 264. Carr, Dr., 320, 363, 393. Carr, Dr. Alonzo F., 311, 312, 332, 337, 340, 341, 344, 346, 348, 355, 357, 361, 362, 367, 371, 377, 382, 383, 395, 405. Carr, Dr. John, 86, 112, 115, 122, 129, 148, 161, 178, 195, 203, 221, 224, 227, 229, 238, 240, 245, 246, 248, 249, 251, 256, 258, 260, 261, 265, 266, 270, 271, 274, 281, 282, 284, 285, 294, 295, 298, 305, 309, 311, 313, 316, 332, 340, 346, 347, 350, 355, 356, 361, 367, 368, 373, 374, 389, 396. Carr, Dr. Moses, 3. Carrigain, Dr. Phillip, 8, 9, 26, 28, 33, 37, 71. Carroll County Medical Society, chartered, 368. Carter, Dr. David, 117, 140. Carter, Dr. Ezra, 202, 203, 234, 278, 294, 301, 310, 311, 315, 317, 320, 322, 331, 336, 338, 339, 340, 346, 355, 360, 364, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 372, 373, 376, 379, 381, 382, 386, 389, 393, 394, 396, 397, 399, 403. Carter, Dr. Moses, 367, 368. Cavis, Capt. S., 278. Center District Medical Society, chartered, 58. Chadbourne, Dr. Thomas, 117, 122, 123, 126, 127, 129, 131, 132, 133, 139, 140, 148, 151, 152, 155, 161, 163, 164, 166, 170, 172, 173, 177, 179, 180, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 195, 197, 198, 199, 201, 203, 205, 206, 210, 211, 215, 219, 227, 234, 235, 238, 239, 245, 247, 248, 251, 252, 254, 256, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 268, 270, 271, 272, 275, 276, 277, 278, 281, 285, 287, 294, 297, 301, 302, 305, 309, 310, 312, 325, 331, 340, 346, 348, 349, 350, 355, 356, 360, 365, 368, 370, 373, 375, 378, 398, 403. resignation from the N. H. M. S., 207, 227, 228. Chadwick, Dr. Edmund, 45, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 71, 82, 92, 94, 95, 107, 127. Chandler, Dr., 196. Chandler, Dr. George, 338, 341, 366, 368. Chandler, Dr. Jeremiah, 143. Chandler, Dr. John, 130. Channing, Dr. W., 295. Chapman, Dr. Jedediah, 107, 115. Chase, Dr. Charles, 265, 266. Chase, Dr. Heber, 293, 297. Index 421 Chase, Dr. Warren E., 311, 312, 313, 320, 321, 323, 325, 326, 340, 342 393. obituary, 396. Chatman, Dr., 193. Cheaver, Dr. Charles A., 198. Cilley, Dr., 202, 203. Clark, Dr., 330. Clark, Dr. Alexander T., 104, 107, 110, 114. Clark, Dr. James, 122. Clark, Dr. Jolin, 198. Clark, Dr. Moses, 338, 341. Clement, Dr. Moses, 65. Clough, Dr. John, 218, 249, 252, 380, 382, 389, 392, 295, 398, 404, 405, 406. Cochran, Dr. Thomas, 330, 332. CogsweU, Dr. William, 3, 7, 27, 108, 127, 285. Cogswell, Rev. Dr., 296, 347. Colburn, Dr., 346. Colburn, Dr. E., 339, 341. Colbom-ne, Dr. Simeon D., 259, 264. Colburn, Dr. Zaccheus, 324, 325, 326, 332, 335, 336, 340, 343, 349. Colby, Dr., 195, 245, 246, 256, 260, 262, 265, 268, 278, 281, 282, 284, 325. Colby, Dr. Elijah, 203, 212, 229, 232, 235, 2.38, 240, 246, 251, 271, 272, 273, 279, 280, 281, 284, 286. Colby, Dr. Isaac, 162, 170, 172, 178, 180, 181, 187, 188, 193, 212, 213, 221, 222, 228, 229, 231, 232, 234, 235, 238, 239, 312, 322, 326, 327, 328, .329, 336. Colby, Dr. Moses, 187, 206, 263, 283. Cole, Dr. Stephen, 169, 201, 212, 213. Conflict, Dr. Lewis, 310. Cone, Dr. John R., 78. Congregational Journal, charges against the N. H. M. S., 338, 341, 342, 344. Cook, Rev. Amos J., 253. Corbet t. Dr., 306, 320. Courser, Phebe, 225. Cowan, Dr. James W., 318, 320, 339, 340, 342, 349, 355, 357, 363. Crockett, Dr. Hezekiah, J., 114. Crombie, Dr. James, 104, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113, 117, 118, 120, 145, 171, 318, 320, 325, 332, 340, 374, 405. Crosby, Dr., 108, 116, 140, 152, 154, 195, 203, 219, 260, 272, 275, 295, 296, 301, 307, 317, 375, 397, Crosby, Dr. Asa, 72, 77, 82, 84, 85, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 100, 107, 113, 114, 115, 118, 122, 123, 126, 128, 133, 144, 148, 151, 157, 160, 161, 163, 165, 166, 170, 172, 177, 179, 180, 186, 187, 188, 189, 193, 195, 198, 199, 203, 212, 214, 222, 234, 235, 251, 252, 257, 263, 273, 285, 296. 422 Index Crosby, Dr. Dixi, 202, 213, 234, 240, 245, 251, 254, 255, 256, 258, 260, 262, 263, 264, 266, 271, 272, 273, 277, 281, 282, 287, 294, 297, 298, 299, 302, 305, 306, 310, 311, 312, 315, 318, 320, 322, 324, 328, 329, 337, 342, 343, 349, 354, 355, 368, 372, 373, 375, 378, 379, 381, 382, 386, 387, 389, 391, 392, 395, 403. Crosby, Dr. Hugh J., 203. Crosby, Dr. Josiah, 117, 122, 123, 131, 132, 136, 137, 141, 151, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 170, 178, 181, 187, 189, 195, 198, 199, 201, 203, 204, 206, 210, 211, 212, 215, 227, 302, 307, 311, 312, 313, 316, 320, 321, 322, 325, 340, 343, 346, 349, 355, 358, 359, 361, 363, 373, 377, 382, 383, 387, 392, 394, 395, 406. resigned from the N. H. M. S., 207, 219, 227, 228. Crosby, Dr. Thomas R., 324, 325, 326, 328, 329, 332, 343, 355, 361. Cummings, Dr. Silas, 265, 293, 295, 331, 333, 336, 338, 339, 340, 341, 343, 345, 346, 347, 349, 354, 355, 358, 361, 362, 363, 368, 369, 370, 373, 375, 377, 381, 382, 386, 388, 389, 390, 394, 395, 405, 406. Currie, Dr. Thomas H., 346, 347, 355, 361, 368. Cutter, Dr. Ammi Ruhami, 3, 8, 23, 27, 31, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 44, 46, 47, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59, 66, 71, 75, 76, 82, 84, 88, 89. Cutter, Dr. William, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 64, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 77, 80, 84, 88, 90, 109, 179. Dalton, Dr. J., 187, 198, 383. Dalton, Dr. John, 170. Dalton, Dr. Joseph, 148, 180, 183, 194, 205, 305, 322. Dame, Dr. Alexander Augustus, 57, 61. Dana, Dr. James Freeman, 162, 163, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172, 173, 178, 198, 205. Dana, Dr. John A., 300, 301, 302, 340, 344. Danforth, Dr. James, 311, 312, 346, 361, 405. Dartmouth Medical Institution, report of delegates, 172, 181, 204, 216, 229, 241, 252, 255, 267, 274, 283, 303, 316, 323, 327, 333, 350. Davis, Dr. N. S., 400. Dearborn, Dr. Asahel, 218, 221, 223, 263, 283. Dearborn, Dr. Ebenezer, 97, 162. Dearborn, Dr. John S., 33, 34. Dearborn, Dr. Samuel G., 386, 388, 398. Delamater, Dr., 276. Dewees, Dr. WiUiam P., 251, 252. Index 423 Dewey, Dr. John, 162, 178. Dexter, Dr. Aaron, 107. Dickey, Dr. 339, 340, 346, 350, 359. Dickey, Dr. A. O., 324, 326, 332, 333, 336, 343, 349, 357, 363, 383. Dickey, Dr. Hanover, 309, 312, 313, 320, 321, 322, 323, 325, 331, 336, 341, 342, 347. Dickey, Dr. Hanover, Jr., 328. Dole, Mr., 329. Dorsey, Dr. John S., 78. Doten, Dr. Isaac, 141, 148, 170. Dousman, Dr. John B., 234, 259, 260, 261, 265, 266, 268, 272, 273, 274, 281, 282, 287, 301, 302, 303, 305, 310, 312, 315. Dow, Dr., 212, 215, 266, 320. Dow, Dr. Darius A., 360, 361, 363. Dow, Dr. Jabez, 35, 71, 107, 170, 172, 177, 179, 183, 184, 187, 188, 189, 198, 205, 206, 214, 222, 232. Dow, Moses, 6. Dow, Dr. Samuel W., 206, 218, 221, 259, 260, 262, 265, 268, 270, 271, 273. Drake, Dr. Daniel, 251, 252. Drew, Dr. Stephen, 128, 162, 221, 251, 256, 260, 261, 264, 265, 273, 287, 294, 298, 299, 300, 305, 307, 322, 329, 337, 343. Dunbar, Dr. George F., 213. Durgin, Dr. O. E., 187. Durgin, Rev. Mr., 397. Durkee, Dr. John, 170, 178, 179. Dwight, Dr. Josiah, 51, 61, 112, 115, 133, 148, 151, 155, 159, 163, 168, 169, 170, 172. Eastern District Medical Society, forfeiture of charter, 183. Eastman, Dr., 245, 324, 338, 339, 344, 392, 403, 409. Eastman, Dr. Joseph, 70, 318, 320, 329, 331, 333, 343, 346, 350, 355, 357, 358, 359, 363, 371, 395, 403. Eastman, Joseph B., 195, 245, 246. Eastman, Dr. Josiah C, 311, 312, 319, 320, 322, 325, 326, 328, 330, 331, 337, 343, 345, 346, 349, 350, 355, 356, 358, 361, 362, 363, 365, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 376, 377, 381, 382, 383, 389, 393, 394, 395, 405. Eaton, Dr. Harrison, 325, 326, 332, 333, 336, 337, 340, 341, 343, 349, 355, 361, 366, 367, 368, 382, 387, 394, 405. Eaton, Dr. Jacob S., 301, 311, 312. Edwards, Dr. Thomas O., 377. Eldridge, Dr. Hezekiah, 270, 271, 281, 294, 299, 301, 309, 312, 313 , 315, 368. 424 Index Eldridge, Dr. Micah, 270, 271, 273, 281, 286, 294, 298, 301, 305, 312, 313, 315, 316, 319, 322, 329. Elkins, Dr., 195, 212, 302, 355. Elkins, Dr. John P., 180, 214, 222, 229, 234, 236, 238, 240, 245, 265, 268, 271, 273, 286, 294, 298, 301, 305, 315, 318, 322, 361. Elkins, Dr. O., 221. Elkins, Dr. P., 221, 229. Elkins, Dr. Tilton, 201, 203, 238, 245, 251, 260, 265, 312, 320. Elliott, Dr., 261, 301, 312. Elliott, Dr. Charles F., 339, 341, 349, 354, 355, 357, 359, 360, 361, 363, 368, 370, 405, 409. ElUott, Dr. John B., 112, 263, 283. EUiott, Dr. John S., 259, 261, 305, 315. Emerson, Dr. G., 400. Ewers, Mr., 152. Farley, Dr. Luther, 104, 107, 125, 163, 171, 172, 177. Farrar, Dr. George, 73, 77, 82, 93, 94, 95, 100, 131, 138, 140, 141, 177, 206, 238. Farrington, Dr. James, 122, 149, 170, 172, 174, 179, 185, 187, 189, 205, 206, 212, 214, 218, 219, 221, 222, 232, 234, 235, 236, 238, 239, 263, 325, 328, 329, 336, 343. Fellows, Dr. John, 361, 368, 386, 388. Femald, Dr. John S., 238, 244, 247, 305, 315, 329, 343, 377, 378, 379, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 390, 391, 392, 394, 397, 398, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407. Ferson, Dr. WiUiam, 42. Fifield, Dr. John L., 120, 266, 281. Fisher, Dr. Joshua, 67. Fitch, Dr. Francis P., 293, 295, 296, 298, 305, 310, 311, 312, 315, 318, 320, 322, 325, 326, 329, 331, 332, 333, 335, 337, 338, 343, 346, 349, 350, 354, 355, 361, 363, 368, 374, 375, 377, 379, 382, 383, 386, 388, 390, 391, 392, 395, 398, 403, 405, 406. Flanders, Dr., 281, 295, 331, 341, 346, 356. Flanders, Dr. Daniel, 343. Flanders, Dr. David, 271, 294, 311, 313, 319, 321, 328, 330, 337, 349, 355, 357, 358, 360, 361, 362, 365, 371, 377. Flanders, Dr. E. B., 377. Fletcher, Dr. M. R., 301, 306. Fogg, Dr., 95, 103, 110. Fogg, Dr. John, 39, 44, 46, 48, 51, 52, 53, 60, 66, 71, 72, 76, 77, 93, 96, 100, 131, 159, 173. Fogg, Dr. Seth, 72, 77, 82, 83, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 112, 122. Folsom, Thomas, 65. Index 425 Foord, Dr. Joseph, 167, 187. Foster, Clarissa, 224. Foster, Mrs., 178. Foster, Dr. Samuel, 39, 44, 46, 52, 75, 88, 122, 123, 126. Francis, Dr., 400. Fractures, resolution in regard to treatment of, 404. Freeman, Dr., 330. French, Dr., 340, 346. French, Dr. C, 355. French, Dr. John, 80, 141, 148, 152, 161, 170, 2.38. French, Dr. John O., 361, 395, 405, 406. French, Dr. Jonathan, 51. French, Dr. J. S., 325. French, Dr. Otis, 257, 330, 332, 357, 361, 363. French, Dr. Samuel P., 398, 399. French, William, 225. Frink, Dr. Calvin, 9, 102, 127, 141. Frost, Dr. Elias, 187, 249, 252. Frost, Dr. Ephraim S., 269. Fry, Dr., 320. Fuller, Dr. James M., 162. Gage, Dr. Charles Pinckney, 309, 312, 318, 320, 325, 331, 336, 338, 339, 340, 342, 345, 346, 349, 350, 353, 354, 355, 357, 358, 359, 360, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 376, 377, 380, 384, 385, 387, 390, 391, 392, 393, 396, 397, 399, 405. Gage, Dr. Horace, 311, 312, 361, 367, 371. Gale, Dr., 31, 36, 37, 320, 321. Gale, Dr. Amos, 8, 9, 27, 31, 36, 64, 95. Gale, Dr. Amos, Jr., 38. Gale, Dr. Amos G., 311, 312, 359. Gale, Dr. B., 355. Gale, Dr. Ezra B., 300, 301, 315, 343, 349, 357, 362, 371, 376, 383. Gale, Dr. George W., 198, 201. Gale, Dr. Israel, 50, 148, 187, 192, 194, 205, 214, 222, 231, 232, 235, 236, 239, 240. Gallup, Dr., 187. Garland, Dr. George W., 373, 375, 378, 382, 383, 392, 397, 403, 405. Gates, Dr. Jeremiah, 345, 347, 350. George, Dr. Austin, 180. Gerrish, Dr. Samuel, 72. Glidden, Atkinson, 226. Glidden, Richard, 188. Goodrich, Dr. Abel, 112, 162. Coram, Dr. David W., 201. 426 Index Gordon, Dr. William, 43, 61, 70. Goreham, Dr. John, 84. Gould, Dr. Joseph, 309, 320, 361. Gove, Dr. Jonathan, 8, 9, 26, 27, 30, 58, 89, 127, 398, 399. Grafton County Medical Society, chartered, 160. Graves, Dr. J. G., 300, 301, 331, 332, 340, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 349, 353, 355, 356, 357, 361, 365, 367. Graves, Dr. J. H., 368. Graves, Dr. William, 87, 112, 149, 170, 186, 187. charges against, 174, 178, 181. Gregg, Dr. James A., 149, 161, 164, 165, 195, 198, 203, 206, 212, 214, 215, 222, 231, 233, 235, 239, 245, 251, 254, 255, 256, 260, 262, 265, 267, 268, 269, 278, 281, 294, 307, 312, 313, 320, 321, 325, 331, 332, 336, 340, 342, 346, 347, 348, 349, 355, 356, 361, 362, 365. charges against, 270, 279, 284, 287, 294, 295, 307. Greeley, Dr. Jonathan, 51, 61, 71, 78, 83, 92, 173. Greeley, Dr. Joseph, 131. Green, Dr., 26, 33, 37, 110, 136, 140. Green, Dr. Ezra, 3, 64, 294, 295. Green, Dr. Peter, 8, 9, 60, 65, 84, 94, 95, 99, 100, 102, 107, 108, 114, 115, 122, 123, 129, 131, 133, 137, 148. Griffin, Dr. Ezra L., 392, 395, 403, 405, 406. Gross, Dr. Samuel D., 345, 347. Grosvener, Dr. Aaron P., 162, 205, 212, 262, 268. Grosvener, Dr. David A., 119. Grover, Dr. N., 374. Grover, Dr. WiUiam, 368. Hall, Dr. Jeremiah F., 277, 293, 295, 299, 301, 320, 322, 378, 379, 382, 383, 389, 390, 395, 405, 406. Hamihon, Dr. Cyrus B., 187, 214, 355, 357, 361, 363, 374, 378, 383, 389, 390, 395. Hammons, Dr. Jacob (Joseph), 162. Hammons, Dr. Joseph, 113, 172, 174, 178, 187, 262, 345, 347, 348, 349, 355, 357, 358, 359, 361, 362, 367, 368, 371, 389, 392, 393, 394, 395, 397, 399, 406, Hanson, Dr. Jacob C, 288, 300, 301, 302, 309, 312, 320, 325. Harding, Dr. N., 257. Hardy, Dr. Noah, 128, 132, 240, 247, 262, 268, 273, 287, 315. Harlan, Dr. Richard, 251, 252. Harper, Dr. Joseph M., 92, 117, 123, 129, 131, 148, 161, 170, 178, 187, 195, 203, 204, 205, 212, 215, 221, 225, 229, 231, 234, 235, 237, 238, 240. Harris, Dr. Da\'id, 311, 312. Hastings, Dr. Oliver, 149, 165, 193. Hatch, Dr., 221, 238. Index 427 Hatch, Dr. Elisha, 392. Hatch, Dr. Isaac, 175. Hatch, Dr. Reuben, 212, 213. Haynes, Dr. Timothy, 277, 281, 282, 296, 297, 299, 300, 301, 302, 306, 309, 312, 313, 315, 320, 322, 325, 331, 340, 343, 346, 355, 361. Hazeltine, Dr. Abraham, 184. Hazeltine, Dr. Richard, 30. Heald, Dr. Asa, 198, 265, 266. Heard, Dr. John, 330, 332. Henchman, Dr. Nathaniel, 97. Herbert, Dr. Charles, Jr., 105. Herrick, Dr. Israel, 187, 235, 236, 239. Hill, Dr., 164, 179, 187, 190, 195, 212, 215, 238, 239, 245, 251, 282, 303, 321, 399. Hill, Dr. Isaac, 215, 235, 236. Hill, Dr. Levi G., 288, 300, 301, 302, 309, 357, 361, 362, 366, 367, 368, 370, 381, 383, 390, 394, 395, 397, 398, 405, 409. Hill, Dr. Moses, 249, 260, 271, 282, 287, 294, 295, 298, 301, 304, 305, 308, 312, 314, 320, 325, 326, 331,' 332, 336. Hill, Dr. Thomas P., 141, 149, 161, 164, 170, 171, 172, 173, 178, 179, 180, 183, 188, 191, 193, 198, 199, 205, 213, 235, 238, 239, 246, 256, 265, 266, 270, 277, 281, 282, 285, 287, 296, 297, 300, 310, 312, 320, 340. Hoit (Also see Hoyt). Hoit, Hoyt, Dr., 195, 203, 212, 221, 227, 228, 231, 234, 235, 245, 246, 248, -249, 251, 258, 260, 265, 270, 271, 274, 275, 281, 293, 296, 300, 301, 309, 310, 311, 314, 320, 321, 325, 326, 329, 330, 331, 332, 335, 340. Hoit, Dr. Daniel J., 345, 347. Holyoke, Dr. Edward A., 67. Hook, Dr. H. M., 311, 312. Hosford, Dr., 357, 363. Hosford, Dr. Willard, 371, 376, 391. Hovey, Dr. Daniel, 187. Hough, Dr. Dan, 67, 72, 101, 126, 240, 157, 163. Hough, George, 215. Howe, Dr. Adonijah, 180. Howe, Dr. Adonijah, Jr., 104. Howe, Dr., 26, 195, 201, 205, 206, 212, 262, 265, 294, 295, 296, 300, 301, 304, 310, 311, 312, 320. Howe, Dr. James, 8, 9. Howe, Dr. Luke, 86, 90, 162, 170, 187, 189, 195, 198, 202, 205, 215, 232, 235, 256, 268, 273, 294, 297, 298, 299, 305, 306, 310, 315, 319, 322, 324, 335. obituary, 326. 428 Index Howe, Dr. Zadoc, 93. Howard, Dr. Nathaniel, 162, 178, 212. Hoyt, Dr. Enos, 187, 188, 205, 226, 236, 238, 240, 241, 246, 249, 251, 257, 258, 259, 261, 262, 264, 267, 268, 270, 271, 273, 277, 278, 280, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 294, 297, 298, 305, 317, 355, 361, 367, 368. Hoyt, Dr. Moses C, 386, 388. Hoyt, Dr. Otis, 258, 264, 270, 271. Hubbaid, Dr., 354, 399, 409. Hubbard, Dr. Calvin, 259, 260. Hubbard, Dr. George H., 356, 366, 368, 374, 376. Hubbard, Dr. Oliver P., 311, 312, 345, 347. Hubert, Dr., 201. Hull, Dr. Lawrens, 310. Huston, Dr. Samuel, 130, 180, 187, 197, 201, 203. Hutchins, Dr. Ezra, 40, 43, 45, 47, 52, 56. Hutchinson, Dr. Jonas, 145, 162, 260, 261. Ingalls, Dr., 140. Ingalls, Dr. Jedediah, 34, 86, 90, 100, 108, 115, 120, 123, 133, 148, 151, 159, 163, 168, 169, 170, 172. Ingalls, Dr. WilUam, 84. Ives, Dr. Eli, 227. Jackson, Dr. Hall, 3, 7, 8, 23, 27, 30, 31, 34. Jackson, Dr. James, 84. Jackson, Dr. John, 3, 8, 31, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41. Jenner, Dr. Edward, 67. Jewett, Dr. Thomas, 162. Johnson, Dr. Abner, 121, 149, 161, 170, 227. Johnson, Dr. Willis, 212, 213. Jones, Dr. Benjamin, 31, 83. Jones, Dr. Nathan, 162. Journal of Medicine, New Hampshire, publication authorized, 200. Kellogg, Dr. Amasa, 158. Kelley, Dr., 399. Kelley, Dr. Benjamin, 73, 78, 83, 148, 199. Kelley, Dr. C. K., 373, 375. Kelley, John, 314. Kelley, Dr. Amasa, 112, 115. Kidder, Di. Moses, 112, 115, 131, 141, 198. Kidder, Dr. Nathaniel, 8, 40, 83. Kimball, Dr., 228. Kimball, Dr. Eliphalet, 187. Kimball, Dr. John, 162, 170. King, Dr. Samuel D., 311, 312. Knight, Dr. Antonio, 169. Knight, Dr. Jonathan, 400. Index 429 Knight, Dr. Luther M., 301, 302, 312, 317, 325, 329, 337, 339, 340, 341, 343, 344, 355, 361, 368, 381, 382, 386, 387, 389, 394, 398, 399, 409. Knox, Miss, 178. Kittredge, Dr., 31, 174, 195, 212, 221, 229, 234, 245, 246, 251, 265, 375. Kittredge, Dr. Benjamin, 141, 148. Kittredge, Dr. George W., 259, 260. Kittredge, Dr. J., 187, 222. Kittredge, Dr. Jacob, 149, 163, 179, 180, 185, 189, 2.34, 236, 238, 239. Kittredge, Dr. Josiah, 106, 148, 161, 170, 178, 179, 181, 186, 199, 213, 214, 223, 235, 237, 238, 240, 255, 375. Kittredge, Dr. Rufus, 180. Kittredge, Dr. Thomas B., 27, 388. Ladd, Dr. N. G., 287, 330, 335. Lamson, Benjamin, 33, 37, 38. Lane, Dr., 221, 229, 234, 260, 265, 281. Lane, Dr. Isaiah, 174, 198, 225, 226. Lane, Dr. Josiah, 42, 76, 78, 83, 173. Lane, Dr. Robert, 162, 180, 324. Lane, Dr. Timothy O., 265, 266. Langdon, Dr. William Eustis, 169. Lawrence, Dr. Prescott, 214, 222. Leach, Dr. John T. G., 278, 281, 282. Leavitt, Benjamin, 70, 75, 82, 88. Leavitt, Joseph, 224. Leavitt, Dr. Nathaniel, 259, 260, 264. Lerned, Dr. Ebenezer, 38, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, 80, 81, 84, 87, 88, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114, 115, 117, 121, 122, 127, 128, 129, 146, 148, 151, 152, 153, 154, 157, 161, 163, 167, 170, 172, 177, 179, 180, 186, 187, 189, 194, 195, 197, 203, 212, 214, 218, 219, 221, 222, 227, 229, 231. Libbey, Dr. David T., 105, 162, 251. License to practise medicine, requirements for, 245, 249. Lindsay, Dr. Thomas, 107, 183, 205, 218, 221, 283. Lindsay, Dr. Thomas, Jr., 174, 263. Little, Dr. Samuel, 324, 326, 339. Livy, Dr. David T., 256, 259, 260, 262, 264, 266. Liquors, distilled, resolution, 217. Lock, Dr. L. F., 373, 375, 382. Long, Dr., 128, 139, 140, 141, 151, 152, 173, 174, 187, 195, 212, 228, 229, 238, 245, 246, 248, 251, 252, 256, 260, 262, 265. Long, Dr. Moses, 104, 107, 114, 115, 123, 124, 129, 131, 133, 148, 151, 157, 161, 163, 166, 170, 172, 178, 179, 189, 205, 213, 218, 221, 222, 227, 228, 229, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 244, 247, 2.54, 255, 256, 268. 430 Index Long, Dr. Moses, Jr., 81. Long, Dr. Samuel, 259, 264. Low, Dr. Nathaniel, 187, 263, 283. Lyman, Dr. L. D., 339, 341. Manchester District Medical Society, 313, 319, 321. McCrillis, Dr. John, 114, 162, 178, 179, 187, 188, 195, 228, 229, 231, 236, 240, 245, 246, 248, 262, 265, 266, 268, 301. McFarland, Dr. Andrew, 318, 320, 325, 326, 329, 365, 368, 374, 377, 392, 397, 398, 404. McGregory, Dr. John B., 147, 170, 189, 198, 201, 203, 205, 206, 210, 212, 214, 215, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 227, 228, 229, 231, 234, 235, 239, 247, 249, 251, 252, 256, 258, 260, 261, 267, 271, 272, 273, 275, 277, 281, 285, 311, 314, 316, 317. McQuesten, Dr. David, 245. Main, Dr. Jacob, 43. Malpractice suits, resolution, 404. Manning, Dr. Peter, 130. Marshall, Dr. Thomas H., 311, 312, 354, 358, 361, 363, 367, 368, 370, 374, 376, 384, 389, 390, 393, 395, 399, 406. Martin (Martyn), Dr. Noah, 271, 281, 285, 286, 298, 310, 329, 371, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 382, 383, 384, 386, 387, 389, 390, 395. Mason, Dr. W. H. H., 361, 362, 367, 368, 374, 382, 383, 384, 387, 389, 392, 393, 395, 398, 399, 405, 406. Meigs, Dr. C. D., 400. Melcher, Dr. S. F., 391. Merrill, Dr., 212, 285, 309, 331. Merrill, Dr. Jesse, 187, 277, 340. Merrill, Dr. Levi, 106, 149. Merrill, Dr. Silas, 91, 112, 115, 117, 122, 148, 170, 178, 187, 203, 204, 205, 215, 260. Merrill, Dr. Thomas H., 118, 149, 161. Miller, Dr. Edward, 78. Millett, Dr. Jonathan S., 141. Mitchell, Dr. Samuel L., 67, 219, Moore, Dr. Edward B., 284, 300, 301, 302, 305, 307, 315, 317, 355, 357, 362, 397. Moore, Dr. E. G., 361, 368. Moore, Dr. E. W., 361. Morrill, Dr., 95, 173, 193, 195, 235. Morril, Dr. David S., 99, 101, 107, 108, 109, 114, 116, 122, 125, 126, 127, 129, 148, 161, 163, 165, 166, 170, 172, 178, 179, 180, 189. Morrill, Dr. Samuel, 35, 57, 64, 71, 73, 82, 84, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, Index 431 Morrill, Dr. Samuel, 108, 110, 112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 124, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 148, 151, 152, 154, 157, 158, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 178, 179, 181, 187, 189, 194, 198, 201, 203, 205, 206, 212, 213, 221, 222, 232, 234, 236. Morrison, Dr. John, 96, 162, 187, 238, 265, 294, 322, 340. Morse, Dr., 108, 221, 326, 331, 332, 346, 348, 350. Morse, Dr. Caleb, 95, 107, 109, 122, 126, 198, 263, 283. Morse, Dr. Ebenezer, 141, 148, 198, 205. Morse, Dr. Julius H., 324, 326, 329, 337, 346. Mott, Dr., 400. Mowe, Dr. Daniel, 180, 195, 229, 231, 234, 238, 241, 263, 283. Mussey, Dr. Reuben D., 109, 110, 114, 115, 116, 119, 123, 129, 133, 146, 147, 148, 151, 153, 157, 160, 161, 163, 168, 170, 171, 172, 174, 176, 178, 179, 180, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 193, 194,' 195, 198, 200, 201, 203, 206, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 218, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 228, 229, 231, 232, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 245, 247, 248, 249, 251, 252, 256, 257, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 271, 273, 274, 275, 276, 281, 282, 286, 287, 293, 294, 298, 303, 304, 307, 311, 312, 384. New Hampshire Journal of Medicine, resolution, 397. New Hampshire Medical Society, act to incorporate, 3. incorporators, 7. charges against, pubUshed in the Congregational Journal, 338, 341, 342, 344. laws and regulations, 11. library, distribution of, 189. organization of, 7. rules and orders to be observed in meetings, 22. Nichols, Dr. Ezra, 168. Nichols, Dr. Moses, 8, 9, 60, 65, 100. Northampton Convention, report of committee, 219. Norris, Dr. James, 91. Nute, John, 188. Odell, Dr. G., 120. Odell, Dr. James, 112, 115, 131, 140, 141, 148, 151, 163. Odell, Dr. James, Jr., 88, 156. Olcott, Dr. Charles, 324, 326. Oliver, Dr. Daniel, 162, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 179, 181, 184, 185, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 198, 200, 201, 432 Index Oliver, Dr. Daniel, 203, 205, 206, 210, 211, 212, 214, 216, 218, 219, 221, 222, 227, 231, 232, 235, 236, 239, 240, 246, 247, 249, 251, 256, 257, 262, 268, 273, 276, 286, 287, 298, 304, 307. Osgood, Dr. Amos, 142. Osgood, Dr. Kendall, 3, 9, 27, 28, 30, 31, 37. Page, Dr., 28, 285, 295, 296, 297, 301, 312. Page, Dr. Benjamin, 3, 7, 9, 83. Page, Dr. C. P., 340. Page, Dr. John C, 245, 246, 251, 263, 271, 273, 274, 277, 286, 288, 289, 293, 294, 297, 298, 304. Page, Dr. William, 3, 9, 23, 24, 27. Palmer, Dr., 401. Parker, Dr., 31, 127, 139, 140, 391, 392, 393, 394, 398, 403, 404, 406, 407, 409. Parker, Dr. Benjamin, 128, 132. Parker, Dr. Benjamin C, 149. Parker, Dr. Charles E., 300, 301. Parker, Dr. Ed. H:, 372, 375, 378, 382, 384, 387, 390, 391, 395, 402. Parker, Dr. Willard, 331, 332. Parker, Dr. William, 3, 9. Parker, Dr. William, Jr., 7, 9, 23. Parkhurst, Dr. Timothy, 170. Parsons, Dr. Usher, 373, 375. Pascatis, Dr. Felia, 153. Pastoral Convention of Congregational and Presbyterian Ministers, communication from, 408. Peabody, Dr., 399. Peabody, Dr. Leonard W., 380. Peabody, Dr. Nathaniel, 3, 7, 9, 23, 26, 27, 28, 31, 52, 55, 59, 127. Peach, Dr. Thomas, 203, 212, 229, 234, 245, 251. Pearson, Jo.seph, 7. Pearsons, Dr. J. B., 368. Pearsons, Dr. J. W., 198. Peaslee, Dr. Edmund R., 324, 326, 335, 336, 337, 339, 340, 343, 344, 345, 346, 348, 349, 350, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 363, 364, 371, 374, 375, 377, 378, 381, 382, 383, 384, 389, 392, 393, 397, 401, 406. Pemigewassett Medical Society, chartered, 340. Perkins, Dr. Asa, 104, 142. Perkins, Dr. Cyrus, 86, 90, 117, 123. Perkins, Dr. James W., 158, 201, 203. Perkins, Dr. Jared, 187. Perry, Dr. William, 141, 180, 198, 214, 222. Peterson, Dr. James, 270, 271, 320, 325. Index 433 Phelps, Dr., 306. Phelps, Dr. Edward E., 345, 347. Phelps, Dr. G. A., 386, 388. Phillips, Dr. B. H., 398. Physick, Dr. Philip S., 78. Pierce, Dr. Aaron, 119. Pierce, Dr. Augustus, 212. Pierrepont, Dr. James H., 61, 67, 72, 74, 75, 77, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 93, 95, 100, 108, 110, 115, 116, 120, 121, 123, 133, 152, 156. Pitcher, Dr., 400. Plastridge, Dr. Caleb, 201. Plastredge, Dr. Charles, 187. Plummer, Dr. N., 403. Pond, Dr. 198. Post, Dr. Wiight, 78. Powers, Levi, 226. Pray, Dr. Samuel, 107, 108, 113, 114, 115, 118, 122, 123, 128, 133, 163, 172, 179, 198, 263, 283. Prescott, Dr., 151, 152, 164, 167, 173, 195, 198, 202, 203, 215,^229, 234, 235, 238, 245, 248. Prescott, Dr. Chase, 187, 188. Prescott, Dr. David, 380. Prescott, Dr. OUver, 32. Prescott, Warren, 224. Prescott, Dr. Wilham, 117, 123, 126, 131, 133, 141, 148, 151, 160, 161, 164, 170, 171, 179, 187, 198, 201, 202, 213, 216, 259, 360, 361, 375, 395, 406. Preston, Dr. John, 8, 83, 117, 123. Priest, Dr. Jabez B., 145, 180. Proctor, Dr., 152, 178, 187, 195, 229, 238, 260, 265, 309, 312, 320, 325, 331, 340, 346, 350. Proctor, Dr. James, 153. Proctor, Dr. John, 117, 123, 148, 161, 165, 170, 171, 213, 223, 251, 257. Proctor, Dr. Joseph, 151. Proctor, Dr. William W., 309, 368. Quackery, resolution, 191. Ramsay, Dr. David, 67. Ramsay, Dr. Alexander, 132, 139, 140, 154, 156, 157. Ramsay, Dr. John, 141, 148, 172, 177, 189, 195, 198, 205, 240, 247, 256. Ranney, Dr. Thomas Stow, 8, 9, 23, 26, 27, 31, 33, 36, 37, 39, 40, 44, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 65, 66, 71, 72, 75, 77, 83, 84, 88, 89, 93, 100, 108, 154. Registration of births, marriages, and deaths, 370, 379. ' Reynolds, Dr. Joseph, 229, 232. 28 434 Index Reynolds, Dr. William B., 398, 399. Richards, Dr. Josiah, 162. Richardson, Dr. Samuel, 176, 198. Robinson, Dr. Abraham H., 386, 388, 398, 404. Roby, Dr. Joseph, 345, 347. Rocicwood, Dr. Ebenezer, 3, 7, 9, 23, 37. Rockingham District Medical Society, chartered, 192, 194. Rogers, Dr. John, 3, 7, 9, 23, 27, 102, 170, 172, 173, 174, 178, 187, 188, 198, 229, 231. Rogers, Dr. Samuel, 249, 252. Rowe, Dr. Benjamin, 40, 83. Rowell, Dr. EUjah, 87. Rowell, Dr. Nathaniel, 64. Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 67. Russell, Dr. Richard, 141, 171, 178, 187, 189, 194, 247, 256, 263, 273, 283, 315. Russell, Dr. Thomas, 8, 127. Sadd, N. Y., 278. Safford, Dr. Charles G., 308. Sanborn, Dr., 198, 203, 248, 281, 320, 325, 332, 340, 380, 383, 387, 392. Sanborn, Dr. John, 170, 301. Sanborn, Dr. John T., 159, 234, 245. Sanborn, Dr. Jesse A., 392. Sanborn, Dr. Nathan, -167, 170, 177, 187, 198, 204, 205, 234, 235, 236, 238, 240, 245, 247, 251, 256, 257, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 267, 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 276, 286, 294, 312, 326, 342, 355, 368, 374, 389, 393, 394, 405. congratulations on escape from death, 403. Sargent, Dr., 33, 36, 37, 39, 41, 43, 46, 95, 282, 296, 297, 302-, 306, 309, 312, 313, 320, 325, 331, 340, 346, 369, 381, 385, 399. Sargent, Dr. Betton W., 380, 398, 399. Sargent, Dr. Henry, 87. Sargent, Dr. J., 342. Sargent, Dr. James F., 278, 281, 294, 299, 302, 343, 347, 355, 361, 368, 369, 374. Sargent, Dr. John L., 144. Sargent Dr. (?) Samuel, 178. Sargent, Dr. Seneca, 345, 347, 355, 361. Sargent, Dr. Thomas, 8, 9, 36, 39, 40, 44, 71, 83, 84, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 103, 107, 108, 112, 115, 132, 386. Savory, Dr. Charles A., 300, 301, 302, 312, 319, 320, 325, 327, 328, 340, 341, 346, 347, 350, 355, 359, 361, 362, 363, 364. Sawver, Dr. Benjamin E., 311, 312, 320. Sawfer, Dr. Moody C, 300, 301, 349. Sawyer, Dr. Samuel, 121. Index 435 Sawyer, Dr., 272. Scripture, Dr. Oliver, 162, 330, 332, 337. Seavey, Mr., 178. Senter, Dr. M. D., 372, 375. Shackford, Dr. Charles H., 380, 384, 395, 405, 406. Shannon, Dr. Nathan, 398, 399. Shannon, Dr. Thomas, 91, 104, 107, 122, 161, 164, 166, 206, 221, 229, 231, 235. Shattuck, Dr. George C, 84. Shaw, Dr. Ichabod, 187, 263. Shaw, Dr. Jacob, 298. Shaw, Dr. Jonathan H., 96. Shurtleff, Dr. Asahel D., 187, 315. Sibley, Dr. Jonathan, 34. Sims, Dr. James, 67. Skelton, Dr. Benjamin, 180. Smalley, Dr. Adoniram, 367, 368, 369, 371, 373, 374, 376, 377, 382, 383, 385, 387, 389, 390, 391, 393, 395, 397, 399, 402, 403, 405, 406. Smart, Dr. Will am H., 307. Smith, Dr., 69, 74, 78, 83, 221, 234, 248, 320, 325, 339, 346, 391. Smith, Dr. Aaron B., 330. Smith, Dr. A. H., 355. Smith, Dr. Albert, 318, 320, 340, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 349, 350, 355, 357, 358, 359, 361, 362, 365, 368, 378, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 389, 394, 398, 405. Smith, Dr. H., 281. Smith, Dr. Joseph A., 336. Smith, Dr. Joseph H., 259, 278, 287, 297, 298, 305, 315, 322, 325, 328, 341, 342, 348, 349, 350, 358, 359, 360, 361, 363, 367, 368, 370, 374, 376, 377, 380. 395. Smith, Dr. J. S., 340, 342. Smith, Dr. Nathan, 9, 65, 66, 70, 71, 72, 76, 77, 82, 84, 89, 92, 179, 233. Smith, Dr. Samuel, 162, 203, 245, 246. Smith, Dr. Wilham, 162, 170, 178, 229, 241, 245. Southern District Medical Society, chartered. 111. Sparkawke, Dr. George, 3. Spalding, Dr., 47, 50, 74, 99, 101, 103, 110, 125, 126, 128, 151, 154, 212, 215, 223, 229. Spalding, Dr. Lyman, 43, 45, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 89. Spalding, Dr. Matthias, 67, 72, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, §4, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 106, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 122, 123, 126, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 145, 146, 436 Index Spalding, Dr. Mathias, 172, 173, 176, 177, 178, 179, 183, 184, 189, 148, 151, 153, 157, 158, 159, 161, 163, 170, 206, 214, 216, 222, 223, 224, 231, 232, 235, 236, 239, 257, 262, 268, 273, 286, 298, 305. Spalding, Dr. .,M Jr., 187. Spaulding, Dr. Edward, 311, 312, 349, 354, 360, 367, 368, 369, 370, 376, 383, 387, 389, 390, 395, 405, Stackpole, Dr. P. A., 339, 341, 349, 350, 355, 357, 361, 367, 368, 371, 375, 376, 379, 381, 382, 385, 387, 389, 391, 393, 395, 397, 399, 303, 304, 305, 306. Staples, Dr. William A., 121. Stark, Dr. Alanson, 187. Stark, Dr. James, 104, 107, 115, 161, 170, 178, 187. Stark, Dr. John, 104, 107. State Hospital, resolution asking for establishment of, 277. Steams, Dr. Isaac, 143, 187. Steams, Dr. Thomas, 9. Sterne, Dr., 127. Stevens, Dr. John, 141. Stickney, Dr. Jeremiah, 176, 187, 228, 229. Stone, Dr. Wilham P., 373, 375, 378, 398, 399. Story, Miss Lydia, 369. Strafford District Medical Society, chartered, 85. Straw, Dr. Jacob, 162, 170, 178, 187, 221, 234, 238, 245, 251, 260, 261, 262, 271, 273, 276, 278, 281, 282, 286, 294, 296, 297, 300, 301, 309, 310, 312, 320, 321, 325, 331, 332, 340, 355, 374, 409. Studley, Dr. Harvey, 187, 195, 203, 212, 221. Sweatt, Dr., 325, 398, 399, 406. Sweatt, Dr. J. H., 326. Sweatt, Dr. John L., 318, 320, 374, 376, 382, 389. Sweatt, Dr. Wilham, 105, 143. Symmes, Dr. Joshua Gee, 30. Tappan, Mr., 101. Tenney, Dr. Richard, P. J., 270, 271, 281, 287, 294, 298, 301, 305, 308, 312, 317, 320, 325, 328, 331, 336. 340, 342, 349, 355, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 365, 368, 371, 374, 377, 392. Tenney, Dr. Samuel, 3, 10, 23, 27, 30, 31, 36, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 59, 64, 65, 66, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 82, 84, 88, 89, 93. Tenney, Dr. William, 149, 161, 178, 187, 206. Tewksbury, Dr. Isaac, 198, 201, 205, 206, 210, 212, 214, 218, 222, 231, 232, 235, 236, 240, 247, 265, 266, 267, 331, 339, 340, 342, 344, 348. Thom, Dr. Isaac, 3, 7, 9, 26, 27, 31, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39. Index 437 Thurston, Dr. John, 180, 198. Tibbetts, Dr. Charles C, 354, 356, 374. Tibbetts, Dr. Thomas J., 251, 252, 262, 268. Tilton, Dr. James A., 308, 311, 312, 325. 331, 340, 341, 346, 355, 359, 361, 363. Tilton, Dr. Joseph, 8, 9, 31, 39, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, .52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 65, 66, 71. Tilton, Dr. Joseph, 75, 76, 77, 82, 84, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 173. Tilton, Dr. Timothy, 198, 229, 249, 251, 254, 256, 262. 265, 268, 270, 271, 273, 296. Toiry, Dr. Erastus, 78, 84, 154. Towle, Dr. Ira, 142. Towle, Dr. Phihp, 185. Trafton, Dr. WiUiam, 118. Tripp, Dr. B. H., 339, 345, 348, 350, 355, 361, 368. Tripure, Dr. William, 339. Trusses, report on, 305. Tuttle, Dr. Peter, 145, 162, 172, 177, 179, 186, 187, 188, 189, 194, 195, 198, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 210, 212, 214, 217. Twitchell, Dr., 359, 360, 368, 386. Twitchell, Dr. Amos, 78, 84, 100, 101, 131, 138, 172, 179, 189, 212, 213, 218, 221, 222, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 240, 245, 248, 256, 262, 268, 269, 273, 287, 298, 305, 310, 315, 328, 329, 342, 349, 357, 359, 363, 371, 377, 378. obituary, 385, 389. Twitchell, Dr. George B., 339, 341, 343, 346, 348, 349, 354, 355, 357, 361, 363, 365, 366, 367, 371, 372, 376, 383, 387, 389, 390, 391, 392, 394, 397, 398, 399, 403, 405, 406. Tyler, President, 182. Tyler, Dr. John E., 380, 387, 389, 391, 392, 405. Vaccine Virus considered, 307, 316. Vamum, Dr. James, 146. Walker, Dr., 165, 311, 320, 321, 325, 330, 331, 332, 333. Walker, Nathan, 228. Walker, Dr. Silas, 183, 313, 319, 328, 329, 330, 336. Wallace, Dr., 188, 201, 203, 212, 282, .301, 340, 346. Wallace, Dr. Isaac, 106, 128, 132. Wallace, Dr. John, 113, 148, 183, 187, 189, 194, 268, 273. Wallace, Dr. Moses R., 301. Wallace, Dr. Thomas, 277, 281, 343, 349, 363, 371. Warren, Dr. John, 67. Warren, Dr. J. C, 84. Warren, Dr. Moses R., 258, 260, 300. Wardrobe, Dr. Walter I., 122. 438 Index Wardwell, Dr. Daniel, 162. Waterhouse, Dr. Benjamin, 67, 294, 295, 302. Waterhouse, Dr. William, 386, 388. Webber, Dr. Samuel, 187, 214, 219, 222, 223, 229, 232, 233, 236, 262, 286, 298. Webster, Hon. Daniel, 253. Webster, Dr. Eliphalet K., 288, 293, 295, 296, 297, 301, 302, 309, 315, 322, 325, 331, 340, 343, 349, 350, 353, 354, 355, 361, 362, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 370, 372, 373, 374, 375, 377, 381, 387, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 398, 402, 403, 405, 409. Webster, Dr. J., 273. Weeks, Dr. Albert G., 388. Weeks, Dr. Nathaniel, 144. Wells, Dr. Charles, 330, 332. Wells, Dr. David, 259, 260, 271, 278, 281, 297. Wells, Dr. Henry, 67. Western District Medical Society, 24, 85, 101. Weston, Dr. Ira, 177. Weymouth, Dr. H. E., 345, 347, 355, 361. Wheeler, Jacob, 225. Wheeler, Dr. John, 398, 399. Whipple, Dr. Alonzo, 259, 264. Whipple, Col., 54. Whipple, Miss Hannah (Mrs. Joshua Brackett), 62. Whipple, Dr. Solomon M., 388, 398, 399. Whipple, Dr. Thomas, 80, 162, 198. Whipple, Dr. Thomas, Jr., 179, 180, 186, 189. White, Dr. Charles, 162, 263, 283. Whitehouse, John, 178. Whittemore, Dr. Jacob P., 361, 389, 390, 399, 405. Whitney, Dr. Charles W., 233, 265, 266, 293, 295. Wiggin, Dr. Andrew P., 96, 141, 148, 165. Wight, Dr. Nahum, 300, 301, 302, 309, 322, 325, 328, 332, 333, 346, 349, 355, 357, 365, 368, 378, 398. Wilber, Dr., 206. Wilkins, Dr. George, 159. Willard, Dr. Augustus, 185. Williard, Dr. Moses T., 309, 311, 312, 317, 320, 325, 329, 331, 337, 339, 340, 342, 346, 350, 355, 359, 361, 362, 365, 368, 374. Wilhams, Dr. Jacob, 218, 221, 271. WilUams, Dr. Richard, 205, 259, 260, 264, 281, 298, 301, 310, 312, 314, 315, 317, 322. Wilson, Dr. E. F., 366, 368, 374. Index 439 Wilson, Dr. Job, 95, 99, 101, 114, 115, 117, 140, 141, 161, 163, 165, 166, 170, 171, 172, 177, 178, 179, 182, 189, 195, 198, 200, 203, 205, 214, 222, 229, 246, 251, 256, 281, 301, 302, 309, 362. death announced, 393. obituary, 395. Wilson, Dr. Thomas W., 249, 259, 260, 265, 294, 320, 399. Wingate, Hon. John, 59. Wistar, Dr. Caspar, 78. Wood, Dr. Jacob A., 318, 320, 325, 326, 328, 336, 350, 355, 357, 363. Wood, Dr. Stillman G., 398, 399. Woodbury, Dr., 375, 392. Woodbury, Dr. Jonathan, 98, 263, 283. Woodbury, Dr. Mark R., 361, 368, 374, 378, 382, 389, 395. Woodbury, Dr. Peter P., 118, 149, 165, 222, 330, 332, 337, 338, 339, 340, 343, 345, 346, 349, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 361, 362, 363, 365, 367, 368, 370, 372, 374, 378, 381, 390, 393, 394, 396. Woodbury, Dr. Robert, 104, 107, 108, 109, 263, 283. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. UiN 3 ROT 2 Vi (fS^I iitf^ yCi.*^ Form L9-25m-9,'55(B4283s4)444 we 1911