Rev Robert A. Lundy 1145 The Alameda, Apt 9 Belmont, Calif. 94002 HAY 26 19&7 ._ I Methodist Freb Church HYMNS. © stng unto H]f TLaxtJ a neb) mriQ.—Fsalm xcvi. 1. J3e fillfU tnitlj tf]f Spirit; sprakmg to goursclbrs in psalms anti l]umn3 anil spiritual songs, singing antj making mrlotg m gour f^art to thf ILortJ. — Ephesiane v. IS, 19. '^on^ott: ANDREW C R M B I E, UNITED METHODIST FREE CHURCHES' BOOK ROOM, 119, SALISBURY SQUARE, FLEET STREET, E.C. 1S89. NEW AND ENLAKGED EDll'lON. [Entered at Stationers' Hall according to Act of Parliament.] LONDON : J1.VVMAN, CHKISTV AND I.IM.V, Ml)., I'IMNTEKS, ll.J, KAUKINtiDON KOAl), K.C PREFACE. BY a resiiiution of the Annual Assembly of 1884, it was decided t)i;it a hymn-book should lio prepared to replace the one which has been used by the United Methodist Froo Churches since 1800. and a Committee was appointed to give effect to the resolution. Several reasons made a new compilation desirable. The first was that, in recent yea is. many hymns have been published, whose fervour and poetic power have won tlio approval and acceptance of nearly all sections of the Cliristian Church. Other rea.'^ons wnre, the imperfect classification of the liymns in the book hitherto in use, and the fact that a considerable number of them had become obsolete, owing to their want of adaptation for public worship. To introduce into the new volume the principal hymns that have enriched the litera- ture and worship of the present day, and to avoid too large a compilation, it was nert-s- sary to consider well which of the hymns in the old collection should be omitted from the new. The Committee approached this part of its duty with no small anxiety, a'ld has endeavoured to execute it with the greatest care. The object kept continually in view was to omit no hynm that had become familiar by use, or that, by other asso. ciations, had endeared itself to our Churches. In a few cases hymns that otherwise would have been e.\chuted have on this account been retained. Archaic words or phra-ses in some of the hymns of the former book have been altered : and hynms that were too long have been sho; tened by the omission of one or two of the weaker verses, so that each hynm may be sung through without inconvenience. In the selection of new hymns the compilers have spared no effort in searching for the best, the most poetical, but before all, the most spiritual of the productions of the po,-ts of our own and other lands. No collection of hymns or sacred songs of any repute has escaped attention. The principle which guided the Committee in the compilation of the book was to fulfil in the highest degree the purpose and conditions of Divine worship, and to afford fitting* means for the outpouring of the in prayer, the up-lifting of the soul to nobler aims, holii-r aspirations and fuller consecration, and the realisation, through sacred song, of comiuunion and fellowship with God. Not less earnestly has the Committee endeavoured, in the inclusion of new hymns, to provide for the glad and grateful expression of praise. It is still, it will always be 'a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord." In all ages praise has been the universal lan- guage of the children of God, and He reveals Himself in response, when they draw nigh to Him with songs of thanksgiving. Thus, at the dedication of the temple, ' when they lifted up their voices,' ' the glory of the Lord filled the House of God ; ' and ' the great multitude which no man can number." with 'the voice of many waters,' sing the new song ' unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb for ever and ever.' The compilers have also striven, by the choiie of suitable hjrmns, and through the classification and arrangement of the whole book, to stimulate the manifestation of practical Christianity, and to supply a medium for the devout utterance of the varied emotions and experiences of the Christian life. Many hymns are comprised, that, to those who are afflicted, and to those in suffering and sorrow, will be full of consolation, and will be welcome ' as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land." !> ME FACE. An Evftiigelistii: section fi>r Mission Services, and a section for Travellers by Lam! ami Sea. as well as one adapted to Services for the Younff at times when the Sunday School Book cannot bo used, have been provided, as have also sections for other special services and occasions. Indices of first lines, of anthers' names and dates, of texts and subiocti Illustrated by the hymns, of hymns classified under one section but also suitable for others, or for use at special meetins^s or services, are appended to all but the cheaper editions. These indices make the contents of the book most easy of reference. The thanks of the Committee are sincerely tendered to the authors and also to tlic publishers whose names are given below, for permitting, either without charge, or \>y punhase, the insertion in this book of original or of copyright hynuis. Some hymns— the number is but small— that would also have been inserted, have had to be e.xi:lud2, ?54, 2W, 280, 717, 707, 700, 886. 043, 1039. Miss E. K. S. Elliott. 'XH. PREFACE. Rev. Canon Furse (for the late Rev. J. S. B. Monsoll), (>2. 112, 1H.=>, 1'.I2. 203, 381. 436. 532, 5.'j1, 506. C18, 636. 780, 834. 8o3. 858, 863, 88;J. Miss Gaskell (for the late Rev. AV. Gaskell). 630, 644. Mr. Thomas H. Gill, 3. 87. 966. Mrs. Klizabeth Ayton Godwin. 382. -Mr. Jolm B. Greenwood. 862. 11. L. L , 285, 499, 509, 515. 521. 550. Kev. Newman Hall, 922. Rev. Dr. Haunay (for E. S. A.), 864. 914. Tlie late Miss M. V. G. Haverf,'.il (tor tlie late Miss F. R. Haverg:al), .54, 84. 12:., 336. 414, 415, 426, 429. 504, 825, 831, 121. Mr. J. T. Hayes (for the late Dr. J. M. Neale, from ' Hymns of the Eastern Church ■), 90. 275, 568. Rev. J. Page Hopps, 502, 553. 845. Bishop VV. \V. How. 5.5, 94, 300. 325, 492. 555, 638, 791, 839, 842. 843. Miss Genevieve S. Irons. 3'.)6. Kev. W. J. Irons, 3o5. 496. 787. Kev. Ebenezer E. Jenkins, 904. Kev. John Julian. 81. Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. (for the late Archbishop R. C. Trench). 513. Rev. K. K. Littledale, 838. Mrs. Lynch (for the late Kev. T. T. Lynch), 48, 91, 129, 282. 536. 652. 664. 666, 670, 721, 949. Dr. George Macdonald. 617. Mr. W. J. Mafchanis, 440. Mrs. Mary F. Maude, 430. Mr. Albert Midlaue, 147, 920. Rev. H. A. Mills (for the late Rev. Edward Caswall). 182, 288, 461. Messrs. Morgan 4 Scott (for Mi.s8 C. E. Clephane, lo3 (from ■ ^.icred Songs and Solos'). Mr. C. E. Miidie, 444. Messrs. Thomas Nelson &Sons (for the late Rev. James I). Burns), 267. 449, 833. Rev. Dr. J. H. Newman, 190, 487. Messrs. Novello. Ewer & Co. (for the late Rev. S. Childs-ClaTke). 855; (for the late Dr. J. M. Neale). 1038 ; (for the late Dr. Wm. J. Irons), 1040. Me.ssrs. Olipliant, Anderson & Ferrier (for the late Kev. K. M. McCheyne), 512. Mr. W. H. Parker, 932. Kev. E. H. Plumptre, 840. 877. Rev. Francis Pott, 170. Archdeacon Sir George Prevost (for the late Rev. Isaac Williams), 332. Proprietors of Home Hynm Book, 270. Mrs. Punshon (for the late Rev. William Morley Punshon), 2.50. The late Mr. George Rawson. 2. 156. 15"., 210. 278. 279, 280. 286. 287. 303. 086. .,8i. 882. 885, 946. Mr. Frederick Sherlock, 9.57. Messrs. Smith, Elder & Co. (for the late Miss Anne Bronte). 306, 952. Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, 262. Rev. Samuel J. Stone, 13, .584. 828. Rev. T. A. Stowell. 92.5. 938 (and lor the late Rev. Hugh Stowell). 719. 929. Rev. Godlrey Thring. 70. 89, 93. 128. 157, 19S. 235, 265. 276. 651. 658. 848, 878. 894. Rev. L. Tuttiett. 547. Rev. Henry Twells. 251. Miss Anna L. Waring, 217. 653. Rev. Benjamin Waugh. 462. Rev. Frederick \\ hitheld, 342. 46.1. The late Mr. William Whiting. 888. The following original hymns have been presented to the Committed : Rev. Edward Boaden. 876. 955. 958. | Rev. Alfred Jones, 837. Rev. Alfred Winlield. 850. Permission to use copyright hymns has been purchased from the following : Messrs. George Bell & Sons (for Miss A. A. Proctor), 186. 497, 665. Mr. W. Chatterton Di.x, 65, 308, 859, 889. Messrs. Longman & Co. (for Miss C. Wink- worth, from 'Lyra Germanica), 30. 75, 193. 240. 821. 884. Messrs. J. Masters & Co. (for Mrs. Cecil F. Alexander), 122. 264. 917. 923, 926 (and for Dr. J. M. Neale), 755, 785, 865. Miss Annie Matheson, 935, 937. I'roprietors of Chorale Book (for Misa Catherine Winkworth), 283. 494. Messrs. Raphael Tuck & Sons (for Miss Annie Matheson). 215. Rev. Christopher Wordsworth (for the late Bishop Christopher Wordsworth), 74, 116. 178, 231, 274, 586, 832. If any copyrights have been unintentionally infringed, the Committeo sincerely apologise, and will be glad to acknowledge its obligation to authors or proprietors in a future edition of this HyiunaL CONTENTS. c.ov THF Fathki: His Nature and Perfections iris Works in Creation His I'rovidence .... His Mercy and Grace . The Lord Jesus Christ. His Divinity and Glory His Incarnation and Advent His Example and TeaL-liing His Passion and Death His Kesiirrection and Ascension His Intercession and Reijjn The Holy Spirit. His Rosonerating and Sanctify ing Grate His Work as Teacher and Com forter 1 -13 14- -23 24 -37 38-48 40- -63 04- -SI 8--'- -04 95- 110 111- 122 123- 12« Thk Holy Trinity Divine Worship. I'raise and Prayer The Lord's Day . Morning Kvcning The Holy Scriptures . The Gospel Message . Evangelistic Services. Invitation to the Sinner Exhortation to Repent Salvation through Faith . Rejoicing in Forgiveness . The Christian Life. C'ontrltion and Longing for God Faltli and Consecration Adoption and Sonship Love and Holiness Llglit. Guidance and Growth Thankfulness A miction and Resignation . Confllc:t and Courage . Watchfulness and Steadfastm Declension and Recovery . 148—150 1(30-170 25(;-2(;8 209- 2>i9 290-305 300-317 318-334 335—340 341-351 352-303 304-398 399—440 441—449 4.50—480 487-.509 .510-510 .517— .5(10 .5(;i— .580 587-602 C03-C13 Humility Prayer (See also Praj'er Meetings) Serrice and Giving Hope and Joy .... The Church of Christ Character, Unity .md FclUnv.ship Reception of Members. Recognition of Ministers . Prayer Meetings (See also Prayer) Baptism The Lord's Supper Lovefeast Watch-Night Service . Covenant Service .... Death, Resurrection and Judgment Heaven and the Life Here- after Christian Missions , New Ykar Seasoks of the Year . Flower Service .... Harvest Thanksgiving Special Occasions. Marriage Laying Foundation and Me- morial Stones .... Opening Services .... Hospital Sunday and Renevolent Institutions .... Burial of the Travellers by Land and Sea . Parents and Family Worship Services for the Young • Private Devotion Temperance Services. NATiONAL HYMNS .... Dismissal Hymns AND Doxologies Psalms and Canticles . . 9 HYMNS 614-020 621-037 638—071 072-61)2 693-702 703—7(10 707-7U 712-721 722-724 725-737 738-711 742—745 740-749 773—803 804-823 824—833 834—815 846-8«) 851—800 803-800 807—870 877-880 881-887 888-904 905-911 912—914 015-<.i54 955—900 961-969 970-980 81-1042 CONTEXTS. J'SALMS. CAXTICr.FS. 1 fhron. xxlx 1017 Isaiah xii 101R I f^l ,, XXV 1019 VIII. '.\<2 ., xl KrJO XVI. '.•k;! „ lii 1021 XIX. '.1X4 .. liii 10-.-2 XXIII. !tS.'i .. Iv 10-23 XXIV. ii.^i; ,. IX. & ix 10->4 XXV. '.IS7 Lniiiontatioiis lii . IO-.'.5 XXVII. '.IKS Iliibakkuk iii lO-JO XXXII. Matthew v Komaii.s viii 1 Cor. XV 1027 lo-.>« lir29 LI. I.XIII. LXV. 1 Cor. v.. Kom. vi., 1 Cor. X". . Kpliesiuns iii lO-TO 1U.-51 LXVII. !l'.»7 Revelation i. 4 iv 103J LXXII. II' )8 AXCIEST HYMXS OF Till-: C/IC/iC.'f. LXXXIV. O'.i'J Te Deiini Laudainus .... loXJ | LXXXIX. lilOII Ma.£:iiitiL"it WM: XC. KlOl Uenedictiis .... 10^5 XCI. 1002 Nun.; Dimittis .... 1031) xcv. llKW Gloria in Kxcelsis .... 10:57 XCVl. 1:>04 The strain upraise .... 1038 XCVIII. 1005 Sing H.illelujah forth . 103'J c. loix; Dies Ine 10^0 1 cm. 1007 nAxcrrs 1041 cxv. 1008- THE CuMMAXDMEXT.-y . 1042 ' CXVI. KKW j CXVIII. 1010 INDICES. CXXI. 1011 SPKriAL INKK.X OF SRAiU.NS AND OCCA- cxxir. lor.' SlUXAI- SKKVICES. cxxxvr. 1013 Al.PHABKTICAL IXDK.X TO IIVMXd. ex XXIX . 1014 AUTHOKS AND TKAXSLATOKS. CXLV. . 1015 SClirPTUKE TEXTS. CXLVI. . 1016 GENERAL INDEX OF SfEJECTS. INDEX to Jind Hymns placed tender the several Sections of this Hymnal which are suitable for the various Seasons of the Tear, and for Special Services. Ascension Day . 118-12'J. I'io. 980. Biijitiim : 70'.'. 7'-'2 7-'4. UO.'). 910. Bazaars : 178, 4'29, 638, t)45, 876. Bible Society Meetuujs and Bible Classes . 3, I'l. 28, 38, 144, 153-i55, 1!I6, 208. 290-30.5, 331, 3a«, 486, 511. 815. 821, 984. Birthdays : 433, 954. See New Year, The. Chapel Anniversaries : 134, 160. 17U 173. 175. 185. 200, 208. 21.3, 231, 232, 241-244, 240-249, 3iinii : 36. 250-255, 209-289, 947. Ftouer Services . 17, 21, 112. 174, 178, 200. 215, 516. 826, 834, 836, »3T, 846-850, 912, 922, 923. 937, 1038. Foundation and Memorial Stones: 863-860. Funeral and Memorial Services ■ 115. .555. 5.59, 750-758, 767, 779. 791-795, 800, 881-887, 991, 1001, 1029. Co d Friday : 95-110, 190, 336. 353, 396. 410. 44.3, 401, 408, 520, 917. Jlorvest Thanksiiivinii- 14, 17, 21, 116, 174, 176. 178. 184, 195, 298, 340, (;()2, i:prr, The : 95110, 353, 468. 520, 523, 725-737, 977, 1030. Luv'./tasis: 180, 197, 341, 46.5. 467. 409. 483, 682, 083, 694, 7ol, 7o5, 706. 732, 738 741. M-ti(f Lord, what shall earth and ashes do? We would adore our Maker too ! From sin and dust to Tliee we cry, 'I'he Great, the Holy, and the High. 4 Earth from afiir hath heard Thy fame, .■\nd worms have learned to lisp Thy name ; I'.ut, 1 the glories of Thy mind Leave all our soaring thoughts behind ! 5 God is in heaven, and men below ; I'.e .short our tunes, our words be few ! A solemn reverence checks our songs. And praise sits silent on our tongues. Isaac Watts. 1706. 2 8.7. 8.7. 4.7 Let them praise Thy great and terrible name ; for it is holy.— Vsahn .\ci.\. 3. n OD the Lord is King ! before Him, vl Earth, with all tliy nations, wait ! Wliere the cherubim adore Him, 8itteth He in royal state : He is Holy : r.lessed, only Potentate ! 2 God the Lveet the joys, the crown how bright, Of those who to Thy love aspire 1 5 All creatures praise the eternal Name : Ye hosts that to His comt belong. Cherubic choirs, seraphic flames, Awake the everlasting song ! 6 Thrice Holy ! Thine the kingdom is, The power onmipoteut is Thine ; And when created natuie dies. Thy never-ceasing glories shine. Ernst Ixini/e. 1711. Tr. JuUn Wesley. 1737. 10 God is Light.— I John i. 5. 8.G. 8.8.6. ETERNAL Light ! Eternal Light ! How pure the soid must be. When, placed within Thy searching sight, It shrinks not, but with calm delignt Can live, and look on Thee : 2 The spirits that sun'ound Thy throne May bear the burning bliss : But that is surely theirs alone. Since they have never, never known A fallen world like this. 3 S ! how shall I, whose native sphere Is dark, whose mind is dim, Before the IiieiVaVile appear. And on my naked spirit bear That uncreated beam t 4 There is a wav for man to rise To that snbiime abode :— An offerinj; and a sacritice, A Holy Spirit's energies, An advocate with God :— 5 These, these prepare us for the sight Of holiness above : The sons of ipnoranre and nipht Mav dwell in the Eternal Light, Through the Eternal Love. Thomas Binuey. d. 1871. 11 Lord, Thou hast searched me, and knottn ?«e.— Psalm cxxxix. 1. IN all my vast concerns with Thee, In vain my soul would try To shun Thy presence. Lord, or flee The notice of Thine eye. 2 Thy all-surrounding sisrht surveys My rising and my rest. My public walks, my private ways, The secrets of ray breast. 3 My thoughts lie open to Thee, Lord, Before they're formed within ; And, ere my lips pronounce the word. Thou know'st the sense I mean. 4 O wondrous knowledge, deep and high : Where can a creature hide ? Within Tliy circling arms I lie. Beset on every side. r. So let Thy grace surround me still, And like a bulwark prove. To guard my soul from every 1)1, Secured by sovereign love. Amen. Isaac Watts. 1719. 12 7.r,. 7.G. n. Thou art the same, and Thy years shall have no end. — Psalm cii. 27. OGOD, the Roi-k of Ages, Wlio evi-rmore liast been. What time tlie tempest rages. Our (Iwi'jling-place .serono : P.elnrc Tliy first creations, () L'iril. tlie same ns now, To endless generations The Kverlasting Thou ! 2 Our year.s are like the shadows On sunny hills that lie. Or t'r:i«»eH In the nio'ulowi Tli:it li;i..;.si.m but to die: 4 A sleep, a dream, a story By strangers quickly told. An unreniaining glory Of things that soon are old. 3 O Thon, who canst not shnnber. Whose light grows never pale. Teach us aright to number Our years before they fail. On us Thy mercy lighten. On us Thv goodness rest. And let Thy Spirit brighten The hearts Thyself hast blest. 4 Lord, crown our faith's endeavour With beauty and with grace. Till clothed in light for ever. We see Thee face to face : A Joy no language measures ; A fountain brimming o'er ; An endless flow of pleasures ; An ocean without shore. Amen. Bishop E. H. Bickersteth. 1853. -| o J- O T],e Lord lie is God : there is none else beside Miin.—T>e\it. iv. 35. VONE else but Thee for evermore, iN One, All, we dread, believe, adore ; Great earth and heaven shall have their day. And, worn and old, shall pass away. But Thou remainest on Thy throne. Eternal, changeless, and alone '. 2 None else we praise ! In every form. In peace of calm, and power of storm, In simple flower, and mystic star. In all around, and all afar. In grandeur, beauty, truth, but Thee None else we liear, none else we see. 3 None else we love ! for sweeter grace That made anew a ruined race : The heirs of life, the lords of death. AVith earliest voice and latest breath. When days begin, when days are done, Bless we the l>alher for the Son. 4 None else we trust : though flesli may fail, Or heart may sink when foes assail. Thou, by Thy Siiirit, art our stay. And pe.ace that shall not away : None else in life and death have wo. But we have all in all with Thee. 5 Yea, none but Thee all worlds confess. And those redeemed ones numberless: Father, with Son :ind Spirit, One, Ami Mverniore beside Tliee none. or all that i.s. Im.s b.-en. shall be, We praise, love, trust none else but Thee I Amen. Samuel J. Stone. 1866. JIIS WORKS IN CE EAT ION. HIS WORKS IN CREATION. MI..M. It is good to sing praises unto our God.— i'aalm exlvii. 1. PRAISK ye the Loi-l : 'tis good to raise Your hearts and voices in His praise : His nature and His works invite To make this duty our delight. 2 Hefoi-med the stars, those heavenly flames; He counts theirnuinbers, calls their names His wisdom s vast, and knows no bound, A deep where all our thoughts are drowned 3 Sing to the Lord ! exalt Him high, Who spreads His clouds along the sky; There He prepares the fruitful rain, Nor lets the drops descend in vain. 4 He makes the grass the hills adorn, And clothes the smiling hills with corn ; 'I'he beasts with food His hands supply. And the young ravens when they cry. 5 What is the creature's skill or force ? The sprightly man, or warlike hors'j? Tlie piercing wit, the active limb? All are too mean delights for Him. 6 But saints are lovely in His sight, He views His children with delight : He sees their hope. He knows their fear. He looks and loves His image there. Isaac Watts. 171'J. 16 O come, let us sinn unto the Lord. Psalm xcv. 1. COME, sound His praise abroad. And hymns of glory sing ; Jehovah is tlie sovereign God, The universal King. 2 He formed the deeps unknown : He gave tlie seas their bound ; The watery worlds are all His own. And all the solid ground. 3 Come, worship at His throne ; Come, bow before the Lord : We are His works, and not our own ; He formed us by His word. 4 To-day attend His voice, Nor dare provoke His rod : Come, as the people of His choice, And own your gracious G<>d. Isaac Walls. 1719. 17 15 D. Whom have I in heaven but Thee I Psalm Ixxiii. 25. LORD of earth ! Thy forming hand Well this glorious frame hath planned ; Woods that wave and hills that tower, Ocean rolling in its power ; Yet, amid this scene so fair, Should I cease Thy smile to share, What were all its joys to me ? Whom have 1 on earth but Thee? Lord of heaven ! beyond our sight Rolls a world of purer light ; There, in love's eternal reign. Parted friends shall meet again ; that world is passmg fair : Y'et, sliouldst Tliou be .absent there, What were all its joys to me ? Whom have I in heaven but Thee? Lord of earth and heaven : my breast Seeks in Thee its only rest : 1 was lost. Thy accents mild Homeward lured Thy wandering child : should once Thy smile divine Cease upon my soul to shine. What were heaven or earth to me ? Whom have I in each but TheeV Sir U. (Jraiit. d. \>C,^. Lift up your eyes on high, and be- hold ivho liath created these things. Isaiah .xl. 26. THE God of nature and of grace In all His works appears ; His goodness through the earth we trace. His grandeur in the spheres. 2 Behold this fair and fertile globe, By Him in wisdom planned ; 'Twas He who girded, like a robr. The ocean round the land. 3 Lift to the firmament your eye ; Thither your path pursue ; His glory, boundless as the sky. O'erwhelnis the wondering view. 4 He bows the heavens,— the mountains stand A highway for their God : He walks amidst the desert-land, 'Tis Eden where He trod. 5 Ihe forests in His strength rejoice ; Hark : on the evening breeze. As once of old, the Lord God's voico Is heard among the trees. 6 In every stream His bounty flows. Diffusing joy and wealth ; In every breeze His Spirit blows, The breath of life and health. 7 His blessings fall in plenteous showers Upon the hip of earth, Tliat teems with foliage, fruit, and flow ers. And rings with infant mirth. 8 If God hath made this world so fair. Where sin and death abound ; How beautiful beyond compare Will Paradise be found i James Montgomery. 1819. OOD TRE FATHER. 18 The firmament showeth His handi- wurfi. — Psalm xix. 1. THE spacious firmament on hiarh. With all the blue ethereal sky. And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim. 2 The unwearied sun, from day to day, Does his Creator's power display ; And publishes to every land The work of au Almighty hand. 3 Soon as the evening shades prevail. The moon taltes up tlie tale ; And nightly to the listening earth Repeats the story of her birth : 4 \\'hilst all the stars that round her burn. And all tiie plain't^ in their turn, (.'ontirm the ti'iiii^s as tiiey roll. And spread the truth from' pole to pole. 5 What though in solemn silence all Move round this dark, terrestrial ball ; What thf.ugh no real voice nor sound Amid their radiant orbs be found ; 6 In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice ; For ever singing as they shine. The Hand that made us is divine. Joseph Addison. 1712. 19 The heavens declare the glory of &od.— Psalm xix. 1. THE heavens declare Thy glory. Lord, In every star Thy wi.sdom shines ; But wlien our eyes behold Thy word, We read Thy name in fairer lines. 2 The rolling sun, the changing light. And night and day. Thy power confess ; But the best volume Thou nast writ Reveals Thy justice and Thy grace. 3 Sun, moon, and stars convey Thy praise Roimd tlie wliole earth, and never stand ; So when Thy trutli began its race. It touched, and glanced on every land. 4 Nor shall Thy spreading gospel rest. Till tlirough the world Thy truth has run ; Till Christ has all the nations blest, That see the light or feel the sun. 6 Groat Sun of Righteousness, arise, BlcKH the dark world with heavenly light : Tliy ifOHpel makes the simple wise ; Thy laws ans pur'ai' us in their hands ; Parents, friends, 'twas God be.stowed, Life, and all, descend from God. 2 He this flowery carpet spread. Made the cm Ih on wlii.-li we tread ; (Jn.i relVeslies in til" air. th tl Feeds us Willi llie food we eat, Clieers US by Mis light and heat, Makes His sun on us to shine; All our blessings are divine 1 3 Give nim then, and ever give, Thanks lor all that we leceivo I Man we for his kindness love, How nnii'li more our God above ! W..rtliv TtioM. our heavenly Lord, To lie liononrecl and adored; Gdil of all-ereaiinggrace. Take the everlasting pralso ! Amen. Charles WckIci/. 17 HIS PROVIDENCE. 22 Great is the myslerii of godliness. 1 Timotby iii. IG. FATHER, how wide Thy glory shines ! How high Thy wonders rise ! Known through the earth by thousand signs, By thousands through the skies. 2 Those mighty orbs proclaim Thy power, Their motions speak Thy skill ; And on the wings of every hour We read Thy patience still. 3 Part of Thy name divinely stands On all Thy creatures writ; Tliey show the labour of Thy hands, Or imprcsa of Thy feet. 4 But when we ^^ew Thy strange design To save rebellious worms. Where justice and compassion join In their divinest forms ; 6 Here the whole Deity is known. Nor dares a creature guess Which of the glories brightest shone. The justice, or the grace. 6 Now the full glories of the Lamb Adorn the heavenly plains ; Bright seraphs learn Immanuel's name, And try their choicest strains. 7 may I bear some humble part In that immortal song ! Wonder and joy shall tune my heart. And love command my tongue. Isaac Watts. 1700. 23 The invisible things of Him from the creation of the tvorld are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. Romans i. 20. THERE is a book who runs may read, Whicl) heavenly truth imparts ; And all the lore its scholars need. Pure eyes and Christian hearts. 2 The works of God above, below. Within us, and around, Are pages in that book to show How God Himself is found. 3 The glorious sky, embracing all. Is like the Maker's love, Wherewth encompassed, great and small In peace and order move. 4 One name, above all glorious names. With its ten thousand tongues, The everlasting sea proclaims, Echoing angelic songs. 5 The raging fire, the roaring wind, Thy boundless power display ; But in tlie gentler breeze we tind Thy Spirit's viewless way. e Thou, who hast given me eyes to see And love this sight so lair, Give me a heart to find out Thee, And read Thee everywhere. John Keble. 1827. 24 HIS FliOVIDEXCE. He raVed the name of that place. Bt'thel.—Gtiueiis xxviii. I'J. QGOD of Bethel ! by whose hand Thy people still are fed ; Who, through this earthly pilgrimage, Hast all our fathers led : 2 Our fei-vent prayers we now present Before Thy throne of grace ; God of our fathers ! be the God Of their succeeding race. 3 Through each perplexing path of life Our wandering footstei)S guide ; Give us each day our daily bread. And raiment fit provide. 4 snread Tliy covering wings around, Till all our wanderings cease; And at our Father's loved abode Our souls arrive in peace. 5 Now. with the humble voice of prayer. Thy mercy we implore ; Then, with the grateful voice of praise. Thy goodness we'll adore. Amen. Philip Doddrid'ie. 1737. Alt. by J. Logan. 1781. 25 / ivill bless the Lord at all times ; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.— Fs&lm .xxxiv. 1. THROrCH all the changing scenes of life. In trouble and in joy. The praises of my God shall stiU My heart and tongue employ. 2 mngnify the Lord with me. With me exalt His name : When in distress to Him I calleii. He to my rescue came. 3 The hosts of God encamp around The dwellings of the just ; Deliverance He affords to all Who on His succour trust. 7 GOD THE FATREK. i make but trial of His love ; Experience will decide How blest are they, and only tbey, Who in His truth contide ! 5 Fear Him, ye saints, and you will tlien Have nothing else to fear ; Make you His service your delight. Your wants shall be His care. Tate and Brady. 1890. 26 ,7.7 dive vs day by day our daily 6rt;ad. —Luko xi. 5. DAY by dav the manna fell : O to learn this 'es^-on well ! Still by constant niercy IWl. Give me. Lord, my daily bread. 2 Bay by day— the promise reads- Daily strength for daily needs ; Cast foreboding fears away, Take the manna of to-day. 3 Lord, my times are in Thy hand ; All my sanguine hopes have planned. To Thy wisdom I resign, And would make Thy purpose mine. 4 Thou my daily task shalt give : Day by day to Thee I live : Sosha'U added years fidfil, Not my own— my Father's will. 5 Kond ambition, whisper not ; Happy is my humble lot ; Anxious, busy cares away ! 1 ui provided for to day. O to live exempt from care by the energy of jirayer ; Strong in faith, with mind subdued, Yet elate with gratitude ! Josiah Conder. 16M. 5 His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour: The bud may have a bitter taste. But sweet" will be the flower. G Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan His work in vain: God is His own interpreter. And Ho will make it plain. William Cuwjjer. 1 28 God is our refuqe and strenf/th, a very present help in trouble.— ^a. xlvi. 1. on is the refuge of His .saints. When storms of sharp distresslnvade ■e we can offer our complaints. Behold Hini present with His aid ! G 27 2 Let mountains from their seats bo hurled Down to the deep and buried there. Convulsions shake the solid world, ' Our faith shall never yield to fear. 3 Lond iiiav the troulib'il oci^an roar ; I III stirred pear., our snulsMbid.-; Whil(_- every nation, cvwy slion-. Trembles, and dreads the swelling tidi, ■1 There is a. stream whose gentle flow I .Supplies the city of our God, I Life, love, and joy still gliding through, i And watering our divine abode. I 5 This sacred stream. Thy living word, I Thus all our rsiging fear controls : I Sweet peace Thy promises afford. And give new strength to f.iintingsou'j. , G Sion enjoys her Moiiarchs love, Secure against the threatening hour ; I Nor can her tirm foundation move. Built on His truthfulness and power. I Isaac Walls. 17 10. Thy vay is in the sea. Fsalm Ixxvii. I'.i. GOD moves in a mysterious way, ]liii wonders to perform ; He plants His footsteps in the sea. And rides upon the storm. 2 Deep in unfathomable mines or never-failing skill. He treasures up His bright designs. And works Hiii sovereign will. 3 Ye fc.irful saints, fresh courage tike Till- clouds ye so much dread Au- big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. 4 Ju.lg.) not the Lord by feeble sense, I'Mt trust Him for His grace : Behind a frowning provldouco Hh tildes u dndllng facu. 29 taste and see that the Lord is tjuod.—i'a. xxxiv. 8. ' TASTE and see that He is good. The King of heaven, who rcigus ou high 1 His truth through ages firm hath stood. His mercy icachos to tho sky. 2 Good in the sunshine and the shower. When summer skies arc bri„'lit and warm : Gooii, when the wintry tempests lowir. Amidst the whirlwind antl tho storm. 'J t.TSte and .see that He Is good. The Lord of providence and grace ! He calms the surges and the lloud, And guards us from His holy place. 4 Good, when Hb .smites, and when He heals, And when Jle t,'iv<;-s, or takes away : Good, wh«n His goodness He conceals, In sorrow's dark and cloudy day. 5 taste and see that He is wise ! Who chastens sore with grief and pain ; Then bids the light in rise. To cheer the mourner's heart again. 6 O teach us. Lord I to trust Thy love. To taste Thy goodness, and adore ! In clearer light fhy saints above Shall see and praise Thee evermore. T. R. Birks. 1874. 30 8.6. 8.6. 4.4. Thy judfrments are rvjht. I'iAlv.i cxix. 75. WHATE'ER my God ordains is right, tV His will is ever just ; liowe'er He order now my cause. I will be still and tniit. lie is my God. Though dark my road. He holds me that I shall not fall. Wherefore to Him I leave it all. 2 Whnte'er my God ordains is right, He never will deceive ; He leads nie by the proper path, AirI so to Him 1 cleave. And take content What He hath sent ; His hand can turn my griefs away, And patiently I wait His day. 3 Whato'er my God ordains is right. He taketh thought for me, The Clip that my Physician gives No poi.soned draught can bo. But medicine due ; For God is true, And on that changeless truth I build, .\nd all my heart with hope is filled. 4 Whate er my God ordains is right ; Though I the cup must d' ink That bitter seems to my faint heart, I will not fear nor sm-iuk ; Teai-s pass awav With dawn of day. Sweet comfort yet shall fill my heart. And pain and soitow all depart. 5 What* er my God ordains is right ; iVly Light, my Life is He. Who cannot will me aught hut good ; I trust Him utterly ; For well 1 know. In .joy or woe. We soon shall see, as sunlight clear. How faithful was our Guardian here. 6 Whate er my God oidains is right, H.-re will I take my stand T Though sorrow, need, or death make earth r..r II..' a .l.'M-it land, My l-'aili'-r's c.ire is round me there. He holds me that 1 shall not fall, And so to Him I leave it all. S. Rodigast. Tr. Catherine Winkworth. Ql S.M. *-'-»- /n all thy ways acknowle^i/e Him, and He shall direct thy i>aths. I'roverbs iii. 0. nOMMIT thou all thy griefs \J And ways into His To His sure truth and tender irare. Who earth and heaven commands. 2 Who points the clouds their course, Whom winds and seas oljt-y, He shall direct thy wandering leet. He .shall prepare thy way. 3 Thou on the Lord rely. Sii safe Shalt thou go on ; Fix on His wurk thy steadfast eye. So shall thy work be done. 4 Xo profit canst thou gain by self-consuming care ; To Him commend thy cau.-.e, His oar .Attends the softest player. 5 Thy everlasting truth. Father, Thy ceaseless love. Sees all Thy children's wants, and knows What best for each will prove. 6 Thou everywhere hast sway. And all things serve Thy might ; Thy every act pui-e blessing is. Thy path unsullied light. 7 When Thou arisest, Lord, What shall Thy work withstand ? \Vhateer Thy children want. Thou giv'st; Who, who shall stay Thy hand » Paul Usrhnrdt. Uh9. Tr. John. Wes;ey. l.SH. 32 He hath done all things tcdl. Mark vii. 37. THOU doest all things weU. God only wise and true : My days and nights alternate tell Of mercies always new. 2 With daily toil oppressed, I sink in welcome sleep ; Or wake in darknc.s.s and unrest. Vet patient vigil keep. 3 Soon finds each fevered day. And ea'o ! those are lost, which but might be From earth for heaven redeemed. 8 Its limit, its relief. Its hallowed issues, tell. That, though Thou cause Thy servant grief. Thou doest all things well ! IF. .If. Bunting. 1870. Oq *^ '-' He mnketh me In lie doi'-n in ijreen jmstures. — I'salm .\.\iii. 2. THE Lord luy pasture shill prepare, And fei'd me witli a sh 'plierd s care ; His preseme shall my wants supply, .And guanl me with a watdiful eye ; My noonday walks He shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. " When in the sultry ^lebe I faint. Or on the thirsty mountain To fertile vales and dewy meads .My weary, wandering steps He leads ; Where pc;iceful rivers, soft and slow. Amid the verdant landscape How. 3 Though in the paths of death I tread. With gloomy horrors overspread, My steadfast heart shall fear no ill. For Thou, O Lord, art with me .still : Thy frlundly crook shall give me aid. .Vnd guide me through the dreadful shade. 4 Though In a hare and rugged way. Through di-vio:is, lonely wilds I stray, Thy bounty shall my pains Iwguile ; The barren wild'-rness shall smile. With sudden green and h(!rb.ige crowned. And streams shall murmur nil mound. Joseiih AdUsjii. 1712. 2 My soul He doth restore again ; .And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteou.sness. Even for His own name's sake. 3 Yea, though I walk in death's dark valo Yet will 1 fear no ill ; For Thou art with me, and Thy rod And staff me comfort still. 4 My table Thou hast furnished In presence of my foes : My head Thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup ovei-flows. 5 Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me ; And in God's house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. Francis lious. lOIO. 35 34 The Lord is my shejtherd, I shall not want.—l'a. xxiil. 1. riMIE UmlH my Shephenl, 111 not want : I. lie makes me down to lie lif pastures green; lie luadctb mo Tho ipiiet waters by. 1) 7 loill offer to Thee the sacrifire of thanksgiving.— PsAhn cxvi. 17. WHEN all Thy mercies, my God, My rising soul surveys. Transported with tho view, I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise. 2 Unnumbered comforts on my soul Thy tender care bestowed, Before my infant heart conceived From whom those comforts flowed. 3 To all my weak complaints and cries Thy mercy lent an ear. Ere yet my feeble tho\ightshad learned To form themselves in prayer. 4 When in the slippery paths of youth With heedless steps I ran, Thine arm unseen conveyed mc safe, And led me up to man. 5 Through hidden dangers, toils, and deaths. It gently cleared my way. And through the pleasing snares of vice. More to be feared than they. G Through every period of my life Thy goodness I'll pursue. And after death, in distant worlds, Tlie pleasing theme renew. 7 Through all eternity to Thee A grateful song I'll raise ; But O, eternity's too short To utter all Thy praise ! Amf^n. Joseph Addisun. 1712. QR L.M. ♦-'^ Ve are blessed of the Lord tuhirh made heaven and fuW/t.— I'salm cxv. 1,1. HOW do Thy mercies close me round I I'or evei- bo I'hy name adored I I blush in all things to abound ; The servant is above his I-ord. niS MERCY AND OR ACE. 2 Iimrod to poverty and pain. A surioiitiic life mv Master led ; Ttic Soil cif CcmI, the Son of Man. He had nut where to lay His head. 3 But ]o : a place He hath prepared For me, whom watchful angels keep ; Yea, He Himself becomes my {juard, He smooths my bed, and gives me sleep. 4 Jesns protects ; my fears, be gone ! What can the Kock of Ages move? Safe in Thy arms I lay me down. Thy everlasting arms of love. .' While Thou art intimately nigh. Who, who shall violate my Sin, earth, and hell I now defy ; 1 lean upon my Saviour's I rest beneath the Almighty's shade ; My griefs expire, my troubles cease : Thou, Lord, on whom my soul is stayed, Wilt keep me slill in perfect peace. 7 Jle for Thine own Thou lov'st to take, In time and in eternity ; Tliou never, never wilt for.sake A helpless soul that ti-usts in Thee. Wesley. 1710. Qrr 7.6. 7.6. D. ^ ' Although the fig-tree shall not n . . . yet I will rejoice in the Lord. blossom . . yet s ivfctc #c^vnc n Habakkuk iii. 17, 18. QOMETIME.S a light surprises O Tlie L'lu-isti;!!! while he sings : It is the Lord, who rises With healing in His wings. When comforts are dechning, He grants the soul, agiiin, A season of clear shining. To cheer it after rain. 2 In holy contemplation. We gladly then pursue The theme of Uod s salvation, .A.nd find it ever new : Set free from present sorrow We cheerfully caw say, E en let the unknown morrow bring with it what it may : 3 It can bring with it nothing But He will bear us through ; Who gives tlie lilies clothing. Will clothe His people loo : Beneath the spreading heavens >'o creature but is fed : And He who feeds the ravens Will give His childien bread. I Though vine nor fig-tree neither, i heir wonted fruit should biar ; Though all the field should wither. Nor llock nor herd be there ; Yet God the same abiding, His praise shall tune my voice, P'or while in Him confiding, I cannot but rejoice. William Cov^per. 1779. niS MERCY AND GRACE. qo CM. •-"^ The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting.— i'i,-dh\\ ciii. 17. BEGIX, my soul, some heavenly theme, And wake my voice to sing The mighty works, or mightier name. Of our eternal King. 2 Tell of His wondious faithfulness. And sound His power abroad : Sing the sweet promise of His giace. And the unchanging God. 3 Proclaim salvation from the Lord, For wretched, dying men : His hand hath writ the sacred word With an immortal pen. 4 Engr.aved as in eternal brass, 'Ihe mighty promise shines ; Nor can the powers of darkness rase Those everlasting lines. 5 His every word of grace is strong, As that which built the skies ; The voice that rolls the stars along Speaks all the promises. 6 How would my fainting heart rejoice To know Thy favour sure ; I trust the all-creating voice. And faith desires no more. Isaac Watts. 1707. 39 Like as a father pitidh his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him.— I'sixhsi ciii. i;j. THE Lord, how wondrous are His ways : How firm His word, how large His grace ! Goodness and truth surround His throne. And thence He makes His mercy known, 2 High as His mighty arm hath spread The starry heavens above our head. His bounteous iove exceeds our praise. Exceeds the highest hopes we raise. 3 Nor half so far hath nature placed The rising morning from the west, . As His forgiving grace removes The daily guilt of those He loves. 11 UJD THE FATHER. 4 How slowly doth His wrath arise ! (Jn swifter winss salvation flies ; And it' He bids His anser burn. How soon His frowns to pity turn ! 5 The mighty God, the wise and just. Knows tliat our frame is feeble dust ; And will no load on us iinpose lieyond the strength that He bestows. 6 For His eternal love is sure To all the saints, and shall endure ; From ago to age His truth shall reign, Nor children's children hope in vain. Isaac Watts. 1719. 40 / wUl trust in the covert of Thy wings.— Psahn Ixi. 4. r.A.THER : beneath Thy sheltering wing In sweet security we rest, And fear no evil earth can bring. In life, iu death supremely blest. '2 I'or life is good, whose tidal flow Tlie motions of Thy will obeys ; And death is good, that makes us know Tlie Li.'"e divine, that all things sways. 3 And good it is to bear the cross. And so Thy perfect peace to win : And nought is ill, nor brings us loss, Nor works us harm, save only sin. 4 Redeemed from this we ask no more. But trust the love that saves to guide : The grace that yields so rich a store, Will grant us all we need beside. W. U. Burleigh. IStU. 41 Blessed be Thou, Lord God of Israel uur father , for ever and ever. 1 Chronicles xxix. 10. BLEST b(! our everlasting Lord, Our l':nhvr. God, and King! Thy sovereign goodness we record, Tliy glorious power we sing. 2 By Thee the victory Is giveu ; The majesty divine. And strength, and might, and cartb and heaven. And all therein, are Tliine. 3 The kingdom. Lord, is Tliine alone. Who dost riiy ri-lil niiiinlain. And. high on I'liiue ciei nal throne, U er men and angois reign. 4 Riches, as secnieth (jtood to Thee, Tliou dost, and honour, give ; And kings tln-ir power and dignity Out of Thy liaiid receive. 12 5 Thou hast on us the grace bestowed. Thy greatness to proclaim ; And therefore now we thank our God, And praise Thy glorious name. 6 Thy glorious name and nature's i)0w er& Thou dost to us make known ; And all the Deity is ours. Through Thy incarnate Son. Charles We:.ley. 17G2. 42 Mighty to save.— Is. Ixiii. 1. STRONG to save and bless. My rock and righteousness. Draw near to me : BloKsing and joy and might, Wibdoin and love and light. Arc all with Thee. 2 Jly refuge and my rest. As on a father's breast, I lean on Thee : From faintness and from fear. When foes ami ill arc near, Deliver me. 3 O answer me, my God ! Thy love is deep and broad. Thy grace is : Comfort my soul at last. Bring righteousness, and cast Away all lear. 4 Descend, Thou mighty Love, Descend from heaven above. Fill Thou mv soul ; Heal every bruisui part. Bind up this broken heart. And make me whole. Amen. Horatius Bonar ISc.G. 43 7.1). 7.0. 7.S magnijji thf Lord with me, and let lis aalt His name together. I'sjilm xxxiv. 3. (^ GOD Thou art, and good Thou dost, T 'I'hy mercies rtach to all, Chielly those who on Thee trust, And for Thy mercy call : New they every morning are; As fntlirrs when their children ery, UsThou (insi ill |,ily spare. And all our wauls supply. 2 Mercy o er Tiiy works nresides ; 'I'liy providence displayed. Still iirescrves. and still provides For .111 Thv hands have miiile ; Keeps Willi most , list iii;:uislie,l earo The im;iii wIk Thy love drp.iids; Watches every numbered hair. And ail bis steps attends. J//.S' 2IKRCY AND GliACE. Who can soniid the depths unknov.-n Ot Thy redeeming prace? Grace, that °rave Thine only Son To save a mined race ! Millions of transj^iessors poor lho\i hast for Jesus sake forf^iven. Made Mu'in of Tliy favour sure. And snatched from hell to heaven. 4 Millions more Thou ready art To save, and to forjjive ; Every soul and every heart Of man Thou wouldst receive: Father, now accept of mine, Which now, through Christ, I offer Theo ; Tell me now, in love divine. That Thou hast pardoned me ! Amen. Charles Wesley. 1763. yl/1 c.^t. ^ttt the depth of the riches both of the xvisdom and knowledge of God. Romans xi. 33. OGOI) : Thy power is wonderful, Tliy glory passing bright : Thy wisdom, with its deep on deep, A rapture to the sight. 2 Yet more than all, and ever more, Should we Thy creatures bless- Most worshipful" of attributes— Thine awful holiness. 3 There's not a craving in the mind. Thou dost not meet^end still ; There s not a wish the heart can have Which Thou dost not fulfil. 4 Thy .justice is the gladdest thing Creation can behold ; Thv ti-nderness so meek, it wins The guilty to be bold. 5 All things that have been, all that are. All things that can be dreamed. All possible creations, made. Kept faithful, or redeemed : C All these may draw upon Thy power, Thy mercy may command ; And "still outflows Thy silent sea. Immutable and grand. 7 little heart of mine ! shall pain Or sorrow m.ake thee moan. When all thi.^ God is all for thee, A Father all thine own ? F. W. Faber. 1840. 2 Sun of our life. Thy wak<'iiing ray Sheds on our path the glow of day : Star of our hope, Tliy softened light Cheers the long watches of the night. 3 Our midnight is Thy smile withdrawn. Our noon-tide is Th.v gracious dawn. Our rainbow areh Thy mercy's sign, All, save the clouds of sin, are Thine! 4 Lord of all life, below, above, \\hose light is truth, whose waimth is love ; Before Thy ever-blazins throne We ask no lustre of our own. 5 Grant us Thy truth to make us free. And kindling hearts that bum for Thee, Till all Thy living altars claim One holy light, one heavenly flame. Amen. O'iver W. Holmes. 1848. 45 The Lord Cod i? ct s^in and shield: the Lord vitl give iirare and glory. — Ps. Ixxxiv. 11. IOr.l) of all P.eing : throned afar, J Tliy glory flames from sun and star. Centre and soid of every sphere ; Yet to each loving heart how near ! 46 love of God.— Jixde 21. riiHOU Grace divine, encircling all, 1 A shoreless, boundless sea. Wherein at last our souls must fall ; O Love of God most free. 2 When over dizzy heights we go, A soft hand blinds our eyes. And we are guided safe and slow ; O Love of God most wise. 3 And tliough we turn ns from Thy face .•\nd wander wide and long. Thou holdst US still in kind embrace ; O Love of God most strong. 4 The saddened heart, tie restless soul. The toil-worn frame and mind. Alike confess Thy sweet control, O Love of God most kind. r> But not alone Thy care we claim. Our wayward steps to win ; We know Thee by a dearer nam«, O Love of God within. G Anil filled and quickened by Thy breath. Our souls are strong and free. To rise o'er sin and fear and death, O Love of God: to Thee. Fliza Scudder. 18t'.4. j: • Great i-; the Lord, avd great!;/ to be prai.'^ed.—l Chronicles xvi. THOU, the great, etemal^Twd. Art high above our thought .' Worthy to be feared, adored. By all Thy hands have WTought None can with Thysflf comuare; Thy glory fills lx)th earth and sky ; We, and all Thy creatures, are As nothimr in Tliir.e eye. TUB LORD JESUS CHRIST. '1 01 Thy great unbounded power To Thee the praise we give, Iiiiiiiiti'ly great, and more I'liau hi-art can e'er conceive : When Thou wilt to work proceed. Thy purpose firm none can withstand. Frustrate the determined deed. Or stay tlie Alniiglity hand. 3 Thou, God. art wise alone ; Thy counsel doth excel ; Wonderful Thy worlcs we own, Tliy ways unsearchable : Who can sound the mystery. Thy judgment s deep explain ? Thine, whose eyes in darkness see And search the heart of man ! Charles Wesley. 17C3. 48 C.M.D. taste and see that the Lord is ooc;d.— Psahu xxxiv. 8. THE Lord is rich and merciful. The Lord is very kind ; come to Him, come now to Him, With a believiuK mind. His comforts they shall strengthen Hum Like flowing waters cool ; And He shall for thy spirit be A fountain ever fulL 2 The Lord is glorious and strong. Our God is very high : trust in Him, trust now in Kim And have security. He shall be to thee like the sea. And thou shalt surely feel His wind, that bloweth healthily, Thy sicknesses to heaL 3 The Lord is wonderful and wise. As all the ages tell ; learn of Him, learn now of Him, Then with thee it is well. And with His light thou shalt be blest. Therein to work and live : And He shall be to thee a rest When evening hours arrive. T. T. Lynch. 1855. f:ijc fortr |csu3 Onjrist. IirS DinXITY AND GLORY. 49 He is Lord o/ «,'?.— Acts x. ."^fi. ALL hall the power of .lesu's name, Let angels prostrate fall ; bring forth the royal diadem. And crown Him Lord of all. 2 Crown Him. ve martyrs of 'ar God, Whc.ln.iu ilis altar call; Exlol tile .Sti'iii-of-.lesse's Kod, And crown Him Lord of all. Ve chosen seed of Israel's race, A remnant weak and small : Hall Him who saves you by His giuce. And crown Uiiu Lord of aU. 4 \i' Gentile sIninTH, iw't-r forget The wormwou.l and tlir ;:all ; Gn. spread vuiir tniiihi.-s .it Hi^foet, And crown Him Lord of all. 6 Lot every kindred, every tribe. On this terrestrial ball. Til Him all maie.sty ascribe. And crown Him Lord of all. U C that with Ycindi'r .sacred throng, \\<- at His teet may lall. TiuTc Jiiiu Ilie everlasting song. And crown Him Lord of all. Amen. Edward Perronet. 1780. Alt. Last verse J. Rippon. 1787. 6.ii 8. CO.! Unto Ilim that loved us . . .he glory and dominion fur ever and ever. Revelation i. 5, 0. 50 W fY heart and voice I raise. To spread Messiah's praise; Messiah's praise let all repeat— The universal Lord, Ky whose almighty word Creation rose In form completo. 2 A ser\'ant's form He''wore, And in His body bore Our dreadful curse on Calvary: He like a victim stood. And poured His sacred Mood, To set the guilty captives free. 3 Rut soon the Victor rose Triuniphaiilo'er Mis foes. And led Mie vaiii|uislieil host In chains , He threw tlieir empire down. His foes coinpelled to own, or all the great Messiah reigns. ins DIVINITY AND OLOIiY. 4 With mercy's mildest gi-aoe, Urt governs all our i-a<;e In wi-idoin, rijrhteousness, and love Who to Messiah lly Sliiill find redemption niffh, And all His great salvation prove. 5 Hail, Saviour, Prince of Peace ! 'I'll/ l^ingdom shall increase, Till iilUKe world Thy glory s«-e, Aiiil rigliteousness al)ound. As the great deep profound, And lill the earth witli purity ! Amen. Benjam in Rhodes. 1800. R-j 7.7. 7.7. D. ^ -*- There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.— Acta iv. 12. JESUS, lover of my soul, Lot me to Thy bosom fly. While the nearer waters roll, Wliile the tempest still is high ; Hide me. my Saviour, hide. Till the storm of life be past ; S;UV into the haven giiiile, receive my soul at last ! 2 Other refuge have I none, H:ings my helpless soul on Thee ; Leave, ah I leave me not alone. Still support and comfort me: All my trust on Thee is stayed. All my help from Thee I bring ; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. 3 Thou, Christ, art all I want, .More than all in Thee I find : Raise the fallen, cheer the faint. Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy Name, 1 am all unrighteousness ; False and full of sin I am. Thou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin ; Let the healing streams abound. Make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee : Spring Thou up within my heart, Kise to all eternity. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1742. 3 I praise the God of grace ; 1 trust His truth and ndght ; He calls me His, I CiiU Him ndne. My God, my joy, my light. 4 In Him is only good, In me is only ill ; My ill but draws His goodness forth, .\nd me He loveth still. 5 Tis He who s.aveth me. And freely pardon g;ves ; I love because He loveth me, 1 live because He lives. C .My life with Him is hid. My death has passed away, lly clouds have rnelted into light, My midnight into day. Horatius Bonar. 1& 52 Blessed be His nlorious name for eur.— Psaiui Ixxii. 19. T BLESS the Christ of God ; 1 I rest on love divine : And with unfaltering lip and heait, 1 call the Saviour mine. 2 His cross dispels each doul t : 1 bury in His tomb Each thought of unbelief and fear. Each lingering shade of gloom. 53 - God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye hace crucijied, both Lord and Christ.— Acts ii. 36. JESUS is our common Lord, He our loving Saviour is ; By His death to life restored. Misery we exchange for bliss ; 2 Bliss to carnal minds unknown, O 'tis more than tongue can tell I Only to beUevers siiown. Glorious and unspeakable ; 3 Chr st, our Brother and our Friend, Shows us His eternal love : Never shall our triumphs end. Till we take our seats above. 4 Let us walk with Him in white. For our bridal day prepare. For our partnership in light. For our glorious meeting there ! Wesley. 1742. c ^ 7.6. 7.6. D. '-'^^ Though now .ve see Him not, yet belieiiitg, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable 1 Peter i. 8. SAVIOUR, precious Saviour, ^ Whom yet unseen we love, O Name of nught and favour. All other names above : We worship Thee, we bless The«. To Thee alone we sing : We praise Thee, and confess Thee Our holy Lord and King ; 2 P.ringer of s.alvation. Who wondrously hast wrought. Thyself the revelation Of love beyond our thought : We worship Thee, we bless Thee, " To Thee alone we sing : We praise Thee, and confess Thee Our gracious Lord and King ! 15 THE LOFD Ji:SUS CHFI'^T. 3 In Thee all fulness dwelleth. All grace and power divine ; The ?r!orj-that excelleth, Son of God, is Thine : We woi-ship Thee, we bless Thee, To Thee alone we sing : We pia^so Th.-e, and confess Tlieo Our glorious Lord and King ! 4 grant the ronsummation Of tins our song above, In endless adoration. And everlasting love: Tlien shall we praise and bless Thee, Where perfect praises ring. And evermore confess Thee Our Saviour and our King : Amen. Frances R. Havergal. 1870. 55 7.6. 7.6. D. That was the true lir/ht, which Ivjhteth eyery wan that cometh into the world.— io\vo. i. 9. OONE with God the Father In majesty and might. The brightness of His glory, Eternal Light of liglit : O'er this our home of darkness Thy rays are streaming now ; The shadows flee before Thee, The woild's true Liglit art Thou. 2 Yet, Lord, we see but darkly : heavenlj' Light,, Dispel these mists that sliroud ns. And hide Thee from our eyes ! We long to track the footprints That Thou Thyself hast trod ; We long to see the pathway That leads to Thee, our God. G O .Tesus, shine around us W:tli radiance of Thy grace ; O .lesus, turn upon us The brightness ofTliy fice. We need no star to g\ii(h: us, As on our wav we jiress, IfTh.MiThy lidit voii(lis;.iV>t. O tjuu of righteousness. Anieii. liishopW.W.Hoio. 1871. 56 8.8. S.8. 8.i 7'Aow art fairer than the children of men.— Vs. xlv. 2. "jyr Y heart Is full of Christ, and longs J»l Its glorious matter to declare ! Of Him 1 make my loftier songs, I cannot from liis praise forbear: My ready tongui! makes haste to sing The honours of my heavenly King. '.' Kain-r llinii all the rarth-born race, INTfcct III r-oiii.'liiicssTlKHiart ; K.-pIciiisheil an- Tliy ll)is with gnire. And full of love Thy lender heart. fiort ever bh-st ! we bow the knee. And ov.ii all fiiln>-KS d\vherd.—ls-j. xl. 11. THOU Shepherd of Israel, and mine, The joy and desire of my heart ; For closer lomniunion. I pino, I If.iig to reside wliere Thou art : The pa.sture I languish to find. Where all, wlio their Shepherd obey. Are fed, on Thy bosom reclined. And screened from the heat of the day. 2 Ah ! show me that happiest place, Tlie place of Thy people's abode, Where snints in an ecstasy gaze, And hang on a crucified God : Tliy love for a siinier declare, thy passion and death on the tree ; Jly spirit to Calvary bear, To suffer and triumph with Thee. 3 'Tis there, with the lamhs of Thy flock. There onlv I covet to rest. To lie at the foot of the rock. Or rise to be hid in Thy breast : "Tis there I would always abi^le. And never a moment depart ; Concealed in the cleft of Thy side, Eternallv held in Thy heart. 58 Charles Wesley. 17C2. 8.8. 8.8. P. Anarcrsfic. Thou shnlt make them drink nf the river of Thy pleasures.— Va. xxvi. 8. A FOUNTAIN of Life and of Grace In ("hri.«t, our Redeemer, wo see ; For us who Mis olTors embrace, For all. it is ojien and free : Jehovah'lf dnih invite To drink of His t)leaRurr'S unknown, The streams of immorlal delight. That flow from His heavenly throub. 2 As soon as in Him wo believe. By faith of His Spirit we take; And, freely forgiven, receive The ineri.-y for Jesus'.'? sake ; HIS DIVINITY AND QLORY. Wp giiiii a piirp drop of His love. Tilt' iilf ut'iit'rnity know. Angelical liajipiness prow, And witness a heaven below. Charles Wesley. ITOi' 59 having not seen, ye love. 1 Peter i. 8. JKSUS, these eyes have never seen That radiant form of Thine ; T]ie veil of sense hangs dark between Thy blessed face and mine. 2 I see Thee not, I hoar Thee not. Yet art Thou oft with ni<> ; And earth has ne'er so dear a spot, As where I meet with Thee. 3 Like some bright dream, that conies unsought. When slumbers o'er me roll. Thine image ever tills my thought, And charms my ravished soul. 4 Yea. though I have not seen, and still Must rest in faith alone, I love Thee, dearest Lord, and will, Unseen but not unknown. 5 When death these mortal eyes shall seal. And still this throbbing heart. The rending veil shall Thee reveal. All-glorious as Thou art. Ray Palmer. 1840. fir\ 7.6. 7.6. D '-''-' There is a friend that slicketh closer than a brother.— Proverbs xviii. 'J4. JESUS. Friend unfailing. How dear Thou art to me ! Are cares or fears assailing ? I find my strength in Thee. Why should ray feet grow weary Uf this my pilgrim way ? Rough though the path and dreary. It ends in perfect day. 2 What fills my soul with gladness? 'T.s Thine abounding giace ; Where can I look, in sadness. But, Jesus, on Thy face? My all is Thy providing ; Thy love can ne'er grow cold ; In Thee, my refuge, hiding, No good wilt Thou withhold. Why should I droop in sorrow? Tliou'rt evt-r by my side : Why, trembling, dread the morrow ; Wliat ill can e'er bptidc'/ If 1 my cross have taken, Tis but to follow Thee ; If scorned, despised, forsaken, Nought severs Thee from me. o 4 For pvtfi-y tribulation. For Hvcry Aont distress. In ihrist I've full salvation, Sure help and quii^t rest. No fear of loes prevailing, I triumph. Lord, in Thee : .It-sus, Friend unfailing. How dear art Thou to me I From the German. Jr. Mrs. II. K. Browne. 61 The Lord descended in a cloud . . . and proclaimed the name of t>ie Lord. E.xodus xxxiv. 5. GREAT God : to me the sight afford To him of old allowed : And let my faith behold its Lord Descending in a cloud. 2 In that revealing Spirit cojjfje down, Thine attributes proclaiiw. And to my inmost soul make knov, n The glories of Thy Name. 3 Jehovah, Christ, I Thee adore, Who gav'st my soul to be : Fountain of being, and of power. And great in majesty. 4 The Lord, the mighty God, Tliou art ; But let me rather prove That name in-spoken to my heart. That favourite name of Love. 5 Merciful God, Thyself proclaim In this polluted breast ; Mercy is Thy distmguished name. Which suits a sinner best. 6 Our misery doth for pity call. Our sin implores Thy grace ; And Thou ai t merciful to all Uur lost apostate race. Charles Wesley. 17o3. an 7.6. 7 6, a ^^ To whom shall u-e go ? Thou hast the words of eternal /(/" ; rr.-.irh Him loa.l.aii.l cry in death. LeholU, behold tho Jjuiib ! " CharU's )y,!il<;,. i; 18 ITTS IXCASyATIOy AND ADVENT. 64 Re hath sent me to heal the broken- hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives. Luke iv. 18. HAUK, the glad sound! the Saviour comes ! The Saviour promised long ! Let every heart i)rcpare a throne, And every voice a song. 2 On Him the Spirit, largely poured. Exerts His sacred fire ; Wisdom, and might, and zeal, and love His holy breast inspire. 3 He comes the prisoners to release, In Satan's bondage held ; The gates of brass before Him burst, Tiie iron fetters yield. 4 He comes, from thickest films of vice. To clear tlv' mental ray, And on the eyi's oiii)res.scd with night. To pour celestial day. 5 He comes the broken heart to bind. The bleeding soul to ciu'e, And with the treasures of His grace To enrich the humble poor. 6 Our glad hosannas. Prince of Peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim, And heaven's eternal arches ring With Thy beloved name. Philip Doddridge. 1736. 65 w 7.7. 7.7. 7.7. hen they saw the star, tlie>i rejoiced with euccedin'/ ijreatjoy. Matthew ii. 10. A S with gladness men of oM A Dill Ihegiiiilhigstar bciiold. As with Joy lliey liaileil its light. Leading onward, beaming bright ; So, most gracious lx)nl, may we Evermore be led to Thee. 2 .\s with jovful steps they sped, S:ivi,)ur, loThy lowly lied, 'I here I,, I beiiil the ki Iiel'oro 'riiee whom hiMveii MTiil earth adore: So may we with willing feet Ever seek the mercy-seat. 3 As they ofTercd gifts r.iro At Thy cradle rmleaiid bare; So may we uilli holy joy, I'ure, and tiee iroiii sin s alloy, All our costliest treasines bring, Christ, to Theo, our llcaveuly king* HIS I y CARNATION AND ADVLNT. 4 Holy Ji'sus, every day Ker-p lis in the narrow way ; Ami, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransonieil souls at last Where they need no star to miide. Where no clouds Thy glory hide. 5 In the heavenly country bright Ni'id thi'V no created light; Tliou. iis"l,i:,'lit, its Joy, its Crown. Thmi Irs Sim which goes not down ; 'riii'if tor ^■\^■r may we sing Hallelujahs to our King. Amen. W. Chattcrton Dix. ISfiO. 66 Waiting for the consolation of Jsrael.—Lnko 11. 25. COME, Thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set Tliy people free : From our sins and feai^s release us. Let us find our rest in Thee. 2 Israel's strength and consolation, i Hope of all the earth Thou art ; The desire of every nation, Joy of every coutrite heart. 3 Born, Thy people to deliver. Born a child, and yet a king ; Born, to reign in us for ever, Kow Thy gracious kingdom bring. 4 By Thine ovra Eternal Spirit, "ivule in all our hearts alone ; By Thine all-sui!icieut merit, Kaise us to Thy glofious tliione. Amen. Wesley. 17i6. nrj Anupast.c. O / y>- sliulljind the babe urap]>ecl ut suaddUwj doihes, lying in a manger. Luke ii. 12. BRIGHTEST and best of the sons of the morning ! Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid ! Star of the East, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Kedeemer is laid. 2 Cold on His cradle the dew-diops aie sliining. Low lies His head •vrith the beasts of the stall ; Angels adore Him in slumber reclining. Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour ot all. 3 Say, shall we yield Him, in costly devotion Odours of Edom, and ott'erings divine? Gems of the mountains, and pearls of the ocean, MjTrh from the forest, or gold from the mine ? 4 Vainly we offiT each ample oblation. Vainly with gifts would Hi.i favour secure ; Richer by far is the heart's adoration. Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. 5 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning ! Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid : Star of the East, the horizon adorning. Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid ! Bi hop R. Hebe i: 1«11. OQ fi.G. fi.G. 8.8. ^O The Lord, u'hom ye seek, sliall suddenly came to Hi^ d vouchsafed a worm to appear, Lord of Glory, Son of Man, Poor, and vile, and abject here. 3 His own on earth He sought His own received Him not ; Ilim a siKii by all blasphemed. Outcast and despised of men. Him they all a madman deemed, Bcjid to scoff the Nazareue. 4 Hall. Galilean King ! Thy humble state 1 sing, Kever shall my triumphs end ; Hail, derided Majesty ! Jesus, hail : the sinner's Friend, Friend of publicans,— and me. Amen. Wesley. 1739. 70 8.7. 8.7. 8.7. / u-ill 7iot leave you comfortless : J will come to you. — John xlv. 18. JESUS came— the heavens adoring- Game with peace Irom realms on high ; Jesus came for man's redemption, Lowiy came on earth to die ; Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! Came in deep humility. 2 Je.sus comes again in mercy. When our hearts are bowed withcaro ; Josns comes again in answer To an earnest heart-felt prayer ; Hallelujah! hallelujah! Conies to save us from despair. 3 .Ic8H8 comes to hearts rejoirin^r. r.rliiging news ol sins idr^rix ■ii ; Je.sus (onies in sounds (it ^ImiIii'-^.s, I..<3ading souls ri'decni' d to lii-avon ; Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! Now the gate ol death is riven. 4 Jesu.H romoR in jov and Horruw, SliMUs alike oiii lio|M'H ihmI f.-ars ; ,Ii":m i I iiiiie.^, wIimIc ii lieljills us. ClaiJH nui h<-arl.-', .ind diicH cmii tinrs ; ll.ill'liijah! haili'lujah ! I'hiiiirMig e CM our falling years. 20 5 Jes\is comes on clouds triumphant. When the heavens shall pass away ; Jesus comes again in glory ; Let us then our homage pay ; Hallelujah ! ever singing. Till the dawn of endless day. Amen. Godfrey Thring. 1806. 71 L.M.D. I am come that they miyht have life. Johnx. 10. THE Lord is come ! On Syrian soil, The child of poverty and toil ; The Man of sorrows, born to know Each \ arying shade of human woe : His joy. His glory, to fultil. In earth and heaver. His Father's will ; On lonely mount, by festive board. On bitter cross, despised, adored. 2 The Lord is come ! Dull hearts to wake. He speaks, as never man yet spake, The truth which makes His servants free. The royal law of liberty. Though heaven and earth shall pass away, Uis living words our spirits stay. And from His treasures, new and old. The eternal mysteries unfold. 3 Tlie Lord is come ! In Him we trace The of God's trutli and grace ; ThrougliuuL those words and acts Divine Gleams of the eternal splendour shine ; And from His inmost Spirit How, As from a height of sunlit snow. The rivers of perennial life. To heal and sweeten Nature's strife. 4 The Lord is come ! In every heart. Where truth and mercy claim a part ; In every land where right is miglit. And deeds of darkness shun th i>n llic I'liiili, giinilw ill td men,' From lnavrn H allgrarioiis King; The woild in solemn stillneMs lay To hour the angels sing. HIS INCAENATION AND ADVENT. 2 Still tlirongh the cloven skies they come. With peineful wings unfurled. And still tlieir heavenly music floats O'er all the weary world ; Above its sad and lowly plains They bend on hovering wing. And ever «> er its Babel-sounds The blessed angels sing. 3 Yet, with the woes of sin and strife. The world has suffered long ; Beneath the angel-strain have rolled Two thousand yeai-s of wrong ; And man, at war with man, hilars not The love-song which they bring ; hush the noise, ye men of strife. And hear the angels sing : 4 And ye. beneath life's crushing load, Whose forms are bending low. Who toil along the climbing way. With painful steps and slow,— Look now : for glad and golden hours Come swiftly on the wing ; rest beside the weary road And hear the angels sing ! 5 For lo : the days are hastening on, By prophet-bards foretold, \\ hen with the ever-circling years Comes round the age of gold : When peace shall over all the earth Its ancient splendours fling. And the whole world send back the song Which now the angels sing. E. U. Sears. 1839. rvq CM. • *-' And there ivere . . . shepherds abiding inthe field, keepinj watch over their flock b'j 7iijht.— Luke ii. 8. "WHILE shepherds watched their flocks \\ by night, All seated on the ground. The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around. 2 ' Fear not ! ' said he, for sudden dread Had seized their troubled niinJ, * Glad tidings of gi-eat joy I bring To you and all mankind. 3 ' To you, in David's town, this day. Is born of David's line, A Savioiir, who is Christ the Lord ; And this shall be the sign : . 4 ' The heavenly Babe you there shall find. To human view displayed. All meanly wrapped in swaddling bands, And in a manger laid. 6 Thus spake the seraph ; and forthwith Appeared a shining throng Of angels praising God on Who thus addre.ssed their song : 6 ' All glory be to God on high. And to the earth be peace ; Goodwill henceloith from heaven to men. Begin and never cease. Ameu. Sahum Tate. 1700. 74 7 7. 7.7. 7.7. The shepherds retui-ned. qlarifying and 2>raisinj Gorf.— Luke ii 20. SIXG, sing, this blessed morn, Unto us a child is born. Unto us a Son is given, God Himself conies down from heaven; Sing, sing, this blessed moru, Jesus Christ to-day is born. 2 God with us, IniraanueL Deigns for ever now to dwell, And on Adams fallen race Sheds the fulness of His grace ; Sing, O sing, this blessM mom, Jesus Christ to-day is born. 3 God conies down that man may rise, Lifted far above the skies ; Christ is Son of Man that we Sons of God in Him may be ; Sing, sing, this blessM morn, Jesus to-day is born. 4 renew us, Lord, we pray. With Thy Spirit day by day ; That we ever one may be With the Father and with Thee ; Sing, sing, this blessed morn, Jesus Christ to-day is born. 5 Sing, sing, this blessi^d morn, Jesus Christ to-day is born ; Glory to the Father give. Praise the Son in whom we live ; Glory to the Spirit be. Godhead One, and Pei-sons Three. Amen. Bishop C. Wordsworth. 18s, assisted by His grace. Till man s first heavenly state again takes place. G Then may wo hope, the angelic ho.sts among, To sing, le.leemed. a glad tiiumplial song; lie that was horn upon llllsjoyiul day Aloiiml us all His glory shall display ; Saved by His love, inces.>iant we shall sing Ki.ernal praiso to heaven's almighty King. John liyruin. 1773. HIS INCARNATION AND ADVENT. 78 Let us now go even unto JJethleheiii.—Uiko ii. 15. Irrejular. OCOME, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem : Lorn upon eaith, behold the Kiuy of angula ! come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord 1 2 He, God of Ood, and Light of Light be- gotten. Comes to the world as a maiden's Child ; He, very God, begotten not created : () come, let us adore Him, U come, let us adore Him, come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord ! 3 SiBg," choir of angels, raise your hymn of triumph ; Sing, ye that stand around the throne on high ; Glory to God, all glory in the highest ! O come, let us ailore Him, come, let us adore Him, come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord i 4 Thou who didst dcigu to be born for us this morning. Glory to Tliee, U Jesus,Lord ! Word of the Eternal Father, now incarnate ! come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Ilim, come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord : Amen. From the Latin, ISth Century. Tr. John Ellcrton. 1871. 79 7.7. 7.7. 7.7. 7.7. 7.7. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good-will toward men. Luke ii. 14. HARK ! the herald-angels sing 'Glory to the new-born King, Peace on earth, and mercy mild, Goil and sinners reconciled.' Joyful all ye nations rise. Join the triumphs of the skies ; With the angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem. Hark : the herald-angels sing Glorj' to the new-boru King. 2 Veiled in flesh the Godhead see ; Hail the incarnate Deity ! Pleased as man with men to appear, Jesus, our Immanuel here. Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die. Bom to raise the sons of earth. Born to give them second birth. Hark : the herald-angels sing Glory to the new-born King. 3 Come, Desire of Nations, come, Fix in us Thy humbh; home . Rise, the woman s conquering Seed, Bruise in us the Serpents head. Hail the heaven-born Briiice ot I'eaco, Hail the Sun of Righteousness ! Light and Ufe to all He brings, Kisen with healing in His wings. Hark 1 the herald-angels bing Glory to the new-born King. Charles Wesley. 1739. 80 8.7. 8.7. 4.7. Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke ii. 10. ANGELS from the realms of glory. Wing your flight o er all the eanh; Ye, who sang creations story, Now proclaim Messiah's birth : Come and worship. Worship Christ, the new-born King. 2 Shepherds, in the field abiding, Watcliing o'er your flocks by night, God with man is now residing. Yonder shines the infant Light : Come and worship. Worship Christ, tlie new-born King. 3 Sages, leave your contemplations, Brighter visions beam alar ; Seek the great Desire of Nations, Ye have seen His natal star : Come and worship. Worship Christ, the new-born King. i Saints, before the altar bending. Waiting long with hope and fear, Suddenly the Lord descending, In His temple shall appear : Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King. 5 Sinners, wrung with true repentance. Doomed for guilt to endless pains, Justice now repeals the se!itent!e, Mercy calls you, break youi- chains : Come and worship, Worslup Christ, the new-born King. Janu:^ Montgomery, liiy. 81 6.5., 12 lines. Where/ore God also hath hi My exalted Him.— i'hilip. ii. y. H.\RK ! the voice eternal Rolled in majesty. Calling into being Kartn and sea and sky ; Hark : in countless numbers AH the angel-throng Hail Creation's morning With one burst of song. High in regal glory. Mid eternal light. Reign, O King Immortal, Holy, Inliiute. 23 THE LORD JESUS CMS 1ST. 2 Brijrht the world and glorious, Calm both earth and sea, JirS EXAMPLE AND Kohle in its grandeur TEACHING. . Stood man's purity : Came the great transi,'ression. OQ CM. O-^ Grace is poure { into Thy lips. Psalm xlv. '. Came the saddening fall, Death and desolation Breathing over all. Still in regal glory. WHAT grace. Lord, and lieauty shone V > Aroimd Thy steps below ! 'Mid eternal light. Reigned the King Inmiortal, AVhat patient love was seen in all Holy, Infinite. Thy life and death of woe I 3 Long the nations waited, Through the troubled night, L'Mking, longing, yearning 1 MP the promised light. 2 For ever on Thy burdened heart A weight of sorrow hung ; Yet no ungentle, murmuring word Escaped Thy silent tongue. I'p.phets saw the morning breaking far away, 3 Thy foes might hate, despise, revile. Lliustrels sang the splendour Thy friends unfaithful prove ; Uf that opening day ; Unwearied in forgiveness stiU, Thy heart could only love. Whilst in regal glory. ■Mid eternal light. Reigned the King Immortal Holy, Hifinite. 4 0. give us hearts to love like Thee, Like Thee, Lord, to grieve Far more for others' sins, than all 4 Brightly dawned the Advent The WTongs that we receive. Of the new-born King, Joyously the watchers 5 One with Thyself, may every eye. Heard the angels sing : In us. Thy brethren, see Sadly closed the evening gentleness and grace which spring Of His hallowed life, From union. Lord, with Thee. Amen. As the noontide darkness Sir E. Denny. \&9. Veiled the last dread strife. Lo : again in glory. 'Mid eternal light, Keigns the King Immortal, Holy, Infinite. QQ L.M.D. '-' "-^ Lord, it is good for us to be here. Matthew xvii. 4. 5 Lo ! again He cometh. T ORD, it is good for us to be JJ High on the mountain here with Thee, ■ Robed in clouds oC light. As the Judge Eternal, Where stand revealed to mortjil gaze Ai nii'd witli power and might. The glorious saints of other days, Kiiiiou.s to llirt footstool Who once received, on Horeb's height, Citliri'Ml ilifii shall bo; The eternal laws of truth and right. I'.aitli ^li.iil yield hi!r treasures. Or caught the still small whisiicr, higher And, tlies.M. 'J'hau storm, than earthquake", or than fire. Till 111'' trniii|H't, sounduLh. ■Mid el.TiKil light, •J Lord, it is good for us to he Reign, Thou King Immortal, With Thee, and with Thy faithful three. Holy, Infinite. Here, where the Ajxistlcs heart of rock Is nerved against teniptMtitm s .-,hock ; Here, where the Son ol' Thunder learns C Jesus! Lord and Master, The thought that Ijreathes, the word that I'rophet, Briest, and King, burns; To Thy feet triuiuphant ll.'ic, wlirre on eagle's >vings we move Hallowed praise we bring. W iili Him whose last, best creed is Love. Thine the pain and weeping. Thine the victory; Bower, and ijralse, and honour Be. Lord, to Thee. High in r.'gal glory. ■Mid eicriml light. 3 Lord, it is good for us to be Entranced, en wrapt, alone with Th.'.'. W;iUliing the glistening raiment glow Whili-r lliari lltTuions wliitest snow, Thi' Innii.'iii line.'ini- loo Chang"' fiom grace to grace, Holy, Infinite. Amen. John Jntian. ISHIi. Ca/.iiig on tlmi liansligured face. ins EXAMl'LE AND TEACHING. Lord, it is good for us to be Hore on the Holy Mount with Thoe ; W'liiMi .larkliiig in tlie depths of ni^lit, W'Ik'Ii diizzl'-d witli excess of liglit, \\f liDW before tlie heavenly Voice 'I'liat l)ids bewildered souls rejoice : 'i'hi)Uf,'h love wax cold, and faith be dim ; ■ This is My Son I hear ye Him : ' Arthur P. Sianlf^. d. 1881. 04_ 6.6. 8.6. 10.12. *-'^ In tvhovi are hid all the treasures 0/ icisdoin and knotuled'je. —Colossians ii. 3. A MASTER, at Thy feet U I how in rapture sweet ! Before me, as in darkening glass. Some glorious outlines Of love, and truth, and holiness, and power ; I own them Thine, Christ, and bless Thee for this hour. 2 f\dl of truth and grace. Smile of Jehovah's face ! tenderest heart of love untold ; Who may Thy jnaise unfold? Thee, Saviour, Lord of lords mui King of kings, Well may adoring seraphs hymn with veil- ing wings. 3 I have no words to bring Worthy of Thee, my King, And yet one anthem in Thy praise 1 long, 1 long to raise ; The htai t is full, the eye entranced above, I5ut wortls all melt away in silent awe and love. 4 IIow can the lip be dumb. The hand ,ill still and numb, \\ hen Thee the heart doth see and own ll>r Ldid ai.d Gnd alone V Tune for Thyself the music of my daj'S, And oi)en Thou my lips that I may show Thy praise. 5 Yea, let my whole life be One anthem unto Thee, And let the praise of lip and life Out-ring all sin and strife. O Jesus, Master 1 be Thy name supreme, Kor heaven ami eartli, the one, the grand, eternal theme. Amen. Frances R. Havergal. d. 1S79. 3 Lft grace our selfishness expel. Our farililincss rel'me ; And kindness in our bosoms dwell. As free and true as Thine. 4 Kept peaceful in the midst of strife, Foigiviiig and toigiven ; may we lead the pilgiim's life. And follow Thee to Leaven. John H. Gumey. 18jl. 86 85 / have given you an example. John xiii. 15. LORD, as to Thy dear cross we flee. And plead to be forgiven. So let Thy life our pattein be. And form our souls for heaven. 2 Help us, through good report and ill, Our daily cross to bear ; Like Thee, to do our Fathers will, Oiu- brethren's gj-iefs to share. I/ue suffer, ue shall also reii,n ivith Him.—i Tim. ii. 12. QAVIOUR of all, what hast Thou done, n What hast Thou suffered on tlie tree? Why didst Thou groan Thy mortal groan, ( ihodient unto death for m« ? The mystery of Thy passion show. T he end of all Thy griefs below. 2 Thy soil, for sin an offering made. Hath cleared this guilty soul of mine ; Thou hast forme a ransom j>aid. To change my human to divine. To cleanse from all iniquity. And make the sinner all like Thee. 3 Pardon, and grace, and heaven to buy. My bleeding Sacrifice exi)ired ; Cut didst Thou not my Pattern die. That by Thy gloriou* si.irit fired. Faithful to di-ath I might endure. And make the crown by suffering sure ? 4 Thou didst the meek example leave, 'I'hat I might in Thy footsteps tread : Mi^'ht, like the Man of Sorrows, grieve. And groan and bow with Thee my head ; Thy dying in my body bear. And all Thy state of suffering share. 5 Thy every suffering servant, Lord, Shall as his perfect Master be ; To aU Thy inward life restored. And outwardly conformed to Thee, Out of Thy grave the saint shali rise. And grasp, through death, the glorious prize. 6 This is the strait and royal way. That leads us to the courts above ; Here let me ever, ever stay. Till, on the wings of perfect love, I take my last triumphant tlight. From Calvarj's to Sions height. Amen. Charles Lesley. 174&. 87 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers o/f,esh and blood, lie al o tiiinself likeuise took part of the same. Hebrews ii. 14. 0: MEAN may seem this house of clay, Vet 'twas the Lord ^s abode ; Our feet may mourn tnis thoray way, Yet here Inimanuel trod. 2-5 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 2 This fleshly robe the Lord did wear ; This watch the Lord did keep : These burdens soro the Lord di.l bear ; Tliese tears the Lord did wet'ii. 3 Our very frailty brings us near Unto the Lord of heaven ; To every grief, to every tear Such glory strange is given. 4 But not this fleshly robe alone Shall link us, Lord, to Thee ; Xot only in the tear and groau Shall the dear kindred be. 5 We shall be reckoned for Thine own Because Thy heaven we share, Because we sing around Thy throne, And Thy bright raiment wear. C mighty grace, our life to live, To make our earth divine ! mighty grace, Thy heaven to give, And lift our life to Thine ! Thomas H. Gill. ISK 88 He would have given thee living water.— John iv. 10. TESU.-5, the gift divine I know, M The gift divine I ask of Thee ; That living water now bestow, Thy Spirit and Thyself, on me : Thou, Lord, of life the fountain art, Now let me find Thee in my heart. 2 Thee let me drink, and thirst no more For drops of tinitc liiippin^'s^; ; Spring up, O Well, in li(«aveiily i)ower, In .streams of pure, perfinni;il peace. In joy, that none can take away. In life, which shall for ever stay. 3 Father, on me tho grnne bnstow, IIul/laiiKiblr lirfon. Tliv si-lit. Wh-ii.',. all til.' slnMiusnf ni.Trv fl my Cuide? ' In His t'cct and liands are wound-prints, And His side.' 3 Is there di.adem, as monarch. That His brow adorns? 'Yea, a crown, in very surety, But of thorns ! ' 4 If I find Him. If I follow. What His guerdon here? ' Many a sorrow, many a labour, Many a tear.' r. If I still hold closely to Ilim, What liatli Heat last? • Sorrow vanquished, labour ended, Jordan past ! ' G If I ask Him to receive me, Will He say me nay? 'Not till earth, and not till heaven Pass away ! ' 7 Findincr, foUowlncr, keeping, struggling. Is lie sure to bless? ' Saints, Apostles, Prophets, Martyrs, Answer. Yes I ' Slt-phrn of Saba. Hth Centurv. Tr. and alt. by J. M. Neale. 1862. HIS EXAMPLE AND TEACHINa. 91 Jesus went unto them walking o.i the sea.— Matthew xiv. 'Jj. OWIIEHK is He that tioit the sea? O, where is He that spake. And demons from their victims flee, The dead from slumber wake? The palsied in freedom strong, The dumb men talk and sing, And from blind eyes, benighted long, bright beams of moniing spring. 2 O, wlicre is He that trod the sea ? 'TisiPiily He can save; To tliousands hungering wearily, A Wo. .(Irons meal He gave : Full soon, celestially fed. Their jiienteous food they tak^ ; 'Twas springtide when He blest the bread, Twas harvest when He brake 3 0, where is He that trod the sea ? -My soul ! the Lord is here : Let all thy fears be hushed in thee ; And leap, and look, and hear. Thy utmost needs He'll satisfy : Art thou diseased or dumb ? Or dost thou in thy hunger cry? Lehold thy Helper come ! T. T. Lymh. IS-'w. 92 Th'' Son of Man is come to seek and to save that irhich was lost. Lukexix. 10. JESUS, Thy far-extended fame My drooping soul exults to hear ; Thy name. Thy all-restoring name, Is music in a. sinners ear. 2 Sinners of old Thou didst receive. With comfortable words and kind r Tli'-ir sorrows cheer, their wants relieve, Heal the diseased, and cure the blind. 3 And art Thou not the Saviour still. In every place and age the same? H;ist Thou forgot Thy gracious skill, Or lost the virtue of Thy name? 4 Faith in Thy changeless name I have. The good, the kind Physician, Thou Art able now our souls to save. Art willing to restore them now. 6 Though eighteen hundred years are past Sini:e Thou didst in the Hesh appear. Thy tender mercies ever last ; And still lljy healing power is here ! 6 Wouldst Thou the body's health restore. And liot regard the sin-sick soul? The sin-sick soul Thou lov'st much more, And surely Thou shalt make it whole. 7 AU my disease, my every sin, ToTliee, O Jesus. I c..iilr>,s: In pardon, Lonl. my 'uic I.. i;in. And perfect it in holiness. 8 token of Thine utmost good. Now, Saviour, now on me bestow ; And purge my conscience with Thy blood. And wash my nature white as snow. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1749. QQ B.7. 8-7. 7.7. «^ ^ And now abiJeth faith, hope, charity, these thr^e ; but the greatest oflhtse is charity.— I Corinthians xiii. i;l I)LESSE;D Saviour, Thou hast taught us, ) Taught us in Thy word divine. That our doings are but nothin^r If they be not linked with Thine ; If we be not bound to Thee With the bond of charity. 2 Though with tongues of men and angels. Soaring may our voices rise ; Tliough we have the gift of knowledge, Understanding mysteiles : All will still as nothing be, If we have not charity. 3 Though with faith, that even mountains At our word we may remove. Though our bodies to be burned Yield we, and possess not love. We have nothing till we be Bound with bonds of charity. 4 Bind us with the bond that bindeth Human hearts to God above. Bind us with the bond uniting Rich and poor with heavcniv love. With the bond that binds to Thee, Never-failing charity. Anien. Godfrey Thring. 1860. 94 // became Him. . . . to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.— HehTcws ii. 10. THOU through suffering perfect mad\ On whom the bitter cross was laid ; In hours of sickness, grief, and pain, No sufferer turns to Thee in vain. 2 The halt, the maimed, the sick, the hliid Sought not in vain Thy tendance kind , Now in Thy poor Thyself we see. And minister through them to Thep. 3 loving Saviour, Thou canst cure The pains and woes Thon didst endure ; For all who need. Physician f,Teat, I Thy healing l>alju we suppliciit--^. 27 THE LOSD JESUS CHBI8T. 4 But, ! far more, let each keen pain And hour of woe be hwavenly ^ain, Each stroke of Thy chastising rod Bring back the wanderer nearer God. 5 O 1 heal the bruised heart within : O ! save our souls all sick with sin : Give life and health in bounteous store, That we may praise Thee evermore. Amen. Bishop W. W. How. 1871. SIS PASSIO^'^ AND DEATH. 95 8.7. 8.7. D. The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us a^i.— Isaiah liil. 6. HAIL, Thou once despised Jesus ! Hail, Thoii Galilean King ! Who didst suffer to release us. Who didst free salvation bring. Hail, Thou universal Saviour ! Bearer of our sin and shame ! By Thy merits we iiiid favour ; Life is given through Thy name. Paschal Lamb, by God appointed, All our sins on Thee were laid ; By almighty Love anointed, Thou hast full atonement made : Every sin may be forgiven, Throuixh the virtue of Thy blood ; Opi-ncd is the gate of heaven. Peace is made twixt man and God. 3 Jesus, hail! enthroned in glory, There for ever to abide : All the heavenly host adore Thee, Seated at Thy Father's side : There for sinners Thou art pleading, ' Spare them yet another year ; ' Thou for saints art interceding. Till in gloi-y tlicy appear. 4 Worship, honour, power, and blessing. Thou art worthy to receive ; Loudest praises without ceasing. Meet it is for us to give. Help, ye bright, angelic spirits ! Bring your sweetest, noblest l.nys, Help to sing the Saviour's merits, Hclji to chant Immanuel's praise. Amen. John Ilaktwell. 17C0. QC yJ vJ (l<„l f<„hid that I should gloru. save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Galatlans vl. 14. IN the Ooss of Christ I glory. Towering o'er the wrecks of time : All the light of snrred story Gathers r'nind its bead sobliine. 2S 2 When the woes of life o'ertake me, Hopes deceive and fears annoy, Never shall the Cross forsake me : Lo ! it glows with peace and joy. 3 Wien the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way. From the Cross the radiance streaming Adds more lustre to the day. 4 Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the Cross are sanctified ; Peace is there that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. 5 In the Cross of Christ I glory. Towering oer the wrpcks of time ; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. Sir John Botcring. 1825. 97 They crucified /fim.— John xix. 18. OCOME and mourn with me awhile ; come ye to the Saviour's side ; come, together let us mourn : Jesus, our Love, is crucified ! 2 Have we no tears to shed for Him, While soldiers scotf, and Jews deride? Ah I look how patiently He hangs : Jesus, our Love, is crucified ! 3 Seven times He spake, seven words of lovo; And all three hours His silence cried For mercy on the souls of men : Jesus, our Love, is crucified ! 4 A broken heart, a fount of tears Ask, and they will not be denied ; A broken heart Love's cradle i ; ; Jesus, our Love, is crucified ! f) O Love of God ! Sin of man ! In this dread act your strength is tried And victory remains with Love ; For He, our Love, is crncitied ! F. W. Fabcr. 18-19. 98 The righteousness which i.-i of God 6.i//ai<;t.— Phillppians Hi. 9. JESUS, Thy Blood and Righteousness My lieauty are, my glorious dress : 'Midst tlaming worlds, in these arrayed. With joy shall I lift up my head. 2 Bold shall I stand In that great dav : For who anirht to my charge shall lav ? Fully absolved through these I nni, " From sin and fear, from guilt and shame 3 The holy, meek, unspotted binib. Who from the F.ather's bosom canie. Who died for me, ev.>n me, t.. atone, Now fur my l.nrd and God I own. i/i,S FASSIOy AND DEATH. 4 LorcL, I belifcive Thy precious blood, Wliicli, at the ineivy-seat of God, I'or ever doth for sinners plead. l""or me, even for my sonl, was shed. 5 Lord, I believe, were sinners more 'I'liaii sands upon the ocean shore. Thou hast for all a ransom paid, For all a full atonement made. 6 ^Vhen from the dust of death I rise. To claim my mansion in the skies, Even then, this shall be all my plea, Jesus hath lived, hath died lor me. Count Zin-end&rf. abt. 17."6. Tr. John Wesley. 1740. QQ . '-J '-' Behold and see if there be ami son-otv like unto My sorrow.— Lament, i. 12. ALL ye that pass by, To Jesus draw nigh : To you is it nothins that Jesus should die? Your ransom and peace. Your suretj' He is : Come, see if there ever was sorrow like His. 2 For what you have done His blood nnist atone : The Father hath punished for you His dear Son. The Lord, in the day Of His anger, did lay Your sins on the Lamb, and He bore them away. 3 He answered for all : O come at His call. And low at His cross with astonishment fall : But lift up your eyes At Jesuss cries : Impassive, He sutlers ; immortal. He dies. 4 He dies to atone For sins not His own : Your debt He hath paid, and your work He hath done. Ye all may receive The peace He tlid li-ave, ^Vho made intercession, ' >My Father, forgive 1' 5 For you and for me He prayed on the tree : The prayer is accepted, the sinner is free. That sinner am I, Who on Jesus rely. And come for the pardon God cannot deny. 6 My pardon I claim ; For a sinner 1 am, A sinner believing in Jesus's name. He purchased the grace \Vhich now I embrace : O Father, Thou know st He hath died in my place. 7 His death is my plea ; My .\dvocate see, And hear the blood speak that h.ath answered for me. My ransom He was When He bled on the cross : And by losing His life Ho hath carried my cause. Charles Wesley. 1749. 100 the Lamb 0/ Gi.d. John i. •_".<. BEHOLD the Saviour of mankind Nailed to the sham-jful tn^e ' How vast the love that Him iiu;;ined To bleed and die for thee : 2 Hark, how He groans! while nature shakes. And earth's strong pillars bend ; The temiile's veil in sunder breaks. The solid mat bles rend. 3 'Tis done : the precious ransom s paid ; ' Receive My soul,' He cries : See where He bows His sacred head : He bows His head, and dies ! 4 But soon He'll break death's envious chain And in lull giory shine : Lamb of God : was ever pain. Was ever love like Thine 't Samuel Wesley, Sen. 1739. 1 Dl 8.8 -LV^J- Herein is love. . . . God . . . sent His jon to be the propitiutU. H.mi ; Of nothing think or speak besid-;. My Lord, my Love, is crucitieil. Weslry. 1712. TJiE LOUD JESUS LMMlSr. 1 no 7.6. 7 3. D. ±.\J^ When th'-ii had platted u crown of thorns, they put it upon His head. Matthew xxvii. 2'J. SACRED Head, once wounded, With grief and pain weighed down, How scoint'iilly surrounded With thorns, Tliiue only crown ! How pale art Thou with anguisli. With sore abuse and scorn ! How does that visage languish. Which once was bright as morn ! Lord of life and glory. What bliss till now was Thine ! 1 read the womlrous story, I Joy to call Thee mine. Thy grief and Thy compassion Were all for sinners" gain ; Mine, mine was the transgression, But Thine the deadly pain. 3 What language shall I borrow To praise Thee, Heavenly Friend, For this Thy dying soitdw. Thy pity without end? Lord, make me Thine lor ever, Nor let me faithless prove ; let me never, never, Abuse such dying love t 4 Be near me. Lord, when dying, O show Thyself to me ; And, for my succour flying, Come, Lord, to set me free : Those eyes. n<-,w faith receiving, From Jesus shall not move ; For he who dies believing. Dies safely through Thy love. Bernard of Clair vaux, nth Cent., b)/ Paul OerhanlL lllh Cent. Tr. J. W. Alexander. 1849. 103 n.7. 9.7. 9.9. Beioine with me ; for I have found my slieep which was, lost. —\M\ias xv. C. were ninety and nine that safely Thi:rr . lay In the shelter of the fold ; lint oii.^ was out on tli.- hills away. Far oir from HicKal".-> nl g.ild. Away on the innniitaiMs wild and bare, Away from the tender bheplicrd s can;. lord, Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine; Ar" they ni>l enough for Thee? Tut the Sheplicrd made answer :—' This of Mine 11 i>i « under -d away from Mo ; Vnd, altlioich the road Us rough and steep, J t,'» to thi; Uedort to llnd Aly sheep." 30 3 But none of the ransomed ever knew How deep were the waters cros.sed ; Xor how dark was the night that the Lord passed through Ere He found His sheep that was lost. Out in the desert He heard its cry. Sick, and helpless, and rea^y to die. 4 ' Lord, whence are those blood-droi)S all the way. That mark out the mountain s track?' ' They wpre shed for one who had gone astray Ere the Shepherd could bring him back. ' Lord, whence are Thy hands .•so rent ami torn ? ■ 'They are pierced to-night by many a thorn." 5 And all through the mountains thunder- riven. And up from the rocky steep. There arose a cry to the gate of lieaven, ■ Rejoice, 1 have found jMy slici'p : ' And the angels echoed around the throne. 'Rejoice, for the Lord brings back lUs Elizabeth C. Clephane. 1809. 104 7.7. 7.7. 7.7. A place called Gethsematie. Matthew xxvi. 3(5. GO to dark Gethsemane, Ve that feel the tempter"s power, Your Redeemer's couftict see : Watch with Him one bitter hour: Turn not from His griefs away : Learu of Jesus Christ to pray. 2 Follow to the Judgment hall : View tlie Lord of Life arraigned. the wormwood and the gall : O the pangs His soul sustained ! Shun not sulfei ing. shame, or loss : Learn of Him to bear the cross. 3 Calvary"s mournful mountain climb There, adoring at His feet, Mark that miracle of time, (Joil's own .sacrilice compbHe. ' It is liiiishcd : " hear Him cry : Learn of Jesus Christ to die. 4 Early hasten to tlie tomb, Where they laiil His breathir All is soluuili- anil gloom : Who h.ith laKe'i, Him away? ("hrisi i^ risen . He s.^eks tli SavioiU", teach us how to ri; James Montgoiiui i clay ; skies ; Amen. 1«"J0. HIS PASSION AND DEATH. TOR s^'- J-V>'«-/ It is not possible that the blood of bulls and oj' goats should take away sins. Hebrews x. 4. NOT all the blood of beasts, On Jewish altars slain. Could give the guilty conscience peace. Or wash away our stain. 2 But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, T;ikt,s all our sins away ; A sacrifice of nobler name. And richer blood than they. 3 My faith would lay her hand On that clear head of Thine, While like a penilt.'nt I stand. And there confess my sin. 4 My soul looks back to see The burdens Thou didst bear When hanging on the nurse V Why hangs He then ou yonder tree? What means that strange expiring cry? Sinners, He prays for you and me : ' I'orgive them. Kather, forgive. They know not that by Me they live I' 2 Adam, descended from above t)Mr loss of Eden to retrieve, Great (Jod of universal love, 11 all the world through Thee may live, In us a iiuickening Spirit be, .\nd witness Thou hast died for me ! C Thou loving, all-atoning Lamb, Thee— by Thy painful agony. Thy bloody sweat. Thy grief and shame, thy cross, and passion on the tree. Thy precious death .and life— I pray. Take all, take all my sins away ! 4 let me kiss Thy bleeding feet. Anil bathe and wash thoui with my tears : TLe story of Thy love repeat In every drooping sinner s ears ; Tuat all may hear the quickening sound. Since I, even I, have mercy found. 5 let Thy love my heart constrain, Thy love for every sinner free ; That every fallen soul of man May taste the grace that found out me ; That all mankind with me may prove Thy sovereign, everlasting love. Amen. Wesley. 1741. 1 07 ^^f- -*-*-'• Christ the power of Gorl. and the wisdom of God.— I Corinthians i. 'H. TTTHEN I survey the wondrous Cross VV On which the Prince of Glory died. My richest gain 1 count but loss. And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it. Lord, that I should boast. Save in the death of Christ, my God : All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice theni to His blood. 3 See, from His head, His hands. His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down : Did e'er such love and soitow meet. Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine. That were a present far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine. Demands my soul, my liie. my all. Isaac Watts. 17u9. 1 O In that day there shall be a fountain opened . . . for sin and for uncleanness. —Zechkriixh. xiii. 1. THERE is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Immanuel's veins ; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood. Lose all theii guilty sUins. 2 The dving thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his d.ay ; And tliere have I, as vile as he. Washed all my sins away. 3 Dear dying Lamb. Thy precious blood Shall never lose its power. Till all the ransomed Church of God Be saved to sm no more. 4 Eer since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply. Redeeming love has been my theme. And shall be till I die. 5 Then, in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing Thy power to save : When iliis poor lisping, stammering tongue. Lies silent in the grave. William Coicper. 1772. ^1 THE LOUD JESL\:i Hj^IUST. 109 c.if. With Chorvs. Who loved im, and gave. Himself for 7np.— Galatiaiis ii. 20. ALAS ! an. Help iM ', do:ii- Saviour, Thee to ovm. And .-ver niithful lie; And w lien Til. >us:t test on Thy throne, O Lord, remember me. 2 Was it for crimes that I had done He groaned upon the tree ? Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! Well might the sun in darkness hide, .Vnd shut his glories in. When Christ, the great Redeemer died. For man the creature's sin. 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face Whilst His dear Cross a])pears, Iiissolve my heart in thiuikfnlness. And melt my eyes to tears. 5 P.ut drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe ; Here, Lord, I give myself away, 'Tis all that 1 can do. Isaac Watta. 1709. Chorus A"on. 110 That Hock was Christ. 1 Cor. X. 4. r) OrK of Ages, cleft for me, I Let me hide myself in Thee ; Let the water and tlie blood. From Thy wounded side which flowed. Be of sin the double cure. Cleanse me from its guilt and power. 2 Not the labour of my hands Can fulfil Thy law's demands : Could my zeal no respite know. Could my tears for ever flow. All for sin could not atone; Thou must save, and Thou alone. .T Nntlilng In my h.and I bring. Simply to Thy Cross I eling ! Nikid, come to Thee for dress ; Helpless, look to Thee lor grace ; Foul, I to the fountain lly : Wash me. Saviour, or I die. 4 Willie I draw this fleeting breath. When mine eyes shall close In deiith. When 1 soar to woihls unknown, Hen Thei! on Thy .Indu'inent llirone ; Hock of Ages, cleft lor mo. Let me hide myself In Thee. Amen. Avdiis'vfi M. Tnj>hif!,/. 177i'i. 32 irrs EESUESECTIOX AND ASCENSION. Ill 7.7. 7.7. With Halldujahs. He is not here : for He is risen, as Me said.— Matt, xx viii. C. CHRIST, the Lord, is risen todav. Halleluiah : Sons of men and angels say. Hallelujah ! Raise your joys and triumphs high, HaUelujah : Sing, ye heavens ; thou earth, reply. Hallelujah ! 2 Love's redeeming work is done, Hallelujah ! Fought the fight, the battle won. Hallelujah i Lo I our Sun's eclipse is o'er. Hallelujah ! Lo ; Tie sets in blood no more. Hallelujah ! 3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, Halleluj.'ili : Christ hath burst the gates of In 11, Hallelujah ! Death in vain forbids His rise, Halleluj.ah : Christ hath opened Paradise. Hallelivjah ! 4 Lives again our gloiious King, Hallelujah ! Where, Death, is now fliv sting? Hallelujah : Dying once. He all doth save. Hallelujah ! Where's thy victory, boasting grave? Hallelujah I 5 Soar we now, where Christ hath led, Halleluiah ! Following our exalted Head. Halleluiah: Made like Him, like Him we rise. Hallelujah I Oms the rrosR, the grave, the sklos. Hallelujah ! King of glory! Soul of bliss! Hallelujah I Everlasting life is this, Halleluj.ah! Thee to know. Thy power lo prove, llalleliiJMli: Thus to sing, and thus to love?. HallelMjali I Charles Wes!e;i. 17;;a HIS HESUIiRECTION. 112 To this end Christ both died, and ruse, and revived, that He might be.Lonl both (ij the dead atul liuin'j.— Rom. xiv. a. AWAKE, glad soul ! awake, awake ! Thy Lord hath risen long ; Go to His ;rrave, and with theo take Both tuneful heart and song. 2 Where life Is waking all around, Where love's sweet voices sing, Tlie tirst briglvt blossoms may bo fouud Of an eternal spring. 3 The shade and gloom of life are fled This resurrec'iion day ; Henceforth in Christ are no more dead. The grave hath no more prey. 4 In Christ we lire, in Christ we sleep. In Christ we wake and rise ; And the sad tears death makes us weep, lie wipes from all our eyes : 5 And every bird, and every tree. And every opening flower. Proilaim His glorious victory, His resurrection power. C The folds are glad, the fields rejoice With venial verdure spread. The little hiUs lift up their voice And shout that death is dead. 7 Then wake, glad heart! awake, awake 1 And seek thy risen Lord. Joy in His resurrection take. And comfort iu His word. 8 And let thy life through all its ways One long thanksgiving be. Its theme ot joy, its song of praise. Christ died and rose for me. /. S. B. Moiiseil. 16&L "I "1 O L.M.D. -•- -L «-» He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.— 1 Cor. xv. 4. HE dies : the Friend of sinners dies ! Lo : Salem's daughters v.eep around : A solemn darkness veils the skies, A sudden trembling shakes the ground. Come. Sixiuts, and drop a tear or two On the dear bosom of your God : He sheds a thousand drops for yon, A thousand drops of richer blood. 2 Hero s love and gnef beyond degree. The Lord of glory dies for man ! Bui. lo : what sudden joys 1 see : Jesus, the dead, revives again : The rising God forsakes the tomb. Tiie tomb in vain forbids His rise : Chf ruliii. legions guard Him home, And shout Him welcome to the likies i D 3 Freak off' your tears, ye saints, and tell How high your great Di;iiverer reigns; Sing how He spoiled the hosts of hell. And led the monster Death in cliains : .Say. ' Live for ever, wondrous King ! horn to redeem, and strong to save !' Thenaskthe monster. ' Wheies thy sting? And. ' Where s thy victory, twasting grave .' ' Imuc Watts. 1705. Alt. M. MaCan. 1760. 114 Come, sec the place where the Lord ^aj/.— Matthew x.xviii. 0. VE humble souls that seek the Lord. JL Chase all your fears away ; And bow with pleasure down to see The place where Jesus lay. 2 Thus low the Lord of Life was brought, Such wonders love can do ; Tlius i.old in death that bosom lay. Which throbbed and bled for you. 3 Then raise your eyes, and tune your songs. The Saviour Uves again ; Not ail the bolts and bars of death The Conqueror could deia.n. 4 High o'er the angelic bands \h- rears His once dishonoured head : And He through endless ages reigos. Who dwelt among the dead. 5 With joy like His shall every saint His vacant tomb survey; Then with his ascending Lord To realms of endless day. I'h ilii) Doddridge. 1755. 115 7.8. 7.8. 4. Why seek ye the living among the dead .?— Luke xxiv. 5. JESUS lives 1 no longer now Can thy terrors. Death, appal us: Jesus lives : by this wt- know Thou, gi-ave, canst not eiithial u.s. Hallelujah ! 2 Jostis lives : henceforth is death But the gate of life imiuoiial : This shall calm our trembling breath, \\ hen we pass its gloomy portal. Hallelujah : S Jesus lives ! for us He died : Then, alone to Jesus living. Pure in heart may we abide. Praise to Him and glory giving. Hallelujah I 4 Jesus livei ! our hearts know well bought from us His love shall sever; Life, nor death, nor powers of hell. Part us now from Christ for ever. >.:illelujah I 33 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 6 Jesus lives ! to Him the throne 2 It was a strange and dreadful strife. HiKh o'er heaven and earth is given : When Life and Death .ontended ; May we po wliere He is ^one, The victory remained with Life, Rest and reign with Him in heaven. The reign of Death was ended : Hallelujah ! Stript of power, no more he reigns. An empty form alone remains ; C. F: Gellert. 1757. Tr. Frances E. Cox. 1841. alt. His sting is lost for ever ! Hallelujah I 3 So let us keep the festival -\-\ C\ 8.7. 8.7. D. J. J- U jfo^u is Christ risen from Whereto the Lord invites us ; Christ is Himself the joy of all, tU •Mid. and become i/ie Jirst/ruits of them The Sun that warms and lights us ; that slept.— i Corinthians xv. 20. By His grace He doth impart Eternal sunshine to the heart ; TTALLELUJAH! HaHeluiah: J I Hearts to lieaven and voices raise ; The night of sin is ended ! Hallelujah ! Sing to God a hymn of gladness, 4 Tlien let US feast this E/tt;?i.— Epliesians iy. 8. /■ t on is gone up on higli, V 1 \\ itli a triumphant noise ; Tlie clari(ms of the sky Proi^laim the angelic Joys ! Join all on earth, rejoice and sing. Glory ascribe to glory s King. 2 God in tlie flesh below, l-'or us He reigns above: Let all the nations know Our Jesu s conquering love ! Join all on earth, rejoice and sing, Gloiy ascribe to glory's King. 3 All power to our great Lord Is by the Father given: Ly angel-hosts adored. He reigns supreme in heaven . J"in all on earth, rejoice and sing, (ilory ascribe to glory's King. 4 High on His holy seat, Hf bears the righteous sway ; His foes, bpneath His feet, Shall sink and die away: Join all on t-arth, rejoice and sing. Glory ascribe to glory's King. b IHs foes and ours are one, Satan, the world, and sin ; But He shall tnad ni<-in .Inwn, And bring His I iicimn in : Join all on earth, rcioiic mid sing, Gloi-y ascribe to glory's King. Till all the earth, renewed In righteousness divine, With all the hosts of God, in one great clior\iH Join.— Join all on earth, rejoice and sing. Olory ascribe to giory s King. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1740. 124 He shall reign for ever and ever.—Rov. xi. 15. IOOK. ye saints, the sight is glorious, i See the Man of sorrows now. From the fig'it returned victorious; Every knee to Him shall bow : Crown Him, crown Him, Crowns become the Victors brow. 2 Crown the Saviour, angels, crown Ilim; Rich the trophies Jesus brings ; In the seat of power enthrone Him. While the vault of heaven rings : Crown Him. crown Him. Crown the Saviour, King of kings. 3 Sinners in derision crowned Him. Mocking thu.s the Saviour's claim ; Saints and angels crowd around Him, Own His title, praise His name : Crown Him, crown Him, Spread abroad the Victor's fame. 4 Hark ! those bursts of acclamation ! Hark I those loud triumphant chords J(>sus takes the highest station, O « luit Joy the sight alTords : Ciown Him, crowm Him, King of kings, and Lord of lords I Ann Thomas Kellii. I80y. 125 fi..'>. 6.5. P. With Clionis. God also hath highly exaWe(iy/m.— Philipp'iaris ii. 9. nOLDEN h.arps are sounding. V.I Angel voices ring. Pearly gates are opened— OjiiMied for the King; Jesus. King of Glory, Jesus, King of Love, Ls gone uji in tiiiimiih To His throne above. All His work is ended. Joyfully we sing, Ji'.sus hath ascendctl ! Glory to our King.' 2 He who came to save us. He who bled and died, Ji'ow is crowned with glory At His Kiither's side. Never more to sulTer, Never more to die; Jesus, King of Glory, Ka3 gone up on high ! Praying for His chhlren, In that blesused (ilace. Calling them to g ory. Sending them His'grace, His bright home preparing, Eaithiul ones, lor you; Jesus ever liveth, Ever loveMi too. l-'iuna s li. IlavergaT. I87fl ins INTERCEtilSlUN AND JIEIGN. 126 One i.i iiovr Master, eiu^n CAcis^— Matthew xxiii. 8. TMMORTAI, Love, for ever full, 1 For ever ttciwin? free, p'or ever sharpfi, for ever whole, A never-ebbing sea ! 2 Our outward lips confess the Nam i All other nainns above ; Love only knowetli whence it canio. And coraprehendeth love. 3 Blow, wnds of God, awake and b'.mv The mists of earth away : Shine out, Light Divine, and show How wide and far we stray ! 4 We may not climb the heavenly steeps To bring the Lord Christ down ; In vain we search the lowst deeps, For llim no depths can drown. 5 But warm, sweet, tender, even yet A present help is He ; And faith has still its Olivet, And love its Galilee. 6 The healing of His seamless dress Is hy o ir beds of pain ; We touch Him in life's throng and press. And we are whole again. 7 Through Him the first fond prayers are said Our lips of childhood frame ; The last low wliispers of our dead Are burdened with His name. 8 Lord and Master of us all I Wh.ate er our name or sign, We own Thy sway, we hear Thy call. We test our lives by Thine. John G. Whitfier. 1847. -| ory G.6. C.G 8.8 J- ■^ ' God hath made that saine Jesus, whom ve hiii.> ; Descend wth all Thy gracious powers, come, great Spirit, come : Amen. Andreio ReM. 1841. 39 ■ ^'-^ And thr:re a-'renred unfit them cloven tongues, like as o/jire, and if sat upon each of them.— Acts ii. o. WHEN God of old came down from heaven. In i)ower antl wrath lie came : Before His feet the clouds were rivi-ii. Half darkness and half flami mail I i (■'•■— Ezeliiel xxxvii. 9. BREATHE upon this languid frame, Spiiit of heavenly might ! Laptize me with the vital iiame Of purity and light. 2 Descend like heaven's self-kindled fire And burn my sin to dust : God of my righteousness, inspire My soul with hope and trust. 3 Spring up within this barren heart. Well-spring of life divine ! Love to my feeble will impart : Light out of darkness shine. 4 Light and Power ! Life and Love ! Of every good the source ! Blow, rushing Wind of God. above. And speed me on my course. b Then, heavenly Master, come wthin. My every tliought control ; Tliy work fulfil, the harbour win. Anchor, and keep my soul. Amen. Josiah Cornier. 1836. 1 4.1 CM. -L -t-L God hath sent the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abta, Father.— Giila-tiann iv. 6. WHY should the children of a King Go mourning all their days ? Great Comforter, descend and "bring The tokens of Thy grace. 2 Dost Thou not dwell in all the saints. And seal the heirs of heaven r When wilt Thou banish my complaint.^, And show my sins forgiven? 3 Assure my conscience of its part In the Redeemer s blood. And bear Thy witness with my heart. That I am born of God. 4 Thou art the earnest of His love. The pledge of joys to come : May Thy blest wings, celestial Dove, Convey me safely home. Amen. Isaac Watts. 1709. 142 140 Sow much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him .■'—Luke xi. 13. COME, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powers ; Kindle a. flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 In vain we tune our formal songs. In vain we strive to rise, Hosannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. 3 Father, shall we ever live At this poor dying rate? Our love so faint, so cold to Thee, And Thine to us so great I t Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, U nil aii Thy quicKeuing powers ; C'>m«\ >liL'd abroad the Saviour's love. Aim! t.:.ii ti>.,iiil kindle ours. Amen. Isaac Watts. 1709. Ye sJiall receive pouter, after that the Holy Ghost is came upon yon. Acts i. 8. pOME, Holy Ghost, aU-quickening fire. VJ Come, and in me delight to rest. Drawn by the lure of strong desire. come and consecrate niy bieast ! T'^e temple of my soul prepare. And 6x Thy sacred presence there : 2 If now Thy influence I feel. If now in Thee begin to live. Still to my heart Thyself reveal. Give me Thyself, for ever give ; A point my good, a drop my stoi e. Eager I ask, I pant for more. 3 Eager for Thee I ask and pant ; So strong the principle di\nn(>. I Carries me out with sweet constra'iit. Till all my hallowed soul is Thine, Plunged in the Godhead's deepest se;i. And lost in Thine immensity. 4 My peace, my life, my comfort Thou, My treasure, and my ail Thou art ; True witness of my sonship, now Engraving pardon on my he^irt. Seal of my sins in Christ forgiven. Earnest of love, and pledge of heaven. 5 Come, then, my God, mark out Thine heir. Of heaven a larger earnest give ; With clearer light Thy witness bear. More sensibly vv ithin me live. Let all my powers Thine entnmce feel. And deeper stamp Thyself the seal. AJiien. Weslcu. 1753. 41" THE HOLY SPIRIT. 143 And God said. Let (here be light : and there ivas iuiht.—Goiiesis i. 3. Call forth tUi' 1 Let tlii'iv 11, II And till tir il'.ii-: With jrlorious be •I'lestial Dove, ii.\- nature's night, . I nlv Love, ' il be light, endless bliss. 2 ■ Let there be light.' again conimaml. Ami light there in our hearts shall be ; We then through faith shall understand Thy groat mysterious Majesty, And, by the shining of Thy grace. Behold in Christ Thy glorious lace. 3 Father of everlasting grace. Be mindful of Thy changeless word ; We worship toward that Holy Flac*;. In which Thou dost Thy name record. Dost make Thy gracious natiue known. That living Temple of Thy fciuu. 4 Thou dost with sweet complacence see The Temple filled with light divine ; And art Thou not well pleased with me, Who, turning to that heavenly .Shrine, Through .Jesus to Thy throne apply. Through Jesus for acceptance ci-y ? 5 With all who for redemption gioan. Father, in Jesu's name I pray ; And still we cry and wrestle on. Till mercy take our sins away: Hear from Thy dwelling-place in heaven. And now pronounce our sins forgiven. Amen. Charles Wesleij. 17(J2. 1 A A L.^I. -L ^^^J- He .thaU baptize von with the Hnli/ Ghost, and with jire.—MAlt. iii. 11. FATHER, if justly still v.-e claim To us ancl ours the promise made, To us be graciously the same. And crown with living lire our head. 2 Our claim admit, and from above Of holiness the Spirit shower. Of wise discernment, hmnblc love. And zeal, and unity, and power. 3 The Spirit of convincing speech. Of jiowor demonstrative, impart ; Such as may every conscience reach, And sound the unbelieving heart : 4 The Spirit of refining fire. Seari'liiiiu' the inmost of the mind. To piii-e nil lieree and foul desire, And hiudle life more pure and kind : 5 The Spirit of faith. In this Thy day. To break the power of cancelled sin. Tread down its strength, o'ortum Its sway. And still tho conquest more than win. 42 6 The Spirit breathe of inward life. Which in our hearts Thy laws may write ; Then grief expires, and pain, and .strife ; 'Tis nature all, and all delight. Amen. Henry More. ItJOS. Alt. John Wexley. ITlil. 145 L.M. He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass.— Psd.iin Ixxii. tl. ON all the earth Thy Spirit shower. The earth in righteousness rencv ; Thy kingdom come, and hells o'crpower. And to Thy sceptre all subdue. 2 Like mighty winds or torrents fierce. Let it opposers all o'errun ; And every law of sin reverse. That faith and love may make all one. 3 Yea, let Thy Spirit in every place Its richer energy declare ; While lovely tempers, fruits of grace. The kingdom of Thy Christ prepare. 4 Grant this, holy God and true ! The ancient seers Thou didst inspire ; To us perform the promise due. Descend, and crown us now with fire 1 Amen. Henry More. 1868. Alt. JoJin Wesley. 1701. 146 ac 8 God hath . . . given us the spirit of power, of love, ami nj a sound mind.— '2 Timotliy i. 7. T WANT the Spirit of power within. i Of love, and of a lieaMliful nnnd ; Of power, t(i eonijiier inbred sin ; Of love, to Thee and all mankind : Of health, that pain and death delies. Most vigorous when tho body dies. 2 Wlieii shall I bear the inward v,.ice, Whii'li onlv railhtnl souls can hear? I'anlon. and i^eaee, and heavenly j.iy-;. Attend tlie promised Coniloiter; come, and righteousness diviiu", And Christ, and all with Christ, are mine. 3 that the Comforter would come, Nor visit as a transient guest. But fix in me His cojistant home. And take possession of my broiist, And fix In me His loved abode, Tlie temple of indwelling God. 4 r.iinn. Holv, niv heart Inspire ; Alle^l Pril 1 ;m,i hn, .1 :i.:ain : (', ine, aii.l Im|.:i ■ ,,..»• with lire, Nmi- Irl Tin l..ii,i.i ^ilis be Vain : 1 rannol, in sin.-, loigiven; Whore is tho oarnesl of my heaven? HIS WORK AS TEACHER AND COMFORTER. Where the indubitable seal That ascertains tlie kingdom miue ? The powerful stamp I lonj; to feel. The signature of love divine : O shed it in my heart abroad, Fulness of love, of heaven, of God Charles Wesley. Amen. 174U. 147 Lord, revive Thy tcork. Habakkuk iii. Z r) EVIVE Thy work. Lord, I Thy mighty arm make bare ; Speak witli the voice that wakes the dead, And make Thy people hear. 2 Revive Thy work, Lord, Disturb this sleep of death ; Quicken the smouldering embers now, By Thine almighty breath. a Revive Thy work, Lord, Create soul-thirst for Thee : Aud hungering for the Bread of Life, may our spirits be. 4 Revive Thy work, Lord, Exalt Thy precious name ; And, by the Holy Ghost, our love For Thee and Thine inflame. 5 Revive Thy work, O Lord, And give refreshing showers ; The glory shall be all Thine own, The blessing, Lord, be ours. Amen. Albi-rt Midlane. ISol. HIS WORK AS TEACHER AND C02IF0RTER. 148 8.7. 8.7. D. LikeioiS'; the Spirit also helpeth • inJirniilies.—Roii\a,ixs viii. 26. / 10ME, Thou all-inspiring Spirit, \J Into every longing heart ; Eouglit for us by Jesus merit, Now Thy blissful self impart : Sign our uncontested pardon. Wash us in tlie atoning blood : Make our hearts a watered garden. Fill our spotless souls vrith. God. 2 If Tliou gav'st the enlarged desire Which for Thee we ever feel. Now our panting sovUs inspire. Now our cancelled sin reveal: CLaim us for Thy habitation. Dwell within our hallowed breast i Seal us heirs of full salvation. Fitted for our heavenly rest. o Give us quietly to tarry. Till for all Thy glory meet, Waiting, like attentive Mary, Happy at the Saviour's feet : Keep us from the world unspotted, From all earthly passions free. Wholly to Tliy.self devoted. Fixed to live and die for Thee. ■1 Wrestling on in mighty prayer. Lord, we will not let Thee" go. Till Thou all Thy mind declare. All Thy grace on us bestow : Peace, the seal of sin forgiven, Joy, and perfect love, impart, Present, everlasting heaven. All Thou hast, andall Thou art. An">n. Charles Wesley. 17or. 149 6.6.4. 6.( Wait fur the jnomise oj the Father.— Acta i. 4. COME, Holy Ghost, in love. Shed on us from above Thine own bright ray : Divinely good Thou art. Thy sacred gifts impart To gladden each sad heart ; come to-day. Come, tenderest Friend, and best, Our most delightful Guest, With soothing power ; Rest which the weary know. Shade mid the noontide-glow. Peace when deep griefs o erllow ; Cheer us this hour. Come, Light serene and still. Our inmost bosoms fill. Dwell in each breast ; We know no dawn but Thine, Send forth Thy beams divine. On our dark souls to shine. And make us blest. 4 Exalt our low desires. E.xtinguish passion's fires. Heal every wound ; Our stubborn spirits bend, Our icy coldness end. Our devious steps attend. While heavenward bound. 5 Come, all the faithful bless ; Let all who Christ confess Ilis praise employ ; Give virtue's rich reward, Victorious death accord. And with our glorious Lord Eternal joy. Amen. King Robert II. of France, Wth Century. Tr. Ray I'almer. 1865. 43 THE HOLY STIBIT. 150 ne shall glorify Me. John xvi.'H. COME. Thou everlasting Spirit, lirlng to every thankful miiul Ail the Saviour's dying merit, All His suiTerings for niaiikin.l. •-> True Racorder of His passion, Now the living faith impart. Now reveal His great salvation, I'reach His gospel to our heart. 3 Come. Thou witness of His dying. Come, Remembrancer divine ; Let us feel Thy power applying Christ to every soul— and mine. 4 Let us groan Thine inward groaning. Look on Him we pierced, and grieve; All receive the grac;e atoning. All the sprinkled blood receive. Amen. \V(sky. 17-15. 151 8.7. 8.7. Singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.— Col. iii. 16. nOLY Ghost, inspire our praises, Shed abroad a Saviour's love ; While we chant th*t Uedeemcr, ere He breathed V 7 lli.s tender last farewell. r.list .Spirit, praise to Thee ; All I'laisc Id Cud, the Tliice in One, A Guide, a Cninfortfr bequeathed The One in Three. Amen. With us to dwell. Harriet Aubcr. 18-J9. tijc froii r i; r i n i t ij. 1 c\r\ n.i2. 12.10. ± QVJ uoiy, hoi,/, ho!u. Lord (lad ALmi.jlity.-hiy. Iv. 8. 3 Holy, Holy, Holy, though the darkness hide Thee, Though the eye of sinful man Thy gloiy TJOLY, Holy. Holy, Lord God Almighty ; li Grulefiilly adorluK. our Hong sliall may not see ; Only Thou art holy, there Is none beside riHe to J hen ; Holy. Holy, Ii(,iy. merciful and mighty. rerlecl in power, in love, and purity. "l In Tlire«i I'tfraons. lilesaud Trinity ! Holy. Holy, Holy, all the saints aelore The.... God In Throo I'eraons, lilessed Trinity. \\ lil"li wort, and art. and evermore hh i' Amen. uu. •t6 Bishop R. Ilch^. 1827. THE ROL Y TRINTTY. 161 Glory to God in the highest. Luke ii. 14. GLORY be to God on high, God whose glory fiU.s the sky ; I'l-ace on earth to man forgiven, Man, the well-beloved of heaven. 2 Soverei^ Father, Heavenly King ! Thee we now presume to sing ; G!:id, Thine attributes confess, Glorious all, and numberless. 3 Hail, by all Thy works adored : Hail, the everlasting Lord! Thee, with thankful hearts, we prove God of power, and God cf love. 4 Christ our Lord and God we own, Christ, the Father's only Son, Lamb of God for siiuiers slain, Sa\ iour of olfending nmn. 5 Cow Thine car, in men-y bow, Hear, the world s Atoiifmout, Thou : Jesus, in Thy name we pray. Take, taive our sins away. 6 Powerful Advocate with God, Justify us by Thy blond ; Low Thine ear, in mercy bow, lli^ar, the world's Atoneiiient, Thou. 7 Hear, for Thou, Christ, alone Art with Thy great Father one ; One the Holy Ghost with Thee ; One supreme, eternal Three. Amen. Wesley. 1739. 162 A Thou art worthy, Lord, to receive ylory and honour and xjowtr. Kevelatiou iv. 11. THOUSAND oracles divine Tueir common beams unite. Til il sinners may with angels join I'o worship God aright : 2 To pi aise a Trinity adored By all the hosts above ; And one thrice-holy God and Lord Through endless ages Love. 3 Triumphant host ! They never cease To laud and magnify The Triune God of Holiness Whose glory tills the sky : 4 Whose glory to this earth extends, When God Himseli imparts, And tbe whole Trinity descends Into oui- faithful beans. 5 Uy faith the upper choir we meet. And challenge them to sing Jehovah, on His shining seat, Our Maker and our King. 6 But God iiuide flcsli Is wholly ours. And asks our nobler strain ; The Father of celestial powers. The Friend of earth-born man. 7 'i'e seraphs, nearest to the throne. With rapturous amaze. On us. poor ransomed souls, look down For Heaven's superior praise. 8 The King, whose glorious face ye see, l"or us His crown resigned ; That fulness of the Deity. He died for all mankind ! Chirlcs Wesley. 17G7. 1 f^*^ CM. L U O Tlie Lm-d make His fare to slii7ie upon thee, and be ijrariours unto t/icc Numbers vL 25. COME, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God in Persons Three, Bring buck the heavenly blessing, lost By all mankind and me. 2 Thy favour and Thy nature too. To me. to all restore ; Foricive, and after God renew. And keep us evermore. 3 Eternal Sun of Righteousness, ■" DispLiy Thy beams divine. And cause the glories of Thy face Upon my heart to shine. 4 Light in Thy light may I see, ihy grace and mercy prove. Revived, and cheered, and blessed bvTlieei The God of pardoning love. 5 Lift up Thy countenance serene. And let Thy happy child Behold, without a cloud between. The Godhead reconciled. 6 That ^Il-comprising peace bestow Uii me, through grace forgiven ; The Joys of holiness below. And then the joys of heaven. Amen. Charles Wesley. 17d2. 1 R4. c.»L -I. Kj-u: When ye pray, say. Our Father which art in /i(rayt;(t.— Luke xL 2. FATHER of me, and all mankind. And all the hosts above. Let every ui.dei-sia.iiding mmd Unite to praise Thy love : 2 To know Thy nature, and Thy name. One God in Persons 1 hree ; And glorify the great 1 AM, Thiough all eternity. 47 THE HOLT TRIIilTY 3 Thy klnprloin come, with power and grace, To every heart of man : Thy peace, and joy, and righteousness. In all our bosoms reign. 4 The rigliteousness that never ends. But makes an end of sin. The Joy that human thought transcends. Into our souls bring in : 6 The ki!if:dom of established peace. Which can no more remove ; The perfect power of G(i:\r.iy licart 1* luily known to 'Iheo. 6 VVhateer Thou wilt, in earth below Thou doit. In heaven above ; Hut chielly we rcLlolce to know Ihe ainiljihty God of Uive. Thou lov gt whateer Thy hands liave made ; Thy Koodneag we rehearse. In shilling characters displayed Throughout our uulverae. 7 Merry, with love, and endless grace. O'er all Thy works doth reign ; Hut most lliou dost delight to bless Thy favourite creature Man. 8 Wherefore, let evr-ry creature give To Thee the pnilHi- Ueslgned ; But chielly. Lord, the tlianka receive, The hearts of nil mankind. Amen. 166 Uolp, holy, holij, is the Lord 0/ Hosts.— Isaiah vi. ?. TNFIXITE God, to Thee we raise JL Our hearts in solemn songs of ; By all Thy works on earth adored. We worship Thee, the common Lord, The everlasting Father own. And bow our souls before Thy throne. 2 Thee all the choir of angels sings. The Lord of hosts, the King of kings ; Cherulis proclaim Thy praise aloud, And seraphs shout the Triune God, And, ' Holy, Holy, Holy,' cry, ' Thy glory fills both earth and sky ! ' 3 God of the patriarchal race. The ancient seers record Thy praise ; The goodly apostolic band. In highest joy and glory stand ; And all the saints and prophets Join To extol the Majesty Divine. 4 Head of the martyrs" noble host. Of Thee they justly make their boast ; The Church, to earth's remotest bouu'ls. Her heavenly Founder's praise resounds, And strives, with those around Thy throne. To hymn the mystic Three in One. 5 Father of endless majesty. All might and love they render Thee ; Thy true and only Son adore. The same in dignity and power ; And God the Holy Ghost declare, The saints' eternal Comforter. Tc Dirnn. From the Latin. Tr. Wesley. 1717. 167 t'huiteii Wesky. 1703. 8.8. 8.8. 8.8. The whole earth is full of His glory.— iHniaU vi. 3. MESSIAH, Joy of every heart. Thou. Thou the King of glory art: The FathtT's everlasting Son, Thee, Thee we most delight to own ; For all our hopes on Thee depend. Whose glorious mercies never end. 2 r.eiit to redeem a sinful race. Thou, Lord, with unexainjiled grace, Into a lower world didst come. And stoop to a poor virgin's womb; Whom all the heavens winnot contain, Our God, appeared a child of man 1 3 When Thou li:idst rendered up Thy breath, And dvin^: diiiwn the sting ol death. Thou Uid.^t Iroin .'artli triuMipIiant, AihI ope the portMlsot' the skies, 'I'liar ail who 1 1 Msl in Thee alone. Might follow and partake Thy throne. THE HOLY TBI NIT Y. 4 Spatf>(1 at God's right hand aKsiiii, T)iear, In dreadful niajesty sevi^re. Appear, our Advocate with God. And save the purchase of Thy blood. 6 Hallow, and make Thy servants meet. And with Thy saints in glory seat ; Sustain and bless us by Thy sway. And keep to that tremendous day. When ali Thy Church shall chaait abovi3 The new eternal song of love. Amen. Te Deum. From tlie Latin. Tr. Wesley. 1717. 168 8,8 That they way behold Mij glory.— John xvii. 21. SA'VIOUR, we now rejoice in hope That Thou at last wilt take us up ; With daily triumph we proclaim. And bless and magnify Thy name ; And wait Thy greatness to adore When time and death shall be no more. 2 Till then with us vouchsafe to stay. And keep us pure from sin to-day ; Thy great coiiiirming gnce bestow, And guard us all our days below ; And ever mightily def'Mid, And save, save ns, to the end. 3 Still let ns. Lord, with grace be blest, Who in Thy piardian mncy rest ; Extend Thy mercy's arms to me. The M-eakest soul that ti usts in Tliee ; And never let me lose Thy love. Till I, even I, am crowned above. Amen. Te Deum. From the Latin. Tr. Wesloj. 1717. ~\aC\ fi.6. 8.8. J- vJ v-/ Both young men and maidens : old men and children ; let them praise the name of the Lord.— Vanhn cxiviii. 1-J, 13. YOUNG men and maidens, raise Your tuneful voices high ; Old men and c hildrcn, praise Till' Lord of earth and sky : Him Three in One. and One in Three, Extol to all eternity. 2 The universal King Let all tlie world proclaim ; Let evrry creature sing llis attributes and name : Him Three in One, and One in Three, Extol to aU eternity. G In His great name al'nie All excellences ii.c t. Who sits upon the tliiiin<», And shall forever sit : Him Three in One. and Une in Thr-^o, Extol to all eternity. 4 Glory to God belongs ; Glory to God be given. Above the noblest songs Of aU in earth or heaven : Him Three in One, and One in Throe, Extol to all eternity. Amen. Charles Wtsley. 17ii3. 170 8..5. 8.5. 8.4. 3. Thou hast created uh thimjs. and for Thy pleasure they are and were crea/ec/.— Kevelation iv. 11. ANGEL voices ever singing Round Thy throne of light. Angel harps for ever ringing. Rest not day nor night : Thousands only live to bless Thee, And confess Thee, Lord of might ! 2 Thou, who ait beyond the farthest Mortal eye can scan. Can it be that Thou regardest Songs of sinful man? Can we know that Thou art near us. And wilt hear us ? Yea. we can, 3 Y'ea, we know that Thou rejoitest O'er each work of Thine : Thou didst ears, and hands, and voices. For Thy praise design ; Craftsman s art and miusic's measure For Thy pleasure .lUl combine. 4 Id Thy house, gi-eat God, we offer Of Thine o^vn to Thee, And for Thine acceptance proffer All unworthily. Hearts, and niiiids, and hands, and voices. In our choicest I'salniody. 5 Honour, glory, might, and merit. Thine shall ever be. Father. Son. and Uoi> Spirit, Ule.-,sed Trinitv : Of the best that Thou ha.«t given. Earth and luravcn Kendcr Thee : Amen. Francis Fu't. liVA. DIVINE WORSHIP. gtiiittc Morslrip. PFAISE AXn PRAYEIi. 171 Know ye that the Lord He is God.— PsAhii c. 3. BEFORE .I.Miovah's awful throiio. Ye iintioiis'iow with sacred joy Know that the Lord is God nlone, He can create, and He destroy. 2 His sovereiam power, without our aid. Made us of clay, and formed us men ; And when like wa nderinj? sheep we strayed. He brought us to His fold again. 3 \V8*n crowd Thy gates with thankful songs. High ns the heavens onr voices raise : And earth, with lierten thousand tongues, ^^hall fill Thy courts with sounding 4 Wide as the world is Thy command ; Vast as eternity Thy love ; Firm as a rock Thy truth shall stand. When rolling years shall cease to move. /.■^anc Watts. 1719. Alt. J. Weski/. 1741. 173 Surely the Lord is in this p?afe.— Genesis xxviii. 10. 172 «-■ ^f^1k^• ft jnufiit nnhe laito the Lord, all i/e liiiuls.—l'sAhn c. 1. ALL neojile that on eai+h do dwell, Sing to the Lis make; Wo ar- Ifis flock. He doth us feed. And for His slieeii Ho djth us take. 8 O entor, then, HIm anion with praise. Atiproiicli with Joy Ills (Courts uiilo : I'rntKe, laud, and blivsH His name always, I'or II In ufuiiily HO to do. 4 For wliy rThn I,nrd our God in good, HIh mercy !« for ever Miire ; liU truth at all times flrndy stood. Anil nliull froMi ago to age endure. William Kethe. l.V.O. 60 LO ! God is here, let us adore. And own how dreadful is this placet Let all \\ ithin us feel His power. And silent bow before His face ; Who know His power, His grace who prove. Serve Him with awe, with reverence love. 2 Lo ! God is here ! Him day and night The united choirs of angels sing ; To Him, enthroned above all height. Heaven's host their noblest praises bring ; Disdain not. Lord, our meaner song. Who praise Thee with a stammering tongue. 3 Gladly the toys of earth we leave, Wealth, pleasure, fame, for Thee alone; To Thee our will, soul, flesh, wo give; O take, O seal tliem for Thine own ! Thou art the (Jod, 'Ihou art the Lord ; Be 'ihou by all Thy works adored. 4 Being of beings ! May our praise Thy courts with gr.ateful fragrance All, Still may we stand before Thy face. Still hear and do Thy sovereign will j To Thee may all our thoughts arise, Ceaseless, accepted sacrifice. 5 As (lowers their opening leaves display, And glad drink in the solar tiro. So may wo catcli Tliy every ray, So may Thy inllueiice thus inspire ; Thou Beam of the eternal Beam, Thou purging Fire, Thou quickening Flame. Amen. Gerhardt Terstreqen. 1731. Tr. J. Wesley 1739. "I 74. 7.7. 7.7. 7.7. 1- I rr. yi7 "niji 7,,nrA-.s' '■hnU praise Thee, Lord ; and Thy saints shall hh ss Thee.— Psahn cxlv. 10. ALL things praise Thee, Lord most high ; Ilinven and earth ;i!id sea and sky. All were for Thy glory made. That Thy greatness thus displayed Should all worship bring to Th'ef.; All things praise Thee : Lord, may wc. PRAISE AND F EATER. '2 All tilings praise Thee ; night to night ,Siii),'s ill silent hymns of light ; All tliiiij,'s praise Thee ; iJiiy to d:\y I'haiiis I'hy power, in burning ray ; Tiiiii' iind spat^e are praising Thee. All things praise Thee : Lord, may wo. o All things praise Thee ; round her zones Kartli, with her ten thousand tones, Hulls a ceaseless choral strain; Koiiring wind and deep-voiced main, Kiistliiig leaf and humming bc-e. All things praise Thee : Lord, may we. 4 All things praise Thee ; high and )ow, Ha in and dew and seven-hued bow, Crimson sunset, tleecy cloud, Rippling stream and tempest loud ; Summer, winter, all to Thee Glory render : Lord, may we. 5 All things praise Thee ; Heaven's high shrine Rin^s with melody divine ; Lowly bending at Thy feet, Hcraph and archangel meet ; This their highest bliss to be Ever praising : Lord, may we. 6 All things praise Thee : Gracious Lord, Great Creator, Powerful Word, Omnipresent Spirit, now At Thy feet we humbly bow. Lift our hearts in praise to Thee ; AU tilings praise Thee : Lord, may Ave. G. W. Conder. d. lt)7L 175 Praise waitethfor Thee, God, in 2ioH.— Psalm Ixv. 1. PRAISE, Lord, for Thee in Zion waits : Hraver shall besiege Thy temple-gat>js ; All tlesh shall to Thy throne repair. And liud, through Christ, salvation there. 2 Our spirits faint ; our sins prevail ; Leave not our trembling hearts to fail ; Thou, that hearcst prayer, descend. And still be found the sinner's Friend. 3 How blest Thy saints, how safely led. How STirely kept, how richly fed ! Saviour of all in earth and sea. How happy they who rest in Thee ! 4 Thy hand sets fast the mighty hills. Thy voice the troubled ocean stills ; Evening and morning hynm Thy praise, And earth Thy bounty wide displays. 5 The year is with Thy goodness crowned : Thy clouds drop wealth the world aroiuid ; Through Thee the deserts laugh and sing. And nature smiles, and owns her King. 6 Lord, on our souls Thine influence pour. The moral waste williin restore ; let Thy love our spring-tide be. And make us all bearfruit to Thee. Amen. H. F. Lyte. 1834. -Arrn 1.1. 1.1. J. I \J give thanks unto the Lord ; for lie is tjooU : Jor Jlis mercy endureth for ever.— Psalm cxxxvl. 1. LET lis, with a gladsome mind. Praise the Lord, for He is kind ; For His mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 2 Let us sound His name abroad, For of gods He is the God ; For His mercies .shall endure, Ever faithf id, ever sure. 3 He, with all-commanding might, Filled the new-made world with light; For His mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. » 4 He the golden-tress6d sun Caused all day his course to run ; For His mercies shall endure. Ever faitliful, ever sure : 5 And the moon to shine by night 'Mong her spangled sisteis bright ; For Mis mercies shall endure. Ever faithful, ever sure. 6 He His chosen race did bless, In the wasteful wilderness ; For His mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever suie. 7 He hath, with a piteous eye. Looked upon our misery ; For His mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 8 All things living He doth feed. His full hand supplies their need ; For His mercies shall endure. Ever faithful, ever sure. 9 Let us, then, with gladsome mind, Praise the Lord, for He is kind ; For His mercies shall enduie. Ever faithful, ever sure. John Milton. 10'23. 177 / ioill sing praises unto my God while 1 have any being.— VsAlm cxlvi. 2. I'LL praise my Maker while I've breath ; And when my voii-e is lost in death, I'raise shall eniploy my nobler powers ; JIv days of praise shall ne'er be past. While life, and thought, and being Uist, Or immortality endures. 5] DIVINE WORSHIP. 2 Happy thi^ man whose hopes rely- On Israel's God ; He niarte the sky, Aii'l earth, and seas, with all their train ; His truth lor ever stands secure ; He saves the oppressed. He feeds the poor. And none shall find His promise vain. 3 The Ix)rd pours eyesight on the blind ; The Lord supports the fainting mind : Hesends the lat)ounng conscience peace ; He helps the stranger in distress. The widow, and the fatherless, And grants the prisoner sweet release. 4 I'll praise Him while He lends me breath ; And when my voice is lost in death. Praise sh.iU employ my nobler powers ; My days of praise shall ne'er be past. While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. Amen. Isaac Watts. 1719. 178 lie that hath pitu vpon the poor lendeth unto the. Lord. Proverbs xix. 17. OT.ORD of heaven and earth and sea, To Thee all praise and glory lie ; How shall we show our love to Thee, Givorof all? 2 The golden sunshine, vernal air, Sw eet llowers and fruitsThy love declare, \\here harvests ripen Thoii art there, Giverof all ! 3 For peacefiil homes and healthful days. For all the blessings earth displays. We owe Thee thankfulness and praiso, Giver of all. 4 Thou didst not spare Thine only Son, Hut gav'st Hiui fur a world umione, And e'en that sift Thou dost outrun, And give us all. 5 Thou giv'st the Spirit's blessed dower. Spirit of life and love and power. And dost His sevenfold graces shower Upon us all. 6 For souls redeemed, for sins fori;ivon, F'lr menn.sof gj-a<;eund hopes of hmven. Father, wlmt cjin to Thee be giver-. Who glvcst all : 7 We Inite what on ourselves we Hi)riiil, Wo have HS treasure without end Wh.atever, l/.rd. to Th«e wo lend, Who glvest all. H Whatflvrr, Lord, we lend to Tliee, lloprild R thousandfold will be ; Thnn gindly will wn givo to Thee, Giver of all: 63 9 To Thee, from whom we i\\\ derive Our life, our gifts, our power to give ; O, may we ever with Thee live, Giver of all 1 Bishop C. Wordsivorfh. 1&6': 179 I heard the voice ofmanij ano^h, . . . saying, . . . Worthy is the Lamb that w-a.s sZain.— Revelation v. 11, VI. pOME, let us Join our cheerful songs \J With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand thousandaretheir tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 ' Worthy the Laiiib that died," they cry, ' To be e.xalted thus : ' ' Worthy the Lamb ! ' our hearts reply, ' For ilc was slain for us.' 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and power divine ; And blessings, more than wo can give, Be, Lord, for ever Thine ! 4 The whole creation join in one. To bless the sacred name Of 11 im that sits \ipon the throne. And to adore the Lamb. Amen. Isaac Watts. 1709. 180 Unto Him that loved us . be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Revelation i. 5, 6. TESUS, Thou everlasting King. () Accept the tribute which we bring; Accept Thy well-deserved renown. And wear our praises as Thy crown. 2 Let every act of worship be Like our espousals. Lord, to Thee ; Like that blest hour when from above We first received the pledge of love. 3 Tlie gladness of that happy day, O may it over, ever sttiy ; Nor let our faith forsake its hold, Our hope decline, our love gi'ow cold. 4 Each following moment as It flics, Incrciise Thv [uii'se, improve our joys, Till we are ral.sed to .sing Thy name. At the great sunpcr ;oble and right. 2 I thank Thee, too, that Thou hast made Joy to abound ; So many gentle thoughts and deeds Circling us round ; That in the darkest spot of earth Some love is found. 3 I thank Thee more that all our joy Is touched with p;iin; That shadows fall on brightest hours. That thorns remain ; So that earth's bliss may be our guide. And not our chain. 4 I thank Thee. Lord, that Thou hast kept The bt^st in store ; We have enough, yet not too much. To long for more ; A yearning for a deeper peace Not known before. 5 I thank Thee, Lord, that liere our souls, Though amply blest. Can lun-er find, although they seek. A (lerfect rest; Nor ever shall, until th<7 lean On Jesu's breast. AdJuide A. Procter. 1857. jLO I the di-pih or the riches both of the wixilmn itufl knowledge of (lod I Komans xi. 3;i. V God ! how wonderful Thou art, y majesty how bright ! llow bi-aiitilul Thy moivy-seat, lu depths of burnlLg iJght ! 2 How dread are Thine eternal jrars, O evei ladling Loid : r.y prostrate spirits, day and night, Incessantly adored ! W PRAISE AND PRAYER. 3 How beautiful, how beautiful The si^ht of Thee must be, Thine endless wisdom, boundless power, And awful purity ! 4 how I fear Thee, living God ! With deepest, tenderest fears. And worship Thee with trembling hope, And penitential tears. 5 Yet may I love Thee too, Lord ! Almighty as Thou art ; For Thou hast stooped to ask of me The love of my poor heart. 6 Father of Jesus, Love's Reward ! What rapture will it be. Prostrate before Thy throne to lie, And gaze and gaze on Thee ! F. W. Faber. 1340. 188 10.4. 10.4. Let everything that hath breath, 2)rai^e the Xord.— Psalm cl. 6. LET aU the world in every corner sing My God and King 1 The heavens are not too high, His may thither fly ; The earth is not too low, His praises there may grow. Let all the world in every corner sing My God and King ! 2 Let all the world in every corner sing My God and King ! The Church with psalms must shout. No door can keep them out : But, above all, my heart JIust bear the longest part. Let all the world in every comer sing My God and King ! 3 Let all the world in every corner sing My God and King ! The Father, with the Son, And Spirit. Three in One, One everlasting Lord, lie evermore adored ! Let all the world in every corner sing My God and King ; Amen. George Herbert, d. 1G3'2. alt. 189 8.7. 8.7. 4.7. Praise ve the Lord from the heavens.— Ps. cxlviii. 1. PRAISE, my soul, the King of heaven, To His feet thy tribute bring ; Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven. Who like thee Uis praise should sing ? Hallelujah ! Praise the everlasting King 1 2 Praise Ilim for His grace and favour To our fathers in distress : Praise Him, still the same for ever. Slow to chide, and swift to bless; Hallelujah ! Glorious in His faithfulness. 3 Father-like, He tends and spares ua ; Well our feeble frame He knows ; In His hands He gently bears us. Rescues us from all our foes : Hallelujah ! Widely yet His mercy flows ! 4 Angels in the height adore Him, They behold Him face to face : All His works bow down bifoie Him, Through the boundless realms of space : Hallelujah ! Praise with us the God of grace ! Amen. U. F. Lyte. 18&4. 190 The second man is the Lord from heaven.— \ Corinthians xv. 47. PRAISE to the Holiest in the height. And in the depth be praise : In all His words most wonderful. Most sure in all His ways ! 2 loving wisdom of our God ! When all was sin and shame, A second Adam to the fight And to the rescue came. 3 wsest love ! that flesh and blood. Which did in Adam fail. Should strive afresh araise glorious. Psalm Ixvi. 2. PRAISE ye Jehovah ! Praise the Lord most holy. Who rlieers the contrite, girds with streri;:tU the weak ; Praise Iluii who will with glory crown the lowiv, And with salvation heautify the meek. 2 Praise ye Jeliovah : For His lovingkind- ness. And all the tender mercy Ho hath shown ; iT-.iise Him who pardons all our sin and blindness. And calls us sons, and takes us for His own. 3 Piaise ye Jehovah ! Source of all our bles.sing : Before His gifts earth's richest boons wax dim ; Picstinij in Him, His peace and joy possessing. All things are ours, for we have all in iliui. 4 Praise ye the Father ! God the Lord, who ^;ave us. With full and perfect love. His only Son : ye the Son : who died Himself to save us ; Praise ye the Spirit ! Praise the Three in One! Amt-n. Ladi/ Mary C. Camiihdl. 1838. 192 L.M. With Chorus. .7 praises to God, sing itraises.—Pmlra xlvii. C. SI NO to the Lord a Joyful song. Lift up your hearts, your voices raise ; '1(1 us His gracious gifts belong, To Him our songs of love and praise : For He Is Lord of heaven and eai#i, Whom angels servo and salntsiidore, The Father. Son, and Holy Cliosr, To whom be praise for eviMiiituo. 2 For life and love, for rest and food. For daily Ik-Ij) and nightly care. Sing to the Lord, for He is good, And praise Ills name, for It Is fair : 3 For strength to tliose who on Him wait. His truth to prove, His will to do. Praise ye our God, for He Is great, Trust in His name, for it is true: 4 For joys untold that from above. <"hii;r those wlio love His swfft employ, Slug to our God, for He Is Love, F.xalt HI.H name, for It Is .Joy : 50 5 For life below, with all its bliss. And for life, more pure and high. That nobler life which after this Shall ever shine, and never die ; Sing to the Lord of heaven and earth. Whom angels serve and saints adore, The Father, Son, and Holy, To whom be praise for evermore. Amen. /. S. B. Monsell. 18U2. -1 QO J.<~>. Tr. Catherine Winkworth. 18.x>. 194 Hitherto hath the Lord helfjed us.—\ Samuel vii. V2. riOMR, thou Fount of every blessing, V ) Tune my heart to slug Thy grace ; Streanis of mercy never ceasing Cill for songs of loudest praise : T Mih me. l/ird. the rapturous measures Snng by liandng hosts above; Bid mo tell the coinitless treasures l)f my Gods unchanging love. r RAISE AND PRAYER. •1 U.-re I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by Thy help I'm come ; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure. Safely to arrive at home : Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God ; He, to save my soul from danger. Interposed His precious blood. 3 0. to grace how great a debtor Daily I m constrained to be ! Let that grace break every fetter That withholds my heart from Thee : Proue to wander. Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love ; Saviour, take my heart and seal it. Seal it for Thy courts above. Amen. Robert Robinson. IToU. -] Qfr 7.7. 7.; J. C7 »-» give thnnks to the Lord of lords : for His mercy endureth for ever Psalm cxxxvi. 3. PRAISE, praise our heavenly King, Grateful haUelujahs sing , For His mercies aye endure. Ever faithful, ever sure. 2 Praise Him, that His love appears Crowning our revolving years ; For His mercies aye endure. Ever faithful, ever sure. 3 Praise Him. that the sun by day Pours on all his golden ray ; For His mercies aye endure. Ever faithful, ever sure. i l'ra;se Him, that the moon by night Gives the world her silver light ; For His miTcies aye endure. Ever faithftd, ever sure. 5 Praise Him, that the stars appear Glittering in the mighty sphere ; For His mercies aye endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 6 Praise Him, that the rain-cloud drops Fatness on the ripening crops ; For His mercies aye endure. Ever faithful, ever sure. 7 Praise Him, that the country round Kich with waving ears is found ; For His mercies aye endure. Ever faithful, ever sure. 8 Praise Him, that the barns contain Precious stores of gathered grain ; For His mercies aye endure. Ever faithful, ever sure. 9 Praise Him, that with Living Bread Our immortal souls are fed ; For H:s ni Toies aye endure. Ever faithlul, ever sure. 10 Praise Him, tliat He giants in this Eaniest of eternal liliss ; For His mercies aye endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 11 Praise to our all-bounteous King, Praise for ever let us sing ; Him, ye angelic host, Fatlier, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. ff. Trend. 1861. TOR 8-7.8.7. J- «-' <-' Let them praise the name of the Lon/.— Psalm cxlvUL 5. PRAISE the Lord, ye heavens, adoro Him; Praise Him, angels, in the height ; Sun and moon, rejoice before Him ; I Praise Hiin, all ye stars of light. 2 Praise the Lord, for He hath spoken, I Worlds His mighty voice obeyed ; I Laws which never shall be broken. For their guidance He hath made. ; Praise the Lord, for He is glorious, Never shall His promise fail ; God hath made His saints victorious. Sin and death shall not prevaiL : Praise the God of our salvation. Hosts on high His power proclaim ; Heaven and earth, and all creation. Laud and magnify His name. Amen. Anon. 1801. 197 Rejoice i;i the Lord. Phil. iv. i. COME, ye that love the Lord. And let your joys be known, Join in a song with sweet accord. While ye surround His throne. 2 Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God; But servants of the Heavenly King May speak their joys abroad. 3 The God that rules on high. That ail the earth surveys. That rides upon the stormy sky. And calms the roaring seas : 4 Tills mighty God is ours. Our Father and op.r Love ; He wiU send down His heavenly powers. To carry us above. 5 There we shall see His face. And never, never sin, Tliere. from the rivers of His grace, Drink endless pleasures iii. 57 DIVINE WORSHIP. 6 Yea, and before we rise To that immortal state, The thoughts of such amazing bliss Should constant joys create. 7 The men of grace have found Glory begun below ; Celestial fruit on earthly ground From fpith and hope may grow. 8 Then let our songs alound. And every tear be dry ; We're niarcliiug through Immanuel's ground To fairer worlds on high. Isaac Watts. 1709. 1 QQ 6.5. 6.5. D. -L ^ '-' / press toward the mark for the prize of the high, calimg of God in Christ /d.^ws.— Philippians iii. U. SAVIOUR, blessed .Saviour, Listen whilst wu sing, Hearts and voices raising Praises to our King; All we have to offer, AU we hope to be, Body, .soul, and spirit, All we yield to Thee. 2 Nearer, ever nearer, Christ, we draw to Thee, Deep in adoration Bending low the knee : Thou, for oin- redemption, Cam'st on earth to die ; Tliou, that we might follow, Ilast gone up on high. 3 Great, and ever greater. Are Thy mercies hero : True and everlasting Are tlie glories there ; Where no pain nor sorrow, Toil nor care, is known ; Where the angel-legions Circle round Thy throne. 4 Clearer still, and clearer, iJawns the light from heaven. In our sadness bringing News of sins forgiven ; Life has lost its shadows, Pure the liglit within, Thou hast shrd Thy radiance On a world of sin. 6 lirighter still, and brighter. Glows the western sun, Shedding all it.t gladness O or our work thufs done : Time will soon be over. Toll and sorrow ; Mav we, blcHsod .Saviour, Kind a rest at last ! 58 6 Onward, ever onward, Journeying o'er the road Worn by saints before us, Journeying on to God ; Leaving all behind us, May we hasten on. Backward never looking Till the prize is won. 7 Higher then, and higher. Bear the ransomed soul. Earthly toils forgotten, Saviour, to its goal ; Where, in joys unthought of, Saints with angels sing. Never weary, raising Praises to their King. Amen. Godfrey Thring. 1866. 199 Sing iinto God, sing praises to his name.— Psalm Ixviii. 4. SING praise to God who reigns above, Tlie God of all creation, The God of power, the God of love. The God of our salvation ; With healing balm my soul He fills. And every faithless murnmr stills : To God all praise and glory 1 2 The angel-host, King of kings, Thy praise for ever telling. In earth and sky all living things Beneath Thy shadow dwelling. Adore the wisdom which could span, And power which formed creation's plan : To God all praise and gloi-y 1 3 What God's almighty power hath made, His gracious mercy keepeth ; By morning glow or evening sliade. His walchlul eve ni'cr sloopi'tli ; ' Williiii th." kiiiu'cimii .if His might, Lol all is Just and all is right: To God all piaise and glory ! 4 The Lord is never far away ; But, tliroMgh .'ill grief ilistressing, (liir |.. .i.r. iihd.i.iy. iiiHl lilt'ssiiig; Ho leads His own, His chosen band : To Uod all praise and glory l 5 When every e:irt.hly hope liiis flown Kroiii sorniw's sons and daughters. Our Kallier liom His heavenly throne Beholds the troubled waters ; Anil at Mis word the storm is stayed, \Viiichiuade His children's hearts afraid ; To God all praiso and glory I F RAISE AND PRAYER. Then all my gladsome w;:y along I sing aloud Thy piaises. That ninn may hear the grateful song My voice unwearied raises : lie Joylul in the J,ord, my heiirt ! liotli soul and body bear your part : To God all praise and glory 1 Amen. J. J. Schiitz. d. 1690. Tr. Frances E. Cox. 18G4. 000 ^KJKJ B>j Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice n/praisf to God cont in ually. Hebrews xiii. 15. FOR the beauty of the earth. For the beauty of the skies. For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies. Father, unto Thee wh raise This, our sacrifice of praise. 2 For the beauty of each hour Of the day and of the night. Hill and vale, and I ree and ttow.^r. Sun and moon, and stars of light ; Father, unto Tliee we raise This, our sacrifice of praise. 3 For the joy of ear and eye, For the heart and mind's delight. For the mystic harmony Linking sense to sound and sight ; Father, unto Thee we raise This, our sacrifice of praise. 4 For the joy of human love. Brother, sister, parent, child. Friends on earth, and friends above, For all gentle thoughts and mild ; Father, unto Thee we raise This, our sacrifice of praise. 5 For each perfect gift of Thine To our race so freely given, Graces human and divine. Flowers of earth, and buds of heaven ; Father, unto Thee we raise This, our sacrifice of praise. 6 For Thy Church that evermore Lifteth holy hands above. Offering up on every shore Its pure sacrifice of love ; Father, unto Thee we raise This, our sacrifice of praise. Amen. 201 Folliott S. Piei-poiiH. 18U4. fi.C.l. (J.C.G.l. Glory to God in the highest. Luke ii. 14. GLORY to God on high ! Let praises fill the sky. Praise ye His name : Angels His name adore. Who all our sorrows bore. And saints cry evermore, Worthy the Lamb I 2 All they around the throne Cheeifiilly join in one, Praising His name : We who have felt His blood Sealing our peace with God, Spread His ilear fame abroad ; Worthy the Lamb ! 3 To Him our hearts we raise. None else shall have our praise ; Praise ye His name : Him our '-xalted Lord. Him as b -low ador.;d, We praise with one ao-nid. Worthy the Lamb ! 4 Join all the ransomed race, Our Lord and God to blosii. Praise ye His name : In Him we will rejoice, .Making a cheerful And say with heart and voice, Worthy the Lamb ! 5 Though we must change our place, Our souls will never cease Praising His name : To Him well tribute bring. Laud Him our gracious King, And, without ceasing, sing. Worthy the Lamb ! Amen. /. Allen. 1757. 202 God, Thou art yny God. Psalm Ixiii. 1. L.M. GRE.4.T God, indulge my humble c'aim ; Be Thou my hope, my joy, my rest; The glories that compose Thy name Stand all engaged to make me olessed. 2 Thou great and good, lliou just and wise. Thou art my Father and my God ; And I am Thine, by sacrod ties. Thy son. Thy servant, bought with blood. 3 With heart., and eyes, and lifted hands. For Thee I long, to Tlife 1 look. As travellers in thirsty lands Pant for the cooling water-brook. 4 Should I from Thee, my God. ieii.j\e. Life couid no lastins,' joy att'ord ; My peace, the ot pardoning love. My guard, the presence of my JiOrd. 5 lU lift my hands. 111 raise my voice. While 1 have breath to pray or priiise ; This work shall make my heart rejoice, And nil the remnant of my days. Amen. Isaac Katts. i:C'J. 59 DIVINE WORSHIP. 203 God is lure. —1 John iv. 8. GOD is Love ; that anthem olden Sing the glorious orbs of liiiht, III theirlanguage, glad and goldeu, Speaking to us d.iy and night Their great story, God is Love, and God is Might. 2 And tlie teeming earth rejoices In that message from above, With ten thousand thousand voices Telling back, from hill and grove, Her glad story. God is iMlght, and God is Love. 3 Tlirough these anthems of creation, Mingling in harmonious strife. Christian songs of Christ s salvation, To the world with blessings rife, Tell their story, God is Love, and God is Life. 4 Through that precious Love He souglit us. Wandering from His holy ways ; With that i)recious Life He bought us ; Then let all our future days Tell this story, Love is Life, our lives be praise. 5 Gladsome is the theme, and glorious, I^raise to Christ our gracious Head ; Christ, the risen Christ, victorious. Death and hell hath captive led : Glory, glory : Love lives on, and Death is dead. C Up to Him let each aflPection Daily rise, and round Him move Our whole lives, one resurrection To the l-ife of life above ; Their glad story, God is Life, and God is Love. J. S. B. Monsell. 1807. 204 / will King unto the Lord as long as I Zive.— Psalm civ. 33. SON'OS of praise the angels sang, Heaven with hallelujahs raii;.^. When Jehovah's work begun. When He spake, and It was done. 2 .Songs of praise awoke the morn. Whin the Triiice of I'eace was born ; Slings of praise arose when He Captive led captivity. 3 Heaven and earth must pass away ; Songs of praise Hhall crown tliat day : God will make nnw heavens and earth ; SongH of praise shall hall their birth. 4 And shall man alone lje ilunih '1 III that glorious kliigdotn loini-? Nil ;-the Chureh delights to Psalms and liynms and songs of praise. m 5 Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice ; Learning here, by faith and love. Songs of praise to sing above. 6 Borne upon their latest breath, Songs of praise shall conquer death ; Then, amidst eternal joy. Songs of praise tlieir powers employ. James Motitgoniery. 1819. 205 C.6. 8.4. D. Fear not, Abram: Tarn thy shield. — Genesis xv. 1. THIi: God of Abraham praise, Who reigns enthroned above. Ancient of everlasting days, .\nd God of Love : Jehovah, Great 1 AM, l!y earth and heaven confcst ; I bow and bless the sacred name, l""or ever blest. 2 The God of Abraham praise. At whose supreme command, From earth 1 rise, and seek the joys At His right hand : I all on earth forsake. Its wisdom, fame, and power ; And Him my only portion make, My shield and towor. 3 The God of Abraham praise, Whose all-suriicieut grace Shall guide me all my happy days, In all His ways ; He calls a man His friend. He calls Hiuiself my God, And He shall save me to the end, Through Jesus blood. 4 Ho by Himself hath sworn, 1 on His oath depend ; I shall, on eagles' wings upborne, To heaven ascend ; I shall behold His face, I shall His imvver adore, And sing the wonder."* of His grace For evermore. Amen. Thomas Olivers. 1772. OfjR 6.6. 8.4. V. ^:i\J\J I am the Lord God of Abraham. — Genesis xxviii. 13. rPHOUGH nature's strength dej, Lord. Rev. iv. 11. I>KFORE the gi-eat Three-One ) SainLoall e.vulting stand, Aiid tf '1 the wonders He hath done. Through all their land : The listening spheres attend. And swell the growing fame. And sing, in songs which never end, The wondrous Name. 2 The God who reigns on high The great archangels sing ; And ' Holy, holy, holy," cry, ' Almighty King : Who wiis and is the same, And evermore shall be : Jyhovah, Father, Great I AM, We worship Thee.' o Before the Saviour's face The ransomed nations bur lips, our minds inspiro, And wing to Iniaven our Uiought ! i Thero, with benign rcganl. Our hyniUH Me didgns to hear : Though unnivealod to mortal sense Tlio Hplrlt feels Him near. (12 5 God is our strength and song. And His salvation ours ; Then be His love in Christ proclaimed With all our rausomed powers. 6 Stand up and bless the Lord, The Lord your God adore : Stand uj), and bless His glorious name. Henceforth for evermore. Amen. James Mojit'jonier)/. 1821. Ql Q S.S. 8.8. Anapcvstic. 4^1.Zi T/f is nod is our God for ever and ever.—Psiihn xlviiL 14. THIS, this is the God we adore. Our faithful unchangeable Friend, Whose love is as great as His power, And neither knows measure nor end. 2 'Tis Jesus, the First and the Last, Whose Spirit sliall guide us safe home ; We'll praise Him for all that is past. And trust Ilini for all that's to come. Anieu. Josi-f.h Hart. 17o9. on Q L.M. '^ -■- ^-^ Tn all places where I record My Name, I will come unto thee, and I will bless may we prove the power of pinyer To strengthen faith, and sweeten care. To teach our faint desires to rise. And bring all heaven before our eyes. Amen. William Cowjicr. laiX 214 The love of God i." shi'd ahrond in our /icd r^s.— Romans v. 5. "i:)KINO of beings. God of love ! I ) To Tliee our hearts we raise : Thy all-sustaining power we prove. And gladly sing Thy praise. PRAISE AND PRAYER. 2 Thine, only Thine, we pant to be ; Our sacrifice receive ; Made, and preserved, and saved by Thee, To Thee ourselves we {jive. 3 Heavenward our every wish aspires ; For all Thy mercies' store The sole return Thy love requires Is, that we ask for more. 4 For more we ask ; we open then Our hearts to embrace Thy will ; Turn, and revive ns. Lord, again. With aU Thy fulness fill. 5 Come, Holy Ghost, the Sa\iour's love Shed in our hearts abroad ! So shall we ever live, and move. And be, with Cluist, in God. Amen. Wesley. 1739. 215 / tvill bless the Lord at ail times.— Pa. xxxiv. 1. HOW shall we worship Thee, Lord? Wliat shall we bring To Thee, our King:, By children and by men adored ? More dear to Thee than prayer and praise Are loyal deeds and patient days. 2 What can we ffive ? Thou dost desire A steadfast will Obedient still. And faithful work that does not tire : More dear to Thee than prayer and praise Are loyal deeds and patient days. 3 How easy in the golden light Of summer hours. Among the flowers. To bless Thee for a world so bright ! More dear to Thee than prayer and praise Are loyal deeds and patient days. i When sorrow darkens all our sky, Life's blossoms lost In sudden frost. And all our coui-nge like to die, O : help us still Thy nnme to praise By loyal djeds and patient days. 5 In life, in death, in .joy and pain. May we adore Thee more and mor.-. Till love turns all our loss to gain. And tunes the years to perfect praise In loyal deeds and patient days. Amen. Annie Matheson. 1884. QIC 7.5. 7.5. 7.5. 7.5. 8.b ^ J- ^ Come vnfo Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I udll giv- you '-es^— Matthew xi. 28. WHEN the weary, seeking rest. To Thy goodness flee; \\'hen the heavy-laden cast All their load on Thee ; \\'hen the troubled, seeking peace. On Thy name shall call ; When the sinner, seeking life. At Thy feet shall fall : Hear then, in love, O Lord, the cry, In heaven, Thy dwelling place on high. 2 When the worldling, sick at heart, Lifts his soul above ; ^^■hen the prodigal looks back To his Father's love ; When the proud man in his pride Sloops to .seek Thy face ; When the burdened brings his guilt To Thy throne of grace : Hear then, in love, O Lord, the cry. In heaven. Thy dwelling-place on high. 3 UTien the stranger asks a home, AU his toils to end ; When the hungry "'raveth food. And the poor a friend : AVhen the sailor on the wave Bows the fervent knee ; When the soldier on the field Lifts his heart to Thee : Hear then, in love, Lord, the cry. In heaven. Thy dwelling-place on high. 4 WTien the man of toil and care In the city crowd. When the shepherd on the moor Names the name of God : ^^^len the learned and the high. Tired of earthly fitme. Upon higher joys intent. Name the blessfed name : Hear then, in love. O Lord, the cry. In heaven. Thy dwelling place on high. 5 When the child, with grave fresh lips. Youth, or maiden fair : Whnn the rtged, weak and grey. Seek Thy face in prayer ; When the widow w(=,6ps to Thee, S;id and lone and low ; When the orphan brings to Theo .All his orphan woe : Hear then, in love, O Lord, the cry. In heaven, Thy dwelling-place on high. 6 When creation, in her pangs. Heaves her lieavy groan : When Thy Salem's exiled sons Breathe their bitter moan ; BlTiNE WOR&HrP. ^^^len Thy waiting, weeping Churcb, Loo Icing lor a home, Seudeth up her silent sigh, 'CiJme, Lord Jesus, come! Hear then, in love, Lord, the cry. In heaven. Thy dweiling-pla';e on high. Amen. Horatias Bonar. 1857. r,-]rj C.M.D. ^-L ' God is the strength of my heart, and mij porlion fur ever. Psalin Ix.Kiii. '2ii. MY heart is resting, my Ood.- I wiU give thanks ami smg ; My heart is at the secret source Of every precious thing. Now the frail vessel Thou hast made No hand but Thine shall fill ; The waters of the earth have failed, And I am thirsty still. 2 I tliirst for springs of heavenly life. And here all day they rise : I seek the treasure of Thy love. And close at hand it lies. And a new song is in my mouth To longdoved music set; Glory to Thee for all the grace I have not tasted yet. 3 Glory to Thee for strength withheld, For want and weakness known ; And feiir that sends me to Tliysi'if For what is most my own. I have a heritage of joy That yet I must not see ; The hand that bled to make it mine. Is keeping it for me. 4 My heart is resting. O my God, My hi*art is in Tliy ciro ; I hear the voice of .joy and health Resounding every ivhere. ' Thou art my portion,' .snith my soul. Ten thou.sand voices say ; The music of their glad Amen Will never die away. Amen. Anna L. Waring. 18.'2. Zj 1 TT/ja^ ifhaU I render unto the Lord for all His ben^itti louard me f Psalni cxvi. 12. \T^M.\T shall wo offer our good Lord, >T I'oor nothings I for His boundless grace ? Tain would we His great name record. And worthily set forth Ul.s praise. ■: Cr'-at object of our growing love, To wliom our inoie than all wo owe, upon the Fountain from almve, And let It our full Bouls oorllow. (it 3 So shall our lives Thy power proclaim, Tliy grace for every sinner free ; Till all mankind shall learn Thy name. Shall all stretch out their hands to Thee. i Open a door which earth and hell May strive to shut, but strive in vain: Let Thy word richly in us dwell, And let our gracious fruit remain. 5 multiply the sower's seed ! And fruit we every hour shall bear. Throughout the world Thy Gospel .spread. Thy everlasting truth declare. 6 We all, in perfect love renewed. Shall know the greatness of Thy power. Stand in the temple of our God As pillars, and go out no more. A. G. Spanqenberg. IT.'il. Tr. John Wesley. 1742. 219 8.7. 8.7. 4.7. Let my supplication come before Thee.— Psalm cxix. 170. JESUS, Loid of life and glcry. Bend from heaven Thy gniclous ear, While our waiting souls adoie Thee, Friend of helpless sinners, hear ; P.y Thy mercy, deliver us, good Lord. 2 From the depths of nature's blindness. From the hardening power of sin. From all inalii'.e and unkindne.'ss, From the pride that lurks within, By Thy mercy. deliver us, good Lord. 3 Wh«n temptation sorely presses. In the da.y ot Satan's power. In our times of deep distresses. In each dark and trying liour, By Thy mercy. deliver us. good Lord. 4 When the world around is smiling, 111 the time of wealth and e.ise. Fart lily joys our hearts beguiling. In the day of health and peace. By Thy mercy, O deliver us. good Lord. 5 In the weary hours of sickness. Ill the timi's of grief and pain. When we feel our mortal w< akness. When the creature's help Is vain, liy Thy mercy. deliver us, good Lord. 6 In the solemn hour of dyirg, III till' awful Judgmrnt. d;iy, Miiy our souls, on Thi'c ri'lyiiig. Find Tli'-e sf.ill our hope anil stay ; I'.y Thy men^y, O dtilivor 118, good Lord. Anion. J. J. Cwnmhis. 18S9. PliAISE AND FRAYER. 220 8.8.G. 8.S.(5. / vAll sing tvith (he Spirit. 1 Corinthians xiv. 15. JESUS. Tiiou soul of all our joys, Fur whom we now lilt up our voice, And all our strength exert. Vouchsafe the grace we humbly claim. Compose into a thankful frame. And tune Thy people's heart. 2 While in the heavenly work we join, Thy glory be our whole design.— Thy glory, not our own : Still let us keep our end in view. And still the pleasing task pursue, To please our God alone. 3 The secret pride, the subtle sin, let it never more steal :n. To oftend Thy glorious eyes. To desecrate our hallowed strain. And make our solemn service vaii And mar our sacrifice. 4 Still let us on our guard be found, And watch against the power of sound, With sacred jealousy ; Lest, haply, sense should damp our zeal, Aiid music's charms bewitch and steal Our hearts away from Thee. 5 Thee let us praise, our common Lord, And sweetly join with one accord Thy goodness to proclaim : Jesus. Thyself in us reveal. And all our faculties shall feel Thy harmonizing name. C Witli calmly-reverential joy, O let us all our lives employ In setting forth Thy love; And raise in death our triumph higher, And sing, with all the heavenly choir. That endless song ahove ! TLmen. Charles Wesley. 1749. 221 / ^l.^iU jyraise Thee, Lord, with my whole heart.— Psdlm ix. 1. FILL Thou my life, Lord my God, lu every part.with praise. That my whole being may proclaim Thy being and Thy ways. ! Not for the lip of praise alone. Nor even the praising heart I ask, but for a life made up Of praise in every part : ! Praise in the common words I speak. Life's (!ommon looks and tones. In intercoiu-se at liearth or boaid With my beloved on* s : 4 Not in the temple crowd alone, Where holy voices chime ; But in the silent paths of earth, The quiet rooms of time. 5 Fill every part of me with praise ; Let all my being speak Of Thee and of Ihy love, Lord : Pour though I be, and weak. Soshalt Thou, Lord, from me, even me, Receive the glory due. And so shall 1 begin on earth The song fur ever new. 7 So shall no part of day or night From sactedness be free ; But all my life, iri every step. Be fellowship with Thee. Iloratius Bonar. IftJT. 222 Buddimj up yoi(rstli(!> on your most holy j'aith.— J ude 20. COME. Wisdom, Power, and Grace Divine ! Come, Jesus, in Thy name to join A happy, chosen band ; Who fain would prove Thine utmost will. And all Thy righteous laws fulfil. In love's benign command. 2 If pure essential Love Thou art, Tiiy nature into every heart. Thy loving self, inspire ; Bid all our simple souls be one. United in a bond unknown. Baptized with heavenly fire. 3 Still may we to our centre tend. — To spread Thy praise our common end, To help each other on ; Companions through the wilderness. To share a moment's pain, and seize An everlasting crown. 4 Supply what every member want.s ; To found the fellowship of saints. Thy Spirit, Lord, supply ; So shall we all Thy love receive. Together to Thy glory live, And to Thy glory die. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1767. QQQ 11.10. 11.10. ^nai-'as/ic. ^^O We know thai all lhin>is work tojethcrjor good to ihtm that love God. Komans viii. is. BRIGHTLY. Father, when morning is, breaking. Shed o'er Thy children the beams of Thy love. Scattering the uight-clouds of sorrow and durkuess. Lifting our spirits to glories above. DIVINE WOMSKIP. 2 Teach us, O Father, to work in the day- time. Soon, 0, too soon, is the night coming on : Help us, while earnestly, actively striving. To finish our work ere the daylight be gone. 3 Bravely, Father, in life's daily conflict, Help us, Thy soldiers, to ooinbateach ill. Crushing each foe that impedes our march onwards, Each impulse within us opposed to Thy will. 4 Help us, O Father, in watching or waiting. Teach us in all things. Thy way is the best ; Guide us and keep us throughout our life's journey. Lead us at last to the mansions of rest. 6 Calmly, Father, as life's day is closing. Bring us in peace to Thy glorious home, Where care, and conflict, and labour, and watching. Darkness, and sorrow, and sin cannot como. Amen. Juhn WeMhimj. b. 1838. 224 Wc love llim, herrtnn.' Hn Jirst loved iis.—i John iv. I'J. MY God. I love Thee for Thyself. All creature things .above ; Thy glorious works. Thy ble.ss6d gifts I praise,- but Theo I love. 2 Jly God, I seek Thee for Thyself, Jicsidi!s. I ask not aught ; If Th.-<-. Thyself. I do not find, All that I find is nought. 3 If Thou dimicst me Thyself, \Vl,;.f'-r Thou trivost IMC. i:iii),lv:uid void. I iMiiu'uish still, AiKlgricvi; iinica.siii^^iy. 4 Give mo to find, O gra(ir)us God, 'I'liee, as my Una! end ; To Tlice in ioiist,uii;y of love Ktcrnally to tend. Anu^n. 6'. B. Bubicr. d. mvx OOR CM. ^li^Kj 77, c TmuI is good to all. I'salm cxJv. 9. SVVEKT Ih tlie memory of Thy grace, My God, my heavenly King; Let *«« to age Thy righteousness In HoiMidK of glory sing. 2 God reigns on high, but not confines His goodness to the skies ; Through the whole earth His bounty shines. And every want supplies. 3 With longing eves the creatures wait On Thee for daily food ; Tliy liberal hand provides them meat. And fills their mouths with good. 4 How kind are Thy compassions, Lord ! How slow Thine anger moves ! But soon He sends His pardoning word. To cheer the souls He loves. 5 Creatures, with all their endless race. Thy power and proclaim ; But we, who taste Thy richer grace. Delight to bless Thy name. Amen. Isimc Watts. 17111. 226 The A uthor of efernal siUvation unto all them that obey Him. Hebrews v. 9. THOU hidden Source of calm repose, Tliou all-sufflcient Love Divine, My help and refuge from my foes. Secure I am, if Thou art mine : And lo : from sin, and grief, and shaiae, I hide me, Jesus, in Thy Name. •2 Thy mighty Name s.alvation is, And keeps my happy soul above ; Comfort it brings, and power, and i)eace. And joy, and everlast>ing love ; To me, with Thy dear Name, are givcMi, Pardon, and holiness, and heaven. 3 Jesus, niv all in all Thou .art ; Mv rrsl in toil, inv rase in pain. Tlie nirdicine of my Imikeii heart, ; In war my peare, in loss n>y gain. My smile beneath the tyrant's Jrowii, In shame, my glory and my crown ; ■1 In In "IM'ly. i-lity power. Ms 1 Ai.iu -, .iu l.rsl liour. My lile ill liealli, my heaven in holl. Charles Wesley. Ui'X 227 7.C.. 7.0. 7.7. 7.(5. Jlrhohl. U, that ke,p,th I^nui ttltall tirillicr nl.innbcr nor sleep. I'salm cxxi. 4. 10 the hills I lift mine eyes. The eveilasf in(;r hills ; hence, in fresh supplios. .M\ fee Will llonni His helpallord? Hi^lp. while yet I ask, is given ; God comes dowy, the God and Lord That made both earth and heaven. THE LORD'S DAY. 'i Faitliful soul, pray alwavs, pray, And still in God contirfe ; IIo thy feelile-steps shall stay, Nor siiflor theo to"*de ; Lean on thy Redeemer s breast. He thy quiet spirit keeps, Rest in Uuii, securely rest. Thy Watchman never sleeps. 3 Neither sin, nor earth, nor hell. Thy Keeper can surprise ; Careless slumbers cannot steal On His ull-seeing eyes ; He is Israel's sure defence ; Israel all His care shall prove, Kept by watchful providence, And ever-waking love. 4 See the Lord, thy Keeper, stand Omnipotently near ; Lo I He holds thee by thy hand. And banishes thy fear. Shadows with His wings thy head. Guards from all impending harms ; Round thee and beneath are spread The everlasting arms. 6 Christ shall bless thy going out, Shall bless thy coming in. Kindly compass thee about. Till thou art saved from sin ; Like thy spotless Master, thou, Filled with wisdom, love, and power. Holy, pure, and perfect, now, Henceforth, and evermore. Wesley. 1743. QQO C.MD. ^^O Jn this vns manifested the love of God toward us.—l John iv. 9. WE love Thee. Lord, yet not alone, Because Thv bounteous hand Showers down Its rich and ceaseless gifts On ocean and on land ; Because Thou bidd'st the sun go forth Rejoicing in his might. And kindle earth to glowing life And beauty with his light. 2 'Tis not alone because Thy names Of wisdom, power, and love. Are written on the earth beneath, The glorious skies above ; For these Thy gifts we praise Thee, Lord, Yet not for these alone. The incense of Thy children's love Arises to Thy throne. 3 We love Thee. Lord, because when we Had erred and gone astray. Thou didst recall our wandering souls Into the heavenward way ; When helpless, hopeless, we were lost In sin and sorrow's night, Thou didst send forth a guiding ray Of Thy benignant Ught : Be<:ause, when we forsook Thy ways, Nor kept Thy holy will. Thou wast not the avenging Judge, But gracious Father still : Because we have forgot Thee, Lord, Yet Thou hast not forgot ; Because we have forsaken Thee, Yet Thou forsakest not : Because, Lord, Thou lovedst us With everlasting love ; Because Thy Son came down to die. That we might live above ; Because, when we were bound by sin. Thou gavest hopes of heaven ; Yes ; much we love, wiio niuc;h have sinned. And much have been forgiven. Julia A. Elliott. 1839. QOQ •^•^»^ To the Lord . . . belong mercies and forgivenesses.— DAinel ix. 9. LORD, have mercy when we pray Strength to seek a better way ; When our wakening thoughts begin First to loathe our cherished sin ; When our weary spirits fail. And our aching brows are pale : When our tears bedew Thy word. Then, then, have mercy. Lord ! 2 Lord, have mercy when we lie On the restless bed, and sigh ; Sigh for death, yet fear it still. From the thought of former ill ; ^\^len the dim advancing gloom Tells us that our hour is come ; When is loosed the silver cord. Then, O then, have mercy. Lord 1 3 Lord, have mercy when we know First how vain this world below ! When our darker thoughts oppress. Doubts perplex and fears distress; MHien the earliest gleam is given Of Thy bright but distant heaven ; Then Thy fostering grace afford. Then, then, have mercy. Lord ! Ani»n. H. U. Milnian. 1817. THE LORD'S DAT. ^*-'W It is a good th ing to give thanks mtto the £ord.— Psaha xcii. 1. SWEET is the work, my God, my -Cinsj, To praise Thy name, give thanks and sing. To show Thy love by morning light. And talk of aU Thy truth at night. 67 DIVINE WORSHIP. 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest. No mortal cares distract my breast ; O may my heart in tune be found, Like David s harp of solemn sound ! 3 My heart shall triumph in the Lord. And V)less His works, and bless His word : Thy works of grace how bright they shine ; How deep Thy counsels, how divine ! 4 Then I shall share a glorious part, When grace hath well refined my heart. And fresh supplies of Joy arc shed, Like holy oil to cheer my 6 Then shall I see, and hear, and know All 1 desired and wished below, And every power find sweet employ lu that eternal world of joy. Isaac Watts. 1719. 231 7.0. 7.0. D. Call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord.— Isaiah Iviii. 13. ODA Y of rest and gladness, Oday of joy and light, O balm of caro and sadness, Mo^t beautiful, most bright! Tliou art a cooliiii; fountain 111 lifi-'s dry. dieaiy -sand : From thee, liki; Pi-s^ah's mountain We view our promised liuid. •_' On thee, at the creation. The light first had its birth ; On thee, for our salvation, Clirist rose from depths of earth. On thee our Lord victorious The Si)int sent from heaven ; And tlius on thee most glorious A triple light was given. 3 To-day on weary nations Th<' heuveiilv niaiiiia falls : Toholyroiivoratinus Thesilvi ir (J calLs : When- C..:>i"M li-hi is-lmvim,' Willi 1)111.- tml liidiaiit beams And living wjitei Mowing With soul-refreshing streams. 4 May wo new graces gaining Knuii tills our day of rest, Attiiin the rest remaining To spirits of the : Anil ih.Te our voice upraising To Katlier and to Son And Holy Ghost, lie praising Ever the Three In One. Amon. Bishoj) C. Wordsworth. 18U2. 66 232 7.6. 7.6. 1). This is the day which the Lord hath made .■ we will rejoice and he glad in t7.— Psalm cxviii. 21. THE dawn of God's doar Sabbath Breaks o'er the earth again, As some sweet summer morning After a night of pain : It comes as cooling showers To some exhausted land ; As shade of clustered palm-trees Mid weary wastes of sand. 2 O day, when earthly sorrow Is merged in heavenly joy. And trial changed to blessing 'f hat foes may not destroy : ^\'hen want is turned to fulness. And weariness to rest. And pain to wondrous rapture. Upon the Saviour's breast. G Lord, we would bring for offering. Though marred with earthly soil, A week of earnest labour, Of steady faithful toil ; Fair fruits of sell'-denial. Of strong deep love to Tl'oe, Fo.stered by Thine own Spirit In our humility. 4 And we would bring our burden Of sinful thought and deed, 111 Tliy pure presence kneeling. From bondage to be freed • Our heart s most bitter sorrow For all Thy work undone,— So many talents wasted. So few briglit laiuels won ! 5 So bo it. Lord, for ever : may wo evermore. In Jesus holy presence. His blessed name adore : L'lM.ii lii.siM.;i.vful Sabbath. Williin lli.s ti'inplc walls. Type of tip' stiiiiilcss worship In Zions golden halls; 6 So that, in joy and gladness. We readi that homo at last: When lif(^ .-< .;linir week of s«-t there be light today ! Dayspring. rise iipcu our niglit. And its gloom away. 2 Tlii.s is tlie day of Rest : (Jur failing strength renew; On weary brain and trouliled Itreast Send Thou Thy freshening dew. 3 TliLs Is the day of Pea(^e : Thy peace our spirits fill ; r.hl Tlio\i the bhusts of discord ccxso, The waves of strife be still. 4 This is the day of Prayer : bet earth to heaven draw near ; 1,1ft up iiur hearts to Heek Tliee there Come down to meet us here. 5 This Is the day of Itrcad— The I'.read which Thou wilt give ; T>i day for lis Thy tVast is sjiread. Thill hinigering souls may live, 70 LIGHT of light, enlighten me. Now anew the day is dawning Sun of grace, the shadows flee, UriglitfU Thou my Sabbath morning; With Thy joyous sunshine blest, Happy is my day of rest ! 2 Fount of all our joy and peace. To Thy living waters lead me ; Tlmu from earth my soul release. And wirli grace and mercy feed me ; Thy word that it may prove iJnr."^a 1 Liy «uiu LiKLL/ it may Jjiui Kich in fruits that Thou dost lo\ 3 Kindle Thou the sacrifice That upon my lips is lying ; Clear the shadows from mine eyes, That, from every error flying. No strange fire may in me glow Which Thine altar doth not know. 4 Let me with my heart to-day, Holy, Holy, Holy, singing, Kapt, awhile from earth away. All my soul to Thee up-springing. Have a foretaste inly given How they worship Thee in heaven. 5 Rest in me and I in Thee, Build a Paradise within me ; O reveal Thyself to me, Blessi'd Lov.', wlio diedst to win me ; Fed from Thine exhausth^ss urn, I'ure and liriglit my lamp shall burn. 6 Hence all care and vanity, I'or the day to God is lioly ; foine. Tlu.u glorious Majesty, N(iu^liM.i-(lay my soul shall move Sinii)ly resting in Thy love. Amen. Ji. S'hinolck. 1731. Tr. Catherine Winkuorth. 18o8. 241 ,,„„, ir C.r,.8.6.G.8. ts glad Jt'hen they said I luo me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Psalm cxxii. 1. 'OW pleased and l>lest was I '•""•I pl-'cry, Come, let us seek nui (;("! lii-day ; Ves. zeal, We haste to ZIon s hill. And tliero our vows and honours j»ay. THE LORD'S DAY. 2 Zion, thrice happy place, Aiiomed with wondrous grace, And walls of strength embrace thee round ; In thee our trihes appear, To pray, and praise, and hear The sacred gospel's joyful sound. 3 There David's greater Son Has fixed His royal throne ; He sits for grace and judgment there : He bids the saints be glad. He makes the sinner sad. And humble souls rejoice with fear. 4 May peace attend thy gate. And joy within thee wait. To bless the soul of every guest ! The man that seeks thy peace. And wishes thine increase, A thousand blessings on him rest ! .') My tongue repeats her vows. Peace to this sacred house ! For there my friends and kindred dwell ; And since my glorious God Makes thee His blest abode. My soul shall ever love thee well. Isaac Watts. 1719. OACy C.G. G.6. 8.8. ^^^ A day in Thy courts is better than a thoicsand.— Psalm Ixxxiv. 10. LORD of the worlds above ! How pleasant and how fair The dwellings of Thy love. Thine earthly temples are : To Thine abode My heart aspires. With warm desires To see my God. 2 happy souls that pray Where God delights to hear ! happy men that pay Their constant service there ! They praise Thee still ; And happy they Who love the way To Zion's hill. 3 They go from strength to strength, Through this dark vale of tears, Till each o'ercomes at length. Till each in heaven appears : glorious seat ! Thou God, our King, Shalt thither bring Our willing feet. 4 God is our Sun and Shield, Our Light and our Defence ; With gifts His hands are filled, We draw our blessings thence : He shall bestow Upon our race His saving grace, And glory too.. 5 The Lori His people loves ; His hand no good withholds From those His heart approves. From holy, humble souls : Thrice happy he, Lord of Hosts, Whose bpirit trusts Alone in Thee ! Isaac M'atts. 1719. QAry 7.7. 7.7. D. ^^i'~> How amiahle are Thy tabernacles, Lord of Husts.—Pa. Ixxxiv. L PLEASANT are Thy courts above In the land of light and love ; Pleasant are Thy courts below In this land of sin and woe : O, my spirit longs and faints For the converse of Thy saints. For the brightness of Thy face. For Thy fulness, God of grace. 2 Happy birds that sing and fly Round Thy altars, Most High ; Happier souls that find a rest In a heavenly Father's breast ; Like the wandering dove tliat found No repose on earth around, They can to their ark repair. And enjoy it ever there. 3 Happy souls, their praises flow In this vale of sin and woe ; Waters in the desert rise. Manna feeds them from the skies ; On they go from strength to strength, Till they reach Thy throne at length, At Thy feet adoring fall. Who liast led them safe through all. 4 Lord, be mine this prize to win. Guide me through a world of sin, Keep me by Thy saving grace, t;ive me at Thy side a pkice ; Sun and Shield alike Tliou art. Guide and guard my erring heart ; Grace and glory flow from Thee ; Shower, shower them. Lord, on me. Amen. H. F. Lyte. 1831. 244 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.— Pssilm cxxii. 6. SWEET is the solemn voice that calls The Christian to the house of prayer; I love to stand within its walls. For Thou, Lord, art present there. 2 I love to tread the hallowed courts. Where two or three for worship meet ; For thither Christ Himself resorts. And makes the little band conu)lete. 3 'Tis sweet to raise the common song. To join in holy praise and love ; And imitate the blessM throng That mingle hearts and songs above. 4 Within these waUs may peace abound, May all our hearts in one agree ; Where brethren nieet, where Christ l3 found. May peace and concord ever be. H. F. Lute. 1834. 71 DIVINE WOESHIP. 245 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people o/Gorf.— Heb. iv. 9. LORD of the Sabbath, hear o»r vows, On this Thy day, in this Thy house ; And own as gratehil sacrifice, The songs which from the desert rise. 2 Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love, But there's a nobler lest above ; To that our labouring souls aspire. With ardent pangs of strong desire. 3 Xo more fatigue, no more distress, Nor sin, nor hell, shall reacli the place ; >'o groans to mingle with tlie songs ^^'hich warble from immortal tongues. 4 Xo rude alarms of raging foes, No cares to break the long rejiose, No midnight shade, no clouded sun, But sacred, high, eternal noon. 5 O long-expected day ! begin. Dawn on these realms of woe and sin ; Fain would we leave this weary road, And sleep in death, to rest with God. I'h Hip Doddridge. 1755. 246 Lord, I have loved the habitation of Thy house.— Paahn xxvi. 8. HOW pleasant, how divinely fair, O Lord of Hosts, Thy dwellings are 1 With strong desire my spirit faints To meet the assemblies of Thy saints. 2 rslesr are the saints that sit on high. Around the throne of majesty ; Thy brightest glories shine above. And all their work is praise and love. 3 Blest are the souls that find a place Within the temple of Thy grace ; Tlieri) they behold Thy gentle rays. And seek Thy face, and learn Thy praise. 4 I'.li'st arc the men whose hearts are set 'I'm liiid till- way to Slims gate ; (;i)d is ih.'irstrength, and through the road J liey lean upon their helper, God. G Cheerful they walk with growing strength. Till all shall meet in heaven at length, Till all before Thy face appear. And Join In nobler worship there. Isaac Watts. 171!). 247 My house shall he railed the house o/j:>rai/«r.— Matthew xxl. 13. FAR from my thoughts, vain world, rejoice with trembling. Speak, and let Thy servants lirar — Hear with nieckncss. Hear Thy word with godly f.^ar. TUB LORD'S DAY. •1 While our days on earth are lergtheucd, May we give them. Lord, to Tlu3a ; Cheered by hope and daily strengthened. May we run, nor weary be Till Thy glory Without clouds in heaven we see. 3 Thfn in worship, purer, sweeter. All Thy people shall adore ; Tasting' of enjoyment greater Far llian thought conceived before ; bull enjoyment. Full, unuuxed, and evermore. Thomas Kelly. 181.'i. 250 It shall be a Sabbath of rest xmto yoM.— Leviticus xvi. 31. WE rose to-day with anthems sweet. To sing before the mercy-seat. And ere the darkness round us fell. We bade the grateful vespers sweU. 2 Whate'er has risen from heart sincere, Each upward glance of filial fear. Each true resolve, each solemn vow, Jesus, our Lord ! accept them now. 3 UTiate'er beneath Thy searching eyes Ha.s wrought to spoil our sacritice, 'Mid this sweet stillness while we bow, Jesus, our Lord ! forgive us now : 4 And teach us erring souls to win, And hide their multitude of sin ; To tread in Thy loug-suifering way. And grow more line Thee day by day. 5 So as our Sabbaths hasten past. And rounding years bring nigh the last ; When sinks the sun behind the hill. When all the weary wheels stand still ; 6 When by our bed the loved ones weep. And death -dews o er the forehead creep, And vain is help or hope from men ; Jesus, our Lord ! receive us then. Amen. W. M. Punshon. 1807. 251 3 Saviour Christ, our woes disjiel ; For some are sick, and some are sad. And some have never loved Thee well. And some have lost the love they had ; \ .\nd .some have found the world is vain. Yet from the world they break not free ; .Vnd some have friendswhogive them pain, Yet have not sought a friend in Thee. 5 Saviour Christ, Thou too art man ; Thou hast been troubled, to)npteeace.—VsiiUn xxix. 11. SAVIOUR, again to Thy dear name we raise With one accord our parting hymn of praise ; Wo stand to bless Thoo ere our worship cuaaci. Then lowly knoellni; wait Thy word of IKjace. 74 2 Grant us Thy peace through this approach- ing night ; Turn Thou for us its darkness into light ; From harm and danger keep Thy children free, ■ For dark and light are both alike to Thee. 3 Grant us Thy peace upon our homeward way ; With Thee began, with Thee shall end the day : Guard Thou the lips fiom sin, the hearts from shame. That in this house have called upon Thy name. I Grant us Thy peace throughout our earthly lifi", Our biilni in sorrow, and our stay in strife ; Tlicn, when Thy voice shall bid our con- flict cease. Call us, Lord, to Thine eternal peace. Amen. John Ellerlon. 18G8. MORNING. OR« i,M. ^>^^ My voice shalt Thou hear in the morninij, O i,orti.— Psalm v. 3. AWAKE, my soul, and with tlie sun Thy daily stage of duty run ; Shake off dull sloth, and early rise To pay thy morning sacrifice. 2 Thy precious time misspent redeem, F.ach present d.iy thy last esteem ; Improve thy talent with due care. Fur the great day thyself prepare. 3 In all thy converse be sincere. In conscience as the noon-day clear ; Think how the all-seeing God s\irveys 'J'hy secret thoughts, thy words.and ways. 4 Waki', ami lift uji tlivsclf. mv heart. Ah.l Willi llir angrlsiak.- tliv part, Wlinail iii-ht lung nnwvariiMl sing High glory to the elcrnal King. 5 Lord, I my vows to Thee renew; .Sialtcr my sins as morning dew I Guard my first springs of thought and will. And with Thyself my spirit fill. G liircct, control, suggest, this day. All 1 di'sign. or do, or say ; Thai all my powers, with all thelrmlght. In Thy sole glory may unit(!. Amnn. ISishop Ken. 10'J5. MORNINa. 2bl / xoill sinij aloud of Thtj mercy in the moniinij. — Psaljii lix. 16. C10ME, my soul, thou be waking, / Now is l)reakiiit,' O'.-r tlie earth another day ; Come to Him who made this .splendour, See tliou render All thy feeble strength can pay. 2 Gladly hail the sun returning ; Keady burning Be the incense of thy powers ; For the night is safely ended, (Jiid hath tended Witli His care thy helpless hours. 3 Pray that He may prosper ever Eacli endeavour. When thine aim is good and true ; But that He may ever thwart thee. And convert thee. When thou evil wouldst pursue. 4 Think that He thy ways beholdeth. He unfoldeth Every fault that lurks within ; He the hidden shame glossed over Can discc ver. And discern each deed of sin. 5 Mayest thou on life's last morrow. Free from sorrow. Pass away in slumber sweet ; And, released from death's dark sadness. Rise in gladness That far brighter Sun to greet. 6 Our God's bounteous gifts abuse not, Light r(!fuse not. But His Spirits voice obey ; Thou with Him shalt dwell, beholding Liglit unfolding All thiiigs in unclouded day. Ilarou Von Canilz. Vth Century. Tr. U. J. Buckoll. 1841. 258 The Father of lights, imth whura is no variableness. — James i. 17. I^ATHEPv Of lights, again these new-born rays Tliat flush the kindling east bespeak Thy praise ; Shine on our hearts, true Light of Life, that we May mirror bick Thy light and shine for Thee. 2 God of the day ! teach us to walk in light With guileless hearts, as in our Fathers sight ; To hate the works of darkness, and to be True to ooi-selves, our fellow-man, and Thee. 3 God of our time ! Thy latest gift— this day. We render back to Thee, and humbly lay Upon Thine altar : consecrate its hours. That we may work Thy will with all our powers. 4 God of our home ! we own Thee Master here. May all be ordered in Thy faith and fear ; Unseen but felt, O, may Thy presence prove The bond of peace, the pledge of joy and love. 5 And when at last life's eventide shall come. And tlie night gathers round our earthly home, 0. be Thy face unveiled, our morning star, Herald of dawn in sunnier climes afar. 259 W. Hay Aitken. 1872. 8.7. 8.7. The night is far spent, the day is at hand.— Romans xiii. 12. LO, the golden sun is shining: Let us, children of the day. Cast aside the works of darkness. Which have led our souls astray. 2 May the morn, sweet calmness breathing, bring us peace and purity ; From our lips all falsehood banish. And our thoughts from sin set free. 3 Ever, as the day glides onward, Let us keep oui- tongue from guile. Eyes from wandering, feet from sliding. Hands from aught that can defile. 4 All day long an E}'e is o'er us, Which our every secret knows. Sees our every step before us. From first morn till evening's close. 5 Lord, in holy adoration Fix our hearts and eyes on Thee, Till we taste Thy blest salvation. And unveiled Thy brightness see. 6 Praise unending to the Father, To the Son and Spirit Klest, Still from age to age ascending. Be throughout all worlds addrest. Amen. Front the Latin. Tr. W. J. Cupeland. 1847. 260 give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good.— Vsulm cxxx\i. 1. GIVE thanks to Him who made Moniing light and evening shade. Source and Giver of all good. Nightly sleep and daily food ; Quickener of our wearied powers, Guard of our unconscious hours. DiyiN£ WOESniF. 2 give thanks to nature's King, Who made every breathing thing : His, our warm and sentient frame. His, the mind's immortal flame : O how dose the ties tliat bind Spirits to the Eternal niind ! a O give thanks with heart and lip. For we are His workmanship ; And all creatures are His care : Not a bird that cleaves the air Falls unnoticed ; but who can Speak the Father's love to man? 4 give thanks to Him who came In a mortal, suffering frame- Temple of the Deity Came, for sinful man to die ; In the path Himself liath trod. Leading back His saints to God. Josiak Coiider. 18;^f 261 The Lord's mercies . . . are new every mominci. — Lam. ili. 22, 1'A. (\ TI.MKLY happy, timely, I / Htsirts that with rising morn arise, Kycs that the beam celestial view, Which evermore makes all thingsnew. 2 Xew, every morning, is the love. Our wakening and uprising prove ; Through sleep and darkness safely brought, Restored to life, and power, and thought. 3 New mercies, each returning day, Hover around us while wo \n:\y ; Now perils past, new sins forgiven, New fli()n;4las of God, new hopes of heaven. 4 If. on our daily course, our mind He set to Iiallow all we find. New tre.isures still, of countless price, God will provide for sacrifice. 5 Old friends, old scenes will lovelier bo, As more of heaven in each wc see; Some siifleiiing gleam of love and praj'er Win dawn on every cross and care. f) The trivial round, the common task Will furnish all we ought to ask ; Koiirn to deny ourscives— a road To bring us, daily, nearer God. 7 Seek wc no more,— content with these, Let pri'Hcnt rapture, comfort, ease, A» heaven shall bid them, come or go, — Tlie secret, this, of rest below. 8 Only, O I/>rd, In Thy dear love, Kit IIH for perfect rest above ; And help us, this and every day, To live more nearly as we pray. Amen. John Krhle. 1H27. 7« 262 In the morning unll I dir-'ct my prayer unto Ttiee, and will Icok up. Psalm V. 3. QWEETLY the holy hymn O Breaks on the mornnig air : Before the world with smoke is iliin We meet to offer prayer. 2 While flowers are wet with dews. Dew of our souls, descend ; Ere yet the s\m the day renews, Lord, Thy Spirit send ! 3 Upon the battle-field, Bel'ore the light begins. We seek, O Lord, Thy sheltering shield, To guard us from oiu- sins. 4 Ere yet our vessel sails Upon the stream of day. We plead, O Lord, for heavenly gales To speed us on our way. 5 On the lone mountain side, Before the moi-ning's light. The Man of Sorrows wept and (-ried, And rose refreshed with luiglit. G hear us, then, for wo Are very weak and frail ; Wo make the Saviour's name our plea. And surely must prevail. C. II. Spnrgeon. ISM. 263 He that foUoweth Me shnll not walk in darkness.— 3dhn viii. 12. JESUS, Lord of light and grace, Thou briglitness of the Fathin's l"a-o ; Thou fountain of eternal light. Whose beams disperse the shades of night. 2 Come. Holy Sun of Heavenly lovo, Come in Thy radiance from above, And to our inward hearts convey The Holy Spirit's cloudless ray. 3 So we the K.ather's help will claim And sing the Father's glorious Name, And His almighty grace imiiloie. That wo may stand, to fall no more. 4 May He our actions deign to bless. And loose the bonds of wickedness ; From sudden falls our feel (lcrcn'en. The laither on our journey, 'I'he nearer bi^ to heaven ; And when the shades of evening Shall lengthen o'er our heads. May rays of heavenly glory Illume our dying beds. 4 .Shine I shine : Thou Sun Eternal, And cast a ray divine On those who hymn Thy praises. Both now and ever Thine ; I-'or then no cloud of evening Shall gather round the past. But Thou. Christ, shalt light us Safe Home,— safe Home at last. Amen. Godfrey Thriwj. 1879. (~)C\C\ Iambic. Zi\J\J When I aiiake, 1 am still ivith r/iec.— Psalm cxxxix. 18. STILL, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh. When the bird waketh,and the shadows flee; Fuirer than morning, lovelier than the d:tylight, Dawns the sweet consciousness, I am with Thee. •J Alone with Thee, amid the mystic shadows. The solemn hush of nature newlv born ; Alone with Thee, in breathless adoration. In the calm dew and freshness of the morn. 3 As in the dawning o'er the waveless ocean. The image of the moniing star doth rest. So in this stillness Thou beholdest only Thine image in the waters of uiy breast. 4 Still, still with Thee, as to each new-born morning A fresh and solenm splendour still is given. So doth this blessed consciousness, awak- ing. Breathe, each day, nearness unto Thee and heaven. 5 When sinks the soul, subdued by toil, to slumber. Its closing eye looks up to Thee in prayer ; Sv.eet the repose, beneath Thy wijigs o er- shadowing, But sweeter still to wa!:e and find TLee there. 6 So shall it be at last, in that bright morn- ing When the soul waketh, and life's shadows flee: ! in that hour, fairer than dayhght's dawning, Sh;ai rise the glorious thought, I am with Thee ! Ml Harriet Bcechcr Stowe. b. 1814. 267 With Thee is the fountain o/ii/e.— Psalm xxxvi. 9. STILL with Thee. my God, I would desire to be, By day, by night, at home, abroad, I would be still with Thee. 2 With Thee, when da-vra comes in. And calls me back to care. Each day returning, to begin With Thee, my God, in prayer. 3 With Thee, amid the crowd That tlirongs the busy mart. To hear Thy voice, 'mid clamour loud, Speak softly to my heart. 4 With Thee, when day is done. And e\'euing calms the mind, The setting, as the rising sun. With Thee my heart would find. 5 With Thee, when darkness brings The signal of repose, Calm in the shadow of Thy wings Mine eyelids I would close. 6 With Thee, in Thee, by faith Abiding I would be. By day. by night, in life, in death. I would be still with Thee. Amen. James D. Burns. 1856. alt. 268 Ti^'th 7.6. 7.C. D. nkful tinto Him, and bU\ss Jlis 7i(jm«.— Psalm c. 4. FOR all Thv care we bless Thee, O Fathf r. God of might ! Forgoldi-n hours of morning. And (juii't liowrs of night: Thine is the arm that shields us When danger threatens nijfh. And Thine the hand that yields us Rich gilts of earth and sky. 2 For all Thy love we bless Thee ; No inorial lips can «i>eak Thy comfort to the weary, 'Ihy pltv for the weak : By Thee life s path is brightened With KunHliine and with song ; The heavy loads are lightened. The Iccblo hearts made strong. 3 For all Tliy truth wo bless Tlieo ; Our human vows are fiail. IWit through tho strife of ages Thv word cnn nov«r fall ; Tho kingdoms shall bo broken, The mighty ones will full. The promise Thou hiiat spoken Shall trhimiili overall. 7» 4 teach us how to pr.nise Thee. And touch our lips with ttre ! Yea, let Thy Dove descending. Our hearts and minds inspire ; Thus toiling, watching, singing. We tread our desert way. And every hour is bringing Nearer the dawn of day. Sarah Doudney. 1871. EVENING. 269 G / rvill both lay me down injicace, aiid sieq;.— Psalm Iv. 8. LORY to Thee, my God. this night. For all the blessings of the light ; Beneath Thine own almighty wings 1 2 Forgive me. Lord, for Thy dear .Son, The ills that I this day have done ; That with the world, myself, and Tliee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. 3 may my soul on Thee repose. And may sweet sleep mine eyelids closr. Sleep that may me more vigorous make. To serve my God when I awake. 4 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; Teacli me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the judgment day. 5 If in the night I sleepless lie. My soul with heavenly thoughts supply ; Let no ill dreams disturb my rest. No powers of darkness me molest. 6 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him. all creatures here below, I'raiso llim above, ye he.ivenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Bishop Ken. 101)3. 270 So III' hriiirfcth thrm vnto their cksirtd /latr/i.— Psalm cvli. 30. FATHER of all. again we meet With Joy to worship at Thy fi>et : From home and loved ones parted long Once more wo join their evening song. 2 Thy guiding hand, Lord, hath been With us in every changing scene. AikI now we bend before Thy throne, Tliy giiodness and Thy love to own. EVENING. 3 Tliiiii kiiowst the story of the past— Till' joys and sorrows that have cast Thyir lights and shadows on the way That we have journeyed day by day. 4 Rut we would leave the past witli Thee, With all that Is, and all to be ; Thy tender care so lont; hath blest, We can but trust Thee for the rest. 5 If some we loved have passed away Through death's dark vale to brighter day, We would not call them back again To share with us life's toil and pain : 6 We know that they are safe with Thee, ?'rom e\ery cloud of sorrow free, And, in a home of light and love, We all shall meet again above. H. P. H. 1881. 271 Abide with us. -Luke xxiv. 29. ABIDE with me, falls the eventide ; The darkness deepens. Lord, with me abide : When other helpers fail, and comforts flee. Help of the helpless, abide with me. 2 Swift to its close rbbs out life's little dav, Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away. Change and decay in all around I see ; Thou who changest not, abide >vith me. 3 Not a brief glance I beg, a passing word ; But as Thou dwellst with Thy disciples. Lord, FamOiar, condescending, patient, free. Come not to sojourn, but abide with me. 4 I need Thy presence every passing liour ; What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power ? Who like Thyself my guide and stay can he? Through cloud and sunshine. Lord, abide with nie. 5 I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless. Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness. Where is Death's sting ? where. Grave, thy victory ? 1 triumph still, if Thou abide with me. 6 Reveal Thyself before my closing eyes. Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies ; Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee ; In life, in death, Lord, abide with me. Amen. H. F. Lyte. 1847. •^ ' •^ Thy faith/ulnesx every night. I'salm xcii. 2. SUN of my soul, Thou Saviour dear, It is not night if Thou be near; O may no earth-born cloud arise. To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes. 2 When the soft dews of kindly sleep My wearied eyelids gently sleep. Be my thought, how sweet to rest For ever on my Saviour's breast. 3 Abide with me from mom till eve. For without Thee I cannot live ; Abide with me when night is nigh. For without Thee I dare not die. 4 If some poor wandering child of Thino Have spm-ned to-day the voice Divine, Now, Lord, the gracioas work begin, Let him no more lie down in sin. 5 Watch by the sick ; enrich the poor With blessings from Thy boundless store; Bo every mourner's sleep to-night, Like infant's slumbers, pure and light. 6 Come near and bless us when we wake. Ere through the world our way we take ; Till in the ocean of Thy love We lose ourselves in heaven above. Amen. John Keble. 1820. 273 In blessing I vtill bless thee. Genesis xxii. 17. SWEET Saviour ! bless us ere we go ; Thy word into our minds instil ; And make our lukewarm hearts to glow With lowly love and fervent will. Through life's long day and death s dark night, gentle Jesus ! be our light. 2 The day is done, its hours have run. And Thou hast taken count of all. The scanty triumphs grace hath won. The broken vow, the frequent fall. Through life's long day and death's dark night, gentle Jesus ! be our light. 3 Grant us, dear Lord ! from evil ways True absolution and release ; And bless us, more than in past days. With purity and inward peai-e. Through life's long day and death's dark night, gentle Jesus ! be our light. 79 DIVINE TVORSHIF. 4 Do more than pardon ; give us joy, Sweet and sober liberty, And loving hearts without alloy That only long to be like Thee. Through life's long day and death's dark night, gentle Jesus : be our light. 5 For all we love, the poor, the sad, The sinful, unto Thee we call ; let Thy mercy make us glad : Thou art om- Jesus, and our All. Through life's long day and death's dark night. O gentle Jesus ! be our light. Amen. F. W. Faber. 18(51. nrjA I ■^ ' ^ The Lord shall be unto thee | an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. Isaiah L\. 19. rPHE day is gently sinking to a close, J- Fainter and yet more faint tho sun- light glows ; O brightness of Thy Father's glory. Thou i;ti'rnal Light of Light, be witli us now ; ^Vhpre Thou art present, darkness cannot Midniglit is glorious noon, Lord, with Thee. '2 Our ch.angeful lives are ebbing to an end. Onward to darkness and to death we tend ; Conqueror of the grave, be Thou our Guide, Te Thou our Light in death's dark oven- tide : Tlien in our mortal hour will be no gloom, Ko sting in death, no terror in the tomb. 3 Thou, who in darkness walking didst appear V\)o\i tho waves, and Thy disciples cheer, L'oiiH', Lord, iu lonesome days, when Kloi'm.^i assail. And eartlily hopes and human succours fail; \V'hen all is dark, may we behold Thee nigh. And hear Thy voice, ' Fear not, for It is L" 4 Tho weary world is mouldering to d'>cay, Its glories wane, its pageants fade away ; la that last buusct, when the stars shall tall. May we arise, awakened by Thy call, With Tlii-e, <> Lord, for over to abide lu that bletit day which has no uvuntide ! Anion. liiahop C. Wordsworth. ]»(/.'. SO 275 7.6. 7.6. 8.J When thou liest doivn, thou Shalt not be a/raid.— ¥ro\'. ill. 24. THE day is past and over ; All thanks, Lord, to Thee ! We pray Thee now that sinless The hours of dark may be ; O Jesus, keep us in Thy sight. And save us through the coming night 2 The joys of day are over ; We lift our hearts to Thee. And ask Thee that otfenceless The hours of dark may bo ; O Jesus, make their darkness liglit, And save us through the coming night 1 3 The toils of day are ovex ; We raise oiu- hymn to Thee, And ask that free from peril The hours of dark may bo ; O .lesus, keep us in Thy sight. And guard us through the coming night 1 4 Be Thou our soul s preserver. For Thou, God, dost know How many are the perils Awaiting us below ; O loving Jesus, hear our call. And guard and save us from them all ! Amen. An'atolius. 5th Centurv. Tr. J. M. Neale. 1862. 276 And there shall be >io night there.— liov. x.xii. 5. THE radiant morn hath passed away, And spent too soon her golden store ; The shadows of departing day Creep on once more. 2 Our life is but .an autumn day, lis glorious iiMdii how (juickly ; Lead us, O ("lirist, Tliou Living Way, Safe homo at last. 3 ! by Thy soul-inspiring grace Uplift our hearts to realms on high; Help us to look to that bright place Beyond the sky ; 4 Where light, and life, and joy, and peace In undivided enijUre reign. And thronging angels never ccaso Their deathless strain ; 5 Wh.iv iinis ;in rlolhccl in sixitless wliiti^ Am! .v. i:(i,; 1i,hI,,u.s iievrrrall, Wh( 1.- rip. 11. l.i.niiil Liglit of light, Alt Loid of all. Anu'.n. (iodjrey Thring. 180G. EVENING, 277 The time of my departure is at hand.— 2 Timothy Iv. 6. THIS sweetly solemn thought Can cheer the evening hour, I'm nearer to my home to-'earer the crystal sea : 5 Nearer the vale of death. To lay my burden down ; To bear the palm and wear the cro«ni, And stand before the throne. J'hoebe Gary. d. 1871. And George GiU. 1878. 278 At evening time it shall be light.— Zech. xiv. 7. AT evening time when day is done. Life s little day is near its close, And all the glare and heat are gone, And gentle dews foretell repose ; To crown my faith before the night, At evening time let there be light ! 2 At evening time when labour's past ; Though storms and toUs have marred my day Mercy has tempered every blast. And love and hope have cheered the Now let the parting hour be bright, At evening time let there be light ! i God doth send light at evening time. And bid tlie fears, the doubtings flee ; I trust His promises sublime. His glory now is risen on me, His full salvation is in sight, At evening time, there now is light. Jnmes Montgomery. 1841. Alt. George Rawson. 1857. 279 8.8.7. 8.8. Under the shadow of the Almighty.— Psa.lm xci. 1. IjlATHER, in high heaven dwelling, May our evening song be teUing, Of Thy mercy large and free ; Through the day Thy love has fed us. Through the day Thy care has led us, With divinest charity. 2 This day's sins, 0. pardon. Saviour ! Evil thoughts, perverse behaviour. Envy, pride, and vanity ; From the world, the flesh, deliver. Save us now. and save us ever, Thou Lamb of Calvary ! 3 From enticements of the devil. From the might of spirits evil. He our shield and panoply ; Let Thy power this night defend u.s. And a heavenly peace attend us. And angelic company. 4 While the night dews are distilling. Holy Ghost, each heart be filling From Thine owa Infinity ! Softly let our eyes be closing. Loving souls on Thee reposing. Ever blessed Trinity ! Amen. George Raivson. 1857. 280 6.G.4. C.C.ti.i. Notv let it please Thee to bless the house of Thy servant. 2 Samuel vii. 29. FATHER of love and power. Guard Thou our evening hour, Shield with Thy might ; For all Thy care this day Our grateful thanks we pay. And to our Father pray. Bless us to-night 1 2 Jesus Immanuel ! Come in Thy love to dwell In hearts contrite ; For many sins we grieve. But we Thy grace receive. And in Thy word believe ; Bless us to-night ! 3 Spirit of Holiness, Gentle transfornung grace. Indwelling Light ; Soothe Thou each weary breast. Now let Thy peace possessed Calm us to perfect rest ; Bless us to-uight ! Amen. George Rawson. 1857. 281 8.4. 8.4. S.8.8.4. There shall no evil befall thee. Psalm xci. 10. p OD that madest earth and heavei vJ Darkness and light ; Who the day for toil hast given. For rest the night ; Jlay Thine angel-guard defend us. Slumber sweet Thy mercy send us. Holy dreams and hopes attend us. This livelong night. 81 DIVINE TVOESHTF. 2 When we in the morn awaken, Guide us Tliy way, Keep our love and truth unshaken In work and play ; In our daily task be near us, In temptation keep and hear us, And with holy counsel cheer us, The livelong day. 3 Guard us waking, guard ns sleeping, And, when we die, ^lay we in Thy rnighty keeping AU peaceful lie • When the last dread call shall wake us. Do not Thou, oiu' God, forsake us, Ijut to reign in glory take >is With Thee on high. Amen. First verse. Bishop R. Heher. \»-2<\. Third verse, Archbishop Whately. d. 1803. QQQ ^'O^ 1 7ci!l be as the dew unto Jsru^L—Hosea, xiv. 5. HOW calmly the evening once more is descending. As kiiul as a promise, as .still as aprayer ; O \\•il]^' I if the Lord, in Thy shelter be- May wf and our households continue to sliare ! 2 The sky, like the kingdom of heaven, is open ! O enter, my soul, at the glorious gates ; The silence and smile of His love are the token. Who now for all comers invitingly waits. 3 We come to be soothed with His merciful healing ; Th" -ws of the night cure the wounds of the day; W.' .oiii,., o\ir life's worth and its brevity With thTinks for the past ; for the future we pray. 4 L(-rd, save us from folly; Vw with us in sorrow ; Sustain us in work till the time of our rest; When earth's day la over, may heavens to- morrow Dawn on us, of homes long expected possessed. Amen. T. T. Lynch. 1855. 283 Thou shttlt lie down, and none shuU make thee afraid.— Job xi. 19. VOW Gnd bo with us, for the night is IS .•l.Mii.g; Till- light Mnd.larknessareofllisdl.sposlng, And n.'iith His shadow wo to rust may yield lis. For Ho will shield u.s. 2 Let evil thoughts and spirits flee before ns ; Till morning cometh, watch, Father, o'er ns ; In soul and body Thou from harm defend us; Thine angels send us. 3 Let holy thoughts be ours when sleep o'er- takes us ; Our earliest thoughts be Thine when morning wakes us ; All day serve Thee ; in all that we are doing Thy praise pursuing. 4 We have no refuge ; none on earth to aid us. Save Thee, Father, who Thine own hast made us ; But Thy dear presence will not leave them lonely. Who seek Thee only. 5 Father, Thy name be praised, Thy king- dom given. Thy will be done on earth as 'tis in heaven ; Keep us in life, forgive our sins, deliver Us now and ever. Amen. Peter Herbert. K>th Century. 4th verse anon. Tr. Catherine Winkworth. 1858. 284 Fear thou nnt,for Tarn ivith . 286 Peace be unto mu. Luke xxiv. 36. THOU who hast known the carewon breast. The weary need of sleep's deep balm. Come, Saviour, ere we go to rest, And breathe around Thy perfect calm. 2 Thy presenile gives us childlike trust. Gladness and hope without alloy. The faith that triumphs o'er the dust. And gleamiugs of eternal joy. 3 Stand in our midst, dear Lord, and say, ' Peace be to j'ou this evening hour ; ' Thi'u all the struggles of the day Vanish before Tuy loving power. 4 Blest is the pilgrimage to heaven, A little nearer every night ; Christ to our earthly darkness given. Till in Hid glory there Is light. George Rawson. 1833. QOr? 9,8. 9.8. ^O i So He givHh His beloved sleep. — Psalm cxxvii. 2. WE bless Thy name, O holy Jesus, For evening hours and silent night, For day's decline, that gently frees us From all the burdens of the light. 288 The lifting tip of my han'ls as the evening sacrifice.— Vsalm cxli. 2. THE sun Is sinking fast, The daylight dies ; Let love awake, and pay Her evening sacrifice. 2 As Christ upon the cross His head inclined. And to His Father's hands His parting soul resigned ; 3 So now herself, my soul. Would wholly give Into His sacred" charge In whom all spirits live ; 4 So now beneath His eye Would calmly rest. Without a wish or thought Abiding in the brea&t ; 5 Save that His will be done. Whate'er betide. Dead to herself, and dead In Him to all beside. 6 Thus would I live ; yet now Not I, but He, In all His power and love. Henceforth alive in me. 7 One sacred Trinity. One Lord Disine ; May I be ever His, And He for ever mine ! Amen. Fro7n the Latin. Tr. Edward CasivaU. 1858. 289 9.8. 9.8. r.'/e Lord shall reign for ever ami ei-er.— Exodus xv. 18. THE day Thou gavest. Lord, is ended. The darkness falls at Thy behest : To Thee our morning hymns ascended. Thy praise shall sanctify our rest. 83 THE HOLT SCEIPTURES. ^Miile earth rolls onward into light, Through all the world her watch is keep- in,">, oxpa::il ;ill christian souls To coiiipnli.'nd Tliy love; And make us all go on to know. With nobler powers conferred : Tlie Lord hath yet more light and truth To break forth from His word. Amen. George Rawsun. 1876. 301 W To our poor reach of mind. TE limit not the tnith of Ood •po By notions of our day and sect. Crude, partial, and confined : No, let a new and better hope Within our hearts be stirreJ : The Lord hath yet more light and To break forth from His word. 2 Who dares to bind to h's dull sense The oracles of heaven. For all the nations, tongues, and climes. And all the ages given ? That universe, how much unknown ! That ocean, unexplored ! The Lord hath yet more light and truth To break forth from His woid. 3 Darkling our great forefathers went The first steps of the way : 'Twas but the dawning, yet to grow Into the perfect day : 8.S.8.8. S.8 His delight is in the law 'e lame, for Joy. 7 Look unto Him, ye nations ; own Your God, ye fallen race ; Look, anil be saved through faith ttlunc. Bo Justified by grace. ;; Sen all your hIiih on .Icsiw laid : The Lamb of God was slain. His soul was i«nc(< an offering mado For every houI of man. Charles Wesley. 1739. •307 5-5- 5.5. 6.5. 6.5. '-''-' • Salvation to our God which siiteth u})on the throne, and vnto the Lamb. lievelation vii. 10. VE servants of God. 1 Your Master proclaim, And publish abroad H Is wonderful name ; The name all-victorioua Of Jesus extol ; His kingdom is glorious. And rules over all. C God rulcth on high. Almighty to save; And still lie is nigh, His presc'ice we have ; TIk" f,'iv;it i-ivt,'atlon lli-^ tiiiiiii].li sli.iUsing, AsciiliiiiL; S.I l\;il inn 3 ' Salvation to God Who sits on the throne. Let all cry aloud. And honour the Son : The praises of Jesus, The angels proclaim. Fall down on their faces. And worship the I,amb. Then let us adoi AlMlgivn lliin Ills right. All gl.irvMiJ.l iH wer. All wisddiri Ml d might. All lin.ioiu-. -11111 ilesslng. Willi MUg.'ls.-l, And thanks nev •r ceasing. For infinite lovo. Amen, Wesley. 1709. THE GOSPEL MESSAGE. OOQ 7.6. 7.6. D. \J\J lor Mil liMstdiiMl : Show Ih.-n th.. tokens of Thy lo\ Thy feet, Thy hands. Thy side. Thy f(M!t were nailed to yonder troo To trample down their sin ; Thy hands Htretcheil out they all may see To take Thy inurdororB in. 7 Thy side an open fountain is Where all may freely go, And drink the living streams of bliss And wash them white as snow. 8 Ready Thou art the blood to apply. And pi-o\c the record true ; And all Tliy wounds to sinners cry, • I sutfered this for you 1 ' Charles Wesley. 171'J. 314 Thus saith the Lord, Let not the ivise man glory in his ivisdom. Jeremiah ix. 23. LET not the wise his wisdom boast ; The mif'lity glory in his might; The rich in flattering riches trust. Which take their everlasting llight. 2 The rush of numerous years bears down The most gigantit; strength of man ; And where is all his wisdom gone. When dust he turns to dust again 1 3 One only gift can .iustify Thr lio;i.sMng soul that knows his God ; Wh.'n .h'sus doth Ills blood apply, 1 glory ill His spriuldcd blood. 4 Tlie Lonl my Righteousness I praise; I triuni])!! in the love divine, The wisdom, wealth, and strength of grace, In Christ to endless ages mine. Charles Wesley. 1702. 315 Xot by ivorks o/rif)hk'c»isncss which we have done, but according to Hi mercy He saved us. — Titus iii. 5. f OT what these hands have done Can .save this guilty soul ; Not what this toiling flesh has borne Can make my spirit whole. w 2 Not what I feel or do Can give me peace with God ; Not all my prayers, and sighs, and to Can bear my awfid load. 3 Thy work alone, O Christ, Can case this weight of s'n ; Tliy blood alone, Liimb of God, Can give mo peace witliln. 4 Thy love to nie, O (3od, Not niin.', () Lonl, toTh.-e, Can rid ine >>r this d;iik unrest. And set my spirit free. r> Thy grace alone, God, To me can pardon speak ; Thy |)ower alono, O Son of God, Can this soro bondago break. INVITATION TO THE SINNER. 6 I bless the Christ of God, I rest on love divine; And witli unfaltering lip and heart, I call this Saviour mine. Horatius Bonar. 1857. 316 CM. With Chorus. The Gospel ofvoiir salvation. Ephesians i. 13. SALV.VTIOX ! the joyful sound I What pleasure to our ears 1 A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. Glory, honour, praise, and power Be unto the Lahib for ever I Jesus Christ is our Redeemer : Hallelu.iah l praise the Lord. Salvation ! let the echo fly The spacious earth around ; While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. 3 Salvation ! O Thou bleeding Lamb, To Thee the praise belongs ; Salvation shall inspire our hearts. And dwell upon our tongues. Isaac Watts. 1700. And W. W. Shirley. 1772. 317 Ilis (jreat love wheretinth He loved us.— Ephesians ii. 4. TTTAS there ever kindest shepherd V V Half so gentle, half so sweet. As the Saviour who would have us Come and gather round His feet t 2 There is welcome for the sinner ; And more graces for the good ; There is mercy with the Saviour, There is healing in His blood. 3 There is plentiful redemption In the blood that has been shed ; There is Joy for all the members In the sorrows of the Head. 4 For the love of God is broader Than the measures of man's mind ; And the heart ot the Eternal Is most wonderfully kind. 5 If our love were but more simple. We should take Him at His word ; Ami our lives would be all sunshine In the sweetness of our Lord. F. W. Faber. 18i'J. (BtraitgcHsttc ^cr bites. INVITATION TO THE SINNER. 318 Come ; for all thinos are now ready.— Luke xiv. 17. COME, sinners, to the Gospel feast, Let every soul be Jesus guest ; Ye need not one be left behind. For God hath bidden all mankind. Sent by my Lord, on you I call. The invitation is to all; Come all the world, come sinner thou. All things in Christ are ready now. Come, all ye souls by sin opprest. Ye restless wanderers after rest ; Ye poor, and maimed, and halt, and bUnd, In Christ a hearty welcome find. 4 My message as from God receive. Ye all may come to Chiist, and live ; O let His love your hearts constrain. Nor sulfer llim to die in vain ! His love is nughty to compel. His conquering love consent to feel ; Yield to His love's resistless power. And tight against your God no more. 6 See Him set forth before your eyes. That precious bleeding sacrifice : His offered benefits embrace. And freely now be saved by grace. 7 This is the time, no more delay. This is the acceptable day : Come in, this moment, at His call. And live for Him who died for all. Wesley. 1747. 91 EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. 319 8.7. 8.7. 7.7. There shall be a fountain opeiKd to the house of David, . . . for sin and for undeamiess. —Zech. xiii. 1. COME to Calvary's holy mountain, Sinners ruined by the fall ; Here a puie and healing fountain Flows to you, to me, to all, In a full perpetual tide, Opened when the Saviour died. 2 Come, in sorrow and contrition. Wounded, impotent, and blind ; Here the guilty free remission, Here the troubled peace may find ; Health this fountain will restore. He that drinks shall thirst no more. 3 He that drinks shall live for ever, 'Tis a soul-renewing flood ; God is faithful ; God will never Break His covenant in blood. Signed when our Redeemer died. Sealed when He was glorified. James Monhjomenj. 1819. OOfv 12.11. 12.11. 0^\J Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.— John vi. 37. OCOME to the merciful Saviour who calls yo", O come to the Lord who forgives and forgets ; Though dark be the fortune on earth that befalls you. There's a bright homo above where the sun never sets. 2 U come then to Jesus, whoso arms are e.x- tended To fold His dear children in closest em- brace ; I) come, for your cxilo will sliortly bo ended. And Jesus will show you His beautiful face ; ;! Yes. come to the Saviour, whoso mercy grows brighter The longer you look at the depth of Hi.s love ; And fearnot ! 'tis Jesus! and life's cares grow Ugliter, As you tliink of the homo and the glory above. 4 Have you sinned an none else in the world have before you? y\ie yi>u blacker than all other creatures in guilt? O feir not. and doubt not ! the mother who bore you I/jves you loss than tho Saviour whoso blooil you have spilt. »2 5 come, then, to Jesus, and say how you love Him, And vow at His feet you will keep in His grace ; For one tear that is shed by a sinner cnn move Him, And yonr sins will drop off in His tender embrace. 6 Come, come to His feet, and lay open your story Of suffering and sorrow, of guilt and of shame ; For the pardon of sin is the crown of His {(lory. And the joy of our Lord to be true to His name. F. W. Fuber. UvW. 321 8.7. 8.7. 4. / am not come to call tlce (jhteoas, but sinners to repentance. Matthew ix. 13. COME, ye sinners, poor and wntcliiMl, Weak and wounded, sick and sore ; Jesus ready stands to save you. Full of pity joined with power : He is able ; He is willing : doubt no more. 2 Ho ! ye needy, come and welcome, God's free boimty glorify ; Tiiie belief and true repentance. Every grace that brings us nigli, Without money. Come to Jesus Christ and buy. 3 Let not conscience make j'ou linger, Nor of fitness fondly dre.ani ; All the fitness He reouireth Is to feel j'our need of Hiin : This He gives you ; 'Tis the Spirit's rising beam. 4 Come, ye weary, heavy laden. Bruised and broken bv the r.iM ; If you tarry tillyouro bett- i. You will iir\ii((iiiic iit ah: Sinners Jesus camo to call. 5 Agonizing ii\ the garden, Lo I your Saviour prostrate lies ; On the bloody tree behold Him ; Hear llim cry before He dies, ■It is finished!' Finished, the great s.acrifice. C Saints and angels Joined In concert. Sing the praises of tho Lamb; While the blissful seats of heaven Sweetly echo with His nanm. Hallelujah ! Sinners here may sing tho same. A)Mr)i Jo.teph Hart. 17.V.I. INVITATION TO THE SINNER. 322 8,7. 8.7. D. Call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind.— Lnke xiv. 13. CALL them in ! ' the poor, the wretched. Sin-stained wanderers from the fold; Peace and pardon freely olfer. Can you wei^h their worth with gold? 'Call them in ; ' the weak, the weary, Laden with the doom of sin ; iJid them come and rest in Jesus : He is waiting : ' call them in ! ' ' Call them in ! ' the Jew, the Gentile ; Bid the stranger to the feast ; ' Call them in ! ' the rich, the noble, From the highest to the least. Forth the Father runs to meet them. He hath all their sorrow.s seen ; Robe, and ring, and royal sandals Wait the lost ones : ' call them in : • ' Call them in ! ' the broken-hearted. Cowering 'neath the brand of shame ; Speak love's message, low, and tender, ■ 'Twas for sinners Jesus came.' See, the shadows lengthen round us. Soon the day-dawn will begin ; Can you leave them lost and lonely ? Christ is coming : ' call them in ! ' Mrs. A. Shipton. 1862. 323 Thf: Spirit and the brills say, come.— Revelation xxii. 17. C10ME, ye weary sinners, come, I All who groan beneath your load ; Jesus calls His wanderers home. Hasten to your pardoning God. 2 Come, ye guilty spirits oppressed. Answer to the Saviour's call ; ' Come, and I will give you rest, Come, and I will save you all.' Jesus, full of truth and love. We Thy kindest word obey : Faithfullet Thy mercies prove, Take our load of guilt away. 4 Fain we would on Thee rely, Cast on Thee our every care ; To Thine arms of mercy fly, Find our lasting quiet there. 5 Burdened with a world of grief. Burdened with our sinful load. Burdened with this unbelief. Burdened with the wrath of God ; G Lo ! we come to Thee for ease. True and gracious as Thou art ; Now our groaning souls release. Write forgiveness on our heart. 32i All things are rendu : rome unto the marriage.— Matthew xxii. 4. SINNERS, obey the Gospel word, Haste to the supper of my I/>rd, Be wise to know your gracious day. All things are ready, come away ! 2 Ready the Father is to own And kiss His late-returning Son ; Ready your loving Saviour stand.s. And spreads for you His bleeding hand.s 3 Ready the Spirit of His Love, Just now the hardest heart to move ; To apply and witness with the blood. And w ash and seal the sons of Goil : 4 Ready for you the angels wait To triumph in your blest estate ; Tuning their liarps they long to praise The wonders of redeeming grace. 5 The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Is ready, with tlieir shining host ; All heaven is ready to resound, ' The dead's alive ! the lost is found ! 6 Come, then, ye sinners, to your Lord, In Christ to Paradise restored ; His proffered benefits embrace. The plenitude of Gospel grace. Charles Wesley. 1749. OOp;, 7.6. 7.6. p. O^CiU standeth be/ore the door. James v. 9. JESUS, Thou art standing Outside the fast-closed door. In lowly patience waiting To pass the threshold o'er : Shame on us. Christian brethren. His name and sign w ho bear ; O. shame : thrice shame upon us, To keep Him standing there. 2 Jesus, Thou art knocking : .\nd !o 1 that hand is scarred, And thorns Thy brow encircle. And tears Thy lace have marred : O love that passeth knowledge. So patiently to wail! sin that hath no equal, bo fast to bar the gate ! 3 Jesus, Thou art pleading In accents meek and low, ' I died for you. My children. And will ye treat Me so ? ' Lord, with shame and sorrow We open now the door : Dear Saviour, enter, enter, And leave us never more. Amen. Bishop W. W. Il.vr. iSuT. !;3 EVAIiGELISTIC SERVICES. 326 7.7. 7.7. D. Why will ye die, hoiise of Israel /— Ezekiel xviii. 31. SI.VXERS, turn, why will j-e die ? God, your Maker, asks you why : God. who did your being give, Maile you with Himself to live ; He the fatal cause demands. Asks the work of His own hands, Why. ye thankless creatures, why WiU ye cross His love, and die? 2 Sinners, turn, why will ye die ? God, ynur Saviour, asks you why : Goil, wild (lid your souls retrieve, lii.Ml llun.s.-iithat ye might live. Will you \^t Him die in vain? Ci'.K it'y ynur Lt)rd again? Why, ye ransomed sinners, why Will you slight His grace and die f 3 Sinners, turn, why will ye die? God, the Spirit, asks you why : He who all your lives hath strove, Wooed you to embrace His love : WiU you not His grace receive? Will you still refuse to live ? Why, ye long-sought sinners, why WiU you grieve your God, and die ? Wesley. 1741. 327 I.<:racl, return unto the Lord thy 6'0(i.— Hosea xiv. 1. WK.\RY souls that wander wide From the central point of bliss, Turn to .Jesus crucified, V\y to those dear wounds of His, Sink into the purple flood, Rise into the life of God. 2 Find in Christ the way of peace, Peai:e unsiH-akiible, unknown ; By Mis pain He gives you, I.lfo by His expiring groan ; Uis.\ exalted by His fall. Find in Christ your all in alL 3 believe the record true, God to you His Son hath given I Ve may now be happy too. Find on earth the life of heaven. Live the life of heaven above. All the life of glorious lovo. 4 This the universal bliss, KUms liir I'virv smil designed ; Go,|-M .„,..„, I, .V „.,,his, Gods' I. ,1 111 In, ,11 i„;niklnd; Hl"st li, ( ,iM,i ilH moment be! Dl0.Mt to all elelimy : Weslej. 1717. 04 328 S.M. With Chorus. The Master is come, and callethfor thee.— John xi. 28. I HEAR Thy welcome voice That calls me. Lord, to Thee, For cleansing in Thy precious blood That flowed on Calvary. I am coming. Lord, Coming now to Thee ! Wash me, cleanse me, in the blood That flowed on Calvary. 2 Though coming weak and vile. Thou dost my strength assure ; Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse. Till spotless all and pure. 3 'Tis .Tesus calls me on To perfect faith and love. To perfect hope, and peace, ami trust, For earth and heaven above. 4 'Tis Jesus who confirms The blessed work within. By ? V Which moves with busy haste along. Those wondrous gatherings day by day? Whatmeans this strange commotion, pray? In accents hushed the throng reply, ' Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.' 95 EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. 2 Who is this Jesus ? Why should He The city move so mightily? A passino: stransrer, has He skill To move the multitude at will ? A;:,'ain the >tirring tones reply, ' Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." 3 Jesus : 'tis He who once below Man's li way trod mid pain and woe; And burd.-ned ones, whereer He came, Krought out their sick, and deaf, an lame : The blind rejoiced to hear the cry, ' Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." 4 Again He comes ! from place to place His holy footprints we can trace. He pauseth at our threshold— nay. He enters— condescends to stay ; Shall we not gladly raise the cry? • Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.' 5 Ho : all ye heavy-laden, come. Here s pardon, comfort, rest, and home; Ye wanderers from a Fathers face, lleturn, accept His proffered grace ; Ve tempted ones, there's refuge nigh, ' Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.' C I!ut if you still His call refuse. And all His wondrous love abuse. Soon will He sadly from you turn, "i'our bitter prayer for pardon spurn : ' Too late ! too late ! ' will be the cry, ■Jesus of Nazareth has passed by." Etta Cam2)ben. 18C3. OO/I . «J»_>"a: Thehhnd receive their sight, and the lame walk, . . . and the poor have the gospel jireached to them.— xi. 5. VH neighbours and friends 1 Of Jesus, draw near, His love condescends, Hy titles so dear. To call and Invite you His triumph to prove. And freely delii;ht you Hi Jesus's love, — 2 The Shepherd who died His sheep to redeem ; On every side Are gathered to Him The wiary and burdened, Till' r.'iirnli.iif race ; And WMii 111 lie ipanloned Tliniugh Jesus 8 grace. 3 The blind are restored Through Jesus's name ; They see their Lord, And follow the Lamb ; The halt they are walking, And running their race ; The dumb they are talking Of Jesus 8 grace. 4 The deaf hear His voice, And comforting word ; It bids them rejoice In Jesus their Lord : ' Thy sins are forgiven. Accepted thou art ; ' They listen, and heaven Springs up in their heart. 5 The lepers from all Their spots are made clean ; The dead by His call Are raised from their sin ; In Jesus compassion The sick find a cure ; And gospel salvation Is preached to the poor. C To us and to them Is published the word : Then let us proclaim Oui life-giving Lord, WTio now is reviving Hiij work in our days. And mightily striving To save us by grace. 7 Jesus, ride on. Till all are subdued ; Thy njercy make known. And sprinkle Thy blood ; Display Thy salvation. And teach the new song To every nation. And people, and tongue. Charles Weslc;/. EXHORTATION TO REPENT. 335 His eves were as a flame o/ftre.-Rcv. 1. i4. THOU Son of God, whose flaming eyes Our inmost thoughts perceive, Accept the evening sacrifice. Which now to Thee wo give. 2 We bow before Thy gracious throne, And think ourselves sincere ; Hut show us. Lord, is every ouo Thy real worshipper? ." Is here a soul that knows Thee not. Nor feels his w.ant of Thee ? A Btninger to the blood which bought His pardon on the tree ? 4 Oonvlnre him now of unbelief, His desperate state explain ; ,And fill his heart with sacred grlot, And penitential pain. EXHORTATION TO REPENT. 5 Speak with that voice which wakes the dead, And bid the sleeper rise I And bid his guilty conscience dread The death that never dies. C Extort the cry. * What must be done To save a wretch like me ? How shall a trembling sinner shun That endless misery ? 7 * I must this instant now begin Out of my sleep to awake ; And turn to God, and every sin Continually forsake : S ' I must for faith incessant cry. And wrestle. Lord, with Thee : I must be born again, or die To all eternity. Charles Wesley. 1767. 336 6.6. 6.6. C.C. But first gave their own selves to the Lord.— 2 Corinthians viii. 5. I GAVE My life for thee. My precious blood I shed. That thou might st ransomed be, And quickened from the dead : I gave My life for thee ; AVhat hast thou given for Me 1 2 I spent long years for thee, In weariness and woe, That an eternity Of joy thou mightest know : I spent long years for thee ; Hast thou spent one for Me ? 3 My Father's home of light. My rainbow-circled throne, I left for earthly night. For wanderings sad and loue : I left it all for thee ; Hast thou left aught for Me ? 4 I suffered much for thee. More than thy tongue can tell. Of bitterest agony. To rescue thee from hell : I sufl'ered much for thee ; What canst thou bear for Me ? 6 And I have brought to thee, Down from My home above. Salvation full and free. My pardon and My love : Great gifts I brought to thee -, What hast thou brought to Me ? 6 0, let thy life be given. Thy years for Me be spent, World-fetters all be riven. And joy with suffering blent : I gave Myself for thee ; Give thou thyself to Me. Frrniccs H. HaveraaJ. ls:/.>. H 337 As the Holt/ Ghost saith. To- day if ye iviXl hear His voice. Hebrews lii. 7. ODD not let the word depart. And close thine eyes against the light, Poor sinner, harden not thine heart ; Thou \ ould'st be saved ; why not to- night? To-morrow's sun may never rise To bless thy long-deluded sight ; This is the time, then be wise I Thou would'st be saved ; why not to- night ? Thy God in pity urges still. And wilt thou thus His love requite? U'^nounce at length thy stubborn will ; Thou would'st be saved ; why not to- night? 4 The world has nothing left to give ; No new, no pure, no sure delight ; Try then the life which Christ will give ; Thou would St be saved ; why not to- night? 5 His boundless love refuses none Who would to Him their souls unite : Then be the work of grace begun ; Thou would'st bo saved ; why not to- night? Mrs. Eliza Ann Reed. 1812. QQQ s.M. OOO Htm hath God exalted . . . to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.— Acts V. 31. OTHAT I could repent. With all my idols part. And to Thy gracious eyes present A humble contrite heart ; 2 A heart with grief cpprest. For having grieved my God, A troubled hean, that cannot rest, TUl sprinkled with Thy blood. 3 Jesus, on me bestow The penitent desire ; With true sincerity of woo My aching breast inspire : 4 With softening pity look. And melt my hardness down ; Strike with Thy love's resistless stroke. And break this heart of stone : Amen. Charles Wesley. 17-19. 97 EVANQELISTIC SERVICES. 339 Behold, T stand at the door, and Arnocfc.— Revelation iii. 20. KNOCKING ! knocking ! who is there ? Waiting, waiting, 0, how fair ! "Tis a Pilgrim, strange and kingly, Never such was seen before ; Ah, my soul, for such a wonder Wilt thou not undo the door ? 2 Knocking ! knocking ! still He's there ! Waiting, waiting, wondi-ous fair 1 But the door is hard to open, For the weeds and ivy-vine, With their dark and clinging tendrils. Ever round the hinges twine. 3 Knockinsr | knockine !— what, still there I Waiting, waiting, grand and fair ! Yes, the pierct''d hand still knoi-keth, And beneath the crowned hair Beam the patient eyes, so tender, Of thy Saviour waiting there. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stotve. 1867. Alt. P. P. Bliss. 1874. ^AC\ *~>^i^\J He found nothing but leaves. Mark xi. 13. NOTHING but leaves ! the Spirit grieves Over a wasted life ; O'er sins indulged while conscience slept, er vows and promises unkept ; And reaps, from years of strife, Nothing but leaves 1 2 Nothing but leaves ! No gathered sheaves Of life's fair ripening grain : Wo sow our seeds ; lo, tares and woc^ds, Words, idle words for earnest deeds ; We reap, with toil and pain, Nothing but leaves ! 3 Nothing but leaves ! Sad memory weaves No veil to hide the past : And iis we trace our weary way, Counting eacli lost and misspent day, Sadly we find at last. Nothing but leaves 1 4 Ah ! who shall thus the Master moot. Bearing but withered leaves? Ah ! who shall at the Saviour's feet Before the awful Judgment-seat Lay down, for Kohh-n sheaves, Nothing but leaves V Mrs. M. S. Dana. 18C9. SAL VA TION THRO UGH FAITH. 341 If any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come i»i to him. Revelation iii. 20. COME, let us, who in Christ believe, Our common Saviour praise ; To Him with Joyful voices give The glory of His grace. 2 He now stands knocking At the door Of every sinner's heart ; The worst need keep Him out no more. Or force Him to depart. 3 Through grace we hearken to Thy voice. Yield to be saved from sin ; In sure and certain hope rejoice, That Thou wilt enter in. 4 Come quickly in. Thou heavenly Guest, Nor ever hence remove ; But sup with us, and let the feast Be everlasting love. Amen. Wesley. 1741. 342 D. Unto you . . . which believe. He is precious. — 1 Peter ii. 7. INKED Thee, precious Jesus, Fori uiii full of .sin; My soul i.s dark and iiuilty, My heart is di:ul within: I need the cloaiisiiij; fountain Where I can always flee, The blood of "most precious. The sinner's perfect plea. 2 I need Thee, precious Jesus, For I am very poor ; A stranger and a pilgrim, I have no earthly store : I need the love of .lesiis To eheer iiie cii my way, To guide my doubting footsteps, To be my strength and stay. 3 I need Thee, precious Jesus, I need a Iricnd lik.>Thee; A friend to so,,l h.. and pity, A fririhl I., raiv lor mo: I need til.' Ill-all of .Irsus To feel eaili an.xioiis care. To bear my every burden. And all my sorrow share. 4 I need Thee, preiions .lesus, ,. And liojie lo see The,' soon, f Encircled uitli (he rainbow, ■ And sealed on 'I'liv throne : I There, Willi Thy blood-bouKlit children, .My Joy shall <'Vi'r be, , To siiii,' I'hy praise, ],oid Jesus, | To gaz-e, my Lord, on Thee. | P. WhiUleld. 1860, p SALVATION THROUGH FAITH. Q4.Q CM. *-'^*^'-' ITaving a form of godlinfux, but denying the power thereof. 2 Timothy iii. 5. J" ONG have I seemed to serve Thee, Lord, J With unavailing pain ; Fasted, and prayed, and read Thy word. And heard it prea<;hed in vain. 2 Oft did I with the assembly join. And near Thine altar drew ; A form of godliness was mine, The power I never knew. 3 I rested in the outward law, Nor knew its deep design, The length and breadth I never saw. And height, of love dl\'ine. 4 To please Thee thus, at length I see, Vaiidy I hoped and strove ; For what are outward things to Theo, Unless they spring from love t I see the perfect law requires Truth in the inward parts. Our full consent, our whole Our undivided hearts. G But I of means have made my boast. Of means an idol made ; The spirit in the letter lost. The substance in the shade. 7 WTiere am I now, or what my hope J Wliat can my weakness do? Jesus, to Thee my soul looks up, 'Tis Thou must make it new. Wesley. 1740. OAA 7.7. \ •^ J^^^ Hide Thy face from my sins. Psalm U. 9. DEPTH of mercy, can there be Mercy still reserved for me 1 Can my God His wrath forbear? Me, the chief of sinners, spare? I have long withstood His grace, Long provoked Him to His face, Would not hearken to His calls. Grieved Him by a thousand falls. 2 I have spilt His precious blood, Trampled on the Son of God, FiUcd with pangs mispeakable, I, who yet am not in hell 1 Whence to me this waste of love ? Ask my .Advocate above ; See the cause in Jesus face. Now before the throne of grace. 3 Lo ! I cimiber still the ground : Lo I an Advocate is found : * Hasten not to cut him down. Let this barren soul alone : ' Jesus speaks, and pleads His blood; He disarms the wrath of God ! Now His tender mercies move, Justice lingers into love. 4 Kindled His relentings are. Me He now delights to spare, Cries, ' How shall I give thi^e upT' Lets the lifted thunder drop : There for me the .Saviour stands, Shows His wounds, and spreads His hands ; God is love ! I know, I feel ; Jesus weeps, and loves me still 1 Wesley. 1740. 345 7.7. 7.7. With Chorus. Who loved me, and gave Himself for J>t«.— Galatians ii. 20. I AM coming to the cross, I am poor, and weak, and blind, I am Counting all but dross, I shall full salvation find. I am trusting, Lord, in Thee, Blessed Lamb of Calvary ; Humbly at Thy crcjss 1 bow. Save me, Jesus, save me now. 2 Long my heart has sighed for Thee, Long lias evil reigned within, Jesus sweetly speaks to me, 'I will cleanse thee from all sin." 3 Here I give my all to Thee, Friends, and time, and earthly store, Soul and body Thine to be. Wholly Thine for evermore. 4 In the promises I trust, I Now I know the blood applied ; I am prostrate in the dust, I \vith Christ am crucified. Jesus comes ! He fills my soul 1 Perfected in Him I am, I am every whit made whole. Glory, glory to the Lamb ! Still Im trusting. Lord, in Tlice, BlessM Lamb of Calvary ; Humbly at Thy cross 1 bow, Jesus saves me, saves me now. IT. Macdonald. 1874. *->^^ He staggered not at the J^ronlise of Ovd through unbelief. Romans iv. 20. FATHER of Jesus Christ, my Lord, My Sa^iour, and my Head, I trust in Thee, whose powerful word Hath raised Him from the dead. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. '1 Thou know'st for my offence He diod, And nisu ivf^aiii for me, Kullv and fieoly justified, Tliat I might live to Thee. S Eternal life to all mankind Thou liast ia Jesus given ; And all who seek, in Him .shall find 'i'he happiness of heaven. 4 O God : Thy reiwrd I believe, In Abraham's footsteps tread. And wait, expecting to receive The Christ, the promised Seed. 5 Faith in Thy power Thou seest I have, For Thou this faith hast wrought ; Dead souls Thou callest from their grave, And speakest worlds from nouglit. G In hope, against all human hope. Self-desperate, I believe ; Thy quickening word shall raise me up. Thou Shalt Thy Spirit give. 7 The thing surpasses all my thought, I'.ut faithful is my Lord ; Tliiough unbelief I stagger not. For God Lath spoke the word. 8 Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees. And looks to that alone ; Laughs at impossibilities. And cries, ' It shall be done ! ' Wesley. 1712. 348 347 Lord, I believe ; help Thou mine unbelief.— Mu.rk. ix. HI. HOW sad our state by nature is ! Our sin, how deep its stain.s ! And Satan binds our captive minds Fast in his slavish chains. But ther(;s a v lii'.' nl'silNrrrign g Sounds floni I li.' . iri'.'il word. •Ho, yedi'spai III-; Miiiiris, come. And trust uj jii Liio Loid.' 3 My soul obeys the Almighty's call, And runs to this relief; I would believe Thy promise. Lord, O help my unbelief! 4 To the blest fountain of Thy blood. Incarnate Uod, I lly ; Hero let mo wash my spotted soul From sins of deepest dyo. 6 A cuilty, weak, and hclpbiss soul. Into Thine arms I fall ; r.o Thou my strength and riichtoousnes My iiaviuur, and my all. Amen. Isaac Watts. 1709. 100 U.5. G.5. D. They that knou> Thy name II put their trtLft in 2'Aee.— Psalm ix. 10. TESUS, I will trust Thee, O Trust Thee with my soul ; Guilty, lost, and helpless. Thou canst make me whole. There is none in heaven Or on earth like Thee : Thou hast died for sinners. Therefore, Lord, for me. 2 Jesus, I may trust Thee, Name of matchless worth, Spoken by the angel At Thy wondrous birth. Written, and for ever. On Thy cross of shame ; SinnerSjPead and worship, Trusting in that name. 3 Jesus, I must trust Thee, Pondering Thy ways. Full of love and mercy All Thine earthly days ; Sinners gathered round Thee, Lepers sought Thy face. None too vile or loathsome For a Savioiu- s grace. 4 Jesus, I can trust Thee, Trust Thy written word, Though Thy voice of pity I have never heard : When Thy Spirit teaclieth, To my taste how sweet ! Only may I liearkon. Sitting at Thy feet. Jesus, I do trust Thee, Trust without a doubt ; Whosoever cometh, Thou wilt not cast out ; Faithful is Thy promise. Precious is Thy blood ; These my soul's salvation, Thou my Saviour God. Mrs. .Mary Jane WalU, Q4.Q With Chorus. «->^C7 /If,/ strong Ji'ork, for a house of (U/ence.—l'sixUn xxxl. 2. OSAFE to the Rock that is higlior than I. My soul in lis conllicts and sorrows would lly: So sinful, so weary, Thine, Thine would I be ; Thou blest 'Uock of Ages," I'm hiding in Thee. Hiding In Thee, hiding in Thee, Thou blest 'Rock of Ages,' I'm hiding in Thee. REJOICING IN FORGIVENESS. 2 In the calm of the noontide, in sorrow's lone hour, In times when temptation casts o'er me its power ; In tho tempests of life, on its wide, heav- ing sea, Thou blest ' Rock of Ages,' I'm hiding in Thee. 3 How oft in the conflict, when pressed by the foo, I have fled to my Refuge and breathed out my woe ; IIow often when trials like sea billows roll. Have I hidden in Thee, O Thou Rock of my souL W. 0. Gushing. 350 Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth.— Isn. xlv. 22 JESUS, to Thee I now can fly, Ou whom my help is laid ; Oppressed by sins, I lift my eye. And see the shadows fade. 2 Believing on my Lord, I find A sure and present aid ; On Thee, O let my constant mind Be every moment stayed. 3 Whate'er in me seems wse, or good. Or strong, I here disclaim ; I wash my garments in the blood Of the atoning Lamb. 4 Jesus, my Strength, my Life, my Rest, On Thee will I depend. Till summoned to the marriage-feast, When faith in sight shall end. Wede'j. 1742. 351 7.7. 7.7. With Chorus. Though He slay me, yet uill I trust in Him.— Job xiii. 15. Q IMPLY trusting every day, O Trusting through a stormy way ; Kven when my faith is small. Trusting Jesus, that is all. Trusting as the moments fly. Trusting as the days go by, I'rusting Him whate'er befall. Trusting Jesus, that is all. 2 Brightly doth His Spirit shine Into this poor heart of mine ; While He leads I cannot fall. Trusting Jesus, that is all. 3 Singing, if my way is clear ; Praying, if the path is drear; If in danger, for Him call ; Trusting Jesus, that is alL 4 Trusting Him while life shall last, Trusting Him till earth is past. Till within the Jasper wall ; Trusting Jesus, that is all. E. Pane. REJOICING IN FORGIVENESS. QKQ 0»J^ God also hath highly exalted .ffm.— Philippians ii. 9. LET earth and heaven agree, Angels and nieii be joined, To celebrate with nie The Saviour of mankind. To adore the all-atoning Lamb, And bless the sound of Jesu's name. 2 Jesus, transporting sound ! The joy of earth and heaven ; Ko other help is found, No other name is given. By which we can salvation have ; But Jesus came the world to save. 3 Jesus, harmonious name ! It charms the hosts above ; They evermore proclaim And wonder at His love ; 'Tis all their happiness to gaze, Tis heaven to see our Jesu's face. 4 His name the sinner hears, And is from sin set free ; 'TIS music in his oars, "Tis life and \ictory : New songs do now his lips employ. And dances his glad heart for joy. 5 Stung by the scorpion sin. My poor expiring soul The balmy sound drinks in. And is at once made whole : See there my Lord upon the tree I I hear, I feel. He died for me. 6 unexampled love ! all-redeeming grace ! How swiftly didst Thou move To save a fallen race : Wliat f^hall I do to make it known. What Thou for all mankind hast done t 7 for a trumpet-voice. On all the world to call ; To bid their hearts rejoice In Him who died for all ; For all my Lord was crucified ; For all, for all my Saviour died ! Charles TT, >''V. 1741. lOi EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. oOd MysoxdthirstethforGod, for the living God.— Psalm xlii. 2. I THIRST, Thou wounded Lamb of God, To wash me in Thy cleansing blood ; To dwell witliin Thy wounds: tlieu pain Is sweet, and life or death is gain. 2 Take my poor heart, and let it be For ever closed to all but Thee : Seal Thou my breast, and let mo wear That pledge of love for ever there. 3 How blest are they who still abide Close sheltered in Thy bleeding side ! Who life and strength from thence derive, And by Thee move, and in Thee live. 4 What are our works but sin and death, Till Thou Thy quickening Spirit breathe ? Thou giv'st the power Tliy grace to move : O wondrous grace ! O boundless love ; 5 How can it be. Thou heavenly King, That Thou should'st us to glory bring, Make slaves the partners of Thy throne DccKed with a never-fading crown t 6 Hence our hearts melt, otir eyes o'crflow, Our words are lost ; nor will we know, Kor will we think of aught beside, My Lord, my Love is crucilied. 7 Ah, Lord ! enlarge our scanty thought. To know the wonders Thou hast wrought ;' Unloose our stammering tongues, to tell Thy love immense, unsearchable. 8 First-born of many brethren Thou 1 To Thee, lo ! all our souls we bow ; To Thee our hearts and hands we give ; Thine may we die. Thine may we live ! Amen. Count Zinzendorf and John and Anna Nitzchinan. lAth Century. Tr. John Wesley. 1740. 354 6.10. 10.6. Thanks be to God, rvhich giveih us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.— 1 Cor. xv. 57. BLKSSED bo Ood, our God, Who gave for u.s Hi.sw(!llbelov6d Son, Ills gift of gifts, all other gifts iu one, Ulessud bo Uod, our God I 2 What will He not bestow Who freely gave this nnglity gift, imbought, Unni'-rltcd, unheeded, and unsought— What will lie not bestow y .*? Ho sparfcd mil Ills Son ! TIh this that sllenctm ea<;h rising fear, Ti.s thlH that bids the hard thought disap- pear. He Hi)ari''d not His Son : 102 4 Who shall condemn us now. Since Christ has died, and risen and gone above, For us to plead at the right hand of love, Who shall condemn us now ? 5 'Tis God that justifies ! Who shall recall the pardon or the grace. Or who the broketi chain of guilt replace ? 'Tis God that .justifies 1 6 The victory is ours ! For us in might came forth the Mighty One, For us He fought the fight, the triumph won ; The victory is ours ! Hu ratius Bonar. 1857. QRR O vJ ^ Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark xvi. 15. HARK ! the Gospel news is sounding, Christ hath suffered on the tree ; Streams of mercy are abounding, Grace for all is rich and free : Now, poor sinner. Look to Him who died for thfee. 2 ! escape to yonder mountain, Now begin to watch and pray ; Christ invites you to the fountain. Come and wash your sins away : Do not tarry. Come to Jesus while you may. 3 Grace is flowing like a river, Millions there have been supplied ; Still it flows as fresh as ever From the Saviour's wounded side : None need perish ; All may live, for Christ hath died. 4 Christ alone shall be our portion. Soon wo liopc to meet abovti ; Then we'll bathe in the full ocean Of the great Redeemer's love : All His fulness We shall thou for ever prove. IF. Sanders. 1829. 356 Joii shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth.—Luko xv. 7. W",7;; ■ribe the joys tJiat rise I I hi' courts of Paradise, .1 iviurn, .1 ;,'lory born 1 2 WIMi |oy the Father doth approve The fruit of His eternal lovis ; The! Son with joy looks down, and aeee Tlio purchase of His agonies. REJOICING IN FORGIVENESS. 3 The Spirit takes clelifjht to view The contrite soul He forms anew ; And saints and angels join to sing The growing empire of tlieir King. Isaac Watts. 1709. 357 He that beheveth on the Son of God hath the untness in himself. 1 John V. 10. row can a sinner know His sins on earth forgiven ? How can my gracious Saviour show My name inscribed in heaven i W 2 What we have felt and seen With coaftdence we tell. And publish to the sons of men The signs infallible. 3 Vi'e who in Christ believe That He for us hath died, Wu all His unknown peace receive, And feel His blood applied. 4 Exults our rising soul, Disburdened of her load. And swells unutterably full Of glory and of Uod. 5 ^\■e by His Spirit prove And know the things of God, The tilings which freely of His love He hath on us bestowed. 6 His Spirit to us He gave. And dwells in us, we know ; The witness in ourselves we have. And all its fruits we show. 7 Our nature's turned, our mind Transiormed in all its powers ; And both the witnesses are joined. The Spirit of God with ours. Charles WesUy. 1749. 358 7.C.7.6. 7.S.7.6. Hfy tongue shall sing aloud of Thy righteousness. — Psalm U. 14. LORD, and is Thine anger gone J And art Thou pacified ? After all that I have done, Dost Thou no longer chide ? Infinite Thy mercies are ; Bt-neath the weight I cannot move : O ! 'tis more than I can bear, The sense of pardoning love. 2 Let it still my heart constrain, And all my passions sway ; Keep me, lest I turn again Out of the narrow way : Force my violence to be still. And captivate my every thought ; Charm, and melt, and change my will. And bring me down to nought. 3 See my utter helple-ssness. And leave me not alone ; O preserve in perfect peace. And seal me for Thine own : More and more Thyself reveal. Thy presence let me always find : Comfort, and confirm, and heal My feeble, sin-sick mind. 4 As the apple of an eye Thy weakest servant keep; Help me at Thy feet to lie. And there for ever wenp : Tears of joy mine eyes oVrfiow That I have any hope of heaven ; Much of love I ought to know. For 1 have much forgiven. Kesleif. 1742. QRQ Anapaestic. OOiZ/ I iviii love Thee, Lord, vvj strewjtk.— Psalm, xviii. 1. My Jesus, 1 love Thee, I know Thou art mine. For Thee all the pleasures of sin I resign : If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. 2 I love Thee because Thou hast first lov6i me. And purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree ; I love Thee for wearing the thorns en Thy brow. If ever I ioved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. 3 I wiU love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death. And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath ; And say when the death-dew lies cold on my brow, If ever 1 loved Thee, my Jesus, Us now. 4 In mansions of glory aiid endless delight, I'll ever adore Thee in the heaven of light ; And sing with the glittering crown on my brow. If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. Ameu. Anvn. 103 EVANGELISTIC SEEVICES. 360 8.8. 8.8. 8.8. Thaiiks be unto God for Hif< vvspeakablegi/t.—2 Corinthiaus ix. 15. ■\VHAT am r, O Thou glorious God ! > > And what my father's house to Thee, That Thou such mercies hast bestowed On me, the chief of sinners, me ! I take the blessing from above, And wonder at Thy boundless love. 2 Me in my blood Thy love passed by, And stopped my ruin to retrieve ; Wept o'er my soul Thy pitying eye, Tliy goodness yearned, andl whispered, ' Live ! ' Dying, I heard the welcome sound, And pardon in Thy mercy found. 3 Honour, and might, and thanks, and praise, I render to my pardoning God ; E.\tol the riches of Thy grace. And spread Thy saving name abroad— That only name to sinners given. Which lifts poor dying men to heaven. 4 Jesus, I bless Thy gracious power. And all within me shouts Tliy name ; Thy name let every soul adore. Thy power let every tongue proclaim ; Thy grace let every sinner know. And find with me their heaven below. Amen. Charles Weshii. 1749. 361 7.C. 7.G. With Chorus. Present your bodies a living socri^ce.— Romans .\ii. 1. MY body, soul, and spirit, Jesus, I give to Thee, A consecrated offering. Thine evermore to be. My all is on the altar, I'm waiting for tlie li'i>. 2 Jesus, mighty Saviour ! I trust in Thy great name, I look for Thy salvation. Thy promise now I claim. 3 let the fire descending now upon my soul. Consume my hunil)le oll'cring. And cleanse and make mo whole I 4 0. bli.ssful self-surrender. To live, my Lord, by 'i'hoo ! Kow, Son of God, my .Saviour, Live out Thy life in mo. 8 rmTlilno, O bli-ssi^d Jcnis 1 WmhIumI by Tliy prerlous blood ; Now seal ino by Thy hpiiit, A sacril'ico to God. ^[r3. James. 104 362 10.7. 10.7. With Chorus. Lord, truly I am Thy servant.— Vsalm cxvi. 16. I AM Thine, Lord ; I have heard Thy voice, And it told Thy love to me ; But I long to rise in the arms of faith. And be closer drawn to Thee. Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord To the cross where Thou hast died ; Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, bless6d Lord, To Thy precious, bleeding side. 2 Consecrate me now to Thy service. Lord, By the power of grace divine ; Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope. And my will be lost in Thine. 3 0, the pure delight of a single hour Tliat before Tiiy throne I spend. When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God, I commune as friend with friend. 4 There are depths of love that I cannot know Till I cross the narrow sea ; There are heights of joy that I may not reach Till I rest in peace with Thee. Frances Jane Crosby, b. 1828. 363 Whether we live . . . or die, we are the Lorci's.— Romans xiv. 8. W\ God, I am Thine, What a comfort divine. What a blessing to know that my Josus is mine ! In the heavenly Lamb Thrice happy 1 am. And my heart it doth dance at the sound of His name. 2 True pleasures abound In tlie rapturous sound. And whoever hatli found it, hath paradise found : My Jesus to know. And feel His blood flow, 'Tis life overlastlng, 'tis heaven bolow. 3 Yet onward I h.osto To the heavenly feast : That, that is the fulness ; but this Is tho tn.ste : And this I shall prove. Till with, joy I remove To tho heaven of heavens in Joaus's love. Charles Wesley. 1749. fbe Clrrtsttan fife. CONTRITION AND LONGING FOR GOD. QC/I O U 'i He shall come doivn Hire ram upon the mown grass.— Vs. bcxii. 6. LORD, I hear of showers of blessing Thou art scattering full and free ; Showers the thirsty land refreshing ; Let some droppings fall on nie— Even 2 Pass me not, gracious Father, Sinful though my heart may be ; Thou might'st leave me, but the rather Let Thy mercy light on me— Even me. 3 Pass me not, tender Saviour, Let me live and cling to Thee ; I am longing for Thy favour. Whilst Thou'rt calling, call forme— Even me. 4 Pass me not, mighty Spirit ; Thou canst make the blind to see ; Witnesser of Jesus merit. Speak the word of power to me— Even 5 Love of God, so pure and changeless ! Blood of Christ, so rich and free ! Grace of God, so strong and boundless ! Magnify it all in me— Even me. 6 Pass me not — this lost one bringing, — Bind my heart, Lord, to Thee, While the streams of life are springing. Blessing others, bless me ! — Even me. Amen. Mrs. Elizabeth Codner. 18o0. OOD Is not My ivord like as a fire ? saith the Lord.— Jeremiah xxiii. 29. COME. Thou all- victorious Lord, Thy power to us make kno\vn ; Strike with the hammer of Tliy word, And break these hearts of stone ! 2 that we all might now begin Our foolishness to mourn. And turn at once from every sin. And to our Saviour turn ! 3 Give us ourselves and Thee to know. In this our gracious day ; Repentance unto life bestow, And take our sins away. 4 Conclude us first in unljelief, And freely then ; Fill every soul with sacred grief, And then with sacred peace. 5 Impoverish, Lord, and then relieve, And then enrich the poor: The knowledge of our sickness give. The knowledge of our cure. 6 That blessfed sense of guilt impart, And then remove the load ; Trouble, and wash the troubled heart In the atoning blood. 7 Our desperate state through sin declare. And speak our sins forgiven ; By perfect holiness prepare. And take us up to heaven. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1749. 366 lam op2)re?sed ; undertake for ?/ie.— Isaiah xxxviii. 14. OPPRESSED with sin and woe, A burdened heart I bear ; Opposed by many a mighty foe. Yet will I not despair. 2 With this polluted heart I dare to come to Thee, Holy and mighty though Thou art. For Thou wilt pardon me. 3 I feel that I am weak. And prone to ever>' sin : But Thou who giv'st to those who seek. Wilt give me strength within. 4 I need not fear my foes, I need not yield to care, I need not sink beneath my woes. For Thou wilt answer prayer. 5 In my Redeemer's name, I give myself to Tlioe ; And ail unworthy as I am, My God will welcome me. Anne Bronte. 1847. 105 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 367 Be not faithless, but beluving.— John xx. 27. W fHEN shall Thj' love constrain, And force me to Thy breast? When shall my soul return again To her eternal rest ? 2 Ah ! what avails my strife, My wanderinj? to and fro ? Thou hast the words of endless life ; Ah ! whither should I go ? 3 Thy condescending grace To ine did freely move ; It calls me still to seek Thy face. And stoops to ask my love. 4 Lord, at Thy feet I fall, I groan to be set free ; I fain would now obey the call. And give up all for Thee. 5 To rescue me from woe. Thou didst with all things part ; Didst lead a suffering life below. To gain my worthless heart. C My worthless heart to gain. The God of all that breathe Was found in fashion as a man, And died a cursed death. 7 And can I yet delay My little all to give. To tear my soul from earth away For Jesus to receive 1 8 Nay, but I yield, I yield, I can hold out no more ; 1 sink, by dying love compelled. And own Thee conqueror. Wesley. 1740. O^O 7 7 7 7 7 7 OUO Who shall deliver me fnmi tlie body of this death .«— Romans vii. 24. Q AVIOUR. cast a pitying eye. n Rid my sins and sorrows end : Wliither should a sinner lly? Art not Thou the sinner's Krlond ? Rest in Theo I long to find. Wretched I, and iioor, and blind. 2 Didst Thou ev<'r .see a soul M'ln- in n I ollielp Mimu mine? Th.Mi nliis.' ti, miik.^ me wlit)!.' : Then withliolart's extreme desire ; Live haiipy in my Saviours love. And in His arms e.\pire ! 3 Mercy I ask to seal my peace. That, kept by mercy's power, I may from every evil cease. And never grieve Thee more. 4 Now, If Thy gracious will it be. Even now, my sins remove ; And set my soul at liberty By Thy victorious love. 5 In answer to ten thousand prayers. Thou pardoning God, descend : Number me with salvation's heirs, My sins and troubles end. 6 Nothing I ask or want beside. Of all in earth or lieaven. But let me feel Thy blood applied. And live and die forgiven. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1707. 370 Who will have all men to be saved.— 1 Timothy ii. 4. An ! whither should I go. Burdened, and siek, and faint? To whom should I my troubles show. And pour out my complaint ? 2 My Saviour bids mo come : Ah ! why do I d(ilay? He calls the weary sinner homo. And yet from llim I stay 1 3 What is it keeps me back. From which I cannot part, Which will not let my Saviour take I'ossession of my heart? 4 Some evil thing unknown Must surely lurk within. Some idol, which I will not own, Some secret bosom-Hin. COMTEITION JJiD LONGING FOR QOD. 5 Jesus, the hindrance show. Which I have feared to see ; And l.^t me now consent to know What Iceeps me out of Thee. 6 Searcher of hearts, in mine Thy trying power display ; Into its darkest corner shine, And take the veil away. 7 I now believe, in Thee Compassion reigns alone ; According to my faith, to me let it, Lord, be done 1 8 In me is all the bar. Which Thou would'st fain remove ; Remove it, and I shall declare That God is only Love. Amen. Wesley. 1741. 371 7.7. 7.7. when wilt Thou come unto me .?— Ps. ci. 2. TVHV not now, my God, my God ? » V Ready if Thou always art, Make in me Thy mean abode. Take possession of my heart : If Tliou canst so greatly how. Friend of sinners, why not now ? 2 God of love, in this my day. For Thyself to Thee I cry ; Dying, if Thou still delay. Must I not for ever die ? Enter now Thy poorest home ; Now, my utmost Saviour, come ! Charles Wesley. Amen 17(52. 372 G Can any hide himsel/ in secret 2)!''"'es that I shall not see him? saiih the Lortl.— Jeremiah xxiii. 24. . OD is in this and every place ; vJ But 0, how dark and void To me— 'tis one great wilderness — This earth without my God ! 2 Empty of Him who all things tills, Till He His light impart, Till He His glorious self reveals. The veil is on my heart. 3 Thou, who seest and know'st my grief, Thyself unseen, unknown. Pity my helpless unbelief, And take mo for Thine own. 4 Regard me with a gracious eye. The long-sought blessing give, And bid me, at the point to die. Behold Thy face and live. 5 Now, Jesus, now, the Father's love Shod in my heart abroad ; The middle wall of sin remove, And let me into God. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1749. Qryq L.M. ^ ' '-' The publican . . . smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a stnner.— Luke xviii. 13. WITH broken heart and contrite sigh, A trembling sinner. Lord, I cry ; Thy pardoning grace is rii'h and free ; God, be merciful to me : 2 I smite upon my troubled breast. With deep and con.scious guilt opprest, Christ and His my only plea ; God, be merciful to me ! 3 Far off I stand with tearful eyes. Nor dare uplift them to the skies ; But Thou dost all my anguish see ; God, be merciful to me ! 4 Nor alms, nor deeds that I have done, Cati for a single sin atone ; To f alvary alone I flee ; God, be merciful to me ! 5 And when, redeemed from sin and hell, With all the ransomed throng I dweU, My raptured song shall ever be, God has been merciful to me ! Cornelius Eivin. 1852. QTJA C.iL «-' ' ^- What thinos soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have fAem.— Mark xi. 24. I ASK the gift of righteousness, The sin-subduing power. Power to believe, and go in peace. And never grieve Thee more. 2 I ask the blood-bought pardon sealed, The liberty from sin. The grace infused, the love revealed. The kingdom fixed \vithiu. 3 Thou hear'st me for salvation pray, Thou seest my heart's desire : Made ready in Thy powerful day, Thy fulness I require. 4 My longing soul cries out, opprest, Impatii'Ut to be freed : Nor can I, I*>rd, nor will I rest. Till I am saved indeed. 5 Art Thou not able to convert? Art Thou not willing too. To change this old, rebellious beajrt, To conquer and renew ? 107 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 6 Thou canst, Then wilt, I dare believe, So arm me with Thy power. That I to sin shall never cleave, Shall never feel it more. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1742. 375 Surely He hath home our griefs, and carried our sorroivs.— Is. liii. 4- OTHOU who hast our sorrows borne. Help us to look on Thee and mourn. On Thee whom we have slain. Have pierced a thousand, thousand times. And, by reiterated crimes. Renewed Thy mortal pain. 2 Vouchsafe us eyes of faith to see The Man transfixed on Calvary, To know Thee, who Thou art. The One Eternal God and True ! And let the sight affect, subdue. And break my stubborn heart. 3 Lover of souls, to rescue mine. Reveal the charity divine. That suffered in my stead, That made Thy soul a sacrifice. And quenched in death those flaming eyes, And bowed that sacred head. 4 The veil of unbelief remove. And by Thy manifested love. And by Thy sprinkled blood, Destroy the love of sin in me, And get Thyself the victory. And bring me back to God. 5 Now let Thy dying love conatrain ^ly soul to love its God again. Its God to glorify : And, lo ! I come Thy cross to share. Kcho Thy sacrificial prayer. And with my Saviour die I Amen. Wesley. \747. 376 Give ear to my words, Lord ; consider my meditation.— Vs. v. 1. MY God, my God, to Theo I cry. Tlieo only would I know ; Thy purifying blood ajijily. And wash mo white as snow. 2 Touch mo, and make tlio leper r/erf.— Matthew v. 4. JESUS, if still the same Thou art, If all Thy promises are sure. Set up Thy kingdom in my heart. And make me rich, for I am poor : To me be all Thy treasures given. The kingdom of an inward heaven. 2 Thou hast pronounced the mourners bl"..i ; And lo ! for Thee I ever mourn : I.'MiuKit, 11(1, I will not rest. Till Thou, my only Rest, return : Till Thou, the Prince of Peace,appc;!r, And I receive the Comforter. 3 Where is Ihe blessedness bestowed On all Miat'hunger after Tliftr? I lmii;:i'r now, 1 tliirst for God; Sco the poor fainting sinner, see. And satisfy with endless peace, And fill mo with Thy righteousness. It siirh, iric piay 4 Ah, Lord! ifTlion n Then hear Tliyscll' Hear in my lu'.irt 11 Mark what my l.ilnmiing.soul would sa. Answer the ,'iy, and sorrowful, and poor, Upon Thy word myself I stay ; Into Thy hands my all resign. And wait till all Thou art is mine. Wesleij. 1740. qryo »-> ' O Unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of righteousness arise. Malachi iv. 2. DISCLOSE Thy lovely face. Quicken all my drooping powers ; Gasps my fainting soul for enice, .■Vs a thirsty land for showers ; Haste, my Lord, no more delay, Come, my Saviour, come away. 2 Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only Light, Sun of righteousness,arise. Triumph o'er the shades of night; Bay spring from on high, be near; Day-star, in my heart appear ! o Dark and cheerless is the mom Unaccompanied by Thee ; Joyless is the day's return Till Thy mercy s beams I see ; Till Thou inward light impart. Glad my eyes and warm my heart. 4 Visit then this soul of mine. Pierce the gloom of sin and gi-ief ; Fill nie. Radiancy Divine : Scatter all my unbelief ; More and more Thyself display. Shining to the perfect day. Amen. Wesley. 1740. 379 And Jacob tvas left alone ; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the doy.— Genesis xxxii. 24. pOME, Thou Traveller unknown, V Whom still I hold, but cannot see ! Mv company before is gone, And I am left alone with Thee : With Thee all night I mean to stay, And wrestle till the break of day. •2 I need not tell Thee who I am. My misery and sin declare ; Thyself hast called me by my name. Look on Thy hands, and read it there; But who. I ask Thee, who art Thou'/ Tell me Thy name, and tell me nov/. 3 In vain Thou strngglest to get free, I never will unloose my hold : Alt Thou the Man that died for me? The secret of Thy love unfold ; Wrestling, I will not let Thee go. Till I Thy name, Thy nature know. 4 Wilt Thou not yet to me reveal Thy new, unutterable name ? Tell me. I still be.seech Thee, tell ; To know it now resolved I am ; Wrestling, I will not let Thee go. Till I Thy name. Thy nature know. 5 What though my shrinking flesh complain. And murmur to contend so long? I rise superior to my pain ; When I am weak, then I am strong ; And when my all of strength shall fail, I shall with the God-Man prevail. Charles Wesley. 1742. QQn OOKJ I iffUl not let Thee go, except Thou bless 7>ie.— Genesis xxxii. 26. YIELD to me now. for I am weak, 1 But confident in self-despair : Speak to my heart, in blessings speak ; Be conquered by my instant prayer : Speak, or Thou never hence shall move. And tell me if Thy name is Love. 2 'Tis Love ! 'tis Love 1 Thou diedst for me, I hear Thy whisper in my heart ; The morning breaks, the shadows flee. Pure, universal love Thou art : To me, to all. Thy mercies move. Thy nature and Thy name is Love. 3 Aly prayer hath power with God : the grace Unspeakable 1 now receive ; Through faith I see Tliee face to face ; I see Thee face to face, and live : In vain I have not wept and strove ; Thy nature and Thy name is Love. 4 I know Thee, Saviour, who Thou art, Jesus, the feeble sinner's Friend ; Nor wilt Thou \vith the night depart. But stay and love me to the end : Thy mercies never shall remove. Thy nature and Thy name is Love. 5 The Sun of Righteousness on me Hath risen with healing in His vrings : Withered my nature s strength, from Thee My soul its life and succour brings : My help is all laid up above. Thy natiu-e and Thy name is Love. 6 Contented now upon my thigh I halt, till life's short journey end ; All helplessness, all weakness, I On Thee alone for strength depend ; Nor have I power from Theo to move. Thy nature and. Thy name is Love. 7 Lame as I am, I take the prey ; Hell, earth, and sin, with ease o'ercome ; I leap for joy, pursue my way. And, as a bounding hart, fly home ; Through all et<^rnity to prove Thy nature and Thy name is Love. Charles Wesley. 1742. 109 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. OQ-| 6.10. G. 10. OOX The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests ; bat the Son o/man hath not where to lay His head. Matthew viii. 20. BIRDS have their quiet nest, Foxes theirholes, and man his peace- ful bed : All creatures have their rest, But Jesus had not where to lay His head. 2 And yet lie came to give The weary and the heavy-laden rest ; To bid the sinner live. And soothe our griefs to slumber on His breast. 3 I who once made Him grieve, I who once bid His gentle spirit mourn ; \ hand essayed 1,o weave For His meek brow the cruel crown of thorn : 4 why should I have peace ? Why— but for that imchanged, undying love, Which would not, could not cease. Until it made me heir of joys above ? 5 Yos, but for pardoning grace, I feel I never should in glory see The brightness of that face. Which once was pale and agonized for me ! 6 Let the birds seek their nest. Foxes their holes, and man his peaceful bed ; Come, Saviour, in my breast Deign to repose Thine oft-rejected head. 7 Come ! give me rest, and take The only rest on earth Tliou lov'st, within A heart, that for Thy s:iko Lies bleeding, broken, penitent for sin. Amen. J. S. B. Monsell. 1837. 382 ,,. 8.4. 8.4. 8.8.8, im with vou (ilirai/, eon iintutheind o/ the world. Matthew xxviii. 20. MY Saviour, 'mid life's varied .scene, Vm Thou my stay; Guide nil', tliniii;,')! i:u:\\ perplexing jiath, ■[,< piTl.Tl (hiy ; In wc<;ikii.>s and in sin I stand ; Still fiilli i-.ui r\ns\i Thy mighty hand, And follow at Tliy dear coniniiind. 2 My Saviour, I have nought to bring Worlliy of Thee, A broken In-art Thou wilt not spurn, Accept of nio : I need Thy ngliteousness divine, I |ileud Thy pn>mis(!8 as mini!, I perish if I am nol Thini!. 3 My Saviour, wilt Thou turn away From HMch aery? My Kefugc, will Tln)u me forget, And niu.stldiuV 110 Faith trembles ; hut her glance so bright Has pierced thiough regions dark as n.ght, And entered into realms of light. 4 My Saviour, 'mid heaven's glorious throng, I see Thee there. Pleading with all Thy matchless love And tender care : Not for the angel forms around. But for lost souls in fetters bound. That they may hear salvation's sound. 5 My Saviour, thus I find my rest Alone with Thee ; Beneath Thy mng I have no fear Of what may be. Strengthened with Thy all-glorious might, I shall be conqueror in the light. Then give to Thee my crown of light. Amen. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Godivin. 1865. 383 Tt is God lohirh workefh in you both to wUl and to do of ITis good 2>leasure.~Philip^iims ii. 13. FATHER, to Thee my soul I lift, My soul on Thee depends. Convinced that every perfect gift From Thee alone descends. 2 Mercy and grace are Thine alone, And power and wisdom too ; Without the Spirit of Thy Son We nothing good can do. 3 We cannot spe.ak one useful word, One holy tliought conceive. Unless in answer to our Lord, Thyself the blessing give. 4 His blood demands the purchased grace ; His blood's availing plea Obtained the help for all our race, And sends it down to mo. 5 Thou all our works in us hast wrought, Thr iir.iivc ol' every virtuous thought. And righteous word is Thine. 6 From Thee, through Jesus, we receivo Tlie power on Thee to c;ill. In wlioin w(i are, and move, and live; Our (;(h1 i.s all in all! Charles Wesley. 1749. 384 Jesus of Nazareth passelh ly. Luke xviii. ;17. JESUS, if .still Thou art to-day As y(!sterday the samc\ I'rosent to heal, in me display • The virtue of Tliy Name. CONTRITION AND- LONaiNQ FOR GOD. 2 If still Thou goest about to do Tliy iiocily i.Toatiu-es good, On uie, tluit 1 Thy praise may show, be all Thy wonders showed. 3 Now, Lord, to whom for help I rail, Thy miracles repeat : With pitying eyes behold me fall A leper at Thy feet. 4 Thou seest me deaf to Thy command, Open, O Lord, mine ear ; Bid me stretch out my withered hand. And lift it up in prayer. 6 Silent, alas ! Thou know'st how long. My voice I cannot raise ; But, : when Thou shalt loose my tons;ue. The dumb shall sing Thy praise. 6 Blind from my birth to guilt and Thee, And daric I am within, The love of God I cannot see. The sinfulness of sin. 7 But Thou, they say, art passing by, O let tue ttnd Thee near ; Jesus, in mercy, hear my cry, Thou Son of David, hear ! 8 Behold me waiting in the way For Thee, the heavenly Ligiit : Command me to be brought, and say, ' Sinner, receive thy sight.' Amen. Wesley. 1701. 385 7.6. 7.6. 7.8. 7.8. ffe cried, saying. Lord, save me .'—Matthew xiv. 30. LAMB of God, for sinners slain, To Thee I feebly pray : Heal me of my grief and pain, take my sins away ! From this bondage. Lord, release. No longer let me be opprest : Jesus, Master, seal my peace. And take me to Thy breast ; 2 Wilt Thou cast a sinner out. Who humbly comes to Thee ? No, my God, 1 cannot doubt. Thy mercy is for me : Let me then obtain the grace. And be of paradise possest : Jesus, Master, seal my peace. And take me to Thy breast ! 3 Worldly good I do not want. Be that to others given ; Only for Thy love I pant. My all in earth and heaven ; This the cro\vn I fain would seize. The i,f>'^d wherewith I would be blest ; Jesus, Master, seal my peace. And take me to Thy breast 1 4 This delight I fain would prove, And then resign my breath ; Join the happy few whose love Was mightier than death. Let it not my Lord displease. That I would die to be Thy guest : Jesus, Master, seal my peace, And take me to Thy breast ! Amen. Wesley. 1742. 386 Wherewith shall T ronie before the Lord .?— Micah vi. 6. WHEREWITH, God, shall I draw near. And bow myself befoce Thy face* How in Thy purer eyes appear ? What shall I bring to gain Thy grace T 2 Will gifts delight the Lord most high? Will multiplied oblations please. Thousands of rams His favour buy. Or slaughtered hecatombs appease ? 3 Can these avert the wrath of God ? Can these wash out my guilty stain ? Rivers of oil, and seas of blood, Alas ! they all must flow in vain. 4 Whoe'er to Thee themselves approve. Must take the path Thy word hath showed. Justice pursue, and mercy love. And humbly walk by faith with God. 5 But though my life henceforth be Thine, Present for past can ne'er atone ; Though I to Thee the whole resign, I only give Thee back Thine own. 6 What have I then wherein to trust? I nothing have, I nothing am ; Excluded is my every boast. My glory swallowed up in shame. 7 Guilty I stand before Thy face. On me I feel Thy wrath abide ; 'Tis just the sentence should take place ; Tis just ;— but O Thy Son hath died ! 8 Jesus, the Lamb of God, hath bled. He bore our sins upon the tree ; Beneath our curse He bowed His head ; Tis tinlshed ! He hath died for me : 9 See where before the throne He stands, .■Vnd poui-s ilie all-prevailing pniyor ; Points to His side, and lii'ts His hands. And shows that I am graven there. 10 He ever lives for me to pray. He prays that I with Him may reign ; Amen to what my Lord doth say : Jesus, Thou c;vu3t not pray in vain. Wesley. 1740. "' THE CREISTIAN LIFE. 387 But will God indeed divell on the earth ?—l Kings viii. 27. ■XTflTH glorious clouds encompassed W round, Whom angels dimly see, Will the Unsearchable be found, Or God appear to me ? 2 Will He forsake His throne above. Himself to me impart? Answer, Thou Man of grief and love, And speak it to my heart ! 3 In manifested love explain Tliy wonderful design ; What meant the suflering Son of JIan, The streaming blood divine ? 4 Didst Thou not in our flesh appear. And live and die below. That I niay now perceive Thee near. And my Redeemer know ? 5 Come then, and to my soul reveal The heights and depths of grace. The wounds whicl all my sorrows heal. That dear disfigured face. C Before my eyes of faith confest. Stand forth a slaughtered Lamb; And wrap me in Thy crimson vest. And tell me all Thy name. 7 Jehovah in Thy person show, .Jehovah cruciliod ! And then the pardoning God I know. And feel the blood applied: 8 I view the Lamb In His own light, Whom angels dimly see. And gaze, transported at the sight. To all eternity. Charles Wesley. 1707. 388 The word preached did nrd profit (/leHi.— Hebrews iv. 2. LONG have I sat beneath the sound Of Thy salvation. Lord : but still how weak my faith is foiuul. And knowledge of Thy word ; 2 My glorious Saviour and my God, How little art Thou known r.y all the Judgments of Thy rod, Or blessings of Thy throne. 3 Uow cold and feeble la my love. How negligent my fear. How low my hope of joys above, How few airectiona there ! 4 Great God ! Thy sovoroign power imp.irt To give Thy word succchs; Write I'hy salvation on my heart. And make me learn Thy grace. 112 5 Show my forgetful feet the way That leads to Joys on high. Where knowledge gi-ows without decay, And love shall never die. Amen. Isaac Watts. 1709. 389 My soul thirsteth for Thee. Psalm Ixlli. 1. MY spirit longs for Thee Within my troubled breast. Unworthy though I be Of so divine a guest. Of so divine a guest Unworthy though I be, Yet has my heart no rest Unless it come from Thee. 3 Unless it come from Thee, In vain I look around ; In all that I can see No rest is to be found. 4 No rest is to be found But in Thy blessfed love ; O let my wish be crowned. And send it from above ! Amen. 390 John Byroni. 177.'?. 8.8.6. 8.8.C. For what T woidd, that do I ?iy/.— Komans vii. l.";. QTILL, Loni, I languish for Thy graco D K.'vi-al Ihc licMUtiesofThyfaco, The midillc wall ri'move ; Ajipfar, and banish my complaint; Come, and supply my only want. Fill all my soul with love, 2 conquer this rebellious will ! Willing Tliiiu art and ready still, Tliy hcl]! is .always nigh : Till' ha'nhu'ss from my heart remove. And give nic. Lord, give mo love, Or at Thy feet I die. .". To Thee I lift my mournful eye ; Whv am 1 thiis-.'-O tdl me why 1 ranndl, love niv llod ? Thr liiiidranc.' iiuist' l.f all In me ; It caiiMdl. in my .Saviniu- be. Witness Mi;it streaming blood. 4 It cost Thy blooil my heart to win. To buy me from the power of sin, And m.iki- mo love again ; ('onic then, my Lord, Thy right assert, 'J'aki' td Tliysi'lf my ransomed heart, Mor blfiMi, niir die in vain. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1749. CONTEITION AND LONGING FOR GOD. 391 7.7. 7.7. I'or to mc to live is Christ. Philippiaiis i. 21. lirilEX, niv Saviour, shall I be \ V Perfe.ily resigned to Thee ? Poor and vile in my own eye.s, Only in Thy wisdom wise : 2 Only Thee content to know, Only serving Thee below. Only guided by Thy li^'ht. Only mighty in Thy might. 3 So I may Thy Spirit know. Let Him as He listeth blow ; Let the manner be unknown, fcio I may v/ith Thee be one. 4 Fully in my life express All the heights of holiness, Sweetly let my spirit prove All the depths of humble love. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1742. 392 Thine heart u^as tender, and thou hast humbled thiiself bej'ore tin Lord.— 'I Kings xxii. 19. OFOR that tenderness of heart Which bows before the Lord, Acknowledgim; how Thou art. And trembles at Thy word : 2 for those humble, contrite tears. Which from repentance flow. Tliat consciousness of guilt, which le;! Tiie long-suspended blow ; Z Saviour, to me in pity give The sensible distress. The pledge Thou wilt at last receive. And bid me die in peace : 4 Wilt from the dreadful day remove. Before the evil come ; My spirit hide with saints above. My body in the tomb. Amen. Charles Wesley. 17ti2 393 T will put my Spirit within j/ow.— Ezekiel xx.wi. 27. OLOVE. I languish at Thy stay ! 1 pine for Thee with lingeiing smart. Weary and faint tlirough long delay : When wilt Thou come into my heait, From sin and sorrow set me free. And swallow up my soul in Thee ? 2 Come. Thou universal Good ! l;alm of the wounded conscience, come : The hungry, dying spirit s food. The weary, wandering pilgrim's home ; Haven to take the shipwrecked in. My everlasting rest from sin 1 I .'i Be Thou, Love, whate'er I want ; Support my feebleness of mind. Relieve the thirsty soul, the faint Revive, illuminate the blind. The mournful cheer, the drooping lead, And heal the sick, and raise the dead. i Come, my comfort and delight ! | My strength and health, ruy shield and sun. My boast, and confidence, and might. My joy, my glory, and my crown. My gospel hope, my callings prize. My tree of life, my paradise. 5 The secret of the Lord Thou art. The mystery so long unknown. Christ in a pure and perfect heart. The name inscribed in the white stone. The Life divine, the little leaven. My precious pearl, my present heaven. Wesley. 1712. qQ4_ 7.G. 7.8. 7.8. 7.1). <-' ^^ God hath made man upright.— Kcc\csiastes vii. 29. UPRIGHT, both in heart and wUl, We by our Uod were made ; But we tui-ned from good to ill. And o'er the creature strayed ; Multiplied our wandering thought. Which tii-st was fixed on God alone ; In ten thousand objects sought The bliss we lost in one. 2 From our own inventions vain Of fancied happiness. Draw us to Thyself again. And bid our wanderings cease ; Jesus, speak our souls restored By Love's divine simplicity, lie-united to our Lord, And wholly lost in Thee ! Amen. Charles Wesley. 1762. 395 8.8. I will love Thee, Lord, 7ny strerigth. — Psalm xviii. 1. THOU hidden love of God, whose height. Whose depth uufathomed, no ma.» knows, I see from far Thy beauteous light. Inly 1 sigh for Ihy repose ; My heart is pained, nor c;in it be At rest, till it bnds rest in Thee. 2 Thy secret voice invites me still The sweetness of Thy yoke to prove ; And fain I would ; but tliough my will Seems fixed, yet wide my p.issions rove ; ■i'et hindrances strew all the way ; I aim at Thee, yet from Thee stray. 3 Tis mercy all that Thou hast brought My mind to seek her peace in Thee ; Vit while 1 seek, but find Theo not, iNo peace my wandering soul shall sec : when shall all my wanderings end. And all my steps to Thee-waid lend : 113 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 4 Is there a thing beneath the sun That strives with Thee my heart to share / Ah, tear it thence, and reign alone, The Lord of every motion there ! Then shall my heart from earth be free, When it hath found repose in Thee. 5 Each moment draw from earth away My heart, chat lowly waits Thy call ; Speak to my inmost soul, and say, ' I am thy Love, thy God, thy All ! ' To feel Thy power, to hear Thy voice, To taste Thy love, be all my choice. Amen. 396 Gerhardt Tersfeegen. Tr.J. Wesley. The cross of Christ. Galatians vi. 12. iiao. DRAWN to the cross which Thou blessed ^^'ith healing gifts for souls distressed, To find in Thee my Life, my Rest, Chri-st crucined, I come ! 2 Stained with the sins which I have wrought In word and deed and secret thought, l'"i)r pardon wliicli Thy blood hath bought, Christ cruciliod, I come ! 3 Weary of selfishness and pride, Kulse pleasures gone, vain hopes denied. Deep in Thy wounds my shame to hide, Christ crucified, I come ! 4 Thou knowest all my griefs and fears, Tliy grace abused, my misspent years ; Vet now to Thee, for cleansing tears, Christ crucified, I come ! 5 I woVild not, if I could, conceal Tli(! ills which only Thou canst hoal, So to the cross, where sinners kneel, Christ crucified, I come ! G Wash me, and take away each stain. Lit nolliiiig la/:e. —Geneais xxviii. 16. NEARER, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me ; Still all my son^ shall be, Kearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! 2 Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down. Darkness be over me. My rest a stone ; "V'et in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! 3 There let the way ai)pear Steps unto heaven ; All that Thou sendest uie, In mercy given ; Angels to beckon me Neai-er, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! 4 Then, with my waking thoughts Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs Bethel 111 raise ; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Neai-er to Thee ; 5 Or if on joyful wing Cleaving the sky. Sun, moon, and stai-s forgot, Upwards I fly ; Still all my song shall be, Neaaer, my God, to Thee, Neai'er to Thee ! Amen. Mrs. S.uah F. Adams. 1841. 403 Have faith in God. JIark xi. 22. OFOR a faith that will not shrink. Though pressed by many a foe ; That will not tremble on the hi-iuk Of poverty or woe : 115 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 2 That will not murmur nor complain lieneath the chastening rod. But in the hour of grief or pain Can lean upon its God : 3 A faith that shines more bright and clear When tempests ni^e without ; That when in daiiL,vr knows no fear. In darkness feels no doubt : 4 A faith that keeps the narrow way Till life's last spark is ned, And with a pure and heavenly ray Lights up the dying bed. 5 Lord, give me such a faith as this, And then, whate'er may come, I taste e'en now the hallowed bliss Of an eternal home. Amen. W. H. Bathurst. 1831. 404 8.8.t). 8.8.6. Perfect love casteth ovt/tar. 1 John iv. 18. GLORIOUS hope of perfect love ! It lifts me up to things above. It bears on eagles' wings ; It gives my ravished soul a ta.ste. And makes me for some moments feast With Jesu's priests and kings. 2 Rejoicing now in earnest hope, I stand, and from the mountain-top See all the land below ; Rivers of milk and honey rise, And all the fruits of Paradise In endless plenty grow. 3 A land of corn, and wine, and oil, Favoured with God's peculiar smile. With every blessing blest; There dwells the Lord our Righteousness, And keeps His own in jierlect peace. And everlasting rest. 4 O that I might at once go up ! No more on this side .Jordan stop, but now the land ; Tills moment end my legal years. Sorrows, and sins, and doubts, and fears, A howling wilderness. 6 Now, O my .Toshua, bring me in ! Cast out Thy foes ; the Inbred sin, The carnal mind, remove ; The purchase of Tliy death divide ! And O : with all the sanctlfted Give me a lot of love ! Amen. WebUu- ITl'-'. 405 If T wish Ihicvnl, thou hast iiti jxirt Willi ^lc.—^n\m xiU. 8. IJIOR over licre my rest shall he, J Close to Thy bleeding side ; This all my hope, and all my plea, For me the Saviour died 1 110 2 My dying Saviour, and my God, Fountain for guilt and sin. Sprinkle me ever with Thy blood. And cleanse, and keep me clean. 3 Wash me, and make me thus Thine own • Wash me. and mine Thou art ; Wash me, but not my feet alone, My hands, my head, my lieart. 4 The atonement of Thy blood apply. Till faith to sight Improve ; Till hope In full fruition die. And all my soul be love. Amen. Wesley. 1740. AC\g\, ^U O The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us oZ/.— Isaiah liii. fi. I LAY my sins on Jesus, The spotless Lamb of God : He bears them all, and frees us From the accursed load. I bring my guilt to Jesus, To wash my crimson stains White In His blood most preciom, TIU not a spot remains. 2 I lay my wants on Jesus, All fulness dwells In Him ; He heals all my diseases. He doth my soul redeem. I lay my griefs on Jesus, My burdens and my cares ; He lioni them all releases. He all my sorrows shares. 3 I rest my soul on Jesus, This weary soul of mine ; His right hand me embraces, I on His breast recline. I love the name of Jesus. Iinmanuol, Christ, the Lord ; Like fragrance on the breezes. His name abroad is poured. 4 I long to be like Jesus, Meek, loving, lowly, mild ; I long to be like Jesus, Tho Father s Holy Child. I long to be with Jesus. Anild the heavenly throng. To sing with saints His praises. To learn the angels' song. Iloratius Bonar. 1814. "iU ( Come, unto nu TUSTms [nni with. f) r,ul Ili:il ThA M(M Till O La -Matt, xi. 28. 1,1 lie pica, is shed for conio to T ome 1 me, iec. 2 Just as I am— and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot. To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot. O Lamb of God, I come ! FAITH AND CONSECRATION. 3 Just as I am— though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings within, and fears without, Lamb of God, I come I 4 Just as I am— Thou wilt receive. Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve ; Because Thy promise I believe, Lamb of God, I come ! 5 Just as I am— Thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down ; Now to be Thine, yea, Thine alone, Lamb of God, I come ! 6 Just as I am— of that free love The breadth, length, deptli, and height to prove. Here for a season, then above, Lamb of God, I come ! Charlotte Elliott. 183G. 4fcUO ife xcalk by faith, not by sight.— 2 Cor. v. 7. TT/IE walk by faith, and not by sight ; > \ No gracious words we hear From Him who spoke as never man. But we believe Him rear. 2 We may not touch His hands and side. Nor follow where He trod ; But in His promise we rejoice. And cry, ' My Lord and God ! ' 3 Help Thou, Lord, our unbelief; And may our faith abound. To call on Thee when Thou art near. And seek where Thou art found : 4 That when our life of faith is done. In realins of clearer light We may behold Thee as Thou art, With full and endless sight. Amen. H. At/ard. 1&14. A-DQ c-*^- ^r W «-/ Thy commandment is exceeding broad. — Psalm cxix. 96. DEEPEN the wound Thy hands have made In this weak, helpless soul. Till mercy, with its balmy aid. Descends to make me whole. 2 The sharpness of Thy two-edged sword U : help me to endure ; Till bold to say, ily hallomng Lord Hath \TTOught a perfect cure. 3 I see the exceeding broad comimand, Which all contains in one ; Enlarge my heart to understand The mystery unknown. 4 that with all Thy saints I might, By sweet experience, prove « What is the length, and breadth, and height, And depth of perfect love ! Amen. Charles Wesley. 1762. ^^■i-\y lie shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.— Paaha cxxx. 8. FATHER, I dare believe 'I'hee merciful and true ; Thou wilt my guilty soul forgive. My fallen soul renew. 2 Come then for Jesu's sake. And bid my he«rt be clean ; An end of all my troubles make. An end of all my sin. 3 I will, through grace, I will, I do. return to Thee ; Take, empty it, Lord, and till My heart with purity ! 4 For power I feebly pray : Thy kingdom now restore. To-day, while it is called to-day, Aid I shall sin no more. 5 I cannot wash my heart. But by believing Thee, And waiting for Thy blood to impart The spotless purity. G While at Thy cross I lie, Jesus, Thy grace bestow. Now Thy all-cleansing blood apply. And I am whit« as snow. Amen. Charles Wesleii. 1762. 411 They which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham. Galatians iii. 9. ABRAHAM, when severely tried. His faith by his obedience showed ; He with the harsh command complied, And gave his Isaac back to God. 2 His son the father offered up. Son of his age, his only son. Object of all his joy and hope. And less beloved than God alone. 3 for a faith Uke his, that we The bright example may jinrsue ; M.iy gladly give up all to Thee, To whom our more than all is due. 4 Now, Lord, to Thee our all we leave. Our willing soul Thy call obeys ; Pleasure, and wealth, and fame we give, Freedom, and life, to win Thy grace. 5 Is there a thing life more dear, A thing from which we cannot part? We can : we now rejoice to tear The idol from our bleeding heart. 6 Jesus, accept our sacrifice ; All things for Thee we count but loss ; Lo : at Thy word our Isaac dies. Dies on the altar of Thy cross. 117 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 7 For what to Thee, O Lord, we give, A luindred-fold we here obtain; And soon with Thee shall all receive. And loss shall be eternal gain. Wesley. 1740. 412 7.7. 7.7. D. ne leadeth me beside the still waters. — Psahn xxiii. 2. HAPPY soul that, free from harms. Rests within his Shepherd's arms ! Who his quiet sliall molest? Who shall violate his rest? Jesii.s dotli his spirit bear, Ji'sus tavc.s his every care ; He who found the wandering sheep, .h'sus, still delights to keep. 2 that I might so believe. Steadfastly to Jesus cleave, On His only love rely. Smile at the destroyer nigh ; Free from sin and servile fear. Have my Jesus ever near, AU His care rejoice to prove. All His paradise of love ! 3 Jesus, seek Thy wandering sheep, Bring me back, and lead, and keep ; Take on Thee my every care. Bear me, on Thy bosom bear ; Let me know my Shepherd's voice. More and more in Thee rejoice. More and more of Thee receive. Ever in Thy Spirit live : 4 Live, till all Tliv life I know. Pcrr.M't tlinm-li my L.inl b.^low, Gladly tlirn Iniiii c-irtli rnii.iv.'. Gathered to the fold above. O that I at last may stand With the sheep at Thy right hand. Take the crown so freely given, Knter in by Thee to heaven ! Amen. Charles Wedey. 1749. 41 o 10. 10. ruA-Kj Thou loilt keep him in IM-rjict peace, ivhose mind is stayed on Thee. Isaiah xxvi. 3. PEACE, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin? The blood of Jesus whispers peace within. 2 Peiiee, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed V To do the will of Jesus, this is rest. 3 Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging round? On Jesus bosom no\ight but calm is founcL 4 Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away ? In .FfiHii's keeping wo are safe, and they. 118 5 Peace, perfect peace, our future all un- known? Jesus we know, and He is on the throne. G Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours ? Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers. 7 It is enough: earth's struggles soon shall cease. And Jesus call us to heaven's perfect peace. Bisho2y E. H. Bickersteth. 1876. A-\ A 8.5. 8.3. J^-L j: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall he saved. Acts xvi. 31. TAM trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Trusting only Thee, Trusting Thee for full salvation, Great and free. 2 I am trusting Thee for pardon, At Thy feet I bow. Vox Thy grace and tender mercy, Trusting now. 3 I am trusting Thee for cleansing. In the crimson flood. Trusting Thee to make me holy, By Thy blood. 4 I nm trusting Thee to guide me, 'I'liou alone shalt lead, Km ry day and hour supplying All my need. f) I .-im trusting Thee for power. Thine can never fail ; Wolds winch Thou Thyself shaltgive mo Must prevail. G I am trusting Thee. Lord Jesus, Never let me fall ; I am trusting Thee I'm- ever. And for all. Franees R. Ilaven/al. 1874. 415 Without Me ye can do nothing.— John xv. I COULD not do without Thoo. O Saviour of the lost! Whose wondrous love redeemed mo At, s\ieh tremendous cost; Thy ii;rliteousiiess, Thy pardon, 'I'liy in-ei-jous lilood must bo My only hope and ei know'st I would. And have Thee all my own ; Thee, O my all-s\iffl('ipiit Good I I want, and Thee alone. 6 Thy name to me. Thy nat\ire gi-ant ; This, only this be given ; Nothing beside my God I w,ant. Nothing In earth or heaven. 7 Come, my Savlotir, come away ! Into my soul descend ; No loiigi^r frf>m Thy (Teature stay, My Author and my End ! S Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, And seal me Thine abode ! I/'t all I am In Thee be lost. Let all be lost In God. Amen. Weslvy. 174l(. 120 A01 c.M, J^^^ -'- Wensed are the pure i7i heart ; for they shall see God.— Matttew v. 8. OFOR a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free ; A heart that always feels Thy blo(»l So freely spilt for me ! 2 A heart resigned, submissive, meek. My gi-eat Redeemer's throne. Where only Christ is heard to speak. Where Jesus reigns alone ; 3 A humble, lowly, contrite heart, Believing, true, and clean ; Wiich neitlier life nor death can part From Him that dwells within ; 4 A heart in every thought renewed. And full of love divine ; Perfect, and right, and pure, and good, A copy. Lord, of Thine 1 5 Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart ; Come quicklj' from aliove. Write Thy new name u)>on my heart. Thy new, best name of love. Amen. Wesley. 1742. 422 received the a^onewient.— Romans v. 11. By whom we have now I the HOLY Lamb, who Thee receive. Who in Thee begin to live. Day and night they cry to Thee, As Thou art, so let us be ! 2 Jesus, see my panting breast ! See I long in Thee to rest I Gladly would I now be clean. Cleanse me now from every sin. 3 Fix, fix my wavering mind ; To Thy cross my spirit bind ; E.arthly passions far remove, Swallow up my soid in love. 4 Dust and ashes though we be, Full of sin and misery. Thine we are. Thou Son of God ! Take the purchase of Thy blood. r> Who in heart on Tliee believes. He the atonement now receives. He with jov beholds Thy face, Triumi)hs In Thy pardoning grace. r.oundloss wisdom, jiowcr divine, Love unspeakable, are Thine : Tralsc by all to Thee bo given. Sons of earth, and hosts of heaven I Amen. Anna Dober. n.'i.i. Tr. J. Wesley. 1740. FAITH AND CONSECRATION. /1QO L.M. t:^«-> Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of Me . . . 0/ him also shall thcSmi of Man be aMam«d.— Mark viii. 38. LORD Jesus, shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of Thee ? t>»;oriied be the thought by rich and poor : My soul shall scorn it more and moro. 2 Ashamed of Jesus ! Sooner far May evening blush to own a star. Ashamed of Jesus : Just as soon May midnight blush to think of noon. 3 Ashamed of Jesus, that dear Friend. On whom my hopes of heaven depend : No ; when I blush, be this my shame. That 1 no more revere His name. 4 A.shamed of Jesus ! Yes, I may, \Mien I've no guilt to wash away, No tears to wipe, no joys to crave. And no immortal soul to save. 5 Till then, nor is this boasting vain, Till then I boast a Saviour slain ; And 0, may this my glory be, That Christ is not ashamed of me ! Joseph Grigg. 1765. 424 Beye . . . follorversof God, as dear c/(i7rf>-en.— Ephesians v. 1. OLORD, Thy heavenly grace impart. And fl.\ my frail inconstant heart ; Henceforth my chief desire shall be To dedicate myself to Thee, To Thee, my God, to Thee. 2 UTiateer pursuits my time employ. One thought shall till my soul with joy ; That silent, secret thought shall be. That all my hopes are fixed on Thee, On Thee, my God, on Thee. 3 Thy glorious eye pervadeth space ; Thou'rt present. Lord, in every place ; And wheresoe'er ray lot may be, Stiil shall my spirit cleave to Thee, To Thee, my God, to Thee. 4 Renouncing every sinful thing. Safe neath the coven of Thy wing. My sweetest tliought henceforth shaU be, That all I want 1 find in Thee, In Thee, my God, in Thee. From the French, abt. 1826. Tr. Lucy Wilson. 1829. 425 / ii'iV; put My law in their ward parts, and write it in their hearts. Jeremiah xxxi. 33. THE thing mv God doth hate That I no "more may do. Thy creatiire. Lord, again create, And all my soul renew. 2 My soul shall then, like Thiuo, Abhor the thing unclean. And, sanctified by love divine, For ever cease from sin. 3 That blessed law of Tliin<<, Jesus, to me impart ; The Spirit's law of life divine, O write it in my heart I 4 Implant it deep within. Whence it may ne'er remove, The law of liberty from sin, The perfect law of love. r> Thy nattire be my law. Thy spotless sanctity. And sweetly every moment draw My happy soiil to Thee. 6 Soul of my soul remain : Who didst for all fulfil. In me, O Lord, fulfil again Thy heavenly Father's will. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1762. AOfi 7.0.7 6. -:i:^JKj T7g iQ^g Him, because He first loved us.— I John iv. 19. IN full and glad surrender, 1 give myself to Thee, Thine utterly and only. And evermore to be. 2 Son of God who lov'st me, I will be Thine alone ; And all T have, and am. Lord, Shall henceforth be Thine own I 3 Reign over me. Lord Jesus ! O make my heart Thv throne 1 It shall be Thine, dear Saviour, It shall be Thine alone. 4 come and reign. Lord Jesus ; Rule over everything ! And keep me always loyal. And true to Thee my King. Amen. Frances B. Havergal. d. 1879. 427 D. Lo, tve have left all, inid have follotved Thee.—hiHTk x. 28. JESUS, I my cross have taken. All to leave, and follow Thee ; Destitute, despised, forsaken. Thou, from hence, my all shalt be : Perish every fond ambition. All I've sought, or hoped, or known ; Yet how rich is my condition, God and heaven are still my own ! 2 Let the world 'lespise and leave me ; They have left my Saviour loo ; Human hearts and looks deceive me ; Thou art not, like them, untrue : 121 THE CHBISTIAN LIFE. And while Thou shalt smile upon me, God of wisdom, love, and mi^ht. Foes may hate, and friends may shun me : Show Thy face, and all is bright. 3 Man may trouble and distress me, 'Twill but drive me to Thy breast ; Life with trials hard may press me, Heaven will bring me sweeter rest : O 'tis not in grief to harm me. While Thy love is left to me ! O twere not in. joy to charm me. Were that joy unmixed with Thee ! 4 Soul, then know thy full salvation ; Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care ; Joy to find in every station, Homothing still to do or bear: Think what Spirit dwells within theo ! What a Father's smile is thine ! What a Saviour died to win thee ! Child of Heaven ! shouldst thou repine ? 5 Haste then on from grace to glory. Armed by faith, and winged by prayer, Heaven's eternal day's before thee. Clod's own hand shall guide thee there : Soon shall close thy earthly mission. Swift shall pass thy pilgrim days, Hope soon change to glad fruition. Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. II: F. Lyte. 18':4. 428 ArrorJiitii to your faith be it unto i/o".— Matthew ix. 29. CM. CO.MR, my God, the promise seal, This mountain, sin, remove ; Now in my ga.sping soul reveal The virtue of Thy love. 2 I want Thy life, Thy purity, Tiiy ri^'!iti'ousni>ss brought In ; I ask, ili'siif, and trust in Tliee, 'J'o 1)1! n^di-i'int-d from sin. 3 Anger and sloth, desire and prldo, This nioiniint be subdued ; lie cast into the crimson tide or my Jl(!deemer's blood. 4 Saviour, to Theo my soul looks up. My present Saviour Tliou ! In all Iho confidence of hope, I claim the blessing now. 5 'Tin done ! Thou dost this moment save. With full salvation bless ; KediMnptlon through Thy blood I liave. And spotless love and peace. Charles Wesley. 17G2. 429 Truhi 1 nm Thy servant. I'.salin cxvl. 10. TAKE my life, and let It be Consecrated, Lord, to Thoe ; Take my moments and my dnyH, Lot them How In coaseloss praise. 122 2 Take my hands, and let tliem move At the impulse of Thy love ; Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee. 3 Take my voice, and let me sing Always, only for my King : Take my lips, and let them be Filled with messages from Thee. 4 Take my silver and my gold. Not a mite would I withhold ; Take my intellect, and use Every power as Thou shalt choose. 5 Take my will, and make it Thine, It shall be no longer mine ; Take my heart, it is Thine own, It shall be Thy royal throne. 6 Take my love, my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure-store ; Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee. Amen. Frances R. Uavergal. 1878. 430 7.7. 7.7. These ivere redeemed from among j/ie«.— Revelation xiv. 4. THINE for ever : God of love. Hear us from Thy throne above ; Thine for ever may we be, Here and in eternity. 2 Thine for ever ! O how blest. They who find in Thee their rest ! Saviour, Guardian, Heavenly Friend, defend us to the end ! 3 Thine for ever ! Lord of life. Shield us through our earthly strife : Thou the Life, the Truth, the Way, Guide us to the realms of day. 4 Thine for ever ! Shepherd, keep These Thy frail and trembling sheep ; Sale alone beneath Thy care, Let us all Thy goodness share. 5 Thine for ever ! Thou our guide. All our wants by Thee supplied ; All our sins by Thee forgiven, Lead us. Lord, from earth to heaven. Amen. Mrs. Mary F. Maude. 1847. 431 My times are in Thy hand. Psalm xxxl. 15. I' ORD, it belongs not to my care, J Whether I dio or live ; To love and servo Theo Is my share, And this Thy grace must give. 2 If life be long, I will bo glad, Thnt I may long obey ; If short, yet why should I bo sad To soar to endless day ? FAITH AND CONSECRATION. 3 Cliiist leads me through no darker rooms Thau He went through before: He who into God's kingdom comes. Must enter by this door. Come, Lord, when grace hath made me nieot Tliy blessed face to see ; For if Thy work on earth be sweet, What will Thy glory be? 5 Then shall I end my sad complaints. And weary, sinful days : And join with the triumphant saints, Who sing Jehovah's praise. C My knowledge of that life is small, The eye of faith is dim ; But 'tis enough that Christ knows all. And I shall be with Him. Richard Baxter. 1681. 432 Whether we live there/ore, tn die., we are the Lord's.— Konians xiv. 8. TESUS ! I live to Thee, V The loveliest and best; My life in Thee, Thy life in me, In Thy blest love I rest. 2 Jesus ! I die to Thee, Whenever death shall comei To die in Thee is life to me. In my eternal home. 3 Whether to live or die, I know not which is best ; To live in Thee is bliss to me. To die is endless rest. 4 Living or dying. Lord, I ask but to be Thine ; My life in Thee, Thy life in me. Makes heaven for ever mine. Amen. Henry Harbaugh. 1850. 2IQO 6.6. 6.6. 8.8. "XOvJ But first gave their own selves to the Lord. — 2 Corinthians viii. 5. GOD of my life, to Thee My cheerful soul I raise ! Thy goodness bade me be. And still prolongs my days ; 1 see my natal hour return. And bless the day that I was born. 2 A clod of living earth, I glorify Thy name. From whom alone my birth. And all my blessings came : Creating and preserving grace. Let all that is mthin me praise. 3 Long as I live beneath. To Thee let me live I To Thee my every breath. In thanks and praises give : Whate er I have, whate'er I am. Shall magnify my Maker'u name. 4 My soul, and all its powers. Thine, wholly Thine, shall be ; All, all my happy hours I consecrate to Thee : Me to Thine image now restore. And I shall praise Thee evermore. 5 I wait Thy will to do. As angels do in heaven ; In Christ a creature new. Most graciously forgiven, I wait Thy perfect will to prove. All sanctified by spotless love. 6 Then, when the work is done. The work of faith with power, Receive Thy favoured son. In death's triumphant hour ; Like Moses to Thy.self convey. And bear my raptured soul away. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1742. 434 8.8. 8.8. Anapccstic. Thou art the God of my strength.— PsaXxa xliii. 2. TTf^-'^T now is my object and aim ? \ V What now is my hope and desire? To follow the heavenly Lamb, And after His image aspire : 2 My hope is all centred in Tliee, I trust to recover Thy love. On earth Thy salvation to see. And then to enjoy it above. 3 I thirst for a life-giving God, A God that on Calvary died ; A fountain of water and blood. Which gushed from Immanuel's side ! 4 I gasp for the stream of Thy love. The spirit of rapture unknown. And then to re-drink it above. Eternally fresh from the throne. Charles Wesley. 1762. 435 Let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. Luke !X. 23. MASTER ! I own Thy lawful claim. Thine, wholly Thine, I long to be- Thou seest, at, I willing am, N\'here'er Thou goest, to follow Theo Myself in all things to deny, Thine, wholly Thine, to live and die. 2 \Miate'er my sinful flesh requires. For Thee I cheerfully forego ; My covetous and vain desires. My hopes of happiness below. My senses' and my passions' food. And all my thirst for creature-good. 123 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 3 Pleasure, and wealth, and praise no more Shall lead my captive soul astray ; My fond pursuits I all give o'er. Thee, only Thee, resolved to obey ; My own in all things to resign. And know no other vill but Thine. 4 Wherefore to Thee I all resign ; Being Thou art, and Love, and Power, Thy only will be done, not mine ! Thee, Lord, let heaven and earth adore ! Flow back the rivers to the sea. And let our all be lost in Thee 1 Amen. Charles Wesley. 1749. AOa CM. •± O U Tf I may but touch His garment, I shall be wTioie.— Matt. ix. 21. WHUN in the busy crowd of life Too often pressed and thronged. And in their rude and selfish strife Both overlooked and wronged; 2 How sweet to know faith's lightest touch The watchful Saviour feels; And healing, in reply to such. Into the sufferer steals. ;> Oft through the world we smoothly go. Hiding some secret care. Our nearest, dearest, may not know. Which God alone can share. 4 We mingle with the busy throng. They pass unheeded by ; They bear us in their tide along. We commune with the sky. 5 Saviour ! it is Thy people's bliss To feel Thy care for them ; And, while the crowd Thy mercy miss. To touch Thy garment's hem. fi Friends may misstake, or foes may sliglit, Tliyself not seem to see ; One touch of faith, however light, Will find its way to Theo. wlii'i) sorrow pleads. 7 And Thou wi Gou.l cnllll- Th.i hiMlln- it s., son-lv Is, Tlic lailh, wliicli luMiccs it whob J. a. Ji. Monscll. 437 8.7. 8.7. Iambic. God is faithful, who will not suffer you to he icnipli'd above that ye are able.—l Corinthians x. 13. MY Father and my Ood, behold Thy wayward child before Theo ; And to Thy will my spirit mould, I now with tears Implore Theo. •I Without Thee I In plenty plno. In tbrr.ngs of men iim lonely; With The(' all earth and heaven are mine, With Tlioo, ray Father, only. V2l 3 O search my bosom through and through. And strengthen my endeavour. And make me always think and do What pleases Thee for ever. 4 My love, my life, my all control Henceforth by Calvai-j-'s story ; Stamp here Thy image on my soul. And fit me for Thy glory. Amen. Bishop E. H. Bicker steth. 1883. 438 8.6. 8.6. 8.6. 1 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.— Psa,\m xxxvii. 7. With sin and sorrow worn, And conscience rankling with the smart Of pitiless self-scorn ; counting all beside but loss. Climb Calvary's lowly hill. And there beneath the bleeding Cross, Rest and be still. 2 Rest in the Lord ; what time the storm Around thy pathway raves, Behold His calm majestic form Serenely walks the waves ; And hark ! that tranquil voice is heard Which winds and waves fulfil ; rest upon His changeless word ; Rest and be still. 3 Rest in the Lord ; although the sands Of life are running low. Though clinging hearts and clasping hands May not detain thee now : His hand is on thee ; death's alarms Can never work thee ill : Rest on His everlasting arms ; Rest and be still. 4 Rest in the Lord ; no conflicts more, The latest labour done ; Th« weary strife for ever o'er, Tlui crown for ever won. P.i^siile the crystal stream, that flows From Zion's heavenly hill. Rest in Eternal Love's repose ; Rest and bo still. Bishop E. H. Bickersteth. 1870. 439 6.4. 6.4. Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?— Acts ix. 6. a AVIOUR ! Thy dying love Til Nor sh Mv In lov'. My he; Sonii' I II gavest me, Hid I aught withhold. Lord, from Thee ; my siui! would how, I. Iiillil its vow, g bring Theo now, Something for Thee. 2 At tlio blest mercy-seat, Pleading for me. My feeble faith looks up, Jesus, to Theo : ADOPTION AND SONSHIP. Help me the cross to bear, Thy womlrous love declari\ Some soil}; to raise, or prayer. Something for Thee. 3 Give me a faithful heart, Likeness to Thee, That each floparting day Heni-el'orth may see Some work of love begun. Some deed of kindness donf^, Some wanderer sought and won. Something for Thee. 4 All tliat I am and have. Thy gifts so free. In joy, in grief, through life, Lord, for Thee ! And when Thy face 1 see. My ransomed soul shall be, Through all eternity. Something for Thee. Amen. S. D. Phelps. 440 Love the Lord your God vith all your heart.— Deut. -xiii. 3. MY heart, God, be wholly Thine, I would not keep it back from Thee ; Nor wish to shun the grace divine, Which asks this humble gift of me. i! take it now, and let Thy love For e^■ermore within me dwell ; And may Thy Spirit from above Teach me to serve my Master well. 3 Afar be every thought of sin, .\far be every wish to stray ; Let truth and holiness begin To lead me up the heavenward way. I 4 Make this my only aim and care, To seek Thy piaise in all I do ; To consecrate each act with prayer, .\s I my daily work pursue. 5 More like to Thee, my blessed Lord, I would be. as my days pass by. With patience, love, and wisdom stored, Keady to live, and fit to die. Amen. IV. J. Mathams. 1880. ADOPTION AND SONSHIP. L.M. 2 Father, Thine everlasting grace Our scanty thought surpa.ssis far. Thy heart still melts with tenderness, Thy arms of love still open are. Returning sinners to receive. That mercy they may taste and live. 3 Love, Thou bottomless abyss. My sins are swallowt^d up in Thee ; Covered is tny unrighteousness. Nor spot of guilt remains on me, While Jesu's blood through earth and skicg. I Mercy, free, boundless mercy, cries : I i With faith I plunge me in this sea, I Here is my hope, my joy, my rest ; Hither, when hell assails. I flee, I 1 look into my Saviours breast ; I Away, sad doubt, and anxious fear ! I Mercy is all that's written there. 5 Though waves and storms go o'er my head. Though strength, and health, and frieuds be gone. Though joys be withered all and dead. Though every comfort be withdrawn. On this my steadl'ast soul relies. Father. Thy mercy never dies. (j Fixed on this ground will I remain. Though my lieart fail, and flesh decay ; This anchor sliall my soul sustain, When earth's foundations melt away ; Mercy's full power I then shall prove. Loved with an everlasting love. John A. Kothe.. 1735. Tr. J. Wesley. 1740. 441 N* 8.8. 8.8. 8.8. yviio have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us. Hebrews vi. 18. f OW I have found the ground wherein Sure my souls anchor may remain, The wounds of Jesus, for my sin. Ik'fore the world's foimdation slain ; Whose mercy shall unshaken stay. When heaven and earth are fled away. 442 By one offering He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. Hebrews x. 14. ARISE, my soul, arise, Shake oft" thy guilty fears ; The bleeding sacrifice In my behalf appears ; Before the throne my Surety stands ; My name is written on liis hands. 2 He ever lives above. For me to intercede. His all-redeeming love. His precious blood, to plead ; His blood atoned for all our race. And sprinkles now the throne of grace. 3 Five bleeding wounds He bears. Received on Cilvary : They pour effectual prayers. They strongly sjieak for me ; ' Forgive him. O fortio7i tltrouyh His blood, the forgivenesn o/sins. Ephesians i. 7. AND can it be that I should gain An interest in the Saviour's Ijlood? Died He for ine, who caused His pain. For me, w lio Him to death pursued ? Amazing love I how can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me I 2 "Tis mystery all : The Immortal dies ! Wlio can explore His strange design ! In vain the first-born seraph tries To sound till- depths of Love Divine ! 'Tis mercy all 1 let earth adore. Lot angel-minds enquire no more. 3 He left His Father's throne above, !So free, so infinite His grace ! Kmptii-d Himself of all but love, Aniir ever may we parted be, 'i ill I become one spirit with Thee. 4 :. ; 111 let Thy love point out my way : JIow wondrous things Thy love hath wrought : f-;till lead me, lest I go astray ; Direct my word, inspire my thought ; .And If 1 fall, soon may I hear 'i liy voice, and know that love is near. C In suffering b« Thy love my peace ; In wi-akhcss be Thy love my |iower; Aiid whrii tlir storms of llfr shall cease, .h'sus. In tli;il imiiorlant hour, JiMleiith as 111.' b.Tli.'u my guide. And save ino who for mo hast died. Amen. ] 'nut Gerhard!. 166B. Tr. J. Wesley. 1739. 128 452 8.7. 8.7. D. Being i-ooted and grounded in /ore.— Ephesians iii. 17. LOVE Divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come down. Fix in us Thy humble dwelling. All Thy faithful mercies crown : Jesus, Thou art all compassion. Pure, unbounded love Thou art ; Visit us with Thy salvation. Enter every trembling heart. 2 Come, almighty to deliver. Let us all Thy grace receive ; Suddenly return, and never. Never more Thy temples leave : Thee we would be always blessing. Serve Thee as Thy hosts above, Pray, and praise Thee, without ceasing, Glory in Thy perfect love. 3 Finish, then. Thy new creation. Pure and spotless let us be. Let us see Thy great salvation. Perfectly restored in Thee ; Changed from glory into glorj'. Till in heaven we take our plac-^. Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Amen. Wesley, mi. 453 10.10. 10.10. 4. To know the love of Christ, which passeth A:«oit;/ecZ(/e.— Ephesians iii. 19. IT passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine, My Saviour, Jesus ! Yet this soul of mine Would of ' length Thy love, in all its breadth and Its height and depth, and everlasting strength. Know more and more. 2 It passetli telling, that dear love of Thine, My Saviour, Jesus ! Yet these lips of mine Would fain proclaim tosiniiers farand near A love w hich can remove all guilty fear, And lovo beget. 3 It passeth praises, that dear love of Thine, My Saviour, Jesus ! Vet this heart of mine Would sing that love, so full, so rich, so free. Which brings a rebel sinner, such as me, Nigh unto God. 4 O, fill mn. S.Tvionr. Jesus, with Thv love ! Lead, I.Niii nil- I.. Ilu' livin- I'liunt ahove ; Thith.T nij..v 1. ill simpl.. laltli draw nigh. And ufViT io Mimtlier loiiiilain lly, Lut iinlo Thee. 5_^nd then, when Jesus face to face I pee. When .It His lofty throne I bow the knee. Then of His lovo, in all its breadth .and Its lurglii, and depth, its everlasting strength. My soul shall sing. Mary Shehelton. 1863. LOVE AND HOLINESS, 454 The love nf God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost xvtiich is given unto ws.— Romans v. 5. COME, Saviour, Jesus, from above ! Assist me with Thy heavenly grace ; Empty my heart of ela.i\i ix. 23. G\ OD of eternal truth and grace, r Thy faithful promise seal. Thy word, Thy oath, to Abraham's race. In us, even us, fulfil. 2 Let U3, to perfect love restored. Thy image here retrieve. And in the presence of our Lord, The life of angels live. 3 That mighty faith on me bestow, A\Tiich cannot ask in vain. Which holds, and will not let Thee go, Till I my suit obtain ; 4 Till Thou into my soul inspire The perfect love unknown. And tell my infinite desire, Whate'er ihou wilt, be done. 5 But is it possible that I Should live and sin no more? Lord, if on Thee I dare rely. The faith shall bring the power. 457 I know that my Redeemer liveth.— Job xix. 25. I KNOW that my Redeemer lives, And ever prays for me ; A token of His love He gives, A pledge of liberty. 2 I find Him lifting up my head. He brings salvation near, His presence makes me free indeed, And He will soon appear. 3 He wills that I should holy be. What can withstand His will ? The counsel of His grace in me He surely shaU fulfil. 4 Jesus, I hang upon Thy Word ; I steadfast ly believe Thou wilt retiini and claim me. Lord, And to Thyself receive. 5 Jo>'ful in hope, my spirit soai-s To meet Thee from al>ovc. Thy goodness thankfully adores ; And sure I taste Thy love. 129 TRE CHRISTIAN LIFE. When God is mine, and I am His, Of paradise possest, I taste unutterable bli.«s, And everlasting reM. Charles Wesley. 1742. 458 Whom have I in heaven but Thee ?~Fsa\Ta Ixxiii. 25. JESUS, all-atonins: I.amb. Thine, and only Thine, I am ; Taki^ my body, spirit, soul ; Only Thou possess the whole. 2 Thou my one thing needful be ; Let me ever cleave to Tiiee : Let me choose the better part, Let me give Thee all my heart. S Fairer than the sons of men. Do not let me turn a^ain, Leave the fountain-head of bliss. Stoop to creatm-e-happiuess. 4 Whom have I on earth below? Thee, and only Thee, I know : Whom have I in heaven but Thee? Thou art all in all to me. 5 All my treasure is above, All my riches is Thy love ; Who the worth of love can tell ? Infinite, unsearchable ! Thou, Love, my portion art ; Lord, Thou know'st my simple heart ! Other comforts I desnise. Love be all my paradise. 7 Nothing else can I rcquirf. Love nils up my whole dusire; All Thy other gifts remove, StUl Thou giv'st me all in love. Charles Wesley. 17 10. 459've on the Lord ./>.sw.9 Christ, and thou -halt be saved. Acts xvi. 31. TESUS hath died that I might live. V Might live to God alono ; In Him eternal life receive, And bu in Mpirit one. 2 Saviour, I thank Thee for the grace, Thi- gift unspeakable ! And wait with arms of faith to embrace, And all Thy lovo to feel. 3 My soul breaks out In strong desire Tho perfi-ct bliss to prove ; Wy longing heart is all on firo To bo dissolved in lovo. 4 Give me Thyself; from every boast, P'rom every wish set Pn-e ; U;t all I am In Thee be lost ; tut gi ve Thyself to mo. 130 5 Thy gifts, Lord ! can not suffice. Unless Thyself be given ; Thy presenile makes my paradise, And where Thou art is heaven. Charles Wesley. 1742. 460 I shall be satisfied, when I awake, tvith Thy Hkeiiess.—Vsahn xvii. 15. JESUS, the all-restoring Word, My fallen spirit's hope. After Thy lovely likeness. Lord, Ah, when shall 1 wake up J 2 Thou, my God, Thou only art The Life, the Truth, the Way : Quicken my soul, instruct my heart, My sinking footsteps stay. 3 Of all Thou hast in earth below. In heaven above, to give, Give me Thy only love to know, In Thee to walk and live. 4 Fill me with all the life of love. In mystic imion Join Me to Thyself, and let me prove The fellowship divine. 5 Op"n the intercourse between -My longing soul and Thee, NtMcr to be broke oti" again To all eternity. Amen. Wesley. 1740. 461 We love nim, bsrause He first loved us. — 1 John iv. 19. M' 'Y God, I love Thee ; not because I hope for heaven thei-eby, N(ir yet because who love Thee not Are lost eternally. 2 Thou. my Jesus, Thou didst mo Upon the Cross embrace : For me didst hear tho nails, and spear. And manifold disgrace, 3 And griefs and toi-monts numberless. And sweat of agony ; Yea, death itself: and all for me Who was Thine enemy. 4 Then why, O blessM Jesus Christ, Should I not love Thee well ? Not for tho sake of winning heaven. Nor of escaping hell ; fi Not from the hope of gaining aught, Not seeking a reward ; But as Thyself hast lov6d me, ever-loving Lord. C So would I love Tliee, Lord, And in Thy praise will sing ; Solely Ijccause Thou art my God. And my eternal King. Amen. Francis Xnvier. \e,th Century. Tr. Edward Casivall. 1849. LOVE AND nOLIXESS. 462 To befiold the beauty of the Lord.— Psalm xxvii. 4. N OW let us see Thy bpaiity. Lord, As we have seen before ; And by Thy beauty quii-keu us To love Thee and adore. 2 'Tis easy when with simple mind Thy loveliness we see, To consecrate ourselves afresh To duty and to Thee. 3 Our every feverish mood is i-ooled. And gone is every load. When we can lose the love of self. And find the love of God. 4 'Tis by Thy loveliness we're won To home and Thee afjain, And as we are Thy children true We are more truly men. 5 Lord, it is coming to ourselves When thus we come to Thee ; The bondage of Thy loveliness Is perfect liberty. C So now we come to ask again What Thou hast often jjiven. The vision of that loveliness Which is the life of heaven. Benjamin Waugh. IS 463 VThere the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.—^ Cor. iii. 17. OCOME, and dwell in me. Spirit of power within 1 And bring the glorious liberty From sorrow, fear, and sin. 2 The seed of sin's disease. Spirit of health, remove. Spirit of finished holiness. Spirit of perfect love. 3 Hasten the joyful day, Which shall my sins consume. When old things shall be passed a^vay, And all things new become. 4 I want the witness. Lord, Tli;\t all I do is right. According to Thy will and word. Well-pleasing in Thy sight : 5 I ask no higher state ; Indulge me but in this. And soon or later then translate To my eternal bliss. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1762. AP,A CM. ^^ ^ J^ He shall baptize youw th the Hulij Ohost and with /re.— Matt. 111. 11. MY God ! I know, I feel Thee mine. And will not quit niv claim. Till all 1 have is lost in Thine, And all renewed I am. 2 I hold Thee wth a trembling hand. But will not let Thee go. Till steadfastly by faith I stand And all Thy goodness know. 3 When shall I see the w.-jicome hour. That plants my God in me ! Spirit of health, and life, and powrr. And perfect liberty ! 4 Jesus, Thine all-victorious love Shed in my heart abroad : Then shall my feet n» longer rove. Rooted and fixed in God. 5 that In me the sacred fire Might now begin to glow. Burn up the dross of basi- desire. And make the mountains rtow : 6 that it now from heaven might ;"ulJ, And all my sins consume : Come, Holy Ghost, for Thee I call, Siiirit of burning, come : 7 Refining fire, go through my heart. Illuminate my soul ; Scatter Thy life" through every part. And sanctify the whole. 8 My steadfast soul, from falling free. Shall then no longer move ; But Christ be all the world to nse. And all my heart be love. Wesley. 17:0. 465 the depth of the riches both of the wiSikim and knioivledge of God I Romans xi. 33. WHAT shall I do my God to love, > V My loving God to praise ? The length, and bre;idth, and height to prove. And depth of sovereign grace ? 2 Tliy sovereign Erraee to all extei,ds. Immense and unconfiued ; From age to age it never ends ; It reaches all mankind. 3 Throughout the world its breadth is known. Wide as infinity ! So wide, it never passed by one. Or it had passed by rne. 4 My trespass was gro\m up to heaven ; But far above the skies. In Christ abundantly forgiven, I see Thy mercies rise : 131 THE CSRIlSTIAN LIFE. 5 The ctepth of all-rodeeming love, What angel-tongue can tell? may I to the utmost prove The gift unspeakable ! 6 Deeper than hell, it plucked me thence ; Deeper than inbred sin, Jesus's love my heart shall cleanse, When Jesus enters in. 7 Assert Thy claim, maintain Thy right, Come quickly from above ; And sink me to perfection's height. The depth of humble love. Amen. Wesley. \:Vi. 466 Thou Shalt call His name Jesus : for He shall save His peo/de from their sius.— Matthew i. "Jl. THERE is a name I love to hear, I love to speak its worth. It sounds like music in mine ear, The sweetest name on earth. 2 It tells me of a Saviour's love. Who died to set me free : It tells me of His precious blood. The sinner's perfect plea. 3 It tells of one whose loving heart Can feel my deepest woe, Who In my sorrow bears a part That none can bear below. 4 Jesus ! the name I love so well. The name I love to hear ; No saint on earth its worth can tell, No heart conceive how dear. 6 His name shall shed its fragrance still Along this thorny road ; Shall sweetly smooth the rugged hill That leads me up to God. 6 And there, with all the blood-bought throng. From sin and sorrow free, 111 sing the new eternal song Of Jesu 8 love for mo. 3 In darkness -willingly I strayed, I sought Thee, yet'from Thee I roved : Far wide my wandering thoughts were spread, Thy creatures more than Thee I loved ; And now, if more at length I see, 'Tis through Thy light, and comes from Thee. 4 Give to mine eyes refreshing tears, Give to my heart chaste, hallowed fires. Give to my soul, with filial fears, Tlie love that all heaven's host inspires; That all my powers, with all their might. In Thy sole glory may unite. 5 Thee will I love, my Joy, my crown. Thee \vill I love, my Lord, ray God ; Tliee will I love, beneath Thy frown. Or smile, Thy sceptre, or Thy rod : What though my flesh and heart decay. Thee shall I love in endless day ! Jolin Scheffler. 1657. Tr. J. Wesley. 1739. 468 467 F. Whitfield. \m). I fill love Thee. O Lord, my streii'jth.— Fa-Aim xviil. 1. rpiIEK will Ilove, my strength, my tower, I Thee will I love, my Joy, my crown. Thee will I love with all my power. In all Thy works, and Thee alono ; Thee will I love, till the pure fire Fills my wlKjle soul with chaste desire. 2 Ah, why did I so late Thee know. Then, lovelier than the sons of men '. Ah. why did I no sooner go To Thee, the only In pain ! Ashamed I sigh, and Inlv mourn. That 1 80 late to Thee did turn. 8.7. 8.7. n. (^od forbid that I should gloru, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Galatians vl. 14. SWEET the moments, rich in blessing. Which before the cross I sjjend : Life, and health, and peace possessing. From the sinner's djlng Friend : Here I'll sit. for ever viewing Mercy's streams, in streams of blood ; Precious drops ! my soul hcdcnving, riead and claim my peace with God. 2 Truly blessM Is this station. Low before tlio cross to lie ; While I see divine compa.ssion Floating in His languid eye: Here it is I find my heaven. While upon the Lamb I gaze : Love I much? I've much forgiven, I'm a miracle of gi-aco ! 3 Love and grief my heart dlvi,lli;g. With my tears His Icct III lutlie ; Constant, still, in faith aliiditig, Lifn deriving from Mis de.itli. ^;ay 1 still enjoy tlii.s feiUing, In all mimhI to .Icsus go ; l'ri)vc M is Wdinxls each day more healing. And Himself inoredeeply know. Amen. J. Allen. 1757. and W. W. Shirlci/. 1774. 469 For the love of Christ constraineth us.—l Cor. v. 14. OLOVE Divine, how sweet Thou art ! When shall I find my willing heait All taken up by Thee? I thirst, I faint, I (lie to prove The greatness of redeendng love. The love of Christ to mo 1 LOVE AND HOLINESS. 2 Stronger His love than death or hell ; Its riches are unsearchable : The first-born sons of light Desire in vain its depths to see. They cannot reach the mystery. The length, and breadth, and height. 3 God only knows the love of God : that it now were shed abroad In this poor stony heart ! For love I sigh, for love I pine ; This only portion. Lord, be mine. Be mine this better part ; 4 that I could for ever sit With Mary at the Master's feet ! Be this my happy choice : My only care, delight, and bliss, My joy, my heaven on earth be this, To hear the Bridegrooms voice. 6 O that with humhled Peter I Could weep, believe, and thrice reply, My faithfulness to prove, 'Thou know'st, for all to Thee is known. Thou know'st, Lord, and Thou alone. Thou know St that Thee I love : ' 6 that I could, with favoured John, Recline my weary head upon The great Redeemer s breast ! From care, and sin, and sorrow free, Give me, Lord, to find in Thee, My everlasting rest. Ameu. Charles Wesley. 1749. 470 So panieth my soul after Thee, God.— Psalm xlii. 1. OGOD. my God, my all Thou art ! Ere shines the dawn of rising day, Thy sovereign light within my heart. Thy aU-euJiveuing power display. 2 For Thee my thirsty soul doth pant, NS'hile in this desert land 1 live ; And hungry as 1 am, and faint. Thy love alone can comfort give. S In a dry land, behold, I place My whole desire on Thee, Lord ; And more I joy to gain Thy grace, Than all earth s treasures can atlbrd. 4 More dear than life itself. Thy love My heart and tongue shall still employ; And to declare Thy praise will prove My peace, my glory, aitd my joy. 5 In blessing Thee with grateful songs My happy life shall glide away ; The praise that to Thy name belongs Hourly with lifted hands I'll pay. 6 Abundant sweetness, while I sing Thy love, my ravished heart o erflows ; SetMire in Thee, my God and King, Of glory that no period knows. 7 My soul draws nigh and clravos to Thee ; Then let or earth or hell assail. Thy mighty hand shall set me free ; For whom Thou oav'st, he ne'er shall fail. From the Spanish. Tr. J. Wesley. 173.5. 471 Perferlinf) holinesx in the/ear o/ God.— 2 Corinthians vii. 1. JESUS, at Thy feet we wait. Till Thou Shalt bid us rise. Restored to our unsinning state. To love's sweet paradise. 2 Saviour from sin, we Thee receive. From all indwelling sin. Thy blood, we steadfastly believe. Shall make us throughly clean. 3 Since Thou wouldst have us free from sin, And pure as those above. Make haste to bring Thy nature in. And perfect us in love. 4 The counsel of Thy love fulfil ; Come quickly, gracious Lord ! Be it according to Thy «ill. According to Thy word. 5 According to our faith in Thee, Let it to us be done ; that we all Thy face might see, And know as we are known : 6 that the perfect grace were given, Tlie love di [fused abroad : that our hearts were all a heaven. For ever filled with God : Amen. Charles Wesley. 1719. 472 // any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.— 2 Cor. v. 17. JESUS, source of calm repose. Thy like nor man i.or angel knows. Fairest among ten thousand fair; Even those whom deaths sad letters bound, Whom tlnckest darkness compassed round. Find light and life, if Thou appear. 2 Lord over all, sent to fulfil Thy gracious Father's sovereign will. To Thy dread sceptre will I liow : With duteous reverence at Thy feet. Like humble .Mary, lo : I sit . Speak, Lord, Thy servant heareth now. 3 Renew Thine image, Lord, in me, Lowly and gentle may 1 be ; No charms but these to Thee are dear : No anger may st Tliou ever find, No pride in my unruiHed mind. But faith, and heaven-born peace, be there. 133 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 4 A patient, a victorious ininJ, Tliat lile and all things c;ists behind, Springs forth obedient to Thy call ; A heart that no desire can move. But still to adore, believe and love. Give me, my Lord, my Life, my All. Amen. /. A. Freylinghausen. 1704. Tr. J. Wesley. 1739. 473 Search me, God, and know my heart.— Psalm cxxxix. 2,^. COME, Thou omnis With me I know, I feel, Thou art ; But this cannot snlltcc, Unlesa Thou plantest in my heart A constant paradise. 6 Come, my God, Thyself reveal, Fill all this mighty void : Thou only canst my spirit fill : Come, my God, my God ! 7 Fulfil, fulfil my large desires, Large as infinity ; Give, give me all my soul requires, All, all that is in Thee ! Amen. Wesley. 1742. ^.r/R ^t ' *-^ He openeth the ears of men, and staleth their instruction.— J oh xxxiii. 16. OPRX, Lord, my inward ear. And bid my heart rejoice ; Bid my quiet spirit hear Thy kind and gentle voice ; Never in the whirlwind found. Or where earthquakes rock the place, Still and silent is the sound, The whisper of Thy grace. 2 From the world of sin, and noise. And hurry, I withdraw : For the small and inward voice 1 wait with humble awe; Silent am I now and still. Dare not in Thy presence move ; To niy waiting soul reveal The secret of Thy love. 3 Thou didst undertake for me. For me to death wast sold ; Wisdom in a mystery Of Weeding love unfold ; Teach the lesson of Thy cross. Let me die with Thee to reign ; All things let me count but loss, So I nuvy Thee regain. 4 Lord, my time is in Thy hand, My soul to Thee convert ; Thou canst make me understand, Though 1 am slow of heart ; Thine in whom I live and move. Thine the work, the praise is Thine, Thou art Wisdom, Power, and Love, And all Thou art is niinc;. Wesley. 1742. 476 Thfy that be wise shall shine as the briqhtru-ss of thejirmament. Daniel xii. 3. JESU.^, the word of mercy give, And let it swiftly run ; And let Tliy ministers believe. And jiut salvation on. 2 Clothed with the Spirit of Holiness, May all Thy people prove The pli'Mltude of gospel grace. The joy of perfect love. 3 Jesus, let all Thy lovers shine Illustrious as the sun ; And, bright with borrowed rays divine. Their glorious circuit run : LOVE AND HOLINESS. 4 Ecj'ond tho reach of mortals spread Tlieir light where'er they go ; And heavenly intluences shed On all the world below. 5 As giants miy they run their race, Exulting in their might ; As binning luminaries, chase The gloom of sin's dark night : 6 As the bright Sun of Righteotisness, Tlieir healing wings dfisplay ; And let their lustre still increase Unto the perfect day. Amen. Charles }Vesle>/. 1749. 477 Come unto Me, all m that iabour.— Matthew xi. 28. OTHAT my load of sin were gone ! O that I could at last submit At Jesus feet to lay it dowii. To lay my soul at Jesu's feet : 2 Rest for my soul I long to find : Saviour of all, if mine Thou art, Give me Thy meek and lowly mind, And stamp Thine image on my heart. 3 Break off the yoke of inbred sin, And fully set my spirit free ; I cannot rest till pure within, TiU I am whoUy lost in Thee. 4 Fain would I learn of Thee, my God ; Thy light and easy burden prove, Tliy cross, all stained with hallowed blood. The labour of Thy dying love. o I would, but Thou must give the power, My heart from every sin release ; Bring near, bring near the joyful liour, And fill me with Thy perfect peace. Come, Lord, the drooping sinner cheer, Nor let Thy chariot-wheels delay ; Appear, in my poor heart appear '. My God, my Saviour, come away ! Amen. Charles Weslei/. 174-J. 478 Teach me to do Thy will. Psalm cxliii. lu. OTHOU who hast Thy servants taught That not by wortls alone, But by the fruits of holiness The life of God is shown ; While in Thy house of prayer we meet. And call Thee God and Lord ; Give us a heart to foliow Thee, Obedient to Thy word. When we our voices lift in praise. Give Thou us grace to bring An ollering of unfeignM thanks. And with the spirit sing. 4 And in the dangerous path of life Uphold us as we go; That with our lips and in our lives Thy glory we may show. Ani.-n. //. Al/mrd. iGr,7. 47Q • ^ Sent Him to bless you, in turning away everyone of you from his iniquities.— Acts iii. 2(5. SAVIOUR from sin, I wait to prove That Jesus is Thy healing name ; To lose, when perfected in love, Whate'er I have, or can, or am : I stay me on Thy faithful word. The servant shall be as his Lord. 2 Answer that gracious end in me. For which Thy precious life was given ; Redeem from all iniquity ; Restore, and make me meet for heaven Unless Thou purge my every stain. Thy suffering and my faith are vain. 3 Didst Thou not in the flesh appear. Sin to condenm, and man to sa\ e. That perfect love might cast out f. ar. That I Thy mind in me niiglit liavo. In holiness show I'ortli Tl.y prai>;% And serve Thee all my spotless days 1 4 Didst Thou not die that I might live No longer to myself, but Tlie-\ Jlight body, soul, and spirit give 'I'o Run who gave Himseli' for me ? Coiae then, my Master, and my (j""1. Take the dear purchase of 'I'hy blood. 5 Thy own peculiar servant claim, For Thy own truth and mercy's sake ; Hallow in me Thy glorious name ; Me for Thine own this moment take, And change and throughly purify ; Thine only may I live and die. Amen. Wesley. 1742. 480 L.M. tsed are they that mourn ; for they shall be comforted.— Hatthew v. 4. BLESSED are the humble souls that see Their emptiness and poverty ; Treasures of grace to them are given, And crowns of joy laid up in heaven. 2 Blessed are the men of broken heart. Who mourn for sin with inward smart ; The blood of Chri.-^t divinely Hows, A healing balm for all their woes. 3 Ble:-sed are tlie souls that pant for grace, Huiig.r and tiiiist lor righteousness ; Thev siiall be well supplied and fed. With living streams, and living bread. 4 Blessed are the pure, whose hearts aro clean From the defiling power of sin ; With endless pleasure they shall see The God of spotless purity. 135 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 5 Blessed are the sufferers, who partake Of pain anu shame for Jesus sake ; Thi'ir souls shall triumph in the Lord ; Glory and joy are their reward. 6 Tliese are the men, the pious race. Who seek the God of Jacob's face ; These shall enjoy the blissful sight, And dwell in everlasting light. Isaac Watts. 1719. 481 Blessed are the jwor in spirit : for theirs is the kinydom of heaven. Matthew v. 3. SAVIOUR, on me the want hpstow. Which all that feel shall surely know Tlioir sins on earth forgiven ; Give nie to prove the kingdom mine, And ta.ste, in holiness divine. The happiness of heaven. 2 Meeken my Bonl, Tliou heavenly Lamb, That I in the new earth may claim My hundred-fold reward ; My rich inheritance possess. Co-heir with the great Prince of Peace, Co-partner with my Lord. 3 Me with that restless thirst inspire, Tliat sacred, Infinite desire. And feast my hungry lieart ; Less than Thyself cannot suffice. My soul for all Thy fulness cries. For all Thou hast, and art. 4 Mercy who show shall mercy find ; Thy pitiful and tender mind be. Lord, on me bestowed ; So shall 1 still the blessing gaiD And to etenial life retain The mercy of my God. 5 Jesus, the crowning grace impart ; P.1l"«s me with purity of heart. That, now beliolding Thee, I .soon may view Tliy open face. On all Thy glorious beauties gaze. And God for over see 1 Called to sustain the hallowed cross. And suffer for Thy rigiiteous cause. Pronounce me doubly blest ; And let Thy gloriou.- Spirit, Lord, A.s.suro me of my great reward. In heaven's ct<;rnal feast. Amen. Churks Wesley, nn'. 482 That ve might be partakers of His /lo/i/KJAS.- Hebrews xli. H). WHAT is our calling's glorlouB hop I'.ut Inward hohnossr For this to Je.suH 1 look up, I calmly wait for this. 1:J6 2 I wait till He shall touch me clean. Shall life and power impart. Give me the faith that casts out sin, And purifies the heart. 3 This is the dear redeeming grace. For every sinner free ; Surely it shall on me take place, The chief of sinners, me. 4 From all iniquity, from all. He shall my soul redeem ; In Jesus I believe, and shall Believe myself to Him. 5 When Jesus makes my heart His homo, My sin shall all depart ; And. lo! He saith, I quickly come, To fill and rule thy heart ! C Be It according to Thy word ! Redeem me from all sin ; My heart would now receive Thee, Lord, Come in, my Lord, come in ! Amen. Wesley. 1742. 7.7. 7.: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians ii. 5. TESUS, shaU I never be u Firmly grounded upon Thee? Never by Thy work abide. Never in Thy wounds reside ? 483 2 Plant, and root, and fix in me .Kh the mind that was in Thee ; Settled peace I then shall find ; Jesu's is a quiet mind. 3 Anger I no more shall feel, Always even, always still. Meekly on my God reclined ; Jesu 8 is a gentle mind. 4 I shall suffer and fulfil All my Father's gracious will. Be in all alike resigned ; Jesu's is apatietit mind. 5 When 'tis deeply rooted hero. Perfect love sliall cast out fear ; Fear doili S(;rvile spirits bind ; Jesu's is a nuble mind. f, When I foel it fixed M'lthln, I sliall have no power to sin ; How shall sin an entrance find? .Icsu's is a spotless mind. 7 I shall nothing know beside .Ic'sus, and Him crucified ; Perfectly to Hlin bo jollied ; Jesu's Is a loving mind. 6 1 shall fully be restored Til llic image ol my Lord, \\ iliiessing to all mankind, .li-su's Is ti perfect mind. Wesley, nil LIGHT, GUIDANCE AND GROWTH. 484 u 7.6. 7.6. 7.8. 7.6. There shall he fhoivers of b/esiiny.— Ezekiel xxxiv. 26. S, who climb Thy holy hill. A general blessing make. Let the world our inrtuence feel, Our gospel grace partake : Grace to help in lime of need. Pour out on sinners from above. All Thy Spirit's fulness shed In showers of heavenly love. 2 Make our souls a fertile field Which God delights to bless ; Let us in due season yield The fruits of righteousness : Make us trees of paradise, Which more and more Thy praise may show, Deeper sink, and higher rise. And to perfection grow. Amen. Charles Wesle'j. 1702. 485 You7' life is hid with Christ in God.— Col. iii. 3. JESUS, my life ! Thyself apply. Thy hoiy Spirit breathe ; My vile atfections crucify. Conform me to Thy death. 2 Conqueror of hell, and earth, and sin, Still with Thy rebel strive : Enter my soul, and work within. And kill, and make alive. 3 More of Thy life, and more, I have, As the old Adam dies : Bury me, Savioiur, in Thy grave. That I with Thee may rise. 4 Reign in me. Lord, Thy foes control. Who would not own Thy sway ; Diffuse Thine image through my soul, Shine to the perfect day. 5 Scatter the last remains of sin, And seal me Thine abode ; make me glorious all within, A temple built by God ! Amen. M'esley. 1740. 486 I urill put My Spirit within i/oM.— Ezek. xxxvi. 27. GOD of all power, and truth, and grace. Which shall from age to age endure. Whose word, when heaven and earth shall pass. Remains and stands for ever sure : 2 That I Thy mercy may proclaim. That all mankind Thy truth may see. Hallow Thy great and glorious name. And perfect holiness in me. 3 Thy sanctifying Spirit pour, To quench my thiisi and make mo clean ; Now, Father, let the gracious shower Descend, and make me pure from sin. 4 Purge me from every sinful blot ; My idols all be cast aside ; Cleanse me from every sinful thought. From all the fiith of self and pride. .'. Give me a new, a perfect heart. From doubt, and fear, and sorrow free ; The mind which was in Christ impart. And let my spirit cleave to Thee. 6 that I now, from sin released. Thy word may to the utmost prove, Enter into the promised rest. The Canaan of Thy perfect love ! Amen. Charles Wesley. 1742. LIGHT, G UIDANCE AND GROWTH, AQ.n ^O / He led them forth by the right ita)/.— Psalm evil. 7. LEAD, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom. Lead Thou me on : The night is dark, and I am far from home, Lead Thou me on : Keep Thou my feet ; I do not ask to see The distant scene ; one step enough for me. 2 I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou Sliouidst lead me on : I loved to choose and see my path ; but now- Lead Thou me on : I loved the garish day, and spite of fears. Pride ruled my will : remember not past yeai's. 3 So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still Will lead me on. O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till The night is gone, And with the morn those angel faces smile, WTiich I have loved long since, and lost awhile. /. H. Keutnan. 1833. 488 Walk in the light, as He is in the LvjM.—X John i. 7. WALK in the light : so shalt thou j^ow VV That fellowship of love His Spirit only can bestow, Who reigns in light above. 137 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 2 Walk in the li^ht ! and thou shalt find Thy heart made truly His, ^Vho dwells in cloudless light enshrined, In whom no darkness is. 3 Walk in the light ! and thou shalt own Thy darkness passed away. Because that Lij^ht hath on thee shone. In wliich is perfect day. 4 Walk in the light ! and e'en the tomb No fearful shade shall wear ; Glory shall chase away its -iloom. For Christ hath conquered there. 5 Walk in the light ! and thine shall be X path, though thorny, bright : For God, by grace, shall dwell iu theo, And God Himself is Light. Bernard Barton. 1826. 4.QQ 8.7. 8.7. D. ■triJo' The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.— Is. ix. 2. LIGHT of those whose dreary dwelling Borders on the shades of death, Come, and by Thy love revealing, DLssipate the clouds beneath : The new heaven and earth's Creator, In our deepest darkness rise. Scattering all the night of nature, Pouring eyesight on our eyes. 2 Still we wait for Tliine appearing ; Life and joy Thy beams impart. Chasing all our fears, and cheering Every poor benighted heart : Come and manifest the favour God hath for our ransomed race ; Come, Thou universal Saviour, Come, and bring the gospel grace. 3 Save us in Thy great compassion, Thou mild, pacific Prince ! Give the knowledge of salvation. Give the pardon of our sins : By Thy allivsforing ni'-rit Every liiudrn.Ml s.iul release; Every wi'ary, wandering spirit Guide into Thy perfect peace. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1710. AQCi 8.7. 8.7. 4.7. ^^r,X Tr. Catherine Winkivorth. lS.o. 495 8.6.6. 8.8.6. Except the Lord bvild the house, they lahotir in vain that build it. Psalm cxxvii. 1. E.XfRPT the Lord conduct the plan. The best concerted schemes are vain. And never can succeed ; We spend our wretched strength for nought ; But if our works in Thee be wrought, They shall be blest indeed. 2 Lord, if Tliou didst Thyself inspiro ()ur souls with this intense de.-iire Thy goodness to proclaim; Thy glory if we now intend, let our deed l)egin and end Complete in Jesu's name ! 3 In Jesu's name behold we meet., Far from an evil world retreat. And all its sinful ways ; One only thing resolved to know. And mould our useful lives below By reason and by grace. 4 Now, Jesus, now Thy love impart, To govern each devoted heart. And fit us for Thy will : Deep founded in the truth of grace. Build up Thy rising Church, and plsu-e The city on the hill. 5 let our faith and love abound ; let our lives to all around With purest lustre shine ; Tliat all around our works may see, And give the glory. Lord, to Thee, The heavenly Light Divine. Amen. Charles Wesiey. 1767. 496 He knoiceth the way that I take. Job xxiu. 10. FATHER of love, our Guide and Friend, lead us gently on. Until life's trial-time shall end. And heavenly peace be won. 2 We know not what the path may be, .\s yet by us untrod ; But we can trust our all to Thee, » . Our Father and our God. 3 If called, like Abraham's cLi'.d, to climb The hill of sacrifice. Some angel may be there in time ; Deliverance shall arise : 4 Or, if some darker lot be good, I) teach us to endure The sorrow, pain, or solitude. That makes the spirit pure. .5 Christ by no flowery pathway came. And we. His followers here. Must d.i Thy will and praise Thy name. In hope, and love, and fear. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 6 And till in heaven we sinless bow, And faultless anthems raise, Frtther, Son, and Spirit, now Accept our feeble praise. Amen. TT. J. Irons. 184U. AdU rxc/ I jje led them on safely, so that they feared not.—^s. ixxviii. 53. I DO not ask, Ix)rd, that life may be A pleasant road : I do not ask that Thou wouldst take from me Aught of its load. 2 I do not ask that flowers should always spring Beneath my feet ; I know too well the poison and the sting Of things too sweet. 3 Foronethingonly, Lord, dear Lord, Iplead: Lead me aright, Though strength should falter, and though heart should bleed. Through Peace to Light. 4 I do not ask, Lord, that Thou shouldst shed Full radiance here ; Give but a ray of peace, that I may tread Without a fear. 5 I do not ask my cross to understand, My way to see ; Bett-er in darkness just to feel Thy hand And follow Thee. 6 Joy is liko restless day : but peace divine J-lke quiet night ; Leadme, Lord, till perfect day shall shine Through I'eace to Light. Amen. Adelaide A. Procter, d. 1864. 498 I am the way, the truth, and tlielife.—Johii xiv. (J. JE.SUS, my Truth, my Way, My sure, unerring Light, On Theo mv feeble steps I stay, Which Thou wilt guide aright. 2 My Wisdom and my Gnlde, My Counsellor Thou art ; never let me leave Thy side. Or from Thy paths depart ! 3 I lift my eyes to Thee, Thou gracious, bleeding Lamb, That 1 may now onllghtenetl be, And never put to shame. 4 Nevi-r will I remove Out of Thy haiid.s my canso ; But rest in Thy redeeming love, AikI hang upon Tliy cross. 140 5 Teach me the happy art In all things to depend On Thee ; never, Lord, depart, But love me to the end ! 6 make me all like Thee, Before I hence remove : Settle, confirm, and stablish me, And build me up in love. 7 Let me Thy witness live. When sin is all destroyed ; .\nd then my spotless sout-receive. And take me home to God. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1749. 499 For Thy 7iaine's sake, lead me and guide me.—Pssdm xxxi. 3. TESUS, still lead on. V Till our rest be won : And, although the way be cheerless, We will follow, calm and fearless ; Guide us by Thy hand To our Fatherland. 2 If the way be drear, If the foe be near. Let not faithless fears o'ert.:ike us. Let not love and hope forsake us, For, through many a foe, To our home we go. 3 When we seek relief From a long-felt grief. When oppressed by new temptations, Lord, increixse and perfect patience; Show us that bright shore Where we weep no more. 4 ^Vllen sweet earth and skiea Fade before our eyes ; When through death we look to heaven, And our sins are all forg.ven. From Thy bright abodo, Call us home to God. 5 Jesus, still lead on. Till o>ir rest be won ; Heavenly Leader, still direct us. Still support, oonsolo, protect us, Till we safely sUnd In our Fatherland. Amen. Count y.inzetidorf. aht. 17.')0. Tr. II. L. L. b. 1813. 500 / am the Lord thv Ood . . . tvhich Uttdeth \ •. And follow Christ, your Head, to h-.iven, 3 There your exalted Saviour see. Seated at God s right hand again. In all His Father's majesty. In everlasting pomp to roign. 4 To Him continually aspire. Contending for ycmr native place, And onmlate the angel-choir, And only live to love and praise. 5 For who by faith your Lord receive, Ve nothing seek or want beside, Di'iid to tho world and s"in ye live, Vour creature-love is crucified. 6 Your real life, with Christ concealed, l)eep In tho Father's bosom lies ; And, glorious as your Head revealed, Ve soon shall meet Him in the skies. Charles Wesley. 17G2. THANKFULNESS. 508 6.4. 6.4. lie shall choose our inheritance fvr MS.— Psalm xlvii. 4. THOU, Lord, my path shaltchoos'\ And my Guide be. \\ liat shall I fear to lose While I have Thoe? This be my portion blest, Uu my Redeomei's breast, 111 peaceful trust to rest , He cares for me. 2 This lightens every cross, Cheers every ill ; Suffer I grief or loss, It is Thy wll. One who makes no mistake Chooseoh the way I take ; He, who can ne er forsake. Holds my hand still. 3 Sweet words of peace and love Christ whispers me ; Bearing my soul above Life's troubled sea. This be my portion blest. On my Redeemer's breast, In peaceful trust to rest ; He cares for me. 4 Christ died my love to win, Christ is my tower ; He will be with me in Each trying liour. He niiikes the wounded whole, He will my heart console. He will uphold my soul By His own power. 5 To Thee, the only wise. Whatever be, I will lift up mine eyes. Joyful in Thoe. This be my portion blest, On my Redeemer's breast. In paacelul trust to rest ; He cares for me. From the German. Ano)i. 509 H" Lead me in a p'.ain puih. Psalm xxvii. 11. 'E leads iis on By patlLs we did not know ; Upward He leads us though our steps be slow. Though oft we faint and falter on the way. Though storms and darkness oft obscure the day. Yet when the clouds are gone. We know He leads us on. 2 He leads us on Through all the unqtiiet years ; Past all our dream-land hopes, aad doubts, and feai's. He guides our steps through all the tangled iriaze Of losses, .sorrows, and o'erclouded days ; We know His will is done. And still He leads us on. 3 And He. at last, After the weary strife. After the restless fever we call life. After the dreariness, the aching pain. The wayward struggles which have proved in vain. After our toils are past, Will give us rest at last. Count Zinzeaihrrf. abt. 17.50. Tr. H. L L. b. 1813. TSA NKF UL NESS. 510 All things work togcfhiir /or good to them thai love God. Romans viii. 23. GOD of my life, whose gracious power Through varied deaths my soul hath led. Or turned aside the fatal liour. Or lilted up my sinking head ; 2 In all my ways Thy hand I own. Tliy ruling Providence I see : Assist ine still my course to run. And siill direct my paths to Thee. 3 Oft hath the sea confessed Thy power. And given me back at Thy commaud ; It could not, Lord, my life devour. Safe in the hollow of Thine hand. 4 Oft from the margin of the grave Tliou, Lord, hast lifted up my head ; Sudden, I found Thee near to save. The sickness owned Thy touch, and fled. 5 Wliither, O whither should I fly. But to my loving Saviours breast? Secure within Tliine ;irms to lie. And safe beneath Thy wings to rest. 6 Enlarge my heart to make Thee rooiu. Enter, and in me ever stay ; The crooked then shall straight become ; The darkness shall be lost in day. Amen. Wesley. 1740. 511 All thinas are vottrs. 1 Cor. iii. -Jl. W^l E bless Thee, Lord, for a"J this common Can gi vv of rest and joy amidst its strife ; For earth and trees and sea and clouds and springs ; For work, and all the lessons tha t it brings ; 143 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 2 For Pisgah gleams of newer, fairer truth. Which ever ripening still renews our youth ; For fellowship with noble Souls and wise. Whose hearts beat time to music of the skies; 3 For each achievement human toil can reach ; For all that patriots win, and poets teach : For the old light that gleams on history's paire, For tlie new hope that shines on each new age. 4 May we to these our lights he ever true, Find hope and strength and joy for ever new. To heavenly visions still obedient prove. The Eternal Law, writ by the Almiglity Love ; Amen. /. M. White. 1883. 512 7.7. 7.7. 7. Hnw much oicest fhoti unto viij Lord .?— Luke xvi. 5. "TIJIIF-X this passing world is done, \V When has sunk yon glaring Ml When wo stand with Christ on high. Looking o'er life's history. Then, Lord, shall I fully know, Not till then, how much I owe. 2 When I stand before the throne. Dressed in beauty not my own, When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with unsinning heart, Then, Lord, shall I fully know, Not till then, how much 1 owe. 3 Chosen not for good in me. Wakened up Iroio wrath to flee, IliiMi-n in the Saviour's side, r.y the Spirit sanctilied. Teach nie. Lord, on earth to show. By my love, how much I owe. 4 When the praise of heaven I hoar Loud as thmiders to the ear, Loud ii8 many waters' noise. Sweet as harp's melodious voice, Then, Lord, shall I fully know. Not till then, how much I owe. H. M. McQieyHC. 1837. 513 CM. Oorllines'' with fontetitment is (jrcat gain.— I Timothy vi. li. SOME murmur when their sky is clear And wholly bright to view, If one small speck ot dark ap)iear In their great heaven of blue. 2 And some with thankful love are lillcd, If l)ut one streak of light. One ray of God's good mercy gild The darkness of their night. 11 V 3 In palaces are hearts that ask. In discontent and pride. Why life is such a dreary task. And all good things denied. 4 And hearts in poorest huts admire How Love has in their aid, The Love that never seems to tire, Such rich provision made. Archbishop R. C. Trench. 1839. 514 7.6. 7.6. 7.7. 7.G. Lrf cvervthin.q that hath breath -praiie the Lord.— Psalm cl. 6. MEET and right it is to sing. In every time and place. Glory to our heavenly King, The God of Truth and Grace : Join we then with sweet accord, All in one thanksgiving join, Holy, holy, holy Lord, Eternal praise bo Thine ! 2 Thee, the first-horn sons of light, In choral symphonies. Praise by day, day without night. And never, never cease : Angels and archangels, all Praise the mystic Three in One, Sing, and stop, and gaze, and fall O'erwhelmed before Thy throne. 3 Vying with that happy choir, Who chant Thy praise above, We on eagles' wings aspire. The wings of faith and love : Thee they sing, with glory crowned, We extol the slauglitered Lamb; Lower though our voices sound, Our subject is the same. 4 Father, God, Thv love we praise. Which gave Thy Son to die ; Jesus, full of truth and giuce. Alike we glorify; Spirit, Comforter divine. Praise by all to Thee be given, Till we in full chorus join, And earth is turned to heaven. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1749. 515 If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.— 2 Cor. v. 17. WE praise and bless Thee, gracioua Lord, Our Saviour, kind and true. For all tlic old things pas.sod away. For all Thou hast made now. New hopes, new purposes, desires. And joys. Thy grace has given ; Old ties are broken from the earth, New ties attach to heaven. AFFLICTION AND BESIGNATION. 3 But yet, how much m\ist Ix- (i.stroyed, .Hov much renewed must be. Ere wi? can fully stand complete In llkuuess, Lord, to Thee : 4 Thou, only Thou, must carry on The work Thou hast bsKun ; Of Thine own strength Thou must im- part, In Thine own ways to run. 5 Ah ! leave us not ; from day to day kevive, restore again ; Our feeble steps do Thou direct. Our enemies restrain. 6 So shall we faultless stand at last. Before Thy Father's throne ; The blessedness for ever ours. The glory all Thine own. Amen. C. J. F. Sfitta. d. 1S50. Tr. E. L. L. b. 16 1^. 516 Every day will I ble-^s Thee. Psalm cxlv. 2. FOR thousand, thousand mercies new, At dawn or vesper hour ; The early and the latter dew. The sunshine and the flower ; For lounls of ever-springing bliss. For hope's unclouded ray ; For life's thrice blessed sympathies, We bless Thee day by day. 2 For fond affection's richest love. For household tones of mirth. For melodies that hourly pour From hearts of indred birth ; For many a fire-side thrill of love. For many a joyous lay ; For peace that emblems peace above. We bless Thee day by day. 3 For untold sympathy that dwells Enshrined in love's fond breast : For springs that sorrow most reveals. Thrice hallowed and thrice blest ; For waves of blessMness that steep Our lot in radiant day ; For happiness unknown and deep. We bless Thee day by day. 4 For hope of better things above, Through Him who died for all ; For love divine— eternal love. That raised us from our fall ; For all the Christian's holy dower. His anchor, hop«, and stay ; For all. our God of love and power. We bless Thee day by day. Mrs. Ser:;eant. AFFLICTION AJS'D RESIGNATION. 517 In Thee is my trust. i'salm cxli. 8. THOU to whose all-searching sight The darkness shineth as the light. Search, prove my heart, it pants for Thee; burst these bonds, and set it free I 2 Wash out its stains, refine its dross, Nail my affections to the cross ; Hallow each thought : let all within Be clean, as Thou, my Lord, art clean. 3 If in this darksome wild I stray. Be Thou my Light, be Thou my Way ; No foes, no violence I fear, No fraud, while Thou, my God, art near. 4 When rising floods ray soul o'erflow. When sinks my heart in waves of woe, Jesus, Thy timely aid impart. And raise my head, and cheer my heart. 5 Saviour, where'er Thy steps I see. Dauntless, untired, 1 follow Thee 1 O let Thy hand support me still. And lead me to Thy holy hill ! 6 If rough and thorny be the way. My strength proportion to my day : Till toil, and grief, and pain shall ctMse, Where all is calm, and joy, and pcai;e. Count Zineendorf. abt. 17W. Tr. J. Wesley. 1739. O-J-O My soul thirs'eth for God, for tlie living 6r'od.— Psalm xlii. 2. THOU Lamb of God, Thou Pmce of Peace, For Thee my thirsty soul doth pin.-. My longing heart implores Thy grace ; make me in Thy likeness shine : 2 With fraudless, even, humble mind, Thy will in all things may I see ; In love be every wish resigned, Auii hallowed my whole heart to Thee. 3 When pain o'er my weak flesh prevails. With lamb-like patience arm my breast; When grief my wounded soul assails. In lowly meekness may I rest. 4 Close by Thy side still may I keen, Howe'er life's various current now; With steadfast eye mark every step. And follow Thee where'er Thou go. .3 Thou, Lord, the dreadful fight hast won. Alone Thou hast the winepress tr ••. . In me Thv strengthenini: g- h.o be s, .iwn, may i conquer tUroui^h Thy bio. id ! 145 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 6 So when on Zion Thou shalt stand. And all heaven's host adore their King, Shall I be found at Thy right hand, And free from jiaiu Thy glories sing. Amen. C. F. Rkhter. 1700. Tr. J. Wesley. 1739. 519 Old of the depths have I cried unto TAee.— I'salm cxxx. 1. OUT of the deep, out of the deep, God, I make my moan ; WTien I by night, awaked from sleep, Do watch with Thee alone. 2 Be not extreme, be not extreme To mark what is amiss ; Forgiveness doth Thee well beseem, Lord, be Thou loured in this. 3 My soul doth wait, my goul doth wait Till darkness wear away ; My soul doth flee, I ^y, to Thee Before the breaking day. 4 Trust in the Lord,trust in the Lord, Thougli yet tliy dawn be dim ; He will thee save from out the grave, Kedemption is with Ilim. Anon. 521 520 Jesun, Thou Son of David, have mercy on we.— Mark x. 47. ITTHEN our heads are bowed with woe, VV When our bitter tears o'erflow, When we mo\irn the lost, the dear, Jesus, Sou of David, hear ! 2 Thou our throbbing flesh hast worn ; Thou our mortal grief hast borne ; Thou hast shed the hiuuan tear ; Jesus, Son of David, hear ! 3 Thou hast bowed the dying head ; Thou the blood of life hast shed ; Thou hast filled a mortal bier; Jesus, Sun of David, hear ! 4 When the heart Is sad within. With the thought or all its sin ; \Vhi!ii the spirit shrinks with fear, Jesus, Sou of David, hear ! I) Tlioii the shftino, tlie grief hnst known ; 'J'liougli the bins were not Thine own, 'i'hou hast deigned their load to bear I Jt'sua, Son of David, hear I Amen. ;/. n. Milman. ia'J7. 110 11.10. 11.10. 10.10. Lord, Thou knoivest all things. John xxi. 17. THOU knowest. Lord, the weariness and sorrow Of the sad heart that comes to Thee for rest ; Cares of to-day, and burdens for to-morrow, Blessings implored, and sins to be con- fessed ; We come before Thee at Thy gracious word. And lay them at Thy feet : Thou knowest, Lord. 2 Thou knowest all the past ; how long and blindly On the dark mountains the lost wanderer strayed ; How tlie Good Shepherd followed, and ho\\ kindly He bore it home, upon His shouldens laid ; And healed the bleeding wounds, ana soothed the pain, And broufflit back life, and hope, and strength again. Z Thou knowest all the present, each temp- tation. Each toilsomeduty, each forebodingfcar; All to each one assigned of tribulation. Or to belovM ones than self more dear ; All pensive memories, as we journey on, Longings for vanished smiles, and voices gone. 4 Thou knowest all the future ; gleams of gladness By stormy clouds too quickly overcast ; Hours of sweet fellowship and parting sad- ness. And the dark river to be crossed at last. 1 what could hope and confidence aH'ord To tiead that path, but this, Thou knowest, Lord? 5 Thou knowest— not alone as God all knowing — As man, our mortal weakness Thou hast proved ; On earth with purest sympathies o'erflow- ing, Saviour, Thou hast wept, and Tliou ha-st loved ; And love and sorrow still to Thee may come. And lind a hiding-place, a rest, a homo. t) Therefore we come, Tliy gentle call obiy- ii'K, And lay our sins and sorrows at Thy feet ; On everlasting strength our weakness st.aying. Clothed in Thy robo of righteousness (•|ilet.i. ; Tlieii, Using and refreshed, we leave Thy tlimiie. And follow on to know as we are known. //. L. L. 1859. AFFLICTION AND RESIGNATION. 522 Lord, remember me. Luke xxiii. 42. OTHOU from whom all goodness flows, I lift my soul to Thee ; In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes, Good Lord, remember nie. 2 When on my aching, burdened heart My sins lie heavily. Thy pardon speak, new peace impart. Good Lord, remember me. 3 When trials sore obstruct my way. And ills I cannot flee, let my strength be as my day Good Lord, remember mc. 4 When worn with pain, disease, and pief, This feeble body see ; Grant patience, rest, and kind relief. Good Lord, remember me. 5 If, for Thy sake, upon my name Shame and i eproach shall be. All hail reproach, and welcome shame. Good Lord, remember me. 6 When, in the solemn hour of death, I wait Thy Just decree. Be this the prayer of my last breath. Good Lord, remember me. 7 And when before Thy throne I stand. And lift mv soul to Thee, Then with the saints at Tliy right hand. Good Lurd, remember me. Aineu. T. Raweis. 1790, a«r« Thomas CotUrill. 1819. ROQ CM. '-' •^ '-' We have not an h igh priest rchich cannot be lonched with thejeeling of our infirmities.— Hebrews iv. 15. TTTITH joy we meditate the grace V V Of our High Priest above ; His heart is made of tenderness, And ever yearns with love. 2 Touched with a sympathy within, He knows our feeble frame ; He knows what sore temptations mean. For He hath felt the same. 3 He in the days of feeble flesh Poured out His cries and tears ; And, though exalted, feels afresh What every member bears. 4 He'll never quench the smoking flax. But raise it to a flame ; The bruised reed He never breaks, Ji'or scorns the meanest name. 5 Then let our humble faith address His mercy and His power ; We shall obtain delivering grace lu the distresising hour. Isaac Walts. 170'J. 524 I will deliver him, and honour him. — Psalm xci. 15. THEE, Jesus, full of truth and grace, Thee, Saviour, we adore. Thee in artlictions furnace praise. And magnify Thy power. 2 Thy power, in human weakness shown. Shall make us all entire ; We now Thy guardian presf^nce own, And walk un burned in tire. 3 Thee, Son of Stan, by faith we see. And glory in our Guide ; Surrounded and upheld by Thee, The tiery test abide. 4 The fire our graces shall refliie. Till, moulded from above. We bear the character divine. The stamp of perfect love. Chanes Wesley. 1719. 525 I know thy uvrks, a>ul tribulation, and poverty.— ii.i--v . ii. 0. MY sufferings all to Thee are known. Tempted in every point like nu- ; Regard my grief, regard Tliy own, Jesus, remember Calvary. 2 Art Thou not touched with human woe T Hath pity left the Son of M.m? Dost Thou not all my sorrows know. And claim a share in all my paiu t 3 Have I not heard, have I not known. That Thou, the everliisting Lurd, Whom heaven and earth their .M^iKer own. Art always faithful to Thy word ? 4 Thou wilt not break a bruisM reed. Or quench the smallest spark of gi-ace. Till through the soul Thy power is spread. Thy all-victorious righteousness. 5 The day of small and feeble things I know Thou never wilt despise; I know with healing in His wings. The Sun of Kighteousness shall rise. 6 With labour faint Thoii wilt not fail. Or, wearied, give the sinner o'er. Till in this earth Thy jiulgnients dwell. And, born of God, 1 siu no more. Wesley. 1740. 526 Comfort ye, comfort ye My I'COple, sdith your f/oU.— Isaiah xl. 1. COMFORT, ye ministers of grace. Comfort My people, saith your God ; Ye soon shall see His smiling face. His golden sceptre, not His rod ; And own, when now the cloud s removed. He only chastened whom He lovt-d. U7 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 527 2 Who sow in tears, in joy shall reap ; The Lord shall comfort all that mourn ; Who now go on their way ami weep, With joy they doubtless shall return. And bring their sheaves with vast increase. And have their fruit to holiness. Weiley. 1742. 8.8. 8.8. 8.8. 'Weep with them that weep. Romans xii. 15. IET God. who comforts the distrest, J Let Israel's Consolation hear : Hear, Holy Ghost, our joint request. And show Thyself the Comforter, And swell the unutterable gi-oan. And breathe our wishes to the Tlironc. 2 We weep for those that weep below. And burdened, for the aftlieted sigh ; The various forms of human woe Excite our softest sympathy. Fill every heart with mournful care, And draw out all our souls in prayer. 3 We wrestle for the ruined race, By sin eternally undone, Unless Thou magnify Thy grace. And make Thy richest mercy known. And make Thy vanquished rebels ftnd I'ardon in Christ for all mankind. 4 Father of everlasting Love, To every soul Thy Son reveal. Our guilt and sufierings to remove. Our deep, original wound to heal; And bill the fallen race arise. And turn our earth to I'anidise. Amen. Charles Wesley. 1758. F^QQ U^O uohi fast the confidence aitd the rejoicinq of the ho(r:Jirm unto the end. — Hebrews lii. 6. flAST on the fidelity vj Of my redeeming Lord, I shall His salvation see. According to His word: Credence to His word I give ; My Saviour in distresses pa«t Will not now His servant leave, But bring me through at last 2 Better than my boding fears To me Thou oft hast proved, Oft ob.served my sili-nt tears. Ami challenged Thy belove,! : Meri-y to my rescue Hew, A'ld death ungrasped his fainting prey, Palii before i'hy face withdrew, ihy face withdrev V tied away. And sorrow 3 Now as yesterday the sanie, In all my troubles nigh, Jesus, on Thy word and naino I HU:ii(ith»t\y rely : Sure as now the grief I feel, Tim pioiiilHed joy 1 srir)n bhall have, Saved again, to sinnors tell Thy power and will tu gave. 148 4 To Thy blessed will resigned, And stayed on that alone, I Thy perfect strength shall ftnd. Thy faithful mercies own : Compassed round with songs of praise, Wy all to my Redeemer give. Spread Thy miracles of grace, And to Thy glory live. Charles Wesley. 1707. 529 7.6. 7.6 7.7. 7.G. An sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing.— •! Corinthians vL 10. FATHER, in the name I pray Of Thy incarnate love ; Humbly ask, that as my day My suffering strength may prove : When my sorrows most increase, Let Thy strongest joys be given ; Jesus, come with my distress, And agony is heaven. 2 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, For good remember me ; Me, whom Thou hast caused to trust For more than life on Thee : With me in the tire remain. Till like burnished gold I shine, Meet, through consecrated pain. To see the Face Divine. Amen. Charles Wesley. IICI. KOf) L.M. v^OW Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me ; fur I am meek ayid lowly in /ifa/Y.— Matthew xi. 29. ETERNAL Beam of Light Divine, Fountain of unexhausted love. In whom the Father's glories shine, Through earth beneath, and heaven above ; 2 Jesus, the weary wanderer's rest. Give mo Thy easy yoke to bear. With steadfast patience arm my hraast. With spotless love, and lowly fear. 3 Thankful I take the cup from Thee, PivpMr.d MM.l mingled bv Thy skill, Thoui;h liittiT to the taste it bo, PowerfLil the wounded soul to heal. 4 Be Thou. Rock of Ages, nigh ! So shall each nuirmuring thought be gone. And grief, and fear, and care, shall fly, As clouds bcloie the mid-day sun. h Speak to my warring passions. • Peace ! ' ,s.ay to my trembling heart. ' Bo still I' Thy power my strength and fortress is. For all things servo Thy sovereign will. 6 death ! where Is thy sting? Where now Thy boasted victory. O grave? Who shall contend with God t or who Can hurt whom God delights to save ? w-- eu. i7;;u. AFFLICTION AND RESIGNATION. 531 Tnist in the Lord with all thine /ieart.— Proverbs iii 5. "\UHEN we cannot see our wa)', \ \ Let us trust and still obey ; He who bids us forward go, Cannot fail the way to show. 2 Though the sea be deep and wide. Though a passage seem denied, Fearless, let us still proceed. Since the Lord vouchsafes to lead. 3 Though it be the gloom of night, Though we see no ray of light. Since the Lord Himself is there, 'Tis not meet that we should fear. 4 Night with Him is never night, Where He is, there all is light ; When He calls us, why delay '! They are happy who obey. 5 Be it onrs, then, while we're here. Him to follow without fear ; Where He calls us, there to go ; What He bids us, that to do. Thomas Kelly. 1815. 532 Fear not ; for I am with thee. Isaiah xliii. 5. TTTE walk on earth, and to its ways V V Our time and thoughts are given, Yet, amid all its busiest days. Our hearts may be in heaven. 2 Nothing so lightens the dull load Life's urgent claims impose. As close communion with our God ; It is our best repose. 3 When vexed with iUs which we despair To baffle or control. The lifting of the heart in prayer Sheds sunshine on the soul. 4 Wlien disappointed in the love We leaned on too sec;ure. What joy it is to loo:< above. And feel one Friend is sure. 5 When, wearied with life's ebb and flow, We for ' still waters ' sigh ; how it sweetens change below To think of rest on high ! 6 Thus we in peace our souls possess. Though all around be fear. Full of the blessed consciousness That heaven is sure and near. 7 Dark clouds may o'er us threatening stand. We can sing on, and smile ; The sunshine of the cloudless land Lies round us all the while. 8 We can bear any cross, or grief. If, with their gloom, be given This one sweet secret of relief, To keep our thoughts in heaven. J. S. B. Monsell. 1807. 533 Be merciful unto me, God. Psalm Ivii. I. GOD ! be merciful to me ; For my spirit trusts in Thee, And to Thee, her refuge, spring.< ; Pe the shadow of Thy wings Round my trembling spirit ca-st. Till this storm is overpast. 2 From the waterfloods that roll Deep and deeper round my soul Take me, my Saviour, take. For Thy loving-kindness' sake : If Thy truth from me depart. That rebuke will break my heart. 3 Foes Increase, they close nie round ; Friend nor comforter is found ; Sore temptations now assail; Hope and strength and courage fail : Turn not from 'Thy servant's grief. Hasten, Lord, to my relief. 4 Poor and sorrowful am I ; Set me, my God. on high ; Wonders Thou for me hast wrought ; Nigh to death my soul is brought : Save me. Lord, in mercy save. Lest I sink below the grave. 5 Hark ! He hears me from on high, • Child of sorrow, it is I ! Thou Shalt strive and weep no more. Come and see My happy shore. Kest and live and love with ile, I am thine eternity." James Montgomery. 1853. 534 The unll of the Lord be done. Acts xxi. 14 T WORSHIP Thee, sweet WiU of God ! 1 And all rhy ways adore. And every day I live I seem To love Thee more and more. 2 Man's weakness waiting upon God Its end can never miss. For man on earth no work can do More angellike than this. 3 He always wins who sides with God. To him no chance is lost ; God's will is sweetest to him when It triumphs at his cost. 4 111 that He blesses is our good. All unblest good is ill ; And all is right that seems most wronij IfitbeUissweetWilL U9 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 6 \\'h'^n obstacles and tnals seem Like prison walls to be, I do the little I can do, And leave the rest to Thee. C I have no cares, O blessed Will ! For all my cares are Thine ; 1 live in triumph, Lord ! for Thou Hast made Thy triumphs mine. F. W. Faber. 1849. ROR 8.S.8.4. 00«J My Father, . . . not as I will, but as Thou Wi7<.— Matt. xxvi. 39. MY God, my Father, while I stray Far from my home, on life s rough way, teach me from my heart to say, Thy will be done ! 2 Though dark my path and sad my lot, Lt!t ine be still and nuirmur not. Or breathe the priyer Divinely taught, Thy will be done ! 3 What though in lonely grief I sigh For friends beloved, no longer nigh, Submissive still would I reply, Thy will be done 1 4 ir Tliou shouldst call me to resign Wlint most I i)rize, it ne'er was mine, 1 only yield Thee what is Thine ; Thy will be done I 5 Should grief or sickness waste away .My life in premature decay. My Father ! .still I strive to say. Thy will be done 1 6 Let but my fainting heart bo blost With Thy sweet Spirit for its giinst. My (Jod. to Thee I leave the rest ; Thy will be done ! 7 Ri-new my will from day to day ; I'.l'Mid it with Thine and take away All that now makes it hard to say. Thy will be done 1 8 Tlmn, whon on earth I bn\athp no moro 'I'he prayer, oft lni.\i(l with tears beloro, I'll sing upon a happier shore. Thy will bo done ! Amen. Charlotte Elliott. 1836. RQ« O O U / „„•« i,rin{r the blind by a way that theu knew no^— Isaiah xlii. 16. MOUXTAIXS. by the darkness hidden. Are iiH real as In the day ; 15(!. then, unbelief forbidden In a dri'ary hour to say, ■ Oo If the cup be bitter, It is meant to heal. And our kind Redeemer Pities what we feel. What are all our troubles? What our greatest loss It When we think of Jesus Dying on the cross. 3 Then our great Example We must learn to find. When our Father calls u.s, yielding heart and mind ; So, through Joy and sorrow. By His Spirit led. We shall rise in glory. With our Koyal Head. L. Tuttiett. 1863. JX^O 8.8. 8.8. 8 8. ^^O ^11 thinqs work together for gnod to them that love God.— Kom. viii. 28. GOD sendeth sun, He sendeth shower; .41ike they're neeilful for the flower ; And joys and tears alike are sent To give the soul fit nourishment ; As comes to nie, or cloud or sun. Father, Thy will, not mine, be done. 2 Can loving children e'er reprove. With murmurs, those they trust and love : Creator ! I would ever be A trusting, loving child to Thee ; As comes to me. or cloud or sun. Father, Thy will, not nune, be done. 3 O ne'er will I at life repine 1 Enough that Thou hast made it mine ; When falls the shadow cold of death, I yet will sing with parting breath, A.s comes to me, or cloud or sun. Father, Thy will, not mine, be done. Amen. Mrs. Sarah F. Adams. 1811. RAQ 11.10. 11.6. «-'^^ m that frustrth in the l.nrd. mercy shall cm} puss him about. Psalm xxxii. 10. STILL will we trust, though earth seem dark and dreary. And the heart faint beneath His chasten- ing rod. Though rough and steep our jjathway. Worn and weary. Still will we trust in God. 2 Our eyes see dimly till by faith anointed. And our blind choosing brings us grief and pain ; Tlirongh Him alone, who hath our way appointed. We find our peace again. 3 Choose for us, God, nor let our weak pre- ferring Cheat our poor souls of good Thou hast designed : Choose for us, God; Thy wisdom is un- erring. And we are fools and blind. 4 So from our sky the night shall furl her shadows. And day pour through her golden gates ; Our rough path leads to flower-enamelled meadows. Where joy our coming waits. 5 Let us press on : in patient self-denial. Accept the hardship, shi'ink not from the loss; Our guerdon lies beyond the hour of trial. Our crown beyond the cross. W. U. Burleigh. 18CS. 550 Return unto thy rest, my sou^— Psalm cxvi. 7. BE still, my soul : the Lord is on thy side; Bear patiently thy cross of grief and pain: Leave to thy God to order and provide ; In everv change He faithful will remain. Be still, my soul : thy best, thy heavenly Friend Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end. 2 Be still, my soul : thy God doth undertake To guide the future as He has the past. Thy hope, thy confidence, let nothing " shake ; All now mysterious shall be bright at la.-st. Be stili, my soul : the waves and winds shall know His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below. 153 THE CSRISTIAN LIFE. 3 Be still, my soiil : when dearest friends depart, And all is darkened in the vale of tears, Then thou shalt belter know His love, His heart. Who comes to soothe thy sorrow and thy fears. Be still, my soul: thy Jesus can repay Prom His own fulness all He takes away. 4 De still, my soul : the hour ishasteninofon When we shall be for ever with the Lord ; When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone. Sorrow forgot, love's purest joys re- stored. Be still, my soul : when change and tears are past. All safe and blessed we shall meet at last. H. I.. L. h. 1813. PLRl 8.7 8.7. UyJJ- lam thy sk ield, andthu exceeding great reward.— Genesis xv. 1. THOU art near, yes, Lord, I feel it. Thou art near where'er I move. And though sense would fain conceal it, Faith still whispers it to love. 2 Am I weak? Thine arm will lend me Safe through every danger, Lonl ; Am 1 hungry? Thou wilt feed me With the manna of Thy Word. 3 Am I thirsting? Thou wilt guide me Where refreshing waters now : Faint or feeble? Thou'lt provide mo Grace for every want I know. 4 Am I fearful ? Thou wilt take me Underneath Thy wings, mv Gml ! Am I faithless? Thou wilt liiake me Bow beneath Thy chastening ro,l. fi Am I drooping? Thou art ni^ar me. Near to bear me on my way ; Am I pleading? Thou wilt liear me. Hear and answer when I pray. C Tlien, my soul, since God doth love thee, Faint not, droop not, do not fear ; Though His heaven is high above thee. Ho Himself is ever near. J. S. B. Monsell 1872. 552 FoUnwers of (hem who throufjh faith ami patience inherit the j»ro»/ii.s*s.— llebrews vi. \'L "IT rE ask not that our path tov' always » bright. But for Thine aid to walk therein aright ; That Thou, O \jot(X '. through all Its devious way, Wilt give tiH strength snfHcient to our day. For this, for this we pray : ir>4 2 Xot for the tteeting joys that earth he- stows, Not for exemption from its many woes; But that, come joy or woe, come good or ill. With child-like faith we trust Thy guid- ance still, And do Thy holy will. 3 Teach us, dear Lord, to find the latent good That sorrow yields when rightly under- stood ; And for the frequent joy that crowns our days. Help us, with grateful hearts, our hymns to raise Of thankfulness and praise. 4 Thou knowest all our needs, and wilt supply ; No veil of darkness hides us from Thine eye ; Nor vainly from the depths on Thee we call; Thy tender love, that breaks the tempter's thrall, Folds and encircles all. 5 Through sorrow and through loss, by toil and prayer. Saints won the starry crowns which now they wear. And by the bitter ministry of pain. Grievous and harsh, but oh ! not felt in vain, Found their eternal gain. 6 If it be ours, like them, to suffer loss. Give grace, as unto them, to bear our cross, Till, victors over each besetting sin. We, too. Thy perfect peace shall enter in, And crowns of glory win. W. JI. Burleigh. 1SC3. 553 In Iheniqht Ilia sono i^hrill be ivith )nc.—l\. xlii. 8. CM. "II^E praise Thee oft for hours of bliss, r V For days of quiet rest ; But ! iiow si'ldom do we feel That pain and tears are best. 2 Wo praise Thee for the shining sun, For kind and gladsome ways : When shall wo learn, O Lord, to sing Through weary nights and days? 3 Wo praise Thee when om- p.ith Is plain And smootli lien"alli our leet ; But fain wi.nlii lenrn to welcome pain, And call the bitter sweet. 4 Teach Thou our weak and wandering hea rts Aright to read Thy way. That Thou with loving hand dost trace Our history every day. AFFLICTION AND RESIGNATION. 5 Then every thomy crown of car© Worn well in patience now. Shall grow a {jlorious diadem Upon the faithful brow ; 6 And sorrow's face shall be unveiled, And we at last shall see HU. AM I a soldier of the cross, A foUowerof the Lamb? Ami sh:ill I fear to own His cause, Or blush to speak His name? 2 Must I he carried to the skies, On llDwiM-y bedsof easi? Wliilf^ others fought to win the prizfl. And sailed through troubled seas? 3 Are there no foes for me to face ? Must I not stem the (loodV Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help mo on to God ? 4 Sure I must fight If I would roign ; Increase my courage, Lord : I'll b>'ar the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy word. 5 Thy saints in .ill this gltnious war Shall conilifl- lljMimh lli.-v i-.'provn ! To li.ite till- sin witli all my heart, iiut btill the sinner love. Aincn. Wesley. 1741. CONFLICT AND COURAGE. f^CQ D. «J U O neth ou faithful unto dtath, and I will yice thee a croio-n of life. Revelation ii. 10. CHRISTIAN ! dost thou see them On the holy ground, How the troops of Midian Prowl and prowl around? Christian : up and smite them. Counting gain but loss ; Smite them by the merit Of the Holy Cross. 2 Christian! dost thou /ee/ them. Haw they work within. Striving, tempting, luring, Goading into sin ? Christian ! never tremble ; Never yield to fear; Smite tbom by the virtue Of almighty prayer. 3 Christian ! dost thou hear them, How they speak thee fair ; ' Always fast and vigil ? Always watch and prayer? ' Christian ! answer boldly : ' While I breathe I pray. Peace shall follow battle. Night shall end in day.' i ' Well I know thy troubles, My servant true ! Thou art very weary ; 1 was weary too. But that toil shall make thee Some day all Mine own ; And the end of sorrow Shall be near My throne." Andrew of Crete, ilh Century. Tr. J. M. Neale. 1862. 569 6..5. 6.5. D. With Chorus. Quit you like men, be strumj. 1 Corinthians xvi. 13. ONWAPn, Christian soldiers, M;\rili'ng as to war. With the of Jesus Going on before : Christ the Royal Master Leads against the foe ; Forward into battle. See, His banners go ! Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the Cross of Jesus Going on before. 2 At the sign of triumph's host doth floe: On then, Christian soldiers, On to victory : Hell's foundations quiver .Vt the shout of pra'se ; Brothers, lift your voices. Loud your anthems raise. 3 Like a mighty army Moves the Church of God; Brothers, we are treading Where the saints have trod We are not divided, All one body we. One in hope, in doctrine, One in charity. 4 Crowns and thrones may perish. Kingdoms rise and wane. But the Church of Jesus Constant will remain : Gates of hell can never 'Gainst that Ch\xrch prevail ; We have Christ s own promise, And that cannot falL 5 Onward, then, ye people. Join our happy throng. Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song ; Glory, praise, and honour Unto Christ the King ; This through countless ages Men and angels^fling. S. Baring-Gould. 570 8.8.6. 8.8.6. If any man walk in the day he stumbleth no<.— John xl. 9. ARE there not in the labourer's day Twelve hours, in which he safely may His calling's work pursue? Though sin and Satan still are near. Nor sin nor Satan <:an I fear. With Jesus in my view. 2 Not all the powers of hell can fright A soul that walks with Christ in light. He walks and cannot fall ; Clearly he sees, and \vins his way. Shining unto the perfect day. And more than conquers all. 3 Light of the world ! Thy T>eams I bless ; On Thee, bright Sun of Righteousness,- My faith hath nxed its eye; Guided by Thee, through all I go. Nor fear the ruin spread Iwlow, For Thou art always nigh. i Ten thousand snares my paths beset ; Yet will I, Ix>rd, the work complete, Which Thou to me hast given ; Regardless of the pains I feel. Close by the gates of death and hell, I urge my way to heaven. Charles Wesiei/. 1749. THE CHItlSTIAN LIFE. 571 In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory. Isaiah xlv. 25. LORD, can it be that I should prove Fur ever faithful to Thy love, From sin for ever cease? I thank Thee for the blessed hope ; It lifts my drooping spirits up. It gives me back my peace. 2 In Thee, Lord, I put my trust, Mighty, and merciful, and jtist ; Thy sacred word is passed ; And I, who dare Tliy word receive. Without committing sin shall live, Shall live to God at last. 3 I rest in Thine almighty power; The name of Jesus is a tower That hides my life above ; Thou canst. Thou wilt my Helper bf>, My confidence is all in Thee, The faithful God of Love. 4 Wliile still to Thee for help I call, - Thou wilt not suffer me to fall. Thou canst not let me sin ; And Thou shalt give me power to pray, Till all my sins are purged away. And all Thy mind brought in. 5 ^^'he^efore, in never-ceasing prayer. My soul to Tliy continual care I faithfully commend ; AssuriHl that Thou through life shalt save And show Thyself beyond the grave My everlasting Friend. Charles Wesley. 1749. 572 s.M.r. King of king!>, and Lord o//ords.— Revelation xix. 16. JESUS, the Conqueror, reigns, In glorious strength arrayed, His kingdom over all nutintaiiis. And bids the earth be glad. Ye sons of men, rejoice In .b-su's mighty love. Lift up your heart, lift up your voico. To Hiia who rules above. 2 ExfoHTis kingly nower, ^ Kiss the pxalted Son, ^Vi1o died, and lives to die no mors, Iligli on His Fathers throne; Our Advocate witli CJoil, lie undertakes our <"au8P, And spreads through all the earth abriMil, The victory of His cross. .1 Urge on your rapid courfi«. Ye blood-hesprinklod bands : Tl>o heavenly kingdom suffers force, Tis Hi-i/ed by violent hands ; Bee tlien- tlio starry irown Tliat glitters througli the skies ! Satan, tlm wtirld, and sin, trend down. And take the glorious prize. 4 Through much distress and pain. Through many a conflict here, Th: ough blood, ye must the entrance gain ; Yet, disdain to fear ! ' Courage I ' your Captain cries. Who all your toil foreknew ; ' Toil ye shall have ; yet all despise, I have o'ercome for you.' 5 The world cannot withstand Its ancient Conqueror, The world must sink beneath the hrtnd Which arms us for the war ; This is our victory ! Before our faith they fall ; Jesus hath died for you and me ; Believe, and conquer all. Charles Wesley. 1749. Rrrq f. r,. nWies. ^ I ^ Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward.— ¥.\. xiv. 15. FORWARD ! be our wat^'hword. Steps and voices joined ; Seek the things before us, Not a look behind ; Burns the fiery pillar .\t our army's head ; Who shall dream of shrinking, By our Captain led? Forward through the desert. Through the toil atid figi t, Jordan flows before us, Zion beams with lighi I 2 Forward, when in childhood r.uils tlK' infant mind ; All throii^'li youth and manhood, Not a tiioiight behind ; Speed through realms of nature. Climb the steps of grace ; Faint not, till in glory Gleams our Father's face. Forward, .all the lifetime. Climb from height to height, Till the head be hoary. Till the eve be light ! .3 Glories upon glories Hath our God prepared. By the souls that love Him One day to he shared ; Eye hath not beheld them, hath never heard ; Nor of these hath uttered Tliought or speech a word : Forward, marching Ka.stwn'il Where the heaven is bright, Till the veil be lifted. Till our faith be sight ! 4 Far o'er yon horizon Rise the eity t.<)wers. Where our Cod abideth, t That fair home is ou the streets with \\\n Shine the gates with go Tl: CONFLICT AND COURAGE. flows the pfladdeiiing river Slieddiiifj joys untold. Thither, onward thither, In the Spirit's mifrht; Pilgrims to your country. Forward into light : II. Al/ord. 576 The Captain o/ their salvation. Hebrews ii. 10. 574 7.7. 7.7. Endure hardness as a good soldier 0/ Jesus Christ.— 2 Timothy ii. 3. MUCH in sorrow, oft in woe. Onward, Christians, onward go. Fight the tight, maintain the strife, Strengthened with the Bread of Life. 2 Onward, Christians, onward go ; Join the war, and face the foe ; Faint not I much doth yet remain ; Dreary is the long campaign. 3 Shrink not. Christians! will ye yield, Will ye quit the painful field ? Will ye llee in danger's hour? Know ye not your Captains power? 4 Let your drooping hearts be glad ; March, in heavenly armour clad ; Fi^ht, nor think the battle long ; Suon shall victory tune your song. 5 Lot not sorrow dim your eye. Soon shall every tear be dry ; Let not woe your course impede ; Great your strength, if great your need. 6 Onward then to battle move ; More than conquerors ye shall prove ; Though opposed by many a foe, Christian soldiers, onward go. H. Kirke White. 1806. Completed bu Frances 6. Colquhoim. 1827. 575 / have fought a good fight.— 'i Timothy iv. 7. ' T THE good fight have fought,' 1 when shall I declare ! The victorj' by my Saviour got, I long with Paul to share. 2 may I triiunph so. When all my warfare's past ; And, dying, find my latest foe Under my feet at last : 3 This blessed word be mine, Just as the port is gained, • Kept by the pow er of grace divine, 1 have the faith maintained.' 4 The Apostles of my Lord, To whom it first was given. They could not speak a greater word. Nor all the saints in heaven. Charles Wesley. 170'J JESUS, my King, to Thee I bow, Enli.sted under Thy command ; Captain of my salvation.Thou Shalt lead me to the promised land. 2 Thou hast a great deliverance wrought. The stall' from off my shoulder bi oke. Out of the house of bondage brought. And freed me from the Egyptian yoke. 3 O'er the barren wilderness. To Canaan's bound.s Thou liabt me led ; Thou bidd'st me now the land pos.ses3, And on Thy milk and honey feed. 4 I see an open door of hope, Ligions of sin in vain oppose : Bold 1 with Thee, my Head, march up. And triumph o'er a world of foes. 5 My Lord in my behalf appears ; Captain, Thy strength-inspiring eye Scatters my doubts, dispels my fears, And makes the host of aliens tly. 6 Who can before my Captain stand ? Who is so great a King as mine ? High over all is Thy right hand. And might and majesty are Thine ! Wesley. 1742. Rrrrr l.m, ^11 Then that tvait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Lsaiah xL 31. AWAKE, our souls : away, our fears ! Let every trembling thought be gone ; Awake '. and run the heavenly nice, And put a cheerful courage ou. 2 True 'tis a strait and thorny road, And mortal spirits tire and faint ; Bv.t they ibrget the mighty God That feeds the strength of every saint— 3 The mighty God, whose matchless ^ower Is ever new and ever young ; And firm endures, while endless yeajs Their everlasting circles run. 4 From Thee, the ever-flowing Spring, Our souls shall drink a fresh supply ; While such as trust their native strength Shall melt away, and droop, and die. 5 Swift as the eagle cuts the air. We'll mount aloft to Thine abode ; On wings of love our souls shall fly. >or tire, while ou the heavenly road. Isaac Watts. ITi'J. I'Jl TRE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 578 8.8. 8.8. 8.8. The faith tvhich ivas once delivered unto the saints.— 3\idi6 3. FAITH of our fathers, living still In spite of dun!,'eon, fire, and sword : how our hearts beat liigh with joy ANTiene'er we hear that glorious word, Faith of our fathers ! holy faith ! We will be true to thee till death. 2 Our fathers, chained in prisons dark. Were still in heart and con.seience free : How sweet would be their children's fate, If they, like them, could die for thee I Faith of our fathers ! holy faith ! We will be true to thee till death. 3 Faith of our fathers ; God's great power Shall soon .all nations win for thee ; And throUjjh tlio truth that comes from God. Mankind shall then indeed be free. Faith of our fathers ! holy faith ! We will be true to thee till death. 4 Faith of our fathers, we will love I'.olh IVi.-uii and foe i)i all our strife : And iJi'.-aih thee too, as love knows how, Hv kindly words and virtuous life : Faith of ou"r fathers ! holy faith ! We will be true to thee till death. F. W. Faber. 18C2. 580 579 There shall no evil be/all thee. Psalm xci. 10. AWAY, my needless fears. And doubts no longer mine ; A ray of heavenly light appears, A messenger divine. 2 Thrice comfortable hope. That calms my stormy breast ; My Father's hand prepares the cup, And what He wills is best. 3 If what I wish Is good, And suits tlie will divine; r.y earth and bell in vain withstood, I know it sliall be mine. 4 Slill let them counsel take To frustrate His decree ; They cannot keep a blessing back, liy Heaven dttsigned for nie. 5 Here then I doubt no more, liut in His i.l.Msur.' rrM. Whose wisdom, lovi^.and trnlli.and po\vi-i Kngago to make mo blu.->t. 6 To acconiplish His design The creatures all agree ; Aiid all the attributes divine Are now at work for mo. Charles Wesley. 1749. 102 7.6. 7.6. 7.7. 7.6. The Eternal God is thy Ee/uge.— Dent, xxxiii. 27. VrONE is like Jeshurun's God, IN So great, so strong, so high, Lo ! He spreads His wings abroad, He rides upon the sky. Israel is His first-born son ; tJod, the Almighty God, is thine ; See Him to thy help come down. The excellence divine. 2 Thee, the great Jehovah deigns To succour and defend ; Thee, the Eternal God sustains. Thy Maker and thy Friend : Israel, what hast thou to dread ? Safe from all Impending harms, Round thee and beneath are spread The Everlasting Arms. 3 God is thine ; disdain to fear The enemy within ; God shall in thy flesh appear, And make an end of sin ; God the man of sin shall sl.aj'. Fill thee with triumphant .joy ; God shall thrust him out, and say, ' Destroy them all, destroy ! ' 4 All the struggle then is o'er. And wars and fightings cease, Israel then shall sin no more. But dwell in perfect peace ; All his enemies are gone ; Sin shall h.ave in him no part; Israel now shall dwell alone. With Jesus in his heart. 6 Blest, Israel, art tliou ; What people is like thee? Saved from sin, by Jesus, now Thou art, and still shalt bo ; Jesus is thy seven-fold shield, Jesus is thy flaming swoid ; Earth, and hell, and sin, shall yield To God s ahnighty word. Wesley. 1742. 581,8.8. He that helieveth on Him is not condemned.— Jotin Hi. 18. QURROUNDED by a host of foes, n Slormed by a host of foes within. Nor swift to flee, nor strong to oppose. Single against hell, earth, and sin. Single, yet undismayed, I am ; I dare believe in Jesu's name. 2 Whnt though a thousand hosts engage, A tliousiind worlds, my soul to sliaket I liave a sliield shall quell their rage. And drive the alien armies back ; Portrayi'd It bears a bleeding Lamb; I dare believe in Jesu's name. CONFLICT AND COUBAOE. 3 Me to retrieve from Satan's hands. Me from this evil world to free, To pur^e my sins, and loose my bands. And save from all iniquity. My Lord and God from heaven lie came ; I dare believe in Jesus name. 4 Salvation in His name there is, Salvation from sin, death, and hell, Salvation Into glorious bliss. How great salvation, wlio can tell ! But all He hath for mine 1 claim ; 1 dare believe in Jesus name. Charles Wesley. 1749. 582 7.6. 7.6. 7.8. 7.6. By grace are ye saitd through /aitli.—Ei>hesia,uii ii. 8. SON of God, if Thy free grace Again hath raised me up. Called me still to seek Thy face. And given me back my hope ; Still Thy timely help afford, And all Thy loving-kindness show : Keep me, keep me, gracious Li^rd, And never let me go ! 2 By me, my Saviour, staml, In sore temptation's hour. Save me with Thine outstretched hand. And show forth all Thy power ; be mindful of Thy word, Thy all-sufficient grace bestow : Keep me, keep me, gjjicious Lord, And never let me go ! 3 Give me. Lord, a holy fear, And fix it in my heart. That I may from evil near With timely r^re depart ; Sin be more than hell abhorred. Till Thou destroy the tyrant foe : Keep me. keep me, gracious Lord, And never let me go ! 4 Never let me leave Thy breast. From Thee, my Saviour, stray ; Thou art my Support and Rest, My true and living Way : My exeeedins gieat Reward. In heaven above, and earth below : Keep me, keep me. gracious Lord, And never let me go ! Amen. Wesley. 1742. 2, and fixed, and sure, His Sion cannot move; His faithful people stand secure In Jesu's guardian love. 3 As round Jerusalem The hilly bulwarks rise. So God protects and covi-rs them From all their encuiit^s. 4 On every side He stands. And for His Israel cares : And safe In His ainughty hands Their souls for ever bears. 5 But let them still abide In Thee, all-gracioii.s Lord, Tin every soul is sanctified, And perfectly restored. 6 The men of heart sincere Continue to defend ; And do them good, and save them here, And love them to the end. Ameu. Wesley. 1743. 584 6.4. 6.4. Destitute, afflicted, tormented : of ichorn the world teas not worthy. Hebrews xi. 37, 38. 583 Theii that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zio»i.— Psalm cxxv. 1. ^THO in the Lord confide, And feel His sprinkled blood, In storms and hurricanes abide, Firm as the mount of God. W THKIR names are names of kings (»f heavenlv line ; The bliss of earthly things They did resign. 2 Chieftains they were, who warred With sword and shield ; Victors for God the Lord Oji foughteu field. 3 Sad were their days on eai th, 'Mid hate and scom, A life of plea-sure "s dearth, A death forlorn ; 4 Yet blest that end in woe. And those sad days; Only man's blame below ; Above— God's praise. 5 A city of great name Is built for them. Of glorious golden fame- Jerusalem ! 6 Redeemed -with precious blood From death and sin. Sons of the Triune God, They enter iii. 7 So doth the life of pain In glory close ; Lord God, may we attain Their grand repose ! Amen. Samuel J. Stone. 184Jo THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 585 Clouds and darkness are round about Htm: riijhteousness and judg- ment are the habitation of His throne. Psalm xuvii. 2. OIT is hard to work for God, To rise and take His part Upon this battle-field of earth, And not sometimes lose heart ! 2 He hides Him«!elf so wondrously, As though there were no God : He is least seen when aU the powers Of ill are most abroad. 3 Or He deserts us at the hour The fight is all but lost ; And seems to leave ns to ourselves Just wheu we need Him most. 4 It is not so, but so it looks ; And wo lose courage then ; And doubts will come if God hath kept His promises to men. 5 Ah ! God is other than we think ; His ways are far above, Far beyond reason's height, . Amen. Charles Weslcu- 1749. WATCHFULNESS AND STEADFASTNESS. RQry s.M.D. ^ '-' ' Let this mind he in you, which ivas also in Christ Jesus.— I'hil. ii. 5. JESUS, my strength, my hope, On Thee I cast my care. With humble confidence look up. And know Tliou hear'st my prayer. Give me on Thee to wait. Till I can all things do. On Thee, almighty to create. Almighty to renew. 2 I want a sober mind, A self-renouncing will. That tramples down and casts behind The baits of pleasing ill ; A soul inured to pain. To hardship, grief, and loss, Bold to take up, firm to sustain The consecrated cross. 3 I want a godly fear, A quick discerning eye, Tliat looks to Thee when sin is near, And sees the Tempter rly ; A spirit still prepared. And armed with jealous care, For ever standing on its guard. And watching unto prayer. 4 I want a heart to pray. To pray and never cease. Never to murmur at Thy stay. Or wish my sutTerirgs less. This blessing, above all. Always to pray. I -want. Out of the deep on Thee to call. And never, never faint. 5 I rest upon Thy word ; The promise is for me ; My succour .and salvation. Lord, Shall surely come from Thee; I'.ut let me still aV)ide, Nor from my hope remove. Till Thou my patient spirit guide Into Thy perfect love. Amen. Wesley. 1712. 598 Neither shall any plnck them out of My hand.— io\\i\ x. 28. CLOUDS and darkness round about Thee For a season veil Thy face, Still I trust, and cannot doubt Thee, Jesus, full of truth and gnu-e ; Resting on Thy words I stand. None shall pluck me from Thy hand. 2 0, rebuke me not in anger ! Suffer not my faith to fail : Let not pain, temptation, languor. O'er my strutrgling heart prevail : Holding fast Thy word I stand. None shall pluck me from. Thy hand. In my heart Thy word.s I cherish. Though (mseen Thou still art rie^r Since Thy sheep shall never jM-rish, What have I to do with ? Tr\isling in Thy word i stand. None shall pluck me from Thy hand. Chailotte Elliutt. IHM. F;,qq <. To Thy swecl yoke my si)iril bow ; li.iiil by Thy grace, u bend or break, The Iron Kinow in my neck. I7(t Ve7-ily Thou art a God that hidfst Thyself.— UAiah xlv. 15. THOU God unsearchable, unknown, Who .still conceal'st Thyself from mo, Hear an apostate siiirit groan. Hroke oil", and banished far from Thee ; But conscious of my fall I mourn. And fain I would to I'liee return. 2 Send forth one ray of heavenly light. or gospel hope, of humble fear. To guide me through the gulf of night. My poor desponding soul to cheer, Till Tliou my unbeliel remove. And show me all Thy glorious lovo. 3 A hiddfii God Indeed Thou art ; Thy absenie 1 this moment feel; Vet nuist 1 own it from my heart, t'oiiiealed. Thou art a Saviour still ; And though Tliy lace^l cannot see, 1 know Thine eye is I'lxed on me. 4 My Saviour Thou, not .vet revealed. Yet will I Thee my Saviour call. Adore Thy hand, from sin witldield ; Thy hand shall save nie from my lall : Now, Lord, t Inoughout my darkness shine, A)id .show Thyself lor ever mine. Anun. Charles Wesley. 1161. 612 Lord, that I mat/ receive my .si(//i<.— Luke xviii. 41. "\y HEN. gracious Lord, when shall it be » V That I shall find my all in Thee if The fidness of Thy pronuse prove ; The seal of Thine eternal Love* 2 Tlii'e, oidy Thee. I fain would fuid. And i-ast the world and flesh behiu'l ; Thou, only Thou, to me bo given. Of all luou hast in earth or heaven. a Whom man forsakes Thou wilt not leave, K<'ad\ the outcast to receive; Though all my siid'ulness I jwn. And ail my faults to Thee are known. 4 Ah, wlinefore did I ever doubt ! Thou wilt In nowise cast me out, A hidplcss soul that comes to Thee, VV ith oidy sin and misery. 6 Lord. I am sick,— my sickness cure ; I want.— do Thou enrich the poor; I'ndcr Thy ndghty hand 1 stoop, O lift the abject sinner up 1 HUMILITY. 6 Lord, I am blind,— be Thou my sight ; Lord, I am weak,— be Thou my might ; A helper to the helpless lie. And let me find my all in Theo. Am^n. Wesley. 17 C^. 613 Tlii'D rebelled, and vexed His Holy i/n/-t(.— Isaiah Ixiii. 10. STAY, Thou insulted Spirit, stay. Thoiiuj