I PLEA-- DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD A>Nt:;BftARVar University Research Library en y -< This book is DUE on the last date stamped below APR 2 11924 193( am ^ 1933 MAY. 2 1975 Form L-9-5m-7,'22 THE GROWTH OF CAPITAL. U// BY ROBEUT GIFFEN. London: GEORGE BELL AND SONS, YORK STREET, COYENT GARDEN. 1889. London : Feinted by Cousins and Co., G, Helmet Covkt, (338) Steand, w.c. CONTENTS. Chap, Page. I. Introductory 1 II. The Valuation of 1885 10 III. The Eecent Progress .... 29 IV. Distribution between England, Scotland, AND Ireland C3 V. Historical Retrospect .... 72 VI. Accumulations op Capital in Foreign Countries 115 VII. The Use of National Valuations . .135 APPENDIX. Page. I. Estimate of English Capital Invested Abroad . IGl II. SUMMAET OF PUBLIC IsSUES 1S7G-S5 . . . 1G2 CONTENTS -Continued. Taoe. lir. Valuation of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Ski'Aratkly ....... 1C3 IV. ISIk. JJkkke'.s Valuation of Great Britain circa ISOO ICG V. IMiJ. Lowe'.s Valuation of the United Kingdom circa 1S22 ICS Note. — The following ptigcs -were \\rittcn for tlio most part in 1SS7, or oarlj' in 1883, and should be read as speaking from those dates. The completion of the hook has been prevented till now by a pressure of oflScial work, leaving but scanty leisure. The delay, however, makes comparatively little diffei'ence in what is spoken of as the present time, as there was no great change in the Income Tax Returns for a few years after 1885, although a considerable change seems probable n the present year, and next year. December, 1889. THE GEOWTn OF CAPITAL. CHAPTER T. INTEODUCTORY In tlie pressiit essay I propose to resume and con- tinue the notes on accumulations of* capital in the United Kingdom, contained in a paper which I read to the Statistical Society in January, 187S, and since reprinted in the first scries of my " Essays in Finance."* An additional period of ten years can now be dealt with, and the later compared with the earlier results. In entering on the , task I desire to recall attention to the special object in view. This is to discuss the * Seo " Essays in Finance," first scries, fourth edition. London : Geo. Bell and Sons. 188G. 2 TIIK GROWTH OF CAl'ITAL. accumulations of capital or growth of capital iu a given j^eriod. For vai'ious reasons economists desire to know the rate of accumulation in a country — to com- pare the rate of taxation, for instance, with the gross and with the taxable income, to ascertain in what forms mainly the M^ealth of the country is growing, to compare the growth of capital itself with the growth of population, and so on. It is recognised, however, that only approximate results are obtainable. Imagination shrinks from the task of framing a cata- logue or inventory of a nation's property as a valua- tor would make it : the idea of a valuation of the whole property of a country, as if a country could really be valued as a going concern, is itself a violent hypothesis ; yet only fro7n such inventories from time to time could the growth of wealth in the same country between two different dates be ascer- tained, while such growth being expressed in money might itself require correction if for any reason it did not happen to correspond with the growth in things. In the absence of such complete inventories however, it is thought that an approximation can be made to the results aimed at by valuing the leading- items of national property in some definite way, and that this approximation may be tolerably useful as a basis for comparing the growth between two different periods, and for comparing one country with another, although the incompleteness of each inventory itself may be fully recognised. According to well-known statistical experience, the comparison of the growth or increment may be reasonably successfiil if the same method is followed on each occasion in working out the data for the comparison, although these data themselves may be unavoidably incomplete. IXTRODrCTOKY. S I must insist on this point all the more, because, since my former paper was written, attention has, in fact, been withdrawn from tlie special object in view, and it has been thought, apparentl)^, that such esti- mates of property can be used for misceUaneous purposes in a way whicli I believe most dangerous, and that they can be made with a degree of accuracy which I believe to be impossible. Country lias been compared with countr}*, and period with period, in the most reckless fashion, without any attention to the comparability of the data. Such figures have even been used officially for the purpose of discussing the relative incidence of taxation on different kinds of property, real and personal being the kinds dis- tinguished. I desire to record an emphatic protest against the employment of a method, which appears good enough for a special purpose in the absence of anything better, for purposes of a totally different kind, where a different degree of accuracy, which the figures are not susceptible of, may be necessary. Whether estimates of property, and the different kinds of it, can be made for such a purpose as dis- cussing the incidence of taxation, or the like practical objects, is a point at least on which I reserve my own opinion. At any rate, those who make such estimates are bound in limine to justify their method, and to prove that the necessary degree of accuracy for the purpose they have in view is obtainable. For any such purpose as that now in hand, comparatively rough estimates are all that are required, and com- paratively rough estimates are all that it is proposed to make. An explanation at the outset as to the method followed may also be allowed. The object being to 4 'I'lIK (;i;<)\V'l'II OF CAI'ITAL. jiHccrlain llic ;iccniinil;itiui if s lo !)(• (lc;ilt wiili In citlier case mit^Mit not ill some cases differ greatly Iroiii eacli oilier, but tlie different senses in wliicli the words may be nscd, and the possibiUty of diflerences in the arnovmts of the accumulations as differently defined and ascertained, should, of course, be kept in mind. There is yet another preliminary point. The method of estunating the property in the country at different times, which was followed in my former paper, it will be remembered, was to take the income returned for assessment to the Income Tax, capitalise the different portions of that income derived from capital — land, houses, and so on, — at so many years' purchase, and then make an estimate for other property in the country where the income was not got within the sweep of the Income Tax net. A similar method, it may be repeated in passing, as mentioned in the former paper, was first employed by ]\Ir. Newmarch in the Economist in 1873. Mr. Newmarch by various calcu- lations had arrived at the opinion that to obtain an idea of the annual accumulation in the country the amount of the Income Tax assessments might be multiplied by 20, and the difference between the totals at different dates would represent the accumu- lation. It was with" some pleasure I noticed after- wards that ]\Ir. Newmarch in the last paper he read to the Statistical Society adopted the more detailed plan of my former paper and practically accepted the figures, substituting them for those he had formerly used. In such a method, then, to come to the point I wish now to make, a great deal turns upon the number of yeai-s' piu'chase assigned to each descrip- tion of income, and the question arises, when valua- tions ut difl'erent dates are compared, or when the ixTrtODUCTOm'. 7 valuations of different countries are compared, how far is it expedient or necessary to vary the niunber of years' purchase as regards particular descriptions of property ■? In my former essay this difficulty was evaded. Dealing witli one country only, the question of assigning a different number of years' purchase because of a comparison with other countries, or be- tween different parts of the same country, did not arise; while I assumed that as the tendency had ratlier been in the interval compared, for all classes of income to be valued, as time went on, at a greater number of years' purchase, the rate of interest falling in the interval, the effect of ignoring this element would be for the figures stating the accumulation of capital to err rather by defect than by excess, which it was desirable to avoid. Now, however, the question of the number of years' purchase may require discussion. Since 1875 the capital value of many sorts of income, the number of years' purchase for whicli it will sell, has undoubtedly risen. As regards other kinds of income, however, such as the rent of land,t]ie number of years' purchase at which the same nominal rental will pass in the market, has undoubtedly diminished. The question seems, therefore, not quite so simple as it was. On what basis should changes of the kind be dealt with theoretically if the general totals are likely to be seriously affected ^ It is proposed also, as will be seen, to compare different parts of the United Kingdom with each other as well as to make more extended comparisons with foreign countries. Here the element of the number of years' purchase must be dealt with explicitly. In some references a few years ago whicli I made to the capital of Ireland I assumed that landed property in that country ouglit to 8 'I'lIK (MIoW'I'lI OF CAI'ITAL. !)(' v;iliu', dericedfrom Capital, Numher oj Ycam^ Purchase at ichicli the same maybe Capitalised, and Approximate Amount of Capital; torjel'Ucr with Estimate of remaining Income and Capital of the Countnj. [ODO's omitted in amount columns.] Years' Purchase & Capital at Yearn' P'rchase Emjtlotjed for 187S, vhcre a Change has now been made. Under Schedule A. Lands Houses Other profits Schedule B. (Farmers profits) Schedule C. (Public funds less home funds). .. Under Schedule D. Quarries Mines Ironworks Gasworks Waterworks Canals, &c | Fishings j Market tolls, &c Other public companies j Foreign and Colonial securi- "^ I ties. &c 3 Eailways in United Kingdom... ,. out of United Kingdom Interest paid out of rates, &.c. ... Other profits Trades and professions — one- fifth of total income of .£180,000,000 Total under Income-tax ... 65,233,; 21,096,1 1,691,313,*! 30 1,926,885,1 ... 26,310, ... 1,951,170 521,864, 527,400, 3,732, 30,412, 10 \ 652,330 I, 20) 1, or[- is.. J Trades and professions omitted per cent, of amount assessed i;30,OOl),OOO, of which one-fifth Income of non - Income - tax paying '^ classes derived from capital > Forei'-rn investments, not in Schedules > C and I) ) ilovoblo property not yielding income,"* e.g., furniture of houses, K TIIK (iUoWTir OF CAl'ITAL. ])iil)li('l)iilklings of all kinds are government property, which must come to somctliing, while local property of every kind cannot now be less than three hundred millions. It has increased on a moderate calculation from the amount of local loans, and the amount an- nually repaid, by about 100 millions at least, in the ten years specially under review. The figure here inserted certainly cannot err much by excess. Large as the figures are, therefore, the estimate of 10,000 millions as the property of the United King- dom valued as a going concern does not seem un- reasonable. Of this sum again, nearly 8,500 millions must be reckoned as income yielding, the correspond- ing income being about 552 millions. The figures are truly bewildering, but it is quite certain that some such figures are about the mark. Valued as a going concern at the current prices of the individual items of the property, the business carried on by the community within the British Isles, with the property of every kind they possess, would exchange for all this money. CHAPTER III. THE RECENT PROGEESS. Our special business, however, is not with the valua- tion of the national estate at the present time, but with the accumulation of capital in recent years. For that purpose, instead of the 30 years' comparison which was all that was possible when I wrote ten years ago, it is now possible to make a comparison in the same detail for two ten-yearly periods. I shall begin, however, by comparing 1885 with 1875, which can be compared in the minutest detail, and then go on to comjmre 1865-75 with 1875-85, which cannot be done in quite so much detail. For this purpose I have copied in full the valuation for 1875, which appeared in my former paper, and I have also prepared a comparative table showing, with less detail, the increase in 1875 over 18G5, and the increase in 1885 over 1875, (See valuation of 1875, p. 30, and Comparative Table, 18G5-75-85, pp. 43.) Com- paring 1885 with 1875 only, as may be done by look- ing at the accompanying table (p. 30), and referring [CO::fTINCED ON p. 31.] 30 'I'llK CUOWTII OK CAl'ITAL. Table B. Amount of Income in Income Tax Returns, derived from Capital; Number of Years' Purchase at which the same may be Capitalised, and Approxi- mate amount of Capital; together with Estimate of remaining Income and Capital in the Country. [Year 1875 — Extracted from Paper on Recent Accumulations of Capital in the United Kingdom. Read before Statistical Society, January, 1878, " See Essays in Finance," 1st Scries, p. 176.] [OOO's omitted in amount columns.] Under Schedule A — Lands Houses Other Protits Schedule B— (Farmers' profits) Schedule C— (Public funds less home funds) Under Schedule D — Quarries Mines Iron work s Gasworks Waterworks Canals, &c Fishings Market Tolls, &c Other public companies Foreign and colonial securities, &c Railways in United Kingdom „ out of United Kingdom Interest paid out of rates, &c , Other profits Tradiis and. professions — one-fifth of "^ total income of ^175,000,000 ) Income. Years' P'rchase Capital. Total under Income Tax 377,586 £ 66.911, 94,038, 883, 66,752. 20,767, 916, 14,10.S, 7,261, 2,630, 1,869, 1,007, 207, 81.2, 25,647, 6,836, 26.21.5, 1,330, 2,647, 1,120, 35,000, Trades niul professions omitted, 20 per cent, of i i nuiouiit assessed, or £"35,000,000, of wliich - , mie-fifth is \ i lucome of non-income-tax paying classes derived ) \ from capital ) ] Fori'isrn investmei.ts not in Schedules C or D I Movable property not yielding income, e.g., fumi-") turi' of houses, &i-., works of art, &c j Government and lociil property, say 7,000, 60,000, 40,000, 30 IS 30 25 4 4 4 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 25 20 25 20 15 £ 2,007,330. 1,419,570. 26,490, 667,520, 519,175, 3,664. 56,432, 29,044, 52,600, 37,380, 20,140, 4,140, 16,840. 384,70'>, 102 540, 655,375, 26,600. 66.175, 22,400, 525,000, 6,643,120, 105,000, 300,000, 400,000, 700,000, 40Ci,000, 4S>,5S0, 8,54S,120, THE KECEXT PROGRESS, o 1 back to the table for 188.3 (on p. 11), tlie general result is that the capital of the United Kingdom, which appeared in 1875 to be about 8,500 raillions, is now estimated by an exactly similar process at 10,037 millions iti 1885. The increase between the two dates is 1,489 millions, or ahnost exac.ly 17-g per cent. The increase is not so great as in the previous decade, for if the increase had continued at the former rate of 40 per cent, in ten years, the total estimated capita] in 1885, instead of being over 10,000 millions, would have been just under 12,000 millions, and the increase would have amoimted to 3,420 millions instead of being 1,489 millions only. Still the figures are very large, and for the present we may postpone any discussion of the relative rate of growth in 18 G5 -75 and the more recent period. The more prominent details, apart from the special questions to be presently discussed, do not seem to require much comment. I shall make a few observa- tions on the principal items in their order. 1. No one will be surprised at the reduction shown in the item of lands. The income assessed has fallen from £GG,91 1,000 to £05,039,000, and as the number of years' purchase assigned is also less, there is a corresponding reduction of capital amounting to £316,000,000 on a total of £2,007,000,000, or over 15 per cent. If there is any surprise at all it will be that the reduction is not much greater. The fall in the value of agricultural produce, and the consequent fall in rents, have been notorious. The wonder will be that the income from lands in these returns, and conse- quently tlie capitalised value, according to the method of estimating here followed, have not fallen more. o2 TIIK GKOAVTII OF rATITAL. In ex[)lan;ition, I liave to suggest tLe following reasons w\\y tlie reduction of income and capital here shdwii should not correspond to the popular impres- sion of Avliat lias been going on : — (d.J The valuation follows somewhat slowly the change in tlje property itself, and the maximum valuation of lands, before the fall of prices began to have effect, w^as not reached until after 1875, the fall of prices not beginning to tell until about 1881. Comparing the maximum reached after 1875, viz., £G9,5 49,000 in 1880, with the figure of £05,039,000 for 1885, the apparent reduction of income is not merely 2*8 per cent., but nearly 7 -pev cent. And the apparent reduction of capital value, owing to the diminution in the number of years' purchase, would, of course, be greater still. Even this reduction is still small compared with the popular impression ; but, allowmg that the reduction still lags behind the actual change in the property, as the valuation of 1875 lagged belnnd the enhancement of value still going on then, we may expect that later returns will show a greater change. (b.) To some extent the figures of the Income Tax Valuation as regards lands have been stereotyped. In past times, it may be allowed, they did not show the real variation in money income that took place from period to period ; and as they did not show the increase, neither have they shown the decrease. This is especially the case as regards Irish land, wdiere Griffith's valuation seems to have been followed year after year, although it was much under the rents of 1875, and is not now nearly so much under them. A defect of this kind in the Income Tax Valuations is, of course, a drawback to the use of them in THE RECENT PROGRESS. 33 showing the accumulations of capital in different periods, and if it were general throughout the returns would make it hardly possible to use them at all ; but tliere is no reason to believe the defect to be at all general. (c.) A large amoimt of " lands " has practically a residential as distinguished from an agricultural value, and the capital value of such lands will not change as tliat of merely agricultural land changes. (d.) The income from different sorts of agricultural land has diminished in very varying degrees, while the effect on landlords' rent has also been par- tially mitigated by the fact that tenant farmers, as a rule, in England have not been rackrented, that they have had virtually a beneficial interest in their holdings, and that the loss by agricultural depression has not consequently Mien so exclusively on landlords' rent as it would otherwise have done. All these are reasons for the item of lands not showing as great a diminution in these returns as it miglit have been expected to do. The diminution of rent should not have so much effect as is commonly supposed, and the effect in any case is partly post- poned. The result will be that when we come to deal with another period of ten years, the increase, if there is an increase, will not appear so great as it would otherwise do ; and the decrease, if there is a decrease, will appear to be more than it will really be, reckoning from the present date — i.e., 1884-85. 2. The next item to comment upon is houses, which show a very large increase — quite as great, nearly, though this is anticipating a little, as the increase between 18G5 and 187.3. The capital of houses is now much more than lands, being just 34 tut: growth of cAriTAL. under £2,000 millions, and the increase in the decade lias been £507 millions, or nearly 3G per cent. Houses, as already noticed, are now the main item in the whole valuation. Part of the increase may be due to more stringent valuation, a remark which applies to all the heads of the Income Tax ; but, on the whole, the progress in houses seems to correspond fairly well with pro- gress in the country. We should have expected, perhaps, as the result of the fall of prices, that the increase would not have been quite so great. It is to be observed that the greater part of the increase took place in the first five or six years of the decade, when almost all values were still swelling rapidly. In the last four or five years it has been at a slow^er rate. 3. The next important item is that of Schedule B — farmers' profits, as it is popularly called, though it includes, as already explained, a good deal more than farmers' profits. Here the decrease corresponds to that of the item " lands," the two valuations being, in fact, substantially the same, and being expressly, according to law, made upon rental in the absence of a formal claim by the farmer, to be assessed after the method of Schedule D, which is practically never made. Here the change calls for little remark. The reduc- tion of capital in the ten years is from £G 07,000,000 to £522,000,000, or between 20 and 25 per cent. It seems doubtful whether the diminution iii aoricul- tural capital has not been more. One hears of the tenant farmers having lost three rents, or about £200,000,000. I have to suggest, however, as is done regarding lands, that the years 1875 and 1885 THE RECENT PROGRESS 35 do not correspond precisely to the maximum and minimum years wliicli mark the whole change from better to worse in agriculture. Farther, the loss to the farmer is not the same thing for our present purpose as the loss of agricultural capital itself. The tenant farmer's loss may well have been borne in part out of current income, or out of otlier funds of liis own, or at the expense of creditors. The things constituting the capital, the live-stock, &c., may liave remained, and in fact, seem to have largely remained, and are only now valued at low^er prices. In put- ting the present figures in the Table, therefore, I must not be understood as under-valuing the amount of the farmer's losses. Of course, the loss is brought out very largely in the comparison by changing the niunber of years' purchase, but for this good reason has been shown. 4. The next item of Public Funds less Home Funds, Schedule C, calls for more mark. The change in the ten vears is immaterial. The change to notice here is in connection with foreign investments generally, which will be dealt with later. .l The next items I have to notice are mines and ironworks, which show a great reduction. The income in the case of mines falls in the ten years from £14,108,000 to £7,603,000, or very nearly .jO per cent.; and there is a proportionate reduction in the estimated capital from £.50,432,000 to £30,412,000. In the case of ironworks the reduction in income is from £7,26-1,000 to £2,265,000, and in capital from £29,044,000 to £9,060,000; or a reduction of G9 per cent. As compared with the general capital of the country the investments in mines and ironworks are not larsfe, D3 .",() THE r.KOWTH OF fAlMTATi. niid llio cliaiigcs unimportant, but in themselves they ai-o iinmonsc. A more fluctuating industry there could hardly be. There is no doubt of these industries liaving been specially inflated about 1875. 1 have already dealt with the suggestion which has been made, since my former paper was written, that the number of years'" purchase assigned to the income from mineu and ironworks, viz., four years, is too low — that part of the income consists of royalties which are worth a greater number of years' purchase. I may now add that possibly there may be a reason for assigning a larger number of years' purchase in a period of comparatively low income, and a smaller number when the income has been inflated from any cause, but the amounts involved are too small to make the question worth while. G. The next items are those of gasworks, water- works, canals, &c., fishings and shootings, which are all of a minor character compared with the main items in the Income Tax assessments, but which all show very considerable increase in the ten years, apart from the change in the number of years purchase, viz., gasworks 91 per cent., waterworks, &c., 74 1- per cent., canals, &c., 252 per cent., and fishings and shootings 198^ per cent. Part of the increase is no doubt due to transfers from other heads, but there must still be considerable real increase, corresponding to the increase in such an item as houses. I believe the etcetera in the case of canals, &c., where the increase is so remarkable, is specially important. It would be a mistake to sup- pose that canals in particular, which have been so long stationary or decHning, have picked up bet\^ een 1875 and 1885 to the remarkable extent stated. THE RECENT PROGKRSS. 37 7. Markets tolls, &c., sliow a considerable diminu- tion in the ten years, owing, no doubt, to the gradual extinction in this country of all forms of octroi. In any case the item is unimportant. 8. The next item to comment upon is that of " other public companies," which shows a remarkable increase of 3.3 "6 percent, in the income and of 81 per cent, in the capital, the change in the income being from £25,647,000 to £34,789,000, and in the capital from £384,705,000 to £095,780,000. The change in the capital is, of course, largely due to the increased number of years' purchase, but taking the increase on the income only it is still immense. Part of it, we may believe, is due not only to the continuous creation of public companies for new enterprise, which is a process constantly going on, but to the conversion of private firms into limited companies, which has been a marked feature of Stock Exchange business in recent years, and which may help to account, there- fore, for the slow increase in " Trades and Profes- sions " to be presently noticed. 9. The next item is that of Ilailways in the United Kingdom, which show an increase in income in the ten years from £26,215,000 to £33,270,000, and in capital from £G55 millions to £931 millions. A large part of the increase of capital is, of course, due to the increase in the number of years' purchase assigned ; but even without this enhancement the change would have been very great, as the figures of capital at the present time would then have stood at 832 millions. Here the figures may be compared with the railway returns themselves, which give for, practically, the same dates, viz., the calendar years 1874 and 1884 an increase in income from £26,643,000 :]H TIIK f;i{()\VTH OF CAl'ITAL. to .£;53,:5().j,OUO, and in Ciipltal from £G10 millions to £80 i millions. The figures as to capital in the two statements do not corresj)ond, an important difference being made by the change in the number of years purchase employed in the calculation. Nothing more need be said, however, than what ha? already been said generally, or will be said later on. The magni- tude of railway capital, in reference to capital gene- rally, could not be shown without taking note of its selling value. In any case, it may be pointed out, the Eailway lleturn itself does not contain figures of actual investment. The record of actual investment in railways would show even a smaller figure than that shown by the Eailway Return of capital itself. The real investment of railway capital, wdiether profitable or not, is not the difference in nominal capital shown between 1874 and 1884, amounting to 191 millions, but probably not more than 170 millions, the actual new cash outlay in the interval. 10. The item of interest paid out of rates shows a large increase, though the amount in comparison with the figures here dealt with is, of course, not large. Possibly if this item were larger the question might arise whether it should not be dealt with in the same way as the interest on the National Debt ; but the item as yet seems hardly large enough to make it worth while to raise the discussion. 11. The last important item in connection with the Income Tax assessments themselves is that of "Trades and Professions." Here the total income capitalised, according to the method and for the reasons stated in my former paper, is only a portion of the net income assessed, but the proportion maintained is the same, and as the result the increase shown in the income capitaUsed is from £35,000,000 to £30,096,000, and THE RECENT PKOGRESS. 31) in the capital at 15 years' purchase from £525,000,000 to £541,000,000 ; or 3-1 per cent. This is a very small increase, but a partial expla- nation has already been suggested in connection with the item of PubHc Companies, viz., that private fii-ms of kite years liave been converted in an increasing degree into public companies. It may also be pointed out that this item has sj^ecially suffered between 1875 and 1885 by the change in the lower Hmit of the Income Tax, and that in all probability the income under this head but for this change would have been £960,000 more than is here estimated ; this sum of £900,000, it will be observed, being specially taken account of in the lower and supplementary part of the above Table, which deals with income and capital not represented by any Income Tax assessment. 12. Apart from the observations already made, and the special remarks on foreign investments which I have reserved to the last, and which apply, strictly speaking, to all parts of the Table, the lower and supplementary part of the Table appears to call for little remark. The estimates of the income of non- income tax paying classes derived from capital, of movable property not yielding income, and of govern- ment and local property, are put in almost j^^ofoi'md and to round off the estimates, and not with any idea that any very exact figures can be stated. The increase of capital altogether under these heads is £513,000,000, out of a total increaseof £1,48.0,000,000, and deducting about £50,000,000 for capital, which would have appeared in the upper part of the Table but for the change in tlio lower limit of the Income Tax, it is little over £450 million?, or little more thar. a fourth part of the total increase of capital. 40 THE GROWTH OF CAPITAL. So far iis I have been able to do so, I have en- deavoured to deal with these rough estimates in a safe manner, and so as not to exhibit too great an accumuhition in a given period ; but no one is more sensible than I am that a more exact valuation, if it were possible, might alter the figures somewhat, be- sides giving information which would be most useful and would enable us to discuss interesting points with minute accuracy, whicli must now be left undiscussed altogether. Whether, for instance, movable property not yielding income increases at a greater or less rate than other property would be a most interesting point. At present, by the method followed, equality in the rate of increase is assumed, and althouofh this may not be material in a question of the accumula- tion of capital generally, it would, of course, be most interesting in its own place. I know of no method, however, upon existing data, by whicli statisticians could attack the problem. The limits of the infor- mation available by the method here followed must be distinctly recognised. I come, then, to the question of foreign invest- ments, which affects many items in the Tables. Putting all the items together, the comparison between 1875 and 1885 is as follows: — 1875. 1885. Increase. Public Funds, loss House Funds (SclioduloC) Foroi.-j:Q and Colonial Securities (Schedule D) Railways out of United kingdom iScheduleD) Foreign Invest ui cuts not in or D (estimated) Mlns. 20-7 6-8 1-3 -100 Mlns. 2I'I 9-8 3-S 50-0 Mlns. 30 2-5 100 68-8 S47 15-t) THE llECENT PROGRESS. 41 It cannot be said upon these figures that the esti- mate of the increase of foreign investments between 1875 and 188.3 is at all excessive. The total increase of income assumed is under IG millions sterling, which would represent, at 20 years' purchase, more than the average, a capital of 320 millions only, or 32 millions per annum. Allowing for all the capital called in from abroad, of which we have heard so much, it must be admitted, I think, that the foreign invest- ments between 1875 and 1885 were more than some 30 millions per annum. I have only to refer on this head to a table which was appended to my essay on the " Use of Import and Export Statistics," which was read to the Statistical Society in March, 1882*, and which I propose to continue in the journal of the Statistical Society, a summary being here given in the Appendix. (See Appendix ii.) From this summary it appears that the actual new issues in the ten years 1876-1885 of Colonial Government Loans, Municipal Loans, Foreign Government Loans, and Kailway Issues were as follows : — ■ 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1881. 1885 Total Millions. £ 25-6 18-8 25-9 231 29-9 440 45-2 48-7 48-9 51-7 3()l-8 * Seo " Essays in Fiuanoo," second series, second edition. Loudon : Geo. Bell and Sons. The table here referred to is printed in the " Statis- tical Society's Journal " for June, 1882. 42 Tuv: miowTir of cai'ital. — a larger ainoiiut than tho sum arrived at ])j capitalising the assumed addition to the income from foreign investments between 1875 and 1885. In addition there were issues of miscellaneous companies and nnniiig companies to a large amount. Besides all this there is the private investment, which must be very large. Of course the period between 1875 and 1885 includes the period of the foreign loan collapses, but the table in the Appendix (Table i.), it will be observed, wliich compares with a similar table for 1875, is constructed in such a way as to allow for all such collapses. After all, the coUajDse of Turkish and Peruvian loans and a few minor issues w*ere as nothing to the great business of the market, the collapse at a later date in American railway issues being substantially more serious. Making all allow- ances, then, the increase here reckoned for the ten years is by no means excessive. So much for the comparison between 1875 and 1885. I have next to call attention to the accom- panying Table (see Table on p. 43), which exhibits the comparative results above dealt with in a more condensed form, and places alongside, in addition, the comparative results for the ten years preceding for which it is impossible to give so many details. The comparison between the progress shown in 1865 and 1875, and the progress now shown, is instructive, both as regards the total amounts and the details. Between 1865 and 1875 the increase in total capital was from 6,113 millions to 8,548 millions, an increase of 2,435 millions, or 40 per cent. ; whereas now the increase is from 8,548 to 10,037 millions, or 1,489 millions and 17^ per cent. only. Both in amount and i)ereentagc the increase in the second [COKTIXUED ON P. 44.] THE EECENT PROGRESS. 43 Table C. Approximate Amount of Capital or Proferly in United Kinfjdom in 1863, 1873, and 18S3, compared. 1S65. Lands Houses Farmers' profits Public funds less home -^ funds ^ 3Iines Ironworks Railways Canals Gasworks Quarries Other profits Other Income-tax in--^ comc,princii)allytradt;s and professions and public companies Trades ami professions omitted.. Inconin from capital of nonO inoome-tax i)ayiii!,' classes ... S Forci^ii iuvcstiiicuts not in ) Schedule C and D i Movable propei'ty not yielding ) income } Government and local pro- ) perty, say S Mhis. 1,SG1. 1,031 G20 211 19 7 414 18 37 2 55 GGO 4,938 75 203 100 500 300 6,113 1875. 188.' Mlns Mlus. 2,007 1,G91 1,420 ] 1,927 668 S6 29 655 20 53 4 84 522 527 31 9 932 71 12G 4 116 1,128 I1.GG4 Increase in 18G5-75. In. or Dec. iu 1875-85. Per Am'unt. 'Am'unt :Cut.' Mlns. £ 143 389 48 308 37 22 241 16 2 29 468 6,643 300 400 700 400 7,G20 1,705 103 319 500 960 500 10,037 30 100 300 200 100 Mlus. £, -316 38 507 8 -146 IIG 195 314 58 11 43 100 53 71 - 25 — 20 277 51 73 32 536 35 10 50 300 40 33 977 3 49 100 260 100 l,4Sy Per Cent. 15-7 35-7 21-9 1-5 45 G9 42 255 138 38 47"5 14-7 3 IG 25 37 25 17. t 41 TllK tiUoWril OK CAPITAL. ten years is considerably less tlian in the first ten. Omitting the supplementary items whicli are not directly based on Income Tax assessments the differ- ence is just as remarkable. The increase between 1SG5 and 1875 was from 4,938 millions to G,G43 millions, an increase of 1,705 millions, or 35 per cent.; between 1875 and 1885 it is from G, 64 3 to 7,G20 millions, i\n increase of 977 millions, or about 15 per cent. A little difference would be made in the latter period by adding in about 50 millions of capital representii:ig income transferred from the higher to the lower part of the Table in consequence of the change in the lower limit of the Income Tax, but the difference would not be very materiaL The rate of increase in the later period would still be less than half what it was in the earlier period. Looking at the comparison in more detail, the first broad fact noticeable appears to be that, whereas between 1865 and 1875 every item of capital shows an increase — in some cases very little in proportion, but in others a great deal — yet between 1875 and 1885 there are, as already noticed, a good many items of decrease. Lands, Schedule B, and mines and ironworks are all cases of actual decrease — in some cases of very great decrease between 1875 and 1885, — although in each case in the previous period there was an increase, and that increase in the case of mines and ironworks was very large, amounting to 195 and 314 per cent, respectively. Next, it is to l)e noticed that the rate of increase generally between 1875 and 1885, where there is an increase, is much less, with one or tw^o exceptions, than in the previous ten years, and where the in- crease is now at an equal or greater rate, it is owing, THE RECENT PROGRESS. 45 in part, to the increase in the number of years' pur- chase at which the income has been capitalised. The following comparison hring.T the facts on this head to a point : — Increase i^sr Cent, of certain Items of Capital in lS6o-73 and 1875-85 compared. Honses Public FiiaF WEALTH. 71 sterling as compared with 4 millions from the same sources in Ireland. No contrast could be more striking. The main lesson of the whole comparison is, how- ever, that already given, viz., the predominance of the metropolitan community of England. Keckoning by wealth England should have SG per cent, of the representation of the United Kingdom, or 57G members out of G70. Scotland by the same rule sliould have about (54 only ; and Ireland no more than 30. These are very different figures from those which actual politics have established, or which the exact proportions of population would give, though even the latter would give a smaller representation to the ^veaker parts of the community than is now given. But for all that they point to a real w^eakness, I believe, in our present constitutional arrangements. It is neither wise nor prudent to make so complete a divorce as has now been made between the real strength of different parts of the population of the United Kingdom and tlie representation in Parlia- ment. There should be a representation of forces in Parliament, if we had perfectly just arrangements, and not merely a. counting of heads. Nothing can be more absurd to the mind of any student of politics, who knows how forces rule in the long run, than the system now established as between the metropolitan community of England and its com- panions in sovereignty by wdnch one of the comj^anion connnunities, and that the least entitled to privilege, obtains most disproportionate power. CHAPTEPv Y. IIISTOTIICAL RETROSrECT. Another comparison to be made is tliat between the figures of the present time ami more distant periods. It will of course be impossible in such comparisons, to show the same details as in the recent years, when we have the benefit of Income Tax Returns on the same basis for several periods, but the older totals at least, (Uid possibly some of the main details may be compared w^th these of the present time. In certain respects, I am inclined to think, the figures we are using are more serviceable and more trustworthy, when the right precautions are taken, for extended historical comparisons than for any other purpose. The great intervals of time and the great differences in the figures, in these extended historical comparisons, bring out certain facts with marvellous clearness, which could not be brought out in any other way. It is most interesting to find that the inquiry as to pnst valuations of aggregate property takes us back to a })criod in which statistical studies in this country to a certain extent originated, and to authors who inST.JKRAL KKTKtSl'ECT. <0 are well-known as among the founders of the study, ' which they cilled by the name of Political Arithmetic. \ The period is the latter part of the 1 7th century, and / -the- authors are Sir William Petty and Sir William / Davenant, both of whom devoted no little attention/ to this very question of the valuation of aggregate property, including the connected subject of aggre- gate income. In fact one of the main objects of their " Political Arithmetic " was to obtain an idea of tlie resources of the country, and of their growth, partly for pur2:)03es of taxation, and partly for comparison with the resources and growth of England's depen- dents or neighbours at the time; Ireland, France, and Holland, being the chief countries considered. The subject has only been intermittently studied in the ■ same form since, but those who began, we may believe, had a good idea of what tiiey were about, and it is all the more instructive, therefore, for us to go back in this matter to the earliest promoters of formal statis- tical knowledge in this country. I do not propose, of course, to go through the entire work of these two authors on this head. It will be sufficient to notice briefly the leading estimates, in which a great deal of their work is summed up, only premising that those who care to pursue the study will find that the estimates now to be used, and com- pared with those of the present time, were not hap- hazard guesses, but were based on available data, carefully considered and built upon. There are certain points of difference between tlie two authors which I shall endeavour to explain, but this would, of course, be impossible if they had not themselves used what were largely common data, and shown how their sums were done. Imav add that the estimates 74 'rilK CKOWril nl- CAITI'AL. c;m |)i-;ictl(';illy Ix' used, so as to form a tli'i'd stale- iiiciil till- ilio ye;ii- I (!()() i^ood ciioiiu'li i"«>r comparative ]iiii-|)os('s. I^'irst, liowovor, I sliall uotice the various statements of the two autliors separately. Sii- Wilham Petty, as tlie founder of Political 1\ rith- metie, and as the author of the statement earliest in date, the date as near as I can judge l)cing 1G79, ought tirst to be noticed. He makes many state- ments and calcuhitions as to population, taxable re- eoiu'ces, income and property, in his numerous essays in Political Arithmetic, but for our present jDurpose. these are summed up in his little " Yerbum Sapienti." The result of the calculation there given, may be summarised as follows : — Statement of the Income and Capital of the pcoj^le of Enfjkuid anno circa 1679, summarised from Sir Williarn Pettijs Verhum Sapienti [In mlu6. stg.] Income. Capital. £ £ Totiil 40 250 Land 8 U-t Honsos 2h 30 Shipi)inLC 3 Stock of Cattlo. etc 36 Coined (jold ;in(l Silver 6 Wares. MercLaudise, Plate, and Furniture ... 31 Ineoine ffom above sources, exclusive of Laud and Houses, and from personal services . . . -9h ... Sir William Pettv, in his essay, proceeds to eapitalise the income from personal services as well as the income from property by a process wdiicli appears to me not quite correct as introducing a figure, not on all fours with the others in his state- ment, and which would not at any rate be comparable with statements made up on the basis of the Income Tax returns, according to the method followed in HISTORICAL KKTJtoSl'KCT. iO tlic ):)re8eat paper. I have, therefore, omitted this additional computation in the above summary, but those wlio are interested can easily read for them- selves in the original. The above figures, if at all near the mark, appear to he strictly comparable ^vitll those of the present time. The enormous ditterence between two centuries ago and the present time is at once palpable. Taking the population of England as little over five millions when Sir William Petty wrote (his own figure of 7 millions appearing somewliat excessive), the above figures would give something less than £8 per head of income, and £50 per head of capital for the whole peoj)le ; the capital now, as we have seen, being approximately £270 per head, and the income being probably not less than about £34 per head. The difference is so enormous that the largest possible corrections would still shov%^ an enormous advance between two centuries ago and the present time The difference, it may be said, would not be so great if we allowed for the greater purchasing power of money two centuries ago. But as far as I can judge no allowance, or little allowance, should be made on this head. Great masses of articles are much lower in money price now than they were then, and the staple article, wheat, is also rather clicaper. The items may be more conveniently noticed in con- nection and comparison w^ith Sir William Davenant's figure to be presently considered. It may be men- tioned, how^ever, that the land rent in the above state- ment works out at 18 3'ea.rs' purchase, and that this figure of 18 years' purchase is explicitly adopted by the author, while only 12 years' p\u-chase is allowed f(tr liousc rent> The otlier items are all arrived at on 7G TllK (iKOWTll OK ('Al'ITAL. coiisidenttioii and for reasons giveu. Lands and ] louses were of course at the time in question mucli more in i)roportion to the total wealth of the country lh;in iliey are now, so that the preponderance here given to them is pr/^iz-a /ac/e reasonable. The data regarding them at the time were also fairly complete ;uid trustworthy, there being assessments for the 4s. tax, since become the land tax, and for otlier taxes, wlille the more exact knowledge as to London and some parts of the country on many points could be made use of by a simple rule of proportion to supple- ment the less complete knowledge on the same points as to renioter parts of the country. Coming next to the estimate of Sir William Davenant, the first remark to make is that in using his figures we must associate with him another w^ell- known name, that of Mr. Gregory King. Sir William Davenants figures, when we look into them, are found to be, and are, in fact, expressly acknowledged to be those of Mr. Gregory Knig, though Sir William Davenant discusses them very fully in adopting them. Whether Gregory King was employed by Sir William Davenant is not quite clear ; but the connection was, at any rate, very close, and I shall therefore treat the fiofures as those of Sir William Davenant and Gregory King together, taking them directly from Gregory King's essay. This essay is reprinted in full in another book well-known to economic students, Mr. Chalmers' " llesources of the Nation,'' published at the end of last and the beginning of the present century, in which the material history of England and the Empire is traced throughout the eighteenth century, that is, from Gregory King's time down- wards, with the addition of various notes for earlier HISTORICAL RETROSPECT. 77 periods. Mr. Chuliners, I may take the opportunity of noting, was for many years an oliicer of the Board of Trade. His hook is an admirable essay in every way. Mr. Gregory King himself was by profession a surveyor, and, therefore, well acquainted with the data he uses, chiefly those showing the income and value of land, for which, as already hinted, in the 4s. tax and other official records which have either perished or are buried in the Record Office, there were probably more official data available to people like Gregory King, disposed to use tliem, than we should now be apt to imagine. There are Ihree documents of Gregory King's, which may be referred to. Only one (>f these is a statement of capital, but the other two are useful by comparison and otherwise for studying it. The first of these is Gregory King's calculation of the income and expense of the community according to tlu^ different classes, — a most minute table. The second is a table exhibiting the author's idea of the several sorts of land in cultivation, the produce, the rent, the capital of the cultivation, and the like particulars. The third is the table to which I shall have to call particular attention, includnig, as it does, a statement of the estimated value of the property of the nation. The first is, apparently, the most flmciful, the nat\u"e of the data not being apparent ; but if we compare it with the others, it will be obvious that the author must have liad data of some sort, at any, rate, for the totals, however imperfect his distribution among dift'erent classes may be. The general effect, then, of these tables is as follows: — 1. Tlie income of the country in 1()8S is reckoned as £43,500;000, or nearly £8 per head, of 78 THK (;i{()\v'i'ii of capital. wliicli ;il)ont i'13,000,()()0 is tlio rent of land and other hereditaments, about £10,000,000 being con- sidered the rent of land alone, and the remainder is derived from trade and industry or labour of some kind, including agricultural labour. 2. The valuation of the country is computed at £6.")0,000,000, or, deducting a valuation of income from personal services in which Sir William Potty's shnilar computation is followed, at £320,000,000, the items being as follows : — 1. Rent at 18 Years' Purchase 2. CapiUilined Vahie of Remaining Income of the yation. 11 Years' PnrcJiase 3. Stofk in Money, Plate, Jewels, and Hoiiseliold Goods 4. Stock in Sliii)pmo;, Forts, Stores, Goods, lustru- meuts. and Materials 5. Live Stock, Cattle, Beasts, Fowls, &c Total Deduct — Item No. 2 as on a different basis from modem Estimates Net Total £234,000,000 330,000,000 2S,000,000 33.000.000 25,000,000 £650,000,000 £330,000,000 £320,000,000 3. The annual accumulation of the country, the excess of the income over tlie expense, is put i),t no more than £1,800,000, which would be in round figures about £20,000,000 every ten years. In many respects, therefore, Gregory King, like Sir William Petty, supplies figures in a form which can be compared with those of the present time. The methods followed are, in fact, nnich the same, and I am disposed to think that Sir William Davenant and Gregory King have sim2:>ly bettered Sir William Petty's instruction, going through the data more fully, and discussing some points — such as the pro- bable excess of actual over assessed rental — with perhaps greater knowledge. HISTORICAL RETllOSPECT. 79 Before comparing the two statements, let me only just notice, as regards Gregory King's, how real the computation for the most part is. Thus, as regards rent, the second statement referred to shows that he was fully alive to the difficulties in the way of arriving at an exact figure. He expressly points out that liis estimate is larger than the rental of the country which had been got hold of in the assessments for the 4s. tax, now known as the land tax, and he points out in detail where the difference arises. Farther, his statement shows that he has compared the value of the produce with tlie rent per acre, and the yield of the different crops required for the consumption of the community valued at current prices. He may err on points, but his figures are not pure guesses ; they are built up on data which he must have had some means of checking. Comparing his figures with those of our modern agricultural returns, we find that he has hit the mark pretty nearly. His estimated area is 39,000,000 acres, as compared with 37,000,000 acres ascertained in modern times. His cultivated area, again, is only 21,000,000 acres, as compared with 24,000,000, or thereabouts, in modern times, from whicli we may infer that his estimate was somewhat in excess, allowing for commons and waste land since brought into culti- vation, but not more, perhaps, than 10 per cent, in excess. Considering the data which must have been in his possession, his work is thus, in my opinion, wonderfully good. At any rate, allowing for the great distance of time, and the wide difference in values, we may at least use Gregory King's estimate of capital, like that of Sir William Petty, for comparison with the present time <2uantuin valccit. HO TIIK fiKOWril (IF CAPITAL. T\\r ostiina.te iillogetlier comes to about .£120 per head on an estimated total population of 5 J millions !is compared with the present average of £270 ])('r liead for the United Kingdom and £415 for England only. As already seen, too, the question of clianges in the purchasing power of money does not affect tlie comparison. Whether we take this estimate or that of Sir William Petty already noticed for com- parison with the present time, the differences are plainly innnense. The differences between the two statements are brought out in the following comparison in which I omit any capitalisation of j)ersonal services : — Capital Valuation in 17th Century. Sir William Petty, mins. Grej^oiy King t*c Davenant. mlna (1()79) £ (168^). £ Land 144 Rental 234 Houses 30 Live Stock, &c 25 Stock of Cattle, etc 36 Money, Plate, Jewels, and Shipping 3 Household Goods 28 Coined Gold and Silver ... tJ Shipping. Forts, Stores, "Wares, Merchandise, Plate, Goods. Instruments, and and Furniture 31 Materials Total 33 Total 250 320 Thus, the main cause of Sir William Davenant s estimate being higher than Sir William Petty s is the higher value put upon the rental by the latter tlian the former in two ways. It is first taken to be V^\ millions instead of 12^ millions, which is Sir William Petty 's figure, owing to the sj^eeial allow- ance made by Gregory King for the reasons stated on account of the under assessment for the 4s. tax. Next, Gregory King capitalises the whole rental, land and houses together, at 18 years' purchase, while Sir William Petty only capitalises house rent at 12 years' purchase. The extra rent allowed for, ca[)ital- HISTORICAL RETROSPECT. 81 Ised at 18 years' purchase, makes a difference of £18,000,000 ; and the different rate of capitalisation for the house rent, viz., G years' purchase, on 2^ millions, makes a difference of £15 millions — total 43 millions. In proportion, tlie difference is very con- siderable, but it may l)e partly accounted for by Gregory King's estimate being made at the later date, as well as by greater care in allowing for under- estimate in the tax assessments. The additional number of years' purchase on the average seems also to be justified by the fall in the rate of interest in the interval between the two statements, so that if Gregory King had valued land and houses separately as Sir William Petty had done, he must have taken land at more than 18 years' purchase, al though 12 years' purchase might still have been about sufficient for houses. With regard to the other items, constituting what was at that time called the stock of the country, the circulating as distinguished from the fixed capital, a close comparison is not easy owing to the cross divisions. The general effect is that this stock is valued by Sir William Petty at £7G,000,000, and by Gregory King at £86,000,0C0, the latter, it will thus be seen, being again in excess. The difference, on the whole, might not be considered serious, but there is a curious difference in detail Sir William Petty, it will be observed, is in excess of Gregory King in one item, that of live stock, where his estimate is £36,000,000 against Gregory King's £25,000,000. The consequence is, that the remainder of the stock is valued by Sir William Petty at £40,000,000, by Gregory King at £60,000,000, a difference of 50 per cent. b(}tween them, which is all the more serious 82 'I'lIK {il;()\V"J"lI OF CAl'ITAL. as tlio diirercnco is in tliu opposite direction to that Avliicli arises in regard to the hve stock, and there are no circumstances which make it likely that live stock would diminish in vakie between the two dates, while other descriptions of stock in the same period woukl increase in value. I find on examination, however, that a large part of the difference woukl be accounted for by Sir William Petty 's exceedingly low estimate for coinage. The difference between the coinage estimates of Sir William Petty and Sir William Davenant amounts to about £12,000,000 ; the former arriving at a sum of £6,000,000, according to a method explained in his Quanttilumcumque, and the latter arriving at a sum of about £18,000,000 by a different method. Into the details it is unnecessary to enter here, as the question was brought to the test of experiment shortly after, at the great recoinage of 1G9G, when a coinage of £7,000,000 in silver was required to renew the silver coinage alone, and the whole circumstances were such that the gold coinage in use and hoarded must have been considerably more. Gregory King's estimate on this head, then, seems to be the more correct ; but we must recollect that he estimates for a date later than Sir William Petty, and this may always account for a small part of the increase. On the whole, we cannot conclude that the capital of England increased between Sir William Petty and Gregory Kings estimates to the amount of the difference between them, though some increase must liave taken place, and I am disposed to accept Gregory King's figure as, on the whole, the more carefully and thoroughly done, and the one most properly com- parable with the estimates made in tliis essay for the HISTORICAL RETROSPECT. 83 present time. Practically, the advance is so great since two centuries ago that, great as are the differences between some of Sir William Petty's and Gregory King's figures, if we look at them strictly, the im- pression of the comparison with the present time is the same, whichever estimate we take. I have noticed that these estimates can be used to form a third estimate, going back to 1600, but I shall only refer to this briefly. The authority is a writer in the British Merchant, a publication of the early part of the last century, in which the Treaty of Commerce with France of that period was discussed from a Protectionist, or perhaps we might say even more accurately, a Fair Trade point of view, and the principal articles of which publication were afterwards collected in three volumes under the same title of a " British Merchant."* The writer referred to, who is described as the Inspector-General of Customs, requires for his argument to estimate the proportion of foreign commerce to the income and wealth of England, for which purpose he accordingly falls back on what are evidently the estimates already referred to, though there are minor discrepancies, discussing therewith other estimates which had been made. From this paper it appears that at the beginning of the seventeenth century the rental of England was about £6,000,000, giving a capital of £72,000,000 only at twelve years' purchase. As the "stock," according to the above proportions, would not be much more than a third, the total valuation of England at the beginning of the seventeenth century could not be more than £100,000,000, or about £20 per head. The Inspector-Generals figure is only * The British Merchant : or. Commerce Preserved. London, 1721. G2 81 TIIK fiROWTir OF CAPITAL. .£17,000,000 for tlie stock, making witli other capital only £89,000,000 in all. Tiiese figures, it may be added, are prima facie probable, assuming a rental of about £14,000,000 at the end of the century, because there was a great fall in the pur- cliasing power of money in the early part of the century. Of course, in comparisons witli the present time, this cliange in the purchasing power of money would have to be allowed for, though we need make no such change as we have seen in comparisons with the latter part of the seventeenth century. The same British Merchant practically also gives a figure for the time he writes — viz., between 1713 and 1721, since he estimates the population of England as then 7,000,000,* the annual expense £49,000,000, and the rental at least £14,000,000, equal at eighteen years' purchase to £252,000,000. The stock at the same time he estimates at £88,000,000, — total, £340,000,000. There is a little want of precision, however, in the data, so that in one way this is little better than a fresh estimate on the basis of KSir AVilliam Petty and Gregory King's figures, and for a period which at this distance is practically the same. It is probable enough that with the defec- tive data of those days, the liability to difference, owing to the changes caused by lapse of time, was not sufficiently allowed for by tliose who Avere making the estimates, and who had not even in view the expediency of making comparisons for the statistical object alone, the figures being always employed for some other argument. The " British Merchant '' recognises progiess during the seventeenth century, but, curiously enough, does not explicitly * An over-estimate apparently. HISTORICAL KETllOSPECT. 85 make an estimate of the capital and stock of England for his own time, as distinguished from the latter part of the seventeenth century. We may be sure, however, that as the best estimate of the population of England about 1G96 does not carry it higher than 5^- to 6 millions, then, allowing for the probable in- crease down to 1713 or thereabouts, the estimate of 7 millions for the time, though a little in excess of the true figure, with the corresponding estimates of in- come and capital, could not be far off the mark. At the most I think the figure of 340 millions should be increased by no more than a tenth to make it pro- perly comparable with Gregory King's estimate of 320 millions for the latter part of the seventeenth century. Passing from the seventeenth century and the beginning of the eighteenth century, I find no good estimates of income and capital properly comparable with those already described until we come to the close of the last and beginning of the present century, when the great wars arising after the Frencli llevo- lution seem to have given fresh and practical interest to the question of the resources of the country. There are one or two publications, however, whicli I should like to notice before passing on. The first is Sir Matthew Decker's essay on the " Causes of the Decline of Foreign Trade," written in 1740, in which there are several notices of the rental and income of the people of England at that time, although there is no attempt to capitalise them. His estimate of the income is based on that of the British Merchant already referred to, with the two differences that the population which the British merchant estimated at 7,000,000 is now reekuned at 8() TIFK CltOWTII OK CAl'ITAL. 8,000,000,* and that the expense per head is reckoned at £8, instead of £7 per head, on account of the increase of the average expense, owing to taxes, &c., in tlie interval. t As regards the question of the expense per head, the calculation is perhaps open to some criticism ; at any rate we should have liked a fuller contemporary investigation on the point. But it is also to be observed that a statement of the kind by a writer like Sir Matthew Decker, who was alto- gether wideawake, is not without its value. It would not have been made without some reference to what was actually probable on various grounds, as well as on the grounds stated, at the time. The result then is that the income of the people of England is valued in 1740 at £04,000,000, as compared with Sir William Petty's and Gregory King's estimate of £40 to £45,000,000 at the end of the previous century, and the British Merchants' estimate of £49,000,000 at the beginning of the 18th century. The amount of this income considered to be rental (land and houses together) is also estimated in the same essay at £20,000,000 a great advance, it will be observed, on the £6,000,000 at the beginning of the 17th century, and the £12,500,000 to £14,000,000 at the end, although at the time Sir Matthew Decker wrote rents are spoken of as having lately been fallino^, or at least the net income of the landlord diminishing, owing to poor rates and taxes. Sir Matthew Decker's object was in fact to improve the condition of the landlord by removing restraints and taxes upon trade and especially upon foreign trade, * An excessive estimate apparently. The true figure could hardly h^ve been much more than 7,000,000. t Sir Matthew Docker, p. 28. IIISTOIMCAL KETROSPECT. 87 and it is probable enough, for many reasons, that rents before 1740 had not been rapidly increasing. Using these fi,2:ures of Sir Matthew Decker as the basis, and applying Sir William Petty's and Gregory King's methods, the valuation of England about 1740 would be something like the following : — Mlus. Rental (18 years' puroliase of 2U millions) Stock — oue-third of ditto 360 120 Total 480 (In round fi;^au-es about ^500 inillious.) — a figure which, at any rate, w^ould compare not un- fairly with the preceding estimates, there having been no material change of prices in the interval to be allowed for. The next publication to notice is a curiosity in its way, and I should almost have passed it over alto- gether if it had not been a curiosity, and if it had not also been noticed in a third publication, which will be referred to presently, and which is one of the most interesting I have come across in the series. This second and curious publication is called "The Essay on the National Debt," &c.,by Andrew liooke, who ventures very dogmatically to supersede Sir William Petty and Davenant, and to substitute what he calls an improved method for valuing a country's wealth, which is to midtiply the cash, or assumed cash, of the country by 20 to find the amount of the personal stock, and then, after ascertaining the capital value of the land directly, to add together the values of the cash, the personal stock, and the lands. In this way Mr. Hooke arrived at a net valuation for ss 'I'lIK (iKoW'l'lI (»K CAPITAL. iMigkuul ill 174y of exactly 1,000 millions, as follows :— - Casli Stix'k ... PorKonal Stock Land Stock ... Total Mlns. 30 600 370 1,000 Moreover, correcting Sir William Petty and Dave- nant, he gives the following esthnates for 1600, 1G60, 1688:— 1600. 1660. 1688. Cash Stock Personal Stock Laud Stock Mlns. 6i 130 80 Mlns. i 14 280 i 173 Mlns. 18i 370 228 216i j 467 616^ Finally, warming with his subject, and working on an assumed cash stock, which is a hypothesis based upon a hypothesis, he winds up with a valuation of England luider the three heads stated for each year from 1600 down to 1748, ending with the round figure of 1,000 millions! This is a most curious essay altogether, and of a kind to bring all such essays into disrepute. The obvious criticism is that no exact propor- tion between cash and personal property can be stated ; that the proportion must have been con- stantly varying ; and that the method by which the proportion of 20 is arrived at is the loosest observation of individual habits in the matter. AVliat is just as fatal is that the amount of cash which the writer confidently puts at £30,000,000, could nev(;r be known with the exactness necessary HISTOmCAL HETIlOSrECT. 89 to base such a calculation upon, while the method which he follows, that of an assumed annual incre- ment based upon Davenant's examination of the Mint reports, import and export statistics. &c., was most fallacious. The essay is altogether most curious. It need hardly be added that the slightest attempt to give the items of the £600,000,000 of personal stock, which, Mr. Hooke states, would have exhibited the fallo.cy of the whole proceeding. The value of cattle witli the numbers and current prices ; the value of shipping ; the value of furniture ; the value of goods in trade which can hardly exceed the annual produce of the country — must always constitute the main items in such a valuation ; and even Avhen so good a plan as the metod of the Income Tax returns is available, these main items must be thought of, much more in the case of such a guess upon a guess as that of the present writer. It is interesting to find that the mode of valuing national capital in the air, as it were, and without reference to data which is not altogether unknown at the present day, was intro- duced so long ago in a way to demonstrate its folly. Almost the only solid piece of fact I can find in this pretentious pamphlet is the statement that the rental of Eno-land was then 20 millions sterlinof, based on the computation that the Land Tax yield of two millions was only a tenth of the actual rental, though nominally assessed at 4s. per £, which is very much the same statement as that of Sir Matthew Decker. This rental, Mr. Hooke suggests, shoidd be capitalised at 18^ years' purchase. He makes no suggestion as to the difference between houses and lands. The third publication I have to notice is called ''A 1)0 TlIK (iKoWril OF (Arri'AL. General View of England from the Year IGOO to I rCrl, in a letter to A.M.L.C.D. by M.V.D.M. ; " and is tlie translation published in 17GG of a French book published in 17G2. The translator states in his l^reface that the author "is (upon j^retty sure grounds) suppos(^d to be a Frencli gentleman, who, several yc;ars ago, resided for some time in England, and who, within these last ten years, was at the head of the finances of France. During his residence here he was extremely assiduous in obtaining all the infor- mation he coidd procure with regard to the constitu- tion, laws, finances, tillage, manners, and commerce of this kingdom." The translator then speaks in the highest terms of the judiciousness and accuracy of the writer, which must be obvious, I think, to all who read him. It is enough to show that the esti- mate of 20 millions as about the rental of England, in the middle of last century was based upon a real study of data, and was not a guess ; and that the best writers who gave their minds to these subjects were well aware what they were doing. Every state- ment is here examined and questioned, and compared with similar facts in France. What we find as most important for the present purpose is the criticism of Sir Matthew Deckers and Hookes estimate of a rental of 20 millions sterling:. The writer, for the purpose he had in view, required to make a distinction between land and houses, which compelled him to recognise that houses were assessed less in proportion to the actual rental than lands, although not so much less in proportion to their sell- ing value, which was less in proportion to income than that of land*. Altogether his general view is * "A General View of England," p. 36. HISTORICAL llETUC^SPECT. 91 that the land rental of England is 385 million livres, or £15,500,000, and of houses 95 million livres, or about 4^ millions. He states incidentally, howev^er, that the cayjital value of land is about 22 years' pur- chase, against 12 years' purchase for houses only, at which rate lands would come out as worth about 340 millions and houses about 45 millions — total 385 millions ; as compared with the above estimate of 3G0 millions, taking the rental at 18 years' purchase only, and Mr. Hooke's estimate of 370 millions, taking the rental at 18^^ years' purchase. On this basis, and following the same mode of dealing with the stock as that followed by Sir William Petty and Gregory King, it would still be impossible to place the valuation of England alone at the middle of last century on any basis which can properly compare with those we have been making for the present time at much more than £500 millions. There is one point noticed by the latter writer, *' and I think by other writers in their books which I have been reading, which deserves a passing notice. This is that a considerable part of the National Debt of England was at that time held by foreigners. The estimates are that a third of the debt was so held. Whether any other foreign capital was lent to England does not appear, but not impossibly, looking at the amoinit of English debt held abroad, some was so lent. England as an indebted country, then, if an exact statement could have been made, should have had something deducted from the valuations above made to show its exact position, which is the very opposite of what must bo done now. But the amounts are too small, and the whole estimates too rough, to * See p. 160. 02 'I'lIH (MJOWTH OF CAI'ITAL. make it worth wliilu to attempt any rectification beyond calling attention to the fact. Another point for wliicli the present writer may be used is his references to the resources of Scotland and Ireland. Of Scotland he does not think much ; but Ireland he speaks of as a serious quantity, its general position, he thinks, being niucli like that of England before the Revolution. This last statement, jiowever, is based mainly upon the national expendi- ture of Ireland, which is stated to be £2,000,000, and there are no details such as would enable us to give a contemporary valuation of Scotland and Ireland for comparison with the present time. The next statement to be noticed is that of Mr. Pulteney, in a pamphlet written in 1779, about the time of the American war, entitled, " Considerations on the Present State of Public Affairs and the Means of liaising the Necessary Supplies." Mr. Pulteney is referred to frequently as having made a valuation of the aggregate national wealth, but ir, is evident that whatever value attaches to Mr. Pulteney 's remarks he made no valuation in the nature of tlie valuations already referred to, or of a kind w^hich can properly be compared with those of the present day. His main plan is to state the rental of land in Great Britain at 20 millions, to assume that the farmers have an equal net income out of it, and then to multiply the net produce of land thus arrived at by 2r), assumed to be the number of years' purchase applicable. In this way a sum of one thousand millions is arrived at for land alone, " without taking in other property to an immense amount which equally constitutes national wealth." Another plan suggested by Mr Pulteney is to take the average income per head of HISTORICAL RETIlOSrECT. 93 the people of Great Biitaiii, which is estimated at £7 lOs. for a total population of 7,000,000 (apparently a very low estimate of population) by which he arrives at a total of 52 J millions as the income of tlie people, and thence reckoning the stock or fund from which this revenue is derived to produce 3 per cent, he calculates the fund itself at 1,050 millious. It is evident from these statements that they are not calculations of national wealth properly comparable with those already used for the 17th century or with those of the present time. By such methods the rental of land in the United Kingdom in 1885 would be capitalised at no less a sum than 3,250 millions, and the income of the people of the United Kingdom, at about 1,300 milhons, would indicate a capital of 26 thousand millions ! Mr. Pidteney's distinct statement, however, as to the land rental of Great Britain at the time he wrote being about 20 millions, appears to be consistent with the statements of Petty, Davenant, Decker, and others already noticed, and gives an intermediate fiofure between their estimates of rental and the much larger figures twenty or thirty years later, with which we shall presently have to deal. His estimate of population, however, is altogether too low, as already glanced at, and there are not suffi- cient data in what he states from which to make up a contemporary estimate of wealth at the time he writes, viz.: 1779. It seems tolerably certain that there must have been considerable advance between 1750 and ] 780, popidation increasing, commerce in- creasing, and more than one contemporary writer, speaking of a great rise of rents in many parts of the countrv owino- to continued enclosures and con- \)[ 'niK (iltoW'III OF CAl'ITAL. tiiiui'd ])rogi'C8.s in the art of iigTiculture. There is, liowcver, no contemporary estimate of national wealth, sucli as is supj^osed to have been made, but was not, ill fact, made by jNIr. Pulteney. We come, tlien, to tlie time of tlie great wars at the end of Jast and the beginning of the present century, wlien the pressure of a great struggle for existence compelled a discussion of the national resources as a practical question, and the instrument of the Income Tax at once supplied the means, and was in part the result, of such estimates. Here we find a writer, Mr. Beeke, apropos of Mr. Pitt's scheme of an Income Tax, discussing fully both national income and national capital, and giving detailed estimates which there is no difiiculty in com- paring with previous estimates, and with those of the present time.''' Mr. Beeke deals ostensibly with income mainly, but the examination involves ques- tions as to capital as well, and finally the author states, in a postscript, that he had made notes specially as to capital, which he completes and repro- duces. This postscript I have extracted, and put in the appendix (see Appendix iv.) It will be apparent at a glance from this postscript that the author's work is very nearly on all fours with the method which I have used at the present time, the principal differences being that he includes the amount of the debt as part of the capital of the country, which I have consistently excluded, and that lie capitalises that part of the income of the country permanently appHed to the annual expenditure of the Gove rnmen t and the payment of interest on the * Observations on the Produce of the Income Tax, &c. By the Rev. H. Beeke, B.D. A Mew and Corrected Edition. London : J. Wri"-ht' Piccadilly. ISOO. HISTORICAL RETROSPECT. 95 National Debt. His estimate of 2,300 millions, therefore, as the national capital would fall to be reduced by the item of 300 millions for the debt, and 250 millions for the capitalisation of the income of the nation applied to Government expenditure and debt interest, leaving a sum of 1,750 millions as an estimate of national capital for Great Britain in 1800 approximately on all fours with the estimates which I have lately made. The items of this sum are as follows, and, for convenience' sake, I have taken the liberty of picking out from Mr. Beeke's text corre- sponding estimates of income from capital, and the approximate number of years purchase he must have reckoned* : — Suviviary of Mr. Beeke'.i Estimates of Income and Capital, 1800. Years Income. Piu-cli'se {about) Capital. Mlns. Years. Mlns. Lands £24.0 v'l" £720 Tithes 2.5 3" 75 Honsos 11.5 i8 200 Mines, Canals, Timber, Tolls, &c. ... 5 20 100 Farmincf Capital 17* 7 125 Home Trade 18' 6i 120 Foreii^n Trade and Shipping 10 8 80 Foreign Possessions 4t 92i 1,420 Waste Lands 30 Household Furniture IGO Plate, Jewels, A; c 50 Specie 40 1,700 Shipping, Arsenals, &c 15 Provincial and Municipal Buildings, &c. ".'.'. '.".'. 25 Grand Total ... 1,740 * It will be seen that I have not taken the precise figures in Mr. Beeke's Table on p. 130 of his immphlet, but that various corrections are uiade, which I have; done after carefully perusing liis text. t I have been unable to identify this item, which appears iu Sir. Beeke's Income Table, p. 13G, with any item in the Capital 'J'able iu his postscript. [)C) TUK (iUOWTII OF CAPITAL. Tlie figures in this summary as to income and num- ber of years' purcliase must of course be taken subject to tbe observation that they are not placed by Mr. Beeke himself alongside his capital figures, while to some extent I have been obliged to estimate them because the first four items are not given at all by Mr. Beeke for Great Britain but are given by him for England and Wales only, with an addition in the gross for Scotland. As regards land, however, the remarks of Mr. Beeke fully justify what is done, and I think in other cases there is also sufficient warrant. The most tantalising item of all is that oi Foreign Possessions which appears in the income table, but not explicitly in that of capital ; but it may perhaps be considered as properly belonging to foreign trade and shipping. So far as I can judge, Mr. Beeke's figures are not extravagant. His figure of 30 years' purchase for land might be thought so, but the income he deals with, it is found on examination, is a net income, and the gross rental of land in Great Britain w^as con- sidered by him to be nearly 30 millions. This mode of dealing with the income may have been partly his justification for capitalising that part of the income of the nation applied to national expenditure — the land tax, for instance, being in this M'ay treated as a rent charge belonging to the State, which might pro- perly be capitalised. This, however, would raise the question whether all the income is not capitalised at too high a rate by Mr. Beeke's method, 30 years' purchase being apparently too high for land in his time if taken upon the gross rental. There is no need, however, to go into minute criticism on such points. The principal objection I would make to the IIISTOIJICAL l^ETrxOSPECT. 97 figures would be that furniture, plate, &c., and specie, are, together, taken rather too high. The value of houses comes out as 200 millions only, but furniture alone is IGO millions, with plate, &c., 50 millions, and specie 40 millions more. The furniture and contents of houses, altogether, I have not ventured to put at more than half the capital value. I am making these remarks, however, in the absence of all details on this head, which do not come into Mr. Beeke's paper on income, although it is evident from his postscript that he probably had notes on this subject. In all other respects, however, Mr. Beeke is moderate. There is no reason that I can see why his estimates shoukl not be made use of as good contemporary estimates, properly comparable with earlier and later estimates, at least after the (jualifications above in- troduced. Comparing them with earlier estimates, they show an enormous advance. Deducting about an eighth on account of Scotland being included, a sum of 1,500 millions is left, as compare;! witli a little over 300 millions at the time of Gregory King, and between 500 and GOO millions half-a-century latei'. Per liead of population, the rise is from about £G0 per head in Gregory King's time to about c£140 in the year 1800 ; and the greater part of tliis advance both in amount and per head nmst have been in the latter half of the 18th century. Astonishing as the increase is, all the evidence seems to show that while part of the improvement may have been owing to that remarkable rise of prices which commenced between 1780 and 1790, yet a very large part intleed nuist have been an increase of things u <)S 'I'lIK (;i;t)\V'l'II OK CAl'lTAL. aiul not of iiionc!}- values merely. Mr. Be(;ke irunself contends that up to the date he wrote, notwithstand- ing the war, the capital of the country in things had been increasing rapidly ; that shipping had been in- creasing rapidly; and imports and exports, measured by things, had also been increasing in the same way as the shipping ; and that increase in well-being and population in a most striking degree had been going on simultaneously. The book of Mr. Chalmers to which I have already referred, may also be noticed in the same connection, besides not a few other authors to the same effect. The matter is pat by Mr. Van- sittart in a very striking way in one of the war pam- phlets, written in 1794,* in a passage which I venture to quote : — " It is clear that whatever sums any Government may levy upon its subjects, if the income of the nation, after defraying those sums, furnishes a surplus to be added to its productive capital, unless its expenses are increased in proportion to the new income furnished by this additional capital, a still larger surplus will remain at the next period of computation; this will again be added to the capital, and as long as these accumulations continue the wealth of the nation will increase in a proportion perpetually accelerated. It is impossible to estimate with precision the progress of national riches, as they arise from the aggregate savings of all the individuals in the State; but it is not ditlicult, by many obvious circumstances, to discern in which of any two periods of time it has been most rapid. If there have been extraordinary sums expended upon works of public utility; if harbours, bridges, high roads, and inland navigations have been improved, and multiplied ; if numerous buildings have suddenly arisen; if cultivation has extended over Avastes; if shipping has increased in a manner more remarkable at one period than the other — no one can hesitate in deciding in which the national capital, and consequently the public power and prosperity, has most rapidly aug- mented. It will hardly bedenied that all these signs of eminent felicity exist in the nation beyond all former example, but some other circum- stances must be taken into consideration to give an adequate idea of the magnitude of its advancement. If, in addition to the vast sums which have been employed in the improvements I have mentioned, a * Eeflections, &c. by N. Vansittart. A New Edition. London : Stock- tlalc, 1704. IIISTOIfTCAL KETKOSPKCT. 99 great capital lias boon absorbed into tlie vortex of the National Debt, it will show the extent of these resources of public industry and economy which have at once supplied the one and provided for the other. In this point of view they cannot fail to excite our astonish- ment. Between the years 177G and 178G <£115,190, 000 were added to the National Debt, yet so completely has the general wealth kejit ])ace with so vast an increase that the share possessed liy foreigners in our funds is understood to be much less than in former times, when their extent was comparatively trifling. An addition of .£4,.S(;4,OO0 was, in consequence, made in the same time to the annual interest and charge of the debt, and during the late peace many occasional expenses of a large amount were discharged,* ■while the peace establishment was more considerable than at any former period. Yet the taxes necessary to furnish such extraordinary payments have not diminished the comforts of the people, or injured any branch of their industry. On the contrary, it is certain that in both these respects a great improvement has taken ])lace." — Extract from Vansitfarf s ^'Meflecfions on the Propriety of an Immediate Conclusion (f Peace.'" London, 17 9 i, pp. 122-7. Such was the conteuiporary belief in 1800 as to the recent progress. Wliatever numbers and wliat- ever classes failed to benefit by the growth of income and wealth in the latter part of the IStli century, a vast increase of aggregate income and wealtli did undoubtedly take place, of which one proof among others is furnished by comparing the estimates of wealth on similar bases made at the beginning and end of the period, and allowing for a mere rise of prices. I should doubt whether the additions for the rise of prices, comparing 1700 with 1800, ought to be more than 50 per cent, upon the figures of the former period, so that the comparison would be between tibout 500 millions in the former and 1,500 millions in the later period, or from alxiut .£i)0 to £170 per head, still leaving an enormous advance to * In addition to the increased charges of the National Debt, many- large sums were raised during the late peace for purposes of a temporary nature, particularly Debentures gi'anted to the American Loyalists. .£1,1)91,000. H2 loo 'ril!'] (IIJOW'I'II OF CAl'ITAL. be marked. Whatever may be the exact corrections necessary, the broad result is vindeniable. Ijefbre passing from Mr. Beeke's figures I should like to mention tliat many of liis calculations were fully justified by the results of the Income Tax. The total of all the schedules in 1 803 for Great Britain was .£115,351,000, which compares with Mr. Beeke's estimate of about £90,000,000 net, excluding certain trade items. Owing to the Income Tax Returns sometimes only dealing with net income instead of the cross as well, and the like causes, exact com- parisons all the way through between Mr. Beeke and the first Income Tax Schedule are difficult ; but I am satisfied that Mr. Beeke's calculations were so good that we may practically accept his valuation of national wealth as upon an Income Tax basis. His work in all is extremely good. As regards Schedule A in particular, the gross assessments in the Income Tax were in 1803 for Great Britain £38,691,000, which would include lands, houses, tithes, mines, and other items, while the total of Schedule B was £24,279,000, not far short of I\Ir. Beeke's figure for lands only. The total of £35,000,000 for trades and professions agrees fairly well with Mr. Beeke's estimate of income from home and foreign trade, allowing for differences in arrangement and classification between his method and that of the Income Tax Schedules. 1 need not compare Mr. Beeke's figures in detail with the more recent valuations which have been made. It will be sufficient to say that the increase apparently shown from his time to the present would b? added to and not diminished l)y bringing in the question of prices. In any case it may be expedient to look first at one or two vahiations for the earlier part of the present century. IIISTOPJCAL KETROSrECT. ' 101 One of these is a valuation for about the year 1812, tlie height of the war, by Mr. Colquhoun, who, like Mr. Chalmers, was, I believe an officer of the Board of Trade, and who at ariy rate speaks of himself as an official person. Mr. Colquhoun who gives a valuation of income, or, as he speaks of it, production, as well as uf capital, is most elaborate and detailed, while he gives figures for every British dependency as well as for the United Kingdom itself His work is spoken of with a good deal of disapproval by Mr. McCuUoch, as has already been noticed, and many of his details are no doubt somewhat fanciful, while the work is also open to further criticism as not recognising sufficiently the special objects of such investigations and the necessary unsuitability of the figures for general jDurposes owing to the inherent difficulty of the data. For the present purpose, however, and comparing Mr. Colquhoun's results with those of Mr. Beeke, allowing for the growth of population and income tax in the interval, Mr. Colquhoun's estimate is obviously not so wide of the mark for the time of which he wrote that it cannot be utilised for comparison with earlier and later figures. This is especially the case as regards the valuations of capital with which we are more immediately concerned. The following is a summary of Mr. Colquhoun s valuations of capital. (See p. 103) : — Eugland i l,84G.StU0,0<:0 fScotUmd 281.08U,0UU Total Great Britain 2.127.980,000 Ireland ot;3.60U,(X»0 Total 2,691,580,000* * Add dockyards, ships, &c., £4:3 millions, making a total of ^£2,730 millions, as on i3. 103. 102 'i"iiK (;i;()\V'i'ii OF cAi'ri'Afv. And these; iiguri's coinp;u\; with the ;ibove totals of 1,500 iiullioiis for Engliind and 1,750 for Great l^rltain, whicli arc Mr. Beeke s figures, when certain corrections are made as to the debt and other matters. Mr. Colquhoun, in fact, leaves out the debt in his totals, and otlierwise so deals with the subject as to place his calculations, as far as the omission and inclusion of items are concerned, very much on all fours with the more recent valuations. It cannot Ijc said, I think, that an increase from 1,500 to 1,S4G millions for England between 1800 to 1812, an in- crease o? about 23 per cent., is at all out of the ques- tion or extravagant ; nor the similar increase for Great Britain from 1,750 to 2,127 millions. Looking at the great growth of business and the rise of prices in the interval, these changes are not out of the question. If Mr. Beeke is near tlie mark, Mr. Colquhoun cannot be far wrong. I am disposed to think Mr. Colquhoun's figures for Ireland are too high, but not much, Ireland, however, not coming into Mr. Beeke's valuation. Still, it has to be remembered that Ireland was a much more important part of the United Kingdom, in proportion, at the beginning of the century than it is now, while its agriculture was specially stimulated at the expense of the people of Great Britain by the Corn Laws. It may be convenient to state here for the sake of comparison the following principal items of Mr. Colquhoun's valuation, alterinsf his arrano-ement a little so as to make them more easily comparable with other fisfures. 1IIST( )1MCAL KKTKOSPECT. loa 3L'. Cuhjiulwiuis Estimates of PrajKiiy, 1812. [lu Millions.] England. Great Britain. United KiuLjdom. Lands Titbes Atcriciiltnral Property and Liv( Slock Dwelling Houses Mines and Minerals Canals, Tollo, and Timber Manufactured Groods — Honn Trade .' .. Foreign Merchandise British Shipping Fisheries Total Waste Lands, ttc Household Furniture Wearing Apparel Plate, Jewels, &c Specie , Public Pioperty, as Buildings, ic. Dockyards, Ships, &c Total 7.')0 900 1,200 80 80 80 143 168 228 300 33" 400 68 73 75 46 48 50 loo 116 140 33 37 40 20 24 27 3 Oh i« 1,543 1,7824 2,250 S-lh 99 132 130 145 185 16 17* 21 34 37* 44 y II 15 i,yi4A 2,092.2 , 2,647 32 35 44 ! 45 1,846| 2,1274 2,736 Mr. Colquhoun's estimate of income is given in such a way that details cannot be separately stated lor England or Great Britain. The general result is as follows : — ' Fropcrdj Created in Great Britain and Ireland in the Year 181'2-V^ [In milliona.] Agriculture in all its branches Mines and Minerals, etc Manufactures Inland Trade Foreign Cmumerce and Shipping Coasting Trade Fisheries, exclusive of Newfoundland Chartered and Private Bankers Foreign Income Remitted £217 9 114 314 46 3.V Total £431 10 1 Till'; (IKoWril OF CAIMTAL. At iirst sio-lit this sterns too high, tlio figure <>t agriculluial pi-oductioM being especially very large. The error, liowever, cannot be such as to tlirow us out much when comparisons are made with distant periods. The Income Tax income of Great Britain about 181:2 was 130 millions sterling, and adding al)out a fourth for Ireland, wliicli seems to have been the calculation of the relative resources of Ireland to those of Great Britain at that time, we get a total of IG.j millions. This figure, according to modern ex- perience of the relation of Income Tax income to total income would justify an estimate of such total income at about 350 millions ; and assuming, wdiat seems to be the case, according to Mr. Beeke's estimate and other estimates at the time, that the Income Tax income bore a less proportion to the total than it now does, a figure of about 400 millions at least as the national income in 1812, at the high prices then ruling, would not appear to be far off the mark. This would also appear from a comparison vriih Mr. Beeke's estimate of income, which amounts to 218 millions for Great Britain in 1800. Allowing for the increase of population to 1812, and for rise of prices, &c , in the interval, this total in the latter year would not be far short of 320, and an addition of one-fourth for Ireland would bring the sum up to 400 millions. I think, however, judging by various signs, that Mr. Colquhoun's estimates of income are not, perhaps, so well supported by data as his estimates of capital, and at any rate they are not required for our present purpose. I have only called attention to these points to show that the fio-ures are at least near enouo'h the mark to be available for some distant compaii- sons. lUSTUKICAL liETKOSriXT. lU-J Shortly after he wrote — viz., about 1820 — Mr. Colquhouu's work was considered and discussed by Mr. Joseph Lowe, to whom I have ah'eady referred, whose corrected figures I now ])ropose to add to those of Mr Colquhoun. There is the more reason for this, as values were, no doubt, somewhat inflated in 1812, when Mv Cohpihoun wrote, and the infla- tion had died out in 1823, when Mr Lowe wrote. I extract, then, from Mr. Lowe's work* a stateineut as to the capital of the country at the time he wrote. (See Appendix v.) The principal items of this 1822 estimate are : — Mlns. £ Land unJc-v cultivation 1,200 rarminij Capital , 200 Dwelling Houses, Warehouses, and Manufactories (Houses)' 400 Manufactured Goods 1-10 British Sbippinpf 20 Other Mercautile and Manufacturing Capital 130 Mines and Minerals 65 Canals, Tolls, and Timber \ 45 Total 2,20U Mr. Lowe's figures it will be seen are substantially those of Mr. Colquhoun with a few modifications in detail, and with the omission of those items of unproductive private property, such as furniture, plate, &c., and certain items of public property which I believe Mr. Colquhoun very properly includes. The eflect then of Mr. Lowe's corrections generally is that * See " The Present State of England." By Joseph Lowe. London 182;]. he hclicvcs the iiicreasu of population between 1S12 nnd 1822, and the increase of things, nearly made ii[) i'i)V Avhatevcr excess in Mr. Colquhoim's esti- mates was due to tlie inflation of prices in 1812. It will be seen, indeed, from the Table in the Appendix that Mr. Lowe himself gives the corrected figure of Mr. Colqulioun for 1812, for comparison with Lis own in 1822, as 2,3.30 millions. Substantially Mr. Lowe's figures are thus Mr. Colquhoun's figures, but they imply, it should be understood, real and consi- derable progress between the two dates — apparently, amounting to about G^ per cent., or equal to the corrections which Mr. Lowe suofaests for the fall in prices in the interval. It is Mr. Lowe's explicit opinion that there was this progress. About sixteen years after Mr. Lowe, we come upon another valuation by Mr. Pablo de Pebrer, who is described as having written in English, and as being a member of several scientific societies, but of whose book I have only seen a French translation, published in 1839. This book is called " Histoire Financiere de rEmpire Britannique," and it contains an elaborate calculation of capital and income based upon Mr. Colquhoun's valuations, on the general plan of adding one-third to them, being less than the increase of population in the interval, which was about 41 per cent. The writer, however, though he follows this general plan, is careful to justify its moderation by reference to many details, while he points out that ^Iv Col(|uh(»un was generally moderate according to the prices of the time. The result is not so satisfac- tory as if the writer had made a wholly independent and new valuation, but quantum valeat it may be referred to. HISTORICAL KIOTROSPECT. 107 The principal items are :— Summanj of Vahalion of the United Kingdom for about the year IS33- [Pablo de Pebrers, based on Mr. Colqulionn^s]. Lands Tithes Agricultural Property ... . Houses Mines and Minerals Canals, Timber. Railways, &c. Manufactured Goods Foreign Merchandise... Shipping Fisheries Total ... . Waste Land Household Furniture Wearing Ajaparel Plate, Jewellery, kc Coin, ic Savings Banks Chancery Money, etc Public Property, Buildings, &c. Dockyards, Arsenals War Ships, &c Total 1 Great England Britain. U.K. £ £ £ 1,000 I,200 1,600 106 io6 106 190 223 302 400 440 533 91 97 110 61 63 i)Q 133 154 186 44 49 53 26 31 35 4 9 13 2,055 2,37^ 2.995* no 132 176 173 193 246 21 23 27 45 49i 58^ 12 14^ 20 13 13 14A 40 2,429 2,797 3,576* 26 29 35 1 17 23 46 2,471 2,843 3,690* Such is a vahiatlon about 1833, believed to be about the mark by an author who has taken some pains, tliough unfortimately for us he has only in form applied a somewhat mechanical method to a former valuation without making up an entirely new valua- tion from original materials. The weakest point in the whole is, perhaps, the new figures which the author gives for Savings Banks and Chancery money * These figuies, acoDrding to the aldltiou, should bo 3,001, 3,5SG and 3,080 ; but the exact figures ai"o copied. 108 'I'lIK (.liuWril OF CAI'I'IAL. as if tlicso items wore on the sdiiie footing as coin in circulation, not observing tliat these moneys being invested must appear under some other head in tlie ereneral vakiation. The amount is too small to make any material difference in the general total, while the item of coin itself to which these items are intended to be sup2^1en)entary is itself too small, as the reintro- duction of specie payments must have caused, T should say, a much greater addition than one-third bef )re 1833, to the coin in circulation in 1812. With all defects, however, M. Pablo de Pebrer's valuation may, perhaps, pass as a contemporary valuation for the period between 1830 and 1840. Subsequently to the latter date there are Income Tax returns once more to be made use of, and as I have now practically made three valuations based on these returns, viz., for 18G5, 1875, and 188.5, 1 may, perhaps, be allowed to leave the history at this point. I shall only point out that the first returns to the renewed Income Tax for 1843 exhibit such an increase as on the whole to conflnri M. Pablo de Pebrer for 1833. The assessments to the Income Tax for Great Britain, which were 130 millions in 1812, amounted to 240 milhons in 1843 — an increase of about 80 per cent, as compared with the increase of 30 per cent., which M. Pablo de Pebrer allows for up to 1833. Adding 80 per cent, to Mr. Colquhoun's estimate of 2,700 milHons as the property of 1 8 1 2, we should get a total of over 4,800 millions as the property of 1843. This figure would be, perhaps, excessive, and it allows for an increase in Ireland equal to what had gone on in Great Britain, which is not likely to have occurred, but a figure of 4,000 TirSTOlUCAL RETROSPErT. 100 millions for the United Kingdom about 1845 would certainly not 1)3 over the mark. Some difference might be made in the items, the increase in lands being less, and the increase in other items, such as houses, being more than M. Pablo de Pebrer shows ; but all the figures tend to show an enormous advance between t\\e two dates notwithstanding the foil of prices. None of these figures show mucli advance in the amount per head as compared with Mr. Beeke's valuation for Great Britain in ISOO. This indicates, however, a real advance in wealth, a fall in prices being in progress the whole time from 1812 down- wards. The infusion of the population of Ireland, which is convenient for the sake of havino- a com- putation for the United Kingdom, also brings down the average a little. We may attach the more unportance, therefore, to the advance shown by the subsequent figures, espe- cially as there is no doubt regarding the very latest, that they are not inflated in any way by prices — that prices generally in 1885 were about as low as at any previous time in the century. If property has in- creased from about 2,000 millions and £140 per head at the beginning of the century, and from about 4,000 millions, and the same amoiuit per head towards the middle of the century, to no less a figure than 10,000 millions and £270 per head at the present time, then the latest experience is quite unprecedented. On a very much larger scale the experience of the 17th century, wiien the rental of England increased from G to 14 millions ; and of the 18th century, in which the capital of England increased from a little over 300 to about 1,500 millions; has been repeated in the 19th century. The increase of capital in the no TiiK (iKowi'ii OF f.\rrr.\i;. ])i-('S('ii( cciilui-y lias n^nm l)con nearly ilvo times, ;iii(l tli( re is no suspicion, such as attaches to the increase in tlic 'I8lh century, tliat it is partly (hie to a mere rise oi" })rices, A short Tal)k\ puttini^ the lea^hno" results together, aii 5A 6A 7 9 Mlns. Stg. £' loo 22 250 46 320 58 370 57 500 71 1,500 107 Beeke Gkkat Britain. 11 United Kingdom. 160 1812 17 2,700 100 (Colqnhoun.) 1822 21 2,500 120 (Colquhoun-Lowe.) 1833 25 3,600 lU (Colquhoun-Pablo de Pabrer.l 1845 28 4,000 143 (Income Tux.) 1865 30 6,000 200 1875 33 8,500 260 Present time 37 10,000 270 The changes are thus constantly in an upward direc- tion, with the exception of the short period hetween 1812 and 1S22, when allowance had to be made for the fall in prices. No doubt part of the rise, with tlie lIISTOPilCAL HKTUOSPECT. Ill exception of that in tlie present century, may be ascribed to the rise in prices which undonbtedly took place in the first lialf of the 1 7th and the latter part of the 18th century, but on the whole there is a vast real advance as well as nominal advance all throufjh. As already remarked, as far as the increase in the present century is concerned, comparing the latest Avith the earliest date, no part can be ascribed to the rise of prices, since prices are now at the lowest level on which they have been since the beginning of the century. There may have been some such rise aflect- ing the valuations of 18 Go and 1875, but that rise has since been lost, and comparing the present time with a date like 1812, and perhaps 1800, there is undoubtedly a fall of j)rices. It is interesting to observe also tlie variations in the amounts of some of the principal items of pro- perty and their proportions to the total. I need only show the two items, land and houses, and at one or two of the dates only : — Summary Showing the Growth of Lands and Houses and their Proportion to Total Propertij. Land. Houses. 1 Pro Pro- Amouut. portion Amount. portion (In mlns. stg.) Per Cent, of Total. (In mlns. stg.) Per Cent, of Total. England. IfiOO 180 6o 45 15 (Gregory King.) 1800 600 40 180 15 (Beeke.) United Kingdom. 1812 1,200 44 400 15 (Colquboun.) 1865 1,864 3<'' 1,031 17 1875 2,007 24 1.420 17 1885 1,091 17 l,i»27 19 1 1 1^ TIIK (IIMWI'II ()V TAl'ITAL. Thus, lands, from constituting at tlie beginning of the period (]i) ]H'Y cent, of the property of the eoiuitry, and wliile forming as late as 18G5 about 30 ])er cent, of the property, do not now constitute 20 per cent, of the total, tliere having also been in tlie most recent years an absolute decrease in amount, Avhile other capital is increasing. Houses, on the other hand, maintain a rather increasing proportion of a total property, which is itself constantly increasing in amount ; and in the last period of all this tendency has been accentuated till houses — buildings — have come to constitute a fifth part of the total property of the country. Changes like this have undoubtedly been in progress. The proportion of individual pro- perty held inland has been steadily diminishing, other property increasing by leaps and bounds, while land, though participating in the unearned increment, has improved more slowly, and of late years has diminished absolutely in value, owing to the unearned increment having for the moment disappeared under the influence of foreign competition. At the same time the progress of civilisation is steadily marked by the growth and improvement of buildings, which increase not only with population and the increase of jDroperty generally, but in even a greater ratio. This is hardly the place to introduce general eco- nomic remarks, or deduce special lessons from the figures, especially as I reserve a chapter for the dis- cussion of the uses to which such figures may be put. I should like, however, just to say a word m parsing, on a question which will perhaps occur to many. — How do these figures bear on the problem of the improvement or detoriation of the masses from period to period ? I think it has been sufficiently HISTORICAL KETIIOSPECT. 113 demonstrated, that in the last fifty years there has been progress all round ; in recent years, as I need not remind you, not so much at the top as lower down ; but it is alleged that just fifty years ago the masses had sustained a special deterioration. Sometime ago on the strength of mortality and other statistics I put in a caveat against this conclusion, and on the strength of the figures here given I am disposed to strengthen this caveat. All through it seems to me there must have been improvement all round. The necessary effect of a continuous increase of capital is dispersal. If the land mono- poly had heen constantly absorbing more and more of the national earnings through unearned increment, the conclusion might have been different, but the unearned increment is plainly un peu de chose. What all the figures point to is that there has been a steady levelling up among the masses for several centuries ; that this improvement largely takes the shape of constant additions to the lower middle class and the upper artisan class ; and that there is a residuum which does not improve much, and hardly, by comparison, seems to improve at all, but this residuum certainly diminishes in proportion, and probably diminishes in absolute amount, from century to century and from period to period. It would be impossible to set out fully liere the facts supporting this view ; but as the question may arise on the general figures here exhibited, I desire to anticipate a natural and hasty, but what I believe a most erroneous conclusion inconsistent with many other facts. 114 TIIK GROWTH OF CAriTAL. Of course other communities throughout the world have progressed in a Uke manner — the United States even more remarkahly. The statement made is not intended to be of* a Chauvinist or spread-eagle kind. It is merely to state scientifically in a line how immensely greater in reality are the resources of modern commimities than those of their predecessors in a very recent period — to render a little clearer, in fact, the degree of material improvement in modern times. CHAPTER TI. ACCUMULATIONS OP CAPITAL IX POREIGN COUNTRIES. I PROPOSE now to consider for a little the question of the accumulations of capital m other countries. What estimates on the subject have been made by our principal neighbours? and how far are the results arrived at comparable with our own ? The United States is above all the foreign country, \ if it is correct to speak of it as a foreign country at all, in which we are most interested, while it is also a country in which for a considerable period, attempts at a national valuation have been made. Let us look, then, first at what is done in the United States. There is first of all in tlie United States an official valuation. The principal source of revenue in the States and localities is a tax upon property, which must by the terms of the constitution itself be equal upon^ all j^roperty. Hence every State has an official valua- tion. But, like attempts to tax property elsewhere, 12 UG TIIK (iUOWTII OF CAPITAL. this I )!•() vision lias failed. Either property escapes taxation by heing greatly undervalued, or it escapes assessment altogether, the property called personal, as distinguished from real, it need hardly be said, being the kind which escapes. In consequence, at every census since 1850, the officers entrusted with the duty have endeavoured to arrive at a true valua- tion, as well as to bring together the figures of the assessment. The method and details of this true valuation are not, as far as I have observed, fully explained in the census reports, but the nature of the attempt is at any rate partially indicated. That there is a great difference between the assessment and the " true valuation " goes without saying. The differences since 1850 have been as follows : — ] Assessment. Mln. Dollars. True Valua- Proportion , . of Assess- ^^°^- ImenttoTtne Mln. Dollars. iYaluation % ISfiO 1870 1880 — showing an increasing discrepancy between the assessment and the true valuation, which may be largely ascribed, there is no doubt, to the vast growth of personal property in recent years. Practically also for the present purpose we must discard the official assessment and look at the true valuation only, as being at any rate an attempt to arrive at a fiorure resemblino^ the valuations which we have been using as a means of computmg the accumulations of capital. FOREIGN ACCUMULATIONS. 117 The true valuation of 1880, then, is given in the census of that year (see vol. 7, pp. 11, et seq) as follows : — " True" Valuation of the United States acconling to the Census of 18S0. Farms Residence and business real estate Railroad and equipment Telegraphs, sbippinp:, aud canals Live stock, farming tools, and machinery Household furniture, painting, books. clothing, jewellery, household supplies, and food, fuel, &.C Mines, petroleum wells, and quarries, with ) one-half the annual product estimated as / amount on hand ) Three fourths of the annual products of agn-") culture and manufactures, and of the im- ports of foreign goods estimated as the average supply ou hand All real estate exempt from taxation Specie Miscellaneous — including tools of mechanics .. Total Miln Milns Dollars. Stlg. 3 £ 10.197 2,039-4 9,881 1,976-2 5,o36 1,107-2 419 83-8 2,40G 481-2 5,000 1,000-0 781 6,100 2,000 612 650 43,642 1^62 4()0'o 122-4 130-0 8.728-4 And comparing this hroadiy with the simlhir valuation for the United Kingdom above given, which is for five years later, or the similar vn.l nation for the United Kingdom for 1875, which is for five years earlier, it is easy to see that the United States' figures are at least within sight of the mark. In 1880 the United States had a population of ^"^1 millions, as compared with 37 millions in the United Kingdom in 1885, and although the United States might be assumed not to have the manufacturing capital or the large investments of the people of the United Kingdom, yet their agricultural and general wealth could not but be enormou.s and might easily reach in 1880 the total of the United Kino\lom in 1875. 118 TIIK CiROW'JMr OF CAPITAL. In detail also there is nothing improbable in the particular items. 'J.'hiis the valuation of "farms" corresponds very closely with the item of lands in the statement for the United Kingdom, which seems by no means unreasonable considering that the culti- vated area of the United States in 1880 amounted to over 160,000,000 acres, or more than three times the cultivated area of the United Kingdom. The relation of capital value to income is not explained in the United States returns, but making all allow- ance for the inferiority of the cultivation and the smaller saleable value of the same net income in the United States compared with the United Kingdom, the value of farms in the United States must be enormous. The next item of "residence and business real estate" appears to come into comparison with the item of Houses, &c., in the Income Tax returns, and is more than the similar English valuation for 1875, and just about the English total for 1885. Always remembering, however, the enormously greater popu- lation of the United States compared w^ith that of the United Kingdom, the figure cannot but be con- sidered as at least an approximate one. The next item of " railroads and equipment" is supported fairly by the railway returns of the United States, though the figure seems a little too high as compared with what a valuation by net income capitalised at so many years' purchase would have produced. The net income of the United States .railways in 1880, according to the United States Statistical Abstract, was about £42,000,000, and to justify a valuation of £1,100,000 this sum would have to be capitaHsed at 26 years' purchase, which FOREIGN ACCUMLLATlDXS. 11*.) seems above the rate at which railway income sells for, or rather sold for in 1880, in the United States. Still the figure camiot be said to be excessive or unreusonable. The next item, that of " live stock, farming tools, and machinery," amounting to £480,000,000, seems very large. It does not include the whole farming capital, much less the whole capital corresponding to Schedule B in England, and it points to a much larger figure for agricultural capital in the United States than anything I have ventured to assign for Eno^land. But we should look for some such result. The agricultural business of the United States is enormous compared with that of England, and even at much smaller values for every kind of stock and produce, the valuation runs into very big figures. The next item, that of " household furniture," is expressly defended by Mr. Gannett, of the United States Census, who is resj)onsible for it, as having been very carefully made, though the process by which it is built up, as is the case w^ith the other items, is not shown in detail. It is interesting to note that, however it may be arrived at, it corresponds very closely to half the valuation of the item of " houses," which we have assumed it would be a safe rule to follow in the United Kingdom. The item of mines, &c., like the same item in the United Kingdom, is comparatively small, notwith- standing the importance attached to mines. Tlie next large item, that of " Three -fourths of annual products of agriculture and manufactures and of the imports of foreign goods estimated at the average supply on hand," has notliing exactly corre- sponding in the English method, but with the addi- ]20 TIIK C;iU)WTII OF CAPITAL. tlon of two otlier items, " specie " and " miscellaneous," may be assumed to correspond fairly well with the items of Other Public Companies, Trades and Pro- fessions, Trades and Professions Omitted, and Income of Non-Income Tax classes derived from capital in the United Kingdom valuations, with this difference only, that perhaps a fifth of the American valuation under this head is really agricultural capital. American figures on this head for 1880 would thus compare with similar figures for the United Kingdom in 1885:— American Figures. MlnsStg. Three-fom'ths of Annual Products, &c Specie MiscelJaneoiis £1,232 123 130 Deduct — One-fiftli iissumed to be Agricultural Capital £1,485 297 Total £1,1S8 English Figures. Other Public Companies Trades and Professions in Income Tax Do. do. omitted Capital of Income and Non-Income 1 ax Classes derived from Capital £696 541 123 335 Total £1,694 Perhaps one or two other items ought to go into the valuation of the United Kingdom for comparison, but I doubt if anything very considerable. I cannot help thinking, then, that on this head there is either some under-valuation in the English returns, or some over-valuation in the United States. A -large part of the sjDecial wealth of England is in its stocks of goods— tlie circulating capital of its shops and ware- houses. The population engaged in these branches FOREIGN ACCUMULATIONS. 121 must be much larger than the similar population in the United States. It is hardly possible that the corresponding capital can be so little more. I am disposed to think tliat the English valuation is rather under tlie mark, but the point is not very material. The items in whicli the Enoflish valuation differs o most from the American is in the amount of capital in vested abroad. To this there is, of course, nothing corrssponding in the American return, although it amounts to £1,300 millions in the English valuation. There is, also, no valuation of national property in the United States returns. On the whole, then, there seems nothing unreason- able in the American valuation so as to make it unsuitable for comparison with the English valuation, the object of both being to state a figure represent- ing the exchangeable value of property belonging to the people at current rates. The process by which the American figures are built up is not shown in detail as the similar process is in England ; but there are other modes of checking the main items, as we have seen. So long, therefore, as there is no attempt at reasoning too finely, and the comparisons are limited to such ol)jects as showing the comparative growth of capital proportionately to former amounts, the United States figures may be taken to be as sufficiently on all fours with those of the United Kingdom for the purpose. There is only one important qualification to be made, I think. This is, that the United States being a country where a large part of the capital in use is owned abroad, a deduction from the capital brought out by the above method of calculation ought to be V2'2 'rilK (iKOWril (»K CAI'ITAL. made so as to cxliibit tlie net capital of" the com- iniinity of the United States. Not only should the valuation of the United Kingdom differ from that of the United States, by including an item for capital invested abroad, but there sliould be the further diffei-ence that tlie valuation of the United States should exliibit a deduction in respect of foreign capital invested in the United States. How much should that deduction be ? If there were no borrowing or lending transactions going on, and no remittances from the United States to other countries to pay the expenses of Americans travelling or residing abroad, the interest of the indebtedness ought to be shown by the excess of exports over imports ; but corrections must, of course, be made. I am inclined to submit the foUowinor account as for about the year 1880 : — iSlatementshowi)iff the sum approximately due AnnuaUy hy the Commiiinly of the United States in respect of Foreign Capital iin'ested in the United States: — Dr. Impovts-^Avevage 1879-81 Under valuation of ditto in oflRcial returns Amount annually due for Americans travelling ov residintr abroad Balance Mlns. £ 122 20 20 170 Cr. Exports — Average 1879-81 Mlus. £ 170 Balance brought down .. Add estimated annual borrowing or sales of securities in Europe on American account Tatal 170 8 42 50 Of course an account like this is only a rouo-h guess at the reality, and everything it will be FORKIGX ACCUMULATIONS, 123 observed turns upon the point as to the amount of the annual borrowing in Europe on American account, which must be very large, and but for which the excess of exports now shown in tlie American returns would be even larger than it is. At twenty years' purchase the 50 millions of estimated annual indebted- ness of the American community on account of foreign capital invested would come to 1,000 millions sterling, which is a serious deduction from the valuation of capital above stated. Instead of having been £8,700,000,000 in 1880 according to the above state- ment, it must have been under £8,000,000,000. Some deduction must be made. It need hardly be added, however, that the valua- tion being for 1880, and the growth of population in the United States being enormously rapid, the capital figures for 1885, if we had been able to get them, so as to show a figure properly comparable wdth the valuation of the United Kingdom, would have been nearly as much as, if not more than, tho3e of the United Kingdom, even making a deduction, as above suggested, for foreign capital invested in the United States. The growth of capital in the United States may now be shown. For this purpose I extract from my former essay, with the addition of the above figures for 1880, a statement of the comparative growth of capital in the United States according to the " true valuation" since 1850, and with an estimate on a similar basis for the census periods before that made by tlie United States census authorities. The figures before 1870, it should be explained, mclude the valuation of slaves in the Southeiii States ; and there are, of course, other minor discrepancies, in conse- 124 TIIK fiTtO-WTir OF CAPITAL. qnence of changes, of wliicli tlicre is no record, in tlu' method of valuation, but the real growth must evidently liave been so large that minor discrepancies are lost. As explained in a note, also, the figures for is 70 are subject to a deduction of 15 percent., or thereabouts, so as to reduce them to a gold valuation; and it will, of course, be understood that all the figures are subject to further deduction on account of foreign capital invested in the United States. (See p. 125.) Deducting for foreign capital invested in the United States the figures would still be very large. This statement niay be compared with the similar statement for the United Kingdom {supra 'p. 110). The growth in the United States absolutely is greater than in the United Kingdom, but the wealth of the latter community per head is still the larger. It must be kept in mind, of course, that the com- parison is here of capital and not of income. Nothing would, in fact, be more interesting than to show the ditierent relation of income to capital in different countries. It does not follow that because one com- munity is inferior to another in the exchangeable value of its property either in total amount or per head, therefore everything has been said as to their relative resources. The differences in the stage of economic development they have reached, the poten- tialities as well as the actualities of their condition, the earning power as distinguished from the exchangeable value of the property, are all matters to be considered. The property test is useful as far as it goes, but it is not the only test. And we can all see that these points must be specially kept in mind with regard to the United States. A new country so full of un- [COSTISUED ON P. 126.] FOREIGN ACCUMULATIONS. Slalemeut showing the Population and Wealth of the United Scales decades from 1790 to 1880; Decennial percentage Increase cf Population ; Decennial percentage of Increase of National Wealth ; and Average Propertg to each person. {Sec tahle, p. 186 of " Essays in Finance," 1st series) -. — Average Tear. Popula- tion. "Wealth. Decennial Per- centage Increase. A Property to each person. r ^ Popula- Mlns. Milu. dollars. tion. Wealth. 3 1790 ... 3-9 8750 (estimated) 187-00 1800 ... 5-3 1,072 3502 43-0 202-13 1810 ... 7-2 1,500 36-43 39"o 207-20 1820 ... 9-6 i,8S2 3313 25*4 195-00 1830 ... 12-8 2,653 33-49 41-0 20600 1840 ... 17-0 3,764 (oflBcial) 32-67 417 220-00 1850 ... 23-2 7.136 35-87 89-6 307-67 1860 ... 31-5 16,159 35-59 126-42 51000 1870 ... 38-5 30,069 ,, 22-00 86-13 776-96* 1880 ... 50-1 43.642 30-13 45"47 870-00 * Allowance ought to be made here for the depreciation of the dollar between ISGO and ISVO. In the introduction to Vol. VII. of the Tenth Census of the Unit^id States, p. 8, it is also stated that between 18G0 and 1870, allowance ought also to be made for the fact that slave property is included in the former census and had disappeared in the latter. Mr. Gannett suggests that, including slave property ia 1860, as well as in 1870, and allowing for the depreciation of the dollar in 1870, i.e., reduc- ing the values at that date to gold values, the more approximately correct figures of the true valuation for 18G0 and 1870 would be : — 18G0 1870 ... 9,253,000,000 dollars ... 23,973,000,000 „ I have thought it more convenient, however, to retain the official figures in the text. It brings up to a point, what i.s said elsewhere, aa to the importance of price in these valuations. 120 TIIK nKoWTII OF CAI'lTAL. developed resources may develope much quicker than another. The comparison one day shows it to be inferior in capital or 2:)roperty to another community ; but the next time we look the whole position may be changed. Let us next turn to France, which, for historical reasons, as well as reasons of neighbourhood, is by far the most interesting country to us, — next, at any rate, to the United States. Here, we find, computations of national wealth have been made, especially in recent years, as to which we may put the question how far they are comparable with our own. M. de Foville, whose name is so well known in this country, and whom every statistician must honour greatly for the good work he has done, has investi- gated the subject so thoroughly as regards France, summing up what has been done by others e.s well as himself, that one is necessarily spared a great deal of labour in the discussion. If there is any imper- fection in our reference, it will be easy for those interested to refer to the various writino-s of M. de o Foville. It is obvious, then, at the outset, that it would not do to accept any valuation of property for another CO an try, and compare it with the figures above set out for the United Kingdom, and we must now add the United States figures, without looking into the details, and iniderstanding the process by which the account is made up. M. de Foville gives the follow- ing list of different estimates in recent years, and although the first is, perhaps, of too old a date to be comparable, yet the others are obviously recent FOREIGN ACCUMULATIONS. 127 enough, reo-arcl being had to the slow growth of population in France, to justify the expectation that they would approximate closer than they do if they were all made on the same basis : — Estimates of Property in France \iidns. stq^* Real Personal ' Authors. Date. Property. Property. Total. £ £ £ M. de Girai'din ... 1853 3.680 1,320 5,000 M. Wolowski ...1 1871 4.800 2,200 7,000 M. C. Due d'Ayen ... ...t 1872 4.000 3.800 7,800 M. C. D. Vacher ... ...1 1878 8,640 1,760 10,400 M. Amelin ... 1878 5.400 4,200 g,6oo M. S. Mony ... 1881 1 4,600 4,040 1 8,640 I need not weary the reader with the details of these estimates, though to the students who wish to understand what statistical method is, I can recom- mend M. de Foville's criticism and comparison. It is quite plain that, however useful even widely dif- fering estimates may be, if each set of estimates for different years is made up in the same ^^■ay, for show- ing the progressive accumulation of capital and the variations in the rate of accumulation, and for similar purposes, yet that such estimates themselves cannot even be compared with each other properly, or with those of other countries, without an understanding as to details and method. I need only mention that in some no distinction is made between incomes from property and incomes from personal exertion, but all are capitalised alike ; whereas in others, agreeing with the plan we hcive ourselves followed in the United Kingdom, and which appears to be followed in the United States, the idea of propeiiy, which is really exchangeable, is steadily kept in mind, and there is no capitalising of income, except there is property to * M. de Foville : " La France Econoiniqiie," p. 438. 128 TIIIO (MJOWTII OF rATMTAL. answer to it. M. de Foville refers to even larger estimates that liave been made in France than some of tlie above, but there is, of course, no need to refer to them. For all practical purposes I need only use for com- parison witli our own valuations M. de Foville's own estimates, because they are obviously devised with the same end in view, and have the confirmation to a large extent, as he points out, of partial estimates by M. Maurice Block, another name we must mention with lionour in this country, as regards real and personal property at different times in France. M. de Foville then niade the following estimate in 1878, which he supplements by a less detailed esti- mate for the present time in his recent book, "La France Economique " : — M. lie Foville's Estimates of French Properti/. 1878.* £ 1886.t £ Real Property, exclusive Real Property, exclusive of Houses 4,000 of Houses 3,200 Houses, &c 1,000 Houses, etc 1,600 Freucb Proi^erty Abroad 600 French Funds & Foreign Gold and Silver 320 Securities 1,200 Farniture. Personal Pro- Other Moveable Property 2,000 perty, Worlis of Art . . . 400 Agricultural " Material " 160 Farm Animals and others 200 Agricultural " A.ppro- visionneuient " 200 Other Commercial Capital 200 Other Industrial Capital 800 Marine, Arsenals, &c. ... 120 Total Total £8,000 8,000 The estimate for the present time is much the same in total as for 1878, but the details are generally not comparable. In reality, the 1886 estimate is less than the 1878 estimate, as it includes the amount of the French National Debt not included in the 1878 Economiste Francaise, Jan. 18, 1879. f J^« France Economique, p. 442. rOREIGN ACCUMULATIONS. 129 estimate, but that there is ground for a reduction of some sort, or, at any rate, for little or no increase, is justified by M. de Fovilie on the score of the fall in prices and the consequent fall in value of much real and other property in the interval. In two respects, it will be observed, the above figures for the present time differ from those employed for the United Kingdom. They include in the valuation of property the amount of the home debt, which is not included in the above valuation for the United Kingdom, and which in France is a larger sum than it is in the United Kingdom, and they do not include the amount of Government and local property, which items are included in the valuation of the United Kingdom. M. de Foville discusses this point ; and, making an addition to his figures for the present time, so as to include the property of Government and local authorities, and then deducting the aggregate amount of their debts, he arrives at a sura of about 7,200 millions sterling, which would be properly comparable, as far as I can judge, with the valuation of the United Kingdom. An examination of the details confirms the vral- semMance of these figures for France. By far the most important item, it will be observed, is that of " real property not built upon," answering to the lands in our own returns, and for this figure there are undoubtedly abundant data, the net income and selling value, (the latter through the registration duties on the transfer of property,) being matters of official record. In point of fiict, the selling value of real property not built upon in France was officially reckoned by the French Financial Administration in 1 882 at 3,6 G3 millions sterling, so that M. de Fovillu's 180 THE GROWTH of capital. fiofure In ilie aljove estimate shows a considerable falling off. There are similar means of dealing with the next great item — the house property, which seems to me rather more highly valued than similar property in tlie valuation of the United Kingdom, if we assume, as I suppose we may, that farm-houses are valued with the land, but still not so highly valued as to make the comparison wholly out of place. As re- gards others, M. de Foville shows that he is quite alive to all tlie points to be considered, and it would be out of place to follow him minutely. That the moveable property of the United Kingdom must be enormously greater than in France goes without saying, though perhaps some may think not so great as represented by the figure of about G,000 millions sterling for the United Kingdom, and less than 3,000 millions for France. If the valuations of the United Kingdom and of France, in any case, are not properly comparable, the data as regards France are very fully supplied by M. de Foville, and there need be no mystery on the point. M. de Foville has discussed, with no small in- genuity, 8, method of ascertaining the amount of property in France from the amounts annually passing by succession, a process to which he has resorted in the absence of income tax figures corresponding to those which we have for England. The conclusion at which he arrives is that the averao-e annual amount of the successions, 'plus about a fourth for successions irder vivos, may be multiplied by 36 so as to show the amount of property held in tlie country — the assumption being that 1-3 6th part is succeeded to annually either by death or gift, about l-45th part by death alone. The speculation is a FOREIGN ACCFMULATIOXS. 131 most interesting one, and is based largely upon data of a kind in the possession of the Ministry of Finance, which are either not in tlie possession of our own Inland Revenue department or are not pubhshed by them. Mr. Porter in this country, as I pointed out in my former essay, seemed to arrive at a similar proportion of 1-4 5th annually passing by death. I should like to see the question followed up more carefully both in this country and in France. Mean- while it may be observed that if the proportion can be assumed not to vary for considerable periods, as I think may be the case': there is every antecedent probability, looking at the slow change in the rates of mortality or the customs of people regarding inheritance, that it will not vary greatly : then the growth of property passing by succession should indicate the growth of property itself. Succession figures are most useful for our discussion. We can compare the rate of growth of property which we arrive at by successive valuations with the rate of growth indicated by the amounts passing at death. Looked at in this way there is no doubt that the growth of property in France has been very rapid, as rapid during the present century as in the United Kingdom. The following are the French succession duty figures at ten years' intervals since 1826 : — Successions and DoucUlons inter vivos awiualUj taxed in France at the untlernifniioued dates * Successions. Donations. Total. £ Stfj. Mlus. £ Stg. Mlns. 1 £ St^. Mlns. 1826 1 53-5 ; i8-o 1 71-5 1835 1 61-6 ' 20-8 82-4 1845 697 1 28-1 97-8 1855 96-3 29-0 125-3 1865 1 121-2 1 34'o 155-2 1875 170-2 1 42-7 212-9 1885 1 216-3 1 40- 1 256-4 * La France Economique, p. 44(i. J2 1?,2 TIIK CIT^OWTTT OF r'APTTAL. Allowing for a change in the method of vahiing rural property in 1(S75, these figures show compara- tively httle progress since that time, apparently con- lii-ming M. do Foville's disposition not to swell tin; totals, but rather to diminish them since he made his estimate in 1878. In the United Kingdom there would equally have been little progress, as far as we can judge, apart from the increase of population. Thus in France, as in the United Kingdom, the progress in money values has not been so great since 1 8 75 as before. I do not propose to go into the subject of esti- mates of property in other countries. Students who desire to follow this subject will find references in M. de Foville's papers. The only other countries for which verifiable computation seems to have been made are Belofium and Italy. In the former case the estimate is that of M. Massalski, whose work I have not seen, but who has followed, apparently, the method of M. de Foville — the preferable method in a country which has data like those of France or Belgium or Italy — and who thus arrives at a total of about £1,200 millions (2 9 J milliards of francs) — a calculation so far supported by an estimate of £440 millions alone for the value of the real property, land, and houses, which is stated to have the authority of M. Malou, who valued in 1880 lands at £300 millions and houses at £136 millions."^ The total of £1,200 millions seems to compare closely with that above given for Scotland, which has a smaller popu- lation, but which is probably somewhat richer per * See De Foville:- "La France Econotuique," v. 446. I have not seen this calculation of M. Malou, but it is not improbable, as M. Malou has made a valuation of .£320 millions for the year 1S65 or thereabouts. FOREIGN ACCUMULATIONS. 133 head. With regard to Italy, we have the advantage of a very ehxborate study by M. Pantaleoni, a most able Italian economist, who discusses fully the whole question of valuations of property in different countries in his work, entitled, Ddl 'Ammontare Frohahile delta Richezza "privata in Italia, published at Rome in 1884. Finally, M. Pantaleoni adopts the method of M. de Foville in calculating from the figures of the succession duty by means of a co-effi- cient, though he supports the results by direct calcu- lations as to the value of lands and houses. In this way he arrives at a total of £1,920 millions for Italy composed approximately as follows : — * Mlns. stg. Land Houses Other property £• L160 360 400 Total 1,920 I should have thought, at first sight, that such figures were too small for Italy, whose population is three-fourths that of France, but whose wealth, according to this account, is something like 2-7ths only. It is not essential, however, for our present purpose to criticise minutely ; M. Pantaleoni has cer- tainly discussed the subject in a proper manner, and I could not go behind his data. That he considers it not improbable that the private wealth of Italians is much less than that of Frenchmen is a fact of itself to be taken note of. The figures may not be very exact, but some such difference, we may be sure, exists, much else that is known of the economic con- dition of Italy agreeing with the estimates. * Pp. 221 et scq. 134 THE cKowTir ok capital. Still, neither as t(j Belgium, nor Italy, do I wish to critise in detail, especially in the absence of any fiiTures as to the accumulation of canital which is our speciid topic. What I wish to point out is that, for tliose who care to follow up the subject, certain data are accessible in many countries, which would assist in the compilation of useful figures, although the limit of error would necessarily be somewhat wide. The chief items everywhere must be land and houses, and in most cases now railways, the first being rela- tively more important in almost every other country than it is in England. Limits of the valuation in gross of other items, if land, houses, and railways can be valued, are always capable of being ascertained, even if no exact figure can be stated. But it is absolutely necessary for comparison that the process should be set out in full ; that a valuation of capital, as much as possible, should be made on some calu- lation of income ; and that such points as whether a community is a creditor or indebted in respect to other nations should be allowed for. CHAPTER VII. THE USE OF NATIONAL VALUATIONS. In my former essay, and in the introduction to the present essay, the uses to which general vakiations of the property of a community, and of the estimates of accumulation of capital derived from them, may be put are briefly indicated. After this long inquiry it may be useful to return to the topic, and explain in some measure how the statistics may be applied. But first let it be understood, as it cannot be too frequently repeated, that the figures, wliich can l^e arrived at by any method, are necessarily not exact. A detailed valuation of each description of property is hardly possible, and would present many difficul- ties of its own, while it would be subject in any case to the observation tliat only by a violent hypothesis can the property of a community be valued like tluit of an indidvidual member of it, seeing that it is not conceivable that it can all be the subject of a sale at a given moment. In actual fact, however, we ha\ e to be content with something that falls very far short of such a detailed valuation, and to apply 130 THE GROWTH OF CAPITAL. average rates of value to gross quantities either of property or income wliicli are themselves imperfectly ascertained. For certain purposes the results may be good enough, and I believe are good enough ; but they are certainly not to be treated as sums in an account definitely ascertained, and compared one with another, without attention to the nature of the data themselves, and the similarity or dissimi- larity of the processes by which the results are arrived at. The uses to which the figures can properly be put, regard being always had to the fact that the data and methods employed are sufiiciently alike for the special purpose in hand, appear to be the fol- lowing : — 1. To measure the accumulation of capital in com- munities at intervals of some length — not less, per- haps, than ten years — this having been the main object in view in my essay in 1878 on the accumula- tion of capital, and being perhaps the most important use to which such figures can be put. 2. To compare the income of a community, where estimates of income exist, with its property. 3. To measure the burden of national debts upon difi'erent communities. 4. To measure, in conjunction with other factors, such as aggregate income, revenue, and population, the relative strength and resources of different com- munities. 5. To indicate generally the proportions of the different descriptions of property in a country to the total — how the wealth of a community is composed. 6. To measure the progress of a community from period to period, or the relative progress of two or THE USE OF NATIONAL VALUATIONS. 137 more communities, in conjunction with the flicts as to progress in income, population, and the Hke ; to apply, in fact, historically and in conjunction Avith No. 1, the measures used under the above heads 2, 3, 4, and 5 for a comparison at a given moment. 7. To compare the aggregate accumulation in a community Avith that portion of the accumulation which can be described as free savings, and which is gradually invested through the agency of the Stock Exchange. 8. To throw light on the question of changes in the value of money, which are themselves among the facts to be investigated and allowed for in comparing the valuations of different countries, or the valuations of the same country at different times. There are, no doubt, other uses to which the figures of national valuations, when judiciously used, can properly be put ; but tlie above, it may be allowed, form a good enough list if it can be shown, as I think it can, that with all their inexactness the figures still sujDply useful materials for discussion. There is, of course, no reason why such figures should not be used if they are exact enough for the purpose, and if they are the best obtainable. To take the various heads of comparison in their order, there can be no doubt, to begin Avith, that it is with reference to the accumulation of capital, and especially for the comparison of such accumulations over different periods, that valuations of property are, perhaps, most useful, and it was for this purpose mainly that the present study has been entered upon. Here, from the nature of the case, whatever rough- ness there may be in the property valuations them- Belves, the results arrived at become trustworthy for l;^S TIIK ClfOWTII OF CAl'ITAL. comparison, provided the same method is followed in the valuations. Of course, the figure of accumula- tion is itself mainly useful as a comparative figure for comparison with otiier figures, as we shall notice presently ; but accumulation is so obviously important a matter that it may be given a separate head. The problem w^h ether a community is adding to its pos- sessions or not is of manifest interest. That the calculation is rough is also no serious drawback to its utility. It is even important to know whether there is progress or not ; and not only can progress or retrogression be shown, but the limit of error is reducible to a narrow percentage. Accord- ing to a well known rule of statistics, also, the move- ment may be even more exactly appreciated than the amount of the accumulation at a given period. Sup- pose the accumulation at two dates to be inexactly stated, OAving to the necessary imperfection of the figures by 10 per cent., the intermediate accumulation will also be inexactly stated by an equal percentage. But the proportion of this intermediate accumulation to the total property at a given date, as it is itself only a fraction of the total, need not be inexact by more than a small percentage of that total property. When the figures of valuations of property, therefore, are spoken of as inexact, it should be remembered that the real utility of the figures is not thereby brought into question. The proportion of the accu- mulation to the property may be shown more exactly than the valuation of the property itself at a given date. We come next to the use of such valuations for the purpose of comparison with estimates of the income of the communities concerned. Here, again, minute THE VHE OF NATIONAL VALUATIONS. IS'd accuracy must be unnecessary, while the utihty of the proposed comparison is obvious. Tlie relation between property and income, roughly as the figures may be done, must disclose something as to the economic condition of the communities, and help to render clearer the true idea of that economic condition which might be best derived from other sources. It is obvious, for instance, that the income of the com- munity of the United States is probably much larger in proportion to the property than it is in an older country. The f(xct that it is a community indebted to other communities instead of beino; a creditor community is, and is caused by, a material difference in their circumstances. It is because their income is so large, because their natural resources undeveloped or in process of development are so large, that they can afford so well to borrow. Potential is quickly converted into actual capital, and individual members of the community have less need of capital. But the circumstances are likely enough to change rapidly, and even now tlie different conditions of geographical groups within the greater community of a nation like the United States must present great variety. Of course, for any such purpose the figures of property valuation can only be used with great discretion, and by avoiding any attempt to reason finely, especially as approximate figures of income are as difficult as approximate figures of property. The conclusions which the figures may point to are illustrative and suggestive ; but it is wise, of course, to use them only with a due consideration on inde- pendent data of what their real meaning may be. The next special and obvious use of a property valuation which has been mentioned is to make a 140 TlIK GROWTH OF CAPITAL. comparison ])etween it and the amount of national and local indebtedness. Here, again, there is no question of the appositeness and sufficient accuracy of the figures. We need give only a few illus- trations. Our own National Debt looks enormous, but, after all, it is only about 7^ per cent, of the property of the country, a mere bagatelle, especially taking into account the fact of its being held at home, deducing the national valuation itself by any conceivable amount, it must still be a bagatelle. It is mostly, in fact, as well as appearance, a charge upon the income of property as distinguished from the income from personal exertion, and it has to be viewed as really a mode of distributing the wealth of the community among individuals, and not as a burden upon tax- payers, who are separate in fact, as well as in name, from the fundholders ; but, apart from such views as to the burden of National Debts, the proportion of the debt to the whole wealth of the country in our own case is plainly a small one, and would still be a small one, however much the valuation of the property might conceivably be modified. Even adding the debts of local authorities — about 200 millions in all — the indebtedness of the community to the fund- holder is inider 10 per cent. The value of these comparisons is even more clearly seen if we look abroad. In France, it is plain, the national indebtedness is a much more serious atiair than it is in England. The national and local debts together in France cannot be put at less than about 1,200 millions sterling — about a sixth part of the property of the community as compared with a proportion of less than a tenth in the United THE USE OF NATIONAL VALUxVTIONS. 141 Kingdom. No doubt in France, as in the United Kino^dom, the debt is only a mode of distributing the property of the propertied classes. What they j)ay as taxpayers they get back as fund holders ; but the difference in the two proportions must be felt in France as regards that portion of the debt burden which must be borne by the income from personal exertions as distinguished from the income of pro- perty. In the United States, again, the debt is obviously a bagatelle. It is 300 millions only, or less, as com- pared with a property of, probably, at the present time, 8,000 or 9,000 millions, deducting what the community owes to foreign countries. Even if we add the indebtedness of State and local authorities, tlie United States, as a community, is singularly free from the burden of Government debt. Illustrations could be multiplied without difficulty, but it is easy enough to see that the question of National Debts could hardly be properly treated at all except in the terms of property, and that liowever widely property may be estimated useful comparisons between its amount and that of the debt may be made. We have next to deal with the use of such valua- tions as a rough measure of the relative strength of different communities, along with comparisons of other factors, such as territorial area, population, revenue, principal sources of revenue, and the like. Here there can surely be no doubt of the apposite- ness and sufficient accuracy of the figures. The comparison of the property of the respective com- munities in a line, as it were, even if it is somewhat roughly done, shows markedly how two communities Mi? THK r;-ROWTTT OF fAPTTAL. niiiy diflfor in wcaJtli, and, as far as wealtli is a iiieasnro of stroiig-tli, qualifies any inferences tliat miglit be drawn from a comparison of population alone, or of one or two items of wealtli only, or of actual as distinguislied from potential revenue. Where the differences are great tlie value and neces- sity of the comparison are obvious. If they can be supplemented by comparisons of national income so much the better, and nothing else can supply their place. We have only to look at the estimates of property for the two chief countries mentioned in tlie pre- ceding chapter and compare them with similar results for the United Kingdom to perceive how any con- clusions as to relative strength from numbers of population and actual revenue alone must be modified. In population France exceeds the United Kingdom a little; in Imperial revenue a great deal, though in Imperial and local revenue together, not so much. In popidatlon, the United States exceeds the United Kingdom enormously ; in actual Imperial revenue it falls short a little, though, perhaps, not so as regards Imperial, State, and local revenues all put together. A superficial examination of population and revenue alone would tempt to the conclusion that France has larger resources than the United Kingdom, because it has more population and more revenue ; and that the United States has more resources than either because it has larger population, and does not fall short in revenue when Imperial, State, and local revenues are put together. These conclusions themselves may also be true, apart from the data ; there may be other data to support THE USE OF NATIONAL VALUATIONS. 143 them ; but at least the data we have been deahng with as to property show that it would be unsafe to rest in the conclusions without farther examination and discussion. Taking population alone, the figures for the three countries are about : — United Kingdom France United States (part estimate) Ming. 37 38 56 Taking actual revenue alone, the figures are :- — Imperial. Local (includ'g State 1. Total. United Kingdom (mlns.) France „ United States „ 90 140 70 6o 40 65 150 ISO 135 The amounts per head being : — United Kingdom France United States ... £ s. 4 4 10 2 10 In property, however, the figures would work out : — Total. Per bead. United Kingdom France United States 10,000 7.200 8,000* 270 190 160 — showino; that if the United Kino^dom has fewer numbers tlian its great neighbours, and a smaller, or not greater, actual revenue, yet its property as * Not deducting for indebtedness to foreign countries. 144 THE GROWTH OF CAPITAL. actually developed is greater, and especially greater per head, which must surely qualify very much the conclusion from numhers and revenue alone. That tliis must be the case can be seen by the simplest comparison between the property and the actual revenue. In France the Imperial taxation is nearly 2 per cent, of the property ; Imperial and local revenue together, 2^- per cent, of the property. In the United Kingdom the proportion is for Imperial revenue about 9 per cent only ; for Imperial and local together, less than 1 1 per cent. Whatever the income from property may be, these differences in what is taken by the Government must be serious. Similarly, in the United States, although the taxation per head is less than in the United Kingdom, the annual revenue of the central government in propor- tion to the capital of the community mounts up to about 1 per cent, of the property ; and the annual revenues of the central state and local governments together to about 1-^ per cent, of the property. The notion that taxation in the United States is low com- pared witli the figure in the United Kingdom is thus shown to be unfounded, while we get a notion of the burden of taxation in France, which alters altogether the superficial impression conveyed by the amount of the national revenue itself. If we were to go farther, and compare taxation with income and taxable income as well as with property, the aspect of the facts would be still further altered, I believe, to the advantage of the United Kingdom in the comparison ; but it would clearly be useful also to compare the property. The broad facts are also such, it will be observed, that any possible variation from the true facts as to property would modify the conclusions very little. THE USE OF NATIONAL VALUATIONS. 145 The greater wealth of the United Kingdom per head, as compared with either France or the United States, would still remain undoubted, however the figures may be modifiable ; though we must now conclude that in absolute amount at the present moment the wealth of the United States is probably much greater than that of the United Kingdom, and almost certainly as great. Comparing the wealth of the United Kingdom, or of France and the United States, with other States, such as Italy and Belgium, there is room of course for a still wider margin of error without affecting the broad conclusion of theii' immense preponderance in resources. The preponderance of England by itself in the United Kingdom as compared with either Scotland or Ireland, especially Ireland, is equally apj^arent, and no possible modification of the figures would alter the conclusion. It is infinitely greater than the preponderance shown by population alone. A special point on this head may also be referred to. We hear a good deal of the vast expenditure on military armaments, and the burden they impose on certain communities. Heavy as the burdens are, does not the vast amount of property relatively indi- cate that the point of exhaustion may be more remote than is commonly supposed '? To treat this topic suitably would require a paper by itself, which I hope to write some day ; but it may be useful now to hint at the conclusions I am disposed to arrive at. The relativity of the burden of military armaments has been too little considered, I fear, by economists who have denounced them in the abstract, and whose 146 TITE Or^OWTII OF rAPITAL. (leminciations have, in fact, been falsified by the con- tinued prosperity of the countries which ought to have been ruined but were not. The next suggested use of the figures is that of indicating generally the proportions of the different descriptions of property in a community — how the wealth of a community is composed. Here we find that the relative bulk of the main descriptions of property comes out clearly enough, while the utility of being able to answer, however roughly, how much of the property is land, how much houses, how much is invested in industry, and so on, is manifest. These are obviously all matters which, may become of prac- tical interest in connection with problems of taxation, as they were, in fact, of interest at the beginning of the century, when Dr. Beeke made one of the studies on the subject to which reference has been made in the course of the present essay. The fact of exact figures being impossible hardly affects the value of the result. It is important, for instance, to know whether land represents about three-fourths, or a-half, or a-third, or a less proportion of the whole wealth of a community, although it may not be possible to state to a fraction whether the proportion, instead of being exactly three-fourths, is perhaps 70 per cent, only, or perhaps 80 per cent. Within a very wide limit of error the figures may obviously be of some use. The value of the results is increased when his- torical comparisons are attempted, or comparisons between different countries. If in a country like England we find land at one historical period to con- stitute GO per cent, or upwards of the total w^ealtli, and then by a gradual descent to be less than 20 per THE USE OF XATIONAL VALFATTOXS. 147 cent., the value of tlie land itself almost all tlie while steadily increasing, then, in spite of inexactness in the figures, the broad fact is in many ways instructive. Whether the change, if more exactly described, would be from, say, 65 or 55 to 25 or 15 per cent., the nature of the change would hardly be afifected, while it is obvious that the limit of possible error is not nearly so wide. In comparing England with France, aofain, or with the United States, it is at once obvious that economic conditions are entirely different, seeing that England has less than a fifth of its wealth in land, while France has half, or more than half, and the United States more than a third. Minute accu- racy is here unnecessary, while the proportions, if fractionally changed, woidd still justify the broad conclusions which they now appear to justify. We come next to the question of applying the figures in the comparisons above stated in the illustration of historical problems, either in the history of a particular country or in the compara- tive history of one or more countries. Here, again, minute accuracy is less necessary than ever, while the appositeness of the figures is more than ever palpable. This has already been seen incidentally in various ways, as, for instance, with reference to the last head of the comparison where attention has been drawn to the changing proportion of land to other property in England. But many other illustrations could be given. To begin with, — The concrete in- stances already given in Chapters iii. and vi., have only to be mentioned to show how practically useful these comparisons may become. The conspicuous difference between the proportions of the National Debt to our resources at the end of the great wars K2 148 TFiK f;iK)WTir of capital. at tliG beginning of the century, and at the present time, sliows, perhaps, most strikingly the vahie of the comparison. The whole debt, all(j\ving especially for the recent increase of the debt incurred for the purpose of making loans to local authorities, has not diminislied much in the interval ; but seventy years ago this debt amounted to a third of the property of the community. The accumulations of the com- munit}'- in the interval, from about 2,200 to 10,000 miUions, or, in round figures, 7^ thousand millions of accumulations, arc about ten times the National Debt proper, and about eight times the debt of the Imperial Government and the localities put together. Comparing the progress of the accumulation with revenue, what appears is that, whereas the revenue of the State seventy years ago was equal to a tax of aljout 3 per cent, on the property of the community, it is now, as we have seen, about 0*9 per cent, only of the property, and, even adding local revenues, the whole is less than 1-| per cent, of the property. The burden of Government is thus greatly less than it was. When the respective amounts per head are com- pared, the facts are exhibited even more strikingly. Whatever doubts, it may again be repeated, exist as to the valuations themselves, yet the limit of error is such, when we compare such distant intervals, as to leave no doubt that, when all possible corrections are made, the comparisons of the accumulations with the growth of population, revenue, and debt would be substantially unaffected. Tiiat there has been an immense reduction of burdens compared with re- sources is clear. Even comparing the last two or three decades only. THE USE OF NATIONAL VALUATIONS. 149 where we have not the advantage of distant intervals to take away the effect of unavoidable error in some- what rough computations, the figures are found to be so large as to justify our affirming with certainty a great reduction of burdens. Between 1865 and 187.5 the increase of property, amounting to 2,400 millions, was about three times the debt ; between 1875 and 1885 the increase, amounting to 1,500 millions, was nearly twice the debt. Tlie valuations at each date may be rough, but being made on the same basis on each date, the figures as to the accu- mulations can hardly be exaggerated. Suppose tlie mode of valuation to exaggerate the property at a given date 10 per cent., the effect would be to ex- aggerate the accumulation between two dates by an equal percentage. In the first period, therefore, the correction would be to substitute about 2,160 for 2,400 millions, and in the second period to substitute 1,."350 for 1,500 millions, which would for all practical pur- poses show so enormous a growth of property in com- parison with debt as to make the difference between them and the larger figures immaterial. The figures, of course, are only to be used in con- junction with other facts, and such a fact, for instance, as the fall of prices qualifies them materially for some comparisons. In the present case, however, the com- parison is of one money value witii another, and the relation of property to debt has changed in the way described. It is quite conceivable, however, that along with changes in a community as regards real wealth, wealth in things as distinguished from money values, in tlie direction of greater prosperity, or the reverse, there might be changes in money values in the opposite direction. All that is noticed here is the 150 'iMiF> (;r()W'I'ii of cai'ITAL. actual change as between property and debt, which is not affected by this consideration. The comparisons are even more interesting wlien we pass to France and the United States. In France, it may be doubted whether property has been in- creasing for several years, but debt has been increasing. Between 18G5 and 1875, again, came the Franco- German war, which added several hundred millions to the debt. If we go back fifty years ago or so, it might appear that French resources liave increased to an enormously greater amount than the debt ; but it may be doubted whether the proportion of debt to resources is not higher than it was — at least, if a comparison is made for the last ten years or so. In any case, if there is improvement in France as regards resources in relation to debt, and a similar improvement as regards property and revenue, it is not so great an improvement as there has been in the United Kingdom in the same period. The same facts could be shown by a comparison of the growth of expenditure only, which has been much greater in amount and proportion in the last fifty years than it has been in the United Kingdom ; but the relation between resources and burden makes the comparison far more complete. The history of the United States on this head is quite the opposite. As lately as 1865 the United States had a debt of 600 millions sterling, with an annual charge of 30 millions sterling, bearing a considerable proportion, there is no doubt, to the property and resources of the country at the time. The sum of 600 millions, as compared with the true valuation of 1860 above given, is about 20 per cent. Now the debt is only half what it was, and the TlIK L'SE OF XATIOXAL VALUATIONS. LH property is three times what it was. The debt, from being a fifth of the property, has, in the short period of twenty years, become one-thirtieth only. In no other way coiikl the difference in financial progress between France and the United States be so vividly shown as by introducing this factor of property in dealing with the financial history. The difference between the United States and the United Kingdom, though not so marked, is also very great. Our accumulations in the same period are about five times our debt, which has not much changed in the interval. The accumulations in the United States are ten times what the debt was at the commencement of the period, and twenty times what it is now. Of course the results thus arrived at are only materials for the critical economist or histoi'ian who has to discuss causes and consequences. The United States may have acted unwisely and might have been able to exhibit even better results if it had acted differently. Either France or the United Kingdom^ on the other hand, may have done the best that could be done witli the means at their command. Com- munities have their good and bad fortune. The criticism and discussion should be all the clearer, however, the better the facts are brought out. We come next to the use of the statistics for com- 2)aring the growth of the capital in a given period with the amount annually available for investment through the mechanism of the Stock Exchange. On this- head the figures appear to be most instructive as regards an economic fact of exceeding importance and difficulty. It is most difficult to realise, until one thinks of it, that savings in the modern indus- rlil world can only bo made by a conununity as a 152 THE GKOWTII OF CAriTAL. whole as they are invested ; saving and investment go on 2)ot?'i passu. But the appreciation of this fact is necessary to the comprehension of our monetary system. If the two things were not to go on i^ccri 2KISSU, and the saving community in all directions endeavoured to heap up its savings in hard cash even for a month, certainly if it did so for a year, the Money Market would collapse. The accumulations of a single year, even taking them at 150 millions only, according to the figures of 1875-85, instead of the higher figures of the preceding decade, would absorb more than the entire metallic currency of the country. They cannot, therefore, be made in cash. An indi- vidual may save by depositing what he calls cash with his banker ; but the banker must either invest directly or indirectly through a borrower, and there must be new investments for the new money, or the investments could not be made in the aggregate, for although the banker or his borrower may purchase old investments, the seller has immediately the same money to re-invest. Hence the importance of the question of what has been described as free savings coming on the Stock Exchange for investment, as compared with accumulation generally. Savings, in fact, are made as a rule individually. A shopkeeper^ or merchant, or manufacturer making profit adds to his stock, or improves his premises, or buys a new house. In this or some similar way profits and savings are invested directly as they are made, and tliey have no visible effect on the Money Market. The industrial world could not, in fact, go on unless by a fixed arrangement for saving, — a portion of the community being constantly employed by the savings directly to create the investments in which the THE USE OF NATIONAL VALUATIONS. 153 savings may be put. It is only a certain part of the whole savino^s which ffoes to the Stock Exchanofe, and seeks new securities of the kind dealt with there. Even a portion of this part is comparatively steady ; but there is a varying surplus, and the changes in this surplus, or final margin, are most significant of the general state of trade. When the surplus is at a maximum it is a sign of inflation, of great and unusual profits in trade ; when it is at a minimum it is a sign of losses and discredit. It is probable that even the final margin never varies so much as it seems to vary; ditiiculties arising through people, when prosperous, engaging to invest more than they afterwards find they can save, but the real savings not even then being changed. But there are un- doubtedly variations in the final margin which it would be interesting to trace. Whatever it is, let it be understood that the margin is one which, like all other savings, is accruing constantly, and is constantly being invested. If it were not so, there would be a great accumulation of cash in the banks, and this we never see. How much is the free saving in proportion to the total, how much is the margin, and how much does the margin vary 1 No complete answer can be given to these questions; b\it from calculations I have made at different times I should say that about 80 millions annually represents this free saving, or about a thii'd of the annual accumulations between 1865 and 1875, and about a half of the annual accumulations be- tween 1875 and 1885. This means, however, that the amount as a rule is about a third, because the faU of prices has to be allowed for in the latter period. But for this fall the money value of property }')i 'IIIK (ilJOWTII OF CAl'ITAL. at the present time would be more than it is, and we may assume that the new accumulations, in things, have been more than the difference of the valuations in 1875 and 1885. In any case the figure must be a large one. The saving in the form of new houses and furniture, the largest items in the above list, is not free savings ; and the same may be said of many of the investments in mines and other pro- perty, especiall}' in trades and professions. The savings are invested as they are accumulated, directly by the owners, and are not free. As to the final and varying margin it is impossible to give exact figures, but even a small sum, sucb as 20 millions, coming on the Stock Exchange in a fat year compared with a lean year probably makes an enormous difference. Any greater apparent difference probably implies much inflation and paper profit which swells Stock Exchange prices for a time, but disappears as it began. The free margin, whatever it is, goes very largely into foi-eign and colonial securities, but the exact amount invested in this manner cannot easily be traced in consequence of the continual sales and purchases of old securities as distinguished from new issues which are being made. It is quite easy for the Stock Exchange of London to purchase and bring over from New York batches of existing American securities, the money which is paid for them being invested by Americans in new securities. The rule that there cannot be a new savins: in the ap-o-reofate without a new investment is thus complied with ; but the aggregate in the case supposed must include the whole field of investment — the new investment need not be at home, and it may be made abroad in an indirect manner. Qtia the English investor the THE USE OK NATIONAL VALUATIONS. 155 transaction is the purchase of an old security, but qua the general field of saving and investment, there is in the whole transactions a new investment. The final question to be treated is the use of these general figures in discussions as to changes of prices and in the purchasing power of money. Illustra- tions have already been given on this head in con- nection with the question of the comparative rate of progress of accumulation in difierent periods during the last fifty years and longer (see Chapter iii. supra) ; but it may be useful to point out even more generally how the figures may be used. It is plain, then, that ihe results of the valuations of the property of the community at difierent dates unavoidably suggest that changes of prices may have to be allowed for. The increase of the valuation, it is plain, may either be in exact proportion to the increase of population, or in proportion to that increase multiplied by an assumed increase of the productive capacity of the j)eople in the period under review. If two periods are compared in which the increase of population is known to be at much the same rate throughout, and the increase of productive capacity may be assumed to be at the same rate or not less in one of the periods than in the other, then if the apparent accumulation of capital in the one period proved to be less than in the other, it must be ascribed to some change in the money values. All other factors are equal, but the money expression of wealth has not increased as it would have done if prices had also been equal. This has been fully shown in the illustration already referred to froni recent periods in English history. The utility of the 150 TiiK nnowTir of capital. iii^-mcs, tlicreforc, to illustrate changes of prices is a])]»;ir(iit. 'J hat the phenoineim are quite general is obvious, moreover, from a comparison with the French returns of successions already referred to. Whatever may be the causes of these changes of prices, their visible effect on the periodic valuations of property leaves no doubt that they can only be described as significant of changes in the purchasing power of money — in the ratio of exchanges between money and other things. If the valuations were to be corrected by the ratio of exchange of a group of staple articles, a more steady rate of growth would be apparent. Farther, there is no doubt that in future such valuations may even be more useful m connection with questions of changes in prices than they have been in the past. As valuations are made more fre- quently from time to time, and the method and data improve, while other data, showing the progress of population and of industrial power, also improve, the varying rates of the accumulation of property as ex- ]iressed in money cannot but attract attention. The failure of a money accumulation to come up to a normal rate, or its excess over that rate, or its corre- spondence to that rate, will all be matter for observa- tion and discussion, and will serve to correct and qualify the notions as to changes in the standard itself which may be otherwise arrived at. It is already permissible to anticipate that the next valuation of the United Kingdom may show about as slow a progress as that of the last decade, and not the rapid advance of the years 1 855-7 j. The same in other countries. The reason being not that real wealth — the wealth in things — is not progressing at THE USE OF NATIONAL VALUATIONS. 157 as great a rate as ever it did before, but that tlie material of which money is made, notwithstanding the constantly new appliances for the efficiency of money, does not alter in such a way as to maintain prices at their former level. Valuation of property, therefore, and studies of the accumidation of capital, though the figures are neces- sarily rough, have their nses in various investigations. They make a little clear what would otherwise be most dark, and they suggest problems for inquiry which would not otherwise be thought of The figures, though rough, can be reasoned on safely with care. Better figures would be desirable, but in the absence of better figures it would be folly not to use what we have, and set our wits to work to use tliem properly. I should be disappointed, however, if the discus- sions of the last few years do not lead in time to the production of better figures. As the practice of periodic valuations continues, light should be thrown on the value of the method and the way in which it can be used properly, while investigations could be made by means of the various property taxes and otherwise which would throw light on some of the more difficult parts of the problem. If the Inland Eevenue Department, for instance, were to inquire into the proportions of different kinds of property passing at death, and to publish the results, these proportions might become a check upon general valuations of property. The resemblances or diflfer- ences in the proportions might suggest points for inquiry, and by arguing from the known to the unknown, useful corrections, at least, in minor details. ir)8 TTTK rniOAYTTT OF CATTTAL. could probably be obtained. The census might also be made use of, as it is in the United States, in order to obtain data for an independent valuation apart fi-om the Incf>me Tax returns. Were all this trouble taken, results would be arrived at which would be of the utmost value to the Government practically, as well as to economists in their discussions. The progress of revenue is intimately connected with the progress of national resour-ces, and the progress of money revenue witb the progress of the money expression of these resources. The resources them- selves and the money values must be studied by Chancellors of the Exchequer with almost equal anxiety, and they sbould both, at any rate, be studied together. Periodical complete valuations of property are in this view as indispensable as the census of population itself APPENDIX. AITENDIX'. 161 I. — Estimate of Annx;al Interest on English CAriTAL Invested Abroad in Public Loans or Shares of Companies. (Compiled from "Investor's Monthly Manual," 31st May, 18S6, and Banking Supplement to " Economist "for 22nd May, 1SS6.) [OOO's omitted.] 42,1'JiJ 1. Public Loans ia " Manual " List, exclusive of United States, French, Austrian, and Italian,' only partially held here, and of Prussian, Dutch, and certain (recent) Russian loans, almost wholly held abroad 38,470 Add estimate for proportion of United States, French 42 per cents, Austrian, and Italian held here. Total interest = d£37,267,000, say Totb.* 3-726 2. Railways. — (a) United States, excepting shares and bonds of lines in default 1 3,906 (6) Indian and Colonial 6,264 (c) Foreign, £7,0i:2, less iil,16S, half of Lombardo- Venetian interest 5.874 (of) Add — French railways ^6 17,990, say j'oth held in England Ij799 3. Dividends of Anglo-Foreign and Colonial ' (a) Banks (b) Canal companiesf 314 (c) City loans 964 (d) Gas and waterworks i>o93 (e) Coal, iron, and steel companies 120 (/) Land, financial, and investment companies ... 1,328 (17) Tea Companies 71 (h) Other companies Ij293 (i) Mines 500 4. Capital investment of English insurance com- panies doing business abroad, say ^£11,000,000 at per cent 5. Deposits of Anglo-Foreign and Colonial banks, = .£170,000,000 (EconomistJ, at say 3 per cent ,.. Total I 27,843 3,G5G 5,683 000 5,280 85,318 * In 1878 this item was estimated at li\\, but apparently since that time the English holding of these particular securities would scorn to have been diminished in proportion. t Exclusive of Suez Canal Shares. 162 APPENDIX. ir.- Sidumarij of List of PttUic Issues of Loans and nndcrtalcinrjs on account of Foreign Countries in the years 1876-85 incli.sivc, as puh. lislied in " Stat'istical Societfs Journal," March, 1882, pp. 91 et seq and to he continued in the " Statistical Society's Journal'' for 1890. [lu tlioiisauds of pounds, OOO's omitted.j 1876. 1877. £ Colonial Government Loans 16,210 7,37C Municipal Loans fcSl 97-1 Foreign Government^ Loans ' 3,i79i 6,272 k, 1878. ; 1879. , 1880. 1881 11,151 18,934 12,982 11,168 I . i : 792 1,538 1,368 100 1882. 1883. 1884. 9,177 24,097 23,937 Railway Issues c,242 Miscellaneous Com- panies Mining Companies 4,164 25,642 18,780 1,700 10,730 ... 641 859 6,471 10,083 2,931 2,626; 14,671 26,302125,260 I 25,901 23,098 29,880 44,041 ' 45,166 755 4,040 3,990 13,542 17,122 7,0.51' 11,082 2,C43 isas. 1,512 1,832 ,601 10,329 15,554 12.754 23,530 2,295 7,265 18,584 48,764 48,852 15,028 12,267 2,500 3,852 51,674 3.582 2,252 APPENDIX. 163 T^I^^-— Valuation of England, Scotland, and Ieeland, separately, ACCORDING TO Incomk Tax Eeturns. — Year 18S5. ENGLAND. Amount of Income in hicome Tax Returns, derived from Capital; Number of Tears' Purchase at which the saine may be Capitalised ; and Approxi- mate Amount of Capital, together ivith Estimate of remaining Income and Capiital in the Country. [OOO's omitted in amount columns.] Under Schedule A — Lands Houses Other Profits Schedule B — (Farmers' profits) . . Schedule C— (Public funds less home funds) Under Schedule D — Quarries Mines Ironworks Gasworks Waterworks Canals Fishings Market Tolls, &c Other public companies Foreign and colonial securities, &c Railways in United Kingdom ,, oixt of United Kingdom Interest paid out of rates, A;c Other profits Trades and professions — one-fifth of total income of ^154,300,000 , Income. £. 47,594, 112,792, 732, 47,788, 18,G41, 821, G,609, 1,924, 4,463, 2,945, 3,012, 194, 520, 29,692, 9,328, 28,190, 3,681, 4,567, 1,04G, 30,872, Total under Income Tax 355,411, Trades and professions omittefl, 20 per cent, of* amount asses^sed, or ±'30,872,000, of which one- > fifth is ) Income of non-income-tax paying classes derived ) from capital ." J Foreifrn investments not in Schedules C or D Movable i)roperty notyieldinfj income, e.g., furni-li ture of houses, &c., works of art, &c ) Government and local property, say 6,174, 8-i0,t 57,000, 50,000, Years' P'rchase 469,425, 28 IS*' 30 4 4 4 25 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 20 25 20 15 'Capital. £ 1,332,632, 1,700,741, 21,960, 382,304, 466,025, 3,284, 26,436. 7,696, 111,575. 58,900, 60,240, 3,880. 10,400, 593,840, 186,560. 789,320, 73,620, 114,175, 20,920, 463,080, 6,427,588, 92,610, 12,600, 285,000, 500,000, 853,000, 450,000, 8,617,79if, * The nuraher of years' purchase here is a small fraction over 15. t Estimate of income osuapiug assessment by laismg limit of exemption in 1876 L2 1G4 Al'l'KNDIX. SCOTLAND. Amount of Income in Income Tax Returns, derived from Capital; Number of Years' Purchase at tvhich the same may be Capitalised ; and Approxi- mate Amount of Capital; together with Estimate of rcnaininj Income and Caxntal in the Country. [OOO's omitted iu amount columns.] Under Schedule A — Lands Houses Other Profits Schedule B— (Farmers' profits) Schedule C — (Public funds less home funds) Under Schedule D — Quarries' INIines Ironworks Gasworks Waterworks Canals Fishings Market Tolls, &c Other public companies Foreign and colonial securities, &.c Kail ways in United Kingdom „ out of United Kingdom Interest paid out of rates, &.c Other profits Trades and professions — one-fifth of ) total income of .£19,215,000 ) Total under Income Tax Income. Trades .ami professions omitted, 20 per cent, of) amount assessed, or £3,843,000, of which one- [- lifthis ) Income of non-iucome-tax p.aying classes derived 7 from capital } Foreiirn investments not in Schedules C or D Movable property not yielding income, e.g., furni- ) ture of houses, &c., works of art, &c J Government and local property, s.ay £ 7,462, 12,280, 4S, 7,162, 1,100, 99. 982. 341, 372, 265, 409, 363, 24, 3,S13, ■142, 3.792, 109, 283, 369, 3,843, r>, V ' Capital. P rchase '■ 41,158, 769, 100,+ ■,500, 28 15* 30 4 4 4 25 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 20 25 20 15 £ 208,936, 185,500, 1,440, 59,696, 35,000, 396, 3,928, 1,364, 9,300, 5,300, 8,180, 7,260, 480, 76,200, 8,840, 106,176, 2,180, 7,075, 7,380, 57,645, 792,336, 11,535, 1,500, 37,500 90,000, 40,000, 52,527, 972,871, • The number of years' purchase here is a small fraction over 15. + Estimate of income escaping assessment by raising limit of exemption in 1870 APPKXDIX. 165 IRELAND. Amount of Income in Income Tax Returns, derived from Capital; Numher of Tears' Purchase ativ'hich the same ma]/ he Capitalised ; and Ai->proxi- mate Amou7it of Capital; together with Estimate of remaining Income and Capital in the Country. [OOO's omitted in amount columns.] Under Schedule A — L ands Houses Other Profits Schedule B— (Farmers' Profits) Schedule C — (Public funds less home funds) Under Schedule D — Quarries Mines Ironworks Gasworks Waterworks Canals, &c Fishings Market Tolls, &c Other public companies , Foreign and colonial securities, &c Railways in United Kingdom „ out of United Kingdom Interest paid out of rates, &c Other profits Trades and professions — one-fifth of ) total income of <£G,904,000 ) Total under Income Tax Trades and professions omitted, 20 per cent, of") amount assessed, or £1,381,000, of which one- f fifth is ; IncoiuG of non-income-tax paying classes derived ) from capital ) Foreign investments not in Schedules C or D Movable property not yielding' income, e.g., furni- ) ture of houses, &c., works of art, &c j" Government and local property, say Income. £ 9,9S3, 3,387, 97, 9,983, 1,055, 1,381, Years P'rchase i5„ 12* 30 25 13, 4 12, 4 4 191, 25 50, 20 125, 20 61, 20 46, 20 1,284, 20 89, 20 1,2S8, 28 18, 20 191, 25 20, 20 15 Capital. £ 149,745, 40,644, 2,910, 79,864, 26,875, 52, 48, "4,775, 1,000, 2,500, 1 ,220, 920, 25,680, 1,780. 36,064, 360, 4,775, 400, 20,715, 399,827, 4,140, 300, 12,500, 20,000, 10,000, 32,070, 446,767, * This is less than the averapre for the United Kinfrdom. t E.stimatc of income escaping assessment by raising limit of exemption iu 1876. IGG Al'l'EXDIX. IV.— Mr. Beekk's Valuation of Great Britain circa 1800. Extract from Mr. Beeke's Observations on the Produce of the Income Tax 4'-c. (irp, 182-5.) POSTSCRIPT. I SUBJOIN a sbort statement of the present value of the capital of Great Bi-itain, abstracted from one which I drew up with some attention a few years at^o, and which was calculated on fjrounds similar to those of the preceding estimate of income. It will not be expected that I should here enter into the parti- culars of my calculations, but this summary sketch may have its utility in poiming out the amount to which human industry has raised the value of this country beyond that of its natural pro- duce, and in giving some idea of the immensity of the losses which might be occasioned by an overthrow of the principles of order and a disregard of the security of property. Fur this reason I have included a very moderate estimate of many articles of public property not convertible into money (at least, to any considerable amount), but which are necessary to the enjoyment of civil society in its pi-esent form, and which were originally provided, and must be replaced if destroyed, at an expense vastly exceeding what I have allowed for them. PEIVATE PEOPERTY. Peoductive of Income. 1. Cultivated lands. South Britain, .£600,000,000 ; North! £ Britain, iJl 20,000,000.* | 720,000,000 2. Tithes, in South Britain only after deductions for thej personal service required on account of the part possessed by the clergy.f 75,000,000 3. Houses not included in the rent of lands + ' 200,000,000 4. Mines, canals, limber, tolls, &c., &c.§ ' 100,000,000 5. Present value of income from the public debt [ 300,000,000 6. Farming capital, equal at present to not less, on an| average, than 5 clear rents, viz., pasture, 2 to 3 ; arable, 5 to 7 rents 125,000,000 7. Hometrade.il 120,000,000 8. Foreign trade and shipping** ! 80,000,000 1 Unproductive of Income. I 1,720,000,000 9. Waste lands, after exckiding all such as are incapable' £ of any improvement adequate to the exj^ense, and' also allowing for incidental diminution of the value; of adjacent lands in case of their loss of the benefit of pasture. See., about 10,000,000 acres 30,000,000 10. Household furniture ! 160,000,000 11. Plate, jewels, and all other useful and ornamental, articles not considered as household furniture I 50,000,000 12. Specie, about ' 40,000,000 Unproductive private property 280,000,000 Productive private property 1,720,000,000 Total 2,000,000,000 • See p. 19, &c. t See p. 2S, &c. J See p. 38. § See p. 36, &c. I| See p. 112 &c. *♦ See p. 44, &c., and 111. [These references arc to the pages in Mr. Beeke's pamphlet.] APPENDIX. 167 PUBLIC PROPERTY. The value of that part of the permanent income * of the £, nation which is applicable to the annual expenditure, about '.. ' 160,000,000 The value of that part which is appropriated to extinguish the public debt, about ' 90,000,000 Value of shipping, arsenals, national buildings, stores, credits, and all other assets, after deducting all un- funded debt j 15,000,000 Value of all provincial and municipal buildings, &c., &c., asi churches, hospitals, bridges, prisons, &c., &c., with thei effects belonging to them I 25,000,000 * This calculation is founded on the produce of the national income in 1 738, exclusive of the aid and assessment, or any other temporary articles. In 1799 that produce was much more considerable. N.B. — A good deal of public has been already estimated jointly with private property, such as the crown lands, corporate incomes, &c., &c. But in so general a statement as this a more accurate analysis appears to be unnecessary. The above statements must certaiuly, in many parts of them, depend on circumstances which allow a considerable latitude of conjecture; but they are not made in any instance without some attention to the general, civil, and political economy of the country, and probably do not vary more than one-tenth, at most, from the real value of the whole capital of Great Britain, which appears to be about d£2, 300,000,000 or between two thousand and two thousand live hundred millions sterling, exclusive of any value which might be assumed for personal labour ; and also exclusive of foreign possessions to the value of at least ^81 00,000,000 sterling, which belong to settled inhabi- tants of this country, and which, therefore, if sold, and if the produce of their sale were remitted to Great Britain, would obviously be considered as a part of the national capital, and perhaps ought now to have been included as such in the pre- ceding estimate of productive private property. n;8 AI'l'KXDIX. V. — Mr. Lowe's Valuation of xifE United Kinodom circa 1822, Extract from Mr. Joseph Lowe's "Present State of Ewjland" (Appendix, pp. S2-!i). CALCULATION OF NATIONAL PROPEEY. Great Britain and Ireland. Computation for 1812, nearly in the form adopted by Mr. Colquhoun. A similar Computation for 1823. Land under cultivation, -whether in pasture, tilla<,'e, or trardons Farmin