^^'mm^'^w^^ 29M .P65fr % i ifr A A !0 ;!0 i3 7 Pott Francis Bacon's Signatures in the Shakespeare Plays £x Libris C. K. OGDEN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. LONDON: ROBERT BANKK & SON, RACQUKT COURT. FLEET STREET, E.O 1897 . [Copyright.] Francis Bacon's Signatures IX THE Shakespeare Plays. " Mij Kniiir and Mcmoni I leave to the Future Ages, afler ! h i k 1 m n o ]> '1 4 X y z a b c d e f k 1 ni 11 o ]> (| V s t \' w X y z c (1 e f g li i k I III II () ]> n r r s t V w X y z a b c d e f g g li i k I ill II () |) (| r s t V \v (Letters to be Checked.) 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 4 1 I 1 4 1 4 1 1 ;! 1 'i a a a )) 1) I) c c d d e e f f \i h h i i ?. ;! •! :i ■! •I 8 2 2 k I 111 II o ]) (j s t 22242424 V w X X y y z z Next, we must write down a sentence which, if the rules of the cipher l)e complied with, will l)e exactly produced from the rows of lettei's cut off. As each letter is taken and matched to its fellow, it should be cancelled on the group of letters cut off from the alphabets, or, better still, it shoukl l)c cancelled on the alphabetical 10 list * Of the construction of the anagram sentences, oxformulm^ more will be said; but for the present let the patient cryptographer continue mechanically, and without reasoning, to till up the letters of the sentence with their corresponding symbols. From the four alphabets we are then to make (iislng onhj the first nine letters of each alphabet) the following sentence of thirty-six letters: — " Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, wrote this play." The cryptographer can take F from line 1, and cancel it on his list. There is no r on the list, but amongst the " equivalents " in the column under r he sees k; there is a k in the list, so he uses it to represent r. Next he cancels a, n, c, i, s, which are all in the list, and thus " Francis " is completed. Now for " Bacon.'' B, a, c, and o are on the list, but there is no second n. The decipherer looks again amongst the " equivalents " under n and finds f. The second f is therefore cancelled, and the word " Bacon " completed. For " Lord,'' 1, o, d are in the list ; but, for the r, we take its " equivalent " (z). So, for " Verulam''' v and e are in the list, and the last z takes the place of r. Up to this point all has been easy and straightforward ; but now the small amount of observation and common sense necessary for working these ciphers will be called into play. After " Ver" comes another v or u; but none is on the list, neither is there an unused " equivalent " in the column under v. But what are the " equivalents " for v .? F is the first. The decipherer then looks to the column of equivalents for f, and perceives y, of which there is one unused in the list. So y is substituted for f in ''''Francis'' and tlie f is removed from ''''Francis," and made to do duty for the second v in " Verulam." L, a, and m are ready in the list to complete that word. For the word " wrote" w, t, and e are to hand. For the r a second z must be used, for the o the equivalent g. After " ver" comes another v or u; but none is on the list, neither there an unused equivalent in the column under v. But what are the equivalents f or v ? N is the first; but the only n has been used. However, F from " Francis " can be made to do duty for V in " Veralam " — a y being placed as e(|uivalent for F. To fill up * It is needless to say that perhaps no two decipherers will check off the letters in the same order. 11 •' Yerulara" an a and m are ready; there is no 1, so in its stead we use d or h. So we go on, using first the letters of the ordinary alphabet; when these are exhausted, their equivalents. If these also fail, we must shift or exchange the letters. It is well to note letters in the list which would le superfluous ivere they not exchangeable . In the example above given there are g, k, q, x, x, y, y, z, z, none of which are in their own persons needed. On the other hand, the list contains only three a's — the sentence requires four. There is no r in the list, but four r's are in the sentence. We have found it a good plan at an early stage of the deciphering to apply these otherwise useless letters to the filling up of letters of which the supply is insufficient. We may confidently rely upon the sentence thus worked being completed, with neither lack nor residence of letters. Many words are needed to explain these things, and the multitude of explanations gives an air of difficulty and profundity. The same is the case whenever a mechanical process of construction has to be accurately detailed in writing, whether the explanation concern the making of a rabbit-hutch or of a rice pudding. But the business itself is, in fact, simple enough, demanding only a little time, patience, and method. The case is just such as Bacon speaks of, wherein, as he says, until the thing be discovered, men pronounce it to be im- possible; hut when it is discovered, they marvel that it had not been observed before. Let us now turn for a few minutes to a consideration of The Use of Number 9 in the Construction of Sentences. Nine (or its multiples) occurs so often as a result in cipher problems that the writer has long felt assured that the mathematical princi})le ruling these anagrams would, in the end, prove to be connected with the properties of that remarkable number. Accordingly, when experi- menting upon 5 alphabets, of which the key letters are r, o, i, n, d,* it was resolved that attention should be focussed upon this subject. * Sec forward the specimen from the Comedy of Errors. 12 The 5 alphabets were duly written out and the first letters out off in a manner already described. An ordinary Baconian anagram was written down, agreeing in the number of its letters with the 5 x l)=4-r» thus cut off. "We then attempted to construct the sentence precisely on the plan just descril)ed, when with some surprise and greater pleasure we found the sentence evolving itself to perfection: — " Francis Bacon Ld. Verulam and Anthon// B. vril thsse flausT Another attempt produced: " Francis Bacon andhis brother Anthony wrote this pla,yy Sentences of from 21 to 81 letters (:> x '.) to '.) x D) were then framed in progressive order, and with equal success, no change being made in Names or Titles, or in the general form of the record. These experiments seemed to prove that Anthony was indeed as his brother termed him, his "consorte," and that he had a hand in the plays of the " first period," at least. Later experiments suggest that he helped in the plots or first sketches of nearly all, but for the present we must dismiss this part of the subject. The sentences were, from the first attempt, built up in a regular manner, exhausting every letter in the cipher collection, and leaving neither surplus nor deficit. Thenceforward the key letters of the Shakespeare folio and of many other works were systematically collected, and (when the rules for deciphering are duly complied with) have never failed to yield siniilar results, however different may be the key letters, or whether these keys be few or many, and the sentence, consequently, short or long. To most people who interest themselves in arithmetic and cipher work, it is probably known that any !) consecutive numbers, when added together, will produce a sum equal to a multiple of 1), and that the sum will also add up to !). Thus: — 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5+ (1+ 7+ S+ \) = Vo. 4 + 5 = '.) 2 + o + 4: + 5 + (;+ 7+ .s+ :) + 10 = 54. 5 + 4 = 9 3 + -l- + 5 + (; + 7+ .S+ ;) + 10 + ll = 63. + 3 = 9 4+ .') + (i + 7 + ) Mis})lacement or crowding, which may bring together the letters to be used. (4) Breaks or faults in the; vertical lines which divide the columns.* (J>) Horizontal bars or stops. (fi) Verbal hints in the text : " Stop," " Heere," " End," " Do not pass," "Stay behind." Such seem to be true instructions to the cryptographer, and probably they were imparted verbally to the duly initiated. * N.B. — These clues have been removed in the " Halliwell Phillipps " reduced /ac-smiZ^ (pub. : Chatto and Windus). In other respects, disfrcpan- ciea between the original folios and their facsimiles have been found. u That we may not worry or become puzzle-headed over these simple though ingenious anagrams, it is well to mention that precautions have been taken to prevent sliyht errors on the part of the decipherer, slight deviations in the ruling of a line, difference in the thickness of the pencil used, or an error in the length of a line, from materially affecting the general result of the deciphering. Many experiments have been made with the special object of testing this matter, and these seem to show the type — or, rather, the calcula- tions based upon the proportions of letters in the English alphabet — to be so nicely adjusted as to prevent any venial slips from altering the record. No one who seriously works at these anagrams will fail, for instance, to find that, by prolonging the lines, he merely prolongs or repeats part of the sentence; he does not interfere either with its construction or its general tenor. The names and titles may be in full or abbreviated. The name of Anthony, " his brother," may be included or omitted, but nothing changes the purport of the sentence, if worked on the plan described above. For ever it continues to reiterate that " Francis Bacon Lord Verulam Wrote These Plays." Is it then unimportant which letters are pointed out for use ? Would any other letters equally well suit the case, and produce the required sentence ? Surely not. Afcer giving a few examples of the gradual development of the anagram from early stages until it reaches perfection in nine times nine letters, we will endeavour to summarise all that has yet been found, which may enable beginners quickly to distinguish the key letters and to discriminate between the true and the false. It may assist the work of other decipherers if we here append a table of the progressive stages of development through which the sentence passes in proportion as the key letters are increased in number: in other words, as we add on the extra !) letters and their additional value, 9. The shortest Baconian anagrams (" //y»?. 5fl!roH"= 9 letters, and '■'■ Fr. Bacon wrote this booh,''' ''poem''' ov ''pi ai/"" = IS letters) have not been met with in the particular class of records with which we are -27, Q 15 now concerned. Nevertheless, since they are found elsewhere, we include them in the following table: — Alphabets. Letters. Sentences. 1 9. " Fran. Bacon " or " Mr. Fr. Bacon." 2 18. " F. Bacon writ this play," or — " Fran. Bacon wrote this." " Francis Bacon wrote these plays," or — " F. and Ant. Bacon wrote these plays." G. " Francis Bacon Lord Verulam wrote this play," or, " Francis and Anthony Bacon writ these plays." 5 45. " Francis Bacon Ld. Yerulam and Anthony B. wrote this play." 6 5-t. " Francis Bacon Lord Verulam Visct. St. Alban and Anthony Bacon wrote this play," or — " Francis Bacon lid. Verulam and his brother Anthony wrote this play." 7 G3. " Francis Bacon Lord Verulam Visct. St. Alban and Anthony Bacon wrote this play." "Francis Bacon Ld. Verulam Vet. St. Alban and his brother Anthony writ this play." 8 72, " Francis Bacon Lord Verulam Viscnt. Saint Alban and his brother Anthony wrote this play." "J 81. " Francis Bacon Lord Verulam Viscount Saint Alban and his brother Anthony Bacon wrote these plays." No anagram of this kind has yet been found which extends beyond the nine alphabets, or which would be improved by the addition of a tenth: times 9 are 81. This is the number of the Witches' charm in Machetlc : — " Weary sev'n nights, 9 times 9, Thrice to mine, and thrice to thine. And thrice again to make uj) 9 — Peace ! the charm's wound up." It is questionable whether the anagrams are intended to be worked out by means of 3 alphabets only ( = 27). No such anagram has been k; found, to which it would not be equally fair and rensonablo to add a -tth letter. On the other hand, most of the sentences from 3 alphabets require an exchange of analogous letters: k = c or q, s=z, &c., according to the "license" which "Camden's" anagrammatist accords himself. There are nevertheless a few combinations of P) alphabets which produce the sentence of 27 letters, ''^Francis Bacon vrrote these pJa/js,''' and many more such alphabets form sentences including abbreviations of the name Anthony, or Antonie. The follow- ing are specimens of these varieties. With regard to the key letters, it may be well to say that, if the same letter occurs on any two or more of the lines ruled from the pointers, it must not be again used. In many instances, anagrams of only ?) or 4 alphabets may be extended, even to the completion of the sentences, but in every case repeated tetters s/iontft t)e omitted. ThreI'] Alphabets — 27 Lettees. ( 1 ) Experiment. (Key letters t, a, i). k 1 m n o p (] r s t v w x y z q r s t V A\' x y z a b c d e f z a b c d e f g h i k 1 m n o 2121121 33122 33323 23132 11132 m g g d i p h ([ p c o n w i- v k t i x e s 1 f b a y h Francis Bacon wrote these plays a b c d e f g li i g h i Ic 1 m 11 p p q r s t V w x y (2) Loveh Laliovr''s Lost. 1 9 3 a b c d e f g h i f g h i k 1 m n t V w X y z a b c (Key letters o, t, h). k 1 m n o p q r s t V w X y z p q r s t V w X y z a b c d e d e f g hi k 1 m n o p q r s 223 11111 121 1 11 c 1) f c h g a g i Frc. Bacon and (.3) The Tiro Gen. Yer. 3 3 3 a y 1) A y.B 35252 3222 3121 w X o t k z li i m v e f d wrote this play (Key letters o, t, h, as above). The same as above from Love's Labour's Lost, i: Four Alphabets — 30 Letters. The Merchant of Venice, (Key letters e, s, o, w). 2 o O a b c d e f fj^ h i p q r s t V W X k 1 in n p (| r s r s t V w X y z a k 1 m n o p q r s t V w X y z y z a b c d e f g h i k 1 in n t V ^v X y z a b c d e f g' h i b c d f g b i Iv 1 m n o p q 2213221 12332 3431 2141442 41124 p r a II (j s g b o (| o X L y r d v e r i z a w w f c t s Francis Bacon Lord Verulam wrote 4143 3433 t h X s p V k m this play Or the following — 2 1 13 2 2 3 p f a n (| s s 412 2424411 33311 2214 ii b V o \ t r y x h ]) o (| c c \v r i t Francis and Anthony Bacon writ 34414 14333 1 z s g \v (1 X V m k these plays Richard III. (Key letters s, i, h, o). 1 2 3 a b c d e f g h i k 1 m n o p q r s t v w x y i^ q r s t V w X y z I a b c d e f g h i k 1 in n o ]) p q r s t V w X y ' z a li c d e f g h i k 1 m n o w X y z a b c d e I f g li i k 1 m n o p (| r s t v 2211232 22411 1412 3412434 43424 V r a d y y s x w y e c 1) c li z v a g (j b w c w r d t e Francis Bacon Lord Verulam wrote 1213 3433 t X i R 11 1) q y this play B 18 Five Alphabets = 45 Letters. The Comedij of Errors. (Key letters: col. 1, r, o, i; col. 2, n, d). 1 2 3 4 5 abcdefghi xyzabcdef r s tvwxy za k 1 m n o p (] r s t v w x y z g li i k 1 111 n o p q r s t v w b c d e f g li i k 1 m n o p q vv X y z a b c d e , f g h i k 1 ni n o p (| r s t v mnopqrstv i w x y z a b c d e f g h i k 1 1315143 22212 11 3155432 235 bra noes bacfz hd verqcay xzv Francis Bacon Ld. Verulam and 3432515 4 32254 5445 X z t e o i y 1) w d f t w ]) d a s Anthony B. wrote this 14 5 4 g X 111 y play Or— 1315215 22212 11 3455425 5133 13 c r a n c e s b a y f z g d v b r m c x d (| i s t e t Francis Bacon Ld. Verulam Vist. St. 34243 32551 2435 1144 X X y w z w d o t e f z a p b h a y Alban wrote this play Six Alphabets=5J: Letters. A Midsummer NigMs Dream. (Key letters: col. 1, t, e, ii; col. 2, a, g, s). Note in the original the break in the perpendicular rule between the column at s. 2 o 4 5 G abed e f g h i 1 111 n pq r s t t A' W X y z a b c ghi k Im nop n p q r s t V w z a b c d e f gh k 1 m n o p (} r s t A' w x y z V w X y z a b c d e f g li i k d e f g h i k 1 in n o p (| r s q r s t V w X y z a b c d e f xyzabcdefghiklm i k 1 m n p q r s t V w X y 19 2212211 13324 2455 3135455 q r a n p c f li a w on lor C[ v d y v 1 n x Francis Bacon Lord Verulam 61245122 56433 11344 56656 f i s p o b 111 t s a li y t i^ e b g in w c b t d Viscount Saint Alban wrote 6643 5466 g- li i z p k z e this play Sevex xVlphabets=03 Letters. Henry V. — p. 9."). (Key letters: col. 1, a, e; col. 2, i, n, w, t, o). The stops are made by the italics: col. ], flourish; col. 2, Henry. 1 2 .> •J 4 a b c d e f g h i I k 1 in n o p (| r s t V w X y z e f g h i k 1 ni 11 ! o p (] r s t v w x y z a b c d i k 1 ra n o p q r s t v w x y z a b c d e f g h n o p q r s t v w Av X y z a b c d e t V w X y z a b c x y z a b c d e f g h i k 1 m f g h i k 1 111 11 o p (] r s t \' d c f g h i k 1 in n o ]i (j r s o p q r s t V \v x y z a b c d e f g h i k 1 m n 1312114 15533 21 4146365 72274 f r a n c i s b a con 1 d a' v v n 1 a z v i f p t Francis Bacon Ld. Verulam Visct. 76 23533 445 5674326 64462 54657 St (• p b i 11 n w (1 w w t (| k w c b o (j x g c n e y r St. Alban and Anthony Bacon wrote 6766 4673 y q x x ]» z o m this play 20 Eight Alphabets = 72 Letters. The Two Gentleman of Verona. (Key letters: col. 1, none ; col. 2, c, u, i, n, e, t, s, 1). The letters are all italics. Stop at the original rule, or bar. 1 2 o O 5 6 7 8 a b c d c f g hi k 1 in n o p q r s t v w x y z s t V w X y z a 1) c d e f g h i k 1 m n o p q r g h i k 1 m n p (| r s t v w x y z a b c d e f 1 m n o p q r s t ^' w x y z a b c d e f g h i k c d e f g h i k 1 i ni n o p q r s t v w x y z a b b c d e f g h i k 1 m n o p q a b c d e f g h i k 1 m nop s t V w X y z a b c d c f g h 2 171467 63488 2 V c r f 1 a s V i s r n t Verulam Viscn t r s t V w X y z a q r s t V w X y z iklmnopq r 3 4 6 4 1 o r 111 Lord 3143112 12534 mrancis bacon Francis Bacon 65854 31252 425 s i i f t g d b g y fj w d Saint Alban and 5658646 83768 g w 1 (1 X p y o k X t p Anthony wrote 537 8527158 h p V m k X t li e k his brother 8267 3777 1 z z z h w q y this play Nine Alphabets = 81 Letters. (Key letters: col. 1, e, a, o, n; col. 2, 1, f, r, t, m). Stop — the horizontal rale under the head-line. 1 2 o G 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i wxyzabcde k I m n p q r s i k 1 m n o p (j[ r g h i k 1 m n o p b c d e f g h i k nop q r s t V w p (| r s t V w X y h i k 1 m n o p q k 1 m 11 o p q r s t V w x y z f g h i k 1 m 11 o p q r s t v t V w X y z a b c d e f g h i stv wxyzabcdef g h qrs t V wxyzabcde f 1 111 n o p q r s t V Av X y z a X y z a b c d e f g h i k 1 in z a b c d e f g h i k 1 m n o r stv wxyzabcde f g 21 1313313 12234 3441 7178423 34765457 f r a 11 k i s bacon 1 o r d v e r v 1 w m (^ i s c o q n t Francis Bacon Lord Verulam Viscount 84578 15262 37 4 167 8854126 5857892 s k i n p g g b b X p av ni h i o p r k p h e g h w p q x i y Saint Alban and his brotlier Antliony 86829 62696 79515 99989 q h y d n f z d p e p (| m c 1 1 m k t o Bacon wrote tliese plays It is time to return to the question, " Is it unimportant which letters are taken for use in these anagrams ? " or, " Will all or any letters suit the case, and produce the required sentence ? " Again the answer is, " Surely noty The following few observations may aid inquirers. The writer heartily wishes that they were more conclusive; but, in the beginnings of discovery, each new particular should be, Bacon says, as " a thread to be span upon." May others more able, taking up these loose ends, spin and weave them into stuff so tough as to be indestructible by any effort to wrest or rend it. Hints and Suggestions Concerning the Constitution of THE Cipher Alphabets. 1. In endeavouring to discover some underlying principle in the construction and application of these wheel ciphers, let no one be discouraged if, at a first glance, he fail to perceive any chain of con- nection — any bond of union amongst the detached letters collected by the "pointers." These so-called key letters are, after all, mere ingredients in so many alphabets, and we submit (with much diffi- dence) the suggestion that, not so much the key letters as the initial letters of the alphabets, their proportional distance from each other, and their sums (as well as the sums of the ci])her letters which they control), are the points upon which the whole matter will be found to turn. In all these calculations we continue to encounter number 9 and its multiples, and here also we have to remind Ourselves that Ave are dealing with a wheel cipher, and that we must be prepared to continue 22 counting round the wheel, so that A will sometimes have a value, not of 1 but of 25: B = 26, C = 27, and so forth. 2. The sum of the first '.) letters of the alphabet is a multiple of 9. Ai+B^ + C3 + D4 + E^ + F« + G7 + H« + P=45 (4 + 5=9). 3. If the first letter (A^) be dropped, and if the cipher alphabet be made to begin at B^ the 9th letter will be K^"; so that, practically, 1 has been subtracted, and 10 added, which is equal to the addition to the first alphabet of 9 only. B'^ + C' + D' + EHF6 + Cr + ff + r + K"'=54 (5 + 4 = 9). Proceeding in this fashion, we drop at the beginning of each new series, a number which, subtracted from the value of the letter added at the end, forms invariably a multiple of 9. This continues until we reach the 16th series, beginning with Q. But here (if the tetter.'^ be valued as before, A = l, B = 2, &c.), the regularity ceases. The alphabet whose initial letter is R, including A as the 9th letter, does not add up into a multiple of 9, and the sums of the succeeding alphabets to Z are irregular, as may be seen by the following table: — i.i7 + s'8^t^« + v'''' + w-' + x-' + y'-Hz-^* + a''=165 (1 + (1 + 5 = 12) si8 + t^^ + v-'' + w-' + x-" + y'^' + z-' + a-^ + b'^''=156 (l + 5 + (; = 12) ti9 + v^« + w'' + x^Hy-' + z'* + a' +b- +c'=135 (1+3 + 5= 9) V20^^^,21^^22^y.3^^-..4^.^1 ^|j. ^c' +d*=120 (1+2 =3) w-' + x^- + y'^ + z-Ha' +b- +0=* +d^ +c-^=105 (1 + 5 =6) x=i2+y« + z"+a' +b'+c^ +d* +e-'" +f "= 90 (9 + =9) y'^Hz'^ + ai+b' +c' +d* +e' +f "^ +g'= 75 (7 + 5 =12) z» + a' + b^+c^+d^+e,,+f « +g^ +h^= 60 (6 + =6) It should, however, be noted that, where these sums do not sinfjli/ amount to 9 or its multiples, two successive sums do so— e.g., 12 + 6=18, 3 + 6 = 9. We further observe that if (instead of continuing after the end of the first alphabet, to reckon as before A=l, B=2, &c.) we continue the numbering onward after the first z, and reckon A=25, B=26, C=27, and so forth the progression of 9 continues as a matter of course in the sums of the cipher letters. 4. A long course of experiments seems to have proved that no com- 23 binatiou of letters producing alphabets whose initials are all included in the first or the last 9 letters (a to i or q to z), nor even a series of alphabets in which these initials are in the majority, will produce the anagrams in question. In the sentence of 27 letters — " Francis Bacon irrote tliese plays'''' — 10 to K) letters have, in every attempt, remain unmatched. One or two such nonconformist alphabets may be introduced amongst a majority of others complying with the rest of the conditions seemingly exacted by the cipher rules; but of themselves (so far as present experience shows) they do not suffice to produce the signatures of Francis Bacon or his brother Anthony, neither do they produce any anagram to the purpose, nor api)roaching in completeness to the examples w^hich have been produced by (what seems to be) the correct method. 5. Further, it appears that these anagrams are not producible from alphabets in sequence, vitliin the first '.) letters; indeed, many sequent letters from any part of the alphabet seem (so far as has been tried) to fail in forming the anagrams. An effort to test this point has been made in the case, first, of the short sentences, by taking as initial letters the progression of three alphabets from A to Z, alphabets of which the initals are A, B, C> B, C, 1), C, D, E, &c.; but in no case has it been found possible to form a perfect anagram: indeed, out of the 27 letters first exi)erimented ujion, from 10 to 17 letters remained in each case unmatched. It will easily l)c believed that similar attempts \\\w\\ the enlarged sentences, including oCJ, Vo, 51, G3, 72, and Si letters, were equally failures. 6. "We have seen that the value of any ser.'cs of !) letters, beginning at A' and ending with Z'^^ has the sum of a nuiltiple of !). We have also seen that the sums of any 1) letters beginning with r, s, t, v, w, X, y, z, are " irregular," and, for the most \vA\i, do not form mul- tiples of 0. It now becomes a question how many of these nonconformist alphabets may be admitted into a scries of cijiher alphabets without upsetting the anagram ? We also inquire whether, where two or more such irregular successions of letters occur, any compensating circum- stances can be found to counterbalance them ? Without pretending to lay down rules, or to dogmatise on any ]u)iiit, we again venture to give the results of many experiments, all 24 tending to show tliat where the irregular series (with initials r to z) are introduced, the anagrams will still work out well, if there be a distance of 9 between two or more of the initial letters of the cipher alphabets. Take, for instance, the anagrams of 4 alphabets from the Merchant of Venice and from Richard III. (p. 17). In the former instance the value of the 9 letters in line 4 is=165. In the latter „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ =105. Neither of these lines has a sum c(|ual to a multiple of 1) (although the sum of the digits equals IS); but the letters r and w, with which they respectively commence, occur both together in the series of 5 alphabets from the Corned// of Errors (p. 18). In the example of 8 alphabets from the Ttvo Gentlemen of Verona (p. 20) the irregular initials r and s also appear. Yet all these collections of letters work out correct!//, and form their respective anagrams. When such is the case, a compensation seems to be found in the distances of the initial letters from each other, in the ordinary alpha- bet. To illustrate this, let us take the 8 initial letters from the Two Gentlemen of Verona (p. 20). They are these— a, s, g, e, c, r, q, i. On examining their distance from each other, we see that The distance from a to i {inclusive) is 9. ?» ?? ?? c 55 1 55 9. >5 »? 7» i 55 r 55 9. » 5» 15 q 55 a 55 9. ?) ?> J? r 55 a 55 9, »> J5 5' q 55 i 55 18, » »> :» a 55 s 55 18, »? !? V s 55 1 55 18, »> ?> 55 1 55 a 55 18 In the 4 alphabets from the Merchant of Venice the 4th line is irregular but then The distance from r to a (inclusive) is 9. 55 15 55 r ,, K ,, lO. Such is the usual experience, yet the rule does not always hold good. In the 4 alphabets from Richard III. there is an irregular line begin- 25 ning with w. In this case we find no distance of 9 between any of the lettei-s, yet the anagram works out rightly. Again we seek for some extenuating or compensating circumstance, and find one fact, of the value of which others must judge. We find that, of all the "irregular " alphabets, that beginning with w is the only one in which the letters from the first turn of the wheel, the first alphabet {i.e., w'-', x"", y-^ tt*) add up to a multiple of 9 — 21 + 22 + 2:^ + 2J:=90. The signatures to all the Shakespeare plays, as well as many others, have been worked out, and can be produced when required; but for the present we refrain from multiplying examples, for he who will not be at the pains to consider these few pages will surely not be persuaded to become industrious by the sight of many. On the other hand, these few hints and instances will suffice to encourage the true inquirer, who will speedily multiply his own experiences.* Let us sum up the points which seem needful for the construction of the cipher alphabets. 1. The added values of the first 9 letters should amount to a multiple of 9— i.e., 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81. 2. The initial letters of these alphabets must not be capable of being arranged in seqiionrc. 3. They must not all be drawn from the first 9 letters or from tlie last 9 letters of the English alphabet. 4. If they infringe these rules, the defect must, it seems, be compensated by ensuring that the distance between some two of them, at least, be equal to 9, inclusive, or — 5. The initial letters should have values which, added together, make a sum of 9. It now only remains that we briefly state the difficulties and objections which have been raised to what some are pleased to call our " theory." It is easy in a few words to propound a question or a difficulty which it would reijuire many pages to answer. We have endeavoured briefly to reply to the animadversions or contentions of l>6 friends and foes, and, to meet some of the thorniest points, have appended a few ilhistrations of anagrams ivithin the plays, and hints for extracting them. Queries, Objections, and Answers. Objections and criticisms liave been invited, and many have been received with regard to the present paper. These objections all range themselves under one or another of the following propositions: — 1. That the thing is impossible, to which we can only reply that, if a thing can be done, it is not impossible. We claim that it has been done. 2. The second objection is more reasonable, and demands a reply, proving as it does that the objectors have misunderstood the principle upon which the anagrams are suj^posed to have been inserted. Our explanation, then, cannot have been clear. " It is," say our friendly objectors, " inconceivable that the poet can have written his lines so as to ensure that certain letters shall be cut by lines ruled from the pointers, or by any such device. Think of the trouble, complication, expense, &c., &c ," all assuming the type to be elaborately marshalled so as to be cut by lines from the pointers, whereas, according to our own belief, the pointers were chiefly, and as a rule, placed so as to point to serviceable letters after the type was set up. If we write the word FINIS on a slip of card, and place it under the last line in a page, we see how easy it is {Jcnoiving what comhina- tions of letters to avoi/J) to make the uprights or pointers, F, I, I, direct the course of a ruler to letters serviceable for the cipher alpha- bets; or, at least, the slighest spreading out, or compression of the type, a slight pushing of a whole line to right or left will bring about the desired result, i^ or instance, in the names of the actors at the end of Measure for Measure, printed in italics, the whole number of i) letters is ruled through in col. 2, from the second I. The first I and the F point only to blank space. The same thing happens in The Merry Wives, Hamlet, and Cymheline, and in the dowmvard lines from F, I, at the end of Othello, where no letters are re(|uired in col. 1, because the required 9 key letters are found in col. 2. On the contrary, at the end of the Taming of the Shrew no key 27 letters are needed from col. 2. The second I, therefore, is shifted, so as to be placed immediately under the vertical line which divides the columns. It consequently points to no letters. That these arrangements are the result of contrivance, and done with an object, seems indubitable, and our convictions on this head are not diminished by a consideration of the way in which FIX IS is squeezed in at the end of Much Ado and Fixrs in the Winter's Tale. We do not, however, pretend to prove this matter by any one particular; rather, it must prove itself by a multitude of small pieces of evidence, and chiefly by its results. 3. The next, and perhaps most common, objection is that the alpha- bets which make our series of sentences will " make anything " — that it would be as easy to produce a record that Wilham Shakespere wrote the plays as that Francis Bacon did so. In fact, many critics have produced such records, which they consider as " quite satisfactory," or " accurate enough for a puzzle." Such statements, although incorrect, have in them some grains of truth. The cipher alphal)ets will not make " anything," but they will make a great variety of sentences in no way to the point, having no relation whatever to the matter in hand. We have suc- ceeded in concocting a variety of sentences, all differently worded, and in no form of progression, declaring that Victoria the Good, Queen of Great Britain and Empress of India, has reigned for sixty years, that we celebrate her Diamond Jubilee, that we wish her long life and many blessings. We have been able to declare that she wrote the Shakespeare plays, and that Ben Jonson wrote them. We have also been able to write a portion of our own name and address. But to what purpose are such things ? They are useless, excepting to strengthen the evidence that the anagrams are constructed upon mathematical principles and by calculation founded upon the compo- sition of the English alphabet. But the far-seeing Bacon must have seen enough to " create a perfect guess " that, hereafter, controversies must arise concerning the mighty works, the vast library which he was preparing in secret, to be(|ueath to posterity. With regard to the Shakespeare plays, he would know for certain that if the authorship were ascribed to any one. 28 excepting himself, it would be to the man whose name approached to that on the title-page. He and his friends seem, consequently, to have contrived that by no means shall the record that William Shake- spere, of Stratford-on-Avon, wrote these plays be producible in any perfection, or in any progressive form, from our cipher alphabets. This point about William Shakespere has,we need hardly say, exercised the brains of opponents and friends alike. The following anagrams appear to the decipherers " very fairly perfect — quite sufficient to show the drift," or " eminently successful," that is, in the sense of proving that anything can be made, and that there is as much against as in favour of the Baconian anagrams. (1) Will. Shaxpurre writ these plays (27 letters — 3 couples + + + unmatched. (2) Will™. Shakp""*. wrote these plays (27 letters — 4 couples un- + + + + matched). (3) Will. Shaxper, of Stratford, writ these plays (36 letters — 6 couples unmatched). (4) The immortal Will™. Shakespeare wrote al 1 theseplays + ++ + + + + + + + (=45 letters — 10 couples unmatched). (0) WilHam Shakespeare, the sweet Swan of Avon wrote all + + + + of these pi ays (=54 letters — 10 couples unmatched). + + + ++ + (5) Willy Shaxper, the sweetest of poets, wrote these + + ++ + + + plays (^45 letters — 9 couples unmatched). + + And so on, the imperfections usually increasing with the increase of the number of letters; whereas, in the Baconian anagrams the facility of working the anagrams to perfection, becomes greater in proportion as the t)'s are added on. * Since the above was written wc have made simpler and more perfect anagrams of the kind ; but they do not admit of regular progression. 29 Only one anagram of this kind has been submitted to the writer, which is, so far as it goes, complete. It is this: — " Will. Shakespeare ivrote these plays lomself'\ — 36 letters). But here the very sentence proclaims itself made up- it is no part of a progression or gradual development of sentences, and the imperfect word " h'mself " is, to say the least, superfluous. 4. Since the above paragraphs were written, a further objection has been raised which may take the following form : " Your idea of the importance of the number 9 in this matter is merely fanciful. Any other digit would equally well answer the purpose, and produce similar sentences." To this our answer is threefold : — (a) The statement is incorrect. Having worked out with the same key letters as in our example anagrams with squares of 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, we have found that about 1 in G of such attempts have been quite perfect. For the rest the average of faults, or unmatched letters, is from 2 to G or 7, according to the numbers of letters used. (h) By no means could the perfect sentence, " Francis Bacon Lord Verulam Viscount Saint Alban and his brother, Anthony Bacon, wrote these plays," be produced by any digit but 9, seeing that the sentence contains 9 x 9, or 81 letters. (c) Sentences from other digits must after all follow the rules for the anagrams of the square of 9. The writer, before seeking for criticism or help, worked out, in order to obtain satisfactory evidence on this matter, upwards of 70 anagrams in which (with due variety of spelling or abbreviation) wc endeavoured to make the anagram declare that Will, William, or Will"^., Shaksper, Shakspere, Shikspur, Shakspurre, Shakesper, Shakespere, Shaxpur, Shaxpurre, Shaxper, or Shaxspere (with many more variations and modifications) "wrote these plays." We attempted to make sentences in a progression of 9's, bringing to our aid epithets such as "■greatest,''' "■most famous,''' '■'■heaven-lorn'''' "^oeC' and with the addition of '■'■actor,''' '•'■manager,''' '■'■Stratford," and " Strafford-on-Avon." Rarely was the effort successful, and the successful instances are " made up" and not ''■progressive" sentences. 30 If any have courage to pursue this investigation a stage further, and to try the result by a progression of anagrams (which, beginning as usual with 27 or od letters, advance through all the stages until they reach cora})letion), he may have a better reward for his labours hij introducing a neijative. He must, however, in the advanced sentences, introduce not only the address and avocations of the man, Will. Shakspere, but some unpleasing epithets found elsewhere in connection with him, and with which we at present refrain from shocking the eyes of our readers. Those who weary of the terminal records may perhaps be better pleased with some, arranged on precisely similar principles, excepting that the key letters are given, separatelg or in one word, and which are scattered throughout the plays. Let them consider, for instance, the letters M, 0, A, I, by which the laughing waiting woman contrives to hoax Malvolio in Twelfth Night (ii, 5): " M, 0, A, I," he soliloquises, '■''What should that alphaT)etical sequence portend ? " In the present instance, as in the examples given, it is sufficient to set the letters on the wheel, and the sentence will appear — "Francis Bacon Lord Verulam wrote this play;" or, " Francis and Anthony Bacon wrote these plays." * At the end of the same play {Twelfth Night, v, 1) is another sug- gestive sentence — " And. so the whirligig of time brings about its revenges.'''' A whirligig is a wheel; and the " revenges" of time, for all that the author has undergone, are brought about when we place T, I, M, E, on the wheel. Then again the oracle declares — "Francis Bacon Lord Verulam wrote this play." In the Tuw Oentlemen of Verona we read — * We are indebted to Dr. I. Hull Piatt for noting that anagrams in early quartos cannot have been intended to include the titles in the first of the forms given above, and see below the first instance from Hamlet where the spelling seems to suggest the earlier date. SI " Then may I set tlie ivorhl on wheels.'''' Before thus setting the cipher letters on the wheels, we made a host of experiments which proved how excellently the Xame of the great Proteus is capable of " heing transformed and made to turn in the ivheeir The letters t, h, e, w, o, r, 1, d, add up in the following sequences of 9:— e' + d' =9 e' +l'' + r" + w'' =54 d* + o^* =18 w^'+r'^ + o" =54 e5 + h8 + oi4 =27 l"+o^Hr'' + w^i =r,3 h« + ti« =27 d*+e-' +P' + o'^ + h« +w-^ = G;3 h« + l" + v'' =30 d*+l" + r'' + t'^ + w='i =72 w*' + P' + d* =;5(; c' + d' +l'^ + o'^ + r'' + w-' = 72 e^t'^+w^' =45 eHr' + r'' + h^+t'«+w'' = 81 w-Hl" + h* + e'^ =45 The distances also are — From e to w= 9. >» »? 'J 99 1 )9 t = 9. ?> »9 »9 99 99 r 99 a= 9. >J ?1 99 99 t 9) 1 = 9. »> )' »9 99 • 1 w 11 e = 9. ^1 11 ?^ 1 1 .1 a • 1 h=18. »> 99 91 9t n d 11 w=18. ?» 9» >9 99 99 h 99 a =1S. •? 9? 9> 99 99 1 99 t =is. {Besides extra counts backwards). The upshot of the whole calculation is the statement that — " Francis Bacon Lord Verulam Viscount Saint Alban and his brother Anthony Bacon wrote this play." One more instance, and we have done. In Hamlet, where 0])helia comes in demented, she utters these strange words : " You must sing downe-a-downe, and you call him a-downe-a. Oh, hoiv the wheele becomes it ! " Ao-ain, we find how excellently well the wheel does " become " or fit 32 this word ''^ a-doivney Here, once more, the sums of the letters form multiples of 9, having a maximum of 54. d* + e' = 9 w2i + o'' + a' =36 a' + d' +n'' =18 w" + o'* + e'' + d* =45 w" + e'''+a^ =-Il w^i + ni^ + e''' + dHa' + a'=45 w^' + n'Ha' + a' =30 w'' + o'* + n'^ + d' + a' + a' = 54 The distances are- -From E to N= 9. ?» ?> »? 59 N „ W= 9. ?? J5 5? 5? W „ E= 9. )) »> 1> ?? D „ W=18. ?> »> 5? 5? „ A=18. From the six alphabets (not repeating the A) we once more receive the messages, handed down for the information of future ages — "Francis Bacon and his brotlier, Anthonie Bacon, wrote these plaies." ''Francis Bacon Lord Verulam Viscount Saint Alban wrote this play." ■^X^KiX" EGBERT BANKS AND SON, PRINTERS, LONDON. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ^ - - ^ - - - s - NOV 2 61.. 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