GIFT OF Field Artillery Training ENLISTED JvTHB ARMY WAR CO: AUGUST. 1917 m DISTRIBUTION ONE TO EACH GENERAL OFFICER ONE TO EACH GENERAL STAFF OFFICER TEN TO EACH DIVISION H. Q. TEN TO EACH ARTILLERY BRIGADE H. Q. SEVENTY-FIVE TO EACH FIELD ARTILLERY REGIMENT ONE TO EACH ARTILLERY OFFICER NOT ON DUTY WITH A REGIMENT iX,'S • Qf^^in&-r2i.\ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFHCE 1917 UF'^0^ 43^ WAR DEPARTMENT, Document No. 657. Office of The Adjutant General. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, August 21, 1017. The following pamphlet on Artillery Training, Enlisted, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [353.548, A. G. O.] By oeder of the Secretary of War : H. L. SCOTT, Major General, Chief of Staff. Official : H. P. McCAIN, The Adjutant General. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Field Artillery training, enlisted 7 Concentrated training — 16 weeks 8 First period 8 Second period 14 Appendix A 18 Appendix B 20 Appendix C 22 Appendix D 24 Appendix E 25 Record 29 Exhibit X 31 5 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING, ENLISTED. Responsibility for the training of tlie troops committed to their charge rests on all commanders. Subject to the principles laid down in the various training manuals, regulations, and this general program, commanders are at liberty to employ such Dsethods as appear best calculated to attain the desired end. Superior commanders, while holding their subordinates re- sponsible for the training of their units, will never forego their function of guidance and control and will exercise a general and continuous supervision over their work. In carrying out this duty they should not curb the initiative of their subor- dinates nor Interfere unnecessarily so long as the training is conducted on sound lines. Without trained cadres of officers and men to carry on the instruction, the presence of all battery officers with their bat- teries is essential for the proper instruction of their men, espe- cially during the period of preliminary instruction, and officers should not be taken from the batterie^ to perform staff or other duties for which staff officers are provided. The captain must supervise the instruction of the sections of his battery, advise the lieutenants, and make corrections when- ever necessary to produce results. Training must include both moral and physical instruction. The development of a soldierly spirit is required to help the soldier bear fatigue, privation, and danger cheerfully ; to imbue him wath a sense of honor ; to give him confidence in his supe- riors and comrades ; to increase his powers of initiative, of self- confidence, and of self-restraint; to train him to obey orders or to act suitably in their absence ; to impress upon him that so long as he is physically capable of fighting, surrender to the enemy is a disgraceful act ; and finally to produce such a state of discipline that each individual will perform his duty coolly and correctly in the stress of battle. As soon as a man enters the service every endeavor should be made to foster in him a soldierly spirit. Officers and non- 7 H FIEI.D ARTILLERY TRAINING. commissioned officers must remember that it is chiefly by their example that the development of a soldierly spirit will be achieved. Field Artillery, newly organized, will be composed of men having little or no military training, and officers with some military training, but for the greater part with little or no experience as officers. It is essential that some scheme of instruction be announced which, with the modifications made necessary by climate and season, will produce troops uniformly and thoroughly trained along the same lines. The varying conditions as to equipment and materiel forbid the enunciation of a rigid, detailed program even if such a plan was considered wise. A system is sought which will harmonize the instruction of all the Field Artillery without robbing com- manding officers of initiative or relieving them of any of their responsibility for the fitness of their commands. Time being limited, concentration on the duties demanded of the Field Artillery in the present trench warfare is imperative. A general program of instruction, based on a minimum of 40 actual drill hours per week, is attached hereto and marked "Ap- pendix A." Based upon this program all commanders and in- structors must prepare schedules covering the work allotted to them. The performance «f all training by schedule is essential. CONCENTRATED TRAINING— 16 WEEKS. The 16 weeks which it is considered may be devoted to con- centrated training before required for service abroad will be divided into two general periods as follows : (a) The first or fundamental period will last about four weeks and will cover instruction to be given to all Field Artil- lery soldiers. (&) The second period will be devoted to specialized instruc- tion for the individual and all higher units. FIRST PERIOD. It is not sufficiently realized to what an extent the success of a soldier's training depends upon the use of his first days in the military life. His mind from a military standpoint is open for fresh impressions; his moral courage, esprit, and patriotism can be easily aroused and stimulated ; he is unconsci- FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. 9 ously weighing tlie service, and much of his later value rests with his first instructors. Tlie objects of drill are to teach discipline, to acquire military knowledge and proficiency. Discipline is founded on cheerful obedience, mutual confi- dence, loyalty, patriotism, and esprit de corps. The necessity for the insistence upon small points of dis- cipline must be emphasized. Officers should everywhere and at all times present a model in appearance and military deport- ment for the men. This is as much the duty of the senior mili- tary commander as of the junior subaltern; salutes accorded juniors as well as seniors should be punctiliously observed and strictly conform to regulations. The details of dress, hair cut- ting, cleanliness of body and clothing, shaving, correct wearing of equipment, etc., should never be neglected. Officers must possess an interest in the men of their organizn- tion and be quick to observe mental and physical depression. The sympathetic adaptation of instruction in individual cases where men are " blue " or down in spirit will have great influ- ence on the general morale. A man out of spirit tends to de- press the enthusiasm of others and should be given a change of duty and kept busy at something which will hold his interest. Due to the home life and family ties of our drafted forces, this condition will arise frequently, and commanding officers must be prepared to meet the situation. To excuse the man from duty will only give him idle time in which *to brood and is the worst procedure, but, as it is the easiest way, officers must guard against this mistake. Men are taught in three ways : By verbal explanations. — This should be used with caution, as many points never reach the mind of the hearer, and those which do may be soon confused or forgotten. By demonstration. — ^This creates an impression which is probably clear for the moment and lasts for a time. By requiring performance of the action taught. — This method is the only one to use where practicable ; most men retain knowl- edge of and can do again that which they have already done. The subjects taught during the first period of about four weeks are such as will apply to every Field Artillery soldier. No soldier, whatever his position, should be without certain fundamental training. It is better to assume in this regard that each man is a recruit until he can demonstrate the con- 9915°— 17 2 10 FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. trary, as many men of some slight military experience soon fall behind when not given the regular instruction. Based upon a time allotment of 16 weeks, no battery organiza- tion should be attempted at first. Arrange all men in four or five sections, assigning to sections in proportion some men of previous military training and men who seem to stand out above the others. These sections should be uniform in size and not too large. They should be permanent for the first period, the men of a section drilling, bunking, and messing together and having noncommissioned officers and acting noncommis- sioned officers assigned as permanent section leaders. A lieutenant should be permanently assigned in charge of one branch of instruction and be given as permanent assistants certain selected men whose individuality or previous military experience mark them as probable noncommissioned officers. The training of these assistants is the duty of the instructor, but when competent as assistants they are temporarily detached one at a time and sent to learn under other instructors. The organization commander supervises and is responsible for all instruction. He will attend to all details pertaining to general administration and schedules, and wall relieve the in- structors assigned to particular branches of all worry and detail not an essential part of that particular instruction. It will be his duty to prepare weekly schedules showing the hours of attendance of all sections and for all instruction. A sample of such a schedule arranged for five sections and an actual drill time of seven and one-half hours daily is appended, marked "Appendix B." It assumes an officer or qualified noncommis- sioned officer available as instructor in each of the five divisions. The sections attending the first hours should alternate by weeks in the instruction attended. This weekly time schedule is based on a general schedule for the first period which must be prepared by organization commanders under the supervision of battalion and regimental commanders. This schedule must allot instruc- tion periods for each subject to be covered in the period. Sample schedule attached, marked "Appendix C." Lecture subjects are selected and assigned to officers who will thoroughly prepare themselves upon the subject or subjects as- signed. Rather than have an officer lecture upon a subject un- prepared, the instruction should be omitted. Inclement weather is generally utilized for lectures, but when necessary they are introduced into the schedule. FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. 11 The following subjects should be included in the first period. Artillery. — Daily for the entire period. Weekly programs of instruction are arranged by the officer in charge of artillery instruction and are submitted to battery (and battalion) com- manders for approval. The different artillery instructors in the organizations of the regiment should be assembled and lectured upon the particular subject " Preparation of sched- ules " by the most competent artillery advisor available, and thereafter should frequently confer with this officer and with one another. Drill and Service Regulations for Field Artillery, liandbooks of the Ordnance Department, and Artillery Notes issued by the War Department and School of Fire for Field Artillery should be in the possession of all instructors and thoroughly mastered by them. They will prepare and issue, in whatever way may be practicable, list of nomenclature, rules for care of materiel, diagrams of positions, and such other memo- randa as will aid the instruction. Instruction in the detailed service of the piece must be thorough and is always more or less monotonous. This may be relieved somewhat by keeping records and stimulating competition. The schedule will be arranged to include the care of a^l materiel. Sample of schedule attached, marked "Appendix D." Mounted. — Daily for the entire period. Weekly programs of instruction by the officer in charge as for Artillery. Instructors are lectured in same manner. The programs of instruction should include the morning police of stables (by the section at- tending during the first hour). Grooming is a part of the schedule, and horses are either assigned for the purpose or the nen groom those they use. Instructor should study care- fully the Field Service Regulations for Field Artillery and service manuals on the care of animals, shoeing, etc. The fol- lowing points covered in the Regulations must be applied from the first : Riding instruction should begin at the walk on gentle liorses and over varied ground, either with or without saddles ; unbroken, nervous, or vicious horses should be assigned to picked men for gentling; men having a natural timidity about horses should be given only the quiet animals. The fitting and care of harness, saddles, and bridles should be a matter of schedule. As men become accustomed to riding, the quiet horses should be trained to draft ; the men of the most aptitude should then begin training the remaining horses. 12 FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. Dismounted instnwtion.^^DaUy for the entire period. Weekly- programs of instruction by tlie officer in clmrge as for Artillery. Dismounted instruction is of importance for Field Artillery and is a valuable aid in teaching discipline, soldierly bearing, and alertness. It is combined throughout the period with instruction in calisthenics, guara duty, etc. (See remarks on Appendix A.) Kecruits should always be marched to and from drills by squads and at attention. Calisthenics. — Daily for the entire period, with dismounted instruction. Purely as a setting-up exercise, it is best to adopt a few simple exercises which will become known to the soldiers. Swinging exercises which affect a large part of the body are preferable, particularly to supple men more or less muscle bound. The in- structors should regularly execute the exercises with the squad. An object is the development of an athletic spirit in the sol- dier, and to this end running, jumping, and games of different kinds are recommended. Boxing is useful in developing a fight- ing spirit, if required of all men, whether skilled or not. Guard duty. — Beginning with first week and continued until qualified. The performance of guard dutV should interfere as little as practicable with concentrated instruction. Extracts from Manual of Interior Guard Duty and Camp Guard Regu- lations should be prominently posted where easily accessible to all soldiers. Where printing facilities are available, a copy of these extracts should be issued to each man. Hygiene. — Beginning with first week and continued until in- structed. Personal hygiene is taught by schedule, practically, and by lectures, and is observed and regulated at all times. Hy- giene and sanitation applicable to camps, marches, billets, bivouac, etc., are taught by lectures and, where possible, by practice. The instructors in this subject should be lectured by competent and practical medical officers. After once outlining the principle of hygiene as a matter of schedule, it is after- wards fixed as a habit by observation and inspection. A prac- tical talk by one of the officers on venereal diseases should sup- plement lectures given by medical officers. Individual cooking. — First period by schedule. To include building of fires. Instruction in the actual methods of cooking can best be had in battery kitchen under direction of mess sergeant or cook. Practical individual cooking will be a part of camping, etc., in second period. FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. 13 Salutes, courtesies, customs of ilie service, rules of war, rights of prisoners of war, parole, articles of war particularly affect- ing the individual soldier. — Included in the schedule as a part of the first period of instruction. By lectures and practically for such as admit of practical application. It is important to make soldiers realize what information is of value to the enemy and the methods generally pursued by the enemy in obtaining this information from prisoners. Use of gas masks. — By schedule for first period. Theoretical and practical by a medical officer or other qualified instructor. Sufficient masks for one battery will probably be issued to each regiment. Instruction periods for batteries will be designated by regimental commanders. Manual on gases which prescribe requirements for qualification in use of masks will be issued by Medical Department. Pistol. — (a) Manual, nomenclature, care of. To begin with issue of pistols until qualified. (b) Use of. To begin as soon as sufficient pistols are avail- able. Men to be qualified in pointing and aiming, triangles, slow fire at short ranges, quick fire at short ranges. Advance will be made only when qualified in preceding exercise. The object desired is to train all men to deliver a quick fire and kt short distance to be able to hit a figure. Note. — Practice rods for use with miniature targets will assist in this instruction. Where not available, a long lead pencil with eraser may be of some assistance. Individual records. — By schedule first week of first petiod. Age, nationality, languages spoken, education, occupation in de- tail. From this investigation the following lists should be made : (a) Probable candidates for commissions (to be observed aM sent to special school for officers). (&) Probable noncommissioned officers. (c) Men for special details. ( d ) Men well below the normal whose military value will be limited. Measurement for clothing. — By schedule first week of first period. Depending upon clothing available for issue this should be followed by clothing issues, instruction in methods of wear- ing, etc. Blanket rolls, surplus kit, field kit, slicker roll, other eqmp- wetit— Preparation, contents, methods of carrying. Inspection for barracks and field. Instruction by schedule during first' period. Thereafter observed and details insisted upon. Dla- 14 FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. grams and lists should be prepared and freely exposed where they may be readily consulted. Shelter tents. — Instruction in pitching during first period. By schedule as a part of dismounted drill. Arrangement of shelter tent camp of a battery for various differing conditions should be outlined. First aid. — Practical by schedule during first period. Drills must be short and for small number of men at a time. In- structors should prepare schedule after consultation with and training by medical officers. All lectures should, if practicable, be given by competent medical officers. The protection against tetanus, gangrene, and gas must be especially covered. Vermin and trench diseases of all kinds must be made known to all soldiers. Adopt the principle of informing the soldier fully con- cerning the conditions prevailing where he may serve. Signaling. — Beginning in first period. An opportunity should be given for all men to learn, but thorough instruction will be limited to about 25 per cent of the battery. During first period given general instruction which will enable all men to learn the prescribed codes. Have signal cards posted where they may be readily consulted. The special instruction of some men may be undertaken at once. Simple cordage. — To include only simple hitches, clove hitch, bowline, square knot, and some idea of the use of blocks and tackles. To be of practical value in tying animals, fastening ropes in assisting difficult draft, and in care and assembling of materiel. Note. — Particular attention must be given to developing in Field Artillery an enthusiasm for the Infantry with whom they fight. As the Infantry training progresses, the Field Artillery should be taken to witness the drill of well-qualified units, par- ticularly in such matters as bayonet fighting, bombing, etc. This drill should- be made real and alive by informal talks in which are included reports or remarks on actual happening, both our own and the enemy. This lecture should include data on bombs, grenades, etc., with relative effects of each. SECOND PERIOD. ^ Men are rearranged into general classes of drivers, can- noneers, and men training for special details and duties. The men qualified in special duties should be double the number nec- essary in the normal battery organization. Make a general division of the battery in three sections. FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. 16 First section will comprise all special details as follows : Signal. Telephone. Noncommissioned officers not required as instructors. Mechanics, horseshoers, saddlers, farriers, carpenters, etc. Cooks and candidates, buglers. Other men not assigned. Second section will comprise men assigned duty in connection with the service of the gun, cannoneers. Third section will comprise drivers. SUGGESTED GENERAL SCHEDULE, FIFTH TO SIXTEENTH WEEK (INCLUSIVE). Fifth to seventh week, individual instruction : A. M. p. M. Driver Mounted Dismounted, pistol and artillery. Cannoneers Artillery Mounted, dismounted and pistol. Special details Special Special, pistol (dismounted at least once a week). Note. — Drivers should have artillery instruction about three times per week in p. m. ; cannoneers, mounted instruction. Dis- mounted instruction (which will cover all instructions except mounted and artillery) will be daily in p. m. for drivers and cannoneers and occasionally for special details. Pistol for all men until sufficiently instructed. Instructors in artillery and mounted will coordinate schedules and training. Eighth to twelfth week, battery instruction : A. m. Drivers, cannoneers, and special details will be given maximum time on their special work. Battery commander ar- ranges the work of the different details into a battery organiza- tion. P. m. Same as for fifth to seventh week. Thirteenth week : Battery work. Occupation of positions, day and night. Lay- ing out of gun positions and emplacements. Practice of leaving camp, entraining, marching, etc. P. m. Work on special instruction. Fourteenth week : Battalion and battery work. To include selection and occu- pation of position, construction of complete emplacement, simple firing problem. .16 FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. Fifteenth and sixteenth weeli : Firing instruction and practice from selected position, firing from emplacement, relieving artillery in emplacement firing problems with aerial observation, service practice wearing gas masks, barrage practice. Drivers. — Instruction of drivers includes: 1. Training of new animals for draft. 2. Training of the animals assigned for draft. 3. Draft over terrain of all kinds. It is important that drivers should know the powers and limitations of the team un- aided and the best method of negotiating difficult obstacles; the powers and limitations of the team v/hen aided by can- noneers. 4. Movements on the battle field, concealment, location of limbers, teams, etc. 5. Care of animals in field, forage, feeding, watering, picket lines, care of feet under bad conditions, care of harness. Par- ticular care to be gi\en to the shoulder, neck, and back of horses. Draft to include night occupation of positions and marches. Special instruction. — Instructors must be specially qualified. Instruction should conform to Drill Regulations and be adapted to needs of the present war. Communication. — Wireless, wire, ground, flag, pigeon, special with aetoplane, rockets, etc. Construction and occupation of observing stations : (a) Near battery or regiment. (&) In trenches. Use of maps, map reading, orientation, construction, field sketches, panoramic sketches, trench maps. Simulated field service using gas masks. Instruments, field glasses, special instruments, angle measure- ment with and without instruments. Changes in data from day to day, due to weather conditions. Cover and camouflage. Movements at night: Mechanics, cooks, etc. Practical instruction for position sought. Artillery. — To begin in fifth week with a complete review of first four weeks' instruction and to be continued by a progres- sive program which will accomplish (a) thorough training of individuals as cannoneers ; ( & ) thorough training of the squads of cannoneers as a battery. riEID AKTILLERY TRAINING. 17 Pistol, as in first period, to include practical handling of arm and qualified when able to fire quickly and accurately on figure targets. Castrametation. To include location of camps, sanitation, drainage, etc., pitching tents authorized. Messing in camp, bivouac, billet. Gas masks. To complete qualification. Officers. — The instruction of officers of newly organized regi- ments, or of newly appointed officers, is a function of battalion and higher commanders. In addition to training of the enlisted personnel, officers must, by a proper course of reading and study and practical exercises, prepare themselves for all duties required of them as officers. Regimental and battalion commanders should outline and re- quire of all officers a proper course of reading, study, and prac- tical exercises, to the end that they will at the proper time be able to perform any duty which properly pertains to their posi- tion. This will require a great deal of study and work in addi- tion to the time which they must devote each day to the in- struction of enlisted men. Some of this work may be outlined as follows : 1. Study and recitation in : Drill Regulations, Field Service Regulations, Manual of Courts-Martial. 2. Army Regulations, customs and courtesies of the service. (Lecture.) 3. Rules of land warfare, with particular attention to present war, prisoners of war, paroles, etc. 4. Sketching, maps, map reading, construction and use of scales, use of French maps, etc. 5. Use of rang^finding, fire-control, and signal equipment, in- cluding tests of buzzer and telephones. 6. Observation of fire and the correction of errors. 7. Smoke bombs, terrain board, blackboard, and simulated fire. (See Appendix "E.") 8. Reconnaissance, selection, and occupation of positions. 9. Firing by map, use of compass in obtaining deflections. 10. Computation of fire data. 11. Close shooting as required in trench warfare. An extract of a report hereto attached, marked "Appendix X," is based upon British training in their cadet schools and should be consulted by regimental commanders in the prepara- tion of schedules for officers' training. 9915°— 17 3 18 FIELD AETILLERY TRAINING. ^ s •S9jrno9T H "V I S i -pre-^sjij 1 -- : 1 8S 'duiBo pire 3[0Bxreq 'icuosj9d 'anpyS^iH -" ^S" x'90IAa9S noi^BuiJOjui ijginOJB P19TJ: § -dmb9 pire siBraraB Suiptjoi -un puB SuipBoj 'aniu\Bj:jua {3 •{oj^uoo-ajy puB Smpng aSuBj 's;u9ram'}siq ^ j -aaz-inq ootAjes oqx .^ 1 S ! -SuiiuutSTS l^nsTA «« « 1 g 1 -aonoBjd QOTAjag ) — S i -aonoBjdjaqn^oqng | g 1 -iOAup aqj, 1 2 1 -pO^JTmOtn J9TPI0S 9V[Jj 1 t' •sgjqBis puB siBinraB jo OJBO 'guraioojS puB's9iqB;p «c •^U9xndinb9 esjoq 'jo 9JB0 pub' ajruBioueraojsi «o •SUOTIISOd jo noT^Bdnooo puB soqajBin 9;noj 'paiimom /^id]ivq aqx i i2 •lITjp SB2-14UV 1 .* ::::': : : : :"^^ • •■c^^^ ....... .«5Q0 ; ; tooo ; lOtvOOOOOOU-S \^<£) '■ '. •. •. : . t- l^ t^ rt< "^t -* rfi ri< t}* CO (M -*•.*<-* ".* «(NCSes«C^C^iMC^C^lN(N(N c^^S^'^^^'J^'S^'c^ CO cs ^S^ CO «C OS ■* 00 lO lO CO Ol ; 1 CO (N coo 00 1 1 •■• 1 1 r/J <5 Eh W O QQ — 1 « cocoeoe«'*«oioJH ^^r^ - ;5';5^;5' JcS';?;^' : : : : ■* • ; f- . .Tt* ;t^ ; ; 1 '*' : : ; ;-; : : c§'sS'^;S*;S';S'd?;5';S'i";i lr.S< ^^^:!^:^ ;h '.'** ', — eoeoccMMMcccocoeccoeo eo CO CO CO CO CO eo CO CO CO CO CO i IP pi 1 ,1* la II Eighth week.... Ninth week Tenth week Eleventh week. . Twelfth week... Thirteenth week Fourteenth weei 1 ii 1 c t Thirteenth week Fourteenth week Fifteenth week.. .Sixteenth week - a . c<3«^«M d 0.2 o c a . § © O pj «3 "^^ OT m mm SS a C^ ^ ai M J3 fl.^-fe c! "^ a <=! •^-^as IS.- M 2 5-s fa. -^ .5 •? V. ^ 5" l3^'§ :3f!^> 15^ so FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. M 03 ^ S ft ^=1 jj ,-4 3> Sf . • -J !-l S o 51 ft 1 o|^ 1^ » ^ :s ! ft p^ a ^- 1 1 1 ^ift a a n m < ' S t a 1 1 pi I > -gg ^^^> ^ "? § C3 !*'Jj c a s rs-e c 2 o st c .2 ftO <; 1^ ft S Pi 11 c-sa 5-? .2 I -I 99 FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. o M M X P>q a ^ z H ^ < ^ ^3 a B ® © »- s o vi (S CD is 05 it o i| 1-1 ■g 2 s •Is ^ •0 .°l I2 rt 08 s a§ »+» f §1 « fi 1' s 9i .-a uard inst as masks talk aboi alk on wa of war; ri •|||| 00 Eh CQ S(S* : > : ; .' ! I <£> ! .-H ; •3 ® d d d I ■S-o T3 -a -o-a : "5 : ; — ; ^ — : : >. • : s a C3 1 1 tA if 1 s^ i e £(S m FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. o A ^ S "^ sg, -d cr £ G d5. 1 "H 3§ w S R o ■:^ 3 ^ 1 g H-( 03.2 a || a §a So.2 ft si §a 5c "^ ft >> C3 >i ^ "O ^ 1 H 1=4 m CO — n Tj t ^3 P C -a c c ■^ i if 1 a ij- o . -« 1 a 1 . i 1 1 ! 2 t i ill -C 3 g 8 d ?8^ — C3 ^« ■p«2: -^ijflO M e oc 1 i \i • 03 • :a • 's M : :° 03 • • » be J : is "35 « !•-< 13 1 ! (J" pj 1 • s S3 -^ C o c OX5 2 '^ 'O'Z •O^ i ■ :3 d ; •g • xi • K J J O , ■ -d • • s -d ,' I a> § ; ; o c d c o o a -^ -O-c TJ-d .2 ft -d ; ; (U 1 = ■ d c d d o -c 'O'C •d-d S >> •" ; u .^ "3 ° d o o o ti ''- •o-c -d-d . a > > ' 03 SI Is ^.1 SI > 1 1^ P3 C3 « 03 Oo o3 0-" SI 24 FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. Appendix D. ; -, ^ FIRST WEEK. Monday : h hour — General nomenclature, purpose and operatioa of piece and caisson. 1 hour — To form gun squad. To tell off gun squad. Posts o^ gun squad, carriages limbered. To post the gun squad. Posts of the cannoneers, limbered. To post cannoneers, limbered. Tuesday : 1 hour — Review general nomenclature. To mount cannoneers. To dismount cannoneers. Posts of cannoneers unlimbered but not prepared for action. To change posts. i hour — General description and operation of sights, quadrant, and fuze setter. Wednesday : 1 hour — Movements by hand, limbered. Duties in unlimbering — Action front. Action rear. Limbering — Front and rear. i hour — Tools and accessories. Kinds and use of projectiles. Thursday : 1 hour — Duties in unlimbering, action right and left. Limbering rear. i hour — Operation of sights, quadrant, and fuze setter, Friday: • 1 hour — General review. Movements by hand, unlimbered. i hour — General duties of gunner, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Saturday : IJ hours — Nomenclature and care of materiel (practical cleaning, oiling, disassembling, and assembling). SECOND WEEK. Monday : The range scale and the panoramic sight ; duties of gunnec. Tuesday : The range quadrant — To open and close breach. Duties of — No. 1 ; review. No. 2. FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. 25 Wednesday : The fuze setter — Duties of 3, 4, 5. Thursday : The deflection ; the site. Measure deflection and site. Friday : Review of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Saturday : Practical nomenclature ; cleaning, etc. THIRD WEEK. Monday : Exercises in duties of gunner 1 ; 2. Exercises In duties of gunner 3 ; 4 ; 5. Tuesday : Same as Monday. Explanation of action of projectiles. Wednesday : Explanation of making changes in setting at commands. Thursday : Same as Wednesday and Monday. Friday : Movements of carriages ; unlimbered to prepare for action. Saturday : Use of oils ; tools ; method of carrying ; care ; cleaning ; nomenclature. FOURTH WEEK. Monday : Review of first week ; drill of gun squad. To prepare for action and march order. Tuesday : To prepare for action ; exercise in dut.'es of cannoneers ; methods and kinds of fire ; march order. Wednesday : Same as Tuesday. Thursday : Gun squads working as firing battery ; preparation for ac- tion ; service of piece. Friday : Lecture on fire. To give general idea of the trajectory ; burst of projectiles ; powers and limits of projectiles ; information about fire used abroad ; names of particular kinds of fire ; necessity for accuracy as support or protection to our infantry. Saturday : Cleaning ; questions on use of oils, tools, cleaning, repairs, nomenclature. Appendix E. notes on smoke-bomb practice. Smoke-bomb practice is a valuable means of training officers in conduct of fire and the handling of fire data and should be freely employed in their instruction previous to service practice. In order to be of the greatest value, every eifort must be made to have the system operated as efficiently as possible. Long delays and mistakes on the part of the operators detract seriously from the effect. It is therefore necessary to place an officer in charge of the operation who is thoroughly familiar with fire data, to give him the best available enlisted assist- ants, and to train the details thoroughly in this work. After 26 FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. tlie men are trained, they can be relieved, one or two at a time, in order to equalize the work. Other officers can also be placed in charge after acting as assistants for a short time. Description of the system. — The system consists in represent- ing by puffs of smoke from black-powder explosions the burst of shrapnel, conforming in every case to changes in fire data given. This is accomplished by placing canvas targets, rep- resenting service targets, and connecting them by telephone to a battery commander's station 1,500 to 3,000 yards away. The officer firing gets his fire data and gives it to the telephone man, Avho, instead of sending it to a fire battery, as in prac- tice, sends it to the officer at the targets. The latter then as- sumes a certain range, height of burst, deflection and distribu- tion, and represents the bursts of the four shrapnel where they would have fallen with the data given, taking the assumed data as correct. The officer directing fire then makes the corrections he thinks appropriate, which are complied with at the targets; this process continuing until the battery commander is satisfied from his observations that his fire is properly adjusted or until he is stopped by the officer directing. The latter should then make appropriate criticisms of the methods and execution of the problem. Equipment and personnel. — The equipment necessary for one smoke-bomb range consists of the following: (1) 1 battery target. (2) 12 smoke bombs (2 spare), 16 if high wire is used. (2) 10 five-pound safety cans. (2) black powder. (2) primers (.38 cal. revolver cartridge cases, primed but not loaded). (3) 2 telephones. (3) field wire. Personnel. — 1 officer, in charge. 1 noncommissioned officer, assistant. 2 telephone men. 1 powder man. 10 operators. Note. — (1) Materiel and drawings furnished by Ordnance Depart- ment; made up and painted locally. (2) Furnished complete by Ordnance Department. (3) Supplied by Regimental or Battalion Headquarters. FIELD ARTILLERY TRAIl^NG. 27 Method of operation. — The officer in charge places himself behind one of the center targets, so that he is hidden from the fire point, and controls all his men from this point. The telephone operator, connected with the fire point, is at his elbow. One operator is placed in front and one in rear of each target and one on each flank of the line, as shown in the diagram. Any convenient system of numbering may be used. 0» Oj O2 O3 O4 targets XXX ^" Oe 0, Os Officer in charge, telephone operator, and recorder. The distance from target to operators is determined by the ground, the men being hidden from an observer at the fire point but close enough to be controlled by the officer in charge with the aid of a megaphone. The operators are seldom moved for changes in deflection and never more than a few yards. For large changes the command is given to the other operators in the appropriate direction. For small changes, a yard one w^ay or the other will throw the burst on or off the target, which is all the correction required. When it is desired to throw the sheaf entirely off the target, firing No. 4 and 10, or 1 and 9 is a sufficient indication. To send men 30 or 40 yards to the flank to indicate a large error causes delay without corresponding advantage. It is the duty of the noncommissioned officer assistant to see that the men are on the alert for commands, that they execute them properly, and that assistance is rendered by the powd<^r man whenever it is needed. The record may be kept by the officer in charge or preferably by a recorder; it should contain name of officer directing fire, number of problem for the day, assumed range and initial data, followed by every command given by the officer directing fire, and indicating by a plus or minus sign opposite each range whether it was fired short or over. If a misfire occurs, this fact is also noted on the record, and the shot is reported over the telephone as " lost," The officer in charge need not concern himself much with any of the initial data except method of fire and range. The other corrections are entirely arbitrary on his 28 FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. part — that is, he assumes the shots would have fallen in a cer- tain place, regardless of the data given. He should, however, give the distribution as nearly as possible as it would actually occur. Great care is necessary in handling the powder, otherwise explosions are sure to occur, often resulting in severe burns. It is unsafe for the men to have large cans of powder by them. Accidents will happen even with the spring-covered cans fur- nished by the Ordnance Department. These cans are awkward to get into quickly and consequently the men will prop open the lid in spite of all cautions. A spark of burning powder may then cause a violent explosion. A satisfactory method is to give each man a small, flat tobacco can, such as comes with " Prince Albert " or " Velvet " tobacco. This will hold five or six charges. It is easy to pour from and the top being small there is not much danger of sparks getting into it. If they do, the amount of powder is so small that there are no serious results. The men should be taught to load the bomb with the hammer hanging down toward the ground, putting the powder in first and then inserting the primer, being careful that the lanyard can not catch on anything in pushing the bomb away after loading. They should never be allowed to lay the bomb on the ground, but should be instructed to hold it in a sloping position across the knees when not in use. If it is laid dowm, the powder is apt to be spilled and cause a misfire. After designating the operators to fire, when they are ready the officer in charge should report over the telephone " Ready to fire." The officer directing then orders " Fire'" when he is ready at the firing point. Example. — B. C. sends following data: "A. P. Signal Moun- tain, deflection 3250, on first piece open 5, site 305, corrector 30, 3200." The officer in charge assumes, for example, the correct range as 3500, that the bursts are high, and that the right shot is 10 mils to the right of the target with 10 mils between shots, the interval between targets being 5 mils. He enters the required data on his record as shown below and gives the following com- mands : " No. 9 move five paces south, Nos. 9 and 1 high burst," and reports "Ready to fire." When he gets "Fire" over the telephone, he commands, "No. 9, Fire; No. 1, Fire." B. C. sends next command : " Left 5, on second piece, close 5, down 5, 3200." FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. 29 Officer in charge commands: "Nos. 1 and 2, low burst," re- ports " Ready to fire." Director: "Fire." O. C. : " No. 1, Fire ; No. 2, Fiee." B. C. : " 3400." O. C. : " Nos. 1 and 2, low burst " ; " Ready to fire." D. : "Fire." O. C. : " No. 1, Fiee; No. 2, Fire." B. C. : " 3600." O. C. : " Nos. 5 and 6, low burst " ; " Ready to fire." D. "Fire." O. C. : " No. 5, Fire ; No. 6, Fire." B. G. : " One round, up 3, 3400." O. C. : " Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, one round, medium burst " ; " Ready to fire." D. : "Fire." O. C. : " Fire." Record. Oct. 5, 1917. Prob. No. 2. Lt. Smith. — Conducting fire. Assumed Range — 3500. A. P. Sig. Mt., D. 3250, 1+5, S. 305, Dr 30, R. R. 3200. No. salvo. nn. Fired. Commands, etc. 1 3200 3200 3400 3600 3400 2-,h 2- L 1-, Host 2+' 4-,ra L5, 2-5, d5 2 3 (1 Misfire) 1 rd, u3 4. . 5 7 1 To conduct smoke-bomb practice efficiently requires : 1. A skilled officer in charge. This officer must be wide awake, quick thinking, accurate, and thoroughly familiar with the handling of the sheaf. In addition, he must know the mechanism of his plant, so as to be able to place his shots where he wants them with the least possible delay, and must be able to get snappy action out of his men. 2. A permanent, or at least semipermanent, detail. This is essential to get speed and accuracy in handling the bombs. Nothing but delays, mistakes, and accidents can be expected with a constantly changing detail. so riEID ARTILLERY TRAINING. 3. A good location. There should be good cover for the men. It destroys the whole illusion if men can be seen moving around the targets every time a command is given. The range should be at least 1,500 yards, in order that sensing may be as like service prac- tice as possible. 4. Good telephone communication and skilled operaiors. If mistakes are made in the transmission of fire data the shots do not correspond to corrections given and the officer directing fire is confused. 5. Proper targets. The canvas targets illustrated in Ordnance Pamphlet No. — give the effect of service targets on the ground required for smoke-bomb work, with the least expenditure of time and labor in handling them. A larger target in most cases makes sensing so easy that it is worthless. Trolley l/V/re ^moke domt^Cup--^ Cap Hammer F/q.Z 6. Apparatus in good condition. Rusty, bent firing arras, dirty primer seats, and broken staffs can not be expected to give good results. If materiel is available it is well to provide the apparatus for giving higher bursts than can be given with the pole type bomb. This consists of two 40-foot poles made by splicing together sections of 2-inch iron pipe, planted about 80 yards apart and guyed as in Fig. 1. Across the top is stretched a FIELD ARTILLEEY TRAINING. 81 heavy wire (No. 9), anchored by a "dead man" at each end. Four 1-inch pulleys run on this trolley, and to each is attached a second pulley over which runs a halyard attached to a smoke- bomb cup. (Fig. 2.) The bomb can then be raised and fired at any height up to 40 feet and placed in any position between the poles. The same type of smoke bombs are used, replacing the staff with a weight. The apparatus is planted in front or rear of the line of targets and operated by the same men who use the pole type, when high bursts are required. All this materiel except the poles is furnished by the Ordnance Department. Signal Corps iron telephone poles spliced together make good uprights. 7. Terrain. — The profile of the range used in order to get the best results should be of the nature of that shown in figure 3. This gives cover from the firing point for the operators and allows nothing to be seen except the targets and bursts. If such ground is not available artificial cover of brush, weeds, etc., or trenches must be constructed for the operators. Exhibit X. The object of the course of instruction is to turn out an oflicer fit to be of immediate practical use. The standard of trainitig and instruction in each subject should therefore be fixed in accordance with this principle as shown below. (1) Physical training. — Capable, of supervising instruction in this subject and to command units while giving the instruction personally. The officer must be able to detect faults in posi- tion and to correct them, and to know whether noncommissioned officers are giving instructions along correct lines. (2) Dismounted drill. — Able to instruct and drill a gun squad, or a platoon, dismounted. He should also know and be able to give instructions in guard mounting and the posting of sentries. He must be able to instruct correctly in the manual of the 32 FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. pistol and in pistol firing, and must have fired at least 10 rounds from each range prescribed. (3) Gun drill. — Able to perform the duties of every number in a gun squad. He must be word-perfect in the drill of a platoon and of a battery, including the duties of a platoon commander. (4) Driving drill. — Capable of driving in any position in a gun team, drilling as chief of section or gunner, and should have a thorough knowledge of the signals used in mounted drill. He should also be capable of commanding a fire battery and adjusting and conducting the fire of a battery. Candidates as- signed to motor-dravv^n artillery must have a thorough knowledge of motors and tractors and the ordinary repairs incident to their use, and must be able to drive a motor truck and a tractor with its trailer or a load over difficult places. (5) Gun laying and sights. — Have a thorough knowledge of the sights of the various guns and howitzers and the methods of testing and adjusting them, and must be a good layer with the different instruments. (6) Artillery boards, etc. — Must understand the construction of the artillery board and be quick and accurate in its use. (7) Property. — Must be thoroughly conversant w^ith the equip- ment used by officers and enlisted men and must understand the methods of cleaning, repairing, and preserving same. (8) Signaling and telephone. — Capable of sending and re- ceiving messages by semaphore, buzzer, and flash at a rate of at least six words a minute. Must have a practical knowledge of the principles, construction, and operation of telephones and telephone lines. Must be able to test for telephone and line troubles and make repairs. Must have a detailed knowledge of the receiver, transmitter, buzzer, circuits, and the care of the telephone. (9) Map reading and sketching. — Able to make a rough sketch of a trench or locality or to illustrate a report. Have a thor- ough knowledge of map reading and the use of the compass. Must be able to determine a point on the map by coordinates and by intersection and to solve problems on the map involving the location of batteries, the directing point, the observing sta- tions, the targets, etc. (10) Model range. — Have a thorough knowledge of all the principles of ranging and the various methods of applying them. Must be word perfect in the sequence of commands. Must be FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. 88 able to adjust fire from advanced and flank observing stations and from aeroplane and balloon observations. (11) Instruments and firing data. — Must be able to use the battery commander's instruments and to determine fire data with facility and reasonable accuracy. (12) Reconnaissance and occupation of position. — Must un- derstand the general requirements of an artillery position and the application of those requirements in relation to the nature of the mission of the battery. Must be able to select a position, conduct the battery to it, locate the various echelons of the bat- tery, give each piece its proper direction, locate the observation post of the battery commander, and posts of observation of the field of fire, and of approaches to the battery position ; to estab- lish communication between the battery and the observation posts, the post of the battery commander and higher commands or neighboring troops, the security and cover for the materiel, the ammunition, and the personnel ; preparations for advancing the battery and for retiring ; preparation for the attack, involv- ing the destruction of enemy defenses, guns, wire, entrenchments of the various lines, communicating trenches, headquarters' establishments, machine-gun emplacements, and positions of concentration ; the employment of light artillery and of heavy artillery for the different tasks, and the application of types of guns and of ammunition for the execution of these tasks. Light artillery: Must be able to adjust each piece upon a target from advanced and flank observing stations, and from aeroplane and balloon observations, or to adjust the fire by salvos. Must be able to fire for effect, for demolition, or for the rolling or the standing barrage. Must be able to select projec- tiles and fuzes according to the target, and to pass to fire of opportunity and to return to the original task without confusion. Antiaircraft or trench mortar artillery: Must be able to take the appropriate targets in accordance with the principles of the employment of these guns. Heavy artillery: Must understand the selection of charges for howitzers and the type of fuzes appropriate to the task. Prepare accurate fire data and adjust and regulate the fire as indicated for light artillery. (13) Protection for guns, etc. — Must have a practical knowl- edge of how to conceal batteries and how to construct protec- tion from hostile fire. Must understand the use of camouflage, emplacements, ammunition pockets, dugouts for personnel and 34 FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. for telephone stations, false batteries, protection of echelons, construction of observing stations, and of the station for the commanding officer. (14) MaUrkl. — Must be able to dismount and assemble all parts of the guns, breech mechanism and carriages, and must know the principal characteristics of the different types of guns and howitzers in service. The candidates assigned to each type of artillery must have a detailed knowledge of that type and a general knowledge of other types. (15) Care and training of horses. — The candidates assigned to horse-drawn artillery must know the principles of hygiene and food for horses ; how to keep horses in condition and to restore condition of debilitated horses ; the methods that are practiced in the case of parasitic and epidemic diseases, and the precau- tions in each case ; the treatment of accidents and wounds ; care in cantonment and bivouac ; care of the feet ; the methods of training a horse for draft and for riding. (16) Harness fitting and draft. — Must be able to adjust a col- lar and breast strap ; understand the principles of traction and the useful and the harmful components of line traction; the causes of saddle and harness sores, and the means to avoid and to cure them. (17) Riding. — Capable of riding sufficiently well to command a mounted detachment or other suitable unit. Able to give in- struction in riding and to check obvious faults of position and style. The object of this instruction is to have the candidate know how to mount quietly, sit correctly at the walk and the trot, and to regulate the gaits and the movements of the horse with ease. Candidates will not be permitted to attempt obstacles or difficult exercises that might cause serious accidents because of the limitations of the course. They should not be permitted to gallop until near the end of the course, and then only v;ith well-trained horses. Candidates who are lacking in aptitude or who are physically unsuited for riding should be assigned to the type of Artillery that are not horsed. (18) Stahles and stable management. — Candidates are re- quired to groom horses and to police and care for stables, and to acquire a thorough knowledge of the proper methods of perform- ing these duties. (19) Organizations, discipline^ etc. — ^Must understand the or- ganization of the different arms up to the regiments ; the duties of noncommissioned officers and subordinates ; rewards and FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. 35 punishment; hygiene, military correspondence, reports and re- turns, passes, furloughs, leaves, classes of courts-martial, charges, arrests, confinements ; trials, punishments ; the Articles of War. (20) Entraining, etc. — Methods of loading and unloading horses, materiel, and men; arrangements during the journey; feeding, watering, and messing en route ; guards, care of animals and men ; and inspections. ' (21) Field firing. — Candidate must practically calibrate guns, adjust each gun on target, apply ballistic corrections to range tables for accuracy; must adjust from advanced and flank ob- servation stations and from aeroplane observations; and must execute fire or counter-battery work, bombardment, trench de- struction, wire cutting, rolling and standing barrages, fire of opportunity, and map fire. Targets will be appropriate to each type of gun and howitzer, trench mortar artillery, and antiair- craft artillery. (22) Ballistics, gunnery, etc. — Candidates must understand powders, quick and slow, and the application of each ; the influ- ence of the elements on loading ; pressure and initial velocity ; the probabilities of fire and their application; the laws of dis- persion and their application to fire for adjustment and to fire for effect. Definitions and principal properties of trajectories ; trajectory in vacuo ; resistance of the air ; effect of gravity ; construction of trajectories by the tables of fire ; application of problems of defilade and of angle of sight ; direct and curved fire ; influence of the conditions of atmosphere upon the flight of the projectile ; methods of determining the amount of such influence. Effects of fire; projectiles against personnel and against materiel; bursts by time fuzes and on richochet; shrapnel and high-explosive shell ; effects of high-explosive shell with instan- taneous fuze at surface, and with delay-action fuzes under the surface. (23) Range tables, etc. — Determination of wind, drift, atmos- pheric corrections ; movement of targets, etc. ; corrections for muzzle velocity ; density of loading ; temperature of powder ; variations in weight of projectile, and the correction of the dif- ferent elements of the range table for all conditions of loading and of flight of the projectile. (24) Motors and tractors. — Nomenclature; theory of gas engines — construction of motors, cylinders and pistons, gearing 36 FIELD ARTILLERY TRAINING. and power transmission — and the function of eacli part of thj engine; carbureters and tlieir function; tlie magneto, construe tion and function ; radiators, construction and function ; regult tion of air and gas, cliange of speed, and appropriate speed und( varying conditions ; capacity of motors and tractors and limitln] loads and strains ; lubrication and suitable oils ; care of enginj and of working parts of motor or tractor ; principles of tractioi friction, and resistance, and the solution of simple practice problems. (25) Knotting and lashing. — ^Have a good knowledge of a\ knots in general use and their application to military needs. (26) Antigas helmet drill. — Care, fitting, and inspection helmets or respirators; breathing exercises; gun drill; wore •f command and orders in helmets; passing through, gs chamber. o 9yracu»»- ■-•• PAT. JAN. 21. 1908 ^ I -U / 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 90ct'65WC f*ECu ^^P27'fi^ -^ RY LD 21A-60to-3.'65 General Library University of California Berkeley •'s^- Si!